The Reproductive, Maternal and Neonatal Health Innovation Fund (RIF)
Policy brief July 2018
RIF (2013-2018) has been funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and managed by Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) with the assistance of a Technical Assistance Supplier (Pathfinder International).
Promising Practices The Reproductive Maternal and Neonatal Health Innovation Fund (RIF) has aimed to improve the health outcomes of women, newborns and young people in the pastoralist areas of Ethiopia. With RIF funding, FMOH has administered grants to both government and non-governmental implementing partners. They have been tasked with identifying innovative solutions to the barriers that prevent pastoralist populations (especially women and young people) from accessing reproductive, maternal and neonatal health (RMNH) services.
This brief presents the seven promising practices (i.e. successful innovations that have the potential to deliver results over the longer term if sustained and scaled-up) identified by the final evaluation of the RIF programme (2013-2018)1: 1
Co-opting Traditional Birth Attendants
Maternity Waiting Homes
Solar-powered mobile health centres
Community engagement models
Solar-powered mini-media kits
Women’s self help groups
Social accountability approaches.