Celebrating sorghum始s sweet success p.40
Comedian Red Grant headlines Funny 驶R始 Us p.46
SELF HEALING Wellness the
part 1
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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2015 Western North Carolina
pagE 18
Wellness issue 1 Integrative care
get it!
Asheville has long been a health care mecca, and it continues to be known for the quality and variety of its health care approaches — both traditional and alternative. In this first of two Wellness issues, we explore integrative care, one aspect of that trend.
covER dEsign Lori Deaton photogRaph Emily Nichols
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Can Chapter 13 save my home?
pagE 14
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8 BEat BY BEat A new $48.5 million DHHS building, race relations and more
wellness-related events/news to mxhEaLth@mountainx.com business-related events/news to BusinEss@mountainx.com
18 powERFuL comBinations Providers increase use of nontraditional treatments
venues with upcoming shows cLuBLand@mountainx.com
23 thE vaLuE oF patiEntcEntEREd caRE — Why integrated care offers a new model of health care
Often, though no fault of their own, homeowners become delinquent on their payments to their mortgage holder or holders. Foreclosure may begin even though the mortgage company claims to be “working with the customer.” A mortgage company foreclosing is not working with you! In a Chapter 13, foreclosure stops while the customer begins a re-payment plan to a Trustee. The Trustee’s payment includes future house payments in full plus a payment on the arrearages. When the plan ends in no more than five years, the homeowner is current and resumes payment to the mortgage company. There is no interest rate modification. The re-payment plan would also include car and credit card payments. While your attorney will discuss the details of the re-payment plan, the homeowner normally realizes a significant savings in total expenses.
40 thE swEEt FutuRE oF soRghum — Local producers celebrate its Appalachian heritage and business potential
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10 communitY caLEndaR 12 conscious paRtY 14 in thE spiRit 16 ashEviLLE discLaimER 17 nEws oF thE wEiRd 42 smaLL BitEs
44 BEER scout 46 comEdY on icE Red Grant headlines Funny “R” Us show at Winter Xscape
50 statE oF thE aRts 52 smaRt BEts 56 cLuBLand
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63 moviEs 48 gREY aREa — 50 Shades! The Musical Parody skewers the pop culture juggernaut
69 cLassiFiEds 71 nY timEs cRosswoRd
Bentley Leonard, Attorney A Board Certified Specialist in Consumer Bankruptcy Law
274 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, NC 28801 828-255-0456 Mr. Leonard is a debt relief agency helping people file for bankruptcy since 1973. 4
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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copYRight 2014 BY Mountain Xpress advERtising copYRight 2014 BY Mountain Xpress aLL Rights REsERvEd
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puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E EditoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall Food EditoR/wRitER: Gina Smith
NC Electrical License #30448-L
staFF REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRiButing EditoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak
caRtoon BY RandY moLton
American Sniper an ‘endless abomination’ I saw the incredibly violent American Sniper on M.L. King’s nonviolent birthday in a Biltmore Grande theater packed with other Ashevilleans. Director Clint Eastwood succeeded in depicting how brilliantly brave sniper Chris Kyle was tragically traumatized, and then murdered, in part by America’s Middle Eastern policy. The movie is mainly an endless abomination of kicking in the doors of the homes of Iraqi people and bloodily graphic shootouts in stairwells and rooftops — all while trying to win Iraqi hearts and minds. And of course, Kyle’s genius marksmanship in the long-range killing of over 150 homicidal little boys, women and men, sometimes while talking to his hysterical, pregnant wife in America on a cellphone. Upon leaving the theater, I dodged a long row of Ashevilleans already lined up for the next show and feeling that the whirlwind [that] Bush and the other presidents have sown has only just begun to destroy incredibly fine American and Middle Eastern lives. Maybe it would be different if we tried M.L. King’s nonviolence and the turn-the-other-cheek strategy of Jesus?
For regardless of how many relatively minor, though still monstrous terrors Islamic zealots inflict on Western civilization, we should never forget that it was the Christian zealot George W. Bush who destroyed a large portion of the country of Iraq while hiding behind a monstrous lie, and almost the entire country of Afghanistan, partly justified by Old Testament eye-for-an-eye. And that that destruction would maybe be the rough equivalent of killing about everyone in Asheville, Raleigh and Wilmington, and destroying most of the infrastructure and important buildings of the state. And then doing that again in South Carolina — all while drone-bombing a good portion of the rest of America. Bill Branyon Asheville
Xpress is always on the lookout for social-media-savvy writers, photographers, reporters, columnists, multimedia creators and other contributors. Send clips, samples and queries to the managing editor, Margaret Williams, at mvwilliams@ mountainx.com and put QUERY in the subject line.
REguLaR contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther
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caRtoon BY BREnt BRown
Hanke’s comment might prove hurtful to victims of child abuse Reviewing Inherent Vice [Jan.7, Xpress], Ken hanke wrote, “I suspect there are people who can resist a movie with lines like, ‘He forced my little girl to listen to original Broadway cast albums while he had his way with her,’ but I am not one of those people. That is just one of the many nuggets of such bizarre dialogue to be found and savored in ... Inherent Vice.”
Had he not been under the spell of that movie, he might have imagined that what he savored might prove hurtful to victims of child abuse and their families. David Madden Black Mountain
Two Henderson County wineries omitted from wine industry story While we are always happy to see coverage of the Western North Carolina wine industry [“Grape Expectations: The Changing Face
of WNC Wine,” Jan. 14, Xpress], we were very disappointed that the two Henderson County wineries — Saint Paul Mountain Vineyards and Burntshirt — were not included in the story. Failure to include these thriving wineries in your own backyard results in an incomplete picture of the WNC wine industry. Saint Paul Mountain Vineyards is successfully cultivating and growing European-style vinifera and producing award-winning wines. We have made a significant investment in equipment, facilities and personnel
to ensure that we continue to grow and thrive in our unique climate and soil. With nine generations of family farming this land, we are not only proud of our mountain heritage and traditions, but we are committed to producing quality North Carolina wines. Please come out to see us and see for yourself that European vinifera does grow in our area, contrary to what your article stated. Feel free to contact me to set up a tour and tasting. Barbara Walker, Hendersonville, manager, Saint Paul Mountain Vineyards
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
patrick Bowen has evaluated housing issues in hundreds of cities across the country. But he’s never seen the mix of extremely low apartment availability and high population growth that confronts Asheville. The national consultant delivered a Jan. 20 report on the region’s housing situation to dozens of local officials gathered in the banquet hall of the U.S. Cellular Center. It was the beginning of a conversation that will continue in the months ahead, as Asheville City Council will use the information to set affordable housing goals for the next five years. “The work we do at this table is critical as we face an affordable housing crisis in the region,” said Council member gordon smith, who also serves as chair of the Asheville Regional Housing Consortium. Judging by what Bowen then had to say, officials are going to have a lot of work to do — particularly when it comes to affordable rentals. The current vacancy rate of rental housing in Asheville hovers at 0.9 percent. “That is incredibly low,” said Bowen, noting that the national rate is closer to 5 percent. He added that the vacancy rate is low at all price points and range of bedrooms, which is also unusual. While that might be good for some property owners, who can charge more for units because of the high demand, it creates major challenges for the city as a whole. About 20 percent of the city’s population lives in poverty, according to Bowen’s report. Nearly half of the city’s population rents — rather then owns — a home. And about 44 percent of those renters are “cost burdened,” meaning they spend more than 30 percent of their income just to pay rent. Even worse, about 21 percent of Asheville renters are considered “severely cost burdened,” meaning they pay more than 50 percent of their salary on rent. Those local cost burden numbers are actually similar to state averages, said Bowen, adding that by
homE, swEEt homE: Supporters argued that a new $48.5 million Health and Human Services building should be built near the bus station rather than sites farther from downtown Asheville. Photo by Jake Frankel
that metric, “You’re comparable to the rest of the state. And the rest of the state has problems.” But unlike other areas of the state, demand for rentals in Asheville is expected to far outpace development of new units, said Bowen. He projects the percentage of households needing to rent will grow by 8.5 percent by 2020. And although several new developments are scheduled to come online by then, it’s not nearly enough to meet that growth, he said. To complicate matters further, the biggest rental needs are likely to come from households making less than $15,000 a year. About 27 percent of current renters fall into that low-income category, according to the report. Asked by Smith if he could recall any comparable examples of Asheville’s predicament in the decades he’s been a housing consultant around the country, Bowen said, “I have not seen this before.” Alluding sarcastically to a wealth of accolades Asheville has received recently from national media outlets as a top place to visit and live, Smith responded: “It sounds like another top-10 list.” However, Bowen speculated that Asheville’s growing pains
are less worrisome than if the city was suffering from population declines. In fact, he said he’s considering moving his Ohio-based consulting firm to town. “This is my favorite part of the nation. … I’m trying to relocate my business here,” he said. “There’s a lot of communities around the country that wish they had your problems. You have growth.” Meanwhile, Jeff staudinger praised the report, despite some of its bleak findings. The study will help “predict the affordable housing needs of the next five years so our leaders are informed,” said Staudinger, assistant directer of the city’s Community and Economic Development Department,. “And to establish measurable goals so our performance over the next five years can be evaluated. … We know the needs are great and many, but our funds are few.” — by Jake Frankel BuncomBE commissionERs appRovE nEw human sERvicEs FaciLitY, animaL oRdinancE Buncombe commissioners don't often hold marathon sessions, but on Jan. 20, their agenda started at 8:30 a.m. and took all day: By the end, they had waded through an overview of several county departments, heard preliminary funding requests from local nonprofits, taken a second vote on the changes to the Animal Control Ordinance, directed staff to look for inexpensive options for replacing the county's aging indoor swim-
ming pool and voted 6-1 for a $48.5 million new building for the Department of Health and Human Services. For the complete report from the meeting visit avl. mx/0o3. — by Cameron Huntley ashEviLLE ExaminEs RaciaL EquaLitY in honoR oF maRtin LuthER King Hundreds of people gathered in downtown Asheville on a warm, sunny Martin Luther King Jr. Day to celebrate the civil rights leader and rally for peace. They marched Jan. 19 from the St. James AME Church to Pack Square Plaza, where they listened to speeches, bowed heads in prayer, and danced to the soulful sounds of local band, West Sound. The event served as “a call to action,” said organizer Joseph Fox, noting that society is still a long way from manifesting King’s dream of peace and equality. “Don’t let Martin Luther King’s death go in vain,” Fox pronounced to the crowd, urging people to work in whatever ways they can to spread justice. Meanwhile, a wealth of related events unfolded around town throughout the week. At the Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, a discussion of civil rights and modern racism included speeches by darin waters, assistant professor of history at UNC Asheville, and dwight mullen, professor of political science also at UNCA. “The end of the Civil War, the Reconstruction era was marked with violence. … You’re talking about chain gangs, incarceration, lynching,” Mullen said. “And you
say where’s the parallel with that? Excuse me. Excuse me! Let us talk about incarceration being higher than it ever was in this country’s history, let us talk about rates of poverty as forms of violence. …You start putting it together and you say, ‘The police are killing more African-American men and women than were lynched at the height of the lynching era.’” He encouraged the audience to develop person-to-person-level connections with neighbors, advocate for people of color and other marginalized communities and hold themselves and others accountable. “It’s not just your accountability, it’s the accountability of elected officials, appointed officials and folks across the racial divide,” Mullen said. “Suddenly, if you see something, that’s your neighbor and that makes it your business too.” Across town, The Parent Teacher Organization of Hall Fletcher Elementary School spearheaded an ongoing discussion of race in Asheville City Schools that aims to reduce inequality. The Jan. 22 meeting included about 100 parents, teachers and residents where problems where discussed and solutions sought. The problems identified by parents at the meeting ranged from a lack of black historical knowledge in the classroom to low expectations for students of color. Erin hill, one of four Americorps moderators, took down notes from parents in the small groups. Her topic was the relationship between school and family. “Parents said there’s seemingly low expectations for students of color — they get great grades, but come home and don’t know anything. There’s also a lack of diversity,
KEEping thE dREam aLivE: “Let hope prevail in all that we do and say, said Rev. Keith Lipsey at the MLK Day rally in Pack Square. Photo by Jake Frankel
no representation of themselves in administration,” she said. “We found solutions in reaching out to black leaders, churches and newspapers, and we learned that it’s very beneficial for Spanish-speaking families to have interpretation at meetings.” Another session— “Racial Equity Training: A Conversation about Race” — will be held at Hillcrest Community Center on Jan. 29, at 6 p.m. For the complete articles on local Martin Luther King Day events visit mountainx.com/tag/martinlutherking. — by Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel and Pat Barcas ashEviLLE musicians RaLLY to suppoRt BELovEd wEst aFRican FamiLY Asheville’s music community is coming together to support one of the city’s most beloved percussionists in the wake of a tragedy that befell his family in Ivory Coast, West Africa. adama dembele moved to Asheville several years ago from Ivory Coast and has since made a name for himself as a member of Zansa and many other groups. He was drawn to the area after befriending several local musicians who traveled to his family home to study music. In fact, the Dembele family compound in the Abobo neighborhood of Ivory Coast served as a bridge between Asheville and West African dancers and musicians for over a decade, helping cultivate a strong local African-influenced music scene. Just one example: Members of Asheville band Toubab Krewe spent time studying music there with the Dembeles long before they gained international acclaim. Unfortunately, that cultural bridge was recently lost when the Ivory Coast government demolished the Dembele family home and accompanying Djembeso Drum & Dance Education Center. Ivory Coast officials cited eroding ground and unsafe conditions as reasons for the involuntary demolition of the neighborhood. But members of Zansa sent out a statement calling the action “a human rights violation” and are trying to draw local and national media attention. The news was posted at World Music Central but has not gained more international headlines “because the people in this impoverished area of Abobo have little to no access to modern technology and thus no way to speak up,” according to the Zansa statement.
Meanwhile, “hundreds of people were pushed out of their homes with one week’s notice and given no temporary housing, shelter, or monetary compensation,” according to Zansa. “Many families and children are now living on the streets. Government officials have told people that ‘they are on a list,’ but haven’t said where or when they will rebuild their homes, or even if they will rebuild.” To raise funds for the Dembeles to help them rebuild their home and music center, a “Soumu” is being held in Asheville Feb. 19. “Soumu” is a West African term used to describe an all-encompassing party of music, dance, food and art. The event will be held at New Mountain, featuring performances from Zansa as well as Diali Cissokho & Kaira Ba. Traditional African food will be available for purchase by local Chef Soce and attendees can shop in an “African Marketplace” of native wares. Plus, it’s a family-friendly event where children can create African art in a special kids craft area. A portion of the proceeds will go to help the Dembeles. — by Jake Frankel
soumu at nEw mountain, FEB. 19 Dinner served at 6 p.m. $12 in advance/$15 at the door Children under 12 are half price Children under 5 are free Tickets on sale at ashevillesoumu.com
puppiEs maKE ashEviLLE pRoud This year’s Puppy Bowl features puppies from Asheville Humane Society: For those not familiar with the annual Puppy Bowl, it’s a two-hour program every Super Bowl Sunday featuring tiny puppies running around a small, indoor “stadium,” wrestling over a football squeak-toy and stopping to take spontaneous naps on the green. The entire canine competition is narrated by the enthusiastic “sports casters” at Animal Planet, complete with a halftime show of kittens running amok on the field. Basically, it’s the cutest thing ever — and this year, the Puppy Bowl will feature three puppies from Asheville Humane Society. For more on our local Super Bowl, ahem, Puppy Bowl team, visit avl.mx/0o5. — by Hayley Benton X
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 5, 2015
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a FREE Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. FREE Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to calendar@mountainx.com or through our onLinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/ calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
AnimAls Asheville humAne society 828-761-2001 ext. 315, ashevillehumane.org • TU (2/3), 7pm - Interim Executive Director Sarah Hess discusses programs and resources, including volunteer, foster and giving opportunities. Free. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview Fletcher librAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library.hendersoncountync.org • WEDNESDAYS through (1/28), 3:30pm - Read to Springer the Therapy Dog. Registration required. Free.
beneFits celtic music beneFit concert 713-526-7889, piperjones.com
a chiLL BEnEFit-t-t-t: Haywood Waterways will hold its third annual costumed Polar Plunge on Saturday, Jan. 31, beginning at 11 a.m. The dip into the chilly waters of Lake Junaluska raises funds for the Kids in the Creek youth environmental education program. Photo courtesy of Haywood Waterways Association. (p.10)
• SA (1/31), 9pm - All proceeds from this concert featuring the Piper Jones Band will benefit the Grandfather mountain highland Games. $10. Held at Jack of the Wood Pub, 95 Patton Ave. PolAr PlunGe For Kids 476-4667, haywoodwaterways.org • SA (1/31), 11:30am Registration for this costumed polar plunge benefits haywood Waterways’ youth education programs. $25. Held at Lake Junaluska Beach, 91 North Lakeshore Drive, Lake Junaluska souPer boWl oF cArinG 693-4890 • SU (2/1), 8am-noon - Canned goods and monetary donations collected will benefit the interfaith Assistance ministry & hendersonville rescue mission. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville suPer boWl beneFit PArty 692-9262 • SU (2/1), 5pm - Proceeds from
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
this charity raffle and auction benefit the blue ridge humane society. Free to attend. Held at Dugout, 430 N Main St., Hendersonville toAst Asheville 253-3227 • TH (2/5), 5:30-8:30pm - Tickets for this food, libations and silent auction event benefit the Asheville Art museum. $30-$40. Held at Asheville Art Museum, 2 N. Pack Square
business & technoloGy A-b tech smAll business center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950, abtech.edu/sbc Free unless otherwise noted. Registration required. • TU (1/27), 10am-noon - “An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Bridging the Digital Divide” seminar.
• SA (1/31), 9am-noon SCORE: Small Business Accounting seminar. • WE (2/4), 6:30-8:30pm “What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About 3D Printing” seminar. Asheville AreA chAmber oF commerce 36 Montford Ave., 258-6101, ashevillechamber.org • WE (1/28), 3-5pm “Understanding Investment Term Sheets” seminar for investors and entrepreneurs sponsored by Asheville Angels. Registration required. $30. Asheville JeWish business Forum ashevillejewishbusiness.com • MO (2/2), noon-1:30pm Monthly meeting and discussion of “The Importance of writing: How it builds your platform and supports your brand.” Free to attend. Held at Yao, 153 Smoky Park Highway
mArion business AssociAtion 652-2215, hometownmarion.com • MO (2/2) through MO (3/23), 6pm - “Am I Cut Out to Be An Entrepreneur?” business course. Free. Registration required. Held at Marion Depot, 58 Depot St., Marion venture Asheville ventureasheville.com, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C
clAsses, meetinGs & events AbrAhAm/hicKs: lAW oF AttrAction meetinG (pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand
vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444. Asheville GlAss center (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences. ashevilleglass.com, 828-505-7110 home-GroWn revolution: (pd.) How Re-Imagining your Home & Yard can Transform the World with Peter Bane, author of The Permaculture Handbook. Sunday, February 8, 10-5. $70. Organicgrowersschool.org. 828.772.5846. orGAnic GroWer’s school’s 22nd AnnuAl sPrinG conFerence (pd.) March 7-8, at UNCA, offers practical, regionallyappropriate workshops on organic growing, permaculture, homesteading, farm-
ing, plus exhibitors, seedxchange, kid’s program. Organicgrowersschool.org. PlAy the trAnsFormAtion GAme (pd.) Open to unseen possibilities in understanding self and others. Go deeply/have fun. 6 hours. Be amazed at what is revealed! Feb 13th or 28th. Pricing varies by group size. 828-788-5142. innerlandscaping@aol.com sPrinG semester 2015: Free drAmAtic Arts WorKshoPs (pd.) NYS3 Studio offers a week of free workshops in acting, youth acting, improv, film, writing, & more. All experience levels. Explore our studio space and meet our awardwinning faculty. January 25-January 30th Classes each day 5pm-10pm. For complete schedule and to register: 828-276-1212 or info@nys3.com, http://nys3.com Asheville obJectivists ashevilleobjectivists. wordpress.com • TU (2/3), 6pm - Monthly meeting and discusses. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Asheville submArine veterAns ussashevillebase.com, ecipox@charter.net • 1st TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Social meeting for U.S. Navy submarine veterans. Free to attend. Held at Ryan’s Steakhouse, 1000 Brevard Road Asheville toAstmAsters club 914-424-7347, ashevilletoastmasters.com • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. ’AsK A lAWyer’ PAnel 254-0565, ncbar.org • SA (1/31), 10am-1pm - A panel of attorneys will answer legal questions to individuals. Sponsored by the North Carolina Bar Association. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. bAKer-bArber slideshoW PresentAtions 697-6224, cfhcforever.org • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm Images from a collection of historic WNC photographs
will be viewed. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville d&d Adventurers leAGue revtobiaz@gmail.com • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave. FinAnciAl PlAnninG WorKshoP 884-8840 • WE (2/4), 3-5pm - Discusses legal, tax, retirement and insurance issues for gay and lesbian couples. Registration required. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County, 24 Varsity St., Brevard Fletcher librAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library.hendersoncountync.org • WE (1/28), 4pm - Scarftying hands-on demonstration. Free. lAurel chAPter oF the embroiderers’ Guild oF AmericA 654-9788, egacarolinas.org • TH (2/5), 10am-noon Monthly meeting discusses needle art techniques used to create embellished letters. Free. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe mountAin PeGGers 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Noncompetitive cribbage group for all levels and ages. Free. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. ontrAcK Wnc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, ontrackwnc.org Registration required. • THURSDAYS through (1/29), 5:30 - “Manage Your Money” seminar series. Free. • TH (1/29), noon “Budgeting 101” seminar. Free.
toAstmAsters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am - Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. veterAns For PeAce 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc.blogspot.com • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm Weekly vigil. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. Free. Western cAroliniAns For PeAce And Justice in the middle eAst mepeacewnc.com • FR (1/30), 3:15pm - General meeting. Free. Held at Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave.
SHOP Issue
dAnce studio zAhiyA, doWntoWn dAnce clAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance• Tuesday 7:45am Yoga 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595
eco mountAintrue 258-8737, wnca.org • SA (1/31), 10:30am - Tour of FLS Energy Solar Farm. Ride shares available. Registration required. Free. Held at FLS Energy Hendersonville Site, 67 Laycock Road, Hendersonville Wnc sierrA club 251-8289, wenoca.org • WE (2/4), 7pm Presentation and discussion: “Using Climate Data to Create Business Opportunities” with Robin Cape from The Collider. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place
Publishes February 11, 2015
828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com mountainx.com
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Eat local. Buy local.
Fun fundraisers
Read local.
Xpress readers are Museum night
caring they make great employees
what: Toast Asheville
Mountain Xpress classifieds work. whEn: Thursday, Feb. 5, 5:30-8:30 p.m. whERE: Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square whY: Looking to have fun while sampling local food and libations and supporting the arts in Western North Carolina? Well, Toast Asheville, an evening of music, food, drink and a silent auction, just may fit the frame. Open since 1948, the Asheville Art Museum combines its love of art with love for the local food and beverage scene. “We are interested in building relationships with our neighbors and community who support arts and culture in WNC, as well as crafters of all types, including food, beer and wine,” notes Asheville Art Museum communications director Jen swanson. “And those are definitely arts that support local. That’s important.”
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Benefitgoers will enjoy dJ Jamar woods while sampling eats and drinks from local vendors, such as Blue Ridge Distilling, Hi-Wire Brewing and Mamacitas, who will be on hand to answer questions and educate attendees about local food and drink. “We enjoy this event because it brings in people who love and support local art, food and beer. They are very knowledgeable guests,” explains Swanson. A silent auction will take place, containing items like gift certificates from various local restaurants, tickets to the Fine Arts Theatre and an Age Your Own Whiskey Kit from Top of the Hill Distillery in Chapel Hill. Proceeds from the event will support the museum’s public programming and exhibitions. Tickets are $40 but may be purchased in advance for $35 for nonmembers and $30 for members. Tickets are available online, over the phone or at the door. For more information or to purchase tickets, call Swanson at 253-3227 or visit ashevilleart.org. — Michael McDonald
communitY caLEndaR
FArm & GArden Asheville Green drinKs ashevillegreendrinks.com • WE (1/28), 5:30-7pm - “Tower Gardens and Hydroponics,” vertical gardening. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway men’s GArden club oF Asheville 683-1673, mensgardenclubofasheville.org • TU (2/3), noon - “Great Garden Ideas from the States and England,” presentation and lunch. $11. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St.
Government & Politics lAnd oF sKy reGionAl council 251-6622, landofsky.org • TH (1/29), 11:30am - Rural Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee meeting. Held at Fletcher Town Hall, 300 Old Cane Creek Road, Fletcher
Kids Kids’ Activities At the librAries buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am - “Bounce ’n Books,” movement-based family story time. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • FR (1/30), 3-4:30pm - Lego club for ages 5-12. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TU (2/3), 4pm - Yoga and stretching for kids ages 4-9. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville rollinG For reAdinG 776-0361, bookmobile@bcsemail.org A mobile early literacy program from Buncombe County Public Schools for children ages 3-5 and their parents. Free. MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: •10-10:45am - Held at Haw Creek Elementary, 21 Trinity Chapel Road •11:15am-noon - Held at W.D. Williams Elementary, 161 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
•1:45-2:30pm - Held at Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road WEDNESDAYS: • 12:45-1:30pm - Held at Fairview Elementary, 1355 Charlotte Highway, Fairview TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: • 9-9:45am - Held at Leicester Elementary, 31 Gilbert Road, Leicester • 10:30-11:15am - Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • noon-12:45pm - Held at Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd. •1:15-2pm - Held at Emma Elementary, 37 Brickyard Road sPellbound children’s booKshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 7087570, spellboundchildrensbookshop.com • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am - Story Time for ages 3-7. Free. tiny tots circus PlAytime toyboatcommunityartspace.com • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10am-noon - Circus-themed mini class, for babies and children up to age 6. $5 per child per class. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B WhAt’s shAKin ashevilletheatre.org • SATURDAYS through (3/28), 10am - Singing and dancing class for 6 months to 4 years. $12 per child per class. Held at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Wnc nAture center 75 Gashes Creek Road, 2985600, wildwnc.org • WEDNESDAYS through (3/11), 10am-noon - “Critter Time For Tikes & Tots,” learning about animals for ages 3-5. $12. Meets every other week.
outdoors ymcA oF Wnc 210-2265, ymcawnc.org • TH (1/29), 9:15am - 3 1/2 mile hike on Bent Tree Loop. Registration required. Free/$3 carpool. Meets at YMCA Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.
Public lectures Public lectures At brevArd colleGe 884-8251, raintrlh@brevard.edu
• WE (2/4), 3:30-5pm - Great Decisions Lecture Series: “Syria’s Refugee Crisis.” Held in McClarty-Goodson Building. $10. Public lectures At mArs hill mhu.edu • WE (2/4), 7:30pm - Rev. William Barber, president of the NC conference of NAACP. Free. In Moore Auditorium. Public lectures At uncA unca.edu Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (1/29), 4:30pm - STEM Lecture: “New Developments in Medicine.” Reuter Center. • FR (1/30), 11:25am “Industrialization, Capitalism, and Alienation.” Lipinsky Auditorium. • FR (1/30), 11:25am -“Postcolonialism.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (2/2), 11:25am “Celestial Kingdom: China.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • TU (2/3), 7:30pm - World Affairs Council: “Syria’s Refugee Crisis.” $10. Reuter Center.
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About the trAnscendentAl meditAtion technique: Free introductory lecture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or meditationAsheville.org An introduction to meditAtion (pd.) Exploring the process of compassionately starting and staying with a meditation practice—what meditation is/ is not, how com-
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
communitY caLEndaR
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
passionate self-discipline differs from self-discipline, typical pitfalls and how to transcend them, and how to be for ourselves the kind and gentle support we’ve always wanted. Four weekly sessions, Thursdays, 6:308:30pm starting February 12. www.mountainzen.org Asheville comPAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www. ashevilleccc.com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. Asheville insiGht meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. ashevillemeditation.com
Asheville ecstatic dance what: A new series spearheaded and facilitated by local Ecstatic Dance veteran and musician trey crispin. $7-$14, first-time dancers FREE. whEn: Two sessions on Sundays: 10-11 a.m. and noon-1:30 p.m. whERE: The Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. whY: Crispin first discovered ecstatic dance at the Asheville Dance Church when he moved to town eight years ago: “I was overwhelmed by the vast freedom of this kind of dance and it soundly blew my mind,” he says. Since that first experience, Crispin has facilitated many ecstatic dances, and provided the music for such occasions over the years with the local groups Arundas and Nataraj. “Ecstatic dance changed my life,” says Crispin. “When I came to the first dances, I did my tai chi forms and just swam in deep comfort of
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
the energy flowing in the room and felt better than I ever had in public. Eventually I started moving my form in ways I never had. I developed my dance and got comfortable in my body for the first time ever. "I found that the more new movements I used, the easier it was to move my thoughts in new ways as well. Old, unwanted patterns started to fall away, and a positive opinion of myself and my place in this communtiy and world started to take root. ... I felt really good about me and the people around me for the first time, perhaps, ever. Ecstatic dance is one excellent path for a community to become a cohesive and supportive interdependent entity.” Crispin also says that another aspect of this new project is to develop a blueprint that can be used by other communities around the world to set up their own weekly dance practices. (Pictured above: Trey Crispin, right, and Altamont co-owner Chris Medrano, left. Photo by Jordan Foltz) X
Astro-counselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAKeninG deePest nAture meditAtion clAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz. com, www.billwalz.com ecKAnKAr WorshiP SERVICE • NURTURE WhAt you love (pd.) “If you love someone or something, nurture it. That means, at least once during the day, give the object of your attention or the person of your heart your full love. Even if just for a little while, listen to what they are saying. Take
time to just listen, love someone, and put your full attention on them, face-toface. It’s directly looking at the person you love. This is when the nurturing occurs and when the relationship is strengthened.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). Date: Sunday, February 1, 2015, 11am to 12noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. www.eckankar-nc.org oPen heArt meditAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org the blue mAndAlA (pd.) February 18th, 6-8pmNew Moon Drumming Circle, donation ;March 13th,14th & 15th The Liberty Series Preregistration required $495, $175 non refundable deposit; Ongoing Events: Tues-Sat by appointment- Intuitive Reading, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars; Free Lending Library, online Store The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755 www.thebluemandala.com Adult Forum At Fcc 692-8630, fcchendersonville.org • SU (2/1), 9:15am Conversations with Larry Anderson. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville Asheville theoloGy on tAP facebook.com/TOTAVL • TH (1/29), 6:30-9pm Food, faith and fellowship meeting for Catholics in their 20s & 30s. Free to attend. Held at All Souls Pizza, 175 Clingman Ave. celtic christiAn holidAy observAnce 645-2674, avalongrove.org • SU (2/1), 3pm - Service to honor Imbolc (Brighid’s Day). Optional vegetarian potluck. Free. Held at a
private home. Contact for directions. creAtion cAre AlliAnce oF Wnc creationcarealliance.org • TH (1/29), 5:30pm General meeting. Free. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. embrAcinG simPlicity hermitAGe 338-2665, embracingsimplicityhermitage.org • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 11am-noon - Buddhist discussion and meditation. Free. Held at Dhamma and Meditation Center, 38 Joel Wright Dr. South Park Plaza, Hendersonville GrAce lutherAn church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • TUESDAYS (1/13) until (3/3), 6pm - Discipline Bible Study series: “Invitation to Romans.” $13. mArs hill university 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill, 689-1571 • TU (2/3), 1-4pm - Melvin Bray Workshop: The Power of Narrative, ministry workshop. Held in Broyhill Chapel. $10-$15. Pub theoloGy At the oPen tAble meetup.com/opentable • MONDAYS, 6pm - Open discussion of progressive theological issues related to biblical and other spiritual texts. Free to attend. Held at Scully’s, 13 W Walnut St. shAmbhAlA meditAtion center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, shambhalaashvl@gmail.com • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Public group sitting and Dharma reading/discussion. Free.
sPoKen & Written Word buncombe county Public librAries buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (1/29), 2:30pm - Q&A with author Elizabeth Kostova. Held at Skyland/ South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road. • FR (1/30), 10am-noon - “How to use the N.C.
Digital Library” seminar. Registration required. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TU (2/3), 7pm - Book club: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • TU (2/3), 7pm - Book club: Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massive. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville city liGhts booKstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, citylightsnc.com • SA (1/31), 6:30pm - John Lane discusses his poetry collection The Old Rob Poems Free. literAry events At uncA unca.edu • TU (2/3), 11:30am - Ted Alexander discusses his book The Fall of Summer. In the Reuter Center. Free. mAlAProP’s booKstore And cAFe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, malaprops.com Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (1/28), 7pm - Book launch for Bound By Flames by Jeaniene Frost. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Salon series: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (1/29), 7pm - Matt Kepnes discusses his book How to Travel the World on $50 a Day. • TH (1/29), 7pm - Works in Translation book club: Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me by Javier Marias. • 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm -
Enneagram relationships workshop. • TU (2/3), 7pm - Natalie Baszile discusses her novel Queen Sugar. • SU (2/1), 3pm - Poetrio: John Lane, Cedric Tillman and Al Maginnes read. • WE (2/4), 7pm - YA authors Megan Shepherd, Megan Miranda and Ryan Graudin discuss their works. • TH (2/5), 7pm - Gregg Levoy discusses his new book Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion. sPellbound children’s booKshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SU (2/1), 4-5pm - ROYAL Book Club: Afterworlds by Scott Westerfield. For ages 18+. Free. the booK shelF 94 North Trade St., Tryon, 859-9304, tryonbookshelf.com • SA (1/31), 4pm - Susan McNabb discusses her book Tryon Diaries: Tales from the Friendliest Town in the South. Free to attend. WednesdAy Writer’s niGht 252-1500 • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Open meeting for songwriters, poets, and word lovers hosted by songwriter Jenna Lindbo. Free to attend. Held at Laurey’s, 67 Biltmore Ave
volunteerinG volunteer With the literAcy council (pd.) volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us:volunteers@ litcouncil.com.
Mountain Xpress readers
make buying local a priority.
Asheville city schools FoundAtion 85 Mountain St., 350-6135, acsf.org • WE (1/28), 10:30-11:30am - Volunteer information open house.
Xpress readers are
biG brothers biG sisters oF Wnc 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • TH (1/29), noon-12:30pm - “Mentoring Works,” information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave.
caring they make great employees
Girls on the run Wnc 713-3132, gotrwnc.org • SA (1/31), 9am-4pm Information session for volunteers looking to serve as head and assistant coaches for the spring semester. Held at MAHEC Education Center, 121 Hendersonville Road For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/ volunteering
Mountain Xpress classifieds work.
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local standup comedy info at AshevilleComedyClub.com • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer
Asheville’s Fan Fiction
asheville disclaimer
Briefs ‘So that’s the exit strategy,’ local satirist muses upon hearing of Charlie Hebdo massacre NC city planners see millennials as key to growth, but only because they’ve never actually met any Discovery of moldy heroin stash from 1970s leads to charges of horse neglect
The Year in Review with Martin Carruthers
Jan. 3, 2014: Freezing my sack off in line at the methadone clinic. There has to be a better way to meet women. Feb. 13: Cut methadone girl loose just in time to dodge imminent chocolate purchase. Whew! Feb. 15: Who gives a rip about Presidents’ Day? Celebrating with discounted box of chocolates. Mar. 15: Crappy day as project manager. Worse than getting stabbed by guys in togas. Mar. 17: Just noticed Dave replaced “project manager” placard with “project douche.” Heavy weighs the crown. Apr. 8: Demoted from project manager, recently. Taking an April Fool’s joke a bit too far, now that it’s the next week. Oh… May 20: Excellent catcalling weather, for those who must resort to that sort of activity. May 29: Totally wasted my charms on lady judge during hearing for May 20th sexual harassment beef. Silver lining? Probably some hot chicks on the community service garbage-pick-up detail. July 5: That hipster dude was tougher than he looked, and damned patriotic when I drunk-saluted his sister’s red, white and blue hot pants from my knees. The morphine drip is nice, though. Dec. 17: How many times can a happening guy have drinks thrown in his face by women with rotten taste in men in one six-month period? 19, it would seem. Dec. 29: Make that 22 times. 16
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
In latest TV appearence, Frommer corrects prior statement about Asheville’s river district Asheville, MondAy — Frommer’s editorial director upset many in Asheville with an interview on “Good Morning America” during which she described Asheville’s River Arts District (RAD) as once being “sketchy” before giving full credit for its decade-long revival to the planned arrival of New Belgium Brewing. During a more recent appearance on the Fox Business show, “The Willis Report,” Pauline Frommer changed her tune on the River Arts District while touting Asheville as a 2015 top travel destination. Among her observations:
• Abandoning the word “sketchy,” Frommer described the River Arts District as formerly being “undeniably creepy” and “super scary, in a bad way.” • Frommer also noted that the River Arts District is “no longer being a place where you can dump a body in an industrial drum and feel secure knowing that it wouldn’t be discovered for 20 years.”
• Describing RAD’s past, Frommer said it “did not have a prostitution problem because prostitutes knew better.” • Frommer said “New Belgium Brewing had nothing to do with the River Arts District’s revival; that honor belongs to the business owners and artisans who took advantage of rock-bottom property values and rents and will never let you forget they did so.” • Frommer avoided mentioning New Belgium Brewing specifically, instead stating that “the district has loads of microbreweries, which any Frommer’s writer reading Asheville’s Wikipedia page can tell you.” • Frommer credited the river district with “being a fine place to make a U-turn when you overshoot the Grey Eagle.”
• Frommer described the district as having “grown up along the banks of a river, over which is a bridge. That bridge is the preferred river-crossing route for drunk drivers returning from beautiful downtown Asheville, North Carolina to their hip cottages in the West Asheville district.” Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve
namE gamEs
by Chuck Shepherd
plate of spaghetti — exhibits made of ceramic, plastic, wood and rope) that the center’s curator promised would, according to an ITV report, “stimulate an octopus’s natural curiosity about color, shape and texture.”
the first day and never returned. Encarnacion now seeks a full disability retirement from the state, but officials maintain that “disability retirement” is for injuries resulting only from the rigors of the job.
a 4-year-old girl, killing her, but had initially convinced the judge to treat him as a “youthful offender.” Reyes’ mom was so enraged at the judge’s switch that she had to be escorted from the room. (After the judge’s generous youthful offender ruling, Reyes had violated his bail conditions by getting arrested three more times.) • In Phoenix in early 2014, Kevin (last name withheld), age 5, was viciously mauled by Mickey, a pit bull, necessitating multiple surgeries, leaving him with lingering pain and disfiguring facial scars, and he still requires extensive care. While Kevin’s trauma makes him live in gloom, Mickey has become a Phoenix celebrity after an outpouring of support from 75,000 people kept him from being euthanized for the assault. He lives now in a “no-kill” shelter, where his many supporters can track him on a 24-hour Internet “Mickey cam.” KSAZ-TV reported in December that Kevin’s mom had to quit her job to care for him and struggles to pay medical bills.
wait, what?
thE oppoRtunist
• The Territorial Seed Co. of Cottage Grove, Ore., introduced a plant in 2014 that sprouts both tomatoes and potatoes, the aptly named “Ketchup ’n’ Fries” plant. Grafting (rather than genetic modification) splices the tomato onto potato plants (to create single plants capable of harvests of 500 red cherry tomatoes and 4.5 pounds of potatoes each). • Jihadist toddlers: Britain’s Home Office directed in January that the U.K.’s nursery school staffs report pupils “at risk of becoming terrorists,” but gave little guidance on what teachers and managers should look for. According to a description of the directive in the Daily Telegraph, staffs must “have training that gives them the knowledge and confidence to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and challenge extremist ideas.”
When a dump truck and a municipal bus collided around 1 p.m. on Jan. 5 in downtown Phoenix, it of course drew the attention of the passengers, bystanders, motorists and nearby construction workers. According to a report in the Arizona Republic, an unidentified man then immediately seized the moment, ran out from some bushes to the center of the commotion and flashed the crowd before running away.
gREat aRt!
LatEst Rights “All I’m looking for is what’s rightfully owed to me under the (corrections department) contract,” said Westchester County (N.Y.) corrections officer Jesus Encarnacion, after having drawn $1.2 million in disability salary for the last 17 years as a result of slipping on a leaf of lettuce on a stairway. When he fell, he jammed his wrist and several surgeries ensued, and when he was finally ready for “light duty” a few years ago, he re-injured the wrist on
thE nEw noRmaL
• In October, vandals in Paris destroyed the large, inflatable “Tree” by U.S. artist paul mccarthy in the city’s Place Vendome square, but not before it became widely characterized as a gigantic green “plug” of the type used for anal sexual stimulation. Paris’ news website The Local reported in December that the controversy has been a boon to the city’s sex shops. “We used to sell around 50 (plugs) a month,” said one wholesaler. “Since the controversy, we’ve moved more than a thousand” (at the equivalent of $23 to $45, in materials ranging from glass to stainless steel to silicone). • Overthinking it: It was billed as the first-ever art exhibition expressly for nonhuman appreciation — specifically, for examination by octopuses. England’s Brighton Sea Life Center featured the five-tank shared display in November (including a bunch of grapes, a piece of Swiss cheese and a
• “It’s not fair! There is not justice in this country!” shouted the mother of Franklin Reyes, 17, in a New York City courtroom in January after a judge ordered the son tried for manslaughter as an adult. Reyes, an unlicensed driver fleeing a police traffic stop, had plowed into
REad daiLY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www.weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.
Fourteen employees of a Framingham, Mass., pharmacy were indicted in December for defrauding the federal government by filling bogus prescriptions (despite an owner’s explicit instructions to staff that the fake customers’ names “must resemble real names,” with “no obviously false names” that might tip off law enforcement). Among the names later found on the customer list of the New England Compounding Center were: Baby Jesus, Hugh Jass, L.L. Bean, Filet O’Fish, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Harry Potter, Coco Puff, Mary Lamb, all of the Baldwin brother actors and a grouping of Bud Weiser, Richard Coors, Raymond Rollingrock and, of course, Samuel Adams. The indictments were part of an investigation of a 2012 meningitis outbreak in which 64 people died. cuLtuRaL divERsitY Two recent innovations to the generations-old Middle East sport of camel racing boosted its profile. First, to cleanse the sport of a sour period in which children from Bangladesh were trafficked to use as jockeys, owners have begun using “robot” jockeys — electronic dummies that respond to trainers tracking the races with walkietalkies (growling encouragement directly into camels’ ears) and joysticks (that trigger a whip at an appropriate time). Second, the firm Al Shibla Middle East of United Arab Emirates has introduced lycra-style, whole-body camel coverings that are believed to enhance blood circulation and, perhaps, racing speed (although the fashions are now used only in training and transportation, to lessen camels’ “stress”). Ultimately, of course, the coverings may carry advertising.
LEast compEtEnt cRiminaLs • Police quickly tracking two assault suspects in Holland Township, Mich., in December arrived at a residence at just the moment that suspect codi antoniello, 19, was starting to shave his head to alter his appearance. Antoniello’s nowInternet-famous mugshot shows him with a full head of hair, minus the perhaps one-fourth on top shorn by electric clippers (shown at goo.gl/ofDFQR). • When the wife of James Rivers, 57, of Kent, Wash., was about to bust him for his alleged child-porn collection in October, he shipped his laptop to a technician to have the hard drive erased — but with explicit instructions that if the techie encounters a “hidden” file, he must not look at the photos “under any circumstances.” (The techie, of course, found the file, looked and notified authorities, and Rivers was arrested.) X
Getting a divorce or going to court about your children is terrifying enough. And when you see your lawyer’s bill, it shouldn’t be just as terrifying. By using Skype and other internet cost-savers, I can offer an hourly rate of $125, which is almost HALF THE RATE OF OTHER ATTORNEYS with similar experience in Asheville. I have practiced Family Law in Asheville, NC for 20 years, and I know what every client wants from their lawyer: ◆ They want the lawyer, not just his/her secretary or paralegal, to handle the details of their case ◆ They want to talk to the lawyer when they need questions answered, not just a staff person ◆ They want flexible appointments, by Skype, on nights or weekends, so they don’t have to leave work ◆ They want a reasonable price
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Treating the whole person tary therapies used by integrative providers. We highlight some of the survey comments, too. Asheville has long been a health care mecca, and it continues to be known for the quality and variety of its health care approaches — both traditional and alternative. The trend toward uniting the two in integrative medicine gives Asheville yet another approach, making it an even healthier place to live. — Susan Foster, Wellness editor
Integrative medicine in the Asheville area
Holistic medicine aims to treat the whole person, not just diseases and their symptoms. There is a growing awareness among practitioners — both traditional and alternative — that healing can be brought about or accelerated by involving all aspects of a person — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In back-to-back Wellness issues, Xpress looks at two different aspects of holistic healing: integrative care and the mind-body connection. Both have evolved as part of an increasing emphasis on caring for the whole person. This Jan. 28 issue focuses on the trend toward integrating socalled alternative, or complementary, therapies into more traditional treatment regimens. Our cover story
in this issuE: Photo by Emily Nichols
examines the multiplicity of complementary therapies now incorporated into conventional treatment strategies at area hospitals. Other stories explore approaches to integrative care by practitioners at local clinics and health centers; present integrative case studies; and note
options for insurance coverage for integrative care. We also report the results of our wellness survey, which underscore the broad support for integrative care in the Asheville medical community, as well as the wide range of complemen-
Powerful combinations Providers increase use of nontraditional treatments
In this town, if you haven’t had an acupuncture appointment, massage, energy-healing session or herbal consultation, it’s more than likely you know someone who has. Modalities that were once thought of as hokey, or at least incompatible with the
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Western medical model, are becoming less alternative and more mainstream — so much so that Mission Hospital, Park Ridge Health and CarePartners all have integrative health offerings ranging from music therapy to guided imagery to tai chi. Whether it be hospice patients receiving aromatherapy to soothe their agitation or cancer patients following up a chemotherapy session with an acupuncture session for pain relief, these therapies and more are now integrated into the traditional treatment programs. And, according to therapists interviewed by Xpress, the patient response has been overwhelmingly positive. If the integrative health programs at area hospitals have taught providers and
patients anything, it might be that there are multiple ways to heal — and that those modalities work better when they work together. a hoListic viEw oF cancER caRE shirley Ballantyne, holistic resource nurse in the Integrative Healthcare Cancer Program at Mission, says she “sees miracles every day.” She recalls one patient who had not responded well to her first round of chemotherapy. After talking with the patient, it became clear that the patient regarded chemotherapy as something that was poisoning her body. And sure enough, says Ballantyne, “her body was reacting like it was a poison.”
“Powerful Combinations,” by Lea McLellan “The Value of Patient-Centered Care,” by Susan Foster “Big Picture: Practitioners Explore Medicine’s New Frontier,” by Nicki Glasser “How Whole-Person Care Helped Two Patients,” by Nicki Glasser “Covered? Health Insurance Options for Mind, Body and Spirit,” by Nicki Glasser X
“So what we did is, we really worked with her through guided imagery on changing her perspective, where [chemo] wasn’t a poison,” Ballantyne says. “She would actually hold her chemotherapy bag and, through imagery, tell herself: ‘This [treatment] isn’t going to harm me, and it’s going to go directly to the cancer cells, and it’s going to pass through my body in a more gentle way.’ … She had an incredible response and is continuing to do very well.” Not only did the guided imagery allow the patient’s body to relax and respond better to treatment, says Ballantyne, but it also empowered her. “It gave her something to work with herself. Instead of lying there and taking the chemotherapy, she was more active with her healing process.” In addition to guided imagery, cancer patients also have free access to breathing techniques, healing touch, massage therapy and aromatherapy. Acupuncture is also offered through wellness services.
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2015 Western North Carolina
get it! guide BaLancE: Physical therapist Shannon Seymour applies tai chi for its many benefits, such as helping older patients improve their balance. Photo by Tim Robison
These evidence-based integrative methods largely have the end goals of decreasing pain, nausea and, perhaps most of all, stress. All of these outcomes have real results when it comes to whether a patient gets better. Linda silwedel, also a holistic resource nurse in the cancer program, explains it this way: “When the body is focused on stress, it doesn’t heal itself as effectively. So what we try to do is give patients even just a short window where they can become relaxed and actually focus on something that feels good — mentally, physically, emotionally, all these things. And the body follows the mind. It comes back to that nice, wonderful relaxed state, and that allows the body to heal more effectively and work with the cancer treatment plan so much better. “It’s a huge added bonus for them when they have to come get this treatment that doesn’t feel good,” says Silwedel. But she adds that the benefits of integrative care move beyond a feel-good massage. “Most of our patients have said the words to us, ‘You have helped me
get through my treatment. Knowing that I can come see you once a week or twice a week. Knowing that I can have a foot massage, or come relax and receive healing touch, I come for that,’” she says. “I can’t tell you how many women have said that down in radiation therapy.” The integrative health program at Mission is in its third year and, according to Silwedel and Ballantyne, reflects the more inclusive view of health held by the administration at Mission as well as by other providers. “It incorporates not only what Mission has to offer as far as up-todate technology and cancer care, but it also allows patients to be more active in their own treatment,” says Ballantyne. “It’s holistic. We’re looking at the whole person, and Mission embraces that. We’re not just looking at medicines and surgeries.”
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thE sound oF music thERapY at caREpaRtnERs
about this event,
Some patients with dementia, who are unable to recall basic memories, will often be able to recognize and
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
even sing along with a favorite song. That glimmer of recognition, says Jay Brown, music therapist with CarePartners hospice care, is healing for both the patient and the family. “We often see loved ones tear up when they see the patient start to sing along because they haven’t seen anything like that in so long,” says Brown. At CarePartners’ Solace Center, inpatient hospice patients have access to music therapy provided by volunteers every weekday. But for the most part, Brown visits outpatient clients in their homes. Some listen to Brown as he plays their favorite songs on his guitar. Others are able to join in. “I have a client who is a bluegrass musician. He has dementia, but he knows all the old country songs,” says Brown. “I’ll give him a guitar and tune it in open tuning, and he’ll strum along and sing these old songs, and we just have a great time. He has a blast and looks forward to it every week.”
Brown has been a gigging musician for years and started volunteering as a music therapist to mix things up. Eventually, he obtained certification in music therapy from Appalachian State University. “I think, in general, music is healing to all of humanity,” says Brown. “I think that’s the gift of music. But for people who have had a really long, deep relationship with music throughout their life, it’s just extremely healing. It’s crucial that they have that. It has been a big part of their life, and at the end of their life, it might be the most important.” While many of his client interactions can be cheerful, working in hospice means working closely with death, and the sessions that approach that reality can also be the most profound. “I had a recent case where my first visit with this person was also my last,” recalls Brown. “When I arrived, the person was in the dying process and his family was there — his mother, father and brother were in the room, grieving. And his mother asked me to play certain
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miRacLE woRKERs: The integrative health program at Mission Health is in its third year, incorporating up-to-date technology and allowing patients to be involved in their own care. Pictured: Linda Silwedel and Shirley Ballantyne, who have integrated these approaches at the Cancer Center. Photo by Cindy Kunst
songs that she knew that he would love, like old country, folk, gospel. “So I was singing these old country songs, and I was just trying to sing from my heart for this guy. They noticed that his breathing changed. He became more calm, and eventually his mother asked me to play ‘How Great Thou Art,’ because she said that was his favorite hymn. So I sang that, and in the middle of that song, he quit breathing and just slipped away so peacefully, which is what everyone wanted. So for the family it was really profound, and it made letting go so much easier.” thE swEEt scEnts oF aRomathERapY Lynnora Bierce has been an administrative assistant at CarePartners for nearly eight years and a driving force for the aromatherapy program there. While it may be unpleasant to think about, odor is a constant issue in health care. In the past, says Bierce, the staff was using a range of chemicals to combat odor, and it wasn’t working well. “At one point, we as a group decided that we wanted to do something different. So I started to use more
lavenders and different things that we found at the health food store,” she says. “I kept reading more and more about aromatherapy in hospice and said, ‘Wait a minute, maybe there are some things we could look at that benefit the patients,’ and that’s when I started to get more education [in aromatherapy]. The outcomes continue to amaze me.” Bierce says there was some doubt and resistance from providers at first, but these days, staff members are empowered to use aromatherapy on their own — sometimes even for their own ailments, like headaches. “They’ll ask for lavender because they know that it’s calming,” she says. “We have one called ‘frankinlemon’ that is frankincense and lemon and bergamot that is used for odor control, which is in and of itself a comfort measure for patients and their families … If they can be in the room without having smell discomfort, it helps people to be closer.” While odor control was the initial reason for the aromatherapy, and continues to be an important and effective measure, the scents
are also used to treat a range of common issues. For instance, mint is used for nausea, lavender for soothing, ylang-ylang for blood pressure regulation, and a combination of myrrh, frankincense and cypress for end-of-life transitions. Lemon is used to bring in a more cheerful energy, and sweet orange is said to bring sweet dreams. Bierce says that aromatherapy is just as much chemistry as it is art. She recalls an instance where an otherwise mild-mannered elderly woman became very combative and agitated, a condition not uncommon at the end of one’s life. “She couldn’t smell because she wasn’t pulling air through her nose; she was pulling air through her throat,” she says. “So I remembered that I had the [aromatherapy] cream and I put it on her hands and I just rubbed her hands, and she found that comforting, and she just calmed down. … You get the benefit of the aromatherapy even if you can’t smell it, because of the chemistry.” Bierce recalls another case where aromatherapy was as soothing for the patient as it was for the providers. The patient in this case was a 1-week-old baby who had no way to digest food. “We all had so much emotion about being in the room with her that my boss asked if we could have something in there for us and for her that would be safe for both of us,” she remembers. After she put the aromatherapy blend in the room, she says, “We were giving her more cheerful love even though she didn’t last for very long. … It’s nice to turn something sad into something more positive. That’s a lot of what we do here anyway.”
one and collaborates with another physical therapist to teach seated tai chi classes. “It’s balance,” says Seymour of the benefits tai chi can offer. Improved balance means less instances of falls — a big reason elderly people have to return to the hospital. “I’ve had patients come to me after we’ve done a session and say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know that I could do those things. I didn’t know that I could balance as well as I did.’ Because tai chi is so symmetrical, and because if you move in one direction, another part of your body moves in another direction, you have all these challenges for balance. I have patients tell me that they feel relaxed afterwards, patients saying that they sleep better [with] improved mood, reduced pain.” Even if patients can’t move one side of their body, which is common in those who have suffered a stroke, patients can visualize moving that side of their body, and that visualization helps them be able to
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675 Hour Massage Certification Starts April 2015 Discounts Available
Finding BaLancE with tai chi Roy Fortner laughs as he karate chops the air during his tai chi session with physical therapist shannon seymour. Before being introduced to the slow-moving Chinese martial art practice at CarePartners, he said he had only seen anything like it on televison. Now, he says, he enjoys his sessions and feels more relaxed afterward. Seymour has a background in neuroscience and behavioral science but took tai chi classes at Mission to obtain continuing education credits. Since that time, she has seen the benefits of tai chi for herself and her patients and now offers standing classes one-on-
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continuEd FRom pagE 21
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
reintegrate that part of their body, she says. Some patients, including many who are local to Asheville, are thrilled to see tai chi offered because they have taken classes in the community, says Seymour. Others may not be as receptive. Even in cases where patients aren’t excited about the idea of tai chi, she will often work the moves into her traditional physical therapy sessions. “The benefit is there,” she says, whether she calls it tai chi or not. EmBRacing acupunctuRE Licensed acupuncturist christian Jacobs mostly gets referrals from doctors for pain relief, muscle tightness and stress. However, he also treats headaches, jaw problems, back and neck pain, sciatica, repetitive motion injuries, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, gastrointestinal issues and arthritis, to name a few conditions. “Most of the pain that acupuncture tends to be helpful with is pain that is difficult to treat,” he explains. “It doesn’t go away with drugs. “I’ve had a few patients come in with shoulder pain and tightness, people with pain conditions [like neuropathy] and muscle tightness, often due to stress. After one treatment, they’ve noticed decrease in muscle tension, and the muscles that are tight will let go. They will tend to feel more relaxed, more calm.” One of those patients is alan hudson, who’s also an employee of Mission Health. Hudson had not received acupuncture treatments before but was intrigued by a friend’s experience with weight loss through acupuncture as well as pain and stress relief.
“During the treatment, I could feel a sensation at each needle site but it wasn’t unpleasant,” says Hudson. “I went for a 4- or 5-mile run the next day with a lot of hills in the route, and my ankles felt great. And they still do a month later.” Hudson also noticed a significant change in his mood, which, he says, is often affected by seasonal shifts. “I feel energized and upbeat. I don’t feel beaten down by how gloomy it was the whole first week of the new year. And most importantly, I haven’t been overeating because of the gloomy weather.” Jacobs, a graduate of local acupuncture school Daoist Traditions, is currently operating out of the cancer center, but there is a new facility being renovated that will be ready by spring. “Some people are surprised, and some people expect it,” says Jacobs of offering acupuncture in the hospital setting. “Asheville is in some ways a major center of alternative medicine, and I think a lot of people are excited that acupuncture is being received by the larger medical community.” Jacobs, too, can appreciate the bigger picture of integrative care. “Mission, by incorporating acupuncture, massage and these other modalities, it’s really pushing the cutting edge in offering health to the community. Obviously they are the biggest medical providers in town, so for them to tap me and some others to serve, it’s awesome.” moRE inFo: mission health, mission-health.org carepartners, carepartners.org X
by Susan Foster
The value of patient-centered care LIMITED SUPPLY! LIMITED TIME!
Why integrative medicine offers a new model of health care
In her homey office on the second floor of a quaint, arts-and-crafts style house on Charlotte Street that serves as the home of holistic medical practice Family to Family, Dr. susan Bradt talks about integrative medicine as a model of health care. She has an open, engaging manner and speaks with quiet conviction about problems facing the current health care system. Board-certified in family medicine and integrative holistic medicine, she brings an integrative approach to her primary care practice with children, adults and families. Dr. Susan, as she is known by patients, uses tools from Western medicine as well as complementary strategies involving nutrition, botanicals and lifestyle choices. She also draws on principles of functional medicine to treat chronic diseases. Silhouetted against her office window with trees in the background, Bradt shared with Xpress her views about integrative medicine and how it can improve health care. Mountain Xpress: what is integrative medicine and how does it offer a new model of health care? susan Bradt: Integrative medicine (also referred to as holistic medicine) is about patient-centered care and focuses not on one aspect of health but the whole person — body, mind and spirit. In my opinion, true integrative care
whoLE pERson: “True integrative care requires a good relationship between the patient and physician so the practitioner can understand the whole picture of what is going on with a person and their health,” says Dr. Susan Bradt of Family to Family. Photo by Tim Robison
requires a good relationship between the patient and physician so the practitioner can understand the whole picture of what is going on with a person and their health. It utilizes conventional medicine but focuses foremost on improving health through wellness and prevention of disease. Instead of just diagnosing and treating a disease and its symptoms, integrative medicine treats the whole person, taking into account their nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, environment, relationship, genetics, etc. We may recommend a variety of treatments. including changes in diet, exercise, vitamins, herbals, mental health counseling, acupunc-
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what is functional medicine, and how does it differ from integrative medicine? Like integrative medicine, functional medicine is holistic, looking at the whole person. However, it takes integrative care a step further by looking at how chronic disease occurs — what systems are involved, such as the hormones, the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal)
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continuEd FRom pagE 23
axis, the digestive tract or the immune system. It utilizes state-of-the-art integrative diagnostic testing to get a more complete picture of the health and function of these body systems. It is a bottom-up type of treatment, as it identifies and focuses on the underlying causes of disease and then utilizes a variety of treatments. These treatments may include changes in diet, lifestyle modifications, stress management, vitamin/mineral/nutrient supplementation, etc. Functional medicine is bringing about a huge paradigm shift in medicine by focusing on the treatment of chronic disease, where true healing can occur. More and more physicians around the country are receiving training in functional medicine and are incorporating these principles into their practice. The functional medicine paradigm holds the potential for real healing and for truly changing the course of chronic diseases. what do you see as the major problem with the current health care system today? The biggest problem in a larger sense is the sobering statistic that the United States spends the most money per person on health care of any other developed nation, and our health outcomes are among the worst. The prevailing health care system spends enormous amounts of money on unnecessary testing and on overpriced pharmaceuticals while not emphasizing the importance of preventive care, including nutrition and lifestyle changes to prevent and treat chronic diseases. Rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer are higher than ever and are all largely a product of poor diet and lifestyle. Reimbursement rates for preventive/wellness visits are among the
lowest. Health care in the U.S. is also getting farther and farther from patient-centered care. Physicians have very little time to spend with patients, and factors other than care for the individual are driving medical decisions and medical costs. Doctors are faced with pressure from various sources to see certain numbers of patients, to meet criteria for insurance reimbursement, etc. Physicians are getting burned out because they’re not able to really care for people — to sit down with them, understand what’s going on and really help — the reason why most of us went into medicine to begin with. what’s the answer? what do we need to do to improve the quality of health services? I wish there was a simple answer to this very complicated issue. Different practice models are emerging, though, as doctors begin to search for better ways to care for patients and people demand better options. Some medical practices are opting out of the insurance networks, and patients are paying out of pocket for their more comprehensive visits while keeping a high-deductible health plan for emergencies. This allows physicians to spend more time with patients, focus more on wellness and prevention of disease and look at the whole person. Patients are better satisfied and begin to improve their health in sustainable ways. While it may not be the overall solution to the larger problems our health care system faces, it provides a model that can work within the system and allow physicians and patients to focus together on attaining healthier lives. moRE inFo: susan Bradt, familytofamily.org or 251-2700 X
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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In order to assess the state of integrative and mind-body medicine in the Asheville area, Xpress invited health care professionals in the Asheville area to participate in a survey about their approaches to treatment. Of 51 respondents, half were individual health care providers. Other respondents listed themselves as clinics or health centers, hospitals, or educational organizations.
Type of organization Health service provider
Health center or clinic
Health service provider Educational organization
49% 6%
Hospital Health center or clinic
2% 14%
Other Educational organization
29% 6%
Type of organization
Do you or your facility provide Other Sixty-one percent reported that they 29% or integrative care?
their facility provide integrative care.
Your Home for Whole Healthcare Primary Care, Consultations and Urgent Care
Do you or your facility provide 39% integrative care?
Yes 61% In your experience, is integrative care more successful than either
No 39% conventional or alternative alone? Yes
In your experience, is integrative 6% care more successful than either conventional No answer or alternative alone? 4% No
Patrick Hanaway, MD; Lisa Lichtig, MD; Susan Bradt, MD; Mark Hoch, MD
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No answer Very
4% 81%
How much more succesful Nodo you find integrative care?6%
Not How at allmuch more succesful 6%
do you find integrative care?
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
14% 29% 6%
Other integrative care?
2% Hospital Survey says… Do you or your facility provide
Rolfing® Structural Integration SOMATIC EXPERIENCING
Health center or clinic Other Educational organization
Ninety percent of those who provide integrative care say they find integrative care to be more successful than either conventional or alternative modalities alone.
Yes 61% Do you or your facility provide No integrative care? 39% Yes 61% In your experience, is integrative care more successful than either No 39% conventional or alternative alone?
90% Yes In your experience, is integrative care more successful than either No 6% conventional or alternative alone? No answer 4% 90% Yes No
6% How much more succesful Eighty-one percent report that they do you find integrative integrative care verycare? much4% Nofind answer more successful.
81% Very How much more succesful13% Somewhat do you find integrative care? Not at all 6% 81% Very Somewhat
Not at all
Nearly 20 different alternative or complementary modalities are provided by the 61 percent of integrative care providers. The most frequently provided modality was mental health, followed by nutrition, meditation, and massage.
Most frequently provided complementary or alternative modalities Mental Health Nutrition Other Meditation Massage Yoga Herbal Medicine Energy Work Acupuncture Chiropractic Biofeedback Tai Chi/Qigong Hypnosis Nature Therapy Neurofeedback Pilates Healing Touch Homeopathic
29 17 14 12 9 7 7 6 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Nature Therapy 1 Neurofeedback 1 Pilates 1 Healing Touch 1 Respondents were asked to report the top five conditions they find are most sucHomeopathic 1 cessfully treated with integrative strategies. The highest ranked condition was stress, followed by anxiety/depression, chronic pain, and fatigue/sleep disorders.
Conditions treated most successfully with integrative strategies Stress Depression/Anxiety Chronic Pain Fatigue/Sleep Disorders Headache Addiction Gastrointestinal Disorders Immune Disorders Fibromyalgia Arthritis Cancer Obesity ADHD Allergies Hypertension Heart Disease Asthma Smoking
18 17 14 13 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0
Survey results about mind-body medicine will be reported in next week’s issue.
Conditions treated most successfully with integrative strategies Stress Depression/Anxiety Chronic Pain Fatigue/Sleep Disorders Headache Addiction Gastrointestinal Disorders Immune Disorders Fibromyalgia Arthritis Cancer Obesity ADHD Allergies Hypertension Heart Disease Asthma Smoking
18 17 14 13 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
So they say… Wellness survey participants share their views
Respondents to the Mountain Xpress wellness survey weighed in on the following question: “Do you think integrative care has advantages over either conventional or alternative treatment alone? If so, what do you see them as being?” Here are some of their responses:
science-based. ‘Preventive’ because its easier to prevent disease than to cure it. ‘Scientific’ because ‘alternative’ does not have to mean esoteric or unscientific. For example, the Transcendental Meditation technique has been validated by more than 350 peer-reviewed studies.” — tom Ball, director, asheville tm center “I come from the allopathic background, having been a general/vascular surgeon for 10 years prior to shifting into alternative care and wellness. This has given me the
“I think integrative care is ideal when the unique strengths of both allopathic and alternative medicine are needed by the client. Allopathic can do a great job in areas such as emergency care, surgery and short-term physical-level issues. Alternative modalities are better-suited for long-term health maintenance and energetic issues, which allopathic thinking does not acknowledge, but which are usually the root cause of medical issues.” — Benjamin Bernstein, owner, astro-shaman
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“From our perspective, the true meaning of ‘integrative care’ is complete care that considers not only the body but also the mind — that takes care of one’s ‘consciousness’ and allows full inner development. The advantage over conventional care is that true integrative care addresses levels of stress and resolves behavioral patterns that lie at the basis of most health issues. I also think that the health care that is most useful is both preventive and
Benjamin Bernstein, owner, Astro-shaman
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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opportunity to not only see medicine from both worlds but also to merge the two into a comprehensive program. There is good and not so good at both ends of the spectrum. It’s nice to be able to take the best of both worlds and create a program that achieves a balance of the mind/body/spirit.” — daniel stickler, physician
Aimee Schinasi, acupuncturist, People’s Acupuncture
“I believe that modern conventional medicine is very good at diagnosing physiological problems and detecting serious health concerns. It is also very good at saving lives in acute emergency response situations. It is not as good at preventing health problems and balancing the energetics of the body. Acupuncture is very effective at maintaining a healthy
system so as to avoid long -term health issues. Also many conventional treatments such as pharmaceuticals and surgeries have long-term negative side effects. Acupuncture can reduce the need for invasive procedures and medications and has no negative side effects. In fact, acupuncture often produces positive side effects. Acupuncture alone is also one of the most effective pain treatments. Integrating the diagnostics of conventional medicine with acupuncture as treatment is a very good way to get optimal health results.” — aimee schinasi, acupuncturist, people’s acupuncture “The body has adaptive physiology. I think we have the most advanced emergency medical services in the world. That said, our health care is nothing but sick care. We are getting sicker and sicker in this country, and the conventional medicine philosophy is not working. We have to get back to the basics, and that is diet, exercise, human frame, mental/emotional health. Alternatives, which should not be called alternatives in the first place, are the key to getting sick people well. Pharmaceutical companies have their hand in every pot. With Obamacare they, big pharma, have ‘paid’ the legislature enough to own one-third of the votes in the overseeing committee. Look it up and you will see. Nothing will change until the people of this country are truly educated about true health and those basics. So no, integrative care is a ‘cop out.’ It is just practicing ‘safe’ medicine with the same old results.” — dr. Jason phillips, chiropractor, phillips Family chiropractic
continuEs on pagE 30
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
wELLnEss continuEd FRom pagE 29
“We think there are benefits to an integrative approach because anything short of that is not addressing the needs of the entire being. In allopathic medicine the focus is on treating the symptom. When this is the approach, the symptom may resolve for a time, but the underlying cause is still present. A holistic approach allows us to uncover all layers of the issue and formulate the best approach to alleviate that issue as well as any other that may be associated with it.” — dr. mikra hamilton, synchronicity wellness “The entire experience of human life could be seen as a learning process of how to integrate our mind, body and spirit to work together toward a common goal of healthy living. To be effective in the long term, any therapy must integrate and harmonize these dimensions of our being. Care should be taken to focus on this total picture, as any treatment that diminishes or ‘disintegrates’ these aspects of our being will cause harm in the long term.” — daniel Johnson, psychiatrist, private practice
Daniel Johnson, MD, psychiatrist, private practice
“I often compare the education at Rainbow Community School to integrative medicine at a place such as Family to Family. Our
teachers almost all have master’s degrees in conventional education (just as the doctors at Family to Family have MDs), but they ALSO use integrative holistic teaching methods that help develop the child physically, spiritually, socially, emotionally, etc. Therefore, they can draw on the best of both worlds and care for each child according to his/her needs. For example, if a child is struggling in math, a teacher only using conventional methods may only look at academics, but the real problem may be anxiety. Furthermore, using an integrative approach isn’t just about problem solving; it prevents problems because children enjoy learning and are fulfilled students when their school develops them holistically.” — Renee owen, executive director, Rainbow community school “We believe all medicine works. It is the patient’s thoughts or beliefs about the care being given that ultimately determine the results. For example, if the patient believes surgery is necessary and it will heal them, it will. Alternatively if a person had a skilled practitioner treat them purely on the mental plane (aka affirmative prayer), it will also heal the patient. I have a unique viewpoint as I work in both traditional medicine at Mission as a medical scientist and have a large following of private clients who come to me for healing and mainly manifestation.” — Lynn villa, spiritual coach, centers for spiritual Living “I think that caring, skillful collaboration between different fields in healing and medicine is the direction that can most help people create well-being in their lives and their families. We need con-
Dr. Mikra Hamilton, director of transformation, Synchronicity Wellness
ventional medicine, Western science and medical innovations, and we also need to draw on other perspectives in healing and living that help a person find happiness and wholeness in his or her life.” — autumn woodward, massage therapist “Integrative care is the most effective way to heal. I refer people to Western medicine for diagnostics, when necessary, if there are roots of the imbalance
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that I cannot see. Then develop an individualized treatment plan according to traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis. Our diagnostic tools allow us to see the imbalances at the root level of why the body/mind/ or spirit is out of balance. You cannot treat one without treating the other parts. In Chinese medicine, if there is one negative side effect to any treatment, the treatment MUST be adjusted. We do not sacrifice one system to ‘heal’ another system. My ideal would be to see the strengths of all medicines being utilized to create the most effective, efficient healing for every individual.” — whitney madden, acupuncturist, source for well-Being “Integrative care can offer the best of both worlds. There is a time and place for both conventional and alternative treatments. For example, we offer physical therapy and chiropractic in our office. I can focus on the structural integrity of the spine and the physical therapist can strengthen the muscles to support the healthier frame. Both forms of health care can be combined to get better results for the patient. We need to move forward in health care and offer services to the patient that will benefit them the most. Adhering to Western medicine practice alone is leaving the patient in the dark.” — dr. nichole d’ippolito Lindsey, chiropractor, Back in Balance “I think that both medicines [integrative and mind-body] have their place. But I also know that healing comes from within.” — gloria maria Lanser, childbirth educator and doula, sacred soul Birthing doula services “You manage to connect with all aspects that can contribute to the symptoms. Many physical issues begin with emotions or mental aspects which are not resolved and dealt with. And to uncover the real cause of a physical problem, you must connect with the emotions and help the individual find answers and solutions through those channels. They also look into nutritional deficiency and help you to find the deficiency in the body. They also look at vitamins, min-
in my mind, probably look more like an alternative approach that includes multiple modalities, with recognition of the occasional benefits provided by conventional care. Integrative care is comprehensive care that has access to Western treatments ... but doesn’t use them much, since a holistic/alternative approach tends to be preventive whereas conventional care is emergency care, treating symptoms.” — michele drivon, teacher of alexander technique, conscious alignment “I think integrative care has amazing advantages over conventional or alternative care when used alone: Every modality has its strengths and weaknesses, treating certain types of conditions/ constitutions well and others not so much, i.e., surgery for acute tissue trauma but acupuncture for migraines. The center is founded on this principle. By utilizing a wide range of different modalities, it is possible to treat a wider range of conditions/people, i.e., massage for soft-tissue pain but acupunc-
ture for seasonal allergies. Our patients choose according to what they have going on at the moment. “Different modalities can enhance the effect of each other, i.e., combining acupuncture and massage is superior in treating pain vs. one or the other alone. This is the most common combination we see here at the center. Mitigating the negative side effects of certain treatments with others, i.e., acupuncture for nausea from chemotherapy. And more and more doctors are recommending their patient to us for this! Offering alternatives when all conventional options have been exhausted, i.e. ,acupuncture for chronic pain that has not responded to muscle relaxers, cortisone, or epidurals. This is especially beneficial in cases like this in which the alternative treatment is also more successful and has a much shorter recovery time if any.” — nancy hyton, director, center for holistic medicine X
Dr. Nichole D’Ippolito Lindsey, chiropractor, Back in Balance
erals, and other information not discovered in traditional medicine and can lead the individual to living a healthier lifestyle which can make a profound difference in the health of the body.” — Linda neff, reflexologist and reiki master, mountain spirit wellness
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“I believe that alternative treatments should be the foundation of health, but sometimes conventional methods can enhance results. Some conditions do need conventional treatment, so these should not be completely overlooked.” — christy thompson, holistic wellness coach, holistic transformations “By definition, integrative care should be well-acquainted with all varieties of care — not simply be conventional care that sprinkles in a touch of the obvious (well-documented) benefits of addressing emotions and mental state to treat physical ailments. True integrative care would,
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
by Nicki Glasser
Big picture Practitioners explore medicine’s new frontier
Brian Lewis’ quest for a different kind of medicine began in medical school, where he received a grant to study healing methodologies from the Himalayas and Tibet. He later cofounded a student group on integrative medicine. Lewis, a physician at Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville, says he came to realize that “without treating the whole person, you cannot do good primary care.” He explains, “Integrative medicine, in contrast to conventional Western medicine, has a wider scope of modalities to choose from and also a wider perspective from which to diagnose and relate to clients. Basically, it is trying to coordinate more natural methods to effect healing without harm.” This sentiment is echoed by other Asheville integrative and holistic practitioners. danna park, Mission Hospital’s former medical director for integrative care, describes integrative medicine as an evidence-based, healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person — body, mind and spirit — including all aspects of lifestyle. “Integrative medicine gives us more tools in our toolbox,” she says. Park now works as an integrative medicine consultant to local medical professionals and their clients. She also teaches periodically at the UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine and at the University of Arizona integrative medicine program. “Conventional medicine tends to look at the body as a set of biochemical processes or organs with specific functions and will then break that down,” Park says. For example, conventional practitioners look at a problem as it relates to an organ in the body, she explains. “Then to treat it, they will usually use a medication or a biochemical therapy. Integrative medicine goes beyond this. We will use biologically based therapies also, in addition to medications, but then we also have a whole variety of others things we can include.” In her practice, therapies might include guided imagery, nutrition, lifestyle changes, exercise prescrip-
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
tions, osteopathic manipulation, hypnosis and biologic therapies such as herbs, vitamins and other supplements. “It is not just about the body but also the mind and the spirit, because all of that is connected,” Park says. nancy hyton concurs on the connection of the mind, body and spirit. “In holistic and Chinese medicine you have a spirit and life force. There is no equivalent for that in conventional medicine,” says Hyton, a licensed acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and owner of Center for Holistic Medicine in West Asheville. “These are two different manifestations of the same thing. Yes, you are your body, and yes, you are your spirit, but they are different facets of the same individual. One is material. and one is immaterial and there are gradations in between.” The Asheville- and Mill Springsbased CooperRiis Healing Community is applying these concepts to help people with serious mental health challenges. “Our model is a holistic model,” says mary Kreider, the integrative health director and a certified integrative health coach. “We look at the whole person and don’t pathologize an illness. There is a recognition that there are many healing traditions, not just a doctor and a pharmaceutical cure.” Kreider adds that there is a big difference between conventional psychiatry and the way CooperRiis provides care. “We’re looking at health optimization compared to [conventional psychiatry’s] managing a disease. Conventional psychiatric and general health medicine is physician-directed,” she says — a doctor determines the diagnosis and treatment. “An integrative approach is more of a partnership, a collaboration with the individual, and there is a team approach of professionals from multiple healing modalities.” Integrative medicine is a young field. Originally it was called “alternative medicine,” Lewis says. That term was replaced with “complementary and alternative medicine” because it worked well in conjunction with conventional Western medicine. Now the agreed-upon term is “integrative medicine,”
compLEmEntaRY hEaLing: More and more patients look beyond traditional Western medicine or seek complementary care. Acupuncturist Nancy Hyton says that many patients have been referred by doctors — “People come to us because they’ve exhausted their conventional medical options or they’ve reached a plateau.” Photo by Tim Robison
says Lewis. “Integrative means we integrate many different systems/approaches. Holistic means the whole person.” In practice, patients usually use both integrative and traditional Western medicine. Most people who receive acupuncture from Hyton have a conventional medical doctor as well, she says. In fact, some doctors refer to her and she refers patients to doctors as well. “It goes both ways,” she says. “One thing I see a lot here [at the center] is that people come to us because they’ve exhausted their conventional medical options or they’ve reached a plateau,” says Hyton. “For example, they’ve had chronic back pain and had three cortisone shots; they have had an epidural; and their next option is surgery. ... They want to try something that is not as extreme first. So they come to me. That happens all the time,” she says. “Conventional Western medicine is very good at treating trauma, acute conditions, things with direct linear progression,” says Lewis. “But for chronic illness, things that develop over a long period of time and with a lot of different influences, including family belief structures, lifestyle and stress, Western medicine is not as good. More than 75 percent of every health care dollar is spent on conditions that are completely preventable and reversible — $3 trillion a year,” he says, referring to documented health care costs of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Scientific evidence is growing to support the integrative approach. “There is some great research by Dean Ornish,”
Lewis says. Over time, using hard science, Ornish “has found that by focusing on these four areas — nutrition, physical fitness, healthy relationships and stress management — they’ve been able to reverse heart disease, diabetes and even early forms of cancer. These are things five to 10 years ago people thought were kind of crazy,” Lewis says. With integrative medicine, “You really have to look at treating [people] in the context of their whole lives, their society, their culture. And when we do that, we realize that medicine is practiced in the room with patients, and also in the community and on the national level. All of these things are impacting people’s health,” says Lewis. “I feel grateful that with Ornish’s work we have the hard evidence that shows it is the small choices we make every day that have the greatest impact on our health. And when we can help patients realize that they light up; they feel empowered and inspired.” moRE inFo: Brian Lewis, integrativeasheville. org or 575-9600; danna park, mountainintegrative. com or 333-3339; nancy hyton, centerholistic.com or 505-3174; and mary Kreider, cooperriis.org or 894-5557 X
by Nicki Glasser
From sickness to health FRom sicK gut to happY whoLEnEss “I’ve had problems with my stomach ever since I was a baby. All through my life I had tests, and no one could figure it out,” says Asheville resident carol conrad. She sought help from several angles —a gastroenterologist and a naturopath; different medications and supplements — but nothing worked. “Finally I got so frustrated I looked up functional medicine doctors,” she says. She turned to physician susan Bradt at Family to Family, an Asheville integrative medicine practice. “Dr. Bradt suggested I do a comprehensive elimination diet, which rules out all kinds of food that might be triggers for me,” says Conrad. Doing the diet and learning what her food sensitivities were “solved lifelong problems,” she says. “All of it cleared up when I knew what the issues were.” Bradt, a board-certified family physician, says she often uses the elimination diet with her patients. In medical school, she was taught that there are only “true allergies,” the ones that show up in allergy testing; but in practice she finds that “with the American diet and so much processed food, many people become sensitive. They get mild but chronic symptoms, so they don’t really realize [what’s causing problems],” she says. “I’ve had so many people get on the elimination diet and their lives have changed unbelievably, because they learn their body is reacting to all kinds of stuff. It could be intestinal symptoms, joint pain, chronic migraines, depression, eczema, it could be any number of things,” Bradt says. Conrad was blown away with how much better she felt — so much so that she went back to her old doctor to share the good news. She was flabbergasted to learn that her doctor knew about the diet but felt like “it would be too difficult for the patient to follow,” she says. “It is a miracle,” Conrad says about her health improvement.
Two patients share their stories
In addition to the digestive issues, Bradt has helped Conrad reduce her high cholesterol using a natural supplement. “She has helped me in so many ways,” Conrad says about Bradt. “I feel so much better because of her and it has been so totally positive and powerful what she has done for me,” she says. a nEcK-down tRansFoRmation “I woke up on Dec. 28 in so much pain I couldn’t sit, I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t move my head. I couldn’t eat. It was bad,” says Asheville resident Lauren sowers. “I had all the symptoms of whiplash but nothing to really account for it; there was no car accident,” she says. The only thing she could think of was the stress of moving with her 2-year-old daughter and husband across the country and the physical strain of moving. They had only been in Asheville a week when the pain started. “I tried all these conventional approaches to the problem,” she says, including seeing a doctor, taking anti-inflammatory medication, and trying chiropractic and physical therapy. “I had very minimal results, maybe what could be expected, but it just wasn’t lasting,” she says. Moreover, the chiropractic and physical therapy sessions were painful, and she had trouble getting herself to go back. After eight months of suffering and fearing surgery might be her only option, she sought help from nancy hyton, an acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and owner of the Center for Holistic Medicine. “From the first treatment, I had a longer period of healing. It gradually went from where I could go a week before the pain set in, to two weeks, then a month. That is a health maintenance time frame I’m pretty comfortable [with],” Sowers says. Once she could lie down comfortably, she added massage with Robert Kochka, one of the center’s massage therapists. “Robert was really awesome. The two treatments working together helped me a lot,” says Sowers. Within four months she was back to doing yoga.
doctoR and patiEnt: For patient Carol Conrad, left, physician Susan Bradt, right, treated the underlying causes of her chronic illness. Photo by Tim Robison
“The whole situation, I think, was caused by stress,” says Sowers. She had moved across the country twice that year with her family, first from Ohio to San Francisco, and then from San Francisco to Asheville. Moreover, while in San Francisco, her husband was doing an intensive work training program and often not at home. “It was very exhausting; I was like a single parent, and then the moving.” “I think what acupuncture did was reestablish the baseline for what my muscles should be like when they are at rest; slowly I learned to be at a resting state,” Sowers explains. “Now when I notice my muscles leave this state, where before it would just escalate
and escalate … now I can redirect myself back to baseline.” “I think in Western medicine, everyone comes at you with pills and abrupt fixes rather than seeing wellness as a journey. When you start with the integrative side of things you’re not there to be fixed; you’re there to start a new path,” Sowers says. “I feel like this is so awesome about Asheville — the community that is available to help with that.” moRE inFo: susan Bradt, familytofamily.org or 251-2700 nancy hyton and Robert Kochka, centerholistic.com or 505-3174 X
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
“Any man can, if he so desires, become the scupltor of his own brain.” Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 1852-1934 (The father of modern neuroscience)
by Nicki Glasser
Covered? Health insurance options for mind, body and spirit If you seek nontraditional health care, such as integrative or complementary approaches, does insurance cover it?Although the vast majority of such services are paid out of pocket, there are some exceptions and signs of change for the future. “I know that there is a trend in that direction, when you’re talking about integrative medicine and a doctor who agrees that your mind, body and spirit all need to be treated at the same time,” says myrna harris, chief executive officer of Crescent Health Solutions in Asheville, a healthplan administrator for employers
and several thousand employees in Western North Carolina and Oklahoma. “I think we are more aware of those things and that more is being done in those areas than ever before.” But she sees two main reasons why there has not been more progress. “There is not enough data out there to support whether one of these integrative methods is effective enough. … When insurance companies or employers go to pay for something that is related to your health care, they would like to know that the literature is out there to support what is being done, that it has some efficacy,” she says. “But then I believe that employers and health care have been so caught up in the confusion of what we’re required to do because of the Affordable Care Act, there has not been as much focus on inte-
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“Biology first, pharmacology second” 34
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
grative medicine as maybe there would have been.” The ACA, for many people, means the procurement of basic health care. “Most people want a ticket to dance. That means they want to be able to get into a hospital if they need it and have peace of mind around basic care like annual exams,” says John daly, owner of Insurance Value Management, an Affordable Care Act broker. If a person is healthy, he says, “I recommend that person into a high-deductible [plan] so they minimize their premium.” This strategy enables people to better afford services out of pocket. In order to provide more coverage for integrative services, some employers have what is called a self-funded or partially funded insurance plan, whereas the big insurers — like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna — have preset service menus and don’t include integrative services, says Harris. Mission Health, for example, covers acupuncture for its employees Myrna Harris, CEO, Crescent Health Solutions
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
through their self-funded plan. “I think as a health system we have always seen the value of complementary therapies,” says anna walz, director of system wellness at Mission. “Certainly over the past few years it’s been more of a focus, and there’s more data in this area,” she says, referring to the growing scientific evidence supporting integrative therapies. Mission employees have access to on-site massage, acupuncture, yoga and Zumba classes as a part of their My Healthy Life employee program. Interest in the program has been so strong that this March, it’s moving into a new facility, which will also be open to the public. “The goal [of the new location] is to create a peaceful, spa-like place for employees and the public to receive services. We want to work with people to prevent them becoming patients,” Walz says with a chuckle. But even with the discounts Mission employees receive, a good portion of the fee for these services still comes out of pocket. One way to help make these costs easier is a taxdeferred bank account. “Some employers offer flexible savings accounts,” explains Harris. “What this means is that employees can, for example, take $50 out of their paycheck every two weeks and put it into a flexible savings account. This is pretax money. They can then use those dollars to pay for certain things, like co-pays for doctors and medication,” she says. The rules on what this money can be used for differ from plan to plan. At Crescent, which has the option of flexible savings accounts, you do not need a doctor’s prescription for acupuncture, but you do need one for massage, she explains. Another option is a health savings account. “These are essentially a slush fund that you put in a participating bank. It is so much money per year that is tax-deferred, so you’re not paying taxes on it,” says Daly. Health savings accounts can be used “on any health services not covered by your plan until you meet your deductible,” says Daly. Health savings account funds can used for any integrative and preventive care service. In addition, many Asheville integrative and holistic health care providers go out of their way to design fee structures that are accessible. “The most progressive thing I’ve seen here in Asheville is a $40 [per] month deal,” says Daly.
He is referring to Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville’s Integrative Living Program. For $40 a month, a patient receives a number of benefits, including an annual physical exam, unlimited visits for a $20 co-pay, $30 discount on all procedures and standard labs at no cost. “The average physician spends $80,000 a year to interface with insurance,” says Brian Lewis, one of the founding physicians at the practice. “We looked for a way to set up primary care that is affordable for people.”
Brian Lewis, physician, Integrative Family Medicine
So Integrative Family Medicine settled on the flat monthly fee structure, a feature of an emerging financial model called direct primary care. “It takes the barrier away to spending time with a provider,” says Lewis. Even though most integrative care, tax-deferred or not, is out of pocket, many people find a way to afford it. “I see a significant number of people who don’t make a ton of money, because they see the value,” says nancy hyton, a licensed acupuncturist
New Dawn Midwifery opened in May of 1997 to and owner of Center for Holistic Medicine. “I have people [come here] who work at gas stations, wait tables. West Asheville is not a wealthy neighborhood, but we’ve been here eight years, and that’s really the core of people who come to see us, people in the neighborhood. They’re not loaded but they think it’s worth it, they feel better, they get results,” she says. “And more and more [acupuncture and massage] is being prescribed. If your doctor prescribes it, it might be covered by insurance. A lot of people don’t know that.” “It’s hard to say,” says Lewis when asked what’s in the future for insurance coverage for integrative medicine. He looks at trends. One is the growing amount of science supporting the efficacy of these approaches, he says. Another is the possibility of the creation of a specialty in integrative medicine, which would enable integrative medicine doctors to be covered under most insurance plans. Harris sees a wider picture. The big question for her? “Can insurance cover [these services], and if so how much, versus how much
does the employee and individual take on? I believe as individuals we need to begin to take more responsibility for our health and well-being. And that means we have to have more skin in the game, if we can afford it.” And although Harris knows that some people cannot even afford copays, for those who can, “We need to be able to do something ourselves” she says, “so that it is not just all handed to us. When we have some investment in what we’re doing, I think that motivates us.” X
offer nurse-midwifery care to Western North Carolina Families. We have welcomed nearly 2000 babies into these mountains and look forward to many more. We offer expert prenatal care and family-centered birth care. Births are attended by midwives in homes and at Mission Hospital. We also offer gynecological care and primary care to our established clients. Call today for an interview.
moRE inFo: myrna harris, crescenths.com or 670-9145 John daly, insurancevaluemanagement.com or 808-2584 ann walz, mission-health.org or 213-1111 Dr. Brian Lewis, integrativeasheville.org or 575-9600 nancy hyton, centerholistic.com or 505-3174
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
There are massive changes rippling through every aspect of the healthcare system. As many folks lose their dental insurance or have their benefits reduced, they’re forced to make increasingly tough decisions about their care! We’ve been practicing dentistry here at Timothy E. Gillespie, DMD in Asheville for 22 years. Providing excellent customer service has always been at the heart of what we do. And judging from the wealth of personal referrals, online reviews and
other feedback we receive, we seem to be succeeding. We work hard everyday to improve lives and earn the trust of our patient family! Amid all of the changes, the kind of personal attention we specialize in is more important than ever. So our Big Idea for the new year is actually one that we’ve been putting into practice for decades. We want to make sure you get the outstanding customer service, clinical excellence, concern and care you deserve. It’s an idea that we’re confident will stand any test of time!
36 Orange St. . Orange Street Professional Park . Asheville, NC 28801 . 828-252-9351 . office@drtimgillespie.com . drtimgillespie.com 38
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
wELLnEss caLEndaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Wellness children’s yoGA teAcher trAininG (pd.) This interactive 3-day training focuses on how to create yoga classes that kids enjoy and are appropriate for children of different ages. It includes how to incorporate movement, breath, art, music and spiritual inspiration into kids’ yoga classes. Feb. 6-8 Asheville Yoga Center 211 S. Liberty St. youryoga.com, 828-254-0380 reiKi introduction And heAlinG CIRCLE • THIS SUNDAY (pd.) February 1, 2:30pm. Perfect opportunity to try Reiki! After educating you about Reiki, we’ll do a Meditation followed by each person receiving a Reiki Treatment. $12. Downtown Asheville • RSVP: (828) 707-3530. www. Ashevillereiki.com Asheville community yoGA center 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga.com • SU (2/1), 4pm - Affordable Care Act information session. Free. • THURSDAYS (2/5) through (2/26), 6pm Yoga for trauma. $40. oPPortunity house 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, 692-0575, opportunityhouse.org • TU (2/3), 10am - “How to Live Longer and Enjoy It More,” diabetes, heart health and hypertension seminar. Free. red cross blood drives redcrosswnc.org Appointment and ID required. • TU (2/3) & WE (2/4), 11am-4:30pm Appointments & info: 1-800-RED-CROSS. Held in Highsmith Student Union at UNCA. • TU (2/3), 1-5:30pm - Appointments & info: 681-8769. Held at Skyland Crest Shopping Center, 1950 Hendersonville Road, Skyland • TH (2/5), 1:30-6pm - Appointments & info: 669-2725 ext. 110. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain tAoist tAi chi society taoist.org/usa/locations/asheville • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm & THURSDAYS, 9:30am - Beginners Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way
suPPort GrouPs Adult children oF Alcoholics & dysFunctionAl FAmilies adultchildren.org • For people who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
Al-Anon/ AlAteen FAmily GrouPs 800-286-1326, wnc-alanon.org • For the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit mountainx.com/support. Alcoholics Anonymous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 2548539 or aancmco.org Asheville Women For sobriety 215-536-8026, womenforsobriety.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8 p.m. – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. AsPerGer’s Adults united meetup.com/aspergersadultsunited • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. AsPerGer’s teens united facebook.com/groups/AspergersTeensUnited • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. brAinstormer’s collective 254-0507, puffer61@gmail.com • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Led by brain injury survivors for brain injury survivors and supporters. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road chronic PAin suPPort deb.casaccia@gmail.com or 989-1555 • 2nd SATURDAYS, 12:30pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. codePendents Anonymous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS,7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8 p.m. – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. debtors Anonymous debtorsanonymous.org • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. dePression And biPolAr suPPort AlliAnce 367-7660, magneticminds.weebly.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7 pm & SATURDAYS, 4 pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road. diAbetes suPPort laura.tolle@msj.org or 213-4788 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm – Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive. Room 3-B. eAtinG disorder suPPot GrouPs thecenternc.weebly.com or 337-4685. • Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. emotions Anonymous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7 p.m. – For anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Rd. Food Addicts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6 pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. heArt oF recovery meditAtion GrouP asheville.shambhala.org
• TUESDAYS, 6 pm- Integrates meditation with any 12-step recovery program. Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Pl. heArt suPPort 274-6000 • 1st TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - For individuals living with heart failure. Held at Asheville Cardiology Associates, 5 Vanderbilt Drive livinG With chornic PAin Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association; 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 pm – Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston Ave. memory loss cAreGivers For caregivers of those with memory loss or dementia. network@memorycare.org • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain men WorKinG on liFe’s issues 273-5334 or 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. mission heAlth FAmily GrouP niGht For caregivers of children with social health needs or development concerns. 213-9787 • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm – Mission Reuter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. nAr-Anon FAmily GrouPs For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. Info: nar-anon.org. Visit mountainx.com/ support for full listings. nAtionAl AlliAnce on mentAl illness For people living with mental health issues and their loved ones. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. our voice trAumA educAtion series 252-0562, ourvoicenc.org/trauma-educationseries • 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - For survivors of sexual violence, ages 18+. Registration required. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801
Looking For Affordable Gear? We’ll Give You A Hand A consignment shop specializing in outdoor gear, clothing & footwear. mountainx.com
overcomers oF domestic violence For anyone who is dealing with physical and/ or emotional abuse. 665-9499. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm – First Christian Church, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler. overeAters Anonymous Info: 258-4821. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. recoverinG couPles Anonymous For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recoveringcouples.org • MONDAYS, 6pm – Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. s-Anon FAmily GrouPs For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Four confidential meetings are available weekly in WNC. For dates, times and locations contact wncsanon@gmail.com or 2585117. smArt recovery Helps individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior. Visit mountainx. com/support for full listings. sunrise Peer suPPort volunteer services facebook.com/Sunriseinasheville • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Rd. sylvA GrieF suPPort melee@fourseasonscfl.org • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Hosted by Four Seasons Compassion for Life. Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva undereArners Anonymous underearnersanonymous.org, info@underearnersanonymous.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Helps with recovery from underearning. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. us too oF Wnc 338-0290 • 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm - A prostate cancer support forum for men, caregivers and family members. Free. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St.
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The sweet future of sorghum Local sorghum producers celebrate the sweetener’s Appalachian heritage and growing business potential
Sorghum syrup is becoming more and more common in Asheville restaurants for its distinct taste and health benefits, as well as its cultural significance as an Appalachian staple. But if you ask an old-timer about sorghum syrup, he might not know what you’re talking about. To those who know the product from childhood, it’s simply molasses. doug harrell of Harrell Hill Farms in Bakersville goes as far as printing two labels for his jars. “Well, the old-timers — and I say old-timers meaning people my age and so forth — they know sorghum as molasses. We actually have two labels, and it’s the same product. One is sorghum syrup molasses, and one is sorghum syrup.” Customers looking for molasses might have warm memories of mixing the thick, dark syrup with butter and using the rich topping on biscuits and cornbread. But converts to the sweetener, made from juice of the cornlike sorghum plant, have found countless ways to enjoy it. Sorghum grower cathy guthrie of Doubletree Farm in Marshall can’t walk into Zuma Coffee without neighbors and friends commenting on her product — one woman swears it’s the best in hot chocolate. Its similarities to blackstrap molasses make it a handy ingredient for bakers as well. david Bauer, owner of Farm and Sparrow Bakery, uses Guthrie’s sorghum in its dark Eastern European-style rye breads. “Blackstrap molasses or barley malt syrup would be more common in
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Europe but the sorghum achieves the same effects but has a lot more flavor,” says Bauer. While it isn’t always the easiest replacement for sugar, says Bauer, “it has a very strong flavor, so if the flavor of the sweetener is meant to shine through a baked good, then that’s a great place to use it.” Guthrie insists you can put it in just about anything. “Traditionally, the way it’s been used is on cornbread with butter, and that was a staple in the traditional diet in this part of the country. Cornbread and molasses go together like peanut butter and jelly,” she says. “A lot of people already know that, but for the people who are uninitiated who might not eat it every day, I usually suggest put it on toast with a little butter, or it’s really good on sweet potatoes, or if you’re making a butternut squash dish. It’s the perfect topping on oatmeal and plain yogurt. I call it the secret ingredient because really you can put it in anything. I use it in my salad dressing, barbecue sauce, baked beans, pecan pie.”
swEEthEaRts: Doug and Barbara Harrell, pictured at Green Sage Café Westgate, grow and process sorghum on their family farm in Bakersville. They and Green Sage owner Randy Talley are promoting what Talley calls the “back-to-sorghum movement.” Photo by Cindy Kunst
It seems that local eateries are taking note of this secret ingredient as well. King Daddy’s in West Asheville offers sorghum to pour over biscuits and waffles, but it also uses the sweetener in its sweet-potato hush puppies and glazed pears for salad, as well as cocktails at the bar. French Broad Chocolate Lounge has began to use it in a line of truffles inspired by regional flavors. On the morning Xpress met with Harrell at Green Sage Westgate, he opted to pour a thinner version of his own sorghum syrup over a plate of butter-slathered pancakes
and urged me to take a bite. Sure enough, Appalachia’s slightly deeper and tangier answer to maple syrup tasted right at home atop the stack of golden flapjacks. Harrell’s beaming smile probably reflected a pride in his product, but also a pride in his heritage. Interestingly, Harrell started growing sorghum on his family farm eight years ago to “stay relevant.” But his farm, which was established in 1776, had been used to grow sorghum up until the the mid-1950s. “Until 1950, it was the predominant sweetener in the nation,” he explains. “After the war, white sugar became cheap to make, and people quit making the sorghum syrup.” Now that people are more conscious of what they are eating, says Harrell, sorghum is becoming a more sought-after product. With vitamins and minerals like thiamin, iron and calcium, Harrell says, “It is probably the healthiest sweetener in the nation today.” In the early ’50s, he adds, it was the prenatal vitamin of choice for women in the area.
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coRn cousin: The sorghum plant is a type of grass resembling corn. It is often used as animal fodder but is best known for its sweet syrup. Photo courtesy of Doug Harrell
And there is, of course, the more personal reason for growing sorghum. “As a young boy, I remember helping my granddad make the sorghum,” says Harrell. “It is very important to me to carry on that heritage. My wife says I’m crazy sometimes, but it’s important to keep those things alive.” For Guthrie as well, sorghum growing is a labor of love. “This goes way back,” she says. “My interest in college was Appalachian history and culture, so that was 25 years ago. ... So when things were leading me toward farming, I began looking at the more traditional methods of farming in the region, and that led me toward a lot of decisions I made.” Sorghum is not a rare crop among WNC farmers — there are currently 30 growers that name sorghum among their products in the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s farm listings. And while a fondness for the past might have inspired Harrell and Guthrie to grow sorghum, both of them have an enterprising eye for the future of the product. Harrell’s sorghum can be found in nearly
20 Ingles stores, as well as independent grocers. He has also teamed with Randy talley, owner of Green Sage, to market what Talley calls “the back-to-sorghum movement” with videos and creative placement of sorghum syrup on the Green Sage menu. Guthrie, while operating on a smaller scale, is also a big presence at farmers markets and independent grocers and businesses. “I think there is a lot of potential for using sorghum cane beyond making molasses out of it,” says Guthrie. “I think with Asheville’s foodie scene, there is a lot of potential for being creative. It’s an amazing product that can be used for a lot of different things. … Raw juice from the sorghum cane, I think, has a lot of potential for people who are looking for raw juice in their diet, and there is the possibility for fermenting the raw juice. So I’m really excited about that in terms of diversifying what I do.” To learn more about the back-tosorghum movement and view Green Sage's video about Doug Harrell's sorghum, visit greensagecafe.com X
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
by Xpress staff first found its charm — sesame crusted peanut Hempeh with carrot pureé, bok choy, peanut sauce and a pepper relish.” Until then, Smiling Hara’s regular product line will be stocked at many health food stores, the latest of which — Whole Foods Markets — is featuring the company’s soy tempeh at in-store hot bars across the Southeast for a limited time. The tempeh troupe is also planning tempeh and Hempeh cooking classes, which Yancey
diY FERmEntEd BEvERagEs cLass marc williams, ethnobotanist and director of Plants and Healers International, is offering a workshop for crafty types who want to create handmade Valentine’s Day gifts of the drinkable variety. His class on Sunday, Feb. 1, titled Supernatural Sodas, Magical Meads and Loving Liqueurs, will provide guidance on how to make homemade fermented sodas, health-supportive formulations and alcoholic libations such as mead and liqueurs. The cost is $20$40 on a sliding scale. Registration includes handouts, tastings and snacks. Participants may also have the opportunity to take home cultures such as water kefir, kombucha and jun, a fermented tea. 5-7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1, Villagers, 278 Haywood Road. Register at forvillagers.com or by calling 215-9569. For details on Williams and his other local classes, visit plantsandhealers.org or botanyeveryday.com. FoothiLLs mEats, pisgah BREwing co. paRtnER FoR woRKshop
hungRY FoR hEmp: Smiling Hara Tempeh owners Sarah Yancey and Chad Oliphant can’t stop smiling with sons Atticus, left, and Cypress, right. Vegan restaurant Plant will feature Smiling Hara’s Hempeh on a rotating basis. Pictured is Plant chef Jason Sellers’ yellow split pea Hempeh steaks with smoked broccoli, homemade kraut and cultured spicy mustard. Photo by Daniel Judson
hEmpEh hits thE stREEts Hempeh, the latest delectable from Smiling Hara Tempeh, is finally hitting the streets — or at least doorsteps — after a successful crowdfunding campaign in late 2014. The soy-free tempeh, fortified with hemp seeds and beans, is being shipped to funding backers nationwide this month. Owners sarah Yancey and chad oliphant hope to distribute Hempeh through grocery retailers after completing additional product development and solidifying long-term hemp suppliers. “We have farmers in Kentucky,
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
including our friends at Growing Warriors, growing hemp for us this year,” says Oliphant. “We are currently producing our pilot batches of Hempeh with hemp imported from Canada. It won’t be until we have a supply of U.S.grown hemp seed — late summer hopefully — that we will move into full production.” Oliphant says limited supplies will be available at local tailgate markets this spring and on vegan restaurant Plant’s rotating menu. “We’ll be playful until we learn its capabilities,” says Plant chef Jason sellers. “But we’ll likely recreate the dish with which we
and Oliphant aim to host locally this spring to “further connect with [the] community, particularly those who share [their] passions for tempeh, local food, and new and inventive products.” moosE caFé cELEBRatEs annivERsaRY with FundRaisER Moose Café is celebrating the first anniversary of its Hendersonville store — its third location — with a fundraising event for the Henderson County charity organization Project We Care. On Thursday, Jan. 29, 50 percent of sales during breakfast, lunch and dinner — between 7 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. — will be donated to the group, which serves the elderly in Henderson County through support of Hendersonville Meals on Wheels and MemoryCare. Moose Café to host fundraiser for Project We Care. Moose Café, 59 Highland Square Drive, Hendersonville. eatatthemoosecafe.com
Foothills Meats will offer a superaffordable workshop (and supper!), Bones, Stocks and Pastured Animal Fats — What Your Mamma Didn’t Tell You, on Tuesday, Feb. 3, at Pisgah Brewing Co. in Black Mountain. For a registration fee of only $9, participants will learn from naturopathic doctor Rebecca word about the health and environmental benefits of pasture-raised meat as well as the latest research on animalbased proteins such as bone marrow, fat, lard and stocks. A meaty stew and bacon cornbread will be served, and a cash bar will be available. Foothills is also planning a butchery workshop with Elliott moss of The Thunderbird and Buxton Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 10, and a workshop for chefs on advanced charcuterie with Charleston, S.C., chef craig deihl on Tuesday, Feb. 24. Bones, Stocks and Pastured Animal Fats — What Your Mama Didn’t Tell You, 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3, Pisgah Brewing Co., 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain. For tickets, go to praisethelard.brownpapertickets.com. For details on any of the workshops, contact Foothills Meats at 669-8200 or look for “Foothills Pasture Raised Meats” on Facebook. X
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @thomohearn on Twitter.
by Thom O’Hearn
Session IPAs invade Asheville With low alcohol but big flavor, breweries hope you’ll try one ...or two or three “Let’s meet for a pint.” In Asheville, it’s a way to catch up. It’s a way to do business. It can even be a first date. Yet many of us have to drive to grab a beer with our friends — just check the Wedge’s parking lot when the weather is nice. And craft beer is strong. IPAs, by far the most popular style in town, are between 6 and 7.5 percent ABV. Compare that to the standard American light lager, which clocks in at 4.5 percent or less. What if there was a way to take that light lager ABV and combine it with the distinctive flavors and bitterness of an IPA? That’s the idea behind one of the fastest-growing trends in craft beer, what most brewers are calling session IPA. Hi-Wire is getting a head-start in celebrating its second brewery by kicking off a brand-new series called Hop Circus. The first beer in the series, which debuts Tuesday, Feb. 3, at the brewery’s tasting room and is available around town shortly thereafter, is a session IPA that’s 4.8 percent ABV but “packed with Simcoe hops,” according to co-owner adam charnack. “I think we’ve always been ahead of the curve having sessionable styles with our four year-round beers,” says Charnack. “It’s a natural extension for us to kick off a new IPA series with a sessionable version of the style. … If you like a beer, you should be able to have more than one,” says Charnack. Hi-Wire is not alone. In the past couple of months, a handful of local breweries debuted creative riffs on session IPAs, from Asheville Brewing’s I9 (a low ABV offering dry-hopped nine times) to Burial’s Fixie IPA, a session IPA featuring not only hops, but coffee as well. “For Fixie, we found that playing down the alcohol would allow the
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
smaLL BEER, Big FLavoR: Tim Weber of Twin Leaf says session-strength beers showcase a brewer’s talent. Photo by Thom O’Hearn
characteristics of the hops and the coffee notes to really come through without being over the top,” says Jess Reiser, co-owner of Burial. Oskar Blues put it a similar way when describing its first new year-round beer in about five years years, Pinner, a sessionstrength IPA. “With the lower ABV, layers of flavor build on one another — with one sip citrus, the next sip pineapple, next sip papaya, next sip passion fruit, next sip toasted bread — and then it’s on to the next pint,” says head brewer tim matthews. New Belgium assistant brewmaster grady hull said crafting New
Belgium’s session IPA, Slow Ride, was a challenge, but the result is “amazingly flavorful” for its 4.5 percent ABV. “The fun part about making this beer was balancing eight different hop strains into something smooth, bold and sessionable.” BEYond thE sEssion ipa Still, session beers don’t have to be all about hops, hops, hops. A few local breweries are advocates of other session beer styles. At Twin Leaf, co-owner and brewer tim weber has kept Wee Nipper, an English-style bitter, on tap since the brewery opened. At
just 3.8 percent, it’s one of the lowest ABV beers in town. “I enjoy drinking session beers, but the main reason I wanted to make them in the first place was the challenge,” says Weber. “It shows off your prowess as a brewer to make something that has big flavor but that’s low in alcohol. … To have someone taste it [and not criticize it] for being thin or not having enough flavor, it’s impressive.” While Weber admits Twin Leaf’s IPA is the brewery’s bestselling beer, he says the Wee Nipper has a loyal following. “We definitely have a few regulars who seek out this beer. … I also see it a lot, where people are going around town trying stronger beers, then they get here and they actually thank us for having a 3 percent beer.” Morganton brewery Fonta Flora sees a similar appeal in sessionable ales, which the brewery calls “table beers.” “Fonta Flora was actually designed around the idea of creating low-alcohol, high-flavor craft beers,” says co-owner and brewer todd Boera. “For our location in particular — we’re at the bottom of the Linville Gorge Wilderness Area — table beers allow our customers to enjoy craft beer but also enjoy an active adventure without being intoxicated,” says Boera. Fonta Flora took home a prestigious gold medal at last year’s Great American Beer Festival for its Irish Table beer. If you stop by the brewery, you may find it on tap, or you may find a table beer representing England or Belgium. At Lookout Brewing in Black Mountain, owner and brewer John garcia just created a hoppy pilsner for his patrons to enjoy during the Super Bowl. He says it has a big, bold hoppy aroma, despite packing just 3.9 percent ABV. “After all, it’s the Super Bowl. … Most of us will want to have a few beers during the game,” says Garcia. X
Americana, dixieland), 8pm WedGe: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)
WednesdAy Asheville breWinG: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location cAtAWbA: $2 off growler fills French broAd: $8.50 growler fills hiGhlAnd: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm leXinGton Ave (lAb): $3 pints all day one World: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ D.J. Whistleblower (triphop, downtempo) oyster house: $2 off growler fills WedGe: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)
sAturdAy cAtAWbA tAstinG room: Live music: Broker Holler Bluegrass, 5-8pm French broAd: Live music: The Moon & You (folk), 6pm osKAr blues: Live music: Dana & Sue Robinson (Americana), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Stepchild (rock, Americana), 8pm WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food)
Asheville breWinG: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location buriAl beer co.: Tom Selleck’s 70th birthday celebration: Party with Burial’s Tom Selleck painting, Selleckinspired beers, cake & mustaches, 2-10pm French broAd: Live music: CarolinaBound (country, folk), 6pm hiGhlAnd: Asheville Ale Trail: Chat with new head brewer Hollie Stephenson, 5:30pm; Live music: DJ Marley, 5:30pm
Asheville breWinG: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location buriAl beer co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) leXinGton Ave (lAb): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Wayne Bodley (Americana, rock), 7pm
AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm
WedGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
one World: Service industry night: $4 pints; Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm
oyster house: $3 pint night
French broAd: Live music: Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 6pm hiGhlAnd: Small batches: Boombastic IPA (tropical citrus) & Hansel & Gret Ale (brown ale, vanilla, ginger) osKAr blues: Live music: Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Low Down Sires (jazz,
Asheville, NC
Food served til 11 pM nightly Monday $3 pint night Tuesday cask night Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills Thursday $4 well drinks Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies
WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm
osKAr blues: Live music: 49 Winchester (Americana), 6pm
buriAl beer co.: January small batch: Wolf Moon rose hip imperial stout (bottle sale w/ unique trinket each month)
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WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food) tuesdAy AltAmont: Live music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm Asheville breWinG: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations)
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hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints oyster house: Cask night WedGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
1 Battery Park Ave. | Asheville NC 28801 | 828-575-9636 info@isasbistro.com | isasbistro.com Complimentary valet parking available at the Haywood Park Hotel. mountainx.com
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Comedy on ice Red Grant headlines Funny “R” Us show at Winter Xscape
BY Edwin aRnaudin
One way or another, Red Grant is ready to hit the slopes. The Washington, D.C.-born, California-based comedian has never skied, snowboarded or been snow tubing. But after he headlines the Funny “R” Us comedy show on Friday, Jan. 30, at the Crowne Plaza Resort Expo Center — part of the annual Winter Xscape (see sidebar) — the weekend’s action shifts to Mars Hill’s Wolf Ridge Ski Resort. “I’m down with anything new,” Grant says. “I might just slide down the hill on my coat like I used to do when I was a kid.” The show (also featuring Terrell “Angry Bird” Marrow and Brian “Da Wildcat” Smith) is curated by Asheville promoter Joe greene. He previously worked with Winter Xscape organizer TLS World Travel in helping book comedians for its annual Memorial Day Getaway trip. When the travel agency’s owner and operator Tony Stanford selected Greene’s home base for the 2015 Winter Xscape, he asked Greene to arrange the event’s first comedy show.
what Funny “R” Us comedy show, featuring Red Grant, Terrell D. Marrow and Brian Smith whERE Crowne Plaza Resort ashevillecp.com whEn Friday, Jan. 30, at 9:30 p.m. $25. Purchase tickets at asheville411.com or mydaddytaughtmethat.com
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
In turn, Greene hired Grant — the biggest name that Greene’s KJG Enterprises has brought to Asheville in eight years of organizing local comedy shows. A veteran of HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam,” Grant is prominently featured in comedian Katt Williams’ 2007 film American Hustle, his own hour-long Showtime special “Caught Red Handed” and the half-hour special “Comedy Central Presents: Red Grant.” He credits his family with playing a big part in his recent material and says that they serve as his inspiration to become funnier. In addition, Grant notes that his life experiences with a range of superstars have made his jokes
Fan FavoRitEs: The Funny “R” Us comedy show marks Red Grant’s first Asheville performance, but he’s no stranger to opening acts Terrell “Angry Bird” Marrow and Brian “Da Wildcat” Smith. “I love working with those guys,” Grant says. “They are always funny, and their energy is on a whole other level. This show is going to be crazy for the fans.” Photo courtesy of the artist
interesting, all of which he feels make his content well-suited to an event like Winter Xscape. “I don’t have to change it up. People like it raw and in their
face,” Grant says. “I’m the best at what I do, and I have to prove that to my fans at the Winter Xscape.” For Greene, seeing a roomful of people busting a gut after a funny line holds great significance. The vision for KJG Enterprises is to promote diversity through laughter, and in that context, Greene defines “diversity” as “seeing whites and blacks laugh together.” “They come to a mutual place and have a good time together,” he says. “You don’t see that much around here, so that’s my kind of show.” Greene focuses on laughter as a point of connection because people “don’t have to worry about their problems and can release some of that stress.” At the par-
ties that immediately follow his comedy shows, Greene notices “a good vibe in the room” and regularly sees people bond over their shared interest in humor as they mingle and network. For the Funny “R” Us show, that goodwill extents to the community as a portion of the proceeds from the event benefit the local nonprofit My Daddy Taught Me That. Greene is the right-hand man of the program’s founder, social worker Kenyon Lake. They work to steer young men and women — many of whom live in public housing — in the right direction. Through a range of group sessions and hands-on activities, mentors focus on good decisionmaking, accepting responsibility and being accountable for one’s actions. “We’ve lived it, now it’s time to give back,” says Greene, who spent his childhood in the Klondyke public housing complex before moving to West Asheville and later attending the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro. “We wouldn’t be
in the position we’re in if someone didn’t help us out.” For Christmas, a sizable donation to My Daddy Taught Me That provided 20 of the program’s young men $300 each to go shopping, an opportunity Greene calls “a blessing.” On Jan. 24, Lake and Greene took the group to the annual Battle of the Bands at Atlanta’s Georgia Dome, where they watched 38 marching bands from historically black colleges and universities compete. While fun, the trip also served as a way to introduce the youths to the college environment and get them thinking about applying to an institute of higher learning down the line — the latest in a string of progressive efforts that Greene’s most recent headliner applauds. “Greene’s nonprofit is much needed in every community,” Grant says. “A lot of our youth fall short because they don’t have anyone to show them how to do better. Anyone who is helping young males become better men deserves high praise, so I take my hat off to Mr. Joe Greene.” X
What is Winter Xscape? Winter Xscape started in 2010 as a celebration of Charlotte-based TLS World Travel’s anniversary. That year, around 30 friends and family of the travel agency’s owner and operator Tony Stanford went on a cruise to the Bahamas and had such a good time that Stanford made it an annual event. A respite from the daily grind that doubles as a networking opportunity, invites are first sent to Stanford’s email list of primarily young black professionals, who then extend the offer to their co-workers. “That’s the bulk of the crowd, but we’re definitely inviting others,” Stanford says. “We have had other races and ages in the past — it’s for people who want to have a good time.” Winter Xscape has grown each year, and activities are adjusted based on feedback. After a 2011 cruise to Mexico, subsequent gatherings were held in Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. For 2014, participants wanted something different, so Stanford planned a skiing trip to Boone. “A lot of people had (skiing) on their bucket lists,” he says. This year, participants asked to go skiing again but in another location. Noting that Asheville has more to offer as a city, Stanford booked the Crowne Plaza Resort for Friday, Jan. 30, through Monday, Feb. 2. About 100-150 people from upward of a dozen states are expected to attend. In addition to the Jan. 30 Funny “R” Us comedy show, the weekend’s main attraction is a skiing and snowboarding trip to Wolf Ridge Ski Resort in Mars Hill on Saturday, Jan. 31. After a day on the slopes, attendees will get better acquainted with a networking event called The Art of the Socialite, then unwind downtown during the après-ski bar crawl. The next day features a return to Wolf Ridge for a tubing excursion and a Super Bowl party that night. — E.A. X
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
by Bill Kopp
Grey area 50 Shades! The Musical Parody skewers the pop culture juggernaut
Ever since its 2011 printing, E.L. James’ erotic romance novel 50 Shades of Grey has been an inescapable presence in pop culture. While as literature — 500 pages of dominance, submission, bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism stitched together with little character development — James’ “mommy porn” leaves much to be desired, there’s no doubting the novel’s popularity. Two follow-up novels enjoyed similar success in the marketplace (along with inevitable widespread critical drubbing),
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
a film adaptation hits theaters just in time for Valentine’s Day and an endless stream of tie-in marketing bears the 50 Shades brand. Anything that achieves that level of success is a rich target for parody. And where E.L. James’ book is concerned, the most spot-on skewering of 50 Shades the book — and 50 Shades the marketing juggernaut — is the stage show, 50 Shades! The Musical Parody. A team of writers and choreographers with backgrounds in The Second City and Baby Wants Candy comedy troupes devised the musical as equal parts sendup and tribute. “There was a news story about the book every night, it seemed,” says Emily Dorezas, one of the parody musical’s producer/ director/writers. “Once we realized just how dirty it was, we thought
that the juxtaposition of making it a musical felt like the right thing to do.” The show will be onstage at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium on Saturday, Jan. 31. Many reviewers have pointed out that while author James vividly describes BDSM and other activities, she betrays a paucity of imagination concerning such matters as word choice. There’s even a drinking game in which participants read aloud from 50 Shades, pausing to knock back a shot every time protagonist Christian Grey “cocks his head” or “steeples his fingers.” Dorezas is diplomatic about the book’s literary merits and chooses her words with care. “It’s ... not really plot-driven,” she says. With that in mind, the parody’s writers devised a plot of their own. “The book club ladies
are a kind of framing device,” Dorezas says. “And one of them goes through a change after reading the book. We wanted to show some growth in the characters, because if we were just making sex jokes, that would get old in about five minutes.” Fans of sex jokes need not fear, however: 50 Shades! The
what 50 Shades! The Musical Parody whERE Thomas Wolfe Auditorium ticketmaster.com whEn Saturday, Jan. 31, at 8 p.m. $30-$45
madE in thE shadE: Book club members discuss E.L. James’ popular (and often panned) 50 Shades of Grey in the production, 50 Shades! The Musical Parody. Photo by Carol Rosegg
Musical Parody is stuffed with innumerable laugh lines. An offstage announcer welcomes ladies, and then — after a pregnant pause — adds, almost as an afterthought, “and gentlemen.” “I think we do a good job of getting across that this is a superdirty show. Nobody ever brings kids,” Dorezas says. “Now, husbands and boyfriends ... that’s a different story. They’ve heard about the book, but sometimes they don’t quite know what it’s about. But a lot of men take the time to contact us after the show. I always quote the guy who wrote,
‘The party hasn’t stopped since we got home. And that was four days ago!’ We hear more from husbands than from wives.” For those who haven’t read the book but are curious about the parody musical, Dorezas likens its sensibility to the approach South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker employed with their smash stage hit The Book of Mormon. But Dorezas notes that the book upon which that show is based “has been around a long time, and it’s not as silly” as 50 Shades. Dorezas’ take on James’ first book differs from the critical
consensus in a fascinating, perhaps unexpected, way. James “did self-publish the book,” Dorezas points out. “Sometimes people challenge it from a feminist point of view, because it’s about a woman in a submissive position. But one of the best depictions of feminism I can think of is E.L. James’ approach: ‘Oh, you don’t like it? I don’t care; I’ll publish it myself! I don’t care if you think it’s trash; I believe in it.’ And obviously she’s gotten the last laugh.” Whether or not James has gotten laughs from this unauthorized parody is hard to say. “I know she knows about it, but she hasn’t seen it,” Dorezas says. “But from everything I’ve heard, she has a great sense of humor. I think she’d have a great time at our show.” X
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
The {Re}Opening: Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center debuts revamped gallery The Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center officially reopens on Friday, Jan. 30, (following a monthlong closure and a complete gallery overhaul) with a reception for its newest exhibition, Poemumbles: 30 years of Susan Weil’s poems/images. The opening marks the completion of the first in a series of major renovations and program initiatives made possible through a grant from the Windgate Charitable Foundation. The grant also enabled the 21-year-old nonprofit to create two paid internship positions and expand into a secondary gallery space at 67 Broadway. The new gallery, currently under construction, will open in June. It will house thematic retrospectives and exhibitions of BMC alumni work, both current and historical.
nEw digs: Following an extensive renovation, the original Black Mountain College sign is hung at the Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center’s 56 Broadway location. Photo by Carley Brandau
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
The museum’s existing gallery, at 56 Broadway since 2003, will showcase an ongoing, rotating exhibition of the organization’s permanent collection. It includes more than 800 works of art, plus letters, photographs and BMC ephemera. Additionally, the space will house the museum’s archives and a roughly 1,400-volume library. “It’s a huge step for us,” says program director alice sebrell. “It’s a much more coherent visual presentation.” That cohesion is due to the gallery’s floor-to-ceiling and wallto-wall renovation, which was planned and realized by Asheville artist and designer Randy shull in league with the museum staff and board chair J. Richard Gruber. Previously, visitors entered into one large room. Exhibitions wrapped around the room in a large J-shape. A desk was sandwiched into the front right corner. Foldout tables housing books and BMC literature extended into the gallery where they met with a 10-foot-tall movable bookcase. Despite the sheer girth of that case, only a portion of the library was available — the rest was in storage. With the simple rearrangement of a few walls and partitions, Shull has nearly doubled the museum’s usable wall space. Now, the entryway is small yet defined. The new reception desk is a smooth, linear work of art. Shull designed and built it with repurposed Southern yellow pine boards (formerly flooring in a Georgia window factory). The new entrance offers a proper orientation for museumgoers, Shull says, rather than plunging them right into an exhibition. “My intent was to organize BMCM into three continuous but distinct spaces, each serving a different function,” he says. “It’s about organizing the space to house its permanent collection [and] archives and making material accessible for study and research.” It’s the addition of the library and research center that is the museum’s most important new
by Kyle Sherard
feature. “Researchers have come from all over the world to see us,” Sebrell says. “We’ve had students, authors and curators from France, Germany, England and Canada as well as the U.S.” Now, with a user-friendly archive, the museum aims to become a national and international resource for BMC studies. “Included in the grant are the funds to build an online archive,” says Erin dickey, BMCM+AC’s development and outreach coordinator. “We’ll start that in the spring, and we hope to have the full collection accessible online within a year.”
While aspects of the redesign move forward, technologically the space recalls the past as well. Its minimalistic and linear motif echoes the works of BMC alums like Josef and Annie Albers. “My design is about peeling back and removing the old layers to the essentials and allowing the proportions, flow of the space and the details to coexist peacefully,” Shull says. “I feel the museum should follow in that legacy with principles rooted in the 21st century.” X
Poemumbles In 1977, New York-based painter Susan Weil — who attended Black Mountain College in 1948 alongside Robert Rauschenberg, whom she later married — began writing short poems for her Swedish friend and art dealer, Anders Tornberg. Her poems, inspired by the writings of James Joyce, were often accompanied by small drawings and watercolors. It wasn’t until spring 1984 that Weil’s writings took on their lasting form as “poemumbles.” Starting with “May 11th, 1984,” she sent one poemumble to Tornberg every day, for the duration of his lifetime, and beyond. Now, 10,930 poemumbles later, the creations are on view — for the first time in the U.S. — in Poemumbles: 30 years of Susan Weil’s poems/images. The exhibit opens on Friday, Jan. 30, at BMCM+AC. The show features more than 60 of Weil’s original notebook-sized poemumbles, a sculpture and several larger works on plexiglass. Poemumbles tracks the progression of these works over the course of 30 years, tracing the artist’s materials and modes as her life and landscape changed. “They were her daily ritual. They didn’t have to have an agenda, so they could drastically change from day to day,” says Brian Butler, who co-curated the show with Rachel Inch, Weil’s archivist. “They don’t take themselves too seriously, yet they’re still compelling.” The images include drawings, watercolors and paintings of everything from cups of coffee to birds and bikes. “They’re snippets of what she’s been inspired by, what she’s read-
“May 11th, 1984,” by Susan Weil. Image courtesy of Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center
ing, her family, goings-ons,” says Inch. In recent years, Weil took to using computer-sourced imagery and Xerox copies for some of the poems, though she still handdraws many of the images. “In a sense, this is Weil’s archive,” Butler says. “These works are meant to be thumbed through, which is how she shows them at her studio, and now visitors will have the same opportunity.” — K.S. X
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
A&E staff
Dynamic Narratives exhibit “Clay is the only medium that uses every element: fire, water, air and earth,” according to Tennessee artist Cindy Billingsley. “It is meant to be touched by the heart, the eyes and the hands.” Billingsley, a pioneering force behind Women Ceramics Sculptors art collective, curated 12 members’ artwork for inclusion in a collaborative Dynamic Narratives exhibition. Known for addressing societal issues through clay, the group explores themes of relationships, Alzheimer’s disease, confines of life, endangered animals, victimization and hope within this exhibit. The collection was showcased at the National Association of Women Artists Gallery in New York City and the Tennessee Art League in Nashville before making its way to the Folk Art Center’s main gallery, where it will be displayed until Sunday, April 29. Free. craftguild. org. Photo of “Silence” courtesy of Billingsley
Wuthering Heights and The Tempest New York-based Aquila Theatre Company’s annual “two plays in two days” tradition sees the same cast performing two different productions on back-to-back nights in Asheville. The first show follows the plight of English lovers thwarted by fate in a new production of Emily Brontë’s mid-1800s classic Wuthering Heights, while the second calls on William Shakespeare for a tale of disloyalty and magical revenge from his early 1600s work The Tempest. Aquila, heavily awarded for its “enthralling and mesmerizing live performances,” visits 60-70 cities per year in a mission to “make classical works accessible to the greatest number.” Both shows take place at Diana Wortham Theatre and begin at 8 p.m., with Wuthering Heights showing on Friday, Jan. 30, and The Tempest on Saturday, Jan. 31. $10-$35. dwtheatre.com. Photo by Richard Termine
Super Sunday Big screens are better than big crowds. At least that’s the rationale behind Carolina Cinemas’ Super Sunday Super Bowl watch party. Limitedrelease beers like Devil’s Britches and the 20th Anniversary Weizenbock from Highland Brewing Co.’s tap takeover will ease the strain of tense field goal moments, while games, trivia and prizes (including pint glasses and other Highland freebies) will send more than just the winning team home happy. Voracious fans of either persuasion can look forward to a fully stocked kitchen and beer specials from the upstairs bar. The free event kicks off at Carolina Cinemas’ upstairs lounge, which houses a wealth of comfy couches, on Sunday, Feb. 1, at 5 p.m. carolinacinemas.com/asheville. Curious about other Super Bowl happenings? Weigh additional options online at mountainx.com. Photo courtesy of Carolina Cinemas
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Green Sunshine “For the eight-piece Tampa, Fla.-based funk/hip-hop band Green Sunshine, every show is a party,” says a press release. And that’s almost all you need to know. Except that members have stage names like Optimus Rhyme, Mowtown Tea and Sunshine Slim, and they’ve got matching green tracksuits. Together since 2008, the collective considers itself to be “the quintessential late-night party band.” Green Sunshine began as a hip-hop duo and gathered other players through Craigslist ads. With each new musician came new elements — funk, soul and acid jazz can be felt in the mix, along with jam and indie-rock. “Story’s just beginning never finish like Rocky. Check it like hockey cause we’re great in the curve, we’re enjoying every second being the change in this world,” goes the rap on “Alive.” Green Sunshine plays One Stop on Saturday, Jan. 31, with Great Barrier Reefs. 10 p.m., $5. ashevillemusichall.com. Photo courtesy of the band
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
a&E caLEndaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Congregation of Asheville. $50/$25 students/$5 children. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place blAcK mountAin community drum circle 545-0389 • SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Covers traditional West African rhythms. Free. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain
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center For culturAl PreservAtion 692-8062, saveculture.org • TH (2/5), 7pm - Keeping the Fires Burning Series: “Songcatcher, Celebrating Mountain Ballad Music,” with Donna Ray Norton and Melanie Rice Penland, ballad music. Registration required. $5. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock
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histoRY LEssons: UNC Asheville will display photographs taken during the civil rights
marches organized by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. The exhibit, Selma to Montgomery 1965, displays images captured by photographer James Barker, who will be at UNCA to discuss the exhibit on Feb. 5. The photographs, part of the university’s Black History Month observance, will be displayed in the Karpen Hall Lobby from Feb.2 through Feb. 27. (p.53)
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visuAl Artist AvAilAble (pd.) experienced Art instruction: Drawing / Mark-making / Watercolor Painting; Private, groups, homeschool, all ages. ArchiScapes: Architectural Portraits, make Excellent Gift Certificates. For more information visit www.mcchesneyart.com. blAcK mountAin colleGe museum & Arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, blackmountaincollege.org • SA (1/31), 2pm - “Weaving Ear and Eye,” a discussion of Susan Weil’s poemumbles exhibit. $5/ free for students & members. riverlinK 252-8474, riverlink.org • TH (1/29), 10am-noon - “Learn how to contract with the City of Asheville” workshop. Registration required. Free. Held at 170 Lyman St.
Auditions & cAll to Artists
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
ATTENTION ARTISTS • CRAFTERS (pd.) Space available (2,000 sqft) in downtown Waynesville, that would provide a place to work and sell. Heat, parking. 30 minutes from Asheville. • Individual booths. • Could be co-op. I will develop the space to a plan, if there is interest. (828) 216-6066.
cAldWell Arts council 601 College Ave SW, Lenoir, 754-2486 • Through FR (1/30) - Portfolios accepted from local and regional artists for 2016 exhibitions. Contact for guidelines. cArolinA concert choir 607-351-2585, carolinaconcertchoir.org • Through (1/31) - Open auditions for the 2014 season. Contact to schedule appointment. GreAt smoKies WritinG ProGrAm 250-2353, agc.unca.edu/gswp • Through FR (1/30) - Submissions accepted for the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize. Contact for guidelines. $25/$15 NC Writer’s Network members. trAnsylvAniA community Arts council 884-2787, tcarts.org • ONGOING - Visual artists may enter their artwork in two open exhibits in 2015: Wood, Wind & Water (deadline Feb. 3) and Of the Earth: An Organic Exhibition (deadline March 3). Contact for guidelines. Free.
music Asheville chAmber music series 259-3626, ashevillechambermusic.org • SU (2/1), 3pm - Opal String Quartet performs to benefit the Unitarian Universalist
music At uncA 251-6432, unca.edu • WE (1/28), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. In the Reuter Center. • SA (2/1), 3pm - Brevard Music Center Sunday Concerts. In the Reuter Center. Free. • WE (2/4), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open reherseal. Free. In the Reuter Center. music At Wcu 227-2479, wcu.edu • SA (1/31), 7:30pm - Travis LeDoyt, Elvis impersonator. $21/ $16 WCU faculty & staff/ $7 students & children. In the Bardo Arts Center. PAn hArmoniA 254-7123, pan-harmonia.org • SU (2/1), 3pm - “GeneratioNext Young Musicians take the Stage!” chamber music. Free. Held at St. Matthias Church, 1 Dundee St.
theAter 35beloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • TH (1/29), 7:30pm - Listen to This: Stories in Performance Series: Stories From Siblings. $15. diAnA WorthAm theAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com • FR (1/30), 8pm - Wuthering Heights. $35/$30 students/$15 children. • SA (1/31), 8pm - The Tempest. $35/$30 students/$15 children. montFord PArK PlAyers 254-5146, montfordparkplayers.org • TH (2/5), 2pm - “Is Shakespeare Relevant?,” performance and lecture. Held in the Reuter Center at UNCA. Free. nc stAGe 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, ncstage.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (1/28) until (2/22) - Annapurna.. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:2pm. $14-32/ $10 students.
Art At mArs hill mhu.edu • Through TH (2/26) - Works by alumna Biljana Kroll. In the Weizenblatt Gallery. Art At uncA art.unca.edu • Through SU (3/1) - Drawing Discourse, juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. • Through FR (2/27) - Little Importance, macrophotography by Daniel Mele. • MO (2/2) through FR (2/27) - Selma to Montgomery 1965: The Photographs of James Barker. In Karpen lobby. Artist’s talk: Feb. 5, 5:30-7:00pm. Art At Wcu 227-3591, fineartmuseum.wcu.edu • Through FR (3/27) - Tracking Time, works by Anna Jensen and Karen Ann Myers Asheville AreA Arts council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts. com Ashevile Area Arts Council • Through SA (2/28) - Buncombe Built, handmade instruments from Buncombe County. Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • SA (1/31) through SU (5/2) - John Heliker: The Order of Things—60 Years of Paintings and Drawings, retrospective Asheville GAllery oF Art 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art.com • Through SA (1/31) - New Kids on the Block, works by new gallery members. Asheville loFt 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, theashevilleloft.com • Through SA (3/14) - Erotica Asheville, works by five artists focusing on themes of eroticism. blAcK mountAin colleGe museum & Arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, blackmountaincollege.org • FR (1/30) through SA (5/23) - poemumbles, 30-year restrospective of print works by Susan Weil. Opening reception: Jan. 30, 5:30-8pm. blue sPirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, bluespiral1. com • Through FR (2/20) - New Artists, New Works, New Year, debut works by six artists. • Through FR (2/20) - Paintings by Marcus Michels. • Through SA (2/20) - Ceramics by Michael Poness and paintings by Scott Upton. croW & quill 106 N. Lexington Ave, 505-2866 • Through TH (2/12) - Surrealist paintings by Hannah Weaver.
FolK Art center MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, craftguild.org • Through SU (4/19) - Dynamic Narratives, works by women ceramic sculptors. hAndmAde in AmericA 125 S Lexington Ave #101, 252-0121, handmadeinamerica.org • Through FR (4/17) - Emergence: Crafting an Identity, works by Haywood Community College alumni. Artists’ reception: Feb. 13, 6-8pm. lush WorKs 26 1/2 Battery Park Ave., 919-649-2483, lush-works.com • Through FR (1/30) - Bombogenesis, works depicting winter and snow. n.c. Arboretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 6652492, ncarboretum.org • Through SU (4/19) - Seeing with New Eyes, photography by Sharon Mammoser. odyssey cooPerAtive Art GAllery 238 Clingman Ave, 285-9700, facebook. com/odysseycoopgallery • ONGOING - Ceramics by Kate Gardner and Denise Baker. siGnAture breW coFFee co 633 W. Main St., Sylva, 587-6300, signaturebrew.net • Through SA (2/28) - “Barns and Birds,” oil paintings by Cecil Bothwell. the center For crAFt, creAtivity & desiGn 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • FR (1/30) through MO (5/23) - Loving After Lifetimes of All This. Opening reception: Jan. 30, 5:30-7:30pm. the GrAnd bohemiAn GAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, bohemianhotelasheville.com • FR (1/30) through SA (2/28) - Heart & Soul, works by Donna Dowless and Amber Higgins. trAnsylvAniA community Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through MO (2/2) - Faces of Freedom, multiple artists’ work on theme of “freedom.” uPstAirs ArtsPAce 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, upstairsartspace.org • SA (1/31) through FR (3/13)- The Nina Simone Project: Celebrating Black History Month and Tryon’s High Priestess of Soul,work by Valeria Watson Doost, Linda Larsen, and Leigh Magar. Opening reception: Jan. 31, 5-8pm. West Asheville librAry 942 Haywood Road • Through SA (1/31) - I Owe a Debt to the Library (Amongst Other Things), mixed media by Ana Baranda. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
C L U B L A N D blAcK mountAin Ale house Bread & Butter Band (bluegrass), 8pm
WednesdAy, JAnuAry 28
blue Kudzu sAKe comPAny Trivia night, 8pm
185 KinG street Steve “Big Daddy” McMurry (rock, folk, bluegrass), 8pm
blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Patrick Fitzsimons, 7pm
5 WAlnut Wine bAr Alarm Clock Conspiracy Duo (indie, Americana), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm
cAtAWbA breWinG tAstinG room Old time jam, 7pm corK & KeG The Honey Swamp Stompers (blues, country, jazz), 8pm
AltAmont breWinG comPAny Songwriter night w/ Dave Desmelik, 8:30pm ben’s tune-uP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
croW & quill Abby the Spoon Lady w/ The Hashbrown Belly Boys (old-time, punk-folk, blues), 9pm
blue Kudzu sAKe comPAny Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm
double croWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7pm double croWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm
duGout Jim Beaver School of Music Presents...., 6pm
FoGGy mountAin breWPub Trivia, 8pm
elAine’s duelinG PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm
Grind cAFe Trivia night, 7pm
FoGGy mountAin breWPub Singer-songwriter open mic, 8pm
hiGhlAnd breWinG comPAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm
French broAd breWery CarolinaBound (country, folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm
iron horse stAtion Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll In the Lounge: Resonant Rogues (oldtime, folk), 7pm JAcK oF the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm lAzy diAmond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm leX 18 Patrick Lopez (Latin, jazz piano), 7pm
good music, wEiRd namE: Don’t be too turned off by the name; they’re not half bad. In fact, reads the band’s bio, “if Shakespeare was alive to get the led out, he would’ve listened to Diarrhea Planet, Nashville’s favorite six-piece rock ‘n’ roll band.” Diarrhea Planet will perform at The Mothlight on Thursday, Jan. 29, at 9 p.m.
noble KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
the sociAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm Karaoke, 10pm
o.henry’s/the underGround “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm
moJo Kitchen & lounGe DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm
odditorium Mylvyn Skywrytyr w/ Artimus Pyle & Ho-Tron Beatz (rock, hip-hop, variety), 9pm
mountAin moJo coFFeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm
oFF the WAGon Piano show, 9pm
timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm
neW mountAin Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm
olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm
toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
one stoP deli & bAr Milli Fungus w/ The Marcus King Band (Southern rock, jam), 10pm
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Grey eAGle music hAll & tAvern Bobby Bare Jr.’s Young Criminals Starvation League w/ Rond (singer-songwriter, rock), 9pm hiGhlAnd breWinG comPAny DJ Marley, 5:30pm
lobster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
Good stuFF Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8:30pm
one World Brews & Beats w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8:30pm orAnGe Peel ZoSo (“the ultimate Led Zeppelin experience”), 9pm Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm room iX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm root bAr no. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school hip-hop, funk), 9pm tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Open mic & jam, 7pm the Joint neXt door Bluegrass jam w/ Jake Dill, 8pm the PhoeniX Jazz night, 8pm
the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiGer mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm
tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vincenzo’s bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm White horse blAcK mountAin Beth McKee (swamp blues), 7:30pm Wild WinG cAFe south Karaoke, 6pm
thursdAy, JAnuAry 29 5 WAlnut Wine bAr Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz), 8pm
isis restAurAnt And music hAll Duo Guggino (Italian string music), 7:15pm JAcK oF the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm lAzy diAmond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm leX 18 Bob Strain (jazz ballads), 7pm lobster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm mArKet PlAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm neW mountAin Piano (performing The Black Keys & The White Stripes), 10pm odditorium All Hell, Cemetery Filth & Beasts of Legend (metal), 9pm oFF the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm
AltAmont breWinG comPAny Bluegrass Drifters, 9pm
one stoP deli & bAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Record Prophets, Ashlantis & Hope Griffin (folk, reggae, singer-songwriter), 10pm
Asheville music hAll Bubonik Funk, Treehouse & Marine Orchestra (funk, jam, rock), 10pm
one World The Dirty Badgers (acoustic blues, soul, rock), 8pm
blAcK beAr coFFee co. Eric Congdon & Pop The Clutch (blues, Americana), 7pm
orAnGe Peel Paper Diamond w/ Nadastrom & Torro Torro (electronic), 9pm
osKAr blues breWery 49 Winchester (Americana), 6pm
clAssic Wineseller James Hammel (jazz guitar, pop), 7pm
PisGAh breWinG comPAny The Big Deal Band (bluegrass), 6pm
corK & KeG One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 8:30pm
PurPle onion cAFe Michael Reno Harrell, 7pm
double croWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm
renAissAnce Asheville hotel Terri Lynn (rock, blues), 6:30pm room iX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm scAndAls niGhtclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Wayne Bodley (Americana, rock), 7pm tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Iggy Radio, 7pm the mothliGht Diarrhea Planet w/ Junior Astronomers & Sisterwives (rock ’n’ roll), 9:30pm the PhoeniX The Wilhelm Bros. (Americana), 8pm the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hiphop, pop), 10pm toWn PumP Joe Cat (Americana), 9pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urbAn orchArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm vincenzo’s bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm White horse blAcK mountAin Ciggy Pop & friends (boom bap, hip-hop, folk), 7:30pm
FridAy, JAnuAry 30 5 WAlnut Wine bAr Purple (funk, jazz), 9pm 550 tAvern & Grille Marc Keller Trio (covers), 9pm AltAmont breWinG comPAny Margo & The Price Tags (traditional country), 9:30pm AltAmont theAtre Mike Farris of Screamin’ Cheetah Wheelies (soul, singer-songwriter), 8pm AthenA’s club Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm blAcK beAr coFFee co. Calvin Get Down (funk, soul), 6pm blAcK mountAin Ale house Ginny McAfee (country, folk), 8pm blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Acoustic Swing, 7pm boiler room MindShapeFist, Broad River Nightmare & Bridged (rock, metal), 9pm byWAter The Whappers w/ Aaron LaFalce (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm
duGout Fineline (rock), 9pm elAine’s duelinG PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm
4pm-2am • 7 Days a week
FoGGy mountAin breWPub Jangling Sparrows (folk), 10pm
87 Patton Ave., Asheville
French broAd breWery Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 6pm Good stuFF The Moon Unit, 9pm Grey eAGle music hAll & tAvern Blue Dogs w/ Aaron Burdett (country-rock), 8pm hiGhlAnd breWinG comPAny Mystic Vibrations (reggae), 6:30pm iron horse stAtion Dana & Susan Robinson (Americana), 7pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll In the Lounge: The Cheeksters (pop, rock), 7pm Doc Aquatic, Roadkill Ghost Choir & The Hermit Kings (alt-rock, indie), 9pm JAcK oF the Wood Pub Asheville Country Revue w/ Members of Town Mountain, 9pm
JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm
FRI 1/30
lAzy diAmond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm leX 18 Michael Jefry Stevens Duo (modern jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-fusion, swing dance), 11pm
neW mountAin Doug Seegers (country), 8pm Joe Lasher Jr. Band w/ Leigh Glass & The Hazards (Southern rock, Americana), 10pm
Thu 2/5
FRI 2/6 Thu 2/12
ZaCh DePuTy
w/ Goldie and the Screamers 9pm • $12/$15 The
BRyaN SuTTON BaND 8pm • $12/$15
The Grey eagle Comedy Series presents:
odditorium Savagist & Autarch (metal), 9pm oFF the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm
FRI 2/13
olive or tWist Latin, 11pm
orAnGe Peel Rebelution w/ Katchafire (reggae-rock, world), 8:30pm
8pm • $20/$25
Charlie Traveler Presents:
niGhtbell restAurAnt & lounGe Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-rock), 10pm
one stoP deli & bAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Flow Tribe w/ Dank (funk, rock, jam), 10pm
POSh hammeR
w/ The Dr. van 8pm • $5 an evening With
mArKet PlAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm
o.henry’s/the underGround Bump & Grind dance party, 10pm
w/ aaron Burdett 8pm • $12/$15
SaT 1/31
lobster trAP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm
noble KAvA Dan Keller (eclectic solo jazz guitar), 8:30pm
veRy TOuR! muCh COmeDy! With Nick Thune feat. Ben Kronberg & Kate Berlant
8pm • $15/$18
osKAr blues breWery Letters to Abigail (Americana), 6pm
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLuB diREctoRY
PAcK’s tAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PisGAh breWinG comPAny Mac Arnold & Plate Full O’ Blues (blues), 9pm
North Carolina’s First Cider Pub! Family Owned and Operated
root bAr no. 1 Chris Bathgate w/ Molly Sullivan (indie-folk), 9pm
scAndAls niGhtclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s DJ, 10pm
210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806
(828) 774-5151 www.urbanorchardcider.com
southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Low Down Sires (jazz, Americana, dixieland), 8pm sPrinG creeK tAvern Sweet Treats, 8pm tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Irsuh (DJ dance party), 9:30pm
the AdmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm
the mothliGht Wayne Hancock w/ The Go Devils (rockabilly), 9:30pm
See our Facebook Page
the PhoeniX Riyen Roots Trio (blues), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm timo’s house Mike L!ve’s birthday w/ Tuscon, C. Shreve the Professor, ILL Tactics & Jrusalam (hip-hop), 10pm
12 Old Charlotte Highway, 12-H • Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 299-3370 • www.highlandbrewing.com
WED • JAN 28 WOODY WOOD 5:30 - 7:30 THURS • JAN 29 DJ MARLEY 5:30 - 7:30
toWn PumP Nosedive (slide guitar), 9pm toy boAt Kevin McDonald Comedy Sketch School, 1pm
SUN • FEB 1 OPEN 1 - 6
tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And blues Nikki Calloway & Friends, 7pm The Liley Arauz Band, 10pm
WED • FEB 4 WOODY WOOD 5:30 - 7:30
White horse blAcK mountAin Bayou Diesel (Cajun), 8pm
vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
Wild WinG cAFe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
sAturdAy, JAnuAry 31 185 KinG street Scott Low (folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm
5 WAlnut Wine bAr Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic juke), 6pm The Gypsy Swingers (gypsy jazz), 9pm AltAmont breWinG comPAny The Dubber w/ Riyen Roots (blues, funk), 9:30pm AthenA’s club Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm
blAcK beAr coFFee co. Andrew Thelston (singer-songwriter, acoustic), 4pm blAcK mountAin Ale house Matt Walsh (blues, rock), 9pm blue mountAin PizzA & breW Pub Bob Zullo, 7pm
Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm, Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm Less than 10 minutes from downtown Asheville & Biltmore! 58
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
boiler room SuperHeroes release party (rock, super hero costume party), 9pm
185 King Street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 adam dalton diStillery 367-6401 altamont BreWing Company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 aSheville muSiC hall 255-7777 athena’S CluB 252-2456 Barley’S tap room 255-0504 BlaCK mountain ale houSe 669-9090 Blue mountain pizza 658-8777 Boiler room 505-1612 BroadWay’S 285-0400 the ByWater 232-6967 CorK and Keg 254-6453 CreeKSide taphouSe 575-2880 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty South lounge 251-1777 douBle CroWn 575-9060 dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 Foggy mountain BreWpuB 254-3008 FrenCh Broad BreWery taSting room 277-0222 good StuFF 649-9711 green room CaFe 692-6335 grey eagle muSiC hall & tavern 232-5800 the grove parK inn (elaine’S piano Bar/ great hall) 252-2711 highland BreWing Company 299-3370 iSiS muSiC hall 575-2737 JaCK oF the Wood 252-5445 leX 18 582-0293 the loBSter trap 350-0505 metroShere 258-2027 millroom 555-1212 monte viSta hotel 669-8870 moonlight mile 335-9316 native KitChen & SoCial puB 581-0480 nightBell 575-0375 noBle Kava Bar 505-8118 odditorium 575-9299 olive or tWiSt 254-0555 oneFiFtyone 239-0239 one Stop Bar deli & Bar 255-7777 o.henry’S/tug 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 oSKar BlueS BreWery 883-2337 paCK’S tavern 225-6944 the phoeniX 877-3232 piSgah BreWing Co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851 purple onion CaFe 749-1179 red Stag grill at the grand Bohemian hotel 505-2949 root Bar no.1 299-7597 SCandalS nightCluB 252-2838 SCully’S 251-8880 Sly grog lounge 255-8858 SmoKey’S aFter darK 253-2155 the SoCial 298-8780 Southern appalaCian BreWery 684-1235 StatiC age reCordS 254-3232 StraightaWay CaFe 669-8856 tallgary’S Cantina 232-0809 tiger mountain 407-0666 timo’S houSe 575-2886 toWn pump 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 treaSure CluB 298-1400 treSSa’S doWntoWn Jazz & BlueS 254-7072 u.S. Cellular Center & thomaS WolFe auditorium 259-5544 vinCenzo’S 254-4698 WeStville puB 225-9782 White horSe 669-0816 Wild Wing CaFe 253-3066 WXyz 232-2838
byWAter Dave Desmelik (singer-songwriter), 9pm cAtAWbA breWinG tAstinG room Broker Holler (bluegrass), 5pm clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm corK & KeG Letters to Abigail (country, Americana), 8:30pm croW & quill Horror night w/ Polly Panic (cello, distortion, loops, horror projections), 9pm double croWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm
orAnGe Peel Abbey Road Live! (Beatles experience), 4pm & 8pm
PurPle onion cAFe West End String Band, 8pm root bAr no. 1 Zuzu Welsh Blues Band, 9pm scAndAls niGhtclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Stepchild (rock, Americana), 8pm
FoGGy mountAin breWPub Mandlekorn George Project (funk, jazz), 10pm
sPrinG creeK tAvern Shane’s Gang, 8pm
hiGhlAnd breWinG comPAny Blind Lemon Phillips (roots), 6:30pm iron horse stAtion Barb Turner (R&B), 7pm JAcK oF the Wood Pub Piper Jones Band (bagpipes), 9pm JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAzy diAmond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm
tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 9:30pm the AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm the corner tAvern Buick MacKane Band (Southern rock), 8pm the PhoeniX The Zealots (indie, Americana, rock), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm timo’s house DJ Kutzu of Vinyl Time Travelers (hip-hop), 10pm toWn PumP Sam Stringfield (keyboard, satire), 9pm toy boAt Kevin McDonald Comedy Sketch School performance, 8pm
leX 18 HotPoint Trio (gypsy swing), 8:30pm
tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And blues Liley Arauz, 7pm Al Coffee & Da Grind (blues), 10pm
lobster trAP Crossroads String Band (bluegrass), 6:30pm
vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
mArco’s PizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm
White horse blAcK mountAin MJS Electric Band w/ Jason DeChristofaro, Bill Berg, Zack Page & Michael Jefry Stevens (jazz), 8pm
mArKet PlAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm neW mountAin Androcell w/ Aligning Minds (electronic), 9pm Atlas Road Crew w/ Threesound (classic rock), 10pm
185 KinG street Superbowl potluck & pig roast, 5pm
niGhtbell restAurAnt & lounGe In Plain Sight (deep house), 10pm
5 WAlnut Wine bAr Xpresso (Latin jazz), 7pm
noble KAvA Mary Sparks & Anthony Dorion Duo (electro-coustic ambient improv), 8:30pm
Asheville music hAll Steely Dan Sunday, 9pm
o.henry’s/the underGround Spinn (dance party), 10pm odditorium Ben’s birthday w/ The Toothe, Steve Gilbert & Rory Kelly’s Triple Threat, 9pm oFF the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz, swing), 8pm Dance party (’80s to present), 11pm one stoP deli & bAr Green Sunshine w/ The Great Barrier Reefs (funk, hip-hop), 10pm
Full Bar
PisGAh breWinG comPAny Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead covers), 9pm
elAine’s duelinG PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm
Grey eAGle music hAll & tAvern Posh Hammer w/ The Dr. Van (pop-rock), 8pm
PAcK’s tAvern The Night Crawlers (R&B), 9pm
scully’s DJ, 10pm
Good stuFF Franklin’s Kite (jam band), 9pm
osKAr blues breWery Dana & Sue Robinson (Americana), 6pm
duGout Justified Vibe (blues, rock), 9pm
French broAd breWery The Moon & You (folk), 6pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
sundAy, FebruAry 1
Fri 1/30 7:00 PM–THE CHEEKSTERS:
double croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm
Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
Sat 2/7
blue Kudzu sAKe comPAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm
Thu 2/5
FRI. 1/30 DJ MoTo
Every Sunday
(pop, dance hits)
JAZZ SHOWCASE 6 p.m.–11 p.m.
Every Tuesday
BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30 p.m.–midnite
SAT. 1/31 The Night Crawlers Band (R&B)
duGout Super Bowl party benefitting Blue Ridge Humane, 5pm
isis restAurAnt And music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm
JAcK oF the Wood Pub Irish session, 5pm lAzy diAmond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm
743 HAYWOOD RD 828-575-2737 ISISASHEVILLE.COM mountainx.com
20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
Johnny Irion OF& TOWN MOUNTAIN 9 P.M. $8 w/ Battlefield •• 9pm w/ 9pm $10 $10
1/31 THEFirecracker PIPER JONES BAND 10/26 Jazz Band
10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 9 P.M. $10 & HALLOWEEN Costume Party & Contest •• 9pm $8 9pm $8 2/3 TODD CECIL & BACK SOUTH 10/27 SWAMP Vinegar •• 9pm (TUESDAY BLUESCreek NIGHT SERIES) 9pm FREE FREE 9 P.M. FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/28 Mustard Plug •• 9pm $8 9pm $8 w/ Crazy Tom Banana w/ JR WYATT W/ THROUGH THEPants 2/6 HILLS 10/29 Singer Songwriters (MEMBERS OF SOLDIERS HEART) 9 P.M.$5 in the Round •• 7-9pm 7-9pm FREE FREE
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
dEvELop sKiLLs: Kevin McDonald, sketch comedian from Kids in the Hall, is coming to Toy Boat Community Art Space for a two-day writer’s room workshop and performance. The workshop begins on Friday, Jan. 30, at 1 p.m. But if you’d just like to show up just for the sketches, McDonald and his students will perform what they’ve learned on Saturday, Jan. 31.
moJo Kitchen & lounGe Sunday night swing, 5pm neW mountAin Super Bowl party (25ft projector screen), 5:30pm
tiGer mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm timo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm
odditorium The Rare Burger Band (folk), 9pm
toWn PumP Sunday Jam w/ Dan, 4pm
oFF the WAGon Piano show, 9pm
vincenzo’s bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
olive or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm one stoP deli & bAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am PisGAh breWinG comPAny Brewer’s Breakfast w/ Chalwa (reggae, surfrock), 12pm Pour tAProom Open mic, 8pm scAndAls niGhtclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
mondAy, FebruAry 2 5 WAlnut Wine bAr Sankofa (world music), 8pm AltAmont breWinG comPAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm byWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm courtyArd GAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm
tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
croW & quill Argentine tango w/ Michael Luchtan & Patrick Kukucka, 9pm
the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
double croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm
the southern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm
Good stuFF Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Contra dance, 7pm
Off the Wagon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm
Jack of the Wood Pub Quizzo, 7pm
One Stop Deli & Bar Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm
Lazy Diamond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm
Pour Taproom Frank Zappa night, 8pm
Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm
Scully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm
Lobster Trap Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm
TallGary’s at Four College Jam night, 9pm
Odditorium JoySpent (punk), 9pm
The Joint Next Door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm
One World Brewing Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm
The Social Jason Whittaker (acoustic-rock), 6:30pm
Oskar Blues Brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
Tiger Mountain Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm
The Mothlight Zuzu Welsh Band w/ Fifty Year Flood & Courtaud (roots, psych-rock, Americana), 9pm The Social Kevin Scanlon (folk, old-time), 6pm Timo’s House Movie night, 7pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White Horse Black Mountain Bill Bares & Michael Libramento (jazz), 7:30pm
Tuesday, February 3 5 Walnut Wine Bar The John Henrys (ragtime, jazz), 8pm
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm Westville Pub Blues jam, 10pm White Horse Black Mountain Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm
Wednesday, February 4 5 Walnut Wine Bar Wine tasting w/ Gypsy Guitars (gypsy jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm Ben’s Tune-Up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
Altamont Brewing Company Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm
Black Mountain Ale House Buncombe County Boys (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm
Asheville Music Hall Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm
Blue Kudzu Sake Company Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm
Black Mountain Ale House Trivia, 7pm
Cork & Keg “The Running of the Winos” w/ Jackomo (Cajun Mardi Gras party), 8pm
Buffalo Nickel Trivia, 7pm Club Eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm Cork & Keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm Double Crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm
Double Crown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm Foggy Mountain Brewpub Trivia, 8pm Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm Highland Brewing Company Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm
Good Stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm
Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Eric Congdon (Americana, blues, singer-songwriter), 7:15pm
Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm
Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm
Jack of the Wood Pub Todd Cecil & Back South (Americana, swamp-rock), 9pm
Lazy Diamond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm
Lazy Diamond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm Lobster Trap Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 7pm Marco’s Pizzeria Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm
Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm Mojo Kitchen & Lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm
Market Place The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm
New Mountain Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm
Odditorium Odd comedy night, 9pm
Noble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Do you have an entourage or posse that helps you work magic you can’t conjure up alone? Is there a group of co-conspirators that prods you to be brave and farseeing? If not, try to whip one up. And if you do have an inspirational crew, brainstorm about some new adventures for all of you to embark on. Scheme and dream about the smart risks and educational thrills you could attempt together. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you especially need the sparkle and rumble that a feisty band of allies can incite. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The cosmos seems to be granting you a license to be brazenly ambitious. I’m not sure how long this boost will last, so I suggest you capitalize on it while it’s surging. What achievement have you always felt insufficiently prepared or powerful to accomplish? What person or club or game have you considered to be out of your league? What issue have you feared was beyond your understanding? Rethink your assumptions. At least one of those “impossibilities” may be more possible than usual. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When I attended the University of California at Santa Cruz, my smartest friend was Gemini writer Clare Cavanagh. She headed off to Harvard for her graduate studies and later became a pre-eminent translator of Polish poetry. Her work has been so skillful that Nobel Prize-winning Polish poet Czselaw Milosz selected her as his authorized biographer. Interviewing Milosz was a tough job, Clare told blogger Cynthia Haven. He was demanding. He insisted that she come up with “questions no one’s asked me yet.” And she did just that, of course. Formulating evocative questions is a Gemini specialty. I invite you to exercise that talent to the hilt in the coming week. It’s prime time for you to celebrate a Curiosity Festival. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Somewhere someone is traveling furiously toward you,” writes poet John Ashbery, “at incredible speed, traveling day and night, / through blizzards and desert heat, across torrents, through narrow passes. / But will he know where to find you, / recognize you when he sees you, / give you the thing he has for you?” This passage might not be literally true, Cancerian. There may be no special person who is headed your way from a great distance, driven by a rapt intention to offer you a blessing. But I think Ashbery’s scenario is accurate in a metaphorical way. Life is in fact working overtime to bring you gifts and help. Make sure you cooperate! Heighten your receptivity. Have a nice long talk with yourself, explaining why you deserve such beneficence. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In 1768, Britain’s Royal Society commissioned navigator James Cook to lead a long naval voyage west to Tahiti, where he and his team were supposed to study the planet Venus as it made a rare transit across the face of the sun. But it turned out that task was a prelude. Once the transit was done, Cook opened the sealed orders he had been given before leaving England. They revealed a second, bigger assignment, kept secret until then: to reconnoiter the rumored continent that lay west of Tahiti. In the coming months, he became the first European to visit the east coast of Australia. I foresee a comparable progression for you, Leo. The task you’ve been working on lately has been a prelude. Soon you’ll receive your “sealed orders” for the next leg of your journey. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): According to computer security company Symantec, you’re not in major danger of contracting an online virus from a porn website. The risk is much greater when you visit religious websites. Why? They’re often built by inexperienced programmers, and as a result are more susceptible to hackers’ attacks. In the coming weeks, Virgo, there may be a similar principle at work in your life. I suspect you’re more likely to be undermined by nice, polite people than raw, rowdy folks. I’m not advising you to avoid the do-gooders and sweet faces. Just be careful that their naiveté doesn’t cause problems. And in the meantime, check out what the raw, rowdy folks are up to.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In 1899, the king of the African nation of Swaziland died while dancing. His only son, Sobhuza, was soon crowned as his successor, despite being just four months old. It took awhile for the new king to carry out his duties with aplomb, and he needed major guidance from his grandmother and uncle. Eventually he showed great aptitude for the job, though, and ruled until his death at age 83. I’m getting a Sobhuza-type vibe as I meditate on you, Aquarius. New power may come to you before you’re fully ready to wield it. But I have confidence you will grow into it, especially if you’re not shy about seeking help.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Life has a big, tough assignment for you. Let’s hope you’re up for the challenge. There’s not much wiggle room, I’m afraid. Here it is: You must agree to experience more joy and pleasure. The quest for delight and enchantment has to rise to the top of your priority list. To be mildly entertained isn’t enough. To be satisfied with lukewarm arousal is forbidden. It’s your sacred duty to overflow with sweet fulfillment and interesting bliss. Find ways to make it happen! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You may have never sampled the Southeast Asian fruit called durian. It’s controversial. Some people regard it as the “king of fruits” and describe its taste as sweet and delicious. Naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace said it was like “a rich custard highly flavored with almonds.” But other people find the durian unlikable, comparing its aroma to turpentine or decaying onions. TV chef Anthony Bourdain asserts that its “indescribable” taste is “something you will either love or despise.” I foresee the possibility that your imminent future will have metaphorical resemblances to the durian, Scorpio. My advice? Don’t take things personally. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Talking will be your art form in the coming week. It’ll be healing and catalytic. You could set personal records for most engaging phone conversations, emails, text messages and face-to-face dialogs. The sheer intensity of your self-expression could intimidate some people, excite others and generate shifts in your social life. Here are a few tips to ensure the best results. First, listen as passionately as you speak. Second, make it your intention to communicate, not just unload your thoughts. Tailor your messages for your specific audience. Third, reflect on the sometimes surprising revelations that emerge from you. They’ll give you new insights into yourself. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Let’s say you want to buy an 18-karat gold ring. To get that much gold, miners had to excavate and move six tons of rock. Then they doused the rock with poisonous cyanide, a chemical that’s necessary to extract the good stuff. In the process, they created toxic waste. Is the gold ring worth that much trouble? While you ponder that, let me ask you a different question. What if I told you that over the course of the next five months, you could do what’s necessary to obtain a metaphorical version of a gold ring? And although you would have to process the equivalent of six tons of raw material to get it, you wouldn’t have to use poison or make a mess. Would you do it? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In the 1951 animated movie version of Alice in Wonderland, Alice says to herself, “I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.” I hope you won’t be like her, Pisces. It’s an excellent time for you to heed your own good advice. In fact, I suspect that doing so will be crucial to your ability to make smart decisions and solve a knotty problem. This is one of those turning points when you really have to practice what you preach. You’ve got to walk your talk.
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
o.henry’s/the underGround “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm
elAine’s duelinG PiAno bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm
odditorium Mermutants puppet show, 8pm
Feed & seed Rayna Gellert & The Brothers K (old-time, country), 7pm
oFF the WAGon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stoP deli & bAr Trae Pierce & T-Stone (funk), 10pm orAnGe Peel Cold War Kids w/ Elliot Moss (indie-rock), 9pm Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm
SHORTS.TV/THEOSCARSHORTS “Oscar®” and “Academy Awards®” are registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and used with permission.
4.9063" X 2.5125" 1/8 JL/RR ALL.15O-R1.0128.MXEMAIL
JAcK oF the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm
the Joint neXt door Bluegrass jam w/ Jake Dill, 8pm
lAzy diAmond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm
the mothliGht Beat Life: A Psychedelic Showcase w/ 10th Letter, Deku, Emerald Curtain, Musashi Xero & DJ Kutzu, 9:30pm
lobster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm
the PhoeniX Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm Karaoke, 10pm the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vincenzo’s bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm Wild WinG cAFe south Karaoke, 6pm
odditorium Joe Buck Yourself, Delicious & Sawzaw (metal, punk), 9pm oFF the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm one stoP deli & bAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm orAnGe Peel Brett Eldredge w/ Ryan Kinder (country), 9pm PisGAh breWinG comPAny Aereo-Plain (newgrass), 6pm PurPle onion cAFe Chris Rosser (singer-songwriter), 7pm room iX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm scAndAls niGhtclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southern APPAlAchiAn breWery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm
5 WAlnut Wine bAr Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz), 8pm
tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Iggy Radio, 7pm
AltAmont breWinG comPAny Willy Wales (old-time), 9pm
the mothliGht Caethua (record release) w/ Colby Nathan & Falcon Mitts (experimental), 9:30pm
blAcK beAr coFFee co. Matt Jackson (acoustic), 4pm
the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm
blue Kudzu sAKe comPAny Trivia night, 8pm
timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm
cAtAWbA breWinG tAstinG room Old time jam, 7pm
tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm
croW & quill Dr. Sketchy’s live burlesque figure drawing, 7pm
urbAn orchArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm
double croWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
mArKet PlAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm
185 KinG street Andrew Duhon Trio, 8pm
Asheville music hAll Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead, jam), 10pm
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
hiGhlAnd breWinG comPAny DJ Marley, 5:30pm
tAllGAry’s At Four colleGe Open mic & jam, 7pm
thursdAy, FebruAry 5
Grey eAGle music hAll & tAvern Kevin Burke’s Celtic Fiddle Festival, 8pm
strAiGhtAWAy cAFe Redleg Husky, 6pm
timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm
French broAd breWery Jeff Ruby (singer-songwriter, acoustic rock), 6pm
isis restAurAnt And music hAll In the Lounge: Juan Benavides Group w/ Whitney Moore (flamenco, world, soul), 7pm Sol Driven Train w/ Dead 27s (Americana, roots, jam, rock), 9pm
room iX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm
tiGer mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm
LOVE YOUR Mountain Xpress LOCAL WED 01/28
FoGGy mountAin breWPub Singer-songwriter open mic w/ Riyen Roots, 9pm
vincenzo’s bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
picK oF thE wEEK
thEatER Listings
A Most Violent Year HHHH
FRidaY, JanuaRY 30 thuRsdaY, FEBRuaRY 5 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: J.C. Chandor pLaYERs: Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, David Oyelowo, Alessandro Nivola, Albert Brooks
Asheville PizzA & breWinG co. (254-1281) horrible bosses 2 (r) 7:00, 10:00 Penguins of madagascar (PG) 1:00, 4:00
cRimE dRama RatEd R
cArmiKe cinemA 10 (298-4452)
thE stoRY: A man in the heating oil business deals with hijackers and corruption in his pursuit of expanding his business to the next level. thE Lowdown: A good — consistently entertaining and interesting — movie that hurts itself by trying too hard to be a great one. Definitely worth seeing, but it’s just not the masterpiece it was supposed to be.
A Most Violent Year is hands down the best movie ever made about corruption in the heating oil business. That’s what I told the studio rep when I first saw it back in the days when the film’s distributor had Oscars dazzling their eyes — and was making sure every critic with a byline had a chance to see it on the big screen. Now, dreams of Oscars have gone, and the film is contenting itself with mostly good reviews, a Golden Globe nomination that didn’t bear fruit and being named best film of year by the National Board of Review — and no one has a clue who they are, except that they’ve been around for a very long time and have an impressive sounding name. (Hell, I used to write for their magazine, Films in Review, and I never knew who they were.) And after all that — it’s still the best movie ever made about corruption in the heating oil business.
oscaR isaac and JEssica chastain in J.C. Chandor's crime drama A Most Violent Year.
I don’t mean to be dismissive of J.C. Chandor’s film. It’s a good movie — and certainly superior to his All Is Lost (2013), with its stunt of consisting of nothing but Robert Redford being “alone, all, all alone on a wide wide sea” on a sinking boat for 100 minutes. And though it’s not as good as his first movie, Margin Call (2011), it’s a game try. The problem is that it tries too hard. It tries too hard to be a great movie. And it tries too hard to be the new Godfather — in fact, it has a pretty bad case of Godfather envy, but it lacks that kind of scope. Imagine if the Corleones’ empire was a chain of convenience stores, and you’ll get the idea. Oscar Isaac stars as Abel Morales — a first generation American with hair that’s supposed to make him look like Pacino in The Godfather but makes him look like he’d be more at home sitting on a beach next to Annette Funicello. He’s made a good business in heating oil, married Anna (Jessica Chastain) — a mobster’s daughter, no less — and has acquired a nice (if soulless) house for his family. But he wants more — he wants to become the name in heating oil by purchasing waterfront property with tanks for holding large amounts of
oil. There are some problems, however. He has to borrow the cash, his associates — and even the man selling him the property — question his judgment, and he’s scrupulously honest. Or so he thinks, which is why he can’t understand why an assistant DA (David Oyelowo) is investigating him. He has another problem in that his trucks are being hijacked, and his oil is being stolen. Things will get even worse before it’s over. This is all a reasonably good mix for a crime drama. But the film — much like its lead character — rarely flares into life. There are a couple of terrific chase scenes, but they’re more the exception than the rule — in large part because Abel Morales is just too upright to get down and dirty. Despite its title — which refers to the year 1981, supposedly New York’s worst for violent crime — this is just not a very violent movie. It wants to talk more than it wants to show, and the talk here has little of the zing found in Margin Call. At the same time, A Most Violent Year remains generally compelling as entertainment of a more subdued kind. The attention to detail — like the dealings with the Othodox Jew
cArolinA cinemAs (274-9500) American sniper (r) 1:15, 4:25, 7:20, 9:20, 10:10 birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 210, 740 black or White (PG-13) 11:05, 1:40, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50 the boy next door (r) 11:35, 1:45, 3:55, 6:05, 8:15, 10:25 cake (r) 12:05, 5:05, 9:55 Foxcatcher (r) 11:20, 4:50, 10:20 the imitation Game (PG-13) 11:00, 1:35, 4:05, 6:35, 9:15 the loft (r) 12:30, 3:00, 5:20, 7:55, 10:20 mortdecai (r) 2:40, 7:30 A most violent year (r) 11:15, 1:55, 4:35, 7:15, 10:05 the oscar nominated Animated short Films 2015 (nr) 11:25, 3:50, 8:15, 10:30 the oscar nominated live Action short Films 2015 (nr) 1:20, 5:45, 10:10 Paddington (PG) 11:40, 1:50, 4:00, 6:10, 8:20 Project Almanac (PG-13) 12:15, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35, 10:00 selma (PG-13) 11:10, 1:55, 4:40, 7:25, 10:15 strange magic (PG) 12:10, 2:30, 4:45, 7:00 the Wedding ringer (r) 12:55, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 10:15 co-ed cinemA brevArd (883-2200) American sniper (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePic oF hendersonville (693-1146) Fine Arts theAtre (232-1536) the imitation Game (PG-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:45 A most violent year (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 FlAtrocK cinemA (697-2463) the imitation Game (PG-13) Fri, Sat, Mon-Thu 4:00, 7:00 Sun 3:00 only reGAl biltmore GrAnde stAdium 15 (684-1298) united Artists beAucAtcher (298-1234)
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Coming Soon ....
Western North Carolina
get it! guide
property holders that exclude Anna, despite the fact that she has to sign — makes it feel authentic. Some of the plot contrivances — especially those concerning a Spanish immigrant driver (Elyes Gabel) — are hard to take seriously, and the abrupt ending is shock for shock’s sake. But the film livens up considerably whenever Chastain is onscreen, which is very much in its favor. Similarly, the idea of a defiantly honest businessman in a corrupt business who learns that maybe it wasn’t all hard work that got him where he is makes for good drama — though it all seems more cerebral than visceral. It’s certainly worth seeing — if only because it’s a mostly intelligent film — but it’d be as well to scale back your expectations a bit. Rated R for language and some violence. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke
Mortdecai HHHH
Bee a Community Partner! diREctoR: David Koepp
pLaYERs: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Paul Bettany, Olivia Munn, Jeff Goldblum, Michael Culkin comEdY RatEd R thE stoRY: Bumbling, snobbish, disreputable art dealer Charlie Mortdecai is blackmailed into helping find a stolen painting.
thE Lowdown: A curious throwback to the kind of comedy made about 50 years ago, which has left a great many people baffled and even angry. The truth is that it’s a film of considerable wit and appeal — if you’re open to its retro silliness vibe.
828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com 64
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
If you are part of the anti-Johnny Depp brigade — convinced that Jack Sparrow, the Mad Hatter, Barnabas Collins and Tonto were all the same performance (though they aren’t) — then, yes, you will hate David Koepp’s Mortdecai and should not bother with it. Those who do not subscribe to those beliefs might, however, want to consider it. Personally, I liked it a great deal. Though it isn’t going to be to every taste, it most certainly is not the abomination it’s been painted as —
sometimes by writers who had yet to bother seeing it before pronouncing sentence on it. You may not like it, but it’s hardly the worst movie ever made. It isn’t even anywhere near the worst movie released this month. I found Mortdecai to be a most congenial companion for the two hours I spent in its company. I freely admit that it is something of an oddity. It’s styled like a 1960s to early 1970s caper comedy or a spy spoof, which has led to a lot of wrongheaded comparisons to the Austin Powers movies — and it’s nothing like them. The sense of humor is much more subdued and sophisticated, which may be out of joint with the times. It was immediately preceded by the trailer for Hot Tub Time Machine 2, which is perhaps a better barometer of our age — even if it did prompt my wife to whisper, “Please tell me that was a gag and not a real movie.” (She can be so naive.) The film trades in a type of silliness we are no longer used to seeing, but which would be at home on a double bill with What’s New, Pussycat? (1965). Depp is playing a variation on Brit character comedian Terry-Thomas — famous for the gap in his teeth and for playing supercilious bounders, cads and rotters in a manner almost too English to be English. The problem with this is I’ve had to explain who Terry-Thomas was to four out of the four people I’ve talked to about the movie. And the number of reviewers who don’t mention the obvious model — seizing on the inapt comparison to Peter Sellers’ Inspector Clouseau character instead — suggests the lack of familiarity with Terry-Thomas doesn’t end there. Whether or not that actually makes a significant difference to how you’ll feel about Mortdecai is another matter. It does, however, help explain how so many critics seem perplexed — even bewildered — by the film — as if they’ve never seen a movie pre-1980, which I suppose is possible. Charlie Mortdecai (Depp) is a thoroughly disreputable art dealer and a fairly dissolute member of the British upper class. He’s also very pleased with himself and dearly loves his affectations — his latest being a particularly unbecoming (if not downright repellent) mustache that causes wife Johanna (Gwyneth Paltrow) to gag. In addition to this, I should add that he’s not only broke, but in debt to the British government for £8 million in taxes. Enter MI5 agent Martland (Ewan McGregor), who is a “friend” of Mortdecai (though they seem to
cordially detest each other) and also transparently in love with Johanna. Armed with a bulging file of Charlie’s dubious dealings and the tax bill for leverage, Martland blackmails Charlie into helping recover a stolen Goya. There’s a very convoluted plot here involving Asian gangsters, Russian gangsters, shady art dealers, a filthy rich (and unscrupulous) L.A. art collector (Jeff Golblum), his nymphomaniac daughter (Olivia Munn) and even a terrorist. But none of this matters much — nor does the business of the numbers to Herman Goering’s Swiss bank accounts. There’s a mystery element that can be cracked early on by anyone familiar with the genre, too, but it’s all just an excuse for Depp, Paltrow, McGregor and an impossibly good Paul Bettany (as Charlie’s stolid manservant, Jock) to prove their comic mettle. Depp’s Charlie Mortdecai is an unusual creation. Despite attempts to link him to Sellers’ Clouseau, the connection is more than tenuous. Charlie is a bumbler, yes, but he’s not oblivious to the fact. He knows he’s a coward and doesn’t pretend otherwise. He’s even dimly aware that his wife supplies the brains and his manservant provides his courage — at least when Charlie isn’t accidentally shooting him. He even relies on Jock to constantly assure him that everything will work out in the end — despite the fact that he never gets that assurance. Charlie is vain and petty. This is a man whose idea of a great victory is tricking Martland into drinking bargain basement port — and having him praise it. He’d like to be a lecher, but he’s just not very good at it — unlike the amazingly priapic Jock. The others offer reasonably sane balance, especially Paltrow, though McGregor’s Martland is capable of being just as petty and just as much a failed lecher as Depp’s Charlie. Bettany’s deadpan Jock is not only Charlie’s backbone, but the film’s. Does it all work? No, but that actually makes it even more of a piece with the kind of scattershot comedy it emulates. And like those films, enough of the gags hit their marks to render the misses pretty irrelevant. Of course, as things stand now, Mortdecai is a huge box office and critical flop — the sort of situation that the real Terry-Thomas might have assessed with a terse, “Oh, hard cheese.” However, Mortdecai strikes me as the sort of film whose reputation will only improve with the passage of time. But that remains to be seen. Rated R for some language and sexual material. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande reviewed by Ken Hanke
Strange Magic S diREctoR: Gary Rydstrom pLaYERs: (Voices) Evan Rachel Wood, Alan Cumming, Sam Palladio, Elijah Kelley, Meredith Anne Bull animatEd musicaL advEntuRE RatEd pg thE stoRY: This retelling of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream has fairies and their dark, evil counterparts duking it out, accompanied by pop songs. thE Lowdown: A sanitized, airless kids movie that looks expensive but has no sense of whimsy or imagination.
“From the mind of George Lucas,” says the poster for Strange Magic, which should reveal what level the movie’s operating on. The reputation of his name and his creative career is largely placed on Star Wars and Indiana Jones, with the rest of his filmmaking generally being a long slog through mediocrity. But, those two properties were such successes that he can spend his days occasionally writing the stories and getting the money for lazy, inert little movies like Strange Magic. It’s the same hokey nonsense that Lucas has always pushed, just a bit more grating and stale this time around. Directed by Gary Rydstrom — a long-time sound designer getting his first shot directing a feature film — the premise is to retell Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream — a la Lucas — with animated fairies and pop music. I don’t necessarily have any issue with this in a vacuum, but this is Lucas we’re talking about. The plot consists of the usual Lucas fairy-tale stuff, with the whimsical Fairy Kingdom invaded by the nasty — and misunderstood — Dark Forest. Everything’s so ham-fistedly foreshadowed that the mere conceit of suspense is nonexistent, and most of the film’s time is spent checking off plot points before the credits roll. While he’s not directing, Lucas’ middlebrow sensibilities are certainly part of the deal here — to the point any sort of creative verve or spark is sucked dry from the film. The colorful visuals certainly have some cash thrown behind them, but there’s nothing memorable about the design or the look of the thing,
which comes across like a cinematic cubic zirconia. There’s no style to the look of the film, something that can also be said of the karaoke versions of the pop songs (mostly ’60s and ’70s standards hand-picked by Lucas), medleys and musical numbers that show up in the film from time to time. And yes, the titular ELO song does show up in the film, and yes it’s as unfortunate as one would expect it to be. The film’s boorish approach is ultimately harmless — so much so that Strange Magic barely exists. Rated PG for some action and scary images. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande reviewed by Justin Souther
The Boy Next Door HS diREctoR: Rob Cohen pLaYERs: Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Guzman, Ian Nelson, John Corbett, Kristin Chenoweth thRiLLER RatEd R thE stoRY: A recently separated wife and mother sleeps with her young neighbor, only to bring his violent, obsessive nature upon her family. thE Lowdown: Trashy nonsense that might be fun if it weren’t so inept and laboriously dumb.
If Rob Cohen’s The Boy Next Door proves anything, it’s that it takes a certain amount of intelligence and talent to make truly entertaining trash (or, at the very least, fascinating trash), two things Cohen, as a filmmaker, has long shown short supply of. Cohen is no Larry Cohen, no Lee Daniels, no Paul Verhoeven. No, Rob Cohen’s trash is one lacking in any sort of depth or selfawareness, one that’s too inept and too languid in its storytelling to be the tawdry thriller it strives for. I don’t want to come across as presupposing Cohen’s personal acumen as a human being, but he strikes me as a director who approaches film-
making as a job, not as a craft. I suppose, under the right circumstances, with the right audience, there’s some unintentional mirth to be found here (that ability, I’m afraid, has long been sucked from me having reviewed so many bad movies), but by itself, The Boy Next Door is a incredibly thick-headed film that’s little more than gussiedup Lifetime Channel sleaze. Here’s a film where — about a decade after the moviegoing public decided this was a bad idea — Jennifer Lopez’s Hollywood career has popped its head out of the ground. Lopez plays Claire, a high school lit teacher with a nebbishy son named Kevin (Ian Nelson, The Best of Me) and a cheating husband (John Corbett) she’s recently separated from. Everything’s fairly normal until Noah (Ryan Guzman, Step Up All In) moves in next door. Noah’s a hunky 20-year-old (played by a 27-year-old who looks 34) who, after an accident involving his parents, is still in high school and living with his uncle (Jack Wallace). So Noah befriends the awkward Kevin and starts hanging around the house, until he seduces Claire in a moment of weakness. Claire quickly regrets this, but not soon enough, as Noah’s violent, jealous and obsessive nature comes out and he begins to terrorize Claire and, eventually, her family. This manifests itself in Noah plastering Claire’s classroom with stills from his secret sex tape he made of them, turning Kevin against his father and also cutting the brake lines to the man’s muscle car. There’s an escalation to Noah’s actions, but it never quite transcends into the sphere of truly creative trash. Sure, some moments — like Noah writhing around his bed with a copy of The Iliad in a fit of jealous rage — are amusing, but they’re solely due to their goofiness, not some greater plan. We get close to something more entertaining at the film’s climax, when Noah starts spilling blood and taking prisoners, but it’s too little, too late. Even the welcomely cheesy gore effects aren’t enough to make up for a movie that’s a tedious trudge (especially since one of these boneheads just calling the cops would solve so many problems) just to get to this point. Rated R for violence, sexual content/nudity and language. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande reviewed by Justin Souther
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The Oscar Nominated Live Action Short Films 2015 HHHH
Lucy Lou•
Female, 5 months old, Siamese/Mix
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diREctoR: Various pLaYERs: Various compiLation RatEd nR thE stoRY: Collection of this year’s live-action short film Oscar nominees.
Marco •
Male, Australian Sheperd Mix, 2 months old
thE Lowdown: An unusually strong field of live-action shorts this year — there’s not really a clinker in the bunch.
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JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
Normally I have — or at least think I have — a pretty good idea of what is likely to win the Oscar in this category, but this year I could see it going to any one of the five — and for completely different reasons in each case. The really intriguing thing about this is that all those reasons strike me as valid. I will say that two seem to be the longer shots. Parvaneh (Director: Talkhon Hamzavi) — 25 minutes/ Switzerland/Dari and German. This Swiss film — which according to the IMDb has actually been around since 2012 — strikes me as one of those longer shots. Its greatest drawbacks are length — at 25 minutes the story is stretched — and a certain predictability. The latter may not be a bad thing, since last year’s winner, Helium, was nothing if not predictable. In its favor, this story about a girl from Afghanistan securing the help of a punkish Swiss girl to send a money order to an ailing relative back home has a strong crowd-pleaser component, especially once the arrangement turns into an allnight friendship. The technical side is first-rate, and the production values are surprisingly high. Boogaloo and Graham (Director: Michael Lennox) — 14 minutes/ UK/English. Boogaloo and Graham comes from Northern Ireland, and while it is set in the 1970s, it is not about the “Troubles,” though the presence of the British military does color the film. Instead, this
is a thoroughly charming film about two boys whose irresponsible father (Martin McCann) gives them each a pet chick — much to the consternation of their mother (Charlene McKenna). As baby chicks are wont to do, these grow into chickens, which the boys squire around on strings — taking pride in the fact that they have such unusual pets. Unfortunately, a family development arises that puts the pets in peril. Altogether, this is a gentle, sweet film that turns into something considerably deeper — with the kind of twist that makes you rethink much of what you’ve assumed. I suspect this has a good shot — and I’d be happy about that. Aya (Directors: Oded Binnun and Mihal Brezis) — 39 minutes/Israel and France/English, Hebrew, Danish. This Israeli entry has also been around since 2012 — the old technical definition of a feature being any film longer than 34 minutes would rule it out, but the Academy currently considers a feature to be any film under 40 minutes, so this squeaks by. (It appears to have been shown as a standalone feature in Israel.) From a technical standpoint, Aya is probably the most accomplished of the entries. In fact, it contains one use of moving camera that I’m still puzzling over how it was done. On the other hand, the film requires the viewer to accept a basic premise that is hard to swallow at first, becomes maddeningly drawn-out and only then starts to make sense. That might be a problem. The idea is that a young Israeli woman, Aya (Sarah Adler), waiting for someone at the airport is asked to hold a sign for a professional driver waiting on a passenger. While he’s away, the passenger, a Danish music critic named Overby (Ulrich Thomsen), arrives and assumes Aya is his driver — and she does nothing to disabuse him of the notion. This is what is hard to buy at first. It does finally add up and it’s very well done, but it seems to me to be the longest shot of all.
The Phone Call (Director: Mat Kirkby) — 21 minutes/UK/ English. I have a feeling that this is one of the more likely winners — thanks to a heavily emotional story and splendid performances from Sally Hawkins and Jim Broadbent (even though we only hear his voice). Despite the presence of two other performers (including a brief bit by Prunella Scales as Broadbent’s late wife), this is essentially a two character piece. Heather (Hawkins) is a worker at a helpline call center who receives a call from Stan (Broadbent), a suicidally depressed man, who has spent two years grieving over his wife. The bulk of the film consists of their telephone conversation — and it is heart-wrenching. Moving without being depressing, it would be a shoo-in any other year. This year I’m not going that far. Butter Lamp (La Lampe Au Beurre De Yak) (Director: Wei Hu) — 15 minutes/France and China/Tibetan. Easily the least viewer-friendly of the lot is the ChineseFrench co-production Butter Lamp. It’s a film that never even reveals exactly what the point of the whole thing is. It merely offers a situation — and a very static one at that — involving a photographer and his assistant (who are barely glimpsed) as they pose Tibetan villagers in front of elaborate scenic backdrops of various locations. It’s all from the angle of the photographer’s camera, and it’s never clear why these photos are being taken. It is quietly humorous, but it’s hard to say that it actually goes anywhere. Then again, I suspect it doesn’t want to — and it has a strange appeal. Its exotic impenetrability may or may not be a point in its favor as a winner, but it’s certainly worth a look. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke
staRting FRidaY
The Oscar Nominated Animated Short Films HHHS diREctoR: Various pLaYERs: Various compiLation
RatEd nR
thE stoRY: A collection of the five animated short films nominated for an Oscar. thE Lowdown: An uneven collection — even by the nature of such things — the year’s nominated animation lacks a clear-cut standout but has a few nice surprises to offer.
As has become something of a pattern, the Oscar-nominated animated short films are a very mixed bag and are far more uneven than the selection of liveaction shorts (which this year are particularly strong). This year, they’re also on the short side, which has necessitated the addition of other worthy (I assume since I haven’t seen them — or even a finalized list) animated shorts to flesh out the program. Me and My Moulton (Director: Torill Kove) — 14 minutes/Canada/ English. This was probably my least favorite of the shorts, though that has as much to do with the style of animation as the content of the film. I simply don’t care for the type of animation, nor the style of the drawing. The content itself — essentially about a girl coming to accept her parents’ nonconformity — is OK, but I can’t say I found it overwhelming as the statement it appears to want to be. Feast (Director: Patrick Osborne) — 6 minutes/USA/Non-dialogue. This is the one you’ve most likely seen, since it was attached to Big Hero 6. That turns out to be a good thing from my standpoint, since this — being Disney — was not included in the preview package (merely the contact person from whom a copy could be obtained). I was totally unimpressed by the film, which, as is often the case, I suspect is only included because of the Disney name. It’s a very thin story about the diet of a Boston terrier as it’s
impacted by its owner’s changes in diet owing to romantic entanglements. Technically, it’s very slick, but that’s to be expected with the Disney brand on it. The Bigger Picture (Director: Daisy Jacobs) — 7 minutes/UK/ English. In terms of animation, The Bigger Picture is far and away the most striking film in the batch. It has a definite style and is to no end creative in the way it achieves its effects. The story is simple — the rivalry of two very different brothers for the approval of their mother in her final days — but it’s also quietly, surprisingly effective. It’s even more impressive when you consider its short running time. A Single Life (Directors: Marieke Blaauw, Joris Oprins, Job Roggeveen) — 2 minutes/ The Netherlands/Non-dialogue. This is a very clever little movie with solid, if unremarkable, animation. The problem is that cleverness is all it has in its depiction of a woman’s life as dictated by a phonograph record. At a mere two minutes, it’s really little more than a doodle, but as doodles go, it’s not a bad one at that. The Dam Keeper (Directors: Robert Kondo, Daisuke “Dice” Tsutsumi) — 18 minutes/USA/ Non-dialogue. Easily the most traditional of the shorts in terms of animation, The Dam Keeper is also the most charming. It’s the story of a young pig — the dam keeper of the title — who is the butt of everyone’s jokes at school. Things change when a young fox with a talent for drawing befriends him, but this appears to be short-lived when the pig — mistakenly, as it turns out — comes to believe his new friend is two-faced. It’s not groundbreaking by any means, but I found it the most appealing of the nominees. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas reviewed by Ken Hanke
Black or White
The Oscar Nominated Animated Short Films 2015
Mike Binder’s Black or White is so far splitting the critics — with a slight lean to the negative, but we’re only talking nine reviews, so take that for what it’s worth (very little). The movie’s been in the coming soon column for quite some time, which can be a bad sign. The studio tells us this is the “story of a grandfather (Kevin Costner) who is suddenly left to care for his beloved granddaughter. When her paternal grandmother (Academy Award winner Octavia Spencer) seeks custody with the help of her brother (Anthony Mackie), the little girl is torn between two families who love her deeply.” (pg-13)
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
The Oscar Nominated Live Action Short Films 2015 See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Project Almanac Teen-centric sci-fi from a director you never heard of (unless you’re a relative) and starring people you probably never heard of. It appears to be about some teenagers who find the plans for a time machine and build the thing. Trouble ensues — including the possible destruction of mankind. Also, it was produced by Michael Bay, and the phrase “found footage” appears in its description. (pg-13)
The Loft This looks like another thriller from the January deep freeze. Belgian director Erik Van Looy remakes his own 2008 Belgian picture Loft — but in English, of course. Karl Urban and James Marsden star in what is called a “tense psychological thriller” about “five guys who conspire to secretly share a penthouse loft in the city — a place where they can indulge in their deepest fantasies. But the fantasy becomes a nightmare when they discover the dead body of an unknown woman in the loft, and they realize one of the group must be involved.” No reviews yet. Any questions? (R)
Community Screenings
Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • SA (1/31) and SU (2/1), 2pm - Waste Land, documentary. Admission fees apply. mountAin PeoPle’s Assembly info@mountainmoralmonday.org • FR (1/30), 6:30pm - Pay 2 Play: Democracy’s High Stakes, documentary. Held in Ferguson Auditorium at A-B Tech.
A Most Violent Year See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
SHORTS.TV/THEOSCARSHORTS “Oscar®” and “Academy Awards®” are registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and used with permission.
EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 ASHEVILLE The Carolina Asheville (828) 274-9500 mountainx.com
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
spEciaL scREEnings
Mystery of Marie Roget HHHS diREctoR: Phil Rosen pLaYERs: Patric Knowles, Maria Montez, Maria Ouspenskaya, John Litel, Nell O’Day, Lloyd Corrigan, Edward Norris mYstERY hoRRoR Rated NR Universal traded one last time on the name of Edgar Allan Poe with The Mystery of Marie Roget (1942) — another of their mystery movies masquerading as horror. This, of course, meant it was destined to be part of the “Shock Theater” package. The fact that it is so clearly a Universal film, has so many of the stock music cues, is atmospheric and features Patric Knowles and Maria Ouspenskaya kept most everyone from complaining that it was “only a mystery.” Though she has top billing on the main title (not on the end credits), Maria Montez is only in about 20 minutes of the movie, but Universal was grooming her for those big Technicolor extravaganzas she became known for. It’s really Knowles’ picture — with strong support from Ouspenskaya and Lloyd Corrigan. He plays Dr. Paul Dupin (for some reason Universal never used Poe’s “C. Auguste Dupin”) and is credited in passing for having solved “the Rue Morgue case,” but any connection to the Lugosi Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) is purely in the studio’s standing European village set. What we get is a slickly made, beautifully photographed little thriller that benefits from liberal doses of comedy. As a neat programmer, you couldn’t ask for much more. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Mystery of Marie Roget Thursday, Jan. 29, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
spEciaL scREEnings
The 400 Blows HHHHS diREctoR: François Truffaut pLaYERs: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Claire Maurier, Albert Rémy, Guy Decomble dRama Rated NR François Truffaut’s first feature The 400 Blows (1959) struck a blow of its own as the first of the New Wave films — movies that came as a reaction to what was perceived as the stodginess of classical French filmmaking (and filmmaking around the world for that matter). It was a movement that would change film as we knew it, and it really started with this largely autobiographical coming-of-age story. The New Wave would make better movies — some by Truffaut — but perhaps none so warmly accessible as this one. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The 400 Blows Friday, Jan. 30, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
The Magnificent Ambersons HHHHS diREctoR: Orson Welles pLaYERs: Joseph Cotten, Dolores Costello, Anne Baxter, Tim Holt, Agnes Moorehead, Ray Collins, Erskine Sanford, Richard Bennett dRama Rated NR It’s hard to believe that no one has run Orson Welles’ The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) locally before, but that seems to be the case. The fact that Welles would have turned 100 in May plays into this showing, but it has still been a curious omission. No film has ever been so mythologized as Ambersons — the textbook case of what might have been. Completed by Welles — but recut and partly reshot while Welles was in South America — what we have is a tantalizing glimpse of a badly mangled film that many believe would have been even greater than Citizen Kane (1941). Personally, I’m skeptical, and it’s easy to wax ecstatic over something that can never be seen. Even so there are moments of pure genius in Welles’ adaptation of Booth Tarkington’s novel as it stands — and it remains a must-see. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Magnificent Ambersons Sunday, Feb. 1, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Blancanieves (Snow White) HHHHH diREctoR: Pablo Berger pLaYERs: Maribel Verdú, Macarena García, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Ramón Barea, Ángela Molina siLEnt FaiRY taLE dRama Rated PG-13 This brilliant Spanish film from 2012 is everything the overrated The Artist (2011) wanted to be and never was. Blancanieves (Snow White) actually feels like a genuine late-period silent movie. It is done without camp or forced quaintness and could easily pass for a real film from 1929 — while at the same time being brilliant filmmaking in its own right. This is not simply a pastiche of silent movies. The story is a very Spanish reworking of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (despite the fact that it’s a dwarf shy of the full set) — but it’s the story as Luis Buñuel might have imagined it — complete with a wicked stepmother (Maribel Verdu) with a taste for whips and leather. And bullfighting has been added, of course. In fact, Carmen/Snow White is the bullfighting daughter of a great bullfighter, and the dwarves are comic bullfighters themselves. Amazingly, it all works — and it adds a level of deep sadness to the story. Beautiful to look at and beautifully told, it’s a film not to be missed. The Asheville Film Society will screen Blancanieves (Snow White) Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
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medicAl/ heAlth cAre cnA's needed Now hiring CNA's for the Asheville area. Call 828-667-3200 to schedule an interview and learn why Bayada Home Health Care is the Homecare Provider of Choice. Flexible scheduling. GlobAlmed is noW hirinG for driver/setup positions for home medical equipment at our Hendersonville location. Must be 21 and have clean driving record. Please email resume to latasha@yanceyhomecare.com or fax to 828-678-3404. immediAte oPeninG: holistic veterinAry clinic seeKinG Front desK/veterinAry AssistAnt. At least one years experience, love people/ animals, team player, good PR skills and be computer literate. Part time. Start $13/ hr Resume and cover letter to Sunvet Animal Wellness Clinic at sunvet@att.net sunvetanimalwellness.com lPn/rn's needed Now hiring 1st & 3rd shift RN/ LPN's for the Hendersonville area. Call 828-6673200 to schedule an interview and learn why Bayada Home Health Care is the Homecare Provider of Choice. www.bayada.com
humAn services AvAilAble immediAtely • FAMILY SERVICE ASSOciAte To recruit and provide case management to
families with pre-school aged children for a Head Start program. • Maintains the outreach and recruitment of children and families; • Assists families to fully utilize available community resources; and • Works in partnership with the parent towards short and long range family-identified goals to promote healthy, self-sufficient families. Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Social Work or related areas and at least two years of experience. Equivalent of education and experience is acceptable. • A valid N. C. driver’s license. • Ability to pass physical exam, TB test, criminal background check and drug screen • Fluency in English and Spanish preferred. Salary Range: $24,502.00 to $33,738, DOQ. Please send cover letter and resume with complete contact information for three professional references to: Admin@communityactionopportunities.org OR Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC, 28801 OR Fax: (828) 253-6319. • Open until filled. EOE & DFWP. direct cAre Positions WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is hiring for Direct Care Positions. Full-Time on 2nd shift, and Part-Time weekends and mornings. Job duties include providing planned instruction to group home residents to maximize independent living skills, and behavioral health. Eligible applicants must have High School Diploma and 2 years related experience, or college degree, and possess a current Driver’s License. Hourly pay rate $10.30$11/hour. • Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville or for additional information visit our website www.wncgrouphomes. org WNC Group Homes is a Drug Free Workplace. direct cAre stAFF Needed for Level III Residential Group Home in the Hendersonville Area. Contact Vallerie Dreher at 864836-7220 ext 2104. Benefits and Competitive Wages. vdreher@recoverouryouth.org direct cAre stAFF needed Turning Point Services has opportunities for direct care staff in the area. Requirements range from high school graduate to CNA. Look under Career Opportunities at www.turningpointservicesinc. com for more information.
JoBs ProFessionAl/ mAnAGement
lcsW For oPt in morGAnton, nc Seeking LCSW or PhD Pscyh for Fulltime Outpatient Therapy. Prefer clinician experience with adult and child mental health population. Position is located in Morganton, NC. Email detailed resume to afortune@caringalternative.com. licensed substAnce Abuse counselor Substance Abuse Counselors Help make your community a better place. Mountain Area Recovery Center is growing and we are seeking a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor for our outpatient facility located in Asheville. Criminal background check required for all final candidates. EOE. Please e-mail resume’ to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp. com or fax to 828.252.9512, ATTN: RHONDA INGLE www.marc-otp.com
develoPment director Manages development, coordination, and implementation of fundraising plans, donor cultivation, and development of community relationships and is responsible for fundraising events. Email resume, cover letter, and professional references to info@coabc.org. www.coabc.org
cAreGivers/ nAnny eXcePtionAl teAcher needed Six children, ages 30 months to 42 months, need an exceptional teacher to finish the school year. $24,000 per year to start with proper education. Degree not required but preferred. Experience with young children necessary. Wonderful working conditions in a well established pre-school. Send resume or call for an interview appointment. bellsschoolforpe@bellsouth,net or call 828-654-0664.
business oPPortunities
WAnted school bAsed licensed cliniciAn (F/t) Seeking an experienced licensed clinician to work as part of the Buncombe County Schools - Day Treatment Team. This clinician would provide school based therapy to students in their base schools both before and after these students access Day Treatment. This is a great opportunity to work with a dedicated team of compassionate professionals using solid evidence-based, trauma focused models and interventions. Substance abuse experience preferred. www.caringalternative.com yWcA liFeGuArd Parttime Must have a current American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certificate as well as thorough knowledge and application of lifeguarding rescue techniques. Must also be willing to learn knowledge of the principals and practices of facility rules, policies and procedures, and the ability to work with diverse populations in a variety of situations. Must be physically able to perform CPR. Send resume and cover letter to: humanresources@ ywcaofasheville.org
mAKe $1000 WeeKly!! Mailing Brochures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. www.theworkingcorner.com (AAN CAN) PAid in AdvAnce! Make $1000 a week mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. http://www. themailinghub.com (AAN CAN)
cAreer trAininG
services Audio/video dish tv Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 months) Save! Regular Price $34.99. Ask about Free same day Installation! Call now! 888-992-1957 (AAN CAN).
cAreGivers COMPANION • CAREGIVER • LIVE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.
entertAinment stArt sAvinG $$$ With directv $19.99 month. 130 channels, Free HDDVR4 room install. High speed Internet-Phone bundle available. Call today: 877829-0681 (AAN CAN)
FinAnciAl Are you in biG trouble With the IRS? Stop wage and bank levies, liens and audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, and resolve tax debt Fast. Call 844-753-1317. (AAN CAN)
trAnsPortAtion best medicAl trAnsPortAtion services David’s Transportation Services for elderly and physically disabled, non emergency transportation anywhere in the USA. Certified Nursing Assistant and Spanish translator available. For more information please contact 828-215-0715 or 828-505-1394. www.cesarfamilyservices.com
AviAtion GrAds Work with JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) stArt your humAnitAriAn cAreer! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! 269-591-0518. info@ oneworldcenter.org www. OneWorldCenter.org (AAN CAN)
vAGAbob trAvel - the Art oF indePendent trAvel Small group Guided Journeys in Europe Pay LESS ~~ Experience MORE ~~ Emphasis on Culturally Immersive Travel ~~ For more info, visit www.vagabobtravel.com or call (828) 713-5336
Email us for one free real estate listing! realestate@mountainx.com mountainx.com/classifieds JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
home imProvement hAndy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • hAndymAn services Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
heAtinG & coolinG
You know about saving money here. How about earning big opportunity?
NOW HIRING INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ALDI is hiring a maintenance person with management experience. Pay is based on experience.
Area of responsibility includes stores in the Greater Asheville & Tri-City Tennessee area.
The position is an independent contractor who must take initiative and ownership of their stores.
We offer competetive wages, drive time and mileage pay. Please bring a current resume.
Hiring Event:
Time: 8 a.m.–1.p.m. and 2 p.m.–4 p.m. Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Fairfield Inn and Suites 31 Airport Park Road Fletcher, NC 28732 ALDI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. No Calls Please.
GetMoreBeMore 70
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015
sPrAy FoAm insulAtion • Close Cell Foam • Open Cell Foam. • And Fiberglass Insulation • Basement • Crawl space • Attic and Roofing. Make your Existing Home a Green Home! (828) 3377236. wncinsulation.com
PAintinG FinAl coAt PAintinG All oF Wnc Interior and Exterior Pro house Painting, Staining and Color Matching Professional, Skilled and Experienced Licensed and Fully Insured Please call me Jason Greiner for all your painting needs. 8284234787 www.paintingwnc.com
Announcements Announcements Good Wood PizzA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www.GoodWoodPizzaovens. com PreGnAnt? thinKinG oF AdoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) struGGlinG With druGs or Alcohol? Addicted to Pills? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800-978-6674 (AAN CAN)
leGAl notices notice oF service oF Process by PublicAtion stAte oF north cArolinA, mcdoWell county IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION TO: DANNY LUTHER, the father of a juvenile: Jacob Matthew Redmon. The juvenile’s date of birth is August 5, 1997. 13 JA 110; In Re Redmon, Minor Juvenile NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS RE: ABUSE/ NEGLECT/DEPENDENCY PETITION PLEASE TAKE
NOTICE that a petition has been filed by the McDowell County Department of Social Services alleging that the above named juvenile is a dependent juvenile. You have a right to be represented by a lawyer at all stages of the proceeding. If you want a lawyer and cannot afford to hire one, the Court will appoint a lawyer to represent you. You may hire a lawyer of your choice at any time, or you may waive the right to a lawyer and represent yourself. You may contact the Clerk of Court of McDowell County at (828) 655-4100 to ask for a court-appointed lawyer or for further information. The respondent mother, Cynthia Buckner, has been properly served and appeared in court. A pre-adjudication was held on December 30, 2014. An adjudication and disposition hearing will be held on January 26, 2015 at the McDowell County Courthouse (21 S. Main Street, Marion, NC 28752). You are required to answer the petition within forty (40) days of the first date of publication (written below), exclusive of such date, or your rights may be terminated. Further notices of hearing, and the date, time, and place of future hearings will be mailed to you on your filing of an answer if your whereabouts are then known. A subsequent order may, upon proper notice and hearing and a finding based on the criteria set out in N.C.G.S. § 7B-1111, terminate your parental rights as to the child involved: Name: Jacob Matthew Redmon Dates of Birth: August 5, 1997 County of Residence: McDowell County, North Carolina This the 21st day of January, 2015. Megan N. Silver McDowell County Department of Social Services Attorney PO Box 338 Marion, North Carolina 28752
lost & Found FOUND • MULTICOLored scArF Left on the steps of the Miles Building, January 20. Please call 251-1333, Tim ext 111 or Patty ext 108.
clAsses & WorKshoPs clAsses & WorKshoPs 6-WeeK introduction to buddhism course At urbAn dhArmA Learn about historical Buddha, basic Buddhist ideas & their relevance to our times. Led by Dr. Hun Lye in classroom at Urban Dharma. 6 Thursdays 7-8:30pm, starts 2/5. $50 members/$65 nonmembers. Contact info@ udharmanc.com. Art medicine If you are interested in your own creative fire, attracted to a relationship with the divine and captivated by art, the Art Medicine workshop will teach you how to open up for all those elements to arrive. For more information contact: studio3jewelry@ gmail.com or 828-646-7734
SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 dAys A WeeK Looking for the best therapist in town--or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www. shojiretreats.com conscious cooKinG: leArninG to PrePAre delicious & heAlthy Food February 20 – 22 Prama Wellness Center www.pramawellnesscenter.org Learn to cook delicious, healthy, glutenfree, and vegan food. Faculty: Ramesh Bjonnes and Alex Dickie Cost: $375 – $450 (More Info Below) GuitAr buildinG WorKshoP Find out what it takes to build a custom acoustic guitar. Materials and styles will be covered in our free class on Monday Feb 2nd. Upcoming classes will be held in our new shop in Black Mountain. Call ken at 813-390-4796. Baileyacousticshop.com
structurAl inteGrAtion rolF therAPeutic bodyWorK Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 AshevilleStructuralIntegration. com
counselinG services sAcred time medicine WomAn ~ medicAl And sPirituAl intuitive & remote vieWer Nicole Myers Henderson, the Sacred Time Medicine Woman is accepting new clients. Whether you need to change your life or heal your body, Henderson promises a fresh perspective and great wisdom
nAturAl AlternAtives
sAlsA clAsses W/ hector Gutierrez & JenniFer stAlnAKer Salsa Classes start back Wednesday Jan 7th with a new 6wks @ Extreme Dance Studio, 856 Sweeten Creek Rd, Asheville NC 28803. Beginners 7:308:30pm & Intermediate 8:30-9:30pm. $10/class or $40/6wks. 8286742658 JenniferWCS@aol.com www.facebook.com/2umbao
nAturAl, holistic, enerGy therAPies Detailed Health Assessment through Iridology, Vital Scan HRV, Kinesiology. Personalized Natural Therapy Recommendations. LED Light therapy with customized frequencies will de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828-777-5263, book online www.ultimatehealing.com
mind, body, sPirit bodyWorK
silent meditAtion & yoGA retreAt Silent Meditation & Yoga Retreat Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2015 Prama Institute www.pramainstitute.org 828 649 9408 info@pramainstitute.org A weekend experience of silence, reflection, meditation, and peace.
#1 AFFordAble community conscious mAssAGe And essentiAl oil clinic 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 5057088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com
intuitive And heAlinG mAssAGe Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offers $50/hr healing massage in downtown with weekend & weekday hours. Swedish, Deep, Hot Stones and Reiki Energy Healing. 7 years with Reiki. Call 828-279-7042 or ashevillehealer.com
reAdinGs by nicole Would you like to know what's coming up for you this month, or this year? Over twenty five years experience and hundreds of truly satisfied clients. This intuitive see's all. 704-791-7638 nhendersonsc@aol.com www.earthessenceinc.com
cAll ninA the AurAcle: 253-7472 "I am so pleased with the results of the aura reading. It changed my life and the way I look at things. " Lisa Rowe, RScP.
For musiciAns musicAl services Asheville's WhiteWAter recordinG Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www. whitewaterrecording. com
Automotive services Auto insurAnce stArtinG At $25/ month! Call 855-9779537. (AAN CAN) USED TIRES • HARD TO Find tires All size tires: 13-22 inches. • Hard to find tires, call me! • Axle • Brakes • Tune-ups and Engine lights. MondayFriday: 8am-5pm. (828) 707-4195. 10-4 mechanic services.
Pets lost Pets
Adult Adult curious About men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try free! Call 1-888-779-2789 www. guyspy.com (AAN CAN)
lost elderly doG Trixie, 13 yr staffordshire/pug mix West Asheville wearing cone collar no reg collar,black w/ white muzzle, pretty deaf, disabled left hind leg, chipped NYC number with Princess. Friendly, Reward. Philip 828-2581431 pjbowditch@gmail. com
Pet services Asheville Pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.
dreAms Your destination for relaxation. Now available 7 days a week! • 9am-11pm. Call (828) 275-4443. Feel the vibe! Hot Black Chat. Urban women and men ready to make the connection. Call singles in your area! Try free! Call 1-800-305-9164 (AAN CAN). ¿hAblAs esPAnol? Hot Latino Chat. Call Fonochat now and in seconds you can be speaking to Hot Hispanic singles in your area. Try Free! 1-800-416-3809 (AAN CAN).
Autos For sAle
Phone Actresses From home. Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 21+. Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/ most Weekends. 1-800403-7772. Lipservice.net (AAN CAN)
cAsh For cArs Any Car/Truck. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come yo you! Call For instant offer: 1-888-4203808. www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN)
Where locAl Girls Go Wild! Hot, Live, Real, Discreet! Uncensored live 1-on-1 Hot phone chat. Calls in your city! Try free! Call 1-800261-4097 (AAN CAN)
Austin Powder Company Hiring at Asheville, NC office. Local Truck Driver CDL B/Shot Crew Member Duties Operate company vehicles to transport products to and from job sites. Loading/unloading product for delivery, which results in frequent lifting of 40-60 pound product bags or boxes. Assist with site and safety preparation. Perform labor support at job sites and location. Perform general maintenance of equipment. Able to work outside in all weather conditions Qualifications Class B CDL HAZMAT, Tanker & Air Brakes endorsements HS Diploma or GED 2+ years’ CDL driving experience. Must meet requirements of all State and Federal explosive laws. Benefits Medical / Dental / Vision 401(k) / Profit Sharing Apply at www.austinpowder.com Click on Careers EEO/AA Employer/Vets/Disabled/Race/Ethnicity/Gender/Age
edited by Will Shortz
thE nEw YoRK timEs cRosswoRd puzzLE
ACROSS 1 A majority of 5 They show which way the wind blows 10 Figs. on a bell curve 13 Weakish poker holding 15 Origami bird 16 Once called 17 1955 Julie London hit 19 Org. in “Argo” 20 For mature audiences 21 Glide, in a way 23 “Well, what have we here?!” 24 Round trips, of a sort: Abbr. 26 Easy gait 27 Pays, as the bill 29 Charred 33 Intermediary 37 Listerine alternative 38 Othello, for one 39 Squelch 41 More than 42 Eye-opener? 44 11- or 12-year-old Mongolian desert dweller? 46 13th-century invaders 48 Some sneaks 49 Pickable 51 It may be original 52 Not keep up
55 Left Bank quaff? 59 Elvis’s Mississippi
birthplace 61 Upstate N.Y. campus 62 Certain waterway to the Black Sea? 64 Albany is on it: Abbr. 65 Subject of elementary education? 66 French pupil 67 Candy in a dispenser 68 Kind of chart 69 Some jeans DOWN 1 Large in scale 2 What “O” on a newsstand stands for 3 Tell 4 Cons do it 5 Device with a programmable clock, for short 6 Not give ___ (be indifferent) 7 N.C.I.S. part 8 Summer months in Santiago 9 Gauchos’ wear 10 Conquistador’s foe 11 Royal who’s notably a crossword fan, for short
12 Christmas ___ 14 In high demand 18 Four computer key-
5 14
board symbols 22 Manatees 17 25 Old New Yorker car20 toonist William 27 Maserati competitor 23 24 28 Big East’s ___ Hall 30 Go here, there and 27 everywhere 33 34 35 31 Abbé de l’___, pioneer in sign language 32 “Nebraska” star, 2013 38 33 M.B.A. hopeful’s exam 42 43 34 “Return of the Jedi” dancing girl 46 35 Gravy holder 49 36 Ora pro ___ 40 Premier Khrushchev 55 56 57 43 Scary experience for a claustrophobe 61 62 45 ___ track 64 65 47 Athens rival 50 “Silas Marner” author 67 68 52 Bank security feature? 53 “All Day Strong. All puzzle by adam G. perl Day Long” brand 54 Horns in on? 56 Church section 57 Classic theater 55 Peeling potatoes or name shucking corn, for short
K i ds issue
19 21 25
22 26
29 36
37 40
44 47
41 45
48 50
51 58
63 66 69
58 Watson who played 60 Disagreeable person Hermione Granger 63 Common adult
ed course
Publishes 03.18.15 Space Guarantee 03.11.15 advertise@mountainx.com mountainx.com
Paul Caron
Furniture Magician • Cabinet Refacing • Furniture Repair • Seat Caning • Antique Restoration • Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828) 669-4625
• Black Mountain
JanuaRY 28 - FEBRuaRY 3, 2015