Mountain Xpress 01.21.15

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The Friends of the Mars Hill Anderson Rosenwald School aim to preserve a bit of Madison County’s history. Rosenwald was an AfricanAmerican school where generations of first through eighth graders gathered and studied. (Pictured: Fatimah Shabazz, right, and Omar McClain)

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19 a heaLing eneRgY Using therapeutic touch for energy-based approach to mind-body healing

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22 whiskeY pigs Madison County farmers launch new meat CSA

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26 (Y)east coast expansion One of America’s largest yeast companies plans its Asheville location

28 in the backYaRd, acRoss the pond Asheville Fringe Arts Festival returns

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14 communitY caLendaR 16 conscious paRtY 24 smaLL bites


33 smaRt bets 30 the feeLing is extended Gregory Alan Isakov crafts bigger songs with fewer words


32 wheReveR You go, theRe You aRe — One-man show Wanderlust thinks globally, acts personally

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In one of the coolest places to live, be cool Western North Carolina, the Asheville area, is one of the coolest places to live. There are so many beautiful places to see, so many fun things to do and so many cool people in one area. Get yourself a “Friends of the Smokies” license plate, slap an Asheville “Go Local” sticker on your bumper and you’re good to go. Ooops. Perhaps you forgot to remove the front license plate that the previous state you lived in required you to have. It really doesn’t matter which side of the table you choose to sit at, as long as you’re a cool, openminded, free-thinking, quality human being (who’s here for the common good of the local community, before his/her self-interest). Then no one really cares, too much, where you came from. Just, respectfully, enjoy. So, in short, when driving in and around the Asheville area, PLEASE be attentive, use your turn signal, if you’re lost pull “way” over and regroup and, most of all, always BE COOL! Roberto Becuhl Weaverville

coRRections In the Jan. 14 story “Bowled Over: Local Chilies and Stews Fire You Up and Take You Home,” Jason Brian is the correct spelling of the name of the executive chef at Jack of the Wood. In the Dec. 31 “Hidden in Plain Sight” story, the Women’s Wellbeing and Development Foundation should have been noted as being instrumental in making the Ujamaa project possible. Also, Ujamaa is a cooperative, with all partners sharing responsibilities; there is no single manager. And one of Ujamaa’s primary founders, Olufemi Lewis, clarifies that she is no longer a registered CNA and that her past felony charges were reduced to misdemeanors.

ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther

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JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


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Xpress Staff

Asheville food deserts The Dec. 31 cover story by Jonathan ammons, “Hidden in Plain Sight,” examined communities in Asheville that lack supermarkets and access to other sources of affordable, nutritious food. The story explored how these neighborhoods, known as food deserts, came to be and how grassroots organizations — like the Ujamaa Freedom Market (made possible due to the Women’s Wellbeing and Development Foundation’s efforts to coordinate the energies of a few interested fooddesert residents) — are working to alleviate the problem. The article sparked local dialogue, including a lengthy and proactive thread on the Asheville Politics Facebook page. Here are excerpts from the Dec. 31-Jan. 2 conversation: “Seems like an easy enough problem to address in a local level. Instead of all those concerned staying in an endless cycle of policy meetings and handwringing about how somebody needs to do something, they should refocus that energy. Raise a little money, lease a storefront in the most affected area, stock it with the foods you’ve determined the residents need, problem solved for that area. Repeat as needed in the next area.” — tim glance “I wonder why no one has taken the initiative to open a small grocery store near Hillcrest. And I don’t mean a quick-stop, I mean food ...” — annie avery “Because that’s a solution that would take a lot more effort than sitting around endless meetings

complaining that everyone from Congress on down sucks and needs to send more money, Annie. And more risk. I find the activist class in Asheville to [be] only about 1 percent actual doers, and 99 percent complainers who want to be loud about what everyone else should do and how they should do it. This is a pretty classic example. For all the time and effort wasted on the creation and whatever activities, for a ‘food policy council’ to complain how there are no stores to serve these populations, they could have probably had two stores open by now. Instead they just were spinning their wheels complaining that everyone else needs to ’do something’ so in the end they accomplished pretty much nothing.” — tim glance “You would think more people could see the patterns, Tim.” — dallas taylor “Just looking at some basic ideas to see how feasible this is, I found a good used modular classroom trailer for $5,500. Essentially a double-wide trailer open on the inside — more than big enough for a start. [The] only hurdle in using it would be that by the time the city inspectors had their way you probably would have triple that in getting it installed and up, even using volunteer labor (great chance to get Habitat for Humantity, the local IBEW and others involved to help). A lot could be leased, maybe even from the city. You can buy used fixtures cheap when other retail places close — but you could probably get Ingles to donate older fixtures and coolers

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JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

on a RoLL: Ujamaa Freedom Market cofounder Olufemi Lewis peruses some of the items the bus transports to food-desert communities. Photo by Cindy Kunst

and such for the tax breaks and PR. Worst case, $10,000 gets your fixtures and enough used coolers and freezers to start. So lease on land, trailer plus install, and fixtures you are at $30,000 or so. Add another $15,000 for initial inventory, $5,000 for unanticipated expenses, and for $50,000 it’s up and going. How many would it take to address Asheville’s “food deserts”? $200,000 and I bet we have that licked. Hire local residents and also treat them as a vocational/job training program. Of course, that relies upon the assumption that residents in these areas actually want healthy food options and will patronize them enough to sustain them once they are running.” — tim glance “Where would that market go, Annie? Hillcrest is deliberately isolated: one-car bridge, one walking bridge. Better solution is to break up the prison, end projects and bring people into the neighborhoods where food options exist organically. — Rich Lee “Let’s see — there is enough space to actually locate it on the grounds at Hillcrest … Right across the intersection where Atkinson comes over the bridge and meets Hill Street is a wooded lot that is big enough.” — tim glance “OK, this is an excellent thread; Let’s keep talking. Even though I live out by Tunnel Road with no car, I would be happy to sit and brainstorm ideas and solutions. I know there’s a way to even slightly make this better.” — annie avery

“So, I am remembering being a single mom living in subsidized housing. No grocery stores nearby. Wouldn’t it be the easiest thing to use school buses to transport folks from neighborhoods to grocery stores a few times a week? And then have something like a foodmobile (like the library book-mobile) driving around neighborhoods with fresh meat and dairy and such? Of course, we are all assuming folks without cars have enough energy left at the end of the day to prepare food. Actually, I am thinking out loud here. Driving the food-mobile around would be a great part-time job for seniors.” — Jane wallace “We need more involvement in the [Asheville-Buncombe] Food Policy Council. We have a lot of interest, but not nearly enough in the way of regular attendance by folks that can take on a task or two. And we’re lacking in diversity, not enough representation by farmers and those most effected by food insecurity ... people who are hard-pressed to find the time I imagine.” — Jillian wolf “That support and buy-in has to come from the city. I learned recently, regarding a project we’ve discussed, that the city feels it’s under no obligation to devote public space to foodgrowing plants, despite that it’s in the Food Action Plan they adopted. There’s a long way to go to make food a city priority with teeth.” — Rich Lee “I’ve always said that huge field behind the fire station and the Dr. Grant [Southside] center would make a great urban farm.” — Jonathan Robert “That may happen (though the current greenway plans say otherwise.) Meanwhile, some in this group are trying to create food producing areas on the former Duke Power land across the river.”—– Rich Lee To see the full conversation, search the “Asheville Politics” page on Facebook.


Still standing A pioneering school for black children in Madison County finally gets its due

bY cameRon huntLeY

If you wander off the beaten path in Mars Hill, you might come to a dead end on Mount Olive Drive in the community of Long Ridge, not far from the town’s university. There sits a solitary building that appears forlorn and somber, at first. A peek inside reveals fragments of green tile still clinging to the floor and chalk graffiti decorating the walls. There’s a chimney, sturdy as ever, and evidence of pipes that likely ran to coal stoves. A pale line runs up the length of the chimney, as if a wall once stood there and neatly bifurcated what’s now just one big room. The building seems inauspicious, until you peer into its legacy: In fact, this humble structure is a rare standing relic of the Jim Crow South and a monument to how Madison County’s small but vibrant black community carved out its own education for generations. And now, the former school, which has gone by a few names over the years, is finally on the verge of getting its proper recognition, a once-fading legacy now coming back into focus. a boon and a chaLLenge The history dates back to the Civil War era. After their emancipation, many former slaves stayed around Mars Hill and built new lives. “There were other areas settled by AfricanAmericans in Madison County,” says Les Reker, director of Mars Hill University’s Rural Heritage Museum, which is helping drive new interest in the school. “But Long Ridge was the area predominately settled by African-American families.” Black migrants from less peaceful locales swelled the numbers. “Madison and Yancey used to be

one county,” Reker recounts. “Their split may have actually been because Madison was more pro-Union, and Yancey more Confederate. Many African-Americans moved to Madison from Yancey County because the Ku Klux Klan was so active in Yancey.” A few small, spread-out schools sprang up to serve black children, and in 1905 many of these coalesced into a centralized one called Long Ridge School by the students (and Mars Hill Colored School by white school boards). This facility did the job until 1930, when it was replaced by a so-called Long Ridge Rosenwald School, the product of a pre-desegregation push to radically improve academic options in places like Mars Hill. Funds to build the school came from a grant of $750 (about $8,000 in today’s dollars), matched by the community and school district. The grant came from the Rosenwald Fund, which was the brainchild of

ouR stoRY: Fatimah Shabazz, right, and Omar McClain were students at the former Rosenwald School, a historical AfricanAmerican school in Madison County. A Rural Heritage Museum exhibit in Mars Hill honors the school. Photo by Pat Barcas

Julius Rosenwald and Booker T. Washington. The former was a wealthy philanthropist and admirer of the latter. Washington believed that selfhelp and education among AfricanAmericans was the best means of improving their communities, and that after a period of improvement, they could challenge inequality by force of their economic viability and social indispensability. Rosenwald, a part owner and top executive of Sears, Roebuck

and Co., took the notion to heart, and with Washington launched a grant program that funded AfricanAmerican schools. By 1932, when the last of them was built, close to 6,000 Rosenwald schools stood throughout the South, 800 of them in North Carolina alone. The qualifications for receiving a Rosenwald grant were simple: The building had to match Rosenwald specifications (the foundation provided many potential building plans; Mars Hill used Plan 20, according to Reker), and the community and school district had to furnish part of the funds. Starting in 1930, all AfricanAmerican students in Marshall started being bussed to the Long Ridge Rosenwald School. This was the situation when omar mcclain, a Marshall native, attended from 1950 to ’54. continues on page 10

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continued fRom page 9

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“I’m one of those people that caught that little yellow 10-passenger bus,” McClain says. “They would come and pick us up from Marshall, and I didn’t really realize … the sacrifice that [the bus driver] made — the driver was one of my classmates. If I had to get up at five in the morning, what time did he have to get up?” The school taught eight grades in two classrooms: first to fourth in one, fifth to eighth in the other. The teacher “was juggling all these people at the same time,” says McClain. “Each grade would have their own stuff.” Younger kids sat in front, and the teacher started the mornings with them. “They’d do their little thing, and then she’d move onto the next.” pReseRving histoRY

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JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

In 1965, with the advent of integration, the Long Ridge Rosenwald School (known since 1959 as Anderson Elementary) closed for good — 11 years after Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas declared segregated public education unconstitutional. The Madison County school system maintained ownership of the building, but no one seemed sure how to use it. It served as a sometime recreation center, basketball court and even a tobacco barn, but nothing lasted, and for decades the building just sat there as nature moved in to claim the husk that remained. Perhaps it would have stayed on this path until it completely disintegrated. But in 2003, a neighbor wishing to expand a road that passed by the school from his property asked the Board of Education to demolish

oLd-schooL: Efforts are underway to preserve the Rosenwald School in Madison County. An exhibit in Mars Hill tells the story of how the school — built in 1928 and later named Anderson Elementary — served the African-American community in the area. Photo courtesy of the Rural Heritage Museum

the building. The board refused, and a long conversation ensued about what to do with it. In 2009, an informal committee of school alumni formed with an eye on preserving the school in some fashion. As the push grew and other community members joined, it became the Friends of the Mars Hill Anderson Rosenwald School in 2011. With help from volunteers, the group began clearing the property of debris and making repairs to the building. “They are rehabilitating it, not restoring it,” notes Reker. “To ‘restore’ it means returning it to its original use. That can’t happen, for obvious reasons.” Rehabilitation, however, still means that the building, to garner governmental protections, must look exactly as it did before, right down to the materials used; the few exceptions are modern features such as handicapped access and air conditioning. When the rebuilding is complete, organizers say they may turn the facility into a full-fledged community cultural center — but whatever form it takes, it will be one that forever preserves and

shares the story of how black students and teachers persevered in separate and unequal times. Of course, there is much work remaining before that can happen. At present, it’s estimated that $130,800 is still needed to finish the project, including new windows, siding, floors, wiring, paint and HVAC. But publicity and support for the effort have been growing, bolstered most recently by Reker’s historical efforts and a series of panels on the school, hosted by Mars Hill University and featuring many of the Rosenwald School’s alumni. In September, the university’s Rural Heritage Museum opened an exhibit, Our Story — This Place, devoted to African-American education in Madison County and using the former school as a focal point. “It became apparent,” says Reker, “that this was a very important, yet largely unknown, story that occurred right here in Western North Carolina.” The exhibit, which will remain open through the end of February, houses numerous school artifacts, and massive panels feature blownup photographs and facsimiles of many newly discovered documents pertaining to the school. “These documents reveal the decision-making that occurred over the years with regard to segregation,” says Reker. Perhaps the most significant excerpt of a public record on display reads, in part:

schooL daYs In extensive interviews with Mountain Xpress, four of the school’s alumni recounted in detail just what it was like to attend their Rosenwald School: dorothy coone and her sister, charity Ray, lived nearest, in Mars Hill part of the time — during which their father usually drove

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LifeLong LeaRneRs: These students were just a few of the Western North Carolina first- through eighth-graders who studied at the Rosenwald School.

them to school — and then in Long Ridge, at which point they walked. McClain, as mentioned, took the bus from Marshall. fatimah shabazz was from Asheville, and attended the school because her mother, mary wilson, was a teacher there. Wilson ended her teaching career in 1953 as a 14-year veteran of the school; close to an entire generation learned in her classroom, where she taught grades one through four. “It was kind of like she was on roller skates,” McClain recalls. “She didn’t do much teaching from the desk.” The older students, says Ray, were there to help out if Ms. Wilson was occupied. The atmosphere was ever-orderly, Coone says. “You didn’t really have any

disturbance in the room, even with four different grades.” And if there was any misbehavior? “We got two different degrees” of discipline, McLain says with a laugh. “She’d do your hand with a ruler if you did something minor. But if you broke the cardinal rules or something, she had a little Bolo bat. She’d bend you right over them chairs and bust you right out there. It wasn’t … violent, or even painful. But the embarrassment was unbelievable. You’d cry just because you were embarrassed.” “It was either a switch or ruler when we went,” says Coone. “Girls didn’t get switched,” Ray adds, smirking.

The Holiday Season is the There were three rooms in building. A parlor “where we here, and with it comeshung our little cloaks,” says Shabazz, and special hazards to our furry, the two classrooms. In the center, on feathered, andwas scaled the windowed side, a brick family chimney. A sliding partition ranand from AVS the members. REACH chimney to the other wall, separating areclassrooms. here 24/7 help during the Twotopot-bellied coal stoves were connected to the chimthe holidays! Check out our ney, one in the corner of each room. website One student was designated “fire- for keeper,” for lighting tips onresponsible winter hazards tothe avoid. stoves before school started and feeding them coal throughout the day. Down below the school was an outdoor privy, which served as the restroom until the school got plumbing in the late 1950s. There was one spigot outside that all the kids used to wash their hands. School started at 8 a.m. and went until 3 p.m. Lunch was around noon, with recess right after that. Each day, Shabazz says, began the same way: “You come in, hang up your coat, sit down and have devotion — singing a song, reciting a scripture by memory and doing the Pledge of Allegiance.” The coursework was very much up to the discretion of the teacher. Students learned the basics — reading, writing and arithmetic — but McClain recalls other lessons catered to local living conditions. “Our curriculum dealt in the world,” he says. “We had studies on leaves and vines … what you could grab or not grab, what to eat or not eat. Most people lived off the land … and I think that it contributed mightily to the longevity of the people.” One of the obstacles to learning was the state of the classroom materials, books in particular. The school couldn’t afford new books, nor did the school system provide them,

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connecting communitY

so all books were secondhand, with some in better shape than others. “We didn’t get any new things at all,” says Coone. “And part of the book would be there, and the other part wouldn’t.” Shabazz recalls getting hand-medown texts from public libraries. “Whatever kind of books we could get, we read,” she says. Ironically, the students’ lack of access to standard reading materials sometimes ended up exposing them to morechallenging works. “There was Shakespeare, all that,” Shabazz says. Shakespeare, in the first grade? “Yes,” she insists, laughing. “Not only did we read it, but we acted them out.” Ms. Wilson “was big on classroom participation,” says McClain, as if performing Shakespeare as an 8-year-old were the most normal thing in the world. “Acting it out,” Shabazz continues, “you really can relate more to what you’re reading.

In fact, acting practice played a big part in a school tradition: plays the students put on for the community. The teachers would slide back the partition, and “all the community would come — white, black, whatever. It would be packed with people,” says McClain. Many of the productions were in the nativity vein, especially around holidays like Christmas and Easter. Others were shorter, more like skits. “I remember one of them we did,” says Coone. “It was about hats.” “It was ‘hats, hats, hats,’” Ray reminds her, replicating the hand motions accompanying each utterance. “We got out mother’s hats — the ugliest one,” says Coone. “It was kids that put on the play, but it was a community effort,” says Shabazz. The tight-knit local neighbors played a huge role in the lives of the students. “The community raised the children as much as the parents,” she says. “When we got out of school, we didn’t have to worry about going home. If nothing else, we went to



JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

someone else’s house until someone was home to meet you. Safety and security was big.” “When I was a kid, I actually thought everyone on that ridge was related to us,” says McClain. Well, almost everyone. “I remember, both my parents were working at the time, and I stayed with this white family at the house next to me,” he adds. “But they cared about me.” RaciaL matteRs All four alumni describe a relative ly peaceful racial situation in Mars Hill and the surrounding countryside, even as the Civil Rights movement ramped up in the 1950s. “The people who lived near me, there was never that racial thing going on,” says McClain. “It just wasn’t that way at that time. When my grandmother’s house burned down in Marshall, the next day, black and white, they were rebuilding that house. They just jumped in.” Virulent racism “wasn’t a pertinent way of being” in that part of Madison County, Shabazz remembers. “The

mindset of the community [was] it didn’t really matter. Everybody took care of everybody else.” “Mostly it went well,” Coone says of the racial dynamic. “You might have some people, but they usually wouldn’t let you know. The blacks here wouldn’t have stood for it. They’d let you know right then what they thought and it would never come up again.” Ray, describing interactions with white school-age peers, says: “If you got the best of them, they started getting nasty, so you just clobber them one. It didn’t mean your friendship would end tomorrow — you’d play together again, but the name-calling wasn’t there anymore.” Still, she says, “Our playmates would ask our parents why we couldn’t go to school with them.” “I think it had to do with the economic level,” says McClain of the state of black/white relations. “It was basically the same. We were all on the same level. No one could point down to you.” Both McClain and Shabazz hint that there was a certain feel-

ing of normality to the situation — that segregation was just the way things were, and thus went unquestioned. “When we were in school, there was no time devoted to racial disharmony,” says Shabazz. “They did teach us about Booker T. [Washington] and Frederick Douglass,” says McClain. “At the time, we thought there was only two black men who ever did anything.” But even if Mars Hill was relatively accepting and safe, the kids were schooled in a segregated setting and could not escape the broader cultural landscape. “I knew racism existed,” says McClain, “because every now and then someone would holler out a window or something. When we traveled, or pulled up in a diner, we couldn’t go in the front and eat, we had to go around and get the food to go, where people would wash the dishes or whatever.” Shabazz in particular has a unique perspective on racial matters during her childhood. As a native of Asheville, she attended the Rosenwald School with an outsider’s view to the interactions in Mars Hill; she, too, contends that it was “a little different” in the rural community. Mars Hill “didn’t carry that torch as much,” says Shabazz. “In the city [of Asheville]? Yeah. I was aware of the lack of respect around my mom and dad, which really upset me as a child.” The alumni remember well the separate water fountains and bathrooms for blacks and whites, and other segregated facilities and indignities. Shabazz is the only one of the four to have experienced integration while still in school. During high school, most AfricanAmerican students in Madison and Buncombe counties attended Stephens-Lee in the East End neighborhood of downtown Asheville (Coone and Ray both attended Allen, the high school for girls on Hill Street). There was no black high school in Madison County. Shabazz was a senior when integration occurred and experienced her final school year at the new Asheville High School, which integrated Lee-Edwards and Stephens-Lee High School. It would prove to be her leastfavorite year of schooling. “Our class was the first to have inte-

grated teachers,” she says. “And a lot of teachers at Stephens-Lee lost their jobs.” “I know I went to a meeting in Asheville,” says Ray. “And they were discussing equal rights, and these were supposed to be educated people. They weren’t from way out [in the country]. And one lady says, ‘You all just have to give some of us time to love you.’ And I said to her, ‘Your love is not worth a dime. What we want is equality. When we go to work someplace, we want to get paid equally.’” Ray pauses a moment, thinking. “I guess that lady has grandchildren by now. Maybe she learned to love or something. But I didn’t hold it against her. I don’t think she realized what she was saying.” homecomings All four Rosenwald alumni left Western North Carolina after their schooling, and all eventually made their way back. McClain joined the Army after graduation. After leaving the service, he moved to New York, embarking on myriad enterprises: “I went to college there, worked on Wall Street, owned an inventory business, and at the end I owned a nightclub.” But tiring of the “rat race,” McClain says, he returned to Western North Carolina in 2008. After her tumultuous senior year at Asheville High, Shabazz migrated to the West Coast. “I swore I would never come back,” she says. She lived in California, Virginia and Atlanta, for the most part keeping

what Our Story — This Place, an exhibit devoted to African-American education in Madison County, including the Rosenwald School. Admission is free, and group tours are possible by appointment (call 689-1400).

her distance from her hometown. In 1993, she had to return to take care of her parents, arriving just when the infamous blizzard hit. “It’s like God was saying, ‘You ain’t going nowhere,’” she recalls. The Ray sisters departed as well. Charity wound up in New York. After working there for several years, she returned home to take care of her ailing father, and stayed. She got a job at Mars Hill College as a circulation assistant in the campus library, a position she kept for 39 years. Dorothy went to Virginia, working for a bank as a credit analyst. After her husband passed away, she returned to Mars Hill to help take care of her mother, and she, too, decided to settle. The sisters live together in the house they moved into in the 1940s, the one that made it possible to walk to school. All four have been intimately involved with the rehabilitation campaign. When it started, Ray recalls, “We said, ‘This school is still standing.’” “Separate but equal” was always a lie, but that just makes the quality of education in the Rosenwald School all the more remarkable. “When we went to Asheville schools from Mars Hill schools, there was this thing like we aren’t supposed to be ready, because we came from a rural school,” McClain remembers. “But most of the teachers were vested in our future, either by relationship or family. It seemed like they put a little more into it to make sure each person was prepared. We were more than ready.” For more, see a longer version of this story at X


wheRe Rural Heritage Museum at Mars Hill College when Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (closed Mondays) through Feb. 28 moRe info Call 689-1400 or visit

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JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015




JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 29, 2015

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls Fletcher librAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218 • WEDNESDAYS through (1/28), 3:30pm - Read to Springer the Therapy Dog. Registration required. Free. • MO (1/26), 4:30pm - Read to Virgil the Therapy Dog. Registration required. Free.

beneFits hot chocolAte 10k 350-6800, • SA (1/24), 8am-noon Registration for this outdoor event, including youth and adult 10Ks, a 1K kids’ hill climb and a “Marshmallow Dash,” benefits isaac Dickson elementary school. Registration closes Jan. 21. $12.50-40. Held at Isaac Dickson Elementary School, 90 Montford Ave.


staRRY night: UNC Asheville’s Lookout Observatory will be open to the public for a free star viewing session beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 23. Weather conditions permitting, the observatory’s roof will be rolled back and stargazers can use the facility’s telescopes to view the moon, constellations, planets and other celestial objects such as the Orion Nebula and the Andromeda Galaxy. File photo by Max Cooper. (p.17)

niA Fitness FunDrAiser JAm 697-7449 • SA (1/24), 11:30am - Proceeds from this dance fitness event with live music benefit the backPack Project for kids. $15. Held at Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville PAncAke beneFit 667-8467 • SA (1/24), 8-10am - Tickets to this breakfast fundraiser will benefit hominy Valley crisis ministry. $7. Held at Fatz Cafe, 25 Spartan Dr.

business & technology

A-b tech smAll business center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950, Free unless otherwise noted.

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

Registration required. • SA (1/24), 9am - “SCORE: Simple Steps to Starting a Business” seminar. • TU (1/27), 10am-noon - “An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Bridging the Digital Divide” seminar. riVerlink 252-8474, • TU (1/27), 10am-noon“How to start a business” seminar discusses the Wilma Dykeman RiverWay and economic development strategies. Registration required. Free. Held at 170 Lyman St. Venture AsheVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

clAsses, meetings & eVents AbrAhAm/hicks: lAW oF AttrAction meeting (pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444. home-groWn reVolution: (pd.) How Re-Imagining your Home & Yard can Transform the World with Peter Bane, author of The Permaculture Handbook. Sunday, February 8, 10-5. $70. 828.772.5846. orgAnic groWer’s school’s 22nD AnnuAl sPring conFerence (pd.) March 7-8, at UNCA, offers practical, regionally-appropriate workshops on organic growing, permaculture, homesteading, farming, plus exhibitors, seed-xchange, kid’s program.

$40/45 until 1/30. sPring semester 2015: Free DrAmAtic Arts WorkshoPs (pd.) NYS3 Studio offers a week of free workshops in acting, youth acting, improv, film, writing, & more. All experience levels. Explore our studio space and meet our awardwinning faculty. January 25-January 30th Classes each day 5pm-10pm. For complete schedule and to register: 828-276-1212 or info@nys3. com, the ultimAte AntiinFlAmmAtory DetoX (pd.) Want a hormone-balancing, brain fog-clearing, tummy-soothing detox with a side effect of weight loss? Join The 21 Day Essential Cleanse starting Jan 26th. (828) 620-1188, AsheVille AreA PiAno Forum 669-3878, • FR (1/23), 9:30am - Meeting and discussion of teaching experi-

ences in China with ETSU professor Benjamin Caton. Free. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. AsheVille toAstmAsters club 914-424-7347, • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm - Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. bAker-bArber sliDeshoW PresentAtions 697-6224, • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm - Viewing of images from a collection of historic WNC photographs. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville builDing briDges • MO (1/26) through MO (3/23), 7-9pm - Sponsored by MAHEC,

this session discusses how to confront and overcome racism. Registration required. $30. Held at MAHEC Education Center, 121 Hendersonville Road business bAsics For VisuAl Artists A-B Tech, Enka Campus, Tuesday, January 27, 12pm-2pm, $40. Call 398-7900 to register. Instructor: Wendy H. Outland, Who knows Art D&D ADVenturers leAgue • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS, 12-4pm & 5-9pm - Episodic fantasy roleplaying adventures with persistent characters. Meets every other week. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave. Fletcher librAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (1/28), 4pm - Scarf-tying hands-on demonstration. Free. mountAin Peggers 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Noncompetitive cribbage group for all levels and ages. Free. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. ontrAck Wnc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. • THURSDAYS through (1/29), 5:30 - “Manage Your Money” seminar series. Free. • SATURDAYS through (1/24), 9am-3pm - HUD-certified seminar series on the home-buying process. $35. • TU (1/27), 5:30pm - Energy efficiency class. Free. • TH (1/29), noon - “Budgeting 101” seminar. Free. PoWer through PArtnershiP Forum 232-5091, • TH (1/22), 6-8pm - Discusses how women lead better together. With authors Betsy Polk and Maggie Chotas. Free. Held in Karpen Hall at UNCA. toAstmAsters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am - Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd.

VeterAns For PeAce 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc. • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - Weekly vigil. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. Free. Western nc humAnists 550-7935 • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 11am Brunch meeting. Free to attend. Held at Denny’s, 1 Regent Park Blvd. Wnc cArVers 665-8273, • SU (1/25), 1:30pm - Monthly meeting includes discussion of essential eoodcarving tools. Free to attend. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road

DAnce stuDio zAhiyA, DoWntoWn DAnce clAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African • Saturday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 10am Intro to West African • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595

eco AsheVille greenWorks 254-1776, • SA (1/24), 10am-2pm - “Hard to Recycle,” collection event. Free. Held at Aaron’s Rent to Own, 1298 Patton Ave. mountAintrue 258-8737, • FR (1/23), 9:30am-5pm “Paddle and Plant” river excursion to plant trees along the French Broad River. Registration required. Free. Held at Headwaters Outfitters, 25 Parkway Road, Rosman

FestiVAls AsheVille mArDi grAs eVents 335-3986, • SU (1/25), 1-5pm - Cajun Cookoff and Art Auction. Admission by canned food donation to MANNA FoodBank. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave.

FooD & beer Fletcher chili cook-oFF 687-0751, • SA (1/24), noon-2pm - Chili contest with audience voting. Donations will be collected for the Fletcher Park Development Fund. Free. Held at Veritas Christian Academy, 17 Cane Creek Road, Fletcher

goVernment & Politics henDerson county DemocrAtic PArty 692-6424, • WE (1/21), 11:30am - Senior democrats bring your own lunch social. Held at 905 S. Greenville Highway, Hendersonville lAnD oF sky regionAl council 251-6622, • TH (1/29), 11:30am - Rural Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee meeting. Held at Fletcher Town Hall, 300 Old Cane Creek Road, Fletcher

kiDs kiDs’ ActiVities At the librAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am “Bounce ’n Books,” movementbased family story time. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • WE (1/21), 3:30pm - Balloon tricks workshop for ages K-5. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • MO (1/26), 4-5pm - Lego club for ages 5-12. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville PAri scigirls 862-5554, • TU (1/27), 6pm - Earthquake safety activity. For girls ages 9-14. $10. Held at Transylvania County Extension Office, 98 East Morgan St., Brevard rolling For reADing 776-0361, A mobile early literacy program from Buncombe County Public Schools for children ages 3-5 and their parents. Free. MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: •10-10:45am - Held at Haw Creek Elementary,

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


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Looking For

what: Nia Fitness Fundraiser Jam

whY: Millions of children in this country qualify for free or reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the National School Lunch and National School Breakfast Programs. But what happens when these same children go home on weekends? According to Nia-certified Brown Belt instructor Lia barth, this is where the BackPack Program for Kids steps in to help. “Sponsored through local churches, the program supports elementary school students by collecting and distributing nonperishable foods that are sent home with needy kids on Fridays for consumption over the weekend,” says Barth.

Nia, a sensory-based movement practice, fuses martial arts, dance and healing arts. “Nia is moving with comfort and pleasure to improve body mechanics and pain,” explains Barth. “We want people to realize that it doesn’t have to hurt to be fit. And it’s so much fun.” Benefit-goers need not have any Nia experience to attend the fundraiser, which will feature free classes that exhibit the fundamentals of the practice, including musical accompaniment from Robin tolleson, drummer for local funk/soul act the Secret B-Sides. Suggested donation for the fundraiser is $15, and proceeds will be donated to the BackPack Program through sponsor St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church. Attendees should plan to bring water and wear comfortable clothing to participate in the fitness activities. For more information, contact Nia-certified Black Belt Instructor denise medved at 290-2344 or Barth at — Michael McDonald


communitY caLendaR

MATT MITTAN 21 Trinity Chapel Road • 11:15am-noon - Held at W.D. Williams Elementary, 161 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa •1:45-2:30pm - Held at Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road WEDNESDAYS: • 12:45-1:30pm - Held at Fairview Elementary, 1355 Charlotte Highway, Fairview TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: • 9-9:45am - Held at Leicester Elementary, 31 Gilbert Road, Leicester • 10:30-11:15am - Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • noon-12:45pm - Held at Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd. • 1:15-2pm - Held at Emma Elementary, 37 Brickyard Road sPellbounD chilDren’s bookshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am - Story Time for ages 3-7. Free. • SU (1/25), 4-5pm - First in Series Book Club for grades 4-6. Free.

Avery Creek/ Twin Falls Trail. Free. Registration required. ymcA oF Wnc 210-2265, • TH (1/29), 9:15am - Three-and-ahalf mile hike on Bent Tree Loop. Registration required. Free/$3 carpool. Held at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.

Public lectures PreserVAtion society oF AsheVille AnD buncombe county 321-271-4593, • SA (1/24), 1:30pm - Richard Russell discusses the history of the former Sulphur Spring Resort in Malvern Hills. $10. Held at Malvern Hill Presbyterian Church, 5 Bear Creek Road Public lectures At uncA

Monday to Friday 3:00 - 6:00 pm

sPirituAlity About the trAnscenDentAl meDitAtion technique: Free introDuctory lecture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidencebased technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:307:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or

AsheVille comPAssionAte communicAtion center Free unless otherwise noted. (pd.) Free practice group. Learn • TH (1/22), 12:30pm - “Are ways to create understanding and We All Charlie? Terrorism and clarity in your relationships, work, Freedom of Speech.” Karpen Hall. and community by practicing comWhAt’s shAkin passionate communication (nonvio• TH (1/22), 7pm - Martin Luther lent communication). 252-0538 or King, Jr. Day keynote address by • SATURDAYS through (3/28), 10am • 2nd and Byron Hurt. Lipinsky Auditorium. - Singing and dancing class for 6 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. • FR (1/23), 11:25am - “The months to 4 years. $12 per child per Question of Universal Rights: AsheVille insight class. Held at Asheville Community meDitAtion Revolutions Across the Atlantic.” Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Lipinsky Auditorium. Meditation. Learn how to get a Wnc nAture center • FR (1/23), 11:25am -“Religion Mindfulness Meditation practice 75 Gashes Creek Road, and Globalization.” Humanities started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 298-5600, Lecture Hall. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight • WEDNESDAYS through (3/11), • MO (1/26), 7pm - “Climate Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, 10am-noon - “Critter Time For Change and Agriculture.” Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, Tikes & Tots,” learning about Sherrill Center. animals for ages 3-5. $12. Meets • M0 (1/26), 11:25am - “The every other week. Astro-counseling Golden Age of Islamic (pd.) Licensed counselor and Civilization.” Humanities accredited professional astrologer outDoors Lecture Hall. uses your chart when counsel• MO (1/26), 7pm - Panel discusing for additional insight into sion on how climate change lookout obserVAtory yourself, your relationships and affects local food systems with life directions. Readings also avail1 University Heights, author Laura Lengnick. Sponsored able. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. • FR (1/23), 6pm - Public star by Appalachian Sustainable viewing session using the facility Agriculture Project. In the Sherill AWAkening DeePest telescopes. Free. Registration Center. nAture meDitAtion clAss required. • TU (1/29), 4:30pm - STEM (pd.) Consciousness teacher and Lecture: “New Developments in columnist Bill Walz. Healing into sWAnnAnoA VAlley museum hikes life through deepened stillness, Medicine.” Reuter Center. presence & wisdom. Meditation, 669-9566, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired, unorthodox enlightenment. info@swannanoavalleymuseum. seniors Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville org Friends Meeting House at 227 • TH (1/22), 6pm - Interest meetolli At uncA Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). ing for the museum’s hiking and Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@ local history programs. Free. Held 251-6140,, olli@, at Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St., Black • FR (1/23), 11:30am - Fab Friday oPen heArt meDitAtion Mountain at OLLI: “Pet Nutrition: How to (pd.) Experience and deepen Make Sense of All the Hype.” Wnc sierrA club the spiritual connection to your Free. Reuter Center. 251-8289, heart, the beauty and deep • SA (1/24), 10am - 4-mile hike to peace of the Divine within you.

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communitY caLendaR

Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 the blue mAnDAlA (pd.) Jan 22nd- Energy Healing, Chakras & The Archangels $12 if preregisted or $15 at the door; Ongoing Events: Tues- Sat. by appointment Intuitive Readings & Reiki, Massage, & Holistic Healing. FREE Lending Library & Online Store Opening SOON! THE BLUE MANDALA 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755

Silver Leaf offers: Modern and Classical Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Consultations Ayurvedic Consultations and Bodywork Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling Essential Oil Treatments Facial Renewal Acupuncture

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the yogA sutrAs (pd.) This 3-day course is an indepth study of The Yoga Sutra, the philosophical basis for all yoga traditions. written by Sri Patanjali around 200AD. Michael and Stephanie Johnson lead this course which discusses the yogic path to enlightenment. Jan. 23-25 Asheville Yoga Center 211 S. Liberty St., 828-254-0380. ADult Forum At Fcc 692-8630, • SU (1/25), 9:15am - Rites of Passage: “The White Stone: Celebrating the Coming of Age and Wisdom,” stages of life forum. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville An introDuction to meDitAtion Exploring the process of compassionately starting and staying with a meditation practice—what meditation is/ is not, how compassionate self-discipline differs from self-discipline, typical pitfalls and how to transcend them, and how to be for ourselves the kind and gentle support we’ve always wanted. Four weekly sessions, Thursdays, 6:308:30pm starting February 12. www. AsheVille theology on tAP • TH (1/29), 6:30-9pm - Food, faith and fellowship meeting for Catholics in their 20s & 30s. Free to attend. Held at All Souls Pizza, 175 Clingman Ave.

6pm - Discipline Bible Study series: “Invitation to Romans.” $13. henDerson county churches uniting 693-6901 • TH (1/22), 7pm - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service. Open to all faiths. Held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 900 Blythe St., Hendersonville Pub theology At the oPen tAble • MONDAYS, 6pm - Open discussion of progressive theological issues related to biblical and other spiritual texts. Free to attend. Held at Scully’s, 13 W Walnut St. shAmbhAlA meDitAtion center 19 Westwood Pl., 200-5120, • 4th FRIDAYS, 7pm - Buddhistinspired films. Free.

sPoken & Written WorD

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

synergy story slAm, • WE (1/21), 7:30-10pm - Open mic story telling night on the theme, “Crime and Punishment.” Free. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road

sPorts AmAteur Pool leAgue (pd.) Beginners welcome & wanted! Choose Asheville, Arden, Hendersonville or Black Mountain. HAVE FUN. MEET PEOPLE. PLAY POOL. 828-329-8197 ONGOING – weekly league play


buncombe county Public librAries

AsheVille city schools FounDAtion depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (1/23), 10am-noon - How to download e-books seminar for Kindles and Nooks. Registration required. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TH (1/29), 2:30pm - Q&A with author Elizabeth Kostova. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road

85 Mountain St., 350-6135, • WE (1/28), 10:30-11:30am Volunteer information open house.

city lights bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • FR (1/23), 6:30pm - Chris Cox discusses his essay collection The Way We Say Goodbye. Free.

mAlAProP’s bookstore AnD cAFe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (1/21), 7pm - Tim Federle discusses his book Hickory Daiquiri Dock. embrAcing simPlicity • FR (1/23), 7pm - Deidre Franklin hermitAge discusses her local animal nonprofit 338-2665, and book Pinups for Pitbulls. • TU (1/27), 7pm - Tim Johnston • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, discusses his novel Descent. 11am-noon - Buddhist discussion • WE (1/28), 7pm - Book launch and meditation. Free. Held at for Bound By Flames by Jeaniene Dhamma and Meditation Center, Frost. 38 Joel Wright Dr. South Park • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Plaza, Hendersonville Salon series: Meeting the Shadow: grAce lutherAn church The Hidden Power of the Dark 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, Side of Human Nature. • TH (1/29), 7pm - Matt Kepnes 693-4890, discusses his book How to Travel • TUESDAYS (1/13) until (3/3),


the World on $50 a Day. • TH (1/29), 7pm - Works in Translation book club: Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me by Javier Marias.

big brothers big sisters oF Wnc 253-1470, • TH (1/29), noon-12:30pm “Mentoring Works,” information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. literAcy council oF buncombe county 31 College Pl. Suite B-221 (pd.) • WE (1/21), 9-10:30am & TH (1/22), 5:30pm - Orientation for volunteers interested in tutoring adults in reading, writing, and English as a Second Language. luPus FounDAtion oF AmericA, nc chAPter 877-849-8271, • TU (1/27), 6-8pm - Kickoff rally for Walk to End Lupus Now to discuss fundraising ideas and receive walk materials. Held at Pack’s Tavern, 20 S. Spruce St. riVerlink 252-8474, • FR (1/23), 9:30-noon - Info session for volunteers interested in helping with K-12 education programs. Held at 170 Lyman St. For more volunteering opportunities, visit

W E L L N E S S Using therapeutic touch for energy-based approach to mind-body healing

A healing energy bY emiLY nichoLs

Touch has the power to heal, or at the very least to soothe us when we’re not feeling well. In Asheville, several practitioners apply this power, using a method of therapeutic touch established in the 1970s by Dora Kunz and Delores Krieger. “We are energy fields,” says padma dyvine, an Asheville-area therapeutic touch practitioner for more than 20 years and a hospice nurse for CarePartners. “Therefore, therapeutic touch can be done on dogs, cats, horses, humans and even on plants, because even a plant is an energy system.” Krieger, a nursing-science educator, noted therapeutic touch’s roots in ancient healing practices, such as the laying on of hands, and argued that such energy work was missing from the health care setting, Dyvine explains. The educator outlined ways that an individual’s intention, combined with a set of movements similar to those of qigong or reiki, could have a positive effect on the individuals receiving care and could create a healing environment, says Dyvine. “When we realize we are not separate from the environment, we have an opportunity to relate to our environment in an expanded way, where we use the energy in our hands, minds and intentions to support healing. Everyone can learn therapeutic touch,” says Dyvine. To begin, practitioners “find their center,” which is as simple as tuning into the breath, quieting the mind and focusing on the highest good for patient. The therapeutic touch practitioner then assesses the energy field of the person receiving care, which can be done while the person is sitting in a chair or lying in a bed. The practitioner follows with a series of brushing hand movements around the recipient’s body. At no point does the practitioner physically touch the patient, Dyvine notes, although the hands may come

hands off/on: Therapeutic touch applies “the energy in our hands, minds and intentions to support healing,” says Padma Dyvine, a nurse who uses the method. Photo by Emily Nichols

within centimeters of the patient’s clothing. There is no physical contact in therapeutic touch, because the practice works on the energy level, and the hand movements are designed to assist patients balance their energy fields, she says. Results will vary, she adds. “We are facilitating conditions for healing based upon the recipient’s needs — which might be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual,” says Dyvine. The hidden jewel of the healing method is the degree of empowerment and accessibility it can bring to a family, relationship or environment, she continues. Practitioners “can also teach what they know and share the method with the recipient and/or family members,” Dyvine says. “In the end, it can also

become an empowering process for [patients and] their families, as they can easily learn the techniques, starting with centering themselves, assessing the field, then balancing or channeling energy where needed. This is a total win-win situation. Everyone benefits.” During the interview with Xpress, Dyvine demonstrated how to work with someone who is not in the immediate area, such as family members or people in other parts of the world who would benefit from healing — like my father, who is just recovering from a heart attack and living in another state. Applying therapeutic touch across long distances

requires the use of a strong and conscious intention, as well as visualization of the person receiving healing, she explains. For me, it was a sweet process of compassionately intending the best outcome and general healing for someone else. It is important to note that in this system of energy healing, a distinction is made between healing and curing. “With a cure, you are trying to bring a person back to a state they once resided in, and with healing we are aware that the journey will take us to another state, potentially somewhere we haven’t been before.” says Dyvine. In each session, those receiving care are learning how to be present and listen to what is happening in their bodies and minds. The results of a treatment may be subtle and at other times quite dramatic, depending upon the care that’s needed. In Dyvine’s experience, no one has reported adverse experiences, and often people note increased relaxation and peacefulness, in addition to healing of some conditions. “For the practitioner — lay or professional — therapeutic touch is basically learning how to be present to one’s self — learning how to listen to what is happening in [your] mind and body, using the hands as tools,” says Dyvine. “When you know how to listen to yourself, you can also deeply listen to others and create conditions for healing.” says Dyvine. “That being said, it is a process. So the more a practitioner or person practices, the more skilled they become in understanding themselves and the more they have to offer others,” she emphasizes. Therapeutic touch is a way to realize that “ you have the power to feel your own energy, create intention and facilitate your own healing.” “We each can create conditions for healing, conditions for growth, and conditions for opportunity for ourselves and others. What a beautiful gift each of us is when we move beyond our separateness, connect energetically and actualize our potential for healing in this fashion.” X

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015




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Upcoming Classes at Herbiary

Thursday, 1/22, 7:00 pm Lotion Making: Kathie Early

Sunday, 1/25, 10:00 am Local Mineral Medicine: Sarah Thomas

Sunday, 2/1, 10:00 am Preventative Pet Care: Dr. Patricia Jordan

Thursday, 2/12, 7:00 pm White Sage Salve: Lena Eastes All classes will meet at 29 N. Market St. Cost: $30 per class in advance, $35 at door (if available) To register, call 828-552-3334 or register online at 20

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

Nancy Blue

MS, CHTI, Instructor M.Ed, CHTP, Instructor

weLLness caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Wellness chilDren’s yogA teAcher trAining (pd.) This interactive 3-day training focuses on how to create yoga classes that kids enjoy and are appropriate for children of different ages. It includes how to incorporate movement, breath, art, music and spiritual inspiration into kids’ yoga classes. Feb. 6-8 Asheville Yoga Center 211 S. Liberty St., 828-254-0380 creAtiVe relAXAtion™ For kiDs (pd.) Wednesdays 4:15-5:00, @ Black Mountain Yoga Center. Therapeutic yoga for children with special needs. Contact Brandon Hudson to register, 828-230-6081, teAching yogA From the heArt (pd.) This transformative 5-day Yoga Alliancecertified yoga teacher training course demonstrates how we can use body, breath, and voice to soften hearts, strengthen resolve, and become authentic and loving yoga teachers and human beings. Jan. 28-Feb.1 Asheville Yoga Center 211 S. Liberty St., 828-254-0380 AsheVille community yogA center 8 Brookdale Road, • SUNDAYS through (1/25), 5:30-7pm Introduction to Yoga series. $40. center For sPirituAl liVing AsheVille 2 Science Mind Way, 231-7638, • SA (1/24), 11am-3pm - Holistic Health Day, includes presentations on holistic healing modalities and hourly classes. Free.

suPPort grouPs ADult chilDren oF Alcoholics & DysFunctionAl FAmilies For people who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. Info: Visit for full listings. Al-Anon/ AlAteen FAmily grouP A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: or 800-286-1326. Visit for full listings. Alcoholics Anonymous For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or AsheVille Women For sobriety 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French Broad Ave. AsPerger’s ADults uniteD • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. AsPerger’s teens uniteD • SATURDAYS, 6-9pm – For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks starting June 28. chronic PAin suPPort or 989-1555 • 2nd SATURDAYS, 12:30pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions.

goVernor’s institute on substAnce Abuse 919-256-7411, • TH (1/22), 2pm - Screening of the documentary The Anonymous People, followed by discussion of substance abuse and recovery. Free. Held at Hart Theatre, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville

coDePenDents Anonymous 398-8937 • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Avenue • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am12:15 pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Use back door.

Jubilee community church 46 Wall St., 252-5335, • TU (1/27), 7pm - Wellness class: “Winter soups and stews that energize and slim.” Registration required. $20.

Debtors Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101

olli At uncA 251-6140,, • FR (1/23), 2pm - “New To Medicare” workshop, information on the N.C. Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program. Free. Registration required. In the Reuter Center. reD cross blooD DriVes Appointment and ID required. • FR (1/23), 10:30am-3pm - Appointments & info: 1-800-RED-CROSS. Held at Black Mountain Fire Department, 106 Montreat Road, Black Mountain • SA (1/24), 10am-2:30pm - Appointments & info: 684-7214. Held at Skyland First Baptist Church, 2115 Hendersonville Road, Arden • MO (1/26), noon-4:30pm - Appointments & info: 670-5018. Held at Candler Elementary School, 121 Candler School Road, Candler tAoist tAi chi society • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm - Beginners Tai Chi class. Free. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way

DePression AnD biPolAr suPPort AlliAnce or 367-7660 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – 1316-C Parkwood Road DiAbetes suPPort or 213-4788 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm – Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive. Room 3-B. eAting DisorDer suPPort grouPs Info: or 337-4685. Visit for full listings. electro-sensitiVity suPPort For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact or 255-3350. emotions Anonymous For anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Info: 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road

FooD ADDicts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm – Asheville 12-Step Club, 1340A Patton Ave. heArt oF recoVery meDitAtion grouP Teaches how to integrate meditation with any 12-step recovery program. • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. heArt suPPort For individuals living with heart failure. 274-6000. • 1st TUESDAYS, 2-4pm – Asheville Cardiology Associates, 5 Vanderbilt Drive. liVing With chronic PAin Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association; 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 pm – Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston Ave. memory loss cAregiVers For caregivers of those with memory loss or dementia. • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain men Working on liFe’s issues 273-5334 or 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. mission heAlth FAmily grouP night For caregivers of children with social health needs or development concerns. 213-9787 • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm – Mission Reuter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. nAr-Anon FAmily grouPs For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. Info: Visit for full listings. nAtionAl AlliAnce on mentAl illness For people living with mental health issues and their loved ones. Info: or 505-7353. Visit for full listings. oVercomers oF Domestic Violence For anyone who is dealing with physical and/or emotional abuse. 665-9499. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm – First Christian Church, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler.

oVereAters Anonymous Info: 258-4821. Visit for full listings. recoVering couPles Anonymous For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: • MONDAYS, 6pm – Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. s-Anon FAmily grouPs For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Four confidential meetings are available weekly in WNC. For dates, times and locations contact or 258-5117. smArt recoVery Helps individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior. Visit mountainx. com/support for full listings. strength in surViVorshiP For cancer survivors. or 808-7673 • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 11am-noon – Mills River Library, 124 Town Drive, Mills River sunrise Peer suPPort Volunteer serVices • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Drop-in center offering peer support services for mental health and substance use issues and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sylVA grieF suPPort Hosted by Four Seasons Compassion for Life. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva unDereArners Anonymous • TUESDAYS, 6pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 102 To add information about your support group, call 251-1333, ext. 114. Support groups must be free of charge to be listed.

FREE Naps. Visit our showroom to see our collection of stylish platform beds and we’ll treat you to a FREE nap on one of our luxurious futon mattresses. One hour limit, please. • 167 Patton Avenue • customer parking • 828.252.9449

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015







tues-fri downtown delivery Lucky #7 combos and full menu online at 55 College St, Downtown Asheville


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Madison County farmer launches new meat CSA

bY kat mcReYnoLds

soused sows: The pigs at Robin Reeves’ farm dine on slightly alcoholic spent grain from Troy & Sons distillers for the last month of their lives. “The mash maybe makes [the pork] a sweeter flavor,” says Reeves. Photo by Sean Sullivan

For sixth-generation family farmer Robin Reeves, the new year promises a major overhaul of her Madison County land — an estate steeped in traditions of husbandry as well as permitted liquor sales to the federal government beginning in 1835. These historic commercial ventures, it turns out, serve as a very fitting precursor to Reeves’ first 2015 milestone — the launch of WhiskeyPigs meat CSA (community supported agriculture) from the storied farm.


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

whiskeYpigs csa “[Troy & Sons distillers] own the pigs, and we raise the pigs,” says Reeves, explaining the collaborative project commissioned by distillery owner troy ball. “We’re working together to form the CSA.” Although subscriptions also feature Reeves’ antibiotic-free, nohormone-added beef and chicken, Ball’s heritage-breed pork takes the leading role. In fact, the partnership began with Ball’s quest to find a babysitter for her rare mulefoot pigs. One week and several conversations after hearing

about Ball’s need, Reeves welcomed several dozen snouted residents to her 325-acre property. “They most definitely believe in agriculture,” says Reeves, citing Ball’s motivation for commissioning the project, “and they love this community, so it’s been a cool thing to work with them and bring it all together.” The Western North Carolina Agricultural Options program also saw value in the venture, awarding Reeves a $6,000 grant to offset select expenses. The WhiskeyPigs name refers to Troy & Sons’ spent mash, which the pigs and Reeves’ other animals slurp down for 30 days prior to slaughter. With 10,000 pounds of mash per week, the distillery produces more than enough for the WhiskeyPigs fleet. The majority of the 2-3 percent alcohol concoction is collected for another local dairy farmer’s cows. “They’re a little bit calmer, because they’ve had a little buzz,” says Reeves of the pigs’ final month,

chiLLing out: Robin Reeves (pictured) says the rare mulefoot pigs she raises on her Madison County farm naturally have laid-back personalities. Reeves partners with Troy & Sons distillers to offer the WhiskeyPigs CSA. Photo by Sean Sullivan

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“but they’re pretty calm as it is. It’s their personality.” For the majority of their lives though, all of the farm’s animals eat a combination of grass, hay and the same (nonalcoholic) grain Ball uses for Troy & Sons’ whiskey. “The mash maybe makes it a sweeter flavor,” says Reeves, explaining that the redder breed of pork contributes to the taste much more significantly than does the booze. Ball, however, says chefs have a hard time locating her pigs’ lymph glands — perhaps an indication that the low-proof alcohol kills some undesirable bacteria and makes the pigs a bit healthier than average.

Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills

Currently, monthly WhiskeyPigs CSA pick-ups are available at the Reeves farm and Asheville Distilling Co. on the third Saturday of each month. Reeves, already hopeful of an expansion, says she’ll continue to add locations as more customers sign up. “I feel very privileged to be able to have this life,” says Reeves, adding that small-scale farming allows her to avoid animal welfare shortcuts. “Our mission as farmers is to feed the world. … I get to believe in what I do.” The Reeves Home Place Farm is at 49 Reeves Home Place, Leicester Asheville Distilling Co. is at 12 Old Charlotte Highway, Suite T, Asheville. Visit for more information about the farm or to sign up for a CSA share. X

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upcYcLing and updating For Ball, upcycling the distillery’s waste is also key. “I love knowing we are doing things exactly as they were done back in George’s day — Washington, that is. His animals lived right outside his distillery. I wish we could do that, but I fear Oscar and Leah would object!” she says, jokingly, referring to oscar wong and Leah wong asheburn of Highland Brewing Co., which shares the same Old Charlotte Highway property as her distillery. Eventually, Reeves hopes to build greenhouses and partner with nearby Sandy Hollar Farms to supplement the meat CSA with fruits and vegetables. Additionally, her family’s farm store, originally opened by her great grandmother, Cornelia Reynolds, in the 1850s, will stock local food and craft products after renovations and a grand reopening later this summer.

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JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015













by Gina Smith visit annual-patient-appreciation-dayhelping-others-helping/. a-b tech cuLinaRY team advances to nationaLs

dRiving foRce: Over the past 19 years, food drives organized each winter by local chiropractor Tom Whittington, right, have netted thousands of pounds of food for the hungry. Pictured with Elaine Rhonehouse. Photo courtesy of Whittington

whittington chiRopRactic’s annuaL food dRive For tom whittington, 2015 marks more than two decades running a chiropractor practice and living in Asheville. This month also celebrates the 19th year that the East Asheville resident and businessman has sponsored a January food drive to gather much-needed resources for the community. Whittington started the winter venture in 1996 when his practice was still located on South French Broad Avenue (it’s now on Fairview Road in East Asheville), with that year’s donations going to the Food Not Bombs movement. Today, the donated food goes to MANNA FoodBank for distribution. And the drive is, by no means, small potatoes. Whittington says that in years past, MANNA has told him that at times his efforts have netted more than drives sponsored by entire schools. “One year we had a couple walk to Bi-Lo in our parking lot and fill up and entire grocery basket and wheel it over,” Whittington recalls.


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

“We would love to make this another record-breaking year.” Hungry WNC residents aren’t the only ones who benefit. Every person who donates a bag of nonperishable groceries to the cause will receive something in return: New patients will receive a free initial chiropractic examination and first adjustment during the week of the drive. Returning patients will receive a free adjustment on Patient Appreciation Day, Thursday, Jan. 29. “We consider this a win-win-win situation,” says Whittington. “We get busy for the winter months, hungry people get food and the community gets chiropractic care. We only ask that people be as generous as possible with their donation.” Donations of nonperishable food items can be brought to Whittington Chiropractic, 801 Fairview Road in Oakley Plaza, Monday-Friday, Jan. 26-30. The most-desired food donations include: dried and canned beans, boxed foods, cereals and grains, peanut butter, hearty soups, canned fruits and instant nonfat milk. For details,

With a menu featuring the products of Asheville-area farms, an all-female team from the A-B Tech Culinary Program took top honors at the American Culinary Federation’s Student Team Southeast Regional Competition held Jan. 10-11, at le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Atlanta. The win advances the group to compete in the national championships at the Cook. Craft. Create. Convention and Show in Orlando, Fla., Thursday, July 30, through Monday, Aug. 3. The team’s winning menu, titled “Common Ground: Conversations about Food and Farming,” featured products from Sunburst Trout Farms, Looking Glass Creamery, Rise Up Rooted Farm, Joyce Farms and Wild Mountain Apiaries Honey. Team members include nina esquire (captain), natalie britton, carolina huerta, sarah keeney and madelyn stroud. anne gibson serves as the alternate. According to a statement from A-B Tech, this will be the first all-female culinary team to represent the Southeast Region in the national competition.

Mike Rhodes Fellowship will provide the music. A portion of the event’s proceeds will benefit MANNA FoodBank. Asheville Wing War, 4 p.m. Sunday, March 1, New Mountain Asheville, 38 N. French Broad Ave. To nominate a restaurant for the competition, email Lush Life Productions lushlifemgmt@ Tickets and details are available at vegan macRobiotic cooking cLass The Wellness Team at Jubilee has cooked up a seasonally appropriate class on preparing vegan, macrobiotic winter soups and stews for Tuesday, Jan. 27. The class costs $20, and participants will learn how to make a revitalizing, high-protein bean soup; an immune-boosting traditional miso soup and a soothing carrot-sweet potato soup with coconut milk. Nutritionists Lino and Jane Stanchich and chef Marcia Reisman will lead the workshop. In addition to printed recipes to take home, attendees will get hearty samples of each of the dishes along with wholegrain, non-gluten bread. 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 27, Jubilee, 46 Wall St. Space is limited. RSVP: 299-8657 X

2015 asheviLLe wing waR Planning is underway for the fourth annual installment of Asheville Food Fights’ Asheville Wing War. This year’s tasty showdown will be held on Sunday, March 1, at New Mountain Asheville. Wings in two categories — specialty and traditional Buffalo-style — will be evaluated by a panel of celebrity judges in a blind taste test. Attendees will be able to vote for the People’s Choice Award. So far, competitors include: Mojo Lounge, Luella’s Bar-B-Que, Haywood Lounge, The Social, Foggy Mountain Brewpub, Scully’s Bar and Grill, King James Public House, Moe’s Original Bar B Que and The Barleycorn. Space is still available for additional contenders. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door for adults, $12 for ages 17 and younger. Admission includes unlimited wings and beer samples from Pisgah Brewing and Sierra Nevada Brewing. The

FooD Writer JonAthAn Ammons lets us in on his FAVorite Dish Du Jour. The Groundation Salad at Nine Mile: Fresh, crunchy mixed greens, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, carrots, kalamata olives and garbanzo beans with a sesame garlic and tahini dressing, all for a mere $7. Filling, nutritious and my all-around favorite salad in Asheville. — Jonathan Ammons

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015





Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

(Y)east coast expansion Many people expected a brewery was in the offing. But despite the fact that White Labs Inc. — the business officially joining the Asheville beer community at 172 S. Charlotte St. — will have a tasting room of sorts with its own beer flowing, it is decidedly not a brewery in the traditional sense. White Labs is a wine- and beer-yeast manufacturing company. Yet to gloss over the Jan. 9 announcement of the company’s arrival would be a mistake. To get a sense of just how big of a deal White Labs is, picture an alternate world where there are just two large craft brewers — say, Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada. In this world, those are the only two national beermaking companies, and the only competition is small and intensely local. If you want a high-quality beer, you buy from those two companies or you hope there’s a small and reputable operation in your city or state. This is the world of commercial yeast distribution: There are just two major companies that all craft brewers (and homebrewers for that matter) use for yeast — White Labs and Wyeast Laboratories Inc. Both companies started on the West Coast, where the craft brewery movement was born. White Labs is the first of the two to legitimize the East Coast’s burgeoning craft beer scene with an expansion, and it’s saying Asheville is the eastern San Diego, where White Labs launched. white Labs changes couRse chris white started White Labs in 1995 in San Diego after finishing a Ph.D. in chemistry there. “I’m very lucky. … I was able to combine my interests in chemistry, yeast and homebrewing into a company making yeast for breweries, wineries and distilleries,” says White, the company’s CEO and president. White says the company started small, but in 1995, the San Diego beer scene was pretty small, too, with just two breweries and one homebrew store. It has grown significantly since, and now is home


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

changes: White Labs will transform 172 S. Charlotte St. from a 26,000-square-foot storage facility into a 32,000-square-foot production hub and tasting room. White Labs CEO Chris White is pictured. Images courtesy of White Labs

to about 95 breweries employing upward of 1,500 people. White Labs has grown, too, now employing about 100 of those 1,500 at its San Diego headquarters. The company also has facilities in Davis, Calif., and Boulder, Colo. According to White, 40 percent of the company’s customers are now on the East Coast, though, and shipping yeast costs money (and increases the company’s carbon footprint, of course). “We’ve actually been looking at an East Coast location [as part of larger worldwide expansion plans] for about 10 years,” says White. “Originally my focus was northerncentric, but some amazing things happened in Asheville.” White says that he knew Asheville already had a great brewing culture, but the addition of industry heavyweights like Sierra Nevada and New Belgium piqued his interest. “The entire industry took notice, actually, [and realized] something really interesting was going on in Asheville,” he says.

One of America’s largest yeast companies plans its Asheville location Brettanomyces lab. That should be completed in mid-2016.” All said and done, the company plans to invest $8.1 million building a state-of-the art biotech facility near downtown. For many in Asheville, including Mayor esther manheimer, the company’s tilt towards biotech just might be the most exciting part of the announcement. “As a world leader in fermentation sciences for the brewing and winemaking industries, White Labs represents the type of advanced biotech and technology company we’re strategically seeking,” says Manheimer. “We’re confident that White Labs’ investment in renovating this building and revitalizing Charlotte Street will catalyze additional private investment in our community and attract more high-tech and biotech companies that recognize what White Labs has: Asheville is a world-class city and home to world-class companies.” Manheimer couldn’t resist throwing in a gracious pun: “We want to welcome White Labs to our city. … It’s the yeast we could do.” X

what to expect In San Diego, White Labs’ employees make about 1,500 packages of yeast per week, covering about 100 varieties. The Asheville site, at least for now, is projected to run at a slightly smaller scale: At full build-out, the company expects to employ 65 people and is making no claims that all the same yeasts in San Diego will also be manufactured here. As for a timeline, White notes plans to break ground in March. “Phase 1 is developing the second floor, which will be our shipping, receiving and logistics,” says White. “Phase 2, which starts in August, will add an extension [taking the building from 26,000 square feet to about 32,000 square feet], which is where the tasting room will be, as well as the chemistry lab and classroom. At the same time, we’ll develop the first floor, which will house manufacturing, yeast lab and bacteria and

172 S. Charlotte St. You’ve driven by it 100 times but never looked twice, and that’s probably because the address has long been used for purposes that aren’t public-facing. Since it was constructed around the turn of the last century, the building at 172 S. Charlotte has been used as: • Equestrian stables for law enforcement • A tobacco warehouse • A maintenance garage for city vehicles, including garbage trucks • And most recently, a storage site for city maintence and office overflow.






WeDnesDAy AsheVille breWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location cAtAWbA: $2 off growler fills French broAD: $8.50 growler fills highlAnD: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm leXington AVe (lAb): $3 pints all day oPen: New brew: Bat Norm Strong Scotch Ale oyster house: $2 off growler fills WeDge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun) thursDAy AsheVille breWing: New brew: Carolina Mountain Monster ; $3.50 pints at Merrimon location

(Americana), 8pm; Food truck: Farm to Fender WeDge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese) sAturDAy buriAl beer co.: Fonta Flora Brewing takeover: six beers from Fonta Flora cAtAWbA tAsting room: Live music: Freedom Train (bluegrass), 5pm French broAD: Live music: Redleg Husky, 6pm highlAnD: Live music: Sidecar Honey (Americana, rock), 6:30pm; Food trucks: Root Down & Doc Brown oskAr blues: Live music: Bradley Carter (singer-songwriter), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Pleasure Chest (blues, soul, rock), 8pm WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

French broAD: Live music: Matt Walsh, 6pm


one WorlD: Live music: Erin Mason (soul, singer-songwriter), 8pm

AsheVille breWing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location

oskAr blues: Live music: Eric Congdon (Americana), 6pm southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Jason DeCristofaro Trio (jazz), 7pm


one WorlD: Live music: Chris Williams (singer-songwriter), 7pm

lookout: New brew: Salted Caramel Ale; Live music: Joe Hallock & The Flat Creek Boys, 6:30pm oskAr blues: Live music: Amigo (alt-country), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Eric Congdon

tuesDAy AltAmont: Live music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm AsheVille breWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints oskAr blues: Tasty Tuesday: Quadzilla G’Knight (G’Knight dry-hopped w/ four hop varieties); Trivia (pop culture-themed), 6:30pm oyster house: Cask night southern APPAlAchiAn: Furry Friends Film Festival (benefits Blue Ridge Humane); Food truck: Farm to Fender; Pet boutique, raffle, 6-8pm WeDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

hot sake special

hi-Wire: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 12:15pm leXington AVe (lAb): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day

highlAnD: New brew: Belmont Abbey Pilsner; Live music: Bayou Diesel (Cajun, zydeco), 6:30pm; Food trucks: Root Down & Doc Brown

WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

buriAl beer co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out)

WeDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

French broAD: Live music: Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat, 6pm

to Fender; Pet boutique, raffle, 6-8pm

oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

1/2 Price Hot Sake Valentine’s Day


Head to our mobile site NOW!


southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Carver & Carmody (blues, folk), 5pm WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm monDAy AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm southern APPAlAchiAn: Furry Friends Film Festival (benefits Blue Ridge Humane); Food truck: Farm

plant 165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 |

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015





In the backyard, across the pond and out of this world Asheville Fringe Arts Festival attracts homegrown and international talent

bY edwin aRnaudin

For its past two appearances at the Asheville Fringe Arts Festival, local avant-garde theater company Anam Cara presented original pieces created by an ensemble. For 2015, its players are trying something slightly more traditional while still keeping with the Jan. 22-25 event’s focus on cross-genre collaboration and innovative performances. “The goal of Fringe is to try new things,” says Anam Cara Executive Artistic Director erinn hartley. “We’ve done some contemporary plays and Shakespeare adaptations, but we’ve not had a local playwright write us a script and go from there.” Enter Erinn’s wife, kim hartley, and co-writer Justin evans, whose Farmer Dave’s Bicycle-Powered Dream World: A Biotech Whodunit will run Jan. 22 and 24, at 9 p.m., at the BeBe Theatre. The two-act, hour-long play is inspired by the true 2013 story of an Oregon farmer who found GMO Roundup Ready wheat in his field. Fingers were pointed at Monsanto, which in turn accused anti-biotech saboteurs of

what Asheville Fringe Arts Festival wheRe Various venues when Thursday, Jan. 22-Sunday, Jan. 25. $12 per show or $50 for an all-access Freak Pass


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

deliberately planting the crop as an activist statement. Guided by Anam Cara’s commitment to promoting social justice, Kim studied the political economy of food and researched the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl era, 1930s cinema and old-time music, leading to dual settings of 1933 and 2013. “It struck me as a really interesting platform to explore some of those issues,” she says. Kim sought to expand her vision beyond an intentionally dusty production rooted in historical facts (yet peppered with stock characters, caricatures — including one of J. Edgar Hoover — and puppetry dream sequences). With Erinn signed on to direct, Kim reached out to Evans, a poet, playwright and member of Anam Cara’s experimental ensemble Accordion Time Machine, who brought aboard his distinct creative style. “I’d say [my writing is] different because it draws on classical imagery, and I try to emulate great literature and religious art’s relation-

RiskY business: Mina Samuels is bringing her one-woman performance piece, Hazards, to the Asheville Fringe. Hazards won the award for best avant-garde show at the 2013 United Solo Festival. Photo courtesy of Asheville Fringe Arts Festival

ship with the grotesque and the ecstatic,” Evans says. “I guess a lot of people aren’t doing that, for whatever reason. Also, I make an effort to be offensive.” Another part of Anam Cara’s mission is blending multiple art forms. In addition to puppetry, the play incorporates live music, dance and silent comedy, the latter of which has survived from Kim’s largely dialogue-free initial vision. Although social and political issues are embedded in Farmer

Dave’s Bicycle-Powered Dream World, Evans and the Hartleys deliberately avoided preachiness. “We’re not telling the audience what to think or how to feel,” Erinn says. “We hope that through our abstract presentation, people will have a visceral experience and come away with some questions for themselves.” Following Asheville Fringe, Evans and the Hartleys will meet, exchange notes and retool the play as necessary before its Feb. 27-28 and March 6-7 performances at Toy Boat Community Art Space. fooLs abRoad Joanne Tremarco and Chris Murray are members of the Liverpool, England-based Nomadic Academy for Fools. The geographically scattered collection of performers embraces the notion of the fool signifying nothing, a concept in line with its zero value in tarot. The fool may, in turn, become anything, Tremarco says. The fool’s journey that Tremarco and Murray

take incorporates audience participation in defined stages — something they’ve all learned from company director Jonathan Kay. It was Kay’s partner who inspired the title of Tremarco’s one-woman improvised fool show, Women Who Wank. It’s her response to the question, “What is the final taboo?” Though the show’s use of “wank” applies to the generally unspoken topic of female masturbation, Tremarco says that “it’s more about being a wanker or an idiot or being self-indulgent — a mental masturbation thing” — with a focus on connection and disconnection. Tremarco performs Women Who Wank at The Mothlight on Thursday, Jan. 22, and Saturday, Jan. 24, at 9 p.m. “My show is not traditional improv where you ask for suggestions,” Tremarco says. “I arrive and have a way of dealing with the audience. I ask questions. Sometimes they answer, sometimes not. There’s an opening for the audience, then I go and create a play.” Tremarco and Murray also will team up for the 20-minute street theater piece The Fig Leaf Wars, part of the LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour on Friday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 25, at 5 p.m. Intrigued by the often-hostile environment of the street, Murray wanted to make a story that was immediately visual and recognizable to everyone. “I also wanted one that didn’t really rely on lan-

guage so I could take it anywhere, even places [that] don’t speak English,” Murray says. “So, I came up with a penis and vulva.” Under the names Dick and Fanny, Murray and Tremarco don giant genitalia costumes made of vinyl and tablecloths. The outfits’ exaggerated sizes allow Tremarco and Murray to explore the history of sex organs, their current treatment and how they are often scapegoated by their adjoining humans. In the process, the two speak to the audience as genitals and humans, break out a few dance moves and allow room for the audience’s story. The Fig Leaf Wars made waves in 2013 when a man in Glastonbury, England, expressed his disgust with the work and assaulted Murray. Since then, Murray and Tremarco have experienced no such trouble, thanks both to spotters and appearances within the context of a festival — including acclaimed performances at the 2013 and 2014 Edinburgh Fringe. “So many street acts have to be tame,” Tremarco says. “We’re there to help [Edinburgh Fringe] feel good about themselves as being a radical theater festival.” Their presence also can provide impromptu education. While Tremarco and Murray were performing The Fig Leaf Wars on the streets of Berlin, a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf approached them with her children and turned the performance into a sex-ed lesson. X

Asheville Fringe Arts Festival schedule thuRsdaY, Jan. 22 • Hazards (spoken word), at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St., 7 p.m. • Appalachian Winter and Lili and the Sparrow (short multimedia stories), at The Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road, West Asheville, 7 p.m. • Fringe Dance Showcase (interpretative dance), at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, 7 p.m. • Strange Daughters (butoh), at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road, West Asheville, 7 p.m. • Anam Cara Theatre presents Farmer Dave’s Bicycle-Powered Dream World: A Biotech Whodunit, BeBe Theatre, 9 p.m. • Am I a Grownup Yet? (one-woman show), at The Odditorium, 9 p.m. • Anecdotal, dance-based theater, at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 9 p.m. • Women Who Wank (one-woman show), at The Mothlight, 9 p.m. fRidaY, Jan. 23 • Tesseract Theatre Company presents My Alexandria, at the Forum at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square, 6 p.m. • Madison J. Cripps (puppet theater) and Playing with Boundaries (one-act play), at BeBe Theatre, 7 p.m. • Actias Luna and Shapeshifting a Rainbow: Becoming Iris, (buthoh and shibari dance), at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 7 p.m. • LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour, 7 p.m. • Appalachian Winter and Lili and the Sparrow, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m. • Sarge (one-man play), at BeBe Theatre, 9 p.m. • Fringe comedy showcase with No Regrets Improv, Amanda Levesque & Tom Kilby, at The Odditorium, 9 p.m. satuRdaY, Jan. 24 • Tesseract Theatre Company presents My Alexandria, at the Forum at Diana Wortham Theatre, 6 p.m. • Hazards, at BeBe Theatre, 7 p.m. • Appalachian Winter and Lili and the Sparrow, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m. • Fringe Dance Showcase (interpretative dance), at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 7 p.m. • Strange Daughters, at The Mothlight, 7 p.m. • LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour, 7 p.m. • Am I a Grownup Yet? at The Odditorium, 9 p.m. • Anam Cara Theatre presents Farmer Dave’s Bicycle-Powered Dream World: A Biotech Whodunit, BeBe Theatre, 9 p.m. • Anecdotal, dance-based theater, at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 9 p.m. • Women Who Wank, at The Mothlight, 9 p.m. sundaY, Jan. 25

keeping asheviLLe weiRd: Local collective No Regets Improv will be performing at The Odditorium on Friday and Sunday in a Fringe double-feature with Amanda Levesque and Tom Kilby; Standup, Sit Down. Photo courtesy of Asheville Fringe Arts Festival

• Actias Luna and Shapeshifting a Rainbow: Becoming Iris, at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 5 p.m. • Am I a Grownup Yet? at The Odditorium, 5 p.m. • LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour, 5 p.m. • Madison J. Cripps and Playing with Boundaries, at BeBe Theatre, 5 p.m. • Fringe comedy showcase with No Regrets Improv, Amanda Levesque & Tom Kilby, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m. • Sarge, at BeBe Theatre, 7 p.m. For updates, visit

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015



by Alli Marshall

‘Those nights when the feeling is extended’ Gregory Alan Isakov crafts bigger songs with fewer words

“I love performing, but it scared the sh*t out of me forever,” says singer-songwriter Gregory Alan Isakov. “Even now, when I’ve probably played more than a thousand shows ... every single time. And that feels really good.” Isakov thinks about that when he’s home (when he isn’t touring, the musician runs a small farm in Colorado) and those potent moments in shows where “everybody kind of goes somewhere and

fLaws and aLL: “In recording The Weatherman, there were some takes that were kind of perfect,” says Gregory Alan Isakov, who returns to Asheville on Jan. 22. “But I didn’t feel anything for them, and I ended up going with the take that was really rough.” Photo by Erin Preston

comes back, and we’re all doing the same thing. That’s the coolest thing about playing music live,” he says. “There are those nights when the feeling is extended. I’m always after that feeling.” And, although Isakov says that before leaving his farm he goes through the five stages of grief, once on the road he’s reminded that playing music is the best job in the world. That’s a good thing, since he’s about to spend seven weeks on tour, including a stop at The Grey Eagle on Thursday, Jan. 22. Isakov was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, emigrated to the U.S. as a kid and, according to his bio, “has been traveling all his life.” But the sense of place captured in his


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

songs, like those on most recent album, The Weatherman, are less literal and more evocative. “Won’t you come to my house tonight, we could sleep on the floor. I got this window that looks out to Orion I paid extra for,” he sings on “Astronaut.” And, on “Amsterdam”: “Churches and trains, they all look the same to me now. They shoot you some place while we ache to come home somehow.” “I look up to writers a lot who can really tell a story in a chronological way,” Isakov says, naming Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty. “I tried it out, but it’s not my natural thing. I’m always after the shortest amount

of words I need. I’m always whittling down ideas.” The musician does write prose, too, when he has free time. Once in a while, he says, a line works its way into a song. “That’s how I made that record,” he says. “I was working on a story about the Weatherman.” Isakov spent the fall writing material for a a new album (tentatively slated for release in early 2016), though he says he moves slowly with recordings. He likes to take time away from his songs to see if he still feels something for them when he returns — they have to prove their staying power. On the other hand, Isakov hasn’t listened to The Weatherman since

who Gregory Alan Isakov with Leif Vollebekk wheRe The Grey Eagle, when Thursday, Jan. 22, at 8 p.m. $15 advance/$18 day of show

he completed the album (“It usually takes me a while to go back and visit it ... [a musician] is the one person who doesn’t have a perspective on [his] record”), but never tires of performing his older songs onstage. “I feel like they’re growing with me,” he says. “Every time I play them, they’re different.” He and his band — mainly violinist Jeb Bows, cellist Philip Parker and guitarist Steve Varney — change songs up a lot, too. And, to road test new material, Isakov says that he plays a number of secret shows in small bars. Hearing a song live helps him know how that piece of music should be performed. Regardless of how much planning goes into albums, tour and shows, the artistic process still retains “a humongous element of mystery,” according to Isakov. “I’m always surprised. You kind of have a road map in mind and you watch where it goes. It’s funny how I can really try, but then I have to let it go and do its thing.” X

Are you ready to FRINGE? Show schedules and descriptions available

Online and in the Festival Guide! Available now around town! Fringe Freak passes and show tickets on sale now!

January 22-25, 2015

12 Old Charlotte Highway, 12-H • Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 299-3370 •

WED • JAN 21 WOODY WOOD 5:30 - 7:30

SUN • JAN 25 OPEN 1 - 5

THURS • JAN 22 DJ MARLEY 5:30 - 7:30

WED • JAN 28 WOODY WOOD 5:30 - 7:30


FRI • JAN 23 BAYOU DIESEL 6:30 - 8:30 SAT • JAN 24 SIDECAR HONEY 6:30 - 8:30

Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm, Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm Less than 10 minutes from downtown Asheville & Biltmore!

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015



by Corbie Hill

Wherever you go, there you are One-man show Wanderlust thinks globally, acts personally When Martin Dockery touched down in Dakar, Senegal, on his way to Timbuktu, Mali, his luggage was gone. The traveler from New York City had nothing but his passport, his Lonely Planet guidebook and a copy of Yann Martel’s The Life of Pi. He didn’t speak any local languages, he didn’t have a change of clothes, and he didn’t know anyone there. “I had these two books and I was stepping into the chaos that is the area outside any airport in the world, but all the more so in Senegal,” he recalls.

ART - Asheville Redefines Transit


New ADA Eligibility Forms New Disability Discount Forms Proposed ADA Paratransit Service Area Changes

Location: Police/Fire Department Training Room, 4th Floor, Municipal Building, 100 Court Plaza, (Downtown Asheville at Pack Square) Date: Monday, Feb 2nd from 4pm-6:30pm Interpreter assistance needed? Necesita un interprete en español? Нуждаетесь в услугах переводчика? Обращайтесь в Горсовет Эшвила.

Contact us at: (828)259-5943 32

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

The first night, he roomed with a Japanese traveler from the same flight. Later, they went out to eat and returned to find their room had been burgled. They headed to the police station, the Japanese man speaking Japanese, Dockery speaking English and the Senegalese police officer speaking French as well as his native tongue. It was a strangely functional conversation between three people in at least four mutually unintelligible languages, and it set the tone for the entire trip. “It’s amazing how you figure out how to communicate with people beyond language,” Dockery says. “You look into someone’s eyes and you know exactly how they’re feeling and thinking, and they know likewise with you.” Wanderlust, a one-man show based on Dockery’s travels, comes to the Diana Wortham Theatre Thursday-Saturday, Jan. 22-24. Before his Africa trip, Dockery had been temping at the New York Stock Exchange. His method was to find temp work someplace for a while, save money, travel and repeat. PostTimbuktu and tired of temp work, Dockery put his MFA in playwriting to use and became a professional storyteller. He went to West Africa seeking a revelation, and his autobiographical production tells of his frequent stumbles and occasional insights along the way. It was the sheer connotations of the name, Timbuktu — its Saturday morning cartoon shorthand for the other side of the world — that drew Dockery in. When he saw a photo of a mosque built of mud and learned it was in Timbuktu (and that Timbuktu was real), he knew he had to go. “What happens when I go to Timbuktu? Will the skies open up and a moment of grand epiphany reveal to me the secret of life?” he wondered at the time. “It seems something like that should happen at a place that’s as far away from where you live as you can get.” It’s heady material. But, while he’s had some fascinating experiences, Dockery says, “Everybody’s life is interesting. My show is about going off to Africa and the Sahara and Timbuktu, but those are just words

choose YouR own adventuRe: Temp worker-turned-storyteller Martin Dockery parlayed his escapades in West Africa into a one-man performance about travel pitfalls and epiphanies. “The details of our stories are different, but the emotions we are struggling with are identical,” he says. Photo courtesy of Dockery

that sound exotic.” More importantly, Wanderlust is about self-consciously journeying to another continent with idealized expectations. Dockery feels owning his mistakes is essential to the art of storytelling. He wants it to be clear when he’s not the smartest person in the room, or when he’s made a mistake or missed something obvious. “In those moments, in the lowering of one’s status, it gives

what Martin Dockery’s Wanderlust: From Here to Timbuktu wheRe Diana Wortham Theatre when Thursday-Saturday, Jan. 22-24, 8 p.m. $28/$23 students/$15 children

audiences a chance to get into the stories and sympathize and empathize, having been in those moments themselves,” he says. So Dockery brings the audience to that moment of being alone in a distant land, his luggage missing and his room robbed. And then he tells about finding a place by the sea, on a desolate-looking beach crowded with concrete buildings where he made some Englishspeaking Senegalese friends. This is when he started to let his guard down and appreciate the familiar warmth of human interactions. And when his luggage did eventually surface, part of him wondered if he wasn’t better off with just his Lonely Planet and Life of Pi. “The book is about a kid surviving out in the middle of nowhere on a boat with a tiger,” he says. “I looked to that book for a bit of perspective.” X




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A&E staff

Into the Woods Jr. When shalene hill notes the “talent, professionalism and dedication” of her cast, it doesn’t sound like she’s referring to a group of 9 to 14-year-old children. But she is. Eight area schools are represented by Into the Woods Jr.’s 18-member cast, which is managed by Hill and director James king in collaboration with other local theatrical professionals and financial backers. The actors-in-training, who have rehearsed 10 hours per week since early November, will present an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm’s most famous fairy tales with music by Stephen Sondheim and story by James Lapine. This family-friendly performance takes place at the Masonic Temple on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23 and 24, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, Jan. 25, at 4 p.m. $12. Photo courtesy of Voice of the City Productions

Nick Dittmeier & the Sawdusters Southern Indiana-based musician Nick Dittmeier was probably not one of the people ready to kick 2014 to the curb. Last year brought him a nomination for songwriter of the year at the inaugural Louisville Music Awards, opening slots for Hayes Carll, Justin Townes Earle and Whitey Morgan, and new album Light of Day. According to No Depression, that EP “knocks it out of the park with six tracks of soulful Southern rock paired with catchy, yet thoughtful and engaging alt-country.” Dittmeier actually got his start playing in punk bands before venturing into Americana. If his social media feed is anything to go by, he and his band, the Sawdusters, play a show nearly every single night. And if that’s not enough of a selling point, he’s Facebook friends with his grandmother. Nick Dittmeier & the Sawdusters play The Bywater on Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 p.m. Photo courtesy of the band

The Steppin Stones “We can’t wait to share our new music with you!” reads the Facebook page for Hilton Head Island-based rock trio The Steppin Stones. Front woman Hannah Wicklund, bassist Andrew Ottimo and drummer Ryan Tye trekked north mid-winter to record their third full-length album at Echo Mountain Studios. Although they can’t celebrate the record’s completion the Beer City USA way — the musicians range from 17 to 20 years old — the band will hold a wrap-up concert to “avidly grow” its Asheville fan base. The Steppin Stones, now closing in on their ninth year as a band, hold a free, ironically 21-and-up show at One Stop on Friday, Jan. 23, at 10 p.m. Photo courtesy of the band

Yonder Mountain String Band “They may appear to be a traditional bluegrass band at first glance, but they’ve taken the customary old-timey instrumentation to new heights,” reads a press release for Colorado trio Yonder Mountain String Band. Credited with pioneering “a renegade movement to rewrite the definition of the genre,” the Yonder Mountain pickers deliver their self-made brand of rock-inspired roots to more than 100 audiences each year, finding their home on a tour bus that idles only beside the nation’s top music venues. Joining the band on this tour are regular collaborators Jake Jolliff (mandolin) and Allie Kral (fiddle). Indie-folk group Horse Feathers opens for YMSB at The Orange Peel on Thursday, Jan. 22, at 8 p.m. $27.50. Photo by Tobin Voggesser

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


a&e caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Coming Soon ....


Western North Carolina

get it! guide

winteR sonatas: Pan Harmonia launches its Sonata Series on Sunday, Jan. 25, at the First Presbyterian Church of Asheville. The series, which runs as four programs with dates in January, February, March and May, features flutist Kate Steinbeck and other Pan Harmonia regulars. January’s program includes works by Serge Prokofiev, Jennifer Higdon and Maurice Duruflé. Photo courtesy of Pan Harmonia. (p.35)

Art crucible glAssWorks grAnD oPening (pd.) Our new Hot Glass Studio Gallery at 60 Clarks Chapel Road in Weaverville- Jan.16th & 17th. Evening Celebration- Friday Jan.17th from 5-7pm. Regular hours- Tues.-Sat.10-5. Glass Demonstrations, refreshments, live music. Call or check out our website,



JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


riVerlink 252-8474, • TH (1/29), 10am-noon - “Learn how to contract with the City of Asheville” workshop. Registration required. Free. Held at 170 Lyman St.

AuDitions & cAll to Artists ATTENTION ARTISTS • CRAFTERS

VisuAl Artist AVAilAble (pd.) experienced Art instruction: Drawing / Mark-making / Watercolor Painting; Private, groups, homeschool, all ages. ArchiScapes: Architectural Portraits, make Excellent Gift Certificates. For more information visit

(pd.) Space available (2,000 sqft) in downtown Waynesville, that would provide a place to work and sell. Heat, parking. 30 minutes from Asheville. • Individual booths. • Could be co-op. I will develop the space to a plan, if there is interest. (828) 2166066.

AsheVille AreA Arts council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • SA (1/24), 2pm - Artist Talk: discussion of Buncombe Built with Derek Graziano, luthier. Admission fees apply.

cAlDWell Arts council 601 College Ave SW, Lenoir, 754-2486 • Through FR (1/30) - Portfolios accepted from local and regional artists for 2016 exhibitions. Contact for guidelines.

COME TASTE A FEW cArolinA concert choir 607-351-2585, • Through (1/31) - Open auditions for the 2014 season. Contact to schedule appointment. greAt smokies Writing ProgrAm 250-2353, • Through FR (1/30) - Submissions accepted for the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize. Contact for guidelines. $25/$15 NC Writer’s Network members. trAnsylVAniA community Arts council 884-2787, • ONGOING - Visual artists may enter their artwork in two open exhibits in 2015: Wood, Wind & Water (deadline Feb. 3) and Of the Earth: An Organic Exhibition (deadline March 3). Contact for guidelines. Free.

Located underneath Asheville

AsheVille loFt 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, • Through SA (3/14) - Erotica Asheville, works by five artists focusing on themes of eroticism.

Community Theatre.

blue sPirAl 1

theAter 35beloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320,

• TH (1/29), 7:30pm - Listen to This: Stories in Performance Series: Stories From Siblings. $15. AsheVille community theAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (1/25) John & Jen, musical. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $20. • TU (1/27), 7pm - The Spirit of John Muir. Sponsored by MountainTrue. $35. AsheVille mAsonic temPle

music seAn Johnson & the WilD lotus bAnD (pd.) January 24 (Sat) Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band Kirtan concert, 7pm $15 in advance/$20 day of show - Dynamic world music for modern yogis and music lovers celebrating the union of diverse spiritual traditions cultures, and musical genres. ASHEVILLE YOGA CENTER, 828-254-0380 Arts council oF henDerson county 693-8504, • TH (1/22) through SU (1/25) - Performances by Sheila Jordan and accompanying musicians, jazz. Thu.: Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe, 7pm. Free. Fri.: Held at WCU in Coulter Recital Hall, 7:30pm. Free. Sun.: Held at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road, 8pm. $8. blAck mountAin community Drum circle 545-0389 • SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Covers traditional West African rhythms. Free. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain J.e. broyhill ciVic center 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenior, broyhillcenter. com • TH (1/22), 7:30pm - David Holt and the Lightning Bolts, bluegrass. $12.81/ $5.34 children.

80 Broadway, 252-3924 • FR (1/24) & SA (1/25), 7pm - Into the Woods Jr., youth production. $12. DiAnA WorthAm theAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • TH (1/22) through SA (1/24), 8pm - Wanderlust: From Here to Timbuktu, one-man play. $28/$23 student/$15 child. FlAt rock PlAyhouse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • FR (1/23), 7pm - The Tramp & The Roughrider. Sponsored by MountainTrue. $35. nc stAge

Gift Certificates Available!

croW & quill 106 N. Lexington Ave, 505-2866 • Through TH (2/12) - Surrealist paintings by Hannah Weaver. Folk Art center MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, • SA (1/24) through SU (4/19) - Dynamic Narratives, works by women ceramic sculptors. hAnDmADe in AmericA 125 S Lexington Ave #101, 252-0121, • MO (1/26) through FR (4/17) - Emergence: Crafting an Identity, works by Haywood Community College alumni. Artists’ reception: Feb. 13, 6-8pm. lush Works

• WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (1/28)

26 1/2 Battery Park Ave., 919-649-2483, • Through FR (1/30) - Bombogenesis, works depicting winter and snow.

Sun.:2pm. $14-32/ $10 students.


38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, • Through FR (2/20) - New Artists, New Works, New Year, debut works by six artists. • Through FR (2/20) - Paintings by Marcus Michels. • Through SA (2/20) - Ceramics by Michael Poness and paintings by Scott Upton.

15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, until (2/22) - Annapurna.. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm;


(828) 676-3060


ON TAP ALL THE TIME 1987 Hendersonville Road • Mon-Thu: 11am - 8pm • Fri-Sat: 11am - 9pm

n.c. Arboretum

gaLLeRY diRectoRY

Art At mArs hill • Through TH (2/26) - Works by alumna Biljana Kroll. In the Weizenblatt Gallery. Art At uncA • Through SU (3/1) - Drawing Discourse, juried exhibition of contemporary drawing.

music At uncA 251-6432, • WE (1/21), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. In the Reuter Center. • TU (1/27), 5pm - Faculty Showcase concert. $5. • WE (1/28), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. In the Reuter Center.

• Through FR (2/27) - Little Importance, mac-

PAn hArmoniA 254-7123, • SU (1/25), 3pm - Sonata Series. $22/ $16.50 advance/ $5 students. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St.

AsheVille gAllery oF Art

rophotography by Daniel Mele. AsheVille AreA Arts council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, Ashevile Area Arts Council

100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, • Through SU (4/19) - Seeing with New Eyes, photography by Sharon Mammoser. oDyssey cooPerAtiVe Art gAllery 238 Clingman Ave, 285-9700, • ONGOING - Ceramics by Kate Gardner and Denise Baker. trAnsylVAniA community Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through MO (2/2) - Faces of Freedom, multiple artists’ work on theme of “freedom.”

• Through SA (2/28) - Buncombe Built, hand-

West AsheVille librAry

made instruments from Buncombe County.

942 Haywood Road • Through SA (1/31) - I Owe a Debt to the Library (Amongst Other Things), mixed media by Ana Baranda.

16 College St., 251-5796, • Through SA (1/31) - New Kids on the Block, works by new gallery members.

Contact the galleries for hours and admission fees.

Satisfaction Guaranteed - Each location independently owned and operated JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


C L U B L A N D lAzy DiAmonD The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm

WeDnesDAy, JAnuAry 21

lobster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm

185 king street Rodney Rice (folk, country), 8pm

mArket PlAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm

550 tAVern & grille Karaoke w/ DJ DO IT, 9pm

neW mountAin Four on the Floor w/ Onj., Earthmover, Bear & (young) American Landscape (post-rock, fuzz), 10pm

ben’s tune-uP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm blue kuDzu sAke comPAny Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm

oDDitorium Fringe Festival, 7pm Comedy showcase, 10:30pm

blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Open mic w/ Billy Owens, 7pm

oFF the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm

croW & quill Uncle Shabby’s Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm Double croWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm Foggy mountAin breWPub Trivia, 8pm FunkAtorium John Hartford newgrass Jam w/ Aereo-Plain String Band, 6:30pm

oliVe or tWist West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm

a foRce to be Reckoned with: “The Adam Ezra Group is not just a band,” reads the roots-rock group’s bio. “They are a force to be reckoned with musically, personally and socially.” The Adam Ezra Group will perform a live show — deemed a “sweaty, passionate affair” — with The Sarah Mac Band at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 21, at 9 p.m.

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern That 1 Guy w/ DJ Feels Goodman (one-manband, experimental), 8pm grinD cAFe Trivia night, 7pm

neW mountAin Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm

highlAnD breWing comPAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm

noble kAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

iron horse stAtion Ashley Heath (R&B), 6pm

o.henry’s/the unDergrounD “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Resonant Rogues porch party (old-time, gypsy swing, folk), 7pm The Adam Ezra Group & The Sarah Mac Band (blues, jazz, acoustic rock), 9pm

oDDitorium Synergy Story Slam, 7pm Cake (queer dance party), 10pm

JAck oF the WooD Pub Old-time session, 5pm lAzy DiAmonD Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm leX 18 Patrick Lopez (jazz piano), 7pm lobster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm moJo kitchen & lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm mountAin moJo coFFeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

oFF the WAgon Piano show, 9pm oliVe or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stoP Deli & bAr Blaine Cartwright (dirty rock ’n’ roll), 10pm Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm room iX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm root bAr no. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school hip-hop, funk), 9pm tAllgAry’s At Four college Open mic & jam, 7pm the Joint neXt Door Bluegrass jam w/ Jake Dill, 8pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx. com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

the PhoeniX Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm Karaoke, 10pm the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

WilD Wing cAFe south Karaoke, 6pm

thursDAy, JAnuAry 22 185 king street MagPie Thief & Renee is a Zombie (folk, acoustic), 8pm AltAmont breWing comPAny Jam Samwich (Grateful Dead covers, jam), 9pm AsheVille music hAll Phutureprimitive w/ ElectroChemical & Antandra (electronic), 10pm blAck mountAin Ale house Bread & Butter Band (bluegrass), 8pm blue kuDzu sAke comPAny Trivia night, 8pm blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Flying Monkeys, 7pm

orAnge Peel Yonder Mountain String Band w/ Horse Feathers (bluegrass), 8pm oskAr blues breWery Eric Congdon (Americana), 6pm PisgAh breWing comPAny The Big Deal Band (old-time, bluegrass), 6pm PurPle onion cAFe Mare Wakefield & Nomad, 7pm renAissAnce AsheVille hotel Chris Rhodes (blues, jazz, R&B), 6:30pm room iX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm scAnDAls nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Jason DeCristofaro Trio (jazz), 7pm tAllgAry’s At Four college Iggy Radio, 7pm the mothlight Fringe Arts Festival w/ Jenni Cockrell: Strange Daughters (dance) & Joanne Tremarco: Women Who Wank (one-woman improv show), 7pm

croW & quill Fringe Fest: Muladhara Ritual installation piece (artist Abigail Griffin), 7pm

the PhoeniX Bradford Carson Duo (modern mountain music), 8pm

Double croWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm

Dugout Chris O’Neill (roots), 9pm elAine’s Dueling PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm Foggy mountAin breWPub Singer-songwriter open mic, 8pm Songwriter’s night w/ Riyen Roots (blues), 9pm French broAD breWery Matt Walsh (blues, rock), 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Gregory Alan Isakov w/ Leif Vollebekk (singer-songwriter, folk-rock), 8pm

toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

highlAnD breWing comPAny DJ Marley, 5:30pm

Vincenzo’s bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll In the Lounge: Kyle Campbell (Americana, folk-rock, country), 7:15pm Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley CD release, 8:30pm

White horse blAck mountAin Waltz night, 7pm

JAck oF the WooD Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm

one WorlD breWing Erin Mason (soul, singer-songwriter), 8pm

cAtAWbA breWing tAsting room Old time jam, 7pm

timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm

tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD blues The Bill Maddocks Band, 8:30pm

one stoP Deli & bAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm IuvAdub w/ One Tribe (reggae-rock), 10pm

timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm toWn PumP Brent Byrd (reggae, jam, funk), 9pm toy boAt community Art sPAce Fringe Dance Showcase, 7pm Anecdotal (dance theatre), 9pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urbAn orchArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm Vincenzo’s bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm White horse blAck mountAin The Odd Get Even (post-punk, folk, rock), 7:30pm WXyz lounge At AloFt hotel David Earl Tomlinson (Americana, soul, singersongwriter), 7:30pm


Send your listings to

FriDAy, JAnuAry 23 185 king street Firecracker Jam Band (jam, rock), 8pm

neW mountAin Adia Victoria w/ CaroMia (blues), 7:15pm nightbell restAurAnt & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-rock), 10pm

550 tAVern & grille Unit 50 (classic rock), 9pm

noble kAVA Beat Life Lounge w/ Asheville’s Beat Life Collective (downtempo, instrumental hip-hop, electronic), 8:30pm

AltAmont breWing comPAny Asheville Aces w/ Noah Larson (blues, Americana), 9pm

o.henry’s/the unDergrounD Bump & Grind dance party, 10pm

AltAmont theAter Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 8pm AsheVille music hAll The Asheville Battle of the Bands w/ Squidlord, Sam Potter, The Dr. Van, Nosedive, The Dirty Badgers, Polly Panic, Chanterelles, Jam Samwich, Luzius Stone, Zuzu Welsh Band & Theater of the Mind, 6pm

oDDitorium Fringe Festival, 7pm Meteor Eyes, Dynamo & Derek M. Poteat (rock), 10:30pm oFF the WAgon

Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist The Michael Filippone Jazz Trio w/ Bill Gerhardt & Justin Watt, 8pm Latin, 11pm

PAck’s tAVern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PisgAh breWing comPAny Preston Cate Trio (jazz, funk), 8pm root bAr no. 1 The Blind Spots (pop, funk, rock), 10pm

one stoP Deli & bAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm The Steppin Stones (rock ’n’ roll), 10pm

scAnDAls nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

orAnge Peel Donna the Buffalo w/ Driftwood (roots), 9pm

scully’s DJ, 10pm

oskAr blues breWery Amigo (alt-country), 6pm

southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Eric Congdon (Americana, acoustic), 8pm

AthenA’s club Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm blAck mountAin Ale house The Dirty Badgers (blues, rock), 8pm blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Acoustic Swing, 7pm boiler room Rebirth VI (EDM), 10pm clAssic Wineseller Kevin Lorenz (jazz, pop), 7pm cork & keg The Honey Chasers (bluegrass), 8:30pm croW & quill Fringe Fest: Muladhara Ritual installation piece (artist Abigail Griffin), 7pm Double croWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm Dugout Fireside Collective (bluegrass), 9pm elAine’s Dueling PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm Foggy mountAin breWPub Max Gross Weight (rock), 10pm French broAD breWery Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 6pm gooD stuFF Mande Foly (West African music), 8pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Djangofest: Django Reinhardt’s birthday (gypsy jazz), 7pm highlAnD breWing comPAny Bayou Diesel (dance, Cajun, zydeco), 6:30pm iron horse stAtion Paul Edelman, 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll In the Lounge: The Cheeksters (pop, rock), 7pm The Hermit Kings, Tiny Things, T Hardy Morris & The Hardknocks (indie), 9pm JAck oF the WooD Pub The Appleseed Collective w/ Michaela Anne & The Wild Hearts (string swing, Americana), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAzy DiAmonD Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm leX 18 Michael Jefry Stevens Duo (modern jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-fusion, swing), 11pm lobster trAP Crossroads String Band (bluegrass), 6:30pm luellA’s bAr-b-que Riyen Roots (blues), 8pm mArket PlAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015



Send your listings to

tAllgAry’s At Four college Irsuh (DJ dance party), 9:30pm

iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm

the ADmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Dulci Ellenberger, Lilly Hiatt & Hannah Aldridge (singer-songwriters), 7pm

the mothlight The Shine Brothers record release w/ The Tills, Faux Ferocious & Ancient Whales (garage-rock), 9pm



Check out Clubland for other events.

Serving Lunch Daily

the PhoeniX Waist Management Trio w/ Jason Moore (jazz), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm timo’s house DJs, 10pm

Jan. 22nd Joe Lasher Jr. Trio Jan. 29th Unit 50 Feb. 5th Social Function Feb. 12th Austin Baze Feb. 19h The Dirty Badgers

toWn PumP The Fat Sparrows (bluegrass), 9pm

Sundays Brunch at Noon

WilD Wing cAFe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

KITCHEN & BAR OPEN TIL 2AM 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780

sAturDAy, JAnuAry 24

toy boAt community Art sPAce Fringe Dance Showcase, 7pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD blues Peggy Ratusz & Aaron Price (jazz, blues), 7pm WestSound (blues, Motown), 10pm Vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse blAck mountAin Pan Harmonia (chamber music), 7:30pm

WXyz lounge At AloFt hotel Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 8:30pm

AltAmont breWing comPAny Blood Gypsy (funk), 9:30pm AltAmont theAter Blue Dragons CD release party (rock, blues, jazz), 8pm

TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


10/25 Guthrie W/ MICHAELA ANNE &Lee THE WILD HEARTS 10/25 Sarah Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion 9 P.M.$5 & Johnny Irion w/ w/ Battlefield •• 9pm 9pm $10 $10

1/24 THEFirecracker GET RIGHT BAND 10/26 Jazz Band

10/26 Firecracker W/ SOUTHERN BELLES 9 P.M.$7Jazz Band

& HALLOWEEN Costume Party Contest •• 9pm $8 9pm $8 1/27 TODD&CECIL & BACK SOUTH (TUESDAY BLUESCreek NIGHT SERIES) 10/27 SWAMP Vinegar •• 9pm 9pm FREE FREE 9 P.M.FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/28 Mustard Plug •• 9pm $8 9pm $8 w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants w/ ASHEVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC 1/30 REVUE FEATURING MEMBERS OF 10/29(ACMR) Singer Songwriters TOWN MOUNTAIN 9 P.M.$8 in the Round •• 7-9pm 7-9pm FREE FREE



FRI. 1/23 DJ MoTo (pop, dance hits)

SAT. 1/24 The House Band (rock & roll, classic hits)

w/ w/ Anthony Anthony Tripi, Tripi, Elise Elise Davis Davis Mud Tea • 9pm FREE 1/31 THE PIPER JONES BAND 9 P.M.$10 Mud Tea • 9pm FREE

Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 3 3 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS THURS Bluegrass Bluegrass Jam Jam 7pm 7pm

95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • 252.5445 •


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015




20 WNC


AsheVille music hAll Blu Bop: Tribute to Bela Fleck & The Flecktones w/ Fireside Collective, 8am

JAck oF the WooD Pub The Get Right Band w/ Southern Belles (funk, rock), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAzy DiAmonD Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm leX 18 The Byron Hedgepeth Vibes Duo (modern, Latin, jazz), 8:30pm lobster trAP Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 8:30pm mArco’s PizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm mArket PlAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm nightbell restAurAnt & lounge DJ Sam Maxton (hip-hop), 10pm noble kAVA The Hellacious Habeñeros (old-time, jazz fusion), 8:30pm o.henry’s/the unDergrounD Spinn (dance party), 10pm oDDitorium Fringe Festival, 7pm Dane’s birthday party w/ The Spiral, Kitty Tsunami & Electric Phantom (rock), 10:30pm oFF the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz, swing), 8pm Dance party (’80s to present), 11pm one stoP Deli & bAr Rye Baby w/ Bird In Hand (folk, Americana), 10pm orAnge Peel Corey Smith (country), 9pm

AthenA’s club Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

oskAr blues breWery Bradley Carter (singer-songwriter), 6pm

blAck mountAin Ale house Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana), 9pm

PAck’s tAVern The House Band (rock ’n’ roll, classic hits), 9pm

blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Billy Litz, 7pm

PisgAh breWing comPAny The Lazybirds (old-time, jazz), 8pm

cAtAWbA breWing tAsting room Freedom Train (bluegrass), 5pm

PurPle onion cAFe Spontaneous Blueprint, 8pm

clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers), 7pm

root bAr no. 1 The Willy Whales (roots, blues), 9pm

cork & keg Buddy Davis & The Session Players (honky-tonk, country), 8:30pm

scAnDAls nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

croW & quill Fringe Fest: Muladhara Ritual installation piece (artist Abigail Griffin), 7pm Double croWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

scully’s DJ, 10pm southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Pleasure Chest (blues, soul, rock), 8pm tAllgAry’s At Four college Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm

Dugout Fineline (rock), 9pm

the ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

elAine’s Dueling PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

the mothlight Fringe Arts Festival w/ Jenni Cockrell: Strange Daughters (dance) & Joanne Tremarco: Women Who Wank (one-woman improv show), 7pm

French broAD breWery Redleg Husky, 6pm gooD stuFF Kari & Volley’s Wildcats (Texas two-step), 7pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern New Orleans Suspects w/ KOA (funk), 9pm highlAnD breWing comPAny Sidecar Honey (Americana, rock), 6:30pm

the PhoeniX Pretty Little Goat (old-time, string band), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm timo’s house Selector Cleofus (DJ), 10pm toWn PumP

The Egg Eaters (new wave), 9pm

DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm

toy boAt community Art sPAce Fringe Dance Showcase, 7pm

one stoP Deli & bAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am

tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD blues The King Zeros (blues), 7pm Free Flow (funk, Motown, soul), 10pm

one WorlD breWing Chris Williams (singer-songwriter), 7pm

Vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

orAnge Peel Moon Taxi w/ The Lonely Biscuits & Firekid (indie, progrock), 9pm

White horse blAck mountAin Richard Smith & Julie Adams (guitar, cello), 8pm

Pour tAProom Open mic, 8pm

WXyz lounge At AloFt hotel Mandelkorn George Project (jazz, funk, soul), 8:30pm

scAnDAls nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

sunDAy, JAnuAry 25 AsheVille music hAll Steely Dan Sunday, 9pm blAck mountAin Ale house Sunday Funday NFL Ticket, 1pm blue kuDzu sAke comPAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Larry Dolamore, 7pm Double croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm JAck oF the WooD Pub Irish session, 5pm lAzy DiAmonD Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm moJo kitchen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm oDDitorium Fringe Festival, 5pm Birth & Squidlord (metal, rock), 9pm oFF the WAgon Piano show, 9pm oliVe or tWist

southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Carver & Carmody (blues, folk), 5pm tAllgAry’s At Four college Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm

1/2 off bottles of wine & martinis ladies night

1/2 off

live music

guys dress to impress!

wEdnEsdAy 1/21

the PhoeniX Larry J & Tory Ellis (acoustic rock), 12pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm

Jan. 2015

timo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm toWn PumP Sunday jam w/ Dan, 4pm toy boAt community Art sPAce Fringe Dance Showcase, 7pm Vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse blAck mountAin Andrew Periale: Mano a Monologue, 7:30pm

monDAy, JAnuAry 26 AltAmont breWing comPAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm blAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass Jam, 7:30pm byWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm





















1.24 8PM


weD 1/21











thu 1/22



fri 1/23







8pm • $12/$15

GreGory aLaN isaKoV w/ Leif Vollebekk 8pm • $15/$18

6th aNNuaL


Django reinhardt Birthday celebration featuring hot club of cowtown & more!

7pm • $17/$20


that 1 Guy

w/ DJ feels Goodman

sat 1/24

New orLeaNs suspects

thu 1/29

youNG crimiNaLs starVatioN LeaGue

fri 1/30

w/ aaron Burdett 8pm • $12/$15

sat 1/31

w/ Koa 9pm • $12/$15

Bobby Bare Jr.’s

w/ rond

9pm • $10/$12

BLue DoGs

posh hammer w/ the Dr. Van

8pm • $5


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till





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Full Bar


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courtyArD gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm croW & quill Argentine tango w/ Michael Luchtan & Patrick Kukucka, 9pm Double croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

Read local.

gooD stuFF Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Contra dance, 7pm













Fri 1/23 7:00 PM-THE CHEEKSTERS:


JAck oF the WooD Pub Quizzo, 7pm

lobster trAP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 7pm

lAzy DiAmonD Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm

mArco’s PizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm

leXington AVe breWery (lAb) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm lobster trAP Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm neW mountAin Picasso Facelift (classic rock, blues), 1pm o.henry’s/the unDergrounD Geeks Who Drink Trivia, 9pm oDDitorium Feathers & Fur (“apocalypse craft night”) w/ Wifey, 9pm orAnge Peel Kiss Country Winter Jam w/ Scotty McCreery, Chase Bryant, John King, Olivia Lane, Mo Pitney & RaeLynn (country), 8pm

one stoP Deli & bAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm orAnge Peel Machine Head (metal), 9pm

the mothlight Elisa Ambrogio w/ Nathan Bowles & Divine Circles (alternative, folk), 9pm

riVerWAtch bAr & grill Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm

the PhoeniX Mike Sweet (acoustic covers), 8pm

root bAr no. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 9pm

the sociAl Kevin Scanlon (folk, old-time), 6pm

scully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm

9:00 PM -




JAZZ SHOWCASE 6 p.m.–11 p.m.

Every Tuesday

BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30 p.m.–midnite

timo’s house Movie night, 7pm Vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

tuesDAy, JAnuAry 27 AltAmont breWing comPAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm AsheVille music hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm blAck mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm buFFAlo nickel Trivia, 7pm club eleVen on groVe Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm Double croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm

Where Adult Dreams Come True

gooD stuFF Old time-y night, 6:30pm

(828) 684-8250

iron horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm

2334 Hendersonville Rd.

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

oFF the WAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm


Every Sunday


oDDitorium Odd comedy night, 9pm Late show w/ Yairms (punk), 11pm

Pour tAProom Frank Zappa night, 8pm


mArket PlAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

Sat 1/24


(S. Asheville/Arden)

leX 18 Andrew J. Fletcher (old-time, jazz piano), 7pm

southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Furry Friends Film Festival (benefits Blue Ridge Humane), 6pm


Fri 1/30

Must present coupon. Limit one per customer. Exp. 1/31/15

lAzy DiAmonD Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

oskAr blues breWery Pop culture-themed trivia, 6:30pm


20% OFF of Any One Item

lAurey’s cAtering AnD gourmet to go Ukulele jam, 5:30pm

oskAr blues breWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm


Wed 1/28


JAck oF the WooD Pub Todd Cecil & Back South (Southern rock, swamp-blues), 9pm


isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Furry Friends Film Festival (benefits Blue Ridge Humane), 6pm tAllgAry’s At Four college Jam night, 9pm the Joint neXt Door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm the mothlight Battle Trance w/ Parish, Meadows & Hunnicutt Trio (jazz, experimental saxophone quartet), 9pm the sociAl Jason Whittaker (acoustic-rock), 6:30pm tiger mountAin Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm urbAn orchArD CaroMia (Americana, soul, blues), 7pm Vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WestVille Pub Blues jam, 10pm White horse blAck mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact

PicK oF thE WEEK

thEatER ListinGs

Paddington HHHHS

FRidaY, JanuaRY 23 thuRsdaY, JanuaRY 29 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diREctoR: Paul King PLaYERs: Ben Whishaw (voice), Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin, Jim Broadbent, Nicole Kidman, Peter Capaldi

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Blade runner (new release) (r) 10:15 gone girl (r) 7:00, 10:15 Penguins of Madagascar (Pg) 1:00, 4:00

FamiLY comEdY adVEntuRE RatEd PG thE stoRY: A young bear from Peru tries to find a home in London. thE LoWdoWn: Thoroughly charming, gently funny, stylish, great to look at and with a wonderful cast, there’s just no excuse for missing this.

Brightly-colored, cheerful, clever, good-hearted and visually striking, Paul King’s Paddington has enough going for it to overcome its more boilerplate story aspects. Let’s face it, the movie is family fare — aimed primarily at children — so the story isn’t likely to be complex and is likely to be awash in the sort of life lessons such films are wont to promote. And — apart from the additional jabs at xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiments — that’s pretty much what we have here by way of story. On nearly every other level, including most of the gags, Paddington is a remarkable work — so far ahead of any live-action (well, mostly live-action) family movies that it would be disgraceful to mention it in the same breath with them. The last time something of this nature was this truly special was P.J. Hogan’s

CArMike CineMA 10 (298-4452)

Paddington and hugh Bonneville in Paul King’s stylish and charming Paddington.

Peter Pan, which came out on Christmas Day in 2003. Stylistically, Paddington sits somewhere on the border of Wes Anderson and Tim Burton — with Anderson being more prominent in the mix. The most obvious Burton aspect lies in the pastel London row houses, which makes it feel like we’re in an English Edward Scissorhands (1990). (For that matter, the plot is by no means dissimilar, with a good-hearted mother bringing the title character into the house without considering the consequences for all involved.) Mostly, the film — with its giant breakaway dollhouse-like set (which might have been inspired by Julien Temple’s 1986 film Absolute Beginners) and its gadgets and Rube Goldberg designed gags — has a distinctly Anderson vibe to it. One can also spot some connections to Pete Docter and Bob Peterson’s animated Up (2009) with its adventurer travelogue newsreel footage. But in the end, Paddington is mostly its own beast — its bright paint box colors and gentle sense of humor being not quite like anything else. Of course, the basics of Paddington are well-known to the

British but not so much perhaps to American audiences. I admit to only the dimmest familiarity with the character and have never even seen any of the books. (This may partly be an age thing as well as a cultural one.) Happily, the film functions as an origins story, which works out very nicely for the uninitiated — and which has been cleverly but reasonably updated to bring the story into the modern world. Michael Bond’s original Paddington was based in part on the image of post-WWII refugee children in Great Britain with tags around their necks asking people to look after them. That’s the case with Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw), whose aging Aunt Lucy (voiced by Imelda Staunton) — working on 50-plusyear-old information about the welcoming nature of the English — parcels the young bear off from “darkest Peru” to Britain with one of those tags around his neck. Of course, much has changed in those years, and that welcoming nature is hard to find. Even when Paddington is taken in by the Browns — with grave misgivings from Mr. Brown (Hugh Bonneville) — the little fellow

CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) Times not available at presstime due to the holiday

American sniper (r) Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) Blackhat (r) The Boy next Door (r) Cake (r) Foxcatcher (r) The hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 2D (Pg-13) The imitation game (Pg-13) inherent vice (r) into the woods (Pg) Mortdecai (Pg-13) Paddington (Pg) selma (Pg-13) strange Magic (Pg) The wedding ringer (r) wild (r) Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) American sniper (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Foxcatcher (r) 1:00, 7:00 The imitation game (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:45 wild (r) 4:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 FlATroCk CineMA (697-2463) into the woods (Pg) 3:30, 7:00 regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiUM 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)

Be sure to read ‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015



185 King Street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 Adam Dalton Distillery 367-6401 Altamont Brewing Company 575-2400 The Altamont Theatre 348-5327 Asheville Music Hall 255-7777 Athena’s Club 252-2456 Barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 Black Mountain Ale House 669-9090 Blue Mountain Pizza 658-8777 Boiler Room 505-1612 Broadway’s 285-0400 The Bywater 232-6967 Cork and keg 254-6453 Creekside Taphouse 575-2880 Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dirty South Lounge 251-1777 Double crown 575-9060 dugout 692-9262 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Foggy Mountain Brewpub 254-3008 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 Good Stuff 649-9711 green room cafe 692-6335 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern 232-5800 The Grove Park Inn (Elaine’s Piano Bar/ Great Hall) 252-2711 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Isis music hall 575-2737 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 LEX 18 582-0293 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Metroshere 258-2027 Millroom 555-1212 Monte Vista Hotel 669-8870 Moonlight mile 335-9316 Native Kitchen & Social Pub 581-0480 NIGHTBELL 575-0375 Noble Kava Bar 505-8118 odditorium 575-9299 OLIVE OR TWIST 254-0555 OneFiftyone 239-0239 One Stop Bar Deli & Bar 255-7777 O.Henry’s/TUG 254-1891 The Orange Peel 225-5851 oskar blues Brewery 883-2337 Pack’s Tavern 225-6944 The Phoenix 877-3232 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Pulp 225-5851 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Scully’s 251-8880 SLy Grog Lounge 255-8858 Smokey’s After Dark 253-2155 the social 298-8780 Southern Appalacian Brewery 684-1235 Static Age Records 254-3232 Straightaway Cafe 669-8856 TallGary’s Cantina 232-0809 tiger mountain 407-0666 Timo’s House 575-2886 Town Pump 357-5075 Toy boat 505-8659 Treasure Club 298-1400 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 U.s. Cellular center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 VINCENZO’S 254-4698 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838


JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2015


by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

finds himself the object of suspicion from the neighborhood busybody Mr. Curry (Peter Capaldi), who is not much worried about a talking bear but is horrified by Paddington being foreign. Worse, there is the downright evil Millicent (Nicole Kidman in a bleached blonde Louise Brooks bob) from the Natural History Museum, who is obsessed with turning Paddington into a taxidermied display. And then there’s Paddington’s natural tendency toward accidents of the disastrous kind, making him far from the ideal houseguest. Nearly all of the film works — and when it doesn’t quite, it quickly recovers itself. One of the things that makes it stand out from the crowd is its almost complete lack of post-modern snark and random pop culture references. Paddington is perfectly content to be a little oldfashioned, and that’s just fine. There aren’t even very many adult jokes worked in — though one of them (about the origin of Paddington’s Uncle Pastuzo’s name) is priceless — and those that are will fly right over all but the most precocious children’s heads. It’s all fun and stylish and great looking — with a terrific cast. I can’t think of a single reason not to see this movie. Rated PG for mild action and rude humor. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Blackhat HH DIRECTOR: Michael Mann PLAYERS: Chris Hemsworth, Wei Tang, Leehom Wang, Viola Davis ACTION


THE STORY: After a rogue hacker melts down a Chinese nuclear plant, an imprisoned hacker is set free to help track him down. THE LOWDOWN: Occasionally farfetched, sometimes idiotic and often run-of-the-mill action flick that tries to spruce itself up with some topicality.

Computers have rarely fared well in the world of cinema. They are, by nature, inert objects and — at least


when you get down to the technical jargon — esoteric ones, too. The lingo often comes across as goofy or just plain wrong, while there’s not much action to be squeezed out of some dude sitting behind a keyboard. Unless a metaphysical approach — like The Matrix (1999) — is taken, the best you can probably hope for is Hackers (1995), which isn’t a good movie by any means but is at least awash in enough ’90s cheese and cyberpunk nonsense to be a curio. Neither approach is what anyone would call realistic, because realistic is just not engaging. This hasn’t stopped Michael Mann from giving it a shot with Blackhat. Set in a realistic, post9/11 world, Mann’s approach is to take a mix of police procedure and cyberterrorist paranoia and plop a convoluted action picture on top of it. The plot itself is incredibly simple — a convicted hacker (Chris Hemsworth) is freed from prison to hunt down an international terrorist hacker — but layered in globe-trotting and plot twists. The idea, I suppose, is that — in between the gunfights and fisticuffs — no one will notice this is really just another movie about, well, dudes sitting behind keyboards. That’s admirable in theory, since the purpose of movies is ultimately to entertain, but the approach still comes across as goofy, uneven and filled with the kind of parlance that never sounds cool in this medium. There’s also the sense — because Blackhat’s trading in topicality — that this is a very serious effort from Mann. This is a very straight-faced film — a pity, since it’s inherently a very corny one. Put together, Blackhat is completely lacking in self-awareness. Here’s a movie where Hemsworth — best known for playing the Norse god Thor — is supposed to be a brilliant hacker. Hemsworth plays the role like this is finally his chance to be taken seriously as an actor, since his brow is constantly furrowed and he mumbles a lot. What it comes down to is that I can buy him as a mythological Norse god, but a computer genius is stretching credulity. It’s not all his fault, though. No one could make dialogue like “It’s not about code! It’s not about ones and zeros!”

HHHHH = max rating sound like the realistic utterances of a functional adult male. But beyond simple miscasting, the flaws the film carries are numerous, and while none of them are egregious, they do gradually pile up. There’s the usual grainy, drab Mann visual style, full of needless handheld work and closeups; there’s the convoluted nature of the plot, the laughable nature of the films twists (the gang of bad guys who pop up out of nowhere with a bazooka is truly magical) and climax — it all feels second rate. And the idea that this is a movie where no one can crack a joke just compounds how full of itself Blackhat can be. Mann yearns for this to be a serious film but still has those movie computers that beep when someone scrolls through a window. Even beyond this, there are foundational problems with the script. There’s so much time spent turning the wheels to catch the evil mastermind, and it’s just some nondescript guy with a keyboard after money. As malevolent geniuses go, he’s pretty boring (what happened to the Dr. Mabutes of the world?) and a perfect example of the level of creativity the movie’s operating on. Rated R for violence and some language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther


DIRECTOR: Daniel Barnz (Beastly) PLAYERS: Jennifer Aniston, Adriana Barraza, Anna Kendrick, Sam Worthington, Mamie Gummer, Felicity Huffman DRAMA RATED R THE STORY: A 40-ish woman suffering from chronic pain and loss tries to cope with her situation. THE LOWDOWN: A modest, flawed, but mostly engaging drama that showcases a solid — and out of character — performance from Jennifer Aniston.

It may well be a case of having approached Cake with low expectations, but I actually liked it — with some reservations. In fact, I have quite a few reservations, but I think I like it all the more because of those reservations. At least it has a personality of its own. Here we have a movie that dares to be — well, screwed up — and I can admire that even when it’s wrong. Of course, the big question hovering over any discussion of the film inevitably becomes, “Was Jennifer Aniston snubbed by the Oscars?” Maybe. It kind of depends on whether you believe anyone is “entitled” to a nomination. From Academy logic, though, you might have thought all those (rather decorously applied) scars and the general glamming-down would have counted for something. I will say I think she’s very good in the film — and I am not really a fan. To me Aniston has always been a rather bland actress of the fresh-scrubbed girl-next-door variety — an idea her first attempt to be taken seriously, The Good Girl (2002), traded on. I mostly think of her for being in bad or forgettable movies or movies I remember for extraneous reasons — like falling asleep during Management (2008) at its premiere at the Florida Film Festival in 2007. Cake, I admit, is something different. It is neither bad nor unmemorable. Unfortunately, it is most likely to be remembered only as Aniston’s failed Best Actress bid. For that matter, I suspect it’s close to DOA because of that fact. That’s a shame, too — especially since most of us question the value of the Academy Awards, but then go right ahead and let the Academy’s whims dictate our choices. Aniston plays Claire Bennett, a woman suffering from chronic pain, unprocessed grief, an acidtongued sense of humor and a pretty heavy addiction to painkillers. In fact, her often brutal — and sour — sense of humor prompts the leader (Felicity Huffman) of her chronic pain support group to “suggest” Claire find another group. Making herself intolerable to anyone who tries to help her — unless she’s trying to cadge painkillers from them — is pretty much the pattern of her post-accident life. However, she has developed a fixation on a

member of her group, Nina Collins (Anna Kendrick), who killed herself — and this comes to be what drives the plot. Right here is where the film starts to get messy with its fantasy encounters between Claire and Nina. If you can’t buy into these, the film will sink like a stone. I mostly bought into the concept when it became apparent that Claire’s image of Nina turned the woman into a tough-talking projection of herself — and of Claire trying to convince herself of suicide as a viable option. Other stumbling blocks abound. Some of them I actually admired — such as the film leaving the viewer to pick up key points of the events without spelling them out. Others, I could kind of just go with — like a drive-in theater running Fred Astaire and Paulette Goddard in Second Chorus (1940) for the simple economic reason of the old movie being public domain. But the business of casting “name” actors — Felicity Huffman, William H. Macy, Lucy Punch, Chris Messina, Mamie Gummer, even Misty Upham — in what amount to little more than cameos was a boneheaded and distracting idea. The film flirts with disaster by threatening to make Claire just plain unlikable, but it’s smart enough to give her a few grace notes — especially the scene with her housekeeper (Adriana Barraza) in a restaurant in Tijuana — to keep that at bay, if only just. Is Cake a great picture? Oh, good heavens, no. This is a small, unassuming movie that does contain an impressive performance from Aniston — even without the nomination. That it’s the best movie Daniel Barnz has ever made says ... well, nothing if you look over his dismal filmography, but he does deliver a nicely crafted, often very good-looking film here. Should you see it? Well, it’s hardly a must-see, but it’s a good — and slightly odd — little movie that’s kind of a pleasant break from the more bombastic award season offerings. Rated R for language, substance abuse and brief sexuality. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

staRting fRidaY

Cake See review in “Cranky Hanke.”


The Boy Next Door Obviously January is still with us judging by this (probably low-wattage) exploitation thriller starring Jennifer Lopez and some guy named Ryan Guzman (apparently, he’s in a couple of those Step Up movies). I really have nothing against Lopez — apart from the fact that she’s mostly in lousy movies — but this looks appalling. Universal tells us this is “a psychological thriller that explores a forbidden attraction that goes much too far. Directed by Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious) and written by Barbara Curry, the film also stars Ryan Guzman, John Corbett and Kristin Chenoweth.” Yes, well ... (R)

Mortdecai This will probably get panned because a.) that’s the cool thing to do with Johnny Depp movies these days, and b.) Gwyneth Paltrow is a natural target because of her personal life. Well, I don’t belong to the bash Johnny Depp club, and I don’t care that much about Paltrow’s public high jinks. I also like most of the movies David Koepp has directed. Plus, we have Ewan McGregor, Paul Bettany and Jeff Goldblum. I admit the trailer isn’t very enticing, and it’s had no screenings, but I’ll give it a try. (pg-13)

Strange Magic This animated family friendly fantasy is being touted as coming from the mind of George Lucas. Does that still sell tickets? At least he only provided the story, which means he didn’t have a hand in the dialogue. This is a good thing. Disney promises “a madcap fairy tale musical inspired by A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Popular songs from the past six decades help tell the tale of a colorful cast of goblins, elves, fairies and imps, and their hilarious misadventures sparked by the battle over a powerful potion. Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and Industrial Light & Magic bring to life the fanciful forest turned upside down with world-class animation and visual effects.” So why hasn’t it been shown to anyone? (pg)

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015



Day Watch HHHH Director: Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted) Players: Konstantin Khabenskiy, Vladimir Menshov, Valeriy Zolotukhin, Mariya Poroshina, Galina Tyunina HORROR Rated R Timur Bekmambetov’s Day Watch is, of course, the even more ambitious follow-up to Night Watch. (A third film was announced, but it appears to be dead in the water.) Everyone from the previous film is back for more — and by that I mean more of everything. It’s bigger, it’s over a half-hour longer, the effects are grander, the mythology has been expanded, the plot is even more convoluted — and it certainly ramps up the goofiness quotient. The evident action-influence of the Wachowski’s The Matrix is more pronounced — sometimes to the point of outright silliness. But it’s undeniably entertaining — even if it’s finally a little on the overwhelming side. This round we add such things as the (dare I say it?) “chalk of fate,” a second “Great Other,” a parrot man, ever more complex personal relationships — all leading up to a huge, effects-driven set piece and a surprisingly simple but effective climax. Is it better than the first film? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s one hell of a wild ride. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Day Watch Thursday, Jan. 22, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Half Shot at Sunrise HHHH Director: Paul Sloane Players: Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Dorothy Lee, Edna May Oliver, George MacFarlane, Leni Stengel COMEDY Rated NR This early sound Wheeler and Woolsey comedy (their third) finds the duo in great form as they milk every possible gag and pun — and a few impossible ones, too — to be found in the service comedy format. Actually, until the last reels, it’s only slightly a normal service comedy, since our heroes are AWOL the entire time, running loose in WWI Paris, impersonating officers, hitting on women and dodging two of the dumbest MPs imaginable. Bert and Bob — playing Tommy Turner and Gilbert Simpson — find time for romance (Bert with Dorothy Lee, Bob with vampy Leni Stengel) and the occasional musical number. There’s a certain charm in the way that these numbers just happen with no buildup and with only the most tenuous connection to the plot. The choreography — apart from a number by the Tiller Sunshine Girls in a posh restaurant — ranges from simple to ... well, downright bizarre. (There’s a decidedly pre-code bit where Dorothy Lee perches on Woolsey’s shoulders, covering his head with her skirt, that includes the dubiously tasteful gag of him emerging gasping for air.) It’s all very silly, but good natured in its vaudeville manner. The Asheville Film Society will screen Half Shot at Sunrise Tuesday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Operation Crossbow HHHS Director: Michael Anderson (Around the World in 80 Days) Players: Sophia Loren, George Peppard, Tom Courtenay, Jeremy Kemp, Anthony Quayle, Lilli Palmer WAR DRAMA Rated NR Reasonably well-produced, fairly standard 1960s war movie (there seemed to be a new one every week through 1967, mostly thanks to the wildly popular The Guns of Navarone in 1961), Operation Crossbow (1965) was largely sold on Sophia Loren’s name (well, it was produced by husband Carlo Ponti). It was good business sense but not terribly honest. She doesn’t appear for about 50 minutes and only remains for maybe 20 minutes once she does show up. The whole film is kind of like that, since it spends nearly 30 minutes setting up the premise of the Nazis developing their rocket warfare and only then gets to the story and the appearance of George Peppard. Overall, this is a typical mix of history — the development of the V1 flying bomb and the V2 rocket — and a completely fictional story of Brit and American spies and saboteurs. It’s not bad, but for what is really a pretty silly story, it’s awfully downbeat stuff. And the idea that any German is going to mistake Peppard for a native speaker of the language is on the far side of far-fetched. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Operation Crossbow Sunday, Jan. 25, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2015


by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

The Wedding Ringer H DIRECTOR: Jeremy Garelick PLAYERS: Kevin Hart, Josh Gad, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Olivia Thirlby, Jenifer Lewis COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: A friendless groom hires a professional best man to help him with his wedding. THE LOWDOWN: A likable Kevin Hart performance isn’t enough to prop up this tired, hokey comedy.

I’ve come to realize, sitting down to write this review, that I have a complicated cinematic relationship with Kevin Hart. While I’ve hardly liked any of his movies, he’s grown on me as a performer. He can be a bit shrill and loud at times, but when he’s given the chance to rein it in, he can honestly be charismatic on screen. It’s become less of a wonder why his film’s have become so successful even though (besides last year’s interesting but negligible About Last Night) they’re usually pretty dire. And while I better understand the man’s appeal, there’s this sense that he’s bound to have a career of purely bad movies, never given the opportunity to break through beyond anything other than mediocre odd-couple comedies. That’s exactly what’s on hand with The Wedding Ringer, a film where Hart plays Jimmy, a man who provides professional wedding services, like pretending to be the best man to a friendless groom. In this case, he’s

hired by Doug (Josh Gad, Wish I Was Here), a nerdy, lonely man on the verge of marrying the woman of his dreams (TV actress Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting), but who has no groomsmen. So the fast-talking Jimmy’s paired up with the nebbish Doug and high jinks ensue. The humor consists of a lot of slapstick and such raunchy chestnuts as Doug getting a dead dog stuck to his genitals during a bachelor party. It also comes from the Adam Sandler school of random has-been celebrity cameos (been wondering how soggy Joe Namath looks these days? Very soggy) that are generally pointless. All of this is exactly as funny as it sounds, and in some cases it’s worse, like the idea that a guy’s stutter is worthy of a running gag all by its lonesome. It’s generally puerile, but this is no shock coming from a movie with as flimsy a concept as The Wedding Ringer. Thankfully, there is a heart to the film, though it’s not an especially surprising or convincing one — everyone learns about their true selves and grows and are all the better for it. It’s all as obvious and cheesy as it sounds, but it does give Hart a chance to play a genuinely sympathetic, well-rounded character, and he does well with it. But the imagination on display is so shallow that no amount of charisma could make The Wedding Ringer any better. At best, it gives a glimpse of his potential as a performer (as opposed to simply a box office draw) and a disappointing example of him being held back. Rated R for crude and sexual content, language throughout, some drug use and brief graphic nudity. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther


Teorema (Theorem) HHHH Director: Pier Paolo Pasolini Players: Silvana Mangano, Terence Stamp, Massimo Girotti, Anne Wiazemsky, Andrés José Cruz Soublette SURREAL ALLEGORICAL DRAMA Rated NR While this surreal — and sexually charged — drama is certainly nowhere near the most unsettling thing Pier Paolo Pasolini ever made (that would be 1975’s Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom), Teorema is high on the Not for Everyone list. It’s less that the film is upsetting (though some will find it so) than that this story of a mysterious stranger (Terence Stamp) who arrives out of nowhere to seduce — both figuratively and literally — an entire family is told in a ... well, unorthodox manner. It’s certainly thought-provoking in terms of content and form, but it should not be undertaken lightly. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Teorema (Theorem) Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

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fReewiLL astRoLogY

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Is there a patron saint of advertising or a goddess of marketing or a power animal that rules publicity and promotion? If so, I’m going to find out, then pray to them on your behalf. It’s high time for your underappreciated talents and unsung accomplishments to receive more attention. And I am convinced that the astrological moment is ripe for just such a development. Help me out here, Aries. What can you do to get your message out better? What tricks do you have for attracting the interest of those who don’t know yet about your wonders? Polish up your self-presentation, please. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): During his 67 years of life, Taurus-born Leonardo da Vinci achieved excellence in 12 different fields, from painting to engineering to anatomy. Today he is regarded as among the most brilliant humans who ever lived. “His genius was so rare and universal that it can be said that nature worked a miracle on his behalf,” said one observer. “He towered above all other artists through the strength and the nobility of his talents,” said another. Yet on his death bed, Leonardo confessed, “I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.” Typical for a Taurus, he underestimated himself! It’s very important that you not do the same, especially in the coming weeks. The time has come for you to give yourself more of the credit and respect you deserve. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Where you have been and what you have done will be of little importance in the coming weeks. Both your mistakes and your triumphs will be irrelevant. In my estimation, you have a sacred duty to spy on the future and reconnoiter the pleasures and challenges that lie ahead. So I suggest you head off toward the frontier with an innocent gleam in your eye and a cheerful hunger for interesting surprises. How’s your Wildness Quotient? If it’s in a slump, pump it up. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Will you ever find that treasured memento you misplaced? Is there any chance of reviving a dream you abandoned? You are in a phase when these events are more likely than usual to happen. The same is true about an opportunity that you frittered away or a missing link that you almost tracked down but ultimately failed to secure. If you will ever have any hope of getting another shot at those lost joys, it would be in the coming weeks. For best results, purge the regret and remorse you still feel about the mistakes you think you made once upon a time. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In the early 1300s, the people of the Mexica tribe had no homeland. They had wandered for centuries through the northern parts of what we now call Mesoamerica. According to legend, that changed in 1323, when their priests received a vision of an eagle eating a snake while perched at the top of a prickly pear cactus. They declared that this was the location of the tribe’s future power spot. Two years later, the prophecy was fulfilled. On an island in the middle of a lake, scouts spied the eagle, snake and cactus. And that was where the tribe built the town of Tenochtitlan, which ultimately became the center of an empire. Today that place is called Mexico City. Have you had an equivalent vision, Leo? If you haven’t yet, I bet you will soon. Go in search of it. Be alert. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): By the end of the 16th century, nutmeg was in high demand throughout Europe. It was valued as a spice, medicine and preservative. There was only one place in the world where it grew: on the Indonesian island of Run. The proto-capitalists of the Dutch East India Company gained dominion over Run and enslaved the local population to work on plantations. They fully controlled the global sale of nutmeg, which allowed them to charge exorbitant prices. But ultimately their monopoly collapsed. Here’s one reason why: Pigeons ate nutmeg seeds on Run, then flew to other islands and pooped them out, enabling plants to grow outside of Dutch jurisdiction. I see this story as an apt metaphor for you in the coming months, Virgo. What’s your equivalent of the pigeons? Can you find unlikely allies to help you evade the controlling force that’s limiting your options?


JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): According to my analysis of the long-term astrological omens, 2015 is the year you can get totally serious about doing what you were born to do. You will be given the chance to slough off all that’s fake and irrelevant and delusory. You will be invited to fully embrace the central purpose of your destiny. If you’re interested in taking up that challenge, I suggest you adopt Oscar Wilde’s motto: “Nothing is serious except passion.” Your primary duty is to associate primarily with people and places and situations that feed your deepest longings.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Have you triggered any brilliant breakthroughs lately? Have you made any cathartic departures from the way things have always been done? Have you thought so far outside the box that you can’t even see the box any more? Probably not. The last few weeks have been a time of retrenchment and stabilization for you. But I bet you will start going creatively crazy very soon — and I mean that in the best sense. To ensure maximum health and well-being, you simply must authorize your imagination to leap and whirl and dazzle. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The cassava plant produces a starchy root that’s used as food by a half billion people all over the planet. No one can simply cook it up and eat it, though. In its raw state, it contains the poisonous chemical cyanide, which must be removed by careful preparation. An essential first step is to soak it in water for at least 18 hours. I see this process as a metaphor for the work you have ahead of you, Scorpio. A new source of psychological and spiritual sustenance will soon be available, but you will have to purge its toxins before you can use and enjoy it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Italian composer Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) didn’t like to work hard, and yet he was also prolific. In fact, his desire to avoid strenuous exertion was an important factor in his abundant output. He got things done fast. His most famous opera, The Barber of Seville, took him just 13 days to finish. Another trick he relied on to reduce his workload was plagiarizing himself. He sometimes recycled passages from his earlier works for use in new compositions. Feeling good was another key element in his approach to discipline. If given a choice, he would tap into his creative energy while lounging in bed or hanging out with his buddies. In the coming weeks, Sagittarius, I recommend you consider strategies like his. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Each hour of every day, the sun offers us more energy than oil, gas and coal can provide in an entire year. Sadly, much of our star’s generous gift goes to waste. Our civilization isn’t set up to take advantage of the bounty. Is there a comparable dynamic in your personal life, Capricorn? Are you missing out on a flow of raw power and blessings simply because you are ignorant of it or haven’t made the necessary arrangements to gather it? If so, now would be an excellent time to change your ways. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Give up all hope for a better past,” writes Emily Fragos in her poem “Art Brut.” That’s generally sound advice. But I think you may be able to find an exception to its truth in the coming weeks. As you work to forgive those who have trespassed against you, and as you revise your interpretations of bygone events, and as you untie knots that have weighed you down and slowed you up for a long time, you just may be able to create a better past. Dare to believe that you can transform the shape and feel of your memories.

Arts/meDiA WickeD WeeD breWing seeks neW meDiA ProFessionAl Wicked Weed Brewing is hiring a professional to create photographic content and manage social media for our brewery. Our ideal candidate would possess professional photography education and experience, proficiency in social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and be a self-motivated worker who can adhere to marketing strategies and deadlines. Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator knowledge required. An appreciation for craft beer is a plus. Please send resumes to jobs@

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notice oF serVice oF Process by PublicAtion stAte oF north cArolinA, mcDoWell county IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION TO: DANNY LUTHER, the father of a juvenile: Jacob Matthew Redmon. The juvenile’s date of birth is August 5, 1997. 13 JA 110; In Re Redmon, Minor Juvenile NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS RE: ABUSE/NEGLECT/DEPENDENCY PETITION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been filed by the McDowell County Department of Social Services alleging that the above named juvenile is a dependent juvenile. You have a right to be represented by a lawyer at all

stages of the proceeding. If you want a lawyer and cannot afford to hire one, the Court will appoint a lawyer to represent you. You may hire a lawyer of your choice at any time, or you may waive the right to a lawyer and represent yourself. You may contact the Clerk of Court of McDowell County at (828) 655-4100 to ask for a court-appointed lawyer or for further information. The respondent mother, Cynthia Buckner, has been properly served and appeared in court. A pre-adjudication was held on December 30, 2014. An adjudication and disposition hearing will be held on January 26, 2015 at the McDowell County Courthouse (21 S. Main Street, Marion, NC 28752). You are required to answer the petition within forty (40) days of the first date of publication (written below), exclusive of such date, or your rights may be terminated. Further notices of hearing, and the date, time, and place of future hearings will be mailed to you on your filing of an answer if your whereabouts are then known. A subsequent order may, upon proper notice and hearing and a finding based on the criteria set out in N.C.G.S. § 7B-1111, terminate your parental rights as to the child involved: Name: Jacob Matthew Redmon Dates of Birth: August 5, 1997 County of Residence: McDowell County, North Carolina This the 21st day of January, 2015. Megan N. Silver McDowell County Department of Social Services Attorney PO Box 338 Marion, North Carolina 28752

clAsses & WorkshoPs clAsses & WorkshoPs

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Austin Powder Company Hiring at Asheville, NC office. Local Truck Driver CDL B/Shot Crew Member Duties Operate company vehicles to transport products to and from job sites. Loading/unloading product for delivery, which results in frequent lifting of 40-60 pound product bags or boxes. Assist with site and safety preparation. Perform labor support at job sites and location. Perform general maintenance of equipment. Able to work outside in all weather conditions Qualifications Class B CDL HAZMAT, Tanker & Air Brakes endorsements HS Diploma or GED 2+ years’ CDL driving experience. Must meet requirements of all State and Federal explosive laws. Benefits Medical / Dental / Vision 401(k) / Profit Sharing Apply at Click on Careers EEO/AA Employer/Vets/Disabled/Race/Ethnicity/Gender/Age

the new YoRk times cRosswoRd puzzLe

ACROSS 1 Homey 5 Talks like a tosspot 10 Corp. money execs 14 Subject of a court bargain 15 Spicy Eastern cuisine 16 “Nuts” director Martin 17 Hyperbole for an arduous task 20 “Two-L” beast 21 Writer ___ Rogers St. Johns 22 Oxymoron for cautious travel 27 Classic time to duel 28 Earn, as profit 29 Maritime alert 30 Rive Gauche’s river 31 Nada 32 Squash units 33 Pesky arachnids 34 Parks in 1955 news 38 Wired 39 Jiggly treat 40 Ending for a 10-Down 43 Flavoring for a French cordial 44 “Body Heat” director Lawrence

45 Litotes for beauty 48 Intentionally mislead 49 Like MGM’s lion 50 Simile for denseness 56 Leakes of reality TV 57 Play the siren 58 Hairy son of Isaac 59 Sweetie 60 Cheese choice 61 Exclamation that’s

a homophone of 53-Down DOWN 1 Printer resolution fig. 2 Pilot’s abbr. 3 Tightly interlocked 4 Many Spanish Armada ships 5 Tribal healer 6 “Last Days” actor Haas 7 Article in Le Monde 8 Prince William’s mil. branch 9 ___-Caps (movie theater candy) 10 Literally, “I believe” 11 Reporter’s questions, collectively 12 Opera with “Ave Maria”

edited by Will Shortz

13 Many pound dogs 18 Lake near Reno 19 Alice’s sitcom






No.1217 5







husband 17 18 22 Part of W.M.D. 23 Precisely, after “to” 20 24 Least fresh 25 Angler with pots 22 23 26 Some bunts, for short 27 31 “Hush!” 33 Avian mimic 30 34 Place to stop and 32 33 text, perhaps 35 Ancestor of Scottish 38 Gaelic and Manx 36 Many a Balkan native 40 41 42 43 37 Top-notch 46 38 Red River delta capital 45 39 Ebenezer’s ghostly 48 ex-partner 40 Far from shore 50 51 41 “Got it” 56 57 42 Eur. erupter 44 Gold standards 59 60 46 King Arthur’s father ___ Pendragon puzzle by STu OCKMAN 47 Talks like Don Corleone 52 London’s ___ Gardens 51 Number after a decimal: Abbr. 53 French friend


K i ds issue







16 19 21 24





31 34


39 44 47 49 52

53 58 61

54 Ending with nanny or spy 55 Scrabble 10-pointer, spelled out















Paul Caron

Publishes 03.18.15

Furniture Magician • Cabinet Refacing • Furniture Repair

Space Guarantee 03.11.15


• Seat Caning • Antique Restoration • Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828) 669-4625

• Black Mountain

JanuaRY 21 - JanuaRY 27, 2015


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