Mountain Xpress 02.25.15

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contEnts contact us pagE 24

WNC’s women brewers

Many Asheville-area breweries are growing fast enough to create plenty of new jobs. Although women are still a minority in the industry, both nationwide and locally, WNC is home to a handful of talented female brewers who are eager to see their numbers rise. covER dEsign: Kathleen Soriano Taylor pHoto Tim Robison on tHE covER: Hollie Stephenson, Highland Brewery

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20 Back in tHE gRoovE Cardiac rehabilitation builds heart stamina and confidence

28 tHE waiting gamE For Asheville servers, the job has a taste of both bitter and sweet



9 suRFing tHE skiEs Gliders fly high above Mount Mitchell



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30 soutHERn cuLtuRE Getting down-to-earth with home mushroom farming




caRtoon: moLton


caRtoon: BREnt BRown



14 communitY caLEndaR 16 conscious paRtY 18 in tHE spiRit 19 nEws oF tHE wEiRd


Publishes 05.06.15



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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

38 smaRt BEts 42 cLuBLand 48 moviEs

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53 cLassiFiEds

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32 Loud, Fast and stRangE — A look inside Asheville’s art-punk scene

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34 cLass acts A-B Tech concert series spotlights talented faculty

54 FREEwiLL astRoLogY 55 nY timEs cRosswoRd

Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Mountain Xpress is available free throughout Western North Carolina. Limit one copy per person. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 payable at the Xpress office in advance. No person may, without prior written permission of Xpress, take more than one copy of each issue. To subscribe to Mountain Xpress, send check or money order to: Subscription Department, PO Box 144, Asheville NC 28802. First class delivery. One year (52 issues) $115 / Six months (26 issues) $60. We accept Mastercard & Visa.

copYRigHt 2014 BY Mountain Xpress advERtising copYRigHt 2014 BY Mountain Xpress aLL RigHts REsERvEd


Send your letters to the editor to staFF

puBLisHER: Jeff Fobes assistant to tHE puBLisHER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E EditoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall Food EditoR/wRitER: Gina Smith staFF REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose

contRiButing EditoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

caRtoon BY RandY moLton

Big Ivy’s forests must be protected When we purchased our Barnardsville-area property years ago, we chose it primarily because it backed up to national forest lands. We felt this ensured that the land would be protected for our family and for future generations. Why are we now considering creating roads to slice through the forest so that logging trucks can cut down trees and destroy the habitat of plants and animals that have no voice? In [developing] countries like Costa Rica, they are replanting their forests because they have seen the value of ecotourism and that it benefits many people . . . not just a few. Here in Barnardsville, or Big Ivy as it is also called, Navitat ziplines exist because people are willing to pay to see unbroken expanses of forest that they no longer have where they live. The forest is a living organism. It is a unity that works in harmony to create clean water, abundant oxygen, uplifting natural beauty, healing herbs and mushrooms, and a home for songbirds and wildlife. I attended the meeting at the community center in Barnardsville and was given some hope that this truly IS our forest and that we have a say in what happens to it. So I ask: Why is it that those who

want to cut our timber for profit cannot see the FOREST for the trees? We are all strands in the web of life. We must preserve what remains of our natural environment everywhere, including the forest where stands of old-growth timber and rare plant and animal habitat still flourish in the Big Ivy area. — Reva Spawn Barnardsville

Solutions exist for Asheville’s whitesupremacy problem Reading jerry sternberg’s opinion piece, “Gospel According to Jerry: Confessions of a Recovering Racist” [Feb. 11, Xpress], inspired a lot of feelings in me: Irritation, disgust and confusion were the big ones, but there was also a sense of relief. Here is someone with white-skin privilege talking about racism in Asheville, acknowledging that he is a recovering racist and asking about solutions. I don’t think there is a “superior solution” to Asheville’s white-supremacy problem, but there are thousands of small solutions. For decades, black activists from Malcolm X to Alicia Garza with #blacklivesmatter have asked white people to talk to other white people about white supremacy and racism. So, today, my small solution is to

REguLaR contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther


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moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke

advERtising, aRt & dEsign managER: Susan Hutchinson gRapHic dEsignERs: Lori Deaton, Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille onLinE saLEs managER: Jordan Foltz


maRkEting associatEs: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner inFoRmation tEcHnoLogiEs: Stefan Colosimo wEB: Kyle Kirkpatrick oFFicE managER & BookkEEpER: Patty Levesque

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assistant oFFicE managER: Lisa Watters distRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant distRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery distRiBution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young




FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



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invite you out for coffee to talk about your article. I’d love to hear more stories about your childhood in Asheville, about what got you into recovery from racism and what we can do to put more white people on that path. Just as an example, you mentioned that white people have been pretty bad emancipators. Dr. darin waters, a history professor at UNCA, gave a talk the other day at a local synagogue where he said that enslaved Africans set themselves free —not white people or Abraham Lincoln at all. I had never heard that before, but it sounded true, and I would love to hear what you think. I’d also love to talk to you more about your views on the role of family planning, gun control and race relations, but I would need beer — not coffee — for that conversation. — Desaray Smith Asheville

Runner, heal thyself I read with interest the travails of runner chris moe, who was hit twice by cars and threatened with legal action, all during a single run on Asheville roads [“Asheville drivers should share the road with runners,” Feb. 11, Xpress].

I’m a runner myself, and in 25 years of running, much of it on roads, I’ve never once been hit by a car, nor do I know anyone who has been. It’s just possible that Moe’s running gait was thrown off by the giant chip on his shoulder that he’s obviously carrying. — Jim Grodnik Brevard

is whether or not every child in America has been strictly following the CDC vaccination schedule. Let me just point out that we know and have known for decades that we are creating a future for our children and grandchildren that will be unrecognizable to us: a world with toxic air, poisoned water, radically reduced species diversity, depleted soils and a climate that will make it impossible to grow enough food to feed 7 billion people (hell, we’re having a hard time doing it now). And they’ll have to deal with all this amid whatever kind of chaotic and unstable economic and political situation results from a century of anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian efforts by the ruling class to stop, kill or imprison the people who are trying to build a better world. But by all means, really the most important thing is that you vaccinate little Johnny and Suzy for measles, because it would be a real drag to get measles when you are dealing with the unraveling of the biosphere and the collapse of human civilization. — Matt Rawlings Weaverville

Climate crisis demands more attention than vaccines As you may know, Asheville is among the areas with the highest rates of unvaccinated children in the country. I’m not anti-vaccine, really I’m not. That said, I swear this whole controversy around vaccines feels to me like the secular liberal equivalent of homosexuality for conservative Christians. Of all the things the Bible in general and Jesus in particular seem to focus on, they want to make a big deal about homosexuality. Of all the science we have pointing to the catastrophic crises unfolding right now that threaten to undermine the very life-support systems of the planet — what secular liberals want to get all hot and bothered about

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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


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‘Medical Intuitives’ article needed a skeptical eye Your paper has in recent months published a series of frankly unbelievable statements about what various people can do with various supernatural abilities — all of them presented by the reporters as simple facts, without even a hint of journalistic skepticism. I have cringed, rolled my eyes and said nothing. But the absurdity reached a pinnacle with the Feb. 11 issue, and I can no longer refrain from calling you on your apparently off-the-charts level of collective gullibility. I refer to “Medical intuitives: Seeing the way to better health,” by nicki glasser [Feb. 11, Xpress]. This piece tells us about four local women who claim to be able to literally look inside other people’s bodies, by supernatural means, in order to see what is wrong with them. Specifically, teresa Eidt claims, “I was shown a cancerous ulcer on the internal wall of [a massage client’s] abdomen,” and “I scan the body system by system.” kimberly crowe is said to claim “that when she placed her hands on people, she could see things in their bodies.” Rachel Frezza claims that her ability in this regard was objectively tested: “Frezza was given

caRtoon BY BREnt BRown

no information about [10 patients] or their conditions. Only by accurately reporting the conditions did she pass the course.” tammy coffee is quoted as saying, “I see the physical body like an X-ray machine, like I have a camera and I am going inside the body. … I will look through, for example, the entire small and large intestine.” Ms. Glasser reports every one of these claims with no indication that she sees anything strange or suspicious here. The story contains no counterpoint by anybody with training in medical science. … To put it most bluntly, these claims are either the most important development in the history of science or they are complete bullsh*t. Don’t you think it might be important to know which they are? Don’t you think your readers deserve to be told which they are? If they’re true, wouldn’t you want to know that for sure and get credit for being the first media outlet to announce this incredible news? And if they’re bullsh*t, wouldn’t you want to do your readers the service of running a retraction, and exposing the claimants as quacks and frauds — or, at best, self-deluded fools? Doesn’t the Mountain Xpress, as an institution of journalism, have even a tiny bit of desire to sepa-

rate the most monumental scientific discovery from the most monumental bullsh*t? — Robert J. Woolley Asheville Editor’s response: Mountain Xpress does not endorse therapies, and since we are not health professionals ourselves, we are not in a position to evaluate the efficacy of any healing modalities. In this case, we’d also note that medical intuitives do not diagnose illness; there is a legal restriction on their activities. Xpress does share stories about the many modalities for health that are practiced in our region, letting readers know what practitioners are doing and saying as part of covering the entire wellness scene in Asheville. The “Medical Intuitives” article is one of those stories.

We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

Calling all community-minded writers, photographers and content curators Do you like to write? Take photos or videos? Are you fascinated with the people, places and projects of Asheville and the surrounding region? Do you like organizing information and helping bring people together? Are you empathetic, curious and gregarious? Do you use social media to interact and learn about your community? Does Asheville’s DIY, grassroots energy inspire you? If your answers are yes, then consider working with Xpress as a collaborator. Send us your ideas and tell us about yourself. If you have clips or samples of your work, send us links. Email us at Let’s talk!

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


Community dialogue from















by Catherine Morris

Highest and best use? Or absolutely the worst use? editor’s note: Density, zoning, Smart Growth and quality of life in the city of Asheville continue to generate interest and concern among Mountain Xpress readers. Recent letters to the editor on these topics have generated multiple comments and new letters, along with a lively thread on the Facebook group Asheville Politics, which had garnered more than 74 comments. Here’s the latest submission from a West Asheville reader. Elected officials wax poetic with their passion about density, infill development and property-tax revenues for Buncombe County and Asheville city versus community and citizen visions of undeveloped green places and parks. They make the case for increased housing for those coming to live here but seem to place little emphasis on quality of life for those of us already living here who currently pay taxes and for those coming who might pay taxes. Pushing maximum density but not providing infrastructure support or preserving green space for that maximum density is potentially killing the golden goose, so to speak, destroying the communities we value now. Two recent letters to the editor by stephen schulte [“Will Asheville Make Oregon’s Density Mistakes?”] and joseph nolan [“Time to Act, While There’s Something Left to Save”] in the Feb. 11 issue of Mountain Xpress address these same serious concerns eloquently about issues soon before City Council. The Beaucatcher Heights rezoning issue (away from R2) was scheduled to come before City Council on Feb. 24, the same day as the conditional rezoning for Craggy Park development issue for 45 dense, infill housing units in West Asheville (eight houses per acre zoning), about which I write. Currently, the Craggy and Louisiana Avenue properties are relatively undeveloped and are next to the wooded Falconhurst Natural Area and the cityowned Army Reserve property. I applaud elected officials for their commitment and service to our community. However, I deplore the reality that we have no plans or money for


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

a stREam Runs tHRougH it: This stream goes through the Craggy Park development proposed for a site off Craggy and Louisiana avenues. “What happens when we run out of undeveloped land? Simply focusing on providing housing at the expense of infrastructure and quality of life is shortsighted and may lead to disastrous results in the long run,” says West Asheville resident Catherine Morris. Photo courtesy of Catherine Morris

increasing our parks and preserving green space as we more quickly increase our citizens and land utilization, depleting our undeveloped spaces. What has happened to reworking and improving already developed land that lies fallow and ignored? What happens when we run out of undeveloped land? Simply focusing on providing housing at the

expense of infrastructure and quality of life is shortsighted and may lead to disastrous results in the long run. The three-year effort to conserve the 8-acre Falconhurst Natural Area in West Asheville in the mid-1990s was a needed conversation about community, quality of life and our commitment to land, pitting moneyed economic interests against the ordinary

people. The 1920s vision for parks in the 2010 plan included a greenway for Smith Mill Creek linking it to the French Broad River and other waterways. However, the greenway was not realized and hasn’t been to this day. The Buncombe County commissioners originally wanted to sell their 8-acre landlocked wooded parcel off Patton and Louisiana avenues to allow for commercial development. The Falconhurst Natural Area was not seen as having value undeveloped in the mid-1990s. The broader Asheville community and the commissioners eventually agreed that the community and the future were better served by preserving this parcel in its natural state. In a turn of fate, the city of Asheville now holds ownership with a strong conservation easement held by the conservation group that helped save it. The Falconhurst Natural Area serves to stimulate the community again, as there is renewed interest in having a Smith Mill Creek Greenway along Patton Avenue, the crown jewel of which could be the Natural Area and that wooded land along Craggy and Louisiana Avenue slated for development. But are there no means to realize the dream, truly? What is needed is courage, vision and some commitment to the community. Moneyed developers want to do intensive high-end infill housing on 8 acres of modestly developed but primarily wooded land with a lovely stream adjacent to the Falconhurst Natural Area. This land would be a much-needed extension of the green space near Smith Mill Creek and would be an amazing park for the future. Are we not losing yet more relatively undeveloped land to intense development that would be better served by keeping it as green space and adding it to the city-owned Falconhurst Natural Area for the desired greenway? We can’t claw this land back once it is developed forever. Landowners have no incentive to grant conservation easements, much less give ownership, when money and profit bark so loudly. Are good works and deeds dead? What is right for the land, the ecology and the future? Is it best for the land to be intensively developed or for the land to be preserved for the future generations? Officials decry our lack of adequate park spaces and facilities but seem helpless and have no will to try to change it. We need to preserve this land for the future. Dreams can turn into reality with some ingenuity and the time to pursue alternative options. What do you say? X


Surfing the skies Gliders fly high above Mount Mitchell

BY jakE FRankEL

More than just birds are soaring the winds above Mount Mitchell. Dozens of pilots from around the country will soon attempt to fly motorless gliders over 20,000 feet above the area’s highest peak. They hope to be propelled upward by a natural phenomenon known as wind waves, which crest when air currents blow against the mountain ridge from the northwest. The Black Mountain Range is one of the only places in the eastern U.S. where such massive updrafts occur, sometimes lifting gliders at speeds of more than 1,000 feet per minute. The flights are fraught with dangers, as the waves also come crashing downward, creating extreme turbulence that has the potential to thrust the crafts toward the ground at similarly fast rates. Even if everything goes well, participants must take a range of steps to deal with the thin air, frigid temperatures and other challenges. “If you get in the wrong place — the sink — the air can be coming down fast, like a rock,” says john good, an experienced pilot who volunteers for the Soaring Society of America. “So you have to be smart and knowledgeable enough to sort that out. And careful enough so that if you get it wrong, you still have a safe place you can land.” Another adventurous pilot, sarah arnold, who’s organizing this year’s annual Wave Camp (see info box), says the “uncertainty of the weather” is just part of the thrill of flying. For her, the inherent risks are well worth the rewards. “I love the beauty of it,” she says. “You’re up there flying under all those cumulus clouds, and you look up and see the sun coming through,

against the sky. To me it’s the ultimate meeting of art and science. They come together in soaring in just the most incredible way.” Land oF tHE skY Most of the year, the skies over Mount Mitchell are reserved for commercial jetliners as they zip between major nearby hubs such as Charlotte and Atlanta. But the Federal Aviation Administration has granted gliders permission to sail the area’s winds for a week or two each year since the mid-1970s, redirecting jetliners to avoid crashes. The ’70s were the sport’s heyday, and in 1978, john cross broke the state record for motorless flight above Mitchell, rising to a height of 29,350 feet.

sEt saiL: Planes will tow motorless gliders toward Mount Mitchell, where they’ll be released into powerful wind waves in the hopes of soaring to great heights. Local Wave Camp organizer Sarah Arnold is pictured here being towed in a glider. Photo courtesy of Arnold

Arnold, who has been organizing the local gatherings since 2011, also operates a gliderport in Chilhowee, Tenn., which offers rides and instruction. In recent years, the sport of soaring has been seeing a resurgence, she says, noting that people are coming from as far away as Colorado this year to ride the Mitchell wave.

Her main duty will be towing the gliders from the Shiflet airfield in Marion up in a traditional gaspowered plane to about 7,000 feet toward the mountain ridge, looking for the most powerful wave to release them into. It’s a tough job, even with the luxury of motor power. “In between those waves, there’s extreme turbulence,” she says. “That’s very challenging.” Arnold and other participants will be hoping for better luck than they had at last year’s camp, which was marked by poor weather and an unfortunate crash. jay campbell slammed his glider into a tree along Big Ridge Road near Mitchell. He suffered severe injuries but survived

continuEs on pagE 10 FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



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continuEd FRom pagE 9

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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

after a rescue crew lowered him, according to WLOS reports. It was the worst accident since Arnold’s been organizing the camps. “I wouldn’t do it every year if I thought there was a high chance of someone getting hurt,” she says. “I wouldn’t feel like that would be responsible, but it is a higher-risk activity than your average soaring.” Good says he actually has happy

memories from last year, when, after reaching an elevation of 18,000 feet near Mitchell, he soared south over Asheville before swinging back to the Marion airfield. He’s been preparing for this year’s camp from his home in Pennsylvania, scouring images of Western North Carolina on Google Earth, which provides detailed views of the area’s topography. The key to safety, he says, is making sure there’s “a safe, landable place in reach all the time.”

catcH a wavE: Gliders soar in wind waves, which are created when air currents blow against Mount Mitchell from the northwest, often building in intensity over the course of multiple crests. “In a river, when water hits a rock, it makes waves downstream of the rock, and that’s the same thing that’s happening in the atmosphere. But a significant difference is the atmospheric waves can go really high,” explains gliding instructor John Good. Graphic by Lori Deaton

explains. “In other words, people are getting in trouble by making known errors and mistakes. It’s as safe as you make it.” For clients, he wants to make it as safe as possible, steering clear of the wave’s highest reaches and avoiding long distances. “The safety record of flying guests in gliders is really quite good,” Good says. “It’s quite interesting and instructive for people who haven’t done it. You have to figure out what the science and the clouds are telling you. It can be rather complicated, but it’s always interesting.” X

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The 2015 Wave Camp is based at Shiflet Field in Marion and runs through March 5. Email John Good to book one at john.f.good@ For more information visit the Wave Camp website at

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(828) 407-4263 • Big aiR: Propelled by nothing more than natural winds, motorless gliders have floated as high as 29,350 feet above Mount Mitchell. Photo by Jay Campbell

However, that place might not always be an airstrip. “Sometimes we end up in a farm field, not infrequently, but the gliders can handle that quite nicely,” he says. “We don’t think of that as an emergency. You learn the skill of judging fields from the air: What’s the slope of the field? What’s the surface look like? Are there wires in the way? That’s more or less a normal thing.” If he finds himself over Asheville without enough wind beneath his wings to make it back to Marion, he notes: “The Biltmore House has some beautiful fields. They might not be happy. You might have to do some explaining, but you’re not going to do damage. That’s a place where you could land. … It’s always good to study an area and see where the fields are. It’s sparse fields between Asheville and Marion.”

The responses he’s received from farmers after landing in their fields has run the gamut over the years. While some have been annoyed, others have taken him up on offers to hop aboard the glider with him. “Almost always you can handle it just by being nice,” Good says. “You have to use diplomatic skills.”


For people with two or more years of recovery from living with addictions. This includes family members and friends.

as saFE as You makE it For those wanting to give gliding a try, Good will offer instructional flights for beginners and experienced soarers in Marion this year in his two-person glider. “The people in the general public — not that many of them know about this phenomenon. Many are very surprised when you tell them you’re going to fly a motorless airplane to 30,000 feet,” he says. While he readily admits that “the overall accident record in small planes and gliders is significant,” Good says most of the problems people run into can be avoided with proper training and preparation. “When people get in trouble, it’s overwhelmingly because they did one of the things wrong that is known to be a thing that you must not do,” he

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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



Follow @mxnews on Twitter.

Sustainability The news according to Twitter issue Last week’s icy-snowy-frigid weather dominated the Twitter feed last week. And the best photos from the feed included one taken by ann sharpsteen: It shows karsten delap scaling a very frozen Looking Glass Falls. The No. 1 tweet of the week, however, was:


• I don’t care where you’re from or what you’re used to, nobody drives well on ice. — Wendy Lou Following in that vein, the weather-related pile-ups careened through the feed: • Wow. Harrowing just to watch: Asheville city bus spun out, slid left, right, but somehow slowly made it up South French Broad. — Joel Burgess, Asheville Citizen-Times reporter


• 32 [vehicle] collisions in the city limits last 24 hours. Let’s be careful out there. — Asheville Police Department


• Getting worse by the minute. Also caught someone going the wrong way down College [Street in downtown Asheville]. Whoops! (photo at — Hayley Benton, Mountain Xpress reporter • Off of Old Fort Rd in Fairview [fire truck slides off bank while responding to emergency call and avoiding cars]. — Brian Black The tweets also tracked snowfalland-ice accumulations — along with photographing frozen rivers and ice-glazed parking lots as some temperatures across the region dropped below zero degrees Fahrenheit: • The French Broad River frozen up near Woodfin this morning. (photo at — William Woody, Asheville Citizen-Times photographer

FRoZEn ascEnsion: “I am always yearning to climb [Looking Glass Falls],” says Karsten Delap, owner of Alpine Programs and Fox Mountain Guides and Climbing School. “Rarely do we have temperatures like we have had … last week that enable waterfalls with as much flow volume … to freeze. [But] like the perfect wave for the surfer, this [Feb. 21] climb was something climbers dream for.” Photo of Delap and Travis Weil by Ann Sharpsteen


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

• Almost 1/2 inch of snow has already fallen on campus. More snow possible (could be heavy) in the next several hours. — UNCA weather (students, faculty and staff) • Solid ice on roads at this point. 1/4 inch of sleet + glaze of ice on top = impossible to drive. (photo at avl. mx/0pw). — UNCA weather (students, faculty and staff)

• Talk about cold temps. Portions of the Tuckasegee River in Cullowhee froze last night. (photo at — The Sylva Herald • I’m no meteorologist, but my layperson’s instincts tell me it’s well below freezing in Boone (photos at — Kristen Hampton with WBTV

FuLL tiLt: Interstate 26 East closed between Brevard Road and Long Shoals. Camper blocking lanes. Avoid area. Photo courtesy of Asheville Fire Department

BEst in tHE soutHEast: This year, Asheville chefs John Fleer, Meherwan Irani and Katie Button are in the running for the James Beard Award’s Southeast region, which includes Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina and West Virginia. File photos

For a dash of precipitation history, The Sylva Herald also tweeted an image of a snowy courthouse, which had just been built when the image was taken: • Snow day, 100 years ago in Sylva. This view dates back to 1914-15, shortly after the Courthouse was built. — The Sylva Herald aLL sLidE now: The fire-truck driver “chose to go over the bank to avoid hitting a car head on,” the Fairview Volunteer Fire Department explained on a Facebook post after this photo appeared in a tweet by Brian Black. “We were responding to multiple accidents yesterday due to the freezing rain and ice. …. One of our trucks was responding to one of many motor vehicle accidents and entered a curve that was covered in ice. The rear end of the vehicle began to slide into the opposing lane. [No] firefighters nor anyone else were injured. … The only damage was to a fence. We assisted the property owner with repairing his fence.” Photo courtesy of Brian Black

Of course, Food news percolated through the Twitter feed, too, about three locals: • Congrats to Asheville’s three @beardfoundation award semifinalists! (chefs Katie Button, Meherwan Irani and John Fleer). — Foodtopia • Asheville chefs katie Button, john Fleer, meherwan irani are James Beard [Award] semifinalists (full story at — Asheville Citizen-Times And for some heartwarming news, there was this one: • APD Housing Officer Ball provides a new bike to Trinity Harper-Pierce who had her old bike stolen. (photo at — Asheville Police Department X

Back wHEn: Snow day, 100 years ago in Sylva. This view dates back to 1914-15, shortly after the now-famous courthouse was built. Photo courtesy of The Sylva Herald


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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015




february 25 - march 5, 2015

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. Free listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via email to or through our online submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

Benefits Chilly Challenge chillychallenge8k • SA (2/28), 10am Proceeds from this 8K, 1-mile fun run and chili cook-off benefit North Buncombe Middle School. $15-$25. Held at North Buncombe Middle School, 51 N. Buncombe School Road, Weaverville Hobey Ford at RCS • SA (2/28), 3pm - Tickets to puppeteer Hobey Ford’s Animalia show benefit Rainbow Community School. $12/$7 children. Held at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road Priya Ray Benefit • SA (2/28), 9pm - Krektones, Kreamy ’Lectric Santa,


Incredible stories come to life: Master puppeteer Hobey Ford brings a performance of his “foamies” to Rainbow Community School. The production, called Animalia, is part storytelling and part magic show, and has been described as “visually and aurally engrossing” in previous reviews. Proceeds from the event benefit Rainbow Community School. (p.14)

Kortriba and Dimarkos play to benefit local musician Priya Ray’s handicapped accessible van fund. Held at Static Age Records, 82-A N. Lexington Ave.

Business & Technology A-B Tech Small Business Center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950, Free unless otherwise noted. Registration required. • WE (2/25), 1-4pm - “Public Contracting for Craft Businesses,” seminar. • TH (2/26), 6-9pm “QuickBooks for Small Businesses,” seminar. • SA (2/28), 9am-noon SCORE: “Selling in the 21st Century,” seminar. • TU (3/3), 10am - “Programs and Services for Your Small

FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3, 2015

Business,” seminar. • TH (3/5), 3pm - “Building Your Business’ Website Using WordPress,” seminar. Wait List Only. Goodwill Career Training Center 1616 Patton Ave., 298-9023, • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (4/1), 12:30-3:30pm - Computer basics class. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (4/2), 8:30-11:30am - Computer basics class. Free. Marion Business Association 652-2215, • MONDAYS through (3/23), 6pm - “Am I Cut Out to Be An Entrepreneur?” business course. Free. Registration required. Held at Marion Depot, 58 Depot St., Marion

RiverLink 170 Lyman St., 252-8474 ext.11 • TH (2/26), 10am-noon “Contracting for Minority and Women Businesses,” seminar. Reservations required. Venture Asheville, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

Classes, Meetings & Events ABRAHAM/HICKS: LAW OF ATTRACTION MEETING (pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every

Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444. ASHEVILLE GLASS CENTER (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences., 828-505-7110 DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP • APRIL 11-12 (pd.) Goals with Soul. Join the revolution of feeling good and living free! Light up your life and discover your core desired feelings. Information/registration: ORGANIC GROWER’S SCHOOL’S 22nd ANNUAL SPRING CONFERENCE (pd.) March 7-8, at UNCA, offers practical, regionallyappropriate workshops on organic growing, permacul-

ture, homesteading, farming, plus exhibitors, seedxchange, kid’s program. PLAY THE TRANSFORMATION GAME (pd.) Open to unseen possibilities in understanding self and others. Go deeply/have fun. 6 hours. Be amazed at what is revealed! Feb 13th or 28th. Pricing varies by group size. 828-788-5142. Asheville Redefines Transit 251-1122, Departments/Transit.aspx • TH (2/26), 4-6:30pm - ADA-related transit policy meeting. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Asheville Submarine Veterans, • 1st TUESDAYS, 6-7pm -



FREE YOGA ALL DAY SUNDAY MARCH 1ST! Social meeting for U.S. Navy submarine veterans. Free to attend. Held at Ryan’s Steakhouse, 1000 Brevard Road asheville toastMasters CluB 914-424-7347, • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. Baker-BarBer slideshoW Presentations 697-6224, • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm Images from a collection of historic WNC photographs will be viewed. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville CounCil on aging tax assistanCe 227-8288 For low- to moderateincomes. Bring ID. Free. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • MONDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 9am-4pm - Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain d&d adventurers league • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm - Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave. hendersonville Wise WoMen 693-1523 • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville

laurel ChaPter of the eMBroiderers’ guild of aMeriCa 654-9788, • TH (3/5), 10am - 25th anniversary celebration: “Combining Embroidery with Mixed Media for Effective Designs,” seminar and luncheon. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe Mars hill series on the death Penalty 689-1304, • TU (3/3), 7:30pm Student debate on the death penalty. Held in Belk Auditorium. Free. • WE (3/4), 7pm - The Trials of Darryl Hunt, documentary. Held in Belk Auditorium. Free. • TH (3/5), 7pm - Death penalty panel with Darryl Hunt. Held in Broyhill Chapel. Free. Mlk Prayer Breakfast • SA (2/28), 8am Presentation by activist Tyrone Greenlee. Proceeds benefit Swannanoa Valley High School scholarship. $15/$6 ages 3-12. Held at Camp Dorothy Walls, 495 Cragmont Road, Black Mountain Mountain Peggers 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6-8pm Non-competitive cribbage group for all levels and ages. Free. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. ontraCk WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. • WE (2/25), noon “Dreaming of Debt Free Living.” Free. • WE (2/25), 5:30pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it.” Free. • TH (2/26), noon - “What to do With Your Tax Refund,” seminar. Free. • SATURDAYS until (2/28), 9am - “Manage Your Money” series. Free. thoMas Wolfe MeMorial 52 N. Market St, 253-8304, • Through SA (5/30) Historical costume exhibit, “The Boarder’s Garb.” $5.

toastMasters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. unCa voluntary inCoMe tax assistanCe • SATURDAYS until (4/9), 10:30am-3pm - Income tax preparation for incomes under $53K. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. veterans for PeaCe 582-5180, • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm Weekly vigil. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. Free. Western Carolinians for PeaCe and JustiCe in the Middle east • FR (2/27), 3:15pm General meeting. Free. Held at Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave.




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yMi Cultural Center 39 South Market St., 2524614, • TH (2/26), 6-8:30pm - Town Hall Forum: “Communities of Color: Exclusionary Housing, the Unbanked and Underbanked.” Free.

danCe CoMMunity ChoreograPhy ProJeCts Presents (pd.) “Creating Your Legacy Through Movement, Story and Performance,” an 8-week movement theater workshop. Begins Monday, March 23. All experience levels welcome. Workshop meets at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St., Asheville, 6:15-8:15pm. To register: studio Zahiya, doWntoWn danCe Classes (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 7:45am Yoga 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

communitY caLEndaR














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595

eCo asheville green drinks • WE (2/25), 5:30pm Stories from former Peace Corps and AmeriCorps volunteers. Free to attend. Held at Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville, 36 Montford Ave. Carolina Mountain land ConservanCy 697-5777, • TH (2/26), 6pm - Discussion of CMLC’s involvement in the Headwater State Forest project. Free. Held at Transylvania County Library, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard

On the catwalk wHat: Color Me Goodwill: A Fusion of Fashion, Art and Food for a Mission wHEn: Friday, Feb. 27, 6 p.m. wHERE: The Venue, 21 N. Market St., Asheville wHY: Join local models and fashionistas on the catwalk to support Goodwill, its programs and the environment. This unique fashion show features upcycled clothing designed from items found at Goodwill stores. “The designers come at this from different angles, such as recycling and environmental preservation. Goodwill diverts more than 40,000,000 pounds of items from landfills just in northwestern North Carolina each year,” notes Goodwill VP of marketing and communications jaymie Eichorn. Each of six Goodwill community programs will be represented by a different color, and designers will display their color creations on professional models; the last model featuring each designer’s


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

color will be a Goodwill graduate, program participant or staff member who works in that particular program. “These programs are one reason we are putting on this event — the impact of people’s donation and shopping helps people in the community receive job training and placement. It goes so much further than just retail,” Eichorn explains. During each color presentation, local artists will be creating “flash art,” quickly orchestrated pieces available for purchase during the reception; there, attendees can meet participants and vote for their favorite color designer and artist. Local columnist susan Reinhardt emcees. The evening’s fashions will also be on sale, and a portion of proceeds from art and clothing sales will benefit Goodwill. The entire ticket price will go to help raise awareness about Goodwill’s programs and service offerings. Tickets to the show are $15 and include a raffle drawing entry, heavy appetizers and one drink. For more information, check out the website at colormegoodwill. org. — Michael McDonald

WnC sierra CluB 251-8289, • WE (3/4), 7pm - Discusses an update on efforts to phase out Asheville’s coalpowered electric plant. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place

farM & garden hayWood County Master gardeners • TU (3/3), 5:30pm Presentation by Master Gardener Jim Janke on how to get more from your vegetable garden. Free. Held at Canton Branch of Haywood County Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton henderson County CooPerative extension offiCe 697-4891 • WE (2/25) & TH (2/26), 9:30am-5pm - Conference for commercial vegetable growers includes educational presentations, pesticide credits, trade show and silent auction. $35. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive Mountaintrue 258-8737,

• Mo (3/2), 6-8pm Home composting workshop. Register by Feb. 27 at noon. $15. Held at Henderson County Cooperative Extension Office, 100 Jackson Park Road, Hendersonville

festivals PuriM Carnival 253-0701 ext. 111 • SU (3/1), 10am-2pm Games, food, hamentaschen contest and family celebration. Free to attend. Held at Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. PuriM Party & drag shoW 253-0701, • SA (2/28), 8-11pm Costume party with food, drink and drag show. Sponsored by LGBTQJew and Young Adult Jews of Asheville. Free to attend. Held at Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St.

food & Beer leiCester CoMMunity Center 2979 New Leicester Hwy, Leicester, 774-3000 • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free.

governMent & PolitiCs BunCoMBe County deMoCratiC Party • SA (2/28), 10am-noon - Precinct Organizational Meetings for the Riceville Community Center, Grassy Branch Baptist, First Baptist of Swannanoa, Williams Elementary and Bee Tree Fire Department. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa league of WoMen voters of ashevilleBunCoMBe 258-8223, • TH (2/26), 6pm - Member goal-setting meeting. Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave.

kids GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: www.earthpatheducation. com kids’ aCtivities at the liBraries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (2/27), 3-4:40pm LEGO Builders Club, ages 5 and up. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester rolling for reading 776-0361, For children ages 3-5 and their parents. Free. MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: • 10-10:45am - Held at Haw Creek Elementary, 21 Trinity Chapel Road • 11:15am-noon - Held at W.D. Williams Elementary, 161 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa • 1:45-2:30pm - Held at Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road WEDNESDAYS: • 12:45-1:30pm - Held at Fairview Elementary, 1355 Charlotte Highway, Fairview TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: • 9-9:45am - Held at Leicester Elementary, 31 Gilbert Road, Leicester • 10:30-11:15am - Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • noon-12:45pm - Held at Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd. •1:15-2pm - Held at Emma Elementary, 37 Brickyard Road sPellBound Children’s BookshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • FR (2/27), 6-7:30pm - Writing Workshop: Descriptive Writing for Grades 6-8. $15. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am - Story Time for ages 3-7. Free.

tiny tots CirCus PlaytiMe toyboatcommunityartspace. com • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10am-noon Circus-themed mini class, for babies and children up to age 6. $5 per child per class. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B What’s shakin • SATURDAYS through (3/28), 10am - Singing and dancing class for 6 months to 4 years. $12 per child per class. Held at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. WnC nature Center 75 Gashes Creek Road, 298-5600, • WEDNESDAYS through (3/11), 10am-noon “Critter Time For Tikes & Tots,” learning about animals for ages 3-5. $12. Meets every other week.

outdoors asheville ultiMate CluB, ashevilleultimateclub@ •Through (5/13), 5:30pm - Coed adult ultimate spring league registration. $40/$25 for women new to AUC. Held at Memorial Stadium. Blue ridge BiCyCle CluB • TH (2/26), 6-9pm Bicycling symposium. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock PoWder Creek traditional arChers 891-3332, • SA (2/28), 6pm Membership and informational meeting. Free to attend. Held at Mills River United Methodist Church, 137 Old Turnpike Road, Mills River southern aPPalaChian highlands ConservanCy 253-0095, • SA (2/28), 10am “For Love of Beer & Mountains,” partnership hike. Registration required.

Free. Held at Cataloochee Ranch, 119 Ranch Drive, Maggie Valley

PuBliC leCtures BlaCk history Month events froM asheville City Departments/ ParksRecreation.aspx • SA (2/28), 3pm - “Uniting Our City,” AfricanAmerican history and culture presentation. Free. Held at Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center, 285 Livingston St. PuBliC leCtures at Brevard College 884-8251, • WE (2/25), 3:30-5pm Great Decisions Lecture Series: “Russia and the Near Abroad.” Held in McLarty-Goodson Bldg. $10. • WE (3/4), 3:30-5pm Great Decisions Lecture Series: “India Changes Course.” Held in McLartyGoodson Bldg. $10. PuBliC leCtures at Mars hill 866-642-4968, • TU (3/3), noon “River Cane: Cultural Workhorse and Ecological Powerhouse.” Held in Ramsey Center. Held at Mars Hill University, 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill PuBliC leCtures at unCa Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (2/25), 7:30pm “What is Kabbalah and Why is it a Secret?” Held in Karpen Hall. • TH (2/26), 6pm “History of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and Black Greek Letter Organizations.” Highsmith Union. • TH (2/26), 5pm - “Eating with Intention: Why Does it Matter?” Karpen Hall’s Laurel Forum. • FR (2/27), 11:25am “Islam and the Modern World: From the Ottoman Empire to the Rise of the Republic of Turkey.” Lipinsky Auditorium. • FR (2/27), 11:25am “Black Protest Thought in the Era of the Post World War II Black Freedom

Struggle.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • TU (3/3), 7:30pm - World Affairs Council: “India Changes Course.” Reuter Center. $10/free WAC members and UNCA students. • TH (3/5), 11am - “Jewish Identity, Social Justice and Leadership,” panel discussion. Held in Highsmith Union. • TH (3/5), 6pm - “Did We Learn Anything?: Reflections on a Holocaust 70 Years Later.” Held in Karpen Hall. PuBliC leCtures at Warren Wilson 800-934-3536, • WE (2/25), 7:30pm Reading of original script about 1965 Voting Rights Act. Held in Kittredge Theater. Free.

Time for from a new Coif?





51 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 117, N. Asheville: 828-252-7171 911 Charlotte HWY in Fairview: 828-628-9807

PuBliC leCtures at WCu Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (2/27), 3pm Interview with Lisa Delpit, author of Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. Held in Killian 102.

seniors aarP sMart driver Classes 253-4863, • WE (2/25), 8:30pm For ages 50+. $20/$15 AARP members. Held at Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Home, 1617 Hendersonville Road

sPirituality aBout the transCendental Meditation teChnique: free introduCtory leCture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart

SATURDAY March 21, 2015 $20 adults/$15 kids with pre-registration To sponsor, volunteer or get more information about this event, contact:

for Colon Cancer Awareness

828-254-0881 FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

communitY caLEndaR











by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to

Send your event listings to


Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, asheville tM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or asheville CoMPassionate CoMMuniCation Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www. • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm.

Firewolf: Beneath the Chatter wHat: Local interfaith minister and author tina Firewolf hosts a booksigning of Beneath the Chatter: The Wise Self Awaits, a book of contemplative photography and prose documenting her personal journey toward stopping what she calls the “fearful internal chatter” and discovering enlightenment. wHEn: 7 p.m., Thursday, March 5 wHERE: Malaprops Bookstore, 55 Haywood St. wHY: Mountain Xpress: what has your journey taught you about enlightenment? How do you define that state? tina Firewolf: My journey was wild and magical. I needed to wake up on many levels and pay attention — to fully participate with life, on all levels — the relationship I have with my mind (chatter), the relationship with my inner fire or wisdom, the relationship with others and especially with the Earth … that whisper on the wind. I define the state as “fully participating in life” — and with one-


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

self — and all that is — even that which we cannot see nor define. Enlightenment is for everyone. It is an everyday occurrence waiting there for us to enter into it in each ordinary moment. what do you hope this book will offer the reader? who is it written for? The book is written for people who enjoy visual stimulation to learn concepts — who want to learn more about themselves and a new way to see life but just can’t read a ton and aren’t interested in doing so … who want the nugget now — not a lifetime of study — for there is nothing to learn, only things to remember. The images catapult the reader to remember — it makes it all sink in faster and stronger … deeper if you will. I hope this book offers peace to people — offers them a good giggle that being human is enlightening and that when we love ourselves — even our chatter we are on our way home to the wise self within. X

asheville insight Meditation (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. aWakening deePest nature Meditation Class (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz. com, Crystal visions Books and event Center (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and

Vibrational Healing providers: www. eCkankar WorshiP SERVICE • “DISCOVER soul’s road hoMe to god” (pd.) “The teachings of ECK work on the simple principle that love is the divine current which makes all life possible. Finally we reach the understanding that everything we do, everything that happens to us, is for our own spiritual good and of our own making. At the end of the road we realize that the spiritual path is about love for all, selfresponsibility, and responsibility to all life.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). • Date: Sunday, March 1, 2015, 11am-12 Noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. oPen heart Meditation (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 serenity insight Meditation (pd.) A Burmese monk leads authentic Buddhist insight meditation, grounded in 40 years of practice. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome. • Sundays, 10am11:30am; • Wednesdays, 5pm-6pm. (828) 298-4700. the Blue Mandala (pd.) March 11th, 6-8pmNew Moon Drumming Circle, donation; March 13th,14th, & 15th The Liberty Series Preregistration required $495, $175 non refundable deposit; Ongoing Events: Tues-Sat by appointment- Intuitive Reading, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars; Free Lending Library, online Store The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755

the liBerty series WorkshoP (pd.) Self-Transformation through the Unique Method by Zdenko Arsenijevic. Mar. 13th-15th, The Blue Mandala, 1359 Cane Creek Rd. Fletcher. International spiritual teacher & energy healer, Zdenko Arsenijevic, created The Liberty Series, designed to help you discover your purpose, reconnect with your real nature & build Health, Happiness & Self-Respect. (See 888-222-4507 adult foruM at fCC 692-8630, • SU (3/1), 9:15am - “Big History.” Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville Congregation Beth israel 229 Murdock Ave., 252-8660, • SU (3/1), 7pm - “In Search of Human Unity: Two Scholars of Religion Share Their Experiences and Perspectives.” Free. eMBraCing siMPliCity herMitage 338-2665, embracingsimplicityhermitage. org • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 11am-noon - Buddhist discussion and meditation. Free. Held at Dhamma and Meditation Center, 38 Joel Wright Dr. South Park Plaza, Hendersonville first Congregational uCC of hendersonville 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville, 692-8630, • WEDNESDAYS (2/18) until (4/1), 3:30-5pm Discussion of Martin Borg’s Convictions: Manifesto for Progressive Christians. Free. PuB theology at the oPen taBle • MONDAYS, 6pm - Open discussion of progressive theological issues related to biblical and other spiritual texts. Free to attend. Held at Scully’s, 13 W Walnut St. shaMBhala Meditation Center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120,


• THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free. • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Food, conversation and meditation. Free. Spirituality Events at Mars Hill • TU (3/3), 6pm - “The Many Paths to a Heart of Wisdom,” interfaith dialogue with Rabbi Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer. Held in Bentley Hall. Free. Spirituality Events at UNCA • MO (3/2), 7pm - “The Many Paths to a Heart of Wisdom,” interfaith dialogue with Rabbi Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer. Held in Karpen Hall. Free. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am - Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free. • FR (2/27), 6-9pm & SA (2/28), 9am-noon - Indoor labyrinth. Donations accepted. Urban Dharma 29 Page Ave., 225-6422, • THURSDAYS through (3/26), “Introduction to Buddhism” class. $15 per class. Registration required.

Spoken & Written Word Book & Print Arts Collective Member’s Show • TU (3/3) through FR (4/24) - Renaissance: A Book & Print Arts Collective show. Free to attend. Artists’ reception: March 6, 6-8pm. Held at Asheville BookWorks, 428 1/2 Haywood Road Buncombe County Public Libraries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (2/26), 2:30pm - Brian Lawrence discussed

his book Firefighting in Buncombe County. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • TH (2/26), 6pm Swannanoa Book Club: Flora by Gail Godwin. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa City Lights Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • FR (2/27), 6:30pm - Louise Runyon reads poems from her book The Clearing. Free. • SA (2/28), 3pm - Elizabeth Harris discusses her book What am I to do Now, Mama? Free. Literary Events at UNCA • FR (2/27), 7:15-8:15pm “And We Still Rise,” open mic night. Held in Alumni Hall. Free. • SA (2/28), 2-4pm - Great Smokies Writing Program seminar: “Submission Guidelines: How to Get Your Work Published in Literary Journals and Magazines.” Registration required. $35. • TU (3/3), 7pm - Spoken word artist Kit Yan. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. Literary Events At WCU • MO (3/2), 7pm - Jennifer Thompson and Ronald Cotton discuss their book Picking Cotton. Held in Hinds University Center. Malaprop’s Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Salon series: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (2/26), 7pm - Evan Williams discusses his work One Apple at at Time. • FR (2/27), 7pm - Theodore Richards discusses his book The Conversions. • SA (2/28), 3pm - Heather Webb discusses her book Rodin’s Lover.

• 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm Enneagram relationships workshop. • TH (2/26), 7pm - Works in Translation Book Club: Faces in the Crowd by Valeria Luiselli. Free. Mars Hill University 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill, 689-1571 • TH (2/26), 7pm - Poetry slam. Spainhour Hall. Free. REI Asheville 31 Schenck Pkwy., 687-0918 • TH (2/26), 7pm - Will Harlan discusses his book The Wildest Woman in America. Free. Wednesday Writer’s Night 252-1500 • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Open meeting for songwriters, poets, and word lovers hosted by songwriter Jenna Lindbo. Free to attend. Held at Laurey’s, 67 Biltmore Ave

Volunteering LITERACY COUNCIL OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us ( Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC 253-1470, • TH (2/26), noon Volunteer information session. Free. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. RiverLink 252-8474, • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm - Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Drive For more volunteering opportunities, visit















by Chuck Shepherd

The unhoneymoon

Bright ideas

A Saratoga Springs, N.Y., resort has begun accepting totally defeated husbands and wives for a relaxed weekend that includes divorce, bringing to America a concept already successful in six European cities. The Gideon Putnam Resort & Spa charges $5,000 for a couple to check in on a Friday, married, but leave Sunday officially single (complete with all legal niceties and various resort amenities, including, of course, separate rooms). Even though the couple must be fairly levelheaded to accept this approach, the facility manager expressed concern that since the resort also books weddings, the “uncouplers” might inadvertently witness difficult scenes. (Gideon Putnam has hosted four divorces so far, but, said the European founder of the package service, “hundreds” of couples have used the services in Europe.)

• The Jeju Island Korean restaurant in Zhengzhou, China, staged a promotion last month to pick up lunch tabs for the 50 “most handsome” people to dine there every day. Judging was by a panel of cosmetic surgeons (who were partnering with the restaurant) and, as contestant-diners posed for photographs, they were evaluated on “quality of” eyes, noses, mouths and especially foreheads (better if “protruding”). • The owner of the Kingsland Vegetarian Restaurant in a suburb of Canberra, Australia, apologized in February for the cockroach infestation that contributed to a $16,000 fine, explaining that, for moral reasons, he could not bring himself to exterminate living things — even cockroaches. (Less well-defended were Kingsland’s toilet, grease and food-storage shortcomings.)

Weird science


• Another animal with a worse sex life than yours: No organism has it tougher than the male South-East Asian coin spider, according to research reported by New Scientist in January. It is somehow driven to mate with a female up to four times larger who is almost as driven to eat the male as to mate. After insemination, the male impulsively fights off other males’ attempts to disrupt the conception, and that means becoming a more nimble fighter, achieved, according to Matjaz Kuntner of the Slovenian Academy of the Arts and Sciences, by biting off its own genitals, since that organ comprises about one-tenth the spider’s body weight. • Because we can: Scientists at the University of California, Irvine (with Australian partners) announced in January that they had figured out how to unboil a hen’s egg. (After boiling, the egg’s proteins become “tangled,” but the scientists’ device can untangle them, allowing the egg white to return to its previous state.) Actually, the researchers’ paper promises dramatically reduced costs in several applications, from cancer treatments to food production, where similar, clean untanglings might take “thousands” of times longer.

Among the participants at this year’s Davos, Switzerland, gathering of billionaires and important people was property developer Jeff Greene, 60, who owns mansions in New York, Malibu and Palm Springs, and whose Beverly Hills estate is on the market for around $195 million. Greene famously won big betting against overvalued sub-prime mortgages before the 2008 Great Recession, but, shortly after landing at Davos, he gave Bloomberg Business his take on the symptoms of current economic turmoil (that he had capitalized on for part of his wealth by exploiting people’s desire for expensive houses they ultimately could not afford). “America’s lifestyle expectations are far too high,” Greene explained, “and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence.” X

READ DAILY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.

FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3, 2015



Back in the groove Cardiac rehabilitation builds heart stamina and confidence

BY pat BaRcas

Erik sandstedt has kept active during his 45 years, running a half dozen marathons and hitting his stride on the trails around Asheville, his runner’s physique the picture of health. Last June, he noticed he was having some minor chest pains, and then, during a run near the Blue Ridge Parkway, he nearly collapsed in pain. “I was running, and it just knocked me down to my knees,” he says. “It was very scary. I thought, ‘my life, that’s it, it’s over.’” After resting for a while, he managed to walk back to his car and drive home. Doctors at first thought he had a bad case of indigestion, since those symptoms mirror heart attacks, but soon found he had a genetic condition involving his aortic valves, something Sandstedt was unaware of. On Oct. 1 of last year, he had surgery to replace his ascending aorta, which had become dilated due to the genetic condition. When surgeons took his aorta out, they saw scar tissue and the beginning of a tear, which had become infected. This was what was causing the pain in his chest.

Running man: Erik Sandstedt hopes to compete again in marathons after completing cardiac rehabilitation. Photos by Pat Barcas

When he received the news, Sandstedt said, “I was surprised that I had problems. I had low cholesterol; I was running, biking, skiing and eating well. It was a shock to me, but this proves it can happen to anybody,” he says.

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Sandstedt is just one example of a cardiac patient who doesn’t fit the typical risk model, which is someone older, with a family history of heart problems, a poor diet, under high stress and a tobacco user.

As part of his recovery, he’s taking part in a 12-week cardiac rehabilitation program through Mission Health called Heart Path. The outpatient program started in 1983 and moved to the the gymlike facility at Asheville Cardiology Associates in 2000. Patients exercise with heart-rate monitoring equipment and receive education about effective exercise habits, diet, stress, medications and smoking cessation. Nurses monitor heart activity while patients rotate from the treadmill to stationary bikes to elliptical and weight machines — all while conditioning their heart strength back to normal and building a plan for cardiac success for the future. Sandstedt’s stamina is coming back as he heals, and he did a 5K run in less than 30 minutes in early February. He hopes to get back to his usual 5K time of under 20 minutes. “It was slow in the beginning and hard to get motivated. I was nervous; I came here and looked at everyone else and wondered if I fit in here, but it’s been great,” he says. “Any patient who has had a heart issue, you’ve got to do rehab. I was not planning on it, but it’s boosted my confidence; it’s nice to know how hard I can run safely.” Bill sites’ journey to cardiac rehabilitation has followed a different path, but one that is no less remarkable. The 71-year-old had his first heart attack when he was 45 years old, despite no family history of heart trouble and no history of high blood pressure.

“I see Evan for scoliosis. By unwinding these patterns I have a more balanced posture, greater range of motion, and much less discomfort overall for a condition that has become significantly more pronounced as I’ve gotten older. Not only has the scoliosis not progressed since my work with Evan, it has actually improved without surgery!” –Mary Beth Gwynn by appointment only

no quitting: Bill Sites is keeping active, riding his bike between 25 and 50 miles every weekend. His doctors tell him every mile helps his heart’s strength.

feel better, after eight sessions he walked five miles with no pain. Despite keeping active and eating healthier, he suffered another heart attack five years ago. A routine angiogram last year revealed a blockage that a stent would be ineffective against, and this led to coronary bypass surgery on Oct. 1 last year. “Fortunately I didn’t have time to think about it. I asked how soon they could take care of it. The doctor said, ‘How about tomorrow morning?’ The next morning at 6 o’clock, I was on the table,” he says. He is now in cardiac rehab for the second time and doing much better, biking 25 to 50 miles during weekends with his grandson on a twoperson tricycle he built himself. He has a goal to bike from Cumberland, Md., to Pittsburgh, Pa., via the Rails to Trails passage. “I consider myself fortunate in a number of ways,” he adds. “People say, ‘Yeah, you had a bad year because of heart surgery.’ I say, ‘No, they found it, they fixed it. It was a good year.’” X


Buying, Selling or Investing in Real Estate? “After it happened, I couldn’t walk 25 feet without pain,” he says. “It was terrible.” His lifestyle as a traveling salesman for IBM hadn’t done his health any favors and had caught up to him. Although he didn’t smoke, he was constantly attending smoke-filled business meetings and eating on the go. “When you’re traveling, you can’t eat as well as you should. In addition to that, I was addicted to ice cream,” he says. According to Sites, he singlehandedly kept the ice cream maker Haagen Dazs in business. “Before boarding a flight, I’d grab an ice cream bar. After landing, I’d grab an ice cream bar. After every meal I’d look for the ice cream bar. It was ridiculous,” he says. Heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. Dr. stephen Ely, cardiac surgeon with Asheville Heart, says the issue of fast-food consumption in this country is a complex one. “It is difficult to generalize, but it seems that our culture has become one of doing more and more with less and less time. The emphasis

on families dining together and eating quality home-cooked meals has been overshadowed by the availability of a multitude of fast-food restaurants, providing relatively inexpensive foods, quickly, 24 hours a day, that are anything but heart-healthy,” he says. To reduce the risk of heart disease, he says, people should follow a diet low in fat, restrict salt intake and reduce portions consumed at each meal. February is American Heart Month, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging the 67 million Americans with high blood pressure to know their numbers and make control a goal. “Education is the most powerful tool we have to raise the awareness of the threat and prevention of heart disease,” says Ely. “Unfortunately, many learn this lesson too late.” For Sites, it was almost too late for him after his first heart attack. Doctors told him he had six months to live after multiple angioplasties failed to open his arteries. As a last resort, he started chelation therapy, a blood treatment typically used to remove heavy metals from the blood. Although he was told it would never work in making him

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wELLnEss caLEndaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Wellness asheville CoMMunity yoga Center 8 Brookdale Road, • THURSDAYS until (2/26), 6-7:30pm - Yoga for trauma. $12.



Cathedral of all souls 3 Angle St., 274-2681, • SA (2/28), 2-5pm - Hello My Name Is ... addiction recovery stories. Free. PoWerful tools for Caregivers seMinar 697-4891 • WEDNESDAYS (3/4) until (4/8), 2-4pm - Self-care education program for family caregivers. $25. Held at Shaws Creek Baptist Church, 91 Shaws Creek Church Road, Hendersonville red Cross Blood drives Appointment and ID required. • WE (2/25), 8am-6pm - “Battle of the Badges,” law enforcement donor competition and blood drive. Appointments & info: 230-6322. • TH (2/26), 10:30am-3pm - Appointments & info: 606-2742. Held at Rotary Club of Asheville, 31 Woodfin St. • FR (2/27), 3-7:30pm - Appointments and info: 628-1089. Held at Spring Mountain Community Club, 807 Old Fort Road, Fairview taoist tai Chi soCiety • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm & THURSDAYS, 9:30am - Beginners Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way

suPPort grouPs adult Children of alCoholiCs & dysfunCtional faMilies • Visit for full listings.

Publishes 05.06.15

al-anon/ alateen faMily grouPs 800-286-1326, • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit

Space Guarantee


alCoholiCs anonyMous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 2548539 or

Contact us today! 828-251-1333


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

asheville WoMen for soBriety 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8 p.m. – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. asPerger’s adults united • 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave.

asPerger’s teens united • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. BrainstorMer’s ColleCtive 254-0507, • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Led by brain injury survivors for brain injury survivors and supporters. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road CodePendents anonyMous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS,7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8 p.m. – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave.

our voiCe trauMa eduCation series 252-0562, • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - For survivors of sexual violence, ages 18+. Registration required. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801 overCoMers of doMestiC violenCe 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler overCoMers reCovery suPPort grouP • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road

deBtors anonyMous • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

overeaters anonyMous • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit for full listings.

dePression and BiPolar suPPort allianCe 367-7660, • WEDNESDAYS, 7 pm & SATURDAYS, 4 pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road.

reCovering CouPles anonyMous • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road

eleCtrosensitivity suPPort • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact hopefulandwired@ or 255-3350. eMotions anonyMous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 6 p.m. – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. food addiCts anonyMous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6 pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. heart suPPort 274-6000 • 1st TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - For individuals living with heart failure. Held at Asheville Cardiology Associates, 5 Vanderbilt Drive Men Working on life’s issues 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location. Mission health faMily grouP night 213-9787 • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm - For caregivers of children with social health needs or development concerns. Held at Mission Reuter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive nar-anon faMily grouPs For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road national allianCe on Mental illness 505-7353, • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual diagnosis group. Held at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St.

s-anon faMily grouPs 258-5117, • For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. sMart reCovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sunrise Peer suPPort volunteer serviCes • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sylva grief suPPort • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.h.e. Center for disordered eating 337-4685, • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. • 1st MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Teaches parents, spouses & loved ones how to support individuals during eating disorder treatment. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. underearners anonyMous • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. us too of WnC 338-0290 • 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm - Prostate cancer support forum for men, caregivers and family members. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St.


Life in her boots Stepping into the brewhouse with Asheville’s women brewers

BY tHom o’HEaRn

Breweries continue to pop up around Asheville faster than the temperature changes this winter, and more and more often, women pull on their brewing boots and help make it happen. Leah tyrell was preparing for a career in wine when she moved to Asheville. Three years later, she’s not only switched from wine to beer, but she’s also running the brewhouse at the Asheville Pizza and Brewing location on Merrimon Avenue. Tyrell is one of just a half-dozen women who work as brewers in Asheville. Almost all of them are members of the Pink Boots Society, a national organization that provides scholarships for brewing education programs. “I’ve always liked beer more than wine, but I guess for a while I didn’t realize the opportunities there were in craft brewing,” says Tyrell. That changed when she moved to Asheville. Tyrell got a job as a bartender at Asheville Pizza and Brewing but she found where she really wanted to work was in back — in the brewery. “I was following brewers around, asking them questions about everything,” says Tyrell. “[Pretty soon] the opportunity came up to work a couple days a week on the canning line. ... I jumped at it.” From there, Tyrell did everything she could to move into a brewing role. She continued to homebrew and completed an online program through the Siebel Institute of Technology. Her hard work paid off. Now Tyrell makes everything from Roland’s ESB and Shiva IPA to small-batch specialties at the Merrimon Avenue brewery.

just onE oF tHosE tHings? Tyrell’s story isn’t uncommon in the world of brewing, with many breweries growing fast enough to create plenty of new positions. But she’s still in the minority: Nationwide, few brewers are women, and that’s the case locally too. Depending on how you count them, there are 19 breweries in Buncombe and 13 more if you count the surrounding area. Those facilities boast 75 local brewers — meaning the people hired to brew beer and/or control fermentation. Barely a half-dozen of them are women in brewing roles. This disparity isn’t unique to Asheville, to North Carolina or to the East Coast. Breweries in general tend to attract more male employees, and the role of brewer in particular attracts male applicants. Brewing also isn’t the only industry to skew toward a specific gender. According to Forbes magazine, nearly 30 percent of women work in just 10 occupational fields. This leads

BREwing FEw: Katie Smith,

assistant brewer at Twin Leaf Brewing Co., is one of only about a half-dozen female brewers employed by the more than 30 brewing facilities in Buncombe County and the surrounding area. Photo by Tim Robison

to a disproportionate number of women in those fields. In public schools, for example, about 75 percent of teachers are women. Yet when it comes to brewing, there are a couple of gender-specific issues. “Science and math fields have difficulties attracting women, and brewing is rooted in science and math,” says Hollie stephenson (pictured on the cover), head brewer at Highland Brewing Co. That hits on one: the inherent — and much discussed — bias of math and science fields. Men are twice as likely as women to be employed in science, technology, engineering and math fields according to a 2013 Census Bureau publication.

The second challenge, though, speaks to a common perception about brewers. “I think brewing is just one of those things [that’s] always been viewed as a manual labor-type job,” says shannon Butler, assistant brewer at Highland. “And to some degree that’s true; there is certainly a manual labor component for every brewer.” That perception applies to all breweries, though in practice smaller breweries tend to require more manual labor. Small operations often have just one or two brewers who do everything, rather than specialists for each particular part of the process. These operations also often don’t have the equipment that larger breweries have to make the work less physical — for example, a grain chute to move malt from the ground level up into a brew kettle. Yet the perception that the work of an assistant brewer at a small brewery is a man’s work isn’t accurate, says katie smith, assistant brewer at Twin Leaf.

continuEs on pagE 24 FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


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paRt oF tHE joB: Shannon Butler, assistant brewer at Highland, says there is “a manual labor component for every brewer.” Photo by Tim Robison

continuEd FRom pagE 25

“Some people think guys in the brewery are helping me with this or that, or that I don’t physically lift and move things around — but that’s just not true,” says Smith. “I can lift 55-pound malt bags, and I can move and lift kegs just fine.” Stephenson agrees: “People will say that you might have to hold 50-pound malt bags over your head over and over because of where the mill is positioned, or that you may have to carry heavy kegs up a flight of stairs — so that would be a reason a woman couldn’t work in some places. However, the bottom line is that, in those examples, being able to work as a brewer is not a gender issue but a process issue. A good brewer, male or female, should be able to navigate [any brewery] founded in efficiency and safety.” BEing tHERE The largest hurdle might be that breweries often fill brewhouse openings with current employees. How important is already being on staff, waiting in the wings? Of the six women interviewed in Asheville, four were working for a brewery at


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

the time they were hired for the brewhouse, and one was already working at a craft beer bar. “I definitely fell into my job at the brewery,” says tristan chapell, assistant cellar manager at Oskar Blues. “I grew up in Brevard and went to school for blacksmithing and metal fabrication at Penland. I’ve always had an interest in mechanical concepts and how things work, and I’ve always been a big fan of beer.” Yet when she moved back to Brevard, Oskar Blues was just opening and needed help. “I took the taproom job, but I quickly became interested in everything on the floor,” says Chappell. “I spent time on days off brewing, in the cellar, and learning about the packaging line. Eventually, they needed the help, and I found my niche in the cellar.” Smith also moved into brewing from a front-of-house job. A month or two after she started working in Twin Leaf’s taproom, it was clear the brewery was only getting busier and help was needed in the brewhouse. As owners steph Estela and tim weber discussed bringing someone on, Smith spoke up. “I pretty much raised my hand and said, ‘I’d like to help, and I’m already in school learning how to do this,’” says Smith. “Now I work in the brewery just about every day instead of behind the bar.” amanda king, assistant brewer at Asheville Pizza and Brewing, is the exception to the rule. A student in A-B Tech’s Brewing, Distillation and Fermentation program, she interned at Asheville Pizza and Brewing in a brewing role before being hired. “I credit the program with getting me this job,” says King. “It definitely got my foot in the door, and it created a nice transition ... to move from an internship to a real position.” a Budding communitY While most of the women interviewed hadn’t met many of the other women at other Asheville breweries, almost all are either members of the Pink Boots or considering membership. Pink Boots is open to any woman who works in or makes money from the craft-brewing industry. Its name and logo are a reference to women who brew (since brewers typically wear black waterproof boots).

continuEs on pagE 26

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continuEd FRom pagE 25

With more than 1,500 members, larger brewing cities have enough women in their chapters to meet in person. Stephenson says she attended in-person meetings when she lived in San Diego that ranged from a dozen women to more than 50, and she’d like to see meet-ups get off the ground in Asheville. “Soon, we’re going to have a critical mass of women working in the industry here in Asheville,” says Stephenson. “Things are definitely moving in that direction.”

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HEad oF tHE HousE: Asheville Brewing Co. brewer Leah Tyrell discovered her interest in brewing while working as a bartender at Asheville Pizza and Brewing. She now runs the ABC brewhouse on Merrimon Avenue. Photo by Tim Robison

To kick things off even sooner, Stephenson says Highland will take part in this year’s International Women’s Day, which is organized by Pink Boots in the United States. “Basically any brewery that has a female brewer can sign up to participate, and the breweries all riff on a recipe that has some set specifications when they brew that day,” says Stephenson. “Then a percentage of sales goes to Pink Boots for brewing scholarships and a portion goes to a local charity of the brewery’s choosing.” The brew day is Sunday, March 8, though the beer won’t be released until it’s ready a few weeks after that. Chappell didn’t know if Oskar Blues would be taking part this year, but she is a Pink Boots member who wants to see more in-person interaction locally. “I think the organization is great on a national level because it’s important to connect to other women in these roles — to see profiles of them, where people are

moving to next, that sort of thing — it helps bridge the gap.” That said, Chappell says online interaction can’t do it all. “I went to Longmont [Colo.] to visit and was part of the Pink Boots Denver chapter collaboration brew,” says Chappell. “Doing that sort of thing here, meeting in person and learning from each other and hearing what’s going on at our other breweries … I definitely want to help make that happen.” Whether Asheville’s women in brewing officially start a chapter this year or not, it’s clear they’re part of a group that takes cues directly from the larger community of craft beer. “I’ve had people ask if I’m competitive with the other women who brew either in town or in general,” says Smith. “To be honest, I’m competitive in the same way that craft breweries are: We all want to be the best, and we all want to sell beer, but there’s a lot of potential out there for all of us. We all feel really good about the future.” X





batch: Snow Moon wine barrel-aged wit (bottle sale w/ unique trinket each month)



frenCh Broad: Live music: This Frontier Needs Heroes (Americana), 6pm

altaMont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm

altaMont: Live music: Songwriter series w/ Dave Desmelik, Pierce Edens & Morgan Greer, 8:30pm

highland: Live music: Goldie & The Screamers (soul), 6:30pm; New brew: Triple Option Belgian Tripel

one World: Service industry night: $4 pints; Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm

asheville BreWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location

oskar Blues: Live music: Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (soul), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon

Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

CataWBa: $2 off growler fills

southern aPPalaChian: Live music: King Possum (folk), 8-10pm

frenCh Broad: $8.50 growler fills highland: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm lexington ave (laB): $3 pints all day one World: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ D.J. Whistleblower (triphop, downtempo), 8:30pm oPen: New brew: Brewer’s Choice Porter oskar Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oyster house: $2 off growler fills Wedge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

thursday altaMont: Live music: Renee is a Zombie & Magpie Thief (folk, jazz), 9pm asheville BreWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location frenCh Broad: Live music: Rob Williams (Americana), 6pm highland: Flights & Bites w/ Food: Sunburst Trout Farms, 4pm; Live music: Amy & Mike (acoustic), 5:30pm oskar Blues: Live music: Letters to Abigail (bluegrass), 6-8pm southern aPPalaChian: Live music: Ellen Trnka (folk, Americana), 7-9pm thirsty Monk BiltMore Park: New brew: St. Norm Hopped Tripel Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

friday altaMont: Live music: Paper Crowns (soul, blues), 9pm Burial Beer Co.: February small

Wedge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

saturday altaMont: Live music: Renaldi Flying Circus w/ Leigh Glass (Americana, soul), 9pm frenCh Broad: Live music: Murmuration (indie-folk, pop), 6pm highland: Live music: Jam Boogie Band (funk, jam, rock), 6:30pm lookout: Short Month Short-Shorts Party: Summer-themed cookout & cornhole tournament; Live music: Joe Hallock & Friends, 6:30pm

tuesday altaMont: Live music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm asheville BreWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints one World: Live music: DJ Franko, 8-11pm oyster house: Cask night Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

oskar Blues: Food truck: CHUBWagon, 2pm oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys southern aPPalaChian: Live music: Peggy Ratusz (blues), 8-10pm

9 Reed Street #D in Biltmore Village

Bo� Vivan� C�.

Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food)

sunday asheville BreWing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location Burial Beer Co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) highland: Freeze Frame: Fundraiser for Brain Injury Association of NC; Live music: Chalwa, Phil Lomac & Dorseys Big Benefit Band (reggae, rock), 1-6pm lexington ave (laB): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day oskar Blues: Food truck: CHUBWagon, 2-6pm oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys southern aPPalaChian: Live music: Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5-7pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



by Dorothy Foltz-Gray

The waiting game

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We’ve all seen it: the customer who wants her french fries a little browner, the couple who move three times before they’re happy with their seats, the guy who never looks at the server and then stiffs her on the tip. Oy, if only servers would dish, the stories they could tell. Turns out, servers love to dish, and, boy, do they have plenty to ladle up. The good news is that most of them love their work and savor offering a meal to remember. The bad news is that we, too often behaving like cranky babies, don’t make it easy. a sERvER’s REaLitY For kevin antonovich, a waiter at Table on College Street, and a waiter and bartender at the Inn at the Biltmore Estate, sleep is a rare commodity. He often works more than 60 hours a week, sending part of his paycheck to help his hospitalized mother and unemployed stepfather pay their bills and mortgage in upstate New York. Antonovich — both a waiter and restaurant manager for 11 years — doesn’t complain. But servers in North Carolina are paid only $2.13 an hour plus tips. At Table, tips are pooled, then divided at the end of a shift. “Sometimes I walk away with $40, sometimes with $240,” he says. At Biltmore, waiters’ individual tips are added onto their paychecks. In winter months, when the number of customers shrinks, tips do too. “You have to save for winter,” says kristen Bryan, an assistant manager at Rhubarb, who has been working in restaurants for 15 years. Every April, waiters also face taxes. “It’s a problem if you don’t stay on top of taxes quarterly,” says denise cornell, who has waited at The Market Place on Wall Street for eight years and worked in restaurants for more than 35 years. “The tax situation is the worst thing about working as a waiter.”


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pEopLE pERson: Rachel Tondi believes part of her job as server at The Mediterranean on College Street is to nurture community connections. “My purpose is to make my customer’s day a little better,” she says. Photo by Pat Barcas

HungER pains Babies and toddlers can pitch a fit when they’re hungry — and apparently some never grow out of it. Lisa marie Lienberger, a server at Nightbell who has been working in the food industry for about six years, once had a customer throw a napkin at her face. “A colleague offered to finish serving the table,” says Lienberger. “I said no. You have to keep a cool head and not let anyone get to you. When I’m about to freak out, I go into the walk-in refrigerator and take deep breaths.” Once, while working at a restaurant in Nashville, Tenn., Bryan had a man say to her that his dish tasted like “donkey dick.” The other man at the table complained of excess salt. “You must take stock out in Morton’s salt,” he said. “It’s quite amazing what some people will do,” says Bryan, who has a degree in hotel and restaurant management and is also trained as a yoga instructor. “But unfortunately you

can’t tell customers how stressful the job is. And you can’t tell people who don’t tip that you only get $2 an hour. But that’s part of the job.” Cornell has learned a unique way to deal with rudeness: “I lean down and ask the person to repeat what he’s said, and I make sure everyone at the table hears me. Most often, the person won’t repeat it.” Cornell’s joke, shared with colleagues when a diner misbehaves, is that the customer “wasn’t held enough as a baby.” “You have to be a psychologist sometimes. People have issues about food. They’ll wipe a glass before and after I touch it or get upset about the size of an ice cube. Such primitive issues — this comes from something else.” tHE BEst oF tHE BusinEss Still, despite occasional customer meltdowns, many Asheville servers love their jobs — and even wince a


tHE good witH tHE Bad: Waiter Kevin Antonovich, pictured here at Table, says life as a server is a mixed bag. “There can be days when you hate every moment,” he says. “But some days you can’t imagine doing anything else.” Photo by Pat Barcas

bit when a customer asks what they are actually trying to become. “It feels like a criticism, like you’re just serving to get through to the next part of your life,” says Bryan. “But serving can be great. It’s flexible and you can travel. There are benefits customers don’t get to see.” Organic farmer Rachel tondi, a server at the The Mediterranean on College Street on and off for 15 years, sees her job as community connector. “My purpose is to make my customer’s day a little better,” says Tondi, who notes that she didn’t find the same connections in office and sales

jobs. “I see my role as doing good in the world, like a facilitator.” One day, for instance, Tondi decorated a longtime customer’s booth for his birthday, reserving it for him all day so others could sit with him, share a coffee and wish him well. Lienberger, nominated for a 2014 Stooby Server of the Year Award by Ashvegas, also loves pleasing customers. “I like introducing something new to people, like steak tartare, and seeing them go cross-eyed over it. I love seeing the joy that a great dining experience can bring to people.”

Cornell, who grew up as a 4H-er raising sheep in California, loves talking with customers about Asheville’s local purveyors. “Theirs are family businesses, and I feel like I’m promoting them with a sense of pride for them,” says Cornell, who also sells real estate and takes care of her elderly mother. Most servers also love the people they meet both as customers and colleagues. “I’ve met some of my favorite people ever as a server,” says Bryan. Antonovich, who has been in Asheville only since August, agrees: “The best moments are with co-workers. In New York, they became my family.” As in every profession, some shifts are rotten and others splendid: “There can be days when you hate every moment,” says Antonovich, who hopes eventually to own a small restaurant. “But some days, you can’t imagine doing anything else.




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Kevin Antonovich has set up a crowd-funding site to support his seriously ill mother. Visit it at X

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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



by Jonathan Ammons

Southern culture Getting down-toearth with home mushroom farming Drive through any Asheville neighborhood in the warmer seasons and you’ll spot a handful of gardens. Tomato vines creep up metal cages while wide squash and zucchini leaves clap hands in the breeze, carrots peeking up from their shadows. In recent years, raising one’s own food has gone from a growing trend to a regular hobby to a staple of life. The American Gardening Association calculates that roughly one in five homes has a garden, which requires a little under five hours a week on average to maintain and saves a lot of money on

grocery runs. With so much of our food coming from our yards instead of the grocery store, it begs the question: What else can we grow ourselves? “Growing mushrooms at home is extremely rewarding,” says Tyler De Francisco, a hog and sheep farmer and owner of Sugar Creek Meats in Leicester. He also keeps around 200 mushroom-growing logs on his property just for fun. “The quality is phenomenal, compared to anything that you can buy in the store.” For the farmer, the addition of mushrooms to his property was an easy decision. “With shiitakes, it’s a little bit of work for a lot of mushrooms over a little bit of time.” Some species are easier to grow than others. Oyster, shiitake and lion’s mane are fairly simple, slutty little ’shrooms that will propagate,

into tHE wiLd: Chris Parker clones wild mushrooms at Mushroom Central to create the strongest, healthiest breeding stock possible. Parker’s business offers mushroom-growing supplies for both commercial farmers and hobbyists. Photo by Cindy Kunst

reproduce and grow at the drop of a hat. Maitake, hen of the woods and other more complex species can be significantly more difficult to grow. “I do a lot of wild harvesting, and I love wild mushrooms,” says Chris Parker, the proprietor of Mushroom Central, a store that sells aspiring mushroom growers all they need to farm their own fungus. “However,” he notes, “my first introduction to mushrooms was plugging shiitakes when I was 15 in an introduction to agriculture and natural resources class at East Rutherford High in Rutherford County. In a way, I did it all backwards. I started plugging logs, and then I got into how you produce every original aspect of a mushroom.” Parker opened his small West Asheville shop in December 2012. There he clones wild mushrooms in his lab. “We started this shop


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to provide cultures all the way down from colonized petri dishes to fresh mushrooms and everything in between — grain spawn, sawdust spawn, plug spawn, you name it,” he explains. “Even micrological supplies for people who want to do the sterile work themselves.” Businesses like Parker’s allow farmers and hobbyists alike the tools needed to supplement their incomes by plugging logs (inserting mushroom spores into drilled holes in specially selected logs) and letting a crop grow, for the most part, on its own. And Parker’s business is growing like the fungus he supplies — this spring he plans to move his operation to a new, more spacious facility in a large complex of greenhouses being renovated on Cowan Cove Road in West Asheville.

a Fungus among us: The altitude, landscape and temperature variations of Madison County are perfect for cultivating shiitake mushrooms, says Leicester farmer and mushroom grower Tyler De Francisco. Photo by Cindy Kunst

“It all starts with a petri plate like this” Parker explains, holding up a covered and taped-shut dish with a long, sprawling web of white fungus. “This is completely colonized with mushroom mycelium. Once it is fully colonized like that, you would take a few wedges of this auger and drop it into this sterilized grain.” He holds up a jar of grain, bright white patches spread through the gaps between the granules. He holds up a jar of grain, bright white patches spread through the gaps between each granule. There’s a real risk at this stage. It’s easy for an environment that cultivates a fungus to also cultivate a disgusting bacteria, which can compromise the entire pillow-sized bag of product. But a clean bag allows the grain to form into a barklike texture, from which sprouts rapidly growing mushrooms. “You’ll see these little things that look like popcorn popping,” he says pointing inside the bag. “When those occur, it’s time to open the bag and just let the mushrooms grow and pol-

linate.” From the lab stages, the budding bags are transferred to the grow room downstairs, where a budding mushroom can begin to grow within anywhere from a week to three weeks, depending on the species. From the 300-square-foot room, “at the height of production, you can crank out 40 pounds of mushrooms a week,” Parker explains. This spring, Parker plans on moving to a new facility in a complex of greenhouses being renovated on Cowan Cove Road in West Asheville. The new space will allot him 1,200 square feet with 17-foot ceilings. Parker says a guest recently visited Mushroom Central with a collection of shiitake mushrooms he had harvested from his garden. “I asked him if he had a bunch of logs, and he said no,” Parker recalls. “They were just fruiting off of the side of his raised garden bed.” So Parker cloned the mushrooms. One of the keys to growing strong, healthy mushrooms is to

breed them from the most adaptable and sturdy source. “Whenever you’re cloning a mushroom from the wild, you never know what you’re going to get.” Conceivably, those shiitakes shouldn’t have been growing from a railroad tie without bark, but the mycelium had adapted and grown wherever it could. “I’ll take the ones that survive under the worst conditions and use those as my breeding stock. You select for the strongest ones. A lot of plants you buy at bigbox stores are just barely being kept alive, and they are hoping to get it out the door before it really starts to go downhill. So I’m all about breeding for genetics, and that’s why I’m always trying to find and pick up new strains of mushrooms in the wild. It just makes for a deeper, broader library to pull from.” De Francisco came into mushroom growing a different way: He attended a program run by the Madison County Cooperative Extension office. “They are really big on shiitake production and promotion in Madison County,” he says. “Our altitude, the way the mountains are formed, the temperature swings in this area are just perfect for shiitake mushrooms. “They gave me pounds and pounds of the spawn,” he continues, “and sent me to a workshop to learn how to grow them. I read up on it and it became apparent that I wasn’t going to have anything within the first year.” But after laying his logs across a stream on his farm, he says he saw mushrooms in under six months. “A shaded spot is best,” he explains. “Sunlight is really going to affect these logs in a negative manner, it’s going to affect the fruiting of the mushroom, and it will dry out the log.” For those with no stream or a water source, De Francisco suggests buying a trough or tub, depending on the size of the log, to immerse logs in water for 24-48 hours, a process called shocking, before returning them to their shady spot to fruit. Everything can affect the yield of the mushroom, from temperature swings to humidity to dry spells. But with over 200 logs inoculated now, he says, “I’ve seen flushes that were anywhere from 50-150 pounds.” To learn more about growing your own mushrooms, call and set up an appointment with Mushroom Central at 301-0395. To learn more about Madison County Cooperative Extension programs, call 649-2411 or visit X

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Loud, f a st and strange AA look Asheville’s lookinside insideAsheville’s art-punk scene

By Alec sturgis

In some of the grungier basements and venues of Asheville, punks gather to freely express themselves and reflect, through music, on whatever it is that needs to be said. “What is it about punk shows that draws people?” asks Hugh Huffstutler of local band Bulgogi. “It’s always in the same kind of place, with the same faces in almost any city. There is something homey about it — something inviting, even if the shows are in some dirty places.” s l a m D u n k H o u s e , one of Asheville’s newer basement clubs, fits this profile. Low-hanging ceilings, exposed pipes and cement floor set the ambiance of the DIY show space. “I purposely keep the basement looking pretty dingy,” says venue founder Wilton Jordan, who collects old mop buckets and other junkcore-styled objects in the venue for effect. “I think this kind of atmosphere invites people to be unrestrained. I want to have a space where artists can run with this raw feeling and express themselves to the fullest.” Despite the grungy appearance, on any given night a high-energy showcase puts local talent onstage with groups touring from all over the country. “There’s a culture of support in the punk scene here,” says Bulgogi frontmantim tsurutani.“I think there is a level of enthusiasm and courtesy that you cultivate in this type of DIY music — especially for experienced groups that have toured around — that comes from being ground down by reality a bit. You have to face your limited resources, money, time and the music comes out of necessity. It’s about succeeding in the moment.” Case in point, the raw intensity of a performance by local allfemale band Z o m b i e Q u e e n


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DRESS FOR Henry SUCCESS:loca l band


claypool performs at The Odditorium.

Photo courtesy of Eron Rex/ ThrAsheville Zine

snobby — kind of elitist, more ‘chic.’ (whose emily gibbs once ended the band’s set at The Orange Peel after apparently cutting herself on a broken bottle and bleeding onstage) or K r e a m y ’ l e c t r i c s a n t a (the project of violinist and vocalist Priya ray, who serves as inspiration for differently abled people). “If you don’t have experience with oppression and disappointment, I don’t think you can really ‘get’ what happens in this music,” says Tsurutani, who also includes pushing through the drudgery of low-paying jobs or dealing with a lack of popular support among the struggles that inform many bands.

People in Asheville are definitely more inviting, friendlier and are actually willing to approach you and talk to you about your music.” Plus, he adds, there are a lot of seasoned groups in town who know how to deal with the aforementioned struggles of creating art while making it sustainable for themselves.

A vital sc ene While the roots of punk are deep and varied, artists who identify as such share a common ethos: to freely express themselves despite limitation or oppression and attacking the status quo through selfradicalizing actions. For the past three years, Bulgogi has been playing what the band half-jokingly refers to as “terrified child dance punk.” It’s music that is huge in scope, yet tightly wound, pocketing a tense but buoyant form of musical poetry. Tsurutani, the founding member, moved to town after spending a number of years in an Illinois punk scene. “There was a lot going on in Chicago,” he says. “But ultimately, the culture there was a bit too


comeau was a veteran

of Boston’s art-punk scene before starting local group the lords of chicken Hill. “Honestly, I really only pay attention to the music being made in Asheville anymore,” he says. Photo courtesy of the band

craig comeau, guitarist and singer in t h e lords Of c h i c k e n H i l l , is one such guide to younger artists. A veteran of Boston’s art-punk scene from the late ’70s and early ’80s, Comeau has been an important figure in Asheville’s network of musical explorers since he founded The Lords in 2009. “Honestly, I really only pay attention to the music being made in Asheville anymore,” he says. “It’s a really vital scene. There are some amazing, really young people making music.” Pompos, a group composed of four local teenagers, for example, plays lean rock ’n’ roll that blends dissonant guitar harmonies with driving pop-punk structures. Their song “Coming Down” calls to mind early Strokes with fuzzed-out and undeniably catchy hooks. “It definitely says something that three decades from the original movement, the ideals of punk are still present,” says Comeau. While the undercurrent of the aesthetic can yield art that is strange and/or volatile, Asheville seems to naturally support this form of expression. The curt oneliner melodies and bone-dry instrumentals of The Lords Of Chicken Hill, for instance, lend themselves well to the musical ecosystem of the city. In turn, the mature song-craft oddities that The Lords present serve as a green light to other musicians working outside the box.


photographer eron rex takes in several shows a week, chronicaling the underground music of the area. Here, the ramoans perform at Port-A-John. Photo courtesy of Eron Rex/ ThrAsheville Zine

punk is pretty wide-ass,” says Rex. “Perhaps we’re talking about bands who are approaching or executing music with some conceptual bent. Whether by design or by accident, it manifests itself in a variety of sound styles.” Rex is often out threeplus nights a week with his camera capturing the sights and experiences of the scene. “He takes amazing visuals of every band and puts them up on his Facebook [page],” says Kennedy. That page is a visual library of most of the shows in Asheville’s “out” music culture: Rex’s growing archive captures a full spectrum of ages, genders and musical orientations.

“Craig is really the originator of the art-punk scene,” says John Kennedy of another local group, t h e e g g e a t e r s . “He’d been playing art punk out in the wilderness for years when it seemed like everyone in Asheville was only into Americana, bluegrass and folk. He knows everyone in the scene and is a big supporter of new bands.”

Photographic memory While Comeau is something of a local art punk guru, the acting historian of the independent music scene in Asheville is eron rex, publisher of the ThrAsheville Zine, the first issue of which came out in June 2013. “The term art


Vetro, right, with drummer erick Anon, performed at shithaus in October. Photo courtesy of Eron Rex/ ThrAsheville Zine


Dead Mothers onstage at static Age. Photo courtesy of Eron Rex/ ThrAsheville Zine

“Even a screamo-violence band such as Mondays could be considered art punk in a way, as well as the horror-rock of All Hell, the submarine blues of Squidlord or the masked wrestler metal of Amnesis,” says Rex. “However, most of these performers would probably never proclaim themselves art punk.” In a recent show at Slam Dunk House, mellow freak-folk group Brief Awakening shared a bill with Happyslap — a performer who, as Rex describes it, “rants paranoid visions backed by digital hardcore beats.” These two groups couldn’t seem more different, but somehow they click. They’re members of a complex music scene that some would readily call art punk and others would choose not to define. But it’s events like this that affirm Asheville artists are making loud, fast and strange music — music that boils down to an energetic moment of expression. As Tsurutani puts it, “We’ve never really fit into a style of music that could be easy to digest.” X

A rt punk in Asheville WHO

• Doomster ster (indie rock) • egg eaters (punk) • Pompos (indie-garage) • Bulgogi (dancey punk) • the lords of chicken Hill (no wave), thelordsofchickenhill • the Blots (garage-pop) • Kitty tsunami & the Beach Ballz (surfy pop-rock) kittytsunamiandthebeachballz. • Dirty Badgers (rock and blues) • Zombie Queen (rock), • common Visions (no wave) commonvisionssound. • Happyslap (digital hardcore) • Kreamy ‘lectric santa (prog-punk), kreamylectricsanta. • Zin Vetro (space rock) • snake Prophecy (punk) snakeprophecy • cocu (post-punk) • Future West (post-garage) • All Hell (horror-rock) • squidlord (post-blues) • Amnesis (metal)


• slam Dunk House • shithaus • skankuary • the Odditorium • static Age records


• thrAsheville Zine • Asheville Punk rock community Networking Machine — A.S.

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



by Edwin Arnaudin

Class acts A-B Tech concert series spotlights talented faculty

A-B Tech is renowned throughout Western North Carolina for many of its programs, including dental hygiene and culinary arts. jason decristofaro would like to see the community college’s music department receive similar acclaim and is wasting no time in accomplishing that goal. In an effort to showcase the talent of his fellow faculty, the adjunct instructor has organized a four-part concert series, which he says is the first that A-B Tech has ever held. The Sunday, March 1 opener, “An Appalachian Afternoon,” will feature the music of cary Fridley in the campus’ Ferguson Auditorium. “The idea just popped into my head back in the fall,” says DeCristofaro,

wHat An Appalachian Afternoon with Cary Fridley and Travis Stuart wHERE Ferguson Auditorium at A-B Tech wHEn Sunday, March 1, at 2 p.m. Free

a multi-instrumentalist known for his skills on vibraphone and marimba. Surprised to discover that no student or faculty concerts were in place at A-B Tech, the new hire successfully pitched the series to fine and performing arts division chair sharon trammel. DeCristofaro then reached out to his three department colleagues — Fridley, Rene ochoa and Rita Hayes — to gauge interest in the project. It was met with matching enthusiasm. “My concept for the series was to showcase a diverse array of musical genres and repertoires,” DeCristofaro says. “I let the faculty select what they will perform for each of the concerts so


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

they may showcase their strengths as musical artists.” A veteran of the local roots music scene, guitarist and vocalist Fridley will be joined by travis stuart on banjo. Their selections reflect the diverse cultural influences in Appalachian music, including Baptist spirituals, Appalachian fiddle tunes, Carter Family songs and traditional ballads. DeCristofaro calls Fridley “an expert on a variety of Appalachian musical genres” and points to her most recent album Rainbow Mist — a collection of Madison County ballads and regional mountain songs — as evidence of her proficiency. “I also think that it makes sense to kick the series off with the music for which WNC is best-known,” DeCristofaro says. The second concert takes place on Sunday, April 26, and doubles as the release show for a pair of albums featuring DeCristofaro’s original jazz compositions. He will be joined by william Bares, director of jazz studies at UNC Asheville, and his own jazz trio of bassist daniel iannucci and drummer micah thomas. The series continues in the fall with the Asheville Composer’s Concert, a separate series that DeCristofaro started in 2010. The latest installment will feature the music of several local composers, including the organizer’s and Ochoa’s. “I am especially excited about this concert in light of Rene’s recent honor,” DeCristofaro says. “One of his compositions for orchestra and choir will be performed in Dresden, Germany [in March], a huge honor for him and indicative of the talent pool in the department.” The series concludes later in the fall with DeCristofaro joined by Hayes, who is the vibraphonist’s former music appreciation teacher from his A-B Tech student days and one of the first people to inspire him to pursue music as a career. “She is an exceptionally talented flutist, playing with several local ensembles including the Asheville Symphony,” DeCristofaro says of Hayes. “I have had the honor of performing with her in the

LEavE it to tHE pRos: Musician and A-B Tech adjunct instructor Jason DeCristofaro created a new concert series featuring fellow faculty members. He says Cary Fridley, pictured, is “an expert on a variety of Appalachian musical genres. … It makes sense to kick the series off with the music for which WNC is best-known.” Photo by Woody Fender

Mountain Chamber Players.” This final concert will be a recital of classical chamber music featuring flute, percussion and other instruments as the colleagues perform a wide range of works by historic and contemporary composers. DeCristofaro hopes that the concert series will become an annual

event and would eventually like to add student recitals to the mix. In the process, it’s his goal that the performances will generate a greater public interest in supporting the fine and performing arts division and help inform the community about the institution’s music and visual arts courses. X

Bee Helpful Every Sunday Evening 5:30 pm Come as you are.



get it! guide

Silence • Reflection Candlelight • Soloists Instrumentalists

Trinity Episcopal Church 60 Church St Downtown Asheville

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



by Alli Marshall

Quiet time Former Ashevillean writes of adventure, memories and family secrets “I had to teach myself how to write a book,” says author Miranda Richmond Mouillot. “It took me 10 years, and it was a lot of sitting alone in a room, thinking and reading.” But Mouillot, who grew up in Asheville and now lives in the south of France, was not completely isolated as she worked on A FiftyYear Silence: Love, War and a Ruined House in France. She was joined in the process — albeit often reluctantly — by her maternal grandparents. It’s the story of Anna Münster and Armand Jacoubovitch that Mouillot recounts (or, rather, unearths); the book’s title references how the couple survived the Holocaust only to sever all ties with each other shortly after the end of World War II. Mouillot also weaves her own story into the text, telling how her grandparents — though not in communication with each other — led her to a house they’d purchased in a small village in France. While living in the historic but crumbling property, the writer met the man who would become her husband and learned some poignant lessons from her family’s past.


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

“A lot of what I was grappling with in the book is the daunting realization that life is always very complex,” she says. “I talk about fairy tales so much because we need a simplified answer. We need the carrying case that a story is.” To reduce the material of an entire life down to a few salient details allows us to pass it along to the next generation, Mouillot explains. But for Anna and Armand — she a doctor and he an interpreter — that account was complicated by the Holocaust that robbed them of their careers, their homes and their family members. The couple traveled through France, risking imprisonment and deportation. Their daring escape to Switzerland, through snowy mountains, aided by friends and strangers, reads like an action-film plot — “Their separation from the group had been another terrible miracle,” Mouillot writes of one harrowing adventure. And while both were formidable characters, unable or unwilling to provide straight answers to Mouillot’s queries, the writer believes her grandparents were ultimately relieved to have their stories recorded. Although Armand was suffering from senility by the time Mouillot completed a draft of the book, when she showed him a galley with photos, “It was miraculous. There were maybe two or three minutes of lucidity where he came back into himself,” she says. “He said, ‘Who did this?’ and I said, ‘I did. I wrote down your story.’ He said, ‘That’s good.’” Armand passed away on the day A FiftyYear Silence was released. While sussing out a tome’s worth of details about one’s family members is uncommon, Mouillot points out that “the historical upheaval of genocide imposed a sense that I was required to learn the history. At the same time, it so marked my own life experience that I had to [learn about it] to exorcise it,” she says. “It’s in these big historical moments that we get pushed back toward certain people and feel a need to tell their stories.” In the book she writes, “I was convinced it was possible for me

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46 Haywood, Haywood Park Hotel Atrium Dresses available now for preview by appt. Call 828.357.4668

BuRdEn oF mEmoRY: Although Miranda Richmond Mouillot’s book includes dramatic stories from her grandparents’ years as Holocaust refugees, she says, “Everybody you’re around has this depth of feeling and experience.” Photo by Tristan Zilberman, La Fabrique de l’Image

to reach into the past and feel the contours of my grandmother’s experiences.” In many ways, Anna — warm, forthright and endlessly fascinating — is the hero of A Fifty-Year Silence. Mouillot includes sections of her grandmother’s memoirs among her own prose. “Overall, she figured out ways to carry [her difficult memories], partly through writing,” the author says of Anna. Composition has buoyed Mouillot’s life, too: She describes

her early forays into A Fifty-Year Silence — which led her to a Young Writers of Jewish Themes award — as “a Cinderella-esque experience.” She’s currently planning workshops as part of her book tour, a translation of The Kites by French writer Romain Gary and a proposal for a book about a female philosopher during the Enlightenment. Mouillot hopes to visit Asheville later this year. Learn more about A Fifty Year Silence at book_fifty-year.html X

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015





Send your arts news to








A&E staff

Hello My Name Is...

Wisewater “We are so happy with the new material — our set is now almost a quarter new songs, and we can’t wait to share it with everyone at the Isis show!” says renowned fiddler and Grand Ole Opry veteran Kate Lee. Lee, mandolin prodigy Forrest O’Connor and backing guitarist Jim Shirey had a productive post-holiday powwow, solidifying a handful of shiny new tunes for the contemporary folk duo’s February tour. The highly trained pair command meticulous yields from their stringed sidekicks and in return offer soothing vocal harmonies so effortlessly in sync that they often seem to hail from a single source. Connecting with audiences through powerful songwriting, Lee adds, takes the highest precedence during their live country pop sets. Wisewater performs at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall’s seated lounge on Saturday, Feb. 28, at 7:15 p.m. $6. Photo courtesy of the band

Shame, isolation and social stigmas plague recovering addicts, even in the latter stages of their reclamations, but painter Douglas Lail is harnessing his firsthand experience to mitigate these barriers to health. “When a human being is taken to the depths of darkness by addiction and recovers, there is a light that grows,” he says. “My mission is to paint the light I see in the mirror as well as the light I see in people in recovery around me. Hello My Name Is… offers a look at the faces of people that face their greatest fears and reunite with the world.” Lail’s free showcase, featuring portraits and personal backstories, will be on display in Parish Hall at the Cathedral of All Souls in Biltmore Village on Saturday, Feb. 28, from 2-5 p.m. Portrait of Vivian Grace courtesy of the artist

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs “Three Little Pigs has a clever script and catchy score, coupled with some moments of really fun audience participation,” says Asheville Creative Arts co-founder Robbie Jaeger. Now in its third season of presenting childhood favorites through theater, ACA will employ puppetry by co-founder Abby Felder and the talent of professional actors Jordan Ellis, Glenn T. Griffin, Gina Jobes and Katy Shepard to reveal the big bad wolf’s alibi in this “hilarious rock musical” — all before calling upon audiences to declare the accused star either guilty or innocent. Family-friendly productions take place at N.C. Stage on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 26-27, at 7 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 28 and Sunday, March 1, at 1 and 4 p.m. $12 students and groups/$23 adults. Cast photo courtesy of NC Stage


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

Andy Buckner There seems to be a direct correlation between the length of Andy Buckner’s hair and the trajectory of his solo career. Before finishing high school (short hair), the Madison County native had already tasted success when the band Cumberland River, of which he was a member, placed songs on the FX show “Justified.” In college, “he became the first freshman since Kenny Chesney to earn a spot in the prestigious ETSU Bluegrass Pride Band,” says a press release. Buckner went on to share stages with the likes of Dierks Bentley, the Zac Brown Band and Blackberry Smoke and win the 2014 Asheville Talent Search and front his own group, Southern Soul Campaign (beard and flowing locks). A country boy at heart (no mystery there — Buckner’s sound is informed by the mountains, outlaw country and Southern rock), he’ll launch his new self-titled album at the Madison County Arts Council on Saturday, Feb. 28, at 7:30 p.m. $10. Photo courtesy of the musician


K i ds issue

Publishes 03.18.15 Space Guarantee 03.11.15

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


a&E caLEndaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald diana WorthaM theatre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • FR (2/27), 8pm - Solas, Celtic-Americana. $30/$25 student/$15 children. • WE (3/4), 8pm - Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy, Celtic. $38/$33 students/$15 children. first BaPtist ChurCh of asheville 5 Oak St., 252-4781, • WE (2/25), 6:30pm - “Old Landmarks - Celebrating Songs that Mark a Path to Freedom” concert. Presented by Asheville Percussion Festival. Free. Optional dinner at 5pm: $7/$6 seniors/$5 children. first Congregational uCC of asheville 20 Oak St., 252-8729, • FR (2/27), 7pm - Piedmont College Singers concert. Free. MusiC at Brevard College 884-8211, • TH (2/26), 7:30pm - Beethoven’s sonatas 2, 4 and 5. Free.

and tHE winnER is...: Filmmakers and musicians within a 60-mile radius of Asheville may submit their music videos to the eight annual Music Video Asheville contest to be held April 29 at Diana Wortham Theatre. The deadline for submissions is March 13. Photo by Natasha Meduri courtesy of Music Video Asheville. (p.40)

lines. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B

art ananda 22 Broadway, 232-1017, • FR (2/27), 7-10pm - Unveiling and reception for The Red Pill, street art installation by ISHMAEL. Free to attend. asheville art MuseuM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • FR (2/27), noon-1pm - Lunchtime Art Break: Scholastic Art Awards. Admission fees apply. asheville art MuseuM 253-3227, • TH (3/5), 6-8pm - Landscape architecture lecture. $5/free for members and students but RSVP required. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square Penland sChool of Crafts 67 Doras Trail, Bakersville, 765-2359, • SA (2/28), 1-5pm - Community open house. Free to attend.

auditions & Call to artists

anaM Cara theatre 545-3861, • SU (3/1), 10am-2pm & MO (3/2), 7-8:30pmOpen auditions for Cloud 9. Contact for guide-

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

the Writer’s WorkshoP 254-8111, • Through SA (2/28) - Poetry contest submissions accepted. Contact for guidelines. $25 per every three poems. transylvania CoMMunity arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through TU (3/3) - Open call to artists for Of the Earth: An Organic Exhibition. Contact for guidelines. • TU (3/3) & WE (3/4), 4-8pm - Performing arts talent competition for ages 10-17. Entry deadline: Feb. 27. $5.

MusiC asheville yoga Center kirtan With osel

seeking artists for the leiCester studio tour (pd.) Call for Artists: Seeking artists to join the Leicester studio tour. Leicester residents and juried guests. Entry submissions deadline, April 7. Studio tour held, August 15-16. Contact:


MusiC video asheville 515-1081, • Through FR (3/13) - Musicians and filmmakers may submit their music videos for consideration in this contest. Contact for full guidelines. $15.

(pd.) February 28, 6:00-7:30pm - All ages welcome to sing, listen, or dance! Join us for a community gathering as we sing mantras for healing and empowerment. 100% of donations benefit Global Fund. aMiCiMusiC 802-369-0856, • SA (2/28), 7:30pm - “The Enchanted Hour: Songs of Twilight,” chamber music. $20/$15 members. Held at Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St.

MusiC at Mars hill 866-642-4968, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (2/25), 3pm - “Come Go Home,” traditionals. Ramsey Center. • FR (2/27), 7:30pm - Wind symphony. Moore Auditorium. • SA (2/28), 7:30pm - Jazz band. Moore Auditorium. • SU (3/1), 2pm - Low brass retreat. Held in Broyhill Chapel. MusiC at unCa 251-6432, • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. In the Reuter Center. • TH (2/26), 8pm - West African drum and dance class. In the Sherrill Center. Free. MusiC at WCu 227-2479, • TH (3/5), 7pm - First Thursday Old-Time and Bluegrass Concert and Jam Series: Josh Goforth. In Mountain Heritage Center. Free. Pan harMonia 254-7123, • TH (3/5), 7:30pm - Sonata Series. $22/ $16.50 advance/ $5 students. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Rd., Black Mountain saluda Winterfest 749-2321 • SA (2/28), 6-8:30pm - Letters to Abigail, Americana. Includes dinner. $27. Held at Thompson’s Store, 24 E Main St., Saluda unitarian universalist felloWshiP of hendersonville 2021 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville, 693-3157, • SA (2/28), 7pm - Friction Farm and Todd Hoke, folk. Free.

theater 35BeloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FR (2/26), 7:30pm - Listen to This Storytelling Series: “A Night at the Movies: Cinematic Memories of Trips to the Cinema.” $15. • FR (2/27) & SA (2/28), 2:30pm - Autumn Players’ Readers Theatre Showcase: Any Wednesday. $6. anaM Cara theatre 545-3861, • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS, (2/27) until (3/7), 8pm - Farmer Dave’s BicyclePowered Dream World: A Biotech Whodunit. $15/$12 advance. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B asheville CoMMunity theatre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/1) A Chorus Line. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15-$20. BlaCk Mountain Center for the arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 6690930, • FR (2/27), 7:30pm - Reasonably Priced Babies, comedy improv show. $15. diana WorthaM theatre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • TH (2/26) & SA (2/28), 10am - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. $8.50. Thu.-Fri.: 10am; Fri.-Sat.: 8pm. hendersonville little theatre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (2/29), 7:30pm - The Miracle Worker. $10$20. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. nC stage 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, • TH (2/26) through SU (3/1) - The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Thurs.-Fri.: 7pm; Sat.-Sun: 1pm & 4pm. $23/$12 students. theater at unCa 251-6610, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (2/26) until SU (3/1) - Qtopia. $12. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. • SU (3/1), 2:30pm - Autumn Players’ Readers Theatre Showcase: Any Wednesday. $6. theater at WCu 227-2479, • TH (2/26), 7:30pm - Robin Hood – The Legacy, radio re-creation. Held in Bardo Fine Arts Center. $10. • SA (2/28), 7:30pm - Galaxy of Stars Series: Man 1, Bank 0. $21/$16 faculty and staff/$7 students and children.


gaLLERY diREctoRY • Through SA (5/23) - poemumbles, 30-year restrospective of print works by Susan Weil. altaMont BreWing CoMPany 1042 Haywood Road, 575-2400 • Through FR (3/13) - Art show to benefit Open Hearts of Asheville’s programs for differently abled adults. ananda West 37 Paynes Way Suite 5, 236-2444, • Through (3/30) - Mix-media works by Patricia Anastasi. art at Mars hill • Through FR (3/13) - Connections, works by three local artists. art at unCa • Through FR (2/27) - Selma to Montgomery 1965: The Photographs of James Barker. In Karpen lobby. • MO (3/2) through MO (3/30) - Works by Members of the Fiber Arts Alliance. In Ramsey Library. art at WCu 227-3591, Held in the Bardo Fine Arts Center unless otherwise noted. • Through FR (3/27) - Tracking Time, works by Anna Jensen and Karen Ann Myers • Through FR (3/6) - Vadim Bora: Portraits. • Through WE (4/1) - Hands in Harmony, Tim Barnwell photography. • SU (3/1) through MO (3/23) - 2015 Jackson County Youth Art Month. Artists’ reception: March 22, 1-3pm. art in the airPort 61 Terminal Dr., Fletcher • Through SU (6/7) - Locality, works by WNC artists. arts CounCil of henderson County 693-8504, • Through FR (2/27) - The Art of Our Children, elementary school exhibition. Held at First Citizens Bank, 539 N. Main St., Hendersonville asheville art MuseuM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (4/12) - Go Figure: Faces and Forms, works celebrating the human figure. asheville gallery of art 16 College St., 251-5796, • SU (3/1) through TU (3/31) - Reflections: Interiors/Landscapes/Cityscapes, oil paintings by Cheryl Keefer. Artist’s reception: March 6, 5-8pm. BlaCk Mountain College MuseuM & arts Center 56 Broadway, 350-8484,

grand BoheMian gallery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, • Through SA (2/28) - Heart & Soul, works by Donna Dowless and Amber Higgins. groveWood gallery 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • Through SU (5/10) - The Birds and the Bees, themed works.

K i d s ISSUE

Publishes: 03.18.15 Space Guarantee: 03.11.15

red house studios and gallery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain, 699-0351, • Through TU (3/31) - Black, White and Red, works by Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League members. seven sisters gallery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, • Through SU (5/10) - Betsy Alexander, oil paintings. Free to attend. signature BreW Coffee Co 633 W. Main St., Sylva, 587-6300, • Through SA (2/28) - “Barns and Birds,” oil paintings by Cecil Bothwell. the Center for Craft, Creativity & design 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • Through MO (5/23) - Loving After Lifetimes of All This. the JunCtion 348 Depot St., 225-3497, • Through SA (3/14) - Natura Perfectus, mixed media by Sheri Howe. transylvania CoMMunity arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through FR (2/27) - Wood, Wind & Water, multiple artists and mediums. uPstairs artsPaCe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, • Through FR (3/13)- The Nina Simone Project: Celebrating Black History Month and Tryon’s High Priestess of Soul,work by Valeria Watson Doost, Linda Larsen, and Leigh Magar. ZaPoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • ONGOING - Art of the Book, art inspired by literary works. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


C L U B L A N D Altamont Brewing Company Magpie Thief & Renee is a Zombie (folk), 8pm

Wednesday, February 25 5 Walnut Wine Bar Wine tasting w/ Matt Bednarsky (acoustic pop, rock), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm

Altamont Theatre The Vespers (Americana, folk, roots), 8pm

Altamont Brewing Company Songwriter series w/ Dave Desmelik, Pierce Edens & Morgan Greer, 8:30pm

Asheville Music Hall The Larry Keel Experience w/ Dangermuffin (Americana, roots rock), 9pm

Ben’s Tune-Up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

Barley’s Taproom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm Black Mountain Ale House Dan River Drifters (bluegrass, americana), 8pm

Black Bear Coffee Co. Spotlight (poetry slam or reading, open mic), 6pm

Blue Kudzu Sake Company Trivia night, 8pm

Blue Kudzu Sake Company Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Open Mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

Double Crown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm

Catawba Brewing Tasting Room Old time jam, 7pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Ray Bonneville & The Lowest Pair (roots, blues), 8pm Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm Highland Brewing Company Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm Iron Horse Station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Grits & Soul (bluegrass, soul), 7:15pm Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm Lazy Diamond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm Mojo Kitchen & Lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Humpday” dance party (funk, soul, hiphop), 5:30pm Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3, 2015

All the Rude Boys: Florida ska band Chilled Monkey Brains “brings punk, ska and metal together seamlessly into a sound that has drawn comparisons from Streetlight Manifesto and Five Iron Frenzy to The Acacia Strain and Iron Maiden,” reads a portion of CMB’s bio. “Their performances are a headbangin’ dance party that ought not to be missed.” Chilled Monkey Brains will perform at the Town Pump Tavern in Black Mountain on Sunday, March 1, at 9 p.m.

Club Eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm Double Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm Dugout Theater of The Mind (school of music), 7pm Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm

New Mountain Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm The Congress (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm Noble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

The Mothlight Analog Moon w/ Dave Britt Band & Press (psychedelic, indie), 9:30pm The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm

O.Henry’s/The Underground “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

The Social Steve Moseley, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm

Odditorium Divided Heaven & Scrum (acoustic, punk), 9pm

The Southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

Off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm

Tiger Mountain Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

Olive or Twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

Timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm

One Stop Deli & Bar Free The Optimus w/Pragmaddix, The Last Word Vendors & Trapbo’ Chad (hip-hop), 10pm One World Brewing Brews & Beats w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8:30pm Pour Taproom Karaoke, 8pm Room IX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm Root Bar No. 1 DJ Ken Bradenburg (old-school), 7pm Straightaway Cafe Duke, 6pm

Town Pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm White Horse Black Mountain Wednesday Waltz, 7pm Wild Wing Cafe South Karaoke, 9pm

Thursday, February 26

TallGary’s at Four College Open mic & jam, 7pm

185 King Street Ray Adams (Appalachian roots music), 8pm

The Joint Next Door Bluegrass jam, 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm

Foggy Mountain Brewpub Trivia, 8pm French Broad Brewery Rob Williams (Americana), 6pm Good Stuff Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern When The Man Comes Around: Johnny Cash in Story & Song, 7pm Highland Brewing Company Flights & Bites w/ Amy & Mike (acoustic), 4pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Juan Benavedes Group (flamenco, jazz, Latin, soul), 7pm Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm Lazy Diamond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm Lobster Trap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm Market Place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm New Mountain The Great Thaw: Three Nights of Papadosio (jam), 9pm O.Henry’s/The Underground Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm Odditorium Juicy Karkass, Lost Tribe & Spliff (punk, rap), 9pm

off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm one stoP deli & Bar Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm The Art of Ill Fusion (funk, jam), 10pm oskar Blues BreWery Letters to Abigail (Americana, country, folk), 6pm Pisgah BreWing CoMPany Aereo-Plain (newgrass), 6pm PulP Slice Of Life comedy open mic, 9pm PurPle onion Cafe One Leg Up (gypsy-jazz, jazz, swing), 7:30pm renaissanCe asheville hotel Chris Carpenter (country, blues, Southern rock), 6:30pm rooM ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southern aPPalaChian BreWery Ellen Trnka (folk, Americana), 7pm tallgary’s at four College Iggy Radio, 7pm the Mothlight Grandma Sparrow w/ Madison Cripps, Stelth Ulvang (psychedelic), 9pm the Phoenix The Moon & You (Americana, cellofolk), 8pm

friday, feBruary 27 5 Walnut Wine Bar Lyric (acoustic soul), 9pm altaMont BreWing CoMPany Paper Crowns (soul, blues), 9pm altaMont theatre Freeway Revival w/ The Free Mason Jars (Americana, rock, country-blues), 8pm athena’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm BlaCk Bear Coffee Co. The American Gonzos w/ Emily Bodly (rock, alternative, garage rock), 6:05pm

Blue Mountain PiZZa & BreW PuB Acoustic Swing, 7pm Boiler rooM Lucky 13 PinUps w/ Pain, Amnesis, Vic Crown & Broad River Nightmare (metal, pinup contest), 8pm

ClassiC Wineseller Dulci Ellenberger (folk, pop), 7pm Cork & keg One Leg Up (gypsy-jazz, swing), 8:30pm CroW & quill Drayton & the Dreamboats (hot jazz, old-time), 9pm diana WorthaM theatre Solas (Irish, Celtic), 8pm douBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm dugout Fine Line (classic rock), 9pm elaine’s dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm

the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm

frenCh Broad BreWery This Frontier Needs Heroes (Americana), 6pm

tiMo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm

good stuff Porcelain (indie-folk), 9pm grey eagle MusiC hall & tavern Sturgill Simpson [SOLD OUT], 9pm highland BreWing CoMPany Goldie & The Screamers (soul), 6:30pm iron horse station Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter, R&B), 7pm

tWisted laurel The King Zeros (blues), 8pm

isis restaurant and MusiC hall Webb Wilder (roots, rock), 7:15pm

urBan orChard Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

JaCk of the Wood PuB Mountain Feist (bluegrass), 9pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm White horse BlaCk Mountain Elly Wininger (acoustic, blues), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe Acoustic throwdown, 7pm WxyZ lounge at aloft hotel CaroMia (soul, roots, blues), 7:30pm

Feb/ March 2015

ByWater Letters to Abigail (Americana), 8pm

foggy Mountain BreWPuB Singer-songwriter open mic, 8pm

tressa’s doWntoWn JaZZ and Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm

BlaCk Mountain ale house Ginny McAfee (country, folk, guitar), 7:30pm

the soCial Ryan Perry Band (acoustic), 8pm

toWn PuMP Dr. Paul (singer-songwriter), 9pm

Head to our mobile site NOW!

JerusaleM garden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm laZy diaMond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm lex 18 Frank Puzzullo & Zack Paige (jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-Gatsby swing), 11pm


2.25 8PM









































FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



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Send your listings to

loBster traP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm

writer), 7pm WestSound (blues, Motown), 10pm

Market PlaCe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

tWisted laurel Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (blues), 9pm

MillrooM Dave Stone (stand-up comedy), 6:30pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

neW Mountain The Great Thaw: Three Nights of Papadosio (jam), 9pm

White horse BlaCk Mountain AmiciMusic: Enchanted Hour (classical), 7:30pm

nightBell restaurant & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-rock), 10pm

Wild Wing Cafe Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8pm

noBle kava Mythistica Lounge: Samuel Paradise & Friends, 8:30pm o.henry’s/the underground Kings & Queens (drag dance party), 10pm

WxyZ lounge at aloft hotel Ben Hovey (soul-jazz-tronica, trumpet, dub), 8:30pm

odditoriuM Hivehead, Nerve Endings, Thee Loud Crowd, Kitty Tsunami & The Beach Balls (rock), 9pm

ZaMBra Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist Free Flow (funk, Motown, R&B, soul), 8pm one stoP deli & Bar Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Radar vs Wolf w/ Running On E, Alarm Clock Conspiracy, Betting For Benson (rock, indie, pop), 10pm orange Peel The Vagina Monologues (Helpmate benefit), 8pm oskar Blues BreWery Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm PaCk’s tavern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm

TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night




New Dinner Entrees 5-10 pm

FRI. 2/27 DJ MoTo


Wed 2/25: Steve Mosley - 7-9

(pop, dance hits)

Thurs 2/26: Ryan Perry Band - 8-11

SAT. 2/28 Grand Theft Audio

Fri 2/27: Westsound - 9-12 Sat 2/28: Lyric - 10

(covers, rock)

Sun 3/1: Karaoke Mon 3/2: Marc Keller - 6-9


Tues 3/3: Jason Whitaker - 6-9 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780 FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

14 WNC

Wed 3/4: Ashli Rose - 7-9





Wild Wing Cafe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

Pisgah BreWing CoMPany Fireside Collective w/ The Bread and Butter Band (bluegrass), 9pm root Bar no. 1 January Gray (rock, americana), 9pm sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s DJ, 10pm southern aPPalaChian BreWery King Possum (folk), 8pm sPring Creek tavern Lumberlung (Americana), 8pm straightaWay Cafe Carver & Carmody (Americana, country), 7pm tallgary’s at four College Mentirosa (rock), 9:30pm the adMiral Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm the Mothlight Everything Is Terrible! (video mixtapes), 8pm the soCial WestSound (blues, Motown), 9pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger Mountain Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm

saturday, feBruary 28 185 king street Brushfire Stankgrass (bluegrass), 8pm 5 Walnut Wine Bar Matt Smith & Jon Corbin (hot jazz guitar), 6pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock ’n’ roll), 9pm altaMont BreWing CoMPany Renaldi Flying Circus w/ Leigh Glass (Americana, soul), 9pm altaMont theatre The Billy Sea w/ Casey Driessen (alternative, Americana, world), 8pm asheville MusiC hall Runaway Gin (Phish tribute), 10pm athena’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm BlaCk Mountain ale house Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 9pm Blue Mountain PiZZa & BreW PuB Rocket Science, 7pm ByWater The Moon & You (Americana, cellofolk), 8pm ClassiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm Cork & keg Zydeco Ya Ya (Cajun, zydeco), 8:30pm douBle CroWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm elaine’s dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy Mountain BreWPuB Blood Gypsies (blues, gypsy-jazz), 10pm frenCh Broad BreWery Murmuration (indie-folk, pop), 6pm good stuff Zuzu Welsh Band (Americana, rock, blues), 9pm

toWn PuMP Rob Williams (singer-songwriter), 9pm

highland BreWing CoMPany Jam Boogie Band (funk, jam, rock), 6:30pm

tressa’s doWntoWn JaZZ and Blues Nikki Calloway & Friends (singer-song-

iron horse station Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm

isis restaurant and MusiC hall Classical Brunch: Amicimusic presents “The Enchanted Hour: Songs of Twilight”, 11am Wisewater (country, pop), 7:15pm Randall Bramblett Band (pop, soul, blues), 9pm JaCk of the Wood PuB Kelley & The Cowboys (rockabilly, Western swing), 9pm

straightaWay Cafe The Everydays (acoustic, indie-folk), 6pm the adMiral Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

laZy diaMond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm

toWn PuMP Bird in Hand (folk), 9pm

Market PlaCe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm neW Mountain The Great Thaw: Three Nights of Papadosio (jam), 9pm nightBell restaurant & lounge DJ Trevor Baker (nu-disco, soullounge), 10pm noBle kava The Hellacious Habañeros (old-time, jazz fusion), 8:30pm o.henry’s/the underground Sinners & Saints (cosplay dance party), 10pm odditoriuM The Tills, Daddy Issues, The Blots & Lonnie Walker (rock), 9pm off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist 42nd Street (jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm one stoP deli & Bar Telekinetic Walrus & Ben Hovey (psychedelic, electronic), 10pm orange Peel Who’s Bad (Michael Jackson tribute), 9pm PaCk’s tavern Grand Theft Audio (covers, rock), 9pm Pisgah BreWing CoMPany Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute, jam), 9pm PurPle onion Cafe JPQ Band (jazz, pop), 8pm rooM ix TechnoColor SuperStar w/ DJs Transputer, Khan & Leslie Snipes (progressive house, deep house), 9pm

tressa’s doWntoWn JaZZ and Blues The King Zeros (blues), 7pm Liley Arauz Band (Latin soul), 10pm tWisted laurel Free Flow (funk, Motown, R&B, soul), 9pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm Wild Wing Cafe Karaoke, 8pm Wild Wing Cafe south Cody Siniard Band (country), 8pm WxyZ lounge at aloft hotel Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8:30pm ZaMBra Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sunday, MarCh 1






Burial Beer Co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm CroW & quill DJ Kutzu Presents: Bring Your Own Vinyl, 9pm douBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm foggy Mountain BreWPuB Paper Crowns (Americana, rock), 10pm grey eagle MusiC hall & tavern The Circle of The Song: Ed Jurdi, Seth Walker & Ed Anderson (singer-songwriter), 8pm

sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

isis restaurant and MusiC hall Jazz showcase, 6pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm

JaCk of the Wood PuB Irish session, 5pm Daphne Lee Martin & Friends (indie), 9pm

& Johnny Irion w/ • 9pm $10 w/ Battlefield Battlefield HONKY TONK ROCKABILLY• 9pm $10 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 10/26 Firecracker Band 3/1 DAPHNE LEE MARTINJazz & FRIENDS & HALLOWEEN Costume & HALLOWEEN 9 P.M. FREE DONATIONSCostume ENCOURAGED Party & Contest •• 9pm $8 Party & Contest 9pm $8 FREE 3/3 HIERONYMUS BOGS 9 P.M. 10/27 Creek DONATIONS ENCOURAGED 10/27 Vinegar Vinegar Creek •• 9pm 9pm FREE FREE 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 3/6 SMALL TOWN LIGHTS P.M.$8$7 10/28 Mustard Plug • 99pm W/w/ LOCUST HONEY STRING BAND Crazy Tom Banana Pants w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants 9 P.M. $5 3/7 SIDECAR HONEY 10/29 Singer Songwriters 10/29 Singer Songwriters INDIE AMERICANA ROCK in 7-9pm FREE FREE in the the Round Round •• 7-9pm w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise w/ST. Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis 3/10 PADDY’S KICK OFFDavis PARTY Mud •• 9pm FREE Mud Tea 9pm FREE ROCK LEGENDS WITH THETea TOSSER –CELTIC & Johnny Irion 2/28 KELLEY & THE COWBOYS 9 P.M. $5

asheville MusiC hall Battle of the Bands w/ Shadow of the Titan, Pondering Wade, Lions Lambano, Pompos, Utah Green, Crooked Railroad, Hope Griffin, Electrochemical, Host Club, Beasts of Legend & Further The Fall, 4pm Steely Dan Sunday, 9pm Blue kudZu sake CoMPany Karaoke & brunch, 2pm

9 P.M. $5

10/25 10/25 Sarah Sarah Lee Lee Guthrie Guthrie BLUEGRASS


highland BreWing CoMPany Freeze Frame w/ Chalwa, Phil Lomac & Dorsey’s Big Benefit Band (reggae, rock, indie-folk), 1pm

sPring Creek tavern Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 8pm

Full Bar

altaMont theatre Asheville Ecstatic Dance: first wave, 10am; second wave, 12pm

root Bar no. 1 Andy Ferrell (Americana, roots), 9pm

southern aPPalaChian BreWery Peggy Ratusz (blues), 8pm


the Phoenix Jason DeCristofaro & Friends (jazz), 9pm the soCial Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm Lyric (funk, rock, soul), 10pm

MarCo’s PiZZeria Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm


the Mothlight Sex Knuckle w/ Rip Haven, Electric Phantom (rock), 9:30pm

JerusaleM garden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

lex 18 Frank Puzzullo & Zack Paige (jazz), 8:30pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till

Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 33 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON MON Quizzo! Quizzo! 7-9p 7-9p • • WED WED Old-Time Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • 252.5445 •



Sat 3/7


Thurs 3/5




Every Sunday






laZy diaMond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm loBster traP John Stineman & Lyndsay Pruett (traditional bluegrass), 6:30pm


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



Send your listings to laZy diaMond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm lexington ave BreWery (laB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm loBster traP Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singersongwriter), 6:30pm o.henry’s/the underground Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm odditoriuM Wizardskin, Jitters, Nude Tayne & Derek Poteat (noise, experimental), 9pm

4pm-2am • 7 Days a week

one World BreWing Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm

87 Patton Ave., Asheville

orange Peel Gogol Bordello w/ Fly Golden Eagle (Gypsy, punk), 9pm oskar Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm the Phoenix The Wilhelm Brothers (folk-rock, cello), 8pm

dj duo: High-energy DJ duo Transputer specializes in progressive house, deep house and techno. Based in Asheville, the two brothers have energized crowds across the East, from N.C. to NYC, and have “trained at both Dubspot Electronic Music Production School and Tin Pan Alley Studios in NYC, as well as with Moog-affiliated DJs in their hometown.” Transputer will perform with Khan and Leslie Snipes at Room IX in Asheville, for an event dubbed TechnoColor Superstar, on Saturday, Feb. 28, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.

the soCial Marc Keller, 6pm tiMo’s house Movie night, 7pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlaCk Mountain Take Two Jazz, 7:30pm

tuesday, MarCh 3 MoJo kitChen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm

toWn PuMP Chilled Monkey Brains (punk, ska), 9pm

neW Mountain Asheville Wing War w/ Mike Rhodes Fellowship & Shane Pruitt (blues, jam, soul), 4pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

odditoriuM Buns & Roses w/ Hurly Burly Male Burlesque & Savannah Sweet Tease (burlesque), 9pm off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm one stoP deli & Bar Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 9pm Pour taProoM Open mic, 8pm sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm southern aPPalaChian BreWery The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5pm tallgary’s at four College Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm

Wild Wing Cafe south Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm

Monday, MarCh 2 altaMont BreWing CoMPany Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm

Buffalo niCkel Trivia, 7pm Cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm good stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

ByWater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

iron horse station Open mic, 6pm

Courtyard gallery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

isis restaurant and MusiC hall Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

BlaCk Mountain ale house Trivia, 7pm

grey eagle MusiC hall & tavern Jorma Kaukonen (roots, blues, rock & roll), 8pm

the soCial Karaoke, 9:30pm

tiMo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm

asheville MusiC hall Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

BlaCk Mountain ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm

CroW & quill Live Argentine Tango Music w/ Michael Luchtan & Patrick Kukucka, 9pm

tiger Mountain Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

Wild Wing Cafe Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm

the Mothlight 10-can Percussion w/ Mobius Percussion (percussion), 9pm

the southern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm


White horse BlaCk Mountain Land Of Sky Orchestra, 7:30pm

altaMont BreWing CoMPany Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm

good stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm grey eagle MusiC hall & tavern Contra dance, 7pm JaCk of the Wood PuB Quizzo, 7pm

JaCk of the Wood PuB Hieronymus Bogs (folk, singer-songwriter), 9pm laZy diaMond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm loBster traP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 7pm MarCo’s PiZZeria Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm Market PlaCe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

odditoriuM Odd comedy night, 9pm

loBster traP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm

off the Wagon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

MoJo kitChen & lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

one stoP deli & Bar Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

Mountain MoJo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

Pour taProoM Frank Zappa night, 8pm

neW Mountain Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm Jimkata w/ Space Cadet & Electrochemical (electro-rock, jam), 10pm

sCully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm

noBle kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

tallgary’s at four College Jam night, 9pm

o.henry’s/the underground “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

the Joint next door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

odditoriuM Cult Love, Mylo Ranger & Fifty Year Flood (folk-rock), 9pm

one World BreWing DJ Franko, 8pm

the Mothlight The Invisible III w/ Stephanie Morgan (improv-funk, jazz fusion), 8pm the soCial Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 6pm tiger Mountain Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm tressa’s doWntoWn JaZZ and Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm Westville PuB Blues jam, 10pm White horse BlaCk Mountain Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm

Wednesday, MarCh 4 Ben’s tune-uP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm Blue kudZu sake CoMPany Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm CroW & quill Dr. Sketchy’s: Live Burlesque Figure Drawing, 7pm diana WorthaM theatre Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy (Celtic fiddle), 8pm douBle CroWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm foggy Mountain BreWPuB Trivia, 8pm grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm highland BreWing CoMPany Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm


off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm



one stoP deli & Bar Squidlord (rock), 10pm orange Peel Badfish w/ The Lionz of Zion (Sublime covers), 9pm Pour taProoM Karaoke, 8pm rooM ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm tallgary’s at four College Open mic & jam, 7pm the Joint next door Bluegrass jam, 8pm the Mothlight Merchandise w/ Lake Lawn, Isaacson (punk, psychedelic, pop), 9:30pm the Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the soCial Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger Mountain Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm tiMo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm toWn PuMP Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm tressa’s doWntoWn JaZZ and Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

JaCk of the Wood PuB Old-time session, 5pm

White horse BlaCk Mountain Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

laZy diaMond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

Wild Wing Cafe south Karaoke, 9pm




WED 2/25 thUR 2/26 FRi 2/27 sUn 3/1

Ray bonnEvillE + thE loWEst paiR 8pm • $12/$15

When the Man Comes around:



Johnny Cash in story and song 7pm • $5 Minimum Donation

stURgill siMpson


postponED due to illness. stay tuned for details about a rescheduled date.

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patRiCK sWEany with Joe Fletcher

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an EvEning With

sat 3/7

ChUCK bRoDsKy album Release show 8pm • $12/$15


Where Adult Dreams Come True (828) 684-8250

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact


tHEAtER ListinGs

Mr. Turner HHHHH

FRidAY, FEBRUARY 27 tHURsdAY, MARCH 5 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diRECtoR: Mike Leigh PLAYERs: Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, Dorothy Atkinson, Marion Bailey, Lesley Manville, Ruth Sheen

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) The Theory of everything (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 Machete (r) 10:00 CArMike CineMA 10 (298-4452)

BioGRAPHiCAL dRAMA RAtEd R tHE stoRY: A film on the last 25 years of the British landscape painter J.M.W. Turner. tHE LoWdoWn: This is nothing short of a masterpiece with a central performance of immense, if hard to penetrate, power from Timothy Spall. But be warned, it’s a prickly, difficult film that lacks much in the way of a traditional narrative structure.

Calling Mike Leigh’s Mr. Turner a biographical drama is grasping at straws for a genre. It is most certainly not a biopic in any sense of the word. Put it up against 2014’s big noise biopics — The Theory of Everything, Unbroken, American Sniper, even The Imitation Game — and you’ll see what I mean. It’s nothing like them. In fact, the two-and-a-halfhour trip into the mind and times of the British painter J.M.W. Turner (Timothy Spall in what should have been an Oscar winning performance) isn’t really like anything else. The closest thing to it is probably Leigh’s 1999 film on Gilbert and Sullivan and the creation of The Mikado, Topsy Turvy. And even that’s deceptive as a comparison because the tones are quite different. However, the films are similar in that they are both more character study than biography, both more of a per-


FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3, 2015

tiMotHY sPALL gives a brilliant performance as J.M.W. Turner in Mike Leigh's unorthodox biographical drama Mr. Turner.

sonal exploration into the creative mind, and they both just drop the viewer into the proceedings without any setup. To say that Leigh isn’t interested in spoon-feeding the viewer is an understatement. Here is the world, the character, the mind of Turner as he — and his star — see it. Make of it what you will. That’s a challenge to the viewer, but one that pays dividends if you’re up to accepting that challenge. There’s not much story in the traditional sense — just a look in on Turner’s life from the age of about 50 until his death. We meet the man more or less fully formed. As far as the film is concerned, he has no childhood, no formative past. Oh, the past tries to sneak up on him and lay claim to him in the form of his biological children, but he isn’t interested. There’s also no struggling artist depicted here. Turner is an established painter from the onset of the film. The struggle here is of a different kind — that of the artist who courts disaster by moving ahead of his audience, pursuing visions that are not in keeping with the work that’s expected of him. Here, how-


ever, that struggle is made more difficult by the seemingly misanthropic nature of a man who does not court favor, and who is either uninterested in, or incapable of explaining, what he’s trying to achieve. It’s a case of the spectator being shown the work and its creator leaving him or her to understand it. Very much the same can be said of Leigh’s film. It has no interest in explaining itself. Here it is — dig into it yourself. Here, too, is Turner without explanation. He’s not the most communicative character imaginable. He’s curt, ill-tempered and often merely grunts rather than saying anything. He has a reasonably comfortable life and can move freely among his peers, though he often seems as amused by their work as they are increasingly baffled by his. He has a weird sexual relationship with his simple, but doting housekeeper (Dorothy Atkinson) that is depicted in such a way that some critics remark that he rapes her — something I didn’t see at all. At the same time, he has a fairly normal relationship with his aging father (Paul Jesson), who, for as long as possible, happily acts the part of his son’s errand boy, publi-

CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) American sniper (r) 12:00, 3:45, 7:25 Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 1:50, 6:50 The Duff (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:10, 4:40, 7:05, 9:20 Fifty shades of grey (r) 11:15, 2:00, 4:50, 7:45, 10:05 Focus (r) 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:35, 9:55 hot Tub Time Machine 2 (r) 11:30, 1:40, 4:00, 6:15, 8:25, 10:35 Jupiter Ascending 2D (Pg-13) 7:50, 10:30 kingsman: The secret service (r) 11:00, 1:45, 4:35, 7:20, 10:10 The lazarus effect (Pg-13) 12:10, 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 8:20, 10:25 Maps to the stars (r) 11:10, 1:55, 4:45, 7:30, 9:55 McFarland UsA (Pg) 11:00, 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 Mr. Turner (r) 12:20, 3:30, 6:55, 10:00 Paddington (Pg) 11:05, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35 The spongeBob Movie: sponge out of water 2D (Pg) 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:10 still Alice (Pg-13) 12:15, 2:40, 4:55, 7:10, 9:25 whiplash (r) 11:30, 4:25, 9:30 Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) Black or white (Pg-13) 1:00, 7:00 Paddington (Pg) 4:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) The imitation game (Pg-13) 1:20 Mr. Turner (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:45 still Alice (Pg-13) 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 FlATroCk CineMA (697-2463) whiplash (r) 4:00, 7:00 regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiUM 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

cist, stage-manager and watchdog. Turner’s later relationship with the widow (Marion Bailey) he meets in the seaside town of Margate might also be viewed as relatively normal, though it’s part of a double-life, and it’s hard not to see her as a kind of substitute for his father. In the end, this is a film about a man who saw things as no one else could see them — something amazingly captured in cinematographer Dick Pope’s luminous digital imagery — but who, beneath it all, was a fairly ordinary, even crude, man. He was a man who never really stopped being the working class son of a barber. Intellectualism was not part of his makeup. You get the sense in Spall’s masterful performance that this Turner may not even really grasp his own gifts, but he never questions them or their importance. I have loved Spall since I first saw him as Dr. Polidori in Ken Russell’s Gothic (1986), but this, I believe, is his finest work to date. It will certainly be a tough act to follow. So too will the film be for Mike Leigh. It is magnificent in all its thorny brilliance — much like the filmmaker himself. No, it’s not going to be to everyone’s taste. The lack of a normal story structure will baffle and even bore some viewers. But I highly recommend trying it. If you can tap into its vibe, it’s amazing. Rated R for some sexual content. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Hot Tub Time Machine 2 S DIRECTOR: Steve Pink (About Last Night) PLAYERS: Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Adam Scott, Gillian Jacobs RAUNCHY COMEDY


THE LOWDOWN: After re-jiggering the past to suit their needs with their time machine made out of a hot tub, three buddies travel into the future to stop a murder. THE STORY: A flaccid, unimaginative and chuckleheaded raunchy comedy whose only novelty is that it exists in the first place.


When I reviewed the original Hot Tub Time Machine nearly five years ago, I started off by explaining that I had no clue why it even existed in the first place. As a film, it was always more a singular concept — I backed off from calling it “clever” — than anything else. There’s a hot tub, but it’s also a time machine! Now, all these years later, I’m sitting here trying to figure out why Hot Tub Time Machine 2 now exists. The first wasn’t good and barely made any money, and yet, here we are. There are some differences in part two, namely in the lack of John Cusack and the fact that — in a rare fit of lucidity — the sequel actually has a much smaller budget than the original. While the latter doesn’t really matter (no amount of money is going to gold plate this waste), the former is important for a couple of reasons. First, it means that the only semblance of an emotional center that existed in the first film is gone, leaving in his stead a cast of unlikable, crass and emotionally stunted characters. And secondly, how the hell is John Cusack too good to be in your goofy movie? This is important to understand the level we’re working on here. The sequel picks up with Cusack’s character written out of the movie, having wandered off to seek some sort of enlightenment, while Lou (Rob Corddry) and Nick (Craig Robinson) have used their jaunt through time in the first film to set themselves up as billionaires in the present. At the same time, Lou’s son, Jacob (Clark Duke), is relegated to little more than a glorified butler for his father. There are some sex jokes, some gay jokes and some dick jokes — not to mention lots and lots of pop culture references — until everything’s turned upside down when Lou’s nearly murdered. Setting off in their time machine, Lou, Nick and Jacob head off into the future to track down Lou’s killer and save his life. This leads to more sex jokes, more gay jokes, more dick jokes and, of course, more pop culture references, plus some celebrity cameos (I guess Lisa Loeb’s a celebrity?). There’s your movie. Besides not being funny, no one’s likable, and they’re all pretty grating in a nails-on-thechalkboard kind of way. There’s an attempt to redeem the whole thing, with the idea being that everyone learns very important

HHHHH = max rating STARTING FRIDAY life lessons. Lou learns that he needs to clean himself up; Nick learns that he should spend more time with his wife (Kellee Stewart, Guess Who). But who wants any of this? Who’s going to Hot Tub Time Machine 2 to better understand the human condition, to really get a handle on how to grow and mature? It’s hokey nonsense and hardly classes up the film like it thinks it does. Rated R for crude sexual content and language throughout, graphic nudity, drug use and some violence. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

Focus In an attempt to bolster his recently lackluster career, it seems Will Smith has teamed with writerdirectors John Requa and Glenn Ficarra (I Love You, Philip Morris, Crazy Stupid Love) for an R-rated item called Focus. The film co-stars Margot Robbie, Kristen Stewart and Rodrigo Santoro. Warner Bros. tells us, “A con artist (Will Smith) takes on an inexperienced apprentice in this crime comedy from the filmmaking duo behind Crazy

Maps to the Stars HHHHS DIRECTOR: David Cronenberg PLAYERS: Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack, Evan Bird, Olivia Williams, Robert Pattinson, Sarah Gadon DRAMATIC SATIRE WITH MYSTICAL ASPECTS RATED R THE STORY: The lives of a supremely dysfunctional group of Hollywoodites intersect with tragically inevitable consequences. THE LOWDOWN: Part Hollywood satire, part dark melodrama, all fascinating David Cronenberg film. Some will love it, others will absolutely hate it.

How you respond to Maps to the Stars will depend a great deal on how you respond to David Cronenberg films altogether. I would place the film pretty firmly in the realm of his 21st century work. In other words, it’s not a horror film — at least in the strict sense. That said, if you know Cronenberg’s earlier work, it’s hard not to call his horror pictures to mind on numerous occasions. There’s certainly a measure of (non-fantasticated) “body horror” here, and I found it hard not to see parallels to Dead Ringers (1988). For that matter, Julianne Moore and John Cusack’s characters frequently seemed related to Samantha

Stupid Love.” No, it has not been screened for critics. (R)

The Lazarus Effect Also unscreened is the PG-13 horror film The Lazarus Effect — directed, oddly enough, by David Gelb, who made the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi. It stars Olivia Wilde and Mark Duplass. The blurb tells us the film “follows a group of researchers led by Frank (Mark Duplass) and his fiancée Zoe (Olivia Wilde) who’ve achieved the unimaginable — bringing the dead back to life. After a successful, yet unsanctioned, trial on a newly deceased animal, the team is ready to unveil their breakthrough to the world. When the dean of their university learns of their underground experiments, their project is unexpectedly shut down and their materials confiscated.” (PG-13)

Maps To The Stars See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

Mr. Turner See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3, 2015





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FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

Eggar and Oliver Reed in The Brood (1979) — minus Eggar actually giving “birth” to humanoid expressions of her inner rage. Whether you can make these connections or not, chances are you’re going to end up with a horror movie vibe from Maps to the Stars, even though this almost clinically detached skewering of Hollywood could best be described as a psychodrama satire that mutates into a psychodrama thriller — with some mystical overtones. It is a difficult movie — at once bitterly funny, deeply unsettling and sometimes a little silly. That’s not a bad description of Hollywood and the cult of celebrity, too. Perhaps it is exactly the film it needs to be, but warm and fuzzy it is not. Some people will hate it passionately. Some have likened it to David Lynch’s Mulholland Dr. (2001). While I can see where they’re getting that, I think it’s a deceptive comparison. The film Cronenberg has made from Bruce Wagner’s screenplay is considerably more straightforward — in relative terms. Comparisons to Billy Wilder’s Sunset Blvd. (1950) are also simplistic (despite the fact that Julianne Moore is actually older than Gloria Swanson was in that). The plots are nothing alike, and Maps to the Stars has nothing to do with old Hollywood and isn’t in the least Gothic. No, as Hollywood tales go, this is its own particular can of worms. The film starts with a fire-scarred young woman wearing black gloves and a T-shirt that reads, “I was a Bad Babysitter” (both of these things are important) arriving in Los Angeles on a bus. This is Agatha (Mia Wasikowska), who tells her chauffeur/wanna-be actor and screenwriter Jerome Fontana (Robert Pattinson) that she’s in town to visit relatives. This turns out to be true, but not in any normal sense. However, her first visit is to the site of a burned down house that once belonged to self-help guru Dr. Stafford Weiss (John Cusack), and her main claim to L.A. seems to be that she’s Twitter “friends” with Carrie Fisher (who does appear as herself at one point). This connection — nebulous as it is — leads to her being employed by fading, pill-addled, self-absorbed actress Havana Segrand (Julianne Moore). Havana is desperate to play the role of a pyromaniac once played by her mother, Clarice Taggart (Sarah Gadon), who later died in a fire. (Fires are a key element in the film.) As it turns out, Havana is being treated by Dr. Weiss, whose son Benjie (Evan Bird) is a recovering drug addict trying to make a comeback (at like 14)

as a child star. How these characters intersect and how they relate comprise the increasingly dark story of the film — and it gets very dark indeed. To call the results a cornucopia of mental illness (real and druginduced), delusions, depravity, casual perversions, phonies and amorality would not be inapt. It would also be a simplification and dismissal of a complex and frequently just plain brilliant film. It also houses a Julianne Moore performance that blows the one in Still Alice off the screen. Actually, all of the performances are first rate. It takes real skill to make Evan Bird’s Justin Bieber-ish brat into something real and even sympathetic. A lot of what works lies in the way Cronenberg handles the film — notice, for example, that Agatha’s scarred appearance becomes more pronounced as her mental state deteriorates. Yes, it finally shifts into the melodrama that’s been just beneath the surface all along, but it ends on an almost elegiac — if deeply disturbing — note. But bear in mind, the movie means to disturb you. There’s room for that at the movies — on occasion. Rated R for strong disturbing violence and sexual content, graphic nudity, language and some drug material. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

McFarland, USA HHS diREctoR: Niki Caro (North Country) pLaYERs: Kevin Costner, Carlos Pratts, Ramiro Rodriguez, Maria Bello, Johnny Ortiz Fact-BasEd upLiFting spoRts dRama RatEd pg tHE stoRY: A former high school football coach on his last chance takes up a job coaching cross country in a poor, Hispanic California town. tHE Lowdown: A wholly perfunctory, inoffensive and vaguely watchable uplifting sports flick that’s riddled with clichés and a lack of surprises.

In the past two years, Kevin Costner has been prominently featured in six major motion pictures. Six! And he’s starred in four of them! Not to mention another one coming out later this year (co-starring — be still my heart — Ryan Reynolds). My sense of exasperation stems from the inherent confusion this creates in me, since I can’t imagine who, exactly, is asking for all of these Kevin Costner movies. Even more confounding is the idea that there are people out there slinging around millions of dollars to put Kevin Costner in movies. I remember growing up in the ’90s and hearing (admittedly cheap) jokes about his inherent lack of talent as an actor, but here we are, in the year 2015, and we’re being inundated with a tidal wave of Kevin Costner movies. When people want to talk about the lack of verve and originality in film, they should be adding this kind of nonsense to the list along with all the sequels and reboots out there. All this being said, Costner’s latest, McFarland, USA, isn’t quite half bad (in all honesty, it dangles just centimeters above half bad, like a Sword of Damocles of mediocrity) and is easily the best picture to come out of the great Costner Renaissance. This isn’t saying much and is mostly a byproduct of being a by-the-book, paint-by-numbers uplifting sports flick, the kind of thing Disney trots out once a year before being forgotten a couple months later. It’s a type of formulaic movie they, as a studio, have nailed down, and that — in the bargain — is impossible to screw up. This also means that there’s nothing here you haven’t seen carted out a million other times in a million similarly ephemeral little movies. McFarland, USA is no different, though — at times — it comes across as better than it should be, while never overcoming the inherent dullness and natural lack of imagination the genre demands. This time around, we’re here to learn all kinds of lessons about life — specifically race, poverty and overcoming predetermined prejudices — through the power of cross country running. Yes, McFarland is just as exciting as that sounds, something that’s compounded by a numbingly overstuffed 128-minute running time. Costner plays

Jim White, a former high school football coach who’s run out of opportunities thanks to run-ins with former players and various school boards. With nowhere else to go, he takes a teaching job at a high school in McFarland, Calif., a predominantly Hispanic — and impoverished — little town. After getting dismissed from his assistant coaching job with the football team, Jim sees a way out of his situation — one that worries him thanks to his lack of understanding of Hispanic culture and the prejudices this creates in him — by forming a cross country team consisting of a handful of promising young men. There are no surprises as to where any of this is going. Jim stops being such a reactionary dolt, the team comes together and overcomes the odds, and Costner even gets to grunt his way through the movie as he’s wont to do these days. In McFarland’s favor, the film looks professional, has a likable tone, and the kids who make up the cross country team are all amiable. As a whole, it makes for a movie that’s passable and little else. Rated PG for thematic material, some violence and language. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

The DUFF HHH diREctoR: Ari Sandel pLaYERs: Mae Whitman, Robbie Amell, Bella Thorne, Bianca A. Santos, Skyler Samuels, Ken Jeong, Allison Janney HigH scHooL Romantic comEdY RatEd pg-13 tHE stoRY: When a girl finds out she’s a DUFF (designated ugly fat friend), she sets out to change her life. tHE Lowdown: Likable enough high school rom-com can’t overcome the been-there-done-that predictability of its story. Still, it’s painless and pleasant.

The three-star review I’m giving The DUFF is mostly because it’s remarkably inoffensive, the leads (who are both too old for their roles) are pleasant and the adult guest stars, Allison Janney and Ken Jeong, help carry the load. The movie overall is a way too familiar mediocrity. I will try to not hold it against director Ari Sandel — who won a Best Live Action Short Oscar about 10 years ago — that his biggest recent thing is a web series. At the same time, I can’t deny that his attempts at being stylish look like they were conjured up on rudimentary video editing software. However, the movie obviously — and oh so desperately — wants to be the new Mean Girls (2004) or Easy A (2010), but it can’t get near pulling that off. Worse, by drawing attention to its Mean Girls/Easy A envy, it only makes itself all the paler by comparison. The screenplay by Josh A. Cagan (Bandslam) — adapted from a 2010 YA novel by Kody Keplinger — is by no means idiotic. Some of the lines are clever, and some of the characters are appealing. There’s also an attractive sweetness to the film, and that counts for something. But it’s incredibly predictable — predictable to the point that the center of the film and the inevitable rom-com penultimate reel of gloom have that “marking time” feel to them. I suppose it can be argued that the target audience for the film is less seasoned, and so may have never even seen Easy A, much less that so-last-decade artifact Mean Girls. On such a basis, however, I would have to conclude that perhaps no one over age 16 should ever see this movie. That may not be the worst advice I could give you, come to think of it. Still, The DUFF isn’t actively bad, it means well and sometimes works pretty well. The whole idea is built around nerdy, horror movie loving Bianca (Mae Whitman) finding out — thanks to “man whore” jock, Wesley (Robbie Amell), whom she cordially detests (no prizes for guessing where this is going) — that she is a DUFF. That means she’s the “designated ugly fat friend” of her two hotter friends, Casey

(Bianca A. Santos) and Jess (Skyler Samuels). It matters not that she’s neither ugly, nor fat — simply that she isn’t as desirable as they are, and that’s why guys are always asking her about her friends, but never herself. So she sets out to change this — with the help of Wesley, of all people. But he’s failing chemistry and needs help, so she offers to get him through the course if he can teach her how to be what guys want. Armed with this knowledge, she can not only lose her DUFFness, but she can possibly land the boy of her dreams, Toby (Nick Eversman). You know where this is going, right? Well, in case you don’t, the film is at pains to indicate that Toby is the most vapid character in the cast. As I said, some of this works. More of it is just passable. Other parts verge on the tedious. But it’s never obnoxious. The message it contains — or its life lesson — is certainly a good one for anybody in high school. That it’s not especially different from the ones found in other, funnier movies weighs against it, sure, but its message — updated here to reference every bit of social media known to man — perhaps bears repeating every few years. Rated PG-13 for crude and sexual material throughout, some language and teen partying. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

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Community Screenings filM at unCa 251-6585, • WE (2/25), 7pm - Freedom Summer, civil rights documentary. Held in Highsmith Union. Free. henderson County PuBliC liBrary 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville, 697-4725 • TU (3/3), 5:30-7:30pm - League of Women


Voter’s Presents: Thirty Days: Immigration, documentary. Free.

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther


Fifty Shades of Grey S Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Jennifer Ehle, Eloise Mumford, Victor Rasuk, Luke Grimes, Marcia Gay Harden Flaccid Softcore S&M Billionaire S&M aficionado tries to win over guileless 27-year-old virgin. Object: discipline. Awful acting, dreadful dialogue and tepid titillation combine to sink this essay in pseudo-sexy tedium. Rated R

Kingsman: The Secret Service HHHHS Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Caine, Mark Hamill, Sofia Boutella, Samantha Womack, Sophie Cookson Over-the-top Spy Spoof with Carnage The supersecret Kingsman agency has to go head-to-head with a madman with an extreme — and extremely lethal — plan to solve climate change. Wildly inappropriate, politically incorrect, possibly reprehensible, ultrastylish, violent, bloody, over-the-top fun that will delight some and appall others — and may well delight and appall some at the same time. Rated R

Action Comedy Adventure After the secret recipe to the wildly popular Krabby Patties disappears, SpongeBob and his archrival Plankton must travel through space and time to recover it. A likable collection of bad jokes and casual nonsense that’s simply too long and exhausting. Rated PG

Project Almanac H Found Footage Teen Sci-Fi Jonny Weston, Sofia Black-D’Elia, Sam Lerner, Allen Evangelista, Amy Landecker Things soon get out of hand for a group of teens who build a time machine based on schematics found in a basement. Nonsensical, pointless and meandering teen sci-fi junk, complete with pointless found footage conceit. Rated PG-13

Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Guzman, Ian Nelson, John Corbett, Kristin Chenoweth

(Voices) Brendan Gleeson, Fionnula Flanagan, David Rawle, Pat Shortt, Lisa Hannigan Animated Fairy Tale Two children — sent to live with their grandmother — attempt to trek back home, only to find out the sister is entangled in a fantastical mystery. A handsome looking film with a story that’s too basic to be memorable. Rated PG

Jupiter Ascending HHHH Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne, Douglas Booth, Tuppence Middleton Baroque Sci-Fi Space Opera A lowly Cinderella-esque drudge turns out to be the rightful owner of the Earth. It’s big. It’s goofy. It’s highly imaginative. It has a little something on its mind. And it’s fun. In other words, it’s a film from the Wachowskis. Rated PG-13

Seventh Son HS Jeff Bridges, Ben Barnes, Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, Antje Traue, Olivia Williams, John DeSantis, Kit Harington Fantasy Action A “spook” (witch-hunter) and his apprentice must stop an evil witch from taking over the world. Incredibly dull fantasy action nonsense occasionally goosed with unintentional laughs and a pair of absurdly over-the-top performances. Rated PG-13

Still Alice HHHH Julianne Moore, Kristen Stewart, Alec Baldwin, Kate Bosworth, Hunter Parrish Drama A woman wages the inevitably losing battle against Alzheimer’s disease. The performances of Oscar-nominated Julianne Moore and Kristen Stewart — along with a frequently solid script — elevate this blandly directed and slightly soapy movie to the level of a must-see. Rated PG-13

FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 3, 2015

(Voices) Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, Mr. Lawrence, Clancy Brown

The Boy Next Door HS

Song of the Sea HHH


The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water HHH

Thriller A recently separated wife and mother sleeps with her young neighbor, only to bring his violent, obsessive nature upon her family. Trashy nonsense that might be fun if it weren’t so inept and laboriously dumb. Rated R

Paddington HHHHS Ben Whishaw (voice), Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Madeleine Harris, Samuel Joslin, Jim Broadbent, Nicole Kidman, Peter Capaldi Family Comedy Adventure A young bear from Peru tries to find a home in London. Thoroughly charming, gently funny, stylish, great to look at and with a wonderful cast, there’s just no excuse for missing this. Rated PG

American Sniper HHS Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Luke Grimes, Kyle Gallner, Jake McDorman, Ben Reed War Drama Biopic Fact-based war drama about Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. Clint Eastwood’s latest will please many, but it’s a simplistic movie with often slack direction and little to say beyond the obvious in a print-the-legend manner. Rated R

Selma HHHHS David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tom Wilkinson, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Giovanni Ribisi, Common, Tim Roth, Oprah Winfrey Historical Drama The events leading up to the historical civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Less a biopic of Martin Luther King than a largely successful attempt to capture a point in history. Its relevance to today is startling. Rated PG-13

Invisible Invaders HHH Director: Edward L. Cahn (It! The Terror from Beyond Space) Players: John Agar, Jean Byron, Philip Tonge, Robert Hutton, John Carradine SCI-FI HORROR Rated NR Perched somewhere on the border between Ed Wood’s Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) and George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968) is Edward L. Cahn’s Invisible Invaders (1959). Its plot concerns aliens invading the Earth by occupying the bodies of the recently dead — just like Plan 9, which went into general release afterwards but was made much earlier. But its walking dead have movements and makeup that clearly influenced Romero on Night of the Living Dead. It is not as dire as Wood’s film, nor as good (relatively speaking) as Romero’s, but it is certainly something to behold. It all starts with a very confused looking John Carradine being blown to bits in an atomic mishap. Despite this, it is his body (what body?) that is used by the Head Invader in Charge to deliver the warning of an impending invasion (“The dead will kill the living”) to his understandably skeptical old colleague Dr. Adam Penner (Philip Tonge), demanding the Earth surrender. Naturally, the Earth refuses, so the invasion starts — thanks to scads and scads of stock and newsreel footage — and it falls to Penner, his daughter (Jean Byron — before she was Patty Duke’s TV mom) and his nervousnelly assistant (Robert Hutton — on his way to negative fame as star and director of 1963’s The Slime People) to save the world. The entire military involvement is represented by one general, a secretary and the indispensable John Agar doing his best John Wayne impression. Has to be seen to be believed. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Invisible Invaders Thursday, Feb. 26, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Seven Wonders of the World HHH Director: Tay Garnett, Paul Mantz, Andrew Marton, Ted Tetzlaff, Walter Thompson Players: Lowell Thomas, Paul Mantz STUNT TRAVELOGUE Rated NR It really isn’t possible to review one of these Cinerama showpiece movies. They exist — apart from making a few bucks — solely to wow the viewer with the Cinerama process. To honestly assess them on that basis, you’d have to see them in a Cinerama theater on a Cinerama screen with the whole three projector setup. Basically, it’s like Cinemascope, but filmed with three interlocked cameras and shown by three interlocked projectors on a gigantic curved screen. Even presented — as it is here — in the so-called “Smilebox” format that creates an artificial bend effect (TCM tried this a while back on 1962’s How the West Was Won, but quickly dropped it), it is little like the original. (The main thing “Smilebox” preserves is the extreme distortion of the image inherent in the process. See the photo online.) All but the last two true Cinerama productions — The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm (1962) and How the West Was Won — were basically just very long travelogues. Seven Wonders of the World is no exception. Technically, it is occasionally impressive. On any other level, it’s at best a quaint relic of the 1950s — impossibly dated and very much a U.S.-centric look at the world. And, no, it never does decide what the new Seven Wonders are, which may be for the best since such things as geisha girls and American Protestantism are under consideration. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Seven Wonders of the World Sunday, Mar. 1, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

The Royal Tenenbaums HHHHH Director: Wes Anderson Players: Gene Hackman, Anjelica Huston, Ben Stiller, Gwyneth Paltrow, Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson, Bill Murray, Danny Glover, Seymour Cassel, Kumar Pallana COMEDY-DRAMA Rated R When I say that Wes Anderson’s The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) is probably my least favorite of his films — exempting Bottle Rocket (1996) — understand that I’m talking in terms of relative superlatives. It was my introduction to Anderson — which might better be called my full-immersion baptism. This was back in the Dark Ages of VHS awards screeners (at least they were properly formatted), and I popped this into the VCR without a clue of what it was — or who Wes Anderson was. I won’t say I was blown away so much as I was just startled that anything this personal and quirky had gotten made. (Had I been told what was to come, I wouldn’t have believed it.) That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t hooked. I certainly was. I had never seen anything quite like it. I had certainly never seen anything that looked or sounded like it. Movies with pop songs on the soundtrack are a dime a dozen, but none of them tapped into the music like this in such a perfect, but never obvious way. The sense of humor — underlined by a sense of great sadness — was and is uniquely Anderson’s own. The Royal Tenenbaums is one of those movies that just gets better every time I see it and further explore its intricacies. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Royal Tenenbaums Tuesday, Mar. 3, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Pets of


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FREEwiLL astRoLogY

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Lately your life reminds me of the action film Speed, starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves. In that story, a criminal has rigged a passenger bus to explode if its speed drops below 50 miles per hour. In your story, you seem to be acting as if you, too, will self-destruct if you stop moving at a frantic pace. I’m here to tell you that nothing bad will happen if you slow down. Just the opposite, in fact. As you clear your schedule of its excessive things-to-do, as you leisurely explore the wonders of doing nothing in particular, I bet you will experience a soothing flood of healing pleasure. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): One of the most dazzling moves a ballet dancer can do is the fouetté en tournant. The term is French for “whipped turning.” As she executes a 360-degree turn, the dancer spins around on the tip of one foot. Meanwhile, her other foot thrusts outward and then bends in, bringing her toes to touch the knee of her supporting leg. Can you imagine a dancer doing this 32 consecutive times? That’s what the best do. It takes extensive practice and requires a high degree of concentration and discipline. Paradoxically, it expresses breathtaking freedom and exuberance. You may not be a prima ballerina, Taurus, but in your own field there must be an equivalent to the fouetté en tournant. Now is an excellent time for you to take a vow and make plans to master that skill. What will you need to do? GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If you’re a martial artist and you want to inject extra energy into an aggressive move, you might utter a percussive shout that sounds like “eee-yah!” or “hyaah!” or “aiyah!” The Japanese term for this sound is kiai. The sonic boost is most effective if it originates deep in your diaphragm rather than from your throat. Even if you’re not a martial artist, Gemini, I suggest that in the coming weeks you have fun trying out this boisterous style of yelling. It may help you summon the extra power and confidence you’ll need to successfully wrestle with all the interesting challenges ahead of you. CANCER (June 21-July 22): The prolific and popular French novelist Aurore Dupin was better known by her pseudonym George Sand. Few 19th-century women matched her rowdy behavior. She wore men’s clothes, smoked cigars, was a staunch feminist and frequented social venues where only men were normally allowed. Yet she was also a doting mother to her two children and loved to garden, make jam and do needlework. Among her numerous lovers were the writers Alfred de Musset, Jules Sandeau and Prosper Mérimée, as well as composer Frederic Chopin and actress Marie Dorval. Her preferred work schedule was midnight to 6 a.m., and she often slept until 3 p.m. “What a brave man she was,” said Russian author Ivan Turgenev, “and what a good woman.” Her astrological sign? The same as you and me. She’s feisty proof that not all of us Crabs are conventional fuddy-duddies. In the coming weeks, she’s our inspirational role model. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): It seems you’ve slipped into a time warp. Is that bad? I don’t think so. Your adventures there may twist and tweak a warped part of your psyche in such a way that it gets healed. At the very least, I bet your visit to the time warp will reverse the effects of an old folly and correct a problem caused by your past sins. (By the way, when I use the word “sin,” I mean “being lax about following your dreams.”) There’s only one potential problem that could come out of all this: Some people in your life could misinterpret what’s happening. To prevent that, communicate crisply every step of the way. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In English and French versions of the word game Scrabble, the letter z is worth ten points. In Italian, it’s eight points. But in the Polish variant of Scrabble, you score just one point by using z. That letter is rarely used in the other three languages but is common in Polish. Keep this general principle in mind as you assess the value of the things you have to offer. You will be able to make more headway and have greater impact in situations where your particular beauty and power and skills are in short supply.


FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The British rock band the Animals released their gritty, growly song “The House of the Rising Sun” in 1964. It reached the top of the pop music charts in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Australia, and was a hit with critics. Rolling Stone magazine ultimately ranked it as the 122nd greatest song of all time. And yet it took the Animals just 15 minutes to record. They did it in one take. That’s the kind of beginner’s luck and spontaneous flow I foresee you having in the coming weeks, Pisces. What’s the best way for you to channel all that soulful mojo?

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Businesses for sale LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won’t have to make them all your yourself.” So said Alfred Sheinwold in his book about the card game known as bridge. I think this is excellent advice for the game of life, as well. And it should be extra pertinent for you in the coming weeks, because people in your vicinity will be making gaffes and wrong turns that are useful for you to study. In the future, you’ll be wise to avoid perpetrating similar messes yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Love her but leave her wild,” advised a graffiti artist who published his thoughts on a wall next to the mirror in a public restroom I visited. Another guerrilla philosopher had added a comment below: “That’s a nice sentiment, but how can anyone retain wildness in a society that puts so many demands on us in exchange for money to live?” Since I happened to have a felt-tip pen with me, I scrawled a response to the question posed in the second comment: “Be in nature every day. Move your body a lot. Remember and work with your dreams. Be playful. Have good sex. Infuse any little thing you do with a creative twist. Hang out with animals. Eat with your fingers. Sing regularly.” And that’s also my message for you, Scorpio, during this phase when it’s so crucial for you to nurture your wildness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Don’t worry, even if things get heavy, we’ll all float on.” So sings Modest Mouse’s vocalist Isaac Brock on the band’s song “Float On.” I recommend you try that approach yourself, Sagittarius. Things will no doubt get heavy in the coming days. But if you float on, the heaviness will be a good, rich, soulful heaviness. It’ll be a purifying heaviness that purges any glib or shallow influences that are in your vicinity. It’ll be a healing heaviness that gives you just the kind of graceful gravitas you will need. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “What I look for in a friend is someone who’s different from me,” says science fiction novelist Samuel Delany. “The more different the person is, the more I’ll learn from him. The more he’ll come up with surprising takes on ideas and things and situations.” What about you, Capricorn? What are the qualities in a friend that help you thrive? Now is a perfect time to take an inventory. I sense that although there are potential new allies wandering in your vicinity, they will actually become part of your life only if you adjust and update your attitudes about the influences you value most. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): At the turn of the 19th century, Russian laborers constructed thousands of miles of railroad tracks from the western part of the country eastward to Siberia. The hardest part of the job was blasting tunnels through the mountains that were in the way. I reckon you’re at a comparable point in your work, Aquarius. It’s time to smash gaping holes through obstacles. Don’t scrimp or apologize. Clear the way for the future.

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tHE nEw YoRk timEs cRosswoRd puZZLE

ACROSS 1 Protrudes, with “out” 5 With 7-Down, incapable of leaking 10 Online info sources 14 When Juliet tells the Nurse she will come in from the balcony 15 Stand 16 Chill producer 17 Popular online reference, for short 18 Mr. Spock’s forte 19 Wreck 20 Flight component 21 Self-portraitist Frida 22 “Lethal Weapon” force, briefly 23 History is recorded in it 26 With 28-Down, disagreeable quality of diet sodas 29 With 30-Down, frequently 33 Not at all hidden 36 Pointless 38 Defense grp. since 1948 39 J.F.K. Library architect 40 Chem. unit 41 Catty remark? 42 “Rocky III” actor (and an apt answer in this puzzle) 43 Wheat bristle 44 Sta-___ fabric softener

45 Suffix with ethyl 46 Trees with

triangular nuts 48 Alarm clock’s purpose 50 Following the nine black squares in the center of the grid, a hint to five pairs of answers in this puzzle 52 With 54-Down, song with the same name as its album 55 Exiled Amin 56 With 57-Down, meal for which everyone pays his or her own way 60 Bruins legend Bobby 61 Totally befuddled 63 A. A. Milne hopper 64 Shows the way, biblically 67 Heat or Thunder 70 Performance extras 71 Something in brackets 72 Adopt, as a stray 73 Incite to action DOWN 1 Thriller set on Amity Island 2 College course part 3 Joint action 4 Small excerpt 5 Beats the rap 6 “Three Men in ___” (Jerome K. Jerome novel)

7 See 5-Across 8 Roman magistrate 9 Scout’s mission, for


10 Socialists, on the

edited by Will Shortz 1





17 political spectrum 11 Lago or río contents 20 12 Witty bit 13 Texter’s button 23 24 24 Ally of the Cheyenne: Var. 26 27 28 25 Chitlins, ham hocks, etc. 33 26 Enola Gay’s payload, in brief 38 39 27 Roadside attentiongetter 42 43 28 See 26-Across 30 See 29-Across 46 47 31 Justice Kagan 32 Handrail support 50 34 Built later 35 Some sheet metal 52 53 54 workers 36 Fidgety 60 37 Michael of “Flashdance” 47 North-of-the-border 64 65 66 grid org. 70 49 First Burmese prime minister 51 YouTube video lead-ins 72 52 Sign of availability 53 “The Faerie Queene” puzzle by jim hilger woman 59 Go yard, in 54 See 52-Across baseball slang 57 See 56-Across 61 “… __-foot pole!” 58 Kinkajou cousin

No.0121 5




















25 29 34










51 55




62 67

63 68


71 73

62 Simple quatrain pattern 68 Hacker’s need 65 Buck passer, maybe 69 ___-80 (classic 66 Verdi aria “___ tu” computer)
















Paul Caron

Furniture Magician • Cabinet Refacing • Furniture Repair • Seat Caning • Antique Restoration • Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828) 669-4625

• Black Mountain

FEBRuaRY 25 - maRcH 3, 2015


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