Food traditions in Asheville’s Eastern European community p.26 The Asheville Fringe Arts Festival Expands p.34
A community braces for new development p.8
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
January 29 - February 23
During my search for a new SUV, I stopped at one local car dealer that completely failed to listen to me. I left feeling disrespected and frustrated by the gimmicks and tricks. Luckily, I stopped by Harmony Motors to drive a Tiguan. I was absolutely wowed by the friendly staff, and that is not easy to do since I have been in customer service for 13 years. Harmony Motors made me feel welcome and best of all, they weren’t pushy and matched me with the perfect vehicle. As an MBA student and general manager for the freshly renovated Residence Inn Biltmore, it’s important that I have reliable transportation in all types of weather. And it drives like a sports car!
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
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Colliding vision As a development company plans to build a new subdivision in Riceville, the neighbors worry their rural community is changing for the worse. With the real estate market bouncing back, what does the resurrgence of development mean for the region?
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coveR design Lori Deaton map Courtesy of Coggins Farm LLC
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13 schooL’s back in Buncombe Commissioners approve $40.5 million for new Asheville Middle School
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
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staff RepoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan movie RevieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke
caRtoon bY RandY moLton
Mountain Mobility can do more I have never been to any of your cultural events, small restaurants, craft fairs, films, etc. You name it, I haven't been there. Ditto for places and events in Asheville CitizenTime’s Scene, or anything in the Mountain Xpress’ Go Local Guide. I have lived in Asheville for just over a year. Unfortunately, I can only travel by Mountain Mobility, and it doesn’t go anywhere except big-box stores, pharmacies (by special arrangement in advance) and medical appointments. In the past, I have done many years of volunteer work. Mountain Mobility doesn’t go there either, though I would like to do that again. Users of Mountain Mobility are not all seriously disabled. We are mostly retired, older people with a lot of time on our hands. We would like to patronize small businesses, bakeries, Pigsah Market, etc. We would also be willing to do volunteer work. The list of what we can’t do is greater than what we can, because of the limitations of Mountain Mobility. I am heartsick at the waste of my time, which could be put to good use — and at how little of Asheville I have seen in the last year — except from the window of a van. I don't know how many people Mountain Mobility transports each day, but there are many vans full, making dozens of trips. We all want to do more.
Maybe local businesses can put pressure on Mountain Mobility to change its ways. Media always want us to patronize local, but we can't. — Marilyn Bergen Asheville Hope Bleecker, transit program manager at Land-of-Sky Regional Council for Mountain Mobility, responds: Thank you for your letter to the editor of the Mountain Xpress regarding Mountain Mobility, Buncombe County’s community transportation system. Mountain Mobility has been operating in Buncombe County since 1989 and provides transportation services to older adults, persons with disabilities and limited general public transportation within the county. Last year, the service supplied 159,974 oneway trips, or an average of 597 trips per day. Mountain Mobility’s transportation service for persons over 60 years of age, which you referenced in your letter, serves medical appointments to and from origins and destinations anywhere within Buncombe County. Due to funding limitations, older-adult transportation services are geared toward helping individuals meet their daily living needs and maintain independence. The county applies for available federal and state public-transportation grant funding, provides significant matching funds and makes every effort to maximize transportation opportunities by coordinating
contRibuting editoRs: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Brandy Carl, Michael Carlebach, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Nick King, Jordan Lawrence, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins aRt & design manageR: Megan Kirby gRaphic designeRs: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton adveRtising manageR: Susan Hutchinson
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the use of over 20 funding sources. However, there are still limitations to the amount of funding that is available, which is part of the reason that some services may be either limited in scope or not available at all. The county does allocate some grant funds to support transportation for volunteers working with specific programs, such as the Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companions. The county has also provided grant and local funds to support other community transportation options. Buncombe County Council on Aging operates a “Call-A-Ride Plus” program, which assists with transportation needs through a pool of volunteer drivers. Also, Buncombe County offers an additional option for disabled persons who are unable to ride the city bus. The program is known as RIDE (Ridership Independence for Elderly and Disabled Persons).
We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by e-mail to letters@mountainx.com.
caRtoon bY bRent bRown
Many Mountain Mobility riders use the RIDE program on Sundays when the buses are not operating, as well as for certain trip purposes which aren’t currently served by Mountain Mobility. Please accept my sincere and unreserved apology for any inconveniences you may have experienced. I encourage you to please contact me directly at (828) 251-6622 so that we can talk more about Mountain Mobility and other transportation options.
Voice on transit My name is Tyshaun Johnson. I am a senior at Asheville High School, an employee at Ingles market and a part of the youth staff of the amazing nonprofit organization known as Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!). In addition to these things, I am also among the numerous ART transit riders calling for a reform to its operating policies. I am working with The People’s Voice on Transportation Equality, a group of concerned Asheville area residents that is championing the issue of transit reform in our community. This group, in coalition with various community partners, has gathered information from ART transit riders to get
Julie Mayfield, chair of Asheville’s Transit Committee, responds:
the true “voice” of the people, their actual needs and concerns through a survey completed by over 230 transit riders this summer. The People’s Voice on Transportation Equality created a 19-point agenda of things that need to be changed based on the responses from the survey. These points are focused on five major areas of change: making sure there is proper representation in decision-making from nonelective riders, making sure that planning prioritizes the needs of the people who use public transit out of necessity, advocating for equality in terms of a clean and safe bus system, supporting policies that are consistent, courteous, transparent and hold everyone mutually accountable and encouraging route reform focusing on the most efficient access for nonelective riders to meet their basic needs. So how can you, as a transit rider or concerned citizen, get involved? Contact City Council members and the Transit Committee to tell them you support this campaign. Visit justeconomicswnc.org to find out more. — Tyshaun Johnson Asheville
The city’s Transit Committee was pleased to receive the 19-point agenda at our Jan. 14 meeting, and we welcome the strong citizen support for improving ART that this work represents. Many of the issues raised in the agenda mirror the Transit Master Plan and Transit Committee’s priorities, and we look forward to working with representatives from The People’s Voice to advance our common goals. Where the agenda raises new issues, we will work together to address those in a way that makes sense for the City and ART riders. Again, we welcome this support for and involvement in improving ART, and we look forward to a positive partnership.
coRRection In the Jan. 8 news story “A Sea Change: Desegregating the Asheville City Schools,” we incorrectly referred to O.L. Sherrill as “she” rather than “he.” In the same story, we incorrectly reported that a 1969 riot at Asheville High School resulted in a citywide curfew for six months; the curfew was in place for three days.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Riceville resident charles Wykle says the creek that runs adjacent to his property often overflows its banks due to its location in a natural floodplain. In previous times of heavy rain, the water has risen high enough to flood Old Farm School Road and to knock over trees on the riverbank, Wykle says -- leading him to worry that runoff from a neighboring development would cause even higher waters and damage to his house and property. (Photo by Carrie Eidson)
Colliding visions coggins faRm pRoposal could BRing maJoR cHange to Riceville by Carrie Eidson | ceidson@mountainx.com
charles wykle has lived in Riceville for most of his life. His parents bought their property, on the now aptly named Wykle Road, around 1945 and built a house there six years later. In 1968, Wykle and his wife, eleanor, built another home where they raised their three daughters and where Eleanor died in 1999. “I know the property very well — every rock, nook and cranny all around here,” says Wykle. “It was a delightful place to grow up, for myself and for my daughters.” Wykle’s property adjoins a plot of land known as the Old Coggins Farm, on Old Coggins Place off Old Farm School Road. Owned by the Coggins family for more than two centuries, the largely untouched, 169 acre tract consists of gentle hills, streams and pastures resting in the shadow of Mount Mitchell. Now, however, it could be facing major change. After two years on the market, the property is under option, and an ambitious development proposal aims to create a substantial residential community in the midst of this rural area. Like much of the rest of the country, Western North Carolina experienced a real estate boom in the early 2000s that peaked, in the Asheville area, in 2007. But the following year, the bubble burst, and the market declined 8
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
sharply. Foreclosure rates rose, and many luxury home developments here filed for bankruptcy, leaving behind stalled construction, abandoned houses, environmental damage —and major hassles for people living nearby. Amid signs that the market is recovering, however, some observers say sites like the Old Coggins Farm may soon host a resurgence of residential development, with significant implications for neighboring residents. Big plans On Dec. 2, 2013, the Buncombe County Planning and Development Department notified Wykle and other neighbors that a developer, then called Case Enterprises LLC, had submitted a proposal for the Coggins property. Nine days later, the developer hosted a public meeting at the Riceville Community Center where lead developer david case addressed residents’ concerns. There was immediate opposition from some neighbors, who had long hoped to see the property placed in a land trust, says Wykle. But others had expected that the land would be developed and weren’t concerned about the plans — at first.
“When [Case] was talking about his initial development plan, I thought that was great,” Wykle recalls. “He started out saying he was only going to put 106 units in there. Then it became 200, 250. Now it’s 382 units: It’s highly dense.” The proposal the county Planning Board approved on Dec. 16 would allow Coggins Farm LLC (the developer’s current name) to build 382 units on the property, a mix of condominiums, single-family homes and retail space. The developers say their approach is unlike anything seen in the area before, emphasizing sustainability and responsible land use, and the Planning Board seemed to agree. The proposal passed unanimously, with board member Josh holmes calling it “everything we’ve been asking for.” Although the zoning would allow up to 12 units per acre based on the water/sewer capacity, slope and other topographical factors, the proposal calls for an average of fewer than three units per acre. The projected price per residential unit is less than $250,000, which the Planning Department considers accessible to average families. There are also plans for a community school, greenhouses and condominiums designed to help seniors age
“My family has lived on Old Farm School Road for 60 years. ... Many of us, if not all of us, live there because it is isolated, because it is rural.” Riceville Resident lauRa cRuzeR
The current plans for Coggins Farm show a mixed-use development with residential homes, greenhouses, retail spaces and a school in the northeast corner. Charles Wykle’s property can be seen adjacent to the southeastcorner of the site. (Courtesy of Coggins Farm LLC)
in place. The houses would be arranged in a cluster formation, allowing less acreage per home but more open space and agricultural land for the entire development. But nearly all the Riceville residents who packed the conference room on Dec. 16 expressed concern over the decision. They believe the Planning Board overlooked many flaws in the proposal, including increased traffic on their serpentine rural road and more runoff into the floodplain that sits below the western end of the Coggins property, adjacent to Wykle’s land. Already, notes Wykle, it will “flood every time there’s heavy rain,” and he fears that even the minimal construction planned for that area could create a dangerous situation. Beyond these concerns, some residents say the development represents a fundamental change that would undermine the very reasons they chose to settle in Riceville. “My family has lived on Old Farm School Road for 60 years,” Laura cruzer told the Planning Board. “People who live on Old Farm School Road, many of us, if not all of us, live there because it is isolated, because it is rural.” copper coggins, the property’s current owner, declined to be interviewed for this story. At the Planning Board meeting, however, she said: “I do want to apologize to my neighbors for selling the property. It has been in my family for a long time, and I know it’s shocking to them that I would sell it to a developer. I don’t happen to have the same feelings about developers as some of them: My father was mountainx.com
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
“The idea ... is that you focus the density in one area and you preserve around it. ... In reality, it’s preserving a lot more land than if we [developed] one-acre home sites.” coggins faRm llc paRtneR andy BakeR
a developer. ... I actually think he would be very impressed with this.” Coggins, says Wykle, “has been a good neighbor. She and her family are precious people. She has every right to sell her land.” But Wykle feels the proposed project just doesn’t fit the area. “There are other developments here, but the houses are single dwellings. Then this comes. I want to see a reasonable residential development — not packed in. This is a little town.” Since the Planning Board meeting, Wykle has organized additional community meetings, and residents are considering how to communicate their concerns to the county commissioners, who will consider the proposal on Feb. 4. The plan includes rezoning a section of the property Public Service to allow for commercial development, which the Planning Board also approved. Wykle and other residents say this only increases their concern about the changing face of their neighborhood. a diffeRent model “We understand there have been a lot of developers that have come from out of state and sort of mucked things up, and we carry — the field of development carries — that baggage,” says Case. Case started out building affordable housing in Hartford, Conn. But in 1996, he says he “experienced a calling” that led him to Tucson, Ariz., where he worked as lead developer for Civano, a planned community on the outskirts of the city. Case describes the project as “800 acres of green town, built from the ground up” by Civano Development Co. The now defunct Tucson Citizen reported that the project was billed as “the first master-planned sustainable development in the United States.” “It was, up until [the Old Coggins] project, the most powerful thing I’d ever been involved in, in terms of taking a philosophy and an idealism and making it work,” notes Case. “It’s a tough business, but that’s how I get inspired; that’s what I’ve been looking for.” The developer says he’s been visiting Asheville for 20 years and chose the Old Coggins site in part because of its proximity to town and to Warren Wilson College. Case and his partners say this project, like Civano, will be different from anything done before: gentle to the land while incorporating principles of “affordability, sustainability and entrepreneurship.” “The underlying tenet here is ‘What does it take for a rural community to thrive?’” Coggins Farm partner Jan correa explains. “For us, it’s around a respect for the environment; it’s around intellectual stimulation and not being bored out in the rural areas, but having access to a university and other things we hope to provide on the site — what we’re calling an ‘innovation center’; and it’s the ability to financially sustain yourself and your family in whatever state you are in life.” Correa, who says her background is in “nonprofit and social enterprise endeavors,” stresses that the community won’t have gates or a golf course but will offer entrepreneurial opportunities, senior housing and intellectual stimulation “to keep you growing and learning no matter where you are.” Another partner, andy baker, has worked in Asheville and the Carolinas before and says he’s well aware of the kinds of problems that can plague developments, having done “the backside of cleaning up these projects that failed.” The Old Coggins Farm project, Baker maintains, won’t have that kind of impact, because the development will be concentrated on 80 of the 169 acres, and fewer than 400 units will be built on a property that could, according to the zoning, accommodate 2,029. “It’s our belief that folks want to move to rural settings, and there’s a few ways to do that,” notes Baker. “One is to continue the kind of growth that’s already out there, which are these large home sites slowly spreading out from town. With the kind of unit count and number of homes that we plan to do, you’d be looking at between 300 and 400 acres of space being chewed up in these rural settings. The idea, says Baker, “referring back to a European hamlet, is that you focus the density in one area and you preserve around it. By having this density in one area, in reality, it’s preserving a lot more land than if we were to continue with the development model of one-acre home sites.” 10
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
interaction among neighbors. Some smaller local developments, she notes, have The vision, says Case, calls for “marrying the idea of living close to agriculture, already done this. raising some of your own food, being connected to Warren Wilson and the 25 miles of “We don’t have anything like that that’s been done on a bigger scale, with the trails — always on the discipline that the price tag in the end has to be affordable to exception of parts of Biltmore Park. My hope is this development will be that exammost people in Asheville.” ple of how you can create a new development out in the country that is something But some Riceville residents have questioned both the developers’ commitment to other than the one house per half-acre or acre model, which is what we tend to have.” the promised environmental protections and their financial solvency, citing Case’s Mayfield also feels it’s possible for developments to preserve a community’s rural history with Civano. feel. For example, by surrounding the construction with green space, so neighbors According to the Tucson Citizen, that development was conceived as a solar comand people driving by aren’t forced to interact with the development unless they munity, and at least one Tucson City Council member criticized Civano for failing choose to enter it. to deliver on the innovations it promised. There were also financial troubles — RGC “This region is growing, and we have to figure out a way to accommodate the Tucson, one of the builders hired to erect housing units on the site, defaulted. Case people who are coming here in a exited the project in 1999, selling way that is consistent with our envihis shares to the Federal National ronmental values, and which steps Mortgage Association. His partner, lightly on the land,” Mayfield asserts. Civano Co. President kevin kelly, “Theoretically the kinds of things [the sold the remainder of the shares to Fannie Mae in 2000. Coggins Farm] development is talkBut Arizona Daily Star reporter ing about doing are heading in the tom beal, who covered the project right direction. And theoretically that 15 years ago, says Civano, subsecan all get obliterated if the developquently completed by another firm ment is so big that it has to sacrifice hired by Fannie Mae, is doing well some of its plans or has such a density now. “It’s a lovely community today, that it overwhelms the local roads.” but they did have some rough spots mike figura, who owns in the beginning,” says Beal. Mosaic Community Lifestyle Realty, The Coggins Farm partners, howsays he’s been monitoring real estate ever, say they know what they’re trends in Asheville and Buncombe getting into and will be developing County for more than 10 years, and the property in stages, rather than he’s skeptical that the Coggins Farm spending a large sum up front to cremodel represents the new standard. ate infrastructure on the entire site. Figura says the median home “A lot of these projects that failed, sale price in the county leveled off after they ran into surprises,” notes Baker. the crash and hasn’t changed much “There’s unexpected significant expensince, due in part to below-market sales ditures, and a lot of the time that’s of homes in struggling luxury subdirelated to infrastructure and things visions. Meanwhile, city prices have they just hadn’t anticipated in developalmost returned to the 2007 level, he Mike Figura’s residential real estate sales analysis shows median home sale prices by ing mountains. With this project it’s notes, reflecting a heightened interest year for both the city and the county. He says the county’s numbers have been slow a very gentle grade, and we’re only in urban real estate. to recover since leveling out in 2009. Meanwhile, an increased interest in city real developing 80 acres — not 1,100 acres, “The trends we’re seeing estate is allowing those prices to increase. (Courtesy of Mike Figura) like The Cliffs. With the phased develacross the country we’re also seeing opment, we’re talking about 10 or 15 in Asheville,” says Figura. “Cities acres at a time, so it’s very minimal.” are outperforming rural areas. Most As for funding, Case says he and people want to live in the city.” his partners are in “active discusDue to the limited availabilsions” with lenders who will respect their vision. “This is going to take a lot of ity of suitable lots, large-scale projects within the city limits are forced to go vertical, money,” he concedes. “We’re going to the kind of money that isn’t interested in absoFigura explains. That leaves single-family-home subdivisions looking toward the lutely maximizing every square inch of the property.” county, and he’s not convinced that the next generation of those projects will be all “Raising money is hard; it’s always been hard,” continues Case. “And in the end, that different from the large-acreage gated communities of the previous decade. we’ve always managed to do it.” “We’re seeing a lot of luxury developments in Florida raising back up, and we’re usually a couple years behind Florida,” he points out, citing the recent acquisition of sustainaBility vs. luxuRy The Cliffs communities by the Jacksonville, Fla.-based Arendale Holdings as perhaps signaling a resurgence in the luxury-housing market. Meanwhile, the local real estate market seems to be reviving after the 2007 collapse, “I don’t think it’s going to come roaring back, but I don’t think that market is and some land-use experts say the Coggins Farm project may be part of a larger shift dead,” Figura maintains. “I think there’s been a change in mindset but not a funaway from the gated luxury communities of the recent past. damental change. People have short memories.” “We’ve noticed a sharp uptick in the last six months of this year, with development The Buncombe County Commissioners are slated to consider the Coggins Farm coming back,” notes county Zoning Administrator Josh o’conner. “But it’s coming project Feb. 4, and in the meantime, Case says his company will continue to hold back different than it was before the bubble burst.” town meetings as part of its pledge to deal openly with the community. O’Conner says the Planning Department is seeing less estate-style development Ron ainspan, Coggins’ partner, says he hopes the community will find a way to than it did in 2007 and ’08 and more focus on younger homebuyers rather than retirwork with the developers and “not worry about the worst but look for the best of ees, more primary rather than second or third homes. many possible outcomes.” He says he’s talking with Case about ways to reduce the While “sustainability” has become a buzzword among developers, so far no one has number of housing units, preserve more green space and use the site to foster local done anything locally on the scale of what the Coggins Farm project promises, says Julie agricultural projects, though these ideas will depend on economic factors. mayfield, co-director of the Western North Carolina Alliance. “Asheville already has a lot “There is an opportunity for really heartfelt conversations,” says Ainspan, adding of the gated communities, the big-houses-on-a-mountain developments, and we also have that he’ll be available to his neighbors if they have questions or concerns. a lot of infill development. What we don’t have a lot of is brand-new communities being Meanwhile Wykle says he and his neighbors will petition the commissioners built with an eye towards community and sustainability.” to postpone a decision to give the residents more time to get organized. “I want Mayfield, whose organization tracks land-use and environmental issues in the everyone’s perspective to be heard,” he explains. “I’d like to see the commissioners region, says it’s possible to incorporate sustainability into design through things decide this on the facts.” X like cluster development and having homes face common areas to encourage mountainx.com
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
‘Transportation with representation’ Activists push for overhaul of Asheville transit system A citizens’ activist group, People’s Voice for Transportation Equality, presented an agenda for an overhaul of the Asheville Transit System to make it more responsive to its riders at a rally Jan. 14. The group is calling for late-night and Sunday service, more representation in the decision-making process and more accountability, among other changes. About 30 people held signs, chanted “better buses together” and marched to the Transit Committee meeting, where they reiterated their push for changes to the system. Many rely on the bus for transportation. calvin allen said the group started meeting in Fall 2012, coming out of Just Economics’ Voices for Economic Justice Leadership Training Program. He mentioned that elderly people who where displaced by some of the transit route overhauls were a major motivation for their work, and emphasized that the bus system needed to represent their voices too. “We [need to] focus on the ability of people to get to work, to get food,” he said. vicki meath, executive director of Just Economics, said the group is focused on working with city staff and committees “to build a better bus system together.” bella Jackson said the group had talked extensively with bus riders and drivers in shaping its recommendations into 19 points, dubbed “The People’s Agenda on Transportation.” “We combined the data with our personal experiences to come up with this agenda,” she said. “Our No. 1 thing is to have Sunday bus service. When we talk about our experiences as workers, something that always comes up is that people have been fired because the person who was supposed to give them a ride on Sunday didn’t show up one time. People have lost so many jobs over not having reliable bus service on Sunday.” samantha simpson noted that her family of five has relied on the
betteR buses: People rallying on behalf of a 19-point overhaul of the Asheville Transit System this afternoon. Their demands included increased service, more representation for those who rely on the system and more transparency. Photo by Michael Carlebach
bus system since their van broke down last April. “There is no way to be on time when riding the bus; how can we be productive if we’re never on time?” she said. “It’s kind of hard when you have a toddler, a stroller and groceries to get around town.” At the committee meeting, Jackson presented their points and said they hoped to work further with them to get their goals accomplished, especially emphasizing the need for Sunday and increased late-night service in the coming year’s budget, noting that workers who get off late can end up forced to spend a significant part of their pay on a cab or even sleep outside. “It’s just not a workable situation right now when Asheville has a large service-based economy,” she said. “It’s simply not debatable; we need this.”
She added that without a reliable public transit system, even getting access to groceries for many people is difficult. Jackson also emphasized more representation of non-elective riders on city committees and a more fair complaint process. Committee Chair Julie mayfield thanked the group for their work and said she’s in the process of setting up a meeting with them to address their concerns in more detail. Roy harris, a Southside resident who’s ridden the bus since his retirement, told the committee that he had also heard of people losing their jobs because of issues with the transit system. “I didn’t realize how much people depended on it for their livelihoods,” Harris said. “My ears were opened as to how people perceive transit.” To read the whole 19-point People’s Agenda on Transportation, go to avl. mx/04g. X
by Jake Frankel
251-1333 ext. 115
School’s back in After nearly a year of debate, Buncombe County commissioners voted unanimously Jan. 14 to spend $40.5 million to build a new Asheville Middle School. City school officials have long pushed to replace the aging building at 197 S. French Broad Ave, which was built in 1965. They cite a long list of problems with the existing structure, from unsafe corridors and inefficient windows to insufficient classroom space. State law charges county governments with funding the capital needs of local public schools. And the board’s move authorizes the county to finance the construction costs beginning July 1, which significantly bumps up the project on the county’s capital plan. Until now, commissioners had tentatively planned to delay funding a new AMS building until 2018. In June, commissioners voted to spend about $20 million on building a new Isaac Dickson Elementary School, which the city school system also had been pushing to replace. At that time, Buncombe County Manager wanda greene advised commissioners that financing both schools at the same time would be prohibitively expensive. But Greene expressed no such reservations about funding the middle school project at the Jan. 14 meeting. In fact, she encouraged commissioners to amend the original funding ordinance on the meeting’s agenda to include authorization for the school. “I’m going to ask you to go a step further than what we originally discussed,” she said. “What I’m asking you to do is go ahead and adjust the documents. … We are asking that you do a ‘not to exceed’ on the Asheville Middle School so we can go ahead and get that in our planning and not have to come back to the board. ... That way we’ve got everything wrapped up and legal.” Commissioners obliged without expressing any concerns. After the meeting, Commissioner mike fryar, who had questioned the price tag of the building last year, told Xpress, “I’m OK about it. They needed something for a little while.” The initial proposal unveiled by the city school system last March
Buncombe Commissioners approve $40.5 million for new Asheville Middle School
a-b tech constRuction
in design: The new Asheville Middle School design aims to facilitate a safer and more collaborative learning environment. The building will be flanked by green space along S. French Broad Ave. Image courtesy of Clark Nexsen Architecture & Engineering
estimated the new middle school would cost nearly $47 million. Greene praised school officials for working with architects since then to bring the price down by roughly $6.5 million. “A lot of good work’s been done on that project,” she said. The main change designers made in order to save money was scrapping a large auditorium from the plans, according to charlie glazener, executive director for Community Relations at Asheville City Schools. Instead, the new school will include a “gymnatorium” that will be able to accommodate large gatherings when it’s not being used as a gym. The only member of the public to speak during a Jan. 14 public hearing on the issue was Candler resident Jerry Rice, who said he supported the move. “We certainly appreciate the support the city schools are getting, because they deserve it. It’s
been a long time coming,” he said. Meanwhile, after the meeting, Commissioner holly Jones, a longtime advocate of replacing the school, celebrated the move. “I’m very grateful to my colleagues,” she told Xpress. “The need speaks for itself. It’s time. It’s exciting, it’s great.” Asheville City Schools interim Superintendent bobbie short welcomed the news. “We are delighted to receive the funding, and it’s going to be such a plus for the entire community,” she said. Glazener added that he thinks putting the funding on a faster track will ultimately save taxpayers money. “It seems like a really smart thing to do because it saves money on the escalation of construction costs,” he said. Construction of the new school building will likely begin in July, according to Glazener. It will hopefully be ready for students by August of 2016 “if everything goes according to plan,” he says.
The funding ordinance also finalized $122 million in financing for a range of major capital projects that commissioners had previously approved, including A-B Tech. The plan finances $73 million for construction at the community college that will eventually be paid back with a quarter-cent sales tax that voters narrowly approved in 2011. That’s down from the $83 million in projects the school originally proposed, Greene reported. The majority of the money will go towards constructing a new Allied Health Building, parking garage and conference center, noted Fryar, who also serves on the school’s board of directors. Fryar was a fierce critic of the quarter-cent sales tax, but now he says he’s “comfortable” with the construction. “That’s a savings of where we were, but they’re coming out with a great deal overall,” he said. Commissioner brownie newman added: “It’s going to be a great project for the future of A-B Tech. You’re going to get a lot of value.” The ordinance also authorized the county to refinance some of its previous debt, saving about $4.2 million over the next 20 years due to less expensive interest rates now available, said donna clark, county finance director. Since 2012, Buncombe County has had a AAA credit rating from Standard and Poor, “which allows us to make these substantial investments at a remarkably low borrowing rate,” said Newman. X
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. daY-bY-daY caLendaR is onLine Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx.com/events.
Calendar Deadlines fRee and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t find YouR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
aRt in discouRse: UNCA will host its fifth annual Drawing Discourse, a juried exhibition of contemporary drawings, through March 17. Juror Tim Lowly, a Chicago-based artist, and native of Hendersonville, will show 37 of his works including Culture of Adoration seen here. (p. 14)
fRee Listings onLine (best) http://www.mountainx.com/events/submission e-maiL (second best) calendar@mountainx.com fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in peRson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. e-maiL marketplace@mountainx.com. fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in peRson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Art Layers • an exhibit of abstract watercoLors by Mick DoneLan (pd.) View now through Sunday, February 16, Junction Restaurant, 348 Depot Street, River Arts District, open Tuesday-Saturday, 5pm-closing, Sundays, 10:30am-2:30pm. 225-3497 or theJunctionAsheville.com aMerican foLk art anD fraMing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. Info: amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (1/22) - Work from selftaught artists from the Southeast. art at brevarD coLLege Info: brevard.edu/art or 884-8188. • Through FR (2/21) - Sculpture by Kyle Lusk, associate professor of art, on display at the Spiers Gallery. art at Unca Info: unca.edu. • Through MO (3/17) - Drawing
Discourse, a juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. Held in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • TH (1/23), 6pm - Large-scale installation artist, Ledelle Moe, will discuss her concrete sculptural installations and art-making practice. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. art at wcU Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm. Info: fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through MO (3/31) - Good Thoughts Better by Edward J. Bisese.
noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/children under 4 free. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • ONGOING - Rebels With a Cause, a traveling exhibition of artwork from the Huntsville Museum of Art. • Through SU (3/9) - Cityscapes, paintings by Ben Aronson. • FR (1/24), noon-1pm - Lunchtime Art Break: discussion of Rebels With A Cause. • SA (1/25) through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • SU (1/26), 3pm - Guest curator Dr. Leisa Rundquist of UNCA will give a gallery talk.
asheviLLe area arts coUnciL gaLLery Located at 346 Depot St. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 11am-4pm. Info: ashevillearts.com or 258-0710. • Through FR (1/24) - A Girl and A Gun: Asheville Artists Cope With Love and Death, a multimedia exhibit.
asheviLLe gaLLery of art Located at 16 College St. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-5:30pm; Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: ashevillegallery-of-art.com or 251-5796. • Through FR (1/31) - Colors of Jazz by Eileen Ross.
asheviLLe art MUseUM Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 10am5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise
beLLa vista art gaLLery Located at 14 Lodge St. Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs.: 11am-4pm; Fri. & Sat.: 11am-5pm. Info: bellavistaart.com or 768-0246.
• Through FR (1/31) - Works by Karen Jacobs and photographs by Paul Owen. bLack MoUntain center for the arts Located at 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 10am5pm. Info and cost: blackmountainarts.org or 669-0930. • Through (1/24) - Clay studio exhibit and ceramics sale in the Upper Gallery. bLUe spiraL 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through FR (2/28) - Tara, the Twenty-One Praises, works by C. Shana Greger. • Through FR(2/28) - Surreal sketches by Ronald L. Ruble • Through FR (2/28) - New Works, contemporary mixed media referencing the natural world. • Through FR (2/28) - New to the Third, mixed media debut works.
foLk art center Located at MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hours: 9am-6pm, daily. Info: craftguild.org or 298-7928. • Through TU (1/28) - Book arts by Annie Fain and fiber wearables by Martha Owen will be on display in the Focus Gallery. hoteL inDigo 151 Haywood St. Info: boutiquehotel-asheville.com or 239-0239. • ONGOING- Paintings by Lelia Canter, Kathleen Kelley and Emily Shields explore human and animal relationships. Opening reception: Jan. 22, 5pm. seven sisters gaLLery Located at 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: noon5pm. Info: sevensistersgallery. com or 669-5107. • Through SU (3/16) - Acrylics and oils by Bridgette MartinPyles. transyLvania coMMUnity arts coUnciL Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: tcarts. org or 884-2787. • Through FR (1/24) - Art with Heart, works by clients of Transylvania Vocational Services.
aUDitions & caLL to artists asheviLLe art MUseUM • Through (3/1) - Submissions open for Prime Time: Annual New Media, which will display as part of Moogfest. Guidelines and info: ashevilleart.org. bLUe riDge coMMUnity coLLege • MO (1/27) & TU (1/28), 7pm - The Drama Department at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock, will hold open auditions for Dearly Departed. Info: 694-1839 or facebook.com/brccdrama. hickory Downtown DeveLopMent association • Through TU (4/1) Submissions open for Downtown Hickory Art Crawl. Info: bsinclair@bellsouth.net or 322-1121.
ncwn writing contests The North Carolina Writers' Network is nonprofit literary arts service for writers of all stages. Info and submission guidelines: ncwriters.org • Through (1/30) - Submissions open for the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize. Winner receives $1,000 and possible publication in The Thomas Wolfe Review. $25/$15 members. • Through FR (2/15) Submissions open for the 2014 Doris Betts Fiction Prize. First place: $250 and publication in the NC Literary Review. $20/ $10 members. transyLvania coMMUnity arts coUnciL • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Interwoven, Feb 4; Outdoors, March 4; Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. writers' workshop events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 2548111 or twwoa.org. • Through FR (2/28) - WW will accept submissions for its 25th Annual Poetry Contest. $25.
benefits aLtrUsa internationaL schoLarship fUnDraiser • TU (1/28), 11am-7pm - 17th Annual altrusa international Soup & Cornbread Scholarship Fundraiser, First United Methodist Church, 556 S Haywood St., Waynesville. $8/$4 children. Info: waynesvillealtrusa.org. benefit for hoMiny vaLLey crisis Ministry • SA (1/25), 8-10am - A pancake breakfast to benefit hominy valley crisis Ministry of abccM . Held at Fatz Cafe, 25 Spartan Ave. $7. Info: abccm.org or 667-8467. Leaf schooLs anD StreetS • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - Wine tasting and jazz, to benefit Leaf schools and Streets, a local arts education program, will be held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info: theleaf.org or Jocelyn@theLEAF.org. psychic fair fUnDraiser • SA (1/25), 10am-3pm Fortune readings and other
activities to benefit Sacred Mountain sanctuary. Held at Masonic Lodge, 80 Broadway St. $25. Info: SacredMountainSanctuary.org. taste of opera • SA (1/25), 6pm - Taste of Opera, to benefit Asheville Lyric opera, will feature music, art, wine and food. Held at the Crowne Plaza Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive. $50-$75. Info: www.ashevillelyric.org or 236-0670.
bUsiness & technoLogy asheviLLe Makerspace • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Asheville Makers meets to discuss projects and welcome new volunteers. Held at Top Floor Studio Coworking, 9 Walnut St. Info: ashevillemakerspace. org. gooDwiLL career cLasses Info and registration: 2989023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-12pm Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required. Meet the geeks bi-MonthLy sociaL • WE (1/29), 5:30-8:30 Business and IT professionals will meet to share knowledge and develop partnerships. Held at Scully’s, 13 Walnut St. Info: info@meetthegeeks.net. riverLink events Info: riverlink.org or 252-8474. • TH (1/23), 10am-noon "Starting a Better Business" will discuss starting a business in the French Borad River Watershed. Held at RiverLink's Warehouse Studios, 170
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
Lyman St. Free. Registration required.
Classes, Meetings & Events 60+ Men's Group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - A social group for men age 60+. Meets at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Info: 275-6396. Acting Classes at NYS3 • MO (1/20) through TH (1/30), 6-10pm - NYS3 will hold youth/ adult acting classes covering skills to utilize future performances in productions, film, singing or voiceover. Held at the 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O. All levels welcome. Free. Info: info@nys3. com. Cribbage Gathering • MONDAYS, 6pm - A cribbage game will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: peter.ely@ gmail.com.
Hot Chocolate 10K WHAT: Seventh Annual Isaac Dickson Hot Chocolate 10K, Kids 1K Hill Climb and Marshmallow Dash. WHERE: Isaac Dickson Elementary School, formerly the William Randolph School building, 90 Montford Ave. WHEN: Saturday, Jan. 25, 8 a.m. Registration and info: hotchocolate10K.com or 301-3071. WHY: This is the seventh Hot Chocolate fundraiser for the Isaac Dickson Elementary School PTO. Previous Isaac Dickson Hot Chocolate 10K events have raised $75,000, according to Tim Grotenhuis, race director. Last year, $15,000 was raised, Grotenhuis said. Some of it helped pay the cost of students who could not afford to take part in school activities. Other funds helped pay for classroom supplies. The seventh running of the Isaac Dickson Hot Chocolate 10K and Kids Hill Club is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 24. The 10K race
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2014
is limited to 1,150 runners. The 1K Kids Hill Climb is limited to children 12 and under (although parents can run along side). New this year: the Marshmallow Dash for those 6 and under. “Also new this year, we are going to have a Kidz Zone winter carnival with pottery painting, a balloon fairy, a bouncy castle and more,” Grotenhuis said. “Even if a child chooses not to run, they can participate in the winter carnival instead.” Grotenhuis started the event in 2008, when his then first-grader started at Isaac Dickson. “I had been a race director in the past for the Asheville Track Club (Thomas Wolfe 8K),” he said. Awaiting each runner at the finish line is a steaming cup (or two) of hot chocolate as a tasty post-race treat. “Who doesn’t feel all warm and happy thinking about drinking yummy hot chocolate after playing outside in the snow?” Grotenhuis said. Pre-race events include a chocolate party on Jan. 23 and a pasta dinner on Jan. 24. Race packets will be handed out at these events.
MLK Jr. Events at UNCA A series of special events will celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Info: 251-6585 or msp.unca.edu. • TH (1/23), 7pm - Marc Bamuthi Joseph, founder of Youth Speaks and Life is Living, will deliver the keynote speech in the Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. • FR (1/24), 8pm - Spoken Word and Poetry Slam. Held in the Highsmith University Union. Free. MLK Jr. Events At WCU Western Carolina University will host a variety of free events to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Info: wcu.edu. • WE (1/22), 7pm - Melissa Harris-Perry, political science professor at Tulane University, will give the keynote address in the A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Western Carolinians for Peace and Justice • FR (1/24), 3:15pm - Western Carolinians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East will meet at Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. Info: elizakeiser@aol.com. Western North Carolina Carvers • SU (1/26), 1:30-4pm - WNC Carvers will meet at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Open to non-members. Info: 665-8273.
Youth OUTright A group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth ages 14-23 led by trained facilitators. Straight allies also welcome. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St., unless otherwise noted. Info: youthoutright.org. • THURSDAYS, 5-6:30pm Poetry night. • SU (1/26), 4-6pm - A discussion of American LGBTQ History from the 20th-21st Century
dance: 7-10pm. $5. Info: mountainshagclub.com. Waynesville Recreation Center Located at 550 Vance St., Waynesville. Info: 456-2030. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/19), 7-8pm - Waltz classes. $10 per class. Info: 316-1412 or 356-7060. • MONDAYS through (2/17), 7-8pm - Texas 2-Step classes. $10 per class. Info: 316-1412 or 356-7060.
Eco Comedy Disclaimer Comedy Info: disclaimercomedy.com. • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - StandUp Lounge open mic at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Weekly stand-up at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10 includes a glass of wine. Info: disclaimercomedy.com.
Dance Beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville. com Studio Zahiya, Downtown Dance Classes (pd.) Tuesday 8:15am 30 Minute Workout, 9am Hip Hop Workout Dance, 6pm Beginner Bellydance, 7pm Bellydance 2, 8pm West African • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout, 6pm AfroBrazilian, 7pm Video Vixen Hip Hop • 8pm Hip Hop • Sunday 3pm Yoga for Dancers • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya. com :: 828.242.7595 English Country Dance • SU (1/26), 4-6:30pm - Hosted by Old Farmer's Ball at the Homewood Event and Conference Center, 19 Zillicoa St. Beginners' lesson: 3:30pm. $6/ $5 members. Info: 2308449 or oldfarmersball.com. Mountain Shag • TUESDAYS - The club meets at Fred's Speakeasy, 2310 Hendersonville Road, Arden. Free lessons: 6:30-7pm. Main
ECO Forum • TH (1/23), 6:30pm - Environmental and Conservation Organization will hold a public forum on NC's environmental protections. Held at City Operations Center, 305 Williams St., Hendersonville. Info: eco-wnc. org. Urban Farming Series Local experts will teach workshops on backyard sustainability. Sponsored by the Hendersonville Community Coop, 715 S. Grove Street, Hendersonville. Info: 693-0505 or hendersonville.coop. • SA (1/25), 1-3pm Vermicomposting workshop.
Food & Beer Wine Making Class • WE (1/29), 7pm - Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St., will hold an introductory wine making class. $10. Info: metrowinesasheville.com.
Gardening Tailgate Markets • SATURDAYS: • 9am-noon - Jackson County Markets Market, 23 Central St., in the Community Table. Through March. • DAILY: • 8am-5pm - WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Year-round.
Government & Politics The French Broad River MPO A partnership between local and state governments that makes decisions about transportation planning in urbanized
JOHN’S areas. Info: brmpo.org. • TH (1/23), 12:30 pm - A board meeting and public hearing will be held at the Land of Sky offices, 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 130.
kiDs bLack MoUntain center for the arts Located at 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.Fri.: 10am-5pm. Info and cost: blackmountainarts.org or 669-0930. • TH (1/23), 4:30-5:30pm Beginning Hip Hop for 6 to 10 year olds. Registration required. • TH (1/23), 3:30-4:30pm Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. Registration required. • SA (1/25), 9am - Ballet classes. Registration required. • MO (1/27), 5-6pm - Tween Dance class. Registration required. hanDs on! Located at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. $5 admission/ free
Boulders • Retaining Walls Grading • Landscaping SEE WHAT MY CLIENTS SAY:
will lead a six-week series of arts & crafts classes. Ages 3 to 5. $10 per session.
for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: handsonwnc.org or 697-8333. • TUESDAYS, 11am - Mad Scientists Lab. $7, includes admission fee.
pisgah astronoMicaL research institUte Located at 1 PARI Drive, Rosman. Info: 862-5554 or pari.edu. • TU (1/28), 6-8pm - SciGirls will learn how insulation affects the temperature of a structure. Ages 9-14. $10.
Responsible Site Work at Reasonable Prices
song o' sky chorUs (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 pM song o' sky chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803 Asheville's premier a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky.org 1-866-824-9547
riverLink earth Day art anD poetry contest For preK-12 grade students. Categories: 2D, sculpture, photography, bookmark art and poetry. Info: riverlink.org/ earthdaycontest.asp. • Through WE (3/19) - Open to students throughout the French Broad Basin.
MUsic at Unca Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: 251.6432. • WE (1/22), 7pm – Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal in the Reuter Center. Free. • TU (1/28), 7:30pm - The Department of Music faculty showcase. $5. • WE (1/29), 7pm – Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal in the Reuter Center. Free.
speLLboUnD chiLDren's bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • TUESDAYS through (3/6), 10-11am - Artist Paige Childs
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
communitY caLendaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Discussion of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Held in the Reuter Center. • FR (1/24), 11:25am - "The Question of Universal Rights: Revolutions Across the Atlantic." Lipinsky Auditorium. • MO (1/27), 3pm - “Getting Global Responsibility on the ‘Rights’ Track." Karpen Hall. • MO (1/27), 11:25am "Egypt." Lipinsky Auditorium. • 11:25am - "What Middle Ages? The Golden Age of Muslim Civilization." Humanities Lecture Hall.
a taste foR opeRa: Asheville Lyric Opera will hold “Taste of Opera Winter Gala” on Saturday, Jan. 25. The fundraiser will include food from local chefs, previews of arias from the upcoming season and a silent auction. (p. 15)
MUsic at wcU Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu.edu or 227-2479. • SU (1/26), 5pm - The Galaxy of Stars Series will present "Smokey Joe’s Café," a song and dance revue $20/$15 WCU employees/ $5 students and children. • MO (1/27), 7:30pm - Finnish and American music performed by pianist Randal Johnson. Held in the Coulter Building. Free. • TU (1/28), 7:30pm - Faculty Showcase Concert in the Coulter Building. Free. pan harMonia An artist collective that performs genre-spanning music. Info: pan-harmonia.org. • SU (1/26), 5pm - Baroque Vibes will perform at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway. $20/$15 advance/$5 students. white horse bLack MoUntain Located at 105C Montreat Road. Info: whitehorseblackmountain.com or 669-0816. • FR (1/24), 8 pm - The LowDown Sires, jazz. $12. • SA (1/25), 8pm - Akira Satake, banjo player, and Duncan Wickel, violinist, will perform. $18/$15 advance/$10 students.
• SU (1/26), 7:30pm - Guitarist Karl Werne will perform. $10.
oUtDoors aDULt LeagUe kickbaLL • Through SA (3/15) Registration open for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation's adult kickball league. Info: jay. nelson@buncombecounty.org or 250-4269. assaULt on bLack rock registration • Through SU (3/22) Registration open for the "Assault on Black Rock" a 7-mile trail race up Black Rock, in Sylva. Proceeds benefit the Community Table, a nonprofit food pantry. $30/$25 advance. Info: barwatt@hotmail.com or 506-2802. events at rei Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: rei.com/asheville or 687-0918. • WE (1/29), 6-8pm - A handson class on bike maintenance. $40/$20 members. Registration required. Lake JaMes state park 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (1/25), 3pm - Park Ranger Kevin Bischof will explain how to tell reptiles from amphib-
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
ians. Meets at the Catawba River Area park office.
pUbLic LectUres events at caroLina Day Located at 1345 Hendersonville Road, Asheville. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 274-1244. • WE (1/22), 6:30pm Speaker Dan Meyer discusses “Why Students Hate Word Problems." preservation society events The Preservation Society of Asheville & Buncombe County promotes and supports the preservation of the historic, architectural and cultural resources of Asheville and Buncombe County. Info: 2542343 or www.psabc.org. • SA (1/25), 1:30-3:30pm - A presentation on a local historic mansion and its founder. Held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St. pUbLic LectUres at Unca Events are free unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • TH (1/23), noon - Alumna Amarra Ghani discusses working on NPR's “The Race Project.” • FR (1/24), 11:25am - "Post Colonialism/Cold War." Humanities Lecture Hall. • FR (1/24), 11:30am -
astro-coUnseLing (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. asheviLLe coMpassionate coMMUnication center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5-6:15pm. aQUarian conscioUsness feLLowship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. MinDfULness MeDitation cLass (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com asheviLLe insight MeDitation (pd.) introDUction to MinDfULness MeDitation Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation
practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com MinDfULness MeDitation (pd.) "asheviLLe insight MeDitation Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com aiM MeDitation cLasses (pd.) "ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. ashevillemeditation.com/ events, (828) 808-4444" asheviLLe open heart MeDitation (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, http://www.heart-sanctuary. org asheviLLe spiritUaL raDio • satUrDays, 1pM (pd.) “Guidance For Your Life” a talk show that explains spiritual wisdom. We guide you through the process of incorporating spiritual lessons into your daily life. 880AM. 880therevolution.com a coUrse of Love • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Held at 1765 Hendersonville Road. Free with donations encouraged. Info: selfandsensibility@gmail. com or 508-4013 center for spiritUaL Living asheviLLe Located at 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: cslasheville.org or 231-7638. • SUNDAYS, 11am "Celebration of Life," an inspirational and musical celebration of faith. Free. eckankar center of asheviLLe Located at 797 Haywood Road, W. Asheville. Info: eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775.
• SU (1/26), 11am-12:30pm - Spiritual Laws of Life Workshop, “The Law of Progressive Continuation.” Free. grace LUtheran chUrch 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/26), 5:45-7pm - “Death and Resurrection of the Messiah” class. Free. Optional dinner 4:45pm. $5. Registration required • 4th MONDAYS, 12:1512:45pm - Open sanctuary prayers. • TUESDAYS through (3/4), 6:15-8pm - Short Term Disciple Bible Study. Registration required. $13. great tree Zen teMpLe Located at 679 Lower Flat Creek, Alexander. Info: greattreetemple.org or 645-2085. • Last SUNDAYS, 10:30amnoon - Dharma teachings led by Rev. Teijo Munnich. groce UniteD MethoDist chUrch • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm- A Course in Miracles, an open Bible study group. Meets at Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Road. Free. Info: 712-5472. henDersonviLLe first congregationaL UniteD chUrch of christ Located at 1735 5th Avenue W. at White Pine St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-8630 or fcchendersonville.org. • FRIDAYS through (1/31), 10am- "Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth and the Rise of Humanity," a modern day creation story told in DVD-based lectures. Free. kirtan cereMony • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm Kirtan with Sangita Devi will be held at Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St. $10$15. Info: sangitadevi.com. spiritUaL DeveLopMent 101 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Spiritual Development 101 will teach participants how to develop spiritual gifts. Free. Info and directions: mountaintwin@yahoo.com or 808-3879. the eLeMents of transforMation with pana coLUMbUs • FR (1/24), 7-9pm - Elements of Transformation with Pana Columbus. Held at French Broad Food Co-op's
Has your relationship broken down? Running a little sluggish?
Movement & Learning Center, 90 Biltmore Ave. Free. the shaMbhaLa MeDitation center Located at 19 Westwood Place. Info: shambhalaashvl@ gmail.com or 490-4587. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - A Dharma reading and discussion. Free. Info: asheville. shambhala.org. woMen's bibLe stUDy at the cove • TUESDAYS through (2/25), 9:45am & 6:30pm - Women's Bible study will be held at The Cove, 1 Porters Cove Road. Free.
spoken & written worD DaMn Love • free reaDing • JasMine beach-ferrara (pd.) Fiction writer Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, will read from her collection of short stories, Damn Love (2013), Thursday, January 23, 7pm, in the church at All Souls Cathedral in Biltmore Village, with a reception and book signing to follow in the cathedral's Parish Hall. • A 2010 NEA Literature Fellow, Beach-Ferrara has published stories in American Short Fiction, Crazyhorse, The Harvard Review and other publications. • She is a minister in the United Church of Christ and the executive director of the Campaign for Southern Equality, which promotes LGBT rights in the South. Beach-Ferrara's reading is an offering of the Kay Falk Literary Project. For more information, please contact Emilie White at 828-274-2681.
book signing • SA (1/25), 1-3pm - KarenAnne Stewart will sign copies of Saving Rain. Held at Barnes & Noble, 1 Town Square Blvd. bUncoMbe coUnty pUbLic Libraries Library abbreviations - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482)
n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • TH (1/23), 6pm - Book Club: My Reading Life by Pat Conroy. sw • FR (1/24), 4-5:30pm - Teen Awesome Group for ages 11-17. wv city Lights bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • SA (1/25), 3 pm - Local author Tami Rasmussen will present Murmur. firestorM cafe & books Located at 48 Commerce St. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: firestormcafe.com or 255-8115. • WE (1/29), 7pm Photographer Tod Seelie, author of Bright Nights: Photographs of Another New York, will sign copies of his book. highLanD books 277 N. Broad St., Brevard. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: highlandbooksbrevard.com or 884-2424. • TU (1/28), 5-7:30pm - Megan Shepherd will present
THE RELATIONSHIP MECHANIC her young adult book The Madman's Daughter. MaLaprop's bookstore anD cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • FR (1/24), 7pm- Sarah Addison Allen will discuss her new novel, Lost Lake. • SU (1/26), 3pm - Lucy Daniels will discuss her memoir Walking with Moonshine: My Life in Stories. • MO (1/27), 7pm - Politics of Food book club. • TU (1/28), 7pm - James Scott's will discuss his debut novel, The Kept. • WE (1/29), 7pm - Jeaniene Frost will sign copies of Up From the Grave, from her Night Huntress series.
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speLLboUnD chiLDren's bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story time. Ages 2-6. • WE (1/29), 5pm - First in a Series Club: Spirit Animals #1: Wild Born by Brandon Mill. For grades 4 to 6.
theater asheviLLe fringe arts festivaL A theatre festival focusing on cross-genre and avant-garde performances. Tickets available at Firestorm Books & Cafe, 48 Commerce St. $12 per show; all-access passes also available. Info & schedule: www.ashevillefringe.org. • TH (1/23) & SA (1/25), 9pm Two short plays, Fat Reserves and Don't Trust Anyone Under 30, at The Odditorium, 1045
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
communitY caLendaR
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Young scientists: Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) will hold SciGirls, a monthly program that is part of a national effort to engage girls 9-14 in science. This month’s meeting, held on Tuesday, Jan. 28, will feature architect Stephanie Holland who will teach girls about insulating buildings. (p. 17)
Haywood Road. • TH (1/23) & SA (1/25), 7pm - The Man with the Birdcage on his Head, a theatrical memoir by Steve Samuels at The Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road. • TH (1/23) & SA (1/25), 9pm Table Six by Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road. • TH (1/23), 10pm - Magnetic Fringe Night at The Dirty South, 41 N. Lexington Ave. • TH (1/23) through SA (1/25), 7pm - LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour meets at corner of Coxe Ave. and Commerce Ave. • TH (1/23) & SA (1/25), 7pm - The Fringe Dance Showcase at The Bebe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. • TH (1/23) & SA (1/25), 9pm - Rope Burn by Anam Cara Theater Company at The Bebe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. • FR (1/24) & SA (1/25), 9pm - Pitchin' the Tent by Tia Nina, a rock music and dance performance, at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road. • FR (1/24), 7pm & SU (1/26), 4pm - The Tiny Wonder Alphabet Show, a variety show by Valerie Meiss and Ian Moore at The Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road. • FR (1/24), 9pm & SU (1/26), 6pm - The Bog a play by
Julian Vorus at The Bebe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. • FR (1/24), 7pm & SU (1/26), 4pm - Wham! Bam Puppet Slam at The Bebe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. • FR (1/24), 9pm & SU (1/26), 6pm - Gonzo: A Brutal Chrysalis, a play about Hunter S. Thompson's early career at The Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road. • FR (1/24), 10pm - After party at 5 Walnut, 5 Walnut St. Free to attend. • FR (1/24) & SA (1/25), 7pm Path by Viscera Dance Theatre at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road. • SA (1/25), 10pm - After party at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road. perforMances at Diana worthaM theatre Located at 2 South Pack Square. Info: dwtheatre.com or 257-4530. • TH (1/23) through SA (1/25), 8pm - Intersections presents Dirty Barbie and Other Girlhood Tales. $22/$18 students.
thriving chiLDren chiLDren first/cis • ONGOING - Children First/ CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elemen-
tary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Info: childrenfirstbc.org, facebook.com/SuccessEquation or 768-2072. connect prograM • MO (1/27) through MO (3/31) - St. Gerard House's 10-week Connect program invites elementary through high school students to learn how thoughts, actions and reactions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: jenniferlaite@yahoo.com or 693-4223. ‘becoMing a Love anD Logic parent’ • MONDAYS through (2/17), 6-8pm - Child Abuse Prevention Services will offer “Love & Logic,” a six-week parenting course. Held at 50 S. French Broad Ave. Free. Info: mary@childabusepreventionservices.org or 254-2000.
voLUnteering asheviLLe city schooLs foUnDation • ONGOING - The Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks volunteers to tutor/mentor students (K-12) in need of support. Volunteer opportuni-
ties available Mon.-Fri., 8am6pm. Info: jay@acsf.org or 350-6135. aUrora stUDio & gaLLery • ONGOING - Aurora Studio, a planned collective art space for artists affected by mental illness, homelessness and/or addiction, needs volunteers for planning fundraisers in 2014. Info: aurorastudiogallery.com or 335-1038. big brothers big sisters of wnc The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. Info: bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • Through TH (1/23) - Former participants of Big Brothers Big Sisters are invited to "Reunite Now," an event to match former Bigs and Littles from WNC and other parts of the country. Contact the agency or jamyed@bbbswnc. org for more information. • ONGOING - Volunteers 18 and older are needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, such as sports, local attractions, etc. Volunteers age 16 and older are needed to mentor one hour per week in schools and after-school sites. • TU (1/28), noon- An information session will be held at United Way Building, 50 S French Broad Ave., in room 213. charLie's angeLs aniMaL rescUe • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs are involved. Info: foster@wncanimalrescue.org or 885-3647. girL scoUts of caroLinas peaks to pieDMont • ONGOING: Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont seeks volunteers, especially troop leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts is required. Must be 18 or older. Info: girlscoutsp2p.org or 800-672-2148. grace LUtheran chUrch 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • SU (1/27) through SU (2/2) - Volunteers needed for "Souper Bowl of Caring," to help those in Henderson County who need food. A can
of soup and a dollar are suggested.
mjuliesherman@gmail.com or 251-4949.
Literacy coUnciL of bUncoMbe coUnty The Literacy Council works to increase literacy and English language skills. Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: volunteers@ litcouncil.com or 254-3442. • ONGOING - The center is seeking volunteers to tutor in two of its programs: Adult Education, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling, and The Augustine Project, where tutors help improve academic performance and self esteem in lowincome children testing under grade level. Previous teaching experience is not required.
the rathbUn center • ONGOING - The Rathbun Center, which provides free lodging for patients and their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. Info: rathbuncenter. org or 251-0595.
Loving fooD resoUrces LFR is an all volunteer special needs food pantry that provides food and personal care items to persons living with HIV/AIDS or in Home Hospice care with any diagnosis. Info: admin@lovingfood.org or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Loving Food Resources needs volunteers Tue. 9-11am, Wed. 9-11am, Fri. 9am-noon and Sat. 9am11 and/or 11am-2pm. Help is needed with stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food box delivery, sorting, internet related tasks, graphic design and office assistance. Manna fooDbank • ONGOING - MANNA FoodBank seeks volunteers to work in its warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening shifts available. Info: mannafoodbank.org, mgruber@mannafoodbank.org or 299-3663, ext. 245. proJect LinUs • ONGOING - The local chapter of Project Linus, a nonprofit which donates handmade blankets to children in crisis, seeks volunteers to create blankets. Knitted, crocheted, quilted, no-sew fleece or flannel blankets will be accepted. Info: 645-8800. reaD to sUcceeD asheviLLe • SA (2/8) - A volunteer info session for Read to Succeed Asheville will focus on inschool literacy coaching for at-risk children in kindergarten through grade 3. Coaches work one-on-one with an Asheville elementary school student. Orientation meeting: feb. 8. Free training: feb. 11 through March 8. Info:
western north caroLina heaLth aDvocates • TU (1/28), 6 pm - A volunteer training session for Patient Pals and Family Friends peer support program will be held at Park Office Building, 70 Woodfin Place, Suite 232. Info and registration: tj.wncha@gmail.com or 243-6712. wnc aiDs proJect An organization providing resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: wncap.org or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers need for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women living with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/ Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required.
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yMca reach & rise Mentoring prograM • ONGOING - Adult volunteers needed to mentor a child once a week for one year. Mentees are students in the YMCA's at-risk afterschool programs. Training provided. Comprehensive background check required. Info: ymcawnc.org or 210-2265. ywca Located at 185 S. French Broad Ave. Info: 254-7206. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required. caLenDar DeaDLine The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. weDnesDay, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Sign of the times New Hours:
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It was one of her first assignments, and Rebecca poulter was nervous. “When you’re first starting out, it’s like, ‘How can I do this and make this clear?’” she remembers. Poulter was asked to attend a Boy Scout meeting and interpret for a young boy who was deaf. She remembers feeling surprised when one of the Scout leaders made a joke. Everyone was laughing — including the boy — thanks to Poulter’s interpreting. “He got it and laughed along with everybody else,” she says. “He wasn’t left behind.” In 2010, it was estimated that more than 32,000 people over the age of 18 are deaf or have some form of hearing loss in Buncombe County. That number has likely gone up in the last few years, according to kathleen speckhardt, the interpretingservices specialist at the Asheville Regional Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Heredity, medications, high fevers, overexposure and loud noises can all cause hearing loss. And sometimes, people don’t know the cause. Such is the case with marilyn edwards, who works in the same office as Speckhardt as the telecommunications consultant. Edwards lost her hearing at an early age due to nerve damage from uncertain causes. She’s hardly alone. Indeed, a host of local groups and organizations exist for folks who are deaf or hard of hearing, such as the Ashevillebased Smokey Mountain Deaf Club. Edwards is the secretary for the club, which serves as a “social, cultural and educational gathering for our Western North Carolina deaf community,” she says.
w w w. s t i l l p o i n t w e l l . c o m l 8 2 8 . 3 4 8 . 5 3 7 2
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
dawn dRusin, left, and bLaine cRockfoRd discuss coffee at BattleCat Coffee Bar in West Asheville.
In 2010, 16.2 percent of adults in North Carolina were living with hearing loss. By 2030, this number is expected to grow to 41 percent. According to a study published in the Journal of American Medical Associations in 2010, hearing loss is particularly on the rise among teenagers. With more than 1 million people who are deaf and hard of hearing in North Carolina, the state has a total of 450 licensed interpreters — 32 of them are located in WNC. dawn drusin has been interpreting in the Asheville area since 2006. She has an educational interpreter performance assessment (EIPA) certification and is one of the few interpreters in the region who is qualified to interpret classroom content. For some assignments, Drusin will spend Monday through Friday interpreting the teacher’s instruction for a student who is deaf.
North Carolina has two residential schools for deaf students, in Morganton and in Wilson, but the state used to have a third. In 2000, the Central N.C. School for the Deaf in Greensboro was closed due to declining enrollment. This means more children who are deaf are learning alongside hearing students in a “mainstream” classroom setting, which, Drusin says, only heightens the need for professional interpreters. “Without a qualified interpreter, the deaf child in the mainstream classroom is not getting the amount of education they need,” she says. “A deaf child should have just as much education as any other mainstream child.” Education is only one area of focus on a long list of situations and events that may call for an interpreter. Drusin, for example,
has interpreted in classrooms from preschool to college and at parent-teacher meetings. She has also interpreted at doctor’s appointments, staff meetings and counseling appointments. She interpreted at the Avett Brothers concert in 2010 at the Civic Center and for an Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventure. She has helped people buy cars and purchase eyewear. Hospitals sometimes call her in the middle of the night for sicknesses, traumas, pregnancies and surgeries. “Any time someone who is deaf wants to access a service that is accessed by anybody, if they want that service too, they can request an interpreter,” Speckhardt says. Interpreters are not always the first option, she says, but it is usually better for people who are deaf and hard of hearing to have them. It is the responsibility of the person or the venue providing the service to pay for the interpreter. If someone is refused an interpreter, they have the right to file a complaint with the Department of Justice. “Some people just don’t understand it’s an accommodation that is necessary,” Speckhardt says. “It’s like wheelchair ramps, but this is an upfront cost, rather than a hidden cost.” Everyone has their own preference for how to communicate, and this preference should be respected, according to Poulter, who says that it is a common misconception that those who are deaf and hard of hearing can read lips. “There are some folks who don’t have experience with the deaf community,” she says. “It might be a long time before you meet someone who is deaf. ... It is often thought, ‘Well, can’t they read lips?’ No, not
everybody’s the same. Sign language might be their first language.” Interpreting is no easy gig, and those in the field are held to high expectations. After receiving either an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree in interpreting, interpreters take an assessment tool to determine their skill level. After starting work as an interpreter, they maintain their certification through regular reassessments, according to N.C.’s licensure law. “The law makes sure that people, agencies and companies know they are hiring qualified interpreters,” Edwards says. The qualifications and certifications of interpreters have been brought into question more often in light of the fraudulent interpreter incident at the Nelson Mandela memorial service, according to Speckhardt. “It puts doubt on [interpreters] when people are hiring, and that’s sad,” she says. “But some good has come of it, because people are asking if they are hiring qualified deaf interpreters.” Interpreters must also follow a code of conduct, says Speckhardt, which includes standards like only accepting a job you are qualified for, which, she notes, the interpreter at Mandela’s service failed to do. Another ethical code that interpreters must adhere to is maintaining impartiality. “We don’t insert our opinions [when interpreting],” Poulter says. “We have to be true to the message.” The role of the interpreter is to keep everyone on the same page, she says. “Equal access is important. Everyone should be an equal participant and know what’s going on, can enjoy and participate, whether it’s in the classroom, the doctor’s office or in community projects.” X
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Diet Dilemma-Hallmarks of a Quack Diet 1. WHO came up with the diet? Check to see if the person(s) who designed the diet graduated from an accredited university program in any field of study that would require training in nutrition. 2. WHY did they come up with the diet? Is the diet just a revamped version of an older diet like “Low Carb”? Is the efficacy of the diet is based solely on personal testimonies of a few individuals and not on nutrition science or research? 3. WHAT does the diet advocate? Does the diet eliminate whole food groups without regard to replacing nutrients that might be lost when those foods are cut out of a diet. e.g. “No dairy products” - but with no provision for how you can get calcium? 4. HOW long? Does the diet promise unrealistic and unhealthy weight loss in a short period of time? Safe weight loss is generally considered to be 1-2 pounds per week. 5. HOW do you burn calories? Is there is little to no emphasis on exercise? Does the diet claim the weight will “just fall off!”?. 6. WHAT’s for sale? Does the diet attempt to sell or promote products like supplements or diet aids that can only be obtained from the creators of the diet? (See #1 to figure out who benefits from this scheme!) Bottom Line: A weight loss diet is only as good as your willingness and ability to stick with it until you lose the weight The best diets are eating plans that reduce calories yet provide balanced meals with a variety of food from all food groups and emphasize exercise. The goal is for you to lose weight slowly but safely and maintain that weight loss.
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
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yoga for the eyes (pd.) Fridays, 10:45-12:00—Natural vision improvement through Yoga, Qigong and the Bates Method. Nourish & Flourish, 347 Depot St. River Arts District. All Levels. Instructor: Nathan Oxenfeld. $12. integraleyesight.com a new year for fitness • WE (1/29), 6:30-7:30pm - Michael Chapman, a naturopathic doctor, will give a public lecture on how get motivated and stick with those New Year's resolutions. EarthFare, 1856 Hendersonville Road. afforDabLe care act cLass Council on Aging classes explain how the Affordable Care Act works. Free. Info and reservations: coabc.org or 277-8288. • WE (1/29), 4-5:30pm - Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview. asheviLLe coMMUnity yoga center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga.com. • WEDNESDAYS through (1/29), 6-7:30pm "Yoga for Trauma," a four-week series, will teach techniques to manage the effects of stress and trauma. All levels. $40. • THURSDAYS through (2/6), 6-7:30pm - "Yoga For Weight Loss," a 4-week series. $40. eating sMart Moving More These classes, sponsored by the Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Service, teach preparation of healthy and affordable meals. Registration and info: Margaret_ruff@ncsu.edu or 255-5522. • THURSDAYS (through 3/6), 10am-11:30am Meets at Montmorenci Methodist Church, 89 Old Candler Town Road, Candler. Free. register by Jan. 28. first congregationaL UniteD chUrch of christ Located at Fifth Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. Info: fcchendersonville.org. • SU (1/26), 9:15am - A session to develop ideas for future adult forums. gUiDeD MeDitation cLass • FRIDAYS, 3:45-4:30pm - Hyphen Coffehouse, 81 Patton Ave., will host a guided mediation class, open to all levels. Free with donations encouraged.
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Sunday January 26th 6-9 pm Jubilee! 101 Patton Avenue Explore the Lower World $45 The Lower World is an exploration of your deep soul work—your purpose throughout multiple lifetimes. On February 9, join us for Upper World exploration of the spirit realm. For more information or to register, visit www.AwakeningAsheville.com or phone 828-280-7003
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Living heaLthy with a chronic conDition workshops Sponsored by Land-of-Sky Regional Council, these 6-week workshops are for people living with a chronic disease and their caregivers. Registration is open for the first two weeks. $30 suggested donation. Info: livinghealthywnc.org or 251-7438. • THURSDAYS (through 2/13), 1-3:30pm - Held at Laurelwood Apartments, 650 Caribou Road. Registration required. • MONDAYS (through 2/17), 2-4:30pm- Held at CarePartners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration required. narrative MeDicine training session • MO (1/27), 6pm - Session for healthcare professionals interested in developing their attention and empathy strengths. Held at Lenoir-Rhyne University, 36 Montford Ave. Free with donations encouraged. Info: thehealingseed.com or 407-4268.
reD cross bLooD Drives Info: redcrosswnc.org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • SA (1/25), 10am-2:30pm - Skyland First Baptist Church, 2115 Hendersonville Road, Arden. Info or appointment: 684-7214. • SU (1/26), noon- 4:30pm - Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N.Main St., Weaverville. Appointments and info: 656-2161. • MO (1/27), noon-4:30pm - Candler Elementary School, 121 Candler School Road. Appointments and info: 670-5018. • TU (1/28), 2:30-7pm - Beverly Hills Baptist Church, 777 Tunnel Road. Appointments and info: 299-9233. stroke screening at Mission heaLth • SA (1/25), 7:30-11:30am - Mission My Care Plus, 1388 Sandhill Road, Candler will hold a stroke screening with individual health counseling and health information lectures available. Info and registration: 213-9961. type 1 Diabetes workshop • SA (2/1), 2:30-5:30pm - JDRF will host "How to Care for a Type 1 Diabetic" workshop at Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry, 10B Yorkshire St. Registration required by Jan. 28. Info: ltai@jdrf. org or 704-561-0828.
sUpport groUps aDULt chiLDren of aLcohoLics & DysfUnctionaL faMiLies ACOA is an anonymous 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: adultchildren. org. • FRIDAYS: • 7pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS: • 8:30am - First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • SUNDAYS: • 3pm - The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. • 3pm - Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde • MONDAYS: • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. aL-anon / aLateen faMiLy groUp A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS: • 11:30am - Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville • 5:45pm & 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS: • 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road • 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock • 8pm, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road, Fletcher • FRIDAYS: • noon - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Brevard • 1pm - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 8pm Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swann St. • SATURDAYS: • 9am &10am; - First Baptist Church Annex, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • 10am - First Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin • 10am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 10am - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. • noon - First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. • SUNDAYS: • 5pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road.
• MONDAYS: • noon - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva • 8pm - Ledger Baptist Church, 208 Church Road, Bakersville. • 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. • TUESDAYS: • 10am - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden • 4pm Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. • 7:30pm - St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 256 East Main St., Brevard • 8pm - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. asheviLLe aLcohoLics anonyMoUs AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Info: ashevilleaa.org. • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. care for aging parents • MO (1/27), 5-6:30pm - Meeting for anyone caring for, or concerned about, an aging parent. 1 Hospital Drive, Room 4402. Info: coabc.org or Jerri Jameson at 213-4815 or 775-7213. Debtors anonyMoUs 12-step recovery on issues of underearning, debt and learning to live one's vision in life. Info: debtorsanonymous.org. • MONDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. Depression anD bipoLar sUpport aLLiance: Magnetic MinDs • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Magnetic Minds provides self-help through weekly, peer-facilitated support meetings. Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road, across from the West Asheville BB&T. Free. Info: MagneticMinds.weebly.com or 367-7660. eMotions anonyMoUs: asheviLLe • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Emotions Anonymous offers a 12-step program for anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road. Info: 631-434-5294. heart of recovery MeDitation groUp • TUESDAYS, 6pm - "Heart of Recovery," a meditation and discussion group that integrates meditation practice with any 12-step recovery program will be held at Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville, 19 Westwood Place. Meetings are anonymous and confidential. Free. Info: asheville.shambhala.org MeMorycaregivers network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • 4th TUESDAYS, 1pm - Meets at First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. Men's working on Life issUes • MONDAYS, 6-8pm. Men's Support Group. Seeking men in Asheville ready to do real work on life issues. 90 Zillicoa Ave. Info: 686-5590 or 683-7195. nar-anon faMiLy groUps A group for relatives and friends who are concerned about the addiction or drug problem of another. Info: nar-anon.org.
N at u ra l
narcotics anonyMoUs of wnc NA provides support to men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Local helpline: 866-925-2148. Info: wncna.org. • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx.com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. nationaL aLLiance on MentaL iLLness NAMI offers support to people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Located at 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite. 207. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS: 11am - Connection Group at the NAMI office, 356 Biltmore Ave.
Asheville Arden Hominy Valley
St ore
Support group for couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recovering-couples.org. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Unity Church Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road. Meets every other week. Info: crimsonmanzanita@yahoo. com.
s-anon faMiLy groUps • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexaholism. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: wncsanon@gmail.com or 258-5117.
647 Haywood Rd. • W.Asheville 253-4747 • thelittlestbirds.com
sMart recovery A peer support group to help individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 407-0460. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Crossroads Recovery overeaters anonyMoUs Center, 440 East Court St., Marion. Info: 925A fellowship of individuals who are recover8626 ing from compulsive overeating. A 12-step • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - St. Andrew Celtic program. “Acupuncture does more than just treat health Church, 850 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. • THURSDAYS: • noon - Biltmore United and emotional problems,Info: it shows 273-0256exactly where the root of the Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. issue- resides restores balance patient’seating health and Info: 277-1975 • 6:30pm Cox House,and 723 N. t.h.e. center to forthe DisorDereD Grove St., Hendersonville. Info: 329-1637. life.” St. Info: thecenternc.org or 297 Haywood • FRIDAYS: • 10am- Biltmore United 337-4685. Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Group Info: 277-1975. for teens ages 15-17. • SATURDAYS: • 9:30am - 424 W. State St., More weLLness events onLine Black Mountain. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS: • 6pm - First Congregational Check out the Wellness Calendar online UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 516-650-5626. • 6:30pm at www.mountainx.com/events for info on - Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 events happening after January 29. Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 800caLenDar DeaDLine 580-4761. The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Grace Episcopal p.m. weDnesDay, one week prior to pubChurch, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 609-731lication. 0808. • 5:30pm - First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva. Info: 508-2586.
Ba by
recovering coUpLes anonyMoUs
• WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 891-8050. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road.
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Eastern Europe meets WNC Food traditions in Asheville’s Eastern European community
bY gina smith
gsmith@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 107
In a series of stories, Xpress is exploring the cold-weather food traditions of some of Asheville’s ethnic communities. This installment takes a look at the culinary customs of Asheville residents who hail from Eastern Europe. A fish in a fur coat. It sounds like an image from a surrealist painting, but when talking about traditional winter foods, this is the first thing that would come to mind for many members of Asheville’s large Eastern European community, says Vadim Apolka. Called shubo or selyodka pod shuboi in Russian, “herring under a coat” is a layered salad of salted herring, green onions and shredded boiled beets and potatoes wrapped in a blanket of beet-infused mayonnaise. It is very popular around Christmas and New Year’s, possibly due to its red, white and green color scheme, says Apolka, owner of the Eastern European food store and café, Euromarket, in West Asheville. But Apolka says his children, who have grown up here, do not consider this dish a favorite — festive appearance and whimsical name notwithstanding. “They are not too keen on herring,” he says. Apolka emigrated to the U.S. with his wife Tanya from their native Belarus 16 years ago. In 2005, he opened Euromarket to provide a taste of the old country to the thousands of Slavic immigrants who have chosen Asheville as their home. These families, he says, brought with them food traditions rich with the flavors of smoked sausage, fish and bacon; vibrant with earthy vegetables like beets, carrots and potatoes; and sweet with decadent cakes and fruitfilled desserts.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
heaRtY faRe: Euromarket owner Vadim Apolka says sausage and smoked whole fish are two items that sell well to his Eastern European customers in the winter months. Photo by Margaret Williams
In the winter months, Apolka says, his customers tend to buy a lot of whole smoked mackerel and salmon; fancy Western European cakes and pastries, such as the multilayered Napolean; and salmon caviar, which is a popular party food. And, he says, a ubiquitous dish any time of year, but especially in the cold months, is pelmeni, a smaller, Russian version of Polish pierogi. The dumplings are traditionally stuffed with pork or veal and eaten hot with sour cream or in a soup. There are also dessert pelmeni that can be stuffed with sweet cheese or cherries. “The kids love pelmeni,” Apolka says. “They are more American, but there are a few [traditional] dishes they eat with pleasure.” The Eastern European community in Asheville, according to Apolka, is centered around a handful of Slavic churches. Many members of the community came to the U.S. seeking religious freedom during the repressive days of the Soviet regime, so to get a taste of Eastern European food traditions, says Apolka, you can start by going to church.
the chuRch connection It is noon on a recent frozen Tuesday. With schools closed because of ice and temperatures hovering around the zero mark, much of Western North Carolina is hiding out in heated living rooms or basking in the warmth of office radiators. But at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Fletcher, a group of adults and children has just braved the frigid walk between the church and the outbuilding that serves as the congregation’s gathering space — and they are ready to party. Although the new year has come and gone, a decorated evergreen reigns as the centerpiece of the open room, and a modest potluck spread has been laid out in a kitchen area in the rear of the building. Small children dressed in their holiday best hover expectantly around the tree, and several grown-ups are eyeing the food table with obvious interest. After a blessing, the festivities begin when a man and
woman dressed like shimmering blue versions of Santa and Mrs. Claus burst into the room with a bag of gifts. This is Yolka, the traditional Russian Christmas celebration that falls on Jan. 7 each year in accordance with the Julian calendar. Yolka is a feast day that breaks the weeklong fast leading up to the Nativity, the birth of Jesus Christ, in the Russian Orthodox Church. The metallic-blue-clad Claus couple is actually two church members playing the roles of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, or Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden. After the pair hands out the gifts in their sack and leads the children in some games, it’s time for the feast to begin. And everyone seems ready to eat. According to church member Andrea Robel, during the days of fasting that precede Yolka, no dairy products or meat can be consumed. “Not even butter,” she says. The fast continues through the evening of Jan. 6, when the church hosts the highly ritualized Holy Supper, which features food symbolic of events associated with the birth of Christ. Common dishes include raw garlic dipped in honey (to symbolize the sweetness and bitterness of life), mushroom soup, bobalki (Slavic bread balls with honey and poppy seeds) and pierogi filled with sauerkraut, potato or prune jam. When the fast breaks with Yolka, the congregation is ready for some meat and cheese. Although this Yolka feast resembles a church potluck one might find anywhere in the U.S. — platters of deviled eggs, cold cuts, pasta and salads grace the table — Robel says more traditional Yolka dishes include meat-stuffed cabbage rolls known as holupki, roast beef or ham, kielbasa and other sausages and, perhaps, kolachi, a pastry filled with fruit, nuts or poppy seeds. Robel, whose mother came to the U.S. from Czechoslovakia via Ellis Island, leads a committee that bakes kolachi from her family’s century-old recipe and sells them during the Christmas season as a fundraiser for the church. According to church member Mary-Jo Dukas, food, religion and community are deeply connected in
food and famiLY: St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church member Andrea Robel leads a committee that bakes traditional kolachi pastries from her mother’s 100-year-old recipe. The group sells the pastries as a church fundraiser. Photo by Michael Carlebach
the Russian Orthodox community. “There is always food,” she says of church activities. “Even after services, we always serve a meal.” And as with Holy Supper and the Yolka feast, food is an essential part of many of the church’s liturgies, some of which have remained unchanged since 300 A.D. Robel echoes this sentiment. “It’s religion and it’s community,” she says. “The church and our lives are integrated.” She adds, “The traditions of food also bridge the gap of the past to remind us of from where we came … and takes us into the future to teach the next generation about the importance of the Orthodox Church, family and lifestyle.” the famiLY-food connection “Food is a huge part of everything for us,” says Lana Fedun. Like many Eastern European immigrants, church is a central part of life for Fedun — she is a member of the Christian Church of Hope, a Slavic evangelical congregation on
Emma Road. However, she says, the church has little to do with what she eats. “Our traditions are more cultural,” Fedun says. “They aren’t related to the church.” Born in Latvia to Ukrainian parents, Fedun moved to the U.S. as a child in 1989. When her family crossed the Atlantic Ocean, they brought with them an oral food tradition — based on meat, potatoes and cabbage — that would forever link them with their homeland. For holidays and gatherings, regardless of the season, Fedun says, “We always make way more food than people can really eat.” Cabbage rolls stuffed with meat; a rice, vegetable and meat dish called plove; and katleti, a meatloaf-like patty topped with gravy — are all commonly served. Lamb shishkebabs, she says, are a must at parties. And then there are potatoes. “[We eat] any kind of potato in any form,” she says. “It’s like a survival thing. If you don’t know what to make, there’s always potatoes.” Fedun says food preparation in her community tends to be a family affair. “The kids love to get involved,” she says, mentioning a cheese-filled pastry called sochniki that her young nephews enjoy helping to make. Fellow church member Tatyana Nemshom, who came to the U.S. from Belarus 20 years ago seeking freedom from the religious restrictions of the Soviet Union, says this active participation is part of the Slavic tradition of handing down family recipes orally and by example. “Nobody uses cookbooks,” says Nemshom. “Maybe for cakes or cookies ... but not for savory foods.” Fedun agrees. “Recipes are never really written; it’s all just told and watched. It’s like, ‘Come over and see and then you’ll learn.’” This tradition of shared experience and knowledge not only nurtures family and community bonds, but also reaches across continents and oceans to forge a powerful link to a shared homeland and heritage. “Certain things,” says Fedun, “certain dishes, you can just smell — just the tiniest smell — and you remember where you came from; you think of where you were born.”
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Andrea Robel is now taking orders for paska, traditional Ukrainian Easter bread. The loaves are $14 each and must be preordered. For details, visit saintnicholasroc.org. X
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
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sourced from ingredients commonly available in local supermarkets. “I like mine thick, so there is something to chew, like a meal in one pot,” he says. Sergiy encourages experimentation, and his recipe includes no measurements because, he says, “There are no rules; it’s all how you like it.”
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as You Like it: Ukraine native Sergiy Matvyeychenko says that making great borscht is all about experimentation and adding ingredients you like. Courtesy of Sergiy Matvyeychenko
A well-known (and fun to say) warming food that is a mainstay of many Eastern European communities is borscht. The often beetbased soup seems to have more variants than chili or barbecue do in the U.S. A quick Internet search for “borscht recipes” yields nearly a half-million results. Borscht can be served hot or cold; it can contain any kind of meat or be completely vegan; it can be topped with everything from sour cream to dill to chopped egg; and it can be comprised of any imaginable mixture of vegetables — although cabbage, beets and potatoes tend to be prominent. “Recipes vary region by region,” says Sergiy Matvyeychenko, a medical interpreter who moved to the U.S. from Ukraine seven years ago. “Some are made with sauerkraut, some have apple. They are all different.” Sergiy (he asked Xpress to refer to him by his first name) prepares a supereasy, no-frills version of the borscht he grew up with, with a nod to his own taste preferences and desire for simplicity. The recipe is
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Water Potatoes, peeled and cubed Chicken (Sergiy says thighs are best) or other meat, uncooked, deboned and chopped Carrots, peeled and chopped Beets, peeled and chopped Cabbage, chopped About 1 tsp sugar (Sergiy says his mom used strawberry preserves for sweetness) 1 jar of salsa (use any level of spiciness that works for you) Salt Ground black pepper Fresh dill, chopped to make: Fill your chosen soup pot about half full of water. Add potatoes, meat, carrots and beets and bring it all to a boil. Cook briefly until the vegetables begin to soften and the meat is cooked through. Add cabbage, dill, salsa, sugar (or preserves) and salt and pepper to taste. Bring back to a boil and cook another minute or so, leaving the cabbage still a bit crunchy. Sergiy says he adds ingredients to the pot “until the ladle stands up on its own,” and keeps the cooking time brief in order to preserve as many nutrients as possible. Top generously with fresh dill and serve with pumpernickel or whole-wheat bread. Sergiy recommends making a big batch and storing leftovers in the fridge to reheat for lunch the next day, and maybe the day after that. “Yesterday’s borscht is better than today’s,” he says. Look for another inventive local take on borscht in an upcoming issue. — G.S.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Mary Pembleton
A legacy of local Black Mountain bids farewell to two community food leaders Elaine and Harry Hamil will soon move away from the Black Mountain community that they have devoted their lives to nourishing. In their wake, they leave a ripe legacy of local food, including the Black Mountain Tailgate Market, an endeavor that flourished under the couple’s loving guidance, and their store, the Black Mountain Farmer’s Market, the sale of which the Hamils are in the process of finalizing. The Black Mountain Farmer’s Market serves as a purveyor of locally sourced food and a smattering of other lovingly researched and Hamil-approved products stocked floor to ceiling in the turn-of-the-century home-turned-grocery. Since its inception in 2003, the store has provided regional growers and food producers with an outlet for their goods outside of market season, allowing customers the luxury of six-day-aweek, year-round access to fresh, local produce. Elaine spends her days stationed behind the counter, greeting her customers by name. “We always enjoy going to the [Black Mountain Farmer’s Market] with our daughter Ramona,” says Black Mountain resident Shavonna Wardwell. “We’ve had to buy an extra veggie a couple of times because she’s sampled it while we were shopping. Elaine just smiles.”
Elaine arrived in Black Mountain in 1995, leaving a marriage and lucrative job behind in Dallas, Texas, on a soul-searching road trip that landed her amid the beauty of a North Carolina autumn. “The peak fall color spectrum looked like a giant painting. It was so beautiful,” Elaine says. She decided to call Black Mountain home after Chief Two Trees, the late Cherokee healer from Old Fort, prophetized, “In my heart I know you should be living in Black Mountain. There are a lot of people here just like you.” “He was right,” says Elaine. “As soon as I got here I met lots of kindred spirits.” One of those kindred spirits was Harry Hamil, her now-husband and business partner, whom she met in a coffee shop next to Black Mountain Bakery shortly after her move. “I’ve spent many years of my life trying to learn to listen to my gut feeling, and when I met Harry, my gut feeling was, ‘This is a genuinely nice man,’” says Elaine. “I looked up, saw her and felt my heart expand,” says Harry. The couple initially delved into the local food scene selling home-baked muffins and coffee at the relatively small Valley Garden Market in 1995, then in its second year in the Black Mountain Town Hall parking lot. They immediately recognized the market’s potential and took it upon themselves to coordinate, organize and develop the venture under the name Black Mountain Tailgate Market. “The Saturday market was the perfect opportunity for Elaine’s love
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
kindRed spiRits: Husband and wife Harry and Elaine Hamil met in Black Mountain and together have helped grow the community’s local food culture. Photo by Mary Pembleton
of people, healthy eating and sharing food in community to blossom.” says Harry. The store seemed a natural next step to take in providing food for the community and employment for Elaine, though she says she had no idea it would expand into the fully operational grocery it has become. She began with the intention of operating as a seasonal produce market and spent the first year adding stock according to customers’ requests. The business took root and grew like a plant in the couple’s hospitable home greenhouse. “They have put local and healthy food on the map for us here,” says longtime customer and friend Marina Raye. “I think it’s their concern for their wellness and the health of the planet that makes them have such an impact.” The Black Mountain Farmer’s Market has also played a pivotal role in Black Mountain’s restaurant industry, which boasts innovative favorites like FRESH Wood-Fired Pizza and Pasta and Louise’s Kitchen. “Oh my goodness, do they support local. They supply local restaurants with the things they want and need. They support both sides of food needs in Black Mountain,” says Roberta Binder, another longtime customer. The future of the Black Mountain Tailgate Market is secure — the couple passed on the market’s leadership torch to a board of directors in 2008 — but things are still a bit unclear for their store. Because the sale is not yet final, the Hamils are
unable to disclose who the new owner will be. However, they do say the buyer has a son attending Warren Wilson College, and the future of the store could go in any number of directions. The Hamils are looking forward to retirement in Virginia, where they have purchased a church they plan to use as both a community center and home. Harry also intends to buy land for cultivating a “large, workerowned farm,” he says. As the Hamils prepare to relocate, Harry imparts some wisdom gained from his years at the forefront of the local food movement. He urges prospective farmers to “understand the value and necessity of profit.”He points to more affordable options for buying land in Buncombe’s surrounding counties. He encourages producers to sell their food at a price that will sustain them, and to do this, he highlights the need for more small retail distributors in Asheville. Producers, he says, “cannot make a living selling at tailgate markets.” He also suggests forming trade organizations to increase lobbying presence, and for young farmers to join the Ranch Freedom Alliance and the Farm and Consumer Legal Defense groups. “Asheville is poised to become a genuine leader in the local healthy food movement,” he says. “We just need to develop our infrastructure.” X
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
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Blogger, minister and globe-trotting coffee aficionado Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire spends her downtime checking out local coffee shops and promoting the idea of fika, a Swedish custom of relaxing and savoring a cup o’ joe. Her regular series examines Asheville-area coffee culture one cup at a time. I first visited Biltmore Coffee Traders’ cozy red cottage café this past fall, and the memories have stayed with me. My three-hour visit to Biltmore Coffee Traders left me feeling inspired and uplifted. It was a reminder of the simple things in life: hard work, passion, community, relationships and, of course, enjoying all of that while sipping a good cup of coffee. Owned and managed by Laura and Rick Telford, Biltmore Coffee Traders is everything you hope such a place would be but don’t expect to actually find. Located just south of Biltmore Village, set back from busy Hendersonville Road, it looks friendly and inviting, and the interior bears out that impression. The little room is filled with the aroma of coffee; cute, locally handmade things; and delicious-looking baked goods. It’s a humble, simple place with shelves of coffee and related paraphernalia; a counter displaying homemade goodies; a big, yellow coffee bean roaster; and giant burlap sacks of coffee distributed throughout the space. Everything about the place bespeaks a love of coffee — and people. The Telfords describe themselves as “small-batch, artisan roasters spe-
Open 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Grove Arcade Suite 139 828-350-1332
Fika Files
by Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
cottage business: Biltmore Coffee Traders is housed in a small, homey building on Hendersonville Road. Photo by Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire
cializing in relationship coffee: sustainable for people and the planet.” One day when I was there to fika, I had the pleasure of sitting and chatting with Laura. She took time, as I can tell she does regularly with customers, to talk about her love for what she does. But most importantly, she stressed their commitment to providing quality local, organic food and fair-trade coffee because, “We call our customers our friends and treat them like family.” She also updated me on their future plans and dreams for the café. This year, there’s a new open space with tables and a sofa, and more outdoor seating is planned for the summer: perfect fika spots. As Laura and I chatted, customers kept coming in. Mostly regulars, they were people from all walks of life: young 20-somethings wanting coffee to go or a milkshake to stay; a retired man buying beans for a wedding; Asheville postal worker Esteban Quintana, taking a break with a cup of coffee and a pea-
nut butter cookie, which he kindly shared with me. By design, explains Laura, the café is “not pretentious or highbrow, and our customers are as diverse as Asheville, but here, it’s possible for everyone to enjoy one of life’s luxuries: the best coffee in town.” Biltmore Coffee Traders fosters community — both local and global. Simple. Real. Personal. The Telfords work hard to keep the focus on local, organic, community-produced goods and fair-trade beans. They’re living their dream, working hard but wanting only to live the life they’ve chosen while providing the Asheville community with a soulful gathering place: a café with heart. “It’s a granola place,” says Laura. Earthy, organic, diverse, grassroots and natural — Biltmore Coffee Traders is all those things — and whoever you are, you are welcome. Biltmore Coffee Traders is at 518 Hendersonville Road and online at biltmorecoffeetraders.com. X
by Mark-Ellis Bennett
T he
Taste of Opera Winter Gala
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Asheville Lyric Opera’s annual Taste of Opera Winter Gala happens Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Crowne Plaza Resort’s Exposition Center, beginning at 6 p.m. “The audience will be presented with great appetizer and wine offerings,” says General and Artistic Director David Starkey. “They’ll have reserved seats at tables of eight surrounding the stage.” Volunteer Mark Sternal, the director of catering at Frankie Bones Restaurant & Lounge, has cooked up a new twist this year: Some of Asheville’s favorite chefs will complement the featured arias from upcoming ALO productions with food presented dim sum-style. “In a town full of food events, we’re bringing something fresh and new,” he says. “Carts with small dishes will be brought tableside, and you just point to what you want.” Sternal says Frankie Bones will feature “something tasty” from the new menu it will unveil later this month. Selections from the opera company’s upcoming productions of Don Giovanni, the Broadway musical South Pacific and Die Fledermaus will be performed. “The audience may feel they’re part of an opera set, and we’ll give the chefs and the singers the ability to chime in and be creative or artistic in any manner they want,” Starkey says. “I don’t know which singers can cook or if the chefs can sing, but we’re open to intermingling their talents.” Adam Hayes of the Grand Bohemian Hotel’s Red Stag Grill says he took theater classes in both high school and college. “I can visualize the production scale: singers serving food, and all the craziness that goes on in the kitchen unfolding next to your table with the chefs singing and everybody pouring wine. It will be a
Upcoming event serves up singing with dim sum
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42 BILTMORE AVE. MON-SAT 11:30AM-TIL SUN 12PM-TIL BARLEYSTAPROOM.COM taste of opeRa 2010: Scott Joiner performs the balcony scene from West Side Story at the 2010 Taste of Opera event. This year’s event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Resort’s Expo Center. Photo by
Tickets to the Taste of Opera Winter Gala ($75) are available at ashevillelyric.org or by calling 236-0670. X
e u s s I p o h S y t l a
Mark-Ellis Bennett
really interactive and engaging dining experience. It’s so bohemian.” Dwight Butner, who owns Vincenzo’s Ristorante & Bistro, will also take part, but don’t expect to hear him singing. “I like to hear people perform who have skills that I don’t,” he says. Butner has been involved with the opera company for more than 10 years and previously served on their board of directors. “The Taste of Opera is one of those things we look forward to doing every year, and we’re really proud to be invited,” he continues. “We think the Asheville Lyric Opera sets a standard for small community opera companies. I so respect them, what they’ve done for our community and their contribution to the arts.”
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Publishes February 12, 2014
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Fringe benefits Mothlight. Because Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective is in the lineup, Reese explains, “We were looking for really good beams. We walked into the Mothlight one night and [said], ‘Look at the beams!’ We were practically taking out a tape measure and measuring for curtains.” The connection with the Odditorium was equally immediate. “We walked in last year when they were still renovating,” Reese recalls. “Terrific — so Fringe-y. We’d gone to Edinburgh and went to a show in a similar space, so it brought us back to this scene we’d experienced.”
The Asheville Fringe Arts Festival expands its reach
bY kim RuehL
“Asheville Fringe Festival is an invaluable resource for performers and writers,” says playwright and actor Julian Vorus, whose full-length show The Bog will premiere at The Bebe Theater during Fringe 2014. The organizers, he notes, say, “Try anything: We’ll not only support you, but we’ll make a big deal about it. The Fringe Festival pushes artists to not only do something that challenges the audience, but which challenges the artist her- or himself.” Vorus knows a thing or two about challenging audiences. His dark, often uncomfortable creations are the sort of things that make you wonder if you’re supposed to laugh or shudder, but they always keep you tethered to whatever happens next. To say say they’re not mainstream is an understatement, but they’re precisely the kind of work the Asheville Fringe Arts Festival was founded to encourage. And after a dozen years of functioning quite well on its own, the local celebration of edgy creativity joined the United States Association of Fringe Festivals last year, sending Artistic Co-Directors Jim Julien and Jocelyn Reese to Edinburgh,
what The Asheville Fringe Arts Festival ashevillefringe.org wheRe See sidebar for schedule when Thursday-Sunday, Jan. 23-26. Individual show tickets are $12, all access Fringe Freak Passes are $50.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
beYond the faRthest fRinges
Kyle, played by fiddler ian mooRe, and vaLeRie meiss on accordion, from the Tiny Wonder Alphabet Show! at The Odditorium, Friday and Sunday, Jan. 24 and 26. Photo by Paul Holland
Scotland, the closest thing Fringe fans have to a mother ship. gRowing the footpRint It was in Scotland where, in 1947, the concept of dedicating an entire festival to outside-the-mainstream performances emerged. The format quickly caught on, and sibling events have continued to proliferate. Fringe enables artists to be maximally imaginative, thinking way outside the box on everything from content to space, audience involvement and delivery. Here in the States, Fringe festivals have included everything from dance to standup and sketch comedy to full-length theater productions to creations that are just, well, odd. Or, as participants style it, “fringe-y.” The Asheville Fringe began in 2002 as a self-contained affair thrown by Susan and Giles Collard of The BeBe Theater. Within a year, it spread to other venues, occupying spaces as diverse as the Future of Tradition: Center for Folkloric Arts (formerly in the Wedge Building) and NC Stage.
Until now, however, the event has kept itself mostly confined to downtown and a bit of the River Arts District. But this year, says Reese, “Our festival has doubled in size, so it’s just more. There are more people from out of town, there’s more local work that will be premiering.” Among the pieces debuting this year are full-length shows by three local theater companies. A dance/ music troupe from Maryland called Tia Nina will do an allgirl punk band “concert” using only choreography. The LaZoom bus, hosted by Andrew Benjamin of self-described “psycho cabaret group” Hellblinki, will cart audiences around town and drop them off at random locations (“in the middle of nowhere,” says Reese) for special surprise performances. Perhaps more notably, Julien and Reese have enlisted new venues in West Asheville and Biltmore Village, teaming up with Toy Boat Community Art Space, The Odditorium and The
In addition to the new venues, Reese and Julien picked up a few pointers from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, like the concept of Fringe Central — a box office/ artist hangout/information station that will occupy the Firestorm Café. There’ll be more parties this year, including an opening-night affair at the Odditorium and a number of late-night afterparties. Inspired by Magnetic Midnight — the open micstyle show that encourages performance pieces under five minutes — Magnetic Fringe Night will be hosted by Julien and Magnetic Theatre cofounder Steven Samuels (who’ll also be doing an autobiographical monologue, The Man with the Birdcage on His Head, at the Odditorium). The Toy Boat space will host large dance performances, and the Bebe Theater will feature, among other things, the Wham, Bam! Puppet Slam, augmented by a convoy of puppeteers from the University of Connecticut. Though Reese and Julien are jazzed about how many people are coming from out of town, they’re even more excited about how their membership in the USAFF may embolden Asheville creators to branch out. “We’ve always encouraged collaboration between different artists and genres,” says Julien. “We’ve had dancers working with sculptors, and musicians working with puppeteers. ... But we’re also trying to expose local artists to a broader performance community and [encourage them] to go out into the world.”
Schedule of events
• Gonzo: A Brutal Chrysalis by James Cartee, at The Odditorium, 9 p.m. • Pitchin’ the Tent by Tia Nina, at Toy Boat, 9 p.m.
Events are held at The BeBe Theater (20 Commerce St.), The Odditorium (1045 Haywood Road), The Mothlight (701 Haywood Road) and Toy Boat Community Art Space (101 Fairview Road). All shows are for ticket holders only unless otherwise noted. sundaY, Jan. 19 • Kickoff party, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m. (open to the public) thuRsdaY, Jan. 23
path, performed by Jack Kirven and Annie Vereen of Viscera Dance Theatre, takes place at Toy Boat Community Art Space, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 24 and 25. Photo courtesy of the artists
The Puppet Slam, for example, has participated in the New Orleans Fringe Festival, and Samuels has taken shows to two separate New York City Fringes. A longtime participant in the Asheville and New York theater communities, Samuels knows the benefits of branching out: “It’s a way to help get Asheville known for something other than, say, Biltmore Estate, the Christmas Jam and beer.” Besides, he continues, making a piece that will be seen only at the Asheville Fringe “is really a great deal of effort for just two performances. Thinking in terms of creating work that can potentially be taken elsewhere gives hope of a longer life for these creations; makes our local artists more visible to funders nationwide; and can, perhaps eventually, make it possible for our artists to devote more time to their work than [they must] work to support their art.” But even as the Asheville Fringe spreads throughout Asheville, its artistic co-directors are careful to make sure the festival doesn’t outgrow itself. “We try to stay within what’s right for this town,” says Reese. “We’re trying to be something that nurtures the homegrown and handcrafted. One of our missions is to encourage artists to explore their creative boundaries. We provide them with a playground to explore.”
• LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour (hosted by Andrew Benjamin, work by Sarah Barnard, Lindesy Kelley, Jenni Cockrell and Julie Gillum, Amy Hamilton and Caroline Williford), boards at Coxe Avenue and Commerce Street, 7 p.m.
• Afterparty, at 5 Walnut, 10 pm. (open to the public) satuRdaY, Jan. 25 • LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour boards at Coxe Avenue and Commerce Street, 7 p.m.
• The Man with the Birdcage on his Head, with Steve Samuels, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m. • Fringe Features by Interweave and Amanda Levesque; Consuming Need by Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective, at The Mothlight, 7 p.m. • Path, by Viscera Dance Theatre, at Toy Boat, 7 p.m. • Rope Burn, by Anam Cara, at The BeBe Theater, 9 p.m. • Fat Reserves, by Deborah Harbin; Don’t Trust Anyone under 30, by Sarah Wharton, at The Odditorium, 9 p.m.
• The Man with the Birdcage on his Head with Steven Samuels, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m.
• Pitchin’ the Tent, by Tia Nina, at Toy Boat, 9 p.m.
• Fringe Features by Interweave and Amanda Levesque; Consuming Need by Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective, at The Mothlight, 7 p.m.
sundaY, Jan. 26
• Fat Reserves by Deborah Harbin; Don’t Trust Anyone under 30 by Sarah Wharton, at The Odditorium, 9 p.m. • Table 6 by Different Strokes, at The Mothlight, 9 p.m. • Afterparty: Magnetic Fringe Night, at The Dirty South, 10 p.m. (open to the public)
MagnoliaRay.com • 828-258-5228 72 Weaverville Highway, Asheville
• Fringe Dance Showcase, at The BeBe Theater, 7 p.m.
• Fringe Dance Showcase (Kathy Leiner, Keith Campbell, Bonnie Freestone, Claire Dima, and Laura Chiramonte), at The BeBe Theater, 7 p.m.
• Rope Burn by Anam Cara, at The BeBe Theater, 9 p.m.
Magnolia Ray
• Table 6, by Different Strokes Theatre Company, at The Mothlight, 9 p.m.
• Afterparty, at Mothlight, 10 p.m. (open to the public) • Wham! Bam Puppet Slam, at The BeBe Theater, 4 p.m. • The Tiny Wonder Alphabet Show! with Valerie Meiss and Ian Moore, at The Odditorium, 4 p.m. • The Bog, by Julian Vorus, at The BeBe Theater, 6 p.m. • Gonzo: A Brutal Chrysalis, by James Cartee, at The Odditorium, 6 p.m. X
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fRidaY, Jan. 24 • LaZoom Bus Fringe Tour, boards at Coxe Avenue and Commerce Street, 7 p.m. • Wham, Bam! Puppet Slam, at The BeBe Theater, 7 p.m. • The Tiny Wonder Alphabet Show! with Valerie Meiss and Ian Moore, at The Odditorium, 7 p.m. • Path by Viscera Dance Theatre, at Toy Boat, 7 p.m.
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• The Bog by Julian Vorus, at The BeBe Theater, 9 p.m.
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Jordan Lawrence
Doing the work Jason Isbell refines his songwriting on Southeastern It didn’t work out that way, but the songs on Southeastern would have made for a fine acoustic album. Jason Isbell’s fourth effort since departing the Drive-By Truckers is all about raw and desperate emotions: loneliness, confusion, dejection. Intense feelings that would have contrasted powerfully with spare strums and an unadorned croon, a power apparent during the record’s opening bars. Over his own patient picking, Isbell (who performs at The Orange Peel on Thursday, Jan. 24) sings with a browbeaten whisper. “A heart on the run / Keeps a hand on the gun,” he trembles. “It can’t trust anyone.” Foreboding slide licks enter soon thereafter, and most of the songs that follow opt for full-on rock ’n’ roll. But Southeastern possesses the kind of intentions that resonate no matter the arrangement.
who Jason Isbell with Holly Williams wheRe The Orange Peel, theorangepeel.net when Thursday, Jan. 23, at 9 p.m. $20 advance/$23 day of show
As it turns out, Isbell’s head really was clearer when he wrote these songs. It’s the first album he’s completed since he quit drinking two years ago, entering rehab at the behest of the woman who has since become his wife. The decision changed his life and likely saved his relationship. It also sharpened his songwriting. “I had more hours in the day, really, because I wasn’t going out and drinking or recovering from a hangover,” he says. “When I got up to write, I could actually give that all of my focus and all of my energy. So that was a nice thing, and I think that helped out as far as the songwriting goes more than anything else. I started out to make a record that was just me and an acoustic guitar and maybe some piano. A very strippeddown, very quiet album. But then I got bored with that, and the producer got bored with that.” As one might expect, given the events that preceded them, Southeastern’s songs concern characters who are all at the end of one rope or another. There’s the ex-con from “Live Oak” who can’t outrun his murderous past and the drifter who’s so tired of “Traveling Alone” that he’s haunted by the voices on the radio. But no story here is more harrowing — or more poignant — than the one Isbell spins on “Elephant.” The narrator sits at a bar, bantering with a female friend. “She said, ‘Andy, you’re taking me home,’” he sings, “but I knew she planned to sleep alone / I’d carry her to bed and sweep up the hair from her floor.” And then Isbell drops
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
ZeRo paRts inspiRation: Now sober, former Drive-By Trucker Jason Isbell has time to fully focus on his solo career. Good songwriting, he says, comes from being motivated and doing the work. Photo by Michael Wilson
a bomb: “There’s one thing that’s real clear to me / no one dies with dignity.” The elephant they’re trying to ignore is her cancer. They burn joints in effigy and “cry about what [they] used to be,” but it can’t change the truth of her deteriorating condition. As with much of Southeastern, the characters feel so real that it seems impossible that their stories couldn’t be true. But like the majority of Isbell’s songs, “Elephant” is fictional. “I’m sure it actually happened to somebody,” he says. “It’s fiction, as most of my stories are. They’re combinations of stories, and I try to combine people and their characteristics and make up a story. Songs, they don’t really have to be true or not true. They don’t file them that way. If you think about movies or books, you have a fiction or nonfiction section, or you have a documentaries section or a nondocumentaries section. But for songs, you can do it either way. You
can mix it up. You can write things that happened or didn’t happen.” As with quitting the bottle, Isbell says that improving as a songwriter is all about the effort you put into it. Ridding himself of his vice has allowed him to truly throw himself full-force into his art. And if this is the kind of album he was capable of after about a year of living clean, just imagine what a few more might do for his discipline. “It’s doing the work,” he says. “That’s the only thing that I believe will make any difference for any songwriter. The motivation’s always there. If you’re for real, and you’re a real writer, you don’t need to be inspired. I think [the painter] Chuck Close said one time in an interview that ‘inspiration is for amateurs.’ You just show up and get to work. I believe that’s true. I think that the motivation to actually spend the time on what you’re creating is the hard part.” X
by Kyle Sherard
Mapping the space between: Social Geographies opens at the Asheville Art Museum The term outsider art is most commonly used to describe visionary, untrained and self-taught artists. More specifically, those artists deeply rooted in a regional vernacular and operating “outside” of the world of art museums, criticism and arts education. So it may come as a surprise that an exhibition stocked with outsider works by the likes of Thornton Dial, Henry Darger and Minnie Evans — all categorically untrained and steeped in region — doesn’t address them as such. Instead, Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, a new exhibition opening Sunday, Jan. 26, at the Asheville Art Museum, looks to connect these artists through their common representation of space and place in and throughout each work. The paintings and threedimensional assemblage of Dial and Lonnie Holley, both from Alabama, absorb and recreate the physical and ideological terrain of the deep South. In “Ground Level: By the Grace of God,” Dial has created a simulated bird’s-eye view of a rust-toned landscape. He’s built up rich textural layers reminiscent of his home with a combination of various metals, carpet, glue and enamel fastened onto a wood panel. Likewise, Holley explores his native state through elements of Southern black culture and historic figures, such as congressman
what Social Geography: Interpreting Space and Place wheRe Asheville Art Museum, ashevilleart.org when Opens Sunday, Jan. 26, 2-5 p.m. Curator’s talk at 3 p.m. This exhibit runs through May 18.
John Lewis. Holley’s simultaneous inclusion of worn and battered everyday objects, such as shoes, echos a similar attention to the importance of historical roots. But space and place aren’t limited to physical tangibility. In the narrow corridors of his Chicago apartment, Henry Darger composed illustrated story lines, one of which is more than 15,000 pages long. These are culled from a combination of imagined worlds and events, newspaper clippings and department store catalogs, among other visual stimuli. Martín Ramírez’s drawings were rendered in the Northern Californian mental institution where he spent 32 years of his life after leaving Mexico in search of work. The inclusion of animals in his work reflects on his sense of isolation: The beasts diverge from the cellblock, taking refuge in winding linear abstractions evocative of movement and migration. In the exhibition’s catalog essay, guest curator Dr. Leisa Rundquist, an associate professor of art history at UNC Asheville, notes that outsider art’s historical lineage draws from early comparisons to works made by Swiss psychiatric patients. That was in the mid1940s. But those comparisons continued well into the ’70s, when the term outsider art was coined by art historian Roger Cardinal. (His use replaced French artist Jean Dubuffet’s precursory term, art brut, or raw art.) While Cardinal reasserted similar parallels to the clinically insane, he also broadened the term to include untrained artists, particularly with “extracultural” backgrounds, and those who had an artistic ignorance and naivety. “Since then,” Rundquist says, “outsider art has remained historically and geographically contingent upon what a dominant culture perceives as dysfunctional or pathological.” The title often
designs, wrightsville beach (1968), by Minnie Evans. Collage with oil, crayon and pencil on canvas. Image courtesy of the Gibbes Museum of Art
overlooks content and instead addresses the strangeness and peculiarities not of the work, but of the artist’s lifestyles and environs. “There tends to be a correlation with disability — mental or physical — or something that helps to define a disfunction,” says Katie Johnson, a research assistant to the exhibition. “It’s a bit archaic,” she adds. It’s these barriers, which Rundquist and Johnson suggest are defunct, that Social Geographies is aiming to break down. “The show grew out of conversations about how problematic the term ‘outsider’ is,” Rundquist says. “Outsider is a convenient label that presents these artists in a kind of freak-show way, but it’s placed upon the artists by another person.” Social Geographies forgoes these formal classifications and draws focus to the notion of place. Both real and imagined, physical and psychological, place is relative. But either way, it’s experienced. And while these experiences-turned-memories are unique to the artists, Rundquist argues that the
sensibility is inherent in all of the exhibit’s material. In the works of Waynesville resident George Widener, space and place are recreated with numbers, dates and mathematical patterns. His pieces are documents of specific moments and extended periods of travel recorded meticulously in notebooks and chronologically reformatted into drawings. Minnie Evans, a Wilmington-born artist, spent much of her life in southern coastal N.C., which manifests in her landscape and figure drawings. The pieces combine elements of traditional landscape scenery, native fauna and foliage and freeform faces abstracted by plant-like patterns. They’re memories, observations of her coastal environs. But they also represent greater spiritual facets of her life. Place, unlike outsiderness (or, it could be argued, placelessness) is “a concept that’s loaded with personal connotations,” says Rundquist. “All these artists deal with place, and we see that as the connective tissue.” X
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Doug Gibson
One novel, two journeys Sarah Addison Allen returns to writing after battling cancer
When Sarah Addison Allen sat down to write Lost Lake, her first novel in three years, she began with an image: Spanish moss. “I knew I wanted to go someplace swampy and wet,” Allen says, and Lost Lake was born — a fading resort on the outskirts of a small Georgia town. For the local author (who reads at Malaprop’s Bookstore/ Café on Friday, Jan. 24) this marked a significant change: It was the first time she had set a story outside of North Carolina. Lost Lake breaks from Allen’s previous novels, including New York Times bestsellers Garden Spells and The Girl Who Chased the Moon, in another significant respect. As she puts it, this novel “has a sense of grief that the others didn’t.”
who Sarah Addison Allen wheRe Malaprop’s, malaprops.com when Friday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m. Free.
The new book tells the story of Kate Pheris, a young widow just beginning to reclaim control of her life after a year lost to mourning. Several other characters — including romantic interest Wes Patterson — are also dealing with grief in various forms. Kate’s journey sets off a series of events that move them all beyond heartache to reconnection and renewal. So, Kate goes to Lost Lake and finds “something she didn’t know she was looking for,” Allen says. “Which sort of mirrors the cancer journey.” Allen has firsthand knowledge of that disease. She received a breast cancer diagnosis during the release of her previous novel, The Peach Keeper. And yet, she says, she didn’t set out to write about her illness. “When I announced that after treatment I was going to be sitting down to write a book, the question I was asked the most was, ‘Is this going to be a book about cancer?’ And my answer was always, ‘No!’” says Allen. Cancer isn’t even mentioned in Lost Lake, she notes, but when she reread the completed work, she realized that she “wrote a book about grief. So in some small way, I did write about cancer.” Allen took a year off from working on fiction as she went through treatment and admits that “sitting back down to write was terrifying.” But just as her protagonist discovers, a terrible experience freed her in unexpected ways. “It’s still hard to write
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
new diRections: “I knew I wanted to go someplace swampy and wet,” local writer Sarah Addison Allen says of her latest novel, Lost Lake, set near a small Georgia town. It’s one of many bold moves the bestselling author made with her return to writing.
a book, but it’s not the end of the world,” Allen says. “I’ve stood on that precipice, and I’ve seen the end of my world, and it’s not a missed deadline.” This sense of liberation extended to Allen’s professional life. Even before her diagnosis, she had a desire to expand her creative boundaries by changing publishers. She believes her illness allowed her to move past her fears and begin the journey that led her to St. Martin’s Press. “I would have been too scared to do it had I not been through what I went through,” she says. “Letting go of a lot of fear was a big change in my life, post-cancer. Fear of doing something wrong and then of something bad happening. And then something bad did happen. And it’s not the end of the world.” These lessons inform Kate’s quest to reclaim her life. In fact, the connections between Allen’s experience and Lost Lake extend even to physical details. Kate begins her lost year of grief by cutting off all of her hair. “I lost my hair with chemo,” Allen says, and Kate’s hair “is exactly what my hair was going through during that one-year mark.” Despite these parallels, Allen insists that Kate’s story is the character’s own. “I don’t see her as any sort of mirror of me,” she says.
For one thing, Kate’s story is deepened by Allen’s signature magical realism. While those elements in Lost Lake appear with a lighter touch than in some of Allen’s other works, they serve a similar purpose by pointing the reader’s attention toward truths guessed at by the heart. This is especially apparent in the connection that forms between Kate’s young daughter Devin and Wes Patterson’s elusive brother, Billy (glimpsed chiefly through memories of him as a young boy). Their story, in turn, draws Kate deeper into the mystery surrounding Wes. Wes, Allen says, “is different from any other male character I’ve written.” Noting how it’s a staple in romance novels that male leads are there for the female characters, Allen broke from this tradition and took pains to give Kate’s romantic interest a rich backstory. In the end, Lost Lake turns just as much on resolving the grief in Wes’s history as in Kate’s. And once again, this central theme of Lost Lake is informed by Allen’s experience. The author says, “You go through the worst thing you could possibly go through, and suddenly you see that life is still there, waiting for you to live it.” X
by Alli Marshall
Big twang theory Sugarland’s Kristian Bush goes on solo tour What Kristian Bush remembers from playing The Grey Eagle 10 years ago was that the green room was so cold, his mandolin kept going out of tune. He’d started playing mandolin because there were two other guitarists in the band — a then little-known project called Sugarland. Bush’s Wednesday, Jan. 29, revisiting of that (now heated) listening room will be, he says, “the closest venue I’ll come to playing where I grew up” in Knoxville, Tenn. It’s also part of his solo tour, a return to his roots as a singer-songwriter. Before Sugarland found major success as a Grammy-winning country duo, Bush fronted folkrock act Billy Pilgrim. He was part of the ’90s-era Atlanta singersongwriter scene that spawned Indigo Girls, Michelle Malone and Shawn Mullins, among others. Bush came to Georgia as a student at Emory University, in “the first class to graduate with a creative writing major,” he says. “Atlanta didn’t have a subculture for budding literary kids, so we were left to our own devices,” he remembers. “So I was listening to Indigo Girls and The Black Crowes performing songs they’d written that week. They were taking it seriously.” He says that the first Billy Pilgrim album contained six songs originally written as poems under the guidance of his thesis advisor. While many country acts perform music that is written for them, Bush continued to create original music, in collaboration with bandmate Jennifer Nettles, for Sugarland. In 2011, he founded Atlanta-based music publisher Songs of the Architect with his brother, Brandon Bush (keyboardist for Train) and Tom Tapley (producer/engineer for Pearl Jam and Bruce Springsteen). The writing impetus has not slowed: “Where I would normally write 20 or 25 songs a year, in the last couple of years, it’s been upwards of 150 or 160 songs,” says Bush. “It’s a scary thing when you’re the person
Come enjoy our delicious farm-to-table menu for Asheville Restaurant Week
modestonc.com countRY stRong: Kristian Bush has been cranking out more than 150 songs a year and recently released his solo single, “Love or Money,” after a successful European tour.
it’s happening to. I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m holding on for dear life.” Because he has access to a studio and a community of musicians, he records those songs as he writes them. That means a solo album is imminent, he says. That’s largely due to his massive backlog of material, but also because the single, “Love or Money,” has already been released. “I ended up on tour in Europe and started playing it, because you’re always in love with the most recent song you wrote,” Bush says. That was last spring, and he played the song both in concert and on promotional radio shows. When he opened the Country to Country Festival at London’s O2 Arena, he was surprised by the response to that particular tune. Especially in a place where, he says, “It’s been a mystery for a long time why you can’t really translate commercial country music overseas without it having some sort of pop angle to it, or a roots-bluegrass angle to it.” To maintain the momentum, he gave away a free download of “Love or Money” to every C2C ticket holder. His record label in Europe (which he didn’t consult before the give-
Grove Arcade 828.225.4133
away) was taken aback, but Bush sees the humor: “I joke that with all of my obsession with ’80s British invasion music, I ended up with the first country import,” he says. He also gets the wisdom of tempering commercial country with pop savvy — a current trend across the genre that’s served Sugarland well. In fact, Bush sees that band as a sort of doorman to the present wave of songwriters pushing the country music listenership in new directions. “Country is the genre that can hold Allison Krauss and Colt Ford,” he says. “I think pop in country is fine. I think rock in country is fine. I think whatever you want to put in it, as long as it’s good, is a fine decision.” X
who Kristian Bush with Hannah Thomas wheRe The Grey Eagle, thegreyeagle.com when Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 8 p.m. $20 advance/$25 day of show
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com.
by Lea McLellan
Far be it from The Grey Eagle to let an important birthday go unnoticed. For the fifth year running, jazz fans will put on their party hats, lace up their dancing shoes and pay tribute to the musical genius that was Django Reinhardt. And because this is the birthday celebration for one of history’s greatest gypsy-jazz guitarists, it’s only right that a tribute be made by supertalented local jazz and swing bands One Leg Up, The Hot Point Trio and The John Henry’s with Thomas Michael. Expect both seats and a dance floor with special guests adding to the lineup. Join the festivities at the Grey Eagle on Thursday, Jan. 23, at 7 p.m. $10/$12. thegreyeagle.com.
“Bela [Fleck] was very supportive when I told him what we were planning and essentially gave it his blessing,” says Blu-Bop band leader and banjoist Hank Smith. “He said those were some of the best years of his life and he was happy that someone else wanted to take up the music and have as much fun with it as he did.” The cheekily named tribute band presents a career retrospective of The Flecktones’ work and hard-to-classify style of buegrass-infused jazz. The band adheres faithfully to the Flecktones’ canon with a dash of ready improv skills. Blu-Bop performs at The Altamont Theatre on Saturday, Jan. 25, at 8 p.m. $7/$10. thealtamont.com.
RBTS WIN, Comet West and Bulgogi RBTS WIN (pictured) is a chillwave, electronic and popinfluenced feast of synthesizers, beat machines, guitars and smooth-as-silk vocals. The two friends and musicians, Javi Bolea and Cliff Worsham, released full-length album Palm Sunday last July. The duo’s latest offering is an ethereal, swirling exploration of beats and melody with clear themes of love, spirit and nature throughout. And that’s not all you get for your fiver. It’s an all-local lineup: High-energy indierock band, Comet West, and self-described “terrified child dance punk” band, Bulgogi, also perform. Catch this trifecta of talent on Friday, Jan. 24, at The Mothlight. 9 p.m. $5/$7. themothlight.com. Photo by Eric Graham
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Carrie Elkin and Danny Schmidt Austin-based songwriters Carrie Elkin and Danny Schmidt’s poetic-yet-relatable lyrics and raw-but-sweet vocals are a match made in country-folk heaven. The Austin Chronicle calls Elkin “an earthy combination of strength and compassion ... reminiscent of the winsome beauty created by a young Nanci Griffith,” while Schmidt is lauded as a “timeless troubadour in the tradition of Townes Van Zandt, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Dave Carter” by The Boston Globe. The duo performs at an up-close-and-cozy house concert at Music Mania in Mills River on Sunday, Jan. 26, at 1 p.m. Reservations are required and seating is limited. $15. musicmaniaconcerts.com. Photo by John Grubbs
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local live standup comedy events at www.DisclaimerComedy.com (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLdisclaimer). The Most Beloved Page in All the Land
asheville disclaimer
Briefs Duke Energy begins demolition on crumbling smokestack after pharmaceutical intervention fails Asheville hopes to collect 6.5 tons or more of recyclables at Hard 2 Recycle 2, the sequel, starring Steven Seagal Downtown Asheville to receive coveted green tech accelerator, relegating red clutch, yellow brakes programs to Barnardsville and Gerton, respectively Buncombe commissioners slate funds for Asheville Middle School, A-B Tech, as they haven’t received NC Republicans’ memo about keeping populace stupid
Rep. Tim Moffitt announces new road study in Asheville ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — NC Rep. Tim Moffitt (R — house district 116), who has recently given signals that he would like to revoke Asheville’s city charter, has announced he is spearheading a new study of the traffic patterns in Asheville. “Unfortunately, in order to complete the study, we need to redirect traffic just a little,” said Moffitt. “In the long run, this will help us best determine Asheville’s needs.” Scheduled road closures will be temporary, according to Moffitt. “We don’t anticipate this study lasting longer than six or eight months,” said Moffitt. “It’ll probably be best for visitors to just bypass Asheville this year.”
Woodfin Police bust mother, two daughters in the act of theft, effectively derailing sisterhood of the pilfering pants An update on H.D. Wimbledon, Disclaimer Comedy’s sponsored fighter in the 2014 Original Toughman Contest
Recent training regimen: Working on the ol’ one-two punch combination
H.D. Wimbledon
• 1. Brainstorming nicknames for his cats; 2. Listening to The Cure • 1. Stockpiling growlers; 2. Taking non performance-enhancing drugs • 1. Giving self Clubber Lang haircut; 2. taking selfies • 1. Writing articles about guacamole; 2. Consorting with chain-smoking degenerates
Kid Care with Arnold
Changes in traffic patterns include: • Jeff Bowen Bridge (Smokey Park Highway) will be reduced to half a lane, shared by traffic moving in both directions. • Traffic on I-240 within city limits will be funneled onto the shoulder of the road, and westbound traffic will need to drive in reverse. • 18-wheelers will take a detour from I-40 and circle Asheville City Hall three times before regaining entry to I-40 via half a lane on Jeff Bowen Bridge. • Motorcycles entering or leaving city limits will be required to first idle loudly in front of Mayor Manheimer’s house for five minutes. • SUVs, dump trucks, and vision-impaired drivers must form a peloton and draft behind City Council member Cecil Bothwell when he bicycles at night. • Current traffic patterns will not be altered on roads shared by street festivals and other city-sponsored events “Depending on the results, we may conclude that Asheville needs to be merged entirely with Buncombe County,” added Moffitt. “We will just have wait and see.”
The latest buzz in consumer electronics Retailers and gawkers alike were thrilled to take in this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, as it featured a glimpse of things to come. These devices will affect every part of our lives and even revolutionize the way we live. New products included:
• Señor Microphone Grande: the combination karaoke microphone and vibrator • The Aquanator: combination dowsing rod and vibrator • The Bodyguard: Combination telescoping defense wand and vibrator • The Juicer: Wand mixer and vibrator. • Goodnight Sweet Princess: All-in-one
sound spa, ambient light projector and vibrator • Dr. Love: KISS-themed vibrator with smoke machine and Gene Simmons make-up designs • The Screamin’ O: Vibrator/Red Bull dispenser • Hyperventilatrix: Vibrator/room freshener (clean linen scent not available) • Big Rod Johnson’s Wild Ride: Remotecontrol-operated car.
Arnold Crapacan is a Korean War veteran and member of the Woodfin Lions Club.
Dear Arnold,
Our six-year-old son walked in on us having sexual relations, and he seems very upset by it. How should we help him and explain that it is a normal thing loving parents do?
— Bert
Dear Bert,
I walked in on my parents doing the reverse stump mule. Seeing your mom naked, standing on her head, and your dad wearing nothing but latex gloves and a snorkel messes with your head, so I understand his pain. You got two options. You can either try to erase his memory, which is hard and requires high-voltage wiring, or you can create an even more terrifying memory to replace it, like having an “axe murderer” break into his room at two in the morning. After that, he’ll forget all about seeing your wrinkled, naked bodies. So I suggest getting that hockey mask on, grabbing your axe and get on with fixing your kid’s brain. Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com
Twitter: @AVLdisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Cary Goff, Tom Scheve
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
C L U B L A N D tiMo's hoUse Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
weDnesDay, Jan. 22
town pUMp Mike & Amy (acoustic duo), 9pm
185 king street Unpaid Bill & The Bad Czechs (acoustic blues, ragtime, jazz), 8pm
traiLheaD restaUrant anD bar Open jam, 6pm
5 waLnUt wine bar Steelin' Time (Hawaiian steel guitar), 5-7pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8-10pm
tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm
aDaM DaLton DistiLLery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm
vincenZo's bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
aLtaMont brewing coMpany Hank West Jam Residency (jazz, soul), 8pm
westviLLe pUb Plankeye Peggy (carnival pirate-rock), 9:30pm
ben's tUne-Up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm
wxyZ LoUnge Jamar Woods (soul, funk, piano), 8-10pm
bLack MoUntain aLe hoUse Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm
friDay, Jan. 24
bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Open mic w/ Billy Owens, 7-9pm
185 king street The Caribbean Cowboys (tropical-rock), 8pm
cork & keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm DoUbLe crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 9pm
5 waLnUt wine bar Jamar Woods Acoustic Band (soul, funk), 9pmmidnight
eMeraLD LoUnge Blues jam, 8pm
aLtaMont brewing coMpany Blood Gypsies (blues, funk), 9pm
grinD cafe Trivia night, 7pm
asheviLLe MUsic haLL Rags to Riches Birthday Bash Part 1, 9pm
highLanD brewing coMpany Alarm Clock Conspiracy Duo (indie-rock), 5:307:30pm
athena's cLUb Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
iron horse station Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL Buster Keaton short-films w/ Brendan Cooney urban-Americana scores, 9pm Jack of the wooD pUb Old-time session, 5pm oDDitoriUM Vio/Mire (cello, organ), Holy Holy Vine & Tashi Dorji (experimental, guitar), 9pm oLive or twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:3011pm one stop DeLi & bar Blackfoot Gypsies w/ The Loud Invisibles (rock), 10pm sLy grog LoUnge Open mic, 7pm straightaway cafe Circus Mutt (roots-rock, funk), 6pm taLLgary's cantina Open mic & jam, 7pm the green rooM bistro & bar The Moon & You (folk duet), 8pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm
couLd be cooL: Local post-rock, indie band Isaacson will perform with Means Well and .Point for the band’s debut album release show, Saturday, Jan. 25, at 9:30 p.m., at Lexington Avenue Brewery. “We’re releasing en EP,” writes the band on the Facebook event page. “Could be cool. Up to you.”
boiLer rooM Ill w/ Papermoth & Brief Awakening (rock), 9pm-2am bywater Gypsy Jam (gypsy jazz, swing), 9pm cLUb eLeven on grove Grown Folks Dance Party (35+) w/ DJ Supersee & Brian Sanchez, 6-8pm Salsa night, 10pm
the MothLight Daniel Bachman w/ Stephen Molyneux (folk), 8:30pm
DoUbLe crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 9pm
cork & keg Gypsy Swingers (jazz), 8:30pm
the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm
french broaD brewery tasting rooM Utah Green (folk, singer-songwriter), 6-8pm
DoUbLe crown Greg Cartwright (garage, soul), 11pm
the sociaL Karaoke, 9:30pm
grey eagLe MUsic haLL & tavern Djangofest w/ One Leg Up, HotPoint Trio & The John Henry's (jazz),
eMeraLD LoUnge Co., Mechanical River (experimental), 8pm
town pUMp Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm traiLheaD restaUrant anD bar Open jam, 6pm tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes Krista Tortora, Chuck Lichtenberger, Daniel Lannucci & Micah Thomas (jazz), 8pm vanUatU kava bar Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vincenZo's bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
thUrsDay, Jan. 23
havana restaUrant Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm Jack of the wooD pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm oLive or twist Swing, Salsa & Bachata lessons w/ Randy Basham, 7-8pm DJ Mike Filippone (rock, disco, dance), 8-11pm one stop DeLi & bar Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Jerry Joseph w/ Ashleigh Flynn (rock, acoustic), 10pm orange peeL Jason Isbell w/ Holly Williams (rock, country), 9pm oskar bLUes brewery Terranean (singer-songwriter), 6pm
185 king street Jeff Sipe Trio (jazz fusion, funk), 8pm
pUrpLe onion cafe Michael Reno Harrell (folk), 7pm
5 waLnUt wine bar Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz exotica), 8-10pm
scanDaLs nightcLUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
aDaM DaLton DistiLLery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm-2am
soUthern appaLachian brewery Todd Hoke (folk, Americana), 7-9pm
ben's tUne-Up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm
the MothLight Fringe Fest: Table 6 (comedy) w/ Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective & Interweave (dance), 7pm
bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Paul Cataldo (singer-songwriter), 7-9pm
the phoenix The Moonshine Babies (folk), 8pm
cork & keg Open mic, 7pm
the sociaL Caribbean Cowboys, 8pm
french broaD brewery tasting rooM Ryan Barrington Cox (indie, pop, rock), 6-8pm green rooM cafe & coffeehoUse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm havana restaUrant Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm highLanD brewing coMpany Delta Moon (blues-rock), 6-9pm iron horse station Circus Mutt (folk, bluegrass, reggae), 7-10pm isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL Amy Ray (indie, singer-songwriter), 8:30pm Jack of the wooD pUb Jon Stickley Trio (folk-jazz), 9pm Lexington ave brewery (Lab) Ernie Halter w/ Eric Britt (singer-songwriters), 8:30pm MetropoLis Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute), 9pm MiLLrooM 12th Planet w/ Flinch, Son of Kick, Two Fresh & DLX (dubstep), 9pm oLive or twist Cha-cha lesson w/ Ian, 7-8pm 42nd Street Band (jazz), 8:15-11:15 one stop DeLi & bar Get Right Band w/ The Heritage (funk, rock, reggae), 10pm
orange peeL Big Head Todd & The Monsters w/ Ronnie Baker Brooks & Hazel Miller (rock), 8pm
gooD stUff Chris Emerson & Ty Bennett (singer-songwriters), 8pm
oskar bLUes brewery Andy Ferrell (singer-songwriter), 7pm
grey eagLe MUsic haLL & tavern John Cowan Band w/ Missy Raines & The New Hip (newgrass), 8pm
pack's tavern DJ OCelate (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgah brewing coMpany Dangermuffin (Americana, indie-rock), 9pm root bar no. 1 Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz), 9:30pm
highLanD brewing coMpany Dave Dribbon & The Stomping Rain (Americana, rock), 6-9pm iron horse station Barb Turner (R&B), 7-10pm
scanDaLs nightcLUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
Jack of the wooD pUb The Low Counts w/ Loves It (Americana, roots-rock), 9pm
scULLy's Jesse & Chris, 6-9pm DJ, 10pm-2am
Lexington ave brewery (Lab) Isaacson w/ Means Well & .Point (post-rock, indie), 9:30pm
soUthern appaLachian brewery The Pleasure Chest (garage rock, blues, soul), 8-10pm
oLive or twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:3011:30pm
spring creek tavern Mark Shane (R&B), 7-10pm
one stop DeLi & bar Reggae Family Jam, 2pm Green Sunshine (funk, soul, hip-hop, jam), 10pm
taLLgary's cantina Dance party w/ DJ Alex, 9:30pm the MothLight RBTS WIN w/ Comet West & Bulgogi (indie-rock, electronic), 9pm
orange peeL Corey Smith w/ Mallary Hope (country), 9pm oskar bLUes brewery West End String Band (bluegrass), 7pm
the phoenix The Archrivals (alternative, pop-rock), 9pm
pack's tavern Lyric (funk, soul, pop), 9pm
the sociaL Comedy night, 9pm
pisgah brewing coMpany Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute), 8pm
tiMo's hoUse KRI w/ Jenna Gilmore (psytrance, techno), 9pm
pUrpLe onion cafe Lonesome Road Band (bluegrass), 7pm
town pUMp Paul Edelman Duo, 9pm
root bar no. 1 Open Pallet (rock), 9:30pm
tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes Al Coffee & Da Grind (blues, soul), 10pm
scanDaLs nightcLUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
vanUatU kava bar A.J. Nunez (harp, ambient), 9pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse The Low Down Sires (jazz), 8pm wiLD wing cafe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm wxyZ LoUnge Molly Parti (loung DJ), 9-11:30pm
satUrDay, Jan. 25 185 king street Running on E (pop-punk), 8pm 5 waLnUt wine bar Andrew Fletcher (piano stride), 6-8pm The Gypsy Swingers (jazz), 9pm-midnight
scULLy's DJ, 10pm-2am
straightaway cafe Jenne Sluder (acoustic), 6pm
Full Bar
SCORES $10 / $12 • 9pm
the green rooM bistro & bar Grits & Soul (bluegrass, soul), 8pm the MothLight Table 6 (comedy), w/ Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective & Interweave (dance), 7pm the phoenix Spencer & the String Ticklers (bluegrass), 9pm
tiMo's hoUse Olof, Werecat, DJ Story, Invader Slim (DnB, dubstep, electro), 9pm town pUMp Chesterdace (rock), 9pm
bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Mark Bumgarner (folk, Americana), 7-9pm
tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes Carolina Rex (rock, blues, funk), 10pm
bywater Gary Macfiddle (gypsy, swing), 9pm
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
cork & keg Cary Fridley & Down South (honky-tonk, classic country), 8:30pm
westviLLe pUb Wyndy Trail Travelers (bluegrass), 10pm
french broaD brewery tasting rooM Tina & Her Pony (indie, Appalachian folk), 6-8pm
taLLgary's cantina Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm
athena's cLUb Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
eMeraLD LoUnge Jordan Igoe & Rachel Kate (singer-songwriters), 8pm
spring creek tavern Circus Mutt (folk, bluegrass, reggae), 7-10pm
the sociaL Karaoke, 9:30pm
DoUbLe crown Lil Lorruh (50s & 60s R&B, rock 'n' roll), 10pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
soUthern appaLachian brewery A Mad Affair (Americana, pop), 8-10pm
aLtaMont brewing coMpany Open jam w/ Chris O'Neill, 9pm
bLack MoUntain aLe hoUse The Mug (blues, boogie, rock), 9:30pm
white horse Akira Satake & Duncan Wickel (banjo & fiddle), 8pm wiLD wing cafe Emily Bodley, 9:30pm wxyZ LoUnge Nighttime Swerve w/ DJ Adam (lounge DJ), 9-11:30pm
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLub diRectoRY
sUnDay, Jan. 26 5 waLnUt wine bar The Get Right Band (blues, funk), 7-9pm
10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie 1/24 Jon Stickley Trio 9PM & Johnny Irion 1/25 The Low Counts w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 W/ LOVES IT 9PM 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 1/28 Whiskey of the Damned & HALLOWEEN Costume 9PM Party & Contest • 9pm $8 1/31 Lyric W/ PORCH 40 •9PM 10/27 Vinegar Creek 9pm FREE 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm 2/1 Charlie Patton’s War$8 9PM Tom Banana Pants w/ Crazy 10/29 Singer Songwriters 2/7 American Aquarium • 7-9pm FREE in the W/Round ELIJAH OCEAN 9PM w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis 2/8 Lowdown 9PM MudThe TeaSweet • 9pm FREE
Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
aLtaMont brewing coMpany Hank West Residency (jazz, soul), 8pm ben's tUne-Up Vinyl night (open DJ collective) bLack MoUntain aLe hoUse NFL Sunday w/ pre-game brunch at 11:30am, 1pm bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Patrick Fitzsimons (folk), 7-9pm DoUbLe crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 10:30pm green rooM cafe & coffeehoUse Jazz jam w/ Jonathan Pearlman, Chuck Lichtenberger, Zack Page & Ben Bjorlie, 4-6pm hi-wire brewing Circus Mutt (bluegrass, jazz, reggae, rock), 4:307pm isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL Jazz showcase, 6pm Jack of the wooD pUb Irish session, 5pm one stop DeLi & bar Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Celtic Panda & The Deems (psychedelic, funk, jam, jazz), 10pm pULp Slice of Life open mic (comedy), 8pm scanDaLs nightcLUb Dance party, 10pm Miss Asheville Unlimited Pageant, 10pm-3am soUthern appaLachian brewery Jason DeCristofaro Duo (jazz vibraphones), 5-7pm taLLgary's cantina Sick Sound Sundays (DJ), 8pm the sociaL '80s night, 8pm tiMo's hoUse Whal Fritz (art show), 8pm
town pUMp Mud Tea (rock), 9pm
DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio • 13 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space Shuffleboard • Darts • Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse Karl Werne (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm
MonDay, Jan. 27 185 king street Monday Night Laughs, 8-11pm 5 waLnUt wine bar The Jeff Thompson Band (soul, rock), 8-10pm
FRI. 1/24
aLtaMont brewing coMpany Old-time jam, 7pm
DJ OCelate
bLack MoUntain aLe hoUse Karaoke, 9pm
(dance, pop hits)
bywater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm
SAT. 1/25
DoUbLe crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 9pm
eMeraLD LoUnge Bluegrass jam w/ Mountain Feist, 8pm
(funk, soul, pop)
Jack of the wooD pUb Quizzo, 7-9pm oskar bLUes brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm the phoenix Bradford Carson (jam, rock, blues), 8pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM 44
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
westviLLe pUb Trivia night, 8pm
185 king stReet 877-1850 5 waLnut wine baR 253-2593 aLtamont bRewing companY 575-2400 the aLtamont theatRe 348-5327 apothecaRY (919) 609-3944 aqua cafe & baR 505-2081 aRcade 258-1400 asheviLLe civic centeR & thomas woLfe auditoRium 259-5544 asheviLLe music haLL 255-7777 athena’s cLub 252-2456 baRLeY’s tap Room 255-0504 bLack mountain aLe house 669-9090 bLue mountain piZZa 658-8777 boiLeR Room 505-1612 bRoadwaY’s 285-0400 the bYwateR 232-6967 coRk and keg 254-6453 cLub haiRspRaY 258-2027 cLub Remix 258-2027 cReekside taphouse 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLeRY 367-6401 diana woRtham theateR 257-4530 diRtY south Lounge 251-1777 doubLe cRown 575-9060 eLeven on gRove 505-1612 emeRaLd Lounge 232- 4372 fiRestoRm cafe 255-8115 fRench bRoad bReweRY tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gReen Room cafe 692-6335 gReY eagLe music haLL & taveRn 232-5800 gRove house the gRove paRk inn (eLaine’s piano baR/ gReat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR Lounge 684-1213 haRRah’s cheRokee 497-7777 highLand bRewing companY 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 Jack of heaRts pub 645-2700 Jack of the wood 252-5445 Lexington avenue bReweRY 252-0212 the LobsteR tRap 350-0505 metRosheRe 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 monte vista hoteL 669-8870 native kitchen & sociaL pub (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onefiftYone 239-0239 one stop baR deLi & baR 255-7777 o.henRY’s/tug 254-1891 the oRange peeL 225-5851 oskaR bLues bReweRY 883-2337 pack’s taveRn 225-6944 the phoenix 333-4465 pisgah bRewing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLe onion cafe 749-1179 Red stag gRiLL at the gRand bohemian hoteL 505-2949 Root baR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLub 252-2838 scuLLY’s 251-8880 sLY gRog Lounge 255-8858 smokeY’s afteR daRk 253-2155 the sociaL 298-8780 southeRn appaLacian bReweRY 684-1235 static age RecoRds 254-3232 stRaightawaY cafe 669-8856 taLLgaRY’s cantina 232-0809
tigeR mountain thiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s house 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toY boat 505-8659 tReasuRe cLub 298-1400 tRessa’s downtown JaZZ & bLues 254-7072 vanuatu kava baR 505-8118 vincenZo’s 254-4698 waLL stReet coffee house 252-2535 westviLLe pub 225-9782 white hoRse 669-0816 wiLd wing cafe 253-3066 wxYZ 232-2838
DoUbLe crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 9pm grey eagLe MUsic haLL & tavern Carrie Rodriguez (fiddle, singer-songwriter), 7pm iron horse station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6-9pm isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL Bluegrass session, 7:30pm Jack of the wooD pUb Whiskey of the Damned (celtic-rock), 9pm oDDitoriUM Orbit DVD presents: Dead Snow (movie), 9pm one stop DeLi & bar Tuesday night techno, 10pm scULLy's Triva night, 9-11pm the phoenix Mike Sweet (rock), 8pm
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
the sociaL Big Generator (rock, blues), 7-9pm
tUesDay, Jan. 28
tiMo's hoUse Open mic variety show, 9pm
185 king street Salsa night (dance lessons), 8-10pm
tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes Max Melner's Orchestra (jazz, fusion, rock), 8pm
5 waLnUt wine bar The John Henry's (ragtime, jazz), 8-10pm
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
asheviLLe MUsic haLL Scott Barkan Trio & The Valley Roots (alternative, experimental), 8pm Funk jam, 11pm ben's tUne-Up Dance party w/ DJ Rob, 10pm bLack MoUntain aLe hoUse Trivia, 7pm
westviLLe pUb Blues jam, 10pm white horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late
weDnesDay, Jan. 29
504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Mark Bumgarner (folk, Americana), 7-9pm
185 king street Park Rangers Blues Band, 7pm
cLUb eLeven on grove Beginner swing lesson w/ Marc & Jessy, 7:308:30pm Dance, 8:30-11pm
5 waLnUt wine bar Steelin' Time (Hawaiian steel guitar), 5-7pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8-10pm
cork & keg Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm creeksiDe taphoUse Bluegrass jam, 7pm
aDaM DaLton DistiLLery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm aLtaMont brewing coMpany Hank West Residency (jazz, soul), 8pm
Wednesday, January 22nd
ben's tUne-Up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm
AVL Blues Jam Friday, January 24th
A True Gentleman’s Club
CO. w/ Mechanical River Saturday, January 25th
Asheville Winter Warmer Beer Fest After Party Feat: Drunken Prayer w/ Rachel Kate
Over 40 Entertainers!
TheTreasureClub.com facebook.com/thetreasureclub
Monday, January 27th
Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam Hosted by Mountain Feist
Wednesday, January 29th
AVL Blues Jam
Mon-Thurs 6:30pm–2am Fri-Sat 6:30pm–3am
520 SWANNANOA RIVER RD, ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 • (828) 298-1400 mountainx.com
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
fri. JaN 24
backstage • 8:30PM • $10
sat. JaN 25
backstage • 9:30PM • $6
thurs. feb 6
backstage • 9:00PM • $6
fri. feb 7
sat. feb 8
backstage • 9:00PM • $10
tunes foR RiveRside dR.: Ryan Barrington Cox, of the If You Wannas, will be playing his first solo show in nearly a year at the French Broad Brewery on Friday, Jan. 24, from 6-8 p.m. His latest album, Pool, released in November of last year, borrows indie-pop elements and infuses them with a distinct folk-rock vibe.
bLack MoUntain aLe hoUse Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm
straightaway cafe Circus Mutt (roots-rock, funk), 6pm
bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7-9pm
taLLgary's cantina Open mic & jam, 7pm
cork & keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm
the green rooM bistro & bar Taylor Martin Acoustic Band (Americana), 8pm
DoUbLe crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 9pm
the MothLight Pontiak w/ Nest Egg & Faux Ferocious (rock), 8:30pm
eMeraLD LoUnge Blues jam, 8pm grey eagLe MUsic haLL & tavern Kristian Bush (of Sugarland) w/ Hannah Thomas (singer-songwriter), 7pm grinD cafe Trivia night, 7pm iron horse station Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL Nicky Sanders, Barrett Smith & Mike Guggino (classic Italian), 7pm Jack of the wooD pUb Old-time session, 5pm oDDitoriUM Skullthunder w/ All Hell & The Mighty (punk, metal), 9pm oLive or twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:30-11pm pULp The Paris Thieves w/ Sloantones (folk-rock), 9pm sLy grog LoUnge Open mic, 7pm
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociaL Karaoke, 9:30pm town pUMp Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm traiLheaD restaUrant anD bar Open jam, 6pm tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes Dwain Simpson, Micah Thomas & Daniel Lannucci (jazz), 8pm vanUatU kava bar Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vincenZo's bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
thUrsDay, Jan. 30 185 king street Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm 5 waLnUt wine bar Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz exotica), 8-10pm
aDaM DaLton DistiLLery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm-2am aLtaMont brewing coMpany Lucrezio Duo (soul, folk), 8pm ben's tUne-Up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Locomotive Pie (blues), 7-9pm
asheviLLe MUsic haLL Willie Sugarcapps w/ Brigitte DeMeyer (folk), 9pm bLUe MoUntain piZZa & brew pUb Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm
DoUbLe crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 9pm
french broaD brewery tasting rooM Black Robin Hero (rock), 6-8pm
eMeraLD LoUnge Female poets showcase w/ Andrea Gibson, 7pm
green rooM cafe & coffeehoUse Jeff Michels (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm
isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL The Lovestruck Suckers w/ Eleanor Underhill, 8:30pm
grey eagLe MUsic haLL & tavern The Ringers w/ Oli Brown (blues), 9pm havana restaUrant Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm iron horse station Dana & Susan Robinson (old-time, folk), 7-10pm isis restaUrant anD MUsic haLL Blue Highway, 9pm
Jack of the wooD pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Jack of the wooD pUb Lyric w/ Porch 40 (funk, soul), 9pm
Lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
MiLLrooM Cosmic Spirit (dance), 7pm
oDDitoriUM Ryan Furstenberg w/ Caromia & Owen Scott Gibbs (singer, rock), 9pm
oDDitoriUM The Shine Bros w/ Timmy Tumble & The Nude Party (blues, psychedelic-rock), 9pm
oLive or twist Swing, Salsa & Bachata lessons w/ Randy Basham, 7-8pm DJ Mike Filippone (rock, disco, dance), 8-11pm
oLive or twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:3011:30pm
one stop DeLi & bar Phish n' Chips (Phish tribute), 6pm Ras Kass + Copywrite w/ Colston (hip-hop), 10pm orange peeL Paper Diamond w/ LoudPvck & Manic Focus (electronic), 9pm oskar bLUes brewery Dana & Sue Robinson (Americana), 6pm pUrpLe onion cafe Sweet Claudette (country, Motown), 7pm scanDaLs nightcLUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am the MothLight Paint Fumes w/ Schooner & Gross Ghost (punk, garage-rock), 9pm the phoenix Naren (singer-songwriter), 8pm the sociaL Caribbean Cowboys, 8pm tiMo's hoUse Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective presents: Unity Thursdays, 9pm town pUMp Todd Cecil & Back South (singer-songwriter), 9pm traiLheaD restaUrant anD bar Open jam, 6pm tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm vincenZo's bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm westviLLe pUb Chris Padgett (folk), 9:30pm wxyZ LoUnge One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm
friDay, Jan. 31
Every Week
DoUbLe crown Greg Cartwright (garage, soul), 11pm eMeraLD LoUnge Old North State w/ Matt Sanders & friends, Mangas Colorado (Americana, folk), 9pm
havana restaUrant Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm
Full Service Restaurant Meals are served to Mountain Xpress readers
cork & keg One Leg Up (jazz), 8:30pm
cork & keg Open mic, 7pm
french broaD brewery tasting rooM Michael McFarland, 6-8pm
orange peeL Drive-By Truckers w/ T. Hardy Morris (alt-country, rock), 9pm oskar bLUes brewery Riyen Roots Duo w/ Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm pack's tavern DJ MoTo (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgah brewing coMpany Henhouse Prowlers w/ Unspoken Tradition (bluegrass), 9pm root bar no. 1 Sweet Claudette (country, R&B), 9:30pm scanDaLs nightcLUb Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
30% 0FF
thu 1/23
This Valentines Day,
sat 1/25
tue 1/28
Come Buy that Special Gift for the One You Love
wed 1/29
scULLy's Jesse & Chris, 6-9pm DJ, 10pm-2am spring creek tavern Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 7-10pm straightaway cafe Paul Cataldo (Americana, folk), 6pm taLLgary's cantina Dance party w/ DJ Ocktave, 9:30pm the phoenix The Swamp Foot Creek Stompers (bluegrass), 9pm
the sociaL Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie-rock), 9pm tiMo's hoUse A-Plus, Bobby White, Quanstar & Evaready Raw, Professor & DJ Jet (hip-hop), 9pm
tressa's Downtown JaZZ anD bLUes Westsound (Motown, blues, R&B), 10pm
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse Pierce Pettis (singer-songwriter), 8pm
185 king street BJ Leiderman & friends (Beatles covers), 8pm
wiLD wing cafe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
aLtaMont brewing coMpany Ram Mandlecorn Trio (jam, jazz), 9pm
wxyZ LoUnge Matt Smith & Jon Corbin (jazz guitar duo), 9-11pm
reinhardt’s Birthday 7pm • $10/$12
jOhn cOwan Band
w/ missy raines & the new hip 8pm • $15/$18
carrie rOdriGuez 8pm • $12/$15
Kristian Bush Of suGarland
w/ hannah thomas 8pm • $15/$18 charlie traveler Presents:
the rinGers
featuring jimmy herring, wayne Krantz and more! w/ Oli Brown 9pm • $20/$25
Orbit dVd Presents:
sat 2/1
fOund fOOtaGe festiVal
tue 2/4
man man w/ Xenia rubinos
(live dVd taping!) 8pm • $12/$15
town pUMp Lazybirds (blues, Americana), 9pm
vanUatU kava bar Ka-Duat (ambient, electronic), 9pm
fri 1/31
5th annual djanGOfest a celebration of django
Where Adult Dreams Come True • • OPEN 7 DAYS • •
thu 2/6
SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250
9pm • $12/$15 Grandma & Orbit dVd Present:
euGene mirman w/ derrick Brown 9pm • $18/$20
2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)
www.bedtymestories.net mountainx.com
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
pick of the week
theateR Listings
The Invisible Woman
fRidaY, JanuaRY 24 thuRsdaY, JanuaRY 30 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diRectoR: Ralph Fiennes
asheviLLe piZZa & brewing co. (254-1281) please call the info line for updated showtimes. 2 guns (r) 10:00 Lee Daniels’ the butler (pg-13) 7:00 walking with Dinosaurs 3D (pg) 1:00, 4:00
pLaYeRs: Ralph Fiennes, Felicity Jones, Kristin ScottThomas, Tom Hollander, Joanna Scanlan, John Kavanagh biogRaphicaL dRama Rated R
carMike cineMa 10 (298-4452)
the stoRY: Biographical film about the relationship between Charles Dickens and his younger mistress. the Lowdown: Complex, heavily layered and textured biographical drama that also serves as a critique of the role of women in Victorian society. The only problem is that its deliberate pace will be off-putting to some.
Ralph Fiennes’ second directorial effort, The Invisible Woman, is something of a puzzlement. It’s definitely a more successful work than his first film, Coriolanua (2011), and it’s considerably more interesting. It tells the story of Charles Dickens’ (Fiennes) love affair with Ellen “Nelly” Ternan (Felicity Jones) — an affair that started at the peak of Dickens’ fame and lasted for the remainder of his life. The film takes an unusual approach to the material, working in the most heavily layered manner I’ve seen in a biographical film since Ken Russell’s Mahler (1974). (Interestingly, David Collings, who played Hugo Wolf in Mahler, has a small role here.) The similarity is probably not coincidental — especially considering the imagery — but do not take this comparison too far.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
RaLph fiennes stars as Charles Dickens in The Invisible Woman, a rich but leisurely paced film that Fiennes also directed.
The Invisible Woman is no Mahler. It’s a much more deliberately paced (frankly, it’s rather slow) and reticent film. It is, if anything, too genteel and respectable for its own good, which is something of a curiosity given the material. The Invisible Woman is good. Make no mistake about this. It’s solidly produced, beautifully photographed and wonderfully acted. Fiennes proves himself more interested in making a good movie than he is in showcasing his own performance. His Dickens is certainly compelling — his public reading from David Copperfield is mesmerizing — but the film mostly belongs to his co-star, Felicity Jones. That’s not gallantry, since the title tells you that the story is more about this shadowy figure in Dickens’ life than it is about Dickens himself. It’s the story of a woman who found herself in love with a famous married man and proceeded to enter into a long, more or less secret relationship with him, knowing it could never end well. She sees the relationship as analagous to the supposedly happy
— but really very ambiguous — second ending of Great Expectations. The film is actually about a good deal more than Nelly’s invisibility. It constantly comments on the position of all women in Victorian society — something Nelly’s mother (Kristin Scott-Thomas) tries to impress on her daughter. Catherine (Brit TV actress Joanna Scanlan in a heartbreaking performance), may be Dickens’ wife, but Dickens is quite able to simply blot her out of his mind. (There’s even a perhaps too literal scene of a wall being constructed between them.) For all his talk about smashing the way the world works, Wilkie Collins (Tom Hollander, About Time) keeps his mistress out of the picture as much as possible, which suggests that his idea of a new world is more for men than for women. Dickens himself seems to echo this view in his relationship with Nelly. There is a singularly telling scene where Nelly is loudly reproaching Dickens on a street, and all a passing policeman wants to know is whether
caroLina cineMas (274-9500) 12 years a slave (r) 12:30, 6:00 american hustle (r) 12:00, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 august: osage county (r) 10:15, 1:00, 3:40, 6:15, 9:00 Dallas buyers club (r) 3:30, 9:00 Devil’s Due (r) 12:30, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 frozen 2D (pg) 10:30, 1:00 gravity 3D (pg-13) 6:30, 8:45 her (r) 10:30, 1:15, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 i, frankenstein 3D (pg-13) 12:15, 2:30, 7:15 i, frankenstein 2D (pg-13) 5:00, 9:45 inside Llewyn Davis (r) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 6:50, 9:15 the invisible woman (r) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:15, 8:45 Jack ryan: shadow recruit (pg-13) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30 Lone Survivor (r) 10:30, 1:15, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45 the nut Job 3D (pg) 9:30 the nut Job 2D (pg) 10:30, 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30 philomena (pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45 ride along (pg-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30 saving Mr. banks (pg-13) 3:45 the wolf of wall street (r) 6:00, 9:45 cinebarre (665-7776) co-eD cineMa brevarD (883-2200) epic of henDersonviLLe (693-1146) fine arts theatre (232-1536) Dallas buyers club (r) 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:50 inside Llewyn Davis (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:15 nebraska (r) 1:20 fLatrock cineMa (697-2463) american hustle (r) 3:30, 7:00 regaL biLtMore granDe staDiUM 15 (684-1298) UniteD artists beaUcatcher (298-1234)
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
this lady is bothering Mr. Dickens. There’s only one side to the story in Victorian England. Though The Invisible Woman is a good, surprisingly complex and thoughtful film — it is about as far as it’s possible to get from “actionpacked.” The movie doesn’t hurry along in any sense. It is more interested in arriving at a cumulative impact — and it does have one, if you have the patience to get there. Fiennes makes a few dubious choices. There’s a bit too much hand-held camera in some scenes — something that is out of place with the tone of the film. And too many scenes play out in hushed tones, long pauses and even longer silences. When Fiennes uses music, he uses it well. The problem is he doesn’t use it often enough. These are all legitimate drawbacks to the film, but they don’t keep it from being a worthwhile work. Rated R for some sexual content. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.
Devil’s Due S diRectoR: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett (V/H/S)) pLaYeRs: Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, Roger Payano, Vanessa Ray semi-found-footage wobbLY hoRRoR Rated R the stoRY: Shaky-cam, bargain basement take on the Rosemary’s Baby Son o’ Satan shtick. the Lowdown: Bottom-of-thebarrel horror shenanigans of the sort only January brings. Spare yourself.
When I was told that space would be tight this week and that I should go short on reviews, I asked if I could review Devil’s Due by simply saying, “Trust me, folks, this thing sucks a moose.” I was told that was perhaps too short. So I find myself, like the book reviewer in Love & Human Remains (1993), pondering: “How do you say ‘it’s shit’ for 600 words?” Well, c’est merde, it definitely is. (How many words
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
are we up to?) I will make some valiant attempt at explaining why it’s utter manure, though I can scarcely imagine why you would care — unless you’re a fertilizer salesman. Even then, this is not high-grade fertilizer. What we have here is the sort-of found-footage version of Rosemary’s Baby — as reconfigured by lesser primates than Roman Polanski. The film is either so inept — or so contemptuous of its audience that it doesn’t bother to try — that it can’t even stick to its dumb found-footage flapdoodle. We are supposed to believe that it was cobbled together (by whom, I have no clue) from home video footage and security cameras. Banana oil. It’s just a jumble of shaky, wobbly images that couldn’t possibly be what they’re claimed to be. Granted, the whole found-footage premise is played out and pointless, but you could at least pretend this footage (including footage that’s stolen by the satanists part-way through the proceedings) could be real. Parts of it don’t even make sense. The story involves a newlywed couple (Allison Miller, Zach Gilford) who (after what seems like hours of pointless setup) go on their honeymoon to some impoverished banana republic where they’re spirited off by Creepy Cab Driver (Roger Payano) to some subterranean night club. They get tight. Strange, barely glimpsed things happen. As it turns out, the couple took park in one of those rituals where the bride awakes only to learn (over the course of the picture) that she’s been knocked up by the devil. This is never good news, and the film sets out to prove this fact with seemingly purposeful tedium. Predictably, it all ends awash in blood and codswallop. What can we take from this of any value? Not much. There’s a pretty funny scene where Demon Mom chows down on deer entrails and sends hapless meaton-the-hoof teens flying through the air with the greatest of ease. Unfortunately, this accounts for no more than three minutes of screen time. That leaves too much of the movie unaccounted for. Look, trust me — this thing sucks a moose. Rated R for language and some bloody images. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
HHHHH = max rating
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit HHHS diRectoR: Kenneth Branagh pLaYeRs: Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Knightley
Weekend Hours Lovely sessions at $40/hour
spY thRiLLeR Rated pg-13 the stoRY: CIA agent Jack Ryan must travel to Russia in order to foil a plot to ruin the American economy. the Lowdown: A solid, entertaining movie that does nothing great — making for a nice, if forgettable, spy thriller.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is perhaps the epitome of solid, yet unspectacular filmmaking. By reimagining Tom Clancy’s uberpatriotic CIA agent for the 21st Century, director Kenneth Branagh has made a slick, professional espionage thriller. The film is grounded in the real world along the lines of the Daniel Craig James Bond films. While following trends and playing it safe makes sense from a business standpoint, it also means that Branagh has made a movie that doesn’t really do anything particularly interesting or distinctive. Yes, there are bits of Branagh’s usual fits of bombastic theatricality — especially in Viktor, the film’s nationalistic Russian antagonist (fittingly played by Branagh himself). But it’s certainly not enough to make the film truly personal, since the rest is just your general fast-paced spy nonsense mixed in with enough goofy action to keep things interesting. Jack Ryan is not especially memorable — doing the bare minimum to be a good piece of entertainment and little more. While it may seem like I’m piling on Branagh, a bit of the blame should also go to Chris Pine. Pine, who plays Ryan with thankfully less smarm than his usual roles, is simply a nonentity. He is more famous for being in a couple Star Trek movies (in a role, mind you, made iconic by another actor decades ago) than for being Chris Pine, the actor. He’s serviceable (if not a bit far-fetched) as the resident spy/math genius/ superhero, but he has negative on-screen charisma, leaving little to root for. Once again, he’s play-
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
speciaL scReenings
Gertrud HHHH dRama Rated NR Danish filmmaker Carl Theodor Dreyer’s last film is pretty
much of a piece with his earlier work, which is to say it’s glacially-paced, stripped down to what Dreyer felt were the essentials and will appeal to those with very specialized tastes. Nina Pens Rode stars as the title character — a middle-aged woman having a kind of midlife crisis as she copes with an ex-boyfriend, a current husband, a careless younger lover and a long-suffering admirer. That’s pretty much it, and how you’ll take to the film depends on how you take to Dreyer. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Gertrud Friday, Jan. 24, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com.
The Most Dangerous Game HHHHS hoRRoR Rated R Often overlooked because it was quickly eclipsed by King
Kong (which was made on the same sets at the same time), The Most Dangerous Game (1932) is one of the most striking, grisly, sexualized and exciting horror thrillers of the Golden Age. Owing to the jungle sets, the presence of Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong and Noble Johnson, a shared director and that Max Steiner score, the film is inextricably linked to Kong. But this lightning-paced thriller about a madman who hunts human beings is very much its own beast. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Most Dangerous Game Thursday, Jan. 23, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The Lion in the Winter HHHHS histoRicaL Romp Rated PG The Lion in Winter may not be a great movie, but
as a historical romp that affords the chance of seeing two champion scene-stealers — Peter O’Toole and Katharine Hepburn — go at each other, it’s undeniably entertaining. This tale of three sons and their strong-willed mother attempting to force Henry II into choosing an heir is essentially history as domestic comedy. Who’s to say that’s wrong?
The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Lion in Winter Sunday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
My Beautiful Laundrette HHHHH comedY-dRama Romance Rated R Stephen Frears has a movie up for a Best
Picture Oscar — Philomena — this year, so it’s apt (though coincindental) that his first big hit, My Beautiful Laundrette, should be getting another look. This multicultural, multisexuality comedy-drama-romance kicked off Daniel Day-Lewis’ career and made the first mark for a production company called Working Title. It was also a major breakthrough in how gay characters were treated onscreen. And best of all, it’s funny, touching and entertaining, too. The Asheville Film Society will screen My Beautiful Laundrette Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
chRis pine is the latest incarnation of Tom Clancy’s popular character in Kenneth Branagh’s Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, a solid, but unremarkable spy thriller.
ing a character established in the past by other actors. The film’s plot is equally redundant. Ryan must stop a Russian plot to sink America into another Great Depression. Nothing seems really at stake here, and there isn’t much to get excited about. Even so, the movie remains imminently watchable. Jack Ryan just isn’t fun enough. When we get to the film’s fairly absurd climax — complete with Chekhov’s motorcycle — there’s finally some flippancy and excitement, but it’s too little and obviously too late. Really, the only interesting aspects of the film are contextual. Jack Ryan has been set up as the anti-Bond — a man who desperately wants to keep his monogamous relationship intact and lugs around heavy guilt from killing one man. (This is an especially prescient idea given that someone counted the 350 people James Bond has murdered in movies.) While all of this is theoretically fine, it makes for a character (with, again, no help from Pine) who’s a bit on the dull side. Despite its flaws, the film manages to be both stylish and engaging (it moves quickly and looks handsome), which is worth noting, especially amongst the rest of January’s lousy releases. Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and intense action, and brief strong language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
The Nut Job HH
diRectoR: Peter Lepeniotis pLaYeRs: (Voices) Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson, Katherine Heigl, Maya Rudolph animated animaL kiddie foddeR Rated pg the stoRY: Animated kiddie flick about park animals robbing a nut shop. the Lowdown: Bland and boring, but nice to look at and mostly innocuous. Not worth the bother of sitting through, however.
Despite boasting a title that sounds like it may be about some arcane sex act, The Nut Job is your standard issue in-the-bleak-midwinter animated kiddie movie. In its favor, it is not Devil’s Due. It is also — apart from an unusually high fixation on flatulence-humor — mostly innocuous, which does not, unfortunately, prevent it from being predictable and tedious. Of course, it wasn’t aimed at me, but in all fairness, there was no shortage of its target audience at the showing I attended, and they were not laughing much. For
that matter, one young audience member decided that stamping his feet on the floor in some kind of outbreak of rhythm was more entertaining. That boy may have a future in movie criticism. It isn’t that The Nut Job is badly made or even actively bad. It’s just passively mediocre and hampered by a main character — a surly squirrel named Surly (Will Arnett) — who is neither likable, nor interesting. Surly is the park troublemaker. He’s also completely self-centered and self-serving (kind of a rodent Libertarian). So when he accidentally destroys the park’s entire winter food supply, he finds himself banished to The City, with only his slow-witted rat buddy (who he constantly abuses) for company. It’s really a stretch to care — even when Surly finds himself menaced by nasty city rats and has to be saved by his nice rat friend. All of this is pretty plodding stuff. Once the actual plot — the plan to rob Maury’s Nut Store — kicks in, it’s still pretty plodding, but at least it’s going somewhere. Most of the film — which is filled with too much underdeveloped plot — is about robbing this store. The store itself is a front for bank robbers who, somewhat mystifyingly, plan on replacing the bank’s bags of money (the movie has a quaint idea of banking) with bags of nuts. Surly — unwillingly partnered with the park’s interested parties — is, of course, out for himself. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone, the park’s head honcho — an unctuous raccoon voiced by Liam Neeson — is a low-life dictator who keeps the other animals hungry in order to control them. And beyond this ... look, do you really care about this plot? It’s all just a pretense for not-very-funny gags and the usual life lessons (with possible socialist overtones, if you want to look for them). The strange thing is that a lot of trouble has been gone to in the design of the film and its retro 1950s look. I mean it all looks like somebody really cared about the movie. Problem is nobody seems to have cared much about script, story or, for that matter, the voice performances, most of which are lethargic. (Brendan Fraser seems to be in the right spirit, but everyone else is in full paycheck mode.) The animation is certainly good —
its depiction of water is really firstrate — but it’s not in the service of anything much worth watching. But, hey, it’s better than Devil’s Due — at least till the ending credits where an animated Psy shows up to dance to that irritating Gangnam song. Rated PG for mild action and rude humor. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.
Highsmith University Union. Free. Info: mgibney@unca.edu or 250-3870. • MO (1/27), 7pm - Born this Way looks at the lives of four young, gay Cameroonians. • TU (1/28), 7pm - Camp 14: Total Control Zone, a portrait of a young man born in a North Korean jail as son of prisoners. • WE (1/29), 7pm - Rafea: Solar Mama, the story of a woman who overcomes tradition to become solar engineer.
Ride Along H Community Screenings Director: Tim Story (Think Like a Man) Buster Keaton Classics with Original Scores • WE (1/22), 9pm - The Not So Silent Cinema ensemble will perform live original scores during a screening of four Buster Keaton short films. Held at Isis, 743 Haywood Road. $10. Info: isisasheville.com. Clean Water For NC Screening • SU (1/26), 5:30pm - CWFNC will host a screening and discussion of Bidder 70 , a film about civil disobedience and activism. Held at the Asheville Friends Meetinghouse, 227 Edgewood Road. Bring a potluck dish. Free. Info: 251-1291. Films at the Asheville Art Museum Located at 2 S. Pack Square. Showings are free with membership or museum admission. Info: 253-3227 or ashevilleart.org. • FRIDAYS- A three part series “Art of Watching Films” will analyze cinematic elements and encourage viewers to to look at film as art. Concludes with a showing of Séraphine on Jan. 24. Hours: Jan. 10 & 17: 3pm. Jan. 24: 5pm. • FR (1/24), 5-7:30pm - Art of Watching Films Series ends with with viewing of the film Séraphine. Reclaiming Sacred Ground at West Asheville Library • WE (1/29), 6:30pm- This film series discusses Native American representation in film. This week: Smoke Signals. Held at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Free. The Best of Ginger and Fred • TH (1/23), 4:45pm - Screenings from the films of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers with a discussion led by Peter Loewer, co-founder of the Asheville Film Society. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Free. The Shambhala Meditation Center Located at 19 Westwood Place. Info: shambhalaashvl@gmail.com or 490-4587. • 4th FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Dharma Movie Night” will feature a screening and discussion of a Dharma-inspired film. Free to attend with donations accepted. UNCA Human Rights Film Festival UNC Asheville’s Amnesty International Student Chapter will hold its ninth annual Human Rights Film Festival Jan. 27-31.
Players: Kevin Hart, Ice Cube, Tika Sumpter, John Leguizamo, Laurence Fishburne Buddy Cop Comedy Rated pg-13 The Story: A loudmouthed security guard goes on a ride along with his girlfriend’s hard-as-nails police officer brother. The Lowdown: A poorly written, poorly executed buddy cop film with all the clichés that come along with it.
Ride Along may have taken in $40 million last weekend, but that number is no testament to quality. Instead, think of it as the christening of Kevin Hart’s popularity and his possible arrival as a movie star. At least, that’s the most likely explanation for its success, since Ride Along is a generally unfunny, clichéd buddy cop film — exactly the kind of thing Edgar Wright’s Hot Fuzz (2007), Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s 21 Jump Street (2012) and a handful of other movies parodied years ago. On top of the already tired premise, we get lousy construction from a pretty lousy director in Tim Story — a man who hasn’t made anything worth watching since 2002’s Barbershop. The direction is listless, the script is all exposition (there are at least two instances of characters recounting scenes that just happened) and the jokes are never funny. Most attempts at humor rely on Hart’s noisy, fast-talking brand of comedy and a certain nostalgia pointed towards Ice Cube’s less cuddly, pre-Are We There Yet? days. Hart plays Ben, a high school security guard who’s also an avid gamer — a character trait the film’s boneheaded script makes sure to point
out at every opportunity. He’s also dating Angela (Tika Sumpter, Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas), who he wants to marry. Before the two can tie the knot, Ben has to win over her stern brother James (Cube). To afford him this chance, James — who is a real cop — invites Ben to join him on the job. It’s not long before the odd couple attempts to bring down a mysterious ganglord (Laurence Fishburne). The clichés start from the film’s opening action sequence, which illustrates James’ refusal to play by the rules, and introduces us to his frustrated, by-the-book chief (Bruce McGill) who yells a lot. While Ice Cube actually gets higher billing, the real draw here is Hart, who is supposed to do the bulk of the comedic lifting. This doesn’t go too well. I’ll admit he has some charisma onscreen, but he lets loose a little too much, making for a manic comedic style that’s based more on bombast and slapstick than actual jokes. It’s an approach that ultimately fails in a movie that’s a good fifteen minutes longer than it should be. Hart gets a few good scenes here and there, but those — especially in light of the film’s numerous other flaws — are hardly reason enough to recommend it. Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence, sexual content and brief strong language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
The Invisible Woman See review in “Cranky Hanke”
I, Frankenstein The folks responsible for the dreary Underworld series, having attempted to ruin both the vampire and werewolf sub-genres, now turn their attention to the Frankenstein monster — and without even the dignity of an R rating. The old boy now looks suspiciously like Aaron Eckhart with lots of scars and a gym-rat torso. Somehow or other, said monster finds himself in a battle between two immortal clans, which sounds a lot like Underworld with different monsters. On the plus side, Bill Nighy is in this, but he was in three of the Underworld movies, too. No, of course, critics haven’t seen this. (PG-13)
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2014
stiLL showing
12 Years a Slave HHHHS
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Dallas Buyers Club HHHHS
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong'o
Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner, Denis O'Hare, Dallas Roberts, Steve Zahn, Griffin Dunne
biographical drama The story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery. Powerful, brilliantly — and beautifully — made. It boasts a gallery of fine performances and should finally propel Chiwetel Ejiofor to the stardom he’s deserved for 10 years. It’s a fine film, but maybe not quite a masterpiece. Rated R
fact-based drama Fact-based story of a Texas homophobe who contracts AIDS and almost inadvertently becomes a major force in the gay community in battling the disease — if not in exactly orthodox methods. Brilliant performances from Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto propel this finely-crafted film into the realm of the must-see. It’s a strong work that refuses cheap sentimentality. Rated R
47 Ronin HH
Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Tadanobu Asano, Min Tanaka
Pet Problems?
samurai fantasy adventure A group of disgraced samurai set out to avenge the death of their master. A mix of samuraimovie basics and occasional fantasy elements that combine to make a boring, unmemorable flick. Rated pg-13
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American Hustle HHHHS Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner
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ALL Sunday Shows $1
cheerfully amoral sometimes factbased comedy drama Vaguely factbased (Abscam) comedy drama about not-very-bright people trying to out-con each other. Funny, cynical and even a little demented, David O. Russell’s latest boasts incredible turns from its highpowered cast, a genuine sense of the late 1970s and a pop soundtrack to die for. Rated R
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues HH
ALL Tuesday Shows $2
Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, David Koechner comedy Buffoonish, loud-mouthed news anchor Ron Burgundy tries to rebuild his reputation on a cable news channel. A generally unfunny rehash of the first Anchorman that only occasionally works when it’s being satirical. Rated pg-13
Every Mon-Thu
ALL Shows $1 After 9pm
Saturday Morning Shows ONLY $1
Devil’s Due S Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, Roger Payano, Vanessa Ray semi-found-footage wobbly horror Shaky-cam, bargain basement take on the Rosemary’s Baby Son o’ Satan shtick. Bottom-of-the-barrel horror shenanigans of the sort only January brings. Spare yourself. Rated R
Frozen HHHS (Voices) Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Santino Fontana, Alan Tudyk animated fantasy A newly crowned queen — with the ability to freeze things — plunges her country into perpetual winter. It’s certainly dazzling to look at, but apart from the presence of two female leads and no real male hero, it’s pretty standard Disney fare, decked out in a largely forgettable, but occasionally irritating, songs. Not a bad movie, but far from a great one. Rated pg
Gravity HHHHS Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice) sci-fi suspense Two astronauts accidentally set adrift in space must find a way to survive and make it back to earth. Brilliantly made, impeccably acted, visually impressive and undeniably intense in its suspense. Gravity is a fine film, but is maybe too efficient for its own good. Rated pg-13
August: Osage County HHHH
Grudge Match S
Sat & Sun
Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper, Ewan McGregor, Margo Martindale, Sam Shepard
Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808
theatrical black comedy drama An astonishingly dysfunctional family gathers for the funeral of its patriarch. Personalities clash, tempers flare, secrets are revealed. Essentially, this is an overheated melodrama, but it’s enjoyably performed as dark comedy by a high-profile cast. It’s not a great movie, but it’s a lot of twisted fun, great dialogue and scenery chewing. Rated R
dramatic comedy Two ex-boxers in their 60s renew a 30-year-old rivalry in the ring. A one-note comedy and a halfbaked melodrama that’s too long and too dumb. Rated pg-13
Brunch Menu for all shows before 12pm
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Kim Basinger, Kevin Hart, Jon Bernthal
Her HHHH Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Matt Letscher futuristic comedy drama Mildly fu-
HHHHH = max rating
turistic story of a man who falls in love with his sentient computer operating system. It doesn’t all work, and Her is more simplistic than its ambitions to be a profound statement on modern technology would like. But it’s more workable than its premise might sound — and there’s an emotional wallop to it. Rated R
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug HHH Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott, Luke Evans fantasy adventure Hobbit Bilbo Baggins and his dwarf companions travel through Middle Earth to breach the lair of a deadly dragon. Yet another overlong Tolkien adaptation, this one suffers from a sense of corner-cutting and a lack emotional center or any real dramatic arc. Rated pg-13
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire HHHS Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman futuristic action thriller Sequel to The Hunger Games. Mostly an improvement on the first film — until it gets to the action centerpiece of the game, whereupon it not only spins the same wheels, but relies too heavily on the assumption that you have seen the first movie. Rated pg-13
Inside Llewyn Davis HHHHH Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, Justin Timberlake, Adam Driver, John Goodman, Garrett Hedlund drama with dark comedy and music A week of hard luck in the life of a moderately talented folk singer in the winter of 1961. The Coen brothers’ latest is one of 2013’s best films, but while it’s bitterly funny, it’s also a darkly disturbing film that’s likely to alienate some people. It’s a remarkable movie with a remarkable soundtrack, but despite some obvious similarities, don’t expect another O Brother, Where Art Thou? Rated R
The Invisible Woman HHHH Ralph Fiennes, Felicity Jones, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Tom Hollander, Joanna Scanlan, John Kavanagh biographical drama Biographical film about the relationship between Charles Dickens and his younger mistress. Complex, heavily layered and textured biographical drama that also serves as a critique of the role of women in Victorian society. The only problem is that its deliberate pace will be off-putting to some. Rated R
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execUtive townhoMe weaverviLLe 15 min. from downtown Asheville. Spacious, accessible, 2-3 BR/2BA ,sunroom, den, 1870 SF, fireplace, hardwood, granite, attached garage, storage, clubhouse, pool, gym. $1550/mo.,deposit & 1yr lease. 502-894-9840 nlstewart99@gmail.com
hoMes for rent asheviLLe east-DUpLexHalf house close in. 3BR, 2BA, hardwood floors, fireplace, dishwasher, WD. Woods and trails. No pets/smoking. $825/ month, plus utilities. 828-2736700.
short-terM rentaLs 15 MinUtes to asheviLLe Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/week, $1500/ month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@yahoo.com
MobiLe hoMes for rent between asheviLLe anD bLack MoUntain Large Mobile Home 2BR, 2BA. East. In quiet managed park. Large surround deck; Central heat, W/D, A/C. References, application and deposit required. $550/month. (828) 779-2736.
rooMMates aLL areas - rooMMates. coM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www.Roommates.com. (AAN CAN)
eMpLoyMent generaL
canopy gUiDe at navitat canopy aDventUres Seeking qualified candidates for the Canopy Guide position for the 2014 season. Learn more at www.navitat.com. Attach your current resume, references, and letter of interest for email to avlemployment@navitat.com. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. fULL-tiMe hoUsekeeper Year-round consistent employment, Asheville. Professional, reliable and experienced preferred for upscale B&B. Must work weekends. References and background check required. No drop-bys. Please call (828) 254-3878 for interview. black walnut bed and breakfast inn professionaL cLeaner Locally owned Professional Eco-Friendly Cleaning Company looking for qualified employee. Part time position. Experience preferred. Please email resume with experience and professional references to greenclean360@gmail.com Background check required. whoLesaLe bUsiness operations Wholesale Operations, Pick, Pack and Ship - Asheville Distributor is looking for several full-time employees to join our growing shipping and receiving department. New hires are responsible for picking, packing and shipping to fulfill customer orders. We use support systems to process orders and computer skills are desired but not mandatory. The position does require some lifting up to a maximum of 50 lbs. We are looking for candidates that are detail oriented, have a positive attitude, are able to keep up a fast pace and have the potential and desire to advance. We offer competitive salary, health benefits, paid holiday, personal days and vacation time off as well as friendly and comfortable work environment. Please email resume and cover letter to jamesm@ afgdistribution.com or fax to 828-259-3674.
aDMinistrative/ office seeking QUaLity eMpLoyeeS? "We advertised with Mountain Xpress looking for a Licensed Assistant for our company. Right away we received numerous responses, one of which we ended up hiring. So impressed with the quality of leads we received from Mountain Xpress compared to our other ad placed with another source. Great job as always!" Dawn, Candy
Whitt & Associates. • You too, can experience quality applicants. Advertise in Mountain xpress classifieds.
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hUMan services
avaiLabLe positions • MeriDian behavioraL heaLth peer support specialists: Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialist working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org child and family services team clinician Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist for an exciting opportunity to serve youth and their families through Intensive In-Home Services, Individual and Group Therapy. For more information contact Julie Durham-Defee, julie. durham-defee@meridianbhs. org cherokee county peer Support Specialist Assertive community treatment team
– (actt) Position open for Peer Support Specialist to provide community-based services. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and must have basic computer skills. For further information, contact Erin Galloway, erin.galloway@meridianbhs.org haywood county recovery education center clinician Recovery Education Center Seeking a passionate, values-driven professional to work within an innovative MH/SA recovery-oriented program. Will be responsible for facilitating assessments and individual sessions as well as teaching classes within the REC. Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/ license-eligible. For more information, please contact Julie Durham-Defee, julie.durham-defee@meridianbhs.org Jackson county payroll/ accounting clerk Experienced Payroll and Accounting Clerk needed for behavioral health office in Sylva. Parttime at 20 hours per week, with benefits including paid time off and health insurance. Hourly wages commensurate with experience. High School diploma or GED required. For further information, please contact bridget.tyson@meridianbhs.org. psychiatric nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) Position open for a licensed nurse to work on an Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience a service that really works! Must have two years of psychiatric nursing experience. If interested, please contact Becky McKnight, rebekah.mcknight@ meridianbhs.org program assistant assertive community treatment team – (actt) Responsible for providing administrative support for the Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) by generally organizing, coordinating and monitoring all nonclinical operations of the ACTT, under the supervision of the ACTT Team Leader. Must be detail oriented, have strong communication and computer skills and be able to work in a team environment. Two years of clerical/office experience preferred. High School Diploma or GED required. For more information please contact Becky McKnight, rebekah.
mcknight@meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org/open-positions.html case Manager position for Women’s Recovery Center. Familiarity with women’s issues and substance abuse desired, B.A. preferred, email resumes to sboehm@drugfreenc.org DeveLopMent Director (p/t) The Literacy Council of Buncombe County seeks an experienced, passionate individual to lead the organization’s fund development program. Visit the Literacy Council's website for the full position announcement. www. litcouncil.com Direct sUpport professionaLs Progressive company seeking dependable individuals to provide residential support to individuals with disabilities. Must be able to work a flexible schedule, be a positive role model and have a clean driving background. Interested individuals can send an email admin@mountainarearesidentialfacilities.org or apply in person Monday and Wednesday from 10am2pm at 108 Cedar Ridge Drive Asheville NC 28803.
heLp a chiLD • change a Life! Become a Foster Parent with Eliada Homes, Inc. • Free training classes begin soon! Please contact Shawn for more information: (828) 713-5428 or sbburleson@eliada.org LicenseD therapists neeDeD in haywooD, Jackson & Macon coUnties Licensed Therapists needed in Haywood, Jackson and Macon Counties to provide mental health therapy to children and adolescents. Competitive salary, flexible hours, and excellent benefit package. Therapists MUST possess a current NC Therapist License. Full licensure preferred, but associate/provisional status will also be considered. Apply by emailing resume to: telliot@ jcpsmail.org
hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs.org
peer sUpport teaM LeaDer Meridian Behavioral Health Services is looking for a dynamic individual to be a Peer Support Team Leader. • As a recovery leader in North Carolina, Meridian has been employing Peer Support Specialists and providing recovery-oriented care for the last 10 years. This Team Leader will be responsible for developing our community-based Peer Support program and providing ongoing supervision to a team of up to 8 Peer Support Specialists. • To qualify, applicants must be a QMHP, have a valid driver’s license, own reliable transportation and possess excellent computer skills. Supervisory experience and/or previous experience providing peer support preferred. • For further information contact hr.department@meridianbhs.org
the asheviLLe office of faMiLy preservation services is seeking the following: tfcbt-rostered therapist to work with children and in our outpatient therapy office; licensed or provisionally licensed therapist to work with children in our school-based program; Qp to work in our Adolescent Day Treatment program; MD/pa/np to work with adults in our Center for Recovery, Education and Wellness; Qp to work with adults on our ACT Team; Lcsw to work with adults in our outpatient therapy office. Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp.com
professionaL/ ManageMent Director of coMMUnity oUtreach The role of this person is to bring together Hanger Hall’s constituency groups (teachers, students, parents, alumni and Asheville community)
to foster community and support of the school’s mission. This is a ¾ time position (25-30 hours per week) with some work hour flexibility and benefits. Position requires some evening, overnight, and weekend commitments. Preferred applicants will have 2-5 years experience managing volunteers, experience working with multiple constituencies, be self-directed, possess excellent organizational and negotiating skills, be comfortable interacting with external constituencies, be passionate about middle school girls, and be able to manage multiple interests, have experience with project management and/or planning trips for a large group. Send resume: employment@hangerhall. org
hUMan resoUrces Community Care of Western North Carolina seeks candidates for the position of Senior Human Resources Generalist for the main office in Asheville, NC. Position is responsible for all phases of HR management; major areas of responsibility include talent acquisition and retention, comp and benefits, performance management, workers’ comp, safety and employee relations. PHR certification, a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a human resource related field, and 5-8 years of progressive experience required. • Experience with HR systems, Project Management and/or Accreditation preferred. • Candidates must be proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Excel, Power Point and Word with proven ability to work independently. Submit resume and cover letter to hr@ccwnc.org or fax to 828-348-2757. EOE.
teaching/ eDUcation certifieD Montessori teachers wanteD Spruce Pine Montessori School seeks an Upper Elementary Teacher for 2014-15 and a Primary Teacher for 2015-16. Visit www.sprucepinemontessori. org for complete job descriptions. Send resume and cover letter to apply.
Paul Caron
Furniture Magician • Cabinet Refacing • Furniture Repair
peer sUpport speciaLists Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialist working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring
• Seat Caning • Antique Restoration • Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828) 669-4625
• Black Mountain
JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Actor Casey Affleck appreciates the nurturing power of his loved ones. “My family would be supportive,” he says, “if I said I wanted to be a Martian, wear only banana skins, make love to ashtrays and eat tree bark.” I’d like to see you cultivate allies like that in the coming months, Aries. Even if you’ve never had them before, there’s a good chance they’ll be available. For best results, tinker with your understanding of who your family might be. Redefine what “community” means to you.
The Aquarian author Georges Simenon (1903-1989) wrote more than 200 novels under his own name and 300 more under pseudonyms. On average, he finished a new book every 11 days. Half a billion copies of his books are in print. I’m sorry to report that I don’t think you will ever be as prolific in your own chosen field as he was in his. However, your productivity could soar to a hefty fraction of Simenon-like levels in 2014 — if you’re willing to work your ass off. Your luxuriant fruitfulness won’t come as easily as his seemed to. But you should be overjoyed that you at least have the potential to be luxuriantly fruitful.
Manufacturing a jelly bean is not a quick, slam-bam process. It’s a five-step procedure that takes a week. Each seemingly uncomplicated piece of candy has to be built up layer by layer, with each needing time to fully mature. I’m wondering if maybe there’s a metaphorically similar kind of work ahead for you, Scorpio. May I speculate? You will have to take your time, proceed carefully and maintain a close attention to detail as you prepare a simple pleasure.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Author John Koenig says we often regard emotions as positive or negative. Feeling respect is good, for example, while being wracked with jealousy is bad. But he favors a different standard for evaluating emotions: how intense they are. At one end of the spectrum, everything feels blank and blah, even the big things. “At the other end is wonder,” he says, “in which everything feels alive, even the little things.” Your right and proper goal right now, Taurus, is to strive for the latter kind: full-on intensity and maximum vitality. Luckily, the universe will be conspiring to help you achieve that goal. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) On her blog (other-wordly.tumblr.com), YeeLum Mak defines the Swedish word resfeber this way: “the restless race of the traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.” You might be experiencing resfeber right now, Gemini. Even if you’re not about to depart on a literal trip, I’m guessing you will soon start wandering out on a quest or adventure that will bring your heart and mind closer together. Paradoxically, your explorations will teach you a lot about being better grounded. Bon voyage! CANCER (June 21-July 22) How does a monarch butterfly escape its chrysalis when it has finished gestating? Through tiny holes in the skin of the chrysalis, it takes big gulps of air and sends them directly into its digestive system, which expands forcefully. Voila! Its body gets so big it breaks free. When a chick is ready to emerge from inside its egg, it has to work harder than the butterfly. With its beak, it must peck thousands of times at the shell, stopping to rest along the way because the process is so demanding. According to my analysis, Cancerian, you’re nearing the final stage before your metaphorical emergence from gestation. Are you more like the butterfly or chick? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) “I’m not sure where to go from here. I need help.” I encourage you to say those words out loud, Leo. Even if you’re not sure you believe they’re true, act as if they were. Why? 54
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2014
Because I think it would be healthy for you to express uncertainty and ask for assistance. It would relieve you of the oppressive pressure to be a masterful problem-solver. It could free you from the unrealistic notion that you’ve got to figure everything out by yourself. This will bring you, as if by magic, interesting offers and inquiries. In other words, if you confess your neediness, you will attract help. Some of it will be useless, but most of it won’t. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Dogs have a superb sense of smell, but humans’ isn’t bad. We can detect certain odors that have been diluted to one part in 5 billion. For example, if you were standing next to two Olympic-sized swimming pools, and only one contained a few drops of the chemical ethyl mercaptan, you would know which one it was. I’m now calling on you to exercise that level of sensitivity, Virgo. There’s a situation in the early stages of unfolding that would ultimately emanate a big stink if you allowed it to keep developing. There’s a second unripe situation, on the other hand, that would eventually yield fragrant blooms. I advise you to either quash or escape from the first, even as you cultivate and treasure the second. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Whatever adventures may flow your way in the coming weeks, Libra, I hope you will appreciate them for what they are: unruly but basically benevolent; disruptive in ways that catalyze welcome transformations; a bit more exciting than you might like, but ultimately pretty fun. Can you thrive on the paradoxes? Can you delight in the unpredictability? I think so. When you look back at these plot twists two months from now, I bet you’ll see them as entertaining storylines that enhance the myth of your hero’s journey. You’ll understand them as tricky gifts that have taught you valuable secrets about your soul’s code.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) I understand the appeal of the F-word. It’s guttural and expulsive. It’s a perverse form of celebration that frees speakers from their inhibitions. But I’m here today to announce that its rebel cachet and vulgar power are extinct. It has decayed into a barren cliche. Its official death-from-oversaturation occurred with the release of the mainstream Hollywood blockbuster “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Actors in the film spat out the rhymes-with-cluck word more than 500 times. I hereby nominate you Sagittarians to begin the quest for new ways to invoke rebellious irreverence. What interesting mischief and naughty wordplay might you perpetrate to escape your inhibitions, break taboos that need to be broken, and call other people on their BS and hypocrisy? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) German philosopher Immanuel Kant (17241804) has had a major impact on the development of ideas in the Western world. We can reasonably divide the history of philosophy into two eras: pre-Kantian and post-Kantian. And yet for his whole life, which lasted 79 years, this big thinker never traveled more than 10 miles from Konigsberg, the city of his birth. He followed a precise, methodical routine, attending to his work with meticulous detail. According to my analysis, you Capricorns could have a similar experience in the coming weeks. By sticking close to the tried-and-true rhythms that keep you grounded and healthy, you can generate influential wonders. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) When I’m older and wiser, maybe I’ll understand the meaning of my life. When I’m older and wiser, maybe I’ll gain some insight into why I’m so excited to be alive despite the fact that my destiny is so utterly mysterious. What about you, Pisces? What will be different for you when you’re older and wiser? Now is an excellent time to ponder this riddle. Why? Because it’s likely you will get a glimpse of the person you will have become when you are older and wiser — which will in turn intensify your motivation to become that person.
CLASSROOM ASSISTANT Needed to help in classroom of two year old children. Lead teacher needs just a hand here and there with 5 very busy two year olds. Other duties may include help with lunches and facility cleanliness. Great job for a mom with school age children. Hours are 9am-2pm. Pay depends on experience. NCECC (North Carolina Early Childhood Credential) a plus. High School graduate with some college preferred. Location near the Asheville airport. Please send resume to Bellsschoolforpe@bellsouth.net
Xchange Wanted BUYING OLD PAPER MONEY AND DOCUMENTS Stocks, bonds, old legal, military and government documents, etc. Fair, fast payment. Email your contact info and list to: buyingpapermoney@gmail. com
Services Home
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Career Training
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Business Opportunities
Hotel/ Hospitality THE OMNI GROVE PARK INN Omni has many opportunities in Housekeeping. We are currently offering Room Attendant, Public Area Attendant, and Uniform Room Attendant positions. The Omni Grove Park Inn offers great perks and benefits as well as growth opportunities. Go to our website for details on employment opportunities. Apply at Omnihotels.com/ careers, Or stop by Human Resources Monday-Friday 9am-5pm! The Omni Grove Park Inn is an EOE and Drug free workplace
Jobs Wanted DAYTIME DELIVERY DRIVER AVAILABLE FedEx Temporary Driver with good driving record seeks daylight delivery jobs. Has NCDL class C, med card, resume. Call (828) 337-6987 or email thomsonsemail@ yahoo.com NEW CDL-A HERE! I am a new Asheville graduate of a reputable trucking school nearby, and I got my CDL class A license at the end of December. I'm currently working unusual hours at a factory, and I don't feel like quitting there right now. I need a part-time driving job on my days off. I have no endorsements yet, but can get all necessary endorsements, even passenger or school bus. Please contact me if you think we can work together: Call Thad at 828381-5919.
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and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www. whitewaterrecording.com Learn to pLay! Music lessons for • Banjo • Guitar • Mandolin • Bass • Fiddle • Dulcimer. Affordable, by experienced, patient instructors.• Monday-Saturday by appointment. • Gift Certificates! • 828-A Hendersonville Road. (828) 277-5588. blue ridge Music academy. stUDy the art of iMprovisation - aLL LeveLs aLL styLes - aLL instrUMents In today’s competitive musical world a working knowledge of the improviser’s art is an imperative for the active music professional. From transposing to reading chord charts to understanding the Blues to playing introductions and endings – these skills and more are an integral part in the study of improvisation. As a jazz pianist with an M.A. degree from Queens College (CUNY), 80+ cds released, and 40 years of teaching and performing experience, I am available for private lessons in the art of improvisation either in my Black Mountain home studio or through the Asheville Music School. Mention this ad to get your first lesson FREE! Michael Jefry Stevens michaeljefrystevens. com
pets MinD, boDy, spirit boDywork
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aUtoMotive services we'LL fix it aUtoMotive • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area, off exit 15. Please call (828) 275-6063 for appointment. www.wellfixitautomotive.com
ACROSS 1 Good ol’ boy 6 Airport security worker’s device 10 Black, to a bard 14 Composer Copland 15 Outermost Aleutian island 16 Went like heck 17 Plaque from a governor? 20 Dredge, say 21 Can’t deal with 22 “Downton Abbey” airer 24 Title for U2’s Bono 25 Brit. military honor 27 Psych 101 topic 28 Sounds from saunas 30 It’s tested in a fire drill 33 Blob, e.g. 35 Phrase before a future date
36 Mime’s motto? 41 Machine that “nothing runs like” 42 Certain dupe 44 “Something is rotten in Denmark” 49 Drought-ridden 50 What Charlie rides, in a 1959 hit 51 Capp and Capone 52 Double-decker, e.g. 54 Municipal grid: Abbr. 55 Trims 57 Targets of sutures 59 Arrive via a red-eye? 64 Clark’s Smallville crush 65 “Of wrath,” in a hymn title 66 Longhorn’s grid rival 67 Like centenarians
68 Adopt-a-thon adoptees 69 Like the sound of bagpipes
No.1218 Edited by Will Shortz 1
25 30
26 32
35 37
41 47 51
20 22
DOWN 1 Lea call 2 Detroit labor org. 3 Carrie on “Sex and the City” 4 Tiresome sort 5 Condor’s habitat 6 Symbols of thinness 7 Envelope abbr. 8 Vowelless word 9 Scheduled to deliver (on) 10 ___ James (Beyoncé role) 11 Floating accommodations 12 Brand of taco sauce and shells 13 Liam of “Michael Collins” 18 Satellite radio’s “The ___ & Anthony Show” 19 Baseball card collection holder, maybe 22 Sources of announcements, for short 23 ___ Men (“Who Let the Dogs Out” group) 25 Track event 26 Throw off 29 Trench maker’s tool 31 More cuddly, say 32 Funeral flames 34 Narrowest of margins
No. 1218
edited by Will Shortz
43 49
54 58
37 Wishing site 38 Portfolio parts, briefly 39 Equestrian training 40 Ilk 43 Marks of illiteracy 44 Serengeti speedster
45 “Hogan’s Heroes” 58 Leg up setting 46 One of “the Few, the Proud” 47 Dies down 48 Keister 53 Do a shepherd’s task 56 “OMG!,” old-style 57 Wee pest
60 Informer’s info 61 Tee off 62 Empty (of) 63 A cipher needs one
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Mountain Xpress readers plan to remodel their homes this year.
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JanuaRY 22 - JanuaRY 28, 2014