Mountain View Voice 09.23.2011 - Section 1

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A local resource guide published by the Mountain View Voice

Mountain View INFO 2011 In this issue arts & entertainment | outdoors & recreation | kids | education community | public officials |

SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 VOLUME 19, NO. 36



Supervisor race pits Abe-Koga vs King WILL SIMITIAN ENTER THE RACE? By Daniel DeBolt


Citlali Pizarro, left, and Carolyn Power get ready for the Pear Avenue Theatre’s production of “The Fifth of July” on Friday, Sept. 16.

The Pear Avenue Theatre celebrates 10th season By Nick Veronin


he saying may be well worn, but Diane Tasca insists there is no better way for her to express what she loves about the stage: “Theater is alive.” The founder of the Pear Avenue Theatre, which celebrated the opening of its 10th season on

Sept. 15, explains that while she loves a good television show or film, there is something much more personal and human about a play. “It’s not only that the performers are in the moment,” Tasca says. “The audience and the performers form a kind of unit that is different each night. The actors

have give and take with themselves, but they also have give and take with the audience.” That give and take was easily observable on Sept. 16, as a cast of seven men and women performed Lanford Wilson’s “The Fifth of July” to a small crowd of See PEAR AVENUE, page 8

Council OKs Mayfield housing By Daniel DeBolt


ith the quick approval of a final architectural design at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, work is may begin soon on a 260-unit housing development at 100 Mayfield

Ave. With Tuesday’s approval, William Lyons Homes is expected to close escrow on the property in October. Demolition is set to begin in November and could take eight months, beginning with two months of asbestos and tree removal. To be demol-

ountain View City Council member Margaret Abe-Koga declared her candidacy for county supervisor on Wednesday, setting up a duel with former Saratoga mayor Kathleen King — if Joe Simitian doesn’t enter the race. Mountain View’s current representative on the Santa Clara County board of supervisors, Palo Alto’s Liz Kniss, will term out of the District 5 seat at the end of 2012, leaving residents of the North County to select a replacement. With nine months to go before the June primary election, Mountain View Vice Mayor Mike Kasperzak said “the great unknown” in the race is whether Joe Simitian, the popular state senator from Palo Alto, would be a candidate. Simitian has yet to announce one way or the other. Kasperzak has expressed interest in entering the race, but said, “If Joe runs, I’m definitely not running.” “There are a lot of people who think he’s going to run,” Kasperzak said. “If he runs, he’ll be the hands-down winner.”

Mountain View council member Laura Macias has also expressed interest in entering the race, but like Kasperzak, she said she Margaret Abe-Koga would not run against Simitian and is holding off on her decision. “I believe that Joe Simitian is the best person to serve in the county seat,” she said. “His ability to cut through extraneous data and see a practical solution is second to none. We need a county supervisor and board to make tough choices — such as collapsing the administrative structures of VTA and putting the Santa Clara Valley Water District back under Santa Clara County’s government. I would propose that and encourage Joe to do the same.” Without Simitian, a race between King and Abe-Koga could be a close one. Both have years of experience on city councils and are well connected county-wide. Assemblyman Paul See SUPERVISOR RACE, page 9

ished is a 520,000-square-foot commercial building, once home to the region’s first indoor mall and later converted to offices used by Hewlett Packard. The five council members who were present voted unanimously to approve the planned community permits for the project. Along with council members John Inks and Ronit Bryant, City Manager Daniel Rich left the dais, saying that stock he owns presented a “potential” conflict of interest. He recused See MAYFIELD, page 6



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