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caRtoon by Randy moLton
Duke can do better on tree trimming Every four to five years Asplundh Tree Expert Co., the tree pruning company hired by Duke Energy, comes to WNC to trim trees back from the power lines. Duke Energy claims that “maintaining trees and vegetation along their power lines helps to ensure reliability, minimize outages and enhance safety for customers, Duke’s employees and contractors.” They also say that “Duke hires qualified, trained tree experts to inspect and clear electric lines on its system and that their crews use industry-approved pruning techniques endorsed by the National Arbor Day Foundation and the International Society of Arboriculture.” While I understand that limbs need to be trimmed back from the wires every couple of years, I am very disturbed by the way Asplundh has approached this project. They chop, top and clear the vegetation with little regard to the health of the trees or the surrounding vegetation. I don’t think the National Arbor Day Foundation or the International Society of Arboriculture would really approve of how Asplundh has trimmed these trees.
I think Duke Energy will just have to realize that it is the nature of the terrain in Western North Carolina and budget differently for power outages in our area. At a minimum, they need to look at a better way to trim the trees so that the health of the trees and the surrounding terrain is protected. Duke needs to consider putting the power lines underground in WNC, which would be a long term solution to this problem. Maybe the underground lines could be installed in the high incident, heavily wooded areas first. I know this is an expensive project but it will pay off off the long term. If you would like to write to Duke Energy Progress about your concerns and suggestions the names and addresses are as follows: Jeff Corbett, Senior VP Carolina Delivery Operation, Duke Energy Progress, PEB12 410 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601 and Paul R. Newton, State President for North Carolina, Duke Energy Progress PEB12 410 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601 — Ann McMartin Asheville
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
The Gospel According to Jerry R.I.P. Martin Nesbitt
by jeRRy steRnbeRg
In the wake of Martin Nesbitt’s recent passing, there will be many columns and articles about our great and honorable friend’s extraordinary contributions. His loss will leave a huge void in the lives of so many friends and constituents. Still, I felt that giving a bit of my personal history with my dear friend Martin and our wonderful shared experiences over the years might provide some insight. I met Martin shortly before his mother, Mary, passed away. She was a state representative, but when he was appointed to serve out her term in 1979, I don’t think any of us, including Martin, knew that he was a true political savant. At the time, I was living in the Sheraton Hotel on Woodfin Street, whose restaurant was a popular gathering place for politicians. Martin and other state officials frequently stopped there for dinner to unwind after the week in Raleigh. At closing time, they weren’t always ready to end their evening, however, and someone would say, “Let’s go up and see ol’ Jerry — he’ll have refreshments.” I was always delighted to host such high-ranking political lights as Bob Swain, Liston Ramsey, Zeb Alley and others who were Martin’s friends and mentors. For an insatiable political junkie like me, it was like snorting political cocaine to be on the inside of discussions about the governance of our state. I also enjoyed our weekend golf games with our mutual friend Bill Stanley and others, including a long list of politicos. Martin played golf well considering the time he had to put into the game, but his greatest concern was seeing just how far he could drive the ball off the tee. He had a trunk full of clubs that he was constantly swapping and trying out in his quest for the ultimate driver.
Unlike many of today’s politicians, Martin was never rancorous or hateful. He did not believe that might was right: He believed that right was right.
He would hit the ball so far that he often lost it, which should have meant a penalty. But Martin would invariably invoke the Nesbitt Rule, claiming that the pros had a caddie to keep up with the ball, and since he didn’t, there was no penalty. When this happened, we would deliberately challenge him, just to hear him sincerely and eloquently defend his position. I don’t think he ever caught on. I always had a long list of questions about the goings on in Raleigh as well as his insight into local politics. Martin unwearyingly answered my questions and, quite often, his answers would differ substantially from the press accounts. I would also share with him my many valuable opinions on how the state should be run and, with great patience and the gentleness of a father, Martin would explain to me that I really didn’t have a clue what I was talking about. We did agree that the educational lottery was a tax on the poor, and that it wouldn’t take long before those funds would be diverted to general use. After the lottery bill passed, with the help of some shameless chicanery under the leadership of House Speaker Jim Black, I was shocked and disbelieving when Martin told me, with great sadness, “Those fellas are going to jail.” A year later, it unfortunately came to pass. In time, however, serving as crew chief for his son’s racing car became Martin’s real recreational passion, supplanting golf, so we didn’t see him as much as before. Another ritual we shared with Bill Stanley and other friends was enjoying a glass or two of holiday cheer at a local bar on Christmas Eve. This past December, as always, I came loaded with ques-
tions. My main issue was that when I asked Asheville City Council members why the city couldn’t raise hotel taxes to bring in more general revenue, I was told it was because Martin did not support the idea. I asked him about it, and he quite frankly said he’d had a very hard time selling the existing tax to the lodging industry, with the revenue going to the Tourism Development Authority. “I promised those fellers I would never vote to raise it,” he explained. Perhaps a bad bargain, but in typical Martin Nesbitt fashion, he stood by his word. Unlike many of today’s politicians, Martin was never rancorous or hateful. He did not believe that might was right: He believed that right was right. In closing, we can only say, “Hit that ball long and straight off that golden tee, and keep that car sailing around that heavenly track.” We will sorely miss you, Martin. X Asheville native Jerry Sternberg, a longtime observer of the local scene, can be reached at gospeljerry@aol. com.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Ripple effect Report shines new light on Asheville’s housing problems, possible solutions
AffoRdAbLE HouSIng unItS created by city government programs, per year
by daVid foRbes
dforbes@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 137
Mountain Xpress: why are asheville’s housing costs so high? “Income is a big part of it, because in Asheville you have a lot of homeowners that are buying up second homes or retirement homes, and that’s pushing up the cost of housing,” she says. “You have a combina-
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Much has been written about Asheville’s shortage of affordable housing, and lately, the problem has even begun attracting national attention. A March 5 Yahoo Finance article, drawing on data gathered by the analysis firm RealtyTrac, spotlighted Asheville as one of the least affordable areas in the country, based on the gap between housing costs and income, and on how quickly those costs are increasing. Meanwhile, city government is pushing to increase Asheville’s supply of affordable housing. Late last year, city staff asked mai nguyen, a professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, to compare Asheville’s efforts to provide more affordable housing with what other, similar municipalities have done. Nguyen has written extensively on inequality and housing issues across the country. Her “scorecard,” completed in late January (read it here: avl.mx/05k), pulls together data from many prior studies. It’s also the first local report by an outside expert comparing Asheville’s situation with similar problems and attempted solutions elsewhere in the state and region. Nguyen recently spoke with Xpress about her findings.
Pay more than 30% of their income in housing costs
ThaT’s a
SIgnIfICAnt InCREASE fRom 2005-07,
when only 41% of renters and 25% of homeowners paid more than 30% of their income in housing costs. ASHEVILLE
tion of prices being driven up, and the terrain in Asheville is difficult to develop on. “As prices go up and salaries stay stagnant, or they’re low-wage salaries, those combine to affect the affordability.” According to Nguyen’s report, 47 percent of Asheville renters and 38 percent of homeowners are “costburdened.” what is “cost-burdened” and why does it matter? Cost-burdened households spend at least 30 percent of their income on housing, defined as rent plus utilities, or mortgage plus utilities, taxes, insurance and any other associated costs. Governments typically use this figure as a measuring stick:
gREEnVILLE, S.C. HigH Rent distRict: A recent report by UNC professor Mai Nguyen compares Asheville’s housing costs and how many affordable units are created each year by local government programs. Graph by Laura Barry
If a large percentage of residents are exceeding that threshold just to keep a roof over their head, the area isn’t considered affordable. And high housing costs, notes Nguyen, don’t just affect individual households: They can endanger the whole local economy. “People are spending less money on other things [because] they have less dispos-
able income,” she explains. “As we know, we live in an economy that thrives on people having extra money to spend on goods and services. It has a ripple effect.” The problem fuels other issues too, says Nguyen. “When you have people working in the central city but living farther and farther out, you have increasing congestion, pollution, sprawl. That has its own set of costs to the environment and the livability of a place.” The number of cost-burdened Ashevilleans has increased substantially since 2007, when only 25 percent of homeowners and 41 percent of tenants here fell into that category. Nonetheless, the percentage of cost-burdened renters here is still
much lower than in Chapel Hill and Wilmington, where that figure tops 57 percent. “I was actually quite shocked at the numbers,” says Nguyen, noting that Asheville “is actually a little lower than the state average” of 47.9 percent. “Roughly 50 percent of all these urban centers being cost-burdened is not a good thing for a state.” Homeowners, however, are a different story: Only Wilmington has a higher percentage of cost-burdened homeowners than Asheville. Nguyen also stresses that the real impact of those numbers falls heavily on lower-income service workers. “If you’re making $200,000 and you’re paying a third of that on your home, you probably still have some money to put into the local economy,” she explains. “Not so much if you’re making $12,000.” That, she continues, leaves Asheville’s population more hardpressed than residents of cities whose economies rely less on tourism. “I think the city is well aware that what they have now — predominantly a labor force that works in the tourism industry or the service industry — is probably not sustainable.” How do the city’s efforts to address the problem stack up? “When they asked me to do this, I thought they were going to come out horribly compared to other places,” she reveals. Instead, however, Nguyen’s research shows the city doing relatively well. After consulting with city staff and drawing on her own knowledge, she decided to compare Asheville to Greenville, S.C.; Chapel Hill; Durham and Wilmington. Over the last five years, Asheville’s local government programs and partnerships created an average of 77 affordable housing units per year within the city limits. Greenville’s average was 34; Wilmington’s was 47. City government, says Nguyen, has done “quite a good job. They’ve invested in it financially; they’ve supported it through collaborating with other nongovernmental entities. I think it’s clear from the studies that have been done that they’re really committed to supporting affordable housing. That’s not true of many other places.” who’s responsible for those efforts? The city’s Housing Trust Fund and nonprofits such as Mountain Housing Opportunities have helped,
and Nguyen says the trust fund, in particular, is unusual: Most cities rely on state and federal grants to support affordable housing, rather than taking money out of their general fund. But her report also credits the Asheville Regional Housing Consortium, which distributes funding from multiple sources and creates hundreds of affordable units per year across Western North Carolina. The consortium, a combined effort by governments at all levels, outperformed similar entities in larger areas, Nguyen found. Last year, for example, Durham’s consortium helped create 167 affordable units, compared with 401 for the Asheville group. what should asheville do? Nguyen’s report advises the city to follow Chapel Hill’s and Greenville’s lead in establishing and funding a land trust that could buy property in key areas and guarantee that it will be used to develop affordable housing. At present, notes Nguyen, Asheville guarantees that its affordable units will remain so for only a set period of time. “At some point, that affordability will sunset, and then Asheville will have to go through the process of creating more affordable housing,” she points out. “For the long term, they really need to consider permanent affordable housing.” At the same time, she cautions, “They also need to think through how to ... integrate different types of housing and different levels of income in a neighborhood, so you don’t have concentrated poverty.” In addition, the report recommends dedicating a specific revenue stream for affordable housing. Durham, for example, designates a portion of property tax revenues. are we doing enough? Is demand still outstripping supply, despite Asheville’s efforts? Nguyen calls it “an interesting question” that, though beyond the scope of her score card, is one city leaders need to consider. “Thinking about the population that will live there in the future is really important for Asheville,” she says. “It’s a combination of figuring out what the jobs are going to be and the city working to diversify the economy, so they have people who can afford the housing.” X
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Ami Worthen
Working relationships Ashevillean Vernon White helps organize Shiloh job fair
It might not surprise Vernon white ii’s former teachers and classmates at T.C. Roberson High Schoolthat this two-time MVP, who was awarded a full basketball scholarship to N.C. A&T State University, is once again tackling a challenge with his trademark persistence, energy and enthusiasm. With a bachelor’s degree in sports medicine and a new position at Eaton Corp., White could have chosen to focus solely on his own career. Instead, he identified an unmet need in the community and decided to take action. “I’d moved back home after graduation and was doing temp work at Eaton. When I asked about getting a full-time job, they asked for my resumé, and I thought, what’s a resumé?” White realized that a great education did not necessarily pre-
stay tuned
At press time, the job fair and jobsearch workshops had been postponed. Stay tuned for an update. Questions? Call 274-7739 or email mcherry@ashevillenc.gov.
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
knowLedge is poweR: Vernon White II aims to empower his community with job-seeking skills and connections at two events to be held in the Shiloh later this spring. Photo by Alicia Funderburk
pare young people like him for the world of work — not to mention his friends who didn’t attend college. “It was like a light bulb going off,” he recalls. “This is a problem: How can we solve it?” With only a month and a half to prepare, White and staffers tameka crump and max cherry from the Linwood Crump - Shiloh Complex pulled together their first job fair at the center last April. Now, as they gear up for this year’s edition, which will happen Saturday, April 26, White reflected on what makes this event unique. “When you think of a job fair, you think of just going in and turning in resumés, but this is not like that. I wanted to give people more of an introduction, to educate people about the format and the purpose of a job fair. A lot of people don’t understand that it’s about relationships, making connections.” To help people do that, the Shiloh Center will host a workshop Wednesday, April 16. Supervisors from various city departments will conduct mock interviews, review
resumés and provide insight into what employers are looking for in candidates. “Many people today don’t realize the importance of first impressions and interviews,” says Cherry. “We are not looking to become the next big job fair: We’re looking to be the springboard for individuals who seek work.” The goal for this year’s event is to have 25 companies and five universities represented. White hopes that in addition to dropping off resumés, attendees will also learn about resources they can use to get their names out there and about the best ways to search for jobs online. The city of Asheville will provide computers so that applicants can fill out online applications on the spot. “One of the biggest reasons why we decided to host and develop the job fair is to show the general public there are employment opportunities regardless of age, race, sex, criminal background and education,” Cherry explains. And convenience aside, the centrally located venue will also encourage people from diverse backgrounds to participate. Shiloh (a biblical name often translated as “the Messiah” or “the Peaceful One”) is a historically African-American community estab-
lished before 1870 in an area that’s now part of Biltmore Estate. George Vanderbilt bought the land in the late 1880s and moved the whole community, including its church and cemetery, to the current location. Today, Shiloh is a racially diverse neighborhood with both low-income and middle-class residents. White, who grew up in Shiloh, wants people from different backgrounds to talk to one another and build connections. “Asheville has a lot of potential, and that was nice to see when I came back. At the end of the day, the whole purpose is to inspire people to step outside of their limitations, to talk to different people, to try something different.” “It’s so easy to get caught up in the lifestyle of doing the wrong thing,” he continues. “And if people wait until it’s too late — until they have background issues and their record gets in front of them — then they are playing catch-up. We want to avoid that. If we can get the youth now to see how important this is, I think we’ll be in good shape.” X
Date My City Professional Mixer Besides his efforts to support job seekers, Vernon White is involved in another initiative aimed at helping minority professionals advance their careers. He’s teamed up with Date My City founder Sheneika Smith, Major Moments Events and Melting Pot Asheville to organize the first Date My City Professional Mixer. The networking event will be held Saturday, March 22, from 7 to 10 p.m. at Tressa’s Jazz and Blues (28 Broadway in downtown Asheville). There will also be an announcement by the Western North Carolina Diversity Engagement Coalition, a network of anchor institutions seeking to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce. For more information, go to facebook. com/wncdec or facebook.com/newasheville.]
by Jake Frankel
251-1333 ext. 115
Making an impact Tourists spend about $1.5 billion in Buncombe County every year and the fourth annual Creative Sector Summit will explore opportunities for local artists to raise that number and better benefit from it. The series of panel discussions, workshops and other events will unfold Thursday-Sunday, March 20-23, at venues throughout downtown Asheville. This year’s theme is “creating economic vitality through arts and tourism,” says organizer kitty Love, executive director of the Asheville Area Arts Council. More than 9 million yearly visitors come to Buncombe County, she says, and that provides a major customer base for local creative businesses. But, Love says, she keeps “seeing a disconnect … between our wonderful talented artists, and the visitors who come to the area. “And I feel like there is an opportunity here for folks who are making creative products, whether it’s performance or visual arts, to be more visitorready. And to find a way to access the market opportunity that those 9 million people coming to the county every year represent,” Love explains. One new opportunity that will be unveiled at the summit is a collaboration between the Arts Council and the Asheville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CVB). They’re working to build a new, comprehensive online calendar of creative happenings on the highly-trafficked exploreasheville.com site, which serves as a planning hub for visitors. Creative professionals and organizations will be able to post profiles and event information free of charge, directing potential new customers their way even before they set foot in town. “It’s a comprehensive opportunity for arts and culture,” says Love. “It’s a pretty big deal. We’re hoping for wide participation, from little tiny circus groups and schools to the major cultural anchors such as the Art Museum.” Although Love says that in the past artists have sometimes been viewed by leaders as the “red-headed stepchild” of the local economy, she sees the new site as a sign that things are moving in the right direction. “The CVB is putting their money where their mouth is in creating this free opportunity for artists through this web portal,” she says.
fun is seRious business: The annual Creative Sector Summit highlights the economic impact of local artists and entertainment events. photo by David Simchock
cReatiVe new futuRe There’s at least one compelling reason the mainstream economic development community has started taking local artists more seriously in recent years: A 2010 study by Americans for the Arts found that the nonprofit arts-and-culture industry generated $43.7 million in economic activity in Buncombe County. That money — $16.9 million spent by local nonprofits and another $26.8 million from audiences at arts events — supported 1,427 full-time-equivalent jobs, generated $32.5 million in household income for local residents and delivered $4.8 million in local and state government revenue. Those numbers don’t include the economic activity of artistic entre-
Creative Sector Summit aims to help bridge tourism industry and artists preneurs and private businesses. In fact, one of the major challenges facing the creative community is quantifying its financial impact, says Love. The Economic Development Coalition of Asheville-Buncombe County (EDC) has targeted the arts and culture sector as poised for growth. And the group does have some data to back that up: The industry grew 17 percent from 2005-2011, employing 6,500 people at the end of that year. The craft business alone generates more than $206.5 million a year in Western North Carolina, according to the EDC. Moogfest organizers estimate the music and innovation festival will bring $30 million to the area in April. However, Love laments, “We really don’t have enough numbers on the economic impact on the commercial side” of the arts industry. She hopes that the summit will help cultivate a push to fund a comprehensive new economic development study. An up-to-date and fuller picture of the industry could be a valuable tool in charting a future course, she says. There’s currently no good measure of how much tourism revenue is generated from artists and ends up in their pockets. One of the best things to come out of the annual summits so far, says Love, is last year’s formation of the Buncombe Cultural Alliance. Made up of a range of local arts, government and business leaders, the group’s mission is to “ensure the health of arts, culture and entertainment in Buncombe County … through advocacy, and through the creation of community and economic development strategy.” They’ve been working on writing a document that could eventually provide the backbone of an Arts and Culture Master Plan. They’ll present a draft and solicit feedback from the public at the Summit. Such a plan would provide “a strategic way that local governments can invest in arts, culture and entertainment,” says Love. Taken together, the Summit and related initiatives are all part of “shining a light on arts and culture as a tool for building great community,” she adds. “We’re trying to create a comprehensive conversation.” For a comprehensive list of Creative Sector Summit events and registration details visit ashevillearts.com/creativesector-summit-2014. X
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. day-by-day caLendaR is onLine Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx.com/events.
Calendar Deadlines fRee and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t find youR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
fRee Listings onLine (best) http://www.mountainx.com/events/submission e-maiL (second best) calendar@mountainx.com
wiLdfLoweR extRaVaganza: Celebrate spring with the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy as they lead a March 22 memorial hike near Burnsville to honor Bill Popper, a Yancey County resident who worked to preserve a 573-acre property filled with May Apple, Blood Root, Lark Spur and many other wildflower varieties. Bring warm clothes and a camera. Photo courtesy of Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. (p.16)
fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in peRson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365.
Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. e-maiL marketplace@mountainx.com. fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in peRson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
HorsebAck riding instruction (pd.) By retired horse show judge. Learn to ride correctly for pleasure or show. All levels-your stable/
paid Listings
horse or mine. Call 450-2724. Email: HorsebackHill@yahoo.com or visit www.horsebackhill.webs.com
benefits Are you smArter tHAn A fiftH grAder? • Through (3/31) - Registration is open for this quiz event on April 10 that benefits children first/ cis. $250 per team. Info: kaitlynb@childrenfirstbc.org 259-9717.
ArtspAce After Hours cAbAret • TH (3/20), 6-9:30pm - Ticket sales benefit Artspace charter school. Held at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. $20. Tickets and info: isisasheville.com or 298-2787. downtown After 5 kickoff pArty • WE (3/26), 7pm - Includes a performance by Empire Strikes Brass. Admission benefits Asheville downtown Association. $5. Held at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. Tickets & info: ashevilledowntown. org. evening witH An Album: revolver • TH (3/20), 6pm - Shared listening experience of The Beatles album, held at Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St. $10 admission benefits mAnnA foodbank. Info: facebook.com/eveningwithanalbum.
Hope cHest for women 5k • Through FR (4/4) - Registration is open for this run and walk raising funds for women in wnc diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancer on April 6. $30/ $25 advance/ $20 before March 28. Info: hopechestforwomen.org/conqueracove. leAf scHools And streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - Admission benefits this arts education program. Held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info: theleaf.org. mAke A wisH workout sessions • SATURDAYS through (3/29), 8:159am - Donations from group workouts will benefit make-a-wish. Held at Plank Fitness, 16 London Road. Suggested $10. Info: info@plankavl. com.
wAlk to end lupus now • Through (5/16) - Registration is open for this May 17 walk to raising funds for lupus foundation of America. Participants agree to raise $100 for the foundation. Registration and info: lupusnc.org or 877-849-8271.
business & tecHnology AsHeville mAkers • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Open to interested non-members. Top Floor Studio Coworking, 9 Walnut St. Info: ashevillemakerspace.org. AsHeville score counselors to smAll business Seminars are held in room 2046, A-B Tech's Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Rd, Candler. Info: ashevillescore.org or 271-4786. • SA (3/22), 9am-noon - "What You
Don’t Know Can Hurt You," for aspiring entrepreneurs. Free. goodwill cAreer clAsses Info and registration: 2989023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required. our nAtive AmericAn business network • TU (3/25) & WE (3/26), 10am-2pm - Small business training by Our Native American Business Network and Sequoyah Fund at Qualla Arts and Crafts Cooperative, 645 Tsali Blvd., Cherokee. Free. Reservations and info: 359-5005.
clAsses, meetings & events fine woodworking clAsses (pd.) Continue at City of Asheville's Harvest House Community Center! Next session begins Tuesday, April 1, 9 am-Noon and meets every Tuesday for 8 weeks. • Taught by professional woodworker and instructor Robert Haase, for all experience levels. More info at: (828) 350-2051 or MPolites@ashevillenc.gov or rowilhaas@yahoo.com 60+ men's sociAl group • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meets at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Info: 275-6396. bullmAniA At wnc Agriculture center • FR (3/21) & SA (3/22) 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. Info: 687-1414.
Homebuying worksHop TU (3/25), 6:15pm - Includes information on mortgages and home appraisals. Free. Held at Asheville Holistic Realty, 86 Ashland Ave. Info: 210-1592. ikenobo ikebAnA society • TH (3/20), 10am - Program: “Shoka Shimputai, using early spring materials.” Meets at First Congregational Church, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: blueridgeikebana.com or 6963140. info session for 'stAnd AgAinst rAcism' • WE (3/19), noon-1pm & 6-7pm - Open house detailing this YWCA event, held in April, which raises awareness about racism. Held at 85 S. French Broad Ave. Info: ywcastand.org or 254-7206. investment plAnning for lgbt couples • TU (3/25), 7pm - Seminar discusses tax and investment planning. Held at Lenoir Rhyne University's Graduate Studies Center. Free. Registration and info: lgbtplanningseminar.splashthat. com. lAnd of sky toAstmAsters club • TUESDAYS, 7am - Meets at the Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Info: edwmcg@ aol.com. lilliAn exum clement stAfford exHibit • Through MO (3/31) Chronicles the first female legislator in the South. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St., in the North Carolina room. Info: 250-4740. open House At uncA • SA (3/22), 8:30am-2pm - For high school and transfer students and their families. Info: unca.edu/admissions open House At wcu • SA (3/22), 9 am – For prospective students and their families. Registration and info: openhouse.wcu.edu or 227-7317. remembering rAvensbrück: women And tHe HolocAust • Through SA (3/29) - A traveling historical exhibition documenting life in this Nazi concentration camp for women. Held in UNCA's Karpen Hall. Free. Info: unca.edu. Opening and lecture with Ricard Harker: March 18, 7pm.
tAx AssistAnce Local libraries will offer federal & state tax assistance until April 15. Attendees must bring required documents. Info: 277-8288. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10am-4pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. • SATURDAYS, 10:30am2:30pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Not available March 15. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • 10am-4pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. west AfricAn drum clAss • SATURDAYS through (4/26), 4pm - All levels welcome. Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Free. Info: smirkelclown@yahoo.com. western nortH cArolinA cArvers • SU (3/23), 1:30-4pm - Meets at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Info: 6658273.
wellness A spA FeAturing world-clAss esAlen® mAssAge
81-B Central Ave In the heart of Downtown For Gift Certificates, Bookings, & more visit us online or call w w w. s t i l l p o i n t w e l l . c o m l 8 2 8 . 3 4 8 . 5 3 7 2
wingAte mbA progrAm info session • WE (3/26), 6:30pm Held at 220 Fifth Ave., Hendersonville. Free. Info: mbryant@wingate.edu or 980359-1031.
dAnce beginner swing dAncing lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. swingAsheville.com dAnce clAsses witH dAnceclub (pd.) Mondays: 6pm, "Flashmobbing", learn a dance to "Poison"! and Flashmob, starts March 24 • Tuesdays: 6:30pm: Jazz/ Funk - Dance and Sweat with James Brown! • Wednesdays: 6pm, Beginner Modern, 4 Week Series starts April 9. • Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Intro to Burlesque, Starts April 2 • Thursdays: 10am - Booty Camp exercise class! • Saturdays: 1-3pm - Burlesque Striptease Workshop with
With more with 85,000 copies distributed throughout Buncombe county, Asheville Eats and Drinks, is the most comprehensive Dining Guide in Western North Carolina.
On newsstands April 15th. TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE CALL (828) 251-1333 OR WWW.MOUNTAINX.COM mountainx.com
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
bubbly, April 12. • Pre-register: (828) 275-8628 or danceclubasheville@gmail.com or DanceclubAsheville.com Studio Zahiya, Downtown Dance Classes (pd.) Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10am Bellydance Wrkt 4pm Kid's Dance 5pm Teen Dance 6pm AfroBrazilian 7pm West African • Sunday 5:15pm Yoga • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya. com :: (828) 242-7595 Line Dance Classes • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30am - Held in the County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville. Registration required. $5. Info: linedanceclass.com or 8905777.
ArtSpace Cabaret WHAT: Sixth annual ArtSpace Cabaret followed by a silent auction. Admission is $25 day of event or $20 in advance. Tickets are available at artspacecharter.org or by calling the school at 298-2787. WHERE: Isis Restaurant & Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. WHEN: Thursday, March 20, 6-9:30 p.m. WHY: A silent auction rounds out the evening, with all proceeds from the auction benefiting ArtSpace Charter School, a K-8 public charter school housed in Swannanoa. The school provides a complete education through an integrated curriculum centered on the visual and performing arts. The sixth annual ArtSpace Cabaret, a benefit supporting ArtSpace Charter School, will have both a musical and comedy focus this year. The musical lineup features bluegrass from Buncombe Turnpike, composer BJ Leiderman, electric duo the Ahleuchatistas, Americana singer-songwriter Dave Desmelik, cabaret from Vendetta Crème, Scott
MARCH 19 - MARCH 25, 2014
Raines and local Appalachian folk artists Mountain Friends. The event will also feature comedy. Emceeing this year’s event will be Asheville improv comedy troupe the Reasonably Priced Babies, and local all-female sketch comedy troupe LYLAS will perform an original musical sketch. “After an initial year at the school, we moved the cabaret to Diana Wortham Theatre [Pack Place] for several years,” said Juliana Caldwell, marketing and communications director for the school. “This year, we’re excited about our new venue, the Isis.” “We have over $20,000 worth of silent auction items available,” said development associate Joshua Batenhorst, who is also a teacher at the school and a member of Reasonably Priced Babies. “Our goal is $15,000, and our early ticket and raffle sales (yes, there is a raffle, too) indicate we’re well on our way.” Emceeing this year’s event will be Asheville improv comedy troupe the Reasonably Priced Babies. Left to right, Joshua Batenhorst, Tom Chalmers, Mondy Carter and Karen Stobbe
Opportunity House 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 698-5517 or opportunityhouse.org. • MONDAYS (2/17) through (3/10), 6pm - Hula classes. All fitness levels. $40/$35 members for four-week session. Warriors of AniKituhwa Performance at UNCA TU (3/25), 12:30pm - Cherokee dance troupe and cultural ambassadors. Held in the Main Quad. Free. Info: cesap.unca. edu
Eco 'Water Troubles and Water Solutions' Lecture • SA (3/22), 3pm - With Carla Friedrich, from United Nations ecosystems management. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: stokely.jim@ gmail.com. Asheville Green Drinks • WE (3/19), 6pm - Duke Energy roundtable discussion on solar initiatives. Meets at Green Sage Coffeehouse, 5 Broadway. Free. Info: ashevillegreendrinks.com. Counter Culture Coffee Sustainable Spring Initiative • FRIDAYS (through 3/28), 11:30am - Classes on various topics in sustainability. Meets at 77 Broadway. Free to attend. Info: counterculturecoffee.com.
Ecology of Judiasm Class • SU (3/30), 10am-5pm "Permaculture and Shmita." Held at Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. Registration required by March 20. Info: tami@jcc-asheville.org. RiverLink Events Held at 170 Lyman St., unless otherwise noted. Info: riverlink. org or 252-8474. • WE (3/19), 4-7pm - Final review of Hominy Creek Greenway Master Plan. • TH (3/20), 11:45am-2pm - A bus tour of the French Broad and Swannanoa rivers. Meets at Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. $20/free for members. Registration required. • FR (3/21), 3-5pm - Friday Salon Series: "Environmental Legacies: Politics, Policy, and American National Character." Part 1 of 3. • SA (3/22), 11am-1pm - 'Name that Creek' potluck. Free with registration required. Vermicomposting Workshop • WE (3/26), 6:30-8:30pm Held at the Environmental & Conservation Organization office, 611 N. Church St., Suite 101, Hendersonville. $15. Registration and info: 692-0385. WNC Alliance Info: wnca.org or 258-8737. • TH (3/20), 6-8:30pm - "Take your passion and activism to the Next Level" conference at Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville, 36 Montford Ave. Free.
Festivals Celtic Christian Equinox Service • SA (3/22), 3pm - Held in a private home in Weaverville. Includes optional vegetarian potluck. Info & directions: 645-2674. Equinox Celebration and Ecstatic Dance • FR (3/21), 7pm - Held at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road. $20/$12 advance. Tickets & info: themothlight.com.
Kids Dance Classes at Black Mountain Center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Registration
Required. Info: blackmountainarts.org or 669-0930. • MONDAYS, 4-5pm & THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm Beginners Hip Hop. Ages 6-10. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. • SATURDAYS, 9am - Ballet. • MONDAYS, 5-6pm - Teen Dance, ages 11-15. Hands On! 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. $5 admission/ free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: handsonwnc.org or 697-8333. • WE (3/19),11am - Book 'n' Craft with Horton Hears a Who. • SA (3/22), 10am-noon & 2-4pm - Money Makes Cents. • TU (3/25), 11am - Mad Scientist Lab • TH (3/27), 4-7pm Kindergarten Readiness Rally. Parks and Recreation Department's Fit Kids Class • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (4/10) - For age 6-11. Meets at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver Ave. Info: jjohnston@ashevillenc.gov. Waynesville Parks & Rec Outdoor Program • THURSDAYS, 4:30-7:45pm - For grades 3-6. Held at 550 Vance St., Waynesville. $8/$5 members. Info: recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030.
Outdoors Bike Maintenance Class • TU (3/25), 6-8pm - Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. $40/$20 members. Registration required. Cerro San Lorenzo Climbing Trip Slideshow • WE (3/26), 7-8pm - A trip through the Patagonian Andes. Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Free. Info: 687-0918. DuPont 12K Forest Trail Race • Through (3/29) - Registration open for this March 29 event. Proceeds benefit the DuPont State Forest. Info: avl.mx/04s. Lake James State Park 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (3/22), 9am - Photo safari hike. Meets at the Paddy's Creek area breezeway. • SU (3/23), 9am - "Early Arrivals" hike. Meets at the Holly Discover Trail parking area.
FEATURES INCLUDE: n.c. Arboretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. $12 gate fee for nonmember vehicles. Info: ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • SA (3/22), 1pm - Grand opening celebration for TRACK trail, with kids' activity stations.
tri trAining bAsics clAss
st. gerArd House's connect progrAm
• WE (3/19),7-8:30pm - Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Free. Registration required. Info: rei. com/asheville or 687-0918.
• Through MO (3/31) Teaches K-12 students how thoughts and actions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: jenniferlaite@yahoo. com or 693-4223.
soutHern AppAlAcHiAn HigHlAnds conservAncy Info, registration and directions: Anna@Appalachian.org or 253-0095, ext. 205. • SA (3/22), 10am "Wildflower Extravaganza" hike near Burnsville. $10/ free for members. • SA (3/22), 10am - 3-mile Haw Creek Community hike. Free.
cHildHood dyslexiA documentAry screening • TH (3/20), 6pm - The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia. Held at Carolina Day School, 1345 Hendersonville Road. Free. Reservations required. Info: 274-3311.
trAil running bAsics clAss • TH (3/27), 7-8:30pm - Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Free with registration required. Info: 687-0918. tri trAining bAsics • WE (319), 7-8:30pm - Held at 31 Schenck Parkway. Free. Info: 687-0918.
HeArtspeAk for pArents & kids • THURSDAYS, 5-6pm - Ages 8 and up. Held at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. Registration and info: cathyholt@gmail. com or 545-9681. sAcred mountAin sAnctuAry open House • WE (3/26), 4:30pm - For grades 1-8. Located on Rocky Cove Road, Candler. Info and directions: sacredmountainsanctuary@gmail.com.
public lectures pAnel discussion on incArcerAtion • TH (3/20), 6pm -"Impact of High Rates of Incarceration." Held at Burton Street Community Center, 134 Burton St. Info: 251-6940.
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public lectures At uncA Free unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • TH (3/20), 12:30pm - "Life from Plants to God: Some reflections on article 27 of Henry of Ghent’s 'Summa.'" Held in the Whitman Room, Ramsey Library. • TH (3/20), 7:30pm "Shabbat, Digital Culture, and the Politics of Rest." In the
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
community caLendaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com. gurdJieff: tHe fourtH wAy (pd.) In search of the miraculous? What are the possibilities of inner evolution? New groups forming for those who wish to pursue inner work. (828) 232-2220. http://www. gurdjieff-foundation-wnc.org introduction to mAstering AlcHemy (pd.) Free talk with Q and A. Everyone is invited. Learn four energy tools in this introduction to Mastering Alchemy. They will help you discover who you are, why you are here and how to live as a multidimensional being. Big promise? Come see for yourself. • Saturday, March 22 at The Light Center, Black Mountain, 1pm or • Thursday, March 27 at Crystal Visions, 5426 Asheville Hwy, US Rt 25, 7pm. (828) 537-0727. ascensionmentor.com
magic, RituaL and moVement: Dancer Shamanique, DJs Rover Kochka and Antonio Aversano and others will lead a celebration, “prayerformance,” and ecstatic dance wave in honor of the Spring Equinox. The event takes place at Mothlight on March 21.Photo courtesy of Dominique Warfield. (p. 16)
Sherrill Center. • TH (3/20), 6pm "Troublesome Things in the Borderlands of Contemporary Art." Humanities Lecture Hall. • FR (3/21), 11:25am - "Black Freedom Struggle." Humanities Lecture Hall. rep. susAn fisHer speAks At mArs Hill • TH (3/20), noon - Part of Women’s History Month. Held in the university's Broyhill Chapel. Free. Info: mhu.edu.
seniors Adult forum At first congregAtionAl cHurcH • SU (3/23), 9:15am - “Self Obsession Plus Anxiety Equals Sin.” In the Felix building. 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville. Info: fcchendersonville.org or 692-8630.
spirituAlity Aim meditAtion clAsses (pd.) Ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s
Meditation’s Classes: mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. ashevillemeditation.com/ events, (828) 808-4444 An Afternoon witH AurorA (pd.) Join Aurora Foxx for a private concert featuring channeled improvisational classical solo piano at 4pm, Sunday, March 23, Weaverville. • Prepare to be peaceful, uplifted, inspired, invigorated, amazed. • $15. Member of International Sound Therapy Association. RSVP/directions: (828) 645-0235. AquAriAn consciousness fellowsHip (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
AsHeville insigHt meditAtion (pd.) INTRODUCTION TO MINDFULNESS MEDITATION Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com AsHeville open HeArt meditAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, http://www.heart-sanctuary.org Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.
intuitive development And your sAcred pAtH worksHop (pd.) Saturday, March 29, 1-4 pm. The Cathedral of All Souls. $25 advance fee. Reserve your spot, call Cassandra: 779-9800. i.c.urluvd1s@gmail.com mindfulness meditAtion (pd.) "AsHeville insigHt meditAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com mindfulness meditAtion clAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com A course in mirAcles • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 6:308:30pm- An open Bible study group. Held at Groce United Methodist Church, 945 Tunnel Road. Free. Info: groceumc. org or 298-6195.
A course of love • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Info and directions: 5054013 or coach@selfandsensibility.com. An explorAtion of spirituAl fun • TU (3/25), 6:30pm - Held at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 219 Chunns Cove Road. Info: ginny@thefunconspiracy.com. AsHeville sHAmAnic Journey circle • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-9pm Shamanic Journey experience required. $10. Registration and info: dreamtimejourneys. net or 398-0630. cloud cottAge 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain. Info: cloudcottage. org or 669-6000. • 4th MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meditation, talk and informal discussion. • WE (3/26), 1:30-3:30pm - "Breathing Lessons" for addictions professionals. dHArmA reAding And discussion • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. Free. Info: asheville.shambhala.org. grAce lutHerAn cHurcH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/9), 4:45pm - Lenten supper in Stull Hall. Reservations required. • 4th MONDAYS, 12:1512:45pm - Open sanctuary prayers. introductory lectures on tHe tm tecHnique • THURSDAYS, 6:30 pm Held at Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation, 165 E. Chestnut. Free. Info: 254-4350 or meditationasheville.org meditAtion And mindfulness prActices • SUNDAYS, 6-6:45 pm - Held at Asheville Yoga Center, 211 S. Liberty St. Free. Info: youryoga.com. musicAl celebrAtion of life • SUNDAYS, 11am - Held at Center For Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. Free. Info: cslasheville.org or 2317638. spirit lAws of life worksHop • SU (3/23), 11am12:30pm - "The Law of
Noninterference." Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. Info: eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775. women's book study And discussion group • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Seacoast Asheville, 123 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration and info: 2776400. wudAng tAi Ji quAn clAss • SUNDAYS, 11-noon - Held at French Broad Co-op Movement and Learning Center, 90 Biltmore Ave. $12. Info: greg@mysticdao.com or (401) 714-1051.
spoken & written word blue ridge books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. Info: blueridgebooksnc.com or 456-6000. • SA (3/22), 3pm - Author Leanna Sain discusses her YA novel Wish. buncombe county public librAries librAry AbbreviAtions - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n bm = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) • TH (3/20), 2:30pm - Book club: The Winter People by John Ehle. ss • FR (3/21) 10am-4pm- Coffee table book sale. pm. • TU (3/25), 7pm - History of Black Mountain College presentation. bm • WE (3/26), 10am Swannanoa sewing circle. sw city ligHts bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • TH (3/20), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet series features Terry Michelsen. mAlAprop's bookstore And cAfe 55 Haywood St. Info: malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted.
• WE (3/19), 7pm - Find Momo with author Andrew Kapp. • TH (3/20), 7pm - Jan-Phillip Sendker discusses his novel A Well-Tempered Heart. • FR (3/21), 7pm - Asheville Poetry Review release party • SA (3/22), 3pm - Story Time with The Cat in the Hat • SA (3/22), 7pm - Food writer Andrea Weigl dicusses her book Pickles and Preserves. • SU (3/23), 3pm - Donna Glee Williams discusses her book The Braided Path. • MO (3/24), 7pm - David Christopher Lewis discusses his book Advanced Studies of the Human Aura. • TU (3/25), 5pm - YA/ Teen Book Club: The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson • WE (3/26), 7pm - Natalie Goldberg discusses her book Living Color. • TH (3/27), 7pm - Ron Rash discusses his book Nothing Gold Can Stay reAding by AutHor sArA miles • TH (3/20), 7pm - From her book City of God: Faith in the Streets. Held on Warren
Wilson's campus in the Presbyterian Church. Info: warren-wilson.edu/~chapel or 273-7119. sketcHbook proJect mobile librAry • WE (3/26), 1-5pm - A traveling library of artist sketchbooks. Parks at Asheville BookWorks, 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Free. Info: sketchbookproject.com. spellbound cHildren's booksHop 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • FR (3/21), 6pm - Book vs. Movie Club: Holes. • WE (3/26), 5-6pm - First in a Series Club: Spirit Animals
tHriving cHildren ‘becoming A love And logic pArent’ six-week clAss • MONDAYS through (3/31), 6-8pm - Hosted by Child Abuse Prevention Services. Free. Held at 50 S. French
Broad Avenue. Info: mary@ childabusepreventionservices. org or 254-2000 ext 101.
volunteering AsHeville AreA HAbitAt for HumAnity Builds new homes for qualifying families and individuals while preservering existing homes. Info: info@ashevillehabitat.org. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for administrative office to greet visitors, answer phones. AsHeville city scHools foundAtion Works to create strong public schools and break the cycle of poverty. Info: jay@acsf.org or 350-6135. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to tutor/mentor students (K-12). Shifts are available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm. AsHeville community tHeAtre • MO (3/24), 6:30pm Volunteer orientation session. Held at 35 E. Walnut St. Info:
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
ashevilletheatre.org or 2541320. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Helps children thrive through partnerships with trained adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • ONGOING - Volunteers age 18+ needed to accompany youth twice a month to free or low-cost activities. Volunteers age 16+ needed to mentor one hour per week. • ONGOING - Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for volunteers age 18 and older to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from singleparent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue A shelter and foster network for area cats and dogs based in Fletcher. Info: wncanimalrescue.org or 885-3647. • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs involved.
Starting simply with Zen meditation WHAT Sunya Kjolhede Roshi, founder and teacher at Windhorse Zen Community, will lead an introductory workshop on Zen meditation.
ing the body-mind, you’re not putting anything into the mind but letting go of all thoughts and ideas and images that arise.
WHERE Weaverville Yoga Center, 1 Florida Ave.
What possibilities for self and world transformation can be found in this practice? Until you stop being at war with yourself and others, how can there be peace in the world? Until you deeply challenge your own internal status quo rooted in the false assumption of being a separate, isolated self, how can you hope to truly change your life or the social [and] political order? This isn’t to say you have to wait for enlightenment before getting involved in various forms of activism. The situation is too urgent now for that. But unless you work on this deepest level as well, getting to the root of the problem, how can there be genuine and lasting transformation?
WHEN Saturday, March 22, 2-5 p.m. WHY Xpress spoke with Sunya Kjolhede Roshi to find out more. Mountain Xpress: How does a Zen style meditation differ from other meditation practices? Sunya Kjolhede Roshi: Zen is a radically simple practice. Because our adult minds have become so complicated, however, simple does not mean easy. Zen emphasizes looking into and directly experiencing the fundamental truth of your own nature. Sitting upright, unify-
MARCH 19 - MARCH 25, 2014
Children First CIS of Buncombe County Provides programs to economically disadvantaged children & families. Info: childrenfirstbc. org. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:305:30pm.
Guardian ad Litem Advocates for neglected and abused children in Henderson, Polk, Transylvania and McDowell counties. Info: 694-4215. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed to track case progress and help children express their wishes. Average case: 3-9 months. Training provided. Literacy Council of Buncombe County Works to increase literacy and English language skills. Info: volunteers@litcouncil.com or 254-3442. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Adult Education Program, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling. Previous teaching experience not required. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Augustine Program which works with lowincome children reading below grade level. Previous teaching experience not required. Loving Food Resources A special needs food pantry providing food and other items to persons living with HIV/ AIDS or in hospice with any diagnosis. Info: admin@lovingfood.org or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food box delivery, sorting, graphic design and office assistance. Hours: Tue.-Friday: 9am-noon, Sat. 9am-2pm.
Rotarians Against Hunger • SA (3/22), 8:30am-5pm Volunteers needed to package meals for families in need. Held at the Reuter Family branch of the YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. The Rathbun Center Provides free lodging for patients & caregivers in Asheville for medical treatment. Info: rathbuncenter.org or 251-0595. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. WNC AIDS Project Provides resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: wncap.org or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers needed for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers needed to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/ Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required. WNC Alliance Info: wnca.org or 258-8737. • TU (3/25), 5:30-7pm Information for potential volunteers. Held in Suite 610, 29 North Market St.
MANNA FoodBank Processes donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Info: mannafoodbank.org or 299-3663. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to work in the warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening.
YMCA of WNC Works to build strong kids, families and communities in mind, body and spirit. Info: ymcawnc.org or 210-2265. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Rise & Reach Mentoring Program. Mentees are students in the YMCA's at-risk afterschool programs. Background check required.
Girl Scouts Carolinas Peak to Piedmont Works to foster leadership and self-esteem in girls ages 5-17. Info: girlscoutsp2p.org or 800672-2148. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed age 18+, especially to be troop leaders. Membership in Girl Scouts required.
Mountain Area Health Education Center Works for quality health care through professional training. Info: volunteer@mahec.net • ONGOING - Volunteers with strong customer service skills needed for OBGYN practice and family health center in Biltmore. 6-month commitment requested.
YWCA Advocates for young women’s leadership and welfare. Info: 254-7206, ex. 219. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required.
Girls on the Run A nonprofit teaching selfrespect and healthy living to girls. Info: gotrwnc.org. • Through (5/16) - Volunteers needed for the 5k held at UNCA on May 17.
Opportunity House 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 698-5517 or opportunityhouse.org. • ONGOING - Seeking volunteers to help in Thrift Store and at front desk.
CALENDAR DEADLINE The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 110
Environmental & Conservation Organization Works to preserve the natural heritage of Henderson County and the mountain region. Info: eco-wnc.org or 692-0385. • SA (3/22), 9am-4pm - A information and training session for potential Biomonitoring/SMIE volunteers. Held 611 N. Church St., Suite 101, Hendersonville. $5. Registration required.
Fritz loves her VW.
My Jetta TDI Sportwagen has the best mileage-to-stuff ratio. I can carry a lot of cargo and get 50 plus miles per gallon on highway trips with the clean diesel engine. I used to drive a Subaru, but when I was in college the first car I ever owned was a VW diesel Dasher. I am happy to be back in a Volkswagen! Fritz Johnson Co-Owner - Blue Heron Whitewater, Marshall, NC
Volkswagen of Asheville 621 Brevard Rd, Asheville, NC 28806 (828) 232-4000 • www.ashevillevw.com
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
From the
kid’s point of view you thought kids were only interested in playing video games and texting, then think again. For this year’s Kids Issue, Xpress sought out their take on what community means to them. Frankly, we were impressed. We received a range of writing that showed kids’ work on local service projects, thoughts on local heroes — from nurses to activists to a martial arts instructor — and poems that speak to their own experiences within the community. Kids also wrote about local problems — and what they think should be done about them. Student art likewise tapped into community themes, including color-drenched paintings of communal meals and sculptures that touch on our collective passion for the natural environment. Students came from various vantage points, including those from public, home and private schools. If these creative efforts hint at our community’s future, then it seems like a good sign of things to come.
INSIDE: ESSAYS, starting on page 23 cAmp liStingS, starting on page 26 pOEmS, starting on page 38
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Our approach
to critical thinking helps our students see beyond
the standard education
CItysCaPe: Reynolds High School senior ginger Buxeda says she sought to capture the life and essence of downtown Asheville through “dynamic use of gridwork and color.”
CommunIty servICe Last semester, my English class participated in a community service project. We were writing persuasive essays on environmental issues. This led us to want to get involved in helping our local environment. We took a field trip to the Dr. John Wilson Community Garden here in Black Mountain. My class of about 25 students spent the morning helping to give young trees a healthy start. It was very fulfilling to get out of the classroom, into the community, and give back to nature. It felt good to cooperate with my classmates in a hands-on way. I enjoyed donating some of my time to a good cause in our local community. — by Julie Hollifield, 11th grade, Owen High School
GIvInG baCk
It’s not always plain to see what makes one educational experience different from another. That’s why we encourage all prospective families to tour with us to see and hear the Carolina Day difference. Join us. We’re not just teaching, We’re creating critical thinkers.
Most of them cannot even understand what we are reading and singing, but you can feel their joy in the steadiness of the fragile, wrinkly hands, and in the veins pulsing underneath the papery skin. You can see it in their faces. Most schools would never dream of giving their students such an amazing opportunity to make an impact on an elderly community, but [The Learning Community School] does. I got to give back in honor of MLK Jr., and I gave back to the Highland Farms Retirement Community elders. You feel like an anomaly walking through the glass front door; the way it glided open without any of us lifting a finger, just a gust of wind blowing it open. As we stepped into the main lobby, nurses walking by in their scrubs saw us and stopped with their eyes propped open, as if to take in the scene as well as they could, faces glowing. To me, we were just a group of school kids, but to them we were so much more. We should have been played in slow motion, bombs going off silently in the background like in a dramatic movie, only the distant sounds of our tennis shoes stepping heel toe, heel toe. I had been expecting to have a few minutes to tune up my guitar, and rehearse my prepared poem a couple of times. The Highland Farms Retirement Community administrators had other plans for us. We walked into the quaint room closed off by a wooden sliding accordion wall, and I was overwhelmed by a warming sensation radiating out from a room full of elders surrounded by wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and oxygen tanks. They were ready and waiting, the no-nonsense type. Some of our group looked mildly frightened at first, but none of us could help but smile as the grandmas and grandpas began to applaud for us as we simply walked. We were caught pleasantly off guard. I step out onto the short-trimmed carpet, and sterilized air floods my nose. I feel pressure to represent my school properly and to signify the importance of this day. A subconscious rhythm approaches within my poem. Each word following another like footsteps on a hill. The rest of my time went by like a blur. Colors and sounds blending together in a fog. I made a difference in someone’s day — and my own — by doing two things: educating them, but most importantly getting to meet each person in that room and hear their stories I as talked genuinely with them. It went by so fast, too fast. The doors blew open, and before I could get my guitar chords straight, we were loading up on the bus and driving away. Highland Farms only a memory from the past. — by Amaya Kinch, seventh grade, The Learning Community School
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Music! cliMbing! Workshops + More! ARCHERY! MUSIC! WORKSHOPS + MORE! QORDS Queer Oriented Rock/Rap Day School June 15-20 3• Warren Campus • Swannanoa, July 29 - August • CampWilson GingerCollege Cascades • Lenoir, NC • YouthNC ages 12-17 No musical musical experience plans & Scholarships available! experienceneeded! needed!• •Payment Payment plans & Scholarships available! VISIT
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
barterInG: chloe travis, a fourth-grader at Azalea mountain School, used wet-on-wet watercolor painting to show two people swapping water pitchers for sheep.
Summer offers an opportunity for kids to develop other areas of their lives. The school year offers many challenges and structure, but summer camps offer opportunities in areas untouched between September and May. Our kids summer camp section offers sampling of area camps, separated by category and sorted alphabetically within categories. All camps are coed unless otherwise noted. Some camps offer so much programming that we could not list it all. Be sure to visit the website of camps that catch your eye.
Here campers will ride on purpose-built mountain bike trails and skill elements designed for all levels of rider to experience flow on a bicycle. Kolo Bike Park is a great way for young riders to build confidence and skill in a controlled environment. Other activities include use of an outdoor swimming pool and indoor activities such as bicycle movies and demos on bad weather days. The camp runs Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A limited number of rental bikes are available. Co-Ed, Ages 7-12, Weekly, Half-Day, June 16 through Aug. 15
640 Merrimon Ave., Asheville 280-0624 • ashevilleninjas.com • ashevilleninjas@gmail.com
3124 Landrum Road, Columbus 863-4235 • MindStretchAdventures.com • marklevin@windstream.net
Build confidence, movement skills, nature awareness and great friendships! Co-Ed, Ages 5-12, Weekly, Full-Day, June 16 through Aug. 1 KEYSTONE CAMP P.O. Box 829, Brevard 28712 884-9125 • keystonecamp.com • Katherine@keystonecamp.com Since 1916, Keystone Camp has encouraged and supported girls to become strong individuals. Teaching Keystone campers life-long skills and values in a fun and nurturing environment is the hallmark of the Keystone Camp experience. Keystone camp for girls strives to develop the total girl on an individual basis, offering excellent programs in horsemanship, daily horseback riding, tennis, land sports, water sports on two lakes, gymnastics, arts and crafts, dramatics, rock climbing and hiking in Pisgah National Forest. Nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains is a place for girls where friendships bloom, where adventure waits around every bend, where imagination and curiosity flourish, and where summers are sweet and live long in your memory. Girls, Ages 7-17, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 8 through Aug. 8 26
1 Resort Drive, Asheville 707-4876 • kolobikepark.com • theflow@kolobikepark.com
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
thIs lIttle lIGht The great thing about my school is on Martin Luther King Jr. Day we go out to do service! Some groups go around cleaning up the streets of Asheville, others help out at Brother Wolf, Full Moon Farms and many other organizations. My group went to the Asheville Health Center. We read clips of speeches by Martin Luther King Jr. I read “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” his final speech. We sang “This Little Light of Mine,” and a lot of [health center residents] sang along! We played guitar and violin for everyone, and they loved it. Afterward, we got to visit with the residents. At first I was pretty nervous because I didn’t know what to say, but everyone was so kind. One woman told me I had the voice of an angel, and a man sang for me! An older woman in a wheelchair hugged and kissed me, but she couldn’t talk much. All I could understand was, “Thank you,” and “I love you.” My school tries to put a little light into everyone’s life on MLK day. Our goal is to improve our community one step at a time. — by Ella Carlinnia, The Learning Community School, fifth grade
makInG a dIfferenCe Think about being a kid that sits around playing video games on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. MLK went through lots of trouble for the rights of African Americans. So, let’s get our butts off the couch and go do some service projects in his honor. I have always liked doing service projects and always will. I want other schools to do community service projects because it’s fun and because it can be with your friends. The community service projects I have done have been for a reason. I have gone to Brother Wolf and helped walk the dogs and made treats for them. I went to downtown Asheville and cleaned up the littered roads and parks. I have also planted stunning blueberry plants at the edible park downtown where people go pick fresh food for free. This year I went to my friend’s house, and we walked around the neighborhood collecting money and canned food for MANNA FoodBank [which] makes 29,000 meals almost every day, and my money and canned food helped them achieve that. Every time I did a community service project I feel like I have made a difference.— by Nick Murphy, The Learning Community School, sixth grade
MindStretch Travel Adventures offers exciting trips for boys to great destinations. While we do camp kinds of activities during the days, we have the luxury of motel rooms and a restaurant dinner at night. This summer we’ll have a week in Virginia in June and two weeks in New England in July. Established 1978. Boys, Ages 10-16, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 22 through July 19 vIKINgS SUMMER CAMPS 20 Commerce St., Asheville 254-2621 • acdt.org • ladansfrog@acdt.org Explore the history and culture of the ancient Vikings in separate summer camps for boys and girls under the direction of Giles Collard, co-director of Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre. Boys learn Scandinavian words and phrases, ax/shield stage combat,build model drakkars, create Viking plays, paint toy Viking warriors, swing on ropes June 16-27. Girls get experience with dance creation and instruction, costume making, performing and choreography with stage combat July 7-11. Boys Camp And Girls Camp, Ages boys:8; girls:7-boys 12; girls 11, Weekly, Full-Day, June 16 through June 27
FULL S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD! - One Day Wonders & Week Long Summer Camps! Science . Technology . Engineering . Art . Math Call 828.697.8333 to register. View full list of summer programs on-line. OPEN Tuesday – Saturday 10-5 pm
admission per person
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CommunIty Is... free ranGe: Bella Bergram, an eighth-grader at north Buncombe middle School, uses oil on canvas to show how Ashevilleans have embraced having chickens in their backyards.
a lIttle kIndness The week of the big snow, I went and asked my neighbor if I could go sledding on his hill. Not only did he say “yes” but he came out and played with me. I love living in Asheville because of how kind everyone is. I am so happy that my family chose to live here. I bet if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now. I really appreciate how nice the community is because now I have a lot more freedom. For example, I can ride my bike all the way down to the store without being worried about anyone being mean or abusive to me. One time, someone accidently bumped into me when I was walking down the street and said “sorry,” so then we started having a nice conversation. Almost every time I wave or smile at someone on the street, they usually always turn and smile back. I can’t say if there’s any downside about my community. I also think that it’s really important that the Asheville community has shelters for the homeless and special adoption centers for animals because both of these mean so much to me. I absolutely love living in Asheville. — by Fox Smith, The Learning Community School, fifth grade
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Little Star Nanny Service
ARTS/ACADEMICS CAROLINA DAY SCHOOL SUMMER PROgRAM 1345 Hendersonville Road, Asheville 274-0757 • carolinaday.org • lroland@carolinaday.org
Professionally Trained, Experienced, Reliable, Trustworthy, and Recommendations Available
Summer Programs at Carolina Day School, June 16-Aug. 10. Summer Quest at Carolina Day School is an active day camp inviting children throughout the community to learn, grow, experience and have fun. We offer in-depth, fun, challenging programs sure to delight, inspire and amuse. We offer extraordinary camp opportunities covering a tremendous variety of topics.
Ms. Troy Amastar 828-337-0441 dancingdragonfly@bellsouth.net
Joyful Noise Summer Strings Camp Location: 1st Presbyterian Church, 30 Alabama Ave., Weaverville, NC Dates: July 14-18, 2014 Ages: 7 to 18
Co-Ed, Ages K-12, Weekly, Full-Day, June 16 through Aug. 10
frenCh broad rIver: north Buncombe middle School eighth-grader cameron Edmonds uses tempera and oil pastel to show our community’s recreational use of the river — particularly tubing.
Camp Director: Marie Cole 828.458.3490 joyfulnoisecamp@yahoo.com
GraffItI Is an art
Register Online Today!
In a city that hardly sleeps, constant cars and bars are open until all hours of the night. [Asheville is] a city of art but criminalizes [artists] for decorating the walls. It’s looked at as gang-related; it’s looked at as “trash.” One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. The biggest problem about my community is that they don’t see graffiti as art. It all starts with a simple “tag.” If we never [had] learned to tag — the tag is the buttery essence of graffiti; it’s the most important part — we would never have learned how to do a “throw up.” Without learning how to do a throw up, we would have never learned how to do a “piece.” Without the knowledge to do a piece, we would have never learned how to do the “mural” you want to have on the side of your building. Just like everything you do in life, you have to start somewhere. If someone had never showed you how to walk, how would you have learned? My community, the city of art, should support our local artists, no matter what the form is. Give us free walls, a place to go without being prosecuted. Give my art a chance to grow. Don’t cut the head off before ever giving it a chance. — By Noah Burgess, Community High School
(Partial scholarships available)
haPPy sleddInG!
Our summer session and summer camp schedule is now available online. www.langoasheville.com 828-761-1679 28
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Snow. In my face, in my coat, down my back. Sledding is fun, but you have to be ready to be cold. Freezing cold. So cold you’d think you’d have to shove yourself in an oven to thaw yourself, and even then you’d still be cold. The street next to my house is the closest actual sledding hill, but the best hill I know is on this golf course. This certain part goes down at a really steep angle and has a jump that totally launches you. When my family and I went there this extremely snowy February, two people that share our house, Elizabeth and Hunter, came too. The first time I went down, I hurtled over the jump and then “plane-crashed” down. A sharp pain steered its way through my body from the bottom of my spine to my skull when I landed, but it was worth it. I watched three people crash because they flew off the jump and then landed on their backs, and each got up laughing. On another hill, there were three or four people making a snow fort. A bunch of other people were heaving huge slush balls at each other, and most of the people were sledding, sharing sleds, going on jumps and laughing together. That’s the coolest thing; everybody in the community was there having fun. I mean everybody. That is what I think community is: everyone in one place having fun. — by Chilly Curwen, The Learning Community School, sixth grade
CHILDREN’S WEEK LONg DANCE WORKSHOPS 6 East Chestnut St., Asheville 255-5777 • BalletConservatoryofAsheville. com • angielynnballet@cs.com Camps and dates: Broadway: June 16-20, dance 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., theatre - 1-4 p.m., ages 7-9 & 10-12;Swan Lake: July 21-25, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., ages 5-7 & 8-10; Alice in Wonderland: July 28- Aug. 1, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., ages 5-7 & 8-10; Sleeping Beauty: Aug. 4-8, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., ages 5-7 & 8-10; Coppelia: Aug. 11-15, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., ages 5-7 & 8-10; also, intensive summer ballet with placement by audition. Co-Ed, Ages 5-12, Weekly, Half-Day, June 16 through Aug. 15 JOYFUL NOISE SUMMER STRINgS CAMP 1179 Reems Creek Road, Weaverville 458-3490 • avl.mx/05e • joyfulnoisecamp@yahoo.com Unique summer program combining string education with an eclectic interdisciplinary arts experience. Co-Ed, Ages 7-18, Daily, Full-Day, July 14 through July 18 LEAF SUMMER CAMP 377 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain 686-8742 • avl.mx/05f • emmah@theLEAF.org LEAF Summer Camp welcomes
all rising first- through fifthgraders for a week full of daytime adventures through creative and performing arts. LEAF Camp will re-create the beloved festival experience for campers as they participate in dance workshops, healing arts, face painting, drumming workshops, hula hooping, costuming, performances and much more. Kids will transform into performing superstars by the end of the week, with a final performance for families and community members on Friday. LEAF Camp will be at the Wesley Grant Community Center, 285 Livingston St., in Asheville. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
You are cordially invited to a CARING for Children annual fundraising benefit, when we will honor the children and families served by CARING programs. “Oh the Places Youʼll Go” -Dr. Seuss
Thursday, May 8, 2014 6-10 pm, The Pack Tavern Century Room • Live Music by A Social Function Live & Silent Auction • Heavy Hors d’ oeuvres with Wine & Beer Asheville Business Casual • Friends, food, fun and loads of dancing! $40 per person in advance / $50 at the door For tickets or info call (828) 298-0186 or visit www.caring4children.org
Co-Ed, Ages 6-10, Weekly, Full-Day, July 21 through July 25 ODYSSEY SUMMER ADvENTURES CAMP 90 Zillicoa St., Asheville 259-3653 • odysseysummercamp.com • aguse@ odysseycommunity.org
Kennedy Center
Odyssey Summer Adventure Camp offers – in Montford – 10 weeks of sports and fitness, arts and crafts, games and sheer fun for kids 5 to 11 years old. Campers swim every day and play in a huge, wooded playground with more than one hundred trees. Percussion, messy science, ceramics and beading classes are offered various weeks at a nominal fee. Camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and options of five-, three- or two-day weekly sessions are available. After care is available until 5:30 for busy parents.
Excellence Award
School of
Co-Ed, Ages 5-11, Weekly, Full-Day, June 9 through Aug. 15 PAINT+MINgLE KID’S ART CAMP 735C Haywood Road, Asheville (615) 397-4961 • paintandmingle.com • annablair@ paintandmingle.com Summer Day Camp 2014 Paint+Mingle Summer Camp will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday, June 23, 25 and 27. Just as we did last year, the camp will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. each of those days. We will paint on canvas and crank out some amazing masterpieces, but we will also being exploring other medias, artists and artistic styles. The camp is for ages 6 & up. Campers will need to bring a bag lunch each day (please avoid bringing common allergy foods just in case). The cost is mountainx.com
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
We are CommunIty: community High School students Richard moore, Sabrina moore, Anabel mcilvaine and Hilda purvis collaborated on this long-exposure photo.
famIly Wanna know what CHS means to me? Family. I feel like CHS is a family that backs one another to the end. My view on school has changed since I moved to CHS. I moved from a school that judges people by their appearance. To them I was the troublemaker. I was the bad kid who gets in so many fights. The school forced me away from activities. I got fed up with it, and was about about to drop out and never become successful, [but] I went to the school counselor and she offered this school, called Community High School. My decision was about making my own future.
Get ready Asheville…
is coming to you! With expanded day camp programming to Buncombe County starting summer 2014, rising 4th-7th grade students will now have more opportunities to explore the peaks, creeks, and wild woodlands that make western North Carolina so magical. For more information or to register visit:
828-862-5560 • PO Box 146 • Brevard, NC 28712 30
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
The first day on the bus was really terrifying. My thoughts on how they would react to me took over — stepping off the bus, not knowing what I got myself into, no turning back now. Feeling the beads of sweat on my face made me even more nervous. I stepped through the big doors of the school. Getting my schedule and finding my class, I never thought of anything [but] feared I might not fit in. Being alone my first two weeks was very cruel. Meeting other people was hard for the first few weeks. I finally went around socializing with the people that sat next to me. That year was the best experience of my life. I got to go to my first prom as a sophomore, whereas at my base school, you had to be a junior or senior to go to prom. Every semester, new kids come and some old ones go. Getting to meet new people and showing them what it’s like to be a CHS student is the best feeling ever. Knowing you were the one that helped them out and all — is a proud moment. I feel if every school was like CHS then NO ONE would get in trouble or kicked out over crazy things. … Some say [CHS is] the “bad kids school,” but if you really look at us, we are just like other kids, but we might have issues that we overlook and accepted for ourselves. I like how you look in the cafeteria and nobody is grouped in categories where they feel like they are treated badly and that they are not accepted. For truth, they are [accepted]. We have mothers that are trying to do better for their babies. We have dropouts that want a diploma. We have “misfits,” but in real life, they just want to be accepted. The teachers at CHS have oneon-ones with the students. They don’t just get to know the student as the student. They treat them as a friend. Even after they rise to the next step in life, the students always come back to see the teacher and tell them what kind of impact they have made in their life. The teacher-student relationship is a friendship and a bond that they have throughout life. I have teachers that I had didn’t see eye-to-eye with at CHS, but after I raised up to the next level, I still like the teacher. ... As I walk in the hall, I see teachers with a smile as big as the sun showing that they are really happy to be at CHS. Every day, it puts a smile on my face to see a teacher that is happy to work with kids and they love their job. As I go through my last year at CHS, it saddens me to leave because of the family I have made here every
$120 per child and we offer a $10 sibling discount. Enter code : SIBLING at checkout. Co-Ed, Ages 6-13, Half-Day, June 23 through June 27 POTTERY CAMP WITH MOUNTAIN ROOTS AT TC ARTS TC Arts Council 349 S. Caldwell Street Brevard, NC 28712, Brevard 884-2787 • mountainroots. org • tcarts@comporium.net Pottery Camp with Mountain Roots at TC Arts, July 7-11 or July 21-25. Morning session 9 a.m.-noon, ages 6-10; afternoon session 1:30-4:30 p.m., ages 10-15. Cost—$225 per camper. During this week of pottery camp, students will have the opportunity to learn and practice basic hand-building skills including the pinch, coil, and slab techniques. This experiential camp provides half-day, hands-on opportunities to be creative, meet other campers and create some really cool and useful art. Co-Ed, Ages 6-15, Weekly, Half-Day, July 7 through July 25 SUMMER ART CAMP 2 South Pack Square, Asheville 253-3227 • ashevilleart.org • smcrorie@ashevilleart.org Summer art campers spend their summer days in the Asheville Art Museum’s studio with talented art instructors exploring and creating art of various media. Art campers may sign up for all-day sessions or choose from a variety of half-day sessions. Co-Ed, Daily, Full-Day, June 16 through Aug. 8 SUMMER ART CAMP AT TC ARTS 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard 884-2787 • artsofbrevard. org • tcarts@comporium.net The Transylvania Community Arts Council invites youths ages 5-12 years old to explore visual arts, music and dance. The week-long camp is June 16-20. Morning and afternoon sessions are available. The morning session goes from 9 a.m.-noon, and the afternoon session goes from 1-4 p.m. Cost for the art camp is $75 per child. To register, call TCArts Council at 884-2787 or email tcarts@comporium.net. Co-Ed, Ages 5-12, Weekly, Half-Day, June 16 through June 20
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
day. Every day, I have gone through many problems, but knowing I have a teacher to talk to makes me feel like they do care and they do wanna help with whatever problem I have. The staff at CHS is the best, and to be honest, I do love each one of them. I feel like I made a place at CHS as a successful student. This letter isn’t for publicity but for love. I love CHS and if I was offered to go back to my base school, I would decline that offer because CHS is where I am supposed to be. When I graduate from CHS, my heart will be always here. It makes me sad to know that I am leaving the best school that I have ever enrolled in, but I will forever have it with me in the knowledge and experiences I gained here. — by Matthew Griffith, Community High School
more than a sChool Community High School is more than just a school. It has helped me realize that nothing or no one is worth giving up on. Every student is here for a reason. We are more like family here. The love and support we have for one another follows us outside these walls. I know if I need to talk to any of them about anything, they will be there, no matter what. If it was not for this school, many of the people I’ve known my whole life would’ve gave up on everything. It has helped me realize I can do anything I set my mind to. Thanks to CHS, my brother is living his American dream. My family and I will be eternally grateful for the second chance I received here. I will never stop telling people just how much this school has meant to me and my brother, Randy. Thanks to y’all, we didn’t drop out. I don’t care who knows I went here. I ain’t ashamed to say it. Honey, I embrace the fact that this is where I will receive my diploma. — by Mystie Hancock, Community High School
What Chs means to me What CHS means to me, it means a new start at finishing school to help my education. I can learn more because my class has less people so I can get more help. But some kids who go here are too resistant to learning. They cuss and don’t work. That’s the one thing I dislike about Community High School. I like how most of the teachers are nice and talk to you and listen to you. I also like how the school is full of different kinds of students. Everyone gets along better here than a base school. People don’t judge other kids as much as kids do at regular schools. — by Dalton Burrell, Community High School
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
SUMMER BOOK CAMPS 408 N Main St., Hendersonville 697-1870 • fountainheadbookstore.com • Ftnhead1@att.ne We have camps based on book-themes such as Ivy & Bean, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Treasure Island and many more. Activities include popcorn reading, crafts, scavenger hunts downtown and writing projects. Co-Ed, Ages 9-13, Half-Day, June 10 through Aug. 5 SUMMER CREATIvITY CAMPS AND DESIgN STUDIOS Asheville 545-4827 • rootsandwingsarts.com • info@ rootsandwingsarts.com Join our exceptional camps offering a variety of art forms, including art, dance, music and film! Co-Ed, Ages 3-17, Weekly, Half-Day, June 16 through Aug. 1 SUMMER DAY CAMP FOR KIDS 302 Davis St., Hendersonville 329-1329 • msartschool.com • m.rathsack.art@hotmail.com Half-day and full-day workshops and week-long camps available for ages 5-12, June through August. Theme weeks: Clay: pinch pots, coil pots, slab pieces and pottery wheel; drawing – pencil, colored pencil, pastels, charcoal; painting – watercolor and acrylic; fiber arts – weaving, felting, batik, tie-dye, papermaking, beading, embroidery; funky art – junk sculpture, edible sculpture, duct tape art, recycled art. Check out the website for specific dates and times! Co-Ed, Ages 5-12, Daily, Full-Day, June 16 through Aug. 18
ATHLETICS ABYSA FUNDAMENTALS SOCCER CAMPS 2014 439 Azalea Road, Asheville 299-7277 • abysa.org/ camps • shane@abysa.org ABYSA’s FUNdamentals Soccer Camp offers a games-centered teaching approach to soccer education, creating an exciting and entertaining environment designed to boost player learning. Campers will be placed in proper age groups and skill levels to
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Dr. Josh & Dr. Scott
General Dentists Serving Children We provide preventative and restorative pediatric dentistry, early interceptive orthodontic treatment, pediatric oral surgery with sedation in-office and Mission Hospital based general anesthesia.
Member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical Staff of Mission Hospital, Gnathos Orthodontic Society, and the North Carolina and Buncombe Dental Society
(828) 274-4744 • www.DrJoshDentistry.com 11 Yorkshire Street, Asheville, NC 28803 34
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
heroes ClImbInG a mountaIn toGether: Azalea mountain School fifth-grader caleb mcintosh uses wet-on-wet watercolor painting to show two friends climbing the Blue Ridge mountains.
my smIlInG hero As we rush by, my tired eyes gaze gloomily out of the window, looking at a shy blur of green trees. Red flashes surround me as cars turn onto the smooth paved driveway of Owen High. Fields emerge on the left as bleachers on the sides reflect the bright sun. I turn away quickly to save my worn pupils that wish to still be dreaming. Student parking lots hide behind big fields of green. As a small security hut comes into sight, we drive around the right side of it. A thin figure blocks the light making my eyes jerk closed again, too bright, too dark — no, too tired. My eyes slowly open again and focus in on a sweet old man staring back at me, a wide smile across his face. A quiet, “Hey kiddo,” slips from his lips as his big wrinkled hands wave a welcoming “hi.” Like every morning when his kind smile greets me, a smile quickly spreads across my face and I giggle. I look ahead at the high school building that is now in sight. I start to think of all those people that I see daily that don’t know who I am and still take that extra minute to appreciate me. I ask myself, “What if the world were made out of people like him?” — by Leigh Siler, The Learning Community School, sixth grade
my lIttle hero A hero to me is is my daughter, whose name is Perla Mariana Moreno. She has changed my whole life around. I lived in a place with my mom where drugs was all there was. I was always told that as I get older, I’m going to be a bad kid and do wrong things or make negative choices. In my mind, I couldn’t stop but think, “Are they right? What would I become if everybody’s comments were correct?” I would feel really bad because I wanted different for myself. Sometimes, I would just not want to be here due to the fact that I had nothing leading me in the right direction. Once I was told that I was almost three months pregnant, I felt like my world lit up. The fire that I was waiting for ... started burning. In my mind, I was [bursting with] joy knowing that the person I was waiting to get me on the right path was inside of me, growing every day, giving me more and more reasons to change who I am. As days and months went by, I felt a difference in who I am. I started to have more confidence and wanted to do more things. I started finishing school, married my daughter’s father and moved to my dad’s house. Since those decisions were made, my life has been complete. My daughter is now 14 months old. I have been married for almost three years, and I am now graduating. If it wasn’t for my daughter, I wouldn’t have gotten this far and done what I have done. Thank you, God, for listening to my prayers and giving me what I love the most in this world. — by Raven Rathbone, Community High School
Celebrating the Joy of Motherhood PRENATAL YOGA
Tuesdays 5:45pm with Cat Saturdays 9:15am with Christie
Mommy and Baby Fitness Tuesdays 1:30pm with Lizzy Baby and Beloved Wednesdays 11:00 am with Christie Mamas and Movers Wednesdays 9:30am with Christie
West Asheville Yoga.com
Mountain Xpress readers spend
n o i l l i m 2 $3 on school lunches annually.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
CookInG souP: Jasper Ankeney, a second-grader at Azalea mountain School, used beeswax crayons to show a traveler stirring soup for the community.
ensure all players benefit from developmentally appropriate activities, teaching and competition. The camp will employ games designed to build technical foundations for dribbling, passing, receiving, shielding and shooting. Older age groups (11-14-year-olds) also will be exposed to individual and small group tactical implications of the game. Co-Ed, Ages 5-14, Weekly, Full-Day, June 2 through Aug. 8
NATURE/SCIENCE/ TECHNOLOgY CAMP MUDDY SNEAKERS PO Box 146, Brevard 28712 862-5560 • campmuddysneakers. org • info@campmuddysneakers.org
CommunIty heroes I think the Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger is a hero in our community because he is risking his job for what believes is the correct thing to do. He is going against the North Carolina state constitution banning same-sex marriage and seeking to grant and approve same-sex marriage licenses. He is trying to do what he thinks is right for our community. He is a hero to me because I agree they should be able to have same-sex marriage because they are still normal people just like everyone else. They are still human — that does not mean they should be disrespected and not accepted for who they are. Reisinger is a hero to me because he is pretty much trying to get that point across and show that he cares and accepts people for who they are. — anonymous, Community High School
rememberInG laurey masterton Laurey Masterton was an amazing community leader. She founded one of my family’s favorite restaurants, Laurey’s. I never met her in person, but I saw her when I went to Laurey’s in the past. She struggled with cancer for most of her life and recently died of it. She was a long-distance bike rider, and, for part of her life, she worked in New York as a lighting designer for Broadway. She had two favorite hobbies: beekeeping and glassblowing. At age 12, she lost both of her parents due to cancer. Soon after that, she was diagnosed herself. She was 59 when she died, after battling cancer for over 20 years. I think Laurey was an amazing, inspiring person because she stayed strong, even when struggling with cancer. She was a very special person to many people because of her amazing thoughts and actions. She didn’t let cancer get in her way. She supported others during a hard time, even when she was going through a hard time herself. I know that not many people know about her, but I think she should be famous for all the amazing work she has done. It would have been an honor to meet her in person. Laurey made up a motto, “Don’t postpone joy.” That motto spread to be on bumper stickers, signs, posters, and much more. Walking on the streets in Asheville, I have seen many cars with that sticker. Now that she is gone, I don’t think we should grieve about it all the time and feel sorry. I also think we should finish what she started. She didn’t let a big thing like cancer bring her down, and we should follow her lead and do that too. We should be strong and keep going, even during an especially hard time in our lives. In that way, Laurey’s memory will be cherished forever. — by Sofia Hicks, The Learning Community School, sixth grade
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Camp Muddy Sneakers is a co-ed day camp for rising fourth- to seventhgrade students focused on inspiring curiosity, connecting children with nature, staying active, and cultivating a sense of stewardship. Campers will learn about the ecosystems and natural history of this region while exploring protected lands around Western North Carolina. Two rotating curriculums (Forest Explorer and Trail Blazer) provide different experiences for those campers wanting to join us for more than one week. We have expanded our drop off/pick up locations and will be offering multiple weeks of programming in: Brevard/Pisgah Forest, Arden/ Mills River/Fletcher and Asheville. Co-Ed, Ages 8-12, Daily, Full-Day, June 9 through Aug. 8 FIREFLY gATHERINg 715 North Fork Road, Barnardsville 777-8777 • fireflygathering. org • info@fireflygathering.org Firefly Gathering offers a wide range of classes for adults and children on primitive skills, traditional crafts, permaculture, nature connection, and eco-homesteading that are designed to be able to be applied to enhance everyday life. The gathering brings together a bevy of inspiring, amazing people. Besides classes we offer evening entertainment, basic infrastructure, and on-site camping. There is a children’s program each day during the four day event, and this year we are offering an adolescent “initiation” program for teens. This Festival is a great way to get the family together. Only 20 Minutes north of Asheville. Co-Ed, Ages 0-18, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 12 through June 15
Five Farms Camp connects young people back to the land in a tangible, practical and fun way. In this five-day camp, the kids will visit five different farms. On each farm, they will do farm chores, learn about how the farm runs and make a purchase. In this way, they will make a connection with their food, the farm and the farmer. We will then find a swimming hole, river or pool, have lunch, write in our journals and spend the rest of the day relaxing in nature. Co-Ed, Ages 9-14, Weekly, Full-Day, Apr. 14 through Aug. 29 FULL S.T.E.A.M AHEAD FOR SUMMER 2014! 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville 697-8333 • handsonwnc.org • info@handsonwnc.org Hands On!, the children’s museum in downtown Hendersonville, offers one-day camps and week-long camps. This summer our theme is “Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!” and we are focusing on science, technology, engineering, art and math for ages 3-11. Every camp includes lots of hands-on activities. Children will take home extension activities to keep the learning going! The length of our camps varies from two hours to four hours per day depending on the age of the campers. Please check our website for the full summer listings and all the details. Hands On! is the place where LEARNING comes into PLAY! Co-Ed, Ages 3-11, Daily, Half-Day, June 24 through Aug. 15 gREEN RIvER PRESERvE 301 Green River Road, Cedar Mountain 698-8828 • greenriverpreserve. org • info@greenriverpreserve.org Green River Preserve is a coed summer camp connecting children with nature. Located on 3,400 acre wildlife Preserve in the North Carolina mountains, Green River Preserve offers one-, two- and three-week summer camp sessions for campers in the rising second through ninth grades and high school expedition programs for rising ninth-graders through college freshmen. Staff are interviewed by the directors and carefully selected with regard to maturity, sensitivity, intellectual achievement and integrity as role models. Our camper to staff ratio is three to one. Co-Ed, Ages 6-18, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 8 through Aug. 8 RUN WILD! DAY CAMP
79 Maney Branch Road, Weaverville (321) 536-5615 • OnTheForestFloor. org • forestfloorwp@gmail.com
PO Box 8355, Asheville 28814 505-9687 • fivefarmscamp.com • fivefarmscamp@gmail.com
Our curriculum flows with the natural rhythms of individuals and their environment. Our Coyote Mentoring approach
recognizes the innate curiosity of each individual and encourages them to pursue that passion. This is a powerful means of bringing about deep connection to the natural world, others, and ourselves, and with that connection comes learning and growth. Children are immersed in an “invisible school” with the forest as their classroom. Through games, stories, and exploration they will learn: outdoor safety & awareness; animal tracking; wild edible & medicinals; bird language; wilderness survival skills; ancient crafts; community, self discovery and much more... Co-Ed, Ages 6-12, Weekly, Full-Day, June 23 through Aug. 15 TRUE NATURE CAMP Rocky Cove Road, Candler 407-0154 • truenaturecamp.org • truenaturecamp@gmail.com True Nature Camp offers summer day camp sessions for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 13. We teach nature awareness, wilderness survival, traditional living, native skills and philosophy, internal martial art and wildcrafting. Our programs connect kids with the natural world and their own true nature. We provide experiences that empower growth in self-awareness and independence, inspire cooperation through community living and foster a deeper appreciation and respect for the ecology of the earth. Co-Ed, Ages 8-13, Weekly, Full-Day, July 7 through July 18 WILD WEEKS - BEASTLY BEHAvIOR 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville 259-8082 • avl.mx/05g • kmastin@ashevillenc.gov Summer camps at the Nature Center are fun, educational experiences for all campers. Experienced teachers draw upon the Nature Center staff naturalist and the natural history collection to present a program designed to involve children in the wonders of the natural world. The classroom provides a headquarters for crafts, lessons and shelter from summer heat and thunderstorms as the children engage in exploratory activities throughout the Nature Center. Each camp session offers a unique theme using both plants and animals to create fun learning activities encompassing the arts, sciences and social studies. A variety of weeks and options are available. Camps start in June and the last end in August. Co-Ed, Ages pre-K-9th grade, Weekly, Full-Day, June 12 through Aug. 1 YUMMY TUMMY CABIN CAMP 233 Laurel Circle, Black Mountain (941) 650-0574 • yummytummycabin. com • freshfood4kids@gmail.com
Healthy foods, manners and nature. Your child will delight in creating and experiencing hands-on fun-fresh foods, sprouting, gardening, exercising and brushing up on their manners and skills with Karen Leonetti, author of “Yummy Tummy Rainbow Garden,” a children’s nutritional storybook. Come learn about the joys of eating well with a 20-year veteran teacher, as she shares her love for health, nutrition and nature! She owned her award-winning eco-green school since 1996. Her focus is gluten-, dairy- and sugar-free fresh foods that provide optimum health and well-being for school success. She makes it fun to eat well! Co-Ed, Ages 5-12, weekly, Half-Day, June 16 through Aug. 14
OTHER BRICKS 4 KIDz LEgO CAMP Fun Depot, 7 Roberts Road and First Christian Church, 470 Enka Lake Road, Asheville 606-4827 • bricks4kidz.com/ asheville • wland@bricks4kidz.com Bricks 4 Kidz offers weekly, half-day camps for LEGO enthusiasts. Each week, morning and afternoon sessions are offered, with different themes each week. Each day, boys and girls, ages 6 and up, will build motorized models, have lots of LEGO freeplay, make crafts, and do many themed activities. Some themes include: Mining and Crafting, Star Wars, Angry Birds, Remote Control Mania, Chima Challenge, Bricks 4 God, Superheroes & Ninjas, Pirates & Knights, Bricks 4 Girlz and Amusement Park Fun. Camp cost is $120 a week for all registrations in by March 31. Register online at bricks4kidz.com/asheville.
CommunIty hero Tony Morris is truly a hero in this community. He is wonderful with people and understanding in many areas. He is a seventh-degree black belt in taekwondo and owns a TKD school named Sun Soo. He has a way of making me feel special and appreciated. It seems like he is always cheerful and pays special attention to each and every student in and outside the do jang [school]. He always shows the five tenets on the do jang walls: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. Master Morris not only brightens the day of people in the do jang, but continues to make other people happy everywhere he goes. Hundreds of people that go to Sun Soo, both children and adults, are changed for the better by Master Morris’ positive attitude and rich personality. I have been participating in his TKD School for under two years and, since starting, I have grown much more respectful to everyone, and I feel that I am slower to anger that I was before starting. Master Morris is extremely smart and is adept at changing his tone and body language to make the person he is talking to feel comfortable. He is also a great “Teacher of Teachers.” The three additional full-time staff members are amazing at taekwondo and kind to everyone. Master Morris is very inspiring and has touched many people over the years. He is truly someone special. — By Sterling Bishop, Legacy Christian Academy, homeschool, fifth grade
hero My heroes work at Dr. George Washington Carver Edible Park. They’re trying to make our community greener by planting plants you can eat. The park is really green and bright, [with] a lot of fruit and nuts growing all over the place. They have grapes and chestnuts and a lot of other things you can eat growing everywhere you turn. When my school went to work there for MLK service day, we planted all different kinds of blueberry bushes. We planted six bushes total. The instructor (one of my heroes) taught us how to plant them. First, you dig a hole big enough for your plant. Then, put the bush in. After you put the bush in, refill the hole with dirt. Cover the ground around your plant with cardboard, then put mulch on the cardboard. Water it, then watch it grow. I enjoyed going to work at the edible park so much. It was fun because everybody there was really nice and just wanted to help our community. Anyone can go and pick the food when it’s ripe. But if you do, you should help by volunteering. That's what I would like to do when I grow up. I mean, what's more fun than digging holes all day? — by Sam Edwards, The Learning Community School, fifth grade
sChool sPIrIt:
Co-Ed, Ages 6-12, Weekly, Half-Day, June 16 through Aug. 15
community High School student Quinn Wunder showed his school pride in this artwork.
CAMP ILLAHEE 500 Illahee Road, Brevard 507-4750 • campillahee.com • mail@campillahee.com A traditional Christian girls’ summer camp. Girls, Ages 7-16, Monthly, Overnight/Full-Day, June 1-Aug. 8 QUEER ORIENTED RAP/ ROCK DAY SCHOOL 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa (503) 680-0763 • qords.org • qordsinfo@gmail.com This is a week-long overnight summer camp for queer and gender non-conforming youth or youth of LGBTQQIA families, with special focus on youth in the South. Young people ages 12 to 17 form bands and write songs to perform at the end of the
mr. West I would say that Mr. West is a hero of mine. He helps people when they need it, and he takes his own time to listen to what we have to say and how we could fix it. Mr. West means a lot to me because he has helped me a lot this year, like with my ex-boyfriend and when I needed to talk to him about the person I am in love with ... He is always there for me, and it feels good to know that someone cares how I feel and [he] makes me feel important and strong about myself. Mr. West is my hero and I love him and he is a true blessing to all of the Community High School students. — By Maria Luther, Community High School
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
PaWs on the Ground Pawing at the ground After dawn Wolves howl at the moon Sounds of silence fall On the count of three Now Trees hover over the scene Herds commence to run Enchanting sight Grace and beauty Racing, racing, racing Only focus is the beating of their hearts Unique color all around No obstacle or word can stop me Determination — By Jade, Asheville Academy for Girls
Green In the sun The green slithering shape moves ever so slowly. Inching up to the sunlight. Slowly when the month changes, it sheds its skin. The jade skin withers, and dies. New, brown, rough; hide takes its place. Green life covers the figure’s arms like little serpents, covering its head like a halo. Each day growing. — by Scott Watson, The Learning Community School, sixth grade
WeavervIlle Wonderful views Excellent experiences Art that is mind-blowing Valley in between mountain Erupting beauty Ranting about with friends Vast amount of wildlife Interesting people Leaves falling during fall Loving animals Eager to learn about great Weaverville — By Nicolette, Asheville Academy for Girls
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
week. They also attend workshops on issues related to creative expression, gender identity and sexual orientation. This summer camp will be held June 15-20 at Warren Wilson College. The end of camp celebration performance will be held in Asheville on Friday, June 20. Co-Ed, Ages 12-17, Weekly, Overnight/Full-Day, June 15 through June 20 SUMMER MUSIC CAMPS 126 College St., Asheville 252-6244 • ashevillemusicschool. org • downtownams@gmail.com Placement auditions are Saturday April 26. Call to schedule. Teachers include Frank Argento, Gary Bradley, Katie Oaks, Amy Rae, Gabrielle Tee, and more. June 16-20- Rock Band Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. June 23-27-Jazz Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. July 7-11- Pop Rock Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. July 14-18 - Chamber Music Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m, July 14-18 - Suzuki Splash Camp: 9 a.m.-noon July 21-25 Pop Rock Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Ages: 4-17 - Before and after care available. Description: Students will learn and perform different styles of music in a team-oriented, fun, and supportive ensemble environment. Co-Ed, Ages 4-18, Weekly, Full-Day, June 16 through July 26
SPIRITUAL/RELIgIOUS CAMP CEDAR CLIFF PO Box 9036, Asheville 28815 450-3331 • campcedarcliff.org • camp@campcedarcliff.org It’s seven weeks of incredible adventure! We offer Day Camp for rising K-6th graders, and one, two, and half-week overnight options for rising 2nd-10th graders. Outdoor activities abound: archery, zip-line, swimming, rappeling, whitewater rafting, climbing wall, overnight camping and more! We place an emphasis on relationships – with Jesus and with each other. It’s a summer adventure that lasts an eternity! Co-Ed, Ages 5-15, Weekly, Overnight/Full-Day, June 14 through Aug. 1 CAMP KANUgA 130 Kanuga Chapel Drive, Hendersonville 692-9136 • campkanuga.org • david.schnitzer@kanuga.org Established in 1931, Camp Kanuga is accredited by the American Camp Association, the industry leader in
I am a Chs student by Keelan Reavis, Community High School
I am a regular student, in a regular school, in which kids enroll to only look “cool.” Day by day I constantly hear people say that we attend the bad school. It’s a constant warfare between us and society. We are always being judged and being excluded for attending Community High. As CHS students, always being threatened of being handcuffed and sent away, we are peasants through everyone’s eyes. it’s not our fault, we always say. We are CHS students and we attend there each and every day.
We came here to graduate, if we may. Though we try to do our best, other schools treats us as pests, creating traps which are hard to avoid, that is how we live, being a student of CHS. As for me, a CHS student, I must say, our only request is a simple “Hey.” I speak for everyone at CHS: Please treat us fine. Enough with the demoralizing things that you enjoy sending our way. We are not paranormal, Nor abnormal, We are just like you, typical human beings attending Community High School.
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the lIfe of a PaIntbrush by Meadie Jernigan, The Learning Community School, fifth grade
A fuzzy tip hovers over the canvas. Should it paint a farm with fields of cows sheep and chickens? Maybe abstract with thousands of lines stuck together? Or possibly a forest with life and wonder? Even painting a bear in a tree could get other’s attention. So many choices, such complicated paintings, could a dying flower with rotten delight be the best choice? The brush decides on a birch forest in winter and sets to normal paintbrush work. First swoosh through the bucket of paint blazing through the gloop. Swish, swish, swish over the canvas
squirting wonders with its fine tip, splash into water the paint brush goes. Spirals of colors twist like a happy exploding party. Its fluffy tip splays out like a crazed bouncing jellyfish. splash again and it comes out of the color dance. Swoosh, swish, splash, swipe, the cycle happens over and over, like a boomerang, till the work of art is finished and the brush gets rest. The brush gazes at its masterpiece and art. The color on the canvas is extraordinary, delicate, pretty. Painting happens everyday, and life is the cause of inspiration.
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Start It Up Coding Camp June 16th-20th Warrior Women Camp August 4th -8th Sporty Sport Camp July 14th-18th Crafty Hoopla Camp August 11th -15th
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
setting standards for camp program quality and youth development education. As one of the nation’s longest-running ACA accredited programs, we are committed to promoting growth and fun in a safe, nurturing environment. All of our programs are designed to build independence and self-confidence while teaching the importance of respect toward each other and the world around them. As a result, campers form lifelong friendships, experience new adventures and explore their faith in a welcoming Christian community. Check out all we have to offer! Co-Ed, Ages 7-15, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 5 through Aug. 4
TRADITIONAL BLUE STAR CAMPS 179 Blue Star Way, Hendersonville 692-3591 • bluestarcamps.com • info@bluestarcamps.com Blue Star Camps is an American Camp Association accredited summer camp for Jewish children.
hIkInG In the mountaIns Heading forward Into the woods Knowing not where to go Imagine the scenery Nothing compares Going, going, going Into the woods Nobody else around Toward the top of the mountain Hike, hike, hike Everlasting beauty Make it last longer One more step Ultimate beauty Never want to leave Too amazing to be true At last I made it Impossible turned to possible Nice, calm Serene — By Lola, Asheville Academy of Girls
Co-Ed, Ages 7-16, Monthly, Overnight/Full-Day, June 15 through Aug. 3 CAMP ARROWHEAD FOR BOYS PO Box 248, Tuxedo 28784 692-1123 • camparrowhead.org • office@camparrowhead.org Since 1937, Camp Arrowhead has built the character, confidence, courage and compassion of young men through time-honored camping traditions, exciting outdoor adventure, shared living experiences and the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ. For more than 75 years Camp Arrowhead has positively affected the lives of young people. We believe that God offers a unique and wonderful plan for each of us. Our passion is to help each camper grow toward being the man God intends him to be. Arrowhead’s ministry is one that answers Christ’s call to serve one another. Boys, Ages 6-16, Weekly, Overnight/Full-Day, July 8 through July 19 CAMP ROCKMONT 375 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain 686-3885 • rockmont.com • info@rockmont.com Camp Rockmont for Boys, a residential and day camp, is an interdenominational Christian summer camp in Western North Carolina with a focus on male develop-
at the lake I am spread out in the grass, writing a poem, and this is what I have to say: Goodbye Goodbye Farewell to all. I hope peace to all and fall. The shining lake of water, the obnoxious geese honk all day. Waves of fall. Goodbye to the tall trees, spring and summer and winter. The trees are like a tiny rollercoaster without leaves. When it is winter, all of fall will fall and die. Orange drips spilling out of the leaves losing the colors of fall; And now, dark blank brown evil colors take over. But then I see smooth sparkling snow like a baby’s soft fresh skin. Quiet snow, the only sound is a bunny. Pat pat pat goes the bunny. — By Sophie Murphy, The Learning Community School, fifth grade
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Western North Carolina’s Premier climbing facility
Summer camps 2014
Four great summer programs for the young and developing climber. Several different weeks to choose from! session#1
June 16th-June 20th Suggested ages: 6 yrs.-11 yrs. session#2
July 7th-July 11th Suggested ages: 8 yrs.-13 yrs. session#3
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raIny days Rain is dripping, dropping Anywhere and everywhere Imagine the sky, the ground, the bird’s wing Never have I seen such a beautiful thing Yet it’s the same world as before Damp grass on my feet And the water from the trees still dripping on me Yearning this perfectness to never end Seeing all this makes trouble disappear — By Lola, Asheville Academy for Girls
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Boys, Ages 6-16, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 8 through Aug. 8 CAMP RUACH 236 Charlotte St., Asheville 253-0701 • jcc-asheville.org/youth/ camp-ruach • seth@jcc-asheville.org
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ment. Activities include camping, hiking, kayaking, blacksmithing, homesteading, canoeing, crafts, guitar and more. Campers live in cabins of 8 to 12 boys their ages, select four skills to learn and develop and participate in large-group activities with their age group. Rockmont seeks to foster a better understanding and respect for self and others; an appreciation and concern for the environment; greater self-reliance, self-respect, self-confidence, and self-esteem; stronger Christian values; and a greater understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
freedom The wind roars like a solid orange lion. When I collapse in the polished green grass, it feels like a sleek tree frog. When surrounded by nature’s creation, I feel free from the upsetting stuff drowning my imagination. When I crunch the leaves with all fours, it sounds like a charming spirit just waiting to come out. When I feel the leaves, fresh leaves on the tree, it feels like a silver armadillo. I will wait under the canopy trees as they protect me from the dark night. — by Fields Wright, The Learning Community School, fifth grade
Every summer an extraordinary community is created and blossoms at the Asheville JCC. Campers and counselors bond, building lifelong relationships as we explore, laugh and grow. Together we embark on a journey of self-discovery, conquering challenges and celebrating triumphs along the way. Camp Ruach is a unique Jewish day-camp experience open to all first through eighth graders. Each one-week session is an adventure, filled with swimming and sports, cooking and crafts, nature and gardening, dance and music – ending with the celebration of Shabbat. We are a true community, creating unity from diversity while having the time of our lives. Co-Ed, Ages 6-13, Weekly, Full-Day, June 16 through Aug. 8 CAMP WAYFARER P.O. Box 850, Flat Rock 28731 696-9000 • campwayfarer.com • info@campwayfarer.com A residential summer camp for boys and girls ages 6 to 16 in Flat Rock. Co-Ed, Ages 6-16, Weekly, Overnight/Full-Day, June 22 through July 31 gWYNN vALLEY 301 Gwynn Valley Trail, Brevard 885-2900 • gwynnvalley.com • mail@gwynnvalley.com Gwynn Valley is located in Brevard on 320 acres and has been a summer camp for boys and girls since 1935. We offer a farm, wilderness and traditional program that nurtures the child while fostering a connection with the land and the simple joys of childhood. Our values are simplicity, acceptance and a strong connection to the land
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Now real grass has some REAL competition!
In motIon: Reynolds High School 10th-grader Julia Briden used charcoal and pastel to depct a beloved community pastime.
Community by the cinquain
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Mr. K’s
short city poems from the asheville academy for Girls
sPark Asheville's music Inspire and dream Revealing Striking Relieving Music saves lives! — By TSR
Used Books, MUsic and More
lake toxaWay Magical, mysterious Hiking, camping, climbing Beautiful sunsets between mountains Home — By Katt
Breath-taking views, erupting beauty Relaxing, fascinating, intriguing Endless memories created The Biltmore! — By Sarah
Ample, elaborate Stunning, astonishing, mesmerizing A timeless piece of extraordinary architecture The Biltmore Estate — By Christine
drum CIrCle
blaCk bear
Drums Cheerful, elegant Exciting, playing, singing The rhythm makes me dance Perfect place — By Delilah
Bear Hibernating, eating, growling "King of the Forest" Black Bear — By Allie
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
stone souP:
CommunIty servICe Important, helpful Saving, providing, rescuing Helping the mistreated Animal Haven — By Cate
the hoP Dessert Delicious, tasty Licking, chewing, smiling Homemade and vegan ice cream Ice cream — By Hannah
bIltmore estate Asheville Hippies, music Laughing, drumming, smelling People prancing around Carolina — By Nicolette
anImal Wild untamed Living loving giving They run as fast as the wind Cheetah — By Ann
bears Brave, courageous Sleeping, eating, growling They are very big animals Big black bears — By Julianne
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Azalea mountain School second-grader myfanwy Story Yencken used beeswax crayons to tell the tale of a travel in the community.
fun dePot Fun, energetic Enjoying, partying, interesting A place for family fun Play time — By Kendra
ashevIlle mall HUGE, fun! Accepting, laughing, greeting Full of adventure Shop till you drop!!! — By Harley
bIltmore Gigantic, stunning Towering, photographing, touring Gorgeous old mansion Estate — By Emily
WeavervIlle Strange, hippies Interesting, quilting, wandering A weird place to be Weaverville — By Sophie
in a noncompetitive atmosphere that emphasize individual achievement. The strength of Gwynn Valley is its nurturing environment in a child-centered world where each camper will learn and grow under under the guidance of a mature and caring staff. Co-Ed, Ages 5-14, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 7 through Aug. 10 HICKORY NUT gAP FARM CAMP 15 Clarke Lane, Fairview 273-6236 • hickorynutgapfarmcamp. com • annieagerhng@gmail.com Hickory Nut Gap Farm Camp is a day camp for 6- to 13-year-olds located in Fairview. We offer art, pottery, drama and horseback riding. The camp operates from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 16 through July 18. Children bring lunch and can swim during the lunch hour. At the end of the week the children present a short play which parents and family can attend. Co-Ed, Ages 6-13, Daily, Full-Day, June 18 through July 18 RIDgECREST SUMMER CAMPS
Asheville Academy for girlls student Sarah green celebrates a community treasure.
PO Box 279, Ridgecrest 28770 669-8051 • ridgecrestcamps.com • rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com Ridgecrest Summer Camps: Impacting lives for God’s glory through discipleship and adventure. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, our camps are designed for individual attention, maximum fun and the safety of each child. We facilitate camper growth by offering a Christian camp program that has been around for 130 combined years. Camp Ridgecrest for Boys and Camp Crestridge for Girls each offer 25+ activities taught by solid Christian role models. Our staff is highly trained, committed believers with a heart for children/youth ministry. Join us for an unforgettable experience of fun encompassing physical, mental, social and spiritual growth. Girls, Ages 7-17, Overnight/ Full-Day, June 8 through Aug. 8 ROCKBROOK CAMP FOR gIRLS 3460 Greenville Highway, Brevard 884-6151 • rockbrookcamp.com • office@rockbrookcamp.com An exciting sleepaway camp for girls located in the mountains near Brevard. Two-, three- and four-week sessions offered. Girls, Ages 6-15, Weekly, Overnight/Full-Day, June 8 through Aug. 14
N at u ra l
Ba by
Fun Old, special Exciting, Interesting, Amazing An extremely creative city Asheville — By Loren
St ore
ashevIlle Weird, bizarre Drumming, expressing, entertaining The people, places and hippies Carolina — By Anonymous
ashevIlle Special place Unique, creative Thinking, saying, doing Stay weird Asheville — By Lola
sky Rainbows Gorgeous, peaceful Laughing, enjoying, watching The pot of gold at the end — By Emily
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Don’t have an AVERAGE Birthday party this year...
Pearl of the frenCh broad rIver: north Buncombe middle School eighth-grader chelsea trentman depicts an Appalachian elktoe mussel (and other aquatic life) via handbuilt ceramic earthenware.
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nurses are my heroes My mom is a nurse. She helps us not get sick. She works in the emergency department in the hospital, so she helps a LOT of different people, at different times. During the snowstorm, she stayed at the hospital for 3 days to take care of people! She helps people not die. That is REALLY important work! — by Henry Bennett-Murphy, second grade, The Learning Community School (TLC)
my heroes Think about it — police are our heroes, what would happen without them? They risk their lives for us and the people in the community, like firefighters risk their lives for us. If someone got robbed or shot, the police might have to catch the robber even though it’s dangerous. Police are brave! — by Charlie Edwards, second grade at TLC
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firefighters I think a firefighter is a hero because they put out fires and that helps people live. Once I went to a firehouse with my class. They taught me how everything works. It was so cool! When I was there, they had an alarm and they were REALLY fast! — by Walker Compton, second grade, TLC
heroes I appreciate firefighters because they work really hard to save people and put out fires. They also help people who have been in a fire or in an airplane when they crash. Firefighters even help when there are car accidents. When bad things happen, I’m glad we have firefighters. — by Alex Forehand, second grade, TLC
Community We need to appreciate EVERYONE in our community who help make it a better place to be and live. Like the police and firefighters who give up their time to help others. Teachers, who give education to children who need to learn. Foster parents, who take children home and care for them. Every job is really important to everyone! — by Taylor Conklin, second grade, TLC
Community problems I think Asheville is a great place, but there is one problem that I have been seeing often, people paying too much attention to their phones. Once I saw a mother downtown pushing a baby in a stroller, but she was on her phone and not able to notice our beautiful downtown. I have seen that in restaurants too, where families or friends are paying attention to their phones and not the the people they went to the restaurant with! So I think we should turn off our phones and notice our beautiful world! — by Addie Ruth Ellison, third grade at TLC
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
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In our community, I think there is too much littering. I think people who are making this mistake should stop and think about what they are doing. I think people shouldn’t litter because it affects animals, plants, and other people, because someone might throw a wrapper in your yard. For example, one time I was getting out of the car from school and I saw a wrapper in our lavender bush! And sometimes, maybe when it’s starting to be springtime, you see little tulip sprouts, but there’s an empty chip bag on them. How I think we can stop littering: though I don’t think we can stop littering completely, some of us can pitch in and help. Maybe over the weekend you could go around and pick up trash in your own neighborhood. — By Ivy Anderson, third grade, TLC
What is community?
To me community is a group of people, but it’s not just a group a people, it’s people who care for each other and are willing to lend a hand when needed. Neighborhoods, soccer and baseball teams, ballet, martial arts, gymnastic studios, and schools are all communities. I have to admit I really wish I contributed to the community more often, although that doesn’t mean I don’t. I have gone to help at Manna Food Bank, Black Mountain Neuro Treatment Center, Highland Farms, and the Asheville Humane Society. There aren’t just good things in our community, there are also problems, for instance homelessness, littering, and lost pets. These are not specific to our community, they exist in just about every town or city. We all need to help out by contributing to places that help others, like Brother Wolf Animal Rescue does in Asheville. That’s also why we need people like my dad, who makes healthy mattresses. Why would this be important, you might ask? Have you ever known someone who has to sleep on the floor or has an old or moldy mattress? People need good mattresses to be healthy and my dad’s are made from all natural materials. There are all kinds of jobs that make life better for community, and each one is important. — by Zinnia Marquis, third grade at TLC
TheHopIceCreamCafe & TheHopWest hopicecream & TheHopWest lIvInG on a farm: Erwin
middle School eighth-grader Jim Surrett illustrated life on a farm with colored pencil and crayon.
Join us for another Summer of Creativity and Fun!
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Why littering is a problem
In our world, littering is a huge problem. People around Asheville throw their garbage in places they should not. You know you’ve at least done it once or twice. Some people just throw their stuff on the ground without even caring. When one person litters, it’s just one piece of trash, but if many people litter, it accumulates and will blow around and get run over by cars. When it blows off the road, animals may think it’s food and eat it. But then the animal could get sick or die. If you see someone littering, you can speak up and tell them it’s wrong. If you see litter on the ground, pick it up and put it in its rightful place. If you do that, you can make the world a cleaner and better place for animals and people. — by Dean Gorelik, fourth grade at TLC
my hero
My hero in my community is my guitar teacher, Ms. Annie. She teaches so well, and is nice and funny. She also plays and teaches piano. She is such a good teacher, that after just a month of practice, I’m really good. I really like how friendly and non-strict she is. It’s a blast when I go to lessons and practice with her. She looks on her computer and finds jazz music chords and makes a song for me to play. She even makes up songs for me to play and makes them fun. She teaches lots of people, and once you learn how to play music, you can enjoy playing your whole life. — by Jackson Zeh, fourth grade at TLC X
Summer Programs
June 16 - August 10
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Think positive Triple P parenting program gains fans in WNC
by Lea mcLeLLan
lmclellan@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 127
A toddler throws a tantrum in the grocery store parking lot. A kindergartner refuses to put on her pajamas. A 4-year-old’s favorite new word is an emphatic “no!” These are all behaviors that most parents have faced at some point in their child’s development. These are also all problems that Triple P — short for the Positive Parenting Program — aims to help parents deal with. Triple P is not a typical parenting class. It’s a public-health initiative being implemented across the region — and around the world. Since the grant for the program came through in June, Triple P’s program coordinator at Buncombe County Health & Human Services, deanna Lamotte, has trained 70 professionals across 25 private, public and nonprofit agencies in Western North Carolina since the summer. Providers range from child care staff members to pediatricians to church leaders. “Because it’s meant to be a public-health approach to parenting, it’s not just a parenting class,” explains LaMotte. “Triple P has a whole range of interventions or ways that parents can interact with the program. The idea is that there is something in the community that’s available and accessible to any parent who might want it.” The target age group is birth to 6 years, as specified in the grant, and there is much more emphasis placed on teaching desired behaviors than there is on reacting to bad behavior, LaMotte says. For example, a student who refuses to do his homework might benefit from a designated area and time frame to complete schoolwork. In all cases, parents are presented with multiple options and are encouraged to choose what
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Deanna LaMotte, Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) coordinator, with her 5-yearold son, Mason, at Mountain Area preschool. Photo by Nathan Metcalf
would work best for their child and schedule. Unlike a parenting class, Triple P can be implemented in various ways, including group discussions, brief one-on-one meetings, take-home tip sheets for parents and longer, in-depth sessions. Perhaps one of the more important aspects of Triple P is the acknowledgment that all parents could use a little help, says susanne walkerwilson, bilingual early intervention specialist and trained Triple P provider at F I R S T (Parent Center) in Asheville, a resource center for parents of children with special needs. “I feel like as a culture, we’ve kind of done a head trip on ourselves with the sense that we’re all supposed to know how to be good parents from the beginning,” says Walker-Wilson, “and not just loving parents, because we do know that — but how to be effective parents with our children’s behaviors. … It’s something that’s completely appropriate for us to be teaching one another as our children grow throughout their childhood.” Triple P also aims to empower the parent, she says, acknowledging that parents know more about their family and their kid than a teacher or therapist. “One of the things that’s unique about Triple P is that it pro-
vides a great deal of respect and also choice for the parent,” she says. “So the parent is identifying what they experience as problem behavior, there are lots of education and options of how they might want to intervene, and they get the choice of which option is going to make sense for them.” norma brown, Latino outreach coordinator at the Family Resource Center at Emma, adds that the program has been embraced by the Spanishspeaking community, thanks in large part to the fact that Triple P offers most of its literature and resources in Spanish. “The main motivation for many immigrant parents to come to this country are their children, therefore the motivation is already there, and it is a very powerful one,” Brown says. “Triple P offers all the material in Spanish, and the parents I already served had wonderful remarks and reported improvements after four sessions.” Some of those issues include general disobedience, homework problems and tantrums, she says. While the program originated in Australia and has been tweaked and tested for the past 30 years, it
only recently gained ground in WNC, LaMotte says, when a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention trial in South Carolina was published in 2009. The study found that when Triple P was implemented on a communitywide scale, “not only did those families have success with their children’s behavior,” she says, “as a community, the rates of substantiated child abuse and hospitalizations for child maltreatment and out-of-home placements all decreased significantly.” But LaMotte is quick to point out that the program isn’t necessarily geared toward at-risk families. “I’m a parent of a 5-year-old, and I have lots of friends who are parents and are wonderful, wonderful parents,” says LaMotte, “but if you ask any parent in the world honestly, if they know everything about parenting and never have problems, nobody is going to agree to that. Every parent needs help sometimes.” LaMotte adds that Triple P brings down the barriers that might stand in a parent’s way of seeking that help. This includes destigmatizing and normalizing the need for guidance. “In our society … I can admit it to my best friend that I don’t know what’s going on with my kid,” LaMotte says. “I can’t really admit that to my doctor or my kid’s school. There’s a lot of taboo around saying, ‘I don’t really have this under control.’” While still in its early stages, LaMotte hopes that the public-health approach will allow the method to grow and be embraced by parents in WNC. “From personal experience, I can say that these strategies aren’t difficult. It’s not asking you to rearrange your life. ... Any parent can use these strategies, and they really do work.” For more information on Triple P in Buncombe County, call Deanna LaMotte, program coordinator, at 2505110, or visit triplep-parenting.net. The public is invited to attend one of three upcoming seminars titled, “The Power of Positive Parenting.” Tuesday, April 1, at Verner (formerly Mountain Area Child and Family Center) at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 8, at Estes Elementary School at 6 p.m., and Friday, April 11, at Asheville City Schools Preschool at 9 a.m. X
weLLness caLendaR
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
emotionAl well-being/ personAl growtH weekend worksHop (pd.) Intensive 26-hour self help weekend encounter, Friday-Sunday, March 21-23. • Seating is limited. • Save $75 today, call (828) 484-1676. Information/Registration: heartofasheville.com 'end of life experience' informAtionAl worksHop • TH (3/20), 5:30-7pm - Discusses terminal diagnosis in relation to Jewish theology. Part 2 of 2. Held at Jewish Family Services, 2 Doctors Park Suite E, 417 Biltmore Ave. Info: jfswnc.org. or 253-2500. council on Aging AcA clAsses These classes discuss the Affordable Care Act. Free. Info and registration: coabc.org or 277-8288. • TH (3/20), 11:30am-1pm - A-B Tech, Enka campus, Room 128, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler living HeAltHy witH A cHronic condition worksHops Sponsored by Land-of-Sky Regional Council for people living with a chronic disease and their caregivers. Registration is open for the first two weeks. $30. Info: livinghealthywnc.org or 251-7438. • WEDNESDAYS (3/5) through (4/9),
5-7:30pm - Held at the Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 S. Grove St., Hendersonville. • MONDAYS, (3/10) through (4/14), 10am-12:30pm - Held at Jewish Family Services, 2 Doctors Park, Suite E, 417 Biltmore Ave. living HeAltHy witH diAbetes clAss • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Meets at Woodfin YMCA, 40 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 101. $30. Registration and info: 251-7438. pisgAH legAl AcA service • ONGOING - For information on insurance options under the Affordable Care Act. Free. Registration required. Info: 855-733-3711. red cross blood drives Additional info: redcrosswnc.org. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • FR (3/21), 10:30am-4pm - Black Mountain Fire Department, 106 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Appointments and info: 1-800-REDCROSS. • MO (3/24), 2:30-7pm - Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road. Appointments and info: 684-0352.
Eating Right for Good Health Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
g A R D E N
Why I garden: Five questions with a local grower
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
By Carrie Eidson Send your garden news to garden@mountainx.com
In our new feature, area growers introduce their gardens. This week adam bigelow tells us about the Cullowhee Community Garden in Jackson County. Mountain Xpress: tell us about your garden. adam bigelow: The Cullowhee Community Garden is an organic garden that gives. We use an allotment model where volunteers adopt a plot and donate half their produce into our local food relief systems. We grow for the The Community Table in Sylva, United Christian Ministries, Vecinos (who provide food relief and other services to our Hispanic communities) and The Market (a discount food store in Cullowhee). We are located in Jackson County on 1.2 acres near the Tuckaseegee River and Western Carolina University, along Cullowhee Creek. We have two federally designated wetlands on-site, a creek and beautiful native wildflowers, shrubs and trees all throughout the property. The garden is a project of the Jackson County Department of Public Health and was started in 2013 through a community grant from Eat Smart, Move More. We are supported by Nourishing North Carolina, Jackson County Parks and Recreation, Western Carolina University and many local residents and businesses. what do you grow? Our garden members grow a great diversity of crops and rotations in their plots. We are also planting over 80 different fruit-bearing shrubs, trees and vines around the garden, in the style of a food forest. We have multiple varieties of apples, peaches, plums and pears — plus some less common plants like elderberry, persimmon, paw-paw, choke-berry (which is actually delicious) and wild
LiVing a dReam: The Cullowhee Community Garden was initially established through a grant from Eat Smart, Move More that provided resources including a solar-powered irrigation pump. Garden manager Adam Bigelow says the garden will continue to grow as a hub of outdoor-based education and cooperation for Western Carolina University and the surrounding community. Photo by Carrie Eidson
raisin. I’m inspired by the idea of a grand European boulevard — but rows of edible crops lined with fruitbearing trees. we see you have many community partners. can you tell us about the work you do with other organizations? We are a member of Gardens That Give of WNC, a group of gardens that works across WNC to feed people and foster community develop-
ment. We are also an educational garden, and we work with WCU’s Service Learning Department and HIGHTS, a nonprofit organization for area youth. Last season, over 50 volunteers from HIGHTS, a local church and WCU worked together to construct our “ability garden,” a raised bed that allows people with different challenges, such as mobility and stamina, to garden without having to stoop all the way to the ground.
shop. plant. feast! We hope our partnerships will allow us to create garden areas that are fully ADA-accessible in the near future. Our garden is also part of a planned shared-use park that will serve as the trailhead and facilities for the Jackson County Greenway. The trails will make the garden walking-accessible from WCU, to encourage student participation. Our vision is to be a garden-based, environmental education site for elementary though college students. We plan to have a children’s play area, outdoor class space and a bog garden with informational plaques about the plants of our native wetlands. why is community gardening your passion? I first joined the Sylva Community Garden nine seasons ago, while I was a student of horticulture at Haywood Community College, and my life was transformed by the work and experience. I believe that community gardens can grow local resilience, friendships, connectivity and partnerships. Community gardens don’t just grow food — they also help to grow community. I’ve been envisioning this garden for years. Every moment I’m here is like living a dream. How can the public get involved with the cullowhee garden and other community gardens? Throughout the year, we have plot adoptions and volunteer workdays on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Special workdays can also be arranged. We also graciously accept donations of money, equipment and materials. But if you aren’t near Cullowhee, no matter where you live you can look for a community garden near you — be it at a park, church, school or in a neighborhood. There is always a good chance that a garden is just waiting for your help. To find a community garden in your area you can contact Gardens That Give of WNC (at avl. mx/04y) and the North Carolina Community Garden Partners (at nccgp.org).
Nursery & Landscaping, Inc.
more information on the Cullowhee garden email thecullowheecommunitygarden@gmail.com, or call the Jackson County Department of Public Health at 586-8994. X
70 Monticello Rd. Weaverville, NC 1-26/Exit 18 828-645-3937
Garden Calendar
www.reemscreek.com crevice gArdening worksHop • SA (3/22), 10am - With Kenton J. Seth. Held at Flat Rock Village Hall, 2710 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. Info: 698-7868. HAywood county mAster gArdeners plAnt sAle • Through FR (3/21) - Order forms available at the Cooperative Extension Office, 589 Raccoon Road, by phone at 456-3575 or by email at mgarticles@charter.net. Orders must be prepaid. Info: 456-3575. leicester gArden club • TU (3/25), 1pm - Demonstration of making living art with succulents. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road. Info: 683-9347. seed donAtions for eAt smArt blAck mountAin gArdens • Through (3/31) - Accepted at Ten Thousand Villages, 303 Look Road, Montreat. Info: avl. mx/golocau.
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tAilgAte mArkets • TUESDAYS: • 2:30-5:30pm - Barnardsville Farmers Market, held at Nature’s Corner Country Store, 1599 Barnardsville Highway. • SATURDAYS: • 9am-noon - Jackson County Markets Market, 23 Central St., in the Community Table. Through March. • DAILY: • 8am-5pm - WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Year-round. town of wAynesville greenHouse spAce • MO (3/17) through SA (3/22) - Available in the Old Armory Recreation Center Greenhouse, 44 Boundary St., Waynesville. Signup hours: Mon-Fri., 7am-8pm, and Sat., 7am-1pm. Info: recprograms@townofwaynesville.org or 456-9207.
Adam Bigelow is a botanical consultant, a North Carolina Community Garden Partners board member and the garden manager at the Cullowhee Community Garden. For
Your donation supports the nonprofit services of Four Seasons CFL mountainx.com
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Very young professionals Local kids get an early start in the food industry
by Lea mcLeLLan lmclellan@mountainx.com
251-1333 ext. 107
Each Sunday, Ella Triber readies herself for another shift of waiting tables at The Junction. Notepad in hand, she approaches her customers, takes orders and delivers piping hot plates of pretzel French toast and sweet potato hash. Meanwhile, miles away at Adelbert Farm, Joshua Kirstein is tending to his chickens and calculating how many trades he will have to sell in his farm’s community supported agriculture program to break even with the cost of the chicks he ordered this spring. As Andy Harrill, at Imladris Farm, collects eggs from his chickens for a farmers market, a similar mathematical equation turns in his head. Baker Petra Starr is likely at home, planning her next confectionary creation and dreaming of opening her own bake shop in downtown Asheville. None of this would be particularly noteworthy — the region is full of foodies and entrepreneurs — except for the fact that Ella Triber is 8 years old. (And yes, she makes great tips.) Joshua and Andy are 13 and 12, respectively, and Petra has just entered double digits. These kids may share an entrepreneurial spirit, but perhaps more importantly, their parents are in the food industry. And when your family runs a restaurant or a farm, their parents say it’s almost impossible, and not particularly desirable, to try to separate the family from the business. Tanya and Charles Triber, owners of The Junction, a restaurant in the River Arts District, were surprised when their shy oldest daughter expressed interest in waiting tables.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
not just cHicken feed: Joshua Kirstein, 13, tends to his chickens at Adelbert Farm in Fairview. Photos by Alicia Funderburk
“Ella was absolutely the child who would hide behind my legs, especially out in public,” says Tanya. “But to see her now, interacting with strangers at tables and being able to talk to them and take their orders and be comfortable and confident — in a situation that causes some adults stress — it’s really cool, and it’s been a really good growing experience for her in terms of her confidence level.” The feedback from customers, the Tribers say, has been overwhelmingly positive. And what does Ella have to say about her once-a-week serving gig ? Well, helping out the family is certainly a draw, but the tips don’t hurt either. “I do like it because I get to make a little bit of extra money each week, and I like it because I have a job,” she says, adding, “I get to meet a lot of new people.” Customers say that seeing Ella wait tables reminds them of their travels in Europe, where kids working in the family business is much
more commonplace, says Charles. “For some reason, for the most part, it’s not as an American thing to do,” Charles adds. “I don’t know if it’s more about trying to protect children until they get older — you don’t want to expose them to society, etc., but she’s exposed to a lot here. … We don’t believe that it’s necessarily going to benefit our children to be sheltered.” And while it’s true that Ella was always a shy kid, her parents say that in other ways it makes sense that she would want to get involved. “I do think there’s a sort of natural interest in food that she’s sort of inherited just by being in this family,” says Tanya, adding that Charles was a server for decades before opening The Junction. “It’s kind of in her blood.” The foodie bug may have already bitten Ella’s 3-year-old sister, Shiloh. “[Ella] will talk with her friends about what hypothetical dream restaurants they’ll own,
what kind of positions they’ll all have,” says Tanya. “Our little one’s comment at some point, probably about a year ago, was ‘I wanna be a kitchen guy.’” Kimberly and Joe Kirstein, former public school teachers and owners of Adelbert Farm in Fairview, know how a love for food can easily infiltrate a family. The couple started Adelbert Farm to teach their three boys, Joshua, Harrison and Thomas, about living sustainably. The farm also offers camps and classes for kids in the community. Joshua operates a chicken CSA, an idea he came up with on his own. “We used to be vegetarian, and so Mom always said that if we wanted to eat meat, it had to be local and organic and stuff,” he says. “And I was like, you know, I should just raise some. It worked out from the first year.” Meanwhile, the younger boys tend to the turkeys and ducks. Seven-year -old Thomas was excited to discover his first duck egg of the season, while 11-year-old Harrison reports his turkeys are doing “pretty good, but a bunch of them got eaten.” Fowl aside, Kimberly says the boys are involved with everything that goes on at the farm. “I think they will all three tell you,” says Kimberly, “it’s really hard work sometimes, and sometimes it’s really not fun, and sometimes you really don’t want to do it. ... Then we sit down to dinner, and it’s all this stuff either from our farm or from our friends at the market, and it’s so good. Not only is it good food, but you’re so invested in it.” Andy, at Imladris Farm in Fairview, also knows what it’s like to be part of a family food operation. The business is a seventh-generation family farm owned by husband-andwife team Walter and Wendy Harrill. The family grows and harvests berries for jams and jellies and raises meat rabbits. Andy takes care of his 30 free-range hens. “He was the one that triggered it,” says Walter of his only child. “We came up with the idea as a family for it to be eggs, but at 6, he was the one that announced that he wanted to farm. ... We had just finished read-
ing Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and she had done the same thing with her daughter, so that was kind of a nice model.” Andy’s responsibilities include protecting the hens from predators — which Andy says is his biggest challenge — and managing egg sales at the North Asheville Tailgate Market. Andy says his favorite part of the year is picking season, when the family picks blueberries, raspberries and blackberries for Wendy’s jams. “My rule is put one in the bucket, eat two,” says Andy. Plentiful and delicious food is a benefit kids of farm and restaurant owners enjoy that should probably be underscored. Rosetta Star, owner of Rosetta’s Kitchen, says her kids eat their fill at home and at the restaurant, which has undoubtedly had an effect on the way they relate to food and food culture. “My children eat everything; they’re very flexible and comfortable with spicy food, foreign food, sushi … [they] have very adult palates, which surprises some people, but I think that’s normal, and this pasta-andnugget lifestyle is pretty bizarre,” she says. Rosetta has four biological children, one child who lives with them, and “a lot of other kids that spend time a lot of time at our house.” All the kids are comfortable at the restaurant, which Rosetta compares to a “second living room.” Ten-year-old Petra Starr is the first to follow in her mother’s culinary footsteps. She has applied to be on cooking shows, makes her own cakes and is eager to sell her wares at her own bake shop someday. “Me and my sister and my two friends want to do it,” says Petra. “And we started naming places where we might want to open it. … And then we were thinking about giant cakes that we might make — big, bright colors and stuff.” For Rosetta and for all the parents who allow and encourage their kids to be a part of their business, including their children just makes more sense than leaving them out. “For [my kids], being with me at work is part of their life,” says Rosetta. “When I’ve traveled, [I’ve noticed] it’s very normal in lots of cultures to have your children at work and underfoot. ...
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sHoRt oRdeR: Ella Triber, 8, serves Sunday brunch at her parent’s restaurant, The Junction.
“Our world is so age-segregated right now. … We’ve managed to sort of slice and dice reality in such a way that people are only supposed to be in their age-segregated bracket and eat their age-segregated food, and I don’t buy that.” X
wanted: cuLinaRy gRads Attention graduates of A-B Tech’s Culinary Arts program: Xpress would like to enlist your help in creating the 2014-2015 Asheville Eats & Drinks guide. Interested? Contact Gina Smith at gsmith@mountainx.com.
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Haley Steinhardt
Where the toys are Select local restaurants cater to kids
We are lucky to live in one of the most family-friendly places on the planet, where fun (and often free) things to do with kids of all ages abound. So after your day hike to Graveyard Fields, afternoon at Splasheville or stroll through the Western North Carolina Nature Center, where should you and your family head to eat? Many locals are aware of the tried-and-true hot spots for families with kids, such as Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. on Merrimon Avenue, where you can sit at picture-covered theme tables while the kids color, or let them run around the game room while you wait for your food. Then there’s The Hop (two locations), where the ambiance is as delicious as the ice cream. But there are even more familyfriendly options out there. Here is a small sampling. Downtown, Early Girl Eatery is another classic kid-friendly joint, with toy buckets for the kids to play with while you dine. In nice weather, the shady courtyard tables at Crêperie Bouchon on North Lexington Avenue are perfect for a family outing; the kids can run and play while you end the day with a Nutella crêpe. Also downtown, Mojo Kitchen & Lounge has a stash of kids’ toys, games and books, and provides live family entertainment on Wednesdays, along with a Reggae Family Jam event on Saturdays (2-5 p.m.). Over on Patton Avenue, Farm Burger offers a fun, relaxed family restaurant with a game area that both kids and parents can enjoy. In the family-friendly haven of West Asheville, The Brew Pump on Haywood Road provides a kid- and dog-friendly fenced-in beer garden where you can play a game of cornhole and order up some grub from one of the food trucks, such as Doc Brown’s BBQ. At Lookout Brewing Co. in Black Mountain, owners John and Alison Garcia offer Jenga, Connect Four, checkers, Mancala and chess on a
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
cHiLd’s pLay: Visitors to Lookout Brewing Co. can relax and enjoy some of its many kid-friendly events and games. Here Asher Garcia plays chess on Lookout’s handcrafted chess table. Photo courtesy of Lookout Brewing Co.
handcrafted chess table (a gift from a generous customer). In warmer weather, there’s cornhole, hula-hooping and sidewalk chalk. Kids can partake of bottled root beer, hot chocolate and an endless supply of free popcorn made without artificial colors or flavorings and popped with coconut oil. Thursday is movie night, which often features familyfriendly classics like The Goonies and E.T. Meanwhile, Frank’s Roman Pizza (on South Tunnel Road in East Asheville and Sardis Road in West Asheville) offers Kids Pizza Saturdays. “The kids get to pick out three toppings,” owner Barry Gardner says, “and then we bring out the dough, a cup of sauce, a big pile of cheese and their toppings to their table. They get to build their pizza the way they want it. We then cook their creation and bring it back to the table, always to big smiles and giggles. The kids love to make their own food and have a great time.” Plus, Frank’s also has a game room and plenty of tables.
Blue Sky Café in Fletcher also goes the extra mile for the little ones, boasting a play yard, lots of games and a great kids’ menu to boot. Owner/Creative Chef Julianna Pletcher says she and her husband, Mark, created their vision of a kid-friendly restaurant in 2002 to fill a need: “We had two young children and noticed there weren’t many places we could go out to eat and feel comfortable with them.” Their restaurant includes a kids table with toys, books and puzzles; outside on the patio, there’s a sandbox, playhouse and kid-sized picnic tables. “Our kids menu is also unique in that we offer many options, most of which are not fried, [unlike] so many other places,” Pletcher notes. “We also offer animal cookies at the end of their meal.” Now that’s a tradition anyone could appreciate. X
Where kids can eat for free (or cheap) blue sky café: Kids eat for 99 cents on Wednesdays with the purchase of an adult meal. chai pani: Kids eat free for lunch and dinner on Wednesdays; two kids per paying adult; dine-in only. earth fare (west and south asheville): Kids eat free on Thursdays from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.; one paying adult spending at least $5 allows for up to six kids to eat for free. mamacitas: Kids eat free on Sundays; one free kids meal per paying adult. mela indian Restaurant: Every Monday night, kids eat free. mojo kitchen & Lounge: Kids eat free on Wednesday nights. urban burrito: Kids eat free Tuesdays after 4 p.m.; purchase an adult burrito, salad or drink and get a free kids burrito, salad or drink. Vinnie’s neighborhood italian: One kid per paying adult eats free on Sundays. Be sure to call ahead to confirm. Most spots require one paying adult per one or more free child’s meal, and some have limitations on the number of free kids meals per family or which food items may be on their free list.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Toni Sherwood
Steaking a claim
Best Paella In Asheville Open 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Grove Arcade Suite 139 828-350-1332 58
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Shutao Wang, owner of Brasilia Churrasco Steakhouse of Spartanburg, S.C., will open a second location in downtown Asheville any day now thanks to some word-of-mouth promotion from traveling Ashevilleans. “We were debating between Charleston, Charlotte and Asheville,” says Wang. “Asheville people would come into my Spartanburg restaurant talking about how great their city is.” Wang says he used to associate Asheville with the Biltmore House, but once he started visiting for business purposes he discovered how much more there is. “I really like the people,” Wang says. Wang was in the Army stationed at Fort Jackson in South Carolina when he met a friend who owned a Brazilian restaurant there. Wang had experience at his family’s sushi restaurants in Houston, and he loved the idea of doing a table service where they could “make sushi in front of people,” but tableside sushi just wasn’t practical. His friend’s Brazilian restaurant featured servers called “gauchos,” who came to the table carving freshly grilled meats off skewers. Wang was hooked. “I love that it’s a social restaurant; people can move around,” he says. People will have plenty of room to move around at 26 E. Walnut St. (formerly Magnolia’s Raw Bar and Grille). The huge, open dining area seats about 200. There is also a separate room for private parties that seats about 40. Wang was attracted to this location across from the Asheville Community Theatre not only because of its exposure to theatergoers, but also because of its size. Space is important for this style of restaurant, which requires all tables (no booths), so the gauchos don’t have to lean over people to serve them. The west and north walls of the structure are floor-toceiling windows, which give it an open and airy feel. The high ceilings, central salad bar and long bar structure across the east wall complete the layout. The Brazilian concept is a buffet-style salad bar and a selection of grilled meats; diners can choose salad bar only, or both, for a fixed price. “Ninety percent of the food here is gluten-free,” Wang says.
Brasilia Churrasco gets set to open downtown
tHe boys fRom bRasiLia: Brasilia Churrasco owner Shutao Wang, right, is pictured with Joe Lipscomb, left, and Antonio Gonzales, center, who will be gaucho and head chef, respectively, of the restaurant’s new Asheville location. Photo by Toni Sherwood
“There are no fried items, and everything is prepared fresh daily.” The restaurant uses sea salt and natural seasonings. Whenever possible Wang plans to go local for produce and meat, and he even carries Biltmore wines. Bottled beers, including one Brazilian brand, will be offered. There will be 25 items on the salad bar, all made in-house. Vegetarians will appreciate the Brazilian rice and black beans, handmade mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy and broccoli with alfredo sauce, which accompany the many cold veggies at the salad bar. The salad bar will also have cocktail shrimp, chicken salad and smoked salmon. Sixteen different grill items will be offered nightly. The signature house specialty is picanha, a Brazilian cut of beef Wang describes as being between the round and the sirloin. He says it’s especially flavorful when grilled. Additionally, the restaurant will offer leg of lamb, two kinds of Brazilian sausage, rib-eye and top sirloin. Another signature grill item will be cinnamon pineapple. Wang may soon have some competition coming to South Asheville. Rio de Brazil, a Charleston, S.C.-
based chain, is set to open on Hendersonville Road at some point, although according to manager Andrea Vasquez, no details are available yet and its Facebook page says it is still under construction. The Rio de Brazil Steakhouse website describes the eatery as “a unique, all-you-can-eat ‘Churrascaria’ featuring a full salad bar with over 35 items, Brazilian hot dishes and a ‘parade’ of different types of meats sliced at your table by our gauchos.” Wang is excited about the restaurant community in Asheville and is applying for membership in the Asheville Independent Restaurant Association. He has also made another big decision: “I love the city, and I’m going to move here.” Brasilia Churrasco will be open seven nights a week for dinner, with lunch served on the weekends. 26 E Walnut St. 832-335-3611 or brasiliasteakhouse.com Stay abreast of Rio de Brazil at riodebrazil.com or facebook.com/ riodebrazilcharleston. X
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @avlbeerscout on Twitter
by Thom O’Hearn
How sweet it is
oskAr blues: Wednesday Night Ride: community bike ride, 6pm wedge: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour tHursdAy AltAmont: Live Music: Josh Daniel Marc Shimmick Project (bluegrass), 9pm
HigHLand announces majoR expansion While it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new brewery openings, it’s also exciting to see that Asheville’s oldest craft brewery is not sitting still. According to Highland Brewing Vice President Leah Wong Ashburn, the company is gearing up for an expansion that could allow output to double as soon as it’s complete (from about 32,000 to 64,000 barrels). “About eight years ago we took a leap by moving from downtown to this facility. It’s time for our next leap,” says Ashburn. “We’re looking at [spending] $6.5 million, all of which will go into our existing facility — there are some rough edges and tons of potential. We’ll revive some essentially abandoned space into productive space again. ...The expansion will lead to jobs and the opportunity to be more efficient and sustainable.” If all goes according to plan, work would start this year and be completed in 2015.
AsHeville brewing compAny: $3 all pints at Merrimon location buriAl: Re-release: Skillet Donut Stout cAtAwbA: Live Music: Old-time Mountain Jam Pick’n Circle, 7pm $3 Firewaters frencH broAd: Live Music: Matt Walsh (rock, blues), 6-8pm HigHlAnd: Small batch release: Say You Say Me Saison (grapefruit, orange, peppercorn melange, coriander) Hi-wire: Charity Event: 15% of tasting room sales benefit Mountain Biz Works, 4-11pm lAb: Live Comedy: Ben Kronberg, 9pm oskAr blues: Live Music: Honey Spine (progressive folk), 6pm pisgAH: Live Music: Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz), 8pm soutHern AppAlAcHiAn: Live Music: Nikki Talley (folk, alt-country, Americana), 7-9pm
sweet coupLe: Catawba Brewing and French Broad Chocolate Lounge will marry the flavors of chocolate and beer at a five-course tasting on Friday, March 21.
wedge: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
Photo courtesy of Catawba Brewing
catawba + fRencH bRoad tasting Quite a few breweries around town have dabbled with making chocolateinfused stouts. A few have even collaborated with French Broad Chocolate Lounge. But on Friday, March 21, Catawba’s Asheville tasting room will take the marriage of chocolate and beer a step further with a paired chocolate and beer tasting. Crawford Rizor and Hannah Rechtschaffen of French Broad Chocolate Lounge will join Shelton Steele of Catawba for the five-course tasting. Steele says there will be plenty of diversity, from the expected malted milk chocolate and dark beer pairing to the more unusual. “Bubbie’s Almond bar highlights the coriander and orange peel notes of our White Zombie [wit beer],” says Steele. “Lots of chocolate and beer research went into this lineup.” The event is at 3 p.m. Friday, March 21, at Catawba Brewing’s tasting room, 63 Brooks St. Tickets are $15 per person, available at the tasting room or on eventbrite.com.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
pisgaH opens tHe outdooR stage With the warm weather finally arriving, Pisgah Brewing in Black Mountain is about to open its outdoor stage. The brewery is kicking things off with a free party for its ninth anniversary, featuring Pimps of Joytime, Dangermuffin, Chalwa, and more starting at about 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 26. Further out, Pisgah has Charles Bradley and the Extraordinaries with The Broadcast and Bright Light Social Hour on Thursday, May 8, and communications manager Benton Wharton says, “There is much more to come this summer.” wicked weed’s next bottLe ReLease On Saturday, March 1, Wicked Weed released its first beer in bottles, the Great American Beer Festival award-winning Serenity
golden ale. On Saturday, March 22, Wicked Weed will be at it again, but this time with a local favorite: Black Angel Cherry Sour Ale. This time, the doors open a little earlier at 11 a.m. However, at 10 a.m., the first 100 people in line will be invited inside for a VIP-only party. No matter what time you arrive or get in, the bottles will be limited to 12 per person. If you can’t make it, start planning for the next one. Wicked Weed has more bottle releases in the works for the coming weeks. X
AltAmont: Live Music: Hick Child Soup w/ Mercer Johnson (folk-rock), 9pm AsHeville brewing compAny: Outside patio now open at Coxe location New Release: Perfect Day IPA party @ Coxe location, 5pm buriAl: Special release: Starfruit Saison & Baltic Porter (juniper berries, aged in bourbon barrels) cAtAwbA: French Broad Chocolate & Catawba beer pairing, $15 per person, 3-4pm Live Music: Whole Planet Pint Night w/ DJ Abu Disarray $1 per pint goes to Whole Planet Foundation frencH broAd: Live Music: Nikki Talley (alt-country, Americana), 6-8pm HigHlAnd: Live Music: Empire Strikes Brass Band, 4-8pm Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria Seasonal release: Little Hump Spring Ale release party, 4-8pm Benefit: $1 of every pint sold will benefit Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy
AsHeville brewing compAny: $3 all pints at Coxe location
Hi-wire: Slow Smokin’ Barbeque, 3-9pm
HigHlAnd: Live Music: Caromia & Ryan (acoustic), 5:30-7:30pm
oskAr blues: Live Music: Dust ‘n the Wynn w/ Jeff Lott (singer-songwriter), 7pm Firkin Friday: Kamikaze Mama’s — Mama’s Little Yella Pils dry-hopped w/ sorachi ace & wasabi
Hi-wire: “Side Show” Wednesday smallbatch release
pisgAH: Live Music: Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead covers), 9pm soutHern AppAlAcHiAn: Live Music: The Wilhelm Brothers (folk, indie, roots), 8-10pm wedge: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour sAturdAy frencH broAd: Live Music: Leigh Glass & The Hazards (rock, blues), 6-8pm HigHlAnd: Live Music: Likewise (harmony-driven rock), 6-8pm Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria Hi-wire: English Breakfast & Soccer, 8:45am-noon oskAr blues: Live Music: Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm pisgAH: Live Music: Melodime w/ JD Eicher & Charlie Oxford (indie, Americana), 9pm soutHern AppAlAcHiAn: Live Music: Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots, 8-10pm wedge: Food Truck: El Kimchi wicked weed: Live music at 1pm New Release: Black Angel Cherry Sour, begins 11am - first 100 people in line get signed & numbered bottles
Full Service Restaurant Meals are served to Mountain Xpress readers
sundAy Hi-wire: Live Music: Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana), 4:30-6:30pm pisgAH: Live Music: The Duhks w/ The Danberrys (folk, Celtic, old-time), 8pm soutHern AppAlAcHiAn: Stitch ‘n’ Brew: Knitters & crocheters enjoying craft beer, 4pm; Live Music: Chris Padgett (jazz guitar), 5-7pm wedge: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour mondAy Hi-wire: Kettle corn Monday oskAr blues: Live Music: Mountain Music Mondays open jam, 6pm wedge: Food Truck: El Kimchi wicked weed: $ stein refills tuesdAy AsHeville brewing compAny: $2 cans of Shiva, Ninja & Rocket Girl Hi-wire: $2.50 pint Tuesday oskAr blues: Tasty Tuesday: Grasse Spring Ale (wheat, strawberries) on tap wedge: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria wicked weed: Beer Dinner: Weird Science
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Weekend warriors Medieval fighting group promotes honor and community
by dougLas gibson gibsonasheville@gmail.com
Amid snow-capped mountains, in the declining light of a late winter afternoon, warriors line up at one end of a bridge. Armed with rocks, arrows, swords and shields, they hope to deny passage to a superior force approaching from the west. Soon their adversaries arrive, and after several minutes of chaotic battle, a lone, ponytailed archer makes a last stand. Eventually she yields to the inevitable, and it’s over: The invaders have won. At this point Phil Ferguson, who’s served as coach and referee throughout the fight, calls a halt. Striding forward, the tall, blond, bearded man in medieval garb calls, “Line up! We need to even up these teams.” The warriors — students at ArtSpace Charter School in Swannanoa, where Ferguson’s been teaching a swordplay class this semester — dutifully prepare to put their foam swords, foam-tipped arrows and foam-stuffed “rocks” to use in the next game. The way Ferguson teaches it, swordplay is a sport with rules borrowed from the Belegarth style of medieval combat. Take a hit on a limb, and you have to give it up — hold your arm behind your back or kneel on your “wounded” leg. Lose two limbs or take a single hit on the torso, and you’re “dead” — either out until the end of the action or required to walk to a specified
point to regenerate, depending on the game. It’s up to the person receiving a hit to make the call, and it’s a challenge for kids to do that in the heat of battle. This may be why Ferguson is apparently alone among the country’s medieval fighting enthusiasts in focusing so intensively on kids. But for him, and for many parents, it’s a wonderful opportunity to teach sportsmanship — or, as Ferguson describes it, warriors’ honor. “It’s really about that individual taking responsibility and telling the truth,” says Craig White, who comes
“We come out here and we hit each other and fight, but really it’s more about building friends.” fLat Rock Resident cHaRLotte tayLoR
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
battLe Lines: Phil Ferguson, right, spars with Michala Watson. “You become part of a group that has all kinds of mentorship and role modeling going on,” says Ferguson. “And that’s what gets people really hooked on it.” Photos by Josh Vaughn
to the Sunday battles with his son Xander. The event is sponsored by the Asheville Medieval Collective, which coalesced around Ferguson’s work. “That kind of honor and respect for yourself and others is a great thing to be teaching young people,” says White. It doesn’t end with honor, however. Ferguson also sees both his classes and the Sunday battles as places where kids and adults alike can learn resilience, teamwork and
strategy. What’s more, he says, the variety of roles available gives everyone a chance to learn how to make the most of their unique abilities and attributes. “It’s great for people of all different kinds of builds,” he says. “It’s inherently set up so you can be really effective and capable in the game, even if you’re not the best fighter, because you get to work with your team.” That teamwork builds community, participants say, and it’s at the Sunday gatherings — now back at Carrier Park, after Vance Elementary hosted them over the winter — where that underlying sense of connection is most on display. “I think that’s the strangest part,” says Charlotte Taylor, who makes the trip from Flat Rock every weekend to take part in the adult battles and train with other members. “We come out here and we hit each other and fight, but really it’s more about building friends.”
Tristan Gunn and Ray Mann, members of the Asheville Medieval Collective, make their own weapons and shields, and dress at Sunday battles ranges from full-on medieval to jeans and T-shirts.
Most of these Sunday warriors have made at least some of their own equipment, and people wear various kinds of period garb. Women sport skirts that enable them to fight on equal terms; some men show up in chain mail and kilts, and a few take the field in outfits blending medieval concepts with a punk aesthetic. This is all in keeping with the sport’s DIY, crafty side. Members say they’d like to see more of that, bringing the Asheville Medieval Collective more clearly into the constellation of craft and amateur performing groups that are so prominent in local culture. For now, though, the collective mostly focuses on fighting,
and that’s fine with Ferguson. The foam-buffered kind they practice, he says, provides a safe outlet for the Darwinian survival impulse that underlies most sports, but the direct experience of combat also teaches an important lesson. “You get into a fight with foam swords and one of you lives, but you have an arm or a leg cut off. You’re not just going to beat your opponent, which I think has a lot to teach people about warfare and actual fights. There’s no reason to do it in real life, because you’re going to get hurt.” For more about Phil Furguson and the Asheville Medieval Collective, go to ashevillemedievalcollective. freeforums.org. X
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
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by Toni Sherwood
Power play Behind the scenes of Immediate Theatre Project’s Venus in Fur
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a s h ev i l l e s a l t c a ve . c o m
When you’re determined to blur the boundaries of traditional theater, what’s more appropriate than a play about blurred boundaries? N.C. Stage Company producing director Angie Flynn-McIver describes Immediate Theatre Project’s upcoming production, Venus in Fur, as “A multilayered piece examining power dynamics in an audition.” A 2013 Tony Awards nominee for Best Play, Venus in Fur was written by David Ives. It’s an adaptation of Venus in Furs, a novella by Austrian author Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch (from whose name the term masochism was derived). The erotic subject
wHat Venus in Fur wHeRe N.C. Stage, ncstage.org wHen Wednesday, March 19–Sunday, April 13. Wednesday-Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, at 2 p.m. $14-$30, Student tickets $10.
matter caused a great deal of controversy when it was published in 1870. The modern play premiered off-Broadway in 2010; Immediate Theatre Project brings it to N.C. Stage from Wednesday, March 19 through Sunday, April 13. The two-person production, starring Hanna Sloat and Willie Repoley, is about a playwright/director casting a lead role. When actress Vanda Jordan bursts in at the last minute, she’s everything the playwright detests. And yet, as she auditions for the part, the control shifts, and the actress exerts her dominance over the director. To further blur those alreadygetting-fuzzy boundaries, N.C.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Stage’s audience development manager, Kelly Walker, invited a small group of local creatives to a rehearsal. And it wasn’t a mostly polished dress rehearsal. Although Sloat and Repoley had been rehearsing for a week (about 30 hours) they were only a third of the way through the rehearsal process. It was a time when most producers and directors would guard their incubating play from prying eyes. “Theater is about not letting the seams show,” says N.C. Stage artistic director Charlie Flynn-McIver. “This is an attempt to draw back the curtain.” Charlie hopes that this experiment — which includes a social media aspect where that early audience tweets and blogs about the play-in-process — will attract new audiences. “Theater always happens in a closed room,” he says. “Some people grew up believing it’s stuffy and not for them. So we were thinking, ‘how to lift the veil?’” For the early audience, the veil was lifted on page five of the script. There, Vanda (Sloat) arrives for an audition with first-time director Thomas (Repoley), who is also the playwright and desperate to find the perfect actress for his beloved work of art. Watching a rehearsal of an audition is a mind-bender. During the first run-through it was hard to tell, at times, whether the lines — “Where should I stand?” — were from the play or part of the acting process. Angie offered suggestions as the actors ran the scene a few times: “OK, Willie, you’ve had this argument with many people.” Subsequently, Repoley’s reading contained more impatience and a touch of condescension. Sloat questioned how her performance was being received. “It’s not coming across as smarmy or anything,” Angie assured her. One audience member intuited that there was something awkward about Sloat asking Repoley to remove her fur shawl during the scene. It would be a faux pas in an audition. “It’s a violation of the norms of the rehearsal space,” Angie explained.
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Hot topic: Willie Repoley, left, and Hanna Sloat star in Venus in Fur, a “multilayered piece examining power dynamics in an audition.” N.C. Stage further shifted the dynamic by inviting local creative types to view and comment on an early rehearsal. Photo by Ray Mata
“She doesn’t play by the rules,” Sloat said of her character. Production coordinator Catori Swann admitted he had encountered such prima donnas. “There’s a type of actor who gets cast all the time — once,” Swann said. “Because no one can stand working with them.” Within the story of Venus in Fur, charismatic and sexy Vanda is a shoo-in: talented, mesmerizing and unmanageable. “Someone can be spot-on as an actor, but at the same time they’re someone you can’t be in the same room with,” Sloan said in the rehearsal. The glance behind the curtain continued: Character motivations were debated. Repoley repeatedly flubbed a line. According to Swann, this is not simply about memorization. “It’s a
sign a connection isn’t being made, maybe between the characters, or with the material,” Swann said. “Not every director understands that, but Angie is really good.” The social media interaction among the invited audience was light following that rehearsal (follow along at ncstagecompany. blogspot.com). Perhaps theatergoers who appreciate live performance are less apt to participate in the virtual sphere. Or maybe, like learning lines, this full-access approach takes time time to catch on. Regardless, N.C. Stage is determined to expand its reach. Says Charlie, “If we could, we’d have a picture window to the street so people could watch Angie leading a rehearsal.” X
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by Kyle Petersen
Animal planet The Stray Birds and Wild Ponies’ untamed Americana In a lot of ways, The Stray Birds and Wild Ponies are alike. Both are hard-touring folk music trios that revolve around the music partnership between one man and one woman. They boast classic folk harmonies, acoustic basses and feral fauna monikers. And they use similar instruments to play a similar sort of music — to the point where you might be forgiven for confusing the two. However, this surface comparison really speaks more to the problem of the wide umbrella of sounds and styles that get tagged as Americana than to the two bands’ resemblance to one another. The Stray Birds (who play Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Saturday, March 22) work in a contemporary bluegrass paradigm. They ably employ a large arsenal of acoustic instruments — including fiddle, banjo, upright bass and a variety of acoustic guitars — to tackle heartfelt originals steeped in tradition as well as choice covers by the likes of Bob Wills and Townes Van Zandt. The Wild Ponies (who perform at 185 King Street in Brevard, also on March 22) are a country-rock project underpinned by many years on the folk circuit. They perform in a more conventional style, focused on original songs with a rustic twang. Their stories are also a bit different. The Stray Birds, formed in Lancaster, Pa., but recently relo-
wHo The Stray Birds wHeRe Isis Restaurant & Music Hall isisasheville.com wHen Saturday, March 22, at 9 p.m. $8 advance/$10 at the door
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
cated to Asheville, originated with a few friends. Co-leaders Maya de Vitry and Oliver Craven, as well as bassist/singer Charles Muench, grew up within miles of each other but had already traveled the world playing music before their partnership took form. The band’s self-titled and self-released effort in 2012 won rave plaudits, landing a place on NPR’s top 10 folk albums list and sending the trio around the country in support of it. Craven, fresh off a winter tour in the United Kingdom, describes a “collective idea of what The Stray Birds should sound like” that gives the group a sense of purpose. “Everything we end up playing, we spend a lot of time working on,” he says. “We’ve had songs take different life forms several times before we figure how it is supposed to be done.” This is true even of their new all-covers EP, which Craven says was recorded “right around the last time we were at Isis. We went into Echo Mountain Recording Studio and just did five songs we loved.” The EP not only pays tribute to some of the band’s favorite songs in the roots music canon, it also captures the effortless and impassioned feel of their live show. Plus, it includes Muench’s first lead vocal turn on record, on Jimmie Rodgers’ “Blue Yodel #7.” In contrast, Wild Ponies are more of a calculated effort to electrify the tested husband-and-wife duo of Doug and Telisha Williams. The two had previously performed as a stripped-down folk act, with Telisha on bass and Doug on guitar. They scraped by in a brokendown RV on the strength of no-fuss recordings and dogged work ethic. Wild Ponies, with drummer Jake Winebrenner, is a reboot of that earlier identity. Renamed and working with an established producer in Ray Kennedy (Steve Earle, Lucinda Williams) for the first time, the Williamses’ new album teems with electric guitars, pedal steel and ferocious fiddle work from a host of studio aces. The songs have an alt-country grit and heft that feel startlingly fresh. The songwriters brought in some of the darkest and most emotionally charged material they had ever
HoRsefeatHeRs: Wild Ponies (above, photo by Jake Jacobsen) and The Stray Birds (below, photo by Warren Swann) both perform in Western North Carolina on Saturday, March 22. But while the roots-oriented trios may look similar at first glance, they put very different spins on Americana music.
written. “I think a lot of it had to do with moving to East Nashville [from Virginia] in 2011,” says Telisha. “Our writing has gotten a lot better. We’ve been pushed to write more honest and truthful material.” That lyrical bent is partly what inspired the new sound, according to the bassist/singer. “There’s a lot of emotional content in these songs, so it felt right to get as much energy in [the arrangements] as we could,” she says. Many of these tunes, like “Trigger” or “The Truth Is,” are related to Telisha’s experience of child abuse, something she has only recently become comfortable talking about. “After the Penn State [incident], I realized that the handling of [cases] of child abuse can exacerbate the trouble of the victim,” she says. “It can almost be worse than the actual trauma.” It’s on these songs where the power of the new instrumentation is most fully utilized, draw-
ing on Kennedy’s past work with Lucinda Williams and the feisty new breed of female country stars like Miranda Lambert and Brandy Clark. Meanwhile, Doug’s efforts here demonstrate a keen adeptness at the Texas roots-rock of folks like Joe Ely or Robert Earl Keen. Telisha says the band feels lucky to be playing listening rooms like 185 King Street: “I don’t think we had much of a different vision for [our career] than this when we started out.” X
wHo Wild Ponies wHeRe 185 King Street, Brevard 185kingst.com wHen Saturday, March 22, at 8 p.m. $10 members/$15 non-members
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Steph Guinan
Best foot forward Handcrafted springtime footwear in WNC
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Nathalie Mornu knows how to take a compliment. “When strangers admire my sandals, I like to say, in a blasé tone, ‘Why thank you, I made them myself,’” she says. “I mean, how many people can say that?” The local sandal maker adds, “I have to admit, I like being able to do something very few people can, something most folks wouldn’t even think to try for themselves.” She’s got a point: Shoemaking is an atypical craft specialty. Historically, the art is associated more with trade workers, and the widespread practice fell by the wayside due to industrialization and the economics of the global marketplace. But the craft community knows that well-constructed, functional objects can be things of beauty, so shoemaking is finding a (ahem) toehold within the craft scene. But those interested in making footwear find few places in the nation to learn the skill. Locally, John C. Campbell Folk School and Penland School of Crafts offer workshops, and shoemaker Jessica Brommer is teaching small classes in her Asheville studio. Amid the burgeoning interest, one business has been handcrafting footwear in Asheville since 1995: Paul Taylor Sandals on Wall Street still produces the styles that originated from Taylor’s cordwainer beginnings in Greenwich Village in the ’60s. A few years ago, the shop owner was preparing to retire when his business piqued the interest of Evar Hecht. “When I started researching how many people were sandal makers, there weren’t that many,” says Hecht, who was running a contracting company at the time. Nationally, “there’s about between 10 and 15 who do it full time as a business.” He joined their ranks. The custom sandal shop fits each shoe to its buyer’s foot and sells 200300 pairs annually. After getting his feet wet for the first two years, Hecht began to expand the company’s offering to include wallets, bags and belts. His next strategy is to grow his online marketplace. To offer online shop-
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maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
waLk-ins weLcome: Sandal maker Nathalie Mornu’s mission is to “make it strong and comfortable without looking heavy.” Photo courtesy of the artist
pers the same level of customization, a fitting kit is sent by mail and includes material samples and tools for tracing and measuring the foot in need of shodding. Mornu came to sandal production from a background in craft. She also worked on the editorial staff at Lark Books, where her involvement with a book on leather jewelry sparked an exploration of leatherworking. “I had a bunch of extra leather lying around and a book that described how to make hippie sandals,” she says. “The end product in the book looked a little rough, and what I made following the instructions came out a bit crude, but the sandals were serviceable and comfortable.” Shoemaking has been described as wearable art. Mornu’s sandal designs — evolved from that first rough pair — are strappy and feminine. Her mission is to “make it strong and comfortable without looking heavy.” Mornu’s favorite part of the process is hand stitching the straps to the sole to reinforce the cemented construction. “I use waxed linen that’s pleasantly sticky to the touch. I pre-punch the holes that I sew
through, and then I can zone out while I stitch,” she says. “The result looks perfect, yet it’s effortless. And the stitching is visual, tactile proof of the handwork.” Both Mornu and Hecht have taken a workshop led by Brommer. Following a career as a fine art painter and a stint running a clothing shop in Asheville, Brommer turned to the Internet in search of a new direction. “I came across something that said, ‘Nobody makes shoes anymore,’” she says. The idea struck her as both true and shocking. “We import up to about 80 percent of the shoes we wear in this country, and we used to be a major exporter of shoes,” she says. “By the mid-’80s, all of it was offshored.” Brommer has big ideas for how a handcrafted line of footwear can bring manufacturing back to the region. Speaking of her current business and what she hopes it will grow into, Brommer says, “It started very quietly, and it’s sort of growing and building its own momentum, which is exactly what I want. I want it to be something that’s about to sustain itself.” Learn more about the artists at NathalieMornu.wordpress.com, facebook.com/stalworth.shoemaker and PaulTaylorSandals.com. X
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A&E staff
Andy Statman
Proof “Proof delves into deeply emotional problems that arise from mental illness battling with true genius,” says F. Scott Keel, director of Rarely Theatre’s inaugural production of David Auburn’s play. The Tony Award-winning drama examines the story of a young woman haunted by the mathematical genius of her father while grappling with a mental illness she fears she has inherited. “It peels back the many layers involved in ‘keeping up appearances’ and reveals the raw, battered life of the average human,” adds Keel in a press release. Proof runs March 20-30 at BeBe Theatre, Thursday through Sunday, at 7:30 p.m. $15/$18. differentstrokesavl.com. Photo courtesy of the theater company
“Andy Statman is a master of two idioms linked only by their demand for virtuosity and their down-home origins,” says The New York Times. The award-winning musician is both a klezmer clarinet and bluegrass mandolin ace. And, while he doesn’t play those two instruments simultaneously (that would be crazy), he was nominated for a Grammy in 2007 for his version of Bill Monroe’s “Rawhide.” Then, in 2012, he received the nation’s highest award in folk and traditional arts: The National Endowment for the Arts’ National Heritage Fellowship. Statman and his trio return to Black Mountain Center for the Arts on Monday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. Singer-songwriter and guitarist Tim O’Brien (a guest on The Andy Statman Trio’s 2013 album, Superstring Theory) also performs. $55. blackmountainarts.org. Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Center for the Arts
Natalie Goldberg If you were at all interested in writing in the late ’80s or early ’90s, then you probably toted around a spiralbound blank-page journal, a Marvy Uchida LePen and a copy of Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. “Keep your hand moving, don’t cross out, just get it on paper,” she told us. Eleven books later (in which she also covered the topics of painting and Zen Buddhism), Goldberg returns with Living Color: Painting, Writing, and the Bones of Seeing, a revised and expanded version of the book by the same title, originally published in ’97. “Tailored to a new generation of aspiring creatives, this revised and expanded edition pairs 13 of Goldberg’s engaging and encouraging essays with 75 of her paintings and 22 neverbefore-shared artistic exercises,” says a press release for the book. Goldberg will visit Malaprop’s on Wednesday, March 26, at 7 p.m. malaprops.com. Photo courtesy of Simon & Schuster
Lindi Ortega Nashville-based, Toronto-born country songstress Lindi Ortega writes songs about loneliness, desire, crumbling relationships and the plight of a struggling musician. After spending a decade as an independent artist in Canada, Ortega moved to Music City, where she continues to gain recognition for her skilled songwriting and distinct voice. The title track on her latest album, Tin Star, is for “those who are so driven by their passion that they soldier on, despite the odds being against them,” she says. With her stunning stage presence — not limited to her dark-and-stormy vocals and signature crimson lips — one imagines the odds will continue to stack in her favor. Ortega performs at The Mothlight on Saturday, March 22, at 9 p.m. $10/$12. themothlight.com. Photo by Julie Moe
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
a&e caLendaR
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson slice of life • SU (3/23), 8pm - Stand-up comedy with Noah Gardenschwartz. Held at Pulp, below the Orange Peel, 103 Hilliard Ave. $10. Info and booking: sliceoflifecomedy@gmail.com.
music dAnny bArnes At moonligHt mile studio (pd.) Saturday, March 22, 7:30-9:30pm. Tickets $10. All ages welcome, limited seating. For tickets and directions, call 828-335-9316 or go online: www.moonlightmile.com
LigHt up tHe stage: Hendersonville native Chase Brock has performed on Broadway and choreographed the musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. He returns to WNC with his contemporary dance troupe, The Chase Brock Experience, to perform at Diana Wortham Theatre on March 21-22. Photo courtesy of Diana Wortham Theatre (p.70)
attend. Email: babyboovelvet@gmail.com
Art Artist's tAlk witH AndreA donnelly • WE (3/19), 5:30pm - Discusses the Mind, Body, Handwoven Cloth exhibit. Held at The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, 67 Broadway. Info: 7851357 or craftcreativitydesign.org creAtive sector summit • TH (3/20) through SA (3/22) - "Creating Economic Vitality through Arts & Tourism." Sponsored by Asheville Area Arts Council. Price, info & registration: ashevillearts.com. House of tArot performAnce • WE (3/19), 7pm & TH (3/20), 7pm - Includes workshops and dances. Held at Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway. $20. Tickets & info: houseoftarotasheville. com or 242-7595. tHe mission for temporAl Art fundrAiser • FR (3/21), 8pm & SA (3/22), 2-6pm - Donations will be accepted for this arts organization at 68 N. Main St., Marshall. Fri.: Concert with local musicians. Sat.: Dance improv open house. Info: 917-650-7321.
Auditions & cAll to Artists
bmcA front porcH tHeAtre Auditions • TH (2/20), 6-8pm & SA (2/22), noon-2pm - For Greater Tuna & Our Town. Call for a time slot. Held at 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-0930. Henderson county open studio tour • Through (5/31) - Registration is open to Henderson County artists. Held Sept. 20-21, 10am-5pm. Info: openstudiotourhc.com. Hickory downtown development AssociAtion • Through TU (4/1) - Submissions open for Downtown Hickory Art Crawl. Info: bsinclair@bellsouth.net or 322-1121. trAnsylvAniA community Arts council • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. videogrApHer for free food mArket • ONGOING - Volunteer videographer needed for Bounty & Soul's Kickstarter campaign. Funds would launch a mobile healthy food market for low-income communities. Info: acasparian49@gmail.com or 774260-0066.
A cAsting cAll for locAl film (pd.) Now in progress for Swag, an action/adventure/ romantic/comedy to be filmed in Asheville. Local talent only, with or without experience. Hispanic, African American, white and Asian actors needed. Reply to info@regal-arts.com • For more information, visit www.regal-arts.com
comediAn ben kronberg At lAb
cAll for burlesque dAncers (pd.) Audition for a new burlesque troupe, Beauty Booty Brigade: Monday, April 7, 7:30pm, third floor of Loretta's Cafe, 114 N. Lexington Ave. • New to burlesque is fine, but experience learning choreography and a sense of humor is a plus! • Must preregister to
disclAimer comedy Info: disclaimercomedy.com or 216-2331. • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Pre-booked open mic. Held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Stand-up. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
• TH (3/20), 9pm - Held at 39 N. Lexington Ave. $8/ $5 advance. Tickets & info: lexavebrew.com
song o' sky cHorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 pm song o' sky chorus Calvary Baptist Church (Chandler Center), 531 Haywood Road, 28806. Asheville's only a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky.org or (866) 824-9547 Parking available behind the church. AsHeville AreA piAno forum spring concert • SU (3/23), 3pm - Held at Deerfield Retirement Community, 1617 Hendersonville Road. $25/$3 students/free for children under 13. Tickets and info: ashevillepiano.org. lenoir-rHyne A cAppellA cHoir concert • TH (3/27), 7pm - Held at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 10 N. Liberty St. Parking is available on Merrimon & Chestnut. Info: 253-0043 or stmarkslutheran.net. music At wcu Performances held in the Coulter Building. Info: 227-7211. • MO (3/24), 7:30pm - Performance by classical duo Alyona Aksyonova and James Waldo benefit United Christian Ministries of Jackson County and the Honors College’s student study abroad fund. $15/$5 students. • TU (3/25), 7:30pm - Instrumental Jazz concert with WCU faculty members. • TH (3/27), 7:30pm - Western Carolina University Percussion Ensemble. orgAnist sArAH mAHler krAAZ • SU (3/23), 3pm - Held in Brevard College's Porter Center. Free. Info: brevard.edu/ fineartsevents or 884-8211.
tHeAter 35below Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or ashevilletheatre.org. • Through SA (3/22) - [title of show]. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm. $15. • TH (3/27), 7:30pm - Listen to This, storytelling series. $10. Ain't i A womAn: musicAl tHeAtre performAnce • TH (3/27), 7pm - Celebrates the lives Sojourner Truth, Zora Neale Hurston, Clementine Hunter and Fannie Lou Hamer. Held in UNCA's Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. Info: lhorvitz@unca.edu or 251-6590.
Mountain Xpress and sherwood’s Music present: Our video series showcasing local musicians continues every Thursday. Check our website this week for a second performance from Asheville band tina and Her pony at Sherwood’s Music.
AnAm cArA tHeAtre Info: anamcaratheatre.com or 545-3861. • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, (3/21) through (3/29), 8pm - The Baltimore Waltz . Held at Toy Boat Community Arts Space, 101 Fairview Road. $15/$12 advance. AsHeville AeriAl Arts performs “up” SA (3/22), 4pm & SU (3/23), 7pm - Inspired by the Disney film. Held at Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. $15/ $10 student/ $8 seniors/ $5 children & veterans. Info: 301-5615 or ashevilleaerialarts.com AsHeville plAybAck tHeAtre fAitHbAsed tour • FR (3/21), 8pm - Held at The Jubilee Garden Room, 46 Wall St. Info: ashevilleplayback.org. bebe tHeAtre 20 Commerce St. Info: 254-2621. • TH (3/20) through SU (3/30), Different Strokes! presents Proof. Thur.- Sun.: 7:30pm. flAt rock plAyHouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • Through SU (3/23) - Charlotte's Web on the Downtown stage. $18/$10 students. Fri.: 7pm; Sat.: 11am, 2pm, 7pm; Sun.: 2pm. montford pArk plAyers • TH (3/27) through SA (4/13) - Man & Superman. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway. Tickets: manandsuperman.eventbrite.com. tHe cHAse brock experience • FR (3/21), 8pm & SA (3/22), 8pm Contemporary dance. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $40/$30 students/$15 children 12 and under.
gaLLeRy diRectoRy folk Art center AmericAn folk Art And frAming 64 Biltmore Ave. Info: amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (3/26) - Hallelujah, works by Southern self-taught artists. Art At uncA Info: unca.edu. • Through SU (3/30) - Works by Mary Alice Ramsey and Bet Kindley in the Highsmith University Union gallery. Art At wcu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Info: fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (5/9) - Pottery from the private collection of Joan Byrd and George Rector. • Through MO (3/31) - Good Thoughts Better, mixed media by Edward J. Bisese. AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square. Info: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • Through SU (6/2) - Take 10: Collectors’ Circle 10th Anniversary, mixed works. • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through (3/25) - Blueprints: A Collaboration, cyanotypes. • Through SA (6/22) - Pierre Daura: Modernist in the Mountains, paintings. AsHeville gAllery of Art 16 College St. Info: ashevillegallery-of-art. com or 251-5796. • Through MO (3/30) - Landscapes in Abstraction, paintings by Karen Keil Brown. bellA vistA Art gAllery 14 Lodge St. Info: bellavistaart.com or 768-0246. • Through WE (4/30) - Sacred Places & Dreams, paintings by Christin Zelenka. bender gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Info: bendergallery. com. • Through FR (4/18) - Affinity, glass sculptural works by Kerrick Johnson. blAck mountAin college museum + Arts center 56 Broadway St. Info: blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • Through (5/17) - Cynthia Homire: Vision Quest, mixed media. blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Info: bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through SA (5/24) - Nancy Kubale, Whimsical ceramic works. • Through SA (5/24) - Zen, Asian-inspired works. • Through SA (5/24) - Becky Gray, ceramic sculptures. • Through SA (5/24) - Duy Huynh, paintings. • Through SA (5/24) - Narration, mixed media.
MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Info: craftguild.org or 298-7928. • Through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members. • Through SU (5/11) - Eyecatchers: The Hunter Collection, quilts. Hotel indigo 151 Haywood St. Info: boutiquehotel-asheville.com or 239-0239. • ONGOING- Paintings by Lelia Canter, Kathleen Kelley and Emily Shields explore human and animal relationships.
Come try the most delicious crazy tacos in downtown Asheville $5.00
1 PACK SQUARE • 828-254-0209
illustrAtion exHibit by greg vineyArd • Through (3/31) - Love! Love! Love!. 25 percent of sales donated to YWCA’s MotherLove program. Held at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Info: gregvineyardillustration. com. pusH skAte sHop & gAllery 25 Patton Ave. Info: pushtoyproject.com or 225-5509. • Through MO (4/14) - Portrait/street photography by Anthony Bellemare. red House studios And gAllery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Thurs.Sun., 11am-6pm. Info: www.svfalarts.org or 669-0351. • Through MO (4/28) - Motion Emotion, mixed media. riverview stAtion 191 Lyman St. Info: riverviewartists.com • Through (3/30), 11am-5pm - Art Jewelry Show at Copper Fish Metal Arts, Studio 236. Sat. & Sun only. tHe center for crAft, creAtivity & design 67 Broadway St. Info: 785-1357 or craftcreativitydesign.org • Through (5/3) - Taking Shape, works by of Windgate Fellows. Artist’s talk: April 9, 6pm. tHe circle AsHeville Located at 426 Haywood Road. Info: thecircleasheville.com. • Through FR (4/11) - Linoleum prints by Isadora Bullock. trAnsylvAniA community Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. • Through FR (3/28) - Exploring the Great Outdoors, mixed media. tryon fine Arts center Located at 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Info: tryonarts.org or 859-8322. • Through SA (4/19) - Old Ironsides and the War of 1812, an educational exhibit. wickwire fine Art / folk Art 330 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: wickwiregallery.com. • Through (3/31) - Contemporary Art for Adult Children, works by Susan Webb. ZApow! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Info: zapow.net or 575-2024. • ONGOING - Creepy Cute, mixed media.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
C L U B L A N D purple onion cAfe Scoot Pittman (singer-songwriter), 7:30-9:30pm
wednesdAy, mAr. 19
scAndAls nigHtclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
5 wAlnut wine bAr Sufi Brothers (folk), 5-7pm Juan Benavides (Latin), 8-10pm
soutHern AppAlAcHiAn brewery Nikki Talley (folk, alt-country, Americana), 7-9pm
Alley kAts tAvern Karaoke contest, 7pm
tHe cHop House Whitewater Bluegrass Company (bluegrass), 6:30pm
bArley's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm
tHe motHligHt New Bums w/ Tashi Dorji (psych-folk), 9pm
ben's tune-up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm
timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
blAck mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm
trAilHeAd restAurAnt And bAr Open jam, 6pm
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Open mic w/ Billy Owens, 7-9pm
tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm
bywAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
vincenZo's bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
cork & keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm
wHite Horse Eric Taylor (soul), 7:30pm
double crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm
fridAy, mAr. 21
emerAld lounge Blues jam, 8pm grind cAfe Trivia night, 7pm
185 king street Brian Phillips & Lee Griffin Blues party, 8pm
HigHlAnd brewing compAny Caromia & Ryan (acoustic), 5:30-7:30pm
new weiRd ameRica: Ben Chasny (of Six Organs of Admittance) and Donovan Quinn (of The Skygreen Leopards) have come together to present a new psych-folk project, New Bums, appearing at the Mothlight on Thursday, March 20, at 9 p.m. Haunting yet soothing voices will echo out over acoustic guitars following a worldly performance from Bhutanese-turned-Ashevillean guitarist Tashi Dorji, who will open for the duo.
iron Horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm isis restAurAnt And music HAll Choro da Manha (world, Brazillian jazz), 7:15pm JAck of tHe wood pub Old-time session, 5pm
odditorium Iron Reagan, MRSA, Uninhabitable & Prick Bigot (punk), 9pm olive or twist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7-8pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm one stop deli & bAr Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 6:30pm The Mug (blues, rock), 10pm orAnge peel Motionless in White w/ Like Moths to Flames, For the Fallen Dreams & The Defiled (metal), 7:30pm sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm
tHe motHligHt Saint Rich w/ Jenny Besetzt & Doc Aquatic (rock, indie), 9pm
ben's tune-up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm
tHe pHoenix Jazz night, 8pm
blAck mountAin Ale House Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 9pm
tHe sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Joe Lasher Jr. (Southern rock), 7-9pm
tiger mountAin tHirst pArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm
brevArd brewing compAny Open mic night, 7pm
timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm
double crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
town pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm trAilHeAd restAurAnt And bAr Open jam, 6pm
tAllgAry's cAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm
tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vAnuAtu kAvA bAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Alley kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm AltAmont brewing compAny Hick Child Soup w/ Mercer Johnson (folk-rock), 9pm AsHeville music HAll Earphunk w/ Bubonik Funk & Porch 40 (prog-funk), 10pm
lobster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm
5 wAlnut wine bAr Firecracker Jazz Band (hot jazz), 9pm-midnight
vincenZo's bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
tHursdAy, mAr. 20
emerAld lounge Crazy Tom Banana Pants w/ Demon Waffle (ska), 8:30pm frencH broAd brewery tAsting room Matt Walsh (rock, blues), 6-8pm grey eAgle music HAll & tAvern Wheeler Brothers & Desert Noises (rock, folk, Americana), 9pm
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm boiler room The Wormholes, Donnie Dies & PMA (rock), 9pm-2am bywAter Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 9pm clAssic wineseller Bohemian Jean w/ Jessi Stone & Matt Welborn (60s, soul), 7pm club eleven on grove DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm cork & keg Pleasure Chest (rock, blues, soul), 8:30pm
HAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm
emerAld lounge DTCV w/ Spaceships & Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie), 8:30pm
HypHen Open mic w/ Paul Quick, 6:30-10pm
frencH broAd brewery tAsting room Nikki Talley (alt-country, Americana), 6-8pm
isis restAurAnt And music HAll ArtSpace Annual After Hours Cabaret, 6pm
green room cAfe & coffeeHouse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm
JAck of tHe wood pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm
185 king street Reclaimed w/ Darby Wilcox, 8pm
lexington Ave brewery (lAb) Ben Kronberg (comedy), 9pm
5 wAlnut wine bAr The Crow Quill Night Owls (jug band, jazz), 8-10pm
odditorium Roz & The Rice Cakes w/ Impossible Vacation and Chester & The Nuts (rock, punk), 9pm
AdAm dAlton distillery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm-2am
olive or twist Blue Dawg Band (jazz, swing), 8-11pm
Alley kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm
one stop deli & bAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm
AltAmont brewing compAny Josh Daniel Marc Shimmick Project (bluegrass), 9pm
orAnge peel Badfish (Sublime tribute), 9pm
AsHeville music HAll Arpetrio w/ Dank Sinatra (electronica, groove, rock), 10pm
oskAr blues brewery Honey Spine (progressive folk), 6pm
bArley's tAproom Jazz night, 8pm
pisgAH brewing compAny Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz, swing), 8pm
AtHenA's club Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
grey eAgle music HAll & tAvern Yarn w/ Caravan of Thieves (Americana, alt-country), 9pm HAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm HigHlAnd brewing compAny Little Hump Release Party w/ Empire Strikes Brass (brass band), 6-8pm HypHen Iggy Radio (jazz, blues, rock), 7-10:30pm iron Horse stAtion Andy Buckner (Southern rock, country), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt And music HAll Dr. Lonnie Smith (acid jazz), 9pm JAck of tHe wood pub Johnson's Crossroad (Appalachian soul) w/ Cincinnati Folk Singer & His Uptown Band, 9pm
wednesday • March 19th
Bloody mary Bar Sundays @ noon
acoustic wednesday & cask release featuring
caroMia & ryan 5:30-7:30PM friday • March 21st “for the love of beer and Mountains” 6-8PM little huMP release Party! w/ eMPire strikes brass
saturday • March 22nd likewise 6-8PM friday • March 27th the lazy birds 6-8PM
Try Kangen Water FREE Alkaline, Ionized, Mineral Charged Reverse & Prevent Disease Dramatically Increase Energy
30 Day Self Health Study Approved Medical Device in Japan An Overly Acidic Body is the Root Cause of Most Disease
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
OPEN FOR LUNCH M-F 11-3PM thu 3/20
desert noises
fri 3/21
yarn w/ Caravan of thieves 9pm • $10/12
sat 3/22
9pm • $10/12
floodwood featuring al and vinnie from moe.! w/ sanctum sully 9pm • $12/14
grey eagle Comedy series presents:
early show
thu 3/27
Comedian doug stanhope
thu 3/27
Count m’Butu & the mar-tans w/ Blu Bop
fri 3/28
jeff thompson’s Beeg Band w/ jennifer daniels
sat 3/29
3rd annual asheville talent slam!
7pm • $25
late show
9:30pm • $10/$12
8pm • $12/$15
a Benefit for eblen Charities 7pm • $10/15
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLub diRectoRy
Wednesday, March 19th
AVL Blues Jam! •8pm-12am every Wed •FREE! Thursday, March 20th
thurs. mar 20
Crazy Tom Banana Pants w/ Demon Waffle 8pm• Free!
CoMedian ben kronberg
backstage • 9:00PM • $8 thurs. mar 27
Friday, March 21st DTCV (mem. of Guided by Voices) w/ Spaceships & Alarm Clock Conspiracy 8:30pm•FREE!
THe friendLy beasTs w/ sTUarT JoHnson
backstage • 9:00PM • $6 fri. apr 4
Saturday, March 22nd UNITY Community Forum! 4 - 6pm • FREE!
reagan boggs w/ THe CoaL Men
SOUND Foundation presents Depth Perception w/ Rasa & The Wolf 9pm •FREE!
Hard roCkeT
Monday, March 24th Muckety Mutts Monday Mixer! Dogs Welcome! 10% of bar donated to Animal Haven of Asheville!•5pm-7pm every Mon!•FREE!
backstage • 8:30PM • $8 thurs. apr 10 w/ POsH HaMMeR
backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. apr 17
Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam! 8pm-12am every Mon •FREE!
sex knUCkLe
w/ MINDsHaPeFIst, ZOMbIe QUeeN
backstage • 9:00PM • $6
Tues, March 26th “Made to Break” book reading with D. Foy (Two Dollar Radio) with music by Hello Hugo & more! 7pm•FREE!
lobster trAp King Leo (jazz trio), 7-9pm millroom Transcendance (house music, live art, meditation), 8pm odditorium Northless w/ Autarch (punk, metal), 9pm olive or twist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian, 7:30-8:30pm 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8:30-11:30pm one stop deli & bAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Mustacheville: Spring Equinox Celebration & Fundraiser (electronic), 10pm onefiftyone boutique bAr Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz, blues), 8pm oskAr blues brewery Dust 'n the Wynn w/ Jeff Lott (singer-songwriter), 7pm pAck's tAvern DJ Moto (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgAH brewing compAny Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead covers), 9pm scAndAls nigHtclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am scully's DJ, 10pm-2am soutHern AppAlAcHiAn brewery The Wilhelm Brothers (folk, indie, roots), 8-10pm spring creek tAvern Mark Shane & Kevin Reese (blues), 8-11pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Fine Line (classic rock), 9:30pm tHe green room bistro & bAr John Owen & Friends (bluegrass), 8:30pm tiger mountAin tHirst pArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm timo's House Inner Space Massive IV: The Emerald Curtain, Bombassic, Dleta Quadrant, Spaghettiman (bass), 9pm toy boAt community Art spAce The Baltimore Waltz (adult-themed dark comedy), 8pm
DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
DJ Moto (dance, pop hits) SAT. 3/22
one stop
THE MUG 19 10 PM FREE 21+ WED MAR w/ Dank Sinatra & The 20 ARPETRIO McLovins 10 PM $5 21+
MUSTACHEVILLE: Spring Equinox 21 Celebration & Fundraiser FRI MAR
10 PM $5 21+
EARPHUNK w/ Bubonik Funk and 21 Porch 40 FRI AMH
10 PM $8/$10 21+
185 king street Wild Ponies (Americana), 8pm 38 n. frencH broAd Dumpstaphunk (funk, soul), 9pm 5 wAlnut wine bAr Andrew J. Fletcher (piano), 6-8pm One Leg Up (soul, funk), 9pm-midnight Alley kAts tAvern The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm
blAck mountAin Ale House Bruckshot w/ members of Chalwa (reggae), 9pm
one stop
sAturdAy, mAr. 22
MINDS PRESENTS: 23 ALIGNING Waveforms feat. Kayla Scintilla SUN MAR
13 Big Screen TVs & Great Drink Specials!
wild wing cAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
AtHenA's club Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
one stop
March Madness
wHite Horse CryBaby (jazz), 8pm
10 PM $7/$10 21+
& Numatik 10 PM $12/$15 21+
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Bob Zullo, 7-9pm
bywAter Unspoken Tradition (bluegrass), 9pm
8 PM $2 All ages
clAssic wineseller Joe Cruz (Bealtes & Elton John covers), 7pm
25 Erisa Rei and PaperMoth TUES one stop
Your Headquarters for
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
(funk, pop, soul)
FRI. 3/21
vAnuAtu kAvA bAr Hot Point Trio (gypsy jazz), 9pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
one stop
tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues Emily Pettit & Friends, 7pm Al Coffee & Da Grind (blues, soul), 10pm
185 king stReet 877-1850 5 waLnut wine baR 253-2593 aLtamont bRewing company 575-2400 tHe aLtamont tHeatRe 348-5327 apotHecaRy (919) 609-3944 aqua cafe & baR 505-2081 aRcade 258-1400 asHeViLLe ciVic centeR & tHomas woLfe auditoRium 259-5544 asHeViLLe music HaLL 255-7777 atHena’s cLub 252-2456 baRLey’s tap Room 255-0504 bLack mountain aLe House 669-9090 bLue mountain pizza 658-8777 boiLeR Room 505-1612 bRoadway’s 285-0400 tHe bywateR 232-6967 coRk and keg 254-6453 cLub HaiRspRay 258-2027 cLub Remix 258-2027 cReekside tapHouse 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLeRy 367-6401 diana woRtHam tHeateR 257-4530 diRty soutH Lounge 251-1777 doubLe cRown 575-9060 eLeVen on gRoVe 505-1612 emeRaLd Lounge 232- 4372 fiRestoRm cafe 255-8115 fRencH bRoad bReweRy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gReen Room cafe 692-6335 gRey eagLe music HaLL & taVeRn 232-5800 gRoVe House tHe gRoVe paRk inn (eLaine’s piano baR/ gReat HaLL) 252-2711 HangaR Lounge 684-1213 HaRRaH’s cHeRokee 497-7777 HigHLand bRewing company 299-3370 isis music HaLL 575-2737 jack of HeaRts pub 645-2700 jack of tHe wood 252-5445 Lexington aVenue bReweRy 252-0212 tHe LobsteR tRap 350-0505 metRosHeRe 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 monte Vista HoteL 669-8870 natiVe kitcHen & sociaL pub (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onefiftyone 239-0239 one stop baR deLi & baR 255-7777 o.HenRy’s/tug 254-1891 tHe oRange peeL 225-5851 oskaR bLues bReweRy 883-2337 pack’s taVeRn 225-6944 tHe pHoenix 877-3232 pisgaH bRewing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLe onion cafe 749-1179 Red stag gRiLL at tHe gRand boHemian HoteL 505-2949 Root baR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nigHtcLub 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog Lounge 255-8858 smokey’s afteR daRk 253-2155 tHe sociaL 298-8780 soutHeRn appaLacian bReweRy 684-1235 static age RecoRds 254-3232 stRaigHtaway cafe 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809
tigeR mountain tHiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s House 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy boat 505-8659 tReasuRe cLub 298-1400 tRessa’s downtown jazz & bLues 254-7072 Vanuatu kaVa baR 505-8118 Vincenzo’s 254-4698 waLL stReet coffee House 252-2535 westViLLe pub 225-9782 wHite HoRse 669-0816 wiLd wing cafe 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838
cork & keg The Gypsy Swingers (jazz), 8:30pm emerAld lounge Depth Perception w/ Rasa & The Wolf (alt-rock), 8:30pm frencH broAd brewery tAsting room Leigh Glass & The Hazards (blues, rock), 6-8pm green room cAfe & coffeeHouse Lynn Goldsmith (singer-songwriter), 6:30-8:30pm grey eAgle music HAll & tAvern Floodwood w/ Sanctum Sully (string band, bluegrass), 9pm HigHlAnd brewing compAny Likewise (folk-rock), 6-8pm HypHen Billy Lintz, 3-6pm Hannah Rebekah (indie-pop, singer-songwriter), 6-8pm Brief Awakening (indie, psychedelic folk, Americana), 8-10:30pm iron Horse stAtion Sarah Tucker (singer-songwriter), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt And music HAll The Stray Birds (folk, Americana), 9pm JAck of tHe wood pub Underhill Rose (country, soul), 9pm lobster trAp Crossroads String Band (blues, jazz, bluegrass), 7-9pm millroom PigPen Theatre Co. (indie-folk), 8pm moonligHt mile Danny Barnes, 7:30-9:30pm odditorium Yard sale, 10am Metal Night: Through the Fallen, Temptations Wings, Twist of Fate, 9pm
spring creek tAvern Nikki Tally, 8-11pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm tHe green room bistro & bAr CaroMia Tiller (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm tHe motHligHt Lindi Oretega (blues, traditional country), 9pm tHe sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin tHirst pArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm timo's House St. Maurice (rock), 9pm toy boAt community Art spAce The Baltimore Waltz (adult-themed dark comedy), 8pm
5 wAlnut wine bAr The Get Right Band (funk, dirty blues), 7-9pm AsHeville music HAll Aligning Minds w/ Kayla Scintilla & Numatik (electronic, dubstep), 10pm ben's tune-up Vinyl night (open DJ collective) blAck mountAin Ale House Jazz brunch w/ Mike Gray Trio, 11:30am
$12/ dozen Mon-Fri 3-6pm! (828) 575-9370 625 Haywood Rd • West Asheville Mon-Thur 3-11 • Fri 3-12 • Sat 12-12 • Sun 12-11 oysterhousebeers.com
Monday Evenings 5:00 - 5:30 PM on WTZQ 1600 AM online:
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Larry Dolamore, 7-9pm double crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm Hi-wire brewing Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana), 4:30pm HypHen Dan Lewis (singer-songwriter), noon-2pm Quickchester (rock), 2-5pm Iggy's open acoustic porch jam, 5-7:30pm iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (blues), 5-8pm isis restAurAnt And music HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm JAck of tHe wood pub Irish session, 5pm Karikatura (gypsy, Latin, reggae), 10pm
millroom Service Industry Night karaoke dance party, 9pm
pisgAH brewing compAny Melodime w/ JD Eicher & Charlie Oxford (indie, Americana), 9pm
Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills
wHite Horse Trade Routes (reggae, fusion, prog-rock), 8pm
one stop deli & bAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm Kings of Belmont & Peoples Blues of Richmond (rock, psychedelic, blues), 10pm
pAck's tAvern Lyric (funk, pop, soul), 9pm
Tuesday cask night
Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies
sundAy, mAr. 23
Don’t miss the Healthcare Café radio show with Chris Comeaux:
Monday $3 pint night
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
lobster trAp Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 7-9pm
oskAr blues brewery Riyen Roots Duo w/ Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm
Full bar . Full kitchen
Food served til 11 pM nightly
Thursday $4 well drinks
wAter'n Hole Owner of the Sun (rock, bluegrass), 8pm
A Place for Conversation About Healthcare
Asheville, NC
tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues WestSound (Motown, blues, R&B), 10pm
olive or twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:30-11pm
orAnge peel Cherub w/ Carousel & ProbCause (electro-pop, funk, indie), 9pm
Brewing Company
odditorium Stampede (metal), 9pm olive or twist Shag & swing lesson w/ John Dietz, 7-8pm DJ Michael Filippone (beach, swing), 8-10pm one stop deli & bAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am pisgAH brewing compAny The Duhks w/ The Danberrys (folk, Celtic, old-time), 8pm
Xpress readers are
pulp Noah Gardenschwartz (comedy), 8pm
purple onion cAfe Eve Haslam & Satin Steel Jazz, 8-10pm
purple onion cAfe Mac Arnold & Plate Full O' Blues (blues, soul, funk), 6pm
scAndAls nigHtclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
scAndAls nigHtclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
scully's DJ, 10pm-2am
soutHern AppAlAcHiAn brewery Chris Padgett (jazz guitar), 5-7pm
soutHern AppAlAcHiAn brewery Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz), 8-10pm
spring creek tAvern Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 1-4pm
they make great employees
Mountain Xpress classifieds work. mountainx.com
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
The place to be for
3/21 Johnson’s Crossroad 10/25 W/ Sarah Lee Guthrie CINCINNATI FOLK SINGER & Johnny Irion BAND 9PM & HIS UPTOWN w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 3/22 RoseJazz 9PM Band 10/26Underhill Firecracker & HALLOWEEN Costume 3/23 Karikatura 10PM Party & Contest • 9pm $8 10/27Stringtown VinegarAmbassadors Creek • 9pm FREE 3/24 9PM 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 3/25 Vagabond Philosophy 9PM w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants 10/29The Singer 3/28 BlindSongwriters Owl Band 9PM in the Round • 7-9pm FREE w/ Anthony Tripi,AElise Davis 3/29 Strung Like Horse 9PM Mud Tea • 9pm FREE Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
T he
1/2 OFF Martinis & Bottles of Wine
2.00 Pints 32 Taps to Choose From
3.25 Flights 3.00 Greek & Italian Beer
5.00 Jager Bombs, Angry Balls & LIT’s
5.00 Mojitos & Bloody Marys 2.00 Domestics
10.00 Yugo Burger with Craft Beer & Keep the Pint Night
Tuesday 5.00 Margaritas & 3.00 Corona and Corona Light bottles
Original VitaL oRgans: “Forefather of acid jazz” and expert of the B3 Hammond organ Dr. Lonnie Smith will bring his smile to stage at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, Friday, March 21, at 9 p.m., his fingers gliding over the keys and pumping out the funky, jazzy skills he’s been building for five decades
56 TAPS • est. 1994 • 100 BEERS
Kids Eat FREE Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia Live Jazz, Alien Music Club
town pump Andrew Ellis (Americana, one-man-band), 7pm
JAck of tHe wood pub Quizzo, 7-9pm Stringtown Ambassadors (bluegrass, Americana), 9pm
wHite Horse Jay Brown (roots, guitar), 7pm
mondAy, mAr. 24 185 king street Monday Night Laughs (stand-up comedy), 8pm
Live Music
5 wAlnut wine bAr Hot Point Trio (jazz), 8-10pm
double crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
Pint Special
come check out ...
tHe sociAl '80s night, 8pm
Alley kAts tAvern Open mic, 8pm AltAmont brewing compAny Old-time jam, 7pm blAck mountAin Ale House Karaoke, 9pm bywAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm courtyArd gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm
lobster trAp Tim Marsh (singer-songwriter), 7-9pm odditorium Adult poetry slam, 9pm oskAr blues brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm tHe motHligHt Deafheaven w/ Planning For Burial (metal), 9pm tiger mountAin tHirst pArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm westville pub Trivia night, 8pm
tuesdAy, mAr. 25 185 king street Salsa lessons w/ Marty Ingram & Solange Bascunen, 8pm
5 wAlnut wine bAr The John Henry's (ragtime), 8-10pm
iron Horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm
Alley kAts tAvern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm
isis restAurAnt And music HAll Sirius B (world music), 7:15pm
AltAmont brewing compAny Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm
JAck of tHe wood pub Old-time session, 5pm
ben's tune-up Dance party w/ DJ Rob, 10pm
lobster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm
blAck mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm
odditorium All Hell w/ The Cryptoids (punk), 9pm
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7-9pm
olive or twist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8-11pm
club eleven on grove Dance, 8:30-11pm
one stop deli & bAr Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 6:30pm The Mobros w/ From Bears (indie-rock, neo-psychedelia), 10pm
cork & keg Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm double crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm iron Horse stAtion Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 6-9pm isis restAurAnt And music HAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm JAck of tHe wood pub Vagabond Philosophy (folk-rock, jam), 9pm lobster trAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stop deli & bAr Tuesday night techno, 10pm Erisa Rei & PaperMoth (Americana, rock), 8pm
tAllgAry's cAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm tHe pHoenix Jazz night, 8pm tHe sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
timo's House '90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm
tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
wednesdAy, mAr. 26 5 wAlnut wine bAr Sufi Brothers (folk), 5-7pm Juan Benavides (Latin), 8-10pm
vincenZo's bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
tHursdAy, mAr. 27 185 king street Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots & Brian Phillips, 8pm 5 wAlnut wine bAr The Crow Quill Night Owls (jug band, jazz), 8-10pm Alley kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm AltAmont brewing compAny Stuart McNair (folk, Cajun), 9pm ben's tune-up Island dance party w/ DJ Malinalli, 10pm
AltAmont brewing compAny Songwriter night w/ Dave Desmelik, 8:30pm
blAck mountAin Ale House Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 9pm
bArley's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Rocket Science, 7-9pm
ben's tune-up Karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 10pm
brevArd brewing compAny Open mic night, 7pm
blAck mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm
double crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7-9pm
emerAld lounge The Moon & You, Tiny & Her Pony, Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray (folk), 8pm
cork & keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm
20% OFF of Any One Item
50 Shades of Grey
vAnuAtu kAvA bAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
Alley kAts tAvern Karaoke contest, 7pm
bywAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
A True Gentleman’s Club
timo's House Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm
trAilHeAd restAurAnt And bAr Open jam, 6pm
wHite Horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
Over 40 Entertainers!
tiger mountAin tHirst pArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm
tHe sociAl Big Generator (rock, blues), 7-9pm
westville pub Blues jam, 10pm
6.95 DVD SALE!
sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm
town pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
Service. Courtesy. Integrity.
orAnge peel Downtown After 5 Kickoff Party w/ Empire Strikes Brass (brass band), 7pm
scully's Triva night, 9-11pm
tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm
Major & Minor Automotive Repair and Restoration
frencH broAd brewery tAsting room Peggy Ratusz (blues, jazz), 6-8pm
double crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm
grey eAgle music HAll & tAvern Doug Stanhope (stand-up comedy), 7pm Count M'Butu & The Mar-Tans w/ Blu Bop (funk, R&B, blues, soul), 9:30pm
emerAld lounge Blues jam w/ Halley DeVestern Band, 8pm
HAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm
HigHlAnd brewing compAny Dan Shearin (singer-songwriter, guitarist), 5:30-7:30pm
HigHlAnd brewing compAny The Lazy Birds, 6-8pm
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2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
JAck of tHe wood pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm
clAssic wineseller Leo Johnson (swing, jazz), 7pm
lexington Ave brewery (lAb) The Friendly Beasts w/ Stuart Johnson (indie, ambient, alternative), 9pm
cork & keg One Leg Up (jazz, swing), 8:30pm
odditorium Open mic night w/ Harry of the Tills, 9pm olive or twist Blue Dawg Band (jazz, swing), 8-11pm one stop deli & bAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm North of Nashville w/ Soldier's Heart (country, Americana), 10pm oskAr blues brewery Angela Easterling (Americana, folk), 6pm pisgAH brewing compAny The Alchemystics w/ Bruckshot (reggae, roots rock), 9pm purple onion cAfe Fayssoux McLean & Brandon Turner (folk, alt-country, Americana), 7:30-9:30pm scAndAls nigHtclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am tHe motHligHt Joshua Carpenter & The American Seams w/ Rogue Band of Youth, War Woman (indie-pop, folk-rock), 9pm timo's House Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm town pump Phil Lomac (singer-songwriter), 9pm trAilHeAd restAurAnt And bAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm vincenZo's bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
fridAy, mAr. 28 185 king street Count M'Butu & The Mar-Tans (funk, R&B, blues, soul), 8pm 5 wAlnut wine bAr Pleasure Chest (blues, soul, rock), 9pm-midnight Alley kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm AltAmont brewing compAny Jeff Sipe Trio (funk, jazz), 9pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Full Bar
AsHeville music HAll Blue Sky Black Death & RBTS Win (hip-hop, psych-pop), 10pm AtHenA's club Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am blue mountAin piZZA & brew pub Acoustic Swing, 7-9pm
emerAld lounge Minorcan w/ So Many Dynamos (indie-rock), 8:30pm frencH broAd brewery tAsting room The Moon & You (indie-folk), 6-8pm grey eAgle music HAll & tAvern Jeff Thompson's BEEG Band w/ Jennifer Daniels (jazz, alt-rock, singer-songwriter), 8pm HAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm HigHlAnd brewing compAny The Lazy Birds (Americana, roots), 6-8pm iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (blues), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt And music HAll Town Mountain w/ Foghorn Stringband (bluegrass), 9pm JAck of tHe wood pub The Blind Owl Band (bluegrass-rock, folk), 9pm lobster trAp Mark & Aimee Bumgarner (Americana), 7-9pm odditorium Comet West, It Looks Sad, Petey (rock), 9pm olive or twist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian, 7:30-8:30pm 42nd Street Jazz Band (jazz), 8:30-11:30pm one stop deli & bAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Electric Night (dubstep, electronic), 10pm oskAr blues brewery Nomadic (electronic funk), 7pm pAck's tAvern DJ MoTo (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgAH brewing compAny Dave Zoll Trio (rock, jam), 8pm r3mix3d Audio/visuAl spAce Axxa Abraxas w/ Omingnome (psych-rock), 8pm scAndAls nigHtclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am scully's DJ, 10pm-2am soutHern AppAlAcHiAn brewery Grits & Soul (Americana, Southern soul), 8-10pm spring creek tAvern Andy Buckner & The Southern Soul Campaign (Southern rock), 8-11pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Brief Awakening (variety), 9:30pm tHe green room bistro & bAr Jesse Iaquinto (Americana), 8:30pm tHe motHligHt Juan Benavides Group w/ Mande Foly (flamenco pop, world beat), 9:30pm tiger mountAin tHirst pArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm timo's House Bobby FKN White, DJ Kutzu, BIGhands, Hunter, Rebel Savage (hip-hop), 9pm town pump East Coast Dirt (folk, funk, jam), 9pm toy boAt community Art spAce The Baltimore Waltz (adult-themed dark comedy), 8pm tressA's downtown JAZZ And blues Isabel Parker Project (blues, funk, soul), 7pm Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (soul, funk), 10pm vAnuAtu kAvA bAr Kings County Lighthouse (instrumental hip-hop, ambient electronic music), 9pm vincenZo's bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm wAter'n Hole Darren & The Buttered Toast (R&B, multi-genre), 9pm wild wing cAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
743 HAYWOOD RD • 828-575-2737 • ISISASHEVILLE.COM 78
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
tHEatER ListinGs
The Grand Budapest Hotel
FRiday, maRcH 21 tHuRsday, maRcH 27 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: Wes Anderson
Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281)
PLayERs: Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham. Tony Revolori, Mathieu Amalric, Adrien Brody. Jeff Goldblum, Jude Law
Please call the info line for updated showtimes. The hunger games: Catching Fire (Pg-13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10;15 CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452) CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500)
comEdy WitH tRaGic ovERtonEs RatEd R
12 Years a slave (r) 11:30, 5:30 300: Rise of an Empire 3D (R)
tHE stoRy: The story of the last great days of the Grand Budapest Hotel and its legendary concierge, M. Gustave H.
10:30, 9:00
tHE LoWdoWn: Absolutely breathtaking in its design, its cinematic flair and its tragi-comic tone, which is masked by a deliberately absurd, thrill-comedy plot. Wes Anderson is at the peak of his form here — and so is Ralph Fiennes.
Better living Through Chemistry (nr) 9:05
Let’s be honest here. No one who knows me or has followed my reviews is going to be surprised by the announcement that I loved Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel. But even I’m surprised by how completely blown away I was by it. I expected to love it — with certain reservations about the lack of pop songs on the soundtrack — but not like this. It is a film that might have been made just for me. I am an easy mark for end-of-an-era stories with their inherent sadness over the passing of an age. I am also a sucker for brazenly confessional works, and Grand Budapest is the most openly confessional of Anderson’s films. Could there be a more self-aware statement than, “I think his world had vanished long before he ever entered it, but, I will say, he certainly sustained the illusion with a
300: Rise of an Empire 2D (R) 1:00, 3:30, 6:15 American hustle (r) 2:30, 8:45
Divergent (Pg-13) 11:00, 12:00, 2:00, 3:00, 5:00, 6:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00
Unidentified elevator operator, tony REvoLoRi, tiLda sWinton and RaLPH FiEnnEs in Wes Anderson’s glorious The Grand Budapest Hotel.
god’s not Dead (Pg) 10:30, 1:00, 3:45, 6:45, 9:15 The grand Budapest hotel (r) 10:15, 11:30, 12:30, 1:45, 2:45, 4:00, 5:00, 6:15, 7:15, 8:30, 9:30 The lego movie 2D (Pg) 10:45, 1:15, 4:00, 6:15
marvelous grace!” Doesn’t that sum up the essential mood that hangs over all Wes Anderson pictures? There’s more. The film, at least its central section, is like something the great Ernst Lubitsch would have made in his glory days of the early 1930s, right down to retaining the old 1.37:1 framing of that era. (The more modern sections of the film are in either 1.85:1 or full 2.35:1 widescreen.) It is set in one of those mythical European kingdoms one finds in Lubitsch’s pictures, too, and the intricate sets are designed to add to every gag and nuance. But don’t take the comparison too far. In fact, the only direct reference to classic Hollywood I caught was an usherette dressed in the same costume — right down to cape and neon wand — as worn by Margaret Sullavan in a Budapest movie palace in William Wyler’s The Good Fairy (1935). No, this is Lubitsch
— or the style he helped create — as seen through an Anderson filter. It’s more manic, yet simultaneously sadder. It’s also infused with a style that has a lot to do with Richard Lester’s 1960s movies. (Anderson is perhaps the only director today, apart from Martin Scorsese, who understands how to use a zoom lens.) You will also find elements of Hitchcock’s British pictures (especially those set on trains). The result is purely Wes Anderson in its distillation. This is the first film Anderson has written without a co-writer, making it possibly his most personal work to date. It tells the story of the Grand Budapest Hotel — mostly through the story of its most dedicated concierge, Gustave H. (Ralph Fiennes), an impeccably dressed, over-perfumed man who might be said to be the spirit of the hotel. While he remains sexually ambiguous (“I sleep with all my friends”)
mr. Peabody & sherman 3D (Pg) 10:15 mr. Peabody & sherman 2D (Pg) 12:45, 3:00, 5:30, 7:45 muppets most wanted (Pg) 10:30, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:45 need for speed (Pg-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 non-stop (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:45, 4:15, 9:55 Tyler Perry’s The single mom’s Club (Pg-13) 11:15, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45 veronica mars (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) mr. Peabody and sherman (Pg) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) gloria (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:40 The grand Budapest (r) 1:00, 3:00, 5:10, 7:30, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:40 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) The wind rises (Pg-13) 3:30, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
We Cater! 828-669-8178
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
he has a taste for very elderly, very rich blonde women. He makes sure that everything is just right and that all the clientele — especially, those elderly, rich blondes — are satisfied. This story, set in 1932, is told in 1968 by Mr. Moustafa (F. Murray Abraham), the hotel’s final owner, to a young writer (Jude Law) during the last days of the once-great hotel. In 1932, Mr. Moustafa was merely a not-too-legal refugee and lobbyboy-in-training, called Zero (Tony Revolori). Through circumstances, Zero becomes M. Gustave’s sidekick. The impossibly convoluted story involves the death of one of M. Gustave’s rich blondes, Madame D. (Tilda Swinton). The death turns out to be murder, and M. Gustave is on the spot, thanks to her villainous children (headed by Adrien Brody) and the fact that she left M. Gustave a priceless (well, $5 million worth of priceless) painting. Worse, the only one who can clear him has disappeared, setting things in motion for a very wild ride indeed. Along the way, Zero falls in love with a pastry chef, Agatha (Saoirse Ronan), we see the rise of an unnamed fascist regime, witness the decay of the world of the film and get a virtual who’s who of the Anderson stock company in small roles. It’s the kind of breathless, colorful entertainment that leaves you wishing it had gone on longer than its 99 minutes. Unlike most of Anderson’s other films, there is no key moment of sadness. There’s nothing like Owen Wilson’s death in The Life Aquatic (2004), or the sequence with the drowning boy in The Darjeeling Limited (2007). Instead, the whole film is tinged with an almost unbearable sadness that colors even the most comic moments. A lot of it is due to the unlikely character of M. Gustave himself and Fiennes’ ridiculous — and ridiculously touching — performance of this fastidious, fussy, far-fromscrupulous man who spends his life looking for “a glimmer of civilization in the barbaric slaughterhouse we know as humanity.” He is brilliant, and he’s in a brilliant film that is funny, marvelously creative and always just a little bit sad. Easily the best film to come along this year — and it will probably still be at the end of the year. Rated R for language, some sexual content and violence. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre.
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
HHHHH = max rating
Community Screenings
‘A unified presence’ screening • SA (3/22), 7pm - With Global health initiative leader Njekwa Lumbwe. Held at Hendersonville High School, 1 Bearcat Blvd., Hendersonville. $10. Tickets & info: fourseasonscfl.org.
mArs Hill cycling screening: ‘tHe Armstrong lie’ • TH (3/20), 9:30pm - Raises funds for a cycling trip to the national championships. $10. Held at Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co., 675 Merrimon Ave. Info: marshillcycling.com.
cAnAry coAlition screening • SA (3/22), 6:30pm - Gasland Part 2, a documentary about natural gas “fracking”. Held at the Jackson County Public Library, 310 Keener St. Free. Info: canarycoalition.org.
reclAiming sAcred ground series • WE (3/19), 6:30pm - This series discusses Native American self-representation in film. This week: The Fast Runner. Held at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Free. Info: 254-4752.
environmentAl And conservAtion orgAniZAtion screening • WE (3/19), 6pm - CODE BLUE: Water in the Mountains, documentary. Henderson County Public Library Main Branch, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville. film At uncA Info: unca.edu or 251-6585. • SU (3/23), 2pm - Beyond Somewhere Between, a companion DVD to Somewhere Between, which discusses transracial adoption. Held in the Highsmith Union, Room 159. film screenings At wcu Held in the A.K. Hinds University Center. Info: 227-2324. • TH (3/20), 7:30pm - Screening of BlowUp, about a photographer who witnesses a murder. Free.
The Art of the Steal HHS
diRectoR: Jonathan Sobol pLayeRs: Kurt Russell, Matt Dillon, Jay Baruchel, Terence Stamp, Kenneth Welsh Heist fLick Rated R tHe stoRy: An ex-con and former art thief agrees to a heist with his half brother, who betrayed him and sent him to prison. tHe Lowdown: An occasionally amusing, mildly clever heist film with a small budget but a game cast that keeps things together.
Writer-director Jonathan Sobol had the right idea with The Art of the Steal. He assembled an excellent (if not exactly A-list) ensemble and constructed an irreverent, occasionally funny and sometimes clever little heist flick. But much
like the art forgery that appears in his movie, The Art of the Steal feels a bit too much like a modest copy of so many other films. Besides the obvious Steven Soderbergh, Ocean’s Eleven vibe, it seems to draw from Rian Johnson’s early work, as well as Quentin Tarantino and a laundry list of various crime movies. So while Sobol is obviously trying to make an honestly fun movie, he’s not adding much to the genre, and he’s certainly not doing anything memorable. The plot involves the unlikely named Crunch Calhoun (Kurt Russell), a broken down daredevil and former art thief who’s just served five years in Polish prison, after being turned in by his half brother, Nicky (Matt Dillon). Reluctantly, he agrees to get back with Nicky in order to steal and smuggle a rare book. That’s the simple version. The movie gets much more convoluted and more than a little unbelievable as things progress, and the film’s complex plot doesn’t make sense under any real scrutiny. Needless to say, this is the kind of movie that will twist and turn on itself, and while Art of the Steal can be clever — and even a little imaginative in its filmmaking — there just isn’t enough for the surprises to matter. No one in the cast will wow you, but everyone is built for their roles, from Russell’s smartassed, aged hero, to Matt Dillon’s smarmy, shifty villain. Terence Stamp, however, walks away with the movie in a small role as a reformed art thief forced to work for Interpol (a real pity, since no one will see the film, let alone him in it). Stamp is the only truly sympathetic, humane character — something that’s more Stamp’s doing than the film’s. He does more in his short stints of screen time than anyone else can manage throughout the film. This doesn’t quite
save the movie, but it does raise it above much of the flotsam out right now. Rated R for language throughout including some sexual references. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas.
Gloria HHHH diRectoR: Sebastián Lelio (Christmas) pLayeRs: Paulina Garcia, Sergio Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, Fabiola Zamora, Luz Jiminez dRama comedy Rated R tHe stoRy: A divorced woman on the edge of 60 decides to start living her life rather than watching from the sidelines. tHe Lowdown: Refreshingly frank look at love — and life — in an age group the movies tend to shy away from. A very good film made into an essential one by Paulina Garcia’s performance as the indomitable Gloria.
Sebastián Lelio is another of those foreign — in this case Chilean — filmmakers whose work (for whatever reason) has failed to come to Asheville. That changes with his fourth theatrical feature, Gloria, which opened on Friday at the Fine Arts. The film, which Lelio co-wrote with his Christmas (2009) co-author Gonzalo Maza, is not the sort of thing one sees every day. Oh, I don’t mean that it’s awash in cinematic creativity. In fact, I can recall nothing remarkable about the way Gloria is made — except that it’s well-made and intelligent. But this is a film that operates on story and character more than anything. In that regard, the film is far from what we usually see. Gloria is about a woman approaching 60 and her attempts at finding herself as well as some romantic validation. Gloria (Chilean TV actress Paulina Garcia) has been divorced for years. She lives alone in a comfortable apartment with an often loud, mentally disturbed man on the floor above her. She’s also frequently invaded by the man’s hairless sphynx cat, which she’s slightly repulsed by. She works at a boring office. Her children are grown and have little need for her. (Gloria’s
staRting fRiday efforts at soothing a grandchild suggest that mothering may never have been her strong suit.) Her ex-husband has long since remarried. In other words, Gloria is at a loose end, and her only visible admirer is a cat she doesn’t much like. Gloria is not, however, a victim. She has in some respects crafted her own world — that of an observer behind a pair of terminally unstylish glasses, cutting loose only in the privacy of her own car, where she sings along with pop songs on the radio. The crux of the film concerns Gloria’s attempts to become a participant rather than an observer. This takes the form of her meeting a retired naval officer, Rodolfo (Sergio Hernández, No), at a dance club. He is much more recently divorced than she is, and his two daughters and ex-wife are constantly in need of him. Rodolfo keeps Gloria separate from his own life, while constantly intruding on hers. Yet they seem compatible, willing to share some pretty intimate secrets and are more than willing to share other kinds of intimacy. Even when he screws up spectacularly, Gloria ultimately relents and gives the relationship another chance. This is pretty much what the film is. It’s all Gloria’s story. There isn’t a scene — possibly not even a shot — that she isn’t in. We never see what anyone else is doing. We make no discoveries she can’t make. We do, however, have glimpses of things she may not be aware of — like the way she slowly accepts the presence of the hairless cat and the meaning behind her actions in the film’s final scene. All of this is presented in a very frank manner. The film doesn’t shy away from depicting the sex between Gloria and Rodolfo. In fact, it doesn’t shy away from anything, which is what makes it refreshingly adult. But let’s be honest: Gloria is utterly dependent on the performance of Paulina Garcia, and she more than delivers. She not only lays her body bare but also her soul. Rated R for sexual content, some graphic nudity, drug use and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Fine Arts Theatre.
staRting fRiday
The Grand Budapest Hotel See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Divergent What have we here? Oh, it’s the latest attempt to turn some young adult novels into what studios lie awake at night dreaming about — the the next cash-cow franchise. This time, they’ve brought in Neil Burger to direct. I’m not sure why, since he hasn’t done anything major since The Illusionist in 2006. It stars Shailene Woodley, TV actor Theo James, Kate Winslet, Miles Teller and Ray Stevenson, What’s it about? The studio says it’s “a thrilling action-adventure film set in a world where people are divided into distinct factions based on human virtues. Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley) is warned she is Divergent and will never fit into any one group. When she discovers a conspiracy by a faction leader (Kate Winslet) to destroy all Divergents, Tris must learn to trust in the mysterious Four (Theo James) and together they must find out what makes being Divergent so dangerous before it’s too late.” Surely, the studio wouldn’t lie about it being thrilling. (pg-13)
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God’s Not Dead Faith-based drama from director Harold Cronk and an outfit calling itself Pure Flix Entertainment. Apparently, it’s all about an evil philosophy professor, Kevin Sorbo, requiring his class to write “God is dead.” This sets up the drama for persecuted, lone Christian, Shane Harper, who sticks to his guns. You already know if you have any interest in seeing this, though I suppose the guest appearance by Duck Dynasty star and Zaxby’s spokesman, Willie Robertson, might be a game-changer. (pg-13)
Muppets Most Wanted The first Muppets reboot was a big hit, so a sequel with everybody’s favorite felt-covered stars was inevitable. You know the drill — a thin plot, lots of Muppets, tons of guest stars. In this case, it has something to do with a Kermit lookalike master criminal. (Wasn’t this the plot of The Saint’s Double Trouble in 1940?) People will flock to it. It will make a fortune. End of story — till the next sequel. (pg)
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
Join Aurora Foxx for a private concert featuring channeled improvisational classical solo piano at 4pm, Sunday, March 23, Weaverville, $15 Prepare to be peaceful, uplifted, inspired, invigorated, amazed
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
Need for Speed HH
Member of International Sound Therapy Association
RSVP/directions: (828) 645-0235 diRectoR: Scott Waugh (Act of Valor) pLayeRs: Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Scott Mescudi, Michael Keaton Racing action Rated pg-13 tHe stoRy: After being framed for murder, a race car driver seeks revenge behind the wheel. tHe Lowdown: An imminently brain-dead movie that’s occasionally fun but way too long and way too straight-faced to get the most out of its inherent stupidity.
To get any enjoyment out of Scott Waugh’s Need for Speed, understand one thing: It’s dumb as hell. It’s five stars worth of dumb, which, by itself, isn’t always a problem.
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I don’t always mean “dumb” in a pejorative sense. Some of my favorite moviegoing memories have resulted from imminently dumb movies. Dumb can be fun, and at its basest level, fun is the point of cinema. So while Need for Speed is occasionally dumb enough to be simply entertaining, it also wants to be taken seriously. This is a problem. Occasionally, the movie has the right idea, especially when it attempts to be little else than a throwback to the crime movies and car chases of the ’60s and ’70s. Director Waugh, who’s mostly worked in Hollywood as a stuntman, has an obvious appreciation for this kind of cinematic thrill ride. We see Peter Yates’ Bullitt (1968) being played at a drivein, and numerous stuntmen make cameos throughout the film. In this way, Need for Speed is a bit loving, and if it had stuck to the simple homage formula, then we might have had something. Instead, Need for Speed decided to have a plot. The problem is the economy of it all. The gist of the movie — small-time racer (Aaron Paul) framed for the murder of his best friend (Harrison Gilbertson) sets out to prove his innocence — takes about 40 minutes just to set up. The movie then wanders around some, occasionally taking supposedly surprising twists that are so telegraphed they should be covered in neon lights and shooting fireworks. In keeping with its dumbness, none of it makes sense, and each character acts in the most obtuse, oblivious way possible. Not helping things is Paul, who spends the movie looking sullen and furrowing his brow or getting into a lot of hoary, vein-popping pyrotechnics. If this movie is any indication, his post-Breaking Bad film career is looking shaky. Ideally, the plot is just an excuse to hop from one white knuckle car stunt to the next, but the whole thing is overstuffed (and at 130 minutes, greatly overstays its welcome). It’s continually bogged down in side trips, a bit of manchild comic relief (that’s not as endearing as the movie wants it to be) and a few too many set pieces that go on too long. Car stunts are inherently cinematic, but the most memorable ones in movie history are often single events that mark a climax. With Need for
Speed, the stunts happen so often they become numbing. Those few times the movie hits and manages to mix the dumb with the fun are short-lived and are eventually buried underneath a pile of sound, fury and mediocrity. Rated PG-13 for sequences of reckless street racing, disturbing crash scenes, nudity and crude language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Club HHH diRectoR: Tyler Perry pLayeRs: Nia Long, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Amy Smart, Zulay Henao, Cocoa Brown comedy dRama Rated pg-13 tHe stoRy: A group of single mothers must band together to keep their kids from being expelled from a private school. tHe Lowdown: Predictable — and predictably soapy — Tyler Perry comedy-drama with all the trimmings one expects, but, interestingly, without the usual preaching. It’s not exactly good, but he’s made much worse.
I keep seeing words like “excruciating” and “terrible” used in connection with Tyler Perry’s The Single Moms Club — a movie that marks my 16th excursion into Mr. Perry’s oeuvre. I am left to wonder whether or not my full-immersion baptism into the curious realm of Tyler Perry hasn’t degraded my critical faculties, since I found this new one neither excruciating, nor terrible. This is not to say that I thought it was particularly good. It just didn’t strike me as that bad. It’s like a moderately high-end TV movie, which is actually something of an accomplishment when you compare it to Perry’s early works. I will never watch it again. I will never own it. But if it was on TV, I wouldn’t make a dive for the remote to get it off — and I cer-
tainly didn’t mind sitting through it once. It probably helped that I saw it with an audience that clearly loved every minute of its too-tidy plotting and laughed at its every, often-feeble joke. Sure, I recognize the movie’s limitations. Its insistence that all its theoretically strong female characters should end up in the arms of some hunky guy — except for Nia Long who ends up with Tyler Perry — is regressive. Everyone’s problems are too easily solved (often having been overstated in the first place). It is a moralizing fantasy — albeit a wholly secular one for a change. (No one has to get right with the Lord this time. None of the characters even talk about going to church or their faith.) Apart from the film’s secular tone, more than usual restraint in melodrama and perhaps the most racially diverse cast of Perry’s career, The Single Moms Club is standard Tyler Perry. Its major characters — those who make up the club of the title — are thrust into contact against their wills. Their encounter comes about because the women’s children are all about to be bounced from their posh private school over graffiti and smoking. (The economic diversity is explained by the school policy.) The only way to prevent them from being kicked out is to put the kids on probation and (somewhat preposterously) have their mothers take charge of decorating and creating a school dance. Naturally, the women mostly dislike each other. Just as naturally, they will come to bond over their similarities. Along the way, they’ll bond with their children, adjust their priorities and find (or come to appreciate) the right guys. That’s all there is to it. Yes, it’s predictable. Yes, it’s never more than adequate as filmmaking. If you’re not the target audience, it’s probably not going to do a blessed thing for you. If you are the target audience, you probably don’t bother worrying about what critics have to say about the latest Tyler Perry opus. (This will not prevent someone from complaining that I don’t love Perry enough. It’s the way of things.) Rated PG-13 for some sexual material and thematic elements. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
speciaL scReenings
Pirate Radio (The Boat That Rocked) HHHHH comedy dRama witH music Rated R The Asheville Film Society concludes its
monthlong tribute to Philip Seymour Hoffman with Richard Curtis’ (Love Actually) Pirate Radio — or rather with the film’s longer UK version, The Boat That Rocked. Hoffman heads up an ensemble cast as the only American DJ on a pirate radio ship (loosely based on Radio Caroline) that kept Great Britain up to date on rock music, despite the BBC’s ban on such music in the mid-1960s. It’s a genial, music-filled tribute to rock music that’s more true in spirit than fact. The Asheville Film Society will screen Pirate Radio (The Boat That Rocked) Tuesday, March 25, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
pHiLip seymouR Hoffman (front left) and his fellow cast members in “Sergeant Pepperish” publicity photo for Richard Curtis’ Pirate Radio (The Boat That Rocked) -- the final film the Asheville Film Society’s Philip Seymour Hoffman tribute, Tue., March 25 a 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina.
The Small Back Room HHHH waR suspense dRama Rated NR Little seen, The Small Back Room (1949) is very much a lesser work from Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger — seeming even more so on the heels of the previous year’s The Red Shoes. That doesn’t mean that this film about the personal and professional troubles of an expert at bomb defusing (David Farrar) is without interest. Far from it. Like most of their films from the 1940s, it feels surprisingly modern — or at least years ahead of its time. There is a determinedly realistic feel to most of the film, which isn’t to say that film overlooks the chance for an expressionistic alcoholic nightmare that makes such things in Billy Wilder’s The Lost Weekend (1945) look tepid. Interesting, but not one of the pair’s great films.
Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Small Back Room Friday, March 21, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com.
The Dresser HHHH comedy dRama Rated PG The solid film version the play The Dresser about a
failing Shakespearean ham actor (based on Sir Donald Wolfit) and the fussy, gay dresser who keeps him going. Albert Finney and Tom Courtenay are splendid in the leads, and the rest of the cast keeps up with them. Peter Yates’ direction isn’t anything special, but he keeps things moving and helps create the sense of theatrical legend. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Dresser Sunday, March 23, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
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sHort-term rentAls 15 minutes to AsHeville Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/week, $1500/ month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@yahoo.com
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employment generAl AFRICA • BRAZIL WORK/ study! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! www.OneWorldCenter. org (269) 591-0518. info@OneWorldCenter.org (AAN CAN) gift & tour ticket sAles Asheville's RED Trolley tour company seeks experienced, outgoing sales clerk for downtown gift shop/ticket sales location. Part-time 3-4 days a week. Send resumes to: debbie@graylineasheville.com www.graylineasheville.com pHone operAtors From Home Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 18+ Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/some Weekends. 1-800403-7772 Lipservice.net (AAN CAN). TOUR GUIDE • CDL DRIVers If you are a "people person" you could be a great Tour Guide! Seasonal full and part-time available. Training provided. Must have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). 828-251-8687. info@graylineasheville.com www.graylineasheville.com wAreHouse operAtions Various positions. Asheville Distributor needs several full-time employees to join our expanding shipping and receiving department. We use support systems to process orders and computer skills are desired but not mandatory. The position does require some lifting up to a maximum of 50 lbs. We are looking for candidates that are detailoriented, have a positive attitude, are able to keep up a fast pace and have the potential and desire to advance. • We offer competitive salary, health benefits, paid holiday, personal days and vacation time off as well as A friendly and comfortable work environment. Please email resume and cover letter to jfox@afgdistribution.com or fax to 828259-3674.
AdministrAtive/ office Accounts pAyAble CLERK • NANTAHALA outdoor center We are seeking a part-time (about 32
jobs hours/week) Accounts Payable Clerk to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of three years of accounts payable experience in a mid-size or larger business, and have strong data entry and organizational skills. They must be comfortable with high volume work, while maintaining great attention to detail. Teamwork and communication will be key. • Experience with NetSuite is preferred but not required. Company Information: We are one of the nation’s largest outdoor recreation companies. Our growing company is privately owned and is comprised of a diverse collection of businesses in the rafting, retail, adventure travel, restaurant, rental, and property management sectors. Our businesses are located in several states in the southeast. The accounting department is headquartered in two locations, Asheville and Bryson City. • This position is in the Asheville office. Role: Reporting to the AP Supervisor, this position is responsible for processing vendor invoices for payment, reconciling invoices to the purchase order, and researching and resolving account payable discrepancies. Job responsibilities: • Input vendor invoices for multiple companies. • Verify goods and services received comply with the financial policies and procedures. Ensure all invoices are properly approved for payment. Track and follow up on all invoices sent out to departments for approval. • Match invoices to purchase orders and work with AP Supervisor to resolve all noted discrepancies through either the buyers or the vendor. • Assist AP Supervisor with payment processing on a weekly check run. • Set up vendors and ensure proper terms are established in the system. • Assist in maintaining organized vendor files. • Assist in researching and responding to vendor inquiries, discrepancies and adjustments. Job Requirements: • Minimum of 3 years of accounts payable experience, preferably in a mid-size ($10M+) company. • Excellent data entry and 10 key skills. • Exceptional organizational skills. Ability to thrive in a fast paced, high volume environment. • Track record of taking initiative to ensure the job gets done properly and timely. • Exceptional customer service and communication skills. • Team attitude. Please submit your application by going to www.noccareers.com/yearround-jobs and apply for the AP Clerk position. office mAnAger/bookkeeper Small, lively retail and manufacturing jewelry store seeking an experienced office/production manager and bookkeeper. • Applicant must be a team player, detail oriented and have great
communication and computer skills. 30-40 hours weekly with benefits. • Send resume to carol@jewelsthatdance.com or drop off at 63 Haywood Street, Downtown Asheville. seeking quAlity employees? "We advertised with Mountain Xpress looking for a Licensed Assistant for our company. Right away we received numerous responses, one of which we ended up hiring. So impressed with the quality of leads we received from Mountain Xpress compared to our other ad placed with another source. Great job as always!" Dawn, Candy Whitt & Associates. • You too, can experience quality applicants. Advertise in mountain xpress classifieds.
sAles/ mArketing inside sAles We are looking for a full time experienced inside sales employee to join our team. Candidate will be responsible for order entry, customer service, and increasing sales revenue by anticipating customer needs and suggesting new products/ up-selling. Our business is fast paced, so the ideal candidate must be very organized and have strong phone and computer skills. We are looking for someone who is self-motivated, positive, focused, reliable and detail oriented. Previous sales experience is preferred. • Benefits include competitive pay with commission incentives, comfortable atmosphere w/casual dress, holiday and vacation pay, and great office hours. Interested parties please fax or email resume and cover letter, Attn: Jacqui fax# 828-236-2658 or email: Jacqui@afgdistribution.com seAsonAl course Advisor - nortH cArolinA outwArd bound Please check out our jobs at www. ncobs.org/careers.
restAurAnt/ food APOLLO FLAME • WAITstAff Full-time. Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Experience required. Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. kitcHen mAnAger Established summer camp and small boarding high school program seeks creative, whole-foods Kitchen Manager in a yearround position based in Pisgah Forest, NC. Resume and cover letter: kitchenmanager2014@ enf.org by 3/18/14. www.enf. org
HumAn services
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • meridiAn beHAviorAl HeAltH staff psychiatrist Meridian Behavioral Health Services is a non-profit provider of community mental health services serving nine counties in Western North Carolina. We have an opening for a Psychiatrist providing outpatient care for adults. Our primary office locations are in Waynesville, Sylva, Franklin and Brevard. We are seeking physicians who have interest and experience in community mental health care - treatment of persistent mental illness and addiction. Part of this time could involve providing treatment for opioid addiction in our clinic-based buprenorphine (Suboxone) progam. Minimal call responsibilities. Our locations have qualified for education loan repayment programs. Send CV to: Matthew Holmes, MD email: matt. holmes@meridianbhs.org or Joe Ferrara, CEO joe.ferrara@ meridianbhs.org Jackson county qualified mental Health professional (qmHp) Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT). Must have mental health degree and two years experience. For more information contact Becky McKnight, rebekah.mcknight@ meridianbhs.org transylvania county • Multiple positions open for peer support specialist working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact hr.department@ meridianbhs.org. • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org/ open-positions.html clinicAl director Four Circles Recovery Center, a wilderness substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking a licensed Clinical Director to oversee all clinical aspects of the program and ensure that the program delivers clinical care to clients and families in recovery in a way that maximizes independence and family empowerment. • Duties include recruiting, hiring, and supervision of all clinical staff, facilitating training to all staff, program planning and development, crisis intervention, family program facilitation, maintaining CARF accreditation standards, facilitation of group and family
therapy with occasional facilitation of individual therapy, as well as marketing and presenting the program at various conferences and events. • A Master’s Degree or PhD in a behavioral health discipline and licensure in behavioral health required. Supervisory experience and substance abuse treatment experience required. Travel required. Must have strong clinical and interpersonal skills, strong organizational skills and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Wilderness experience preferred. Please send all inquiries to jobs@fourcirclesrecovery.com and reference Clinical Director. evening, weekend, And overnigHt positions Must be willing to attend Company trainings and offer personal care. We are seeking professional and dependable in-home CareGivers for our WNC team. www.homeinstead.com/159 lcsw Parkway of Family Preservation Services has a full time position available in our Asheville Office for a fully licensed LCSW. Additional Substance abuse experience or an LCASA or LCAS preferred. Position would require assessment, individual and group therapy. Some evening work may be required. Experience with State funded consumers and paperwork a plus. FPS offers an excellent salary and benefit package. Send resume to ebowman@ fpscorp.com looking for full or pArt-time work? We are looking for you. WNC Group Homes provides residential services to people who have Autism and Intellectual Disabilities. Current open part- time positions include M-F, 6am9/10am and Saturday/Sunday, 9am-9pm. Full-time opening on 2nd shift. More information about WNC Group Homes and employment opportunities can be viewed at www. wncgrouphomes.org • Applications can be mailed or dropped off at 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville, NC 28803. medicAl coordinAtor Red Oak Recovery, a young adult Substance Abuse Treatment Program is seeking a qualified, motivated and compassionate individual to fulfill the role of medical coordinator. The medical coordinator is responsible for managing all aspects of client medical care. Applicants should possess great communication skills, organizational skills, be self-directed and work well on a team. Previous experience with prescription medication management in a substance abuse or mental health setting is preferred. EMT or higher medical qualification is required. We offer competitive pay and health benefits. Please submit resumes to jobs@redoakrecovery.com mentAl HeAltH positions AvAilAble in HAywood, JAckson, & mAcon counties Looking to fill several positions between now and Aug/Sept. Licensed/provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive Inhome services to children/adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Also looking for QP/ Qualified professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP's must have Bachelor's degree and 2-4 years of experience postdegree with this population
(experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to telliot@ jcpsmail.org mentAl HeAltH tHerApist For Intensive Family Counseling, Aspire Youth and Family, Inc. Clyde, NC. FullTime Intensive In-home Mental Health Therapist/Team Leader, Aspire Youth and Family, Inc. Clyde, nc masters level clinician (LCSW, LPC, LMFT, LPA, or Associate Licensure: LCSWA, LPCA, LMFTA) Be a part of a three-person clinical team working with children, adolescents, and their families (family therapy, behavioral skill building, case management, client/family advocacy etc...). Minimum Qualifications: Masters degree in a human service field, licensure in the State of North Carolina, and (1) year experience working with youth and families. Visit our Web page to learn more about our company: www. aspireyouthandfamily.com
offender services cliniciAn The Offender Services Program of MBHS seeks a licensed or license-eligible clinician in North Carolina to join its Offender Services Program. • Job duties include: conducting risk assessments, co-leading treatment groups, coordinating case management, collaborating with probation and social services, and providing program operational support for both the sexual abuse intervention program (SAIP) and the domestic violence intervention program (DVIP). This is an opportunity to further your experience in a specialty field working with offenders and their nonoffending partners in an intensive outpatient setting. This position is located in Waynesville, NC. • For more information contact Kristin Campbell at Kristin.Campbell@meridianbhs.org or visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org to complete an application. recovery coAcH Four Circles Transition Program, a therapeutic, recovery-based program, is seeking a full time Recovery Coach for their young adult male transitional living facility. Schedule is Wednesday-Wednesday (shift work). • Duties include resident transportation and logistics, participation in activities with residents; including volunteer activities, adventure activities, 12 step meetings, etc., supervision of chores, facilitation of drug screening, weekly documentation, and assistance with vehicle care. • Requirements: Must be patient, innovative, calm and competent in stressful/crisis situations and must maintain appropriate level of role modeling for clients in all areas, must be 21 years of age, high school diploma or GED required. • Experience with the 12-Steps and Substance Abuse Treatment is preferred. Experience with outdoor adventure activities also preferred. We offer a competitive salary, great benefits and training. • Please respond via email to jobs@ fourcirclesrecovery.com, reference Recovery Coach. substAnce Abuse recovery guide Four Circles Recovery Center, a young adult wilderness therapy program is seeking highly motivated, energetic, compassionate individuals for direct care positions. Direct Care Recovery Guides work on a rotating week on/week off schedule.
Treatment takes place in both wilderness and residential settings. Personal or professional experience with the 12-Steps, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Wilderness Therapy are preferred. • We offer competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. Substance abuse and clinical supervision are available. Please submit resumes to guidejobs@fourcirclesrecovery.com substAnce Abuse recovery guide Substance Abuse Recovery Guide Red Oak Recovery, a young adult Substance Abuse Treatment Program is seeking highly qualified individuals for direct care positions. Recovery Guides work on a rotating 4 day on/3 day off schedule. Treatment takes place in a residential setting with wilderness adventure expeditions. WFR, CSAC, or a degree in a human services field preferred. Personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, Mental Health Treatment and/or Wilderness Therapy is required. We offer competitive pay, health benefits, professional clinical training. Please submit resumes to jobs@redoakrecovery.com tHrive seeking quAlified mentAl HeAltH professionAl Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program currently looking for a dynamic individual, passionate about recovery and encourages wellness through mentoring. FT position for a Qualified Professional. The QP must have a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record for past 5 years. Bachelor’s level education in mental health/human service field preferred. www. thrive4health.org
details and to submit an application, please go to: https:// abtcc.peopleadmin.com/ postings/2632
teAcHing/ educAtion HeAd stArt nc pre-k teAcHer AssistAnt substitute Seeking energetic individual with a desire to work as an early childhood professional in our high quality program. Experience working with pre-school children; performs a variety of support tasks in the teaching and classroom environment in Head Start preschool education centers or classrooms in local school systems; may also work with children with needs, and may be assigned to any classroom as needed to work one-on-one to support routine classroom activities; helps with individual and group teaching activities of preschool age children in a classroom; sets up learning centers, and arrange daily activities. NC Early Childhood Credentials preferred. Must understand the developmental stages and appropriate teaching techniques for pre-school children. Bi-lingual in Spanish-English a plus. A valid N. C. driver’s license is required. Must pass physical and background checks. • Salary $10.60/hour. • Make application with complete work references and contact information along with DCDEE CRC Qualifying Letter to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street,Asheville, NC 28801 or Admin@commuityactionopportunities.org or Fax: (828) 253-6319. Open until filled. EOE and DFWP.
professionAl/ mAnAgement
vice president for business And finAnce/cfo (Reposted 03/07/2014) Chief Financial Officer of the college is responsible for overall supervision of the business services and all financial operations of the college, and provides strategic oversight for facilities, safety, and risk management. minimum requirements: 1. Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Finance, Accounting, or other applicable degree; 2. Seven years’ progressively responsible experience in financial management (with a Bachelor’s Degree; or five years’ progressively responsible financial management experience with applicable Master’s Degree – see preferred qualifications below); 3. Successful experience in creating budgets and working with highly complex business processes and complex organizations; 4. Community college or higher education work experience related to this position. 5. Supervisory experience, with demonstrated ability to facilitate employee success. preferred requirements: 1. Certified Public Accountant Licensure 2. Master’s Degree in Business, Finance, Accounting, or related field. • Application Review Date: March 28, 2014. • Salary Range: $93,732 $117,168; Salary will be based upon education, experience and certifications. • For more
science teAcHer wAnted The Academy at Trails Carolina, an experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County North Carolina, is seeking a Licensed Science Teacher to join its faculty. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, teaching license, and references to: nduncan@trailsacademy. com www.trailsacademy.com
!! N Onow
O tise r S e on dv i t a i G ed 4 1 N 20 I M O C
teAcHing positions Are you interested in making a difference? Asheville Academy for Girls is currently seeking applicants for this position; • Long term substitute, social studies/History • Approximately May thru June or May thru August, depending on interest. • Prefer licensed social studies teacher with experience creating lesson plans and managing a classroom of approximately 8-10 students. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14. Our beautiful 24-acre campus, located in Weaverville, provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Benefits are offered to full-time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. • Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com • No phone calls or walk-ins please.
maRcH 19 - maRcH 25, 2014
by Rob Brezny
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
“When you plant seeds in the garden, you don’t dig them up every day to see if they have sprouted yet,” says Buddhist nun Thubten Chodron. “You simply water them and clear away the weeds; you know that the seeds will grow in time.” That’s sound advice for you, Aries. You are almost ready to plant the metaphorical seeds that you will be cultivating in the coming months. Having faith should be a key element in your plans for them. You’ve got to find a way to shut down any tendencies you might have to be an impatient control freak. Your job is simply to give your seeds a good start and provide them with the consistent follow-up care they will need.
Before she died, Piscean actress Elizabeth Taylor enjoyed more than 79 years of life on this gorgeous, maddening planet. But one aptitude she never acquired in all that time was the ability to cook a hard-boiled egg. Is there a pocket of ignorance in your own repertoire that rivals this lapse, Pisces? Are there any fundamental life skills that you probably should have learned by now? If so, now would be a good time to get to work on mastering them.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) “Thank you, disillusionment,” says Alanis Morissette in her song “Thank U.” “Thank you, frailty,” she continues. “Thank you, nothingness. Thank you, silence.” I’d love to hear you express that kind of gratitude in the coming days, Taurus. Please understand that I don’t think you will be experiencing a lot of disillusionment, frailty, nothingness and silence. Not at all. What I do suspect is that you will be able to see, more clearly than ever before, how you have been helped and blessed by those states in the past. You will understand how creatively they motivated you to build strength, resourcefulness, willpower and inner beauty. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) I bet your support system will soon be abuzz with fizzy mojo and good mischief. Your web of contacts is about to get deeper and feistier and prettier. Pounce, Gemini, pounce! Summon extra clarity and zest as you communicate your vision of what you want. Drum up alluring tricks to attract new allies and inspire your existing ones to assist you better. If all goes as I expect it to, business and pleasure will synergize better than they have in a long time. You will boost your ambitions by socializing, and you will sweeten your social life by plying your ambitions. CANCER (June 21-July 22) During her 98 years on the planet, Barbara Cartland wrote 723 romance novels that together sold a billion copies. What was the secret of her success? Born under the sign of Cancer, she knew how productive she could be if she was comfortable. Many of her work sessions took place while she reclined on her favorite couch covered with a white fur rug, her feet warmed with a hot water bottle. As her two dogs kept her company, she dictated her stories to her secretary. I hope her formula for success inspires you to expand and refine your own personal formula — and then apply it with zeal during the next eight weeks. What is the exact nature of the comforts that will best nourish your creativity? 86
MARCH 19 - MARCH 25, 2014
over 45 years. He has recorded 35 albums and is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In early 1969, three of his most famous songs popped out of his fertile imagination on the same day. He was sick with the flu and running a 103-degree fever when he wrote “Cowgirl in the Sand,” “Cinnamon Girl” and “Down by the River.” I suspect you may soon experience a milder version of this mythic event, Scorpio. At a time when you’re not feeling your best, you could create a thing of beauty that will last a long time, or initiate a breakthrough that will send ripples far into the future. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) The Google Ngram Viewer is a tool that scans millions of books to map how frequently a particular word is used over the course of time. For instance, it reveals that “impossible” appears only half as often in books published in the 21st century as it did in books from the year 1900. What does this mean? That fantastic and hard-to-achieve prospects are less impossible than they used to be? I don’t know, but I can say this with confidence: If you begin fantastic and hard-to-achieve prospects sometime soon, they will be far less impossible than they used to be. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) The Tibetan mastiff is a large canine species with long golden hair. If you had never seen a lion and were told that this dog was a lion, you might be fooled. And that’s exactly what a zoo in Luohe, China did. It tried to pass off a hearty specimen of a Tibetan mastiff as an African lion. Alas, a few clever zoo-goers saw through the charade when the beast started barking. Now I’ll ask you, Virgo: Is there anything comparable going on in your environment? Are you being asked to believe that a big dog is actually a lion, or the metaphorical equivalent? LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) In T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” the narrator seems tormented about the power of his longing. “Do I dare to eat a peach?” he asks. I wonder what he’s thinking. Is the peach too sweet, too juicy, too pleasurable for him to handle? Is he in danger of losing his self-control and dignity if he succumbs to the temptation? What’s behind his hesitation? In any case, Libra, don’t be like Prufrock in the coming weeks. Get your finicky doubts out of the way as you indulge your lust for life with extra vigor and vivacity. Hear what I’m saying? Refrain from agonizing about whether or not you should eat the peach. Just go ahead and eat it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Born under the sign of Scorpio, Neil Young has been making music professionally for
There should be nothing generic or normal or routine about this week, Sagittarius. If you drink beer, for example, you shouldn’t stick to your usual brew. You should track down and drink the hell out of exotic beers with brand names like Tactical Nuclear Penguin and Ninja Vs. Unicorn and Doctor Morton’s Clown Poison. And if you’re a lipstick user, you shouldn’t be content to use your old standard, but should instead opt for kinky types like Sapphire Glitter Bomb, Alien Moon Goddess, and Cackling Black Witch. As for love, it wouldn’t make sense to seek out romantic adventures you’ve had a thousand times before. You need and deserve something like wild sacred eternal ecstasy or screaming sweaty flagrant bliss or blasphemously reverent waggling rapture. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Actor Gary Oldman was born and raised in London. In the course of his long career he has portrayed a wide range of characters who speak English with American, German, and Russian accents. He has also lived in Los Angeles for years. When he signed on to play a British intelligent agent in the 2011 film Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, he realized that over the years he had lost some of his native British accent. He had to take voice lessons to restore his original pronunciations. I suspect you have a metaphorically comparable project ahead of you, Capricorn. It may be time to get back to where you once belonged. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Every now and then, you’re blessed with a small miracle that inspires you to see everyday things with new vision. Common objects and prosaic experiences get stripped of their habitual expectations, allowing them to become almost as enchanting to you as they were before numb familiarity set in. The beloved people you take for granted suddenly remind you of why you came to love them in the first place. Boring acquaintances may reveal sides of themselves that are quite entertaining. So are you ready and eager for just such an outbreak of curiosity and a surge of fun surprises? If you are, they will come. If you’re not, they won’t.
TEACHING POSITIONS Are you interested in making a difference? Asheville Academy for Girls is currently seeking applicants for these positions: Part-time Physics and/or Chemistry Teacher/Tutor; or Part-time Special Education Teacher. The suitable applicant is someone who has licensure and is a responsible and positive role model. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14. Our beautiful 24-acre campus, located in Weaverville, provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Benefits are offered to full time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com No phone calls or walk-ins please. www.ashevilleacademy.com
Business Opportunities $1,000 WEEKLY!! MAILING BROCHURES From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience required. Start Immediately! www.mailingmembers.com (AAN CAN) HELP WANTED Make extra money in our free ever popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! 1-888292-1120. www.easyworkfromhome.com (AAN CAN) MLM GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY! Join my team and be 18 downline from the doctors who bought us ProActiv™! Anti-aging skincare products that work! Tired of staying status quo? Want to be part of a successful team? • Contact me! • No parties or inventory. Internet based business. Don't wait. Check out my website today: lareejones. myrandf.biz
Career Training AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Housing and Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877492-3059. (AAN CAN)
Retail EXPERIENCED SALESPERSON Small , lively retail and custom jewelry store in downtown Asheville seeking an experienced part-time sales person to work 16 hours a week including Saturdays. • Please send resume to marlene@jewelsthatdance or drop off at 63 Haywood Street, Downtown Asheville.
Salon/ Spa LICENSED NAIL TECHNICIAN For Sensibilities Day Spa. Must have a minimum of 1 year experience and the ability to work at both locations. Please bring resume to 59 Haywood Street.
Services Financial PROBLEMS with the IRS or State Taxes? Settle for a fraction of what you owe! Free face to face consultations with offices in your area. Call 888608-3016
ATTENTION SENIORS Need help with your errands? Let me help with: • Transportation • Shopping • Organizing • Secretarial tasks • Events, planning • Pet services • Serving Asheville and Buncombe County. • Please call Gilcelia: (828) 712-7626.
DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT AT CAROLINA PUBLIC PRESS (PART-TIME) The Development Assistant will implement fundraising strategies in support of Carolina Public Press, a nonprofit online news service providing WNC with unbiased, in-depth and investigative reporting. Details at carolinapublicpress. org/career-opportunities.
HOW SAFE IS YOUR WATER? "The Water Guy" can help you find out, with a FREE inhome water test. WNC factory authorized dealer, for Hague Water International, American owned and made for over 50 years. • Patented and guaranteed. Call Stephen Houpis, 828-280-2254. CrystalClearWaterSystems.com
GRANT MANAGER AT ASHEVILLE ART MUSEUM Responsible for fundraising efforts to maximize contributed income to support the Museum. Acts as primary grant writer. Minimum five years fundraising experience, significant success in grant writing. Undergraduate degree, computer savvy, excellent verbal and written communication skills. Full details at http://www.ashevilleart.org/about/employmentinternship-program/. VISITOR SERVICES & MUSEUM SHOP MANAGER Manages the Museum Shop, gallery security, works with volunteers at the Asheville Art Museum. 3+ years experience, relevant degree, excellent computer and customer service skills, art knowledge and significant retail and management experience. Full description at www.ashevilleart.org/ about/employment-internshipprogram/
Home Improvement Cleaning ECO FRIENDLY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning by Kim is offering a new client special: Buy one get one free. A clean you can count on, a service you will love! 772-4276
Handy Man HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
HeAting & cooling mAyberry HeAting And cooling Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • • Radiant Floor Heating • • Solar Hot Water • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.
support groups for new pArents, postpArtum depression, or miscArriAge And infAnt loss Four different groups facilitated by a counseling professional: -Healthy, Natural, Loving Group for New Parents. -Unexpected Outcomes in the Childbearing Year. -Postpartum Depression. -Miscarriage and Infant Loss. -Justina Prenatt, LPCA thrive.mind.wellness@gmail. com 828.625.9797
Announcements Advertise your business or product in alternative papers across the U.S. for just $995/ week. New advertiser discount "Buy 3 Weeks, Get 1 Free" www.altweeklies.com/ ads (AAN CAN) pregnAnt? tHinking of Adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)
HeAltH & fitness get cleAn todAy Free 24/7 Helpline for Addiction Treatment. Alcohol Abuse. Drug Addiction. Prescription Abuse. Call now. 855577-0234. Rehab Placement Service. viAgrA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills + 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement! Discreet Shipping. Save $500. Buy the Blue Pill Now! 1-800-404-1271 (AAN CAN)
for musiciAns clAsses & worksHops clAsses & worksHops clAy clAsses At odyssey clAyworks “Spring clay classes begin March 24th. Sgraffito And The Thrown Form, Hand Built Pottery For Daily Use, Beginner Wheel, Creative Containers For Flowers, The Art Of Etsy, Pots That Pour, Intermediate Wheel Throwing, Clay Animals For Kids. Visit www.odysseyceramicarts. com for details about our upcoming classes and workshops, or call 828-285-0210.”
mind, body, spirit bodywork
musicAl services Attention musiciAns/ bAnds Moonlight Mile Performance and Production facility. • Multi-track audio, multi-camera high definition video capture. • In studio or on location. On-site event presentation (live performance). (828) 335-9316. www.moonlightmileproductions.com
pets lost pets A lost or found pet? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here: www.lostpetswnc.org
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tHe new yoRk times cRosswoRd puzzLe
ACROSS 1 Word of exasperation 7 Katmandu tongue 13 Wrinkly-skinned dog
30 Designed to minimize wind resistance 31 Prepare, as some peanuts 32 Campbell of “Party of Five”
14 One of the red Monopoly spaces
33 Traditional pre-Christmas activity
16 Triumphing
36 Cartoon shriek
18 Open-house org.
37 Roll-call call
19 ___ polloi
38 Bub
20 Lunes or martes
41 The First State: Abbr.
21 Ring decision, briefly 23 Matt who scored the only Jets touchdown in Super Bowl history 25 2B, SS or CF 26 ___ Stic (retractable Bic pen) 27 Comic Fields who was an Ed Sullivan regular 28 “Amores” poet
43 Cry at the World Cup 44 Fleet member retired in ’03 47 Place on a pedestal 49 Last book of the Old Testament 51 Element in chips 52 Became too old for foster care, say 53 Testifying accurately
55 Rare sight on casual Friday 56 Hawke of Hollywood 57 Buffalo’s county 58 Marks of good bowlers 59 Surgical bypass 60 AOL alternative DOWN 1 One operating a loom 2 End of Kurosawa’s “Rashomon”? 3 Directional ending 4 Prefix with center 5 Nixon, e.g., for two yrs. 6 1952 Gary Cooper classic 7 Believer that life is meaningless 8 Suffix with acetyl 9 S.F. summer setting 10 It’s about 1% argon 11 Had a break between flights 12 Clear and direct, as reporting 13 Common Nascar letters 15 Letters on a perp’s record 17 Morgue ID 22 Christmas carol starter 23 They vary according to batters’ heights 24 Poison gas, e.g. 25 Florence’s ___ Vecchio
No.0212 Edited by Will Shortz
No. 0212
edited by Will Shortz
19 21
36 38
37 41
55 58
26 Bopper 29 “___-lish!” (“Yum!”) 34 Longtime Florentine ruling family 35 There might be one on the corner of a sail 38 Atomizer outputs
39 They’re said at the end of a soirée 40 Dog that might be named Shep 42 Derby victory margin, maybe 43 Many an urban Cornhusker 44 Searches high and low
45 Quarantine, say 46 Dime-on-thedollar donation 48 Happy tunes 50 To the point, in law 54 Day after hump day: Abbr.
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