Keeping Your Head in the Game
Concussion safety and prevention Parents and coaches can help prevent concussions by encouraging fair play, safety and sportsmanship, and by making sure players feel comfortable and supported reporting concussion symptoms to coaches and family.
CONCUSSION SYMPTOMS 94% of student athletes suffering a concussion reported having a headache. Here are the other most commonly reported symptoms:
Start the Season on the Right Foot Tips for selecting the right athletic footwear for kids When buying athletic footwear for themselves, many men and women know precisely what to look for in terms of style and fit. But parents recognize that buying athletic footwear for their children is different. Kids may prioritize style over fit, preferring a shoe worn by their favorite professional athlete instead of the sneaker that provides the most support. The American Podiatric Medical Association notes that the right athletic footwear can prevent pain and injury. In addition, the APMA notes that what constitutes the right athletic footwear depends on the sport a youngster will be playing. Basketball Young basketball players should wear sneakers that have thick, stiff soles, which provide support while running and landing after jumping. Sneakers with high ankle construction can support ankles during the quick direction changes that are common in basketball. Football & Lacrosse Football and lacrosse players benefit from wearing cleats that offer significant high ankle support. The APMA notes that such shoes are especially helpful for linemen and other players who tend to make lots
of sideway movements during competitions. Football and lacrosse games are sometimes played in the rain, so players should wear cleats that provide ample traction on wet and dry fields. Soccer The right soccer cleats can reduce risk for ankle sprains, turf toe and ingrown toenails, which are common foot injuries suffered by soccer players. Soccer cleats should not have more than a half-inch of space between the big toe and the end of the shoe. Soccer cleats feature different stud types, such as soft, hard or firm, and parents should look for the stud type that matches the type of turf kids will be playing on most often. Running Shock absorption is important when choosing running shoes. Maximum shock absorption can help prevent common injuries suffered by runners, such as shin splints. Arch type is important as well, so parents should consult a podiatrist to help them determine which type of arch (high, medium, or low) their child has and then look for an appropriate match. The right athletic footwear can help kids avoid injury and stay on the field, track, or pitch.
• Dizziness • Trouble concentrating • Confusion • Sensitivity to light • Nausea Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Concussions are serious, and should be taken seriously be athletes, coaches, parents and teammates to protect kids and teens from the immediate and long-term health effects associated with repeated concussions.
If you suspect an athlete has a concussion, here are the steps you should take, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 1. Remove the injured player from the game. 2. Keep the player out of the game until cleared by a healthcare professional. 3. Record how the injury happened and the athlete’s symptoms, and share them with the healthcare provider. 4. Inform the player’s parents of the possible concussion, and refer them to the CDC’s website for concussion information. 5. Get written instructions from the player’s healthcare provider about what needs to happen before he or she can safety return to play.
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The ABCs of
getting your
Getting your best night’s sleep is important to performing your best at practice or in the game. Follow these American Academy of Pediatrics sleep guidelines to ensure adequate rest and promote optimal health:
Children ages 6 to 12: 9 to 12 hours of sleep per 24 hours on a regular basis
Teens ages 13 to 18: 8 to 10 hours of sleep per 24 hours on a regular basis
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics
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