Mountain Xpress 02.11.15

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


contEnts contact us pagE 42

Mardi Gras rolls on

Vinyasa Flow with Leaflin

In the early 2000s, Fat Tuesday in Asheville was a loosely organized pub crawl attended by a handful of New Orleans transplants and their friends. These days, the observance has expanded to include krewes, the crowning of a king and queen and a parade viewed by thousands of revelers. Learn more about how local Mardi Gras celebrations laissez les bons temps rouler, Asheville-style.

• Tuesdays 8:45 am • Fridays 12:30 pm

“Leaflin’s classes are poetry in motion.” “Extraordinary.” Come play!.

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covER dEsign Anna Whitley photo Hayley Benton

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24 mEdicaL intuitivEs Seeing the way to better health

36 pREsERving Food sEcuRitY — Canning foods for donation


Date: Thursday, February 26 from 4 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Location: Lord Auditorium at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood Street, Downtown Asheville The public is invited to drop-in anytime to receive information and give comments on: • New ART Disability Discount Forms • New ADA Paratransit Eligibility Forms • Proposed ADA Paratransit Service Area Changes Interpreter assistance needed? Contact: Necesita un interprete en español? Contacte: Нуждаетесь в услугах переводчика? Обращайтесь в Горсовет Эшвила.

13 Buzz aRound BuncomBE From Asheville Council’s wishful planning to WWC being named No. 1 farm college

28 manY spLEndoREd things Valentine’s Day events in and around Asheville


ADA Transit Public Meeting

12 Lunch tRaY REvoLution Asheville students win grant to help enviornment


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46 thE dna oF BLuEgRass Asheville native Bryan Sutton takes a starring role

2015 edition

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LEttERs caRtoon: moLton caRtoon: BREnt BRown convERsations opinion communitY caLEndaR conscious paRtY nEws oF thE wEiRd smaLL BitEs BEER scout smaRt BEts statE oF thE aRts cLuBLand moviEs cLassiFiEds FREEwiLL astRoLogY nY timEs cRosswoRd

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

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puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E EditoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall Food EditoR/wRitER: Gina Smith staFF REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRiButing EditoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

Set a better example, Urban Outfitters I am writing to express my dismay when I drive or walk by the Urban Outfitters store in downtown Asheville and see their large double doors propped wide open, no matter what the weather. In the summer, you are blasted with cold air from their AC on the sidewalk. In the winter, the heat must be pouring out. This is a terrible waste of our resources and sends the wrong message to the young people who shop there. For me, it is a turnoff and makes me want to boycott them. I can’t imagine what their heating/cooling bills must be like. But mainly it shows a total disregard to our environmental issues and all the damage that comes with using energy,


is always on the lookout for social-media-savvy writers, photographers, reporters, columnists, multimedia creators and other contributors. Send clips, samples and queries to the managing editor, Margaret Williams, at and put QUERY in the subject line.

let alone wasting it it such huge quantities. It makes me wonder if all their stores do this? Shame on them! This should stop immediately! Set a better example, Urban Outfitters! — Troy Amastar Alexander

Asheville needs looping technology to help those with hearing loss [Xpress has] been carrying articles related to wellness, emphasizing the whole person. But if you are going to deal with the health of the whole person, you need to consider hearing loss and the limited availability of means for dealing with it. It can lead to gross isolation, which can be a life and death situation. Short of that, even with hearing aids, people are deprived of normal interaction and have little access to community events. Hearing aids are much better than they used to be. But beyond face-to-face conversation, especially in noise, they do not meet the need unaided. Many assistive listening devices add to the already high cost of most quality hearing aids. They need careful maintenance, are battery-dependent, and require headphones.

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caRtoon BY RandY moLton

REguLaR contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther advERtising, aRt & dEsign managER: Susan Hutchinson gRaphic dEsignERs: Lori Deaton, Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille onLinE saLEs managER: Jordan Foltz maRKEting associatEs: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner inFoRmation tEchnoLogiEs: Stefan Colosimo wEB: Kyle Kirkpatrick oFFicE managER & BooKKEEpER: Patty Levesque


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assistant oFFicE managER: Lisa Watters distRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant distRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery distRiBution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young




FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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But most hearing aids have t-coils, originally devised to work with telephones. Hearing loops work with them at no additional cost to the user. No batteries or headphones are needed. Maintenance is minimal. Competently installed, induction loops placed round a room enable amplified sound to reach hearing aids beautifully. There are uses of this for individuals, as at home. And [there are] counter ones to enable a receptionist with a small microphone to speak clearly with a client. Asheville needs loops to enable those with hearing loss to have access to amplified sound. We could use donors to sponsor such installations. With some exceptions, most churches and businesses are missing out because people who can’t hear don’t keep coming. And nearly a fifth of Buncombe County’s adult population experiences hearing loss. A national speaker on looping, Dr. Juliette Sterkens, will speak at

We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

caRtoon BY BREnt BRown

Reuter Center (UNC Asheville) at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 16. The room is looped. Use of the technology will be demonstrated. Hosting this is the brand-new Asheville Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America, which will have its first regular meeting on Saturday, March 21, at 10:30 a.m. at Care Partners’ Seymour Auditorium. Those meetings, for mutual support and education, will happen most months (not October in 2015) on the third Saturday of the month. (As president of the new chapter, I can be reached at 665-8699 or at — Ann Karson Candler

Asheville drivers should share the road with runners Asheville, N.C., Voted Worst Place to be a Runner! Well, not exactly the worst place to be a runner by any means. To be fair, Asheville is probably one of the greatest cities in the world to be a trail runner. I happen to be training for a road race, though, and that requires pounding the pavement. I had the unfortunate experience of being hit by not one but two cars during the

same run [last] week — not to mention the third car that turned around in traffic to threaten legal action for me running on the road. I did not realize running was a crime, but please call the police next time. I am extremely lucky that none of the incidents mentioned resulted in any serious injury or worse, death. The first hit-and-run happened after a minivan struck my hand. [I’m] pretty sure that her side-view mirror was worse off than my water bottle. The second incident resulted in me landing on top of the hood of a car pulling out of a fast-food chain on Merrimon Avenue. I swear I made eye contact with the driver, but maybe he thought he was seeing an alien or a mirage. No one stopped or were concerned that they had just hit someone. I try running routes in parts of the city like Beaver Lake, where there are lots of pedestrians, but some sections are tricky and require running on a road. I also obey traffic signals and laws because it helps preserve my life. It gets especially difficult/ dangerous when you need to put together a run greater than 10 miles. I would expect a city like ours to have more access to areas where people can run, walk, bike, walk

dogs, [use] strollers and [have] handicapped access. I have heard there are these futuristic things in some farout cities they are calling greenways. People actually use them to walk and exercise. Go figure; it’s incredibly weird to imagine. Insert sarcasm. Hard to imagine other cities nearby that have been voted “Worst Place to Live” several times over have got us beat when it comes to greenways. Can we please figure this out? I will help. Just tell me how. Please share the road and be safe. — Chris Moe Asheville

Asheville Art Collective invites artists to participate in a show to be held during the month of May. If you are interested in participating, please visit our website for more information or call

828-231-2047 FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


Community dialogue from















Editor’s note What’s the right mix of development, including affordable housing, in Asheville? Recent City Council decisions have set the stagesfor new apartment buildings, while a new study reports a shortage of available rental units and that more than a quarter of city residents are “costburdened” in the rent they pay. Here are two recent letters on the issues.

Will Asheville make Oregon’s density mistakes? In the late ’70s, Oregon embarked on a strategy to limit urban sprawl and became the first state to adopt an aggressive “Smart Growth” methodology of zoning. Its goals were exemplary but failed to anticipate that the most “efficient” way to populate the cities was directly opposed to the way that people actually wanted to live. They regretfully learned that in spite of best intentions, residents did not want to give up their cars and backyards. Thirty years after the fact, planners have realized such restrictive zoning rules have spawned a cornucopia of problems. These are laid out in [a] paper from the Thoreau Institute entitled The Folly of Smart Growth, which states in part: “In order to achieve those goals, ‘smart growth’ governments nationwide are implementing a degree of land-use regulation that is unprecedented in the United States prior to 1990. Unfortunately, as we will see from the experiences of the Portland, Ore., area, such regulation can produce an even worse quality of life for residents. The policies’ real effects appear to be increases in traffic congestion, air pollution, consumer costs, taxes and just about every other impediment to urban livability.” Just as damming our rivers and plowing our prairies led to unforeseen catastrophes, I believe zoning that focuses on maximum growth may also sow the seeds of future problems that cannot be undone. Just look at Branson, Mo., which has evolved into an entity that no longer resembles that original charm of the area that attracted people in the first place. Are we headed there? As this article states, increased density in cities results in not only in higher taxes, gridlock and pollution, but a decreased quality of life for the residents — all under the guise of “stopping this terrible urban sprawl.” The recent attempt in Beaucatcher


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

Right mix: Asheville City Council recently approved plans for a 309-unit development on Fairview Road, citing the need for housing. A new study indicates that few units are available for rent, and many residents are “cost-burdened” — paying more than 30 percent or more of their income for rent. Neighborhood residents, however, voice concern over traffic, pedestrian safety and other issues.

Heights to increase the density of houses per acre is an example of this inclination to overpopulate our city at the expense of the residents’ quality of life and the enrichment of developers who do not live amongst us. Due to strong neighbor dissent, the measure was denied — at least at the zoning board level. It must still be voted on by the Council — who may or may not heed the recommendation of the zoning board. At least one Council member has stated he is in favor of increasing the density of population in Asheville by rezoning away from R2 (two homes per acre) to a more dense format. He states the same reasoning that has proven to be disastrous in Oregon. As a concerned citizen, I would ask the following questions: 1) Based on current zoning designations in the city, is there a “maximum” population determination for our city? 2) Is our current infrastructure adequate to support this eventual “maximum” number? Or do we enter the destructive cycle exhibited in Portland by letting overpopulation make demands for more roads and infrastructure that lead to higher taxes to provide those services? Do we, as Oregon, enter a cycle that cannot be stopped and diminishes quality of life for all of us? 3) Does the city government’s appetite for more tax revenue at the expense of its citizens’ quality of life

lead us down a shortsighted one-way street of overdevelopment? I don’t think there is an easy answer to how our city should be allowed to grow, but I do know that stacking us up in high-rises and crowded neighborhoods is not where to start. If our current zoning has given us that “maximum” population number, then I think the Council would be ill-advised to increase that density without considering the very real consequences. We need to try to look as far into the future as we can and determine where our current path will lead us. Oregon perhaps wishes they could go back and change that path. City Council will set our path at the next board meeting when they vote on the Beaucatcher rezoning Tuesday, Feb. 24. Maybe let them know you don’t want to live like the stacked-up cord wood in Oregon. — Stephen Schulte Asheville

Time to act, while there’s something left to save No doubt you have already noticed that with the passing of each year, there is less and less of what many of us love the most about living in Asheville. The nature. The destruction happens faster and faster each year. Look well upon every tiny little nook and cranny where a few trees provide habitat for oftenunnoticed species. Because such

places will all be gone in just the next few years. The thinking among the powers that be seems to be, “if we just get rid of that fragment of nature, then we can build a bunch of houses on it and make some quick money.” As many as 10 on an acre. And a couple of things are worth pointing out here. First, these ugly houses never blend in with the landscape or the character of our town. Second, how many existing houses are on the market here at any given time? I see them all over the place, right alongside all the destruction. And these new atrocities are priced such that local people can scarcely even afford them. Asheville voters imagine that they know what to expect when they vote for the person with the “D” next to their name. But let me tell you, it stands for DOLLARS, because that is what they care about. Asheville voted for a development lawyer for mayor. And one City Council member prides himself on being a supporter of “population density.” If they succeed in remaking Asheville based on what they want, then Asheville will look like Raleigh in less than a decade. In West Asheville, there remain a very few small areas that are wooded. One of the very last of these is at the end of Shelburne Drive off Sand Hill Road. It is basically a gravel driveway. It ends about 200 feet from Sand Hill Road, where there is a forest that slopes steeply down to a creek. This forest is home to foxes, a herd of deer, a bear, opossums and raccoons, a pair of hawks that nest there every year and five species of woodpeckers. The creek itself is home to still more wildlife, including a couple of species of darters and four species of salamanders. This is all about to be destroyed to make way for a “major subdivision,” consisting of nine houses. A small sign is in place there, where no one would ever see it, informing the public about [last week’s] meeting regarding zoning. ... Humans need natural, undisturbed areas as much as other animals do. It is a fact that humans need the solace of nature for our own mental and emotional well-being. Infinite growth is not sustainable. This scientific principle applies to all systems. If the people of Asheville have the character that I believe you do, then you will take a stand while there’s something left to save. — Joseph Nolan Asheville

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



by Jerry Sternberg

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Gospel According to Jerry Confessions of a recovering racist I received an email article from a couple of my right-wing friends who are constantly trying to validate their extreme positions especially on racial issues and hatred of President Obama. The author of the article, “Socially Confused Lawyer,” is a public defender in a Southern metropolitan area who admits he is a liberal and is totally confused by the actions and attitude of his black clients. Here’s a sample from the article, which sums up his frustration: “Unlike people of other races, blacks never see their lawyer as someone who is there to help them. I am a part of the system against which they are waging war. They often explode with anger at me and are quick to blame me for anything that goes wrong in their case.” I find nothing to disagree with in his article. I admit that I am a recovering racist. However, I do not remember having the same intense racial hatred that seems to possess the right wing. Maybe it was because I was a Jew raised in the South, and as a detested minority who suffered indignities and stereotyping by the white Christian majority, I found it hard to throw rocks while living in such a glass house. Even as a child, I suffered more than one bloody nose because I did not share the same adoration of the loving Jesus as my classmates. I was aware of the indignities of exclusions from jobs, social settings, country clubs and even some public accommodations, such as

“I admit that I am a recovering racist. However, I do not remember having the same intense racial hatred that seems to possess the right wing.”

restricted hotels — including the Grove Park Inn — suffered by my family and others in the Asheville Jewish community. This did not dispel my racial prejudices and stereotypes of the black folks that the majority of white society espoused. I was born and raised in the South, and so I thought they were all dirty, diseased, smelly and dumb. Otherwise, why would they need to drink out of different water fountains at Sears, use different bathrooms on Pack Square, attend different schools and sit in the back of the Merrimon Avenue bus? Conservatives, liberals and even black leadership all seem very disappointed in black people. It has been 150 years (four generations) since we set them free, and yet they have not found a way to meet our white standards and they are still angry and bitter.

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

Let’s look at our record as emancipators. When slaves were freed, most could not get jobs. When jobs were available, they were the last ones hired, and the first ones fired. It was forbidden by law to teach a slave to read and write, so education was not a priority as it was in most other modern cultures. When we finally gave them schools, they were segregated, primitive and underfinanced because nobody really gave a damn if a black could read or write, as they were too dumb to learn anything anyhow. Yet thousands turned out to see the finest marching band in the state from the African-American high school, Stephens Lee, marching down Patton Avenue in hand-me-down, incomplete, mismatched uniforms and hats. My memories of the 1930s and ’40s was that black men had no education or skills and could not get steady work, but the women had stable jobs as house servants, and this morphed them into a matriarchal culture, destroying the men’s dignity and sense of responsibility. My father put me to work in our hide and scrap-metal busi-

ness, and by the time I was 12 years old, I was sent along with the black men to pick up metals and hides to weigh the merchandize and figure the bill because they could not read and write. It wasn’t unusual for men three times my age calling me “Mr. Jerry.” When the black soldiers came back from military service in World War II (you remember, “The Greatest Generation”), they were still relegated to the black part of town, and they were refused service at the Woolworth’s counter and forced to sit in the balcony of the Plaza theater. At 16, I drove to The Block (EagleMarket streets) to pick up occasional labor. I would hold up two or three fingers. Many of these men were veterans, even some who were disabled, but they would scramble to get in the truck bed just to get a day’s pay at hard labor. At lunch time, I would often have to go inside the Atlantic Quick Lunch on Depot Street to buy their lunch while they stood out back, even though blacks worked in the kitchen. This had not changed when I came out of the Korean War, but after years of bitter protest and racial strife, we white folks, in our great beneficence, reluctantly partially did away with Jim Crow laws, segregation and job discrimination. We even grudgingly enforced racial quotas in government jobs and for entrance into college. Most all of our great liberal efforts to improve their lot have failed. Maybe it is because our hearts were not in it. We certainly have failed to find ways to encourage them to get an education. We assured them that if they would only study hard and work hard they would be as successful and as affluent as we were. I ask you conservatives: Would you hire a black accountant, lawyer or heart surgeon if you had any choice? A black man has risen to the highest office in the country, yet you conservatives daily bombard the Internet with racial slurs, cartoons and not-so-subtle dogwhistle emails. I am sure you are convinced that a black man is not capable of governance. Believe me, this is not lost on black teenagers who have decided that education is for “whiteys” and there is more money to be made stealing and selling drugs unless they have the rare exceptional talent of being able to run and catch a ball or sing and dance.

Many get their education in prisons, which seems to be their rite of passage, and they father children as a badge of honor and respect with no intention of honoring the responsibility of fatherhood. For the sake of argument, the liberals in this country have killed incentive with welfare, food stamps, free housing, school lunches — oh, and don’t forget — flat-screen TVs. We have fought for better ways to improve their education, but that seems to take more and more of the taxpayer’s money and probably requires serious integration of schools and housing, which you conservatives deem a very bad idea. We also think that not only black women, but all women, should have access to family planning, sex education, birth control and abortion, but you are doing everything in your power to curtail these activities by shutting down Planned Parenthood clinics, straightforward sex education in the schools, and overturning Roe v. Wade. Watch out, right wing. We must be careful that we don’t lose the battle of the womb. If this irresponsible overbreeding continues, we may very well become outnumbered by hordes of hungry, angry people who might start a very unpleasant race war that would make the Watts riot look like a walk in the park. I know you feel comforted by your extensive personal arsenal, with which you plan to protect yourself and your family, but keep in mind that you have made gun ownership so convenient that these people might also have access to all kinds of arms, which might really make for a messy situation. I take credit for my responsibility as a liberal who has bungled this situation very badly. You conservatives are rapidly moving in to a position of total power in this country. Please respond with your superior solutions in black and white. X

Asheville native Jerry Sternberg, a longtime observer of the local scene, can be reached at

Pop-up tweets The week’s most retweeted and favorited tweets

What’s the Twitter buzz around Buncombe County? Mountain Xpress follows a host of twitterati in the area and monitors that buzz via its homepage Twitter feed. Last week, the dispatches that were dubbed favorites and/ or retweeted the most included tweets about the Biltmore Estate’s Downton Abbey costume exhibit, snow on the UNC Asheville quad, the announced departure of Xpress reporter Jake Frankel and recognition for Warren Wilson College as the No. 1 farm college in the country. From @asheville: Photos: @DowntonAbbey costume exhibit opens @BiltmoreEstate @AvlPhotos aFFsTR9bn4 From @surpasssEm: Asheville aerial views new photos! From @uncaweather: We are now up to an inch of snow on quad. Very impressive event so far! @NWSGSP @wxbrad @JasonBoyer From @jakeFrankel: I’m ending a great run here @mxnews and thrilled to accept a new job as Executive Editor of @TPRF! From @wncmagazine: @CalebJohnson is set to play @HarrahsCherokee on May 2!



From @wxbrad: Snow has started up on @BeechMountainNC. Our live camera here at From @progressnc_GB: In 80-minute speech, @PatMcCroryNC never mentioned the words “middle class” or “working families.” Not once. From @asheville: Warren Wilson College Farm named No. 1 college farm in the nation #avlnews @WWCAsheville A note about this list: We disqualified top tweets from spam sources, as well as some favorite tweets about local sports. Photo by Kyle Noel, a UNCA atmospheric sciences student and member of the school chapter of the American Meteorological Society


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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



Lunchtray revolution Asheville students win grant to help environment by replacing Styrofoam lunch trays

BY tRacY RosE

A student-generated idea to help the environment by getting rid of Styrofoam lunch trays in the school cafeteria is becoming a reality at Asheville’s Vance Elementary School. The school’s Student Council, a group of a dozen fifth graders chosen by their teachers and other students, came up with the idea, says Robbie Lipe, the group’s faculty advisor and school art teacher. The kids homed in on environmental concerns, particularly Styrofoam piling up in the landfill and the global loss of topsoil. “I’m blown away by the kids,” Lipe says. “They were a very informed group.” The students researched the options and worked with Lipe to submit a grant proposal to, an online charity that helps to fund school projects across the country. The proposal, “Changing the World: One Lunch Tray at a Time” sought $1,319 to replace the school’s Styrofoam trays and plastic sporks with compostable ones for one day a week for the rest of the school year, Lipe says. Students had considered the possibility of seeking funding to hire a fourth cafeteria worker to run the school’s existing dishwasher, but decided that the amount of water and the cost of energy to keep the temperature high enough to sanitize the trays wouldn’t be environmentally friendly. They hit on the idea of compostable


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

trays and sporks after learning that major schools systems in Los Angeles and Dallas had gone that route, Lipe says. In submitting the proposal, the kids also learned about the costs of going green. Styrofoam trays cost 3 cents per tray, while compostable ones are 18 to 25 cents per tray, Lipe says. The school spends $1,600 annually on Styrofoam trays, while compostable ones would cost about $4,500 annually. In six days, the project was fully funded. Donations came from around the country, including California, Minnesota and Florida. Many were small donations ($4.44, for example); the largest was $250. “There’s a lot of interest in eliminating Styrofoam,” Lipe says. The compostable trays and sporks arrived Feb. 4, and Lipe is working with the cafeteria manager to roll out the first “Foam-Free Friday” on Feb. 20. Three Student Council members got their first look at the new trays not long after they arrived, and the fifth-graders were all smiles about their accomplishment. “We got a full grant,” enthused Emiliano maldonado, who researched the topsoil part of the grant application. “It’s so much better than just having an idea,” says isabella Bevans. And what did they learn from the experience? “If you work as a team, you can get a really big job done,” offers juliana Floriani. The Student Council is already working with the Asheville City Schools Foundation on plans for a new, local fundraiser to expand the program, Lipe says. In addition, the group plans to meet with Asheville City Schools officials about spreading the program throughout the district. They even have dreams to include Buncombe County Schools in the effort. The kids, who will transfer to middle school next year, already have plans to return to Vance next year to see how the program is going. “They’re making a legacy for other kids in the school coming up,” Lipe says.

scoRE onE FoR thE EnviRonmEnt: Vance Elementary School Student Council members Emiliano Maldonado (center), Juliana Floriani (left) and Isabella Bevans show off the school’s new compostable trays and sporks. Photo by Tracy Rose

Kids and tEEns, shaRE YouR viEws and aRt! Are there problems in the community that call out for activism? Or would you like to share your creative work that otherwise reflects your view of the world? Submit your essays, art, poetry, photography and multimedia work for Mountain Xpress’ upcoming Kids Issue. Details at or email Hurry! Deadline is Friday, Feb. 20. X


compiled by Jake Frankel

The buzz around Asheville

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FLoating BY: Located along the banks of the French Broad River in Asheville, The Bywater is a popular destination for boaters during the summer months. Paste magazine recently declared it the “World’s Greatest Bar.” Photo by Jake Frankel

ashEviLLE counciL LaYs out hopEs FoR thE YEaR Asheville City Council recently huddled to determine its goals and priorities for the rest of 2015. Housing issues were a major topic at the Jan. 30 retreat — unsurprisingly, given a recent flurry of studies and Council actions — both public and private, in conjunction with the proposed redevelopment of the Lee Walker Heights public housing complex. That project is a joint partnership with the city of Asheville and the Housing Authority of the City of Asheville, which are independent organizations. “I feel an obligation in championing collaboration and partnership,” said Mayor Esther manheimer. “Asheville is not a powerful city that can unilaterally do something. … We can’t just

walk in and say, ‘We’re going to make this huge change by ourselves.’ “So for an issue important to our community — the revitalization of the public housing — we have a housing authority, and it needs us. We need [Buncombe] County, we need Duke Energy, Mission Hospital, A-B Tech — we need all those folks to make this a reality.” Beyond housing, Council members had plenty of other topics on their minds. Council member chris pelly continued his press on the long-standing need for sidewalks and the lack of progress in building them: “The transportation department released a report last year that talked about how we’re doing. [I looked] at our master plan from 2005, which identified 108 miles of needed linkages in the city. This [2014] report talked about what we’ve [built] since then: 18 miles of sidewalk. [That’s] two miles per year.”

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


Pelly told fellow Council members that even the original 2005 report, which called for 108 miles of needed sidewalks, didn’t include many city roads, meaning the need is even greater than that. “At 2 miles per year, we’re looking at 50 years before [we reach 108]. I would like to look at when we’re going to address this backlog of sidewalk linkages. Two miles a year relegates many neighborhoods to decadelong waits before they can walk safely down their streets.” Zoning came up as well, partly in response to a controversial apartment development on Fairview Road in Oakley that Council approved 6-1 on Jan. 27. “I’d love to not see us do anymore conditional zoning, because that’s a surprise you spring on neighbors that I don’t think is fair,” said Council member cecil Bothwell, who cast the single dissenting vote. “I think that’s a lot of what the neighborhood in Oakley was upset about. They never realized we would change it to a zoning that permitted 64-units per acre. … Things change over time, and we have to be flexible to some degree, but I think we should be as predictable as possible. “As part of all that,” he continued, “I think we need to push Planning and Zoning [Department] in a direction they want to go, which is to do more planning and less review. Planning should help us decide how we want this city to look 20 years out — and not piece by piece by piece approving these things.” For the complete report visit — Cameron Huntley


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

LEt us swim, LEt us swim: Goggled swimmers and their parents flowed into the Buncombe commissioners’ chambers Feb. 3. “We know because we swim [at the Zeugner Center] everyday. It needs to be shut down, but not before we have another place to swim,” said Camille Long, a sophomore at T.C. Roberson High School. Photo by Pat Barcas

BuncomBE commissionERs gEt goggLEd Public comment stretched nearly three hours at the Feb. 3 Buncombe County Board of Commissioners meeting, as a tsunami of local residents expressed their displeasure with issues such as the planned closure of the county’s only indoor aquatic center, Zeugner. Two weeks ago, County Manager wanda greene had announced that the decades-old Zeugner Center was going to close for good. Almost immediately, swim fans and supporters mobilized to

make their voices heard. The group Save Zuegner Center, Save Our Swim Teams was created, with organizers urging people to come in force to the commissioners’ meeting wearing goggles as a symbol of solidarity. Before they got to speak, Greene reminded commissioners about the current state of the old pool, which has become difficult to maintain, and the possibilities for a new facility. The biggest issue is, in fact, not a new pool itself — whatever form it will take — but where to put swim teams while one is being constructed.

“We are finding practice and competitive pools for the next swim season, working with a number of people who already have pools, some open, some closed, but we’re trying to see what we can do to get those in place,” said Greene. But swim coaches, fans and athletes all pointed out the impossibility of this plan. “There were 13 meets at the [Zeugner] pool this season, with 1,191 participants,” said jim cottam. “There were 24 teams that participated in at least two meets. Other coaches and I have conservatively estimated that over 60 percent in all of Western North Carolina — not Buncombe, but all Western North Carolina — took place at Zeugner. Once you send these teams out looking for more pool time, there’s going to be a bloodbath, because all of us are going to be going for the same pool time.” For the complete report, visit — Cameron Huntley caRoLina jEws FoR justicE to sponsoR civiL Rights discussion Carolina Jews for Justice (CJJ) West will sponsor a panel discussion about the civil justice film Selma on Sunday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. The event takes place at the YMI Cultural Center as part of its Taking Issue Forum. Attendees are encouraged to prepare for the discussion by watching the film beforehand. YMI board Chair sharon west says, “Over 50 years ago, the YMI introduced its first tag line, The Gathering Place. This name was appropriate in that it reinforced the YMI’s role as a safe place for all to come together to share, to discuss, to take action, to encourage, to affirm.

This tagline remains true today. Selma — the movie — is a great entrée into such discussions relative to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s fight for voting rights and other topics of equity. The YMI welcomes these discussions, sponsored by Carolina Jews for Justice/West.” — Kat McReynolds amERican advERtising FEdERation to hoLd ashEviLLE awaRds cEREmonY Asheville winners of the annual American Advertising Awards (formerly known as the ADDYs) will be announced on Feb. 17, in what is sure to be one of the highlights of the year for many creative local marketing and advertising agencies. “We work hard all year and really enjoy recognizing those outstanding professionals in our area,” said Russ shuler, awards chair of the American Advertising Federation Asheville (AAFA). “And this is a big opportunity for our members to participate in the national awards programs.” The event will be held at The Millroom at Asheville Brewing Co. (66 Asheland Ave.) from 6-8 p.m. Cost for the event is $15 for members and $20 for nonmembers. Food and drinks will be available. — Kat McReynolds waRREn wiLson coLLEgE FaRm: no. 1 coLLEgE FaRm in thE nation The Warren Wilson College Farm, established in 1894 when the Asheville Farm School was founded, has won numerous awards over the years in addition to producing a lot of good food. Now it has received another major accolade: No. 1 college farm in the nation. In a feature titled “The 20 Best College Farms,” Best College Reviews ranks the WWC Farm at the top of the list. Ranking criteria

include farm size; integration with the campus; sustainability; courses taught at the farm; students using the farm; and integration with the larger community. “This award for our college farm is an affirmation to the commitment the college has shown to our working farm for well over a century,” said farm manager chase hubbard, a 1995 Warren Wilson graduate. The 275-acre WWC Farm is sustainably managed by two staff managers with the help of a large student work crew — one of more than 100 student work crews on the Warren Wilson campus. In addition to providing much of the food for the Warren Wilson dining hall, WWC’s mixed-crop and livestock farm sells beef, pork, chicken and lamb to the surrounding community twice each year. Corn, wheat, barley and oats are grown in rich bottomland soils in rotation with an alfafa-based hay mix. No pesticides or herbicides are used in the farm’s crop production. — Jake Frankel is thE BYwatER thE “woRLd’s gREatEst BaR”? A recent story in Paste magazine declared that The Bywater in Asheville is the “World’s Greatest Bar.” An excerpt from the Georgiabased national media outlet’s story: “But the best thing about the World’s Greatest Bar is that it’s next to a river—a big, slightly dirty, Southern river—with canoe access right there at the bar, so you can put in upstream and paddle a few miles down, then take out and get a beer in your bathing suit. In my mind, this is the best of what America has to offer. And it’s truly glorious.


Fond FaREwELL: Longtime Xpress writer Jake Frankel is bidding Xpress adieu to become executive editor of The Prem Rawat Foundation. Full story: Photo by Max Cooper

Naturally, a lot of people tube the river during the summer, so there are women walking around the huge outdoor park-like bar in bikinis, drinking beer and playing lawn games. Did I mention that this is the World’s Greatest Bar?” What do you think, Asheville? Do you agree that The Bywater is the World’s Greatest Bar? Share your thoughts online at — Jake Frankel X

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015




FEBRuaRY 11- FEB 17, 2015

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a FREE Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. FREE Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to or through our onLinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls VAlentine’s DAy DrAg Queen Bingo 505-3440, • FR (2/13), 6-9pm - Tickets to this night of refreshments, raffles and bingo benefit Brother Wolf Animal rescue. $25. Held at DoubleTree by Hilton, 115 Hendersonville Road. solD out. VAlentine’s DAy PuPPygrAms • FR (2/13) & SA (2/14) - Proceeds from this sale of puppy visits to your sweetie benefit Brother Wolf Animal rescue. Available within 15 minutes of AVL; 24 hour notice required. $45-85. WAggers AnD reADers 250-4754 • SA (2/14), 10am - Book sharing for school age kids with certified therapy dog. Reservations required. Free. Held at Oakley/ South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road


saY it with puppY BREath: Being seperated from your sweetie on Valentine’s Day (even for a few hours) can be rough. Make it a little easier by sending a furry little friend to express your love in your abscence. Brother Wolf Animal Rescue is offering visits from puppies (armed with roses, a locally made vegan treat and a need for snuggles) to your darling’s office or home. Puppygrams are available on both Friday, Feb. 13, and Saturday, Feb. 14. And if you find yourself falling in love at first sniff, don’t worry — all the puppies are adoptable. (p.16)

Benefits for the loVe of music • SA (2/14), 9pm - Proceeds from this concert featuring Free Radio, Fist Fam, Foul Mouth Jerk, Lyric and more go to Asheville greenworks, Brother Wolf Animal rescue and the Jewish community center. $15/ $10 advance. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad heArts for sArt 777-5476, • SA (2/14), 7pm - Tickets to this cabaret-singing event support the southern Appalachian repertory theatre. $30/$25 advance. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway ice creAme sociAl • TH (2/19), 7:30-9pm Donations raised at this event benefit local musician Priya ray’s handicapped accessible

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

van fund. Held at The Hop West, 721 Haywood Road PAint the toWn reD on fAt tuesDAy 712-8512 • TU (2/17), 5:30-7:30pm - Local celebrities compete for tips to benefit the Asheville-mountain Area American red cross in this bartender challenge. Held at Pack’s Tavern, The Social Lounge, Scully’s, Sovereign Remedies and Twisted Laurel. soumu: An AfricAn celeBrAtion 941-268-1081 • TH (2/19), 6pm - Tickets to this music, food, dance and art event benefit Djembeso music and Dance education center in ivory coast. $15/$12 advance. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad the fooD of loVe Benefit concert • SA (2/15), 5pm - Admission to this concert by The Cafe

String Quartet supports feAst Asheville. Held at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road ZelDA AnD scott loVeD DAnce 254-2621 • FR (2/13), 8-11pm - Tickets to this flapper-themed costume party benefit the Asheville contemporary Dance theatre. $30/$25 advance. Held at Homewood, 19 Zillicoa St.

Business & technology A-B tech smAll Business center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950, Free unless otherwise noted. Registration required. • WE (2/11), 6-9pm - “How to Start a Nonprofit” seminar. • TH (2/12), 6-8pm - “Business Formation: Choosing the Right Structure” seminar.

• WE (2/18), 1-4pm - “Business of Public Contracting” seminar. • TH (2/19), 6-8pm “Bookkeeping Basics for Your Natural Products Business” seminar. AmericAn Business Women’s AssociAtion • TH (2/12), 5:30pm - Monthly meeting with guest speaker David Hardy from The APEX Brain Centers. $25, includes dinner. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive

ly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

clAsses, meetings & eVents ABrAhAm/hicKs: lAW of AttrAction meeting (pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444.

mArion Business AssociAtion 652-2215, • MONDAYS through (3/23), 6pm - “Am I Cut Out to Be An Entrepreneur?” business course. Free. Registration required. Held at Marion Depot, 58 Depot St., Marion

AsheVille glAss center (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences., 828505-7110

Venture AsheVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: week-

Join the APPAlAchiAn chAPter of DoWsers (pd.) at their February 21st meeting with speaker Dr. Robert

Winter Sale! 10-40% Off Selected Items Gilbert of the Vesica Institute. Go to: or call 828-685-2273

Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St.

orgAnic groWer’s school’s 22nD AnnuAl sPring conference (pd.) March 7-8, at UNCA, offers practical, regionallyappropriate workshops on organic growing, permaculture, homesteading, farming, plus exhibitors, seed-xchange, kid’s program.

BAKer-BArBer sliDeshoW PresentAtions 697-6224, • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm Images from a collection of historic WNC photographs will be viewed. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville

PlAy the trAnsformAtion gAme (pd.) Open to unseen possibilities in understanding self and others. Go deeply/have fun. 6 hours. Be amazed at what is revealed! feb 13th or 28th. Pricing varies by group size. 828-788-5142. reneW your resolutions! (pd.) Want a hormone-balancing, brain fog-clearing, tummysoothing detox with a side effect of Weight Loss? Join The 21 Day Essential Cleanse starting Feb 16th. 828-620-1188. AmericAn ADVertising feDerAtion of AsheVille 551-6355, • TU (2/17), 6-8pm - American Advertising Awards winners presentation. $20/$15 members. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. AsheVille music ProfessionAls • TH (2/19), 6pm - Panel: “Taxes and Accounting for Musicians.” Held at Barley’s Taproom, 42 Biltmore Ave. AsheVille nAtionAl orgAniZAtion for Women • TH (2/19), 6pm - Women’s Power Hour: “Examining A Woman’s Worth: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Workplace Conditions, and NC’s Unresolved Issues.” Contact for location. Free. AsheVille ProfessionAl singles 707-4390 • SA (2/14), 7pm - Singles meet-up. Held at Twin Leaf Brewery, 144 Coxe Ave. AsheVille toAstmAsters cluB 914-424-7347, • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm -

BuncomBe county PuBlic liBrAries Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (2/4) & (2/18), 5pm Swannanoa Knitters, casual knitting and needlework group for all skill levels. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa community DiAlogues on rAce 419-0730, robertamadden@ • TU (2/17), 6:30pm - A fourweek series using films, group exercises and dialogue to discuss race relations. Location varies by week. Registration required. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Church Swannanoa Valley, 500 Montreat Road, Black Mountain council on Aging tAx AssistAnce 227-8288 For low- to moderate-incomes. Bring ID. Free. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • MONDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 9am-4pm - Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Rd. • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain D&D ADVenturers leAgue • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave.

g&W inVestment cluB • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:45am - General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Black Forest Restaurant, 2155 Hendersonville Road, Arden henDersonVille Wise Women 693-1523 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group for women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville iKenoBo iKeBAnA society 696-4103, blueridgeikebana. com • TH (2/19), 10am - Monthly meeting: relief design. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville mountAin Peggers 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Noncompetitive cribbage group for all levels and ages. Free. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. ontrAcK Wnc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, Registration required. • WE (2/11), 5:30pm - “What to do With Your Tax Refund,” seminar. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS until (2/12), 5:30pm “Homebuyer Education Series,” HUD-certified investment class. $35. • TH (2/19), 5:30pm “Dreaming of Debt Free Living.” Free. PisgAh AstronomicAl reseArch institute 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 8625554, • FR (2/13), 7pm - Space law presentation. $20/$15 seniors & military/$10 children under 14.

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tAr heel tour: our stAte, our time 227-7211 • TH (2/12), 5-7pm - North Carolina history interactive presentation. Free. Held in the Hinds University Center at WCU. tArheel PiecemAKers Quilt cluB tarheelpiecemakers.wordpress. com • WE (2/11), 10am - Monthly meeting. Free. Held at Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville

2 Regent Park Blvd. | 828-252-8300 Like us on

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

communitY caLEndaR









Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

thomAs Wolfe memoriAl 52 N. Market St, 253-8304, • TU (2/10) through SA (5/30) Historical costume exhibit, “The Boarder’s Garb.” $5. toAstmAsters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am - Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. uncA VoluntAry income tAx AssistAnce • SATURDAYS until (4/9), 10:30am-3pm - Income tax preparation for incomes under $53K. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. VeterAns for PeAce 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc. • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - Weekly vigil. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. Free.

A roaring good time

Western cAroliniAns for PeAce AnD Justice in the miDDle eAst • WE (2/11), 9:30am - General meeting. Free. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain


what: “Zelda and Scott Loved Dance,” a benefit for the Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre whERE: Homewood Estate, 19 Zillicoa St., Asheville whEn: Friday, Feb. 13, 8-11:00 p.m. whY: The Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre, Asheville’s first modern dance school, is gearing up for a Fitzgerald flapperthemed fundraiser party destined to be the cat’s meow. Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald loved the region, and this 1920s-style fundraiser celebrating modern dance will also celebrate this cosmopolitan couple. “The Fitzgeralds were attached to Asheville, and since Zelda passed away in a hospital fire here, we are holding the fundraiser near the site of the original Highland Hospital,” notes giles collard, co-director of the Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre. Don’t worry if you have two left feet, either. Basic classes in The Charleston, the Black Bottom and


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

swing dancing will “help people be comfortable asking each other to dance,” says Collard. ACDT will also perform excerpts from some of its performances, such as original ballet “Zelda” and Josephine Baker’s “La Sauvage Noire.” In addition to dance, partiers will be entertained by pianist Chris Zhang and the Warren Gaughan Trio, a jazz ensemble. Enjoy French wines, Champagne and local beers with heavy hors d’oeuvres and bid at the silent auction, featuring original artwork, massages and the coup de grâce: a oneweek vacation in a colonial home in Mérida, Mexico, with access to a beach house. Be sure to dress up in period attire, which will earn you one free drink at the speakeasy bar. Tickets for this event are $30 at the door/$25 in advance, and may be purchased at BeBe Theatre or through ACDT at office@acdt. org or 254-2621. Profits from the event will support the theater’s travel, lodging, press, costuming and international exchange programs. — Michael McDonald

stuDio ZAhiyA, DoWntoWn DAnce clAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance• Tuesday 7:45am Yoga 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595

eco AsheVille green DrinKs • WE (2/11), 5:30pm - “The Health Implications of Genetically Modified Foods.” Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway • WE (2/18), 6pm - “Connecting Our Lives with Our Landscape” discussion with Sunil Patel from Patchwork Urban Farms Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway

BuncomBe fruit AnD nut cluB 614-315-0173, • SA (2/15), 10am-1pm - Spring pruning workshop & service day to provide pruning at Francine Delany and Vance Elementary’s school orchards. Free. Meets at Francine Delany Elementary School, 119 Brevard Road Wnc green BuilDing council 254-1995, • TH (2/12), 5:30-6:30pm Networking event for green builders and council members. Free to attend. Held at Urban Orchard, 210 Haywood Road, 828-774-5151

fArm & gArDen AsAP’s Business of fArming conference 236-1282, • FR (2/13), 1pm-4pm - Preconference workshop: “Agritourism: Opportunities and Considerations for Opening Your Farm to the Public.” $30. Held at East Fork Farm in Madison County. Wait list only. • FR (2/13), 1-4pm - Preconference workshop: “Adding Value to Your Farm Products.” $30. Held at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, 1461 Sand Hill Road, Candler • FR (2/13), 1-5pm - Preconference workshop: “Planning for Farm Food Safety: Navigating the GAP Audit and Beyond.” $30. • FR (2/13), 1-4pm - Preconference workshop: “The Whole Hog: Strategies for Utilization, Working with your Butcher, Pricing and Marketing.” $30. Held at UNCA. BuncomBe county mAster gArDeners 255-5522, • TH (2/19), 10-11am Gardening in the Mountains workshop series discusses tomatoes. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave.

festiVAls AsPerger’s teens uniteD AspergersTeensUnited • SA (2/14), 1-4pm - Spectrumwide Valentine’s masquerade party. Held at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 1 School Road

fooD & Beer AsheVille VegAn society • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm Meet-up to share a meal and discuss vegan issues. Free to attend. Held at Whole Foods Market, 4 S. Tunnel Road leicester community center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000 • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 2:30-3:30pm - Manna FoodBank distribution, including local produce. Free.

goVernment & Politics Blue riDge rePuBlicAn Women’s cluB • TH (2/12), 7pm - Henry Leissing discusses the U.S. Constitution, its significance and concerns in today’s environment. Free. Held at Renaissance Asheville Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. BuncomBe county rePuBlicAn men’s cluB 712-1711, gakeller@gakeller. com • 2nd SATURDAYS, 7:30am Discussion group meeting with optional breakfast. Free to attend. Held at Corner Stone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road henDerson county DemocrAtic PArty 692-6424, • WE (2/11), 9am - General meeting. Held at Mike’s on Main, 303 N. Main St., Hendersonville

soW true seeD 254-0708, • TH (2/19), 4-6pm - Seed growing info session. Held at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Station, 74 Research Drive, Mills River

KiDs GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) cel-

CECILIA JOHNSON ebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: www. THIS SATURDAY • VAlentine’s DAy PArent’s night out (pd.) February 14, 6-9pm, at The Little Gym! Kids enjoy music, games, crafts, Legos and fun in the gym while you have a night out! • $25 for members, $35 for non-members. Reserve your spot! Call (828) 667-9588. KiDs’ ActiVities At the liBrAries Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (2/13), 4-5pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 6-12. Free. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • FR (2/13), 11am - Valentine’s Tea Party for ages 2-8. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TU (2/17), 4pm - Yoga and stretching for kids ages 4-9. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • WE (2/18), 10:30am - Meet the Tooth Fairy storytime. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • TH (2/19), 3:30pm Makers and Shakers Club: Crafty Bookmarks. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. rolling for reADing 776-0361, A mobile early literacy program from Buncombe County Public Schools for children ages 3-5 and their parents. Free. MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: • 10-10:45am - Held at Haw Creek Elementary, 21 Trinity Chapel Road • 11:15am-noon - Held at W.D. Williams Elementary, 161 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa •1:45-2:30pm - Held at Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road WEDNESDAYS: • 12:45-1:30pm - Held at Fairview Elementary, 1355 Charlotte Highway, Fairview TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: • 9-9:45am - Held at Leicester Elementary, 31 Gilbert Road, Leicester • 10:30-11:15am - Held at Leicester Library, 1561

Alexander Road, Leicester • noon-12:45pm - Held at Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd. • 1:15-2pm - Held at Emma Elementary, 37 Brickyard Road sPellBounD chilDren’s BooKshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 7087570, • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story Time for ages 3-7. Free. tiny tots circus PlAytime toyboatcommunityartspace. com • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10am-noon - Circus-themed mini-class, for babies and children up to age 6. $5 per child per class. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B tot time At AsheVille Art museum 282-253-3227, • TU (2/17), 10:30am - Held in the museum’s ArtPLAYce. Admission fees apply. Held at Asheville Art Museum, 2 N. Pack Square WhAt’s shAKin • SATURDAYS through (3/28), 10am - Singing and dancing class for 6 months to 4 years. $12 per child per class. Held at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Wnc nAture center 75 Gashes Creek Road, 2985600, • WEDNESDAYS through (3/11), 10am-noon - “Critter Time For Tikes & Tots,” learning about animals for ages 3-5. $12. Meets every other week.

outDoors Blue riDge Bicycle cluB • TH (2/19), 6-9pm - Bicycling symposium. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock sWAnnAnoA VAlley museum hiKes 669-9566, • TH (2/12), 7pm - Interest meeting for the museum’s hiking and local history programs. Free. Held at REI Asheville, 31 Schenck Parkway ymcA of Wnc 210-2265, • SA (2/14), 8:45am Pearson Falls hike. $5

entrance fee; $3 optional carpool. Meets at YMCA Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.

Attorney at Law

your lawyer’s bill shouldn’t be.

My $125/hour rate is ALMOST HALF other attorney’s rates in Asheville.

PuBlic lectures ethicAl humAnist society of AsheVille 687-7759, • SU (2/15), 2pm - “Growing up African American in Segregated Asheville.” Free. Held at Asheville Friends Meetinghouse, 227 Edgewood Road




I have 21 years’ experience. I handle all my cases personally, rather than handing the work to a paralegal. Skype appointments days, nights and weekends; so no need to travel to an office.

PuBlic lectures At BreVArD college 884-8251, • WE (2/11), 3:30-5pm - Great Decisions Lecture Series: “Brazil’s Metamorphosis.” Held in McLarty-Goodson Bldg. $10. • WE (2/18), 3:30-5pm - Great Decisions Lecture Series: “Privacy in the Digital Age.” Held in McLarty-Goodson Bldg. $10. PuBlic lectures At uncA Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (2/12), 7:30pm - “Weaving as Worship: Reconstructing Ritual at the Etruscan Site of Poggio Colla.” Ramsey Library. • FR (2/13), 9:30am - “Policing and Minority Cultures,” lecture and discussion with Buncombe County Sheriff Van Duncan and Asheville Deputy Police Chief Wade Wood. In the Reuter Center. • FR (2/13), 11:25am - “Human Rights & Global Justice.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • FR (2/13), 11:25am - “The Contagion of Freedom: AntiSlavery, Women’s Rights and Economic Justice.” Lipinsky Auditorium. • SU (2/15), 3pm - “Inside the Music,” choral discussion and performance. • MO (2/16), 11:25am “African Cultural Spheres.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (2/16), 6pm - “Projecting the Urban: Humanists and Designers in Collaboration.” Laurel Forum. • TU (2/17), 7:30pm - World Affairs Council: “Privacy in the Digital Age.” Reuter Center. $10/free WAC members and UNCA students. • TU (2/17), 4:30pm - STEM Lecture: New Developments in Digital Dentistry. Reuter Center. • TH (2/19), 7pm - “Genealogy, Genetics and African-American History,” with Henry Louis Gates Jr. Lipinsky Auditorium.

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


communitY caLEndaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Send your event listings to

seniors AArP smArt DriVer clAsses 253-4863, • TH (2/12), 8:45am - Registration required: 708-7404. $20/$15 AARP members. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road olli At uncA 251-6140,, • FR (2/13), 11:30am - “Neurology of Aging” lecture. Reuter Center.


a FaBuLous EvEning: Brother Wolf Animal Rescue offers a second fun event for Valentine’s Day. The organization’s Drag Queen Bingo, held on Friday, Feb. 13, offers prizes, raffle items and entertainment hosted by drag queens from all over the Southeast. Photo courtesy of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue.


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

ABout the trAnscenDentAl meDitAtion techniQue: free introDuctory lecture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American

Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828254-4350 or meditationAsheville. org AsheVille comPAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. AsheVille insight meDitAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www.

Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAKening DeePest nAture meDitAtion clAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241,, www.billwalz. com crystAl Visions BooKs AnD eVent center New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers:

oPen heArt meDitAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 the Blue mAnDAlA (pd.) February 18th, 6-8pm- New Moon Drumming Circle, donation; March 13th,14th, & 15th The Liberty Series Preregistration required $495, $175 non refundable deposit; Ongoing Events: Tues-Sat by appointment- Intuitive Reading, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars; Free Lending Library, online Store The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755 ADult forum At fcc 692-8630, • SU (2/15), 9:15am - “An Introduction to the Body Code,” natural healing. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville

emBrAcing simPlicity hermitAge 338-2665, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 11amnoon - Buddhist discussion and meditation. Free. Held at Dhamma and Meditation Center, 38 Joel Wright Dr. South Park Plaza, Hendersonville PuB theology At the oPen tABle • MONDAYS, 6pm - Open discussion of progressive theological issues related to biblical and other spiritual texts. Free to attend. Held at Scully’s, 13 W Walnut St. unitAriAn uniVersAlist congregAtion of AsheVille 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free. urBAn DhArmA 29 Page Ave., 225-6422, • THURSDAYS through (3/26), “Introduction to Buddhism” class. $15 per class. Registration required.

sPoKen & Written WorD AsheVille storytelling circle 274-1123, • 3rd MONDAYS, 7-9pm - Meets at Asheville Terrace, 200 Tunnel Road. Free. BuncomBe county PuBlic liBrAries depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (2/12), 1pm - Fairview Afternoon Book Club: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabriel Zevin. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Rd., Fairview • FR (2/13), 3:30pm - Young Novel Readers Club: The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • SA (2/14), 10am - Book club: A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories by Flannery O’Connor. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TU (2/17), 7pm - Mystery Book Club: Naked Came the Leaf Peepers by Brian Lee Knopp and Linda Marie Barrett. Held at Black

Conference of the Southern Dowsers Across the QUANTUM EDGE DOWSING: March 19-22, 2015 JOIN US


Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • TU (2/17), 7pm - Evening Book Club: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • TH (2/19), 2:30pm - Book club: Local Souls by Allan Gurganus. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road greAt smoKies Writing ProgrAm 250-2353, • SU (2/15), 3pm - “Writers at Home,” readings by local authors. Free. Held at Malaprop’s Bookstore and Cafe, 55 Haywood St. literAry eVents At Wcu • WE (2/11), 6pm - Romantic languages poetry reading. Free. In the Hines University Center. mAlAProP’s BooKstore AnD cAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Salon series: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (2/19), 7pm - Darlene O’Dell discusses her book The Story of the

Philadelphia Eleven. • WE (2/11), 10:30am-noon - Reading Group Choices, discussion & author speed dating. Registration requested. • WE (2/11), 3:30pm - Nick Bruel discusses his book Bad Kitty: Puppy’s Big Day.. • WE (2/11), 7:30pm - Azar Nafisi discusses her book The Republic of Imagination: America in Three Books.. • TU (2/17), 7pm - Comix Club: Ghost World by Daniel Clowes. mountAins BrAnch liBrAry 150 Bill’s Creek Road, Luke Laure, 287-6392, • WE (2/11), 11:30am - Author Jeremy B. Jones discusses his book Bearwallow: A Personal History of Mountain Homeland. Includes lunch. $25. synergy story slAm, • WE (2/18), 7:30pm - Open mic story telling night on the theme, “Bad Love.” Free. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road thomAs Wolfe short story BooK cluB 253-8304, • TH (2/12), 5:30-7pm - “The House of the Far and Lost.” Discussion led by Laura Hope-Gill. Free. Held

at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St WeDnesDAy Writer’s night 252-1500 • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Open meeting for songwriters, poets, and word lovers hosted by songwriter Jenna Lindbo. Free to attend. Held at Laurey’s, 67 Biltmore Ave

Volunteering literAcy council of BuncomBe county Volunteers neeDeD (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us ( riVerlinK 252-8474, • WE (2/11), 10am - Volunteer information session. Free. Held at 170 Lyman St. • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm - Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Drive.


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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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Good ol’ boy A miles-long traffic jam on Interstate 20 near Tuscaloosa, Ala., on Jan. 25 and on into the next morning was caused by an 18-wheeler that jackknifed and overturned when the 57-year-old driver took his hands off the wheel to pull out a tooth with his fingers. Efforts to haul the truck from the roadside required an hours-long detour of traffic off of the interstate. (The driver’s mission was successful; he had the tooth in his pocket when rescued.) Unclear on the concept • Luis Moreno Jr., 26, was pursued by police in Fort Lee, N.J., after he entered the carpool lane approaching the George Washington Bridge in January because he appeared to be alone in his SUV. After ignoring several signals to pull over, he finally stopped and, when informed of his offense, told the officer, “I have two passengers in the back,” and rolled down a window to show them (in the vehicle’s third row), apparently satisfying the officer. However, as Moreno pulled away, one passenger began screaming and banging on the back door. Moreno sped off with his hostages but was subsequently stopped again and charged with kidnapping and criminal restraint (but no HOV violation!). • Mike Montemayor, until recently a county commissioner in Laredo, Texas, pleaded guilty to bribery charges in June and had argued in January 2015 that he should get a light sentence because, after all, he had subsequently helped FBI agents in a sting against three other officials accused of bribery. However, the prosecutor immediately countered that Montemayor had in fact tried to steal the recording

READ DAILY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.





devices and Apple computer the FBI had furnished him to do the undercover work. (He got six years in prison and a $109,000 fine.) Compelling explanations • Briton Roberto Collins, 51, was sentenced to 13 months in jail by Manchester Crown Court in January after being caught standing on a ladies’ room toilet and peering into the next stall. He told police he stood up only to better scratch an itch and was in the ladies’ room only because, wearing faulty glasses, he thought it was the men’s room. • Explanation for child-porn possession never before heard: Poet Les Merton, 70, denied in January that he had ever abused children, but had a more difficult time explaining why a child-porn website had his credit card information. Merton holds the appointed title of Cornish bard in Cornwall, England and is the author of the Official Encyclopedia of the Cornish Pasty — and explained in Truro Crown Court that he must have mindlessly entered his credit card information while researching the 19th-century Russian figure Rasputin. What researchers do “Entomologists are not like other people,” reported in January, revealing that two of them had “proudly” issued “birth” announcements for the “Human bot fly” whose larvae one had let gestate beneath his skin for two months. Scientist Piotr Naskrecki and photographer Gil Wizen had been inadvertently bitten while on assignment in Belize and decided the egg-laying “attack” on a human was an important opportunity for research. After all, Naskrecki said, he had never seen an adult bot fly “crawl out” of its host. New world order • Last year in Middle East school markets, the worldwide publishing giant HarperCollins was selling a popular atlas whose maps pretended there was no such country as Israel. The space that is Israel was merged into Jordan, Syria and Gaza. The company said it was

by Chuck Shepherd

merely honoring “local preferences” of potential atlas purchasers, whom HarperCollins presumed were Arabs wishing that Israel did not exist. (In January 2015, the company finally changed course, publicly “regretted” its decision and recalled all existing stock.) • Montanan John Abarr told the Great Falls Tribune in November that his Rocky Mountain Knights of the Ku Klux Klan opposes the “new world order” pushing a “one government” system on the planet — but also stands against discrimination based on race, religion or sexual orientation. “White supremacy is the old Klan,” he said. “This is the new Klan” (except that, he said, robes and hoods will still be required, along with “secret rituals”). • The new normal: In January, Mittens the kitten and Charcoal the Chihuahua mix made news as hermaphrodites whose veterinarians had recommended which gender the since-adopted strays should retain. Mittens, of the town of Heart’s Desire, Newfoundland, was scheduled for “gender assignment” surgery to become solely male, and Charcoal, of Boise, Idaho, is recovering from mid-January surgery to leave her exclusively female. News reports did not disclose why “male” was chosen for Mittens, but the doctor said correcting Charcoal’s pre-surgery problem, urination, would be less stressful as a female. Fine points of the law The Supreme Court of Canada turned down Joel Ifergan’s appeal in January, leaving his winningnumber lottery ticket from 2008 worthless. He had bought two tickets seconds before the 9 p.m. deadline on May 23 of that year, and the tickets had started to print on the store’s machine, but only the first one carried that day’s date. By the time the second one — with winning numbers for the $27 million jackpot — had gone through the lottery’s central computer system and back to the store’s printer, the program had already kicked over to the following day and to the next week’s drawing. Undignified deaths • Police in Seville, Spain, reported in November that a 23-yearold medical student visiting from

Poland accidentally fell to her death at the famous Puente de Triana bridge when she maneuvered herself into position on a ledge to take a “selfie.” It was the third “selfie” death on the Iberian peninsula in five months; in August a tourist couple (both also from Poland) fell to their deaths while posing for their photo at Cabo de Roca, Portugal. • In January, a tourist visiting the Spanish island of Ibiza with her boyfriend jumped up joyously as he proposed marriage to her, lost her balance and fell 65 feet off a cliff to her death. Recurring themes Ultra-expensive trysts: The ones reported previously in News of the Weird involved celebrities ultimately nailed for high-ticket child support payments based on a single encounter (e.g., tennis star Boris Becker, who admitted conceiving a child in a restaurant closet rendezvous). British tourist Peter Cousins, 55, is now dealing with a medical bill of $250,000 after deciding that the middle of a Nevada desert was a good place to have sex — which provoked a heart attack, leading to emergency rescue and a five-day hospital stay (and, eventually, breakup with his then-girlfriend). A News of the Weird classic (July 2011) Urban legend come to life: Toogood-to-be-true stories have circulated for years about men who accidentally fell, posterior first, onto compressed-air nozzles and “self-inflated,” to resemble “dough boys,” usually with fatal results. However, in May (2011) in Opotiki, New Zealand, trucker Steven McCormack found himself in similar circumstances, and had it not been for quick-thinking colleagues who pulled him away, he would have been killed — not as a “dough boy” but as the air, puncturing his anal cavity, began separating his body’s tissue from muscle. McCormack was hospitalized in severe pain, but the air gradually seeped from his body (according to a doctor, in the way air “usually” seeps from a body). X




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Root causEs: Medical intuitives see where diseases come from and help people heal, says Rachel Frezza. Photos by Tim Robison


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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

BY nicKi gLassER

One day in massage school teresa Eidt “saw” the inside of her client’s abdomen. “I was in awe. I was shown a cancerous ulcer on the internal wall of her abdomen,” she says. “My career changed at that moment.” Eidt went on to become a medical intuitive — a healer who can see a client’s energy. tammy coffee also had a similar epiphany. “I discovered I had a talent for healing after a [near-fatal] car accident when I was 27,” she says. The car she was driving spun off the road and rolled down an embankment and landed on her hand. Coffee’s hand

and arm were so badly mangled and bloody that even one of the emergency responders turned white in the face. What promised to become a long ordeal of surgery and rehabilitation instead turned otherworldly. “I had a mystical experience that night, and the next morning the bones in my hand were completely healed,” says Coffee. “My friends and family were about as freaked out as I was. … It was very, very difficult. Sometimes I doubted my sanity,” says Coffee. And yet over time, people who could help her understand her new abilities for healing started showing up in her life. Other people were drawn to her for help with illnesses.

“I was just kind of drawn into it, like a river rapidly flowing. It was very confusing at times and sometimes difficult, but I’m a very curious person. I like to figure things out,” Coffee explains. Kimberly crowe also had a bumpy road to becoming a medical intuitive and healer. “I had this normal, middle-class life. At the time, I was working in a microbiology lab,” she says. She was also tending to her 2-year-old daughter and the golden retrievers she and her husband were breeding. Then one night her husband didn’t come home. “When that happened, I had a breakdown,” she says. As she struggled with his abandonment, she had an overwhelming call to become a massage therapist. “I didn’t even know what they did! But it was all I could think about,” says Crowe. Once in massage school, she found, like Eidt, that when she placed her hands on people, she could see things in their bodies. All four medical intuitives Xpress spoke with have training in anatomy and physiology, which helps them understand what they see. But they also see beyond the physical into what they call the energy and emotion body. “The cool thing about medical intuition is it can help people get to root causes. Doctors don’t really know where the diseases come from or why,” says Asheville medical intuitive Rachel Frezza. “Say someone has liver issues,” Frezza says. “They are having a hard time processing toxins out of their liver, [but] they don’t have hepatitis or another condition that usually causes this. I may see they are holding onto toxic emotions, like unexpressed anger from childhood.” Frezza was offering a multidisciplined approach to healing when she realized she might be doing medical intuition. Her clients were “coming in using that word — [medical intuition]” about what she was finding and sharing with them, she says. “Oprah had a medical intuitive. So I looked into it,” Frezza says. Although she felt sure she was already doing medical intuition, Frezza decided to get certified through the

wELLnEss caLEndaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

THIS SATURDAY • 2:30-5:30PM • OPEN house (pd.) February 14, 2015. Daoist Traditions College Acupuncture Clinic. Free to the public. • Free mini treatments, health tips, raffle, and more. Treatment specials available for purchase. Details: AsheVille Art museum

LooKing inwaRd: Tammy Coffee started seeing inside clients’ bodies after a near-fatal car accident.

International Association of Medical Intuitives. As a part of the requirements, she was assigned 10 patients whose health conditions were already known. Frezza was given no information about them or their conditions. Only by accurately reporting the conditions did she pass the course. “Taking this course, you have to prove you know what’s going on inside someone’s body,” she explains. “I did the training for verification, a little pat on the back.” “I see the physical body like an X-ray machine, like I have a camera and I am going inside the body,” says Coffee. “I see the different levels. I go through from head to toe. I go through all the systems — the hormonal, blood, organs, digestive system — and I will look through, for example, the entire small and large intestine.” In the process she may see fatty deposits or a polyp. “That’s the first part. Then I also see the causes, so if there is a mental, emotional, trauma, ancestral, genetic component — I will see that. Almost always there is a mixture of things that is the root cause creating illness in the body or discomfort,” Coffee says. Local medical intuitives emphasize that they don’t diagnose; it is illegal for them to do so. Instead, they help identify possible health concerns. Coffee refers to a medical doctor if the issue is potentially serious but only rarely does healing herself. Eidt, Crowe and Frezza, on the other hand, identify areas of concern, and if the client would like more help, they use a variety of healing approaches such as coach-

ing, herbs, reiki, polarity balancing, flower essences and chakra healing. Eidt, who is licensed as a spiritual coach, thinks of herself more as a coach than a healer. “I don’t think that I heal; I think that I help people heal themselves,” she says. She believes that many people have a hard time figuring out what is going on inside their bodies and what needs to be healed. “So it is helpful to talk with someone else. … I scan the body system by system; we talk about what I see, what the causes might be and what treatment might be helpful,” she says. Frezza also sees herself as a healing facilitator. “I don’t heal. I support [clients] in their healing process,” she says. “I can go as deep as the client wants to do; if they are more mainstream and want to know why they have an issue that’s fine,” she says. Or she can go deeper, she explains, into what she calls the emotional body, belief systems, even past lives. The Western medical paradigm often fails to provide a clear understanding of how to regain good health, says Frezza. “I think holistic medicine is more empowering for people, to take control of their energy system, their health.” moRE inFo Rachel Frezza, 712-4723 tammy R. coffee, 275- 8521, or Kimberly crowe, (270) 799-9354 or teresa Eidt, (601) 941-1488, or X

2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • TH (2/19), 10am - Yoga in the galleries. $12/$8 members. AsheVille community yogA center 8 Brookdale Road, • THURSDAYS until (2/26), 6-7:30pm - Yoga for trauma. $12. • SA (2/14), 3pm - “Love yourself, love all” Valentine’s yoga. $20. • SU (2/15), 1pm - Partner yoga and thai yoga bodywork workshop. $20. heAling from cAncer nAturAlly • 2nd FRIDAYS, 2-4pm - Information on diet and lifestyle changes for cancer patients. Free. Held at OM Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive olli At uncA 251-6140, • TH (2/19), 3pm - Advance Care Planning Workshop includes panel discussion and workshops around end-of-life issues. Free. In the Reuter Center. reD cross BlooD DriVes Appointment and ID required. • FR (2/13), 7am-3:30pm - Held at Charles George V.A. Medical Center, 1100 Tunnel Road • SU (2/15), 8:30am-1pm - Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St. tAoist tAi chi society • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm & THURSDAYS, 9:30am - Beginners Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way unlocKing PotentiAl PresentAtion • TU (2/17), 6:30pm - Author Tommy Spaulding discusses overcoming dyslexia. Presented by Carolina Day School. Free. Registration required. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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Many splendored things Valentine’s Day events in and around Asheville

BY aLLi maRshaLL

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To those who think the celebration of romantic love is just a Hallmark company construct: not quite. Since the 1700s, lovers have been giving each other handwritten cards, flowers and sweets. It wasn’t until the 19th century that Valentine’s Day cards were mass-produced. But 200 years of tradition doesn’t mean you have to give in to pressure.

In Slovenia, St. Valentine is associated with good health and beekeeping. In South Korea, it’s the women who buy chocolate for the men. In parts of Latin America, the day is commemorated with Amigo Secreto (“secret friend”) — a ritual much like secret Santa. And in Finland, Ystävänpäivä, or “Friends Day,” focuses on pals rather than romantic interests. However you celebrate (or choose to ignore) Valentine’s Day, here’s where you can pass the time. Events take place on Saturday, Feb. 14, unless otherwise noted.

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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thE LovE aBovE: The bold and beguiling Wrenn, from Athens, Ga., plays a free early show at French Broad Brewery. Photo courtesy of the musician



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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


Specialty ShopS • Looking for an early show? Athens, Ga.-based wrenn (“the personality of a firefly and a voice like holiday pudding,” according to her website) is currently on tour in support of her debut album, Hi. A string of regional shows brings her to the French Broad Brewery for a 6 p.m. set. Free.

LovE coLLEction: A showcase of local hip-hop artists seconds as a fundraiser for LEAF Schools and Streets, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and the Jewish Community Center. From left, Brian Bullman, Henter Bennett, DJ Ra Mak, Austin Haynes, Alpha Lee, Big Dave, Chachillie, Diggy and Bryan Colston perform as part of For the Love of Music at New Mountain. Photo by Tim Robison

• It’s “a Valentine’s ride for couples with several treats along the way and LaZoom’s special brand of heartwarming mayhem just for you and your love (or your mom or that awkward situation with your neighbor — we’re not picky),” says LaZoom about its Let Your Love Roll Ride. Augusta Wind and her sidekick (“whoever she hires off Craigslist this week”) host; the bus departs from Asheville Brewing Co. on Coxe Avenue. Friday, Feb. 13, at 6 and 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, Feb. 14, at 5 and 6:30 p.m. $42 per couple, no single seats available. • Due to rumors that the way to a man’s or woman’s heart is through his or her stomach, white horse Black mountain offers up its valendine

event. A farm-to-table four-course meal (vegan and gluten-free options are available) is accompanied by dinner theater from Les Femmes Mystique with poetry, music and dancing. 7 p.m., $50 per person for dinner and show/$20 show only. • New to town? Looking to make friends? asheville professional singles hosts a meetup for local singles ages 25-45. The event takes place at twin Leaf Brewery (which will be debuting its chocolate cherry stout), with Roots hummus and Vortex donuts to snack on. 7 p.m., free. meetup .com/Asheville-Professional-Singles • Early influences on jesse Earl junior included the heady mix of Polish polka and African-American gospel music — out of which he became a jazz singer. “His defining musical moment occurred the night he first heard the Miles Davis album Porgy and Bess,” says his bio. Junior performs an evening of jazz favorites with Michael Jefry Stevens (piano), Mike Holstein (bass) and Justin Watt (drums) at the classic wineseller in










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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

1062 Patton Ave., Asheville• (828) 232-6030 660 Merrimon Ave., Asheville • (828) 253-2883 80 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville • (828) 254-4980 1269 Tunnel Rd. Suite B, Asheville • (828) 299-8880

Waynesville. The event includes a four-course dinner. 7 p.m. $45 per person. 452-6000 for reservations. • Here’s a night out that benefits local theater. hearts for saRt, held at Asheville’s masonic temple, raises funds for Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. The event includes a performance by cabaret act Forte (Liz Aiello, Carol Duermit, Katherine Sandoval Taylor and Beverly Todd), a silent auction, hors d’oeuvres, desserts and a cash bar. 7 p.m., $25. • The best way to get through V-Day might just be to laugh at it. Funny Business at the millroom makes that easy with two comedy shows. Ryan dalton (a regular on “Bob and Tom’s Radio Show,” a writer for Comedy Central’s “Roast of Charlie Sheen” and grand prize winner of the 2011 World Series of Comedy in Las Vegas) headlines both shows; Sonya King is the special guest. 7 and 9:30 p.m., $15 advance/$17.50 at the door. • david Bromberg’s career reads a bit like a movie script — he discovered Chicago blues and bluegrass at the same time, was a musicology major at Columbia University during the Greenwich Village folk heyday of the 1960s, played the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970 and recorded with the likes of Bob Dylan, The Eagles and Willie Nelson. During the 1980s, Bromberg learned to build violins, and in 2002, he opened his own retail store and repair shop — and then found his way back to the studio. His most recent offering, Only Slightly Mad, is “a return to his genre-bending albums,” according to a press release. Make it a date: David Bromberg plays a solo show at the grey Eagle at 8 p.m. $18 advance/$20 day of show. • patsy cline may have been crazy for lovin’ you, but there’s nothing crazy about loving the classic hits of the country music superstar. Asheville’s own sweet dreamers (featuring vocalists CaroMia Tiller and Kate McNally) pay tribute to Cline at the altamont theatre. The seated show starts at 8 p.m. $15. • Pianist jeremy denk is the featured musician at asheville symphony orchestra’s Masterworks 5 concert. “On Valentine’s Day, we present a program inspired by the beauty of the Earth and how the special qualities of nature inspired composers to create works of unique beauty,” says the

symphony’s website. The program includes Zhou Tian’s “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers,” Bela Bartók’s Piano Concerto No. 3 and Antonin Dvorák’s Symphony No. 8. The concert takes place at the thomas wolfe auditorium at 8 p.m. $22-$62 adults/$11-$43 students. • waveforms, the electronic music series curated by local collective aligning minds, holds a special Valentine’s Day edition at the orange peel. The lineup includes Medisin, In Plain Sight and Shuhandz, with dance and performance art by Kristi Wrolstead and live visuals and projection mapping by TwentySevenFolds. 9 p.m., $8 advance/$10 day of show. • “The event is super fun and goofy and is a mix of Napoleon Dynamite and Grease,” says a Bywater representative of the venue’s third annual valentine’s day prom and dance-off. To participate, “bring your iPod or music player solo or with a group, and compete American Idol-style to win the entire $5 per person door charge. Winner takes the pot, so the more friends you invite, the bigger the prize.” There will also be second- and third-place prizes, and points are awarded for creativity, costume and choreography. 9 p.m. start time with dance-off at 10 p.m. • “Tight harmonies and sweet melodies” are being offered by local folk duo tina & her pony. The band — Tina Collins (tenor banjo, tenor ukulele, guitar, vocals) and Quetzal Jordan (cello, guitar, vocals) — plays an intimate show at the crow & Quill; Sweet Water Revolver shares the bill. 9 p.m., $10-15 suggested donation. • Never mind roses and chocolate —real love means giving to a worthy cause. For the Love of music, a local showcase, does just that, raising funds for LEAF Schools and Streets, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and the Jewish Community Center. The formidable lineup includes Free Radio, Fist Philo, Foul Mouth Jerk, Alpha Lee, Chachillie, Crazyhorse & Colston, Martin Snoddy and DJ Ra Mak. “The show will consist of Asheville’s top emcees all backed by local jam band, Uprock Citizens Brigade,” says a press release. The show starts at 10 p.m., at new mountain. $10 advance/$12 day of show.

mY jazzY vaLEntinE: Vocalist Jesse Earl Junior performs jazz favorites at a Valentine’s Day dinner and concert at the Classic Wineseller in Waynesville. Photo courtesy of the musician

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

va va voom: The Mothlight hosts an all-star showcase of local burlesque performers. Photo courtesy of Deb au Nare

Check out our sweet new spa rooms! • It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day in Asheville without a burlesque show, and the mothlight offers up “an all-star showcase of asheville’s hottest burlesque performers.” The evening includes acts from Caelum, Deb au Nare, Memphis Moonshine and Queen April. 10:30 p.m. $15. • Stretch the day of love into an entire weekend of love (and sweet treats) with the Food of Love, a fundraiser for FEAST, an organization that teaches students to grow and prepare healthy food. Support that cause at west End Bakery on Sunday, Feb. 15, 5-7 p.m., with desserts, drinks and music by the café string Quartet and a 50/50 split cash raffle. $5 suggested donation. • anam cara’s grand guignol Ensemble promises “something that Asheville has never seen before: an evening of classic horror theater scripts that will push the very limit of decency and morality all in the name of love ... or at least lust.” The showcase, A Night of Passionate Violence, is staged at toy Boat community art space, on Saturday, Feb. 14, and Sunday, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m. $12 advance/$15 at the door. X

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Photo courtesy of The Bywater


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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Specialty ShopS

Heart of the matter

Love is no abstraction when it comes to good food for Valentine’s Day

BY doRothY FoLtz-gRaY

To my mother, love and food were the same — so I plumped on fried chicken and grainy fudge parceled out on TV nights. Perhaps that’s why I’ve bonded well with Asheville: It often expresses its ardor on a plate — especially around Valentine’s Day. Originated by Romans, the day was a drunken feast: Partiers sacrificed a goat and dog, and then whipped their sweethearts with the skins, which the women embraced as a ritual helping them conceive. (Probably, but not because of the whipping.) No one’s offering that option in Asheville, but some are serving intoxicating feasts. dancing hEaRts Lex 18 on Lexington, for instance, is throwing a Latin-inspired Valentine’s Late-Night Rendezvous, complete with live flamenco music, says Lex 18 co-owner georgia malki. Seating begins at 11 p.m. While sweethearts enjoy the band, they can also sip Champagne and savor three-tiered platters of savories like after-dinner cheeses, hand-dipped fruits and chocolates created by executive chef daniel Kaufman. Or they can dance. (Visit lex18avl. com for more details.) White Horse Black Mountain, a music venue on Montreat Road, is offering ValenDine, an evening of feasting while dance troupe Les Femmes Mystique presents six “jazzy showgirl” solos, says Elisha Lee, the evening’s producer. diana mccall, a chef at Lake Eden Arts Festival, opens the feast with green salad and butternut squash soup. Foothills Deli and Butchery provides beef rib braised in Pisgah Valdez stout, while Greenlight Cafe fashions a vegan nutand-grain roastlike dish. The finale: French chocolate bistro cake. (More at hEaRts on a pLatE For Ashevilleans who feel food alone suffices as their aphrodisiac, try Rhubarb on Biltmore Avenue. Consider just the arugula salad with

Latin REndEzvous: Couples can do a late-night tango and nibble on afterdinner treats at Lex 18’s Valentine’s Rendezvous. Photo by Cindy Kunst

its satsuma oranges and batons of orange-scented panisse, a pan-fried southern French delicacy made with chickpea flour. “The satsuma orange bursts with flavor,” says chef john Fleer. For each of four courses there are three options. Do you crave grilled asparagus with a soft farm egg or breast of quail? Cocoa nib-dusted venison and pork? Or Looking Glass goat cheese gnudi, a creamy dumpling? This menu makes swooning easy to come by. (Details at Chef Elliott moss at The Thunderbird pop-up restaurant at MG Road on Wall Street offers his own play on hearty fare with lamb loin and lamb merguez sausage, seared fish, suckling pig porchetta and wood-roasted ribeye. Moss will offer two seatings for his Valentine’s Day dinner — 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. (Contact MG Road for reservations at Romantic conFEctions To woo with sweets, head to Karen Donatelli Cake Designs on Haywood Street. “We’ll have three spectacular desserts,” says owner and pastry chef Karen donatelli. One, in the shape of a perfume bottle, captures chocolate mousse between chocolate top and cookie bottom. The other two — assorted chocolates and chocolate petit fours — come dressed in special valentine packaging. Call the bakery to place

an order through Valentine’s Day. For sips and sweets, Appalachian Vintner on Biltmore Avenue will pair wines with Truffle Nature Chocolates made by local chocolatier marc huot at a free tasting 3-7 p.m. Valentine’s Day. “One of the best wines to pair with dark chocolate is Banyuls, a dessert wine from the LanguedocRoussillon region of France,” says geoff alexander, the wine store’s co-owner. (Find out more at And for lingering love, hit West End Bakery 5-7 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 15, for valentine desserts and drinks, plus music by Asheville-based Café String Quartet. “The quartet contacted me wanting to do a fundraiser,” says cathy cleary, founder and co-owner of West End Bakery. Twenty-five percent of sales from the event will go to FEAST, a nonprofit organization also founded by Cleary that educates students about healthy foods. Cleary promises chocolate heart cakes and truffles, and love potions will include raspberry chocolate kiss Champagne and Cupid’s arrow mimosas, plus family-friendly nonalcoholic but equally stirring options. (For details, visit Whatever you opt for, go hungry for fare and affection. As Fleer says, “A lot of the joy in food is in how it impacts us, and in what better way than love.” X

Biltmore Park Town Square 8 Town Square Blvd, Suite #150 Asheville, NC 28803 • 828-676-1678

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



Preserving food security Canning foods for donation

BY caRRiE Eidson

For many of us, when we think of preserved foods, we picture our grandparents carefully canning tomatoes from their garden or the menu at a trendy restaurant featuring sauerkraut or pickled quail eggs. But imagine what food preservation means to someone experiencing food insecurity or to a donation grower faced with excess produce rotting in the field, and the image becomes something quite different. As we move from the bountiful days of summer to the barren cold of winter, the demand on local food pantries and kitchens remains the same — only now gardeners and farmers who grow food for donation or give their excess produce have significantly less yield to offer. Though preserved produce can provide longterm storage and health benefits, there are many restrictions that limit how that food can be donated to pantries or open kitchens. And for good reason. Improper canning or fermenting can result in wasted food, food poisoning and even botulism — a paralytic and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin produce by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. Like most area food suppliers, MANNA FoodBank, which distributes food in 16 western North Carolina counties, will not accept any donations of home-canned goods. It’s not that the organization is ungrateful, says communications and marketing director Becky upham, but food safety is something that has to be taken very seriously. “We want to trust the good intention of everyone who donates,” Upham says. “But it’s the same idea as distributing an opened food container, and it’s a risk we wouldn’t take. We need people to be able to trust us as a safe food source.” Any


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

canned or fermented food donated to a food pantry must be produced in a U.S. Food and Drug Administrationcompliant food-production facility, notes Upham. It also has to be able to be tracked in the case of a recall. The restrictions may seem daunting, but that hasn’t stopped area growers from finding ways to preserve food for donation. Members of the Haywood County Gleaners, a volunteer group that gathers leftover produce and crops from area farmers, have been collecting fresh produce for the past three years, donating to facilities including the Open Door in Waynesville. But the gleaners knew that all the produce couldn’t be used right away, meaning some would be wasted, so they began looking at food preservation. “The one thing that initially hindered our push was finding out how we could meet all the requirements,” says gleaner mary sue Kindred. “We knew we could offer classes and allow people to can for themselves, but the hard part for a person on a limited income is purchasing the jars and all

gathER togEthER: The Haywood County Gleaners gather excess produce from local growers to donate to food security efforts. But the group realized much of their effort was going to waste and looked for ways to preserve more of the bounty. Photo courtesy of the gleaners

the equipment you need to do it properly. So we knew we wanted to find a way that we could get involved in directly providing that food to the pantry in a way that could be stored.” The gleaners reached out to the Haywood County Extension Office and took classes on dehydrating, freezing, canning and making jellies with an extension agent. They partnered with the commercial kitchen at Open Door to freeze squash, potatoes, apples and other produce in the facilities freezers, in addition to canning 300 quarts of tomatoes last fall.

Grant funds and donations were used to cover the additional costs of jars and equipment. But is fermentation and canning being used by growers in the Asheville area to combat food insecurity on a larger scale? “To my knowledge, there’s nobody that’s doing anything like that right now, but it’s definitely something that’s been on our radar for a while,” notes chris Reedy, executive director of Blue Ridge Food Ventures. “The dots are there, though. It’s laid out.” Though the space at BRFV is currently only being used by for-profit ventures, Reedy says there have been nebulous discussions with gleaners and other organizations about someday using the FDA-compliant facility to preserve food for donation. “We are able to provide the knowhow, and we have the equipment,” Reedy says. “Unfortunately, we don’t have the time or the manpower, so essentially we need volunteers to do the work. But we can be a resource, and we want to be.”

LinE up thE BottLEs: Locally owned Jenny’s Gourmet Foods is one of many

for-profit ventures that use the bottling facilities at Blue Ridge Food Ventures. The company’s Aunt Dottie’s Salad Dressings are sold at more than 100 Whole Foods markets. Photo by Carrie Eidson

Reedy notes that the facility’s equipment allows for a higher quantity of production — for example 100 jars of salsa can be produced in one batch in the facility’s tilt skillet. BRFV equipment can also provide a reduced processing time and more accurate PH readings for better food safety. The facility also works with a food scientist from N.C. State University to ensure the processes used in producing acidified foods are safe. “The consequences from a mistake with acidified productions are dramatic,” Reedy notes. Unfortunately, having a facility like BRFV is only half the battle. Nonprofit ventures looking to donate preserved foods have many factors to consider, Reedy continues. The preservation would likely need to be done in such a way as to not incur too much cost, which in many cases precludes using freezers. The cost of jars can also be prohibitive, and the facility receiving the food donations would need to have the required insurance. Such costs could likely be covered through grant funds, Reedy says — though grant writing and the management of those funds does require manpower. But Reedy adds that Blue Ridge Food Ventures would like to become a resource for groups that are able to provide their own people and their own funding, and who are willing to take advantage of the facility during off-hours. “The real focus of BRFV is local production and economic development,

but I think [food security] is just as important,” Reedy says. “We want to engage in this kind of thing — we have all this capacity, and we want to fill it with this kind of activity. I’m more than willing to talk to whoever is out there to make this happen.” For small-scale food security efforts, church groups and donation growers may also consider hosting classes to teach individuals how to practice home canning and provide produce to get them started. Reedy notes that these activities would not require a commercial kitchen, though it is important to follow established procedures and recipes. He recommends the Ball Book as a great resource, as well as the websites of the University of Nebraska, the University of Oklahoma and N.C. State. “Going off recipe” can potentially lead to clostridium botulinum contamination, he cautions. Kindred says the Haywood Gleaners are continuing to explore ways to expand their program. The group will continue its efforts at Open Door, as well as partner with Grace Church in the Mountains and Haywood Pathways, the facility built by “Extreme Makeover” host Ty Pennington and his crew, which contains a commercial kitchen and a homeless shelter. Kindred notes that at all three facilities, the gleaners will encourage clients to participate in the canning process and learn how to continue the activity on their own. “It’s important to get everyone involved,” Kindred notes. “It’s not a handout; it’s a hand up.”X

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015













shoRt stREEt in thE LongtERm: Short Street Cakes owner Jodi Rhoden is expanding her Haywood Road shop, which she says is “bursting at the seams,” into the neighboring building to create a café and space for workshops and events. At the same time, Rhoden has announced the business is for sale. Photo by Cindy Kunst

by Gina Smith to my community and my family, have the latitude and freedom to pursue a diversity of small creative projects, and take my son to new and exciting places.” “At the same time, I love the business, and I want it to grow and flourish,” she continues. “I know that it is time for new leadership. I’m so excited to see what the next chapter is for Short Street Cakes.” Short Street Cakes will celebrate its sixth anniversary with a Mardi Gras dance party and raffle to benefit enrichment programs at Hall Fletcher Elementary School at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 17. Short Street Cakes is at 225 Haywood Road. Details are at shortstreetcakes. com. To learn more about the sale of the business, contact Rhoden at

sale on draft as well as in 32-ounce growlers and 22-ounce bottles. Black Mountain Ciderworks, 104 Eastside Drive, Unit 307, Black Mountain. FaRm dREams woRKshop The Organic Growers School is offering an exploratory five-hour workshop designed for people who have dreams of owning their own farm. The session will give an overview of local agriculture and offer common-sense information about whether sustainable farming is a good fit along with advice on moving forward. The cost is $55. Farm Dreams Workshop, 10 a.m.4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, Buncombe County Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. Register at farm-dreams-registration.X

giRLs pint out

A new era for Short Street Cakes When jodi Rhoden first began making and selling wedding cakes out of the kitchen of her home on Short Street, her goal was to generate income in a creative, sustainable way while staying home with her newborn son, jasper. Nine years later, Short Street Cakes, now a landmark Asheville bakery, is marking the sixth anniversary of its Haywood Road storefront not only with a major expansion, but also with news that the business is for sale. Last week, Rhoden announced in a press release and on her blog that the cake shop has leased the neighboring

building (the former home of Wood & Spoon) to create a café, event and classroom space, storage facility and office. She also publicized her intentions to sell the business in order to pursue other interests. Judging from the extent of her other interests, Rhoden is not looking for much down time. She recently told Xpress that her plans include continuing her work as a business developer, coaching entrepreneurs at Mountain BizWorks and Birds Eye Business Planning & Consulting, and as a baking teacher at A-B Tech, while hosting writing and baking workshops around the U.S. She also has her sights set on writing, including a second book, to be titled My Life in Cake (her cookbook, Cake Ladies, came out three years ago), a memoir with recipes that will recount her experiences with Short Street Cakes. And she wants to continue her community activism — specifically with the local food-security movement as well as with a racial equity initiative at her son’s school, Hall Fletcher Elementary. Primarily, though, Rhoden says, “I intend to spend more time at home, growing my garden and deepening my relationships. I still want to be based out of my home, connected

70 N. LexiNgtoN aveNue 828.225.8880 38

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

A new chapter of the Indianapolisbased nonprofit group Girls Pint Out recently — and unsurprisingly — sprouted in Asheville. A press release from the organization says its mission is “to build a community of women who love craft beer and who are an active, contributing part of the greater craft beer community. Through social media, blog posts and local events hosted by chapters, Girls Pint Out offers a forum for discussion, education and fun.” The group, which has more than 60 chapters in more than 30 states, focuses on hosting beercentric events — educational, charitable or even strictly social — for women only, although men are sometimes invited. For details or to host or sponsor an event, contact Mia Pedersen at mia. Details are also available at, and by following @AshevilleGPO on Twitter. BLacK mountain cidERwoRKs zEphYRus RELEasE paRtY Black Mountain Ciderworks will celebrate Valentine’s Day with the release of its spring Zephyrus cider. Zephyrus is an unfiltered, unpasteurized, small-batch hard cider made with local apples, candied orange peel and fresh ginger. The event is free and is family- and dogfriendly. Complimentary Zephyrusbased food and desserts will be served, and Zephyrus will be for

Tea Time PurPle “WilD heArt” teA AnD ceremony 3-6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14: Celebrate Valentine’s Day with music, meditation and medicine, paired with rare and wild purple teas from Yunnan, China. Panther Moon’s Tea Monk-y will be ritually pouring several different purple teas known for their spiritual Cha Qi and heart-opening properties. Charles Wu and Jenny of Shining Rock Sanctuary will guide a ceremonial journey into sacred heart space. Shining Rock Sanctuary, 221 Lakewood Drive. Suggested donation $2530. Preregistration is required. Call 398-9777 or email teA frienDshiP cArAVAn Noon Saturday, Feb. 21: Meet and chat with other tea enthusiasts while tasting a variety of Chinese and Taiwanese teas from Panther Moon Tea Co. The magical and mystical Yunnan teas will be featured. Raven & Crone, 555 Merrimon Ave., Suite 100. $5-10 suggested donation. No registration required. Call Sumitra for more details 450-9853. the Puerh exPerience: session ii 1:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22: A continued exploration of the multidimensionality of Yunnan’s famous alchemical Puerh tea. Taste and discuss several teas that embody the intersection of philosophical and physical aspects of life. Wild, ancient tree teas will be featured. Light snacks will be provided. Panther Moon Tea Bar in the West Village Market, 771 Haywood Road. $20-25 suggested donation. Preregistration is required as space is limited. Call Sumitra for details at 450-9853.

Compiled by Jacqui Castle. Send your tea news to

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015





Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

HiveMind Brew House The Brewery District. Suds Slope. Whatever you want to call it, there’s no denying the momentum building south of downtown for beer businesses. HiveMind, Asheville’s newest confirmed brewery-in-planning, announced it is moving into 101 S. Lexington Ave. with the goal of opening by this summer. Sales and marketing lead andy Roberts says the CEO will be josh Bailey of Asheville Brewery Tours, and that the two companies will work together. “We will have more details soon, but for now, all we’re sharing is that we will be a taproom focusing on local Asheville beers and a modest lineup of our own brews. A brew-inspired food menu and multiple platforms for brew education round out our ‘all things beer’ vision.” Roberts says the rest of the management team includes gary sernack, head brewer, and josh dillard, executive chef. Sernack has worked for the Admiral and Zambra, and Dillard for Asheville Pizza and Brewing as well as Zambra. Check for more information on the brewery as it breaks. twin LEaF cELEBRatEs onE YEaR Around the corner, Twin Leaf has a variety of events and new releases building up to its first anniversary. For Valentine’s Day, Twin Leaf will have not one, not two, but three events. The first is a spin on its recurring Mutt Mingles at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb 12. In addition to the usual mingle — which features adoptable dogs in need of a forever home and 10 percent of beer proceeds going to Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue — there will be a “kissing booth” with a supercute pup and other Valentine’s treats. Twin Leaf will kick things off at 10:15 a.m. with a Valentine’s Day edition of its Beer Yoga series with andrea Rich ($12 in advance or $15 at the door for an hour of yoga and a beer). At 7 p.m., the brewery will play host to an Anti-Valentine’s Day Singles Mixer. Co-owner steph


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

A new brewery comes to South Slope and other small sips of local beer news

This also greatly expands the unique beers available to-go, since Oskar Blues will fill just about any of their beers in a Crowler — a 32-ounce sealable can version of the growler. nEw BEERs FRom ashEviLLE BREwing

gREat minds: From left, Josh Dillard, Gary Sernack, Andy Roberts and Josh Bailey are conspiring to launch HiveMind Brew House at 101 S. Lexington Ave. Photo by Cindy Kunst

Estela says to expect a special chocolate cherry stout on tap and Vortex doughnuts as well. On Tuesday, Feb 24, at 6 p.m., Twin Leaf will host the Root Down food truck for a unique take on a beer dinner. Four courses of Creole southern street food will be paired with Twin Leaf beers (for a reservation, call 774-5000). Finally, co-owner and brewer tim weber brewed an imperial Mexican chocolate stout dubbed MDXXI to celebrate the big anniversary, which rolls around on March 8. “Our Mexican Chocolate Stout is easily our most sought-after beer to date, so we’re amping up that recipe to the imperial level to celebrate this amazing first year,” says Estela. What’s more, Twin Leaf will bottle a very limited quantity and release it starting at noon. catawBa hiRing Sticking with the South Slope theme, Catawba Brewing is starting the hiring process for its new brewery and tasting room at 32 Banks Ave. Asheville operations manager shelton steele says the company is now taking resumes for shift man-

ager, beer-tender and barback for both the Banks and Biltmore locations. “Catawba’s proud to offer new jobs to the Asheville community, and we’re excited to see our close-knit Catawba family get a lot bigger.” To apply, send a resume and cover letter to osKaR BLuEs Expands options at tasting Room For the past couple of years, Oskar Blues has done its best to share smallbatch beers on tap and on cask at its tasting room. However, with just eight taps and a handful of beers that have to be flowing (just imagine going to OB and finding Dale’s Pale Ale without a handle), tap lines were limited for the specialties. Happily, that’s no longer the case as the brewery has expanded to 16 tap lines. Oskar Blues says to expect a combination of beers brewed in Brevard and beers brewed on the Lyons, Colo., pilot system. This means selections will include collaborations with breweries not available in North Carolina, like the upcoming OB collaboration beers with Perrin Brewing Co. and Blank Slate Brewing Co.

Asheville Brewing owner mike Rangel says it’s almost too late, but there are a few bottles still left of Carolina Mountain Monster. The Russian imperial stout is the brewery’s biggest beer ever at 12.5 percent. It’s also the only local beer that is not only sealed with wax, but also features a different set of googly eyes on each bottle. (If that doesn’t beg to be added to your cellar, I don’t know what does.) And what would Valentine’s Day be without its very own ninja? Just like the recent holiday-inspired Ninjabread Man, Love Ninja is a riff on the brewery’s flagship — and World Beer Cup gold medal winning — Ninja Porter. However, this one doesn’t pack any spices. It’s flavored with raspberry instead. X




WeDnesDAy AsheVille BreWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location cAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills french BroAD: $8.50 growler fills highlAnD: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm lexington AVe (lAB): $3 pints all day one WorlD: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower (trip-hop, downtempo)


osKAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oyster house: $2 off growler fills

sAturDAy french BroAD: Live music: Wrenn (pop), 6pm

WeDge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

looKout: New brew: Nude Brude (white chocolate stout); Live music: Violinist, 5pm


osKAr Blues: Live music: Dust n’ the Wynn (singer-songwriter), 6pm; Food: CHUBWagon

AsheVille BreWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location french BroAD: Live music: Andrew Duhon Trio, 6pm one WorlD: Live music: Sweet Treats (Appalachian Americana duo), 8pm oPen: New brew: Brewer’s Choice Porter

oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys tWin leAf: Valentine’s Day Beer Yoga ($15/$12 in advance, includes class & beer), 10:15am; AntiValentine’s Day Singles Mixer & New brew: Chocolate Cherry Stout, 7pm; Food: Vortex Doughnuts WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

osKAr Blues: Live music: Robert Cline, Jr. (Americana), 6pm thirsty monK Biltmore PArK: New brew: Belgian CocoNorm tWin leAf: Cupid’s Mutt Mingle: Adoptable dogs from Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue (10% of proceeds go to CAAR), 5pm WeDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

friDAy AsheVille BreWing: New brew: Evil Ninja (collab w/ Evil Czech Brewery) french BroAD: Live music: May Erwin, 6pm osKAr Blues: Live music: West End String Band, 6pm; Food: CHUBWagon WeDge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

sunDAy AsheVille BreWing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location BuriAl Beer co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out); Mardi Gras Celebration: Pre- & post-parade party, 12-8pm; Food: Classic Cajun dishes & king cake; Live music: Pauly Juhl & Friends (funk), 12:30-3:30pm; George Mandelkorn Project (jazz, soul), 4-7pm lexington AVe (lAB): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day osKAr Blues: Food: CHUBWagon, 2-6pm oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

InnovatIve, SeaSonally InSpIred, new amerIcan cuISIne Chef Duane fernanDes brings his Culinary finesse to the heart of Downtown asheville. weekly speCials. open Daily.

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$12/ dozen Mon-Fri 3-6pm! (828) 575-9370 625 Haywood Rd • West Asheville Mon-Thur 3-11 • Fri 3-12 • Sat 12-12 • Sun 12-11 FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015





From Munky Doux to the Gypsy Krewe The evolution of the Asheville Mardi Gras Parade

BY Edwin aRnaudin

If the weather cooperates on Sunday, Feb. 15, Asheville Mardi Gras executive committee Chair hobbit hawes estimates there could be more than 5,000 people lining Wall Street, Battery Park Avenue, Haywood Street and Page Avenue for the volunteer organization’s annual parade. Drawing such a crowd to the family-friendly atmosphere are various krewes. Dressed in elaborate costumes, these groups spread cheer in the streets and from atop floats. Past floats included a 10-by-10-foot pyramid circled by three giant spaceships, and a massive wedding cake upon which Hawes and his thenfiancée tamra were married. Expats aRisin’ Back in 2001, such a level of popularity and public acceptance seemed unlikely. Upon moving to Asheville from New Orleans that year, Lesley groetsch remembers going out to Jack of the Wood and Tressa’s Jazz

what Asheville Mardi Gras Parade whERE Wall and Haywood streets, Battery Park and Page avenues whEn Sunday, Feb. 15, at 3 p.m., followed by the Queen’s Ball at Pack’s Tavern with music from Empire Strikes Brass. Free


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

KREwEsing: From a humble (though colorful) start in 2001 as a pub crawl among friends, the Asheville Mardi Gras Parade has grown to a highly anticipated event attracting thousands of revelers. Photo by Carrie Eidson

& Blues to celebrate Mardi Gras with her husband, Jack. They were met by puzzled looks from the clientele, which wondered why the Groetsches were out in costume on a Tuesday night. The couple, who managed The Orange Peel for a stretch, continued to dress up and go out, but it wasn’t until fellow New Orleans expats ashley thibodaux and her husband, chris jones, started serving food out of the music venue that things began moving. The two approached the Groetsches about starting a krewe, and in 2003 Jones

christened the Mystic Krewe of Munky Doux. “Mystic” is a term commonly used by New Orleans krewes to reflect the secret, otherworldly nature of early Mardi Gras societies, whose masks concealed members’ identities. “Monkey” is spelled to resemble “funky” and “do” like roux, the primary thickening agent for Cajun cuisine. The Mystic Krewe of Munky Doux’s inaugural outing started at The Grey Eagle and made a pub crawl to The Orange Peel. From what Groetsch calls “really

haphazard and ragtag” roots, each year became more organized, with more participants and impressive costumes. A king, queen and grand marshal became annual traditions, as did an irreverent political theme and a plethora of monkey masks. “No matter what your costume was, you were a monkey underneath,” Groetsch says. “Traffic Monkey” critter thomas donned a fluorescent vest to aid in street crossings. One year jack groetsch paired his mask with an Uncle Sam outfit and went as “A Monkey’s Uncle Sam.”

KEEp on RoLLing: The current parade route has held since 2012 but may change soon due to the event’s popularity. “It’s gotten so big that the head meets the tail going around,” says Carl Nyberg. Photo by Hayley Benton

FRom thE sidEwaLKs to thE stREEts The pub crawls eventually shifted to a route from the former Thibodaux Jones Creole Kitchen on Biltmore Avenue to Jack of the Wood and back. With the Firecracker Jazz Band leading the procession, the celebration increasingly resembled a parade. But the substantial commitment of organizing such an activity held little interest for the Mystic Krewe of Munky Doux, which had its last hurrah in 2008. Its members considered themselves to be in the laid-back vein of New Orleans marching krewes, but were excited when an enthusiastic group led by pub-crawl veteran sara widenhouse began charting out a large-scale event. “I was then working as the parade director of the Asheville Holiday Parade and wanted to get the Mardi Gras Parade more legitimate,” Widenhouse says. Along with morgana davis, susan sertain, mike sule, joe minicozzi, sam York, carol pimentel and others, she formed the Mystic Mountain Krewe planning committee for the 2007 parade. Under the theme “Any Way You Doux It,” the officially permitted sidewalk route went from Asheville Brewing Co. on Coxe Avenue to Pritchard Park. The Hillcrest Drum Corps led the way, the Asheville Police Department

provided street crossings, and the Firecracker Jazz Band and Unifire performed in the park. A ball at The Grey Eagle followed. In 2008, Widenhouse again arranged the permitting and worked with police to establish the organization’s first city-sanctioned street parade. The APD blocked side streets as a procession of banners, floats, vehicles and dance and drum corps rolled along a route from North Spruce Street to Pritchard Park. “The turnout — both paraders and spectators — was much more than we expected, but luckily all went well, and we got away with it,” Widenhouse says. That year also featured the group’s first Twelfth Night, held at Jack of the Wood on Jan. 6, the traditional start of Mardi Gras season. Widenhouse baked a king cake and scott Yerkey found a bean (substituted for the traditional plastic baby) in his slice. As newly crowned king, Yerkey asked his wife, sarah, to join him as queen, thereby becoming the first royalty of Asheville’s Mardi Gras streetparade era. Widenhouse stepped aside as parade chair after 2008, opening the door for amy Kemp to serve as an ambassador to city officials. carl nyberg handled paperwork and police-liaison duties and later worked barricades and organized volunteers, efforts that earned him the title Parade Kaptain.

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


and now FoR somEthing compLEtELY diFFEREnt

wELL pLaYEd: Early iterations of the local Mardi Gras parade included performances by Firecracker Jazz Band and Unifire performance troupe. Photo by Carrie Eidson

With multiple successful parades to its name, Mystic Mountain Krewe transitioned to being called Asheville Mardi Gras to better reflect its breadth of events. Festivities now begin each November with a party to announce the theme. Krewes — which can be formed freely, though there’s an optional $20 Asheville Mardi Gras membership — get right to work on their costumes and floats. Twelfth Night was held this year at Club Eleven on Grove. Lynn caroli Rapp became queen and chose Chill Axin (née thomas cahill, part of Hawes’ Gypsy Krewe) as king. The seventh annual Cajun Cook-off and Art Auction, the organization’s biggest fundraiser, followed on Jan. 25 at The Millroom. Picking up where last year’s extremely popular “Where the Wild Things Are” celebration left off, the 2015 Asheville Mardi Gras theme is “And Now For Something Completely Different.” Taking a cue from its Monty Python origins, Hawes says many people will don costumes inspired by the revered British comedy troupe. Working on its float every weekend since December, the Gypsy Krewe is going with a Holy Grail motif, with Hawes as John Cleese’s horned, pyromaniac wizard Tim the Enchanter — but participants are by no means limited to these parameters. The theme “gives them the opportunity to do whatever they want and let themselves shine in their glittery, sparkly selves,” Hawes says. After moving the starting point

to Asheville Community Theatre and later to the Vance Monument, the current parade route has held since 2012 but may soon change due to the event’s popularity. “It’s gotten so big that the head meets the tail going around,” Nyberg says. With the number of attendees leaping each year, the executive committee has been in discussions with the city about alternate routes. Both parties want the parade to stay downtown, and the city has expressed interest in helping making it more of a tourism destination. “We need 10,000 people to get carte blanche and be like the holiday parade and go down Patton or wherever,” Hawes says. “We’re not quite that big, but we’re going in that direction.” Such totals may have been far from Lesley Groetsch’s mind in the early 2000s, but she’s not surprised by the festivity’s success. “Asheville is definitely game for things like Mardi Gras,” she says. “There’s so much talent, creativity and energy here that I’m really pleased someone has taken up the mantle and made it a big deal. I take zero credit. We were truly just goofing off and having a good time. People joined us, and it was just a testament to how Asheville loves a good artsy, freaky party.” And despite the growth, Asheville Mardi Gras hasn’t forgotten its history. Nyberg is considering re-forming the Mystic Mountain Krewe as a volunteer krewe to work barricades and do crowd control during the parade. Furthermore, to honor a beloved member who passed away in June, the Carol Pimentel Award will be given to the person with the most outstanding costume. X

ANSWER THE CALL Xpress needs writers, photographers, reporters and other social mediasavvy contributors. Send clips, samples and queries to Managing Editor Margaret Williams at


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

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A&E staff

Sisters of Song Review Led by eclectic musician Dawn Carol, the Sisters of Song Review draws on the talent of three local ladies — Carol, Tawney Sankey and Kim Smith — for an evening of eclectic musical performances backed by bass guitarist Buddy Davis. Known for her “solid, distinctive guitar work, passionate, heartfelt songwriting and sultry persona,” Carol surprisingly didn’t pick up her six-stringed companion until her late 30s. Now her touring circuit ranges from coffee shops to festivals, and the philanthropic songwriter regularly partners with charitable organizations in the process of purveying her blues-heavy catalog. Enjoy a mix of rock, blues, jazz, country and folk by Carol and friends at The Odditorium on Thursday, Feb. 12, at 9 p.m. $5 at the door. facebook. com/ashevilleodditorium. Photo courtesy of the artist

Dirty Dozen Brass Band “This is a special collaboration of forces in Asheville — Isis [Restaurant & Music Hall], New Mountain, Pisgah [Brewing Co.] and FATE come together for a evening of brass funk,” says a press release. The star in that equation is, of course, New Orleans-based outfit Dirty Dozen Brass Band. In celebration of its 35th anniversary, the group is releasing Twenty Dozen, its first studio release in six years. “It’s a resolutely upbeat effort that seamlessly blends R&B, jazz, funk, Afro-Latino grooves, some Caribbean flavor, and even a Rihanna cover,” says a press release. The Dirty Dozen’s seven musicians are no strangers to Asheville — local fans are well-acquainted with the band’s high-energy, dance-inducing jams. The event takes place at Isis on Sunday, Feb. 15. 6 p.m. Pisgah dinner, 8 p.m. show. $55 show and dinner/$15 show only advance/$20 show only at the door. Photo courtesy of the band

Jackson Scott Inspiration from existential crises is nothing new in the music world. Psych-rocker Jackson Scott, however, ups the ante by blending both the highs and lows of 20-something Asheville life in his sophomore album Sunshine Redux, due for an April 28 release. “[It’s] about my own dichotomy of euphoria and despair,” explains the self-described apocalyptic pop musician. “I get into a very internalized hyperactive mental state.” Exactly what’s driving Scott to tuck his beauty-withinthe-rubble assessments of life safely beneath a sea of distortion is unclear, but the grunge musician’s heavy-hitting jams will certainly be audible when he opens for Los Angeles-based indie rockers Francisco the Man at The Mothlight on Sunday, Feb. 15, at 9 p.m. $8/$10. Photo courtesy of the artist

Robyn Hitchcock British solo artist Robyn Hitchcock pairs five cover songs with five original tunes in his latest self-described “elegiac record,” The Man Upstairs. “I am, after all this time, a guitarist and a singer as much as I am a songwriter,” he says, not “just another singer/ songwriter laying their freshest eggs.” The hybrid creation, suggested by the album’s producer Joe Boyd, draws on the songwriting of The Doors, The Psychedelic Furs, Roxy Music, Grant-Lee Phillips and I Was a King while also showcasing Hitchcock’s melancholic “musing on mortality, masculinity, and the impossibility of forever,” as his bio puts it. Australian Americana songwriter Emma Swift opens for Hitchcock’s seated show at The Grey Eagle on Sunday, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m. $15/$18. Photo by Laura Partrain

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



by Bill Kopp

The DNA of bluegrass Asheville native and musical “character actor” Bryan Sutton takes a starring role The Asheville music scene has its share of local-boy-makes-good stories. And with his 1997 debut onto the national scene, guitarist and Asheville native Bryan sutton quickly made a major impression in bluegrass and the wider music community. Named the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Guitar Player of the Year eight of the last 15 years, Sutton has also won a 2007 Grammy. And his latest album, Into My Own, was been nominated for a Grammy in the Best Bluegrass Album category. Though he’s now based in Nashville, Sutton’s local roots run deep and inform his music. “My initial exposure to music was in Western North Carolina mountain

who The Bryan Sutton Band whERE The Grey Eagle, whEn Thursday, Feb. 12, 8 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show

Every Sunday Evening 5:30 pm Come as you are.

Silence • Reflection Candlelight • Soloists Instrumentalists

Trinity Episcopal Church 60 Church St Downtown Asheville 46

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

towns with my grandfather playing fiddle and my dad playing banjo,” he says. Though he’s played — and still plays — rock and jazz guitar, his first love remains the mountain music of his heritage. “A lot of what I experienced as a kid growing up in Asheville — Shindig on the Green, for example — is still there.” Sutton credits Asheville’s approach to music as part of his own musical development. “Anybody can fit into Asheville’s music scene; it’s really open and lovely. If I still lived there, I would be as active as I could be. When I come to Asheville, it really does feel like coming home,” he says. Sutton does just that, appearing at The Grey Eagle, on Thursday, Feb. 12. On Into My Own, Sutton adds something new: his vocals. While his singing voice might be new to listeners, it’s not new to him. “I sang in a band we had when I was a kid; it was my dad, my sister and a couple of our friends.” he says. “I was never a lead singer, but I sang a lot of parts. “But in the last 10 years, I’ve been leaning into wanting to do more lead vocal work,” Sutton says. “For me, it’s a good combination of a natural step and a necessary challenge. I never want to get too comfortable with what I’m doing.” And even though he thrives on challenges, on exploring new dimensions in his music, Sutton is comfortable within the bluegrass idiom. “My goal is always to honor the traditions in bluegrass, but also to include what’s original to me, what might be considered more progressive.” Sutton’s arrangements on Into My Own showcase the musical contributions of his fellow players, and he immerses himself in

Right at homE: “Anybody can fit into Asheville’s music scene,” says Sutton. “It’s really open and lovely.” Photo courtesy of the musician

the songs. He says that approach is a hallmark of two American musical forms that he loves: bluegrass and jazz. “The energy is about getting like-minded people together,” he says. “I really enjoy that energy in the music of Sam Bush, Stuart Duncan and a host of other people in bluegrass. It’s a precedent that was set early on: one musician doing something, making a statement, and then another one coming along and answering that or adding to it,” he says. It’s just part of what Sutton calls “the DNA of bluegrass.” And Sutton brings that same sensibility to his work as an in-demand

Nashville session player. “In the end, the session player is kind of like a character actor. The role of a session guy is to get your own self out of the way, to be the vehicle for somebody else’s ideas,” he says. While he showcases his own music on Into My Own, when it comes to session work, Sutton is as skilled a musical “character actor” as you’ll find in Nashville: “Any given day I can be a rock ’n’ roll acoustic guitar strummer, or I can play a fanciful, classical-sounding solo,” he says. “And hopefully I’m able to nail whatever I’m doing.” X
















by Kyle Sherard

The Etched Fable Blue Spiral 1’s annual group exhibition showcases intricate etchings Each January, Blue Spiral 1 debuts artists and makers who are new to its collection, and often to Asheville, in its annual group exhibition New Times Three. The name derives from the show’s basic structure — new works by new artists shown in the new year — which allows for an open-ended, uncorrelated mix of styles and mediums. Painters and photographers regularly join rank with ceramicists, weavers and furniture makers, among others. No year or exhibition is the same. “The works are never deliberately related,” says jordan ahlers, Blue Spiral 1’s gallery director. Rather, they are simply by artists recently added to the gallery’s roster. But occasionally

“Cryptorchid Variation: In the Persian Sun,” by Joshua McNolty

a series of works or a group of artists will break from that eclecticism and align themselves along common stylistic and conceptual grounds — this is certainly the case for this year’s incarnation. New Times Three’s current lineup features, among other artists and mediums, a group of etchings by Madison, Wis.-based artist Emily Arthur, Athens, Ga.’s Sasha Schilbrack-Cole and joshua mcnolty of Asheville, that reaches out and forms a unique showing of their own. Stylistically, their works all boast the rich, blackened textures and clifflike edges that only etching can exemplify. Conceptually, they explore their personal connections, and disconnections for that matter, between experience and memory. Death, as it happens, looms everywhere, personified by deer, headless horsemen and even washing machines. Schilbrack-Cole’s works harbor a sense of longing and abandonment. But it seems as though he’s fascinated by it, as if he sought out dilapidated bedrooms and roadsides littered with appliances and deer carcasses. Tick marks and ambient scratches are employed both on purpose and by chance. In “They Left Many of Their Things,” they obscure wiry vines and brush with faint outlines of hovering flies. Others offer a sense of implied atmosphere. You can almost feel the August heat from the yellowgray skyline in “It All Goes By So Fast,” which features a small, seemingly abandoned white house surrounded by a kudzu jungle. That lethal relationship between man and nature is amplified and cleverly disguised in Arthur’s works. She combines fluid line etchings with floral screen prints and layers upon layers of teal, peach and blue hues, each of which backdrops a cast of birds and deer silhouettes. One work shows a small songbird on a wire looking over another bird, a friend maybe, only this one is hanging by a wire. A series of repeating concentric circles appears in several other works. At first they seem zodia-

Emily Arthur’s “Red Deer.” All images courtesy of Blue Spiral 1

“In the Quiet,” an Intaglio and chine colle by Sasha Schilbrack-Cole.

cal or astrological, but they could very well be scopes. And to that, it leaves viewers wondering if the red background in “Red Deer” and others is the skyline or a bloodline. McNolty turns that dialogue inward by reintroducing man — himself — into a venomous environment. Man and horse are the subject of many of these works, riding in tandem and trudging through smoky, Grimm-inspired landscapes. In “Blood, Milk and Sky,” he happens to be headless, though that’s not to say he’s dead — he’s wielding a spear and still appears to be in control. In “Rocking Horse,” several frames to the right, he’s hurdling through the

air as a puma or mountain lion gnaws at the back of the horse. His figures tend to dance and hold balletlike poses, while his animals are stoic and adorned with metallic, skin-tight armor. Each print, though unearthly and categorically fantastical, has some bearing to McNolty’s past. “The images are inspired by personal experiences and weird esoteric stories from my past,” he says, “so each work is like a fable, a fable of myself.” New Times Three is on view through Friday, Feb. 20. For more about the show and the artists, visit X

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


a&E caLEndaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Art VisuAl Artist AVAilABle (pd.) experienced Art instruction: Drawing / Mark-making / Watercolor Painting; Private, groups, homeschool, all ages. ArchiScapes: Architectural Portraits, make Excellent Gift Certificates. For more information visit www. AsheVille museum 35 Wall St., 785-5722 • WE (2/11), 1-5pm - Sales of works by artists from the HERArtistry exhibit. Free to attend. DiAnA WorthAm theAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • SU (2/15), 2pm - 2015 WNC Regional Scholastic Awards ceremony. Free. reD house stuDios AnD gAllery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain, 699-0351, • 2nd SATURDAYS - Open studio show and artists reception. Sponsored by the Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League. Free to attend.

AuDitions & cAll to Artists BlAcK mountAin center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930,

thE hustLE continuEs: Wester Carolina University’s Last Minute Productions presents rapper and songwriter Juicy J, best known as a founding member of Souther hip-hop group Three 6 Mafia and the song “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp,” which won the 2006 Academy Award for Best Original Song. Juicy J performs Thursday, Feb. 19, in the Ramsey Center. Image courtesy of the artist (p.48)

• WE (2/11), 6pm - Front Porch Theatre holds open auditions for Steel Magnolias. For women ages 19-60. the Writer’s WorKshoP 254-8111, • Through SA (2/28) - Poetry contest submissions accepted. Contact for guidelines. $25 per every three poems.

Asheville Musicians

Southeast Regional Folk Alliance Conference

May 13 – 17, 2015 Montreat Conference Center


For more information:


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

music AsheVille symPhony (pd.) Zhou tian: A Thousand Years of Good Prayers; Bartok Piano Concerto No. 3 w/ Jeremy Denk, piano; Dvorak Symphony No. 8. Feb 14, 2015, 8:00 PM. Tickets: 828-254-7046, BlAcK mountAin community Drum clAss 545-0389 • SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Covers traditional West African rhythms. Free. Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain music At BreVArD college 884-8211, • TH (2/12), 7:30pm - Brevard College Wind Ensemble with Charlie Vernon. Held in Porter Center. Free. • FR (2/13), 7:30pm - Charlie Vernon, Katherine Palmer, Peter Voisin and Jamie Hafner. Held in Ingram Auditorium. Free. • SA (2/14), 10am-noon - Trombone masterclass. Free.

music At mArs hill 866-642-4968, • TH (2/19), 6:30pm - Presentation on gospel music in the African-American community presentation. In conjunction with “Our Story — This Place” exhibit. Held in Broyhill Chapel. Free. music At uncA 251-6432, • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. In the Reuter Center. • FR (2/13), 3pm - “Symphony Talk,” with Asheville Symphony Orchestra Music Director Daniel Meyer. Free. In the Reuter Center. music At Wcu 227-2479, • TH (2/19), 7:30pm - Juicy J, rap. Held in Ramsey Center. $21/$11 students. Voices in the lAurel • SA (2/14), 3pm - Cinema Magic Valentine’s Concert. $10/$7 advance. Held at Hart Theatre, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville

theAter AnAm cArA theAtre 545-3861, • SA (2/14) & SU (2/15), 8pm - An Evening of Passionate Violence. $15/$12 advance. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B AsheVille community theAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320,

• FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/1) - A Chorus Line. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15-$20. DiAnA WorthAm theAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • WE (2/11), 10am & noon - Laura Ingalls Wilder. $7.50. • FR (2/13), 6:30pm - Sing Together: Freedom Songs and Spirituals. $10/$8 children 12 and under. • TU (2/17) & WE (2/18), 10am & noon- Fly Guy and Other Stories. $7.50. henDersonVille little theAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (2/28) - The Miracle Worker. $10-$20. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. nc stAge 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (2/22) - Annapurna. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:2pm. $14-32/ $10 students. theAter At mArs hill 689-1239, • TH (2/19) through SU (2/22) - The Laramie Project. Fri.-Sat: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $10/$8 students. theAter At Wcu 227-2479, • WE (2/18), 7:30pm - FROGZ, family friendly comedy. $10/$5 students and children. • TH (2/19) through SU (2/22), 7:30pm - The Rocky Horror Show. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. Held in Hoey Auditorium. $21/$16 seniors, faculty & staff/$7 students.

gaLLERY diREctoRY groVeWooD gAllery AnAnDA West 37 Paynes Way Suite 5, 236-2444, • Through (3/30) - Mix-media works by Patricia Anastasi. Art At mArs hill • TH (2/12) through FR (3/13) Connections, works by three local artists.

111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • SA (2/14) through SU (5/10) - The Birds and the Bees, themed works. Opening reception: Feb. 14, 2-5pm. hAnDmADe in AmericA 125 S Lexington Ave #101, 252-0121,

Art At uncA • Through SU (3/1) - Drawing Discourse, juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. • Through FR (2/27) - Little Importance, macrophotography by Daniel Mele. • Through FR (2/27) - Selma to Montgomery 1965: The Photographs of James Barker.

• Through FR (4/17) - Emergence: Crafting

Art At Wcu 227-3591, • Through FR (3/27) - Tracking Time, works by Anna Jensen and Karen Ann Myers

League members.

Arts council of henDerson county 693-8504, • FR (2/13) through FR (2/27) - The Art of Our Children, elementary school exhibition. Reception: Feb. 13, 5-6:30pm. Free. Held at First Citizens Bank, 539 N. Main St., Hendersonville

• Through SA (2/28) - Barns and Birds, oil

an Identity, works by Haywood Community College alumni. reD house stuDios AnD gAllery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain, 6990351, • Through TU (3/31) - Black, White and Red, works by Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts

signAture BreW coffee co 633 W. Main St., Sylva, 587-6300, paintings by Cecil Bothwell. the center for crAft, creAtiVity & Design 67 Broadway, 785-1357,

AsheVille AreA Arts council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through SA (2/28) - Buncombe Built, handmade instruments from Buncombe County.

• Through MO (5/23) - Loving After

AsheVille Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (5/2) - John Heliker: The Order of Things—60 Years of Paintings and Drawings, retrospective • SA (2/14) through SU (4/12) - Go Figure: Faces and Forms, works celebrating the human figure.

AsheVille loft 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, • Through SA (3/14) - Erotica Asheville, works by five artists focusing on themes of eroticism.

• Through FR (2/27) - Wood, Wind & Water,

BlAcK mountAin college museum & Arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • Through SA (5/23) - poemumbles, 30-year restrospective of print works by Susan Weil. croW & Quill 106 N. Lexington Ave, 505-2866 • Through TH (2/12) - Surrealist paintings by Hannah Weaver. folK Art center MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, • Through SU (4/19) - Dynamic Narratives, works by women ceramic sculptors.

Mon – Thurs dinner: 5pm - 10pm

Lifetimes of All This. the grAnD BohemiAn gAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, bohemian• Through SA (2/28) - Heart & Soul, works

Host with us! Meeting room seats 65

by Donna Dowless and Amber Higgins. trAnsylVAniA community Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, multiple artists and mediums. uPstAirs ArtsPAce 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, • Through FR (3/13)- The Nina Simone Project: Celebrating Black History Month and Tryon’s High Priestess of Soul,work by Valeria Watson Doost, Linda Larsen, and

Fresh Salad made Daily 25 Items & 6 meats on our Lunch Salad Bar and 35 Items & 16 meats for Dinner

Fri - Sat Lunch:

Leigh Magar. ZAPoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024,

11:30am - 2pm

12pm - 3pm


dinner: • ONGOING - Art of the Book, art inspired

5pm - 10pm

by literary works. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

Sunday Lunch:

4pm - 9pm

26 E. Walnut St. • Asheville, NC 28801 828-785-1599 •

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till





Full Bar





cd RELEasE: Celebrating the release of Snapshots, the Darin and Brooke Aldridge Band will be performing a set of their new country, bluegrass and gospel songs with audiences at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall. The duo will perform on Friday, Feb. 13, at 8:30 p.m.





Fri 2/20 8:30 PM–AN EVENING WITH


JAZZ SHOWCASE – 6pm - 11pm Every Tuesday

BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

WeDnesDAy, feBruAry 11

mountAin moJo coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

the sociAl Steve Moseley, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Wine tasting w/ Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm

neW mountAin Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm Anvil w/ Lord Dying & Sunlord (heavy metal), 8pm

Ben’s tune-uP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

noBle KAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

Blue KuDZu sAKe comPAny Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm

o.henry’s/the unDergrounD “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7pm

off the WAgon Piano show, 9pm

DouBle croWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm

oliVe or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

foggy mountAin BreWPuB Trivia, 8pm

one WorlD BreWing Brews & Beats w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8:30pm

grinD cAfe Trivia night, 7pm

Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm

highlAnD BreWing comPAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm

room ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

iron horse stAtion Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm

root BAr no. 1 DJ Ken Bradenburg (old-school), 7pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr What It Is (jazz, funk), 8pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Carsie Blanton (jazz, blues, soul), 7:15pm

strAightAWAy cAfe Circus Mutt (bluegrass, roots), 6pm

JAcK of the WooD PuB Old-time session, 5pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Open mic & jam, 7pm

AltAmont theAtre Underwear Comedy Party w/ Joe Pettis & more, 8pm

lAZy DiAmonD Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

the Joint next Door Bluegrass jam, 8pm

loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm

the mothlight Jeffry Lewis w/ Diane Cluck & Utah Green (folk), 9pm

moJo Kitchen & lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

the Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm

the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm toWn PumP Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm VincenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm WilD Wing cAfe south Karaoke, 9pm

thursDAy, feBruAry 12

AsheVille music hAll Thriftworks w/ Russ Liquid & Live Animals (electronic), 10:15pm BArley’s tAProom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm BlAcK mountAin Ale house Dan River Drifters (bluegrass, Americana), 7:30pm Blue KuDZu sAKe comPAny

Trivia night, 8pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Rocket Science, 7pm BogArt’s restAurAnt & tAVern Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30pm cAtAWBA BreWing tAsting room Old time jam, 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm

PisgAh BreWing comPAny Aereo-Plain (newgrass), 6pm PurPle onion cAfe Chris Padgett & Wrenn (pop), 7:30pm renAissAnce AsheVille hotel TLQ + 2 (rock, blues), 6:30pm room ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm

corK & Keg The Honey Swamp Stompers (country, blues, jazz, jug-band), 8pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Iggy Radio, 7pm

croW & Quill Sarah Danforth art opening (surrealist sculpture), 9pm

the mothlight Clear Plastic Masks w/ Low Index (rock ’n’ roll), 9:30pm

DouBle croWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

the Phoenix Mike Sweet (acoustic), 8pm

elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWPuB Singer-songwriter open mic w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm french BroAD BreWery Andrew Duhon Trio, 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern The Bryan Sutton Band (bluegrass), 8pm highlAnD BreWing comPAny Celtic Winter Blast w/ Albannach & Rathkeltair, 8pm

the sociAl Austin Baze, 8pm the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm the strAnD @ 38 mAin Through the Hills Band (Americana, road hymns), 7:30pm timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hiphop, pop), 10pm

tressA’s DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm

JAcK of the WooD PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

urBAn orchArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

loBster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm mArKet PlAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm neW mountAin American Aquarium w/ Corey Hunt Band (altcountry), 8pm FATE jam w/ Those Cats, 8pm Thriftworks w/ Russ Liquid & Live Animals (electronic), 10pm oDDitorium Dawn Carol’s Sisters of Song Review: An Evening w/ 3 Lovely Lady Tunesmiths (acoustic), 9pm off the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm one stoP Deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm EGi. w/ Wavy Train (progressive funk-rock), 9pm one WorlD BreWing Sweet Treats (Appalachian Americana duo), 8pm orAnge Peel Big Head Todd & The Monsters (rock), 7:30pm osKAr Blues BreWery Robert Cline, Jr. (Americana), 6pm

4pm-2am • 7 Days a week

toWn PumP Mood Indigo (jazz, blues), 9pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Juan Benavides Group w/ Whitney Moore (flamenco, soul, rock), 7pm Low Down Sires & Dynamo (swing, instrumental fusion, R&B), 9pm

lAZy DiAmonD The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm

87 Patton Ave., Asheville

tWisteD lAurel The King Zeros (blues), 8pm

VincenZo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm WilD Wing cAfe Acoustic throwdown, 7pm WilD Wing cAfe south J Luke, 8pm WxyZ lounge At Aloft hotel Ron Moore (songwriter), 7:30pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



February 2015 WEDNESDAY

2.11 8PM








2.12 8PM









2.15 8PM

8pm • $12/$15 The grey Eagle Comedy Series presents:

VERY TOuR! MuCh COMEDY! with nick Thune






FRI 2/13



feat. Ben Kronberg & Kate Berlant



Thu 2/12




8pm • $15/$18

SAT 2/14 Sun 2/15

DAVID BROMBERg w/ Aaron “Woody” Wood 8pm • $18/$20

ROBYn hITChCOCK w/ Emma Swift 8pm • $15/$18





Thu 2/18

ERIn MCKEOWn with Eliot Bronson

8pm • $12/$15



An Evening with



aLt-punK-countRY: With country instrumentals and punk-rock, gritty vocals, Lucero may appeal to more than the average country fan. “Each person makes Lucero their own thing,” says frontman Ben Nichols. “Everyone identifies with us for completely different reasons.” Lucero plays with Ryan Bingham and Twin Forks at the Orange Peel on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 7:30 p.m.














FRI 2/19


Recreating historic Phish Shows in Their Entirety

9pm • $10/$12


friDAy, feBruAry 13 185 King street Arouna Diarra w/ Patrick Fitzsimons (African folk), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Sidecar Honey (Americana, rock), 9pm 550 TAvERN & GRILLE Picasso Facelift (classic rock, blues), 1pm AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm BArley’s tAProom sPinDAle The Fat Sparrows (folk-rock), 8pm

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

Dugout The Moon & You (folk), 9pm elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWPuB Zapato (funk), 10pm french BroAD BreWery May Erwin, 6pm gooD stuff The Bread & Butter Band (bluegrass, folk), 8:30pm

BlAcK BeAr coffee co. Hunnilicious (folk, country), 6pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Very Tour. Much Comedy. w/ Nick Thune, Ben Kronberg & Kate Berlant (comedy), 8pm

BlAcK mountAin Ale house Ginny McAfee (country, folk), 7:30pm

highlAnD BreWing comPAny Black Robin Hero (rock, Americana, folk), 6pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Acoustic Swing, 7pm

iron horse stAtion Dana & Susan Robinson, 7pm

Boiler room Spearfinger, Twist of Fate, Fred Hensley Band & The Beard (metal, hard rock), 9pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll CD Release: Darin & Brooke Aldridge, 8:30pm

clAssic Wineseller Angela Easterling (Americana, country, folk), 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe Valentine’s Jam w/ DJ Jam, 9pm corK & Keg Bayou Diesel (Cajun, zydeco), 8:30pm croW & Quill Superlupercalia (DIY burlesque variety show), 10pm DiAnA WorthAm theAtre Arlo Guthrie (folk, Alice’s Restaurant 50th anniversary tour), 8pm


DouBle croWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm

JAcK of the WooD PuB Pierce Edens & The Dirty Work (Americana, rock), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm loBster trAP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm mArKet PlAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm neW mountAin Chaos Carnival w/ Kri Samadhi, Zombie Queen,

Send your listings to

Terrestrial Sound & more (punk), 9pm Everyone Orchestra w/ members of Papadosio, Dopapod, The Mantras & Travers Brothership (interactive experience), 10pm nightBell restAurAnt & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-rock), 10pm noBle KAVA Mystic Ferryman (electro-coustic ambient improv), 8:30pm oDDitorium Valentine Dance Massacre (dance), 9pm off the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist WestSound (Motown, funk), 8pm Live Latin Band, 11pm one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Roots of a Rebellion w/ Of Good Nature (roots, rock, reggae), 10pm orAnge Peel Gutterhound w/ The Redcoats are Coming & Relentless Flood (rock, metal), 9pm osKAr Blues BreWery West End String Band, 6pm PAcK’s tAVern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PisgAh BreWing comPAny The Shack Band (funk, jam), 8pm root BAr no. 1 The Willy Whales (roots, rock), 9pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s DJ, 10pm

A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm WxyZ lounge At Aloft hotel Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 8:30pm

sAturDAy, feBruAry 14

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Indigo (folk), 6pm Firecracker Jazz Band, 9pm AltAmont BreWing comPAny Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 9pm AltAmont theAtre Sweet Dreamers (Patsy Cline tribute), 8pm AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm BlAcK BeAr coffee co. Valentine’s Day w/ Gary Segal’s Bluesy Duo (blues, rock), 4pm BlAcK mountAin Ale house Valentine’s Day dance party w/ DJ Munn (dance music), 9pm clAssic Wineseller Valentine’s Day Jazz & Dinner w/ Jesse Junior Quartet (jazz), 7pm corK & Keg Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz), 8:30pm croW & Quill Tina & Her Pony (indie-folk), 9pm DiAnA WorthAm theAtre Arlo Guthrie (folk, Alice’s Restaurant 50th anniversary tour), 8pm DouBle croWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

sPring creeK tAVern Natty Love Joys (reggae), 8pm

Dugout Fine Line (rock), 9pm

strAightAWAy cAfe Dave Desmelik (singer-songwriter), 6pm

elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

the ADmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

foggy mountAin BreWPuB Jon Stickley Trio (progressive bluegrass), 10pm

the mothlight stephaniesid w/ The Old Ceremony (pop-noir), 9:30pm

french BroAD BreWery Wrenn (pop), 6pm

the Phoenix Aaron Burdett Band (Americana), 9pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern David Bromberg w/ Aaron “Woody” Wood (Americana), 7pm

the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

highlAnD BreWing comPAny Beer My Valentine w/ Up Jumped 3 (jazz), 6:30pm

tiger mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm

iron horse stAtion The Paper Crowns (Americana, rock), 7pm

timo’s house Dance party, 10pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll V-Day Celebration: Sweet Claudette & Friends (country, Motown), 7:30pm

tressA’s DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Lenny Pettinelli, 7pm The River Rats (rock), 10pm tunnel roAD tAP hAus Riyen Roots (blues), 5pm tWisteD lAurel Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (dance party), 9pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlAcK mountAin Valentine Show: A tribute to Duke Ellington (jazz), 8pm WilD Wing cAfe Sloan Tones, 7pm WilD Wing cAfe south

get it! guide

185 King street Jeff Sipe Trio w/ Col. Bruce Hampton (blues, roots, jam), 8pm

southern APPAlAchiAn BreWery Wrenn (pop), 8pm

toWn PumP The Corey Hunt Band (country, rock), 9pm

2015 Western North Carolina

Now open M


SLINGING CIDER MORNING, NOON & NIGHT See our Facebook Page for Nightly Specials

Family Owned and Operated

JAcK of the WooD PuB Carmonas w/ Nick Dittmeier & The Sawdusters, 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm mArco’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm

Valentine’s Day

mArKet PlAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm


millroom Valentine’s Comedy Show w/ Ryan Dalton, 5:30pm

high school dance party

neW mountAin Valentine’s Day benefit show w/ Free Radio, Fist Fam, Foul Mouth Jerk, Lyric, Alpha Lee, Big Dave, Hunter B, Chachille, B Free, MR 1NE 5IVE, Martin

210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806

(828) 774-5151

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015




Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm


Send your listings to

Snoddy, DJ Ra Mak & Nex Millen (hip-hop, funk), 10pm nightBell restAurAnt & lounge DJ Tony Z (Valentine set, vinyl house), 10pm


noBle KAVA The Carl Schmid Project (violinist), 8:30pm


one stoP Deli & BAr Big Gay Valentine’s Day dance party w/ Kristen Ford & Brief Awakenings, 10pm






oDDitorium Queer dance party, 9pm off the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist 42nd Street (jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm

orAnge Peel Waveforms: Aligning Minds w/ Medisin, In Plain Sight, Shuhandz & visuals by TwentySeven Folds (electronic), 9pm osKAr Blues BreWery Dust ’n the Wynn (singer-songwriter), 6pm PAcK’s tAVern A Social Function (rock ’n’ roll, classics), 9pm PisgAh BreWing comPAny Travers Brothership (rock, blues, jam), 9pm


PurPle onion cAfe Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 8pm


room ix Open dance night, 9pm

95 Patton at Coke • Asheville 252.5445 •

root BAr no. 1 Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz), 9pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s DJ, 10pm

TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night




New Dinner Entrees 5-10 pm

FRI. 2/13 DJ MoTo


Wed 2/11: Steve Moseley 7-9

(pop, dance hits)

Thurs 2/12: Austin Baze - 8

SAT. 2/14 A Social Funtion

Fri, Sat, Sun: Karaoke - 9:30

(rock & roll, classic hits)

Mon 2/16: Marc Keller - 6-9 Tue 2/17: Jason Whitaker - 6-9 Wed 2/18: Ashli Rose - 7-9 Thurs 2/19: The Dirty Badgers - 8 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780 54

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



20 WNC


strAightAWAy cAfe Hope Griffin (singer-songwriter), 6pm the ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm the mothlight AVL All-Star Burlesque Showcase, 10:30pm the Phoenix Nitrograss (bluegrass), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Valentine’s dance party w/ Fried Coffee & DJ Celebrity, 10pm timo’s house Lovey Dovey Latin Beats w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm toWn PumP Corn Bred (gritty blues), 9pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Peggy Ratusz & Aaron Price, 7pm Free Flow (funk, Motown, R&B, soul), 10pm tWisteD lAurel Kevin Lorenz (acoustic guitar, jazz, classical), 6pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlAcK mountAin ValenDine w/ Les Femmes Mystique, 7pm WilD Wing cAfe Karaoke, 8pm WilD Wing cAfe south Joe Lasher Jr. Band (Southern rock), 8pm WxyZ lounge At Aloft hotel Ritmos Latinos w/ DJ Malinalli (salsa), 8:30pm

ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sunDAy, feBruAry 15 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Resonant Rogues (old-fashioned originals), 7pm AltAmont theAtre Asheville Ecstatic Dance: first wave, 10am; second wave, 12pm AsheVille music hAll Steely Dan Sunday, 9pm Blue KuDZu sAKe comPAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm DouBle croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Robyn Hitchcock w/ Emma Swift (psychedelic), 8pm iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm The Dirty Dozen Brass Band w/ Primate Fiasco (brass band, funk), 8pm JAcK of the WooD PuB Irish session, 5pm lAZy DiAmonD Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm moJo Kitchen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm neW mountAin Dirty Dozen Brass Band, 8pm oDDitorium Slam Sunday: The Erotic Slam, 7:30pm off the WAgon Piano show, 9pm oliVe or tWist Swing lesson w/ John Deitz, 7pm DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm one stoP Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Pour tAProom Open mic, 8pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm tAllgAry’s At four college Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm the mothlight Francisco The Man w/ Jackson Scott (indie-rock), 9pm the Phoenix The Wilhelm Brothers (folk-rock), 12pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm tiger mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm timo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm toWn PumP Sunday Jam w/ Dan, 4pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Mardi Gras Extravaganza w/ Marcel Anton, 7pm

VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlAcK mountAin Asheville Tango Orchestra, 7:30pm WilD Wing cAfe Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm WilD Wing cAfe south Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm

monDAy, feBruAry 16 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Sankofa (world music), 8pm AltAmont BreWing comPAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm

Billy Litz, 7pm BuffAlo nicKel Trivia, 7pm corK & Keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm DouBle croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm gooD stuff “Marshall” Gras, 5pm Old time-y night, 6:30pm iron horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

BlAcK mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm

JAcK of the WooD PuB Stephen Evans, Rachel Pearlstein & PJ O’Shea (singer-songwriters), 7pm Todd Cecil & Back South (swamp-rock), 9pm

ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

lAZy DiAmonD Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

courtyArD gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

loBster trAP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 7pm

croW & Quill Argentine tango w/ Michael Luchtan & Patrick Kukucka, 9pm

mArco’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm

DouBle croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

mArKet PlAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

gooD stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

neW mountAin Mike Rhodes Fellowship, 9pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Contra dance, 7pm

oDDitorium Odd comedy night, 9pm

JAcK of the WooD PuB Quizzo, 7pm

off the WAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

lAZy DiAmonD Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm

oliVe or tWist Fat Tuesday Masquerade Ball w/ DJ (zydeco, swing), 8pm

lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm loBster trAP Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm oDDitorium Cold Blue Mountain & Uninhabitable (metal), 9pm one WorlD BreWing Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm osKAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm the mothlight Squidlord w/ Harris Hawk, Blood Pheasant & Bear (metal), 9pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm one WorlD BreWing DJ Franko, 8pm orAnge Peel Ryan Bingham & Lucero w/ Twin Forks (singersongwriter), 7:30pm Pour tAProom Frank Zappa night, 8pm root BAr no. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 9pm scully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm

the Phoenix Jeff Sipe & Friends (jam-fusion), 8pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Jam night, 9pm

the sociAl Marc Keller, 6pm

the Joint next Door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

timo’s house Movie night, 7pm

the mothlight STENCIL/MAGIC w/ Kersey Williams & Sarah Louise (postminimal, sample-core), 9pm

VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

tuesDAy, feBruAry 17 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (ragtime, jazz), 8pm AltAmont BreWing comPAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm AsheVille music hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm BlAcK mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB

the sociAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 6pm Steve Weems & The Mardi Gras Kings, 8pm tiger mountAin Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WestVille PuB Blues jam, 10pm White horse BlAcK mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact

PicK oF thE WEEK

thEAtER ListinGs

Jupiter Ascending



Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diREctoR: Andy and Lana Wachowski PLAYERs: Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne, Douglas Booth, Tuppence Middleton

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Big hero 6 (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 st. vincent (Pg-13) 7:00, 10:00 CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)

BARoQUE sci-Fi sPAcE oPERA RAtEd PG-13 thE stoRY: A lowly Cinderellaesque drudge turns out to be the rightful owner of the Earth. thE LoWdoWn: It’s big. It’s goofy. It’s highly imaginative. It has a little something on its mind. And it’s fun. In other words, it’s a film from the Wachowskis.

I should state upfront that my main — really my only — problem with the Wachowskis’ Jupiter Ascending is that the fight scenes almost without exception go on too long. That’s my way of telling you straight off that I am not in the anti-Jupiter Ascending camp. Here we have yet another film that was set up to fail by what, frankly, looks more and more to me like our collective tendency to root for failure. I think this is exacerbated by the way everyone has become an expert — hanging on every report of trouble, of every delay, following “insider” tracking charts, seizing upon every shred of gossip and every claim of “buzz” — to a degree where these armchair moguls can tell that a movie is bad and help create a self-fulfilling scenario of doom — all without the messy business of actually seeing the movie. The days of seeing a trailer, some colorful poster art and the basic excitement of knowing that we’re getting a new



douglas Booth and mila Kunis in the Wachowskis’ “space opera” Jupiter Ascending — a big, somewhat goofy spectacle that’s a lot better than you may have heard.

film by a filmmaker we like are long gone, and I do not think we — or the movies — are the better for it. The Wachowskis told us from the onset that this was a space opera — in other words, a horse opera (cowboy picture) in space. That is also what they delivered. And in spades. They’ve given us a big, somewhat gaudy, colorful sci-fi adventure that is tethered to nothing other than their imaginations and influences. This is not to say that Jupiter Ascending is — as many have claimed — hard or impossible to follow. (A friend of mine came out of the theater complaining about the story structure. Now, this is a person who dotes on the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky, which in my book means he has given up any right to bitch about story construction.) Jupiter Ascending has a very simple story. Yes, it requires that the viewer just go with it while it doles that story out in between the action — sometimes during the action. And it requires the viewer to take a great many fairly preposterous things on faith. But, hey, this is sci-fi fantasy, not gritty realism. Moreover, it takes place in a world that belongs to the filmmakers — their game, their

rules. In that regard, it is perhaps remarkable that the film is coherent at all. But essentially it is. It’s not a whole lot more than a fairly standard royal intrigue story told in utterly fantasticated terms — and with a Wachowskian leftist liberal bent. Seriously, who else would conceive of a royal family who are essentially the heads of a giant corporation that is geared to only one thing — profits? Yes, on a thematic level, this is the one-percenters in space. The threat to their dominance comes in the form of Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis), who — through a fluke of nature — is the exact re-creation of the mother of the bickering corporation heads. Oh, yes, she also — by right of deed — owns Earth, a most desirable piece of real estate because it’s ripe for “harvesting.” (According to the Wachowskis’ myth, it was always planned that mankind — the herd, seeded there by the corporation — would exhaust the planet’s resources. It’s at that point that the planet is ripe for “harvesting.”) All that probably makes the film sound more serious than it is. At bottom, this is a big, goofy action spectacular. That is at its heart. I mean, this

CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) American sniper (r) 12:00, 3:45, 7:15, 10:10 Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 5:45, 10:10 Black or white (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:25 Fifty shades of grey (r) 11:15, 12:35, 1:20, 2:00, 3:15, 4:00, 4:50, 6:00, 7:00, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:35 The imitation game (Pg-13) 7:50, 10:20 Jupiter Ascending 2D (Pg-13) 11:10, 1:55, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 kingsman: The secret service (r) 11:00, 1:45, 4:35, 7:20, 9:15, 10:05 The oscar nominated Animated short Films 2015 (nr) 11:05, 8:20 The oscar nominated live Action short Films 2015 (nr) 3:15 Paddington (Pg) 11:05, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35 selma (Pg-13) 12:05, 3:30, 6:30 seventh son 2D (Pg-13) 12:30, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00, 10:30 song of the sea (Pg) 11:30, 1:50, 4:05, 6:55 The spongeBob movie: sponge out of water 3D (Pg) 11:55, 9:10 The spongeBob movie: sponge out of water 2D (Pg) 11:10, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 10:00 still Alice (Pg-13) 12:15, 2:40, 4:55, 7:10, 9:25 Two Days, one night (Pg-13) 1:00 Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) kingsman: The secret service (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) The imitation game (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 still Alice (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:15 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) Unbroken (Pg-13) 3:30, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADiUm 15 (6841298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)


by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

is a movie where the female lead is in love with a genetically-engineered hunk (Channing Tatum) who just happens to be part canine. Her entire response to this is, “I love dogs. I’ve always loved dogs.” It’s a movie with Eddie Redmayne as a thoroughly evil, mincing, hissing villain. This is even a movie that so wears its fondness for Brazil (1985) on its sleeve that it brings in Terry Gilliam to play a bureaucrat in its own ministry of information. Yes, it has some serious overtones, but you’re most likely to come away from it with images of its fantastical worlds and the image of Channing Tatum zipping around on anti-gravity roller blades. In other words, it’s meant to be eye-popping spectacle and engaging foolishness. It succeeds. Rated PG-13 for some violence, sequences of sci-fi action, some suggestive content and partial nudity. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Still Alice HHHH diREctoR: Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland (Quinceañera) pLaYERs: Julianne Moore, Kristen Stewart, Alec Baldwin, Kate Bosworth, Hunter Parrish dRama

RatEd pg-13

thE stoRY: A woman wages the inevitably losing battle against Alzheimer’s disease. thE Lowdown: The performances of Oscar-nominated Julianne Moore and Kristen Stewart — along with a frequently solid script — elevate this blandly directed and slightly soapy movie to the level of a must-see.

Still Alice was once upon a time poised as a big Oscar contender, including Best Picture. Now, its luster has dimmed to the single nomination of Julianne Moore for Best Actress — one of the year’s few nominations that looks like a lock for the win. Neither of these are exactly surprising. As a movie, Still Alice isn’t just on the parochial side, it frankly has the


bland look of a TV movie. In fact, it reminds me a good deal of Ben Lewin’s The Sessions (2012). (I can sense people heading to IMDb to be reminded what that was, because it quickly vanished from being a topic of conversation.) Both are high-minded, well-intended medical dramas, both are competently made, and both started off with more Oscar notions than finally materialized — plus, both feel more suited to TV than the big screen. However, Still Alice — for all its lack of cinematic flair — is a much better film, and not just because of Moore’s performance. There’s more here than that — including a pretty terrific turn by Kristen Stewart. The film is the story of Alice Howland (Moore), an upscale, aggressively professional and highly-regarded professor of linguistics at Columbia, whose life — and the lives of her family — is derailed when her bouts of confusion turn out to be early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Worse than that, her particular strain of the disease is genetic and may have been passed to any — or all — of her three adult children, who, in turn, can pass it on to their children. In one sense, you know almost exactly where this is going — at least in broad strokes. And if there are any lingering doubts, the title itself is there to clue you in that this is the story of a woman desperately fighting to hold on to her own identity against a disease that won’t let her. You can virtually go down a checklist of notes that must be hit over the course of the film, but there are bits and pieces that filter through the predictable and make Still Alice a lot more compelling than it might have been. Yes, it’s all built around Moore’s performance, though I would go so far as to say that it’s built around the combined impact of her and Stewart’s performances. I won’t say that Stewart is a revelation here. In the first place, she’s been good before, but she’s also not stepping far out of her usual deadpan style. (Someone recently likened her to 1940s comedienne Virginia O’Brien, whose claim to fame was registering no emotion whatever — even while singing. The comparison is a good one, though Ms. Stewart isn’t trying to be funny.) What’s different is that not only does the character of willful and wayward daughter Lydia suit her, but she manages to suggest great depths of emotion being held — somewhat tentatively — in check behind that reserve. She and

Kristen stewart and Oscar-nominated julianne moore in the Alzheimer’s disease drama Still Alice.

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FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015


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Western North Carolina

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Moore hold you to the screen. And, in this regard Messrs. Glatzer and Westmoreland’s rather laissez-faire directing style may actually be in the film’s favor, because it gives the film to them without interference or directorial editorializing. Moore is good in her scenes without Stewart, but those tandem scenes are something special. The film’s biggest shortcoming — apart from a musical score by Ilan Eshkeri that uneasily alternates between decorative piano and fullblown bombast — lies in the roads not taken. Ideas are raised — like the one about smart, well-educated people being harder or taking longer to diagnose because they develop ways of covering the problem — that just fall by the wayside. That the film nor the characters seem even vaguely aware that their elevated financial status affords them the ability to cope with the situation in a way that is far removed from the reality of the average person makes the film a little too privileged and short sighted. Am I saying Still Alice is not worth your while? No. Far from it. I’m saying it could have been more worthwhile and aware than it is. As for the film, it has two strong performances and enough grace notes to make that a solid yes, you should see this. Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material and brief language including a sexual reference. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Bee a Community Partner!

Community Screenings

film At cAlDWell community college 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, 726-2200, cccti. edu • TH (2/12), 7pm - A Better Life, drama. Free. film At mArs hill 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill, 689-1571 • MO (2/16), 6:30pm - Faithful Response Series: Beneath the Skin, documentary. Held in Broyhill Chapel. Free. film At uncA 251-6585, • TH (2/12), 7pm - Dear White People. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Free.


sociAl Justice film night 254-6001 • FR (2/13), 7pm - Girl Trouble, documentary. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place 58

FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

Seventh Son HS diREctoR: Sergey Bodrov (Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan) pLaYERs: Jeff Bridges, Ben Barnes, Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, Antje Traue, Olivia Williams, John DeSantis, Kit Harington FantasY action RatEd pg-13 thE stoRY: A “spook” (witchhunter) and his apprentice must stop an evil witch from taking over the world. thE Lowdown: Incredibly dull fantasy action nonsense occasionally goosed with unintentional laughs and a pair of absurdly overthe-top performances.

Seeing Sergey Bodrov’s Seventh Son almost immediately after the Wachowskis’ Jupiter Ascending was probably a bad idea, but that’s the way the movie times worked out. Where Jupiter Ascending is, if anything, too imaginative for its own good, Seventh Son seems barely sentient. The most notable thing about it is that even with the amazing aggregation of asininity crammed into its running time, it still manages be a thudding bore. At first, it didn’t seem like it was going to live down to its twice-delayed-severalyears-on-the-shelf-dead-of-winter release. Oh, it starts off in full-on goofy mode, but for about 10 minutes the movie seemed to be in on the joke and reveled in its camp factor. By the time that the evil Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore) got a look at her nemesis Master Gregory’s (Jeff Bridges) latest apprentice (Kit Harington) and cooed, “A boy! I like boys,” I was ready to settle for a pleasant surprise. Then the apprentice got roasted, Mother Malkin ran off to prepare for world domination or some such unpleasantness and it all went to hell. The big question about this movie is who or what it’s aimed at. Yes, I know it’s based on (or “inspired by”) a Brit YA novel called The Spook’s Apprentice. From what I can tell, “inspired by” means that it uses this story as a springboard (the story itself is too thin for a feature film). It hardly matters, since the story amounts to nothing more

than the witch is loose and will attain some sort of superpower at the setting of the “blood moon” (these happen every hundred years), so our heroes head to her lair to stop her. Oh, sure, there’s some doo-daddery glued onto this — including a romance between Gregory’s new apprentice, Tom Ward (the ever vapid Ben Barnes), and the half-human niece of Mother Malkin, Alice (the equally bland Alicia Vikander) — but as far as the plot, that’s about it. Add monsters, assorted assassins, a love-story past between Gregory and Malkin, and you have the perfect recipe for a very dull two hours at the movies. This is theoretically enlivened by the obligatory — and pretty tiresome — big battle that climaxes all these movies. There is a large gap between the theoretical and the actual practice. Apart from some pretty impressive production design by the great Dante Ferretti — who has designed movies for Fellini, Neil Jordan, Julie Taymor, Brian De Palma, Tim Burton and Martin Scorsese — what can be said in favor of Seventh Son? Certainly not the bombastic score by Marco Beltrami and not the screenplay by Charles Leavitt and (shockingly) Steven Knight. It most assuredly isn’t the plodding direction by Sergey Bodrov, who is highly regarded for things like Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan (2007), which I have never seen. This movie does not make me anxious to broaden my knowledge of his work. (Not that I’m likely to run right out to see a movie about Genghis Khan anyway.) No, I fear the only value — such as it is — lies in the film’s camp element. I would call it unintentional mirth — and some of it is. The camera swooping over lush green mountains that make you think you’ll soon see Julie Andrews running at you singing cannot be the effect they were aiming for. However, I’m not at all sure that what Jeff Bridges and Julianne Moore are doing is unintentional. Perhaps I am wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I cannot imagine they didn’t realize they were in a lox of a movie that was well past its expiration date and chose to overact and camp it up as the only pos-


by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

sible approach. Granted, Bridges has done this kind of grumble and mumble stuff in bad movies before, so it may be a default setting for him. I’ve never seen Moore go over the top like this. Then again, I’ve never before seen her decked out in black feathers, talons and, finally, make-up that calls to mind nothing so much as a raccoon. Regardless, when either of them is on screen, there is a certain entertainment value — for what that’s worth. Rated PG-13 for intense fantasy violence and action throughout, frightening images and brief strong language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water HHH

diREctoR: Paul Tibbit pLaYERs: (Voices) Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, Mr. Lawrence, Clancy Brown action comEdY advEntuRE RatEd pg thE stoRY: After the secret recipe to the wildly popular Krabby Patties disappears, SpongeBob and his archrival Plankton must travel through space and time to recover it. thE Lowdown: A likable collection of bad jokes and casual nonsense that’s simply too long and exhausting.

I’m not even going to begin to attempt to explain the cultural import of SpongeBob SquarePants, the unduly jolly anthropomorphic, animated undersea sponge in square pants (though they’re more rectangular prism shorts if we want to be factual). I’ve somehow managed to miss 189 episodes of

the show that have been broadcast since 1999 and the one movie. From what I can tell after watching the show’s latest cinematic incarnation, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, is that it’s a billion dollar industry (they’ve made an absurd amount on merchandising alone) built upon bad puns and nonsense. At least, that’s how the movie pans out — it’s almost too ridiculous to describe in a sort of bizarrely embarrassing way, but here it goes. Our hero, SpongeBob (Tom Kenny), is an affable fry cook at the Krusty Krab, which serves the wildly popular Krabby Patty. That is, until the Krab’s rival, Plankton (Mr. Lawrence), almost steals the patty’s secret recipe, which then magically disappears into the ether. With no more Krabby Patties, SpongeBob’s home of Bikini Bottom immediately falls into chaos (no, really, everyone instantly turns into leather clad savages), and it’s up to SpongeBob and Plankton to rescue the recipe and return Bikini Bottom to order. This involves SpongeBob and Plankton traveling through time in a photo booth, encountering an omnipotent, floating dolphin and eventually battling a pirate who also happens to be a food truck entrepreneur (a game Antonio Banderas). And that’s not even mentioning all the goofy junk that flew by in a flash. The film’s commitment to silliness is a bit endearing — and occasionally honestly funny — but the nonstop, full-bore fashion of it all has its pros and cons. While it never slows down enough to fall flat, at 100 minutes the movie’s just too long and a bit exhausting. This is especially apparent once the movie gets to its big climactic set piece where — thanks to some genuinely nice looking special effects — SpongeBob and friends end up in the real world. It’s not exactly novel (though it’s less schmaltzy than when last year’s Lego Movie went a similar route) and — in theory at least — wants to be a parody of big budget superhero movies. But it falls into a pretty listless and repetitive trap that doesn’t make it much different than whatever comic book movies it’s a take-off of. It really drags down the end of the film, something even more grievous since SpongeBob itself already obviously works best in small, TV-sized doses. Rated PG for mild action and rude humor. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther

staRting FRidaY

Still Alice


See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

get it! Fifty Shades Of Grey

Whether or not you want to see it, this is the Big Deal this week — because, after all, nothing says Valentine’s Day like a bit of S-M. Frankly, the stars look like they’re suffering from anti-charisma, and the trailer just looks dull. The blurb says, “E.L. James’ kinky bestseller gets the big screen treatment with this Universal Pictures/ Focus Features co-production. The steamy tale details a masochistic relationship between a college student and a businessman, whose desires for extreme intimacy pen from secrets in his past.” (R)

Kingsman: The Secret Service Looking far more adult — in a different way — is Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service, a 1960s-era James Bond spoof with, it seems, extra blood and violence. (This is Matthew Vaughn after all.) It stars Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strong, Michael Caine and newcomer Taron Egerton (playing a street tough who’s been recruited into the agency by Firth). The early word — mostly from the UK — is pretty strong, though some have been offended by it all, which makes it even more interesting. (R)

Song Of The Sea This is the kind of limited release animated film that normally gets screened for local critics, but not this time. (Don’t know why.) It’s made by the the guy, Tomm Moore, who made the highly regarded The Secret of the Kells (2009) and seems to be in the same tone with its Celtic legend of the selkies. The reviews — 32 of them — are all positive but one. Brendan Gleeson and Fionnula Flanagan are among the voice cast. (pg)

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Western North Carolina

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828-251-1333 FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

High, Wide and Handsome HHHHS

42 HHH Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Nicole Beharie, Christopher Meloni Sports Biopic The tale of Jackie Robinson and the hardships he faced breaking baseball’s color barrier. A basic biopic that’s too straightforward and heavyhanded, but perfectly solid if you’re looking for nothing more than an uplifting sports-crowd-pleaser. Rated PG-13

Admission HHH Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Nat Wolff, Lily Tomlin, Michael Sheen Comedy A by-the-book Princeton admissions officer’s life is turned upside down when — among other things — she finds out a teen (who may or may not be the son she once gave up for adoption) is trying to get into her school. A refreshingly mature, intelligent, good-hearted comedy that unfortunately slips a bit into the realm of forgettable. Rated PG-13

The Croods HHH (Voices) Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener, Ryan Reynolds, Cloris Leachman, Clark Duke Animated Adventure A Stone Age family must learn how to adapt to a drastically changing world that threatens to become — literally — a thing of the past. Spectacular-looking, exciting and (I dare say) even moving animated film with extremely good voice casting. It’s nothing at all like the film the trailer suggests and even though it’s not Chris Sanders’ earlier Lilo & Stitch or How to Train Your Dragon, it’s still very good indeed. Rated PG

Evil Dead HHH Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jessica Lucas, Elizabeth Blackmore Splattery Horror A group of 20-somethings find an aged book of occultism in the incredibly spacious basement of a cabin. One of them foolishly reads from it. Nastiness ensues. Slick, gory, reasonably efficient remake of the 1981 Sam Raimi cult favorite. It’s OK, but apart from a pretty terrific ending, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before — plenty of times. Rated R

G.I. Joe: Retaliation HHH Dwayne Johnson, Adrianne Palicki, D.J. Cotrona, Byung-Hun Lee, Bruce Willis Action The members of G.I. Joe team are attacked and nearly destroyed as the evil cabal that is Cobra attempts to bring the world to its knees. A cheesy, charmless blow-em-up, heavy in dumb, macho action-movie clichés that’s short on tact. Rated PG-13

Ginger & Rosa HHH Elle Fanning, Alice Englert, Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Timothy Spall Coming-of-Age Drama Two teenage girls struggle with growing up in ‘60s London with the specter of nuclear war hanging in the background. An often visually striking, yet quiet film with a superb cast that



Director: Rouben Mamoulian (Love Me Tonight) Players: Irene Dunne, Randolph Scott, Dorothy Lamour, Elizabeth Patterson, Raymond Walburn, Charles Bickford, Akim Tamiroff MUSICAL Rated NR Rouben Mamoulian did his most important work at Paramount, but he’d left the studio in 1933. In 1937 he came back for one more film — this little seen and mostly forgotten High, Wide and Handsome. The film was an obvious attempt — with its period setting, its Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammerstein II songs and star Irene Dunne — to be the next Show Boat, which had been a hit for James Whale the year before. And though it formed the bridge between Show Boat and the Broadway production of Oklahoma! (which Hammerstein wrote and Mamoulian directed), High, Wide and Handsome was only a middling box office success. Theories abound as to why — the lack of a singing male lead, the fact that it had no songs to equal “Make Believe,” “Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man,” and, especially, “Ol’ Man River” — it didn’t click. My own belief is that it mostly had to do with the fact that Mamoulian was using techniques that had fallen out of favor — long, slow dissolves, optical wipes, a blend of naturalism and intense stylization — and that seemed odd in 1937. These things are less a problem now because we’re looking at it more as an “old movie” in general terms and aren’t thrown by it being out of step with 1937 movies. In any case, High, Wide and Handsome is a fine film — beautiful to look at, stylish and very entertaining. It gets better every time I see it, too. The Asheville Film Society will screen High, Wide and Handsome Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

How I Won the War HHHHH Director: Richard Lester (A Hard Day’s Night) Players: Michael Crawford, John Lennon, Roy Kinnear, Lee Montague, Jack MacGowran, Michael Hordern ANTI-WAR SATIRE Rated NR “I saw a film today, oh boy,” sings John Lennon in the song “A Day in the Life” from The Beatles’ Sergeant Pepper’s album. He then goes on to remark that “the English army had just won the war” and notes that while “a crowd of people turned away,” he “just had to look, having read the book.” Well, the film he saw was Richard Lester’s How I Won the War (1967), and of course Lennon had read the book, since he’d made his dramatic film debut (and swan song) in the movie, playing the role of the kleptomaniacal soldier Gripweed. Even in 1967, Lennon’s involvement in How I Won the War was the most famous thing about it. Lester himself has admitted that the audience was expecting Lennon to pull out a guitar and sing — and when that never happened, the film was doomed. The movie was — and is — difficult. Lester didn’t want to just make an anti-war film, he wanted it to be an anti-war-film film. The idea was to send up the phony on screen heroics of war movies. The result was brilliant but so disturbing and bleak that no one wanted to see it. The passage of nearly 50 years has perhaps made us more open to it. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present How I Won the War Friday, Feb. 13, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

The Giant Claw HHHS Director: Fred F. Sears (Earth vs. the Flying Saucers) Players: Jeff Morrow, Mara Corday, Morris Ankrum, Louis Merrill, Edgar Barrier, Robert Shayne GIANT PUPPET BUZZARD HORROR Rated NR The Thursday Horror Picture Show is serving Grade-A turkey this week with Fred F. Sears’ deliriously dreadful The Giant Claw. To give some barometer of its quality, consider that it was released in June of 1957, and even though Sears died in November of that same year, in the intervening five months he managed to crank out another eight movies and one TV episode before handing in his Directors Guild card. To say he was a meticulous craftsman would be an untruth of some note, but he could undeniably churn ’em out. And in all honesty, it’s not the workmanlike direction, the screenplay or the echt-1950s acting that stuffs and bastes the bird. It’s the bird itself. In fact, the first 26 minutes of the movie aren’t that bad. And then … the title monster shows up — and not just his claw, but every ill-advised turkey-feathered inch of the damned thing. It is … well, just, wow. This is one of those rare cases — owing to the way the film was put together — where it’s easy to believe that the stars, mindless of what the monster looked like, went to the premiere showing, only to slink away in abject embarrassment, hoping not to be recognized. The truth, though, is that it’s entirely due to this plucked buzzard-from-hell puppet that anyone remembers the movie today. Otherwise, The Giant Claw would be nothing but another 1950s giant monster flick. As it is, its unique awfulness makes it a strange kind of very wayward “classic.” The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Giant Claw Thursday, Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Turning Point HHHS Director: Herbert Ross (Steel Magnolias) Players: Anne Bancroft, Shirley MacLaine, Tom Skerritt, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Leslie Browne, Martha Scott GLOSSY SOAP BALLET DRAMA Rated PG Oh, it garnered 11 Oscar nominations — but took home nothing at the end of the night. (Sometimes you can’t even bamboozle the Academy.) I know — at least judging by all the gush on its IMDb page — that The Turning Point (1977) has its admirers, but let’s face it, it’s really just glossy and unconvincing soap. It’s high-toned soap — it’s all about ballet, for goodness’ sake — but it’s still soap. It’s the old gag about the friendly rivals who, despite a certain enmity, keep in touch. We have the housewife (Shirley MacLaine) who gave up her dance career to have a family, and we have the wildly successful dancer (Anne Bancroft) who is past her prime. It’s really not much more than untangling their histories with a dumb mother-love drama thrown in for extra suds. I won’t deny that Bancroft and MacLaine are good at what they do, but the roles are hardly taxing their talents. It will appeal to some — and there are some good moments in it. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Turning Point Sunday, Feb. 15, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


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Female, 1 Year, Domestic Shorthair/Mix

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Harry• Male, 1 Year, Pitbull Mix Meet Harry! This beautiful boy is a happy go lucky guy who will entertain you will his zest for life. He has done well with other dogs here. With all his wonderful energy and love for exercise, he would love to be your hiking buddy!

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FREEwiLL astRoLogY

by Rob Brezny

Aries (march 21-April 19): I hope you have someone in your life to whom you can send the following love note, and if you don’t, I trust you will locate that someone no later than August 1: “I love you more than anyone loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that no one loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that I love no one else, and never have loved anyone else, and never will love anyone else.” (This passage is borrowed from author Jonathan Safran Foer’s book Everything Is Illuminated.) TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “We assume that others show their love in the same way that we do,” writes psychologist Amy Przeworski, “and if they don’t follow that equation, we worry that the love is not there.” I think you’re on track to overcome this fundamental problem, Taurus. Your struggles with intimacy have made you wise enough to surrender your expectations about how others should show you their love. You’re almost ready to let them give you their affection and demonstrate their care for you in ways that come natural to them. In fact, maybe you’re ready RIGHT NOW. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I’d like to bestow a blessing on you and your closest ally. My hope is that it will help you reduce the restlessness that on occasion undermines the dynamism of your relationship. Here’s the benediction, inspired by a Robert Bly poem: As you sit or walk or lie next to each other, you share a mood of glad acceptance. You aren’t itchy or fidgeting, wondering if there’s something better to be or do. You don’t wish you were talking about a different subject or feeling a different emotion or living in a different world. You are content to be exactly who you are, exactly where you are. cAncer (June 21-July 22): Want to infuse your romantic interludes with wilder moods now and then? Want to cultivate a kind of intimacy that taps deeper into your animal intelligence? If so, try acting out each other’s dreams or drawing magic symbols on each other’s bodies. Whisper funny secrets into each other’s ears or wrestle like good-natured drunks on the living room floor. Howl like coyotes. Caw like crows. Purr like cheetahs. Sing boisterous songs and recite feral poetry to each other. Murmur this riff, adapted from Pablo Neruda: “Our love was born in the wind, in the night, in the earth. That’s why the clay and the flower, the mud and the roots know our names.” leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Is there any sense in which your closest alliance is a gift to the world? Does your relationship inspire anyone? Do the two of you serve as activators and energizers, igniting fires in the imaginations of those whose lives you touch? If not, find out why. And if you are tapping into those potentials, it’s time to raise your impact to the next level. Together the two of you now have extra power to synergize your collaboration in such a way that it sends out ripples of benevolence everywhere you go. Virgo (Aug. 23-sept. 22): The poet Rainer Marie Rilke said that people misunderstand the role of love. “They have made it into play and pleasure because they think that play and pleasure are more blissful than work,” he wrote. “But there is nothing happier than work. And love, precisely because it is the supreme happiness, can be nothing other than work.” I’m sharing this perspective with you for two reasons, Virgo. First, of all the signs in the zodiac, you’re most likely to thrive on his approach. Second, you’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when this capacity of yours is at a peak. Here’s how Rilke finished his thought: “Lovers should act as if they had a great work to accomplish.” liBrA (sept. 23-oct. 22): About 2,600 years ago, the Greek poet Sappho wrote the following declaration: “You make me hot.” In the next ten days, I’d love for you to feel motivated to say or think that on a regular basis. In fact, I predict that you will. The astrological omens suggest you’re in a phase when you are both more likely to be made hot and more likely to encounter phenomena that make you hot. Here are some other fragments from Sappho that


FEBRuaRY 11 - FEBRuaRY 17, 2015

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): How many desires do you have? Take a rough inventory. Identify the experiences you continually seek in your quest to feel relief and pleasure and salvation and love and a sense of meaning. You can also include fantasies that go unfulfilled and dreams that may or may not come true in the future. As you survey this lively array, don’t censor yourself or feel any guilt. Simply give yourself to a sumptuous meditation on all the longings that fuel your journey. This is your prescription for the coming week. In ways you may not yet be able to imagine, it is the medicine you need most.

might come in handy when you need to express your torrid feelings: 1. “This randy madness I joyfully proclaim.” 2. “Eros makes me shiver again ... Snake-sly, invincible.” 3. “Desire has shaken my mind as wind in the mountain forests roars through trees.” (Translations by Guy Davenport.) scorPio (oct. 23-nov. 21): On the TV sciencefiction show Doctor Who, the title character lives in a time machine that is also a spaceship. It’s called a Tardis. From the outside, it appears to be barely bigger than a phone booth. But once you venture inside, you find it’s a spacious chateau with numerous rooms, including a greenhouse, library, observatory, swimming pool and karaoke bar. This is an excellent metaphor for you, Scorpio. Anyone who wants your love or friendship must realize how much you resemble a Tardis. If they don’t understand that you’re far bigger on the inside than you seem on the outside, it’s unlikely the two of you can have a productive relationship. This Valentine season, as a public service, make sure that everyone you’re seriously involved with knows this fact. sAgittArius (nov. 22-Dec. 21): Love and intimacy come in many forms. There are at least a billion different ways for you to be attracted to another person and a trillion different ways to structure your relationship. Maybe your unique bond involves having sex, or maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it’s romantic or friendly or holy or all three of those things. Do the two of you have something important to create together, or is your connection more about fueling each other’s talents? Your task is to respect and revere the idiosyncratic ways you fit together, not force yourselves to conform to a prototype. To celebrate the Valentine season, I invite you and your closest ally to play around with these fun ideas. cAPricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Anais Nin wrote the following passage in her novel A Spy in the House of Love: “As other girls prayed for handsomeness in a lover, or for wealth, or for power, or for poetry, she had prayed fervently: let him be kind.” I recommend that approach for you right now, Capricorn. A quest for tender, compassionate attention doesn’t always have to be at the top of your list of needs, but I think it should be for now. You will derive a surprisingly potent alchemical boost from basking in kindness. It will catalyze a breakthrough that can’t be unleashed in any other way. Ask for it! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The German word Nachkussen refers to the kind of kiss that compensates for all the kissing that has not been happening, all the kissing that has been omitted or lost. If it has been too long since you’ve kissed anyone, you need Nachkussen. If your lover hasn’t kissed you lately with the focused verve you long for, you need Nachkussen. If you yourself have been neglecting to employ your full artistry and passion as you bestow your kisses, you need Nachkussen. From what I can tell, Pisces, this Valentine season is a full-on Nachkussen holiday for you. Now please go get what you haven’t been getting.

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mentor stAff neeDeD for A therAPeutic BoArDing school The Academy at Trails Carolina, a experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grade 9-12 based in Henderson County NC, is seeking adventure-oriented candidates to join its Mentor Team staff. Academy Mentors coordinate with Clinical and Academic Staff to deliver an integrated educational experience that facilitates individual student growth. Ideal candidates will have: -Experience in direct care, mental health, or related field -Current First Aid/CPR -Outdoor interests, artistic prowess, or musical abilities welcomed *Salary commensurate with experience Interested applicants should email resume and cover letter to: suWs of the cArolinAs is hiring for seAsonAl WilDerness fielD instructors We are a wilderness therapy company that operates in the Pisgah National Forest and serves youth and adolescents ages 10-17. This is an eight days on and six days off shift schedule. Duties and responsibilities include; safety and supervision of students, assists field therapist with therapeutic outcomes, lead backpacking expeditions with students and co-staff, teach student curriculum, leave no trace ethics and primitive skills to students. Must be able to hike in strenuous terrain and lift 15 pounds over their head. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. Current CPR and First Aid preferred, college degree or higher education preferred. Send resume to Ted Bost at or visit: http:// careers/. There are upcoming 3 day informational seminars about this position on Feb. 6-8, Feb. 20-21, Mar. 6-8, Mar. 20-22, April 3-5, April 17-19, May 1-3, May 15-17, May 29-31 CRC Health Group and its subsidiaries is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Verner center for eArly leArning seeks full-time, part-time, temporary, and substitute teaching professionals who are nurturing, skilled in supporting the development of very young children, and can be assets to our progressive program. Qualified candidates are preferred to have a minimum of Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education, a CDA, or Infant/Toddler Certificate, in addition to current SIDS

Arts/meDiA exhiBitions curAtor At AsheVille Art museum The Asheville Art Museum is seeking an Exhibitions Curator to develop dynamic exhibitions that explore American art of the 20th and 21st century. Visit for job description details. mAnAging eDitor - cArolinA PuBlic Press Carolina Public Press, an Ashevillebased nonprofit online investigative news organization, seeks a part-time managing editor to join its growing team. Find full job description, application instructions at

cAreer trAining AViAtion grADs Work with JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) stArt your humAnitAriAn cAreer! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! 269-591-0518. (AAN CAN)

comPuter/ technicAl

WeBmAster/ DeVeloPer Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to continue the evolution of our online presence. You must have: 1) Excellent web development skills (PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, RWD) with at least 2 years of professional experience; 2) Strong problem solving skills with the ability to work independently; 3) Ability to manage in-house and outsourced projects; 4) Willingness to be a team player; 5) Commitment to a locally focused, social-mediaengaged outlet. The ideal candidate will have WordPress development experience (templating, custom post types, taxonomies, widgets, hooks & actions), the ability to write custom database queries, as well as modify existing custom PHP applications. You will also need experience managing a LAMP infrastructure with high-availability principles. Salary based on experience and skill, with

benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress' mission and needs, and why you'd like to work with us) and resume to: web-coordinator@mountainx. com. No phone calls please.

sAlon/ sPA hAir stylist Booth rental position available in established West Asheville salon. We have plenty of parking, a great working atmosphere, and walk-ins. Confidential interview Sherry 828-7751044 leave a message. sensiBilities DAy sPA is hiring a full-time Front Desk/ Retail/Receptionist. Experience required. Ability to work at both locations/weekends. Please bring resume to 59 Haywood Street, downtown AVL.

xchAnge JeWelry three DiAmonD engAgement rings In Charleston vault over 20 years. All set in platinum. Very high in clarity, color, and depth. Approx values $3,700 - 7,800, could use 2015 appraisals. Call Bruce @ 505-0313 0r 407-7365 to discuss reduced prices/see.

serVices AuDio/ViDeo Dish tV Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 months) Save! Regular Price $34.99. Ask about Free same day Installation! Call now! 888-992-1957 (AAN CAN).

home imProVement hAnDy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • hAnDymAn serVices Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

heAting & cooling

sPrAy foAm insulAtion • Close Cell Foam • Open Cell Foam. • And Fiberglass Insulation • Basement • Crawl space • Attic and Roofing. Make your Existing Home a Green Home! (828) 337-7236.

Announcements Announcements gooD WooD PiZZA oVens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www.goodWoodPizzaovens .com PregnAnt? thinKing of ADoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-4136293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)

Business get more from life With JAe's incometAx & BooKKeePing serVices 828-691-1651 WE SPECIALIZE IN : Business returns-1040EZ, LongFormsITIN'S, Notary Services- coming soon, IRS Certified, Tax Preperation, IRS Letters, Payroll, Amendments, Bookkeeping. We will match or beat other similar business prices. 828-691-1651

clAsses & WorKshoPs clAsses & WorKshoPs

cAregiVers COMPANION • CAREGIvER • LIvE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.

entertAinment stArt sAVing $$$ With DirectV $19.99 month. 130 channels, Free HDDVR4 room install. High speed Internet-Phone bundle available. Call today: 877-8290681 (AAN CAN)

conscious cooKing: leArning to PrePAre Delicious & heAlthy fooD February 20 – 22 Prama Wellness Center Learn to cook delicious, healthy, glutenfree, and vegan food. Faculty: Ramesh Bjonnes and Alex Dickie Cost: $375 – $450 (More Info Below)

finAnciAl Are you in Big trouBle With the IRS? Stop wage and bank levies, liens and audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, and resolve tax debt Fast. Call 844-753-1317. (AAN CAN)

sAlsA clAsses W/ hector gutierreZ & Jennifer stAlnAKer Salsa Classes New 6wks starts Wednesday February 18th and then

thE nEw YoRK timEs cRosswoRd puzzLE

next New 6wks will start April 1st!! Location at Extreme Dance Studio, 856 Sweeten Creek Rd, Asheville NC 28803. Beginners 7:30-8:30pm & Intermediate 8:30-9:30pm. $10/class or $40/6wks. 8286742658 www.facebook. com/2umbao

minD, BoDy, sPirit BoDyWorK

soul reAlignment™ reADings AnD sPirit guiDe coAching I am an Akashic Records reader, spirit guide coach and certified life coach. Clear your blocks and transform your life. Book a reading at or contact me at

for musiciAns musicAl serVices #1 AfforDABle community conscious mAssAge AnD essentiAl oil clinic 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 7851385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. • $33/ hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WeeK Looking for the best therapist in town--- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. structurAl integrAtion rolf therAPeutic BoDyWorK Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 Ashevillestructuralintegration .com

counseling serVices holistic hyPnotherAPy $60/HR EAST ASHEvILLE Integrated Holistic Hypnotherapy & Wellness and Lifestyle Coaching. Personal growth and transformation to achieve positive lasting results. Sessions are 1.5 hrs. Send text message for available times to (703) 346-7112 sAcreD time meDicine WomAn ~ meDicAl AnD sPirituAl intuitiVe & remote VieWer Nicole Myers Henderson, the Sacred Time Medicine Woman is accepting new clients. Whether you need to change your life or heal your body, Henderson promises a fresh perspective and great wisdom

nAturAl AlternAtiVes nAturAl, holistic, energy therAPies Detailed Health Assessment through Iridology, Vital Scan HRV, Kinesiology. Personalized Natural Therapy Recommendations. LED Light therapy with customized frequencies will de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828777-5263, book online www.

sPirituAl cAll ninA the AurAcle: 253-7472 "I am so pleased with the results of the aura reading. It changed my life and the way I look at things. " Lisa Rowe, RScP.

AsheVille's WhiteWAter recorDing Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/ DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.

Pets Pet serVices AsheVille Pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

AutomotiVe Autos for sAle cAsh for cArs Any Car/ Truck. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come yo you! Call For instant offer: 1-888420-3808. (AAN CAN)

AutomotiVe serVices Auto insurAnce stArting At $25/month! Call 855-977-9537. (AAN CAN)

ACROSS 1 Blubber 4 Smartphone relative, for short 7 Allergy sufferer’s concern 13 Maze runner? 15 Item used by 13-Across to navigate the 22-Across 16 Visibly upset … or happy 17 Slangy word of regret 18 Pink-colored, to Pedro 19 Org. for seniors 21 Late TV newsman Garrick 22 Home of the [circled letters] 25 -like 28 Registered workers? 29 Poli-___ 32 Like some breaking news, nowadays 34 Goes on and on 37 “Me, too” 38 Sharon of Israel 39 Announcement at an airport 42 Worker with a béret, maybe 44 QB’s goals 45 First-timer 47 Began a relationship 48 Ruler of 30-Down

51 Spatter catcher 54 5:2, e.g. 55 “My bad!” 59 Front-___ (some

washing machines)

61 JFK-based carrier 63 Avoid, as the [circled

letters] 64 Daughter of 48-Across who helped 13-Across 65 Plan so that maybe one can 66 White House advisory grp. 67 Motor oil choice DOWN 1 Kool-Aid packet direction 2 “I’m in for it now!” 3 They’re placed in Vegas 4 Soup veggie 5 Resistant to wear and tear 6 Analyzed 7 Sports dept. 8 “Give me a ___” 9 Tell it to the judge 10 Dante’s “Inferno” 11 Constructed 12 Old TV’s “Queen for ___” 14 Circus balancer

edited by Will Shortz

17 Like some punk

rockers’ hair




“The Crucible,” e.g.


20 Basics of education, 23 End of Arthur Miller’s 24 Intel org. 25 Where ___ (a happen-




ing place)

Phone Actresses From home. Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 21+. Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/ most Weekends. 1-800-4037772. (AAN CAN) ViAgrA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills + 4 Free for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement! Discreet Shipping. Save $500. Buy the Blue Pill Now! 1-800-404-1271 (AAN CAN)












17 19 22




the [circled letters] 25 26 27 28 27 Catches word of 29 Earthquake 32 33 30 Home of the [circled letters] 37 31 Key 33 U.K. record label 39 35 San ___ 36 Hosp. scan 44 40 Many a girl’s middle name 48 49 41 They stick together in the playroom 51 52 53 42 Third-largest Frenchspeaking city in the 59 world [hint: it’s in Ivory Coast] 63 43 Some salon workers 65 46 Iraq war subj. 48 Big name in the film industry puzzle by greg johnson 49 Bumbling 53 Campaign 50 Japanese noodles 51 Quaffs in pints 56 88, e.g., familiarly 52 Sit (for)


K i ds ISSUE





38 40






47 50







64 66


57 Give up, at least

60 ___ Speedwagon 62 Constantly twirling a

for now 58 Ooze

lock of hair, e.g.


















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26 Weapon used to slay


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