Mountain Rose Herbs - Summer 2008 Retail Catalog

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Mountain Rose Herbs is directed by Julie Bailey and Shawn Donnille. Julie has been a plant-loving earth advocate since childhood and a professional herbalist with extensive work experience in healthcare and natural products (and of course, plants and the great outdoors) for the last three decades. Shawn, with his background in social and environmental justice, is an organic operations specialist with a passion for quality control and nurturing our relationships with growers and producers.   Our knowledgeable, caring and diverse staff have completed detailed training programs and enjoy ongoing education and generous benefits. They are both conscientious and passionate about their work. Their dedication, long hours and enthusiasm provide you with the best quality herbs and products available. We wish we had room to list them all - they deserve a huge thank you!   We are in this business for love of the healing plants, to ensure their availability to all regardless of status or credentials, to encourage your interest in them and to assist you in taking care of your own and your families’ health and well-being. At Mountain Rose Herbs, we celebrate and respect the beauty, balance and diversity of the natural world. We work toward protecting and preserving the Earth, of which we are a part, and believe that this energy flows through all that we do.   As a company, we have worked for the advancement of organic agriculture and sustainability since 1987. We continue to pursue this passionately for the preservation of our medicinal plants, and for the health of our customers, ourselves, our communities and our planet. Mountain Rose Herbs has always taken a formidable and uncompromising stand when it comes to the protection and sustainability of our natural world and the delicate systems which balance all life as we know it. This complex and venerable planet produces all of the products we share with you, and appreciation and respect must be given in return. Not only do we lead the industry in environmental stewardship, we also adhere to strict principles and protocols that ensure fair treatment and compensation for the people involved with the production of our products both domestically and overseas. These are the same people that produce much of what we offer you and our wish is to guarantee that they are compensated well for their services and treated with respect. Through common consensus, we hope to encourage an ecological practice within businesses and our communities, where more is given than is taken.   All of us at Mountain Rose Herbs work assiduously in monitoring the environment, business practices and labor conditions from where many of our products originate and we support organizations that help us in this endeavor. Mountain Rose Herbs contributes its time, money, products, resources, and information and we urge you to do the same. Please visit “About Us” on our website for more information on our guiding principles and the organizations we support.   Appreciative and heartfelt thanks to all of you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Thank you for your business, your ideas and your friendly voices. Julie and Shawn   United Plant Savers is just one of the organizations that we passionately support. Since their inception, Mountain Rose Herbs has financially contributed and actively co-campaigned with this organization. We follow their recommendations for threatened species and make decisions to discontinue botanicals based on their alerts concerning the status of particular plants. Their mission is to protect native medicinal plants of the USA and Canada and their native habitats, while ensuring an abundant, renewable supply of medicinal plants for generations to come. A non-profit education corporation; please visit their website for information, advice, a newsletter and membership services.

(800) 879-3337

Index Accessories & Tools Aromatherapy etc. Bath & Body Care Black and Red Teas Book List Bulk Ingredients Butters & Waxes Capsules Cats and Dogs Containers (Bottles etc.) Creams and Body Lotion Decoctions Essential Oils Facial Care Flower Waters Green Teas Hair Care

13 ~ 16 58 ~ 65 67 ~ 75 6~7 53 52 54 48 ~ 51 33 55 ~ 57 72 12 58 ~ 62 70 ~ 75 74 ~ 75 7~8 73

Herbal Teas Herbal Oils Herbal Salves & Balms Herbs and Spices Incense & Candles Infusions Liquid Herbal Extracts Massage Oils Mountain Rose Gear Oils (Vegetable) Ordering Information Seasoning Blends Seaweeds Seeds Soaps Tea Utensils & Teapots Teas

9 ~ 12 43 42 17 ~ 31 34 ~ 35 9 ~ 11 36 ~ 39 69 66 44 ~ 47 40 ~ 41 30 29 4~5 67 13 ~ 15 6 ~ 12

Mountain Rose Herbs has been in the business of offering botanical ingredients since 1987. Our experience, knowledge, outstanding quality, earth-centered, ethical and sustainable business practices combined with our terrific customer service have earned us a wonderful reputation. Your satisfaction is our highest priority. Let us know what you like and don’t like and we will do our best to meet your needs. Offering affordable and realistic prices is extraordinarily important to us. We offer substantial discounts of up to 40% off when you buy in quantity. Our prices are very competitive and generally lower than other bulk suppliers. We print and mail two catalogues each year. Our catalogues can be recycled or composted though we hope that you choose to keep them around for a while. They are made from recycled paper and printed with soybean inks. Our customer information is strictly confidential. We do not rent, sell, trade or broker our mailing lists (postal or e-mail) to others - we never have and we never will. If you do not want to receive our catalogue or you do not need it because you always order online, please call (800) 879-3337 and we will remove you from our mailing list immediately; we do not want to be your junk mail. Mountain Rose Herbs has everything you need to make your own herbal teas, medicines or body care products; from top quality certified organic herbs, therapeutic grade essential oils, vegetable oils, clays, beeswax and butters, to a wide variety of containers, herbalist tools and informative books full of recipes and remedies. If you don’t want to make your own or you don’t have the time, we supply an excellent selection of the best herbal products on the market at terrific prices. Please visit our website for products and information that we do not have space for in this catalogue.You’ll also find photographs of all the herbs, teas and products, informative profiles, and information on all of our products and services. Be sure to look at our “Sustainability Projects” for details on how we put into action what we believe in. Information, descriptions and products in this catalogue and on our website are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease, nor are they intended as prescriptions or therapy in any way. The descriptions in this catalogue and our web site are for educational purposes only. None of the statements in this catalogue have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Mountain Rose Herbs does not take responsibility for your use of the herbs or any other products listed. We trust you will use your own discretion and intuitive wisdom as to which herbs may be appropriate to your particular needs.

This catalogue, including photographs is copyright © 2008 Mountain Rose Herbs. Photo credits: Mountain Rose Herbs employees: Irene Wolansky, Julie Bailey, Elvira Guelzow and Mike Lasco.

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~ Medicinal Grow your own herbs, with seeds from Horizon Herbs. All of these medicinal seeds are certified organically grown with the exception of a few that are wild gathered and harvested in their natural environment. This was done with respect to the region and ecology of the gathering area by our good friend and herbal medicine author Richo Cech and his family. These seeds are guaranteed fertile and true to species with planting and germination instructions on each packet. All seeds are packaged for current years’ germination. Informative books by Richo Cech, can be found on page 53 and at our website. HP = herbaceous perennial, A = annual, B = biennial, P = perennial (Qty. of seeds in packet).

Angelica (A. archangelica) B (100) $2.95 Tall, stately and dramatic plant. Bitter aromatic, antimicrobial and carminative. Arnica (Arnica montana) HP (50) $3.95 Used for sprains, bruises, soaks, compresses, and an ingredient for salves and oils. Artemisia/Sweet Annie (A. annua) A (50)$2.95 Intensely aromatic. Antimalarial. Toxicity caution due to thujone content. Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) HP (100) $3.95 Native to the tropics, annual in temperate zones. Ginseng-like Ayurvedic tonic mainly for physical and mental exhaustion Astragalus (A. membranacous) HP (50) $3.95 Chinese tonic, immune enhancing qualities. Improves function of liver, lungs, & spleen. Basil, Sweet (Ocimum basilicum) A (100) $2.95 Prolific, large leaves. Best for pesto, rich taste. Basil,Tulsi Krishna (Ocimum sanctum) A (100) $2.95 Purple-stemmed, highly aromatic. Adaptogenic, antifungal, antibacterial, immune enhancing and of the Ayurvedic tradition.

Black Cohosh (Cimcifuga racemosa) HP (50) $3.95 Moist shade. Menopausal support. Borage (Borago officinalis) A (50) $2.95 Easy plant, good in salads, teas and desserts. Try it in ice cubes! Gladdens the heart. Burdock (Arctium lappa) B (100) $2.85 Excellent for liver & skin. Leaves for poultice, root is fabulous food and medicine. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) A (100) $2.85 Bright orange. Healing; salve, oil, tincture. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) HP (200) $2.95 Gentle sedative. Plant a patch for your cats. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) A (500) $2.95 German chamomile. Mild sedative, digestive aid. Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) P (500) $2.95 Roman chamomile. Relaxing aromatic. Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) P (100) $2.95 Aromatic, resilient deciduous sun shrub. Ripe, dry berries have hormone balancing effect. Chickweed (Stellaria media) A (200) $2.95 Spreading ground cover, tasty salad green & worthwile addition to any healing salve. Dandelion (Taraxacum off.) HP (200) $2.95 Fresh leaves in salads, diuretic. Root, liver tonic. Echinacea (Ech. angustifolia) HP (200) $2.95 Threatened species over-harvested. Full sun. Echinacea (Ech. purpurea) HP (200) $2.95 Sun, water, rich, limey soil. Ephedra (Ephedra sinica) P (50) $3.95 Adrenergic stimulant to central nervous system, bronchodilator for congestion, colds etc. Evening Primrose (Oenethera biennis) B (200) $2.95 Edible flowers, seeds for PMS support & more. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) HP (200) $2.95 Fresh leaves are tonic to prevent migraines. Hyssop (Hyssopus off.) P (100) $2.95 Mild anti-viral, expectorant. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) P (100) $2.85 Famed aromatic. Heirloom, open-pollinated. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) HP (200) $2.85 Aromatic. Gentle sedative, nervine. Licorice (Glycrrhiza glabra) HP (50) $2.95 Demulcent, expectorant. CFS, adrenal exhaustion.

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Herb See


Herb Seeds ~ Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) A (1000) $2.95 Anti-spasmodic/expectorant, a.k.a. Puke Weed. Maca (Lepidium peruvianum) B (100) $3.95 Libido enhancer. Sun, ex. drainage. Endangered. Marshmallow (Althaea off.) HP (100) $2.95 Superior mucilaginous. Soothing and healing. Meadowsweet (Spirea ulmaria) $2.95 HP (200) Sweet flowers. Leaves high in antiinflammatory & pain relieving salicylic acid. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) $2.95 A/B (100) Not available to WA residents. Unique hepato-protective (liver) agent. Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) HP (200) $2.95 Heart tonic, nervine, emmenagogue, aperient. Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) B (400) $2.95 Moistening, soothing for throat, bronchii etc. Nettles (Urtica dioica) HP (400) $2.95 Stinging hairs. Nutritive & medicinal uses. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) (20) $2.95 Woody vine. Relaxing nervine, mild sedative. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) P (100) $2.95 Aromatic, stimulating digestive. Plantain(TurkishGiant)(Plantagomajor) HP (100)$2.95 Mucilaginous, anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial. Poultices, salves, mouth-wash etc. Poppy, California (Eschscholzia ca.) $2.95 HP (500) Gentle, effective calming ingredient. Sage, Clary (Salvia sclarea) B (50) $2.95 Used in perfumes as a fixative and fragrance. Sage, White/Ceremonial (Salvia apiana) $2.95 HP (100) Cleanse spirit & positive energy. St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) $2.95 P (500) Nervine for mild depression. Nerve tissue restorative. Healing red oil from infused flowers. Not available to CA, CO, MT, SD, & WA residents. Shepherds’s Purse (Capsella bursapastoris) $2.95 A (300) Self-seeding. Tea reduces bleeding. Self Heal (Prunella vulgaris) HP (100) $2.95 Astringent & soothing. Good lawn substitute. Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) P (300) $2.95 Vigorous. In the formula “essiac”. Skullcap (Scuttelaria lateriflora) HP (50) $2.95 Creeping. Tonic nervine. Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) P (25) $4.95 Tender shrub. Approx. 250x sweeter than sugar. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) HP (100) $2.95 Fragrant flowers. Strong sedative roots. Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) P (20) $4.95 Anti-spasmodic; muscle relaxer for uterus, stomach & long musculature. Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis) P (100) $2.95 Useful for headaches & mild nervine. Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) P (300) $2.95 Pest repellant, & anti-parasite for GI tract. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) P (200) $2.95 Vulnerary, haemostatic.

Lifeline Medicinal Herb Garden SeedPack Easy-to-grow collection of medicinal herb seeds is a thoughtful gift and fun project. All organic seeds harvested from Horizon Herbs gardens. Contains 18 seed packets (Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth). Astragalus, Basil, Burdock, Calendula, Chamomile, Echinacea purpurea, Elecampane, Evening Primrose, Flax, Lemon Balm, Marshmallow, Motherwort, Nettles, Cayenne Pepper, Sage, Valerian, Wood Betony and Yarrow. With planting directions. Lifeline Medicinal Seed Pack $24.95

Kidzerbs Seed Pack From Horizon Herbs. A Kid’s Guide to Growing Medicinal Plants includes an illustrated and informative story booklet with recipes and 13 packets of seeds (all organically grown). Basil, Borage, Calendula, California Poppy, Catnip, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Fennel, Feverfew, Flax, Johnny Jump-Up, Lemon Balm and, Lovein-a-Mist. Lots of fun. $14.95

Statementsinthiscataloguehavenotbeenevaluated by the FDA. Products, information & descriptions in this catalogue are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease, nor are they intended as prescriptions or therapy in any way. Descriptions are for educational purposes only. – 5 –

Black Teas Ceylon° Certified both organic and Fair Trade. Bright, lively classic with a smooth taste, from partially fermented young tea leaves. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $7.00 1 lb. $12.50

Darjeeling° Certified both organic and Fair Trade. True unblended Darjeeling harvested in the Indian Himalayas. Subtle and unique with a mild astringent nip and wonderful grounding aftertaste. Indulge! Contains caffeine. A Grade (First flush) 4 oz. $6.25 8 oz. $11.00 1 lb. $19.00

Earl Grey° Biodynamic and certified both organic and Fair Trade. Fine black tea fermented to perfection with a hint of bergamot oil. Smooth and aromatic with a distinctive and satisfying aftertaste. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $4.75 8 oz. $8.00 1 lb. $14.00

English Breakfast° Biodynamic and certified both organic and Fair Trade. Hearty, dark and quintessentially classic tea. A wonderful morning wakeup. Robust, satisfying and smooth. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $4.00 8 oz. $6.50 1 lb. $11.50

Mango Ceylon° Certified both organic and Fair Trade. Zesty blend from Sri Lanka with essence of mango and marigold petals complementing the carefully fermented Ceylon leaves. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $5.00 8 oz. $7.75 1 lb. $14.50

Orange Spice° Certified both organic and Fair Trade. Ceylon blend of orange peel, cinnamon and cloves. Soothing; yet still robust. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $4.75 8 oz. $8.00 1 lb. $14.00

Chai etc. Oregon Organic Chai° Warm, piquant, delightful! 100% certified organic herbs and only a small amount of caffeine (from the Darjeeling). An exotic beverage that is sure to tickle your taste buds! Contains: ginger° root, cinnamon° bark, cloves°, cardamom° pods, nutmeg°, darjeeling° and vanilla beans°. 3 oz. $5.75 1 lb. $25.00

Tea Sampler° A perfect way to sample our alluring and exotic Green, Red and Black teas. 3 sealed tins of certified organic tea beautifully packaged for your enjoyment. Every sampler comes with brewing instructions. Each tin is filled with approximately 1.5 oz. of our most popular teas: Ceylon°, Green Sencha° and Red Rooibos°. Tea Sampler° $13.95

Yerba Mate° Certified organic, lightly stimulating herbal beverage from South America with just the right kick. Contains trace amounts of caffeine. 4 oz. $2.75 8 oz. $4.50 1 lb. $8.00

° ingredient or product is certified organic by “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic”.

(800) 879~3337 – 6 –

Red Teas Green Rooibos° Certified both organic and Fair Trade Aspalanthus linearis (Rooibos); completely unfermented with an herbal taste. A favourite with herbal tea drinkers and a perfect choice for those who find red Rooibos too sweet. Green Rooibos produces a golden amber-red hue when brewed. Considerably higher in anti-oxidants, trace minerals and nutrients than traditional Rooibos. Caffeine free. 4 oz. $3.75 8 oz. $6.25 1 lb. $10.50

Honeybush° Certified organic red tea Cyclopia intermedia from the Cape of Good Hope. Fragrant, floral and sweet. A fermented tea with a smooth taste, lacking the typical bite found in most green and black teas because it contains virtually no tannin. “Super fruity” and exceptionally sweet, it brews to a deep dark amber color. Caffeine free. High in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants, rare trace minerals, isoflavones and coumestans. 4 oz. $3.25 8 oz. $5.75 1 lb. $10.00

Red Rooibos° Certified both organic and Fair Trade red tea Aspalathus linearis from the mountain peaks of South Africa. Naturally sweet and smooth with an aromatic aftertaste and hearty red colour. Steep just 2 - 3 minutes. Current research cites anti-viral, anti-spasmodic, anti-allergic and anti-oxidant properties that are about 50 times more active than green tea! Rooibos is caffeine free and contains healthy amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, fluoride, manganese, zinc, calcium, vitamin C and fair amounts of alphahydroxy acid which is known to promote healthy skin. 4 oz. $3.25 8 oz. $5.25 1 lb. $9.00

Vanilla Rooibos° This lusciously aromatic tea contains all of the benefits of regular Rooibos but with a rich and delightful organic Vanilla flavour. Sure to excite the senses! Certified organic and caffeine free. 4 oz. $5.25 8 oz. $9.00 1 lb. $16.50

Green and White Teas Extensive research has confirmed the many health benefits associated with drinking green tea (Camellia sinensis), its fermented cousin black tea and the African red teas. These delicious tasting teas live up to their promise as healthy beverages. Mountain Rose Herbs has spent years investigating the world tea market; we’re happy to offer you these high quality, flavourful and of course certified organic choices. Fair Trade certification is also offered on many of them. Please note that all of them contain caffeine. These superb, aromatic loose-leaf teas are packaged in closeable bags, with brewing instructions. Steeping or infusing times for green teas are much shorter than herbal or black teas; usually 1 to 2 minutes at most, and a smaller quantity of tea (just a pinch) is used.

Green Sencha Leaf° Superb, certified organic tea from the high mountain tops of Japan. Delicate and stimulating, it is made from the fresh morning harvest of the first young leaves. Hand-picked and immediately steamed to retain peak flavour and vibrant, brilliant green colour. Because of the high caffeine content, we recommend that only a small amount of this exquisite tea be steeped for just 1 to 2 minutes. If the cost seems high, remember 1 ounce of green sencha creates 14 to 20 cups of tea. 4 oz. $11.50 8 oz. $20.00 1 lb. $36.00 Buy In Bulk And Save! Receive a substantial discount when you order multiple whole pounds of tea. Mix & match any whole pounds of Herbal, Green, Black or Red Teas. *5 ~ 9 lbs. 10% Off! *10 ~ 24 lbs. 15% Off! *25 lbs. and more 20 - 40% Off! (* UPS shipping charges apply.) – 7 –

Genmaicha° A superb and flavourful Japanese classic; combining fresh green sencha leaves with roasted brown rice. The sweetly toasted taste beautifully complements the full bodied green tea. A wonderful afternoon or early evening beverage. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $10.25 8 oz. $18.50 1 lb. $32.00

Gunpowder Green° Fair Trade certified. A hearty, strong, certified organic green tea tightly rolled into small pellets. A bold and even somewhat bitter tea - unforgettable, the astringent taste can be softened with a pinch of spearmint or even stevia. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $6.50 1 lb. $11.00

Jasmine° Certified organic tea of freshly picked, organic green tea and jasmine flowers°. Fragrant, floral and full of stimulating flavour. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $6.00 8 oz. $10.50 1 lb. $19.00

Jasmine Pearls° Certified organic tea made from the long and graceful leaves of the tea plant with slender silver buds hand rolled into tight pearls. After completion, these beauties are “infused” with fresh jasmine blossoms producing a delicately perfumed yet aromatic tea with the typical well-roundedness of the dominant green tea leaves. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $14.00 8 oz. $25.00 1 lb. $46.00

Kukicha Twig° Certified organic Kukicha twigs and stems are harvested from carefully aged tea plants, then toasted, creating a fine, full-bodied tea with a hint of nectar-like sweetness. Relatively low in caffeine, enjoyable at any hour. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $7.50 1 lb. $16.00

Matcha Tea° With rich historic roots in Japanese Tea Ceremonies, this certified organic finely powdered green tea is delicious. Harvested from young leaves and mildy sweet. Includes brewing instructions. 2 ozs. in a custom canister. $18.00

Oolong° Certified organic, full bodied blend of partially fermented black and green teas, with a mild smooth aftertaste; recommended if you enjoy the benefits of green tea but not its lingering, semi-bitter taste. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $5.25 8 oz. $9.00 1 lb. $16.00

Silver Needles Tea° Certified organic, this exceptional tea is one of the rarest and finest in the world. Harvested for only 2-3 days each spring in China’s Fujian province; supply is limited. Handpicked from unopened flower buds. Stunning to look at, the tea needles are frosted with graceful downy-white hairs. A delicate tea that brews to a light golden colour, with a subtle fragrant aroma and a unique, mildly sweet and refreshing taste with a pronounced, lingering flavour. Ideal for those who enjoy green tea, but find it too stimulating or strong. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $14.75 8 oz. $26.00 1 lb. $49.00

White Peony° Certified organic. White tea is picked early in the season when the buds are fresh and tender producing a mildly sweet, less astringent taste. Beautiful, full length leaves, that resemble petals. It contains hues of green, fermented brown and delicate white “needles”. Contains caffeine. 4 oz. $6.50 8 oz. $11.50 1 lb. $21.00

° ingredient or a product is certified organic by “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic” – 8 –

Herbal Teas Mountain Rose Herbs herbal tea blends are caffeine-free and made in small batches to ensure quality, taste, freshness and your enjoyment. We have been making these marvelous herbal tea blends (herbal dietary supplements) for twenty years and we have perfected the art of creating a fine tasting, beneficial tea using fresh, organic and beautiful herbs. We use certified organic herbs (marked with °). If organic is not an option, we use herbs that are sustainably wild-harvested or cultivated without chemicals. If you can’t make your tea right from your garden, you should be aware of the quality you can expect from dried herbs and their different forms. Often the herbs you purchase are dramatically different in appearance, taste and benefit than when they were first picked or harvested. Depending on the methods used to harvest, dry, store and transport the herbs, not to mention the length of time they ‘sit’ in a warehouse, then a store and so on, their quality increasingly diminishes. The larger the pieces of herbs, the less chance for oxidation to occur and the herbs can hold their value better. You ought to be able to see, smell, and recognize the herbs in the blends. Smaller pieces and powdered herbs are in a more unstable form and the potency and freshness is much less than loose-leaf teas. The convenience of tea bags is apparent, yet in order to put the herbs into the bags, they must be cut small enough to fit, so the quality goes down. We offer our tea blends in loose form, using fresh, aromatic, vital herbs and we carry many choices of teamaking utensils; because to us, quality comes first. Tea brewing tools are on pages 13 ~ 15. The beautiful, aromatic loose-leaf herbs are packaged in closeable bags with brewing instructions. Store these Herbal Teas in a cool, dry place, out of direct light. They are best if used within 6 to 8 months of purchase. These tea blends are time-tested formulas and herbal dietary supplements for your wellbeing. We make no health, therapeutic, or nutritive claims. The empirical evidence of the ages speaks for itself. Information, descriptions and products in this catalogue are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease nor are they intended as prescriptions or therapy in any way. The descriptions in this catalogue are for educational purposes only. None of the statements in this catalogue have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Buy In Bulk And Save! Receive a substantial discount when you order teas in quantity. Mix & match any whole pounds of Herbal, Green, Black or Red Teas. (* Shipping charges apply.) *5 ~ 9 lbs. 10% Off! *10 ~ 24 lbs. 15% Off! *25 lbs. and more 20 - 40% Off!

Herbal Infusions Put 1 heaping teaspoon of dried (double if using fresh) cut leaves and/or flowers into a preheated mug, jar or teapot. Add 8~12 oz. boiling water (increase amounts accordingly for more tea). Cover and let steep for 8~10 mins; for a more "medicinal" effect, steep 15~60 mins. Strain and drink. For a cold infusion, steep herbs overnight or for 4~5 hrs.

Blossoms of Health° Beautiful to look at and deliciously tasty! A spirited, uplifting and energizing infusion blend. Contains: ginkgo° leaves, red clover° leaves and flowers, nettle° and meadowsweet° leaves, calendula°, chamomile° and lavender° flowers, gotu kola° leaves and a pinch of stevia°. 3 oz. $5.15 1 lb. $22.50

The Blues Beat those “down in the dumps” feelings with this wonderful, great tasting infusion. A burst of mid-summer garden sunshine on a gloomy day. Contains: nettle° leaves, St. John’s wort° herb, spearmint° and damiana° leaves, kava kava root and a tiny pinch of stevia°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Dawn Chorus° Gentle, yet full of heart and substance. A perfect way to start the day, or a natural energy pick-me-up any time. This mildly sweet and lightly fragrant nettle-based infusion is a superb alternative to the caffeine kick found in green and black teas. A new favourite at Mountain Rose - highly recommended! Contains: nettle° leaves, green rooibos° and rose petals°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

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Dream Blend° This infusion is based on an ancient formula said to evoke powerful dreams. It is specially blended for the dreamer; stimulating vivid and easily recalled dreams. A light minty yet satisfying flavour very enjoyable after a rich or large dinner. Contains: peppermint°, mugwort° and damiana° leaves, chamomile° flowers, gotu kola° and rosemary° leaves, rose petals° and a tiny pinch of stevia°. 3 oz. $5.15 1 lb. $22.50

Easy Day Blend° A superb, herbalicious infusion for everyone. Full of green zest, with hints of berry & mint; sure to be a family favourite. Yummy iced! Contains: blackberry° leaf, linden° leaf & flower, peppermint°, lemon balm° & marshmallow° leaves. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Evening Repose Blend° When the sun sets over the mountains and the new moon shows her silvery softness, enjoy the dance of light across the twilight sky, while savouring the tranquility in this beautiful infusion blend. A perfect toast to the moon. Rose petals°, lavender° flowers, lemon verbena° leaves, chamomile° flowers, peppermint° & spearmint° leaves, malva° flowers and stevia°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Fairytale Blend° A delightful and inspiring infusion blend full of flowers and fairy magic. Perfect for bedtime stories! Created for children, but just as popular with all of the family. Calendula°, red clover°, lavender° and chamomile° flowers, lemon balm°, catnip°, spearmint°, skullcap° and thyme° leaves, oatstraw°, lemon peel° and stevia°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Fidnemed Nighttime° Fidnemed means a sacred and quiet forest grove. Relax, enjoy some of this full flavoured infusion blend after a hectic day. Inspired by a week-long back-pack trip in the mountains; we almost called this “Sleep on Rocks”! Lemon balm° and skullcap° leaves, hibiscus° and hop° flowers, valerian° root, passionflower° herb and lavender° flowers. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Flashes Herbal Blend° This slightly astringent infusion blend is very helpful in soothing those hot “power surges”. Brew up a pot and sip as needed or refrigerate to enhance the cooling effect. Sage°, motherwort°, dandelion°, chickweed° and violet° leaves, elder flowers° and oatstraw°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Happy Tummy Blend° Reminiscent of the tea I loved at my grandma’s. She’d pick herbs and flowers from her garden and brew up this soothing, yummy drink. Catnip°, spearmint° and lemongrass° leaves, calendula° flowers, skullcap°, rosemary° and sage° leaves, and fennel° seeds. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Hibiscus High Blend° The red flowering tropical hibiscus flower gives this infusion drink its unique piquant taste and wonderful colour. Red hibiscus° flowers, rosehips°, lemon-grass° leaves, orange° peel, spearmint° leaves, roses° and stevia°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Memory Zest Blend° A mentally refreshing and good tasting infusion beverage to help give you feelings of clarity and precision. Gingko°, gotu kola° and peppermint° leaves, red clover° tops, rosemary° leaves, ginger° root and stevia° leaves. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50 – 10 –

Moon Ease Blend An indispensable and satisfying infusion blend perfect for a harmonious moon cycle. It is warming, comforting and effective. Brew it longer for a more medicinal effect and a deeper gingerwarming taste. Crampbark, chaste tree° berries, spearmint° and skullcap° leaves, marshmallow° root, passionflower° herb and ginger° root. 3 oz. $5.50 1 lb. $24.50

Peace Blend° Gentle and calming nervine infusion blend; a chance for reflection; an opportunity to imagine a peaceful world. Takes the stress out of life for a while, wonderful for meditation and quiet moments. Our most popular tea over the last 20 years! Chamomile° flowers, spearmint° leaves, passionflower° herb, rose petals°, lavender° flowers and cinnamon° bark. 3 oz. $5.15 1 lb. $22.50

Quiet Child Blend° A pleasing minty-flavoured infusion blend with a calming influence. Originally created for children, this is also a favourite with the elderly and for any of us when we’re feeling a bit fragile or delicate Especially good before bedtime. Red raspberry°, catnip°, spearmint° and skullcap° leaves, calendula° and chamomile° flowers and a pinch of stevia°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Seasons of Discontent Popular tea here in the Willamette Valley (grass seed capital of the West), especially when the abundant and beautiful Douglas Firs shed their pollen. A refreshingly cool, minty infusion, with a citrus undertone; to assist you in seasonal discontent. Consider taking it ahead of time, along with freeze-dried Nettle Capsules. Contains: nettle°, peppermint°, spearmint°, yerba santa, eyebright° and lemongrass° leaves, calendula°, red clover° and lavender° flowers, fennel° seeds and just a pinch of stevia°.3 oz. $5.15 1 lb. $22.50

21st Century Blend There are so many ways that we can feel overwhelmed ... air, water, stress, etc. This infusion blend is comforting, strengthening to the immune system and it has a delicious taste. Red clover° blossoms, nettle° leaves, pau d´arco, alfalfa° and sage° leaves, St. John’s wort° herb and a hint of ginger° root. 3 oz. $5.95 1 lb. $26.00

Vita–Blend° Herbalicious, mineral-rich infusion blend for well-being. This is one of our many tea blends based on an original Rosemary Gladstar formula. Alfalfa°, nettle° and peppermint° leaves, oatstraw°, lemongrass° leaves, red clover° and hibiscus° flowers and horsetail°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Wise Woman Blend° A wonderful infusion blend, to celebrate our emerging wise woman within. Soothe the emotional fires, smoothe the jagged edges and regain a sense of calm and balance. Contains: motherwort°, sage°, nettle°, lemon balm° and mugwort° leaves, chaste tree berries° and horsetail°. 3 ozs. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Women’s Balancing° Rich, healthy, delicious and full of flavour; this is a balancing and toning infusion blend ideal for every day. Red raspberry°, peppermint° and nettle° leaves, oatstraw°, ginger° root, dandelion° leaves, rose petals°, chamomile° flowers, horsetail° and a pinch of stevia°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

(800) 879~3337 fax (510) 217~4012 – 11 –

Decoctions Put 1 heaping teaspoon of berries, seeds, roots &/or barks into a stainless steel, glass or enamel pot. Add 12~16 oz. cold water, cover (increase amounts accordingly for more tea). For best results let berries, roots & barks soak for at least 20 mins and up to 6 hrs. Then bring to a boil, turn down to a bare simmer for 10~40 mins, depending on how "medicinal" you want it (cool if desired), strain and drink.

Echinacea & Roots Full flavoured with a rich, rooty, yet smooth, mellow taste. Effective and it tastes great! A popular decoction blend; we drink it at the first signs of colds and flu. Contains: echinacea purpurea° root, pau d’arco, dandelion root (raw° & roasted°), cinnamon°, Jamaican sarsaparilla and sassafrass barks, ginger° and burdock° roots, and a pinch of stevia°. 3 oz. $5.50 1 lb. $24.50

5th Chakra Blend° A warm and fruity decoction or a delicious infusion, sure to improve communication. Great for those tickly scratchies; soothing and tasty too. Contains: licorice°, marshmallow° and echinacea purpurea° roots, cinnamon° bark, orange° peel, ginger° root, fennel° seeds and cloves°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Forests Blend The Earth’s forests help clean the air. This rich and festive-tasting decoction blend is soothing and warming, particularly on a cold, damp day. Contains: echinacea purpurea° root, elecampane°, ginger°, pleurisy and licorice° roots, white oak° and cinnamon° barks, orange peel° and fennel seed°. 3 oz. $5.50 1 lb. $24.50

Happy Man Blend° All around tonic for men! A strong, healthy, deliciously down-toearth decoction. Eleuthero°, dandelion°, nettle°, marshmallow° and burdock° roots, hawthorn° and saw palmetto° berries, fennel° seeds, oatstraw° and stevia°. 3 oz. $5.50 1 lb. $24.50

Persephone’s Blend Going down to the underworld and rising up renewed. When you’ve been over-worked, over-indulging or under stress, remember ... be kind to yourself and your liver. This decoction helps transitions and your hard-working self. Dandelion°, burdock°, Oregon grape, yellow dock° and eleuthero° roots and milk thistle° seed. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Winter Spice Blend A rich, warm herbal rhythm of roots and barks. A great stress reducer and a spicy delicious decoction. Contains: eleuthero° root, sarsaparilla and cinnamon° barks, orange° peel, cardamom° seeds, licorice°, roasted dandelion° and ginger° roots with cloves°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50

Women’s Freedom Stop the rollercoaster and enjoy harmony and energy. A liberating and enjoyable decoction blend. Contains: dandelion°, licorice° and ginger° roots, sarsaparilla root bark, fennel° seeds, star anise° pods, burdock°, dong quai° and wild yam roots, cinnamon° bark, pau d´arco and orange° peel. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $21.50 Buy In Bulk And Save! Receive a discount when you order multiple whole pounds of tea. Mix & match any whole pounds of Herbal, Green, Black or Red Teas. *5~9 lbs. 10% Off! *10~24 lbs. 15% Off! *25 lbs. and more 20% - 40% Off! (* Shipping charges apply.)

° ingredient or product is certified organic by “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic”. – 12 –

Tea Utensils and Tools Cotton Tea Nets Our favourite brewing tool. Great for teapots, mugs or cups. Finemeshed unbleached cotton ‘sock’ on a 3” or 4” ring. Very practical for tea, immensely useful for filtering tinctures and other liquids. Easy to use and simple to clean out. Specify Small 3” or Large 4”. $1.95 each 2 or more $1.75 each

Celestial Tea Strainer Enjoy tea in style with this very convenient stainless steel strainer. Decorated around the rim with a celestial motif. Suitable for all sizes of mugs and easy to use. Inner steel mesh canister is 2” and outer celestial rim is 3”. $5.25

Large Mesh Infuser Fantastic stainless steel infuser for bath herbs (you’ll never want to use a bag again)! Equally good for sun tea, mulling or pickling spices, large vessels of tea, even crab pots. Simple to use with a twist lock top and easily cleaned. 3 3/4 “ diameter and 3 3/8“deep. $6.75

Mesh Infuser with Handle Convenient stainless steel infuser has a lip to fit around your cup or mug for a secure fit and a wooden handle. Mesh reservoir is 2“ deep and rim is 3” diameter. $3.75

Mesh Teaspoon Stainless steel mesh ball that opens, on a hinged handle. Do not overfill; allow room for the herbs to swell. 1 1/2". $2.25

Mesh Teaball Stainless steel 2" mesh ball & chain. Do not overfill - allow room for herbs to swell. $2.10

Bamboo Tea Strainer Keep 2 or 3 on hand so they can dry between use. “Basket” is 2 1/2“ deep and rim is 2” diameter. $1.50

Teabag Squeezer Convenient for those with sensitive hands. Tired of burnt fingers, or the pain associated with squeezing your scalding teabags by hand - then try this! Stainless steel. $2.00

Cotton Muslin Bags Simple unbleached 100% cotton muslin bags, with coloured drawstring. Useful for brewing large pots of tea, bath herbs etc. Choose from two sizes. 2 3/4” x 4” cotton bags: 10 for $2.75 50 for $10.75 100 for $19.00 300 for $51.00 500 for $84.00 1000 for $149.00 or 4” x 6” cotton bags: 10 for $3.00 50 for $13.00 100 for $24.00 300 for $62.00 500 for $103.00 1000 for $189.00

Matcha Tea Whisk and Spoon Must have accessories for the dedicated Matcha connoiseur. Both are traditionally manufactured in Japan from bamboo and made according to historic models used in ceremonies. Matcha Spoon. The perfect measure for an 8 oz. cup of tea. $6.50 Matcha Whisk. Precisely 80 bristles for even distibution. $13.00

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 Or: – 13 –

Tea Utensils and Tools Tea Brew Bags The classic paper “press n’ brew” empty tea bags; useful for all your custom tea and bath blends. Made without glue, from tree/paper fiber with perforations. A fun and economical way to create herbal blends. Fill bag with finely cut herbs and iron closed; best sealed with a dry heat above 200°F. Choose from two sizes: Small (single tea cup) (2 1/4” square) 50 bags $3.00 150 bags $6.95 250 bags $10.50 500 bags $19.00 Large (teapot or bath bag) (4” x 5”) 50 bags $4.85 150 bags $12.50 500 bags $27.00 1000 bags $50.00

Paper Tea Infusers These single-use ‘open-at-the-top’ paper tea strainers are a popular choice for fine tea and coffee houses. Simply fill paper strainer with material of your choice, insert support and allow to infuse in a mug or cup of hot water. Peroxide bleached and manufactured without the use of chlorine. Each pack comes with 40 strainers, and one plastic strainer support. One pack $2.75 10 pack $23.00

Tea Storage Bags Poly-lined tea and coffee bags with a re-foldable, stay-fresh top. 7 1/2" tall, 3 1/4" wide, 2 1/2" deep. Available in white (glossy) or brown (kraft), please specify which. 10 for $3.00 50 for $12.50 100 for $22.00

Cello Bags Clear, vegetable cellulose approved & manufactured for food storage. Easily folded & sealed; great for teas, candies, etc. Biodegradable! 3 1/2” x 2 1/4” x 11” $ .25 each $10.00 for 50 $18.00 for 100*

Funnels (Set of 3) White plastic. Rim diameters: large 4”, medium 3 1/4”, small 2 1/4”. All of the spouts have a diameter of 1/8”. $1.95

Stainless Steel Funnel Immensely useful tool with a clip-on screen which strains debris and unwanted solids. Commercial grade, easily cleaned; perfect for the home herbalist & body care manufacturer. 5” diameter vessel with 1/2” spout. $8.25

Kitchen Mesh Strainers Convenient all-purpose stainless steel mesh strainers. Handy tool for production of extracts, oils, teas, and in the manufacturing of some body care products. Choose from 2 sizes: Small (3”diameter) $3.75 or Large (4” diameter) $5.75

Bag Dryer Wood holder designed for drying plastic bags; works great for cotton tea nets, muslin bags, cheesecloth, coffee filters and small bottles. Useful and attractive tool. Sustainably harvested birch and ash. 14" tall. $12.95

Cheesecloth Versatile and indispensable. Unbleached, 100% cotton, fine-mesh natural fiber; ideal for all manner of projects. For home herbalists, bakers, etc. 2 square yards. $3.00

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 Or: – 14 –

Teapots etc. Tea Press & Carafe Immensely practical, long-lasting and popular tea maker. These classic press brewers have a high quality stainless steel filter, chrome plunger unit and Pyrex glass carafe. Beautiful and efficient way to make tea. Pour boiling water over the loose herbs, place the plunger lid on the press and watch your herbs infuse. When your tea develops to the desired strength, press the plunger down, infusion stops and the loose herbs are contained. You have delicious tea and clean up is easy. Not suitable for the stovetop. (Replacement carafes XL $20.00 & L $12.00. Be sure to specify size.) Extra Large Tea Press 48 oz. $40.00 Large Tea Press 32 oz. $34.00

Round Tea Carafe Attractive, practical and long-lasting “tea-maker” with a quality stainless steel filter and glass carafe. Easy to use and simple to clean. Beautiful and efficient way to make tea. Pour boiling water over the loose herbs and watch your herbs infuse. When your tea develops to the desired strength, lift the plunger handle up, turn it - infusion stops and the loose herbs are contained. Very convenient size; holds 2 1/2 cups (20 oz. max.), ideal for 16 ozs. and perfect for one person. Not suitable for the stovetop. Round Tea Carafe $21.00 Replacement Glass Carafe $10.75

Glass Teapots These attractive, small glass teapots are elegant and delicate; the perfect size for tea for two, or for just one person. Glass teapots let you carefully control the brewing of your tea, allowing you to infuse your tea perfectly while watching the tea leaves unfurl. You can enjoy seeing the ‘flowers’ open. Each teapot is fitted with a glass infuser, which allows for convenient brewing of loose leaf tea. Not suitable for the stovetop. Choose from two glass teapot styles: Classic (18 ozs.) $16.95 Or Signature (18 ozs.) $16.95

Porcelain Teapots These attractive and practical porcelain teapots are handsome yet rugged. A must-have for those who enjoy daily tea and want to sip in style. And at a price like this, every tea connoisseur should have at least one. Lead-free and dishwasher safe. Not suitable for the stove top. Each teapot holds approximately 32 ounces. Choose from 9 brilliant colours: Black, Green, White, Blue, Burgundy, Lime, Yellow, Orange or Brown. $11.00 each

Cast Iron Teapots These stunning unique teapots are made of solid cast iron and brushed with light earthcoloured patinas. Enamel lined to prevent rusting and oxidization, most with a stainless steel tea infuser that fits snuggly into the pot for infusion of loose-leaf tea. Beautiful, useful and built to last. Lead Free (not suitable for the stove top). Two of them (marked with *) come with a cast iron trivet for convenient resting and display. Choose from four designs. Floral Pot $51.00 (22 ozs.)

Ginkgo Pot $51.00 (22 ozs.)

Fish Pot* $32.00 (27 ozs.)

– 15 –

Lantern Pot* $36.00 (27 ozs.)

Tools and Accesories Brown Suribachi Elegant and practical; hand-crafted and imported from Japan, ceramic with a terra cotta brown glaze. Easy to clean grooves, dishwasher safe and includes a wooden pestle. A splendid way to grind herbs for fresh powders and because of the tough grooves, it works wonderfully on barks, resins, berries and roots. 5 3/4" diameter bowl. $14.95

Dragonfly Suribachi Efficient, effective and beautiful to look at. Ceramic blue-green bowl with a crackle finish and grooved grinding surface. Easy to clean and dishwasher safe. Dragonfly design on the inside rim. Grind your own herbs to ensure freshness. Comes with a wooden pestle. 5 3/4" diameter bowl. $14.95

Porcelain Mortar & Pestle

Simple and attractive; an invaluable tool. Versatile, sturdy design and pouring lip for ease of use. Pure white porcelain ceramic in 2 different sizes. Bowl is glazed on the outside (except base), unglazed on the inside. The pestle is only glazed partway down the handle. Lead-free & dishwasher safe. Choose from two sizes: Small - 3 1/4” x 1 7/8 $6.50 or Large - 4 5/8” x 2 ¼” $8.50

Spice & Pepper Grinder Useful and convenient grinder for herbalists, chefs and spicy cooks. Perfect for producing finely ground material, it is best used for botanicals like peppercorns, small dried roots and seeds, etc. We do not recommend using the mill for leafy material, flowers or large dried berries and roots in excess of 1/4 inch. Made of stainless steel, and guaranteed not to break if used as suggested. The grinder can be easily disassembled for easy cleaning. Elegant tubular shape. Dishwasher safe. $9.75

Nutmeg Grater One of a kind; crafted in Germany and made to last! Artfully designed and made of stainless steel, dishwasher safe with a nicely formed grip for easy and safe handling. Sturdy and practical. A true spicer’s delight. $7.90

Stainless Steel Scoops Heavy duty stainless steel from Switzerland. Polished finish, firm grip & contoured lip for easy scooping. Ideal for commercial or professional use. Choose from two sizes: Large (4” x 12”) $10.75 or Medium (3” x 10”) $8.75 Brushed stainless steel, Convenient, handy and comfortable. Ideal for personal or home use. Choose: large, medium or small sizes. L. (2.5” x 6.5”) $3.50 M. (1.75” x 5.25”) $2.90 S. (1.25” x 4.5”) $2.50

Wooden Scoops A set of three Scotch Pine wood scoops from Sweden. Attractive and practical. Not for dishwashers. 5 1/2” x 1 3/8”, 5 1/4” x 1 1/4” and 4 3/4" x 1 1/4”. Set of three scoops. $4.25

Sprout Screen Economical and easy to use screen. All you need is a jar, water and seeds. Comes with instructions. $2.10

Sprouting Kit This complete kit produces sprouts in 3 days, with 3 chambers for sprouting different seeds and one chamber for water. Just sprinkle seeds onto the trays, add water and watch your sprouts grow! Each kit includes an instruction booklet with recipes. $29.00 – 16 –

Bulk Herbs, Spices, Seasonings If you can’t pick it, if you can’t get it fresh or organic within your local community, then we passionately believe that we offer the best dried herbs available! Often the herbs you purchase at a shop are dramatically different in appearance, taste and benefit than when they were first picked or harvested. Depending on the methods used to harvest, dry, store and transport them, not to mention the length of time the herbs ‘sit’ in a warehouse, then a store and so on, their quality has increasingly diminished. At Mountain Rose Herbs, we care deeply, because we are committed to offering you superior quality and because most of us are herbalists, plants-people, cooks and medicine-makers, and because integrity matters.We meticulously inspect all of our materials to bring you an herbal product that is so fresh, colourful and fragrant you can’t help but smile. For colour images, please visit “Bulk Herbs” at our website and click on the camera icon to see current photos of all of our herbs and teas. While we strive to maintain prices, occasionally they are subject to change, as are the countries of origin. Several circumstances may affect the cut, colour, aroma and availability of herbs and spices (e.g. weather, soil type, harvesting tools, even geography and politics). Please visit our website for up-to-date information, availability and newly offered or seasonal herbs. All of the herbs, spices and teas that we offer are OQK kosher certified. All of the certified organic herbs and spices that we offer have been grown, processed and handled with oversight and certification from Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (see page 32). We proudly provide copies of our organic certificate upon your request. All of our botanicals are cut and sifted unless listed otherwise. OG - Herbs that are certified organic through “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic”. OG/BD - Herbs that are certified organic through “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic” and Certified Biodynamic® by the Demeter Association, Inc. W - Ethically and sustainably wildharvested herbs. Wild-harvesters who contract with Mountain Rose Herbs sign a “wild take audit” to ensure sustainable gathering, with a 10% maximum take. Plants are re-seeded or roots are left to sustain and re-stock native populations. CWC - Herbs that are cultivated without chemicals, or grown organically but not certified. These items have been tested in our laboratory to be free from pesticide, organophosphate and carbamate residues. For more information on Mountain Rose Herbs’ in-house laboratory testing and our quality control standards, please visit our website. E - Only a limited supply of these wildharvested plants is available each season. These are at-risk, threatened or endangered wild medicinal plants. Use with awareness and research alternatives. We contract for just a small sustainable harvest each year. Once our stock runs out, the plant material becomes unavailable until the following harvest. FTC - Herbs that are Fair Trade Certified by Transfair USA. Orders of 5 lbs. or more in weight are packaged in bulk at our discretion. Therefore, an order for multiple pounds of one herb may be packaged into a gusset, poly-woven or polypropylene bag, not in individual bags. If you want your bulk orders for 5 lbs. or more packaged in individual 1 lb. units, or in specific amounts, a surcharge of 50 cents per unit will be added. Mountain Rose Herbs guarantees that our herbs, botanicals and spices are: “true” certified organic by OTCO (when marked organic) free from irradiation, ozone treatment, sulfur, gasses and other sanitary chemicals. Quality control tested, analyzed and supervised. Unsurpassable in colour, depth, taste and aroma. Ethically wildharvested or cultivated without chemicals when not certified organic.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337


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Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Acacia powder (Gum arabic) Acacia senegal OG Sudan Agrimony herb Agrimonia eupatoria OG Hungary Agrimony herb powder As above OG Hungary USA Alfalfa leaf 4 Medicago sativa OG/BD Alfalfa leaf powder 4 Medicago sativa OG USA Alkanet root 1 Batschia canescens W Pakistan Alkanet root powder 1 Batschia canescens W Pakistan Allspice whole Pimenta dioica OG Guatemala Allspice powder Pimenta dioica OG Guatemala Aloe powder Aloe ferox CWC Africa Angelica root 2,4,11 Angelica archangelica OG Canada Hungary Angelica root powder 2,4,11 As above OG Anise seed 2 Pimpinella anisum OG Egypt 2 Turkey Anise seed powder Pimpinella anisum OG Anise star pods whole 2 Illicium verum OG Vietnam Vietnam Anise star powder 2 Illicium verum OG Annato seed powder Bixa orellana OG Indonesia Annato seed whole Bixa orellana OG Indonesia Arnica flower whole 1 Arnica montana OG Canada Artichoke leaf Cynara scolymus OG Chile Ashwaganda root 2 Withania somnifera OG India 2 Ashwaganda root powder As above OG India Astragalus root A. membranaceus OG China Astragalus root powder As above OG China Astragalus root slices A. membranaceus OG China Balm of Gilead buds whole Populus balsamifera W Canada Barberry root bark 2 Berberis vulgaris W USA 2 Barberry root bark powder Berberis vulgaris W USA

5.25 2.75 3.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 5.25 5.00 4.75 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.25 3.00 23.00 3.25 3.50 4.25 3.75 3.75 3.50 9.25 3.25 3.50

9.00 4.25 5.00 3.50 3.25 4.75 5.25 5.25 6.25 9.00 8.50 8.25 4.25 4.50 5.25 6.00 5.25 4.75 40.00 5.25 6.25 7.50 6.25 6.25 6.00 16.50 4.50 5.00

16.75 7.50 8.25 6.00 6.50 7.75 8.75 9.00 11.00 16.00 15.50 15.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.50 9.00 8.00 72.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 11.00 11.00 10.50 29.00 7.75 8.75


– 18 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

USA Barley grass powder 2 Hordeum vulgare OG 2 Basil leaf Ocimum basilicum OG Egypt Bay leaf whole, hand selected Laurus nobilis OG Turkey Bay leaf cut Laurus nobilis OG Turkey USA Bayberry root bark 2 Morella cerifera W 2 Bayberry root bark powder Morella cerifera W USA Bee Pollen granules W Oregon bees Beet Root powder (freeze dried) Beta vulgaris OG USA Sumatra Benzoin gum powder 2,6,10 Styrax benzoin W Bilberry fruit whole Vaccinium myrtillus OG Bulgaria Bilberry leaf Vaccinium myrtillus OG Bulgaria Birch Bark 2 Betula alba W USA Birch Bark powder 2 Betula alba W USA 2 Birch leaf Betula alba OG Hungary Blackberry leaf Rubus fruticosus OG Chile Blackberry root Rubus fruticosus W USA Blackberry root powder Rubus villosus W USA 2 Black Cohosh root Cimicifuga racemosa OG USA Black Cohosh root powder 2 Cimicifuga racemosa OG USA Black Haw bark Viburnum prunifolium W USA Black Haw bark powder As above W USA 7 Black Walnut leaf Juglans nigra OG Czech Republic USA Black Walnut Hull powder 7 As above W 2,7 Blessed Thistle herb Cnicus benedictus OG USA Blood root 1,2,4,6,7,10 Sanguinaria canadensis W/E USA 1,2,4,6,7,10 As above W/E USA Blood root powder Blue Cohosh root 2 Caulophyllum thalictroides W/E USA 2 USA Blue Cohosh root powder As above W/E Blue Flag root 2,5,6,7,10 Iris versicolor OG USA Boldo leaf 5,14 Peumus boldus W Chile Boneset herb 2 Eupatorium perfoliatum OG USA 1,2,7 Borago officinalis OG Canada Borage herb Buchu leaf whole 2,5,6,7 Agathosma betulina OG Africa 2,7,10 Buckthorn bark Rhamnus cathartica OG Hungary Germany Buckthorn bark powder 2,7,10 As above OG Bugleweed Lycopus lucidus OG China Bupleurum root Bupleurum chinense OG China Bupleurum root powder Bupleurum chinense OG China Burdock root Arctium lappa OG USA Burdock root powder Arctium lappa OG USA Butchers Broom root 2,6 Ruscus aculeatus W Albania Butchers Broom root powder 2,6 As above W Albania Butterbur root 1,2,6,7 Petasites hybridus W USA 2,6 Butternut bark Juglans cinerea W USA Butternut bark powder 2,6 Juglans cinerea W USA Cacao bean whole Theobroma cacao OG Peru Cacao nibs Theobroma cacao OG/FTC Peru Cacao powder Theobroma cacao OG Peru

3.25 2.25 3.50 2.50 3.50 3.75 3.00 3.75 4.00 7.75 3.75 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.00 4.75 5.25 5.75 6.75 3.50 3.75 2.50 2.25 2.75 10.25 10.25 4.00 4.50 7.75 2.25 3.50 4.50 21.00 2.75 3.25 3.00 3.75 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.25 8.25 3.25 3.75 5.50 5.50 6.00

5.50 3.25 6.25 4.25 6.25 6.75 5.25 6.25 6.25 13.00 6.00 4.50 5.25 4.75 4.50 8.00 8.75 10.50 11.75 6.25 6.50 3.50 3.25 4.25 18.00 18.00 6.25 7.00 13.00 3.50 6.00 8.00 38.00 4.75 5.25 5.25 6.25 6.75 4.75 4.75 5.25 5.25 14.00 5.50 6.25 9.75 9.00 10.50

9.50 5.75 11.00 7.00 11.00 12.00 9.00 11.00 11.00 23.00 10.00 8.00 9.00 8.50 8.00 14.00 15.00 19.00 21.00 11.00 11.50 5.50 5.75 7.25 32.00 32.00 11.00 12.00 23.00 6.00 10.50 14.00 70.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 8.25 8.25 9.00 9.00 25.00 9.75 10.75 17.00 16.00 18.75

(800) 879~3337

fax (510) 217~4012 – 19 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Calamus root Acorus calamus OG Poland Poland Calamus root powder 1,2,7 Acorus calamus OG Calendula flower whole Cal. officinalis OG USA California Poppy herb 2 Eschscholzia californica OG USA Caraway seed whole Carum carvi OG Canada Cardamom sd. hulled Elettaria cardamomum OG Guatemala Cardamom pod whole As above OG Guatemala Cardamom sd. powder Eletteria cardamomum OG Guatemala Carob (light roast) Ceratonia siliqua OG Spain Carob powder Ceratonia siliqua OG Spain 2,7,10 Cascara Sagrada bark Rhamnus purshiana W USA Cascara Sagrada bark powder 2,7,10 As above W USA USA Catnip leaf & flower 2 Nepeta cataria OG Cats Claw bark 2 Uncaria tomentosa W Peru 2 Cats Claw bark powder Uncaria tomentosa W Peru Catuaba bark 2,4 Anemopegma mirandum W Brazil Catuaba bark powder 2,4 Anemopegma mirandum W Brazil India Cayenne powder 7 35K Capsicum annuum OG 2,5,7 Cedar berry whole Juniperus monosperma W USA USA Cedar leaf tips 2,5,7 Thuja occidentalis W Celandine herb 2,7 Chelidonium majus OG Hungary Celery seed whole 2,7,11 Apium graveolens OG Egypt 2,7,11 Apium graveolens OG Egypt Celery seed powder Hungary Centaury herb 5,6, Centaurium erythraea OG Chamomile flower whole Matricaria recutita OG/FTC Egypt Chamomile flower powder As above OG Egypt 6,7,14 Chaparral leaf Larrea tridentata W Mexico Chervil leaf 2 Anthriscus cerefolium CWC USA Chickweed herb Stellaria media OG Hungary Chickweed powder Stellaria media OG Hungary Chicory root roasted Chicorium intybus OG France Chili flakes 7 5.3K Capsicum annum OG USA 7 Chili whole 40K Capsicum annum OG USA Chive rings (freeze dried) Allium schoenoprasum OG USA Chlorella powder (cracked wall) C. pyrenoidosa CWC Japan Chrysanthemum flower whole C. x morifolium OG China Cilantro leaf Coriandrum sativum OG Egypt Cinnamon bk. chips 2 (3% oil)Cinnamomum cassia OG Vietnam Cinnamon bk. powder 2 (3% oil) As above OG Indonesia Cinnamon sticks (2.75”) 2 (3% oil) As previous OG Indonesia Cleavers herb Galium aparine OG Hungary Clove whole Syzygium aromaticum OG Indonesia Clove powder Syzygium aromaticum OG Sri Lanka Club Moss 2,6,10 Lycopodium clavatum W USA 2,6,10 Club Moss powder Lycopodium clavatum W USA Codonopsis root Codonopsis pilosula OG China Coltsfoot leaf 2,7 Tussilago farfara OG Hungary Comfrey leaf 1,2,7 Symphytum officinale OG Hungary

3.00 3.25 7.50 7.25 1.75 4.75 5.25 5.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.75 2.50 3.25 3.00 3.75 3.00 7.25 3.25 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.75 3.75 2.00 5.50 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.75 12.00 7.00 5.50 3.00 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.75 4.00 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.75 2.75 3.00

5.25 5.75 14.50 12.50 2.50 8.00 9.00 9.50 4.75 4.75 4.25 5.00 6.00 4.25 5.00 5.25 5.75 4.75 12.50 5.50 5.25 5.25 6.75 5.25 6.25 6.50 3.25 9.75 3.75 4.25 5.25 4.75 5.75 21.00 12.25 9.00 4.75 3.25 3.50 3.50 4.25 6.50 6.25 6.25 6.75 5.25 4.75 4.75

9.00 9.75 26.00 22.00 4.00 14.00 16.50 17.00 8.50 8.50 7.00 8.25 10.50 7.25 8.00 9.00 10.00 8.00 22.00 9.75 9.00 9.00 12.00 9.00 10.75 11.75 5.00 18.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 8.00 10.00 37.00 22.00 16.00 8.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 7.25 11.00 10.75 11.00 12.50 9.00 7.75 8.00


Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 20 –

Or Fax: (510) 217~4012

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Comfrey root Symphytum officinale OG Hungary 1,2,7 Comfrey root powder As above OG Hungary Mexico Copal resin pieces 1,2 Hymenaea courbaril W Coriander seed whole Coriandrum sativum OG Netherlands Coriander seed powder Coriandrum sativum OG Egypt Cornflower petals Centaurea cyanus OG Bulgaria Cornsilk Zea mays OG USA 2 Couchgrass (Dog grass)rhizome Agropyron repens W Turkey Cramp bark Viburnum opulus W USA Cramp bark powder Viburnum opulus W USA Cranberry powder (freeze dried) Vaccinium macrocarpon OG USA Cranesbill root Geranium maculatum W USA Cranesbill root powder Geranium maculatum W USA Cumin seed whole Cuminum cyminum OG India Cumin seed powder Cuminum cyminum OG India Curry leaf Murraya koenigii OG India Damiana leaf Turnera diffusa OG Mexico Damiana leaf powder Turnera diffusa OG Mexico Dandelion leaf Taraxacum officinale OG USA Dandelion root Taraxacum officinale OG Hungary Dandelion root powder Taraxacum officinale OG Hungary Dandelion root roasted Taraxacum officinale OG Hungary Devil’s Claw rt slices 6 Harpagophytum procumbens OG S.Africa Devil’s Claw root powder 6 As above OG South Africa Devil’s Club bark Oplopanax horridum W/E Canada Dill seed whole Anethum graveolens OG Egypt Dill weed Anethum graveolens OG Egypt 2,4 China Dong Quai root Angelica sinensis OG China Dong Quai root powder 2,4 As above OG Dragons Blood resin 1,2 Sanguis draconis W Indonesia Echinacea angustifolia root OG USA Echinacea purpurea herb OG USA Echinacea purpurea herb powder OG USA Echinacea purpurea root OG USA Echinacea purpurea root powder OG USA Elder berry Sambucus nigra OG Hungary Elder flower Sambucus canadensis OG Hungary 2,6,7 Elecampane root Inula helenium OG USA Elecampane root powder 2,6,7 Inula helenium OG USA 2 Eleuthero Root Eleutherococcus senticosus OG China Eleuthero Root Powder 2 Eleutherococcus senticosus OG China Ephedra powder 2,3,4,7,12 Ephedra sinica CWC China Epimedium leaf 2 Epimedium grandiflorum OG China 2 Epimedium leaf powder As above OG China “essiac” blend 2,5,6, (with instructions) OG USA 6 Eucalyptus leaf Eucalyptus globulus OG Chile Eyebright herb 2 Euphrasia officinalis OG Hungary Fennel Seed whole Foeniculum vulgare OG Turkey Fennel Seed powder Foeniculum vulgare OG Egypt

3.00 3.75 3.50 2.50 2.75 11.50 4.00 3.25 8.25 8.75 14.75 5.75 6.25 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.00 3.50 3.75 3.25 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.75 9.50 2.50 3.50 4.25 4.25 10.00 7.25 2.25 2.75 3.75 3.75 3.50 4.50 3.25 3.75 3.00 3.75 9.00 2.75 3.25 2.75 4.50 2.50 2.75

4.75 5.50 5.75 3.50 4.00 20.00 6.75 5.25 14.75 15.50 26.00 10.00 10.75 4.25 4.50 5.50 4.50 5.25 5.50 5.25 5.75 6.25 6.50 7.50 16.50 4.25 5.75 6.75 7.50 17.50 13.00 3.50 4.75 6.00 6.00 5.50 7.50 5.25 6.00 4.75 5.50 13.00 4.75 5.25 4.25 7.75 3.75 4.00

8.50 9.50 10.00 6.00 7.00 36.00 11.75 9.00 26.00 27.00 47.00 18.00 19.00 7.00 7.75 9.00 7.50 8.50 9.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 11.00 12.50 29.00 7.50 10.00 12.00 13.00 31.00 23.00 6.00 8.00 10.50 10.50 9.50 13.00 9.00 10.50 8.25 9.50 21.00 8.00 9.00 25.00 7.00 14.00 5.00 5.75


– 21 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

Fenugreek seed whole 2 Trigonella foenum-graecum OG India Fenugreek seed powder 2 As above OG India 2 Feverfew herb Tanacetum parthenium OG USA Flax seed whole 7,15 Linum usitatissimum OG Argentina China Fo-Ti Root 2 ,7 Polygonum multiflorum OG Fo-Ti Root powder 2 ,7 Polygonum multiflorum OG China Forsythia fruit 2 ,7 Forsythia suspensa OG China Frankincense resin pieces 2 Boswellia carteri W Egypt 2 Egypt Frankincense powder Boswellia carteri W Fumitory 2,7 Fumaria officinalis OG Europe India Galangal root 2,5,6,7 Alpinia officinalis OG Galangal root powder 2,5,6,7 Alpinia officinalis OG India India Garcinia fruit whole 2,7 Garcinia cambogia OG Garlic granules 2 Allium sativum OG USA 2 Egypt Garlic minced Allium sativum OG Garlic powder 2 Allium sativum OG USA 6,7 Gentian root Gentiana lutea OG USA USA Gentian root powder 6,7 Gentiana lutea OG 2,6 Ginger root Zingiber officinale OG Indonesia India Ginger root powder 2,6 Zingiber officinale OG 4 Ginkgo leaf Ginkgo biloba OG China China Ginkgo leaf powder 4 Ginkgo biloba OG 2 Ginseng root Panax quinquefolium OG USA

2.00 2.50 4.75 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 4.00 2.50 2.25 2.25 7.50 8.00 3.50 3.75 2.75 3.75

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337

8 oz

1 lb

3.50 5.00 3.50 6.00 8.50 15.00 4.00 5.00 8.75 5.75 10.00 5.75 10.00 4.50 7.00 4.75 8.00 5.75 10.00 5.75 10.00 6.25 11.00 6.75 12.00 3.50 6.00 3.50 6.25 3.50 6.00 13.25 23.00 14.00 24.00 5.00 8.50 5.25 9.00 4.50 8.00 5.25 9.00 6.00 per oz.


– 22 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

Ginseng root 2 Panax quinquefolium OG USA Ginseng root powder 2 Panax quinquefolium OG USA 2 Ginseng root powder Panax quinquefolium OG USA Goats Rue herb 4 Galega officinalis OG Hungary Goji (Lycii) berry whole 2 Lycium chinense OG China Goldenrod herb 2,5,7 Solidago virgaurea OG Hungary USA Goldenseal leaf 2,7 Hydrastis canadensis OG Goldenseal leaf powder 2,7 Hydrastis canadensis OG USA 2,7 USA Goldenseal root Hydrastis canadensis OG Goldenseal root 2,7 Hydrastis canadensis OG USA USA Goldenseal root powder 2,7 Hydrastis canadensis OG Goldenseal root powder 2,7 Hydrastis canadensis OG USA Gotu Kola herb Centella asiatica OG Sri Lanka Gotu Kola herb powder Centella asiatica OG Sri Lanka Gravel root 2,5,7 Eupatorium purpureum W USA Gravel root powder 2,5,7 Eupatorium purpureum W USA Guarana seed whole 2,7,12 Paullinia cupana W Brazil Brazil Guarana seed powder 2,7,12 Paullinia cupana W Guggul gum 2 Commiphora mukul W India Gymnema leaf 2 Gymnema sylvestre OG India


– 23 –

20.00 3.50 3.50 2.75 5.75 6.50 24.00 25.00 4.00 4.25 3.50 4.00 2.75 3.25 3.25 2.50

8 oz

1 lb

34.00 61.00 6.50 per oz. 37.00 69.00 6.25 11.00 6.00 10.50 4.50 7.50 10.00 18.00 11.00 19.00 7.50 per oz. 44.00 82.00 7.50 per oz. 45.00 84.00 6.75 12.00 7.25 12.75 6.25 11.00 6.75 12.00 4.75 8.00 5.50 9.50 5.50 9.50 3.75 6.50

Common name & Latin Cultivation 2


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Gymnema leaf powder Gymnema sylvestre OG India 2.75 4.50 7.50 Hawthorn berry whole Crataegus laevigata OG Hungary 2.50 4.25 7.25 Hawthorn berry powder As above OG Poland 3.25 5.25 9.00 Hawthorn leaf & flower As above OG Hungary 3.00 5.00 8.50 Heather flowers Calluna vulgaris OG Germany 4.25 7.50 13.00 Helichrysum flower whole Heli. arenarium OG Poland 4.00 6.75 12.00 Hemp seed hulled Cannabis sativa OG Canada 6.25 10.75 19.00 Hibiscus flower Hibiscus sabdariffa OG/FTC Egypt 3.25 5.25 9.00 Hibiscus flower powder As above OG Egypt 3.50 5.75 10.00 Hibiscus flower whole As above OG/FTC Egypt 3.00 5.00 9.00 2 Holy Basil leaf, Tulsi Ocimum sanctum OG Nepal 2.75 4.50 8.00 Honeysuckle flower Lonicera japonica OG China 5.25 9.00 16.00 Hops flower whole 7 Humulus lupulus OG New Zealand 6.75 12.00 21.00 Horehound herb 2 Marrubium vulgare OG USA 3.50 5.75 10.25 1,2 Hungary 3.25 5.25 9.00 Horse Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum OG Horsetail herb (Shavegrass) 2,5,7 Equisetum arvense OG Hungary 2.75 4.25 7.00 2,5,7 Equisetum arvense OG Hungary 2.75 4.50 8.00 Horsetail herb powder 5 Hydrangea root Hydrangea arborescens W USA 3.50 5.75 10.00 Hydrangea root powder 5 Hydrangea arborescens W USA 3.75 6.25 11.00 Argentina 3.50 5.75 10.00 Hyssop herb 2 Hyssopus officinalis OG Iceland 3.50 6.75 12.00 Iceland Moss 2 Cetraria islandica OG 2 Irish Moss Chondrus crispus W France 3.25 5.50 9.25 Canada 3.50 5.25 9.25 Irish Moss powder 2 Chondrus crispus W Jamaican Dogwood bark Piscidia piscipula W Jamaica 4.25 7.50 13.00 Jamaican Dogwood bark powder As above W Jamaica 5.50 9.00 16.00 Jasmine flower whole Jasminum officinale CWC China 3.25 5.25 9.00 Juniper berry 2,5,7 Juniperus communis OG Hungary 3.25 5.25 9.00 Kava Kava root 2,13 Piper methysticum CWC Hawaii 7.00 12.50 22.00 Hawaii 7.00 12.50 22.00 Kava Kava root powder 2,13 Piper methysticum CWC 2,7,12 Kola nut whole Cola acuminata W Brazil 2.50 3.75 6.50 Kola nut powder 2,7,12 Cola acuminata W Brazil 2.50 3.75 6.50 Kudzu root powder Pueraria lobata OG China 2.75 4.50 8.00 Lady’s Mantle herb Alchemilla vulgaris OG Poland 3.50 6.00 10.50 Lavender flower Lavandula officinalis OG France 4.75 8.50 15.00 Lavender flower powder Lavandula officinalis OG France 5.75 10.00 17.50 Lemon Balm herb Melissa officinalis OG USA 3.75 6.50 11.00 Guatemala 2.75 4.75 7.75 Lemongrass leaf 2 Cymbopogon citratus OG 2 Lemongrass powder As above OG Egypt 2.75 4.50 8.00 Lemon peel Citrus x limon OG USA 3.25 5.50 9.75 Lemon peel powder Citrus x limon OG USA 3.50 5.75 10.25 Lemon Thyme leaf Thymus x citrodorus OG USA 3.00 4.25 7.50 Lemon Verbena herb Aloysia triphylla OG Paraguay 4.00 6.75 12.00 Licorice root 2,6,7,9 Glycyrrhiza glabra OG Egypt 2.75 4.50 8.00 Licorice root powder 2,6,7,9 Glycyrrhiza glabra OG Egypt 3.75 5.50 9.00 2,6,7,9 Licorice root slices (2-3”) As above OG Egypt 3.50 5.50 9.00 Linden leaf & flower Tilia europaea OG Hungary 5.75 10.25 18.00 Lobelia herb 2,6,7,8 Lobelia inflata OG USA 8.50 15.75 28.00 Lotus flower petals 2,7 Nelumbo nucifera OG China 12.00 22.00 39.00 Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 Or: – 24 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Lotus leaf 2,7 Nelumbo nucifera OG China 2,5 Lovage leaf Levisticum officinale OG Canada Lovage root 2,5 Levisticum officinale OG Canada 2,6,7 Pulmonaria officinalis OG Germany Lungwort leaf Lycii (Goji) berry whole 2 Lycium chinense OG China Maca root powder Lepidium meyenii OG Peru Mace ground 2 Myristica fragrans OG Sri Lanka Mace whole 2 Myristica fragrans OG Sri Lanka Maitake mushroom Grifola frondosa OG China Malva/Mallow flower Blue Malva spp. OG Hungary Mandrake/Mayapple root 1,2 Podophyllum peltatum W USA Marjoram leaf 2 Origanum majorana OG Spain Marshmallow leaf Althaea officinalis OG Hungary Marshmallow root Althaea officinalis OG USA Marshmallow root powder Althaea officinalis OG USA Meadowsweet flower 4 Filipendula ulmaria OG Hungary Meadowsweet leaf 2,4 Filipendula ulmaria OG Hungary Meadowsweet leaf powder 2,4 As above OG Hungary Milk Thistle seed whole Silybum marianum OG Hungary Milk Thistle seed powder Silybum marianum OG Hungary

3.00 4.75 6.00 4.50 3.50 4.50 6.50 6.00 8.00 6.25 3.75 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.25 4.50 2.75 3.25 2.75 3.25

5.00 8.50 10.00 7.25 6.00 7.25 10.25 10.00 14.50 10.50 6.25 3.25 4.00 4.50 5.25 7.50 4.25 5.25 4.50 5.25

8.75 15.00 18.75 12.50 10.50 13.00 18.00 18.75 26.00 18.00 11.00 5.50 6.50 8.00 9.00 13.00 7.50 9.00 8.00 9.00

We trust you will use common sense and thoroughly research an herb before use. Just because a small amount of herb works well, does NOT mean that more is better. As individuals we all have different constitutions, sensitivities, allergic reactions and possible health conditions. Mountain Rose Herbs is not responsible for the misuse of these plant materials. We can’t provide you with medical advice, dosage information, potential drug/herb reactions, or assistance with questions relating to injury or illness etc. We are neither licensed practitioners, pharmacists nor researchers. We are legally restricted from answering your health related questions. We thank you for your understanding. Mountain Rose Herbs (MRH) assumes that you have reviewed and are familiar with the safety guidelines for herbs and herbal products as established by the American Botanical Council, the American Herbal Products Association and the FDA. Customers shall be solely responsible for all subsequent use or resale of any herbs, or products purchased from MRH, including the blending and/or labelling of such products. Customer further agrees to indemnify and hold MRH harmless from any and all claims that be asserted against MRH from the use of any products marketed by the buyer, in which buyer has mixed, blended, altered, or packaged products containing ingredients sold by MRH. All of our herbs and spices are labelled with safety cautions as required and recommended by the American Herbal Product Association and their Botanical Safety Index. These basic safety & caution guidelines are based on industry recommendations, they are not intended as a complete, conclusive or up to date list. For more info contact: American Herbal Products Association, FDA guidelines or a licensed health practitioner. 1. External use only. Do not apply to broken skin. 2. Not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing. 3. Not to be used while taking MAO inhibitors. 4. Not recommended for persons taking blood thinning agents. 5. Not for persons with history of kidney stones, renal dysfunction or inflammation. 6. Not for persons with stomach inflammation/ulcers, serious digestion &/or liver problems. 7. Not recommended for long term use. 8. May cause vomiting &/or depressed respiration. 9. Not for persons with high blood pressure; may cause potassium loss with other medications. 10. Do not use if you have or develop: abdominal pain, loose stools or diarrhea. Consult with practitioner if pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or if you have a medical condition. 11. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight if taking internally. 12. Seek advice from a health practitioner prior to use if pregnant, nursing, have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination due to prostate enlargement, or if taking MAO inhibitor or other medications. Reduce/discontinue use if nervousness, tremor, sleeplessness, loss of appetite or nausea occur. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. 13. Not for use by persons under 18, or anyone with any liver problem. Consult practitioner prior to use if pregnant, nursing or taking medication. May impair ability to drive/operate heavy machinery. Not recommended for consumption with alcoholic beverages. 14. Seek advice from practitioner prior to use if you have/may have had kidney or liver disease. Discontinue use if nausea, fever, fatigue or jaundice should occur. 15. Take with plenty of fluid. May cause constipation or obstruction. Not for those with bowel obstruction or inflammation. Information and products in this catalogue and on our website are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease, nor are they intended to prescribe in any way. Mountain Rose Herbs does not take responsibility for your experience in using any of them. None of the statements in this catalogue have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

– 25 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Mistletoe Phoradendron flavescens OG Europe Motherwort herb 2 Leonurus cardiaca OG USA 2 Hungary Mugwort leaf Artemisia vulgaris OG Muira Puama bark 2 Ptychopetalum olacoides W Peru 2 Muira Puama bark powder As above W Peru Mullein flowers 7 Verbascum thapsus OG Chile Mullein leaf 7 Verbascum thapsus OG Bulgaria Canada Mustard Seed whole brown 6,7 Brassica nigra OG 6,7 Mustard Seed whole yellow Sinapis alba OG Canada Mustard Seed powder yellow 6,7 As above OG Netherlands Myrrh gum pieces 2 Commiphora molmol W Somalia Africa Myrrh gum powder 2 Commiphora molmol W 2,1 India Neem leaf Azadirachta indica OG Neem leaf powder 2,1 Azadirachta indica OG India Nettle leaf Urtica dioica OG Hungary Nettle leaf powder Urtica dioica OG Hungary 2,4 Hungary Nettle root Urtica dioica OG Nettle root powder 2,4 Urtica dioica OG Poland 2,11,12 Nutmeg powder Myristica fragrans OG Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nutmeg whole 2,11,12 Myristica fragrans OG Oat tops whole Avena sativa OG USA Oatstraw herb Avena sativa OG USA Olive leaf Olea europaea OG Italy Olive leaf powder Olea europaea OG Italy Onion minced Allium cepa OG Egypt Onion powder Allium cepa OG Egypt Opopanax resin pieces Commiphora holtziana W Africa Orange peel 11 Citrus sinensis OG USA 11 USA Orange peel powder Citrus sinensis OG Oregano leaf 2 Origanum vulgare OG Turkey Oregon Grape root 2 Mahonia aquifolium W USA Oregon Grape root powder 2 Mahonia aquifolium W USA Orris root 1 Iris germanica W Morocco Morocco Orris root powder 1 Iris germanica W Osha root whole 2 Ligusticum porteri W/E USA Papaya leaf Carica papaya CWC India Paprika powder Capsicum annuum OG Israel Parsley leaf 2,7 Petroselinum crispum OG Egypt Parsley root 2,6,7 Petroselinum crispum OG Hungary Partridgeberry herb (squawvine) Mitchella repens W USA Passionflower herb Passiflora incarnata OG Italy Passionflower herb powder Passiflora incarnata OG Italy 1 Patchouli leaf Pogostemon cablin W India Pau D’Arco bark Tabebuia impetiginosa W Brazil Pau D’Arco bark powder Tabebuia impetiginosa W Brazil Pennyroyal herb 2,5 Mentha pulegium W Morocco Peony, White, root Paeonia lactiflora OG China Pepper, Black, whole Piper nigrum OG Indonesia Pepper, Black, ground Piper nigrum OG Sri Lanka

3.75 3.25 2.50 2.75 2.75 4.75 2.75 1.75 2.75 3.50 3.75 3.25 3.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.50 4.75 4.50 6.25 2.50 3.25 3.75 2.75 2.75 3.75 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.75 4.75 10.00 2.00 3.50 3.75 4.50 12.00 4.50 5.00 5.75 2.25 2.25 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00

5.50 5.25 4.00 4.75 4.75 8.50 4.75 2.75 3.50 5.75 6.75 5.25 5.50 4.75 5.25 5.75 7.25 8.50 7.75 10.75 4.00 5.25 6.50 3.50 4.00 6.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.50 6.50 8.50 8.50 17.50 3.00 5.75 6.50 7.25 22.00 7.50 8.25 10.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.75 4.25 4.75

9.50 9.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 8.00 4.00 3.50 6.00 10.00 12.00 9.00 9.50 8.50 9.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 14.00 19.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 6.00 7.00 11.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 9.50 11.00 15.00 15.00 32.00 4.25 10.00 11.00 13.00 39.00 13.75 14.50 18.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 8.00 7.50 8.00


– 26 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


Pepper, White, whole Piper nigrum OG Sri Lanka Pepper, White, ground Piper nigrum OG Sri Lanka Peppermint leaf Mentha piperita OG USA Europe Periwinkle herb 2,5,6,7 Vinca minor CWC Pine bark powder Pinus strobus W USA Pipsissewa leaf Chimaphila umbellata W USA Plantain leaf Plantago major OG Bulgaria Plantain leaf powder Plantago major OG Bulgaria Pleurisy root 2,6,7 Asclepias tuberosa W USA USA Pleurisy root powder 2,6,7 Asclepias tuberosa W 1,2 Poke root Phytolacca americana OG USA Poppy seed whole Papaver somniferum OG Turkey Prickly Ash bark 2 Zanthoxylum americanum W USA Prickly Ash bark powder 2 As above W USA China Privet fruit whole 2,6,7,9 Ligustrum lucidum OG Psyllium husk 15 Plantago psyllium OG India 15 India Psyllium seed powder (no husk) As above OG Psyllium seed whole (no husk) 15 As above OG India 6 Pygeum bark Pygeum africanum W Africa Africa Pygeum bark powder 6 Pygeum africanum W 2,6,7 Quassia bark Quassia amara W Mexico Raspberry leaf Rubus idaeus OG Germany Red Clover herb 2,4 Trifolium pratense OG USA Red Clover flower whole 2,4 As above OG/BD USA Red Root Ceanothus americanus W USA Red Root powder Ceanothus americanus W USA Reishi mushroom whole Ganoderma lucidum OG China Reishi mushroom slices Ganoderma lucidum OG China 2 Rhodiola root Rhodiola rosacea CWC China Rhodiola root powder 2 Rhodiola rosacea CWC China 2,7,10 Rhubarb root (fine cut) Rheum palmatum OG USA Rhubarb root powder 2,7,10 As above OG USA Rosehip Rosa canina OG Chile Rosehip powder Rosa canina OG Chile Rosemary leaf 2 Rosmarinus officinalis OG Spain Roses whole buds Rosa spp. OG India Roses pink Rosa spp. OG Morocco Roses pink Rosa centifolia CWC India Roses pink powder Rosa gallica CWC India Roses red Rosa centifolia CWC Pakistan Rue herb 2,7,11 Ruta graveolens OG USA Safflower threads Carthamus tinctorius OG China Saffron whole stamens Crocus sativus OG New Zealand Sage Ceremonial White 2 Salvia apiana W California 2,7 Sage leaf (culinary) Salvia officinalis OG USA St.John’s Wort herb 2,3,11 Hypericum perforatum OG Chile Sandalwood red powder Pterocarpus santalinus W West Africa Sarsaparilla root (Jamaican) 4,7 Smilax ornata W Jamaica Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 27 –

4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

3.50 5.75 10.25 3.25 6.00 10.50 3.00 5.00 9.00 4.00 6.25 11.00 4.00 6.25 11.00 3.50 5.75 10.25 3.00 4.75 8.50 3.50 5.25 9.25 4.50 7.75 13.50 4.75 8.25 14.50 3.50 5.50 9.50 7.75 6.00 10.00 18.00 6.00 10.50 19.00 3.25 5.25 9.00 3.25 5.25 9.00 4.00 6.25 11.00 3.00 4.50 8.00 3.50 5.75 10.00 3.75 6.25 11.00 3.00 4.50 8.00 3.00 4.50 7.75 2.75 4.25 7.00 10.00 17.75 32.00 4.25 7.50 13.00 4.75 8.00 14.00 5.75 9.50 17.00 6.25 10.75 19.00 3.75 6.25 11.00 4.00 6.75 12.00 4.00 6.75 12.00 4.25 7.50 13.00 2.25 3.50 6.25 3.00 5.00 9.00 2.50 3.75 6.50 5.75 9.75 17.00 10.00 17.75 32.00 3.75 6.25 11.00 4.75 7.25 12.75 2.50 3.50 6.00 4.75 8.00 14.00 6.25 10.75 19.00 4.25 .375 gm. 6.00 1 gm 5.00 8.50 15.00 3.25 5.25 9.00 2.75 4.25 7.00 4.25 7.50 13.00 6.25 11.00 19.75

Or Fax: (510) 217~4012

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

Sarsaparilla root (Mexican) Smilax medica W Mexico USA Sassafras root bark 1,7,8 Sassafras albidum W Savory Winter leaf Satureja montana OG Spain Saw Palmetto berry Serenoa repens OG USA Saw Palmetto berry powder Serenoa repens OG USA Schisandra berry whole Schisandra chinensis OG China Schisandra berry powder Schisandra chinensis OG China Self Heal Prunella vulgaris W USA 2,7,10 Senna leaf Senna alexandrina OG India Senna leaf powder 2,7,10 Senna alexandrina OG India 2,7,10 Senna pod whole Senna alexandrina OG India Sesame seed hulled Sesamum indicum OG El Salvador Shatavari root 5 Asparagus racemosus OG India Shatavari root powder5 Asparagus racemosus OG India Sheep Sorrel herb 2,5,7 Rumex acetosella OG USA USA Sheep Sorrel herb powder 2,5,7 Rumex acetosella OG 2,5 Shepherd’s Purse herb Capsella bursa pastoris OG Hungary Shepherd’s Purse herb powder 2,5 As above OG Hungary Shiitake mushroom Lentinula edodes OG China Shiitake mushroom powder Lentinula edodes OG China Skullcap herb Scutellaria lateriflora OG USA Slippery Elm inner bark Ulmus rubra OG USA Slippery Elm inner bark powder Ulmus rubra OG USA Soapwort root 1 Saponaria officinalis W USA 2,4,7,10 Solomon’s Seal root Polygonatum biflorum W USA Spearmint leaf Mentha spicata OG USA 2 Spikenard root Aralia racemosa W USA Spinach leaf powder Spinacia oleracia OG USA Spirulina powder Anthrospira platensis OG India Stevia leaf Stevia rebaudiana OG Paraguay Stevia leaf powder Stevia rebaudiana OG Paraguay Strawberry leaf Fragaria vesca OG Hungary 2,5,6 Suma root Pfaffia paniculata W Brazil Suma root powder 2,5,6 Pfaffia paniculata W Brazil 2,5 Sumac berry whole Rhus coriaria OG Turkey Tarragon leaf Artemisia dracunculus OG USA Thyme leaf Thymus vulgaris OG Spain Thyme leaf, Lemon Thymus citrodorus OG USA 1,2 Tonka Bean whole Dipteryx odorata W South America Tribulus (Puncture vine) fruit whole 2,6 T. terrestris OG India 2 Tulsi leaf, Holy Basil Ocimum sanctum OG Nepal Turmeric root powder ,6 Curcuma longa OG India Usnea lichen whole Usnea spp. W USA Uva Ursi leaf whole 2,5,7 Arctostaphylos uva ursi OG Croatia Valerian root Valeriana officinalis OG USA

3.00 6.75 3.75 3.50 4.50 9.00 9.50 3.75 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 5.25 3.75 3.00 3.25 6.25 6.75 5.75 6.25 6.75 4.75 5.25 3.00 5.50 3.25 7.00 3.25 3.50 3.00 4.75 4.75 3.25 5.50 3.25 3.00 4.25 3.00 2.75 2.75 7.00 3.75 3.25

4.75 12.00 6.50 5.75 7.00 16.00 16.75 6.75 4.25 4.75 4.25 4.50 5.50 9.00 6.75 4.75 5.25 10.75 11.00 10.00 10.75 11.00 8.00 8.50 4.75 9.75 5.25 12.00 5.25 5.75 4.75 8.75 8.75 5.25 9.75 5.25 4.25 7.50 4.75 4.50 4.00 12.00 6.75 5.75

8.00 22.00 11.00 10.00 12.00 28.00 29.00 12.00 7.50 8.50 7.50 4.00 8.00 9.50 16.00 12.00 8.00 9.00 19.00 20.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 14.00 15.00 8.50 17.50 9.00 21.00 9.00 10.00 8.50 15.00 15.00 9.00 17.00 9.00 7.50 13.00 8.00 8.00 6.50 21.00 12.00 10.50


Buy In Bulk And Save! Mix and match any whole pounds of herbs and spices, starting at 5 lbs. to meet the discount. *5~9 lbs 10% Off! *10~24 lbs 15% Off! *25~49 lbs 20% Off! *50~99 lbs 30% Off! *100 lbs+ 40% Off! (* UPS shipping charges apply). – 28 –

Common name & Latin Cultivation


4 oz

Valerian root powder Valeriana officinalis OG USA Vanilla bean (6-9 per oz.) Vanilla planifolia OG/BD Costa Rica Vanilla bean Vanilla planifolia OG/BD Costa Rica Vervain Blue herb 2 Verbena hastata OG USA Violet leaf Viola odorata OG Croatia Turkey Vitex berry whole 2 Vitex agnus-castus OG 2 Vitex berry powder Vitex agnus-castus OG Turkey Brazil Watercress herb 2,7 Nasturtium officinale W Wheat Grass powder Triticum aestivum OG Germany White Oak bark 7 Quercus alba OG Hungary 7 White Oak bark powder Quercus alba OG Hungary White Willow bark Salix alba OG Poland White Willow bark powder Salix alba OG Poland Wild Cherry bark 7 Prunus serotina OG USA 7 USA Wild Cherry bark powder Prunus serotina OG Wild Lettuce herb Lactuca virosa OG USA Wild Yam root Dioscorea villosa W/E USA Wild Yam root powder Dioscorea villosa W/E USA Witch Hazel bark Hamamelis virginiana W USA Witch Hazel bark powder Hamamelis virginiana W USA Witch Hazel leaf Hamamelis virginiana W USA Wood Betony herb Stachys officinalis OG USA 2,6 Wormwood herb Artemisia absinthium OG Hungary Hungary Yarrow leaf & flower 2 Achillea millefolium OG 5 Yellow Dock root Rumex crispus OG Canada Yellow Dock root powder 5 Rumex crispus OG USA Yerba Santa leaf Eriodictyon californicum W USA Yohimbe bark 2,3,5,6,7,12,14 Corynanthe yohimbe W Africa Africa Yohimbe bark powder 2,3,5,6,7,12,14 As above W Yucca root Yucca glauca W USA Yucca root powder Yucca glauca W USA

3.75 44.00 3.50 4.50 2.50 3.00 4.50 3.25 2.75 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.25 3.00 4.50 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 2.75 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.25 4.50 3.75 3.50 4.00 3.00 3.00

8 oz

1 lb

6.75 12.00 12.50 per oz. 79.00 140.00 6.00 10.50 7.50 13.00 3.50 6.00 4.75 8.00 7.25 13.00 5.50 10.00 4.25 7.00 4.75 8.50 4.25 7.00 5.25 9.00 3.75 6.75 4.75 8.00 7.25 13.00 5.75 10.00 6.00 11.00 6.00 11.00 6.75 12.00 4.75 8.00 6.75 12.00 4.25 7.00 4.75 8.00 7.50 13.00 7.50 13.00 6.25 10.75 6.25 11.00 6.75 12.00 6.25 11.00 6.25 11.00

Seaweeds Most seaweed is very light and bulky; 1 ounce is a convenient size for personal use. Superb in soups, crumbled on salads and sandwiches, or as a delicious and nutritious snack.

Common name & Latin Cultivation & Origin 2,7,15

Bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus Bladderwrack powder 2,7,15 As above Dulse flakes 7,15 Rhodymenia palmata Dulse powder 7,15 As above Irish Moss 2,7,15 Chondrus crispus Irish Moss powder 2,7,15 Chondrus crispus Kelp flakes 2,7,15 Nereocystis luetkeana Kelp powder 2,7,15 Ascophyllum nodosum Kombu, sliced 7,15 Laminaria setchelii Nori, pieces 7,15 Porphyra spp. Wakame, pieces 2,7,15 Alara marginata

1 oz

W Canada W Canada OG Canada OG Canada W Canada W Canada W USA 9.00 OG Iceland W USA 7.50 W USA 9.00 W USA 9.00

4 oz

8 oz

1 lb

2.25 2.50 4.50 4.50 3.25 3.25 16.00 2.25 13.00 16.00 16.00

3.25 3.50 7.25 7.25 5.25 5.25 30.00 3.25 24.00 31.00 30.00

5.50 6.00 13.00 13.00 9.00 9.00 56.00 5.00 44.00 58.00 56.00

(800) 879~3337 Or Fax: (510) 217~4012 – 29 –

Culinary Favourites 4 oz. $5.50

Cacao Nibs°

8 oz. $9.00

1 lb. $16.00

Raw unsweetened chocolate; rich in flavonoids, anti-oxidant polyphenols and full of vitamins, minerals & beneficial constituents. Decadent ingredient, delicious snack and a mood-improver!

Lycii/Goji Berries°

4 oz. $3.50

8 oz. $6.00

1 lb. $10.50

Famed for their medicinal & health-enhancing properties, these delicious, sweetly-tart berries are terrific in muffins, cereal, chocolate, even liqueurs and beer! Not to be used while pregnant.

Smoked Sea Salt

3 oz. bottle $3.50

2 lb. canister $15.00

This Pacific Northwest sea salt is slow smoked over Alder wood. Full bodied, rich, with hints of sweetness and no burnt or charcoal taste. A favourite with chefs in our community!

Dark Roasted Paprika Powder°

4 oz. $3.25

8 oz. $5.75

1 lb. $10.75

This delicious certified organic Hungarian parika comes from Poland. Sweetly spicy and rich with Vitamin C and carotenoids. Adds a smooth, warm smoked flavour to your creations.

Organic Seasoning Blends Mountain Rose Herbs’ certified organic seasoning blends. Unsurpassed in quality, freshness and aroma, bold, colourful, aromatic and delicious! The small, home-use size is conveniently packaged in attractive glass bottles with a cork top. The bottles are manufactured from recycled glass. 8 oz. quantities of seasoning blends are packaged in plastic ‘zip-loc’ bags and 1 lb. sizes are in bulk “food service style” plastic containers.


.9 oz in Bottle 5.50

All Purpose Seasoning°

8 oz

1 lb





A lively blend of herbs and spices with black and red peppers.


Cajun Spice°

Delicious warm-fire, and a sultry creole blend of spices, herbs, garlic, onion, chilis and salt.





Laid back, spicy-hot, yet cool; terrific contradiction of spices, herbs, peppers & garlic.


Chili Powder°



Richly aromatic Southwest zesty blend, perfect for tacos, carnitas, tamales, enchiladas and more! Red pepper, cumin, sea salt, garlic and spices.


Chinese 5 Spice°



Alluring, exotic yet mellow; perfect for adding the right flavour and aroma. Herbs, spices, onion and chilis.


Curry Powder°



Piquant, smooth and warm. Coriander, turmeric, cumin, mustard, fenugreek, cardamom, nutmeg, cayenne, cinnamon, and clove.


Garam Masala°



Warm-smooth, exotically rich, hot and deep. With cardamom, cinnamon, clove, cumin, black pepper and coriander.


Garlic Pepper°





Zest & tang - yumm! Black pepper, salt, garlic and red bell pepper.


Herbs De Provence°

Sophisticated and floral, yet righteously tasty. Basil, tarragon, marjoram, thyme, lavender and fennel.


Italian Seasoning°





Not just for pasta; enliven a dull meal! Basil, oregano and rosemary.


Lemon Pepper°

Piquant and invigorating, yet well rounded; it will not disrupt the taste, color, or texture of your dishes. Sea salt, lemon peel, black pepper, citric acid, onion powder and spices.


Mediterranean Seasoning°





8 oz. 3.75

1.7 lb. 6.50

Evocative & satisfying. Oregano, rosemary, thyme, garlic & fennel.


Mexican Seasoning°

Joyous fiesta of herbs, onion, garlic, black and red peppers & spices.

Seasoned Salt°

2.5 oz. bottle 5.25

The essential. Salt, black pepper, spices, onion, garlic and paprika – 30 –

Seeds for Sprouting Natural edible sprouts from organic sprouting seeds offer flavour and nutrients. Easy to grow, economical; 1 pound of sprouting seed creates about 5 pounds worth of sprouts! All the sprouting seeds we offer are certified both organic and Kosher. Sprouting tools - page 16.

Common name & Latin

Cultivation & Origin

Alfalfa seed 4 Medicago sativa Broccoli seed Brassica oleracea Brown Mustard seed 6,7 Brassica nigra Buckwheat seed 2,4 Fagopyrum esculentum Chia seed 2,4 Salvia hispanica Fenugreek seed 2 Trigonella foenum-graecum Radish seed (red daikon) 2,4 Raphanus sativum Red Clover seed 2,4 Trifolium pratense Red Lentil seed 2,4 Lens culinaris


Canada USA Canada USA USA India USA Canada USA

4 oz

8 oz

2.75 5.50 1.75 3.25 2.00 -

4.50 9.75 2.75 5.50 2.75 -

1 lb 7.50 17.00 4.00 5.00 9.50 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00

Mountain Rose Guiding Principles ~ Here is some information outlining our philosophy and procedures: Zero Waste below, Organic Sources on page 32 and, Why Organic on page 39. To learn more about our organic standards, procedures and environmental initiatives, please visit our website and look for “About Us”. Photo: Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy presenting the Sustainability award to us.

Zero Waste

Recycling has become an accepted and normal aspect of everyday life and most businesses practice recycling in some form. Whether it comes from societal pressures, a true desire to save the earth, or a need to enhance their bottom line, the corporate world is reaching out for green ideas to implement into their businesses with great success. But in order to achieve long term successful sustainability, society must grasp the concept of Zero Waste and successfully put it into practice. Zero waste is a philosophy: a new way of thinking about waste. Instead of seeing garbage, waste and landfills as acceptable and integral parts of life, waste is viewed as a resource, commodity and local source of revenue. Where producers, suppliers and manufacturers have to re-think their products (and packaging) in terms of end use. Zero Waste is a practice, where all potential waste is evaluated for full retrieval, recycling and reclamation. Basically…..if it can be recycled, re-directed, composted, salvaged or reintroduced into the production cycle then IT MUST, with no exceptions. Where all purchases must be critically examined so that they do not contribute to waste, and suppliers are encouraged and expected to do the same. In essence, Zero Waste is about getting as close as humanly possible to no waste at all. Zero Waste is dramatic and challenging and we want to see more businesses (and individuals) adopt it as part of their “bottom line”. This transformation away from a “throw away society” by viewing waste or potential waste as a resource is a commitment that Mountain Rose Herbs has long embraced. Any materials which might be regarded as refuse are either recycled, re-used, composted, or brought back into the production cycle. Some examples: office & scrap paper, metal and plastic drums, cardboard, cans, bottles, plastic, steel and wood are salvaged and recycled. Waste oil from our bulk vegetable and carrier oils is collected for bio-diesel salvage (nearly 55 gallons a month), and botanical refuse material is collected for composting at local nurseries (nearly 3000 pounds annually). Electronic and computer components are taken to a local facility for proper salvage and disposal, (preventing several known heavy metal sources from being land-filled). Our packaging materials and paper supplies are derived from post-consumer recycled materials. With 56 employees and the volume and nature of goods we move, we generate less than 100 gallons of landfill waste a month. (The bulk of this is from our bathrooms and kitchen/breakroom.) That’s substantially less than most households, and we constantly work on reducing it further. More info: ... ... or E Magazine, Green Living Journal and Co-op America, all of which have extensive articles.

(800) 879~3337 Or Fax: (510) 217~4012 – 31 –

Establishing Trust in Organic Sources Overseas products have become a scrutinized subject of late. With the reported problems about products coming from China, it is natural for us to be concerned about what we purchase and bring home to our families. Organic certification lends a magnified process of scrutiny that allows for a greater sense of trust in what we purchase. But not a lot of people outside of the organic industry truly understand the process involved in organic certification and how that translates into purchasing products. Those items that carry the familiar green and white USDA organic stamp must be certified by a third party organization that is accredited with the USDA’s National Organics Program (NOP). Whether a product comes from a domestic source or an international one, strict criteria established by the USDA/NOP must be followed, and companies are inspected annually to ensure that they are producing, handling, processing and packing organic materials within established national organic guidelines. All accredited certifiers throughout the world must follow the same basic guidelines and standards to protect the integrity of the organic trail, and certifying agents ensure this. Inspectors in the field are experienced and knowledgeable in the organic standards of production and handling. They keep meticulous records on what they have observed during an annual performance revue of any organic operation. These observations, along with the auditing of organic plans, pest control records and purchasing records help shape the report that is submitted to the certification body to reflect how a certified organic company is doing in keeping to the NOP standards. These criteria are the same whether applied to an organic processing plant in rural Oregon, or an organic farm in mainland China. The certification of farms goes further. To be certified as an organic farm, the land must’ve been free from substances prohibited by the NOP for a period of three years immediately prior to the harvest of the first organic crop. It also must have distinct, well defined “buffer zones” to prevent unintended contamination from adjoining land that may not be under organic management. The farm must implement a cultivation process that maintains or improves the condition of the soil, manages crop nutrients and soil fertility through approved means (crop rotation etc.) and ensure that neither plant nor animal materials can contribute to the contamination of the crops, soil, or water supply. The use of genetically modified seeds is strictly prohibited. The producer must use organic seeds and planting stock, except when an organically produced variety is not commercially available. NOP standards ban conventional pesticides, petroleum based fertilizers and any synthetic substance not found on the national list. The use of ionizing radiation and sewage sludge are also prohibited in all facets of organic production and handling. In addition to organic standards, there are many criteria that Mountain Rose Herbs considers before sourcing products, and this applies to domestic and overseas vendors. We always consider whether workers are given fair wages and fair market value for the goods they produce and we refuse to carry products that do not meet these standards. We always source certified organic first, but if it is not available we choose a variety that is cultivated without chemicals or wild harvested in a sound and ecological manner. We have strict protocols that must be adhered to by the collector/gatherer so that they protect the ecology from where the plant came from and do not over-harvest the plants from within their bioregion. An affidavit is signed by each wild harvester we purchase from that documents their compliance and understanding of our standards. Mountain Rose Herbs makes periodic trips to the numerous organic farms that we have exclusive contracts with to ensure that the quality we require is being produced at the farm and at the processing plant. All of these details may be investigated in greater detail on the quality control page and on our bulk herb pages at our website. There are a great many concerns in the ever-expanding global marketplace, many of which can be eliminated by knowing and being able to trust those you choose to purchase from. When you choose Mountain Rose Herbs, you can be assured that unrivaled quality is our highest priority. As a certified organic processor through OTCO (a USDA accredited certifying agency) every product we offer with the certified organic seal on it has been inspected, analyzed, monitored and approved as truly organic according to USDA National Organic Program standards and is acceptable for sale as an organic product within the United States. Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (OTCO) is an internationally recognized symbol of organic integrity. The purpose of organic certification is to ensure that the agreed-upon conventions of organic agricultural systems are being practiced not only by growers, but also by all the people who handle and process organic material on its journey to the consumer. In order to accomplish this, OTCO provides a system that combines strict production standards, on-site inspections, and legally binding contracts to protect buyers of organic products. ( Orders or questions: (800) 879~3337 – 32 –

Cats and Dogs Animals are herbalists too, but domestication usually prohibits them from seeking the botanical diversity they require. A nutritious diet full of whole foods, lots of love, exercise and of course plenty of rest will keep your animal friends in great shape. Remember: dogs and particularly cats lick themselves, so use caution when applying flea products.

Glycerine Extracts By Animals Apawthecary. Certified organic and ethically wildcrafted herbs. Sweet-tasting, vegetable glycerine based, low-alcohol extracts with directions. Potent and palatable. Please contact a veterinarian when your pet is sick. These descriptions are for educational purposes only. It is not our intent to diagnose illness or prescribe any course of therapy for your pet.

Alfalfa/Yucca Blend

Supports healthy joints. Organic alfalfa, burdock root, organic licorice root, wild yucca root, vegetable glycerine and distilled water. 1 oz. $8.90 4 oz. $31.00


Supports immune system & fights infection. Organic echinacea purpurea root, organic goldenseal root, organic alfalfa leaf, organic garlic, spirulina, vegetable glycerine, distilled water and less than 5% grain alcohol. 1 oz. $9.50 4 oz. $34.00

Senior Blend

Supports nervous, digestive and circulatory systems in older animals. Organic alfalfa leaf, dandelion leaf & root, milk thistle seed, ginkgo leaf, hawthorn berry, oats, garlic, marshmallow root, vegetable glycerine, distilled water & less than 5% grain alcohol. 1 oz. $8.90 4 oz. $31.00

Tinkle Tonic

Helps soothe and lubricate the urinary tract and reduce inflammation. Couchgrass, organic echinacea purpurea herb & root, dandelion leaf & root, marshmallow root, horsetail, vegetable glycerine & distilled water. Alcohol free. 1 oz. $8.90 4 oz. $31.00

Tranquility Blend

Fidoderm Spray

Helpful in calming anxiety. Organic valerian Just for dogs, from Natural Animal. Helps root, skullcap, oats, passionflower, vegetable relieve itching and promote healing. Contains: glycerine & distilled water. Alcohol free. organic aloe vera, calendula extract, distilled 1 oz. $8.90 4 oz. $31.00 water, ethanol USP and essential oils of lavender, tea tree and carrot seed. 4 oz. $7.25 Improving stress resistance and boosting immunity. Organic eleuthero root, organic The benefits of a dip in an easy-to-use herbal astragalus root, echinacea purpurea, spirulina, shampoo. Cleans and conditions. Coconut oil vegetable glycerine & distilled water. shampoo, vegetable glycerine, oils of orange, 1 oz. $8.90 4 oz. $31.00 cedarwood, citronella, eucalyptus & bay. With instructions. 8 oz. $10.25 Rechargeable collar with insect repellent (& 1/2 oz. refill). Please specify DOG or CAT. Adorable and well-made catnip toys; Sesame oil and essential oils of citronella, handcrafted using certified organic catnip leaf° cedarwood, lemongrass & rosemary. $6.45 firmly enclosed in a double layered organic cotton fabric “mouse”. No synthetics, plastic bits, dyes or fillers. All organic except for the cotton thread! Aromatic and tough, 2 3/4” in Euphoria for your cat and entertainment for length, 1/2 oz. in weight. $4.50 you. Mountain Rose has the best catnip; years ago, we had to ban Jekyll from security duty in the warehouse after he was found in a sack of catnip - a successful ploy on his part, since we had to compost the ’contaminated’ batch. You can imagine the fun he had for weeks! Customers often tell us how their cats will try to open their boxes when there’s catnip inside. So, beware, and enjoy! Certified organic catnip° leaf & flowers. 4 oz. $3.75 1lb. $10.50

Vitality Blend

Shampoo Concentrate

Flea Collars

Catnip Toy


– 33 –


Juniper Ridge Incense

These Juniper Ridge incense sticks are made entirely from real leaves, wood, and resins which have been carefully wildharvested from Western mountains and deserts. Authentic and atmospheric with wonderful nostalgic and evocative aromas that don’t smell synthetic or fake. Instead they are reminiscent of trees, mountains, deserts, and crackling campfires. Ever since incense originated, it has consisted of burning real plant materials. Juniper Ridge brings us back to these ancient roots, and is the perfect choice for those who are disenchanted with the saccharine sweet, overpowering and synthetic nature of most incense today. A generous 40 sticks are in each stunning box. 10% of Juniper Ridge profits are donated to groups that defend the Western wilderness. $5.75 Choose from 6 aromas: Douglas Fir West Coast wood aroma, reminiscent of campfires. Juniper Subtly sweet & cinnamon hint. Pinon Desert-smoke. Port Orford Cedar Distinctively Northwest with ginger hint. Sweetgrass Vanilla-like aroma. White Sage Rich, dry scent.

Surya Incense Natural botanical based incense sticks hand-rolled in the women’s village of Vrindaban, India. 10% of their proceeds are redirected to assist displaced widows in the community. Packaged in beautiful silk screened, tree-free cotton paper. Darbari Sampler (15 sticks, 3 each) $2.50 Forest Champa, Royal Champa, Nag Champa, Maharaja & Jasmine. Masala Sampler (20 sticks, 4 each) $2.50 Sandalwood Supreme, Saffron Sandal, Rose, Euphoria & Amber. Or choose Individual Aromas: (Package of 15-25 sticks) $2.50 Amber, Euphoria, Forest Champa, Jasmine, Nag Champa, Rose, Saffron Sandal or Sandalwood Supreme.

Incense Making Kit From Mountain Rose Herbs. Have fun creating cones or smudge blocks with this simple step-by-step kit. Contains: the Making Your Own Incense booklet with recipes, a mortar & pestle, and 10 grams each of powdered benzoin gum, cassia, frankincense, lemongrass, makko, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood and star anise. $29.95

Make Your Own Incense Informative booklet by Tina Sams (32 pp) 1999. Includes facts, recipes, techniques and a brief history. $3.95

Sandalwood Cones From Surya come these true Sandalwood incense cones made from only the finest Mysore State India Sandalwood. Enjoy true and authentic incense burning, without that “sticky-sweet” scent that plagues most mass-market incense cones. 12 pack. $2.75

Wood Incense Holder Hand crafted long incense holder made from coconut shells and wood. 10” long. $2.90

Floral Incense Holder Hand crafted petal-shaped holder made from soapstone. Use for either a single stick, or an incense cone. 2.5” diameter. $1.75

Charcoal Rounds Small charcoal rounds used to burn resins, herbs, incense, and heavy aromatic gums for ceremony and scent. 10 long lasting rounds per package. $2.65

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 34 –

Candles etc. Soy Candles Aromatic soy candles from Way Out Wax. These inexpensive and non-toxic candles are made from pure essential oils and vegetable soy based wax with no paraffin, synthetic fragrances or petroleum products. Packaged in a 4 oz. tin with a natural, lead-free wick. Burn time of 18 to 24 hours! Clean, pure and natural. Choose from 5 themes: $5.25 each Sweet Dreams - Lavender, Lemongrass and Marjoram. Escentual Love - Rosewood, Patchouli and Lavender. Northern Forest - Spruce, Cedarwood and Fir Needle. Cozy Home - Cinnamon, Clove and Nutmeg. Citrus Harmony - Orange, Grapefruit and Clove.

Soy Pillar Candles Aromatic soy-based candles from Way Out Wax. Enjoy these natural candles that are 100% biodegradable, safe and non-toxic. Made with soy wax and essential oils, and no paraffin, synthetic fragrances or petroleum products. Each 3” x 3” single scented pillar candle is made with a natural lead-free wick and has an approximate burn time of up to 40 hours! Clean, pure and natural. Choose from 4 scents: $8.00 each Cedarwood, Lavender, Patchouli or Rosemary

Sleep Pillow Herbs Make your own herbal sleep pillows with this restful, sleepenhancing and fragrant recipe. Originally created for little ones, but it’s equally popular with grown-ups too. Contains: lavender° and chamomile° flowers, catnip° leaves, hops° flowers, sage° leaves, rose petals, passionflower° and wood betony° herb, with a few drops of a proprietary blend of relaxing essential oils. 3 oz. $5.50 1 lb. $23.00

Dream Pillow Herbs Make your own herbal dream pillows, sachets or pouches. This beautiful and aromatic blend is based on a very old recipe said to stimulate vivid and lucid dreams. This blend is best suited for adults and not children, the elderly or those feeling fragile and/or very sensitive. Contains: rose petals, mugwort° and rosemary° leaves, lavender°, chamomile° and hops° flowers, borage, orris root with a few drops of essential oil. 3 oz. $5.50 1 lb. $23.00

White Ceremonial Sage With a history of traditional use by Southwest Native Americans, this Salvia apiana is carefully wild harvested from the California coastal regions. In recent years, many people have enjoyed burning this uniquely aromatic plant as incense and smudge sticks. The distinct and heady astringent scent is particularly suited to “cleansing” rooms and house. It is said to remove negative energy and enhance peace, mental clarity and memory. If you are sensitive to its quite strong burning aroma, this exceptional plant can be enjoyed without burning; in small bunches, pouches and potpourri; as a purifying wash when infused in water; even as an effective insect repellent. A mix of small whole leaf clusters on stem ends and loose leaves. 4 oz. $5.00 8 oz. $8.50 1lb. $15.00

Sweetgrass Braids Enjoy the distinct aroma of these beautiful 22 to 30 inch long braids. Often called Vanilla grass or Holy grass, it has a long history of Native American use and in Europe as a flavouring and aromatic. Hierochloe odorata; cultivated without chemicals from Canada. $5.00 – 35 –

Liquid Herbal Extracts ~ Among the advantages of liquid extracts is their ability to preserve active constituents, their long shelf life - generally 1 to 3 years - and their almost immediate effect. Extracts can easily be added to water, tea, juice or taken directly. If you live a time sensitive lifestyle and are unable to find the opportunity to make your own preparations, these effective and superior quality liquid herbal extracts are a practical and convenient option. These exceptional herbal extracts have been processed from fresh and/or quality dried plants extracted with certified organic grape alcohol. They are from Eclectic Institute, offering strength, quality and integrity. They have their own certified organic farm. Their manufacturing process involves extraordinary detail, superior extracting methods and meticulous quality control; from harvest through to final bottling. Packaged in amber glass bottles; 1 oz. with dropper, 4 oz with standard screw cap.

Corn Silk

Single Extracts A 1 oz. $8.25 B 1 oz. $8.50 C 1 oz. $9.25

Fresh Zea mays silk. Certified organic.

4 oz. $28.00 4 oz. $29.00 4 oz. $31.50



Fresh A. archangelica root. Certified organic. A

Dry Turnera diffusa leaf.


Devil’s Claw


Dry Harpagophytum procumbens root tubers. A


Dry Angelica sinensis root.


Fresh root and dry seed. Certified organic. B

Black Cohosh Fresh Cimicifuga racemosa root.

Dong Quai

Elder Berry

Blessed Thistle

Dried Sambucus nigra berries.

Fresh Arctium lappa root. Certified organic. A


Dried Eleutherococcus senticosus root.


Fresh C. officinalis flower. Certified organic.A

Dry Euphrasia officinale leaf and flower.

Fresh Eschscholzia californica whole plant. B

Cayenne A

Chamomile Dry Matricaria c. flowers. Certified organic. A

Fresh Stellaria media whole plant.


Fresh Galium aparine whole plant.


Dry Trigonella foenum-graecum seed. Certified organic. A

Ginkgo Fresh Ginkgo biloba leaves.

Celandine Fresh Chelidonium majus. Certified organic. A




California Poppy

Dry Vitex agnus-castus fruit.




Chaste Tree


Echinacea Purpurea

Fresh Cnicus benedictus top. Certified organic.A

Dry Capsicum annum fruit.


Fresh Taraxacum officinale whole plant. Certified organic. A

Bilberry Dry Vaccinium myrtillus fruit and leaf.



Ashwaganda Withania somnifera root. Certified organic. B

Dry Astragalus membranaceus root.


Dry Viburnum opulus bark.




Ginseng Fresh 7 year old root. Panax quinquefolium (USA). Certified organic. 1 oz. $14.00 4 oz. $52.00

Goldenrod Fresh Solidago canadensis flower & plant tops. A

Goldenseal A

Fresh Hydrastis canadensis root.


Fresh Centella asiatica leaf. Cert. organic. A


Gotu Kola

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 36 –


St. Johns Wort

Fresh Crataegus monogyna berry, lf & flwr. A

Hops Dry Humulus lupulus flowers.



Dry Smilax ornata, Jamaican root.


Ripe Serenoa serrulata dry berry.

Saw Palmetto

Horsetail Fresh Equisetum arvense spring stalks.


Hyssop Dry Hyssopus officinalis. Certified organic.A

Fresh Scutellaria lateriflora flwrs. Certified organic.



Slippery Elm

Dry Ulnus fulva inner bark.



Dry Usnea barbata lichen.

Milk Thistle Ripe Silybum marianum dry seed.


Uva Ursi

Fresh Arctostaphyllus uva ursi leaf.

Motherwort Fresh Leonurus cardiaca flower & plant tops. Certified organic. A

Myrrh Dry Commiphora myrrha gum resin.

Wild Cherry Wild Yam

Fresh Dioscorea villosa root.

Fresh Urtica dioica spring harvested tops. A

Oregon Grape Fresh Mahonia aquifolium root.

Fresh Passiflora flwr & lf. Cert. organic.

Pau D’Arco

Dry Tabebuia impetiginosa inner bark.


Fresh Plantago lanceolata. Cert. organic.

Prickly Ash

Dry Xanthoxylum clava-herculis bark.



Red Clover Red Root


Fresh Yucca spp. root.

Fresh Trifolium pratense whole blossoms. A Dry Ceanothus americanus root.

Yellow Dock








Fresh Rumex crispus root.



Dry Artemisia absinthium flowering herb. Certified organic. A


Osha Dry Ligusticum porteri root.

Wood Betony

Dry Stachys officinalis flowering tops. A






Fresh V. officinalis root. Certified organic.A

Dry Prunus serotina bark.

Nettle Fresh Avena sativa green milky seed. Certified organic.



Licorice Dry Glycyrrhiza glabra root.


Fresh Capsella bursa pastoris leaf & flower. A

Lady’s Mantle Dry Alchemilla vulgaris whole plant.



Kava Kava Fresh Piper methysticum root.

Dry Schisandra chinensis fruit.


Shepherds Purse

Juniper Dry Juniperus communis berry.

Fresh Hypericum perforatum flowers.


We can not provide you with medical advice, dosage information, potential drug/ herb reactions, or assistance with questions relating to injury or illness etc. We are legally restricted from answering your medical questions. Thank you for your understanding; we encourage you to do your own research. Study different resources, compare what you learn, question it - whatever the source: science, traditions, ‘famous’ teachers, practitioners, experts, books or the internet. We want you to make informed, responsible and wise choices (in partnership with an appropriately qualified practitioner, depending on the circumstances).

– 37 –

Compound Herbal Extracts From Eclectic Institute. High quality clinically researched botanical products. Many herbs are grown on their certified organic farms or wild harvested ecologically. All of these extracts have an organic grape alcohol base. Amber glass bottles with instructions; 1oz. with dropper, 4oz. with standard screw top. Prices as follows: Y 1 oz. $8.75 Z 1 oz. $9.00

4 oz. $29.50 4 oz. $30.50

Black Cohosh-Kava Kava Assists in reducing cramps, muscular aches and promotes pain relief*. Fresh black cohosh root, kava kava root, Jamaican dogwood root bark and organic ginger root. Z

Milk Thistle-Dandelion

Healthy liver support*. Mature milk thistle seed, fresh organic dandelion plant, red root and fresh Oregon grape root. Y

Motherwort-Black Cohosh

Black Walnut-Wormwood

Aids female hormonal balance*. Organic motherwort tops, black cohosh root, organic alfalfa flower & leaf, hops, anise seed & its essential oil. Y

Assists in cleansing and anti-parasite support*. Fresh black walnut green outer hull, organic wormwood flower & leaf, organic thyme leaf, cascara sagrada bark, cinnamon bark, quassia wood, peppermint essential oil and kosher vegetable glycerin. Y

Promotes relief and reduces discomfort associated with nose and sinus type allergies*. Fresh nettles leaf, eyebright flower and leaf, fresh mullein leaf and filtered water. Y

Devil’s Claw-Yucca

Red Clover-Burdock

Assists in reduction of joint inflammation and discomfort*. Devil’s claw tuber, fresh yucca root, organic ginger root, fresh organic dandelion plant, fresh black cohosh root. Y

Dong Quai-Wild Yam Supports female hormonal and pre-menstrual balance*. Not for pregnancy. Dong quai root, fresh wild yam root, fresh blue cohosh root and chaste tree berry. Y

Echinacea Premium Superior immune system support*. Fresh echinacea angustifolia root, fresh organic echinacea purpurea root, leaf, flower, dry seed, fresh echinacea pallida root, fresh organic echinacea tennesseensis root. Z

Echinacea-Goldenseal Supports immune system and helps provide protection against infections*. Fresh echinacea angustifolia root, fresh organic goldenseal root, fresh organic echinacea purpurea root and juice of tops. Y

Ginkgo-Gotu Kola Supports normal function of adrenal and nervous systems*. Fresh ginkgo leaf, fresh organic gotu kola leaf, fresh organic oat green seed and eleutherococcus root. Y

KavaKava-California Poppy Anti-anxiety support and relaxation*. Fresh kava kava root, fresh California poppy plant, fresh organic passionflower leaf, flower & fruit, fresh Jamaican dogwood bark. Z

Male Formula Support and endurance*. Muira puama root, catuaba bark, eleutherococcus root and woodsgrown American ginseng root. Z


For healthy skin, elimination of toxins and liver support*. Fresh organic red clover, fresh organic burdock root, fresh Oregon grape root, fresh queen’s root, licorice root, cascara sagrada bark, buckthorn bark, prickly ash bark, potassium iodide (used to prevent thyroid uptake of radioactive molecules) and bitter orange essential oil. Z

Saw Palmetto-Nettles Prostate & urinary tract support for men*. Saw palmetto berry, fresh nettle root, fresh echinacea angustifolia root, fresh pipsissewa leaf, fresh ocotilla bark & fresh red cedar leaf. Y

St John’s Wort-Lemon Balm For emotional balance and nervous system support*. St John’s wort flower & leaf, organic lemon balm leaf, fresh organic oat green seed and fresh kava kava root. Y

Valerian-Passionflower For relaxation and promoting sleep*. Fresh valerian root, fresh passionflower herb, fresh organic chamomile flowers, hops, anise seed and filtered water. Y

Vitex-Burdock Supports emotional and hormonal balance relative to menstrual cycles*. Vitex berry, fresh organic burdock root, fresh organic oat seed, fresh organic calendula flower and fresh cleavers. Z

Vitex-Dong Quai For hormonal balance and grace during perimenopause*. Vitex berry, dong quai, fresh organic burdock, eleutherococcus & fresh black cohosh roots and fresh organic motherwort. Z

– 38 –

Herbal Glycerites From Eclectic Institute. Glycerites are liquid herbal extracts that use vegetable glycerin as the extraction menstrum instead of alcohol. Because of this and their almost nectar-like sweetness, they are suitable for children, pets and those with alcohol intolerance or concerns with liver health. They have a shorter shelf life than alcohol extracts; only 1 to 2 years at most. Eclectic first makes an extract of the plant using organic alcohol, then the alcohol is removed (using the Lloyd Extractor invented by master chemist John Uri Lloyd). After this initial extraction, it is combined with kosher vegetable glycerine creating a thick, syrupy and sweet final product. Flavoured with the highest quality essential oils, freshly extracted juices or natural fruit concentrates; effective, tasty, alcohol-free extracts. All have a kosher vegetable glycerine base. Amber glass bottles with instructions; 1oz. with dropper, 4oz. with standard screw top.

Milk Thistle

Chamomile-Catnip Very relaxing, helpful during times of anxiety and over-excitement*. Organic chamomile flowers, organic catnip, organic lemon balm, organic hyssop, organic peppermint, wildharvested elder flowers, kosher vegetable glycerine and peppermint essential oil. 1 oz. $8.50 4 oz. $29.00


Support a healthy liver*. Ripe milk thistle seed and kosher vegetable glycerine. 1 oz. $8.50 4 oz. $29.00

Oats For a calm nervous system*. Fresh organic milky green oat seed tops, kosher vegetable glycerine and vanilla flavouring. 1 oz. $8.50 4 oz. $29.00

For digestive support*. Organic dandelion root *The statements in this catalogue have not and leaf and kosher vegetable glycerine. 1 oz. $8.50 4 oz. $29.00 been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products, information and descriptions in this catalogue and on our To support the healthy immune system*. website are not intended to treat, cure, prevent Organic echinacea purpurea root and leaf, or diagnose any disease, nor are they intended ascorbic acid (vitamin C), kosher vegetable as prescriptions or therapy in any way. Descriptions in this catalogue and our website glycerine and blackberry concentrate. 1 oz. $8.50 4 oz. $29.00 are for educational purposes only.


Why Organic Long before Mountain Rose, many of us had a passionate and innate commitment to growing our foods and medicines organically, and supporting growers and farmers who believed as we did. I know that I grew up that way; the thought of chemical pesticides and fertilizers just was not the way things should be. In order for the earth to nourish us, it seemed obvious that we needed to respect and nurture the earth in return. I had an instinctual belief in ‘organics’ long before ‘organic’ became a household word or a green marketing buzz word. I grew up in a culture that embraced enhanced food production methods and saw nature to be fully exploited for maximum yield. A connection to the earth and a reverence for plants was seen as, at best, quaint and eccentric. I remember a heavily marketed phrase of the 60s that was a little like ‘better living with chemicals’. Certainly the dedicated work of the 1920s to 1940s was often regarded with derision. From Rudolph Steiner - (biodynamic agriculture, arguably the first comprehensive organic farming system) to Walter James’ Look to the Land and Sir Albert Howard’s The Soil and Health. Yet the ‘movement’ grew and gained momentum and lent support to many for whom the research and information only confirmed what they had always practiced. Lady Eve Balfour’s The Living Soil indirectly gave rise to The Soil Association (now an international soil advocacy group). In the late 1940s J.L.Rodale’s Organic Gardening promoted and popularized the inherent connection between healthy food and soil to the US public. With the release of Rachel Carlson’s Silent Spring in 1962, public awareness and government action to prevent the indiscriminate use of pesticides did begin to materialize. Julie Bailey For more information please visit our website and click on “Support Organic Agriculture”. We urge you to support organic agriculture. It’s not only better for you, but helps support healthy ecosystems worldwide, protects biodiversity and acts to conserve what remains of our beautiful wild lands.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 39 –

Mail to: Mountain Rose Herbs PO BOX 50220, Eugene, OR 97405 Ordered By (Mailing/Billing Address): Phone Orders & Questions: Name (800) 879 ~ 3337 Address FAX Orders: City State (510) 217~4012 Or online:www. Zip Phone (day) Shipping address for U.P.S. or Fed Ex (No PO Boxes ): Store Accounts: Name (800) 879~3337 Address Ext. 119 Outside of USA: City State (541) 741~7307 Zip E Mail Ext. 115 Qty.




Please note: $10.00 minimum order. Thank you.

Payment Information MasterCard Visa Discover


Subtotal from above Bulk Discount on herbs, teas etc. OR approved Herb School Discount

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Subtotal after discounts Shipping & handling (see page 41)

Expiration Date Name Signature

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OUR GUARANTEE If you are not totally satisfied with a product, return it, in its original condition, within 60 days. We will promptly exchange it or refund your money. (* pg.41)

How did you first hear about us? – 40 –



Thank you for your order. In respect for your privacy we do not sell, share, rent or trade our mailing lists, (postal or e-mail). We never will.

Ordering Information Prices in this catalogue supersede all previous catalogues. Although we strive to maintain prices, they may be subject to change. There is a $10.00 minimum order. We do NOT accept COD orders.

Ordering By Mail Please use the order form on page 40 and allow up to 8 days for 1st class mail to reach us. Make your check or money order (U.S. funds only) payable to: Mountain Rose Herbs. There is a $10 charge for returned checks. We also accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit and debit cards. Include your complete card number, full name, expiration date, billing and shipping addresses & a daytime phone number. Please be sure to sign your name.

Telephone Orders Please have your completed order ready, then call toll free: (800) 879~3337. Our customer service staff answer the phones Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Pacific time). After these hours and on holidays you may leave your order on our voice mail system.

Fax Orders Include your complete card number, full name, expiration date, your signature, billing and shipping addresses & a daytime phone number. Fax: (510) 217~4012.

Online Orders We accept online orders any time. We have a secure site with 128 bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology; certified through Geotrust. Your privacy and security are guaranteed. Visit our website for new products, featured items, informative profiles and photographs of all of our herbs. We can NOT accept orders by E Mail.

Sale Specials, Discounts and Wholesale Each month at least 12 items go on sale at 10% to 50% off their regular prices. You can see the monthly specials and sign up for our newsletters on our website or call (800) 879~3337. We offer bulk discounts up to 40% off on multiple whole pounds of herbs and teas. Discounts are NOT cumulative and we do not offer additional wholesale prices. If you are an established retailer and would like information please call (ext. 113) or

Shipping Orders received by 3 p.m. (PST) are normally shipped the next business day. We ship primarily by UPS, Fed Ex or Priority Mail. Please call for expedited shipping: “Next Day Air”, “2nd Day Air”, “3 Day Select” or Rush at an additional cost. For AK, HI, PR, APO, etc. and PO Boxes, please see the chart below or e mail us. For Canada and international shipping, visit our website or email:

Estimated** Shipping & Handling Charges Regular Ground Service

AK, HI, US Territories, PO Boxes Order Subtotal S/H $10.00 ~ 35.00 $9.50** $35.01 ~ 50.00 $10.50** $50.01 ~ 95.00 $15.00** $95.01 ~ 125.00 $24.00** $125.01 – 225.00 $32.00** $225.01 + please call for charges

Order Subtotal S/H $10.00 ~ 35.00 $8.75** $35.01 ~ 50.00 $9.50** $50.01~ 95.00 $11.50** $95.01 ~ 125.00 $12.50** $125.01 ~ 225.00 $13.75** $225.01 ~ 249.99 $15.00** $250.00 + please call for charges

**These are estimated charges only, we do our best to give you the lowest rate possible, but as we all know, freight costs have risen dramatically. Telephone orders are charged shipping based on weight and distance. Please call us (800) 879-3337 with your completed order and we will be happy to give you an accurate shipping charge. For heavy items * such as 5+ lbs of wax or clay, gallons of oil, cases of glass, containers or, 5+ lbs of bulk herbs or teas, shipping is based on weight and distance. Please call for charges.

Out of Stock Items & Back Orders Occasionally we run short of an item due to seasonal availability, quality control, even international politics. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask you to re-order at a later date. If an item just went out of stock after we processed your order we may “back-order” it, and ship it out as soon as it is back in stock. If you request, we will cancel your backorder and give you a prompt refund, or store credit.

Return Policy If you are not satisfied with a product, return it in its original condition, with the invoice within 60 days. We will exchange it, give you store credit, or refund your money. Shipping & handling is not refundable unless it is our error. No returns on international orders, custom orders, 4 oz or larger essential oils, clothing, mugs or products that have been mixed together. – 41 –

Herbal Salves

A wonderful way to use the healing powers of herbs. Apply to your skin and allow them to work their magic. Crafted and produced with love and perfection by the herbalists at Mountain Rose Herbs, using certified organic plants and organic olive oil, hand gathered herbs and flowers, natural beeswax and pure essential oils. No preservatives, no synthetics, no petroleum products and certainly no animal testing. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct light. Use within 1 year of purchase. External use only.

Baby’s Balm

Wonderful product to have around the home. A gentle salve for baby’s bottom, a soothing rub for adults. Try it on dry, over-worked hands, sore feet, paper cuts and chafed thighs. Olive oil° infused with calendula° flowers, chickweed & plantain° leaves, St. John’s wort flowers, goldenseal° root & myrrh gum powders and beeswax.2 oz. jar $6.75

Comfrey and St. John’s Wort Ever popular all-purpose skin salve. Excellent for superficial burns, minor nerve damage, diaper rash, hard-working hands and sensitive skin. Not for open wounds or abrasions. Comfrey° leaves, St.John’s wort and calendula° flowers in a base of olive oil° and beeswax. 1 oz. tin $5.25 2oz. glass jar $6.75

Dream Balm Sweet-smelling balm; apply to your temples and forehead before drifting off to sleep. Many of you recommend this for headaches; using it during the day in moments of anxiety, stress or tension. Lavender° flowers, rose petals, mugwort° leaves, hop° flowers, chamomile° flowers, and rosemary° leaves, infused in a base of almond° and extra virgin olive° oil, with essential oils and beeswax. 1 oz. tin $5.25

Goldenseal and Myrrh Traditionally used for mild bacterial & fungal conditions. A gardener’s favourite; great for chapped or cracked hands, scratches, bites etc. Goldenseal° root & myrrh gum powders, St.John’s wort and calendula° flowers infused in organic olive oil with beeswax.2 oz. glass jar $6.95

Injur~Heal Balm Wonderful for bruises & sore muscles. Use immediately after strenuous exercise or injury; to prevent, relieve and reduce swelling, bruises & pain. Not for open wounds. Hand picked St John’s wort, arnica° and calendula° flowers infused in olive oil° with beeswax, vitamin E and essential oil. 1 oz. tin $5.25

Powerful Skin

Our favourite rub for skin infections, rashes & skin fungus. Great for animals too. Black walnut, chapparal, sage° and mugwort° leaves in a base of olive oil° and beeswax, with Tea Tree essential oil°. Try this on athlete's foot. 1 oz. tin $5.25 2 oz. glass jar $7.25

Sitting Pretty Balm Soothing balm with astringent action for hemorrhoids and other varicosities. Contains: yarrow° flowers, St John’s wort flowers, butcher’s broom, slippery elm° bark, witch hazel leaf and olive oil° with vitamin E and beeswax. 1 oz. tin $5.25

Herbal Salve Sampler A great way to try our herbal preparations. Comfrey and St Johns Wort, Injur-Heal Balm and Powerful Skin. Attractively packaged in a gift box. Three 1oz. tins $14.25

Herbal Vapors Balm From Simmons Natural Bodycare. In an olive oil & beeswax base. Helps clear congestion due to colds, allergies & sinus. Rub on chest or soles of feet for prompt relief. Active ingredients: essential oils of eucalyptus, camphor, peppermint, wintergreen, sage, rosemary & pine. 1.69 oz. jar $6.45

Shotgun Skin Dressing From Turtle Island Herbs. Emollient & astringent for sunburn, minor rashes etc. Goldenseal rt & lf, chaparral lf, marshmallow rt, myrrh gum, echinacea rt & flwr, osha rt, bloodroot, wild geranium, yerba mansa rt, almond & safflower oils, beeswax & vitamin E oil.1 oz. tin $6.95 – 42 –

Herbal Infused Oils Effective, timeless remedies, rich in natural colour and soft herbal aroma. These beneficial oils are made with fresh herbs and flowers picked by hand or certified organic dried material. Crafted and produced with love and perfection by the herbalists at Mountain Rose Herbs (unless specified otherwise). Herbal Oils are packaged in amber glass bottles. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct light. Use within 1 year of purchase. External use only.

Arnica Oil° Arnica montana flowers° infused in olive oil°, with vitamin E added. Specific for physical trauma; use immediately after injury to prevent, relieve and reduce swelling, bruises and pain. Not for cuts, wounds or abrasions. 1/2 oz. $7.95 2 oz. $24.95 4 oz. $42.95

Calendula Oil° Emollient and healing, this gentle, soothing oil is good for skin inflammations, rashes and dry or sensitive skin. Wonderful baby’s oil and good base for salves, creams & cosmetics. Calendula° flowers, olive oil° and vitamin E. 2 oz. $7.50 4 oz. $13.50

Poke Root Oil Phytolacca americana root infused in olive oil°, with vitamin E. Traditionally used for mastitis and breast lumps. May cause skin irritation. NOT for internal use; do not use while breast-feeding. 2 oz. $6.95 4 oz. $12.95

Rosemary Oil° Olive oil° infused rosemary° leaves with vitamin E. Versatile! A rejuvenating rub for muscular pain, gout and rheumatism. It is also good for dandruff and itchy scalp. 2 oz. $6.95 4 oz. $12.95

St. John's Wort Oil Deep ruby-red coloured Hypericum oil. This valuable anti-inflammatory can speed the healing of wounds, bruises, varicose veins, sunburns, bee stings and mild burns. (May cause photo-sensitivity; be cautious in the sun.) Hand-picked St. John’s wort flowers (Hypericum perforatum) infused in olive oil°, with vitamin E. 2 oz. $9.75 4 oz. $16.00

Gentle Oil° A natural, soothing and emollient organic lubricant for dry and mature skin tissue. Originally created as a vaginal lubrication for menopausal women (not for use with condoms). Contains: sweet almond oil° and jojoba oil°, infused with calendula° flowers, plantain° leaves and marshmallow° root, with vitamin E. Amber glass bottles, available in 3 sizes. 1 oz. $7.95 2 oz. $14.95 4 oz. $26.95

Injur–Heal Oil Our favourite oil for bruises, bumps and strains. An anti-trauma oil for external use, it is NOT for open wounds. Use immediately after strenuous exercise, exertion or injury to prevent, relieve and reduce swelling, bruises and pain. Contains: hand-picked St. John’s wort, arnica° and calendula° flowers infused in olive oil° with lavender essential oil°. A must-have for hikers, runners, gardeners etc! Rub it on and feel the difference. 1 oz. $7.95 2 oz. $14.95 4 oz. $27.95

Herbal Oil Sampler Three of our most popular and well-loved herbal oils combined in one convenient pack. A thoughtful, practical gift and an easy way to sample the line of herbal oils offered by Mountain Rose Herbs. Each sampler includes 3 - 1/2 ounce bottles of St John’s Wort Oil, organic Calendula Oil and Injur-Heal Oil. Amber glass bottles. $12.00

Mullein-Garlic Oil From Herb Pharm. Commonly known as Ear Oil Compound, a compassionate ally for troubled ears. A deeply penetrating and soothing blend of pure botanical oils. Contains: Organic olive oil infusion of calendula flowers, fresh St. Johns wort and mullein flowers, and garlic cloves. 1/2 oz. $7.00 Packaged in an amber glass bottle with a dropper.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 43 –

Vegetable and Carrier Oils ~ Vegetable and carrier oils have a plethora of fine uses which include acting as a carrier for therapeutic applications, as an excellent addition to your culinary creations, as a lathering agent for soap, and a binding medium for cosmetics. At Mountain Rose Herbs, we are committed to providing you the most magnificent vegetable oils that are unsurpassed in colour, depth, consistency, essential fatty acids and key nutrients. We have firm procedures in place to ensure you that each oil is screened, analyzed and sampled by our quality control department. All of this is done to protect the very qualities that make the line of oils offered by Mountain Rose Herbs some of the finest. Every vegetable oil we offer is extracted through expeller or cold pressed methods. We do not employ the use of solvent, hexane or alcohol extraction, and we do not stock oils that have been processed through heat-intensive hydraulic extraction. These methods produce relatively unhealthy oils that lack in the qualities we require. The oils we stock have varying degrees of quality and they are processed by different methods. Following is some information to help you understand our line of oils and the entire industry’s methods of extraction. Cold Pressed - Mechanical extraction where heat is reduced and minimized, thus maintaining the oils’ original constituents and depth. Temperatures are rigorously controlled not to exceed 80-90 degrees F (Fahrenheit). Not a practical extraction method for some vegetable oils, but highly regarded as the method of choice. Expeller Pressed - Natural, mechanical extraction and processing, where only a small amount of heat is produced from friction created by hydraulic presses. Usually around 120-200 degrees F. This makes a fine food grade oil and base for bodycare because of its fairly undisturbed molecular state. Refined - Fully processed; exposed to refinement methods that include flash fluctuation in temperatures as high as 450 degrees F and winterization as low as -30 degrees F; deodorization, which removes heavy and/or strong odours; and bleaching, where clays and other mediums alter or remove colour and scent. An economical oil in cosmetics and bodycare, but not the healthiest food grade oil. Partially Refined - Limited processing may include, but is not limited to, deodorization, winterization and natural bleaching. Used to stabilize oils which may go rancid quickly, and to minimize odour and deep colour. Unrefined - Mechanical extraction and screen filtering with no additional refining. Ensures finest quality, best for food and cosmetics. Oil closely retains natural rich aroma, flavour and colour. All of the food grade vegetable and carrier oils offered by Mountain Rose Herbs are Certified OQK Kosher. ° ingredient or product is certified organic by “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic”

Almond Oil Great for all skin types, a very emollient oil; known to soften, soothe and re-condition the skin. Easily saponified, producing a desired lather for soap makers. Ideal for massage oils, lotions, cosmetics and as a carrier oil. From Prunus dulcis (almond) nuts high in fatty acids. Expeller 16 oz. $6.50 1 gal.* $39.00 5 gal.* $171.00 pressed, partially refined. Cosmetic use.

Almond Oil° Great for all skin types, a very emollient oil; known to soften, soothe and re-condition the skin. Easily saponified, producing a desired lather for soap makers. Ideal for massage oils, lotions, cosmetics and as a carrier oil. From Prunus dulcis (almond) nuts high in fatty acids. Certified organic, expeller pressed and unrefined. Deeper in flavour, colour and aroma, than the non organic, partially refined almond oil. Food and cosmetic use. 8 oz. $7.75 16 oz. $14.00 1 gal.* $99.00 5 gal.* $440.00

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 44 –

Apricot Kernel Oil Superb: softens and protects the skin without leaving an oily residue. Key ingredient in massage oils, soaps and body care recipes; particularly for mature skin. Expeller pressed and unrefined from Prunus armeniaca (apricot) kernels. Cosmetic use. 16 oz. $7.75 1 gal.* $51.00 5 gal.* $221.00

Avocado Oil° This certified organic, rich oil has high amounts of Vitamins A, B1, B2, D & E, and amino acids, sterols, pantothenic acid, lecithin and essential fatty acids. Great for soaps, cosmetics and body care. Dark, rich colour. Expeller pressed and unrefined from Persea americana kernels. Cosmetic use. 16 oz. $8.75 1 gal.* $56.00 5 gal.* $249.00

Black Cumin Seed Oil Valued nutritive oil; high in vitamin, mineral & fatty acid content. Keep refrigerated. Cold pressed from Nigella sativa seeds. Food use. 4 oz. $11.50 8 oz. $20.00 16 oz. $36.00

Borage Seed Oil° A high GLA Borage oil made from organic cold pressed seeds with a deep colour and pleasant taste. No other carriers or oils are included. A prized oil for its abundant dietary, health, cosmetic and medicinal benefits. Keep refrigerated. Cold pressed and unrefined from Borago 4 oz. $10.00 16 oz. $36.00 1 gal.* $239.00 officinalis seeds. Food and cosmetic use.

Castor Oil° This hard, shiny organic oil acts as a protective barrier for the skin. Commonly used for therapeutic “drawing” packs. Expeller pressed and refined from Ricinus communis beans. Cosmetic use only, NOT for food use. 16 oz. $6.50 1 gal.* $45.00 5 gal.* $201.00

Coconut Oil°, refined Mild, organic ‘solid’ oil; liquid @ 76°F. Lather producing agent in soaps. Unscented, cosmetic use. Expeller pressed and refined from Cocos nucifera. Cosmetic use. 1 gal.* $19.00 5 gal.* $70.00

Coconut Oil°, unrefined Deep, mildly intoxicating scent, 100% virgin expeller cold pressed and unrefined from Cocos nucifera. With the same benefits as refined coconut oil, but more suitable for food use because of its nutritional value and higher fatty acid content. Liquid @ 76°F. Food and cosmetic use. 1 gal.* $28.00 5 gal.* $121.00

Evening Primrose Seed Oil°

Abundant health, cosmetic and culinary uses. Keep refrigerated. No other carrier oils, just cold pressed partially refined organic Oenothera biennis seeds. Cosmetic and medicinal use. 4 oz. $5.00 16 oz. $17.00 1 gal.* $119.00 5 gal.* $498.00

Grapeseed Oil Green, mild aroma oil for culinary and cosmetic use. Low heat, partially refined and expeller pressed from Vitis vinifera (grape) seeds. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $6.00 1 gal.* $35.00 5 gal.* $146.00

Hazelnut Oil Terrific carrier for essential oils, great for facial oils & cosmetics. Not used for soap due to low saponification value. Expeller pressed, semi refined from Corylus avellana nuts. Cosmetic use. 16 oz. $8.00 1 gal.* $53.00 5 gal.* $220.00

Hemp Seed Oil° Fabulously rich oil; high in essential omega fatty acids and proteins, with a pleasant nutty smell and very dark colour. Absorbing well into the skin, it is good for health and bodycare recipes. Keep refrigerated. Cold pressed, unrefined from Cannabis sativa seeds. Food & cosmetic use. 16 oz. $15.50 1 gal.* $105.00 5 gal.* $450.00

Jojoba Oil° This excellent non-greasy carrier oil is actually a liquid wax ester. A natural anti-oxidant, wonderful for your skin and scalp because it has absorption properties like our skins’ own sebum. Popular ingredient in massage oils, bodycare and haircare formulas. Cold pressed, unrefined from certified organic Simmondsia chinensis beans. Cosmetic use. 8 oz. $12.75 16 oz. $21.00 1 gal.* $98.00 5 gal.* $445.00 – 45 –

Kukui Nut Oil The Kukui nut tree is the official tree of Hawaii. This oil’s high penetrability and soothing properties assist sunburns and chapped skin. Fabulous for your cosmetics, containing linoleic and alpha-linolenic essential fatty acids. Readily absorbed; good for dry skin, psoriasis and eczema. Cold pressed and partially refined from Aleurites moluccans (kukui) nuts. Cosmetic use. 4 oz. $9.75 8 oz. $17.00 16 oz. $31.00 1 gal.* $218.00

Macadamia Nut Oil° High in mono-unsaturated fatty acids; closely resembling sebum, the oil your skin naturally produces. Protective, highly absorptive, often used for scars, sunburn and irritations. Certified organic, expeller pressed and unrefined from Macadamia integrifolia nuts. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $10.75 1 gal.* $75.00 5 gal.* $329.00

Meadowfoam Seed Oil Exquisite oil providing a cornucopia of cosmetic uses. Containing more than 98% long-chain fatty acids, it has moisturizing and rejuvenating benefits for the skin and face. Useful ally in formulated creations where you need a stable, effective ingredient to nourish hair, skin and the outer epidermis. Expeller pressed and refined from Limnanthes alba flowers. Cosmetic use. 4 oz. $14.75 8 oz. $25.00 16 oz. $44.00 1 gal.* $321.00

Neem Oil Used in natural pest control, creams, dental and hair care products. Anti-septic, anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Cold pressed Neem tree nuts (Azadica Indica) with 15% organic olive oil added for pourability (solidifies at room temperature). This is an exceptionally rich oil with a very strong odour; it should be diluted accordingly. For cosmetic and garden uses. 4 oz. $5.50 8 oz. $9.25 16 oz. $16.00

Olive Oil° Excellent base for herbal oils, body care, food preparation and cooking. Rich, full-bodied flavour, strong in aroma and golden brown in colour. Cold pressed, unrefined and ‘extra virgin’ from Olea europaea fruits. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $7.25 1 gal.* $48.00 5 gal.* $204.00

Palm Fruit Oil° Remarkably stable and moisturizing oil; rich source of Vitamin E and antioxidants. Reddishorange colour, with mild aroma. Good alternative to oils high in saturated fats. Keep cool, semisolid at room temperature. ‘Extra virgin’, expeller cold pressed & unrefined from the fruit of the Palm Tree; Elaeis guineensis. Food and cosmetic use. 1 gal.* $17.00 5 gal.* $83.00

Palm Kernel Oil° Certified organic oil with almost no scent. Moisturizing and suitable for soap-making; increasing lather and hardness. Liquid at about 80 degrees. Expeller pressed and refined from the fruit kernels of the Palm Tree; Elaeis guineensis. Cosmetic use. 1 gal.* $19.00 5 gal.* $86.00

Plum (Prune) Kernel Oil High in fatty acids and with a flavour and aroma similar to apricot kernel, this rich and fruity oil is superb in both cosmetics and foods. Very little oily residue when used in massage oils and bodycare. Expeller pressed and unrefined from Prunus spp. Food and cosmetic use. 8 oz. $8.00 16 oz. $14.00 1 gal.* $98.00 5 gal.* $449.00

Pomegranate Seed Oil° Certified organic oil high in flavonoids and punicic acid. Nourishing, valuable and very popular oil for the skin with anti-oxidant properties, fabulous in cosmetics and useful for ailments such as eczema and psoriasis. Cold expeller pressed and unrefined from Punica granatum seeds. Cosmetic use. 4 oz. $32.00 8 oz. $56.00 16 oz.* $98.00

Pumpkin Seed Oil° One of the most nutritious oils available, containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, Vitamins A, C, E, & Zinc. Certified organic oil with pleasant, mildly rich aroma, for culinary & cosmetic recipes. Cold pressed and unrefined from Cucurbita pepo L. Food and cosmetic use. 4 oz. $9.00 8 oz. $16.50 16 oz. $29.00 1 gal.* $197.00 None of the statements in this catalogue have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the products in this catalogue are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, neither is it our intention to prescribe any course of therapy. The descriptions in this catalogue and our web site are for educational purposes only. – 46 –

Rosehip Seed Oil° A superior bodycare oil, extremely high in essential fatty acids and therefore ideal for dry and weathered skin, scars, wrinkles, premature aging etc. Rich, deep red-amber colour, with distinct Rosehip aroma. A popular ingredient in fine skin care recipes. Keep refrigerated. Certified organic, cold pressed and unrefined from the ripened hips of Rosa rubiginosa. Cosmetic use. 4 oz. $9.50 8 oz. $16.75 16 oz. $29.00 1 gal.* $216.00

Safflower Oil° Certified organic oil with high amounts of linoleic and oleic acids. It is deeply moisturizing and ideal for skin care. Unrefined and expeller pressed from Carthamus tinctorius flowers. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $6.00 1 gal.* $39.00 5 gal.* $149.00

Sea Buckthorn Oil Prized for damaged skin, scar tissue, wrinkles, eczema, burns etc. Applied directly or in preparations. Rich in essential fatty acids, carotenes, tocopherols & phytosterols. Caution, this concentrated oil may temporarily stain the skin orange. Cold pressed from whole Hippophae rhamnoides berries. Cosmetic use only. 2 oz. $16.00 4 oz. $28.00 8 oz. $49.00

Sesame Oil° Natural antioxidant filled with essential proteins and Vitamins A & E. Superb rich, golden colour and nutty-flavoured oil provides a stable base for bodycare products. Expeller pressed and unrefined from organic Sesamum indicum seeds. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $6.25 1 gal.* $39.00 5 gal.* $163.00

Shea Nut Oil Beneficial for dry skin, cuticles and a protective agent in harsh weather. This golden fractionated oil is a by-product from pressing of Shea butter. Refined and expeller pressed from the nuts of the Karite tree Butyrospermum parkii. Cosmetic use. 8 oz. $7.75 16 oz. $13.00 1 gal.* $89.00 5 gal.* $403.00

Soybean Oil° This easily absorbed oil leaves a smooth, non-greasy feel to the skin and makes an excellent base for your skincare products. Naturally high source of lecithin, sterolins and vitamin E. Expeller pressed, partially refined oil from Soja hispida. Cosmetic use. 16 oz. $5.25 1 gal.* $33.00 5 gal.* $139.00

Sunflower Oil° Oleic acid rich oil has high amounts of vitamins A, D & E with lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids. Nourishing, conditioning oil for dry skin recipes. Good massage oil base; easily absorbed with a pleasant scent. Partially refined and expeller pressed from Helianthus annus seeds. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $6.00 1 gal.* $39.00 5 gal.* $149.00

Tamanu Oil° Extensive research has demonstrated this oil’s remarkable ability to assist damaged skin, scarring, minor cuts and rashes. Use directly on the skin or in formulations. Certified organic, cold pressed, unrefined oil from the whole nut of the Polynesian Tamanu tree (Calophyllum tacamahaca). Cosmetic use. 4 oz. $12.00 8 oz. $22.00 16 oz. $39.00 1 gal.* $271.00

Vitamin E Oil Valuable natural antioxidant and preservative produced from vacuum distillation of vegetable fats (Certified GMO free soy or sunflower sources). 7,500 I.U./oz. mixed tocopherols. Unrefined. Food and cosmetic use. In amber glass bottles. 2 oz. $7.75 4 oz. $13.75 8 oz. $24.00 16 oz. $43.00 1 gal.* $289.00

Wheat Germ Oil Rich in Vitamins A, E, & D, proteins, lecithin and squalene. Excellent for dry and aging skin. Fabulous in skincare products. Keep refrigerated. Ultra rich, unrefined and cold pressed from Triticum vulgare seed. Food and cosmetic use. 8 oz. $9.00 16 oz. $16.00 1 gal.* $109.00 5 gal.* $459.00

°denotes an ingredient or product is certified organic by “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic” * Heavy items (one or five gallons of oil) will be charged shipping rates based on weight and distance. Please call us at (800) 879-3337 or e mail us at for actual charges to your location. Thank you.

(800) 879~3337 fax (510) 217~4012 – 47 –

Single Herbal Capsules ~ From Mountain Rose Herbs. Superior quality capsules made from the freshest certified organic or occasionally, ethically wildharvested herbs. Encapsulated in gelatin-free VEGICAPSTM by scientific facilities with organic certification. We meticulously select plant material that is superior in aroma, vitality and efficacy. It is promptly powdered, encapsulated and bottled; sealing in all the fresh, whole, goodness that the particular herb provides. Effective, economical, convenient, easy to take, fresh and organic! There are 100 capsules in each moisture and light-resistant container. Please note that milligram count may vary as current batches are replaced by fresh material. Purchase a 3 pack and save 15% off the single container price. Prices as follows: W Each - $8.25 or 3 pack - $21.03 X Each - $8.50 or 3 pack - $21.67 V Each - $9.00 or 3 pack - $22.95 T Each - $9.50 or 3 pack - $24.22

Dong Quai root

Ashwaganda root Withania somnifera. Organic. 425 mg.


Angelica sinensis. Organic. 502 mg.


Echinacea purpurea. Organic. 408 mg.


Eleutherococcus senticosus. Organic. 300 mg.

Astragalus root A. membranaceus. Organic. 424 mg.

Echinacea Purpurea root

Bee Pollen From Oregon Bees. Wild. 507 mg.

Bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus. Wild. 500 mg.




Cats Claw bark Uncaria tomentosa. Wild. 450 mg.


Cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum. Organic. 20K. 500 mg.


Chlorella Chlorella pyrendoidosa. CWC. Cracked wall. 497 mg.


Ginger root Zingiber officinale. Organic. 485 mg.


Ginkgo leaf X

Ginseng root

Gotu Kola leaf Centella asiatica. Organic. 400 mg.

Paullinia cupana. Wild. 500 mg.

Crataegus laevigata. Organic. 476 mg.




Equisetum arvense. Organic. 400 mg.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337


Hawthorn berry




Guarana seed


Devil’s Claw root Harpogophytum procumbens. Organic. 500 mg.


Garlic Allium sativum. Organic. 500 mg.


Dandelion root Taraxacum officinale. Organic. 495 mg.


Panax quinquefolium. Organic. 500 mg. $10.75 each or 3 pack - $27.41

Damiana leaf Turnera diffusa. Wild. 501 mg.

Tanacetum parthenium. Organic. 400 mg.


Cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon. Organic, freeze-dried. 400 mg.

Trigonella foenum-graecum. Organic. 500 mg.

Ginkgo biloba. Organic. 400 mg.

Cramp bark Viburnum opulus. Wild. 400 mg.

Epimedium leaf Epimedium grandiflorum (horny goat weed). X Organic. 300 mg.

Feverfew leaf

Cascara Sagrada bark Rhamnus purshiana. Organic. 400 mg.


Fenugreek seed

California Poppy herb Eschscholzia californica. Organic and Biodynamic. 350 mg.


Eleuthero root


Burdock root Arctium lappa. Organic. 400 mg.



Kava Kava Root Piper methysticum. CWC. 500 mg.



– 48 –

Licorice root Glycyrrhiza glabra. Organic. 460 mg.

Vitex berry X

V. agnus-castus. Organic. 400 mg.


Salix alba. Organic. 500 mg.


Dioscorea villosa. Wild. 305 mg.


Yucca glauca. Wild. 400 mg.

Maca root Lepidium mayenii. Organic. 500 mg.

White Willow bark

Maitake mushroom Grifola frondosa. Organic. 500 mg.


Nettle leaf Urtica dioica. Organic. 448 mg.


Olive leaf Olea europaea. Organic. 420 mg.



Reishi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Organic. 267 mg.

Freeze-dried Nettles Eclectic Institute. A superb ally in helping to reduce the discomfort associated with allergies*. Most effective when taken 10-20 days before potential onset. Fresh wild harvested certified organic nettle leaf and flower (Urtica dioica). 300 mg. 90 caps. $12.00

Eclectic Institute. For general tonic & stamina support*. Fresh organic acai juice concentrate (Euterpe oleracea). 400 mg. 90 caps. $14.50


Make your Own Capsules

Rhodiola root Rhodiola rosea. CWC. 300 mg.

St Johns Wort Hypericum perforatum. Organic. 400 mg.

Saw Palmetto berry Serenoa serrulata. Organic. 505 mg.


Make your own herbal capsules; customize your formulas to best suit your requirements. V Choose from a large selection of powdered herbs on pages 17-29. V

Schisandra berry Schisandra chinensis. Organic. 500 mg.


Senna leaf Senna alexandrina. Organic. 415 mg.


Shitake mushroom Letinula edodes. Organic. 438 mg.


Vegetable Capsules Economical and convenient, fill these capsules with your own formulas or single powdered herbs. Empty capsules with no preservatives, no gelatin, no animal by-products, no wheat and no starch. Carbohydrate gum from naturally occuring vegetable cellulose (plant fiber). Fast dissolving and easily digestible. In 2 sizes: ‘0’ or ‘00’ (The ‘00’ is larger than ‘0’). ‘0’ $3.75 per 100 $12.00 per 500 $18.00 per 1000 ‘00’ $4.75 per 100 $16.00 per 500 $23.00 per 1000

Skullcap herb Scuttellaria lateriflora. Organic. 350 mg.


Slippery Elm bark Ulmus rubra. Organic. 500 mg.


Spirulina Anthrospira platensis. Organic. 500 mg.


Turmeric root Curcuma longa. Organic. 496 mg.


Uva Ursi leaf Arctostaphyllos uva-ursis. Organic. 440 mg. W

Valerian root Valeriana officinalis. Organic. 502 mg.


Freeze-dried Acai

Pau D’Arco Tabebuia impetiginosa. Wild. 400 mg.


Yucca root

Milk Thistle seed Silybum marianum. Organic. 468 mg.


Wild Yam root

Marshmallow root Althaea officinalis. Organic. 400 mg.



Capsule Machine Easy home encapsulating device helps join and eject filled capsules, making it fast and simple to use; (24 caps in about 2 mins.) Includes a free tamper. Dishwasher safe, sturdy, reliable, safe, clean and economical. Choose from 2 sizes: ‘0’ or ‘00’ $13.00 *The statements in this catalogue have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products, information and descriptions in this catalogue and on our website are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease, nor are they intended as prescriptions or therapy in any way. Descriptions in this catalogue and our website are for educational purposes only.

– 49 –

Concentrate Combination Capsules From Eclectic Institute. High quality, clinically researched botanicals from the leaders in freeze-dried herbs. Many of the herbs are grown on their own certified organic farms or wild harvested ecologically. Plants are harvested at their peak potency, frozen immediately and then freeze-dried, maintaining active constituents for the highest potency and action. They taste just like fresh herbs. They are in VEGICAPSTM which contain no animal byproducts or artificial colours and are made from plant cellulose. They are easy to swallow, fast dissolving, neutral to the digestive process and environmentally friendly. Concentrated without the use of solvents. Formulated by naturopathic physicians for effective dosages and synergistic combinations of herbs. Up to 5x more potent than regular freeze-dried herbs. Clinically effective doses of 3~6 herbs in only 1 or 2 capsules! Do NOT take any concentrate combination capsules if pregnant or nursing.

Black Walnut-Wormwood


Anti-parasite, intestinal support*. Contains: concentrate of black walnut outer hull (Juglans nigra), concentrate of organic wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), concentrate of clove flower (Syzgium aromaticum) and organic Chinese wormwood leaf (Artemisia annua). 350 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

Stimulating bitter, digestive support*. Contains: wild gentian root (Gentiana spp.), concentrate of organic angelica root (Angelica archangelica), organic ginger root (Zingiber officinale) & concentrate of organic artichoke leaf (Cynara scolymus). 305 mg. 45 capsules $17.95


Burdock-Red Clover

Circulatory support*. Contains: fresh Traditional ‘blood-cleanser’, skin and blood hawthorn flowers and berries (Crataegus support*. Contains: fresh organic burdock root spp.), fresh ginkgo leaves (Ginkgo biloba) and (Arctium lappa), wild red clover flowers fresh organic cayenne fruit (Capsicum (Trifolium pratense), fresh wild yellow dock annuum). 400 mg. 45 capsules $17.95 root (Rumex crispus), fresh wild stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) & fresh organic dandelion root (Taraxacum off.). 285 mg. 45 capsules $17.95 Herbal minerals, bone & joint support*. Contains: fresh horsetail (Equisetum spp.), fresh stinging nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), fresh PMS support*. Contains: concentrate of wild watercress leaf (Nasturtium officinale), fresh chaste berry (Vitex agnus castus), fresh organic bladderwrack plant (Fucus vesiculosis) and fresh dandelion (Taraxacum off.), bladderwrack organic parsley leaf (Petroselinum crispum). (Fucus vesiculosis) & organic ginger root 390 mg. 45 capsules $17.95 (Zingiber off.). 340 mg. 45 capsules $17.95


Chaste Tree-Dandelion

Kava Kava-Poppy

Devils Club-Huckleberry

Assists/supports healthy blood sugar levels*. Relaxation support*. Contains: wild kava kava Contains: wild devils club root bark (Oplopanax root (Piper methysticum), fresh organic horridum), concentrate of wild huckleberry leaf California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) and (Vaccinum membranaecum), plant succus of bitter fresh organic passionflower (Passiflora $17.95 melon (Momordia charantia), organic bean pod incarnata). 350 mg. 45 capsules (Phaseolus vulgaris) and wild prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) 335 mg. 45 capsules $17.95 Liver support*. Contains: milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum), fresh organic dandelion Immune support*. Contains: concentrate of (Taraxacum officinale), concentrate of organic black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), arabino- artichoke leaf (Cynara scolymus), fresh galactin: polysaccharide extract of Western organic beet (Beta vulgaris), fresh goldenseal larch (Larix occidentalis), fresh St Johns wort root (Hydrastis canadensis) and concentrate (Hypericum perforatum), fresh organic lemon of turmeric (Curcumin longa). $17.95 balm (Melissa off.) & concentrate of fresh organic 400 mg. 45 capsules Echinacea purp. 410 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

Milk Thistle-Dandelion

Elder Berry-Larix


Ginkgo-Gotu Kola

Nasal support*. Contains: fresh stinging Support healthy cerebral circulation and nettle leaf (Urtica diocia), concentrate of memory*. Contains: wildcrafted ginkgo leaf eyebright herb (Euphrasia officinalis), wild (Ginkgo biloba) and organic gotu kola leaf elder flower (Sambucus canadensis) and (Centella asiatica) (not made with concentrates). organic horseradish root (Armoracia 275 mg. 90 capsules $14.95 rusticana). 310 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337


– 50 –

Combination Capsules

Pau D’Arco-Goldenseal Yeast balance*. Contains: Pau d’Arco inner bark (Tabebuia impetigonosa), concentrate of organic Spilanthes acmella plant, fresh organic goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis) and concentrate of black walnut outer hull (Juglans nigra). 350 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

from Mountain Rose Herbs

Helpful dietary supplements made from our own freshest certified organic herbs (or occasionally ethically wild harvested). Superior in aroma, vitality and efficacy. GMO free with no preservatives, binders, fillers or added Mood balance*. Contains: St Johns wort materials. Ground and encapsulated fresh in flowering tops (Hypericum perforatum), fresh gelatin-free vegetarian capsules by scientific organic lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) and facilities with organic certification and fresh organic wild oat milky seed (Avena sativa). packaged in a moisture and light-resistant 300 mg. 45 capsules $17.95 container.

St. Johns WortLemon Balm

Cold - Care*

Saw Palmetto-Nettles

Prostate Support*. Contains: concentrate of Effective!* Contains: Echinacea purpurea° root, wild saw palmetto berry (Serenoa serrulata), osha root (Ligusticum porterii), elder° berry fresh wild nettle root (Urtica diocia), fresh (Sambucus nigra), Echinacea angustifolia° root, organic quackgrass root (Agropyron repens), goldenseal° root (Hydrastis canadensis) and concentrate of wild kava kava root (Piper ginger° root (Zingiber officinale). 512 mg. 3 pack $38.12 methysticum) and fresh organic cornsilk (Zea 120 capsules $14.95 mays). 440 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

Liver - Care*

Sheep Sorrel-Burdock

Supports healthy liver function*. Contains: milk thistle° seed (Silybum marianum), burdock° Cleansing support*. Contains: fresh organic root (Arctium lappa), artichoke° leaf (Cynara sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), fresh organic scolymus), dandelion° root (Taraxacum burdock root (Arctium lappa), concentrate of officinale), Oregon grape root (Mahonia wild slippery elm inner bark (Ulmus fulva) and aquifolium) and turmeric° root (Curcuma longa). concentrate of wild Turkey rhubarb root 509 mg. 100 capsules $13.50 3 pack $34.42 (Rheum spp.) 475 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

Male - Care*

Soybean-Black Cohosh

Supports male stamina, endurance and libido*. Menopause support, phytoestrogen formula*. Contains: horny goat weed (Epimedium Contains: concentrate of organic soybean grandiflorum), eleuthero°, (Eleutherococcus sprouts (Glycine max), wild black cohosh root senticosus) & maca roots (Lepidium meyenii), (Cimicifuga racemosa) and fresh organic wild ginseng° root (Panax quinquefolia), ginkgo° leaf oat milky seed (Avena sativa). (Ginkgo biloba) & damiana leaf (Turnera diffusa). 400 mg. 45 capsules $17.95 503 mg. 120 capsules $14.50 3 pack $36.97

Uva Ursi-Marshmallow Urinary tract support*. Contains: concentrate of uva ursi leaf (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), concentrate of organic fresh marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), fresh goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis), organic quackgrass (Agropyron repens), fresh kava kava root (Piper methysticum) and fresh organic cornsilk (Zea mays). 390 mg. 45 capsules $17.95

Memory - Care* Supports memory/cognitive processes and cerebral circulation*. Contains: ginkgo° (Ginkgo biloba), gotu kola° (Centella asiatica) and rosemary° (Rosmarinus off.) leaves, rhodiola root (Rhodiola rosea) and lecithin powder. 410 mg. 100 capsules $14.50 3 pack $36.97

Meno - Care*

Support healthy hormonal and emotional balance during peri-menopause*. Contains: chaste tree° berry (Vitex agnus-castus), burdock° Assists in relaxation and sleep*. Contains: (Arctium lappa), dong quai° (Angelica sinensis), valerian root (Valeriana sitchensis), organic eleuthero° (Eleutherococcus senticosus) & black skullcap herb (Scutellaria lateriflora), chamomile cohosh° roots (Cimicifuga racemosa), motherflowers (Matricaria spp.), hops (humulus lupulus) wort° (Leonurus cardiaca), sage° leaf (Salvia and organic passionflower (Passiflora spp.) (not officinalis) & licorice root° (Glycyrrhiza glabra). made with concentrates). 493 mg. 100 capsules $14.50 3 pack $36.97 250 mg. 90 capsules $14.95


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products, information and descriptions are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease, nor are they intended as prescriptions or therapy in any way. – 51 –

Bulk Ingredients Aloe Vera Liquid Gel

Apricot Kernel Meal

For cosmetics, lotions, lip balms, burns etc. 99.7% aloe vera°, .03% potassium sorbate, ascorbic acid, sodium benzoate and citric acid as natural preservatives. From certified organically grown Aloe barbedensis plants. Certified organic edible starch, used as a Easily pourable, may contain pulp. Refrigerate. thickener and absorbent in body powders. 8 oz. (pump top) $4.25 16oz. $5.75 1 gal.* $24.00 Maranta arundinacea. 1 lb. $5.00 5 lb.* $22.00 Finely ground meal from the pits/kernels of apricots. Ideal for soaps, facial scrubs and exfoliating body care. 1 lb. $6.00 5 lb.* $25.00

Arrowroot Powder°

Castille Liquid Soap°

Baking Soda

Terrific certified organic soap/shampoo base. Sodium bicarbonate. Adds smooth texture to Unscented and cruelty free. Contains: water, lotions. Adjusts pH. Used in bath products, saponified coconut° and olive° oils (w/retained glycerine), jojoba° oil, aloe vera° and rosemary dental care and cleansing agents. $4.95 1 lb. $2.75 5 lb.* $11.75 extract. 8 oz. (with pump top) 16oz. $5.75 1 gal.* $39.00 5 gal.* $159.00


Cosmetic grade Sodium Borate with no surfactants or detergents, (commonly found in commercial Borax products). An emulsifier, natural preservative and buffering agent for moisturizers, scrubs and bath salts. May irritate sensitive skin. 1 lb. $3.50 5 lb.* $12.00

Buckwheat Hulls°


Certified organic lecithin; ideal for food and cosmetic use. Easily blended; an effective emulsifier and thickening agent. Centrifuge extracted (without utilizing alcohol or solvents) from soybean oil, Glycine max. 8 oz. $10.75 16 oz. $19.00 1 gal.* $133.00

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Certified organic. Wonderful for pillows, cushions etc. 1 lb. $4.00 5 lb.* $17.00 Citricidal brand, anti-bacterial & preservative qualities. Used as stabilizer/preservative in bodycare & as an alternative to chlorine when Anhydrous citric acid comes from the “sterilizing” bottles. In a 40% glycerine base. 4 oz. $29.00 8 oz. $43.00 fermentation of crude fruit sugar. It is used to 1 oz. $9.00 1 gal.* $479.00 prevent colour and texture loss in cosmetics. 16 oz. $77.00

Citric Acid

Fabulous base ingredient in bath fizzies and scrubbing salts. 1 lb. $3.25 5 lb.* $10.95

Vegetable Glycerine

100% USP grade vegetable glycerine from a vegetable (palm) source is used in cosmetics Useful ingredient from soybeans. Emulsifier, and body care to assist in retaining moisture granular, waxy, thickening agent and mild and as a natural emollient. It is also used in non-alcohol-based herbal extracts (glycerites) preservative. Certified non GMO. 1 lb. $8.00 5 lb.* $32.00 for a sweet alcohol-free extract that is used for children, animals and those with alcohol sensitivities. Kosher certified. Food and cosmetic use. 16 oz. $6.95 From the frozen base concentrate oil of mint, 1 gal.* $33.00 5 gal.* $110.00 Mentha arvensis. Used in cosmetics and balms, it also assists coughs and upper respiratory problems etc. A strong inhalant by itself. Distilled witch hazel extract 86% and alcohol 4 oz. $9.00 8 oz. $16.00 1 lb. $29.00 14%. Double distilled, twice the strength of commercial varieties. External use only. 16 oz. $4.50 1 gal.* $21.00 5 gal.* $89.00 White, waxy, flakes; a natural acid from vegetable fats. Used as an emulsifying agent in *Heavy items (5+ pounds of bulk herbs, teas, lotions, deodorants and natural body care. clay or wax, gallons of oil, cases of glass etc.) 1 lb. $3.90 5 lb.* $14.50 will be charged shipping based on weight, and distance. Call: (800) 879~3337 or e mail: You will find Salts (Epsom, Dead Sea, Coarse Sea and Himalayan Pink) on page 68. Interested in quantities of 50 pounds/5 gallons You will find Clays (Bentonite, French or more of our bulk ingredients? Visit our Green, Fullers Earth, Rhassoul and White) on website, send us an e mail, or give us a call - for page 70. substantially discounted prices.

Lecithin Powder

Menthol Crystals

Witch Hazel Extract

Stearic Acid

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 52 –

The Bookshelf For a complete listing of all of our books, please visit the book section at our website: This is just a handful of staff favourites! Books are softcover.

Organic Body Care Recipes Stephanie Tourles (378pp) 2007 Create your own body care products using herbs and natural ingredients that nourish, Petersons Field Guide-Eastern Medicinal Plants pamper, cleanse and protect the skin without Steven Foster & James Duke (411 pp) 2000 using irritating or harmful chemicals. More For our East coast and Central US customers, than 175 organic recipes and treatments that we have this comprehensive field guide with will make your face radiant, your skin glow, up-to-date information on nearly 500 your hair shine and your hands and nails medicinal plant species of the Eastern and beautiful. From a refreshing mouthwash to $18.95 Central United States with full-color soft, sensual body creams. photographs. A great pictorial guide of Growing At Risk Medicinal Herbs medicinal plants and highly recommended Richo Cech (314 pp) 2002 for hikers and plant identification enthusiasts. Cultivation, conservation and ecology. A Copiously filled with descriptions, habitats, must-have for all herbalists and anyone medicinal use and related species. $19.00 interested in gathering or growing medicinal Petersons Field Guide-Western Medicinal Plants Steven Foster & Christopher Hobbs (442 pp) 2002 Comprehensive, up-to-date information on nearly 500 Western medicinal plant species with full-color accompanying photographs. A great pictorial guide of medicinal plants throughout the West, and highly recommended for hikers and plant identification enthusiasts. Filled with descriptions, habitats, medicinal use and related species. A must-have for any botanical library. $22.00

herbs. In-depth and easily understandable book on our at-risk medicinal herbs: their habitats, range, cultivation, germination/ propagation, special requirements, yield, preparation, uses, even companion plants. Insightful and practical knowledge from an experienced herb grower, seedsman, conservationist and teacher. $14.95

Advanced Aromatherapy Kurt Schnaubelt (138 pp) 1998 A close look at our relationship with essential oils and their ability to heal and transform. Thorough examination into the therapeutic use and administration of essential oils. Covers oils’ effects, proper treatment, common applications, safe usage and much more! $16.95

Medical Herbalism David Hoffman (666pp) 2003 A beautiful hardbound volume, with dust jacket. Its material is very focused and centered on pharmacognosy and the medical use of plant medicines. Not for the light reader but a must-have for every practitioner, student, teacher, and herbal healer. Sections include an introduction to the principles and practices of herbal medicine, treatment approaches to the body system, and the marker compounds found in specific plants and their effects on the body. Those studying the science of herbal medicine should have this volume. $60.00

Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook James Green (384pp) 2000 The most practical home manual for any novice Herbal Healing for Women user of herbal medicine. This is an Rosemary Gladstar (303 pp) 1993 extraordinarily entertaining and informative Simple home remedies for women of all ages. guide on the basic preparation of herbal A wonderful combination of sound, effective medicines, with very detailed recipes and and proven herbal remedies blended with instructions. Covers growing, gathering, folk wisdom and Rosemary’s charismatic drying, curing, and how to make extracts, charm and energy. Includes step-by-step glycerites, salves, lotions, elixirs, and much instructions on preparing remedies and an more! A must-have for any herbal student and informative Materia Medica. $15.00 home medicine maker. $22.95

The New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way Susun Weed (280 pp) 2002 Wonderful resource for women. Encouraging, practical and reassuring approach to all aspects of menopause. If you or anyone you know is approaching menopause... get this empowering and informative book. $16.95 375 Essential Oils & Hydrosols Jeanne Rose (251 pp) 1999 A captivating read compounding years of extensive research and knowledge on essential oils and their proper usage. An easily understood desk reference for the novice or experienced user of oils and flower waters. Includes: distillation, usage, history, recipes, potential dangers and more! $16.95

Making Plant Medicine Richo Cech (276 pp) 2000 Extraordinarily detailed, simple to use, thorough and humorous. A wonderful medicine-making book. Includes easy and expert recipes for making tinctures, glycerines, succi, syrup, salves etc. Invaluable information including a gardeners formulary covering cultivation, conservation status, uses, formulas and contraindications. Terrific book. $14.95

– 53 –

Cocoa Butter°

Certified organic, unrefined, expeller pressed and partially deodorized. Cream coloured, solid vegetable fat from roasted seeds of the African Theobroma Cacao. Softens at body temperature. Adds rich, creamy thick consistency and mild fragrance to lotions, soaps etc. Food and cosmetic use. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $7.00 1 lb. $12.00 8 lb.* $77.00

Kokum Butter

Expeller pressed, refined. Naturally white-translucent, hard butter from the Garcinia tree. Helps regenerate skin cells, supports elasticity and general flexibility. Great in lotions, creams and body butters. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $7.00 1 lb. $12.00 8 lb.* $77.00

Mango Butter

Cold, expeller pressed from Mango seed kernels Mangifera indica. Exceptional for bodycare and soap making. Rich in fatty acids, refined, semi-hard butter with high saponification value. Off-white colour. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $7.00 1 lb. $12.00 8 lb.* $77.00

Sal Butter

Expeller pressed, refined from the Shorea robusta tree, native to India. Similar properties to cocoa butter; high in stearic and oleic acids. Wonderful for skin because of its emolliency and oxidative stability, keeping the skin moist and protected from harsh elements. Semi-hard, white in colour. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $6.50 1 lb. $10.75 8 lb.* $68.00

Shea Butter

Expeller pressed unrefined vegetable butter from the Karite tree, Butyrospermum parkii. Raw, relatively soft butter with moisturizing properties. Great for direct use and in lotions and body butters. Cream colour. 4 oz. $4.25 8 oz. $6.50 1 lb. $10.75 8 lb.* $68.00 Marvellous naturally sourced cosmetic butters are a fabulous treat for pampering ones’ skin and are a luscious ingredient in many exotic creams and lotions. One of the main ingredients for body care and cosmetic recipes, they also can be directly applied on the skin. No hydrogenation, foreign ingredients, synthetics, perfumes or preservatives. They are unparalleled in texture, consistency, and absorption. All of butters come packaged in durable, white plastic jars with a re-closeable lid.

Bees Wax A wonderful substance secreted by worker honeybees. This line of pure, filtered, cosmetic grade bees wax comes from the Pacific Northwest by beekeepers that we have a wonderful working relationship with. This beautiful wax is the finest we have ever acquired; producing a very fragrant, clean, and perfectly filtered product without the debris and muddy color found in typical waxes. Use it for cosmetics, salves, body care products, lotions and you can melt it down to make your own aromatic candles. Pure bees wax with no filler, synthetics, debris, or foreign fragrances. 1 oz. $1.25 1 lb. $8.75 5 lb.* $39.00

Carnauba Wax Thick, hard cosmetic wax from the Brazilian palm tree Copernicia prunifera. Melting point of these golden wax flakes is 180/185°F. Used in lipstick, cosmetics & furniture wax. 1 lb. $9.00 5 lb.* $39.00

Emulsifying Wax

Vegetable base from naturally occuring fats and esters, processed to a pastille flake form. Helps create ‘bond’ between oil and water, improving texture; creating a lotion that doesn’t separate. 1 lb. $5.90 5 lb.* $26.00

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 54 –

Or Fax: (510) 217~4012

Containers ~ bottles, jars, etc. ~

Amber Glass Bottles Boston rounds (unless indicated otherwise) with a small neck. All screw top bottles include black caps (with standard phenolic cone inside top of cap). Wonderful glass containers for storing liquids, herbal extracts, essential oils etc. Designed to withstand certain levels of UV contamination, thus being the ideal storage solution for light-sensitive compounds. Please note that if you order glass bottles with droppers, screw caps are NOT included. 16 oz. (screw top only) 8 oz. (screw top only) 4 oz. (screw top) 4 oz. (w/glass dropper)

per item $1.50 $1.35 $1.25 $1.60

case - 12 $15.00* $13.95* $13.50* $17.00*

case - 48 $55.00* $49.50* $47.00* $59.00*

2 oz. (w/glass dropper) 2 oz. (screw top) 1 oz. (w/glass dropper) 1 oz. (screw top) 1/2 oz. (w/glass dropper) 1/2 oz. (screw top) 1/4 oz. (cylinder, w/glass dropper) 1/4 oz. (cylinder, screw top) 1/24 oz. (1/3 dram, cylinder, screw top)

per item $1.25 $ .95 $1.00 $ .75 $1.40 $ .95 $1.05 $ .70 $ .70

case - 50 $49.00* $40.00* $42.00* $32.00* $59.00* $40.00* $46.00 $30.00 $28.00

case - 100 $89.00* $72.00* $74.00* $55.00* $100.00* $69.00* $84.00 $55.00 $50.00

Droppers (1/4, 1/2 or 1 oz. specify size) Droppers ( 2 or 4 oz. specify size)

$ .35 $ .50

$15.00 $21.00

$27.00 $37.00

Dropper application bottles with a “drop by drop” reducer (standard essential oil bottle). White sealable cap and reducer within bottle. per item case - 50 case - 160 15 ml. (1/2 oz.) $ .65 $27.00* $78.00* 30 ml. (1 oz.) $ .70 $29.00* $84.00* Apothecary bottle. Unique, flat sided, round shouldered bottle. Black screw caps (with standard phenolic cone inside top of cap). per item case - 50 case - 100 2 oz. 1 7/8” x 3 1/2” and 1” thick. $ .80 $36.00* $68.00*

Cobalt Blue Glass Bottles Boston round style. Note: 4 oz. blue has a different size neck than the 4 oz. amber; caps, droppers etc. are NOT inter-changeable. per item case - 12 case - 48 4 oz. (screw top only) $1.25 $12.00* $46.00* Boston round, same as amber. 2 oz. (w/glass dropper) 2 oz. (screw top) 1 oz. (w/glass dropper) 1 oz. (screw top) 1/2 oz. (w/glass dropper) 1/2 oz. (screw top) 1/8 oz. (screw top, cylinder)

per item $1.50 $1.25 $1.50 $1.25 $1.75 $1.50 $ .85 – 55 –

case - 50 $63.00* $53.00* $63.00* $53.00* $74.00* $63.00* $37.00

case - 100 $113.00* $95.00* $113.00* $95.00* $133.00* $113.00* $67.00

Cobalt Blue Glass Jars Wide mouth, straight sides, black plastic lids. per item 2 oz. ( 1 3/4” x 2 1/8”) $1.90 4 oz. ( 2 1/4” x 2 3/4”) $1.95 9 oz. ( 2 3/4” x 3 5/8”) $2.20

case - 12 $20.00* $21.00* $26.00*

case - 24 $36.00* $37.00* $46.00*

case - 24 $23.00* $21.50* $17.00*

case - 48 $43.00* $39.00* $32.00*

Clear Glass Jars Wide mouth, straight sides, white metal lids. 4 oz. (2 1/4” x 2 5/8”) 2 oz. (2” x 1 7/8”) 1 oz. (1 5/8” x 1 5/8”)

per item $1.15 $1.05 $ .85

Clear Glass Spice Jars Straight sided, cylinder shape with a plastic shaker insert and steel caps. per item case - 12 case - 24 3 oz. (1 5/8” x 3 5/8”) $1.50 $14.50* $26.00*

case - 48 $46.00*

Clear Glass Herb and Spice Quart Storage Jars Square-shaped, bulk jars; tight fitting plastic liner within the metal lid helps protect contents case 6 case - 12 case - 24 from moisture and air. Case packs only. 1 qt. (4 1/4” x 4 3/4”) $41.00* $78.00* $150.00* $44.00* $80.00* $155.00* 1.5 qt. (4 1/4” x 7”) 2 qt. (4 1/4” x 9 1/4”) $51.00* $98.00* $187.00*

Clear Glass Spice Bottles Historically correct traditional spice jars, manufactured in Spain from 100% recycled glass, with a cork top. Convenient and classy. Each 90 cc bottle holds approximately .9 to 2 oz. of dry material or 2-3 oz. of liquid. These are the same bottles we use for our organic seasoning blends. Dimensions: 1 1/2” x 3 1/2”. per item pack - 18 pack - 36 $1.10 $17.00* $30.00*

Clear Glass Wide Mouth Cork Top Jars Attractive wide mouth large jars are manufactured in Spain using 100% recycled glass, with a pleasing and substantial cork closure. Perfect for hand-crafted items, like bath salts, potpourri, and herbal teas. Each jar will hold between 8 to 24 ozs. depending on weight and mass of material. Dimensions: 5” x 4 1/2”. Set of 3 jars is packaged in a box set. $14.75*

Clear Glass Small Mouth Cork Top Bottles Traditional style, tall apothecary bottles are manufactured in Spain using 100% recycled glass, with an attractive cork closure. per item case - 6 case - 12 20 oz. (7 1/2” x 3”) $1.90 $10.00* $18.00* 10 oz. (5 1/4” x 2 1/2”) $1.75 $9.00* $16.00* per item case - 24 case - 48 4 oz. (3 3/4” x 1 7/8”) $1.40 $29.00* $55.00* For colour images of all of our bottles, jars and containers, please visit “Containers” at our website: Click on the camera icon to see the photos.

(800) 879~3337

fax (510) 217~4012 – 56 –

~ Tins, bottles, jars etc. Metal Tins Seamless metal containers. Round, flat shape with safe edge body and plain push-on lid. Many counter top uses: lip balms, salves, first aid kits, pill containers etc. per item case - 100 case - 500 1/2 oz. (1 1/2” x 1/2”) $ .55 $47.00* $219.00* $ .57 $48.00* $222.00* 1 oz. (2” x 5/8”) 2 oz. (2 3/8” x 3/4”) $ .65 $55.00* $233.00* 4 oz. (3 1/4” x 1”) $ .85 $75.00* $331.00*

Plastic Bottles Opaque HDPE with push top/flip caps. 16 oz. 8 oz. 4 oz. 2 oz. 1 oz.

per item $ .75 $ .50 $ .36 $ .32 $ .30

case - 50 $32.00* $22.00* $15.00* $14.00 $13.00

case - 100 $59.00* $40.00* $29.00* $27.00* $25.00*

White Plastic Jars White double-walled, lightweight w/matching screw-on lid. Many uses, convenient and easy. per item case - 50 case - 100 1/4 oz. (1 3/8” x 1 1/8”) $ .42 $17.00 $32.00* 1/2 oz. (2 1/16” x 1 1/4”) $ .55 $24.00 $43.00* 1 oz. (2 3/16” x 1 3/4”) $ .65 $28.00* $51.00* 2 oz. (2 3/8” x 2 1/16”) $ .70 $30.00* $53.00* $ .75 $32.00* $55.00* 4 oz. (2 7/8” x 2 3/8”) 8 oz. (single-walled) (2 3/4” x 3 1/8”) $ .85 $36.00* $66.00*

Clear Plastic Jars Durable, clear P.E.T. utilitarian jars with white lid. Convenient for bulk storage. per item case - 6 case - 12 32 oz. (3 1/2” x 5 1/2”) $ .95 $5.30* $10.00* 64 oz. (4 1/2” x 7 1/4”) $1.55* $8.60* $16.50* 1 gal. (4 3/4” x 10”) $1.85* $10.00* $18.75*

Lip Balm Tubes White plastic cylinder with screwing base which pushes the balm upwards. Containers fit roughly .15 oz. of material. (4.25 grams) $ .45 each $19.00 for 50 $33.00 for 100

Fingertip Misters Spray pumps. Two sizes: Large - thread size 24/410 which fits our 2, 4, 8 & 16oz. plastic bottles & 4 oz. cobalt blue glass bottles or, Small - thread size 20/410 which fits our 1 oz. plastic bottles, 1& 2 oz. amber and 1& 2 oz. cobalt blue glass bottles. White or Black. Specify size and colour. $ .75 each $35.00 for 50 $60.00 for 100*

Lotion Pumps Economical pump for lotions, liquid soaps & other fluid-based cosmetics. This pump fits our 4 & 8 oz. plastic bottles but NOT the glass bottles. Dip tube neck to the base is 6“, thread 24/ 410. There is a locking mechanism that keeps the pump in a “closed” position. Choose from Two colours: White or Black. $ .60 each $25.00 for 50 $45.00 for 100*

Powder Containers Foil lined, metal base, sturdy white cardboard “tube” shape with white plastic “shaker” dispensing lid. Approximately 3 3/4“ tall x 1 7/8” diameter. Great for powders, cleansing grains, etc. Each container holds approximately 3 to 4 3/4 oz. of dry material. $ .95 each $45.00 for 50* $80.00 for 100*

* Heavy items such as 5 or more pounds of clay or wax, gallons of oil, cases of glass, plastic bottles or jars, 5+ lbs of bulk herbs will be charged shipping based on weight, and distance from our location near Eugene, Oregon. Please e mail or, call us for shipping charges: (800) 879~3337. – 57 –

Essential Oils ~

Our essential oils have been accurately and scientifically tested to promise you a superior oil, with premium keynotes for the ultimate aroma-therapeutic experience. Gas chromatography analysis and specifications on volatility and integrity are available upon request for many of the essential oils. Considered therapeutic grade according to international standards; suitable for aromatherapy, cosmetics, body-care applications, massage and esoteric use. Obtained from steam-distilled plant material (except the citrus oils which are cold-pressed); all of the essential oils stocked are from recent harvests; with an optimum shelf life of 1 to 2 years. If stored correctly, they will last 4 years or more. Quality, authenticity and purity are our priorities. We strive to maintain prices, though occasionally they are subject to change, as are the countries of origin and nuances of a particular aroma. Weather, harvesting methods and timing, geography and politics all may affect quality and availability. Visit our website for detailed profiles & descriptions on all of our essential oils. Essential oils require a large amount of plant material to produce: from approximately 10 lbs of lavender to more than 300 lbs of rose petals just to make an ounce of essential oil. Essential oils contain hundreds of constituents and they are incredibly concentrated and strong. Because of their intense concentration, essential oils should be kept in a safe place; out of reach of children, the elderly and pets. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and/or eyes. Always use essential oils with caution and ensure that adequate ventilation is available; inhalation or prolonged exposure to essential oils may cause dizziness, nausea and headaches. Learn about an essential oil before you use it; research its uses, benefits and cautions (with at least three different professional, educated and reliable sources). Only use essential oils by the drop and dilute in a “carrier’’ oil such as jojoba, almond or soybean, or in distilled water. Prior to using any undiluted essential oils - even ones that you don’t think are skin irritants - put a drop on your inner wrist and cover. If any irritation results, bathe with cold water and do not use. A few essential oils are suitable for culinary use, but for safety we do not recommend their use internally and we label them accordingly. The hydrosols and flower waters are highly recommended, since they have similar properties to essential oils, but in far less concentration. OG - Organic. Grown, harvested and processed without the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, GMO’s, synthetic chemicals or growth agents. All organic oils are certified through OTCO, a USDA accredited third party certification agency. (Certificates available upon request.) W - Gathered from their natural environment, such as woodlands, forests, deserts etc. Transported to other facilities for distillation. C - Cultivated and/or processed through conventional farming methods, considered farm grown. While many essential oil plants are grown organically, processing & distilling is less controllable and cross-contamination with non-organic material may occur. This is the case for some of the C oils. Our essential oils are sent to you in 1/2 oz. (15 ml.) & 1 oz. (30 ml.) amber glass bottles with standard “drop by drop” reducers for easy application. Please note 1/8 oz. and 1/4 oz. are in amber glass bottles with a standard screw cap. Our larger sizes (4 oz. & 16 oz.) come in amber glass bottles with a standard screw top lid. We are unable to accept returns on these larger sizes. None of the statements in this catalogue have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the products in this catalogue are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, neither is it our intention to prescribe any course of therapy. The descriptions in this catalogue and our web site are for educational purposes only. = Avoid while pregnant (particularly during first trimester). ^ = Potential skin irritant. ! = Always dilute, short-term use only. = Avoid exposure to sun. = NO contact with mucous membranes or/& sensitive skin areas. Name Cautions Latin Origin How Cultivated 1/2 oz 1 oz 4 oz 16 oz

(Pimenta officinalis) West Indies W






Spicy, sweet aroma with warm notes. Uplifting, warming, aphrodisiac. Avoid use in sun.


(Amyris balsamifera) Haiti W





Lightly sweet, woody aroma, similar to sandalwood. Grounding, calming, base note in blends.

Anise seed

! (Pimpinella anisum) Spain C





Sweet, warm, rich, licorice-like aroma. Carminative, mildly euphoric and relaxing.

Balsam Peru

(Myroxylon balsamum) El Salvador W 3.75




Warm, smoky, balsamic with vanilla tone aroma. Grounding, warming, calming. Good blender. Basil, sweet° ^ (Ocimum basilicum) USA OG 7.00 12.00 38.40 115.20 Fresh spicy-sweet & green aroma. Refreshing, invigorating. Good for concentration/alertness.


!^ (Pimenta racemosa) West Indies W





Strong, spicy-sweet aroma with bite. Stimulating, warming, used in cologne formulas. – 58 –

Name Cautions Latin

Bay, Laurel


How Cultivated

! (Laurus nobilis) Morocco W

1/2 oz 1 oz

4 oz

16 oz





Sweet, spicy-smooth, lightly camphorish aroma. Stimulating, warming, anti-viral properties. Bergamot°, bergaptene-free^ (Citrus bergamia) USA OG 12.00 20.00 64.00 192.00 Floral, fruity citrus aroma. Uplifting, relaxing, refreshingly astringent. Possible photo-sensitivity.

Bergamot Mint,


(Mentha citrata) USA C 4.25




Floral, minty citrus aroma. Uplifting and refreshing. Possible photo-sensitivity. Black Pepper° ^ (Piper nigrum) India OG 10.75 19.00 60.80 182.40 Warm, spicy, stimulating aroma. Aphrodisiac, carminative, invigorating. Try a little in blends. Cajeput° ^! (Melaleuca minor) Vietnam OG 3.50 5.00 16.00 48.00 Pungent, penetrating aroma; similar to Tea Tree. Invigorating, antiseptic properties. Cleansing. Cardamom° (Elettaria cardamomum) Guatamala OG 16.75 29.00 92.80 278.40 Sweet, spicy, fruity & woody aroma. Warming, exotic, mild aphrodisiac. Good in blends.

Carrot Seed

(Daucus carota) Hungary W





Earthy, mild spicy aroma. Toning, good in blends. Restorative for mature/damaged skin. Dilute. Catnip° (Nepeta cataria) Canada OG 32.00 57.00 182.40 547.20 Earthy-sweet & minty. Must dilute for cats! Uplifting, mental alertness. Noted insect repellant.

(Cedrus atlantica) USA OG

Cedarwood , Atlas





Warm, smooth, sweet & woody aroma. Relaxing, grounding. Good base note in blends.

Cedarwood ,Virginia

! (Juniperus virginiana) USA W





Smoky-warm and woodsy aroma, peppery sweet undertone. In dilution for oily skin & acne.

Chamomile (Chamaemelum mixtum) Morocco W





Mild, lightly spicy aroma with developing sweet undertone. Soothing, relaxing, good blender. Cinnamon bark°^ ! (C. zeylanicum) Sri Lanka OG 14.00 24.00 76.80 230.40 Warm, sharp & spicy aroma with bite. Revitalizing, stimulating. Must dilute; skin irritant. Cinnamon leaf°^ ! (C. zeylanicum) Ceylon OG 4.50 7.50 24.00 72.00 Spicy, woody with a fruity yet sharp undertone. Refreshing, exotic. Dilute; skin irritant.


(Cymbopogon winterianus) Vietnam OG





Fresh, light, fruity & grassy aroma. Traditional insect repellent. Natural deodorant.

Clary Sage

(Salvia sclarea) USA C





Sweet, musky green aroma. Relaxing, euphoric, astringent and aphrodisiac. Clove Bud°^ ! (Eugenia aromatica) Sri Lanka OG 7.50 13.00 41.60 124.80 Spicy, woody-sweet & warm aroma. Warming, stimulating, anti-septic properties. Dilute!

Copaiba Balsam ^

(Copaifera officinalis) Brazil W








Mellow, dark & smoky aroma with woodsy, peppery notes.

Coriander Seed

! (Coriandrum sativum) Russia C 3.75

Sweet, spicy; green, cilantro-like aroma. Soothing, carminative, clarifying. Great in blends.

Cypress ! (Cupressus sempervirens) Spain OG





Fresh, clean, evergreen aroma. Warm, comforting and energizing. Astringent.

Dill seed

(Anethum graveolens) Bulgaria C





Cool, spicy, toasty, fresh aroma. Appetizing, carminative, clears congestion & lifts the spirits.

Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) Philipines W





Mild citrus, light herbal aroma. Fixative, vulnerary properties, grounding. Great blend base.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 59 –

Or Fax: (510) 217~4012

Name Cautions Latin

Eucalyptus, lemon


How Cultivated

(Euc. citriodora) Australia C

1/2 oz 1 oz 3.50 5.00

4 oz 16.00

16 oz 48.00

Airy, heady, camphor aroma. Decongestant, analgesic, calming. Try in massage & diffuser. Eucalyptus° (Eucalyptus globulus) Australia OG 3.50 5.00 16.00 48.00 Strong, penetrating, heady, camphor aroma. Decongestant, analgesic, cooling & stimulating. Fennel, sweet° ^ ! (Foeniculum vulgare) Italy OG 4.75 8.00 25.60 76.80 Sweet, spicy herbal & licorice-like aroma. Carminative, decongestant, stimulating, cleansing. Fir Needle° ^ (Abies balsamea) Canada OG 4.50 7.00 22.40 67.20 Fresh, balsamic, evergreen aroma. Relaxing, decongestant, uplifting and harmonizing.

Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) Kenya W





Smooth, balsamic aroma. Calming, inspiring. Dilute for dry/mature skin. Good in blends. Geranium° (Pelargonium graveolens) Egypt OG 14.00 25.00 80.00 240.00 Rosy, earthy, sweet/smooth, dry aroma. Balancing, relaxing, astringent. Good in blends. Ginger°^ (Zingiber officinale) Indonesia OG 13.00 23.00 73.60 220.80 Hot, spicy, earthy aroma. Warming, grounding, relaxing, aphrodisiac. Good in blends. Dilute.

Grapefruit, white ^

(Citrus paradisi) USA C





Tangy, citrus-sweet, refreshing aroma. Stimulating, uplifting, astringent, toning. Photo sensitive.

Ho Wood

! (Cinnamomum camphora) China W





Mellow, smooth aroma with spicy & fruity undertones. Eco-friendly alternative to Rosewood. Hyssop° ! (Hyssopus officinalis) Hungary OG 12.00 21.00 67.20 201.60 Herby, cool, slightly sweet. Refreshing, stimulating, anti-viral properties. Powerful: must dilute! Juniper Berry° (Juniperus communis) Nepal OG 6.50 11.00 35.20 105.60 Woody, fruity, balsamic. Astringent, stimulating. Avoid if kidney problem history.

Lavender 40-42 blend (Lavandula angustifolia) Spain C 3.75




Very floral, sweet and herby. Often produced from several farms’ lavender crops; 40 – 42 blend refers to the consistency of Linalool & Linalyl constituents. Think: house or table wine. Lavender°(Lavandula angustifolia) Bulgaria OG 8.50 14.00 44.80 134.40 Floral and herbal aroma; just like fresh Lavender! Ideal for therapeutic applications and skin products. Relaxing and anti-septic properties. A classic must-have!

Lavender, spike (Lavandula latifolia) Spain OG





Clean, herby, camphorish aroma. Astringent, stimulating, anti-viral, anti-septic properties. Lemon°^ (Citrus limonium) Italy OG 5.75 9.00 28.80 86.40 Light, clean, sweet citrus aroma. Refreshing, stimulating, cleansing & astringent. Photo sensitive. Lemongrass°^ (Cymbopogon flexuosus) Nepal OG 4.75 8.00 25.60 76.80 Lemony, fresh, tangy aroma. Astringent, stimulating, anti-viral properties. Cleansing products. Lime Peel° ^ (Citrus aurantifolia) Mexico OG 5.75 9.00 28.80 86.40 Tangy, bittersweet citrus aroma. Refreshing, astringent. Useful in body care. Photo sensitive. Litsea cubeba° (May Chang)^ China OG 2.50 4.00 12.80 38.40 Mellow, rich with a lemony aroma. Relaxing and cooling. Lovely in blends. Mandarin, red° ^ (Citrus reticulata) Italy OG 4.25 7.00 22.40 67.20 Sweetly warm with floral & citrus aroma. Relaxing, soothing, great in blends. Photo sensitive.


(Leptospermum scoparium) New Zealand W





New Zealand Tea Tree. Warm, mossy & mild aroma. Properties similar to Tea Tree.

Marjoram, sweet

(Marjorana hortensis) Hungary C





Warm, green, woody-sweet aroma. Relaxing, soothing, for stress relief. Sedative, use sparingly.


! (Commiphora myrrha) Somalia W





Thick, rich, smoky aroma. Relaxing, meditative and has mildy anti-septic properties. Dilute.


! (Myristica fragrans) Sri Lanka OG





Spicy, warm, exotic aroma. Energizing, analgesic. Good in blends, use sparingly and dilute well!

Orange, sweet°^

(C. sinensis) Dominican Rep. OG





Sweet citrus aroma. Lightly refreshing, calming and relaxing. Great for stress. Photo sensitive. = Avoid while pregnant (particularly during first trimester). ^ = Potential skin irritant. ! = Always dilute, short-term use only. = Avoid exposure to sun. = NO contact with mucous membranes or/& sensitive skin areas. Please visit our website for detailed profiles and descriptions on all of our essential oils.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337

– 60 –

Name Cautions Latin

Orange, bitter ^ !


How Cultivated

1/2 oz 1 oz

(C. aurantium) Dominican Rep. W 4.75


4 oz

16 oz



From the fruit peel of the bitter orange tree. Marmalade-sweet, appetizing citrus aroma. Calming. For anxiety and vertigo. Photo sensitive. Must be diluted!

! (Origanum vulgare) USA OG






Herby and spicy with a strong camphor aroma. 69% Carvacrol. Stimulating, anti-viral and antibacterial properties. Must be diluted!

Palmarosa°(Cymbopogon martinii) Nepal OG





Rosy-floral, herby aroma. Balancing, with anti-viral properties. Good in blends.

Patchouli°(Pogostemon cablin) Indonesia OG





Distinctive, rich, musky, earthy-sweet aroma. Sensual, relaxing. Mature skin & base in blends.

Peppermint°^ (Mentha piperita) USA OG





Strong, hot/cold aroma. Cooling, refreshing, stimulating. Decongestant, carminative.

Petitgrain ^ (Citrus aurantium) Paraguay C





From the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree. Floral, citrus aroma, with a woody undertone. Refreshing, clearing, soothing. Good in blends.

Ravensara (Agathophyllum aromatica) Madagascar W





Spicy, dark, rich and herbal aroma. Anti-viral, with infection-fighting properties. Balancing.

Rosemary° ^! (Rosmarinus officinalis) Spain OG





Strong, green, fresh, woody camphorish aroma. Stimulating, refreshing, disinfectant.

Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) Australia C





Not as musky as the traditional; superb eco-alternative with similar properties. Great in blends.

Spearmint°^ (Mentha spicata) USA OG





Cool, sweet & minty aroma. Refreshing, stimulating, anti-depressant. Dilute.

Spikenard°(Nardastachus jatamansi) Nepal OG





Rich, earthy, musky, sweet aroma. Very relaxing, soothing & grounding. For stress & sadness.

Tangerine ^

(Citrus reticulata) USA C





Sweet, warm, distinct citrus aroma. Refreshing, calming. Good in blends. Photo sensitive.

Tea Tree°(Melaleuca alternifolia) Australia OG





Penetrating, clean, medicinal aroma. Broad spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-fungal & anti-viral properties. Use to prevent infection. Diffuser, bath, topical applications. Dilute!

Thyme, red°^

! (Thymus vulgaris) Spain OG





Warm, medicinal aroma. Purifying and energizing with noted anti-septic and anti-viral properties. Must be diluted!


! (Valeriana officinalis) Belgium C





Sweet, musky & floral aroma with a medicinal undertone. Relaxing, sedative; use in moderation.

Vetiver°(Vetiveria zizanoides) Haiti OG





Earthy, rich, smoky, exotic aroma. Grounding, calming, anti-depressant. Great in blends.


(Cananga odorata) Comoro Isles OG





Intensely sweet, tropical, floral, exotic aroma. Aphrodisiac, relaxing, anti-depressant, euphoric. – 61 –

Precious Oils and Absolutes All of our precious oils (listed at the top of the page) are true essential oils. The absolutes (listed at the base of the page) are not true essential oils; they are extracted with a solvent, usually alcohol or other hydrocarbons, e.g. hexane. With some of the most striking scents on earth, the absolutes are wonderful ingredients in perfumes and body care, but they are not generally used in aromatherapy. The precious essential oils and the absolutes are packaged in amber glass bottles with standard screw top lids. Name Cautions Latin


Angelica Root° ^


How Cultivated

(A. archangelica) Canada OG

oz 1/4 oz 1/2 oz 1 oz 35.00 63.00 115.00 206.00 1/8

Warm, sweet, earthy, long-lasting aroma. Photo sensitive. Uplifting and grounding. Dilute! Chamomile, Roman°(Anthemis nobilis) USA OG 20.80 37.00 68.00 123.00 Sweet, uplifting apple-like aroma. Relaxing, good for stress and/or anxiety. Chamomile, Blue° (Matricaria chamomilla) England OG 9.75 17.00 28.90 49.00 Medicinal, warm aroma. Anti-inflammatory properties, soothing. Helichrysum° (Helichrysum italicum) France OG 39.00 69.00 128.00 237.00 Warm, earthy, bittersweet, rich, dry aroma. Regenerative, vulnerary. Fresh and clarifying. Excellent for mature, dry or bruised skin. Commonly used in facial oils. Dilute.

! (Humulus lupulus) Hungary C

Hops flower





Mellow, smooth bittersweet aroma, resin-like after note. Calming/sedative. Dilute or blend.


(Melissa officinalis) USA C





Fresh, tart, citrus aroma. Anti-viral properties, cooling, anti-inflammatory. Dilute in flower water (4 to 5 drops in 2 ozs. and apply with ‘cotton bud’) to reduce zits, herpes and other skin irritations. Photo sensitive. Neroli° (Citrus aurantium) Tunisia OG 56.00 98.00 174.00 From the freshly-picked blossoms of the bitter orange tree. Exquisite, warm, delicate floral aroma with a sweet undertone. Rejuvenating, soothing, aphrodisiac. Good for mature skin and for relieving anxiety and depression. Rose Otto/Attar ° (Rosa damascena) Bulgaria OG 99.00 171.00 290.70 Soft, smooth, dry, floral and complex aroma. Subtle initially, gradually developing on the skin to a warm, rich and luxurious aroma. Use topically, in baths and diffusers. Harmonizing, toning, soothing. Good for sadness. Ideal for therapeutic use and an exquisite perfume by itself.

(Rosa rugosa) China C

Rose Otto/Attar





Warm, floral, fruity, a little spicy with a complex aroma. Great in massage, aroma and body-care blends. Use topically, in baths and diffusers. Harmonizing, toning, soothing. Good for sadness. Good for therapeutic use and a wonderful perfume by itself.

Sandalwood (Santalum album) India W





Sweet-smooth, woody, dry aroma. Aphrodisiac, grounding. Endangered: use conscientiously.

Yarrow, Blue

(Achillea millefolium) Hungary C





From the flowers. Dry, smooth, herbal aroma. Anti-inflammatory properties, astringent.

Benzoin absolute

! (Styrax tonkinensis) Indonesia W -




Resin. Balsamic, sweet, mild vanilla aroma. Mild antiseptic, used as a preservative.

Jasmine absolute

(J. grandiflorum) Egypt C





Intense floral, heady, sweet-musky aroma. Sensual, joyful, relaxing. Classic perfume ingredient.

Oakmoss absolute

! (Evernia prunastri) Yugoslavia W -




Smokey, mossy, sweet, earthy aroma. Good fixative. Spiritual & ritual use- helps visualization.

Rose absolute

(Rosa damascena) Bulgaria C





Sweet, deep, warm, floral, long lasting aroma. Uplifting, supportive, good perfume fixative.

Vanilla absolute

(V. planifolia) Madagascar C




Smooth, smoky, deep aroma. Sensual, aphrodisiac and emollient.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 62 –


Essential Oil Samplers Essential Oil Sampler°

Set of six organic essential oils in a felt pouch, with an information card, an extra bottle and dropper. Eucalyptus°, geranium°, sweet lavender°, peppermint°, rosemary° and tea tree°. Six 1/4 oz. bottles. $24.00

Favourites Sampler

Rose Sampler

Our favourite uplifting aromas. A great gift for yourself or friends. Six 1/8 oz. vials - sweet lavender°, clary sage, sweet basil°, geranium°, sweet orange°, ylang ylang° and two 1/24 oz. vials - Roman chamomile° and Bulgarian rose°. All vials have a screw top cap. $40.00

The Rose has inspired poets, lovers and royalty for centuries. Rose essential oil is specific for women and useful for stress, nervousness, nausea and even liver problems. An aphrodisiac since ancient times, this sampler is a wonderful way to try out these exquisite oils from around the world. Close to ten thousand pounds of rose petals Pure essential oil blends created to are steam-distilled to produce a pound of rose correspond with our seven chakras. Experience oil - that’s about sixty roses for one drop of oil! a profound sense of connection with your Rose essential oil will ‘crystallize” in cool body. Each of us have concentrated temperatures; it will liquify when held in your “storehouses” of energy; these are our seven hand. The aroma, while often subtle initially, chakras. You can use these aromatic oils to will warm, intensify and develop on your focus on and “open” a particular chakra to skin, lasting for many hours. Three 1/24 oz. move energy. Ideal for meditation and spiritual vials: Rose attars from Bulgaria - Rosa damasena, practice. Concentrated pure essential oils. Do China - Rosa damascena and rugosa and Turkey not use if pregnant. With detailed instructions. - Rosa damascena. A unique and fragrant gift in $22.00 a pretty satin pouch. Seven 1/24 oz. Chakra Oils $69.00

Chakra Oil Kit

Aroma Sprays From Mountain Rose Herbs. Therapeutic quality handcrafted healing blends. Made from aromatic and organic hydrosols, the finest pure grade essential oils, plant extracts and distilled spring water. Use liberally as a room spray, as a refreshing body mist, for aromatherapy or during times of discomfort. Convenient, revitalizing and economical! All of the Aroma Sprays are packaged in a 2 oz. bottle with a mister top.

Gaia Spice

Aphrodite A sensual melody of aromas sure to kindle flames. Contains: rose geranium flower water, witch hazel extract and pure essential oils of palmarosa°, sandalwood, rose attar and patchouli°. $8.95

Cucumber Mist An economical way to experience this delicious aroma. A refreshing pick-me-up of “fresh cucumber” and an uplifting, transformative room spray for dark Winter days and impatient Spring evenings. Contains: cucumber hydrosol, distilled water and witch hazel extract. $11.95

Evening Embrace Earthy, elegant and distinctly masculine. Use as a provocative and enigmatic body mist or as an enchanting room spray. Contains: distilled water, witch hazel extract, amber extracts, patchouli°, vetiver°, clary sage°, balsam of Peru, sandalwood and cardamom essential oils, with sunflower° and jojoba° oils, and vitamin E. $8.95

Fresh, rejuvenating and grounding body mist. The whole family will enjoy the fragrance; ideal for use as deodorant or as a room spray for bedroom or bathroom! Contains: distilled water, witch hazel extract and essential oils of sweet orange°, cedarwood°, sandalwood and cinnamon°. $7.95

Green Tara A relaxing, uplifting body mist created for emotional healing and comfort in moments of strife. Lovely floral, lightly tropical fragrance. Distilled water, witch hazel extract and essential oils of sweet marjoram, chamomile, geranium°, ylang ylang° and vetiver°. $7.95

Wild Rose

An effective facial spritzer for mature, less supple or sun-damaged skin. For an additional facial treatment, use this aroma spray after applying one of our facial oils. Contains: lavender flower water°, calendula extract and essential oils of carrot seed, sweet lavender° and helichrysum. $8.95

° ingredient or product is certified organic by “Oregon Tilth Certified Organic” – 63 –

Aroma Diffusers Electric Diffuser For those of you who prefer not to burn tea lights. This device produces radiant scents of pure essential oils. Small electric coils warm a filtered pad plate where the oils of your choice can be applied. The heat slowly releases the fragrance creating a gentle and relaxing environment. Light weight, portable and quiet! Covers up to 500 square feet with a delightful aroma. Approx. 3” tall, 4 1/4” wide. Each diffuser comes with 5 pads. Electric diffuser $19.95 Replacement Pads (10) $5.00

Terra Cotta Diffusers These charming and practical diffusers are hand crafted from pure terra cotta, known for its absorbent and porous properties. Each holds scent for weeks and is convenient for the car, bathroom, bedroom or closet. Place a few drops of your favourite essential oil in the centre and enjoy the lingering zest of your favourite oil! Approximately 1 ¾”. Choose from: Flower, Leaf or Spiral diffusers $3.25 each

Soapstone Diffusers These delightful oil diffusers with their charming motif design are made from hand-carved exquisite soapstone. Simply place a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the reservoir (bowl) with water, and ignite the tea light for the ultimate aromatic experience. The ambience created from the diffused light of the candle makes it great for the bedroom, on your desktop, or in bathrooms. Because of their handcrafted nature, colours and patterns may vary slightly, (tea light candle must be purchased separately). Choose from: Floral Peacock Diffuser (Charcoal colour) 4 1/4 “ x 3 1/2“ $16.00 or Moroccan Diffuser (Orange/red colour) 5“ x 3 1/2“ $13.75

Geode Diffuser Upon a polished agate slab base, polished copper spirals up to form a snake-like support on which the naturally formed geode half rests. An unusual and attractive way to diffuse aromas in your home. Fill the geode “bowl” with water and a few drops of your favourite essential oil and set on the copper “snake” support and agate slab. Place a tea light candle on the slab, underneath the geode - light and enjoy! The copper support is flexible enough to be adjusted to suit your design, yet sturdy enough to easily hold the geode. Each geode diffuser is a little different; colours and shapes will vary. All geodes are about 2.5“ wide, with a 3/4” deep reservoir/bowl. Agate slabs are 4” in diameter. Includes one tea light and instructions for care and use. $20.75


Proper use of a nebulizer is the perfect way to inhale and utilize the healing properties of essential oils. This well-designed unit processes essential oils into a near gas-like state, releasing atomized microscopic oil particles into the air without heat. A convenient, effective and practical tool. Simply pour the essential oil of your choice into the glass cylinder, plug into an electrical outlet and turn on. Covers 900 plus square feet. (The sound level is 57 dB; not recommended for 100% Beeswax candles with a 100% cotton continuous operation in quiet rooms, 5x3x7 “ wick. Candles are 1.5” diameter, in a fire tall. Standard 110 plug-in.) Includes directions resistant plastic cup. Mild, natural aroma, burn and care instructions. Nebulizer $39.95 time is about 4 hours. A healthy alternative to Glass Nebulizer replacement $19.00 paraffin; highly recommended for confined areas, around children, or those with sensitivities etc. Our favourite candles for the 1.5” diam., paraffin candles in a tin base. Leadaroma diffusers. Pack of 12. $10.00 free wick. Pack of 10 $2.25

Beeswax Tea Lights

Tea Lights

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337


– 64 –

Aroma Oils From Mountain Rose Herbs. Unique, concentrated aromatherapy blends of pure essential oils in a jojoba° and grapeseed oil base create these potent, practical and wonderful perfumes. Apply them sparingly to your inner wrists, pulse points and on the back of your neck. External use only and we suggest you avoid these oils while pregnant.

Aphrodite Aroma Oil

Sensuous, spicy, just a little floral. The patchouli adds just the right amount of musky exotic scent without over-powering. The rose adds sophistication and romance to this rather sexy body perfume. Palmarosa, sandalwood, rose and patchouli° essential oils in a jojoba° and grapeseed oil base. 1/2 oz. bottle $17.95

Heart Aroma Oil

Our amber aroma oils and resins are crafted from highly fragrant resins, gums and botanicals whose soft scents linger for hours. Amber is a mixture of crystallized aromatic resins native to India. It is harvested from the amber resin tree and then generally mixed with beeswax, styrax benzoin and other natural ingredients to create the Amber’s distinctive aroma.

Amber Aroma Oil

Warming, balancing, full of gentle inspiring joy; a wonderful antidote for bad days and depression. With sweet lavender°, ylang ylang°, rose, Roman chamomile and sweet marjoram essential oils in a jojoba° and grapeseed oil base. 1/2 oz. bottle $17.95

Unique oil from amber extracts, sandalwood oil, rock rose resin, essential oils of patchouli° and vetiver°, jojoba° and sunflower° oils with vitamin E. Exotic, evocative and sensual. Makes a wonderful perfume. 1/2 oz. bottle $13.75

Sleep Ease Oil

Patchouli Amber Aroma Oil

A wonderful solution for stress and tension! Soothing, mellow, slightly sweet aroma with pleasant earthy base. Sure to relax you. Try a few drops on a cloth in your pillow or enjoy an aromatic “sniff” during the day! Includes sweet marjoram, hops, valerian, chamomile and sweet lavender° essential oils in a jojoba° and grapeseed oil base. 1/2 oz. bottle $13.25

Spirit Aroma Oil

Hand extracted oil from amber extracts, patchouli°, vetiver° oil, balsam of Peru, sandalwood and cardamom essential oils, with sunflower° and jojoba° oils, and vitamin E. Delightfully intriguing. Makes an alluring, earthily exotic perfume. 1/2 oz. bottle $13.75

Sandalwood Aroma Oil

A unique blend of Sandalwood exudes and Created for ritual and meditation. Based on an oils, amber extracts, essential oils of myrrh and old recipe that promised “visions of fairies”. balsam of Peru, sea buckthorn, sunflower° and Cool, clear and uplifting with a smooth, earthy jojoba° oils, with vitamin E. This rich, authentic base. With sandalwood, sweet lavender°, perfume is not a synthetic fragrance but cypress°, cedarwood°, fir needle, sweet primarily a blend of true Sandalwood oils marjoram and sage° essential oils in a jojoba° from around the world. Warming and deeply and grapeseed oil base. 1/2 oz. bottle $13.75 sensual. 1/2 oz. bottle $18.50

Amber Resin An alluring aphrodisiac and body perfume, this crystallized amber is a superb and expert blend of sacred oils, powders and resins. Dissolving into the skin at body temperature or left in the attractive box and placed on a table or window sill, the scent will linger.It is sensually enticing, very calming to the mind and helpful in preparing for meditation. Packaged in beautiful and plantationgrown rosewood boxes. 2 grams (boxed) $6.75 6 grams (boxed) $10.75 4 grams (refill only) $4.75 – 65 –

shawns aroma sp

Mountain Rose Herbs Gear Get botanically and organically inspired with this fun line of shirts, bags and other goodies from Mountain Rose Herbs. All of our shirts and bags are made from certified organic cotton and most of them were manufactured in either union or fair trade shops. For details on colours, sizes and measurements, please visit our website. You’ll also find posters, magnets, coasters and other goodies. Sorry! There are no returns on shirts, bags or mugs.

Shirts Stylish, flattering and certified organic! Soft yet sturdy and great quality, these popular cotton shirts are Fair Trade certified and dyed with eco-friendly low impact dyes. All of them have the words “Supporting Organic Agriculture Since 1987” below the beautiful orginal plant designs, and a small Mountain Rose Herbs logo on the front. Shirts run small, so order the next size up and allow for a little shrinkage. Women’s scoop neck shirts: Available in Medium, Large & Extra Large. Black short sleeve (Make Tea Not War) also in a Small size $14.95 Green short sleeve (Passionflower) $14.95 Red long sleeve (Rosa Rugosa) Medium & Large sizes only $17.95 Black long sleeve (Rosa Rugosa) Extra Large size only $17.95 Men’s (unisex) crew neck shirts: Available in Medium, Large & Extra Large. Black short sleeve (Make Tea Not War) $14.95 Black short sleeve (Gingko) $14.95 Blue long sleeve (Farmer tilling soil) $17.95

Ceramic Mugs Large, sturdy lead-free ceramic mugs, with a design on one side and our logo on the other. Choose from: Terracotta brown with a golden beige stylised Gingko or Sage green with a matte black interior - “Make Tea Not War” $6.00

Bags Certified organic cotton canvas bags. Choose: Gingko design or Make Tea Not War. Durable and sturdy (18.5” wide, 15” high). $10.25

Stickers Have fun with these perennially popular stickers. Sturdy and waterproof vinyl. All bumper stickers are $1.00 each.

4” x 4”

4” x 4” 2 3/4” x 8”

2 3/4” x 8 1/2”

2 3/4” x 8” 2 3/4” x 4 3/4”

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337


– 66 –

Bathing and Body Care ~

Simmons Pure Soaps Simmons Natural Bodycare is a self-sustaining, renewable energy powered, single-family homestead and business. Since 1980, they’ve produced carefully blended, cold process, slow cure soaps. Masters at the art & science of creating a superior soap with all renewable & biodegradable ingredients. Pure olive oil, tropical palm oil, vitamin E and just enough coconut oil for a rich, luxurious lather. No animal testing or ingredients. Long-lasting and a long-time favourite. 4 oz. bars $2.95 each Apricot Poppy Seed - Exfoliating. Forest - Astringent, woodsy. French Lavender - For dry skin. Orange Spice - Spicy-sweet, all types. Unscented - Sensitive & babies.

Juniper Ridge Soaps

Aromatic and invigorating! Mild to the skin, 100% natural and the only soaps we know of that are made exclusively with real wild plant trimmings and not essential or perfume oils. Enjoy aromatic rapture; reminiscent of hiking in the deep woods of the Northwest or the sage-blanketed hills of Southern California without ever leaving your tub. 10% of profits are donated to protecting Western wilderness. Depending on scent, soaps contain: bay laurel, cedar, juniper or white sage trimmings, saponified olive, palm and coconut oils, shea butter, and jojoba oil. Each bar is 3.5 oz. Bay Laurel, Cedar, Juniper or Sage $4.45 each

Kathy’s Family Soaps Triple-milled bar soaps to ensure a luxuriously rich lather. Certified organic alfalfa extract and vegetable glycerine nourish and moisturize the skin; earthy scents help balance and invigorate. Includes: pure vegetable soap base, certified organic alfalfa extract, glycerine and pure essential oils. No colourants or synthetic fragrances. 3.5 oz. bars $2.95 each Citrus, Lavender or Eucalyptus-Mint.

Ayate Cloths Grown, harvested and woven in Mexico, this natural fiber is from 100% dried Agave. When soaked in water, its natural fibers soften and expand causing the weave to become tight. Mildew resistant and long-lasting. A gentle exfoliating fiber that stimulates the skin to a smooth, invigorating freshness. Choose from: Wash Cloth (12" x 12" expanded) $4.50 or, Soap Pouch $4.20

Kathy’s Family Bodywash No synthetic detergents, sodium lauryl or sodium laureth sulfates. Thick, rich, vegetablebased body wash gel leaves your skin feeling silky, smooth and nourished. Simple aromatherapy grade essential oil blends stimulate your pores and senses. In a practical push-pull dispenser that’s recyclable and unbreakable. Contains: saponified oils of olive and coconut, aloe vera, certified organic alfalfa extract, vegetable gum, vegetable glycerin, and pure essential oils. 8.5 oz. $9.00 Citrus, Lavender or Eucalyptus-Mint

Castille Soap°

Terrific certified organic soap base. Unscented, mild, luxurious and cruelty free. Add your Natural deodorant stone made from mineral own flower water &/or essential oil for your salt deposits is guaranteed to last 1-2 years. An own personalised soap. Contains: water, effective, environmentally friendly and saponified coconut° & olive° oils (w/retained economical way to control body odour. Each glycerine), jojoba° oil, aloe vera° and rosemary stone is shaped to a smooth finish and weighs extract. 8 oz. bottle with pump top. $4.95 3.3 to 4 oz. $5.00 16 oz. $5.75 1 gal.* $39.00

Deodorant Stone

– 67 –

~ Body Care ~ Mountain Rose Herbs offers you body and facial care with wholesome ingredients, fresh aromatic botanicals - many of them organic - and pure essential oils. All lovingly combined and produced in small batches by our herbalists. All of the products we offer are from completely natural sources with no added chemicals, additives or synthetic perfumes, just pure botanical goodness. Your beautiful skin deserves the best! From the refreshing feel of our facial wash to the soothing luxury of our relaxing bath herbs, we hope you enjoy the opulence as much as we do. Pure, natural, biodegradable and never tested on animals ~ enjoy! Indulge yourself without spending a fortune and enjoy exclusive “spa” benefits in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Relaxing Bath Herbs From Mountain Rose Herbs. Fragrant and relaxing herbal baths have been enjoyed over the centuries for their healing properties. This treasured recipe is full of aromatic flowers and soothing, emollient herbs. A wonderful way to take the stress out of any day and a therapeutic treat for your skin. Immerse yourself in a “giant” cup of relaxing herbal tea! Chamomile° & lavender° flowers, comfrey° leaves, rose petals, hops° flowers and passionflower° herb with a proprietary blend of mild and relaxing essential oils. Packaged in a re-sealable bag, with instructions and a re-usable muslin bag. 3 oz. (enough for 6-8 baths) $4.95 1 lb. $20.95

RelaxingBath Salts Overworked, sore, aching body? Try some fragrant stress relief from Mountain Rose Herbs. Soothe and calm with Dead Sea salt, Celtic Sea salts, soda salts (sodium sesquicarbonate), Epsom salts, bicarbonate of soda and malto-dextrin (grain starch), with essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang, geranium, clary sage, fir needle & patchouli, olive oil, herbal extracts of calendula and chamomile flowers, and vitamin E oil. Enough for 7-14 baths. Net weight 14 oz. in a glass bottle. $15.75

Coastal Bath Salts Woodland Bath Salts Aaah! Imagine a hot springs tub in the mossy woods, then soak in these sensual and earthily exotic bath salts. Contains: Epsom salt, coarse sea salt, Dead Sea salt, sodium borate and bicarbonate of soda, club moss, cedar berries, certified organic jojoba oil, essential oils of certified organic vetiver, cedarwood and rosewood, herbal extracts of organic calendula and chamomile flowers, and vitamin E oil. Enough for 7-14 baths. Net weight 14 oz. in a glass bottle. $15.75

Gentle, warm ocean, negative ions - will lull you to re-connect, recharge and find your own natural rhythms again by bathing in these heavenly ‘primeval’ bath salts. Epsom salt, coarse sea salt, Dead Sea salt, sodium borate and bicarbonate of soda, certified organic kelp powder and dulse flakes, certified organic hemp seed oil, essential oils of frankincense and certified organic lavender, herbal extracts of organic calendula and chamomile flowers, and vitamin E oil. Enough for 7-14 baths. Net weight 14 oz. in a glass bottle. $15.75

Epsom Salt

A therapeutic luxury! Soothe, relax and relieve sore muscles. Use by itself for soaking or blend Natural solar evaporated Sodium chloride from with essential oils and botanicals for a splendid the coast of California. Softens skin, relaxes experience. High in magnesium and sulfates. muscles, ideal for bath salts. Choose Coarse or Therapeutic/Coarse Grade. External use only. Fine. 1 lb. $3.50 5 lb.* $12.00 1 lb. $3.50 5 lb.* $12.00

Sea Salt

Dead Sea Salt

Himalayan Pink Salt

A luxuriant sea salt extracted and solar dried from the saline and mineral rich marshes of the confined Dead Sea. Nutrient rich, extremely fine, partially moist - perfect for bath products and scrubbing blends. Cosmetic use only. 1 lb. $4.75 5 lb.* $19.00

Primarily used for gourmet cooking and luxurious bathing, these remarkably beneficial off-white to lustrous pink crystals are rich in trace elements and iron. Mined by humans (not machines) from pristine mountain ranges in the Himalayas. 1 lb. $8.50 5 lb.* $34.00

– 68 –

Massage and Body Oils An aromatic, soothing and gentle way to relieve fatigued muscles. Fun and therapeutic, enriching and deepening your massage experience. 4 oz. amber glass bottle with pump top for easy application. 1 oz. amber glass bottle comes with standard screw cap.

Goddess Dreams Stimulate your senses and your dreams with this divinely fragrant, herbal massage oil. Rose petals, lavender° and calendula° flowers, damiana and rosemary° leaves, all solarinfused in sweet almond°, olive° and jojoba° oils with vitamin E and essential oils of rose, lavender° & clary sage. 1 oz. $4.75 4 oz. $10.95

Moon Massage Oils Infused with organic and wild gathered herbs as the new moon waxes, bottled before the full moon wanes. Exotic and aromatic; perfect for sensual massage and as a moisturizing body oil. Calendula° and chamomile° flowers, rose Warming, soothing; helps ease the discomfort petals, lavender° flowers, all solar-infused in associated with osteo-arthritis and other aches sweet almond° and olive° oils with vitamin E. and minor pains in the joints. With sweet Rose Moon is fragranced with Rose Attar and almond°, olive° and jojoba° oils, calendula° geranium° essential oil. Autumn Moon with oil, vitamin E and a proprietary blend of sweet lavender°, geranium°, rose attar, spicy essential oils that includes ginger° and cinnamon° and warm vetiver°. Choose from 4 oz. $11.95 chamomile. 4 oz. $9.95 Rose or Autumn. 1 oz. $4.95

Aches & Pains

Massage Oil Sampler

Arnica & St. John’s Excellent deep-tissue massage oil based on Injur-Heal oil. Ideal for use after strenuous exercise or strain, for prevention and reduction of aches and bruises. Very popular with massage therapists. St. John’s wort flowers, calendula° flowers and arnica° flowers solarinfused in olive oil° with sweet almond oil° , vitamin E and lavender° essential oil. 1 oz. $4.75 4 oz. $10.95

A great way to sample our line of popular massage oils. Each sampler is beautifully packaged in a gift box and includes a 1 ounce bottle of Rose Moon Massage Oil, Arnica & St. John’s Massage Oil, and Goddess Dreams Massage Oil. An economical way to experiment and determine which oils you like, before committing to a larger size. Sampler set of 3 $13.75

Kathy’s Family Lotion

Secret Skin Oil

An easily absorbed shea butter lotion providing an effective moisture barrier. Silky smooth, non greasy and long lasting. Lightly scented lotion and excellent hand “cream”. Great for farmers, gardeners, horse-riders and others who think gloves just get in the way! Contains: aloe vera juice, safflower oil, shea butter, glycerine, sweet almond oil, honey, sea kelp, vegetable gum, Germall Plus (diazolidinyl urea 80%, iodopropynyl carbamate 2%), wheat germ oil, organic alfalfa extract, rosemary extract and pure essential oils. 8.5 oz. bottle w/pump top. $12.75 Call It a Day Lavender or Early to Rise Citrus

From Mountain Rose Herbs. Aka Lizard Oil, this effective oil is what the over-40 crowd at Mountain Rose uses on our dry skin. As gardeners, hikers and herbalists, we spend a lot of time out of doors and our skin sometimes suffers. This wonderful moisturizing and emollient oil is especially good for the hands, forearms, elbows, lower legs and other dry skin areas. Contains: calendula° infused organic olive oil, wild rosehip seed oil°, vitamin E, and a blend of essential oils that include nourishing and rejuvenating helichrysum, carrot seed, lavender and neroli. Shake well before use. 2 oz. $9.50

Skeeter Skatter From Simmons Natural Bodycare; a natural and effective alternative to commercial bug repellents. Essential oils of citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, catnip & pennyroyal in a vegetable oil base. No need to get oily as a little goes a long way. Re-apply 2-4 hours later or when the mosquitos return. 2.66 oz. bottle w/sprayer cap. $6.50

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337


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Facial Care ~ Invigorating, restoring, and refreshing - these are the words our customers have shared with us in regards to the beautiful line of facial care products offered by Mountain Rose Herbs. By treating your face with natural botanical products, you can enjoy first-hand the remarkably satisfying benefits that these facial care delights can offer. Since 1987, Mountain Rose Herbs has never supported or used synthetic ingredients derived from the oil refinery or petrochemical industry, nor will we offer products of a synthetic nature which may contain other chemical compounds. All of the yummy facial care delights we offer are of earth origin and made exclusively with natural, botanical, renewable or vegetable-based sources. Soft, gentle and without compromise to the environment, we are sure that you will find a plethora of products kissed with botanical goodness, designed explicitly for the naturalist in mind.

Lemon Face Wash

For Normal to Oily Skin. Refreshing, light, deep-cleaning without drying your skin. Feels silky-smooth, smells terrific and makes a fabulous body wash for the shower too. Contains: Castille soap° (water, saponified coconut° Gentle facial grains to clean, tone and beautify and olive° oils, with retained your skin. Suitable for all skin types and glycerine, jojoba° oil, aloe formulated for everyday use. You can combine vera° and rosemary extract), them with water or herb tea to make a mild yet lavender flower water°, rejuvenating face mask. Contains: oat bran°, grapefruit seed extract, white kaolin clay, ground almonds°, rose petal burdock°, red clover and powder, cornmeal° and sweet lavender calendula° extracts and a essential oil. 2 oz. jar $4.95 8 oz. bag $15.95 proprietary blend of essential oils that includes lemon°. 8 oz. bottle with pump. $9.75

Cleansing Grains

Rose Face Wash For Normal to Dry and Combination Skin. Sometimes your skin feels oily, sometimes dry and many of us have a combination of both. This gentle, lightly aromatic face wash is ideal; perfect for mature or combination skin An excellent deep cleanser which helps to and dry or less supple skin. Cleanse your skin remove impurities. Astringent and deepwith the synergy of these natural ingredients cleaning; it is best for oily skin, acne and known for their moisturizing properties and “greasy” areas or for those with combination leave your skin silky-smooth. Try it in the skin. An excellent, effective, somewhat intense shower too. Contains: Castille soap° (water, face mask; great for a monthly “treatment”. saponified coconut° and olive° oils, with French green clay, almonds°, oatbran° and a retained glycerine, jojoba° oil, aloe vera° and proprietary blend of essential oils. rosemary extract), rose flower water°, 2 oz. jar $4.95 8 oz. bag $15.95 vegetable glycerine, grapefruit seed extract, calendula° extract and a proprietary blend of essential oils that includes Rose attar and Naturally occurring volcanic ash (USA). Soft chamomile. 8 oz. bottle with pump $9.95 sodium bentonite clay used in face masks for invigorating and drawing qualities. Also suitable for food use. 1 lb. $7.25 5 lb.* $27.00 Spa-quality clay from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Reddish/brown clay blends well From bedrock quarries in France. Excellent for with water. High in silica, magnesium, iron, facials; tones, stimulates, revitalizes; very calcium, potassium and sodium content. 5 lb.* $42.00 absorbent. 1 lb. $8.25 5 lb.* $32.00 1 lb. $10.00

Facial Scrub

Bentonite Clay

Rhassoul Clay

French Green Clay Fullers Earth Clay

White Cosmetic Clay

Sedimentary clay, used for skin-lightening and oil drawing capabilities. For oily and acne prone skin, not for sensitive skin. 1 lb. $7.25 5 lb.* $27.00

Naturally absorbent, very fine kaolin clay used in powders, cosmetics and deodorant. Makes an excellent poultice. 1 lb. $4.95 5 lb.* $18.00

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Facial Steam° An enjoyable way to cleanse, moisturize and increase circulation. What a great organic botanical treat for the face! Created specifically for deep pore cleansing and skin vitality. Facial steams are a wonderful way to absorb the pure essence of beneficial herbs. Simply place a small amount of the Facial Steam in a bowl of hot water, drape a towel over your head, and let the rising steam carry the volatile oils in these fragrant plants into your skin. Facial steams may be helpful in relieving congestion, sinus and tension headaches, but not for asthma. With complete instructions. Contains: comfrey° leaves, chamomile°, rose° and calendula° flowers with a hint of essential oil°. 3 oz. $4.95 1 lb. $20.95

Herbal Facial Kit Pamper yourself with a weekly facial. 5 complete facials in a beautiful, rosewood box. Herbal Steam - To cleanse and open pores. Cleansing Grains - Removes dead skin and unclogs pores. French Clay Mask - Deep cleansing and stimulates circulation. Facial Oil Blend - To lightly scent, moisturize and balance. Rose Flower Water Toner - Gently refreshing and astringent. Leaves you feeling great with a radiant, clean complexion. Complete instructions are included. Herbal Facial Kit $23.95

Facial Oils From Mountain Rose Herbs. A nurturing and effective treatment for your face. Moisturizing, balancing and lightly scented, these facial oils are best for use on clean skin. Gently apply a very small amount to your face and massage in with your fingertips. Blot any excess with a tissue. For an enjoyable and more therapeutic effect - after applying the facial oil, spray your face with a mist of flower water and lightly pat or massage in. These facial oils are concentrated, aroma-therapeutic oils; a little goes a long way, use them sparingly.

Classic Rose Oil

Lip Balm

Rich and nourishing with only the finest ingredients. This is a luxurious and marvelous way to help prevent wrinkles, rehydrate the skin and promote healthy skin cell regeneration. Contains: wild rosehip seed oil°, kukui nut oil, calendula° flower infused organic olive oil and a combination of pure essential oils that includes sandalwood, helichrysum, carrot seed, frankincense, neroli and pure organic lavender. 1 oz. $14.50

Kathy’s Family. With 97% organic ingredients, this long-lasting balm goes on smooth and it’s not greasy. Organic coconut oil, beeswax, organic sunflower oil, organic sweet almond oil, organic jojoba oil, organic calendula, vitamin E, pure essential oil and rosemary extract. .15 oz. tube $2.90 Citrus (sweet) or Mint (cool)

Neti Pot

With the assistance of a Nasal Cleansing Pot or Neti Pot you will experience how simple nasal A very popular and effective facial oil. cleansing can be. The gentle and effective Rejuvenating and restoring. Excellent for technique with a saline solution is damaged skin due to acne, scars, sun and for recommended by many health practitioners mature and dry skin. Contains: wild rosehip for those with allergies, colds, sinusitis and seed oil°, calendula° flower infused organic those who live in dusty or polluted olive oil, jojoba° oil, vitamin E oil and essential environments. Each nasal cleaning pot comes oils of pure organic lavender, carrot seed and with complete instructions on its usage Made helichrysum. 1 oz. $12.25 from heavy duty lead-free ceramic. $12.00

Wild Rose Oil

Hydrosols and Flower Waters make excellent toners and facial mists. Ideal for spritzing or splashing on the face after cleansing, they are also beneficial when used in combination with our Facial Oils. Not only wonderful for your skin - they smell fabulous too! You will find our mostly certified organic selection on pages 74 - 75.

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 71 –

Facial and Body Creams From Mountain Rose Herbs. We have been creating these superb creams for twenty years and we feel we’re as close to perfection as humanly possible. These rich and nourishing creams are ideal for your facial skin; however you will find them delightfully addictive when you start smoothing the emollient and easily absorbed ‘lotion’ onto the rest of your body. Creatively utilizing a wonderful combination of botanical ingredients to produce a nongreasy well-absorbed and emollient moisturizer with a silken texture and smooth consistency. This is the kind of cream you would expect to pay at least twice our price for in a store, yet it’s the best we’ve ever tried and these creams use only vitamin E as a preservative. Very popular with staff and customers. Made in small batches to ensure freshness and perfection and by only one or two of our most dedicated herbalists and long-time staff members. Please note that if you order these creams in quantity your order may be a little delayed because these creams are labour intensive and are produced in such small quantities. 1.8 oz. (50 ml.) glass jar

Cucumber Cream Summery and refreshingly cool on the skin. Suitable for all skin types. Contains: Organic, cold-pressed, virgin olive oil, organic sesame oil, grapeseed oil, organic aloe vera gel, cucumber flower water (from organic cucumbers), organic coconut oil, unrefined beeswax and vitamin E. $13.25

Sweet Lavender Cream

Fabulous! A traditionally aromatic and herbal cream, suitable for normal to oily skin. Contains: Organic, cold-pressed, virgin olive Distinctly cooling and pleasantly refreshing, oil, organic sesame oil, grapeseed oil, organic this immensely popular and therapeutic cream aloe vera gel, organic lavender flower water, is soothing for irritated skin. Contains: Organic organic coconut oil, unrefined beeswax, lemon balm infused in cold-pressed, virgin vitamin E and sweet lavender essential oil. $11.95 organic olive oil, grapeseed oil, organic lemon balm flower water, distilled water, unrefined beeswax, vitamin E and pure melissa (lemon balm) essential oil. $14.95 Earthy, exotic and definitely sensual; a delicious body cream! It is also wonderful for dry and mature skin. Contains: Organic, coldpressed, virgin olive oil, organic sesame oil, Gently refreshing and pleasantly floral without grapeseed oil, organic aloe vera gel, organic being too sweet. A wonderful treat for face and lavender flower water, organic coconut oil, body. Suitable for combination and oily skin. unrefined beeswax, vitamin E, organic Contains: Organic, cold-pressed, virgin olive patchouli and sandalwood essential oils. $11.95 oil, organic sesame oil, grapeseed oil, organic aloe vera gel, organic lavender water, organic coconut oil, unrefined beeswax, vitamin E, organic sweet orange and organic Roman Just pure silky, soft cream. Ideal for sensitive, chamomile essential oils. $11.95 dry skin and babies. Contains: Organic, coldpressed, virgin olive oil, organic sesame oil, grapeseed oil, organic aloe vera gel, organic lavender flower water, organic coconut oil, Aromatic and sensuous, this is our signature unrefined beeswax and vitamin E. $10.75 cream and a long-time favourite with customers and staff alike. It is soothing for all types of skin, particularly dry. A beautiful Rich, rapturous and yummy! Gently rub this body cream for romantic evenings! Contains: silky cream into your skin to feel delicious. Organic, cold-pressed, virgin olive oil, organic Contains: Organic, cold-pressed, virgin olive sesame oil, grapeseed oil, organic aloe vera oil, organic sesame oil, grapeseed oil, organic gel, organic flower water, organic coconut oil, aloe vera gel, organic orange flower water, unrefined beeswax, vitamin E and true Rose distilled water, organic coconut oil, unrefined Attar essential oil from Rosa damascena and beeswax, vitamin E and vanilla oleoresin. Rosa rugosa petals. $12.75 $12.25

Melissa Cream

Sandalwood and Patchouli Cream

Orange and Chamomile Cream

Unscented Cream

Rose Cream

Vanilla Cream

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 72 –

Healthy Hair

Secret Hair Oil° A fabulous organic, herbal oil treatment from Mountain Rose Herbs. For luxuriant, healthy hair, this is the best conditioner we know of. Jojoba oil is great for the hair root follicles allowing oxygen in, thereby encouraging new growth. The essential oil blend stimulates and nourishes the scalp. Comes with complete directions. Organic jojoba oil and essential oils that include sweet basil°, lavender° and rosemary°. 2 oz. glass bottle $9.15

Rosemary Oil° From Mountain Rose Herbs. Conditioning, organic herbal hair oil made with olive oil°, rosemary leaves° & vitamin E. Excellent for scalp problems like dandruff and itchy scalp. (Warm the oil slightly, about 1 teaspoon gently rub into the scalp - wrap head in a towel, leave on for 1 hour. Shampoo out; feel the difference.) 2 oz. bottle $6.95 4 oz. bottle $12.95

Giovanni Shampoos

Henna A natural way to colour your hair and condition it at the same time. Henna is the powdered leaves and bark of the desert shrub, Lawsonia inermis. It contains hannatannic acid which, when mixed with hot water, coats the hair, sealing in the natural oils and tightening the cuticle; giving your hair a rich and healthy shine. Use it to add colour, create highlights or cover grey (if not more than 10%). Complete instructions & hints included. Short hair requires: 3~4 ozs. Medium length: 6~8 ozs. Long: 8~10 ozs. Choose from 12 shades. For details and colour chart, visit our website. 4 oz. $7.75 8 oz. $11.75 1lb. $20.00 Red, Black, Neutral, Sherry, Mahogany, Burgundy, Dk. Brown, Med. Brown, Lt. Brown, Copper, Strawberry or Marigold Blonde

Kathy’s Family Shampoo Gentle all-vegetable based treatment for normal to oily hair. 64% organic ingredients, no laureth, oxide or petroleum derivatives. Ingredients: organic floral waters of chamomile, lemon balm & rosemary, steam-distilled water infusion of organic nettle, olive leaf, calendula, sage & lavender, organic aloe vera, olefin sulfonate, cocamidopropyl betaine (coconut derived), vegetable glycerine, organic hemp seed oil, sea salt, wheat protein, caprylic acid (coconut derived), glycine tocopherol (vitamin E), pure essential oils, potassium sorbate & citric acid. Herbal Citrus scent. 8 fl. oz. $7.95

Unique, safe, natural formulas with herbs, organic extracts, minerals, sunscreen, provitamin B-1 and wheat protein. No laureth, oxide or petroleum derivatives. Ingredients: organic extracts of rosemary, nettle, thyme, birch leaf, chamomile, menthol, clary sage, lavender, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, yarrow, mallow and horsetail, soybean protein, olefin sulphonate (from coconut), cocamidoprophyl betaine, tocopherol (vitamin E derived), trace minerals, citric acid, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, sodium chloride & grapefruit seed extract. Choose: Golden Wheat - normal/ Thick and creamy. 88% organic ingredients. oily hair Or 50/50 - normal/dry hair. 8.5 fl. oz. shampoo $7.75 Contains: organic floral waters of lavender, hibiscus & lemongrass, steam-distilled water infusion of organic horsetail, rosehips, lemon, Smooth as Silk Conditioner. Contains: organic red raspberry & thyme, organic aloe vera, extracts of rosemary, nettle, thyme, birch leaf, vegetable (colza) oil, behentrimonium methochamomile, clary sage, lavender, coltsfoot, sulfate, organic jojoba & hemp seed oils, yarrow, mallow and horsetail, soybean protein, vegetable glycerin, wheat protein, amino acids, cetyl alcohol (plant derived), stearalkonium cetearyl alcohol, ceteareth 20 (vegetable derived), chloride, tocopherol (vitamin E derived), trace tocopherol (natural vitamin E), caprylic acid minerals, citric acid, sodium hydroxy- (coconut derived), glycine, lecithin, panthenol, methylglycinate and grapefruit seed extract. pure essential oils & potassium sorbate. 8.5 fl. oz. $7.75 Herbal Citrus Scent. 8.5 fl. oz. $7.95

Kathy’s Conditioner

Giovanni Conditioner

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 73 –

Flower Waters (Hydrosols) ~ Hydrosols, also known as floral waters, hydroflorates, flower waters or distillates, are produced from steam-distilling plant materials. Hydrosols have similar properties to essential oils but are much less concentrated. Unlike their “essential oil added to water” counterparts, true steam-distilled hydrosols contain all the beneficial components that whole plant materials have to offer. Hydrosols are usually a by-product of essential oil production, but the highest quality comes from devoted distillers who, with artist-like precision steam the floral and plant material strictly to produce hydrosol (the hydrosols offered by Mountain Rose Herbs are produced in this fashion). Distilled in stainless steel and processed through certified organic methods in the USA and Europe, hydrosols contain all of the essence of the plant in every drop, just like essential oils but in a milder form; making them suitable for all manner of applications where essential oils would be too strong. In most hydrosols there is less than 5% actual essential oil. Please note that the aromas are mostly mild and subtle, sometimes bright and fragrant, and most hydrosols have an herby and/or grassy note indicative of their authentic and therapeutic properties. Highly recommended and a safer, economical and more ecological alternative to essential oils. Wonderful as a facial splash, body perfume, deodorant or air freshener. Cool a hot flash, change your mood and add them to lotions and creams. 4oz. flower waters come in a glass bottle with a mister top, 8 oz. and 16 oz. bulk sizes are in plastic bottles, without misters.


Basil° Basil flower water makes a zesty addition for culinary use and an invigorating, lightly stimulating room freshener. Certified organic basil leaves from Washington: Ocimum basilicum. 4 oz. $7.50 8 oz. $13.75 16 oz. $25.00 1 gal.* $169.00

This flower water is refreshing, cooling and crisp, with that distinct cucumber aroma; perfect in a toner, a Summer body splash, or a scrumptious lotion. Cucumbers are well known for their soothing, healing and antiinflammatory effects on the skin. From organic Oregon cucumbers: Cucumis sativus. 4 oz. $31.00 8 oz. $59.00 16 oz. $109.00

Helichrysum° Immortelle! A superb and refreshing facial mist for mature and dry skin, with an authentic rich, dry and bittersweet “toasty” aroma. Certified organic from Washington: Helichrysum italicum. 4 oz. $9.50 8 oz. $16.00 16 oz. $29.00 1 gal.* $209.00

Calendula° A refreshing aroma, reminiscent of fresh calendula and newly picked corn! Superb for all manner of skin irritations. Certified organic flowers from Washington: Calendula officinalis. 4 oz. $9.50 8 oz. $16.00 16 oz. $29.00

Chamomile° A floral and fruity aroma for relaxation and body care. Certified organic flowers from Washington: Matricaria recutita. 4 oz. $9.50 8 oz. $16.00 16 oz. $29.00 1 gal.* $209.00

Clary Sage° A dry, astringent, “tobacco-like” aroma. Primarily for therapeutic use e.g. PMS etc. Best when blended with other aromas. Certified organic Salvia sclaria from Oregon. 4 oz. $5.00 8 oz. $6.50 16 oz. $11.00 1 gal.* $71.00

Orders or Questions: (800) 879~3337 – 74 –

Orange (flower)

Gentle, fresh, aromatic! Sure to improve your mood. While commonly used for babies & children, it is also a mild aphrodisiac. True hydrosol from France, distilled from organic Citrus aurantium flower buds. 4 oz. $5.00


True hydrosol organically distilled from organic Lavandula angustifolia. Relaxing, ideal for oily/combination skin, excellent for minor burns, rashes & mild vaginal itch. Both refreshing & soothing! Rather than “sweet floral” aroma, this is “fresh picked”, typical of therapeutic lavender hydrosol. 4 oz. $5.75 8 oz. $9.50  16 oz. $17.00 1 gal.* $117.00

Lemon Balm°

Geranium (Rose)

Fantastic for combination skin. A wonderful balancer; ideal for hormonal ups and downs including hot flashes. A true hydrosol from organically grown California Pelargonium graveolens flowers and leaves. 4 oz. $6.45

With its anti-inflammatory properties and calming effects on mental stress, this uplifting true hydrosol is beneficial and cooling for acne, herpes, cold sores and general skin irritations. Economic alternative to the essential oil. Certified organic Washington lemon balm: Melissa officinalis. 4 oz. $6.75 8 oz. $11.75    16 oz. $21.00    1 gal.* $139.00

Lemon Verbena°

Revitalizing for all skin types and lightly stimulating and uplifting. A breath of Summer on a gloomy day, it makes a great pick-me-up in a bottle and it also acts as an astringent and cleanser. Certified organic lemon verbena from Washington Aloysia triphylla. 4 oz. $6.75 8 oz. $11.75    16 oz. $21.00    1 gal.* $139.00


Fresh and robust! Excellent on hot days or for hot flashes - refrigerate to enhance the cooling effects. Certified organic Mentha piperita tops from USA. 4 oz. $6.45 8 oz. $10.95   16 oz. $19.00   1 gal.* $119.00


An enchanting true hydrosol from Bulgaria. Organically distilled from organically grown rose petals: Rosa damascena and Rosa rugosa , both species are highly aromatic and prized “old” roses. The fragrance is subtle yet complex and mellow. Like the true Rose attars, the aroma warms and develops once on your skin. A wonderful, light, astringent toner for all skin types. Our most popular flower water, it is a lovely all over body-splash and a sensuous fragrance; spray it on your bed linens for a special treat. An aphrodisiac since ancient times. 4 oz. $5.50


Energizing and stimulating! A boost for one’s mental clarity and a toner for hair. True hyMmm, the mountains with a smooth almost drosol from organic California Rosmarinus floral edge. Terrific room spray and a cooling officinalis leaves. 4 and refreshing body toner. Certified organic oz. $6.45

Ponderosa Pine°

A Herbs, Health and Harmony Company Since 1987 (800) 879~3337 Fax: (510) 217~4012 PO Box 50220, Eugene, OR 97405 Summer Catalogue 2008

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