Mountain Xpress 03.05.14

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growing community in the garden

Era ends as Lark Books closes, page 8 Local author Bryan Robinson pens 1st novel, page 40

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A Place for Conversation about Healthcare

Growing community gardens The days are getting warmer and a new growing season is just around the bend. But this spring, community gardens and markets in WNC will harvest more than food — they’ll be growing awarness of, and seeking solutions to, hunger and food insecurity in our region, while building community from the ground up!

Don’t miss the Healthcare Cafe radio show with Chris Comeaux:

coVeR design Susan McBride & Megan Kirby

news weLLness


10 good news, bad news Will gentrification kill The Block?

place a web ad at question about the website? find a copy of xpress

30 Row by Row Horticultural therapy gains ground in local schools

34 packed to tHe (tRout) giLLs King James Public House emphasizes local — not fish and chips

40 tHe Long HeLLo Local author Bryan Robinson pens his first novel

42 tHat’s so RaVen Alyn Mearns launches his new musical project at White Horse

5 5 7 14 16 21 39 47 50 56 61 62 63

LetteRs caRtoon: moLton caRtoon: bRent bRown community caLendaR conscious paRty news of tHe weiRd smaLL sips smaRt bets cLubLand moVies cLassifieds fReewiLL astRoLogy ny times cRosswoRd

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8 LoVe and Loss An era ends as Lark Books closes

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staff RepoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan moVie ReVieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRibuting editoRs: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

caRtoon by Randy moLton

Save cover for pressing issues I have to admit, dear Mountain Xpress, I was put off and disappointed by your cover story, “Going Up?” [Feb. 19, Xpress]. With the wide range of social/political/environmental issues that are currently affecting our community, I was truly surprised that your lead story featured the elevator inside the Flatiron building, its operators and some scandalous moments. I would much rather have seen the article “Spectrum of Support” [Feb 19, Xpress] on the front page, or perhaps some coverage of the Duke Energy coal ash spill (truly devastating), or any other relevant information that helps my awareness grow as a conscientious community member. What you choose as a frontpage story reflects what you think we are most interested in as a community. By the choice you made last week, I would assume you think the majority of your readers are living in complacent “just moved to Asheville” bliss, with a soft spot for sexy hipster elevator operators. I’m not hating, as I have been one of those blissful creatures. I’m just saying we need cover stories that dispel our ignorance and don’t support it. I think there could be a place for stories like “Going Up?” — maybe

a new section that interviews locals about their interesting workplaces. But please don’t feed us shallow material as a cover story. Please continue to be a force that wakes us up and deepens our understanding of the pressing issues affecting us as a community, and keep them in the spotlight. — Monica Bethelwood Asheville

Pronoun preferences should be respected I certainly don’t expect my local alt-weekly to be any kind of ally to the many, many queer and trans folks who have been living and working in this town since at least the 1970s — after all, we’re out here trying to make a living, avoiding daily street harassment and smashing the patriarchy, while y’all seem mostly interested in writing articles about breweries and artisan donut shops. But Micah Wilkin’s misgendering of Firestorm Cafe’s Libertie Valance in her article on Firestorm’s community meeting (not to mention the ensuing email I received about it from Managing Editor Margaret Williams) was surprising in its brazen disrespect and rudeness. First, you sent a newbie reporter who had never heard of Firestorm to cover the meeting. She obviously

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contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Brandy Carl, Michael Carlebach, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Nick King, Jordan Lawrence, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins

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didn’t know that Firestorm has employed many queer and trans people since it opened in 2008, and that asking about folks’ pronoun preferences would probably be a good idea. Then, when I tried to call y’all out about it via your website (Libertie uses “they”), your managing editor sent me an email informing me of y’all’s apparently official policy on pronouns, writing, “We try to respect pronoun preferences, but it would be grammatically incorrect to refer to an individual as ‘they.’” A few things come to mind:

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

• “Trying” to respect pronoun preferences when you have a policy of not using the most popular one that isn’t “he” or “she” isn’t actually trying very hard. • The argument that “they” is not “grammatically correct” for individuals is just plain wrong, given that it’s been used that way and widely accepted since at least the 14th century. Read The Canterbury Tales and get back to me. • If you really wanted to respect Libertie’s pronoun preferences without compromising the Mountain Xpress‘ weirdo grammar integrity, you could have just not used a pronoun at all — this would have been easy, since you only quoted Libertie once. Thanks for printing my letter, I hope it prompts y’all to have a serious conversation about the value of respecting your community vs. following stupid grammar rules that don’t make sense. Until y’all figure out how you want to handle this issue, my queer and trans friends and I will be out here refusing to be interviewed by y’all for fear of being misgendered. Disclaimer: I used to work at Firestorm but don’t anymore. — Sam Kaplan Asheville

Add Milestone Press to your list of WNC publishers As an outdoor regional writer, I appreciated your article on WNC presses [“Pressing Matters: WNC’s Small But Mighty Publishing Houses,” Feb. 26 Xpress]. But I would like to add Milestone Press to your list of regional presses. Mary Ellen Hammond and Jim Parham have been publishing

quality outdoor adventure guidebooks for our region for 22 years. Located in Almond, N.C., just outside Bryson City, this mom-and-pop business — literally — publishes several books a year on hiking, paddling, backpacking, road and mountain biking and even motorcycling the Blue Ridge Parkway. Yes, they’ve also published my two hiking guides: Hiking the Carolina Mountains in 2007 and Hiking North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains in 2009. Check them out and don’t discount our regional outdoor publishers. Learn more at — Danny Bernstein Asheville

Polluters are the real criminals It was just over two years ago when Greenpeace activists went

We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

caRtoon by bRent bRown

into the coal plant in South Asheville and hung banners. They did it to point out that coal is destroying our mountains, destroying our air, causing climate change and poisoning our water and our lands. They were arrested for this action. And yet, the very corporations that are destroying our water, land and air are not arrested. And if my memory serves me correctly, Sheriff Duncan expressed the opinion that those activists were acting like terrorists. Duncan was concerned that they could have shut down power production at the plant. In my opinion, it is Progress Energy (now Duke Energy) that is (and was) engaging in criminal behavior. They are the ones who are destroying our land, our air, our waterways and groundwater. The activists were correct, and they were heroes in my eyes for doing what they did to point out the problems that coal and coal ash are causing us. Those activists need to be seriously listened to by our legislators, our law enforcement personnel and Duke Energy’s CEO and management. Their recommendations need to be acted on. We need to go for clean and renewable energy. Our N.C. leg-

islature and state officials need to take action on this issue, and they need to do it now. And I hope former Rep. Heath Shuler, who now works as chief lobbyist for Duke Energy, takes his kids on vacation this summer to play in the Dan River in Virginia. Maybe they can dig around in the muck and find some turtle shells or fish skeletons. And maybe Mr. Shuler can reflect on what he is doing with his life and how it impacts his children’s future. — Susan Oehler Asheville

Voicing support for Ron Robinson I’m writing as a citizen and resident of Jackson County to voice my support for Ron Robinson for N.C. Senate, 50th District. The seat is currently occupied by tea party extremist, Jim Davis. As a person deeply concerned about the degradation of our natural environment, I see candidate Robinson as someone I can trust to act responsibly and reasonably in addressing the most important issues of our times.

Ron Robinson will use science, not an ideological partisan political agenda, as the basis for the environmental and health policies he supports and proposes, when he is elected. Ron Robinson will not be controlled by the PAC [political action committee] money of Art Pope’s front groups, the Koch Brothers, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Duke Energy or any of the other corrupting influences that have been muddying the waters of our democratic electoral process in North Carolina in recent years. I would urge all who care about the environment, public health, our educational system and local control of our state government, to vote for Ron Robinson in the Democratic primary on May 6 and in the general election on Nov. 4. — Avram Friedman Dillsboro

coRRection In the Feb. 12 story “New Wine Shop Offers Classes, Parties” we misspelled the owner of Joni’s Artisanal Wine & Beer. The correct spelling is Joni Mahaffey-Rausenbach.

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



Love and loss An era ends as Lark Book closes by kyLe sHeRaRd

On Feb 19 Lark Books’ employees got the word: The longtime publishing house is closing, and staff must move out by the first week of May. That’s when Lark — founded as an independent publishing house in 1979 by Rob pulleyn with his thenwife, kate matthews — will officially relocate to the New York offices of its parent company, Sterling Publishing, a subsidiary of Barnes & Noble. The news came during an earlymorning staff meeting, mere hours before making local headlines. That meeting was followed by an email that caitlin friedman, Sterling’s director of marketing and publicity, sent to Lark’s network of local, regional and national authors, agents and freelancers. Friedman announced Sterling’s plans to transfer all editorial, creative and marketing positions to its Manhattan headquarters by May 2. “We are energized and excited about the future of the Lark imprint in New York,” Friedman said in the email. “We also recognize the hard work, vision, passion and dedication of the Asheville team and want to take this opportunity to thank them all for their many years of service.” Efforts to reach Lark employees for comment were met with requests to forward any and all questions to Barnes & Noble’s senior vice president of corporate communications and public affairs,

mary ellen keating. “Our company policy,” Keating told Xpress, “is for the spokesperson to respond and not our employees.” Keating offered a brief explanation and timeline: “Sterling Publishing is consolidating the operations of its Lark Books craft imprint into the New York office, effective Feb. 19. ... The transition is expected to take 60 days.” Lark’s 18 office positions will transfer to New York, but the employees will not. “As part of the consolidation, Sterling will close Lark’s office in Asheville,” Keating said. “Lark titles will be reassigned

“I understand what’s happening in the publishing industry, but now a major employer in our creative industry is just gone.” stepHanie mooRe, cccd’s executiVe diRectoR


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

HoLidays past: Founded as an independent publishing house in 1979, Lark Books employed a host of creative professionals, averaging nearly 70 craftoriented books each year. Image courtesy of Rob Pulleyn

to the New York-based editorial, creative and marketing staff.” No one from the Asheville office will be moving to New York, according to Keating. For 35 years, the local publishing house has specialized in craft and design books. It leaves behind an empty footprint on the third floor of 67 Broadway, where the company has been since the late 1990s. The building’s ground floor now houses the Center for Craft, Creativity and Design, which purchased it in August from Pulleyn. Lark moved its offices upstairs.

“We had a lease with a clause that allowed them to withdraw with 90 days’ notice without penalty,” says stephanie moore, CCCD’s executive director. The agreement was inherited in the sale of the building and echoes Pulleyn’s laid-back operational approach. The craft-based nonprofit currently has no plans or tenants lined up for the space. “I understand what’s happening in the publishing industry,” Moore laments, “but now a major employer in our creative industry is just gone.” bRocHuRes to bindings At its height, Lark Books had roughly 50 employees and produced, on average, 65 books a year. Its origins, though, were much humbler. Lark began as a monthly, one-page newsletter that Pulleyn wrote and distributed for customers at the Santa Fe, N.M., crafts-supply shop that he and Matthews owned and operated.

“We had a retail store, and so I started a newsletter for our customers,” Pulleyn says. He admits he was always better at creative and editorial endeavors rather than customer service, so he saw the letter as an escape. “The newsletter,” Pulleyn says, “was both a way to connect with customers and get away from them at the same time.” The newsletter continued to grow, eventually turning into a bimonthly publication called Fiber Arts Magazine. The duo took the magazine, uprooted and moved to Asheville in 1979, setting up shop at 50 College St., now home to a restaurant — Table and the Imperial Life. Shortly after the move, Pulleyn and Matthews, with the help of Swedish investors, started Lark Books. Though similar, the name “Lark” bears no relation to the Larkin Books of Thomas Wolfe’s Look Homeward Angel, says Pulleyn (coincidentally though, the business’s initial limited liability company was called Altamont Publishing.) Lark is an acronym of the founders’ and investors’ first names: Lucas, Albert, Rob and Kate. The first books rolled off the press in the early 1980s as the company narrowed its focus to producing craft-oriented how-to, DIY and design books. The company had a few big hits in the late ’80s, Pulleyn says, before adding a mail-order catalog. “All it takes is a few books to keep a publisher alive,” he said. “We ended up with about 50 employees and publishing 60 to 70 books a year.” Lark sustained those levels through 1999, when Pulleyn sold the company to Sterling. By that time, Pulleyn’s love of creative work and his inherent distaste for business processes had resurfaced. “It was time to sell,” he says. “I was better at the editorial and creative work, not the day-today business work. And the idea of someone else taking over — that was wonderful.” Sterling, which Lark had used as its large-scale distributor — a practice common to small publishing houses — acquired the company directly from Pulleyn. Sterling dropped the mail-order catalog system almost immediately and implemented corporate-style titles and positions. While the changes were minor, they were still a significant departure from the past.

LoVe and Loss

cReatiVe community: Rob Pulleyn, who co-founded Lark Books, says it built a creative network over the years. Its closure is “a personal loss and cultural loss,” he says. Photo by Megan Kirby

Pulleyn, for instance, was named Lark’s CEO, with a five-year contract. It was the first time anyone had a title, he says. All the same, at the time, he felt that he had sold Lark to a company that would safeguard its ideologies. But in 2003, as Pulleyn’s tenure as CEO drew to a close, Sterling agreed to a buyout by nationwide bookseller Barnes & Noble. “It was a shock to bookstores when Barnes & Noble began buying publishers,” Pulleyn says, citing the B&N’s goals of lowering its bottom line by owning that bottom line — the publishers. Such buyouts mean slimmer operating budgets and staff reductions. Thus began the slow trickle from Asheville to New York, one position at a time, says Pulleyn. “The management of Lark Books since the takeover of Barnes & Noble has been unfortunate,” says Pulleyn. “Many of the people making decisions were the bean counters. All that is important to the business, but those decisions were to the detriment of the company. They let people go that were really good.”

In losing Lark Books, Asheville loses more than just 18 jobs, says Pulleyn. It weakens an entire creative network. Since the books were being made here, Lark made a point to outsource its graphic and conceptual production to local authors and artists alike. If a photographer, author or someone to sew, stick, felt or throw a pot was needed, they were within phone call and a short drive. “It was one of the best gigs in town,” says steve mann, a local photographer and Lark freelancer since 2002. “They were great people to work for,” he says. “Most of the staff were artists in their own right.” They were photographers and ceramicists, fiber artists, woodworkers and writers, he explains. Some had side projects and artist studios. Others freelanced for local creative organizations and businesses, including Xpress. “These people live and breathe it, day in and day out,” he says. “I think that’s what’s going to be hard to replace.” But even as the company faced mounting budget and staff cuts in

recent years, it continued to support its local network. “Lark was one of the few shows in town where you could have steady work,” says Lynn Harty, a freelance photographer for the company since 2008. “As they got whittled down, they made a point to spread the work around and keep using us local photographers.” Pulleyn fears that moving the company to New York will ultimately weaken the focus on craft, or even kill off the imprint. “Where’s the internal logic?” he asks. “You publish fiction where fiction is dominant. You do craft books where craft is made. Craft doesn’t come from New York. “It’s a personal loss and a cultural loss,” says Pulleyn. He compares Lark’s closing to losing a loved one. “It’s the network of creative people that help to define this community and the fact that there was this publishing company here that needed help directly from that community. “Lark helped to create that community. It helped to define it and to help the creative people make a little bit of their income,” says Pulleyn. “That’s what Asheville loses.” X

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Mandy loves her VW.


by Max Miller

Good news, bad news Will gentrification kill The Block?

Photo by Alicia Funderburk, Mountain Xpress

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

A college student peering through the Eagle Street Coffee Emporium’s tall picture windows might remember when the space at 39B S. Market St. housed Apothecary, with its loud crowds and louder guitars. But for older members of Asheville’s African-American community, the downtown site might trigger memories of a corner drugstore where people knew one another by name. The YMI Cultural Center’s 18,000 square foot building contains offices and an auditorium as well as 39B and three other commercial spaces. Several years ago, with state grants drying up, the nonprofit, whose historic structure anchors downtown Asheville’s historically black Eagle/ Market Street community, began leasing those spaces to generate revenue. And with Eagle Market Place, a major development, already under way across the street, some fear that an influx of new white-owned businesses could further undermine the integrity of “The Block,” the symbolic heart of the city’s AfricanAmerican community. In its heyday, remembers YMI board member Roy R. Harris, “You could go from birth to death in that one block, from doctors’ offices all the way up to funeral homes.”

The vibrant community included grocery stores, nightclubs, law firms and barbershops, all centered around the YMI. Founded in 1893 as the Young Men’s Institute, the nonprofit originally served as a community center for the black workers who helped construct Biltmore Estate. “This was serious gumbo made out of the leftovers of the master’s table,” notes UNC-Asheville political science professor dwight mullen, a former YMI board member. “You were blocked off from the main thoroughfare to downtown. They put you behind the Police Department. The community here turned that into an ideal place for business.” city witHin a city Over the years, the YMI’s commercial spaces have housed doctors’ offices, beauty salons and even a preintegration library for the AfricanAmerican community. Mullen calls them “incubators” designed to help black businesses get on their feet. The corner storefront at 39B Market St. famously held the local pharmacy where community members would get checkups, buy medicine and generally congregate. “Ideally, you would have enough money to take care of everything without leasing out spaces,” notes Harris, a 30-year Asheville resident. “But if you go back in history, it’s gone through that cycle. It’s one of those things where you’ve got to pay the bills. The YMI has a mortgage.”

In the early days, the neighborhood was home to former slaves. But the coming of integration meant African-Americans were no longer restricted to their own community, and in the late ’70s and early ’80s, both the center and the greater black community were hit hard by various urban renewal projects. The city extended Charlotte Street to create a bypass around downtown Asheville, splitting the African-American community in two. Dozens of houses where black Ashevilleans had lived for generations were demolished; in their place, Police Department parking lots now line Eagle Street. The occupants of those substandard homes were moved to newly constructed public housing, with a promise that permanent homes would soon be built. “Public housing communities were supposed to be temporary housing while they got this area together to rebuild, which is why public housing is reaching its maximum life expectancy,” notes Mullen. “No one, at the time, thought these buildings would be permanent. It displaced this community.” But those promised homes were never built, and now, with The Block a mere shell of its former self, bitter feelings remain. Beginning in August of 2012, 39B S. Market St. was occupied by Apothecary, a short-lived performance space run by UNCA students. Co-founder frank meadows says the facility was repeatedly accused of spurring gentrification that could drive out longtime residents and businesses. And though Meadows and his fellow students looked into outreach programs such as forming a community garden, they say the venue never really managed to mesh with the community during its brief life span. “I feel like I found out who I needed to talk to, and I talked to them, but then treated it like I was organizing anything else that I would organize,” Meadows says now. “Apothecary maintained an open-door policy. We considered everything that came down our line equally. We tried to make it an art space for everyone.” cHanging times The Eagle Street Coffee Emporium opened Nov. 1, after owner teresa johnson signed a 10-year lease. The Asheville native, who’s lived in or near the city her whole life, opened the Wall Street

Coffee House in 2010. Faced with rising rents, however, she decided to move across town. “In Asheville, it’s a constant challenge for small businesses, because the price of your lease goes up every year,” Johnson explains. “By offering the YMI a long-term lease, I was able to keep the escalations of the rent to a minimum. They have the security of a long-term tenant, and I have the security of feeling like I can afford to stay here that long.” She says she hasn’t experienced the kind of criticism that Apothecary did. “I have a lot of regular customers who are black who came to Wall Street and who are very happy that I’m here,” Johnson reports. “I can’t say that everyone in the black community is happy that a white business owner is in this particular space, but I’ve been made to feel very welcome here.” Meanwhile, across the street, construction has begun on Eagle Market Place, a public/private partnership involving the Eagle Market Streets Development Corp. and Mountain Housing Opportunities, with lowinterest loans from Asheville and Buncombe County government. Slated for completion early next year, the project will include nearly 7,000 square feet of commercial, retail and office space in addition to 62 affordable/workforce housing units. Harris feels the project could be a boon to the economically depressed neighborhood. “When the urban renewal happens and a whole new clientele is living across the street, it will help bring this area back up,” he predicts. “It won’t be completely African-American or completely white American: It’ll be a business district, so you’ll have people living here, churches, the Police Department and shops that are going to come. It’s all a part of this balancing act, where everybody has to work for the piece that they have. But no one entity will dominate the area again. I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Others, such as Mullen, take a less sanguine view of the coming changes. “I get angry with the gentrification,” he says, “because all I can see is that there are so many AfricanAmerican entrepreneurs in this town. Why can’t they get money to be down here too? What I look at are the outcomes, and what I see are financial institutions providing gentrification funds consistently to one racial group. I can’t help but think that this is discriminatory.” X Max Miller is a senior at UNC Asheville majoring in mass communications.

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



by David Forbes

251-1333 ext. 137


What’s the use Asheville City Council members gordon smith and chris pelly made it clear in their dissenting votes on a proposed apartment complex in South Asheville: They want development that includes affordable housing. The developer countered that Asheville needs more housing, period. After a half-hour discussion and public hearing Feb. 25, Council voted 5-2 to approve a zoning change that will allow Gastonia-based developer Triangle Real Estate to move forward with the 192-unit Avalon project. “Service workers in this community ... can’t easily locate affordable housing,” Smith told Triangle’s president, william Ratchford. In the future, Smith continued, developers should be clear that Council expects affordable housing. Earlier in the meeting, Ratchford had said that his company has no plans to make any of the Avalon units qualify as affordable housing but that the project will help fill a niche in Asheville’s housing-starved market. Units at the complex will start at $800 a month for one bedrooms. “Our current price range is very close to the workforce-housing range,” said Ratchford. The rates are lower, he said, than other projects Council has approved in the past few years. In other cities, large increases in market-rate housing have more of a positive effect on the price of housing than subsidized affordable housing, driving down prices or halting their rise, he claimed. “Part of what we do have to do is increase the housing stock across


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Council debates housing policies, passes Haywood Road plan Despite the back-and-forth Council discussion, no one spoke during the public hearing on the issue. Council voted 5-2 to approve the rezoning Triangle had asked for, with Pelly and Smith opposed. a Vision foR Haywood

an identity of its own: Haywood Road corridor, according to the city of Asheville’s maps. The area now has a vision plan calling for greater density, better infrastructure, and historic preservation.

the city,” Smith partially agreed, emphasizing that he wanted more affordable housing in the mix. “I do value the unit stock that you’re bringing.” The Avalon project was initially brought before Council in December, when Triangle asked that the 12.3-acre site on Sweeten Creek Road be rezoned from an industrial to a multifamily classification. Keen to attract industry to the city, Council members asked staff to assess whether it was better to maintain the current zoning, and Triangle agreed to delay its request. City staff found that the site was unlikely to prove useful for industrial development anytime soon. Staff’s report also noted that Council has previously rezoned industrial properties when it helped meet other key goals, such as approving projects that alleviate the city’s housing crunch. Pelly asked Ratchford what, as a developer, he thought local government’s role should be in addressing the problem: More than 40 percent of Asheville residents are paying a third or more of their income in housing expenses.

“There’s starting to be some skittishness about coming to Asheville, about getting through plans all the way,” Ratchford replied, but he praised city staff as “better than any of the others I’ve ever met.” Ratchford added, “As long as people know what you expect from the very beginning, it’s great. ... Your standards are very specific, and at least we know what you want.” But “there’s a severe need [for housing]. If you start talking to your staff and see where they’re located, many of them can’t afford to live in Asheville.” Vice Mayor marc Hunt asserted that the city’s current development rules don’t “do near enough to [make] sites available for multifamily development.” That gives developers few options but to request rezoning. Council and staff are currently looking at ways to encourage more affordable housing. The process needs to be more predictable, but there are multiple sides to “predictability,” said Smith, noting that right now the rise in housing costs for workers struggling to make ends meet is predictable.

Council unanimously endorsed the Haywood Road Vision Plan. First proposed at local meetings more than a decade ago, the corridor plan calls for better pedestrian infrastructure, more historic preservation and increased density. A primary goal is making the area a local model for sustainable neighborhoods. “This is something we saw an amazing community response to,” the West Asheville Business Association’s alice oglesby told Council. “I’m really excited to see this come through. I think the community is really going to be behind it.” Activist and West Asheville resident steve Rasmussen, who has served on the steering committee for the plan, emphasized that it “grew from a wide spectrum of the West Asheville community. This really was a cooperative process, and a very harmonious process. This is what we like and want to enhance about the Haywood Road corridor.” Council member jan davis said he was “thrilled” and added, “This has been a long time getting here.” The plan is based on form-based zoning, which regulates development by scale and design rather than by use, making it easier to create mixed-use developments and, its proponents claim, giving developers and neighborhoods a more predictable set of rules. Working with community leaders and organizations, staff will bring specific plans and rule changes to Council at the end of March. If the new type of zoning proves successful, the city could apply it to other neighborhoods as well, say staff and Council members. Rasmussen cautioned that the state’s proposal to widen Interstate 26 through West Asheville could wreak havoc with the plan. He encouraged Council to oppose widening and said that most West Ashevilleans oppose it. X












staff reports

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Xpress wins four North Carolina Press awards At a Feb. 27 ceremony held in Chapel Hill, the North Carolina Press Association announced that Mountain Xpress won four state awards for outstanding journalism: fiRst pLace, onLine bReaking news: “baLLots in Question foR 1,000 RegisteRed VoteRs at waRRen wiLson coLLege”

openings apex brain centers, 2 Walden Ridge Dr. (STE 80), 708-5274, katuah market, 2 Hendersonville Road, 676-2882, king james public House, 94 Charlotte St., 252-2412, facebook. com/kingjames.publichouse knitting divas, 61 N. Merrimon Ave., Ste. 113, 247-0344, Love Hate asheville, 37 Wall St., 424-7176, mojo kitchen & Lounge, 55 College St., 255-7767, nightbell, 32 S. Lexington Ave., 5750375, posh boutique Hotel, 8 Village Lane, 337-3140, poshboutiquehotel. com studio chavarria, 17 Rankin Ave., 236-9191, cLosings firestorm bookstore and cafe, 48 Commerce St., Jack of Hearts, 10 S. Main St., Weaverville X

A few days before Election Day in 2012, Staff Reporter jake frankel broke the story that proper ballots for Warren Wilson College residents had failed to be determined by local officials. Many school residents lean to the left, and some charged officials with voter suppression after being told their original ballots would be canceled. In the days that followed, the confusion over the ballots cast the razor-thin results of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners election into question. Recounts and a protracted legal battle ensued; the state Board of Elections later ordered many of the Warren Wilson provisional ballots to be included in the final tally, which resulted in a different winner — ellen frost, whose victory gave a majority of the commission seats to Democrats rather than Republicans. Full story: fiRst pLace, news featuRe wRiting: “coLLateRaL damage” Former Staff Reporter caitlin byrd explored the mental health problems local veterans deal with in the aftermath of war. Despite having no military base nearby, nearly 20,000 veterans call Buncombe County home, ―giving it the sixthbiggest veteran population among the state’s 100 counties. And the number of local veterans accessing mental health services has continued to rise at Asheville’s Charles George VA Medical Center, resulting in a backlog of those in need of services — a trend experts expect to continue. The most common problems include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse, homelessness and unem-

winneRs’ ciRcLe: Xpress won four state journalism awards for online breaking news, arts and entertainment reporting, news feature writing and education reporting (images from the stories).

ployment. Byrd’s story put a human face on the issue, featuring interviews with several local veterans who fought in different wars and are now dealing with health issues. Full story: fiRst pLace, aRts & enteRtainment RepoRting: “pitcHfoRk featuRes LocaL songwRiteR, asHeViLLe music fans puzzLed” Former Staff Writer dane smith reported on the local music community’s collective — “Who the hell is Jackson Scott?” — last spring after Pitchfork plucked the 20-year-old former UNC Asheville student from obscurity and featured his home-recorded song, “That Awful Sound,” as its Best New Track. The national attention quickly helped the local musician get inquiries from big-time managers, booking agents and labels. “It’s definitely pretty nuts,” Scott was quoted as saying in the article. “But it’s cool because it’s not as if it totally happened out of nowhere. I really have been

pretty much devoting all my time, literally, to music for the last year or so.” Full story: second pLace, education RepoRting: “buiLding knowLedge” This article, also by Frankel, reported in-depth on the push last year to build new homes for Isaac Dickson Elementary and Asheville Middle schools — the first new school buildings for the city since 1986. Supporters argued that the facilities were urgently needed; critics worried that the high-tech designs proposed were a luxury Buncombe County couldn’t afford. After months of debate and negotiations over the financing, Buncombe County commissioners decided to spend more than $60 million on new buildings for both schools, although the initial designs were scaled back. Full story:

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014




maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. day-by-day caLendaR is onLine Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to

Calendar Deadlines fRee and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t find youR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail

fRee Listings onLine (best) e-maiL (second best)

a taste of japan: Hendersonville Sister Cities will host a Japanese dinner and educational program at Champa in Hendersonville on Tuesday, March 11. Speaker Barbara Updike, who will give a presentation about the 10 years she spent living in Japan, snapped this photo of a Buddhist temple in Nara. Photo courtesy of Barbara Updike (p. 15)

fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in peRson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. paid Listings

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Pet loss suPPort GrouP • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info: 258-3229.


Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. e-maiL fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in peRson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.



CAne Creek middle BAnd ConCert • TH (3/13), 7pm - Ticket sales benefit the band's trip to perform at Carnegie Hall. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $10/ $7.50 children. Tickets and info: or 280-4209. internAtionAl Women's dAy Benefit ConCert • SA (3/8), 10am-5pm - With Sahara Women's Choir. Donations and percentage of sales benefit

Helpmate Asheville. Held at Ten Thousand Villages, in the Moore Center, 303 Lookout Road. Info: montreat. leAf sCHools And streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm Admission benefits this arts education program. Held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info: liGHt tHe niGHt silent AuCtion FR (3/7), 7pm - Ticket sales benefit Claxton elementary school programs. Held at the Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. $25. Tickets and info: lyons, Co Benefit ConCert • WE (3/12), 8pm - Performances by local bluegrass artists. Ticket sales benefit Colorado flood victims. Held at the Grey Eagle, 185

Clingman Ave. $12/ $10 advance. Info: mAke A WisH Workout sessions • SATURDAYS through (3/29), 8:15-9am - Donations from group workouts will benefit make-aWish. Held at Plank Fitness, 16 London Road. Suggested $10. Info:

Business & teCHnoloGy AsHeville mAkers • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Open to interested non-members. Top Floor Studio Coworking, 9 Walnut St. Info: AsHeville sCore Counselors to smAll Business Seminars are held in room 2046, A-B Tech's Small Business Center,

1465 Sand Hill Rd, Candler. Info: or 271-4786. • SA (3/8), 9am-noon - Seminar, Positioning & Marketing, for aspiring entrepreneurs. Free.

GoodWill CAreer ClAsses Info and registration: 298-9023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon - Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free.

• TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:303:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required.

ClAsses, meetinGs & events 60+ men's soCiAl GrouP • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meets at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Info: 2756396. ABWA meetinG • TH (3/13), 5:30pm Speaker: Leslie Willmont with Smart Women On the Go. Held at Crown Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. $25. Registration and info: AsHeville Gun & knife sHoW • SA (3/8), 9am-5pm & SU (3/9), 10am-5pm - Held in the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. Info: develoPinG An inClusive feminist movement in nC • TH (3/6), 2pm & 6pm With presentations from NC Women United and the AAUW. Held at YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. introduCtory BridGe lesson • WE (3/5), 9-11:30am & 6-8:30pm - Held at Asheville Bridge Room in River Ridge Mall, 800 Fairview Road. Free. Info: 407-8654. lAurel CHAPter of tHe emBroiderers' Guild of AmeriCA • TH (3/6), 9:30am - Presentation on Blackwork techniques. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Info: egacarolinas. org or 654-9788. oPerAtion JumPstArt tHe vote • TH (3/13), 2pm & 6pm - Training sessions held at YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Info: anne299@ tAx AssistAnCe Local libraries will offer federal & state tax assis-

tance until April 15. Attendees must bring required documents. Info: 277-8288. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10am-4pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. • SATURDAYS, 10:30am2:30pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Not available March 15. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • 10am4pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. West AfriCAn drum ClAss • SATURDAYS through (4/26), 4pm - All levels welcome. Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Free. Info: WnC knitters And CroCHeters for otHers • MO (3/10), 7-9pm - Meets at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road. Info: 5759195.

studio ZAHiyA, doWntoWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10am Bellydance Wrkt 4pm Kid's Dance 5pm Teen Dance 6pm AfroBrazilian 7pm West African • Sunday 5:15pm Yoga • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 line dAnCe ClAsses • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30am - Held in the County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville. Registration required. $5. Info: or 890-5777. oPPortunity House 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 6985517 or opportunityhouse. org. • MONDAYS (2/17) through (3/10), 6pm - Hula classes. All fitness levels. $40/$35 members for four-week session.

eCo dAnCe BeGinner sWinG dAnCinG lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/ week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. dAnCe ClAsses WitH dAnCeCluB (pd.) Tuesdays: 6:30pm: Jazz/Funk - 80's Dance Music! Wednesdays: 6pm, Beginner Modern, 4 Week Series starts March 12. • Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Sexy Tease Burlesque, 6 Week Series starts March 12. • Thursdays: 10am - Booty Camp exercise class! • Saturdays: 1-3pm - Burlesque Striptease Workshop with bubbly, March 8 and April 12. • Pre-register: (828) 275-8628 or or

WnC Green BuildinG CounCil Green Built ClAss • TH (3/6), 5:30-6:30pm - With Q&A about green building certification. Meets at 23 Trade St. $15/$10 members. Registration and info:

festivAls fAmily friendly st. PAddy's PArty • FR (3/7), 6:30pm Traditional Celtic music led by Beth & Jim Magill. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $10/$8/ free for kids. Info:

food & Beer Hendersonville sister Cities: A tAste of JAPAn • TU (3/11), 6-7:30pm - A traditional dinner with an educational speaker. Held

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

community caLendaR










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Fun fundraisers

at Champa restaurant, 437 N. Main St., Hendersonville. $27.50. Reservations and Info: or 553-6550.

Government & PolitiCs AsHeville soCiAlists • WE (3/5), 6pm - Meeting and discussion: "Capitalism Isn't Working: The Case for Socialism." Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: asheville.socialist@ Blue ridGe rePuBliCAn Women & BunComBe County rePuBliCAn men • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Registration required for optional dinner: 6 pm, $18. Held at The Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. Free. Info: 230-1444.

Photo courtesy of Cane Creek Middle School

Get Cane Creek kids to Carnegie Hall wHat: Cane Creek to Carnegie Hall Concert. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7.50 for children 12 and under. All seats are general admission. wHeRe: Diana Wortham Theatre wHen: 7 p.m., Thursday, March 13. Info: wHy: The concert will raise money for Cane Creek Middle School’s eight grade symphonic band and their trip to New York, where they will perform in Carnegie Hall on April 19. The band is one of four middle school bands in the country chosen to play at the National Band and Orchestra Festival. The band’s 62 members, directors Clif Dodson and Bryon Graeber and chaperones will travel by bus to New York for the event. To make the trip more affordable for band


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

members, organizers are hoping to raise $36,000. Lori Kane, who is organizing the fundraising, says reaching the goal will defray enough of the cost to reduce the price to about $500 for each band member. Kane herself is an active bandparent: Her triplets — Meghan, T.J. and Topher — are band members. Parents, band members and supporters have been working to raise money since the band was selected last summer, Kane says, and fundraising effors have included a raffle, bake sales, a pancake breakfast and busking performances at Earthfare. More than $21,000 has been raised so far. The concert and additional fundraisers will add to that total. For tickets and other information, contact Lori Kane at 280-4209 or or visit the band’s website at canecreekbandtrip. com.

BunComBe County rePuBliCAn Women • 2nd THURSDAYS, 11:30am - Meeting held at The Corner Stone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road. Info: 33747189. BunComBe younG dems meet & Greet • TH (3/6), 6-7pm - With Black Mountain Mayor Mike Sobol and Buncombe County Commissioner Ellen Frost. Held at Dobra Tea House, 120 Broadway St., Black Mountain. Info: or 301-3195. nAtion mAGAZine study GrouP • 2nd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Info:

kids BlACk mountAin Center for tHe Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: or 669-0930. • THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm - Beginners Hip Hop. Ages 6-10. Registration required. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm - Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. Registration required. • SATURDAYS, 9am - Ballet classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS, 5-6pm - Tween Dance class. Registration required.

HAnds on! 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. $5 admission/ free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • WE (3/5) - Dr. Seuss birthday celebration • TU (3/11), 11am - Mad Scientist Lab • WE (3/12), 10am-5pm "Build Your Brain Through Play." • TH (3/13), 10am-5pm - "Build Your Brain with Words!"

Registration required. Free. Info:

HulA HooP event At PACk memoriAl liBrAry • WE (3/5), 3:30pm - For ages 6-12. 67 Haywood St. Info: 250-4700.

lAke JAmes stAte PArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (3/8), 10am - Tree identification hike. Meets at Paddy's Creek concession stand.

riverlink eArtH dAy Art And Poetry Contest For preK-12 grade students. Categories: 2D, sculpture, photography, bookmark art and poetry. Info: riverlink. org/earthdaycontest.asp. • Through WE (3/19) - Open to students throughout the French Broad Basin.

outdoors BeCome A Certified lifeGuArd tHis sPrinG! (pd.) Courses held in Asheville throughout March, April and May. Weekends and evenings. Recertification, Waterfront, CPR/AED/First Aid also available. Check out. Call (713) 702-7669 for dates, prices, and to register, or: advancedaquaticstraining. com/lifeguarding Adult leAGue kiCkBAll • Through SA (3/15) Registration open for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation's adult kickball league. Info: or 250-4269. AssAult on BlACk roCk reGistrAtion • Through SU (3/22) Registration open for the "Assault on Black Rock" a 7-mile trail race up Black Rock, in Sylva. Proceeds benefit the Community Table, a nonprofit food pantry. $30/$25 advance. Info: or 506-2802. BACkPACkinG BAsiCs ClAss • TH (3/13), 7-8:30pm - Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway.

BAsiC Bike mAintenAnCe ClAss • WE (3/5), 7-8pm - Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Registration required. Free. Info and registration: rei. com/asheville. duPont 12k forest trAil rACe • Through (3/29) Registration open for this March 29 event. Proceeds benefit the DuPont State Forest. Info:

soutHern APPAlACHiAn HiGHlAnds ConservAnCy Info, registration and directions: Anna@Appalachian. org or 253-0095, ext. 205. • SA (3/8), 6-9pm - Star gazing night hike in the Rough Creek Watershed. No dogs. $10/free for members.

PArentinG AZAleA mountAin sCHool oPen House • SA (3/8), 10-11:30am - For interested parents. 587 Haywood Road. Info: or 577-2557. BreAstfeedinG CHAllenGes ClAss • TH (3/6), 6:30-8pm - Info on lactation services and support for the mother. Held at Family to Family, 207 Charlotte St. Free. Info: invest ColleGiAte imAGine meetinGs • TH (3/6), 6:30pm & TU (3/11), 11am - For parents interested in this new charter school. Room 346 in the WCU Building in Biltmore Park. Info: investcollegiate. org/imagine-campus st. GerArd House's ConneCt ProGrAm • Through MO (3/31) Teaches K-12 students how thoughts and actions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: or 693-4223.

PuBliC leCtures AfriCAn AmeriCAn History in tHe n.C. mountAins • SA (3/8), noon & 4pm Hosted by N.C. Museum of History. Noon session held at Mountain Gateway Museum, 102 Water St., Old Fort. 4pm session at Department of Cultural Resources, 176 Riceville Road. Free. Info: 668-9259. CArolinA dAy Community forum • WE (3/5), 7pm - With author, attorney and child advocate J. Tom Morgan. Free. 1345 Hendersonville Road, in the gym. GloriA steinem At WCu • TH (3/6) 7:30pm - In the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. $15/$5 students. Tickets and info: or 227-2479.

sPirituAlity Aim meditAtion ClAsses (pd.) "ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times:, (828) 808-4444 AQuAriAn ConsCiousness felloWsHiP (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. AsHeville ComPAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm.

AsHeville insiGHt meditAtion (pd.) introduCtion to mindfulness meditAtion Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, AsHeville oPen HeArt meditAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, AsHeville sPirituAl Radio • SatuRdayS, 1Pm (pd.) “Guidance For Your Life” a talk show that explains spiritual wisdom. We guide you through the process of incorporating spiritual lessons into your daily life. 880AM. www.880therevolution. com Astro-CounselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. GurdJieff: tHe fourtH WAy (pd.) In search of the miraculous? What are the possibilities of inner evolution? New groups forming for those who wish to pursue inner work. (828) 232-2220. lookinG for Genuine sPirituAl GuidAnCe And HelP? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville,very close to Warren Wilson College. www.truththomas. org (828) 299-4359 mindfulness meditAtion (pd.) "AsHeville insiGHt meditAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive commu-

nity. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 8084444, mindfulness meditAtion ClAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:307:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241.

Service. Courtesy. Integrity. SATURDAY March 22, 2014

A Course of love • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Info and directions: 505-4013 or coach@selfandsensibilty. com.

$20 adults/$15 kids with pre-registration To sponsor, volunteer

AsHeville Center for trAnsCendentAl meditAtion 165 E. Chestnut St. Info: 254-4350 or • THURSDAYS, 6:30 pm Introductory lectures on the TM technique. Free. Center for sPirituAl livinG AsHeville 2 Science of Mind Way. Info: or 231-7638. • SUNDAYS, 11am "Celebration of Life." Free.

or get more information about this event, contact:

for Colon Cancer Awareness


Cloud CottAGe 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain. Info: or 669-6000. • 2nd MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Meditation, talk and informal discussion. • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Monthly family night. eCkAnkAr Center of AsHeville 797 Haywood Road, W. Asheville. Info: eckankar-nc. org or 254-6775. • SU (3/9), 11-11:30am - A community HU song. Free. Fellowship follows. first ConGreGAtionAl CHurCH in Hendersonville Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Info: or 692-8630. • SU (3/9), 9:15am - “Is There Room for Mystery

Kitchen Ugly? Don’t replace... REFACE! 1 New look for about /3 the cost of new cabinets Paul Caron • The Furniture Magician • 828.669.4625

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

community caLendaR

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expLoRe tHe nigHt: Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will host a free nighttime hike through the Rough Creek Watershed on Saturday, March 8, to explore sense awareness and human night vision. Listen for the sounds of owls, crickets and bats and be on the lookout for bioluminescent organisms. Bring a headlamp! (p.15)

in Your Life?” In the Felix building.

meditAtion Center

forGiveness meditAtion ClAss • SUNDAYS through (3/23), 7pm - Meets at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. $8/$5 students, seniors. Info: or 668-2241.

GrACe lutHerAn CHurCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-4890. • WE (3/5), 12:15pm & 7pm - Ash Wednesday services. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/9), 4:45pm - Lenten supper in Stull Hall. Reservations required. GroCe united metHodist CHurCH 954 Tunnel Road. Info: or 298-6195. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm- A Course in Miracles, an open Bible study group. Free. meditAtion And mindfulness PrACtiCes • SUNDAYS, 6-6:45 pm - Held at Asheville Yoga Center, 211 S. Liberty St. Free. Info: tHe sHAmBHAlA


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

19 Westwood Place. Info: or 490-4587. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - A Dharma reading and discussion. Free. Info: asheville. trinity ePisCoPAl CHurCH Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St., Asheville. Info: 253-9361. • SU (3/9), 5pm - Choral Evensong led by Chancel Choir. Women's Book study And disCussion GrouP • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Seacoast Asheville, 123 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration and info: 2776400. WudAnG tAi Ji QuAn ClAss • SUNDAYS, 11-noon - Held at French Broad Co-op Movement and Learning Center, 90 Biltmore Ave. $12. Info: greg@mysticdao. com or (401) 714-1051.

sPoken & Written Word AsHeville City Poets meetuP • SA (3/8), 3pm - Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. Info: . BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries liBrAry ABBreviAtions All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n le = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 2506480) n Pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n sW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n Wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 2506482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750). n Library storyline: 250KIDS. • WE (3/5), 5pm Swannanoa Knitters. sW • WE (3/5), 3pm - Afternoon

Book Club: The Aviator's Wife and A Gift from the Sea. Wv • TH (3/6), 6:30pm - Book Club: Saturday Night Widows by Becky Aikman. sW • FR (3/7), 10am-3pm 25-Cent Book Sale. Pm • SA (3/8), 10am - Book club: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. WA • TU (3/11), 1pm - Book Club: What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. le • WE (3/12), 10am - Sewing Circle. sW • TH (3/13), 7pm - Book club: And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. Wv • TH (3/13), 1pm - Book club: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. fv City liGHts Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • FR (3/7), 6:30pm Edward Fahey discusses his book, The Mourning After. • SA (3/8), 11:30am Children's yoga followed by adult gentle yoga. Henderson County PuBliC liBrAry system Info: 697-4725 or • WE (3/5), 2pm - Marie Bartlett discusses her book Pearl, MD. Fletcher branch, 120 Library Road. • SA (3/8), 10:30am - N.C. Heritage Storytelling at Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road, Fletcher.

tHrivinG CHildren CHildren first/Cis mind tHe GAP tour • TH (3/13), 3:30pm - The Children First/CIS Mind the Gap Tour will call attention to issues that hinder the success of children and families in poverty. Free. Info and registration: or 259-9717. ‘BeCominG A love And loGiC PArent’ sixWeek ClAss • MONDAYS through (3/31), 6-8pm - Hosted by Child Abuse Prevention Services. Free. Held at 50 S. French Broad Avenue. Info: or 2542000 ext 101.

volunteerinG AsHeville AreA HABitAt for HumAnity Builds new homes for qualifying families and individuals while preservering existing homes. Info: info@ • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for administrative office to greet visitors, answer phones. AsHeville City sCHools foundAtion Works to create strong public schools and break the cycle of poverty. Info: or 350-6135. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to tutor/mentor students (K-12). Shifts are available Mon.-Fri., 8am6pm.

reAdinGs By AutHor kelCey PArker • TH (3/6), 8pm -Held in UNCA's Highsmith Student Union. Info: kboyle@unca. edu.

BiG BrotHers BiG sisters of WnC Helps children thrive through partnerships with trained adult mentors. Info: or 253-1470. • ONGOING - Volunteers age 18+ needed to accompany youth twice a month to free or low-cost activities. Volunteers age 16+ needed to mentor one hour per week.

tHe Book sHelf 94 North Trade St., Tryon. Programs free unless otherwise noted. Info: or 8599304. • SA (3/8), 2pm - Suki McMinn discusses her novel Drop Dead Gorgeous.

CHArlie's AnGels AnimAl resCue A shelter and foster network for area cats and dogs based in Fletcher. Info: or 885-3647. • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs involved.

oPen Poetry reAdinG • SA (3/8), 3-5pm - Hosted by Asheville City Poets at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. Info: romnyh@yahoo. com.

CHildren first Cis of BunComBe County Provides programs to economically disadvantaged children & families. Info: • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Girl sCouts CArolinAs PeAk to Piedmont Works to foster leadership and self-esteem in girls ages 5-17. Info: or 800-672-2148. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed age 18+, especially to be troop leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts required. literACy CounCil of BunComBe County Works to increase literacy and English language skills. Info: volunteers@ or 254-3442. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Adult Education Program, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling. Previous teaching experience not required. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Augustine Program which works with low-income children reading below grade level. Previous teaching experience not required. lovinG food resourCes A special needs food pantry providing food and other items to persons living with HIV/AIDS or in hospice with any diagnosis. Info: or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food box delivery, sorting, graphic design and office assistance. Hours: Tue.Friday: 9am-noon, Sat. 9am-2pm. mAnnA foodBAnk Processes donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Info: or 299-3663. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to work in the warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening.

mountAin AreA HeAltH eduCAtion Center Works for quality health care through professional training. Info: • ONGOING - Volunteers with strong customer service skills needed for OBGYN practice and family health center in Biltmore. 6-month commitment requested. ProJeCt linus Makes blankets for critically ill children. Info: 645-8800. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed to create blankets. Knitted, crocheted, quilted, no-sew fleece or flannel blankets will be accepted. Info: 645-8800. • WE (3/5), 1:30-2:30pm Volunteers may pick up easysew kits as part of MakeA-Blanket Day at Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road. tHe rAtHBun Center Provides free lodging for patients & caregivers in Asheville for medical treatment. Info: or 251-0595. • ONGOING - Volunteers

need to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. WnC Aids ProJeCt Provides resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers needed for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers needed to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required. WnC AlliAnCe Advocates for the environment and livable communites. Info: or 258-8737. • TU (3/11), 5:30-7pm - Learn more about volunteering and representing WNCA at public events. Suite 610, 29 North Market St.

ymCA of WnC Works to build strong kids, families and communities in mind, body and spirit. Info: or 210-2265.

Fisherman’s Quarters

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• ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Rise & Reach Mentoring Program. Mentees are students in the YMCA's at-risk afterschool programs. Background check required.


yWCA Advocates for young wom-


ak T r

en’s leadership and welfare. Info: 254-7206, ex. 219. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required. CAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 110

n ti




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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014











pRison bLues Norway’s prison system is among the most inmate-friendly in the world, but convicted mass murderer Anders Breivik is not impressed. Breivik, serving 21 years for the 2011 bomband-gun attacks that killed 77 people, may already enjoy amenities unheard of for a comparable American murderer, but he sent wardens 12 demands in November, including an upgrade of his manual typewriter and his PlayStation 2 to a PS3. He also demanded that his weekly government “allowance” (about $49) be doubled, threatening a hunger strike if the “torture” of his living conditions isn’t relieved. (Breivik made a similar threat in 2012, citing such “inhumane” conditions as cold coffee, lack of skin moisturizer and insufficient butter for his bread.) tHe continuing cRisis • In December, the Ohio attorney general’s office began working with the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association to identify pet owners who might be consuming painkillers prescribed for their dogs and cats. Some owners were apparently deliberately injuring their pets to obtain the drugs. • grrrrr! (1) In Chedzoy, England, Luce, a border collie spaniel, was “re-homed” in January after completely chewing through a wheel arch on Royston Grimstead’s $120,000 Aston Martin. “She had this guilty look on her face,” said Grimstead. (2) A magistrates court in Aberystwyth, Wales, convicted Ms. Rhian Jeremiah, 26, of criminal damage in January for biting into the roof of a Fiat 500 during an alcohol-fueled incident. “I could hear metal crunching,” said the car’s owner. • When a brand-new, exhaustively itemized medical coding system debuts in October, doctors will find dozens of separate numbers to describe dealings with a patient’s big toe (left one, right one, with or without nail damage, blisters, abrasions, critter bites, fractures, dislocations, sprains, amputation, etc.). There are 68,000 diagnostic codes plus





by Chuck Shepherd

another 87,000 for procedures, up from about 17,000 total codes now. Among the more peculiar “origins of injury,” The New York Times reported in December, are “burning water skis” and injuries incurred in opera houses, while knitting or due to sibling rivalry. cLose enougH foR goVeRnment woRk Clare Lally, weary of her threeflight front walk, demanded a wheelchair ramp on her government-subsidized house in Duntocher, England, for her daughter, 7, who’s suffered from bulbar palsy since birth. In January, the West Dunbartonshire Council promptly erected a 10-level series of concrete ramps that dominates the front yard. Lally says the $67,000 structure has been taken over by neighborhood kids as a skateboard run. toLeRance (1) Following an evening of heavy drinking in January, a 52-year-old former schoolteacher in Russia’s Sverdlovsk region was charged with fatally stabbing his host, 67, during a dispute over whether poetry or prose is the more important literary form. (2) In September in the Russian town of Rostov-on-Don, one man shot another (nonfatally, with rubber bullets) in an argument over the theories of German philosopher Immanuel Kant. (3) On Christmas Eve in Londonderry, N.H., Nadja Svenson, 22, was charged with stabbing her father in the chest while bickering over the position of the Big Dipper. peRspectiVe The lukewarm prosecution of two Steubenville High football players for an August 2012 rape was foundering until Internet hacker Deric Lostutter, 26, got involved, but he now faces a vindictive prosecution and a potential prison sentence

Read daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.

five times as long as the wrist-slap detention the rapists served. Many Steubenville, Ohio, students and residents had hoped to hush up the case or even blame the victim, but (according to a November Rolling Stone report), a school official convinced the FBI that Lostutter’s hacking of his personal emails was a greater national threat than the rapes, provoking a SWAT raid on Lostutter’s modest farmhouse. (Four other officials were indicted in the case: the superintendent of schools for tampering with evidence, and three others for false statements and failing to report child abuse.)

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inexpLicabLe Sixteen-year-old Mackenzie Wethington’s first-ever skydive in Chickasha, Okla., in January didn’t go well. A tangled parachute opened “halfway,” she couldn’t reach the emergency chute, fell into a spiraling free fall from 3,500 feet and landed with a thud. But despite shattered vertebrae, a splitin-half pelvic bone, two broken ribs, lost teeth and various internal injuries, Wethington somehow survived. Her sister Meagan told incredulous doctors and nurses, “Obviously, she hit the ground, but she did not hit the ground: God’s hand caught her.”

T he


tHe aRistocRats An alcohol-hammered Troy Prockett, 37, was arrested in January near Hudson, Mass., after his car spun out of control on Interstate 290 and he fled on foot, pursued by state troopers, to a tree. Playing innocent, Prockett asked (from about 30 feet up) if the troopers had “caught the guy who was driving.” The driver, he said, was still loose, even though only one set of footprints led to the tree (because, Prockett explained, the driver was carrying him piggyback!). As firefighters climbed up to him, police said, Prockett “rambled on about being an owl.” Least-competent cRiminaLs not Ready for prime time: Andre Bacon, 21, was arrested in February in Chicago’s Cragin neighborhood after police said he tried to carjack a woman getting into her car. She surrendered her keys and ran out, locking Bacon in the garage. Minutes later, police found him sitting meekly in the driver’s seat.X

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



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Love in a parking lot

How Oakley grew a farmers market by gina smitH Send your garden news to


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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Oakley, a community of mostly modest, working-class homes flanking both sides of Fairview Road, has no central business district. Neither are there social hubs, such as coffee shops or restaurants, to give it the bustling vibrancy of some other Asheville locales. But on any given Thursday in the warmer months, the little neighborhood busts out its own unique, food-centered version of a block party in the parking lot behind the stately old Oakley United Methodist Church: the Oakley Farmers Market. A celebration of locally grown food and neighborhood relationships, the market and the adjacent Oakley Community Garden are giving a much-needed boost to a predominantly low-wealth community that the U.S. Department of Agriculture considers a food desert (an urban area with limited access to goodquality, fresh food). On market days, that parking lot and garden are the beating heart of Oakley. Children gather on a blanket under the chestnut trees to hear stories and sing songs with the local librarian. Moms and dads pushing strollers stop and chat with farmers under brightly colored canopies. Neighbors share a laugh over cups of freshly churned strawberry ice cream, tapping their toes to a bluegrass tune picked out by that day’s featured musician. Everywhere there are smiles and conversations, dogs being petted, kids having fun. Everywhere there is connection. spRouting tHe seed The market, now poised to begin its third season, was launched in 2012 by a group of Oakley residents who decided that the only way to improve their neighborhood was to jump in

cuLtiVating community: Carly Esslinger, left, and Debbie Weaver, right, are among the group of Oakley residents who started the Oakley Farmers Market. The organizers are pictured with Esslinger’s sons, Emil and Rowyn. Photo by Alicia Funderburk

and get their hands dirty. But what brought them all together was a sign — a church sign. “It was the dead of winter,” former pastor shelly webb recalls, “and I put up on the marquee, ‘Interested in an Oakley farmers market?’ and I put a date up there to organize. And that’s when all these people showed up.” The diverse mix included young parents, business owners, professionals and even a farmer or two, all of them living within walking distance of the church. And they all came hoping to create something fresh and vital in a neighborhood that no one seemed to pay much attention to. Webb, a self-described “community instigator” who’s now the director of Sharing House in Brevard, arrived at Oakley UMC in 2010. The following year, she started the community garden. During a memorial service for murdered children jiya and piya patel, it dawned on her that neighborhood residents were craving a way to reach out to one another.

“I thought, we have all this land: Why don’t we just plow it up? And that worked. And then I thought, we have this big parking lot that our church folks don’t use much … and when I went down there, I could just see the farmers market,” Webb says. “It was like a kind of vision … and I knew people moving into our community cared about simplicity, cared about healthy eating and sharing stories and seeing one another once a week.” Webb was also deeply concerned about Oakley’s food-security issues. And having read that 80 percent of the students at Oakley Elementary received some kind of food assistance, she decided to write a grant that addressed both food and spirituality. “For me, spirituality meant creating a community where everyone feels beloved, where everyone feels their human value is worthy of being known,” she explains. “So the grant was really just a mission of feeding people and offering something to those who were

s e a s o n

o p e n e r

underserved. I thought, why can’t we bring fresh food to this neighborhood?” About $1,000 of the $20,000 grant from the Royce and Jayne Reynolds Foundation was used for the market; the rest went to other projects (including a shed for the community garden). a gRowing idea One of the folks who showed up at that first meeting was carly esslinger. A small-business owner whose son attends Oakley Elementary, she was hired as the market’s manager early in the inaugural season. But even before Esslinger began getting paid for her work, she’d invested major volunteer hours in helping get the project off the ground. Esslinger, who’s lived in Oakley for eight years, is vocal about her love for the neighborhood despite its idiosyncrasies. “As soon as I saw that sign on the marquee, it was like the sky opened up,” she recalls. “It was like somebody was putting a gift in my lap. I thought, this is exactly what we need. I never secondguessed it.” And beginning with that initial meeting in the church fellowship hall, Esslinger took it upon herself to keep things organized, taking notes and assembling a contact list. She began reaching out to potential vendors, started networking with other markets and reached out to the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project for guidance. Other committee members also lent their skills to the cause. Information technology specialists kevin and Leigh-ann Heuer set up email accounts and created a Web presence for the market. Urban planner josh o’conner led the push to get the necessary permits and drafted a working map of the space. Farmers jeff and debbie weaver of Oakley’s Gladheart Farms offered a vendor’s perspective on the ins and outs of markets. Empowerment coach and organizational consultant essie silvers kept things running smoothly. “I didn’t know if we could get it started that spring,” says Webb, “but by May we opened up. It was like the right people showed up with their many and varied gifts; people who had a lot of energy and experience.”

fResH cHoices: Part of the Oakley Farmers Market mission is to support local farmers while bringing a source of fresh produce to the community. Photo courtesy of the Oakley Farmers Market

Rocky soiL With the church providing a free space and Webb’s grant for seed money, the market had a good start, but there were plenty of bumps in the road. “It was somewhat costprohibitive starting a market with a group of volunteers,” O’Conner remembers. “I think we were somewhere in the $300 range with permitting. But then we found we couldn’t have certain things, like food trucks and prepared food.” That first season, they set up a meeting with Asheville City Council member gordon smith to discuss regulatory issues that were creating obstacles; continued dialogue with city officials has yielded positive results. “Last season there was an increase in permitting fees,” notes O’Conner. “We went to the city and asked them to reduce those, and they reduced fees for farmers markets across the board. … We’re also regulated as a fruit-and-vegetable market, which didn’t allow us to have food trucks. We worked that out over the winter, and now we’re able to get those in.” Rounding up vendors, says Esslinger, “was discouraging in the

beginning. I quickly began to see how thinly stretched most vendors are because they’re already in so many markets. The biggest challenge was finding produce vendors, and that continues to be a struggle.” By the second season, however, Esslinger had figured something else out. “I learned that our market is a great place for startups. It’s hard for startups to get into established markets, and it’s hard for startup markets to get established farmers, so I started to see that this is how I need to sell this market. When people approach me who are first getting started, I say, ‘We are your place to grow; we can grow together.’ That’s been huge.” Currently there are 13 member vendors, and Esslinger expects to add a couple more by the time the market opens in May. A problem that’s been harder to solve is the lack of visibility. Oakley UMC’s parking lot is tucked behind the church, well back from Fairview Road. And though Esslinger and other market organizers spend considerable energy and money on temporary signage that must be removed at the end of the day, city codes severely limit their ability to highlight the off-street location.


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bLossoming One way to get around that is simply to embrace the situation. Board members who are parents immediately recognized the value of not being on the main drag. Bordered by the community garden and plenty of green space, the Oakley UMC parking lot offers a protected area where children can play. Accordingly, the group invested in swings and a sandbox, bought toys and craft materials, began planning weekly children’s activities, and adopted the slogan “Asheville’s kid-friendly market.” A partnership with the Oakley/South Asheville Library offers storytelling under the chestnut trees on market days from August through October, and firefighters from the nearby Oakley fire station frequently come with their trucks to make presentations. Although the market still struggles with maintaining a steady flow of customers, averaging about 100 on a typical Thursday, its kid-friendly approach has definitely met with success. “I think people come from other parts of Asheville for the story time,” says Oakley resident anne johnston. “I love that my kids are getting to know the vendors. Once



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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


a pLace to gRow: Oakley Farmers Market Manager Carly Esslinger says the market is a good fit for new farmers looking to put down roots. Photo courtesy of OFM

one of the bakers didn’t have [my son’s] favorite cookie and he was upset about that, so they made sure they had it next week. There’s a relationship happening: It’s not just buyers and sellers.” marita Renner, who lives about a mile from the market, agrees. “I take my 5-year-old almost every week and let him pick out veggies,” she says. “He especially loves the sweet red peppers that come in mid-to-late summer. He knows some of the vendors and makes his way around greeting them. He likes the kids’ activity table and loves it when the Oakley firefighters bring their firetruck down.” “That’s the part of the market that, for me, goes beyond the food aspect of it,” says Esslinger. “It’s a sacred place in the community where people can safely congregate and just hang out. bRinging in tHe HaRVest So is the market fulfilling its two-pronged mission, building community and alleviating food insecurity? It’s definitely strengthening the neighborhood, says Rick schilling, Oakley UMC’s current pastor. “It’s a great gathering place for the Oakley community. I hope more people will come out and see that there’s stuff to do in


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Oakley; they don’t have to travel to other places in Asheville. They can just come and hang out on a nice Thursday afternoon and catch up with their neighbors and do their shopping at the same time.” peggy whisnant, who grew up on her family’s farm in Reynolds, joined Oakley UMC as a teenager back in the 1950s. She feels that both the market and the community garden are good for Oakley and for her church, whose shrinking membership is now mostly elderly Oakley residents. “Families don’t come like they used to,” she notes. “It’s a rarity now, and it makes me sad. I go to the market on Thursdays; I love the vendors. It’s sort of festive to see the people gathered there in the parking lot, and it does your heart good to see the neighbors down there working [in the community garden].” Webb echoes those sentiments. The market, she says, has brought life back to both the community and Oakley UMC. “It made me feel overjoyed when I would see some of the older Oakley residents communicating and sharing stories with some of the newer residents. … To me that was a vision of shalom, of peace; it was very healthy.” Starting the market, says Webb, “wasn’t about bringing in church members but about being a vital congregation out in the community, and to that end we really

succeeded. We met our neighbors; we shared love in the parking lot.” Many vendors, too, say that despite the market’s unsteady traffic, the lively community spirit makes the whole thing worthwhile, even if they earn less. “I really love that market,” says vendor aradhana silvermoon, who owns Silvermoon Chocolate. “It’s not super busy, so it’s fun hanging out and being outside; there are lots of kids running around,” she says. “Plus I love the other vendors and the feeling of camaraderie we have, especially on the slow days. On days I didn’t come home with a lot of money, I came home with eggs and mushrooms and other stuff, and that feels good.” Esslinger, however, concedes that so far, the market has fallen somewhat short in terms of bringing fresh, healthy food to Oakley’s low-income residents. One big reason is the market’s inability to accept Electronic Benefits Transfer cards from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — something they’ve been trying to set up since their first planning meeting. “Not having EBT is a big handicap,” says Esslinger. “I’ve actually seen people show up, then never come back again because they think things are just too expensive for them to afford without that assistance.” The market, she says, should have everything in place to accept SNAP EBT before the end of the 2014 season. fRuits of tHeiR LaboRs The core volunteers have put in hundreds of hours of work over the last two years to make the market happen. Committee members, says O’Conner, contributed well over 200 hours just between the first meeting and the market’s launch — but they all seem to agree that it’s been worth the effort. “I feel that it was definitely worth the time and energy, just for my own education,” O’Conner says. “The amount that I’ve learned just in my short time with the market has shown me how disconnected our whole food system is, from both a production and an equity standpoint.” Esslinger, meanwhile, says: “I feel good going forward. It keeps me going that I’ve had so many

people say, ‘We are so happy this is here.’ I’m getting just as much out of it as if I was a customer coming in.” Webb, too, says she feels blessed about being a part of the group that brought the market to life. “It was just this great experience of watching community evolve without a preconceived idea of exactly how everything would go,” she observes. “I would never have guessed that people would show up at a meeting with those kinds of gifts, or that together we could create a great event that has lasted, that wasn’t just a flash in the pan.” X For more information: Gina Smith serves on the Oakley Farmers Market board of directors. On Thursday afternoons, May through October, she can be found hobnobbing with her neighbors and her vendor friends in the parking lot behind Oakley United Methodist Church.

Tips for starting a farmers market

Do you think a tailgate market would be a great addition to your neighborhood? According to molly nicholie, program director of Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s Local Food Campaign, you’re not alone. “We very frequently get requests from community members wanting a market in their community, as well as businesses wanting to host markets at their location,” says Nicholie. But starting a market is no easy undertaking, she cautions. “The challenge for any new market is that balance between supply and demand,” Nicholie says. “It takes a lot of time and energy for a farm to start selling at a new market and new markets often take a while to build a customer base.” She also notes that with 14 tailgate markets already established in Buncombe County alone, many farmers are too busy to take on new markets. It many cases it may be better to direct the community’s energy toward supporting existing markets, Nicholie says.

But Gladheart Farms farmer jeff weaver says, “I know of some farmers that are frustrated about not being able to get into markets, or, if accepted, are limited on what they can sell,” says Weaver. “There is still room for targeted locations which would create possibilities for some of the smaller, startup farms and vendors.” “I think that there are a lot of neighborhoods in Asheville that could use a small or medium-sized market targeted to the population that lives there,” says Oakley Farmers Market organizer josh o’conner. “In my opinion, it’s all an issue of scale, and it may be as simple as having one or two vendors.” Here are a few tips from ASAP and the coordinators of the Oakley Farmers Market for those considering starting their own neighborhood market: • Find your worker bees: Form an energetic, hands-on market committee. • Decide on size: Consider the needs of the neighborhood and how much market it can support. • Create a mission/vision statement: Articulate what you want your market to accomplish. • Do a market study: This can be as simple as looking at the number of residents in the neighborhood and the distances to surrounding markets. • Find a location: Connect to churches, community organizations or even businesses — preferable situations would offer visibility, ample parking and free rent. • Explore other markets: Make relationships with vendors and learn about what you want from your market. • Market the market: Social media and the Nextdoor social group are useful for organizing volunteers. Ultimately, word of mouth is key for bringing in traffic. • Talk to ASAP: The organization is an invaluable resource. • Keep it truly local: Reach out to farmers and vendors who live as close to your neighborhood as possible. • Start small: Focus on the basics first — produce, meat and dairy. These are the things people want most at a market. To find a farmers market near your community visit appalachiangrown. org or visit ASAP’s market calendar at farmers-market — G.S.

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


faRm & gaRden

by Carrie Eidson

Together we grow Community gardens fight hunger from the ground up

7,000 Mountain Xpress readers have shopped at a jewelry store this month. 26

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Spring is approaching and across Western North Carolina farmers and growers are eagerly anticipating getting their hands back in the dirt. Soon local produce will pack the aisles of grocery stores and the tables of area farmers markets. But for some in WNC, obtaining fresh, local food is not as easy as a trip to the market. “People sometimes have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that a lot of people in our area just don’t have access to the food they need,” says becky upham, communications director for MANNA FoodBank. According to the 2013 Map the Meal Gap study by the national nonprofit Feeding America, nearly 15 percent of residents in the 16 counties MANNA serves are experiencing food insecurity, leading more than 100,000 people — including 38,000 children — to seek emergency food aid. Another way to look at it: In North Carolina, one in four children and one in 10 seniors are living in poverty, according to a 2012 study from the U.S. Census Bureau. But if food insecurity is a growing problem, some across the region are working on a growing solution. Community gardens — locally focused, volunteer-driven initiatives — are fighting hunger literally from the ground up. And beyond raising food, community gardens are growing something else to: public awareness, wellbeing and a sense of belonging. tHe face of HungeR Grass-roots movements to combat hunger aren’t new. During the Great Depression in Georgia, farmers would donate a portion of their yield to local churches to distribute to parishioners in need. Typically the amount was equal to the yield of about an acre — known as the lord’s acre. The spirit of that movement continued in Fairview and in 2009 inspired the creation of a volunteer-based community garden under the same name.

gRowing knowLedge: Sylva Community Garden volunteer jennifeR coopeR says a community garden is a place where people from many walks of life can grow and learn together. “Not everyone who is coming into the garden has the same amount of experience,” Cooper says. “But we have experienced gardeners here — volunteering their time — who are able to teach them. It’s really cool to see people sharing knowledge.” Photo courtesy of Ashley Evans, WCU.

“We began because some folks who were on the boards of our local food pantries, who grew gardens themselves, thought it was a shame that the pantries didn’t have fresh food,” says Lord’s Acre Executive Director susan sides. “We took on this name to keep the history of the lord’s acre going.” In its first season, the garden produced 3 tons of organic produce for the Food for Fairview pantry. Since then, the garden has added on-site public education opportunities and a Share the Harvest Market, which distributes free produce from several local gardens. Last season, The Lord’s Acre produced 9.5 tons of food, yet organizers fear that all this may not be enough. In 2013, in partnership with AmeriCorps Project Conserve, the garden created a portrait of food insecurity in Fairview based on surveys, interviews and focus groups with pantry clients and volunteers, school personnel and social workers. The report, says Sides, found that due to such factors as low income, lack of trans-

portation and embarrassment or shame about using food assistance programs, food insecurity in the community is growing. “People will talk with us at our market about their struggles,” Sides says. “Many say they’re too proud to go to the pantries, or they didn’t go because they didn’t want to take food from someone who may need it more. “The funny thing about a place like Fairview is that we’ve been turned down for grants, because the general perception is there is money here and so there shouldn’t be a problem,” she continues. “Food insecurity is here: It’s just hidden. But I see it everywhere.” It seems food insecurity may be increasing outside Buncombe County too. amy grimes sims, executive director of The Community Table in Sylva, says her agency’s food pantry and dinner service are feeding more and more people each year. “Every year we break a record,” Sims says. “We’ve always had generational poverty in Jackson County, but now we’re seeing more situational poverty.” Unexpected medical costs, high winter heating bills and increased

shop. plant. feast! restrictions on food stamp eligibility can force hard choices concerning which necessities to pay for, Sims says. And something the public should realize, she adds, is how quickly these factors can lead to food insecurity. “Even if you have a job, even if you have insurance, if you become sick or are injured and have to miss work, just one medical problem can throw your entire life into complete crisis.” Started in 1999 as an outgrowth of the now-defunct REACH of Jackson County, The Community Table receives donations from MANNA, the Sylva Wal-Mart and the Sylva and Cullowhee community gardens. Last year, the nonprofit served an average of 137 meals per night and provided fresh, organic produce grown at the gardens. “Fresh produce is invaluable,” says Sims. “It’s one of the most expensive things to buy, especially organic produce, so there’s a reason obesity and poverty go hand in hand. Without the community gardens a lot of people in our area would not have access to organic produce.” The Sylva Community Garden, a third-of-an-acre plot located just off the town’s main street, was founded in 2005 to grow food for The Community Table. The volunteer-led effort now works on an allotment model, with growers keeping 50 percent of their yield and donating the rest — though this is not a hard rule, says volunteer jennifer cooper. “Some gardeners grow here solely to donate to the Table and will give 100 percent of their yield,” says Cooper. “Others keep more, because they are on a fixed income and experiencing food insecurity themselves. So there is an opportunity for empowerment as well.” In addition to growing food, the Sylva garden is growing awareness. As a formal community partner of Western Carolina University, where Cooper works as assistant director of the Center For Service Learning, the garden hosts WCU student volunteers looking to fulfill a class requirement, participate in a club or complete service hours, though Cooper says some come just to help and to learn. “When I bring students here, we take some time to talk about the garden and its history,” she explains. “We talk about where

the food is going — to support those in the community that are in need — and we talk about organic growing. “A lot of the students maybe haven’t thought about food insecurity before,” continues Cooper. “But you get them to the Table or out to the garden, and you see this look of ‘Oh, wow.’ You can see there’s a realization.”


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gRowing weLLness In the packed foyer of St. James Episcopal Church in Black Mountain, winfred shytle, 87, scans the words on the sheets of paper he’s just received. He’s reading about the health benefits of various foods — beets, carrots and avocados, his favorite — before making his way along the tables lined with fresh produce and bread. “It shows you which foods are good for your heart, for your cholesterol, to help you make smart decisions,” Shytle explains. “I’ve never seen a list so complete.” Shytle is attending Bounty & Soul, a pop-up market which distributes free produce at three Black Mountain locations. The market was launched by ali casparian after Black Mountain’s Welcome Table, where she volunteered, dissolved last September. Bounty & Soul is one of 15 MANNA Markets, a pilot program launched by the food bank last year to better distribute perishable goods. It also receives food grown at the Dr. John Wilson Community Garden in Black Mountain and produce gathered by the Society of St. Andrew’s gleaning network. “There is so much food waste out there, and it’s perfectly good produce,” says Casparian. “So we’re giving it purpose.” The market’s three locations, including a day care and a senior housing center, are designed to reach out to those most affected by food insecurity: children, seniors and people on fixed incomes. “When people talk about food insecurity, they think it’s just about access to food,” Casparian says. “But I think of it as access to good, healthy food — food that promotes health and well-being — because if you don’t have healthy food it leads to malnutrition.” Bounty & Soul, says Casparian, emphasizes education and holistic healing. The market includes cooking classes and wellness demonstrations (including qi gong and yoga techniques) to promote social interaction. Casparian and her volunteers also provide informational handouts

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


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For more on community gardens, read “Growing Community Gardens” by Carrie Eidson, available on our website at

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Local resources for community gardeners

gRowing community: At Bounty & Soul, there is no stigma about food assistance, says founder ali Casparian. “It’s interactive and equal — lots of hugs, lots of ‘how is your family?’ When you come together to put time and effort into something, everyone feels special.” Photo courtesy of Bounty & Soul

appalachian sustainable agriculture project

Listings, guides, research and a farmto-school gardening program. Info:

bountiful cities

on nutrition, such as the one being used by Shytle, who is undergoing cancer treatments. “I didn’t cook much before, because I always relied on my wife to cook,” says Shytle, whose wife died in 2011. “Now that it’s just me, it would be difficult if this wasn’t here. I enjoy what Ali teaches as much as I enjoy the food.” Casparian says there is a common misconception that people who receive food assistance don’t care about a healthy diet. “And that simply isn’t true. My clients go to the grocery store and they know they want to eat healthy, but it’s still too expensive. It’s a source of great frustration.” Lynne michael, who volunteers at The Haywood Street

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Congregation’s Love and Fishes Bountiful Garden, agrees. “I don’t think the general population has an understanding of how hard it is to get something like fresh spinach for people who only have a $200 a month food budget,” she says. “There’s a lot of judgment about food assistance, but food is a birthright. It comes out of the ground — it comes from God — and we’re all entitled to it.” Michael says Love and Fishes, whose small plot grows for the Downtown Welcome Table and provides easily harvested crops for passersby, isn’t able to produce a great yield. Instead the garden focuses on creating a welcoming environment for its clients, many of whom are experiencing homelessness. “We wanted to create a garden where people can come and pick things at their leisure,” she explains. “It’s important that they feel like this is their garden, that they can come and access this.” For Michael, the final role of the garden is to facilitate a sense of community: creating a place where people from different walks of life work together toward a common goal. “A lot of people, when they think about homeless people or see homeless people on the street, they just cringe and look the other way,” she says. “But in the garden, all that is gone. When people work in the dirt side by side, there’s

Events, programming and education. to create urban agriculture space. Info:

come to the table

Regional conferences for faith-based organizations combatting hunger. Info:

gardens that give of wnc

A network of gardens that grow food for donation. Info:

organic growers school

Workshops for gardeners of all levels and interested members of the public. Info:

Loving food Resources

Food distribution for people living with HIV/ AIDS or in home hospice. Info:

manna foodbank:

Food distribution in the 16 counties of WNC. Info:

nc cooperative extension master gardeners

Information and on-site training. Available in several counties throughout WNC. For info on Buncombe County Master Gardeners: alison.

society of st. andrew gleaning network

Collects excess produce from growers to deliver to people in need. For info on the WNC office: — C.E.

faRm & gaRden

by Jen Nathan Orris

No garden, no problem

When you can’t grow fruits and veggies in your own backyard, a CSA lets anyone enjoy the bounty of the harvest without the commitment of tending to a garden week after week. Photo courtesy of ASAP

How networks of growers seek to end food waste and hunger Growing a community garden isn’t possible for everyone. Some people just don’t have the time or have physical limitations that keep them from digging in the dirt. When you can’t grow fruits and veggies with your neighbors or in your own backyard, a CSA (community supported agriculture) lets anyone enjoy the bounty of the harvest without the commitment of tending to a garden week after week. Community Supported Agriculture takes the concept of farm-to-table directly to the kitchen. Each week, local farms pack up boxes of vegetables, meat or eggs for customers who have paid for a season’s worth of produce in advance. The public

picks up the boxes (also known as shares) at a designated location every week. Home cooks can count on farm-fresh produce as the season progresses, ranging from hearty bunches of kale to juicy tomatoes. Farmers can rely on the stability that comes with regular customers who pay at the beginning of the season when the costs of seeds and soil amendments are most pressing. It’s a win/win for anyone who loves local food, whether they’d prefer to grow it or cook it. On Thursday, March 13, from 3-6 p.m., ASAP will host its annual CSA fair at Jubilee! Community in downtown Asheville. It’s a chance to meet farmers from all over the region as they gear up for the growing season. More than a dozen farmers who specialize in everything from asparagus to heritage pork (in addition to a wide array of vegetables) will come together to

spread the word about the products they will offer this season. Potential customers will have the opportunity to ask questions, learn about farmers’ practices and philosophies and generally get to know their growers. “It really is one of the best opportunities for the public, customers and folks who are interested in local food to connect face-to-face with CSA farms,” says mike mccreary, Asheville City Market manager and co-coordinator of ASAP’s CSA fair. For anyone who cherishes the conversations they have with farmers at summer tailgate markets, the CSA fair is like catching up with old friends. It’s a chance to find out what farmers have been up to during the winter months and what new varieties of vegetables they’ll be growing this season. These kinds of interactions foster a deep connection to the region’s local food economy by encouraging personal relationships between growers and customers. “I think the biggest advantage is that connection to the individual farms,” says McCreary. “Some CSA customers who have shares, they’re in a relationship for years with these farms. They can visit. They can get to know the folks who are growing their food.” Summer’s bounty may seem like a distant dream, but zucchini will be ripening on the vine before you know it. Signing up for a CSA guarantees plenty of vegetables for the dinner table while making sure local farmers have the funds they need to feed us all. X

Organic Growers School

Organic Growers School is a weekend of workshops for dedicated gardeners, commercial growers and the curious public, planned for Saturday, March 8, and Sunday, March 9. The conference will offer workshops on everything from growing blueberries to raising chickens, and this year OGS will partner with Bee City USA to create a new pollinator series. Director Phyllis Stiles explains why: “Bee City USA® is delighted to join forces with the Organic Growers School to share what we can do to sustain bees. Organic gardeners and

farmers can be a bee’s best friend by planting more pollinator-friendly habitat, rich in a diversity of flowers that bloom in succession from spring through fall.” Organic Growers School is held at UNC Asheville. For registration and info: To learn more, check out our story, “Seeds of Knowledge,” available in the Feb. 26 edition or online. — J.O.

Garden Calendar

‘ediBle lAndsCAPinG’ PresentAtion • TU (3/11), 7pm - Hosted by Weaverville Tree Board. Held in Weaverville Town Hall, 30 South Main St. Free. Info: AsAP’s Community suPPorted AGriCulture fAir • TH (3/13), 3-6pm - For information about programs and products. Free. Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. Info: 236-1282 or AsHeville GArden CluB meetinG • WE (3/5), 9:30am - With a discussion and demonstration of composting. Held at N. Asheville Community Center, 37 E Larchmont Road. Info: 550-3459 soutHern APPAlACHiAn fAmily fArms WorksHoP • TH (3/13), 9am-2pm - “I raised, grew or produced it, now how do I sell it?” Held at 36 Davis Loop #1, Hayesville. Info: 389-8931 or tAilGAte mArkets • TUESDAYS: • 2:30-5:30pm - Barnardsville Farmers Market, held at Nature’s Corner Country Store, 1599 Barnardsville Highway. • SATURDAYS: • 9am-noon - Jackson County Markets Market, 23 Central St., in the Community Table. Through March. • DAILY: • 8am-5pm - WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Year-round.

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



Row by row Horticultural therapy gains ground in local schools

by Lea mcLeLLan 251-1333 ext. 127

Each week, horticultural therapist april peterson volunteers in a classroom of students with intensive special needs at Fairview Elementary School. As a part of the therapy program, students plant seeds, write in their nature journals, water the outdoor gardens and more. “It’s a break for them,” says Peterson. “It’s something that takes the stress out of their day.” On her latest visit, however, she was met with a room full of yelling, jumping and agitated children. Why the frenzy? Well, their worm bin — an indoor composting tool that the kids built with Peterson’s guidance — had sprouted grass. “We took the worm bin down and we opened it up, and everybody was just screaming and excited,” recalls Peterson. A week earlier, the group had performed an experiment, adding extra wheatgrass seed from a previous project to the compost vessel. “It was especially fun to see from start to finish that they made that worm bin, they monitored it, fed it, now they are experimenting with it — and that’s flat-out something that they would not be doing if horticultural therapy wasn’t in their classroom.” While the uses for horticultural therapy vary, the goals for Peterson’s group include staying on task, sharing, using patience and working on fine motor skills and tactile sensitivities. Getting kids — especially those with special needs — excited about plants is Peterson’s passion. It’s also what led her to obtain her horticultural therapist certification at the Horticultural Therapy Institute, which offers credits through Colorado State University.


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

April Peterson, right, digs through a worm bin with a group of students at Fairview Elementary School as part of a horticultural therapy program. Photos by Nathan Metcalf

She began the therapy program at Fairview Elementary last year, and it remains the first of its kind in the Buncombe County Schools. Peterson’s work at Fairview Elementary and, more recently, at Glen Marlow Elementary School in Mills River, owes some thanks to another local horticultural therapist, john murphy, director of the Bullington Gardens, a public garden and educational horticultural center in Hendersonville. There, he runs a horticultural therapy program for sophomores in high school with special needs. Under Murphy’s guidance, Peterson completed an internship for her therapy program at Bullington Gardens, and Murphy helped her to develop a therapeutic program for the students at Fairview Elementary. Murphy started his program, BOOST (Bullington Onsite Occupational Student Training), in 2003 before he “really knew there was anything called horticultural therapy,” he says. Since then, he,

too, has received formal training in the discipline from the Horticultural Therapy Institute in Denver. Each week, students from four Henderson County high schools go to Bullington Gardens to work on the grounds, gardens and greenhouse. Students also design and install gardens to enter into an annual garden competition among the schools. They pick a theme for the garden, stay within a budget and include elements like stone and birdhouses. The students, says Murphy, “have probably struggled with the traditional classroom setting their whole lives, so when they come out here, it fits their style of learning a little bit better. It’s more hands-on; they don’t have to be sitting at a desk.” Special education teacher sloan neuburger of North Hendersonville High School says the vocational training is one benefit of the BOOST program, but the effects are

much broader. “The part that always happens that I think is kind of the magic of the Bullington Gardens,” says Neuburger, “is that their ultimate goal is that they develop work skills, but somehow they also develop a level of confidence out here that they didn’t have in the classroom. … They realize that they can do something that they never thought they could do.” At the end of the program each year, the students must present their gardens to a sizable audience of teachers, parents and peers — Murphy says attendance can be as high as 100 people. And Neuburger says the finished products “are some of the most beautiful gardens you’ve ever seen.” But the best part, she says, is watching the students present their work. “These are students who have never spoken in class, who have never volunteered an answer. … It’s one of the most emotional days of my year,” she says. Students with varying levels of ability come to Bullington Gardens for therapy, and the goals and activities at the center are adjusted to meet the needs of the students. Volunteer mary martin teaches a group with severe physical and intellectual disabilities. That group focuses less on job skills and more on developing skills like communication, basic math, following directions and coordination. All of these areas, says Martin, can be strengthened with the help of plants. “I think it all goes back to that nonthreatening aspect,” says Martin. “Plants are nonthreatening. They relate to all of the senses. No matter what kind of handicap you have, there is always a plant that you can relate to. Whether it’s a fuzzy leaf or a smell or a bright color, you can always identify with something.” With the growing popularity of school gardens, Peterson says it’s a “logical progression” for the horticultural therapy movement to catch on. And while she says it’s great that more schools are recognizing the value of gardens on school property, many of the same schools could do a better job of making those gardens accessible for all students. Accessibility was exactly the motivation behind Peterson’s partner-


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joHn muRpHy and a group of Hendersonville sophomores break ground at Bullington Gardens.

ship with Warren Wilson College last fall to create a wheelchairaccessible garden within Fairview Elementary’s already well-developed outdoor garden space. “It has a raised garden bed so the kids that I work with have an easier time,” says Peterson. Not only are the new garden beds wheelchair-accessible, but the structure makes it easier for students with autism and other conditions or sensitivities to get involved. “It’s a lot more accessible to them to be able to walk right up to it without getting wet or excessively dirty, and they’re able to engage,” explains Peterson. Finding a way for students to experience gardening is really the driving force for all these teachers and therapists — because they have seen firsthand

the positive effects a garden can have. “They just need that help, that guidance, to get to these places everyone takes for granted,” says Peterson. “To easily get into the garden, to easily go on a hike — these populations can’t necessarily do that without the support system, and I think horticultural therapy creates that support.” To learn more about Bullington Gardens, visit To learn more about the Horticultural Therapy Institute, visit htinstitute. org. The institute will offer classes at Bullington Gardens in a series beginning May 3. Bullington Garden’s therapy programs subsist on donations and fundraising efforts. Readers can show their support for the initiative at an upcoming plant sale on Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26. X

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Dear Dr. Waldman, Both my husband and our 13 year old son have painful big toes because of ingrown toenails. Sometimes they get swollen and red. They have tried simply trimming the nail corners but this isn't really helping and the problem keeps coming back. Sometimes even touching the area is so painful these manly men weep. Can their nails be fixed? – Mrs. TA • Weaverville, NC Ingrown nails are usually a quick fix with a simple in office procedure. We do a few treatments everyday (multiply that by my 20 years in Asheville and that's a lot of toes!) After the toe is sufficiently numbed I can gently remove the sliver of toenail that is digging into the skin and apply a medication to permanently stop that sliver from growing back. The rest of the nail can be left on and after a couple weeks the nail looks and feels much better. Most patients report an almost instant pain relief! Most patients go back to work or school the same day. Simple home care involving antibiotic ointment and a simple bandage is needed for a week or so. In fact when I was your son's age I had this procedure done and it lead to my career as a foot doctor and surgeon. When the condition is chronic and infected I take X-rays to make sure the underlying bone is ok. If the bone is infected or has spurs a more involved surgery may be required.

Dr. Daniel Waldman, DPM, FACFAS

Associate, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Member, Council for Nail Disorders Board Certified Foot Surgeon Diplomate, American Board Podiatric Surgeons Fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

Ingrown toenails are painful and left untreated can develop into serious infections. The worst case I had was a 16 year old girl who let the problem go for so long the infection destroyed her toe bones and the toe had to be amputated. My best advice for the men in your home is to get care from your podiatrist as soon as possible! Thank you for Asking the Foot Doctor! Check out my web site for even more information.

- Dr. Dan Waldman

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


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weLLness caLendaR

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

emotionAl Well-BeinG/PersonAl GroWtH Weekend WorksHoP (pd.) Intensive 26-hour self help weekend encounter, Friday-Sunday, March 21-23. • Seating is limited. • Save $75 today, call (828) 484-1676. Information/Registration: yoGA WorksHoP (pd.) Incredible Inversions with Danielle Goldstein, Sunday March 9th, 2-4pm. Call 2775741. Registration required $25, all levels welcome, details at


CounCil on AGinG ACA ClAsses These classes discuss the Affordable Care Act. Free. Info and registration: or 2778288. • WE (3/5), 11:30am-1pm - Isothermal Community College, Library Auditorium, 286 ICC Loop, Spindale. • TH (3/6), 11am-12:30pm - A-B Tech, Ferguson Building Auditorium, 340 Victoria Road. • TH (3/6), 5:30-7pm - A-B Tech, Madison campus, auditorium, 4646 U.S. Highway 25, Marshall. • MO (3/10), 12:30-1:30pm - South College, Room 415, 140 Sweeten Creek Road. • TU (3/11), 5:30-7pm - Jewish Family Services, 417 Biltmore Ave., Doctors Drive Building 2. • WE (3/12), noon-1:30pm - A-B Tech, Ferguson Building, 340 Victoria Road. • TH (3/13), 6-7:30pm - YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. • TH (3/13), 5-6:30pm - South college, Room 412, 140 Sweeten Creek Road.

CounCil on AGinG mediCAre ClAsses This class will discuss how Medicare works. Free. Info and reservations: or 277-8288. • TU (3/11), 3-5pm - Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester. • TH (3/13), 3-5pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty, Black Mountain. end of life exPerienCe informAtionAl WorksHoP • TH (3/6), 5:30-7pm - Discusses terminal diagnosis and the process of dying. Part 1 of 2. Held at Jewish Family Services, 2 Doctors Park Suite E, 417 Biltmore Ave. Info: or 253-2500. Jdrf tyPe 1 diABetes info BrunCH • FR (3/7), 12:30-1:30pm - "Sugar-Free Lunch Bunch," held at Atlanta Bread, 484 Hendersonville Road. Info: let’s looP WnC for HeArinG loss MO (3/10), 7pm - Information about Hearing Loop technology. Held at St. Eugene Catholic Church, 72 Culvern St. Info: 545-1152.






maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

livinG HeAltHy WitH A CHroniC Condition WorksHoPs Sponsored by Land-of-Sky Regional Council for people living with a chronic disease and their caregivers. Registration is open for the first two weeks. $30. Info: or 2517438. • WEDNESDAYS (3/5) through (4/9), 5-7:30pm - Held at the Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 S. Grove St., Hendersonville. • MONDAYS, (3/10) through (4/14), 10am12:30pm - Held at Jewish Family Services, 2 Doctors Park Suite E, 417 Biltmore Ave. livinG HeAltHy WitH diABetes ClAss • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Meets at Woodfin YMCA, 40 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 101. $30. Registration and info: 251-7438.

PisGAH leGAl ACA serviCe • ONGOING - For information on insurance options under the Affordable Care Act. Free. Registration required. Info: 855-733-3711. red Cross Blood drives Additional info: Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (3/5), 9am-1:30pm - Flesher's Fairview Health Care, 3016 Cane Creek Road, Fairview. Appointments and info: 628-2800. • MO (3/10), 11am-3pm - Asheville Christian Academy, 74 Riverwood Road, Swannanoa. Appointments and info: 1-800-REDCROSS.

suPPort GrouPs Adult CHildren of AlCoHoliCs & dysfunCtionAl fAmilies ACOA is an anonymous 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: adultchildren. org. • FRIDAYS: • 7pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS: • 8:30am - First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • SUNDAYS: • 3pm - The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. • 3pm - Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde • MONDAYS: • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Al-Anon / AlAteen fAmily GrouP A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS: • 11:30am - Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville • 5:45pm & 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS: • 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road • 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock • 7pm, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road • FRIDAYS: • noon - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Brevard • 1pm - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 8pm Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swann St. • SATURDAYS: • 9am & 10am - First Baptist Church Annex, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • 10am - First Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin • 10am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 10am - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. • noon - First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. • SUNDAYS: • 5pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS: • noon - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva • 8pm - Ledger Baptist Church, 208 Church Road, Bakersville. • 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. • TUESDAYS: • 10am - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden • 4pm Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. • 7:30pm - St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 256 East Main St., Brevard • 8pm - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard.

AsHeville AlCoHoliCs Anonymous A fellowship of men and women who share their experiences to help each other recover from alcoholism. Info: • ONGOING - Visit their website or events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. AsHeville motHers of multiPles • TH (3/6), 7-8pm - Asheville Mothers of Multiples, a support group for those who have twins and triplets. Women's Resource Center, 50 Doctors Drive. Info: 808-9241. deBtors Anonymous 12-step recovery on issues of underearning, debt and learning to live one's vision in life. Info: • MONDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. dePression And BiPolAr suPPort AlliAnCe • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road. Free. Info: or 367-7660. emotions Anonymous: AsHeville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - A 12-step program for anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road. Info: 631-434-5294. HeArt of reCovery meditAtion GrouP • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Integrates meditation practice with any 12-step recovery program. Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. Info: livinG WitH CHroniC PAin • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - American Chronic Pain Association group for people with chronic pain. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 W Charleston Ave, Swannanoa. Info: 776-4809. memory loss CAreGivers of eAst BunComBe • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am - A group for caregivers of someone with memory loss or dementia will meet in the Brookside Building at Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain. Info: men WorkinG on life issues GrouP • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Meets at 90 Zillicoa Ave. Info: 686-5590 or 683-7195. mission HeAltH fAmily GrouP niGHt • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm - For caregivers of children with special health care needs and developmental concerns. Mission Rueter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Info: 213-9787. nAr-Anon fAmily GrouPs A group for relatives and friends who are concerned about the addiction or drug problem of another. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 891-8050. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. nArCotiCs Anonymous of WnC NA provides support to men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Local helpline: 866-925-2148. Info: • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area.

nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness NAMI offers support to people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Located at 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite. 207. Info: or 505-7353. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual Diagnosis Group at the Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS: 11am - Connection Group at the NAMI office, 356 Biltmore Ave. overeAters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS: • noon - Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975 • 6:30pm - Cox House, 723 N. Grove St., Hendersonville. Info: 329-1637. • FRIDAYS: • 10am- Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS: • 9:30am - 424 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS: • 6pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 516-650-5626. • 6:30pm - Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 800580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 609-7310808. • 5:30pm - First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva. Info: 508-2586. reCoverinG CouPles Anonymous Support group for couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: • SATURDAYS, 10am - Unity Church Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road. Meets every other week. Info: crimsonmanzanita@yahoo. com.

s-Anon fAmily GrouPs • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexaholism. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: or 258-5117. smArt reCovery A peer support group to help individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 407-0460. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion. Info: 9258626 • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - St. Andrew Celtic Church, 850 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. Info: 273-0256 t.H.e. Center for disordered eAtinG 297 Haywood St. Info: or 337-4685. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Eating disorders adult support group, led by licensed therapists and dietitians • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Group for teens ages 15-17. Wireless deviCes sensitivity suPPort GrouP • 1st THURSDAYS, 7pm - For electrosensitive individuals. Location and info: 255-3350 or more Wellness events online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at for info on events happening after March 13. CAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 110

Eating Right for Good Health Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

Defending Science I really never thought I’d be defending science. After some bad AP science class experiences; I became that kid in high school and college who did everything to avoid taking a class remotely connected with science. That all changed in my 30’s when I decided I wanted to become a dietitian and took a look at the curriculum.... organic chemistry, food science...anatomy and physiology. Cold waves of panic washed over me. Fortunately I was resolute and determined to become a registered dietitian so I overcame my fears, managed to pass the classes, and became a dietitian. In the process I discovered the beauty of science. Unlike my creative writing classes or theatre there wasn’t the flexible interpretation. Science was more clear cut and pure. That’s why it makes me sad that more and more these days it seems as the word “science” has taken on negative connotations. From the world of biotechnology and genetically modified food to the “science” behind ingredients and marketing strategies in “big food”; increasingly many consumers seem at the least wary and in other cases downright suspicious when the word “science” is mentioned. Why is this? Is it a throwback to those difficult high school classes that we narrowly passed...oh, wait, that would probably be just me. Maybe it’s the movies that portray “mad scientists” and their strange creations like the monster in Frankenstein. Is it that, at least in the food realm, we’ve fallen in love with a romantic view of farming and food production that whether organic, conventional or biotech still depends on the science behind seed breeding and pesticides/herbicides. Or maybe it’s because of sensational TV shows or health gurus or celebrities with little or no science or nutrition education that ignore or bash scientific studies to promote their personal views (Jenny McCarthy comes to mind). Without science and scientists our world would be a far different place. Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Galilleo, Benjamin about Elsie Widdowson who studied dietetics and during World War II researched the effects of dietary deprivation brought on by food rationing. It was her research that resulted in the fortification of foods. Science isn’t scary and science isn’t opinions. Science and scientific studies provide us with facts; a reliable and repeatable framework for research and information that guide many aspects of our world and help us to live longer and healthier lives. Should we question scientific studies? Sure, that’s why it’s best to look at how studies are designed and who conducted the study. Was it an animal or human study, how big was the sample, how long were people followed....these are all questions to ask. If you aren’t comfortable trying to decide if the science in a study is good, be sure and ask someone with training and education in that field for help.

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



Packed to the (trout) gills King James Public House emphasizes local — not fish and chips

by jonatHan ammons

The highly anticipated King James Public House opened this winter on Charlotte Street to a jam-packed house, and the crowd didn’t die down for several weeks. The tiny, 45-seat restaurant and bar from Zambra owner Peter Slamp has seen lines out the door for considerably longer than the usual honeymoon period of a new restaurant. Most of the fanfare has centered on both Slamp’s cocktails and formerZambra-sous-chef-turned-KingJames-head-chef Steven Goff and his incredibly well-tempered menu. But, as with any restaurant opening, the team faced considerable scrutiny in the early weeks. A cursory search of Yelp or TripAdvisor reveals complaints from guests ranging from wait times for a table to the prices of an entree. “I think we frustrated a lot of people the first couple days,” explains Slamp. “People could see we were really busy and for the most part, I think they understood. But we weren’t prepared — we were understaffed.” Most of the issues were easy to address. Many people were upset over the lack of a hostess or greeter at the door. Still, others bemoaned the first-come-first-served seating. “We’ve definitely gotten things under control,” Slamp says. “We have more staff, and our staff understands what to do now ... hell, I understand what to do now!” There is now a wait list for tables, but Slamp resists the idea of reservations because of the limited size of the space. If one reservation is a no-show, he explains, he could lose four seats — no small hit in a 45-seat restaurant.


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The opening always seems to be the hardest part of the process, even for a seasoned restaurateur like Slamp and a career chef like Goff. With so many variables ranging from the season to the usual first-quarter slump to the recent fits of snowfall, what seems like a great operations plan can often change in a moment’s notice. “I was honestly thinking this was going to be a slow place,” Slamp says. “I certainly wasn’t planning to be so busy that I had six or seven parties standing around with no place to sit since we have no waiting areas! We were only planning on having two people in the front of house, but right off the bat it was just so busy that a lot of that went out the window. I was originally building our plans for the bar to support the restaurant, but that’s not been a problem. The only problems we’ve had have been really good problems to have.”

cod-fRee: The focus of King James Public House, say Chef Steven Goff, left, and owner Peter Slamp, right, is to provide a meeting place that serves locally sourced fare. Guests, they say, will not find cod on the menu. Photo by Jayson Im

After venturing in several times, I can personally attest to improvements in all aspects from the frontof-house team. And there’s been good cause for the lines out the front door. Goff, a former culinary instructor at A-B Tech, has built a menu that proves to be both creative and approachable. But despite the stellar dishes coming out of the kitchen, and despite having never implied that they would be

serving pub grub, there has been a lingering minority of customers who seem baffled by the absence of that type of fare. “We’ve had what I call the fishand-chips issue happening,” explains Goff. “When we said ‘Public House,’ we meant that to imply local. In Britain, a public house is just a local meeting place; it doesn’t necessarily mean fish and chips. We want to do local, and is there cod swimming in the French Broad River? F--k no, there isn’t! There’s trout! So you get trout, because that’s what is local! “I’ve been working in this city for almost a decade,” he continues, “and I just want to develop a brand as a chef and develop [King James Public House] and build it up.” And from what I’ve had from his kitchen, I can’t wait to taste what comes next. X

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



by Michael Franco

photo by Alicia Funderburk

Boat drinks Looking for paradise in Asheville’s tropical cocktails

Best Paella In Asheville Open 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Grove Arcade Suite 139 828-350-1332 36

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Ahhh tiki cocktails … those sunset-colored vacations in a glass. When done right, they warm your taste buds with exotic spices and unexpected flavors. When done wrong, they coat your tongue with sugary dreck and your head with one mother of a hangover the next morning. Fortunately, in Asheville, there are plenty of places making “boat drinks” (to quote Jimmy Buffet) just right. Although these days it’s possible (but not recommended) to buy premade pina coloda and splash in some some rum, there was a time when the recipes for tiki drinks were as closely guarded as the route to secret treasures buried at the bases of ancient volcanoes. America’s tiki craze was started by a man named Earnest Raymond Gantt, who went by the tropical monicker Don the Beachcomber, which was also the name of the bar he opened in Los Angeles in the early 1930s. Don came up with about 70 different tiki drinks made with fresh juices, spices and rum, and wrote his recipes in code so that no one could steal them. Thanks to tiki cocktail hunter and one-time Asheville resident Jeff “Beachbum” Berry, however, many of Don’s recipes were rescued and decoded and now form the basis of a new wave of tiki drinks that fights the syrupy stereotype the concoctions earned in tacky bars throughout the 1970s and ’80s. When it opened in early 2008, the Asheville Yacht Club was a pioneer of the tiki scene in Asheville and, in fact, Berry himself paid the fledging bar a visit. Today, the punk-meetsPolynesia venue is still going strong — and making crazy strong tiki drinks. According to bartender James Browne, the Painkiller is the No. 1 choice of patrons. “We sell thousands of them,” he said. Made from a potent blend of rums mixed with pineapple and orange juices and topped with a flaming sugar cube, it’s definitely the cure for what ails you. After two, you will certainly feel as if you’ve left the mountains behind and landed in a ragtag pirate bar on a forgotten island. The Zombie, another tiki classic, consists

potent potabLe: Asheville Yacht Club bartender James Browne says the Painkiller is the bar’s best-selling cocktail.

of a blend of blackberry and apricot brandies, two types of rum and a float of dark rum. It’s a surprisingly nutty, deep drink that helped dissolve the muscles I’d been bunching to stay warm throughout our frigid winter. If those two options sound too sweet for you, I recommend the Sailor’s Grog, which veers into more sour, zingy waters with its grapefruit and lime juices. While the Yacht Club is clearly Asheville’s port of call for traditional tiki drinks, other venues in town are taking the tried-andtrue tropical recipes and putting their own unique spins on them. At the Imperial Life Lounge, every Tuesday is Tiki Tuesday with a range of creative tropical drinks on offer for just $5 each. Whereas the heart of most tiki drinks is rum, Imperial Life offers two cocktails that involve clear spirits: the Tabu, which adds vodka to rum, pineapple and lemon; and the Singapore Sling, which mixes gin with cherry brandy, Benedictine, pineapple, lemon, grenadine and bitters. Unlike the supersugary version of the Sling that I’ve had in the

alleged home of its invention — the Long Bar at Raffles Hotel in Singapore — this version was light and floral, like drinking a hibiscus flower. Part of the reason might be, according to bartender Russell Knighten, the bar makes its own grenadine from pomegranates. Another standout was the Planter’s Punch, which emerged as a complex remake of the typically juiceladen drink thanks in large part to the house-made falernum, a syrup consisting of lime zest, almonds, clove, ginger and possibly a blessing from the tiki gods themselves. The final harbor I explored on my search to find colorful warming drinks in the middle of the cold, gray winter was Ben’s Tune Up. The bartenders there just revamped their drink menu at the end of January to include plenty of fresh takes on the tiki tradition. The Bermuda Triangle teases your tongue with two types of warmth: first from the fresh ginger beer and then from jalapeños, both of which play tasty tricks when mixed with Goslings and lime. The Ninja Kick takes bourbon on vacation by shaking it up with fresh ginger purée, lime and island spices, while the Paloma De Ben invites tequila to the party, mixes it with grapefruit and serves it in a glass ringed with Szechuan peppercorns and salt. Never a place to take itself seriously, the mother of all tiki drinks at Ben’s is the Zombie for Two, a drink served in a “flaming love boat.” It takes the traditional Zombie in a decidedly Asian direction thanks to the lychee sake that’s mixed with Bacardi 151 and fresh-squeezed juices. It’s the perfect tiki tipple to drink with a friend before you sail off into a night where banjos might just sound like ukuleles and magnolia trees might resemble palms swaying in a tropical breeze. Aloha! Asheville Yacht Club, 87 Patton Ave. Open 4 p.m.-2 a.m. daily. The Imperial Life, 48 College St. Open 4:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m., Sunday-Thursday; 4:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m. Friday-Saturday, 254-8980 Ben’s Tune Up, 195 Hilliard Ave. Open 4 p.m.-2 a.m. daily. X


by Toni Sherwood

Cultivating the source Katuah Market streamlines the farm-to-shelf idea Looking to live the idyllic farm life, yet still be able to pop into downtown Asheville on a whim for dinner and a show? John Swann, owner of Katuah Market, is seeking an experienced grower to take charge of his farm, 106 acres of mountains and valleys about a 35-minute drive from Asheville in Yancy County. Swann’s plan is a grocery-store twist on farm-to-table dining: He hopes to use produce and livestock raised at Maple Creek Farm to supply his Biltmore Village market. Swann has never lived on the parcel, which he has owned for eight years, but his son and daughter-inlaw have lived in the three-bedroom, one-bath house there for five years. They recently decided to move back to Asheville so, as of April 1, the house will also be available for the new farmer’s accommodations in addition to an Airstream trailer. The farm now has about an acre of cultivated garden. “It would be easy to double the size of the current acre,” Swann says. “And there are 3 acres on the other side of the creek. They don’t get as much sun, but they’re tillable. “It’s tough to grow enough veggies to make a living,” Swann says. He’s hoping the plan to have Katuah Market as a wholesale outlet will provide financial security. He also sees a great deal of potential on the livestock side. “There are 20 acres of hillside available as pasture, which is currently unfenced, but there are a couple acres wellfenced.” There’s also a 4-acre hayfield. Although Swann used to raise sheep and goats, currently there are two donkeys, three hogs, one beef cow and a few pygmy goats living on the farm. At one point the farm was producing maple syrup, but Swann says the past three winters haven’t been cold enough, so the maple supply and the educational “maple tours” have been suspended. Swann says, “Right now there’s

bona fide: Katuah Market owner John Swann says choosing who supplies his store’s produce is more about getting to know the farmers than it is about paperwork. Photo by Nathan Metcalf

nothing going on up there. We’ll build it up with the new farmer.” According to Swann, some local restaurateurs own farms that supply their kitchens, but he doesn’t know of any other retail grocer doing it. Swann is already working with local farmers to supply his store. “When the bigger companies become corporate, it’s harder for the farmers to work with them. That’s why Katuah is here.” “Bona fide, not certified” is how Swann feels about the choosing the farmers he works with. “We get to know them; it’s more about being open than paperwork,” Swann says. He credits produce manager Bridget Kennedy’s extensive knowledge of local farmers (she was previously program coordinator for the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) with helping him spearhead this initiative to employ accountability and traceability when selecting farmers. Like many local farmers, Swann is looking to follow organic farming principles at Maple Creek, but not necessarily to become certified organic. “They say it takes about 40 hours a year just to do the paperwork to be certified organic. What farmer has time for that? Besides, consumers are as concerned

about knowing the farm and the farmers as they are about organic.” Swann is no newbie to the world of grocers; he was a former partner at Greenlife and worked at Earthfare for seven years before that. Swann says he has noticed a trend of consumers voting with their pocketbook. “Organic is worth about one-third more,” Swann explains. “That’s the level people will pay for organic without even thinking about it. But for local it’s 50 percent more.” Swann says he hopes to attract consumers who value the security of knowing exactly where their food is coming from. “Katuah Market will be a guaranteed sale for the farmer,” Swann says. “Whoever takes over can work with our produce manager, and possibly the meat manager, so they won’t buy elsewhere what the grower can provide.” If you are interested in living and working at Maple Creek Farm, contact John Swann at For more on Maple Creek Farm visit X

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



by Bronwen McCormick

Rainbow table If I had a nickel for every time my daughter asked me for a snack, well — you know how the saying goes. Snacks are a big topic when you are a little person. They can be a great way to fill nutritional gaps and can help a child from getting too hungry and cranky. Unfortunately, many children are getting snacks that are calorie-dense and nutrientpoor. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, almost 90 percent of preschoolers consume one or more energy (calorie) dense snack foods or beverages every day. This can lead to an increased intake of saturated fat and sugar. In addition, children who consume these types of snacks begin to develop a taste for sweeter, energy-dense foods. What can we do? The first step may be changing our own perception of what “snack” means — from packaged, salty, sweet or dessert-type foods, to lower-fat cheeses, whole grains, yogurts, fruits and vegetables. Consider snacks as an extension of a meal and as a great opportunity to fill in what may have been missed at mealtime such as a fruit, vegetable or protein, according to Fearless Feeding: How to Raise Healthy Eaters From High Chair to High School by Jill Castle and Maryann Jacobson. This can be especially helpful when the snack request comes 30 minutes before dinnertime. Here are some simple nutritional guidelines for snacks from the Rainbow In My Tummy program: • Keep it in the 100- to 150-calorie range for young children. Be sure to

We Cater! 828-669-8178


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Snack attack

below. These are just a few suggestions, and some are a natural fit: fruit with yogurt, hummus on pita, and nut butter on celery. By all means, be creative. You and your child may find some new favorite snack pairs. fruit: Sliced apple, kiwi or orange, banana, berries, watermelon or pineapple chunks, grapes, dried fruit. Note: Be sure to chop into small pieces for younger eaters. Serving size: about ½ cup (¼ cup if dried fruit) Vegetable: Vegetable sticks (carrot, celery, cucumber, zucchini, etc.), edamame, cherry tomatoes, broccoli stalks, pepper slices (green, red, yellow or orange), sugar snap peas, cauliflower pieces, string beans, avocadoes. Note: Be sure to chop into small pieces and lightly steam to soften for younger eaters. Serving size: about ½ cup

HeaLtHy combination: Gibson Webb, a preschooler at Mountain Area Child and Family Center, snacks on a winning mix of celery, nut butter and raisins. Photo courtesy of Mountain Area Child and Family Center

check serving sizes on packages. • Read the ingredient label and nutrition facts. Avoid snacks with added sugars, transfats or artificial colors. • Mix it up. A variety of healthy snacks can help ensure that your child is getting a variety of nutrients. • Prepare in advance. If you can make your own trail mix, for example, you can control the ingredients. It is cheaper too. • Try to structure snack times so that they happen about the same time each day and are eaten at the table (as often as possible). This prevents constant grazing and helps children eat more regularly at mealtime.

• Be a snack role model. What do your kids see you snacking on? As kids get older, they generally follow your lead, so choose your own snacks wisely. Fortunately, Asheville is a community that supports fresh, healthy and locally grown products that can easily be incorporated into healthy snacks. Some great seasonal snack ideas are available from Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s Growing Minds program at If you are stuck in a rut and feel as if you are serving the same snacks over and over, you can try pairing items from two of the categories

protein/dairy: Hummus, bean dips, part-skim cheeses, nut butters, unsweetened or lightly sweetened yogurt, hard-boiled or scrambled egg, low-fat cream cheese, slices or cubes of lean meat, skim milk, part-skim cottage cheese, chicken or tuna salad. Serving size: ½ ounce or 2 tablespoons of spreads such as hummus grain: Whole-grain crackers, toast, English muffin, mini-bagel, tortillas or waffles; instant oatmeal; plain popcorn (for older children); wholewheat pasta; baked tortilla triangles (not fried); whole-grain, lowsugar cereal; bagel chips. Serving size: one-fourth to one-third cup or about half a slice of bread. Rainbow In My Tummy is a nutrition-enrichment program created by Mountain Area Child and Family Center. Rainbow In My Tummy works with early care and education centers to improve the quality of food served to young children and to cultivate a food culture that establishes a foundation for lifelong health. The program’s menus, recipes and food policy have been reviewed by a registered dietitian. For details, contact Rainbow In My Tummy Director Bronwen McCormick. For more information, visit X


by Thom O’hearn

Small sips

Hi-wiRe extends bRitisH bReakfast seRies and ReLeases a man eateR Fresh eggs, bacon, toast and sausage may be easy to find around town but there are not many places that add grilled tomatoes, baked beans and live soccer to the mix. Hi-Wire debuted its signature English Breakfast series last month, and so many people turned up — even for the 7:45 a.m. game — that they decided to extend it all through March. Hi-Wire will continue to serve its $6.95 breakfast ($9.95 with a pint). And of course, this is Asheville, so veggie options like soysage hash are always available. Hi-Wire’s Facebook page will have the up-to-date game schedule, and this Saturday will have a special treat: Breakfast-goers will get the first crack at Man Eater, the brewery’s new double IPA. Expect a big 8.3 percent hopmonster.

ReLease tHe beast: Hi-Wire Brewing will debut its new Man Eater double IPA at its March 8, English Breakfast event. Photo courtesy of Hi-Wire Brewing Co.

Beer news from around the region

sieRRa neVada intRoduces ipa 4-pack Sierra Nevada is best-known for its hoppy Pale Ale and Torpedo IPA. Now it’s taking the hoppiness one step further and rolling out a variety four-pack with Torpedo and three new hopforward beers. According to the company, the variety pack, which will roll out in the next couple of weeks and be available through July, will contain: • Snow Wit White IPA is brewed with seven varieties of experimental dwarf hops that give it a complex grapefruit and herbal hop character accentuated by spicy notes from an authentic Belgian yeast. • Nooner Session IPA is light in body but big in hop aroma and flavor. This session IPA delivers a dose of citrusy and grapefruit hop character from the use of wholecone American hops.

• Blindfold Black IPA is an evolution of a Beer Camp recipe and features a blend of hop varieties whose bright, fruity aroma complements the coffeelike flavors of dark roasted malts. • Torpedo Extra IPA is Sierra Nevada’s year-round IPA and uses the brewery’s unique “Hop Torpedo” method of dry hopping to showcase complex citrus, pine and herbal flavor and aromas. No word yet on the specific beers, but Sierra Nevada says to expect variety 12-packs for the first time in both fall and winter as well.

saVe tHe date foR tHe buRning can festiVaL Oskar Blues Brewery in Brevard will host its very own Burning Can Beer Festival this year. The festival, which will happen in addition to the original Burning Can at the Oskar Blues Brewery in Colorado, will take place on Saturday, July 5, with proceeds benefiting the CAN’d Aid Foundation and Western North Carolina Alliance. Burning Can Brevard will integrate the Pisgah Omnium — two days of bike rides and races. It will also give attendees the chance to taste beer samples from more than 35 local and national breweries. More details are still to come, but it’s safe to expect some sort of live music to go along with the outdoor activities and beer. X

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014





The long hello Local author Bryan Robinson pens his first novel

by RicH Rennicks

Psychotherapist Bryan E. Robinson is a veteran author, having written 35 self-help and scholarly books on stress and workaholism over the years. His most recent such work is The Smart Guide to Managing Stress. Only now, however, is he unveiling his first work of fiction, 12 years in the making. Limestone Gumption — which launches with great fanfare on Friday, March 7, at Malaprop’s Bookstore — tells the story of therapist Brad Pope, who returns to live in his hometown, a small community along Florida’s Suwannee River. When the abusive husband of one of Pope’s patients is murdered while diving in underwater caves, the therapist realizes that not all the demons from his dysfunctional family history are safely buried in the past. Robinson says the novel was born when he lived on the Suwannee two decades ago. “I used to sit around the campfire at night and listen to tales about divers getting trapped in

Weekend Hours Lovely sessions at $50/hour


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

the caves and dying, getting wrapped in their guidelines like mummies. It intrigued me, and I started doing a little research about the cave divers. I thought, ‘I have to write about this.’” “Once I got to Asheville 10 years ago, it started really coming together,” Robinson says, though the book took so long to finish “because of the demands of teaching, doing research, writing nonfiction and being in private practice.” The author, however, also found that “writing fiction is another world from nonfiction. I was teaching myself to show instead of tell, because when you’re writing nonfiction the whole point is to give advice. It is like another side of your brain, another muscle that you learn to use.” Robinson credits

LifeLong ambition: After writing 35 nonfiction books, author Bryan Robinson has completed his first novel, fulfilling a dream he’s had since he was 7 years old. Author photo by Jon Michael Riley

Tommy Hays and Vicki Lane of the Great Smokies Writing Program with helping him successfully make the transition. The author says he grew up “with ink in my blood” and starting writing when he was about 7 years old. “I grew up in a really dysfunctional family, and I did it to get away from the craziness. I’d just go to my room and make up these history

stories.” He now realizes that writing made him “feel like I had control over something I really didn’t have control over.” In many ways, Robinson has come full circle: The publication of his novel is the realization of a lifelong dream. Limestone Gumption displays the author’s ear for colorful dialogue and boasts many largerthan-life Southern characters, earning it favorable comparisons to the work of Fannie Flagg and Pat Conroy. Robinson says he felt it was important to make the book entertaining, because “so many things we’re reading nowadays are so intense, and our lives have become so serious. I just think we writers have to lighten up a bit and make things fun.” A murder

mystery on the surface, the novel is also “about a very serious topic: finding yourself. In therapy we call it the resilient zone we all have inside: how to meet life’s hard knocks with courage instead of folding or caving in.” That resilience is something all of Limestone Gumption’s characters must call upon. Robinson has recruited many friends for the Malaprop’s event. Psychologist Matthew Alexander, who’s also a professional musician, will perform. Stephanie Wilder, who owns Chifferobe Home & Garden in Black Mountain and also works as a caterer, is supplying refreshments. Local businesses that Robinson patronizes will provide door prizes. The community involvement in the launch party echoes one of the book’s themes: the way friends can come together to support one anoth-

er and improve their community. This is important to Robinson because, to him, Limestone Gumption “is more than just my first novel: It carries a lot of sentimental meaning to me, because I’ve still got the 7-year-old kid inside who always wanted to do this, and now, in my 60s, I’ve been able to.” X

wHat Launch Party for Limestone Gumption wHeRe Malaprop’s, wHen Friday, March 7, at 6:30 p.m. Ticket is included with advance purchase of the book at Malaprop’s.

A river runs through it: Amy Greene’s Long Man Novelist Amy Greene grew up in the Smokies, just over the state line in East Tennessee, and her new novel, Long Man, is a classic Appalachian tale. Set in 1936 as the Tennessee Valley Authority floods a mountain valley to bring electricity to the region, a young mother must confront leaving the place she knows and an uncertain future as her family land slips beneath the new lake. When her 3-year-old daughter goes missing, a divided community must come together and race the rising waters to find the child before it’s too late. Greene is regarded as one of the best young chroniclers of contemporary Appalachia. Her first novel, Bloodroot, described as a Southern Appalachian Wuthering Heights, was a critical and commercial hit. Long Man dramatizes historical events that are still controversial today and raises issues that will resonate strongly with contemporary mountain communities. Publishers Weekly declared: “Greene’s enormous talent animates the voices and landscape of East Tennessee so vividly, and creates such exquisite tension, that the reader is left as exhaust-

amy gReen reads at Malaprop’s on March 9. Photo by Adam Greene

ed and devastated as the characters in this unforgettable story.” Amy Greene will read from and discuss

Long Man at Malaprop’s Sunday, March 9, at 3 p.m. Free. malaprops. com. — R.R. X

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



by Alli Marshall

That’s so raven For those who know coffee on the square

Alyn Mearns launches his new musical project at White Horse

Singer-songwriter Alyn Mearns describes his musical evolution as “a kid going from classical violin to wanting to play ‘Johnny B. Goode’ on the guitar,” to “trying to make a complete solo sound, where I can use my guitar symphonically.” There was also a stop-off in the rock band Airspace. It was in that outfit that Mearns realized he didn’t like lugging equipment and, “with a band, you’re bound by arrangements.” So he began to develop his sound as a solo artist. The resulting project, Yes the Raven, debuts at White Horse Black Mountain on Friday, March 7.

wHo Yes the Raven wHeRe White Horse Black Mountain wHen Friday, March 7, at 8 p.m. $12 advance/$15 at the door

The Airspace lineup also included Jimmy Brown, who went on to form Charlotte-based Matrimony. Brown, like Mearns, is a Northern Ireland expatatriate. At age 16, Mearns came to the U.S. with his family — his father, a missionary, was first based in Houston and later moved the family to Boone. The Appalachian Mountains, after the culture shock of Texas, felt like a homecoming. The sense of connection wasn’t unfounded: Until the Triassic period, the Appalachians were part of the Caledonide range of northwestern Europe, which includes Ireland’s Mourne Mountains. In Boone, Mearns also met his first guitar teacher and competed for (and won)


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

the A.J. Fletcher Scholarship, an annual award to a music student. Though classically trained, Mearns says he tired of the academic world and came to the realization that pop music was a more powerful art form. And, though he uses words like “diaphanous” and “urban dreamscape” when describing his current sound, Mearns also says that in this incarnation of his musical career, “I can use my guitar skills for good, rather than evil.” He’s at least half-joking. But Yes the Raven seems at home in the space between concrete ideas. For example, the project is neither specifically American nor Irish. And Yes the Raven’s new album, Love Is Covered in Dust, is at turns fanciful and mournful. It nods to atmospheric acts like Radiohead as well as ’70sera Irish folk bands like Planxty. Spare, haunted vocals drift over ambient noise: a roll of thunder on “Breathe,” a percussive shudder on “Rattlesnake Blues.” But the 11-song collection is mostly about the relationship between guitar and voice and the array of sounds and emotions both can make. “I designed it to be a strangely complete miniaturism,” Mearns says. It’s a distillation, perhaps, of his own story. But if there’s a common thread throughout the album, it’s what the musician calls “the Irish blues, a certain kind of melancholy.” “When you move somewhere so dramatically different, it accentuates your difference,” Mearns says. In his case, it made him long for things that people back in Belfast would be oblivious to. It made him “more Irish.” In North Carolina, he met fellow Irishman, poet and multi-instrumentalist Adrian Rice. Together, they formed The Belfast Boys and perform not-strictly-traditional Irish music. Growing up as a Protestant in a country divided by religious tension, Mearns says he felt estranged from the traditional music associated with the Republic of Ireland and its Catholic majority. But living in North Carolina gave him distance, and Rice extended a

bLackbiRd singing: Singer-songwriter Alyn Mearns was born in Belfast and felt at home again in the North Carolina mountains. His solo project, Yes the Raven, is a distilling of influences from his personal journey. Photo by Ryan Carroll

challenge: Craft a rendition of the tearjerker “Danny Boy.” “I was like, ‘No, because it’s a cliché bar song,’” says Mearns. But then he came up with a version based on a U2-type melody. It sounds like a small thing — reframing a classic ballad — but for Rice and Mearns it’s about transcending a painful past. “There’s a more important thing at stake than just the aesthetic of the art,” says Mearns. “We’re going as ambassadors of peace and goodwill.” That’s the serious side of using his guitar for good. The “Danny Boy” rewrite and The Belfast Boys also informed Yes the Raven. “In a sense, it’s an extension

of what I do with my solo stuff,” says Mearns. “There’s a certain sound that I like that seems to belong to something, like the Paris World Fair in 1900.” The very name of the project is evocative. Perhaps not of turnof-the-last-century Paris, but certainly of something spooky, literary and shrouded in mystery. And there’s a chance that, even with repeated listening, Love Is Covered in Dust will not fully divulge its secrets. Then again, Mearns himself is continually discovering the range of his guitar. He’s still navigating his own journey. X

Fri, mAr 7

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by Justin Souther

Night life New production company Knights of Allentown debuts with Twelfth Night “It started with a passion project — me wanting to do Twelfth Night — and finding some means to make it happen,” explains Ken Knight who, with the help of co-producer Bonnie Allen, has formed Knights of Allentown, a new theater company with an enthusiastic approach to the arts. The group’s first production is of the aforementioned Shakespeare comedy, opening Thursday, March 6, at Toy Boat Community Arts Space. Knight, who’s acted everywhere from Portland, Maine, to San Francisco to Asheville, had Twelfth Night in his sights for some time. “I planned on doing this for about six years, and I just hadn’t gotten to it yet, and the opportunity hadn’t arisen because no company was doing it locally,” he says. “Life is short. If there’s something that’s really on your bucket list, go do it.” This personal vision appears to be creating a singular take on Shakespeare’s comedy. Twelfth Night is the story of a complicated love triangle that is further complicated by a woman disguised as a man, and a long-lost twin appears on the scene to add to the high jinks. Knights of Allentown has added a revisionist spin, transplanting Twelfth Night into the swinging London of the

1960s. The play’s setting of Illyria — an ancient city in the Western Balkans — is recast as an artist colony, explains Knight. He says the soundtrack will be half Kinks songs, half original music, and the tone of the play will be acutely tuned to the era it’s inhabiting. “It’s lovingly poking fun at Andy Warhol and The Factory and artists. It doesn’t take itself too seriously,” he says.

wHat Twelfth Night wHeRe Toy Boat Community Arts Space wHen Thursday-Saturday, March 6-8, and Thursday-Friday, March 13-14, at 7:30 p.m. $10

Although its inaugural production looks to the Bard, Knights of Allentown isn’t a Shakespeare company, exclusively. Both founders have ties to the Montford Park Players — Allen was a stage director and one-time board member for the group, while Knight has performed in past productions. Because of this, the duo are the first to admit that Montford Park Players has Asheville covered when it comes to Shakespeare. Instead, Knights

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

a fine How do you do: For its debut performance, Knights of Allentown (including Art Moore and Lauren Rivas, seen here) will put a revisionist spin on a Shakespearean classic, transplanting Twelfth Night into the swinging London of the 1960s. Photo courtesy of the theater company

of Allentown’s aims are much different, perhaps loftier, and — in many respects — more personal. The end result will be the creation of dream projects. “We’d like for people to pitch to us and for us to help make it happen for them, and not just our theater friends,” says Knight. “We want to make your artistic visions happen. That’s the main philosophy behind this.” He continues, “If someone wants to do something by Tennessee Williams or Sam Shepard, they can. They say, ‘Hey, we haven’t seen this show in the Asheville area, we want to bring it,’ or ‘This is something I wrote, it’s an original,’ we want to help. We’re not really limiting ourselves.” Knights of Allentown will assist not only with production, but with mentoring and experience, too. The theater company will help in areas like direction and stage management. “A lot of the time in the theater community here in Asheville, it’s hard to get your foot in the door,” says Allen. “We just want

to give more of a path for people who don’t really have any connections in the theater world in Asheville and give them a place to go to so they can get on their feet and start something.” Beyond Twelfth Night, Knights of Allentown has early plans for sketch comedy and an asyet-unnamed podcast that will launch in the summer. That project will celebrate the past and present of Asheville’s theater scene. “It wouldn’t be reviews, it’d be people talking about the history of the theater community in Asheville,” Knight says. “It’s pretty rich and deep and goes back pretty far. There are a lot of war stories to tell.” He adds, “We’re celebrating each other, because one of the great things about the theater community and the artistic community in Asheville is that people really look out for each other and help each other out, and that’s a beautiful thing. You don’t necessarily see that everywhere.” X

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



by Jordan Lawrence

Paying off How Shovels & Rope’s insistent minimalism blossomed into an unlikely career Usually the job of the supporting act is to ready the crowd for the headliner. In the case of Shovels & Rope opening for Dawes at The Orange Peel last June, it was less of a warm-up and more of an inferno. So much so that the crowd thinned significantly after the Charleston, S.C.-based husband-and-wife folkrock duo left the stage. Just a month earlier, Shovels & Rope — Michael Trent and Cary Ann Hearst — packed The Grey Eagle. They return on Friday, March 7, to headline The Orange Peel, and tickets are already sold out. It’s no secret that people are taking notice. These days, Trent and Hearst are regularly invited to large-scale events. They will perform at Bonnaroo this summer. In 2013, they played The Late Show with David Letterman and did a Tiny Desk Concert for NPR. They ended last year opening an arena show in Charlotte for The Avett Brothers. This accomplishment is more meaningful in a town like Asheville, long one of the group’s frequent tour stops. People here have witnessed their growth, which makes playing one of the town’s largest rooms a special experience.

“The core of those people are the same people who have seen us play for five people in a weird house show,” Trent says. “It’s really nice for us to play and to see the same faces.” “Michael played The Orange Peel years and years ago opening up for a couple of Smashing Pumpkins shows,” Hearst adds. “And I first played there opening up for Band of Horses, long before Michael and I ever really had projects together. It’s neat, now that our band has kind

wHo Shovels & Rope with Hurray for the Riff Raff wHeRe The Orange Peel, wHen Friday, March 7, at 9 p.m. Sold out at press time

of grown through adolescence and come into maturity, being able to play those shows on our own. The people there, they’re like the board of directors of our career.” Well on the way to completing a new record, a follow-up to 2012’s precisely ragged O’ Be Joyful, Trent makes an unusual report as to the subject matter of their new material: “There’s a lot of songs about water.”

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

aLong foR tHe Ride: Charleston, S.C.-based duo Shovels & Rope has made Asheville a tour stop for years. From house shows and small audiences to sold-out headlining slots, they’ve stayed true to their creative vision. Photo courtesy of the band

“We didn’t intend for it to be that way,” he continues. “When we started stacking them all up next to each other, we realized that there was definitely a lot of songs about that. There’s one song on there about all the rivers in Charleston. Charleston is very surrounded by water, and it’s always this sort of impending thing — you know? ‘When is everything going to flood?’ That’s something that everybody’s just sort of worried about but doesn’t talk about that much. I feel like maybe that creeped into some of the writing. And there’s a song about a submarine. I don’t know. It just sort of happened that way.” The idea of brazenly ignoring encroaching obstacles makes sense for Shovels & Rope. In the past six years, the pair have crisscrossed the nation, attacking their material with only the instruments that the two of them can play, ignoring any notion that their formula couldn’t be successful. The results are fiery in their minimalism, with agitated

strums and economic drumming, like a more rustically inclined White Stripes. And while plenty of popular bands have made a mark by injecting garage-rock grit into traditional folk — Mumford & Sons and The Avett Brothers, for instance — Shovels & Rope doesn’t cut its intensity with studio tricks or a barrage of instruments. They’re the straight Southern whiskey to the Mumfords’ light beer. “The sound’s kind of developed out of the limitations,” Hearst says. “If you added other people, I think that it would take away some of the challenge. It might sound fuller. Some people might think it was better or worse. But I think it would change our dynamic. For this project, the creative endeavor that is our band, it kind of depends on it just being the two of us, and that doesn’t mean that never will we ever have anybody else onstage. But I think it’s important that Shovels & Rope remains literally a mom-and-pop shop. Otherwise, it’s another band. It’s a different good band, but not this band.” X




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A&E staff

Please the Trees There’s more than a catchy rhyme at play when it comes to the band name of this Czech trio (Vash Havelka on vocals and guitar, Mira Syrny on bass and Jan Svacina on drums). According to a press release, the group’s “indomitable and deep-seated spirit of adventure and keen desire to place themselves firmly in the context of the international music scene led them all the way to California.” That’s where they recorded new album, A Forest Affair. All of the mentions of flora are because Please the Trees comes from the forests and mountains of East Bohemia. And because the band plants a tree in every city on its tour. Each new tree is documented on the Facebook page for the project: facebook. com/pleasethetreesproject. Please the Trees performs at The Emerald Lounge on Friday, March 7, at 8:30 p.m. Mind Shape Fist and Pawtooth are also on the bill. $5. Photo courtesy of the band

Schoolhouse Rock You’ve gotta hand it to a cartoon series that made it fun to sing about adverbs. Thanks to that Saturday morning staple, Schoolhouse Rock!, children of the ’70s know what a conjunction is and how a bill becomes a law. For those in need of a refresher (or born in decades that lacked such academic guidance), Asheville Creative Arts is putting on a stage production of the show for kids and nostalgialoving adults alike. Count on hearing old favorites including “Just a Bill,” “Lolly, Lolly, Lolly” and “Conjunction Junction.” The ACA benefit fundraiser takes place at the Masonic Temple on Saturday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 9, at 2:30 p.m. $10 for kids/$15 for adults.

Callaghan Singer-songwriter Callaghan left London in 2010 to record her debut album with singer-songwriter Shawn Mullins — a collaboration that began with a MySpace message. Since her move to the States, Callaghan has been touring heavily in support of that album, titled Life in Full Colour. Her style combines folk, pop and country influences to create songs that are as hooky as they are satisfying. Asheville audiences may recall hearing Callaghan’s sweetly sung tunes when she appeared as an opener at The Altamont and, more recently, in co-bills. She will headline her own show at The Altamont Friday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. $10/$12. Photo courtesy of the artist

The Everydays Folk duo The Everydays (David Zoll and Tim Marsh) are, between them, members of local groups like Bayou Diesel, Chalwa and Asheville Horns. Together, they’ve opened shows for Malcolm Holcombe, Red June and others. That’s why it’s kind of fitting when The Everydays got ready to release their new, self-titled album, Red June guitarist and vocalist Will Straughan agreed to a rare solo set to open the show. As for the record, the 10-track collection is moody and textural, showcasing Zoll and Marsh’s tasteful and complementary guitar and vocal stylings. The nuanced and emotive “So I Leave It To You,” at turns dusky and crystalline, is a standout track on a finely crafted album. The release show takes place at White Horse Black Mountain on Thursday, March 6, at 7:30 p.m. $12. Photo by Lee Dubno

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


a&e caLendaR

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

musiC sonG o’ sky CHorus









(pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 Pm song o’ sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803. Asheville’s premier a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! or (866) 824-9547 AmiCimusiC A nonprofit chamber music organization. Info: • FR (3/7), 7:30pm - Clarinetist Steve Loew, cellist Franklin Keel and pianist Daniel Weiser. UU Congregation, 1 Edwin Place. $20/ $18 advance/ $15 members/ students & children free. • SA (3/8), 10am-noon - “Classical Brunch.” Isis

smoke and miRRoRs: Works by Alexander, NC based artist Mark Flowers will be on display at Upstairs Artspace through March 14. Flowers says his work combines sculptural shapes with faces, figures and objects to seek meaning with the world and “make connections with the viewer.” (p. 51)

Restaurant & Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. $12/ $10 advance. • SA (3/8), 7pm - Loew, Keel and Weiser. Trinity Presbyterian Church, 900 Blythe Ave., Hendersonville. $15. AsHeville CHorAl soCiety film insPired ConCert • FR (3/7), 7:30pm & SA (3/8), 4pm - Held at


Auditions & CAll to Artists

Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $20/$10 students. Tickets & info: 232-2060 or

APPAlACHiAn PAstel soCiety

CAstinG CAll for loCAl film

Blue ridGe CHAmBer PlAyers

• SA (3/8), 10am-noon - Workshop: “Abstracting from

• (pd.) Now in progress for Swag, an action/adventure/ romance/comedy to be filmed in Asheville. Local tal-

• FR (3/7) & SA (3/8), 7:30pm - Held at Grace

Nature.” Grace Community Church, 495 Cardinal Road, Mills River. Info:

ent only, with or without experience. Hispanic, African American, white and Asian actors needed. Reply to

Art reCePtion And musiCAl PerformAnCe • For more information visit

CAlAdH nuA At tryon fine Arts Center

• FR (3/7), 6-8pm - Works by Edwards Harper. Music

• SU (3/9), 4pm - Traditional and contemporary

by Arana y Compas and Juan Benavides. Held at Wine Tunnel, 148 Tunnel Road. Free to attend. Info: 254-0504. Artists reCePtions • TH (3/6), 5-8pm - Five new exhibitions at Blue Spiral 1, 38 Biltmore Ave. Info: • FR (3/7), 7-10pm - Photographer Zaire Kacz. Held at Anada West, 37 Paynes Way Suite 005. Info: 236-2444. • SA (3/8), 5-8pm - Isadora Bullock. Held at The Circle on Haywood, 426 Haywood Road. Info: thecircleasheville@

Auditions for ‘Come BACk, little sHeBA’ • TU (3/11), 10:30am-2pm - Held at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 Walnut St. Registration and info: or 254-1320. HiCkory doWntoWn develoPment AssoCiAtion • Through TU (4/1) - Submissions open for Downtown Hickory Art Crawl. Info: or 322-1121. musiC video AsHeville

AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square. Info: • SU (3/9), 3-5pm - Gallery talk & closing reception of Cityscapes with artist Ben Aronson. • 2nd TUESDAYS, 11am-12:30pm - Home School Program for grades 1-4. Registration required. Info: 253-3227. • TU (3/11), 11am - Art book club: Henry Darger, Throw Away Boy by Jim Elledge. In conjunction with Social Geographies exhibit.

• SA (3/8), 6pm - Proceeds benefit Black mountain Center for the Arts. Held at 225 W. State St., Black

PHilosoPHy of Art • TUESDAYS through (3/18), 6-7:30pm - A six session course. Held at Upstairs Artspace, 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. $35 /$25 members per session.

859-8322 or mAGnoliA ACoustiC ConCert series Cinema, 2700 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. $15. Info: or 697-2463. no fuss & feAtHers roAdsHoW At mountAin sPirit CoffeHouse • SU (3/9), 7pm - Female singer-songwriters.

trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil

• SU (3/9), 3pm - Held at First Congregational

• ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Outdoors, March 4; Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10. Info: or 884-2787.

Church, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville. $20.

Place. $15/$10 students. Info: or 299-4171. nortH CArolinA symPHony Winds

tHe dArkside (pd.) THE DARKSIDE - Fictions and improvisations by Nina Hart, Bonnie Freestone, Michelle Baker. 7:30 pm Friday and Saturday, March 7th and 8th. Bebe Theater - 20 Commerce St. $10 Tickets 35BeloW Underneath Asheville Community Theatre, 35 Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or • (3/6) through (3/22) - [title of show]. Thur.-Sat.: 7:30pm. $15.

Tickets and info: hendersonvillechambermusic. org.

gaLLeRy diRectoRy

old-time And BlueGrAss JAm At WCu • 1st THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Old-time and blue-


grass jam. In the university’s Mountain Heritage Center. Free.

disClAimer Comedy

sCHoolHouse roCk sonGs in ConCert

Info: or 216-2331.

• SA (3/8), 7:30pm & SU (3/9), 2:30pm - Held

• WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Pre-booked open mic. Held at

at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway. $15/$10

the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free.

children12 and under. Tickets and info: ashevil-

• FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Stand-up. Held at Metro Wines, 169

Charlotte St. $10.

tHe nC symPHony WoodWind Quintet

WeBsite lAunCH And deBut Works

sliCe of life

• SU (3/9), 3 pm - Held at First Congregational

• FR (3/7), 8pm - From asystems, an artist collective. Part

• TH (3/13), 8pm - Open comedy mic. Held at Pulp,

Church of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W.,

of “In Public” at Asheville Area Arts Council Gallery, 346

below the Orange Peel, 103 Hilliard Ave. $5. Info and

Hendersonville. $20. Info: hendersonvillecham-

Depot St. Info:


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


• 2nd SUNDAYS, 3pm - Held at Flat Rock

In the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin

Mountain. $30/$25 in advance. Reservations required. Info: or 669-0930.

Irish music. 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. $28. Info:

• Through FR (3/14) - Submissions open for Music Video Asheville. Selected entries will be shown at the Diana Wortham Theater in April. Info: musicvideoavl. com.

AuCtion for tHe Arts


Baptist Church, 718 Haywood Road. Free. Info:

Mountain Xpress and City Lights present: Our new video series showcasing local musicians goes regional this Thursday. Check our website this week for a performance from Jackson County band noonday sun at City Lights Book Store in Sylva.

AmeriCAn folk Art And frAminG Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-6pm; Sun.: noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through WE (3/26) - Hallelujah, works by Southern self-taught artists. Art At unCA Info: • Through MO (3/17) - Drawing Discourse, a juried exhibition of contemporary drawing. In the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • TH (3/6) through SU (3/30) - Works by Mary Alice Ramsey and Bet Kindley in the Highsmith

University Union gallery. Opening reception: March 6, 5pm. Art At WArren Wilson ColleGe In the Elizabeth Holden Art Gallery, unless otherwise stated. Mon.-Fri.: 9am-4pm; Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: • Through FR (3/14) - Works by faculty of the Art Department. Art At WCu In the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm. Info: or 227-3591. • Through FR (5/9) - Pottery from the private collection of Joan Byrd and George Rector. • Through MO (3/31) - Good Thoughts Better, mixed media by Edward J. Bisese. Arts CounCil of Henderson County • Through FR (3/7) - The Art of Our Children, works by elementary school students. Showing at First Citizens Bank, 539 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Mon.-Thu., 9am-5pm. Fri., 9am-6pm. Free. AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil GAllery 346 Depot St. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 11am-4pm. Info: or 258-0710. • Through (3/7) - In Public, artist curated exhibit of mixed media. AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 10am-5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm. Info and costs: or 253-3227. • Through SU (3/9) - Works by student artists who won regional Scholastic Art Awards. • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through (3/25) - Blueprints: A Collaboration, cyanotypes. AsHeville GAllery of Art 16 College St. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-5:30pm; Sun.: 1-4pm. Info: or 251-5796. • Through MO (3/30) - Landscapes in Abstraction, paintings by Karen Keil Brown. Bender GAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Mon.-Sat.: 10:30am–5pm; Sun.: 12-5pm. Info: • SA (3/1) through FR (4/18) - Affinity, glass sculptural works by Kerrick Johnson. BlACk mountAin ColleGe museum + Arts Center 56 Broadway St. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 350-8484. • Through (5/17) - Cynthia Homire: Vision Quest , mixed media. Blue sPirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 2510202. • Through SA (5/24) - Nancy Kubale, Whimsical ceramic works. • Through SA (5/24) - Zen, Asian-inspired works. • Through SA (5/24) - Becky Gray, ceramic sculptures. • Through SA (5/24) - Duy Huynh, paintings. • Through SA (5/24) - Narration, mixed media. elements sPA And sHoP 29 W. French Broad St., Brevard. Hours: Sat.-Wed.: 9am-6pm. Thu: 9am-7pm. Info:

884-2701. • Through FR (3/7) - Impressionist works by Linda Muir. folk Art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hours: 9am6pm, daily. Info: or 298-7928. • Through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members. Hotel indiGo 151 Haywood St. Info: boutiquehotel-asheville. com or 239-0239. • ONGOING- Paintings by Lelia Canter, Kathleen Kelley and Emily Shields explore human and animal relationships. illustrAtion exHiBit By GreG vineyArd • Through (3/31) - Love! Love! Love!. 25 percent of sales donated to YWCA’s MotherLove program. Held at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Info: Opening reception: March 11, 5 pm. PusH skAte sHoP & GAllery 25 Patton Ave. Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: or 225-5509. • FR (3/7) through MO (4/14) - Portrait/street photography by Anthony Bellemare. Opening reception: March 7, 7pm. red House studios And GAllery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Thurs.-Sun., 11am-6pm. Info: or 669-0351. • FR (3/7) through MO (4/28) - Motion Emotion, mixed media. Opening reception: March 7, 5pm. rivervieW stAtion 191 Lyman St. Info: • Through (3/30), 11am-5pm - Art Jewelry Show at Copper Fish Metal Arts, Studio 236. Sat. & Sun only. trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. • FR (3/7) through FR (3/28) - Exploring the Great Outdoors, mixed media. tryon fine Arts Center 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm; Sat., 10am-1pm. Info: or 859-8322. • FR (3/7) through SA (4/19) - Old Ironsides and the War of 1812, an educational exhibit. uPstAirs ArtsPACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: or 859-2828. • Through FR (3/14) - Figurative paintings by Mark Flowers. • Through (3/14) - Changing the Focus, photography from the Carolina Camera Club. • Through (3/14) - Paintings of Southern towns by Andrew Blanchard WiCkWire fine Art / folk Art 330 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: • Through (3/31) - Contemporary Art for Adult Children, works by Susan Webb. ZAPoW! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Sun.-Mon., Wed.-Thu.: noon-6pm; Fri:. noon-8pm; Sat., noon-9pm; Info: or 575-2024. • ONGOING - Creepy Cute, mixed media

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


C L U B L A N D JACk of tHe Wood PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

WednesdAy, mAr. 5

odditorium Blingo hosted by Wifey & Nick, 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hot Point (jazz), 5-7pm Juan Benavides (Latin), 8-10pm

olive or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing, R&B), 8-11pm

AdAm dAlton distillery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm Alley kAts tAvern Karaoke w/ Kimbra & Ron, 7:30pm

one stoP deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm The Kinky Aphrodisiacs w/ Peace Jones (Southern prog-rock), 10pm

Ben's tune-uP Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm

orAnGe Peel Mike Gordon (rock), 9pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Todd Hoke (roots, folk, blues), 6pm

Cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm

PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny Whetherman (folk, Americana), 8pm

douBle CroWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm

sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

emerAld lounGe Weekend w/ Nothing (indie-rock, post-rock, pop), 8:30pm

soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Nitrograss (modern bluegrass), 7-9pm

Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm

tHe CHoP House Whitewater Bluegrass Company, 6:30pm

HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny Laura Blackley, 5:30-7:30pm

tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Juliana Finch (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm

iron Horse stAtion Wilhelm Brothers (folk), 6-9pm

tHe motHliGHt Hellbound Glory w/ The Go Devils (country, rockabilly), 9pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Trio Guggino (Italian), 7:15pm

tHe soCiAl Caribbean Cowboys, 8pm

JACk of tHe Wood PuB Old-time session, 5pm

timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm

toWn PumP Rocky & Jeff from Social Function (acoustic duo), 9pm

odditorium Leverage Models w/ Killer Bob, Quilla & Aunt Sis (pop, experimental), 9pm

trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm

olive or tWist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7-8pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

one stoP deli & BAr Wild Adriatic w/ Jaggermouth (rock), 10pm orAnGe Peel St. Vincent w/ Noveller (indie-pop, art-rock), 9pm sly GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm tAllGAry's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm

one-man band: “This band was born out of a desire to make one person sound like many,” reads The Suitcase Junket (a.k.a. Matt Lorenz)’s website. “No loops or effects, just one person contorting himself into a full-sounding ball of music.” And that’s what this one-man band, complete with bluesy slide guitar and powerhouse vocals, will bring to the stage on Tuesday, March 11, at 9 p.m., at Jack of the Wood.

tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Caleb Caudle & Scott Low (singer-songwriters), 8:30pm tHe motHliGHt Arborea w/ Halli & Ryan of River Whyless (avantfolk), 8:30pm


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

WHite Horse The Everydays w/ Will Straughan, 7:30pm WxyZ lounGe Shane Perlowin (jazz guitarist), 8-10pm

fridAy, mAr. 7 tHe PHoenix Jazz night, 8pm tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

vinCenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

tHursdAy, mAr. 6 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Two Rivers (acoustic), 5-7pm The Crow Quill Night Owls (jug-band, jazz), 8-10pm

AdAm dAlton distillery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm2am Ben's tune-uP Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 9pm ClAssiC Wineseller Lacy Green (country), 7pm Cork & keG Old-time jam, 7pm Square dance, 8pm douBle CroWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm emerAld lounGe Dead night w/ Phuncle Sam, 9pm frenCH BroAd BreWery tAstinG room Lizzy Pitch (electronica), 6-8pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds w/ The Secret B-Sides & Landlady (soul), 8:30pm HAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Sheila Kay Adams, Jeanette Queen & Carol Rifkin (traditional folk), 8pm

185 kinG street Chalwa (reggae, surf-rock), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Rom Mandlekorn (soul, jazz), 9pm-midnight AltAmont tHeAter Callaghan (singer-songwriter), 8pm AsHeville musiC HAll Makayan w/ Tweed, Spongecake & The Fluff Ramblers (jam, rock), 10pm AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Boiler room Matt Townsend, Noah Pine & Denton Perry (singer-songwriters), 9pm-2am ClAssiC Wineseller James Hammel (jazz, pop), 7pm CluB eleven on Grove DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm Cork & keG Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz), 8:30pm emerAld lounGe Please the Trees w/ Mind Shape Fist & Pawtooth (alt-rock, psychedelic), 8pm Good stuff Chris Emerson & Ty Bennett (acoustic duo), 7pm

wednesday • March 5th acoustic wednesday & cask release featuring

laura blackley 5:30-7:30PM friday • March 7th bobby Miller & the virginia daredevils 6-8PM saturday • March 8th black robin hero 6-8PM

thu 3/6

sister sparrow & the dirty birds w/ the secret b-sides + Landlady 8:30pm • $10/12

sat 3/8

the get downs w/ plankeye peggy

tue 3/11

jonathan richMan featuring tommy Larkins on drums! 9pm • $15

wed 3/12

9pm • $8

Live on stage

Lyons coLorado reLieF beneFit show featuring casey driessen, billy cardine, Mary Lucey, barrett smith, members of town Mountain & others

8pm • $10/$12

thu 3/13

bLitzen trapper and Futurebirds w/ analog Moon 9pm • $15/17

Fri 3/14

annabeLLe’s curse

sat 3/15

unknown hinson w/ Fifth on the Floor

9pm • $8/$10

9pm • $15/18

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014



Send your listings to cLub diRectoRy

Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm

Wednesday, March 5th

HAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm

Weekend w/ NOTHING, (young) American Landscape •$10

HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny Bobby Miller & The Virginia Daredevils, 6-8pm iron Horse stAtion Dana & Susan Robinson (old-time, bluegrass), 7-10pm

Thursday, March 6th

Grateful Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam! • $5

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Aaron Burdett CD release show, 8:30pm


Friday, March 7th

1/2 OFF Martinis & Bottles of Wine

Please the Trees (Czech. Rep.) w/ Mind Shape Fist, Pawtooth•$5

2.00 Pints 32 Taps to Choose From

Thursday Friday

Sunday, March 9th

3.25 Flights 3.00 Greek & Italian Beer

George Terry & The Zealots (Video Shoot) w/ Blackfoot Gypsies • $3


5.00 Jager Bombs, Angry Balls & LIT’s

Monday, March 10th

loBster trAP King Leo (jazz), 7-9pm odditorium Dark Sister, Indian Alligator, Housefire (experimental, dance), 9pm olive or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian, 7:30-8:30pm 3 Cool Cats, 8:30-11:30pm


one stoP deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Funktapuss w/ Duende Mountain Trio (funk, hip-hop, electronic), 10pm


onefiftyone BoutiQue BAr Red Honey (rock), 8pm

5.00 Mojitos & Bloody Marys 2.00 Domestics

Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam• * FREE! *

JACk of tHe Wood PuB Folk Soul Revival w/ Brad Vickers and His Vestapolitans & Our Griffins (folk, Americana, rock), 9pm

Wednesday, March 12th

10.00 Yugo Burger with Craft Beer & Keep the Pint Night

AVL Blues Jam • * FREE! *

Tuesday 5.00 Margaritas & 3.00 Corona and Corona Light bottles

orAnGe Peel Shovels & Rope w/ Hurray for The Riff Raff (folk), 9pm oskAr Blues BreWery West End String Band (bluegrass), 7pm PACk's tAvern DJ Moto (dance, pop, hits), 8pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny Jared and the Mill (Americana, indie), 9pm PosH BAr Ben Hovey, 6:30-10pm sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am


thurs. mar 13




Makayan “Smile” CD Release Party w/ Tweed & Spongecake & The Fluff Ramblers

sex knuckLe



one stop







backstage • 9:00PM • $6

10PM $8/10 Ages: 21+

Night w/ Ho-Tron Beatz + Smoko 8 Ladies 10PM $5, FREE for Ladies Ages: 21+


w/ POsH HaMMeR

backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. aPr 17

tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm



Morgan & Rapper Big Pooh (of Little Brother) w/ Colston n’ Friends + Free The Optimus, Big Dave, Nocto and DJ Jet 10PM $8/12 21+ Waveworms feat. Aligning Minds Love & Light and Bombassic 10PM $10/12 21+

for Tuesday: Sinners & Saints 11 Two and Amigo 8PM $2 All Ages TUE MAR



maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

tHe motHliGHt SXSW Showcase w/ Atlantic Thrills, Psychic Teens, The Shine Brothers, Gymshorts & Vulture Shit (rock, garage, punk), 9pm

Funktapuss w/ Duende Mountain Trio 10PM FREE Ages: 21+


tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Garry Segal (Americana), 8:30pm

tHomAs Wolfe Auditorium Celtic Women, 7pm



tAllGAry's CAntinA Southern Soul Campaign (Southern rock), 9:30pm

9:30PM $5 Ages: 21+


haRd Rocket



10PM $5 Ages: 21+

one stop

backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. aPr 10

one stop



comedian ben kRonbeRg

w/ stuaRt Johnson

The Kinky Aphrodisiacs w/ Peace Jones


Joe LasheR JR.

the fRiendLy beasts

Wild Adriatic w/ Call The Next Witness and Titanics

one stop one stop


backstage • 9:00PM • $6 sat. mar 15

backstage • 9:00PM • $8 thurs. mar 27

soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Carolina Rex (blues, rock, Americana), 8-10pm sPrinG Creek tAvern The Pleasure Chest (blues, soul), 8-11pm


backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. mar 20

sCully's DJ, 10pm-2am

timo's House Art of Techno: Sean O'Daniels, Jenna Gilmore, KRI (techno), 8pm toWn PumP Open Pallet (funky folky hip-hop, comedy), 9pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues My Back Pocket (R&B, classic rock, jazz, blues), 7pm Peggy Ratusz & Daddy Longlegs (blues, jazz, soul), 10pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WHite Horse Yes the Raven (folk, indie, alternative), 8pm Wild WinG CAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

185 king stReet 877-1850 5 waLnut wine baR 253-2593 aLtamont bRewing company 575-2400 tHe aLtamont tHeatRe 348-5327 apotHecaRy (919) 609-3944 aQua cafe & baR 505-2081 aRcade 258-1400 asHeViLLe ciVic centeR & tHomas woLfe auditoRium 259-5544 asHeViLLe music HaLL 255-7777 atHena’s cLub 252-2456 baRLey’s tap Room 255-0504 bLack mountain aLe House 669-9090 bLue mountain pizza 658-8777 boiLeR Room 505-1612 bRoadway’s 285-0400 tHe bywateR 232-6967 coRk and keg 254-6453 cLub HaiRspRay 258-2027 cLub Remix 258-2027 cReekside tapHouse 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLeRy 367-6401 diana woRtHam tHeateR 257-4530 diRty soutH Lounge 251-1777 doubLe cRown 575-9060 eLeVen on gRoVe 505-1612 emeRaLd Lounge 232- 4372 fiRestoRm cafe 255-8115 fRencH bRoad bReweRy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gReen Room cafe 692-6335 gRey eagLe music HaLL & taVeRn 232-5800 gRoVe House tHe gRoVe paRk inn (eLaine’s piano baR/ gReat HaLL) 252-2711 HangaR Lounge 684-1213 HaRRaH’s cHeRokee 497-7777 HigHLand bRewing company 299-3370 isis music HaLL 575-2737 jack of HeaRts pub 645-2700 jack of tHe wood 252-5445 Lexington aVenue bReweRy 252-0212 tHe LobsteR tRap 350-0505 metRosHeRe 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 monte Vista HoteL 669-8870 natiVe kitcHen & sociaL pub (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onefiftyone 239-0239 one stop baR deLi & baR 255-7777 o.HenRy’s/tug 254-1891 tHe oRange peeL 225-5851 oskaR bLues bReweRy 883-2337 pack’s taVeRn 225-6944 tHe pHoenix 877-3232 pisgaH bRewing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLe onion cafe 749-1179 Red stag gRiLL at tHe gRand boHemian HoteL 505-2949 Root baR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nigHtcLub 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog Lounge 255-8858 smokey’s afteR daRk 253-2155 tHe sociaL 298-8780 soutHeRn appaLacian bReweRy 684-1235 static age RecoRds 254-3232 stRaigHtaway cafe 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809

tigeR mountain tHiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s House 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy boat 505-8659 tReasuRe cLub 298-1400 tRessa’s downtown jazz & bLues 254-7072 Vanuatu kaVa baR 505-8118 Vincenzo’s 254-4698 waLL stReet coffee House 252-2535 westViLLe pub 225-9782 wHite HoRse 669-0816 wiLd wing cafe 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838

one stoP deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm Ladies night w/ Ho-Tron Beatz & Smoko (electronic), 10pm orAnGe Peel The Breakfast Club (80s tribute band), 9pm oskAr Blues BreWery The Moon & You (folk), 7pm PACk's tAvern Aaron LaFalce Band (rock 'n' roll), 9pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny Blue Dragons w/ Liz Teague (rock, blues, Americana, jazz), 7:30pm PosH BAr Jamar Woods, 6:30-10pm sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am sCully's DJ, 10pm-2am

WxyZ lounGe White, Southecorvo & Winter Trio (modern jazz), 9-11pm

sAturdAy, mAr. 8 185 kinG street Cody Siniard (singer-songwriter), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Draton & the Dragons (jazz), 6-8pm What It Is (jazz), 9pm-midnight AsHeville musiC HAll Tanya Morgan & Big Pooh w/ Colston 'n' Friends, Free the Optimus, Big Dave, Noctuo & DJ Jet (hip-hop), 10pm AtHenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BlACk mountAin Ale House The Good Ol' Boyz w/ Woody Wood (rock 'n' roll), 9pm Boiler room Gypsy War Horse, Electric Phantom & The Shook Family Band (funk, rock), 9pm-2am ClAssiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers), 7pm Cork & keG Zydeco Ya Ya, 8:30pm frenCH BroAd BreWery tAstinG room Dave Dribbon & The Stomping Rain (rock), 6-8pm Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Darryl Olivier (jazz, blues), 6:30-8:30pm

sPrinG Creek tAvern Mark Shane (blues), 8-11pm tAllGAry's CAntinA Chatterbox (rock), 9:30pm tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Paco Shipp (Americana), 8:30pm tHe motHliGHt Jovontaes (psych-rock, surf-punk), Soundrack, Aloonaluna & Meghanz, 9pm tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm timo's House Primitive Tools, Robobo, 9th Phoenix (trance, tribal, minimal), 8pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Lyric (funk, soul), 10pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WAter'n Hole Amnesis (metal), 8pm WHite Horse Guy Davis (blues), 8pm

Ben's tune-uP Vinyl night (open DJ collective)

iron Horse stAtion Dave Desmelik (singer-songwriter), 7-10pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House NFL Sunday w/ pre-game brunch at 11:30am, 1pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Nataraj (dance, drum, world), 9pm

douBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

JACk of tHe Wood PuB The Danberrys w/ Virginia & The Slims (folk, roots, Americana), 9pm

emerAld lounGe Blackfoot Gypsies (rock 'n' roll, garage-rock), 8:30pm



HyPHen Locomotive Pie (roots, folk, blues), 2-5pm iron Horse stAtion Kevin Reese (Americana), 5-8pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm

odditorium W.B. Givens, Andrew Scotchie, Zubulon Camp, Elk Tracks (country, acoustic), 9pm

JACk of tHe Wood PuB Irish session, 5pm TJ Kong & The Atomic Bomb (folk, garage-rock, blues), 10pm loBster trAP Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 7-9pm

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”

$19.99 BOGO DVDS


TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


FRI. 3/7

DJ Moto (dance, pop hits) SAT. 3/8

Aaron LaFalce Band (rock n’ roll))

Hi-Wire BreWinG Zaq Suarez (singer-songwriter, indie-rock), 6-8pm

moonliGHt mile Hank West, 7:30pm

olive or tWist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock, swing), 8:3011:30pm

50 Shades of Grey

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Get Right Band (funk, dirty blues), 7-9pm

HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny Black Robin Hero, 6-8pm

millroom Slaves of Conscience w/ Alarka & Cardinal State (metal), 9pm


sundAy, mAr. 9

AsHeville musiC HAll Asheville Wing War (battle of the buffalo wings) w/ The Blood Gypsies (jazz), 4pm Aligning Minds w/ Love & Light & Bombassic (electronic), 10pm

Bloody mary Bar Sundays @ noon

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WxyZ lounGe Selector Cleofus (EDM, lounge DJ), 9-11pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern The Get Downs w/ Plankeye Peggy (rock 'n' roll, blues, soul), 9pm

loBster trAP Sean Mason Jazz, 7-9pm

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$8/$10 • 9pm

bRookLyn-based: Landlady will be pumping out eclectic beats, infused with an indie-rock sound on stage with funk and soulsters Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds and Asheville’s own The Secret B-Sides at The Grey Eagle, Thursday, March 6, at 8:30 p.m.

Every Sunday JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm • $5 Every Tuesday BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite odditorium Onj, Morbids, Grass is Green, Two Inch Astronaut (rock, experimental), 9pm


olive or tWist Shag & swing dance lesson w/ John Dietz, 7-8pm DJ Michael Filippone (beach, swing), 10pm one stoP deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am orAnGe Peel Classixx w/ Gems (electronic, house), 9pm sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Jason DeCristofaro Duo (jazz vibraphones), 5-7pm

3/7 Folk Soul Revival W/ OUR 10/25 (FEATURING Sarah Lee GRIFFINS JOHNGuthrie KIMOCK SON OF & GUITAR Johnny Irion JAM LEGEND STEVE KIMOCK) W/ BRAD & HIS VESTAPOLITANS 7PM w/ VICKERS Battlefield • 9pm $10 3/8 TheFirecracker Danberrys 9PM 10/26 Jazz Band & VIRGINIA AND THE SLIMS & HALLOWEEN Costume Party & Contest $8 3/9 TJ Kong and The• 9pm Atomic Bomb 9PM Creek • 9pm FREE 10/27 Vinegar 3/10 MousePlug 9PM • 9pm $8 10/28Cask Mustard w/ Crazy Tom Banana 3/11 The Suitcase JunketPants 9PM 10/29MySinger Songwriters 3/14 Three Kilts - SAINT PATTYS • 7-9pm FREE in the Round DAY WEEKEND WARMUP 9PM w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis


Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • 54

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

tHe motHliGHt Axxa Abraxas w/ Gold Light (indie, psych-rock), 9pm tHe soCiAl '80s night, 8pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WHite Horse The Screaming Js (folk), 7:30pm

mondAy, mAr. 10

loBster trAP Dana & Susan Robinson (folk), 7-9pm millroom Com Truise w/ Phantoms (electronic), 9pm odditorium Earth Mover, Girl Pants, Means Well (punk), 9pm orAnGe Peel Excision w/ Dirtyphonics & ill.Gates (dubstep), 9pm oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm timo's House Super Jam, 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm Westville PuB Trivia night, 8pm

tuesdAy, mAr. 11 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henry's (ragtime), 8-10pm Alley kAts tAvern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm

185 kinG street Monday Night Laughs (stand-up comedy), 8pm

AltAmont BreWinG ComPAny Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Sufi Brothers (folk), 8-10pm

Ben's tune-uP Dance party w/ DJ Rob, 10pm

Alley kAts tAvern Open mic, 8pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm

AltAmont BreWinG ComPAny Old-time jam, 7pm

CluB eleven on Grove Dance, 8:30-11pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Karaoke, 9pm

Creekside tAPHouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm

ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

douBle CroWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm

CourtyArd GAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Jonathan Richman w/ Tommy Larkins (singer-songwriter), 9pm

douBle CroWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm JACk of tHe Wood PuB Quizzo, 7-9pm Cask Mouse (country, Americana), 10pm

iron Horse stAtion Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 6-9pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm

JACk of tHe Wood PuB The Suitcase Jacket (one-man-band), 9pm

tiGer mountAin tHirst PArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm

loBster trAP Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm

millroom Quincy Mumford & The Reason Why (soul, funk, rock, R&B), 8pm

toWn PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Sinners & Saints w/ Amigo (rock), 8pm Tuesday night techno, 10pm sCully's Triva night, 9-11pm tHe soCiAl Big Generator (rock, blues), 7-9pm timo's House '90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm

trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vinCenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

tHursdAy, mAr. 13

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz exotica), 8-10pm

vinCenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

Ben's tune-uP Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm

Westville PuB Blues jam, 10pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 9pm

WHite Horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

BoGArt's restAurAnt & tAvern Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30pm

WednesdAy, mAr. 12 185 kinG street Eric Sommer, 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hot Point (jazz), 5-7pm Juan Benavides (Latin), 8-10pm

douBle CroWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm emerAld lounGe Out Tha Gutta/Only Hope presents: March Madness Party, 8:30pm frenCH BroAd BreWery tAstinG room Small Town Gossip (folk, pop), 6-8pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Blitzen Trapper & Futurebirds (folk), 9pm

AdAm dAlton distillery 3D: Local DJ party (electronic, dance), 9pm

HAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm

Alley kAts tAvern Karaoke w/ Kimbra & Ron, 7:30pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jesse Iaquinto & The Fireside CD release show (folk), 9pm

Ben's tune-uP Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm douBle CroWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm emerAld lounGe Blues jam, 8pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAvern Bluegrass benefit for Lyons, CO flood relief, 7pm Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm iron Horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm JACk of tHe Wood PuB Old-time session, 5pm loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm odditorium Plankeye Peggy, iii (rock), 9pm olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7-8pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm one stoP deli & BAr Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 6:30pm Gravy w/ The Horse You Rode In On (funk, soul, jam), 10pm

JACk of tHe Wood PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexinGton Ave BreWery (lAB) Roshambeaux (rock, dance), 9pm odditorium Death of Kings w/ Wolves and Jackals & Gnarl Scar (metal), 9pm


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olive or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing, R&B, jump swing), 8-11pm one stoP deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Pericles w/ Rims & Keys, Cleofus (ancient, temple, boom, dub), 11pm oskAr Blues BreWery Redleg Husky (Americana, folk), 6pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny The Screaming Js (folk), 8pm sCAndAls niGHtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am tHe Green room Bistro & BAr Cameron Stack (blues, soul), 8:30pm tHe motHliGHt Hudson K w/ Powerkompany & Stereospread (electronica, pop-rock, alternative), 9pm tHe soCiAl Caribbean Cowboys, 8pm

sly GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm

timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

tAllGAry's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm

trAilHeAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm

tHe PHoenix Jazz night, 8pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

vinCenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact


tHEAtER ListinGs

Generation War HHHH

FRidAy, MARCH 7 tHuRsdAy, MARCH 14 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diRECtoR: Philipp Kadelbach PLAyERs: Volker Bruch, Tom Schilling, Katharina Schüttler, Miriam Stein, Ludwig Trepte

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. 47 ronin (Pg-13) 10:00 The hobbit: The Desolation of smaug (Pg-13) 11:30, 3:00, 7:00

WAR dRAMA RAtEd nR tHE stoRy: An epic look at World War II from the point of view of five young Germans. tHE LoWdoWn: Solid, involving, somewhat clichéd and potentially controversial in its attempt to attain a degree of understanding for the “average” German point of view of WWII, Generation War falls short of greatness, but remains a compelling story.

Philipp Kadelbach’s Generation War started out as an immensely popular, three-part German TV series, but it comes to us as slightly more than 4 1/2 hours of feature film. The runtime is split into two parts titled Our Mothers and Our Fathers. (It is unknown at this point whether each part requires separate admission.) The TV film was originally called Our Mothers, Our Fathers — the idea being that from a German perspective, the characters in the film represent just that. (More properly, they might be grandparents or even great grandparents by this point.) It is an attempt to come to grips with the fact that, yes, their forebears fought for the Nazis — were Nazis — during World War II. This, of course, is tricky ground to traverse, and some have called the film a whitewash job that deliberately sidesteps some of the thornier issues. Does it? That was not the impression I got, but it has to be remembered that the film is looking at the war


MARCH 5 - MARCH 11, 2014

CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)

KAtHARinA sCHüttLER and MARK WAsCHKE in Philipp Kadelbach’s epic (its two parts total over 4 1/2 hours) World War II drama, Generation War.

through the eyes of its main characters, and it must be judged from that perspective. To me, it has less to do with making the Germans look good than it’s about the perils of nationalism for its own sake, self-delusion, disillusionment and just plain getting sucked into something over which you have no control. The story follows five young friends — hero-material Wilhelm Winter (Volker Bruch), his sensitive, poetic brother Friedhelm (Tom Schilling), soon-to-be field nurse Charlotte (Miriam Stein), wouldbe chanteuse Greta (Katharina Schüttler) and her Jewish boyfriend Viktor Goldstein (Ludwig Trepte) — from the beginning of the war to a bit past its ending. From the onset, they are naive — expecting the war to be over by Christmas. Even Viktor thinks little of what is to come. We know, of course, that it won’t be over by Christmas. The only one who has any grasp on this is Friedhelm, who correctly prophesizes that all war will do is bring out the worst in them. The five friends will not all emerge from this alive, and those who survive will be changed, com-


promised, tarnished and disillusioned by the experience. The plot — which is probably the most compelling aspect of the film — is way too complicated to try to reproduce here, even if such was desirable. It’s not that the plot is exactly fresh (large chunks of it might be from any number of war movies) or entirely believable (writer Stefan Kolditz is very fond of the convenient coincidence, especially as concerns chance encounters), but that doesn’t keep it from becoming engrossing over its considerable length. Some of it is decidedly on the soapy side, but that’s not entirely a bad thing, nor does it detract from the drama of the situations. It helps that most — though by no means all — of the characters’ actions make sense within the confines of their situations. Charlotte’s actions are sometimes hard to fathom, and Friedhelm’s character feels underdeveloped, but there’s so much going on that it manages to get by. The fact that most of the film takes place on the Eastern Front was probably wise from the standpoint of western audiences, though I doubt that was the intent. After all, if you want to show German

CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) 12 Years a slave (r) 11:30, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30 3 Days to kill (Pg-13) 10:45, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00 300: Rise of an Empire 3D (R) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 300: Rise of an Empire 2D (R) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30, 9:55 American hustle (r) 11:30, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 generation war Part one (nr) 12:30, 6:15 generation war Part Two (nr) 3:00, 8:30 gravity 3D (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00. 9:15 her (r) 5:45, 8:45 kill Your Darlings (r) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:30, 9:00 The lego movie 2D (Pg) 10:15, 12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 The monuments men (Pg-13) 12:15, 3:00, 5:45, 8:45 mr. Peabody & sherman 3D (Pg) 10:15, 9:55 mr. Peabody & sherman 2D (Pg) 12:45, 3:00, 5:30, 7:45 non-stop (Pg-13) 11:15, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Philomena (Pg-13) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30 son of god (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:45, 6:00, 9:00 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) non-stop (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC of henDersonville (693-1146) fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) omar (nr) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:20 The wind rises (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:40 (Late show in Japanese with English subtitles. All other shows in English) flATroCk CinemA (697-2463) The Book Thief (Pg-13) fri-sat, mon-Thu 3:30, 7:00 (no shows sun.) regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)


disillusionment with the “final victory,” Russia is the place to do it. The filmmaking, on the other hand, is mostly workmanlike, despite the fact that the production values are first-rate. Kadelbach relies far too heavily on the “excitement” of hand-held camerawork, and even more on post-production manipulation of the images to halt movement. It’s not bad, but it’s certainly on the clichéd side (and once the fad dies, it will date horribly). However, he does handle the performers well, and he keeps the massive story moving. The result is not a great film — even though it clearly wants to be one — but it is an involving film that feels like a seven course meal by its sheer size. Not Rated, but decidedly not for children in its themes, intensity and often bloody violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.

Non-Stop HHHS diRectoR: Jaume Collet-Serra (Orphan) pLayeRs: Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Scoot McNairy, Michelle Dockery, Nate Parker tHRiLLeR Rated pg-13 tHe stoRy: A U.S. Air Marshall on an intercontinental flight must go into action after receiving text messages threatening to kill the passengers on board if demands aren’t met. tHe Lowdown: With a plot that can’t stand up to any real scrutiny, this mindless thriller is nothing more than silly entertainment.

Liam Neeson has revived his career playing gruff, humorless, seemingly constipated action roles — and his turn in Jaume ColletSerra’s Non-Stop is the best of the bunch. This isn’t saying much, since we’re really just comparing it to movies like the goofy Taken series and Joe Carnahan’s pretentious The Grey (2011). Still, this is something of an accomplishment, since the movie is taxed with Neeson’s characteristic serious, lurching, stone-faced performance. The plot certainly doesn’t

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Liam neeson in action-star mode as an Air Marshall with a problem in Jaume Collet-Serra’s Non-Stop.

hold up to any real scrutiny, but — despite eventually unravelling during its climax — the movie rarely slows down enough to let the audience focus on its myriad contrivances and preposterous twists. It works from moment to moment, but that’s all it aims to do. Neeson stars as U.S. Air Marshall Bill Marks. Of course, he’s not just any old Air Marshall — he’s an Air Marshall with a past, an alcohol problem and a cigarette habit. After boarding an international flight to London, he receives a series of anonymous text messages that threaten to kill one passenger every 20 minutes unless $150 million is deposited into a bank account. This starts to happen pretty quickly, as Bill runs around trying to solve the mystery, save this plane full of passengers and clear his name, since the mastermind behind all this is intent on framing him as a hijacker. The film plays on a lot of general fears and paranoias — fear of heights,


unwarranted xenophobia — but uses most of this to create noise and distract viewers from figuring out the ultimate outcome, which is constantly twisting and turning on itself. Non-Stop is thankfully not a very predictable movie, but it is by nature a fairly chaotic one that doesn’t make much sense and is insistent on eating its own tail. Little of it, in retrospect, is plausible, but all this clatter works for a movie that simply wants to be thrilling. The ultimate solution is on the absurd side, and the subsequent resolution stretches credulity, veering into the world of goofy mawkishness. It hardly matters, since this isn’t a movie that wants to be taken seriously in the first place. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, some language, sensuality and drug references. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.


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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014




by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

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Son of God S

Generation War See review in “Cranky Hanke.” diRectoR: Christopher Spencer

300: Rise of an Empire No, “visionary director” Zack Snyder is not at the helm in this follow-up to the display of (computer-enhanced) burnished, beefy boys bathed in glowing golden hues (also computerenhanced) that was 300. But worry not, he co-wrote the screenplay and produced, while mystifyingly turning over the reins to Noam Murro, the guy who made the action-free and utterly dreary Smart People six years ago. This does not mean that there won’t be lots of CGI bloodspewing, glistening thighs, gleaming pectorals and leather. (R)

Mr. Peabody and Sherman Before he turned his attention to such gems as the Stuart Little movies and The Haunted Mansion, Rob Minkoff co-directed The Lion King. Not surprisingly, that’s how he’s being promoted for this animated, big-screen attempt at Mr. Peabody (voiced by Ty Burrell) and his boy Sherman (voiced by Max Charles, TV’s The Neighbors). Presumably, everyone knows that the characters — a supersmart dog scientist and his boy pal — came from the “Peabody’s Improbable History” segments of the Rocky and His Friends TV series from 1959. (The series has been constantly repackaged under various names and has been in syndication ever since.) It looks less obnoxious than 300: Rise of an Empire. (pg)

pLayeRs: Diogo Morgado, Sebastian Knapp, Darwin Shaw, Roma Downey, Greg Hicks bibLicaL dRama Rated pg-13 tHe stoRy: The story of the life of Jesus Christ, from his birth, to the Crucifixion and Resurrection. tHe Lowdown: An overly sincere, bombastic, dramatically inert and melodramatic film that adds nothing to the story of Jesus’ life.

Judged solely as filmmaking and storytelling — and viewed apart from its obvious religious trappings — Christopher Spencer’s Son of God has nary a thing going for it. Culled from the 10-hourlong TV miniseries, The Bible, and repackaged as a feature film, Son of God looks and feels every bit like its television origins. A small budget and overwrought acting make an already overly sincere and melodramatic retelling of the life of Jesus feel all the more like amateur hour. This is, after all, a movie with a beautifully coiffed Portuguese Jesus (TV actor Diogo Morgado) who boasts exactly one thespianic gear — ham-fisted sincerity — and an often awkward accent. Meanwhile, a severely botoxed Mary (TV actress Roma Downey) can barely make a facial expression. Moreover, the film adds nothing to the story of Jesus, feeling more like a collection of Christ’s greatest hits. The film is a lot of preaching to the choir, but even if you’re unfamiliar


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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


with Jesus’ life, I don’t see how you can expect to get much out of Son of God. There’s obviously an expectancy of familiarity here. As a result, every character — including Jesus — is merely sketched in. There’s no emotional weight to being the son of God, no change or growth, just a simple retelling of Biblical lore. This, obviously, isn’t an obscure tale, and Son of God portrays it in the most matter-of-fact way possible. There’s a lot of very dramatic music (thanks to a pretty typical overblown Hans Zimmer score) and fits of slow motion, but this is all window dressing. Not much happens besides a lot of talking and a good bit of Jesus and company roaming the countryside performing miracles. Even the miracles get to be a bit iffy considering the budget, and the more highconcept pieces — like Jesus walking on water — simply look hokey. All of this, of course, is leading up to the Crucifixion, which is extremely — and probably needlessly — bloody. It all feels like little more than a tamer approximation of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ (2004), which, no matter how wrongheaded, at least had some scope. Son of God is definitely a more populist take on Jesus, but it’s also a version that just oozes been there, done that, turning the greatest story ever told into a shallow, superfluous soap opera. Rated PG-13 for intense and bloody depiction of the Crucifixion, and for some sequences of violence. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.

Community Screenings BlACk mountAin ColleGe museum & Arts sCreeninG • TH (3/6), 7:30pm - Merce Cunningham Dance Company: Robert Rauschenberg Collaborations. 56 Broadway St. $8/$5 members & students. Info: blackmountaincollege. org. BrevArd film soCiety • TH (3/6), 7pm - Anything for Love. In the Dunham Auditorium, Brevard College. $10/$5 students. Info: tHe f-Word film festivAl (f for feminist) • WE (3/5), 7pm - Wonder Women: The Untold Story of American Superheroines and Grrrl Love and Revolution: Riot Grrrl NYC. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall, UNCA. Info: 251-6590

biographical drama The story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery. Powerful, brilliantly — and beautifully — made. It boasts a gallery of fine performances and should finally propel Chiwetel Ejiofor to the stardom he’s deserved for 10 years. It’s a fine film, but maybe not quite a masterpiece. Rated R

3 Days to Kill HH Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Tómas Lemarquis espionage action A CIA agent’s dying wish to reconnect with his estranged family is derailed when he’s offered a miracle cure for his disease — but only if he kills an especially nefarious target. A disjointed, aimless and occasionally ugly action picture with zero spark. Rated pg-13

About Last Night HHHS Michael Ealy, Kevin Hart, Regina Hall, Joy Bryant, Christopher McDonald Romantic comedy The ups and downs of two disparate couples over the course of a year. A none-too-original romantic comedy that is nevertheless likable, often amusing and refreshingly adult. Rated R

American Hustle HHHHS Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner cheerfully amoral sometimes factbased comedy drama Vaguely factbased (Abscam) comedy drama about not-very-bright people trying to out-con each other. Funny, cynical and even a little demented, David O. Russell’s latest boasts incredible turns from its high-powered cast, a genuine sense of the late 1970s and a pop soundtrack to die for. Rated R

August: Osage County HHHH Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper, Ewan McGregor, Margo Martindale, Sam Shepard theatrical black comedy drama An astonishingly dysfunctional family gathers for the funeral of its patriarch. Personalities clash, tempers flare, secrets are revealed. Essentially, this is an overheated melodrama, but it’s enjoyably performed as dark comedy by a high-profile cast. It’s not a great movie, but it’s a lot of twisted fun, great dialogue and scenery chewing. Rated R

Frozen HHHS (Voices) Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Santino Fontana, Alan Tudyk animated fantasy A newly crowned queen — with the ability to freeze things — plunges her country into perpetual winter. It’s certainly dazzling to look at, but apart from the presence of two female leads and no real male hero, it’s pretty

standard Disney fare, decked out in a largely forgettable, but occasionally irritating, songs. Not a bad movie, but far from a great one. Rated pg

Generation War HHHH Volker Bruch, Tom Schilling, Katharina Schüttler, Miriam Stein, Ludwig Trepte war drama Epic look at World War II from the point of view of five young Germans. Solid, involving, somewhat clichéd and potentially controversial in its attempt to attain a degree of understanding for the “average” German point of view of WWII, Generation War falls short of greatness, but remains a compelling story. Rated nR

Gravity HHHHS Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice) sci-fi suspense Two astronauts accidentally set adrift in space must find a way to survive and make it back to earth. Brilliantly made, impeccably acted, visually impressive and undeniably intense in its suspense. Gravity is a fine film, but is maybe too efficient for its own good. Rated pg-13

Her HHHH Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde, Matt Letscher futuristic comedy drama Mildly futuristic story of a man who falls in love with his sentient computer operating system. It doesn’t all work, and Her is more simplistic than its ambitions to be a profound statement on modern technology would like. But it’s more workable than its premise might sound — and there’s an emotional wallop to it. Rated R

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug HHH Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Ken Stott, Luke Evans fantasy adventure Hobbit Bilbo Baggins and his dwarf companions travel through Middle Earth to breach the lair of a deadly dragon. Yet another overlong Tolkien adaptation, this one suffers from a sense of corner-cutting and a lack emotional center or any real dramatic arc. Rated pg-13

In Secret HHHH Elizabeth Olsen, Oscar Isaac, Tom Felton, Jessica Lange, Shirley Henderson, Matt Lucas drama Émile Zola’s novel, Thérèse Raquin — a tale of repression, lust, murder, guilt and consequences — is brought to the screen. Splendidly acted, scrupulously faithful and beautifully made, but lacking in deep emotional involvement. Rated R

Kill Your Darlings HHHHS Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, Michael C. Hall, Jack Huston, Ben Foster,

David Cross, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Elizabeth Olsen fact-based biographical drama More or less the story of the young Allen Ginsberg, his first love and the origin of the Beats. It will be too candid for some, and it isn’t flawless, but Kill Your Darlings is exciting, emotionally powerful filmmaking that should be seen. Rated R

fact-based war drama with comedic touches Fact-based story of the men who rescued stolen art treasures from the Nazis in WWII. Yes, it should have been great and it’s only pretty good, but it’s not the disaster many have painted. It’s solidly made and individual sequences are excellent, even if the whole doesn’t work so well. Rated pg-13

The Lego Movie HHHS

Non-Stop HHHS

(Voices) Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson animated adventure An uninteresting Lego figure — living in a Lego world — is chosen to fulfill a prophecy that will free his people. A fun, often cute (and eventually sappy) movie that’s enjoyable but disposable. Rated pg

Lone Survivor HHS Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Eric Bana war action Four Navy Seals in the Afghani wilderness are ambushed by Taliban forces. Its inherent nastiness and fits of being little more than an ‘80s action movie throwback keep the film from reaching its lofty intentions. Rated R

The Monuments Men HHH George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, Jean Dujardin, Bob Balaban, Hugh Bonneville

Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Scoot McNairy, Michelle Dockery, Nate Parker thriller A U.S. Air Marshall on an intercontinental flight must go into action after receiving text messages threatening to kill the passengers on board if demands aren’t met. While its plot can’t stand up to any real scrutiny, this mindless thriller is nothing more than silly entertainment. Rated pg-13

Omar HHHHS Adam Bakri, Leem Lubany, Iyad Hoorani, Samer Bisharat, Waleed Zuaiter thriller drama Three young Palestinian men who fancy themselves as “freedom fighters” manage to kill an Israeli soldier — with disastrous results. Compelling and riveting entertainment that’s as good as any action thriller out there (and better than most) but with dark and deeply disturbing undercurrents. Rated nR

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Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong'o

HHHHH = max rating


12 Years a Slave HHHHS



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther


stiLL sHowing



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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


speciaL scReenings

Doubt HHHHH dRama Rated PG-13 The second film of the monthlong tribute to Philip Seymour

Hoffman, Doubt (2008) finds the actor far removed from the supporting role of Almost Famous (2000) and co-starring with Meryl Streep. The film is an adaptation of John Patrick Shanley’s play and was made by Shanley. Hoffman plays a priest at a Catholic school where the principal, Sister Aloysius (Streep), becomes convinced that he had improper relations with one of the boy students. This may sound pretty pat, but it isn’t. In fact, it is startlingly layered and makes for gripping drama — thanks in no small part to Hoffman’s ability to make us never quite certain what to believe. The Asheville Film Society will screen Doubt Tuesday, March 11, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Hobson’s Choice HHHHH comedy Rated NR Just before David Lean set out on the path of the epic block-

buster, he gave us one final small black-and-white film, Hobson’s Choice (1954), and it serves as a reminder of how great a filmmaker Lean was without the benefit of widescreen Technicolor spectacles. From its opening shot to its final fade-out, there’s not an ill-chosen moment in this unassuming comedy about a tyrannical — and alcoholic — boot shop owner (Charles Laughton), his willful oldest daughter (Brenda de Banzie) and the timid bootmaker (John Mills) she marries. Charming, funny and just beautifully crafted. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Hobson’s Choice Friday, March 7, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

KIDS ISSUE coming March 19

Night of Terror / The Corpse Vanishes HHHH

HoRRoR Rated NR A double dose of Bela Lugosi in two films that can only be called “personality vehicles” for the actor — Night of Terror (1933) and The Corpse Vanishes (1942). Night of Terror is the better made of the two, and is, in fact, the first true Lugosi vehicle. It trades on his name and features him doing all manner of things for no good reason other than the fact that he is Bela Lugosi. More threadbare, but just as much in the same mode, is The Corpse Vanishes. This is the fourth of Lugosi’s infamous “Monogram Nine” films — and is easily the nastiest of the lot. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Night of Terror and The Corpse Vanishes Thursday, March 6 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Train HHHH wwii tHRiLLeR Rated NR A solid and old-fashioned war thriller (it was old-

fashioned when it was new), The Train (1964), is perhaps a movie the not-dissimilar The Monuments Men ought to have been a little more like. Here, it’s all about an art-obsessed — and generally obsessive — Nazi colonel (Paul Scoffield) doing his best to get a trainload of art masterpieces out of France before the Allies arrive. The French resistance (headed by a not entirely willing Burt Lancaster) have other plans. Entertaining and fairly intense. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Train Sunday, March 9, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. 60

maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

M A R K E T P L A C E ReaL estate | RentaLs | Roommates | seRVices | jobs | announcements | mind, body, spiRit cLasses & woRksHops |musicians’ seRVices | pets | automotiVe | xcHange | aduLt

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ReaL estate reAl estAte Homes for sAle montreAt 4Br CHAlet New construction. Possible owner financing. Below tax value. By owner/builder. 669-4840. mountAin CABin One bedroom A-frame mountain retreat. Hwy 80 below Parkway, close to Mt. Mitchell. Easy access to creek and trout farm. Tax value $37K, asking $34K firm. Serious inquiries only. 828-337-6778.

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Homes for rent AsHeville eAst-duPlex-Half house close in. 3BR, 2BA, hardwood floors, fireplace, dishwasher, WD. Woods and trails. No pets/smoking. $825/month, plus utilities. 828-273-6700. sWeet fAmily iso rentAl House ISO 2-3 bedroom, very pet friendly rental home within 30 miles of Swannanoa. Looking to spend $850/mo or less. Please call Lindsay 8284249824. Thanks!! 8284249824

sHort-term rentAls 15 minutes to AsHeville Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/ week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 6589145.

CommerCiAl ProPerty offiCe suites Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sqft to 3,200 sqft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024.

rentAls APArtments for rent BEVERLy HiLLS • EaSt aSHEville 2BR, 1BA. Wooded views, nice. • No smoking. Lease, deposit. • Pet considered. Background check. $750/month. 2302511. Beverly Hills Huge, top floor, 2000 sqft. 2-4BR plus den and more. Sunny. WD. Big yard. Ideal location, close to everything. $1175/month. (828) 505-3186. Glen roCk Hotel APArtments Live the good life with easy maintenance and elevator. Beautifully remodeled one bedroom “city apartments” with an updated look. Located at 408 Depot St. in Asheville. Call (828) 575-2323 for more information or a tour. Credit and criminal check required. Accessible units for persons with disabilities subject to availability. Equal Housing Opportunity. This institution is professionally managed by Partnership Property Management, an opportunity provider and employer. Pet friendly 2 Br, 1 BA APArtment Swannanoa. 800 sf, hardwood floors, w/d hookups. Wrap-around creekside deck, fine views, quiet, convenient, clean, freshly re-done. Trash fees and yard maintenance included. No indoor smoking. $850. 828-275-0328.

roommAtes roommAtes HousemAte WAnted for e.AsHeville duPlex Unfurnished room with own bath. $350 plus utilities. No pets, drugs, smoking, or heavy alcohol. Female preferred. Long-term preferred. Background check required. All AreAs - roommAtes. Com. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www. (AAN CAN)

emPloyment GenerAl GroWinG ComPAny in tHe outdoor industry seekinG A PArt-time emPloyee for Work in WAreHouse And distriBution Center Asheville, NC PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: -20 Hours per week, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm. -Receiving, unloading, palletizing and moving cartons to assigned areas. -Picking, labeling, packing and generally preparing products to ship. -Being able to work independently or as a member of a team if assigned by supervisor. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: -Ability to stand for the duration of the work shift. -Ability to repeatedly lift boxes weighing up to 70lbs. -Ability to lift, carry, push, pull, reach, grasp, bend, stoop, climb ladders and operate pallet jacks. -Ability to work in a consistent and repetitive work environment while remaining focused and paying great attention to detail. OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: -Working well with

team members. -Flexibility, versatility, and time management. -Proficiency with computers. Send Resume and a little about yourself to: applyoutdoors@ kennel AssistAnt At tHe soAPy doGDuties include customer service, supervising dogs, and cleaning kennels. Part & full time work available. Previous experience required. Send resume to ashevillesoapydog@ Call 828-350-0333. PArt-time volunteer & events CoordinAtor The Asheville Downtown Association is seeking a part-time volunteer and events coordinator. More info and application instructions: PHone oPerAtors From Home Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 18+ Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/some Weekends. 1-800-403-7772 (AAN CAN). residentiAl CleAner WAnted Locally-owned, friendly cleaning business looking for qualified residential cleaning tech. Part-time. Starts at $10 per hour. Performance bonuses. Background check. Email interest and qualifications.(828)713-0078 tour Guide- Cdl drivers If you are a "people person" you could be a great TOUR GUIDE! Seasonal full and part-time available. Training provided. Must have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). 828-251-8687 www. CleriCAl Personnel WAnted. Should be Computer Literate and Well Organized. Interested person(s) should please contact: (danielrichie72@ for more info and wages.

skilled lABor/ trAdes GArdener, lAke toxAWAy The Southern Highlands Reserve in Lake Toxaway seeks an experienced gardener to assist with landscape maintenance and management. High-school diploma or GED required. Contact info@ for application.

AdministrAtive/ offiCe seekinG QuAlity emPloyees? "We advertised with Mountain Xpress looking for a Licensed Assistant for our company. Right away we received numerous responses, one of which we ended up hiring. So impressed with the quality of leads we received from Mountain Xpress compared to our other ad placed with another source. Great job as always!" Dawn, Candy Whitt & Associates. • You too, can experience quality applicants. Advertise in mountain xpress Classifieds.

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restAurAnt/ food aPoLLo FLaME • WaitStaFF Full-time. Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Experience required. Apply in person between 2pm4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582.

(Suboxone) program. Minimal call responsibilities. Our locations have qualified for education loan repayment programs. Send CV to: Matthew Holmes, MD email: or Joe Ferrara, CEO joe.ferrara@ Jackson County Qualified mental Health Professional (QmHP) Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have mental health degree and two years’ experience. For more information contact Becky McKnight, rebekah. • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: open-positions.html

HumAn serviCes 2 immediAte oPeninGs Parkway of Family Preservation Services has 2 immediate fulltime openings for Associate or fully licensed Clinicians. The openings are in our Hendersonville and Asheville Offices. Duties would involve working with dually (MH/SA) diagnosed adults providing assessments, individual and group therapy (some evening groups may be required). Good Candidates would be familiar with State funding paperwork, Seeking Safety EBP and have adult experience. FPS has an excellent benefit package and salary commensurate with experience. Please send resumes to:

aVaiLaBLE PoSitioNS • meridiAn BeHAviorAl HeAltH Peer support specialists: Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialist working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact staff Psychiatrist Meridian Behavioral Health Services is a non-profit provider of community mental health services serving nine counties in Western North Carolina. We have an opening for a Psychiatrist providing outpatient care for adults. Our primary office locations are in Waynesville, Sylva, Franklin and Brevard. We are seeking physicians who have interest and experience in community mental health care - treatment of persistent mental illness and addiction. Part of this time could involve providing treatment for opioid addiction in our clinic-based buprenorphine

aVaiLaBLE PoSitioNS • oCtoBer roAd October Road is an integrated, mental health and substance abuse provider for the greater Asheville area. We are dedicated to the highest quality of client care and customer service and strive to be a reliable and effective community partner to all of our stakeholders. We follow evidenced based practices in all of our services and work diligently to recruit and retain the most dedicated and qualified staff to comprise our treatment teams. Our physician providers are well respected within their specialty fields and are known throughout the community. Our commitment to the community, clients and referral sources is unwavering. Due to growth, we are currently hiring for the following positions: Asheville: ACtt team leader – 1 Full-time, ACtt substance Abuse specialist– 1 Full-time, ACtt lPn– 1 Full-time, Counselor Assistant– 1 Part-time, intake Clinician– 1 Fulltime.mars Hill: ACtt Peer support specialist– 1 Fulltime. • Visit our website for specific job requirements at or send resumes to direCt CAre Worker Need experienced worker to provide care for adult female with autism and IDD. Call (828) 272-9759 or familytree Alternative family services. direCt suPPort ProfessionAls Progressive company seeking dependable individuals to provide residential support to individuals with disabilities. Must be able to work a flexible schedule, be a positive role model and have a clean driving background. Interested individuals can send an email admin@ mountainarearesidentialfacilities. org or apply in person Monday and Wednesday from 10am-2pm at 108 Cedar Ridge Drive, Asheville, NC, 28803.

eveninG, Weekend, And overniGHt Positions Must be willing to attend Company trainings and offer personal care. We are seeking professional and dependable in-home CareGivers for our WNC team. www. suBstAnCe ABuse Counselor Substance Abuse Counselors - Help make your community a better place. Mountain Area Recovery Center is growing and we are seeking a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor for our outpatient facility located in Clyde. Criminal background check and pre-employment drug screen required for all final candidates. EOE. Please e-mail resume’ to or fax to 828.252.8748, ATTN: RHONDA INGLE. turninG Point serviCes Seeking an ambitious person to expand the delivery of respite and companion services in a 10 county area centered in Asheville. Candidates must have graduated from high school (a college degree is preferred), have strong supervisory skills, a talent for marketing, and experience in service delivery to people aging in place and/or people with disabilities. Regional travel is necessary. FT, great benefits, solid company. To start, complete an application at www.turningpointservicesinc. com in “Career Opportunities” and submit with a letter of introduction to or fax to 828-296-0511.

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Childhood Education, a CDA, or a Bachelor's in Birth to Kindergarten or a related field with at least 18 semester hours in Infant/Toddler development and must complete SIDS training prior to starting. See details and apply at about-us/human-resources. MACFC is an EEOE. teACHinG Positions Are you interested in making a difference? Asheville Academy for Girls is currently seeking applicants for these positions: fulltime Physics and/or Chemistry teacher/tutor; or Part-time special education teacher. The suitable applicant is someone who has licensure and is a responsible and positive role model. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14. Our beautiful 24-acre campus, located in Weaverville, provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Benefits are offered to full time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. Please send a resume and cover letter to No phone calls or walk-ins please.

CAreGivers/ nAnny

Arts/mediA GrAPHiC desiGn Local wholesale company is looking for a full-time entry level product photographer with graphic design skills. A strong eye for design, detail and knowing Adobe Photoshop / indesign / illustrator is an absolute must. Employee will be responsible for providing professional product photography, image management of over 8,000 items, and weekly promotional emails (layout and design). Must have the ability to keep up in a fast paced work environment under weekly deadlines. Experience is preferred, but candidates who can demonstrate the required skill areas will be considered. We offer a competitive salary, health benefits, paid holiday and vacation time as well as friendly and comfortable work environment. Please email resume and portfolio/link to matthewb@

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maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014


by Rob Brezny

fReewiLL astRoLogy


aRies (maRcH 21-apRiL 19)

pisces (feb. 19-maRcH 20)

Are you between jobs? Between romantic partners? Between secure foundations and clear mandates and reasons to get up each morning? Probably at least one of the above. Foggy whirlwinds may be your intimate companions. Being up in the air could be your customary vantage point these days. During your stay in this weird vacationland, please abstain from making conclusions about its implications for your value as a human being. Remember these words from author Terry Braverman: "It is important to detach our sense of self-worth from transitional circumstances, and maintain perspective on who we are by enhancing our sense of 'self-mirth.'" Whimsy and levity can be your salvation, Aries. Lucky flux should be your mantra.

In the 1997 film Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery, the lead character announces that “’Danger’ is my middle name.” Ever since, real people in the UK have been legally making “Danger” their middle name with surprising regularity. I think it would be smart fun for you Pisceans to add an innovative element to your identity in the coming days, maybe even a new middle name. But I recommend that you go in a different direction than “Danger.” A more suitable name might be “Changer,” to indicate you’re ready to eagerly embrace change. Or how about “Ranger,” to express a heightened desire to rove and gallivant?

tauRus (apRiL 20-may 20)

your attention toward the exciting things you haven't done yet.

The renowned cellist Yo Yo Ma once came to the home of computer pioneer Steve Jobs and performed a private concert. Jobs was deeply touched and told Ma, "Your playing is the best argument I’ve ever heard for the existence of God, because I don’t really believe a human alone can do this." Judging from the current astrological omens, Taurus, I'm guessing you will soon experience an equivalent phenomenon: a transcendent expression of love or beauty that moves you to suspect that magic is afoot. Even if you’re an atheist, you are likely to feel the primal shiver that comes from having a close brush with enchantment. gemini (may 21-june 20) In my dream, I was leading a pep rally for a stadium full of Geminis. "Your intensity brings you great pleasure," I told them over the public address system. "You seek the company of people who love you, to be inspired. You must be appreciated for your enthusiasm, never shamed. Your drive for excellence doesn't stress you out: It relaxes you. I hereby give you license to laugh even louder and sing even stronger and think even smarter." By now the crowd was cheering and I was bellowing. "It's not cool to be cool," I exulted. "It's cool to be burning with a white-hot lust for life. You are rising to the next octave. You are playing harder than you have ever played." canceR (june 21-juLy 22) "My old paintings no longer interest me," said the prolific artist Pablo Picasso when he was 79 years old. "I'm much more curious about those I haven't done yet." I realize it might be controversial for me to suggest that you adopt a similar perspective, Cancerian. After all, you are renowned for being a connoisseur of old stories and past glories. One of your specialties is to keep memories alive and vibrant by feeding them with your generous love. To be clear, I don't mean that you should apologize for or repress those aptitudes. But for now — say, the next three weeks — I invite you to turn


maRcH 5 - maRcH 11, 2014

Leo (juLy 23-aug. 22) I recommend that you sleep with a special someone whose dreams you'd like to blend with yours. And when I say "sleep with," I mean it literally; it's not a euphemism for "having sex with." To be clear: Making love with this person is fine if that's what you both want. But my main point is that you will draw unexpected benefits from lying next to this companion as you both wander through the dreamtime. Being in your altered states together will give you inspiration you can't get any other way. You won't be sharing information on a conscious level, but that's exactly the purpose: to be transformed together by what's flowing back and forth between your deeper minds. For extra credit, collaborate on incubating a dream. Read this: ViRgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) "One chord is fine," said rock musician Lou Reed about his no-frills approach to writing songs. "Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz." I recommend his perspective to you in the coming weeks, Virgo. Your detail-oriented appreciation of life's complexity is one of your finest qualities, but every once in a while — like now — you can thrive by stripping down to the basics. This will be especially true in your approach to intimate relationships. For the time being, just assume that cultivating simplicity will generate the blessings you need most. LibRa (sept. 23-oct. 22) You Librans haven't received enough gifts, goodies and compliments lately. For reasons I can't discern, you’ve been deprived of your rightful share. It's not fair! What can you do to rectify this imbalance in the cosmic ledger? How can you enhance your

ability to attract the treats you deserve? It's important that we solve this riddle, since you are entering a phase when your wants and needs will expand and deepen. Here's what I can offer: I hereby authorize you to do whatever it takes to entice everyone into showering you with bounties, boons and bonuses. To jump-start this process, shower yourself with bounties, boons and bonuses. scoRpio (oct. 23-noV. 21) "The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing," wrote the Roman philosopher Marcus Aurelius more than 1,800 years ago. Is that true for you, Scorpio? Do you experience more strenuous struggle and grunting exertion than frisky exuberance? Even if that's usually the case, I'm guessing that in the coming weeks your default mode should be more akin to dancing than wrestling. The cosmos has decided to grant you a grace period — on one condition, that is: You must agree to experiment more freely and have more fun that you normally allow yourself. sagittaRius (noV. 22-dec. 21) For the itch you are experiencing, neither chamomile nor aloe vera will bring you relief. Nor would over-the-counter medications like calamine lotion. No, Sagittarius. Your itch isn't caused by something as tangible as a rash or hives, and it can't be soothed by any obvious healing agent. It is, shall we say, more in the realm of a soul itch — a prickly tickle that’s hard to diagnose, let alone treat. I'm guessing that there may be just one effective cure: Become as still and quiet and empty as you possibly can, and then invite your Future Self to scratch it for you. capRicoRn (dec. 22-jan. 19) The world is awash in bright, shiny nonsense. Every day we wade through a glare of misinformation and lazy delusions and irrelevant data. It can be hard to locate the few specific insights and ideas that are actually useful and stimulating. That's the bad news, Capricorn. Here's the good news: You now have an enhanced ability to ferret out nuggets of data that can actually empower you. You are a magnet for the invigorating truths you really need most.

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aQuaRius (jan. 20-feb. 18) If you come up with an original invention, apply for a patent immediately. If you think of a bright idea, put it to work as soon as possible. If you figure out crucial clues that everyone else seems blind to, dispel the general ignorance as quickly as you can. This is a perfect moment for radical pragmatism carried out with expeditious savvy. It's not a time when you should naively hope for the best with dreamy nonchalance. For the sake of your mental health and for the good of your extended family, be crisp, direct and forceful.

JoHn lAntZius march 30, 1930 - february 10, 2014 John L. Lantzius, noted landscape architect and property owner in both Asheville, North Carolina and Vancouver, Canada, died on February 10, 2014 at his home in Vancouver. He was 83. Mr. Lantzius is survived by his wife of 55 years, Annette Lantzius, sister Dawn Lantzius, daughters Anne Strauss (Edward), Susan Rich (Michael), and Renee Lantzius, and grandchildren Louisa and Eleanor

Strauss, and Jonathan and David Rich. Born in Vancouver on March 30, 1930, the son of Louis Lantzius and Sylvia Ten Cate Lantzius, Mr. Lantzius grew up in Asheville (after living briefly in Hilversum, Holland), attended Asheville School and Salisbury School (Connecticut), and studied landscape architecture at North Carolina State University. After service in the U.S. Army, he attended the University of California at Berkeley where he received a bachelor of science degree in landscape architecture. Later, he received a master's degree from Harvard's Graduate School of Design. He began his career at the San Francisco landscape architecture firm of Lawrence Halprin and Associates. In 1961 he established his own firm, John Lantzius and Associates, in Vancouver, and among his many projects contributed to Habitat at Montreal's Expo 67. In 1968 he established the landscape architecture program at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, before returning to Vancouver where he continued his firm's practice. Mr. Lantzius's firm played a major role in Vancouver, working with architects Arthur Erickson and Geoffrey Massey on such projects as Simon Fraser University. Other Lantzius projects include the University of Victoria Gordon Head Campus, housing on the former Langara Golf Course and massive expansion at the University of British Columbia. At this time, with an interest in revitalization, Mr. Lantzius acquired several properties in and around the city's old warehouse district of Yaletown and began renovating them. In the 1970's Mr. Lantzius turned his sights to Asheville where he acquired historic buildings along Lexington Avenue that had been neglected. He began restoring the buildings, planting trees, encouraging small business, always with a vision for a vibrant downtown. In 1980 he was one of a small group of individuals that successfully opposed the plan to build a downtown mall, which would have destroyed numerous historic buildings in Asheville. He was very much a hands-on landlord with a priority of helping small, independent businesses get established. The Asheville City Council declared October 10, 2001 as "John Lantzius Day" in recognition of his work. In 2012, the North Carolina Chapter of The American Planning Association voted Lexington Avenue one of the top "Great Main Streets" in the state. That same year Mr. Lantzius was honored with the Downtown Heroes Award presented by the Asheville Downtown Association (ADA), for his pioneering spirit and preservation work along Lexington Avenue. Burial will be private in Fletcher, North Carolina. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the Asheville School, 360 Asheville School Road, Asheville, N.C. 28806. PreGnAnt? tHinkinG of AdoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)


notiCe of PendenCy of ProCeedinG TO: the unknown father of Baby Boy Doe TAKE NOTICE THAT a Petition for Adoption of a minor male child named BABY BOY DOE born to LAUREN DIANE HARRIS on about the 14th day of February, 2014 in Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, was filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Buncombe County, State of North Carolina on the 19th day of February, 2014. You have been identified as the father of this child, you must file a response to the petition within thirty (30) days after this notice is first served upon you in order to participate in and receive further notice of the proceeding, including notice of the time and place of hearing. THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT WILL ENTER AN ORDER ALLOWING THE ADOPTION TO PROCEED WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT IF THERE IS NO RESPONSE. Any and all rights you may have with respect to the minor will be extinguished and all aspects of any legal relationship between the minor and you as parent will be terminated with the entry of a Decree of Adoption. This the 26th day of February, 2014. /s/ Christopher M. Craig Craig Associates, PC Attorney for Petitioners NC State Bar No. 27770 149 S. Lexington Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Phone (828) 2582888.

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A lost or found Pet? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:

Pet serviCes AsHeville Pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232. PooPer sCooPer serviCe We clean up after your dog so you don't have to. Western NC's premier Pet Waste Removal Service. 1 (855) 4-DogLog.

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Automotive serviCes We'll fix it Automotive • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area, off exit 15. Please call (828) 275-6063 for appointment.


tHe new yoRk times cRosswoRd puzzLe

ACROSS 1 Part of una casa 5 Totally disgusted 10 Compressed pic, of a sort 14 Let off 15 Brief concession 16 Brewery fixture 17 Spa wear 18 See 22-Down 19 Hospital sticker 20 A general and his country 23 Loaded with substance 24 Title for a J.D. holder 25 Impossible point total in American pro football 28 Clandestine sort 32 Remove, as a corsage 34 Trigram on rotary phones 37 A hoops great and his league 40 Cake similar to a Yodel

42 Battle zone of 1956 and 1967 43 Baja resort area 44 A comic and his former show 47 Kobe cash 48 Cassette half 49 Soup alternative 51 Brian who’s a self-professed “nonmusician” 52 Part of a bridle 55 Harem wear 59 A president and his conflict 64 Mazar of “Entourage” 66 What “-phage” means 67 Wear a long face 68 ___ ether 69 Final part of most Broadway musicals 70 Away from the wind 71 Like candy corn’s texture 72 Woman’s golf garment


SAnswer T E M toI Previous L K S SPuzzle I T U P







73 Motorola phone brand DOWN 1 Immunizing fluid 2 Whac-___ (carnival game) 3 Benghazi’s land 4 Bikini atoll trials, informally 5 Word after “take” or “give me” 6 New Haven collegians 7 Fruity candy since 1945 8 Grammarian’s concern 9 Exerters of pressure, maybe 10 W.C. 11 Ante up 12 Psychic’s “gift,” for short 13 Classic muscle car 21 1/1 title word 22 With 18-Across, an old term for brandy 26 Weeper of myth 27 Scandalous company with a tilted-E logo 29 Joy Adamson’s big cat 30 Opposed to, in dialect 31 Classifications 33 View from Ft. Lee, N.J. 34 Thumb-sucking, e.g. 35 “The Kiss” sculptor 36 Spar with nobody 38 Simba’s mate

No.0129 Edited by Will Shortz

No. 0129

edited by Will Shortz



























37 41











47 50







49 52











23 28















39 Jessica of “7th Heaven” 41 Kipling’s “Follow Me ___” 45 1988 N.L. Rookie of the Year Chris 46 Noted first name in raga 50 San Diego-area horse-racing venue

53 Bits of creativity 54 Follow, as a U.P.S. shipment

61 German Expressionist ___ Dix

56 Sicilia, per esempio

62 Small dam

57 “J to tha L-O!” artist

63 Order in the court

58 Smile like Snidely Whiplash

64 It might get your feet wet

60 In need of a shampoo, say

65 Bambi’s aunt

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