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Visit Eagle Park Pool, 650 Franklin Street, during business hours.
Pre-paid daily entrance or credit card payment encouraged.
Open to teens (ages 13-17) at Eagle Park Pool on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 1:55 p.m. resuming fall 2023. Visit MountainView.gov/LapSwim for the most up-to-date schedule.
Los Altos Mountain View Aquatic Club
LAMVAC is a year-round amateur competitive swim team for swimmers age 5 and above, sanctioned by United States Swimming, Inc.
The range of competition is from local to Olympic and International levels. The team is coached by experienced staff certified by American Swimming Coaches Association.
Practice sessions are held at Eagle Park Pool or Rengstorff Park Pool for short course (25yard/meter pools) and at Foothill College for long course (50-meter Olympic size pool).
For more information, visit LAMVAC.org or email Membership@LAMVAC.org.