Mountain Xpress 03.25.15

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10 common weaLtH Bringing It Home economic conference considers path to collective prosperity

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38 yoga fusion Local teachers blend healing modalities




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46 eLementaL cHanges Roaming in the Raw food truck puts down roots on South Liberty Street

34 conscious paRty 36 asHeviLLe discLaimeR 48 smaLL bites


56 smaRt bets 51 immeRsion tHeRapy Local author Sara Gruen pens an all-consuming new novel

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

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Send your letters to the editor to

Sunday Celebrations offer nonreligious alternative I’m responding to the letter writer who questioned if Asheville had any nonreligious services similar to the Sunday Assemblies that started in England and are now being established across the U.S. A Sunday Celebration group actually began meeting recently in Asheville. It offers an opportunity to share with others who no longer consider themselves to be religious. The goal of the group is to celebrate life with other kindred minds. Many nonreligious persons still enjoy the experience of getting together for fellowship and discourse without using religious language. The Sunday Celebration seeks to accomplish this by using music, humor, poetry and TEDx-type presentations on social issues. The group currently meets whenever a fifth Sunday occurs in a month. The next Sunday Celebration is March 29, noon until 1 pm., in the lounge of the Southern Kitchen at 41 N. Lexington Ave. This service is sponsored by the WNC Humanists, who have a listing on the Meetups in Asheville. — Calvin King Arden

Research doesn’t support chelation therapy’s effectiveness After reading the article “Back in the Groove” [Feb. 25, Xpress] and the [letter to the editor] by Dr. james biddle [“Empowered Medical Consumer Reaped the Benefits,” March 11, Xpress], I feel compelled to comment on chelation therapy. The article suggests that Mr. [bill] sites staved off coronary bypass surgery for 25 years with chelation therapy. The implication that chelation therapy was beneficial for Mr. Sites and that he was an “empowered medical consumer” who “reaped the benefits” of such therapy, is seriously misleading. While the concept of chelation therapy as a drug to bind metal ions involved in the formation of vascular blockages and thereby prevent or reverse heart disease is appealing, the evidence supporting this claim has been anecdotal and based on scientifically unsound, uncontrolled studies.

We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to


editoR & pubLisHeR: Jeff Fobes assistant to tHe pubLisHeR: Susan Hutchinson associate editoR: Margaret Williams a&e editoR/wRiteR: Alli Marshall

The effectiveness of chelation therapy has been evaluated in several prospective, randomized trials. A double-blind, randomized controlled trial, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA. 2002;286(4):481-486), showed that chelation therapy had no beneficial effect in patients with proven heart disease. A review of all clinical investigation pertaining to the effectiveness of chelation therapy for coronary heart disease (Ernst, Am Heart J 2000; 140:139-141) concluded that there was no evidence that chelation therapy was efficacious beyond that of a placebo, and furthermore that this treatment should be considered obsolete. Chelation therapy is not covered by health care insurance and is costly, averaging $4,000 of out-of-pocket expense to the patient. Although coronary bypass surgery is certainly not a cure-all, it is the most scrutinized and tested procedure in medicine, and no therapies to date have had better results in terms of the quality-of-life indicators or long-term survival in patients with heart disease. My point is that the medical consumer does need to be well-informed as to the proven, scientific effectiveness (or lack there of), potential risks and benefits for all options used in the treatment of heart disease, and to remember the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. — Stephen Ely, PhD, MD Asheville Heart

Citizens of Asheville: It’s time to connect the dots Attention, citizens of Asheville: Take heed to this public announcement. It seems to me that people in this area are oblivious to the obvious. I am not a political person. Nor, am I a fool. I listen to the radio and I hear words like Iran, and Iraq and ISIS. It makes me VERY suspicious of all words that begin in “I.” Well, I am writing because no one seems to be concerned about the

food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith gReen scene editoR/wRiteR: Carrie Eidson weLLness editoR/wRiteR: Susan Foster staff RepoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Kat McReynolds editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose movie RevieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRibuting editoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Cameron Huntley, Rachel Ingram, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther

46 Haywood, Haywood Park Hotel Atrium Dresses available now for preview by appt. Call 828.357.4668


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onLine saLes manageR: Jordan Foltz maRKeting associates: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt



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assistant office manageR: Lisa Watters distRibution manageR: Jeff Tallman assistant distRibution manageR: Denise Montgomery distRibution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young




maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



Send your letters to the editor to

“ISIS” theater on Haywood Road. I mean, how obvious can you get? No one ever heard of ISIS until last year. Now, ISIS is known around the world. Well, let me tell you now. I was born in Asheville. I was raised in Asheville, not too far from Haywood Road. And, I can tell you, I have lived here all of my life and I have never heard of ISIS until a few months ago. I heard them talking about the terrorist organization on the radio. Then, a couple of days later, I was looking in the Mountain Xpress, and I saw an advertisement for the ISIS Theater on Haywood Road! I nearly freaked out! I couldn’t believe my eyes! The enemy is among us! I know you think I’m just a redneck with paranoia, but 2+2=4 all day long! Do what you want, but I have sold my house and I’m moving to South Carolina, where I can be safe. I’d advise you all to do the same. But, beware. The enemy is sneaky and subversive. They may disguise themselves as “bluegrass” bands or “singer/songwriters.” That’s how they infiltrate and assimilate into our society. Don’t get me wrong, I like the food there, and the service is good. And the acoustics aren’t bad. But, ISIS is ISIS. In other words, ISIS IS ISIS … all day long … and the alphabet don’t lie! Forewarned is four-armed. — Kent Purser Asheville

Please think before you get behind the wheel and use your brain! Get up early enough to make it to work on time and don’t make up for lost time on the interstates! You may want to leave this world in an instant, but I certainly do not and doubt that others would either. Slow down! Wouldn’t it be better to be a bit late then to be dead? — T. Mercer Asheville

editor’s note: We could be wrong, but we thought we heard some otherworldly chuckles from the likes of Erasmus, Jonathan Swift and Mark Twain when we first set eyes upon this letter.

Congratulations to david whitehill for bringing Emmanuel Ax to Asheville and for creating the great occasions of Asheville Amadeus [“Asheville Amadeus Festival Celebrates Mozart and Local Art,” March 11, Xpress]. Your reporter quotes Whitehill as saying that this is the first time an artist of Ax’s stature has performed side by side with the symphony. It’s hard to rank the stature of classical artists, but the Asheville Symphony has indeed brought artists of the stature of Phyllis Curtin (1980), Mischa Dicter (1989), Leonard Pennario (1990) and Eugene Istomin (1994) to play with the symphony. — Arnold Wengrow Professor Emeritus of Drama University of North Carolina at Asheville

Drivers: It’s better to be late than dead I would also like to say kudos to Laurel york for her brilliant letter in the Feb. 18 issue [“Leave Your Big City Driving Habits at Home,” Xpress]. This was right on the money! I-40 and I-240 are death traps when idiots won’t obey the rules of the road. I’ve witnessed many morons taking risks, speeding way over the legal limit as well as zigzagging from lane to lane. I moved here 17 years ago, and drivers are much more rude and discourteous now then they were just a few short years ago! Thank goodness I moved to another side of the city, which doesn’t require me to drive the interstates on my way to and from work.


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Driver should heed own bumper sticker I was the one driving 32 mph in a 35 [mph zone] on Biltmore Avenue last week. You were the one who pulled out right in front of me, nearly causing an epic collision. You were also the one who then twice crossed the double yellow line while texting and who, after driving a steady 45 in a 35, slowed down just enough while rolling through a “right on red” to allow me to finally read your bumper sticker: “Critical Thinking, The Other National Deficit.” Amen. — Jay Kranyik Asheville

Asheville Symphony has brought other luminaries to town

editor’s note: Arnold Wengrow is the author of Great Music, Great Memories, 50 Years with the Asheville Symphony, published in 2010.

Mountain Xpress website suppresses free speech I realize that most of the Mountain Xpress readers are oblivious to the amount of censorship that occurs on the Mountain Xpress website affecting commenters of the opinion letters. Just a few years ago, Mountain Xpress had about the liveliest community forums in Asheville, but clearly too much sensible, nonprogressive commenting caused its demise, replaced by the online ability to comment on each letter. After years of aggravation and humiliation by this evil practice, it is time for them to be exposed. Recently, after submitting several comments that were either unaccepted or removed, I’d had enough ... Why do liberal progressives always seek to stifle and suppress freedom of speech? ... (As an aside, anyone running for public office in Asheville should have to write an essay on this!) Mountain Xpress used to be a thriving “newspaper,” but it is clear to see why their popularity continues to decline, with one reason being the suppression of free speech. Such censorship also occurs over at Ashvegas as well. Reading Mountain Xpress and Ashvegas, and not being allowed to offer one’s opinion without being censored, reeks of evil impropriety and disrespect! I used to be a regular advertiser in this publication, but never again. I hope that this letter will inform the readership that this is not a publication favorable to freedom of speech, and for that they should be ashamed. — F. Caudle Asheville editor’s note: Mr. Caudle: We are not aware or have record of removing the comment you refer to. Please note, however, that Xpress does at times take down or block comments that violate our terms as published on Among the things we don’t allow are: hate speech and libelous, obscene or offensive material. In addition, reserves the right to remove any user-generated content for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, postings of libelous, defamatory or personally hostile nature. Users who post messages of this nature are subject to having their accounts suspended or terminated without notice. Further, repeated efforts to violate our policies are likely to result being banned from commenting on

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015









by Julia Porter-Shirley

Where’s the money? State textbook funding woefully inadequate Have you noticed that prices are dropping and you can get more for less these days? We haven’t either, but our lawmakers are acting as if this were true. Our current state budget touts a $1 billion increase in educational funding, but little is said about how much of that money actually reaches classrooms. In terms of basic learning supplies such as textbooks, the amount is shockingly little. Textbook funding is $111 million less than pre-recession spending, a 78 percent drop from 200809. According to ncpublicschools. org, the official website of the state Department of Public Instruction, it currently costs anywhere from $66$86 per student to supply textbooks, but only $15 per student is allocated. Here in Asheville, our teachers are doing more with less. Given the Common Core’s focus on nonfiction texts, many teachers are using online texts and resources rather than textbooks. Others have been able to stretch department funds to buy class sets of novels. Funding from outside sources like the Asheville City Schools Foundation and AVID has also helped educators secure supplies. “Our students want and deserve a first-class education. … Students who take my AP government class are trying to earn a college credit in political science. How can they expect to have a ‘collegiate experience’ when the textbook they’re using was written during George Bush’s presidency?” says bill van cleve, who teaches social studies at Asheville High School. “Earlier in my career, the social studies department had funds allowing us to adopt new textbooks every four to five years.” Now, however, civics, U.S. and world history textbooks haven’t been updated in 7 1/2 years, and there’s no indication that new texts will be adopted anytime soon.

Social studies teacher Katie williams has a class set of textbooks from 2008, which are written on, marked up and falling apart. When her students have “book work,” she puts together her own readings using online versions of the textbooks. Howard shepherd, who teaches English, generally makes the choice “to spend my paltry supply budget (typically $175 once or twice a year) on class sets of books — especially those books that are considered expendables. I may have enough now to get me to my retirement [in four or five years], if I can

new things, or that because their learning environment is already rundown, they don’t need to take care of what they have. In addition, using books that have the correct answers already underlined impedes genuine learning. And as the state moves toward heavy technology in the classroom, those with unstructured home lives and/or limited access to Wi-Fi may be at a disadvantage. These teachers’ dedication and passion for their profession are admirable. “There are a lot of us who love what we do, love our kids, and beat ourselves up day after day trying to do what is best for our students,” notes Williams. “When we

Textbook funding is $111 million less than pre-recession spending, a 78 percent drop from 2008-09. get enough book tape to cobble them back together,” he reports. And as North Carolina considers shifting to digital textbooks, Shepherd voices concern. “This is incredible folly,” he declares, “and a wildly irresponsible use of resources. For some disciplines, e-books may actually be a better choice. But for literature texts, hard copies can be used over and over. E-books are licensed, and that license has to be renewed every year — not to mention the fact that there’s a necessary outlay for expensive hardware that has to be regularly replaced.” Outdated textbooks affect student learning in numerous ways. An obvious one is the outdated information students receive. The current high school civics and AP government texts, notes Van Cleve, contain no mention of landmark court decisions or legislation during the past eight years. And they lack up-to-date information on campaign finance law and the revised use of the filibuster in the U.S. Senate. But there are also more subtle psychological effects on students, who may feel they don’t deserve

are told to do more with less — that more will be expected of us even though there are fewer resources at our disposal — it hurts.” The Asheville City Schools Foundation is proud to offset the impact of these cutbacks. Since 2000, the foundation has provided over $800,000 to directly fund teacher-led projects at schools and over $1 million in student scholarships. These investments make a difference, but we can’t do it alone. This spring the foundation will be informing and engaging the community to encourage support for public education. Public education has always been a shared responsibility — an investment we make as a community and a state — to ensure that we maintain and nurture our thriving region. Public schools can produce a workforce that’s capable of sustaining our state, but first we need the state to sustain our public schools. Julie Porter-Shirley is the Advocacy Program coordinator for the Asheville City Schools Foundation. To learn more about the group’s work, visit; to receive timely, focused updates, sign up for Advocacy Alerts.

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



Common wealth Bringing It Home economic conference considers paths to collective prosperity

wide-open dialogue about oftentouchy financial situations, she instructed listeners to take the initiative and ask trusted business owners whether they need a loan. Too often, she noted, these entrepreneurs are reticent or don’t know whom to ask for the help they need. Peer-to-peer loans, the money matchmaker maintained, are a viable option. Several attendees expressed an appreciation for the panelists’ diversity, reflecting a collective desire to hear from more of what Date My City founder sheneika smith called “marginalized voices in the community.” For her part, Hatley said she’d like to assemble an even more eclectic group next year.

by Kat mcReynoLds

“Let’s rethink the economy,” urged Ed Whitfield of the Greensboro-based Fund for Democratic Communities, the keynote speaker at Asheville’s inaugural Bringing It Home conference. His clarion call — simple in conception, but challenging to execute — espoused a sense of shared responsibility that seemed to permeate every interaction during the March 18 event, manifesting in candid panel discussions, probing question-and-answer sessions and impassioned side conversations as some 192 individuals brainstormed the best routes to collective prosperity. “The event was just better than I ever dreamed,” said event organizer jane Hatley, the Self-Help Credit Union’s regional director for Western North Carolina. “People said it made them think about things differently, although I wish we could have spent more time talking about what practical things they can do to help their local economy. Maybe that can be the focus next year!” fLasHing LigHt buLbs Perhaps not surprisingly, topics of discussion mirrored the diverse mix of folks who came together for the daylong event at A-B Tech’s Enka campus: small-business owners, investors, employees and assorted individuals with an interest in collective prosperity. Seven locally focused panels covered wide-ranging themes: sucesses, failures and lessons learned;


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

diffeRing visions

self-sustaining food-chain strategies; opportunities for renewed fiber and textile industries; innovative models; sources of capital; and regional partnerships. In the process, each of the dozens of speakers had a brief opportunity to raise eyebrows. And as community members pondered various weighty issues — the state’s lack of a comprehensive legal framework for cooperatives, food deserts in rural versus urban settings, the challenges of motivating youth to return to their hometown bringing valuable life skills, and how to gain trust as a minority contractor — Hatley’s goal of “making light bulbs go off” certainly appeared to have been realized. “While the issue of the local economy is no doubt important, the recognition that our local economy is inextricably linked to the national economy was not lost on conference participants,” reflected HandMade in America founder becky anderson. And glenn cox, HandMade’s current executive director, noted, “Again and again, I heard from others how

netwoRKing foR good: Asheville’s inaugural Bringing It Home conference featured a smorgasbord of panel discussions and networking breaks. It was created in part to spur an ongoing dialogue about new economic models for Asheville. One participant demonstrated her commitment to the cause by opening a $10,000 Go Local certificate of deposit with Self-Help Credit Union on the spot. Others met and mingled during the event’s “Local Café” networking hour, pictured, in order to open new lines of communication for future work. Photo by Kat McReynolds

their goals are to assist their neighbors, and the shared recognition that helping others ultimately helps everyone.” Carol Peppe Hewitt of Slow Money NC and Community Sourced Capital stared straight at her audience, declaring, “I’m looking at all the money I need right now: I have my eye on your money.” Advocating

Some, however, felt the conversation was incomplete. “This conference is about how to bring it home and keep it local,” said elaine beattie, who chairs A-B Tech’s business administration department. “We cannot do that and not talk about profit. Poverty is a major issue here in North Carolina.” Beattie also said the community’s strong cohesion can unintentionally foster a kind of us-them mentality. Calling for a broader definition of “local,” she pointed out that many newcomers to the area are deeply committed to building a life and career in Asheville, and we shouldn’t exclude them or automatically shun franchises. But franzi charen, founder of the Asheville Grown Business Alliance, stressed the importance of maintaining that distinction. “Maybe the elephant in the room is capitalism,” she said passionately, adding that small, independent businesses are what keep Asheville from merely being “Anywhere, USA.” jennifer flynn, chief operating officer of Accelerating Appalachia and brand manager of Blue Ridge Naturally, talked about the value of regional partners and doing business with local firms. “Some companies are still not making efforts to localize their supply chains,” she lamented.

Just Economics, an Ashevillebased nonprofit, encourages local employers to pay their workers at least $12.50 per hour (without employer-provided health insurance) or $11 per hour (with benefits). During a panel on local economic innovation, mark Hebbard, the program’s certification coordinator, explained how his team reverse-engineers businesses’ profit formula, starting with the premise that employees working 40 hours a week deserve to be able to cover their basic needs. Paying a living wage, the nonprofit maintains, also helps businesses by reducing employee turnover. “But it’s not just wage that matters,” responded Ravi gaikwad, a business coach at Mountain BizWorks. “Once employees start participating in the ownership of the company, it gets harder for them to leave and go to another employer. They may be paid a lower wage, but they’ll be doing so many other things that make the company successful.” Hebbard, however, said, “You pay more, you get more,” though he agreed that wages are only one important part of a larger solution. Meanwhile, steve breckheimer, a Hendersonville Community Co-op board member, felt that “The whole cooperative business model needed more time on the program. I really don’t think most people understand how coops work and how powerful they can be economically and in building connections within communities.” On the plus side, however, Breckheimer said he was pleased to have received information on “how our co-op can help connect farmers and potential farmers with training, land and financing.” Next year’s conference will feature fewer panelists, says Hatley, so that each will allow more time to facilitate in-depth discussions. cHaLLenging coRe beLiefs Despite the conference’s local focus, Ed Whitfield offered a broader prescription for a new economy. But after reciting the adage “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime,” he went on to challenge it, quickly winning the crowd’s full attention. Even for a skilled angler, said Whitfield, a privately held

LooKing aHead

sHaRing: Keynote speaker Ed Whitfield, left, challenged conference speakers to think about how wealth is built in American communities and what they can do to share resources and collaborate. Photo by Franzi Charen

pond “wouldn’t provide a single fish sandwich.” Unequal access to means of production, rather than low-income individuals’ indolence, is one of the greatest barriers to progress, he argued. “American history is ugly,” continued Whitfield, noting that inherited money can often be traced back to the slave trade. The sale of land, the community activist asserted, is also rooted in theft, since it cannot be earned through creation. “Have any of you ever created a piece of land?” he queried, skewering an audience of wide-eyed faces. “I believe if people reflected on where their money came from, they’d be willing to redirect some to reparations.” Still, Whitfield sees cooperatives as the best bet for turning things around. “The fundamental social disparity between the rich and poor

results from extraction of wealth,” he maintained. Co-ops, on the other hand, tie wealth to the community and turn employees into owners. Later in the day, Whitfield gave Asheville a report card, giving the area high marks for “enthusiasm and goodwill” while identifying several areas in need of improvement. The conference, he said, had facilitated “resource sharing, so folks with entrepreneurial ideas can try to develop them. But there wasn’t much emphasis on cooperative economics — which are, to me, the most likely to be part of serious wealth creation. I fear that much of the wealth created through noncooperative means ends up concentrated in too few pockets and, consequently, doesn’t have any ongoing relationship to building a community.” Besides keeping up the sustainable systems already in place, Whitfield advocated community land trusts, increased food security efforts and a mentality that goes beyond simply bolstering wages. “The idea that having a business that pays wages is wealth-building bothers me a little bit,” he revealed. “Typically, people’s wages cover their expenses,” and increased earnings often merely fund additional consumer purchases. “They don’t cover an accumulation of wealth ... or provide for rainy days.”

Even during the conference, however, Beattie noted that “The important conversations are going to happen in twos and threes, not necessarily during the major sessions.” And tucked inside the sturdy canvas bags each participant received — created by local businesses Block by Block Industries and Image 420 — was a guide to many of the region’s financial and business service providers, aimed at encouraging newly acquainted networkers to continue the dialogue. Several upcoming events will offer other opportunities (see “Continuing the Conversation”). In wrapping up the conference, however, Charen also counseled patience, saying, “We’re like the tortoise in the race: We are strong, and we’re purposeful in our moves. We think 50, 100 years down the road. We do not have to get to the finish line tomorrow. If we want economic justice and freedom, we must take our money out of Wall Street and put it back into our streets.” X

Continuing the conversation Several upcoming events will offer further opportunities to network and strategize ways to strengthen the region’s economy: • authentic communities summit (Tuesday through Friday, March 24-27), a series of events aimed at advancing local economies through innovation and collaboration, will take place at New Mountain AVL in downtown Asheville. Visit for more information. • communities of color (Thursday, April 30, 6-8:30 p.m.), a town hall forum at the YMI Cultural Center focusing on exclusionary housing. To learn more, visit • venture Local fair (Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25-26) in South Slope (website coming soon).

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



Asheville River Arts water features • fire pits boulder creations • tabletop waterfalls

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by Max Hunt

The ripple effects of Katuah Market’s closing

John Kelleher 828-777-1967 Steve Haun 828-775-8707 Calling all community-minded writers, photographers and content curators Do you like to write? Take photos or videos? Are you fascinated with the people, places and projects of Asheville and the surrounding region?

done: Katuah was outmatched by the marketing capability of its rivals and limited by its location, says owner John Swann. The natural-foods grocery will close March 31. Photo by Tim Robison

Do you like organizing information and helping bring people together? Are you empathetic, curious and gregarious? Do you use social media to interact and learn about your community? Does Asheville’s DIY, grassroots energy inspire you? If your answers are yes, then consider working with Xpress as a collaborator. Send us your ideas and tell us about yourself. If you have clips or samples of your work, send us links. Email us at Let’s talk!

Over 65 Varieties of Fruit & Nut Trees

No Asheville industry has seen stiffer competition than the area’s grocery store market in recent years. The latest indication of the high stakes surfaced March 17 when Katuah Market, a locally owned, locally sourced food store and deli, announced it was closing on March 31 after struggling to compete in a saturated market for the past year. Katuah attributed the struggles to its “location, difficult ingress-egress and relentless corporate competition,” in a statement on its Facebook page. Owner john swann adds, “We opened

Asian Pears Figs $49.99…7 Gallon Trees

the store in December 2013 and really had disappointing sales from almost the beginning. ... It started with a rough winter, and even when the weather improved, it was challenging to get people to come down here. I underestimated how hard it would be.” Swann has been disappointed by the failure to build a consistent patronage, which he attributes, in part, to Katuah’s location in Biltmore Station. “We’re not on the beaten path,” says Swann, noting that perception and routine played a big role in keeping consumers away. “People get into habits, and it’s very difficult to break them of those patterns. I

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Owner Swann cites location, competition for closure

had countless people tell me. ‘I love your store, I just don’t get down there that often.’” Despite efforts to tweak the store model and cut costs, new competition in the past year from national brands like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods made it nearly impossible for Katuah to compete, he says. “As soon as Whole Foods opened, our sales dropped and we never recovered from that,” states Swann. “Asheville’s the most competitive food market in the United States for its size.” Even with competitive pricing, Swann says that Katuah was outmatched by the marketing capability of his corporate rivals. “They are very good at it: They take a concept and co-opt it into a marketing theme,” Swann explains. “The grocery world is dominated by big business. They’re too effective at what they do and convincing people that their products are what they claim to be.” Katuah’s closing strikes another blow to Oakley residents seeking a neighborhood grocery store in their vicinity. Last October, the Bi-Lo on Fairview Road closed as well, citing “underperformance.” Residents are now faced with a longer commute to buy groceries and may face more traffic congestion around hot spots like Greenlife on Merrimon Avenue and Whole Foods off South Tunnel Road. The loss of Katuah also means the loss of a community gathering



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spot. “I had high hopes for Katuah,” says marita Renner, a resident of the area. “They had a great outdoor seating area for enjoying their food and socializing,” she says. “On busy days, I often ran into people I knew. It will be missed.” She also notes, “It’s a challenge for a relatively small business to carry so many local, highquality items.” “We’re very sorry that Katuah is having to close its doors,” says steve Hargadon, an organizer of the Small Is Beautiful series, which Katuah provided a meeting space for. “We have really appreciated the staff and management, and will miss the healthy and open environment. They’ve been a class act, and I’m sure it’s been hard for them to throw in the towel.” For the current 45 employees of Katuah, the writing has been on the wall for several months. “People would come for the big sales, but they didn’t stay,” says farra Lomasney, who ran Katuah’s supplement department before taking a voluntary sabbatical in December in an effort to save the company money. Lomasney, whose husband also works at Katuah as a butcher, agreed that location was a big issue in the store’s struggles. “We had a good following from Oakley and South Asheville, but a lot of folks from the north just wouldn’t drive this far.” She defends Swann, who has received a fair amount of criticism through social media as the news unfolded. “Everyone here stands strongly with John,” she says. “It bothers me to see so much negativity leveled at him, when all he tried to do was bring local products to Asheville, based on what people told him they wanted.” As with most aspects of a locally intertwined economy, the ripple effect of Katuah’s closure extends beyond the immediate players. Swann worries about his ability to pay local suppliers. “We can’t even pay our vendors, and that hurts,

because to a large degree, this was to help support local food producers. A lot of them are my friends and colleagues, and it kills me because our debts hurt them too.” Lomasney says she understands why some vendors might be angry, but she is quick to remind them that “while this definitely hurts [vendors], Katuah and Greenlife [Swann’s former business prior to a controversial buyout by Whole Foods] have helped a number of them build a brand for themselves in the past. That aspect is forgotten at times.” Some members of the Asheville community have attempted to rally around Katuah; a gofundme account created by one of Katuah’s vendors went up the day after the closing announcement in an attempt to help the market manage its debts. Swann is thankful for any help people are willing to contribute. “If we could raise some money to help pay vendors off, I’d absolutely love it,” he says. “I’ve devoted my personal resources to keeping this afloat, but I’m back to square one.” Public sympathy notwithstanding, some of Katuah’s staff can’t help but feel that it’s too little, too late. “What else can I say?” asks employee teresa Rice, as she watched people flock to take advantage of the liquidation sale last Wednesday evening. “There will be 45 employees left here without jobs in two weeks. Now all these people are in here filling up their carts. But where were they before?” For his part, Swann sees the market’s failure as a wake-up call to what the “Buy Local” movement really means. “I had a concept that I thought would resonate more with the Asheville community, but the reality is that people aren’t particularly into it,” he says. Lomasney believes that consumer indifference is not intentional but rather the culmination of “small choices. That decision to turn right towards one place instead of left. The decision that you’re too busy to drive the extra distance. It adds up.” “Supporting local is more than a bumper sticker on your car. It’s more than going on a family outing once a week to the farmers market,” says Swann. “That’s all great, but if you want to support local, then really support it. That means not supporting multibillion-dollar, multinational corporations. “I now know how the local hardware store feels when Wal-Mart comes to town.” X

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



by Rachel Ingram

Growth curve French Broad Food Co-op begins planning expansion A few days after learning that Katuah Grocery will close at the end of the month, French Broad Food Co-op member-owners convened a March 21 community meeting to discuss expansion ideas that include a parking deck on the north side of the property. Construction could begin as early as 2016. “We’re [next] going to jump into more technical assistance, which will help us determine exact possibilities, from financing to engineering,” says bobby sullivan, FBFC’s general manager. The more than 100 meeting attendees offered such ideas as establishing an on-site urban garden and finding more ways to create a multi-use, sustainable, environmentally conscious facility. “We have a lot of work to do to figure out what’s possible,” he says. But now, in its 40th year of operation, the co-op is poised for growth. “Asheville is a progressive town. It really ... should have a thriving co-op,” says Sullivan. Ready to gRow Sales and ownership rates have been steadily climbing at FBFC in recent years. Although the co-op experienced a dip in profits when Greenlife opened on Merrimon Avenue, says Sullivan, it has


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continued to thrive despite the construction of Katuah Market, Harris Teeter, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, he adds. “When Greenlife opened in 2004, it started the potential downfall of the co-op. In other words, we almost went out of business,” he says. “Then in 2010, things started to turn around. Whole Foods buying Greenlife really helped us.” Now ownership is surging, Sullivan says, and “expansion has been a hot topic for the board since 2011.” Data from the co-op’s 2014 annual report show growth every year. In 2007, FBFC had approximately 700 owners. Last year, the number had risen to nearly 1,800. The co-op’s sales percentages have also grown — by more than 3 percent every year since 2010. “There’s clearly a renewed interest,” says Sullivan. sage turner, finance manager of FBFC and project manager of the expansion, says the board has had time to consider a number of possibilities. While improved parking tops the list, the public meetings are a way “to hear what the community wants,” she says. community-based ideas The March 21 session was facilitated by a third party and designed to encourage brainstorming, say FBFC staff and board members. Potential con-

Room to gRow: The French Broad Food Co-Op plans to expand. Proposals include improved parking, such as a deck on the north side of the Biltmore Avenue property, pictured above. Photo by Rachel Ingram

cerns up for discussion included parking, community engagement, leveraging assets and the challenges of staying in downtown Asheville. For example, the co-op currently has about 70 parking spaces in four lots, says Sullivan. “Parking is a big issue for us,” he says, “but the biggest issue is [that], with the way Asheville is growing, parking is only disappearing. Our parking lot is taxed by all the other businesses and … tourists who want to hang out downtown,

so we now have to hire someone to watch our parking.” That’s one obstacle the co-op faces in any expansion plan. “That’s something we absolutely have to address,” says Sullivan. Meeting attendees also brought forward more than 20 other suggestions and posted them on the wall under the heading “Marketplace of ideas” — on-site, urban agriculture; affordable housing; greater selection of prepared foods; child care; and a high-rise, solar-powered parking deck.

“It’s what can happen, not what can’t happen,” says joy Harmon, a co-op owner and 16-year Asheville resident. Pleased with the format of the meeting, she says she hopes the expansion will include an emphasis on community education. “But the best part of this whole thing is that it brought together individuals from all over and got them talking,” Harmon says. In facilitated discussions, many attendees prioritized sustainability and community engagement above building a standard parking garage. “My areas of focus are on sustainability,” says Ken Huck , Asheville resident. He recently visited Hendersonville Community Co-op, which opened its new $4 million facility earlier this month. “We could have that — just like them,” Huck says. daav wheeler , an FBFC board member, says he really likes the idea of increasing access to food. The role of co-ops is to provide natural food to communities, and the French Broad Food Co-op is excelling at it, Wheeler says. So now the co-op should work toward increasing accessibility to food, he says. “I think this is the next step for us.” “The co-op has been a staple for a long time,” says Asheville native Rebecca biggers, who owns Lola Salon and Gallery on the same block as the co-op. “I remember when it started out in the River Arts District when I was a little kid.” She has been a co-op owner longer than she can remember and fully supports the expansion, in whatever form it takes, she says. “The first thing on my mind would be parking, because it’s such a limited commodity downtown. But outside of that, I think [expansion is] great,” says Lisa payne, who

manages Mamacita’s Taqueria across the street from the co-op. daisy chavers owns a boutique and salon on Market Street behind the co-op. She says she would like to see increased access to FBFC from the Eagle/Market Street neighborhood, “even if it was just a walkway.” Chavers says she shops at the co-op regularly but is not an owner. “If I could cut through and get there faster, I’d probably go more.” wHat’s next? The FBFC board will take the top ideas and explore the feasibility of each one, says Turner. “We’ll take all the information from today and hand it over to our engineering group.” Co-op owners will get an update at the annual meeting in June, she says. “It’s likely that we’ll begin breaking ground by the end of 2016,” says Sullivan. The announcement drew applause during the meeting. Owner dave jacobs says he’s ready for growth. “I think the co-op has the potential to show the city of Asheville and visitors to Asheville the benefit and preferability, even, of a cooperative structure,” he says. “If we can meet Asheville where Asheville is already, and where Asheville is heading, then that’s a lot smarter than putting our heads in the sand and thinking that by not expanding that we’re going to somehow maintain it,” says Biggers. “We need to meet the expansion with expansion.” X moRe info

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


compiled by Carrie Eidson

Buzz around Buncombe LauRey’s cLoses its dooRs Longtime downtown favorite Laurey’s Cafe will be closing its doors effective immediately. The decision comes one year after its original owner, community activist Laurey masterton, passed away following a decadeslong battle with ovarian cancer. “When Laurey Masterton opened her restaurant and catering company storefront in 1990, most of Asheville was still degenerate,” wrote longtime Laurey’s patron and Xpress writer Jon Ammons in a story from October 2014. “Barley’s wouldn’t start slinging pizzas until four years later, but Laurey’s sandwich shop paved the way for an entire section of Biltmore Avenue to be revitalized.” adam and emily thome, who took over Laurey’s after Masterton’s death, confirmed the closing of the 67 Biltmore Ave. storefront in the following statement: “This past year has been very difficult for all of us. We worked

hard to attempt a transition of ownership following Laurey’s death, but couldn’t find a way to put the business in a position to succeed moving forward. ... The family has now made the very difficult decision to close Laurey’s. We understand their decision and know it was a hard one.” The pair adds that they plan to open a new business at the 67 Biltmore Ave. location, one “that embodies the elements that made Laurey’s an Asheville favorite.” Coincidentally, the YWCA of Asheville will complete the installation of its Laurey Masterton Memorial Garden on Friday, March 27, when 15 volunteers from Duke Energy will be on hand to build the raised beds, picnic table and bench that will make up the children’s garden. Masterton worked closely with the YWCA for 17 years, serving on its board from 1997 to 2003. The memorial garden was designed by The Asheville Design Center last summer. beth maczka, executive director of the YWCA spoke to Xpress last August about how the garden would serve to honor Masterton’s memory. “She was really committed to our mission of eliminating racism, empowering women and creating a Beloved Community — a place where everyone is welcome,” Maczka said. “She cared about people who were frequently forgotten.” — Carrie Eidson

There are not many details yet on the possible purchase. Henderson County owns the site, which it acquired as part of a water-for-land deal made with the city of Asheville and Buncombe in the 1990s, when the three entities were part of the nowdefunct Regional Water Authority. In recent years, the land had been tied up in a legal dispute between the governments, but Henderson put the property up for sale a few months ago, the Citizen-Times reported. At the retreat, the commissioners discussed creating a business district in areas like Swannanoa or Candler, closing zone “donut holes,” increasing the density for affordable and workforce housing, decreasing the density allowed in more rural areas and applying detailed zoning when sewer service is extended to an area. Much discussion was also given to allowing Department of Housing and Urban Developmentlabeled manufactured homes in all residential zones, increasing availability of low-cost housing in Buncombe County. However, the discussion-only retreat meant

no decisions were made on these issues. — Margaret Williams and Hayley Benton an oRcHaRd comes to HiLLcRest Asheville GreenWorks received a grant from the Arbor Day Foundation that will fund the planting of a production orchard at Hillcrest Apartments. eric bradford, volunteer coordinator with GreenWorks, notes that the grant will be used to purchase 24 apple trees and 36 blueberry bushes but also provides funds for employing five Hillcrest residents to look after the trees throughout the summer. “It will be an orchard, but it’s also a park,” Bradford says. “We wanted it to be something that could feed this community and also be a point of pride.” The apple trees are already 10 to 14 feet tall and old enough to bear fruit, Bradford notes. A public unveiling of the project will be held on April 11. — Carrie Eidson X

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Hillcrest residents and volunteers from Asheville GreenWorks will come together to plant a production orchard in the public housing development. The orchard was paid for through a recently received grant from the Arbor Day Foundation. Photo courtesy of Asheville GreenWorks

The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners began its Tuesday, March 17 retreat in an emergency closed session to discuss an unnamed economic development issue. Two days later, John Boyle with the Asheville CitizenTimes reported what it was about: At a cost of nearly $7 million, the county plans to buy a 137-acre plot on the French Broad River at Bent Creek "to entice an economic development prospect."

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



K i d s issue

In part two of our annual Kids Issue, the focus is on a kid’s view of the world. As you’ll see, kids and teens have a wide range of thoughts and feelings to express in art, essays and poems — ranging from upbeat and fun to introspective and thought-provoking. As in last week’s Kids Issue, which focused on activism, we were likewise impressed not only by the volume of submissions — so much that we couldn’t possibly fit everything into the print edition — but the amount of thought and effort that the students put into their work. We also were pleased to see entries from traditional public schools, charter schools, private schools and the home-schooling community. Some teachers submitted work that was part of a class project, while other students and parents took the initiative to submit work created outside of the classroom.

I’M NOT DIFFERENT … THINK OF IT AS STANDING OUT: Mikayla Hylemon, a seventh-grader at North Buncombe Middle School, created this engaging anime artwork.

Be sure to check the Xpress website ( for even more colorful and engaging work from local students.

HAPPY CATERPILLAR: Sand Hill-Venable Elementary School first-grader Kelsie painted this colorful insect reminiscent of Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

FAITH: As part of a class project, eighth-grade Valley Springs Middle School students, from left, Kacie Kaufman-Craig, Seanna Tjung, Ty Gossett and Christian Styron worked together on this collage painting of Mother Teresa, aimed at highlighting the overarching virtue of their chosen historic hero. It’s one of 14 “virtue portraits” hung throughout the school. (Photo by VSMS teacher Michael Reardon)


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Christmas Morning I have to say that I wasn’t very excited to be out in the chilly Dec. 25 air. Most kids my age would be lying in their cozy beds awaiting Santa’s gifts, but us, no way! We are not like most families. “Good morning and Merry Christmas,” I said, a big smile on my face. “Thank you,” responded the woman I was serving. “It is really nice to have some young faces in here. What’s your name?” “Josie.” “What a beautiful name. How old are you?” “Twelve.” “Really? Well, what a coincidence. I have a 12-year-old daughter.” That made me stop. What are you supposed to say to a woman in prison with a daughter your age who she probably hasn’t seen in years? I can’t even imagine what it would be like. “Enjoy your breakfast.” I tried my best to look happy, but inside I was cracking. I couldn’t get the image of that woman and her daughter out of my head. I couldn’t forget how kind she was to me. Most importantly, what I could not lose was the realization that even if these women had made some bad mistakes, they are still people just like you and me. As you can imagine, I was a bit skeptical when I learned that I’d be giving up my Christmas morning to serve food to women in a minimum security prison, but it wasn’t at all what I expected. A man sat at one end of the room with a Santa hat atop his white hair, tapping away at a piano as he sang. The smell of pancakes being flipped wafted in from the kitchen. I actually enjoyed myself quite a lot. After a few conversations with the women, I realized that just because they were in prison, it didn’t mean that they were “bad people.” Most of these women were very nice and gave me big smiles or even hugs. — Josie Davis, The Learning Community X

A FINAL GOODBYE: Buncombe County Early College student Jordan McCormack drew this picture and wrote the accompanying poem in memory of her friend, a Cane Creek MIddle School student who passed away in 2012.

A Big Sister Sitting in social studies class, my mind drifts away from the lesson being taught and I think about my mother, who is most likely going into labor. My cluelessness about when makes it hard to focus on Columbus sailing the ocean blue in 1492. My attention shifts when the door swings open. The principal walks into the classroom and her eyes search the room. “Lilah,” she says, startling me into reality, “Your mom is going to have a baby! Your uncle is going to pick you up, and you need to be ready to go to the hospital.” I jump up without thinking, get my things together and walk out into the sunny day to wait for my uncle, while a constant flow of half-random thoughts streams through my mind. What if it’s a boy? ... maybe a boy would be nice to have around ... but boys like guns, especially Nerf guns ... your thinking is wrong, Lilah ... I’m sure I’ll love my sibling, whatever gender it is ... I hope I do, at least ... but having a little sister would be awesome too ... then there might be too much girl energy in the house ... I wonder how my dad would feel being the only male in the house ... well, I guess the dog’s a boy ... maybe I would rather my new sibling be a boy ... I don’t want him/her to get all the attention ... I hope my parents won’t forget about me ... of course they won’t, Lilah ... too bad this sibling can’t be my twin ... that would be pretty great ... at least I think it would. ... I walk into a shaded area with a small bench, sling my backpack onto the extra space beside me and sit down. Leaning my back against my full binder, I rest, taking advantage of the time until the thin grass along the road is hidden by a translucent cloud of dust kicked up by rolling car wheels. Adjusting to this sudden, unfamiliar new feeling of responsibility. — Lilah Craig, The Learning Community X

K i d s

FALLING: Buncombe County Early College student Asher Presley drew this haunting picture in February.

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


Kids Camps ASheville MuSiC SChool SuMMer MuSiC CAMpS 126 College St., Asheville 252-6244 • lessons-programs/summer-programs @AvlMusicSchool Our summer camps highlight varying musical styles, age ranges and skill levels. Students learn to play and/or sing in ensemble settings in a fun and supportive environment. Most camps include a recording experience and a showcase performance. $175-$335. Early bird registration by May 1 ($10 discount). Most camps run 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. Auditions on April 25. Coed • Ages 4-18 • Weekly Half-day/Full-day Rock: June 15-19; Pop/rock: June 22-26 & July 6-10; Chamber: July 13-17; Suzuki Splash: July 20-24; Jazz: July 27-31 Last week we forgot to include this summer camp in our listing. For all the kids camp listings, visit

Fireside Summer has become sucked dry of all its sweetness and now the days, they all seem to whip and weave themselves together through fading foliage. When the sun retreats behind the mountaintop we invite the stars to dance with us. You should see us on these nights. Listen to our fireside proclamations, the liquid courage and conviction in our voices. We talk, as if what we speak be prophecy. We tell ourselves that we will never become tied down to the monotony of average the mediocrity of normal. We scream into the vast unknown darkness that we will be extraordinary. And on these nights I can feel the world in my hands — as if I could just squeeze all the life out and savor in its sweetness. Yet stars always fade back against the light. We all eventually descend from our own mountaintop crashing down from the fog and the clouds stumbling back into reality. After the enlightenment has left me my reflection is all that remains. Mirrors — harder to face in the sunlight, where truth reveals its colors. Away from the fire, away from the flames that distort what’s really burning inside myself. Freedom, dancing on the whispers of the wind dangling right in front of me.

Beliefs and Seasons Fall: Beliefs are like leaves, Falling to the ground as they plea: “We will forever change” They drift along with only one fee being strange Spring: Beliefs are like flowers that bloom with feminine power, And brighten your day, They season your day like a shower And make you wonder if there’s any other way. Winter: Beliefs are like limbs With snow blowing as they spin There’s a vulnerable beauty about them They could be broken at any whim Nature’s indecently exposed by the hem. Summer: Beliefs are like the sun In hot laughing fun Things pass by the shadow And live on the run When it’s gone, we’re left with sorrow Beliefs are like seasons That change with some reason But come back year-round. — Celeste Sickles, Buncombe County Early College,10th grade

— Liam Kelley Black, SILSA, 12th grade

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

A Song Can Be Silence A song can be silence. If that is a pleasure to you, it could be the sounds you make with nothing, if that is what you choose. A song is a mystery. Artists only know the meaning, it could be a musical key, to an artist’s past or future.

Behind her

Creek Road

A song can be silence. If that is a pleasure to you, it could be the sounds you make with nothing, if that is what you choose.

behind her there was an abrupt stop as she turned around and looked at the crowd

I can’t write a poem today You’ll think I’m a liar My paper is in flames And my book bag is on fire I wanted an adventure To an unknown place I know what you are thinking But it was outer space I took a rocket ship to a battle field You’ll think I’m crazy But my book bag was a shield Now I’m stranded on this planet My book bag is in flames When I go back to school I’ll blame it all on James. — Rianne Eccleston, Koontz Intermediate School, sixth grade

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behind her they talked derision to one who has done nothing behind her the noise escalated. The chants got louder by the second

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Behind her, everyone spoke retorting and their quick remarks

A song could be making a statement. An announcement or question, it could be a flashback, to yours or another’s long ago

A song can be silence. — Grace Ahern, Koontz Intermediate School, sixth grade

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in front of her everything resumed as normal no one complained but only behind backs. In front of her nothing was wrong everything was fine, thought nothing has been solved. — Renee Riedling, Koontz Intermediate School, sixth grade

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Stars Shine Stars shine, so bright. Stars shine, with a twinkle of light. Stars are a mystery for life. Shine bright. Twinkle with light. Mystery for life. People can be bright People can twinkle with light People are mysteries of life. — Ava Kaiser, Koontz Intermediate School, sixth grade

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


K i d s Nutrition Facts A label is a collar we wear around our neck. We wear them stamped on our skin like nutrition facts. 2% Freak 5% Geek 26% Stupid 40% Loner 99% Goth 56% Binary “All part of a balanced breakfast” Branded on our skin by inked tongues who know nothing of us but the color of our eyes. They know nothing of the color of our souls. Your body is 0.2 milligrams of gold. You have stardust running through your veins. Do not let anyone tell you what you are. You are much too elaborate for that. — Kayla Jystad, Valley Springs Middle School, eighth grade

BINARISM: Reynolds High School student Naomi Kuehne created this artwork that speaks to gender issues.


Summer Karate Camp is a fun-filled, skill-building summer for all kids ages 5-13. Camp is open to everyone. NO PREVIOUS TRAINING REQUIRED! Camp meets Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. High Kick Camp: June 15–19 Spy Kids Camp: July 13–17 Nerf Wars Camp: August 10–14 Discounts are available for multiple weeks! Early Bird Special before May 1! Registration is open throughout the summer, right up to the last week!

Reserve your child’s space today!


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

I am not sure what to say when my mind is like a log. It is blank but shallow when you get to the stomach. People say it is a phase of life that all teenagers go through. When in my world you can go through anything, but a phase. When, too, the only phase that I can see, is yours. They don’t know how I see life. Or how I see anything. The world is spinning like a basketball on a NBA All-Star’s finger. I try to see how they want me to. But it’s just pulling me back to the “phase.” The river falls, and mountains are silent with the screeching of the water hitting the ground. It is the loudest thing I have ever heard in my lifetime. But really to me it is all silent and I hear nothing. But what I want to hear. The land is the part that hurts the least, but the core of the ground is what hurts more than you could imagine. I want to go home. But home is lost in the forest. And the forest is lost in the hands of whomever holds them. I can’t go home. ‘Cause to them ... It’s just a phase. — Samone Elizabeth Craig, Franklin School of Innovation, eighth grade

In My Eyes I’m looking up but you’re looking down I try to speak but you cut me down Feeling lost in a different world Wanting to change, and wanting to learn Looking around and all I see Is broken hearts and torn-up seams I try to speak but you just won’t listen “Too young to understand or too ignorant to try” I look at the world with these innocent eyes Wondering how you could feed me these lies I’m tired of being who you want me to be I’m tired of seeing what you want me to see Standardize my thinking Make me a machine For the only right choice Was the one you chose for me But I’ve opened up the blinds And looked out to the world People with open hearts and new ideas Just waiting to be heard I took a step into that world My mind was made new Ready to express and show That THIS is who we are —Joy Bangonan, Buncombe County Early College, 10th grade

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K i d s Memories They sing through the cracks in the floor They whisper in the pantry, echoing images of times soon past, gone by, but never out of memory. They sit in the back of your throat, waiting to be told, just yearning for a chance to escape, to remind. They rest in the dust of the photo albums, sitting untouched, ready with a proper hello from a long-awaited visit from a friend. They dance in the darkness of the wooden chest, filled with the scent of sepia smiles and gray-tone skin, aged and slowly passing. They run through the glass of the picture frames, stored with delicacy, jogging the marathon of stories long ago. They are the tears falling with the rain, gathered over and over because they remind you of her and how she loved the rain. They hide in the pages of your journal, sitting in the fading ink, resting in the dried tears, just waiting for a sober hello and a solemn goodbye. They are firmly planted in the backyard, growing in your mind, giving back the sweet, solid taste of the air of those humid summer days and soggy summer nights, giving back the bitter taste of your first big mistake. Memories can bring tears of sadness or tears of joy, they are aged, but surely never forgotten. — Sierra Haynes, Buncombe County Early College, 10th grade

SELF-PORTRAIT: North Buncombe High School senior Caitlin Corle used carbon on newspaper to create this self-portrait.

HANDPRINT: Hailey Chaney, a fifth-grader at Isaac Dickson Elementary School, says she enjoys taking photos like this one, adding: “Taking photos is soothing.”

Join us for a 5 day Nature Based~Rites of Passage Ceremony, honoring the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through supportive sisterhood, ritual and nature connection we help reveal each young woman’s inner gifts and glimmering authenticity. We aid each blossoming woman by nourishing our connection to community & nature. 24

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Growing Goddess: Spring and Summer dates May 23-24: Spring Welcome Campout June 22-26 Summer: 5 day overnight Rites of Passage Camp July 6-10 Summer: 5 day overnight Rites of Passage Camp *We recommend attending the Welcome Spring Campout before the Summer Rites of Passage Camp.

Sweet Appalachia The first brisk breeze, after the long dry days of a dragging summer, carries with it the soft blanket of fall. The sudden drop of acorns, adds the sound of crumbling shells beneath a shoe to a lonely sidewalk, and leaves are signaled to change their color. The first brisk breeze, reassures people that it is okay to retreat into the reserved cocoon of Fall and Winter. A simple brisk breeze breathes life into thicker wardrobes. A new down coat of fur that will shed in the summer or, synthetic wool hats and mittens that protect our favorite extremities from turning a healthy shade of pink. The first brisk breeze breathes the life of Autumn into the sweet Appalachian towns. Where a warm apple cider is served at the tailgate market, and you are greeted with no less, than a pink nose and rustic smile. The smell of fresh mountain air is carried along the tips of the first brisk breeze, that brings new life into this sweet Appalachia. — Kate Bell, Buncombe County Early College, 11th grade

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


K i d s Haiku dreaming of summer sounds of splashing laughter smells of candy

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— Ella, ArtSpace Charter School, second grade

Untitled Thunder and lightning Thunder Loud, dark Booming, raining, crumpling Vibrations, sounds…………….bright, sudden Moving, lighting, frightening White, yellow Lightning — Ayla, ArtSpace Charter School, second grade

MOUNTAIN RIVER: North Buncombe Middle School eighthgrader Eric Rice painted this vibrant picture of the French Broad River, writing in his artist’s statement: “I like the area around the river and how it makes people stop and enjoy life.”

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

The Dragon and the Phoenix The dragon Sharp, swift Ruling, flying, soaring Scales, fire……………….feathers, ashes Burning, rising, dying, Bright, fiery The Phoenix — Wyatt, ArtSpace Charter School, second grade

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Haiku One pond Blue bottle Floats on surface — James, ArtSpace Charter School, second grade

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RIVER BEAUTY: North Buncombe Middle School student Jenny Nieman depicts a river that she and her family pass by on hikes to Mt LeConte. She writes: “The trail is very special to me, and I wanted to showcase the beauty of the river and the Smoky Mountains in the back to symbolize my love of North Carolina.”

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


K i d s Party A little limousine went into a limb party and They had paper Airplanes. They Partied all night. — Kellen Ropson, Hall Fletcher Elementary School, Kindergarten

Hair The flip, the spike, the braid, many different. Not just for the head, also the face, the goatee, the Duck Dynasty, and finally the ‘stach. You can stroke it, braid it, style it, dye it, you can flip it back and forth. It makes the ladies goes crazy. Sylvester Stallone, John Stamos, John Calipari, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Thor, Will Smith, Channing Tatum, and finally Eminem. Variations of colors in the streaks of your hair. Ginger, Black, Brown, Blonde, if you don’t like it you can change it like Elle. But hair isn’t always pleasant, like, for instance, too much hair or on your armpits. There are so many people who admire the uniqueness of hair. The cutter, the dryer, the shampooer, the styler ... Hair. — Yates Hockaday and Levi Fender, North Buncombe Middle School, seventh grade


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

SELENE, GODDESS OF THE MOON: Franklin School of Innovation sixth-grader Emma Fountain painted this picture as part of her class’ exploration in ancient Greece.

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PORTRAIT OF A GIRL: Sand Hill-Venable Elementary School fourth-grader Alice depicts a girl exuding quiet confidence. SELF-PORTRAIT: Reynolds High School student Esi Hutchinson created this thoughtful portrait of herself.

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


K i d s

Concoction Chapter 10

I Used to Be

Tell The story

APPLE GOODNESS: North Buncombe High School senior Claudia Lazalde-Dominguez enjoys creating colored-pencil drawings depicting the beauty of food, and even had a one-woman show at a Weaverville cafe this year.

Let it brew Let it simmer Bubbles Popping Truth On the edge Of being Told, It Wavers And then Continues To hold On To The cliff For now Truth has its Ways To Escape. — Rowan Berry-Foster, part of a cumulative project inspired by On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer, Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Ode to Dance Dance is like A spark, beginning Like a small thing, Creeping and growing Until you burst. You Move and create And inspire, Dragging me in, And pushing me Out. I love the Way you lift me To the hidden world inside my heart. Then you stop, But with the promise of tomorrow. — Lena Usner, Rainbow Community School, sixth grade

I used to be a squeaky, whiny, loud kid. Now I am not. I imagined rivers flowing, waves rolling I had thick black hair, blue eyes, I was a monkey. Now I am not. Now I have soft brown hair with bluishgreen eyes. I used to be a little kid. Now I am not — Caleb Mcintosh, Rainbow Community School, sixth grade

The hospital Clusters of five to six people are scattered throughout the room. Small, whimpering noises echo, but I’m not sure whether they’re in my mind or if someone is crying again. It doesn’t matter. Everything is a dream now. Everything that was concrete is plastic. Most here are in a much worse state than me. Most here are adults, grown-ups who know about death but have never been so close to it, not in this way. The day I saw my grandfather cry by my father’s bed shattered my reality. Granddad had always been a constant: He was always strong, always. Always. If he wasn’t, something was seriously wrong. I perceive the situation based on others’ reactions. I have to. Being 9, I am heavily protected from anything “harsh” or “frank.” They will try to tell me what they know in the softest, lightest way possible, but they can’t convey the information accurately. It’s up to me to find out what I need to know. What I know is this: Things are getting worse. I’m not sure how much. I sit down on the gray-black hospital carpet, trying to ignore the depressing colors. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by two adult feet existing in front of me. I stare at them. The shoes around them look like my mother’s, which means my mother is probably attached to these feet. I look up at her face. She smiles and hands me a coloring book along with the box of crayons she keeps in her purse. Then she goes and sits down in a chair and pulls out her phone. The moments are still made of plastic, but at least now they’re in color. A man in a collar that comes all the way up to his chin comes down the hospital staircase. I don’t look up, though. My subconscious is too excited to focus on something else. The man in the too-big collar talks in a hushed tone with more grown-ups in the corner. I try really hard not to listen, but I still hear snippets of the conversation. Murmur murmur pray murmur murmur murmur hard time murmur murmur get past this... — Grace Martin, The Learning Community



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WOMEN HAVE POWER: Asheville Middle School student Yenifer Silva Romero notes in her artist’s statement: “My artwork is intended to create awareness by showing people how women have power, and that women have to be treated as [equally as] men, too.”

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015




maRcH 25 - apRiL 2, 2015

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

Benefits ChiCken ResCue and sanCtuaRy Benefit 917-202-0508 • SU (3/29), 4-6pm - Tickets to this music, food and silent auction event benefit the Chicken Rescue and sanctuary. $15/$5 children 12 and younger. Held at Katuah Market, 2 Hendersonville Road dRinks in the daRk • WE (3/25), 5-7pm - Donations made at this food and libations event benefit the Malawi Children’s Village in africa. $25. Held at One World Brewing, 10 Patton Ave. ’Jazz it up!’ Benefit ConCeRt 778-8566, • FR (3/27), 7pm - Tickets to this jazz concert and benefit withSerpentine Arborvitae and her jazz trio will support habitat for humanity and Meals on Wheels. $15. Held at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St.


weLcome to spRing: The Burton Street Community Peace Garden will hold its annual Early Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, March 28, from 8 a.m. to noon. Garden enthusiasts and visitors can purchase starts of cabbage, broccoli, kale, collards, tatsoi, Brussels sprouts and more while enjoying music, pizza made in the garden’s cob oven and guided tours of the art and sculptures made by DeWayne Barton. Photo by Carrie Eidson (p.34)

spoken WoRd and Cello peRfoRManCe • SA (3/28), 6:45pm - Tickets to this performance and silent auction benefit the asheville Museum. $18/$15 museum members. Held at aSHEville Museum, 35 Wall St. stRong WoMen not fRoM lake WoBegon 418-3114 • TH (3/26), 7:15pm - Donations made at this storytelling event benefit stories on asheville’s front porch summer series. $10. Held in the Reuter Center at UNCA. Waffle-off ChaMpionship and BRunCh 279-8198 • SU (3/29), 10am-2pm Proceeds from this contest and potluck benefit Blueridgeasheville Movement & flowarts society. $8/$5 advance. Held at Asheville Commissary, 3080 Sweeten Creek Road

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Business & teChnology

Classes, Meetings & eVents

goodWill CaReeR tRaining CenteR

aBRahaM/hiCks: laW of attRaCtion Meeting

1616 Patton Ave., 298-9023, cfm • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS through (4/1), 12:30-3:30pm Computer basics class. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (4/2), 8:30-11:30am Computer basics class. Free.

(pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444.

Meet the geeks • WE (3/25), 5:30-8pm - 10-year anniversary bash & networking for IT professionals. Free to attend. Held at Scully’s, 13 W. Walnut St. VentuRe asheVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

akashiC ReCoRds WoRkshop (pd.) May 2-3. Learn to access your own life Akashic Records and communicate with your Guides in this 2-day experiential workshop with consultant Kelly S. Jones in Asheville. events 919-200-8686 asheVille glass CenteR (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences., 828-505-7110

DESIRE MAP WORKSHOP • apRil 11-12 (pd.) Goals with Soul. Join the revolution of feeling good and living free! Light up your life and discover your core desired feelings. Information/registration: tRansfoRMation Class (pd.) Tigg’s Pond Retreat Center. Recently faced the death of a loved one or have unresolved grief issues? Get help through 8 week class and support group. 10am - 12:30pm. Fridays from April 3 through May 22. $150 call 6970680 for information. Make youR oWn ukRainian easteR eggs (pd.) Pysanky workshops in the River Arts District or your location. Visit or call (828)423-6459 for signup + more details. BakeR-BaRBeR slideshoW pResentations 697-6224, • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm - Images

from a collection of historic WNC photographs will be viewed. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville CounCil on aging tax assistanCe 227-8288 For low- to moderate-incomes. Bring ID. Free. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • MONDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 9am-4pm - Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TUESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain

CReating a Mindful CaMpus, • FR (3/27) & SA (3/28) “Mindfulness in Action,” campus community-building workshop with leaders from local groups. Held in Sherrill Center at UNCA. $40 suggested donation/$15 students. gRief and hayWood County liBRaRy-Canton 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton, 648-2924, • TU (3/31), 5:30pm - “History of NASCAR.” Free to attend. hendeRson County heRitage MuseuM 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville, 694-1619, • SA (3/28), 2pm - “Remembering Louise Bailey,” stories, genealogy and readings. Free. hendeRsonVille Wise WoMen 693-1523 • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville Mountain peggeRs 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Noncompetitive cribbage group for all levels and ages. Free. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. ontRaCk WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/25), 5:30-7pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it.” • TH (3/26), noon-1:30pm - “What to do With Your Tax Return,” seminar. • THURSDAYS until (4/2), 5:308pm - “Manage Your Money Series.” • TUESDAYS until (3/31), 5:307pm - “Money Buddies,” women’s financial management series. QueeR studies ConfeRenCe 252-6991, queer-studies-conference • TH (4/2) through SA (4/4)

— Meeting of academics, artists and activists on the theme “Navigating Normativity: Queering Institutions and Challenging Inequality.” Contact for full schedule. Held at UNCA. $22/ $10 UNCA students, faculty and staff. RuRal heRitage MuseuM at MaRs hill 100 Athletic St., Mars Hill, 689-1304 • Through FR (5/29) - Qualla Arts and Crafts: Tradition and Innovation, Cherokee arts and crafts. Free. unCa VoluntaRy inCoMe tax assistanCe • SATURDAYS until (4/9), 10:30am-3pm - Income tax preparation for incomes under $53K. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. VeteRans foR peaCe 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc. • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - Weekly vigil. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. Free. WesteRn CaRolinians foR peaCe and JustiCe in the Middle east • FR (3/27), 3:15pm - General meeting. Held at Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. WoMen’s histoRy Month at unCa 251-6577, Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (3/26), 12:30pm - LunchN-Learn: An African-American Women’s Perspective of UNC Asheville. Held in Intercultural Center. • TH (3/26), 6-8pm - “The Loving Story: Interracial Dating in America,” student panel. Held in Highsmith Union. WoMen’s leadeRship ConfeRenCe 227-2276, • FR (3/27), 6pm & SA (3/28), 10-3pm - Hosted by WCU. Features women speakers with leadership roles in business, government and education in WNC. Held in Hinds University Center. Registration required. $25/$10 WCU faculty, staff & alumni/free for WCU students.

danCe studio zahiya, doWntoWn danCe Classes (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 7:45am Yoga 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595

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Bailey Mountain CloggeRs 689-1113, • FR (3/27) through SU (3/29) - “Under the Big Top” spring performance. Fri. & Sat.: 7pm; Sun.:3pm. $10. held in Moore Auditorium at Mars Hill University.

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asheVille gReen dRinks Free to attend. • WE (3/25), 5:30pm - “Buying/ Building a Green Home,” presentation. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway • WE (4/1), 7pm - Environmental legislative update meeting. Free to attend. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place gReenfest at unCa 251-6627 All events are free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/25), 4-5pm - “Energy Stroll,” energy efficiency campus tour. Held in Rhoades Hall. • WE (3/25), 7-9pm - Renewable energy panel. Held in Highsmith Union. • TU (3/31), 7-8:30pm “Developing, Implementing & Sustaining a Food Assistance Incentive Program for Farmers’ Markets: Lessons Learned in South Carolina.” Held in the Sherrill Center.

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20 WNC

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

community caLendaR











Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

holMes eduCational state foRest

CaRolina faRM steWaRdship assoCiation

gReek oRthodox ladies philoptoChos soCiety

1299 Crab Creek Road, Hendersonville, 692-0100 • SA (3/28), 10am - Wildflower walk. Reservations required. Free.

919-542-2402, • TH (4/2), 8:45-4:30pm Discussion of organic certification process and requirements and tour a certified organic farm. $20. Held at New Sprout Organic Farms, 190 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain

258-3938 • SU (3/29), 11am-2pm - Palm Sunday luncheon with traditional Greek buffet and bake sale. Items range from $1-$16. Held at Morris Hellenic Cultural Center, 227 Cumberland Ave

RiVeRlink 170 Lyman St., 252-8474 ext.11 • FR (3/27), 3-5pm - Spring Salon Series: Southern Appalachian Ecology. Registration required. Free. WnC sieRRa CluB 251-8289, • WE (4/1), 7pm - Discussion of updates to NC Legislative environmental policy including solar, fracking, coal ash and water quality. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place

faRM & gaRden fRuit tRee pRuning WoRkshop

Supporting the SHE

wHat: An Evening of Spoken Word & Cello wHen: Saturday, March 28, 6:45 p.m. wHeRe: 35 Wall St., Asheville wHy: The aSHEville Museum, a women’s cultural museum contributing to the creation of a more just and equitable world, focuses on giving women a voice and highlighting their accomplishments and experiences. To further this mission and continue helping women and girls, the museum is hosting an evening of the arts, with light refreshments and a silent auction. “I don’t know of many places promoting gender equality around the world, and we want to promote women’s history, their challenges, successes, achievements and advances in equality from the local to the global, from the historic to the contemporary,” notes museum founder Heidi swann. To start off the evening, guests may enjoy light refreshments provided


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

by local producers Spinning Spider Creamery and Buchi Kombucha while participating in a “pick-a-prize” silent auction. In this style of silent auction, guests purchase tickets and place them in the hat for the prize they are interested in winning, such as local art and a spa experience at Spa Theology. After socializing, Laura Hopegill, director of the Thomas Wolfe Center for Narrative, will present stories of her world travels and those of her grandmother, who was interned by the Japanese in World War II. Following Hope-Gill, nan Kemberling, principal cellist for the Atlanta Pops Orchestra, the Savannah Philharmonic and the Columbus Symphony, performs. Then, both women join to perform an improvisational recitation with musical accompaniment. Tickets for the event are $18 or $15 for members. All proceeds from the event will be used to support more artists and exhibits at the museum. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 785-5722 or visit — Michael McDonald

(pd.) With Bill Whipple. Sat. 3/28, 10AM. Unconventional techniques for growing fruit trees without chemicals - pruning a tree from whip to bearing, plus tool care and more. Bring your pruners for this mostly hands-on workshop. Free, but seating is limited. Must preregister at 828-645-3937. Reems Creek Nursery, 70 Monticello Road, Weaverville, NC. www. get it gRoWing! oRganiC gaRdening seRies (pd.) March 31, April 7 and 14 (3 Tuesdays), 7-9pm, at Lenoir Rhyne University, 36 Montford Ave, Asheville. $15/class or $40/series. An exciting threepart series on all aspects of Growing: planning, planting, production, and pests. Register: asheVille alteRnatiVes to pestiCides Coalition • LAST FRIDAYS (3/27) until (6/26), 6pm - “Pesticides: Use, Misuse and Alternatives,” four-part public forum. Free. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave BuRton stReet CoMMunity peaCe gaRdens Bryant St., 301-0166, • SA (3/28) - Spring plant sale. Free to attend.

hayWood County MasteR gaRdeneRs • TH (3/26), 5:30pm “Gardening the Earth Box Way.” Free. Held at Haywood County Library-Canton, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton

food & BeeR leiCesteR CoMMunity CenteR 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000 • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free.

tRyon gaRden CluB 749-3031 • WE (3/25), 1:30-3:30pm Wildflower identification and use hike. $10. Held at Pearson Falls, 2720 Pearson Falls, Saluda • MO (3/30), 1:30-3:30pm Wildflower identification and use hike. $10. Held at Pearson Falls, 2720 Pearson Falls, Saluda WnC oRChid soCiety • SA (3/28) through SU (3/29) - Annual show and artist exhibition. $12/vehicle. Held at N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way


goVeRnMent & politiCs land-of-sky Regional CounCil offiCes 339 New Leicester Highway Suite 140 • TU (3/31), 8:30-11am “Clean Air Campaign’s Ozone Kickoff,” air quality conference. Registration required. Free to attend. noRth CaRolina gReen paRty 919-491-3186, • SA (3/28), 1-3pm - Meet and greet for members and interested members of the public. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

asheVille histoRy CenteR 253-9231,, smh@ • SA (3/28), 1:30-3:30pm Easter egg hunt, yard games and activities. Free. Registration suggested. Held at SmithMcDowell House Museum, 283 Victoria Road asheVille paRks and ReCReation 259-5800, Departments/ParksRecreation. aspx • SA (3/28), 2-4pm - Easter event with egg hunt, inflatables, cloggers, face painting and performance by Professor Whizzpopp. Free. Held at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road fletCheR paRks and ReCReation 687-0751, • SA (3/28), 11am - Easter Egg Hunt for children 11 and under. Free. Held at Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher

kids GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: BunCoMBe County puBliC liBRaRies governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (3/31), 2pm - Kid Senses Mad Science: liquid nitrogen demonstrations for ages 5 and up. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • TU (3/31), 6:30pm - Kid Senses Mad Science: liquid nitrogen demonstrations for ages 5 and up. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road

esteaM ConfeRenCe • SA (3/28), 10am-3pm Entrepreneurship, science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics expo. Sponsored by the Science House of NCSU, BioNetwork and A-B Tech.Free. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road fiRst lego league RoBotiCs teaM 258-2038 • WEDNESDAYS, 3-5:30pm - All boys and girls ages 10-14 welcome. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. kids’ aCtiVities at the liBRaRies Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (3/27), 3-4:30pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 5 and up. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester spellBound ChildRen’s Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 7087570, • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free. tiny tots CiRCus playtiMe toyboatcommunityartspace. com • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10am-noon - Circus-themed mini class for babies and children up to age 6. $5 per child per class. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B What’s shakin • SATURDAYS through (3/28), 10am - Singing and dancing class for 6 months to 4 years. $12 per child per class. Held at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St.

puBliC leCtuRes BunCoMBe County puBliC liBRaRies Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (3/25), noon - “Hungry for History,” local history series with journalist Jon Elliston. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (3/26), 2:30pm - Food journalist Mackensy Lunsford discusses food writing. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road

ChRist sChool 500 Christ School Road, Arden • WE (4/1), 7pm - “Eyewitness to Power: Leadership in America,” with CNN analyst David Gergen. $20. puBliC leCtuRes at unCa Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (3/26), 4:30pm - STEM Lecture: “New Developments in Health & Wellness - Different Perspectives.” Reuter Center. • TH (3/26), 7pm - Parsons Lecture: “The Shape of Space” Lipinsky Auditorium. • FR (3/27), 11:25am “Sexuality, Gender & Identity: Contemporary Discourses.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • FR (3/27), 11:25am - “New Math and New Physics.” Lipinsky Auditorium. • MO (3/30), 11:25am - “‘New World Discoveries: Encounters with Others.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (3/23) & (3/30), 11:25am - Staging of Euripides’ Medea. Humanities Lecture Hall. • TU (3/31), 7pm “Developing, Implementing & Sustaining a Food Assistance Incentive Program for Farmers’ Markets: Lessons Learned in South Carolina.” Sherrill Center. puBliC leCtuRes at WCu Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (3/28), 7:15pm - “An Evening with N.C.’s Women Supreme Court Justices.” Held in Hinds Center. Free.


and focus, reduced stress, improved brain functioning and a higher state of well-being. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. Learn how TM is different: Thursday, 6:307:30pm, asheville tM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or akashiC ReCoRds Meetup (pd.) MARCH 27, 7-9PM. Dialogue with your Akashic Masters and Guides with Kelly S. Jones in the next AkashVille Café Soul Gathering. $11, $22 or $33 events 919-200-8686 asheVille CoMpassionate CoMMuniCation CenteR (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm.

spiRituality aBout the tRansCendental Meditation teChniQue: fRee intRoduCtoRy leCtuRe (pd.) It’s no secret that within everyone is a transcendental field of energy, creativity and intelligence. What was missing? An easy way to access it. TM is an effortless, non-religious technique for going beyond the active mind to experience your inmost self. Scientific studies show deep physiological rest, increased clarity





51 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 117, N. Asheville: 828-252-7171 911 Charlotte HWY in Fairview: 828-628-9807

asheVille insight Meditation (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, astRo-Counseling

olli at unCa 251-6140,, • FR (3/27), 11:30am-1:30pm - “Nightmare vs. Reality: A World Without Antibiotics.” Held in Reuter Center. Free.

Time for from a new Coif?

(pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. aWakening deepest natuRe Meditation Class (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence and wisdom. Meditation, lessons and dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. • Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241,



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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve

Find local standup comedy info at • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer

Spooning with Disaster Since 2002

asheville disclaimer

Briefs A-B Tech now provides car charge station, advising strongly against utilizing it for off-label autoerotic uses Amazing new technology at SXSW conference could conceivably allow performers to be paid from festival’s enormous ticket sale revenue at some future SXSW festival

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Asheville restaurants launching clean spoon exchange program for local addicts

ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — Local sous chef Joe Grayson knew he had to extend a helping hand to alleviate the suffering he saw every day on downtown sidewalks when arriving for work. Clutched within that helping hand: a clean, stainless steel restaurant spoon. “Their state of affairs was tragic,” said Two U.S. tourists caught Grayson. “Cooking dope in old soup ladles, defacing Rome’s Coliseum ceramic ashtrays, and even the giant spoon in record one billionth incident attached to gas station bathroom keys. Something had to be done.” involving Americans acting Fast forward two months, and the Ashelike asses abroad ville Independent Restaurants association is heralding its clean spoon exchange program as a downtown success story. “As a participating downtown restaurant, we allow intravenous drug users to come in, mill about for a while, and then leave with as many clean spoons as they can fit in their • Hula Hips heavy winter jacket pockets, regardless of • Kiln Coven the season,” said Grayson. Patrons, despite the inconvenience, are • Internet Tees supportive of the initiative. • Patchy Pants “I happily consume my soup by striking & More its surface with my tongue, creating a splash, • Neverending Vape Conversation and then licking the airborne droplets, dog style,” said one patron who was crouched • Indignation Surplus Supply • Stuff You Used to Buy in Atlanta over a bowl of clam chowder. “This is about universal access to clean spoons, for those • Payday Loans for American Girl Dolls who need them most.” The success of the program has led to a • The Gap Orthodontia • Positive Asheville Press Release spoon drought in downtown eateries, but employees are making do. Factory Store “Yesterday, the kitchen crew was cook• Dogs, Dreadlocks & Diet Fads: ing dope in a freaking muffin pan,” said one downtown line cook, “but that’s a small sacYour Conversation-Starter rifice for our brothers-in-need on the street.” Supply Store

Asheville Outlets announces stores

• Super Casual Male Small/Med/ Large Outlet • Unfortunate Footwear

Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve

The 8 things the happiest people do every day

• Check rivals’ Facebook posts • Peruse Craigslist Missed Connections for 90 minutes • Alternate between dwelling and mulling, with intermittent stewing • Publicly announce a new outlandish money-making scheme 36

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

• Start at least one conversation each day with a different person who wants you fired • Open the shades briefly around 7 p.m. to make sure the outside world still exists • Prepare a list of non-negotiable demands, just in case • Drink to completion

the Blue Mandala (pd.) Ongoing Workshops and Events, for full details visit our website. Available Tues-Sat by Appt. (some evening appts available)- Intuitive Crystal Readings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars Sessions,Vibrational Sound Healing; Free Spiritual Lending Library, Online Metaphysical Store Shipping coming soon. The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828275-2755 CRystal Visions Books and eVent CenteR (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: open heaRt Meditation (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 open heaRt WoRkshops (pd.) Level 1, April 11, Level 2, April 12, 9am-5pm, 5 Covington St. These workshops are a beautiful way to connect with, feel and strengthen your spiritual heart, deepening your experience of living a heart-centered life. Register with Rana: 808-6512458. ohworkshopswnc@gmail. com • seRenity insight Meditation (pd.) A Burmese monk leads authentic Buddhist insight meditation, grounded in 40 years of practice. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome. • Sundays, 10am11:30am; • Mondays and Wednesdays, 6pm-7pm. (828) 298-4700. adult foRuM at fCC 692-8630, • SU (3/29), 9:15am - Elise and Phil Okrend discuss their book Messages to the Heart. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville eMBRaCing siMpliCity heRMitage 338-2665, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 11am-noon - Buddhist discussion and meditation. Free. Held at Dhamma and Meditation

Center, 38 Joel Wright Drive South Park Plaza, Hendersonville fiRst CongRegational uCC of hendeRsonVille 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville, 692-8630, • WEDNESDAYS until (4/1), 3:30-5pm - Discussion of Martin Borg’s Convictions: Manifesto for Progressive Christians. Free. JeWish CoMMunity CenteR 236 Charlotte St., 253-0701, • FR (3/27), 7:30-9pm - Secular humanistic Shabbat service. Registration required. Donations welcome. • SA (3/28), 9:30am-12:30pm - “On Being a Secular Jew.” Registration required. Donations welcome. shaMBhala Meditation CenteR 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, • THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free. • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm Food, conversation and meditation. Free. unitaRian uniVeRsalist CongRegation of asheVille 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free. WesteRn nC huManists 550-7935 • SU (3/29), noon-1pm “Sunday Celebration,” nonreligious lifestyle meeting with fellowship, music, humor and discussion of social issues. Free to attend. Held at The Southern, 41 N Lexington Ave.

spoken & WRitten WoRd Blue Ridge Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (3/28), noon-1pm - Lin Stepp discusses her novel Making Miracles. Free to attend. Book & pRint aRts ColleCtiVe MeMBeR’s shoW • Through FR (4/24) Renaissance: A Book & Print Arts Collective show. Free to attend. Held at Asheville BookWorks, 428 1/2 Haywood Road liteRaRy eVents at unCa • TH (3/26), 7:15pm -

Storytelling event celebrating strong women. Free. Held in the Reuter Center. MalapRop’s BookstoRe and Cafe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Salon series: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • WE (3/25), 7-9pm - Carrie Rollwagen signs her book The Localist. open MiC night • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Free to attend. Held at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Highway, Candler WoMen’s histoRy Month at unCa 251-6577, Free unless otherwise noted. • MO (3/30), 7-9pm - Word to Your Mother, poetry slam and open-mic night. Held in Highsmith Union. Free.

VolunteeRing liteRaCy CounCil of BunCoMBe County seeks VolunteeRs (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us ( dogWood allianCe 251-2525, • WE (3/25), 6-8pm - Volunteer information night. Held at 129 Biltmore Ave. liteRaCy CounCil of BunCoMBe County 31 College Pl. Suite B-221 • WE (3/25), 9am & TH (3/26), 5:30pm - Volunteer adult tutor information session. RiVeRlink 252-8474, • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm - Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Dr. WnC natuRe CenteR 75 Gashes Creek Road, 2985600, • TH (4/2), 4-8pm - Training for FrogWatch, a citizen science program to help scientists collect data and vital information on frogs and toads. For more volunteering opportunities visit

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



Yoga fusion Local teachers blend healing modalities

with chi or prana, but I have observed both my own and others’ improved health, vitality and well-being. Chi and prana in one’s life bring back that childlike curiosity and aliveness, a playfulness, a luster to the eye.

by Lea mcLeLLan

Fabio teaches at Asheville Yoga Center, Urban Dharma and Town and Mountain Training Center. More info:

known as trigger points. I typically begin my classes with an anatomy lesson while the students are doing exploratory yoga of the areas we’re working with that class. Then we roll the muscle groups with foam rollers or balls, pausing throughout to stretch and feel the new sense of length and strength. We finish with some deeper stretching.

cat matLocK — yoga and RoLLing tHeRapeutics

what is it about these two modalities that makes them well-suited for each other?

Like proverbial peanut butter and jelly, yoga pairs perfectly with other healing modalities such as massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy, qi gong and other therapeutic practices, according to several local yoga teachers. With countless yoga classes being offered daily in studios and public spaces around Asheville and Western North Carolina, these creative yogis are diversifying. Xpress talked with five yoga teachers who have infused their yoga classes with complementary healing or movement practices to create a unique yogic experience. RicH fabio — “Roots” yoga Mountain Xpress: How do your roots classes incorporate other modalities? fabio: I think of roots classes like moving meditations. I call all my classes Roots, meaning we draw from healing modalities across cultures that involve movement. Qi gong, [an ancient Chinese practice focused on postures and breathing techniques], and yoga have been around for ages

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what is rolling therapeutics, and how do you incorporate the rolling into a yoga class?

Rooted: Rich Fabio incorporates postures from various healing modalities around the globe. Photo by Emily Nichols

and are still fresh and alive, providing health and wellness for a person’s mind and body. Some classes I teach have more yoga, some more qi gong, but the line is becoming more and more blended. Roots is also about feeling more embodied, more grounded and centered. The movements and poses are designed to help participants in their self-care. • 828-252-7377 38

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Rolling Therapeutics classes occur on Tuesday evenings at 7:15 at West Asheville Yoga. More info: catmatlock. com and sonya costeLLo — women, yoga and cHocoLate How do you blend yoga with women’s issues (and chocolate!) to create a cohesive workshop?

what makes these two modalities from two distinct traditions wellsuited for each other? fabio: Qi gong and yoga are wellsuited for each other because they have similar context in their respective cultures. Qi gong, originating in China, is an ancient healing art studying chi. Yoga, originating in India, is an ancient healing art studying prana. Chi and prana are kind of like George Lucas’ “the force” from Star Wars. But in China and India, chi and prana are not scifi fantasy concepts; they are wellknown common household terms and are cultivated daily by qi gong practitioners and yogis. Now, I personally have never seen anyone float an object or shoot lightning bolts from their fingers

matlock: Once your muscles have been rolled out, you can stretch much farther and strengthen more effectively, with significantly less risk of injury. Yoga on its own, or any stretching practice, can create tearing in tissues because you are tugging on something that is stuck and cannot release by being pulled. Stretching a muscle locked in tension with trigger points will cause the muscle to contract more out of protection. This can be avoided by rolling first. Then your yoga practice is much deeper and more satisfying.

RoLL witH it: Cat Matlock has designed a class that incorporates yoga and rolling the muscles on balls and foam rollers. Photo by Taylor Johnson

matlock: Rolling therapeutics [my term for the practice] is the practice of using foam rollers and therapy balls — really, any kind of ball — to roll out the muscles and connective tissues. With rolling work, you can release the binding in fascia connective tissues and release the chronically held tension in muscles, also

costello: The workshop starts with mindful eating, yes, enjoying the delicious chocolate. We then go into a sweet warm-up to get the body moving, followed by chanting and singing together to settle into the space, calm our minds and sync our energies to gracefully move toward journaling and setting our intentions. As we finish up with the the journaling, we move through a heart-opening flow practice, finishing up with yoga nidra to seal in our intentions. what inspired you to create this class? Women, yoga and chocolate just make sense. Women love to connect

ferguson: My restorative yoga and massage workshops are a chance to experience the deep relaxation of restorative poses, coupled with gentle and loving touch by the massage therapists. My idea to create the workshop came from the knowledge that accurate and skilled bodyworkers would be able to gently and knowledgeably use touch to enhance the posture practice and deepen relaxation, so the student gets more out of each moment in class.

that has gotten blocked along these pathways. We incorporate meridians of the current season, and in this upcoming workshop, we will be working on the gallbladder and liver meridians. We will focus on heart and hip openers in the yoga practice and utilize acupuncture points that support opening these parts of the body as well. why do you think acupuncture and yoga work well together? These two modalities enhance each other. ... I think of yoga as a moving acupuncture. Yoga brings up the energy, and acupuncture pushes the energy out of the system.

what is it about yoga and massage that make them complementary? They are both awareness and relaxation practices, but adding massage helps people go deeper into the experience of their body and deepens the state of relaxsisteRHood of yogis: Sonya Costello and Becca Odom teach a class that focuses on women and chocolate. Photo by Becca Bond

getting tHe point: Odom claims that acupuncture and yoga enhance each other. Photo by Taylor Johnson

Odom teaches weekly classes at Asheville Community Yoga and Asheville Yoga Center. In addition to teaching yoga, Odom is a licensed clinical therapist and co-founded the Yoga For Trauma program. More info: viRginia RosenbeRg — yoga and qi gong

with other women, and most women love chocolate — especially really good, healthy chocolate. Bringing us all together in a sacred safe place to practice feels supported and empowering. ... Ultimately, it is a time for women to connect, support other women, nurture themselves and feel nourished after taking two hours just for them.

ation they can experience in class.

Costello will teach the next Women, Yoga and Chocolate workshop with Becca Odom at Asheville Community Yoga Sunday, May 17. More info:

How do you bring acupuncture into your yoga classes?

anna feRguson — yoga and massage How do you incorporate massage into your yoga classes?

Ferguson will teach her Therapeutic Restorative Yoga and Esalen Massage workshop at Nourishing Life Center of Health on July 11. More info: becca odom — acupunctuRe and yoga

moving deepeR: Ferguson combines massage with restorative yoga to create a wholly relaxing experience. Photo by Wesley Duffee-Braun

odom: Chris Jacobs and I offer this workshop twice a year, close to the equinox. Acupuncture and restorative yoga both work on the meridians, which are energy pathways that run throughout the body. We utilize restorative postures to help open these meridians and acupuncture to help remove any energy

How does qi gong feature in your yoga classes? Rosenberg: Many people do not know that qi gong translates to mean energy work. Qi — or chi — refers to primordial life-force energy, known as prana, or kundalini in Hindu and yogic systems. Gong (also known as gung or kung) means cultivation, work or something you do through effort over time. ... Sometimes I intersperse traditional qi gong sequences with sun salutations and hatha yoga asanas. I always infuse the practice with intentional awareness of subtle energy. We maintain awareness at the lower dantian, also known as the lower burner in Chinese medicine. Regardless of gender, this is the womb space, our creative center directly at the midpoint of our bodies. As our awareness remains


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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


here, the energy is activated and flows from the center to our extremities and beyond.

Dear Potential Exhibitor, We are pleased to announce that The New Grief for Primary Care Physicians: Beyond KublerRoss will be held on Friday, April 24 and The New Grief: How Modern Medicine is Changing Death & Grieving will be held on Saturday, April 25 at the Biltmore Campus of the Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC). Developed and produced by Four Seasons: Compassion for Life and MAHEC, we hope your company will join us as an exhibitor at one or both of these continuing education programs. The two-hour program on April 24 is designed for primary care physicians to address with patients and their families, the current thinking about the process of living with terminal illness from a systems perspective. It will also provide them tools to reassess and reconsider their roles discussing end of life planning with patients as well as to facilitate difficult conversations with patients and their families. The six-hour program on April 25 has been created for physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, mental health professionals, grief and bereavement professionals, funeral directors and other professionals interested in this subject. It will examine the five stages of the “New Grief” from a family systems perspective, provide strategies to use in empowering patients and their families to express their wishes and needs while navigating health care options, legal, spiritual, and family systems issues and conflicts. It will also offer strategies that caretakers can employ for their own well-being and engage others in collaborative caretaking, and address current perspectives on diverse forms of grieving from a non pathological perspective.

what makes these two modalities from two distinct traditions wellsuited for each other? As spiritual practices, both yoga and qi gong have the same goal. Patanjali’s second yoga sutra states: “The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is yoga.” Taoist alchemy is based on the practice of emptiness. Practicing emptiness brings us into direct experience. Yoga and qi gong are like two different paths leading to the same ultimate destination. Rosenberg teaches weekly classes West Asheville Yoga. In addition to teaching yoga and qi gong, Rosenberg is an astrologer and dance instructor. More info: X

We are excited to have Barbara F. Okun, Ph.D. as the presenter for both programs. Barbara is a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School and has maintained a clinical psychotherapy/family therapy practice with diverse populations for over thirty years. She is also counseling psychology professor emeritus at Northeastern University and author of several highly successful books, including Saying Goodbye: A Guide to Coping with a Loved One’s Terminal Illness. She served as the editor of the Massachusetts Psychology Association Quarterly Journal and the Sage Series on Women’s Health. For more information about the opportunity to exhibit to either, or both of these important audiences, please contact Bill Barthel: 828.257.4482 or Thank you for your consideration of this important marketing opportunity. We hope to see you in April! Mark Neville, Director or Counseling Services Four Seasons: Compassion for Life

Asheville Massage Natural Therapeutics

Bill Barthel, Continuing Education Program Planner, MAHEC

Open 7 days a week • 828-423-0106 • chronic/acute/pain • injury recovery • arthritis/scoliosis 40

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

• migraines • anxiety/stress/ depression

go witH tHe fLow: Rosenberg brings together the ancient practices of yoga and qi gong in one flowing class. Photo by Taylor Johnson

“I feel better in my everyday life, not just during the massage. I’m looking forward to my next appointment and am pleased to have found knowledgeable massage therapists. I have purchased several packages and the treatments are worth every penny! I will continue to return and have encouraged many of my friends to try them out!” —March 2014 , Kimbery Arrowood by appointment only

weLLness caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

attention CliniCians and eduCatoRs

seCRets of natuRal Walking WoRkshop

poWeRful tools foR CaRegiVeRs seMinaR

(pd.) • Free workshop on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Tuesday, March 31, Asheville, NC, 8:30am12:30pm, Asheville, NC. SUWS of the Carolinas ( will host Amy Hendricks, Coordinator for the NC Fetal Alcohol Prevention Program. She will teach how alcohol exposure during pregnancy affects the developing brain, how FASDs present in individuals, and the need for interventions for those with an FASD. • Full breakfast included. CEU’s awarded. Contact Roslyn Walker, 704-408-7791,

(pd.) “Let your walking be your healing mentally,emotionally, and physically!” Sat, March 28, 9-5pm. $150. 70 Woodfin Place To register: Raven 828-279-8300

697-4891 • WEDNESDAYS until (4/8), 2-4pm - Self-care education program for family caregivers. $25. Held at Shaws Creek Baptist Church, 91 Shaws Creek Church Road, Hendersonville

asheVille CoMMunity yoga CenteR 8 Brookdale Road, • SUNDAYS through (3/29), 5:30-7pm - “Intro to Yoga.” $40.

Red CRoss Blood dRiVes Appointment and ID required. • TH (3/26), 10:30am-3:30pm - Appointments and info: 800-733-2767. Held at Black Mountain Fire Department, 106 Montreat Road, Black Mountain • SA (3/28), 9am-5pm - Appointments and info: 800-733-2767. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road

attention CliniCians AND EDUcATORS • ConfeRenCe on autisM (pd.) Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 8:30am-4pm, Asheville, NC. SUWS of the Carolinas ( is hosting Dr. Jed Baker, Director of the Social Skills Training Project. His presentation, All Kids Can Succeed, is for Clinicians and Educators to learn about working with individuals on the Autism Spectrum. • Breakfast and Lunch included. CEU’s awarded. $100 to attend. Contact Roslyn Walker, 704-408-7791,

asheVille Mindful liVing 551-1142, • TH (3/26), 7pm - The Connection, documentary, panel discussion and Q&A to benefit veterans. $5. Held at Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. CounCil on aging of BunCoMBe County 277-8288, • WE (3/25), 2-4pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy,” information session. Free. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • FR (3/27), 2-4pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy,” information session. Free. Held at Goodwill Career Training Center, 1616 Patton Ave. JuBilee CoMMunity ChuRCh 46 Wall St., 252-5335, • TU (3/31), 7-9pm - “Say What You (want to) Feel: How Language Transforms Recovery,” health seminar. $10 donation.

Looking for balance in a primary care physician? Brandan Adcock, D.O. may be right for you.

RuRal health syMposiuM • FR (3/27), 8am-4:30pm - Health impacts symposium. $30/$10 students. Held at Holiday Inn Asheville-Biltmore West, 435 Smokey Park Highway taoist tai Chi soCiety • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm & THURSDAYS, 9:30am - Beginners Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way

Dr. Adcock’s approach combines traditional Western medicine with osteopathic techniques. As a board-certified family physician, Dr. Adcock provides conventional treatments as well as osteopathic manipulation which can address a variety of musculoskeletal ailments and systemic conditions.

To establish as a patient with The Family Health Centers, please call (828) 258-8681 When it comes to your health, we’re in this together.

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


empowerment from the Earth

The Cherokee reclaim their health & heritage through community gardening


by AIYANNA SEzAK-BLATT pHotos by geoRge etHeRedge


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

This basket of heirloom seeds — multicolored Indian corn and Clayfield peas — was saved after a harvest at a tribal farm and will soon produce more yield thanks to a seed saving program at the Center for Cherokee Plants.

or members of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, heritage, health and agriculture are intertwined. However, maintaining traditional agricultural knowledge in the face of powerful economic and environmental factors has been a challenge. Cherokee is a community in flux. Decadeslong high poverty and unemployment rates are beginning to decline, but access to healthy food remains limited, and cultural values seem to be changing. “Years ago, kids were taught to grow a garden; they were taught life skills that aren’t really taught anymore,” says sheena Kanott, program director at Cherokee Choices, a healthy living program that was established in 2006. According to Cherokee Choices, Cherokee adults are twice as likely to be obese as members of other racial and ethnic groups in North Carolina. In fact, according to a 2006 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of Type 2 diabetes among Cherokee men and women combined is 24 percent — more than three times the combined rate for men and women from all other racial and

ethnic groups in North Carolina. And yet resources that could curb this trend — food education and access — are not always within reach. “We have one grocery store on the boundary,” Kanott explains. “We’re technically a food desert.” For some communities within the boundary, which spans five Western North Carolina counties, getting to that one grocery store may take 30-35 minutes, Kanott adds. And yet there are plenty of fast-food options throughout. In fact, that same CDC study found that 18 percent of the Cherokee children surveyed reported eating fast food at least five times a week. “It’s Western civilization versus our traditional Cherokee ways,” Kanott asserts, and she is not alone in this perspective — nor is she alone in her desire to change it. Several community and youth efforts are using gardens to reconnect the Cherokee people to local food, health and a collective heritage defined by knowledge of the earth. tHe new ‘oLd scHooL’ At the foot of a sloping mountain range draped in mist, Cherokee Central School reaches across the

landscape. The 473,000 square foot eco-conscious facility houses the elementary, middle and high schools, and at the far end of the extensive grounds, past the football stadium and the playgrounds, a gardening project has taken root. The grant-funded Cherokee Choices’ Farm to School Program was launched in 2014, though the organization has been active in the public school “for over a decade,” Kanott says. “One of our goals is to get [gardening] back into the school systems and get kids thinking about where their food comes from,” she explains. Last September, the program expanded thanks to a new alliance with FoodCorps, a branch of AmeriCorps dedicated to food education, nutrition and hands-on gardening projects. Since then, FoodCorps service members Katie Rainwater and jordain garretson have been hard at work in the outdoor classroom leading educational activities, maintaining the greenhouse and selecting seeds for spring planting. “In the garden [we’re] trying to integrate both cultural and traditional knowledge as well as build a sense of ownership for the kids over grow-

ing their own food and their own health,” Rainwater explains. “The best way to do that is to get dirty.” When Rainwater and Garretson arrived, the school had nine raised garden beds maintained by the middle school garden club and a hydroponic system in the new greenhouse built by the high school’s mechanics teacher. This year the FoodCorps service members, with the help of Cherokee Choices and school staff, built the garden up into 22 raised beds, each filled with rich soil awaiting spring. Through the winter months, the hydroponic system — soon to be USDA Good Agriculture Practices-certified — provides bright, leafy greens. Once the certification is received, the greens can be used for fresh, hyperlocal meals prepared in the school’s cafeteria. “We will be taking the first step toward bringing a real-life example of farm to school,” Garretson says. “Food eaten by the students, actually grown by the students.” In addition to the raised beds and hydroponic lettuce, the garden team hopes to plant a traditional garden with the “Three Sisters” crops — winter squash, maize and climbing beans — planted in a circle built on a mound, Rainwater adds. In the spring, the middle school garden club will plant

the seeds for a pollinator garden and make labels to identity the plants in English and Cherokee. Food education, however, doesn’t mean much unless students have access to healthy food. According to that same CDC study released in 2006, of the Cherokee kids ages 6-11 who were surveyed, 62 percent of the boys and 59 percent of the girls were overweight or obese, which the study linked to the frequent intake of fast food. However, there are indications that these numbers are improving. A 2014 study from Johns Hopkins University found a financial link between low-income communities and higher obesity rates as nutrient-rich foods are often more expensive than unhealthy fast food. For the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, the average income of tribe members is rising thanks in part to a continued increase of the per capita annual income provided through proceeds from Harrah’s Cherokee Casino. As a result, the risk for childhood obesity is decreasing, in part because families are using their increased income to buy healthier and less fattening foods, the study suggests. That said, the issue of access to healthy food remains as Food Lion still

serves as the boundary’s only grocery store. Additionally, 23 percent of the tribe are still living at or below the poverty line, according to the Center for Native Health. As an educator, Rainwater has a lot to take into consideration. “It’s been a challenge to find a balance between saying, ‘This is healthy food,’ and what that means for you, [compared to] how you can integrate that into your life based on where your family’s at and what you have access to,” she says. “Basic access to healthy food is a hurdle in and of itself.” bRinging it bacK Home For joey owle, growing food is a science, a passion and an honor. When Owle graduated high school, he left the boundary to pursue environmental and soil science studies at the University of Tennessee. From there he completed a master’s program at North Carolina State University in agricultural ecology and sustainable agriculture. “Growing up here on the boundary, there’s limited opportunities for youth, so I left with a sense that, ‘I’m not coming back,’” Owle says. But after years away, Owle realized he needed to come home. “I needed to come back to my community and give

“We’re trying to integrate both cultural and traditional knowledge,” says Katie Rainwater at Cherokee Central. “The best way to do that is to get dirty.”

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“This garden, to me, is the perfect example for any community,” says Sarah Welch, far right, in the garden at the Cancer Support House. Also pictured, from left, are Kevin Welch, Harold Long, Nancy Long and Alice Dyer.

back,” he explains. “It was from being away that my sense of belonging and purpose coalesced. I knew what I had and what I valued, and it felt so good to come home.” Today, Owle coordinates Cherokee Choices’ Farm to School Program as well as the organization’s Healthy Roots Project, a youth gardening intensive at Kituwah Mound. At Kituwah, a 300-acre parcel leased out to tribe members, Owle has half an acre to work with. Surrounded by a range of curvy mountains, the plot extends over a plateau of seamless, flat land. Here, in a wide-open field engulfed by rolling hills, the eightweek, hands-on agricultural experience takes place. Only 13 youths — all enrolled members of the tribe — ages 12-18, are accepted into the June and July program, though the interest often exceeds the capacity. Last summer 44 applications were submitted, Owle notes. “My goal was to look at sustainable, organic management strategies for the crops [and] incorporate traditional practices as we’re out there gardening,” Owle says. “We’re an agrarian people, and growing food and managing the forest is what we did. We teach the business aspect of it


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too — all the gardeners participated in running our farmers market stand where they had the opportunity to sell what they were growing.” Participants work four hours a day, three days a week earning $8 an hour, which they can use to buy their own clothing or school supplies in the fall. However, the experience of being outside and learning to manage the land is the most impactful element of all, Owle says. “A mother of a 14-year-old young man told me that he came home and said, ‘Mom, I’m not going to eat anything that’s not grown organically.’ Wow!,” Owle exclaims. “We’re able to impact these kids in their thinking.” But there’s something else happening too, something taking place on a much deeper level. “We’re helping these kids practice what’s most inherent, what’s at the core of our DNA as Cherokee people,” Owle says. “And that’s growing our food and knowing our land.” tHe gaRden tHat gives Growing healthy, organic produce to feed the community is a priority for nancy and Harold Long, heirloom seed savers, pesticide-free farmers and the founders of the Cancer Support House organic community garden. The house

that hosts the support center was donated by the tribe to provide for people undergoing cancer treatment at the Cherokee Indian Hospital. The house features a guest bedroom for patients commuting to the hospital from outlying counties, a fitting room where wigs are custommade and a full kitchen. But the house offers one more, very important feature — the small raised garden bed in the backyard. In the heart of winter, the humble plot might not look like much, but in summer it provides more yield than you may expect. Last year, Harold hauled in the logs that frame the garden bed. He fenced its circumference with tall wire to keep critters out. He tilled in the rich compost and planted most of the seeds himself. In the growing season, the garden produced yellow crooknecks, tomatoes, cucumbers and heirloom pole beans like October Beans, Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans and Lazy Housewife Beans, which wound their way up the garden’s fence. Volunteers and cancer patients work together in the garden, sharing the work as well as the garden’s beauty and its bounty. Produce is delivered to the homes of local cancer patients as a way to “reach out and check in,” Nancy explains. The rest of the harvest is dished up for meals served at monthly potluck

suppers. alice dyer, a volunteer and recovering cancer patient, laughs as she says, “We had squash casseroles out of the left and right.” As a volunteer, Dyer counsels people through their treatment — she listens, shares stories and offers support. “If you’ve ever been through cancer, you more or less know what the next person’s going to deal with,” Dyer says. “I’m so eternally grateful that God has given me this time to work with people. And I love to watch people eat. I love to make sure people got enough food to eat.” Harold, a cancer survivor, has endured seven separate primary tumors of the throat. The many surgeries and battles have left his voice ragged and garbled, and he communicates now with help from Nancy, who sometimes serves as his voice. The strength of his spirit, however, is untouched. In Harold’s childhood home in Cherokee, he explains, subsistence farming was the way of life. “That’s how we did things,” he says. “My mom and Dad canned everything.” Nancy adds, speaking for Harold, “They grew everything organically because they couldn’t afford the fertilizers and things like that. They raised animals too. It was all in a cycle.”

This spring will only be the second year for the garden at the Cancer House, but already is has become a valuable form of therapy for the house patients, as well as the volunteers. Looking to Harold, Nancy smiles and adds, “It just brought a lot of people together.” Roots tHat Run deep Cherokee heritage and growing food are inseparable, asserts Kevin welch, founder of the Center for Cherokee Plants. “We’re an agrarian society,” he says. “Our culture is based on agriculture.” For the past 11 years, Welch and his wife, sarah welch, both agents at the Cherokee Cooperative Extension office, have worked to preserve traditional Cherokee heirloom seeds. As part of their work, they have also facilitated Chief michell Hicks’ garden-starter kits, whereby 750 families receive heirlooms seeds for free. That initiative has ensured that heritage crops are widely distributed, grown and saved in the tribal community. As Sarah describes, the center’s overall mission is simple: “To provide opportunities for families to try foods that might be new, to get families growing gardens again and to talk about their agricultural history.” According to Kevin, the majority of traditional Cherokee foods were plantbased, and wild food foraging played an equal part in nourishing and feeding the Cherokee Nation. “Wild gathering of greens and plants isn’t considered separate [from farming],” he explains. “You go get greens in the spring when the sochan’s coming up, then you get your bean salad, ramps and poke salad. There’s a nutritional aspect of those greens. They’re provided at a time before your gardenvariety plants come up and bear fruit.” In addition to wild greens, traditionally the Cherokee harvested herbs, roots and barks for medicinal formulas, of which the recipes are guarded by the elders of the community, Kevin says. These formulas are considered medicine, whereas healthy diet and nutrition are seen as ways of maintaining health. “Cherokees ate a high-fiber diet because it kept your body’s system healthy,” Kevin adds. “The things that are added to it, the plants that help boost your health — like yellow root for a toothache — allow the body to do its work. In true traditional culture, sickness was viewed as an entity. … It comes to you, it is an unwelcome visitor. If your body is strong and centered, then it doesn’t want to stay.”

Kevin adds that he wants to see agricultural knowledge strengthen in the tribe. To Cherokee youths, he will ask a question: “You’re Cherokee, what does that mean to you?” He says they often respond, “I don’t know, I get a per-cap check.” “Well, no,” Kevin says. “That’s not it. Being Cherokee is who you are and the societal influences that you have and where you come from.” Kevin says its crucial to provide children with the skills they need to grow food — and through those skills reconnect them to their roots. “The way I explain it to parents is very simple: You can plant a garden for a kid and they’ll look at it and say, ‘That’s nice,’ and go about their business. But if you teach a kid to plant and you give them the seeds — and personally I don’t care if they put them all in one hole or if they spread them out and it looks like a drunk snake crawling across the sand — they take ownership of those plants.” Once that happens, Kevin adds, the youths “refer to those plants as ‘my plants,’ and they now have a life skill: the ability to grown their own food.”

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gRowing foRwaRd Afternoon sun breaks through the clouds that gathered over Cherokee Central School, as Rainwater describes the students’ reaction to their garden. Most importantly, she says, the kids are recognizing where their food really comes from. “With first grade, we did a ‘dirtmade-my-lunch’ activity where we deconstructed lunch and every single part we traced back to the soil,” Rainwater explains. “At the start of the lesson we asked kids where their food came from and everyone said Food Lion, but by the end they could tell you, yes it did come from Food Lion but it came from somewhere [before that].” Garretson adds that providing hands-on experiences with real knowledge about real food also “gives students the potential power to make change within their own daily food decisions, and influence their family’s choices, for the best interest of everyone.” Empowering children and families to make those decisions is a central goal of FoodCorps, Rainwater adds, and exactly what so many are working to see in the community. “Connecting kids to real food and this kind of work, to me, is laying the foundation for a healthier community in general.”X

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Elemental changes Roaming in the Raw food truck puts down roots on South Liberty Street

by gina smitH 251-1333 ext. 107

One of the logistical idiosyncrasies Zack bier and jenni squires have experienced since they launched their food truck, Roaming in the Raw, in August 2013, is that they’ve had to borrow a brick-and-mortar kitchen. The pair have been using the kitchen





55 College St, Downtown Asheville


parking at the rankin ramp 46

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of a friend’s North Asheville restaurant during the hours it’s closed to prep Roaming in the Raw’s raw and vegan dishes before hitting the road each day. “Those are some pretty hectic hours sometimes, needless to say,” says Squires. But the latest step in the couple’s entrepreneurial journey — Elements Real Food — not only gives Roaming in the Raw its very own stationary kitchen, but will provide Bier and Squires a home base from which to grow their health-focused business. From their new 1,400-squarefoot space on South Liberty Street, Bier and Squires plan to offer the same cold-pressed organic juices; raw, vegan nut milks and microgreens that Roaming in the Raw’s tailgate market customers are familiar with. But the 25-seat café, which is expected to open in early April, will also feature a full menu of raw food items as well as soups, salads, sprouted grain sandwiches,

Home base: For Jenni Squires and Zack Bier, the launch of their South Liberty Street café, Elements Real Food, will provide a base for their mobile juice business as well as room to expand their culinary offerings. Photo by Cindy Kunst

sipping broths, vegan cheeses and raw desserts. Elements’ sipping broths will serve as a vegan counterpoint to the current bone-broth trend, with choices such as Thai lemongrass, miso with shiitake mushroom and turmeric, and Vietnamese ginger broth served hot in mugs. “Instead of sipping on a hot tea or coffee, you’re sipping on a hot broth, something that’s nourishing for you,” explains Squires. One of the most ambitious new initiatives for Squires and Bier

will be the addition of Elements Chef Boxes. These takeout kits with prewashed, precut, premeasured ingredients will allow customers to make organic, gourmet vegan meals at home in 30 minutes or less — Squires cites a Thai curry with house-made coconut milk as one example of the varieties that will be available. They also plan to market a raw-food kit, which will include “juice, a salad, snacks, basically what you would need to get you through the day with raw food,” Squires says. The meal boxes will be priced around $10 per person and are aimed at providing busy, healthconscious people a way to cook without the hassle of shopping for the ingredients. “Our goal is to bring healthy, delicious food to people without them having to spend an hour in the grocery store combing over every ingredient and making sure it’s what they want for their families. We’re going to do that for them,” she says. “It’s almost like you’re watching a cooking show, and everything is measured and ready to go, and they can make it very quickly,” she continues. “But nothing is from a can; everything is made from scratch in-house.” New staff members are being added to help at the café, including Lauren amerson who will serve as chef along with Squires. Décor at Elements will feature art installations from Odyssey ClayWorks — the studio’s director gabriel Kline has been one of Roaming in the Raw’s best customers since it opened, says Squires. And as for the couple’s roving roots, Roaming in the Raw will keep on rolling, staying active at local tailgate markets and festivals. “It’s a great way to get out there into the community,” Squires says. “ We support all the local farmers as much as possible, and our biggest goal is to bring local, organic, fresh-as-possible food to people who need it. And, you know, we all need it.” Elements Real Food is expected to open the first week of April at 233 S. Liberty St., 713-7513 X

Give me a break A behind-the-scenes peek at restaurant deals

by jacqui castLe

Hang on a second. Lemme pull up my deal... Websites such as Groupon and local outfit Asheville Deal offer patrons an opportunity to try out, at a discounted rate, restaurants they might not otherwise venture into. I sometimes sneak a peek at these sites when funds are scarce, and I’ve discovered some fresh favorites along the way. It’s obvious what’s in it for diners, but why do successful local establishments opt to take part in these programs? To gain some answers, I spoke with brigitte Ruckle, marketing consultant for the Asheville Radio Group and the life force behind the popular “For some, it might be a last-ditch effort to try to get more business, and if they don’t, they just close their doors,” says Ruckle. “I tell them, ‘If your product or service is good, then your business should see some amazing results; but if it’s not, then it will shut it down faster than anything.’” She attributes this to the power of word-of-mouth in this town. People will scramble to catch a discount if they hear positive reviews — but bad news spreads like wildfire. That approach has worked for zia Taqueria owner Robert tipsword. “They say it takes three to four years for everybody in the area to realize that your business exists, and this is kind of a way to push that time span forward a little more,” he observes. “My experience with Asheville Deal has been very positive, in the sense that it has given me access to different demographics around the Asheville area that maybe would not have been exposed to us.” The main difference between Asheville Deal and Groupon seems to be their clientele. Groupon is used by both locals and vacationers who want to hunt up some discounted grub while in town. The Asheville

tHe pRice is RigHt: Brigitte Ruckle, marketing consultant for the Asheville Radio Group, is the life force behind local bargain website “If your product or service is good then your business should see some amazing results,” she tells potential clients. Photo by Cindy Kunst

Deal website primarily serves area residents. “With Asheville Deal, we get commercial time as well as a following of locals, as opposed to people out of town coming in,” says sam Ragland, co-owner of Moe’s Original Bar B Que. And while some restaurant employees mention “Groupon groupies” who won’t come in unless they have a coupon in hand, most successful restaurants say they do see an increase in repeat business. For eateries with low visibility, these coupons reach folks who might otherwise not know they exist. “Groupon has been very beneficial for us. We are in the back corner of a little strip mall, and it’s kind of hard to see us from the street,” says Laura polk, the manager of Bandidos Latin Kitchen. “Groupon was able to get us new customers from different areas of Asheville. Most of them will be repeat customers: A lot of the Groupon-ers have come back multiple times,” she reports. These sites offer a unique approach to marketing. Rather than incurring advertising costs upfront, Asheville Deal and Groupon enable businesses to reel in customers simply by offering discounted meals. “There’s no money out of pocket for the merchant,” notes Ruckle. “Their only investment is when somebody brings in the gift certificate.

In addition to email blasts, Asheville Deal records custom-tailored commercials that are broadcast on all five stations in the Asheville Radio Group, which owns the deal site. ”I personally worked with Brigitte Ruckle at the radio station,“ Tipsword explains. ”I really like radio, and I like the fact that when I do the Asheville Deal, I get to go in and do a chef spotlight with them. I actually go into the radio station, and they interview me and we talk about the food, and this goes out to all the radio stations and hits a bigger demographic than what’s on their email lists.“ Proprietors also seem to appreciate the opportunity to showcase their food to those who might not otherwise be able to afford a night out. “It gives the community a break. With gas prices going up over the summer for the past few years, we feel that the community needs something,” says mike iannucci, owner of Iannucci’s Pizzeria. Many other area restaurants have also participated in either Asheville Deal or Groupon, including Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Blue Ridge Biscuit Co., Blue Sky Café, Cinnamon Kitchen, Mojo Kitchen & Lounge, Roly Poly Sandwiches, Cafe Kathmandu, Jerusalem Garden Cafe, Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack, Lexington Avenue Brewery, Neo, Asheville Sandwich Co. and King James Public House. X

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eteRnaL spRing: Casara Logan and Matt Coffay (pictured with a furry friend) are using unheated hoop houses and minimally heated greenhouses to create a farm with a remarkably small footprint — on both the land and the environment. Photo by Cindy Kunst

second spRing maRKet gaRden and csa In May, Alexander-based farmers matt coffay and casara Logan will begin distributing shares for their new 52-week Community Supported Agriculture venture, Second Spring Market Garden. Using a combination of intensive plant spacings, unheated hoop houses and minimally heated greenhouses, the pair promise to provide fresh produce to the Asheville area year-round. This means Second Spring customers can expect gardenfresh baby bok choy and beets at Christmas and freshly picked turnips, leeks and garlic on Valentine’s Day, not to mention the usual June eggplants and July okra. As a market garden, Coffay explains, their 1.5-acre operation is different from a standard, small-scale organic vegetable production farm. “It’s

modeled after the Parisian market gardens of 18th- and 19th-century France,” he says, “where these guys were doing everything by hand, and instead of using horses to pull plows and spacing things really wide, in small, intensive spaces and using little raised beds and lots of compost, they basically supplied the whole city with all of its food every month of the year. These guys basically pioneered growing under glass, and that’s kind of our inspiration.” Time spent living in China and witnessing the large-scale pollution that country’s farming practices are creating drives the couple to maintain organic, ecologically sound practices. “We would take the train every morning and go over these fields being irrigated with green goop, just the worstlooking food in the worst conditions, and it made us feel like we wanted to do something that means something, to do something practical for our

plant small plates all night 165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 | 48

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by Gina Smith community when we got back to the States that would keep us in touch with ecology. So we’re basically doing applied ecology every day.” Coffay and Logan were previously cultivating an even smaller parcel of land in Burnsville before they moved to their current location in January as the first vegetable farm to participate in the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy’s Incubator Farm program. The midwinter move, says Coffay, caused them to run later than they had hoped in kicking off their CSA. “There’s been a gap, and everything isn’t ready on the new property yet, so we had to put a pause on the winter farming this year.” CSA shares for the spring-to-fall growing season are now available, with delivery set to begin the second week of May. The first share is projected to contain a wide range of veggies — everything from zucchini to sugar snap peas and new potatoes. Full shares for the season are $600, half shares are $350. Limited numbers of winter shares, which will provide fresh salad greens, leeks, beets, spinach, carrots and much more November through April, are available for $350. Winter shares are offered first to customers who buy spring-to-fall shares. Payment plans are available for those who can’t manage a big sum of money all at once. Pickup for the CSA will be at Second Spring’s two tailgate markets: Asheville City Market on Saturdays and the French Broad Food Co-op Market on Wednesdays. Visit or for details and to sign up for shares.

bowl of fruit salad or a precooked item to share (such as bacon or a favorite brunch-y recipe). Families and individuals can contribute an extra $5 to the cause if they can’t bring a potluck item. Children younger than 10 get in free. All proceeds will benefit the Blue Ridge-Asheville Movement & FlowArts Society. The event is rain or shine. 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sunday, March 29, Asheville Commissary (formerly CinTom’s Frozen Custard), 3080 Sweeten Creek Road. vegan cooKing cLasses Vegan chef jason sellers of Plant restaurant will offer a series of lunchtime cooking classes on Saturdays in April focusing on the preparation of risotto and wild spring edibles. At each workshop, Sellers will provide a cooking demonstration with instruction, and participants will get to dine on the dish of the day with a glass of wine or house nonalcoholic drink. The cost is $60 per class. More workshops will be scheduled in the future and will be announced on Plant’s Facebook page and in the restaurant’s e-newsletter. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturdays in April, Plant, 165 Merrimon Ave. For details, visit or look for Plant on Facebook. X

waffLe-off cHampionsHip and community bRuncH Blue Ridge-Asheville Movement & Flow Arts Society will host its sixth annual Waffle-Off Championship and Community Brunch on Sunday, March 29. Part waffle-making contest, part potluck, the event invites the community to enjoy a waffle and mimosa brunch and “decide who will be crowned Master of the Waffle Iron and Supreme Potentate Over All Creation,” says a press release from organizers. Tickets are $5 in advance or $8 at the door, plus attendees are asked to bring one of the following items: real maple syrup, a gallon of organic orange juice, a bottle of sparkling wine, a

food WRiteR Jonathan aMMons lets us in on his faVoRite dish du JouR. Lamb tartare at Seven Sows Bourbon & Larder: Lamb carpaccio stuffed with chickpea tabouleh, deglet noor dates, berbere spice, black walnut, sheep’s milk yogurt, a quail egg and harissa flatbread. It’s a classic dish with an extremely flavorful twist, not to mention a beautiful presentation that makes it look more like a dish from Copenhagen’s Noma than from its Southern-centric home.

— Jonathan Ammons

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


Sustainability issue






Wednesday altaMont: Live music: Dave Desmelik, Josh Gibbs, Tom Godlesky, 8:30 pm asheVille BReWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location CataWBa: $2 off growler fills


fRenCh BRoad: $8.50 growler fills highland: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm lexington aVe (laB): $3 pints all day one WoRld: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower (trip-hop, downtempo) oskaR Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oysteR house: $2 off growler fills


Wedge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)



altaMont: Live music: John Stickley & John Cavanaugh, 9pm

altaMont: Live music: East Coast Dirt, 9:30pm

asheVille BReWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location

fRenCh BRoad: Live music: Alarm Clock Conspiracy, 6pm

fRenCh BRoad: Live music: Mason Reed, 6pm

highland: Live music: Thicket, 7pm; Food truck: Amazing Pizza & Mobile Global Bistro

oskaR Blues: Bluegrass, Beer & Bikes w/ Live music: Travis Book of the Infamous Stringdusters, 5pm; pisgah: Live music: The Screaming J’s (honky-tonk, hot jazz, ragtime), 6pm southeRn appalaChian: Live music: Matt Jackson, 7pm Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

pisgah: Live music: Phuncle Sam, 9pm; Food truck: DOGS southeRn appalaChian: Live music: Carver & Carmody, 8pm; Food truck: Vieux Carre

fRiday altaMont: Live music: Bill Mattock, 9:30pm BuRial: New brew & limited bottle release: Worm Moon (Belgian tripel w/ honey, hibiscus, star anise, fennel & wormwood), 2pm

highland: Live music: Dank, 7pm; Food truck: Amazing Pizza & Mobile Global Bistro oskaR Blues: Firkin Fridays: Dryhopped Dale’s; Live music: Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon pisgah: Live music: Captain Midnight Band, 8pm; Food truck: Bombus southeRn appalaChian: Live music: King Possum, 7pm; Food truck: Farm To Fender

oysteR house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

fRenCh BRoad: Live music: Junto, 6pm


oskaR Blues: Live music: King Possum, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon

Wedge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

70 N. LexiNgtoN aveNue 828.225.8880

InnovatIve, SeaSonally InSpIred, new amerIcan cuISIne Chef Duane fernanDes brings his Culinary finesse to the heart of Downtown asheville. weekly speCials. open Daily.

sunday asheVille BReWing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location BuRial: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) lexington aVe (laB): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day oskaR Blues: Food truck: CHUBwagon oysteR house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys sieRRa neVada: Burly Beers & Barleywines fest, 12-4pm southeRn appalaChian: Live music: BlueSunday w/Garry Segal, Michael Filappone & guests, 5pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm Monday altaMont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm; Live music: Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm one WoRld: Service industry night: $4 pints; Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food) tuesday asheVille BReWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) hi-WiRe: $2.50 house pints oysteR house: Cask night

1 Battery Park Ave. | Asheville NC 28801 | 828-575-9636 | Complimentary valet parking available at the Haywood Park Hotel. 50

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria




Immersion therapy nessie wHispeReR: “The monster in the loch is everyone’s internal monster,” says Ashevillebased author Sara Gruen. “What you do with it is what defines you.” Her new novel is set in World War II near Loch Ness and deals with monsters real and imaginary. Photo by Tasha Thomas

Local author Sara Gruen pens an all-consuming new novel

by aLLi maRsHaLL

Author sara gruen gets lost in her books. “I wasn’t able to immerse myself completely with Water for Elephants,” she says of her 2006 best-seller that became a film starring Reese Witherspoon. “The type of circus I was writing about no longer existed.” For Gruen’s new novel, At the Water’s Edge, part of that setting, too, was lost to time. The book, which launches on Tuesday, March 31, with an event at Malaprop’s, is set in the Scottish Highlands at the end of World War II. Still, Gruen (who lives in Asheville) spent a total of five weeks in the British Isles, researching, absorbing the culture and immersing herself — literally. “I got lost in the cover and was utterly panicked,” she says. “The cover” is the local name for a wooded area where main character Maddie, an American socialite, also loses her way. And, “I tried to persuade the equivalent of the Coast Guard on Loch Ness to tie a rope around my waist and throw me in, fully clothed, so I could describe it accurately,” Gruen says. The mariners did not agree, but the scene, a narrative crest, is adequately chilling.

wHat Sara Gruen’s book launch for At the Water’s Edge wHeRe Malaprop’s, wHen Tuesday, March 31, 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 and include a $10 coupon toward a copy of the book

“One of the things I love about this job is that I get to find something that really interests me and spend a couple of years researching it,” says Gruen. The idea for At the Water’s Edge was sparked when the writer came across a file declassified after 70 years. It contained a 1938 letter stating Scotland Yard’s belief in the Loch Ness monster. “I fell down a Nessie rabbit hole,” she says. The resulting novel begins with Maddie, her husband, Ellis, and his friend Hank making an ill-advised wartime voyage across the Atlantic. Barred from joining the military due to color blindness, Ellis — a Harvard dropout recently shunned by his family — decides to prove himself by finding the Loch Ness monster. Unmindful of the war raging and the hardships affecting the residents in Drumnadrochit, Ellis and Hank continue their drunken, clueless bromance. But Maddie,

quickly abandoned by the men in their Nessie hunt, befriends the staff of the inn where she’s staying and begins to realize there’s more to life than parties and fancy clothes. Gruen has experienced a transformation herself. Previously a tech writer, she’s learned that as a novelist she can’t work from outlines and, invariably, has to throw out the first third of each book. “At some point [the characters] come to life, and then they take over,” she says. “They change any idea I had for them, and they change the plot.” But those dramatic alterations are not wasted time, Gruen insists: “I had to write it for me ... it serves a very important purpose.” In fact, Gruen says that all of her projects have to ultimately be based on ideas that she loves. “I feel like I have to channel a story and be true

to it,” she says. “If you could design a best-seller, then everyone would. You can’t. It’s elusive.” But Gruen has written a best-seller. If it wasn’t by design, then perhaps it was by chance or her own contagious enthusiasm for the subject. “When I was in the Highlands, after I was finished for the day, I’d park myself in the corner of the pub and I’d eavesdrop,” she says. “I’d pick up phrases and absorb the accent because it’s a very distinctive dialect.” And the research didn’t end with regional jargon. “Newspaper archives were helpful, but equally helpful were the pamphlets that told women how to create new patterns using material from old dresses,” she says. Gruen also collected ration books. One Ministry of Food recipe for a cheese and onion pudding called for fat, flour and onions. No cheese. “[My husband] and I tried to live on rations for a month,” she says. “I think we lasted two weeks.” X

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



by Edwin Arnaudin

Outside voices Keller Williams plays benefit shows for Wild South

Keller Williams considers himself an outdoorsman. The eclectic singer-songwriter enjoys snowboarding and swimming but is also fond of shoe golf, in which players attempt to hit certain objects with their footwear under an agreed upon number of kicks. “This is usually best done late at night in an urban setting. It’s a beautiful way to enjoy nature in the city,” Williams says. “It’s very competitive and exciting, especially when the authorities get involved. Avoiding police is part of it — police arrest is obviously instant disqualification.”

With that fondness for openair activities, the Virginian easily accepted an offer from longtime friend Bob Robertson of Asheville-based Mountain Roots Management to partner with Wild South for a trio of benefit shows across the Southeast. Following consecutive nights in Birmingham, Ala., and Chattanooga, Tenn., the last of the concerts takes place at The Orange Peel on Saturday, March 28. The nonprofit grassroots organization has offices in Asheville and Moulton, Ala., and is heavily involved in the Pisgah-Nantahala National Forest plan process that will dictate how lands are managed for the next decade. “There is no better force for shaping this future with a conservation focus than the united voice of tens of

Outdoor Diva Day Join us for a day of classes, clinics, and meet a variety of outdoors groups and organizations.


Morning Yoga • An Afternoon Hike • A presentation by Appalachian Trail Record-Holder, Jennifer Pharr Davis

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

1378 Hendersonville Road, AVL

wiLd styLed: When Keller Williams was asked to play a trio of Wild South benefit shows, the singer-songwriter was quick to accept. “It’s for a great cause,” the musician says. “I’m from Virginia and am grateful to be part of something that helps to protect its land and wildlife.” Photo by C. Taylor Crothers


thousands of people and collaborations of recreation, public service, faith and conservation organizations,” says benjamin colvin, development director for Wild South. The support of its membership also allows Wild South to ground-truth — cover on foot — hundreds of miles of ancient Cherokee trails in the two forests, unite voices for the continued protection of red wolves in North Carolina and work to protect the last wild places in the western part of the state. Colvin says Williams has gone “above and beyond to show his support and his love of wild places” and sees the shows as key to bringing thousands of new people into the Wild South movement. A firm proponent of music’s potential to support a greater good, Williams has previously done three digital releases of Grateful Dead covers to benefit the legendary jam band’s nonprofit Rex Foundation. Noting that his shows involve a lot of improvisation, both musically and vocally, Williams says he’ll more than likely work in rhymes and what he calls “mini-mantras” that reflect Wild South’s themes throughout the evening. X

wHo Keller Williams with The Stray Birds wHeRe The Orange Peel wHen Saturday, March 28, at 9 p.m. $20 / VIP $50

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



by Edwin Arnaudin

The video diaries Jonathan Scales Fourchestra releases debut DVD

While visions of sugarplums danced in children’s heads worldwide this past Dec. 24, Asheville steel pannist jonathan scales sat at his in-laws’ house, entranced by a video of his trio’s performance six days prior. Three months of intense work later, those initial glimpses have evolved into the band’s stellar debut DVD Alive at Rex Theater. It will be released at The Altamont Theatre on Saturday, March 28. A few weeks before the Jonathan Scales Fourcestra’s Dec. 18 show at Pittsburgh’s Rex Theater, Scales received an email from Louis Barr offering to film the event. Scales declined for budgetary reasons, but

somewhere between five and six hours before the set’s downbeat, he changed his mind. Swaying him was a desire to have video of the current lineup. In addition to bassist cody wright, it now features drummer chaisaray “chais” schenck, who took over in August after phill bronson amicably parted ways with the band after nearly five years. Scales’ responsibilities as band manager — which he says leads to frequent moments of “running around like a crazy person” — occasionally means that set list creation falls to Wright. But considering what was at stake for the Rex performance, Scales took it upon himself to craft the show and feature what he felt were the Fourchestra’s strongest tunes at that point. Barr had to cancel prior commitments to make the filming happen and called his local camera friends to help out. Once they arrived,

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

man at woRK: When asked to estimate the hours spent on his Fourchestra’s DVD Alive at Rex Theater, Jonathan Scales points to a quote about Muhammad Ali that says while the famed boxer is exercising, he doesn’t start counting reps until he’s in excruciating pain. “I thought about that and how it doesn’t matter how many hours I spent on it,” Scales says. “It really did envelop my whole life.” Artwork by Jeremy Paten

Scales requested constantly moving cameras and an array of angles, but otherwise left the work up to them. Due to the endeavor’s last-minute nature and minimal planning, Scales wasn’t sure how the footage would turn out. When Barr sent him the raw footage and a preliminary edit on Christmas Eve, however, Scales was amazed at how well it came out and instantly wanted to release a DVD of the entire show. Upon receiving the go-ahead from his bandmates and record label, Scales — an experienced video editor — spent nearly every waking moment on tour (and at home between travel) working with the clips. Along the way, he had to get permission from pop-singer Seal to include a beautiful cover of “Kiss

wHo Jonathan Scales Fourchestra wHeRe The Altamont Theatre wHen Saturday, March 28, at 8 p.m. $10 advance/$15 day of show

From a Rose.” This, Scales says, is a far more complex process when dealing with video as opposed to audio. Having received that blessing and with the project coming together, he then decided to enhance the overall experience with band interviews, a nod to Béla Fleck and the Flecktones’ DVD Live at The Quick. “I remember how big of an influence that was on me in becoming a fan of the band and watching the DVD, not just to see the show, but seeing the in-depth interviews and hearing them talk about things you wouldn’t hear on CDs,” Scales says. For maximum efficiency and to ensure smooth transitions between the show and interviews, Scales wrote all of the questions — allowing for some improvisation — and got caitlin Krisko, lead singer of the Asheville rock band The Broadcast, to serve as the prompter. He also hired a camera crew led by taylor Hellhake that filmed the chats upstairs at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall between sound checks of jim arrendell preparing for his Bob Marley show downstairs. That competing use of space led to a few humorous clashes that, along with outtakes from the session and several other goodies, are included in Alive at Rex Theater as a bonus feature. X

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015





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A&E staff

Evie Ladin and Keith Terry

Mikey Wax Despite churning out a steady stream of upbeat piano anthems, Mikey Wax turns the diva pop star stereotype on its head. Replacing oversexed lyrics with more genuine musings, the down-to-earth singer/songwriter has amassed millions of streams and quite an impressive fan base through social media and other outlets. His songs have aired, for example, on television shows like “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” “Pretty Little Liars” and “Switched at Birth” in recent years. Plus, Wax is known for playing fan-hosted house parties at stops across the nation. “We can high-five; we can sing together; I’ll call people up onstage,” he says, thrilled to host his first headlining tour. Alexis Keegan and Laura Michaels with Scott Raines open for Wax at The Altamont Theatre on Monday, March 30, at 7 p.m. $10. Photo courtesy of the artist

Thigh slaps, hand claps, finger snaps and foot taps typify Evie Ladin and Keith Terry’s uniquely percussive performance style. The energetic pair marries old-time- and blues-inspired folk music with dance onstage, often utilizing creative limb sounds and vocal notes as instrumentation before exercising their more traditional stringed counterparts — the clawhammer banjo (Ladin) and upright bass (Terry), among other instruments. When they’re not touring, Ladin and Terry actively promote artistry among the masses through numerous multicultural projects in and around their Oakland, Calif., home base. Isis Restaurant and Music Hall invites fans to join the acclaimed duo for an intimate evening of “music, hilarious anecdotes and virtuosic dance performances” in the venue’s upstairs lounge on Thursday, March 26, at 7:15 p.m. $10. Limited tables available with dinner reservations. Photo courtesy of the artists

Salad Barre Presented by Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre, “Salad Barre: A Dance Feast” calls upon a host of talented movers to satiate attendees’ souls rather than their bellies. Organizers say this “evening of inventive choreography” spans dance genres like Butoh, tap and flamenco and explores an even more diverse lineup of expressive concepts — female symbols and stereotypes, power dynamics, death, spatial interaction, discarding relationships and items, and secrecy, to name a few. ACDT dancers and several guest artists have planned nearly a dozen numbers for the evening-long performance. The all-you-can-watch “Salad Barre” opens at the Bebe Theatre on Friday and Saturday, March 27-28, at 8 p.m. $15/$17 per night. Photo of Butoh performer Jenni Cockrell courtesy of ACDT


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Carolina Sketchfest There are a number of do’s and don’ts when it comes to the third annual Carolina Sketchfest: Do buy tickets in advance (they sold out the first two years), don’t bring the kids (there’s adult language and themes), do like dogs (concession proceeds benefit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue). What isn’t going to the dogs is sketch comedy in Asheville — the one-night show features award-winning comedy groups performing their best material and fan-favorite sets. The Comic Thread from Chicago was named Best Group at the L.A. Comedy Festival; Altanta’s Sketchworks won an outstanding achievement award at this year’s Georgia Entertainment Gala; and The Don’t We Boys from Grand Rapids, Mich., opened for Bob Odenkirk’s Birthday Boys. Asheville’s The Feral Chihuahuas host (but don’t perform) at “Asheville’s Biggest Night of Sketch Comedy.” Held at Asheville Community Theatre on Saturday, March 28, 7:30 p.m. $20. Photo courtesy of The Don’t We Boys


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald Gallery DIRECTORY Center. $10.68/$5.34 children/Free for CCC&TI students. Diana Wortham Theatre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • TH (3/26), 8pm - Lúnasa, Irish/Celtic instrumentals. $30/$25 students/$15 children. Hendersonville Chamber Music Series 808-2314, • SU (3/29), 3pm - Moment Musicale. $20/free for students. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville Music at UNCA 251-6432, • WE (3/25), 7pm - “Music of the Holocaust,” performance and lecture. Held in Highsmith Union Alumni Hall.

Theater 35below 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre. org • TH (3/26), 7:30pm - Listen to This: “Meet the Parents: Couples Co-telling Tales of Family First Encounters.” $15. Anam Cara Theatre 545-3861, • FR (3/27) & SA (3/28), 8pm - Accordion Time Machine Presents: Clockwork Creep. $12/$10 advance Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B

Forms of inspiration and expression: “A founding member of the New York School, Jack Tworkov is regarded as one of the great American artists of the 20th century,” states the Asheville Art Museum on its website. Tworkov also taught painting at Black Mountain College, an affiliation that will be celebrated in the museum’s exhibit Jack Tworkov: Beyond Black Mountain, which is on display from Friday, March 27, to Sunday, June 14. (p.57)

Brevard Little Theatre 56 E Jordan ST, Brevard, 884-2587 • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (4/4) - How Does Your Garden Grow, dark comedy. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 3pm. $16.


Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (3/29) - The Wizard of Oz - Young Performers Edition. Fri.: 7pm; Sat.: 2pm & 7pm; Sun.: 2pm. $18/$10 students.

Asheville Area Arts Council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • FR (3/27), 5:30-8pm - Creative professionals gathering. Asheville Art Museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • FR (3/27), noon-1pm - Lunchtime Art Break: Go Figure: Faces and Forms. Admission fees apply. • FR (3/27), 5-7pm - Gallery talk with Jason Andrew & opening reception for Jack Tworkov: Beyond Black. Admission fees apply. The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • FR (3/27), 6-7pm - “From Hair to There: Artist Talk with Sonya Clark,” discusses Clark’s use of human hair and combs in her artwork. Free.

Auditions & Call to Artists Opportunity House 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, 692-0575, • Through FR (3/27) - Submissions open for Black and African-American art exhibit. All artists and mediums welcome. Contact for guidelines. Free.

Music AmiciMusic 802-369-0856, • TH (3/26), 7:15pm - “Jazzy Jews,” klezmer and American jazz. Free. Held at Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Home, 1617 Hendersonville Road • FR (3/27), 7:30 - “Wind Dances,” flute, clarinet and piano arrangements. Held in private home. Location given on reservation. $35 includes food and wine. Caldwell Community College 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, 726-2200, • SA (3/28), 7:30pm - “Caldwell Musicians Showcase,” singer-songwriters. Held in Broyhill

Diana Wortham Theatre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • TU (3/24) & WE (3/25), 8pm - “Abraham. In.Motion,” modern dance. $40/$35 student/$20 children.

Montford Park Players 254-5146, • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS through (3/28), 7:30pm - Private Lives. $17.69. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway NC Stage 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, • WEDESDAYS through SUNDAYS (3/25) until SU (4/19) - An Iliad. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $14-$32. Theater at WCU 227-2479, • FR (3/27), 7:30pm - Ventriloquist Lynn Trefzger and comedian Glenn Singer present show, “A Night of Family Entertainment.” $21 adults/ $16 WCU faculty & staff / $7 students and children.

310 ART 191 Lyman St. #310, 776-2716, • MONDAYS through SATURDAYS (4/1) until (5/31), 11am-5pm - Oasis, gallery-members mixed media. Free to attend. Alchemy Fine Art 25 Rankin Ave., 367-7714, • Through until (4/4), 12:30-5:30pm - Pathless Woods, animal and landscape works on sale to benefit the Asheville Humane Society. Art at UNCA • Through MO (3/30) - Works by Members of the Fiber Arts Alliance. In Ramsey Library. • Through FR (3/27) - In Her Father’s Eyes: A Slovak Childhood in the Shadow of the Holocaust. Held in Karpen Hall lobby. Asheville Art Museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (7/12) - Keep All You Wish: The Photographs of Hugh Mangum. • FR (3/27) through SU (6/14) - Jack Tworkov: Beyond Black Mountain, Selected Works From 1952–1982 Asheville Gallery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through TU (3/31) - Reflections: Interiors/ Landscapes/Cityscapes, oil paintings by Cheryl Keefer. • WE (4/1) through TH (4/30) - Art of the Angle, paintings by Bill Cole. Asheville Loft Gallery 52 Broadway St. 3B, 782-8833, • SA (3/28) until MO (5/18) - Artworks by David Lawter and Veronika Hart. Opening reception: March 28, 7-10pm. Free to attend. Studio Chavarria 84 W. Walnut St. Unit A • FR (3/27) until FR (6/12) - The Floating World, Katherine Aimone’s abstract art. Opening Reception: March 27, 6-9pm. Transylvania Community Arts Council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through (3/27) - Of the Earth: An organic exhibition, mulitmedia. Upstairs Artspace 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, • Through FR (5/1) - Boldly Abstract: Seven Notable Artists and Jon Jicha: Drawings about Drawing, abstract art. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

MARCH 25 - MARCH 31, 2015


C L U B L A N D Black Mountain Ale House Dan River Drifters (bluegrass, Americana), 8pm

Wednesday, March 25

Blue Kudzu Sake Company Trivia night, 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar Wine tasting w/ Dave Perkins (jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin jazz), 8pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

550 Tavern & Grille Karaoke, 5pm

Bogart’s Restaurant & Tavern Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30pm

Altamont Brewing Company Dave Desmelik w/Josh Gibbs & Tom Godlesky (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 8:30pm

Catawba Brewing Tasting Room Old time jam, 7pm

Altamont Theatre Open to the One: Colin You Home w/ Dale Allen Hoffman, 7pm

Club Eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm

Asheville Music Hall Black Milk & Nat Turner Band w/ Goldie & The Screamers (tribute to Erykah Badu), 11pm Ben’s Tune-Up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

Crow & Quill Special Strength (jazz, trip-hop, experimental), 9pm

Black Mountain Ale House Gyspy Jazz Band, 7:30pm

Diana Wortham Theatre Lunasa (Celtic), 8pm

Conjurer of Comedy: Part comedy, part magic and assembled with sideshow antics, Magic Brian will take the stage at the Crow & Quill on Saturday, March 28, at 9 p.m. He’s performed all over the country, even appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman, doing his slapstick magic routine.

Blue Kudzu Sake Company Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Open Mic, 7pm Diana Wortham Theatre Kyle Abraham, 8pm Double Crown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm

Lex 18 Spanish Wine Dinner w/Juan Benavides & Zeki (flamenco), 6:30pm

Foggy Mountain Brewpub Trivia, 8pm

Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern The Barr Brothers (folk), 8pm

Mojo Kitchen & Lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm Highland Brewing Company Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm Iron Horse Station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm Lazy Diamond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

MARCH 25 - MARCH 31, 2015

New Mountain Kurt Braunohler (comedy), 8pm Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 9pm Noble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Trio Guggino (dinner music), 7:30pm


Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

The Joint Next Door Bluegrass jam, 8pm The Mothlight Jamaican Queens w/Fred Thomas & Absolute Fantasy (pop, trap, psychedelic), 9:30pm The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm The Social Steve Moseley, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm The Southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm Tiger Mountain Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

Double Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm Foggy Mountain Brewpub Songwriter’s open mic night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm French Broad Brewery Mason Reed (folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm Good Stuff Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Peter Mulvey & Lloyd Cole (singer-songwriter), 8pm Highland Brewing Company DJ Marley (DJ), 5:30pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Evie Ladin & Keith Terry (folk), 7:15pm Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm

O.Henry’s/The Underground “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

Timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm

Lazy Diamond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm

Odditorium Ringwald w/Fashion Bath & The Spiral (punk), 9pm

Town Pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm

Lex 18 Bob Strain (romantic jazz), 7pm

Off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

Olive or Twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

Vincenzo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

Lobster Trap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm

One Stop Deli & Bar Ryan “RnB” Barber, 10pm

White Horse Black Mountain Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

One World Brewing Brews & Beats w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8:30pm

Wild Wing Cafe South Karaoke, 9pm

Orange Peel Smokin’ (Arena Rock tribute band), 9pm Pour Taproom Karaoke, 8pm Rejavanation Cafe Open mic night, 6pm Room IX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

Thursday, March 26 185 King Street James Scott & Unicorn Party, 8pm 5 Walnut Wine Bar Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm

Root Bar No. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 9pm

Altamont Brewing Company Jon Stickley & John Cavanaugh (slamgrass), 9pm

Straightaway Cafe Circus Mutt (bluegrass, roots), 6pm

Altamont Theatre Dave Waite (comedian), 8pm

TallGary’s at Four College Open mic & jam, 7pm

Barley’s Taproom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm

Market Place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm New Mountain Asleep at the Wheel (western swing), 7pm FATE Jam w/Yonrico Scott, Charles Hedgepath & Shannon Hoover (variety), 9pm O.Henry’s/The Underground Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm Odditorium Onwe w/Nicholas Nicolas & Arch Rivals (rock), 9pm Off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm Olive or Twist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm One Stop Deli & Bar Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Neo-Victorian Masquerade w/D&D Sluggers, the Last WordBenders, Endymion is the moon & McDubbin (variety), 10pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till



Full Bar
















Every Sunday




maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015




Send your listings to


oRange peel Dr. Dog w/mewithoutYou [SOLD OUT], 9pm


oskaR Blues BReWeRy Travis Book of the Infamous Stringdusters, 5pm

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Wed 3/25: Steve Moseley 6-9

FRI. 3/27 DJ MoTo

Thurs 3/26: Austin Baze, 8:00

(pop, dance hits)

Fri 3/27: Steve Moseley, 6:00 Lyric - 10:00 Sat & Sun: Karaoke, 9:30

5 Walnut Wine BaR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 9pm

puRple onion Cafe Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singersongwriter), 7pm

550 TAvERN & GRILLE Crocodile Smile (Motown, pop, rock), 5pm

RenaissanCe asheVille hotel Chris Rhodes (jazz, blues, r&b), 6:30pm

altaMont BReWing CoMpany The Bill Mattocks Band (blues, rock), 9:30pm

RooM ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southeRn appalaChian BReWeRy Matt Jackson (indie, Americana), 7pm

Tues 3/31: Jason Whitaker, 5-8 Wed 4/1: Marc Keller, 6-9 Serving Lunch Daily Kitchen & Bar Open til 2am 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780 60

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015




BlaCk BeaR Coffee Co. The Honey Swamp Stompers (ragtime, jazz), 6pm BlaCk Mountain ale house Dirty Badgers (blues, rock), 9pm

loBsteR tRap Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm MaRket plaCe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm natiVe kitChen & soCial puB Jason Moore & the Trust Trio (jazz), 7:30pm neW Mountain Black Pussy (rock ‘n’ roll), 10pm The Buchanan Boys (country), 10pm nightBell RestauRant & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-rock), 10pm

the Mothlight Hannah Kaminer w/Sven Hooson (singer-songwriter), 9pm

BoileR RooM Copestoned, The Beard, Binding Isaac & Romero’s Ghost (rock, metal, punk, grunge), 9pm

o.henRy’s/the undeRgRound Kings & Queens (drag dance party), 10pm

ByWateR Up Jumped Three (jazz), 8pm

odditoRiuM Sext Message w/Crazy Bag Lady & Ancient Whales (punk, garage), 9pm

the southeRn Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm the stRand @ 38 Main Linda McRae (folk-roots, Americana), 7:30pm tiMo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm toWn puMp Searra Gisondo (jazz), 9pm tRessa’s doWntoWn Jazz and Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm uRBan oRChaRd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

White hoRse BlaCk Mountain Neil & Lily Pearlman (acoustic, Celtic), 7:30pm


athena’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

lex 18 Afternoon High Tea w/Bob Strain (piano), 1:30pm One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (fusion-swing, dance party), 11pm

noBle kaVa Beat Life Lounge w/AVL Beat Life Collective (downtempo, hip-hop, electronica), 8:30pm

(r+b, oldschool, funk) ST OF

asheVille MusiC hall Ghost Owl (jam, electronic, rock), 10pm

lazy diaMond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm

Blue Mountain pizza & BReW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm

VinCenzo’s BistRo Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm


altaMont theatRe Feufollet (Cajun, roots-rock), 8pm

JuBilee CoMMunity ChuRCh Serpentine Arborvitae (jazz), 7pm

tallgaRy’s at fouR College Iggy Radio, 7pm

SAT. 3/28 The Free Flow Band

Mon 3/30: Marc Keller, 6-9

185 king stReet Charles Walker Band (funk, R&B, soul), 8pm

pisgah BReWing CoMpany Screamin’ J’s (jazz, ragtime), 6pm

the phoenix Dave Desmelik Duo (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm


fRiday, MaRCh 27

Wild Wing Cafe south Scott Raines, 8pm Wxyz lounge at aloft hotel CaroMia (blues, country, gospel), 7:30pm

ClassiC WineselleR James Hammel (jazz, pop), 7pm CoRk & keg One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz), 8:30pm douBle CRoWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm dugout Fineline (rock), 9pm elaine’s dueling piano BaR Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy Mountain BReWpuB Sam Payne & Phil Alley (folk, bluegrass), 10pm

off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe oR tWist Free Flow (funk, Motown, R&B, soul), 8pm Live Latin Band, 11pm one stop deli & BaR Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Urban Soil (Americana), 10pm oRange peel Father John Misty w/King Tuff [SOLD OUT], 9pm

fRenCh BRoad BReWeRy Junto (country), 6pm

oskaR Blues BReWeRy Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm

good stuff Rusalka (acoustic, folk), 9pm

paCk’s taVeRn DJ MoTo (dance, hits, pop), 9pm

highland BReWing CoMpany Dank (rock, r&b), 7pm

pisgah BReWing CoMpany The Captain Midnight Band (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm

iRon hoRse station Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm

Root BaR no. 1 Joe Smith & The Going Concern (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm

isis RestauRant and MusiC hall Blue Highway (bluegrass), 9pm JaCk of the Wood puB Under The Willow w/The Harmaleighs (bluegrass, folk), 9pm JeRusaleM gaRden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s DJ, 10pm southeRn appalaChian BReWeRy King Possum (folk, blues, Americana), 7pm

spRing CReek taVeRn Letters to Abigail (Americana), 9pm

altaMont BReWing CoMpany East Coast Dirt (rock), 9:30pm

stRaightaWay Cafe Honeyboy & Boots (folk, blues), 6pm

altaMont theatRe Jonathan Scales Fourchestra (jazz, rock, fusion), 8pm

tallgaRy’s at fouR College Apple Blue Horse Band (country, Southern rock), 9:30pm

asheVille MusiC hall Plantrae & Kaminanda w/ Antrandra (tribal dub), 10pm

the adMiRal Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm the Mothlight Wham, Bam! Puppet Slam!, 8pm the phoenix Dynasty Electric (electronic rock), 9pm the soCial Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tigeR Mountain Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm tiMo’s house Bass Zombies 5 w/Xist, Ixnee, Mary B, Crystal & Betty Toker (bass), 10pm toWn puMp Skunk Ruckus (hillbilly gut-rock), 9pm toy Boat CoMMunity aRt spaCe Accordion Time Machine, 7:30pm tRessa’s doWntoWn Jazz and Blues Nikki Calloway & Friends (singersongwriter), 7pm WestSound (blues, Motown), 10pm

athena’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm BlaCk BeaR Coffee Co. The Stipe Brothers & Dan Ruiz (Americana, rock, acoustic), 6pm BlaCk Mountain ale house Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 9pm Blue Mountain pizza & BReW puB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm BoileR RooM Sun Brother, Running on E, Poet Radio & St. Maurice (punk, progressive, rock), 9pm ByWateR Through The Hills (Americana), 8pm ClassiC WineselleR Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm CluB eleVen on gRoVe Postal Express Street Riders Dance Party (hip-hop, soul, funk), 9pm CoRk & keg Buddy Davis & the Session Players (honky-tonk, country), 8:30pm

VinCenzo’s BistRo Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

CRoW & Quill Magic Brian (magic, comedy), 9pm

WateR’n hole Tonology (alt. rock), 10pm

douBle CRoWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

White hoRse BlaCk Mountain Peter Ripmaster & Tales of the Iditarod, 8pm

dugout Awake in a Dream (classic rock), 9pm

Wild Wing Cafe Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 8pm

elaine’s dueling piano BaR Dueling Pianos, 9pm

Wild Wing Cafe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

foggy Mountain BReWpuB Sweet Treats (folk, Americana), 10pm

Wxyz lounge at aloft hotel Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 8:30pm

fRenCh BRoad BReWeRy Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indierock), 6pm

zaMBRa Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

good stuff Thomas Grogan (Americana, indie-rock), 9pm

satuRday, MaRCh 28

gRey eagle MusiC hall & taVeRn The Apache Relay w/Folk Soul Revival (Americana, roots), 9pm

185 king stReet Caroline Spence album release (singer-songwriter, folk, pop), 8pm

highland BReWing CoMpany Thicket (country, mountain-rock), 7pm

5 Walnut Wine BaR Honeyboy & Boots (folk, blues), 6pm Jason Moore & Trust Trio (jazz, funk), 9pm

iRon hoRse station Paul Cataldo (Americana), 6pm

550 TAvERN & GRILLE Ryan Perry (acoustic), 5pm

isis RestauRant and MusiC hall Saturday Classical Brunch: “Wind Dances”, 11am Jeffrey Broussard & The Creole

Cowboys (zydeco), 8:30pm JaCk of the Wood puB Woody Wood w/Warbucks (acoustic, folk, rock), 9pm JeRusaleM gaRden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lazy diaMond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm lex 18 Afternoon High Tea w/Bob Strain (piano), 1:30pm The Byron Hedgepeth Vibes Duo (jazz), 8:30pm loBsteR tRap Crossroad String Band (acoustic, blues, folk), 6:30pm

4pm-2am • 7 Days a week

87 Patton Ave., Asheville

MaCk kell’s puB & gRill Spirit Well (rock), 7pm MaRCo’s pizzeRia Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm MaRket plaCe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm MCgouRty’s puB Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 9pm neW Mountain Ben Lovett’s Time Machine Dance Party, 12pm Joe Hertler & the Rainbow Seekers w/Matt Townsend (Motown, funk, folk), 10pm nightBell RestauRant & lounge DJ Jericho Michael (house), 10pm noBle kaVa The Hellacious Habañeros (old time jazz fusion), 8:30pm odditoRiuM Mutilation Rites w/Shadow of the Destroyer (metal), 9pm off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe oR tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz, swing), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm one stop deli & BaR Charles Walker Band (funk, R&B, soul), 10pm oRange peel Keller Williams w/The Stray Birds (bluegrass, rock, funk), 9pm oskaR Blues BReWeRy King Possum (Americana), 6pm paCk’s taVeRn The Free Flow Band (R&B, funk), 9pm pisgah BReWing CoMpany Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute, jam), 9pm puRple onion Cafe The Deluge, 8pm RooM ix Open dance night, 9pm Root BaR no. 1 Honeyboy & Boots (blues, folk), 9pm sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm


10/25 Sarah Guthrie W/ THE HARMALEIGHS, 9 P.M.$5 10/25 Sarah Lee Lee Guthrie

& Johnny Irion w/ W/ WARBUCKS, 9 P.M.$5 •• 9pm w/ Battlefield Battlefield 9pm $10 $10 10/26 Firecracker Jazz TUE. 3/31Firecracker HONEY BOY & BOOTS 10/26 Jazz Band Band 9 P.M. FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) & HALLOWEEN Costume & HALLOWEEN Costume Party & •• 9pm $8 FRI. 4/3 MICHAEL MARTIN BAND Party & Contest Contest 9pm $8 W/ MATT TOWNSEND AND THE WONDER OF THE 10/27 Vinegar 10/279 P.M.$5 Vinegar Creek Creek •• 9pm 9pm FREE FREE WORLD, 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard Plug 9pm $8 SAT. 4/4 DASH RIP ROCK (DO• NOT MISS w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants THIS DASH RIPTom ROCK Banana IS THE LEGENDARY NEW w/!!)Crazy Pants ORLEANS TRIO KNOWN FOR HIGH-OCTANE ROOTS 10/29 Singer Songwriters 10/29 Singer Songwriters ROCK. THE NEW YORK TIMES SAYS FREE DASH RIP •• 7-9pm in the Round 7-9pm FREE ROOTS in COMBINES the Round ROCK “FLUENCY IN AMERICAN w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis w/WITH Anthony Tripi, Davis MUSIC A ROBUST DOSEElise OF PUNK-ROCK Mud Tea • 9pm FREE Mud9 Tea SPIRIT.” P.M.$7• 9pm FREE & Johnny Irion SAT. 3/28 AARON WOODY WOOD

Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 33 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • 252.5445 •

maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015




Send your listings to

furniture listings

sCandals nightCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm southeRn appalaChian BReWeRy BlueSunday w/Garry Segal, Michael Filappone & guests (blues), 5pm stRaightaWay Cafe James Hammel (guitar, jazz, pop), 5pm tallgaRy’s at fouR College Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm the Mothlight Fountainsun w/Hospital Call & Rafi Bookstaber (folk), 9pm

Head to our mobile site NOW!

the phoenix Carver & Carmody (Americana, country), 12pm

the soCial Karaoke, 9:30pm




doubLe-HeadLineR: On Saturday, March 28, at 9:30 p.m., The Mothlight will host two great headliners in one show: punky old-time duo Megan Jean & The Klay Family Band, and the psych-banjo sensation Tall Tall Trees. Megan Jean & The KFB is like “a metal band if it was 1927,” the duo writes on its website. Mixing banjo, drums, ghoulish lyrics and occasionally the good ol’ chest-plate washboard, the band brings “a demented blend of Americana, punk, dance and the avant-garde” to the stage. Asheville folk duo Tina & Her Pony will open the show.


sCully’s DJ, 10pm southeRn appalaChian BReWeRy Carver & Carmody (blues, country, Americana), 8pm stRaightaWay Cafe Sherri Lynn & Raphe Duo (folk), 6pm


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(S. Asheville/Arden) maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

Wild Wing Cafe south Grand Theft Audio, 8pm

the adMiRal Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

zaMBRa Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

the phoenix Asheville Newgrass (bluegrass), 9pm the soCial Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiMo’s house Martin Snoddy w/Alpha Lee, DJ Jet & DJ Deacon (hip-hop), 10pm

toy Boat CoMMunity aRt spaCe Accordion Time Machine, 7:30pm

2334 Hendersonville Rd.

Wild Wing Cafe Karaoke, 8pm

tallgaRy’s at fouR College Mentirosa (rock), 9:30pm

toWn puMp Moonshine District (mountain music), 9pm

Where Adult Dreams Come True

White hoRse BlaCk Mountain Carrie Newcomer (singer-songwriter, acoustic), 8pm

Wxyz lounge at aloft hotel Empire Strikes Brass (brass, funk), 8:30pm

the Mothlight Megan Jean & the KFB w/ Tall Tall Trees, Tina & Her Pony (modernized old-time), 9:30pm


tigeR Mountain Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm tiMo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm VinCenzo’s BistRo Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White hoRse BlaCk Mountain AmiciMusic: Wind Dances (classical), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm


the southeRn Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm

tRessa’s doWntoWn Jazz and Blues Lenny Petenelli (high energy piano), 7pm Liley Arauz Band (Latin soul), 10pm VinCenzo’s BistRo Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

sunday, MaRCh 29 5 Walnut Wine BaR Sankofa (world), 7pm altaMont theatRe Asheville Ecstatic Dance, 10am, 12pm asheVille MusiC hall T Bird & The Breaks w/The Soul Magnetics (funk, soul), 9pm BlaCk Mountain ale house Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm Blue kudzu sake CoMpany Karaoke & brunch, 2pm Blue Mountain pizza & BReW puB Paul Cataldo (Americana, folk, roots), 7pm BuRial BeeR Co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm ByWateR Andy Ferrell (singer-songwriter), 5pm

douBle CRoWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm gRey eagle MusiC hall & taVeRn John Jorgenson Quintet (gypsyjazz, rock), 8pm isis RestauRant and MusiC hall Jazz showcase, 6pm JaCk of the Wood puB Irish session, 5pm lazy diaMond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm lex 18 Bob Strain (jazz ballads & standards), 7pm loBsteR tRap Hunnilicious (Americana, folk, pop, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm MoJo kitChen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm odditoRiuM Hustle Souls w/Chanterelles (soul, rock), 9pm off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm oliVe oR tWist Dance Lessons w/Wayne Tipton, 7pm DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm one stop deli & BaR Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 9pm oRange peel tUnE-yArDs w/Son Lux (indie), 9pm pouR tapRooM Open mic, 8pm

Wild Wing Cafe south Walking Dead Viewing Party, 9pm

MONDAY, MARcH 30 5 Walnut Wine BaR Eleanor Underhill & Friends (Americana, soul), 8pm altaMont BReWing CoMpany Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm altaMont theatRe Mikey Wax & Alexis Keegan w/Laura Michaels & Scott Raines (pop, singer-songwriter, rock), 7pm BlaCk Mountain ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm ByWateR Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm CouRtyaRd galleRy Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm CRoW & Quill Michael Luchtan & Patrick Kukucka (Argentine tango), 9pm douBle CRoWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm good stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm gRey eagle MusiC hall & taVeRn Contra dance, 7pm JaCk of the Wood puB Quizzo, 7pm lazy diaMond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm lexington aVe BReWeRy (laB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm loBsteR tRap Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm neW Mountain Black Box Storytelling, 10pm Dance Party w/Dynohunter & Bells and Robes (electronic), 10pm

odditoRiuM Sheep Shifter (rock), 9pm oskaR Blues BReWeRy Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm soVeReign ReMedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm the Mothlight Onj w/Bear & Obsideoneye (ambient, post-rock), 9pm the phoenix Red Leg Husky (Americana, folk), 8pm the soCial Marc Keller, 6pm tiMo’s house Movie night, 7pm toWn puMp Dylan Drake & Jesse Stockton (singer-songwriter), 9pm VinCenzo’s BistRo Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

tuesday, MaRCh 31 185 king stReet Steph Stewart & the Boyfriends (honky-tonk, Appalachia folk), 6:30pm

CoRk & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm douBle CRoWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm good stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

Root BaR no. 1 Cameron Stack (blues, rock), 9pm sCully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm

iRon hoRse station Open mic, 6pm

tallgaRy’s at fouR College Jam night, 9pm

isis RestauRant and MusiC hall Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

the Joint next dooR Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

JaCk of the Wood puB Honeyboy & Boots (blues, folk), 9pm

the Mothlight Burlesque Academy, 10pm

lazy diaMond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm lex 18 Patrick Lopez (jazz piano), 7pm loBsteR tRap Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singersongwriter), 6:30pm MaRCo’s pizzeRia Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm MaRket plaCe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

5 Walnut Wine BaR The John Henrys (jazz, ragtime, swing), 8pm

o.henRy’s/the undeRgRound Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm

asheVille MusiC hall Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

odditoRiuM Odd comedy night, 9pm

BlaCk Mountain ale house Trivia, 7pm

off the Wagon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

Buffalo niCkel Trivia, 7pm

pouR tapRooM Frank Zappa night, 8pm

one stop deli & BaR Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

the soCial Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 6pm tigeR Mountain Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm

March 2015

tRessa’s doWntoWn Jazz and Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm uRBan oRChaRd Billy Litz (Americana, singersongwriter), 7pm VinCenzo’s BistRo Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WestVille puB Blues jam, 10pm White hoRse BlaCk Mountain Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm Wild Wing Cafe south Maniac Brainiac Trivia, 8pm








3.26 6PM



WED 3/25


THUr 3/26







3.28 7PM


3.30 7PM


3.30 8PM



saT 3/28


8pm • $10/$12

PETEr MUlvEy & lloyD ColE 8pm • $15/$18

THE aPaCHE rElay W/ FolK soUl rEvIval

9pm • $10 / $12

sUn 3/29

JoHn JorGEnson QUInTET

THU 4/2

aMy sPEaCE & TIM EasTon







FrI 4/3



8pm • $15 / $18




THE Barr BroTHErs







3.26 3.27



saT 4/4

8pm • $12 / $15


solD oUT

Holy GHosT TEnT rEvIval + 6 sTrInG DraG 9pm • $10 / $12


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &










HHHHH = max rating contact



It Follows HHHHS

Friday, March 27 Thursday, APRIL 2 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

DIRECTOR: David Robert Mitchell (The Myth of the American Sleepover)

Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG) 1:00, 4:00 Whiplash (R) 7:00, 10:00

PLAYERS: Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Daniel Zovatto, Lili Sepe, Jake Weary, Olivia Luccardi

Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)

HORROR  RATED R THE STORY: An implacable, nameless monster is passed on like an STD in this original, maybe even brilliant, horror thriller. THE LOWDOWN: Horror fans — and indeed anyone interested in quality independent film — take note, this critically-acclaimed movie is the goods in the world of truly unnerving, but surprisingly nongory, film.

Though you may not realize it — and some of you probably don’t want it — we are in the midst of a horror film renaissance. It’s actually been happening since the beginning of the decade, but it has come more into focus with the fairly closely spaced appearances of The Babadook (2014), What We Do in the Shadows (2014), A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) and now It Follows (2015). (If you want to go back to last spring, you can add Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive.) The films have little, if anything, in common apart from genre. They don’t come from one studio or production company. They don’t even come from the same country. There’s no house brand involved. None of them are mainstream releases. They straddle a line between horror picture and art house fare. But what they overall represent is a



MARCH 25 - MARCH 31, 2015

Maika Monroe as the girl being stalked by — something — in David Robert Mitchell's fresh, original and very unsettling horror film It Follows.

heady jolt to an often denigrated — if not outright dismissed — genre. Suddenly, the critics have taken note, and movies like It Follows are among the best reviewed around — and not without reason. While I don’t quite think that David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows is one of the scariest movies ever made, it is certainly one of the most unsettling. It takes that hoariest of 1970s horror tropes — that having sex (especially teens having sex) is bad and that the perpetrators will be punished by an implacable, unstoppable killer — and stands it on its head. Possibly it turns it inside out. The film takes its time explaining the modus operandi of the film’s “monster.” If you wish to leave it to the film, do not read the rest of this paragraph — or any review I’ve seen — before watching the movie. The idea is that the shape-shifting creature (or whatever it is) goes after the last person who has sex, and that person can get out of the path by having sex with someone else, and so on — kind of like passing the videotape in The Ring (2002) but with sex. But there’s a catch — if the thing kills whoever it was

passed to, it comes after the previously intended victim again. It constantly changes appearance and is only visible to the infected. It’s not in a hurry, and it can be thwarted (at least briefly), but wherever the victim goes, it follows. There are many surprises to be discovered within the confines of It Follows — not the least of which is how relatively gore-free it is. When all is said and done, there’s really only one disturbingly (and, yes, it is) graphic image in the movie — and it occurs at the very beginning at the climax of a grabber sequence that only comes to make sense within the larger context of the film. There are occasional shock effects, but Mitchell’s approach to horror is much more subtle than one expects in such a film — especially in one that clearly evokes the horror pictures of the late 1970s and early ’80s. The horror is all about building dread, something the film does by existing in a more or less normal world where everything is just slightly wrong. Set in the Detroit area — recalling Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive — there’s a seediness to the

Carolina Cinemas (274-9500) Cinderella (PG) 11:25, 2:00, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45, Do You Believe? (PG-13) 3:00, 9:50 Get Hard (R) 12:30, 2:45, 5:15, 7:40, 9:35, 10:25 The Gunman (R) 11:45, 2:20, 5:00, 7:35, 10:05 Home 3D (PG) 12:25, 9:05 Home 2D (PG) 11:15, 12:25, 2:35, 4:45, 6:55 It Follows (R) 11:05, 1:20, 3:25, 5:40, 7:55, 10:10 Insurgent 3D (PG-13) 11:10 Insurgent 2D (PG-13) 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:55 Kingsman: The Secret Service (R) 11:00, 1:50, 4:35, 7:30, 10:15 Leviathan (R) 12:10, 6:45 Red Army (PG) 12:00, 2:05, 4:05, 6:15, 8:20, 10:20 Run All Night (R) 2:25, 5:05, 7:45, 10:20 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG-13) 10:55, 1:35, 4:15, 7:05 Serena (R) 11:50, 2:15, 4:50, 7:25, 10:00 Still Alice (PG-13) 12:15, 2:30, 4:55, 7:15, 9:30 What We Do in the Shadows (NR) 11:40, 1:45, 3:50, 6:05, 8:15, 10:30 Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200) Focus (R) 4:00 The Second Best Marigold Hotel (PG) 1:00, 7:00 (no 7:00 show Thu. Apr. 2) Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536) '71 (R) 1:00 It Follows (R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG-13) 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG) 3:30, 7:00 Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)


setting. Urban decay is creeping into the theoretically safe suburbs. The neighborhoods we see haven’t gone to ruin, but everything is shabby and clearly on a downward path. We’re obviously in the present, but two of the main cars in the film are old-style Detroit gas guzzlers. This a movie where kids go to a lower-rung picture palace to see Charade (1963) and where the TVs always seem to be tuned to cheesy blackand-white 1950s sci-fi movies. As in so many ’70s-’80s horror movies, the adults in the film — at least the ones who aren’t “It” — are largely absent or are just so much background noise. I think we see the mother (Debbie Williams) of our heroine, Jay (Maika Monroe), nursing a glass of wine early in the proceedings, but she barely figures in the movie. It’s all plausible but subtly unreal in a way that becomes uneasy, disorienting and finally disturbing — almost like something out of David Lynch. It helps that all the kids are excellent and well drawn. No one qualifies as your typical meat-onthe-hoof slasher movie teen victim. For a movie that trades in the slightly unreal, the characters feel very real. Maika Monroe is perfect as Jay, but possibly even better is Keir Gilchrist (It’s Kind of a Funny Story) as Paul, the long-suffering neighbor boy who is so in love with Jay that he’s more than willing to sleep with her even if it brings the “curse” down on him. All — or nearly all — of this is beautifully orchestrated by writer-director Mitchell, who is never at a loss for a disconcerting image or camera movement, and who knows just how to have his nameless, shifting horror stalk through a scene. The weakest point lies in the film’s biggest scene (you’ll know it when you see it), which doesn’t quite work. But kudos to Mitchell for settling on an ending that is neither cheesy Horror 101 nihilism, nor quite conclusive. The film is being compared to Halloween (1978), which is understandable, but it feels more like the original A Nightmare on Elm Street in overall tone. Rated R for disturbing violent and sexual content including graphic nudity and language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Do You Believe? H DIRECTOR: Jonathan M. Gunn (My Date with Drew) PLAYERS: Mira Sorvino, Sean Astin, Alexa PenaVega, Delroy Lindo, Ted McGinley, Brian Bosworth, Cybill Shepherd, Lee Majors FAITH-BASED DRAMA  RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Multistory tale of characters grappling with putting faith into action. THE LOWDOWN: Less hysterical on the topic of religion than its predecessor, God’s Not Dead, this is still the same old preaching-to-the-choir stuff — only overstuffed with characters, some better actors but little actual substance.

It took four or five tries to get Do You Believe? to start at the showing I attended. (It was the first show, which is the most likely time for this sort of thing to happen in the world of digital projection.) It made me wonder if maybe God didn’t want me to see this — or that, as a skeptic, I was a source of unfriendly vibrations that were hoodoo-ing the projection. Mystical musings aside, the movie finally started and — following trailers for the newest Nicholas Sparks adaptation and Jurassic World — this fairly obvious attempt to cash in on the unexpected box office bonanza of last year’s God’s Not Dead began. We have the same writers — Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon — and the same production company — Pure Flix — and the same wholly insular approach. And, yes, the results — despite an increased budget buying the services of more impressive fading stars than Kevin Sorbo — are very much the same. In its — ultimately marginal — favor, Do You Believe? is less hysterical about its agenda than God’s Not Dead, and it seeks to address one of the central problems with its predecessor by offering examples of practical Christianity. God’s Not Dead was all about faith to an alarming degree. People might destroy their lives and be homeless or endanger others because of their faith — and there was no one willing to lend a hand to help them — but, hey, they had faith. End of subject. Do You

Believe? is more concerned with putting that faith into action. That’s admirable, but it still ends up trading in the same worldview that’s as hermetically sealed as a tin of Prince Albert — and tossing the standard “us vs. them” red meat (unions, abortion, the American Humanist Association) to the easily riled. It’s the same old false shuffle dealt from a stacked deck. The idea here is bargain basement Robert Altman or P.T. Anderson by way of Paul Haggis’ Crash (2005) — but the racism in Crash gives way to Christianity here. We have a dozen characters whose lives “will be impacted in ways that only God could orchestrate” — well, God or a couple of cliché-loving screenwriters. All this unfolds in the city of Chicago — home to “ten million souls,” narrator Pastor Matt (Ted McGinley) assures us, raising the question of why Messrs. Konzelman and Solomon couldn’t be bothered to look up the population. (A friend suggested that maybe seven-and-ahalf million of these souls are disembodied.) An encounter with a street preacher (Delroy Lindo) carting around a full-size cross (with wheels, which strikes me as cheating) shakes Pastor Matt’s complacency on the topic of faith without action. So he decides to change his ways and fire up his congregation (via a bag of little wooden crosses) to put their faith into action. That’s pretty much it — except for the parade of barely developed characters whose lives are affected by this sermon. These cardboard characters include a good-hearted convict (Brian Bosworth) on compassionate release because he’s dying of what looks like consumption (but is apparently some kind of leukemia), a heartless doctor (Sean Astin) who’s cheesed over God getting credit for his skills, his equally awful avaricious lawyer girlfriend (Andrea Logan White), a pregnant runaway (Madison Pettis) and a pious EMT (Liam Matthews) on trial (no prizes for guessing who the prosecuting attorney is) for sharing his beliefs with a dying man. Wedged into this overcrowded mess are a homeless mother and daughter (Mira Sorvino and Mackenzie Moss), an aging couple (Lee Majors and Cybill Shepherd) grieving over a dead daughter, a repentant gang-banger (Shwayze) on the run and, believe it or not, a suicidal young woman (Alexa PenaVega) who meets cute with a suicidal PTSD soldier (Joseph Julian Sora) when they’re both debating jumping off the same bridge.


Get Hard It’s yet another raunchy-com of the R-rated variety (for pervasive crude and sexual content and language, some graphic nudity and drug material) — this time starring Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart. This marks the directorial debut of screenwriter Etan Cohen (not Ethan Coen), who penned Men in Black 3. The blurb tells us: “Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart headline this Warner Bros. comedy about a wrongfully convicted investment banker who prepares for prison life with the help of the man who washes his car.” The early reviews are on the scathing side. (R)

Home This latest effort from Dreamworks Animation isn’t getting all that much more critical love (mostly from U.K. and Australian reviewers). It was directed by Tim Johnson (Over the Hedge) and has a middling voice cast — Jim Parsons, Rihanna, Steve Martin, Jennifer Lopez. The story: “When Oh, a loveable misfit from another planet, lands on Earth and finds himself on the run from his own people, he forms an unlikely friendship with an adventurous girl named Tip who is on a quest of her own. Through a series of comic adventures with Tip, Oh comes to understand that being different and making mistakes is all part of being human.” Well, it doesn’t sound groundbreaking. (PG)

It Follows See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

Red Army See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

Serena See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

MARCH 25 - MARCH 31, 2015



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

It all climaxes in a massive pileup of car crashes involving most of the cast that gets so progressively preposterous that it’s hard not to burst out laughing. Lives will be lost, lives will saved, and souls are up for grabs. At the very least, if you’re not a true believer, you’ll be taught a lesson — unless you’re black, in which case things look pretty grim in general. OK, the acting is better — what there is of it — than in God’s Not Dead, but the production values are no better than your average Tyler Perry movie. It also looks like lightning will not be striking twice, since the box office was considerately less than half of God’s Not Dead. Look, it’s perfectly possible to make a deeply profound movie on the topic of faith — check out last year’s Calvary — but this isn’t it. This is smug, self-satisfied mediocrity run rampant. Rated PG-13 for thematic elements, an accident sequence and some violence. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015


Insurgent S diRectoR: Robert Schwentke (R.I.P.D.) pLayeRs: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet, Miles Teller, Jai Courtney sad teen dystopian sci-fi Rated pg-13 tHe stoRy: “Divergent” Tris must stop the evil dystopian government of future Chicago and avenge the death of her family. tHe Lowdown: Dull, self-serious and derivative sci-fi of the teen romance variety.

Last year’s Divergent was a hodgepodge of other, better, equally hokey sci-fi movies (and a heavy dose of The Hunger Games). I likened it to Paul Verhoeven for teens, but infinitely less interesting than that might sound due to a dull cast of teenage “it” stars and a dreadfully straight-faced tone. Its sequel, Robert Schwentke’s Insurgent, is no different, though they reel in the wide net of its derivative nature and really only try to rip off the Wachowskis’ The Matrix (1999). And like Divergent, Insurgent only has the veneer of ideas, ones about otherness and totalitarianism and corruption — but says nothing about them. It’s more a film that’s following a blueprint of what dystopian sci-fi movies are supposed to talk about without actually tackling any of its ideas. Not helping things is the tone, which has no room for fun. Heading it up is Shailene Woodley, who takes this acting thing very seriously, and who looks like a sourpuss in a middleaged mom haircut. She plays our hero, Tris, who’s on the run from the evil government because she’s “divergent,” some sci-fi nonsense that drives the entire series. Not helping things are her support, like yet another smarmy, one-note performance from Miles Teller and the film’s love interest, the human Easter Island statue Theo James as the hunky Four. The big name actors here to class things up — like Kate Winslet and Naomi Watts — are also stricken with a

HHHHH = max rating case of taking this goofy nonsense seriously, thereby depressing the viewer even more by the thought of how much they got paid to slum it. There’s a lot of talking and a lot of Tris looking so puckered that her face might collapse in on itself like it contains a black hole. Occasionally there’s a fight, and a bunch of stuff happens — a lot of rudimentary action movie stuff that’s both totally unimaginative and poorly staged. Sometimes there’s some slo-mo stuff happening (again, The Matrix), but that’s about as far as anyone wants to go creatively. As for the plot, there’s only sort of one, most of which involves Tris on the run from Jeanine (Winslet), who needs Tris’ “divergence” in order to open some mysterious box. This box takes up the bulk of the movie while we wait for Tris to finally open the damn thing. And when she does, the big takeaway is some mealy-mouthed proselytizing about being different. It just drives home how lacking in real ideas and how wholly inconsequential the entire movie is, especially considering how proud it is of being so incredibly middlebrow. Insurgent — from its standing as a Hunger Games knockoff to a sequel — is perhaps the most superfluous movie imaginable. Rated PG-13 for intense violence and action throughout, some sensuality, thematic elements and brief language. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

Red Army HHH diRectoR: Gabe Polsky (The Motel Life) pLayeRs: Viacheslav Fetisov, Anatoli Karpov, Alexei Kasatonov, Scotty Bowman spoRts documentaRy Rated pg tHe stoRy: The story of the Soviet Union’s Red Army hockey team. tHe Lowdown: An occasionally interesting sports documentary that gives some insight into life inside the USSR and the idea of nationalism but adds little else.

To decide if you want to see Gabe Polsky’s Red Army, think about how badly you want to see a documentary about the Soviet hockey team. As far as decision-making goes, it’s hard to get much easier than that. Red Army is exactly what it looks like, and it’s not a bad movie by any measure, but like so many documentaries, it’s difficult to truly get jazzed about unless you’ve already got an interest in the topic. There’s nothing in Polsky’s film that adds much to its basic premise, which is exactly what one might expect it to be. Expect lots of archival footage and lots of talking heads. Occasionally, the film transcends its basic approach — or at least its stated one of illustrating life in the USSR via hockey — by touching on the complex nature of nationalism and occasionally delving into the complicated interpersonal relationships of the players and coaches. But these moments are short lived. Instead, Red Army wants to work as a history — and a very straightforward one at that — only giving facts and perspectives around said facts by the people involved. Yes, it’s informative, but only if you’re already in the frame of mind to care. Beyond this, some strange filmmaking decisions get made along the way. There’s this tendency for the director — via disembodied voice — to ask seemingly dumb questions as a means of self-deprecation and cheap laughs, but it gets old after the first time it happens. Then there are these moments where Polsky believes something of great emotional resonance is happening during an interview, and he’ll have the camera track in closer to the subject for some sort of maximum impact. Honestly, it’s striking the first time it happens, and it’s obvious that Polsky wants to do something more interesting cinematically with his interview footage, but it gets sillier and more distracting the more often it happens. Just the idea of some guy scooting a camera into the face of a giant Russian defenseman who’s on the verge of tears as he recounts some sad personal moment in his life is pretty ridiculous by itself. Again, none of this is likely to be a distraction if you’re into what the movie wants to say, but it’s an easy distraction if the film hasn’t already engaged you. Rated PG for thematic material and language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Justin Souther

Serena HHHS

DIRECTOR: Susanne Bier (Love Is All You Need) PLAYERS: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Rhys Ifans, Toby Jones, David Dencik, Sean Harris MELODRAMA  RATED R THE STORY: A corrupt timber baron makes a fatal choice in marrying a mysterious woman with a murky past. THE LOWDOWN: Chock-full of melodrama and outrageous contrivances, there’s no way to call Serena good, but it’s one fascinating hot mess that’s entertainingly trashy.

Saying that Susanne Bier’s Serena is better than most of its reviews and its troubled production history suggest doesn’t really do more than damn it with faint praise. Actually, it’s not at all bad — so long as you approach it as trashy, preposterous soap. On that level, it’s waywardly entertaining. Having never read the apparently somewhat deeper source novel by Ron Rash, and never having seen Susanne Bier’s original cut, I’m simply looking at the film as a melodramatic potboiler that MGM might have turned out about 75 years ago as a vehicle for Clark Gable and Joan Crawford — only with less iconic stars and Ms. Bier’s trademark hand-held camerawork. If you can wallow in that sort of thing, you may be able to enjoy it for what it is. Of course, Serena also has local interest in the Asheville area because of the book’s author and its Western North Carolina and occasional Asheville setting. However, it’s as well to realize that the movie was shot in what we may call the Great Smoky Carpathian Mountains in the Czech Republic. While that was mostly an economic consideration, it may also have been easier to recreate the story’s 1929 setting in that locale. In any case, it’s a reasonable facsimile, and Bier gets the good out of it — maybe too much so with her tendency to linger on moody views of the mountains. The story itself is frankly on the silly side. Bradley Cooper plays unscrupulous timber baron George Pemberton, whose big plan is to

rape the Smokies of every tree he can — with the aid of some bribed politicians and his right-hand man, Buchanan (David Dencik), who complicates matters by being very obviously in love with Pemberton. Then Pemberton is smitten on sight with Serena (Jennifer Lawrence), a peculiar woman who may or may not have incinerated her entire family by burning down the family mansion. Undeterred by this possibility, he sweeps her off her feet (it doesn’t seem to take that much effort), marries her and takes her back to the logging camp — much to the distress of Buchanan. Soon Serena is proving herself a useful addition to the business — ultimately, too useful because of her mysteriously driven nature. The whole thing hinges on jealousies — Buchanan’s jealousy of Serena, Serena’s jealousy of the woman (Ana Ularu) who bore Pemberton’s son — and acts of revenge and corruption. And that’s without factoring in the character of Galloway (Rhys Ifans), a creepy rustic with mystical notions that attach him to Serena. (To up the melodrama, Galloway is also mighty handy with a straight razor — and not in the tonsorial sense.) It’s all a bit like overheated Faulkner — minus miscegenation (and how they missed that, I do not know). Moreover, it boasts no less than two variants on Chekhov’s gun, which might be called Chekhov’s panther and Chekhov’s cigarette lighter. I realize all this makes Serena sound utterly preposterous. Well, that’s because it is, but that’s the very thing that makes it kind of fascinating. Bier handles it all with aplomb and evidences a good sense of period — there’s an excellent use of Paul Whiteman’s recording of “There Ain’t No Sweet Man (That’s Worth the Salt of My Tears).” Of course, her peripatetic camerawork will factor into your enjoyment. Actually, it mostly worked for me. The performances are fine within the limits of the barely motivated characters. Rhys Ifans easily walks away with the picture, but that may be because backwoods psychotics don’t need much in the way of additional characterization. I can’t really recommend Serena in any traditional sense, but I won’t deny that I enjoyed its pulpy preposterousness. Rated R for some violence and sexuality. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

The Gunman HH

DIRECTOR: Pierre Morel (Taken) PLAYERS: Sean Penn, Jasmine Trinca, Javier Bardem, Ray Winstone, Mark Rylance ACTION  RATED R THE STORY: A sniper, years after a life-altering job, must go on the run to save his life. THE LOWDOWN: An occasionally interesting yet overly unimaginative action flick with a miscast lead.

Pierre Morel’s The Gunman is watchable in a sense, not because it has any inherent value within the bounds of its own merits, but because it’s accidentally interesting. The Gunman is strange, but not because of any real idiosyncrasy or self-indulgence on the part of Morel, but more because the film is pretty inept in many ways and full of decisions that seem odd. The main one is obviously trying to turn Sean Penn into some kind of beefcake action star, one who’s constantly taking his shirt off and even surfing on occasion. This alone is bizarre enough but is eventually compounded by the sense that Penn’s character — the hit man called Terrier — comes across as an incompetent bonehead. Part of this might be Terrier’s brain damage from years of fighting and shooting and other various and sundry activities (a trait that actually drives the plot), but it doesn’t account for how much of a dolt Terrier comes across as. This I firmly blame on Penn, whose whole method-actor schtick simply isn’t cut out for this kind of tough guy business. Based on French author JeanPatrick Manchette’s The Prone Gunman (which was also published as a graphic novel called Like a Sniper Lining Up His Shot, either one of which makes a much better title), the film follows Terrier, a former assassin with a complicated, violent past. This past includes shooting a mining minister in the Congo, an act that forced the country into chaos and him into hiding and away from Annie (Jasmine Trinca), the woman he loves. This catches up with him eight years later, as he returns to the Congo to redeem himself and dig wells in poor villages, until some nameless militants show

up and try to kill him. Terrier then hits the road, trying to find who from his past is out to murder him, putting him back in Annie’s path and that of former friends who he may or may not be able to trust. As I mentioned, much of the film is pushed forward by Terrier’s brain damage — a trait that actually feels fresh, gives The Gunman’s anti-hero a legitimate weakness and critiques people who spend their lives inside violence. But it doesn’t really go anywhere and is used more as a contrivance than anything else. Much of the film is this way — it’ll start to at least appear interesting only to slowly fizzle, or is never quite developed. The political commentary — based on the West’s interference in Africa and its domino effects — is a half-baked afterthought. There’s a sense that Morel and company think that what they’re talking about is important and intelligent, but the ideas never develop. That The Gunman also doesn’t have anything in the way of original or even entertaining action makes everything all the worse. Rated R for strong violence, language and some sexuality. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther

Be sure to read

‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online

Community Screenings

Film Screenings at Caldwell Community College 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, 726-2200, • TU (3/31), 7pm - Who is Dayani Cristal? immigration documentary. Held in Broyhill Center. Free.

MARCH 25 - MARCH 31, 2015


Local film news







by Edwin Arnaudin







• The inaugural montreat film festival is accepting submissions from local filmmakers through Monday, April 6. Entries must be shorter than eight minutes in length and reflect this year’s theme of hope. According to Montreat College’s website, the festival’s goal is “to highlight stories that honestly express and explore the human condition through the power of visual story.” Drama and comedy will be equally weighed, though the festival’s judges “will place special value on the ultimate spiritual truths.” Filmmakers are advised to abstain from including gratuitous violence and obscenity. The top-10 films will be shown at the festival on Friday, April 17, at 7 p.m. in gaither chapel, followed by a gala reception in Gaither Fellowship Hall featuring hors d’oeuvres provided by local restaurants. First place receives a Glide Gear DNA Professional Camera Stabilizer, while second and third place will be given prize baskets furnished by local Black Mountain stores. festival submissions should be sent to Dr. Jim Shores at or Montreat Film Festival, PO Box 1267, Montreat College, Montreat, N.C., 28757. Filmmakers whose works are selected for screening at the festival will be charged a $10 registration fee. • On Tuesday, March 31, at 7 p.m., caldwell community college in Hudson is showing the documentary Who is Dayani Cristal? in the campus’ Broyhill Center. Part of the school’s monthly international film series on immigration, the Mexican production features actor and activist Gael García Bernal (Rosewater; Y Tu Mamá También), who joins migrant travelers as they attempt to cross the U.S./Mexico border and experiences firsthand the dangers they face along the way. The screening is free and open to the public. • Fairview-based film composer joel christian goffin is staying busy writing and recording scores for an array of Hollywood clients, all without leaving home. His soundtrack to the film Black november — starring Mickey Rourke, Kim Basinger, Anne Heche and Vivica A. Fox — is newly available on iTunes, Amazon and over 200 retailers worldwide. He also scored the forthcoming romantic comedy Love Addict, which won Best Comedy at last December’s Los Angeles Comedy Festival, along with several recent short films. Video conferencing, broadcasting scoring sessions live from his Bluestone Symphonics studio and ever-increasing Internet speeds have made it possible for Goffin to work remotely with directors, producers and sound mixers. “The screening stage will be broadcast over to my studio via Skype, and we have conversations as though I’m right in the room with them as we mark up the cues for their film,” Goffin says. Goffin runs his studio from a Mac Pro with hardware and software that he says are fairly typical of what other composers in the business utilize. He uses Logic Pro to construct the score, software such as Omnisphere, VSL, LA Scoring Strings and Symphobia and a large number of hybrid platforms for instrumentation. “I am virtual-instrument based, using primarily keyboards to write the score,” Goffin says. “On occasion I use score vocalists to provide emotion to certain scenes and an electric violin or cello to add a more natural tone to various string sections.” Goffin usually likes to block off 20- to 30-minute sections of the film — which he says are “kind of like milestones” — and give the producers updates, though sometimes they prefer not to receive anything until the entire score is complete. During the writing process, the score will go through two or three phases of notes before the master arrangement score is sent over to the sound mixer for his or her final mix on a dub stage. Send your local film news to X


maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015

speciaL scReenings

Raise the Titanic HHS diRectoR: Jerry Jameson (The Bat People) pLayeRs: Jason Robards, Richard Jordan, David Selby, Anne Archer, Alec Guinness, M. Emmet Walsh “action” dRama Rated PG It’s the movie that helped drive Lew Grade — or Sir Lew Grade or Lord Grade (depending on where you are in his career) — from the film business. It’s also the movie that kept writer Clive Cussler from allowing any of his novels to be filmed for the next 25 years. (He wasn’t any happier with that one — Sahara — either.) We may also note that it sent hack director Jerry Jameson back to TV where he belonged and killed any chance that Richard Jordan would be a major movie star. It’s frankly hard to feel sorry for anyone involved in this turgid trudge — except maybe John Barry, whose score is the high point of it all. That Lord Grade had read the script and still envisioned the possibility of launching a new James Bond with this is so wrong-headed as to defy belief. It’s not just that Richard Jordan has all the charisma of a deflated balloon, but the character he plays — Dirk Pitt (which sounds like a porn star) — may qualify as the world’s first inaction hero. For a movie with such a screwy plot (the title is self-explanatory) — to which Soviet bad guys and a bizarre new element have been added — this is an unbelievably dull affair. That it was a spectacular flop is not surprising. That anyone believed otherwise is. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Raise the Titanic Sunday, March 29, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

The Invisible Man’s Revenge HHHS diRectoR: Ford Beebe (Night Monster) pLayeRs: Jon Hall, Leon Errol, John Carradine, Alan Curtis, Evelyn Ankers, Gale Sondergaard HoRRoR Rated NR Apart from his inevitable encounters with Abbott and Costello, The Invisible Man’s Revenge (1944) was the swan song for the Universal “monster” who just never really caught on. James Whale’s original The Invisible Man (1933) is one of the key horror classics of all time. The rather tepid, unfocused follow-ups are another matter. The problem seems to be that no one quite seemed to know what to do with the character. The original pretty much said it all — brilliant scientist makes himself invisible with a drug that turns him into a raging, murderous megalomaniac. After one pretty good (but far from landmark) serious sequel, the series opted to go with a comedy and a sex change, The Invisible Woman (1940), before deciding that maybe the Invisible Man should fight the Nazis in Invisible Agent (1942). Happily, his last outing was a decided improvement — even if it had precious little to do with the original. About all that’s left is a main character with the name “Griffin” (Jon Hall, who’d already been invisible in Invisible Agent) — and he’s already a homicidal maniac before a well-meaning mad scientist named Drury (John Carradine) makes him invisible. What works here — other than the usual slick Universal production values and atmosphere — is that the film is unusually serious. That also is a downside, since there’s not a single likable character to be found. But it moves briskly thanks to the underrated Ford Beebe’s direction, has a mostly new musical score by Hans J. Salter, and is, after all, one of the Universal horrors, making it a minor genre essential. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Invisible Man’s Revenge Thursday, March 26, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Lady Eve HHHHS diRectoR: Preston Sturges pLayeRs: Barbara Stanwyck, Henry Fonda, Charles Coburn, Eugene Pallette, William Demarest, Eric Blore comedy Rated NR Preston Sturges’ The Lady Eve (1941) marked the writer-director’s move into the realm of the full-blown A picture with A-list stars — Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwyck — and the Paramount high gloss his first two films had lacked. The result was one of Sturges’ most popular films and probably as close as he ever allowed himself to get to a traditional romantic comedy. Of course, traditional is a very elastic term, and this isn’t your standard rom-com — even of that somewhat more sophisticated era. It’s the story of a babein-the-woods herpetologist (Fonda) who falls in love — via a shipboard romance — with the daughter (Stanwyck) of a professional card sharp (Charles Coburn). When he finds out the truth about her, he breaks things off, so she decides to get even by masquerading as the Lady Eve Sidwich, getting him to fall for her again, marry her and then … well, that’s best left to the film itself. I’ve never kept track, but I suspect that Henry Fonda takes more pratfalls in this one film than in the entire rest of his career. And each one is funnier than the last. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Lady Eve Tuesday, March 31, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

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maRcH 25 - maRcH 31, 2015



by Rob Brezny

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): If you happen to be singing lead vocals in an Ozzy Osbourne cover band, and someone in the audience throws what you think is a toy rubber animal up on stage, DO NOT rambunctiously bite its head off to entertain everyone. It most likely won’t be a toy, but rather an actual critter. APRIL FOOL! In fact, it’s not likely you’ll be fronting an Ozzy Osbourne cover band any time soon. But I hope you will avoid having to learn a lesson similar to the one that Ozzy did during a show back in 1982, when he bit into a real bat — a small flying mammal with webbed wings — thinking it was a toy. Don’t make a mistake like that. What you think is fake or pretend may turn out to be authentic. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the spring of 1754, Benjamin Franklin visited friends in Maryland. While out riding horses, they spied a small tornado whirling through a meadow. Although Franklin had written about this weather phenomenon, he had never seen it. With boyish curiosity, he sped toward it. At one point, he caught up to it and lashed it with his whip to see if it would dissipate. This is the kind of adventure I advise you to seek out, Gemini. APRIL FOOL! I half-lied. I don’t really believe you should endanger your safety by engaging in stunts like chasing tornadoes. But I do think that now is a favorable time to seek out daring exploits that quench your urge to learn. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Novelist L. Frank Baum created the make-believe realm known as Oz. Lewis Carroll conjured up Wonderland, and C. S. Lewis invented Narnia. Now you are primed to dream up your own fantasy land and live there full time, forever protected from the confusion and malaise of the profane world. Have fun in your imaginary utopia, Cancerian! APRIL FOOL! I half-lied. It’s true that now would be a good time to give extra attention to cultivating vivid visions of your perfect life. But I wouldn’t recommend that you live there full time. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “The national anthem of Hell must be the old Frank Sinatra song ‘I Did It My Way,’” declares Richard Wagner, author of the book Christianity for Dummies. “Selfish pride is Hell’s most common trait,” he adds. “Hell’s inhabitants have a sense of satisfaction that they can at least say ‘they’ve been true to themselves.’” Heed this warning, Leo. Tame your lust for self-expression. APRIL FOOL! I was making a little joke. The truth is not as simplistic as I implied. I actually think it’s important for you to be able to declare “I did it my way” and “I’ve been true to myself.” But for best results, do it in ways that aren’t selfish, insensitive or arrogant. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): No matter what gender you are, it’s an excellent time to get a gig as a stripper. Your instinct for removing your clothes in entertaining ways is at a peak. Even if you have never been trained in the art, I bet you’ll have an instinctive knack. APRIL FOOL! I lied. I don’t really think you should be a stripper. But I do recommend you experiment with a more metaphorical version of that art. For instance, you could expose hidden agendas that are causing distortions and confusion. You could peel away the layers of deception and propaganda that hide the naked facts and the beautiful truth. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Give yourself obsessively to your most intimate relationships. Don’t bother cleaning your house. Call in sick to your job. Ignore all your nagging little errands. Now is a time for one task only: paying maximum attention to those you care about most. Heal any rifts between you. Work harder to give them what they need. Listen to them with more empathy than ever before. APRIL FOOL! I went a bit overboard there. It’s true that you’re in a phase when big rewards can come from cultivating and enhancing togetherness. But if you want to serve your best relationships, you must also take very good care of yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): It’s after midnight. You’re half-wasted, cruising around town looking for wicked fun. You stumble upon a warehouse labora-


MARCH 25 - MARCH 31, 2015

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The term “jumped the shark” often refers to a TV show that was once great but gradually grew stale and then resorted to implausible plot twists in a desperate attempt to revive its creative verve. I’m a little worried that you may do the equivalent of jumping the shark in your own sphere. APRIL FOOL! I lied. I’m not at all worried that you’ll jump the shark. It’s true that you did go through a stagnant, meandering phase there for a short time. But you responded by getting fierce and fertile rather than stuck and contrived. Am I right? And now you’re on the verge of breaking out in a surge of just-the-right-kind-of-craziness.

tory where zombie bankers and military scientists are creating genetically engineered monsters from the DNA of scorpions, Venus flytraps and Monsanto executives. You try to get everyone in a party mood, but all they want to do is extract your DNA and add it to the monster. APRIL FOOL! Everything I just said was a lie. I doubt you’ll encounter any scenario that extreme. But you are at risk for falling into weird situations that could compromise your mental hygiene. To minimize that possibility, make sure that the wicked fun you pursue is healthy, sane wicked fun. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If you were a ladybug beetle, you might be ready and eager to have sex for nine hours straight. If you were a pig, you’d be capable of enjoying 30-minute orgasms. If you were a dolphin, you’d seek out erotic encounters not just with other dolphins of both genders, but also with turtles, seals and sharks. Since you are merely human, however, your urges will probably be milder and more containable. APRIL FOOL! In truth, Sagittarius, I’m not so sure your urges will be milder and more containable. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “The past is not only another country where they do things differently,” says writer Theodore Dalrymple, “but also where one was oneself a different person.” With this as your theme, Capricorn, I invite you to spend a lot of time visiting the Old You in the Old World. Immerse yourself in that person and that place. Get lost there. And don’t come back until you’ve relived at least a thousand memories. APRIL FOOL! I was exaggerating. While it is a good time to get reacquainted with the old days and old ways, I don’t recommend that you get utterly consumed by the past. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Some Aquarian readers have been complaining. They want me to use more celebrity references in my horoscopes. They demand fewer metaphors drawn from literature, art and science, and more metaphors rooted in gossipy events reported on by tabloids. “Tell me how Kanye West’s recent travails relate to my personal destiny,” wrote one Aquarius. So here’s a sop to you kvetchers: The current planetary omens say it’s in your interest to be more like Taylor Swift and less like Miley Cyrus. Be peppy, shimmery and breezy, not earthy, salty and raucous. APRIL FOOL! In truth, I wouldn’t write about celebrities’ antics if you paid me. Besides, for the time being, Miley Cyrus is a better role model for you than Taylor Swift. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Annie Edson Taylor needed money. She was 63 years old and didn’t have any savings. She came up with a plan: to be the first person to tuck herself inside a barrel and ride over Niagara Falls. (This was back in 1901.) She reasoned that her stunt would make her wealthy as she toured the country speaking about it. I recommend that you consider out-of-the-box ideas like hers, Pisces. It’s an excellent time to get extra creative in your approach to raising revenue. APRIL FOOL! I half-lied. It’s true that now is a favorable time to be imaginative about your financial life. But don’t try outlandish escapades like hers.

program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. For more information, please contact hr.department@ CHILD/ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH POSITIONS IN JACKSON, HAYWOOD, & MACON COUNTIES Looking to fill several positions between now and Aug/Sept. Licensed/provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive In-home services to children/ adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Also looking for QP/Qualified professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP's must have Bachelor's degree and 2-4 years of experience post-degree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to CLINICAL CASE MANAGER Red Oak Recovery, a young adult substance abuse treatment program in Leicester, NC is looking for a Clinical Case Manager. Qualified candidates will have experience running Psychoeducational groups, experience with assessment and treatment planning, and experience working in a Substance Abuse Treatment program. Registration with NCSAPPB and a credential of CSAC or higher licensure is required. A Bachelor’s degree or higher in a Human Services field is preferred. Please submit cover letter and resume to CLUB W COORDINATOR YWCA of Asheville. Full-time. The YWCA Club W Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that members have a high quality experience while exercising in Club W’s fitness center. The Coordinator maintains the facility with the priority being the safety of members by enforcing YW and state policies and ensuring the cleaning and maintenance of the facility and equipment. The Coordinator provides essential support to the Director of Health & Wellness in all areas of operation. The position is full time, yearround, exempt and benefits eligible and supervises a staff of part-time fitness associates and group exercise instructors. The YWCA fosters a team environment and seeks employees who are dedicated to promoting our mission: eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. People of color are encouraged to apply. Qualified candidates who are fluent in Spanish and English are strongly encouraged to apply. 4 year degree is preferred. Certifications and experience considered. Please apply for this position only after reading the complete job description at under the heading ‘Who We Are.’ Contact information is provided there. Please do not call the YWCA to discuss this position. Application deadline is April 23, 2015. Send resume and cover letter to humanresources@ CNA • CAREGIVER POSITIONS We screen, train, bond and insure. • Positions available for quality, caring and dependable professionals. Flexible schedules

and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care. Apply online: www.homeinstead. com/159 COMMUNITY SERVICE TECHNICIANS Universal MH/DD/SAS is seeking Community Services Technicians to provide assistance with daily and independent living skills to individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities. Various positions available in Buncombe county including the Weaverville Area. • Positions also available in Marshall and Hendersonville. Varying rates of pay starting at $8.50/hour. • If interested please email • No phone calls please. DIRECT CARE/SUPPORT STAFF AND AFL PROVIDERS We are currently seeking staff to work with individuals with developmental disabilities. We have openings in our Day Program, Community Networking and AFL Providers. Please call us at 828-2991720 ext 260. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES OF WNC (JFS) Located in Asheville, NC, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency providing case management, mental health counseling and other social services to people of all faiths, races, color, ethnicities, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, age and ability. Knowledge of Jewish culture, values, and traditions is preferred for all employment positions. LCSW Mental Health Counselor Parttime. JFS seeks a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): This individual provides therapy services at JFS to individuals, couples, families and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health. Very flexible hours; $35/hour. Required: Current NC licensure for Clinical Social Work, liability insurance, certified or eligible for certification with Medicare, BCBS-NC Submit cover letter and resume to: No phone calls please! Elder Club Program Assistant Part-time. JFS seeks an individual to facilitate our non-medical, structured, group socialization program for older adults, some with dementia and/or physical challenges. Position requires work experience assisting elders, group facilitation, activity planning, volunteer supervision, organization and communication skills. 12 hours/week: Tuesday and Thursday, 10am-3pm, plus planning time. Submit cover letter and resume to: info@ • No phone calls please! To view the full job description, go to www. Seeking Medicare Licensed PAC and/or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner for growing Behavioral Health practice. Part/ full time contract positions. Gero-psy. experience desired. Come work with passionate, heart centered local clinicians dedicated to best practice standards and culture change in elder communities. Call 828-231-1001 for more information. LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED QIDP - RHA HEALTH SERVICES, INC. RHA is looking for a motivated QIDP. Responsibilities: development of PCPs, coordinating / monitoring services, and advocating on behalf of people supported. Requirements: two or more years of experience with I/ DD population and a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field (NO EXCEPTIONS). Must

have valid NCDL and proof of education. Starting salary $34,000/year. If interested, please email resume to Ryan Leveskis rleveskis@rhanet. org, or fax to (828) 684-1553. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Mountain Area Recovery Center is growing and we are seeking a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor for our outpatient facility located in Asheville. Criminal background check required for all final candidates. EOE. Please e-mail resume’ to rhonda. or fax to 828.252.9512, ATTN: RHONDA INGLE. www.marc-otp. com

Teaching/ Education VISUAL ARTS TEACHER ArtSpace Charter School, a K-8 public school near Asheville, NC, has an opening for an innovative and energetic Visual Arts Teacher to join its Arts Integration Team, beginning August, 2015. Candidates must be willing to work in a collaborative environment and teach a variety of subjects through art to students in grades K-8. Art instruction experience and NC licensure are required. Experience teaching in an arts integrated environment is preferred. • Application deadline is April 30, 2015. Qualified applicants may email their resume and cover letter to: resumes@

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troubleshooting processes. Desires candidate with 1-2 years professional experience. Certifications a plus. Email resume to:

Retail CUSTOMER SERVICE/ SALES Local Living-Wage Certified company seeking Customer Service/ Apple Sales Rep. Must be energetic, detail oriented, and technically inclined. A winning 'customer-first' attitude with the ability to multitask, listen to and follow directions and interact with the public in a courteous and professional manner. Candidate should possess excellent written and verbal communication skills as well as some technical knowledge of both Windows-based and Apple computers. • Must be able to lift 40 pounds on a regular basis and stand for extended (2+ hours) periods, and have an understanding of cash handling. Prior experience in retail preferred but not required. Email resume to EXPERIENCED SALESPERSON For established downtown Asheville art gallery. Hourly plus commission based pay, permanent position, weekend shifts required. Only professionals with a vocabulary for art, comfort with computers, and a proven matrix in sales need apply. Send resume and cover letter to Ormond28806@ FASHION/LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS BUYER (FLETCHER) E commerce co. focused on golf, life style products, fashion seeks buyer. Can be experienced or new grad savvy for fashion and life style products. Good negotiator. Resume, salary history.

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edited by Will Shortz

tHe new yoRK times cRosswoRd puZZLe

ACROSS 1 Letters on Soyuz rockets 5 St. Francis’ home 11 Some gas stations 14 Fifth-longest bone in the human body 15 One navigating the web? 16 Problem on the red carpet, maybe 17 Mollycoddle Dwayne Johnson? 19 108-card game 20 Onetime Microsoft encyclopedia 21 Really digging 22 Enters charges against a restaurant employee? 27 One of the Waughs 30 Worthless stuff 31 Miffed 32 Major League Baseball’s oldest-ever rookie (age 42) 33 French surname starter 36 Try to find out what’s what at a pond? 40 Sound of a lit fuse 41 Battery terminal de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828-777-5263, book online

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42 Thru 12th grade 43 Tea party crasher

11 Musical Mars 12 Piebald horse of fiction 13 Bogeyman 44 Polytetrafluoro-ethylene, 18 Priam’s domain commercially 21 Motel freebie 46 Shift responsibility 23 One who can’t find a

for some missing campsite food? 50 Cheery air 51 Cry at an unveiling 55 Back, to Popeye 56 Kayo Popeye? 60 Letter after wye 61 Fly 62 “Beloved” author Morrison 63 Foul up 64 Betty Crocker bowlful 65 Sulky mood

seat, say

24 Hackneyed 25 Dow Jones extreme 26 Weapon with a






14 17

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30 32 38

39 42 44


49 51 57


59 62 65

56 Apply sparingly 57 A Gabor

58 Op. ___ 59 Kit ___ bar



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bell guard 27 Attys.’ titles 31 28 R.S.V.P. part 29 “___ Tu” (1974 hit) 36 37 32 Bowwow 40 41 33 Dimwitted 34 Empty hall 43 phenomenon 35 It’s all around you 46 47 48 37 Campfire story DOWN 38 Rolling ___ (rich) 50 1 21-Down unit 39 Gets out of the 2 Kiltie’s group freezer, say 55 56 3 “Closing Bell” channel 43 Oz. or qt. 4 Balance sheet heading 44 Leash 60 61 5 Kutcher who hosted 45 Mansard part “Punk’d” 63 64 46 Five-alarmer, e.g. 6 Command to Rover 47 One who never 7 Round Table title changes jobs puzzle by eD SeSSA 8 Answer to a judge 48 Take up or let out 9 Instant 49 Midler of “The Rose” 53 Legal scholar Guinier 54 To some degree 52 Victor’s boast 10 Tee off

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