West Virginia’s Largest Yard Sale August 2nd & 3rd Olde Rustic Antiques Check us out on Facebook
Tuesday Night
2 -10 Oz Ribeye Dinner Special includes salad, soup & dessert $31.00
#17 HUGE
304-472-9605 2743 Clarksburg Rd 3 Miles North of Buckhannon on Rt. 20 (Clarksburg Rd.)
Monday Night
Breakfast Buffet - $13.49 Adults, $12.99 Seniors, $5.99 Kids Bacon, Sausage, eggs, Biscuits and Gravy, and much more
Wednesday All Day Senior buffet $9.99
Thursday All Day
Ribeye Sandwich $6.99 With salad $8.99
2 Filet Mignon includes salad, soup & dessert $41
8oz Sirloin $9.99
Traditional Buffet - Ham, Fried Chicken, Hamburger Steak, Stuffing, Mash Potatoes and much more
506 Market Place Weston ,WV 304-269-7666 Mon-Fri 11am-9pm Sat-Sun 8am-9pm
We want allNeeding youra furever local news Needing a fu home
Copyright 2019
Serving all of Lewis County, West Virg Wednesday, July 24, 2019 email jclise@therecorddelta..com 304-472-2800
Wednesday, 24, 2019 SJMH names BOE elects newJulypresident employee of the SJMH names month Copyright 2019
employee of the month E B I R C S B SU
y a s d n a
BOE elects n
“I choose The Record Delta!”
JOHN CLISE/Lewis County Community Guide
Newly elected Lewis County Board of Education President Jim Flesher listens intently as Lewis County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robin Lewis listens. Board members discussed a number of issues including the upcoming school levy and how to best present it to the community.
$99 Tara Arnold
By John Clise Editor
Debbie Clem. Clem resigned for new employment opportunities. On a motion from board member Paul Derico and a second from recently appointed member Phyllis Hinterer, with Lewis County Superintendent
of Schools Dr. Robin Lewis serving as president until the election of a new president, members voted 3-1 to approve the appointment of Jim Flesher as president of the board. Flesher abstained on the vote, and board member Mike Holden
voted no. During school levy discussions, Dr. Lewis instructed board members tome up with a list of 10 people or groups they felt could be influentia
ONE DAY ONLY SUBSCRIPTION SALE Council meets for Lewis County ND FRIDAY, 2 work sessionAUGUST Blueprint event set for tonight ONLY
Members of the Lewis Information Technology (IT) employee Tara Arnold has County Board of Education been selected as Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital’s elected a new president MonEmployee of the Month for July 2019. She began emday evening after June resigployment at the Hospital in 2010 as a tech on the Special nation of former President of See BOE on Page 5 Delivery Unit. She then transferred to the IT Department. She manages the day-to-day issues and workflow for Cerner, which is the electronic medical records system for SJMH. Her position allows her to work with every department and member of SJMH. The nominator wrote: “Tara has been extremely helpful with the implementation and continuation for Cerner. She has taken the brunt of the staff and providers’ frustrations but has provided help 24/7. Tara takes her position to heart and does an amazing job. Tara is available for staff and Newly elected Lewis County Board of Education President By John Clise providers at any time day or night. Stonewall is blessed as well as investigating Editor dent date of Schools Dr. Robin Lewis listens. Board members di to have Tara.” those vendors doing business Tara is married to Todd, an assistant manager at Beacon with businesses in the city not levy and how to best present it to the community. Roofing, in Clarksburg, and they live at Belington. The Weston City Council con- paying the fees at all. couple has two children – Alivia, 6, and Cooper, 3. She is vened a work session Monday One example he gave was the daughter of Doran and Cheryl Davis, of Weston. She evening to discuss a number vendors doing business with PHOTO SUBMITTED Debbie Clem. Clem resigned By John Clise graduated from Lewis County High School and received of issues including B&O convenience stores in the city for new employment opporEditor her degree in public relations West Virginia Wesleyan taxes, parking issues, and the that do not pay the tax on their Tarafrom Arnold College (WVWC), and her MBA from there also. resident complaint process, sales as required. tunities. In her spare time she enjoys kayaking on the Cheat River. among others. Minnick informed council On a motion from board Her other activities are family-oriented such as taking the With all members present of the inLewis that DataMax specializes Information (IT) employee has heads in at-Members children toTechnology the local zoos or spending time at home. Tara Arnold and department examining businesses to be County Board of Education member Paul Derico and a Tara isas delighted with the honor. the group jumped sure they are paying their fair been selected Stonewall Jackson Memorial tendance, Hospital’s She said, “I absolutely love working here. I have grown into a discussion on ofelected B&O share. a The newcompany president works Mon- second from recently appointed Employee the Month for July 2019. She began em-and possible bothof personally and professionally here and am treated tax collection primarily withafter West Virginia day evening June resig- member Phyllis Hinterer, with member. I work great people lost Special revenue to vendors and and South Carolina businesses ploymentlikeata family the Hospital inwith 2010 as a within techtheon the and across the whole organization. businesses not paying their full to maximize nation of former President of Lewis County Superintendent those collections. Deliverydepartment Unit. She then transferred to the IT Department. amount on those taxes. “It will add to the existing PHOTO SUBMITTED According to City Manager revenue stream,” Minnick said. She manages the day-to-day issues and workflow for Chad Minnick, a representative Minnick said the company Members of the Ireland community recently gathered at Cerner, which is the electronic medical records system of DataMax made a cold call requested a two year agreement the community builsing there to learn more about Lewis on city every hall recently to pitch and to receive 50 percent of County Blueprint Community and what it means to the for SJMH. Her position allows her to work with By John Clise future of the county. their services in helping the department Editorand member of SJMH. city get their B&O taxes up to See Council on Page 5 By John Clise The nominator wrote: “Tara has been extremely helpful These open meetings and Ice National Night Out in Editor Cream Social are free and open with the implementation and continuation for Cerner. She Lewis County has been set for to the public. During the event Parkof onAugust has takenLewis theCounty brunt the staff and providers’ frustrations Lewis County Blueprint residents can learn more about 6 from 6-9 p.m. Community has another public the Blueprint Communities but has provided This year’shelp event is24/7. hosted Tara takes her position to heart event for this evening from 6 Program and how it can assist County Firstjob. with Tara is available for staff and and doesbyanLewis amazing to 9 p.m. at the Lewis County with community revitalization.
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17 27 88 89 94 101
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Buckhannon, WV August 2nd & 3rd 8:00 am - 4:00 pm RAIN OR SHINE!!
98 42 70 11 29 43
SPONSORS: The Record Delta (304) 472-2800
Visit on the Web: www.VisitBuckhannon.org
PLACES TO SHOP: * Chamber & Visitors Center #17 Old Rustic Antiques #32 Clayton Homes #44 Strawberry Essence Florist & Fruit Creation #99 Modern Hair Designs #117 Buckhannon Antique Mall PLACES TO EAT: #129 Sam’s Pizza
right in alley. Plus size clothing.. tools..kids clothes.. electronics 8 - 31 Central Ave. Coming South on 20, turn left onto E Lincoln St, then turn right into Smithfield St. Central Ave will be the second street on your left. The house is on the right. Women’s Clothes, Men’s Clothes, Home Goods, Outdoor Items, Furniture 9 - 220 Camden Ave Coming From Buckhannon Go North On 20 Till Come To Hardees At Stop Light.here Make A Left Turn Onto Ohio Streetgo Up 2 Streets To Ca Mden Ave.make A Right Here.second Houseon Right.has A God Bless America Sign In Yard.coming From Southern End Of County Take 20 South To Light At Hardees. make A Right Turn Here.go Up 2 Streets To Camden Ave.here You Make A Right Turn Onto Camden.we Are Second House On Left. Has A God Bless America Sign In Front Yard.W.v. Hand Bloown Glass,Fenton,Boyds Bears,Precious Moments,And Mixture Of Other Items. 10 - 178 Randolph st Street off of Camden first trailer in trailer lot. Porch swing, DeWalt tools,shower doors, furniture, electronics and much much more 11 - 105 W Lincoln St Turn at Episcopal Church onto W Lincoln St, go .5 miles House has half circle drive. Kids clothes, plus size clothes, household items, baby gear, toys. 12 - 14 Pinnell St Kanawha St to Franklin or West Lincoln St to Pinnell St. Various items 13 - 79 Smithfield St. Green house on corner of Smithfield and Hart. Will be in backyard inside white fence. Girls and boys baby clothing, baby items, men’s size M clothing, women’s size s-l clothing, home
12 56
Upshur County Convention & Visitors Bureau (304) 473-1400
1 - 22 Shawnee drive - Road between dollar general and mattress store, house on left garage/driveway sits on side. Boys/girls clothes, toys, puzzles, books, misc home 2 - 2971 Frenchton Rd, French Creek Take Rt 20 S then first right after Kay’s Diner onto Frenchton Rd. Go 3 miles, house is on corner of Frenchton and Centerville Rd. Nightstands, wall hangings, nicknacks, kitchen accessories, hospital bed 3 - 393 Upper Childers Run Road Buckhannon, WV . Follow Rt. 33 East from Buckhannon, turn left onto Upper Childers Run, come to bottom of the hill. Driveway is between two concrete pillars. House is on right. The garage sale is behind the house. Nice Boys 4T/5T clothing and shoes, Womens Plus Size Clothing -- Torrid, Lularoe, Maurices, etc., Microwave, and More! 4 - 5 Myrna Street. Near city park. See signs. Men size large dress shirts. Boys 10-14 name brand clothes and tennis shoes. Womens scrubs medium and large. Wooden doors with glass inserts. Much much more. 5 - 1088 Hickory Flat Rd Buckhannon W.Va26201. Rd 20 turn at Middle school come past fast stop on tallmansville rd turn on to Hickory Flat Rd go 1 mile on right to a tan double wide with brown porches on front and back. Dishes cloths and all kinds of stuff 6 - 107 Hunter Drive Old Rt 33 E (Route 151) 1/2 mile from Woodys Bowling Alley, turn right onto Hunter Dr. - (Maple Heights Development). Directly across from Childers Run Crossing Home furnishings, Home Interior pictures, bedding, woman’s brand name clothing (sizes S, 4-6, & M, 1012) Men’s clothes 7 - 21 Sedgwick Street - Turn off Sedgwick onto Latham street then immediate
77 55 46 38
goods, books, and more. 14 - Friendly Way Buckhannon WV 26201 Side street between post office and Goodwill. Off of Kanawha St and S Spring St handmade crafts, home decor, tools, kids items & clothing 15 - 569 Gormley Road East on Corridor H from Buckhannon toward Elkins Highway marker 20.5 Gormley RD go 6 tenth of a mile on left two red gates signs will be there. Chain saws, Lawn mowers, Iron Skillets, Camping, Lot of stuff 16 - 14406 Route 20 South Road, Rock Cave WV 26234 Route 20 South, approximately 1.5 miles pass the Rock Cave IGA. Yard Sale is on the right. Shoes, Set of China, Clothing, Barlow, Pocket Knives, Books 17 - 6431 Clarksburg Road, Buckhannon WV . 6.4 miles North of Buckhannon on Rt 20. At the Intersection of Rt.20 and Rt. 119. Antiques 18 - 143 Pear Tree Lane 12 miles out Tallmansville Rd. @ Queens. Pressure Washer, Nail Gun, Dishes, Home Interior, Christmas decorations 19 - 2788 Abbott Rd Rat 20 S. To Adrian turn Right at bottom of Adrian hill onto Abbott Rd. Go approximately 2 1/2miles on right. Christmas decorations,Toys,Knick knacks, clothes and tools 20 - 121 Randolph street Come down Marion street towards the bridge , turn left onto Randolph street 6th house left right across from the old church Clothes various sizes , books , antiques, tools , glassware and lots more 21 - 883 vicksburg road Down marion street cross the bridge at the end turn left 3house (grey) on the right . House hold items toys kids and adult clothing
44 14
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9 69 SOUTH
37 40 41 57 58 63 99 2 5 16 18 45 48 49 68 72 73 1 19 22 24 34 36 80 83 85 87 90 96 1 22 - 46 Norvell Drive 1st right aft e bridge on tallmansville rd Dishes, Chester drawers, small appliances, books, Christmas tree 23 - 11 Elizabeth Street, Buckhannon, Turn off 20 South by Chapel Hill United Methodist Church and Elizabeth Street is a right at second stop sign. Coming from S Flordia St, turn onto Hart Ave, Elizabeth Street is first stop sign. Whitewater and Recreational river gear, fishing equipment, miscellaneous houseware, Magic cards and games 24 - 300 Stony Run Rd. Rt. 20 south to Stony Run Rd. 2nd house on left. Just past Evergreen Estates.Antiques, household items, tools, clothing all sizes. Christmas decor. 25 - 186 Pocahontas St, Buckhannon WV 26201 From Route 20 turn onto Taylor Street. At the first stop sign turn left onto Pocahontas Street. Second house on the right. Baby clothes, primitives, household goods 26 - 88 S. Kanawha St The yard sale will be held in the lower parking lot off of Hart St, as well as in the church basement. Chapel Hill is located at the top of Kanawha Hill across from Poling-St.Clair Funeral Home and multiple fraternity houses. This is a multi-person yard sale where we're "renting" spaces to people wanting to have a yard sale. We will also be selling hot dogs and our famous sugar cookies. 27 - 1001 Philippi Rd. Take Rt. 20N from Buckhannon toward Clarksburg, turn right on Rt. 119 5th house on left about 1 mile old wooden sleigh, sliver tea set, old glass bottles, antique dishess, a lot of cake decorating tips 28 - 105 Island Ave Buckhannon Wv 26201 From courthouse go down Main Street
and turn left at city hall go about a 1/2 a mile to a mile yard sale on the left at Saffles Goodies 6 family yard sale Kids clothes pampered chef thirty one color street nails house hold items and toys 29 - 98 West Lincoln Street Turn on West Lincoln by Episcopal Church, drive 1/2 mile, house is red brick ranch on left side. Designer handbags, garden perennials and spring bulbs, linens, scrapbooking and cardmaking supplies, tools 30 - 1577 Old Weston Road Upshur Veterinary Hospital parking lot. Boys clothes, household, antiques 31 - 3727 Old Weston Rd Buckhannon WV 26201 "From Buckhannon- Take 33 toward Weston for about 6miles till you see BKN Mt Road make a right then another immediate right and it’s the 3 house on the right. From Weston- Take 33 toward Buckhannon for about 8.5 miles as soon you top the mountain you will see a sign for BKN Mt Road make a Left then an immediate right then it’s the 3 house on the right. Baby Boy Clothes,Toys, and Swings, Adult Woman’s Clothes M-3XL, HouseHold Objects 32 - Off Route 33- once you get off the Interstate (exit 99) travel on Route 33 toward Buckhannon for 7 miles, we sit on the right side of the road. Doors, Panels, Trim, Cabinet Supplies 33 - 12 green street Turn between speedway and autozone Clothes, household, toys, make up crafts 34 - 199 Overlook Drive, Buckhannon, WV 26201 From Rt. 20 South Buckhannon, turn right onto Stony Run road, turn right into Evergreen Estates, turn right onto Overlook Drive, last house. Pfaltzgraff dishes, AE
Jeans, Tools, Portable Generator, TV Stand 35 - 34 Skyline Drive Approximately 2 miles from Buckhannon on Old Weston Road. Exercise Equipment, Brush Hog, Samsung Refrigerator, Sectional Sofa, Wood Burner 36 - 25 MCKENZIE DR Rt 20 South past High School and the old General Store in Hinkleville. Left on McCartney Road then 1st left on McKenzie Dr. 1st house on the left. Christmas Items, Womens XL clothes, Old glass ware, Knickknacks, Beenie Babies. 37 - 45 Elnora Circle Buckhannon, WV 26201. Across from Alfredos / behind cluttertomblyn funeral home. 3 recliners, brand name clothing, kids clothing, household decor, vinyl fencing & tools. 38 - 962 Shawnee Drive buckhannon WV. Rt 20, turn right at Dollar Genera Store onto Shawnee Drive. Approximately 1.2 miles Household items, toys, handmade/ primitive crafts, name brand clothes and shoes 39 - 3 Third Street. Go down Cleveland Ave and turn on third Street Clothes, vcr tapes, Avon, cd players and purses 40 - 110 High School ave Across from Upshur library Masson Jars,qt&pints. sold by the dozens.Arts and Crafts. 41- 1367 Route 20 South Road, Buckhannon, Wv 26201 Tennerton - Route 20 South, near Stoney Run Road, Garage on left side of Route 20. Lawn furniture, Trailer, Car, Boat, household furniture, new military clothing & gear 42- 4 East View Terrace Route 20 South, turn right onto West Lincoln Street. Travel 5 blocks turning right onto East View Terrace, House on left. Christmas decorations, furniture, antique ham radio,
3 15 61 78 79 92
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121 126 136 household items & decorations, collectible avon dispensers 43- 71 Boggess Street "Near the end of Boggess Street on the right.Farmhouse and primitive decor, golf clubs, women/men/boys clothing, furniture and Bath & Body. 44 - 34 east main street buckhannon wv 26201. 34 East main street downtown buckhannon next to Chase bank. Vases, baskets, knickknacks, gifts, silks, quilting items 45 - 2611 Stony Run Rd 33 to Brushy Fork turn left on Stoney Run. 3rd house on the right.Bunk beds, antique glass, size 52 men's clothes, kitchen essentials 46 - 276 Rohr Avenue Turn onto Shawnee Drive, follow until come to Rohr Avenue on the right, second house on the right. Clothing, Home Decor, Holiday, Tools 47 - 239 Phillips dairy rd buckhannon WV 26201 5th house I’m left Matilda Jane, pink, AE , baby boy , Justice 48 - 92 Fairlawn Dr Country Club Estates. Name Brand clothing girls to adults, 49 - 1198 Frenchton Road, French Creek, WV From Upshur County Courthouse - 11.4 miles on Route 20 South, turn right on Frenchton Road, 1.2 miles house is on the right. Baby girl clothes 18 months - 2T; toys and baby items; household items; home decor; men & women's clothing 50 - 144 Hunter Dr Buckhannon WV 26201 33 E toward Elkins, turn right at Childers Run Crossing. See signs small rd by Lennox store. Sign Hunter Dr, just go straight. Can't miss signs. Tools, electronic equipment, garden benches, vintage furniture, household items. 51 - 100 Westview Acres Road Turn at stop light beside Jenkins Ford and the Toyota car dealerships onto Brushy Fork Rd. Go 1
mile turn left into Westview Acres development. 6th house on right. Tools, housewares, men’s and women’s clothing, antiques, glassware. 52 - 588 W Victoria St Off Rt 20 turn beside Smoker Friendly onto W Victoria St. Keep going about 3/4 mile, house on Left in sharp right turn. Tab brick and siding with blue roof. Teen girls, ladies and big men’s clothing; shoes, kitchenware and household items. 53 - 54 Smithfield Street and 172 South Kanawha Street. Just off of Kanawha Street bear Crites Electric and Right past McDonalds on left. Purses, household items , rugs, lamps, fire screens ,Barbies still in boxes. 54 - 2 Taylor st. Between Kanawha st and Camden avenue Child’s playhouse , swing set, table and chairs, twin bed frame , misc items 55 - 370 rohr ave Buckhannon wv 26201. Turn by the dollar general onto Shawnee’s dr, go .7 miles, turn right on rohr and it’s the 7th house on the right. Harley Davidson gear including helmets, self propelled Husky mower, children & baby items, luggage, fans 56 - 17 henry street North Locust Street turn on West Lincoln street 2 blocks then Right on Henry Street.( 17 Henry street,3 blocks behind the Speedway store).. Antiques,Collectables,Huge Estate,Depression Glass,Retro Items 57 - 166 Foxmill Dr, Buckhannon, WV 26201 Turn left at light by middle school onto Tallmansville Rd. Turn left onto Country Club Rd. Left onto Foxmill Rd, just pass Country Club Estates (if you pass Stanley Steemer you've gone too far). 3rd house on the right with a wooden fence.
"Household items- Wall Decor, Furniture, Kitchen items, etc. Children's Toys and (Young Boy) Clothing Love, Destiny-Small Business Earrings, Decals, T-Shirts, etc. Books Women and Men's Clothing" 58 - 737 grassy run rd buckhannon wv 6 6/10 mile from buckhannon upshur middle school on the Tallmansville rd it's the 3rd roadon the right past Washington district school we are 6/10 mile on the grassy run rd. White House with green shutters Home made lawn furniture. Many oil lamps, rototiller children and adult clothing. Rooster decorations. 59 - 160 rhododendron lane with have signs out on Wood and Marion St. Electronics, cookware, sport equipment, and speakers. 60 - 46 Eagle Street Buckhannon From Brushy Fork Road, the first house on the right after turning onto Eagle Street. Light fixtures, furniture, housewares, home decor, and glassware 61 - 3525 old Elkins road At the intersection of 151 and Heavner Grove Road, Brown brick home. Household items, dorm items, clothing and lots more 62 - 1 Pinnell Street Beside Holy Rosary Catholic Church Toys, tools, clothes, odds and ends, swing set 63 - 1873 Frenchton Rd 1.8 mi. from Rt 20 on the Frenchton Rd. Home Interior, tools, hunting equipment, clothing 64 - 191 Vicksburg Road From Poe bridge turn left go about 1 mile to Triple K Kustomz off road shop the yard sale is there in the parking lot, it is on the right hand side! Primitives, clothes, auto items, name brand items, household items! 65 - 221 Serviceberry Lane, Buckhan-
non, W.V. 26201 Take the Old Weston Road until you come to the Mountaineer Mart. Take the entrance past the Moutineer Mart. You will see the mailboxes on your left go straight up the hill. When you get to the top of the hill go straight on to the gravel driveway. Third trailer on your left at the end of the gravel drive. Baby girl clothes 0 to 4 toddler, dishes, glass ware, furniture, collectibles, etc. 66 - 42 fifth street Third stop sign on Main Street turn left cross bridge turn left go to end turn right go straight to end of street turn right it’s the last house. Too many to list 67 - 17 Vicksburg Road Buckhannon Wv 26201 Turn onto the Vicksburg at the Bowling alley. Christmas items, Clothes. Linens, electronics, household decorations 68 - 11599 Route 20 South, Rock Cave WV 26234 Head South from Buckhannon on Rt 20 approximately 12 mikes. You will pass the WV Wildlife Center on your left continue about 1 mile, Pass the Kanawha Run Road on the left. Then it is at the Old Linger Chair Factory which is a green wooden building on the left. If you come to the Rock Cave School you have gone too far. Old Linger Chair Factory equipment and supplies, Sporting Goods and hunting supplies, Household items, tools and antiques, clothing and much much more 69 - 224 Camden Ave Across Dollar General behind Skateland Narcar items, mens and women cloth, boys cloths, furniture, and video games 70 - 1 Christopher Lane Buckhannon WV 26201 go out towards Lincoln Heights. Big yellow house on the hill. Clothing, household items 71 - 9 Franklin street 9 franklin street behind taco bell HOT DOGS Jewelry old
tools glassware military items 72 - Upshur County Middle School Buckhannon Upshur Middle School Multi family yard sale, all proceeds to benefit MGA gymnasts! 73 - 448 Fairlawn Drive RT 20 to Tallmansville Road, Turn left on Country Club Road, Turn Left into Country Club Estates, Last house on the right. Clothes, electronics, shoes, golf, home decor 74 - 20 Cleveland Ave Buckhannon From island Ave. North on Florida St right at bridge and follow Cleveland Ave to #20 "Household items Furniture Glassware Children's toys" 75 - Old Weston Rd Across from State Equipment Inc on Old Weston Rd (approx 1 mile from Main St. On left) Nice clothing, housewares, Boyds Bears, MULTI-family, lots of misc. Items!! 76 - 601 Buckhannon Mountain Rd From Rt 33 from the REACT ball 13th house on the left. Living room chairs, loving family doll house, boys & girls clothes, keurig coffee pot, & Armoire. 77- 444 Rohr Ave Buckhannon Rt 20 in Buckhannon to Shawnee drive (below Hardee's, between Dollar General and Mattress warehouse). Stay on Shawnee drive past Rohr ave (on the left). Stay to the left at the next intersection (still Shawnee). Rohr ave intersects Shawnee just past this turn. Turn right onto Rohr. Third house from the end on the right. Tan Ranch style house with dark red shutters and door. Name brand pursesMK, Coach and D&B, household items, little girls clothes sizes 5-6 and-shoes size 11, women’s clothes size M-L and plus size, LuLaRoe clothes. 78 - 2446 Kesling Mill Road 2.5 miles out Kesling Mill Road Dishes and glassware, canning jars, men’s and women’s clothes, hunting clothes, jewelry 79 - 207 Childers Run Road 33 West from Buckhannon, turn onto Childers run then turn left towards Zick's Restaurant Toys, furniture, clothes, pictures and household items 80 - 193 Morrison Street Follow route 20 S to the Tennerton Library turn left right past the storage units across from the library. When the road forks follow the right fork and immediately turn left house is on the left hand side day bed, mens clothes, womens clothes, couch, and love seat. 81 - 112 Fayette Street From the court house drive east on Main Street. At the third stop sign turn right onto Florida Street. After the second stop sign on Florida Street, turn right onto the third street on the right. We are near the end of the block on the left. Household collectibles, yard & garden items, tools, toys, and games 82 - 136 Logans Lane Buckhannon WV 26201 Coming from Weston take a left at the first red light by the car dealerships. Take a Right at the stop sign, about 500 feet to 1000 feet there will be a small turn in going across the railroad tracks on the right. I am the blue house with the chain link fence around it in that loop of houses. Queen size mattress, Kodak printer, otter boxes 83 - 146 Springbrook Lane (Country Club Estates) Take Rt 20 South to Tennerton. At the light at B-U Middle School, turn onto Tallmansville Road. About one half mile turn left onto Country Club Road. Take the first left onto Fairlawn Lane (Country Club Estates), then right onto Glenwood Way. Turn right onto Springbrook Lane - white two story house with black shutters on the corner. Two family moving sale - clothes & shoes (women's & junior's), kitchenware, bedding/ drapery, tools & lots more. 84 - 16 meade street down main street turn left at jawbone park crafts, antiques, Christmas decorations, womens clothes, furniture 85 - 45 Hazelwood Drive French Creek 1/2 mile on Frenchton Road Area rugs, braided rugs, craftsman low profile 4 ton floor jack, primitives, craftsman bench grinder,household items 86 - 16 Reger Ave South on Rt. 20, Right at Red Light between Papa Johns and Go Mart, 2nd House on Left Bedding, House Hold Items, Bicycles / Parts, Clothing, Jeep Wrangler Parts / Accessories, and a whole lot more!!! 87 - 188 Crescent Ave Opposite end of street from Tennerton Grade School, right past Cornerstone Assembly of God church, take the driveway by mailboxes to the top of hill. Look for signs. Womens, men’s, children’s clothes, housewares, decor, books, toys, craft items and more! 88 - 2671 Clarksburg rd Take Rt 20 N we are on the left side of the road right before the antique store long building with gold roof. Household items, music equipment, 89 - 10087 Clarksburg Rd. south of Peeltree on Rt. 20 tools, furniture, household goods, glass,trailer 90 - 20 Fieldstone Dr, Buckhannon From town turn left at the stop sign onto Little Sand Run. Follow little sand run 2.1 miles to Fieldstone Dr. on the left. Sale held at the first house on the right. Baby Swing, books, toys, decorations, kitchenware 91 - 14 Kepner Street Route 20 South, turn right onto Boggess Street, then left onto Gum Street. Turn right onto Kepner and the Yard Sale is on the right. Furniture, Clothes, Oak Kitchen Table & Benches, Truck Tool Box, Kerosene Heater 92 - 35 Wonderview Lane From Main Street, cross the bridge onto Island Avenue / Old Route 151. Continue on Rt 151 then Turn left onto Wonderview Lane (1st left past Highland Nursery). Small bench grinder, DVD Player, Dishes and Kitchen items, Portable singer sewing machine, george foreman 93 - 479 Phillips Dairy Road "Poe Bridge/Morgan Addition Area/Ralph Furniture Store. After store look for Rt 16/2 Phillips Dairy Road. Go approx .4 mile, see Church on hill, driveway where rail fence located with sign saying 479 Childs Playyard with Mattress, Black/Decker Grass Trimmer/ Edger, Pool/Hockey Fooseball Game Table, Anderson Wooden Window Sashes, Household - Children Items 94 - 2524 Hackers Creek Road 2.5 miles on Hackers Creek Road from Hodgesville.House on right. Baby boy clothes,tools,household items, antiques. 95 - 141 Vicksburg Rd Buckhannon WV 141 Vicksburg Rd Yellow house down from bowling alley on left beside Krazy Custom Garage Household items, clothing, water cooler, Wii with accessories 96 - 91 Paradise Rd, Buckhannon Travel Rt 20 S out of Buckhannon, in Hinkleville turn left on McCartney Rd. Appx 1/2 mile find Paradise Rd on the right. First home on the left, red brick. Antiques, Quilts, Crocks, Books, Clothing 97 - 105 Armory Road Turn on Armory Road in Tennerton by old armory, go 1/10th of mile and sale will be on the right. Antiques, Glassware, Coins, Bottles/Jars and Clothes 98 - 21 Lincoln Way Take West Lincoln all the way to the back. West Lincoln becomes Lincoln Way. Wicker settee, ladies Chico’s clothing, vintage Chenille bedspreads, tanning bed, Dansko shoes. 99 - 9 Norvell Drive Modern Hair Designs Tallmansville Road Turn on Tallmansville Road by Middle School and it’s 1/4 mike in right as soon as you cross the bridge Antiques, Furniture, Name Brand Clothes, Toys, Housewares 100 - 216 Camden Ave Rt 20 S to Ohio St. (turn by Hardee’s) Up 2 blocks to Camden Ave. 216 Camden on corner of Ohio & Camden Plus size clothing, boys clothing, housewares, shoes, books 101 - 61 Clarksburg Rd., Buckhannon, WV 26201 The New Life Tabernacle Church parking lot on the left past Lowes A big variety of everything! 102 - 103 West Lincoln Street First house on the corner of West Lincoln Street and Lincoln Heights Drive Girls and ladies clothing, Vera Bradley purses, household items, household decor 103 - Tallmansville Road Turn at Buckhannon Upshur Middle School onto Tallmansville Road. Yard Sale is on the right (past the church and the trailer) in the white building that is across from the Bus Garage. If you go to the bridge you have gone too far. Furniture, household items, glassware, dishes, antiques, jewerly 104 - 18 South Locust Street Behind Court house beside Old jail fence Name brand new Shoes, stand up mirror, clothes 105 - 46 Saratoga Dr Old Elkins Road turn left at Micrologic in Anderegg Addition, red brick house with a blacktop driveway leads to a 3 car garage yard sale will be in the garage Adult clothes, dvd’s, furniture, children toys, household items 106 - 8540 old elkins rd Buckhannon wv On route 151 between buckhannon & elkins. Get off 33 at keshling mill and go toward elkins OR get off at Norton and go toward Buckhannon!!! Boy toys, 2T and under, nik bakes, signs, decals, queen mattress/box spring, large yard sale, cheap and
reasonable prices 107 - 291 Circle Drive Country Club Estates Baby items, baby clothes, maternity clothes, kitchen items, toys 108 - 125 Hidden Hills Lane, Buckhannon 1/4 mile on Brushy Fork, turn right onto Hidden Hills Lane Dishes, Collectibles, Clothing, Furniture, Longerberger, Tools 109 - corner of Tucker St and Richie go past McDonalds through light and turn left on tucker we are at the next intersection We are from Ohio and have tools dishes and old antiques items we have collected from our scrap business this year!!! 110 - 392 W. Victoria Street Turn right at Smoker Friendly off Rt. 20 South Women's outfits large - X large some new , some older glassware, WV glass, ladies shoes size 9-10, household items 111 - 134 Fayette St. "Take the Y after McDonalds down Marion St. From Marion St. turn left on Fayette St. towards the college. We are the 3rd house on the right, the brick house with yellow trimmed front. The sale is behind our house under the carport, next to the alleyway. Just walk down driveway to backyard entrance and you will see our sale. We will be open rain or shine. (You can also go down the alley to our sale.) Upholstered chairs, furniture, several antique items, a set of skis & poles, size 8, 10 and large size women's clothing & men's clothing, glassware, books, electronics and lots more unique items at very low prices. 112 - 171 Vicksburg Rd Make a left at Vicksburg Rd (beside bowling alley), go approximately 0.1 mile and turn left at garage. Follow gravel road through gates. You have arrived. Homemade candles, antique glassware, tools, toys, and more! 113- 285 McCartney Rd Buckhannon WV 26201 Turn left on McCartney road. Then turn right at the Y. Then it’s the first house on the left with white pillars China cabinet, cherry bookcase, dresser, chest of drawers, queen size bed 114 - 5148 Clarksburg Road Rt. 20 - 5 miles from Buckhannon on the right - full 3 door garage. Located just past Hodgesville Mini Mart Women's clothes size S-2X, Cannon jars, Power table saw, Wood spliter, big & littleToddler toys 115 - 2494 Seng Run Road, French Creek From the Game Farm, turn left onto Alexander Road. Go 2 miles. Turn left onto Natural Bridge Road. Go 1 mile. Turn right onto Seng Run Road. Go a 1/2 mile. Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, Building Materials and Household Goods 116 - 26 Meade Street Travel east on Main Street and turn right onto South Florida Street. Travel to the United Methodist Church and turn left onto Latham Street and Meade Street. 1 Minolta Camera 35 mil., Books, CDs, Fabric, Quiltbooks, Frames, Household dishes, etc... 117 - 2743 Clarksburg Road Take Route 20 North from Buckhannon 3 Miles. Yard Sale located in front of Buckhannon Antique Mall Primitives, Antiques, Old Bottles & Jars, Crocks, Tokens 118 - 2743 Clarksburg Road, Buckhannon From Courthouse, go 3 Miles on Route 20 North. Yardsale will be on your left. License Plates, Tools, Old Books, Salt & Pepper Shakers, Cartoon Glasses 119 - 81 South Florida Street Go to last stop sign on Main Street and turn right onto Florida Street. Go 6 blocks to 81 South Florida Street on the left. 2 Story yellow house Old chains, Lady's clothing, Books, Window Air Conditioner, Lots of household Items 120 - 32 Vicksburg Road Old Route 33 East (151) to Bowling Alley, Right on Vicksburg - 300 yards, to driveway on right. Just past the Old Woody Lumber Building. Tools, Bed, Clothes, Furniture, Lighting 121- 7 Briarwood Drive Follow Route 20 to Tennerton, turn onto Stony Run Road / Airport Road. Go past Stoney Run Storage, Stoney Run Apartments & Stoney Run Townhouses to Evergreen Estates. Turn into Evergreen Estates, follow sign to 9th house on left. Beige house with white railings on front porch. High chair, 9' Christmas Tree, 2 small space heaters (electric), Assortment of Christmas Houses 122 - 3235 Old Elkins Road Buckhannon At Waugh's Meat Shop approx. 2 mi.from Bowling Alley on OLD Rt 33E which is now Rt 151E Longaberger Baskets, Handmade Bird Houses, Washing Machine, Cedar Chest, Some Men's "Stuff" and lots more!! 123 - 2804 Mt. Nebo Road Take route 33 east to Mt. Nebo Road, turn left onto Mt. Nebo, travel approximately 1 mile to stop sign. Turn right at stop sign and travel about 1.8 miles to 2804 Mt. Nebo Road... Lularoe, new and gently used...a few pieces of retro kitchen decor...furniture...jewelry...ladies clothing sizes 12-14/L-XL... 124 - 7 Green Street Second house on the right coming from Route 20, to Green Street. House is gray with a three stall garage. Clothing, crafts, household items, glassware, tools and much more 125 - 35 Hart Ave 2 family garage sale, rain or shine! 2 sectionals, kitchen ware, appliances, night stands, and name brand clothing. 126 - 448 Sago Road Buckhannon WV 1/4 mile out Sago road. Third road on right. Clothes, crafts, kitchen supplies, antiques 127 - 26 Central Ave From City Hall on Main Street turn onto S. Florida Street. Come 3 blocks, turn right on to Central Ave. 26 is 4th house on right. (5 families) home decor, books, a few antiques, Christmas decor, some clothing 128 - 153 Fayette Street, Buckhannon Veer left onto Marion Street. Then turn right onto Fayette Street. Large collection of Hess Toy Trucks (New in Box) and Fender guitar and Accessories ($450 firm) 129 - 9 Southfork Plaza drive Route 20 South, in Tennerton Pizza, Subs, Salad, Lunch Buffet 130 - 65 South Kanawha Street Route 20 South, turn right onto West Lincoln Street. Yard Sale is at the Episcopal Church. Fundraiser for PEO. Household items. Collectibles. Women's accessories. Toys. Hallmark Items. 131 - 171 Vicksburg Rd, Buckhannon WV From Corridor H, turn onto Childers Run Crossing, right onto Rt 151, at bowling alley turn left on Vicksburg Rd, watch for sign on left, sale in back lot Tools, housewares, glassware, children's clothing, kimball organ 132 - 1298 spruce for rd. Take brushy fork Rd to spruce fork Rd and make a right. We are 1.2 miles down and will have signs. Multi family many sizes of clothes, antiques / collectables,household and much more. 133 - 54 Westphelia Way On Old Elkins Rd turn onto Westphelia Way, first house on right. Behind Micrologic Microwave stand, trolls bedroom/bathroom set, dry sink, clothing, shoes 134 - 376 Sandy Ave Buckhannon WV Old Elkins Rd. Turn at Micrologic on Westphilla Way, round the curve towards Saratoga Dr. up the hill to Sandy Ave. 5th house on the right. Clothing, Seasonal Decorations, Household Items, 2 wooden gliders and misc. Items. 135 - 21 Mt Lebanon Road First home on the left, at the bottom on the hill. Standlamp, Clothing (teen, adult, XL), Pots and Pans, Knick-Knacks, Antique dishes 136 - 380 S. Tenney Drive, Bkn., WV From Tallmansville Rd. - Take Hickory Flat Rd. to Hickory Flat Addition, Veer left at the top of the hill, Last house on the left before the cul-de-sac 3 Family Once a Year Yard Sale - clothing, household items, new fire pit, books, etc. 137 - 11 Pinnell St, Buckhannon WV Turn on West Lincoln St or Franklin St to Pinnell St. 11 Pinnell is about center of the street. Tall table with 4 bar stool chairs. Reclining love seat. Fiesta Ware. Push Lawn mower with Honda engine. Small primitive stand 138 - 2669 Brushy Fork Road Buckhannon, WV 26201 Follow Brushy Fork Road past Stoney Run Road (or turn left on Brushy Fork Rd if coming from Stoney Run Rd). House is on left, just before the turn for Stone Coal Lake. Signs will be posted along the road and at bottom of driveway. Kids items (& video games), household items, collectibles, holiday items, clothes and furniture 139 - 117 Fayette Street Kanawha Street to McDonalds, Left on Marion after the stop light. Turn left on Fayette Street. One Block, then left on corner of Ritchie & Fayette Furniture, Plus Size Clothes, Glassware including Fenton, Depression, Knick-Knacks, Copper Apple butter kettle 140 - 673 Vicksburg Road Route 20 South take Marion Street South to Vicksburg Road. Turn left at end of bridge. Go approximately 1/4 mile to Gray House on right. Buffet, Metal top table, moosier kitchen cabinet, doors 141 - 20 Wabash Avenue
19 43
LEWIS COUNTY YARD SALES 45 28 30 32 Jane Lew
Use Old Mill Rd.
5 6 13 20 21 35 37 39 40
1 4 11 22 38
Lewis County August 2nd & 3rd 8:00 am - 4:00 pm RAIN OR SHINE!!
Use US HWY 19
SPONSORS: The Record Delta Lewis County CVB
Use written directions for yard sales located off the map.
31 3 10 42
41 2
33 14 25 15 26 24 27
Use Murphy Creek Rd.
1 - 25 LOUISE STREET - "Rt. 19 N. Of Weston Turn at Weston Livestock Sign Across lot from J. E. Hitt Garage" Rocking Chairs - Amish Decorative Wagons Primitive Items - Barn Stars - WV & Princess House Glassware. 2- 345 CENTER AVENUE - Rt. 33 West... Stop at GoMart...turn Right...Next to Weston Volunteer Fire Dept. ..in the Historic Weston Colored School. "Antiques and Collectibles, Military Surplus, New and ""Gently loved"" items, Household. *This sale is a MUSEUM FUNDRAISER!" 3 - 50 S. RIVER AVE. - Follow 33 into Weston after crossing the bridge on 2nd ave. Turn left in front of the Asylum and enter through the main gate. Park in parking spaces not on grass. ;) Furniture, clothes, crafts, kids toys, glassware 4 - 658 MCWHORTER RD JANE LEW, WV 26378 - Go through Jane Lew when you come to the Y go towards Lost Creek, I am the second Doublewide on the right with red carport, possibly a fourth of a mile. Keurig coffee pot, Pampered chef casserole baking dish with lid, straight shaft weedeater, women’s clothing and accessories , home decor. 5 - 63 WOOD ST. JANE LEW, WV Located in Westfield loop. Antiques, Harley Davidson Stuff, Tools, Baby stuff, and LOTS LOTS MORE 6 - 130 WESTFIELD RD, JANE LEW - 1 mile past Jackson's Mill pool towards Jane Lew Bicycles, quilting fabric, small apliances, household items, children's clothing 7 - 360 MID AVENUE (behind house in garage) Turn right at City police building (across from Tala- Old State Hospital) go on North River Ave until you see Hot Spot store on right- turn left - turn left in alley before the church...Tan garage with green roof. Toys, clothes, knick-knacks, electric lawn mower and variety 8- 2060 SKIN CREEK ROAD SITE 34 - 79 south to exit 96 turn left. Go 1.5 miles rurn right into Broken Wheel Campground. At the store turn right we are the 3rd to last campsite on the right. Nutcrackers, Modem, art and pictures, household goods
8 9 12 and some tools 9 - 2866 OLD RT 33 HORNER, WV 26372 - from Buckhannon turn right off of Rt 33 Horner Rd. or we are 3rd house from Meyers Carpet Tools, Christmas yard decorations, pots & pans, precious moments, table saw 10 - 131 EAST SECOND STREET WESTON WV - Right beside United Bank drive thru Huge coffee cup collection household items lots of this and that 11 - 43 GRANDVIEW DRIVE JACKSON’S MILL- "Jackson’s Mill near Corner Mart Valley Chapel Rd turn left 100 feet to Grandview Drive " Antique crocks, Antique baby cradle, bathroom sink and cabinet, F150 parts, household items 12 - 289 HOFFMAN AVE - Off of route 33 onto Circle Heights turn onto Harris drive and then onto Hoffman Ave follow signs. Sale inside house. Girls toys and clothing, household items, glassware, adult clothing and much more. 13 - 1245 MCWHORTER ROAD - Down mcwhorter road after the lazy j house beside overpass, grey house with burgundy shutters. "Fenton glass Household items, Clothes. Some toodler item Mis 14 - 310 SAULS RUN ROAD WESTON WV - From Weston take US 33 East and turn right onto Sauls Run Road. House is the first on the right after you cross the bridge. Boys clothing, toys, tools, gas grill, cricut die cutting machine 15 - 2001 OLD ROUTE 33 - Pass the white church, 2 mins down the road on the Left WVU Clothing (More Name Brand Clothing), Toys, Home Decor, CookingWare, New/Used Furniture 16 - 112 HANOVER ST WESTON WV "Coming into Weston from 33 E . At 4th Stop Light turn right onto N Main Av. At 4 way stop turn left. Cross bridge turn right onto N River Av. 2nd street on left past Christines Hot Spit." "4 Family Name brand clothes/ shoes, Household items, Books of all sorts, Wall decor, scentsy. 17 - 745 W. 2ND ST - Approximately 1 mile from town. Sale will be behind the house on Karl St. Toys, Games, Crafts,
Collectibles, Clothes, lots of miscellaneous! Multi-family 18 - 420 WEST 2ND STREET, WESTON, WV - At the former Basco Electronics DVDs & Video Games, Pot Belly Stove, Popcorn Machines, Filing Cabinets, Christmas tree 19 - 1580 US HIGHWAY 33 WEST - 4 miles on route 33 west of Weston, Lewis County. 5 families stuff, housewares, glassware and clothing from teens up 20 - 6617 MAIN STREET, JANE LEW, WV.- Main Street, Jane Lew, across from Jane Lew Junction. Primitives, organizers, tools, lawn chairs, couchions 21 - 316 GASTON MANOR ROAD - Route 19, Across from Church of Nazarene, turn up Gaston Manor road, 7th house on right. Boyd Bears, Household items, books, clothes (children and adult), toys 22 - MINERVA AVE. WESTON - Passed Shadybrook and Smith Village, first right on Minerva Ave. Dominion buidling is on right hand side and keep coming up road we are on left. Have signs out. clothes of all brands, baby girl clothes, mower, hosehold items, purses, etc. 23 - 431 HOMEWOOD ROAD - From US 19 South, take Homewood Road. Long cement driveway with brown trailer at the top of the hill. Clothes, electronics, jewelry, odds and ends 24 - 190 SUNSET DRIVE, WESTON Starting at Sheetz, 1 1/2 miles on 33 East towards Buckhannon, left onto Sunset Drive. Last house. Antique bed, soaker tub, Bow Flex, dog crates & Oak TV console. 25 - 16 SUNSET DRIVE - Rt 33 between Walmart and Horner, WV. "Vintage Red Tab Levi Jean Jacket, Vintage glassware, Collectible Christmas ornaments, and lots more! 26 - 1515 BUCKHANNON RUN ROAD Turn on Buckhannon Mountain Road , turn left, 3 miles on right. Dryer, kitchen table and 4 chairs, clothes, appliances, much more 27 - 1705 OLD ROUTE 33 WESTONbrink ranch style home beside Alleghany Veneer Log Yard, directly across from Grass Run Road. home appliances, clothing, kitchenware, dinnerware, childrens toys, home decor
28 - 94 DUTCH HOLLOW, WESTON Turn onto Dutch Hollow Road (beside of Lambert's Winery sign). Destination is the First house on Dutch Hollow Road. Yellow home with brick foundation. "Childrens Under Armour clothing 3t-8. Childrens Old Navy & Oshkosh. Womens MissMe & Buckle jeans. American Eagle & Hollister Carhart Overhauls 29 - TRI LAKES CONVENIENT STORE - Behind Tri Lakes Store Walkersville, WV. Weighted Blankets, Wedding Decorations, Household items, Antiques Dishes, Adults Clothing! 30 - 154 EDGEWOOD DRIVE - 33 West turn right before SJMH onto Edgewood 4th house on right. Dishes. Decorations. Books. Knickknacks. Miscellaneous items 31 - 613 1/2 PRATT AVE. - Cross the 4th Street bridge from Main Avenue, take a right, turn left on 6th, go one block, turn onto Pratt Avenue. Can't miss it. Clothes, shoes, home decor, kitchen items, and collectibles. 32 - 41 SUNNY SIDE DRIVE, WESTON, WV - Route 33 West, pass SJMH, turn left on Hickory Lane and follow signs. Holiday decorations(all seasons), glassware, household items, kitchen items, home decor 33 - 917 SUNSHINE ROAD WESTON WV - Follow Terrace Ave to 3 way stop before LCHS turn right Follow Middle Run Road approximately 2 miles Turn right beside School house onto Sunshine Road last house on the left (dead end) Truck tool boxes Flat open Trailer Furniture Misc Househokd items glassware 34 - 532 RAY ST WESTON - Butcher lane to ray st. Tvs -wi game -dvds-camping itemshousehold items 35 - 114 PARK AVE JANE LEW - Next to Jane Lew Park. Paparazzi, bedding, clothes, Avon, Tires 36 - 290 HOMEWOOD ROAD - If coming towards Lewis County High School from Weston (Center Ave, etc), veer left onto Homewood Road. Veer to the right of coming from Roanoke area. Come around turn, you will see a double wide, an old bar, and a wide spot. Past that you’ll see a white trailer on the hill on the left with two covered porches. (On the right if coming from Roanoke area)
Gravel driveway leads to trailer. Will be a multi-colored slide set in yard. Parking available on hill, or down by the road next to tree or in wide spot just before the driveway. Signs will be posted to help guide! Clothes, craft items, toys, movies, household items. 37 - 4243 OLD MILL ROAD, JANE LEW - To Jane Lew. Antique quilting frame, Toddler bed, Glassware, Health Care equipment, Antique Glass 38 - 96 REXROAD DRIVE WESTON Take a right towards Jacksons Mill at the 4th street bridge in Weston. Approximately 2 miles until you arrive in "Turnertown". After passing the "Turnertown" sign, Rexroad Drive is the next road to the left. Fourth house on the right. "Baby Crib and Changing Table, Lots of Cookware, Coffee table and end tables, Toddler Boy, Women and Men clothes, And MUCH MORE!" 39 - 196 2ND ST, JANE LEW, WV Behind Pat Boyle Funeral Home in Jane Lew WV Glassware, Baby Girl items, Desk, Dresser & some odd and ins 40 - 13 BIRCH LANE, JANE LEW WV - Turn on broad run in Jane Lew, take a left onto sycamore lick rd keep on road for 1 mile then turn left onto birch lane 2 driveway will have signs "Clothes, Household items, Crafts, Tools, Much more" 41 - 121 EAST 4TH STREET, WESTON - Route 33 East to downtown Weston. Go past Wendy's, KFC and Garton Plaza. Then go 3 lights, turn at 3rd light at Go-Mart. Go down 1 block, Fire Department willbe on left side. Turn left at Center Street onto East 4th Street. We are 2nd house on right side (short driveway). You can park across street in the Church parking lot. Book cases, Tools, Power Tools, Drawing Table, Painting Easle, Tool Box, Knick-Knacks 42 - 334 MAIN STREET WESTON, WV 26452 - Located between the Masonic Temple and former Pat Boyle Funeral Home. We recommend parking in the church parking lot directly to the right. Adult/Baby Clothes and shoes, electronics, furniture, bicycles, and collector baseball cards. 43 - 33 W . PRICETOWN FIRE DEPT 2 - 1/2 miles past Stonewall Jackson hospital in Weston. Paparazzi jewelry along with
Use Rt. 33
various household items. 44 - 25 STONE LAKE DRIVE ROANOKE WV 26447 "Exit 91. Take route 19 towards stonewall resort for approximately 7 miles. 3 mailboxes and driveway on the left. House sits on hill with “A frame” windows. If u make it to Georgetown road then you missed it. From route 33-take Georgetown road to the intersection with route 19. Make a right at intersection. Approximately 0.25 mile, house is on the right. 3 mailboxes and driveway on right. House sits on hill with “A frame” windows. " Clothing, furniture, lawn mowers, baby items/toys, ATV/Boat 45 - 840 W 2 ND STREET. WESTON WV - Follow Rt 33 West. Pass Mountaineer Mart then see large yellow brick historic house on right before Edgewood Drive and Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital. Longaberger Baskets & Pottery, misc glassware, bedding. 46 - 124 CATHERINE STREET Shadybrook. From Weston 4th Street bridge go 1 mile north on N. River Ave. Then left on Catherine St. Linens, Curtains, Quilt tops, Toys, Glassware 47 - 245 WEST FORTH ST- Route 33 west to Main Str turn right at next 4 way caution lite turn left cross bridge stay straight house on left Furniture, mirrors, clothing, Christmas bows, and misc items 48 - 836 GRASS RUN ROAD - Old Route 33. Antique Claw-foot lap table, Scroll bed with rails, old oil can, milk can, WWII books 49 - 5990 MAIN STREET JANE LEW, WV 26378- We are located directly across the street from Flying Dogs in Jane Lew. Craft supplies, kids/baby things, brand name junior, Missy, kid and plus size clothing 50 - 2332 GEE LICK RD. - Gee Lick Road will have sign at rt 33 half mile from Jackson mill fire department Small Furniture, ping pong table w/ paddles & 2 nets, kitchen items, tall floor model wooden jewelry storage/7 drawers and 2 side doors 4 nice bar stools, some small nic nacks candle holders