45th Annual Jackson's Mill Jubilee

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The Record Delta & Lewis County Community Guide

Page 2 - Wednesday, August 28, 2019

JUBILEE SCHEDULE Friday, August 30, 2019 11 a.m. Noon Noon – 8 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:30 – 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Gates open ($5.00 per person, Children 3 and under free) 2019 Jubilee Officially opens Heritage arts and crafts, concessions, and attractions (open) Arrival of the West Virginia State Council Mobile Wall. (Beside the West Virginia Building) West Virginia State Council Mobile Wall (Open) Gates Close


Square Dance w/Rock Garton


Noon – 8:00 p.m. Americana, Bluegrass, Celtic in the Barn Arena. Featured groups: Emerald Hills, The Vaughns, Middle C Vets, and Jubilee House Band, along with various other artists. Check the board outside of the arena for performance schedule.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Gates Open ($5 per person, Children 3 and under free) Civil War Encampments. Please visit the Encampment at any time. Everyone is welcome. Take pictures or sit and talk. United States Postal Service – Cancellation Stamp. West Virginia State Council Mobile Wall. (Open) Civil War Skirmishes (On the Parade Grounds from the Flag Poles to the handicap parking). Heritage Arts and Crafts, Concessions, and Attractions Parade of Antique Tractors – Sponsored by Johnston Equipment, LLC. Accepting pies during this time period only for the pie baking contest at the EEC Bldg. Judging of the pies at the EEC Building. Pie Tasting (Yes, you can sample the pies) Make slime with Stephanie Santilli in front of the EEC Building. BBQ Eating Contest – Front of the Barn Area – Sponsored by Jaws BBQ – Register in front of the Barn before 4:15 p.m.

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FUNdamental Workshop Sessions 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. Upright Bass Basics W/Daniel Vaughn 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Rhythm Guitar W/David Vaughn 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Banjo Mojo W/Butch Osborne 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. Mandolin Magic W/Johnny Staats


11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Americana, Bluegrass, Celtic in the Barn Arena Check board outside of the arena for performance schedule for featured groups including LC Blue, The Klines, Norfolk and Southern, New Diesel Trio, Putnam Family, Silas Powell and the Powell Family Band, and Johnny Staats. Individual performers Ramie Bennett, Patrick Brooks, Doug Cossin, Dustin Frame, Bruce Jones, Richie Jones, Dan and Robin Kessinger, Buck McCumbers, Butch Osborne, Aaron and Alex Richards, Jeremy Wanless, and others will be doing impromptu sets and performing under the trees.

Sunday, September 1, 2019 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Gates Open ($5 per person, Children 3 and under free) Civil War Encampments - Please visit at any time. Civil War Skirmishes (Located on the Parade Grounds from Historical Gate to the Assembly Hall). West Virginia State Council Mobile Wall. (Open) Heritage Arts and Crafts, Concessions, and Attractions Antique Car Show – Sponsored by Summer Knights Cruzin. Located on the black top and grass from the historic gate to the Assembly Hall


FUNdamental Workshop Sessions 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. Square Dancin’ 101 W/Mack Samples 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Fiddlin’ Around W/Buddy Griffin


10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Gospel Sing-a-long 11:00 a.m. – Noon Old Fashion Church Service 12:30 – 6:00 p.m. Americana, Bluegrass, Gospel Music in the Barn Arena Check Board outside of the Arena for Performance Schedule for times of featured groups including Prayzin’ Jesus, The Klines, Tracy Miller, Denton King Family and Friends, the Mack Samples Band, Glenville State College Bluegrass Band, and various individual performers.

General Information Check our website for more information. www.jacksonsmilljubilee.net ATM on site (located by the Pool) The times and events listed above and any listings throughout the program may be subject to change.

See you next year September 4-6, 2020. Mark your Calendars.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Page 3

WELCOME TO THE JUBILEE Celebrating the 45th Jackson’s Mill Jubilee Aug. 30 through Sept. 1 What exactly is the Jackson’s Mill Jubilee? It’s a celebration of Appalachian heritage, educational demonstrations, featuring indigenous and bluegrass music concerts, Native American style dancing, chainsaw carvings, gristmill demos, homestead activities, photography, needle arts and quilt show, antique tractors and engines, carriage rides, Civil War encampment, top quality artisans, a zip line for the active ones, and Kid’s Land for the younger festival participants. This year’s Jackson’s Mill Jubilee will take place Aug. 30 through Sept. 1 Active and veteran military will be honored at this year’s jubilee with free admission. The West Virginia State Council Mobile Wall (Traveling Vietnam Mobile Wall) will be located beside the West Virginia Building. Veterans and Active Military will receive a free pass to the jubilee by showing their ID card or DD214 with Photo ID. The Jubilee will feature several new events this year including a farmer’s market, and trail rides free with your paid admission. The United States Postal Service will be offering one-of-a-kind cancellation stamp created for the 45th Annual Jackson’s Mill Jubilee on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the main pavilion. Returning again this year to the place where Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson grew to be a man will be Confederate and Union reactors taking part in Civil War skirmishes on Saturday

Enjoy the 2019 Jubilee Serving North Central WV and representing

and Sunday on the parade grounds located across from the Assembly Hall. The reenactors will also have a realistic encampment of the times during the Civil War for visitors to view and ask questions. On Friday evening from 6 to 8 p.m., Rock Garton will be emceeing a square dance at the Jubilee pavilion. Featured music, performers and bands over the weekend event include Americana, bluegrass, Celtic, Emerald Hills, The Vaughns, Middle C Vets, Jubilee House Band, LC Blue, The Klines, Norfolk and Southern, New Diesel Trio, Putnam Family, Silas Powell and the Powell Family Band, Johnny Staats, Ramie Bennett, Patrick Brooks, Doug Cossin, Dustin Frame, Bruce Jones, Richie Jones, Dan and Robin Kessinger, Buck McCumbers, Butch Osborne, Aaron and Alex Richards, Jeremy Wanless, There will also be impromptu sets and performing under the trees near the venue. You are invited to bring your musical instrument and play along. On Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. there will be an antique car show sponsored by Summer Knights Cruzin. The show will be located on the black top and grass from the historic gate to the Assembly Hall. Be sure and take your Lewis County Community Guide Jackson’s Mill Jubilee tab with to be sure you know where you’re going and what’s going on at the Jubilee.

Thursday All Day

Monday Night

Breakfast Buffet - $13.49 Adults, $12.99 Seniors, $5.99 Kids Bacon, Sausage, eggs, Biscuits and Gravy, and much more

Ribeye Sandwich $6.99 With salad $8.99


Tuesday Night

2 Filet Mignon includes salad, soup & dessert $41

Wednesday All Day

8oz Sirloin $9.99

2 -10 Oz Ribeye Dinner Special includes salad, soup & dessert $31.00

Senior buffet $9.99



Traditional Buffet - Ham, Fried Chicken, Hamburger Steak, Stuffing, Mash Potatoes and much more

506 Market Place Weston ,WV 304-269-7666 Mon-Fri 11am-9pm Sat-Sun 8am-9pm

Page 4 - Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Page 5




1. New Beginners Designer Photography – Karen Wilfong – Matted and framed Photography of Nature (flowers, bees, birds) and Jackson’s Mill structures. (Front Office of WVU-Jackson’s Mill) 2. Apple Butter Demonstration and Sales – D. Legg (Front of Barbour County Cottage)* 3. Hackers Creek Pioneer Descendants – WV Book Sales & Signings. 4. The Enchanted Moon – Paula and Steve Mitchell – Beaded Jewelry and Wood Burned Products. 5. Duffy Hand Stitched Gifts – Duffy Greba – Hand stitched quilt designs. 6. Dummie Dum Cupcakes – Deborah Smith – Gourmet Cupcakes (Yum) 7. Appalachian Axe Co. – John Tokarz – Handcrafted Wooden Signs and other Items.* 8. Heart’s Content Antiques – Kara Tustin – Assortment of Antique furniture and Collectibles. 9. Hillbilly Essentials – Shirlene Bolyard – Homemade soaps, wax tarts and more. 10. Second Chance Bears – Shannon Adams – Unique Crafts from Bears to Collectibles. 11. CJS Construction Co. – Claude Saliga – Handcrafted Coffee Tables w/ matching end tables, Trestle Tables, Wooden Benches, Barnwood Bookcase, Spice Racks, Wooden American Flag, Driftwood Décor, and more.* 12. Consoleah Collectibles – Tammy Freed – Coin Rings, Copper Jewelry, Spoon Jewelry, Wind Chimes, and more. 13. TJ Leather – Thresea & John McCrady – Leather items (belts, beautiful bracelets, and more). Designing leather demonstration. 14. Yulin – Charles Zang – Handmade Marionettes and Jewelry. 15. Periwinkle Farms – Ellen Van Dyne – Jams, Jellies, Fresh Ground Peanut Butter, Steak Sauce, BBQ Sauce. 16. Cindy’s Silver Jewelry (Cindy’s Heirloom Creations) – Cindy Fortner – Silver bracelets, rings, necklaces, and more 17. Creations from the Heart – Debra Workman – One of a kind handcrafted pieces of Sterling Silver Jewelry.* 18. Pattern of Integrity – Amber Smith/Brandon Hill – Quilts, handcrafted items.* 19. Elgood Mountain Rainbow Glass – Jeannette Justice – Handmade glass jewelry. 20. Simple Treasures – Lisa Barber – Three-D Stained Glass, Decorative Glass Dip Holders made from slumped Bottles. 21. Pam Snyder Pottery – Pam Snyder – Unique pottery, bowls, plates and other various items. 22. Country Weaving – Tammy May – Loom woven rugs, Baskets (painted designs inside). 23. Valley View Apiary & Breads – Mark A. Goodwin – Honey and Homemade Breads.* 24. Wood & Beyond – Randall Arbogast – Wood Art, Laser Etching, Photos on Wood. 25. My Doll Closet – Mary Hendricks – Handmade doll clothes and more. 26. Glady Creek Arts and Crafts – Ann Weaver – Children’s Books with accessories.* 27. “Art C” by Nancy – Nancy Collins – Paintings created by artist Nancy. Art classes for Kids (free) and Adults (fee) during the Jubilee. 28. Chi Chi Chic – Teena Harman – Wire jewelry, metal bracelets, and primitives. 29. Lloyd Creations – Kate Lloyd Searfoss – An accomplished artist who paints the most beautiful pictures. Taking the concept of a drop of paint or mixing colors design a necklace or bracelet pendant. All pieces are signed by the Artist. 30. Wild Mountain Soap Co. – Phillip & Mary Peelish – Handmade soap and other items. Try out their soap at the outdoor sink. You will have the softest hands in the neighborhood. 31. Connie McColley Handmade Jewelry – Connie McColley – Unique wire jewelry. Demonstrations. 32. Terra Gladius Knives – Dave Reynolds – Various knives with unique designs. 33. Rick Burgess Photography – Rick Burgess – Scenic photography, buildings, beautiful picture 34. WeSign2 – Janelle St.Martin – Essential Oil Blends and Essential Oil Diffusers.* 35. SMB Table – Albani St. Martin Brown – Homemade sweets (Mini-Pies, Cookies, Pie Babies), Barn Quilts, Recycling Various Items.* 36. Pullin Patterns – Marjorie Pullin – Crocheted sweaters with various de-

Farmstead Visitor Center (Conrad Cabin) - Model Train Exhibit – Advertising on the Cars. - McWhorter Cabin - Timber Framed, Post and Beam Building – Designed and erected by the DIY Cable Network “Barnwood Builders” - Carriage House - Jackson’s Mill Museum – (Open Daily – Old Mill) - Blaker’s Mill – Meal Grinding at various times throughout the Jubilee - Blacksmith Shop A2 Antique Car Show – Sunday A3 Civil War Skirmishes (Saturday and Sunday Only) Located on the Parade Grounds. Across from the Assembly Hall.

A4 Hillbilly Fun – Inflatables, Laser Tag, and Face Painting (Across from the Harrison County Cottage) Fee A5 Prayer Chapel A6 Civil War Encampment – Confederate and Union

(Behind the Chapel on the lower flat) (Saturday and Sunday Only)

A7 Antique Tractors A8 Antique Engines A9 Apple Butter Demonstration A10 Gem Stone Mining and Rock Climbing Wall – Greg Holden (Prices Vary) A11 Appalachian Axe Co. – Axe Throwing (Fee) A12 Pie Contest (EEC Building) – Annette Santilly. (Saturday Only) A13 SLIME by Stephanie (In front of EEC Building) (Saturday Only 4 PM) A14 Featuring – The West Virginia State Council Mobile Wall (Traveling Vietnam Mobile Wall) located beside the West Virginia Building. Veterans and Active Military will receive a free pass to the Jubilee by showing their ID Card or DD214 with Photo ID. A15 Kid’s Art Class provided by “Art C by Nancy” (Booth #28). Pre-Registration required A16 Professional Chain Saw Carver – Mason Dixon Boys A17 Square Dancing – Jubilee Pavilion. (Friday Only) (6 – 8 PM) NOTE: New location. A18 Antique Tractors (Some will be on the left side of the Barn) A19 Farmers Market – Located above the Council Circle. (Friday and Saturday Only) A20 Barn Arena – Live Music A21 BBQ EATING CONTEST IN FRONT OF THE BARN. Check for signs, please register before the contest Saturday (before 4:15 PM). Contest begins at 4:30 PM. Come and cheer for the contestants. A22 United States Postal Service – One of a kind Cancellation Stamp created for the 45th Annual Jackson’s Mill Jubilee. (Saturday Only – 9 AM to 4 PM) Main Pavilon. A23 Luthier – Lee Chapman – Located in the Barn. Demonstrations by various Artisan throughout the Jubilee.

signs for children and adults with wonderful and bright colors. 37. Woodland Brook Studios – Georgette B. Griffith – Accomplished artist creating beautiful pictures, cards, and collages. 38. Silverwearables – Becky George – Upcycled Silver – Jewelry and more. 39. Russ Shaffer Embossed Engravings – Russ Shaffer – Beautiful hand created pictures using various materials including paper making. 40. “Skyler C. Gull” Series – Eric Armstrong – Author (Saturday and/or Sunday Only) 41. Aroma of the Andes – Duane, Rachel, Joshua, & Justin Brown – Variety of home grown and ground coffees. Try a sample. 42. Ridge Walker Crafts – Dianna Hewitt – Pottery. 43. Yummerdall Crafts and Antiques – Bill and Becky Muehling – Unique Antiques and difficult to find items. 44. J B Jewels – Jean Schoonover – By using various types of semiprecious stones, buttons, and fetish type stone animals, Jean creates one of a kind necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and key chains. She will be demonstrating her jewelry making. 45. Country Girl Creations – Chesity Powell – Potpourri, Photo Frames, Birdhouses. Chesity moved to the Barn to be with the music as well as share her work. 46. Crafty Hands Primitives – Stephanie Tuesing – Homespun Fabric Creations, such as, Quilts, Pillows and Table Runners. 47. Bon Savon Soaps – Gayle Heaster – One of our local artisan is bringing her love of making soap to the Jubilee along with some other favorites 48. The Rusty Crow – Michele Fritz – Hand painted recycled items 49. All in Stitches LLC – Lyn Halapy – Slate photography. Keepsake pictures attached to slate for hanging or stand alone. Memories to cherish. 50. Robin Roberts Baskets – Robin Roberts – Handcrafted baskets of various designs. She will be demonstrating her craft. * (All the way from Georgia) 51. Tower Road – Marge Davenport – Handcrafted Jewelry.* (All the way from Georgia) 52. Macomber Mamma’s Nibbles & Noshes, LLC – Sandy Walters – Dog Treats and more. * 53. Comfy and Cozy Alpaca Wear – Gerald Steve Andexler – Scarves and socks made from Alpaca fibers. 54. Spruce Knob Wood Products –John & Susan Pennington – Handmade wooden spoons, cooking utensils, measuring spoons. Watch John carve his wooden spoons. 55. Lowther Studios – Josh Lowther – Blacksmith. Handcrafted metal art.* 56. Cut-N-Create Woodsmithing – Benjamin Williams & Gerald Houchin – Hand Turned pens and more. * 57. Tom’s Heritage Tools – Thomas Wellings, Sr. – Handcrafted pitch forks, rakes, etc. Will be demonstrating his craft. * 58. Mushroom Workshop – Brian Gainer – Handcrafted fishing poles and Lures.* 59. Corks and Spoons – Linda Seckman – Decorating various items with corks and caps, Hand painted broom handles, stools, and chairs. Very Colorful. 60. Covered Bridge Baskets – Jill Schiefelbein – Handmade baskets – Business Card Wagon, Market Basket, Divided Organizer, Tote w/ Leather Handles or Strap. * 61. Tharp Pottery – Joyce Tharp – Pottery. (Tamarack Artist)*

62. 63. 64. 65.

NEW FOR 2019 – FARMER’S MARKET Located above the Council Circle Access by the covered bridge or to the left of the Barn Friday and Saturday Only Tanner Leatherworks – Eugene Breza – Hand tooled belts, shoes, pouches, and more.* Nolan Farms – Doug Nolan – Frozen Pork, Chicken, Chicken Eggs, Corn. Bring a cooler with ice.* Rt. 18 Farm Market – Angie & Jerry Brake – Variety of locally grown Produce.* Whimsical Wire by Megan – Megan Wykoff – Wire wrapped Jewelry – Tree of Life pendants, wrapped semi-precious stones, earrings and wire rings. Located between Booth Number 43 and 44 in the Barn.*

*New Artisans this year (2019) The Board of Directors thanks all of the Artisans for all their support and dedication to keeping our heritage alive.

Page 6 - Wednesday, August 28, 2019


C1 The Blazing Griddle – Ribeye Steak Sandwich, German Frankfurters, German White Hots, Italian Sausage Sandwich, Kielbasa Sandwich with Sauerkraut, Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Salt Potatoes w/melted Butter, French Fries, Chili Cheese Fries, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Ice Cold Soda, Water, and Donuts. Pie Lady (with Blazing Griddle) – Pies (Apple, Dutch Apple, Caramel Apple, Blueberry, Blueberry Crumble, Blueberry Cheesecake, Cherry, Cherry Streusel, Blueberry Cheesecake, Peach, Peach Cheesecake, Mincemeat, and Pumpkin. Apple Dumpling w/sauce and ice cream, Blackberry Cobbler w/ ice cream. C2 Mike Riffle – BBQ Chicken Halves, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Pasta Salad, Ice Tea, Soda, and Water. C3 Rex’s Calzones – Deep Fried Calzones, Coke products, and Water. C4 Riverview Concessions – Beef Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chicken Wings, Frog Legs, Nachos & Cheese, Fries, Chili Cheese Fries, Tea, Soda, and Water. C5 Blue Ridge Ice Cream – Homemade Hand Dipped

Tri-Lakes Convenience Store

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Vanilla, Chocolate, or Strawberry in cups or Waffle Cones, Water, and Gatorade. C6 MCJC Farm – Sandy Dent – Corn on the Cob, Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Roasted Potatoes. C7 Jaws BBQ (Unit 1) – Roasted Corn on the Cob, Pork BBQ Sandwiches and Dinners, UNKS Lemon Shake Ups, French Fries, Corn Dogs, Gary’s Pickles, Coke Products, and Water. (Sponsor) C8 Chuck Wagon Soda – Kevin Lyons – Flavored soda (Cherry, Blackberry, and more). Mix the flavors up. Yum. C9 Hanson’s Original Kettle Corn – Kettle Corn C10 Almost Heaven Concession – Cheesesteaks, Italian and Polish Sausage, Ribbon Fries, Fresh Fries, Funnel Cakes, Fresh Lemonade, and Coke Products. C11 Victory Assembly of God – Frozen Lemonade (Zuls). C12 Hippie Dippie Mini Donuts – Bill Goldsmith – Mini Donuts, Shaved Ice, and Soda. C13 My Favorite Things – Asunta Damron – Fudge (EEC) C14 Lewis County CEOS – Homemade Candies, Cookies, Breads, Chicken Sandwiches, Coffee, Ice Tea, and Water. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Morning Breakfast – Sausage Gravy and Biscuits, Coffee, Several sweet items. C15 Sarsaparilla (Inside of Dorsey Building)

C16 Country Kitchenette (Lewis County CEOS) – Harrison County Porch. Saturday and Sunday Only.

MOUNT VERNON DINING HALL Saturday (Lunch) 11:00AM – 2:30 PM

Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, California Blend Vegetables, Salad Bar, Hot Rolls, Assorted Cookies and Brownies, Beverage Selections.

Saturday (Dinner) 3:30 – 6:00 PM

Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Bean, Salad Bar, Hot Rolls, Assorted Cakes, Beverage Selections

Sunday (Lunch) 11:00 AM –3:00 PM

Baked Steak, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans, Broccoli w/Cheese Sauce, Salad Bar, Hot Rolls, Assorted Fruit Cobblers, Ice Cream, Beverage Selections.

Price for each Dining Time

$14.00 Age 13 and Up $7.00 Ages 4-12 ( Free Age 3 and under)


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Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Page 7

JUBILEE MARKET Farmer’s market new for 2019 Jubilee

2019 Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Dominion Lewis County CVB WVU-Jackson’s Mill The Citizens Bank of Weston Thrasher Group, Inc. Jaw’s BBQ – Gary Connell WHAW – Steve Peters

Hardman-Paletti Funeral Home Jenny Garton State Farm Ins. Summer Knights Cruzin World Wide Equipment Willquip Equiptment TJ’s Greenhouse – Jerry Stout Johnston Equipment, LLC G. J. Garton Insurance

McCarty’s Portable Toilets Colerain Golf Carts MSW John and Diane Wickland Weston Rotary Club The Weston Democrat Garrett and Son Farms Steptoe & Johnson Employees

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

A special Thank You to all the Volunteers.

Garrett Company – Ted Garrett

Pat Boyle Funeral Home

Photo by John Clise

Visitors to the farmer’s market will need to cross this new covered bridge, near the barn area, across from the swimming pool, to visit the Jubilee’s new attraction. The bridge is named in honor of Jack M. and Helen S. Tyree.


BUFFET Mount Vernon Dining Hall Saturday, August 31

E ON OK Visit the

11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Fried Chicken 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., Roast Beef




On Friday and Saturday visitors to the jubilee will be able to enjoy a new attraction a farmer’s market. It will be located above the new council circle across the covered bridge to the left of the barn. Vendors at the farmer’s market will include Tanner Leatherworks owned and operated by Gene Breza, of Gilmer County, offering hand tooled belts, shoes, pouches, and more. Breeza has more than 30 years’ experience in the leather arts. Nolan Farms with Doug Nolan will beoffering frozen pork, chicken, chicken eggs, corn. Nolan reminds folks to bring a cooler with ice to transport your purchases safely home. Rt. 18 Farm Market with Angie and Jerry Brake will be offering a variety of locally grown produce. They’ve been regulars at the Weston Farmer’s Market every Saturday. Whimsical Wire by Megan with Megan Wykoff presenting wire wrapped jewelry – Tree of Life pendants, wrapped semi-precious stones, earrings and wire rings. Be sure to stop and check out this new attraction to the jubilee.



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1455 Allegheny Hwy., Elkins, WV (at Rt. 33 East and Isner Creek Rd.)

304-636-9669 www.smokewaterbbq.com

Sunday, September 1 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Baked Steak

Now located in the Registration Building.

No reservations needed. Meals: Adults - $14; Ages 4-12 - $7 All meals free under age 4.


Page 8 - Wednesday, August 28, 2019


FUNdamental workshop Sessions planned A series of workshops have been scheduled to take place in the barn at the jubilee this year with a number of gifted musicians taking part. On Sat., Sept. 1, from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. upright bass basics with Daniel Vaughn; from 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. rhythm guitar with David Vaughn; 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. banjo mojo with Butch Osborne; and 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. mandolin magic with Johnny Staats. Johnny Staats joined his first band “Bluegrass Heritage” at the age of nine. He entered competitions at the age of 13 or 14. “In high school, all the kids teased me about playing bluegrass since rock and roll was big then,” he recalls. Staats has won his share of contests, but that’s not for Johnny. For one thing, he writes his own tunes, which doesn’t necessarily get you far in contests. Staats has a distinctive style, not only in his playing but in his composition. “I use a lot of pull-offs,” he says, “because instead of just hitting a bunch of notes, pull-offs add more flavor to it.” Wires and Wood, his first album signed to a major label, was a smash. It included the talents of Sam Bush, Jim Hurst, Tim O’Brien, John Cowan and Kathy Mattea. Giant recording label had a big hit on their hands, when suddenly they went bust. Since then, Johnny has continued to record and play at concerts on his own with his back up men, “The Delivery Boys.” Staats has no intention of giving up his day job as a UPS driver, which gives a special twist to his story, at least in the eyes of much of the press. Folks all over are sitting up and taking notice of Johnny Staats and his creative energy. Butch Osbourne started playing the banjo at the age of 12. His first influence was Earl Scruggs and Alan Munde and as he advanced, he started listening to Béla Fleck, Alison Brown, Scott Vestal, and Tony Trischka. Osborne plays various styles but likes the progressive end of the spectrum with tunes like Swing 42, Minor Swing, Memories of Mozart and other various Jazz and Classical tunes. He has won the West Virginia State Banjo Competition several times; at MerleFest and many other wins with a total of 62 first place trophies. He completed his first CD in 2007 titled “All of Me” featuring the banjo but with some pretty fancy stuff from Johnny Staats on mandolin, Robert Shafer on guitar, and Roger Bush on percussion. Butch teaches advanced banjo from his home in Parkersburg. On Sunday from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. there will be a session called Square Dancin’ 101 hosted by Mack Samples Mack Samples is a well-known folklorist, musician and square dance caller. A native West Virginian, he has spent his entire life learning, collecting and sharing the traditional stories, songs, dances and folk culture of the Mountain State. He is well known in Appalachian music and literature circles and has traveled the folk festival circuit for a number of years as a singer, guitarist, fiddler and square dance caller. Samples is a regular at the Vandalia Gathering, the West Virginia State Folk Festival and the Jackson’s Mill Jubilee, both as a member of the popular Samples Brothers band and as a solo performer. He is the author of four books set in West Virginia, and he has written a number of newspaper columns and magazine articles on a variety of subjects related to the traditional folk arts. Learn more about Mack at www.macksamples.com Also on Sunday from 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Buddy Griffin will be leading a session titled Fiddlin’ Around. Griffin, a Nicholas County native who grew up in Braxton County, is a master musician on several instruments and a dedicated teacher and mentor. Raised in a musical family, Buddy began performing at an early age, excelling at banjo, fiddle, guitar and mandolin. He traveled extensively, appearing and recording with many top-name bluegrass and country music artists. In 1997, he returned to West Virginia and taught music at Glenville State College, where he was instrumental in developing the world’s first degree program in bluegrass music. Buddy remains active as a performer and teacher of bluegrass and traditional music. He has appeared more than 200 times on the Grand Ole’ Opry stage in Nashville.

Photo courtesy of Erynn Marshall

Mack Samples will lead a FUNdamental workshop at the Jackson’s Mill Jubilee on Sunday from 2 to 2:30 p.m. His session will be focused on square dancing. He’s an internationally known caller and musician.

Pie baking contest will again be a feature event The Pie Contest will again be featured at the 2019 Jackson’s Mill Jubilee! The event is scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, August 31st in the EEC Building. Contestants may enter at the Historical Gate and park. A golf cart will be called for your transport to the EEC Building. The pie maker receives free admission and directions to the location. Contestants are invited to enter pies only between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. No pies will be accepted before or after these times. Do not leave them. Judging will begin at 3:00 p.m. and awards will be given when the judging is complete (tentatively scheduled to be between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m.). Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded. Contest participants and visitors may sample the pies following the awards ceremony (4:30-5:00 pm). Contest rules are: Pie fillings must have a West Virginia product (fruit, nut, or vegetable) as the main ingredient. Pie fillings must be made from fresh, home preserved, or home frozen ingredients; commercially canned pie fillings will not be accepted. Crusts must be home prepared; frozen or other commercially prepared crusts will not be accepted. Custard pies or pies containing any ingredient requiring constant refrigeration (such as cream cheese, whipped topping, etc.) will not be accepted due to lack of refrigeration at the contest site. There will be three divisions: Adult (18 and over)—Single Crust Pie Adult (18 and over)­—Double Crust Pie Youth Division (under age 18)—Single or Double Crust Pie. One copy of the recipe used (crust and filling) must be submitted with each pie. An individual contestant may enter up to two pies per category. The decisions of the judges are final. The contest is sponsored by Jenny Garton Insurance Agency, Inc. in cooperation with the Jackson’s Mill Jubilee. The Jenny Garton Agency, which represents State Farm Insurance in Weston, will provide ribbons and cash prizes for winners in each of the three divisions. For additional information, contact Annette Fetty-Santilli at 304-621-3648 or email – asantilli@ pancanvolunteer.org.

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