Mountain Xpress 02.05.14

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Carolina Bison brings back buffalo meat


Cabaret returns to ACT after 27 years



FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014






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Good health requires finding good balance. Whether that means striking a steady tree pose in yoga class or taking time away from the computer screen for a winter walk, Xpress invites readers to bring some harmony into their lives by considering how they work and play.

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10 sEaRching FoR soLutions Numbers highlight inequalities

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12 cRacking thE codE N.C. Treasurer Janet Cowell visits Asheville for an economic update

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January 29 - February 23

Tickets: $14-$30 Students: $10


40 sERving up comFoRt Jewish food tradtions in Asheville

42 REviving thE hERd Carolin Bison brings back buffalo meat



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48 FoR pEtE’s sakE Two guitarists with the same name perform very different shows




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50 daRk daYs, BRight nights Cabaret returns to ACT after 27 years

5 5 7 9 14 16 19 20 21 55 58 65 69 70 71

LEttERs caRtoon: moLton caRtoon: BREnt BRown opinion communitY caLEndaR conscious paRtY in thE spiRit ashEviLLE discLaimER nEws oF thE wEiRd smaRt BEts cLuBLand moviEs cLassiFiEds FREEwiLL astRoLogY nY timEs cRosswoRd follow us @mxnEws, @mxaRts, @mxEat, @mxhEaLth, @mxcaLEndaR we use these hashtags #avLnEws, #avLEnt, #avLEat, #avLout, #avLBEER, #avLgov, #avLhEaLth, #avLwx

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

copYRight 2014 BY Mountain Xpress advERtising copYRight 2014 BY Mountain Xpress aLL Rights REsERvEd


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puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E EditoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall sEnioR nEws REpoRtER: David Forbes staFF REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan Food EditoR/wRitER: Gina Smith EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke

caRtoon BY RandY moLton

There is no ‘light’ development Reading [“Colliding Visions,” Jan. 22, Xpress] made my heart sick. I had heard that the Coggins Farm was in the process of being sold to a developer. What the article failed to mention is what an amazing, gorgeous piece of property it is! I had walked it many times. There are acres of woods full of native wildflowers, rich bottom land along a beautiful river and pastures galore. It is with disdain that I hear developers’ rhetoric to convince anyone that a high-density development can be done sustainably or with a “light” footprint on the land. I am further appalled that WNC Alliance is no longer an advocate for conservation but instead supports such developments. There is no way you can build nearly 400 units, a school and retail community with all its infrastructure in a “light-footed,” gentle manner. The land will be bulldozed and altered forever. Runoff will increase, and the influx of thousands of people will tax the land further. The tiny roads leading to the farm will be clogged, as well as the already thickly used Tunnel Road. Traffic in and around Asheville has already become a nightmare. The bottom line with this issue is always money. The commissioners see tax revenue dollar signs, and the developers will happily throw in their token

green houses at the chance to rake in the dough. There surely were many other options. How about a gorgeous retreat center, and or 15-20 cute, nightly getaway cabin rentals, with most of the land being put into conservation easement. The farmland could be leased to the many organic farmers coming to our area. Now local residents will be affected forever. I would be devastated too if I were them! But ultimately it is the land with all her trees, plants and wildlife that will be hurt the most. All because of lack of foresight. A travesty indeed. — Troy Amastar Alexander

Thankful for Mountain Mobility I am writing in regard to Ms. Bergen’s letter [“Mountain Mobility Can Do More,” Jan. 22, Xpress]. I have lived in Asheville for 12 years. Three years ago, I gave up my car. I was dependent upon taxis and the goodness of friends until I heard about Mountain Mobility. They won’t take me to the vets hospital where I had been doing volunteer work, but they take me to the grocery store, all of my medical appointments, to the post office, library and other necessary trips. Of course I would like to go to the theater and many other places, but that is not its purpose. It is free, though they appreciate contributions.

contRiButing EditoRs: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Brandy Carl, Michael Carlebach, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Nick King, Jordan Lawrence, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins aRt & dEsign managER: Megan Kirby gRaphic dEsignERs: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton



advERtising managER: Susan Hutchinson

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maRkEting associatEs: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kenneth Trumbauer, John Varner

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oFFicE managER & BookkEEpER: Patty Levesque assistant oFFicE managER: Lisa Watters distRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant distRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery distRiBution: Frank D’Andrea, Jemima Cook, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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Photo: Max Cooper, Mountain Xpress

When you buy a car from a dealership, you also sign up for a long-term relationship with the service department. I don’t know much about cars, but Harmony Motors took care of me and my previous vehicle and I was always very pleased with the friendliness and integrity of their service department — so I really wanted to buy my new car from Harmony Motors. After extensive research, I fell in love with the Jetta TDI Sportwagen. Fun to drive, easy to haul my dog in, and the mileage I get with the VW clean diesel technology has cut my fuel bill in half. In fact, I drove to Miami for $75! Beach, anyone?

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

I don't know what I would do without it. I especially enjoy seeing places I never knew existed. People come to Asheville and pay good money for sightseeing tours. — Louise Harrison Asheville

Fracking and electric vehicles in NC Apparently, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources wants to explore for natural gas in these mountains. Long and short — they want to frack here. There goes our pristine mountain water. Obviously, these politicians are in the back pockets of the oil and gas industry. I think we need to tell them to go frack themselves. Meanwhile, there is a new state tax of $100 on electric vehicles. With only 1,600 EVs in the state, bringing in $100 each, the total comes to about $160,000 income for the state — hardly a dent in the budget. It’s really more punitive — looks like the cronies in Raleigh are afraid of the increasing demand for EVs. In the U.S., sales of EVs jumped 83 percent in 2012. With General Motors considering buying TESLA, we know something is up. In fact, Americans are buying more EVs than their counterparts in Europe and Japan.

caRtoon BY BREnt BRown

Let’s do some math. Suppose five years ago, Joel went from a 25-mileper-gallon car to a hybrid at an average of about 48 miles per gallon. Since then he drove 105,000 miles. How much did he save in gas? A little calculation shows he saved over 2,000 gallons of gas. At an average of $3.50 per gallon, that’s over $7,000 in savings in five — not too shabby — and Joel bought the car used. So now Joel upgraded to an EV. I guess he’ll pay the extra $100 and laugh past every gas station. Notice, no mention was made of reduced emissions so as not to offend the global warming skeptics. But, if you think tailpipes are clean, try sticking your nose at the end of one for a few minutes. Seriously Raleigh — less government? — Rudy Beharrysingh Asheville

Cool Hand Duke: a failure to regulate What is more fun that sitting inside your house when it is zero degrees outside? Sitting inside your house when it is zero degrees outside with no electricity. With alarming regularity, thousands and thousands of WNC residents are

losing power as the Duke grid experiences high demand because of cold weather. Twice in January so far. Who should be all over Duke about this problem? Local politicians, Gov. Pat McCrory and the N.C. Utilities Commission. What have they done? Nothing. When you have a Utilities Commission that caters to the every whim of the company it is supposed to regulate and sells out the very citizens it is supposed to protect, those companies become emboldened to favor their investors with dividends rather than serving their customers by maintaining and upgrading their infrastructure. What the heck ... let's take another rate increase while Duke tells us to lower our energy usage, our thermostats and bundle up while we sit around in our cold, dark homes.

coRREction In the Jan. 29 article “Muddy Waters,” we incorrectly over-stated Asheville Development Service Director Shannon Tuch’s role in drafting the city’s stormwater rules.

Maybe it's time for some local residents, politicians, and bend over bureaucrats to expend a little "energy" to warm some feet up in Raleigh? Can you see the light? — William Jell Asheville

Snow safety On a recent snow day in Asheville, I had the pleasure of taking a walk through my neighborhood and then through downtown. One neighbor was taking responsibility for the sidewalk in front of his house by removing the snow. Lacking a snow shovel, he used a garden shovel to do the job successfully. When I arrived downtown, I was pleased to see some pedestrians walking and many businesses open. However, I was surprised that among the open businesses, only some had done snow removal. (In fact, there was snow between the food I was craving and me, so I went to another restaurant). In the interest of safety and commerce, I think it's reasonable to expect that each property owner, whether residential or commercial, take responsibility for snow removal on the adjacent sidewalk. If each one does a part, together we can create safety for all. — Sharon Bigger Asheville

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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These three things Living wage, transportation and affordable housing in Asheville

“We all want a vibrant city where economically mobile citizens can get a leg up, and where the elderly and disabled can live in dignity.”

BY goRdon smith

I’m proud to be a part of a city where people care about each other. One recent study cited Asheville as one of the most generous cities in America, whose residents volunteer lots of time and money to make the world a better place. This is a community that knows we’re all in it together, and that’s why we’re going to be able to rise to the challenges facing us today. We love living here, but we’re acutely aware of the fact that Asheville has a very high cost of living and very low median household income. Helping us get that median wage up are Living Wage Certified businesses that have made human value and dignity central to their business models. Great businesses like New Belgium Brewing, Linamar and PLI are helping too. The sad fact, however, is that too many employers here pay low wages for an honest day’s work. No one who works a fulltime job ought to live in poverty. The city, county, Economic Development Coalition and Chamber of Commerce are working hard and all rowing in the same direction: toward betterpaying jobs. Asheville is examining our economic incentive policies to better support homegrown entrepreneurs who pay living wages. Year by year, Asheville has been expanding and improving our transportation network, so people can have affordable options. Whether you’re a driver, cyclist, pedestrian or transit rider, Asheville has made a commitment to the infrastructure necessary to provide you with choices. This year we’ll begin adding miles of sidewalk to Hendersonville Road, and Asheville Transit can start offering Sunday service. Asheville aspires to be a city of equal opportunity for all. Increasing incomes and offering affordable transportation options are two parts of a three-pronged approach to

ensure a thriving city for generations to come. The third leg of that threelegged stool is affordable housing, defined as spending no more than 30 percent of your income on housing costs. We all want a vibrant city where economically mobile citizens can get a leg up, and where the elderly and disabled can live in dignity. We want an Asheville where residents can save money toward homeownership, business startups, tuition and increased opportunities for their children. Without affordable housing, a big part of our Asheville family struggles just to stay afloat. As we continue our work to raise the median income and build our transportation infrastructure, Asheville urgently needs more affordable housing options. Since 2006, City Council has identified affordable housing as a top strategic priority. Thanks to great builders, tenants and neighbors, old prejudices about property values, traffic and crime are evaporating. It’s a good thing, too, because the demand for affordable rental units is astronomical. One affordable housing company recently received more than 2,000 inquiries concerning its 60 available apartments. Affordable rentals routinely lease up long before construction is complete. We’ve learned that becoming a city of housing opportunity is going to require bigger steps than the ones we’ve taken so far. Asheville’s working people need affordable housing if we’re going to have a healthy city. Those of you who are fortunate enough to have safe, affordable homes know how important that fact is in your life. Our Asheville community aspires to be environmentally friendly, eco-

nomically prosperous and socially just. Over the next several months, we can take steps toward these aspirations even as injustices are done at other levels of government. Indeed, we not only can take those steps: We must. We’re Asheville, and we couldn’t look at ourselves in the mirror if we didn’t do everything we could to help. Gordon Smith serves on the Asheville City Council. X

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



Searching for solutions Local groups work to support black student achievement


A mass of people — adults and children, black and white — came together Jan. 20 at the St. James A.M.E. Church on Hildebrand Street in Asheville for this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Peace March and Rally, wearing signs, waving posters, stomping feet and shouting. The sanctuary was filled to capacity, forcing many participants to gather on the front steps and in the churchyard. Lamar hylton, the director of UNCA’s Intercultural Center and multicultural student programs, spoke about King’s legacy and work to an audience that included many children displaying posters they’d made. “When they go back to school, they will be telling their friends they saw tons of people,” said the Rev. james a. mcdougald, a regular participant who was circulating through the crowd. “They’ll begin to understand what [the rally] is for. It will have an impact on all people, and that is what Martin Luther King stood for. This instills in them a sense of unity.” McDougald lives in Charlotte but travels to Asheville annually for the march. “I first came to Asheville in 1986. It is one of the original places in North Carolina to march, and I see the turnout and effect and understanding of the fight of Martin Luther King,” he explained, adding, “It gives hope to the future.” According to the NAACP, AfricanAmericans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites, and 35 percent of African-American students are suspended or expelled from school during their middleand high-school years. Economic and family circumstances are a huge factor, says jazz cathcart, executive


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

director of the “I Have A Dream” Foundation of Asheville. “The strongest deficiency in African-American communities, as far as excelling in school, academically and behaviorally, is from more than 75 percent of their family units [being] fatherless,” he asserts. IHAD is a national organization providing educational support to underprivileged students. The Asheville affiliate, established in 2006, provides after-school activities, tutoring and personal support for African-American students in the Pisgah View Apartments. There are currently 33 active “Dreamers” in Asheville in grades six through 10. Asheville’s first homicide this year resulted from a Jan. 3 assault

signEd & dELivEREd: Local students participated in the Jan. 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Peace March and Rally. Photo by Carrie Eidson

in the Pisgah View public-housing complex. “I have spent time developing my thoughts as to why kids do not take opportunities,” says Cathcart. “There are so many variables, and I am convinced that education is imperative. Everyone has the opportunity to be the next Barack Obama, and I believe it is rooted in their family experience.” IHAD provides tutors at Asheville High School four days

a week. Volunteers can become a mentor to a student for a year, serving as a support system beyond the classroom. “We do not just tutor; we are here for the family units also,” notes Cathcart. “We are building strength in the family connection to the kids’ performance in school.” Looking to thE FutuRE Lee anne mangone, a former domestic violence prosecutor, teaches a criminology course at UNCA that focuses on race and imprisonment. “There is much evidence that race can determine whether you get arrested or sent on your way,” she reports. “Bias has potential to

seep in. Juvenile delinquency, for example: Race is a big factor in whether the cops take children back home to their parents or not. Much depends on sociological factors, like where the kids were, where the neighborhood is.” Mangone’s course teaches the social structure theory, which holds that those in disadvantaged social classes are at a higher risk of criminal behavior. “Race and ethnicity play a role in potential criminality,” notes Mangone. “A modern construction of the idea of these biological factors is genetic markers that may affect criminality — all potentially; nothing is inevitable.” In connection with their course work, some UNCA students choose to volunteer as tutors with IHAD and other organizations. UNCA and the Asheville City Schools are also partnering with the national AVID college readiness program. “My job was not simply to give these children the answers,” former UNCA student tutor drew peeples explains. “Answers to

problems come and go, yet it is the sole responsibility of the educator to direct these students in using their own minds and critical thinking.” Peeples, who graduated last year with a degree in literature, is now a substitute teacher and tutor in Charlotte. “I was able to learn that my duty is inspiring these kids,” he reveals. “Because, regardless of examinations and notes, education should be the exploration of self and how that self can collaborate with society in bettering a future for humankind.” These and other local groups are working to lower the dropout and imprisonment rates for African-American adolescents in Asheville. In August, Cathcart plans to expand his organization’s reach through a newly established Urban Mentoring Academy. “We are helping parents and family members take steps in holding their kids accountable,” he says, adding, “That is a big value in my heart.”




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UNCA senior Tyler Sprinkle is majoring in mass communication. X


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by David Forbes

251-1333 ext. 137


Photo by Alicia Funderburk

Cracking the code State treasurer outlines local economy’s advantages, challenges The air was plenty cold on the morning of Jan. 30, but according to North Carolina Treasurer janet cowell, the prospects for both the state and local economies are a good deal less frigid, if not exactly sunny. Cowell told the roughly 60 people gathered in the Chamber of Commerce’s conference room that North Carolina and the Asheville area have both advantages and challenges ahead as they try to navigate the recession’s thawing aftermath. It’s up to her, she said, to keep the focus on the bigger picture. “My job as treasurer is to keep a

long-term view, to look at the underlying stability for the state, to maintain a calm operating environment despite whatever is happening short-term,” she said. Asheville’s advantages, she noted, include low unemployment, wealthy retirees, the “human capital” of a creative population and scenic beauty. “You’ve got universities; you’ve got a lot of energy,” said Cowell. “I think this area has tremendous assets.” But while expressing satisfaction that unemployment numbers are down, she pointed out that some of the drop is due to underemployment and people leaving the workforce. On top of that, the same mountain landscape that helps make Asheville a tourism destination also poses challenges for infrastructure and for the tech and manufacturing industries. Cowell, a Democrat, was first elected treasurer in 2009. She’s recently been in the news because of a debate about how best to overhaul the state’s $84 billion pension fund to ensure that it will grow even during tight times. Last year, the General Assembly gave Cowell more authority to oversee the fund, and in the current environment, she maintains, it’s necessary to diversify the current stock-and-bond-based portfolio by investing in “low-risk real estate” and other areas. Critics, however, have noted that the fund has historically held its own during times of crisis, saying they don’t want to undermine it by shifting too many resources into higher-yielding but riskier investments. Cowell has

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Open AUDITIONS for Close Ties

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

wEighing thE options: State treasurer Janet Cowell talked to a packed house, including many local officials, about the connection between state and local economies Jan. 30.

assembled a panel of financial experts to assess the situation. The fund provides retirement benefits for some 900,000 state employees, including those working in the educational, local government and judiciary sectors. As the economic and governmental hub of Western North Carolina, Asheville has a particularly high concentration of those workers. Some state issues also affect the Asheville area, such as low teacher salaries and the need for infrastructure to accommodate a growing population. “My mother was a teacher, so I know very personally how hard teachers work and how fortunate one is if you get a really good teacher in your classroom,” said Cowell. “I think everyone is recognizing that we have to get more competitive on teacher salaries. ... I think the intent is there, but we need to find the dollars.” North Carolina’s teacher salaries, among the lowest in the country, have prompted marches and other protests locally. Gov. pat mccrory has said that raising teacher salaries is a priority for this year’s legislative session. Bobbie short, the Asheville City Schools’ interim superintendent, later thanked Cowell for her support, noting, “If we don’t improve teacher salaries, I don’t know what shape we’re going to be

in. ... Whoever thought we would be losing teachers to South Carolina?” Cowell also wants to see more options for raising the money to pay for needed regional and local infrastructure improvements. Local governments, she said, need “flexibility,” perhaps including toll roads, to fund the construction needed to keep pace with a growing population. Such an approach, noted Cowell, could speed up projects like the long-awaited Interstate 26 connector. As if those challenges weren’t enough, she added that while “The business climate is improving,” tax cuts will reduce the state’s overall revenue, so “I’d expect tight budgets in the public sector” for some time. The treasurer also sees North Carolina’s Innovation Fund, meant to help grow businesses that will strengthen the state’s economy, as needing improvement. State Rep. nathan Ramsey, one of many local officials present, asked Cowell if any other states have better models that North Carolina could learn from. The state, she said, could do a better job of taking advantage of the university system’s research and development efforts to bolster North Carolina’s economic development program. Areas like Asheville, added Cowell, need more incentives for smaller businesses. And while states like California, New York and Florida do have similar programs, she observed, when it comes to government’s role in growing the economy, “I’m not sure anyone has really cracked the code.” X

By the numbers... 5.2 pERcEnt: Asheville metro area’s unemployment rate as of November, down two points from November 2012. (Source: N.C. Division of Employment Security) 11 pERcEnt: Amount of the decrease in unemployment due to workers finding jobs during the same period. The rest of the decrease came from unemployed people ceasing to search for work or leaving the area. (N.C. Division of Employment Security) 1 in 8: Number of North Carolinians covered by the state’s retirement fund, managed by Treasurer Janet Cowell. (N.C. Department of State Treasurer)


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News Desk FiREstoRm caFé’s woRkERownERs announcE pLans to RELocatE Firestorm Café and Books will close March 1 but not for good. The worker-owned business is simply on the market for a new space. According to travis schuett, who has been with Firestorm for 2 1/2 years, the café’s downtown space at 48 Commerce St. is no longer working out. “Our original passions in opening were to provide a free meeting space for grassroots organizations to hold meetings and workshops,” he says. In addition to providing a space for groups, Firestorm also has an extensive collection of books for sale. “In navigating the balance between the space and fulfilling those dreams, we have continually run up against some obstacles, location being a big part of that.” The workers of Firestorm wanted to keep the co-op’s focus on their bookstore and the educational component of its community space, but many felt that food preparation in particular was detracting from these projects. “We had more of a lunch menu and it was working out, but it was not where our passion was lying,” Schuett says. So, the collective decided to significantly pare down its menu about a year and a half ago — no more soups or paninis, but still coffee and teas. This change also coincided with the remodeling of the space to accommodate more books. But even after revamping the space, Firestorm still experienced other obstacles: limited parking; strong competition from numerous other downtown bookstores; limited space for events; an underwhelming storefront, and more. After a year and a half of meetings, the collective finally decided that the downtown location was significantly hindering their goals. The café/bookstore plans to relocate to West Asheville, in a larger space that provides more parking spaces, for example, in the hopes that it will become more of a destination for travelers. “We offer a specialized selection of books,” Schuett says. “Within the Southeastern region, you can’t get books like you can here. When you’re attracting people that are traveling it’s necessary to have parking. [Limited parking] has hindered us both in events and accessing a traveling community.”

The collective has not yet found the right spot to accommodate its needs and desires, so Firestorm will temporarily have no storefront, but the worker-owners hope to open a new location by midsummer. “We’re taking time to evaluate and find the perfect space for us,” Schuett says. “Especially after experiencing being here after five years and realizing how much the location has shaped our day-today operations, we want to focus on finding the perfect space.” Firestorm will host a community meeting in the café Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. to discuss some of the changes and seek feedback for its recently drafted antioppression policy. According to Firestorm workerowner julie schneyer, the decision to move to West Asheville has been met with positive responses. But one of the most common questions asked is what the workerowners will do in the meantime without a storefront. “Us closing for a few months, it seems so impossible for a business to do that,” says Schneyer, “but we’re not a traditional business.” — Micah Wilkins X nEw BELgium BREwing co. announcEs distRiBution sitE New Belgium Brewing Co.’s Asheville location on Craven Street will contain a state-of-the-art brewery and a “liquid center” for visitors to experience all that is New Belgium. It will not, however, double as a warehouse for all the beer it produces. Ever since announcing the main site in the River Arts District, Colorado-based New Belgium has been working on the procurement of a second satellite site to use as a staging area for beer before it hits the rest of the East Coast. Last week, the company announced it had made a deal for the location: Enka Center on Highway 19/23. While Enka may seem like an unlikely place for New Belgium when compared to the River Arts Dstrict, the industrial area is perfectly situated in relation to area highways. “Even more trucks will go to the distribution center than

BookEd: Firestorm Café will close its downtown location March 1 but is seeking a new space. Photo by Carrie Eidson

the brewery,” says New Belgium Pollinator susanne hackett. “We needed a more industrial location.” The 100,000 square-foot building will be constructed at the same time as the brewery, and both will be ready for occupancy by fall 2015. Hiring will also take place in conjunction with the brewery, and about 30 brewers, cellar operators, and drivers will be hired for the distribution center. New Belgium has already invited firms to submit design-build proposals on the distribution center and says half are based in North Carolina. The contract will be awarded in March. Truck routes to the distribution center — which is about eight miles away from the Craven Street brewery — are still in development. For the moment, Hackett says, “We are in support of diversifying our truck routes to and from the brewery, including using Riverside Drive once the infrastructure is built up to support trucks. Haywood Road will also be one of the routes we utilize.” — Thom O’HearnX in 19 minutEs, ashEviLLE citY counciL twEaks Lighting oRdinancE, BoaRd oF adjustmEnt RuLEs Despite the snow and with much of the city shut down due to winter

weather, Asheville City Council met early Jan. 28, wrapping up its business in a mere 19 minutes. Mayor Esther manheimer noted that the last time Council postponed a meeting due to bad weather was during the 1998 blizzard, so “we’re not going to cancel because of a few inches.” But Council member cecil Bothwell was absent due to the weather. Aiding the short length of the meeting, the major item on the agenda — a controversial development proposed for East Chestnut Street near downtown — was withdrawn early last week. The withdrawal left Council to consider changes to the city’s lighting ordinance, a move to bring the Board of Adjustment in line with state rules and a vote on adding documents on conditional zoning to what’s recorded in the Register of Deeds. On that last item, Manheimer, a property attorney, noted that the Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods endorsed the measure as a way to provide greater transparency. She said, “I’m excited anyone’s excited about recording things with the Register of Deeds.” But at the same time, the changes to the Board of Adjustment rules make it harder to halt a project. The Board of Adjustment decides whether a particular development proposal or variance meets the technical city rules. With the changes that Council approved 6-0, the board’s rules align with new state laws: Conditional zoning needs only a majority support to proceed, not a supermajority as before, and it’s easier for property owners to request variances. These changes reflect the state Legislature’s updates to the operating rules of boards of adjustment across the state. The lighting amendments encourage a shift to more sustainable lights that use less energy and create less glare. When the topic came up, Development Services Director Shannon Tuch noted that staff originally wanted stricter rules but is hampered by the technology and infrastructure commonly available in the area. Jason Walls, of Duke Energy, praised the new rules, asserting the city struck a good balance between a push for sustainability and the realities of the current lighting situation. Council recessed the meeting until 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 30, when it went into closed session to interview candidates for the city attorney position. After, Council took no action. — David Forbes X

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014




FEB 5 - FEB 11, 2014

Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. daY-BY-daY caLEndaR is onLinE Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to

Calendar Deadlines FREE and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t Find YouR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail

FREE Listings onLinE (best)

a diFFEREnt kind oF FuRRY FRiEnd: Wild Birds Unlimited will host Sue Cameron from the Fish & Wildlife Service to discuss the history and benefits of bats on Thursday, Feb. 6. Staff from the NC Arboretum will also be on hand with a surprise furry guest. But the faint of heart needn’t worry — there will not be live bats at the program. (p. 14)

E-maiL (second best) Fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-maiL Fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

AnimAls BAt ConservAtion & History leCture • TH (2/6), 5:30pm - Hosted by the Fish & Wildlife Service. Held at Wild Birds Unlimited, 10 Crispin Court, Suite D-102. Info: or 687-9433. BrotHer Wolf Adoption event • SA (2/8), 2-5pm - Held at Spellbound Children's Bookshop, 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Info: 708-7570. pet loss support Group • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - A support group for anyone who has lost a pet or is anticipating the death of a pet. 21 Edwin Place. Free. Info: 258-3229.

Benefits dAnCinG WitH our stArs: tC Arts CounCil fundrAiser • SA (2/8), 7pm - A dance competition to benefit the council's summer art programs for kids. Held at Brevard Little Theatre, 55 E Jordan St., Brevard. $1 per vote for local dancers. Info: dinner fundrAiser for GoAt mountAin • WE (2/5), 5-9pm - Percentage of profits donated to Goat mountain sanctuary, which rescues and fosters animals. Held at Plant, 165 Merrimon Ave. Info: 683-5709 or leAf sCHools And streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - Admission benefits this arts education program. Held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info:

love tHe Arts: BrevArd ColleGe fundrAiser • SA (2/8), 6pm - Tickets for this gala benefit the college's art, music and theater departments. Held in the Porter Center. Tickets and info: 8848211. love WHo you WAnt: Q.o.r.d.s. fundrAiser • SA (2/8), 7pm - Door donations benefit this rock camp for southern queer youth. Toy Boat, 101 Fairview Road. $5-$15 suggested. Info: qords. org retHink ink: pop projeCt Book sAle • FR (2/7), 1-4pm - Proceeds benefit work to increase literacy development and access to books. Biltmore Lake Clubhouse, 80 Lake Drive, Candler. Info: toAst AsHeville: AsHeville Art museum fundrAiser • TH (2/6), 5:30-8:30pm - Tickets sales to this wine and beer tasting benefit

the art museum. 2 S. Pack Square. $40/$35 advance/ $30 members. Info: or 253-3227. vAnCe elementAry: Westville puB event • FR (2/7), 6pm-midnight - A portion of dinner sales and a door charge after 9:30pm will be donated to the school's summer reading program. $5. 777 Haywood Road. Info:

Business & teCHnoloGy AmeriCAn Business Women's AssoCiAtion Info: • TH (2/13), 5:30-7:30pm - Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive, in the Dogwood Room. Includes dinner. $25. AsHeville mAkers • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Open to non-members. Top Floor Studio

Full Service Wellness Center Coworking, 9 Walnut St. Info: AsHeville sCore Counselors to smAll Business Seminars are held at A-B Tech's Small Business Center, room 2046. Info: or 242-0277. • SA (2/8), 8:45am-noon - Seminar on accounting responsibilities for aspiring entrepreneurs. Free. GoodWill CAreer ClAsses Info and registration: 2989023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-12pm Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required.

ClAsses, meetinGs & events 60+ men's soCiAl Group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meets at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Info: 275-6396. AsHeville oBjeCtivists • TU (2/11), 6pm - Meets at the N. Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Info: avlobj@ emBroiderers' Guild of AmeriCA • TH (2/6), 9:30am - The Laurel chapter meets at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Info: 686-8298 or 5759195. emerGenCy Bike mAintenAnCe ClAss • WE (2/12), 6:15-8pm - Liberty Bicycles, 1378 Hendersonville Road. $40. Info and registration: or 274-2453.

femfessionAls netWorkinG event • WE (2/12), 11:30am - February connection lunch. Held at The Cantina, 10 Biltmore Plaza. $25. Registration required. Info: or 312-550-3069. seCtion 8 HousinG WorksHop • FR (2/7), noon-2pm - Free lunch and legal advice for homeless veterans. Held at YWCA, 185 S. French Broad. Info and registration: 259-5851 or tAx AssistAnCe Local libraries will offer federal & state tax assistance until April 15. Attendees must bring required documents. Info: 277-8288. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10am-4pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. • SATURDAYS, 10:30am2:30pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Not available March 15. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • 10am-4pm Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. West AfriCAn drum ClAss • SATURDAYS through (4/26), 4pm - All levels welcome. Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Free. Info: WnC knitters And CroCHeters for otHers • MO (2/10), 7-9pm - New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road. Free. Info: 575-9195. WnC mediCinAl HerB CluB • TH (2/6), 5pm - Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, 455 Research Drive, Mills River. Info: or 255-5522. WnC orCHid soCiety • SU (2/9), 2pm - Meets at Asheville Eye Associates, 8 Medical Park Drive. Info:

dAnCe BeGinner sWinG dAnCinG lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. studio ZAHiyA, doWntoWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 7:30pm Burlesque • Tuesday 8:15am 30 Minute Workout, 9am Hip Hop, 6pm Beginner Bellydance, 7pm Bellydance 2, 8pm West African • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout, 4pm Kid's Dance, 6pm AfroBrazilian, 7pm Intermediate West African, 8pm Womens' Hip Hop • Sunday 3pm Yoga for Dancers • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue.www.studiozahiya. com :: 828.242.7595 vAlentine's stripteAse WorksHop And BurlesQue series (pd.) With Danceclub, Tonight, Wednesday, February 5, 7:30pm, 8 Week Burlesque Series learning a sexy Neo Burlesque dance to Color Me Badd. • Saturday, February 8, 1-3pm, Valentine's Striptease Workshop with bubbly and chocolate, learn a striptease to Marvin Gaye! • Pre-register: 828-275-8628 or at line dAnCe ClAsses • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30am - Held in the County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville. Registration required. $5. Info: or 890-5777.

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson















Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

Eco Sierra club and local fuel economy • WE (2/5), 7pm - Melita Kyriakou discusses the local fuel economy. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 1 Edwin Place. Info: Sustainable WNC For businesses, nonprofits, citizens and local governments working to promote sustainability in WNC. Info: • TU (2/11), 6-8pm - “Designing Your Edible Garden.” 100 Jackson Park Road, Hendersonville.

Festivals Cajan Cook Off and Arts & Oddities Auction • SU (2/9), 3-7pm - Part of Asheville Mardi Gras. Held at The Mill Room, 66 Asheland Ave. $10/free for members with canned food donation. Info:


Who doesn’t love puppy kisses? WHAT: Puppygrams from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue WHERE: Your honey’s home or workplace WHEN: Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14; info: or 575-2699. WHY: If you’ve been on Twitter lately, you may have noticed even our stoic reporters can’t contain their squeals of delight about this event. Brother Wolf is offering you the chance to ‘say it with puppybreath’ by brightening up your beloved’s day through a visit from a tiny puppy with a big red bow. The price of the puppygrams range from $45-$85, depending on how many roses you’d like to send, and the proceeds go to support Brother Wolfe’s community outreach programs, such as a free spay/neuter clinic and a pet food



pantry, and the more than 400 animals currently in their care. “It’s always a huge hit,” said Jackie Teeple, marketing director for Brother Wolf. “One person commented on our Facebook page last year: ‘Best. Gift. Ever.’ “ Personal items can be added to the delivery as well, says Teeple – maybe even an engagement ring. But commitment-phobes needn’t worry – each delivery also comes with a personalized card, a balloon and a gourmet cupcake from Short Street Cakes. And though each puppy is available for adoption, if you’re not ready to commit to the possibility of chewed-up shoes, there is no obligation to take the puppy home. Puppygrams orders can be placed up until Thursday, Feb. 13 and are deliverable within a 15-mile radius of Asheville.

Bee My Local Honey • SA (2/8), 9am-1pm - Indoor farmers' market. Mill Spring Agricultural Center, 156 School Road, Mill Spring. Info: or 436-0029.

Black Mountain and Swannanoa Conservatives and Moderates • SA (2/8), 1pm - Open to all East Buncombe precincts. Bee Tree Fire Department, 510 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa. Info: 337-4718. • MO (2/10), 6pm - Open to all East Buncombe precincts. Lake Tomahawk, 401 Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Free. Info: 337-4718. Blue Ridge Republican Women & Buncombe County Republican Men • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Registration required for optional dinner: 6 pm, $18. Held at The Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. Free. Info: 2301444. Henderson County Democratic Party Info: or 692-6424. • TU (2/11), 4:30pm - Eric Bush, Henderson County director of social services, will speak to the women’s group at Three Chopt Restaurant, 103 3rd Ave. East. • WE (2/12), 8am - Discussion Group will meet at Mike's on Main, 303 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Nation Magazine Study Group • 2nd TUESDAYS, 6pm Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Info: hale.kendall@


Southern Appalachian Family Farms Workshop • (2/13), 9am-2pm - Regulations and compliance for farmers markets. Held at 36 Davis Loop #1, Hayesville. Info: 389-8931 or

Crafty Historian at Smith-McDowell House • SA (2/8), 10:30am - Victorian Valentine decoupage. Registration required. $5. On the A-B Tech campus, 283 Victoria Road. Info: 253-9231 or

Tailgate Markets • SATURDAYS: • 9am-noon Jackson County Markets Market, 23 Central St., in the Community Table. Through March. • DAILY: •8am-5pm - WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Year-round.

Girls on the Run A nonprofit teaching selfrespect and healthy living to girls. Info: • Through MO (2/17) Registration open for upcoming season.

Government & Politics Asheville-Buncombe County Food Policy Council Meeting • MO (2/10), 4:30pm Includes community input opportunities and an orientation for prospective members at 4pm. 227 Campus Drive. Info:

Hands On! 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. $5 admission/ free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • TH (2/6), 11-11:30am Healthy Kids Club: Happy Hearts. • TUESDAYS, 11am - Mad Scientists Lab. $7, includes admission fee. • TU (2/11), 11am - 3D sand painting.

Lego Club • 1st FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road. Free. Info: enka.library@ or 2504758. Little League Baseball Signup • SATURDAYS (through 2/15), 10am-2pm - Open to boys and girls ages 4-18. Held at W. Asheville Community Center, 970 Haywood Road. Rainbow Community School Open House • TH (2/6), 3:30-6pm - 574 Haywood Road. Registration and Info: or 258-9264 ext. 135. Riverlink Earth Day Art and Poetry Contest For preK-12 grade students. Categories: 2D, sculpture, photography, bookmark art and poetry. Info: earthdaycontest.asp. • Through WE (3/19) - Open to students throughout the French Broad Basin. Spellbound Children's Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • TUESDAYS through (3/6), 10-11am - Artist Paige Childs will lead a six-week series of arts & crafts classes. Ages 3 to 5. $10 per session.

Outdoors Adult League Kickball • Through SA (3/15) Registration open for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation's adult kickball league. Info: jay. or 250-4269. Assault on Black Rock Registration • Through SU (3/22) Registration open for the "Assault on Black Rock" a 7-mile trail race up Black Rock, in Sylva. Proceeds benefit the Community Table, a nonprofit food pantry. $30/$25 advance. Info: or 506-2802. Buncombe County Healthy Parks, Healthy You 5K • Through (2/21) - Registration open. $12/$7 children. Info: jay. or 250-4269.

lAke jAmes stAte pArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (2/8), 11am - A hike along Lake Channel Overlook Trail. Meets at the Catawba River Area park office. • SU (2/9), 2pm - A hike along Sandy Cliff Overlook Trail. Meets at the Catawba River Area park office. vAlentine's 5k run & kids fun run • SA (2/8), 9:30am - Lake Tomahawk Park, 401 Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: Winter plAnt eColoGy Hike • SA (2/8), 10am-5pm - Hosted by Western North Carolina Alliance. Held at Little Bald Mountain. Info and directions: or 258.8737 ext. 201.

spirituAlity Aim meditAtion ClAsses (pd.) ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. events, (828) 808-4444 AQuAriAn ConsCiousness felloWsHip (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362.

ConsCious pArentinG WorksHop

AsHeville CompAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm.

• TH (2/6), 6pm -Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain. Free. Registration required. Info: 669-8800.

AsHeville insiGHt meditAtion (pd.) introduCtion to mindfulness meditAtion Learn how to


get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, AsHeville open HeArt meditAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, http://www.heart-sanctuary. org AsHeville spirituAl Radio • SatuRdayS, 1pm (pd.) “Guidance For Your Life” a talk show that explains spiritual wisdom. We guide you through the process of incorporating spiritual lessons into your daily life. 880AM. www.880therevolution. com Astro-CounselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.

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lookinG for Genuine spirituAl GuidAnCe And Help? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from down-

Garages I Farm Storage I Equestrian I Commercial I Homes Buy now and save! Discount pricing runs January 1st through the end of February so act fast for savings and discover the advantages of owning a Morton building. Call or visit us on online for more information. Certain restrictions apply. A listing of CG licences available at licenses. Reference Code 324

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


communitY caLEndaR

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

Send your event listings to

spoken & Written Word BAttery pArk WritinG Group (pd.) Mondays, 6:30pm, Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. • Free! Lisa at for more information. AsHeville City poets meetup • SA (2/8), 3pm - Held at Metro Wines,169 Charlotte St. Info:

a FundRaisER FoR FiFth gRadERs: Westville Pub will host a benefit on Friday, Feb. 7 for Vance Elementary’s 5th grade class field trip to the outer banks. The event begins at 6 p.m., with a portion of dinner sales going to the fundraiser, and continues with music from Paul Johson and the Steven Segalman Brothers of Empire Strikes Brass (pictured) beginning at 9:30 p.m., with a door charge of $5 donated to the school. (p.14)

town Asheville,very close to Warren Wilson College. www. 828-299-4359

North Asheville, $125. More info:

mindfulness meditAtion (pd.) AsHeville insiGHt meditAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 8084444, www.ashevillemeditation. com

A Course of love • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Held at 1765 Hendersonville Road. Donations encouraged. Info: 508-4013.

mindfulness meditAtion ClAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. out of fire, forGed in dArkness (pd.) An Imbolc Retreat with Jude Lally and Byron Ballard. Saturday, February 8, 10am6pm and Sunday, February 9; 10am-1pm. • Women only.


Center for spirituAl livinG AsHeville 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: or 231-7638. • SUNDAYS, 11am "Celebration of Life." Free. eCkAnkAr Center of AsHeville 797 Haywood Road, W. Asheville. Info: or 254-6775. • SU (2/9), 11-11:30am - A community HU song. Free.

Resurrection of the Messiah” class. Free. Optional dinner 4:45pm. $5. Registration required • TUESDAYS through (3/4), 6:15-8pm - Short Term Disciple Bible Study. Registration required. $13. GroCe united metHodist CHurCH 954 Tunnel Road. Info: or 298-6195. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 6:308:30pm- A Course in Miracles, an open Bible study group. Free. kirtAn WitH sAnGitA devi • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Held at Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St. $10-$15. Info:

forGiveness meditAtion ClAss • SUNDAYS through (3/23), 7pm - Meets at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. $8/$5 students, seniors. Info: or 668-2241.

tHe sHAmBHAlA meditAtion Center 19 Westwood Place. Info: or 490-4587. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - A Dharma reading and discussion. Free. Info: asheville.shambhala. org.

GrACe lutHerAn CHurCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/26), 5:45-7pm - “Death and

Women's BiBle study At tHe Cove • TUESDAYS through (2/25), 9:45am & 6:30pm - 1 Porters Cove Road. Free. Info: thecove. org.

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

BunComBe County puBliC liBrAries liBrAry ABBreviAtions - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n eA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n le = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750). • TH (2/6), 6:30pm - East Asheville Book Club: May We Be Forgiven by A.M.Homes. eA • SA (2/8), 10am - West Asheville Book Club: Walking Across Egypt by Clyde Edgerton. WA • TU (2/11), 1pm - Leicester Book Club: The Paris Wife by Paula McLain. le • TH (2/13), 7pm - Fairview Book Club discusses The Boy at the Gate. fv City liGHts Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • SA (2/8), 3pm - Panel discussion with Young Adult novelists Megan Shepherd, Jessica Khoury and Stephanie Perkins. mAlAprop's Bookstore And CAfe 55 Haywood St. Info: or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • TH (2/6), 7pm - Book signing: John Pritchard, Sailing to Alluvium. • FR (2/7), 7pm - Book signing: Philipp Meyer, The Son. • SA (2/8), noon - Edward Kelsey Moore discusses his novel The Supreme’s at Earl’s All You Can Eat.

• SA (2/8), 7pm - Book signing: Colin Meloy, of The Decemberisrts, and Carson Ellis, Wildwood Imperium. $15. reAdinGs By WnC Women poets • SU (2/9), 2pm - Three local poets will present their works. Held at Celo Health Center, 116 Seven Mile Ridge Road, Celo. Info: 765-6628. spellBound CHildren's BooksHop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story time. Ages 2-6. WnC mysteriAns CritiQue Group • TH (2/6), 6-9pm - Meets at Battery Park Book Exchange, 1 Page Ave. Info: or 712-5570.

tHrivinG CHildren CHildren first/Cis • ONGOING - Children First/ CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Info:, SuccessEquation or 768-2072. st. GerArd House's ConneCt proGrAm • Through MO (3/31) 10-week program teaches K-12 students how thoughts and actions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: or 693-4223. ‘BeCominG A love & loGiC pArent’ • MONDAYS through (2/17), 6-8pm - A six-week parenting course hosted by Child Abuse Prevention Services. 50 S. French Broad Ave. Free. Info: or 254-2000.

volunteerinG AsHeville City sCHools foundAtion Works to create strong public schools and break the cycle of poverty. Info: or 350-6135. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to tutor/mentor students (K-12). Shifts are available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm.

AurorA studio & GAllery A proposed art space for artists battling mental illness, addiction or homelessness. Info: or 335-1038. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for planning fundraisers throughout the year. BiG BrotHers BiG sisters of WnC Helps children thrive through partnerships with trained adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • ONGOING - Volunteers age 18+ needed to accompany youth twice a month to free or low-cost activities. Volunteers age 16+ needed to mentor one hour per week. • TU (2/11), noon - A volunteer information session will be held at United Way, 50 S. French Broad Ave. CHArlie's AnGels AnimAl resCue A shelter and foster network for area cats and dogs based in Fletcher. Info: or 885-3647. • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs involved. Girl sCouts CArolinAs peAk to piedmont Works to foster leadership and self-esteem in girls ages 5-17. Info: or 800-672-2148. • ONGOING: Volunteers needed age 18+, especially to be troop leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts required. literACy CounCil of BunComBe County Works to increase literacy and English language skills. Info: or 254-3442. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Adult Education Program, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling. Previous teaching experience not required. • ONGOING- Volunteers needed for the Augustine Program which works with low-income children reading below grade level. Previous teaching experience not required. lovinG food resourCes A special needs food pantry providing food and other items to persons living with HIV/AIDS or in hospice with any diagnosis. Info: admin@ or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food











by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to


box delivery, sorting, graphic design and office assistance. Hours: Tue.-Friday: 9am-noon, Sat. 9am-2pm. mAnnA foodBAnk Processes donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Info: or 299-3663. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to work in the warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening. projeCt linus Hand makes blankets for critically ill children. Info: 6458800. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed to create blankets. Knitted, crocheted, quilted, no-sew fleece or flannel blankets will be accepted. Info: 645-8800. reAd to suCCeed AsHeville Works directly with Asheville City Elementary Schools to help children achieve grade level in reading. • SA (2/8) - An info session for literacy coaching training, which requires a 4-week commitment. Info, times & direc-

tions: mjuliesherman@gmail. com or 251-4949. tHe rAtHBun Center Provides free lodging for patients & caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment. Info: or 251-0595. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. WnC Aids projeCt Provides resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers need for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers needed to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/ Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required.

ymCA of WnC Works to build strong kids, families and communities in mind, body & spirit. Info: or 210-2265. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Rise & Reach Mentoring Program. Mentees are students in the YMCA's at-risk afterschool programs. Background check required. yWCA Advocates for young women’s leadership and welfare. Info: 254-7206, ex. 219. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required. CAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365

Reflections of beauty and truth what: Messages to the Heart: Reflections of Beauty and Truth reading, book signing and art show with authors Phil and Elise Okrend. whEn/whERE: Book reading and signing at Malaprop’s Bookstore and Café, Sunday, Feb. 9, 3-5 p.m. Art display at Hotel Indigo, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 5-7 p.m. whY: Compiled by Asheville couple Phil and Elise Okrend, Messages to the Heart combines Elise’s pastel paintings with Phil’s poetic passages inspired by his years as a life coach. The Okrends spoke with Xpress about the book’s creation: Mountain Xpress: what have you found that this book is able to convey through the combination of prose and imagery that your individual works were unable to carry on their own?

Elise: When my art is paired with Phil’s passages, we are asking the reader to go deeper. We allow them to have a feeling about the art, but we ask them to reflect about a part of themselves through the passage. How does it make them feel? How can they allow themselves to have a different perspective? How are they inspired? We consciously tried to match the passages to the paintings by sensing what feeling or emotion the art was calling forth. phil: If you think about a memorable song, the lyrics and the melody may stand on their own as an artistic piece of work, but it is the joining of those media that creates something lasting with more impact to the listener. ... Together, the art and words carry more impact than if just left by themselves. I also love the idea of having my words not just as a book to read, but as an object of design and beauty that can be a part of someone’s home.

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve

Find local live standup comedy events at (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLdisclaimer). The Most Beloved Page in All the Land

asheville disclaimer Education


WCU celebrates 125 years

New political ad uses local republican’s racist comments

Many WCU alumni have shaped the face of WCU alumni fundraising campaigns

NC Attorney General Roy Cooper: ‘Deciding which local republican to quote was as difficult as deciding which quote to use’

Ask a Lawyer

Last Saturday’s “Ask a Lawyer” event went off without a hitch, providing the public with free answers to legal issues ranging from the personal to the political. Some of the top questions included: • Is there such a thing as a stupid question, legally speaking? •Whatever happened to Doug Llewellyn of The People’s Court?

• Do lawyers prefer the moniker “Sleazy Bloodsucker” or “Ambulance-Chasing Grief Vampire?”

• If the party of the first part buys a cocktail for the party of the second part, does the dude get a girlfriend out of the deal? • Is the word “adjudicate” anti-Semitic? • Could I be due a huge cash settlement if I’ve been injured through no fault of my own? • Was the now-famous client heard to say “The hot McDonald’s coffee is on me today?”

CULLOWHEE, MONDAY — For alumni who purchase it. 125 years, Western Carolina “Whether you’re University has been churning walking across campus out graduates who have each, toward the Office of in their own special way, Alumni Affairs or readcontributed to the success of ing an annual mailer WCU’s continuous alumni from the Western Carofundraising efforts. lina University Alumni “Whether they are donating Association, you can be money, or just being pleasant sure that, as an alumnus to our student telemarketers, of this alumni-producWCU alumni are definitely ing institution, you did For 125 years, making their mark in WCU’s WCU has prided itself in fact attend Western alumni outreach efforts,” said Carolina University,” on producing Jack Hudson, president of the said Hudson. WCU alumni, such as WCU Alumni WCU Alumni Association. “Many alumni like Hudson (class of ’82) Association president to stroll down memory points out that the WCU Jack Hudson, above. lane and peruse the Alumni Association would not be able alumni photo gallery that is maintained to produce publications such as the tri- by the Office of Alumni Affairs, and we annual Western Magazine that features wouldn’t be able to host such a rich, realumni — let alone mail them to alum- warding experience such as that,” said Hudson, “without our beloved alumni.” ni — were it not for the alumni. “We don’t like to get into the deThinking about WCU’s long history tails of what exactly WCU alumni are nearly brings tears to the WCU Alumni doing with their WCU degrees,” said Association president’s eyes. Hudson. “We just like to check up, say “Wow, 125 years,” mused Hudson. ‘Howdy-do?’ and let the rest of the “That sure adds up to a great number of WCU alumni nation know that one of WCU’s Alum of the Month profiles.” their own is hanging in there.” Hudson says he can’t imagine where With the exception of the first four he would be if he wasn’t a member of years of WCU’s existence, WCU has the WCU alumni family. proudly sponsored a yearly WCU “Attending WCU and — most imAlumni Weekend, “which wouldn’t be portantly — graduating from WCU prepossible,” said Hudson, “without our pared me for the real-world challenges I beloved alumni.” would encounter upon embarking on my Over its long history, WCU has journey in the WCU alumni industry.” shaped the alumni license plates and alumni apparel that is worn by WCU WCU graduates have proven themselves in fields such as merchandising, marketing, fashion and fundraising, as evidenced by the WCU alumni button, available exclusively in WCU alumni outlets.

• Did you pass the bar — without stopping in for happy hour?

Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact:

Twitter: @AVLdisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

Many WCU alumni have played important roles in the digital revolution, such as updating the Alumni Association’s home page, above.

Buncombe County students regressing into feral state due to snow cancellations

ASHEVILLE, TUESDAY — A spate of cancelled school days due to inclement weather has resulted in household chaos and domestic anarchy across Buncombe County, according to fatigued This wild marauder first-responders. was trapped and “We are tasering tranquilized by a children left and right Household Emergency per the requests of their Response Team. besieged parents,” said Asheville Police Department Chief William Anderson. Trouble began late Wednesday, when the novelty of playing in the snow waned and parents and children alike retreated indoors during the fourth snow day of the month. By Thursday, with families hunkered down and hating each other, the situation turned dire. “My daughter was drinking syrup straight from the bottle, and my jerk son was hoarding snowballs in the freezer so he could throw what basically were cold rocks at us indoors,” said one local parent. “The roads weren’t safe to travel, and they’re ages 12 and 14, but we let them teach themselves to drive the family car on the ice anyhow just to get them out of the house.”

West Asheville refuses to sign extradition treaty with downtown Asheville W. ASHEVILLE, WEDNESDAY — Representatives of West Asheville have turned down a proposed extradition treaty that would facilitate the exchange of scofflaws and ne’er-do-wells between the popular W. Asheville is Asheville borough and keeping her. its downtown neighbor. “If we were to hand over every freedomfighting sex refugee and drug patriot that downtown Asheville is demanding, this place would be a ghost town,” said one West Asheville underground bed-and-breakfast soul rebel.

Story cont. on p. 77

T he










going postaL America’s returning warriors continue to experience inexplicable difficulty after putting their lives at risk for their country. It took 13 years for Army Sgt. Maj. Richard Erickson to get his job back from his civilian employer after taking leave in 2000 to serve in the National Guard special forces. Erickson worked as a window clerk for the U.S. Postal Service, which soon fired him for taking “excessive military leave” but was forced to reinstate him after a January 2014 ruling awarding him $2 million in back pay. Erickson had won several interim victories, but USPS fought each one and said in January that it might even appeal the latest ruling. REcuRRing thEmEs happy new Year: (1) Once again, celebrants in France marked Jan. 1 by setting fire to 1,067 cars nationwide (down from 1,193 the previous year). (2) In the Hillbrow neighborhood of Johannesburg, South Africa, celebrants apparently decided to abandon a 20-year tradition of hurling furniture from high-rise apartments. holy mutations: In December, a five-legged cow in Raipur, India, supposedly “caused” the last 30 women who touched it to give birth to boys. And in Phuket, Thailand, a newborn gecko with six legs and two heads has become a magnet for visitors seeking clues to winning lottery numbers. In November the Journal-News of Hamilton, Ohio, learned that in several jurisdictions, union contracts allow police officers to work their shifts when less sober than some drivers ticketed for DUI. In Lebanon, Ohio, for instance, cops can work with a .04 blood-alcohol reading. In Butler County, a .04 reading triggers legal protections for officers that are unavailable to ordinary drivers. (However, in Lebanon, an officer’s right to suck on a breath mint before taking the test was recently removed from the contract.) the continuing British campaign to abolish Risks: Britain’s Royal





by Chuck Shepherd

Mail announced in December that it would stop delivery to Jeff and Sheila White’s cottage in Carnforth because the carrier was frightened of cows. (Mrs. White said he’s just lazy: When the cows were present, the carrier has to open and close a gate to reach their cottage.) unclear on the concept: In December, after Carmen Reategui, 34, was arrested for DUI in Readington Township, N.J., and was too impaired to drive home, she called Nina Petracca, 23, who arrived at the police station impaired herself (and was arrested for DUI), and both women called Ryan Hogan, 33, to take them home, but he also arrived impaired and was arrested. updatEs Unrelenting, swastika-tattooed New Jersey neo-Nazi Heath Campbell, 40, saw child No. 9 born in November, and once again, the county family welfare office removed it almost immediately. “I’m not allowed to have children because I’m a Nazi,” he lamented. Campbell first made headlines in 2008 when a bakery declined to decorate a birthday cake for his son, Adolf Hitler Campbell, leading child welfare officials to investigate. More seizures followed, including the November-born Eva (Lynn Patricia) Braun. Campbell vowed to continue the fight, declaring, “I’ll stop making them when they stop taking them.”

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Among planet Earth’s most bizarre local customs is the Christmas tradition in Spain’s Catalonia region of decorating Nativity scenes with figurines of famous people squatting and answering nature’s call. Presidents Bush and Obama have been so “honored,” along with Queen Elizabeth. And this past Christmas, Spanish artists unveiled “caganers” in the images of Pope Francis and Nelson Mandela. (Perhaps the least illogical explanation for the tradition is that if the manger is fertilized, the coming year’s crops will flourish.)X

REad daiLY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


Work o w t t r a p s s e n l l We

& Play


e’ve heard it before: Good health requires good balance. Whether finding that balance means striking a steady tree pose in yoga class or taking time away from the computer screen for a winter walk, Xpress invites readers to bring some harmony into their lives by considering how they work and play. Lucky for us, Asheville and the surrounding area — with our wealth of healers, teachers, hard workers and healthconscious citizens — is a great place to do both. In our work and play issue, we take a look at the challenges new mothers face when balancing breast-feeding and a career, ask a laughter yoga teacher to explain how letting loose can be the best kind of medicine, look back on 40 years of Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy protecting the land that we love and more. — Lea McLellan

Illustrations by Susan McBride


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

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Sunny Kruger

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


wellness work and play

The right to pump new moms find waYs to Balance Breast-feedinG witH work by Micah Wilkins About two or three times a day, many women take a break from their jobs to fulfill another duty — not as workers, but as mothers. But working moms who choose to breast-feed their children after returning to work are often challenged with finding time and space to pump in the workplace. Physician Leah swann gave birth to her daughter during her first year of residency. She worked 80 hours a week, often in 30-hour shifts, but was committed to breast-feeding her baby. “There were several years with her that I was away a lot, but I was able to maintain the breastfeeding relationship,” Swann says. Finding the time was hard, but finding a place to pump was even more difficult. Swann once found herself pumping in the closet of a homeless shelter where she was doing house calls. “I just made things work even when it was crazy and inconvenient,” she says. For many women, breast-feeding is a healthier option for themselves and their baby, and mothers like Swann are willing to do what it takes to make it work. Breast-feeding has been shown to have significant immunity benefits, as well as reduce the risk of cancer for both mother and baby — both are driv-

ing forces for Swann and others. In recent years, the challenge of breastfeeding on the job has become a little more manageable with the institution of the Affordable Care Act. The 2010 ACA is the first federal law that requires employers to accommodate breast-feeding employees. Specifically, the act mandates that employers allow time for women to breast-feed or pump at work. Employers must also provide a space for pumping or breast-feeding that is not a bathroom. However, these rules do not apply if the employer has fewer than 50 staff members. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, jennifer Barnette, who works in a local financial services office, was provided with a place to pump for the 17 months she was breast-feeding her daughter, Riley. But women who work for smaller companies, like catherine Reid, have to find ways to pump without accommodations. Reid’s employer has two full-time people working for him, so he does not have to adhere to the laws and legalities surrounding maternity leave and breast-feeding. In order for Reid to keep up her supply of milk for her baby, she maintains a strict schedule, pumping at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. This adds up to about 45 minutes a day, and she does not take time off for lunch. Reid’s office is a relatively open space with little privacy. “Every single day

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

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Dr. Leah Swann, on a hike with her 7-month-old child, takes a break to breast-feed. Photo courtesy of Leah Swann

I have to start from zero,” she says. “I have to think, ‘OK where am I going to be at 10, where am I going to be at 1, where am I going to be at 4?’” She has pumped in conference rooms, she has sat in her car to pump, and she has even used the handicapped-accessible stall in the bathroom. “I wish I had a place where I knew, ‘All right, this is my spot,’” Reid says. But she makes it work. “Going to the car is not the greatest thing in the world, but if that’s where I have to go, fine. What’s most important to me is that I am pumping and making milk and feeding my baby.” susan mooney, often referred to as the “Baby Lady of WNC,” is wellacquainted with the challenges that new mothers face. She has been providing services for mothers and babies in the Asheville area for 30 years. She is a doula (someone who assists a woman before, during or after childbirth), she makes house calls and teaches breastfeeding classes. The vast majority of the women she assists plan to return to work within a year of giving birth — though some return as soon as six weeks. Mooney observes that women in the teaching and medical fields struggle the most with finding the time to pump on the job. Perhaps because of all the challenges that go along with pumping breast milk, some moms choose to stop sooner rather than later. After about 13 months, Jennifer Griffin was happy to call it quits on her pumping routine.

“I felt bad having to leave my job to go pump,” she says. “I was tired of it.” For Griffin, pumping had become a chore. Griffin’s 14-month-old was eating enough solid foods, and she felt confident that she could stop pumping at work, but many women choose to continue pumping for years. In many workplaces, however, this practice is not met with the same sensitivity extended to mothers of newborns. “I worked in a place where breast-feeding past three or six months was unheard of,” Griffin says. “So for the first six months it was fine [that I was pumping at work for my first child], but once I got to the six-month marker, I got heckled by my co-workers.” Swann also noticed her co-workers lost patience as she was still pumping when her children were becoming toddlers. “A lot of people didn’t understand,” she says, “especially some of the older male doctors I worked with. Many of my colleagues were supportive of breast-feeding and pumping in theory but, until they saw how often I had to do it, had not really put much thought into the dedication it takes to combine work and breast-feeding.” Swann says that she had to get used to telling people that she needed to pump, “not asking for permission and not being apologetic. I think if others see it as optional, they are a lot less supportive.” Breast-feeding and pumping is a woman’s right, says Reid, and she doesn’t look at it as a break from work. “Pumping milk for my baby is a job too.” X

Ha-ha health lisa Harris sHares How lauGHter can Be tHe Best medicine

experience experience

by Ann Marie Molnar

how is laughter yoga similar to traditional yoga? It doesn’t involve poses like yoga, but it does involve deep breathing along with the laughter games. Laughter yoga was founded in 1995 by a medical doctor, Madan Kataria, in India. His wife was a yoga teacher, so he included the deep breathing exercises. Laughter yoga came to America shortly thereafter. what does a laughter yoga group session involve? We talk for 5-10 minutes for introductions and to discuss the benefits of laughter. Then we make up our laughter names. For example, I’m Laughing Lisa “Ha Ha” Harris. Next, we unzip our “adult suits,” remembering times when we enjoyed laughing in childhood. Then we play 25-35 minutes of laughter games. can you describe some of these laughter games? Most of the games are just


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Wellness doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, sometimes all we need to feel healthier and happier is a good laugh. Xpress spoke with therapist Lisa Harris about her laughter yoga groups. She shares how the slightly bizarre, but oh-so-satisfying practice of intentional laughter is crucial for combating the “epidemic of seriousness” that can threaten our funny bones. Mountain Xpress: how would you describe laughter yoga? Lisa harris: Laughter yoga is a way for a group of adults to play through a series of laughter games and deep breathing. Knowing you can laugh for no reason is very therapeutic. Laughter can help oxygenate our blood, brain and other organs. It boosts the immune system, lowers stress, increases endorphins, fights aging, increases circulation and helps concentration. It’s also good exercise. Laughter yoga is an exercise class, an improv class and an hour of creativity and play. Try laughing for one minute; it’s equal to the aerobic exercise you get from 10 minutes of rowing.


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• Accepting new patients Lisa Harris describes laughter yoga as “an exercise class, an improv class and an hour of creativity and play.” Photo by Carrie Eidson

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about playfulness. They’re silly games. There’s a traditional Indian game called Laughter Milkshake. You pretend to drink a milkshake, saying “glug glug glug” as you mix it, then throw your head back to “drink” and laugh. There’s the Ha-Ha Cha-Cha, doing the cha-cha step while laughing. There’s Shy Laughter; Bold, Big, Beautiful Laughter; Evil Laughter; and Gibberish. as a therapist, do you use laughter yoga with your private clients? I use it in therapy for people who admit they take themselves too seriously. Laughing with me can help a client lose self-consciousness and build self-esteem. When you laugh, you push old oxygen though your body, and it’s a good thing. It makes you happy, and we all need more happy! If you stop and laugh for a minute or two when you’re stressed, it will release stress hormones. Then you can problem-solve. We can’t problem-solve when we’re stressed. We have an epidemic of seriousness, and the medicine is laughter. It’s not in a pill form; you can take it anytime and administer it yourself. It’s free and infectious. Lisa Harris, LCSW, has more than 15 years experience counseling individuals and couples. For private sessions and laughter yoga groups, visit, or call 216-3994. X

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

In Laughter Yoga, we stretch, clap, laugh and breathe to bring on amity, health and happiness. No prior experience needed, just a willingness to laugh.

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Laughter Yoga Leader Stephanie Stewart will be holding her next class at the Henderson County Athletics & Activity Center 708 South Grove Street; Hendersonville, NC 28792 Saturday mornings through the month of February. To register for this 10:00am class, email Stephanie at: You can also follow us on

: Look for Leona’s Lion Laughter

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


wellness work and play

Mountains of home

tHe soutHern appalacHian HiGHlands conserVancY works so we can plaY

Participants enjoy the Yoga on the Mountain program on a tract protected by SAHC in Fairview. Photo Courtesy of the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy

by Haley Steinhardt My family and I often drive north to visit relatives for the holidays, and at the end of a long journey as we coast down Interstate 26 into Asheville, there is a certain feeling that comes over me. It’s a mixture of joy, relief and longing as the sweetness of the mountains of home rises around us. I am far from the first to express such a sentiment; I hear it time and time again from the mouths of friends and strangers, travelers and locals, longtime residents and WNC newbies. We love the land, and it seems to love us right back. Lucky for us, the land stewards at the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy look after this land that we love. The folks at SAHC work so we can play. Through community outings and partnerships with local businesses, the organization aims to inspire residents to connect with the land and learn more about what there is to preserve and why. “Getting people out to enjoy the places 28

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

we have protected is integral to our mission and helps build partnerships to sustain our work in the future,” says SAHC communications director angela shepherd. The organization attracts a range of nature lovers to its peaks and waterways with outings like Yoga on the Mountain and Kids in the Creek. Partnerships with local businesses have resulted in hikes such as For Love of Beer and Mountains, which was created in conjunction with Highland Brewing Co. and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For Sheperd and her co-workers, preserving the mountains is more than just a job. “I gained an appreciation for conservation running barefoot on my grandparents’ farm and hiking Mount Mitchell with my family,” says Shepherd. “Like many, I moved to the Asheville area because there is something here that stirs my soul. ... Seeing the tide of development sweeping across the mountains, I wanted to help find some way for people to live here without loving the mountains to death.” This year, the SAHC celebrates 40 years of conservation. When the nonprofit first launched, its focus was on preserving scenic views and wilderness experiences for

he d

those traveling the Appalachian Trail through the Highlands of Roan, near the border of North Carolina and Tennessee. With that initial seed of stewardship remaining at the heart of its conservation work, SAHC has grown to encompass much more. “We’ve broadened our efforts over the past decades to protect special places all across the Southern Appalachians,” says Sheperd. Those special places include family farms, municipal watersheds, peaks along the Blue Ridge Parkway, inholdings in national forests and Mount Mitchell State Park as well as tracts adjacent to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In all, SAHC has protected more than 63,000 acres. Most recently, the SAHC purchased 357 acres in the Yellow Mountain State Natural Area. Sheperd says that the tract provides potential for public access to a hidden 100-foot waterfall on Justice Creek, which SAHC protected in 2012 transferring the land to the state of North Carolina last year. While the folks at the conservancy seek to preserve the natural features and native species of the past and present, their focus is very much on the future. “As we continue to evolve [over] the next 40 years, we’re looking forward to exciting new endeavors,” says Shepherd. Perhaps one of the most intriguing developments is a community farm in Alexander, which will be open to the public in June. The farm is intended to be “a model for productive agriculture and environmental health,” she says. “We recently completed a stream restoration project and built a 1.5-mile loop trail on the farm, and we’re making plans for a beginning farmer incubator.” The mountains have a way of breaking down triviality and reconnecting us to what’s real, and that is worth protecting. “The incredible natural treasures that draw people to this region are often the same fragile resources that are most in need of preservation,” says Shepherd. “SAHC strives for balance, working

to protect unique places in the Southern Appalachians, providing stewardship of these places for future generations and connecting people with nature through the places we have protected.” For Sheperd, making sure the land we love will remain for future generations is the driving force behind the work done at SAHC. “My kids are what most inspires me to work in conservation,” she says. “They took their first steps on the Appalachian Trail when we went for a camping and habitat restoration volunteer weekend one year, and seeing their wonder and excitement at the world outdoors — that’s what inspires me.”

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To learn more about the SAHC, visit or call 253-0095.

Upcoming SAHC events: • Feb. 15 — Love of Nature and Farmland Hike in Fairview • March 22 — Hike to Snowball Mountain off the Blue Ridge Parkway • April 12 — Wildflower Identification Hike • May 15 — Appalachian Spring event at Highland Brewing Co., celebrating our 40th anniversary • June 7 — Land Trust Day and open house at our community farm in Alexander • June 14 — June Jamboree in the Highlands of Roan: Five guided hikes, including Yoga on the Mountain, Roll and Stroll in the Rhododendron Gardens and Kids in the Creek Freelance writer Haley Steinhardt has called Asheville home since 2003. When she’s not writing, she runs local wellness practice Blue Mountain Reiki and spends time with her sweet family X

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

a new downtown Business offers a new waY to work

Co-luminate core team members gather in the new multi-use space. From left to right: Erica Mueller, Michael Hurd, Karin Petersen, Luz Rosengren, Reve Shannon, Aaron Maret and BJ Harden Jones. Photo by Erica Mueller

by Ann Marie Molnar Walking into co-luminate — the small, downtown community space tucked away behind Laurey’s Catering and next to Go Yoga — is like entering a friend’s cozy living room, complete with warm lighting, tables, chairs, floor seats, Persian carpets and pillows. Unlike a friend’s living room, however, you’ll notice people scattered around, working independently on their laptops. You might also see groups of people animatedly discussing projects over tea. Co-owners aaron maret and Bj harden jones opened co-luminate in November with the intention of building community and creating a downtown hub for transformational culture. The word co-luminate means “to shine together, to be lit up from within in the context of community,” explains Maret. Along with offering classes, workshops and events, co-luminate features a co-working space called a

“community flexspace.” Members — who are currently billed on a pay-what-it’sworth-to-you basis — can come and work independently in a supportive setting with the opportunity to connect, share ideas and collaborate on projects. Unlike a café (where food and socializing often take precedence over productivity) or a traditional office, co-luminate is a community lounge space with the purpose of gathering like-minded people with similar goals to inspire each other and get things done. Along with work tables and wireless Internet, co-luminate offers a cozy reading nook, kitchenette, resource library, digital projector and screen, sound system, mobile whiteboard and a small retail area. Shelves and furniture can be rearranged to suit changing needs. It’s a place to “mingle, meet up and cross-pollinate,” says Maret. “There’s a good chance of bumping into someone with whom you’re sharing the journey.” Members who use the community flexspace include writers, entrepreneurs,

businesspeople meeting with clients, meet-up groups focused on specific interests or projects, students doing homework or just about anyone who wants a change of scenery for getting work done. tom Llewellyn, co-founder of Real Cooperative and Share Asheville, uses co-luminate as his office. “Having a space like co-luminate removes the overhead for small, grass-roots nonprofits like ourselves,” he says. “There are a lot of amazing people who come through. It’s a helpful place for exchanging ideas and potential collaborations on projects with people I would never meet working at home.” During the week, co-luminate hosts a free community meditation from 8-9 a.m. Community flexspace hours follow from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., with the earlier part of the day reserved for those who want a quieter environment. From noon on, the space is open for group meetings, day programs and individuals who prefer a more active community work environment. Children are also welcome to join their parents. Harden Jones and Maret’s vision isn’t limited to providing a workspace for the community. During the evenings and weekends, co-luminate

becomes a venue for various communityfocused events such as film screenings, lectures, salons, practice groups, classes, ceremonies and musical performances. Specific upcoming and monthly events include: an intimacy skills practice group; a mindful parenting class; Death Café (an open forum for discussing death and dying); inquiry circle for Byron Katie’s work; sacred geometry classes; and a men’s nude yoga class, among others. The owners also host a movie night twice a month. “We’re moving toward having community-driven programs here,” says Harden Jones. “It’s a place for people to teach what they have to offer.” Nonmember presenters can rent the space for their events or workshops at reasonable rates. Members get a rental discount along with support and promotion from co-luminate, in addition to access to the community flexspace. Maret says the current space is a “launchpad” for bigger plans. “We’re getting our start here, planning our next steps, and we intend to move into a larger, mixeduse space with a campus feel — about 10,000 square feet — sometime this year.”


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


Come Age Well with Us! Council on Aging’s Senior Dining & Wellness sites offer delicious meals, exercise, educational programming, health screenings, shopping trips, and Bingo, for those of us 60 and older.

wellness work and play

What we do matters

Voluntary contributions are accepted for the program and transportation may be available through Mountain Mobility.

Locations: Avery’s Creek Community Center

Weaverville First Baptist Church

889 S.E. Glenn Bridge Road, Arden 350-2062

63 N. Main Street, Weaverville 775-9297

Senior Opportunity Center

Lakeview Commuinty Center

36 Grove Street, Downtown Asheville 350-2062 Shiloh Community Center

121 Shiloh Road, South Asheville 274-7739

401 Rhododendron Ave, Black Mountain 669-2035 For More Information Contact : Council on Aging of Buncombe County 828-277-8288 •

work and economic support for families by Phillip Hardin

Too many people are faced with difficult decisions every day — whether to pay for rent or food, for medicine or heat. Helping children and adults access services that support basic needs such as food, medical care, quality child care and jobs creates a stronger, safer and healthier community for us all. Buncombe county health and human services offers these programs and supportive services to our families: •Work First offers employment-focused benefits for families seeking employment.

Caring for seniors is an important role in our workforce. If you have decided to work in long term care and make a difference in the lives of seniors in Western North Carolina, we would love for you to come to Givens Estates or Highland Farms and see if you’d like to work with one of our dedicated Teams. If you visit our campuses, the Human Resources office is located at Givens Estates (Asheville) 1st floor of Asbury Commons and at Highland Farms (Black Mountain) in the Prentice Lodge.

More Significant than politics, weather, or the economy:

OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: (We always accept applications, some positions may not be available at time of application)


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We offer an excellent working environment and comprehensive wage and benefit package. Apply in person for Givens Estates campus at 2360 Sweeten Road, South Asheville or for Highland Farms campus to 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain. For further information visit or EOE M/F/D/V. Givens Highland Farms LLC. is now owned and managed by Givens Estates Inc.

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

•Food and Nutrition (EBT food benefits) offers food assistance to those who are eligible.

level 2

(Givens Estates only)


•Child care Subsidy helps working parents have access to quality child care for their infants and children.

Classes will be held in Flat Rock or Brevard, NC

•Medicaid/NC Health Choice offers medical coverage for eligible children and adults. There are different options to apply for food benefits and health insurance through Medicaid, NC Health Choice (SCHIP): Visit using the public portal; come to 40 Coxe Ave. in person for a paper application; or call 250-5500 for assistance. •WIC Program offers supplemental healthy food and nutrition counseling for pregnant women and children up to 5 years old. Families eligible for EBT (food benefits) are also eligible for WIC and can be enrolled in both programs. •Federal Health Insurance (Affordable care act): Deadline to enroll is March 31 without penalties. A federal insurance representative is ready to help and is located at the downtown HHS Office at 40 Coxe Ave. •Energy Assistance helps assure people have heating and cooling, including emergency assistance to ensure families can get what they need to be healthy and safe.

Discounts available, 18 CE’s for nursing and massage

Learn more at or call 250-5500.

Judy Lynne Ray

Phillip Hardin is the director of economic services at Buncombe County Health and Human Services. X

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PeRsoNAL tRAiNiNg 16 London Rd Asheville, NC 28803 828-545-0475

by Kit Cramer The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce and Mission Health are working together to find out what Buncombe County workplaces are doing to support employee health. They will be asking local businesses — large and small — about their workplace wellness practices and policies through a survey. We spend a large portion of our week at work, so it should be no surprise that the workplace environment has a huge impact on community health. One of the most compelling reasons for employers to take steps to promote wellness is the bottom line, and health care costs are a major stress on businesses of all sizes. A study by Gallup says that employees with thriving well-being have 41 percent lower health-related costs than those who are struggling. Health experts emphasize how employers can take a broad range of steps to improve the health of their employees — part-time and full-time alike. Results from the survey will be shared with employers and community partners to highlight exceptional examples of how employers are supporting employee health. They’ll also provide a forum for discussion for employers who want to try out new ideas.

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results guaranteed good through 2014;please mention ad

The survey will provide baseline data that will allow the committee to track progress in improving community health measures over time. Buncombe County employers are invited to participate by going to Responses submitted by March 28 will be entered to win a free team registration for the 2014 Chamber Challenge 5K on June 6. Kit Cramer is the president of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce.X

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

Presented by Professor Laura Hope-Gill M.F.A. and Dr. Claire Hicks M.D. Friday February 7 @ 7-9:15 p.m. Saturday February 8 @ 10-5p.m. Lenior-Rhyne University Asheville 2nd Floor Conference Room

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wellness calendar by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson lunAr neW yeAr open House (pd.) This Saturday, February 8, 2-5pm at Daoist Traditions College Acupuncture Clinic, 222 S. French Broad Avenue. Welcome 2014, the Year of the Horse! • Pulse Diagnosis • Ear Acupuncture • Student Talks • Chinese Herbal Tea • Seasonal Health Tips • Treatment Specials • Free treatment raffle. All services Free and open to the public. For more information: 828-253-8669 or Women's support Group (pd.) Hurting from a current or past relationship or feeling isolated from women friends? Join and connect with other women. Call Carol Greenberger, LPC at The Relationship Center: (828) 458-9922. yoGA for tHe eyes (pd.) Fridays, 10:45-12:00—Natural vision improvement through Yoga, Qigong and the Bates Method. Nourish & Flourish, 347 Depot St. River Arts District. All Levels. Instructor: Nathan Oxenfeld. $12. integraleyesight. com AffordABle CAre ACt informAtion session • TH (2/6), 6:30pm - Hosted by Pisgah Legal Services. Held at the Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston St. Info: AsHeville Community yoGA Center 8 Brookdale Road. Info: • THURSDAYS through (2/6), 6-7:30pm - "Yoga For Weight Loss," a 4-week series. $40. • SU (2/9), 1:30pm - Thai partner yoga and bodywork. $20. CounCil on AGinG ACA ClAsses These classes discuss the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Free. Info and registration: coabc. org or 277-8288. • WE (2/5), 2-3:30pm - Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston, Swannanoa. • TH (2/6), 4-5:30pm - South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook, Road. • MO (2/10), 4-5:30pm - Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sand Hill Road, Candler. • TU (2/11), 6-7:30pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville. CounCil on AGinG mediCAre ClAsses This class will discuss how Medicare works. Free. Info and reservations: or 277-8288. • WE (2/5), 3-5pm - West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. livinG HeAltHy WitH A CHroniC Condition WorksHops Sponsored by Land-of-Sky Regional Council for people living with a chronic disease and their caregivers.

New Xpress ad 04/09

Providers (in order left to right) Katherine Cross, J.D. mediator Heather RW Lacey, J.D. business & estate attorney Sarah Corley, J.D. mediator Sara Bensman, M.A. mediator, parenting coordinator Barbara Ann Davis, J.D. collaborative lawyer

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


3:38 PM

Registration is open for the first two weeks. $30. Info: or 251-7438. • THURSDAYS through (2/13), 1-3:30pm - Held at Laurelwood Apartments, 650 Caribou Road. Registration required. nArrAtive mediCine WorksHop • FR (2/7), 6-9pm & SA (2/8), 10am-4pm - Two day workshop on Narrative Medicine. Lenoir-Rhyne University in Asheville at 36 Montford Ave. $15. Info: or 407-4268. red Cross Blood drives Info: or (800) 733-2767. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • TH (2/6), 1:30-6pm - Presbyterian Church, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Info and appointment: 669-2725. • TU (2/11), 10am-2pm - Montreat College, 310 Gaither Circle, Montreat. • TH (2/11), 7am-6pm - Mission Hospital, 501 Biltmore Ave.

support Groups Adult CHildren of AlCoHoliCs & dysfunCtionAl fAmilies ACOA is an anonymous 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: • FRIDAYS: • 7pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS: • 8:30am - First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • SUNDAYS: • 3pm - The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. • 3pm - Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde • MONDAYS: • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Al-Anon / AlAteen fAmily Group A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS: • 11:30am - Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville • 5:45pm & 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS: • 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road • 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock • 7pm, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road • FRIDAYS: • noon - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Brevard • 1pm - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 8pm - Cathedral of All

Souls, 9 Swann St. • SATURDAYS: • 9am &10am; - First Baptist Church Annex, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • 10am - First Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin • 10am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 10am - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. • noon First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. • SUNDAYS: • 5pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS: • noon - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva • 8pm - Ledger Baptist Church, 208 Church Road, Bakersville. • 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. • TUESDAYS: • 10am - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden • 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. • 7:30pm - St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 256 East Main St., Brevard • 8pm - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. AsHeville AlCoHoliCs Anonymous AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Info: • ONGOING - Visit their website or events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. deBtors Anonymous 12-step recovery on issues of underearning, debt and learning to live one's vision in life. Info: • MONDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. depression And BipolAr support AlliAnCe: mAGnetiC minds • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm Magnetic Minds provides self-help through weekly, peer-facilitated support meetings. Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road, across from the West Asheville BB&T. Free. Info: or 367-7660. emotions Anonymous: AsHeville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Emotions Anonymous offers a 12-step program for anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road. Info: 631-434-5294. GrAsp: AsHeville Autism support Group • 2nd SATURDAYS, 3-5pm - Meets at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St. Must be 18 years or older and on the autism spectrum. Info: or

Page 1

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HeArt of reCovery meditAtion Group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - "Heart of Recovery," a meditation and discussion group that integrates meditation practice with any 12-step recovery program will be held at Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville, 19 Westwood Place. Meetings are anonymous and confidential. Free. Info:

Black Mountain. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS: • 6pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 516-650-5626. • 6:30pm Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 800-580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 609-731-0808. • 5:30pm - First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva. Info: 508-2586.

inContinenCe support • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1pm - Support group for those suffering from or affected by any level or form of incontinence. Info and location:

pArkinson's support Group • TU (2/11), 10am - The Brevard-Hendersonville Parkinson's Support Group will meet at BrevardDavidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. Info: 685-7673.

memory loss CAreGivers of eAst BunComBe • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am - A groups for caregivers of someone with memory loss or dementia will meet in the Brookside Building at Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain. Info:

reCoverinG Couples Anonymous Support group for couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: • SATURDAYS, 10am - Unity Church Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road. Meets every other week. Info:

men's WorkinG on life issues • MONDAYS, 6-8pm. Men's Support Group. Seeking men in Asheville ready to do real work on life issues. 90 Zillicoa Ave. Info: 686-5590 or 683-7195.

s-Anon fAmily Groups • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexaholism. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: wncsanon@gmail. com or 258-5117.

mission HeAltH fAmily Group niGHt • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm - For caregivers of children with special health care needs and developmental concerns. Mission Rueter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Info: 213-9787. nAr-Anon fAmily Groups A group for relatives and friends who are concerned about the addiction or drug problem of another. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 891-8050. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. nArCotiCs Anonymous of WnC NA provides support to men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Local helpline: 866-925-2148. Info: • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness NAMI offers support to people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Located at 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite. 207. Info: or 505-7353. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual Diagnosis Group at the Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS: 11am - Connection Group at the NAMI office, 356 Biltmore Ave. overeAters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS: • noon - Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975 • 6:30pm - Cox House, 723 N. Grove St., Hendersonville. Info: 329-1637. • FRIDAYS: • 10am- Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 2771975. • SATURDAYS: • 9:30am - 424 W. State St.,

smArt reCovery A peer support group to help individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 407-0460. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion. Info: 925-8626 • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - St. Andrew Celtic Church, 850 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. Info: 2730256 t.H.e. Center for disordered eAtinG 297 Haywood St. Info: or 3374685. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Group for teens ages 15-17. more Wellness events online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after February 13. CAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

Did you say the “F” word? Fiber isn’t especially fun to talk about... unless of course it’s in the context of one of the effects of consuming fiber rich foods.... farting..... and you’re an 8 year old boy. Fortunately or unfortunately, fiber is strongly associated with regularity and most Americans don’t like to discuss their bowel movements. But many of us forget or don’t know some of the other benefits that fiber might have. Various studies indicate that consuming foods (or in some cases fiber supplements) may help: • Cardiovascular (Heart) Health - reduce blood pressure, lower blood lipids (cholesterol), reduce inflammation. • Weight Management - increase satiety (feeling of fullness) • Diabetes - help manage blood glucose • Cancer - reduce risk of colorectal and other gastrointestinal cancers • Immune System - create a healthy immune system. Your GI tract is an integral part of your immune system and this is affected by the gut microbiome - the living environment of organisms in your digestive system. A healthy gut = a healthy immune system. How much fiber do you need every day? According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Women: 19-50yrs - 25 grams per day; 50 yrs - 21 grams Men: 19-50 yrs - 38 grams; 50 yrs - 30 grams Children: 3yrs and older: their age + 5 = their fiber goal per day. e.g 5 yrs old+ 5 = 10 grams of fiber per day. Sources: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics “Fiber”; “Know the Facts of Fiber” - Kellogg’s Nutrition; Baylor College of Medicine, Children’s Research Center “How Much Fiber Does my 8 year old Daughter Need?” https://www. Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



Serving up comfort Jewish food traditions in Asheville

BY toni shERwood

“If you didn’t know it was tongue, you’d think it was delicious,” Asheville resident Chuck Fink says of his favorite Jewish winter comfort food. But does tongue really qualify as comfort food? “The thing about the Jews is, comfort food varies based on region,” explains Marty Gillen, chairman of the HardLox Jewish Food and Heritage Festival. “The Ashkenazi Jews immigrated from Eastern Europe, and the Sephardic Jews from Spain and the Mediterranean.” Bruce Brown of Congregation Beth Israel, a self-taught chef who started out working with his grandmother’s recipes, agrees. “Different regions call different things comfort food. We come from all over.” Gillen, whose ancestors were largely Hungarian, says: “Jewish winter comfort food is typically something cooked in a pot overnight. My grandmother made the best stuffed cabbage with gravy and mashed potatoes.” But for Fink, a retired business consultant and budding actor, and his pal Randy Robins, a retired teacher and standup comic, it’s definitely tongue. And according to Fink, Greenfield’s Bagels & Deli in Greenville, S.C., is the closest place to get it. “Randy and I used to drive 2 1/2 hours to Charlotte,” he recalls, “but one Monday we got there only to find the deli closed.” That’s when the duo decided it was time to find a closer source. “There are no Jewish restaurants here in [Asheville] that serve Jewish food,” notes Gillen. “The kids of the people that owned them in the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s didn’t want to run a restaurant, so they faded out.” According to Wikipedia, until the 1830s, the most populous Jewish community in North America was in Charleston, S.C. Eventually this


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

community spread out to neighboring towns and cities. Jan Schochet, historian and native of Asheville, still remembers the original Schandler’s Deli, which opened in the 1920s between the First Baptist Church and David Millard Junior High School. Schochet and fellow historian Sharon Fahrer created the exhibit “The Family Store: A History of the Jewish Businesses of Downtown Asheville, 1890-1990.”. Schandler’s, which became the Pickle Barrel in 1966 and lasted into the 1980s, is the last Jewish restaurant locals remember, says Schochet. But who needs a restaurant when Jewish comfort food is served up every Saturday after services at Congregation Beth Israel? On one recent Saturday, Chef Brown prepared sweet and sour vegetarian meatballs and a potato cheese soup. “Kosher meat is expensive, and besides, so many people are eating healthier now,” he says. “Tongue isn’t very healthy,” says

kEEping thE Faith: Chef Bruce Brown, right, and Lauren Mattysse of Sweetpeas Catering prepare traditional Jewish dishes each Saturday for the post-services meal at Congregation Beth Israel. Photo by Jayson Im

Fink. “It’s about 70 percent fat.” And when fellow tongue connoisseur and driving companion Steve Rubin passed away a year ago, Fink remembers thinking, “Who else would be stupid enough to drive 2 1/2 hours for tongue? I immediately thought of Randy.” In response, Robins deadpans, “When Chuck first suggested it, I was flattered. Then I thought, ‘Do I want to replace a dead guy?’” Although Fink’s favorite combination is tongue with mustard and pickles, this time both men noshed on tongue sandwiches

with Russian dressing, coleslaw and Swiss cheese — on Jewish rye bread, of course. With no local restaurants to turn to, home cooks must fill the gap, relying on family recipes handed down for generations. In 2010, The Chabad House of Asheville compiled a book of recipes titled Tastes of Jewish Asheville. Administrative Assistant Holly Ammon describes the book as a labor of love, “a way of coming together as Jewish women to share the love for cooking. All the recipes are kosher, and they’re all written by women from Asheville.” According to Ammon it’s the only volume of its kind in Western North Carolina, containing pictures of the women and selections from the Torah as well as recipes. “There’s a real warmth to the book,” she says. The HardLox Festival is a great place to sample Jewish fare, but you’ll have to wait until October. In the meantime, Gillen recommends

the Jewish Community Center’s dinner club, where everyone brings a dish based on a theme. Coincidentally, January’s theme was “favorite comfort foods,” and the dinner was held at the home of Amy and Paul Silverman. Suggested dishes included stews, mac and cheese, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, soups, banana pudding, gingerbread and bread pudding. Marti Biller and her husband, Julian, are regular attendees. This time they contributed a beef-based sweet and sour cabbage soup. And even if you can’t make it to Saturday lunch at Congregation Beth Israel, you can still sample Brown’s food. He runs Sweet Peas Catering with business partner Lauren Mattysse, the chair of Beth Israel’s Kitchen Committee. Together they cater bar mitzvahs, private parties, weddings and just about any occasion. For even more recipes like the ones he’s shared here and online, check out the Cook’s Column in Ha Shofar, the synagogue’s monthly newsletter. As for Fink and Robins, whether it’s January or June, they still make the drive to put some tongue on their tongues. “Greenfield’s is about an hour and 15 minutes each way,” Robins reports, adding, “That’s about the limit for how long we can put up with each other.” • The Family Store: A History of Jewish Businesses in Downtown Asheville, 1880-1990 is available in book form at the front desk of Pack Memorial Library, or at • Find Sweet Peas Catering on Facebook. Contact Bruce Brown at 627-3597 or sweetpeasasheville@ • The Tastes of Jewish Asheville cookbook is available online at or through Malaprop’s. • To learn more about the JCC’s dinner club, contact Community Life & Events Director Rochelle Reich at 253-0701, ext. 111; or • The 2014 HardLox Festival is slated for Sunday, Oct. 19; for details, visit • Greenfield’s Bagels & Deli can be reached at greenfieldsbagelsanddeli. com or (864) 987-0064. X

Make it yourself

amY siLvERman’s noodLE kugEL (luchshen kugel) One bag medium-width noodles 1/4 pound butter 3 oz cream cheese 4 oz cottage cheese 3 extra-large eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups milk to make: Heat oven to 350 F. Cook noodles and drain. Mix in butter and cheeses and place in an 8-inch-by-10inch buttered casserole dish. In a bowl, beat the eggs well, add sugar, vanilla and milk and beat for one minute. Pour over the noodles and bake for 50-60 minutes. Top with cinnamon and sugar, if desired. BRucE BRown’s phiLadELphia BRiskEt 5 pounds first-cut brisket 3 onions, cut-up 2 carrots, cut-up 2 stalks celery, cut-up 1 clove garlic, minced Salt and Pepper A few cloves A few bay leaves Paprika

gravy then freeze. Freeze the remaining gravy separately. chana susskind’s chEEsE LatkEs 3 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup cottage cheese, drained 1½ cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 5 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Oil for frying to make: Mix all ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth. Using a deep-fry or candy thermometer, heat oil to 360-375 F on stovetop. Form latke mixture into compact patties using about three tablespoons of mixture per latke. Fry latkes in oil until brown and crisp on both sides — about two-three minutes per side. Susskind recommends starting with one “test latke” to get the oil temperature just right before proceeding with the others. Yields 12. For for more recipes from local residents, visit — T.S.

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to make: Heat oven to 500 F. Place unseasoned brisket in a covered roaster and bake for 45 minutes to sear in the juices. Remove from oven and pour off the fat. Decrease oven heat to 350 F. Add the cut-up vegetables and 3/4 cup water to roasting pan and season heavily with salt, pepper and paprika. Add a few bay leaves and cloves as desired. Cover and place back in a 350° oven for at least three hours, adding a cup of water after the first hour or as needed. Baste occasionally and cook until the meat tests tender. (Bruce Brown: Sometimes, my brisket can cook 4 hours or more until it tests tender. Don’t be in a hurry.) Let sit for 20 minutes before slicing, or cover and cool in the refrigerator overnight. It slices much better and evenly when cold. To serve, bring the brisket to room temperature and reheat. Serves six to eight people. options: According to Brown, you can strain the gravy though a food mill or put in a food processor and pulse a few times to make a nice sauce. To store the meat, cover it with a bit of

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by Mark Bennett

Reviving the herd "Dude...

...Honest food" Lunch. Brunch. Dinner.

whitE hopE: A herd of 15 extremely rare white buffalo make their home on Dr. Frank King’s farm. Photo by Mark-Ellis Bennett

Service Daily

48 Biltmore Avenue Asheville, NC, 28801

Carolina Bison’s efforts to reintroduce buffalo meat


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


Imagine hiking along your favorite mountain trail and encountering a herd of bison. It could have happened 300 years ago when buffalo were indigenous to Western North Carolina. A sign on the Blue Ridge Parkway reads, “View Bull Creek Valley — The last buffalo seen in this locality was killed nearby in 1799 by Joseph Rice, an early settler.” Bison once roamed America from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Maine to Florida. Dr. Frank King, owner of Carolina Bison in West Asheville, explains that European buffalo crossed the Bering Straits into North America during the ice age. Those that remained in the Northwest Territories evolved into the wood buffalo (Bison bison athabascae), while others migrating south evolved into the plains bison. The two subspecies of the American bison gradually developed anatomic differences, adapting to their respective environments. King recognized what the Native Americans knew from the beginning: the great nutritional value of buffalo meat. According to him, approximately 60 million buffalo roamed the North American plains when the first pioneers settled the frontier. Excessive hunting and later wholesale recre-

ational slaughter drove the buffalo nearly to extinction, leaving the gene pool short and shallow. Since King founded Carolina Bison in 1985, King has acquired both wood and plains buffalo. More recently, Carolina Bison purchased a herd of 25 European wood bison, also called wisents. There are only about 50 in North America. King intends to cross the wood and plains buffalo crossbreeds with the wisents this summer to restore genetic diversity to the population on his farm. “In the spring of 2015 we’ll have the first cross-bred animals that will bring the bloodlines of all three subspecies together as one.” King also soon expects to acquire a herd of pure black buffalo from North Dakota. “There was a herd of bison in the Crow Indian Reservation down in a ravine where the only way they got the bison out of there was in butchered portions,” says King. “They finally got a logging helicopter with large nets, tranquilized some of the select young breeding stock and brought them out. That was one of the rare bison genetics we acquired many years ago. We’ve always been looking.” Unlike beef cattle, buffalo require neither hormones nor antibiotics to raise, and because they are naturally leaner, their meat requires less cooking time. While beef bovine have longevity of 10-12 years, bison live 40-45 years. “We see that Native

Americans that lived off the bison in rough plains conditions commonly lived to be over a hundred years of age,” King says. “How ironic: White man wipes out bison and then cardiovascular disease wipes out white man. Now bison come back sacrificially to help white man. Estimates according to whose history book you read would say the bison population in America was brought down to as few as 200 to at most 2,000 animals.” Counting calves and animals being harvested for meat, Carolina Bison has anywhere form 300 to more than 600 head. King says that including his ranch and animals being cared for by partners, he has more bison than can be found anywhere else in the eastern United States. When last weighed his largest buffalo bull was 3,000 pounds. Since it is now too large to be weighed at the farm, King says he knows it has grown and he has reason to believe it may be the largest in the world. He also says he has what is, as far as he knows, the largest buffalo cow in the world, weighing in at more than 1,500 pounds. “A good strong, healthy, bison cow would normally weigh 1,000 to 1,100 pounds,” he said. Carolina Bison also has a herd of 15 extremely rare white buffalo, not albinos. “The white buffalo has always been sacred, and when you’re with them you feel their presence. There’s a sense of peace and awe just being among them that words cannot express,” says King. “It must be experienced.” King also has bactrian (twohumped) camels from Central Asia and dromedary (one-humped) camels native to the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. He is investigating the medicinal qualities of their milk. “There are global studies that show its consumption has helped people with autism, hepatitis and certain cancers,” he says. “They are the most adaptive animals imaginable. It’s fascinating how they can thrive for long periods of time without water and with only very small amounts of food.” “We started a nonprofit called the Wild Food Foundation a few years ago. It’s about studying how wild foods carry genetic properties that benefit anyone who consumes them. In our research we found the bison, being wild animals thought to have survived the ice age carry something genetically that is very pure and purposeful to support humans. People that get back to the roots of nature return to an environment where their genetic codes enjoy optimal health.” Carolina Bison and King’s other business, King Bio homeopathic

pharmaceuticals, collectively occupy 153,000 square feet at their two facilities in West Asheville for production, wholesale and retail sales. A third site is scheduled to open soon in Weaverville. Carolina Bison meat is available locally at Harris Teeter, EarthFare, Trout Lily, Katuha Market and The Chop Shop, and is served at several local restaurants. For details, visit or call 236-1659.


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Valentines Day Special Dinner For Two:

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Argentine Hump Roast ingredients One 4-5 pound Carolina Bison hump roast 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons extravirgin olive oil 2½ ounces your favorite vinegar 2½ ounces water Leaves from one bunch of cilantro 6 cloves of garlic, chopped Zest of one lemon, finely grated or chopped ½ teaspoon each: oregano, red pepper flakes, black peppercorns, sea salt, crushed with a mortar and pestle 1 pinch saffron

options: Locally grown potatoes and carrots can be added to the pan along with the meat before cooking. Celery and onions can also be used, but should be added halfway through the cooking time.X

Salsa Classes 9pm Saturdays


EDITOR’S NOTE: Asheville freelance writer Mark-Ellis Bennett worked several years ago in sales and product development for Carolina Bison. X

to make: Preheat oven to 275 F. Pour two tablespoons olive oil into roasting pan. On the range, using high heat, brown all sides of the roast. In a food processor combine water, vinegar and garlic, and process until garlic is finely chopped. Add salt, saffron, red and black pepper. Add remaining olive oil and cilantro leaves, and process until leaves are coarsely chopped, and mixture is an homogenous emulsion. Stir in lemon zest. Pour half of the sauce/marinade over the meat, cover and cook for three hours or until done. Pour the remainder of the sauce/marinade over meat before serving.

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

More and more people are flocking to the Asheville area not only for the beautiful mountain views, but to experience the food culture we have created. Our restaurants offer something for every palate and are serving up everything from decadent culinary treats to healthy fare made with fresh, local and whole ingredients. But even in a foodie town as savvy as Asheville, navigating portion sizes can be a challenge. Recently, I was out to dinner with some out-of-town family at a popular Italian restaurant. This particular establishment now offers two plates of pasta (for one order) rather than just one. This got me thinking, so I did a little research. Less than 10 percent of Italians are obese — compared to 27.3 percent of adults and 19.3 percent of children in North Carolina. Italians eat pasta, don’t they? As it turns out, many Italians eat pasta every day, just in much smaller quantities — usually about a cup’s worth (the size of a small fist). Italians also combine that with vegetables and salad. Additionally, restaurants in Italy don’t offer children’s menus like we have in the United States: They offer smaller portions of their regular menu. Portion sizes in the United States are big, sometimes as much as four to five times bigger than recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bagels are big. Muffins are big. Beverages are big. Food packages are big. Many restaurant servings are ginormous (to use a favorite expression of my daughter’s). We have lost perspective on what is a “normal” portion size. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) calls this “supersizing,” and it is not just happening at fast-food restaurants. It is the new “normal.” CSPI cites that a typical Italian restaurant serving of fettuccini Alfredo has as much saturated fat as three pints of butter-almond ice cream. A 5-ounce blueberry muffin — the size you would find in the grocery store or in a coffee shop — has the better part of 500 calories. An actual USDA-recommended 2-ounce serving size is less than half of that. How do we make sure we are balancing the need for hungry, growing children to get enough to eat and the need to model proper portion sizes in

Healthy, right-size food for kids

just Right: Jayden Douglas gets some hands-on learning about balanced eating and proper portion sizes at Mountain Area Child and Family Center. Photo courtesy of Rainbow In My Tummy

order to establish healthy eating habits? It is hard enough for us as adults to maneuver through the parade of food messages (both good and bad) that are out there. But children rely on us to model and demonstrate things like proper portion size; variety in our food choices; a healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains; and, yes, the occasional treat. Portion sizes should often be way smaller than we think, and sizes for small children are significantly less than for adults. What can you do to encourage proper portion sizes for your children? Here are some tips from • Use smaller bowls, plates, and utensils for your child to eat with. • Don’t insist that children finish all the food on their plate. Let your child know it is OK to only eat as much as he or she wants at that time.

• As children are able, allow them to serve themselves. • Even your 3- to 5-year-old can practice serving from small bowls that you hold for them. They’ll learn new skills and feel “all grown up.” • Teach them to take small amounts at first. Tell them they can get more if they are still hungry. Rainbow In My Tummy® is a nutrition-enrichment program created by Mountain Area Child and Family Center. Rainbow In My Tummy® works with early care and education centers to improve the quality of food served to young children and to cultivate a food culture that establishes a foundation for lifelong health. For more information, contact Rainbow In My Tummy® Director, Bronwen McCormick. For more program information, visit X


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Cajun Cook-off kicks off Mardi Gras Shake off that winter chill, folks: It’s Mardi Gras season, and Asheville Mardi Gras is here to warm things up with some bayou flavor. The all-volunteer group’s sixth annual Cajun Cook-off will be held Sunday, Feb. 9, at The Millroom and all are welcome to attend. The familyfriendly event moves this year from its former home at Tressa’s to the new, larger venue due to its growing popularity. But what is it that brings such passion for this taste of Louisiana soul to our Western North Carolina mountain town? “We have so many expatriates from Louisiana and such a fun spirit here,” says organizer Sarah Yerkey. “We do several events, including a cook-off, parade and ball.” “This year should be the best yet,” she says. “We have delicious dishes being entered from renowned chefs from all over WNC … [including] OysterHouse Brewing Co. and King James Public House.” The contest isn’t just for professionals, however: Anyone is welcome to enter. “It makes it fun,” says Yerkey. “Chefs sometimes think they have it going on because they’re in the restaurant business, but the crowd picks the winner, and sometimes it’s an amateur.” Registration for the cook-off is open until the day of the event, though organizers ask people to preregister if possible. Local comedian Augusta Wind will be on the mic emceeing the cook-off and announcing the winners. What kinds of dishes might we expect to see this year? Past entries, Yerkey says, have included everything from alligator étouffée to crawfish cheesecake. Foodies, this is one event you won’t want to miss. The cook-off is paired with the Art and Oddities Silent Auction, in which bidders will have the chance to “find and bid on spec-

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past winnER: Lina Lam was a winner in the 2012 Cajun Cook-off with her shrimp and crawfish bisque. Photo by David Carpenter

tacular, bizarre, collectible and crafty items created by local legends and folk artists,” the Asheville Mardi Gras “krewe” reports. The whole event, including cook-off and auction, will run 3-7 p.m., and costumes are encouraged. Admission is $10 for nonmembers, free for AMG members. Everyone is encouraged to bring a cannedfood donation. Proceeds will support MANNA FoodBank and this year’s Asheville Mardi Gras Parade and Ball on Sunday, March 2. Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Service induStry Sunday Brunch 12-5

nFL ticket Bloody Mary Bar $3 Mimosas, 5/$12 Oskar Blues Buckets, $1 sliders

The Cajun Cook-off will be held 3-7 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Mill Room, 66 Asheland Ave. For details, visit To donate an item to the silent auction, bring it to the Costume Shoppe at 32 N. Lexington Ave. X

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

Asheville Chicken Club ‘Coq au Vin’ forms Backyard chickeners take note: There’s a new club in town. The Asheville Chicken Club ‘Coq au Vin’ will combine practical, chickenraising how-to with French cooking skills. The club will have its first meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11, during which members will learn a wide range of information about raising chickens at home. Jill Prescott started the club as an extension of her own interest in backyard chickens and teaching, she explains. Prescott wanted to create a forum where people could learn how to raise chickens successfully, with an emphasis on providing a nurturing and healthy home for the birds. Prescott says attending one of the group’s classes in person, rather than reading a book or doing online research, gives aspiring chicken owners a leg up when it comes to starting their own flock. “It’s a lot easier to be able to ask questions instead of wondering what the answer is if you read something online,” she says. There are many things to consider before getting a new flock, says Prescott. Selecting a breed, setting up a coop and finding the right feed take planning. “They’re fragile little birds and they need proper care,” Prescott says. “It’s not something you can just put out-

hands on: Organizers of the new Ashevile Chicken Club hope to provide a forum where everyone can learn to raise the birds successfully. Photo by Jill Prescott

side and expect to have eggs from them.” Raising poultry can be little daunting to someone who is new to backyard animals, but the Asheville Chicken Club aims to help anyone with an interest in starting a flock. The group’s first meeting will be held at LOTUS, a new urban farm and garden supply shop in West Asheville that specializes in organic feed, aquaponics and other sustainable gardening equipment. The class will discuss ways to care for chicks, what to feed adult chickens and how to abide by city regulations. There are many reasons why someone would want to add chickens to their home. “It’s a huge benefit for families to be able to have fresh eggs,” Prescott says. “I think it’s great if you have kids as well.” Having chickens that follow you around the yard can be just as

rewarding as eggs in the skillet a few mornings a week. If your new chickens produce more eggs than you can handle, the Asheville Chicken Club has some ideas. Prescott, who founded the Ecole de Cuisine cooking school in Wisconsin, hosted a nationally syndicated PBS show and authored a cookbook, is well-versed in the incredible edible egg. As part of the club’s activities, Prescott will present a cooking class in March on “all things sweet and savory that have to do with good fresh eggs.” Expect to see demonstrations of everything from crème brulée to hollandaise sauce. The club’s first meeting will focus on chicken care, coops and feed. It will be held Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 6:30-9 p.m. at LOTUS. The event is free and registration is required by emailing or calling 707-260-4002. X

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014





For Pete’s sake Two musicians with the same name and same instrument play very different shows in Asheville BY aLLi maRshaLL & LEa mcLELLan

Does the mention of a guitar conjure thoughts of screaming electric solos or folky strumming or the person leading the roots/rock/indie/blues/soul/funk band in question? All of the above are standard territory of the ubiquitous ax. But two musicians playing Asheville this week are putting their six strings to different uses. Septaugenarian Peter Walker, who studied with Ravi Shankar and Spanish Gypsies, brings his raga-meets-Flamenco style to The Mothlight on Monday, Feb. 10. Peter Fletcher, a generation younger, was also inspired by a Spanish teacher. Now a renowned classical guitarist (he’s performed at Carnegie Hall), he’ll appear at the Masonic Temple on Saturday, Feb. 8. vision quEst Guitarist Peter Walker has a plan for those droning tones he creates. “I want to take your mind right out of where it is,” he says. “I want to take you to some beautiful place, lead you around in that garden and bring you back intact.” It’s a similar idea to what he was doing almost half a century ago as the musical director for Timothy Leary’s LSD experiments. Those chemically and sonically enhanced trips ended around 1970, but Walker, who also studied with Ali Akbar Khan, was already working on his own music projects. That year, he recorded the seven tracks that would have been his third studio album. But instead of releasing the record, Walker packed the tapes away in a


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

Lost and Found: Guitarist Peter Walker appears in a vintage photo with radical lawyer William Kunstler on the cover of Has Anybody Seen Our Freedoms? The album was just released after 43 years in storage. Photo by John Collier

converted bread truck. For 43 years. “For an artist, once it’s done, it’s done,” he says. “I put the love into the craftsmanship, but once it’s done, I don’t really care too much about it.” The musician, now 75, adds, “At the time I recorded this, there was nobody offering to distribute it who was making any kind of a decent deal. Frankly, I’d rather sit on it than get screwed.” In 2013, the stars aligned. Walker edited the tracks and finally released an album that he liked. Last November, the world got to hear the East-meetsWest, folk-meets-trance Has Anybody Seen Our Freedoms? Its offerings range from the shimmery “Grey

Morning Sun” (which name-checks Woodstock) to the old English ballad “The Cuckoo,” re-envisioned as the moody, rhythmic “Pretty Bird.” Walker’s singing, accompanied by his dynamic 10-finger plucking style, is also meditative and raga-like. The collection takes its title from a verse in the ambling, lightdappled romance “Me and My Lady.” It’s a sentiment both political and personal and one that the guitarist says is as pertinent now as when he wrote it. “Everything’s come full circle,” he says. “If this had been released in 1970, it would have been premature for its time.”

Something else that’s come full circle: “All of those songs are love songs to a specific person I traveled with for a couple of years back in that era,” Walker says. “Now I’m finally talking to them again.” Not that the guitar player passed those intervening four decades resting on his laurels. A writer and world traveler, he currently spends two months of the year in Peru. He used to travel between the U.S. and Spain, where he studied Flamenco guitar and eventually established a career with a Gypsy band in Seville. The original Spanish Gypsies, who came to the country in the eighth century, brought with them music based on the Carnatic system — the same progenitor is shared by Indian ragas. “It was the smoking gun, the connection between East and West, right there in the city of Granada,” Walker says. The liner notes for Freedoms contain more stories, excerpted from Walker’s forthcoming book, Light Upon The Path. “I had come in over the mountains from the east, the first gringo ever to come directly from Guadalajara, in an old Oldsmobile hard top convertible held together with baling wire and prayers,” he writes. “The last half-day was on the back of a cattle truck, but it was an incredible adventure and the story appears on the album as ‘Fifty Miles’ (on two flat tires).” Now back on the road to tour (“Seeing America, what a great country,” the musician says), Walker is ready to share his long-lost songs. But his greatest adventures seem to revolve around personal achievements. “What I do each day is play something in every key. You find your weak points and you work on them,” he says. “When you get to the end, you’re at the beginning again.” — A.M.

who Peter Walter with Rayna Gellert and Rafi Bookstaber whEn Monday, Feb. 10, at 8 p.m. $8 whERE The Mothlight,

N at u ra l

Ba by St ore

REcipE FoR a concERt Classical guitarist Peter Fletcher may be touring in support of his latest transcriptions of piano music by Romantic-era composer Edvard Grieg. But when it comes to performing live, he takes a cue from a different kind of musician — rocker Pete Townshend. “Pete Townshend used to say that when The Who started out, and when they started to get big, they would give these concerts,” says Fletcher. “He said the connection between the performers and the audience was so strong, that they kind of just forgot that there was an audience and a performer, they all just became one. ... He said that’s the epitome of a live performance, when everyone feels equal, when everyone feels like they’re a part of it, and you don’t have this separation between performer and audience.” Fletcher seeks the same phenomenon during his own shows. To achieve this, he creates a very particular shape for his concerts aimed at creating an exchange of energy and connection with the audience. Fletcher compares that shape to a meal. “A classical guitar concert needs to have an arc,” he says. “In the basic arc that I use, I start out with something that has a lot of energy. If the energy isn’t there, it’s just going to die. That goes for a rock ’n’ roll concert or a folk concert or classical.” After the attention-grabbing first piece, Fletcher moves on to something quiet to bring the energy back down. After that, he says, “I’ll play what I consider the meat and potatoes of the concert — Johann Sebastian Bach, whatever is the most serious.” This is typically followed by a Spanish piece “to reward them for sitting through the serious stuff,” he adds with a chuckle. The second half of the concert is what Fletcher considers “dessert music” — music that is more accessible, including well-loved songs that people have heard before. “If the concert were all serious, it’s kind of pushing the audience too hard,” says Fletcher. “If it’s all dessert music, that’s not good either because as my teacher used to say, ‘Too much sunshine makes a desert.’ … Having that arc, it’s kind of a catand-mouse game with the audience that you play in order to connect.” On the current tour, audiences’ sweet tooths will be rewarded with


647 Haywood Rd. • W.Asheville 253-4747 •

past and pREsEnt: Peter Fletcher‘s latest album, which features his transcriptions from the Norwegian Romantic-era composer Edvard Grieg, will be released this month. Photo courtesy of the musician

Fletcher’s Edvard Grieg transcriptions. The guitarist says he’s been fantasizing about doing a Grieg album since he was a teenager (perhaps giving us a little insight into Fletcher’s atypical adolescent years). His transcriptions — and his ability to identify music that will sit well on the guitar — are really what sets him apart in the world of classical music. Certainly, he identified a good opportunity for transcription in Grieg. The songs on Fletcher’s latest record were composed during the height of the Romantic period, and the mood of the era shines through brightly on the guitar. Each piece conjures up pleasant feelings and scenes. One piece called “Cradle Song” is a kind of lullaby that calls forth warm images of a mother singing to her child. Fletcher plays a cedar-top guitar for the Grieg pieces. The softer wood has a warmer, sweeter sound that he says is better suited for music from the Romantic period. For the early and Baroque pieces that precede the “dessert round” à la Grieg, Fletcher plays a spruce-top guitar that lends more clarity and texture to the music of Bach and others. By including a good mix of wellknown and more challenging pieces, Fletcher hopes to engage the

majority of his concertgoers with tastes that will both please and expand their palates. “I think music lovers fall into three categories,” says Fletcher. First, “they really love classical guitar, and they know all about it. The second category would be classical guitar just isn’t for them and that’s fine. Then there is this third category of people who don’t know much at all about classical guitar, but if they heard it, they would love it.” Fletcher takes special care to reach out to the latter. And of course, it is worth noting that in addition to the main course and dessert, Fletcher promises some tried and true Spanish pieces. As he puts it, “You can’t give a good classical guitar concert without playing some flashy Spanish music.” — L.M. X

who Peter Fletcher whEn Saturday, Feb. 8., at 7:30 p.m. $12/$8 whERE Asheville Masonic Temple,

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by Micah Wilkins

Dark days, bright nights Cabaret returns to ACT after 27 years

Jerry Crouch’s introduction to both Asheville Community Theatre and its audience came when he emceed the 1987 performance of Cabaret. That edgy musical drama, set in 1930s-era Germany during the rise of the Nazis, is much darker fare than the 60-plus productions Crouch went on to act in and direct for ACT. “I am known as Mister Musical,” he says. From Fiddler on the Roof to Peter Pan to Hairspray, those feel-good song-anddance shows are what Crouch says he was “born to do. That’s where I’m in my element, in my zone.” Now, more than two decades later, Crouch returns to the Cabaret — this time, as director. The play opens at ACT on Friday, Feb. 7. Unlike Hairspray and the “feel-good” shows

what Cabaret whERE Asheville Community Theatre, whEn Friday, Feb. 7-Sunday, March 2. Fridays and Saturdays, at 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, at 2:30 p.m. $15-$25.

that Crouch has directed in the past, Cabaret is no comedy. It is a musical with a serious storyline and societal criticism. Set in Berlin’s Kit Kat Klub, a cabaret of decadent and sinful celebration, it revisits a time when sex and drinking were taboo. But the club only serves as an ironic parallel to the real atrocities happening with the rise of Adolf Hitler. “You think a little drinking and sex is shocking,” says actress Leslie Lang, who plays Fraulein Kost, a prostitute who works in the club. “[Nazi Germany] is actually shocking.”


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

The first time Cabaret was staged on Broadway in 1966, it was considered revolutionary. Not only was it one of the first concept musicals, says Crouch, but each song also serves as a poignant social commentary. “I love when I do my big musicals,” says Crouch, “but this one is way past entertainment. It’s thought-provoking.” Money, politics, sex and race are all fair game in Cabaret. In one scene, Sally Bowles (played by Jessica Pisano) tells Cliff Bradshaw (played by Mark Jones) that she can’t marry him because he is Jewish. Soon after, the emcee (ACT newcomer Kevin Moxley) sings a song to a woman who turns into a gorilla. “If they could see her through my eyes maybe they’d leave us alone,” he croons. “If you could see her through my eyes, she wouldn’t be Jewish at all.” For the first six months or so after Cabaret opened in ’66, some productions changed the original lyrics, replacing “Jewish” with “meeskite,” which translates to “ugly girl” in Yiddish. “The theatergoing population thought it was anti-semitic, which it is,” Crouch says. The point, he says, is to illustrate the character’s prejudices. Perhaps above all else, Cabaret is a cautionary tale about letting power go unchecked. As Sally says in one scene: “It’s only politics, it doesn’t really involve us.” The irony of that line carries as much weight with audiences today as it did in the ’60s, according to Crouch. “In our day and age, we tend to put people up as demigods and allow them to do our thinking for us,” he says. While the central themes may be timeless, audience members who caught ACT’s ’87 production of Cabaret can expect some significant character transformations, fresh music and more. The current show features three new songs from the ’72 Liza Minnelli movie version. And where the earlier ACT production took liberties with the original plot, this year’s version adheres more closely to Berlin Stories, the book that inspired the theatrical production.

paRtY LikE it’s 1931: Set in the decadent scene of pre-World War II Berlin’s Kit Kat Klub, Cabaret is a dark musical and a cautionary tale. Photo by Micah Mackenzie

Finally, the sexual orientations of the characters have shifted — perhaps as a reflection of the times. In the original ’66 production, Cliff Bradshaw was straight. In the ’87 Broadway revival, Cliff was bisexual. In ACT’s current version, he’s in the closet. “You see him coming out over the course of the show,” Crouch says. “The characters are allowed to be more of who they are. It allows for more character delin-

eation and more development.” This production of Cabaret features a two-story set designed by Jill Summers, choreography by Kathleen Meyers-Leiner, music direction by Lenora Thom and a cast of 15 singers, dancers and actors. Lang says one thing remains true for any production of Cabaret: “Leave your children at home. This is not a show for kids.” X

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014




Shades of Ireland

by Jordan Lawrence

Because it’s funny

Tour Ireland September 29October 8

For more information, contact Tara Hall at AAA Carolinas: 800-888-3262 ext 10729 or

Laugh tRack: Comedian Eugene Mirman got his start opening for indie-rock bands, and he often performs at music venues. His humor largely stems from his own off-kilter interactions with the world around him. Photo by Seth Olenick

Eugene Mirman is comfortable in any room and critical of every situation

When Eugene Mirman takes the stage at The Grey Eagle on Thursday, Feb. 6, he should feel right at home. The comfortably worn and intimate rock club isn’t known for hosting comedians, but Mirman is used to taking his stand-up to nontraditional venues, particularly those that specialize in music. These days, Mirman is familiar — in voice, at least — to a few million Americans. He played Gene Belcher, the quirky middle child on the Fox


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

animated series Bob’s Burgers. And he is revered by quite a few others for his role on the beloved Flight of the Conchords, portraying the landlord of musical duo Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. But Mirman’s early breaks came opening for indie-rock outfits like Modest Mouse and Yo La Tengo, ingratiating his style to diverse audiences and forcing him to become quite adaptable. “It’s slightly different now than when I first started out,” he says. “It’s a lot more work to open up for a band, but it’s also very fun if it works out well. When I did it, say, 10 or 12 years ago, that was partially because it was great exposure and a really fun experience, and a very different sort of thing than when I did it say a year and a half ago with Andrew Bird.

I thought that would be really fun, and I thought his audience would click with the kind of standup I do. They’re either going to like it or not, and I mostly did the Andrew Bird tour because I thought that they would. And it went well.” Mirman’s more connected to independent music than most comedians. He released his first album on Seattle’s Suicide Squeeze, and all of his subsequent releases — save for one Comedy Central special — have come via indie-rock institution Sub Pop. Anchored on such an influential platform while also extending his imprint to network and cable television, Mirman is perfectly situated for a hip comic looking to reach new fans.

who Eugene Mirman with Derrick Brown whERE The Grey Eagle, whEn Thursday, Feb. 6, at 9 p.m. $18 advance/$20 day of show

“My booking agent is a music booking agent who now books a handful of comedians, but mostly books bands,” he explains. “That’s been really helpful, but also what’s funny is it’s not like there are tons of stand-up labels. I grew up listening to comedy records, and it’s not like if you go and you find a Bill Cosby record that it’s specifically on some comedy label. It’s on Warner Brothers or A&M.” But Mirman is relatable beyond his musical connections. His humor largely stems from his own off-kilter interactions with the world around him. In that Comedy Central special, released as the 2013 album An Evening of Comedy in a Fake, Underground Laboratory, he recalls dislocating his shoulder in London. When his doctor gives him morphine, Mirman asks him to throw on some Velvet Underground. “They didn’t have any,” he chuckles. “They were just playing The Jesus and Mary Chain — way too discordant for a hospital.”

Elsewhere, his interactions escalate in their absurdity. Mirman details a problem he had with Time Warner Cable, where the company repeatedly scheduled appointments to get his service set up only to delay the appointment for another two weeks. In response, Mirman took out ads in various New York media outlets, taking the cable company to task with viciously barbed sarcasm. In the special, he reads from his letter, delivering his words with endearing self-satisfaction — “Why would a company check with someone to see if they are home on a Wednesday afternoon? Of course they are.” Like much of his comedy, the bit seems too absurd to be true, but it’s actually grounded in Mirman’s very real life. “That is a real conflict that I had with Time Warner,” he explains. “I took out real ads, and you can Google and find their response to my real ads. So a lot of what I’m talking about that escalates is stuff that I do that actually escalate in real life. One, because it’s effective, and two, because it’s funny. Or one, because it’s funny, and two, because it’s effective. That’s probably the more accurate order.” These days, Mirman lets the audience participate in his unorthodox interplay. Keying on the fake selfhelp columns that eventually led to his 2009 book, The Will to Whatevs, he accepts notecards from the crowd soliciting advice. “Where should my ashes be placed after I die?” reads one card collected during his most recent album. “Inside the mouth of a fat kid,” Merman quickly replies. “It brings a certain fun and spontaneity and interaction,” he says. “My comedy isn’t overwhelmingly improvised, so it’s really fun to bring that element to it.” X

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by Steph Guinan

Photo courtesy of Grovewood Gallery

Group dynamics Grovewood Studios resident artists hold an exhibition

Tucked away on a scenic wooded crest adjacent to The Grove Park Inn, the Grovewood complex has “somehow remained a secret to most Asheville residents,” says bookmaker and sculptor Daniel Essig. Since the late 1990s, he’s been working at the Grovewood studios, a group of workspaces occupied by 11 artists whose mediums range from painting to woodworking to sculpture. Those residents will show their work in The In Crowd: Grovewood’s Studio Artists Exhibition, which opens on Saturday, Feb. 8. Exhibiting artists include Chris Abell, Kathleen Doyle, Melissa Engler, Russell Gale, Lisa Gluckin, Carl Powell, Helen Purdum, Thomas Reardon, Brent Skidmore, Jessica Stoddart and Essig. The history of the Grovewood Studios and its connection to craft is important for Essig. “Knowing that I am working in a space that once held the famous Biltmore Industries is, in itself, inspiring to me,” he says. “If I forget that fact, I am instantly reminded by quotes that still line my studio walls that once inspired an earlier craft force.” With its thick stone walls, ivy courtyards and heavy wooden doors, the Grovewood Studios building is both charming and historic. The building was constructed in 1917 by the Grove Park Inn’s architect, Fred

Seely. The space once housed the Biltmore Industries, following its relocation from Biltmore Estate. That educational-program-turned-enterprise, established by Eleanor Park Vance and Charlotte Louise Yale at the end of the 1800s, trained locals in craft production. It was supported by George and Edith Vanderbilt, who not only admired mountain craft but also viewed woodcarving and weaving as means to bolster the local economy. Following’s George’s death, Seely bought the business, and Biltmore Industries flourished under his direction, gaining “worldwide recognition for its hand-loomed fabrics,” according to Grovewood Gallery’s website. Local entrepreneur Harry Blomberg purchased the property in the 1950s, keeping the homespun fabrics business alive for another 25 years. It was his family who established the Grovewood Gallery and the artist studios in ’92. While the studios provide him with creative stimulation, Essig’s current body of work takes inspiration from a semester of teaching in Italy. In the paintings he saw during his travels and while reviewing his photographs following the trip, he noticed the recurring appearance of a small, red-faced songbird. “An Internet search revealed the bird symbolized ‘prophecy,’” he says. “These pieces that contain the European goldfinch, a hand-bound book and lead type, are statements about the future of the book.” Ceramicist Lisa Gluckin has been working at Grovewood Studios for about a year following the completion of her residency at the EnergyXchange, craft incubator stu-

put a BiRd on it: “Icon,” by Daniel Essig, is made of mahogany, carved and painted holly, printer’s type, mica, velvet, thorns and egg, with Ethiopian and Coptic bindings.

dios in Burnsville. Her exploratory process is evident in her bold and playful works. When it comes to creating art, “there is nothing better than play, unleashed play,” she says. Gluckin’s new work is a series of slip-cast ceramic vessels with individualized markings that reveal her joyful process through clever motifs. Meanwhile, her mainstay earthenware pieces explore texture, shape and color through one-of-a-kind, hand-built forms. “I surrender to both the clay and my subconscious,” she says. “I am by nature an over-thinker. When I am deep in the work, I can step away from my analytical head and be set free to create intuitively. I like to spend time playing with my pieces, continually visiting and revisiting — painting, carving away, drawing, adding more color and line — playing with all the possibilities

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

whERE Grovewood Gallery, whEn Opening reception on Saturday, Feb. 8, 3-5 p.m. The show is on exhibit through May 10.

Stand up comic

What more could you want?

Hannah Conklin (singer/songwriter) 8:30pm White. Southecorvo. Thomas Trio (jazz) 8:30pm Pierce Edens 8:30pm

what The In Crowd: Grovewood’s Studio Artists Exhibition

FRi, Feb 7 & Sat, Feb 8

Good Local Food. Good Local Music. 2/6 2/7 2/8

until I arrive at that sweet state of knowing that the work is complete and the story has been told.” For Russell Gale, who was named a top woodworker by Xpress readers in the annual Best of WNC poll, his story is revealed in the fine points. He started making furniture following the realization that the scale of that type of work — interior furnishings — suited him better than building houses. “I get really excited about all the little details possible in a piece of furniture,” he says. “I used to love doing really detailed drawings when I was little. I guess I was just looking for the right medium to exercise my obsessive compulsive tendencies.” The material is a major factor behind both his process and his product. “It is so much fun to compose a piece, using certain grains or patterns to accentuate a design,” he says. “Sometimes there is a board with a unique detail that just sits around the shop until a project comes up that is right for it. Other times, there is a design I am working on, and I will spend hours going through stacks of lumber until I find a board that is just right.” To learn more about the artists in this story, visit, and RussellGale. com. X

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A&E staff

Creepy cute “There is a sort of visual excitement that happens when unlike things are pushed together,” says ZaPow gallery co-owner Lauren Patton. As Patton points out, the kids who grew up in the ’70s through the ’90s are now living in the adult world. “Much of this show is the result of artists taking images from childhood and thrusting them into aggressive, mature or creepy situations,” she says. In addition to the eerie artwork, the opening boasts live music from the Thick as Thieves Guitar Duo and free beer from Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co. Saturday, Feb. 8, 7-9 p.m. Free. Image courtesy of ZaPow

Joshua Spiceland To create the more than 60 painted, collaged and mixed media pieces that make up Joshua Spiceland’s latest installation, The Time Machine, the innovative local artist “sifted through recent and cherished vintage sketchbooks to create a world of pattern, rich color and metaphor,” according to a press release. The show is characterized by Spiceland’s eclectic and dreamlike merging of stylistic tendencies, symbolism, texts and influences from vastly different times and places. Spiceland’s The Time Machine opens at The Satellite Gallery on Friday, Feb. 7, from 7-10 p.m. The show runs through March 23. Image of “Census,” courtesy of the artist

The Clean House Dirty laundry is at the center of the Sarah Ruhl-penned comedy, The Clean House. The “comic and surreal theater piece blends fantasy and reality to integrate conflicts of gender, class and the true nature of love,” says a press release. It will launch the fourth season of Different Strokes Performing Arts Collective. In the play, “Doctors Lane and Charles have hired a housekeeper named Matilde, who’s too depressed to clean and more interested in coming up with the perfect joke anyway. Lane’s sister, Virginia, who’s just nuts about housecleaning, meets and becomes fast friends with Matilde, offering to take over the cleaning while Matilde works on her jokes.” Peter Millis, Althea Gonzalez, Kate Brandao, Kelly Christianson and Sonia Rose D’Andrea star. The play runs Feb. 6-22 at The BeBe Theatre. Shows on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, at 7:30. $15/$18. Photo courtesy of Different Strokes

Koffin Kats There’s a lot to admire about Detroit’s Koffin Kats. They started out playing for beer. Like true troubadours, they took their show on the road full time. They write songs about sci-fi subject matter and real-world atrocities. And, though the band’s namesake, Tommy Koffin, has left the lineup “to pursue a normal life,” the remaining members kept at it. Last year, the group released its seventh studio effort, Born Of The Motor. According to a press release, it’s “both a sonic homage to their resident city and its blue-collar legacy, and a metaphor for being hard-wired toward hard work and persistent ambition.” Koffin Kats play The LAB on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 9 p.m. The Go Devils also perform. $10. Photo courtesy of the band

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


a&E caLEndaR

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

Art/CrAft fAirs Art from tHe HeArt • TUESDAYS - SATURDAYS through (2/14), 10am-3pm - Works by local artists and crafters. Held at the Visual Arts Center, 160 N. Main St., Rutherfordton. Info: 288-5009.







musiC At WCu



Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter. or 227-2479. • 1st THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - An old-time and bluegrass jam will be held in the Mountain Heritage Center. Free. Info: 227-7129. • SU (2/9), 5pm - The Galaxy of Stars Series

Auditions & CAll to Artists

will present 1964, a Beatles musical tribute. $20/$15 WCU faculty and staff/$5 students

AsHeville Art museum

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musiC video AsHeville • Through FR (3/14) - Submissions open for Music Video Asheville. Selected entries will be shown at the Diana Wortham Theater in April. Info: nCWn WritinG Contests The North Carolina Writers’ Network is nonprofit literary arts service for writers of all stages. Info and submission guidelines: • Through SA (3/1) - Submissions open for the 2014 Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition. First place: $200 and publication in storySouth. $15/ $10 members. • Through FR (2/15) - Submissions open for the 2014 Doris Betts Fiction Prize. First place: $250 and publication in the NC Literary Review. $20/ $10 members.

trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Interwoven, Feb 4; Outdoors, March 4; Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10. Info: or 884-2787. Writers’ WorksHop events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 254-8111 or • Through FR (2/28) - WW will accept submissions for its 25th Annual Poetry Contest. $25.

Comedy disClAimer Comedy Info: or 216-2331. • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Pre-booked open mic. Held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Stand-up. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10.

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

pAn HArmoniA An artist collective that performs genre-spanning music. Info: • MO (2/10), 7:15pm - Violin, cello & bassoon

HiCkory doWntoWn development AssoCiAtion • Through TU (4/1) - Submissions open for Downtown Hickory Art Crawl. Info: or 322-1121.

pet pHotoGrApHy Contest • Through FR (2/28) - Submissions open for Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation’s annual pet photography contest. Guidelines and info: or 246-9050.


and children.

• Through SA (3/1) - Submissions open for Prime Time: Annual New Media, which will display as part of Moogfest. Guidelines and info:

concert. Haen Gallery, 200 King St., Brevard. $24/$22 advance/$8 students.


Mountain Xpress and sherwood’s music present: Our new video series showcasing local musicians continues every Thursday. Check our website this week for a performance from Asheville band Camp David at Sherwood’s Music.

AnAm CArA tHeAtre Strive to be socially progressive theater. Info: or 545-3861. • FR (2/7), 7:30pm - Tales & Ales. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road. AsHeville Community tHeAtre 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: asheville-

musiC sonG o’ sky CHorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 pm song o’ sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803 Asheville’s premier a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky. org 1-866-824-9547 dAnA And susAn roBinson • SU (2/9), 6:30pm - Old-time Americana. Held at Mountain Spirit Coffeehouse, 1 Edwin Place. $15. Info: or 299-4171. diAnA WortHAm tHeAtre 2 South Pack Square. Info: or 257-4530. • SA (2/8), 8pm - Bryan Sutton, David Holt and T. Michael Coleman perform Americana music. $30/$25 students/$15 children under 12. or 254-1320. • FR (2/7) through SU (3/2)- Cabaret. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $25/$22 seniors and students/$15 children. BeBe tHeAtre 20 Commerce St. Info: 254-2621. • TH (2/6) through SA (2/22), 7:30pm - The Clean House. $18/$15 in advance. Info and tickets: events At 35BeloW Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or • TH (2/6) through SU (2/23) - Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15. tHe vAnisHinG WHeelCHAir • SA (2/8), 6:30pm - Magic, Mirth & Meaning anniversary show. St. Mary’s Church, 337

dAllAs BrAss At BroyHill CiviC Center • SA (2/8), 7:30pm - Dixieland music. On the campus of Caldwell Community College, 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenoir. $24/$10 children. Tickets and info:

Charlotte St. $10/$5 children. Tickets and

musiC At BrevArd ColleGe Events take place in the Porter Center for the Performing Arts, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 884-8211. • TU (2/11), 7:30pm - Symphonic Winds concert. Free.

edu or 227-2479.

info: tHeAter At WCu Performances take place at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu. • TU (2/11), 7:30pm - FROGZ. $10/$5 students and children. • WE (2/12) through SA (12/15), 7:30pm - A Doll’s House. Hoey Auditorium. $15/$10 faculty, staff, seniors and students.

gaLLERY diREctoRY Hotel indiGo funCtion (pd.) An exhibit of salvaged metal art and figurative paintings by Mark Schieferstein. Jewelry and home furnishing - mirrors, tables, candle holders, more. Opening reception February 7th, 6-9 P.M. The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road. LayeRS • an exhibit of abStRact wateRcoLors By miCk donelAn (pd.) View now through Sunday, February 16, Junction Restaurant, 348 Depot Street, River Arts District, open Tuesday-Saturday, 5pm-closing, Sundays, 10:30am2:30pm. 225-3497 or AmeriCAn folk Art And frAminG Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through TU (2/25) - 10th Anniversary Miniature Show, works smaller than 8X10. Opening reception: Feb. 7, 5-7pm.

151 Haywood St. Info: or 239-0239. • ONGOING- Paintings by Lelia Canter, Kathleen Kelley and Emily Shields explore human and animal relationships. seven sisters GAllery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.-Sat.: 10am6pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. Info: or 669-5107. • Through SU (3/16) - Acrylics and oils by Bridgette MartinPyles. trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:30am4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. • FR (2/7) through FR (2/28) - Interwoven, fiber arts and basketry. Opening reception: Feb. 7, 5-7pm. upstAirs ArtspACe

Info: or 884-8188. • Through FR (2/21) - Sculpture works by Kyle Lusk. In the Spiers Gallery.

49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 859-2828. • Through FR (3/14) - Figurative paintings by Mark Flowers. • Through (3/14) - Changing the Focus, photography from the Carolina Camera Club. • Through (3/14) - Paintings of Southern towns by Andrew Blanchard • TUESDAYS (2/4) through (3/18), 6-7:30pm - Philosophy of Art, a six session course. $35 /$25 members per session.

Art At unCA


Info: • Through MO (3/17) - Drawing Discourse, a juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. In the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery.

21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Sun.-Mon., Wed.-Thu.: noon6pm; Fri:. noon-8pm; Sat., noon-9pm; Info: or 575-2024. • ONGOING - Creepy Cute, mixed media. Opening reception: Feb. 8, 7-9pm.

Art At BrevArd ColleGe

Art At WCu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm. Info: or 227-3591. • Through MO (3/31) - Good Thoughts Better , mixed media by Edward J. Bisese. AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil GAllery

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346 Depot St. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 11am-4pm. Info: or 258-0710. • Through (3/7) - In Public, artist curated exhibit of mixed media. Opening reception: Feb. 7, 6-9pm. AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 10am-5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students & seniors/free for children under 4. Info: or 253-3227. • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through SU (3/9) - Cityscapes, paintings by Ben Aronson. • Through (3/25) - Blueprints: A Collaboration, cyanotypes. Opening reception: Feb. 7, 5pm. Blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 251-0202. • Through FR (2/28) - Tara, the Twenty-One Praises, works by C. Shana Greger. • Through FR(2/28) - Surreal sketches by Ronald L. Ruble • Through FR (2/28) - New Works, contemporary mixed media. • Through FR (2/28) - New to the Third, mixed media debut works. folk Art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hours: 9am-6pm, daily. Info: or 298-7928. • Through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members.







FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


C L U B L A N D soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 8-9pm

WednesdAy, feB. 5

tHe pHoenix Bradford Carson (singer-songwriter), 8:30-11pm

185 kinG street Reagan Boggs (country, Americana), 8pm

tHe soCiAl Newgrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8:30pm

AdAm dAlton distillery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm

timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

AltAmont BreWinG CompAny Hot Point Trio (gypsy jazz), 8:30pm

toWn pump Nectar Unit (jam, prog-rock), 9pm

Ben's tune-up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm

trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

Cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm

vinCenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

dirty soutH lounGe Paper Moth w/ Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 8pm

yACHt CluB Mike Hendrix (from The Belmont Playboys) w/ The Incredible Mooky (rockabilly), 9pm

douBle CroWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm emerAld lounGe Blues jam, 8pm

fridAy, feB. 7

Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm

185 kinG street Boys in the Well w/ Cody Siniard (folk, alternative), 8pm

HiGHlAnd BreWinG CompAny The Moon & You (acoustic), 5:30-7:30pm

AltAmont tHeAter Carl Labove (stand-up comedy), 8pm

iron Horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 5-8pm

AsHeville musiC HAll Space Capone w/ Common Foundation (funk, soul, reggae), 10pm

jACk of tHe Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm melloW musHroom Trivia Night odditorium Sean Olds (singer-songwriter), 9pm olive or tWist Swing lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7-8pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm

FEst vEts: Vermont-based quartet Twiddle has gained nationwide attention for their multi-genre approach, having been featured at festivals such as Camp Bisco, Disc Jam, The Great North Music Festival, Gathering of the Vibes and City Bisco. Now, they’ll be featured at One Stop Deli & Bar on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 10 p.m. for one stop on their winter tour. The band will be playing that night with electrorock band Jimkata.

sly GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm tAllGAry's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm tHe motHliGHt Vikesh Kapoor w/ Dulci Ellenberger (indie), 8:30pm tHe pHoenix Jazz night, 8:30-11pm

tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

emerAld lounGe Grateful Dead night w/ Phuncle Sam, 8pm

timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Eugene Mirman w/ Derrick Brown (comedy), 9pm

toWn pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

HAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm

trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Sweet Claudette w/ Virginia & The Slims (swing, Motown), 8:30pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

ByWAter One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 9pm ClAssiC Wineseller Dana & Susan Robinson (singer-songwriter), 7pm CluB eleven on Grove DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm

one stop deli & BAr Wave Lynx w/ East Coast Dirt (world funk), 10pm orAnGe peel Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell (folk), 9pm

AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

WHite Horse Flatland Harmony Experiment w/ The Jon Stickley Trio (acoustic), 7:30pm

tHursdAy, feB. 6 185 kinG street Mountain Roots w/ West End String Band (bluegrass), 8pm AdAm dAlton distillery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm-2am AsHeville musiC HAll Everyone Orchestra w/ Matt Butler, Eddie Roberts, Mike Healy, Sam Brouse, Jake O'Connor, Rowdy Keelor & Casey Chanatry (super group), 10pm

jACk of tHe Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexinGton Ave BreWery (lAB) Stereospread w/ Oddstar & Divine Love Mission (electropop), 9pm

emerAld lounGe Demon Waffle w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants (ska), 8:30pm Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:308:30pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Joe Pug w/ David Ramirez (indie), 9pm HAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm HiGHlAnd BreWinG CompAny Circus Mutt (folk-rock), 6-8pm iron Horse stAtion Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 7-10pm

odditorium Heehavaha, Claypool & The Dimarcos (punk), 9pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jim Arrendell Dance Party (Motown, soul), 9pm

olive or tWist Salsa lesson w/ Fabian, 7-8pm Salsa/Latin DJ, 8-11pm

jACk of tHe Wood puB American Aquarium (Americana, rock), 8pm

one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Big Something w/ Makayan (jam, rock), 10pm orAnGe peel Yonder Mountain String Band w/ Travelin’ McCourys (bluegrass), 8pm

Ben's tune-up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm dirty soutH lounGe Yonder Mountain String Band after party w/ Circus Mutt, 8:30pm

sCAndAls niGHtCluB Lo IQ? (breakbeat, Miami) w/ PhatRabbit, DJ Acolyte & HAARP, 10pm-3am Lower Level: Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

douBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage, soul), 10pm

loBster trAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

purple onion CAfe Darlyne Cain (singer-songwriter), 7:30-9:30pm

douBle CroWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

Cork & keG Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz, swing), 8:30pm

lexinGton Ave BreWery (lAB) Vagabond Philosophy w/ Zip the Hippo & Alarm Clock Conspiracy (rock), 9:30pm odditorium Red Honey, Pleasure Chest & Future West (rock), 9pm olive or tWist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:30-11:30pm orAnGe peel Yonder Mountain String Band w/ Travelin’ McCourys (bluegrass), 8pm pACk's tAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm pisGAH BreWinG CompAny Bayou Diesel (zydeco), 8pm

Thu 2/6

Grandma & orbit DvD Present:

euGeNe mIRmAN w/ Derrick brown 9pm • $18/$20

FRI 2/7

joe PuG w/ David Ramirez

SAT 2/8

w/ yip Deciever + kosha Dillz

SuN 2/9 Tue 2/11 Thu 2/13

FRI 2/14

9pm • $10/$12

TuRquoISe jeeP 9pm • $15/$18

DeAD meADoW w/ The Shine brothers + knives & Daggers 9pm • $10/$13

mARco beNeveNTo w/ Giant Giants

9pm • $12/$15

An evening With kevIN buRke & johN cARTy 8pm • $15/$18

“Rock N Roll IS FoR loveRS”

vAleNTINe’S ShoW The WhIGS w/ junior Astronomers

9pm • $10/$12

SuN 2/16

ToNy joe WhITe w/ Aaron “Woody” Wood 8pm • $15/$18

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



Send your listings to

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am sCully's DJ, 10pm-2am soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Aaron Burdett Band (singer-songwriter, Americana, folk), 8-10pm sprinG Creek tAvern Paul Cataldo (Americana), 7-10pm tAllGAry's CAntinA DJ night, 8pm tHe Green room Bistro & BAr White, Southecorvo and Thomas Trio (jazz), 8:30pm tHe motHliGHt Matt Christensen w/ Mind Over Mirrors & Villages (electronic soundscapes), 9pm tHe pHoenix Howie Johnson (singer-songwriter), 9pm-midnight tHe soCiAl My Back Pocket (rock), 9pm timo's House Distort the Fluff (bass party), 9pm toWn pump The Big Effin Deal Band (bluegrass), 9pm toy BoAt Community Art spACe Anam Cara presents Tales 'n' Ales (storytelling), 7:3010:30pm tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues DNA, 7pm Peggy Ratusz & Daddy Longlegs (blues, jazz, swing), 10pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient), 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WHite Horse Ballad of Ronnie Calloway (music, storytelling, theater), 8pm Wild WinG CAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

sAturdAy, feB. 8 185 kinG street Jeff Sipe Trio w/ John Cowan (funk, jazz), 8pm AltAmont BreWinG CompAny Open jam w/ Chris O'Neill, 9pm AltAmont tHeAter Carl Labove (stand-up comedy), 7pm & 9:30pm AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BlACk mountAin Ale House The Zealots (indie-rock), 9pm Boiler room Shellshock w/ DJ Drees (goth, industrial, EBM), 10pm-3am ByWAter The Greasy Beans Acoustic (Americana), 9pm ClAssiC Wineseller Michael Pilgrim, Drew Kirkpatrick & Don Mercz (swing), 7pm Cork & keG Deep River (country, bluegrass, swing), 8:30pm douBle CroWn DJ Lil Lorruh (50s & 60s R&B, rock 'n' roll), 10pm emerAld lounGe Rae Fitzgerald w/ Even The Animals & The Goodness Graceful (indie, folk, rock), 8:30pm Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Elise Pratt & Mike Holstien (jazz), 6:30-8:30pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Turquoise Jeep w/ Yip Deceiver & Kosha Dillz (dance, hip-hop), 9pm HiGHlAnd BreWinG CompAny Soldier's Heart (Americana), 6-8pm

185 king stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 aLtamont BREwing companY 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 apothEcaRY (919) 609-3944 aqua caFE & BaR 505-2081 aRcadE 258-1400 ashEviLLE civic cEntER & thomas woLFE auditoRium 259-5544 ashEviLLE music haLL 255-7777 athEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEY’s tap Room 255-0504 BLack mountain aLE housE 669-9090 BLuE mountain pizza 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadwaY’s 285-0400 thE BYwatER 232-6967 coRk and kEg 254-6453 cLuB haiRspRaY 258-2027 cLuB REmix 258-2027 cREEksidE taphousE 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLERY 367-6401 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRtY south LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 ELEvEn on gRovE 505-1612 EmERaLd LoungE 232- 4372 FiREstoRm caFE 255-8115 FREnch BRoad BREwERY tasting Room 277-0222 good stuFF 649-9711 gREEn Room caFE 692-6335 gREY EagLE music haLL & tavERn 232-5800 gRovE housE thE gRovE paRk inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR LoungE 684-1213 haRRah’s chERokEE 497-7777 highLand BREwing companY 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jack oF hEaRts puB 645-2700 jack oF thE wood 252-5445 LExington avEnuE BREwERY 252-0212 thE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRoshERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE vista hotEL 669-8870 nativE kitchEn & sociaL puB (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onEFiFtYonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRY’s/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 oskaR BLuEs BREwERY 883-2337 pack’s tavERn 225-6944 thE phoEnix 877-3232 pisgah BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion caFE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLuB 252-2838 scuLLY’s 251-8880 sLY gRog LoungE 255-8858 smokEY’s aFtER daRk 253-2155 thE sociaL 298-8780 southERn appaLacian BREwERY 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaightawaY caFE 669-8856 taLLgaRY’s cantina 232-0809

SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch tigER mountain thiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s housE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toY Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400 tREssa’s downtown jazz & BLuEs 254-7072 vanuatu kava BaR 505-8118 vincEnzo’s 254-4698 waLL stREEt coFFEE housE 252-2535 wEstviLLE puB 225-9782 whitE hoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing caFE 253-3066 wxYz 232-2838

tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues The Nightcrawlers (blues, R&B, soul), 10pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WHite Horse Asheville Jazz Orchestra (big band, swing), 8pm yACHt CluB Go Buck Yourself (rock, punk, country), 9pm

sundAy, feB. 9 Ben's tune-up Vinyl night (open DJ collective) BlACk mountAin Ale House NFL Sunday w/ pre-game brunch at 11:30am, 1pm douBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

iron Horse stAtion Barb Turner (R&B), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Asian Teacher Factory (indie-rock), 9pm jACk of tHe Wood puB The Sweet Lowdown w/ Darren Nicholson of Balsam Range (Americana), 9pm lexinGton Ave BreWery (lAB) Koffin Kats w/ The Go-Devils (rock, psychobilly, punk), 9pm

emerAld lounGe Jim Beaver's School of Music performances, 3-6pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Dead Meadow w/ The Shine Brothers & Knives and Daggers (rock), 9pm Hi-Wire BreWinG Zaq Suarez (singer-songwriter, indie-rock), 6-8pm HypHen Locomotive Pie (roots, folk, blues), 2-5pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm

loBster trAp Riyen Roots Trip (blues), 7pm

jACk of tHe Wood puB Irish session, 5pm

millroom Telic w/ Lifecurse & W KK (metal), 8pm

loBster trAp Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm

odditorium Room Full of Strangers, Dharmamine, Wyla & Squidlord (rock, punk), 9pm

odditorium The Tills, Deathly the Dog, Misawa & JoyBang (rock), 9pm

olive or tWist WestSound (rock, Motown), 8:30-11:30pm one stop deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm Alan Evans Trio w/ Jamar Woods Trio (funk, soul, groove), 10pm pACk's tAvern Lyric (funk, soul, pop), 9pm pisGAH BreWinG CompAny Sol Driven Train (world-beat, jam, indie), 8pm

olive or tWist 60s-90s rock, disco & karaoke w/ DJ Mike Filippone, 8-11pm

tHe soCiAl '80s night, 8pm

sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

toWn pump Evan Wade (rock, funk), 7pm

tAllGAry's CAntinA ChatterBox (rock), 9:30pm

AltAmont BreWinG CompAny Old-time jam, 7pm

tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Pierce Edens (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Karaoke, 9pm

tHe motHliGHt River Whyless w/ Bombadil & Halli Anderson (folkrock), 8:30pm

ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

tHe pHoenix Nitrograss (bluegrass), 9pm-midnight tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm timo's House Shogi w/ Fat Catz (jamtronica), 9pm

orAnGe peel MartyParty w/ Joker (EDM), 9pm







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jACk of tHe Wood puB Quizzo, 7-9pm

toy BoAt Community Art spACe Love Who You Want benefit for QORDS, 7pm



emerAld lounGe Bluegrass jam w/ Mountain Feist, 8pm

odditorium Laughing Eye Weeping Eye w/ Judas Horse, Knives of Spain & Elisa Faires (experimental), 9pm



douBle CroWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

toWn pump East Coast Dirt (rock, funk), 9pm

of Any One Item


mondAy, feB. 10 185 kinG street The Dream Livers (stand-up comedy), 8pm

20% OFF

95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 •

vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

sprinG Creek tAvern Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 7-10pm

504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”


tAllGAry's CAntinA Sick Sound Sundays, 8pm

root BAr no. 1 Skunk Ruckus (hillbilly gutrock), 9:30pm

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late

Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

tHe motHliGHt Andre Cholmondeley birthday show (acoustic, electronic, ambient), 8pm

soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Ellen Trnka w/ Howie Johnson & Woody (Americana, rock), 8-10pm

w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis

2/18 Scanlon MudKevin Tea • 9pm FREE 9PM

one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Nomadic w/ Sky Walkers (hip-hop), 10pm

purple onion CAfe Wendy Jones (jazz), 8-10pm

sCully's DJ, 10pm-2am

2/7 American Aquarium 10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie W/ ELIJAH OCEAN 9PM & Johnny Irion w/ Battlefield 9pm $10 9PM 2/8 The Sweet •Lowdown DARREN NICHOLSON (FOUNDING 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band MEMBER OF BALSAM RANGE) & HALLOWEEN Costume 2/11 Eric from Dr Dog Party & Slick Contest • 9pm $8 SOLO ACOUSTIC FREE SHOW W/ OSKAR 10/27BLUES Vinegar Creek 9pm FREE BREWING NIGHT @JACK•OF THE WOOD 10/28Shawn Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 2/14 James & The Shapew/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants shifters W/ COUNTY GRAVES 9PM 10/29 Singer Songwriters 2/15 DRIFTWOOD W/ KELLEY & THE FREE in the Round • 7-9pm COWBOYS 9PM

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till


Thur 2/6 Fri 2/7 Sat 2/8

Send your listings to




Full Bar


Fri THE BILLY SEA VALENTINES DAY CELEBRATION 2/14 $12 / $15 • 8:30pm Sat MANDOLIN ORANGE W/ LOCUST HONEY 2/15 $10 / $12 • 9:00pm Fri 2/21


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thurs. feb 6



backstage • 9:00PM • $6

fri. feb 7



sat. feb 8



backstage • 9:00PM • $10

thurs. feb 13




FRI. 2/7

DJ Moto

(dance, pop hits)

SAT. 2/8


(funk, pop, soul)

backstage • 9:00PM • $6


isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm

tHe motHliGHt Peter Walker w/ Rayna Gellert & Rafi Bookstaber (psychedelic, folk), 8pm

jACk of tHe Wood puB Eric Slick from Dr. Dog (acoustic), 8pm

tHe pHoenix Mike Sweet (rock), 8:30-11pm tiGer mountAin tHirst pArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm Westville puB Trivia night, 8pm

tuesdAy, feB. 11 185 kinG street Swing night w/ Glenn & Marty Ingram (dance instruction), 8pm AltAmont BreWinG CompAny Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm AsHeville musiC HAll Funk jam, 11pm Ben's tune-up Dance party w/ DJ Rob, 10pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm CluB eleven on Grove Dance, 8:30-11pm Cork & keG Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm

douBle CroWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm


backstage • 9:30PM • $6

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Marco Benevento w/ Giant Giants (piano, rock, post-rock), 9pm

20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

Creekside tApHouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm

sat. feb 15


cREativE concEpt: Instead of trying to explain Asian Teacher Factory’s avant-rock sound, coming to Isis Restaurant & Music Hall Saturday, Feb. 8, at 9 p.m., here is a tidbit from their Facebook page: “Everyday through the streets of Taipei, a scientist rides his bike to his robot factory run by school children. As the Technicolor lights flash by, the music of Asian Teacher Factory plays in his mind. ... A collaborative effort to make rock music with an edgy drive through ethereal compositions, Asian Teacher Factory is a band dedicated to furthering the psychedelic mind in Asian science education.”

iron Horse stAtion Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 5-8pm

odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stop deli & BAr Matt Townsend & Quiet Lion (folk), 8pm Tuesday night techno, 10pm sCully's Triva night, 9-11pm tHe motHliGHt Yuck w/ Alvvays & Telecine (indie-rock), 9:30pm tHe pHoenix Bradford Carson (Americana, rock), 8:30-11pm tHe soCiAl Big Generator (rock, blues), 7-9pm timo's House '90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues Lyric (acoustic), 8pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm Westville puB Blues jam, 10pm WHite Horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

WednesdAy, feB. 12 185 kinG street Carolina vs. Duke potluck, 6pm AdAm dAlton distillery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm AltAmont BreWinG CompAny Hot Point Trio (gypsy jazz), 8:30pm Ben's tune-up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

Cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm

Ben's tune-up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm

douBle CroWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Locomotive Pie (roots, folk, blues), 7-9pm

emerAld lounGe Blues jam, 8pm

Cork & keG Open mic, 7:30pm

Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm

douBle CroWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

HiGHlAnd BreWinG CompAny Corey Bullman (blues), 5:30pm

emerAld lounGe Lyric w/ Ryan Barber & Po' Folk (R&B, soul), 8pm

iron Horse stAtion The Wilhelm Brothers (folk, indie), 5-8pm jACk of tHe Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm melloW musHroom Trivia Night olive or tWist Swing lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7-8pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Kevin Burke & John Carty (celtic), 8pm HAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm jACk of tHe Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexinGton Ave BreWery (lAB) Joe Lasher Jr. (country, southern rock), 9pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

one stop deli & BAr Jimkata & Twiddle (jam, rock, electro), 10pm

odditorium Open mic night w/ Harry of The Tills, 9pm

orAnGe peel Lord Huron w/ Superhumanoids (indie), 9pm

olive or tWist Salsa lessons w/ Fabian, 7-8pm Salsa/Latin DJ, 8-11pm

sly GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Todd Hoke (acoustic, Americana, folk), 6-8pm tAllGAry's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm tHe motHliGHt Gardener w/ Ant'lrd, Aloonaluna & Difference Clouds (soundscapes), 8pm tHe pHoenix Jazz night, 8:30-11pm tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm toWn pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm

one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Rims & Keys w/ The Resh French & Deejay Mason (electronic), 10pm purple onion CAfe Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz), 7:30-9:30pm sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 7-9pm tHe motHliGHt Phil Cook & The Guitarheels w/ Minorcan (garage, folkrock), 8:30pm tHe pHoenix The Moon & You (indie, folk), 8:30-11pm tHe soCiAl Caribbean Cowboys (surf-rock), 8pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

vinCenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

toWn pump Ten Cent Poetry (string duo), 9pm

tHursdAy, feB. 13 AsHeville musiC HAll Dopapod w/ The Mike Dillon Band (jam, funk, jazz, punk), 10pm


trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

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520 SWANNANOA RIVER RD, ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 • (828) 298-1400

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact

PicK oF thE WEEK

thEatER ListinGs

The Oscar-Nominated Short Films 2014

FRidaY, FEBRuaRY 7 thuRsdaY, FEBRuaRY 13 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.


Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Anchorman 2: The legend Continues (Pg-13) 7:00, 10:00 Thor: The Dark world 3D (Pg) 1:00, 4:00

diREctoR: Various PLaYERs: Various shoRt FiLm RatEd nR thE stoRY: Compilations of the Oscar-nominated live action and animated shorts for 2014. This is being done as two separate showings with separate admissions. thE LoWdoWn: While nothing is quite up to last year’s live action winner, these are two solid collections of films — and your chance to be a truly knowledgeable Oscar-watcher.

Once again, The Carolina has booked The Oscar-Nominated Short Films for us. What started as a kind of experiment in 2010 has now become an annual event, though this year, these are two separate shows: one for the live action films and one for the animated ones. At first, no one knew if these movies would have any drawing power — and, frankly, that first year wasn’t anything to get excited about in terms of attendance. But once people got used to the idea, interest increased. Certainly, for hardcore cineastes and obsessive Oscar-watchers, the showing is a blessing and now something of an essential. For years, the short films were a kind of orphan category for most Oscar viewers. Not only had most of them never seen the films in question, but often they had never even heard of them. The days when short films and cartoons were standard


CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)

Mickey, Minnie and Peg-Leg Pete from Disney’s new (but partly done in the style of 1928) Get a Horse!, one of the animated nominees in The Oscar-Nominated Shorts 2014.

fare before the feature haven’t been around since the mid-1950s. But the format persisted as a kind of calling card to the world of feature film. The Best Short Film award, however, was little more than a bathroom break for Oscar viewers. Now, that’s starting to change thanks to these packages of the nominated shorts. As is the nature of any collection of films, the quality is going to vary. This year’s collection is no different. (The short documentaries will not be shown.) What you get are five animated and five live action shorts — of various genres and lengths in each package. On balance, I think this year’s animated shorts are stronger than last year’s, and while there’s nothing quite as outstanding as last year’s live action winner, Curfew, there are also fewer clunkers. So it’s an improvement on the one hand, and a wash on the other. thE animatEd FiLms

Looking at the five animated films, it’s hard to deny that the most eyecatching is Disney’s Get a Horse! directed by Lauren MacMullen. The idea behind the film is to make a

brand new, hand-drawn cartoon that looks like it came from 1928 and have it run head-on into and interact with its modern 3D CG counterpart. However you feel about the modern part, the “old” cartoon is absolutely remarkable. It could, in fact, pass for a real 1928 Mickey Mouse cartoon — complete with the brasher and more fantasticated Mickey and that “rubber-hose” animation style. They were also able to find enough clips of Walt Disney doing Mickey’s voice to cover the whole film, while other original voice artists Billy Bletcher (Peg-Leg Pete) and Marceline Garner (Minnie) were augmented by Will Ryan and Russi Taylor, respectively. While Get a Horse! is certainly noteworthy, my personal favorite is Laurent Witz’s and Alexandre Espigares’ Mr. Hublot, a co-production of France and Luxembourg. This is a wordless film that’s essentially an animated steampunk sci-fi take on Jacques Tati — with his M. Hulot reconfigured as the robot Mr. Hublot. Like his flesh-and-blood counterpart, Mr. Hublot is a nice fellow who always means well, but for whom few things work right. Considering he lives in a wholly mechanized world where even the flowers are robotic,

CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) 12 Years a slave (r) 4:00, 6:50 American hustle (r) 12:00, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 August: osage County (r) 10:15, 1:00, 3:40, 6:15 gravity 3D (Pg-13) 6:15, 8:45 her (r) 10:30, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 inside llewyn Davis (r) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 9:15 Jack ryan: shadow recruit (Pg-13) 7:00, 9:30 labor Day (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 The lego movie 3D (Pg) 10:15, 9:30 The lego movie 2D (Pg) 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15 lone survivor (r) 10:30, 1:15, 9:45 The monuments men (Pg-13) 12:15, 1:15, 3:15,6:00, 7:00, 8:45, 9:15 The nut Job 2D (Pg) 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 The oscar-nominated Animated short Films 2014 (nr) 12:00, 2:15, 7:00 The oscar-nominated live Action short Films 2015 (nr) 4:30, 9:15 Philomena (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45 ride Along (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:45, 7:15, 9:30 That Awkward moment (r) 12:00, 2:15, 4:45, 9:30 vampire Academy (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Dallas Buyers Club (r) 1:20, 4:20 The great Beauty (nr) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:40 inside llewyn Davis (r) 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) saving mr. Banks (Pg-13) 3:30 inside llewyn Davis (r) 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

there’s ample room for him to be flummoxed — especially since a simple light switch defeats him. Its slender story follows his rescue of a mechanical puppy that has the problem of growing to unwieldy proportions. Now, whether this gently whimsical tale will win is another matter. The other three animated films are a mixed bag. The Japanese entry from Shuhei Morita, Possessions, has the advantage of being very colorful and nice to look at, but even at 14 minutes, it feels rather thin. The British Room on the Broom from Jan Lachauer and Max Lang certainly has its charms. Having Simon Pegg, Gillian Anderson, Rob Brydon, Timothy Spall and Sally Hawkins among the voice talent helps — Pegg’s narration is especially well done. But the story about a kindly witch who keeps adding to the brood riding on her broom is nothing special, and the animation is pretty standard stuff. That brings us to the American entry by Daniel Sousa, Feral, the only film out of the lot I actively disliked. Its story of a feral child rescued from wolves and being subjected

Labor Day HHS

tom hoLLandER and maRtin FREEman star in The Voorman Problem, one of the live action nominees in The Oscar-Nominated Short Films 2014.

to a singularly sloppy attempt at domestication isn’t new and isn’t done very well. Plus, it features an animation style I simply don’t like. You may feel differently. (The animated program runs 102 minutes.)

ALL Sunday Shows $1 ALL Tuesday Shows $2 Every Mon-Thu

ALL Shows $1 After 9pm

Saturday Morning Shows ONLY $1

Sat & Sun

Brunch Menu for all shows before 12pm Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808 66

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

HHHHH = max rating the runt of the litter. (The live action program runs 113 minutes.) So there you have it. Now, go see them for yourself. They’re certainly worth a look — and the showing affords you the chance to be an informed Oscar viewer. If you’re worried about losing that bathroom break, there’s always the award for sound editing. Not Rated, But Contains Adult Themes, Language and Violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.



thE LivE action FiLms

While there’s no clear standout among the live action entries, the British The Voorman Problem is a solid and thought-provoking work. First-time director Mark Gill has crafted a thoroughly professional film that makes good use of stars Martin Freeman and Tom Hollander, and it manages to keep what could have been a one-joke affair constantly intriguing. The script by Gill and Baldwin Li — drawn from David Mitchell’s novel number9dream — contains subtleties that are rare in short films of this type. The set-up is simple: A psychiatrist (Freeman) is called to a prison to certify an inmate (Hollander) (who claims to be God) as insane. The approach isn’t nearly as simplistic, being both playful and ultimately disconcerting. It’s my first choice for winner, but I suspect one film will give it stiff competition. That competetion comes from the French Just Before Losing Everything from writer-director Xavier Legrand. This is a subtle work of slowly revealed suspense. A series of events — at first hard to fathom — reveal that we’re spec-

tators to a potentially life-threatening event. Since part of what works about the film lies in its slow-reveal, I’ll say no more about the plot. It is one of the stronger entries, and it’s certainly better than the remaining three, though they mostly have their merits. The Danish Helium by Anders Walter is the most ambitious of the films in terms of special effects, which pays off. Yes, its story about an orderly in a hospital offering comfort to a dying child with stories of a place called Helium (essentially heaven with zeppelins) is a little corny and a lot manipulative, but the film’s final shot is moving, and it’s well done for what it is. It won’t surprise me if it sneaks in to win, since ... well, schmaltz sells. Much less successful is Esteban Crespo’s That Wasn’t Me. This entry from Spain is undeniably well made, and some of it works. Its basic notion of tackling the topic of child soldiers in Africa is powerful stuff, but therein lies the problem. It’s too powerful for a short film. It obviously means well, and it manages to be harrowing, but it’s never really persuasive, especially in its thumbnail sketch notions of possible redemption. If That Wasn’t Me is too serious, the Finnish entry from Selma Vilhunen, Do I Have to Take Care of Everything?, is too slight. The title is almost as long as the film, which is simply the story of a beleagured wife trying to get her family to a wedding on time. Everything that can go wrong does — at a frenetic pace. It’s pleasant enough, but it’s definitely

diREctoR: Jason Reitman (Up In the Air) pLaYERs: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Gattlin Griffith, Clark Gregg, Tobey Maguire dRama RatEd pg-13 thE stoRY: A dEpREssEd mother and her son take in an escaped prisoner over Labor Day weekend in 1987. The Lowdown: An overall well-crafted film with quick flashes of something more that’s too stilted, unrealistic and treacly to work.

It’s easy to see why Jason Reitman’s Labor Day was dumped into a late January release as opposed to the thick of awards season. The traces of what was intended to be high-minded awards fodder are still there — with its maudlin romance and its attempts at heavy emotions. But along the way, something just went wrong, and it became something more akin to a half-baked Stephen Daldry movie. Yes, it’s polished, but it has all kinds of problems. Besides Reitman, who adapted Joyce Maynard’s novel of the same name and directed the thing, there’s not a single fault to point to. Instead, we get a flood of small, poorly thought out decisions that pile up until the movie simply feels wrongheaded. It’s the stilted dialogue, the awkward plotting, the constant parade of contrivances and the mawkish attempts at manipulation that — added together — make for one bumbling film. I have to admit that I often have a soft spot for (or at least a fascination with) these

kinds of goofy films — the ones that have no business getting made in the first place. And it’s probably true that if it weren’t for Reitman’s cache, Labor Day wouldn’t have been made (though it says a lot that a man has free reign to make just about anything and makes this). The film takes place over Labor Day weekend in 1987, and is narrated by Henry (played as an adult by Tobey Maguire and by the young Gattlin Griffith for the bulk of the film). Henry is a seventh-grader who has some difficulties, which are not limited to puberty and his horribly depressed mother, Adele (Kate Winslet), who mostly stays cooped up inside their upstate New York home. One day, while out shopping, Henry and Adele are forced to harbor an escaped convict named Frank (Josh Brolin), who needs a place to hide out after jumping from a second story window fresh from an appendectomy. As the runtime unwinds and more and more plot gets stacked up on itself, the mother and son soon learn that Frank isn’t as menacing as they had feared. He begins to help out around the house, cleaning the gutters and changing the oil in their station wagon. (Never mind he’s doing all of this in broad daylight while the neighbors drop by unannounced.) He even knows how to cook, and teaches everyone how to make pie in an amazingly laborious scene. (The scene is so overdone that you can sense Reitman’s misguided pride in how it turned out.) You see, all Adele needs is the love of a real man — a man who can use a hammer, cook chili and knows how to throw a curveball. As hokey as that may sound, it gets worse, since Frank and Adele’s romance begins to feel like a case of Stockholm Syndrome. On top of that, there is this slow unveiling, via flashback, of the truth behind Frank’s crimes. Obviously, it’s all a misun-

Community Screenings pACk liBrAry’s film noir series • TU (2/11), 3pm - Nightmare Alley. Held in the Lord Auditorium, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: 250-4741. unCA BlACk History montH film series Held in the Highsmith University Center. Free. Info: or 232-2417. • TU (2/11), 6:30pm - The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, episode two. • TH (2/13), 6:30pm - The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, episode three.

derstanding and he’s an innocent man, right? Nope. Somehow, what he did is actually worse than I had expected it to be, draining all the romance and sympathy out of a film that truly needs it. Stripped of these things, Labor Day is more a curio. It is a strange, damaged little movie, devoid of any real humanity that never approaches the greatness it desperately wants. Rated PG-13 for thematic material, brief violence and sexuality. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.

That Awkward Moment HH diREctoR: Tom Gormican pLaYERs: Zac Efron, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Imogen Poots, Mackenzie Davis, Jessica Lucas RaunchY Rom-com FoR guYs RatEd R thE stoRY: When hardcore player Jason falls in love, he has trouble coming to terms with the changes in his worldview. thE Lowdown: Extremely predictable, flat and lame, but it looks nice and has a few good moments — too few to make the difference.

I have no clue what the people involved in making the awkward movie known as That Awkward Moment thought they were doing. Whatever it was, they were wrong. No, it’s not the worst thing I’ve seen this year, and I will doubtless see many worse before the year is out. Mostly, I was bored by it. It’s likely I only retained consciousness due to the sound of one lone

staRting FRidaY

The Oscar-Nominated Short Films See review in “Cranky Hanke”

staRting FRidaY

The LEGO Movie If nothing else, the release of The Lego Movie will get the trailers for it off the screens. It will probably be a huge hit and make a fortune. (It perhaps helps if Legos were part of your childhood.) Anyway, the studio blurb helps to clarify the trailer — “A lowly Lego figure (voiced by Chris Pratt) joins a group intent on battling an evil force after a case of mistaken identity in this computer-generated comedy from the filmmakers behind Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and co-director Chris McKay (Robot Chicken). Will Arnett co-stars as the voice of Batman, who along with Superman, make appearances in the Warner Bros. picture. Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Will Ferrell, Liam Neeson and Alison Brie head up the rest of the voice cast.” (pg)

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Monuments Men George Clooney’s latest film was originally slated for awards season. It was instead moved to February (marginally better than January) to finish postproduction work (they said). Well, it’s got a dream cast — Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, Jean Dujardin, Hugh Bonneville, Bob Balaban, — and Clooney is no slouch of a director. That said, the early reviews (there are only a dozen at this writing) are pretty much split down the middle. Personally, I’m inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt and see for myself. (pg-13)

Vampire Academy OK, Mark Waters is about 50-50 on good movies and really bad ones. His Freaky Friday and Mean Girls were delightful surprises, and The Spiderwick Chronicles deserved a better shake than it got, but this doesn’t excuse Just Like Heaven, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and Mr. Popper’s Penguins. So the chances for this latest — an adaptation from an apparently popular set of novels — is a crapshoot, even with a screenplay by his brother Daniel Waters (of Heathers fame). The bigger cast names — Joely Richardson, Gabriel Byrne — are supporting players. The Weinsteins are hoping for the next big franchise with this, but they don’t trust it enough to be screening it. (pg-13

FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

person down front chuckling at the lame jokes. (This is not a recommendation. I know this person and he generally laughs pretty heartily and distinctively at all comedies. Mere chuckles are no endorsement.) I suspect the idea was to make an R-rated rom-com for guys — or, worse yet, for “bros.” Mostly, what they did was assemble a cast that feels like some variant on the old Mod Squad tagline of “one white, one black, one blonde,” but redefined as “one cute, one black, one bland.” Some have opined that this is a male version of Sex and the City (as if that would be desirable), but, in truth, it’s mostly a standard rom-com — right down to the penultimate reel of gloom. I won’t tell you what’s in the last reel, but I’m betting you can guess. The title refers to a point — that awkward moment — when the girl you’re seeing asks, “So where is this going?” indicating that she wants a relationship. It is — according to Jason (Zac Efron) — the moment you run in the opposite direction. It is this supremely shallow credo that not only guides his life, but it’s what he wants his friends — Daniel (Miles Teller) and Mikey (Michael B. Jordan) to apply to their lives. He becomes especially zealous when Mikey’s wife dumps him, an event Jason views as a chance for the three to regain their old ways. Now, let’s be honest here — I’m assuming you’ve seen a movie or two in your time — we all know where this is going. Jason will see the error of his vain and disordered life when he finds True Love. But since the movie has 90 minutes to fill, you can be sure that this will be a difficult path. While I don’t mind it being a difficult path for the characters, I object strenuously to it being one for the viewer. That, unfortunately, is the direction chosen by writer-director Tom Gormican — a first-time offend-


er, whose presence as one of umpteen producers, co-producers, etc., on last year’s dreadful Movie 43 I am inclined to overlook. This is at least better than that. Of course, a sub-par episode of My Mother the Car would win that comparison. I will admit that it’s not all terrible. The scene where Jason and Ellie (the unfortunately named Imogen Poots) meet is actually pretty cute and cleverly scripted. Moreover, it becomes reasonably well (if not entirely believably) worked into the big scene at the end. However, what comes in between is confused, largely unfunny and is ultimately little more than the movie marking time to meander from point A to point Z. The film seems to be made on the assumption that if all the characters are good looking — or at least good lookingish — no one will notice the lame jokes or the attempt to establish the hip-ness of the characters using pop-culture references — many of which were so dated that even an aging curmudgeon like me could get them. In other words, it all comes across as a middle-aged notion of hip — like a Beach Party movie for 2014. A lot of critics seem to find the movie offensive, which I not only don’t see, but which attributes seem to overstate the film’s intellect. I seriously doubt That Awkward Moment has enough brains to be offensive. It’s certainly not important enough to be offended by. At bottom, it’s just a not-good movie that has the plus of being full of mostly pleasant-looking people and is pretty professionally made in the bargain. There are worse crimes of cinema — and I saw a couple of potential ones in the trailers before this. Rated R for sexual content and language throughout reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.

HHHHH = max rating spEciaL scREEnings

Paranoiac HHHH hoRRoR suspEnsE thRiLLER Rated NR. This minor gem from Britain’s

Hammer Films, though heavily promoted by images of someone in a creepy mask, is more a suspense thriller that turns horror film macabre than an outright horror film. Despite the official billing, a young (pre-scar) Oliver Reed stars in Paranoiac (1963) as a hard-drinking, deeply disturbed man who is never far from exploding into violence. (Rather like the real Oliver Reed.) His already troubled world is threatened when a man claiming to be his older brother shows up to claim the estate that would otherwise fall to Reed. Many dark deeds follow as family secrets come to light. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Paranoiac Thursday, Feb. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Good Thief HHHHS noiRish capER comEdY-dRama Rated R. Nick Nolte (yes, Nick Nolte) gives

a terrific performance as a heroin-addicted gambler with a gift for gab in Neil Jordan’s wrongly overlooked remake — a complete re-imagining, really — of Jean-Pierre Melville’s 1956 Bob le Flambeur, The Good Thief (2002). In Jordan’s hands, the story becomes an even twistier neon-noir thriller about robbing a casino with a pleasingly light tone and a parade of quirky characters (including an unbilled Ralph Fiennes as a vicious loan shark who threatens to do something “definitely cubist” to Nolte’s face). Truly solid and compelling entertainment that ought to be better known. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Good Thief Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

My Life in Ruins HHS Romantic comEdY with BuiLt-in tRavELoguE Rated PG-13 After

Connie and Carla (2004) failed to duplicate the freakish $244 million success of My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) — by about $236 million — Nia Vardolos more or less withdrew from the scene, only to return with My Life in Ruins (2009). Apparently, she thought it was closer in tone to Greek Wedding, but it also failed to duplicate that earlier success — once again by about $236 million. So why is it being brought back? I have no idea, but then I had no idea why people were so keen on My Big Fat Greek Wedding either. The Hendersonville Film Society will show My Life in Ruins Sunday, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

Britannia Hospital HHHHS pitch-BLack comEdY Rated R Yes, the third film in Lindsay Anderson’s Mick Travis (Malcolm McDowell) trilogy, Britannia Hospital (1982), is the least successful of the three. It’s flawed and uneven. It lacks the precision of If… (1968) and the quirky playfulness and non-stop creativity of O Lucky Man! Even so, this bitterly angry black comedy about a hospital in Thatcher’s Britain has much to recommend it — including the realization that this is probably the most scathing attack on a nation made by that nation of all time. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Britannia Hospital Friday, Feb. 7, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard. com.


FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014



by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19) "You know it's Saturday when you are wiping off vodka stains from your face with a marshmallow," testifies the woman who writes the Tumblr blog "French Fries Absinthe Milkshakes." I really hope you don't even come close to having an experience like that this week, Aries, but I'm worried that you will. I sense that you're becoming allergic to caution. You may be subconsciously wishing to shed all decorum and renounce self-control. To be clear, there's nothing inherently wrong with relaxing your guard. I hope you will indeed give up some of your high-stress vigilance and surrender a bit to life's sweet chaos. Just please try to find a playful and safe and not-too-insane way to do so. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) What’s the single best thing you could do to fulfill your No. 1 desire? Is there a skill you should acquire? A subject you should study? A special kind of experience you should seek or a shift in perspective you should initiate? This is a big opportunity, Taurus. You have an excellent chance to identify the specific action you could take that will lead you to the next stage of your evolution. And if you do manage to figure out exactly what needs to be done, start doing it! GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When songwriters make a “slant rhyme,” the words they use don’t really rhyme, but they sound close enough alike to mimic a rhyme. An example occurs in “The Bad Touch,” a tune by the Bloodhound Gang: “You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals / So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.” Technically, “mammals” doesn’t rhyme with “channel.” I suspect that in the coming week you will have experiences with metaphorical resemblances to slant rhymes. But as long as you don’t fuss and fret about the inexactness you encounter, as long as you don’t demand that everything be precise and cleaned-up, you will be entertained and educated. Vow to see the so-called imperfections as soulful. CANCER (June 21-July 22) "Almost," writes novelist Joan Bauer. "It’s a big word for me. I feel it everywhere. Almost home. Almost happy. Almost changed. Almost, but not quite. Not yet. Soon, maybe." I'm sure you know about that feeing yourself, Cancerian. Sometimes it has seemed like your entire life is composed of thousands of small almosts that add up to one gigantic almost. But I have good news: There is an excellent chance that in the next 14 to 16 weeks you will graduate from the endless and omnipresent almost; you will rise up and snatch a bold measure of completeness from out of the ever-shifting flow. And it all kicks into high gear now. 70


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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Back in 2002, three young men launched Youtube, motivated in part by a banal desire. They were frustrated because they couldn’t find online videos of the notorious incident that occurred during the Superbowl halftime show, when Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction exposed her breast. In response, they created the now-famous website that allows people to share videos. I foresee the possibility of a comparable sequence for you, Aquarius. A seemingly superficial wish or trivial interest could inspire you to come up with a fine new addition to your world. Pay attention to your whimsical notions.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) One of the chapter titles in my most recent book is this: "Ever since I learned to see three sides to every story, I'm finding much better stories." I'm recommending that you find a way to use this perspective as your own in the coming weeks, Leo. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, it's crucial that you not get stuck in an oppositional mode. It would be both wrong and debilitating to believe that you must choose between one of two conflicting options. With that in mind, I will introduce you to a word you may not know: "trilemma." It transcends a mere dilemma because it contains a third alternative. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) In 1984, Don Henley's song "The Boys of Summer" reached the top of the Billboard charts. "Out on the road today / I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac," Henley sings wistfully near the end of the tune. He's dismayed by the sight of the Grateful Dead's logo, an ultimate hippie symbol, displayed on a luxury car driven by snooty rich kids. Almost 20 years later, the band The Ataris covered "The Boys of Summer," but changed the lyric to "Out on the road today / I saw a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac." It conveyed the same mournful contempt, this time invoking the iconic punk band Black Flag. I offer this tale to you, Virgo, as an encouragement to update the way you think about your life's mythic quest ... to modernize your old storylines ... to refresh and refurbish the references you invoke to tell people about who you are. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Food aficionado Michael Pollan says Americans "worry more about food and derive less pleasure from eating" than people in other countries. If you ask them what their association is with "chocolate cake," they typically say "guilt." By con-

trast, the French are likely to respond to the same question with "celebration." From an astrological perspective, I think it's appropriate for you to be more like the French than the Americans in the coming weeks — not just in your attitude toward delicious desserts but in regard to every opportunity for pleasure. This is one of those times when you have a license to guiltlessly explore the heights and depths of bliss. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) In the Inuktitut language spoken among the Eastern Canadian Inuit, the word for "simplicity" is katujjiqatigiittiarnirlu. This amusing fact reminds me of a certain situation in your life. Your quest to get back to basics and reconnect with your core sources is turning out to be rather complicated. If you hope to invoke all of the pure, humble clarity you need, you will have to call on some sophisticated and ingenious magic. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) "What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree?" asked environmentalist Edward Abbey. His answer: "The purpose of the giant sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse." I suggest you meditate on all the ways you can apply that wisdom to your own issues. What monumental part of your own life might be of service to a small, fragile part? What major accomplishment of yours can provide strength and protection to a ripening potential that's underappreciated by others? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) "To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves," wrote the poet Federico García Lorca. I urge you to make sure you are not inflicting that abuse on yourself in the coming weeks, Capricorn. It's always dangerous to be out of touch with or secretive about your holy passions, but it's especially risky these days. I'm not necessarily saying you should rent a megaphone and shout news of your yearnings in the crowded streets. In fact, it's better if you are discriminating about whom you tell. The most important thing is to not be hiding anything from yourself about what moves you the most. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) "I believe more in the scissors than I do in the pencil," said 20th-century author Truman Capote about his writing process. Back in that primitive pre-computer era, he scrawled his words on paper with a pencil and later edited out the extraneous stuff by applying scissors to the manuscript. Judging from your current astrological omens, Pisces, I surmise you're in a phase that needs the power of the scissors more than the power of the pencil. What you cut away will markedly enhance the long-term beauty and value of the creation you're working on.

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thE nEw YoRk timEs cRosswoRd puzzLE

ACROSS 1 Frank’s partner in the funnies 7 Old ___ (London theater) 10 À la mode 14 Asian entertainer 15 Have a mortgage, say 16 ___ O’Neill 17 Tree with extralarge acorns 18 ___ Cob, Conn. 19 NASA component: Abbr. 20 Card holder: Abbr. 21 Eponymous sitcom star of the 2000s 23 After-dinner wine 25 Narrow inlet 26 Model Porizkova 28 Dine 29 Ad nauseam 31 Far sides of ranges 33 ___ King Cole

34 Actor McKellen and others 36 Hawaiian singer with many 1960s’70s TV guest appearances 37 New Year’s greeting 40 Spelunker 43 Sleek swimmers 44 N.Y.C. line 47 Teresa Heinz or Christina Onassis 49 Spartan 52 Roth ___ 53 People of Rwanda and Burundi 55 K.G.B. rival 56 2000s TV drama set in the 1960s 58 Smile 59 Like some sale goods: Abbr. 60 Tailor’s case 61 The White Stripes or OutKast



No.0101 Edited by Will Shortz

No. 0101

edited by Will Shortz

63 Declutter


65 The White Stripes’ genre 66 Rap sheet letters 67 Little-known 68 Johnson of “Laugh-In” 69 Permit














36 39





53 57




5 Economics Nobelist William F. ___







9 Business jet maker 10 Dunce cap shape 11 Make rough 12 “Actually …” 13 Afro-Caribbean music


46 51



8 ___ Jima




7 Not shy about expressing opinions









31 34








4 That, in Toledo

6 Sample the hooch




3 Band with the 10x platinum album “Nevermind”




2 After-school activity?

7 15

DOWN 1 First king of the English




70 Aslant





35 Bill ___, the Science Guy

42 Span across a gorge, say

54 W.W. II menace

38 “___ there yet?”

45 Soloist’s performance

57 Love from the Beach Boys?

39 Classic Stephen Foster song

46 Persian Wars vessel

40 Fire-breathing creature of myth

48 Bit of beachwear

41 Faucet attachment

50 San ___, Calif. 51 Took home

62 Instrument for 36-Across, informally 64 “Life of Pi” director Lee

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22 Capital spanning the Danube

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FEBRuaRY 5 - FEBRuaRY 11, 2014


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