Mountain Xpress 03.04.15

Page 1


36 Asheville’s hidden gems of authentic Latin food

42 Different Strokes! tackles domestic abuse themes


Building a local economy for everyone

Check out Asheville’s newest big idea:

The Franklin School of Innovation

PREPARING STUDENTS FOR THE FUTURE THEY WILL CREATE! See how students are developing the skills for success they will need in college and beyond: leadership, persistence, empathy, collaboration, inquiry and action. Meet teachers, see student work, listen to music, find out about expeditionary learning and have fun!

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Down to business “A healthier economy would be one where everybody realizes that ‘it is us’ instead of waiting for a big company to come charging in on a white horse to create jobs.” That’s the word from Jane Hatley, who’s organized the March 18 Bringing It Home conference.


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Creations from natureʼs perfect palette

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10 Home economics Conference encourages locally minded proactivity

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John Kelleher 828-777-1967 Steve Haun 828-775-8707 12 RegionaL Roots The heart and reason for Asheville’s buy-local sensibility

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venues with upcoming shows

32 HeaLtH caRe cafe Chris Comeaux offers health care conversations on WZTQ




caRtoon: moLton


caRtoon: bRent bRown



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22 community caLendaR 34 tuRning tobacco to tRuffLes — A tantalizing twist in agritourism

30 asHeviLLe discLaimeR 37 smaLL bites


–w/ Christine Bertelli, 5:30 pm

28 in tHe spiRit 31 news of tHe weiRd

Upcoming Classes 3/15 Bone Broth 101

24 conscious paRty

41 tigeR mountain sHows its stRipes — Venue brings surf and psyche-rock to downtown

38 beeR scout 48 smaRt bets 50 cLubLand

3/19 Herbal Smoking Blends –w/ Lena Eastes, 7:00 pm follow us @mxnews, @mxaRts, @mxeat, @mxHeaLtH, @mxcaLendaR we use these hashtags #avLnews, #avLent, #avLeat, #avLout, #avLbeeR, #avLgov, #avLHeaLtH, #avLwx

3/25 Mushrooms to Watch Out For –w/ Alan Muskat, 6:00 pm


57 movies 42 Home is wHeRe tHe HuRt is — Different Strokes! stages From Ashes to Angel’s Dust

61 cLassifieds 62 fReewiLL astRoLogy 63 ny times cRosswoRd

All classes

will meet at 29 N. Market St.

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Send your letters to the editor to staff

pubLisHeR: Jeff Fobes assistant to tHe pubLisHeR: Susan Hutchinson managing editoR: Margaret Williams a&e editoR/wRiteR: Alli Marshall food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith staff RepoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose movie RevieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRibuting editoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

caRtoon by Randy moLton

Don’t make a NASCAR track out of our back roads Let me tell you about Ducatis in the big city [“Leave Your Big-city Driving Habits at Home,” Feb. 18, Xpress]. The drivers “SMOKE YOU.” On the freeway, they approach you going 120 mph. Before you even see where they are, you hear them, then they are on your “tail,” then they pass left or right, it doesn’t matter to them, even squeezing between two cars on the yellow line. Then they cut in front of you and do a wheelie, oh, and in [some states], helmets are not required. On “your” back roads I see more crosses with flowers on the side of the road from speeding than I do in the city. There is no looking “for the beauty, for the slowed-down pace, (“I love speed”), blah, blah, blah.” Your aggressive driving habits may not exist in the city, but they certainly do on the back roads, where I continually get tailgated, passed on curves and face oncoming traffic “cutting” the curves. So, why don’t you let us appreciate the mountain views, the shadows and clouds creating breathtaking, often changing landscapes, the trees and flowers and a breath of fresh air by not making a NASCAR racetrack out of OUR back roads.

And finally, your knowing that “we” are speeding “because for fun I’ve sped up to see the speed you are doing” is illegal on your part because now you are speeding as well, and your AGGRESSION in doing that sounds like ROAD RAGE to me. So, ask yourself this: Have you put serious thought into how you will feel … if you kill someone because you’re so busy tracking how fast I am going and not paying attention to your own driving? By the way, “I’m not ancient yet!” No, “you’re just immature!” — Aila Sundelin Hartford, Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Tampa, Balsam Gap, Canton, Leicester and Asheville

Publix should support Fair Food Program I first discovered Publix grocery stores while visiting Florida for Thanksgiving with my family. I always found the customer service to be outstanding, and the variety and cost of food quite good. Imagine my dismay when my sister (who has a background training day care providers working with migrant farm workers) told me over Thanksgiving break that Publix refuses to pay an extra penny per pound to provide a bonus for Florida migrant farm workers.

ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther adveRtising, aRt & design manageR: Susan Hutchinson gRapHic designeRs: Lori Deaton, Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille

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onLine saLes manageR: Jordan Foltz maRKeting associates: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner infoRmation tecHnoLogies: Stefan Colosimo web: Kyle Kirkpatrick office manageR & booKKeepeR: Patty Levesque


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assistant office manageR: Lisa Watters distRibution manageR: Jeff Tallman assistant distRibution manageR: Denise Montgomery distRibution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young




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Mountain Xpress


We want to hear from you

2015 edition Standalone Guide

Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to



In speaking with the [Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce], I am aware that Publix was given incentives to come to our town. The chamber representative I spoke with was unaware of Publix’s resistance to the “Fair Food Program.” As a current chamber member, I know the chamber typically does a good job of attracting businesses with values that are compatible with community members. Is it too late to hold Publix accountable? I would encourage community members to boycott Publix until such time as they join other grocery chains in supporting the “Fair Food Program” as Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and most recently, Fresh Market, have done. To see the full list of restaurants and grocery chains and learn more, you may go to — Ian Rudick Asheville

Publix responds

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We have always believed our food should be brought to market in a fair and sustainable way, and that farmworkers should receive fair wages and be treated with dignity and respect. The CIW’s Fair Food campaign makes it sound like Publix is unwilling to pay a penny more per pound of tomatoes, which is not true. We have publicly and repeatedly offered to pay the extra penny per pound and more. To give workers better wages, we will gladly pay more for tomatoes if our suppliers will put that penny in the price they charge to us. However, it is not appropriate for Publix to pay another company’s workers directly. At its core, this is a labor dispute. It is the Department of Labor’s role to enforce the laws that protect workers’ rights. If your readers would like to learn more about this they can go to newsroom/put-it-in-the -price.

Send your letters to the editor to

They can also learn more about our commitment to sustainability at — Kim Reynolds Media &Community Relations Manager Publix Super Markets Charlotte

You can enjoy Appalachian Trail a bit at a time Thank you for your great article about Gary Sizer’s thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail, or AT for short [Tales From the Trail, Feb. 18, Xpress]. I’d like to add a few points: Not all 2,000-milers are thru-hikers. If your life doesn’t allow you to spend five to six months hiking the trail, you can become a “2,000-miler” by hiking the AT in sections. My wife and I did this over the course of 24 years and had a different, but equally enriching, experience as thru-hikers. The AT is not just for through- and other long-distance hikers. An estimated 2 million people visit the AT each year. It’s also there for day hikes, short backpacks and longer stretches. Your article contained a link to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s website on volunteering, but you can also volunteer locally. The Carolina

caRtoon by bRent bRown

Mountain Club is the Asheville area’s AT-maintaining club. We are responsible for 93 miles of the AT — and for over 300 miles of other trails in our area. We also lead 200 hikes per year. Everyone is welcome to participate in our activities. For more information, see our website ( Hope to see you on the trail. — Lenny Bernstein President, 2014-2015 Carolina Mountain Club, Asheville

‘Stone medicine’ in recent article isn’t backed up with science I realize that the Mountain Xpress has a mission to publish “alternative” information which is often excluded from more mainstream media outlets. Yet the article in the latest issue on stone healing [“Stone Medicine: Healing Power From the Earth,” Feb. 18, Xpress] is so over the top in its claims of healing efficacy that I had to write a letter to debunk this clap-trap. ... The claims made by the “stone healer” in the article have no empirical evidence to back them up. I could make the same “healing” claims about plac-

ing Twinkies on the body and have just as much credibility as she does. As Carl Sagan said, “Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence” (see Making claims that science doesn’t understand the power of crystals, elixirs, supplements, etc., is a way to avoid critical thinking about such practices. And scientific inquiry and critical thinking is the last thing that most of these shamans and “healers” want. Does this “healer” actually believe there is some therapeutic effect on the body from “energy” coming from stones? Granted, there are some folks (20 percent on average) who report feeling better after “alternative” treatments. This is the same success rate that placebos (fake medicine or fake treatments) have. ... Practices like stone healing should be seen for what they are: ancient practices of magic that have long been dismissed as having any therapeutic value. What’s the harm in playing along with this mumbo-jumbo? Many people die prematurely when “Western” medicine is replaced by alternative therapies. ... I suspect there are many people who come to

Asheville for alternative therapies to cure illnesses that would be best served by proven therapies (with the clinical data to back up the claims). Practices like stone healing, crystal healing, etc., also cast a bad name on proven supplemental therapies like massage, yoga, a more veggie-based diet and other practices that have shown some efficacy. When seeking answers to medical problems, one should keep in mind that “alternative” medicine that works is called medicine. — Jim Wilmot Asheville Editors’ response: Because Asheville has such a varied mix of healing modalities, Mountain Xpress attempts to be balanced in covering both mainstream and alternative therapies. As journalists, our job is to inform readers about what healing modalities are being practiced locally, not to evaluate them. Since we are not scientists, we are not in a position to judge the scientific merit of healing modalities. In the cases you mention, people did not choose alternative therapies; they chose not to avail themselves of traditional medical treatments because of their personal beliefs. We let readers know what’s going on in the wellness community as a whole and let them make their own decisions about treatment.

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by Abigail Hickman

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For quite some time, Ashevilleans have been operating under the assumption that we know ourselves, but Craigslist reminded me that we are a community of collaborators. At a cursory glance, Asheville and her people appear to be easy to define. We are the Beer City USA, after all, and that says a little something about us both as creators and consumers. And what about our street entertainers or the drum circles? Vance Monument is a swirl of emotion with protesters and placards and bullhorns. Geographically, we are mountain folk, donning hiking boots under our organic cotton skirts. Commercially, we love specialty shops, and if Lexington Avenue is any kind of microcosm of our big picture, we are a people who wear vintage clothes, drink in cozy pubs and consume as many books as we do baguettes. We are dog people, festival lovers and live music junkies. But are these descriptors just low-hanging fruit? They may explain to the world at large what we do, but do they truly express who we are? This all became very clear to me during a recent Craigslist search. It was innocent enough, I was looking for a reasonably priced love seat when the frugal fanatic in me noticed a section called “free.” It was an unassuming label, not even capitalized to give it some authority. I clicked through and discovered a whole different side of Asheville, not so much the underbelly, but certainly a more vulnerable and intimate look at who we are as a community. I was first struck by the multiple “curb alert” postings. Apparently, Asheville is populated by numerous well-meaning Gladys Cravits peppered throughout our neighborhoods as far-reaching as West Asheville, to Woodfin, all the way down to Fletcher. These notices are posted to make neighbors aware of free treasures available somewhere on their street. Some

of the postings even offer a few details of what to expect: “Free couch with red cover. Legs scratched by cat” or “twin bed frame, 3 pumpkins and 20 or so empty wine bottles.”

We not only collectively make local beer, but we also create a community table to drink around.

These postings read like a glimpse into a private journal. I wondered how long it took to accumulate the 20 or so empty wine bottles. Was it one big event or did it take several weeks? What role did the pumpkins play? Scattered among the curb alerts are postings most Ashevilleans would expect to find: free roosters, document tubes, loads of sofas and, curiously, a three-legged table complete with picture. We seem to be a generous people, ecologically aware and, based on the three-legged table entry, optimistic. It seems that the owner was never able to figure out how to attach that essential fourth leg but counted on a handy neighbor to possess the supplies and skills to get the job done. So we are a community of collaborators. We not only collectively make local beer, but we also create a community table to drink around. “I have three legs, bring a fourth” type of thing. By far the most revealing entry was the humble offering of a homemade batch of bacteria fermented into a tea called kombucha. Some kind soul brewed it and was willing to give away the “SCOBY and 2 cups of kombucha” as a starter batch for any interested neighbor. SCOBY is an acronym for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast, I learned. The bacteria culture,

should you choose not to drink it, can also be used to create artificial leather. An unexpected ancillary benefit, I suppose. The Craigslist kombucha enthusiast did not limit her posting to the concoction itself but also offered to teach the recipient how to continue the process. And this is the essence of Asheville. We are a people of ingenuity with an endless capacity to repurpose, collaborate and contribute to one another’s wellbeing, even to a microscopic level. We are so much more than a city of people who scorn razors and play in bands and cluster around coffee shops and chocolate lounges with our tattoos and dogs. We are people who care for each other. We give according to our ability and take according to our need. We are a full-service community as generous as we are diverse. We give away everything from a warm bed to a warm batch of bacterial tea to drink in it. I challenge any city in the world to match our sui generis way of living and loving. X

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



Down to business Conference focuses on local economy All are invited to attend a new conference in Asheville — Bringing It Home: Building a Local Economy for Everyone. Mountain Xpress’ in-depth preview includes a profile of conference organizer Jane Hatley, a pre-analysis of the topics on the table, a summary of the speakers and their perspectives, and an examination of the regional food movement’s influence on the buy-local bonanza.

wHat Bringing It Home: Building a Local Economy for Everyone conference wHeRe The Haynes Center at A-B Tech’s Enka campus wHen Wednesday, March 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ticKets $30 for general admission and $25 for students. moRe info & ReseRvations:

Home economics ‘it is us’

Conference encourages locally minded proactivity

by Kat mcReynoLds

There will be no sprawling gross domestic product formulas, no talk of equilibrium pricing and absolutely no supplyand-demand curve sketches at the inaugural Bringing It Home economic conference. Instead, the interactive forum will explore cutting-edge opportunities for strengthening Western North Carolina’s economy, making the oft-daunting topic of collective prosperity intelligible, applicable and, dare we say it, enjoyable for presenters and attendees alike.


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“I’d just like us to take a different look at the economy,” says jane Hatley, event organizer and Self-Help Credit Union’s regional director for WNC. “People tend to think of the economy as something separate from them and not see their own role in it. ... A healthier economy would be one where everybody realizes that ‘it is us’ instead of waiting for a big company to come charging in on a white horse to create jobs.” Expect Hatley’s “it is us” mantra to echo within the Haynes Center at A-B Tech’s Enka campus on event day, because, she says, fostering a self-starting mentality is paramount to the conference’s success and Asheville’s future. And keep in mind that the “us” includes individuals from all backgrounds and financial statuses. “It’s not just the 1 percent — it’s everyone,” Hatley says. “If we don’t all work together to raise up everybody, then we’re not a healthy economy. Our economy includes low-income, minorities and the people who are suffering, who are

homeless. A better economy has to come by looking at everything.” tHe otHeR L woRd Hatley says the tourist-driven nature of WNC’s economy makes independent businesses integral to collective success, particularly when it comes to quality job creation. “For the most part, small businesses are the ones keeping the economy afloat,” she says of the Asheville landscape. “We want to stress the importance of local — investing local, buying local, making choices in how you do your consumer spending so that you help your local economy.” In the absence of conscientious, directed spending, Hatley fears the cost of living in Asheville could spiral upward into a realm that’s only feasible for vacationers and high-income individuals. And while there’s nothing wrong with brunching among Floridians, the concerned mother hopes future generations of locals will be able to afford the city’s amenities too. At the very least, she hopes for their greater financial stability in the near future. “There’s something wrong with the lack of jobs for young people,” Hatley says. “Asheville should not be a place that wealthy people can come and retire to, or wealthy tourists can come and enjoy, while we still have people here who are struggling to live.”

Luckily, Ashevilleans have ample opportunity to support the companies that help prevent such outcomes, according to Hatley. “There are major things that individual citizens can do,” she says. “They can shop locally. If they have a small business, they can source locally, and they can work with a local distributor so that they’re helping their neighbors. They can also choose to put their money in a local investment vehicle so that they know the money is going back into the community.” speaK up Conference keynote speaker Ed Whitfield is a firebrand, Hatley says: “He’s just great at throwing you off and challenging assumptions about the economy.” And Whitfield drives home the issue of diversity and calls for grassroots approaches. “He’ll be great,” she says. Whitfield, co-founder and co-managing director of the Greensboro-based Fund for Democratic Communities, spoke about alternatives to the trickledown approach to economic growth at the New Economy Coalition conference in Boston last year and blew Hatley away, she says. “When the market fails, why should local agencies guarantee the profitability of an enterprise to an individual, through subsi-

dies, in hopes that a social benefit trickles down?” asks Whitfield in a teaser for his speech. “Why not subsidize a community group directly to build sustainable cooperative entities that directly meet their needs?” Although Hatley has sworn him to secrecy on details, Whitfield has revealed that the presentation will explore the aforementioned issues “with both clarity and humor.” “I don’t want to give it away, because it’s really good,” he adds.

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(828) 407-4263

maKing a day of it Hatley, who has attended summits about new economic models across the nation, hopes to utilize the insights she’s garnered to show how infrastructure and development projects elsewhere could be applied to a host of different industries locally. “It’s connecting dots,” she says, adding that the launch of minorityowned companies in a poor area of Cleveland by the city’s Evergreen Cooperative offered her a particularly poignant lesson. “What inspired me about their story was that the anchor institutions in town came together to create living-wage jobs in lowincome neighborhoods by helping to create worker-owned coops that then supplied the [city’s] anchor institutions. So, they set up local supply chains while also building ownership and wealth for low-income folks, and they did it in a green way.” To prevent the day from becoming a series of soapbox sessions, Hatley’s team has arranged a smorgasbord of speakers, breakfast and lunch breaks (with cupcakes donated by Short Street Cakes), a business simulation involving audience participation and a ball of yarn, plenty of raffle prizes and an evening networking reception with various local business-service and investment entities and — you guessed it — local beer, donated by Catawba Brewing Co. and Southern Appalachian Brewery. It’s clear that Hatley intends the conference to lay a groundwork for economic progress between sips and giggles. “We’re talking about our own lives here,” she says. “We’re talking about the lives that we hope to build for our children. I hope some light bulbs go off.” X

Photo by Carrie Eidson

Jane Hatley seeks to light entrepreneurial fires with new conference

jane Hatley‘s downtown Asheville office is more than a venue for phone calls, emails and meetings. Her view from Self-Help Credit Union’s seventh-floor perch overlooking Wall Street allows the financial activist to cast a watchful eye over the community she’s working to strengthen. As Self-Help’s regional director for Western North Carolina, Hatley embodies the credit union’s dedication to empowering the underserved, and as a 13-year veteran of the organization, she understands the challenge of helping local populations build wealth despite traditional systems that are often less than inclusive. Hatley’s formal education — including an MBA in finance and marketing from Vanderbilt University and a master’s in English from UNC Chapel Hill — has helped equip her for the challenge of articulating nuances

of the local economy’s innermost cogs. Plus, her entrepreneurial background and history of service to arts-oriented groups like the Tennessee Dance Theatre and the Nature Conservancy give her an astute perspective on the delicate waltz between passion and profit. But it’s the self-described entrepreneur-at-heart’s empathy that fuels her commitment to action and tangible results. Hatley takes pride, for example, in Self-Help’s work in North Carolina eradicating predatory lending practices like payday loans (a project of the Center for Responsible Lending) and the fact that Self-Help has facilitated more than $54 million in loans to small and large businesses in the region since 2001. In general, she describes her career path as “making finance connect to your heart.” This year, Hatley’s intersecting passions, which hinge on promoting local-mindedness and “the idea that all of us together form this economy,” led her to organize the Bringing It Home economic conference. “We don’t have to be limited to the way we see our economy,” she says. WNC can “build our local economy and make it fun.” — Kat McReynolds X

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



by Pat Barcas

Regional roots faRmeR poweR: “Per capita, Western North Carolina consumers buy nearly three times as many goods directly from farmers than do the rest of North Carolinians,” says Charlie Jackson, executive director for the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Photo by Amy Sims

The heart and reason for Asheville’s buy-local sensibility


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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

When wandering downtown Asheville’s shops and restaurants, potential customers often see prominently displayed signs proclaiming wares and food to be of local origin. The city’s local push has transformed from mere trend to full-fledged movement, a move that now seems natural, but how did local businesses get whipped into such a unified front? “In the last few years, it’s exploded,” Howard nemon, director of the Center for Local Economies, a small advocacy and research group, says of the buy-local boom. Nemon, who moved to Asheville in 2007, started the center three years ago, holding conferences and talks on the motivation behind keeping money circulating within the area. “We provide an understanding about what it means to buy local, and we also advocate for local production and how to become more selfreliant,” says Nemon. The group’s message has hit home, he says: “People have really taken notice and seen the benefits of spending their money locally.” pLanting tHe seed Looking back, he says, one of the earliest players in the go-local

movement was the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project, which started its local food campaign in 2000. (ASAP is the source of the local food bumper stickers that are ubiquitous around Asheville.) This is the earliest such local food campaign in the country, according to charlie jackson, director of ASAP. “Our region is out ahead of a lot of other places in the country in terms of buying local food,” says Jackson. “When you leave this region, it’s a lot harder to find things made local. Per capita, Western North Carolina consumers buy nearly three times as many goods directly from farmers than do the rest of North Carolinians.” Jackson said the history of his organization’s local food push is rooted in the eclipse of the tobacco industry, namely the federal government’s 2004 tobacco buyout. The government ended its support program for tobacco farmers, effectively ending large-scale tobacco production in North Carolina. With the end looming for tobacco, ASAP started to think about how the region’s small, geographically fragmented farms could stay afloat by shifting production to other crops. The local food movement was born out of this quest for survival. “We wanted to keep these farms in operation and needed a homegrown strategy,” says Jackson. “We connected them to the community, with people who consume food. Since these farms are small due to the mountains intersecting the land, it was much easier to shift

Vintage French Wine Dinner IV



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If shoppers don’t know about Asheville’s Go Local Card, they should. The card is linked with 400 businesses

in Asheville and those presenting earn net discounts and special offers. onehalf of the proceeds from buying the $16 card, which is issued annually, go toward Asheville City Schools. franzi charen, who helped start the Asheville Grown Business Alliance, says the genesis of the Go Local card traces to when school representatives asked her organization to come up with a replacement for the then-current fast-food companybased fundraisers city schools were using. They wanted something more wholesome and something that would benefit local businesses instead of funneling money to a large corporation. The Go Local Card was born in 2012. “Pushing fast food in schools and having the money benefiting a chain didn’t make sense,” says Charen. “We wanted the money to stay local, and this was a grassroots way to do it.” Charen says since her organization really started the local push in

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diveRting money fRom fast food to LocaL business

taKing note: “People have really taken notice and seen the benefits of spending their money locally.”

December 2009 with the Go Local posters, stickers and T-shirts, and since then, thousands have been printed and distributed. “We’re getting the message out, how important it is to support the local economy. When you purchase from an independent shop instead of a chain, the money put back into the local economy is tripled,” she says. “Local shops use local services, accounting, marketing, and they hire locally. This all contributes to a stronger local community.” She emphasizes that a key component of any small city, but especially Asheville, is the unique character of its shops and restaurants. Chains have the money to either come in while a place is booming and pack up when it’s not, leaving a vacancy, or planting a big store here — while it doesn’t make a profit, its presence in a hip place like Asheville helps make the chain “cool.” None of this benefits Asheville in the long run, says Charen. “The local movement preserves the unique character of Asheville,” she says.


production into other things and [encourage] selling them locally.” ASAP has helped grow the local food movement into a regional powerhouse by connecting area chefs and food-service buyers with the farmers who can meet their needs, by certifying products as locally grown and raised in the southern Appalachians, by organizing the Asheville City Market and coordinating the Mountain Tailgate Market Association and by publishing ASAP’s Local Food Guide. According to Jackson, people in the region embrace buying local food because they can easily make the connection between what they eat and the landscape around them. According to the 2012 USDA Census of Agriculture, which was released in May 2014 and shows the most recent figures available, the region has reversed a trend in loss of farm acres, adding more than 10,000 acres between 2007 and 2012, while the rest of the state and most of the country lost farmland. ASAP’s data indicates consumers statewide spent more than $170 million on local farm products in 2013, a 42 percent increase from the previous year. “Not only are we seeing these large increases in direct sales, we are seeing more and more restaurants, grocery stores and even universities, hospitals and public schools embrace local food,” says Jackson. “It’s remarkable across the board and truly astounding. I don’t think anyone could have predicted the growth seen.”







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co-ops and capitaL Going forward, Nemon says, cooperatives will be part of the future for Asheville’s economy, and a key strategy to anchor jobs and money in the city is to localize production and supply. “The wages are low in Asheville,” he says. “To increase them, you’re not going to get that from businesses who aren’t interested in paying their employees. The conventional way is to bring in business from outside, but we’d like to emphasize the benefits of developing our own businesses here.” Local government could do more to help out, such as putting more support behind co-ops, says Nemon.

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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

“Cooperatives build local ownership, and that’s what we need here to create good-paying jobs,” he says. “The city government could play a larger role. A lot of times, they say, ‘We could put a hotel here, a parking lot there.’ Let’s convene the players to organize more co-ops.” Convening local players is what the Venture Local conferences, put on by AdvantageWest in 2011 and 2012, aimed to do. The gatherings applauded recent progress, unveiled new projects and helped local entrepreneurs learn successful business strategies and how to connect with investors. All of that paved the way for this year’s March 18 Bringing It Home conference, which will bring new players to the table. Accelerating Appalachia, a selfdescribed “nature-based business incubator,” will be one source of capital at the conference. This Asheville-based nonprofit, which will provide one-on-one meetings with parties of interest, has become an important source of financing for local businesses, orchestrating the transfer of a half-million dollars in investment funds to sustainable, nature-based ventures in WNC last year. The organization strongly favors local applicants and hopes to match even more local businesses to investors in 2015, advancing such enterprises as sustainable food, farming, clean energy, forests, textiles, green building, craft brewing and distilling, and integrative medicine. Blue Ridge Naturally, a collaborative venture among several area development organizations, seeks to raise awareness of quality natural products such as personaland pet-care items, cleaners, food and beverages in the Blue Ridge Mountains region. Its stamp of approval on products means ingredients have been reviewed, are

go indie: “We wanted the money to stay local, and this was a grassroots way to do it,” says Franzi Charen of the Asheville Grown Alliance and its Go Local program. Photo by Carrie Eidson

traceable, are safely made or grown and, if necessary, tested. BRN will serve as one of the technical service providers at the conference. Small businesses looking for coaching or funding can turn to Mountain BizWorks, which has operated in the region for 25 years. Its mission is to generate jobs and ensure economic resiliency in WNC, by providing loans and peer-to-peer business coaching to businesspeople who may find it difficult to secure funding from banks and other traditional sources. At the conference, meetings will be also available with these potential funders and technical service providers: sources of capital: Accelerating Appalachia, Asheville Angel Investors, Community Sourced Capital, Green Opportunities Fund, HomeTrust Bank, Mountain BizWorks, Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, Natural Capital Investment Fund, Scale Up WNC, Self-Help Credit Union, Sequoyah Fund, Slow Money and The Support Center. technical service providers: A-B Tech Small Business Center and Incubator, Asheville Grown Business Alliance, Blue Ridge Naturally, Blue Ridge Food Ventures, Family Business Forum, Lenoir Rhyne MBA Program, WNC MedWeek Committee, NC Economic Partners, NC Natural Products Association, OnTrack Financial Services, the Small Business Administration, Small Business and Technology Center, SCORE, Spark Tank and the city of Asheville’s Office of Economic Development. X


by Michael McDonald

Localism, diversity and innovation Key themes driving the discussion of Asheville’s economy

by micHaeL mcdonaLd

Three overriding themes bolster the Bringing It Home conference: • Building a strong local economy from the ground up. • Seeing a strong local economy as an ecosystem that includes all income levels, races and creeds. • Embracing both existing traditional structures as well as new innovative models as keys to the new economy — with examples found in both our region and other areas across the country. Mountain Xpress sat down with jane Hatley, western regional director of Self-Help Credit Union, to learn more about these themes. Keeping it LocaL According to Hatley, Asheville’s local economy stands out as a positive, entrepreneurial role model for economic development. For example, one conference sponsor, franzi charen, founder and director of the Asheville Grown Business Alliance, has made good progress in helping build local commerce. The alliance is “a powerhouse that has been making people aware of how important it is to shop locally,” Hatley adds. “Where you buy your food or clothes,” she says, “either helps your neighbor or doesn’t.” Another group moving the needle is the Asheville-based Center for Local Economies, which not only promotes but helps replicate successful local economies. One of the center’s main roles, Hatley says, is holding public forums and discussions, such as its series on Co-Creating the New Economy. And don’t forget the work of Asheville Green Drinks, says Hatley, which encourages “people to look at the environment, but at the same time [understand how] the local economy relates to that.”

aLL togetHeR: Building a better local and regional economy means being all-inclusive and grassroots. (Pictured: Stephanie SwepsonTwitty, CEO of Eagle Market Streets Development and Block-by-Block Industries, a custom sewing operation in Asheville.) Photo by Carrie Eidson

Other standout Asheville groups playing critical roles, notes Hatley, are Mountain BizWorks, a federally designated community-development financial institution, and Just Economics, which promotes livingwage jobs. “Not everybody wants to work in fields like service, tourism and hospitality,” she says. “So we have a long way to go. We need to support our small businesses more because they are the true job creators around here, and people still need to make that connection.”

Self-Help Credit Union has always held to be our guiding principles: inclusiveness, collaboration, fairness and social justice. We want this conference to build trust across the divides. Without trust, community action is impossible.”

With respect to inclusivity, Hatley believes Asheville “has done some things really well. … And while we’ve done some things badly in the past, there are good people and wonderful organizations that are working to fix that.” For example, Eagle-Market Street Development and Blockby-Block Industries are trying to revitalize The Block, a historic center of African-American businesses downtown. “Unfortunately, we don’t have as many minority-owned businesses [involved] in the economic discussion,” says Hatley, who emphasizes that a strong local economy “is not just a ‘white person’s discussion.’ Until we see that we are all in this together, those barriers will keep good things from happening. The conference won’t solve these problems, but it will shed some light. If we get a few light bulbs that go off in


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an incLusive economy There are many kinds of economic development. Some leave a community richer in one way, but worse off in others, says Hatley, such as big industrial operations that strip natural resources but create jobs. Other kinds enrich the community and make it a good place for everyone who lives there. “If the conversation, from the beginning, does not include an awareness of the need to include all parts of society, then you invariably end up with an economic model that serves one part better than others,” Hatley says. “We hope, with this conference, to promote the values that

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maKing connections: Bringing it Home conference speaker Cathy Cleary, co-founder of the nonprofit FEAST — which promotes healthy eating through hands-on classes — will talk about creating a self-sustaining local food chain. Above, FEAST participants Freya Weyman and Yayoi Dobashi have fun with kale. Courtesy of FEAST.

people’s heads, that’s great. I think what happens after the conference is just as important.” Lessons LeaRned and innovations Good economic development projects allow for implementation of small, innovative experiments that individual entrepreneurs often shy away from due to the inherent risks, Hatley notes. They can stimulate economic innovation locally, regionally and nationwide. “There’s a lot of creative energy bubbling up to live better than we have, and now it’s bubbling up in the financial industry,” Hatley observes. She’s encouraged by Boston’s New Economy Coalition, a group of organizations that experiments with new economic approaches, seeking insight from projects around the globe that prioritize community wellbeing as much as economic growth. This approach to creative economic development isn’t just for big cities: According to Hatley, NEC’s designs are relevant to the Asheville economy, as well. “I see us at a kind of crossroads where we could go either way, and I think it is important for us to ask ‘new economy’ type questions when we think about our future planning,” she says. “Asheville has experienced an annual 4.5 percent growth in population since 2000,


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and it shows no sign of slowing down. How can this new wave of urban revitalization not destroy the existing communities here now?” To cite other examples closer to home, the Fund for Democratic Communities in Greensboro empowers its clients by showing them the their connection to the local economy. And Opportunity Threads in Morganton is a Latino worker-owned facility that has found a niche market offering custom sewing services. The value of these organizations is that they show people what they can do locally, Hatley stresses. “You can shop local, source local for restaurants, use local farmers for food. I get excited about people who say, ‘I can do these things in my community.’” wHeRe do we go fRom HeRe? “In the field of economic development, we have not been very good at listening,” Hatley says. “We’ve been very good at telling, and I think the work that needs to be done is to listen to and learn from one another and make sure we are all sitting at the table together.” That’s good news for conference goers, who will find both opportunities to be heard as well as to listen and ponder local approaches that have worked. “It’s important to bring attention to the kinds of things that are already being done here locally by our anchor institutions,” Hatley says. “For example, UNC Asheville uses The Hop to supply ice cream for events, and they have a branch of Rosetta’s Kitchen on campus.” Other large local institutions could follow suit, Hatley adds, and “could have a huge impact if they took a look at where they source things and go local when they can,” she says. “In a lot of cases, it is simply making the connection and asking, ‘If not me, who? If not now, when?” X


by Tracy Rose

A wealth of resources and edward timberlake jr., senior loan underwriter for The Support Center.

Speakers share efforts to strengthen local economy, offer insider tips

The Bringing It Home conference promises an engaging, diverse lineup of topics and speakers, all built around the theme of “building a local economy for everyone.” Here’s a look at the main conference sessions and speakers, as provided by the Self-Help Credit Union, which is hosting the conference. • The Road Home: Magnificent failures and glorious successes — Panelists will share what they learned from their biggest mistakes, along with thoughts on what’s needed in the community and advice for other entrepreneurs. Moderated by patrick fitzsimmons, executive director of Mountain BizWorks, panelists are: Hendersonville resident Kudzai mabunda, a native of Zimbabwe who now owns Kay Family Care Home and two other home-care businesses; arturo osornio, who owns WNC construction company AB Builders, employing 15-25 people; and jodi Rhoden, owner of Short Street Cakes bakery in West Asheville and a business coach with Mountain BizWorks. • Home Cooking: Creating a SelfSustaining Local Food Chain — Moderator tim will, a partner in the Catalpa Institute, recently won a Purpose Prize for his work in creating software to link farmers with restaurants. Panelists, who will describe their own efforts to create a self-sustaining local food chain, include: Rosetta star, founder of Rosetta’s Kitchen and its satellite businesses; cathy cleary, coowner of West End Bakery and founder of FEAST, a nonprofit that promotes healthy eating through hands-on classes; olufemi Lewis, worker/owner and a founding member of Ujamaa Freedom Market, which sells fresh local food in low-income areas in Asheville; molly nicholie, local food cam-

Let’s taLK: The Bringing It Home conference features such speakers and presenters as Carol Peppe Hewitt, Ed Whitfield, Joe Riemann and Molly Hemstreet (left to right).

paign director for the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project; carol peppe Hewitt, director of Slow Money NC, a statewide network of lenders; and chris Reedy, executive director of Blue Ridge Food Ventures. • Home Building: Creating a Self-Sustaining New/Renewed Industry Segment: Fiberworks and textiles — Kimberly Hunter, president of Prolific Consulting and a Self-Help advisory board member, will moderate. Panelists, who will describe their roles in creating a self-sustaining fiberworks and textile industry include: molly Hemstreet, founder of Opportunity Threads, a worker-owned cut-andsew facility, and co-founder of the Carolina Textile District, a strategic value chain supporting the resurgence of textiles across the Carolinas; julie jensen, owner/ founder of Echoview Fiber Mill in Weaverville; judi jetson, a founder, chairwoman and executive director of Local Cloth, which aims to grow the fiber economy within 100 miles of Asheville; and stephanie swepson-twitty, CEO of Eagle Market Streets Development and Block-by-Block Industries, a custom sewing operation in Asheville. • Home improvement: Local economic innovation — Moderator Kevin jones is founder and coowner of Good Capital, an impact investment fund that created one of the first social enterprise expansion funds. In this session, panelists, who will discuss how their work helps to build a healthy economy, include: franzi charen, founder/director of Asheville Grown Business Alliance and coowner of Hip Replacements cloth-

ing store; jeff fobes, publisher of the independently owned Mountain Xpress alternative newspaper; mark Hebbard, Living Wage Certification Program coordinator at Just Economics of Western North Carolina, which advocates for a just and sustainable local economy; james e. Lee iii, workforce outreach coordinator at A-B Tech and chairman of the Minority Enterprise Development Board; and sheneika smith, founder/ director of Date My City, which she describes as “a catalyst and engine of cultural regeneration in black and brown communities, building viable and sustainable social, political and economic power.” • Keynote speech, “A Logical new approach to community development,” will be delivered by ed whitfield, a longtime social justice activist and co-founder/comanaging director of the Fund for Democratic Communities. The private foundation based in Greensboro “supports communitybased initiatives and institutions that foster authentic democracy to make communities better places to live,” notes its website. • Home investment: sources of Local capital — Moderator is Jeff Staudinger, assistant director of Community and Economic Development for the city of Asheville. Four panelists from community development financial institutions will describe their funding niches: jane Hatley, Self-Help Credit Union’s western regional director; erika mcgilley, Natural Capital Investment Fund’s WNC business lender; Zurilma anuel, Mountain Bizworks’ microbusiness lender;

Continuing the discussion, panelists Kimberly Daggerhart, crowdfunding campaign manager for JB Media Group, will offer a basic guide to crowdfunding; josh dorfman, who leads Venture Asheville, will talk about who should apply for funding from Asheville Angel Investors; christopher mcfatter, vice president/commercial real estate relationship manager at HomeTrust Bank, will discuss post-recession bank lending; and carol peppe Hewitt, director of Slow Money NC, will reveal how her two innovative funding sources are filling lending gaps. Each panelist also will offer tips on what steps small businesses should take to prepare themselves for funding. • Regional Economic Innovation that builds Local economies — becky anderson, founder of HandMade in America and an economic development consultant, serves as moderator. Panelists are: glenn cox, executive director of HandMade in America, which aims to “grow economies through craft and creative placemaking”; andrew crosson, program manager at Rural Support Partners, a social enterprise working to strengthen organizations and networks across Appalachia and the Southeast toward a community-based regional economy; jennifer flynn, Blue Ridge Naturally brand manager and COO of Accelerating Appalachia, a nature-based business accelerator; tom Llewellyn, network coordinator at Shareable, a nonprofit news, action and connection hub; elizabeth “Liz” mcintosh, AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer for Partnership for Appalachian Girls’ Education; and joe Riemann, director of cooperative business development for the Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund. X

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



follow us @mxnews

The news according to Twitter If we’re to trust the trends we see on Twitter, last week’s hot news centered on snow, beer and food (not necessarily in that order). Here are the dispatches that floated like snow cream to the top of our mountainx. com “micro-news” feed. fRosty tHe snow(cReam) witH beeR • Still snowing downtown, but the pastries are coming out of the oven and coffee is brewing! #avleat @WLOS_13 — @CityBakeryAvl • Winter storm food groups: alcohol (beer/wine/booze), sweets, snacks, cheese, coffee, breakfast. #avlsnomg — @BlogAsheville best in tweet: Lovely view of the Inn on #Biltmore Estate on this #snow day. #avl #wnc — @BiltmoreEstate


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• Who's got a recipe for snow cream to share? #avlsnomg — @WNCParent

• If there's going to be a Snowpocalypse, it may as well happen after Pint Night! #avlbeer #craftbeer — @monkpub wHeRe tHeRe’s snow… • Virtually every Great Smoky Mountain National Park Road remains closed due to snow and ice at this time #avlnews — @gsmnp • HP dispatchers tell me there are so many wrecks near #Avl area they didn't have time to list them all for me... #avlmx — @LBRIGMAN_WLOS • Interstate 26 is blocked in all directions near Flat Rock. Just ran into couple who pulled off, but hotel rooms all booked up #avlsnomg — @drewsmithtv • And thank you to the day shift that just started their 12-hour shift plowing and salting streets! #avlnews — @CityOfAsheville • In the interest of patient safety, Mission [Hospital] has

@AMHQ @JimCantore @JenCarfagno Downtown Asheville early this morning #WallStreet #avlsnomg — @dcampbell214

announced weather-related closings & delays #avlsnomg #avlnews #avlwx — @MissionHealthNC in otHeR news • Asheville Busker's Collective talking about the political issues facing Street Performances in #Asheville #avlnews — @WNCmusicOrg • Congrats to Firestorm Cafe for surpassing their $13,000 fundraising goal #avlnews avl. mx/0s1. — @BlogAsheville • #Avlgov tweeters, can you help spread the word about Wednesday's public input meetings on APD Chief selection? #avlnews — @CityOfAsheville

Nice 1883 [image] of Mount Pisgah with #westasheville in foreground #AVLhistory #Buncombe avl. mx/0s7. — @AVLJunction

@ Vincenzo’s for their last night ever in Asheville with @banksbail #Asheville #avleat — @twilightmom1901

Editor’s notes: We’ve included short versions of the links so you can view photos and such that aren’t featured here. And we’ve identified the tweet sources by their Twitter handles (which start with the @ sign), as well as the main hashtags (topics, which start with the # sign). And one last note: We have edited some of the tweets for clarity, such as spelling out abbreviations. X

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by Max Hunt

Hiking history Swannanoa Valley Museum launches 2015 Rim Hike series

Beginning March 7, the Swannanoa Valley Museum will launch the sixth year of its Rim Hike Series, which features 11 hikes across the ridges and peaks surrounding the Swannanoa River valley. The series sprang from museum founder Harriet styles' popular wildflower hikes along many of these same paths. After Styles passed away, the museum decided to continue the tradition and expand it to include various portions of the rim surrounding Swannanoa, Black Mountain, Ridgecrest and Montreat. "It was a way to remember and commemorate her," says Museum Director christina Ruiz. "The Rim Series hikes are our way of bringing history to life outside the museum."

aRound tHe vaLLey: The Swannanoa Valley Museum launches its annual rim-hike seies on Saturday, March 7, with a trek that starts at Camp Rockmount.

The series will begin on Saturday, March 7, with a hike starting at Camp Rockmont for Boys, ascending to Cedar Cliff and "The Garden of Eden" — famous for its abundance of sunbathing serpents in the warmer months — before returning to the camp. Subsequent hikes will be held on the third Saturday of each month. The program connects the natural beauty of places like Patton's Table and Grey Eagle Rock with the history and folklore of Brushy Mountain — an early gathering place for frontier hunters — and Rhododendron Ridge, which includes a passage through the former estate of architect Rafael Guastavino. The outings will be led by experienced hikers knowledgeable of the topography, history and ownership of the land. Ruiz says this program also plays an important role in bringing residents together. "The series has proven to be a great way for people in the community to come together," she explains. "You see the same faces every month, and you get to know them as friends." The series runs from March until December and will cover the territory stretching from the reaches of Jessi's High Top and Lakey Gap to Ridgecrest and Montreat to the boundaries of the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, founded in 1907 by Willis D. Weatherford. Due to state and federal permit regulations (and to shake up the routine), the order of the hikes will be reversed from previous years, running clockwise around the Swannanoa Rim, a total distance of about 52 miles. Proceeds from the price of admission to the hikes will go to funding the Swannanoa Valley Museum, which seeks to "preserve and interpret the social, cultural and natural history of the Swannanoa Valley" with artifacts, documents and exhibitions on local history, according to its stated mission. The Rim Hike Series is one of several such expedition series the museum

offers, along with the Valley History Explorer Tour, which focuses on historical landmarks and points of interest around the region, and the Watershed Tour, a bi-annual peek into the west side of the Burnett Reservoir. Through the support of donors, the museum is able to offer two scholarships each year to cover the costs of admission to the entire series. While the scholarship deadline for 2015 has already passed, interested parties are welcome to join in for a single hike or multiple outings in the series throughout the coming months. Admission rates, a schedule of the hikes and other relevant hiker info can be found at the Rim Hike webpage at X moRe info:


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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015




maRcH 4 - maRcH 12, 2015

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls WAggers And reAders 250-4754 • SA (3/11), 3pm - Book sharing for school age kids with certified therapy dog. Reservations required. Free. Held at Oakley/ South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road


sisters mentoring services. $50. Held at Star Lanes, 491 Kenilworth Road civil WAr BAll 565-2547, • SA (3/7), 6-9pm - Admission to this semiformal historical reenactment benefits the White glove kids Junior historians. $15/$10. Held at Riceville Community Center, 2251 Riceville Road • SA (3/7), 9am - Tickets to this race benefit the Arc of Buncombe county’s disability programs. $25-$30. Held at Vance Monument, 1 Pack Square

opendoors of Asheville 777-1135, • SA (3/7), 6:30pm - Tickets to Art Affair 2015: “A Starry Night” support initiatives to help youth break the cycle of multigenerational poverty in Asheville. $100. Held at Harmony Motors, 621 Brevard Road

BoWl for kids’ sAke 253-1470, • SA (3/7) - Registration for this bowling party and fundraiser benefits Big Brothers Big

priyA rAy Benefit • SU (3/8), 7pm - Donations at this “Gong Show”-styled talent show benefit local musi-

Arc 5k mArch run WAlk


a gaLaxy gaLa: OpenDoors of Asheville will hold its Art Affair 2015: A Starry Night benefit on Saturday, March 7. One of the largest art auctions in WNC, Starry Night features more than 75 items in addition to live performances of aerial dance, stilt walkers and live music. OpenDoors works to provide services and resources to children living in poverty. Photo courtesy of OpenDoors (p.22)

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

cian priya ray’s handicapped accessible van fund. $7. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B

Business & technology A-B tech smAll Business center 398-7950, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (3/5), 3pm - “Building Your Business’ Website Using WordPress,” seminar. Wait list only. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • SA (3/7), 9am-noon - SCORE: “How to do Market Research,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • TU (3/10), 1-3pm - “SBA: Programs and Services for Your Small Business,” seminar. Held at A-B Tech South Site,

303B Airport Road, Arden • TH (3/12), 10am-noon “Starting a Better Business,” seminar. Held at RiverLink, 170 Lyman St. • TH (3/12), 6-9pm - “How to Start a Nonprofit,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler AmericAn Business Women’s AssociAtion, • TU (3/10), 5:30pm - Dinner meeting and guest speaker. $25. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Dr. goodWill cAreer trAining center 1616 Patton Ave., 298-9023, trainingCenters.cfm • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (4/1), 12:30-3:30pm Computer basics class. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (4/2), 8:30-11:30am Computer basics class. Free.

mArion Business AssociAtion 652-2215, • MONDAYS through (3/23), 6pm - “Am I Cut Out to be an Entrepreneur?” business course. Free. Registration required. Held at Marion Depot, 58 Depot St., Marion venture Asheville, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

clAsses, meetings & events Asheville glAss center (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled

instructors, one on one or group experiences., 828-505-7110 Business BAsics for visuAl Artists (pd.) A-B Tech, Enka Campus, Tuesday, January 27, 12pm2pm, $40. Call 398-7900 to register. Instructor: Wendy H. Outland, Who knows Art. DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP • April 11-12 (pd.) Goals with Soul. Join the revolution of feeling good and living free! Light up your life and discover your core desired feelings. Information/registration: orgAnic groWer’s school’s 22nd AnnuAl spring conference (pd.) March 7-8, at UNCA, offers practical, regionallyappropriate workshops on organic growing, permaculture, homesteading, farming, plus exhibitors, seed-xchange, kid’s program.

Asheville nAtionAl orgAnizAtion for Women • 2nd SUNDAYS, 2:30pm Monthly meeting. Free. Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. Asheville oBJectivists ashevilleobjectivists. • TU (3/10), 6pm - Discussion of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Asheville toAstmAsters cluB 914-424-7347, • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. Asheville Women in BlAck • 1st FRIDAYS, 5pm - Monthly peace vigil. Free. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. BAker-BArBer slideshoW presentAtions 697-6224, • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm Images from a collection of historic WNC photographs will be viewed. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville BuncomBe county puBlic liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/4), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, for all skill levels. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • WE (3/4), 4pm - Black Mountain Knitters, for all skill levels. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • FR (3/6), 10am - “Help! I Have an iPad,” hands-on learning session. Registration required. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TU (3/10), 7pm - Pysanky Egg decoration presentation. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • TH (3/12), 4pm - “Pi Day,” celebrating the mathematical constant. Held at Fairview

Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview community diAlogues on rAce 419-0730, • TUESDAYS (3/10), 6:30pm A four-week series using films, group exercises and dialogue to discuss race relations. Location varies by week. Registration required. Free. Held at Thomas Chapel AME, 124 W. College Dr., Black Mountain council on Aging tAx AssistAnce 227-8288 For low- to moderateincomes. Bring ID. Free. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • MONDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 9am-4pm - Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Rd. • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain d&d Adventurers leAgue • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS, 12-4pm & 5-9pm - Episodic fantasy roleplaying adventures with persistent characters. Meets every other week. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave. henderson county puBlic liBrAry 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville, 697-4725 • TU (3/10), 6pm - “To Russia With Love,” cultural presentation. Free. hendersonville Wise Women 693-1523 • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville

lAurel chApter of the emBroiderers’ guild of AmericA 654-9788, • TH (3/5), 10am - 25th anniversary celebration: “Combining Embroidery with Mixed Media for Effective Designs,” seminar and luncheon. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe mArs hill series on the deAth penAlty 689-1304, • WE (3/4), 7pm - The Trials of Darryl Hunt, documentary. Held in Belk Auditorium. Free. • TH (3/5), 7pm - Death penalty panel with Darryl Hunt. Held in Broyhill Chapel. Free. mountAin peggers 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Noncompetitive cribbage group for all levels and ages. Free. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. move to Amend of BuncomBe county 299-1242, nc-asheville • MO (3/9), 7pm - General meeting. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. ontrAck Wnc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/4), 5:307pm - “Introduction to Homebuying,” seminar. • TH (3/5), 5:30-7pm - “What to do With Your Tax Refund,” seminar. • TUESDAYS (3/3) until (3/31), 5:30-7pm - “Money Buddies,” women’s financial management series. • WE (3/11), noon1pm - “Introduction to Homebuying,” seminar. • TH (3/12), 5:30-7pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” financial seminar. seed progrAms internAtionAl • SU (3/8), 3-4:30pm Panel discussion led by women from Kenya, Central African Republic, Congo and Saudi Arabia. Part of International Women’s Day observance. Free. Held at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St.

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

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Fun fundraisers

thomAs Wolfe memoriAl 52 N. Market St, 253-8304, • Through SA (5/30) - Historical costume exhibit, “The Boarder’s Garb.” $5. toAstmAsters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am - Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. uncA voluntAry income tAx AssistAnce • SATURDAYS until (4/9), 10:30am-3pm - Income tax preparation for incomes under $53K. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. veterAns for peAce 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc. • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - Weekly vigil. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. Free.

Benefits of bowling wHat: Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2015 wHen: Saturday, March 7, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. wHeRe: Star Lanes, 491 Kenilworth Road, Asheville wHy: Looking to let out your inner Lebowski while helping young people in WNC? Then put together a team, raise some sponsorship dollars and join Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC for its 31st year of bowling to benefit area kids. This event is the largest annual fundraiser for BBBS of WNC, providing 25 percent of the organization’s budget. Teams are encouraged to come dressed as their favorite Saturday morning cartoon characters for the costume contest. “This adds a bit of silliness and fun to the event. We started this three years ago and people really enjoy this part of the day. It’s not just about your score,” says BBBS of WNC executive director Robin myer. In addition to best


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

costumes, prizes including local art and food and attraction gift certificates will be given out for top fundraisers and more. Bowlers pledge to raise a minimum of $50. With between three and five people, each team can raise between $150 and $250. Included in the $50 donation is two games of bowling with shoes included, a T-shirt, pizza and an entry into the door prize drawing. Because of the generosity of the event’s many sponsors, 100 percent of bowler donations will directly benefit BBBS of WNC. “Our service starts with volunteers, conducting background checks and putting volunteers into homes. The longer volunteers and children maintain a relationship, the bigger the impact is on the child,” notes Myer. For more information or to register a team, contact BBBS of WNC at 2531470 or Teams interested in registering and setting up an online donation portal may also visit — Michael McDonald X

Western cAroliniAns for peAce And Justice in the middle eAst • SA (3/7), noon-2pm Protest vigil. Held at Vance Monument, 1 Pack Square • WE (3/11), 9:30am - General meeting. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain Western nc humAnists 550-7935 • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 11am - Brunch meeting. Free to attend. Held at Denny’s, 1 Regent Park Blvd. Wnc AgriculturAl center 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, 687-1414, • SA (3/7), 9:30am-3pm Spring Doll Show and Sale. $6. Wnc cArvers 665-8273, • SATURDAYS (3/7) & (3/14), 9am-noon - Beginning woodcarving class. Registration required. $30. Held at Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop, 270 Rutledge Road, Fletcher

Wnc knitters And crocheters for others 575-9195 • MO (3/9), 7-9pm - All skill levels welcome. Held at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road

dAnce community choreogrAphy proJects presents (pd.) “Creating Your Legacy Through Movement, Story and Performance,” an 8-week movement theater workshop. Begins Monday, March 23. All experience levels welcome. Workshop meets at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St., Asheville, 6:158:15pm. To register: studio zAhiyA, doWntoWn dAnce clAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 7:45am Yoga 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 southern lights squAre And round dAnce cluB 697-7732, • SA (3/7), 6pm - “Leapin’ Leprechauns.” Free. Held at Whitmire Activity Center, 310 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville

eco Asheville green drinks • WE (3/4), 7pm - “Asheville Beyond Coal: Update on Efforts to Phase Out Asheville’s Coal Powered Electric Plant.” Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place • WE (3/11), 5:30pm - “CSAs, Home Delivery & Tailgate Markets.” Free to attend. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway riverlink 252-8474, • FR (3/6), 2:30pm Wastewater treatment plant tour. Free. Held at

Metropolitan Sewerage District, 2028 Riverside Dr. Wnc sierrA cluB 251-8289, • WE (3/4), 7pm - Discusses an update on efforts to phase out Asheville’s coalpowered electric plant. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place

fArm & gArden Asheville gArden cluB 550-3459 • WE (3/4), 9:30am - Garden roses selection and caring workshop. Free. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road orgAnic groWers school 772-5846, • SA (3/7), 7-10pm - Spring Conference Keynote Address, “What to do about Science & Farming.” $20. Held in the Lipinsky Auditorium at UNCA. sycAmore fArms 764 S. Mills River Road, Mills River, 891-2487, • SA (3/7), 10am - Sheep shearing demonstration. $5. Wnc fArmers mArket 570 Brevard Road, 253-1691 • FR (3/6) & SA (3/7) - Tree seedling sale to support environmental education. Free to attend.

food & Beer leicester community center 2979 New Leicester Hwy, Leicester, 774-3000 • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free.

kids GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: www.

LIKE NIGHT & DAY! frAnklin school of innovAtion 265 Sardis Rd., 237-4860 • SA (3/7), noon-4pm Founder’s Day Celebration, carnival games, performances and food. Free to attend. kids’ Activities At the liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/4), 3:30pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 5 and up. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • WE (3/4), 11am - Bounce ’n Books, movement-based family storytime for toddlers and preschoolers. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • FR (3/6), 4pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 5 and up. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • FR (3/6), 10:30am - “Babies Love Books!” early literacy workshop. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • SA (3/7), 10am - LEGO Builders Club for ages 5 and up. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road • MO (3/9), 4-5pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 6 and up. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville rolling for reAding 776-0361, bookmobile@ A mobile early literacy program from Buncombe County Public Schools for children ages 3-5 and their parents. Free. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10-10:45am - Held at Haw Creek Elementary, 21 Trinity Chapel Road

• MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 11:15amnoon - Held at W.D. Williams Elementary, 161 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa • WEDNESDAYS, 12:451:30pm - Held at Fairview Elementary, 1355 Charlotte Hwy., Fairview • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 1:45-2:30pm - Held at Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 9-9:45am - Held at Leicester Elementary, 31 Gilbert Road, Leicester • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10:30-11:15am - Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, noon-12:45pm - Held at Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 1:15-2pm - Held at Emma Elementary, 37 Brickyard Road spellBound children’s Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 7087570, • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story Time for ages 3-7. Free. tiny tots circus plAytime toyboatcommunityartspace. com • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10am-noon - Circus-themed mini class for babies and children up to age 6. $5 per child per class. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B WhAt’s shAkin • SATURDAYS through (3/28), 10am - Singing and dancing class for 6 months to 4 years. $12 per child per class. Held at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St.

Wnc nAture center 75 Gashes Creek Road, 2985600, • WEDNESDAYS through (3/11), 10am-noon - “Critter Time For Tikes & Tots,” learning about animals for ages 3-5. $12. Meets every other week.


That’s the difference between an ordinary futon and a futon from Sims Futon Gallery. Visit Sims Futon Gallery and discover the largest showroom in the Carolinas devoted exclusively to futon furniture. You’ll find quality frames, luxurious futon mattresses, and 1,000 plus fabulous fabrics.

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Asheville ultimAte cluB, ashevilleultimateclub@gmail. com • WEDNESDAYS (3/11) through (5/13), 5:30pm - Coed adult ultimate spring league registration. $40/$25 for women new to AUC. Held at Memorial Stadium.| 167 Patton Ave | customer parking | (828) 252-9449

BuncomBe county sports pArk 58 Apac Circle, 250-4269, • SA (3/7), 8:30am-noon - 6th Annual Healthy Parks, Healthy You 5K. $12/$7 children. friends of the smokies 452-0720,, • TU (3/10), 9:30am Moderate 6.2 mile hike on the Smokemont Loop Trail to benefit the Smokies Trails Forever program. $10 members/$35 non-members. sWAnnAnoA vAlley museum hikes 669-9566, • SA (3/7), 10am-noon Moderate 3-mile hike and discussion of the history of the Bee Tree community. $30. Held at Swannanoa Valley Museum, 223 W State St., Black Mountain

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community caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Send your event listings to puBlic lectures At mArs hill 866-642-4968, • TU (3/10), 7pm - “Giving Voice to Our Stories: An Oral History Journey.” Held in Ramsey Center. Free.

ceLebRate and RefLect: Seed Programs International, a humanitarian organization that provides seeds to impoverished communities throughout the world, will holds its International Women’s Day celebration at Jubilee Community Church on Sunday, March 8. The event will feature a panel discussion of the economic, political and social achievements of women with speakers from Kenya, Central African Republic and the Congo. Photo courtesy of SPI (p.23)

puBlic lectures At uncA Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (3/5), 11am - “Jewish Identity, Social Justice and Leadership,” panel discussion. Held in Highsmith Union. • TH (3/5), 6pm - “Did We Learn Anything?: Reflections on a Holocaust 70 Years Later.” Held in Karpen Hall. • TH (3/5), 7pm - “In Her Father’s Eyes: A Slovak Childhood in the Shadow of the Holocaust.” Held in Karpen Hall. • TU (3/10), 7:30pm “Sectarianism in the Middle East.” Reuter Center. $10/free WAC members and UNCA students.

seniors ymcA - Woodfin 30 Woodfin St.,

puBlic lectures


505-3990, • SA (3/7), 9:15am - Easy 4-mile hike on Warren Wilson Trail. Free/$3 carpool. • TH (3/12), 9:15am - Easy 3-mile hike on Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary and Perimeter Trail. Free.

puBlic lectures At BrevArd college

BlAck mountAin college museum & Arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • TH (3/5), 7:30pm - Images of Black Mountain College from the Western Regional Archives. Free. • WE (3/4), 3:30-5pm - “India Changes Course.” Held in McLarty-Goodson Bldg. $10. • WE (3/11), 3:30-5pm “Sectarianism in the Middle East.” Held in McLartyGoodson Bldg. $10.

AArp smArt driver clAsses 253-4863, aarpdriversafety. org • FR (3/6), 12:45pm Registration required: 6840041. Held at Ardenwoods, 2400 Appalachian Blvd., Arden 28704

spirituAlity ABout the trAnscendentAl meditAtion technique: free introductory lecture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrat-

Kitchen Ugly? Don’t replace... REFACE! 1 New look for about /3 the cost of new cabinets Paul Caron • The Furniture Magician • 828.669.4625 26

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

ing, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or Asheville compAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. Asheville insight meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.

AWAkening deepest nAture meditAtion clAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz. com, community hu song (pd.) In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Singing HU can lift you into a higher state of consciousness, so that you can discover, in your own way, who you are and why you’re here. Date: Sunday, March 8, 2015, 11am11:30am, fellowship follows. Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. (free event). crystAl visions Books And event center (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks. com looking for genuine spirituAl guidAnce And help? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville, very close to Warren Wilson College. www.truththomas. org 828-299-4359

675 Hour Massage Certification Starts April 2015 Discounts Available

Therapeutic Strategies for Pain Relief • March 13-15 21 CE with Pete Whitridge $375.

$30 Student Massage Clinic Now Open • 828-252-7377


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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

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by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to

Send your event listings to


open heArt meditAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 2960017 the Blue mAndAlA (pd.) March 11th 6-8pm donation only- New Moon Drumming Circle. March 13th,14th, & 15th The Liberty Series Preregistration required $495, $175 non refundable deposit; Ongoing Events: Tues-Sat by appointment- Intuitive Reading, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars; Free Lending Library, online Store The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755 Adult forum At fcc 692-8630, • SU (3/8), 9:15am - “Earthing, Part One,” grounding practice presentation. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville

Southern Dowsers bring ancient tools to modern application

wHat: The Spring Conference of the Southern Dowsers, hosted by the Appalachian Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers, featuring national speakers and classes on all levels from entry to expert wHen: Thursday, March 19-Sunday, March 22 wHeRe: Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville wHy: “Dowsing dates back to the earliest times. The Tassili Caves in the Atlas Mountains have an 8,000-year-old wall mural of a dowser with a forked stick,” says Brian Crissy, Appalachian Chapter vice president. “The Pharoahs 4,000 years ago and Chinese emperors 2,500 years ago used dowsing.” The rods that many associate with dowsing are often used, but not always, says Crissy — the “subtle energy flows” demonstrated via such rods, pendula and bobbers can also be detected solely through inner feelings and visualization. “There is a high-vibrational energy everywhere that dowsing can detect and affect,” he continues. “It


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is probably what Werner Heisenberg encountered when he concluded in 1927 that human awareness affects reality. Conventional science has oddly chosen not to study it, but this subtle energy is very real and important and affects us in many ways,” he explains. This esoteric technology can be used for many purposes: from locating water, divination, enhancing one’s natural abilities and more. The underlying principal is that from intention and imagination, physicial reality manifests. “Carl Sagan once said, ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” says Crissy. So what can attendees hope to gain from the conference? “We all know the Earth is in trouble, but this conference offers a promising way forward: Use proven dowsing tools and skills to influence our cocreated reality so as to build a peaceful, cooperative, sustainable world that we all want to hand on to our grandchildren.” more info: X

emBrAcing simplicity hermitAge 338-2665, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 11am-noon - Buddhist discussion and meditation. Free. Held at Dhamma and Meditation Center, 38 Joel Wright Dr., South Park Plaza, Hendersonville first congregAtionAl ucc of hendersonville 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville, 692-8630, • WEDNESDAYS until (4/1), 3:30-5pm - Discussion of Martin Borg’s Convictions: Manifesto for Progressive Christians. Free. pArish of st. eugene 72 Culvern St., 254-5193, • 1st FRIDAYS - Taizé service. Free to attend. puB theology At the open tABle • MONDAYS, 6pm - Open discussion of progressive theological issues related to biblical and other spiritual texts. Free to attend. Held at Scully’s, 13 W. Walnut St. shAmBhAlA meditAtion center 19 Westwood Pl., 200-5120, • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm Food, conversation and meditation. Free. • THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free.

unitAriAn universAlist congregAtion of Asheville 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free. urBAn dhArmA 29 Page Ave., 225-6422, • THURSDAYS through (3/26), “Introduction to Buddhism” class. $15 per class. Registration required.

spoken & Written Word Book & print Arts collective memBer’s shoW • Through FR (4/24) - Renaissance: A Book & Print Arts Collective show. Free to attend. Artists’ reception: March 6, 6-8pm. Held at Asheville BookWorks, 428 1/2 Haywood Road BuncomBe county puBlic liBrAries depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/4), 3pm - Weaverville Afternoon Book Club: Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • TH (3/5), 6:30pm - East Asheville Book Club: The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Road • FR (3/6), SA (3/7) & MO (3/9), 10am-4pm - Used book sale to benefit Skyland Library. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • TU (3/10), 5:30pm - Marci Spencer discusses her book Pisgah National Forest: A History. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TU (3/10), 1pm - Leicester Book Club: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TH (3/12), 1pm - Fairview Afternoon Book Club: Some Luck by Jane Smiley. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview city lights Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • TH (3/5), 5:30pm Complementary medicine presentation. • FR (3/6), 6:30pm - David Joy discusses his book Where All Light Tends To Go. • SA (3/7) 3pm - Avram Friedman discusses his novel The Silver Maple Conspiracy.

mAlAprop’s Bookstore And cAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • SU (3/8), 3pm - David Joy discusses his book Where All Light Tends To Go. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Salon series: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. open mic night • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Free to attend. Held at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Hwy, Candler thomAs Wolfe short story Book cluB 253-8304, • TH (3/12), 5:30-7pm - “The Child by Tiger.” Discussion led by Andrea Clark. Free. Held at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St WednesdAy Writer’s night 252-1500 • WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - Open meeting for songwriters, poets, and word lovers hosted by songwriter Jenna Lindbo. Free to attend. Held at Laurey’s Catering, 67 Biltmore Ave

volunteering literAcy council of BuncomBe county volunteers needed (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us ( mountAintrue 611 N. Church St., Hendersonville, 258-8737, • SA (3/7), 10am-2pm - Water quality volunteer training. Registration required. riverlink 252-8474, • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Dr.

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



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Asheville’s Fan Fiction

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Briefs Four men arrested for defacing Dave Steel property commissioned by APD to do same-location performance piece in medium of tire brushes, elbow grease UNCA students claim social entrepreneurship prize; Warren Wilson do-gooders sting at the slight, enviously plot their horrible revenge Buncombe County schools announce 8-hour delay ‘Pick them up when you drop them off’

Schedule for installation of new APD chief ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — The city of Asheville has announced that a new police chief will be installed by June 1st, 2015. Among the important decisions and events that must happen before that date arrives:

• Mar. 4: Police vs Firemen Burrito Day/ Fart-lighting Contest. • Mar. 9: Evidence room filing-cabinet maze-running winner receives sentence reduction. • Mar. 15: “Cat’s away/Mice at play” keg and cosplay precinct party. • Mar. 19: Clear the books citation day — top moneymaker wins the pool. • Apr. 1: April Fool’s pretend installation of new chief at strip club. • Apr. 7: All street lights off/ ’60s dancing traffic-cop contest at all major intersections. • Apr. 17: Casual Policing Friday. • May 9: Top cop pick-up line contest. Unwitting judge of contest: Mayor Manheimer. • May 31: 3-week hazing period wraps up with noob APD chief chicken-suitrepelling down Jackson building. Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve 30

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

Buncombe County students successfully un-schooled after multiple snow days

ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — Teachers in Buncombe County are reporting that students – having missed more than a week of school in February due to snow days – have regressed academically and returned to a feral, unteachable state. “My classroom instruction now centers around pointing at an object and slowly, clearly repeating the name of the object,” said one Asheville elementary school teacher. “I ask parents to take time to hold a book in front of their children and provide positive reinforcement if they correctly guess that it is a book.” School administrators have brought televisions and video games into classrooms so that their sudden absence from the students’ lives during school hours doesn’t throw them into a state of shock. The lost classroom time wasn’t a total loss, however. “The time spent at home during the snow days was itself an educational experience,” said one middle school teacher, “teaching children to stay out of Mommy’s way and to not bother Daddy when he is looking at his phone.”

Mission Hospital featured in NPR investigation into nurses’ on-the-job injuries Some common injuries to nurses that Mission refuses to acknowledge: • Croc foot • Accidental bile overdose • Callused tongue from licking blood off fingers • Spinal injuries because administrators won’t get off nurses’ backs • Tendonitis from plunging knives into the heads of the recently deceased as basic preventative care for zombification • Lower back pain from transferring a $700 aspirin from bottle to patient’s hand • Muscle tension caused by self-restraint when patient’s family members are secondguessing everything the nurse does • Compressed spinal discs caused by unexpected downsizing















by Chuck Shepherd

Newest right

Intelligent design

The Utah Court of Appeals ruled in February that Barbara Bagley has a legal right to sue herself for her own negligent driving that caused the death of her husband. Typically, in U.S. courts, a party cannot profit from its own negligence, but Bagley is the official “representative” administering her husband’s estate and has a duty to claim debts owed to the husband. Those debts would include “wrongful death” damages from a careless driver (actually, the careless driver’s insurance company), even if the careless driver was herself. Of course, if her lawsuit is successful, the monetary award would become part of the husband’s estate, a portion of which will likely go to her.

A 37-year-old Lancashire, England, businessman (identified in later news reports as Duane Walters), fearing surgery for suspected bladder cancer, was discovered to be cancer-free, but on the other hand, he was found to have a uterus, ovaries and cervix — even though he has fully functioning exterior male genitalia. He was referred to Manchester University Hospital for a hysterectomy (to prevent the possibility of pregnancy) — and was counseled that he might eventually become menopausal. His condition, “persistent Mullerian duct syndrome,” is rare enough when diagnosed at birth but, according to experts cited by the Daily Telegraph, virtually unheard-of at age 37. Walters said he will continue living as a man.

Historical weird • Can’t possibly be true: For a brief period in 1951 and 1952, an educational kit, the Gilbert Atomic Energy Lab, was for sale in the United States even though it came with testable samples of four types of uranium ore and three different radiation sources (alpha, beta, gamma). A surviving copy of the kit has been on display recently at the Ulster Museum in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but the radioactive materials had to be removed before the kit could be shipped to Belfast. (The kit had failed to sell well; kids apparently preferred the company’s erector sets.) • In February, the Kansas Humanities Council, providing background to a current, traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibit, posted a description of a 1925 baseball game in Wichita in which the professional, allblack Wichita Monrovians took on members of the local Ku Klux Klan. (Historians guessed that the KKK risked the embarrassment of defeat only because it needed the exposure to overcome declining enrollments.) The Monrovians (champions of the Colored Western League the year before) won, 10-8, and the Klan shut down in Kansas two years later.

War Is hell • A recent YouTube compilation of footage gleaned from, in some cases, unedited ISIS promotion videos, claimed to show jihadists accidentally killing themselves. Several fighters in a group photo appear to be blown up when one of them fumblingly detonates a captured bomb, and one man was killed when he apparently tried to reload a mortar launcher too quickly. • London’s Daily Telegraph reported in January that the “Darkshadow” jihadists from Tunisia and Ivory Coast, who had proclaimed their website-hacking would disrupt international travel, wound up taking down a site consisting merely of bus timetables in Bristol, England. Darkshadow’s English translator also misspelled Muslim (“Muslum”). • ISIS’ very public recent executions of a Jordanian pilot and two Japanese citizens were met with starkly different reactions. In Jordan, King Abdullah II led his nation in a call for bloody revenge. In Japan (according to a February Associated Press dispatch from Tokyo), feelings were mixed because of “meiwaku”

READ DAILY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.

— Japan’s cultural feeling that the dead victims (and their families) were “causing trouble” by placing themselves in harm’s way. Said one man cited by the AP, “In the old days, their parents would have had to commit hara-kiri to apologize.” In fact, both victims’ families did repeatedly apologize for inconveniencing the government, which had warned citizens to stay away from the war zone. The continuing crisis • Point taken: At a February meeting in Geneva of the U.N. Conference on Disarmament, regarding whether meetings should be open to the general public, the representative from Belarus expressed alarm because of potential problems for the security staff. “What if,” he asked (according to a Reuters report), “there were topless ladies screaming from the public gallery throwing bottles of mayonnaise?” (According to the official summary, the Mexican delegate apparently earnestly pointed out that some U.N. meetings were already open to the public, but as yet there had been no mayonnaise-droppings.) • CSI Netherlands: Police in the Dutch town of Haarlem, near Amsterdam, raided an urban marijuana farm after a recent snowfall. In photographs of the neighborhood, all yards and roofs of houses are blanketed in white — except for a certain portion of the roof of one home, on which the snow had completely melted. Police, deducing that the attic was likely an illegal marijuana greenhouse, made arrests. • News you can use: If you’re in pain, shouting “Owww!” has measurable therapeutic value. Writing recently in the Journal of Pain, researchers from the National University of Singapore hypothesize that the muscle movements in vocalizing somehow divert or confuse pain signals, which otherwise would go unimpeded to the brain. Of subjects who plunged their hands into extremely cold water, those who were allowed to vocalize kept their hands immersed for up to three minutes longer than those who were silent. (The “oww” sound is similar in many languages and is apparently instinctive from birth.) First-world problem solved A company called AudioQuest believes there are serious music listeners sufficiently grossed out by the imperfect sound delivered by ordinary Ethernet cables (typically with plastic connectors on

each end and selling for around $20) that relief is needed. The company recently introduced the Cat-6 Ethernet cable, whose connectors are made of silver. For those who require the reportedly richer sound, relief is only $10,500 away. The Aristocrats! Police in Glendale, Ore., arrested a 27-year-old man and his 22-yearold girlfriend after their 7-week-old son died of starvation. The couple claimed to have been feeding the boy properly, but investigators found that the pair operated an online porn business in which the mother lactated onto various items while the paying customers watched — and believe that little of the mother’s milk remained for the baby. Promoting their brands • Robert Michael Phillips was arrested in West Palm Beach, Fla., in February and faces a series of charges after police witnessed him allegedly conducting drug transactions and found heroin in his pocket and crack cocaine in his vehicle. (His rap sheet includes seven convictions and a prison stint.) On his February police intake form, under “occupation,” Phillips stated, “drug dealer.” • John Balmer, 50, was arrested at a Kmart in Hudson, Fla., in January as he attempted to pass a bag (allegedly containing marijuana and methamphetamine) to another person in line. Balmer was wearing a T-shirt that read, “Who needs drugs?” above lettering that read, “No, seriously, I have drugs.” A News of the Weird classic (July 2011) People with issues: Self-described Las Vegas “performer” Staysha Randall took 3,200 different piercings in her body during the same sitting on June 7 (2011) to break the Guinness Book world record by 100 prickings. (Veteran Las Vegas piercer Bill “Danger” Robinson did the honors.) Coincidentally, on the same day in Edinburgh, Scotland, the woman with the most lifetime piercings (6,925) got married. Elaine Davidson, 46, wore a full white ensemble that left bare only her face, which was decorated green and sported 192 of the piercings. The lucky guy was Davidson’s longtime friend Douglas Watson, a balding, 60-something man with no piercings or tattoos. X

MARCH 4 - MARCH 10, 2015



Health Care Cafe by susan fosteR

Are you interested in having a conversation about what’s going on in health care over a cup of coffee? If so, you can tune into Health Care Café, a radio show hosted by chris comeaux, CEO of Four Seasons Compassion for Life, on WTZQ-AM 1600 every Monday from 5 to 5:30 p.m. “The Board of Four Seasons was concerned about the lack of a national debate around health care,” says Comeaux. “So we asked the question, ‘Is there some way we can engage the community in a conversation about health care?’ The reason for the title is that we need to have a discussion over a cup of coffee around what’s going on in health care. That was the seminal thought.” The show was born out of “frustration with the politicized and often sensationalized debate about health care, and the low point was the mention of ‘death panels,’ a term thrown out to be provocative and to prevent there even being a conversation,” says Comeaux. “That just felt so disingenuous. When you take it to a place like that, you can’t have an adult discussion about health care.” Even though Four Seasons specializes in hospice and palliative care, the show is not limited to those topics. “We really want to have a conversation about health care as a whole,” Comeaux says. “We are

sHowtime: Chris Comeaux, left, host of Health Care Cafe, co-hosts the show “Live from Main--The Before I Die Wall” with Courtney Jackson, right, CEO of DreamFire, in front of Hendersonville’s “Before I die” chalkboard, a community art project in which people write what things they’d like to do before they die. Photo courtesy of Health Care Cafe

truly alive in the most historic time for the health care scene in the entire history of our country.” He admits there’s a lot of change that needs to occur in the health care industry. “So people automatically think it must mean we’re doing something wrong. But there’s also so much great stuff going on in health care,” he says. “Our original guiding light was to lay out both sides of the issues politically … to bring truth to what’s really going on in health care and what we need to do better throughout the country as a whole.” The overall mission of the show, says Comeaux, is threefold: “to help listen-

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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

ers become more educated about what is going on in health care so they can influence the political process, to affirm what’s going well in health care and to respond to the things people want to talk about.” A recent show, for example, dealt with health exchanges. “That is an extremely complicated process for a lot of people to navigate,” he says. “Some of the people on the show were educated people who work in health care, and they had a challenge navigating it, so you can imagine [what it’s like for] the typical layperson who doesn’t work in [the industry] on a day-to-day basis. We want to bring good educational information to help us be better consumers.” For the first three weeks of the month, the show features national as well as local speakers on specific health care issues. “We try to have a good mix between national guests to educate our listeners about what’s going on in health care and also local guests to highlight the wonderful things that are working right locally,” says Comeaux. For the fourth week of the month, guests respond to listeners’ questions, which are sent in online. The show, which has been going for two years, started out on an Asheville station but moved last summer to WTZQ. “They have an increased coverage area,” Comeaux notes, “including all of Western North Carolina as well as upstate South Carolina. We’ve even had some interest in nationally syndicating the show.” The radio station is getting great feedback about the show, compared to anything else they’ve done before, says Comeaux. “We’ve struck on something pretty unique, from what we’ve heard, in terms of this kind of genre of a conversation around health care. … People are saying, ‘Wow. This is a great resource.’ And we’ve never been accused of being on one side or the other politically.” Comeaux hails from Louisiana but came to WNC 12 years ago to be the CEO at Four Seasons. He left for a couple of years to do consulting and coaching for hospices all over the country but decided to come back to WNC to

Four Seasons CEO Chris Comeaux offers health-care conversation on WTZQ raise his family. “I joke that I window-shopped for two years because I was living on planes,” he says, “but it doesn’t get much better than Western North Carolina.” He believes the radio show is wellsuited to the Asheville area because “we have some incredibly smart people here, whether it’s people who have lived here most of their lives or people who have retired here.” Comeaux also points out that the WNC area is a small sample of the country as a whole, especially with the number of people over 65. “Health care is 25 percent of our gross national product. Can you imagine a quarter of your own personal budget? Why would you not want to pay attention to something like that?” he asks. “Health care is for all of us, doing whatever our purpose is here in Western North Carolina. For that reason I think it’s a great fit, a pretty big priority for all of us.” moRe info Archived shows are available at via X weLLness caLendaR supreme fAce lift treAtment (pd.) The triple current technology combined with Dermalogica are used in this treatment to enable muscle toning, produce new collagen and elastin, and banish wrinkles. 75 mins - now only $75! 828879-0470 Asheville community yogA center 8 Brookdale Road, • SA (3/7), 12:30-2:30pm - “Freedom from the Bondage of Karma.” $20. • SA (3/7), 3-5pm - “Live the Life you Love.” $20. • SU (3/8), 11:30am-1:30pm - “Restorative Therapeutic Yoga.” $30. • SUNDAYS (3/8) through (3/29), 5:30-7pm - “Intro to Yoga.” $40. Asheville friends meetinghouse 227 Edgewood Rd., • WE (3/4), 6:30-8:30pm - Asheville breathing circle. $5-$15. council on Aging of BuncomBe county 277-8288, • WE (3/11), 2-4pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy,” information session. Free. Held at Pardee

weLLness caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Health Education Center, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville JuBilee community church 46 Wall St., 252-5335, • TU (3/10), 7-9pm - “Note-to-Sing Your Self,” creativity workshop to benefit the Jubilee! Hunger Fund. $10. poWerful tools for cAregivers seminAr 697-4891 • WEDNESDAYS (3/4) until (4/8), 2-4pm - Self-care education program for family caregivers. $25. Held at Shaws Creek Baptist Church, 91 Shaws Creek Church Road, Hendersonville tAoist tAi chi society • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm & THURSDAYS, 9:30am - Beginners Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way

support groups Adult children of Alcoholics & dysfunctionAl fAmilies • Visit for full listings. Al-Anon/ AlAteen fAmily groups 800-286-1326, • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit support. Alcoholics Anonymous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or Asheville Women for soBriety 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8 p.m. – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. Asperger’s teens united • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. BrAinstormer’s collective 254-0507, • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Led by brain injury survivors for brain injury survivors and supporters. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road chronic pAin support 989-1555, • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6 p.m. – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. codependents Anonymous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8 p.m. – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. deBtors Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

depression And BipolAr support AlliAnce 367-7660, • WEDNESDAYS, 7 pm & SATURDAYS, 4 pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road. electrosensitivity support • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact or 255-3350. emotions Anonymous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 6 p.m. – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. food Addicts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6 pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. living With chronic pAin 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 pm - Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa memory loss cAregivers • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Held at Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain men Working on life’s issues 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location.

s-Anon fAmily groups 258-5117, • For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. smArt recovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460. Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sunrise peer support volunteer services • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sylvA grief support • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.h.e. center for disordered eAting 337-4685, • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. undereArners Anonymous • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

nAr-Anon fAmily groups For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road nAtionAl AlliAnce on mentAl illness 505-7353, • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual diagnosis group. Held at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Connection group. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Family/ caregiver group. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. overcomers of domestic violence 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler overcomers recovery support group • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road overeAters Anonymous • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit mountainx. com/support for full listings. recovering couples Anonymous • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



Turning tobacco to truffles A tantalizing twist in agritourism

by susi gott seguRet

Fifty years ago, the king of all crops in North Carolina was tobacco. Restaurants all had smoking sections or were entirely smoke-filled, and the standard fare was a working man’s meal. How far we have come: Today’s diner has nothing to distract a sensitive nose from savory aromas wafting off the plate, except, perhaps, for a faint whiff of hops exuding from the cellar. And creeping into menus, suggesting the glamor of New York or Paris, is the truffle — a mysterious ingredient of gastronomic legend, revered by French and Italians, Greeks and Romans as the most prized of any element in the kitchen. Musky, earthy, floral, pungent, fruity, feral, elusive, captivating — these are but a few ways to describe Tuber melanosporum. A sack of spores — the fruit of a fungus — the truffle makes its home underground in symbiosis with the roots of a host tree, generally oak or hazelnut. As a survival tactic that entices predators to aid in its quest for sexual reproduction, it emits a powerful odor when mature, and this is the aroma that causes chefs to swoon the world around. In the health-conscious, field-tofork-driven climate that is home to an ever-expanding cornucopia of chefs, Asheville is yet again on the leading edge. The third weekend of February, agronomists and gastronomists alike convened to celebrate their raison d’ être while brainstorming savvy ways of growing the longtime European specialty in our Appalachian and otherwise-American soils. In a series of samplings bordering on sensory overload, the Asheville Truffle Experience made strides to cement connections among scientists, growers, chefs and food lovers, with dog training thrown


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

in the mix (the canine nose is wellsuited to unearth a savory truffle, although pigs have been the traditional searchers). The panel of experts included Pierre Sourzat, Jim Trappe and Tom Michaels, hailing from France, Oregon and Tennessee, each admitting that, while there is much that can be done to help create optimal conditions (raise the pH of the soil, water copiously in July and August, keep away both fungal and beastly predators), when it comes to growing truffles, we really don’t know much. In the Southeast, we owe the beginning of this wild-card endeavor to Franklin Garland. Guatemalan of origin, adventurous of spirit, Garland began experimenting with coaxing the French Périgord truffle to life in the red clay soils of Hillsborough, N.C., in 1979, producing his first specimen in 1992. Twelve years later, Garland applied for a grant from the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund to provide 50 ex-tobacco farmers with 200 inoculated trees apiece in an effort to turn the state into the Napa of truffles. As luck would have it, an exceptional drought swept the region in 2006 and 2007, and many of the plantations perished. Today,

cRop option: Truffles could offer a new and potentially lucrative choice to WNC farmers wishing to diversify their crops. Truffles can fetch anywhere from $800 to $2,000 per pound. Pictured here is truffle-coated chicken breast with truffle jus and leeks prepared by Chef Frederick Snyder of A-B Tech during the recent Asheville Truffle Experience. Photo by Susi Gott Séguret

only a handful of these orchards are still tended. On the other side of the Blue Ridge, Tom Michaels, whose Tennessee truffles have graced the tables of Daniel Boulud and Thomas Keller, among other chefs, planted his original orchard of 2,500 trees in 2000, near Jonesborough, Tenn. He’s fond of saying that the cultivation of truffles is “20 percent science and 80 percent art,” or more precisely, “1 percent mastery and 99 percent mystery.” Intuition and experimentation are all part of the gamble.

This makes most of the Asheville Truffle Experience attendees new pioneers on rocky terrain. Several of them belong to North American Truffle Growers’ Association, established in 2005 in an effort to help eliminate some of the trial and error — or “hit-or-mostly-miss,” as grower Paul Beckman of Idaho says — process of nurturing inoculated seedlings to truffle production. About 100 truffle farms have cropped up in the Southeast in the past decade; the growers meet twice yearly to compare notes and develop guidelines for quality control, forming a truffle-growing community that is rare in the business. Besides Garland, a few other North Carolina growers of note are Jane Morgan Smith of Truffles NC and Keep Your Fork Farm in King; Jack Ponticelli of Piedmont Valley Truffles with a plantation of 15,000 trees in Yadkin and Surry counties; Patrick Fiorentino of Dobson, with a 5,000-tree orchard, dabbling in a molecular approach to growing; Susan Rice Alexander of the vast Black Diamond French Truffle plantation near Pinehurst; Scott Evans of Stoneville, who unearthed his first specimen just this January.

woRKing dog: Pigs have traditionally been used to sniff out truffles, but they have largely been replaced by dogs, which are less aggressive when they find the goods. Lois Martin of the Truffle Dog Co. and Monza, her Lagotto Romagnolo, demonstrated truffle-hunting tactics at the Mountain Research Station in Waynesville during the Asheville Truffle Experience. Photo by Susi Gott Séguret

Closer to Asheville, the N.C. Department of Agriculture’s Mountain Research Station in Waynesville planted an experimental orchard with hazelnut trees in 2010 in an effort to provide tested information applicable to mountain farmers and agriculturalists across the state, while finding ways to expand the economy through research of new enterprises. The unearthing of a mature truffle becomes feasible within four to 10 years of planting, which means the Mountain Research Station’s orchard could yield its first black diamond within the year. Also, the snelson family of Leicester planted a 1,200-tree orchard last June, inspiring three neighboring families to do the same. All of them are looking forward to seeing the income level in the area rise once orchards reach production — the going rate for a Périgord truffle is a far cry from the price of tobacco or any other traditional Appalachian or Piedmont crop. While the market fluctuates both yearly and seasonally, the average price falls somewhere between $800 and $2,000 a pound. In gastronomic restaurants around the world, just one grating of truffle on a dish can up the check by $100.

Given the picturesque package that truffle planting, producing, hunting and tasting present, its allure as agritourism is simple. Images of black-bereted Frenchmen with broad bellies and the accompanying porcine companion may well give way to visions of a plaid-shirted cowboy- or baseballhatted mountain man or woman trailing a hound. However it may play out, and whether it ends up boosting the regional economy or simply providing colorful mouthwatering entertainment, the magic of the truffle has definitely taken root in WNC. Susi Gott Séguret is founder and director of the Seasonal School of Culinary Arts in Asheville, Ithaca, N.Y., Sonoma, Calif., and Paris, and also orchestrates the Asheville Wine Experience and the Asheville Truffle Experience. See schoolofculinaryarts. org, and X


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Truffles in WNC Visit the following websites to learn more about the Asheville area’s truffle industry and its potential for growth: Asheville Truffle Experience Truffles NC Virginia Truffles Tennessee Truffles Garland Truffles Mountain Research Station NATGA

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

Looking for a fresh sandwich so fat that you hold it in both hands, the first wide bite a burst of Mexican flavors? Cut in half, a torta is a packed beauty of thin, colored layers: salsa, cilantro, meat, cheese, crusty bread. I was used to hearing my son rave about tortas when he lived in San Francisco. Now, after biting into one at Azteca2 on Patton Avenue, a Reuben seems small — a ham-andcheese square, pizza thin. Azteca2 offers a wide variety of tortas, including one so big that the owner discouraged me from buying that one as a first try. Even so, the “small” torta included two huge halves, enough for two hungry people or one piggish one. Azteca2 is actually a small Mexican grocery with a few tables at the back opposite a glass bakery case full of Mexican pastries, including discussized sugared cookies and buns dressed up in labyrinths of icing. Another find, El Torito off Patton Avenue on the corner of Louisiana Avenue and Emma Road, also serves tortas and probably 10 or more types tacos from lengua (tongue) to pastor (pork) wrapped in corn tortillas. El Torito has a side room with tables and a range of condiments to add to the undressed tacos. A small grocery with everything from beans in bulk to fresh cheeses, the store also has a fresh meat market at the rear. The day I was there, no one spoke English but pointing worked, and friendly customers were happy to help someone with poco español. You’ll find a broader menu — tacos, tamales, sopes, enchiladas, quesadillas, tortas, burritos, chilaquile and more — at Mr. Suave Tortilleria on Patton in West Asheville. “Suave,” which means “kind” in Spanish, is owner Osvaldo Sabino’s second son’s name. “I wanted the business in my boy’s name,” says Sabino, who first sold his authentic Mexican food — not Tex-Mex or Californiastyle — out of a trailer on Patton in 2006, moving a year later to his current location.

tHe ReaL deaL: Osvaldo Sabino serves traditional Mexican fare at his shop, Mr. Suave Tortilleria, on Patton Avenue in West Asheville. Photo by Tim Robison

The spot is largely takeout but has a few small tables, and Sabina plans to add more. He’s also stoking up his grill to begin selling carnitas, shredded pieces of roast pork. Sabino also makes his own green and red salsas, and sells homemade corn tortillas — “No preservatives or chemicals,” he says. I’ve had the tamales — a spicy filling swaddled in warm masa — comforting and delicious. Sabino sells his food to Banditos and Tiger Bay Cafe, both on Haywood Road in West Asheville, the French Broad Food Co-op on Biltmore Avenue and the LAB on Lexington Avenue. Maria De Souza, owner of La Gringa Tamalera, offers vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free foods (except for the tamale, which contains lard) at Asheville’s two winter markets — the YMCA Indoor Winter Tailgate Market 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturdays at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church on Merriman Avenue and

the Asheville City Market 10 a.m.noon Saturdays inside the Public Works Building on Charlotte Street. Summer markets will include West Asheville, Weaverville, Liberty Street Market, East Asheville, Charlotte Street Market and probably Mars Hill. “I’m waiting for the farmers to have veggies,” says De Souza, who comes from Venezuela. “My food is Mexican, but the style is Caribbean.” Tiger Bay Café, a small spot at the back of Battle Cat Coffee Shop on Haywood Road, offers a mix of Latin and American food, plus one West Indian dish daily. I tried the breakfast tacos filled with soft scrambled eggs, cilantro, onion, cotija cheese, fresh lime, tomato and bacon — way tastier than plain old eggs and toast. The menu includes lots of pulled pork and a range of sandwiches from chicken tacos to a Cuban panini. The café also makes the baked goods for Battle Cat, including a really good chocolate chip cookie — not Latin, but one mouthful and you won’t care. X












by Gina Smith a new brick pizza oven at his farm, he is considering doing a session that shows step by step how to make a perfect pizza in a home kitchen. All About Breads, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 14, Fines Creek Community Kitchen, 192 Fines Creek Road, Clyde. Cost is $50. Preregistration required. For details, visit or contact Chef Ricardo at new management at stonebowL

bacK in tHe KitcHen: After

briefly leaving the culinary world to raise flowers on his farm in Clyde, Chef Ricardo Fernandez responded to the requests of his foodie fans with the Mountain Cooking Club, an ongoing series of seasonal cooking classes. Photo courtesy of the chef

mountain cooKing cLub With fewer than 1,500 residents, Clyde may not appear at first glance to be a culinary mecca. But Chef Ricardo fernandez and his Mountain Cooking Club cooking classes provide at least one reason for foodies and home cooks to venture to the Haywood County hamlet. Fernandez, originally from Argentina, owned the Lomo Grill in Waynesville — one of the pioneers of Western North Carolina’s farm-totable restaurant movement – for 16 years with his wife, suzanne, until they closed it in 2010. The couple also ran a successful business marketing Fernandez’s gourmet tomato sauces under the brand Chef Ricardo’s, until they opted out in 2013 in favor of a quiet life of raising peonies and gourmet fig trees at Wildcat Ridge Farm, their home in Clyde. However, fans of Fernandez’s cooking were not happy that their favorite chef had abandoned the kitchen. “People kept asking me, ‘When are you going to open another restaurant?’ ... So I started doing some cooking classes, doing some catering and private parties and special events. ... It

was because of the customers that we started doing Mountain Cooking Club. We are doing what we love to do. I cannot get away from food,” says Fernandez, who goes by the moniker Chef Ricardo. Fernandez says the cooking classes, which he and his wife started offering occasionally at the Fines Creek Community Kitchen in Clyde more than a year ago, have been a smashing success. With topics ranging from how to cook with figs to risotto-making techniques to braising, Fernandez says the aim of his workshops is to provide useful information in an entertaining and accessible way. “I try to make cooking classes that are fun and not intimidating for anybody who wants to come and participate. I want [each class] to be a social event,” he says. “There is always a lot of energy there. I give [the students] a lot of feedback and ideas, like what they can do with the leftovers. … I try to promote using local ingredients and seasonal stuff. I try to use only what is available locally, and I tell people what stores have those things.” The next class, scheduled for Saturday, March 14, will be a hands-on, eat-what-you-make tutorial on breads, featuring prosciutto and Parmesan cheese straws, cheddar and scallion biscuits, paesano boule and walnut banana bread. Fernandez says the roster of future workshops will depend on what the growing season brings and what people request, but having recently built

Management has changed at Hendersonville Road Korean restaurant the Stonebowl. Rita chen, who previously ran the restaurant along with Kristina im, owner of downtown’s Korean House, recently took over management of the business. She told Xpress that the restaurant’s hours and menu will not change for the moment, but that she has begun to source more ingredients locally, including buying more vegetables from area farms. She adds that although there will be some staff changes, the restaurant’s chef, who also cooks for Chen’s other business, Koreana on Airport Road, remains the same and is placing a stronger emphasis now on using fresh ingredients. “We make the side dishes every day and keep all the ingredients fresher,” she says. “The customer can tell the difference.” Stonebowl, 1987 Hendersonville Road,

menu need not fret: Many of the tried-and-true offerings remain. tHe cRacK HeaRd aRound tHe woRLd The cheesemongers at Whole Foods locations throughout the world will simultaneously crack into 85-pound wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese during the company’s annual Crack Heard Around the World event at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 7, Eastern Standard Time. The cheese experts will demonstrate the traditional method of opening and portioning the 24-month-aged Italian cheese wheels using the specially designed knives. The event is free and open to the public and will include tastings and pairings. Whole Foods, 4 S. Tunnel Road, asheville-kenilworth X

Tea time

tupeLo Honey RoLLs out big cHanges Tupelo Honey recently gave its 15-year-old menu a major overhaul. In February, the Ashevillebased regional chain introduced a new menu with a focus on small plates, seasonal specialty entrees and customizable supper plates. The restaurant, which opened its ninth store in late February in Myrtle Beach, S.C., is also sporting a refreshed color palette, replacing its standard yellow plates with crisp white ones. Many of the new menu items, created by executive chef brian sonoskus, offer cross-cultural flavors, such as small-plate selections like the country ham wontons and lamb meatballs with tomato curry sauce or the curried fried chicken thigh supper plate. In spite of the significant changes, fans of the old

spring equinox communi-teA festivAl Sunday, March 22, noon-5 p.m. — Celebrate the change of seasons at Dobra Tea in Black Mountain with tea tastings from Panther Moon Tea Company, Appalachai, Infusion Lounge, Dobra Tea and other local companies. Other activities will include live music throughout the day, guided qi gong, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, face painting and other kids’ activities. Admission is a $5 suggested donation to benefit ArtSpace Charter School. Dobra Tea, 120 Broadway St., Black Mountain. 357-8530 BlAck teA tAsting And presentAtion Sunday, March 29, 9:30-11 a.m. — Dobra Tea will present a tasting and slideshow presentation of its staff’s tea travels through India, China, Sri Lanka and Africa. Cost is $20 per person. Includes tasting of 10 different black teas. Dobra Tea, 78 N. Lexington Ave. Reservations required. 575-2424 Compiled by Jacqui Castle. Send your tea-related events to Jacqui at

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Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

Brewery celebrates its first decade, a new big beer festival and more

Pisgah turns 10 With Pisgah Pale flowing just about everywhere around town and with an always-busy stage in addition to its popular taproom in Black Mountain, Pisgah Brewing Co. is certainly a local institution. It seems like it’s been around forever. Yet 2015 marks the company’s 10th anniversary, says public relations director Benton Wharton. In fact, we’re not quite there yet: He says the company sold its first keg — to Barley’s Taproom — on April 13, 2005. This year, Pisgah plans to kick off a celebration on the same day with a Pisgah Brewing night at Barley’s. Then pint nights will follow to commemorate the first keg sales to other long-standing Asheville pubs and restaurants: April 14 at Mellow Mushroom, April 15 at Westville Pub and April 16 at Thirsty Monk downtown. The week will wrap up with a big party at the brewery’s outdoor stage on April 19, with live music from Leftover Salmon featuring Bill Payne, Pimps of Joytime, Dead 27s, and The Travers Brothership. The doors open at 2 p.m. and tickets will be $10 — in honor of Pisgah’s 10th anniversary, of course. While April kicks things off, Pisgah will continue to celebrate the rest of the year with 10 special collaboration beers. It will team up with breweries in Asheville and across the Carolinas — everyone from Burial Beer and Hi-Wire to Holy City and Fonta Flora. It’s also going as local as it gets and brewing one with Asheville’s own MALT homebrew club. sieRRa nevada to Host new buRLy beeR and baRLeywine fest The N.C. Brewers Guild is partnering with Sierra Nevada on a new winter festival that’s all about the biggest of beers. Fifty breweries from across the country will bring their best strong ales, and specifically barleywines, to the brewery’s Mills River location (100 Sierra Nevada Way) on Saturday, March 28. The festival will run from noon-4 pm. As with Sierra Nevada’s last large festival, this one will have free shuttles running from Pack Place downtown. Unlike the last big event, which fea-


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including one brewed in partnership with the Asheville Symphony Orchestra to celebrate the Asheville Amadeus Festival. The beer, a crisp and lightbodied Vienna-style lager, will be called Wolfgang 1756 Symphony Lager. The festival, to be held Saturday, March 14, to Sunday, March 22, at various venues around town, strives to make classical music accessible. (See all the events at: asheville-amadeus.) The brewery officially kicks off the festival with a free event at Highland on Saturday, March 14, at 7 p.m. Pints and bottles of the beer will be sold along with special Asheville Symphony Orchestra pint glasses and gift boxes, with proceeds from the glassware donated to the orchestra. Sirius B will provide the live music. LooKout foR st. patRicK’s day CHEERS FOR 10 YEARS: Pisgah’s Benton Wharton, Ron Ingalls, Matt Gordan, Gaines Myer and Dave Quinn gear up for the brewery’s 10th anniversary celebrations

tured food trucks, this one will include some of the first dishes to come out of the Sierra Nevada taproom and restaurant. The brewery says to expect beer-inspired and Southern fare, including beer pimento cheese with pretzels, pork belly, buttermilk biscuits and more. There will also be live music, though the band or bands have yet to be announced. Tickets are $65 for general admission and $30 for designated drivers. Proceeds will benefit the N.C. Brewers Guild. Find tickets online at sierranevada. get Ready foR gubna The yearly release of Oskar Blues’ biggest IPA is just around the corner. The beer, which features different hops every year, will be released

nationwide. However, the big release party for the East Coast will be at the Brevard brewery and taproom on Saturday, March 7, starting at 5 p.m. Oskar Blues will have special versions of the beer on tap, including brandy-barrel aged and cask-conditioned Gubna. The night will also include live music from Darby Wilcox and the Peep Show, food from the CHUBwagon food truck and a giant Nintendo 64 set up on the patio. (So shake off that Mario Kart rust before you head down.) HigHLand’s new sympHonic beeR Highland Brewing Co. is keeping busy on the small-batch beer front, with new beers debuting just about every week. It’s also planning a variety of new bottle releases this year,

While not many breweries had announced St. Patrick’s Day plans at the time of writing, Lookout Brewing Co. in Black Mountain is planning a special release. Owner and brewer John Garcia is brewing an Irish red ale and says the brewery will offer a special stein glass as well. X




WednesdAy Asheville BreWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location cAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills french BroAd: $8.50 growler fills highlAnd: Flights & Bites w/ Food: Sunburst Trout Farms, 4pm; Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic), 5:30pm


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lexington Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day

pisgAh: Live music: The Screaming J’s (honky-tonk, hot jazz, ragtime), 6pm

Wedge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

one World: Live Music: Underground Station (reggae), 9 pm

southern AppAlAchiAn: Live music: Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm


open: New brew: TM Open Wiit (by Chris Ivey & Luke Weber)

Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

oskAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm

AltAmont: Live music: River Rats (rock, blues), 9:30pm


french BroAd: Live music: Black Robin Hero (rock, folk), 6pm

oyster house: $2 off growler fills Wedge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

AltAmont: Live music: Dave Desmelik & Nolan McKelvy (Americana), 9:30pm french BroAd: Live music: Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm

thursdAy AltAmont: Live music: The Oarsmen & Bryan Ranney (mandolin, folk-rock), 9pm Asheville BreWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location

highlAnd: New brew: Third Base Imperial Coffee Chocolate Stout (Chinook hops, Peruvian cacao nibs, Dynamite coffee); Live music: Travers’ Brothership (blues, funk, jam), 6:30pm; Food trucks; Appalachian BBQ & Cici’s Culinary Tour

french BroAd: Live music: The Saturday Giant (indie), 6pm

oskAr Blues: Firkin Friday: Pinner Throwback IPA; Live music: Skribe (garagefolk), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon

one World: Live Music: Brett Ramsey (singer-songwriter), 8pm

pisgAh: Live music: Raising Caine (altcountry), 8pm

oskAr Blues: Live music: The Puddle Jumpers (bluegrass), 6pm

southern AppAlAchiAn: Live music: Pea Pickin’ Hearts (rockabilly, country), 8pm

highlAnd: Live music: Pierce Edens & The Dirty Work (Americana, folk-rock), 6:30pm; Food trucks: Appalachian BBQ & Cici’s Culinary Tour oskAr Blues: New brew: GUBNA Imperial IPA release party (brandy barrel-aged, cask-conditioned); Nintendo-64 games; Live music: Darby Wilcox & the Peep Show (singer-songwriter), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBWagon oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food);Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

mondAy AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm

southern AppAlAchiAn: Live music: Carolina Rex (blues, Americana), 8pm

Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food)

Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

tuesdAy AltAmont: Live music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm


Asheville BreWing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location

SATURDAY March 21, 2015

tWin leAf: Twin Leaf 1-year anniversary party; Bottle release: MDXXL Imperial Mexican chocolate stout, 12pm

one World: Service industry night: $4 pints; Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm


Listen with the FREE TuneIN Radio App

southern AppAlAchiAn: Gospel brunch w/ Live music: Todd Hoke, Mare Carmody & Michael Carver, 12-3pm; Food truck: Farm to Fender

pisgAh: Live music: Jeff Sipe Trio (jazz-fusion), 8pm

RIGHT NOW! with Monday to Friday 3:00 - 6:00 pm

oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

BuriAl Beer co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) french BroAd: PubSing: Gospel jam & singalong (bring snack), 5:30pm lexington Ave (lAB): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day oskAr Blues: Food truck: CHUBWagon, 2-6pm

Asheville BreWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints oskAr Blues: Tasty Tuesday: Oskar Blues Brew School amber ale; Food truck: Chameleon oyster house: Cask night Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

$20 adults/$15 kids with pre-registration To sponsor, volunteer or get more information about this event, contact:

for Colon Cancer Awareness 40

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


plant small plates all night 165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 |




Tiger Mountain shows its stripes Venue brings garage, surf and psych-rock to downtown

by edwin aRnaudin

Tiger Mountain wasn’t planning on being a music venue, at least not in the traditional sense. When sean bickford bought the former Emerald Lounge space and moved his business to North Lexington Avenue in August, he figured on keeping it as a bar with regular dance parties and occasional DJ shows. That changes with a new lineup of live acts, including La Luz, The Shivas, The Krektones and Mope Grooves on Saturday, March 7. Not that everything is changing. Specific events have remained on the books — a Valentine’s Day fete inspired by David Lynch’s cult TV show “Twin Peaks” was a big hit — and Bickford says Friday nights are “still pretty dancey.” But with an excellent stage and sound system left in place by the previous tenants and the venue’s penchant for playing garage, surf and psychedelic rock during regular business hours, he looked to marry those interests while filling a need in the neighborhood. “There’s lots of great venues downtown, but they all have their certain kind of niche,” Bickford says. With the likes of Portland, Ore.’s Guantanamo Baywatch and Los Angeles-based

wHat La Luz, The Shivas, The Krektones and Mope Grooves wHeRe Tiger Mountain tigermountainthirstparlour wHen Saturday, March 7, at 9 p.m. $10

Meat Bodies already Tiger Mountain veterans, the spot is fast becoming a home for similar bands. Long popular in indie havens like Austin, Texas, garage, surf and psych are now enjoying an upswing across the country, which Bickford believes is largely due to bands’ access to more sophisticated production styles. “I’ve been listening to this type of music my whole life, but the new stuff that’s coming out is great,” he says. “There’s been a wealth of new bands that have this great old sound.” Teaming with Asheville booking agents Onward Indian Touring, Tiger Mountain is drawing much of its lineup from California-based Burger Records and its sister label Lolipop Records. The linked outfits specialize in high-energy rock ’n’ roll bands and their artists who

fouR scoRe: Seattle surf rock/ doo-wop group La Luz has been in Los Angeles putting the finishing touches on a new album with the help of Ty Segall. “He has a lot of great ideas. It’s almost been like having a fifth band member for a couple weeks,” says Shana Cleveland, center right. Photo by Zoe Rain

fit well with the local venue’s atmosphere. “People who come to Tiger Mountain are going to party. It’s a chill place, but on the weekends or when there’s shows, people get loose,” Bickford says. “[The Burger and Lolipop bands are] inviting people onstage, jumping down in the crowd, swilling tequila. It’s a rowdy good time.”

That vibe looks to continue with Seattle four-piece La Luz. Signed to Hardly Art Records, which frontwoman/guitarist Shana Cleveland calls “a kind of kid sister label to Sub Pop,” the surf rock/doo-wop group has had cassettes released through Burger, as have fellow Hardly Art bands like Shannon and the Clams and Hunx. “Burger’s been a big force in making it cool to love rock ’n’ roll and party and have fun at shows, which is something that I think was kind of lost for a while,” Cleveland says. Along with bandmates Marian Li Pino (drums), Alice Sandahl (keyboard) and Lena Simon (bass), Cleveland has been in Los Angeles working on La Luz’s follow-up to 2013’s It’s Alive. Recording, producing and mixing the album with them is the prolific musician and songwriter Ty Segall, whom La Luz supported on tour last fall. “He has a lot of great ideas. It’s almost been like having a fifth band member for a couple weeks,” Cleveland says. “[The music is] sounding so good, and we can’t wait to be able to share it with everyone.” The band hopes that the as-yet-untitled release will be out by late summer, but audiences won’t have to wait that long to hear the new material. In line with its preference to record live, La Luz has been playing as many of the songs as possible on its last couple of tours, and Cleveland plans to add in a few more fresh compositions as the group winds its way to South by Southwest and back to Seattle. Following the March 7 show, Tiger Mountain will hold a small music festival on Friday and Saturday, March 13 and 14, with bands also heading down to Austin for the SXSW festival. The roster includes Mystery Lights, Cool Ghouls and Las Rosas. Onward Indian Touring will join those acts in Texas to scout out new bands for Tiger Mountain and, along with other agencies, help Bickford expand to hosting two or three shows each week. “I was holding off because we were still getting our feet underneath us with the move,” Bickford says. “Now I feel like we’re in a spot where we’re really stepping up our live music game.” X

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it! guide

Different Strokes! tackles domestic abuse in From Ashes To Angel’s Dust Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective has never shied away from uncomfortable themes. In the last five years, the group brought activism to the stage while making a distinct impact on the local theater landscape. With the new production of Zoë Flowers’ “ChoreoDrama” From Ashes To Angel’s Dust, Different Strokes tackles domestic violence. Directed by Steph Hickling beckman, it incorporates the stories of women along with the expression of dance, as choreographed by co-director Kristi deville. The play runs Thursday,

wHat From Ashes To Angel’s Dust: A Journey Through Womanhood wHeRe The BeBe Theatre wHen March 5-21, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, at 7:30 p.m. $15 adults/$12 students and seniors

March 5, through Saturday, March 21, at The BeBe Theatre. “I first saw it in 2011, and I was just blown away by the simplicity of it,” Beckman says of the production. “It was basically a staged reading, but the play was so powerful, and it just hit home, and I immediately thought, ‘This has to be shown in Asheville.’” From Ashes to Angel’s Dust is kind of like the phoenix rising, Beckman adds: “It tells these stories, but yet it shows the hope for not being


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a victim the rest of your life.” Domestic violence, she says, has “either happened to somebody we know, or it’s happened to us. That’s how pervasive it is. And yet we don’t talk about it.” The local production uses seven capable actors of various ages, backgrounds and races to create a tapestry of characters. naomi ansano, denise carter, frances davis, tiffany debellott, althea gonzalez, emmalie Handley and shanita jackson perform vignettes of poetry and movement that, according to the Different Strokes website, “drive the stories of our mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, and friends.” Says DeVille, “A lot of our dance numbers actually lift the scene.” Even the show’s stage manager, who is also a dancer, ended up performing. “We use every bit of talent we have on this stage,” says Beckman. “We’ve got slam poet Shanita Jackson, and of course we’re using her talent. She even wrote a piece especially for the show that we’ve incorporated.” The power of the piece wasn’t lost in the rush to ready the show for audiences. Beckman says that some rehearsals turned into long conversations between cast members about their thoughts, feelings and real-life experiences in relation to the play’s material. Flowers was inspired to write the play after her years of work in the field of domestic violence. In 2011, she started the Angel’s Dust Theatre Company, with the aim of producing socially relevant and culturally responsible theater, which makes it easy to see why she found something of a kindred spirit with Different Strokes. For this production, the local theater company partnered with The Black Church and Domestic Violence Institute, a national educational ministry working to prevent domestic abuse. “Zoë found in her studies that, even though [domestic abuse] is

sisteR act: The cast of domes-

tic violence-themed From Ashes to Angel’s Dust includes seven women of various ages, races and backgrounds. Onstage they weave stories, poetry and dance into a moving production. Photo courtesy of Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective

multicultural and affects all women, it affects African-American women more than it does a lot of other races,” says Beckman. “The place where they go [for help] is the church.” The nonprofit will receive a portion of the ticket sales, which continues the tradition of Different Strokes giving back to charitable community organizations that tie into the themes of each production. While the topic is dark, Beckman is proud of the work and hopes audiences will find it uplifting. “It’s handled in a way where there’s no judgment, no accusation,” she says. “It’s got to touch people in a deeper way [so you] feel like you have someone on your side.” X


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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



by Alli Marshall

All-access pass River Whyless lets listeners in with new EP Although recent years have seen local indie-folk quartet River Whyless on the road with increasing frequency, the band is more connected to Asheville than ever. “I feel like we’re ambassadors out there,” says singer and guitarist Ryan o’Keefe. “I love to say it on the microphone. The reaction is always like, ‘You’re from Asheville? I love Asheville!’” “Traveling as much as we do, we represent Asheville to people who see us outside of Asheville,” says percussionist alex mcwalters. “But we also represent Asheville to people who see us at home, somehow.” “But I feel like we have a lot more of Asheville to tap into,” adds vocalist and violinist Halli anderson — and that’s part of the reason, despite national press from Paste, Pop Matters and NPR’s “World Cafe,” the band has decided to launch its new self-titled EP on home turf. That show happens at The Mothlight on Saturday, March 7.


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The EP, out in January, serves not only to tide over fans until the next full-length album (look for that in 2016), but as an introduction for those new to River Whyless. Among the five tracks are songs by each of the three songwriters (O’Keefe, Anderson and newest member daniel shearin), as well as a collaborative song and a remake of Shearin’s “Miles of Skyline,” originally released when he was half of folk duo Uncle Mountain. “It came together so easily that it was done before I had a chance to consider it,” Shearin jokes. But the song — plucked strings, foundobject rhythms and a soaring melody all underscoring Shearin’s gorgeously breezy lyric — is unforgettable from first listen. “I have so much fun playing that song that I wanted to put it out there for people who already knew it,” say McWalters. The band was less decisive about lead track “Life Crisis” (it scores the newest promo video). “An outlier,” “a safe choice” and “poppy” are critiques the musicians offer. “It almost didn’t make the cut,” says Anderson.

cLosing in: With recent hard-earned success, like recognition from NPR’s David Dye, River Whyless is feeling the love. “But day to day it’s the same,” says percussionist Alex McWalters, far left. “You’re still trying to write the next great song.” Photo courtesy of the band

“The original version was way different, and none of us could agree on it,” says McWalters. “I was insisting we keep working on it because I thought it could be a good song. There was a breakthrough — when we changed the groove, the whole song changed.” The end result — the most cohesive song River Whyless has written — begins quietly, with heartbreaking vocal harmony. Hand claps, tasteful percussion and mellow guitar strums call to mind a kind of campfire camaraderie. The aching refrain, “I will lend you my skin,” the slow build of intensity and the explosive violin take the listener on a welcome emotional journey. If

wHo River Whyless with Twain and Luke Norton wHeRe The Mothlight, wHen Saturday, March 7, at 9 p.m. $10

it’s an obvious crowd-pleaser, it’s also a window into the particular magic of River Whyless. “I’m always saying you need a couple of tracks that are immediately accessible,” says McWalters. Otherwise, “the whole record can go over your head.” And, O’Keefe admits, it’s currently his favorite song to play live. That’s not such a stretch from the EP, which was recorded live; the band spent four days at La La Land Studios in Louisville, Ky., with engineer Kevin Ratterman. But while there is a certain ease making its way into River Whyless’ brand of layered complexity, don’t expect the band to eliminate sonic exploration. “We’re experimenting with worldly sounds on our instruments,” says O’Keefe. “We’re not intentionally staying away from traditional rock, but we talk about different cultures’ sounds when we write our music — Japanese, Chinese and Indian folk music.” McWalters adds, “For me it’s just a matter of what inspires me, what gets me excited.” X

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



by Rich Rennicks

Visionary verses Orison Books launches its first collection of poetry

Starting a publishing house is something Asheville Poetry Review senior editor Luke Hankins has dreamed of doing for a long time — a dream realized on March 3 when the first book from his new publishing house, Orison Books, went on sale. Orison is “a nonprofit literary press that focuses on work that engages the life of the spirit,” says Hankins. Its name is a Middle English word for prayer. But the imprint will not “represent any particular ideology or belief system, but spiritual writing of all veins,” says Hankins. It’s a niche he feels is currently underserved by existing publishers because “on one hand you have religious publishers who publish work that is only interesting to a small group, and on the other you have literary presses, many of which are reluctant to publish anything with a noticeable spiritual element.” “Orison Books can fill the gap and encourage the kinds of spiritual or metaphysical engagement that literature has been so good at for millennia, but publishers currently shy away from,” says Hankins. Poet Stella Vinitchi Radulescu, author of Orison Books’ first publication, I Scrape the Window of Nothingness, agrees, calling the press “a much-needed press in today’s cultural landscape.” Radulescu presents her collection of poetry

wHo Stella Vinitchi Radulescu presents I Scrape the Window of Nothingness: New and Selected Poems wHeRe Malaprop’s, wHen Saturday, March 28, at 7 p.m.


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

at Malaprop’s on Saturday, March 28. It’s quite a coup for Orison to launch the press with a book by a poet of such international stature. Radulescu is a multilingual poet, with three distinct bodies of work in Romanian, French and English, and has won a number of awards. Hankins first met Radulescu through his work for the Asheville Poetry Review: “I met her in 1998 at the AWP conference. She’s Romanian by birth but lived in France for a long time. I speak some French, so we talked and she gave me one of her French poetry collections to read, and I was amazed by it. I asked her if anyone was translating her work, and she was happy to let me. So, for some years now, I’ve been translating her French poetry.” Radulescu in turn is equally complimentary toward Hankins, calling him “the perfect editor who understands my poetry better than myself.” Hankins published several of Radulescu’s poems in the Asheville Poetry Review and I Was Afraid of Vowels — a chapbook of his translations her work — with Q Avenue Press in 2011. When it came to selecting the first subject for Orison, Radulescu’s poetry was an obvious choice: “She’s someone whose work I think is really unique,” says Hankins. “I don’t know anybody else who writes the way she does. There’s something mysterious and metaphysical and searching about her work that I think is perfect for our mission.” The way Radulescu explains her approach to poetry echoes Hankins’ assessment. “Poetry is for me an essentially spiritual inquiry about existence and nonexistence, life and death,” she says. “I think, more than other forms of expression, poetry is a visionary art. ... A poem is the only place to experience the language in its essence, in its more untranslat-

a way witH woRds: Romanianborn poet Stella Vinitchi Radulescu is the first writer to be published by new local press Orison Books. “There’s something mysterious and metaphysical and searching about her work that I think is perfect for our mission,” says Orison publisher Luke Hankins. Photo courtesy of Radulescu

able way, which is, in fact, the real expression of our identity.” Orison is actively looking for other writers with this spiritual vision and

hopes to bring out books in other genres in the future. In order to find these writers, the press is running a contest, the Orison Poetry Prize, for a book-length collection. Hankins’ hope for Orison Books is to have a national and international focus. But he still intends for the imprint to maintain a strong local presence. “We’re going to have events, and we’re considering hosting a national conference here,” he says. “We will be engaged in Asheville.” More information about the Orison Poetry Prize can be found at X

Listening room New releases from local artists

by Alli Marshall Need some new music for your favorite party playlist, mood music collection or mix tape? There’s no shortage of great records being released by musician in and around Asheville, with new tracks constantly popping up on Facebook, Bandcamp, Soundcloud and Twitter. Here are three new EPs for your consideration — visit for more local music reviews. SUNDAY BEST by fasHion batH From the knucklepop percussion and the fuzzed-out opening lyrics of “The Kids,” Fashion Bath’s newest release, Sunday Best, is full of intrigue, dark shimmer and reticent importance. The EP is a mix of astute alt-pop (like “The Kids,” with its almost-slowdance beat and buzzy, heady melody) and explosive, driving noise-rockers (like “Funny Feeling,” with its pummeling guitars, crashing cymbals and hypedup vocal delivery). Fashion Bath is the collaboration of Kevin Boggs and max murray, who share credits on all songs. It’s hard to pick just one standout track, but “The Kids” is certainly well-placed in the lead spot. Both kinetic and dreamy, it says a lot about the band’s style. It’s lush, layered and moves through fervent temperaments before its dissonant culmination. “Big Blue” returns to the aesthetic of the initial track. With a tender, slow build, the song is heart-on-sleeve without being overwrought or cloying. It’s dusky and laid-back — a last spin around the dance floor after

the party has ended and the house lights turned up. “Newport” is heavier, stalking and surging, and probably very loud at a live show. Even with the volume turned down, this song reverberates with menace but also with meaning. “Youth is something I use terribly,” is one sharp line. And the harmony vocals rising and falling back into the melee elevate the song’s artistry while holding the pop aesthetic at arm’s length. And still the hook — “Write me a postcard, wherever you are, and sign it ‘forgetful’ and drink alone at the bar” — feels almost familiar as it dissolves lusciously into distortion. It’s a fully-realized track. The EP wraps with “FMD,” whose soft and searching first notes lead into an opiate waltz. Drowsy, aching and irascibly pretty, the song feels much shorter than four minutes. It’s the perfect twilit ending to this roller coaster of emotional states and sonic shades. But even with the many moods represented on the album, there’s still a cohesion throughout. As supple as it is cutting and as thoughtful as it is dynamic, Sunday Best deserves repeat listens. Learn more and listen to tracks at fashionbath.

FIELD GUIDE by saRaH Louise One of the wonderful (and sometimes confusing) things about instrumental music is how open to interpretation it can be. While lyrics and instrumentation go hand in hand, the introduction of words does effectively contextualize a song. Of course there are other markers — rhythm, key, the instruments being played — that set a mood, but these are more subtle than the storyline of a lyric. Field Guide, a new collection by local musician sarah Louise and available on Scissor Tail Editions, juxtaposes spirited instrumental compositions with pensive vocal tracks — the chilling, droney “Home Over Yonder (Variations Pt. 1)” an apt example of the latter. That song floats like a storm cloud, a cold haunting in dark mountains. The lighter, percussively

strummed instrumental “Dog Improv” captures the shuddery joy of a canine companion. It nods to green fields, bright daylight, water droplets flung from fur, the happy yips somehow implied by fingers squeaking on strings — and a field-recorded background bark. While Louise offers visual cues with her song titles (for those who experience the synesthesia of mental movies accompanying the listing experience), they’re less like clues and more like fragments of a multimedia collage. The poetic suggestion of “Late Summer Seed Collection,” a capricious track of staccato plucks and rolling melodies, dovetails with

the idea of a Field Guide. And how could the score to that sepia concept be anything other than this collection of earthy rhythms, breezy soundscapes, shadowy stands of trees and open fields? Opener “Passage” sets the scene with its bittersweet finger style guitar work. Parts dusky melancholy and dizzying expanse, it transports the listener to some airy vista. The track is as masterful as it is simple, as crisply modern as it is timeless. “The Day is Past and Gone (Variations) bookends the album. That final offering feels like a closing. A nocturne, despite its climbing scales, it’s underscored by buzzing low notes from which sharp hits of minor chords leap and sparkle like so many shooting stars across a moonless sky. Listen to tracks at scissortail. X


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Receive a 25% off coupon valid the week of Earth Day. (April 18 - 25) Drop-off items at the Habitat ReStore (31 Meadow Rd., Asheville) between 9am and 6pm Monday - Saturday. Or call 828.254.6706 to schedule a free pick-up of larger items. (within Buncombe County)

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


Send your arts news to











A&E staff

Chuck Brodsky Shortly after casting an envious gaze on two guitar players during college orientation, Americana singer-songwriter chuck brodsky swapped formal education for a musical pursuit all his own. Now, 11 albums later, the pianist-turned-guitarist has mastered the art of adorning his lyrical tales with eccentricity and wit. His song “2,000 Friends,” for instance, pokes fun at Facebook’s uncanny ability to convey both extremely pertinent information (i.e. his ex’s children having no resemblance to himself) as well as factoids of relatively less import (i.e. the duration of rainstorms in Sarasota, Fla.). The humor-driven Ashevillean, along with support from local multi-instrumentalist chris Rosser, presents his latest album, Tale Tell Heart, during a seated set at The Grey Eagle. Saturday, March 7, at 8 p.m. $12/$15. Photo by David Simchock

Gong Show benefit for Priya Ray Orbit DVD owner and event organizer marc mccloud is seeking performances from Asheville’s “seriously talented” and “sorta talented” for a variety show benefiting local musician priya Ray. Lack of mobility stemming from a debilitating spinal injury in 1999 has spurred Ray to raise funds to purchase a wheelchair-accessible van — an asset that would enable her continued pursuits of performance and photography. “We are actively seeking the best and the worst Asheville has to offer,” reads the benefit event page. “You can be a superstar for seven minutes!” The Gong Show talent show, perhaps the wackiest of a slew of events held nationwide on Ray’s behalf, takes place at Toy Boat Community Art Space on Sunday, March 8, at 7 p.m. $7 suggested donation, plus food by donation. Photo courtesy of Ray

Pan Harmonia Sonata Series Pan Harmonia, now in its 15th season bringing professional chamber music to diverse venues, presents the third of four 2015 Sonata Series programs, reuniting Pan Harmonia co-founder and former Ashevillean Liz austin with several musical colleagues from her past. The cellist will accompany flutist Kate steinback and pianist fabio parrini for classics, including Felix Mendelssohn’s “epic and fiery” Trio No. 1 in D-minor, William Hurlstone’s “sublimely beautiful” Sonata for Cello and Piano, and Philippe Gaubert’s Sonata No. 1 for flute and piano, according to organizers. Performances are on Thursday, March 5, at 7:30 p.m. at White Horse Black Mountain and on Sunday, March 8, at 3 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Asheville. $16.50 advance/$22 at the door/$5 students. pan-harmonia. org. Photo of Steinback, left, and Austin, right, by Lisa Ringelspaugh-Irvine


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

Vio/Miré “You Will be Spending Time Outdoors, In the Mountains, Near Water” is the unwieldy but (after recent #avlsnomg episodes) very welcome title of the newest offering by Providence, R.I.-based chamber-folk act Vio/Miré. The project is that of sometimes soloist, sometimes bandleader Brendan Glasson, who shrinks and grows his lineup as needed to support his sweetly melancholic and orchestral songs. Though Glasson seems to be a man of few written words, he did post this evocative line last summer: “We’ll be given a cabin to live [at Hewnoaks Artist Colony] in the woods on Kezar Lake, which we will wire up as a recording studio and use to make some new songs and soundscapes.” Vio/Miré performs at The Mothlight on Thursday, March 5, at 9:30 p.m. Locals Holy Holy Vine share the bill — this will be one of the group’s last Asheville shows before relocating. The band has added a horn section and will make some new recordings available for the first time. Falcon Mitts also plays. $7. Photo courtesy of Vio/Miré

a&e caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Auditions & cAll to Artists music video Asheville 515-1081, • Through (3/13) - Musicians and filmmakers may submit videos for consideration in this contest. Contact for guidelines. $15.


a comedy of manneRs: “Elyot and Amanda have been divorced from each other for five years. Both are honeymooning with their new spouses at a French seaside resort when their romantic feelings for each other are immediately rekindled.” So begins the setting for Montford Park Players’ newest production, Noël Coward’s Private Lives. Catch the performance March 12 through 29 at the Masonic Temple. Photo courtesy of Montford Park Players (p.49)

Art leArn to mAke BeAutiful ukrAiniAn eAster eggs (pd.) Pysanky workshops in the River Arts District or your location. Visit or call (828)423-6459 for signup + more details. ArroWheAd gAllery 78 Catawba Ave., Old Fort, 668-1100 • SU (3/8), 2-4pm - Sunday Painters: art on denim. Registration required. Free. Asheville Art museum 253-3227, • TH (3/5), 6-8pm - Landscape architecture lecture. $5/free for members and students but RSVP required. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square BlAck mountAin center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, • SA (3/7), 6pm - Auction for the Arts to benefit the Arts Center. $30/$25 advance. trAnsylvAniA community Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts. org • WE (3/4), 4-8pm - Performing arts talent competition for ages 10-17.

BLUE RIDGE ORCHESTRA • MOZART fAmily concert (pd.) Saturday, March 21, 2015, 11am and 2pm. • Asheville Amadeus: Mozart Family Concert, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, One Edwin Place, Asheville. $15 General Admission; $10 Friends of the Blue Ridge Orchestra; $5 Students. • Tickets are also available (cash and checks only) at Soli Classica, 1550 Hendersonville Road, and Musician’s Workshop, 310 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville. Details and tickets for the Mozart Family Concerts: BrevArd music center 862-2100,, • SU (3/4) 3-4pm - Soprello. Free. Held at Reuter Center, One University Heights diAnA WorthAm theAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • WE (3/4), 8pm - Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy, Celtic. $38/$33 students/$15 children. first presByteriAn church of Asheville 40 Church St., 253-1431, • TU (3/10), 7:30am - Muskingum University Choir. Free hendersonville chAmBer music series 808-2314, • SU (3/8), 3pm - Jason Posnock and Friends. $20/free for students. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville music At mArs hill 866-642-4968, • TH (3/12), 7:30pm - Faculty and guest artists percussion concert. Held in Moore Auditorium. music At Wcu 227-2479, • TH (3/5), 7pm - First Thursday Old-Time and Bluegrass Concert and Jam Series: Josh Goforth. In Mountain Heritage Center. Free. open ukelele JAm • 2nd TUESDAYS, 5:30-7pm - Beginners and stringed instruments welcome. Free. Held at Laurey’s Catering, 67 Biltmore Ave. pAn hArmoniA 254-7123, • SU (3/8), 3pm - Sonata Series. $22/ $16.50 advance/$5 students. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St.

puBsing 254-1114 • SUNDAYS, 5:30-8pm - Gospel jam and singalong. Bring snack at 5:30pm. Free to attend. Held at French Broad Brewery, 101 Fairview Road

theAter 35BeloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (3/6) until (3/22) - Tape. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15. AnAm cArA theAtre 545-3861, • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS until (3/7), 8pm - Farmer Dave’s Bicycle-Powered Dream World: A Biotech Whodunit. $15/$12 advance. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B Asheville community theAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • WEDNESDAYS (3/11) through SUNDAYS (3/22) - Amadeus. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $32-$35. Asheville history center 253-9231,, smh@wnchistory. org • FR (3/6), 7:30pm - The Raindrop Waltz, theatrical reading. $15/$10 members/$5 students. Held at A-B Tech, 340 Victoria Road BAllet conservAtory of Asheville 255-5777, • SA (3/7), 7pm - Winter Works: Innovations and Variations. $22/$18 seniors/$15 students and children. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square montford pArk plAyers 254-5146, • TH (3/12), 7:30pm - Private Lives. Admission by donation. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway

gaLLeRy diRectoRy

AltAmont BreWing compAny 1042 Haywood Road, 575-2400 • Through FR (3/13) - Proceeds from art sales benefit Open Hearts of Asheville’s programs for differently abled adults. AnAndA West 37 Paynes Way Suite 5, 236-2444, anandahair. com • Through (3/30) - Mix-media works by Patricia Anastasi. Art At mArs hill • Through FR (3/13) - Connections, works by three local artists. Art At uncA • Through MO (3/30) - Works by Members of the Fiber Arts Alliance. In Ramsey Library.

Art At Wcu 227-3591, Held in the Bardo Fine Arts Center unless otherwise noted. • Through FR (3/6) - Vadim Bora: Portraits. • Through WE (4/1) - Hands in Harmony, Tim Barnwell photography. • Through MO (3/23) - 2015 Jackson County Youth Art Month. Artists’ reception: March 22, 1-3pm. Art in the Airport 61 Terminal Dr., Fletcher • Through SU (6/7) - Locality, works by WNC artists. Asheville AreA Arts council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • TH (3/5) through SA (3/14) - Whee Fresh, student works from Western Carolina University’s Master of Fine Arts program. Opening reception: March 6, 5-8pm. Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (4/12) - Go Figure: Faces and Forms, works celebrating the human figure. Asheville gAllery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through TU (3/31) - Reflections: Interiors/ Landscapes/Cityscapes, oil paintings by Cheryl Keefer. Artist’s reception: March 6, 5-8pm. groveWood gAllery 111 Grovewood Rd., 253-7651, grovewood. com • Through SU (5/10) - The Birds and the Bees, themed works. millroom 66 Ashland Ave., 555-1212 • SA (3/7), 5-8pm - MatchStrike: Youth Arts Showcase. $10/$7 students. posAnA cAfe 1 Biltmore Ave., 505-3969 • TU (3/10), 5pm - Abstract Modular Works by Julie Miles. Free. red house studios And gAllery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain, 699-0351, • Through TU (3/31) - Black, White and Red, works by Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League members. seven sisters gAllery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, • Through SU (5/10) - Betsy Alexander, oil paintings. Free to attend. the Junction 348 Depot St., 225-3497, thejunctionasheville. com • Through SA (3/14) - Natura Perfectus, mixed media by Sheri Howe. zApoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • ONGOING - Art of the Book, art inspired by literary works. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


C L U B L A N D thursdAy, mArch 5

WednesdAy, mArch 4

185 king street Jeff Miller (rock, pop, folk, jazz), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Wine Tasting w/ Rob Nance Duo (gypsy jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm

Ben’s tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny The Oarsmen & Bryan Ranney (mandolin, folk-rock), 8pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Gyspy Jazz Band, 7:30pm Blue kudzu sAke compAny Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm

Asheville music hAll The Main Squeeze w/ Opposite Box (funk), 9pm

Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Open Mic, 7pm

BArley’s tAproom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm Beer city tAvern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9pm

croW & quill Dr. Sketchy’s: Live Burlesque Figure Drawing, 7pm

Blue kudzu sAke compAny Trivia night, 8pm

diAnA WorthAm theAtre Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy (Celtic fiddle), 8pm

Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Gene Holdway (Americana, folk, bluegrass), 7pm

douBle croWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm

cAtAWBA BreWing tAsting room Old time jam, 7pm

foggy mountAin BreWpuB Trivia, 8pm grind cAfe Trivia night, 7pm highlAnd BreWing compAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm iron horse stAtion Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll The Moon and You & friends (Americana, cello-folk), 7pm JAck of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm lAzy diAmond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm moJo kitchen & lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Humpday” dance party (funk, soul, hiphop), 5:30pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

LucK of tHe iRisH: Coining themselves on Facebook as “the world’s loudest folk band,” The Tossers “do not disappoint.” The band, from Chicago, mixes traditional Irish music and punk-rock to create a “furious edge that teeters between rage and raucousness.” The Tossers will play, fittingly, at Jack of the Wood, on Tuesday, March 10, at 9 p.m.

mountAin moJo coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

strAightAWAy cAfe Tim Marsh (fusion, multi-genre), 6pm

neW mountAin Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 7pm Jimkata w/ Space Cadet & Electrochemical (electro-rock, jam), 10pm LightWorks (synth, pop, rock), 11pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Open mic & jam, 7pm

noBle kAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm o.henry’s/the underground “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm odditorium Cult Love, Mylo Ranger & Fifty Year Flood (folk-rock), 9pm off the WAgon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Squidlord w/ Tecate Sunrise (rock), 10pm one World BreWing Underground Station (reggae), 9pm

cluB eleven on grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm croW & quill Laura Lackey Live (hot jazz, swing) [CANCELED], 9pm douBle croWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm elAine’s dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWpuB Singer-songwriter open mic, 8pm

the Joint next door Bluegrass jam, 8pm

french BroAd BreWery The Saturday Giant (indie), 6pm

the mothlight Merchandise w/ Lake Lawn, Isaacson (punk, psychedelic, pop), 9:30pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Patrick Sweaney & Band w/ Joe Fletcher (roots, blues), 9pm

the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Juan Benavides Group w/ Whitney Moore (Flamenco, jazz, Latin, soul), 7pm JAck of the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lAzy diAmond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm

timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm

loBster trAp Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm

toWn pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm

mArket plAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

pour tAproom Karaoke, 8pm

White horse BlAck mountAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

neW mountAin Cody Canada & the Departed and Jason w/ Jason Boland & The Stragglers (red dirt, country), 7pm CALABRESE, La Basura Del Diablo, The Go Devils (horror, punk), 8pm FATE Jam: All Them Witches (soul, country, rock), 11pm

room ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

Wild Wing cAfe south Karaoke, 9pm

o.henry’s/the underground Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm

orAnge peel Badfish w/ The Lionz of Zion (Sublime covers), 9pm

vincenzo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm


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THUR 3/5

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9pm • $12/$15

an evening wiTH

SaT 3/7

cHUck bRodSky

SUn 3/8

MaRSHall cRenSHaw and the bottle Rockets 8pm • $15/$18

album Release Show 8pm • $12/$15 an evening wiTH

wed 3/11 THUR 3/12

cyMbalS eaT gUiTaRS with Slothtrust 9pm • $10/$12

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FRi 3/13

with greenhouse lounge 9pm • $12/$14

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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



Send your listings to

odditorium Karaoke w/ Blue Ridge Roller Girls, 9pm off the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm


10/25 Lee Guthrie W/ LOCUSTSarah HONEY STRING 10/25 Sarah Lee BAND Guthrie

& Johnny Irion &SIDECAR JohnnyHONEY Irion 9 P.M. $5 3/7 w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 w/PIRATES Battlefield • 9pm $10 3/8 CANOE FROM JAPAN

Jazz 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band Band 910/26 P.M. FREEFirecracker (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) & HALLOWEEN Costume & AMIGO HALLOWEEN Costume 3/9 WITH THE EVERYMEN Party & Contest •• 9pm Party & Contest 9pm $8 $8 9 P.M. FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/27 Vinegar Creek • 9pm FREE 10/27 9pm$10 FREE 3/10 THEVinegar TOSSERSCreek9• P.M. 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 CELTIC ROCK LEGENDS Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard w/ Crazy Tom w/ Crazy Tom Banana Banana9Pants Pants 3/13 FLOORBOARDS P.M. $5 10/29 Singer Songwriters 10/29 SingerSOUTH Songwriters 3/14 IDLEWOOD 9 P.M. $5 •• 7-9pm FREE in the Round THEinULTIMATE ALLMAN BROTHER 7-9pmBAND FREETRIBUTE the Round w/ Anthony Tripi, w/SIX Anthony Tripi, Elise Elise Davis Davis 3/15 TIME• 9pm LOSER Mud Tea FREE Mud Tea • 9pm FREE 9 P.M. FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED)

Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 33 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON MON Quizzo! Quizzo! 7-9p 7-9p • • WED WED Old-Time Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • 252.5445 •




DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night





FRI. 3/6 DJ OCelate


SAT. 3/7 The House Band


(rock & roll, classic hits)

one World BreWing Brett Ramsy (singer-songwriter), 8pm oskAr Blues BreWery The Puddle Jumpers (bluegrass, folk), 6pm pisgAh BreWing compAny The Screaming J’s (honky-tonk, hot jazz, ragtime), 6pm pulp Slice Of Life Comedy Open Mic, 9pm


20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

AltAmont theAtre Zansa & guests (Afro-pop, world), 8pm Asheville BAllroom & dAnce center Big Rockin’ Swing Party w/ Pop the Clutch & DJ Bust-A-Move, 8pm AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Beer city tAvern Sound Extreme DJ (dance music), 9pm BlAck BeAr coffee co. Letters To Abigail (country, soul, folk), 6pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Ginny McAfee (country, folk, guitar), 7:30pm

renAissAnce Asheville hotel Chris Smith (acoustic, alt-country), 6:30pm

Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm

room ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm

Boiler room Rebirth IX (electronic dance music), 10pm

scAndAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm tAllgAry’s At four college Iggy Radio, 7pm the mothlight Vio/Mire w/ Holy Holy Vine, Falcon Mitts (indie), 9:30pm the sociAl Contagious (rock), 8pm the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm the strAnd @ 38 mAin The Darren Nicholson Band (country, blues), 7:30pm timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm

ByWAter The Lazybirds (old-time), 8pm clAssic Wineseller Sheila Gordon (blues, pop, rock), 7pm cork & keg Vollie McKenzie & The Leadfoot Vipers (country, jazz, swing), 8:30pm croW & quill Nate Hall (of US Christmas), 9pm douBle croWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm dugout Unit 50 (rock), 9pm elAine’s dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWpuB Max Gross Weight (rock), 10pm french BroAd BreWery Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm

toWn pump Jazz For Lovers (old-time jazz), 9pm

good stuff Village Jammers (bluegrass, jazz, rock), 9pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm

highlAnd BreWing compAny Travers’ Brothership (blues, funk, jam), 6:30pm

vincenzo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm White horse BlAck mountAin Kate Steinbeck w/ Liz Austin & Fabio Parrini (chamber), 7:30pm Wxyz lounge At Aloft hotel Stevie Lee Combs (folk, Americana), 7:30pm

fridAy, mArch 6


AltAmont BreWing compAny Dave Desmelik & Nolan McKelvy (Americana), 9:30pm

purple onion cAfe Roy Schneider Duo (Americana), 8pm




one stop deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm 1st Thursdays w/ Phuncle Sam, 10pm

urBAn orchArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

(pop, dance hits)


olive or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Jacob Johnson Band (blues, rock), 9pm

185 king street Folk Soul Revival (roots, Americana), 8pm

iron horse stAtion Luke Wood (Americana), 7pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll CaroMia (blues, gospel, country), 7pm Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival w/ Rev. Billy C. Wirtz (blues, boogie, rock ‘n’ roll), 8:30pm JAck of the Wood puB Small Town Lights w/ Locust Honey String-Band (Americana), 9pm JerusAlem gArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAzy diAmond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm loBster trAp Hot Point Trio (gypsy-jazz, jazz, swing), 6:30pm

mArket plAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm neW mountAin Big Deal Comedy w/ Kenny Zimlinghaus, 8pm nightBell restAurAnt & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro, rock), 10pm noBle kAvA Space Medicine (electro-coustic ambient improv), 8:30pm o.henry’s/the underground Total Gold dance party, 10pm odditorium Suppressive Fire & All Hell (metal), 9pm off the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm

Virginia & The Slims (oldies, swing), 8pm Wild Wing cAfe Leigh Glass & The Hazards (Americana, blues, rock), 8pm

sAturdAy, mArch 7 185 king street DJ DOGG Dance Party (DJ, dance), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Andrew Fletcher (barrelhouse piano, stride piano), 6pm Pleasure Chest (blues, rock ’n’ roll, soul), 9pm

Asheville music hAll PitchBlak Brass Band w/ Les Racquet & Empire Strikes Brass (brass, funk, rock), 10pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Skribe (garage-folk), 6pm

AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

pAck’s tAvern DJ Ocelate (pop, dance, hits), 9pm

Beer city tAvern Sharkadelics (rock), 9pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny Raising Caine (country), 8pm

BlAck BeAr coffee co. Carrie Morrison (singer-songwriter, folk), 6pm

strAightAWAy cAfe Dirty Badgers (blues), 6pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house The Zealots (Americana, indie-rock), 9pm Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm Boiler room Domination (18+ Alice in Wonderland party), 9pm ByWAter Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 8pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Jaded (classic rock), 9:30pm

clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm

the AdmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

cork & keg The Gypsy Swingers (gypsy-jazz), 8:30pm

the mothlight A Tribute To Sparklehorse, 9pm

douBle croWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

dreAm guitArs Adam Rafferty (fingerstyle guitar), 7pm

tiger mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm

dugout Flashback Sally (classic rock), 9pm

timo’s house Subterranean Shakedown w/ DJ Whistleblower, D:raf, & DLX band (bass party), 10pm

elAine’s dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

toWn pump Hustle Souls (pedal steel duo), 9pm toy BoAt community Art spAce Farmer Dave’s Bicycle Powered Dream World (play), 8pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues Lenny Petenelli (high energy piano), 7pm Ruby Mayfield & The Friendship Train (blues, R&B, soul), 10pm vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlAck mountAin

Full Bar


St. Patrick’s Day Specials $3.00 Guinness & Guinness Blonde & Highland Gaelic

zAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm CBDB (rock, funk, jam), 10pm

southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Pea Pickin’ Hearts (Americana, rockabilly), 8pm


Wxyz lounge At Aloft hotel DJ Kipper (DJ, electronic), 8:30pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny The River Rats (rock, blues), 9:30pm

scully’s DJ, 10pm


Wild Wing cAfe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

olive or tWist Swing lesson w/ John Deitz, 7:30pm WestSound (blues, Motown), 8pm Live Latin Band, 11pm

scAndAls nightcluB Zumba Fitness in Da Club w/ Be Bad Hip Hop, 7pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till

french BroAd BreWery Black Robin Hero (Americana, rock ’n’ roll), 6pm good stuff Stephen Lee (country, punk, rock), 9pm




$5.00 Baby Guinness, Irish Car Bombs & Jameson






Thurs 3/12






Fri 3/20

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grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Chuck Brodsky Album Release Show (folk), 8pm highlAnd BreWing compAny Pierce Edens & The Dirty Work (Americana, rock), 6:30pm

Where Adult Dreams Come True

iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Jim Arrendell Dance Party (Motown, soul), 9pm

(828) 684-8250

2334 Hendersonville Rd. 743 HAYWOOD RD 828-575-2737 ISISASHEVILLE.COM

(S. Asheville/Arden)

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



ENTERTAINMENT! Wed 3/4: Ashli Rose - 7:00 Karaoke - 9:30

Thurs 3/5: Contagious - 8:00

Fri, Sat, Sun: Karaoke - 9:30 Mon 3/9: Mark Keller 6-9

Salsa Night - 10:00



Send your listings to

Tues 3/10: Jason Whitaker 6-9 Wed 3/11: Steve Mosley 6-9 Karaoke - 9:30

Serving Lunch Daily Kitchen & Bar Open til 2am 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780

maKing meLodies: Swinging over to Asheville from North Carolina’s triangle, The Piedmont Melody Makers play old-time, country and bluegrass music — and they’re playing at the Weinhaus’ Cork and Keg Taproom on Sunday, March 8, at 7 p.m. Alice Gerrard, the band’s singer and songwriter, was nominated for a 2015 Grammy for her album Follow the Music. “Alice Gerrard is a national treasure,” says Hunt Mallett, owner of the Weinhaus.

JAck of the Wood puB Sidecar Honey (Americana, rock), 9pm JerusAlem gArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAzy diAmond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm loBster trAp Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm mArco’s pizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm mArket plAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm neW mountAin Big Ivy Benefit Show: I Star, Numatik, Juan Holladay, & Infinite Geometry (electronic), 6:30pm Travers’ Brothership w/ Deep Fried Five, Sun Cans (blues, funk, jam), 9pm nightBell restAurAnt & lounge In Plain Sight (deep house), 10pm noBle kAvA The Kavalactones w/ Caleb Beissert & Max Melner (electro-coustic improv), 8:30pm


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm one stop deli & BAr Geoff Ferris & The Wheels w/ The Dirty Soul Revival & The Dirty Badgers (rock ‘n’ roll), 10pm orAnge peel The Breakfast Club (new wave, dance), 9pm oskAr Blues BreWery Darby Wilcox & the Peep Show (singersongwriter), 6pm pAck’s tAvern The House Band (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny The Jeff Sipe Trio (funk, jazz, soul), 9pm purple onion cAfe Aaron Burdette (Americana, bluegrass, folk-rock), 8pm room ix Open dance night, 9pm root BAr no. 1 The Fat Sparrows (folk-rock), 10pm scAndAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

o.henry’s/the underground Bounce Lingerie Dance Party, 10pm

scully’s DJ, 10pm

odditorium Ilsa, Asylum, Autarch, & Horseflesh (metal), 9pm

southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Carolina Rex (blues, Americana), 8pm

off the WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm

spring creek tAvern Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues, rock, roots), 7pm

olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz, swing), 8pm

strAightAWAy cAfe Ken Kiser (Americana), 6pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Fine Line (classic rock), 9:30pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm

the AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

JAck of the Wood puB Irish session, 5pm Pirates Canoe from Japan (roots), 9pm

the mothlight River Whyless w/ Twain & Luke Norton (folk, pop, rock), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm timo’s house Jim Raves (dance), 9pm toWn pump Worldline (rock), 9pm toy BoAt community Art spAce Farmer Dave’s Bicycle Powered Dream World (play), 8pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues Lyric (funk, rock, soul), 10pm vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlAck mountAin Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm Wxyz lounge At Aloft hotel Mandelkorn George Project (funk, heavy soul), 8:30pm zAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sundAy, mArch 8

lAzy diAmond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm loBster trAp Crossroad String Band (acoustic, bluegrass), 8:30pm moJo kitchen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm neW mountAin Studio Zahiya Party & Liz’s Goodbye Party, 5pm Big Deal Comedy Open Mic, 8pm odditorium May Erwin w/ Sabals (indie), 9pm off the WAgon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist Cha Cha Lessons w/ Wayne Tipton, 7pm DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 9pm The Shift w/ Drake Murphy, The Melons & Poet Radio (rock, psych-rock), 9pm pour tAproom Open mic, 8pm scAndAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7pm

southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Gospel brunch w/ Todd Hoke, Mare Carmody & Michael Carver, 12pm

AltAmont theAtre Asheville Ecstatic Dance: first wave, 10am; second wave, 12pm

stAtic Age records Lace Curtains (garage-pop), 9pm

Asheville music hAll Steely Dan Sunday, 9pm The Mason Dixie Burlesque + Dirty Squirty Circus Big-Ass Tour Finale Show, 9pm The Shift w/ Drake Murphy, The Melons & Poet Radio (rock & roll), 9pm Blue kudzu sAke compAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm

strAightAWAy cAfe Paul Cataldo (Americana, folk, roots), 5pm tAllgAry’s At four college Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm the mothlight Craft Spells w/ The Bilinda Butchers & Doc Aquatic (indie), 9:30pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm

the southern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm

BuriAl Beer co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm

tiger mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm

cork & keg Piedmont Melody Makers (bluegrass, old-time), 7pm

timo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm

douBle croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

toWn pump This Frontier Needs Heroes (Americana, roots, rock), 9pm

french BroAd BreWery PubSing (gospel jam & sing-along, bring snack), 5:30pm

toy BoAt community Art spAce Buzz Show (benefit for Priya), 7:30pm

good stuff Vita & The Woolf (electronic, soul, pop), 3pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Marshall Crenshaw & The Bottle Rockets (alt-country, rock), 8pm iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm

•Thursday 3/5: Samuel Adams Small Batch Beers Tap Takeover at 6pm •Tuesday 3/10: Frank Zappa Music Night •Thursday 3/12: Benefit Event for Asheville on Bikes in collaboration with our neighbor Epic Cycles.

vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White horse BlAck mountAin Land of the Sky Orchestra (classical), 7:30pm Wild Wing cAfe Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm Wild Wing cAfe south Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm








3.4 9PM






















3.7 6PM


3.7 8PM























maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015



Send your listings to

mondAy, mArch 9 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Eleanor Underhill & friends (Americana, soul), 8pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm Beer city tAvern Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam), 6:30pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm courtyArd gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm croW & quill Darien Crossley, Voodoo Wedding & Vita and the Woolf (indie-rock, singer-songwriters), 9pm douBle croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm good stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Contra dance, 7pm JAck of the Wood puB Quizzo, 7pm Amigo w/ The Everymen (punk, rock, honky-tonk), 9pm

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

iron horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm JAck of the Wood puB The Tossers (Irish folk, rock), 9pm lAzy diAmond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm loBster trAp Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 7pm mArco’s pizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm mArket plAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm o.henry’s/the underground Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm

loBster trAp Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm

one stop deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

the mothlight Southbound Turnaround & Friends: Conway & Ray Tribute (country), 9pm


good stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

off the WAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

sovereign remedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm

douBle croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm

lexington Ave BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

advertise now!

cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm

lAzy diAmond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm

one World BreWing Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm


BuffAlo nickel Trivia, 7pm

odditorium Odd comedy night, 9pm Calyx w/ Birth & Sprout Spirit (punk), 10pm

odditorium Blue Moon Circus (circus show), 9pm

2015 edition

Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm

pour tAproom Frank Zappa night, 8pm scully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm tAllgAry’s At four college Jam night, 9pm the Joint next door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm the mothlight Screaming Females w/ Downtown Boys & Basement Benders (punk), 9pm

the sociAl Marc Keller, 6pm

the sociAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 6pm

timo’s house Movie night, 7pm

the southern Zack Brazzel (folk, soul), 10pm

vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

tiger mountAin Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm


toWn pump Nick Bryant (singer-songwriter), 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (jazz, ragtime, swing), 8pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm

vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

Asheville music hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

Westville puB Blues jam, 10pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm

White horse BlAck mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact

picK of tHe weeK

tHeateR Listings

What We Do in the Shadows HHHHS

fRiday, maRcH 6 tHuRsday, maRcH 12 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diRectoR: Jermaine Clement, Taika Waititi

Asheville pizzA & BreWing co. (254-1281) the hunger games: mockingjay -- part 1 (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 inherent vice (r) 10:00

pLayeRs: Jermaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh, Cori Gonzalez-Macuer, Stuart Rutherford

CARMIKE CINEMA 10 (298-4452)

faux documentaRy HoRRoR comedy Rated nR tHe stoRy: The film invites you — and a never seen documentary crew — to spend some time with a houseful of old-school vampires who are trying to be modern. tHe Lowdown: Surprisingly fresh and funny — despite its dubious mockumentary approach — and blessed with appealingly goofy characters and even a few bona fide thrills.

Imagine my delight at finding Jermaine Clement and Taika Waititi’s What We Do in the Shadows thoroughly entertaining, amusing and even charming. By all rights of logic and history I should have hated it. The mockumentary format is paired with the shaky-cam “found footage” horror movie, two things I most hold in contempt about modern cinema. Both are cheap and easy ways to avoid having to actually bother with a solid screenplay or marginal filmmaking skill. And while this is a mockumentary, it’s a mockumentary with a difference. It has wit and style — and a story arc. Plus, it has characters it’s hard not to care for — despite the fact that they


taiKa waititi, jonatHan bRugH and jeRmaine cLement in What We Do in the Shadows — Messrs. Clement and Waititi's surprisingly funny, charming and even sometimes a little scary vampire comedy.

“eat” people. That seems to be their term of choice, even though only one of them — the 8,000-yearold Nosferatu-looking Petyr (Ben Fransham) — actually appears to ingest anyone. Now, I’m not cutting this slack because of some fondness for the film’s creators’ association with the cult TV show Flight of the Conchords, which I’ve never seen and know very little about. No, I came to this cold — and when I realized it was in the mockumentary form, I groaned and swore. But I quickly realized something else — apart from providing a means for our vampire heroes to directly address the audience, there’s really not much mockumentary here. In fact, I often forgot what I was seeing was supposedly — and preposterously — captured by a documentary crew, apparently festooned with crosses and garlic and having been promised

they’ll not be eaten. It mostly just doesn’t matter, feeling more like a look in on a small group of vampires coping with life in modern day New Zealand — and coping with each other in a housesharing situation. Part of what makes this work is that it’s the creation of a couple of guys who obviously love and know the genre they’re spoofing. Though vampire mythology has a certain amount of variables to pick and choose from, everything in the movie has a sound basis. It also touches on various aspects of vampire lore — both from legend and cinema. I already mentioned that Petyr is made up to resemble the vampire in Murnau’s Nosferatu (1922), but there’s also the implication that 862-year-old Vladislav (Jermaine Clement) might be Vlad the Impaler. (He excuses his torturing past as a time when he was “in a bad place.”)

CAROLINA CINEMAS (274-9500) American sniper (r) 1:30, 4:40, 7:30, 10:20 Birdman or (the unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 1:50, 6:50 chappie (r) 11:35, 2:10, 4:50, 7:25, 9:10, 10:00 fifty shades of grey (r) 11:15, 2:00, 4:50, 7:45, 10:25 focus (r) 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:35, 9:55 kingsman: the secret service (r) 11:00, 1:45, 4:35, 7:20, 10:10 the lazarus effect (pg-13) 12:10, 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 8:20, 10:20 mcfarland usA (pg) 11:00, 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 mr. turner (r) 12:20, 3:30, 6:55, 10:00 paddington (pg) 11:20 the second Best exotic marigold hotel (pg-13) 10:55, 1:35, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45 the spongeBob movie: sponge out of Water 2d (pg) 11:15, 2:15, 4:30, 7:00 still Alice (pg-13) 12:15, 2:40, 4:55, 7:10, 9:25 unfinished Business (r) 12:00, 2:05, 4:10, 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 What We do in the shadows (nr) 11:40, 1:45, 3:50, 6:05, 8:10, 10:15 Whiplash (r) 11:30, 4:25, 9:30 CO-ED CINEMA BREvARD (883-2200) mcfarland, usA (pg) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 epic of hendersonville (693-1146) fine Arts theAtre (232-1536) Amadeus (r) 7:00 Thu., Mar. 12 mr. turner (r) 1:20, 4:20 the second Best exotic marigold hotel (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 still Alice (pg-13) 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., Mar. 12), Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 flAtrock cinemA (697-2463) foxcatcher (r) Fri, Sat, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 3:30, 7:00 regAl Biltmore grAnde stAdium 15 (684-1298) united Artists BeAucAtcher (298-1234)

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015




Contact us today!


Publishes: 05.06.15 // Space Guarantee: 04.29.15


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

The whole idea is predicated on a group of vampires living together in a rundown house in Wellington. Besides the aforementioned Petyr (who at 8,000 doesn’t really interact with anyone) and Vladislav, we have 183-year-old Byronic troublemaker Deacon (Jonathan Brugh) and 379-yearold fussy, dissipated dandy Viago (Taika Waititi), who, despite his relative youth, is more or less in charge of keeping things in order. Viago is also the sweetest and most lovable of the characters — anxious to please, easily embarrassed and generally affable (even if he does kill people). He’s a thwarted romantic still pining for the girl he lost (thanks to a magnificently stupid “familiar”). A great deal of the humor stems from this aged collection of the undead bickering among themselves over petty matters, searching for virgin blood (though they’re not sure why) and trying to adjust to the modern world, which they only vaguely understand. They seem oblivious to the fact that their situation has been significantly degraded and their powers diminished. (That their annual vampire, witch and zombie ball is actually taking place with the Victoria Bowling Club standing in for the awesomely named Cathedral of Despair seems completely lost on them.) This may be what makes the film slightly sweet and sad as well as funny. What’s surprising is that What We Do in the Shadows actually manages to throw some moments of genuine horror into its goofy mix — all thanks to Petyr. In fact, it has a couple of shock effects that are more effective than those found in many supposed straight horror pictures. It also doesn’t shy away from the goriness of its vampire premise, though the use of gore for comedic shock is over 40 years old at this point, so that’s hardly groundbreaking. There is a plot, but I think that’s best left to the film rather than a review. All in all, I highly recommend it — unless horror pictures are just generally off-putting to you. Not Rated but contains scenes of bloody comic horror, adult themes and language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke


Focus HHHS

diRectoR: Glenn Ficarra & John Requa (Crazy, Stupid, Love.) pLayeRs: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Adrian Martinez, Gerald McRaney, Rodrigo Santoro con man fLicK Rated R tHe stoRy: A con man and his one-time protege — and romantic interest — get tangled up in a scheme. tHe Lowdown: A clever and honestly surprising movie that’s held back due to the weak chemistry and miscasting of its two leads.

Glenn Ficarra and John Requa’s Focus would be a really good piece of pure entertainment if not for one crucial flaw, one that’s unfortunately so glaring it’s impossible to ignore. That mistake is the casting of the film’s leads, Will Smith and his romantic interest, Margot Robbie (The Wolf of Wall Street), who, while not bad in any common sense of the word, are an onscreen couple devoid of any real verve or chemistry. This is true of them separately and in tandem, and it is a crippling mistake for a movie that’s channeling a sort of Steven Soderbergh-esque cool in the vein of Ocean’s 11 (2001) or even Out of Sight (1998), and which fancies itself as sexy. Smith, for all of his middlebrow appeal, is no George Clooney when it comes to genuine charm — and he’s also perhaps the least sensual leading man in modern film. Add Robbie to the mix, who looks and speaks like little more than Jaime Pressly Redux, despite a solid performance, and there’s just no spark there. It’s a great pity, too, since Focus is occasionally incredibly and genuinely clever and has a few honest surprises in it, something thatfeels like it’s becoming rarer and rarer. What’s ingenious about the film is the way Ficarra and Requa — who co-wrote and directed — are playing not only with the con man subgenre, but with the

HHHHH = max rating kind of clichés the audience has come to expect from many films. They’re conning the audience as much as Smith’s character Nicky’s conning everyone else in the movie. A sequence in the middle of the film only works because of a presupposed gambling problem with Smith’s character and some presumably ham-fisted use of “Sympathy for the Devil,” before it’s totally flipped around into something wholly satisfying. The same can be said for the film’s climax and the way it unfolds in unseen ways. Add in some solid dialogue and occasional fits of creative filmmaking and you’ve got a nice piece of entertainment. But then there’s the plot, which is great in theory, and involves Nicky mentoring Jess, teaching her how to rip off tourists in New Orleans before they fall for one another. Eventually, thanks to Nicky’s businesslike attitude, he calls things off. Then they run into each other years later. In many ways, Focus is more a romance below the veneer of a crime thriller, which would be fine (especially with the kind of weirdly sweet way the film wraps up) except for Smith and Robbie. So much of the film is just their characters interacting or revolving around one another that it’s a major problem that they’re so dull together. It’s a testament to how good the rest of Focus can be that it’s able to survive such a regrettable miscalculation. Rated R for language, some sexual content and brief violence. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

Be sure to read ‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online

speciaL scReenings

speciaL scReenings

Design for Living HHHHH

Song of Summer HHHHH

diRectoR: Ernst Lubitsch pLayeRs: Fredric March, Gary Cooper, Miriam Hopkins, Edward Everett Horton, Franklin Pangborn comedy Rated NR “Immorality may be fun, but it isn’t fun enough to take the place of 100-percent virtue and three square meals a day,” opines Max Plunkett (Edward Everett Horton) on more than one occasion in Ernst Lubitsch’s Design for Living. The film then goes out of its way to prove him wrong, which might seem a little shocking to today’s audiences in such an old movie. In pre-code Hollywood, it was surprising what they got away with — and never more so than in the final pre-code year of 1933. Actually, even for a pre-code film it was surprising that Lubitsch was allowed to make a film from Noel Coward’s play — no matter how much it was toned down — since the subject matter was and remained a ménage à trois. In this case, the partners are writer Thomas Chambers (Fredric March), painter George Curtis (Gary Cooper) and self-proclaimed “mother of the arts” Gilda Farrell (Miriam Hopkins) — and three prettier people in 1933 Hollywood would be hard to find. Of course, any actual reference to a threesome or bisexuality never made it into the film, but there’s more subtext than you can shake a stick at (if that’s your idea of a good time) and the ending — well, where else can it go? (If you see the film, you’ll know what I mean.) Coward purists dislike the film, largely because almost none of Coward’s dialogue was left and the characters had been Americanized for the stars, but no one else need worry about that. For Lubitsch, the film would mark the end of his most creative period at Paramount (1929-1933) — and a fine final bow it is. The Asheville Film Society will screen Design for Living Tuesday, March 10, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

diRectoR: Ken Russell pLayeRs: Max Adrian, Christopher Gable, Maureen Pryor, David Collings musicaL biogRapy Rated NR For years, Ken Russell cited Song of Summer (1968) as his favorite of his films. That’s understandable — and I wouldn’t say it was wrong (to the degree that a favorite can even be wrong) — but I would caution against taking his word on any given film as etched in stone, because it was known to shift a lot over the years. Still, it’s a great film and particularly notable as the first of his TV biographies not to rely very much on a narration. It is mostly a film that tells its own story. I’ve likened it to Bergman before, and I think it’s a good analogy, but don’t take it too far because it’s every inch a Ken Russell film. The film details the final years of English composer Frederick Delius (Max Adrian). At the time the film opens, Eric Fenby (Christopher Gable) encounters a piece of music by Delius on the radio, and it speaks to him as no music ever has. Learning that Delius is now blind and completely paralyzed, he writes to the composer, offering his services in any capacity. Delius’ wife, Jelka (Maureen Pryor), writes back, inviting Fenby to come stay with them in France where he might possibly be able to get some last compositions in Delius’ brain down on paper. What Fenby hadn’t reckoned on is that this will take years — and that the composer of this beautiful music that so enraptured him would turn out to be a selfabsorbed, irritable, demanding and frequently just plain unpleasant old man. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Song of Summer Friday, March 6, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Frankenstein HHHHH

The Soloist HHH

diRectoR: James Whale pLayeRs: Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Edward Van Sloan, Dwight Frye HoRRoR Rated NR James Whale’s Frankenstein was only the second entry in the first wave of cinematic horror, but it’s also what can be called the first modern horror picture. By that I mean that the film is unapologetic about its horror content. There is none of the reticence of Tod Browning’s Dracula (1931) here. Frankenstein is a film that sets out to deliver genuine shocks — and shock effects — in its tale of mad scientist Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) bringing to life a monster (Boris Karloff) pieced together out of body parts purloined “from the grave, from the gallows” and indeed anywhere. Ironically, James Whale took the project because his first two films — Journey’s End (1930) and Waterloo Bridge (1931) — had WWI backgrounds. Whale had been brought to Hollywood on the strength of his stage productions of Journey’s End (in the West End and on Broadway), and he feared that all this was going to get him typecast as nothing but a war specialist. Well, tackling Frankenstein solved that — and now he’s forever known for it and the three horror films he made in its wake. Sometimes you just can’t win, but most of us aren’t complaining because Whale’s quartet of horror pictures are among the wonders of film. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Frankenstein Thursday, March 5, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

diRectoR: Joe Wright pLayeRs: Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey Jr., Catherine Keener, Tom Hollander, Nelsan Ellis fact-based dRama Rated PG-13 The Soloist is not a bad movie, but the best that can be said of it is that it qualifies as an honorable failure. Everything about The Soloist screams quality production — highly rated director Joe Wright, even more highly rated stars Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. and a message-heavy “true-life” story. What more could you ask for in terms of a high-toned drama? Well, it might have helped if anyone had settled on just what message the movie was trying to convey. And it might have helped even more if Wright and screenwriter Susannah Grant (Catch and Release) had settled on what kind of movie they were making. In the end, what they achieved is something of an unwieldy mess. The film is based on Steve Lopez’s book — drawn from his series of Los Angeles Times articles — about his meetings and subsequent friendship with a homeless schizophrenic, Nathaniel Ayers, who turns out to have once been a musical prodigy and a Julliard student. Lopez is played by Robert Downey Jr., and Ayers is played by Jamie Foxx. These performances are both in the film’s favor, but they aren’t enough to hold the proceedings together. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Soloist Sunday, March 8, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


stiLL sHowing

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

Hot Tub Time Machine 2 S Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Adam Scott, Gillian Jacobs

Raunchy comedy After re-jiggering the past to suit their needs with their time machine made out of a hot tub, three buddies travel into the future to stop a murder. A flaccid, unimaginative and chuckleheaded raunchy comedy whose only novelty is that it exists in the first place. Rated R

Maps to the Stars HHHHS Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack, Evan Bird, Olivia Williams, Robert Pattinson, Sarah Gadon dramatic satire with mystical aspects The lives of a supremely dysfunctional group of Hollywoodites intersect with tragically inevitable consequences. Part Hollywood satire, part dark melodrama, all fascinating David Cronenberg film. Some will love it, others will absolutely hate it. Rated R

McFarland, USA HHS Kevin Costner, Carlos Pratts, Ramiro Rodriguez, Maria Bello, Johnny Ortiz Fact-Based Uplifting Sports Drama A former high school football coach on his last chance takes up a job coaching cross

7,000 Mountain Xpress readers have shopped at a jewelry store this month. 60

maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


country in a poor, Hispanic California town. A wholly perfunctory, inoffensive and vaguely watchable uplifting sports flick that’s riddled with clichés and a lack of surprises. Rated pg

Mr. Turner HHHHH Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, Dorothy Atkinson, Marion Bailey, Lesley Manville, Ruth Sheen Biographical Drama A film on the last 25 years of the British landscape painter J.M.W. Turner. This is nothing short of a masterpiece with a central performance of immense, if hard to penetrate, power from Timothy Spall. But be warned, it’s a prickly, difficult film that lacks much in the way of a traditional narrative structure. Rated R

Fifty Shades of Grey S Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Jennifer Ehle, Eloise Mumford, Victor Rasuk, Luke Grimes, Marcia Gay Harden flaccid softcore s&m Billionaire S&M aficionado tries to win over guileless 27-year-old virgin. Object: discipline. Awful acting, dreadful dialogue and tepid titillation combine to sink this essay in pseudo-sexy tedium. Rated R

Kingsman: The Secret Service HHHHS Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Caine, Mark Hamill, Sofia Boutella, Samantha Womack, Sophie Cookson Over-the-top Spy Spoof with Carnage The supersecret Kingsman agency has to go head-to-head with a madman with an extreme — and extremely lethal — plan to solve climate change. Wildly inappropriate, politically incorrect, possibly reprehensible, ultrastylish, violent, bloody, over-the-top fun that will delight some and appall others — and may well delight and appall some at the same time. Rated R

Song of the Sea HHH (Voices) Brendan Gleeson, Fionnula Flanagan, David Rawle, Pat Shortt, Lisa Hannigan animated fairy tale Two children — sent to live with their grandmother — attempt to trek back home, only to find out the sister is entangled in a fantastical mystery. A handsome looking film with a story that’s too basic to be memorable. Rated pg

Jupiter Ascending HHHH Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne, Douglas Booth, Tuppence Middleton baroque sci-fi space opera A lowly Cinderella-esque drudge turns out to be the rightful owner of the Earth. It’s big. It’s goofy. It’s highly imaginative. It has a little something on its mind. And it’s fun. In other words, it’s a film from the Wachowskis. Rated pg-13

HHHHH = max rating

Seventh Son HS Jeff Bridges, Ben Barnes, Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, Antje Traue, Olivia Williams, John DeSantis, Kit Harington fantasy action A “spook” (witch-hunter) and his apprentice must stop an evil witch from taking over the world. Incredibly dull fantasy action nonsense occasionally goosed with unintentional laughs and a pair of absurdly over-the-top performances. Rated pg-13

Still Alice HHHH Julianne Moore, Kristen Stewart, Alec Baldwin, Kate Bosworth, Hunter Parrish drama A woman wages the inevitably losing battle against Alzheimer’s disease. The performances of Oscar-nominated Julianne Moore and Kristen Stewart — along with a frequently solid script — elevate this blandly directed and slightly soapy movie to the level of a must-see. Rated pg-13

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water HHH (Voices) Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, Mr. Lawrence, Clancy Brown action comedy adventure After the secret recipe to the wildly popular Krabby Patties disappears, SpongeBob and his archrival Plankton must travel through space and time to recover it. A likable collection of bad jokes and casual nonsense that’s simply too long and exhausting. Rated pg

Black or White HH Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer, Jillian Estell, Bill Burr, Mpho Koaho drama After the death of his wife, an alcoholic widower must fight for custody of his granddaughter. A well-intentioned courtroom drama that’s not as intelligent or prescient as it wants to be. Rated pg-13

American Sniper HHS Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Luke Grimes, Kyle Gallner, Jake McDorman, Ben Reed war drama biopic Fact-based war drama about Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. Clint Eastwood’s latest will please many, but it’s a simplistic movie with often slack direction and little to say beyond the obvious in a print-the-legend manner. Rated R

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies HHS Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Ian McKellan, Aidan Turner, Evangeline Lilly fantasy adventure A wee hobbit and a handful of dwarves must defend a mountain stronghold full of treasure from a number of enemies. A mostly dull, repetitive, surprisingly humorless end to the stretched-thin trilogy. Rated pg-13

staRting fRiday

Chappie What to make of Neill Blomkamp’s latest? Yes, his District 9 (2009) was a bright surprise, and his Elysium (2013) something of a letdown, but not a disaster. Now he brings us Chappie, which looks for all the world like a serious-minded rehash of the comedic Short Circuit (1986). But wait, that was what we call family friendly, and this carries an R rating. It’s all about the first robot — Chappie (Sharlton Copley) — that can feel and think — something that bad guy Hugh Jackman (yes, Hugh Jackman) views as a threat to mankind that must be stopped. Dev Patel and Sigourney Weaver are also on board. Strange how such a relatively high-profile film has not been screened for critics yet. (R)

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel If you can’t get enough of Dev Patel, we also get him in John Madden’s The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, the inevitable sequel to the 2011 art house break-out hit. Everyone is back — except for Tom Wilkinson, obviously — and Richard Gere has been added. Yes, this is the sort of film that usually merits a press screening, but Fox Searchlight is heading straight for the mainstream — while still including the art houses — this time. This has, however, been reviewed — at least in the U.K. and Australia — with mostly positive, but not really enthusiastic, notices. (pg-13)

Unfinished Business And for those of you who still think Vince Vaughn is funny — and a movie star — there’s the R rated raunchy-com Unfinished Business. The studio release says, “A hardworking small business owner (Vince Vaughn) and his two associates (Tom Wilkinson, Dave Franco) travel to Europe to close the most important deal of their lives. But what began as a routine business trip goes off the rails in every imaginable — and unimaginable — way, including unplanned stops at a massive sex fetish event and a global economic summit.” The exceedingly grim trailer bears this out. (R)

What We Do In The Shadows See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

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maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015


fReewiLL astRoLogy

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): To depict what lay beyond the limits of the known world, medieval mapmakers sometimes drew pictures of dragons and sea serpents. Their images conveyed the sense that these territories were uncharted and perhaps risky to explore. There were no actual beasties out there, of course. I think it’s possible you’re facing a comparable situation. The frontier realm you are wandering through may seem to harbor real dragons, but I’m guessing they are all of the imaginary variety. That’s not to say you should entirely let down your guard. Mix some craftiness in with your courage. Beware of your mind playing tricks. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Whenever I close my eyes and seek psychic visions of your near future, I see heroic biblical scenes. Moses is parting the Red Sea. Joseph is interpreting Pharaoh’s dream. Jesus is feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. What’s the meaning of my reveries? Well, this psychic stuff is tricky, and I hesitate to draw definitive conclusions. But if I had to guess, I’d speculate that you are ripe to provide a major blessing or perform an unprecedented service for people you care about. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In a New Yorker cartoon, Tom Gauld outlines “The Four Undramatic Plot Structures”: 1. “The hero is confronted by an antagonistic force and ignores it until it goes away.” 2. “The protagonist is accused of wrongdoing, but it’s not a big thing and soon gets sorted out.” 3. “The heroine is faced with a problem, but it’s really difficult so she gives up.” 4. “A man wants something. Later, he’s not so sure. By suppertime he’s forgotten all about it.” In my astrological opinion, Gemini, you should dynamically avoid all four of those fates. Now is a time for you to take brave, forceful action as you create dramatic plot twists that serve your big dreams. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright,” said heavyweight German philosopher Walter Benjamin, a fellow Cancerian. I am happy to report that there’s a good chance you will soon be blessed with an extraordinary measure of this worry-free self-awareness. And when you do — when you are basking in an expanded self-knowledge infused with self-love and self-appreciation — some of your chronic fear will drop away, and you will have at your disposal a very useful variety of happiness. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “As you get older, the heart sheds its leaves like a tree,” said French novelist Gustave Flaubert. “You cannot hold out against certain winds. Each day tears away a few more leaves; and then there are the storms that break off several branches at one go. And while nature’s greenery grows back again in the spring, that of the heart never grows back.” Do you agree with Flaubert, Leo? I don’t. I say that you can live with such resilient innocence that your heart’s leaves grow back after a big wind and become ever-more lush and hardy as you age. You can send down such deep, strong roots and stretch your branches toward the sun with such vigor that your heart always has access to the replenishment it needs to flourish. The coming weeks will provide evidence that what I say is true. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “I will not wait to love as best as I can,” says writer Dave Eggers. “We thought we were young and that there would be time to love well sometime in the future. This is a terrible way to think. It is no way to live, to wait to love.” That’s your keynote for the coming weeks, Virgo. That’s your wake-up call and the rose-scented note under your pillow and the message scrawled in lipstick on your bathroom mirror. If there is any part of you that believes love will be better or fuller or more perfect in the future, tell that part of you to shut up and embrace this tender command: Now is the time to love with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your mind. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I love the song “Shine On You Crazy Diamond,” by Pink Floyd. Other favorites are Tool’s “Third Eye” and Yo La Tengo’s “Pass the Hatchet, I Think I’m Goodkind.” But all of these tunes


maRcH 4 - maRcH 10, 2015

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): When Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California in 2003, the state had the eighth largest economy in the world, right behind Italy and just ahead of Brazil. Schwarzenegger had never before held political office. When Cambodian doctor Haing Nor performed in the film The Killing Fields, for which he ultimately won an Oscar, he had no training as an actor. He was a novice. Will you try to follow in their footsteps, Pisces? Is it possible you could take on a role for which you have no preparation or seasoning? According to my divinations, the answer is yes. But is it a good idea? That’s a more complex issue. Trust your gut.

have a similar problem. They’re more than 10 minutes long. Even before my attention span got shrunk by the Internet, listening to them tested my patience. Now I have to forcefully induce a state of preternatural relaxation if I want to hear them all the way through. In the coming days, Libra, don’t be like a too-much-of-a-good-thing song. Be willing to edit yourself. Observe concise boundaries. Get to the point quickly. (You’ll be rewarded for it.) SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Sneaking around isn’t necessary, Scorpio. There’s no useful power to be gained by hiding information or pursuing secret agendas. This is not a time when it’s essential for you to be a master of manipulation who’s 10 steps ahead of everyone else. For now, you are likely to achieve maximum success and enjoy your life the most if you are curious, excitable and transparent. I invite you to embody the mindset of a creative, precocious child who has a loving mommy and daddy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first humans to reach the summit of Mount Everest. It took them seven weeks to climb the 29,029-foot peak. In 1960, Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh got into a bathyscaphe and sailed to the lowest point on the planet, the Mariana Trench at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. It took them four hours and 47 minutes to go down 36,070 feet. Based on my analysis of your astrological omens, I think the operative metaphor for you in the coming weeks should be the deep descent, not the steep ascent. It’s time to explore and hang out in the depths rather than the heights. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The African country of Ivory Coast has two different capital cities. Yamoussoukro is the official capital, while Abidjan is the actual capital, where the main governmental action takes place. I suspect there’s a comparable split in your personal realm, Capricorn: a case of mixed dominance. Maybe that’s a good thing; maybe it allows for a balance of power between competing interests. Or perhaps it’s a bit confusing, causing a split in your attention that hampers you from expressing a unified purpose. Now would be a favorable time to think about how well the division is working for you and to tinker with it if necessary. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): I’ve gone on three book tours and done my spoken-word show in scores of bookstores. But one of my favorite author events took place at the Avenue C Laundromat in New York City’s East Village. There I performed with two other writers as part of the “Dirty Laundry: Loads of Prose” reading series. It was a boisterous event. All of us authors were extra loose and goofy, and the audience offered a lot of funny, good-natured heckling. The unusual location freed everyone up to have maximum amusement. I see the coming weeks as a time when you, too, might thrive by doing what you do best in seemingly out-of-context situations. If you’re not outright invited to do so, I suggest you invite yourself.

finAnce coordinAtor Children First/CIS and The Mediation Center are hiring a finance coordinator to be responsible for bookkeeping and accounting activities. More information: www. mAdison county heAlth director Oversees public health functions, including women and children’s services, community health, school nurses, environmental health, WIC and Dental Center. Manages Dept Directors; 40+employees total. Full job description at MPH, MPA or related graduate degree required, along with mgt experience. Candidacy will require completion of the state job application, but resumes may be sent to: madisonhealthhr@ No phone calls please.

teAching/ educAtion seeking An exceptionAl teAcher To co-teach in a small group setting (14 four/ five year olds). Must have early childhood education background (formal or informal). Salary up to $30,000/ year depending on education and experience. Call 828-6540664 (ask for the Director) for e-mail address and more information.

Business opportunities MAKE $1000 WEEKLY! Mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

cAreer trAining AviAtion grAds Work with JetBlue, Boeing, NASA and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) stArt your humAnitAriAn cAreer! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! 269-591-0518. (AAN CAN)

retAil BoneAfide pet Boutique hiring pArt-time sAles speciAlist Located on historic Cherry Street in Black Mountain, NC. Looking for motivated, independent, trustworthy individual with prior retail experience and experience with dogs. Social media experience is a plus. Individuals will work 3-4 days each week from 11-6 or 6:30 and fill in for vacations, etc. 828-669-0706 seeking quAlified sAlesperson Applicant must be motivated, with flexible schedule to work on weekends, and have retail experience (preferably luxury goods). Apply with resume at 1 Swan Street. Tues-Fri, 12-5.

sAlon/ spA **neW upscAle north Asheville hAir sAlon** Looking for FT/PT Hair Stylist/Front Desk Receptionist.

Stylist with established clientele preferred. References are required. Call:828-7777940, email: maryfranksalon@

xchAnge Businesses for sAle locAl fitness studio for sAle! In Biltmore Village, this 830 sq. ft. studio includes rubber flooring, squat rack, Cybex Dual Cable machine, stability balls - balance and myofacial release tools office/bathroom/ shower. 828-280-4987

services cAregivers COMPANION • CAREGIvER • LIvE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.

legAl notices notice of unclAimed property The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department: electronic equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous items. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property has 30 days from the date of this publication to make a claim. Unclaimed items will be disposed of according to statutory law. Items will be auctioned on For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section, 828-232-4576. notice of disposition The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department tagged for disposition: audio and video equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous. Items will be disposed of 30 days from date of this posting.

home improvement hAndy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • hAndymAn services Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

clAsses & Workshops clAsses & Workshops

heAting & cooling

sprAy foAm insulAtion • Close Cell Foam • Open Cell Foam. • And Fiberglass Insulation • Basement • Crawl space • Attic and Roofing. Make your Existing Home a Green Home! (828) 337-7236.


fiction Writing retreAt: A river runs through it Tap into the creative wellspring of your novel with novelist and journalist Dale Neal. Morning workshops & afternoon oneon-one critiques will help launch the first 50 pages of your novel. https://event.

Announcements good Wood pizzA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. pregnAnt? thinking of Adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)

sAcred spAce pAinting: Asheville's intuitive pAinting studio Workshops and Classes for Adults and Children. Awaken Passion and Aliveness through Painting! Next workshop Sat. Feb 28th, 10 to 4pm www.sacredspacepainting. com 828-252-4828 justpaint@

sAlsA clAsses W/ hector gutierrez & Jennifer stAlnAker Salsa Classes New 6wks starts Wednesday February 18th and then next New 6wks will start April 1st!! Location at Extreme Dance Studio, 856 Sweeten Creek Rd, Asheville NC 28803. Beginners 7:30-8:30pm & Intermediate 8:30-9:30pm. $10/class or $40/6wks. 8286742658

mind, Body, spirit BodyWork

#1 AffordABle community conscious mAssAge And essentiAl oil clinic 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! relAxing And intuitive mAssAge Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offering relaxing Swedish Massage, Deep, Hot Stones, Reiki, and Reflexology at her downtown Asheville office. Swedish $50/hr. New client packages buy five at $40/hr! 828-279-7042 or SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 dAys A Week Looking for the best therapist in town--- or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www. structurAl integrAtion rolf therApeutic BodyWork Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 AshevilleStructuralIntegration. com

counseling services holistic hypnotherAPY $60/HR EAST ASHEville Integrated Holistic Hypnotherapy & Wellness and Lifestyle Coaching. Personal growth and transformation to achieve positive

lasting results. Sessions are 1.5 hrs. Send text message for available times to (703) 346-7112

for musiciAns musicAl services Asheville's WhiteWAter recording Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.

hypnosis | eft | nlp Michelle Payton, D.C.H., Author 828-681-1728 | www. Dr. Payton’s mind over matter solutions include: Hypnosis, SelfHypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Acupressure Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Sensory-based Writing Coaching. Find Michelle’s books, audio and video, sessions and workshops on her website.

nAturAl AlternAtives nAturAl, holistic, energy therApies Detailed Health Assessment through Iridology, Vital Scan HRV, Kinesiology. Personalized Natural Therapy Recommendations. LED Light therapy with customized frequencies will de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828-777-5263, book online


pets pet services Asheville pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

Automotive Autos for sAle cAsh for cArs Any Car/ Truck. Running or not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN)

Automotive services USED TIRES • HARD TO find tires All size tires: 13-22 inches. • Hard to find tires, call me! • Axle • Brakes • Tune-ups and Engine lights. Monday-Friday: 8am5pm. (828) 707-4195. 10-4 mechanic services.

tHe new yoRK times cRosswoRd puZZLe

ACROSS 1 With 38- and 46-Across, 1966 4 Seasons hit 7 Popular game? 10 With 38- and 50-Across, 1967 Beatles hit 13 Enthusiastic 14 Scope 16 2011 animated musical 17 Having come home after curfew 18 “Go on, git!” 20 Percolate 21 With 38- and 65-Across, 1977 Billy Joel hit 23 “___ Tu,” 1974 pop hit 25 “Promoting decent work for all” agcy. 26 With 38- and 67-Across, 1970 Sly & the Family Stone hit 31 China’s Chiang ___shek 34 Knaves 35 Producer of many parts 37 Mad as ___ hen 38 See 1-, 10-, 21- and 26-Across 39 Harem rooms 40 Sawbucks 43 Not learned 45 Summer hours on the Atl. coast

46 See 1-Across 48 U.K. neighbor 49 ___ facto 50 See 10-Across 55 Future atty.’s exam 59 Phony 60 Each 62 Deadlock 63 Color akin to turquoise 64 Iran-___ affair 65 See 21-Across 66 Be nosy 67 See 26-Across

edited by Will Shortz

19 Barack Obama,


22 Soldiers’ support grp. 24 Delivery person’s






No.0128 6







assignment: Abbr. 17 26 Raging 27 Knocked the socks off 20 21 28 Secret ___ 29 Not only that one 23 24 30 Youth sports org. 31 Instamatic company 26 27 28 32 Classic violinmaker 33 “Hedda Gabler” 34 playwright DOWN 36 Giving a pat on the 37 1 Spring bloom back, say 2 Barn topper 38 Pay stub initialism 40 41 42 3 Jennifer of “The 41 Type not susceptible King’s Speech” to compromise 45 46 4 Post breakfast cereal 42 Simple ragtime dance 5 Cereal grain 48 6 New York team that 43 Bring formal plays its home games charges against in New Jersey 44 Its govs. have included 50 51 52 7 Makes a wrong turn Mario and Andrew 8 Oaf 59 Cuomo 9 1950 best seller 47 “6 Rms ___ Vu” subtitled “Across the 62 63 (1972 play) Pacific by Raft” 48 When repeated, reply to 10 Sequentially, after “in” 66 “Who wants dessert?” 65 11 Wertmüller who 50 Silent screen vamp directed “The Naldi Seduction of Mimi” puzzle by GARy Cee 51 Arab chief 12 Lethargic 15 Gustav whose music 52 Dueler’s sword 53 Shakespearean king 56 Rogen of “The Interview” was banned by 57 Real estate unit 54 Air France hub the Nazis











16 19

22 25 29





39 43


47 49 53


55 60


64 67

58 Inflatable dinghy concern 61 Polynesian dish



Adult the prActice And science of meditAtion & yogA March 20-22. Enjoy a relaxing and informative weekend of practicing yoga & meditation while learning about the benefits to your overall health. Prama Institute Meals and accommodations included.

spirituAl cAll ninA the AurAcle: 253-7472 "I am so pleased with the results of the aura reading. It changed my life and the way I look at things. " Lisa Rowe, RScP.

curious ABout men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try free! Call 1-888779-2789 (AAN CAN) dreAms Your destination for relaxation. Now available 7 days a week! • 9am-11pm. Call (828) 275-4443. feeling WhAcked? Let Kaye's revive you back! Incall/outcall: 280-8182. phone Actresses From home. Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 21+. Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/most Weekends. 1-800-403-7772. Lipservice. net (AAN CAN)

volunteers needed volunteers needed psychic Advisor Psychic and tarot card readings by Shirley. Offering insight into your past, present and future. Specializing in love and relationships. Also offering advice on matters of business, and health. Walkins welcome. 1997 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, (828) 676-2717


families first support services In need of compassionate parents who can provide therapeutic foster care for at-risk youth. If fostering abused and/or neglected children is your calling, please contact Pat Barnett or Carolyn Hudson at 704-406-9770 or 704-9741158 for more information. Changing lives one child at a time.





















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