Mustang Messenger February February 2-20 Registration for 2017-18 February 4 Science Olympiad Tournament (7:00 am-4:00 pm) February 6 Equity Promise Scholarship DEADLINE SEC Music Festival (all day @Roseville HS) Winter Week Mangeant Pageant (7:00 pm) February 7 Winter Week Powderbuff Volleyball (2:15 pm) February 8 ReFLECT Day Winter Week Talent Show (7:00-8:30 pm) February 9 Eastside Band Festival (7:00 pm @Bethel) February 10 Winter Week Pepfest (1:05 pm)
February 11 Silverbelle Dance (8:00-11:00 pm) February 15 ReFLECT Day
February 2017
"Building an inclusive community of responsible, respectful and resourceful citizens who value learning."
From the Principal…. Hello Mounds View High School Families, First semester of the 2016-17 school year is now behind us and we are embarking on the “home stretch” of what appears to be another wonderful school year here at Mounds View High School. My hope is that your children have now settled into their semester two classes and their new routines are beginning to take shape. For more information regarding your students semester two classes, plan to attend Communication Night on February 16. Winter season is an exciting time of year for co-curricular activities. Athletic teams are building toward the section playoffs and our clubs and activities are working toward their year-end competitions. On top of these activities, our music ensembles have been working diligently to prepare for the Suburban East Conference Music Festival, which takes place on February 6 at Roseville Area High School. Last, but certainly not least, the MVHS Student Council is hosting the annual Silverbelle dance on February 11.
February 16 Communication Night (7:00-8:30 pm) 8th Grade Information Night (5:30 pm A-L) (7:00 pm M-Z) Eastside Orchestra Festival (7:00 pm @Bethel)
In addition to activities, the month of February is when we begin to prepare for next school year. The “window” for on-line course registration is open now through February 20. For your convenience, you may register your student on any device with internet access. The computer labs will be open during Communication Night, for families that wish to register on-site.
February 18 ACT Practice
As always, thank you for all you do in supporting your students and Mounds View High School.
February 20 NO SCHOOL February 22-24
“The Three Musketeers” Auditions
(2:15-6:00 pm)
February 25 ACT Strategy Session
Dr. Jeffery P. Ridlehoover Principal
Get to Know ‘Em Meet Mikayla Meyer Hi! My name is Mikayla Meyer, and I am a new staff member here at Mounds View High School. I teach Writing Lab, Writing Workshop, and English 10. I received my undergraduate degree in Broad Area English Education from the University of Wisconsin - River Falls, and I earned my Masters in Curriculum, Instruction, and Literacy from Minnesota State University - Moorhead this past summer. Although it is my first year at our school, this is actually my 7th year teaching. I previously taught at two schools in southern Minnesota, and for three years abroad in South Korea. My time in South Korea was so special because I met friends from all over the world, learned a new language and culture, and traveled around Asia extensively. Teaching exclusively Korean high school and elementary students was also a unique and memorable experience. Although it was a hard decision to leave Korea, teaching at Mounds View has made my return to America worthwhile. I really enjoy our school community; from colleagues to staff to students, everyone is so welcoming and supportive. I have been able to get involved at school, advising Stage Crew for the fall musical, chaperoning dances, and will serve as the adviser of Education Rising, a club for students interested in a future career in Education, beginning next semester. When I am not at school or grading mountains of essays at home, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, taking long walks with my Korean rescue pup, Dotty, and binge watching t.v. series on Netflix. Since I am new to the area, I also enjoy trying new restaurants and am always looking for recommendations! I look forward to many more happy years at Mounds View High School.
Meet Kristy Sterken Bonjour! My name is Kristy Sterken and I teach French at MVHS. My family moved here from Wisconsin this past August and I am thrilled to be part of the Mounds View district! I completed my teaching degree at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point and taught French for several years in Wisconsin before moving here. I grew up in the tiny country of Luxembourg (Europe) and lived there for the first 19 years of my life. I am most excited about bringing my love for the world and various cultures to the classroom, as well as expanding my students’ horizons and challenging them in their world view. When I am not teaching, I love spending time with my husband and 3 kids. My children attend Mounds View schools and are doing very well! I enjoy spending time with friends, running competitively, exploring new places and trying out coffee shops! As a family this year, our new adventure will be “adopting” a refugee family in order to help them navigate their new life in America I love biking in the summers and regularly take part in the various races and tours offered throughout the cities. I’m an avid reader and narrowly chose teaching Art over Literature as my course of study in college. I love live music and taking in a soccer match when there’s down time. In the summer, I’m usually camping around California (Yosemite, Tahoe, etc.) or beach-bumming in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with my family.
Senior Spotlight Karen Ketola What is your favorite food? Spaghetti What is your favorite show on TV? The Middle What is your favorite movie? Elf What is your favorite book? A Dog’s Purpose What is your favorite school lunch? Garlic Cheesy Bread What is your favorite MVHS class? Child Psychology
Paige Lasota What is your favorite food? Saag Paneer (Indian style spinach)
Who is your favorite MVHS teacher? It’s a tie! Mrs. Bias and Mrs. Braman
Maggie Nesset
What is your favorite show on TV? The Office
What is your favorite food? Apples
What is your favorite movie? St. Vincent
What is your favorite show on TV? Dr. Who
What is your favorite book? The Book Thief
What is your favorite movie? Star Wars
What is your favorite school lunch? Classic Popcorn Chicken
What is your favorite book? The Lord of the Rings
What is your favorite MVHS class? Choir & Literature
What is your favorite school lunch? Bring Own Lunch
Who is your favorite MVHS teacher? Señora Rivers
What is your favorite MVHS class? Any history class Who is your favorite MVHS teacher? Mrs. Colbert
From the Deans Desk Mark Nelson A-Co (2017/2018) A-Co (2019/2020) 651--621-7133
Kendra Eckman Cp-G (2017/2018) Cp-Hd (2019/2020) 651--621-7130
Caleb Bjorklund H-La (2017/2018) He-Lo (2019/2020) 651-621-7129
Brian Peloquin Lb-Ng (2017/2018) Lp-P (2019/2020) 651-621-7127
Ryan Poepard Nh-So (2017/2018) Q-St (2019/2020) 651-621-7126
Andra Storla Sp-Z (2017/2018) Su-Z (2019/2020) 651-621-7131
Antonia Vanyo Dean of Support Services 651-621-7128
Pictured left to right: Brian Peloquin, Mark Nelson, Ryan Poepard, Toni Vanyo, Kendra Eckman, Andra Storla, Caleb Bjorklund
All Grades
Report cards will be mailed February 6. The course registration window for the 2017-2018 school year is open from February 2-20. Students should register via their StudentVue account. Students in grades 9-11 attended a presentation on February 2 outlining the registration process. For more information, visit the Registration webpage.
11th Grade
The next ACT practice test will take place February 18 with a strategy session offered the following Saturday, February 25. CLICK HERE to register for the practice test and strategy session. The ACT will be administered to all juniors on Wednesday, April 19. Mounds View staff will complete the registration process with juniors the week of April 3. Additional ACT prep is available to students through their Naviance account. Naviance username: Student’s MV gmail address Password: Student’s MVHS ID number
12th Grade
Seniors who need midyear transcripts sent to colleges should see Ms. van Bruggen in the Paddock.
College Corner Post-Secondary Services Website
Check out the Post-Secondary Services Website! The Website is full of resources - from college planning, to financial aid, to job opportunities. Check out the Website by visiting
Genesys Works
Michael Werner Coordinator of Post-Secondary Services 651-621-7143
At Genesys Works, we empower high school students to pursue opportunities through participation in meaningful work experiences. Our program consists of 8 weeks of technical and professional skills training, a year-long paid corporate internship, and extensive college and career coaching. 94% of program grads go on to enroll in college after experiencing professional success while still in high school. Our goal is to challenge more students to fulfill their academic and professional potential. Genesys Works is more than just a paid internship, it’s an investment in the student’s future. The Genesys Works Information Session is taking place in the Auditorium on February 14. Hope to see you there! For more information, contact Ada Joy Villar @ 2017villa62@, thank you!
Scholarship Information
In an effort to encourage post-secondary access and success for all students, Mounds View Public Schools continues to send out monthly Scholarship Newsletters. In these Scholarship Newsletters, students and families will find a list and links to local and national scholarships. As you will notice, many of these are sponsored by businesses, organizations, or other entities. Though the sponsorship of scholarships may appear as advertising, many businesses and organizations want to help students and families defray the cost of a post-secondary education. Forward any scholarship information, postings, or suggestions to Michael Werner at
Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines Wallin Education Partners Scholarship - February 15, 2017 (Multiple Awards - $4,000) Minnesota Masonic Charities Heritage Scholarship - February 15, 2017 (20 Awards - $10,000) Minnesota Masonic Charities Legacy Scholarship - February 15, 2017 (10 Awards - $16,000)
College Corner (cont.) Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines (cont.) Minnesota Masonic Charities Signature Scholarship - February 15, 2017 (5 Awards -$20,000) Minnesota Masonic Charities Undergraduate Scholarship - February 15, 2017 (20 Awards - $6,000) Building Peace Through Diplomacy Scholarship and Essay Contest - March 15, 2017 (1 Award - $2,500) Minnesota State College Student Association (MSCSA) Leadership Scholarship - April 1, 2017 (1 Award - $650) Page Education Foundation Grants - May 1, 2017 (540 Awards - $2,500 maximum) B. Davis Scholarship - May 22, 2017 (Multiple Awards - $1,000) Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship Program - June 1, 2017 (1 Award - $1,000) Business Professional Scholarship Program - June 1, 2017 (1 Award - $1,000) Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship Program - June 1, 2017 (1 Award - $1,000) Abbott and Fenner Educational, Career, and Life Goals Scholarship - June 12, 2017 (1 Award - $1,000)
Academic Integrity A group of various stakeholders reviewed and revised the Academic Integrity Protocol for Mounds View High School. This protocol was developed and put into practice during the 2014-2015 school year. We felt that it was important to revisit our practices and discuss its efficacy. Much of our protocol was deemed suitable and working well for our students and teachers. There was one addition made to our protocol that would better meet the current needs of our learning environment. You can find our Academic Integrity Protocol, including definitions of academic dishonesty and an understanding of possible consequences, in the student handbook at the Mounds View High School website.
Proposed Grading Protocol Changes From Dr. Ridlehoover: As educators we continuously strive to improve in our practices. We have started the process of investigating a revised grading protocol. The protocol we are investigating is a “Mounds View-ized” version of what is commonly referred to as an “equal interval” grading system. While this sounds complex, it is actually an easier and much fairer manner in which to assess student learning. During the past several months, principals and teacher-leaders from both Mounds View and Irondale High Schools have been researching, vetting, and running simulations on this proposed protocol. We have been pleased to see that the results have been favorable in the reporting of student grades and achievement. Our current plan is to phase-in the new grading protocol, on a trial basis with a limited number of teachers during the 2017-18 school year. These teachers will be keeping dual grade books. The newer protocol will only be used for the purpose of comparing and contrasting our current practices with the proposed ones. If the data collected continues to demonstrate positive results, for students and their learning outcomes, we will move toward full implementation in the fall of 2018. Regardless of the outcome of the trial implementation, re-learning and re-assessment will continue to be used at Mounds View High School. We believe that learning is always more important than grades. By allowing students more than one opportunity to demonstrate mastery of a concept, we are emphasizing learning. If a student’s grade happens to increase as a result of their new learning, we would consider that to be a wonderful byproduct of the process. We take the responsibility of educating your children seriously, and we also value your input. There will be opportunities for families to learn more about this proposal and to provide feedback. Stay tuned for updates, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know. We thank you in advance for trusting us to do what is right for your children.
Congratulations Dr. Ridlehoover! Dr. Jeff Ridlehoover, was named 2017 Principal of the Year by the Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP). The award, which is recognized nationally by the NASSP National Principal of the Year Program, honored Dr. Ridlehoover for providing high-quality learning opportunities for students and for demonstrating exemplary contributions to the field of education. The award was presented during the annual MASSP Winter Conference. Dr. Ridlehoover will also be recognized at the Principal’s Institute in Washington, D.C. and will be considered as a contender for the National Principal of the Year award.
Empowering Families Common sense strategies that busy parents can immediately apply Your family advocate! Carla Anton, MA Mounds View High School Based Therapist Adolescents & Family Therapy
Parent Tool of the Month: Family Meetings The adolescent years are unique and a crucial developmental period of growing up. Moving from the immaturity of childhood to the maturity of adulthood, and of preparing for the future is as stressful as major life events for adults (e.g., marriage, career change, childbirth)(Steinberg, 2013). A meeting place to practice the art of conversation and problem solving “Mistakes are opportunities to learn, grow and to try again” A family meeting is an opportunity for each member to discuss weekly issues, ask for help when faced with difficulties, and a time of showing appreciation and connectedness as a team. Family meetings deal with two ground rules: mutual respect and emotional honesty. Which means allowing differences without being right or wrong, or blaming and expecting others to be mind readers. The family meeting is a place to practice the art of conversation which can lead to problem solving with a shared goal and accountability; however, a member doesn’t commit to anything, unless they agree to own it. Family meetings are a way of consulting, pondering and helping each member to come up with their own conclusions. Your child will have a sense of security and belongingness in the value of team work where he wouldn’t have to figure out everything alone, rebel or comply out of fear. The family meeting can be an invaluable tool for communication, conflict resolution, and togetherness. Setting up a family meeting: With adolescent age children, do not extend the meeting for more than 20 minutes. Keep an agenda on the refrigerator and add items to it during the week as issues come up that involve anyone in the family. Try to hold the meetings at the same time each week, this gives the adolescent and everyone in the family a heads up. Start each meeting with appreciation and thank yous. Cover items on the agenda, as well as asking each person if there was any other concerns or topics they’d like to add. Coordinate your calendar (e.g. money matters, chores). Either before or after the meeting, spend time with your family cooking, playing games, etc. for at least 30-45 min. This is both a challenge and a growing experience for everyone involved.
Equity Promise Scholarship All students deserve a chance to pursue their dreams after high school. That’s why Mounds View Public Schools created the Equity Promise Scholarship program. The District has established a long-standing tradition of working with community businesses and organizations to provide local scholarships to graduating seniors. The scholarship program is aimed at reinforcing the District’s Equity Promise: The District’s Equity Promise “ensures all students are prepared for post-secondary success regardless of race, class or disability.” All graduating seniors continuing on to a 2- year or 4-year post-secondary program qualify. The Equity Promise Scholarship Program recognizes a more broad range of students who have demonstrated success in high school through a variety of ways, including academic growth, leadership and perseverance —both inside and outside of the classroom. The program provides one-time awards to graduating seniors. For more information visit the Equity Promise website. Registration Deadline: February 6, 2017
Rotary Youth Exchange North Star Youth Exchange and Rotary Clubs in central and southern Minnesota and western Wisconsin have been offering long term exchanges for many years. They are now offering Summer Short Term Family to Family or International Camps / Tours in addition to the long term youth exchange program. Rotary International and countries around the world have offered these opportunities for many years and they will now be available in this area. One of Rotary’s missions is to promote world peace and understanding so it subsidizes both long term and short term exchange experiences for youth around the world. For more information about the Summer Short Term Exchange Program, CLICK HERE.
Dropping a Class Please refer to the chart when dropping a class. For complete information see the Student Handbook. ARCC Classes/ARCC transcript Sem I Sem II Last day to drop 13-Sep 3-Feb Last day for “W” 20-Dec 11-May
FY 13-Sep 20-Apr
ALL classes/MV transcript Sem I Sem II Last day to drop 28-Sep 20-Feb Last day for “W” 31-Oct 29-Mar
Athletics & Activities Happenings Athletics/Activities Schedules
Schedules are available online at and /or under member schools, select Mounds View. Schedule changes are posted as they become available.
Spring Sports Registration
Spring Sports Registration will open February 20th. A valid sports physical must be on file before registering. All registrations are done online through ParentVUE. For information on registration, visit our website Click on the registration tab and then instructions. Contact, if you have questions.
Captain’s Practice
As spring sports approach, so do captain’s practices. Please be advised, these are run separately from Mounds View Athletics. Often times these are run by the Booster Clubs. As a reminder, gym space is made available when winter sports practices are complete.
Congratulations to the following student/athletes who signed Letters of Intent on February 1 in front of family and friends: Yaquub Mohamed (12) - Football - Bemidji State Justin Geisen (12) - Football - University of Minnesota Crookston Erik Holloman (12) - Baseball - St. Cloud State University
Athletics & Activities Happenings Shakespeare Festival
The student lead Shakespeare club performed “As You Like It – Woodstock” in January. The performance was a success! Way to go students!
Athletics & Activities Happenings Wrestling
Our Varsity and JV Wrestling teams hosted the Mustang Duals – an eight team wrestling event January 14. The Mustangs came in fourth overall!
Gymnastics had their only home meet on January 14. It was a great event – Senior night and a huge defeat over Cretin Derham Hall. Great job girls!
Athletics & Activities Happenings Girl’s Basketball
The girl’s basketball team defeated district rival Irondale on January 13. Congrats girls! Congratulations also to Erin Saemrow (12) , #21, who scored her 1000th point on December 20 against Cambridge High School.
Alpine Ski
The boys Alpine Ski finished 3rd at the Buck Hill Invitational!
Boy’s Hockey
Congratulations to boy’s hockey on their 4-2 win over Irondale on January 17.
Athletics & Activities Happenings Hockey Day Minnesota
Giving Back -- Mounds View Boy’s Hockey Team spent “Hockey Day Minnesota” playing hockey bingo with the residents at the Lyngblomsten Retirement and Assisted Living Community.
The Diamond Club’s 11th annual dinner and silent auction was held on January 29 at North Oaks Country Club. This event raises funds in support of the baseball program and kicks-off the start of the Mustangs baseball season. Speakers this year were Seth Rosin, MVHS Class of 2007, and 4-Time World Series Champion Jack Morris.
Achievements & Awards Volunteer Service Club
Congratulations to Emily Walberg (12) for receiving the Award of Excellence for dedicated service and outstanding accomplishments in the Volunteer Service / Leo Club. The award was presented by Lions International Director, N. Alan Lundgren, at the Lions 5M6 mid-winter convention. Five members of the club attended the convention and gave an excellent presentation on “how to grow and retain members in your club”. The Club is sponsored by, and works in partnership with, the North Suburban Evening Lions Club. Attendees included seniors: Emily Walberg, Krista Nagel, Lauren O’Dougherty, Ameni Hajji, Jiui Youn.
Letter in Innovation
Five Mounds View students are the first to letter in Innovation: Sophia Hickel (9), Megan McGowan (9), Lily WillierO’connor (9), Emma Waguespack, (9) and Josiah Wiest (9). Read the Shoreview Press article featuring Mounds View’s Letter in Innovation.
Sophia Hickel
Megan McGowan
Emma Waguespack
Lily Willier-O’connor
Josiah Wiest
Prom PROM 2017
Saturday, May 13th, at 7pm Let’s talk about prom! It’s right around the corner, less than 100 days away. This year’s venue is one of the newer, more trendy and quaint, venues in the Twin Cities. It is located in the heart of historic Stillwater and is housed in the former Connolly Shoe Factory, built in 1905. Check out JX Event Venue at their website or on Facebook. Tickets will be sold from Monday (5/1) – Sunday (5/7) for $45 per person. From Monday (5/8) – Tuesday (5/9) tickets will be sold for $50.00 per person. Purchase of tickets can be completed on Feepay (credit card) and in school (cash/check). The Grand March is from 4-6 pm at Mounds View High School. Tickets will be sold for $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students and senior citizens, exact change is appreciated. But wait, you and your friends can volunteer for a mini grand march for the elderly at Shoreview Senior Living that will take place before the Mounds View Grand March, check out the details here. This is a great opportunity to reach out to people in your community and make someone’s day. Students who participated last year said it was the best part of prom. This opportunity will also allow you to reserve a spot to be first in line at the Grand March at Mounds View and you can apply this event towards volunteer hours. So, Mounds View, get pumped, because prom is approaching quickly! If you have any questions about prom, contact your junior class officers, Hallie Diekoff, Paige Leiser, and Jocelyn Landwehr or visit the MVHS Prom Website.
Student Council Student Council has been hard at work over the holiday season. They gave out hot chocolate the day before winter break and the day of finals to give students a positive boost to start some pretty stressful days. Student Council also worked to strengthen their council as a whole. They held an overnight retreat, where council members got together, hung out, and did fun activities. This not only was a fun time for the students, but was a great opportunity to generate new innovative ideas and organize ways to implement them. They also participated in GEM (Greet, Eat and Meet), where they went to White Bear Lake High School with other Student Councils. There they discussed and shared ideas on events and activities in hopes of better running our Council. Currently, Student Council’s getting ready for one of the most hectic weeks of the year-- Winter Week. Between coordinating the Silverbelle dance (Feb. 11), holding auditions for the Talent Show (Feb. 8) and recruiting boys for the all-guy beauty pageant (Feb. 6), they have their hands full!
GEM - Hallie Diekoff (11), Paige Leiser (11)
Tommy Caughey (10), Hallie Diekoff (11), Cadyn Jones (10) Emily Banks (10) and Misha Jones (10)
GEM - David Malong (12), far left, and Sophie Van De Werken (12), far right, with students from other schools
GEM - Greta Delaune (10), Cadyn Jones (10)
Poetry Award The Franklin E. Brainard Memorial Poetry Award In memory of a MVHS poet-teacher Sponsored by Student Council
Winner receives name engraved on MVHS Excellence in Poetry plaque.
Open to Seniors only: Submit 3-5 original poems electronically or in person by Tuesday, February 28
Poems cross-checked for authenticity-no anonymous submissions or pseudonyms. For more information or to submit poems contact Ms. Burback (227) or Ms. Carney (122).
Music at Mounds View Justin Roberts and The Not Ready for Naptime Players Sunday, February 19, 2017 2:00 PM Tickets $15.00 (adults), $10.00 (students & senior citizens) CLICK HERE to purchase tickets Two-time GRAMMY Nominated Justin Roberts is truly one of the “all-stars” of the indie family music scene. For nearly 20 years, Roberts has been creating the soundtrack to families’ lives, helping them navigate the joys and sorrows of growing up and helping parents remember their own childhoods. Along with his band, The Not Ready for Naptime Players, they have traveled the globe, from Hong Kong to New York, and Jeff Ridlehoover Miami to Seattle. Principal............................................ 651.621.7103
Stephanie Bruggers Associate Principal........................... 651.621.7120 Michael Schwartz Associate Principal........................... 651.621.7124 Robert Madison Activities Director.............................. 651.621.7121
Around MVHS Band
Band students participated in the Central Minnesota Band Director’s Association (CMBDA) 9-10 Honor Band Festival at Elk River High School.
Charlotte Hamilton (9), Elena Pierson (9), Paul Liang (10), Sam Gillespie (9), Mitchell Zaic (10)
Student artwork on display in the Commons.
Around MVHS Music
Music classes at Mounds View.
A typical ReFLECT day.
Around MVHS French
French 3 students made ornaments representing a variety of French-speaking countries all over the world!
French 3 class eating “raclette�, a traditional Swiss meal eaten around Christmas time. The cheese is melted in small trays underneath a grill and then poured over potatoes. Delicieux!!
Around MVHS PREP Program
Students from the PREP program bell ringing for the Salvation Army outside Macy’s!
Around MVHS Information & Learning Center - ILC
Students are busy creating in the ILC Makerspaces. A big “Thank You” to Mustang Club for their generous donation.
Around MVHS Information & Learning Center - ILC
These students learned to sew and donated their pillows to our school pantry.