Transgender students push for change at A-B Tech, p. 10
OGS: Cultivating education and enthusiasm, p. 14
MIGHTY HOUSES The power of lifting, p. 26
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contEnts contact us pagE 40
Pressing matters While longtime craft imprint Lark Books recently announced that it will close its Asheville offices, plenty of small independent publishing houses in and around WNC are thriving. Some have been in business for decades while others are newly launched. All are releasing interesting, diverse work often overlooked by their corporate counterparts. covER dEsign Lori Deaton pHotogRapH Carrie Eidson
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10 wHat’s in a namE? Transgender students push to change A-B Tech policy
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
copYRigHt 2014 BY Mountain Xpress advERtising copYRigHt 2014 BY Mountain Xpress aLL RigHts REsERvEd
Carpentry by Lucy
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caRtoon BY RandY moLton
Eyes on the prize I hope that I am not alone in my supreme discomfort at the casual discussions our City Council is having regarding placing a larger surveillance network of cameras in downtown. Is this a surveillance network that we will hand operation over to the police, whose department is mired in malfeasance and investigation? Draconian broad surveillance patterns have been a steady feature of policing and government security for some time, definitely since 9/11. Invasions of privacy and civil liberties have become commonplace as our information is exchanged between the security apparatus and private corporations. Past history should reveal, to everyone save our Council, I suppose, that such police and surveillance powers can and will be extended to criminalize speech, deter protest, hassle the homeless, shared with private interests and
We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to letters@mountainx.com.
used to leer at us in the nude when we travel. Of course some crimes may be ferreted out due to totalitarian security systems, but the question is, do we want to live in a world like that? Increasingly, that is exactly the cloying, prying, spying type of country we’ve become. It used to be the Reds that justified the blanket snooping, then terrorists; now apparently it’s graffiti. Next I’m sure it’ll be our own shadows. We are to accept a blanket of watchful eyes over our city center in order to protect us from kids with paint markers? This justification cannot possibly fly in the age of categorically out of control “security” and “justice” systems. What a terrified pathetic body politic we’ve become that this notion is even entertained. — Martin Ramsey Asheville
Electric vehicles are rolling in right direction Thanks for your reply to my EV letter, Melissa [Oglesbee] [“Are Electric Vehicles the Answer?” Feb. 12, Xpress]. My complaint was about the tax on innovation by the state, seemingly trying to inhibit an industry in its infancy. True, electricity powers the car, but the public EV stations on Charlotte Street and
contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Sharon Bell, Mark Ellis Bennett, Brandy Carl, Michael Carlebach, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Nick King, Jordan Lawrence, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins aRt & dEsign managER: Megan Kirby
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
UNC Asheville both have grid-tied photovoltaic systems! An electric vehicle has the potential to be powered purely by solar or wind or some sort of renewable energy. Let’s look at some numbers. An average EV gets the equivalent of 3.7 miles per kwh (kilowatt hour) of electricity. One gallon of unleaded gasoline has the equivalent energy of about 33.7 kwh of electricity. A little conversion yields the equivalent miles per gallon for an EV of about 124 mpg! The average gasoline car consumes from 25 to 35 mpg. At 20 pounds of CO2 per gallon of gasoline consumed, an EV, even in the worstcase nasty coal-burning scenario, will emit four to five times less CO2 than its gas counter part! That’s hardly more damaging to the environment. Plus, the price tag on many EVs is markedly less than the equivalent gas-powered vehicle. (No, Nissan did not hire me.) I agree: Walk more, use public transportation, don’t eat meat, etc. But mass transit options and real bicycle lanes in these rural areas are decades away. And, it seems, people would prefer to die than give up their carnivorous diets! Sadly, the automobile is here to stay, but not necessarily the internal combustion engine! No, EVs are not the answer to reducing pollution, but they do offer the potential to reduce emissions to almost zero, while saving you at the pump and transporting you from point A to point B as needed. Seems like a win-win situation to me! — Rudy Beharrysingh Asheville
Bison aren’t self-sacrificing Mark Bennett’s sales pitch for bison consumption [“Reviving the Herd,” Feb. 5, Xpress] contained several erroneous statements. First, he claimed that unlike beef cattle, bison don’t need hormones or antibiotics. Cattle kept in confined agricultural operations are given hormones to cause rapid unnatural weight gain in order to maximize profits, and antibiotics because close confinement in unsanitary conditions breeds germs. Were bison confined in such conditions, they too would be given these chemicals. Bennett then claims that a buffalo’s life span is four times as long as a cow’s. Naturally, cows confined on factory farms have much shorter
lives than they would in a healthy environment where they could move freely in fresh air and sunlight, and eat the foods they were meant to eat. Comparing free-range bison to cattle in intensive factory farming operations is meaningless. Carolina Bison’s owner Frank King stated that the bison sacrifice themselves to help the white man. King probably believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, too. Sorry to disappoint you, Frank, but the bison DON’T want to be slaughtered to save the white man from his foolishness. Like all animals, they desire to live and be free. We can prevent cardiovascular disease by eating a plantbased diet and exercising regularly.
coRREction The photograph featured on the cover of Mountain Xpress’ Feb. 12 Specialty Shops Issue was taken at Purl’s Yarn Emporium. We should have also mentioned that the colorful spools of yarn are locally made by Marcia Kummerle, the owner of Good Fibrations. For more about Kummerle’s locally raised Angora goats, hand-dyed mohair yarn and felting, email goodfibrations@charter.net.
caRtoon BY BREnt BRown
King claims that his 15 white buffalo are “sacred” and have unique “presence.” The implication is that the lucky white buffalo will escape slaughter. Apparently the dark-hued bison have insufficient “presence” and aren’t worthy of worship, so are destined to be made into dinner entrees. Hmm, would that policy be called racial “speciesism?” All living creatures are sacred, regardless of color or species, and the slaughter of any living creature is a renunciation of the sanctity of life. Bennett and King are simply the latest in a long line of people exploiting animals for personal profit. — Robbie Coleman Asheville
Coggins development not transparent My family and I have owned property adjacent to the Coggins’ property on Old Farm School Road referenced in the article, [“Colliding Visions,” Jan. 22, Xpress] for 70 years. The majority of people who live in the Old Farm School area oppose Case Enterprise’s proposed development, constituting nearly 400 housing units and commercial properties. However, those most affected
were given a scant 10 days’ notice and only a few brief minutes to speak before the Planning Board rushed to its hasty decision to approve commercial rezoning just before the December holidays. The rezoning issue was originally going to be heard by the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners in February in spite of requests from the community for additional time and thorough studies on environmental, flooding, traffic and other impacts. In the end, it was the developer who was granted a delay the day after a petition raising concerns about the proposed development was submitted to the commissioners with over 160 signatures. No public hearings before the commissioners have been held to date, no one proactively explained the process to the community, while the developer has had one to two years to lobby the Planning Board and county commissioners. It has been left up to the community to figure out the process from county staff. It leaves one to wonder where democracy and community input fits into a process that seems heavily weighted
in favor of corporate interests. The issue next goes before the Board of Adjustment, a quasi-judicial body that places strict constraints on public input, largely requiring the community to defer to “experts.” The process appears to be anything but transparent or democratic, and warrants revision — more notice for communities, more opportunity for input. If a development project cannot stand up to thorough study and public scrutiny, then it should not be approved. — Lucinda Wykle-Rosenberg and Dr. Eric Rosenberg Asheville
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Community dialogue from the web
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by Jake Frankel
Locals react to Hominy Creek diesel spill
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On Feb. 15, roughly 5,000 gallons of fuel oil spilled in West Asheville, much of it flowing into Hominy Creek and the French Broad River. The source was an above-ground tank owned by Harrison Construction, which could face fines from the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Meanwhile, as crews tried containing and cleaning up the toxins, the news generated a wealth of local media coverage and reactions. Here’s a sample of what citizens had to say via various websites. mountainx.com “Seriously, it’s gross what’s being dumped into the river right now. There will be hell to pay for this.” — Barry Summers “Hell to pay? Most polluters get off with a slap on the wrist at most. Our state environmental agency is effectively hobbled by those in charge in Raleigh now — defanged through repeated budget cuts — and polluters are virtually never forced to make a thorough cleanup (something that has to happen quickly before contaminants disperse).” — Susan Andrew “There’s a very long history in these parts of polluters getting away with gross neglect and contamination. … It’s not just the current crop of legislators that has allowed this issue to fester. BOTH sides have sullied hands.” — D. Dial
FuEL LEak: Cleanup crews used booms to try to skim diesel fuel out of Hominy Creek, but many citizens reported seeing and smelling the fuel beyond the containment measures in the French Broad River. Photo courtesy of Hartwell Carson, Western North Carolina Alliance
“Isn’t there something we can do, as a town, to bring legal recourse against this company? A petition, or something? This is serious business — it’s moments like these where, as citizens, we need to enact justice. If they can’t manage their crude oil stash, they shouldn’t be in business. Their licenses ought to be revoked outright.” — K. citizEn-timEs.com
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
“If you like this and the coal ash leak, you are going to love fracking!” — Tom Williams “It’s all about accountability. This company needs to be responsible for the cleanup in addition to a substantial fine. They need to be made an example of, those that pollute our resources with their irresponsible business practices. It doesn’t need to be swept under the carpet like the issues with Duke Energy.” — Eric Knopf “5,000 gallons sounds like a lot to someone driving a Subaru, but
considering the size of the French Broad River and how many millions of gallons are going by, it’s not that big of a deal. A one-time accident is nothing to write your mama up north about.” — Mike Waddell asHvEgas.com “It was hard enough to get adequate environmental protection under a Democratic statehouse. It is utterly impossible now. Duke’s coal ash from their Skyland plant threatens the French Broad River. And given the way the state has handled the Dan River disaster, I have little hope that the Hominy/ French Broad oil spill will be taken care of properly. I really want to be wrong about that.” — Heather Rayburn “This was a big frack-up and was not handled properly by the criminal company (Harrison) or the EPA or the DENR or the cleanup crew — or crews. Seems to me that the response was very mellow, way too weak, and came far too late.” — Susan X
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
What’s in a name? Transgender students push to change A-B Tech policy
BY david FoRBEs
dforbes@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 137
“I’m scared sometimes,” says local activist Basil soper, an A-B Tech student who, more than a year ago, began challenging the school’s requirement that students use their legal name in email, online courses, public forums and learning platforms like Moodle. “I was outed on Moodle, but my physical [appearance] didn’t match [the name displayed].” For transgender students, that can raise significant concerns about discrimination and personal safety. Multiple studies have shown that transgender people are far more likely than the general population to suffer violence and discrimination, particularly once they’ve been outed (see sidebar, “Serious Consequences”). After seeing his birth name on Moodle, Soper reveals, a male classmate confronted him about using the men’s restroom. Use of the online learning platform is mandatory for many courses at A-B Tech. UNC Asheville and most other schools in the state system allow transgender students to use a different name in their public records, though this is less true for the community colleges. At A-B Tech, sympathetic instructors worked with Soper and fellow student Ben Baechler to find ways around the problem, such as not using birth names when calling roll; some teachers, notes Soper, have “been amazing allies.” But administrators, citing school policy, stuck to their guns. Soper says he first became aware of the issue several years ago, when he asked to use a shortened version of his birth name on Moodle and was repeatedly refused. Last December, he contacted the American Civil Liberties Union,
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
pusHing FoR cHangE: Activist and student Basil Soper started a petition pressing for a change to A-B Tech’s policy, asserting that its requirement students use their legal names in a public online learning service put transgender students at risk. Photos by Alicia Funderburk
which has helped transgender students across the country lobby to get such policies changed. “It really started becoming an issue at that point,” Soper recalls. “After 12 to 14 months on hormones, I started to pass as male. Everyone around me knows I’m male, so it’s a glaring issue when my birth name pops up on Moodle.” In January, after talking to other trans students, a frustrated Soper posted an online petition that quickly gathered hundreds of signatures and triggered a heated debate. A few weeks later, the policy was changed. kerri glover, the school’s director of community relations and marketing, says changes were already in the works before Soper launched his
petition. “We had already changed [Soper’s publicly visible name] and were in the process of trying to accommodate other requests,” she said on Feb. 4. “We have accommodated transgender students a number of times in the past.” unpRoductivE discussions “I know, in some ways, this is an unforeseen issue” for the school, Soper concedes. “If you’re not transgender, then this isn’t something you think about.” Changing one’s legal name, he notes, can be costly and time-consuming. “Many people can’t even get legal name changes after they tran-
sition,” Soper explains, “for a number of reasons: bad credit history, owing the IRS, being sued at some point, or even just because it’s early in the transition, and you aren’t sure what you want to be called for the rest of your life.” Meanwhile, something as simple as having roll called or contributing to an online discussion can effectively mean transgender students are outed. Baechler says he’s faced similar issues during his year-and-a-half at the community college. “A lot of trans students at A-B Tech can’t afford to change their name,” he notes. When he first enrolled, Baechler recalls, “I contacted them to point out that this is outing me.” Initially, administrators seemed receptive, even setting up a new email account for him. Later, however, they shut it down, saying their policy allowed only legal names to be used. Instructors, says Baechler, allowed him to email his responses instead of using Moodle, but while this avoided outing him to classmates, it also meant he couldn’t participate in online discussions, among other problems. “There’s a class roster button on Moodle,” Baechler explains. “Anyone could go on there, click on my class, and realize my name appears differently. If someone saw that, they could confront me anywhere, at any time. I’ve had it happen before.” “If someone wanted to push physical harm on me, it would be really easy for them to find out that I’m trans,” he adds. Soper hoped these behind-thescenes efforts would solve the problem. “I talked to the school for quite some time: to faculty, to staff.” But “I was shut down every time,” he maintains. “I’d have to out myself to them to even talk about it. I’d get weird looks or eye rolls; it was really uncomfortable.” terry Brasier, the school’s vice president of student services, says: “We’re always open for feedback from students. Our goal and mission is to create an environment where students feel safe and nurtured and get a sense of belonging.” A-B Tech, he says, has a strict nondiscrimina-
tion policy. “We work hard to make that a reality on a daily basis.” tHE acLu stEps in On Dec. 3, the ACLU of North Carolina sent a letter to A-B Tech about the issue, beginning what Legal Director chris Brook calls “an ongoing, productive conversation” about the issue and transgender students’ needs. Brook says his organization has helped other colleges, including N.C. State and UNC Charlotte, deal with similar issues in recent years. Often, he notes, it’s more a question of educating administrators than of overcoming opposition. Legally, he emphasizes, colleges can use students’ preferred names in publicly available information, though they do have to have the legal names on file. After that, says Soper, the administration agreed to use a shortened version of his birth name. “But it’s not my name. I didn’t get why this had to match [the birth name]: I mean, my Social Security number hasn’t changed.” Baechler, meanwhile, says that in January, a teacher displayed the Moodle roster where the whole class could see it. “She realized that she just let the entire class see my birth name,” he relates. “It’s not something she should have to think about. That shouldn’t be a teacher’s responsibility.” Brasier says he first became aware of the issue “a couple of months ago,” after several students asked to change their names in Moodle. “To support our mission and values, we need to research this and make it happen,” says Brasier, noting that though he consulted with officials at other schools on how to implement such a policy, “Very few community colleges have gone this route.” going puBLic On Jan. 13, Soper launched his online petition. “Putting students in an unsafe position is not okay,” it stated. “Expecting students to pay for classes or absorb their material in an unsafe or uncomfortable atmosphere is not okay. Other colleges have allowed trans students to have preferred names in Moodle, such as UNC Charlotte, a university in our own state. Please sign this and share this to urge A-B Technical College to change their online learning name policy.” The petition quickly gathered more than 200 signatures, as alumni, students and other local activists weighed in.
opEn to FEEdBack: A-B Tech’s Terry Brasier says the college is attentive to the needs of transgender students and has worked to address their concerns.
“The policy ... is discriminatory,” Eric seydon wrote after signing the petition. “As an A-B Tech alumni I am ashamed of the college’s actions.” “The petition wasn’t the way I wanted to go about it,” Soper says now, but after other efforts failed, he felt it was necessary. a-B tEcH REsponds The petition was originally addressed to joe Bace, the school’s director of facilities and operations. But a few days later, Glover posted the following comment: “I am not Joe Bace, who is A-B Tech’s director of facilities and has nothing whatsoever to do with the college’s policy on Moodle or name changes. I am Kerri Glover, A-B Tech’s director of community relations and marketing, who is responding on his behalf and requesting that you please remove Mr. Bace as a ‘decision maker’ for this petition. He has no control over the policy addressed here. In fact, the other person receiving these petitions [Terry Brasier] has done everything possible within our guidelines to be accommodating. A-B Tech also has a transgender student group, a college diversity committee that explores transgender issues, and has revised
college policy to favorably address transgender issues. Because we do support our transgender students, we have tried to address your request for a name change in Moodle within our guidelines. Our policy requires us to use given, legal names for ALL students. We don’t use nicknames unless they are derivative of the given legal name. If there is a wholesale change to any student’s name, regardless of the reason, we are required to have proof of a legal name change. For instance, if a student is divorced or married, he or she also is required to submit a legal name change. This policy is intended to protect the privacy of every A-B Tech student. That said, we are sensitive to your concerns and will be happy to discuss this issue further with you. It also may be an issue our diversity committee would have interest in exploring. But I respectfully submit that it is not fair to A-B Tech to create a petition of this nature when our support of transgender students is evident.” “That’s really a kind of offensive thing to say to a trans person,” says Baechler. “It’s not a nickname: It’s my name. It’s really frustrating, because we can’t get anyone to pay attention to this.” In a Feb. 4 interview, Glover spoke about school policy and her response to the petition: “Like every other community college in the state, we use the official name of a student. ... That is a legal requirement.” Glover also said she never intended to offend anyone. “When I replied publicly, it was to request they [remove Bace’s] name; we never meant to imply it was unfair to the college, just to him,” since Bace had no control over the issue. “I was not referring to transgender students’ preferred names as nicknames. I was saying that we can’t even use nicknames,” she explained. “We get other requests that are not necessarily from transgender students ... and we’ve had to use the given name.” The school, said Glover, wants “to be open and accommodating to our diverse student population. We’re looking, but we can’t make some of the changes overnight.” a nEw poLicY Meanwhile, the petition kept attracting social media traffic and started getting attention on LGBT websites, including Qnotes. And on Feb. 5, the day after Glover’s interview, A-B Tech’s department heads and administrators met to dis-
cuss changing the name policy. That same day, Glover emailed the following statement: “The college has authorized the use of preferred names in publicfacing communications channels such as Moodle and email. In addition, we will educate our faculty on the use of preferred names. These requests will be handled through Records and Registration in our Student Services Division. As a third step, we also are investigating the possibility of providing free legal services on campus once a semester, to help students with legal name changes.” Beginning next term, says Brasier, students will be able to fill out a form requesting that preferred names be used in the class roster, email and Moodle. The college, he says, is also looking into other ways to better accommodate transgender students, including gender-neutral restrooms. Soper says he’s pleased with the college’s response, though many larger issues remain for all transgender people, not just students. “I hope this sheds a little bit of light on some of the less visible issues trans people face,” he observes. “Your name is everything: You carry it around with you everywhere you go. It can change people’s perceptions of you instantly.” X
Serious consequences An extensive joint study by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force highlights the hazards transgender people face. Among the findings of the 2011 study were: • 40 percent of respondents reported harassment when their identification didn’t match their preferred name. • 63 percent reported facing serious discrimination at school, in the workplace or in public, including assault and bullying by teachers. • Respondents were almost four times more likely to live in extreme poverty (earning less than $10,000 a year) than the general population. • Only 21 percent said they’d been able to update all their legal documents to reflect their preferred name. To view the full study, go to avl.mx/04v. — D.F.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
photo and story by Jesse Farthing
Evolution Firestorm Café plans, collectively, for its next edition
About 50 people squeezed into Firestorm Café and Books on Feb. 19 to talk about the café’s upcoming relocation and restructuring. Firestorm’s worker-owners were expecting a fraction of that turnout, but greeted all attendees and invited them to get coffee and snacks and join in discussions about the collective’s future. On March 1, Firestorm will close its Commerce Street location, and while the worker-owners are looking for a bigger space in West Asheville, it’s uncertain where that will be or when it will open. Attendees included former members of the Firestorm collective, grassroots activists who’ve used the space to coordinate meetings and even a few people who had never been the café before. The meeting opened with a song, led by one of the original founders, neala Byrne (aka kila donovan). As the verses repeated, more and more of the crowd joined in on the sing-along until it almost everyone took part — demonstrating how this little café has brought community together over the years. Firestorm opened in downtown Asheville in March 2008 as a selfproclaimed anarchist café, bookstore and community space (“a radical cafe bookstore was born,” says Firestorm’s online “project history.” Libertie valance, one of the collective’s founders, described the early days as a labor of love shared by a large group of people. Valance and Donovan kickstarted the idea of a community space — a free place for anarchists, activists and grassroots organizations of any kind to gather and meet other like-minded people in the community, free from judgment or oppression. “There were a lot of people, a core of maybe nine people, but this space was really launched by a community,” Valance said. “There were probably 20 or 30 people who made material and/or labor contributions to open up this space.”
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Opened on a budget of $30,000 and a donated espresso machine, without tables or even all of the equipment needed to run a café, Firestorm aimed to be a space that supported the continued survival of community groups in Asheville, which were being relegated to meeting in church basements on the outskirts of town, said Valance. Several attendees introduced themselves, and shared what Firestorm and its communitybased mission have meant to them over the years. “The whole rest of the world is crazy sometimes,” said one. “This space feels to me like proof that there is hope. I like the phrase ‘seeds beneath the snow’ — the world’s a cold place, but it’s not hopeless.” Others praised Firestorm’s cooperative model and the inclusiveness, and talked about all of the friends they’ve met through Firestorm. And most expressed excitement for the collective’s eventual rebirth and growth in West Asheville. The goal: Instead of creating a new café, expand the literature selection and offer a bigger space for gatherings and events. “This [downtown] space has served us really well,” said worker-owner julie schneyer. “It was great to grow in, but we definitely feel like we need more space to dedicate, specifically, to the bookstore. That’s kind of the physical aspect of the space. “Geographically, we feel like downtown is changing, for sure, and West Asheville is a place that — a lot of people who come here live there — [is] a little bit more residential,” she continued. “It’s not a crossroads like downtown is.” With an eye to maintaining community involvement, Firestorm organizers had attendees fill out surveys about what kind of impact the move will have on them and what they’d like to see in Firestorm’s next evolution. Poster boards were taped to the walls, providing a way for attendees to list their suggestions. Everyone’s ideas were welcomed and nothing was dismissed outright.
8 Village Lane In Biltmore Village
www.poshboutiquehotel.com coLLEctivE communitY: Firestorm co-founder Libertie Valance led a Feb. 18 discussion about the worker-owner, collectively managed organization’s next move
Attendees also discussed Firestorm’s proposed AntiOppression Statement, which defines oppressive behavior as “any behavior that marginalizes, threatens, harms or silences an individual or group, with the support of cultural or institutional force.” The declaration also serves as a commitment from the organization to counter oppression within its space and beyond, while creating a more welcoming and accessible community forum. It also acknowledges past challenges. “Within both our space and our collective, a history of oppressive behaviors has caused enormous harm to our work, our personal health and our reputation in the radical milieu,” the document states. “Over the course of our project’s life, these dynamics have caused numerous collective members to leave and many potential allies to seek community, coffee and encounter elsewhere.” “Other forms of abuse that don’t fit this definition should be somehow mentioned,” one participant suggested. “Oppressive behavior that is ‘supported by cultural or institutional support’ may lead
some people to think ... behavior that is abusive but does not have support of cultural or institutional force is acceptable here. “Someone who comes in here and gets taunted for being ‘square’ is also bad, as the opposite is bad, and I would like to see neither happen.” Suggestions included widening the definition of oppression, coming up with a summary of the document and adding a structure for ongoing feedback. Organizers will hold another community meeting for further discussion of the anti-oppression statement — tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, at the 48 Commerce St. location. When will the new space open? “We’re shooting for June or July, ideally,” Schneyer said. Meanwhile, Firestorm plans to celebrate, first at a Feb. 28 sendoff party and later in conjunction with the Mountain Justice event. “We’re going to have a party,” Schneyer said. “It’s going to be like this, but all of these people will be dancing to music rather than filling out surveys.” X
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new lOcatiOn
The Shops at Reynolds Village near the Woodfin YMCA 61 N. Merrimon Avenue, Suite 113, Asheville, NC 28804 www.divasknitting.com 828.247.0344 mountainx.com
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
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As Western North Carolina creeps towards spring, now is the time to learn about the intricacies of growing in the Southeast. Although early March may not seem like a particularly productive time for farmers and gardeners, it’s a key season to study up on new techniques and approaches. For the past 21 years, professional farmers and amateur gardeners alike have put down their books, stepped away from the wood stove and joined with fellow growers to attend Organic Growers School. Organic Growers School is a weekend of workshops for dedicated gardeners, commercial growers and the curious public, planned for Saturday, March 8, and Sunday, March 9. UNC Asheville’s classrooms will be packed with people who are passionate about everything from soil care to poultry, primitive skills to homesteading. Permaculture, herbs and beginning gardening are popular classes, as well as an entire session on organic ways to combat the dreaded stinkbug. OGS Executive Director Lee warren explains that a sense of community is at the center of the Organic Growers School experience. “The weekend offers an opportunity for a broad range of growers interested in organics to come together for the purpose of celebration and education,” Warren says. “There’s something about this cross-cultural and cross-experience connection that feels inviting, even compelling.” Warren was named as OGS’ executive director last month, succeeding 10-year veteran meredith mckissick. While Warren focuses on expanding programs for 2014, McKissick is spearheading this year’s conference.
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Stay tuned for the launch of our season “Farm & Garden” section next month.
oRganics 101: The annual Organic Growers School teaches almost everything you need to know about growing crops and raising animals. Photo courtesy of OGS
You’ll find some of the region’s most knowledgeable experts standing in the front of the classroom at Organic Growers School. However, the workshops are not didactic in the least. Curiosity abounds as participants jump in with their own experiences, whether they love growing blueberries or want to know more about raising chickens. Sessions also feature local homesteaders and chefs demonstrating techniques for cooking from scratch, giving participants a chance to taste the results. This year’s conference will have a new focus on pollinators, from bees to butterflies to bats. “Pollinators are crucial to our dinner plates, because one out of every three bites we eat depends on the services of pollinators, especially honeybees,” says OGS Board of Directors President Ruth gonzalez. “We want people to learn what they can do — even in a small yard — to enhance the prospects for pollinators.”
A seed and plant exchange will take place throughout the weekend as well. Participants are encouraged to bring both common and rare seeds to foster the preservation of genetic diversity in our region. Bartering, trading and sharing are all encouraged. It’s part of the organization’s efforts to bring the principles of organic gardening closer to home. If you don’t have seeds to share, you can still pick up some items to help jump-start the season. A trade show throughout the weekend will offer gardening supplies, books and organic products. Organic Growers School provides both a gathering place for enthusiastic growers and a chance to study up before the seedlings emerge. “Watching people excitedly attend classes at the spring conference is like watching the first plants emerge after a long winter,” says Warren. “It’s inspiring.” Organic Growers School will take place Saturday, March 8, and Sunday, March 9, at UNCA. Info: organicgrowersschool.org X
by Jake Frankel
251-1333 ext. 115
Clean and green? Buncombe Commissioners pass green cleaning guidelines; delay Moogfest funding decision Their argument wasn’t quite toxic, but Buncombe County Commissioners fiercely debated a resolution extolling the virtues of green cleaning Feb. 18. Pushed by Vice Chair Ellen Frost, the “Resolution Regarding Use of NonToxic Cleaners” urges county staff to “incorporate environmental considerations into purchasing decisions” by using guiding principals developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Noting that some cleaning chemicals can be toxic to workers’ health, Frost said the approach will help ensure “we won’t see people having to wear masks when they clean.” But some commissioners voiced concern that green-cleaning approaches might not get the job done. Commissioner mike Fryar likened the concern to his own battle with cancer, saying that “it takes something strong to kill this bacteria that’s in me — it is a poison.” He added, “It takes Chlorox to get green stuff off the side of my house.” However, Frost brushed aside his concerns, noting, “Some of the major hospitals in the country have gone green.” She helped draft the resolution, which states: “Choosing less hazardous products that have positive environmental attributes (biodegradability, low toxicity, low volatile organic compound (VOC) content, reduced packaging, low life cycle energy use) and taking steps to reduce exposure can minimize harmful impacts to custodial workers and building occupants.” Commissioner Brownie newman argued that there’s no language requiring staff or contractors to use products that don’t work well. “It’s not a mandate. … It doesn’t tie hands,” he said. “We want to use the most environmental products we can while still getting the job done.” Meanwhile, Fryar’s Republican colleagues on the board, Commissioners david king and joe Belcher, also stood opposed — at least initially. King said he also worried about the
602 Haywood Rd, 28806 • 828.350.1167 email to cat@westashevilleyoga.com
gREEn consuLting: Vice Chair Ellen Frost consults with Buncombe County Attorney Bob Deutsch about the language in a resolution that seeks to limit the use of toxic cleaners. Photo by Alicia Funderburk
measure hampering proper cleaning, especially in the county’s maintenance department, which deals with heavy equipment. And Belcher said that the status quo was working just fine. “The requirements that they’re under now are pretty strict,” he said. “What we’re doing now is pretty good.” Seeking their votes, Commissioner Holly jones asked her GOP counterparts, “How can we make it palatable?” To assuage their concerns, County Attorney Bob deutsch suggested amending the language to specifically state that nothing in the resolution would prohibit county staff from using the cleaning materials necessary to do the tasks required of them. That change was enough for King, who then voted for Frost’s resolution. But Fryar and Belcher held firm. “It’s still fluff and buff any way you want to look at it,” Fryar asserted. “This is just something … that we don’t need to be wasting our time on.” In the end, the measure passed 5-2. “I feel like this is just caring about people having a healthier work experience,” said Jones. “I don’t think it’s fluff. I think it’s an important step for caring about people.” Hot Button issuEs dELaYEd; Ban on tEtHERing coming? Commissioners delayed a pair of hot-button issues originally scheduled for Feb. 18: Moogfest’s request for $90,000 in incentives and Coggins
Farm LLC’s development proposal in Riceville. Moogfest’s request was rescheduled for March 4 so that company President mike adams, who was out of town, could attend the deliberations. And Coggins Farm withdrew its rezoning request for a 169acre mixed-use development; the company asked for more time to change its plans. No date has been set yet to consider the matter. Instead, Commissioners unanimously approved tweaks to the county’s zoning ordinance concerning small residential lot sizes and the setbacks between new buildings and public utilities. The new rules aim to encourage infill development and affordable housing construction, said josh o’conner, county zoning administrator. In other business, animal-health advocates urged the Commissioners to consider a county ban on tethering dogs. patrick irwin, president of ChainFree Asheville, said that dogs on tethers are more likely to become aggressive and bite people. The organization pushed Asheville officials to pass a similar measure in 2009 that outlaws the tethering of unattended dogs. Frost, who runs Bed & Biscuit, an the animal-care business, instructed staff to coordinate with the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office to research drafting such rules. X
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. daY-BY-daY caLEndaR is onLinE Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx.com/events.
Calendar Deadlines FREE and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t Find YouR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
FREE Listings onLinE (best) http://www.mountainx.com/events/submission
wHERE tHE wiLd tHings aRE: The Asheville Mardi Gras Parade and Ball will be held on Sunday, March 2. The parade kicks off from Wall Street at 3 p.m. and concludes with the Queen’s Ball, held at Pack’s Tavern. The full parade route can be found at ashevillemardigras.org. File photo by Max Cooper (p.18)
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maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
• 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info: 258-3229.
paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-maiL marketplace@mountainx.com. Fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
Pet loss suPPort GrouP
'VAGinA monoloGues' At WCu • FR (2/28) & SA (3/1), 7pm - Ticket sales benefit reACH of macon County, Clean slate Coalition, WCu sexual Awareness fund and the V-Day foundation. Held in the A.K. Hinds University Center. $8/$6 advance. Tickets and info: ica@wcu. edu or 227-2276. BAnD-AiD rACe AnD fun run • SA (3/1), 9am - Includes a 5K, 8K and 1-mile fun run. Proceeds sup-
port Asheville High school band. Held at Asheville High School, 419 McDowell St. $25/$10 for the fun run. Registration and info: ashevillehighbands@gmail.com. BeAtles triBute ConCert • FR (2/28), 8pm - A portion of ticket sales benefit manna foodbank and Homeward Bound. Held at White Horse, Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. $25 /$18 advance. Info: whitehorseblackmountain.com. BoWl 4 Art: BoWlinG eVent • MO (3/3), 5:30-8:30pm -Ticket sales benefit transylvania Community Arts Council. Held at Rockin' Bowl, 271 Rosman Highway, Brevard. $25. Tickets and info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. Dine to Be KinD: restAurAnt
funDrAiser • TU (3/4) - 15 percent of sales from participating restaurants will benefit Asheville Humane society. Info and locations: ashevillehumane.org. leAf sCHools AnD streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm Admission benefits this arts education program. Held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info: theleaf.org. mAKe A WisH WorKout sessions • SATURDAYS (3/01) through (3/29), 8:15-9am - Donations from group workouts will benefit make-a-Wish. Held at Plank Fitness, 6 London Road. Suggested $10. Info: info@ plankavl.com. mArimBA BAnD Benefit ConCert • SU (3/2), noon-3pm - Ticket sales benefit evergreen Community
Charter school. Held at Isis, 743 Haywood Road. $10/$5 students. Reservations and info: 575-2737 or 776-7918. VintAGe CArolinA GAlA • MO (3/3), 6-9pm - Ticket sales benefit Community foundation of Henderson County. Held at Hendersonville Country Club, 1860 Hebron Road, Hendersonville. $100. Reservations and info: CFHCforever.org/VintageCarolina or 697-6224. YoGA Benefit for eAtinG DisorDers AWAreness • WE (2/26), 5:15pm & SA (3/1), 1pm - Donations will benefit tHe Center for Disordered eating. Held at the AVL Yoga Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. Info: thecenternc.weebly.com or 337-4685.
organic juice & tea bar
Business & teCHnoloGY AfforDABle CAre ACt WorKsHoP for smAll Businesses • WE (2/26), 8-10am - Held in the Haynes Conference Center on AB Tech's Enka campus. Free. Registration and info: avl.mx/04w. AsHeVille mAKers • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Open to interested non-members. Top Floor Studio Coworking, 9 Walnut St. Info: ashevillemakerspace.org. AsHeVille sCore Counselors to smAll Business Seminars are held in room 2046, A-B Tech's Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Rd, Candler. Info: ashevillescore.org or 271-4786. • SA (3/1), 8:45am-noon - "How To Do Market Research." Free. GooDWill CAreer ClAsses Info and registration: 2989023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required.
ClAsses, meetinGs & eVents 2014 BeGinners BeeKeePinG sCHool (pd.) March 1 & 2 at the Folk Art Center Auditorium, Asheville NC. $45/$55. Info and Registration at www. chbr.org or call (828) 7797047. Everyone welcome.
4 free BriDGe lessons (pd.) The Asheville Bridge Room, River Ridge Mall, 800 Fairview Road is offering four Free Easybridge!™ lessons to introduce you to this fabulous pastime. • Lessons are for beginners and people returning to bridge after some years, or social players who want to learn modern bridge. • Starting Wednesday, March 5 from 9am-11:30am or 6pm-8:30pm. Partners guaranteed. Free parking and refreshments. To register or for more information, call Jef Pratt at (828)407-8654. ABilitY sHirts: no one HAs A (Dis) ABilitY, eVerYone HAs ABilities! (pd.) Please Purchase your Ability Shirts at Once Upon a Sign at 305 N. Main St. Hendersonville NC 28792. • We sell T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Autism Support Jewerly and So much more. • We Support the Local Autism Community in Hendersonville, NC. • For more info please call or e-mail Adam Farris (828) 290-7372 or abilityshirts@ gmail.com • www.abilityshirts.org BeGinninG enCAustiC Workshop • This sunDAY (pd.) March 2, 9am-4 pm, $150, all materials included. Hands on class - make 2 encaustic collages and learn all about the history, process and applications of making art with wax paint. Lunch available. Wine and Design Asheville, 640 Merrimon Avenue, (828) 255-2442. Register online: www.wineanddesignus.com/Asheville mosAiC WorKsHoP WitH renoWneD Artist CArol sHelKin (pd.) Saturday/Sunday, March 15/16, 10am-4pm. Create a backsplash, shower insert or piece of art. All levels. Call 828-337-6749 for info and price. Contact Linda at lindapannullomosaics.com orGAniC GroWers sCHool sPrinG ConferenCe (pd.) Saturday and Sunday, March 8 and 9, UNCA. Workshops for beginning gardeners to farmers, trade show, seed exchange, silent auction, kids program. Friday, March 7: on-farm workshops. $60 Saturday,
• all organic juices & teas made-to-order
$55 Sunday. Register online or at the door. (828) 3421849 or www.organicgrowersschool.org Women in ConneCtion (pd.) A support and psychotherapy growth group for women 35 and older, who are looking for a safe and confidential space in which to evolve into the person and life they are seeking. Wednesdays, 1:45 – 2:45. $35/session. Facilitated by Judith Mishkin Miller, LCSW, BCD. Contact Judith for more information: (828)6583409. jmishkinmiller@gmail. com.
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WritinG from tHe toP of Your HeAD AnD sYmPHoniC WritinG ClAsses (pd.) Start March 4th. Writers of any level - tap into your creative genius. West Asheville. Info: Nina – 254-3586 www.writingfromthetopofyourhead.com 60+ men's soCiAl GrouP • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meets at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Info: 275-6396. AsHeVille sPrinG Doll sHoW & sAle • SA (3/1), 9:30-3pm - Held at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. $6. Info: ashevilledollshow.com. BAttle of sWAnnAnoA GAP reenACtment • SA (3/1) & SU (3/2), 2pm - Held at Davidson’s Fort, Lackey Town Road, Old Fort. $7/ $3 kids, includes general admission. Info: davidsonsfort.com. DomestiC PArtner estAte PlAnninG ClAss • MO (3/3), 3:30-5pm - Held at Land of Sky Regional Council, 339 New Leicester Highway. Registration required. Free. Registration and info: rebecca@landofsky. org or 251-7438. introDuCtorY BriDGe lesson • WE (3/5), 9-11:30am & 6-8:30pm - Held at Asheville Bridge Room in River Ridge Mall, 800 Fairview Road. Free. Info: 407-8654. lAurel CHAPter of tHe emBroiDerers' GuilD of AmeriCA • TH (3/6), 9:30am Presentation on Blackwork techniques. Held at Cummings United Methodist
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
communitY caLEndaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Info: egacarolinas.org or 654-9788. nortH CArolinA AmnestY internAtionAl • SA (3/1), 9am-5pm - Held in room 11 of App State's Anne Belk Hall. $20. Registration and info: aincstatemeeting. weebly.com or 252-229-2922. PersonAl HistorY sHoW & tell for ADults • TH (2/27), 1pm - Held at The Green Room Café & Coffeehouse, 536 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info and registration: 595-2501 or meetup.com/show-and-tell-ithendersonville. senior triP to frenCH BroAD CHoColAte lounGe • WE (2/26), 10:30am Hosted by Waynesville Parks and Recreation. Departs from 550 Vance St., Waynesville. $7/$5 members. Info: 4562030. slAVe DeeDs of BunComBe CountY
Dine to Be Kind wHat: 11th annual Dine to Be Kind for Asheville Humane Society. wHERE: More than 50 participating Buncombe County restaurants, coffee shops and other eateries. wHEn: Tuesday, March 4. Info: ashevillehumane.org/dine-to-bekind.php wHY: More than 50 participating restaurants, coffee shops and other eateries will donate 15 percent of their sales from breakfast, lunch, dinner (including takeout and bar tab to help the Asheville Humane Society and its Animal Compassion Network Department make Buncombe County a no-kill community. The event also helps increase awareness of the organization’s lifesaving programs that serve the animals of Buncombe County. “We depend so much on participating restaurants,” said Meghan
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Jordan, director of communications for the Asheville Humane Society. “The restaurants have been so good to us.” And the dollars add up. The event has generated “$15,000 to $20,000 a year for the last four years,” Jordan said. Proceeds in previous years went to benefit the Betty Fund Spay/ Neuter Program, which was established in 2000, though the focus has changed this year. “Asheville Humane Society and Animal Compassion Network merged last year with the idea that we are stronger as one organization, rather than two separate entities,” Jordan said. “Proceeds from Dine to be Kind this year will go to programming that supports and helps the neediest animals in Buncombe County.” A full list of participating locations is available at ashevillehumane.org/dineto-be-kind.php.
• Through FR (2/28) - A traveling exhibition of historical documents and recorded readings. Held in UNCA's Highsmith University Union. Info: mps.unca.edu or 2322417. tAx AssistAnCe Local libraries will offer federal & state tax assistance until April 15. Attendees must bring required documents. Info: 277-8288. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10am-4pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. • SATURDAYS, 10:30am2:30pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Not available March 15. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • 10am-4pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St.
DAnCe BeGinner sWinG DAnCinG lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. swingAsheville.com DAnCe ClAsses WitH DAnCeCluB • (pd.)Tuesdays: 6:30pm, Jazz/Funk - 80’s Dance Music! Wednesdays: 6pm, Beginner Modern, 4 week Series starts March 12. • Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Sexy Tease Burlesque 6 Week Series starts March 12. • Thursdays: 10am - Booty Camp exercise class! • Saturdays: 1-3pm - Burlesque Striptease Workshop with buddy, March 8 and April 12. • Pre-register: (828) 275-8628 or danceclubasheville@gmail.com or DanceclubAsheville.com tAnGo ArGentino • (pd.) Liliana Castro and Bob Zullo offer a 3 week Tango series for dancers who know the basics, Sundays: March 9, March 23, March 30, 1pm-3pm, $60/person ($20 per class, minimum 3 classes). Limited 10 couples. Preregistration required: (828) 778-5711. stuDio ZAHiYA, DoWntoWn DAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 7:30pm Burlesque • Tuesday 8:15am 30 Minute Workout, 9am Hip Hop, 6pm Beginner Bellydance, 7pm Bellydance 2, 8pm West African • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout, 4pm Kid's Dance, 6pm AfroBrazilian, 7pm Intermediate West African, 8pm Womens' Hip Hop • Sunday 3pm Yoga for Dancers • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue.www.studiozahiya. com :: (828) 242-7595
West AfriCAn Drum ClAss
enGlisH CountrY DAnCe • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS, 4-6:30pm - Hosted by Old Farmer's Ball. Homewood Event and Conference Center, 19 Zillicoa St. Beginners' lesson: 3:30pm. $6/ $5 members. Info: 230-8449.
• SATURDAYS through (4/26), 4pm - All levels welcome. Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Free. Info: smirkelclown@yahoo.com.
line DAnCe ClAsses • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30am - Held in the County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville. Registration required. $5.
Info: linedanceclass.com or 890-5777. oPPortunitY House 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 698-5517 or opportunityhouse.org. • MONDAYS (2/17) through (3/10), 6pm - Hula classes. All fitness levels. $40/$35 members for four-week session. soutHern liGHts squAre DAnCe AnD CirCle • SA (3/1), 6pm - Advanced dance: 6pm; squares & rounds: 7:30pm. Held at the Whitmire Activity Building, 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info: southernlights.org.
eCo AsHeVille Green DrinKs A networking party that meets to discuss pressing green issues. Info: ashevillegreendrinks.com. • WE (2/26), 6pm - "Culture Shock Story Hour," with former Peace Corp and AmeriCorp volunteers. Meets at Lenoir-Rhyne Graduate Center, 36 Montford Ave. Free. Info: avl.mx/04t. CrAft PlAnts of APPAlACHiA: PlAnt WAlK & ClAss • TH (2/27), 3pm & 7pm Walk at 3pm; class at 7pm. Both meet at Mars Hill University's Ramsey Center. Info: 689-1571 or hfurgiuele@ mhu.edu. riVerlinK eVents Info: riverlink.org or 2528474. • FR (2/28), 3-5pm - Friday Salon Series: "Native Plants vs All the Others." Held at 170 Lyman St. Registration required.
festiVAls AsHeVille mArDi GrAs’ PArADe AnD BAll • SU (3/2), 3pm - Route starts from Wall St. The Queen's Ball will be held at Pack’s Tavern’s, 20 S. Spruce St., following the parade. Free. Info: ashevillemardigras.org. fAmilY frienDlY mArDi GrAs eVent • SU (3/2), noon-3pm Includes face painting and King Cake. Held at ZaPow, 21 Battery Park Ave., Suite 101. Info: zapow.com.
GArDeninG AsHeVille GArDen CluB • WE (3/5), 9:30am - With a discussion and demonstration of composting. Held at N. Asheville Community Center, 37 E Larchmont Road. Info: 550-3459 BunComBe soil AnD WAter ConserVAtion seeDlinG sAle • TH (2/27) through SA (3/1) - Held in the WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Thu.: noon-5pm; Fri.: 9am5pm; Sat.: 9am-4pm. Info: 250-4785. GArDen rollinG on WHeels (GroW) lAunCH • SA (3/1), 10am - A community gardening project. Held at Mills River Presbyterian Church, 10 Presbyterian Church Road in Mills River. Info: 891-7101. GooD fArmer’s mArKet PrACtiCes WorKsHoP • TU (3/4), 6-9pm - Covers food safety practices. Held at the N. Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Registration and info: meghan_baker@ncsu.edu. men's GArDen CluB of AsHeVille • TU (3/4), noon - With "Pruning Basics" program. Held at First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Info: mensgardenclubasheville.org. rAisinG & KeePinG CHiCKens WorKsHoP • SU (3/2), 2pm - Held at Haywood County Library Canton Branch, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. sYlVA GArDen CluB • TU (3/4), 9:30pm - With a demonstrate on creating bees-
wax candles. Meets at First Presbyterian Church, Sylva. Info: pollybdavis@yahoo.com. tAilGAte mArKets • SATURDAYS: • 9am-noon - Jackson County Markets Market, 23 Central St., in the Community Table. Through March. • DAILY: • 8am-5pm - WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Year-round.
GoVernment & PolitiCs BunComBe YounG Dems meet & Greet • TH (3/6), 6-7pm - With Black Mountain Mayor Mike Sobol and Buncombe County Commissioner Ellen Frost. Held at Dobra Tea House, 120 Broadway St., Black Mountain. Info: kcogburn@gmail.com or 301-3195. lAnD-of-tHe-sKY reGionAl CounCil meetinG • WE (2/26), 1pm - Held at 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140. Info: 251-6622 or landofsky.org.
KiDs BlACK mountAin Center for tHe Arts Located at 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 10am-5pm. Info and cost: blackmountainarts. org or 669-0930. • THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm - Beginners Hip Hop. Ages 6-10. Registration required. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm - Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. Registration required. • SATURDAYS, 9am - Ballet
classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS, 5-6pm - Tween Dance class. Registration required. HAnDs on! 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. $5 admission/ free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: handsonwnc.org or 697-8333. • TU (3/4) - Mardi Gras celebration. • TU (3/4), 11 am - Mad Scientist Lab • WE (3/5) - Dr. Seuss birthday celebration riVerlinK eArtH DAY Art AnD PoetrY Contest For preK-12 grade students. Categories: 2D, sculpture, photography, bookmark art and poetry. Info: riverlink. org/earthdaycontest.asp. • Through WE (3/19) - Open to students throughout the French Broad Basin. sPellBounD CHilDren's BooKsHoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop.com or 708-7570. • TUESDAYS through (3/6), 10-11am - A six-week series of arts & crafts classes. Ages 3 to 5. $10 per session. WAYnesVille VolleYBAll leAGue for Girls • MO (3/3), 5:30pm Registration for girls in 4th-6th grade. Held at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St., Waynesville. $40. Info: volleypj@bellsouth.net or 7341298.
SATURDAY March 22, 2014 $20 adults/$15 kids with pre-registration GetYourRearInGear.com To sponsor, volunteer or get more information about this event, contact: 5K@ashevillegastro.com
for Colon Cancer Awareness mountainx.com
828-254-0881 FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
communitY caLEndaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com. unCA Free unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • TH (2/27), 7pm - "In Praise of the Edges: Southern Food Studies from Appalachia to Texas." Karpen Hall. • FR (2/28), 11:25am “Sexuality, Gender and Identity: Contemporary Discourses.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • TU (3/4), 7pm - “Ain’t I A Woman? My Journey to Womenhood,” with actress and transgender advocate Laverne Cox. Lipinsky Auditorium. $5. • TU (3/4), 7:30pm "Turkey." Reuter Center.
ain’t i a woman: A lecture by actress, writer and transgender advocate Laverne Cox, known for her role on the Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, will be held Tuesday, March 4 at UNCA. Her presentation explores issues of race, class and gender as they affect the lives of trans women of color. (p.20)
soutHsiDe PreserVAtion AnD HistorY • WE (2/26), 6pm - "Going beyond buildings on the Southside of Asheville." Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 250-4700.
sPirituAlitY outDoors BeCome A CertifieD lifeGuArD tHis sPrinG! (pd.) Courses held in Asheville throughout March, April and May. Weekends and evenings. Recertification, Waterfront, CPR/AED/First Aid also available. Check out. Call (713) 702-7669 for dates, prices, and to register, or: advancedaquaticstraining. com/lifeguarding ADult leAGue KiCKBAll • Through SA (3/15) Registration open for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation's adult kickball league. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty. org or 250-4269. AssAult on BlACK roCK reGistrAtion • Through SU (3/22) Registration open for the "Assault on Black Rock" a 7-mile trail race up Black Rock, in Sylva. Proceeds benefit the Community Table, a nonprofit food pantry. $30/$25 advance. Info: barwatt@hotmail.com or 506-2802. BAsiC BiKe mAintenAnCe ClAss • WE (3/5), 7-8pm - Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Registration required. Free.
Info and registration: rei. com/asheville or 687-0918. CitY PArK PArtY & CleAnuP • SA (3/1), 10am-3pm Hosted by Buncombe Fruit & Nut Club at the Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Dr. Free. Info: fruitandnutclub.com. DuPont 12K forest trAil rACe • Through (3/29) Registration open for this March 29 event. Proceeds benefit the DuPont State Forest. Info: avl.mx/04s. HeAltHY PArKs, HeAltHY You 5K fun run AnD WAlK • SA (3/1), 10:30am-3pm - Held at the Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Circle, Enka. $12/$7 kids. Registration required. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty. org or 250-4269. lAKe JAmes stAte PArK 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (3/1), 10am - A wildlife hike. Meets at West Shelter near Paddy's Creek Area. • SU (3/2), 3pm - Fox Den Loop Trail hike. Meets at the park office in Catawba River area.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
sPrinG frisBee leAGue reGistrAtion • Through FR (2/28) - Info: spring-league-2014@auc. ultimatecentral.com or ashevilleultimate.org.
PArentinG st. GerArD House's ConneCt ProGrAm • Through MO (3/31) Teaches K-12 students how thoughts and actions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: jenniferlaite@yahoo. com or 693-4223.
PuBliC leCtures GloriA steinem At WCu • TH (3/6) 7:30pm - In the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. $15/$5 students. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu.edu or 227-2479.
Aim meDitAtion ClAsses (pd.) ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www.ashevillemeditation. com/events, (828) 808-4444" AsHeVille ComPAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www. ashevilleccc.com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm.
leADersHiP leCture At sKYlAnD liBrArY • TH (2/27), 7pm - "Become a Cooperative Leader." Located at 260 Overlook Road. Info: 250-6488.
AsHeVille insiGHt meDitAtion (pd.) introDuCtion to minDfulness meDitAtion Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 8084444, www.ashevillemeditation.com
PuBliC leCtures At
AsHeVille oPen HeArt
meDitAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, www.heartsanctuary.org AsHeVille sPirituAl radio • saTurdays, 1Pm (pd.) “Guidance For Your Life” a talk show that explains spiritual wisdom. We guide you through the process of incorporating spiritual lessons into your daily life. 880AM. www.880therevolution. com Astro-CounselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. eCKAnKAr WorsHiP service • “acTivaTe A KeY sPirituAl PrinCiPle” (pd.) “The spiritual principle of all existence rests upon a single truth: Soul exists because God loves It. Stop and think. If that is true, then the created is bound to the Creator. That is the secret of life. Love is all. There is nothing else. The people, places, and things about us that we take for granted are all a manifestation of God’s love.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). • Date: Sunday, March 2, 2014, 11am-2noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828254-6775. www.eckankarnc.org GurDJieff: tHe fourtH WAY (pd.) In search of the miraculous? What are the possibilities of inner evolution? New groups forming for those who wish to pursue inner work. (828) 232-2220. www.gurdjieff-foundationwnc.org introDuCtion to mAsterinG AlCHemY (pd.) Free talk with Q and A. Everyone is invited. Learn four energy tools. They will
help you discover who you are, why you are here and how to live as a multidimensional being. Big promise? Come see for yourself. West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. More information: (828) 537-0727. minDfulness meDitAtion (pd.) "AsHeVille insiGHt meDitAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm8:30pm. Sundays, 10am11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com minDfulness meDitAtion ClAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:307:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com A Course in mirACles stuDY GrouP • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS - Held at a private residence. Directions & info: 450-4704. A Course of loVe • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Held at 1765 Hendersonville Road. Info: 508-4013. AsHeVille Center for trAnsCenDentAl meDitAtion 165 E. Chestnut St. Info: 254-4350 or ashevillemeditation.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30 pm Introductory lectures on the TM technique. Free. Center for sPirituAl liVinG AsHeVille 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: cslasheville.org or 231-7638. • SUNDAYS, 11am "Celebration of Life." Free. CHArGe of tHe GoDDess DAnCe CYCle • SU (3/2), 7-9:30pm - Held at Town and Mountain Training Center, 261 Asheland Ave. Info: laurabreathing@yahoo.com.
forGiVeness meDitAtion ClAss • SUNDAYS through (3/23), 7pm - Meets at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. $8/$5 students, seniors. Info: meditationinasheville.org or 668-2241. GrACe lutHerAn CHurCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/26), 5:45-7pm - “Death and Resurrection of the Messiah” class. Free. Optional dinner 4:45pm. $5. Registration required • SU (3/2), 3pm - "Beer and Hymns." Held at The Poe House, 105 First Ave. W., Hendersonville. Free. • TUESDAYS through (3/4), 6:15-8pm - Short Term Disciple Bible Study. Registration required. $13. • WE (3/5), 12:15pm & 7pm - Ash Wednesday services. intention CirCle • 1st SUNDAYS, 3:305:30pm - Meets to share intentions for desires to be
manifested. Free. Info and directions: 777-1962. KirtAn WitH sAnGitA DeVi • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Held at Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St. $10$15. Info: sangitadevi.com. meDitAtion AnD minDfulness PrACtiCes • SUNDAYS, 6-6:45 pm Based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Held at Asheville Yoga Center, 211 S. Liberty St. Free. Info: youryoga.com. sAtsAnG WitH BentinHo mAssAro • TH (2/27), 8pm - Held at Co-luminate, 69A Biltmore Ave. $20. Info: co-luminate. com. tHe sHAmBHAlA meDitAtion Center 19 Westwood Place. Info: shambhalaashvl@gmail.com or 490-4587. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - A Dharma reading and discussion. Free. Info: asheville. shambhala.org. unDerstAnDinG &
usinG tHe i CHinG • SUNDAYS through (3/30), 6pm - A six-week course. Meets at Dobra Tea, 78 N. Lexington Ave. Registration by March 2. $40. Info: ichingguide@gmail.com. Women's BooK stuDY AnD DisCussion GrouP • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Seacoast Asheville, 123 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration and info: 2776400.
sPoKen & Written WorD BAtterY PArK WritinG GrouP (pd.) Mondays, 6:30pm, Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. • Free! Lisa at tokyotaos@live. com for more information. ADriAn riCe reADinG • TH (2/27), 8pm - From his book The Clock Flower. Held at The Crossing at
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
communitY caLEndaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
dents (K-12). Shifts are available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm. AurorA stuDio & GAllerY A proposed art space for artists battling mental illness, addiction or homelessness. Info: aurorastudiogallery.com or 335-1038. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for planning fundraisers throughout the year. BiG BrotHers BiG sisters of WnC Helps children thrive through partnerships with trained adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • ONGOING - Volunteers age 18+ needed to accompany youth twice a month to free or low-cost activities. Volunteers age 16+ needed to mentor one hour per week.
cRaFt pLants oF appaLacHia: Ecobotanist Marc Williams will lead a plant walk and evening class at Mars Hill University on Thursday, Feb. 27. Williams will discuss native plant identification and their usage in crafts and industries in Appalachia. Photo courtesy of Mars Hill University (p.18)
Hollar Mill, 883 Highland Ave SE, Hickory. Info: will@ thecrossinghickory.com or 781-7496. BooKAPAlooZA • SA (3/1), 7pm - Includes readings, food and activities. Held at The Fountainhead Bookstore, 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870. CitY liGHts BooKstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: citylightsnc. com or 586-9499. • SA (3/1), 3pm - Tami Rasmussen discusses her book, Murmur.
wise noted. • WE (2/26), 7pm - Catherine Reid discusses her book, Falling into Place: An Intimate Geography of Home. • TH (2/27), 7pm - Writer and psychic Paul Selig discusses The Book of Knowing and Worth. • FR (2/28), 7pm - Karen Russell discusses her novel, Vampires in the Lemon Grove. $10. • SA (3/1), 1 pm - Katherine Stanley discusses her book, A Book of Bullies. • SA (3/1), 7pm - Gary Carden discusses his book, Appalachian Bestiary. • SU (3/2), 3pm - "Poetrio" featuring works of Joseph Bathanti, Adrian Rice and Debra Daniel. • TU (3/4), 5:30pm - Book launch for Exposure by Kathy and Brandon Reichs. • TU (3/4), 7pm - Enneagram panel.
HenDerson CountY PuBliC liBrArY sYstem Includes branches in Hendersonville, Edneyville, Etowah, Fletcher and Green River. Info: 697-4725 or henderson.lib.nc.us. • SA (3/1), 10-noon - Dr. Seuss birthday party. Fletcher branch, 120 Library Road. • WE (3/5), 2pm - Marie Bartlett discusses her book Pearl, MD. Fletcher branch, 120 Library Road.
n.C. Poet lAureAte At A-B teCH • MO (3/3), 7 p.m. - Reading by Joseph Bathanti. Held in Ferguson Auditorium. Free. Info: marthagball@abtech. edu or 398-7852.
mAlAProP's BooKstore AnD CAfe 55 Haywood St. Info: malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless other-
sPellBounD CHilDren's BooKsHoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbook-
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
shop.com or 708-7570. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story time. Ages 2-6. • SU (3/2), 4-5pm - ROYAL Book Club: Wonder by R.J. Palacio. WnC reD HerrinGs • SA (3/1), 2-4pm - With Asheville author Joseph D'Agnese. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Info: wncredherrings.blogspot.com
tHriVinG CHilDren ‘BeCominG A loVe AnD loGiC PArent’ six-WeeK ClAss • MONDAYS through (3/31), 6-8pm - Hosted by Child Abuse Prevention Services. Free. Held at 50 S. French Broad Avenue. Info: mary@ childabusepreventionservices.org or 254-2000 ext 101.
VolunteerinG AsHeVille CitY sCHools founDAtion Works to create strong public schools and break the cycle of poverty. Info: jay@acsf.org or 350-6135. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to tutor/mentor stu-
CHArlie's AnGels AnimAl resCue A shelter and foster network for area cats and dogs based in Fletcher. Info: wncanimalrescue.org or 885-3647. • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs involved. CHilDren first Cis of BunComBe CountY Provides programs to economically disadvantaged children & families. Info: childrenfirstbc.org. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Girl sCouts CArolinAs PeAK to PieDmont Works to foster leadership and self-esteem in girls ages 5-17. Info: girlscoutsp2p.org or 800-672-2148. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed age 18+, especially to be troop leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts required. HAnDs on AsHeVilleBunComBe The volunteer center for the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County. Registration required. Info: handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. • TH (2/27), 11am-12:30pm - Volunteers needed to do cook and serve lunch at the ABCCM Veteran's Restoration Quarters.
literACY CounCil of BunComBe CountY Works to increase literacy and English language skills. Info: volunteers@litcouncil. com or 254-3442. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Adult Education Program, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling. Previous teaching experience not required. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Augustine Program which works with low-income children reading below grade level. Previous teaching experience not required. loVinG fooD resourCes A special needs food pantry providing food and other items to persons living with HIV/AIDS or in hospice with any diagnosis. Info: admin@ lovingfood.org or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food box delivery, sorting, graphic design and office assistance. Hours: Tue.-Friday: 9am-noon, Sat. 9am-2pm. mAnnA fooDBAnK Processes donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Info: mannafoodbank. org or 299-3663. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to work in the warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening. mountAin AreA HeAltH eDuCAtion Center Works for quality health care through professional training. Info: volunteer@ mahec.net • ONGOING - Volunteers with strong customer service skills needed for OBGYN practice and family health center in Biltmore. 6-month commitment requested. ProJeCt linus Makes blankets for critically ill children. Info: 645-8800. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed to create blankets. Knitted, crocheted, quilted, no-sew fleece or flannel blankets will be accepted. Info: 645-8800. • WE (3/5), 1:30-2:30pm - Volunteers may pick up easy-sew kits as part of Make-A-Blanket Day at Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road. retireD & senior Volunteer ProGrAm
(rsVP) • TH (2/27), 2-3pm Information session for volunteers to recruit for Hands On. Held at Land-ofSky Regional Council office, 339 New Leicester Highway, Suite 140. Info: landofskyrsvp.org. tHe rAtHBun Center Provides free lodging for patients & caregivers in Asheville for medical treatment. Info: rathbuncenter. org or 251-0595. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. WnC AiDs ProJeCt Provides resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: wncap. org or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers needed for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers needed to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required. YmCA of WnC Works to build strong kids, families and communities in mind, body and spirit. Info: ymcawnc.org or 210-2265. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Rise & Reach Mentoring Program. Mentees are students in the YMCA's at-risk afterschool programs. Background check required. YWCA Advocates for young women’s leadership and welfare. Info: 254-7206, ex. 219. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required. CAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 110
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The light of your soul wHat: An all day workshop with clinical psychologist, sound healer and energy facilitator Forrest Green, for the purpose of connecting with “soul source” and gaining a better understanding of the soul’s path and purpose. wHEn: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday, March 1 wHERE: Handmade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Mountain Xpress: what is the “soul source” and how is it that people connect with it or become disconnected from it? Our soul source can be considered to be like a fresh, clear and sparkling spring high on a mountain sourced above any contamination or impurity. Our soul also has available a similar source of purity and
clarity and holds the remembrance of this state from the time of creation and yearns to return to it. The disconnection from our soul source comes when we become separated by thoughts, feelings or beliefs, which cause a forgetting or even when moving through the “veils of forgetfulness” that occurs when we are born into a three-dimensional physical body. These thoughts, feelings or beliefs can come from past life karma, our genetics or DNA, our family systems or social/cultural influences. is there a difference between the “soul” and the “spirit”? Spirit is what permeates all life and creation and is like pure light. Soul is the individual or unique personal refraction of this light. For more info, see awakeningasheville. com.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local live standup comedy events at www.DisclaimerComedy.com (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLdisclaimer). The Most Beloved Page in All the Land
asheville disclaimer
Briefs City Council’s $40,000 pledge to Moogfest to be applied toward stamping out mispronunciation of “Moog” Pisgah High blocks formation of students’ secular club, fearing the transference of knowledge on school property Following faculty vote of ‘no confidence’ in board, Montreat board convenes immediate self-esteem referendum Woman accused of unlicensed massage formally charged with unlawful application of Ben Gay while in possession of expired rolfing permit Republican State Senator Apodaca to require coal ash clean-up in an expression of his deeply-held election-year environmentalist views NBC’s ‘Biggest Loser’ winner sports anorexic look after losing 60% of body mass Producers worry show has gotten away from original idea of simply demeaning and tormenting fat people
Tenn. pastor killed by snake, despite his contention that true believers are protected from harm by snake venom Congregation plan switch to less intuitive snakes
Winning Westminster dog accused of brown-nosing judges 24
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Acquisition of white trolley company by red trolley company has many worried about homogenization of local trolley services ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — Asheville residents have always had a choice when deciding how to travel from the Grove Arcade to Biltmore Village — the red trolley or the white trolley? However, the national trend of consolidation in the trolley industry has finally arrived in Asheville — Gray Line Trolley Tours (known to locals as the “red trolley”) has gobbled up Asheville Historic Trolley Tours (the “white trolley”), becoming in the process a nine-trolley transportation behemoth. Asheville commuters are worried. “The white trolley was a hop-off/ hop-on trolley, while the red trolley is a hop-on/hop-off trolley, and I always liked having the choice between the two options,” said Cynthia Adams, a local executive who rides a trolley to and from her job at the Asheville Convention and Visitors Bureau. Others fret that, without competition, the trolley routes will drop stops to save money. “Sometimes I need a lift to Grove Park Inn so I can pick up some odds and ends,” said Rob Lassiter, a local mechanic. “And will they offer Saturday service to the
Thomas Wolfe District?” Many commuters said they like having a choice between a nostalgic red trolley and a nostalgic white trolley. “As a Flat Iron shoeshiner who is married to a Haywood Park Hotel chambermaid, I appreciate healthy competition in the nostalgia market,” said Hambone Hamilton. “Or as I often call it, ‘the market.’” Trolley employees are worried as well. “The white trolley offers the Ghost Tour, while the red trolley offers the Haunted History & Murder Mystery Ghost Tour,” said a trolley tour guide who wished to remain anonymous. “With the consolidation of the two trolley companies, there is going to be at least one spookily voiced, gray-suited, top-hatclutching struggling actor looking for a new line of work.”
Asheville women agree to put on clothes for charity ASHEVILLE, TUESDAY — Shocking friends, family and colleagues, a group of Asheville women will bare nothing this upcoming Friday, all in the name of charity. “Wearing clothing will be our way of getting the community’s attention, and raising money for charity,” said Rayna Hull, who often goes topless in public. “And the more money that is raised, the more clothes we will put on.” The clothed Asheville women will capture the moment with a photo shoot that will result in a tasteful, father-friendly calendar which will be made available for sale at local bookstores, cafes, music venues, and other places where Asheville women can normally be seen in what appears to be various stages of undress. “Most people we know won’t recognize us when we are wearing clothes,” said one participant. “But it’s something we are willing to do to raise money for a good cause.” After hearing of the money-raising publicity stunt, every charity in town signed on. “It’s a win all around,” said a spokesperson with the local chapter of the American Red Cross. “After Friday, Asheville women will return to their normal non-attire and feral, public nakedness, but on this one special day, Asheville’s collective eyebrows will be lowered just a little.”
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
The power of lifting lift types are bench press, squat and deadlift. Payne participated in her first meet at age 27, in “full power” mode, meaning she competed in all three lifts. Each lift is judged strictly: Form must be correct, and the lift must be completed according to guidelines. Shuffling feet, moving certain parts of the body and incorrect posture are all are grounds for disqualification. Payne’s first meet was a smashing success. “Heck, it’s still on the books somewhere,” she says. Payne kept competing and averages two meets a year. A few of those competitions are local; most take place in nearby states like Tennessee and South Carolina.
Ashevillean Jennifer Payne pushes her limits in life and sport
BY camERon HuntLEY cameron.huntley1@gmail.com
jennifer payne wraps her wrist tightly in elastic straps, her eyes focused straight ahead. Rock music crackles softly from a speaker set in plywood next to a bank of beat up lockers. The weight room, tucked away in the corner of the bottom floor of Biltmore Fitness, is all rubber mats, dust and tons of iron and steel. Payne lies back on the weight bench and slides underneath a bar that is labored with 175 pounds. “You see that arch?” says fellow powerlifter mark Ferris, noting the rainbowlike curve of Payne’s back. “That’s a perfect arch. See how she rolls her shoulders back? Greatly reduces the odds of a shoulder injury. Takes some guys years to get that down.” Payne’s spotter, keith mackey, chants encouragement as she positions her hands on the bar, her expression implacable. “All right,” says Mackey. “One. Two. Three.” He lifts the bar off and lets it settle on her arms. She pauses briefly and knocks out five repetitions as easily as if she were lifting a heavy broomstick. As Payne moves into the final phase of the workout, Ferris gives me a tour of the gym. About a dozen powerlifters have been working out at Biltmore Fitness since 2009, he explains. There are 100-pound plate weights, resistance bands, and chains with links the size of small fists and heavy enough to stave a man’s head in. Dozens of weight bars sit adjacent to a medieval-looking squat rack. The squat rack has hinged hooks that hold up the weight bar so lifters don’t have to reset themselves with weight that often exceeds half a ton. All the equipment is competition quality. “We have pro meets here,” says Ferris. “People come from all over to compete.”
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
jEnniFER paYnE practices her lifts at Biltmore Fitness with the help of her spotter, Mark Ferris. Photos by Josh Vaughn
Payne, meanwhile, is working on her bench-press form, using wooden blocks of varying thickness to isolate specific portions of the lift. On her last set, the bar bears 230 pounds. She holds it steady and drops it 2 inches or so until the bar grazes the block, then she forces it back up. “It’s just to help with that final push,” says Ferris. “If you can get the bar all the way down and up, but you can’t finish that last bit, well, you’ve just failed the lift.” Payne clangs the bar back onto its supports, grunts and sits up, her face flushed. Her hair is golden blond, cut short, as it was when it first started coming back after chemotherapy. It has been six months since the 41-yearold was declared cancer-free. BEginnings Payne has been lifting, in some form, since adolescence. “When I was
a kid, I’d watch pro wrestling with my dad. My favorite was Nikita Koloff, and, you know,” she says, laughing, “I wanted my traps to look like his. So I started messing around with my dad’s weights.” Payne says she liked training in weight rooms. “I tried out for sports, but I never got on the field. In the weight room, though, I always excelled. I started really hitting it after high school, doing mostly the bodybuilder stuff everyone does. Slowly but surely I got roped into powerlifting.” By her late 20s, she realized her “numbers were good enough” to compete. Powerlifting competitions break down into weight class, age, lift class and lift types. The lift classes are centered on experience and expertise — Payne, for example, is classified as a “master” lifter, competing in the 40- to 44-year-old bracket. The
It was in October 2012 when she found the lump. Soon after, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. “I was lucky enough to catch it early,” says Payne. “The doctors came in and showed me the percentages, told me what we had to do, what was necessary. But I really just felt ... cheated. I mean, I took good care of myself. I went to the gym. I was very active. I kept asking, you know, what more could I have done?” Payne’s diagnosis began a battle that would consume three-quarters of the next year. She went through surgery that November, followed by six months of chemotherapy. Finally, after a two-week hiatus, she did a seven-week round of radiation. “I expected my hair to fall out, and it did,” she says. “I actually bought a couple of wigs, but I don’t think I wore them once. Just put a bandana on.” At that juncture, Payne faced a choice. Her passion for lifting was taxing on the body and commanded a supreme physicality and high levels of intricate physiological training — exactly the kind of thing cancer treatment attacks. She had a choice to give up powerlifting, at least during treatment. The decision was a simple one: Keep lifting. In April 2013, the International Powerlifting Association (IPA), of which Payne is a member, was sponsoring the Rebel Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships in Greenville, S.C., right between the end of her chemo-
therapy regimen and the beginning of the radiation treatments. It was time to get training. “No matter what happened, I kept going to the gym,” says Payne. “Lost my hair, kept going to the gym. Did what I felt like doing. Numbers changed, weight changed. Didn’t matter. Just kept going.” For most of her career, Payne’s “totals” — the combined amount of weight a lifter pulls at a match for the three main lifts — exceeded 1,000 pounds. By the time the meet arrived in April, that number had significantly decreased. She didn’t stop. Someone had the foresight to collect video of her lifts at this meet, which is still available on YouTube. In each clip, Payne’s head is swathed in a fierce red bandana. She powers through all three major lifts with an expert’s impeccable technique. By all appearances, it is not even much of a struggle. Payne finished the meet with an 810-pound total — a number that placed her not only at the top in the master lifting class, but overall for the entire women’s division. In the process, she broke an IPA record in her class and age group. The record still stands. “Oh, man,” recalls Ferris. “If you had seen that meet, if you’d been there. I can’t even describe it. She finished her lifts and got a standing ovation.” “I had a woman come up to me at the meet,” Payne remembers. “She was crying, and she had all these pictures of her daughter, who was going through chemo. And this girl was in a bed, in all of them. She asked me how I was doing this. I just said, ‘You know, I can’t let it take everything from me.’” HopE On March 28, Payne will be participating in Relentless, a powerlifting competition in Minnesota that raises money for Hopekids, which provides activities for children with debilitating illnesses that families would otherwise not be able to afford, often due to the burgeoning cost of medical treatments. “Sometimes it’s just little things, like movie tickets,” Payne says. “When you’re going to treatments every other week ... suddenly affording a movie is a lot more difficult.” The meet is invitation-only, and each lifter must raise $500, which will be disseminated to the children. Payne was surprised and
Eating Right for Good Health Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
How SWEET it is!....Sugar by any other name Several months ago my friend Tom Gallo of Gallolea Pizza Kits urged me to write an article about sugar. (If you remember from your chemistry class, simple sugar or sucrose is one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose and has 4 calories per gram.) Tom and I talked about the fact that sugar has become the "villain du jour" and many that adamantly avoid it don't realize what foods naturally have it and what other euphemisms food makers can use that still mean that a product has been sweetened. Powerlifter jEnniFER paYnE continued her workouts through her cancer diagnosis and treatment.
honored when Hopekids gave her a call. “I met Kathy [Johnson, who is one of the organizers] and her husband after she called me. She said she was aware of me as a powerlifter that worked through cancer, and she wondered if I was interested in competing in the meet. I was quite honored, but I almost didn’t go. I wasn’t close to 100 percent yet, though Kathy was clear that it didn’t matter.” In the end, she decided that she “didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to be on such a platform. I mean, these are some of the best lifters in the country coming together to raise money for such a great cause.” For a cancer survivor, the future is always uncertain — but that only spurs Payne forward. The ramifications from surgery and treatment are lifelong, but she always has one thing she can rely on: “The biggest thing [lifting has] done for me? Perseverance. Learning to persevere through obstacles. “I mean, when you’re there — on the bench or at a meet — it doesn’t matter what your education level is, what car you showed up in or how you look. It’s just you, on the platform, with the weight.” X
Let's start with that black and white Nutrition Facts panel. The grams of sugar listed on a label refers not only to added sugar or sweeteners but to naturally occurring sugar. ( If you remember your chemistry classes, the -ose ending is a sugar.) You wouldn't see these words on the Nutrition Facts panel but you would see an amount of sugar in grams on the label. Some good examples of products with natural sugars:
BEANS - contain raffinose - composed of galactose, glucose and fructose MILK AND YOGURT- contain lactose and galactose CANNED, DRIED OR FROZEN FRUIT - contains fructose and glucose Sucrose in today's food supply is primarily derived from beet or cane sugar because they are less expensive. Other options to sweeten include products made from honey, molasses, tree saps (like maple) and dates; these are more expensive. Since "sugar" has become a less than popular word on many ingredient lists; some names you might see, but that still mean the product has been sweetened include:
AGAVE SYRUP - 92% fructose BARLEY MALT SYRUP - 60% maltose BROWN RICE SYRUP - maltotriose and maltose CANE JUICE - sucrose and water HONEY 41% fructose and 36% glucose MAPLE SYRUP - sucrose and water What's the bottom line? All sweeteners have calories and can affect weight and blood glucose levels. Check the calories per serving. Pay attention to the serving size and look at ingredients to see the source of the sweetener.
Sources: http://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/edible-innovations/sugar1.htm http://www.sugar-and-sweetener-guide.com/all-sweetener-list.html
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
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catY caRLin is the co-founder of the Center for Arts in Medicine in Asheville. Photo courtesy of Caty Carlin
Launched by caty carlin and connie schrader of the Asheville Center for Arts and Medicine, the Asheville Arts in Medicine Summit is open to artists, health care providers and anyone interested in exploring the transformative power of art. The three-day conference takes place Thursday through Saturday, March 6-8, at the Laurel Forum and Karpen Hall at UNC Asheville. The purpose of the summit, says Carlin, is to “educate people on how the Asheville Center for AIM can serve Asheville artists, health care workers and institutions.” The event will appeal to a wide range of community members, she says, including local artists, physicians, nurses, therapists, chaplains, caregivers and community development leaders. Along with local artists and caregivers, the summit will feature presenters from Shands Medical Center in Gainesville Fla., which has one of the largest AIM programs in the country. Carlin will give a lecture about the history of the field. tina mullen, director of the Arts in Medicine program at Shands Medical Center, will discuss her experience co-founding the program. dr. Bruce kelly from the Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville will also present, along with Laura
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Hope-gill, a writer and professor currently developing a narrative medicine program at Lenoir-Rhyne University; Rachel zink from the pediatric AIM program at Memorial Mission Hospital; joy javits from Door to Door, an AIM program in Chapel Hill; and christina soriano from Wake Forest University. There will also be resources available for artists who would like to contribute to AIM programs, both in institutional and community settings. Those who register for the event will receive a first-year membership with the Asheville Center for Arts in Medicine, entitling them to monthly webinars with AIM leaders, learning opportunities, a membership directory and reduced rates at future events. The retreat will begin with a free movie screening on Thursday, March 6 at 7 p.m., and will conclude on Saturday, March 8, at noon. Friday includes an optional vegetarian lunch prepared by Kids at Work, a local youth culinary arts program. Thursday’s events are free, $35/ Friday, $35/Saturday, $50/both days. Free for students. To register, or for further information, visit artsinmedicine.co. X
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING/PERSONAL GROWTH WEEKEND WORKSHOP (pd.) Intensive 26-hour weekend encounter, Friday-Sunday, March 21-23. • Seating is limited. • Save $75 today, call (828) 484-1676. Information/ Registration: www.heartofasheville.com Ortho-Bionomy Class (pd.) Learn techniques that stimulate the inherent, self-corrective reflexes of the body which help the body create structural alignment and balance from within. 3/15 - 3/16 10am – 6pm $295, CEUs available through NCBTMB. Details at AshevilleHappyBody.com or Call 277-5741. THE EMPTY CHAIR (pd.) Abandonment leaves a significant chair empty. This Psycho-Drama role-playing session focuses on the pursuit of Intimacy after being abandoned. Comfortable, confidential small group. Saturday, March 1, 10:30am-3:30pm. $55 with lunch. Contact Franklin Harris. harrislf@charter.net Yoga Workshop (pd.) The Beauty of Backbends with Adam Shirley. Sunday March 2nd, 2-4pm. Call 277-5741. Registration required $25, All levels welcome, details at www.AshevilleHappyBody.com Affordable Care Act Info Session • TU (3/4), 5-7pm - With certified health-care navigators. Free. Held at the Haywood County Public Library Canton Branch, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. Council on Aging ACA Classes These classes discuss the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Free. Info and registration: coabc.org or 277-8288. • FR (2/28), 6-7:30pm - YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. End of Life Experience Informational Workshop • TH (3/6), 5:30-7pm - Discusses terminal diagnosis and the process of dying. Part 1 of 2. Held at Jewish Family Services, 2 Doctors Park Suite E, 417 Biltmore Ave. Info: jfswnc.org. or 253-2500. Living Healthy With A Chronic Condition Workshops Sponsored by Land-of-Sky Regional Council for people living with a chronic disease and their caregivers. Registration is open for the first two weeks. $30. Info: livinghealthywnc.org or 251-7438. • SATURDAYS through (4/12), 5:30-8pm - For Russian speakers. Held at the Foster Seventh Day Adventist Church, 375 Hendersonville Road. • WEDNESDAYS (3/5) through (4/9), 5-7:30pm - Held at the Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 S. Grove St., Hendersonville. Living Healthy with Diabetes Class • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Meets at Woodfin YMCA, 40 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 101. $30. Registration and info: 251-7438. Pisgah Legal ACA Service • ONGOING - For information on insurance options under the Affordable Care Act. Free. Registration required. Info: 855-733-3711. Red Cross Blood Drives Additional info: redcrosswnc.org. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (2/26), 8am-6pm - First Baptist Church Gym, 5 Oak St. Appointments and info: 230-6322. • FR (2/28), 3-7:30pm - Spring Mountain Community Club, 807 Old Fort Road, Fairview. Appointments and info: 628-1089.
• FR (2/28), 7:30am-noon - Reuter Family YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Appointments and info: 1-800-RED-CROSS. Tomando Control de Su Salud • TH (2/27), 9am-4:30pm - Leadership training for Spanish Speakers. Held at Asheville YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Requires registration and commitment to additional training. Info: 242-0535. Wellness Events at Jubilee! Located at 46 Wall St. Info: jubileecommunity.org or 252-5335. • TU (3/4), 7-9pm - "Story Medicine" with Nikae Perkinson. $10.
Support Groups Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: adultchildren.org. • FRIDAYS: • 7pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS: • 8:30am - First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • SUNDAYS: • 3pm - The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. • 3pm - Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde • MONDAYS: • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Al-Anon / Alateen Family Group A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS: • 11:30am - Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville • 5:45pm & 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS: • 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road • 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock • 7pm, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road • FRIDAYS: • noon - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Brevard • 1pm - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 8pm Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swann St. • SATURDAYS: • 9am & 10am - First Baptist Church Annex, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • 10am First Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin • 10am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 10am - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. • noon - First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. • SUNDAYS: • 5pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS: • noon - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva • 8pm - Ledger Baptist Church, 208 Church Road, Bakersville. • 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. • TUESDAYS: • 10am - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden • 4pm Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. • 7:30pm - St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 256 East Main St., Brevard • 8pm - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. Asheville Alcoholics Anonymous A fellowship of men and women who share their experiences to help each other recover from alco-
holism. Info: ashevilleaa.org. • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. Debtors Anonymous 12-step recovery on issues of underearning, debt and learning to live one's vision in life. Info: debtorsanonymous.org. • MONDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road. Free. Info: MagneticMinds.weebly.com or 367-7660. Emotions Anonymous: Asheville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - A 12-step program for anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road. Info: 631-434-5294. Heart of Recovery Meditation Group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Integrates meditation practice with any 12-step recovery program. Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. Info: asheville.shambhala.org. MemoryCaregivers Network Support for caregivers of loved ones who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. Info: 645-9189 or 230-4143. • 1st TUESDAYS, 1pm - Meets at Fletcher SeventhDay Adventist Church, 1141 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher. Men Working on Life Issues Group • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Meets at 90 Zillicoa Ave. Info: 686-5590 or 683-7195. Mission Health Family Group Night • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm - For caregivers of children with special health care needs and developmental concerns. Mission Rueter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Info: 213-9787. Nar-Anon Family Groups A group for relatives and friends who are concerned about the addiction or drug problem of another. Info: nar-anon.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 8918050. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. Narcotics Anonymous of WNC NA provides support to men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Local helpline: 866-925-2148. Info: wncna.org. • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI offers support to people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Located at 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite. 207. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual Diagnosis Group at the Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Connection group and Family/Caregiver group at the NAMI office, 356 Biltmore Ave. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program.
• THURSDAYS: • noon - Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 2771975 • 6:30pm - Cox House, 723 N. Grove St., Hendersonville. Info: 329-1637. • FRIDAYS: • 10am- Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS: • 9:30am - 424 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS: • 6pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 516-650-5626. • 6:30pm - Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 800-580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 609-731-0808. • 5:30pm - First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva. Info: 508-2586. Prostate Support Group • TU (3/4), 7pm - For men, caregivers and families. Held at American Cancer Society office , 120 Executive Park. Free. Info: 338-0290. Recovering Couples Anonymous Support group for couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recoveringcouples.org. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Foster Seventh Day Adventist Church, 375 Hendersonville Road. Meets every other week. Info: crimsonmanzanita@yahoo. com. S-Anon Family Groups • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexaholism. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: wncsanon@gmail.com or 258-5117. SMART Recovery A peer support group to help individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 407-0460. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion. Info: 925-8626 • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - St. Andrew Celtic Church, 850 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. Info: 2730256 T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating 297 Haywood St. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Eating disorders adult support stoup, led by licensed therapists and dietitians • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Group for teens ages 15-17. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Group for family members, caregivers and friends of individuals struggling with eating disorders. Wireless Devices Sensitivity Support Group • 1st THURSDAYS, 7pm - For electrosensitive individuals. Location and info: 255-3350 or hopefulandwired@gmail.com. MORE WELLNESS EVENTS ONLINE Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www. mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after March 6. CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 110
FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 4, 2014
Pairing Elements Thematic dinner seeks to blend fine art, craft, food and community BY kYLE sHERaRd
Art and craft. They share similar audiences, but split crowds when it comes to applying those definitions to the work itself. It’s a dialogue that’s most often played out in studios, galleries and museums and in the occasional after-hours argument at bars or breweries. (Certainly this is the case at the Wedge.) But what if a third party — food — were to enter the conversation? Can a quality, handcrafted meal bear similarities in form and function and audience as the fields of art and craft? On Monday, March 3, that discussion will move into Asheville’s restaurant scene with a craft-centered and elementally thematic five-course dinner called “Pairing Elements: An Artful Dining Experience.” The Bull and Beggar co-owners, Drew Wallace and Matt Dawes, will host the ticketed event at their River Arts District restaurant in the Wedge building, along with RAD artists Josh Copus, Kathryn Adams and Nick Moen. The evening features two, 40-plate seatings (at 5:30 and 8:30 p.m.). “Pairing Elements” combines the soul-powered, creative ethics of fine art and craft with the gastronomic values and culinary finesse inherent in a locally sourced, handcrafted meal. The event features five courses inspired by and tailored to fit the natural elements of earth, water, ice, fire and air. While the notion of five courses, each with its own elemental foundation, may at first sound elaborate, Dawes, Bull and Beggar’s chef, says the entire dinner is founded on simplicity. “By simplifying the dinner into one idea, I can see how many ways I can make that single idea work,” Dawes told Xpress. The first course, Earth, will treat diners to roasted bone marrow and mush-
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
rooms served on a bed of what will appear to be edible dirt. That “dirt,” which provides an earthy aesthetic to the meal, is made of mashed mushrooms, olives and spices. “They’re both rich in umami,” Dawes says, “that richness reminded me of earth.” Earth is followed by two water components — ice and sea. The latter partners oysters and seaweed in an effort to cleverly re-create an oceanic flavor and appearance, he says. The fire course uses a quick play on words to momentarily transform roasted pheasant into a phoenix, freshly risen from the ashes and onto the dinner plate. Air will close the dinner, taking the highly coveted dessert slot. For this, Dawes and the kitchen staff are making a light, near-weightless sweet treat. No pound cake with flavored whipped cream here — a carnival favorite seals the meal. “Cotton candy has that ethereal, melts-onthe-tongue texture,” Dawes says, noting that “it adds to the whole idea to take up one idea and build layers on top of it.”
FoRm and Function: The Bull and Beggar’s upcoming dinner, “Pairing Elements: An Artful Dining Experience,” combines fine art and craft with a locally sourced, handcrafted meal. Photo by Nick Moen
The dinner also will include several wines and a specifically paired craft cocktail to be unveiled that evening. “We’re looking to keep the drinks in that same vein, aesthetically clean and straightforward,” Charlie Hodge, Bull and Beggar’s bar manager, told Xpress. That means limiting ingredients and using herbal and fragrant floral bases, he says. But it’s not the elemental approach that sets this dinner apart from other themed dinners. Rather, it’s the allinclusive nature of the meal. Each course and beverage will be served with a corresponding piece of handcrafted flatware, stoneware, pottery and glass. And at the end of the
night, you can purchase your dinnerware to take home with you. The idea for “Pairing Elements” grew out of several dinners that coorganizers Moen and Adams had previously taken part in: smaller craftpaired productions in Minneapolis and, more recently, a dinner called “Cup and Plate,” hosted by Spruce Pine’s Knife & Fork last July. Each of these dinners featured handmade ceramics and glass in place of factory-produced wares. Naturally, Asheville is a perfect fit for such an idea. “Asheville, in particular, really appreciates local food,” Adams notes, “so if you’re going to be eating local food, why not eat it off local wares?” But the dinner event at Bull and Beggar takes the idea a step further. While the other dinners each had a half-dozen or fewer artists, “Pairing Elements” features the works of 13 Wedge and RAD artists. What’s more, the works these artists have created are designed to fit each elemental theme, and in some cases, specific menu items.
Tina Councell, a metal artist whose studio is a few doors down from The Bull and Beggar, created marrow spoons for the earth course, centerpieces and a variety of glasswares fit for the specialty cocktails, punch and water to be offered at the dinner. Adams, a glass artist, and Moen, a ceramicist, even collaborated to produce stemware for the evening’s wine offerings. Likewise, the ceramic plates mimic their earthy or watery holdings. “This dinner is out to create a cross-pollination between the food and art cultures,” says Copus, a Wedge-based ceramicist and another of the event’s organizers. He sees the two groups as sharing similar mindsets when it comes to pursuing a quality product. “There are so many obvious parallels,” he says. “Food culture is experiential, as are the arts.” But that connection, he notes, has been almost entirely underexplored. But given the right exposure, it could garner a new body of art and craft collectors. The dinner also has one final target: neighborhood politics.
“This dinner is part of a broader dialogue,” Copus says. In the last two years, buildings, including the Wedge, have sold, and artists have left only to be replaced by businesses — including The Bull and Beggar. For some, this has created a fatalistic outlook. “I disagree when people use these new businesses as an example of this evil of what’s happening down here,” he says. “I dislike the sensationalism that gets attached to it. “I have to be conscious of whether or not I’m looking at these things through the lens of nostalgia.” That, he says, makes it easy to forget that there’s still an active and tightknit artists community. “But you can’t do that, you can’t look through that lens,” he says. “It’s a trap.” And so this dinner is a means to not only bring foodies and arts folk together, but also to bring part of the neighborhood together — and to show that new business can fit within the existing framework. “It’s about doing something positive,” he says, “something that shows the benefit of all the boats rising at the same time.” X
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
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Mardi Gras dreams featuring Mardi Gras King Cakes and Hot Cross Buns
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
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tHE pERFEct stoRm: Courteney Foster, bar manager at The Junction, created the Category 5 cocktail especially for Art Affair 2014. Photo by Katherine Brooks Photography
Restaurants let the good times roll for a worthy cause OpenDoors of Asheville hosts its Art Affair 2014: One Night in New Orleans art auction and gala Saturday, March 1. More than a dozen restaurants, bars and social lounges will lend a hand by donating food and beverages to the local charity’s annual fundraiser. The goal is to raise vital funds for programs and services to eliminate multigenerational child poverty in Asheville. “All year long at OpenDoors we educate, elevate and celebrate children,” explains Jennifer Bock, Art Affair’s volunteer chairperson. “This annual event is a fabulously fun way to honor that mission and to introduce others
to the ever expanding OpenDoors community network. Just as painters, potters and sculptors donate to the art auction, many generous restaurateurs, chefs and bartenders also express their support of local kids in need by contributing their own unique artistry.” Asheville Brewing Co., for example, provided kegs of its new Louisiana-inspired Swampwater Lager, crafted by Assistant Brewer Brian Bacuzzi, a former Big Easy resident. Tanya and Charles Triber, owners of The Junction, offered a cocktail named The Category 5. That yummy-rummy libation was exclusively created for Art Affair by Junction’s bar manager, Courteney Foster. Not to be outdone, chefs Jacob Sessoms of Table and John Fleer of Rhubarb — both of whom are
JOHN’S donating food to support Art Affair 2014 — decided to share favorite recipes of theirs that have a distinctive “Night in New Orleans” flavor. “My favorite easy New Orleansstyle dish is barbecue shrimp that isn’t actually barbecue,” Sessoms says. The recipe can be traced back to the famed Brennan’s restaurant, though he says other great New Orleans eateries also lay claim to the dish. Fleer, meanwhile, offers a fantastic recipe based on a New Orleans preparation called maque choux. “Served with trout,” he says, “it’s a delicious blend of Appalachia and NOLA.” Feeling adventurous? Here are the recipes for those who’d like to try whipping up some of these treats at home. couRtEnEY FostER’s catEgoRY 5 1 ounce Cruzan light rum 1/2 ounce Sailor Jerry spiced rum 1/2 ounce Peachtree schnapps 1 ounce orange juice 1 ounce pomegranate juice 3/4 ounce pineapple juice to make: Combine, shake and serve in a coupe cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange peel and cherry. jacoB sEssoms’ noLa BaRBEcuE sHRimp servings: 4 20 shrimp 1 baguette, sliced thick and toasted 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons hot sauce 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1/2 cup beer 2 tablespoons minced garlic and onion Fresh thyme or oregano Salt and pepper Sauté shrimp in 2 teaspoons butter till almost done. Add herbs, onion and garlic. Add hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce and beer. Reduce. Slowly add remaining butter. Season and serve on top of toasted bread. joHn FLEER’s maQuE cHoux (succotasH witH cRawFisH) servings: 8 Red sauce: ½ teaspoon black pepper ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons Crystal hot sauce succotash: 1 cup fresh corn kernels 1 cup small diced red onion 1 cup small diced red bell peppers 1 cup blanched, shelled butter beans 2 cups cooked crawfish Salt and pepper to taste 4 tablespoons red-eye reduction 1/2 cup heavy cream Red-eye reduction: 1/2 quart coffee 1/4 cup malt vinegar 2 ounces chopped onions 1 tablespoon hot sauce 1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic 1 sprig fresh thyme 1 bay leaf 1/2 cup heavy cream to make: Reduce coffee, vinegar, onions, hot sauce, garlic, thyme and bay leaf until almost dry (about 4 tablespoons left). Stir in heavy cream and reduce slightly.
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Combine red sauce ingredients. Sauté onion and pepper in a small amount of clarified butter. Add corn. Sauté until onions are soft. Add beans, a dash of the red sauce, salt and pepper. Add red-eye reduction and cream and reduce slightly. The sauce should be a pinkish brown color and should not be too spicy. Season with salt and pepper.
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FLEER’s pEcan-cRustEd tRout servings: 4 8 trout fillets, skin on, 6 ounces each 1 cup buttermilk 1 tablespoon Crystal hot sauce pecan crust: 1 cup pecans, chopped 1 cup all-purpose flour Salt and pepper Clarified butter Remove pin bones from trout fillets. Combine buttermilk and hot sauce. Combine pecans and all-purpose flour. Season with salt and pepper. Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a large sauté pan. Dip the non-skin side of the trout fillet in the buttermilk mixture and then in the pecan-flour mixture. Gently place the fillet, pecanfloured side down, into the hot butter. Brown completely and then flip into a clean sauté pan. Cook through on top of the stove or finish in the oven. X
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Old Europe Pâtisserie
Fika is the Swedish tradition of taking time each day to share and savor coffee with family and friends. In the middle of downtown Asheville, I found the perfect little coffee shop to visit whenever I am homesick for a good, strong European espresso: Entering Old Europe Patisserie is like stepping into a typical café found in any European city. It is cozy and small, filled with house-made pastries and freshly roasted coffee. Only a few small tables and a little bar with some stools flank its warm, orange, color-washed walls. It’s an authentic fika spot, where coffee and pastries are meant to be savored at leisure. Melinda Vetro, born and raised in Hungary, is the outgoing, bubbly owner of Old Europe. As a European, she knows firsthand the ins and outs of a continental café. After moving to the United States in 1991, Vetro and her then-husband started Old Europe, hoping to share their love for Hungarian pastries with America. After almost 20 years in business, Vetro found she needed to find a way to support herself and her son on her own. So, with determination and passion, she decided to take a leap of faith and open a new café. In 2010, she sold everything, invested her life into her own business, and Old Europe was reborn, this time with Vetro going solo. It is evident that Vetro is in love with her life. She is an amazing woman, fighter and entrepreneur who has built her own business and created her own American dream — and we are all the luckier for that. Using old recipes from Hungary, Vetro bakes homemade cakes and pastries daily. Strudels, muffins, cookies and pies fill Old Europe’s pastry counter, leaving you longing to sample a little of everything. What seems to be most important at Old Europe is the love and energy that Vetro and her loyal employees, who have all been there since the opening in 2010, pour into their work. Old Europe is more than a coffee shop, I have discovered. “It is like a family. It is my family,” says Vetro. You know, fika is a Swedish tradition, handed down through the years, just like the recipes for the pastries at Old Europe. We can all
LikE a FamiLY: Old Europe owner Melinda Vetro, left, thinks of her employees, including Manager Anna Beth Eason, right, as family. Photo by Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire
share in the same values of good coffee, good pastries and good company. All we need is some coffee and a pastry and a friend. Old Europe is at 13 Broadway St. Info: oldeuropepastries.com
News while you sip odd’s caFé A new coffee bar is coming to the west side of town. Odd’s Café is set to open in mid-to-late spring at 800 Haywood Road. The space is currently undergoing construction and renovations. Stay tuned for more updates about the grand opening. oddscafe.com mEdEa’s EspREsso and juicE BaR South Asheville is about to get a
new coffee and juice bar. Medea’s Espresso and Juice Bar will open near Lake Julian in March, according to its website. It will have coffee, juice, food, books, art, health care products, clothing and jewelry for sale. More information to come. espressoandjuicebar.com FiREstoRm caFé and Books updatE Firestorm Cafe & Books in downtown Asheville will close on March 1 and move to a new location as yet to be determined. Worker-owners did say at a recent community meeting that a few sites in West Asheville are under consideration. The community-powered and worker-owned cafe will be missed in its downtown spot, but it will continue to bring social, political and environmental awareness to the Asheville community wherever it is. In celebration of Firestorm’s last month on Commerce Street, all books are now 10 percent off. firestorm.coop X
by Micah Wilkins
Kitchen class
More cooking class options
DOUGH offers space and guidance to learn new skills DOUGH’s classroom kitchen was designed to look and feel like a typical home kitchen, says the chef and owner Brian Ross. And it’s probably true that many of us would be familiar with the wooden countertops and spice racks, gas stoves and cast iron skillets at the North Asheville bakery and classroom. It won’t take long, however, to notice some key differences between DOUGH’s kitchen space and your own. Wow, you may think, there’s so much room to spread out. And, how convenient — all of my ingredients are already measured out for me. But wait a minute, where are the dirty dishes disappearing off to? You glance through the row of sauces and spices along the wall. What recipe calls for butternut squash seed oil? I didn’t know pistachio oil even existed. Equipped with a teacher (who is most likely a professional chef), kitchen assistants and all the appliances and ingredients you could ever need, DOUGH’s classroom kitchen is sort of like your kitchen at home — only better. But the important thing, according to Ross, is that it’s not intimidating. “It’s a very userfriendly space,” says Ross. “It’s what you would find at home and that’s comforting.” DOUGH’s cooking classes are offered a few times a week and represent a range of offerings from Indian street food to rustic tarts to a two-day croissant workshop. There are even parent-child cooking classes. A class that took place on Feb. 5 featured authentic Italian lasagna from the region of Bologna. The 3-hour class is taught by Emi Chiappa-Starnes. She may not be formally trained, but with parents from Sicily and a cookbook in the works, her background in Italian cooking is extensive. At the start of the course, students are quiet and diligently taking notes. Soon, however,
ma BELLE FRancE Paris native Ghislaine Mahler has been teaching cooking classes inspired by her home country’s cuisine for five years at Ma Belle France in North Asheville. Half-day courses are offered regularly, with a unique three-course menu featuring traditional French dishes like crepes, fondue and creme brulée. Mahler also offers a series of four classes which focus on wine pairing. All classes are small and intimate. “In France, cooking and eating together, it’s a social thing,” Mahler says. Price range: $40-$80 457 Merrimon Ave. Details: 505-4379 or mabellefrance.com
a giFt FoR cooking: Aaron Hodges, left, gave the gift of cooking to Catherine Loftis, right, this past Christmas. The couple cooked Italian lasagna together during a recent workshop at DOUGH. Photo by Micah Wilkins
attendees are able to do some of the cooking themselves. People speak up and throw out questions as Chiappa-Starnes stands at the front of the class next to a portable burner and an overhead mirror, demonstrating to the class how to “let the meat sweat.” “She’s not a chef,” Ross says, “but she knows how to do this stuff. That’s why her classes sell out.” Jill and Joe Lawrence enjoy cooking and have attended about seven classes at DOUGH so far, and Chiappa-Starnes is one of their favorite teachers. “I look online and see what there is, see if I can pick up anything new,” says Joe. Students range from regulars to tourists traveling through Asheville. Many classes fill up soon after they are posted on DOUGH’s website, and the maximum attendance is generally 12 people per class. “The chefs have their own followings,” says Ross. “They become known.” And then there are a few people who “come for everything,” he says. Kimberly Coleman has taken about 30 classes at DOUGH since the bakery started offering them in March. In addition to the cooking classes, DOUGH is a market, bakery and
now a restaurant — sort of. It offers some pre-made meals and side dishes, as well as gourmet sandwiches and pizzas, in addition to larger entrees meant to be “takeaways.” The market also offers gourmet grocery items, many of which are used as ingredients in the cooking classes. Since it opened last February, DOUGH has also expanded to offer more seating. “It was never designed to be a restaurant, but that’s what people wanted to do,” Ross says. Especially during the breakfast and lunch hours, Ross says, “it’s crazy the amount of people who come in here.” All of DOUGH’s offerings reflect the career path and interests of its chef and owner. Ross began his career baking bread, and moved on into the restaurant world. “I didn’t want to be pinned down to one thing,” Ross says. “I like to teach, I like to bake. The whole market concept was a way to do all the things I like. It was my way to parlay all the different talents I had into something that was the grind of a restaurant.” “Twenty four hours a day there’s something going on here,” Ross says. “It’s a food factory.” X
waLLY maRia’s discovER itaLian With her large garden, her cozy kitchen, and her Italian roots, Wally Maria Mazzucco Wyatt knows how to cook up fresh, seasonal Italian cuisine and is willing to show you how to do it too. Born in North Italy, Mazzucco Wyatt has lived in the Asheville area for about 10 years and has taught cooking classes at Swannanoa Seasonal Culinary School and Blue Ridge Community College. She opens up her home kitchen to eager learners who harvest the meal’s ingredients from her garden. A class she is offering on April 12 features pasta made from scratch, tuna marinated in olive oil and apple tart. Price range: $50 Classes are in Mazzucco Wyatt’s personal home. Details: 658-8928 or discoveritalian.com — M.W.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
&aDt EAl Cheasptaaulraant R
Featuring FULL BAR
Friday • Feb 28 Live Blues 8:30 pm w/ Motown Blue
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by Gina Smith
Small bites
w/ Bachata, Merengue and Cumbia
Humberto Rodriguez and his family have been serving Asheville for over 20 years, please join us for Lunch or Dinner. Like a dish from another mexican restaurant? Tell us, and we’ll make it better! SERVING REAL MEXICAN FOOD AND CALIFORNIA STYLE 868 Merrimon Avenue - In the Stein Mart shopping plaza (Behind the Fresh Market) Mon-Thurs: 11am-10pm • Fri-Sat: 11am-2am • Sun 11:30am-9pm (828) 258-0899
BLock paRtY FoR tHE pEopLE: Short Street Cakes owner Jodi Rhoden is partnering with East-West Asheville businesses to host a block party aimed at raising money for Hall Fletcher Elementary’s chess program. Photo by Alicia Funderburk
Short Street Cakes takes Mardi Gras to the streets Short Street Cakes will celebrate its fifth year in business on Tuesday, March 4, by partnering with its Haywood Road neighbor, Urban Orchard Cider Co., and turning the bakery’s annual birthday event into a Mardi Gras Block Party. According to Short Street owner Jodi Rhoden, there’s more to the plan than just partying down: The event will feature a raffle to raise money for Hall Fletcher Elementary School’s innovative Pawnstorm chess team and afterschool chess program. Rhoden’s son attends Hall Fletcher and is a member of Pawnstorm. She says the program offers opportunities for self-esteem and intellectu-
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
al development that are of vital importance to the school, which has the highest proportion of minority, low-income and specialneeds students of any in Asheville and serves as a kind of community center for many families. “I feel like this neighborhood has been getting a lot of attention lately, but I don’t feel like a lot of people know that, literally one block off of Haywood Road, in the heart of EastWest Asheville, is a school that is the center of a lot of amazing community transformation. I think it’s good to bring attention to that and provide a way to give back.” The raffle will feature items donated by neighboring businesses, such as Gas-Up, Harvest Records, Bari Salon, Wood and Spoon and more. Urban Orchard will serve a special cider brew for the occasion and host live music and food trucks. Other highlights will include free birthday cake, Mardi Gras beads and signature cocktails by Miss Glo; DJ music by
Abu Disarray; and the launch of Short Street Cakes’ expanded 2014 cake and pie menu. The raffle begins at 7 p.m. at the cake shop. Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5 and are available anytime at Short Cakes as well as at the door on March 4. Proceeds will support afterschool chess coaching, travel to chess tournaments and buying team shirts for Pawnstorm. The Mardi Gras Block Party runs 5-8 p.m., Tuesday, March 4, in and around Short Street Cakes, 225 Haywood Road. The shop is taking orders for Mardi Gras king cakes through March 4. For details or to order a cake, visit shortstreetcakes. com. tHE FREsH maRkEt opEns sEcond asHEviLLE stoRE Another supermarket is coming to town: The Fresh Market is opening a new location at 1378 Hendersonville Road in Parkway Centre. A grand opening will be held at 8 a.m., Wednesday, March 5, complete with chef demonstrations, food samples and prize drawings. The first 1,000 customers will receive a free samplesized package of the company’s gourmet coffee and a reusable shopping bag. The new store has plans to make regular food donations to the Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry and Caring for Children, according to a press release, and it will offer many products from local growers and producers. The 25,000-square-foot store will be the company’s 16th location in North Carolina. cookBook taLk and tasting EvEnt Southern-food media resource Farmer & Chef South will host a book talk and tasting 5-7 p.m., Sunday, March 9, at Posana Café. The event features Kathleen Purvis, food writer for The Charlotte Observer and author of the cookbook, Bourbon. Posana Chef Peter Pollay and Chef Mike Moore of Seven Sows Bourbon and Larder and the Blind Pig Supper Club will prepare sample tastings from the book, which focuses on the history of bourbon and how it can be used in cooking. Casey McKissick of Foothills Pasture-Raised Meats will be the featured farmer. The event
will also offer a free cocktails demo and tasting from Spirit Savvy. Posana Café is at 1 Biltmore Ave. 5-7 p.m., Sunday, March 9. Tickets: farmerandchefsouth.com/events 2014 asHEviLLE wing waR Local eateries will battle it out for the title of “Asheville’s Best Buffalo Wings” in the third annual Asheville Wing War on Sunday, March 9, at Asheville Music Hall. Celebrity judges will pick their favorites in two categories: specialty and traditional Buffalo-style. Guests will also get to vote for a People’s Choice winner. Sierra Nevada and Pisgah Brewing will provide unlimited beer samples, and the Blood Gypsies will entertain with the blues, soul and jazz sound. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, $10 for ages 18 and younger. Seating is limited. Nominate a restaurant for the competition at lushlifemgmt@gmail.com. 4 p.m. Sunday, March 9, Asheville Music Hall, 55 College St. Tickets: ashevillewingwar.com music tuEsdaYs at aLL souLs All Souls Pizza now offers live music and half-price bottles of wine 7-9 p.m. every Tuesday. Cary Fridley and Jed Willis will perform on March 4. allsoulspizza.com tHE coRnER kitcHEn maRks FiRst dEcadE Biltmore Village eatery The Corner Kitchen will celebrate its 10th year in business with an open house 5-8 p.m., Sunday, March 16. Owners Joe Scully and Kevin Westmoreland will be on hand to greet guests and offer an assortment of free hors d’oeuvres. thecornerkitchen.com X
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @avlbeerscout on Twitter
by Thom O’Hearn
Twin Leaf gets ready to open When you walk into the Twin Leaf space, it’s clear that the brewing system is the pride and joy. The 10-barrel setup is the first thing you notice. While the rest of the wood-filled taproom is subdued, the brewery tanks shine golden in the evening light. It will no doubt be the envy of many startup breweries, and certainly of the average homebrewer. It’s everything you would expect from an operation headed by two former engineers starting a brewery in their retirement. But Tim and Steph Weber, the husband-and-wife co-owners, aren’t exactly retired. They’re pushing 30. “We had the dream of opening a brewery in college, but it was a pipe dream for when we retired,” says Steph. “Then we got engineering jobs and were miserable. So we fasttracked the brewery idea and signed up to go to brewing school.” The couple attended the American Brewers Guild and never looked back. “We’ve been working on this dream for eight years,” says Steph. “Tim was a mechanical design engineer, and I was a software engineer, so we sort of transitioned those skills to brewing — he’s still the equipment guy, and I handle the recipes,” says Steph. “We’ve brewed 282 batches together, and it’s really a partnership — we’re the two leaves in Twin Leaf.”
average should be about $4 per pour, according to the Webers. While some of the beers had been brewed, at press time none were yet finished and ready to serve. However, the couple provided descriptions for what to expect on opening day: • White Noise Belgian Wit (5-6 percent ABV): “The Wit is our most approachable beer. It’s a big crowd pleaser since it’s light with a little bit of spice and orange.” • Dark Matter Oatmeal Stout (5-6 percent ABV): “This is a recipe we worked a long time to perfect. It’s very full-bodied for its ABV.”
dREam tEam: Husband-and-wife team Tim and Steph Weber are about to realize their college dream — opening their own brewery. Twin Leaf is set to open in early March. Photo by Nick King
tHE tasting Room The other part of the Twin Leaf name comes from the couples’ love of the outdoors. They hike, kayak, run and generally enjoy all the Asheville area has to offer. “We want to bring that into the taproom with a rustic, outdoorsy look,” says Steph. “We’ve made the bar out of wood. … There’s more [wood] on the walls, and Tim’s made four of the tables out of more wood. We hope he’ll have time to make the rest!”
Across from the bar, there will be a wall filled with trail maps of the region. Overhead there’s a Big Ass Fan (same brand as similar ones at the Orange Peel and Highland Brewing). And to the right of the bar there’s that beautiful brewing system. In full display, with just a halfheight wall separating it from the taproom, the brewery will often be operational while the taproom is open. However, it’s enough of a separation so that there are no safety concerns. “We have a 2-year-old son, Jake, and a 3-year-old dog, so this will definitely be a kid- and dog-friendly brewery,” says Steph. tHE twin LEaF BEERs
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
At Twin Leaf, the owners will eventually have up to 16 taps flowing exclusively with Twin Leaf beers. The opening lineup will be only slightly more modest, with a tentative dozen Twin Leaf beers on tap. Serving sizes will vary depending on the beer, with lower-gravity beers coming in 16-ounce nonic (British-style) glasses or willi glasses (the angular kind Craggie used) and higher-gravity offerings in 10-ounce Belgian tulips. The cost will vary by beer, but the
• Uproot ESB (5-6 percent ABV): “Our ESB is a really well-rounded beer. There are notes of chocolate and a little bit of caramel.” • Luminosity Tripel (10 percent ABV): “This will be the one people go nuts over. It’s usually about 10 percent alcohol but it doesn’t taste like it at all. It is just delicious and sneaky.” • 144 IPA, Code Name: Juicy Fruit (6-7 percent ABV): “For hops we use Cascade, Centennial, Amarillo and Citra, so this beer is a juicy fruit bomb. We make most of our IPAs on the drier side to bring out the hops.” In addition to those five house beers, the Webers say to expect plenty of experimentation. “We make a lot of Belgian beers, IPAs and really good stouts,” says Steph. “We’ll constantly be brewing new beers.” At the opening, the Webers plan to serve Schism Belgian Stout, an unnamed Imperial IPA, Double Helix Belgian Blonde, a Grand Cru, a “Burlywine” and a Mexican Chocolate Stout (with cocoa nibs, cinnamon, and chilies). Twin Leaf plans to open at 144 Coxe Ave. the first or second week of March. The brewery will be open weekdays from 4-10 p.m. or 4-11 p.m. and weekends from 2-10 p.m. or 2-11 p.m. Check Twin Leaf’s Facebook page or twinleafbrewery for details.com. X
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
“For independent presses, a regional identity is critical. That’s where you’re going to get your supportive community. Not to mention the reservoir of riches that comes out of a locality.” Wendy Murray, Ecco Qua Press
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ast summer’s merger of Penguin and Random House formed “the world’s largest consumer book publisher,” according to Library Journal. The other publishers making up “the big five” (formerly “the big six” — that small pond keeps getting smaller) are Macmillan, Hachette, Simon & Schuster and HarperCollins. Of those, only the last two are U.S.owned. Things are pretty weird in the book publishing world these days — it’s a scenario not unlike what the major-label music industry has witnessed in the past decade. And, like musicians, authors are increasingly eschewing the big five in favor of smaller imprints. Small publishing houses aren’t handing out million-dollar advances, but they do promise hands-on support and close working relationships between author and editor or publisher (who are often one and the same). Small presses also offer diversity. Though most put out only a few titles a year, there are many boutique publishers to choose from, and they’re as varied as the authors they serve. “Gone are the days when The New York Times best-seller list provided readers all they needed to know about the best books to read,” says a press release
from the Independent Publisher Book Awards, presented annually since 1996. “More than a million books are being published each year, and many of the nation’s top authors are realizing that in a fastchanging marketplace, independent publishing offers the flexibility required to succeed,” says the release. A significant number of those books are coming out of Western North Carolina’s small presses — some of which have been in business for decades, while others are just starting up.
niche reads Black Mountain Press founder Jack Moe says he feels connected to WNC’s rich
tradition of art, literature and storytelling. That includes Horace Kephart’s Our Southern Highlanders, published in 1913, and Waynesville resident Caroline Miller, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1934 for Lamb in His Bosom (the first author from her native Georgia to win the fiction award). “We look for writers who are also influenced by Asheville’s Thomas Wolfe, as his influence extends to the writings of famous Beat writer Jack Kerouac, and authors Ray Bradbury and Philip Roth, among others,” says Moe. “He was one of the first masters of autobiographical fiction, which we would like to print more of.”
Add The Carolina Mountains to that list of historical writings. Penned by Margaret Morley and first published in 1913, it combines travelogue, biological observation, history and photography. Fairview-based Bright Mountain Books, established in 1983, reprinted the tome in 2006. Black Mountain Press was launched in 1994 to publish guides, usually for outdoor activities. “We had been designing books for other presses and realized there was an opportunity to publish books in this outdoor niche market,” says Moe. At the time, there were only a few other presses in WNC: Most Tar Heel publishers were in the eastern part of the state. “The Black Mountain Press has gone from a niche outdoor market to a niche literary market,” says Moe. It now publishes mostly novels, plus some short-story collections, creative nonfiction and poetry. Memoirs, graphic novels and the occasional how-to book may also make the list. Simulcast Strategy, a 1996 manual for playing the horses, ranks among the publishing house’s best-sellers. Among Moe’s current favorites are The Reharkening, a book of poetry, and the dark novel Knotty, Knotty, Knotty. “Our advantage is that we concentrate on the types of books most mainstream presses reject — books that are more artistic in language and written mostly by emerging unknown authors,” says Moe. “Small presses have been credited with keeping short stories alive, not to mention providing crucial life support for poetry.” While a trade publisher is likely to turn down a book that’s not going to sell tens of thousands copies, small presses will take on those books that seem important, even if the sales are likely to be incremental. Luke Hankins is also looking for a publishing niche. The senior editor at Asheville Poetry Review and a published writer himself, Hankins is in the early stages of launching his own publishing house, Orison Books. The word “orison” means prayer (Shakespeare used it in Hamlet), and the press will focus on the connection between literary and spiritual writing from a non-ideological perspective. “We intend to publish poetry, fiction and nonfiction,” says Hankins. He’s open to anything of literary value, regardless of genre. Hankins hopes to release Orison’s first title later this year, but that depends on his ability to raise the requisite funds. He needs about
$45,000 for a successful launch, but he doesn’t initially require a storefront or office space, which cuts down on overhead. “A few years ago, I wouldn’t have even considered print-on-demand, because a lot of the outlets were producing products that looked really shoddy,” says Hankins. “But the quality has improved dramatically. They can even do hardcover.”
Low cost, high reward
Dawn CusiCk, publisher and founder of early Light Books. Photo courtesy of the publishing house
Corina HeiCH, the newest editor at Black Mountain Press. Photo courtesy of the publishing house
As print-on-demand services have improved, they’ve also decreased in cost — a one-two punch that’s opening the door to independent publishing imprints. A.D. Reed, an editor and ghostwriter, worked briefly in New York for the publisher of Webster’s New World Dictionary and as a freelancer. “It was always words,” he says. “But I envisioned myself as the nonbusiness-side creative type.” The affordability of desktop publishing (page layout software for personal computers) made a huge difference, because he no longer had to think in terms of massive quantities of books, or office and storage space. Originally, Reed considered setting up a cooperative with several of the writers he worked with. They would pool resources and talents to get books out to the world. But when one of his projects needed a publishing company, Reed decided to launch Pisgah Press in Candler. The cost to incorporate, in 2011, was a mere $125. Then, Reed says, “People started coming to me and saying, ‘Would you be interested in publishing my book?’” The biggest hurdle for any small publisher is marketing. National coverage in the form of reviews and TV talk show spots is expensive. “If you’re not in Publishers Weekly, you’re climbing Mount Everest, not Mount Pisgah,” says Reed. He’s currently in the process of his first major marketing push for a history book that’s due out in April. Grateful Steps Foundation (a nonprofit publisher and bookseller with a storefront in downtown Asheville’s Lexington Station development) uses community-based fundraisers to offset costs. But there are also titles that sell well. “If we were a business that picks books that made money, we wouldn’t have picked Tonda and TK: Friends,” owner Micki Cabaniss Eutsler says of the children’s book by Mary Byrd and Stephanie Willard. It’s about a friendship between a cat and an orangutan. “But National Geographic picked it up, and it won’t stop selling.” Other Grateful Steps
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
titles include The History of Medicine in Asheville by the late Dr. Irby Stephens; the children’s book My Days with Nell by Victoria Blake, set at Biltmore House during the tuberculosis era; and A Book of Bullies by Katherine Stanley, a high school student with a rare disorder. The latter volume sold out in two weeks. So how does Grateful Steps, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in July, decide what to publish? “We pick books by whose turn it is,” says Eutsler. The company has a waiting list of at least 130 authors, and one new writer’s name comes up each month. If that person has a viable idea, it goes to press. And for would-be authors with questions, Eutsler is available for two hours on Saturdays, offering free advice. “I think it’s a service to the community,” she says.
Mission stateMent Grateful Steps’ mission also includes working with writers who have disabilities and “helping people who would not otherwise have a voice,” says Eutsler. In a way, it’s in her genes: Her grandparents were newspaper publishers in Pennsylvania. “This is my own personal spiritual journey,” she says. “I have a lot of joy in the work, and I feel like I’m following a calling.” Eutsler opened the company on the day after she retired from medicine. EarlyLight Books, based in Waynesville and incorporated in 2007, is also a second career of sorts for founder Dawn Cusick. “I worked in nonfiction how-to publishing for Asheville's Lark Books for many years and took a science class at UNC Asheville and later Western Carolina University every semester,” she says. “I was also raising young children and doing volunteer work with various literacy projects in their classrooms. I started jotting down ideas for children's science books about 15 years ago, and at some point there was enough substance in the list to consider moving forward with a press.” The publishing house currently releases five to eight titles per year and packages nature nonfiction books for other publishers. “My favorite titles are the ones that are about to be published or are working their way through the development process,” says Cusick. “Animal Geometry is one of my current soon-to-be-published favorites, and a science series for younger readers that's in the design process is also at the top of my favorites list.”
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Micki Cabaniss eutsler, Michele scheve and Lindy Gibson inside Grateful Steps Foundation’s Lexington Station store. Photo by Carrie eidson
One of the company’s first books, Animal Colors, featured a white cover with a band of color blocks running down the far right side. A big publishing house probably wouldn’t have approved the design. “A former colleague was shocked when he saw it and said, ‘You're not publishing a book about colors that's almost all white,’” recalls Cusick. The printer, meanwhile, concerned that so much white on a children's book would quickly become dirty, suggested a protective polymer coating. Problem solved. Animal Colors is also published in bilingual (Cherokee/English) and monolingual (Cherokee only) editions, in collaboration with WCU's Cherokee Language Program. “We were about to do a Spanish/English edition; the Cherokee editions just seemed like a logical extension,” says Cusick. “The Cherokee are very committed to their language revitalization program, and we may do more projects in the future.” She adds: “The Cherokee books are a good reminder of one of the roles of small presses. We didn't need profit-and-loss statements or marketing plans to get the idea approved — we only needed the right conversations to happen at the right time.”
a sense of pLace Timing is important. So is flexibility. And, all those other reasons aside — a family history in publishing, a desire to represent unheard voices or to produce beautiful books — the malleability of independent publishing runs like a thread through the stories of various local presses. It’s a medium that’s open to an array of time frames, budgets and literary genres, and it isn’t site-specific. Consider the case of Ecco Qua Press. The publishing house, whose name means “Here it is” in Italian, was started in Massachusetts. Owner Wendy Murray moved to Asheville last summer, and though the business is still registered in New England, she’s working to establish an Asheville identity as well. “I have a very simple business model. I can essentially set it up wherever I am,” she says. Already, Murray has spoken at one of Malaprop’s small-press events, where local publishers and authors discuss their work. “I have some some good, solid writers from New England who we’ve published, and I’m proud of that heritage,” says Murray. But she also wants Ecco Qua to tap
into the local literary tradition. Wolfe and Carl Sandburg, with their masterful use of language and metaphor, rank among the canon, she points out. “For independent presses, a regional identity is critical. That’s where you’re going to get your enthusiastic readers and your supportive community. Not to mention the reservoir of riches that comes out of a locality.” East Asheville-based Logosophia Books, run by husband-and-wife team Stephen and Krys Crimi, got its start in agriculture. Sort of. The Crimis were living on Philosophy Farm, a biodynamic property in Mars Hill. A friend had collected the talks of the late master gardener Alan Chadwick and bequeathed them to Stephen, who transcribed the talks with the intention of making a book. A publisher was interested but couldn’t raise the funds for the project. Luckily, ondemand printing had become affordable, so Stephen decided to go that route and released it, his first book, in 2007. “It worked out pretty well. If you don’t count the year of work you put into it, you break even,” he jokes. Initially, the idea was to use publishing as a verbal expression of the farm. But Stephen soon moved on to poetry, beginning with the work of local writer Tracey Schmidt. Last year, Logosophia made its first foray into fiction with Mindi Meltz’s Lonely in the Heart of the World. By then, Stephen and Krys had moved off the farm. “We’re huge lovers of books,” says Stephen. “One of our main things is to produce the most beautiful books that we can.” Logosophia uses local artists such as Brian Mashburn, and Krys contributed calligraphy and illuminated lettering to Lonely.
worthy words Ultimately, small presses are labors of love. “I have a classical notion of beauty as an expression of the sacred,” says Stephen. “That’s kind of what I’m looking for as far as books.” He made a note to that effect on the submissions section of his website because, although zombie tales are great, that’s not the sort of work he’s looking to publish. Next up for Logosophia is a project by Henry Niese, an 89-year-old painter who hung out with Jackson Pollock. Niese has studied Native American Sun Dance ceremonies for decades, and the book will be about his experiences with them. “The role of the small press, right now, is to put out the books that are worthy and not sellable,” says Stephen. “Joyce couldn’t get his works published, and Melville couldn’t sell a book. All the things that are considered
Lark Books cLoses shop Longtime local publishing house Lark Books announced last week that it’s closing its Asheville offices. The craft imprint will move in with its New York-based parent company, Sterling Publishing, which means a loss of 15 local jobs. Lark was founded by then-husband-and-wife team Rob Pulleyn and Kate Matthews, who moved to Asheville in 1979. Over the course of the past 35 years, Lark not only dominated the craft publishing industry, but employed and showcased a number of Asheville-based artists, writers, editors and designers. Its catalog includes numerous books by locals, including several jewelry-making guides from Joanna Gollberg, The Complete Book of Retro Crafts by Suzie Millions and Ashley English’s Homemade Living series. In a way, the history of Lark Books is the history of the larger publishing industry. The independent imprint was purchased by Sterling in 1999. Sterling was, in turn, acquired by Barnes & Nobel in 2003. But through those mergers, Lark continued to produce engaging books on crafts, photography, food and design. Last August, The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design purchased the Broadway Street building occupied by Lark for decades. The publisher moved its offices to the upper floors — and the shift continues. In January, the Wall Street Journal announced that Barnes & Noble put Sterling Publishing up for sale, though Publishers Weekly reported earlier this month that, due to low offers, the sale was off for the time being. Lark’s next incarnation hangs in the balance. Sadly, it won’t be in Asheville. Look for a full story in next week’s issue. — A.M.
classic and great today had a hard time in their inception.” Murray, of Ecco Qua, who will lead a writing workshop in Italy in October, says she feels “cautiously optimistic.” Although no one in the independent book business is getting rich, she says, they can stay afloat thanks to a devoted readership. “It’s so fundamental to who we are,” says Murray. “The human impulse is to communicate, and that is not going to go away.” She adds: “It’s a story that’s still unfolding. Small presses have stayed the course. If you pace yourself, you can keep moving forward.” Those are words that new publishers such as Hankins can take to heart,
though, as with his colleagues, practicality has little to do with his motivation. “One of the reasons I want to publish books, rather than a magazine, is that periodicals are transient,” he says. “Books at least have a chance of becoming classics. If I’m publishing writers whose work I really believe in, I can give them a chance at being read for generations.” To learn more about the imprints and publishing houses mentioned in this story, visit theblackmountainpress.com, earlylightbooks. com, eccoquapress.com, gratefulsteps.org, logosophiabooks.com and pisgahpress.com. X
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Edwin Arnaudin
Wales watching St. David’s Day Jam celebrates Welsh culture “What’s with the flower?” is a question John Brute has become accustomed to answering on March 1 each year. Since his youth in the small Welsh town of Mochdre, which translates as “Pig Town,” he’s worn a daffodil in honor of St. David’s Day. It’s his homeland’s holiday, comparable to St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland. Leeks and traditional Welsh clothing are also worn as part of the celebration (women typically don a red cloak and a tall black hat), and there’s plenty of singing and dancing. Since moving to the U.S. in 2004, Brute and his wife, Brenda (an Asheville native), have spent the annual feast day going out to dinner and having a private celebration. This March 1, however, Brute and his folk-rock trio, The Petticoat Government, will share Welsh heritage at Jack of the Wood with the help of Waynesville porch/soul sixpiece Soldier’s Heart and Atlantabased Americana quintet Owner of the Sun. “The reason I am making an effort this year is because I noticed that St. David’s Day falls on a Saturday,” says Brute, who isn’t aware of any similar celebrations previously held in Asheville. “This made planning an activity more appealing, and I thought it would be a fun way of
introducing people to Welsh culture through music.” Dewi Sant, or St. David, is the patron saint of Wales, and many miracles have been attributed to him. The most incredible was causing the ground to rise underneath him while preaching at the Synod of Llanddewi Brefi, a church council held around A.D. 545 in the central county of Ceredigion. Several cities across Wales hold lively parades in celebration of St. David’s Day. The largest is in Cardiff, the capital. There, streets are packed with people of all ages wearing their daffodils and leeks proudly, and waving the Welsh national flag with its red dragon high above their heads. For the Jack of the Wood show, a Welsh flag will be on display throughout the three performances. The Petticoat Government promises to play a traditional Welsh song called “Dacw ‘Nghariad,” which means “there is my sweetheart.” Fittingly, each band member will wear a daffodil. Meg Proffitt Heathman and Amanda McGuire, who round out The Petticoat Government’s lineup, are not Welsh. They do share a Celtic heritage with Brute through Scottish and Irish ancestry. Some members of Soldier’s Heart and Owner of the Sun probably can also claim Celtic lineage, though the primary reason they’re on the bill is in thanks for their support of Brute’s group. The frontman and his bandmates are all relative newcomers to
FLowER powER: John Brute, Meg Proffitt Heathman and Amanda McGuire (from left) of The Petticoat Government will wear daffodils to celebrate Welsh heritage at the inaugural St. David’s Day Jam. Photo courtesy of the band
performing music. Since last year’s Shining Rock Riverfest in Canton, the other two ensembles have given The Petticoat Government a huge boost of confidence.
wHat St. David’s Day Jam with The Petticoat Government, Soldier’s Heart and Owner of the Sun wHERE Jack of the Wood, jackofthewood. com wHEn Saturday, March 1, at 9 p.m. $7
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
“It means a great deal to me to have the opportunity to share and celebrate a day that is so important to me with people I consider to be family,” says Brute. As for his biological family, they’re all back in the U.K. Brute keeps in touch through Facebook and avidly fol-
lows the Welsh national rugby team. He also occasionally finds articles or blogs written in Welsh to help maintain his linguistic skills, but pride for his nation requires no continuing education. The tattoo on the inside of his left arm is a lyric from the Welsh National anthem: “Pleidiol wyf i’m gwlad” or “True am I to my country.” While there are some pockets across the country where Welsh folk reside, there’s no distinct hub to rival the Irish strongholds of Boston and Chicago. Brute believes this factor may be why St. David’s Day hasn’t had the same impact in the U.S. as St. Patrick’s Day, though he’d like to see that change. If the Jack of the Wood event is a success, Brute hopes there will be demand for a similar gala next year. Should the gathering help inspire an appreciation for Welsh heritage in Western North Carolina, he’d gladly welcome it, but his goals for the evening are more modest. “My main reason for organizing this was to give people a reason to have a great time and to enjoy music,” he says. “Anything else that this celebration kicks off will be a bonus.” X
by Kyle Petersen
Rising tide Future Islands’ triumphant return to Asheville
For longtime Asheville music fans, it might still feel that Future Islands is a local band. The group got its start in Greenville, N.C., as members of the lo-fi new wave act Art Lord & The Self-Portraits, and, after relaunching as a trio under the Future Islands moniker, briefly called Asheville home before relocating to Baltimore. The group has continued to play fairly intimate venues here, with its last show taking place at the hipster dive bar Broadway’s. On Tuesday, March 4, Future Islands returns to Asheville on the heels of a European tour and soldout shows in Los Angeles, New
wHo Future Islands with Wye Oak, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat opens wHERE The Orange Peel, theorangepeel.net wHEn Tuesday, March 4, at 9 p.m. $16 advance/$18 day of show
York, London and Paris to headline the 1000-plus capacity Orange Peel, signaling just how much they have ascended the musical ranks. Future Islands recently signed to 4AD Records, the home of recording artists such as The National, Deerhunter and Bon Iver, and is set to release Singles, its most polished album yet, on March 24. There is a definite sense that the band has graduated to the national top tier of indie-rock bands. Mountain Xpress: although you guys are more often affiliated with the Baltimore scene where you are based, what role has the north carolina community played in your music and your success?
samuel t. Herring (vocalist): North Carolina plays a huge role in the heart of each and every one of our songs. That love of the South is evident when we speak about the natural elements and introspection of the past. The warm-hearted, romantic elements in our music are a symptom of how and where we were raised. Getting back to N.C. is always a recharge for us. Seeing friends and family and realizing how far we’ve come is still inspiring. I don’t think that will ever change. there’s always been an element of the grandiose and of widescreen theatrics both to your songs and to your performing style. now that you are on these bigger stages, does it seem more natural, or is there more pressure that comes with higher stakes? Herring: The key at this point is to continue to bring a sense of intimacy to the larger stage. The bigger stage lends itself to a larger range of motion, but it’s still important to connect with people in a visceral way. It’s important that we put the same amount of pressure on ourselves, whether on a big stage or in a small room, and continue to perform at our highest potential no matter the size. it’s obviously tempting to think of your upcoming singles record as a bit of a break from your earlier, n.c.-recorded efforts given producer chris coady’s involvement. it sounds more accessible and even more pop-oriented than you have been in the past. How did coady’s production affect or change your approach?
mapQuEst: It might seem that Future Islands is a local band. The group got its start in Greenville, N.C., and briefly called Asheville home before relocating to Baltimore. Photo by Tim Accenti
we ever recorded in a proper studio … so we had access to the studio’s expensive microphones, amps, pedals and various noisemakers. Chris brought in his collection of vintage synthesizers, which we used a lot on this new record. This record also marks the first time we’ve incorporated live horns, and the live drums are much more prominent in the mix this time around. We took ourselves out of our comfort zone for this album — we tried something different, literally every step of the way. calling this album singles seems like an odd move since it is likely
to confuse any new fans you’ll gain from the wider distribution of this record. is this because the album represents a definitive distillation of the band? Herring: We like that element that catches people off guard. We do believe in the strength of each and every song, though, and feel it could be that kind of album. We wanted a title that couldn’t be pinned down to a theme and also shared a sense of confidence that we have for the album as a whole. The word in itself has a certain lyricality and roll of the tongue that we all admired, too. It just sounded right. X
william cashion (bassist and guitarist): Well, everything about this record was approached differently. When we started working on what would become Singles, we decided early on that we wanted to take our first big break from touring in five years to focus on writing. We wrote about 25 songs, played some shows to road-test the material and then went into the studio, whittling it down to 11 songs. This is also the first album
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Paul Clark
Time capsule collection Asheville Affiliates bring back ’60s fashion It’s a mod, mod, mod, mod world when the Asheville Affiliates take over the Renaissance Asheville Hotel for the Product of the ’60s Fashion Show. A dozen local designers and businesses are preparing looks for the Thursday, Feb. 27 event that will conjure up images of Twiggy, Jimi Hendrix, Don Draper, Peggy Olson and Jackie O. It’s hard to turn on the television or open the pages of a style magazine without seeing clothes that harken back to the era, a tumultuous time in which the Western world lost much of its innocence. “We did the Product of the ’80s Fashion Show last year and had so much fun that we decided to do a different era this time,” says Sarah Merrell, an Asheville model and event planner who organized both shows for the Affiliates. “So much of fashion right now is inspired by the ’60s.” The event begins with a cocktail hour at 7 p.m., followed by the fashion show at 8 p.m. “We hope that everyone who attends will wear something from the ’60s,” Merrell says. “They don’t have to, but it’s a fun thing to do.” The Product of the ’60s Fashion Show features local stylists and clothing purveyors, including designers Charles Josef, Kristina Benshoff,
Simone Berhardt, Aurora Moulin, Rhetorical Factory and Danielle Miller of Royal Peasantry, as well Hip Replacements, Honeypot and The Costume Shoppe. Hair design will be provided by Amy Day Dougherty (Abani Salon), Katie Mansell (Ananda Salon), Lala Essex (Realta Salon) and Taleese Morrill (Lola Salon). Among those listed to do makeup are Nicole Franklin (Abani), Heather Smith (Adorn) and Kayce M. Young (About the Face Make Up Artistry). The Affiliates is a group of young professionals who put on fundraising events for local nonprofits. This year’s fundraisers benefit Colburn Earth Science Museum, Friends of
wHat Product of the ’60s Fashion Show facebook.com/Product.of.the.60s. FashionShow wHERE Renaissance Asheville Hotel wHEn Thursday, Feb. 27, 7-10 p.m., $10.
Connect Buncombe, Blue Ridge Food Ventures and a People’s Choice recipient still to be named. The Affiliates raised about $500 last
Grove Arcade 828.225.4133
Romantic. Farm to Table. Italian. 46
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
gRoovY, BaBY: Kelsey Anne Carter and Erin Schmidt model clothing by Charles Josef, Kristina Benshoff and Hip Replacements Clothing and hair and makeup by Amy Day Dougherty, Joanne Bolet Cafaro and Nicole Franklin of Aabani Biltmore Salon. Photo by Morgan Ford Photography
year during the Product of the ’80s Fashion show. If the 1980s were about excess, the ’60s were about transition. Clothes morphed from the straight, severe lines of the ’50s into the revolutionary threads that garbed pop and political stars like Angela Davis, Janis Joplin, The Supremes, The Monkees and Sonny and Cher. In a world turned upside down, women cut their hair short, while men started wearing theirs long. Bridgitte Bardot in a see-through blouse and Nancy Sinatra’s boots made for walking represented women’s emancipation from the ’50s, while Mick Jagger in a ruffled shirt and crushed velvet jacket smoothed the way for a softer and more sensitive view of masculinity that resonates today. Popular also were the paper dresses designed and created in 1966 by Mars Manufacturing Co. of Asheville. The Who, The Kinks and Small Faces lent a British soundtrack to the change that swept across the world. (Think the Beatles and the swinging London of Carnaby Street.) Flared trousers, bellbottoms and Jimi Hendrix’s keening guitar rang in more trenchant times that were characterized by
war, riots, assassinations and political unrest. Wearing an Army jacket became a popular, polarizing political statement. Merrell says that designers Charles Josef and Kristina Benshoff are producing London mod looks for the show, while Hip Replacement is going for a more sophisticated look popularized by the retro TV show, Mad Men. “Fashion tends to make swings from one end to another,” says Merrell. Designers such as Jason Wu, Ralph Lauren, rag & bone and Marc by Marc Jacobs recently trotted out signature ’60s looks, such as shift dresses and boxy color-blocked jackets. “In the early 1900s, fashion was really buttoned up — long skirts, high necklines, severe hairstyles,” says Merrell. “It made a swing in the other direction in the 1920s, to where skirts got a lot shorter and necklines got lower and women bobbed their hair. It got more sophisticated in the 1930s, and it did again in the 1960s.” Take a look at a movie like The Help, she says, where apparel was classy and had refinement. And then, as the world burned, the out-on-thefringes hippie look took hold. Merrell says, “It seemed that whatever is going on in the world, whether economic or political, has an impact on what people want to wear.” X
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com.
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Arooj Aftab Arooj Aftab is one of Pakistan’s few female guitarists. She’s also one of NPR’s top 100 composers under 40, founder of Rebuild Pakistan — an initiative that began in response to the 2012 Pakistan flood crisis in — and she’s the assistant editor for MTV’s Rebel Music Series. If her credentials aren’t already enough of a draw, her music should be. Aftab gracefully blends classical Pakistani, Sufi and pre-partition South Asian music for a deep, cool and complex take on indigenous soul. Attend a free masterclass with Aftab Thursday, Feb. 27, 12:30-1:30 p.m. at UNCA’s Humanities Lecture Hall. Performance to follow at 7 p.m. in UNCA’s Lipinsky Auditorium. $20/$12/$7/$5. uncatickets.com.
Karen Russell Vampires in the Lemon Grove is not your average collection of short stories. From the title tale, about a pair of immortal beings who quench their thirsts with fresh fruit, the book establishes itself as wonderfully weird. While not all of the eight stories are quite as engaging as that of the vampires (or the one about a group of U.S. presidents reborn as horses on a mysterious farm), author Karen Russell never shies away from off-kilter characters or unexpected plot twists. Russell is known for her acclaimed short story collection St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves and the New York Times bestseller Swamplandia. She’ll be interviewed during a Malaprop’s event by Greta Johnsen, WCQS’ Morning Edition host, followed by a book signing and reception. Friday, Feb. 28, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and include a $5 coupon toward the purchase of the book. malaprops.com. Photo by Michael Lionstar
Blowfly It’s not every rapper who’s honored with a bobblehead likeness. Then again, Blowfly (aka Clarence Reid) is not just any rapper. Performing in a cape, mask and yards of gold lamé, he is known as a triple-X-rated funk legend. Following a career as a soul and R&B recording artist, Reid donned his alter ego and spent four decades making the kind of musical sex parodies that brought a lawsuit from ASCAP and inspired the likes of Snoop Dogg/Lion and Wu Tang Clan. Don’t believe it? His life is documented in the film, The Weird World of Blowfly. Valentine’s Day marked Reid’s 75th birthday — to celebrate, he’s on a tour that brings him to The Mothlight on Friday, Feb. 28, at 9 p.m. Foul Mouth Jerk shares the bill. $10/$12. themothlight.com.
Squirm Burpee Circus The Squirm Burpee Circus is a cartoony, over-the-top “vaudevillian melodrama” complete with slapstick comedy, daredevil juggling and a host by the name of Baron Vegan von Hamburger. According to a press release, “the show features an eyecatching cast and a beautiful, Cirque du Soleil-like aesthetic, with high-energy acts such as the Human Cannon, the Ladder of Love and chainsaw juggling, along with classic comedy routines, hilarious romantic antics and more.” Catch the show at the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center at Western Carolina University on Sunday, March 2, at 5 p.m. $20 adults/$15 WCU staff/ $5 students and children. 2272479 or bardoartscenter.wcu.edu.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
a&E caLEndaR
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
sliceoflifecomedy@gmail.com. • SU (3/2), 8pm - Comedian Karen Hilton.
sigHts unsEEn: An exhibition of works by Linda L. Larsen concludes with a panel discussion moderated by UNCA professor of humanities Brian Butler titled “How does art talk about race and why is this important?” Dance artist Shani Collins-Achille will also perform. The event takes place on Thursday, Feb. 27 in the Flood Gallery of the Phil Mechanic Building. Photo courtesy of Janice L. Larsen
Art AnD rACe PAnel DisCussion • TH (2/27), 7pm - Includes art by Linda I. Larsen and a performance by dance artist Shani CollinsAchille. Held in the Flood Gallery, 109 Roberts St. Free. Info: floodgallery.org. PHilosoPHY of Art • TUESDAYS through (3/18), 6-7:30pm - A six session course. Held at Upstairs Artspace, 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. $35 /$25 members per session. PotterY ClAsses At tC Arts CounCil Held at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. $40 per participant. Info: ali@mountainroots.org. • SA (3/1), 9-11am - Pottery For Families. • SA (3/1), 6-8pm - "Try Pottery." For ages 15+.
AuDitions & CAll to Artists AsHeVille Art museum • Through SA (3/1) - Submissions open for Prime Time: Annual New Media, which will display as part of Moogfest. Guidelines and info: ashevilleart.org. AuDitions for 'Proof' At trYon little tHeAtre • SA (3/1), 10:30am & MO (3/3), 7pm - Held at 516 S. Trade St.,Tryon. Registration and info: 859-5692. AuDitions for PArKWAY PlAYHouse • SA (3/1), 10am-2pm - For MainStage productions for the 2014 season. Held at Mountain Heritage Center, 113 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville. Registration and info: casting@parkwayplayhouse.com or 682.4285. HiCKorY DoWntoWn DeVeloPment AssoCiAtion • Through TU (4/1) - Submissions open for Downtown Hickory Art Crawl. Info: bsinclair@ bellsouth.net or 322-1121.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
musiC ViDeo AsHeVille • Through FR (3/14) - Submissions open for Music Video Asheville. Selected entries will be shown at the Diana Wortham Theater in April. Info: musicvideoavl.com. nCWn WritinG Contests The North Carolina Writers' Network is nonprofit literary arts service for writers of all stages. Info and submission guidelines: ncwriters.org • Through SA (3/1) - Submissions open for the 2014 Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition. First place: $200 and publication in storySouth. $15/ $10 members. Pet PHotoGrAPHY Contest • Through FR (2/28) - Submissions open for Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation's annual pet photography contest. Guidelines and info: sargeandfriends.org or 246-9050. trAnsYlVAniA CommunitY Arts CounCil • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Outdoors, March 4; Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. Writers' WorKsHoP eVents WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 2548111 or twwoa.org. • Through FR (2/28) - Submissions open for the 25th Annual Poetry Contest. $25.
ComeDY DisClAimer ComeDY Info: disclaimercomedy.com or 216-2331. • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Pre-booked open mic. Held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Stand-up. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10. sliCe of life ComeDY A comedy showcase held at Pulp, below the Orange Peel, 103 Hilliard Ave. Info and booking:
sonG o' sKY CHorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 Pm song o' sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803. Asheville's premier a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky. org or (866) 824-9547 BACH to BlueGrAss ConCert series • SA (3/1), 7pm - Held at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2021 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville. $15. Info: 6933157. Cello times tWo • SU (3/2), 3pm - Chamber music. Held at St. Matthias, 1 Dundee St. Info: stmatthiasepiscopal.com or 285-0033.
firestorm & mountAin JustiCe summer CeleBrAtion • FR (2/28), 6:30pm - With Saro Lynch, Kim Keyser and others. Held at Firestorm Cafe & Books, 48 Commerce St. Free. Info: firestormcafe.com. first monDAYs ConCert At BreVArD ColleGe • MO (3/3), 12:30pm - Douglas Weeks. Held in the Porter Center. Free. Info: brevard.edu/fineartsevents or 884-8211. musiC At unCA Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: 251.6432. • FR (2/27), 12:30pm - Master class with Arooj Aftab. In the Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. • TH (2/27), 7pm - Aroof Aftab, Pakistani singer and songwriter. $20/$12 faculty, staff & alumni/$7 students/$5 UNCA students. musiC At WCu Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu.edu or 227-2479. • TH (2/27), 7:30pm - Winter Choral Concert from the School of Music. In the Coulter Building. Free. • MO (3/3), 7:30pm - Carolina Chocolate Drops. $10/$5 students. • 1st THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Old-time and bluegrass jam. In the Mountain Heritage Center. Free. smoKY mountAin BrAss BAnD • SU (3/2), 3-415pm - Held at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville. Free with donations encouraged. Info: smbrass.com.
tHeAter 35BeloW Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Info: 254-1320
Mountain Xpress and sherwood’s Music present: Our new video series showcasing local musicians continues every Thursday. Check our website this week for a performance from underground unheard at Sherwood’s Music.
or ashevilletheatre.org. • TH (2/27), 7:30pm - Febru-80s: Decadent Stories from the Storied Decade. Part of the Listen to This storytelling series. $10. AnAm CArA tHeAtre Info: anamcaratheatre.com or 545-3861. • FR (2/28), 8pm - Accordion Time Machine presents Satan vs. Laundry. Held at Toy Boat Community Arts Space, 101 Fairview Road. $12/ $10 advance. AsHeVille CommunitY tHeAtre 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • FR (2/7) through SU (3/2)- Cabaret. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $25/$22 seniors and students/$15 children. HenDersonVille little tHeAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or hendersonvillelittletheater.org. • Through SU (3/2) - A Streetcar Named Desire. Thurs.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $20/$15 ages 18-25/$10 students under 18. tHeAter At mArs Hill Performances are held in Owen Theatre, unless otherwise noted. Reservations and info: 689-1239. • TH (2/27) through SU (3/2) - Once Upon a Mattress. Thu.-Sat., 7:30pm, and Sun., 2:30pm. $12/$10 students. tHeAter At WCu Performances take place at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu. edu or 227-2479. • SU (3/2), 5pm - Galaxy of Stars Series: The Squirm Burpee Circus, vaudeville. $20/$15 faculty & staff/$5 students & children.
Art At WArren Wilson ColleGe Exhibits are held in Elizabeth Holden Art Gallery, unless otherwise stated. Mon.-Fri.: 9am4pm; Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: warren-wilson.edu. • FR (2/21) through FR (3/14) - Works by faculty of the Art Department. Art At WCu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am4pm. Info: fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (5/9) - Pottery from the private collection of Joan Byrd and George Rector. • Through MO (3/31) - Good Thoughts Better, mixed media by Edward J. Bisese. • Through FR (3/21) -Works by local school students. Opening reception: March 3, 1-3pm. Arts CounCil of HenDerson CountY • Through FR (3/7) - The Art of Our Children, works by elementary school students. Showing at First Citizens Bank, 539 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Mon.-Thu., 9am-5pm. Fri., 9am6pm. Free. AsHeVille AreA Arts CounCil GAllerY 346 Depot St. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 11am-4pm. Info: ashevillearts.com or 258-0710. • Through (3/7) - In Public, artist curated exhibit of mixed media. AsHeVille Art museum 2 N. Pack Square. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 10am-5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm. Admission: $8/$7 students & seniors/free for children under 4. Info: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • Through SU (3/9) - Works by student artists who won regional Scholastic Art Awards. • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through (3/25) - Blueprints: A Collaboration, cyanotypes. AsHeVille GAllerY of Art 16 College St. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-5:30pm; Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: ashevillegallery-of-art.com or 2515796. • Through MO (3/30) - Landscapes in Abstraction, paintings by Karen Keil Brown. BenDer GAllerY 12 S. Lexington Ave. Mon.-Sat.: 10:30am–5pm; Sun.: 12-5pm. Info: bendergallery.com. • SA (3/1) through FR (4/18) - Affinity, glass sculptural works by Kerrick Johnson. BlACK mountAin Center for tHe Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Hours: Mon.Fri.: 10am-5pm. Info: blackmountainarts.org or
elements sPA AnD sHoP 29 W. French Broad St., Brevard. Hours: Sat.-Wed.: 9am-6pm. Thu: 9am-7pm. Info: 884-2701. • Through FR (3/7) - Impressionist works by Linda Muir. folK Art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hours: 9am6pm, daily. Info: craftguild.org or 298-7928. • Through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members. Hotel inDiGo 151 Haywood St. Info: boutiquehotel-asheville.com or 239-0239. • ONGOING- Paintings by Lelia Canter, Kathleen Kelley and Emily Shields explore human and animal relationships. illustrAtion exHiBit BY GreG VineYArD • Through (3/31) - Love! Love! Love!. 25 percent of sales donated to YWCA’s MotherLove program. Held at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Info: gregvineyardillustration.com. Opening reception: March 11, 5 pm. riVerVieW stAtion 191 Lyman St. Info: riverviewartists.com • Through (3/30), 11am-5pm - Art Jewelry Show at Copper Fish Metal Arts, Studio 236. Sat. & Sun only. trAnsYlVAniA CommunitY Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. • Through FR (2/28) - Interwoven, fiber arts and basketry. uPstAirs ArtsPACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: upstairsartspace.org or 859-2828. • Through FR (3/14) - Figurative paintings by Mark Flowers. • Through (3/14) - Changing the Focus, photography from the Carolina Camera Club. • Through (3/14) - Paintings of Southern towns by Andrew Blanchard
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Art At unCA Info: unca.edu. • Through MO (3/17) - Drawing Discourse, a juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. In the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery.
Art At mArs Hill uniVersitY Weizenblatt Gallery: Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. Info: mhc.edu. • Through (2/28) - Body and Soul, featuring work by African-American artists.
Blue sPirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through FR (2/28) - Tara, the Twenty-One Praises, works by C. Shana Greger. • Through FR(2/28) - Surreal sketches by Ronald L. Ruble • Through FR (2/28) - New Works, contemporary mixed media. • Through FR (2/28) - New to the Third, mixed media debut works.
AmeriCAn folK Art AnD frAminG Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. Info: amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (3/26) - Hallelujah, works by Southern self-taught artists.
669-0930. • Through (2/28) - Clay studio exhibit in the Upper Gallery.
Got it!
the get it guide will help answer questions like: Is this a local and independent business? Are the people who work here fairly compensated?
WiCKWire fine Art / folK Art 330 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: wickwiregallery.com. • Through (3/31) - Contemporary Art for Adult Children, works by Susan Webb.
Does this restaurant support local agriculture?
WorKs BY PAinter melAnie norris • SA (3/1), 6-9pm - On display at Studio Chavarria, 17 Rankin St. Info: melanienorrispainter.com.
more sustainable and resilient community, with articles on opportunities,
ZAPoW! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Sun.-Mon., Wed.-Thu.: noon-6pm; Fri:. noon-8pm; Sat., noon-9pm; Info: zapow.net or 575-2024. • ONGOING - Creepy Cute, mixed media.
Show wnc that your business gets
WNC’s all-inclusive guide for conscientious living, the Get it! Guide integrates a directory of businesses and organizations that are invested in creating a resources, and how-tos for creating conscientious and engaged lifestyles.
To reserve your space please contact:
828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com mountainx.com
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
C L U B L A N D friDAY, feB. 28
WeDnesDAY, feB. 26
AltAmont BreWinG ComPAnY Jeff Sipe Trio (jazz, funk), 9pm
185 KinG street Harper & Midwest Kind (blues, rock, soul, funk, world), 8pm
AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
ADAm DAlton DistillerY 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm AlleY KAts tAVern Karaoke w/ Kimbra & Ron, 7:30pm
Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Acoustic Swing, 7-9
Ben's tune-uP Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm
Boiler room Loud Invisible, Bulgogi & Shorty Can't Eat Books (indie), 9pm-2am
BlACK mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm
BYWAter Ram Mandelkorn & friends (funk, soul), 9pm
Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7-9pm
ClAssiC Wineseller Jay Brown (folk, blues, Americana), 7pm
CorK & KeG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm DouBle CroWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm
CluB eleVen on GroVe Grown Folks Dance Party w/ DJ Supersee & Brian Sanchez, 9pm-2am
emerAlD lounGe Blues jam, 8pm
CorK & KeG One Leg Up (jazz, swing), 8:30pm
GrinD CAfe Trivia night, 7pm
DouBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage, soul), 10pm
HiGHlAnD BreWinG ComPAnY Mike & Amy (acoustic), 5:30-7:30pm iron Horse stAtion Jesse James (singer-songwriter), 5-8pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Mande Foly (African), 7:15pm
acoustic accEnts and EmERaLd ELEctRic: Camp David will be performing with The Cheeksters and Fishing for Tigers at the Emerald Lounge on March 1, at 8:30 p.m. With an alternative, indie-folk, post-rock sound, the band fits right into the Asheville atmosphere. Photo by Matt Shanor
JACK of tHe WooD PuB Old-time session, 5pm loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm oDDitorium Ryan Furstenberg, Daniel Shearin (acoustic), 9pm one stoP Deli & BAr L!VE w/ General Chryst, Herb, Morningstar & Big Dave (hip-hop), 10pm
tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
loBster trAP Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm
oDDitorium Iron Chic w/ Old Flings, Hot Mess Monster & War Journal (punk, rock), 9pm
timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm
PulP The Paris Thieves w/ Sloantones (folk-rock), 9pm
toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
slY GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm
trAilHeAD restAurAnt AnD BAr Open jam, 6pm
soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWerY Todd Hoke (Americana, folk), 6-8pm
VAnuAtu KAVA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
tAllGArY's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm
VinCenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
tHe motHliGHt Ice Cream w/ Jason Ajemian and The HighLife & Century Seconds (electro-funk), 9pm tHe PHoenix Jazz night, 8pm
tHursDAY, feB. 27 185 KinG street Blues power jam w/ Riyen Roots & Sonny Skyyz, 8pm AltAmont BreWinG ComPAnY Laura Thurston (Americana), 8:30pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Ben's tune-uP Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Locomotive Pie (roots, folk, blues), 7-9pm DouBle CroWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm frenCH BroAD BreWerY tAstinG room Paul Cataldo (singer-songwriter), 6-8pm GreY eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern New Madrid w/ Hello Hugo (psych-rock, experimental), 9pm HAVAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Slaid Cleaves (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm JACK of tHe WooD PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexinGton AVe BreWerY (lAB) All Star Brown Bag Winners Showcase w/ Matt Townsend & Jeff Thompson, Robertino & Hannah the K, 7:30pm
one stoP Deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Sleepy Sun w/ KDH (rock, jam, blues), 9:30pm orAnGe Peel Oliver Mtukudzi (African), 8pm osKAr Blues BreWerY William Schmitt (Americana, folk), 6pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAnY The Royal Tinfoil (Americana, gypsy, grunge, swing), 8pm PurPle onion CAfe Gigi Dover & Big Love (singer-songwriter, gypsy-jazz, soul), 7:30-9:30pm sCAnDAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWerY Carver & Carmody (Southern rock, country), 7-9pm tHe motHliGHt The Hermit Kings w/ This Mountain & Vagabond Philosophy (indie, post-folk), 9pm tHe PHoenix The Moonshine Babies (folk), 7:30pm tHe soCiAl Caribbean Cowboys (surf-rock), 8pm timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm toWn PumP The Hillbillionaires w/ H.R. Gertner (folk, Americana), 9pm trAilHeAD restAurAnt AnD BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm VinCenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm WHite Horse Pan Harmonia (classical), 7:30pm WxYZ lounGe CaroMia (singer-songwriter), 8-10pm
DreAm GuitArs Clive Carroll (acoustic, folk), 7pm emerAlD lounGe Blues, Brews & BBQ w/ Big Gene & Danny Lee's Loud Pack & The Emerald Blues Band, 8:30pm frenCH BroAD BreWerY tAstinG room Damian LeMaster & LeMaster Plan (singer-songwriter), 6-8pm Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Gary Segal (singer-songwriter, acoustic guitar), 6:308:30pm GreY eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Robert Ellis w/ T. Hardy Morris (singer-songwriter, folk), 9pm GrinD CAfe The Harris Brothers (Americana), 7:30pm HAVAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm HiGHlAnD BreWinG ComPAnY Invisible III (funk, jazz-fusion), 6-8pm iron Horse stAtion Barb Turner (R&B), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll The SteelDrivers (country, soul, bluegrass), 9pm loBster trAP Calico Moon (roots country, Americana), 7-9pm millroom Matrimony w/ Magnas Colorado (Americana, folk), 9pm moonliGHt mile The Lingua Musica Show w/ Aaron Burdett, 7:30pm oDDitorium MRSA w/ Shadow of the Destroyer, Oppossum & Uninhabitable (metal), 9pm one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Spiritual Rez (reggae, rock), 10pm onefiftYone Boutique BAr The Gypsy Swingers (jazz), 8pm orAnGe Peel Who's Bad (Michael Jackson tribute), 9pm osKAr Blues BreWerY Paul Edelman of The Jangling Sparrow (Americana), 7pm PACK's tAVern DJ MoTo (pop, dance hits), 9pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAnY Wham Bam Bowie Band (David Bowie tribute), 9pm root BAr no. 1 Arsena Shroeder (folk, soul), 9:30pm sCAnDAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
sCullY's DJ, 10pm-2am soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWerY Junction 280 (bluegrass), 8-10pm sPrinG CreeK tAVern Kevin Reese (Americana), 7-10pm tAllGArY's CAntinA DJ Eli, 9:30pm
millroom Roger Alan Wade w/ Sex Knuckle & Russ T. Nutz (singersongwriter), 9pm oDDitorium Tasha Yar, Bask, Kindler & Black Mountain Hunger (psychedelic, alt-rock, variety), 9pm oliVe or tWist WestSound (rock, Motown), 8:30-11:30pm
tHe Green room Bistro & BAr John Owen & Friends (bluegrass), 8:30pm
one stoP Deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm Heter Pan Band (rock, funk, jazz), 10pm
tHe motHliGHt Blowfly w/ Foul Mouth Jerk (hip-hop), 9pm
onefiftYone Boutique BAr Jason Daniello (singer-songwriter), 8pm
tHe PHoenix The American Gonzos w/ Bradford Carson (jam, rock 'n' roll), 9pm
orAnGe Peel Big Gigantic w/ Caked Up & Dream State of Mind (hip-hop, electronic), 9pm
tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm
osKAr Blues BreWerY Todd Cecil & Back South (swamp-rock, slide-guitar Americana), 7pm
toWn PumP The Big Effin' Deal Band (bluegrass), 9pm toY BoAt CommunitY Art sPACe Anam Cara Theatre Co. presents Satan vs. Laundry, 8pm Doomster, Total War & Each Other (indie-rock), 10pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Jim, Joel & Luke, 7pm Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (soul, funk), 10pm VAnuAtu KAVA BAr Dan Keller (electro-jazz improv), 9pm VinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WAter'n Hole Brushfire Stankgrass (bluegrass), 7pm WHite Horse Meet The Beatles benefit for MANNA, 8pm WilD WinG CAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm WxYZ lounGe Bear King oso rey (EDM, lounge DJ), 9-11pm
sAturDAY, mAr. 1 185 KinG street Michael Reno Harrell (Americana, folk), 8pm AltAmont tHeAter Annie & The Hot Club (gypsy-swing), 8pm AsHeVille musiC HAll The Mantras w/ Donnie Dies (rock, jam), 10pm AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BlACK mountAin Ale House Dulci Ellenberger & Daniel Shearin (Americana, folk), 9pm BYWAter Lyric (funk, soul), 9pm ClAssiC Wineseller Jacob Johnson (neo-acoustic, folk-funk), 7pm CorK & KeG Bayou Diesel (Cajun, zydeco), 8:30pm emerAlD lounGe The Cheeksters w/ Camp David & Fishing For Tigers (indie, folk), 8:30pm Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Elise Pratt & Mike Holstien (jazz), 6:30-8:30pm GreY eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Shonna Tucker & Eye Candy (soul, country), 9pm GrinD CAfe The Original King Street Jazz Band (Mardi Gras celebration) HiGHlAnD BreWinG ComPAnY Antique Firearms (alternative, experimental), 6-8pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line (Americana), 9pm JACK of tHe WooD PuB St. David's Day celebration w/ Soldier's Heart, The Petticoat Government & Owner of the Sun (rock, folk) loBster trAP Hunnilicious (acoustic, country), 7-9pm
PACK's tAVern A Social Function (classic hits, rock 'n' roll, dance), 9pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAnY The LetterJackets (alt-country, rock), 8pm root BAr no. 1 Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 9:30pm
sCAnDAls niGHtCluB Mardi Gras Krewe Party, 10pm-3am sCullY's DJ, 10pm-2am soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWerY Peggy Ratusz (blues, rock), 8-10pm tAllGArY's CAntinA Jarvis Jenkins (Southern rock), 9:30pm
tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Billy Cardine (steel guitar), 8:30pm
tHe motHliGHt Cheap Time w/ The Tills, The Panels & Future West (rock 'n' roll, punk), 9pm tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm timo's House DJ Whistleblower, Mary B, Cree Ashun (hip-hop, DnB, electronic), 8pm
thu 2/27
new madrid w/ hello hugo
fri 2/28
robert eLLiS w/ t. hardy morris
Sat 3/1
Shonna tucker & eye candy (ex drive-by truckers)
toWn PumP Emmett Williams (singer-songwriter), 9pm toY BoAt CommunitY Art sPACe Anam Cara Theatre Co. presents Tales & Ales (storytelling), 8pm Petey w/ Axxa Abraxas (psych-rock, power-pop), 10pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Al Coffee & Da Grind (R&B, blues, soul), 10pm VinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WestVille PuB Mojomatic (blues, funk, soul), 10pm WHite Horse Les Femmes Mystique (dance, music, theatre), 8pm
WxYZ lounGe Ritmos Latinos w/ DJ Malinalli (Latin DJ), 9-11pm
sunDAY, mAr. 2 AsHeVille musiC HAll Aligning Minds w/ Androcell & Erothyme (electronic), 10pm Ben's tune-uP Vinyl night (open DJ collective) BlACK mountAin Ale House NFL Sunday w/ pre-game brunch at 11:30am, 1pm DouBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm emerAlD lounGe Asheville Meets Austin (SXSW mini-fest) w/ Sly5thAve, Foe Destroyer, A Va Va, Recess, Buffalo Rodeo, Alligator Indian, Gunther Doug, Junior Astronomers & JoyCut, 5pm-1am
Sun 3/2
• • OPEN 7 DAYS • •
9pm • $8/$10
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Steve rothery (marillion), biLLy cardine, jeff Sipe, jake woLf and inventor pauL vo 8pm • $10/$12
thu 3/6
SiSter Sparrow & the dirty birdS w/ the Secret b-Sides
Sat 3/8
the get downS w/ plankeye peggy
9pm • $10/12
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www.bedtymestories.net mountainx.com
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLuB diREctoRY
GreY eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Steve Rothery (Marillion), Billy Cardine, Jeff Sipe, Jake Wolf & Inventor Paul Vo (acoustic synthetics), 8pm
2/28 Two Cow Garage W/DRUNKEN 10/25 Lee Guthrie PRAYER Sarah & W/ MATT HUDGINS 9PM & Johnny Irion 3/1 Soldiers Heart W/ OWNER OF w/SUN Battlefield • 9pm $10 9PM THE & PETTICOAT GOVERNMENT 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 3/2 Motel Mirrors 9PM & HALLOWEEN Costume 3/7 Folk Soul Revival W/ OUR Party & Contest • 9pm $8 SON OF GRIFFINS (FEATURING JOHN KIMOCK JAM GUITAR LEGEND STEVE KIMOCK) 10/27 Vinegar Creek • 9pmW/ FREE BRAD VICKERS & HIS VESTAPOLITANS 7PM 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 3/8 The Danberrys 9PM Pants w/ Crazy Tom Banana & VIRGINIA AND THE SLIMS 10/29 Singer Songwriters 3/11 TheRound Suitcase Junket • 7-9pm FREE9PM in the w/ Anthony Davis 3/14 My ThreeTripi, KiltsElise - SAINT PATTYS Mud Tea • 9pm FREE DAY WEEKEND WARMUP 9PM Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
Hi-Wire BreWinG Blushin' Roulettes (old-time), 5-7pm HYPHen Locomotive Pie (roots, folk, blues), 2-5pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm JACK of tHe WooD PuB Irish session, 5pm Motel Mirrors w/ Amy Lavere & John Paul Keith (Americana), 10pm loBster trAP Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm oDDitorium Vita and The Woolf (indie, pop, electronic), 9pm oliVe or tWist Shag dance lesson w/ John Dietz, 7-8pm DJ Michael Filippone (beach, swing), 8-10pm one stoP Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am PulP Slice of Life Comedy w/ Karen Hilton, 8pm sCAnDAls niGHtCluB Mardi Gras Ball, 10pm-3am soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWerY The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5-7pm tAllGArY's CAntinA Sick Sound Sundays (DJ), 8pm tHe motHliGHt Purling Hiss w/ Ancient Whales & Cadavernous (punk, indie-rock), 9pm tHe soCiAl '80s night, 8pm VinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WHite Horse Tuatha Dea (celtic tribal rock), 7:30pm
monDAY, mAr. 3
Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio • 13 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space Shuffleboard • Darts • Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
AlleY KAts tAVern Open mic, 8pm
one stop
FRI. 2/28
(dance, pop hits)
one stop
SAT. 3/1 FEB
one stop
one stop
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
10PM FREE Ages: 21+
9:30PM $8 Ages: 21+
Charlie Traver Presents: 28 An Evening w/ Spiritual Rez FRI one stop
(classic hits, rock n’ roll, dance)
L!ve w/ General Chryst and Herb (of Avid Money), Morningstar, and Big Dave
27 Stella Blue Presents: THUR Sleep Sun w/ KDH
A Social Function
185 KinG street Trivia night w/ Spencer Jones & Evan Smith, 8pm
AltAmont BreWinG ComPAnY Old-time jam, 7pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Karaoke, 9pm BYWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm CourtYArD GAllerY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm DouBle CroWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm JACK of tHe WooD PuB Quizzo, 7-9pm loBster trAP Dave Desmelik (Americana), 7-9pm
10PM $5/$7 Ages: 21+
oDDitorium Synergy story slam (storytelling), 8pm
Charlie Traver Presents: The Mantras w/ Donnie Dies
osKAr Blues BreWerY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
10PM $8/10 Ages: 21+
Heter Pan Band
10PM FREE Ages: 21+
Aligning Minds Presents: Waveworms feat. Androcell & Erothyme 10PM $10/12 21+
tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm VinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WestVille PuB Trivia night, 8pm WHite Horse Bill Bares & Jason DeCristofaro (jazz piano, vibraphone), 7:30pm
185 king stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 aLtamont BREwing companY 575-2400 tHE aLtamont tHEatRE 348-5327 apotHEcaRY (919) 609-3944 aQua caFE & BaR 505-2081 aRcadE 258-1400 asHEviLLE civic cEntER & tHomas woLFE auditoRium 259-5544 asHEviLLE music HaLL 255-7777 atHEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEY’s tap Room 255-0504 BLack mountain aLE HousE 669-9090 BLuE mountain pizza 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadwaY’s 285-0400 tHE BYwatER 232-6967 coRk and kEg 254-6453 cLuB HaiRspRaY 258-2027 cLuB REmix 258-2027 cREEksidE tapHousE 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLERY 367-6401 diana woRtHam tHEatER 257-4530 diRtY soutH LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 ELEvEn on gRovE 505-1612 EmERaLd LoungE 232- 4372 FiREstoRm caFE 255-8115 FREncH BRoad BREwERY tasting Room 277-0222 good stuFF 649-9711 gREEn Room caFE 692-6335 gREY EagLE music HaLL & tavERn 232-5800 gRovE HousE tHE gRovE paRk inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat HaLL) 252-2711 HangaR LoungE 684-1213 HaRRaH’s cHERokEE 497-7777 HigHLand BREwing companY 299-3370 isis music HaLL 575-2737 jack oF HEaRts puB 645-2700 jack oF tHE wood 252-5445 LExington avEnuE BREwERY 252-0212 tHE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRosHERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE vista HotEL 669-8870 nativE kitcHEn & sociaL puB (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onEFiFtYonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.HEnRY’s/tug 254-1891 tHE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 oskaR BLuEs BREwERY 883-2337 pack’s tavERn 225-6944 tHE pHoEnix 877-3232 pisgaH BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion caFE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at tHE gRand BoHEmian HotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nigHtcLuB 252-2838 scuLLY’s 251-8880 sLY gRog LoungE 255-8858 smokEY’s aFtER daRk 253-2155 tHE sociaL 298-8780 soutHERn appaLacian BREwERY 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaigHtawaY caFE 669-8856 taLLgaRY’s cantina 232-0809
tigER mountain tHiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s HousE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toY Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400 tREssa’s downtown jazz & BLuEs 254-7072 vanuatu kava BaR 505-8118 vincEnzo’s 254-4698 waLL stREEt coFFEE HousE 252-2535 wEstviLLE puB 225-9782 wHitE HoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing caFE 253-3066 wxYz 232-2838
Ben's tune-uP Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm CorK & KeG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm DouBle CroWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm emerAlD lounGe Blues jam, 8pm GrinD CAfe Trivia night, 7pm HiGHlAnD BreWinG ComPAnY Laura Blackley (acoustic), 5:30-7:30pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Trio Guggino (Italian), 7:15pm JACK of tHe WooD PuB Old-time session, 5pm
tuesDAY, mAr. 4 185 KinG street Brevardi-Gras to benefit Safe, Inc., 5:30pm AlleY KAts tAVern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm AltAmont BreWinG ComPAnY Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm Ben's tune-uP Dance party w/ DJ Rob, 10pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm
loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm oDDitorium Leverage Models w/ Killer Bob, Quilla & Aunt Sis (pop, experimental), 9pm oliVe or tWist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7-8pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm orAnGe Peel St. Vincent w/ Noveller (indie-pop, art-rock), 9pm slY GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm tAllGArY's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm
CluB eleVen on GroVe Dance, 8:30-11pm
tHe motHliGHt Arborea w/ Halli & Ryan of River Whyless (avant-folk), 8:30pm
CreeKsiDe tAPHouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm
tHe PHoenix Jazz night, 8pm
DouBle CroWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm
tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm
tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm
JACK of tHe WooD PuB Fat Tuesday w/ Jackomo Cajun Country Band & The Gypsy Swingers, 5pm
timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm
loBster trAP Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm oDDitorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stoP Deli & BAr Tuesday night techno, 10pm orAnGe Peel Wye Oak & Future Islands w/ Ed Scharader's Music Beat (folk, electronic), 9pm sCullY's Triva night, 9-11pm tHe soCiAl Big Generator (rock, blues), 7-9pm timo's House '90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm
trAilHeAD restAurAnt AnD BAr Open jam, 6pm VAnuAtu KAVA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm VinCenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
tHursDAY, mAr. 6 ADAm DAlton DistillerY Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm2am Ben's tune-uP Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 9pm
VinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
ClAssiC Wineseller Lacy Green (country), 7pm
WestVille PuB Blues jam, 10pm
CorK & KeG Old-time jam, 7pm Square dance, 8pm
WeDnesDAY, mAr. 5 ADAm DAlton DistillerY 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm AlleY KAts tAVern Karaoke w/ Kimbra & Ron, 7:30pm
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Lyric (acoustic), 8pm
WHite Horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
DouBle CroWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm GreY eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds w/ The Secret B-Sides & Landlady (soul), 8:30pm HAVAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm
thurs. feb 27
all staR bRown bag winneRs showcase
FeatuRing matt townsenD & JeFF tHOMPsON, RObeRtINO (RObeRtINO RUsseL), HaNNaH the K (hannah KamineR) backstage • 7:30PM • $5
thurs. mar 13
backstage • 9:00PM • $6
sat. mar 15
Joe lasheR JR.
backstage • 9:00PM • $6
thurs. mar 20
comeDian ben KRonbeRg
backstage • 9:00PM • $8
isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Sheila Kay Adams, Jeanette Queen & Carol Rifkin (folk), 8 pm
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
Wednesday, February 26th AVL Blues Jam• Mason Truett Farewell Bash! 8 PM* FREE! *
Thursday, February 27th MOUNTAIN PASS - CLYDE COLEMAN Jr. of WEEN
Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam
8pm-12am **FREE**
w/ Dave Gilbert of Amandla, Brett Spivey & Andre Cholmondeley of Wham Bam Bowie Band, and Josh Roesnstein of Delicious
Friday, February 28th
Blues, Brews & BBQ!•Danny Lee’s Loud Pack w/ The Emerald Blues Band!•BBQ and the best microbrews around!•8 PM * FREE! *
Monday, March 1st The Cheeksters w/ Camp David & Fishing For Tigers! 8:30 PM $5 Tuesday, March 2nd
in tHE RigHt mind: Out of both Asheville and Baltimore, electronica group Aligning Minds set its collective thoughts on Asheville Music Hall for the month of March. This residency has the band kicking out breakbeat, dubstep and downtempo for shows at the venue every Sunday in March, from March 2 through 30, at 10 p.m.
SXSW Mini-Fest!•EIGHT top acts incl. JoyCut w/ Junior Astronomers, Buffalo Rodeo, Gunther Doug, Sly5thAve and MORE! 5 PM * FREE! *
Wednesday, March 3rd
Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam• 8:30 PM * FREE! *
Thursday March 4th
AVL Blues Jam• Special Mardi Gras Party! 8 PM* FREE! *
JACK of tHe WooD PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm
HiGHlAnD BreWinG ComPAnY Bobby Miller & The Virginia Daredevils (bluegrass), 6-8pm
oliVe or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing, R&B), 8-11pm
isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Aaron Burdett (Americana), 8:30pm
one stoP Deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm
JACK of tHe WooD PuB Folk Soul Revival w/ Brad Vickers and His Vestapolitans & Our Griffins (folk, Americana, rock), 9pm
orAnGe Peel Mike Gordon (rock), 9pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAnY Whetherman (folk, Americana), 8pm sCAnDAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am tHe motHliGHt Hellbound Glory w/ The Go Devils (country, rockabilly), 9pm
tHe soCiAl Caribbean Cowboys, 8pm
toWn PumP Rocky & Jeff from Social Function (acoustic duo), 9pm
A True Gentleman’s Club
Over 40 Entertainers!
TheTreasureClub.com facebook.com/thetreasureclub
Mon-Thurs 6:30pm–2am Fri-Sat 6:30pm–3am
520 SWANNANOA RIVER RD, ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 • (828) 298-1400 54
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
trAilHeAD restAurAnt AnD BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm
loBster trAP King Leo (jazz), 7-9pm oDDitorium Dark Sister, Indian Alligator, Housefire (experimental, dance), 9pm oliVe or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian, 7:30-8:30pm 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8:30-11:30pm one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Funktapuss w/ Duende Mountain Trio (funk, hip-hop, electronic), 10pm onefiftYone Boutique BAr Red Honey (rock), 8pm orAnGe Peel Shovels & Rope w/ Hurray for The Riff Raff (folk), 9pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAnY Jared and the Mill (Americana, indie), 9pm
VinCenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
sCAnDAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am
WxYZ lounGe Shane Perlowin (jazz guitarist), 8-10pm
sCullY's DJ, 10pm-2am
friDAY, mAr. 7
tHe motHliGHt SXSW Showcase w/ Atlantic Thrills, Psychic Teens, The Shine Brothers, Gymshorts & Vulture Shit (rock, garage, punk), 9pm
185 KinG street Chalwa (reggae, surf-rock), 8pm
tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm
AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
timo's House Art of Techno: Sean O'Daniels, Jenna Gilmore, KRI (techno), 8pm
ClAssiC Wineseller James Hammel (jazz, pop), 7pm
toWn PumP Open Pallet (funky folky hip-hop, comedy), 9pm
CluB eleVen on GroVe DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm
VAnuAtu KAVA BAr Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 9pm
CorK & KeG Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz), 8:30pm
VinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
GooD stuff Chris Emerson & Ty Bennett (acoustic duo), 7pm
WHite Horse Yes the Raven (folk, indie, alternative), 8pm
Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm
WilD WinG CAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
HAVAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm
WxYZ lounGe White, Southecorvo & Winter Trio (modern jazz), 9-11pm
Friday • February 28th 5:30-7:30PM invisible iii 6-8PM saturday • March ist antique FirearMs 6-8PM Wednesday • March 5th acoustic Wednesday & cask release Featuring
laura blackley 5:30-7:30PM
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Full Bar
Thur AN EVENING WITH SHIELA KAY ADAMS, JEANETTE 3/6 QUEEN & CAROL RIFKIN $15 / $18 • 8pm Fri 3/7 AARON BURDETT CD RELEASE CELEBRATION $8/$10 • 8:30pm Sat 3/8 BRUNCH FEAT. AMICI MUSIC’S “TASTY TRIOS” $10/$12 • 10am &12pm Every Sunday JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm • $5 Every Tuesday BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite
743 HAYWOOD RD • 828-575-2737 • ISISASHEVILLE.COM mountainx.com
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
tHEAtER ListinGs
Kill Your Darlings
Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diRECtoR: John Krokidas PLAYERs: Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, Michael C. Hall, Jack Huston, Ben Foster, David Cross, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Elizabeth Olsen
Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. i, Frankenstein 3D (Pg-13) 10:00 nebraska (r) 10:00 saving Mr. Banks (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00 CArMike CineMA 10 (298-4452)
FACt-BAsEd BioGRAPHiCAL dRAMA RAtEd R tHE stoRY: More or less the story of the young Allen Ginsberg, his first love and the origin of the Beats. tHE LoWdoWn: It will be too candid for some, and it isn’t flawless, but Kill Your Darlings is exciting, emotionally powerful filmmaking that should be seen.
Perhaps because On the Road (2013) was so lackluster and Howl (2010) was so insular and specialized, I was not exactly looking forward to another movie about the Beat Generation. That first-time director and co-writer John Krokidas was an unknown quantity added to the caution on my part. My surprise was great when Krokidas’ Kill Your Darlings hooked me from the first moment and kept me hooked all the way through. It has everything the other films lacked — especially a strong, involving story and a collection of genuinely compelling performances. But more than this, it is ballsy head-on filmmaking that is unafraid of raw emotions and risk-taking. This may result in the occasional misstep, but even those are fascinating and worth seeing. Technically, Kill Your Darlings is a 2013 film, but it’s the first film to be released in 2014 that I unreservedly love — warts and all.
FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 4, 2014
dAnE dEHAAn and dAniEL RAdCLiFFE in Kill Your Darlings, a terrific film on the young Allen Ginsberg and the origin of the Beat Generation writers from a startling new filmmaker, John Krokidas.
It is also, I suspect, the sort of film that is bound to cheese hardcore Beat fanatics, who will argue its accuracy and debate its characterizations of the key players. That’s fine. The film fits the basics of the story it tells, but it tells that story through the filter of the young Allen Ginsberg (Daniel Radcliffe, who leaves Harry Potter far behind). Ginsberg is portrayed as the filmmaker imagines him — and as he’s pieced him together from Ginsberg’s own writings. That’s fair, and it’s a valid approach — assuming you can grasp the fact that this is not meant to be a textbook on these people. In its way, Kill Your Darlings offers a portrait of the young Ginsberg and it suggests (at least part of) the story of how the Beats became the Beats. It isn’t always a particularly flattering suggestion. At its simplest, the film is about how Ginsberg comes to Columbia University as a young man, unsure of himself in most ways, and falls into the company of Lucien Carr (Dane DeHaan). Carr is outrageously selfassured, bold, flattering, flirtatous and charismatic. Ginsberg, who is still figuring out his sexuality, is immediately smitten. But it never becomes a rela-
tionship in the manner than Ginsberg wants. There’s always somebody else — either a fresh person to seduce (if not literally, then effectively) into Carr’s circle, or a semi-cast-off conquest. It is hinted that William S. Burroghs (Ben Foster) is one such past conquest, but the primary one is David Kammerer (Michael C. Hall). Kammerer is hopelessly in love with Carr, but Carr just uses him to write his papers, while he toys with Ginsberg and sets his sights on newer passions like Jack Kerouac (Jack Huston). The emotions at play here are never less than convoluted — and we know from the pre-credit sequence that it will end badly. From what we see of Carr’s seduction of Ginsberg, it’s more a power game than anything — one that promises more than it delivers. In the end, Ginsberg only gets the suggestion of romance and one kiss, and that kiss clearly means different things to each of them. Carr is more interested in collecting these people, and, in so doing, creating what will become the Beat movement that will never actually include him. Apart from his clearly sociopathic tendencies, Carr’s biggest game is finding a group who can pro-
CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) 12 Years a slave (r) 3:15 3 Days to kill (Pg-13) 10:15, 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 About last night (r) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 American hustle (r) 11:30, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 Anchorman 2: The legend Continues (rated r edition) 11:45, 3:00, 6:15, 9:15 gravity 3D (Pg-13) 6:15, 8:30 her (r) 12:00, 6:15, 9:00 in secret (r) 1:30, 6:30 kill Your Darlings (r) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30 The lego Movie 3D (Pg) 9:30 The lego Movie 2D (Pg) 10:15, 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15 The Monuments Men (Pg-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:00 non-stop (Pg-13) 11:15, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Philomena (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45 Pompeii 3D (Pg-13) 10:30, 4:00, 6:45 Pompeii 2D (Pg-13) 1:15, 9:10 ride Along (Pg-13) 11:00, 4:00, 9:00 roboCop (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 son of god (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:45, 6:00, 9:00 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) non-stop (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) omar (nr) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:15 The wind rises (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:30 (Late show in Japanese with English subtitles. All other shows in English) FlATroCk CineMA (697-2463) The Monuments Men (Pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiuM 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)
duce the works he is incapable of, which is what he finds in Ginsberg, Burroughs and Kerouac. And where is Kammerer in all this? Shut out and brushed aside. While nothing is made of this, Kammerer is also the only person involved who isn’t from a somewhat privileged background. The story is strong and the emotions are raw. The filmmaking never lets up, keeping it all moving at a solid pace, while we watch an inevitable tragedy unfold. It’s a love story. It’s a story about the origin of the Beats. And it’s powerful drama. Radcliffe makes a perfect young Ginsberg — moving from innocence to experience to disillusionment. (Whether Harry Potter fans are quite ready to see him kissing Dane DeHaan, masturbating on speed and losing his virginity to a sailor he picks up in a bar — a sailor who reminds him of DeHaan — is another matter.) DeHaan matches him every step of the way, and there is not a false performance in the cast. This is definitely a film to see. Rated R for for sexual content, language, drug use and brief violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.
The Wind Rises HHHHS
diREctoR: Hayao Miyazaki pLaYERs: (Voices) Joseph GordonLevitt, John Krasinski, Emily Blunt, Martin Short, Stanley Tucci animatEd FantasY RatEd pg-13 tHE stoRY: Fantasticated biopic of the man who designed the Japanese fighter plane, the Zero. tHE Lowdown: For his (supposed) final film Hayao Miyazaki has created a long, very romanticized, biographical work. It is a thing of great beauty and delicacy, but the central story may prove troubling to some viewers.
I should note from the onset that I am reviewing The Wind Rises from having seen the film in Japanese with subtitles. How much difference the English-language dub will make to the film, I don’t know. I should also say that this is not a children’s film.
I don’t think there’s anything in it that children shouldn’t see, but it is a long film and is essentially an animated biopic. Apart from the fantasy sequences, it is apt to be of little interest to younger children. Finally, viewers should be fully aware that The Wind Rises is a film about the man who designed the Zero, the Japanese fighter plane that was used against the Allies in WWII. Quite a few people — including some critics — have been upset over this, and even more have been troubled over the fact that the character, Jirô Horikoshi (voiced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the English version), expresses little regret over the use of his creation. (It remains to be seen how the dialogue may have been modified for U.S. consumption.) All that to one side, The Wind Rises is a frequently remarkable film — easily the best animated film of 2013 and fully of deserving its Oscar Nomination. (My guess is the Oscar will go to the less controversial, Frozen.) This is supposedly the last film that Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki will make, and while it will never win the following of his earlier works like My Neighbor Totoro (1988), Spirited Away (2001) or Howl’s Moving Castle (2004), it is, in many ways, Miyazaki’s most ambitious film. It’s not just that the decades-spanning (and rather loose) life story gives the film a complex dramatic arc. More to the point is that Miyazaki has anchored himself to a basically realistic story. He only allows himself the dream sequences, during which Jirô encounters a visionary Italian airplane designer, Caproni (voiced by Stanley Tucci in the English version), to break into the fantasticated world we expect from him. (The sequences reminded me a good bit of the recurring dream in Satoshi Kon’s 2006 film Paprika.) In this regard, Miyazaki has set himself very specific limitations — or has he? It’s easy to oversell the realism aspect of The Wind Rises. Yes, it is nominally realistic, but it’s very much a movie kind of realism. Reality in this case isn’t exactly real. Jirô’s dream of flight — with its often fanciful designs — is only sort of connected to reality. As in most Miyazaki, there’s a kind of simple fascination with the mechanics (in a kind of Rube Goldberg manner) of how things work — almost to the point of abstraction. A great deal of the film is given over to Jirô’s romance with the TB-stricken Nahako (voiced by
Emily Blunt in the English version). If the TB aspect doesn’t clue you in to the fact that this is almost 19thcentury Romanticism, the rest of the epic nature of this doomed love will make it clear. It’s filled with love at first sight, near miss encounters and surprise meetings. And it’s all played out against a background of events — from an earthquake to gathering war clouds — that would make old Hollywood romances proud. If you’ve a romantic bone in your body, it’s irresistible. The more prickly aspects of the film are going to be a deal-breaker for some. That’s inevitable, no matter how much Miyazaki tries to downplay the purpose Jirô’s planes will eventually serve. While the focus is on his dreams of flight, the nature of war planes is there. (And Jirô is clearly aware of this, since one of the concerns is the added weight of the weapons.) The film addresses this, but it isn’t going to be enough for everyone. Whether it will be enough for you is your call, but the film is really about the pursuit of dreams — whether creative or romantic — and that is its bottom line. Rated PG-13 for some disturbing images and smoking. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre.
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Omar HHHHS diREctoR: Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now)
pLaYERs: Adam Bakri, Leem Lubany, Iyad Hoorani, Samer Bisharat, Waleed Zuaiter tHRiLLER dRama RatEd nR tHE stoRY: Three young Palestinian men who fancy themselves as “freedom fighters” manage to kill an Israeli soldier — with disastrous results. tHE Lowdown: Compelling and riveting entertainment that’s as good as any action thriller out there (and better than most) but with dark and deeply disturbing undercurrents.
Another Oscar-nominated film comes to Asheville this Friday with Hany Abu-Assad’s Omar, a striking — and very good — thriller with political underpinnings. (Though Abu-Assad keeps insisting that he isn’t a political
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
contact xpressmovies@aol.com STARTING FRIDAY
filmmaker.) Some of you may know the filmmaker for his (also Oscarnominated) 2005 film Paradise Now. I think it only played a week locally, and I only saw it once, but the experience of the showing I saw is indelible. When the film came to its inevitable but shattering conclusion, no one applauded. No one said a word. In fact, no one moved. We just sat there in silence through the credits, and then quietly filed out of the theater. I think that ending and that experience work against Omar attaining the power of the earlier film for me. Omar goes for a similar ending — sudden, shocking, yet inescapably how it must end. The difference is that here I knew what Abu-Assad was up to well before it happened, which blunted the effect a good bit. It’s still powerful, but not paralyzingly so. If you’ve never seen the earlier film, you may well have a stronger reaction. Omar is not dissimilar to Paradise Now in that both films are about the Palestinian resistance. However, Omar is more audience-friendly in that its main characters are not suicide bombers. They do qualify as terrorists, though, even if they view themselves as freedom fighters. But like the characters in Paradise Now, they’re not especially bright. What possible blow against the Israeli occupation they hope to accomplish by killing one random soldier is never made clear — probably because the characters themselves don’t have a clue. The plan — right down to implicating each of the three so that no one isn’t a participant — is childish in the extreme and underscored by motives that have nothing to do with any kind of “freedom fighting.” The most committed of the three, Tarek (Iyad Hoorani), seems to be the leader just because he enjoys being in charge of his younger friends. On the other hand, both Omar (Adam Bakri) and Amjad (Samer Bisharat) want to impress Tarek so that he’ll be receptive to the idea of them as candidates for marrying his sister, Nadia (Leem Lubany). Not surprisingly, things do not go to plan. Oh, they manage their “assassination,” but it doesn’t take long for Omar to get tagged with the crime, impris-
Kill Your Darlings See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
The Wind Rises See review in “Cranky Hanke.” 58
FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 4, 2014
Non-stop If it seems like it was only last week that we had one of these AARP-actionstar movies, well, that’s because it was. This time it’s “global action star” (that’s what it says) “in a suspense thriller played out at 40,000 feet in the air.” The rest of the studio blurb tells us: “During a transatlantic flight from New York City to London, U.S. Air Marshal Bill Marks (Neeson) receives a series of cryptic text messages demanding that he instruct the government to transfer $150 million into an offshore account. Until he secures the money, a passenger on his flight will be killed every 20 minutes.” Julianne Moore is also in this — presumably not as an action-star-in-the-making.”(PG-13)
Son of God The title, while self-explanatory, sounds like it would involve spandex and comic books. But, no — this “major motion picture event” appears to be your straightforward Bible epic. In fact, it’s so straightforward that it was edited from last year’s TV miniseries, The Bible, which raises the question as to whether it can properly be called a movie at all. (PG-13)
HHHHH = max rating par with the slickest action suspense film, and its twists and turns keep it compelling on a pure entertainment level. If it falls short compared to Paradise Now in terms of audience devastation, it perhaps makes up for it as a brilliantly achieved piece of filmmaking. Not Rated, but contains adult themes and violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre.
Pompeii HH Director: Paul W.S. Anderson (Resident Evil) Players: Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Carrie-Anne Moss, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Kiefer Sutherland, Jared Harris sword-and-sandal nonsense Rated pg-13 The Story: Cheesy melodrama plays out against the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The Lowdown: It’s a dumb disaster picture — with OK CGI disaster effects — made that much worse by lackluster leads and a bad script.
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
oned and tricked into what is accepted as a confession. But the Israeli forces only want this confession as a bargaining chip for Omar to be forced into handing them the others. Faced with life in prison as an alternative, Omar agrees, while hoping to find a way out. What he hasn’t reckoned on is that it has become impossible to know who to trust or, in fact, if anybody can be trusted. The truth is that in this world, no one can be believed. No one’s motives are ever obvious, and promises mean nothing. Its political content has little to do with the film’s success. Instead, it’s the combination of the love story between Omar and Nadia and the thriller approach Abu-Assad takes with the material. The love story is startlingly sweet and straightforward, yet undercut at every turn by the improbability of a happy ending — regardless of how many billboards in the film suggest otherwise. As a thriller, Omar is quite on a
There are many valuable lessons to be learned from Paul W.S. Anderson’s Pompeii, but for me, the biggest was the realization that I can’t watch this kind of ancientworld hooey without wishing I was watching Richard Lester’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966), which is funnier, has songs and is more honest. (The same thing happened when I recently had to slog through the 1963 Cleopatra.) Otherwise, the biggest lesson here is that it is unwise to build your city at the foot of a volcano. This might seem self-evident, but it was not so obvious to the city planners involved here. The message, however, is clear: Don’t do it, unless you want your city turned into fodder for bad disaster movies. Other points of educational value include the fact that ancient Britons spoke like modern Brits, while ancient persons of color tended to speak like Reggae stars. Ancient Romans, on the other hand, spoke like Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art grads, unless they’re played by accent-free CarrieAnne Moss or unable-to-classify Kiefer Sutherland. These things are not taught in schools, so appreciate them. Of course, the whole reason for this movie is to watch a lot of CGI-deathand-destruction as Mount Vesuvius erupts all over the city of Pompeii — a kind of ancient Italian seaside resort. The film presumes you know this is in the offing, but in case you don’t, the poster features a beefy gladiator and his slit-skirted squeeze in what would seem an ill-advised clinch while Pompeii is destroyed. In fact, Mr. Anderson even teases us with a shot of Vesuvius bubbling away in its crater. (Anderson probably thinks this is foreshadowing.) That, unfortunately, doesn’t mean that we don’t have to wade through about an hour of plot, intrigue and romance — punctuated by the volcano’s gastric rumblings — to get to the main event. I would not call it time well spent. All of this, with its improbably pretty — albeit undoubtedly smelly — people, would have been far less tedious if it didn’t take itself seriously. But, oh, does it ever. The film is both a revenge yarn and a romance. The revenge comes in the form of our strapping gladiator hero, Milo (Kit Harrington from TV’s Game of Thrones), who wants to get back at evil Roman Senator Corvus (Sutherland), who ordered Milo’s people slaughtered back in Britain. Milo is being transferred to Pompeii as gladiatorial entertainment when he meets female lead Cassia (Emily Browning,
Community Screenings
‘State of Conflict: North Carolina’ • TH (2/27), 6pm - A documentary by Bill Moyers. Shown in Lord Auditorium at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: patrie.wncpsr@ main.nc.us. Black Mountain College Museum & Arts Screening • TH (3/6), 7:30pm - Merce Cunningham Dance Company: Robert Rauschenberg Collaborations. 56 Broadway St. $8/$5 members & students. Info: blackmountaincollege.org. Brevard Film Society • TH (3/6), 7pm - Anything for Love. In the Dunham Auditorium, Brevard College. $10/$5 students. Info: brevardfilmsociety.com Classic World Cinema Foreign Film Series • FR (2/28), 8pm - Nights of Cabiria. Held at the Courtyard Gallery in Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. Info: ashevillecourtyard.com or 273-3332.
Reclaiming Sacred Ground Series • WE (2/26), 6:30pm- The series discusses Native American self-representation in film. Barking Water. Held at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: 254-4752. Teen Awesome Group Screening • FR (2/28), 3:30pm - America the Beautiful, a documentary about self-image in the United States. Recommended for ages 13+. Held at the Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main Street. Info: 250-6482. The Shambhala Meditation Center 19 Westwood Place. Info: shambhalaashvl@ gmail.com or 490-4587. • 4th FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Dharma Movie Night” will feature a screening and discussion of a Dharma-inspired film. Free to attend with donations accepted. Transition Asheville Screening • TH (2/27), 7pm - The 11th Hour, a documentary about environmental consequences. Held at the First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: transitionasheville.org. UNCA Black History Month Film Series Held in the Highsmith University Center. Free. Info: msp.unca.edu or 232-2417. • TH (2/27), 6:30pm - The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross, episode six.
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
12 Years a Slave HHHHS Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong'o
Biographical Drama The story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery. Powerful, brilliantly — and beautifully — made. It boasts a gallery of fine performances and should finally propel Chiwetel Ejiofor to the stardom he’s deserved for 10 years. It’s a fine film, but maybe not quite a masterpiece. Rated R
3 Days to Kill HH
Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Tomas Lemarquis Espionage Action A CIA agent’s dying wish to reconnect with his estranged family is derailed when he’s offered a miracle cure for his disease, but only if he kills an especially nefarious target. A disjointed, aimless and occasionally ugly action picture with zero spark. Rated PG-13
About Last Night HHHS Michael Ealy, Kevin Hart, Regina Hall, Joy Bryant, Christopher McDonald Romantic Comedy The ups and downs of two disparate couples over the course of a year. A none-too-original romantic comedy that is nevertheless likable, often amusing and refreshingly adult. Rated R
American Hustle HHHHS Sucker Punch). Her carriage has a mishap injuring one of her horses, and Milo wins her heart when he snaps the ailing horse’s neck with one twist of his large and sinewy muscles. This would play better if both Harrington and Browning weren’t so completely lacking in charisma. And it would be easier to take any of it without groaning if the dialogue didn’t include things like, “Why so serious?” and “Kill them! Kill them all!” Oh, there’s more, but who cares? We’re waiting for that lava to flow. And when it does, it’s good enough at doing what it does as it oozes and belches its way to its grim ending. I will note that Ignatiy Vishnevetsky — a critic I admire, even if I have trouble spelling his name — makes a fairly solid case for placing Pompeii within Anderson’s oeuvre. In itself, this suggests that Anderson perhaps deserves the title of auteur. That, however, should serve to remind us that auteur status doesn’t mean that the films are any damned good, merely that they bear a distinct directorial signature. Always remember that Ed Wood was an auteur, too. Rated PG-13 for intense battle sequences, disaster-related action and brief sexual content. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.
Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner Cheerfully Amoral Sometimes FactBased Comedy Drama Vaguely factbased (Abscam) comedy drama about not-very-bright people trying to out-con each other. Funny, cynical and even a little demented, David O. Russell’s latest boasts incredible turns from its high-powered cast, a genuine sense of the late 1970s and a pop soundtrack to die for. Rated R
August: Osage County HHHH Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper, Ewan McGregor, Margo Martindale, Sam Shepard Theatrical Black Comedy Drama An astonishingly dysfunctional family gathers for the funeral of its patriarch. Personalities clash, tempers flare, secrets are revealed. Essentially, this is an overheated melodrama, but it’s enjoyably performed as dark comedy by a high-profile cast. It’s not a great movie, but it’s a lot of twisted fun, great dialogue and scenery chewing. Rated R
Frozen HHHS (Voices) Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Santino Fontana, Alan Tudyk Animated Fantasy A newly crowned queen — with the ability to freeze things — plunges her country into perpetual winter. It’s certainly dazzling to look at, but apart from the presence of two female leads and no real male hero, it’s pretty standard Disney fare, decked out in a largely forgettable, but occasionally irritating, songs. Not a bad movie, but far from a great one. Rated PG
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Gravity HHHHS Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice) Sci-Fi Suspense Two astronauts accidentally set adrift in space must find a way to survive and make it back to earth. Brilliantly made, impeccably acted, visually impressive and undeniably intense in its suspense. Gravity is a fine film, but is maybe too efficient for its own good. Rated PG-13
The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza) HHHHH Toni Servillo, Carlo Verdone, Sabrina Ferilli, Carlo Buccirosso, Iaia Forte Comedy Drama An aging trendsetter, journalist and writer takes a look at his life and the special world he lives in. A great bursting Roman candle (literally) of a film, it’s a grand cinematic whirlwind that’s in touch with the past of Italian film but isn’t embalmed by it. There is nothing like it out there, and it’s truly stunning. Rated R
Her HHHH Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Matt Letscher Futuristic Comedy Drama Mildly futuristic story of a man who falls in love with his sentient computer operating system. It doesn’t all work, and Her is more simplistic than its ambitions to be a profound statement on modern technology would like. But it’s more workable than its premise might sound — and there’s an emotional wallop to it. Rated R
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug HHH Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott, Luke Evans Fantasy Adventure Hobbit Bilbo Baggins and his dwarf companions travel through Middle Earth to breach the lair of a deadly dragon. Yet another overlong Tolkien adaptation, this one suffers from a sense of corner-cutting and a lack emotional center or any real dramatic arc. Rated PG-13
HHHHH = max rating
plot to ruin the American economy. A solid, entertaining movie that does nothing great — making for a nice, if forgettable, spy thriller. Rated PG-13
Kill Your Darlings HHHHS Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, Michael C. Hall, Jack Huston, Ben Foster, David Cross, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Elizabeth Olsen Fact-Based Biographical Drama More or less the story of the young Allen Ginsberg, his first love and the origin of the Beats. It will be too candid for some, and it isn’t entirely without its flaws, but Kill Your Darlings is exciting, emotionally powerful filmmaking that should be seen. Rated R
The Lego Movie HHHS (Voices) Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson Animated Adventure An uninteresting Lego figure — living in a Lego world — is chosen to fulfill a prophecy that will free his people. A fun, often cute (and eventually sappy) movie that’s enjoyable but disposable. Rated PG
Lone Survivor HHS Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Eric Bana War Action Four Navy Seals in the Afghani wilderness are ambushed by Taliban forces. Its inherent nastiness and fits of being little more than an ‘80s action movie throwback keep the film from reaching its lofty intentions. Rated R
The Monuments Men HHH George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, Jean Dujardin, Bob Balaban, Hugh Bonneville Fact-based War Drama with Comedic Touches Fact-based story of the men who rescued stolen art treasures from the Nazis in WWII. Yes, it should have been great and it’s only pretty good, but it’s not the disaster many have painted. It’s solidly made and individual sequences are excellent, even if the whole doesn’t work so well. Rated PG-13
The Nut Job HH (Voices) Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson, Katherine Heigl, Maya Rudolph
In Secret HHHH Elizabeth Olsen, Oscar Isaac, Tom Felton, Jessica Lange, Shirley Henderson, Matt Lucas Drama Émile Zola’s novel, Thérèse Raquin — a tale of repression, lust, murder, guilt and consequences — is brought to the screen. Splendidly acted, scrupulously faithful and beautifully made, but lacking in deep emotional involvement. Rated R
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit HHHS Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Knightley Spy Thriller CIA agent Jack Ryan must travel to Russia in order to foil a
Animated Animal Kiddie Fodder Animated kiddie flick about park animals robbing a nut shop. Bland and boring, but nice to look at and mostly innocuous. Not worth the bother of sitting through, however. Rated PG
Omar HHHHS Adam Bakri, Leem Lubany, Iyad Hoorani, Samer Bisharat, Waleed Zuaiter Thriller Drama Three young Palestinian men who fancy themselves as “freedom fighters” manage to kill an Israeli soldier—with disastrous results. Compelling and riveting entertainment that’s as good as any action thriller out there (and better than most), but with dark and deeply disturbing undercurrents. Rated NR
FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 4, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
3 Days to Kill HH diREctoR: McG (This Means War) pLaYERs: Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Tómas Lemarquis EspionagE action RatEd pg-13 tHE stoRY: A CIA agent’s dying wish to reconnect with his estranged family is derailed when he’s offered a miracle cure for his disease — but only if he kills an especially nefarious target. tHE Lowdown: A disjointed, aimless and occasionally ugly action picture with zero spark.
McG’s 3 Days to Kill is the latest bit of Americanized Euro-action from producer and (in this case) co-writer Luc Besson. Besson’s sole
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
mission seems to be to single-handedly demolish the auteur theory, since each of these movies are the same kind of dumb, ugly, middling action picture as the rest of them. This one falls into the Taken (2008) mold, with a grizzled senior citizen (Kevin Costner, in this case) getting in some car chases, beating up lots of anonymous Europeans, occasionally torturing people and dealing with some hackneyed family issues. Costner plays the role of Ethan, an aging CIA agent who ends up on a botched mission while attempting to capture colorfully named terrorists, The Wolf (Richard Sammel, Inglourious Basterds) and The Albino (Tómas Lemarquis, who actually has alopecia, but this is his second albino role, so who knows?). Ethan soon finds he’s being eaten up by cancer and decides to quit the agency. With only a few months left to live, he heads to Paris to reconnect with his estranged wife (Connie Nielsen, Gladiator) and daughter (Hailee Steinfeld). Complications arise when he’s coerced into returning to duty with promises of a miracle cure for his cancer — contained in a comically oversized syringe. What follows is supposed to be some action-packed thrill ride as Ethan tries to take down The Wolf and The Albino. Some of the action sequences are admittedly clever in bursts, but McG’s real concern is family dynamics, so the gunfights and such just sort of pop up here and there. There’s no real pace or flow to the film — characters come, go and are forgotten, and plot threads are simply left dangling. Meanwhile, the more human aspects of the story never really work. It’s difficult to become invested in the character’s lives, partly because their stories are handled so haphazardly, but also because the film’s emotional center — Ethan — goes around torturing people when he’s not brutalizing them. On top of that, the idea that Costner is supposed to be cool and badass is ludicrous. McG starts off trying to make the whole thing more fun than it is by throwing an Ann Peebles’ song over the opening credits, giving it the feel of a ’70s crime movie or exploitation flick. This tact is quickly abandoned, since this is inherently a not-fun kind of movie. There’s a meanspirited nature underneath its veneer that makes 3 Days to Kill a pretty laborious film to sit through. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
spEciaL scREEnings
The Thief HHH REd scaRE tHRiLLER Rated NR The Thief (1952) is your basic McCarthy-era, Red Scare stuff, with traitor-scientist (Ray Milland) selling our atomic secrets to the enemy. There is, however, a gimmick: It has no dialogue. No, it’s not a silent movie, but nobody ever says anything. Yes, that’s as forced, fake and finally tedious as it sounds, but it does make the film unique, and it keeps it from anticommie speechifying. More a curio than anything, but blessed with a lot of unintended amusement involving spies who would only draw attention to themselves with their shifty antics. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Thief Sunday, March 2, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Nights of Cabiria HHHHS dRama Rated R The last of Fellini’s true neorealist works, Nights of Cabiria
(1957) is also one of his most emotional and emotionally devastating. At the same time, the film is strangely life-affirming, thanks to its indomitable main character, Cabiria. Cabiria (played by Fellini’s wife, Giulietta Masina) is a low-end prostitue who is one part waif and one part Chaplin’s Tramp character. It won Fellini the Best Foreign Language Oscar and was a defining moment for Masina, but for some reason, it’s one of the director’s least-revived works. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Nights of Cabiria Friday, Feb. 28, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com.
Almost Famous HHHHS comEdY-dRama witH music Rated R The Asheville Film Society launches
its monthlong tribute to Philip Seymour Hoffman with Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous (2000), a movie in which Hoffman had a supporting role as the cynical rock critic, Lester Bangs. It wasn’t a big part — he has a handful of scenes throughout the film — but it was a distinctive role that everybody seems to remember, perhaps more than the film itself. The film is Crowe’s semiautobiography — and it presents a clearly heartfelt summation of his feelings on rock music. It may not be quite as good as it seemed in 2000, but it’s still good, and it’s a key film for Hoffman. The Asheville Film Society will screen Almost Famous Tuesday, March 4, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Phantom of the Opera HHHH HoRRoR Rated NR Universal’s big, splashy Technicolor 1943 remake (made on
the same set) of its 1925 hit Phantom of the Opera is often dimissed as “too much opera” and “too little Phantom.” There’s some truth in that, but it’s still a good — and certainly good-looking — thriller with its fair share of jolts. In its own way, this film added to the basics of the narrative by providing the Phantom with a backstory, which has found its way into many subsequent tellings of the tale. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Phantom of the Opera Thursday, Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
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FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
FREEwiLL astRoLogY
by Rob Brezny
aRiEs (maRcH 21-apRiL 19) The battles you've been waging these last 10 months have been worthy of you. They've tested your mettle and grown your courage. But I suspect that your relationship with these battles is due for a shift. In the future they may not serve you as well as they have up until now. At the very least, you will need to alter your strategy and tactics. It's also possible that now is the time to leave them behind entirely — to graduate from them and search for a new cause that will activate the next phase of your evolution as an enlightened warrior. What do you think? tauRus (apRiL 20-maY 20) "Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony," said Lou Reed. That might be an accurate assessment for most people much of the time, but I don't think it will be true for you in the coming days. On the contrary, you will have a special capacity to make contact and establish connection. You've heard of dog whisperers and ghost whisperers? You will be like an allpurpose, jack-of-all-trades whisperer — able to commune and communicate with nervous creatures and alien life forms and pretty much everything else. If anyone can get a pony to understand Sanskrit, it will be you. gEmini (maY 21-junE 20) Does Kim Kardashian tweak and groom her baby daughter's eyebrows? They look pretty amazing, after all — elegant, neat, perfectly shaped. What do you think, Gemini? HA! I was just messing with you. I was checking to see if you're susceptible to getting distracted by meaningless fluff like celebrity kids' grooming habits. The cosmic truth of the matter is that you should be laser-focused on the epic possibilities that your destiny is bringing to your attention. It's time to re-frame your life story. How? Here's my suggestion: See yourself as being on a mythic quest to discover and fully express your soul's code. cancER (junE 21-juLY 22) The 19th-century American folk hero known as Wild Bill Hickok was born James Butler Hickok. At various times in his life he was a scout for the army, a lawman for violent frontier towns, a professional gambler and a performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Women found him charismatic, and he once killed an attacking bear with a knife. He had a brother, Lorenzo, who came to be known as Tame Bill Hickok. In contrast to Wild Bill, Tame Bill was quiet, gentle and cautious. He lived an uneventful life as a wagon master, and children loved him. Right now, Cancerian, I'm meditating on how I'd like to see your inner Wild Bill come out to play for a while, even as your inner Tame Bill takes some time off. LEo (juLY 23-aug. 22) "If I was a love poet," writes Rudy Francisco, 62
FEBRuaRY 26 - maRcH 4, 2014
piscEs (FEB. 19-maRcH 20) Avery, a character in Anne Michaels’ novel The Winter Vault, has a unique way of seeing. When he arrives in a place for the first time, he “makes room for it in his heart.” He “lets himself be altered” by it. At one point in the story, he visits an old Nubian city in Egypt and is overwhelmed by its exotic beauty. Its brightly colored houses are like “shouts of joy,” like “gardens springing up in the sand after a rainfall.” After drinking in the sights, he marvels, “It will take all my life to learn what I have seen today.” Everything I just described is akin to experiences you could have in the coming weeks, Pisces. Can you make room in your heart for the dazzle?
bring a raw, direct, straightforward attitude to everything you do. You shouldn't rely on any buffers, surrogates or intermediaries. Metaphorically speaking, make sure that nothing comes between your bare hands and the pure snow. scoRpio (oct. 23-nov. 21) In his song "4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)," Bruce Springsteen mentions a disappointing development. "That waitress I was seeing lost her desire for me," he sings. "She said she won't set herself on fire for me anymore." I'm assuming nothing like that has happened to you recently, Scorpio. Just the opposite: I bet there are attractive creatures out there who would set themselves on fire for you. If for some reason this isn't true, fix the problem! You have a cosmic mandate to be incomparably irresistible. sagittaRius (nov. 22-dEc. 21)
addressing a lover, "I'd write about how you have the audacity to be beautiful even on days when everything around you is ugly." I suspect you have that kind of audacity right now, Leo. In fact, I bet the ugliness you encounter will actually incite you to amplify the gorgeous charisma you're radiating. The sheer volume of lyrical soulfulness that pours out of you will have so much healing power that you may even make the ugly stuff less ugly. I'm betting that you will lift up everything you touch, nudging it in the direction of grace and elegance and charm.
"Some people say home is where you come from," says a character in Katie Kacvinsky's novel Awaken. "But I think it’s a place you need to find, like it's scattered and you pick pieces of it up along the way." That's an idea I invite you to act on in the coming weeks, Sagittarius. It will be an excellent time to discover more about where you belong and who you belong with. And the best way to do that is to be aggressive as you search far and wide for clues, even in seemingly unlikely places that you might never guess contained scraps of home.
viRgo (aug. 23-sEpt. 22)
capRicoRn (dEc. 22-jan. 19)
"You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take," says hockey great Wayne Gretzky. In other words, you shouldn't be timid about shooting the puck toward the goal. Don't worry about whether you have enough skill or confidence or luck. Just take the damn shot. You'll never score if you don't shoot. Or so the theory goes. But an event in a recent pro hockey game showed there's an exception to the rule. A New York player named Chris Kreider was guiding the puck with his stick as he skated toward the Minnesota team's goalie. But when Kreider cocked and swung his stick, he missed the puck entirely. He whiffed. And yet the puck kept sliding slowly along all by itself. It somehow flummoxed the goalie, sneaking past him right into the net. Goal! New rule: You miss only 99.9 percent of the shots you don't take. I believe you will soon benefit from this loophole, Virgo.
What words bring the most points in the game of Scrabble? Expert Christopher Swenson says that among the top scorers are "piezoelectrical" and "ubiquitarianism" — assuming favorable placements on the board that bring double letter and triple word scores. The first word can potentially net 1,107 points, and the second 1,053. There are metaphorical clues here, Capricorn, for how you might achieve maximum success in the next phase of the game of life. You should be well-informed about the rules, including their unusual corollaries and loopholes. Be ready to call on expert help and specialized knowledge. Assume that your luck will be greatest if you are willing to plan nonstandard gambits and try bold tricks.
LiBRa (sEpt. 23-oct. 22) If you’re the type of person who wears gloves when you throw snowballs, Germans would call you Handschuhschneeballwerfer. They use the same word as slang to mean "coward." I'm hoping that in the coming days you won't display any behavior that would justify you being called Handschuhschneeballwerfer. You need to
aQuaRius (jan. 20-FEB. 18) Sorry to report that you won't win the lottery this week. It's also unlikely that you will score an unrecognized Rembrandt for a few bucks at a thrift store or discover that you’ve inherited a chinchilla farm in Peru or stumble upon a stash of gold coins halfburied in the woods. On the other hand, you may get provocative clues about how you could increase your cash flow. To ensure you will notice those clues when they arrive, drop your expectations about where they might come from.
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leGAl notiCes nortH CArolinA BunComBe CountY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 14 SP 135 IN RE DOE FOR THE ADOPTION OF: BABY BOY DOE notiCe of PenDenCY of ProCeeDinG TO: the unknown father of Baby Boy Doe TAKE NOTICE THAT a Petition for Adoption of a minor male child named BABY BOY DOE born to LAUREN DIANE HARRIS on about the 14th day of February, 2014 in Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, was filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Buncombe County, State of North Carolina on the 19th day of February, 2014. You have been identified as the father of this child, you must file a response to the petition within thirty (30) days after this notice is first served upon you in order to participate in and receive further notice of the proceeding, including notice of the time and place of hearing. THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT WILL ENTER AN ORDER ALLOWING THE ADOPTION TO PROCEED WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT IF THERE IS NO RESPONSE. Any and all rights you may have with respect to the minor will be extinguished and all aspects of any legal relationship between the minor and you as parent will be terminated with the entry of a Decree of Adoption. This the 26th day of February, 2014. /s/ Christopher M. Craig Craig Associates, PC Attorney for Petitioners NC State Bar No. 27770 149 S. Lexington Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Phone (828) 258-2888.
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shots 5 Liberal arts subj. 9 2010 Jennifer Aniston movie 14 Spread unit 15 Keen on 16 Drop off 17 “South Park” boy 18 “Where America’s day begins” 19 “___ pray” 20 & 23 Giant in fairy tales
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1 Arcing
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for musiCiAns
lost Pets
___ Quimby of children’s lit Rock band named for an inventor Do some diner work Tough spot Kicked to the curb Ending with tea or cup
39 40 41
43 47 49
54 56 57 58 59
Story mapped out in this grid, from lower left to upper right Much binary code Flat takers Music genre that influenced No Doubt Top point value of a Scrabble tile Debussy masterpiece Purposely loses View from a highway overlook Publishers of 35-Across, with “the” Hungry as ___ Trial fig. Answer to “That so?” Associate with Like many highlighter colors Where many Sargents hang, with “the”
Answer W O R Dto Previous W O O D Puzzle W O O T
61 62 63
No.0122 Edited by Will Shortz
Do-it-yourself libation Ray of fast-food fame Bad marks for a high schooler?
28 30
52 54
1 Criticize
DOWN severely 2 Pump figure 3 Ranch irons 4 Lacking reason 5 Weather map notations 6 Get used (to) 7 Woodworker’s supply 8 Some cats 9 Actresses Shire and Balsam 10 Letter-shaped girder 11 Emulate Jack Sprat 12 Ungar of poker 13 Broomstick riders 21 Ache for 22 Walk through deep snow, say 25 Company endorsed by Tiger Woods 26 Relative of a lutz 28 Hospital count 31 Most cool, in slang 32 City east of St.-Lô 33 Weigh station wts. 34 Swiss “king of hoteliers” 35 Rio vis-à-vis the 2016 Olympics 36 Egyptian “key of life”
No. 0122
edited by Will Shortz
It has a low percentage of alcohol
N.F.L. career rushing leader ___ Smith
Record again
Like some farm cultivators
One of 11 pharaohs
Provide an address?
Fizzle (out)
“Star Wars” droid
Drink sometimes served in a hollowed-out pineapple
Justin Timberlake’s former group
Hammerin’ ___
In the house
Dribble catcher
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