ountaineer www.Mountiewire.com
A First Amendment Newspaper of the Mt. San Antonio College Journalism Program
Wednesday,  June  5,  2013
Walnut, Â Calif.
Volume  79  Issue  8
These students got better skills
Flying team soars high at nationals
Jose  De  Castro 7OV[V ,KP[VY (M[LY Ă&#x201E;UPZOPUN [OPYK PU [OL :HML[` HUK Flight  Evaluation  Conference  (SAFECON)  H[ :HSPUHZ (PYWVY[ [OL 4[ :(* Ă&#x2026;`PUN [LHT brought  home  the  American  Airlines  Safety  Trophy  at   Ohio  State  University  Airport  earlier  this  month. 0[ ^HZ [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ L]LY (TLYPJHU (PYSPULZ Safety  Award  for  the  college  in  the  competition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It  feels  great,â&#x20AC;?  said  Nelson  Contreras,  JVTTLYJPHS Ă&#x2026;PNO[ ¸>PUUPUN [OL ZHML[` trophy  means  so  much  to  me  and  to  my  team.â&#x20AC;&#x153; 'It  feels  great  because  knowing  that  the  team  you  are  a  part  of  thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  from  a  small  community  college  beat  some  top  schools  in  the  country,â&#x20AC;?  he  added. Out  of  the  29  schools  that  competed  in  the  National  Flying  Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  national  JVTWL[P[PVU 4[ :(* Ă&#x201E;UPZOLK [O ^P[O H score  of  65  points  and  second  among  twoyear  colleges.  The  team  placed  12th,  scoring  WVPU[Z PU [OL Ă&#x2026;PNO[ L]LU[Z â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m  extremely  proud  of  the  team,â&#x20AC;?  said  ,]LS`U 4HYX\La JVTTLYJPHS Ă&#x2026;PNO[ ¸6\Y captain,  Taylor  Ewing,  worked  really  hard  on  instilling  the  practice  of  safety  in  our  team. We  all  lived,  slept,  and  breathed  safety,  and Â
Desarae  Gomez :[HMM ^YP[LY
7KH 0W 6$& Ă \LQJ WHDP EURXJKW KRPH LWV Ă&#x20AC;UVW $PHULFDQ $LUOLQHV 6DIHW\ $ZDUG DW WKH 1DWLRQDO ,QWHUFROOHJLDWH )O\LQJ $VVRFLDWLRQŇ&#x2039;V FRPSHWLWLRQ it  showed.â&#x20AC;? In  the  individual  events,  the  Mounties  fared  well  against  the  rest  of  the  schools.  Taylor  Ewing  (pilot)  and  Samantha  Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien  VIZLY]LY WSHJLK Ă&#x201E;M[O PU [OL UH]PNH[PVU L]LU[ out  of  29  schools.  In  the  message  drop  event,  Evelyn  Marquez  (drop  master)  and  Josh  Spolar  (pilot)  scored  a  112  and  placed  11th  out  of  56  participants.  Spolar  placed  in  ninth  place  out  of  25  in  the  Instrument  Flight  Rules  simulated  Ă&#x2026;PNO[ L]LU[ ZJVYPUN H 6Âť)YPLU WSHJLK PU ZL]LU[O V\[ VM PU [OL JLY[PĂ&#x201E;LK Ă&#x2026;PNO[
7OV[V JV\Y[LZ` VM 4[ :(* (LYVUH\[PJZ instructor  event  scoring  144.  0U [OL HPYJYHM[ WYL Ă&#x2026;PNO[ PUZWLJ[PVU ,^PUN and  Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  Brien  placed  12th  and  21st,  scoring  33,  30  and  timed  in  14:49  and  14:31,  respectively.  Marquez  and  Ewing  placed  seventh  and  21st,  respectively,  in  the  top  scoring  rankings.  Lynette  Lopez  brought  home  the  outstanding  team  member  award  for  the  Ă&#x2026;`PUN [LHT â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  great  seeing  the  team  do  well  as  we  did,â&#x20AC;?  said  Josh  Owen  Spolar,  22,  commercial  Ă&#x2026;PNO[ ¸0[ NP]LZ TL HUK L]LY`VUL LSZL VU [OL team  the  initiative  to  do  better  next  year.â&#x20AC;?
Summer backpacking through Europe, beyond Kevin  Flores :[HMM ^YP[LY Summer  is  near,  but  planning  a  backpacking  adventure  through  Europe  is  not  completely  out  of  reach  and  may  prove  to  be  cheaper  than  one  thinks.  And  if  people  are  fortunate  enough  to  be  in  the  midst  of  planning  such  a  life-altering  odyssey  then  it  goes  without  saying  that  it  can  be  an  exhilarating  yet  overwhelming  and  onerous  process.  Depending  on  the  length  of  ones  stay,  there  may  be  many  things  to  tick  VMM [OH[ WYL Ă&#x2026;PNO[ JOLJRSPZ[ Assuming  people  have  HSYLHK` IVVRLK H Ă&#x2026;PNO[ [OPZ %DFNSDFNHUV WUDFNV WKURXJK (XURSH DQG guide  will  help  you  navigate  various destinations of interest. through  the  mĂŠlange  with  7OV[V JV\Y[LZ` VM 5PJR 1VULZ some  heed-worthy  advice. Â
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And  for  those  who  havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  yet  considered  a  get  away  this  summer,  then  perhaps  it  may  awaken  the  wanderlust  within.  Cost  is  usually  the  most  prohibitive  factor  in  planning  a  trip  across  the  pond.  While  the  current  exchange  rate  does  not  favor  Americans,  the  cost  is  still  not  exorbitant. According  to  Lonely  Planetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  European  Travel  Guide  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Excluding  transport  costs,  you  can  get  by  on  about  40  to  80  [about  $50-$100]  a  day  in  Western  Europe.  Eastern  Europe  is  the  cheapest  region,  costing  a  daily  total  of  30  to  50  [about  $40-$65].â&#x20AC;?  Of  course  these  are  only  approximations  and  one  should  always  overestimate  in  the  case  of Â
unforeseen  expenditures.  Also  noteworthy  is  that  not  all  countries  use  the  Euro,  such  as  the  United  Kingdom,  Switzerland,  and  many  countries  in  Eastern  Europe. With  so  much  to  see  and  do  the  early  stages  of  planning  usually  involve  hashing  out  a  rough  itinerary.  Consider  budget,  travel  dates,  and  must  see  destinations  while  in  the  throes  of  marking  up  your  map. Thesavvybackpacker. com  warns,  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Without  planning,  you  waste  a  lot  of  time  on  trivial  stuff  that  you  could  have  easily  done  at  home  and  you  end  up  missing  a  lot  of  great  things.â&#x20AC;?
Nine  Mt.  SAC  students  competed  and  placed  in  the  top  three  in  their  respective  categories  in  the  SkillsUSA  State  competition  in  San  Diego.  Four  students  won  gold  and  three  students  gained  the  opportunity  to  compete  at  nationals  in  Kansas  City,  Mo. SkillsUSA  is  a  competition  in  disciplines  that  prepare  people  for  a  viable  workforce.  Many  disciplines  are  featured  in  the  regional  and  state  competition  such  as  electronic,  robotic,  mail  care,  technical  drafting,  welding,  culinary  arts,  and  more. However,  not  all  of  the  disciplines  are  featured  in  the  nationals,  meaning  those  who  received  gold  for  a  discipline  that  is  only  featured  in  the  regional  and  state  JVU[LZ[Z ^PSS UV[ IL X\HSPĂ&#x201E;LK [V JVTWL[L in  the  nationals.  One  of  the  students  that  won  gold  at  state  wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  be  going  to  nationals  leaving  only  three  students  representing  Mt.  SAC. Max  Lizzarraga,  advisor  and  co-chair  of  engineering  design  technology  and  industrial  design  engineering,  couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  be  happier  with  the  outcome  of  the  state  JVTWL[P[PVU 3PaaHYYHNH ^HZ JVUĂ&#x201E;KLU[ in  the  nine  competitors  representing  Mt.  SAC.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;We  had  good  candidates  with  a  competitive  spirit  that  we  strive  for,â&#x20AC;?  he  said.  ¸0[ÂťZ UPJL HUK YLĂ&#x2026;LJ[P]L [V ZLL [OH[ [OL` HSS placed.â&#x20AC;?  Rhiannon  Britney,  engineering  design  technology  major,  is  one  of  the  three  Mt.  SAC  students  going  to  nationals.  A  feat  that  Britney  never  imagined  since  she  did  not  expect  to  place  at  state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  think  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d  win  anything.  I  didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  think  I  had  done  well  enough,â&#x20AC;?  she  said.  However,  Britney  ended  up  winning  gold  in  drafting  technique,  an  award  she  truly  thought  would  go  to  her  classmate  Rodolfo  Herrera. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He  knew  the  program  better  than  me,â&#x20AC;?  Britney  said.  .  Of  course,  Herrera  did  not  go  home  empty  handed  and  won  silver  for  drafting  technique.  Britneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  winning  design  was  that  of  a  wheel  hub.
  See  TRAVEL  Pg.  11
Observatory  creates  new  opportunities  for  space  research Â
Aviator  soars  above  the  clouds Â
See  SKILLS  Pg.  11
College  among  top  teams  in  the  nation  7N
Observatory opens up the stars for astronomy program Adolfo  Tigerino ,KP[VY PU *OPLM ¸:WHJL! [OL Ă&#x201E;UHS MYVU[PLY ;OLZL HYL the  voyages  of  the  starship  Enterprise,â&#x20AC;?  President  and  CEO  Bill  Scroggins  jokingly  said  at  the  grand  opening  of  the  observatory  on  the   rooftop  of  Building  60  on  May  17. The  dome  will  allow  astronomy  students  to  do  their  own  research  instead  of  looking  at  raw  data  from  other  universities  and  colleges. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re  very  excited  of  the  possibility  for  our  students  to  do  research,  and  use  this  facility  for  learning  everyday,â&#x20AC;?  said  cochair  of  the  astronomy  and  Earth  science  department  Julie  Bray-Ali. The  $590,000  dome  has  a  state  of  the  art  Meade  16-inch  tracking  cassegrain  YLĂ&#x2026;LJ[VY [LSLZJVWL [OH[ YLĂ&#x2026;LJ[Z SPNO[ ;OL 21-foot  dome  rotates  freely  with  a  vertical  separating  shutter  aperture,  the  slit  that  opens  in  the  dome  to  allow  light  in.  The  project  took  over  four  years. This  type  of  equipment  is  not  readily  available  to  many  four  year  universities  let  alone  to  community  college  students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having  a  telescope  of  this  size  with  a  high  quality  camera  lets  us  do  real  research,  lets  our  students  have  that  opportunity  that  is  not  something  that  most Â
community  college  or  four  year  college  students  have,â&#x20AC;?  said  astronomy  instructor  Michael  Hood.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Giving  students  a  chance  to  observe  the  sky  in  a  different  way  than  they  can  with  their  own  eyes.â&#x20AC;? When  comparing  the  Mt.  SAC  Obser]H[VY` [V [OL .YPMĂ&#x201E;[O 6IZLY]H[VY` PU 3VZ Angeles,  the  Mt.  SAC  telescope  is  bigger  by  four  inches  in  diameter.  The  telescope  has  a  diameter  of  16  inches   which  means  â&#x20AC;&#x153;we  can  see  objects  that  are  about  70  percent  dimmer  than  what  you  can  see  MYVT .YPMĂ&#x201E;[Oš HJJVYKPUN [V /VVK The  astronomy  program  was  involved  in  discovering  asteroids  last  semester  and  this  telescope  will  allow  it  to  take  images  of  these  asteroids  and  help  discover  new  ones.  Astronaut  Kathryn  Thornton  said  that  she  was  in  awe  on  the  facilities  on  campus. As  well  as  opening  the  dome,  the  department  opened  the  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exploratoriumâ&#x20AC;?  or  the  Science  Exploration  Center,  a  science  museum  containing  meteorites,  telescopes,  minerals,  fossils  and  the  Meek  Natural  History  Animal  Collection.  The  museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  collection  has  been  acquired  through  donations. The  instructors  and  Dean  of  natural  sciences  Larry  Redinger  look  to  encourage  students,  children  and  the  community Â
Binge drinking tied to long term health effects Anthony  Ruybalid *VSSLNL 3PML ,KP[VY
A new study shows that binge drinking can lead to heart complications later in life. The report shows new facts that fall in line with burgeoning studies showing that youth does not always protect against unhealthy behavior. Research has shown that longtime alcohol use correlates with a wide range of health problems, but little research has been done to look at the long-term effects of heavy alcohol consumption in early adulthood. The study performed by the University of Illinois at Chicago, found that the affects of binge drinking were equivalent to a lifetime of daily heavy drinking. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Discoveries and advances in many different areas of medical science have cautioned against the notion that youth protects against the adverse effects of bad lifestyle behaviors or choicesâ&#x20AC;? said study co-author Mariann Piano, PhD, RN, and professor and head of the department of biobehavioral health science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Numerous attempts to contact the Mt. SAC Health Center for comment went unreturned as of press time. 2
The study, published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, assessed the health risks of binge drinking between the ages of 18-25. The University of Illinois at Chicago conducted a study looking at the health of 36 men and womHQ FODVVLĂ&#x20AC;HG DV ELQJH GULQNHUV ZKLFK ZDV GHĂ&#x20AC;QHG LQ WKH VWXG\ DV ´FRQVXPLQJ Ă&#x20AC;YH RU PRUH VWDQGDUG size drinks (12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof spirits) in a two-hour period for males and four or more standard size drinks in a two-hour period for females.â&#x20AC;? The other 17 subjects were â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;abstainersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which the study labeled as â&#x20AC;&#x153;having FRQVXPHG QR PRUH WKDQ Ă&#x20AC;YH GULQNV in the prior year.â&#x20AC;? The study found that binge drinkers had impaired function in two main cell types that control blood Ă RZ 7KH UHSRUW DOVR VKRZHG no increase in blood pressure or cholesterol, two well-known risk factors for heart disease. Despite this, binge drinkers were found to have changes in vascular function similar to the type caused by cholesterol and high blood pressure. Study authors suggest a need for more research. Also mentioned was the potential need to screen patients for a history of binge drinking when looking at risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
-D\ =DFNV D PHPEHU RI WKH 3RPRQD $VWURQRPLFDO &OXE ORRNV WKURXJK RQH RI WKH WHOHVFRSHV LQ WKH 6FLHQFH ([SORUDWLRQ &HQWHU RQ )ULGD\ 0D\ 1VOU 3LL 4V\U[HPULLY to  explore  the  world  of  science. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  goal  is  to  see  what  science  is  like  and  not  be  intimidated  by  it,â&#x20AC;?  Redinger  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;When  I  see  the  little  kids,  and  I  see  them  wanting  to  come  in.  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m  thrilled.â&#x20AC;? The  Exploratorium  is  available  for  students  to  browse  through;  there  has  been  UV JVUĂ&#x201E;YTH[PVU VU ^OLU [OL VIZLY]H[VY` will  be  open  to  public  viewings. Redinger  said  the  museum  is  a  work  in  progress  and  they  look  to  expand  it  to Â
further  peek  studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  interest  in  science.  The  underlying  theme  throughout  the  night  was  to  inspire  children,  students  and  the  JVTT\UP[` [V Ă&#x201E;UK HU PU[LYLZ[ PU ZJPLUJL â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  hope  that  having  the  opportunity  to  observe  the  sky  will  give  our  students  the  chance  to  see  for  themselves  a  small  piece  of  whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  out  in  space,â&#x20AC;?  Hood  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;And  that  this  peak  will  lead  them  to  want  to  learn  more  about  astronomy,  and  science  in  general.â&#x20AC;? Â
ountaineer taff
Adolfo Tigerino ,KP[VY PU *OPLM Randy Vazquez :WVY[Z 4HUHNPUN ,KP[VY Jose De Castro 7OV[V ,KP[VY Anthony Ruybalid *VSSLNL 3PML ,KP[VY Samantha Romero ,KP[VYPHS (ZZPZ[HU[ :LUPVY :[HMM >YP[LYZ Kevin Flores, Sean Gallagher, Desarae Gomez, Stephanie Lim , Oscar Lin, Jessica Wang, 1\UPVY :[HMM >YP[LYZ Sarah Alumbaugh, Johnathan Alvarez, Dolores Alvarez -Zuniga, Joseph Arellano, Caitlin Cadman, So Man Chan, Devoree Ealy, Jasmany Flores, Drake Gutierrez, Remy Mallett, Julian Muhr, Arthur Rice, Erika Romero, Emily Seidel, Amanda Shinn, Eileen Tay, Megan Viste, Lauren Walden )SVNNLYZ Dolores Alvarez- Zuniga, Ariana Ayers, Ferry Baylon, Janelle Busch, Allen Chen, Simone Gadlin, Laura Garcia, Zachary Gonzales, Sean Hughes, Batool Jaffer, Damion JulienRohman, Adam Kijak, Sofia Klof, Samanda Lam, Breanna Lemus-Belcher, Anissa Lozano, Nicole McElroy, Juan Naranjo, Jeffri Norat, Jacobb Ozaeta, Stephanie Ramirez, Ricky Rodriquez, Kristy Rojas, Saikat Sen, Michael Saucedo, Breanna Thomas, Christian Topete-Ramos, Nicole Torres, Brian Varela, Davina Vidana, Sharese West, Kassandra Zavala 7OV[VNYHWOLYZ Adolfo Tigerino, John Lee, Tyler Johnson, Jacqueline Bonilla, Jose De Castro, Raul Pinedo, Edward Valencia, Clarence Williams =PKLVNYHWOLYZ Diamond Cruikshank, Oscar Lin, Adolfo Tigerino, Randy Vazquez +LZPNULYZ Bryan On, Michelle Fonseca (K]LY[PZPUN +PYLJ[VY Ariel Carmona (K]PZLY Paul McLeod (^HYKZ American Scholastic Association Press first in its class 2013. The Mountaineer is a First Amendment publication
produced by students in journalism classes at Mt. San Antonio College. The views expressed in this newspaper do not reflect the views of the adviser, administration or Mt. SAC board of trustees. Phone: 909-594-5611 ext. 6123 FAX: 909-274-2993 Email: mountiewirenews@gmail.com Address: 1100 N. Grand Ave. Walnut, CA. 91789 Building 26-D, Room 3220 We welcome letters to the editor, but reserve the right to edit them for content and space. Send correspondence to: mountiewirenews@gmail.com. Letters should be no more than 250 words and contain a first and last name and telephone number.
Former professional singer rocks LAC Adolfo Tigerino ,KP[VY PU *OPLM Amongst the vast groups of tutors in the Learning Assistance Center (LAC) there is one that knows several languages and is “20 Feet from Stardom.” It was a regular Monday afternoon with what seemed like a crazy commotion,yet it was organized chaos with tutors assisting students. Claudia Lennear sat amongst the tutoring students. What many students do not realize is that she has led a “rock star” life. Her name is known amongst the 60s and 70s soul and rock music fanatics, mainly in the music industry. She was a background vocalist for many bands starting with Ike and Tina Turner, Joe Cocker, the Rolling Stones, David Bowie and several other well known bands. She seemed to have dropped off the face of the Earth for many who followed her career, but she &ODXGLD /HQQHDU VLWV LQ IURQW RI KHU /$& GHVN ZDLWLQJ IRU VWXGHQWV WR WXWRU has emerged again into the music (KVSMV ;PNLYPUV 4V\U[HPULLY world. Lennear had a big influence in the music industry. It is alleged that Mike Jagger from the Rolling Stones wrote “Brown Sugar” for her, and David Bowie wrote “Lady Grinning Soul” for her. “Why should I sit around and be obsessed if whether they wrote a song about me or not. Why didn’t they write a song for me to sing, that would have helped,” Lennear said while laughing and smiling. “I can’t say I don’t care. I think it’s really really nice.” Gil Friesen had a production company approach Lennear last year to be in a documentary about background vocalists, their influence, and what they have been up to. As she sat in the chair with a desk filled with papers and tutors in the background teaching students, she said in awe, “I never met Crow, but she brought up my name to the producer and director. It’s fantastic.” The director Morgan Enville, had the idea to put a thread through all the background vocalists in the 70s and 80s and see what their lives were like, and how they influenced the music industry. The background vocalists in the documentary will include Love, Lisa Fischer and Táta Vega. “Somewhere along the line we all touched bases, but we never met,” Lennear said and added that she has only recently met them at a premiere of the film a month ago The story is unraveled through Bruce Springsteen, Bowie, Jagger, Stevie Wonder, and Sheryl Crow in the documentary “20 Feet from Stardom.” They tell the story of these highly unknown background vocalists in the albums of many of bands like the Rolling Stones, Bowie, and Stevie Wonder. However, Darlene Love, one of the background vocalists was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame a couple years ago See 4V\U[PL^PYL JVT MVY M\SS Z[VY`
EDITORIAL: Ending repeatability bandage, not cure Thanks to shortsighted bureaucratic policies, starting with the approaching Fall 2013 semester, many classes that were once repeatable will no longer be available to students who have already passed those classes. This broad brushstroke to save California money is nothing more than a quick and simple solution to a complex problem. Course repeatability is disallowed without looking at the needs of individual courses, class families, and student career and education paths. This policy could wind up having a litany of ill effects as faculty and advisors struggle to stay within both the spirit, and the letter of this new policy. The only repeatable classes available at community colleges this fall will be in
intercollegiate sports and competitive academic classes. This means that courses that have generally been considered repeatable, such as music, dance, and art are now only available for students once. This denies students the power to retake courses to help remain, or become TVYL WYVÄJPLU[ PU [OLPY ZRPSSZ HUK LK\JH[PVU 5V[ [V TLU[PVU [OL KPMÄJ\S[` MHJ\S[` may have in effectively giving students the knowledge they need while also creating a new trajectory of courses which students can be prepared for. The reasoning behind this change in policy is understandable, but will likely be ineffective in the long run. Policy makers are seeking to cut expenses by cutting repeatability, with the intended result of
moving students through community colleges quicker, reduce classes, and have less students taking up room in classes. The notion makes sense, but falls on its face for several reasons. The largest of all is that the policy doesn’t take into consideration the multitude of complex reasons many students tend to hover around community colleges like Mt. SAC for several years before moving on. ;OPZ TLHUZ [OH[ Z[\KLU[Z ^PSS ZPTWS` ÄSS spots in other classes unrelated to their ÄLSK VM Z[\K` KPZWSHJPUN HUV[OLY ZLJ[PVU of students rather than truly clearing up space in classrooms. Clearly, a reduction of classes will not solve many problems for students unable
to enroll in the classes they require for their educational goals. At the same time, this policy will not save money since many of the courses could, depending on the individual community college decisions, simply be replaced with new ones containing slightly different descriptions. Thanks to these inherent issues with such a broad policy, all that his been done is slap a bandage over the issues of course policy and student transfer rates in community colleges, not to mention, fail to save money as the policy fails to address the complex problems affecting today’s community college students.
Finding your inner soul in a very complex world Sean Gallagher Staff writer Utopia is an idea that every human being fantasizes about. It is a seemingly impossible fantasy that is the product of every man’s dream, where nothing and nobody ever goes astray. The word is derived from Greek words for “good place” and “no place”, which seems to give the impression that it is an impossibly good place that does not exist. It’s impossible nature seems to serve only to make the concept of a utopia even more bewitching, but what would it take to truly create a utopia? Human beings have dreamed of the causes and conditions necessary to enable such a place for centuries. In Plato’s Republic, he proposed as close to a utopia as he could conceive. In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato describes a situation that appears to be somewhat of an illusion among the cavedwellers. They believe that what they see is truth and reality in its entirety, and their ignorance leads them to believe that they are living in a utopia. When one prisoner is released and sees the world outside the cave, only to return and speak about it, the other prisoners not only are unable to comprehend and believe in the things he is saying, but in fact ridicule and attack him, taking him for a madman. This mindset is only further enforced by the fact that, after seeing the light and immediH[LS` YL[\YUPUN [OL ÄYZ[ WYPZVULY ^HZ O\Y[ and “much too dazzled to see distinctly those things whose shadows he had seen before.” Therefore, the other prisoners believe that he has not become enlightened, but just stupider and less alert, and become scared to leave the cave, believing that their current condition is already perfect, somewhat of a utopia. They reject the mere idea of anything outside the cave even more violently, refusing to see the world outside their line of sight. Plato, however, stated that it was the task of the enlightened “not only to ascend to learning and to see the good but to be willing to descend again to those prisoners” to share their troubles and honors and attempt to free them from their own minds, even if they are ridiculed, attacked, and threatened with physical harm or death. The Allegory of the Cave paints a clear picture of ignorance and enlightenment, and of the dangers associated with each, and shows that ignorance can lead to a false illusion of utopia even when the reality is far from it. Every human must experience the rain to appreciate a sunny day, pain to appreciate pleasure, hunger to appreciate nourishment, thirst
to appreciate water. The human psyche and mind is made up of a very complex system of desire, need, want, and satisfaction, and without this delicate balance IL[^LLU ULLK HUK M\SÄSSTLU[ [OLYL ^PSS be no perspective in which to put utopia. [According to whom] believe that it is perhaps feasible for a group of humans, after experiencing life’s troubles and suffering, to create a society of utopia, of detachment from suffering and the absence of troubles, but only after they have experienced reality. A child born into a utopian society will simply be ignorant and sheltered, and will not be able to survive the outside world. Finally, despite all the money, power, resources, and perfect conditions on this world, it is impossible in our realm to escape the four great realities, which Buddha and many other philosophers spoke of: childbirth, old age, ailment, HU ÄUHSS` PULZJHWHISL KLH[O :PKKHY[OH Gautama, the Indian prince who became Sakyamuni Buddha, was living in as close to a utopian condition as possible before his great journey outside the palace - his father, in a desperate bid to make sure Siddartha would become a king and inherit the kingdom, sheltered him from all suffering, showering him with abundant wealth, food and drink, and entertainment, all while keeping him in the lavish palace, free of all suffering. Guards or people who became sick were hidden away outside of the palace walls, and Siddartha, being only a teenager, had no recollection of his own birth or experience of old age. However, one day Siddartha was able to take a journey outside the palace to see his kingdom, and he was exposed to the suffering of life. He saw a mother giving birth, which is extremely painful for both mother and child, an elderly man walking, with many pains and a failing body, a sick begNHY ^P[O ÅPLZ Z^HYTPUN HYV\UK OPT HUK Å\PKZ SLHRPUN MYVT OPZ IVK` HUK ÄUHSS` H funeral procession with the lifeless body being carried to its grave. All of these concepts were foreign to him, and gave him the shock he needed to search for true utopia, true happiness within. Therefore, he began his journey as an ascetic and attained enlightenment, achieving his personal utopia through giving up all worldly WVZZLZZPVUZ PU ZLHYJO MVY PUÄUP[L ZWPYP[\HS wealth. However, there is a big difference between utopia and ignorance. It is instrumental that this difference is understood and considered when in search of utopian conditions. cartoon by Sean Hughes
Gaming is more than a lifestyle for former Mountie
Former Mt. SAC student Michael Ross, left, competes in a national gaming competition. His gaming career started unexpectedly in high school. Photo courtesy of Michael Ross
Stephanie Lim Staff writer As people grow up they may have their own vision of what their future will be like. Others may go with the hand they were dealt and others may deviate from the plan. For Michael Ross, being paid for playing video games wasn’t what he envisioned in his future. Ross’s gaming career unexpectedly started during high school. Ross and some friends would go across the street from school to Video 94, a video and video game shop that has a few arcades inside. Ross and his friends would occa-
ZPVUHSS` NV [OLYL [V WSH` Z[YLL[ ÄNO[LY While playing one day Ross was approached by a guy who had watched him play, the guy went up to Ross and said, “Hey you’re pretty good kid, you should go to this place Southern Hills Golf Land, that’s where the best in all of California go.” Subsequently, Ross went to Southern Hills Golf Land, and during his time there he played against the world champion at the time. He beat him in one game. That was the moment Ross knew he was good at video games. Ross became a serious gamer in 2009, when Street Fighter 4 came out.
He attended a tournament that had about 100,000 people competing throughout the United States and placed second. “That was when I realized that this something that is serious and maybe I should try to pursue it and see what comes about it,” Ross said. His family didn’t understand his gaming career until the last three to four years. His brother went to an event with him in Las Vegas. He saw everything, the crowd, the energy, and said to Ross, ”You can never stop doing this.” Ryan Gutierrez, a friend who works with Ross on their YouTube channel said he’s not what you would expect of a
competitor. “When Michael is playing against you, he’ll make it like you’re playing against one of your friends,” he said. “He’ll talk with his opponent and share a few laughs.” While watching Ross during a match you would think that he is calm and cool but that is far from the emotion the gamer feels inside. “I’m a very angry competitor on the inside. While playing a match one time while I was losing I punched a solid surface near TL 0 KPK LUK \W ^PUUPUN ÄYZ[ WSHJL HM[LY all of that” Ross said. Ross has competed in the Evolution Championship Series, an annual video game tournament that focuses mainly on ÄNO[PUN NHTLZ 9VZZ OHZ JVTWL[LK PU [OL tournament the past three years. In two VM [OL SHZ[ [OYLL `LHYZ OL OHZ ÄUPZOLK PU fourth place out of thousands of participants. Eliver Ling, who has played against Ross and lost, commended Ross’s work ethic. “Mike puts work in, at one point he was practicing really hard. Over the years that comes and goes, but I think he down plays the amount of time and effort he spends training and trying to be good,” Ling said. “He stays sharp and focused.” Because of competitive gaming Ross has had the opportunity to travel the world. “Doing this has allowed me to go to Canada, Japan, Singapore, China, Korea, Caribbean, Australia. A bunch of places in the United States you didn’t know existed. It’s usually for a tournament.” Michael Ross grew up in Walnut with his brother, mom, and dad. Ross went to Nogales High School then went onto Mt. SAC studying communications with HU LTWOHZPZ VU [LSL]PZPVU HUK ÄST /L received his degree in 2004 from Cal State LA. Ross and Gutierrez have created a YouTube series that highlight what it’s like to play at a competitive level of gaming.
Forensics coach finds his team’s accomplishments rewarding Jessica Wang Staff writer Upon entering the forensics room on a lethargic afternoon, the air-conditioned walls offer a welcome so comforting one could forget the triple-digit heat that looms outside. Next to the door, mirrored shelves stand proudly as they accommodate various trophies and awards acquired by Mt. SAC’s Forensics Team throughout the years. In an adjoining little room nearby, Forensics Coach and communication instructor Jeff Archibald typed rapidly on his laptop as he discussed travelling to Europe, his disdain for spicy food, love for music and attending concerts. “I have a list of bands that I’m trying to see before I die or they die,” Archibald, 38, said as he talked about the concerts he’s attended such as Phish, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, and the Rolling Stones. “That’s one of my favorite things to do – is to go to concerts.” Aside from discussing his love for T\ZPJ JSHZZPJ TV]PLZ HUK UVUÄJ[PVU ZJPence books, Archibald opened up about growing up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and the importance of education instilled on him. Having started high school at the age of 12, it was in his sophomore year that he began competing in forensics. “I was always the young kid – that
was how people knew me,” he said. Archibald attended college at Cornell <UP]LYZP[` PU 5L^ @VYR ^OLYL OL ÄYZ[ started as an engineering major but ultimately acquired an undergraduate degree in political science. He then went on to obtain a master in communication from Illinois State. “He’s probably one of smartest people I know,” said fellow Forensics Coach and Communication Instructor Shae Hsieh. An alumna of Mt. SAC, Shae was also a student of, and coached by Archibald. Now in his 13th year of coaching and the team having just won its eighth UH[PVUHS [P[SL (YJOPIHSK YLÅLJ[LK VU [OL YLwarding aspects, as well as, his gratitude for Mt. SAC’s support. “Watching the students transform HUK NHPU JVUÄKLUJL PU [OLTZLS]LZ¯\Z\ally when they leave here they develop ZV T\JO JVUÄKLUJL PU [OLPY HIPSP[PLZ ¹ OL said. He also praised fellow coaches for their dedication, along with students of the team for the passion they harbored. “The best thing about working with Jeff is how straight forward he is with everyone,” said student and forensics member Rachel Tennell. “He tells it like it is all the time and I appreciate that about him.” Talking to members of the forensics
Forensics Coach Jeff Archibald stands in front of trophies the team has acquired throughout the years. The forensics team won its eighth national title this year. Raul Pinedo/Mountaineer
team, the students shared adoration any instructor would hope for during the course of their career. ¸/L»Z KLÄUP[LS` VUL VM T` MH]VYP[L professors so far,” said student Josh Hartwell. “I’ve just been so impressed because he knows, at least in my opinion, just about everything.” “I look to Jeff as more of a life mentor than I do him as a coach,” said student David Kim. “We always joke around, we
say like he’s our dad.” However, next to his career as an instructor and coach, Archibald’s proudest moment lies within his last six years spent in the Marine Corps Reserve. Having Q\Z[ ÄUPZOLK \W OPZ [PTL PU IVV[ JHTW he opened up about taking a sabbatical from Mt. SAC in the summer of 2007, and being surrounded by much younger people in training at the age of 32. See FORENSICS
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SPORTS Clarence  Williams/Mountaineer
Clarence  Williams/Mountaineer
Tyler  Johnson/Mountaineer
John  Lee/Mountaineer
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lonely at the Mountie top Athletics  caps  off  another  successful  spring  campaign.  Mt.  SAC  captures  two  state  championships,  four  conference  JOHTWPVUZOPWZ HUK OHZ T\S[PWSL [VW Ă&#x201E;UPZOLZ Numerous  coaches  and  athletes  receive  post  season  accolades  again.
Randy  Vazquez Managing  /Sports  Editor They  say  old  habits  die  hard.  For  the  Mt.  SAC  athletics  program  capturing  state  and  conference  titles  has  become  a  habit,  a  habit  that  did  not  die  during  the  spring  2013  season.  The  Mounties  captured  two  California  Community  College  Athletics  Association  state  titles,  four  South  Coast  Conference  championships,  and  multiple  [VW Ă&#x201E;UPZOLZ ;OL SV^LZ[ 4[ :(* WSHJLK in  any  sport  during  the  2013  spring  season  was  third  place.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unbelievable  support  from  the  top  down.  Joe  Jennum  our  athletic  director,  Debbie  Cavion  our  assistant  athletic  director,  and  Marc  Ruh  our  assistant  director  and  all  the  coaches  have  worked  extremely  hard  to  make  sure  that  all  the  coaches  have  what  they  need  to  continue  to  have  success,â&#x20AC;?  said  Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  basketball  Coach  Clark  Maloney.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right  now  things  look  bright  and  it  is  a  good  time  to  be  a  Mountaineer.â&#x20AC;? One  of  the  more  memorable  titles  that  will  be  cemented  in  Mt.  SAC  lore  was  the  historic  men  and  womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  basketball  teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  state  championships.  It  marked  [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [PTL IV[O [OL TLU HUK ^VTLUÂťZ programs  from  the  same  school  have  claimed  the  state  championship  in  the  same  season.  The  womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  basketball  team  captured  its  second  consecutive  state  championship  in  an  impeccable  fashion.  The  Mounties  capped  an  undefeated  season  (34-0)  by  defeating  Mt.  San  Jacinto  College  55-44  at  Consumnes  River  College.  Guard  Morgan  Mason  along  with  Long  Beach  City  Collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Talia  Rayford  won  Co-SCC  players  of  the  year  awards.  *LU[LY (ZOSL` )\YJOĂ&#x201E;LSK HUK N\HYK 3L[PJPH .HSHYaH YLJLP]LK Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [LHT HSS JVUMLYLUJL honors  for  a  second  consecutive  year.  Forward  Shawlina  Segovia  also  received  Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [LHT HSS :** OVUVYZ .\HYK (ZOSL` Carter  and  guard  Rachel  Williams  received  second  team  all  conference  honors.  Coach  Brian  Crichlow  captured  his Â
second  state  championship  since  taking  over  the  helm  of  the  womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  basketball  program  and  was  named  SCC  coach  of  the  year. The  menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  basketball  team  captured  P[Z Ă&#x201E;YZ[ Z[H[L JOHTWPVUZOPW [OPZ ZLHZVU lead  by  two-time  SCC  player  of  the  year  Corey  Allen  and  CCCAA  tournament  most  valuable  player  Garret  Nevels.  The  Mounties  caped  off  a  historic  season  with  a  102-88  win  over  Chaffey  College  in  the  state  championship  game.  Coach  Clark  Maloney  was  named  SCC  North  division  coach  of  the  year.  Nevels  and  forward  Christian  Cooper  YLJLP]LK :** UVY[O KP]PZPVU Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [LHT honors.  Forward  Cliff  Sims  received  honorable  mention. What  many  may  have  considered  one  of  the  best  teams  in  the  state  at  one  point  in  the  season  the  Mt.  SAC  baseball  teams  season  ended  in  the  super  regional  round  of  the  playoffs  with  a  loss  to  eventual  state  champion  Cypress  College.  The  Mt.  SAC  baseball  team  captured  the  SCC  title  for  a  second  consecutive  year.  The  Mounties  (30-13;  16-5)  won  the  title  in  dramatic  fashion  in  the  last  game  of  the  ZLHZVU (M[LY KYVWWPUN [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [^V NHTLZ of  a  three  game  series  against  El  Camino Â
the  super  region  round  of  the  playoffs  as  Mt.  SAC  fell  to  eventual  state  champion  Palomar.  Softballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  historic  season  was  cut  short  but  still  managed  to  break  several  school  records  including  an  undefeated  conference  title  (40-6;  21-0). Coach  Ruby  Rojas  was  named  CCCAA  coach  of  the  year.  Pitcher  Emily  Seidel  received  pitcher  of  the  year  honors.  First  baseman  Alendrina  Pichardo,  V\[Ă&#x201E;LSKLY (SL_HUKYLH :PTTVUZ [OPYK baseman  Vanessa  Bracamonte  received  all-state  honors.  ;OL TLUÂťZ [YHJR HUK Ă&#x201E;LSK [LHT JSVZLK the  season  on  a  high  as  the  team  placed  second  in  the  state  championships  at  College  of  San  Mateo  and  second  in  the  southern  sections  championships  at  Antelope  Valley. 100-meter  runner  Dominic  Jones  and  110-meter  hurdler  Toure  McCully  were  named  SCC  athletes  of  the  year.  Jones  and  McCully  were  also  named  to  the  allconference  team.  Also  receiving  all-conference  honors  was  pole-vaulter  Adrian  Ramirez.  The  Mt.  SAC  4x100  meter  team  of  Jones,  McCully,  Kyree  King,  and  Marquise  Cherry  also  received  all-conference Â
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right  now  things  look  bright,  and  it  is  a  good  time  to  be  a  Mountaineer.â&#x20AC;?
shy  of  capturing  the  SCC  championship.  El  Camino  edged  out  Mt.  SAC  by  25  WVPU[Z KLZWP[L [OL 4V\U[PLZ Ă&#x201E;UPZOPUN undefeated  in  conference  dual  meets  (70). ;OL ^VTLUÂťZ Z^PT [LHT Ă&#x201E;UPZOLK SCC  dual  meets  undefeated,  as  they  won  every  one  of  the  dual  meets  going  into  the  conference  championship  but  were  unable  to  hold  off  Chaffey  College  and  Cerritos  College  for  the  conference  title.  The  menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  tennis  (9-4;  4-2)  team  Ă&#x201E;UPZOLK ZLJVUK PU JVUMLYLUJL WSH` this  season.  Two  players  received  SCC  conference  honors.  Marcelo  Bautista  and  Andrew  Lieu  received  singles  honors  and  doubles  honors.  Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  tennis  (14-2-1;  7-1)  fell  one  NHTL ZO` VM Ă&#x201E;UPZOPUN HZ :** JOHTWPVUZ as  they  lost  to  eventual  winner  El  Camino  5-4.  The  womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  tennis  teams  journey  ended  in  the  super  regional  round  of  the  playoffs  as  they  fell  to  Riverside  5-3.  Multiple  members  of  the  tennis  team  received  all-conference  accolades. Mariel  Bautista,  Alvenna  Lee,  and  Heather  Mac  received  all-conference  honors.  Four  members  of  the  womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  tennis  team  received  all-conference  doubles  honors.   The  pairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  team  of  Mariel  Bautista  and  Alyssa  Penner  and  also  the  pairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  team  of  Alvenna  Lee  and  Elaine  Chan  received  all-conference  doubles  honors. Â
-Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  basketball  coach  Clark  Maloney Compton-Center,  Mt.  SAC  was  able  to  come  away  with  a  dominant  17-4  win  to  win  its  second  consecutive  conference  championship.  Many  of  the  players  on  the  baseball  team  received  post-season  recognition.  Steven  Mancilla  was  named  allconference  player  of  the  year.  Coach  Stacy  Parker  was  named  conference  coach  of  the  year.  There  were  also  four  members  of  the  baseball  who  earned  Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [LHT HSS JVUMLYLUJL OVUVYZ WP[JOLY John  Werner,  utility  Cameron  Pongs,  third  IHZL (KYPHU -YHUJV HUK V\[Ă&#x201E;LSKLY *HSLI Romo.  Two  other  Mounties  received  second  team  all-conference  honors,  pitcher  +LYYPJR 7LUPSSH HUK V\[Ă&#x201E;LSKLY +^PNO[ Tardy.  First  baseman  Caesar  Murillo  and  pitcher  Luis  Martinez  received  allconference  honorable  mention.  In  the  eyes  of  many  the  softball  season  left  a  sense  of  what  if?  Softballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  season  ended  prematurely  with  an  exit  in Â
honors.  The  Mt.  SAC  4x400  team  received  all-conference  accolades,  Michael  Torres,  Shane  Flowers,  Pedro  Herrrera,  and  Hakeem  Fairweather  received  allconference  honors.  ;OL ^VTLU [YHJR HUK Ă&#x201E;LSK WYVNYHT fell  short  of  the  conference  championship  this  season.  The  women  and  menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  team  fell  to  eventual  state  champion  Cerritos.  ;OL ^VTLUÂťZ [YHJR HUK Ă&#x201E;LSK [LHT Ă&#x201E;UPZOLK ZLJVUK PU [OL JVUMLYLUJL HUK placed  fourth  in  the  state  championships  at  College  of  San  Mateo.  400-meter  runner  Ariel  Burch,  10,000-meter  runner  Miriam  Jiminez,  400-meeter  hurdler  Bria  Edwards,  pole  vaulter  Tizlana  Ruiz,  shot  put  Melanie  Samvalian  all  received  all-conference  honors.  Also  the  4x400  team  of  Robyn  Brow,  Danielle  Foxvog,  Bria  Edwards,  and  Ariel  Burch  received  all-conference  honors.  The  menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  swim  team  led  by  Coach  4HYJ 9\O Ă&#x201E;UPZOLK [OLPY ZLHZVU Q\Z[
Mt.  SAC  among  top  teams  in  nation.
http://www.nacda.com/natycaa/ nacda-natycaa.html
Art Gallery showcases student talent Mt.  SAC  hosts  its  65th  annual  student  art  exhibition  from  May  16  to  June  6.  The  Mt.  SAC  exhibit  will  showcase  original  artwork  by  art,  animation,  and  photography  students.  The  exhibt  is  located  in  the  Art  Gallery.  Gallery  daytime  hours  are  Tuesday  through  Thursday  11a.m.  to  2  p.m.,  evening  hours  are  held  on  Tuesdays  from  5  p.m.  to  7:30  p.m.
$UWLVW 5D\ $QJHOR VWDQGV QH[W WR KLV FKDUFRDO DUW SLHFH ´7KH :D\ 7UXWK /LIH µ Clarence  Williams/Mountaineer
Clarence  Williams/Mountaineer Â
´+LS +RS /LIHµ E\ 5XG\ *RQ]DOH] GLVSOD\HG LQ WKH DUW JDOOHU\                                                                                     Raul  Pinedo/Mountaineer
He chose to make a difference. Chose to get a degree. To learn new skills. And it was all made possible by the National Guard.
´8QWLWOHGµ E\ $QGUHZ /HGHVPD LV GLVSOD\HG LQ WKH DUW JDOOHU\                           Jackie  Bonilla/Mountaineer
Contact Staff Sergeant Angel Alvarez at 626.369.0738
10BW-04_5x8_Alvarez.indd 1
3/5/13 8:52 AM
Athletic aviator a man of many talents Jose  De  Castro Photo  Editor
It  is  amazing  what  a  picture  can  do.  Just  looking  at  a  photo  can  change  the  outlook  of  a  personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  life.   At  a  young  age,  Josh  Gordon  had  such  a  realization  while  entering  a  restaurant  at  Uplandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Cable  Airport â&#x20AC;&#x153;We  would  go  there  to  eat  breakfast  and  it  was  sort  of  a  rare  occasion.  I  think  P[ ^HZ [OLYL [OH[ 0 ^HZ SPRL Âş0 ^HU[ [V Ă&#x2026;` airplanes,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?  said  Gordon.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ever  since  then  I  thought  it  was  really  cool.  I  saw  pictures  VM HPYWSHULZ HUK 0 Q\Z[ ^HU[LK [V Ă&#x2026;` š Gordon,  20,  is  not  just  a  pilot  for  the  4[ :(* H]PH[PVU Ă&#x2026;`PUN [LHT I\[ HSZV Y\UZ PU IV[O [YHJR HUK Ă&#x201E;LSK HUK JYVZZ JV\U[Y` teams.  Despite  being  involved  in  many  activities  Gordon  does  not  devalue  any  of  them  and  is  equally  driven  in  all  of  his  endeavors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  wanted  to  run.  I  wanted  to  be  good  at  it,  so  I  tried  really  hard  in  practice,â&#x20AC;?  ZHPK .VYKVU ¸0 ^HU[LK [V Ă&#x2026;` HUK P[ÂťZ UV[ HS^H`Z ÂşVO 0ÂťT Q\Z[ NVPUN [V Ă&#x2026;` Âť `V\ NV[ [V pay  for  it.â&#x20AC;? .VYKVUÂťZ Ă&#x201E;YZ[ Ă&#x2026;PNO[ PUZ[Y\J[VY 4VUH Naik,  echoed  his  goal  setting  determination. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When  a  goal  is  set,  Josh  will  sit  down  HUK Ă&#x201E;UK [PTL PU OPZ ZJOLK\SL [V TLL[ OPZ goals,â&#x20AC;?  said  Naik.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Josh  is  enthusiastic,  always  a  positive  thinker,  focused,  hard Â
working  and  has  awareness  of  what  it  takes  to  get  the  job  done.â&#x20AC;? With  a  sense  of  urgency,  Gordon  is  determined  to  do  all  of  that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  had  to  do  a  lot  of  extra  things  to  THRL Z\YL P[ JV\SK Ă&#x201E;[ PU[V T` ZJOLK\SL and  pay  for  it,â&#x20AC;?  said  Gordon. Co-chair  of  the  aeronautics  program,  Robert  Rogus,  sees  that  Gordon  brings  his  focus  and  work  ethic  from  sports,  and  carries  it  over  to  the  aviation  program. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You  canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  be  that  successful  in  sports  without  having  a  lot  of  discipline  and  that  discipline  crosses  over  into  aviation.  I  think  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  a  good  combination  for  him,â&#x20AC;?  said  Rogus. Gordon  won  the  Clay  Lacy  Scholarship,  a  $5,000  award  given  to  students  pursuing  a  career  in  aviation.  Winning  the  scholarship  sold  Gordon  into  the  aviation  program. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  was  already  dedicated  to  aviation  ILMVYL I\[ [OH[ ^HZ [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ [PTL [OH[ 0 actually  saw  the  rewards  you  could  get  from  it,â&#x20AC;?  said  Gordon. Gordonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  aspirations  of  being  a  pilot  go  beyond  earthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  atmosphere. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  want  to  be  in  the  space  program  at  some  point,  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d  be  interested  working  with  O\YYPJHUL O\U[LYZ Ă&#x2026;`PUN PU[V O\YYPJHULZ and  doing  upper  atmospheric  research,â&#x20AC;?  said  Gordon.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;There  are  certain  people  who  I  hear  want  to  be  a  certain  thing  in  aviation  but  I  want  to  do  it  all.â&#x20AC;? .VYKVU ZH`Z [OH[ P[ ^PSS IL KPMĂ&#x201E;J\S[
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Jose  De  Castro/Mountaineer
[V NL[ PU[V [OL HLYVUH\[PJZ Ă&#x201E;LSK I\[ P[ PZ something  he  feels  is  not  impossible. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  going  to  take  time,  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  not  like  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m  going  to  space  right  after  I  graduate  but  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  going  to  happen  in  my  mind,â&#x20AC;?  said  Gordon.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  see  all  of  the  things  that  I  want  HUK `V\ NV[ [V Ă&#x201E;N\YL V\[ ^OH[ P[ [HRLZ [V get  those  things  and  you  got  to  go  for  it.â&#x20AC;? .VYKVUÂťZ UL^ Ă&#x2026;PNO[ PUZ[Y\J[VY HSZV named  Josh  Gordon,  hopes  his  student  follows  through  with  his  plans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  certainly  hope  that  he  follows  his Â
aviation  dreams  of  becoming  a  professional  pilot  and  even  an  astronaut,â&#x20AC;?  said  instructor  Gordon. Gordon  decided  to  go  to  Mt.  SAC,  originally  was  to  avoid  college  debt.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  second  I  got  here,  things  started  to  happen  and  I  do  not  regret  for  one  second  coming  to  Mt.  SAC,â&#x20AC;?  said  Gordon    See  ATHLETIC  FLIGHT  Pg.  11
Student inspires others to preserve environment through hard work
Samantha  Romero Editorial  Assistant
The  aroma  of  freshly  brewed  coffee  Ă&#x201E;SSLK [OL HPY HZ `LHY VSK LU]PYVUTLU[HS major  Rebekkah  Castellanos  sat  studying. It  was  an  environmental  science  course  that  originally  inspired  Castellanos  to  pursue  a  career  in  environmental  studies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It  was  just  really  mind  opening  compared  to  a  lot  of  the  other  classes  where  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  just  study  a  subject,  pass  the  test,  get  a  grade,â&#x20AC;?  she  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;This  was  more  of  study  a  subject,  think  about  it,  live  it  and  so  I  wanted  to  study  it.â&#x20AC;?  Recently  Castellanos  has  found  inspiration  from  her  biology  instructor  Mark  Cooper. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just  the  way  that  he  thinks  and  educates  people  is  not  for  you  to  learn  a  subject  and  pass  a  test,â&#x20AC;?  she  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  to  learn  it  and  to  apply  it  to  biology,  zoology,  and  a  lot  of  other  subjects.â&#x20AC;? Castellanos  hopes  to  gain  experience  I` PU[LYUPUN PU [OL LU]PYVUTLU[HS Ă&#x201E;LSK â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  know  for  sure  I  want  to  start  off  ^VYRPUN MVY H UVU WYVĂ&#x201E;[ /VWLM\SS` PU[LYUing  with  NRDC  (Natural  Resources  Defense  Council)  in  Santa  Monica,â&#x20AC;?  Castellanos  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  always  just  think  about  how  the  little  things  will  add  up  and  push  me  further  into  what  I  want  to  do.â&#x20AC;? Castellanos  plans  to  teach  others  after  she  attains  her  masters  and  doctorate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just  take  lessons  from  what  Craig  Petersen  [biology  instructor]  and  Mark  Cooper  have  done  for  me  and  really  instill  [OH[ PU[V WLVWSL JVTPUN PU[V [OL QVI Ă&#x201E;LSK now.â&#x20AC;? Castellanosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  is  also  passionate  about  her  photography. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  went  to  China  last  summer  and  instead  of  taking  pictures  just  to  look  nice,  I  took  a  lot  of  pictures  to  represent  how  I Â
felt,â&#x20AC;?  Castellanos  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;And  the  things  I  took  away  from  my  trip  in  comparison  to  life  in  China  versus  life  in  the  U.S.â&#x20AC;? Castellanos  continued  to  collaborate  with  writers  and  photographers  such  as  >PUL HUK )V^[PLZ PU P[ZÂť Ă&#x201E;YZ[ HY[ ZOV^ H[ the  Sancho  Venue  in  Los  Angeles. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Her  photography  is  very  natural,â&#x20AC;?  said  Max  Gibson,  25,  creative  director  of  Wine  and  Bowties.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;In  the  sense  that  all  of  her  photos  seem  to  develop  organically.â&#x20AC;? Most  recently,  Instagram,  a  photo  sharing  application,  has  served  as  a  source  of  inspiration  for  the  photographer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  insane  that  people  can  capture  this  on  their  phones,  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  just  beautiful,â&#x20AC;?  she  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being  inspired  by  people  like  that  has  really  helped  me.â&#x20AC;? It  still  amazes  Castellanos  how  Instagram  has  changed  peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  outlook  on  photos.  She  is  currently  working  on  personal  photography  projects. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m  traveling  to  Utah  and  Michigan  this  summer,  so  I  hope  to  capture  a  lot  of  things  that  I  see  out  there,â&#x20AC;?  she  said. The  visual  artist  also  shares  a  talent  for  videography. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  shoot  a  lot  of  behind  the  scenes  videos  for  other  photographers,â&#x20AC;?  she  said.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  shoot  media  work  for  Espresso  Republic,  I  do  wedding  photos  and  videography  and  I  also  do  personal  videography  on  the  side.â&#x20AC;? Some  of  her  projects  include  collaborations  with  friends.  She  has  made  music  videos  with  21-year-old  electronic  musician  Edrina  Martinez  who  is  better  known  as  Astronautica. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She  told  me  that  she  would  make  music  but  she  wanted  me  to  make  music  videos  for  them,â&#x20AC;?  said  Castellanos.  â&#x20AC;&#x153;So  I  was  like  cool,  I  could  do  that  in  my  own  time.   See  ENVIRONMENTALIST  Pg.  11
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013 Continued FLIGHT from page 10
“The second I got here, things started to happen and I do not regret for one second coming to Mt. SAC,” said Gordon. ¸>OV [\YUZ KV^U H M\SS` WHPK ÄYZ[ `LHY [V UC Santa Cruz? Nobody. I don’t regret the decision one bit.” Since coming to Mt. SAC, Gordon’s SV]L VM Å`PUN OHZ NYV^U HSVUNZPKL [OL knowledge he has gained in aviation. “The longer I’ve been in this program, the more I’ve wanted to become a pilot. >OLU `V\ Z[HY[ Å`PUN P[»Z SPRL º>V^ 0 JHU do this’,” said Gordon. “You’re even more
inspired and this is exactly what I want.” Mt. SAC was not originally an option for Gordon as he had every intention on going to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. “That was my dream school, that’s ^OH[ 0 ^HU[LK P[ ZHPK º1VZO .VYKVU» HSS over it,” said Gordon. Gordon was also accepted to four-year colleges such as University of California Santa Cruz but money would damper his aspirations of attending those schools.
“The problem was applying to a college, getting accepted, then learning how much it was going to cost,” said Gordon. “Embry-Riddle was going to cost me $56,000 and we were talking about over the 4 years.” ;OL OLSW .VYKVU YLJLP]LK MYVT ÄUHUcial aid was not enough, as it only lowered the cost to $44,000. “I knew that it was going to cost me money, I never really thought about it and I realized that all of the schools that I was applying for were going to cost me
Continued SKILLS from page 1
Continued TRAVEL from page 1 Of course once in Europe you can opt to TVKPM` [OPUNZ VU [OL Å` PM something novel arises. Once people got an idea of where they’ll be heading it is probably best [V ÄN\YL V\[ OV^ [OL`»SS IL getting around. Car rentals in Europe can be quite expensive and truly only economical if traveling in a larger group. Also keep in mind that most cars in Europe are stick-shift and sometimes automatic transmission cars may be unavailable or more expensive. Luckily one does not need a car to get around to most places on the continent. Europe has an L_[LUZP]L HUK LMÄJPLU[ rail network that can best be taken advantage of by purchasing a Eurail pass. This is one area where bePUN [^LU[` Ä]L `LHYZ VSK or younger can be a major advantage. The Eurail website offers steep discounts to “youths” on various passes which accommodate journeys of every type and length. Traveling by rail can provide some much needed downtime, beautiful scenery, as well as convenience. Pro-tip: Utilizing overnight trains for long distance trips will save you money on lodging. The unfortunate foible
of owning a body is that eventually people will need a place to lie down and sleep. Not to worry though, for many options abound. If you are on a budget one should forget about most hotels as the prices tend to be rather steep and tend to seize the whole spirit of backpacking. No, the real zest of travel is not found in swanky hotel foyers but in the hostels, where giving up a few unnecessary comforts will yield dividends in the form of conviving and connecting with fellow travelers. Hostels in Europe are generally as safe as hotels while being much cheaper, providing free breakfast, and offering a common area which most times include a bar and a communal kitchen. Of course, the proactive ways to make sure people are booking quality accommodations is by researching and booking online. Hostel hunting is no different and a great website for this is hostelworld.com which provides extensive reviews and ratings by other fellow travelers who have previously passed through. Two other options that should be considered if one is on a meager budget are camping and couch Z\YÄUN ;OL SH[[LY PZ H MHUtastic way to meet locals
and people will be pleasantly surprised by how eager many of them are to show you around their town. A big plus is people will get a less touristy and more local experience. *V\JOZ\YÄUN JVT VMMLYZ an entire community of people willing to open up their homes for you along with photos, references from other travelers, and information about the host. Also, if people have friends or family living abroad in Europe then people may want to grace them with their presence in exchange for a few nights stay. Finally we come to the neurosis inducing packing phase. First off, people want to take a deep breath, and stop worryPUN ILJH\ZL [OLPY ÅPNO[ PZ only six hours away. Now people should make sure they have their passport. Now check again and once more for good measure. If people don’t already have a passport they can usually apply MVY VUL H[ [OL WVZ[ VMÄJL One can also go to http:// iafdb.travel.state.gov/ in VYKLY [V ÄUK V\[ ^OLYL [OL nearest place to apply is located. Once people got their passport sorted out they may commence to pack the rest of their stuff. The
money, big money,” said Gordon. Even with kinesiology being his back up major, there was never a shadow of a doubt that aviation would take the pilot seat in his life. “I never really second guessed it, it was always aviation,” said Gordon. “There ^HZ UL]LY H [PTL ^OLU P[ ^HZ º0 KVU»[ know if I want to do aviation, do I want to do kinesiology instead or do I want to do something else?’” it was always aviation, I never had a time where I never wanted to do aviation.”
savvybackpacker.com advises buying a lightweight quality backpack with an internal frame. These can be easily found at most ÄUL V\[KVVY VY ZWVY[PUN goods shops. People quickly learn that summer can be quite unpredictable in Europe. For example, during the summer in Berlin it may be humid and rainy one day and the next a warm sunny day. For this reason taking a weather resistant jacket is advisable. Other regions will vary between hot and chilly depending on altitude and location so packing layers is ones best bet. Other essential accoutrements to pack are: H ÄYZ[ HPK RP[ JVTMVY[HISL shoes, toiletries, earplugs, photocopies of your passport, a camera, an outlet plug adapter along with any electronic chargers you require, and a towel. Okay that’s it, you’re ready to go. Don’t forget your passport. Bon voyage et au revoir. Buen viaje. Auf wiedersehen. (The author, Kevin Flores, has traveled and backpacked extensively throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, and Asia and has developed a keen sense of the essentials of travel.)
1\KNLZ SVVRLK MVY [OL KLZPNU with the most accurate features that followed the standards of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T). The GD&T is basically the rules of engineering. Britney’s even got the opportunity to see her design physically after it was printed from a 3-D printer which she described as “neat.” Although, Britney’s career path in 3-D design was not always intended, she was diagnosed with severe dyslexia while working on her bachelors for a different major at Cal State Northridge. They also discovered that she scored a 98-90 percentile in spatial relation. After some research, Britney
decided to pursue a career in 3-D and has been working hard at it ever since enrolling at Mt. SAC last spring. Her hard work has even landed her on the President’s List and hopes to make it into the Honor Society. Britney, along with two other students from Mt. SAC, will be heading to Kansas City, 4V MVY UH[PVUHSZ PU 1\UL In preparation for nationals, Britney has been studying the program used in 3-D design along with practicing and timing herself with sample designs. “I’m going to give it my best but I’m KLÄUP[LS` NVPUN [V LUQV` [OL experience and Kanas City,” Britney said.
Continued ENVIRONMENTALIST page 10 “She told me that she would make music but she wanted me to make music videos for them,” said Castellanos. “So I was like cool, I could do that in my own time. I can edit them, so I started making videos and they would just be abstract clips and I would just piece them together to her music.” However, Castellanos’ JYLH[P]L V\[ÅV^ KVLZ UV[ stop there. After singing along to songs in the car with her boyfriend, the two decided to create their own music. “We’re doing it to share it with our friends,” she said. “Because we believe that music should be shared with a lot of people that we know.” The name of the band is Xolo. So far the band
has received positive feedback from their YouTube and Instagram accounts. “People from around the world are emailing us and telling us how much they like it,” Castellanos said. “It’s just kind of motivation to keep doing it, so we really don’t want to stop.” The pair has already released an extended play. “It’s a self titled EP with four different songs on it and that’s just an album that has a real nice sweet amateur feel to it ILJH\ZL P[ ^HZ V\Y ÄYZ[ foray together,” she said. In addition to balancing school and artistic pursuits, Castellanos also works as a barista at Dripp. “Rebekkah just has this naturalness to her
she has this realness to OLY ¹ ZHPK 5PJOVSHZ 1HZVU Rodriquez, 22, Barista and Team Lead at Dripp. “If something comes up that she’s passionate about then she’s going to speak her mind and be passionate about it in a very respectful and engaging way that makes you interested to hear more about what her opinions are.” Castellanos has already applied what she has learned about the environment to her personal life. “A year and a half ago I became vegan and I changed my whole perspective about the way that we eat,” she said. “Something so simple the way that we eat and how it affects the environment.” Because of her vegan
lifestyle Castellanos often gets bombarded with questions about her diet, but she sees it as an opportunity to inform people about the environment. Castellanos said, “I think that just opens up the door to tell people, do you really know what you’re doing to yourself and to your body, and to the environment?” Being involved in multiple endeavors may be time consuming for Cas[LSSHUVZ I\[ P[ PZ H ZHJYPÄJL she is willing to make. “It’s a lot of dedication. It’s a lot of bearing the grunt of doing homework and just doing a lot of things,” she said. “And just knowing and refreshing my mind and that it’s for a good purpose.”