Mountain View Voice 10.21.2011 - Section 1

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Save the planet: Eat a burger WEEKEND | P.20 OCTOBER 21, 2011 VOLUME 19, NO. 40



Council kills proposal for historic house in the Cuesta Annex “I did not hear from the community that they wanted this house ollowing a City Council deci- there,” said council member Laura sion made behind closed Macias, explaining her vote against doors on Tuesday, the future the proposal in the closed session hangs in the balance for a 130-year- meeting. old house and the city’s proposed Macias said she hoped the house history museum. could be moved to Shoreline Park City Council members say they where it could sit near the Rengvoted 4-2 against a proposal to add storff House. “We have this devela restored 1880s home to plans for a oper willing to refurbish it. It Mountain View history museum in is important to see where our the Cuesta Annex. Mayor Jac Siegel momentum is and continue that.” recused himself because he owns Council member John Inks said property nearby. he also voted against the proposal, Pushing the citing the finanplan was develcial burden the oper Roger Burcould have ‘They are kind of city nell in partnerin maintaining ship with the the house if the in a bind.’ Mountain View History AssociaCOUNCILMAN JOHN INKS Historical Assocition was unable to ation. Previously raise the money Burnell had called to do it. the proposal a “win-win-win” for Leaders of the Historical Assothe city, as it would preserve one of ciation could not be reached by the the city’s oldest homes, allow him Voice’s press deadline on Wednesto develop a 20,000-square-foot day. office building on the “blighted” site where the house now sits at 902 Fundraising difficulties? Villa St. and provide the History Several council members said Association with a restored house they had the impression that little to go with its museum. fundraising has been done towards But council members say they the museum’s $5.5 million cost. received more comments opposInstead of fundraising, council ing the museum than supporting members say Association memit because its footprint intrudes on bers have focused on the Pearson the unstructured open space at the House, proposing to substitute it Cuesta Annex — and the Pearson for a $750,000 museum fundraising House could potentially increase milestone due in April 2012. The that footprint by 10,000 feet. Those milestone was a city requirement in comments include a letter sent to a September 2009 memorandum of the council on Tuesday, Oct. 19, understanding that would allow the from the Audubon Society and the Association to build the museum at Committee for Green Foothills, the rear of the Annex. which said the Annex is Mountain “If it’s hinging on milestones, I View’s “one uniquely free area for think we’re coming to the realizachildren to roam in the dirt and tion that the museum people have the bugs and the birds,” adding that to really scour to get the funds or “Cuesta Park is a far better location” something,” Inks said. “They are as only developed parkland would See CUESTA, page 10 be lost. By Daniel DeBolt



Retired engineer Jack Clemens, center, gently lands his 20-foot model of the USS Macon in Hangar Two, at NASA Ames Research Center, Saturday, Oct. 15.

Despite setbacks, model USS Macon takes to the air at Moffett By Daniel DeBolt


t took three years and a few dramatic failures before Jack Clemens could fly his huge model of the USS Macon on Saturday, Oct. 15, exactly

78 years after the original was stationed at Mountain View’s Moffett Field. The retired engineer was set to commemorate in his own way the USS Macon, which cast a 794-foot-long shadow —

almost as long as the Titanic — when it first floated over the area on Oct. 15, 1933. On the big day, Clemens rushed a group of reporters See USS MACON, page 9

Hospital union backs cap on executive pay CUTS, CHANGES TO BENEFITS UNFAIR, UNWARRANTED, SEIU SAYS By Nick Veronin


he union representing service workers at El Camino Hospital has announced plans to push for a legislative cap on executive pay at the Mountain View-based health organization. Citing cuts to benefits, including the elimination of free healthcare and cuts to overtime


pay, coupled with the news of the compensation package offered to El Camino’s incoming CEO, the Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers plans to support a ballot initiative that, if passed, would limit the amount of money the hospital could pay its top administrators. Speaking at a public meet-

ing of the hospital’s board of directors on Oct. 12, longtime El Camino employee and SEIUUHW member Kary Lynch said he felt the hospital acted unfairly and unnecessarily when it eliminated its free healthcare option and reduced differential pay — which guarantees employees betSee SEIU, page 14


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