BBQ Bash set for this weekend
LEWIS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE Serving all of Lewis County, West Virginia
Copyright 2019
Fourth of July fireworks events set
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Mural Work
REBECCA CLISE/Lewis County Community Guide
Work continues on the mural at the Museum of American Glass in West Virginia. Once completed the mural will add much to the downtown area of Weston.
WESTON — The 72nd Annual Weston Volunteer Fire Department fireworks display will be held on Friday, July 5 at the Robert L. Bland Middle School athletic field located on Court Avenue beginning at 4 p.m. Because of the generosity of local businesses and groups, the fireworks will again be free for everyone this year. The fire department is also expanding the display this year. The Weston Fairs and Festivals Committee is collaborating with the Fire Department and Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital for the annual event at the Robert Bland Middle School Field beginning at 4 p.m. This is the third year that the Weston Fairs and festivals Committee has worked with the Weston Volunteer Fire Department to help with the event. Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital will have a first aid and a diaper changing station available. These two stations will be located to the right of the middle school bleachers. The hospital will also coordinate a watermelon eating contest and hula hoop contest. DJ Bobbi Stell will provide music from 6 to 10 p.m. The crowning of the Flame Queen and the watermelon contest will be held on the stage. The schedule is as follows: 4 p.m. - Activities open 4 p.m. - Flame Queen Crowning (at the Fire Dept.) 5 p.m. - Parade 6 p.m. – Firemen’s Rodeo competition 6:30 – Watermelon eating contest 7 p.m. - Coronation 10:15 p.m. - Fireworks To participate as a vendor, businesses can call the City Building at 304-269-6141 or the Weston Fire Department at 304-269-2349.
Summer food program to aid county students
County students SJMH Cardiac earn academic Rehab Department To celebrate recognition at 40th anniversary WVWC
BUCKHANNON—Area students have earned academic recognition at West Virginia Wesleyan College for the classroom performance during the 2019 spring semester. Students who were named to the President’s List are Joseph Jerden of Jane Lew and Owen Bleigh of Weston. The criteria for inclusion for the Wesleyan President’s List is a 4.0 GPA with a minimum of 12 earned hours for the semester. Students who were named to the Dean’s List are as follows: Kylea Arnold, Heather Blankenship, Terrissa Crowl, Dylan Gump, Karli Hamrick, Skyeline Hewitt, Claire Moneypenny, Austin Skinner, Quinten Squires, Connor Thomas, and Luke White, all of Weston; Nateli Bragg of Roanoke; Sarah Mallory Singleton of Ireland; Evaleen Atha, Alexis Hollen, Dylan King, Garrett Wilkins, all of Jane Lew; Emilee Spangler
and Amna Sweilam of Horner; and Nathan White of Camden. The criteria for inclusion for the Wesleyan Dean’s List is a 3.5 GPA with a minimum of 12 earned hours for the semester. Founded in 1890, West Virginia Wesleyan College is a private residential college affiliated with The United Methodist Church located in Buckhannon. The College offers 49 majors, master’s degrees in athletic training, business administration, fine arts, and nursing, and a doctorate in nursing. With 85% of the class reporting, 95 percent of Wesleyan’s 2018 graduating class reported that they were employed or enrolled in graduate or professional school. Fourteen Wesleyan students have been selected U.S. Department of State Fulbright Scholars and seven as Benjamin A. Gilman Scholars within the past decade.
Corridor H funding announced
LEWIS COUNTY –The Lewis County Schools Summer Food Program is scheduled to begin June 10 and rune through August 2 at various locations throughout the county. According to organizers, the program is open to anyone under 18. Stop by the listed locations for a free meal and free book, no questions asked. Students will also have the opportunity to receive free See Food on Page 2
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure and a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, has announced a $100 million grant for the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH). The grant was awarded through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) program, and funding will support the THURSDAY Chance of Showers 80/63
construction of Corridor H— specifically, an interchange at the junction of Corridor H and WV 72, along with 4.6 miles of roadway and a bridge spanning Cheat River. “From my first day in the Senate, I have advocated for Corridor H and similar projects that will strengthen our transportation infrastructure, and I was thrilled to work with the administration and Secretary Chao to deliver this much-needed investment,” Senator Capito said. “Projects like Corridor H are See Funding on Page 2 FRIDAY Chance of Showers 80/63
WESTON – The Cardiac Rehabilitation Department at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital (SJMH) and the Lewis County Heart Society will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Department on June 20 (West Virginia Day) at the Hospital facility on Rt. 33 west of Weston. There will be an open house from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. along with a mini health fair. The public is invited, as well as previous and present cardiac patients and staff members who have worked with the department over the past four decades. The Hospital will celebrate the day with a special “heart-healthy” luncheon. Participants must make a reservation by calling Kristi Gannon at 304-269-8099. Dr. Frank Scattaregia, medical director for the entire 40 years, will be the speaker for the reunion. Prior to the meal the Cardiac Rehab staff will provide blood pressures and information on heart health for the participants. Cardiac Rehab is a program that helps patients improve their heart health by SATURDAY Chance of Thunderstorms 80/64
changing their lifestyle. The SJMH program is coordinated by a team of medical professionals, who are specially trained to treat people with heart disease. Patients are taught skills to manage heart disease both now and in the future. Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation starts after a patient has had a heart attack, coronary angioplasty or stents, openheart surgery, valve repair/ replacement or heart transplant. During the 8 to 12 week program, the staff takes the time to get to know each patient by completing a medical history, conducting diagnostic testing and a physical evaluation, and assessing the patient’s knowledge of his/her condition and heart disease in general. An important part of the program includes setting personal goals. Once goals are set, each patient’s progress is monitored and adjusted as necessary. This ensures that patients receive the education and training most appropriate for them.
SUNDAY Chance of Thunderstorms 80/64
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Area fishing report
Food from Page 1
books and math manipulatives. The program is a joint effort between Lewis County Schools and the Lewis County Family Resource Network, are sponsoring free meals throughout the summer break. There are no income requirements to participate in the program. Locations include Robert L. Middle School, Lewis County High School, Quarry Glen Apartments, Lewis County Park, Broad Street Church, Louis Bennett Public Library, Jane Lew Main Street Apartments, Jane Lew Virginia Street Apartments, Rana Estate Trailer Court, Ireland Community Center, and Polk Creek playground. The program is also currently seeking volunteers to help with the program. Volunteers are an important part of the program’s success in feeding children in the county. The time commitment is about two to two and half hours per day, and volunteers may choose how many times they would like to volunteer. For more information on becoming a volunteer visit the Lewis County FRN ‘s Facebook page. Questions about volunteering? Contact or 304-269-4000. For more information on the program itself, visit the FRN on Facebook or go to Funding from Page 1
not only beneficial for travelers and those living in nearby communities, but they have the potential to substantially improve our state’s commerce and economic potential by connecting West Virginia to other transportation hubs across the nation. As West Virginia continues to reorient and diversify our economy and create new opportunity, the backbone of these efforts is a continued investment in infrastructure projects, and I will continue working to help deliver the resources to build on these efforts and complete critical projects.” As a member of the Senate EPW Committee, Senator Capito worked to pass a five-year highway bill in 2015 known as the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The bill included language creating the new NSFLTP grant program to support the construction of significant transportation projects on federal lands. Senator Capito voted for the FAST Act, which ultimately passed and was signed into law in December 2015. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, Senator Capito helped to secure an appropriation for the NSFLTP program—the source of funding for the Corridor H NSFLTP grant. In December 2018, Senator Capito sent a letter to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao expressing support for the state’s application to fund the Corridor H project. As chair of the Senate EPW Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Senator Capito met with Federal Highway Administration Administrator Nicole Nason and requested $100 million for the Corridor H project from the NSFLTP program. On February 14, 2019, Senator Capito met with Secretary Chao, identified Corridor H as a high-priority project, and personally asked the secretary to award the $100 million grant to aid in construction. Congressman Alex X. Mooney praised a $100 million federal grant for the West Virginia Department Transportation (WVDOT) from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). “The completion of Corridor H is a top priority and will serve as an economic engine for the entire State of West Virginia. I welcome this investment and will continue to work with federal, state and local officials to ensure that Corridor H funding remains a priority so that we can complete this important project.” Since first being elected, Congressman Mooney has advocated for robust funding for Corridor H and has relayed its importance personally to President Donald Trump and Secretary Elaine Chao. “President Donald Trump continues to show his commitment to helping West Virginia thrive and prosper and I will continue to work with his administration to make sure the completion of Corridor H becomes a reality,” said Congressman Mooney.
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LEWIS COUNTY–Stonewall Jackson Lake (Corps. of Engineers) is well known for its largemouth bass population, musky, and panfish. It’s a shallow lake and still contains lots of standing timber. The lake is lowered for flood control six feet Nov-April but typically is at the summer pool level (recreation pool) by mid-April. Largemouth will be moving from deep water winter locations to shallower water as the water temperatures increase. Find areas where shallow water with cover is next to deeper water. Rip rap banks, shallow points, and road beds, standing timber as well as trees that have fallen. Head of coves can also be really productive springtime bass. Slower moving lures such as soft plastics, and progress to faster crankbaits and topwater lures as temperatures increase. Pre-spawn bass will also be in just 4-6 feet of water as temperatures climb and feeding actively before moving onto the beds. Musky move to shallow water this time of year as well and head to small tributaries and shallow coves. Successful angers troll and cast large plugs, spinners and specialized musky baits. Crappie, perch, bluegill (panfish) this time of year is great. Try beaver huts, blow down trees, bridges, and shallow coves as water temperature increase. Live bait (minnow on light jig) or small plastic jigs can produce many fish and is a great way to introduce a new angler to the sport of fishing because action can be fast. The tailwaters of this lake is also stocked every two weeks with trout February-March and once in May and contains many warmwater gamefish as well. When stream and rivers are high sometimes the tailwaters are the only fishable water and they have good access and parking. Daily lake and tailwater conditions
can be obtained by calling the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at: 304-269-4588. Burnsville Lake, (Corps. of Engineers) is known for its largemouth, spotted bass, catfish, musky, and panfish. The lake is lowered for flood control 13 feet Nov-April but typically is at the summer pool level (recreation pool) by mid-April. It’s a shallow lake and still contains some standing timber. Largemouth will be moving from deep water winter locations to shallower water as the water temperatures increase. Find areas where shallow water with cover is next to deeper water. Rip rap banks, shallow points, and road beds, standing timber as well as trees that have fallen. Head of coves can also be really productive springtime bass. Slower moving lures such as soft plastic worms and progress to faster crankbaits and topwater lures as temperatures increase. Pre-spawn bass will also be in just 4-6 feet of water as temperatures climb and feeding actively before moving onto the beds. A channel/flathead catfish population is a bonus to Burnsville and fish have been caught in the 20-30 lbs. range. Try live bait on the bottom as temperatures warm up. Musky move to shallow water this time of year as well and head to small tributaries and shallow coves. Successful angers troll and cast large plugs and specialized large musky baits. Crappie, and bluegill (panfish) this time of year is great. Try beaver huts, blow down trees and shallow coves as water temperature increase. Live bait (minnow on light jig) or small plastic jigs can produce many fish and is a great way to introduce a new angler to the sport of fishing because action can be fast. The tailwaters of this lake is also stocked every two weeks with trout February-March and once in May
and contains many warmwater gamefish as well. When stream and rivers are high sometimes the tailwaters are the only fishable water and they have good access and parking. Daily lake and tailwater conditions can be obtained by calling the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at: 304-853-2371. Stonecoal Lake (Mon. Power Company) is well known for its largemouth and smallmouth bass, walleye, musky, and panfish. It’s a deep lake and has a 9.9 hp limit which keeps the lake quiet and has a backcountry feel which makes it perfect for canoe or kayak fishing. Largemouth will be moving from deep water winter locations to shallower water as the water temperatures increase. Find areas where shallow water with cover is next to deeper water. Rip rap banks, shallow points, and road beds, standing timber as well as trees that have fallen. Head of coves can also be productive springtime bass locations. Slower moving lures such as soft plastic worms and progress to faster crankbaits and topwater lures as temperatures increase. Pres-pawn bass will also be in just 4-6 feet of water as temperatures climb and feeding actively before moving onto the beds. Walleye like to congregate around the dam face and upper end as water temperatures warm. Musky move to shallow water this time of year as well and head to small tributaries and shallow coves. Successful angers troll and cast large plugs and specialized large musky baits. Crappie, perch, bluegill (panfish) this time of year is great. Try upper end of lake, beaver huts, blow down trees and shallow coves as water temperature increase. Live bait (minnow on light jig) or small plastic jigs can produce many fish and is a great way to introduce a new angler to the sport of fishing because action
can be fast. Sutton Lake (Corps. of Engineers) is known for its largemouth and smallmouth bass, and panfish. The lake is lowered for flood control 29 feet Nov-April but typically is at the summer pool level (recreation pool) by mid-April. It’s a deep and steep sided lake with lots of rock and blow down shoreline trees. Largemouth will be moving from deep water winter locations to shallower water as the water temperatures increase. Find areas where shallow water with cover is next to deeper water. Rip rap banks, shallow points, and road beds, standing timber as well as trees that have fallen. Head of coves can also be productive springtime bass locations. Slower moving lures such as plastic worms hooked wacky style and progress to faster crankbaits and topwater lures as temperatures increase. Pre-spawn bass will also be in just 8-10 feet of water as temperatures climb before moving onto the beds. Smallmouth can be found in upper end of lake in spring all the way to the first riffle up to the Elk. Crappie, bluegill, and rock bass (panfish) this time of year is great. Try beaver huts, blow down trees and shallow coves as water temperature increase. Live bait (minnow on light jig) or small plastic jigs can produce many fish and is a great way to introduce a new angler to the sport of fishing because action can be fast. The tailwaters of this lake is also stocked with trout February-May and contains many warmwater gamefish as well. When stream and rivers are high sometimes the tailwaters are the only fishable water and they have good access and parking. Daily lake and tailwater conditions can be obtained by calling the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at: 304-765-2816.
By Pat Ridpath Community Columnist
cans to return for money and use it to buy candy. (We even got a brown paper bag to put the candy in). You could get a lot for just $1.00. We also helped around the house, help neighbors with chores, and cleaned the house and mowed during the summer. We went outside a lot to play games, ride bikes, run with siblings and friends & played hide and seek, hopscotch, Red Rover, red light, Mother May I, kickball, baseball, basketball even dodge ball. We drank tap water or from the garden hose outside... bottled water was unheard of. No cell phones. We ate hot meals and cold cereal at the breakfast table before going to school. We watched TV as a family in the evenings: Beverly Hillbillies, Family Affair, World of Disney, and Green Acres, Lost in Space and Kids Say the Darndest Things. After school, we came home and did homework and chores and went outside to play. We watched cartoons on Saturday morning. We went to Grandma’s on Sunday and played with the cousins all afternoon. We went to Sunday School and church every Sunday. We went to our Bible school and our relatives’ Bible schools. We went to little league games and
neighborhood cookouts and played in the dirt. If you were bad in school, you got in trouble there and when you got home you got in trouble again because your parents already knew. We would ride our bikes for hours and talk until the lightning bugs came out. We would make lanterns with the lightning bugs and pick 4 leaf clovers. You LEARNED from your parents instead of disrespecting them and treating them as if they knew nothing. What they said was the gospel. If someone had a fight, you were back to being friends afterwards or the bullying pretty much ceased. Kids that were around guns were taught how to properly use them and to respect them and never thought of taking a life. You had to be close enough to home to hear your Mom yelling or Dad whistling to tell you it’s time to come home for dinner. We ate around the dinner table and talked to each other as a family unit. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, stood for the National Anthem & listened to our teachers. We were in 4-H and Scouts. We watched what we said around our elders because we knew if we DISRESPECTED
any grown up we would get our behinds whipped, it wasn’t called abuse. It was called discipline! We held doors, carried groceries and gave up our seat without being asked. You didn’t hear curse words on the radio in songs or TV, and if you cursed and got caught you had a bar of soap stuck in your mouth and had to stand in the corner for quite some time. “Please, Thank you, Yes M’am and Yes, Sir” were part of our daily vocabulary! These were the days of no worries. Re-post if you’re thankful for your childhood and will never forget where you came from! Wouldn’t it be nice if it were possible to get back to this way of life? It’s possible, keep working. I know I’m paying it forward. Copy and paste... change to the Town where you lived. Lots of good times and memories. I was raised in Burnsville, WV, but can relate to most of these things. In front of our home was the Little Kanawha River with a swimming hole just upstream a few feet. Kids from all over town came there to swim. Johnnie McNemar had constructed a nice, solid diving board over the deepest part of the swimming hole. I remember that we would hear, “Billeee! Bill-eeeeeee Earl!” It was Bill McKnight’s grandmother calling him home. Also, Betty
Most of you have learned of the death of a beautiful, intelligent Burnsville Alumni, Patricia Sumpter Dobbins. My heartfelt condolences go out to her family and friends. Her beautifully written obituary can be found at obituary.aspx?n=patricia-dobbins&pid=193041059. Our early Father’s Day celebration was well attended yesterday. I was disappointed that the “Dad” I had invited to attend could not be there, but we had many pictures of members’ dads, and several wonderful living “dads” were there. I got this from Pam Wine in Burnsville and I am sure it will speak to hearts of those aging friends of relatives of mine who read this: (Pam does not know who wrote this originally.) “I was raised in Gassaway, WV during a time when most everyone treated each other with respect. We didn’t eat a lot of fast food because it was considered a treat, not a food group. We drank Kool-Aid, Tang and Country Time Lemonade. We ate bologna sandwiches, PB&J & grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, but mostly home-made meals consisting of mainly meat, potatoes, vegetable, bread & butter and homemade dessert. We grew up during a time when we would gather pop
Pat’s Chat
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See Pat’s Chat on Page 3
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Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Page 3
Patricia Sue Dobbins
Patricia Sue Dobbins, 86, of Pittsfield, IL died Tuesday, May 28, 2019 at Blessing Hospital in Quincy, IL while in the arms of family. Pat was born October 9, 1932, in Gilmer County, West Virginia, to the late Shirley Nye Sumpter and Sylvia Anna Mealey Sumpter. She married Daniel A. Dobbins on March 24, 1956 at St. Boniface Church in Leading Creek, West Virginia. He preceded her in death on March 4, 2018. Pat graduated as the class valedictorian, from Burnsville High School, Burnsville, West Virginia in 1950. She completed her first year of college at Salem College, Salem, WV attending on scholarship. The following year she worked as a secretary at a furniture and appliance store in her hometown of Burnsville, WV to earn money to continue her education. In 1955 she graduated Magna Cum Laude from Glenville State College, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in education. Pat met her husband, Dan while attending Glenville State. The couple started dating after they were voted Lil’ Abner and Daisy Mae at the college’s annual Sadie Hawkins Day her junior year. Following her college graduation, Pat was employed at Gassaway High School in Gassaway, WV, teaching shorthand and typing. After she and Dan married and started their family, she became a full-time homemaker and was devoted to her family. When her children got older, she returned to the workforce first as a substitute teacher for Pike County area schools, then as a librarian at
Pittsfield Public Library from 1975 until her retirement in 1997. She continued to enjoy lunches with the retired librarians until the time of her death. Pat had a great love for her family and especially enjoyed her time with grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was an enthusiastic lifelong reader and was always surrounded with reading material. She enjoyed writing, especially poetry and journaling, working crossword and jigsaw puzzles, researching genealogy and collecting paperweights. Pat was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Pittsfield, IL. She joined the Catholic faith Easter of 2001. Pat is survived by her daughters, Loretta (Steve) Grote and Michelle (John) Westbrook, both of Pittsfield and her sons, Daniel (Mickey) Dobbins or O’Fallon, IL and Brian (Mary) Dobbins of Springfield, IL. She is also survived by her sisters, Janita Hawkins of Painesville, OH and Linda Sanders of Canvas, WV and her brothers, Gary Sumpter of Madison, WV and Mike Sumpter of Pelhem, AL. Eight grandchildren and three great grandsons loved and will miss their Nana: Paul, Nick and Daniel Grote; Jacob Westbrook; Allison Schaal; Ben and Joe Dobbins and Debbie Kramer; and great grandsons, Owen Schaal, Camden Kramer and Lincoln Grote. She was preceded in death by her parents, Nye and Sylvia; her husband Dan; her sisters Shirley Lindsey, Betty Dunn and Dotty Ramsey; and brothers Carol Sumpter and Sterling Sumpter.
Pat’s Chat from Page 2
Beverley Marie (Lambert) Hines-Brown Beverley Marie (Lambert) Hines-Brown of Weston passed away at her home on Saturday, June 1, 2019 surrounded by her loving family and many friends. Her spirit has departed its earthly vessel and she has gone ahead to rejoin her family and loved ones in the Kingdom of Heaven. Bev was born on a cold winter day in Weston on January 20, 1943, the fourth of five children born to Maxine Moran and Laco J. Lambert of Weston. In 1962, she married Edward M. (Eddie) Hines who preceded her in death on January 12, 1978. On February 20, 1987, she married Reverend Ronald C. Brown (formerly of Grass Flat, PA) in Winchester, VA. They shared many happy years of marriage together and were true soulmates. Beverley is survived by four children: Edward Michael Hines Jr. and wife, Arria, of Vandalia, WV, James Laco Hines and fiancé, Ellenora, of Jane Lew, WV, Melanie Jarrett and husband, Scott, of Houtzdale, PA and Denise Miller and husband, Rob, of Philipsburg, PA. Bev is also survived by a brother and a sister: James B. Lambert and wife, Debbie, of Weston, WV and Sara Beth Huntz and husband, John, of Jane Lew, WV; six grandchildren: Bo Hendershot, Victoria Jarrett, Hunter Kephart, Paige Jarrett, Adison Jarrett and Katherine Hines; and many special nieces, nephews, great-nephews and great-nieces. She was preceded in death by her sisters: Laquita Breen and Carol Jeffries, and two special nieces: Brenda Van Horn and Anne Kenney. Beverley was a Licensed Professional Counselor who touched many lives. She founded and operated The Professional Counseling Center for over twenty years. She was a lifetime member of St. Matthew United Methodist Church in Weston. Beverley graduated from West Virginia University in 1983 where she earned a Master of Arts degree in Counseling. She was the first member of her family to graduate with an advanced degree. She received her undergraduate degree from Glenville State College in 1981. Bev graduated from the Clarksburg School of Practical Nursing in 1972, where she was elected Vice-President of her graduating class. She graduated from Weston High School with the Class of 1961, the first class to be graduated from the new high school. Bev enjoyed an active life. Growing up, she was a member of Girl Scouts of America, 4-H and Y-Teens. Later in life, she served the community in various volunteer roles, serving as President of the Lewis County Heart Association and a member of the Lewis County Chamber of Commerce. She was named to Who’s Who of American Women in 1983. She was honored in 1997 as an Exemplary Graduate of Glenville State College by Governor Cecil Underwood and the WV Board of Regents. She was a member of the WV Addictions Counselors Association and the
Palmer used to call her children home. I understand some fathers had certain loud whistles that notified their children it was time to come home. Now I will continue with the 12th of the 28 Fundamental doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is entitled THE CHURCH. While we must personally accept the salvation that God offers in Christ, once we become Christians, we are no longer alone. As members of Christ’s body, the church (Ephesians 1:23), we now have a collective identity, as well as an individual identity. Just as we were once “in Adam,” condemned in death, now we are “in Christ,” sharing, His life (1 Corinthians 15:22). God has always had a people on earth whom He called and set apart from the rebellious world. In ancient times the community of god’s people was the descendants of Israel, and it was through them that His grace was manifested (Acts 7:38). In New Testament times, the church fulfilled this purpose. The church is a community, a family, a fraternity. Its Head is Christ, and its members are men and women who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord (Acts 2:47). “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ himself as the chief cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:19, 20). [There follows a section entitled THE CHURCH AND SALVATION which, for one thing, states that “while it’s important to be a member of the church, in itself church membership is no guarantee that we belong to God.” Then there is a section entitled AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH which tells, among other things, that stories like that ofAnanias and Sapphira “warn us against treating lightly anything that pertains to the church and its authority (Acts 5:1-11).” Finally the last section, THE PRIVILEGE OF MEMBERSHIP, states that “Church membership Es provides us the joy of fellow- Est. 199 t. ship today and the hope of a 1996 6 glorious tomorrow.” More scripture for further study are listed.]] • 5 and 6 inch seamless gutter If you want any of these • Leaf-guards with 1-year money-back-guarantee. Contract# 026930 sections or all of them, please • We are a full-time, contractor licensed and insured, professional let me know at patschat.ridgutter company with 21 years experience. Donʼt trust your gutter install to a part-time, unlicensed,handyman. or call me at 304-472-5102. I will mail or email you the part you want or the entire article. Maranatha!
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National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors. Anyone who knew Beverley would tell you she had a huge heart and limitless affection for wayward souls, stray cats and orphaned dogs. She had a way of quickly garnering your life story, usually within fifteen minutes of meeting you. She never made a grocery list. She always said grace, please and thank you. She usually ran about ten minutes late most days, but it was because she hung on to every single minute. She loved spending time at her brother’s winery hanging with friends, sipping red wine and meeting new people. She was the matriarch of her family. She was her granddaughter Katie’s best friend and biggest fan. She lived life to the fullest every day and had very few regrets. Hers was truly a life well-lived. She will be very sadly missed by all of us who love her, but Heaven will be a better place with her in it. Friends and family will gather at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service located at 144 Hackers Creek Rd. in Jane Lew from 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2019. Funeral Services will be held at St. Matthew United Methodist Church located at 120 E. 3rd St. in Weston on Wednesday at 11 a.m. with Reverend Roger Waybright officiating. Interment will follow at the WV National Cemetery in Grafton. We, at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service, are honored and privileged to serve the family of Beverley Marie (Lambert) Hines-Brown. Online condolences may be expressed at
Velma L. Mayle Velma L. Mayle, 91, of Jane Lew, departed this Earth to begin her eternal life on Monday, June 3, 2019, in the comfort of her own home and surrounded by loving family. She was born in Berryburg, WV, on March 12, 1928, a daughter of the late Ward E. and Annis M. Dalton Male. She has now been reunited with the love of her life, Norman Mayle, after his passing on February 13, 2013. Together they shared nearly 66 wonderful years together and are now sharing eternity. Velma’s wise and loving nature will be remembered by three daughters: Annetta Haddix of Parsons, Joyce Kupfner and husband, Cecil, of Aurora and Catherine Bolyard and husband, Nelson, of Jane Lew; fifteen grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren; and one sister, Sharon Feldner and husband, Ted, of Canton, OH. Preceding Velma in death were her parents, husband, and one brother, Preston Male Sr. While living in Ohio, Velma was a member of a local gospel group. She loved to cook and every Sunday her entire family would rave about her spaghetti, fried chicken, and especially her peanut butter fudge. You could often find her working a
puzzle or socializing on Facebook. Velma was a member of the Fellowsville Apostolic Church. Family and friends will gather at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service located at 144 Hackers Creek Rd. in Jane Lew from 4-7 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2019. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday in the Pat Boyle Funeral Chapel with Reverend Ezik Norris officiating. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Garden in Jane Lew. We, at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service, are honored and privileged to serve the family of Velma L. Mayle. Online condolences may be expressed at www.
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Computer Class 6/11 5:30 p.m. Mike & Gracie Monachello lead this class on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Card Making 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 9 a.m. Join us as we craft beautiful keepsakes together! Quilters Guild 2nd Monday/Month 9 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend this group of like-minded artisans!Fathers’ Day Breakfast 6/14 Begins @ 7:30 a.m. Wedding Reception 6/12 1 p.m. Bring out your wedding pictures & reminisce with us over cake & punch! We would love to hear the details of . your wedding day(s)!
Monday, June 10th - Pork BBQ on Bun, Mixed Veggies, Yogurt, Fruit
Tuesday, June 11th - Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Spinach, Wheat Bread, Fruit Wednesday, June 12th - Pinto Beans, Turnip Greens, Cottage Cheese, Peaches, Cornbread Thursday, June 13th - Cabbage Rolls, Mashed Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Wheat Bread, Dessert
Friday, June 14th **Father’s Day Breakfast** Begins @ 7:30 a.m. - Steak Salad, Fruit, Yogurt, Breadstick
YOU CAN STILL FILE Call today for information on eligibility. D. Conrad Gall. Atty 3497 Fairmont Ave. Fairmont
Page 4
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Calendar of Events is provided as a public service by The Lewis County Community Guide to publicize upcoming events of community interest. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit or change any submission. No bingo, personal yard sales or for-profit events will be included. To ensure publication, submissions should be received at least one week prior to event — faxed to 304472-0537, emailed to or mailed to Calendar of Events, P.O. Box 550 Buckhannon, WV 26201.
June 7-8
June 29
LCHS Class of 1999 will host its 20-year reunion at 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 29 at Blue’s, 113 Circle Drive, Weston. Dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. The cost per plate is $15, collected at the door, and will include baked steak, salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, tea, and water. A cash bar will be available. Please RSVP to reserve a plate by May 29 by visiting the class Facebook group “LCHS (WV) Class of 1999” online at and responding to the pinned post. Login to Facebook for the link to work. You may also respond via phone to Alicia Kelley St. Clair at 573-855-9992. This year’s Lewis County Relay for Life is set for Sat., June 8 from 6 p.m. to midnight at the Robert L. Bland Middle School athletic field. Copyright 2019 Mountaineer Newspapers Inc. The 5th Annual Almost Heaven BBQ Bash / WV State BBQ Championship is gearing up for another great event the weekend of June 7-8, 2019 at Stonewall Resort. For more information and entry forms, visit their website at or call toll-free 866 / 710-7600 with questions.
June 8
Early voting
Early voting for the June 11 municipal election will be conducted at the City Building from May 29 until June 8. Hours for early voting will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday, June 8, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Absentee ballots can be picked up at the City Building between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and must be returned to the City Building.
Classified The Record Delta 2B Clarksburg Rd. Buckhannon 304-472-2800
Friday, April 12, 2019 – Page 4B
REACH 90,000 READERS WITH THE RECORD DELTA, VALUE GUIDES, & INTERNET CLASSIFIEDS Health Care for a disabled woman. Please call for HELP WANTED: Life- more information 304-473guards, Admissions Work- 7885 (4/19/2019) ers, Concession Stan Workers and an Assistant Manager. Buckhannon-Upshur WILL DO: Interior and Recreational Park, The exterior painting, soffit office of the Upshur County and vinyl siding, build Commission is accept- decks, power wash and ing applications for the stain log homes. Call 304following positions: life- 269-1143(4/29/19) guards,admission workers, REAL ESTATE concession stand workers AUCTION and an assistant manager for the 2019 park season, beginning mid-May 3 Bedroom Brick Ranch and continuing through Real Estate Auction Thursmid-August. Individuals day, May 9th at 5:00 PM who worked at the park 227 Evergreen Drive, Elfacility during the previous kins WV , 3BR. 2 Bath season(s) and have returned home, 1248+/- SQFT, the notification of intent to fireplace, covered back work letter do not need to porch & patio1 car heated complete an application garage with storage above, unless he or she is interested heated brick storage buildin an assistant manager ing with electric, Amish position. Lifeguards must built storage building, RE be certified with CPR and Terms: 10 % down payFirst Aid endorsements and ment made day of auction concession stand workers w/ balance due at closing must have a valid WV Food w/in 60 days. 10 % BP. Handlers Card. Applicants JOE PYLE COMPLETE with current certifications AUCTION & REALTY will be given preference. SERVICE WV212 Joe Reimbursements of re- R. Pyle, Broker. Alan quired certifications will Heldreth WV2224 5546 be made to employs that Benedum Drive, Shinnare available and completer ston, WV (888) 875-1599. the 2019 season. Interested (4/12,19,26 /19). individuals may obtain an application from front the FIREWOOD FOR Office of the Upshur CounSALE ty Commission located at the Upshur County Admin- FIREWOOD FOR SALE: istrative Annex located at O A K H A R D W O O D , 91 West Main Street, Suite FULL SIZE TRUCK 101, during the normal LOAD OR LARGE 2 business hours of 8:00 a.m. AXLE TRAILER LOAD until 4:30 P,m,, Monday SAME DAY DELIVERY; through Friday or online MOST CASES; DELIVat http://www.i[sjircpimtu. ERY ANYWHERE. 924org/Applicaiton%202017. 6352 (12/30/19) pdf. Completed applicaYARD SALES tions must be returned to the Office of the Upshur YARD SALE: Fri - Sat County Commission on or April 12 &13 (8 am) gabefore the close of business rage at Candle Creations on Friday, April 26, 2019.. Rt 33 Horner. HouseOffice of the Upshur Coun- hold,Tools,Old Glass ty Commission Tabatha and much much more. Perry , Assistant County (4/12/19) Administrator 91 West Main Street, Suite 101 LAND FOR SALE Buckhannon, WV 26201. Please do not make phone LAND FOR SALE: 1.3 inquiries about this posi- on Corr H @ Derico, shell tion. Employment with bldg, utilities, (cabin? Upshur County is available m/home? Bsns?) 304to all qualified applicants 823-2533 wvgreen@fronwithout regard to actual tier,,com. (4/24/19) or perceived race,creed, color,national origin,sexHOUES FOR SALE ,age or handicap. Usphur County has established a H O M E / FA R M F O R drug free and tobacco free SALE: 45 Acres for sale work environment. with 2 beautiful homes, (4/ 15,19,22/19) free gas to one dwelling, and marketable timber. The HELP WANTED: Looking property and homes will not for a reliable caregiver for be separated. MUST BE elderly, Non-mobile person SOLD TOGETHER. Lofor overnight shift,MUST cated on Mt Carmel Road provide references. Call right past the Washington for more information 703- District Grade School on the Tallmansville Road, 216-4892 (4/26/19) Upshur County. If you are looking for some beautiful HELP WANTED: Part- land, wildlife viewing, and time library and custodial country living CHECK gelper/ must be comput- THIS PROPERTY OUT. er friendly to compilete Call 304-472-5609. (tfn) lira duties/ work flexible afternoons, evenings unAPARTMENTS FOR til 6 p.m. and Saturday RENT afternoons. Send resume with references to: Library FOR RENT: 1 BR, fully Board, P.O. 731, Buckhanfurnished Cottage in Bucknon, WV 26201. (4/17/19) hannon. $750. mos. plus security deposit. NO pets HELP WANTED: Tech- call for more information nician or out Buckhannon 304-704-2937 (5/3/19) location. Job includes, but not limited to. setup of FOR RENT: Downtown new equipment, service, Apt, 1050 Sq Ft, 2 Beds & & forklift operation. Please 1 Bath, Hardwood Floors, send resume to : State Lots of Closets, New paint, Equipment Inc, 370 Old Central Heat & A/C, Gas Weston Rd, Buckhannon Fireplace. Carport, No WV 26201 (4/17/19) Pets, No Smoking, $750. Mos. Call 304-472-0988. HELP WANTED: Hiring (4/22/19) Full/Part time teachers for Nursery & Preschool classFOR RENT: 1 BR, furrooms. M-F Daytime hrs. nished apt, Smoke Free, Send resumes to T.W.T. Po No pets, quiet and clean. Box 36 Junior WV 26275. Walking distance to town or call 304-823-2911 EOE. and Wesleyan College. (4/10/19) $450 month plus security HELP WANTED
AND UNFURNISHED APTS FOR RENT: 24 hour Camera Security System; cable + wifi and all utilities included. Small pets welcome; under renovations; cater to fixed incomes. Located in Adrian. Phone 304-439-4216.(RTFN)
SALE: 1996 OldModern Hair Design FOR available starting 8097 WV014137IN(tfn) message from The ReCamera Security Sys- units smobile Achieva Car. 4 THE OFFICE OF THE Buckhannon, WV 26201 Upshur County Commission Levy Estimate (Budget) CLERK OF THEcord COUNTY automatic, Has lots and all 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Attorney: tem; cable + wifi Delta and the Fed(June 7 & 8) from 8am door, at $399. a month. Pets COMMISSION, Mark H. Reed of new parts, runs great , HELP WANTED: Mi- to ??(6/7/19) UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST PO Box 310 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA eral Trade Commission. utilities upon approval. Call 304body in real included. good condi- Small VIRGINIA Buckhannon, WV 26201 County of: Upshur, West Virginia TAYLOR’S KITCHcrotel Inn & Suites is tion. $3000. or OBO. call NOTICE OF ESTATES (tfn). Estate: MARK COLET pets welcome; 472-1822 if no answer ENS AND FURNAC304-613-5057 and leave a Inunder Notice is hereby MULLENS accordance with WV Code §II -8-I 0, as amended, the Upshur County Commission proceeded looking to hire a night message. (TFN) given of the following named Personal Representative: renovations; cater to 304-613-9080 (6/19/19) to make an estimate of the amounts necessary to be raised by a levy of taxes for the current ACREAGE FOR ES Kraft maid,estates, Saco the Upshur County Kathy Miller year, and doth determine and estimate the several amounts to be as follows: auditor for 11pm-7am Commission has granted 403 Skelton Road fixed incomes. Located SALE FOR RENT: APART- FOR E.S. ASPHALT PAVand Kitchen Kompact SALE: Tanning Bed Letters Testamentary or of Buckhannon, WV 26201 shift. must be able to MENTS FURNISHED & with new bulbs, works in Adrian. Phone 304Estate: LOIS L. OLDAKER Administration to the person(s) MISCELLANEOUS General Fund Estimated ING: Driveways, ParkCabinets and Vanities, UNFURNISHED – 1 & named. Any interested person Personal Representative: great just don’t use anypass a background check LAND 2BR’s. Revenues FORSecurity SALE: 439-4216(RTFN) Deposit, more. $ 800 OBO Please Fund Balance BradleyPatchwork, R. Oldaker objecting to such ing notice, shall Lots, Formica Counter tops. 481,207 and drug screen. Please 60+ ACRES, file such objection with Carol PO Box 436 References, & Lease. No all 304-613-5057 Leave Proper Taxes Current Randolph USE KennelDIPagotreat year 4,790,949 WV 26452 J. Smith, Upshur County Clerk, Weston, Resurface Old Asphalt Aqua-Therm pets. Call 472-3021 or Msg,(TFN) Prior Year Taxes 220,000 Outside apply in person 2 North County, 472-6711. the address of which is Room Fiduciary Commissioner: Hunting and fleas, ticks,mange,stable No Sunday calls. Tax Penalties, Interest & Publication Fees 110,000 Daya Masada Wright 101, 40 West Main Street, & Seal Coating. Over FOR RENT: APARTWood Burners, Pumps, Property Transfer Tax 160,000 (RTFN) land near Ridge Dr. Buckhannon. recreational Buckhannon, West Virginia 12 North Kanawha Street fliesTax & mosquitoes FOR SALE: A Cort Acous- Gas and Oil Severance 120,000 Buckhannon, WV 26201 26201, within sixty (60) days MENTS FURNISHED 30 years Experience. Fans, Chemicals and 400 Guitar with hard-shell Wine & Liquor where they breed. (6/10/19) Helvetia.FOR Property Sur- tic ROBERT ZANE after the date of the first Estate: RENT: WESTON 6,800 outside case $400. Call 304-704- Tax Hotel Occupancy Tax License and Insured. Se& UNFURNISHED Parts for most publication or within thirty (30) SHIPMAN Payment in Lieu SOUTHERN of Taxes 4,538 ARBORS is accepting vey. Possible Free Gas 1273 (tfn) STATES. days of service of the Notice Personal Representative: Building Permits 13,000304-472applications for their 1 bed- – 1 & 2BR’s. Securinior, Veteran, &Shipman Church wood burners. Lounett Faye of Personal Representative, Miscellaneous Permits 20 $55,000. Call 472-1356 ( www.fleaapartments, featuring HELP W A N T - (APO). room whichever is later. The 89 McCartney Drive Federal Grants I Federal Payment in Lieu of Taxes 142,173 FOR SALE – Land Pride ty Deposit, ReferencDiscounts. FREE 7326 (tfn) 26201 names and addresses of the Buckhannon, WVESTIspacious living rooms, & Associ- finishing mower, 3 years State Grants beacon,cpm) (6/7/19) 155,467 ED:Weston based en- David Hill Personal Representative and Estate: DONNA R. STARR furnished kitchens and 1 5’ es, & Lease. No pets. MATES. 30% Discount Sheriff's Service of Process 19,000 Personal Representative: the Personal Representative’s old asking $2800. Call 304fullBroker bath. They have plenty (304) Earnings 5,000 ergy contractor i snow ates, LLC, Carl J. Starr Attorney are set forth below. (tfn) Call 472-3021 orSheriff's 472on all paving. All work of closet space, A/C and 704-1273 County Clerk's Earnings 100,000 All interested persons are 238 Mick Hill Road FIRST 100 CALLERS 782-1977(6-14-19) taking applications for heat, dailey activities with Circuit Clerk's Earnings 30,000 FOR SALE: Leather Buckhannon, WV 26201 notified that: 6711. No Sunday calls. guaranteed. No surprise SERVICES Prosecuting Attorney's Earnings 1,000 a Resource Coordinator WILL RECEIVE A 25% Any interested Estate: DONALD GAY general laborers and couch, over sized chair Motor Vehicle License Fee 5,000 I person seeking tocharges. impeach or WAMSLEY, 24 hours maintenance, (RTFN) Machine laid DISCOUNT; SENIOR Clerk Deed Fees 500 establish a Will must make a Personal Representative: parking and onsite laundry ALL STATE PAVING” equipment operators. FIREWOOD FOR w/ottoman $350 en& Recreation Fees 45,000 Alpha Hope Wamsley complaint in accordance with rolled. Referencmachines. Applicants must Driveways – parking lots Parks CITIZENS TAKE AD- of and Rents & Concessions 13,878 the provisions Chapter 41, 364 Lick Run Road Applicant must have SALE be 62 years of age or older – Basketball courts – re- Franchise Agreement tertainment stand w/tv 115,000 WV 26201 5, Sections or Buckhannon, es11, 12, available. 304-622VANTAGE OFArticle FOR RENT: WESTON old Asphalt – IRP Fees (Interstate Registration Plan) OR be 18 and older with surfacing 13OUR of the West Virginia Code, Dated this 5th day of April 15,000 clean driving record $50. call 304-472-3246 a disability . There are patch work - sealcoating Fines, Fees & Court 2019.Lic. #014237 as amended. 4744. WV Costs 50,000 OOD F O R ARBORS is accepting PAYMENT PLAN; Any interested Carol J. Smith Partial Reimbursement 45,000 restrictions . For – MACHINE LAID AND Regional Jail Operations and be able to pass a F I R E Wincome (TFN) of Upshur County person objecting to the County Clerk Interest Earned 200 ROLLED – All work is (tfn) more information please HARD- applications for their 1 SATISFACTION TREE (A1/17/19)) qualifications of the personal West Virginia pre-employment drug SALE: OAK 6,500 contact 304-269-7344 or Guaranteed –Over 40 years Miscellaneous Revenue #1029 (4/5,12 /19) representative, venue, or Sheriff's Commission Commissions FULL SIZE ofbedroom SERVICE 15,000 LICENSED apartments, experience– Licensed 1-800-855-1155 screen. Send resume to: WOOD,TDD jurisdiction of this Court are ORDER OF PUBLICATION 40,000 & Insured – Competitive Gaming Income FOR SALE: 2 Excellent Equal Housing Opporturequired OR prices Lottery A N D I N55,000 SUR E Dto file ; their objectionsSTORAGE featuring spaciousVideo living IN THE FAMILY COURT OF and discounts Free Refunds/Reimbursements (External Sources) 1190 US Highway 33 E, TRUCKnity.LOAD HUD (tfn) with this Court within sixty UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST 29,000 cemetery lots Heavner Estimates 304-472-8097 (60) days after the date of VIRGINIA L A R G E 2 A X L E STUMP REMOVAL; 24 rooms, furnished kitchSale of Fixed Assets 1,000 Weston, WV 26452 or first publication or (30)NCasey WV014137 (tfn) Emergency 911 Reimbursement 862,114 Cthirty OU T RY CLUB Earl Mills, HOMES FOR RENT Cemetery pattihyre@ HR SERVICE; days of service of the notice, PETITIONER They & Kennel Reimbursement 65,000 NORTH Call 304-997-8587 to T R A I L E R L O A D ens and 1 full bath.Dog whichever is later.CLIMATE CONTROL Home Confinement Reimbursements 55,000 VS CASE NO. 18-D-170 (6/5/19) FOR RENT: 3BR House TAYLOR’S DELIVhave plenty of General closet CENTRAL45,000 WV; OVER Any interested Amy Beth Rife, KITCHENS School Reimbursements schedule an interview. SAME DAY person filing a claim against RESPONDENT with 1 car garage and car- AND FURNACES Kraft Magistrate Court Reimbursements Offering 10 x 10 spe11,000 ERY; MOST CASES; space, andPayroll heat, 15 YEARS EXPERIthe estate must file within sixty NOTCE OF HEARING port. $800. Mos. plus secu- maid, Saco A/C and Kitchen Reimbursements 725,336 (6/12/19) (60) days of the cial date of $25.00 first TO: Amy first month deposit required. Call Kompact Beth Rife Transfers a from Rainy Day Fund 164,912 DOING and with D E L I Vrity E RY A N Ydailey Cabinets activities FOR SALE: 1996 Old- ENCE; ALSO publication in accordance with Address Unknown 196,464 304-472-4110 (4/19/19) Vanities, Formica Counter Transfers Assessor1s Valuation Fund $100.00 after that 3 Chapter 44, Article 2, Section You are hereby notified that Total Estimated General Fund Revenues 8,923.042 WHERE. 924-6352 tops. Resource Coordinator smobile Achieva Car. 4 COMMERCIAL Aqua-Therm Outside 1TREE or Chapter 43, Article 3-A, on May 28, 2019 at the hour of HELP WANTED: Pre- (03/20/2020) month minimum. CliBurners, Pumps, FOR RENT: COZY 2BR, 1 Wood o’clock a.m. on sail day, A L1 ofLthe West Virginia 9:00 24 hours maintenance, automatic, 80,000 C U T T I N G CSection Coal Severance door, Tax Code. or as soon thereafter as the BA, Laundry room. Fenced Fans, Chemicals and Parts Assigned Fund Balance 10,000 mier Bank Inc. is seekmate Control, Security The date of the most outside wood Coal matter may be heard, at the “**** parking and onsite launlots of new (304) 613-5820 Severance miles,has Tax 40,000 in yard, New kitchen. off for first publication of this Notice Family Court Room on the 3rd 304-472-7326 Interest Earned on Investment ing a full time CSR-TellControl. Call 10 parking. One block burners. is: April 5, 2019 and Pest dry machines. AppliCITIZENS parts, runs great, body SENIOR 50,010 Floor of the Upshur County HOUSEstreet FOR SALE Total Coal Severance Estate:JAMES E. ALDERMAN Court House Annex in the City from Main Street. $750 w/ (tfn) er for their Buckhannon 304-290-4085 or 304Personal Representative: deposit, No pets. No calls cants must be 62 years in real good condition. TAKE ADVANTAGE of Buckhannon, West Virginia, Ronald Joe Alderman II after 8pm 304-997-5377 office. Prior custom- HOME/FARM the Judge 472-4398. (tfn)of the Family 100 CALLERS FOR FIRST General COAL 40 Bethlehem Road of age or older be $2000. call 304-613OF OUR PAYMENT Court of Upshur County, West (4/10/19) RECEIVE A 25% OR ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Funds SEVERANCE TAX FUND French Creek, WV 26218 er service and cash SALE: 45 Virginia will conduct a hearing Acres for sale WILL DISCOUNT; SENIOR with GENERALaGOVERNMENT Estate: RUTH ANN POLING in this matter. 18 and older PLAN; SATISFAC5057 and leave a mesCounty Commission 564,589 - CAMPBELL CITIZENS TAKE ADhandling experience is with 2 beautiful FOR RENT:homes, 3BR House Your presenceSTORat this hearing STONEY RUN Countyare Clerk 529,818 TION TREE SERVICE - Personal Representative: disability . There sage. (TFN) is required to protect your 1 car garage and VANTAGE OF OUR Circuit Clerk 352,723 - Martin D. Campbell preferred. Persons in- free gas towith PAY M E N T P L A N ; one dwelling, interests in this matter. AGE New Customer carport. $850. Mos. plus income restrictions AN . For SheriffTreasurer 366,684 L I C E N S E D- 5891 HallD Road Dated: April 9, 2019 security deposit required. SATISFACTION TREE Prosecuting Attorney terested in this position and marketable 569,233 - Buckhannon, WV 26201 timber. P. Gaudet Month Circuit Clerk Special!BrianFirst SERVICE LICENSED INSURED; STUMP more information please Assessor 284,693 - Estate: BOBBY CHARLES for Upshur County, West Call 304-472-4110 (4/5/19) FOR SALE: Tanning INSURED; STUMP Assessor's Valuation Fund should submit a resume The property and homes AND 196,464 - CARPENTER Only $20 Virginia on any size REMOVAL; 24 HR contact 304-269-7344 or REMOVAL; 24 HR SER- Statewide Computer Network 40,000 - Personal Representative: Bed with new bulbs, #1034 (4/12/19) to Premier Bank Inc., will not FOR 3 BR House VICE; NORTH CENTRAL Agricultural Agent beRENT: separated. 113,108 - Kimberly D. Overton unit 5x10, 10x10 or SERVICE; NORTH TDD 1-800-855-1155 works on the Buckhannon River WV; great just don’t Clerk 88,221 - 85 Cove View Lane OVER 15 YEARS Elections - County ORDER OF PUBLICATION P.O. BOX 340 Philippi, MUST BE SOLD TORipley, WV 25271 County Administrator 101,293 CENTRAL WV; - OVER includes garage and storage EXPERIENCE; 10x20. Call 472IN THEToday! FAMILY COURT OF Equal Housing ALSO Opporuse anymore. $ 800 OBO CAROLYN PEARL UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST 844,624 10,010 Estate: building. Deck overlooks WV 26416. EEO. M/F/ GETHER. DOING COMMERCIAL Courthouse Located on CARPENTER 5622. (tfn) Other Buildings 74,800 tunity. HUD (tfn) 21 YEARS EXPERIVIRGINIA the river. When you call TREE CUTTING CALL Data ProcessingPlease all 304-613-5057 130,000 - Personal Representative: Michael Paul Wagoner, Vet/Disability. (6/7/19) Mt Carmel Road rightUP (304) 613-5820 “**** Regional IF I DO NOT PICK Kimberly D. Overton Development Authority 27,892 ENCE; ALSO DOING PETITIONER Leave Msg,(TFN) PLEASE LEAVE YOUR S E N I O R C I T I Z E N S Industrial Development 85 Cove View Lane 20,000 VS CASE NO. 18-D-179 past theN AWashington Ripley, WV 25271 M E A N D T E L E - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Airports COMMERCIAL TREE PETS 164,912 20,000 Christian Marie Wagoner, HOMES FOR RENT Estate: KATHLEEN WALLS RESPONDENT PHONE NUMBER. I County Clerk Operations 5,428 OUR PAYMENT PLAN; District Grade School on SERVICES CLEAVENGER CUTTING AND SNOW WILL CALL RETURN SATISFACTION NOTCE OF HEARING TREE FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 FOR SALE: A Cort CABINTO:LANE KENChristian Marie Wagoner GOVERNMENT 4,454,482 50,010 Personal Representative: the Tallmansville YOUR CALL.Road, The rent is SERVICE LICENSED TOTAL GENERAL REMOVAL CALL 613Phillip G. Walls Address Unknown WILL DO: Interior and Upshur County. Bath house. HasPUBLIC large $700. a month plus utilities. AND INSURED; STUMP 41 Mount Vista Drive Acoustic Guitar with NELS Are you Planning If you You are hereby notified that SAFETY 5820 (gtfn) - Valley Bend, WV 26293 Propane gas central heat or REMOVAL; 24 HR SERon April 23, 2019 at the hour of SheriffLaw Enforcement 844,013 exterior painting, sof- are looking 2 carNORTH garage/carport and case $400. Estate: GEORGE TAYLOR 9:00or pellet stoves. have VICE; a vacation a week-end for Must some CENTRAL Sheriff- Service hard-shell o’clock a.m. on sail day, of Process 85,719 DOUGLAS a good credit score. Has or as soon thereafter as the fit and vinyl siding, beautiful land, wildlife WV; OVER 21 YEARS3 Regional yard. Located miles Jail 900,000 Call 304-704-1273 (tfn) get-a-way? Come Personal Representative: most appliances. Call Bill EXPERIENCE; ALSO Home Confinement matter may be heard,and at the 80,356 A D V A N C E-- -Sharon F EMiller E visit our build decks, power wash viewing,between Family Court Room on the 3rd downCOMMERCIAL Hackers Civil Creek 8am and 9pm. at DOING Defense 2,150 cozy retreat 214 Randolph Street and country Floor of the Upshur County Emergency Services 200,098 LOANS OR CREDIT - Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-7467. (3/27/19) TREE CUTTING AND and stain log homes. living CHECK RD. REMOVAL Available June 1st, FOR SALE – Land Pride House Annex in the City 862,114 - Estate: LOWELLfor yourCourt pet. PrivateTHIS SNOW W. ELBON CALL Communication Center Fire Department 15,000 OFFERS - Companies - Co-Personal Representative: of Buckhannon, West Virginia, Call 304-269-1143. (tfn PROPERTY $800 a month w/ first 613-5820 (gtfn) the Judge of the FOR RENT: 1 BR, all apon Dog Warden/Humane - David K. Elbon ly owned, Owner Family OUT. Call 5’ Society finishing mower,198,191 3 Court of Upshur County, West pliances $700. per month. month security deposit. Flood Control 3,900 that do business - 1245 Abbott byRoadpremises, 6-10-19) Virginia will conduct a hearing Personalized 304-472-5609. (tfn) except ADVANCE-FEE LOANS Public Safety Grants 174,458 All utilities included years old asking $2800. Buckhannon, WV 26201 in this matter. you Representative: Security 50,568 phone cannot - ask Call 412-608-9222 (Based Co-Personal phone. Call 304-472-7310 OR CREDIT OFFERS - Courthouse Your presence at this hearing attention for your pet, Call 304-704-1273 (tfn) Community Corrections Program 353,445 Gary L. Elbon ( 4/15/19) is required to protect your Companies that do business to pay for credit 1279 before 6/10/19) Abbott RoadAffordable GARAGE AND Coninterestsrates, in this matter. APARTMENTS FOR by phone cannot ask you to Buckhannon, WV 26201 Dated: April 10, 2019 more 3,770,012 you get it. For - Fiduciary YARD SALES Commissioner: FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BATH pay for credit before you get TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY venient hours of operBrian P. Gaudet Circuit Clerk RENT - Daya Masada Wright home located in Buckhan- it. For more information, HEALTH AND SANITATIONSERVICES for Upshur County, West information, call tollMental Health 2,500 North Kanawha Street call toll-free 1-877-FTC ation. Kennels feature: FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, Virginia non,WV $700. per month Solid Waste Authority 11,779 free 1-877-FTC - Buckhannon, 26201 YARD SALE: 4 family FOR RENT: HELP. WVHeating #1032 (4/12/19) plus utilities. CallAND 304-573- HELP. A public service 2BR ALL STATE PAVING” Estate: BUCK OAKIE FRYE & air condition; 2 bath house. Has large message from The Record 4302 (3/18/19) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF yard sale Friay, June 1BR Apartments, Representative: TOTAL HEALTH & SANITATION 14,279 A public service - Personal mes- Spacious and the Federal Trade fur- Delta UPSHUR COUNTY, and WEST kennels Gailann Frye 2 car garage/carport & Driveways – parking VIRGINIA Commission. It is illegal for 7 9am-4pm. Saturday nished and 153 South Kanawha Street sage from The Record FORunfurnished RENT: 1 BR home companies IN RE: FRANKLIN W. play K., DATE lots – Basketball courts – Fenced-in yard. Located milesAND RECREATION doing business3 CULTURE Buckhannon, WVruns; 26201 OF BIRTH: BIRTH MOTHER: includes full bath, washer./ by phone to promise you Parks & Recreation June 8 9am-2pm. Lo- in Buckhannon. Estate: DANE I. GRUBB 150,953 Delta and the- Federal Quiet resurfacing old Asphalt PLACE OF BIRTH: CASE NO: area; Loving care. Call Hackers Creek dryer, television. central adown Camp 148,198 - Co-Personal Representative: loan and ask you to pay Youth cation 2115 Limestone Neighborhood. Infant alleged to be abused and It Grubb heat/ac No smoking No for it before they deliver. Civic Promotion – patch work - seal28,000 Trade Commission. - James Joseph Close neglected or e-mail for11/11/2018 informaRd. Available June 1st. pets $600. per month $600. For 3,400 - 242 Seneca Circle Run Rd. Weston. Small to Hospital. more information, Visitor1s Bureau Samantha P. is illegal for companies 713-533Library 119,508 - Winfield, WV 25213 security deposit, call 304- call coating – MACHINE tion and/or directions; $800. a month with Upshur County, West Virginia toll free 1-877-FTC Co-Personal Representative: hardware items, hand 2047. (6/7/19) 613-8773 (4/10/19) 19.JA-S doing business by phone HELP. A public service TOTAL CULTURE Robert Manley & RECREATION 450,059 LAID AND ROLLED Reservations welcome. first month & security NOTICE 7 Third Avenue message from The Record tools, pocket knives, TO: A C O B a loan WVOwner: 26201 – All work is Guaran- to promise you Buckhannon, and the Federal Trade SOCIAL SERVICES PattyOR JTHE Stamm, FOR RENT: Country set- Delta deposit. 418-608-9222 KEENER NATURAL Estate: WILLIAM E. HARRIS household items and Social Services 79,410 and ask you to - pay for FATHER OF THE CHILD, ting homes for rent. Call for Commission. (tfn). Personal Representative: teed –Over 40 years of P.O. Box 355 Jane Lew, (6-10-19) TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES 79,410 FOR RENT: FURFRANKLIN details 304-642-0327 (tfn) James Lloyd Harris much more. it before they deliver. CAPITAL PROJECTS W. K. AND/OR ANY AND ALL 804 George Street experience– Licensed & 26378 (304) 884-7311 NISHED AND UN- E.S. ASPHALT PAVING: Social Services 3,000 WHO CLAIM PARENTAL Belpre, OH 45714 MOBILE HOMES FOR Driveways, Parking Lots, Sheriff-Law Enforcement AND/OR CUSTODIAL 34,000 For more information, Insured – Competitive Estate: JOHN PAUL HUDAK (tfn) FURNISHEDRENT APTS Patchwork, Resurface Old County Commission RIGHTS IN AND TO THE 117,800 Personal Representative: call toll free 1-877-FTC YARD SALE: Tall- FOR RENT: 24 hour Asphalt & Seal Coating. CHILD FRANKLIN W. K. prices and discounts Shirley A. Hudak YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 154,800 FOR RENT: Rental FOR RENT: Nice clean 1 Over 30 years Experience. 172 Fayette Street HELP. A public service mansville Rd, Just past ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Free Estimates 304-472Buckhannon, WV 26201 BR trailer in quiet secure License and Insured. SeTHAT:
$ 8,923,042 park in Tennerton. All nior, Veteran, & Church Total Expenditures furnishings, Smoke Free, Discounts. FREE ESTI- STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA No Pets. $750. mod w/ MATES. 30% Discount UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA
$ 50,010
Estate: JAMES EDWARD JAMISON Personal Representative:
1.A petition has been filed in the above styled action alleging that the said child is an abused
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Dr. Mahmoud Re-certified in Sleep Medicine
WESTON – Dr. Khalid Mahmoud, of the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital medical staff recently passed his recertification in sleep medicine. Sleep medicine is a recognized medical subspecialty. Doctors who specialize in sleep medicine help people who are unable to sleep well. They also help people who struggle to stay awake during the day. Sleep doctors are able to detect and treat both common and rare sleep disorders. Some common sleep disorders are insomnia, jet lag, sleepwalking, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Dr. Mahmoud received his medical degree at Punjab University Medical School in Pakistan. He completed his postgraduate training in London and Manchester in the United Kingdom. He was awarded membership in the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP). He relocated to the United States and in 1996 and completed his residency at the University of Rochester – affiliated hospitals in New York. He also has received the American Medical Association Award or Excellence in Medical Care. He is also board-certified in internal medicine and is a member of the American College of Physicians. In 2003 he was elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, the largest society of internists in the world. Internists provide the majority of healthcare to adults in America. Dr. Mahmoud emphasizes education in his practice. “I consider my personal goal to be the education of my patients. Education is very important for them as well as their families. Some disease diagnoses may mean the patients needs to modify their lifestyle, so it would be helpful to have the family involved. For example, I would want a patient with lung cancer to give up smoking. It would be good to have the family involved in that sort of life change,” he said. Dr. Mahmoud resides in Bridgeport with his family.
BBQ set for this weekend WESTON – The 2019Almost Heaven BBQ Bash / WV State BBQ Championship for the weekend of June 7 – 8, 2019 at a great new location – Stonewall Resort State Park (Roanoke, WV) Already KCBS sanctioned for 2019 with the WV Governor’s Proclamation, this event is a qualifying event for the coveted Jack Daniels Worldwide Invitational BBQ Championship … an invitation only event with only 1 team representing each state. In addition, this event also qualifies the winner for the American Royal BBQ event, and the WV Cup for the Mid Atlantic BBQ Assn. The 2019 BBQ Bash will again feature some of the top rated KCBS teams in the US preparing chicken, ribs, pork, & brisket for judging. A WV Backyard BBQ Competition, for those getting started in competitive BBQ world, highlights teams preparing only chicken & ribs for judging with cash awards and other prizes on the line! We’re also pleased to have 100% KCBS certified BBQ judges in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 assuring KCBS judging standards are followed. Join us Saturday for a variety of family activities including: Unique inflatable games, face painting, and other fun activities for the kids, live music and entertainment, Mason Dixon Boys performing amazing chainsaw carvings, a WV Craft Beer AND Wine Garden (for adults), Friday evening “Car Cruise In”, ACL Sanctioned Cornhole Tournament, FIREWORKS on Friday evening with other activities still being finalized. And did we mention great FOOD and BBQ. Several great vendors will be serving all kinds of BBQ, deep-fried calzones, all kinds of sandwiches, fries, deep-fried everything, homemade ice cream, kettle corn, beef jerky, hot fresh mini donuts made on site, and you can even find fresh seafood this year … steamed blue crabs, shrimp, shark bits, gator dogs, and crab cakes — truly something for everyone!!! For more details or questions, contact us at: Toll-free: 866 / 710-7600
John Oliver family donates treadmill to cardiac unit
Family members of the late John Oliver’s family who were present for the donation of a treadmill to the SJMH Cardiac Rehabilitation Department/Adult Fitness Program to honor John. Pictured left to right are granddaughter, Delaney Gump, daughter Debbie Gump, son-in-law Dave Gump, wife Dorma Oliver, son John Oliver, Jr, and department nurse manager Kristi Gannon. WESTON – The Lewis County Heart Society donated a treadmill to the cardiac rehab/ adult fitness program at SJMH. This was in memory of John Oliver - long-time adult fitness member and cardiac rehab participant. John was also an active member of the Lewis County Heart Society and served as treasurer for many years. After John came to cardiac rehab he realized the value of daily regular exercise. From that time forward he was a faithful participant in the SJMH phase III/adult fitness
program at SJMH. “John would be pleased that another piece of aerobic equipment has been donated in his honor”, commented nurse Kristi Gannon. The Lewis County Heart Society had its beginning when a very generous community minded lady by the name of Eliza Salzer left $150,000 (It is believed it was her entire estate) to Lewis County to be used for “heart use” within Lewis County. She died in Fleshers Nursing home on July 6, 1978. She is
buried at Macpelah Cemetery in Weston. A group of dedicated citizens formed a non-profit corporation and have continued to judicially fund various heart related projects for Fire departments, the EMS, schools, churches and Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital fitness equipment. In the past they have purchased medications to individuals who were not able to pay for them. This became too expensive and the board of directors could not supply to all evenly.
Currently the Lewis County Heart Society is expertly administered by dedicated board of directors with medical and business backgrounds. They have continually maintained the initial startup gift using only the interest for all requested projects. They have received some donations but have not had any large attempts at solicitations. Gannon concluded, “We are grateful for all dedicated board members who have faithfully served over the last four decades.”
RLBMS announces summer conditioning programs
By Wyatt Burns WESTON — Robert L. Bland Middle School has announced dates for optional summer workouts and conditioning. To participate in any activity athletes must have a completed physical exam dated after May 1st. Athletes must hold a 2.0 grade point average in the past spring semester, and entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. Cheer will condition June 10th thru the 14th, and the 17th thru the 21st from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the RLBMS Gymnasium. Girls soccer will condition June 10th thru 14th from 5:30-7 p.m. on the athletic field. Boys Basketball will start conditioning on June 10th and go Monday-Friday until the 28th. Boys Basketball will utilize the 7:30-9:00 time slot in the RLBMS Gymnasium. Football will start conditioning on June 17th and run thru the 21st. Coach Gillespie asks for athletes to wear loose fitting clothing and cleats. Helmets and mouth guards will be provided. These practices will run from 6-7:30 on the athletic field. Boys Soccer will also condition June 17th thru 21st. The condition will run from 7-8:30. Boys soccer will scrimmage WI and Barbour County on June 19th. Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital will host free sports physicals to all Middle School and High School Students interested in sports. Females will go June 5th at 5 p.m. and males will go June 6th at 5 p.m.
Steve Weaver elect
Weston City Council Ward One
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Paid for by candidate
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S.O.S. full shelter
Boone is a beautiful short hair, mixed breed male available for immediate adoption at the Lewis-Upshur Animal Control Facility. He is one year old and has already been neutered. He is very friendly with staff and when meeting new people. Boone is up to date on his vaccinations and he is heartworm negative. Boone was previously adopted, but returned after the landlord said he had to go. He gets along well with other dogs and is great with children. Already house trained, Boone would make an excellent companion and his adoption fee is only $30. T-Dog is an adorable two-year-old Boxer mix available for immediate adoption at the Lewis-Upshur Animal Control Facility. He has not been neutered yet and weighs 55 pounds. T-Dog came to the shelter as an owner surrender and needs a new home soon. His former family said he was not good with strangers, but he loves meeting new people at the pound. T-Dog walks great on a leash and is already house trained. He has been raised around other dogs of all sizes and loves children. If you’d like to meet T-Dog, please visit the L-UAC facility located on Mud Lick Road in Buckhannon. They are open Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to noon, or you can call 304-472-3865.
Wet Nose Photography
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
These are two of the adorable kittens available for adoption at L-UAC. A colorful variety of playful kittens need new homes immediately, so please come see them today!
Searching for the best veterinary care? TONYA PICKENS DVM
Stonewall Veterinary Hospital, Inc. 3080 Old Route 33 (304) 997-8059 Horner, WV 26372 (304) 997-8103 FAX
Wet Nose Photography
Zander is a very lovable three-year-old neutered male Tabby cat. He has a unique appearance and is quite tall, but only weighs about 10 pounds. Zander has already been vaccinated and dewormed so he is ready to go with a $15 adoption fee from L-UAC.