Two or more categories 8.8%
Sunnyside serves:
502 87
students in grades 1-5 in kindergarten (Pike Lake Education Center)
Who we are: Diversity of student population
•E very student in grades 1-5 has the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of programming. •S unnyside is a PBIS (Positive Behavorial Inteventions and Support) school. PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.
After English, the top three languages spoken by families: 1) Spanish, 2) Tibetan, 3) Arabic
•S unnyside students have a chance to partner with local artists to create community artwork. •E ach student has the opportunity to engage in hands-on science, technology and engineering activities. •S unnyside is home to District-wide specialized education programs including STAGES and WINGS, ensuring that each student receives individualized learning opportunities and support.
Cori Thompson, Principal 651-621-7603
Sunnyside Elementary School 2070 County Road H New Brighton, MN 55112 651-621-7600 School hours: 8:35 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Office hours: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
n Two or more categories 8.4% n Asian 8.4% n Black 12.4% n Hispanic 19.1% n White 51.8% Students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch 50.7% Students receiving special services Special Education 15.9% English as a second language 15.7%
Board-approved Class Size Ranges: (K/1): 22-27 (2/3): 23-30 (4/5): 26-32
Students meet with their teacher individually and in small groups of
2 - 6 students
multiple times throughout the week for personalized instruction.
Who we serve: Sunnyside welcomes students in its attendance area, which includes parts of Mounds View and New Brighton. Curriculum includes: literacy (English language arts), math, science, social studies, art, music and physical education.