Mountain Xpress 01.29.14

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Par t On

e Erosion woes hit 5 Points neighborhood


Two youthful bands release mature albums


Live & Learn Wel lnes s


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Debbie loves her Beetle TDI

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Photo: Max Cooper, Mountain Xpress

When I am not working, volunteering with the Literacy Council of Buncombe County, driving race cars, or trekking through the mountains, I can be found driving my new Volkswagen Beetle – I absolutely love it! Volkswagen of Asheville was helpful, informative, and answered all my annoying questions (LOL). I chose the Beetle TDI Clean Diesel for its fuel efficiency plus awesome performance and handling. And I love passing gas stations without stopping. Thanks Harmony Motors!

Debbie Motz Bryenton Executive Director – Eastern Outdoor Reps Assoc. Board of Directors – Literacy Council of Buncombe County Asheville, North Carolina

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Presidential Search Community Forums The Asheville-Buncombe Community College Board of Trustees is announcing a search for the President of A-B Tech Community College for a term scheduled to begin August 1, 2014. As part of the process, our Search Advisory Committee will host four forums to solicit input from the A-B Tech Campuses and our local communities in Buncombe and Madison counties. The purpose of these forums is to solicit information regarding desirable characteristics for the next President of A-B Tech. The following Forums are scheduled: January 29, 2014: 6:00 PM - A-B Tech MadisonCampus, 4646 US 25-70, Marshall, NC February 3, 2014: 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM A-B Tech Asheville Campus in the Magnolia Building, Victoria Road, Asheville, NC February 4, 2014: 8:30 AM - Asheville Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave., Asheville, NC We welcome and appreciate positive input to the selection process and believe that with both community and campus-wide collaboration A-B Tech will be able to find the most qualified candidate for the position of President.

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


contEnts contact us pagE 24

Wellness: Live & learn In this week’s Live and Learn wellness issue, we shine a light on MANNA FoodBank’s Packs for Kid’s program, explore how seniors are keeping themselves sharp in the garden and we ask a range of local wellness organizations to share their educational initiatives. covER iLLustRation Susan McBride

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8 muddY watERs Erosion woes hit Five Points neighborhood

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10 Risk Marc Bamuthi Joseph delivers keynote at UNCA’s MLK Jr event

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Dan, a beer-drinking house painter, and Michael, a lattésipping corporate type, stumble into co-coaching a little league team. The pair inevitably clash as they try to come together for a winning season.

44 BRinging thE hEat Asian winter food traditions in Asheville


HAPPY HOUR & ½ CATERED BY Colorful Palate, Thursday January 30 Friday Night Insight Post-Show Discussion, January 31 OPENING NIGHT RECEPTION with Cast, Saturday February 1

52 kid Rock Youthful acts The Mobros and Joe Lasher Jr. release mature projects

57 statE oF thE aRts The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design opens in downtown Asheville

LEttERs caRtoon: moLton caRtoon: BREnt BRown communitY caLEndaR conscious paRtY in thE spiRit ashEviLLE discLaimER nEws oF thE wEiRd smaLL BitEs smaRt BEts cLuBLand moviEs cLassiFiEds FREEwiLL astRoLogY nY timEs cRosswoRd

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13 BRidging thE gap Local schools seek community’s help to bridge technology divide



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Carpentry by Lucy

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puBLishER: Jeff Fobes

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sEnioR nEws REpoRtER: David Forbes


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EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke

caRtoon BY RandY moLton

Connecting on I-26 I want to respond to your recent pieces on the Interstate 26 Connector [“Big Ideas,” Jan. 8 and “Connecting,” Jan. 15, Xpress]. Your first piece described the Connector as a “big idea.” I would argue that the I-26 Connector has been an idea that has not been big enough. As you implied in your second piece, highway planners and community activists have been talking past each other for decades. One side wanted to move more vehicles, and the other side wanted to preserve Asheville’s character. Often these sides looked at their “opponents’” goals as contradicting their own goals (mea culpa). I think that the way out of this long-running feud is to transform this “highway” project into a “transportation” project. In 2009, NCDOT made a policy change that helped put the “T” back into NCDOT. This policy states “Complete Streets is North Carolina’s approach to interdependent, multimodal transportation networks that safely accommodate access and travel for all users.” NCDOT realized that designing for many types of transportation is good for citizens, the environment and the economy. During the past year the feuding I-26 Connector groups have begun to come together around a big idea: to build an integrated transportation corridor that will allow people to move safely to the places they want to go

— whether by car, truck, bike or foot. With this new vision as a focus I think we can find transportation solutions that help Asheville’s economy and quality of life. While I fully realize that a project of this scope will be highly disruptive during construction, I think that a well-planned, integrated, multi-modal transportation corridor will ultimately make Asheville a more vibrant city. — Tom Burnet West Asheville

Greater mobility for all In response to the last week’s letter, “Mountain Mobility Can Do More” [Jan. 22 Xpress]: There is a lack of connectability for people who do not have access to automobiles or other options in small cities and rural areas of America. There are ways to solve the local problem, in addition to expansion of the bus system in the AshevilleBuncombe area, which is limited to many Buncombe County residents. The answer, I believe, was in past Bush administration transportation legislation to include a ground transportation call-in center, which was mandated for light rail systems. This fix would use current technologies — including computers, tablets and cell phones — to allow citizens greater mobility. Using this system, individuals call a 511 number and tell the operator where they are located and where they want to go. The operator

contRiButing EditoRs: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Brandy Carl, Michael Carlebach, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Nick King, Jordan Lawrence, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



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Readers call for action

would then provide the rider with all the available options in terms of time, cost and in mode of transport. Using existing ground transportation information from both public and private sources would enable a rider to connect with existing lines of public transportation and potentially create a new system of car sharing. This proposal is in the Land of Sky transportation options to be pursued. This could include van sharing, car sharing, and more park and ride opportunities. The question is: Are the existing public systems willing to coordinate with semipublic or private entities? The current costs of each system, like Mountain Mobility, dispatching solely for their own clients is a limitation on the potentials of future transportation systems using the most up-to-date and available forms of technology. If we add up all of the public and private costs of dispatching and coordinate them into one call-in center, the potential benefit for Buncombe County residents would be greater mobility for all. — Robert Eidus Asheville

The Big Ideas dialogue continues

A call for commitment


Large selection of tie dyed tights

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

We appreciate the Mountain Xpress’ acknowledgement of unconscious bias in the recent “Big Ideas” history of Asheville (Jan. 8-15). And we accept Xpress’ offer to engage the community in “ongoing civic dialogue.” However, we believe that this dialogue must be more substantial than a brief, unsigned response in the letters to the editor section of the print version of the Xpress and more substantial than the Xpress’ commitment to update its timeline (presumably online). One reason that we chose to use an “open letter” format and to publish online rather than just to submit our letter as letter to the editor is that we believe the problem is bigger than just one article and deserves more attention than the typical response from the Xpress editors. The response printed by the Xpress to the concerned community of Asheville regarding the lack of diversity for women and people of color in its stories left many of the original signers of the letter baffled, confused and disappointed. The backbone of an organization’s values is displayed in its mission statement, and the Mountain Xpress’ mission reads as follows: To build community and strengthen democracy by serving an active, thoughtful readership at the local level — where the impact of citizen action is greatest. We report independently, fairly and in-depth on local news and issues affecting Asheville and the surrounding region. We chronicle the area’s vibrant arts-and-culture scene.We treat our readers as participants in an ongoing civic dialogue. We honor diversity. We encourage excellent and innovative work in an equitable, respectful and collegial environment. We offer exceptional and affordable media opportunities for local businesses, professionals and nonprofit groups to promote their goods and services. Local matters!

We understand that newspapers and online publications operate under deadlines. And we believe that a time crunch should never get in the way of living up to your values, mission or beliefs. Maybe it’s time to take a deep breath, think about the Xpress’ actions over the course of the past decade and take the time to create a publication that mirrors the true diversity of our community and honors local people, movements and communities in a truly inclusive and unbiased manner. Regarding the notion that community members are holding Mountain Xpress “to a higher standard,” we would suggest that we are not holding the Xpress to a “higher” standard but to a very basic, minimum standard of fairness. This is, after all, 2014. What we expect from the Xpress is what we would like to see in all media: fair and accurate, unbiased reporting. Ignoring women and people of color is biased, unfair and inaccurate. We believe that the level of community concern and the magnitude of the Xpress’ bias merits an apology and a commitment to action from the leadership of the Mountain Xpress. We call on the Xpress to take additional action beyond publishing a written response to our letter and updating its timeline. Here are some examples of actions that the Xpress could take: • Instituting a program of training on diversity, inclusion and bias for staff and management. • Instituting a periodic accountability measure or tool that evaluates how well the mission statement is being followed and reports this information back to the community. • Creating an advisory board made up of members of the community, with diverse representation, as an accountability measure. • Publishing a cover story or a series of cover stories with the

stories being collected on the Facebook page and Wordpress site for our open letter, highlighting the significant contributions to Asheville’s history of women and people of color, in particular African-American and Latino community members, people of mixed abilities, people of diverse gender identities and the indigenous people of our region, the Cherokee people. • Hosting a facilitated event inviting community members to create a People’s History of Asheville, working with co-signers of our Open Letter to organize the event in a way that is inclusive and ensures participation from diverse communities, reflecting the diversity of our city. • Active recruitment of writers of color to ensure there is diverse representation of the community served by the Xpress. • Additionally, we challenge the Xpress to include writers of other perspectives and to open its pages to differently abled writers, queer and trans writers and other groups whose stories are most often not made visible by Xpress editorial staff. We also challenge the Xpress to live up to its own mission statement by responding to this community critique with a critical look at its overall approach and long-term, real, substantial change in its editorial choices. — Lucia Daugherty-White, Tamiko Ambrose Murray, Amanda Rodriguez, Heather Rayburn, Byron Ballard, Sarah Nuñez, Deborah Miles, Jodi Rhoden, Beth Trigg

The publisher and managing editor reply Our Big Ideas package was not meant to comprehensive. We aimed to offer a sampling of big ideas — and a short, historical timeline of them. Clearly, the timeline omits much of the Asheville area’s rich history, and without doubt it shows an unintentional bias. Some of these omissions you’ve pointed out, and still more remain to be pointed out by those with other perspectives. For our biases and omissions, we apologize. We have no doubt that our Big Ideas package inadequately represented the remarkable contributions of our diverse

caRtoon BY BREnt BRown community — and we thank you for your suggestions. That said, since you question the last decade of our reporting, we are proud of Mountain Xpress’ overall body of work — now approaching two decades’ worth. We believe that Xpress’ coverage has been trailblazing in terms of promoting citizen journalism and citizen action. It has played a key media role in Asheville’s evolution as a vibrant, diverse, tolerant and activist-oriented community. Your proposed examples of action have great merit. But given our limited resources and the community’s almost unlimited ability to provide ongoing, course-correcting feedback, such as yours — we believe our best

coRREction The Eastern Europe meets WNC story in the Jan. 22 issue incorrectly stated that Andrea Robel and St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church are selling handmade, traditional paska Easter rolls for $14. The rolls are actually priced at $5 for small and $8 for large. Apricot, poppy and walnut kolachi are available for $14 each. Orders are due by Feb. 24. To order, visit

strategy for serving the community is to focus on reporting, and to be open to, and always encouraging of, community feedback. Do we need to learn from our mistakes and be challenged to improve ourselves as a community media operation? Yes! That process is going on right now with this dialogue — as well as with other conversations in the Letters section, online in the comments to articles, by phone and face-to-face meetings and email. Xpress is, has been and will continue to be open to criticism from all directions of the community, every week. Will we make more mistakes? Certainly. Will there be more criticism? Certainly. We applaud the activism of the open-letter signatories. Your words and actions challenge Xpress, but more than that, through the years, you have each challenged many of us who live and work here to be more aware, more tolerant, more thoughtful. You are communitybuilders. Thank you. In closing, we want to report that our efforts to revise our Big Ideas online timeline effort are paying off: We have selected a platform (time-

lineJS) and have begun populating it with 1) the historical big ideas we already reported on, 2) ideas suggested in the open-letter discussions and 3) ideas that others have suggested thus far via email, online comments, etc. We’re in the process of fact-checking the new entries, and we plan to launch the timeline publicly in about two weeks. At that time, it will be open for readers to suggest more big ideas that they believe should be included, and we can explore how we might publish a revised timeline in print. Going forward, we are taking your concerns into account as we plan future print and online coverage. And we invite all those who wish to contribute to Xpress — from big ideas to cover stories — to contact us. — Jeff Fobes, publisher; Margaret Williams, managing editor

Debate over ‘big ideas’ polarizing I will preface the following comments with the full disclosure that I’m a white male. I sincerely appreciate and back constructive efforts on everyone’s part to erase social injustice such as racial and gender bias.

But the Jan. 10 open letter chastising Mountain Xpress [“Big Ideas,” Jan. 8, Xpress] for apparent gender and racial bias for leaving out important women-led or alternate race-led events shaping Asheville’s history was a bit disturbing to me. If we were asked to identify the Top 10 Greatest Inventions that revolutionized mankind, and it just so happened that, objectively so, all 10 of these inventions originated from Hispanic women or black men, I would hope that we would not substitute out one of those inventions for a white man’s invention just to be “fair.” And here for the Top 10 Ideas that shaped Asheville, if the Xpress authors did their job in objectively identifying those events without regard to race or gender, shouldn’t we trust that? If the research was not objective, then by all means shame on Mountain Xpress. It is comments like those made in last week’s editorial that keep us paralyzed in seeing everyone in classes — racial, gender, color, creed, etc. Now, Mountain Xpress will come up with a separate, segregated Top 10 list, and the same folks championing racial and gender equality will rejoice and ironically will have unwittingly contributed to furthering that polarization. — Thomas Madison Asheville

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



Muddy waters Erosion woes hit Five Points neighborhood BY david FoRBEs 251-1333 ext. 137

The latest round in a long-running neighborhood dispute highlights the uneasy truce between the conflicting aims of environmental protection and development. On Jan. 11, heavy rains pounded Asheville. But in Five Points, it wasn’t only water coursing through the streets. The deluge sent mud and debris from the nearby AAA/Chick-fil-A construction project running down the residential neighborhood’s thoroughfares and side roads. The construction site is part of the large Merrimon Avenue development anchored by the new Harris Teeter grocery. Residents, many of whom have long been concerned about the project’s impact, say this shows that the city’s enforcement of the current erosion-control ordinance is too lax and that more stringent rules are needed. Sediment is the No. 1 pollutant entering the region’s waterways, says shannon tuch, the city’s director of development services, and it can also pose traffic hazards by making roads slick. City staff, finding that contractor Beverly-Grant hadn’t adequately prepared for such a downpour, swiftly fined the company the maximum amount allowed. And in a Jan. 14 email to community activists, Tuch noted her “frustration” with developers trying to excuse such erosion as something they couldn’t prepare for. But she also pointed out that these are tricky issues to address, and that, in any case, changing the ordinance wouldn’t be easy. Beverly-Grant, meanwhile, says it did and will continue to do everything the city requires. In an email to Xpress, project manager J. chris smith wrote:


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

“The civil engineer of record for this project submitted an engineered erosion-control plan to the city which was accepted and approved ... in conjunction with the issuance of our grading permit. ... The city inspected the project site on Jan. 8 and found it to be in full compliance with the requirements of our grading permit. Their inspection determined that all required erosion-control measures had been installed and were being properly maintained. Following the event on the 11th, additional erosion-control measures were installed at the direction of the civil engineer of record for the project, [who] is currently working with the city to evaluate whether further design changes are necessary. BeverlyGrant and its subcontractors are committed to maintaining sediment on our projects and will continue to cooperate with all parties involved.”

mud in thE stREEts: On Jan. 11, rainfall led to sediment washing through the streets of the Five Points neighborhood near the Chick-fil-A site. Photos by Ben Gillum

mud in thE stREEts “There was quite a bit of red mud at the intersection of Eloise Street and Holland Street,” resident Ben gillum recalls. “This is the second time within a month that we’ve had significant erosion runoff there.” “It wasn’t even that big of a rainstorm; it shouldn’t be enough to overwhelm erosion control,” he adds. “I’d like it to be fixed, and I’d like punitive measures to be taken; they’re harming the public good.” Photos provided by Gillum and heather Rayburn, an activist and longtime resident who’s

active in the 5 Points Neighborhood Association, show dirt and debris flowing across nearby streets. And Gillum maintains that the $2,000 fine issued is not enough to get the attention of a major company like Beverly-Grant that’s working on a multimillion-dollar project. Tuch’s lengthy email to residents states that on Jan. 8, staff “found the site was in compliance ... and no issues or weaknesses were noted.” But the “severe rain event” three days later caused “several erosioncontrol failures in the area.” On Jan. 13, staff investigated again, concluded that a “moderate” violation had occurred, and fined Beverly-Grant, while also requiring the company to install better safeguards. Normally, staff allow contractors some time to fix the problem before levying a fine, noted Tuch. But when sediment overflows a site’s boundar-

pizza bakers since 1974 ies, a fine can be issued immediately. Beverly-Grant had previously been charged with three erosion violations while building the Harris Teeter portion of the project, including two immediate fines and one notice to resolve an issue. Tuch also discussed what the city requires (emphases in the original): “It is frustrating to our staff to hear a developer say, ‘We did everything the city required us to do.’ This is false. The requirement is that the developer and other responsible parties maintain their erosion-control measures and that the site remain secure — they are not permitted, nor does the city allow, off-site sedimentation or impacts to streams. That means the developer or owner needs to do whatever is necessary to ensure that this does not happen — the responsibility is entirely theirs. This is repeatedly confused with the minimum standards that are required by the city, which are influenced heavily by statewide standards. Those standards are designed to withstand a typical storm event, which works very well 90 percent of the time, especially if there is some vigilance from the contractor. Meeting a minimum design standard does not excuse a developer from the responsibility of keeping his/her site secure and safe. If they did everything we required them to do, they would not be receiving a fine and [notice of violation].” Asked for clarification, Tuch later told Xpress: “A construction site isn’t static. There’s a need for vigilance.” Developers, she explained, must watch the weather and make sure the erosion-control measures continue to work as intended. poLitics and pRagmatism The Jan. 11 incident is “just the latest in a multitude of problems we’ve had over the last several years,” says Gillum. And in one of her emails, Rayburn cited “continual abuse of our neighborhood and the environment.” When City Council was considering whether to approve the project, many residents raised objections, citing concerns about increased traffic and runoff. Meanwhile, Tuch has cautioned those demanding stronger regulations that changing the rules is no simple task. When the city considered the last round of revisions in 2010, there were serious debates over whether the proposed changes were enforceable and how best to balance

a maJoR concERn: According to Asheville city staff, erosion runoff is the No. 1 pollutant that affects local water ways.

environmental protection with the need for development. For her part, Rayburn says she just wants the developers “to be good neighbors.” And in a Jan. 13 email to Tuch, Rayburn elaborated some of the residents’ concerns: “This mud is going straight into the storm system and then into Reed Creek and on into the French Broad River. The mud removes oxygen from the waterways, which kills fish and other aquatic life. The sediment also settles in between rocks on the water beds and interferes with fish spawning. Birds depend on the fish for food, and people downriver depend on the French Broad for drinking water. … This stuff matters.” But Tuch, who played a major role in crafting the current rules, also stated in her Jan. 14 email to the residents: “To design and adopt stronger stormwater standards would present some challenges. This would require bal-

ancing all considerations, including those of the development community, that would weigh benefits gained versus costs incurred. This was thoroughly vetted during the process to adopt the current standards. Of course values and needs change over time and it is appropriate to reconsider, but for those of us who participated in this the first time, it is no small undertaking.” To further muddy the waters, the North Carolina Legislature has seriously considered eliminating local stormwater review entirely and prohibiting any local regulations more stringent than statewide requirements (which would scale back even Asheville’s existing rules). This, noted Tuch, has left staff reluctant to begin an overhaul that might be entirely undone by a single action in Raleigh. In a Jan. 13 email to city staff, Rayburn had expressed some skepticism about how well the current system works, writing, “This has gone on for, what? Two years for our neighborhood. The runoff requirements are insufficient, and the fines are too rare and too low to matter. The ordinances aren’t reflecting the reality on the ground. I keep reporting this stuff, and it keeps happening over and over. Super frustrating that nothing seems to change for the better.” In a subsequent email to Xpress, however, Rayburn stressed that despite her frustrations, she was pleased with the city’s response to the latest incident and believes they’re doing their best in a tricky situation, given the current rules. “They don’t like to see pollution clogging up the stormwater system and waterways any more than we do. They have this site on their radar, and they’ve become very responsive when we call to report a violation.” And Tuch, conceding that developing a site near major roads in an urban area is particularly challenging, says she believes Beverly-Grant is “really trying.” X

“To adopt stronger stormwater standards would require balancing all considerations, including those of the development community. This was thoroughly vetted during the process to adopt the current standards. It is no small undertaking.”

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With poetry and rhythm, Youth Speaks founder Marc Bamuthi Joseph delivers keynote at UNCA event

Fingers snapped and echoed across UNC Asheville’s Lipinsky Hall on Jan. 23 as marc Bamuthi Joseph spoke in rhythm and rhyme about hate, greed, neglect and ignorance. Capping off UNCA’s weeklong Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, keynote speaker Joseph tapped his way down the aisle of the auditorium, spinning and engaging with the audience, which echoed his rhythms with applause, snaps and praises like “that’s right.” “I want to talk about family, and community, and equality and common ground,” Joseph said. “The way I personally think about social justice has everything to do with environment. I think the environmental movement is the movement of the 21st century.” Joseph founded Youth Speaks and co-founded Life is Living, a “series of festivals designed to activate underresourced parks and affirm peaceful urban life through hip-hop arts and environmental action.” He’s been named one of America’s Top Young Innovators in the Arts and Sciences, is a National Poetry Slam champion, and in his work at Youth Speaks, he mentors 13-19-year-old aspiring writers. He also curates the Living Word Festival for Literary Arts. The evening program warmed up with UNCA students aaron kreizman and colette heiser performing their own spoken-word poetry about the anxiety of entering adulthood and living up to the expectations before them, and local problems and personal struggles. When Joseph took the stage, the crowd roared applause, which quickly quieted to the hushed snaps common at a poetry slam. Rhythm infused his words as he tapped out the beat with his feet, his rhymes harmonizing to his toes’ constant drumming.


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

maRc Bamuthi JosEph was UNC Asheville’s keynote speaker on Jan. 23, following a weeklong celebration of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Joseph founded Youth Speaks and co-founded Life is Living, a “series of festivals designed to activate under-resourced parks and affirm peaceful urban life through hip-hop arts and environmental action.” (Photo courtesy of Marc Bamuthi Joseph)

Joseph’s final words turned to echo those of Martin Luther King, Jr., as he asked, “For whom America the beautiful? Spacious skies merely mock the blackbird with crippled wing. We slice the blackbird’s throat and ask her why she does not sing. No one remembers there was no head start, no exposure to art. “We ask the blackbird why she cannot fly while the law is walking off with her wings,” he continued. “So savage we only see equality in 63 black-and-white dreams. Is it so savage to dream in Technicolor prisms tinged in right to be? Is it so savage to dream — at last free.

“To dream at last free,” he echoes. “Dream at last free. To dream at last. Free. Free at last. Free at last.” The snaps from the audience grew louder into a standing ovation of full applause. Joseph stayed around to answer the audience members’ questions. “Do you have any advice for a young man in need of motivation?” asked a student in the crowd. “Risk,” Joseph answered. “Risk failure. Everything you value — every piece of technology — that was someone failing — at first. Not fearing to risk — nothing happens without a leap of faith.” X


by David Forbes

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News desk dEvELopER withdRaws chEstnut stREEt pLans Last year, developers Richard Fort and Chad Roberson of Physis proposed building a 16-unit apartment complex on Chestnut Street. The plan sparked debate about neighborhood preservation, the need for housing and urban density (see “No Vacancy,” May 29, 2013, Xpress). A week before a scheduled public hearing at Asheville City Council, Fort and Roberson withdrew the project. “The unpredictability of the development process, minimal qualifications required for protest petitions, and the potential for further delays present risks that small developers such as Physis can ill afford,” the developers said in a Jan. 20 withdrawal letter sent to city officials. mark deverges, who opposed the project, wrote in an email to fellow neighborhood residents, “I really hope the developers use this fresh opportunity and gain some good momentum for a more desirable proposal we can be excited about.” For more, see: suit aLLEgEs REtaLiation, discRimination against poLicE oFFicER Asheville Police Department Lt. mark Byrd, claiming the city of Asheville’s management and the APD’s leadership retaliated and discriminated against him on a number of occasions, filed a lawsuit in federal court Jan. 21. Byrd alleges that, in its treatment of him and other dissenting officers, the APD has “engaged in discrimination, retaliation, intimidation and the use of falsehoods.” According to the suit, Byrd was assigned to “duties and projects in excess of those normally assigned to an officer in his position,” excluded from disciplinary and planning meetings that he normally would have been a part of, and assigned duties that ensured he couldn’t take family leave he had been approved for following the 2013 birth of his child. While Byrd was promoted to a lieutenant in 2012, the suit claims this was part of a pre-determined process, and that afterwards he was publicly insulted by a supervi-

sor, given duties that normally wouldn’t be assigned to his rank and kept out of disciplinary and decision-making processes. The suit also links these actions to the sexual harassment complaint his wife, fellow officer cherie Byrd, filed in 2010 against then-Sgt. Eric Lauffer. Asheville Interim City Attorney martha mcglohon issued this official response: The City and APD take any allegation of discrimination extremely seriously. Because we safeguard the privacy of our employees and because of state law, we cannot comment on pending litigation. But what we can say is that our employment guidelines are very clear that we do not tolerate discrimination or retaliation for any reason whatsoever. For more, including the full lawsuit, see: citY announcEs that thE Bid BoaRd is going doRmant With prospects of a special tax to fund a downtown Business Improvement District unlikely, the city announced Jan. 24, that the Asheville Downtown Improvement District’s board was going dormant. According to a board representative, the members continue to work to accomplish the BID’s goals through other organizations and methods. “It’s because [Asheville City] Council is not really interested in funding a BID downtown at this time. They’re not interested in funding a further tax in the future,” says Ruth summers, a BID board member and executive director of the Grove Arcade. “The city is starting to address some of the pressing issues in downtown.” As its backers pushed for its formation over the past few years, the BID — a service nonprofit funded by a special tax on downtown property — had the support of a number of notable downtown figures and organizations that asserted it would ensure the area’s prosperity and help deal with issues of cleanliness, sustainability and safety in a way

Participants in an annual peace march departing from St. James African Methodist Episocopal church met others honoring Martin Luther King Jr. at a rally in Pack Square on Jan. 20. The event was organized by the local Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Association. Photo by Carrie Eidson

city government couldn’t. BID members were chosen and in 2012, the BID proposal was presented to Council, where a majority of members also supported the idea. But the BID proved controversial. An alliance of residents, business owners and activists argued that the tax hike was unnecessary and that the BID would place too much power in the hands of an unelected, unrepresentative board. Council members approved the BID’s formation, formally naming it the Downtown Improvement District, but balked at the requested tax. There were ensuing tensions between the board and city government over how to proceed. Meanwhile, Council passed the first major tax increase in over a decade, and the prospect for BID funding became increasingly unlikely, as it meant local leaders would be reluctant to pass another tax increase. Nonetheless, Summers says that the city is carrying out a number of BID organizers’ priorities. And BID advocates continue to push for their goals through groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce and Asheville

Downtown Association. She cited the inclusion of increased downtown recycling and cleanliness efforts in the city’s last budget, the recent statement from the chamber calling for a ban on female toplessness and ongoing Asheville Downtown Association initiatives, such as a volunteer program of “ambassadors” to assist visitors, similar to a program in Wilmington, N.C. “We’ve heard from so many property owners that they’re tired of the aggressive panhandling, they’re tired of the graffiti, they’re tired of trash on the streets,” says Summers. “Because we spoke up, the city heard us.” “We’re still going to bring awareness to Council, we’re still going to look for funding, but we felt that we didn’t want to tie up the board’s time if we weren’t going to have money and really couldn’t go forward,” Summers adds. The BID “might come back, especially if the city looks at more budgeting issues, that’s why we’re not totally disbanding,” she notes. “It’s not like we’ve stopped our work. We’re just pursuing it in a different way.” X

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Jake Frankel

251-1333 ext. 115

Bridging the gap Local schools seek community’s help to bridge technology divide

To thrive in the uncertain job market of the future, students will need to become proficient with technological tools that are advancing at a lightening pace. And to help them keep up, the Asheville City Schools Foundation is seeking community partners to build on recent successes and overcome a range of challenges. The nonprofit hosted a Jan. 24 school tour to highlight the issues involved to a diverse group of about 50 local leaders, from government officials to entrepreneurs. As technology advances continue to drastically reshape the economy, about 60 percent of today’s elementary students will find themselves working in jobs as adults that don’t even exist yet, according to matt whiteside, director of instructional technology at Asheville City Schools. A child with an iPhone now has more computing power at their disposal than all of NASA had when its first astronauts landed on the moon – presenting vast new opportunities, he said. However, with nearly half of Asheville City Schools students living in poverty, a growing technology divide could leave too many children behind, Whiteside worries. When families can’t afford to provide the necessary technological tools and internet access for their children, it’s incumbent on public schools to try to provide the necessary resources, he argued. “We have students who don’t have access,” he said. “We need to help our students bridge the technology divide.” To help fill the gap, Asheville High School has issued laptops to all incoming ninth-graders since 2011. One of the next steps is figuring out how to ensure those children who don’t have Internet access at home can get it, said Whiteside. However, the funding for any such new initiative is uncertain, he said.

@JakeFrankel ers were issued iPod Minis last year to help them with lessons in math and reading. The school also received a $4,124 grant from the foundation to upgrade Claxton’s video lab, where students produce news broadcasts and podcasts. And at Asheville Middle School, instructors are implementing a wide array of initiatives, including a “Cougarbotics” program which teaches students how to build and operate robots. “We are so proud of the programs we have here and the support we have from the community,” said AMS Principal cynthia sellinger. puBLic appEaL

cougaRBotics: Members of Asheville Middle School’s First Lego League Team show off some of the robots they’re building.

But amid a challenging government funding environment, Pett said the schools are increasingly looking for outside partners to help take their technology initiatives to the next level. One such partner is the AshevilleBuncombe Sustainable Community Initiatives group, which is hoping to build an “engagement center” for teachers. The idea is to provide training to teachers in new technologies that can be beneficial in the class-

room, said Robin cape, the organization’s executive director. She hopes that the training will also tie in to the Economic Development Coalition’s vision of growing the local economy. “Our schools are one of the leaders in this work — a primary partner for building our community,” said Cape. “It’s going to be their world.” Meanwhile, schools are in search of technology mentors to partner with teachers to help support projects and look for ways to enhance learning, said Pett. The foundation’s also looking to fill spots on a Technology Advisory Committee that’s charged with the overseeing those goals. For those with less spare time to help, the foundation is also recruiting those with expertise who could make onetime presentations at special events. And of course, the foundation always welcomes donations to its technology fund, said Pett. The appeal for citizen participation is about putting “the public in public education,” she said. “The vast majority of children will always be educated in public schools. They are the best option for children to be ready of success.” X

Photo by Jake Frankel

pRoviding tooLs Last year, the Asheville City Schools Foundation awarded local schools $22,000 in grants for projects designed to increase access to technology. Some of that went to Asheville High science teachers amanda schoonover and Jenny thomas, who used it to produce 150 instructional videos. Giving students access to the customized video lessons helped empower them “to take responsibility for their own learning,” said Schoonover. “When you provide more opportunities for kids to use technology in the right way, they have less time to use them in the wrong way.” However, she cautioned that such new media lessons shouldn’t be looked at as a way to replace teachers or an excuse to overcrowd classrooms. Developing positive personal connections between students and teachers is “even more important for those in poverty,” added kate pett, executive director of Asheville City Schools Foundation. Meanwhile, over at Claxton Elementary School, 30 first-grad-

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014




JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. daY-BY-daY caLEndaR is onLinE Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to

Calendar Deadlines FREE and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t Find YouR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail

FREE Listings onLinE (best)

natuRaLLY suRREaL: Works by Florida-based artist Ronald L. Ruble will be on display at Blue Spirl 1 in the Small Format gallery through Feb. 28. The collection features etchings whose images range from botanical to surreal. (p.14)

E-maiL (second best) Fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-maiL Fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

AnimAls Pet loss suPPort GrouP • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - A support group for anyone who has lost a pet or is anticipating the death of a pet will be held at 21 Edwin Place. Free. Info: 258-3229. WnC nAture Center 75 Gashes Creek Road. 10am-5pm daily. $8/$6 Asheville city residents/$4 kids. Info: 298-5600 or • SU (2/2), 2-3pm - A Groundhog Day presentation with stories, folklore and songs about groundhogs. Includes a spring-time prediction by Nibbles, resident groundhog.

Art Layers • an exhibit of abstract watercoLors by

miCk DonelAn (pd.) View now through Sunday, February 16, Junction Restaurant, 348 Depot Street, River Arts District, open Tuesday-Saturday, 5pm-closing, Sundays, 10:30am-2:30pm. 225-3497 or art at brevard coLLege Info: or 884-8188. • Through FR (2/21) - Sculpture by Kyle Lusk on display at the Spiers Gallery. Art At unCA Info: • Through MO (3/17) - Drawing Discourse, a juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. Held in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. Art At WCu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm. Info: or 227-3591. • Through MO (3/31) - Good Thoughts Better by Edward J. Bisese.

asheviLLe art MuseuM

bLue spiraL 1

2 N. Pack Square. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 10am-5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students & seniors/free for children under 4. Info: or 253-3227. • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through SU (3/9) - Cityscapes, paintings by Ben Aronson.

38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 251-0202. • Through FR (2/28) - Tara, the TwentyOne Praises, works by C. Shana Greger. • Through FR(2/28) - Surreal sketches by Ronald L. Ruble • Through FR (2/28) - New Works, contemporary mixed media referencing the natural world. • Through FR (2/28) - New to the Third, mixed media debut works.

asheviLLe gaLLery of art 16 College St. Mon.-Sat.: 10am5:30pm; Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: or 251-5796. • Through FR (1/31) - Colors of Jazz paintings by Eileen Ross. beLLa vista art gaLLery 14 Lodge St. Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs.: 11am-4pm; Fri. & Sat.: 11am5pm. Info: or 7680246. • Through FR (1/31) - Works by Karen Jacobs and photographs by Paul Owen.

foLk art center Located at MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hours: 9am-6pm, daily. Info: or 298-7928. • SA (2/1) through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members. grove park inn 290 Macon Ave. Info: or 252-2711. • FR (1/31), 5:30pm - "Thirteen," a

series of paintings by Nancy Joyce, will be displayed for sale at the The OMNI Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. A percentage of sales will benefit Girls on the Run. Free to attend. Info: hoteL indigo 151 Haywood St. Info: or 239-0239. • ONGOING- Paintings by Lelia Canter, Kathleen Kelley and Emily Shields explore human and animal relationships. Metro wines art show • SA (2/1), 6-8pm -Opening reception for works by Christine Dougherty. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. Free. Info: 575-9525. seven sisters gaLLery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.-Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. Info: or 669-5107. • Through SU (3/16) - Acrylics and oils by Bridgette MartinPyles.

uPstAirs ArtsPACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 8592828. • TUESDAYS (2/4) through (3/18), 6-7:30pm - Philosophy of Art, a six session course. $35 /$25 members per session.

AuDitions & CAll to Artists

asheviLLe art MuseuM • Through SA (3/1) Submissions open for Prime Time: Annual New Media, which will display as part of Moogfest. Guidelines and info: hickory downtown deveLopMent AssoCiAtion • Through TU (4/1) Submissions open for Downtown Hickory Art Crawl. Info: or 322-1121.

Music video asheviLLe • Through FR (3/14) Submissions open for Music Video Asheville. Selected entries will be shown at the Diana Wortham Theater in April. Info: nCWn WritinG Contests The North Carolina Writers' Network is nonprofit literary arts service for writers of all stages. Info and submission guidelines: • Through (1/30) - Submissions open for the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize. Winner receives $1,000 and possible publication in The Thomas Wolfe Review. $25/$15 members. • Through FR (2/15) Submissions open for the 2014 Doris Betts Fiction Prize. First place: $250 and publication in the NC Literary Review. $20/ $10 members. Park Drive, Waynesville. Info: or 2469050.

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson










Send your event listings to


deadlines: Interwoven, Feb 4; Outdoors, March 4; Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art






Fun fundraisers

Mart, Nov. 10. Info: or 884-2787. Writers' Workshop Events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 2548111 or • Through FR (2/28) - WW will accept submissions for its 25th Annual Poetry Contest. $25.

Benefits Dance Party Fundraise for Culture's Edge • SA (2/1), 7:30-11pm Admission fees to a dance party with Chikomo Marimba Band benefit Culture's Edge. Held at Earthaven Ecovillage, 5 Consensus Circle, Black Mountain. $20. Info: earthaven. org. Dinner Fundraiser for Goat Mountain • WE (2/5), 5-9pm - Percentage of profits donated to Goat Mountain Sanctuary, which rescues and fosters animals. Held at Plant, 165 Merrimon

Goat Mountain benefit

Ave. Info: 683-5709 or Jones Elementary Fundraiser • TH (1/30), 6pm - Admission

WHAT: Fundraiser for Goat Mountain Ranch Sanctuary WHERE: Plant, 165 Merrimon Ave. WHEN: 5-9 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 5. Info: or 258-7500. WHY: Plant will offer the public a chance to dine and help local animals as a percentage of the evening’s profit will go directly to the Goat Mountain Ranch Sanctuary, a nonprofit animal shelter in Leicester. “We believe in animal welfare and animal rights, so we try to help, especially the local groups,” said Jason Sellers, Plant’s co-owner and chef. Sellers said Plant, a vegan restaurant, tries to sponsor an event for animals every year. Rob Levy, founder and director



of Goat Mountain, said the sanctuary cares for approximately 60 animals – including sheep, pigs, chickens, dogs, horses and even peacocks in addition to goats. The sanctuary has also placed about 50 animals in foster homes. “We get calls weekly for animals needing homes,” he said. “We try to place as many as we can, and then the sanctuary is mainly for animals that have issues that make them not adoptable. We mainly care for older animals or animals with health issues like our pony, Pearl, who has a dislocated hip, or Ozzie, a pot-bellied pig, who is in the later years of his life.” Some of the animals at the sanctuary were abananded, Levy said. “Of course, a lot of roosters got displaced when Asheville outlawed them in the city limits, and some here are a result of that event.” Plant will donate a portion of all the dinner proceeds to the sanctuary. X

Business & Technology

benefits Ira B. Jones Elementary's 5th graders' field trip to Washington D.C. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10. Info: Kids In the Creek Polar Plunge

Asheville Makers • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meets to discuss projects and welcome new volunteers. Top Floor Studio Coworking, 9 Walnut St. Info: Asheville SCORE Counselors to Small Business Seminars are held at A-B Tech's Small Business Center, room 2046. Info: or 242-0277. • SA (2/1), 8:45am-noon Seminar on legal and risk management for aspiring entrepreneurs. Free. Goodwill Career Classes Info and registration: 298-9023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-12pm Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required. Meet the Geeks Bi-Monthly Social • WE (1/29), 5:30-8:30 Business and IT professionals will meet to share knowledge and develop partnerships. Held at Scully’s, 13 Walnut St. Info:

• SA (2/1), 11:30am-2pm - Entry fee benefits Kids in the Creek, environmental education for

Classes, Meetings & Events

kids. Meets at Lake Junaluska Assembly, Lake Junaluska. $25. Info: 476-4667 or LEAF Schools and Streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm Admission benefits LEAF Schools and Streets, arts education program. Held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info:

60+ Men's Group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - A social group for men age 60+. Meets at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Info: 275-6396. Acting Classes at NYS3 • Through TH (1/30), 6-10pm NYS3 will hold youth/adult acting classes covering skills to utilize future performances. 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O. Free. Info:

Embroiderers Guild of America • SA (2/1), 11am-2pm - The Laurel chapter will demonstrate needle art techniques. Held at Henderson County Visitor Center, 201 South Main St., Hendersonville. Hendersonville Wise Women • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - Meets for friendship, intellectual stimulation and support. Info and directions: or 693-1523. Youth OUTright A group for LGBTQ youth, and straight allies, ages 14-23. Led by trained facilitators. Meets at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St., unless otherwise noted. Info: • THURSDAYS, 5-6:30pm Poetry night.

Comedy Disclaimer Comedy Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - StandUp Lounge open mic at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Weekly stand-up at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10 includes a glass of wine. Info:

Dance Beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville. com Studio Zahiya, Downtown Dance Classes (pd.) Tuesday 8:15am 30 Minute Workout, 9am Hip Hop Workout Dance, 6pm Beginner Bellydance, 7pm Bellydance 2, 8pm West African • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout, 6pm AfroBrazilian, 7pm Video Vixen Hip Hop • 8pm Hip Hop • Sunday 3pm Yoga for Dancers • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya. com, 828.242.7595

appaLachian square dance revivaL • FR (1/31), 8pm - Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road. No experience or partner necessary. $.50 per dance. Info: engLish country dance • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS, 4-6:30pm - Hosted by Old Farmer's Ball. Held at Homewood Event and Conference Center, 19 Zillicoa St. Beginners' lesson: 3:30pm. $6/ $5 members. Info: 230-8449. line DAnCe ClAsses • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30am Hosted by Henderson County Department of Parks and Recreation at the Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville. Registration required. $5 per class. Info: or 890-5777. southern Lights round & square dance cLub • SA (2/1), 6pm - "Sweetheart Serenade" held at the Whitmire Activity Building, 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info: 6977732 or waynesviLLe recreation Center Located at 550 Vance St., Waynesville. Info: 456-2030. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/19), 7-8pm - Waltz classes. $10 per class. Info: 316-1412 or 3567060. • MONDAYS through (2/17), 7-8pm - Texas 2-Step classes. $10 per class. Info: 316-1412 or 356-7060.

eCo urban farMing series Local experts will teach workshops on backyard sustainability. Sponsored by the Hendersonville Community Coop, 715 S. Grove Street, Hendersonville. Info: 693-0505 or • SA (2/1), 1-3pm - Raised bed and container gardening workshop. $20/$15 for Co-op owners. Registration required.

festivaLs ceLtic christian hoLiday service • SU (2/2), 3pm - Observance of the festival of Imbolc. Info and location: or 645-2674.

food & beer introDuCtory Wine mAkinG ClAss • WE (1/29), 7pm - Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10. Info: metrowinesasheville. com.

GArDeninG Men's garden cLub of asheviLLe Info: mensgardenclubasheville. org.

• TU (2/4), 11:45am - Topic will be Seasons in the Greenhouse with Bert Lemkes, general manager and co-owner of Van Wingerden International. First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. syLva garden cLub • TU (2/4), 9:30pm - Sylva Garden Club will meet. Fellowship Hall, First Presbyterian Church, Sylva. tAilGAte mArkets • SATURDAYS: • 9am-noon Jackson County Markets Market, 23 Central St., in the Community Table. Through March. • DAILY: • 8am-5pm - WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Year-round.

governMent & PolitiCs henderson county DemoCrAtiC PArty Headquarters are located at 905 Greenville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: myhcdp. com or 692-6424. • SA (2/1), 9am-noon - Breakfast meeting. $8.

kiDs hands on! 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. $5 admission/ free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333.

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

communitY caLEndaR

Send your event listings to tryon fine arts center Located at 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm; Sat., 10am-1pm. Info: or 8598322. • SA (2/1), 5:30-11pm - "Chase Away the Blues" will feature non-stop performances by blues musicians including headliner Nikki Hill. $25.

outDoors aduLt League kickbaLL • Through SA (3/15) Registration open for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation's adult kickball league. Info: jay. or 250-4269.

go nuts FoR citY paRks: The Buncombe Fruit and Nut Club will host a DIY garden cleanup and celebration at the Dr. George Washington Carver Edible Park on Sat., Feb. 1. The group will continue to host workday parties at other city parks throughout February and March. The events include kids activities and food. (p.18)

• SA (2/1), 10am-5pm - Stepby-step guide to drawing a groundhog. • TUESDAYS, 11am - Mad Scientists Lab. $7, includes admission fee. • TU (2/4), 11am - Volcanoes. Registration required. LittLe League basebaLL siGnuP • SATURDAYS (through 2/15), 10am-2pm - Little League Baseball signup for boys and girls 4-18. Held at W. Asheville Community Center, 970 Haywood Road. riverLink earth day art AnD Poetry Contest For preK-12 grade students. Categories: 2D, sculpture, photography, bookmark art and poetry. Info: earthdaycontest.asp. • Through WE (3/19) - Open to students throughout the French Broad Basin. speLLbound chiLdren's bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • TUESDAYS through (3/6), 10-11am - Artist Paige Childs will lead a six-week series of arts & crafts classes. Ages 3 to 5. $10 per session.


musiC At unCA

musiC song o' sky chorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 Pm song o' sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803 Asheville's premier a capella barbershopstyle chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www. 1-866-824-9547. AmiCimusiC A nonprofit chamber music organization. Info: amicimusic. org. • FR (1/31), 7:30pm - "Wind Power" with Apollo Winds and pianist Daniel Weiser. $20/free for children. Master Works Theater, 2314 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. bLuegrass gospeL JaM • 1st SATURDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Baptist Church, 2227 Spartanburg Highway, East Flat Rock. Music at brevard ColleGe Events take place in the Porter Center for the Performing Arts, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 884-8211. • MO (2/3), 12:30pm Performance by guitarist Celil Refik Kayal. Free

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: 251.6432. • WE (1/29), 7pm – Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal in the Reuter Center. Free. musiC At WCu Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. Tickets and info: or 227-2479. • 1st THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - An old-time and bluegrass jam will be held on the ground floor of the H.F. Robinson Administration building, in the Mountain Heritage Center. Free. pan harMonia An artist collective that performs genre-spanning music. Info: • SA (2/1), 7:30pm - Chamber Music Concert held at 721 Streamside Dr., Arden. Pot luck at 6pm. $20. Tickets only available in advance. • SU (2/2), 3pm - Bassoon Extravaganza. Held at St. Matthias Church, 1 Dundee St. Free. • MO (2/3), 7:15pm - Haen Gallery Concert, 52 Biltmore Ave. $24/$22 advance/$8 students.

assauLt on bLack rock reGistrAtion • Through SU (3/22) Registration open for the "Assault on Black Rock" a 7-mile trail race up Black Rock, in Sylva. Proceeds benefit the Community Table, a nonprofit food pantry. $30/$25 advance. Info: or 506-2802. City PArk CleAnuP PArty • SA (2/1), 10am-3pm Buncombe Fruit & Nut Club will host a park party and cleanup at the Carver Edible Park, 30 George Washington Carver Ave. Free. Info: events at rei Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: or 687-0918. • WE (1/29), 6-8pm - A bike maintenance class. $40/$20 members. Registration required.

pubLic Lectures pubLic Lectures at unca Free unless otherwise noted. Info: • FR (1/31), 11:25am "Industrialization, Capitalism, and Alienation." Lipinsky Auditorium. • 11:25am "Human Rights & Global Justice." Humanities Lecture Hall. pubLic Lectures at wcu Free unless otherwise noted. Info: • TH (1/30), 5pm - Artist Buzz Spector. Room 130, Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.

sPirituAlity astro-counseLing (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. asheviLLe ComPAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5-6:15pm. aquarian ConsCiousness feLLowship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. MindfuLness meDitAtion ClAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. asheviLLe insight meDitAtion (pd.) introDuCtion to MindfuLness meDitAtion Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, MindfuLness meDitAtion (pd.) asheviLLe insight meDitAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-

11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, Aim meDitAtion ClAsses (pd.) rAmP uP your meDitAtion PrACtiCe with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. events, (828) 808-4444" asheviLLe open heart meDitAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, http://www.heart-sanctuary. org asheviLLe spirituaL radio • saturdays, 1pM (pd.) “Guidance For Your Life” a talk show that explains spiritual wisdom. We guide you through the process of incorporating spiritual lessons into your daily life. 880AM. a course of Love • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Held at 1765 Hendersonville Road. Free with donations encouraged. Info: selfandsensibility@gmail. com or 508-4013 center for spirituaL Living asheviLLe 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: or 231-7638. • SUNDAYS, 11am "Celebration of Life," an inspirational and musical celebration of faith. Free. forgiveness Meditation ClAss • SUNDAYS through (3/23), 7pm - Meets at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. $8/$5 students, seniors. Info: or 668-2241. grace Lutheran church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/26), 5:45-7pm - “Death and Resurrection of the Messiah” class. Free. Optional dinner 4:45pm. $5. Registration required • TUESDAYS through (3/4), 6:15-8pm - Short Term Disciple Bible Study. Registration required. $13.

hendersonviLLe first ConGreGAtionAl uniteD church of christ 1735 5th Avenue W. at White Pine St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-8630 or fcchendersonville. org. • FRIDAYS through (1/31), 10am- "Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth and the Rise of Humanity," a modern day creation story told in DVDbased lectures. Free. kirtAn Ceremony • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm Kirtan with Sangita Devi will be held at Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St. $10-$15. Info: spirituaL deveLopMent 101 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Spiritual Development 101 will teach participants how to develop spiritual gifts. Free. Info and directions: or 808-3879. the shaMbhaLa meDitAtion Center Located at 19 Westwood Place. Info: shambhalaashvl@ or 490-4587. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - A

Dharma reading and discussion. Free. Info: asheville. woMen's bibLe study at the cove • TUESDAYS through (2/25), 9:45am & 6:30pm - Women's Bible study will be held at The Cove, 1 Porters Cove Road. Free.

sPoken & Written WorD daMn Love • free reading • JasMine beach-ferrara (pd.) Fiction writer Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, will read from her collection of short stories, Damn Love (2013), Thursday, January 23, 7pm, in the church at All Souls Cathedral in Biltmore Village, with a reception and book signing to follow in the cathedral's Parish Hall. • A 2010 NEA Literature Fellow, Beach-Ferrara has published stories in American Short Fiction, Crazyhorse, The Harvard Review and other publications. • She is a

minister in the United Church of Christ and the executive director of the Campaign for Southern Equality, which promotes LGBT rights in the South. Beach-Ferrara's reading is an offering of the Kay Falk Literary Project. For more information, please contact Emilie White at 828-274-2681. battery park writing GrouP (pd.) Mondays, 6:30pm, Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. • Free! Lisa at for more information. battery park book exchange 1 Page Ave. Info: or 252-0020. • SU (2/2), 7:30pm - Brad Leland Walker reads from "In Fugitive Tempo." Free. bLue ridge books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Info: or 456-6000. • FR (1/31), noon - " Lunch

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson


Send your event listings to

school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Info:, or 768-2072. St. Gerard House's CONNECT Program • Through MO (3/31) 10-week program invites elementary through high school students to learn how thoughts and actions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: jenniferlaite@yahoo. com or 693-4223.

Jones Elementary fundraiser: Metro Wines will host a benefit on Thursday, Jan. 30 to raise funds for Ira B. Jones Elementary’s fifth grade class field trip to Washington D.C. this spring. Proceeds from the $10 admission will go to fund the trip. (p.16)

with Wiley Cash," as he discusses his novel This Dark Road to Mercy. $35 includes a copy of the novel and lunch. City Lights Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • SA (2/1), 2pm - Laura Ann Garren will discuss her book The Chattooga River. Firestorm Cafe & Books 48 Commerce St. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 255-8115. • WE (1/29), 7pm Photographer Tod Seelie, author of Bright Nights: Photographs of Another New York, will sign copies of his book. Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (1/29), 7pm - Jeaniene Frost will sign copies of Up From the Grave, from her Night Huntress series. • TH (1/30), 7pm - Steve Vinay Gunther will discuss his new book, Understanding the Woman in Your Life. • FR (1/31), 7pm - Wiley Cash will sign copies of his new novel, This Dark Road to Mercy.


• SA (2/1), 7 pm - Writer Wendy Webb will discuss her book The Vanishing. • SU (2/2), 3pm - Readings and signings by Kathy Ackerman, Melissa Crowe and Vievee Francis. • TU (2/4), 7pm - Enneagram consultant Sandra Smith introduces basic concepts. Spellbound Children's Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • WE (1/29), 5pm - First in a Series Club: Spirit Animals #1: Wild Born by Brandon Mill. For grades 4 to 6. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story time. Ages 2-6. • SU (2/2), 3-4pm - Skype visit with Annabel Monaghan, author of A Girl Named Digit. • SU (2/2), 4-5pm - ROYAL Book Club, for adult readers of young adult fiction: Double Digit by Annabel Monaghan. Thomas Wolfe Award Reception • SA (2/1), 5-7pm - WNC Historical Association will present the Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award to writer Wiley Cash. Free. Info and reservations: or 253.9231.


WNC Red Herrings Author Series • SA (2/1), 2pm - Asheville writer Sallie Bissell will discuss her books. Meets at the N. Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Info:

Theater Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: or 254-1320. • TH (1/30), 7:30pm - Listen to This: Stories in Performance. $10. Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center 56 Broadway St. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: or 350-8484. • SA (2/1), 7pm - R. Buckminster Fuller: The History (and Mystery) of the Universe, a one-man play. $15/$10 for students.

Thriving Children Children First/CIS • ONGOING - Children First/ CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary

‘Becoming a Love and Logic Parent’ • MONDAYS through (2/17), 6-8pm - Child Abuse Prevention Services will offer “Love & Logic,” a six-week parenting course. Held at 50 S. French Broad Ave. Free. Info: or 254-2000.

Volunteering Asheville City Schools Foundation Works to create strong public schools and break the cycle of poverty. Info: or 350-6135. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to tutor/mentor students (K-12). Shifts are available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm. Aurora Studio & Gallery A proposed art space for artists battling mental illness, addiction or homelessness. Info: or 335-1038. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for planning fundraisers throughout the year. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Helps children thrive through partnerships with trained adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • ONGOING - Volunteers age 18+ needed to accompany youth twice a month to free or low-cost activities. Volunteers age 16+ needed to mentor one hour per week. Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue A shelter and foster network for area cats and dogs based in Fletcher. Info: or 885-3647. • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs involved.

Girl Scouts Carolinas Peak to Piedmont Works to foster leadership and self-esteem in girls ages 5-17. Info: or 800-672-2148. • ONGOING: Volunteers needed age 18+, especially to be troop leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts required. Grace Lutheran Church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-4890. • Through SU (2/2) Volunteers and donations needed to get food to Henderson County residents experiencing food insecurity. A can of soup and a dollar are suggested. Literacy Council of Buncombe County Works to increase literacy and English language skills. Info: volunteers@litcouncil. com or 254-3442. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Adult Education Program, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling. Previous teaching experience not required. • ONGOING- Volunteers needed for the Augustine Program which works with low-income children reading below grade level. Previous teaching experience not required. Loving Food Resources A special needs food pantry providing food and other items to persons living with HIV/AIDS or in hospice with any diagnosis. Info: admin@ or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food box delivery, sorting, graphic design and office assistance. Hours: Tue.-Friday: 9am-noon, Sat. 9am-2pm. MANNA FoodBank Processes donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Info: or 299-3663. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to work in the warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening. Project Linus Hand makes blankets for critically ill children. Info: 645-8800. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed to create blankets. Knitted, crocheted, quilted, no-sew fleece or flannel blankets will be accepted. Info: 645-8800.

Read to Succeed Asheville Works directly with Asheville City Elementary Schools to help children achieve grade level in reading. • SA (2/8) - A volunteer info session will focus on in-school literacy coaching for K-3. Additional training continues until March 8. Info: or 251-4949. The Rathbun Center • ONGOING - Volunteers need to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. WNC AIDS Project Provides resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers need for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers needed to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women living with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required. YMCA Reach & Rise Mentoring Program • ONGOING - Adult volunteers needed to mentor a child once a week for one year. Mentees are students in the YMCA's at-risk afterschool programs. Training provided. Comprehensive background check required. Info: or 2102265. YWCA Works for social and economic change around the world while advocates for young women’s leadership and welfare. Info: 254-7206, ex. 219. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required. CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 110












by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to

Feeding the soul with real. life. stories. what: Grace Covenant Church’s “real. life. stories.” is a bimonthly series that aims to foster spiritual growth and community closeness. The group kicks off its winter event featuring seven storytellers who will tell their personal tales of “misunderstanding” distilled into eight minutes. whEn: Sunday, Feb. 9, at 5 p.m. whERE: Avenue M Restaurant and Bar, 791 Merrimon Ave. whY: Story curator and series cofounder, Heather Brown, spoke with Xpress: Mountain Xpress: what can people learn from participating in or attending the series? Brown: People who participate

tend to learn a lot about themselves. Curators work with folks to get to the heart of their story and what their desired “takeaway” for the audience is. Participants also learn about the art of storytelling — the parts of a story, how to connect to an audience, how and when to add details. … Folks who listen to the stories learn about the human struggle from real folks in real time. They connect to strangers in ways they would never imagine and build community. what influence do you hope these events will have on the community as a whole? That we begin to see each other for the real people we are. In a world that tends to sort people into “us” and “them,” we struggle to find common ground. Stories do that in a way nothing else can.

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve

Find local live standup comedy events at (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLdisclaimer). The Most Beloved Page in All the Land

asheville disclaimer City Beat


Area known for prostitution sees improvements

Governor McCrory promises teacher pay hikes after Moral Monday concussion leaves him stricken with amnesia Asheville to dedicate 1 percent of all capital spending to the arts, specifically a sepia picture of sad clown with daisy in his pocket

The South French Broad/Coxe Ave. neighborhood of Asheville has long been a center of prostitution activity, but police have hailed a series of improvements, including: • Short Coxe johns now face only a minimum of ridicule

Local man approaches convenience store counter without mentioning cold weather NC panel examines use of unmanned drones, especially in conjunction with down-blouse photography

• Red light district now features kilowatt-saving LED and CFL lights

Five tons of human waste catch fire in NC

• Heroin needle exchange available through Asheville Stitch ‘n’ Bitch knitting club

Crash of urine-filled tanker truck fortuitously extinguishes blaze

Five men sentenced in $20 million NC cigarette-smuggling scheme, derailing next step in scheme: multistate tooth-whitening scam SC boy rescued after falling into 140-foot well at abandoned home Realtor insists well water is still safe to drink

Country star Trace Adkins assaults karaoke-singing Trace Adkins impersonator Slips him hotel room key during staged melee

Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact:

Twitter: @AVLdisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Final update on H.D. Wimbledon, Disclaimer Comedy’s sponsored fighter in the 2014 Original Toughman Contest

• Regular arrestee “Honeypants” approved for mixeduse zoning • Clientele have gentrified from desperate to ironic • Hookers now servicing bike lane

• Growlers and Moaners may be filled up at the bar • Hagglers may request mediation by Lazoom bus character of their choice • Tourists asking directions to chamber of commerce will no longer hear phrase “I’ve got your chamber of commerce right here, baby” • Reduced emissions • Pimps required to demand money from prostitutes using only positive reinforcement

Van Winkle firm’s attorneys voted 2014 NC ‘Superlawyers’ Qualifying criteria:

• Sometimes being mistaken for bird or plane by uncooperative witness • Susceptibility to “kryptonite” defense • Being faster than a speeding ambulance • Boarding spacecraft bound for distant circuit court by father, Jor-El

• Wearing of nonprescription glasses to disguise identity/gain favor with jury

• Pounding fist into palm 400 times per syllable during closing argument • Have physical strength to always make the glove fit • Can drink superhuman number of martinis during billable lunch meetings • Can create gusts of up to 1,000 words per minute

Entering the last week of training before his Jan. 31 appearance in the Original Toughman Contest, H.D. Wimbledon is in top cardiovascular shape. He stopped chain-smoking weeks ago, and he has an abnormal ability to run long distances. Though in the case of the Original Toughman Contest, he has been running in the wrong direction: directly toward it. While his fighting skill set is somewhat limited to techniques he has learned from observing his cats, his mental condition is exactly where it should be — all over the board. Normally, we would be concerned about his mental health. However, given the task ahead of him (securing victory by being able and willing to sustain a much worse beating than his opponent), we couldn’t be happier with his current headspace. In recent days, Wimbledon has shown he has “the stuff” by: • Punching a wall upon receipt of rejection letter from literary journal • Flipping bird at elderly female motorist while jogging • Sending disturbing late-night messages to his trainer: “Is HD Wimbledon gay? Are his catz from outer space? Does he sleep in a coffin? Is HD Wimbledon really a military experiment gone right? Does he really shower in the dark? Is HD Wimbledon really 12, highly evolved catz in a man suit? Does HD Wimbledon get super stoned and after listening to meandering 20-minute post-punk protest songs, get on Facebook and write essays on his thoughts about what this ‘so-called music’ means to him personally and society at large?” [No. No. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.] Godspeed, H.D. Wimbledon. Disclaimer Comedy is proud to be associated with you and your giant balls. Now go give ‘em the ol’ one-two (1. Selfie with cat; 2. Vine video of yourself singing “Time After Time.”)

T he










sELF-appREciation Everyone’s above average: Ask Americans how they stand compared to their fellow countrymen, and in survey after survey, the vast majority rank themselves “above average” in such areas as driving skill, sexual prowess, and general honesty. A recent study of English prisoners, published in the British Journal of Social Psychology, revealed that those miscreants rate themselves above average in compassion, generosity, dependability, trustworthiness and honesty. In fact, the only trait on the University of Southampton survey on which the criminals failed to rank themselves as better than the typical Brit was “law-abidingness.” On that trait, the inmates rated themselves merely as “average.” compELLing ExpLanations • Pastor Ray Scott Teets, 66, of Fallen Timbers Community Chapel in Springhill Township, Pa., arrested in November for alleged “inappropriate contact” with an 11-year-old girl (daughter of parishioners) on at least three occasions, denied to police that the meetings were inappropriate. The girl, he said, requested counseling with him and suggested that the sessions take place in the storage shed in back of the chapel. (The girl said there were six meetings, lasting about 15 minutes each, and denied initiating them.) • Robert Bourque, 55, was convicted of DUI in Sarnia, Ontario, in October, but continued to deny the charge. He admitted he had four beers on the day of the traffic stop but said the Breathalyzer result was misleading because he had recently poured alcohol into his ears to test his theory about how Jesus healed the sick. (Bourque was acting as his own lawyer.) [Toronto Sun, 10-11-2013] • The mother and other relatives of William Medina, 24, said they felt hurt by the public’s comments suggesting that Medina and his partner in an armed robbery in Reading, Pa., in November were “thugs.” William, a “family man,” was “no big hard criminal,” his





by Chuck Shepherd

mother said. The two robbers, armed and wearing masks, were gunned down by a Krick’s Korner customer who said he feared the worst when he saw them leading a store employee at gunpoint into a back room. A Medina cousin said he deplored people’s taking the law into their own hands. iRoniEs • too much information: Arvind Kejriwal, fresh from his electoral victory as chief minister of the state of New Delhi, India, was supposed to report to work on Dec. 30 to begin his anti-corruption administration, which hadpromised unprecedented government “transparency.” But his first public announcement was that he was taking the day off because of a bout of diarrhea. Said a colleague, “When the chief minister gives you a minute-by-minute update on his bowel movements, hail democracy.” • In October, officials in Taiji, Japan, announced plans for a tourist attraction to publicize a nearby dolphin cull in which thousands are killed annually. Visitors will be able to swim and cavort in pools among the lovable, captured dolphins — and also dine on dolphin meat (and rare whale meat) scored from the culls. Conservationists are disgusted by the project.

court while he seeks a ruling on his legal interpretation.) pERspEctivE For nearly 30 years, until 2007, the U.S. national symbol, the bald eagle, was endangered and protected, but officially they (along with golden eagles) are now so insignificant that the government is willing to endure dozens of them being chopped to death annually in the blades of “clean energy” wind turbines. An Associated Press investigation in December revealed that the federal government is purposely ignoring the eagles’ attrition out of fear that outraged conservationists’ campaigns will hinder development of wind power as an alternative to coal-produced electricity. (Another recent AP investigation revealed a similar painful choice in the continued commitment to ethanol as a cleaner alternative fuel even though that cleanliness is being increasingly questioned, and even though ethanol production requires the massive diversion of corn that could inexpensively feed millions of hungry people worldwide.)X

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FinE points oF thE Law • Michael Robertson, 31, argued via a lawyer before Massachusetts’s highest court in November that his arrest for taking “upskirt” photographs of a woman on the subway should be tossed out — asserting that he has a constitutional right to take pictures of anything that is not covered up in public. Said his lawyer (a woman), noting that the victim’s skirt provided only partial covering, “If a clothed person reveals a body part whether it was intentional or unintentional, he or she cannot expect privacy.” (Robertson’s case had been suspended at the trial

REad daiLY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


wellness part one


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


ellness isn’t a topic that can be confined to hospitals and doctor’s offices. Health is something that starts at home and in our neighborhoods — where we live, learn, work and play. In two wellness-themed issues, Xpress takes a look at the local wellness community using these four lenses. In our Live and Learn issue, we shine a light on manna FoodBank’s Packs for Kid’s program, explore how seniors are keeping themselves sharp in the garden and we ask a range of local wellness organizations to share their educational initiatives. Asheville and the surrounding area is rich with teachers, yogis, runners, caretakers, energy healers, acupuncturists, chefs, community organizers, therapists and countless other health conscious citizens — all of us serve an important role in keeping ourselves and our community well. While the information offered is by no means exhaustive, we hope to inspire readers to consider how they are living, learning, working and playing and how the local wellness community can support readers in becoming their healthiest selves. — Lea McLellan

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


Wellness live and learn

Learning for life local organIZatIons Improve oUr health throUgh edUcatIon

Field trips to local farms are just one of the many ways that ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School program brings healthy habits home for schoolchildren. Photo courtesy of the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project

by Haley Steinhardt All of us have something to learn about improving our health and the health of our community. Some of us need help getting healthy food to our tables. Some of us need support for managing the condition of our bodies. Some of us need emotional support as we navigate important life transitions and events. Heck, some of us need all of the above. Well, thank goodness for our wellness community in Western North Carolina, where keeping people healthy is more than just a business or service; it’s a way of life. From N.C state’s Cooperative Extension community cooking classes to Smart Start of Buncombe County’s initiatives to get kids moving, organizations across the area are working hard to enhance our individual and collective well being. The leaders and staff of these organizations know that learning how to be our healthiest, happiest selves is a skill that will benefit us in every stage of life. Whatever issue you may need some extra help with, take a moment and reach out to one of the multitude of wellness specialists in our area to see how they might best support you. If that practitioner or organization doesn’t have the tools you need, they’ll likely be able to recommend another who does. The caretaker spirit that runs through our community brings with it a sense of hope that none of us need feel alone in our struggles. The door is wide open, so let’s reach out and start feeling better. Here’s what several local wellness organizations about their community healthfocused, educational programs. Here’s what they had to say. X

appalachIan sUstaInaBle agrIcUltUre proJect Emily Jackson, program director Classroom cooking with locally grown foods. Local food taste tests in the cafeteria. School gardens. Farm field trips. What do all these activities have in common? They’re all part of ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School program. At ASAP, we believe that wellness begins with knowing where your food comes from, who grew it and how to cook it. The Growing Minds Farm to School program provides resources and training to teachers, schools and preschools, child nutrition directors, cafeteria staff, parents, extension agents, farmers and other community stakeholders to encourage and sustain farm-to-school efforts. When children have positive experiences with locally grown food, they are connecting with fresh, whole fruits and vegetables — foods that are healthy by default. Working within school environments, we help ensure that all children have access to fresh, locally grown food. To get involved with ASAP’s Growing Minds Farm to School program, please visit, or contact Brittany Wager at

carepartners health servIces nancy Lindell, public relations/marketing manager CarePartners offers services in rehabilitation, home health care, adult day care and hospice. We also offer services and classes to help people stay well. Preventive services can help people retain their independent lifestyle in a variety of ways. For example, we have an Easy on the Joints aquatic class that targets muscle toning, strengthening and flexibility to support mobility. The BackHab aquatic class is water exercise that focuses on improving core strength and relearning functional movement patterns that carry over to activities of daily living. Did you know that Western North Carolina leads the nation in accidental falls? Tai chi is a proven way to prevent falling, and we offer those classes as well. Mental wellness can be as important as physical wellness, and CarePartners offers a variety of grief counseling options, including individual and group sessions. Yoga is now offered as a way to deal with loss thanks to our Yoga for Grief program. We have support groups for those dealing with things such as being a caregiver, brain injury, arthritis, paralysis, Parkinson’s and more. We also have a class series starting in March called Mindful Living. The sessions will deal with elder law, balance issues, memory, integrative health and related topics.

CarePartners offers a variety of educational opportunities to support physical health and mobility, including aquatics classes. Photo courtesy of CarePartners


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

For more information on most CarePartners classes, call 274-9567; aquatic classes are at ext. 4380; Mindful Living and Support Groups, ext. 8379. To check out their Yoga for Grief program, call 251-0126. Call 230-0522 if you’re interested in CarePartners Tai chi.

What Part of You Is Hungry? Achieve and maintain your healthiest weight by breaking the old connection of feeding your body at a hunger’s first stirring. “Understanding my hungers and realizing that “food” is everything that sustains my mind and spirit as well as my body has made all the difference. I have lost 37 pounds and gained a healthy outlook about myself and my life. No more “diets” and no more deprivation.” –B.B. Asheville

Cathy Hohenstein demonstrates how to cook chili at one of Cooperative Extension’s Cook Smart cooking classes. Photo by Haley Steinhardt

n.c. state UnIversIty cooperatIve eXtensIon Alliance for Weight Loss

cathy hohenstein, extension agent January is a time when many of us focus on health and make resolutions to be healthier. For more than 100 years, Cooperative Extension has been helping North Carolinians become healthier through providing educational programs and sharing research-based information on nutrition, growing, preserving and cooking foods, and on finding ways to keep families healthy and strong. We now have educational programs for eating smart and moving more through our Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), such as our Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less weight-management program, our Cook Smart cooking classes and demonstrations and our other food preservation, canning and health classes. If you are looking to grow your own food, or you’re interested in home and community gardening, our Master Gardener’s program provides educational programs and volunteers who are available to answer calls and help walk-ins. We are also the place to call for answers. We will look up the most up-todate, researched information and get you your answers. Our services are for the whole community, and we are available to come out and speak with groups as needed.

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To learn more about the NCSU Cooperative Extension program, call 255-5522, email Cathy Hohenstein at, or visit buncombe.ces.

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014




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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


Wellness live and learn

The doctors of Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville: Chad Krisel, Veena Somani, and Brian Lewis. Photo by Rachael McIntosh

IntegratIve FamIly medIcIne oF ashevIlle chad krisel, md, and Brian Lewis, md Our everyday choices are our most powerful medicine. We offer classes to empower the Asheville community to make wise decisions and to create an environment where healthy options are possible. It is hard to lead a healthy lifestyle without good information, access to quality food, places to exercise and social support. For many, these essential ingredients are not readily available. As integrative family physicians, we realize that to promote health we need to treat an individual’s whole life. There are many forces that impact our health, and the majority of chronic illness can be prevented or reversed. Traditional clinics often do not have the time to both teach the skills and support the changes that are required to prevent and reverse these diseases. Our classes range from nutrition to home gardening to anything that promotes a healthy Asheville at the individual and community level. Our goal in treating on the individual and the community level is to promote positive feedback where individuals become increasingly aware and create an environment where healthy choices are an easy option. Our clinic is an example of using lifestyle and integrative approaches to nurture sustainable health in the most natural ways possible. No doctor or clinic can do this alone, and through collaboration we encourage a culture of health that becomes the new status quo. To heal health care, we will need to heal our culture, and we are happy to be in Asheville, where this shift is well underway. Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville can be reached at 575-9600, or online at

Embodiment with Lisa Stendig Intuitive Healing for Uncomfortable Bodies

Call to schedule a free assessment to ďŹ nd out how this work can help with your concerns!

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

land-oF-sky regIonal coUncIl Rebecca chaplin, aging program specialist The programs and initiatives available through the Land-of-Sky Regional Council Area Agency on Aging and our community partners are designed to support individuals and systems in transforming problems into solutions. Two of our main areas of focus are chronic disease self-management and fall prevention. Why? We as a community can make a difference in these areas. We are living longer with chronic diseases. These conditions come at great cost to the health care system and quality of life. But good news! We can start today in learning the skills to manage our health condition. Our Chronic Disease Self-Management Program from Stanford University helps people to feel empowered, not overpowered. Our fall-prevention programs address the fact that one-third of adults aged 65 and older fall each year. Thirty percent of falls end in moderate to severe injury and cost $13,000 on average. Are you ready to transform this problem into a solution? Sixty to seventy percent of falls are preventable! Home safety, leg strength and balance, medication usage and mindful movement are some of the modifiable risk factors. Not all issues can be transformed with these self-management tools, but some can be. Our wellness programs and services are intended to be used in concert with — not in isolation from — your health care team so you get a full range of support.

Teacher Amy Sosebee gets her students moving at Regent Park Early Childhood Development Center.

Visit to learn more about the Land-Of-Sky Regional Council’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, including a schedule of upcoming classes. For information on their WNC fall prevention coalition and related community resources, check out

smart start oF BUncomBe coUnty amy Barry, executive director

Alma Atkins is the minority health coordinator for the Health Equity Project. Photo courtesy of Alma Atkins.

the health eQUIty proJect alma atkins, project coordinator Everyone should have the same opportunity to live healthy lives regardless of their income, education or ethnic background. Community partners, with funding from the N.C. Office of Minority Health, are working with Buncombe County Health and Human Services to offer screenings and health management programs that help African-Americans with chronic diseases improve their health. Minorities can go to events offering a health screening to find out if they have a chronic disease and are then connected to a regular physician, learn how and when to contact them, get help with accessing insurance or transportation and have opportunities to participate in special classes if they have a chronic disease like diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease. Project partners include the Land of Sky Regional Council, which coordinates the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and trains leaders to teach it in the community; ABIPA coordinates community outreach events, and offers health screenings and health programs; Mount Zion provides Project EMPOWER at local schools; YWCA coordinates outreach events and offers diabetes prevention and diabetes wellness programs; UNC Asheville’s Center for Health & Wellness helps evaluate the results of the partnership.

Healthy eating and physical activity habits are formed in the early years of life. Smart Start of Buncombe County is part of a statewide initiative called Shape NC that is working on obesity prevention strategies for the next generation. We’re working with child care centers to improve nutrition and physical activity. We help them to enhance their outdoor classrooms in order to encourage naturalized environments and more outdoor time. We’re also convening a diverse group of people with our Shape Stakeholders Committee to create a community action plan for how to share health education with families that don’t use child care. One successful partnership created by our stakeholders was with the Buncombe County Public Libraries. With some training and gross motor kits, children’s librarians were able to incorporate movement into their regular story times. Smart Start of Buncombe County serves as the Shape NC hub for the western region, and we provide technical assistance for all of the western counties working on obesity prevention in young children. The Shape NC initiative is funded by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Foundation. For more information, visit

To learn more about services or become a partner, contact Alma Atkins, project coordinator of the Health Equity Project, by calling 250-5319.

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Living Healthy with Diabetes Woodfin YMCA, Mondays March 3rd – April 7th 10 am-12:30 pm

Living Healthy with a Chronic Condition Jewish Family Services (417 Biltmore Ave) Mondays, March 10th - April 14th 10 am-12:30 pm

Suggested donation of $30 for 6-week class. No one will be turned away due to lack of ability to pay.

Contact Rebecca at Land-of-Sky Regional Council for details: 828-251-7438 * Living Healthy is also known as the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program as designed by Stanford University.

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


Wellness live and learn


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local senIors learn skIlls and dIscover FrIendshIps In the garden by Carrie Eidson

Senior volunteers from the Grace Covenant Community Garden maintain the cabbage crop at the garden’s companion site. The church’s garden was started by retirees Buzz and Pat Durham. Photo courtesy of Buzz Durham

We are currently accepting new patients You will receive treatment on the first day of your exam No contracts needed for treatment We are currently accepting Medicare and soon to be accepting other major medical insurances We specialize in acute/chronic back pain, joint conditions, sports injuries, headaches and sciatica. We are currently working in conjunction with Dr. John Faherty who was voted one of the top chiropractors in Asheville two years in a row in the Mountain Xpress best of editions. Open Monday-Friday 8 am to 4 pm Saturdays by appointment only 39 McDowell Street • Asheville, NC 28806

Call to schedule your appointment today: 828-254-5212 34

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

mary green has always been active. She had her own career in communications in addition to helping her husband run The Toy Box, a children’s store on Merrimon Avenue. But when Green retired, she faced unfilled days that left her feeling idle and depressed. “I had worked since I was 17,” Green, 68, says. “I had several careers. Now my son’s grown and my husband’s still working. I just thought, ‘What am I going to do now?’” catherine Frank, director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNC Asheville, says many seniors may face a loss of identity when entering retirement — especially now when many people are retiring earlier and living longer — leaving 20-30 years of retirement to fill. “Sometimes, when people leave work, they miss the kind of camara-

derie that they had in the office,” Frank says. “They need to find ways to continue to build friendships, to have someone to exchange ideas and experiences with.” Frank says one way seniors can overcome depression is by volunteering — especially with work that requires physical activity and exposure to new skills. In addition to improving social wellness, Frank says, recent studies are finding that activities that require learning new skills, specially when doing things with your hands actually help mental health by opening new neural pathways in the brain. “In contrast to an older vision of aging as a steady decline when it comes to the brain, studies are proving more and more that our brains can renew and form new pathways of understanding,” Frank says. “The more we do to stimulate our brains the better our brain health will be.”

For Green, the outlet for discovering new skills and creating new friendships was working in the Grace Covenant Community Garden, started by fellow retirees Buzz and pat durham. “I grew up in Georgia and had to [garden] because we had to have the food to put on the table,” Green says. “I swore I would never have to do that anymore. But now I just can’t wait to get started again.” Green, who learned how to drive a tractor as part of her workload, says working in Grace Covenant’s garden has allowed her to expand on the skills she learned in childhood. But the garden, which donates 70 percent of its yield to area organizations battling food insecurity, has also been an enriching experience because she knows she is “doing something that I have seen the need for.” In addition to giving back to the community, a garden can also be a place of emotional solace. pat durham, 68, says it’s not uncommon for people to seek out green spaces in times of trial. She tells a story of two people who came to the garden not to volunteer but to “just sit and be” while they spent their days comforting an elderly man who was dying in an area hospital. Durham says she and other volunteers were also able to use time spent gardening together as a way to deal with the anxiety of aging issues with themselves and their elderly parents, as well as the grief of losing a parent or spouse. “We would be together in the garden, squatting down in the dirt, and we would share those challenges with each other,” Durham says. “There was a real emotional support that came from that — pretty soon you found out there was somebody else facing the same challenge as you.” That experience didn’t stop at talking in the garden. The gardeners started a program at their church to discuss and educate the public about aging issues. And not only did older people come, Durham says, but the sessions were attended by younger people as well. Gardening can also be a way to continue learning throughout life, and some volunteer gardeners, like glenn palmer, 85, may even turn the activity into a second, or in Palmer’s case, third career. Palmer, who retired from the Army before beginning a career as an engineer for Caterpillar, began his second retirement at age 58. He quickly signed on to be a horticulture consultant at a zoo in Illinois, then considered one of the worst zoos in the country. He worked to make the animal habitats more natural, and when he and his

wife moved to Asheville in 1989, he immediately began volunteering at the WNC Nature Center. “I got involved in volunteering as a selfish education endeavor,” Palmer says. “I thought, ‘I don’t know much about this, so how am I going to find out?’” Palmer has since worked for more than two decades as both a volunteer and volunteer coordinator at the N.C. Arboretum, in addition to becoming both a Master Gardener with Buncombe County Cooperative Extension and president emeritus of the Botanical Gardens of Asheville. He also wrote a regular column on gardening for the Asheville Citizen-Times for 15 years. He currently spends a minimum of 20 hours per week in his volunteering career. “I’m still being selfish, really,” Palmer says. “I would hate to be in a position where I wasn’t learning something.” Palmer says volunteering in horticulture allowed him to explore his interest in botany, to learn new skills such as tree maintenance and to continue to be challenged through the people he met. “That’s a bonus that comes with volunteering,” Palmer says. “Not only does it get you out of the house, but it widens your field of contacts and opens all kinds of doors, in terms of meeting interesting people and going new places.” Some seniors may not be able to make the same time or physical commitments as Palmer, Durham or Green, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to incorporate gardening into their lives, says Jenny mercer, 59. She is helping to launch a community garden at Congregation Beth HaTephila, which she says will be open to people of all ages. Seniors who struggle with the physical requirements of gardening can find other ways to participate, Mercer says, such as teaching children about how to grow food or cook traditional meals. Seniors can also help deliver the gardens’ bounty to those in need or simply teach others how to prepare meals using local ingredients. “Some of the older people have said they are not able to work in the garden, but they have a real interest in the outcomes and the goals,” Mercer says. “So even if you’re not able to get out and dig, you can give support in other ways. Everyone’s able to do something.” To learn more about Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNC Asheville, visit For more information on Grace Covenant’s community garden, visit For more information on Congregation Beth HaTephila’s community garden, call 2534911. X


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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


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Feeding our future manna FoodBank provIdes Both Food and edUcatIon For people In need by Haley Steinhardt

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Around 4,500 packs are delivered to children in need each week thanks to the MANNA Packs for Kids program. Photo by Haley Steinhardt

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

It’s impossible to discuss the health of a community without also discussing the food we eat. And when it comes to making healthy food more widely available for the underserved and at-risk members of our community, MANNA FoodBank plays a significant role. The local nonprofit exemplifies caring and compassion with programs like MANNA Packs for Kids and its community outreach cooking lessons that aim to diversify the produce offered at local food pantries. MANNA Packs for Kids began in 2005 as a six-month pilot program to offer supplementary nutrition to at-risk schoolchildren. Within a year,

the program expanded in scope to help support kids year-round. At its outset, MANNA was supplying about 40-50 packs of simple meals and snacks per week. That number has now grown to about 4,500 packs. “Schools, and particularly school counselors, identified that there were certain children coming to school after the weekend that were hungry and who struggled with hunger throughout the week,” explained MANNA’s volunteer manager, maxwell gruber. “There were already government-funded free and reducedprice lunch programs in place, but the question was: What happens to these kids when they’re home over the weekend, when they’re not receiving that nutri-

In Laughter Yoga, we stretch, clap, laugh and breathe to bring on amity, health and happiness. No prior experience needed, just a willingness to laugh. tion from the school? The MANNA Packs program is designed specifically to carry these children from Friday, when they leave school, to when they return to school.” The packs include enough food to help feed the child’s family, adds Gruber. The Packs for Kids program began locally in Buncombe County schools, but it has since expanded to include a total of 16 counties in WNC. MANNA uses its large warehouse space to store food, and volunteers help to sort the food and package it. Becky upham, MANNA’s director of communications and marketing, says that community members and schools have been eager to participate. “In Avery County, the custodial staff come out and meet our drivers and actually deliver the food to the schools. They made it happen,” says Upham. “In Haywood County, the Rotary Club is really active in [supporting the program]. Different communities take ownership because people just have a really hard time with the idea of kids being hungry.” While feeding the hungry is MANNA’s main drive, the nonprofit also recognizes the need to educate people about the food they receive, so that none of it goes to waste. “We have a kitchen called Laurel’s Kitchen,” says Upham, “and we have a guy [Chef Mark Christopher] who comes in and does food-cooking demonstrations.” The demonstrations are held once a month and are open to the community, but Upham says that food pantries are their target audience. Educating MANNA’s communitypartner food pantries is one of the main reasons MANNA launched the initiative, says Gruber. The hope is that all the food that is donated can be distributed and used. “Sometimes people will get things, like ‘Hey, I’ve got all this eggplant,’ or something that people aren’t that familiar with and

that might be kind of labor-intensive,” says Upham. Gruber adds that the people working at the food pantries are doing the shopping. If a food pantry isn’t purchasing diverse foods, access to healthy produce for individuals in that community will be limited. “If you’re in the supermarket and you don’t know what certain produce items are, you’re probably not going to buy that or pick that up, and that’s the same for our agencies,” he says. “If they see eggplant and don’t know what it is or what to do with it, they’re going to pass that up just like anybody else would. So educating the agencies who, in turn, educate their constituents is the idea of these cooking demonstrations.” Since 1982, MANNA FoodBank has been serving food and compassion to the underserved people of Western North Carolina. The organization started off in the basement of Eliada Homes and distributed about 182,000 pounds of food in its first year. This past year, MANNA distributed 12.8 million pounds of food, and 22 percent of that food was fresh produce. “That’s a big initiative that we have,” says Upham. “Food banks all over the country are trying to be more aware. People would take anything to not be hungry, but we really try when we can to utilize grocery stores and local farmers; we had some really generous local farmers this year who have helped us have healthier food to give people.”

Laughter Yoga Leader Stephanie Stewart will be holding her next class at the Henderson County Athletics & Activity Center 708 South Grove Street; Hendersonville, NC 28792 Saturday mornings through the month of February. To register for this 10:00am class, email Stephanie at: You can also follow us on

: Look for Leona’s Lion Laughter

MANNA FoodBank is actively accepting volunteers and donations. Visit or call 299-3663 to learn more. X

Art of

Freelance writer Haley Steinhardt has called Asheville home since 2003. When she’s not writing, she runs a local wellness practice, Blue Mountain Reiki, and spends time with her sweet family.

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


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Wellness live and learn

Health matters hoW We lIve, learn, Work and play by Gibbie Harris Buncombe County Health Director

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Mary Jo Deck, Smart Start’s Shape N.C. community engagement specialist, hosts a cooking class for early educators. Photo courtesy of Smart Start of Buncombe County

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

What would it take for us to be the healthiest, safest community in the nation? Research tells us that health and safety are shaped by the communities we live in and by our individual behaviors. In other words, health does not start at the doctor’s office. It is created all around us — where we live, learn, work and play. Too many of us don’t have the same opportunities to be as healthy as others. We may live in unsafe neighborhoods. Many of us work multiple jobs and still cannot afford safe care for our children, and we struggle to put healthy food on our tables. In our community, we are fortunate to have parks and recreational facilities open to the public, local gardens and farmers markets, neighborhoods with community centers and playing fields. Together, we can do more to improve our health by looking for opportunities to enhance where we live, go to school, work and play. We can do more to create safe communi-

ties and families that foster good health. We can do more to take the burden off the clinical care system and keep health care dollars where they are needed — in our local economy. • National research has shown that every $1 spent on prevention saves $5.50 in health spending. • There is scientific evidence that many common and costly diseases are linked to experiences that occurred in early childhood, during pregnancy or even before our mother was pregnant. • Economists estimate that every dollar invested in early education produces a 10 percent return on investment through increased personal achievement and social productivity. What we do matters. We can create a community where our children can learn and live in a safe and nurturing environment that will help them grow up to live a healthy and productive life. X

Autism and happiness by Michael Franco

Call about Valentine’s Promotion

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February 20, 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Sylvia van Meerten is organizing Empower Autism’s first conference, Autism and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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When it comes to services for children and adults with autism, Asheville offers an array of resources from vocational programs to mentoring to support for families. However, according to sylvia van meerten, founder of Empower Autism, there is a gap when it comes to teaching individuals on the autism spectrum how to be happy. “I think that we spend a lot of time correcting children on the spectrum to fit in better, to behave more in line with our social standards,” she says, “but we don’t spend a lot of time teaching them what to do to make themselves happy.” To help remedy the situation, Empower Autism is hosting its first conference: Autism and the Pursuit of Happiness. Both autism professionals and adults on the spectrum will pres-

ent their take on how to find greater joy in life. The conference will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at UNC Asheville’s Highsmith Building. According to van Meerten, one of the most promising aspects of the conference is that parents of children on the autism spectrum will have a chance to meet adults with autism, something that doesn’t frequently happen in the community. “Families who don’t have a picture of what adulthood could look like for their child can come and hear independent, employed adults on the spectrum talk about their lives and what it was like for them as children,” she says. $10 direct care workers; $25 general public; $100 vendors. To register, visit X

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Our experiences in early childhood shape our lives. When children are exposed to severe, frequent stress it shapes their future health and safety. Research tells us that when a child is exposed to stressful experiences such as domestic violence and substance abuse, it can rewire their body and brain. In Health and Human Services in Buncombe County, we are working to educate and create support systems so our children are protected from these experiences. What we do matters. Working together we can nurture safe and protective environments for our children. Buncombe county health and human services offers the following programs to help our children grow healthy and strong: • Under Six provides family-friendly outreach to families with children younger than six to help them cope with the challenges of parenting. Everyone can take action to protect children and support parents. 250-6000. • Community Service Navigators are available in communities, helping individuals and families to connect with sup-

port services they need. Contact • nurse Family partnership: First-time pregnant women receive prenatal and parenting support from a home visiting nurse. • Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a new community resource that trains community partners to offer parenting support to our community. • Innovative Approaches is a group that works to improve care for children with special health care needs, focusing on helping doctors learn about the impact of childhood trauma and how to support their patients. • Project Broadcast is a Trauma-informed Child Welfare Practice project that focuses on the effects of trauma and appropriate response through referrals to therapists who specialize in trauma work with children and families. Learn more at or call 250-5500. X Angela Pittman is the director of the Department of Social Services, and Gibbie Harris is the director of the Department of Public Health.

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


Wellness calendar by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

James Biddle, MD BoarD CertifieD in internal MeDiCine

yoga for the eyes (pd.) Fridays, 10:45-12:00—Natural vision improvement through Yoga, Qigong and the Bates Method. Nourish & Flourish, 347 Depot St. River Arts District. All Levels. Instructor: Nathan Oxenfeld. $12.

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asheviLLe coMMunity yoga center 8 Brookdale Road. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga. com. • WEDNESDAYS through (1/29), 6-7:30pm "Yoga for Trauma," a four-week series, will teach techniques to manage the effects of stress and trauma. All levels. $40. • THURSDAYS through (2/6), 6-7:30pm - "Yoga For Weight Loss," a 4-week series. $40.

est. 1997 828-252-5545

CounCil on AGinG meDiCAre ClAsses This class will discuss how Medicare works. Free. Info and reservations: or 277-8288. • FR (1/31), 2-4pm - Reuter Center, UNCA. • WE (2/5), 3-5pm - West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. CounCil on AGinG PPACA ClAsses These classes discuss the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Free. Info and reservations: or 277-8288. • WE (1/29), 4-5:30pm - Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview. • TH (1/30), 4-5:30pm - Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester. • FR (1/31), 6-7:30pm - YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. • TU (2/4), 6-7:30pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty, Black Mountain. • WE (2/5), 2-3:30pm - Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston, Swannanoa. earthfare pubLic Lectures • WE (1/29), 6:30-7:30pm - Michael Chapman discusses how to stick with New Year's resolutions. Held at 1856 Hendersonville Road. Info: 210-0100.

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first congregationaL united church of christ Fifth Avenue W. and White Pine Drive, Hendersonville. Info: • SU (2/2), 9:15am - Ddiabetes educator Melissa Melum will present "Diabetes: How To Be Helpful Without Becoming the 'Food Police.' ”

30 Day Self Health Study Free Saliva pH Test Kits An Overly Acidic Body is the Root Cause of Most Disease

Jdrf type 1 diabetes workshop • SA (2/1), 2:30-5:30pm - "How to Care for a Type 1 Diabetic." Held at Great Beginnings Pediatric Dentistry, 10B Yorkshire St. Registration required by Jan. 28. Info: or 704561-0828.


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10 DAYS $25



Living heaLthy with a chronic condition workshops Sponsored by Land-of-Sky Regional Council, these 6-week workshops are for people living with a chronic disease and their caregivers. Registration is open for the first two weeks. $30 suggested donation. Info: or 251-7438. • THURSDAYS through (2/13), 1-3:30pm - Held at Laurelwood Apartments, 650 Caribou Road. Registration required. red cross bLood drives Info: or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • FR (1/31), 7:30am-noon - Reuter Family YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Appointments and info: 1-800-RED-CROSS. 42

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

unca Medicare inforMation Lecture • FR (1/31), 2-4pm - Held in the Reuter Center. Reservations: 277-8288.

suPPort GrouPs aduLt chiLdren of aLcohoLics & dysfunctionaL faMiLies ACOA is an anonymous 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: • FRIDAYS: • 7pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS: • 8:30am - First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • SUNDAYS: • 3pm - The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. • 3pm - Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde • MONDAYS: • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. aL-anon / aLateen faMiLy group A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS: • 11:30am - Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville • 5:45pm & 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS: • 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road • 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock • 7pm, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road • FRIDAYS: • noon - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Brevard • 1pm - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 8pm Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swann St. • SATURDAYS: • 9am &10am; - First Baptist Church Annex, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • 10am - First Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin • 10am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 10am - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. • noon - First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. • SUNDAYS: • 5pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS: • noon - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva • 8pm - Ledger Baptist Church, 208 Church Road, Bakersville. • 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. • TUESDAYS: • 10am - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden • 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. • 7:30pm - St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 256 East Main St., Brevard • 8pm - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. asheviLLe aLcohoLics anonyMous AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Info: • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. debtors anonyMous 12-step recovery on issues of underearning, debt and learning to live one's vision in life. Info: • MONDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. depression and bipoLar support AlliAnCe: mAGnetiC minDs • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Magnetic Minds provides self-help through weekly, peer-facilitated support meetings. Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road, across from the West Asheville BB&T. Free. Info: or 367-7660. eMotions anonyMous: asheviLLe • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Emotions Anonymous offers a 12-step program for anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road. Info: 631-434-5294. heart of recovery Meditation group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - "Heart of Recovery," a meditation and discussion group that integrates meditation practice with any 12-step recovery program will be held at Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville, 19 Westwood Place. Meetings are anonymous and confidential. Free. Info: MeMorycaregivers network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • 1st TUESDAYS, 1pm - Meets at Fletcher Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1141 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher. Men's working on Life issues • MONDAYS, 6-8pm. Men's Support Group. Seeking men in Asheville ready to do real work on life issues. 90 Zillicoa Ave. Info: 686-5590 or 683-7195. nar-anon faMiLy groups A group for relatives and friends who are concerned about the addiction or drug problem of another. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 891-8050. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. narcotics anonyMous of wnc NA provides support to men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Local helpline: 866-925-2148. Info: • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness NAMI offers support to people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Located at 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite. 207. Info: or 505-7353. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Connection group and Family/Caregiver group at the NAMI office, 356 Biltmore Ave. overeaters anonyMous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS: • noon - Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975 • 6:30pm - Cox House, 723 N. Grove St., Hendersonville. Info: 329-1637. • FRIDAYS: • 10am- Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-

1975. • SATURDAYS: • 9:30am - 424 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS: • 6pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 516-650-5626. • 6:30pm - Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 800-5804761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 609731-0808. • 5:30pm - First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva. Info: 508-2586. recovering coupLes anonyMous Support group for couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Foster Seventh Day Adventist Church, 375 Hendersonville Road. Meets every other week. Info: crimsonmanzanita@yahoo. com. s-anon faMiLy groups • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexaholism. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: or 258-5117.

sMart recovery A peer support group to help individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 407-0460. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion. Info: 925-8626 • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - St. Andrew Celtic Church, 850 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. Info: 273-0256 t.h.e. center for disordered eAtinG 297 Haywood St. Info: or 337-4685. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm Group for teens ages 15-17. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm Group for family members, caregivers and friends of individuals struggling with eating disorders. More weLLness events onLine Check out the Wellness Calendar online at for info on events happening after February 5. CAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 110

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

I’d like to take my GreatGrandmother Grocery Shopping In 2007, celebrated food activist and journalist, Michael Pollan, wrote an article that appeared in the New York Times entitled “Unhappy Meals” and used the often quoted phrase, “ ...don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”, which is also appears in his book “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manual”. “...don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food”, is a good example of sound-bite nutrition. A message that plays well to the media and people can remember it easily, I believe his point being that we eat more”processed” and packaged foods than our recent ancestors. My great-grandmother, Mercedes Guebara, was born in New Mexico in 1864 and died in 1944. She lived through World War I, Prohibition, the Depression and most of World War II. She would have used ration cards and may have participated in “Meatless Mondays” and “Wheatless Wednesdays” during World War I to conserve food for the troops (Source: Surely there were times in her life when food was less than plentiful, but was she eating those processed and packaged foods? In 1812 the first canning facility for oysters, meats, fruits and vegetables was established in New York. (Source: html/artcanninghistory.html 1888- Quaker Rolled white Oats were advertised in Good Housekeeping 1900 - The Hershey Bar was introduced 1905- Royal Crown Cola introduced 1910 - A grocer in New York advertised catsup for sale in the New York Times and Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour was introduced 1920 - La Choy food products and Eskimo pies were introduced. Domino Sugar was advertised in the New York Times. 1930 - Good Housekeeping featured an advertisement for Del Monte tomato sauce in cans and Birds Eye Frosted Foods, Wonder Bread (sliced), Hostess Twinkies, and Snickers candy bars (Mars, Inc.) were introduced. (Source: Yes, I’d like to take my great-grandmother shopping at Ingles Markets. Based on the small grocery stores she likely shopped in; she would be stunned at the size of an Ingles Market and the amazing variety of products that fill a modern-day market. But she would probably recognize quite a bit of the packaged and canned food. The food she might not be able to identify would more likely be fruits, vegetables and grains that aren’t native to the United States or that weren’t imported or available commercially until well into the 20th century like kiwi fruit and quinoa or even yogurt....and I wonder what she would think of hummus or chia seeds! So Mr. Pollan, , I’d like to take my great-grandmother grocery shopping to show her some of the new food and produce items available but I wouldn’t necessarily base my eating habits on what she recognized as food.

Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



Bringing the heat Asian winter food traditions in Asheville

BY JEssE FaRthing

For more than a thousand years, northern Asian cultures have beaten the harsh cold and brutal snow storms of winter with warming dishes such as steaming soups and stews, peppery kimchi, savory dumplings and spicy barbecue. Gathering with family and friends around the table to enjoy these foods is a cold-weather Asian tradition that has found its way to the Asheville area through its vibrant and varied community of residents who claim Japanese, Korean and Chinese roots. Tadashi Torii, a glass artist who lives in Waynesville, says that two of his favorite traditional Japanese winter dishes are oden and mizutaki. “Oden — that’s got a kelp soup base and you cut up a bunch of stuff and put in it: potatoes, daikon (a mild-flavored Asian radish) and, depending on where you are from in Japan, they may add either chicken or beef, tofu or dried fish,” Torii says. “It’s really great. I cooked it once, and my wife liked it so much that she ate it seven days in a row.” As for mizutaki, “The ingredients are Chinese cabbage, regular tofu, green onions, shiitake mushrooms and carrots,” he says. “Then you can put in chicken or another meat and make a meatball with a little egg as a bonding agent. To spice it up, you can add pepper or garlic powder.” Popular all over East Asia, hot pot dishes like mizutaki are traditionally cooked right at the table in a ceramic pot. Scott Martz is an American who has been living and teaching in China for the past four years. He says that in China, people believe that “drinking or eating cold drinks is very bad for your health. So they actually only drink warm water during the winter. You can’t find an ice


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

cube unless it’s at a fast-food joint.” “They love to eat hot pot during the winter,” he says. “You can either have a spicy broth or just regular water, and they pretty much put whatever they want in it, but the meat is always thinly sliced. They put all kinds of vegetables in the hot pot — pretty much any kind you want; there’s no set meal.” Soups and stews are also traditional winter dishes in Korea. Kristina Im, owner and chef at Korean House in downtown Asheville, says Koreans like to eat “everything” in the wintertime, but the more traditional foods are soups like yuk gye jang and a stew called galbi jim. “Yuk gye jang,” she explains, is “a soup with sweet potato noodles, a beef bone broth and a lot of vegetables. That’s one, with a spicy broth, that people like to eat when it gets cold. Also galbi jim — a short rib stew with a sweet broth, dates, pine

hot spot: Tadashi Torii, a resident of Waynesville and native of Japan, in the bamboo grove beside Heiwa Shokudo on Lexington Avenue. Heiwa is a good place to sample authentic Japanese cuisine. Photo by Nick King

nuts and radish, with a fruit sauce and ginger that makes your body warm up.” Sj Yang, who works at Kim’s Oriental Food and Gifts, echos Im’s statement that they eat “everything” during the winter, Yang lists a variety of foods that Koreans enjoy, including kimchi, seafood soup and traditional Korean barbecue. “In Korea there are lots of kinds of kimchi,” says Yang. “Radish kimchi, cabbage kimchi, white kimchi, water kimchi.

Koreans love it, especially during the wintertime.” “The end of January is the Lunar New Year, so the Korean people eat rice-cake soup generally,” he adds. Duk mandu guk, Im explains, is rice cakes and dumplings with vegetables and a beef broth. “That’s a cultural thing. People think that after we eat that, we get one year older.” With its diverse array of restaurants and shops, Asheville is home to a wide variety of places to experience traditional Asian winter foods. Heiwa Shokudo (87 N. Lexington Ave.), The Noodle Shop (3 Pack Square) and Korean House (122 College St.) are good places to begin. Home chefs looking to make these dishes should check out Foreign Affairs Oriental Market (611 Tunnel Road) or Kim’s Oriental Food and Gifts (5 Regent Park Blvd.) to stock up on ingredients that may not be available in traditional Western supermarkets. X

Some companieS have brancheS, we have rootS! Recent seller... “This is the third house I have sold with Town and Mountain

Chinese New Year Chinese New Year, or the Lunar New Year, is a 15-day event celebrating the beginning of the new year on the Chinese lunar calendar. The Chinese New Year begins on Friday, Jan. 31, this year and will be celebrated all over the world, from China to the Philippines and anywhere with a significant Chinese population. Traditional Chinese New Year celebrations begin with fireworks and include feasts, dancing, family gatherings and celebrations for the first two weeks of the lunar month, culminating with the Lantern Festival on the 15th day. Alan Kong, owner of The Noodle Shop in downtown Asheville and a native of northern China, says traditional New Year foods include everything from noodles to hot pot to meat and seafood in various forms, but a must-have item is dumplings. “Dumplings are very important,” says Kong. “On New Year’s Eve, right before midnight, [my family] would gather to eat dumplings.” Pork is the most popular filling, he says, for these little dough-encased pillows, but seafood, vegetable and other versions are also eaten. “An old tradition,” he says, “is to put a coin inside one of the dumplings.” The person who got the dumpling with the coin inside, was believed to be blessed with good fortune for the whole year. Kong offers the pork dumpling recipe he serves at The Noodle Shop as a simple option for a homemade celebration. noodLE shop poRk dumpLings (makes about 60 dumplings)

dash of sugar to taste. Place a teaspoon of filling in the center of each wrapper, moisten edges with water and fold edges over to form a triangle or halfcircle, depending on the whether you have square or round wrappers. Roll edges slightly to seal. Steam dumplings in a bamboo or metal steamer for about 15 minutes. Serve warm. Kong recommends serving the dumplings with a dipping sauce he makes by mixing about two parts soy sauce, one part cooking wine and hot chili oil and sugar to taste. — J.F.

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Chinese New Year at Ben’s Tune Up One option for those who want to experience a taste of the Chinese New Year is to venture out to Ben’s TuneUp on Hilliard Avenue on Friday, Jan. 31. The Asian-themed restaurant and nightspot will celebrate the holiday with an event that promises both food and fun: a Chinese-style endless buffet, martial arts demonstrations, a performance and parade with Asheville Second Line, a firecracker toast, a ninja-star throwing competition and a giveaway. The buffet will cost $14.99 per person and will feature fresh, Ben’s-style dishes, including General Ben’s Chicken, Chinese long beans, pineapple fried rice, lo mein, Chinese meatballs, meats on sticks, rangoons, eggrolls and more. The buffet will be available 5-10 p.m. A “Special Chinese Delights” menu will be available 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. for late-night diners.


Valentines Day Special Dinner For Two:

One Appetizer, 2 Entrees, & One Dessert ONLY $40 — Gina Smith

ingredients Note: Measurements are approximate. Amounts of ingredients can be increased or decreased according to taste. About one pound ground pork 3-4 cups Napa cabbage, finely chopped 2 Tbs hoisin sauce 2 Tbs cooking wine salt sugar 1 package dumpling or won ton wrappers

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221 Airport Road •Arden, NC 28704


to make: Mix pork, cabbage, sauce and wine together with salt and a

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Toni Sherwood


Small bites

Notes from the Asheville food scene

a-B tEch wins statEwidE compEtition

TUESDAY ¹/₂-off local draft TUESDAY— WEDNESDAY— ¹/₂- price wine by the glass

THURSDAY— Retro Happy Hour $5 Retro Cocktails

(i.e. tom collins, manhattans, champagne cocktails)



20 wall street 252-4162

Five A-B Tech students recently snagged first place and a gold medal during the statewide Hot Food Team Culinary Competition, earning them a trip to the American Culinary Federation’s Regional Competition. Team captain Alex Harris, Caroline Williams, Ruth Solis and Daniel Radle will move on to compete April 26-29 in Charleston, S.C., at the ACF’s Southeast Regional conference. Team manager Kristina Costa, alternate Jay O’Hannon, and coach Chef Eric Backer round out the group. Participating students are enrolled in either the Culinary Arts or the Baking and Pastry Arts programs at A-B Tech. In the competition, student teams first demonstrate butchery and knife skills, then prepare a four-course signature meal. Their opponents should be concerned: Seven times in the last 11 years of the national competition, A-B Tech teams have been ranked in the top four. Best of luck to our local team! aiR’s smaLL-pLatE cRawL adds winE

It's about the process...

The Asheville Independent Restaurant Association will hold its third annual Small-Plate Crawl Tuesday-Thursday, Feb. 25-27. New this year: Several participating chefs have designed plates specifically to be paired with Biltmore Estate wines. Plate prices are in the $3-$8 range.

Lost Your Pet? Act Within 24 hours!

...not processed 48 Biltmore Avenue Asheville, NC, 28801 46

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

• Call: (828) 250-6430 and email: Visit: 16 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville (Buncombe County Animal Shelter) • Check photos of stray pets daily at • Search and flyer the area where your pet went missing; offer a reward • Post photos on Facebook and Craigslist

828.250.6430 •

thE LinEup: From left, A-B Tech students Alex Harris, Caroline Williams, Kristina Costa, Ruth Solis, Jay O’Hannon (rear) and Daniel Radle took top honors in the recent Hot Food Team Culinary Competition. Photo courtesy of A-B Tech

This year’s participants include Blue Kudzu Sake, Carmel’s Kitchen & Bar, Creperie Bouchon, French Broad Chocolates, King James Public House, Lexington Avenue Brewery, The Lobster Trap, The Market Place, Sante Wine Bar & Tap Room, Strada Italiano, Thirsty Monk, Wicked Weed Brewing, 32º Ice Bar & Lounge, Pomodoros Cafe South and Sunny Point Café. ashEviLLE BuncomBE Food poLicY counciL opEn mEEting The Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council will hold a Monday, Feb. 10, “Meeting of the Whole,” a communitywide event for anyone wanting to learn more about the organization’s work and help it set priorities for the coming year. The meeting will take place at UNC Asheville’s Sherrill Center in the Mountain View Suite. A newmember orientation will be held at 4 p.m. followed by a working meeting 4:30-6:30 p.m. Parking is avail-

able at the Sherrill Center. The council will celebrate the progress made across the community over the past year in working toward policies that support a “healthy, food-friendly” Asheville and Buncombe County. RSVP for the meeting at info@ chEEsE-tasting EvEnts The Cheese Store of Asheville is partnering with experts including cheese makers, butchers, cheese sellers, wine representatives and cultural experts to offer a variety of informative cheese-tasting events over the winter. February events include: France, 3-5 p.m., Sunday, Feb 9; Spain, 3-5 p.m., Sunday, Feb 16; and Charcuterie and Beer (cheese will also be included), 5:30-7 p.m., Thursday Feb. 20. Tastings are $15 per person. The Cheese Store is inside the Weinhaus at 86 Patton Ave. 484-1586, or visit X


by Jonathan Ammons

Cyber spice to be supercomplicated to make a good meal. You know, the whole point is to encourage.” In a culture where the iPhone seems to have replaced the cookbook, it’s easy to run to the grocery store and do a cursory Google search to come up with a recipe for dinner. Most often, we wind up on major sites like Epicurious or Allrecipes that feature user-contributed, usually only faintly tested recipes. But in the spirit of keeping things local and supporting our neighbors, it’s good to know about the wealth of knowledge, diligence and quality home cooking that is coming out of the Colliers’ kitchen right here in Asheville — and that is easily accessible on the Web.

Local food blogger finds international audience

When Sommer Collier was teaching third grade at Jenks Elementary in Tulsa, Okla., it’s a safe bet she didn’t see herself running a commercially competitive food blog and having companies like KitchenAid remodel her home kitchen just a few years later here in Asheville. But these days, the website, operated out of her Kenilworth home, sees heavy national and international traffic and has earned her major sponsorships from Gold Medal flour, KitchenAid, OXO, Land O’ Lakes butter and many others. From the beginning, A Spicy Perspective went beyond just listing recipes. Collier’s “Where to Eat in Asheville” profiles local restaurants and chefs and includes “easy to make at home” versions of favorite menu items (check her page for a do-it-yourself version of Cúrate’s famous gambas al ajillo or White Duck Taco’s carnitas). But after seeing the page’s rapid growth on the West Coast and in Chicago, Texas, London and Paris (garnering as many as 5,000 hits per month), she and her husband, Dan Collier, re-evaluated their focus and realized that their regular followers were really there for Sommer’s home recipes. “A lot of people see cooking as such a chore,” says Sommer. “Hopefully, giving them an endless stream of recipes will help them feel creative and inspired instead of coming home to something that they dread.” After leaving teaching to spend more time at home with her kids, however, Sommer soon found herself succumbing to cabin fever. “I was a stay-at-home mom, and I needed grown-up time. It was just a good excuse to have people over.” She would invite friends for dinner, and afterward, “they would always ask, ‘How do you do this? Everything comes out at the same time and the right way?’ And I thought, I can show them how this happens!” The classes began as cooking sessions for friends, though they were

For recipes, stories and more from the Collier home, head on over to X

spicE giRL: One of the reasons Sommer Collier started her popular cooking website, A Spicy Perspective, was to encourage families to eat dinner together. Photo courtesy of Sommer Collier

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staged more as a dinner party than a structured lesson. Before they knew it, however, the Colliers were cramming more than 30 people per class into their home kitchen, and Sommer came to realize that the format might need changing. “It got to the point where some of these girls would be at the grocery store and didn’t have the recipe with them, so they would call me and say, ‘Hey, I’m at the grocery store, what do I need?’ And it started happening all the time!” Taking her techsavvy mother’s advice, she turned her classes into a blog that now features more than 600 recipes. “One of the real purposes of the blog was just to encourage families to have dinner together,” adds Dan, who runs the blog’s business side. “It was always about giving people confidence — making them feel like they could cook, and helping them realize that it didn’t have

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Mado Hesselink

The family kitchen “What we run into is our emotional (not rational) definition of what breakfast looks like. Some of this has to do with what we ate for breakfast as children, a lot of it was planted into us by advertisers, and all of it is made worse when we are groggy and short on time.”

The breakfast dilemma

Editor’s note: In her new regular column The Family Kitchen, Asheville yoga instructor and parent Mado Hesselink will explore ways for families to eat a healthy diet on a budget. Breakfast. Sometimes called the most important meal of the day, I call it the most troublesome. When I wake up in the morning, I feel groggy, and it takes a while for my brain cells to settle into their proper places. I do try to get up extra early to compensate for this but still rarely have the time or energy to cook a complicated breakfast (much less clean up afterward!). Aside from the few enviable “morning people’” who spring out of bed each day with bright eyes, most of us face a similar conundrum. I believe this lack of mental clarity in the morning leads us to make more emotional and less rational choices for what to eat in the a.m. than we do at other times of day. In this article, I will share several solutions that have helped me to deal with the breakfast dilemma. LEFtovERs: thE intERnationaL BREakFast One simple option is to eat leftovers. Many of us have very strict ideas about what qualifies as breakfast food. However, around

fats such as grass-fed butter and coconut oil. It’s really a lot better than it sounds. When you blend hot coffee with these fats in a blender, it creates the texture and color of a cappuccino, including the foam on top. You can add nutmeg or vanilla if you like, but absolutely no sugar if you are fasting. This concoction will fill you up without switching your blood chemistry to sugar-burning mode. People who do this report feeling calm yet energized, as though the fats take the edge off the caffeine buzz. poRRidgE: thE oLd FashionEd standBY with a modERn twist Lately, grains have gotten a bad reputation. Even beyond the issue of a wheat and gluten allergy, many people avoid them completely. Even whole grains, touted for decades as the antidote to the refined version, are out of vogue. According to Sally Fallon in her cookbook Nourishing Traditions, “Whole grains contain phytic acids which combine with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in the intestinal tract thus blocking their absorption. They also contain enzyme inhibitors which further inhibit digestion.” Fortunately there is a solution that allows us to obtain the nutrients in whole grains. Soaking or fermenting grains neutralizes phytates and enzyme inhibitors. This predigestion makes all their nutrients more available to our bodies. While soaking and fermenting does add an extra step, the work is done the night before — not in the rush of the morning. So if you’re a fan of oatmeal or other hot grain concoctions, consider soaking your grains overnight in a mixture of water and whey (you can strain the whey off of high-quality yogurt). As a bonus to the improved digestibility and absorption of nutrients, soaked grains cook faster too. X

mado hEssELink

the world most cultures eat breakfasts that would look more like lunch or dinner to us. There’s no reason you can’t eat reheated stir-fry, soup or quiche for breakfast. What we run into is our emotional (not rational) definition of what breakfast looks like. Some of this has to do with what we ate for breakfast as children, a lot of it was planted into us by advertisers, and all of it is made worse when we are groggy and short on time. Make extras of your favorite healthy dinner and decide that is what is for breakfast the night before, while you are still thinking clearly. intERmittEnt Fasting and BuLLEtpRooF coFFEE If you are used to eating a big breakfast every morning or even just cereal, intermittent fasting could take some getting used to. Intermittent fasting is eating at specific times, but not at others. Most of us already do this — we eat our last meal at 7 p.m. (or whenever) and don’t eat again until 7 a.m. That’s

12 hours of fasting. Some people choose to stretch that out and not eat until noon or even just eat one meal per day at dinner. The side effect to intermittent fasting is that you might lose weight due to eating fewer calories overall on a given day. This makes it a poor choice for people who are underweight or trying to keep their weight up (yes, they do exist!), but it might be a great solution if you have a few pounds you’d like to lose. Intermittent fasting obviously requires some self-control. If you skip breakfast only to end up snacking on a muffin, then you might as well just eat cold cereal for breakfast. Even putting sugar in your coffee will elevate your blood sugar temporarily, only to leave you ravenous before lunchtime. So, if you choose to fast be strict about it. If you’re a coffee drinker, you might try bulletproof coffee in addition to intermittent fasting. This is coffee emulsified with high-quality

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


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by Thom O’Hearn

Catawba’s plan B Morganton brewery announces opening date for temporary Asheville tasting room catawBa adapts to ashEviLLE The first brewery opening of the year is anything but business as usual. Sierra Nevada will be the biggest brewery to open in Western North Carolina this year. Twin Leaf will be the first brand-new brewery for Asheville, but its opening is still a few weeks away. So, with a grand opening planned for Feb. 12 (and possible soft-opening events even sooner), Catawba Brewing’s Asheville location will be the first new WNC brewery to kick off in 2014. Well, sort of. “This was not our original plan,” says Billy Pyatt, one of the Catawba owners. “We ran into permit problems that will change what we’re doing at 2 Fairview Road. We’re not going to be able to remodel the existing building. … We’re going to have start from scratch.” For Pyatt and the rest of the Catawba team, the conundrum means the pilot brewery and tasting room concept seen in the above photo won’t open until May at the earliest. So the team is doing what Catawba has always done: making the best of it. a tEmpoRaRY soLution While work at 2 Fairview Road gets underway, the Catawba team will open a temporary tasting room in an unlikely place: 63 Brook St. That’s right, it’s the building sort of across the street from 2 Fairview Road — at the moment, home only to Old School Subs & Deli. “What it comes down to is that Morganton is full, and we needed a space to start staging our Asheville brewery,” says Shelton Steele, the operations manager in charge of Catawba’s Asheville location. “This spot is a place where we can not only offload some of the stuff from Morganton, but also start to have


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

a presence in Asheville and build a little bit of buzz. We can literally look out the window and share our progress with our customers.” As you might expect, 63 Brook St. is coming together under some unique restrictions. Everything the Catawba folks buy or build will either have to be moved within months or abandoned when the time comes. “The good thing is we’re also renovating our Morganton brewery this summer,” says Pyatt. “That gave us some flexibility to buy some equipment we need here.” On the other hand, the temporary status will translate to an unusual serving arrangement. Since Catawba will not replumb the whole building, it will be serving 11 beers out of the trailers normally used for events. Looking ahEad to thE REaL thing This make-do approach will go out the window when the brewery/tasting room combo opens at 2 Fairview Road — which could be as early as May. The upstairs will primarily be an indoor space where up to 70 taproom customers can hit the bar, but the design allows them to visit the brewery at the same time: A cutaway section of the floor will expose the brewery underneath. “We want it to be a place where you can drink great beer and watch what Kevin [Sondey] and his guys do,” says Pyatt. Sondey is the new head brewer for Catawba’s Morganton and Asheville locations. With experience at large breweries like Stoudt’s and Highland, he’s a good fit for the company’s production side. And Sondey is clearly excited to get creative at the Asheville brewery. “I love traditional English ales and German lagers, so expect those out of the Asheville brewery. … But I’ve also brewed in the Pacific Northwest. You’ll see a new double IPA from Catawba when the temporary space opens.” Catawba has yet to release hours, but Pyatt says something along the lines of 4-10 p.m. most days, with expanded hours on Friday and Saturday, is likely. Food trucks will be a part of both the temporary tasting room and the brewery. X

BREw and viEw: Catawba’s planned tasting room at 2 Fairview Road will allow guests to look down into the brewery while they enjoy a pint. Photo courtesy of Catawba Brewing Co.

Highland Night Fight

Highland Brewing Co. has come up with a way to pair nighttime, beer-drinking fun with a competitive cardio workout. In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the brewery is partnering with the Asheville Parks and Greenways Foundation and the city of Asheville to hold the Night Fight foot race event starting at 9 p.m. on Saturday, July 12. Two different courses are planned, both ending with a party at Highland Brewing on Old Charlotte Highway off Fairview Road. The Gaelic Gallop starts downtown on the corner of Ashton and Lexington, one block from the brewery’s original location — a distance of about 5.5 miles. Runners who want to get to their beer faster can choose the 3.3-mile Saint Terese’s Scamper, which starts in Biltmore Village. Headlamps and glow paraphernalia will be provided. Early-bird registration is $35 for the long race and $25 for the short one. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Asheville Parks and Greenways Foundation. — G.S. Registration begins on Feb. 1 with the launch of the official race website: — Gina Smith

Asheville Growler gets class-y

Asheville Growler opened a few months ago as the first dedicated growler fill station in the state. Since then,it’s kept the tap lines flowing — and you can also grab pints and flights in the shop. On Sunday, Feb. 16, the business offers something new: “Beer 101” with a built-in tasting. The class will run from 4-6 p.m., cost $10, and the instructor is Anne-Fitten Glenn (a former freelance writer for Mountain Xpress and currently marketing communicatrix for Oskar Blues). Naturally, you have to be 21 or older to attend. While a growler station might not be your first thought when it comes to a classroom, Glenn says, “Asheville Growler offers a variety of craft beer styles on draft from local, regional and national craft breweries, making it a perfect spot to teach Beer 101.” In addition to a guided tasting, the class will cover some brewing basics, beer and food pairing, beer history, and more. Keep your eyes open for future Beer 101 and other classes on the Asheville Growler Facebook page — T.O.

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014





Kid rock Two youthful acts release mature projects BY aLLi maRshaLL & LEa mcLELLan

Among the forms of musical youth are The School of Rock (both the movie and the institution where young musicians learn the finer points of shredding) and the 27 Club (rockers become legendary by not making it to age 30). Then there are talented musicians whose sophisticated playing belies the low candle count on their birthday cakes. They’re probably the ones Pete Townshend had in mind when he penned “The Kids Are Alright.” Two such acts, Joe Lasher Jr. and The Mobros, have picked Saturday, Feb. 1 to launch new albums in Asheville. countRY BoY While many of Joe Lasher Jr.’s classmates are occupied with weekend parties, midterm grades and prom dates, the North Buncombe High junior has been focused on polishing an unusual line for his college resume: up-andcoming country rocker. The 17-year-old singer-songwriter got his first guitar at age 8, began writing songs for talent shows in middle school and started playing solo at open mics in April of last year. His take on Southern outlaw, country rock ’n’ roll quickly found a fan base. Open mic nights at Blue Mountain Pizza in Weaverville soon gave way to rodeo show gigs and county fair stages. In June, Lasher assembled a

who Joe Lasher, Jr., at Highland Brewing, whEn Saturday, Feb. 1, 6-8 p.m. Free.


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

band with Zach Haney on lead guitar and vocals, Jason Surrett on bass and vocals and Will “The Animal” Beverly on drums and vocals. Six months later, Lasher and his band have upward of 5,000 fans on social media and a release date for their first album, Devil in a Jar. They’ll perform at a release party at Highland Brewing Co. Saturday, Feb. 1. Baby-faced Lasher may be, but Devil in a Jar isn’t your typical afterschool project. His deep, bass vocals, big drum beats and alt-rock-style guitar licks, complete with feel-good, pop country lyrics — Bud Light, fishing holes and hanging with buddies included — make for a mature (not to mention fun) offering. Despite his laid-back Southern drawl and songs like “How a Country Boy Rides” and “Cowboy

how a countRY BoY RidEs: Local country artist Joe Lasher Jr., center right, describes his sound as a combination of acts like Bon Jovi, Metallica and Garth Brooks. Photo courtesy of the band

Love Song,” Lasher hopes he won’t be pigeonholed as solely a country artist. And his music will certainly appeal to a particular sector of the rock ’n’ roll crowd. Influences range from Bon Jovi to Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot, as well as “some harder-edged stuff” like Metallica. He also admits to harboring a “strange addiction” to Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks and George Strait. “The music that I write is just a combination of all

those put together,” says Lasher. If his rapidly growing success surprises anyone, it’s probably Lasher himself. “Back in April, I walked downstairs one day, and I said, ‘Dad, let’s make a fan page on Facebook and see if we can get anybody to follow me,’” he says. “At that point, we had no idea what we were getting into. From then on, it just took off.” Luckily for Lasher, his family is overwhelmingly supportive. His dad, Joe Sr., who’s taken on the role of the young musician’s manager and publicist, knows the music business firsthand from his days as a guitarist for the local ’90s rock band Mother Soul. “Family support has been incredible,” says Lasher Jr. “Everybody in the family is just behind my back the whole time, and they’re there for whatever I need and make everything

possible.” Lasher adds that while his guitar skills may have been inherited from his father, he credits his mom for his vocal talent. “As far as the fan following goes,” he continues, “it’s been crazy. I never thought in April that by Jan. 1, 2014, I’d have 5,000 fans. And I definitely didn’t think we would have a full, 11-song album being released this soon either.” Juggling school and his new life as a musician can be a challenge, says Lasher; nonetheless, he’s eager to go deeper into the music scene and dreams of touring after getting his high school diploma. He’s also interested in studying agriculture as a backup plan. For now, Lasher is focused on his album and making sure the release party gives fans a good time. “Fans are friends, you know,” says Lasher. “I couldn’t do anything without them. The support that I have, the love for my music from them, the support at the shows — it’s unbelievable, and I love them to death. I love the music and I love them, and I just want to see people happy listening to my music.” — L.M. LikE BLazing saddLEs It started with a high school talent show. Brothers Kelly and Patrick Morris can’t remember what the prize was — maybe $100? — but it was enough to motivate them to enter. Kelly, the elder by two years, was dedicated to the guitar, inspired by the likes of the Gypsy Kings and the King. Patrick, after trying a number of instruments, had settled on drums. The duo won the contest that year, and every year after that, until it just got embarrassing. But anyone who’s heard The Mobros would think twice before going head to head against them. The band plays the Emerald Lounge Saturday, Feb. 1, as part of the launch for its new album, Walking with a Different Stride. The 20-plus dates make this the first real tour for the siblings from Camden, S.C. They’re no strangers to Asheville, though, having performed at CCX Music Fest and Jack of the Wood. Stride marks another first: The Mobros’ debut full-length release. But it doesn’t play like a novice effort. The guitar positively struts and, when you least expect it, rears back and strikes. The drums are equal parts aggression and flourish. The album’s 10 tracks range from

Best Paella In Asheville BRothER act: “The thread throughout is soul and rock ’n’ roll with a Western thing,” says drummer Patrick Morris about The Mobros’ sound. The duo includes Patrick’s sibling, Kelly, on guitar and vocals. Photo courtesy of the band

the nasty slink of “Friday Night” to the aerobic jostle of “Trampstamp,” the grungy blues of “Pride & Praise” to the raw swing of “Corrina.” “The thread throughout is soul and rock ’n’ roll with a Western thing,” says Patrick. “Like Blazing Saddles,” adds Kelly, referencing the 1974 Mel Brooks satire that had Cleavon Little playing a cowboy. It’s one of the many black-white dichotomies that seem to inform the Morrises’ work. “Say you have a Led Zeppelin backup band with Jackie Wilson leading it,” says Kelly. “Not to compare us to either of those, but there’s that Stax [Records] kind of drive that we like.” The brothers — now in their early 20s, though they sound seasoned beyond their years — write separately, bringing individual song ideas to the table. But there’s also an intuitive connectivity to their creative process, from the way Patrick harmonizes with Kelly’s formidable vocals (recalling, by turns, Otis Redding and Prince) to certain obscure references to their shared past.

who The Mobros, at Emerald Lounge, whEn Saturday, Feb. 1, 10:30 p.m. Wham Bam Bowie Band performs at 11:30 p.m. as part of a free Pixies afterparty.

“On our new song, ‘Corrina,’ the outro sort of sounds like Tears For Fears,” says Kelly. “That’s totally Cincinnati for me.” Though they’ve spent most of their lives in South Carolina, the Morrises came from that Ohio city, which Kelly describes as “such a dark, German, rainy, artsy town.” He continues, “I want to make more music like that. It’s kind of dreamy.” But any songs inspired by the nostalgic, urban world of the Morrises’ childhood would certainly be filtered through their determinedly rootsy, acoustic aesthetic. “Coming down here was such a shock to the senses,” says Patrick. “Without it, I don’t think we’d have the soul aspect to our music.” The Mobros spent about a year working on a video for their song,“Mississippi Woman.” Made on a tiny budget, it’s an artful telling, in music and images, of a Deep South story. Equal parts O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Cool Hand Luke (they pay tribute to the latter), it was filmed in an abandoned South Carolina town. It captures the desperation of black prisoners and the kind of rhythmic, driving blues associated with early Fat Possum releases, tempered by rugged romance. “The funny thing is, that song is not really what we do,” says Patrick. But the brothers liked being able to introduce viewers to lesser-known sites and spots around their adopted home state. And with the release of Stride, they’ll be able to acquaint listeners with the full sonic spectrum that is The Mobros. — A.M. X

Open 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Grove Arcade Suite 139 828-350-1332

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



by Jordan Lawrence

Everyone’s baby Pixies bring a new lineup and new sound to Asheville Kim Shattuck definitely wasn’t the first bassist to be terminated unceremoniously. The firings and infighting that go on within bands easily rival the Hollywood drama that each week fills up fleets of grocery store tabloids. Such happenings hardly seem newsworthy — you know, unless the bassist in question gets fired from Pixies, one of indie rock’s most enduring icons, and then goes on to question the decision in a high-profile interview. “I get the feeling they’re more introverted people than I am,” Shattuck told NME after her November dismissal from the band. (Pixies are currently touring behind a 2013 single and a pair of EPs, their first new material in more than 20 years. The group plays the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium on Saturday, Feb. 1. “Nobody really talked about deep issues, at least out loud. There was a show at the Mayan in Los Angeles where I got overly enthusiastic and jumped into the crowd, and I know they weren’t thrilled about that. When I got offstage the manager told me not to do that again. I said, ‘Really, for my own safety?’ And he said, ‘No, because the Pixies don’t do that.’” Major music outlets jumped after the story with the bloodlust of gos-

sip rags, turning every minuscule quote from the Pixies into that day’s top headline. This, it turns out, is the cost of being beloved: Everyone has an opinion about everything that you do, no matter how trivial. “That means they care,” reasons guitarist Joey Santiago. “The Pixies are like their baby, and they want to see every transition go their way, you know? But a lot of people embrace our decisions. We can’t please everyone. And not to sound corny, but we’ve got to please ourselves. People don’t know all the details. You can’t please everyone. Even with the new songs, you just can’t do it. And that’s what’s important.” Pixies soldier on. This, after all, isn’t the first bassist the group has had to replace during the past year. Kim Deal, a founding member and the ringleader of the similarly influential Breeders, parted ways with the band back in June. Following that setback, the remaining trio entered a studio in Wales and produced a mountain of material, eight songs of which ended up on September’s EP-1 and this month’s EP-2. Santiago and drummer David Lovering both gush about the sessions, talking excitedly about how the new numbers have energized the band. But, as Santiago hints, reaction to the songs hasn’t been particularly positive. While diverse, both EPs are a little too clean and land with a blunted edge compared to the Pixies’ high water marks. Whether tidied

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

happY togEthER: Despite a high-profile firing and lukewarm reception to two recent EPs, Pixies core members stand by their work. Photo by Michael Halsband

(1989’s Doolittle) or left unkempt (1988’s Surfer Rosa and 1987’s Come On Pilgrim), the group’s best work excels through frantic energy, with the wily yelps of Black Francis — né Charles Thompson — soothed just slightly by Deal’s sardonic coos, while straightforward riffs twist into torrents of powerful fuzz. The EPs don’t sound bad, per se. On the first, “Andro Queen” is awash with delicate reverb. “Blue Eyed Hexe,” the most striking cut on either effort, mangles a swaggering cock-rock riff with fierce distortion and clever countermelodies. It’s fun in its way, but “Blue Eyed Hexe” — like the rest of the new material — can’t touch the complex thrills from the Pixies’ past. “It’s definitely different,” Lovering admits. “We’re of a different age. I can see it’s different. I would say that EP-2 doesn’t sound like Come on Pilgrim. But Surfer Rosa doesn’t sound like Trompe le Monde, and Trompe le Monde doesn’t sound like Doolittle, and Doolittle doesn’t sound like Bossanova, and Bossanova doesn’t sound like EP-1. It’s just a difference in it all, and we’re happy with it.” As with the overblown bass upheaval, the Pixies’ new music is held to a different standard than pretty much any band working today. The remaining trio will keep

going, now joined by former Zwan and Silver Jews backer Paz Lenchantin. The band’s current tour schedule is busy through next spring, and there will likely be more EPs released during that stretch. Rest assured, the Pixies feel the weight of fan expectations.

who Pixies with Cults whERE Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, whEn Saturday, Feb. 1, at 8 p.m. $59.05-$69.30

“We know there’s a lot of pressure,” Lovering says. “What we’re doing, it’s a tricky thing. We did a bunch of songs, and we knew that they had to be of some value. We had a lot of songs that we actually threw away. But we were very happy with everything, and we knew what was behind it and what people would think about it. There was a little trepidation, but we’re happy with the final product.” X


by Christian Church

Tell it like it is

taLL taLEs: Now in its fourth year in Asheville, Listen to This: Stories in Performance was started by comedian Tom Chalmers when he lived in L.A. Photo by Tommy Propest

Storytelling series Listen to This begins a new season “When explaining Listen to This: Stories in Performance to newcomers, I will often describe it as This American Life life onstage but with better reception and more beer,” says local comedian Tom Chalmers, the host of the storytelling series, held monthly at 35below, Asheville Community Theatre’s black-box space. The show, which turns crowdsourced personal tales into theatrical performance, begins its 2014 season on Thursday, Jan. 30. For Chalmers, it all started decades ago. “When I was in New York City in the 1990s, there was an explosion of different writing and performing options,” he said in an email interview. Wanting to write and perform as much as possible, he dived into that scene and was eventually invited to present as part of

an early show of The Moth. That New York-based nonprofit group, founded in ’97, is often credited with launching the contemporary storytelling revival movement. In fact, it’s hard for anyone to present a story series these days without drawing comparisons to The Moth — which now holds events around the country and a weekly podcast. “I loved the format of real people telling real stories, all based around a central theme, as an evening of entertainment,” Chalmers says. Even before his work with The Moth (that program’s roots stem from late-night storytelling sessions held by creator George Dawes Green and his friends on their porches on St. Simon’s Island, Ga.), he’d understood the possibility of personal narratives as performance. Seeing Spalding Gray perform his monologue “Monster in a Box” in the early ’90s was the first indication to Chalmers that storytelling made for riveting theater.

So, when he relocated to Los Angeles at the turn of the millennium, Chalmers was ready to pitch his own monthly series. Sacred Fools Theater Company was receptive, and there Chalmers — who cut his theater teeth while still attending Columbia University — began work on what would become Listen to This. Chalmers’ varied background in comedy and performance has been integral to the development of his series. After college, he wrote and performed with the New York arm of The Groundlings, the improv troupe and school that launched Pee Wee’s Playhouse and the careers of many Saturday Night Live alumni. Like those variety shows, each Listen to This performance includes musical interludes and plenty of audience interaction. Storytellers range from comedians and musicians to those Chalmers calls “regular-type folks.” The diversity of the format recalls public radio programs like Wits and the seminal This American Life. Those similarities are no coincidence: Hearing David Sedaris on Public Radio International’s TAL was a “gospel moment for me,” Chalmers says. “Like many others, I was smitten by [Sedaris’] ability to take painful and awkward moments and turn them into hilarious personal essays, something I try to do in my writing.” Chalmers channeled those inspirations into Listen To This, which premiered at Sacred Fools in February 2001 and ran monthly for two years. Then, Chalmers packed up his show and moved it to North Carolina. In a way, the local comedian brought the New York and L.A.popularized format full-circle. Held for the past four years at 35below,

Listen to This is now closer to The Moth’s start on southern porches. Chalmer’s series, a mixture of topical discussion, personal yarnspinning and humor, is a natural fit not just for the porch, but the

what Listen to This: Stories in performance presents Don’t Pull the Trigger, Squeeze It: straight-shootin’ stories about guns whERE Asheville Community Theatre, whEn Thursday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 p.m. $10.

stage as well. He says, “I am always impressed with how the Asheville audience will follow the presenters in whatever direction they want to go; whether funny or frightening, shocking or sentimental, as long as it is a good story.” upcoming topics: • Don’t Pull the Trigger, Squeeze It: Straight-Shootin’ Stories About Guns” on Thursday, Jan. 30. In a press release, Chalmers writes, “The stories can be serious and speak to the dangers and dire consequences of firearms, but they can also be lighter and reference the culture, the rituals, the coming-of-age quality to getting one’s first gun, etc.”

• Febru-80s: Decadent Stories from the Storied Decade, on Thursday, Feb. 27. • Hikes: The Glorious and Those That Went Terribly Wrong, on Thursday, March 27. X

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


by Jessie Huffaker


The big reveal Boone’s The Nude Party makes its Asheville debut

“Wood-fired pizza don’t speak English.”

In the basement of a large house in Boone, a young band of self-proclaimed weirdos regularly draws an enthusiastic crowd. The musicians wail on their instruments. And disrobe. The band’s name — The Nude Party — reflects exactly what takes place in that basement. But, in the last two months, the group has begun to play its first shows beyond the incubator of house parties. An Asheville debut is set for The Odditorium on Friday, Jan. 31. That transition requires changes. Specifically, for legal reasons if nothing else, a little less full-frontal. A band that openly proclaims its love of performing in the buff runs the risk of being dismissed as gimmicky. But a shtick, by its very definition, implies planning. The boys of The Nude Party are a musical experiment

who The Nude Party with Timmy Tumble and The Shine Brothers whERE The Odditorium, whEn Friday, Jan. 31, at 9 p.m. $5 Grove Arcade 828.225.4133 56

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

BRothERhood oF thE tRavELing pants: Moving from house parties to public shows, Boone-based The Nude Party is keeping planning to a minimum. However, adding clothing is in the works, at least in moderation. Photo courtesy of the band

with no plan. Most of the members have been friends since high school. It wasn’t until last summer, spent at a house on Lake Norman, that they picked up instruments and began playing together. “We’d always incorporated nudity into our lives, mostly because we think it’s funny, but also because we like to keep an openness between us all,” says drummer Connor Mikita. “We’d throw these parties where everyone would end up naked, usually in a canoe off the dock of the lake house, and we called them the nude parties. It was a kind of experiment to see how far you could take people out of their comfort zones.” He adds, “That’s how the music started too, as soundtrack to that summer.” The music of The Nude Party lacks clear definition. Singer Patton Magee offers two words to describe the collective’s sound: groove music. With even more irreverence, the guys list their musical influences as PBR and Oak Leaf Wine.

For their recent EP, Naked Brunch, the musicians draw heavily on blues and ’60s-era rock. They’ve been busy creating a wide variety of new material, even dabbling in covers of hiphop classics. When it comes to what they play at live shows, lead guitarist Shaun Couture says, “I don’t think we’ve ever made a set list, or if we did, we just forgot it. We choose what we play based on the crowd.” The Nude Party strives to keep its music and style undefined, even by its own members. The one clear principle of the band is a lighthearted approach to life. “We don’t really take too much seriously,” says Mikita. “There’s a lot of pretentiousness in most music scenes. We just try to keep it easygoing and funny. And naked.” Yes, The Nude Party has courageously ventured beyond the basement. What performances for public consumption will offer, and how much skin will be revealed, remains as in the breeze as the rest of the band’s future. “It’s not like we’re planning on not getting naked,” Couture says. “It’s that we’re not planning anything.” X
















by Kyle Sherard

The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design opens in downtown Asheville The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design christened its new space at 67 Broadway St. with an opening reception and inaugural exhibition, Taking Shape: Celebrating the Windgate Fellowship. The center’s Friday, Jan. 24, launch was a bit of a triumph over adversity. It followed a 2013 budget cut-turned-institutional severance from UNC Asheville, a relocation from Hendersonville, the recent purchase of the downtown Asheville building (which formerly housed Lark Books) and four months of renovations. The Taking Shape exhibit, on display through May 3 in the Center’s Benchspace Gallery & Workshop, was curated by Cindi Strauss of The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Asheville is the second stop for the collection, which premiered at SOFA Chicago in October and heads next to Houston Center for Contemporary Craft. “Taking Shape is a way to introduce the work that the center does to Asheville,” says Marilyn Zapf, the center’s assistant director. But the exhibition also serves as an exploratory definition of the center’s evolving role in the national craft community. “We could achieve our mission anywhere in the U.S.,” Stephanie Moore, the center’s executive director, says. But the region’s rich history and culture in craft make the center’s locale ideal, turning the new space into an incubator supported by an avid craft community. “We have the opportunity to show craft in an environment that shifts the focus to a critical dialogue,” Zapf says, “and to survey the thought and the medium and the process.” That dialogue is largely centered on one common question: What is craft? The exhibit features new works by past recipients of the annual Windgate Fellowship, one of the nonprofit organization’s flagship programs. Each year since 2006 the center, in partnership with the Arkansas-based Windgate Charitable Foundation, awards

10 $15,000 grants to graduating college seniors working in the field of craft and design. That program, according to Moore, fills the “critical need of funding undergraduates at a time when most funds [are] directed to graduate level students.” The fellowship program is entering its eighth year, though Taking Shape surveys only the first five years. “We’re far enough into the internship that we can study the impact of the grants,” says Zapf. The works on display encompass traditional modes of craft, conceptually derived modern pieces and everything in between. Handwoven and pigmented textiles share space with tintype photographs and a redesigned rocking chair. In “Fragment #3 (Roses are Red)” Aaron McIntosh has combined digital media with domesticity and traditional Appalachian quilting. The result is a discussion of gender and identity politics in his native east Tennessee. He created a textile by printing cover images from all-male adult magazines onto fabric, which lies across an installed twin bed. But the images are obscured by patchwork squares sewn over the men’s faces. They have the appearance of flowers, or a bouquet of ambiguity, as Strauss suggests in the exhibition’s essay. Tate Moren and Erin Rose Gardner used the Windgate grants to research manufacturing practices. Moren went on to co-found Tandem Made, a furniture workshop in Minneapolis, and put his “Topographic Rocker” into production. Gardner traveled to China to study mass-produced jewelry, specifically engagement rings. While there, she purchased several dozen rings that she later cast together. The resulting piece, “Engagement Ring Broach,” observes the aloof commerce inherent in Western marital traditions, and the nature of craft and the craftsman in such production. Asheville-based ceramicist Josh Copus has a 30-inch-tall wood-

thE undERstood wEight (2013), by Dustin Farnsworth. The sculpture is made of basswood, poplar, plywood, medium-density birbreboard, veneer, rope, steel and polychrome. Image courtesy of The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design

fired clay jar in the collection. Like Gardner’s broach and Moren’s rocker, the vessel better serves as evidence of a process and a product of the fellowship’s greater benefit. “I used the Windgate money as a seed, to plant and grow it into something more than what $15,000 could do,” he says. Copus made a down payment on an Airstream trailer and land in Marshall, where he promptly built a 27-foot-long kiln. So far, he and community potters from Marshall, Asheville and beyond, have fired the kiln 28 times since receiving funding in ’06. “Craft is all about people,” says Copus. “The people’s hands, the people’s relationships. It’s about creating a

dialogue larger than your immediate surroundings That’s a theme in the fellowship. I wanted to see how the grant could benefit a larger group. There’s power in numbers.” The ceramicist sees the center’s new space as existing somewhere between a museum and commercial gallery. “They have the nimbleness that a museum doesn’t have,” he says, “without the need for commercial allure.” It’s a position that grants the newly opened organization the ability to explore the definitions and boundaries of contemporary craft. As Zapf says, “It’ll be a place to have that conversation.” X

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014





Send your arts news to








by Alli Marshall & Lea McLellan

Wiley Cash “The legendary 1998 season, when Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire competed to break Roger Maris’ home run record, serves as an impeccable backdrop for This Dark Road to Mercy, the sophomore novel by North Carolina author Wiley Cash.” So wrote Max Miller in his review for Xpress — read it here: When sisters Easter and Ruby Quillby are left in foster care after their mother dies of a drug overdose, their absent father, a former minor league baseball player, kidnaps the girls to provide them with the family life he signed away years before.” Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville hosts a ticketed luncheon with the author on Friday, Jan. 31, at noon. Cash reads at Malaprop’s the same day, at 7 p.m. Free.

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo It’s been a year and a half since Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, the king of kid-hop, left Asheville for sunny California. Where, perhaps surprisingly, his days are not filled with surfing and movie star spotting. Instead, he’s kept busy playing shows (like New Year’s Eve at Legoland for the third year in a row) and returning regularly to WNC. Appropriately, he’ll turn up again for a Groundhog Day Jamboree at The Orange Peel on Sunday, Feb. 2, at 1 p.m. Banjo the Whistlepig, the mascot of local magazine Asheville Flyer for Kids, will be on hand. “We’ll see how his shadow is doing, and kids will get to take a pic with him,” says Skidoo. The Moodees also perform and young breakdancer group the Underdogs will be there. $9/free for kids under age 3. theorangepeel. net. An afterparty (complete with Bill Murray film Groundhog Day) takes place at The Millroom, from 3-5 p.m.

Rounding Third Blue-collar Don is the father of the star pitcher and veteran coach; Michael is the timid newcomer who wants a special activity for his comparatively unathletic son. Scott Treadway and Charlie Flynn-McIver star in the pointed comedy Rounding Third, which makes use of the levity inherent in the Little League field to illustrate deeper life lessons about competition, masculinity and parenting. In an effort to make theater accessible for everyone, NC Stage is offering tiered pricing and has done away with online service fees. Rounding Third plays Jan. 29 to Feb. 23. Wednesdays-Saturdays, at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays, at 2 p.m. $14-$30 based on seating. $10 for students.


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

Found Footage Festival Most of us have taken a tumble or two down the YouTube rabbit hole. We know how a seemingly innocuous, two-minute laughing baby video can turn into a two-hour time warp. The Found Footage Festival is like that — only way better. The bizarre assemblage of videos is curated by comedians Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, whose credits include The Onion and the Late Show with David Letterman. The hosts spend all year searching through garage sales, thrift stores and Dumpsters to bring us delights such as 1997’s redundantly titled “How to Have Cybersex on the Internet,” among others. The 10th anniversary show screens at the Grey Eagle on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 8 p.m. $12.

C L U B L A N D Scandals Nightclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Wednesday, Jan. 29 185 King Street Park Rangers Blues Band, 7pm

The Mothlight Paint Fumes w/ Schooner & Gross Ghost (punk, garage-rock), 9pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar Steelin' Time (Hawaiian steel guitar), 5-7pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8-10pm

The Phoenix Naren (singer-songwriter), 8pm The Social Caribbean Cowboys (surf-rock), 8pm

Adam Dalton Distillery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm

Timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective presents: Unity Thursdays, 9pm

Altamont Brewing Company Hank West Residency (jazz, soul), 8pm Ben's Tune-Up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm

Town Pump Todd Cecil & Back South (singer-songwriter), 9pm

Black Mountain Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

Trailhead Restaurant and Bar Open jam, 6pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7-9pm

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

Cork & Keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm

Vincenzo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

Double Crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 9pm

Westville Pub Chris Padgett (folk), 9:30pm

Emerald Lounge Blues jam, 8pm

WXYZ Lounge One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Kristian Bush (of Sugarland) w/ Hannah Thomas (singer-songwriter), 7pm

Friday, Jan. 31

Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm

185 King Street BJ Leiderman & friends (Beatles covers), 8pm

highland brewing company Paul Cataldo, 5:30-7:30pm Iron Horse Station Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Nicky Sanders, Barrett Smith & Mike Guggino (classic Italian), 7pm Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm Odditorium Skullthunder w/ All Hell & The Mighty (punk, metal), 9pm

Talk Asheville: The delayed fifth installment of “Asheville’s only late night talk show” will be reborn at The Mothlight on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 9 p.m. “So what if our venue (RIP Apothecary, we hardly knew ye) got turned into a coffee shop?” Taylor Rogers and Michael James write on their Facebook event page. “You can’t stop us, not no way, not no how. Like a mighty phoenix soaring away from its ashes, or a pro-Confederacy bumper sticker, we, too, shall rise again.”

Asheville Music Hall Willie Sugarcapps w/ Brigitte DeMeyer (folk), 9pm Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm Cork & Keg One Leg Up (jazz), 8:30pm Double Crown Greg Cartwright (garage, soul), 11pm

Olive or Twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:3011pm

The Green Room Bistro & Bar Taylor Martin Acoustic Band (Americana), 8pm

Altamont Brewing Company Lucrezio (soul, folk), 8pm

PULP The Paris Thieves w/ Sloantones (folk-rock), 9pm

The Mothlight Pontiak w/ Nest Egg & Faux Ferocious (rock), 8:30pm

Ben's Tune-Up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm

Sly Grog Lounge Open mic, 7pm

The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm

Straightaway Cafe Circus Mutt (roots-rock, funk), 6pm

The Social Karaoke, 9:30pm

TallGary's Cantina Open mic & jam, 7pm

Timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm Town Pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

Altamont Brewing Company Ram Mandlecorn Trio (jam, jazz), 9pm

Trailhead Restaurant and Bar Open jam, 6pm Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues Dwain Simpson, Micah Thomas & Daniel Lannucci (jazz), 8pm Vanuatu Kava Bar Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm Vincenzo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Locomotive Pie (blues), 7-9pm Cork & Keg Open mic, 7pm

Emerald Lounge Old North State w/ Matt Sanders & friends, Mangas Colorado (Americana, folk), 9pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room Black Robin Hero (rock), 6-8pm Green Room Cafe & Coffeehouse Jeff Michels (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern The Ringers w/ Oli Brown (blues), 9pm

Double Crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 9pm Emerald Lounge Female poets showcase w/ Andrea Gibson, 7pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room Michael McFarland, 6-8pm Havana Restaurant Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm Odditorium Ryan Furstenberg w/ Caromia & Owen Scott Gibbs (singer, rock), 9pm

Thursday, Jan. 30

Olive or Twist Swing, Salsa & Bachata lessons w/ Randy Basham, 7-8pm DJ Mike Filippone (rock, disco, dance), 8-11pm

185 King Street Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm

One Stop Deli & Bar Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Ras Kass + Copywrite w/ Colston (hip-hop), 10pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz exotica), 8-10pm

Orange Peel Paper Diamond w/ LoudPvck & Manic Focus (electronic), 9pm

Adam Dalton Distillery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm-2am

Oskar Blues Brewery Dana & Sue Robinson (Americana), 6pm Purple Onion Cafe Sweet Claudette (country, Motown), 7pm

Grind Cafe The Harris Brothers, 7:30pm Havana Restaurant Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm highland brewing company Sufi Brothers w/ Woody Wood & Jason Krekel, 6-8pm Iron Horse Station Dana & Susan Robinson (old-time, folk), 7-10pm Jack of the Wood Pub Lyric w/ Porch 40 (funk, soul), 9pm Millroom Cosmic Spirit (intergalactic dance party), 7pm Odditorium The Shine Bros w/ Timmy Tumble & The Nude Party (blues, psychedelic-rock), 9pm Olive or Twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:3011:30pm Orange Peel Drive-By Truckers w/ T. Hardy Morris (altcountry, rock), 9pm Oskar Blues Brewery Riyen Roots Duo w/ Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm





Send your listings to

pack's tavern DJ MoTo (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgah brewing coMpany Henhouse Prowlers (bluegrass), 9pm root bar no. 1 Sweet Claudette (country, R&B), 9:30pm scandaLs nightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am sCully's Jesse & Chris, 6-9pm DJ, 10pm-2am

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one stop deLi & bar Reggae Family Jam, 2pm orAnGe Peel Drive-By Truckers w/ Promised Land Sound (altcountry, rock), 9pm oskar bLues brewery Blue Dragons (rock), 7pm pack's tavern A Social Function (rock, hits, dance), 9pm

spring creek tavern Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 7-10pm

pisgah brewing coMpany Hyryder (Grateful Dead covers), 8pm

straightaway cafe Paul Cataldo (Americana, folk), 6pm

purpLe onion cafe One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 7pm

tAllGAry's CAntinA Dance party w/ DJ Ocktave, 9:30pm

root bar no. 1 Call the Witness (rock, folk), 9:30pm

the phoenix The Swamp Foot Creek Stompers (bluegrass), 9pm

scandaLs nightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

the sociaL Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie-rock), 9pm

sCully's DJ, 10pm-2am

tiMo's house A-Plus, Bobby White, Quanstar & Evaready Raw, Professor & DJ Jet (hip-hop), 9pm

straightaway cafe Garry Segal (Americana, blues, rock), 6pm

toWn PumP Lazybirds (blues, Americana), 9pm

the green rooM bistro & bar Ram Mandelkorn & Jackson Dulaney (rock, blues, soul), 8:30pm

toy boat coMMunity art space Square dance w/ The Stuart Brothers Band, 8pm

the MothLight Late Night Show Asheville Tonight! (talk show), 9pm

tressa's downtown JaZZ and bLues Westsound (Motown, blues, R&B), 10pm

the sociaL Karaoke, 9:30pm

vanuatu kava bar Ka-Duat (ambient, electronic), 9pm

tiMo's house Arque & 9th Phoenix (EDM, electronica), 9pm

vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

toWn PumP Erisa Rei (Americana), 9pm

white horse Pierce Pettis w/ Jimmy Landry (singer-songwriter), 8pm


oDDitorium PJ Bond, Hearts Gone South & Impossible Vacation (country, pop, folk), 9pm

wiLd wing cafe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm wxyZ Lounge Matt Smith & Jon Corbin (jazz guitar duo), 9-11pm

toy boat coMMunity art space Slam Up (comedy, slam-poetry) w/ Accordion Time Machine (theatre group), 8pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse AmiciMusic - Apollo Winds (chamber music), 8pm wiLd wing cafe Lyric (funk, soul), 9:30pm

saturday, feb. 1 sunday, feb. 2 185 king street The Bad Popes (rock, folk, covers), 8pm 5 waLnut wine bar The Screaming J's (hot jazz), 9pm-midnight


aLtaMont brewing coMpany Open jam w/ Chris O'Neill, 9pm




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asheviLLe Music haLL TWRK w/ Bowie (of PlayLow) & Disc-oh (electronic), 10pm bLack Mountain aLe house David Zoll Trio (rock, retro-pop), 9pm bywater Carey Fridley & The Asheville Aces (Americana), 9pm Cork & keG Dana & Sue Robinson (folk), 8:30pm doubLe crown Lil Lorruh (50s & 60s R&B, rock 'n' roll), 10pm grey eagLe Music haLL & tavern Found Footage Festival, 8pm grind cafe Centerpiece Jazz, 7:30pm highLand brewing coMpany Joe Lasher Jr. album release (country, rock, Americana), 6-8pm Jack of the wood pub Charlie Patton's War (blues, rock), 9pm Lobster trap Sean Mason Jazz, 7-9pm

5 waLnut wine bar Cary Fridley Trio (jazz), 7-9pm ben's tune-up Vinyl night (open DJ collective) bLack Mountain aLe house NFL Sunday w/ pre-game brunch at 11:30am, 1pm doubLe crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 10:30pm hi-wire brewing Even the Animals (indie-folk), 5-7pm isis restaurant and Music haLL Jazz showcase, 6pm Jack of the wood pub Irish session, 5pm Lobster trap Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm oDDitorium Matinee w/ Dub Kartel (DJ), 3pm one stop deLi & bar Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Nomadic w/ Imperial Band (rock), 10pm orAnGe Peel Secret Agent 23 Skidoo w/ The Moodees (kids show), 1pm pisgah brewing coMpany Stouthog Day & Breakfast w/ Chalwa (reggae), 12pm

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sat 2/1 tue 2/4

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man man w/ Xenia rubinos 9pm • $12/$15

thu 2/6

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JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



Send your listings to cLuB diREctoRY

scandaLs nightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Wednesday, January 29th

tAllGAry's CAntinA Sick Sound Sundays (DJ), 8pm

AVL Blues Jam

the sociaL '80s night, 8pm

Thursday, January 30th Award Winning Poet: Andrea Gibson

toWn PumP Benefit for Colby & Kayla w/ My Three Kilts (celtic punk), 5pm

Feat: Shira E. Lyric and MORE!

Early Show 7-9 all ages, Late Show 9pm 21+

vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

Friday, January 31st

white horse Super Bowl party, 5pm

Old North Farewell Show

w/ Matt Sanders & Friends, Mangas Colorados

Monday, feb. 3

Saturday, February 1st Pixies After Party Feat: Wham Bam Bowie Band, The Mobros CD Release

185 king street Trivia night, 8pm 5 waLnut wine bar The Jeff Thompson Band (soul, rock), 8-10pm

Monday, February 3rd

aLtaMont brewing coMpany Old-time jam, 7pm

Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam

bLack Mountain aLe house Karaoke, 9pm

w/ Mountain Feist

Tuesday, February 4th

bywater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

Johanna Warren, Andrea Tomasi, Hannah Kaminer

doubLe crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 9pm emerAlD lounGe Bluegrass jam w/ Mountain Feist, 8pm

Wednesday, February 9th

AVL Blues Jam

firestorM cafe and books Bryan Bielanski w/ Michael McFarland & The Goodness Graceful (alt-rock), 7pm Jack of the wood pub Quizzo, 7-9pm oDDitorium Synergy story slam, 9pm oskar bLues brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm the sociaL The River Rats (rock 'n' roll, blues), 8pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm westviLLe pub Trivia night, 8pm white horse Bill Bares & Steve Alford (jazz), 7:30pm

tuesday, feb. 4 185 king street Dance instruction, 8-10pm 5 waLnut wine bar The John Henry's (ragtime, jazz), 8-10pm


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

185 king stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 aLtamont BREwing companY 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 apothEcaRY (919) 609-3944 aqua caFE & BaR 505-2081 aRcadE 258-1400 ashEviLLE civic cEntER & thomas woLFE auditoRium 259-5544 ashEviLLE music haLL 255-7777 athEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEY’s tap Room 255-0504 BLack mountain aLE housE 669-9090 BLuE mountain pizza 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadwaY’s 285-0400 thE BYwatER 232-6967 coRk and kEg 254-6453 cLuB haiRspRaY 258-2027 cLuB REmix 258-2027 cREEksidE taphousE 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLERY 367-6401 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRtY south LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 ELEvEn on gRovE 505-1612 EmERaLd LoungE 232- 4372 FiREstoRm caFE 255-8115 FREnch BRoad BREwERY tasting Room 277-0222 good stuFF 649-9711 gREEn Room caFE 692-6335 gREY EagLE music haLL & tavERn 232-5800 gRovE housE thE gRovE paRk inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR LoungE 684-1213 haRRah’s chERokEE 497-7777 highLand BREwing companY 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 Jack oF hEaRts puB 645-2700 Jack oF thE wood 252-5445 LExington avEnuE BREwERY 252-0212 thE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRoshERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE vista hotEL 669-8870 nativE kitchEn & sociaL puB (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onEFiFtYonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRY’s/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 oskaR BLuEs BREwERY 883-2337 pack’s tavERn 225-6944 thE phoEnix 333-4465 pisgah BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion caFE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLuB 252-2838 scuLLY’s 251-8880 sLY gRog LoungE 255-8858 smokEY’s aFtER daRk 253-2155 thE sociaL 298-8780 southERn appaLacian BREwERY 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaightawaY caFE 669-8856 taLLgaRY’s cantina 232-0809

tigER mountain thiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s housE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toY Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400 tREssa’s downtown Jazz & BLuEs 254-7072 vanuatu kava BaR 505-8118 vincEnzo’s 254-4698 waLL stREEt coFFEE housE 252-2535 wEstviLLE puB 225-9782 whitE hoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing caFE 253-3066 wxYz 232-2838

bLack Mountain aLe house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm doubLe crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 9pm emerAlD lounGe Blues jam, 8pm grind cafe Trivia night, 7pm Jack of the wood pub Old-time session, 5pm Lobster trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm oDDitorium Sean Olds (singer-songwriter), 9pm one stop deLi & bar Wave Lynx w/ East Coast Dirt (world funk), 10pm orAnGe Peel Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell (folk), 9pm

aLtaMont brewing coMpany Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm asheviLLe Music haLL Funk jam, 11pm ben's tune-up Dance party w/ DJ Rob, 10pm bLack Mountain aLe house Trivia, 7pm bywater The Sweet Lowdown & Darren Nicholson (Americana), 9pm

sly GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm tAllGAry's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociaL Karaoke, 9:30pm

toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm traiLhead restaurant and bar Open jam, 6pm

creekside taphouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm

vanuatu kava bar Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

doubLe crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 9pm

vincenZo's bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

isis restaurant and Music haLL Bluegrass session, 7:30pm Jack of the wood pub Singer-songwriters, 7pm oDDitorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stop deLi & bar Max Allen Band & Leo Liebeskind (folk, rock), 8pm Tuesday night techno, 10pm sCully's Triva night, 9-11pm the sociaL Big Generator (rock, blues), 7-9pm tiMo's house '90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm tressa's downtown JaZZ and bLues Lyric (acoustic), 8pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

185 king street Mountain Roots w/ West End String Band (bluegrass), 8pm ADAm DAlton Distillery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm-2am asheviLLe Music haLL Everyone Orchestra w/ Matt Butler, Eddie Roberts, Mike Healy, Sam Brouse, Jake O'Connor, Rowdy Keelor & Casey Chanatry (super group), 10pm

doubLe crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 9pm grey eagLe Music haLL & tavern Eugene Mirman w/ Derrick Brown (comedy), 9pm havana restaurant Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm

Lexington avenue brewery (Lab) Stereo Spread w/ Oddstar & Divine Love Mission, 9pm

aLtaMont brewing coMpany Hot Point Trio (gypsy jazz), 8:30pm ben's tune-up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm

OFF % 0 3 E LECT S

Lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm oDDitorium Heehavaha, Claypool & The Dimarcos (punk), 9pm one stop deLi & bar Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Big Something w/ Makayan (jam, rock), 10pm orAnGe Peel Yonder Mountain String Band w/ The Travelin’ McCourys (bluegrass), 8pm





dirty south Lounge Yonder Mountain String Band after party w/ Circus Mutt, 8:30pm

white horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

ADAm DAlton Distillery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm


ben's tune-up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm

Jack of the wood pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm

185 king street Reagan Boggs (country, Americana), 8pm


thursday, feb. 6

westviLLe pub Blues jam, 10pm

wednesday, feb. 5


tiMo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm

cLub eLeven on grove Dance, 8:30-11pm

grey eagLe Music haLL & tavern MAN MAN w/ Xenia Rubinos (indie-rock), 8pm







15% OFF


Cannot be combined with any other offers


T E X T ‘ H i g h l i f e ’ t o 4 1 1 2 4 7 f o r m o re d e t a i l s

828-505-1558 1067 Patton Ave. Asheville, NC 28806 highlife_asheville

highlife gallery asheville JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



Send your listings to

1/31 W/ PORCH 40 9PM 10/25Lyric Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion 2/1 Charlie Patton’s War 9PM w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 2/7 American Aquarium 10/26W/Firecracker Jazz Band ELIJAH OCEAN 9PM & HALLOWEEN Costume 2/8 The Lowdown 9PM Party & Sweet Contest • 9pm $8 DARREN NICHOLSON (FOUNDING 10/27MEMBER Vinegar CreekRANGE) • 9pm FREE OF BALSAM 10/28Shawn Mustard Plug 2/14 James & • 9pm $8 w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants The Shapeshifters W/ COUNTY 9PM 10/29 SingerGRAVES Songwriters • 7-9pmDr FREE in the 2/11 EricRound Slick from Dog w/ Anthony Tripi, EliseW/Davis SOLO ACOUSTIC FREE SHOW OSKAR

MudBLUES TeaBREWING • 9pmNIGHT FREE@JACK OF THE WOOD Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 •

a continEntaL dividE: Local hip-hop artists Bobby White, MC of True Believers, and DJ Jet will perform with Oakland, Calif. legend A-Plus for an evening of cross-continent rhythms and rhyme. The artists of the evening will be A-Plus, Bobby White, Quanstar & Evaready Raw, Professor and DJ Jet, set to take stage at Timo’s House, Friday, Jan. 31, at 9 p.m.

scandaLs nightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am the sociaL Newgrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8:30pm tiMo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

traiLhead restaurant and bar Open jam, 6pm

oDDitorium Red Honey, Pleasure Chest & Future West (rock), 9pm

tressa's downtown JaZZ and bLues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

orAnGe Peel Yonder Mountain String Band w/ The Travelin’ McCourys (bluegrass), 8pm pack's tavern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm pisgah brewing coMpany Bayou Diesel (zydeco), 8pm

185 king street Boys in the Well w/ Cody Siniard (folk, alternative), 8pm

scandaLs nightcLub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

aLtaMont theater Carl Labove (stand-up comedy), 8pm

sCully's DJ, 10pm-2am

asheviLLe Music haLL Space Capone w/ Common Foundation (funk, soul, reggae), 10pm

the green rooM bistro & bar White, Southecorvo and Thomas Trio (jazz), 8:30pm

ClAssiC Wineseller Dana & Susan Robinson (singer-songwriter), 7pm cLub eLeven on grove DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm Cork & keG Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz, swing), 8:30pm doubLe crown Greg Cartwright (garage, soul), 11pm green rooM cafe & coffeehouse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:308:30pm

Jack of the wood pub American Aquarium (Americana, rock), 8pm Lexington avenue brewery (Lab) Vagabond Philosophy w/ Zip the Hippo & The Alarm Clock Conspiracy , 9:30pm

friday, feb. 7

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

havana restaurant Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm

toWn PumP Nectar Unit (jam, prog-rock), 9pm

vincenZo's bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm


grey eagLe Music haLL & tavern Joe Pug w/ David Ramirez (indie), 9pm

the sociaL My Back Pocket (rock), 9pm tiMo's house Distort the Fluff (bass party), 9pm toWn PumP The Big Effin Deal Band (bluegrass), 9pm vanuatu kava bar Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient), 9pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm wiLd wing cafe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact

PicK oF thE WEEK

thEatER ListinGs

The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza) HHHHH

FRidaY, JanuaRY 31 thuRsdaY, FEBRuaRY 6 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diREctoR: Paolo Sorrentino (This Must Be the Place)

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Captain Phillips (Pg-13) 7:00 Delivery Man (Pg-13) 10:00 walking with Dinosaurs 3D (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 CArMike CineMA 10 (298-4452)

PLaYERs: Toni Servillo, Carlo Verdone, Sabrina Ferilli, Carlo Buccirosso, Iaia Forte comEdY dRama RatEd R thE stoRY: An aging trendsetter, journalist and writer takes a look at his life and the special world he lives in. thE LoWdoWn: A great bursting Roman candle (literally) of a film, it’s a grand, cinematic whirlwind that’s in touch with the past of Italian film but isn’t embalmed by it. There is nothing like it out there, and it’s truly stunning.

I am convinced that — like its obvious predecessor, La Dolce Vita (1960) — The Great Beauty ought to have retained its Italian title, La Grande Bellezza, for its American release. It not only just plain sounds better, it underscores the movie’s innately Italian nature. By any title, however, this contender for Best Foreign Language Oscar is at least something like a masterpiece. (I’m hesitant to call anything I saw for the first time little more than a month ago a masterpiece.) It came out of nowhere so far as I was concerned, and it resulted in me reworking my ten best list. (Plus, it sent me scrambling to see more films by Paolo Sorrentino.) As noted above — and by others — Sorrentino’s film owes something to Fellini’s La Dolce Vita. At one point it directly references it. But don’t take the comparison too far. The Great Beauty is much more world-weary.


toni sERviLLo in Paolo Sorrentino’s grand banquet of glorious cinematic excess, The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza) — one of 2013’s most delightful surprises.

Its main character, Jep Gambardella (Toni Servillo, Gomorrah), is a 65-yearold writer, not a youngish journalist. Altering a phrase from John Cameron Mitchell’s Shortbus (2006), it reminds me of La Dolce Vita but with less hope. And it’s also reminiscent of 8 1/2 — yet with a voice distinctly its own. It is a fresh and vital voice that never seems to question itself. Viewers in search of a straightforward narrative are apt to be disappointed by The Great Beauty. It has a story arc and a series of events that sometimes contain resolutions, but it’s less a narrative in the traditional sense than it’s about a character taking stock of himself and the world he lives in. Following a sequence establishing the film’s locale in Rome, it moves to Jep’s 65th birthday party to illustrate a particular segment of the city’s inhabitants. These are the city’s “beautiful” people — affluent, successful, important, trendy — despite the fact that many (even most) of them are decidedly no longer in their prime. They revel in excess, talking trash and pretentious twaddle (“The only good jazz these days comes from Ethiopia,” “He’s a talented conceptual artist — he covers basketballs with confetti. He’s sensational,” etc.) At the center of all this is Jep — a man who

wrote a highly regarded novel 40 years earlier but has since turned his attentions to being a sort of journalist, tastemaker and the ultimate man-abouttown that everybody who’s anybody knows. It’s a brilliant existence — and a brilliantly cynical one — until news of the death of an old girlfriend sends him in search of himself. The search takes place in both the present, the past and at those points where the two sometimes intersect. That is the absolute bare bones of the richness of the film. It gives no real feel for the incredible emotional and visual banquet that is The Great Beauty. Events range from the absurd and the grotesque to the stunningly beautiful to the tantalizingly enigmatic to the heartbreakingly sad. The segment dealing with Jep’s ill-fated romance with a 42-year-old stripper, Ramona (Sabrina Ferilli), is easily the most touching. It contains the film’s most quietly beautiful and strange scene. Everywhere the film turns, there is something to intrigue the senses. It might be a cardinal (Aldo Ralli) who is more interested in discussing cooking than theology and his rumored experiences as an exorcist, or a man who can make a giraffe disappear, or Jep’s blue-haired dwarf publisher (Giovanna Vignola). Wherever the film takes you, it will be

CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) 12 Years a slave (r) 6:15, 915 American hustle (r) 12:00, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 August: osage County (r) 10:30, 1:10, 3:40, 6:30, 9:15 Frozen 2D (Pg) 10:30, 1:15, 3:45 gravity 3D (Pg-13) 1:30, 8:45 her (r) 10:30, 1:15, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 i, Frankenstein 2D (Pg-13) 12:15, 2:30, 5:00, 7:15, 9:45 inside llewyn Davis (r) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 6:50, 9:15 The invisible woman (r) 11:00, 3:45, 6:15 Jack ryan: shadow recruit (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 labor Day (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 lone survivor (r) 10:30, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45 The nut Job 2D (Pg) 10:30, 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30 Philomena (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45 ride Along (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30 That Awkward Moment (r) 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 The wolf of wall street (r) 6:00, 9:45 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) 12 Years a slave (r) 12:30 (Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu), 4:00 (Sat, Mon, Tue), 7:30 (Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu) Dallas Buyers Club (r) 12:30 (Sat, Mon, Tue), 4:00 (Fri, Sun, Tue, Thu), 7:30 (Sat, Mon, Tue) ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Dallas Buyers Club (r) 1:20, 4:20 The great Beauty (nr) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:40 inside llewyn Davis (r) 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 FlATroCk CineMA (697-2463) saving Mr. Banks (Pg-13) Fri-sat, Mon-Thu 3:30, 7:00 sun 2:30 only regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiuM 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

fascinating and ultimately rewarding. While the echoes of Fellini are strong, they’re not merely imitations. Each one has a point to make of its own. When Jep promises to take Ramona to see a sea monster, it turns out not to be the mysterious prehistoric creature washed up on the beach from La Dolce Vita, but the half-sunken Costa Concordia cruise ship lying on its side. Where Guido in 8 1/2 finds only disillusionment and dogma from an ancient prelate, Jep finds something more enigmatic from the supposedly 104-year-old Mother Theresa-like nun (Giusi Merli), whose apparent senility actually masks great perception and mystical devotion. None of this is simply evoking a master of cinema. Instead, Sorrentino reworks his ideas and images to fresh purposes. This is quite simply glorious filmmaking, and I’ve only touched the surface. Not Rated, but contains adult themes, nudity, sexuality, language and drug use. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre.

I, Frankenstein HHS

diREctoR: Stuart Beattie (Tomorrow, When the War Began) pLaYERs: Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai Courtney comic Book hoRRoR hooEY RatEd pg-13 thE stoRY: A really buff Frankenstein monster finds himself caught in the middle of a war between good (gargoyles) and evil (demons). thE Lowdown: Utterly preposterous and by no means good, it nonetheless moves at a decent pace, but there is nothing I can recommend.

Any way you slice it, I, Frankenstein is quite a few stitches shy of the classic monster. Oh, it’s not totally lacking in brains — abnormal or otherwise — and there are even a handful of not unwelcome insider references to the old Universal Frankenstein series — just enough, in fact, to make you wonder why this movie is such a stiff. It’s also worth noting that I, Frankenstein is certainly better than last week’s Devil’s Due, but then, Devil’s Due is


JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


the current benchmark for the worst of 2014. (I have no doubt that it will be eclipsed by some obnoxious hipster-bait indie ere the year is out.) For that matter, it’s almost dumb enough to be fun. If nothing else, it’s a fast-paced 92 minutes of nonstop hoo-ha that goes down more easily than those Underworld movies, which are also the brain-children of writer Kevin Grevious. Cold comfort perhaps, but comfort nonetheless. I suppose one may also take solace in the fact that its lackluster box office will likely preclude any sequels. The film starts off with a kind of Classics Illustrated version of the Mary Shelley novel that for no very good reason — other than the film’s plot — ends with the monster (Aaron Eckhart) carting Victor Frankenstein’s (Aden Young, Killer Elite) corpse back from the Arctic to the family cemetery. There, he has a run-in with some demons, who are driven off by the arrival of gargoyles, who are surprised to find the monster still kicking (insert “It’s alive!” reference here). This prompts them to take said monster to meet the head gargoyle in charge, Leonore (Miranda Otto). Leonore tries to enlist his aid in the centuries-old battle between good (the gargoyles who assume human and/or winged shape when not festooning buildings) and evil (the demons). Our reanimated hero will have none of it. Instead, he goes off on a marathon sulk for a couple hundred years, which he apparently spends at a gym, so that he’s one ripped monster when the demons drive him back into the world. In fact, he’s only one modern haircut away from being one scarred-up hot monster. The bulk of all this nonsense centers on the warring factions vying for the aid or destruction of the monster — christened “Adam” by Leonore — with seemingly endless battles. The battles — much like our monster himself — are patchworks stitched together from other materials. When a demon is dispatched, he descends in a fiery manner out of the Blade movies. The gargoyles, on the other hand, ascend in a blue light like something out of Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce (1985). The head demon, played with some aplomb by Bill Nighy, has designs on using Frankenstein’s secret to reanimate a covey of corpses in order to build a demon army. (Here we see shades of Van Helsing’s horde

HHHHH = max rating of vampire-babies, though why anyone would want to pilfer from Van Helsing boggles the mind.) Actually, the whole thing plays like Francis Lawrence’s Constantine (2005) — minus its sense of absurdity. Perhaps the strangest thing of all is the fact that the film mostly takes place in some never-identified city that appears to be all but devoid of people. There are some extras in an early scene in a nightclub, and later on, a single policeman shows up. Otherwise, the entire city seems to be populated by gargoyles, demons, Adam and a couple of hapless scientists — including a love interest (Aussie TV acttress Yvonne Strahovski) for Adam. I guess that’s the only way all these spectacular CGI firework-like battles can take place without drawing undue attention, but it makes the movie feel even cheaper than it is. No, it’s not good, but I’ve seen worse and so have you. That is not a recommendation. Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense fantasy action and violence throughout. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.

Community Screenings

found footage festivaL • SA (2/1), 8pm - 10th anniversary show. Held at The Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave. $12. Info: pack Library’s fiLM noir Movie series • TU (2/4), 3pm - Double Indemnity. Held in the Lord Auditorium, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: 250-4741. reClAiminG sCAreD GrounD series • WE (1/29), 6:30pm- This series discusses Native American representation in film. This week: Smoke Signals. Held at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Free. southern circLe fiLM series • TU (2/4), 7:30pm - The Iran Job, a documentary about an American professional basketball player who joins an Iranian basketball team. Held in WCU’s A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: unca huMan rights fiLM festivaL Held in the Highsmith University Union. Free. Info: or 250-3870. • WE (1/29), 7pm - Rafea: Solar Mama, the story of a woman who overcomes tradition to become solar engineer. • TH (1/30), 7 pm - In the Shadow of the Sun tells of two men with albinism facing prejudice • FR (1/31), 7 pm - The Unreal Dream: The Michael Morton Story, chronicles the fight to free a wrongfully convicted man.


staRting FRidaY

The Great Beauty See review in “Cranky Hanke”

Labor Day At one point, Jason Reitman’s romantic drama Labor Day was considered to be Oscar bait. At the last minute, Paramount changed their minds and chose to thrust it and its stars — Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin — out into the snow like a sinful woman in an old melodrama. Oddly enough, the early reviews — while hardly smelling of Oscar — aren’t all that bad. (Out of 39 there are 25 positive ones.) The studio blurb tells us that the film “centers on 13-year-old Henry Wheeler, who struggles to be the man of his house and care for his reclusive mother, Adele, while confronting all the pangs of adolescence. On a back-toschool shopping trip, Henry and his mother encounter Frank Chambers, a man both intimidating and clearly in need of help, who convinces them to take him into their home and later is revealed to be an escaped convict. The events of this long Labor Day weekend will shape them for the rest of their lives.” Make of this what you will. (pg-13)

That Awkward Moment This is something of an oddity. It has all the earmarks of a highend indie (Universal is distributing it through their art/indie arm, Focus Features), but it’s going out at least semi-wide and isn’t being shown around to critics. None of its stars — Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan — have much clout outside of the indie realm. Its writer-director Tom Gormican is a first-timer (if you overlook his co-producer status on Movie 43). So what is it? Well, it says it’s “about three best friends who find themselves where we’ve all been — at that confusing moment in every dating relationship when you have to decide ‘So ... where is this going?’” Unless they’re dating each other, that isn’t very edifying. From the three early reviews, it seems to fall into the raunchy-com school, but might be a little better than most. (R)

spEciaL scREEnings

Now HiRiNg

Hard Boiled HHHHS action cRimE dRama Rated R It may not quite be the “X-rated action” that

the film itself claims, but John Woo’s Hard Boiled is certainly two solid hours of almost nonstop, hard, R-rated action. It’s also a bracing reminder of how good John Woo was before he was lured to Hollywood. Yes, it’s extremely violent and more than a little preposterous in its ceaseless gunplay, but that’s really the point of the whole thing — to be bigger and badder than anything yet seen (in 1992). Mostly, it works — thanks in no small part to the chemistry between Chow YunFat and Tony Leung. The only thing that dates the film is its 1980s musical score. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Hard Boiled Friday, Jan. 31, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

FoR ALL PoSitioNS Apply online at

Midnight HHHHH sophisticatEd comEdY RomancE Rated NR A bright screenplay from

Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett, sophisticated direction by the always-underrated Mitchell Leisen, a dream cast and that special luster that only vintage Paramount pictures provide come together in Midnight (1939). It’s a nearly perfect soufflé of a movie about a broke chorus girl (Claudette Colobert), a helpful Parisian taxi driver (Don Ameche) and a wealthy baron (John Barrymore) who wants the girl to lure away his wife’s (Mary Astor) latest admirer (Francis Lederer). The results are probably as close to an Ernst Lubitsch film as anyone ever got who wasn’t Ernst Lubitsch. The Asheville Film Society will screen Midnight Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

or in-person

Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808

The Thief of Bagdad HHHHH FantasY advEntuRE Rated NR Douglas Fairbanks was determined to make the biggest and most spectacular fantasy adventure ever seen with The Thief of Bagdad (1924). With the help of director Raoul Walsh and designer William Cameron Menzies, that’s exactly what he did. Sure, the 90-year-old effects aren’t quite as dazzling now as they were then (though they’re still pretty darn good), and Doug himself can be a little too, let’s say, exuberant for his own good. But as two-and-a-half hours of pure entertainment, this is hard to beat. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Thief of Bagdad Sunday, Feb. 2, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

What a Carve Up! (No Place Like Homicide!) HHHS

oLd daRk housE hoRRoR comEdY Rated NR Immensely silly and seldom-seen old dark house comedy horror from Great Britain that stars two popular Brit comics from the “Carry On” movies — Sid James and Kenneth Connor — as a pair of Laurel and Hardy-like characters out to claim an inheritance. It is perhaps of more interest now for the presence of supporting players Donald Pleasence and Michael Gough than its stars. Agreeably foolish and, oddly enough, sort of a remake of the 1933 British classic The Ghoul. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen What a Carve Up! Thursday, Jan. 30, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

7,000 Mountain Xpress readers have shopped at a jewelry store this month. JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


stiLL showing

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

12 Years a Slave HHHHS


(Abscam) comedy drama about not-verybright people trying to out-con each other. Funny, cynical and even a little demented, David O. Russell’s latest boasts incredible turns from its high-powered cast, a genuine sense of the late 1970s and a pop soundtrack to die for. Rated R

Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong'o Biographical drama The story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery. Powerful, brilliantly — and beautifully — made. It boasts a gallery of fine performances and should finally propel Chiwetel Ejiofor to the stardom he’s deserved for 10 years. It’s a fine film, but maybe not quite a masterpiece. Rated R

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues HH Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, David Koechner comedy Buffoonish, loud-mouthed news anchor Ron Burgundy tries to rebuild his reputation on a cable news channel. A generally unfunny rehash of the first Anchorman that only occasionally works when it’s being satirical. Rated pg-13

47 Ronin HH Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ko Shibasaki, Tadanobu Asano, Min Tanaka samurai Fantasy adventure A group of disgraced samurai set out to avenge the death of their master. A mix of samuraimovie basics and occasional fantasy elements that combine to make a boring, unmemorable flick. Rated pg-13

August: Osage County HHHH Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper, Ewan McGregor, Margo Martindale, Sam Shepard

American Hustle HHHHS

theatrical Black comedy drama An astonishingly dysfunctional family gathers for the funeral of its patriarch. Personalities clash, tempers flare, secrets are revealed. Essentially, this is an overheated melodrama, but it’s enjoyably performed as dark comedy by a high-profile cast. It’s

Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner cheerfully amoral sometimes FactBased comedy drama Vaguely fact-based

HHHHH = max rating

not a great movie, but it’s a lot of twisted fun, great dialogue and scenery chewing. Rated R

Dallas Buyers Club HHHHH Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner, Denis O'Hare, Dallas Roberts, Steve Zahn, Griffin Dunne Fact-Based drama Fact-based story of a Texas homophobe who contracts AIDS and almost inadvertently becomes a major force in the gay community in battling the disease — if not in exactly orthodox methods. Brilliant performances from Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto propel this finelycrafted film into the realm of the must-see. It’s a strong work that refuses cheap sentimentality. Rated R

Devil’s Due S Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson, Roger Payano, Vanessa Ray semi-Found-Footage wobbly horror Shakycam, bargain basement take on the Rosemary’s Baby Son o’ Satan shtick. Bottom-ofthe-barrel horror shenanigans of the sort only January brings. Spare yourself. Rated R

Frozen HHHS (Voices) Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Santino Fontana, Alan Tudyk



e u s s I hop

S y t l a i c Spe

animated Fantasy A newly crowned queen — with the ability to freeze things — plunges her country into perpetual winter. It’s certainly dazzling to look at, but apart from the presence of two female leads and no real male hero, it’s pretty standard Disney fare, decked out in a largely forgettable, but occasionally irritating, songs. Not a bad movie, but far from a great one. Rated pg

Gravity HHHHS Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice) sci-Fi suspense Two astronauts accidentally set adrift in space must find a way to survive and make it back to earth. Brilliantly made, impeccably acted, visually impressive and undeniably intense in its suspense. Gravity is a fine film, but is maybe too efficient for its own good. Rated pg-13

The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza) HHHHH Toni Servillo, Carlo Verdone, Sabrina Ferilli, Carlo Buccirosso, Iaia Forte

Publishes February 12, 2014 68

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

comedy drama An aging trendsetter, journalist and writer takes a look at his life and the special world he lives in. A great bursting Roman candle (literally) of a film, it’s a grand cinematic whirlwind that’s in touch with the past of Italian film but isn’t embalmed by it. There is nothing like it out there, and it’s truly stunning. Rated R

Grudge Match S

Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Kim Basinger, Kevin Hart, Jon Bernthal dramatic comedy Two ex-boxers in their 60s renew a 30-year-old rivalry in the ring. A one-note comedy and a half-baked melodrama that’s too long and too dumb. Rated pg-13

Her HHHH Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Matt Letscher Futuristic comedy drama Mildly futuristic story of a man who falls in love with his sentient computer operating system. It doesn’t all work, and Her is more simplistic than its ambitions to be a profound statement on modern technology would like. But it’s more workable than its premise might sound — and there’s an emotional wallop to it. Rated R

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug HHH Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott, Luke Evans Fantasy adventure Hobbit Bilbo Baggins and his dwarf companions travel through Middle Earth to breach the lair of a deadly dragon. Yet another overlong Tolkien adaptation, this one suffers from a sense of corner-cutting and a lack emotional center or any real dramatic arc. Rated pg-13

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire HHHS Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman Futuristic action thriller Sequel to The Hunger Games. Mostly an improvement on the first film — until it gets to the action centerpiece of the game, whereupon it not only spins the same wheels, but relies too heavily on the assumption that you have seen the first movie. Rated pg-13

Inside Llewyn Davis HHHHH Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, Justin Timberlake, Adam Driver, John Goodman, Garrett Hedlund drama with dark comedy and music A week of hard luck in the life of a moderately talented folk singer in the winter of 1961. The Coen brothers’ latest is one of 2013’s best films, but while it’s bitterly funny, it’s also a darkly disturbing film that’s likely to alienate some people. It’s a remarkable movie with a remarkable soundtrack, but despite some obvious similarities, don’t expect another O Brother, Where Art Thou? Rated R

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reAl estAte WAnteD



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north asheviLLe 3BR/1BA townhouse style apt with new floors, one mile from downtown on the busline, no pets. $745/ month. 828-252-4334.

aLL areas - rooMMates. Com. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http:// (AAN CAN)

north asheviLLe Adjacent to UNCA. 1BR fully furnished. Living room, combo kitchen/dining, all utilities included. Electric, cable TV, A/C and internet. Private entrance and parking. $800 plus deposit. 252-0035. north asheviLLe Townhouse style apartment: 2BR, 1BA for $645/month. Very nice, all new floors. On the bus line, only 1 mile from downtown Asheville. • No pets. 828-252-4334.

condos/ townhoMes for rent downtown Luxury ConDo 2BR, 2BA, $1950/ month.1365 sqft. 52 Biltmore Ave. WD in unit, attached garage. Loft condo in historic downtown building, totally renovated. Walk in Shower/Spa Tub, Gourmet Kitchen, Stainless Steel Kitchenaid Appliances. Concrete, Granite, Copper Counter Tops. Wine Cooler, Exposed brick Walls, Large Windows (Great Light) Custom Window Coverings, Gas Fireplace. Parking garage space in building included. 1 year Lease required, Available early February. Please no smoking/pets. Call for showing.( 828 ) 301-8033: Clayton or (954) 684-1300: Phil.

emPloyment GenerAl

canopy guide at navitat canopy adventures Seeking qualified candidates for the Canopy Guide position for the 2014 season. Learn more at Attach your current resume, references, and letter of interest for email to NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. fuLL-tiMe housekeeper Year-round consistent employment, Asheville. Professional, reliable and experienced preferred for upscale B&B. Must work weekends. References and background check required. No drop-bys. Please call (828) 2543878 for interview. black walnut bed and breakfast inn. professionaL cLeaner Locally owned Professional EcoFriendly Cleaning Company looking for qualified employee.

Part time position. Experience preferred. Please email resume with experience and professional references to greenclean360@ Background check required. whoLesaLe business oPerAtions Wholesale Operations, Pick, Pack and Ship - Asheville Distributor is looking for several full-time employees to join our growing shipping and receiving department. New hires are responsible for picking, packing and shipping to fulfill customer orders. We use support systems to process orders and computer skills are desired but not mandatory. The position does require some lifting up to a maximum of 50 lbs. We are looking for candidates that are detail oriented, have a positive attitude, are able to keep up a fast pace and have the potential and desire to advance. We offer competitive salary, health benefits, paid holiday, personal days and vacation time off as well as friendly and comfortable work environment. Please email resume and cover letter to or fax to 828-259-3674.

skiLLed Labor/ trADes faciLities assistant The Asheville JCC is seeking a 30+ hour per week Facilities Assistant to work in the afternoon/ evening and occasional weekends. Responsibilities include but not limited to daily cleaning of facility, grounds keeping, general maintenance, and event set-up/breakdown. Previous experience with: custodial work, grounds maintenance, standard health and safety practices, and operating hand tools and ladders; knowledge of equipment, tools, and supplies. Starting pay $10 per hour. • Please send resume and three work references to joseph@jcc-asheville. org. For full job description go to mAintenAnCe AssistAnt MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Part-Time Maintenance Assistant. Forklift/Load handling equipment needed. Must have experience in general warehouse and vehicle maintenance. Competitive pay. Job description, requirements and application on www.mannafoodbank. org • E-mail or fax rtsommer@ 828-2993664 (FAX) No phone calls. EOE. reClAim PrePPer MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Full-Time Reclaim Prepper. Forklift/Load Handling equipment needed. Production oriented work. Competitive pay/excellent benefits. Job Description, requirements and application on • E-mail or fax or 828-299-3664 (FAX) No phone calls. EOE. reClAim ProCessor MANNA FoodBank is seeking a Part-Time (25 hours) Reclaim Processor. Forklift/Load handling equipment needed. Production oriented work. Competitive pay.

JoBs Job Description, requirements and application on • E-mail or fax 828-299-3664 (FAX) No phone calls. EOE. warehouse associate MANNA FoodBank Is seeking a Full-Time Warehouse Associate. Forklift/Load handling experience required. Heavy lifting required. Competitive pay/ excellent benefits. Job Description and application on www. • E-mail or fax 828-299-3664 (FAX) No phone calls. EOE.

saLes/ mArketinG business deveLopMent Manager • account executive Candidate will be responsible for generating sales revenue on new accounts by analyzing and researching database for sales leads, initiating calls to prospective retail stores/ resellers, following up on catalog requests, and winning back sales on old accounts. • The candidate will also be responsible for sales order entry on new accounts. • Candidates must have strong sales skills, computer skills and be self motivated, reliable, and detail oriented. • Candidate must be able to travel and attend out of town trade shows on a regular basis. Previous sales experience required. • Benefits include competitive pay, comfortable atmosphere w/casual dress, holiday and vacation pay, health insurance co-pay, and great office hours. Salary is a fixed hourly rate plus sales commission. Interested parties please email/ ax resume and cover letter: fax#: (828) 236-2658 or

huMan services

avaiLabLe positions • Meridian behavioraL heaLth haywood county Peer support specialist Recovery Education Center Position open for a Peer Support Specialist to work in our recovery-oriented program for individuals with substance abuse and/or mental health challenges. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for an individual to transform personal lived experience into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and be willing to participate in an extensive training program prior to employment. For further information, please contact Reid Smithdeal, reid.smithdeal@ qualified Mental health professional (qMhp) Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have mental

health degree and two years experience. Preference for someone who has advanced training or experience providing employment services and/or an interest in vocational rehabilitation. For more information, please contact Amy Wilson,

avaiLabLe positions • Meridian behavioraL heaLth Peer support specialists: Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialist working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact hr.department@ child and family services team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist for an exciting opportunity to serve youth and their families through Intensive In-Home Services, Individual and Group Therapy. For more information contact Julie Durham-Defee, Cherokee County Peer support specialist Assertive Community treatment team – (ACtt) Position open for Peer Support Specialist to provide communitybased services. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and must have basic computer skills. For further information, contact Erin Galloway, haywood County recovery education Center Clinician Recovery Education Center Seeking a passionate, values-driven professional to work within an innovative MH/SA recovery-oriented program. Will be responsible for facilitating assessments and individual sessions as well as teaching classes within the REC. Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/license-eligible. For more information, please contact Julie Durham-Defee, julie. Jackson County payroll/ Accounting Clerk Experienced Payroll and Accounting Clerk needed for behavioral health office in Sylva. Part-time at 20 hours per week, with benefits including paid time off and health insurance. Hourly wages commensurate with experience. High School diploma or GED

required. For further information, please contact bridget. Psychiatric nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) Position open for a licensed nurse to work on an Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience a service that really works! Must have two years of psychiatric nursing experience. If interested, please contact Becky McKnight, Program Assistant Assertive Community treatment team – (ACtt) Responsible for providing administrative support for the Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) by generally organizing, coordinating and monitoring all nonclinical operations of the ACTT, under the supervision of the ACTT Team Leader. Must be detail oriented, have strong communication and computer skills and be able to work in a team environment. Two years of clerical/office experience preferred. High School Diploma or GED required. For more information please contact Becky McKnight, rebekah.mcknight@ • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: CAse mAnAGer position for Women’s Recovery Center. Familiarity with women’s issues and substance abuse desired, B.A. preferred, email resumes to deveLopMent director (p/t) The Literacy Council of Buncombe County seeks an experienced, passionate individual to lead the organization’s fund development program. Visit the Literacy Council's website for the full position announcement.

heLp a chiLd • change a Life! Become a Foster Parent with Eliada Homes, Inc. • Free training classes begin soon! Please contact Shawn for more information: (828) 713-5428 or intensive in-hoMe Lead Qualified Professional to work with adolescents. Minimal requirements, BA degree and (2) year child/family experience. Apply at aspireapplicants@

Licensed therapists needed in haywood, Jackson & mACon Counties Licensed Therapists needed in Haywood, Jackson and Macon Counties to provide mental health therapy to children and adolescents. Competitive salary, flexible hours, and excellent benefit package. Therapists MUST possess a current NC Therapist License. Full licensure preferred, but associate/provisional status will also be considered. Apply by emailing resume to: telliot@ overnight awake staff • weaverviLLe Are you interested in making a difference? Asheville Academy for Girls is currently seeking applicants to become Full time or Part time members of our overnight staff. The suitable applicant is someone who is a responsible and positive role model. Our overnight staff ensures the provision of physical and emotional safety of our students and residents at all times. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14. Our beautiful 24 acre campus, located in Weaverville, provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Benefits are offered to full-time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. • Please send a resume and cover letter to • No phone calls or walk-ins please.

Peer suPPort sPeCiAlists Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialist working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact

Peer suPPort teAm leADer Meridian Behavioral Health Services is looking for a dynamic individual to be a Peer Support Team Leader. • As a recovery leader in North Carolina, Meridian has been employing Peer Support Specialists and providing recovery-oriented care for the last 10 years. This Team Leader will be responsible for developing our communitybased Peer Support program and providing ongoing supervision to a team of up to 8 Peer Support Specialists. • To qualify, applicants must be a QMHP, have a valid driver’s license, own reliable transportation and possess excellent computer skills. Supervisory experience and/or previous experience providing peer support preferred. • For further information contact hr. residentiaL coaches • weaverviLLe Full-time and part-time positions available. Are you interested in making a difference? Come join our team as a Residential Coach/Mentor, where you can have a positive, lasting impact on struggling youth. Our staff ensures the provision of physical and

emotional safety of our students and residents at all times. • The suitable applicant is outgoing, energetic, and a responsible and positive role model. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14 and Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18. Our beautiful 24 acre campus, located in Weaverville, provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. • Benefits are offered to full-time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ • No phone calls or walk-ins please. therapeutic foster parents neeDeD If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a child, and live in the Asheville area, please give me a call. Free training. Call Debbie Smiley (828) 258-0031 ext. 348 or

professionaL/ mAnAGement CAmPAiGn DireCtor Dogwood Alliance, a dynamic and innovative organization that has increased protection for millions of acres of forests in the Southern US through transforming the business practices of some of the world’s largest corporations, seeks a full-time Campaign Director for the Our Forests Aren't Fuel Campaign. This position is senior-level, requiring a high degree of professional leadership, accountability, management, communications, strategic planning, advocacy, negotiation skills and is based in Asheville, NC. • Please only apply if you have 5 years+ experience. For the full job announcement and how to apply, see

teaching/ eDuCAtion certified Montessori teachers wanted Spruce Pine Montessori School seeks an Upper Elementary Teacher for 2014-15 and a Primary Teacher for 2015-16. Visit for complete job descriptions. Send resume and cover letter to apply.

business oPPortunities heLp wanted Make extra money in our free ever popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! 1-888292-1120. (AAN CAN)

CAreer trAininG Airline CAreers begin here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Housing and Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-492-3059. (AAN CAN)

hoteL/ hospitaLity the oMni grove park inn Omni has many opportunities in Housekeeping. We are currently offering Room Attendant, Public Area Attendant, and Uniform Room Attendant positions. The Omni Grove Park Inn offers great perks and benefits as well as growth opportunities. Go to our website for details on employment opportunities. Apply at

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014


FREEwiLL astRoLogY

by Rob Brezny

aRiEs (maRch 21-apRiL 19)

aquaRius (Jan. 20-FEB. 18)

On my fifteenth birthday, I finally figured out that eating dairy products was the cause of my chronic respiratory problems. From that day forward, I avoided foods made from cow’s milk. My health improved, and I kept up this regimen for years. But a month ago, I decided to see if my long-standing taboo still made sense. Just for the fun of it, I gave myself permission to gorge on a tub of organic vanilla yogurt. To my shock, there was no hell to pay. I was free of snot. In the last few weeks, I have feasted regularly on all the creamy goodies I’ve been missing. I bring this up, Aries, because I suspect an equally momentous shift is possible for you. Some taboo you have honored for a long time, some rule you have obeyed as if it were an axiom, is ripe to be broken.

Extravagant wigs became fashionable for a while in 18th-century England. They could soar as high as 4 feet above a woman’s head. Collections of fruit might be arrayed in the mass of hair, along with small replicas of gardens, taxidermically stuffed birds, and model ships. I would love to see you wear something like that in the coming week. But if this seems too extreme, here’s a second-best option: Make your face, head and hair as sexy as possible. Use your alluring gaze and confident bearing to attract more of the attention and resources you need. You have a poetic license to be shinier and more charismatic than usual.

tauRus (apRiL 20-maY 20) Psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in economic sciences, says that consulting experts may be useless. In his study of Wall Street traders, he found their advice was no better than information obtained by a chimpanzee flipping a coin. Meanwhile, psychologist Philip Tetlock did a 20-year study with similar results. He found that predictions made by political and financial professionals are inferior to wild guesses. So does this mean you should never trust any experts? No. But it’s important to approach them with extra skepticism right now. The time has come for you to upgrade your trust in your own intuition. gEmini (maY 21-JunE 20) I’m a big fan of logic and reason, and I urge you to be, too. Using your rational mind to understand your experience is a very good thing. The less stock you put in superstitious head trips and fear-based beliefs, the smarter you will be. Having said that, I recommend that you also make playful use of your creative imagination. Relish the comically magical elements of your mysterious fate. Pay attention to your dreams, and indulge in the pleasure of wild fantasies, and see yourself as a mythic hero in life’s divine drama. Moral of the story: Both the rational and the fantastical approaches are essential to your health. (P.S. But the fantastical needs extra exercise in the coming weeks.) cancER (JunE 21-JuLY 22) Sorry, Cancerian, you won’t be able to transform lead into gold anytime soon. You won’t suddenly acquire the wizardly power to heal the sick minds of racists, homophobes and misogynists. Nor will you be able to cast an effective love spell on a sexy someone who has always resisted your charms. That’s the bad news. The good news is this: If you focus on performing less spectacular magic, you could accomplish minor miracles. For example, you might diminish an adversary’s ability to disturb you. You could welcome into your 70

JanuaRY 29 - FEBRuaRY 4, 2014

life a source of love you have ignored or underestimated. And you may be able to discover a secret you hid from yourself a long time ago. LEo (JuLY 23-aug. 22) Cosmopolitan magazine is famous for offering tips on how to spice up one’s sex life. Here’s an example: “Take a few of your favorite erotically appealing flavor combinations, like peanut butter and honey or whipped cream and chocolate sauce, and mix up yummy treats all over your lover’s body.” That sounds crazy to me, and not in a good way. In any case, I recommend that you don’t follow advice like that, especially in the coming days. It’s true that on some occasions, silliness and messiness have a role to play in building intimacy. But they aren’t advisable right now. For best results, be smooth and polished, dashing and deft. Togetherness will thrive on elegant experiments and graceful risks. viRgo (aug. 23-sEpt. 22) You are not as broken as you may think you are. Your wounds aren’t as debilitating as you have imagined. And life will prove it to you this week. Or rather, let me put it this way: Life will attempt to prove it to you — and not just in some mild, half-hearted way, either. The evidence it offers will be robust and unimpeachable. But here’s my question, Virgo: Will you be so attached to your pain that you refuse to even see, let alone explore, the dramatic proof you are offered? I hope not! LiBRa (sEpt. 23-oct. 22) Kenneth Rexroth wrote a poem called “A Sword in a Cloud of Light.” I want to borrow that image. According to my astrological analysis and poetic intuition, you will generate the exact power you need in the coming weeks by imprinting your imagination with a vision of a sword in a cloud of light. I don’t want to get too intellectual

about the reasons why, but I will say this: The cloud of light represents your noble purpose or your sacred aspiration. The sword is a metaphor to symbolize the new ferocity you will invoke as you implement the next step toward that aspiration. scoRpio (oct. 23-nov. 21) Every autumn, the bird species known as the Clark’s nutcracker prepares for its winter food needs by burying 30,000 pine nuts in 5,000 places over a 15-square-mile area. The amazing thing is that it remembers where almost all of them are. Your memory isn’t as prodigious as that, but it’s far better than you realize. And I hope you will use it to the hilt in the coming days. Your upcoming decisions will be highly effective if you draw on the wisdom gained from past events — especially those that foreshadowed the transition you will soon be going through. sagittaRius (nov. 22-dEc. 21) Can you imagine what it would be like to live without any hiding or pretending? How would you feel if you could relax into total honesty? What if you were free to say exactly what you meant, unburdened by the fear that telling the truth might lead to awkward complications? Such a pure and exalted condition is impossible for anyone to accomplish, of course. But you have a shot at accomplishing the next best thing in the coming week. For best results, don’t try to be perfectly candid and utterly uninhibited. Aim for 75 percent. capRicoRn (dEc. 22-Jan. 19) It’s a favorable time to gather up resources, amass bounty, solicit help and collect lots of inside information. I won’t call you greedy if you focus on getting exactly what you need in order to feel comfortable and strong. In fact, I think it’s fine if you store up far more than what you can immediately use — because right now is also a favorable time to prepare for future adventures when you will want to call on extraordinary levels of resources, bounty, help and inside information. piscEs (FEB. 19-maRch 20) One of your anti-role models in the coming weeks is the character that Piscean diva Rihanna portrays when she sings in Eminem’s tune “Love the Way You Lie.” Study the following lyrics, mouthed by Rihanna, and make sure that in every way you can imagine — on psychological, spiritual and interpersonal levels — you embody the exact opposite of the attitude they express: “You’re just gonna stand there and watch me burn / But that’s all right because I like the way it hurts / You’re just gonna stand there and hear me cry / But that’s all right, because I love the way you lie.” To reiterate, Pisces, avoid all situations that would tempt you to feel and act like that., Or stop by Human Resources Monday-Friday 9am-5pm! The Omni Grove Park Inn is an EOE and Drug free workplace

Jobs wanted daytiMe deLivery driver avaiLabLe FedEx Temporary Driver with good driving record seeks daylight delivery jobs. Has NCDL class C, med card, resume. Call (828) 337-6987 or email

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thE nEw YoRk timEs cRosswoRd puzzLE

ACROSS 1 Punched-out parts of paper ballots 6 It’s difficult to see through 10 Writes as a postscript, say 14 Monsieur ___ (Jacques Tati role) 15 It’s east of Europe 16 Quite an achievement 17 Cara of “Fame” 18 Senseless 19 Prefix with present 20 Stronger and harder 22 Hullabaloo 24 Common desk shape 25 Tea type 27 Barn ___ 30 Locale for an ibex 32 Error

36 “___ is not a 59 Sport not played lasting teacher of officially in the duty”: Cicero Olympics since 1908 38 Senseless 64 “Me neither” 40 ___ vie 65 Devastation 41 One set of gifts in “The 12 Days 67 Fuming 68 “Yikes!” of Christmas” … as suggested 69 Not new by the shaded 70 Christmas tree squares? decoration 44 Hint 71 Godsend 45 Ukraine and 72 Memory Stick others, once: manufacturer Abbr. 73 Anatomical sacs 46 Nuts and fruit, in DOWN part, for squirrels 1X X X 47 Rebellious region 2 Offended of the Caucasus 3 Sheltered, at sea 49 Method: Abbr. 4 Gift recipient 51 Sellout sign 5 ___ Artois (beer) 52 Via ___ (main 6 Shock of hair street of ancient Rome) 7 Seize 8 Backboard 54 The Big Apple, attachment for short 9 Japanese dance56 Second-highest drama peak in the Cascades 10 Raised above? 11 Infomercial part ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 12 ___ Perino, George W. TAnswer W A RtoA Previous F T R OPuzzle B B E N Bush’s last press E A T E I R E I L O I L O B U B B A W A N D E B O N secretary AA AL RT O NP R AE TS T I UD E T NO TR OE F 13 Kool-Aid A WL AE RD DA O FE TS HS EO S T YA I T PE E instruction P O DN EY EC PA ER N A F H T A T NE ES E 21 “___ Anything” PF BW SD E SK I L RE R DK S OW AE GG SO (1994 Nick AC AI HE S ET S I CE A PS E OP XL A N Nolte/Albert S HN AE PL ES O N UM SA ENBDY E L A Brooks film) A W AI YT WS I TA HDWOO R D I S L L 23 Baffling problem T A DT EA E RA EP A R X T E HR EO I X D 26 Poker targets? IB SA MN E LY LE AS R AP T E RS UE SR EE S 27 Leaving for MA TR AN O A LC SO O BT U S I NS OT NS PS AO RU ET SH A F GR A I SC H A E S V A T 28 Small dams AS LT IA GR HE TR I NS TN HA E GD A ER TK A 29 Aa and pahoehoe L A N A I R A E A G G I E I S L A N D O G L E R E X 31 Distant radiation source A G E D P E T S R E E D Y


No.1225 Edited by Will Shortz

No. 1225

edited by Will Shortz




















24 27




25 30



31 38







32 39






52 57













50 54
















33 North African capital

48 Hubristic flier of myth 50 Ancient Mideast 34 Lawn tool language 35 Sauce made with 53 Bizarre pine nuts 55 Not subtle, as 37 Downturn humor 39 E.R. figures 56 Hardly the hoi 42 Suggest polloi type 43 “This I Promise 57 Syllables from You” group, 2000 Santa

58 Florence’s river 60 Humorist Rooney 61 Downturns 62 Typesetting direction 63 Sushi fish 66 Tour grp.

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