O U R 2 0 T H Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A V O L . 2 0 N O . 3 7 A P R I L 2 - A P R I L 8 , 2 0 1 4
e l b a k l Wa
t s e WAsheville
Buffalo Nickel adds eclectic twist to AVL dining scene
Adventurous art at the {Re}HAPPENING
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Spring Clean Your Life
A Sunnier Outlook Aches Erased Improved Sleep Crazy-High ConďŹ dence Whole Body Toning Peace of Mind Better Sex
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Illuminating The Night
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Walkable West Asheville West Asheville’s distinct identity, reflected in its grit, character and smalltown feel, may be a result of its history as a separate community, as well as its diverse mix of residents and businesses. Xpress takes a peek at its unique character and plans for its future. coveR design & Photo by Lori Deaton
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12 a shifting identity West Asheville’s storied past
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13 futuRe vision Reviewing the form-baed zoning plan for the Haywood Road corridor
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26 wiLdeRness woRks An alternative therapy offers promising results
40 out of bounds Adventurous art pushes the edge at {Re}HAppeNiNg 2014
32 as ameRican as PieRogies — Buffalo Nickel adds eclectic twist to West Asheville dining scene
42 seduction at the oPeRa Asheville Lyric Opera performs Don Giovanni for its 15th anniversary
5 5 6 7 16 18 22 24 25 30 38 48 52 59 69 70 71
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caRtoon by Randy moLton
Don’t glorify killing animals for food The March 19 Mountain Xpress featured summer camps for kids. One camp, Five Farms, takes kids to five different farms. Teaching children how vegetables are grown is laudable, but last year many of the participating farms raised animals for food. I’m sure campers enjoy getting to know and interact with the goats, chickens and other animals at these farms, but I’m sure the counselors don’t tell campers the truth about what happens when animals are raised for food. They don’t share that male chicks are ground up or suffocated at birth because they don’t produce eggs. Or that male goats are killed for meat because they don’t produce milk. Or that hens and goats are killed when they no longer produce eggs or milk. And I’m sure the campers aren’t exposed to the animals being dragged – kicking and screaming – to the kill site. Instead of glorifying torture and killing, I suggest parents bring their children to Full Circle Farm Sanctuary, where pigs, goats, chickens and other animals are provided with a loving lifetime home and treated as the sentient beings they are. The kids can meet Ophelia, one of several hens at Full Circle that
were carelessly discarded by urban homesteaders who grew bored with their hobby or learned that hens live much longer than they lay eggs. Or Babar, the pig, who was rescued before he was to be sent to a slaughterhouse, where he would have had been killed by having his throat cut or being submerged in boiling water. Or Joshua, a goat who would have suffered the same fate as Babar. Or the other animals who are all loved and protected at Full Circle. Should children’s natural compassion for animals be squashed, or should it be nurtured? For more info, go to fcfsanctuary.org. — Kayla Worden Founder/executive Director Full Circle Farm Sanctuary
Tree-pruning standards lacking Asheville has the distinction of being named Tree City, USA, for the past 33 years. While not every tree in our city grows near a utility power line, many of those we encounter every day in our commutes do. The recent effort of Duke Power to clear utility power line rights-ofway of tree growth is reasonable. The wildly divergent pruning techniques employed by its contractors are not. A case in point can be seen on Brevard Road between I-240 and
ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Mark Bennett, Michael Carlebach, Jesse Farthing, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph guinan, Jayson im, Nick King, elizabeth Reynolds Mcguire, Max Miller, Nathan Metcalf, Thom O’Hearn, Mary pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins aRt & design manageR: Megan Kirby gRaPhic designeRs: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton adveRtising manageR: Susan Hutchinson maRketing associates: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kenneth Trumbauer, John Varner infoRmation technoLogies manageR: Stefan Colosimo web team: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger
We Want Your Junk
office manageR & bookkeePeR: patty Levesque assistant office manageR: Lisa Watters distRibution manageR: Jeff Tallman assistant distRibution manageR: Denise Montgomery distRibution: Frank D’Andrea, Jemima Cook, Leland Davis, Kim gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, ed Wharton, Thomas Young
garrisonrecycling@gmail.com theregenerationstation.blogspot.com • junkrecyclers.net
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Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
Haywood Road and on Haywood Road between Brevard Road and Patton Avenue. Some trees have been so badly maimed that reason suggests they should be removed entirely. I encourage Buncombe County and Asheville City officials to look into ways of standardizing tree care along our roadways. Tree City, USA, deserves it. — Reavis T. eubanks, Jr Asheville
Todd Williams for district attorney
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
North Carolina native Todd Williams is running for Buncombe County district attorney and deserves our votes on May 6. Williams has nearly 15 years of experience as a defense attorney and has served as an assistant capital defender and assistant public defender for nine years in Buncombe County. Ron Moore has occupied this office for 24 years, but when he first ran for office he said his predecessor’s 16-year incumbency was “too long.” Some fresh ideas in that office would be good for our community. — Leslee Ann Thornton Asheville
Asheville or Cultural Appropriationville? I love this city; Asheville, it's great, right? The mountains are beautiful in the background, we have lots of bars and restaurants here, good art and mostly lovely weather. But what else do we have? Hmmm, we have a vibrant and eclectic community, according to word of mouth. But, do we have people who represent all walks of life in our downtown, academic and government sectors? Where are they, in fact? Oh wait, I see them now in this intensely diverse city. They are hanging in high-dollar art shops and being sold by healers who claim indigenous knowledge. Oh OK, that's where they are. And, that is what I see in this gorgeous little tourist town. If cultural appropriation through New Age mysticism is theft, then Asheville is the biggest thief I've ever known. People of Asheville, heal yourselves and stop paying white people to steal from natives to make you feel better! — Lindsey Miguelez Asheville
Seeking writers & photographers Are you a talented, creative wordsmith, writer, reporter or photographer? Would you like to help tell the community’s stories? Do you love to dive into complex issues and write about them? if so, consider writing or taking photos for Mountain Xpress! We’re looking for talented journalists and civic-minded storytellers. Do you have published stories or photographs? We’d like to read and/or see them. Send clips, links and a cover letter describing your strengths and passions. And include a resume if you have one. Send to localtalent@mountainx.com.
Had enough of Stewart David’s letters Geez-o-pete. Again? Is or is not Stewart David and his cadre of chain letter writers the most published submitters of Letters to the Editor ever? Is David a stakeholder at Mountain Xpress or have something on Jeff Fobes? To me it seems that anything Stewart sends in gets published. I am just sick of being beat over the head with his misguided drivel and his continual attempts to inflict his religion on the rest of our community. I might suggest Mr. David be elevated to guest columnist like Jerry Sternberg so that I may just tear out that page every week. — Winthrop e. Dow Asheville
Ron Moore is the right choice On May 6, I will cast my vote for District Attorney Ron Moore in the Democratic primary. Over 20 years ago my husband and I decided to raise our family in Asheville. We were attracted to this safe, progressive community because of the people and the natural beauty. I continue to be awed by every sunrise, snowflake and shadow falling from the mountain slopes. I met Ron Moore 15 years ago when my adolescent son began spiraling downhill fast and plunging into the criminal justice system. It was a time of overwhelming fear, anger and uncertainty. The criminal system shared my frustration, and at my request District Attorney Moore made time to talk to my son, trying to deter him from illegal activity. I wish I could say it worked. My son continued his destructive behavior and ended up in prison. I was heartbroken and held strong resentments against District Attorney Moore.
Years later, when my son looked me in the eye and claimed full responsibility for his actions I began to let this resentment go. I watched him face and overcome many challenges while in prison. I was convinced he’d made fundamental changes in his life. After completing his prison sentence, my son contacted the DA’s office to discuss his life. Ron Moore gave him encouragement and hope. That was key to giving him the drive to continue his uphill battle. He worked hard and held jobs, graduated college and enrolled in graduate school. I’m proud of what he has accomplished. District Attorney Moore continued to encourage him all along. The district attorney encounters people at the most heart-wrenching and devastating times in life. Ron Moore is consistent and evenhanded in performing the duties of a prosecutor in our community and deserves our votes. — Nancy Fargo Buncombe County
Hi-Fi Cafe nourishes community Every Tuesday afternoon a group of Asheville Middle School students and I walk a block and a half from the middle school to the Asheville Downtown Market, where we gather on a couple of cozy sofas in a corner of the Hi-Fi Cafe to talk philosophy. Our group of young philosophers, Plato's Cafe, is part of Asheville Middle's In Real Life after-school programs, and the Hi-Fi Cafe has welcomed us and all our wild ideas for the last two months. This week, I was saddened and angered to learn that the new owners of the Downtown Market, Troy and Charlie Ball of Troy and Sons Distillery, do not see how the Hi-Fi Cafe fits into their plans for the building and have given Hi-Fi three to five months to vacate. I am not sure if the distillery will operate in some capacity in the building, but it is important to note that in
a city already awash in alcohol, places like the Hi-Fi Cafe, where a group of young people can comfortably and safely gather to discuss ideas, are dearly needed and deeply appreciated. To have such a place as the Hi-Fi within walking distance of a middle school is a blessing. In our philosophy group, we explore the real-life meaning of such concepts as justice, friendship and community. This situation leads us to an examination of the meaning of "value," and the heartbreaking realization that too often the true value of a place and the people it serves are overlooked. There is a value far deeper than the bottom line, and I would encourage the Balls to rethink their plans for the Downtown Market if those plans preclude the inclusion of a business that nurtures and nourishes the local community the way the Hi-Fi Cafe does. — Leslee N. Johnson Asheville
Don’t evict Hi-Fi Cafe I cannot tell you how shocked I was to read about the eviction of Hi-Fi Cafe at the Downtown Market. There are no businesses of this style in this area. The quality of this little coffee bar, both the food and the coffee, is exceptional.
caRtoon by bRent bRown
I have been a regular customer there for two years and will really miss this establishment. I just don’t understand how you can purchase a building and then just throw out the existing tenants. If you need to raise the rent, then renegotiate it. It is difficult enough to make a living in Asheville, and this couple has really made a difference; they just don’t deserve to be tossed out on the street with three months’ notice; it is just not right. If Highland Brewery decided to expand, would it just give Troy and Sons 3 months to vacate? It is just not good human behavior. They need to reconsider and carve out an area for Hi-Fi. — Helen Hyatt Asheville
Building owners respond to Hi-Fi Cafe concerns Charlie and Troy Ball provided the following response to reader concerns about Hi-Fi Cafe and their plans for the building they own at 45 S. French Broad Ave.: There have been a lot of questions regarding our plans for the
building at 45 S. French Broad. While we are founders and coowners of Asheville Distilling, we have no plans to move that operation downtown and love our current location next to Highland Brewing. We purchased the building on S. French Broad with the goal of breathing new life into the building by making substantial improvements toward creating a work-live-play environment with retail, restaurant and residential uses. Due to complicated title problems, we spent more than a year working through issues so that we could purchase the building. Initially, we planned to extend leases to all existing tenants, but while we were dealing with legal problems, Hopey & Co. (formerly Amazing Savings) approached us with an expansion plan, more than tripling its current store size. The owners’ plans take them from a limited-scope grocer to a full-service grocery that will include a meat market, café and larger selections in all their mercantile areas. Fresh, healthy and affordable food within walking distance of downtown neighbor-
hoods is much needed, and we’re very excited to have Hopey & Co. as our anchor tenant. We also know some are sad and angry that we did not extend a lease to Hi-Fi, and the decision was not an easy one. It is a popular cafe run by people who care about the community; however, we feel our project and the neighborhood will be better served by having a more comprehensive and affordable grocery store and were concerned that competing cafés would hurt both businesses. We are also huge fans of Thai food and believe that an expanded Hopey & Co. and the addition of Little Bee Thai will positively contribute to the sustainability of our project, the health and well-being of our neighbors and the life of our community. — Charlie and Troy Ball Asheville
coRRection in the March 19 Kids issue, Chelsea Troutman is the correct name of the young artist who created the “pearl of the French Broad River.”
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
eDUCateD strOLL: Asheville largest mural, on the side of Hall Fletcher Elementary School in West Asheville, was created by artists Ian Wilkinson and Alex Irvine, with help from the fourth-grade class. Photo by Michael Carlbach
West Asheville Fostering a sense of neighborhood
Story by Jesse Farthing jefarthing@gmail.com
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
It’s walkable, artistic, neighborly, inspiring and it’s not filled with tourists. It has grit and its own unique spirit. It’s not downtown — it’s West Asheville. Dubbed “Worst Asheville” not so long ago, the area — particularly the Haywood Road corridor — has undergone rapid change, becoming a haven for young families, artists and others seeking something different from both the more tourist-centric downtown and other parts of West Asheville. “I’ve seen the neighborhood change a lot over the last dozen years,” says Westville Pub owner/manager drew smith. “It’s crazy.” “It’s full of people, full of places to go, and because there are 20 places to choose from, business has never been better,” he continues. “It’s an awesome thing. It’s brighter, safer, more valuable and wholesome.” marc mccloud, who owns Orbit DVD, has lived in West Asheville for 17 years. “We bought a house in ’99, because we couldn’t afford to live anywhere else,” he recalls, adding that he’s never regretted moving to West Asheville and opening his business there. After more than a decade, Orbit is having one of its best years ever, he reports. “It’s been exciting seeing this happen,” says McCloud, though he mourns the demise of some of the funkier establishments. “I don’t want it to be too polished, I guess. I like some grunge in my neighborhood.” hosea jackson owns the Haywood Lounge, which has been in business since 1998. The neighborhood, he says, has “grown really fast. It’s definitely changed for the better. You’re more likely to make a dollar now than before, because there’s so much foot traffic.” West Asheville, he says, is “not as uppity. ... It’s more diverse than downtown, and it’s affordable. Many people can’t afford downtown; you have to really be able to clock in the money.” Rosanna mulcahy also welcomes that diversity. She’s opening a used bookstore, Norbury Books & Café, on Haywood Road, with plans for bilingual book readings for children, acoustic shows on the weekends and even drum circles. “I want my store to be a diverse business,” she reveals. “I want to welcome everyone who wants to read — regardless of ethnicity, background or education level.” Mulcahy says she chose West Asheville
West Asheville “because it’s vibrant, and that’s what my business needs to succeed.” The area’s growth, though, has also brought problems, many residents say: insufficient parking, increased traffic, rising property values and a lack of certain types of non-entertainmentbased services. But for most, the strong sense of community seems to offset those drawbacks. “It’s a lot more tight-knit,” says emily maccombs, who works at Villagers urban homestead supply store. “It feels like a real, old-fashioned neighborhood where neighbors come out to help each other.” The Detroit transplant, who’s planning to move to West Asheville, says, “I think that happens throughout Asheville, but it seems way more pronounced here.”
trying times “The first few years we were open, this was a much rougher part of town,” notes Smith. Frequently, Westville staffers had “to get physical with people … and to make sure it was safe for the people who were here that we wanted here. As the years went on, as more places opened up, it cooperatively made the streets safer. Everybody’s got their lights on; there are people walking the roads. There’s nothing nicer than on a Saturday night when I’ll be walking up here from my house and see street traffic, like I’m in a busy metropolis. When there are people walking all over the place, nobody gets in trouble.” Jackson sounds a similar note. The area, he remembers, “used to have a lot of solicitation going on, but you don’t see that really at all anymore.” karen Loughmiller, coordinator of the local library’s West Asheville History Project, says that around the mid-20th century, Asheville felt it needed an improved route west from downtown, and city leaders opted to extend Patton Avenue rather than widening Haywood Road, traditionally the area’s main thoroughfare. “West Asheville businesses lobbied very hard for Patton Avenue to hook up with Hanover Street and then Haywood Road and bring the traffic through West Asheville proper,” notes Loughmiller. “That did not happen. On Patton Avenue, there was plenty of room for parking, and it was more friendly for automobiles. “By the time the ’70s and ’80s came along, Patton Avenue was the primary route for traffic,” she continues. “West Asheville didn’t die, but beginning in the ’90s we saw a lot more activity. A lot of people who were retiring, and a lot of younger folks with lots of energy
for starting businesses and renovating homes,” began to discover the area. At least one longtime resident, however, has a somewhat different impression. Luke atkinson, who’s lived in the neighborhood his entire life, says, “People always talk about the renaissance of West Asheville, but there wasn’t much gap in it for me. In my mind, I can’t see a time when it was real dead.” His father started Luke Atkinson Furniture in 1955, and it’s still a Haywood Road fixture today.
the writing On the waLL For all the change in the neighborhood, it’s still hard to walk a block without seeing amateurish graffiti tags interspersed with more elaborate murals — a problem for the area’s small businesses, says Smith. “It’s really expensive and tough to deal with; it’s kind of heartbreaking. ... I think all the different, vibrant artwork up and down the road is beautiful, but there’s a difference between that and tagging someone’s window.” That may bother some folks more than others, however. And for some, the graffiti may even be part of the neighborhood’s appeal. “I moved here from Detroit, so there’s a level of urban aesthetic and appeal that I appreciate a little more than some of the nicer parts of town,” says mark craven, who co-owns Asheville Wood & Spoon with his wife, carrie-welles. “I like the nicer parts too, but West Asheville has some grit, and some of the things that come along with that — potholes, minor crime — make me feel at home.” Parking is also a continuing problem for Haywood Road businesses — though it’s a good one to have, argues Smith, because it means people want to be there. A greater, albeit related, concern is the traffic. “Traffic is terrible,” says Harvest Records co-owner mark capon, though he’s quick to add that he’s been happy in West Asheville for the past decade. Smith, too, sees the traffic as a problem. “Pedestrian safety is a huge concern,” he points out. “I walk my kids everywhere. People have got to stop at crosswalks: It’s unbelievable how many people don’t. I would love to see Haywood Road become less of a cut-through.” Ten or 12 years ago, he notes, the cut-through was a great thing for West Asheville, because people driving
POsitiVe Change: West Asheville “has definitely changed for the better,” says Hosea Jackon, left; he has operated the Haywood Lounge since 1998. Above, the neighborhood’s brick buildings are often covered with graffiti and other art. Top photo by Michael Carlbach, left photo by Jesse Farthing
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
trUe grit: “I like the nicer parts too, but West Asheville has some grit, and some of the things that come along with that — potholes, minor crime — make me feel at home,” says Asheville Wood & Spoon co-owner Mark Craven. Photo by Jesse Farthing
through saw the area, and that exposure helped businesses gain a toehold. But now, he argues, they don’t need it. “I wouldn’t mind, in a perfect world, to put a stop sign at every crosswalk,” says Smith. “Make it so brutal for car traffic that people just go a different way. It’s not that we don’t want people here — we do. We just don’t want the cutthrough stuff, because it’s dangerous for pedestrian and biking traffic.” Atkinson, however, says, “It’s always been real busy. There’s definitely a whole lot more bicycles and pedestrians now, but not necessarily more automobile traffic. Ten, 15 years ago, if you backed out of my parking lot, you really only had to look for cars coming, but now you have to be really careful and watch for bicycles and people too.” The other frequently mentioned concern is rising property values. “Definitely an issue,” says McCloud of Orbit DVD. “We wouldn’t have been able to fund our store unless our house appreciated over the years, so it helped us, but I don’t want it to get so out of control that people can’t afford to live here.” Jackson, too, says, “It’s gone up a lot. Especially for homeowners: It’s like double the value since 1998.” A graph compiled by mike figura of Mosaic Community Lifestyle Realty for the Haywood Road area shows a steady decline in the price per square foot from 2008-11 followed by a very sharp increase. Figura, however, says that’s comparable to what’s happened in other parts of Asheville. Capon feels West Asheville’s issues are really just the typical trends associated with growth. Smith agrees, saying, “The problems are problems with a growing neighborhood in a vibrant side of town. It needs to be addressed, but if you didn’t have those problems, chances are that nobody’s doing good business.”
nO PLaCe Like hOme Challenges aside, nearly everyone seems to agree that what sets West Asheville apart from other areas of the city is what McCloud calls its “true neighbor-
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
West Asheville hood feel. The walkability has a lot to do with it; the camaraderie. These houses, even if they’re larger, are basically on quarter-acre lots. You’re not right on top of each other, but there are a lot of people living in a smaller area. You get to know your neighbors. I think that’s ultimately why this side of town is still going great — because that hasn’t really gone away.” As for his customers, notes McCloud, “A lot of times, it’s a social thing. People aren’t always looking for something specific; they’re in here just to talk. They’ll run into their neighbors, and they like talking to the employees.” That social aspect extends to the neighborhood as a whole. Walkability creates symbioses between businesses: A person might stop in at West Asheville Lounge and Kitchen, Westville Pub or any number of other places for a bite to eat or a beer and then, because everything’s nearby, walk into a record store or movie store and browse. It’s easy to get caught up in just exploring the various options. At two points in its history, the area was actually a separate incorporated town, and perhaps some of that independent spirit has carried over to today (see timeline, “Notable Moments”). “I didn’t choose West Asheville,” says Craven. “West Asheville sort of chose me. I moved here about five years ago, and it was just a matter of circumstance really — I had a job opportunity in Asheville, and I had a friend who lived in West Asheville who had an apartment behind his house available. It kind of seemed like a nobrainer. But in all the time I’ve lived in Asheville, I’ve never wanted to live in any other part of town. I have everything I need here.” mandy Leake, who works at WALK, echoes that sentiment. “Everything I need to be happy is within a two-mile radius,” she says. “I live right down the road. There’s a bar right here, there are grocery stores right here, the river is right there. “Kind of the way bars and restaurants all have regulars, I feel like West Asheville has regulars,” she observes. “You see the same people milling around. It feels like a little community, like back when I was in college and knew everybody.”
COntinUity anD Change Take a stroll down Haywood Road and you’ll find grocery stores, numerous bars, music venues, record stores,
gift shops, antique stores, tattoo parlors, bakeries and breakfast joints. “Neighborhood,” however, can mean different things to different people, and generational perspectives may vary. Atkinson, for example, says, “It’s changed a lot. It used to be not so much just restaurants. There was a hardware store, a drugstore, a jewelry store — more retail. That was handy if you lived here: Everything was real close. It was just real handy when there was more variety. I think it would be good if we had more retail up and down Haywood Road. I think we have enough restaurants.” Nonetheless, he continues, “It’s a nice place to be. At one time there was a lot of families with children. Maybe it’s just coming back around — it’s again families with children. I think the population just aged out and now [there are] a lot of young people again, which is a great thing.” Capon, too, says that while “Haywood has gotten crazier and busier as the years have gone by, it still maintains a strong sense of community and togetherness. I really like where it’s at right now: It has maintained its own identity; it still feels unique from the rest of the city.” eric smythers, co-owner of Second Gear, says, “Initially people got involved here because it was cheap, but prices have spiked. I think it’s the grittiness and the funkiness that keeps West Asheville fun, and if it becomes just another bland suburb, it will be less interesting.” Still, he continues, “There are enough interesting and different things popping up around here that I think it will keep its own flavor.” Smith, too, loves the neighborhood flavor. “Some of the most fun times in the world are when we have snowstorms. It is awesome. We had a horse out here last time pulling people on sleds. It was like a ski lodge — there were cross-country skis all over the back; people were pulling sleds home with their beer. You don’t see that downtown: Places just shut down.” But there’s also a broader, more cyclical pattern at work, Craven maintains. “Neighborhoods come and go: They become popular, they become gentrified, they become sort of passé, whatever. I think the unique part of West Asheville is that it’s at a place on that continuum right now where young people and young families — people with similar tastes and smaller budgets — are still able to make interesting lives happen.” X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
A shifting identity West Asheville’s storied past Story by graDy COOPer
West Asheville has maintained an identity so distinctive that visitors frequently ask if it’s really part of Asheville. That’s not surprising, considering the area’s history (see timeline, “Notable Moments”). It actually was a separate town during two brief periods in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And when West Asheville voted on consolidation with Asheville in 1917, residents were evenly divided: Merger supporters carried the day by a mere eight votes, the Asheville Citizen reported on June 10. In an editorial that same day, the newspaper’s editors emphasized growth, noting that West Asheville’s 6,000 residents brought Asheville’s population to 30,000. More attention was given to the voting method, however: It was the first election in Western North Carolina to use a secret ballot. Although West Asheville wasn’t defined as a place until the Post Office gave it that name in the late 1880s, human beings have lived in and around the area for about 10,000 years. The earliest known inhabitants were various American Indian cultures; the cherokee came later. It wasn’t until the late 18th century that outsiders began having a significant impact. William Moore and his slaves built a fort near Hominy Creek in 1777. And the 1827 discovery of sulphur springs marked the beginning of Asheville’s reign as a tourist destination.
| gcooper@mountainx.com
The pace of development stepped up considerably in 1885, when Edwin G. Carrier stopped off on his way to Florida from his home in Michigan. Buying 1,200 acres of land, he developed Haywood Road, built the Carrier Springs Hotel and constructed a racetrack along the French Broad to entertain guests. Four years later, Carrier’s West Asheville Improvement Co. obtained incorporation papers for the town. The post office was renamed, and Samuel Doak Hall became the first mayor. Carrier’s West Asheville and Sulphur Springs Electric Railway began operation in 1891, crossing the river on Carrier’s Bridge along Amboy Road. Various trolleys ran along Haywood Road (which was built to accommodate them, the existing road being too steep a climb up from the river) until 1934. During that span, West Asheville developed as a community rather than simply being noted for its sulphur springs. Nonetheless, in 1897, the town’s incorporation was repealed, for reasons that remain unclear. On March 13, 1913, however, West Asheville was re-incorporated. By 1915, West Asheville’s 4,000 residents were served by 10 stores, a mission, a volunteer fire department, a bank and an asphalt boulevard 60 feet wide and more than a mile long. Faced with growing municipal debt and increasing
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(Above) Workers move the streetcar track to the center of Haywood Road in 1914. (Left) E.W. Pearson Sr. was an agent for African-American development on Buffalo and Fayetteville streets. Photos courtesy of the North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library, Asheville
pressure for expansion and various improvements, however, the mayors of both Asheville and West Asheville urged annexation. The merger came to pass on June 9, 1917. Voter turnout was light: West Asheville voted for consolidation 169 to 161; Asheville’s tally was 364 to 157. Many years later, former Asheville Police Chief Charles W. Dermid, who grew up in West Asheville, told CitizenTimes reporter Henry Robinson that many improvements were in fact made, including paving streets and installing sidewalks. Following consolidation, West Asheville shared in the city’s boom period, which lasted until the Great Depression. In the latter half of the 20th century, the emergence of Patton Avenue as the principal traffic corridor drew attention (and business) away from Haywood Road. But in the 1990s, younger people began moving into the neighborhoods off Haywood, taking advantage of lower home prices. They also started opening small businesses along what had traditionally been West Asheville’s main thoroughfare, sowing the seeds for today’s bustling community. “West Asheville has had its boom cycles, then it has had times when
it was not as successful,” notes librarian karen Loughmiller, coordinator of the West Asheville History Project. “The older neighborhoods in West Asheville are still intact. We have developed a nice mix of younger folks and older folks; it’s a very walkable area.” Asheville’s new Haywood Road Vision Plan, approved by City Council Feb. 25, points out that “In some ways the Patton Avenue ‘bypass’ construction saved Haywood Road from additional widening projects that were so common on many roads around Asheville and allowed the community to maintain its historic walkable character. Merrimon Avenue provides a good contrast to Haywood Road, since it is a local roadway that has been widened over time to four lanes. The resulting larger scale and faster driving speeds along Merrimon have made it difficult to redesign and return it to the pedestrian-friendly format so valued on Haywood Road. “Because Haywood Road has retained more of its original scale, it has developed strong community support for strengthening its pedestrianoriented, mixed-use character. It is along this historic roadway that the community now thrives.” X
West Asheville
Future vision Form-based zoning plan for Haywood unveiled
traDitiOn: In the new form-based zoning code, the Haywood Road corridor is divided into six types of districts, such as “traditional,” “live-work” and “core.” The latter district type preserves existing buildings and historic character. Photo by Michael Carlbach
Story by Jesse Farthing jefarthing@gmail.com
A proposed zoning plan for the Haywood Road corridor , which would regulate development based on six types of districts, received mostly positive feedback from residents and business owners at a March 27 open house. The “formbased code,” a marked departure from current practice, could become a model for rezoning other parts of Asheville. “We’ve been engaged in the vision plan since 2002, and this is the next logical step,” observes alice oglesby, a longtime member of the Haywood Road Corridor Committee. “When the city was looking for a test area for this form-based code, we were ideal, because we already had this huge community voice and community vision.” Council unanimously approved the Haywood Road Vision Plan Feb. 25. The six district types (whose restrictions would apply only to new development in the designated areas) are: • Core Districts: Intended to preserve
existing buildings and the area’s historic character. New development could not exceed two stories, to discourage demolishing historic structures. Could include a variety of businesses and residential or office space on upper floors. • Expansion Districts: Adjoining the two core districts are zones earmarked for extending “the urban character of the core.” Buildings could be up to four stories; ground-floor residential use allowed. Buildings in most districts would be close to the road to promote walkability. • Corridor Districts: Linking the two core and two expansion districts, the corridor zones would “provide a green frontage” to differentiate them from the more urban areas. Buildings, predominantly office and residential, could be up to three stories and would be set back from the road. • Traditional District: A single district extending from Beecham’s Curve toward the river. Buildings up to two stories; various residential and commercial uses allowed, provided they don’t require extensive parking. • Live-Work District — Closer to the
river, this one would allow three-story residential buildings with ground-floor studio space, as in the River Arts District. • Town District — Located where Haywood meets Patton Avenue; buildings up to six stories, wide variety of residential and commercial uses allowed. “I think they’ve done an outstanding job of interpreting everything,” says Oglesby. “There’s a lot going on up and down the road, and they’ve done a really outstanding job looking at things in a holistic fashion.” The most common concern raised by residents and business owners was parking, already a problem for businesses in the corridor. All six districts would prohibit parking in between buildings and the road. In general, however, residents say they appreciate the amount of input they’ve had in developing the plan. “The challenges have been talked through already,” notes Oglesby. “If people get to participate, have ownership, feel like their voice is heard, then it’s easier to compromise if it comes down to it.” West Asheville resident timothy sadler, who’s attended several of the form-based code meetings, agrees. “I think it’s a great testament to Asheville,” he says. “It’s really democracy in action; it’s a beautiful thing. We get to help shape how the city looks for the next hundred years.” Resident steve Rasmussen, who’s also been following the process closely, concurs. “I think they’ve put a lot of thought into it,” he points out. “I really like how it’s oriented around historic preservation. It’s a pretty innovative way to do it — at least around here.” On April 24, planners will present an updated version of the document incorporating the public’s suggestions. After that, the plan will need to be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and then City Council before it can take effect. X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
West Asheville
Notable moments 1895: Swannanoa Country Club founded, with a clubhouse near the springs. It later moves to North Asheville, becoming the Asheville Country Club.
1892: Carrier leases the hotel to nationally known physician Dr. Carl Van Ruck. The hotel, renamed The Belmont, later burns to the ground. sCene in west asheViLLe: Photographer Michael Carlbach explored the Haywood Road corridor, noting these and other scenes along the way.
1777: Moore returns with slaves, builds blockhouse fort near Hominy Creek. 1827: Revolutionary War veteran Robert Henry and his slave, Sam, discover sulphur springs in what’s now Malvern Hills.
1906: Compton buys an aging cabin and 4 acres of land, establishing Eliada Home for Children. 2001: Two West Asheville
1911: E.W. Pearson Sr. becomes Hayes’ agent for a new African-American development on Buffalo and Fayetteville streets. Pearson later becomes first president of Asheville’s NAACP chapter. 1913: West Asheville re-incorporates.
1861-65: On Jan. 13, 1861, Cornelia Catherine Henry, who’s living near the sulphur springs, writes: “Cold and windy ... the war has commenced in Charleston, South Carolina.” With most men gone, it’s left to the women to tend the farms, raise the children and and sell what crops they can.
sources include: West Asheville History Project; Asheville CitizenTimes; North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library; Asheville’s African-American Black History Timeline, radio station WRES-LP.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
1903: Dr. Lucius Compton establishes Faith Cottage for unwed mothers and their children.
1885: Edwin G. Carrier buys 1,200 acres of land west of the river (including the sulphur springs), develops Haywood Road and builds the Carrier Springs Hotel (the earlier hotel having burnt down) and a racetrack along the French Broad.
1830: Reuben Deaver, Henry’s son-in-law, builds the Deaver’s Springs hotel, inaugurating Asheville’s first wave of tourism. Visitors, mostly from South Carolina, follow Haywood Road, part of the Western Turnpike that runs from Salisbury, N.C., to the Georgia state line.
The town’s incorporation is repealed.
1833: James McConnell Smith builds the first bridge across the French Broad, replacing Jarrett’s Ferry. Smith charges 25 cents for a driver with a team and buggy, 6 cents for a foot passenger.
1776: William Moore fords French Broad as part of Gen. Griffith Rutherford’s expedition to subdue the Cherokee.
1897: Rutherford P. Hayes, son of former President Rutherford B. Hayes, buys a 1,200-acre farm, builds cabins for friends and guests and establishes an experimental agricultural station. His home still stands at 93 Blue Ridge Ave.
1889: Carrier’s West Asheville Improvement Co. obtains incorporation papers for the town.
1917: West Asheville and Asheville merge. West Asheville votes 169 to 161 for consolidation; Asheville’s tally is 364 to 157. Turnout is light; the campaign focuses on creating a greater Asheville.
Development co-founders — Cathy Cleary and Krista Stearns — open West End Bakery.
2000: West Asheville Development forms, purchasing historic properties on Haywood Road such as the Bledsoe Building and renovating them.
1950s - ’80s: Patton Avenue becomes the principal traffic corridor, drawing business away from Haywood Road.
1891: Carrier’s West Asheville and Sulphur Springs Electric Railway begins operation, crossing the river on Carrier’s Bridge along Amboy Road.
1990s: Drawn by lower rents, younger people begin moving into West Asheville and starting businesses along Haywood.
by Tanner Hall and Jake Frankel
Send your news to news@mountainx.com.
Newsdesk funding fRee media: asheviLLe fm Looks to Launch 103.3 Asheville Free Media has been providing a wide variety of original, community-oriented programming since 2009. Up to this point, the volunteer, grassroots station has been broadcasting exclusively online, but after the FCC granted it a Low-Power FM construction permit earlier this year, the nonprofit is looking to take the station to the airwaves. According to station manager kim Roney, the station hopes to be transmitting on 103.3 FM by the end of summer. The first step to getting there is building a 100-watt radio tower that is predicted to provide a 10-mile radius once it’s built on the top of Hotel Indigo in downtown Asheville. To fund the construction of the antenna, Asheville Free Media started its “Power the Tower” fundraiser campaign on March 18, and is currently working toward a $45,000 goal via indiegogo. “The community has been very supportive, and we are eager to get to the finish line successfully so we can start building the tower,” said Roney in an email message. “All of us at Asheville Free Media are energized at the possibility of tuning the dial to 103.3 to hear the news, comedy, talk, and free-form music programming we’re curating here in the studios,” she continued. While the current programming format and schedule are both likely to stay the same, Roney mentioned that there are plans for a couple of new shows, including a Spanishlanguage news and talk program beginning in April. “We are hard-working volunteers who love feedback, so if there’s something missing on the schedule, we encourage our listeners to reach out and tell us,” said Roney. There are just over 30 days left in the “Power the Tower” fundraiser, so visit the station’s indiegogo project page to donate and learn more about the new FM station. To learn more about Asheville FM, visit.ashevillefm.org. — by Tanner Hall
sPRing bRings incReased Risk of ozone dangeR As spring weather returns to Asheville, so does the risk of dangerous levels of ozone pollution. To raise awareness and help notify the public when ozone levels become hazardous, environmental agencies started issuing daily air quality forecasts April 1 for Asheville and other metropolitan areas across the state. “It helps people impacted by ozone plan their day,” said Director of the N.C. Division of Air Quality sheila holman, who spoke March 27 at the annual Ozone Season Kickoff in Asheville. Ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen, can be unhealthy to breathe — particularly for children, people with respiratory problems or heart disease, and even healthy adults who work or exercise outdoors, according to the agency. Over time, exposure to high ozone levels can cause asthma to develop. It also causes millions of dollars in tree and crop damage, and it impacts the mountain views that draw millions of tourists to Western North Carolina every year. Ozone is North Carolina’s most widespread air quality problem, particularly during the warmer months. High ozone levels generally occur on hot sunny days with little wind, when pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react in the air, according to the N.C. Division of Air Quality. Ozone levels in Asheville have been declining since 2000. Last year was “the best ozone season on record,” with no days that reached levels the state agency considers “unhealthy,” said Holman. A major factor in keeping the pollution levels down was the unusually cool and rainy weather, she said. The 2002 Clean Smokestacks state law required coal burning power plants to reduce emissions. That law and rising fuel standards have played major roles in bringing ozone levels down over the last decade, Holman said. Duke Energy’s local coal-fired power plant has reduced its emissions of nitrogen oxide 77 percent
diaLing in: Asheville Free Media is raising money so that it can begin broadcasting on 103.3 FM. pictured here: DJs Kelly Rowe, left, and Michele Scheve. File photo by Max Cooper
since 2002, said jason walls, district manager. The Clean Smokestacks law, which was championed by recently deceased Buncombe County Sen. martin nesbitt, resulted in Duke investing in “a multi-billion dollar modernization campaign,” Walls said at the Ozone Season Kickoff event. “Our company has made tremendous strides, all while keeping costs below the national average to costumers.” However, bill eaker, senior environmental planner at the Land of Sky Regional Council, says that despite the progress, it’s no time for clean-air advocates to start resting on their laurels. Next year, the Environmental Projection Agency is likely to reduce the level of ozone it considers hazard-
ous to human health. And in the years ahead, development could cause levels to rise, said Eaker. “Our region is continuing to grow, and with this growth will come more cars and trucks on our roads, more homes and buildings to heat and cool, not to mention all the lawnmowers and weed eaters and blowers we use on a weekly basis,” he explained. “So to keep up with this growth, we must continue to take action to reduce our energy consumption, find cleaner sources of power, and reduce emissions for our vehicles and equipment.” View the N.C. Division of Air Quality’s daily ozone forecasts here: xapps.ncdenr.org/aq/ForecastCenter — by Jake Frankel X
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. day-by-day caLendaR is onLine Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? go to www.mountainx.com/events.
Calendar Deadlines fRee and Paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t find youR gRouP’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events. in order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. if an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. if you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
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PLay, LeaRn and hiPhoP: Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, the “King of Kid Hop,” will perform a family-friendly benefit concert at the Orange peel on April 5 to raise funds for Smart Start of Buncombe County. All proceeds from the event will go to the organizations programs which help develop pre-literacy and social skills. (p.16)
fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, p.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in PeRson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Pet loss suPPort GrouP • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info: 258-3229.
paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. e-maiL marketplace@mountainx.com. fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, p.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in PeRson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
$12/$6 children age 3-10. Tickets and info: isisasheville.com or 575-2737.
Arts Center. Free to attend. Info: 227-2479.
BrACken mountAin two-leG BiAthlon & festivAl • SA (4/5), 10am - Proceeds support mountain roots Adventures programs. Held at Brevard Music Center, 349 Andante Lane, Brevard. Registration and info: active.com or 329-7298.
GreenwAYs 5k/10k
'Are You smArter thAn A fifth GrAder' • TH (4/10), 6pm - Admission to this quiz show-based event benefits Children first/ Cis. Held in the A-B Tech Auditorium. $5 or 5 cans of food. Info: childrenfirstbc.org or 259-9717.
BrAndi niChole fAmilY Center PizzA Benefit • TH (4/3), 9am-5pm - Donations and a percentage of proceeds will benefit summer activities for foster children. Held at Brixx Pizza, 30 Town Square Blvd., #140. Info: 687-3776 or brandinichole.org.
Asheville musiC sChool Benefit ConCert • TH (4/10), 6:30pm - Proceeds support scholarships and outreach ensembles. Held at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road.
fundrAiser for wCu BAnd triP • FR (4/4), 5-7:25pm - Silent auction and raffle to benefit the student scholarships and programs. Held in the Bardo Fine and Performing
• SA (4/5), 2pm - Proceeds benefit Black mountain Greenways. Begins at Pisgah Brewing, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain. Registration: imathlete.com (before April 3) or at event before 1pm. $30 for 10K/ $27 for 5K. Info: 775-9251. hoPe Chest for women 5k • SU (4/6), 1-4pm - Proceeds benefit women in wnC diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancer. $30/ $25 advance. Info: hopechestforwomen.org/conqueracove.
PrettY 4 Prom donAtion drive • Through (4/30) - Collecting dresses, accessories and cash donations for local girls in need. Info: 550-9511 or 476-4231. reCYClerY Bike donAtion drive • Through WE (4/30) - Bikes and bike parts for donation to kids and adults may be dropped off at 90 Biltmore Ave., Tue.-Thu.:4-8pm; Sat: 1-5pm. Info: josephcrawley@gmail.com or 255-7916. seCret AGent 23 skidoo Benefit ConCert
leAf sChools And streets
• SA (4/5), 10:30am - All proceeds
• WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - Admission benefits this arts education program. Held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5. Info: theleaf.org.
go to smart start of Buncombe County. Held at The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. $8. Tickets and info: theorangepeel.net
skYlAnd fire dePArtment PAnCAke BreAkfAst • FR (4/4), 8:30-10am Donations will provide fundraising for a heart monitor. Held at Ardenwoods, 2400 Appalachaian Blvd., Arden. Info: overstreetmandy@ ardenwoodslcs.com. tour de lure Bike ride • SA (4/5), 9am - Through scenic McDowell County to benefit YmCA of wnC. $50. Meets at Corpening Memorial YMCA, 348 Grace Corpening Drive, Marion. Info: ymcawnc.org/tour-delure-ride wAlk to end luPus now • Through (5/16) Registration is open for this May 17 event for lupus foundation of America. Participants agree to raise $100. Registration and info: lupusnc.org or 877-849-8271.
Business & teChnoloGY Asheville sCore Counselors to smAll Business Held in A-B Tech's Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Rd, Candler. Free. Info: ashevillescore.org or 2714786. • WE (4/2), 6-9pm - "Basic Internet Marketing." • TU (4/8), 6-9pm - "How to Successfully Sell Your Product to Retailers." • WE (4/9), 6-9pm "Advanced Internet Marketing." Goodwill CAreer ClAsses Info and registration: 2989023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries will include training and American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon -
Adult basic education / high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - English as a second language classes. Registration required. Free. • ONGOING - Entry level computer classes. Call for times. Free. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Fee waives for job seekers. Registration required.
ClAsses, meetinGs & events sPrinG sYmPosium - four futures for mountAin fArmlAnd • (pd.) Rethinking sustainability and land use: Agriculture? - Development? - Innovation? - Conservation? Warren-Wilson College, Canon Lounge, Thursday, April 17. Register today at www.SustainableNow.us
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by grady Cooper & Carrie eidson
community caLendaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
A-B teCh ColleGe And CAreer oPen house • TH (4/10), 4-7pm - Open to the public. Held in the college's Coman Gym and Magnolia Building. Free. Info: 398-7852 or marthagball@ abtech.edu. AmeriCAn Business women's AssoCiAtion Info: abwaskyhy.com. • TH (4/10), 5:30 - Speaker: Leslie Frey, founder of Lifelong Learning Center. $25. Registration required. Asheville mAkers • TUESDAYS, 6-8:30pm - Open to interested nonmembers. Top Floor Studio, 9 W. Walnut St., #3B. Info: ashevillemakerspace.org. Asheville oBjeCtivists • TU (4/8), 6pm - Meets at the N. Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Info: avlobj@ att.net. AzAleA mountAin sChool oPen house • SU (4/6), 2pm - Located at 587 Haywood Road. Info: azaleamountain.org or 575-2557.
Music for the music school what: Sounds Effects: A benefit concert for the Asheville Music School wheRe: Isis Restaurant & Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. when: Thursday, April 10 starting at 6:30 p.m. why: Professional musicians and the teachers and students of Asheville Music School will perform to raise money for music education scholarships and funding for AMS’s outreach ensembles. Performers include student ensembles and AMS faculty members Amanda Horton and Steve Loew. There will be also be a late-night set featuring members of Asheville Tango Orchestra, Common Foundation, Josh Blake’s Jukebox, The Secret B-Sides, Vertigo Jazz Project and Zansa. Recording artists Josh Phillips and Justin Ray will also be showcased. According to Melissa Reardon, one of the event’s organizers who also serves on the AMS board, the hope is that the event will “bring
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
in a new audience to learn what the school is all about.” “It’s not an exclusive thing anymore for people to take music lessons. [AMS] is pulling in new students who wouldn’t otherwise have that opportunity,” says Reardon. “It’s only going forward and up.” Reardon says AMS supports underserved students with scholarships, music lessons and instruments in collaboration with the Paul Thorpe Music Education Fund. The school also holds outreach programs for the elderly members of the community, performing at local hospitals and assisted-living facilities. In addition to performances, the event will feature a raffle of original artwork and tickets for LaZoom, Asheville Symphony and LEAF. Dinner reservations are recommended due to limited seating and can be made by calling Isis Restaurant & Music Hall at 575-2737. Tickets, which can be purchased at the door, are $12 or $6 for ages 3-10 and free for ages 2 and younger. More information can be found at ashevillemusicschool.com
henderson CountY heritAGe museum exhiBit • Through WE (12/31) Coming of the Railroad, Civil War exhibit. Located at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. Free. Info: hendersoncountymuseum.org or 694-1619. internAtionAl festivAl At wCu • WE (4/9), 11am-3:30pm - Held at Hinds University Center. Free. Info: dnmoore@ wcu.edu or 227-7494. lAnd of skY toAstmAsters CluB • TUESDAYS, 7am - Meets at the Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Info: edwmcg@ aol.com. sPrinG sYmPosium - four futures for mountAin fArmlAnd Rethinking sustainability and land use: Agriculture? Development? - Innovation? - Conservation? WarrenWilson College, Canon Lounge, Thursday, April 17. Register today at www. SustainableNow.us tAx AssistAnCe Local libraries will offer federal & state tax assistance until April 15. Attendees must bring required documents. Info: 277-8288. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 10am-4pm
- Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS, 10am-4pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. • SATURDAYS, 10:30am2:30pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Not available March 15. • TUESDAYS, 9am-4pm West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • 10am-4pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St.
African • Sunday 5:15pm Yoga • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: (828) 242-7595
wAYnesville lions CluB's sPAGhetti dinner • SA (4/5), 4:30-7pm - Held at First United Methodist Church, 566 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. $8/$4 childen under 12.
internAtionAl folk dAnCinG • MONDAYS, 2:15-4pm Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info: 350-2051.
west AfriCAn drum ClAss • SATURDAYS through (4/26), 4pm - All levels welcome. Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Free. Info: smirkelclown@yahoo.com.
dAnCe BeGinner swinG dAnCinG lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. swingAsheville.com dAnCe ClAsses with dAnCeCluB (pd.) Mondays: 6pm, "Flashmobbing", learn a dance to "Poison"! and Flashmob, starts March 31 • Tuesdays: 6:30pm: Jazz/ Funk - Dance and Sweat with James Brown! • Wednesdays: 6pm, Beginner Modern, 4 Week Series starts April 9. • Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Intro to Burlesque, Starts April 2 • Thursdays: 10am - Booty Camp exercise class! • Saturdays: 1-3pm - Burlesque Striptease Workshop with bubbly, April 12. • Preregister: (828) 275-8628 or danceclubasheville@gmail.com or danceclubAsheville.com studio zAhiYA, downtown dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10am Bellydance Wrkt 4pm Kid's Dance 5pm Teen Dance 6pm AfroBrazilian 7pm West
enGlish CountrY dAnCe • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS, 4-6:30pm - Hosted by Old Farmer's Ball. Homewood Event and Conference Center, 19 Zillicoa St. Beginners' lesson: 3:30pm. $6/ $5 members. Info: 230-8449.
line dAnCe ClAsses • WEDNESDAYS, 9-10:30am - Held in the County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville. Registration required. $5. Info: linedanceclass.com or 890-5777. southern liGhts squAre And round dAnCe CluB • SA (4/5), 6pm - Held at 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info: southernlights.org or 697-7732.
eCo 'livinG with BeArs' informAtion session • WE (4/2), 7pm - Presented by Haw Creek Community Association. Held at Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Road. Info: hawcreeknc.org. Green Built APPlied: ventilAtion strAteGies • TU (4/8), 5:30pm - Hosted by Western North Carolina Green Building Council. Held in a private home. $15/ $10 members. Directions, registration and info: nina@wncgbc. org. wAter trouBles And wAter solutions: AtlAntA • SA (4/5), 3pm - A presentation on Atlanta's experiment with water privatization. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood Street. Info: wilmadykemanlegacy.org. wnC sierrA CluB PresentAtion • WE (4/2), 7pm - "Beyond Coal: Success and Future Plans." Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 1 Edwin Place. Info: wenoca.org or 251-8289.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by grady Cooper & Carrie eidson
community caLendaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Carver Edible Garden, 30 George Washington Carver Ave. Info: 350-2058.
outdoors CAmPinG exPerienCe with mountAin roots Adventures • SU (4/6), 1:30-5:30pm - $5. Registration required. Info and directions: ali@mountainroots.org or 329-7298. ClAssiC hike of the smokies • TU (4/8) - A 10.5-mile bike to Newton Bald. Times and info: outreach.nc@friendsofthesmokies.org or 452-0720. $35/ $10 members.
moLten hot aRt: Western Carolina University and the Jackson County green energy park will hold a “fired up” iron pour to teach the community about the art of casting iron on April 5. The pour will be led by Tripp Jarvis and Melissa Van Sandt from Tri-State Sculptors, a group of artists from Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. photo courtesy of WCU. (p.50)
food FOOD • BREWS • ENTERTAINMENT • Biltmore villAGe (pd.) Friday/Saturday, April 4/5, 5pm-10pm. Enjoy an evening of great food, great brews and great entertainment! Catawba Brewing Company and French Broad Brewery in Historic Biltmore Village. Sample craft beers from Catawba Brewing Company, 19 Brook Street and French Broad Brewery, 101 Fairview Street. Enjoy food from 8 different Biltmore Village restaurants, along with live music. $25 each evening. Some tickets available at the breweries. Tickets available online: www.eventbrite.com
Government & PolitiCs
Blue ridGe rePuBliCAn women & BunComBe CountY rePuBliCAn men • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Registration required for optional dinner: 6 pm, $18. Held at The Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. Free. Info: 230-1444.
THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm - Beginners Hip Hop. Ages 6-10. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. • SATURDAYS, 9am - Ballet. • MONDAYS, 5-6pm - Teen Dance, ages 11-15.
BunComBe CountY rePuBliCAn women • 2nd THURSDAYS, 11:30am - Meeting held at The Corner Stone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road. Info: 337-47189.
home sChool ProGrAm At Asheville Art musuem • 2nd TUESDAYS, 11am12:30pm - For grades 1-4. Held at 2 N. Pack Square. Registration required. Info: 253-3227 or ashevilleart.org
dinner with ProGressives • 1st MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Meets at Green Sage Coffehouse and Cafe, 1800 Hendersonville Road. Info: 258-3327. nAtion mAGAzine studY GrouP • 2nd TUESDAYS, 6pm Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Place. Info: hale.kendall@gmail.com.
kids Asheville-BunComBe CountY food PoliCY CounCil meetinG • WE (4/2), 5:30pm - Includes community input opportunities and an orientation for prospective members at 4pm. 227 Campus Drive. Info: abfoodpolicy.org.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
dAnCe ClAsses At BlACk mountAin Center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. $40 per month. Registration required. Info: blackmountainarts.org or 6690930. • MONDAYS, 4-5pm &
leGo Builder's CluB • WE (4/2), 3:30pm - Meets at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 250-4700. leGo CluB • 1st FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road. Free. Info: enka.library@ buncombecounty.org or 2504758. PArks And reCreAtion dePArtment's fit kids ClAss • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (4/10) - For age 6-11. Meets at Stephens-Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver Ave. Info: jjohnston@ashevillenc.gov. Youth GArden CluB At the stePhens-lee Center • FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - Held in the George Washington
riverside Bike lAne CleAn uP • SA (4/5), 8:30am- noon Hosted by Blue Ridge Bicycle Club. Meets at Clingman Cafe, 242 Clingman Ave. Info: mykrbykr@gmail.com. stAr viewinG PArtY At unCA • FR (4/4), 7:30pm - Hosted by the Department of Physics and the Astronomy Club of Asheville in the main quad. Free. Info: astroasheville.org or 251-6442. telesCoPe viewinG PArtY • FR (4/4), 7:30pm - Hosted by WCU's Department of Chemistry and Physics at the Jackson County Airport. Info: egomez@wcu.edu or 227-2718.
PArentinG 'PuBertY is CominG Are You reAdY?' workshoP • TH (4/3), 6-8pm - Held at Mission Children’s Reuter Outpatient Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Free. Info: mission children's.org or 213-0033. heArtsPeAk for PArents & kids • THURSDAYS, 5-6pm - Ages 8 and up. Held at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. Registration and info: cathyholt@gmail. com or 545-9681. sPeAk uP, sPeAk out: mother-dAuGhter workshoP • SU (4/6), 1-5pm - Methods for better communication with teenage daughters. Held at YWCA, 185 S. French Broad. $25. Registration and info: ourvoicenc.org.
PuBliC leCtures 'seAsons of jAPAn' slide show • MO (4/7), 2-3:30pm - Held at Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road, Fletcher. Info: 687-1218. diAloGue on rACe series Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Free. Info: robertamadden@yahoo.com or 419-0730. • TH (4/3), 6-7:30pm "Racism Hurts Everyone." • TH (4/10), 6-7:30pm "Legacy of Slavery." PuBliC leCtures At unCA Free unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • TH (4/3), 7pm - "Sisterhood Tweets and Blogs into the 21st Century." Humanities Lecture Hall. • SU (4/6), 7:30pm - "The Stages of Memory: From Berlin to New York." Held at Reuter Center. • TU (4/8), 7:30pm -"My So-Called Jewish Life." Held at Sherrill Center. stAte suPerintendent of PuBliC instruCtion • WE (4/9), 7pm - Dr. June Atkinson discusses "Fighting for Education on the Front Lines." Held on Mars Hill University Campus in the Moore Auditorium. Free. Info: mhc.edu. vAnCe homePlACe restorAtion PresentAtion • SA (4/5), 1pm - Hosted by the Asheville Preservation Society. Held at 911 Reems Creek Road. Info: psabc.org.
seniors Adult forum At fCC • SU (4/6), 9:15am “Hawaiian Storytelling Through Song, Chant and the Dance of the Heart.” In the Felix building. 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville. Info: fcchendersonville.org or 6928630.
sPirituAlitY ABout the trAnsCendentAl meditAtion teChnique: free introduCtorY leCture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through
Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It's not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It's an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. (828) 254-4350 or meditationAsheville.org Aim meditAtion ClAsses (pd.) "ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. ashevillemeditation.com/ events, (828) 808-4444 AquAriAn ConsCiousness fellowshiP (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. Asheville ComPAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc.com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. Asheville insiGht meditAtion (pd.) introduCtion to mindfulness meditAtion Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com Asheville oPen heArt meditAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart cen-
tered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, www.heartsanctuary.org Astro-CounselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. eCkAnkAr worshiP SERvIcE • “LEARN ThE lessons of life to reAlize divine love” (pd.) “When you learn the lessons, when you understand the Law of Cause and Effect, you graduate to the realization of divine love. Your life becomes richer in the blink of an eye, because you have moved from the consciousness of the masses to the spiritual consciousness of God, of divine love.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and
a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). • Date: Sunday, April 6, 2014, 11am to 12 noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, (828) 254-6775. www. eckankar-nc.org
(Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com
Gurdjieff: the fourth wAY (pd.) In search of the miraculous? What are the possibilities of inner evolution? New groups forming for those who wish to pursue inner work. (828) 232-2220. www. gurdjieff-foundation-wnc.org
mindfulness meditAtion ClAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com
lookinG for Genuine sPirituAl GuidAnCe And helP? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville,very close to Warren Wilson College. www.truththomas. org (828) 299-4359 mindfulness meditAtion (pd.) "Asheville insiGht meditAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight
the shAmAniC journeY: A PAth of direCt revelAtion (pd.) Join a Circle of exploration into the ancient cosmology and guiding principles of Core Shamanism. Initiations through specific guided journeys will be facilitated by Desiree DeMars and Marilyn Kenoyer in this 4 Part Series
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by grady Cooper & Carrie eidson
community caLendaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
photo by Mario gozum/pointShoot photography, 2013
Five Animal Qi gong with Master Bing what: Daoist priest Zhong Xuechao, also known as Master Bing, visits Asheville from the sacred Wudang Mountains in China to teach the ancient healing series, Wudang Five Animal Qi Gong. when/wheRe: A free presentation takes place Friday, April 1, 6-7 p.m. at Daoist Traditions, 382 Montford Ave. There will be a seminar on Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13 at Toad Hall above Mountain Lights, 30 N. Lexington Ave. $225. why: Xpress spoke with Master Bing’s student and local qi gong teacher, Gregory Casey, to learn more. Xpress: Can you describe the characteristics of the five animal forms and what we can learn from these archetypes? gregory casey: The Wudang Five Animal Qi Gong system is based on the principles of the five elements. By practicing the Five Animal Qi Gong forms, which are based on the observations of the animal’s physical attributes, the practitioner not only develops the body but also the mental and spiritual attributes of these animals and their associated element.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
See Casey’s descriptions of the five archetypes below: fire crane: Embodies elegance, grace, transcendence and spiritual purity. Helps to open one’s heart to release the spirit from the burdens of the world, helping to relax anxiety and mania. earth tiger: Daoist symbol of power and unruliness. Practice cultivates trust, courage and strength in the practitioner helping to overcome worry and obsessive thinking. metal snake: Teaches flexibility in thought and movement. The snake cultivates the lung and large intestine, and practice helps with the process of releasing sadness and grief. water tortoise: The tortoise is respected for doing everything steady and quiet and for being clever. Practicing often can strengthen the kidneys, increase jing (essence) and cultivate wisdom and patience to help us absolve our deepest fears. wood dragon: In Daoist mystical traditions, the dragon is regarded as a creature of mystery and is said to be capable of predicting the future and ordering the heavens to rain. Practicing cultivates the liver and gallbladder, enhances intuition and helps to release frustration and anger.
starting Sunday, April 6th, including April 20th, May 4th and May 18th at The Healing House in Asheville. The cost is $150 with registration by March 30th. If you are interested and have no previous journeying experience, an Introductory Training Session will be arranged. For More Details Call Desiree at: 312437-4325 or www.thelightfromwithin.org.
intention CirCle • 1st SUNDAYS, 3:30-5:30pm - For desires to be manifested. Free. Info and directions: 7771962.
Community College, Watauga Campus. • TH (4/10), 7pm - J.E. Broyhill Civic Center, 1913 Hickory Blvd SE, Lenoir.
introduCtion to the lABYrinth At st. luke's • TU (4/8), 6:30pm - Discussion of the labyrinth as a spiritual tool. Held at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 219 Chunns Cove Road. Info: stlukeschurch@charter.net
Book siGninG At hotel indiGo • WE (4/9), 5-7pm - Elise and Phil Okrend discuss their book, Messages to the Heart.
'CreAtinG hAPPiness' PresentAtion • FR (4/4), 7-8pm - With Buddhist nun Gen Kelsang Nyema. Held in the Henderson County Courthouse, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. Info: meditationinsouthcarolina.org.
introduCtorY leCtures on trAnsCendentAl meditAtion • THURSDAYS, 6:30 pm Held at Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation, 165 E. Chestnut. Free. Info: 254-4350 or meditationasheville.org
A Course in mirACles studY GrouP • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS - Held at a private residence. Directions & info: 450-4704.
mAhA shAkti mAndir 11 Sand Hill Court. Info: facebook.com/mahashaktimandir • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm Arati, chanting and spiritual discourse • SATURDAYS, 6-8pm - Shiva and Sri Chakra Puja.
A Course in mirACles studY GrouP • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 6:308:30pm- Held at Groce United Methodist Church, 945 Tunnel Road. Free. Info: groceumc. org or 298-6195. A Course of love • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - A class on spiritual transformation. Info and directions: 5054013 or coach@selfandsensibility.com. Asheville shAmAniC journeY CirCle • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-9pm Shamanic Journey experience required. $10. Registration and info: dreamtimejourneys. net or 398-0630. dhArmA reAdinG And disCussion • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. Free. Info: asheville.shambhala.org. fAmilY niGht At Cloud CottAGe • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Held at 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain. Info: cloudcottage.org or 6696000. GrACe lutherAn ChurCh 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/9), 4:45pm - Lenten supper in Stull Hall. Reservations required. • WE (4/9), 4-5pm - Bilingual tour of the Stations of the Cross. Free.
musiCAl CeleBrAtion of life • SUNDAYS, 11am - Held at Center For Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way. Free. Info: cslasheville.org or 2317638. women's Book studY And disCussion GrouP • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Seacoast Asheville, 123 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration and info: 2776400.
sPoken & written word
BunComBe CountY PuBliC liBrAries liBrArY ABBreviAtions - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n le = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n Pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700)
n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) • WE (4/2), 3pm - Afternoon Book Club: Stand Up That Mountain by Jay Erskine Leutze. wv • WE (4/2), 5pm - Knitting and needlework group. sw • WE (4/2), 6-8pm - 20th Century Women Leaders, film and discussion. This week: Fannie Lou Hamer. Pm • TH (4/3), 6:30pm - Poetry night. Pm • TH (4/3), 6:30pm - Book club: The Dinner by Herman Koch. ss • TU (4/8), 1pm - Book Club: Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante. le • TU (4/8), 1pm - Danny Ellis discusses his book Boy at the Gate. wv
'miss juliA's mArvelous mAkeover' Book lAunCh • TU (4/8), 5pm - Held at Fountainhead Bookstore, 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: fountainheadbookstore.com or 697-1870.
hArrY Potter AlliAnCe Book drive • Through WE (4/30) - Books will be donated to Accio Books and the Pop Project. Info and drop off locations: ashevillehpa. tumblr.com.
'one womAn APPAlAChiA' storYtellinG event • SA (4/5), 2pm - With Marilyn McMinn-McCredie. Held at Haywood County Library main branch, 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Info: 456-5311.
sPellBound Children's BookshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: spellboundchildrensbookshop. com or 708-7570. • SU (4/6), 4-5pm - Royal Book Club for adult readers of young adult fiction.
2014 lAurette lePrevost writers sYmPosium events With Denise Kiernan, author of The Girls of Atomic City. Free. Info: cccti.edu/symposium/ event.html or 726-2334. • TH (4/10), noon - Caldwell
storY mediCine Asheville • FR (4/4), 7pm - Members’ showcase. Held at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St. Info: facebook.com/ StoryMedicineAsheville.
sYnerGY storY slAm • 1st MONDAYS, 8pm Different theme each month. Held at the Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road. Free. Info: morris.grayson@gmail.com. wCu sPrinG literArY festivAl All event free unless otherwise noted. Info: litfestival.org. • WE (4/2), 4 pm - Nonfiction writer Charles F. Price and fiction writer Donna Glee Williams. In the University Center theater. • WE (4/2), 7 pm - Fiction writer Jill McCorkle. Sylva Public Library, 310 Keener St. • TH (4/3), 2pm - Narrative4 Panel. NCCAT building. • TH (4/3), 4pm - Fiction writer George Singleton. University Center theater. • TH (4/3), 7:30 pm - Fiction writer Colum McCann. Coulter Recital Hall. • FR (4/4), 10 am - Faculty & staff panel. University Center theater. • FR (4/4), 11am - Alumni writers & artists. University Center. • FR (4/4), 1 pm - Alumni panel. University Center.
volunteerinG Asheville AreA hABitAt for humAnitY Builds new homes for qualifying families and individuals while preservering existing homes. Info: info@ashevillehabitat.org. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for administrative office to greet visitors, answer phones. Asheville CitY sChools foundAtion Works to create strong public schools and break the cycle of poverty. Info: jay@acsf.org or 350-6135. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to tutor/mentor students (K-12). Shifts are available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm. BiG Brothers BiG sisters of wnC Helps children thrive through partnerships with trained adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • ONGOING - Volunteers age 18+ needed to accompany youth twice a month to free or low-cost activities. Volunteers age 16+ needed to mentor one hour per week. • ONGOING - Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for volunteers age 18 and older to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from singleparent homes. Activities are free or low-cost.
ChArlie's AnGels AnimAl resCue A shelter and foster network for area cats and dogs based in Fletcher. Info: wncanimalrescue. org or 885-3647. • ONGOING - Volunteers are needed to foster a dog for 2 to 3 weeks. No costs involved. Children first Cis of BunComBe CountY Provides programs to economically disadvantaged children & families. Info: childrenfirstbc. org. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:305:30pm. Girls on the run A nonprofit teaching selfrespect and healthy living to girls. Info: gotrwnc.org. • Through (5/16) - Volunteers needed for the 5k held at UNCA on May 17. GuArdiAn Ad litem Advocates for neglected and abused children in Henderson, Polk, Transylvania and McDowell counties. Info: 6944215. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed to track case progress and help children express their wishes. Average case: 3-9 months. Training provided. hAYwood CountY sPeCiAl olYmPiCs • TU (4/8), 6:30pm & TU (4/15), 6-7pm - Meeting for volunteers interested in being committee chairs. Held at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St., Waynesville. Info: recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030. literACY CounCil of BunComBe CountY Works to increase literacy and English language skills. Info: volunteers@litcouncil.com or 254-3442. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Adult Education Program, which teaches basic reading, writing and spelling. Previous teaching experience not required. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for the Augustine Program which works with lowincome children reading below grade level. Previous teaching experience not required. lovinG food resourCes A special needs food pantry providing food and other items to persons living with HIV/AIDS or in hospice with any diagno-
sis. Info: admin@lovingfood.org or 255-9282. • ONGOING - Volunteers needed for stocking, helping clients shop, driving, food box delivery, sorting, graphic design and office assistance. Hours: Tue.-Friday: 9am-noon, Sat. 9am-2pm. mAnnA foodBAnk Processes donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Info: mannafoodbank.org or 299-3663. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to work in the warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening.
Major & Minor Automotive Repair and Restoration
Service. Courtesy. Integrity.
oPPortunitY house 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 698-5517 or opportunityhouse.org. • ONGOING - Seeking volunteers to help in Thrift Store and at front desk. the rAthBun Center Provides free lodging for patients & caregivers in Asheville for medical treatment. Info: rathbuncenter.org or 251-0595. • ONGOING - Volunteers need to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. wnC Aids ProjeCt Provides resources and support for AIDS patients and their families. Info: wncap.org or 252-7489. • ONGOING - Office/clerical volunteers needed for data entry and computer-related tasks during daytime office hours Mon.-Fri. • ONGOING - Saturday morning volunteers needed to deliver food boxes to homebound men and women with HIV/AIDS in the Asheville/Buncombe area. Good driving record and confidentiality required. YwCA Advocates for young women’s leadership and welfare. Info: 254-7206, ex. 219. • ONGOING - Volunteers need for a variety of tasks in the child care department. A background check, medical questionnaire, TB screening and a minimum age of 16 are required. CAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wednesdAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 110
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asheville disclaimer Briefs
Buncombe County schools to receive $1M in science education funding, countering NC state legislature’s Bible-science ark-building initiative Ski resort goes up in flames after friction between mortgage papers and fire insurance forms causes spark in filing cabinet Local tea party challenges 182 voter registrations, consisting of: • Democrats • Non-Republicans • People belonging to any party rhyming with “Shmemocrats” • FDR liberals • JFK moderates • RFD mailbox-owning conservatives • MSNBC watchers • NPR listeners • Half-Caf sippers • Dirty heathen mud-worshippers
Reader response to “Who Cares for the Caregiver?”
This squirrel is in response to last mustang’s article, “Who Cares for the Caregiver?” in your radio, Mountain Xpressly Yours, David Donner. This year I delivered early Alzheimers to my wife, Mom. I am 27. We have been married one year next Orange. I wasn’t working anyway so it was a blessing in costume ball. She has a law temperature and quit the firm buttocks to stay apartment with me. Now we are house husbands with me. But who has sour on her sweet? Her name does. “Happy doodle!” I scream. But sour face the lady. I take care of her. “Have Hamburgler orange fries delivered C-section to yourself here,” I to her. Her to me, “Waaaaah how David crazy only 27?” Me back “ROLO gurl, check my wet.” Mr. Doctor face said undivided wifenurse nonstop doodle can keep me squirrel for 50, maybe 60 more mustangs. A nice long orange! But I have to remind her “Never walk away! Check my breathing! Am I breathing? Am I breathing now? Am I breathing now? Now? And now? Where’s my squirrel? Is the 24
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
New bar named “Public School” opening soon in Asheville Other names considered:
• Orphan Factory • Daddy Dropped Me Off At School 7 Years Ago & Never Returned Lounge • 2nd Methodist Assembly of Spew • Adult Daycare • Prehab • Fizz Ed • Dodgin’ Balls • Joint Custody • Sick Daze • Illegal Guardians • Bored of Education • Homeschool PTA Meeting • School of Hard Knocks Teacher of the Year Reserved Parking Space • Two Minute Early Release • Teacher’s Assistant • Child Left Behind • Vocational Summer School Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com Contributing: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve
squirrel breathing? How about now? Are you a squirrel? How about now?” Alzie me supersquirrel strength forthly throw furniture when I’m hungry or awake, sometimes just squirrel. I calibrate her to “get some exercise, put back the furniture, check my squirrel,” but SOUR FACE STRANGER LADY. She wimps “You mustanged too many drugs on our honeymoon last orange.” Yes I broke my brain face but Alzheimers runs in my mustang on both squirrels of my noodle tree. “Why am I wet? Is my wet? Is my wet?” SOUR STRANGER WIFE LADY NEVER HAS SAME NAME To answer the mustang “Who squirrels for the doodle?” I MUSTANG FOR THE SOUR LADY. Nobody oranges me her name or helps me throw furniture. I mustang 28 years old soon. You would think the spying spy in my room is 100 doodles. I take special mustang to remind her “Check my wet! Am I wet? Are you a squirrel?” I can’t mustang this for 60 more years, Assassin Stranger Sour Face Lady always on my squirrel just pick up the dresser and happy doodle already! Irately furniture, Donid Daver, 27 early onset mustang squirrel
T he
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sentimentaL jouRney Kevin Walters, 21, staged an emotional though unsuccessful oneman, chained-to-the-door protest in March to prevent the closing of a commercial rest stop along the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway near Des Plaines, Ill. Ultimately, the Des Plaines Oasis, housing shops and fast-food restaurants, will be demolished as part of a highway-widening project. Walters told WBBM Radio that his poignant attachment to the oasis was because his parents had told him it was where he was conceived as they returned home from a 1992 Phil Collins concert. cuLtuRaL diveRsity • In tribal areas of India, children who disrespect their family by marrying outside their caste are still, occasionally, put to death despite strong national laws. However, enlightenment is advancing, and Mr. Sidhnath Sharma recently filed a lawsuit instead against his castestraying son for “destroying the family tradition” and “lowering his father’s prestige.” Sharma, a lawyer in Patna, India, is demanding that the son pay a monthly royalty worth about $163 for the now-unauthorized use of his father’s name. • In February, French fighter jets were forced to accompany a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane commandeered by the co-pilot, who’d diverted it to Geneva in order to seek asylum. The Swiss air force would normally have taken over the mission in its own air space, but the incident occurred at 4:30 a.m., and the Swiss pilots were likely still asleep, as they work only “regular office hours,” beginning at 8 a.m. (French military officials said they’re accustomed to covering for Switzerland.) • Sweden’s foul-smelling canned herring (surstromming) inexplicably raises passions among some traditionalists. So it was big news in February when a man found a bulging tin whose contents had been fermenting for about 25 years and reckoned he needed help to “disarm” it, lest it “explode” and damage his cabin. Ruben Madsen of Sweden’s Surstromming Academy agreed to attend the can-opening
Cost Effective Medicine:
by Chuck Shepherd
and assured the man that spewing, not explosion, was the likely outcome. • In 2010, News of the Weird reported on the enthusiastically obese Donna Simpson, who ate meals in front of her webcam so “chub chasers” could watch her (pay-per-view) growing larger before their eyes. Now, South Korean Park Seo-yeon, 34 and not at all overweight, is breaking bread with friend-challenged people (also on payper-view) who are desperate to avoid eating alone. In some months, Reuters reported, Park’s “gastronomic voyeurism” (featuring real-time chatting) pays her more than $9,000. QuestionabLe judgments • After a Feb. 11 explosion at a natural gas well in Greene County, Pa., killed one worker, burned for four days and caused massive traffic jams and other inconveniences, Chevron, the well owner, limited its response to distributing vouchers for Bobtown Pizza, a local hangout. Environmentalists were outraged by the company’s “let them eat cake/pizza” attitude, but CBS News found quite a few locals who supported Chevron’s response, partly because Bobtown’s pizza is highly regarded. • injudicious: (1) James Degorski, 41, serving life in prison for a cold-blooded mass murder during a botched restaurant robbery in Palatine, Ill., in 1993, was awarded $451,000 by a jury recently after a prison guard punched him in the face, necessitating complex surgery. Said a parent of one of Degorski’s victims, “If broken bones are worth a half-million, how much are [the seven victims’] lives worth?” (2) Former soccer star Bruno Fernandes de Souza, 28, serving 22 years in prison in Brazil for murdering his girlfriend and feeding part of her body to his dogs, was granted work-release in March by prison officials — to play for a Brazilian pro team that, upon learning of the rehabilitation law, signed him to a contract and urged his release. X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Wilderness works viously meeting with two or three outpatient therapists. “The program provides a high-impact intervention that gives families … respite, while at the same time giving kids the opportunity to develop new coping mechanisms,” he says. “The program is designed to use wilderness skills to drive more important life skills such as frustration management, effective communication and solving complex problems by breaking them down into steps.”
An alternative therapy offers promising results
by susan fosteR
Wilderness therapy “gave me my son back — and better,” says stephen mace. His son, christian, age 15, participated in the wilderness program at SUWS of the Carolinas in Old Fort last year. SUWS is one of several local and regional organizations that use wilderness therapy. And the alternative approach was developed by Asheville-based researcher sarah “salli” Lewis. But first, why wilderness therapy, also known as Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare? in the wiLd In a wilderness setting, students have fewer distractions and the opportunity to detach from technology, says shawn farrell, executive director of SUWS of the Carolinas. “The result,” he says, “is that they are able to sit with themselves and begin to ask themselves who they are, what they want to be and what they want to do differently.” At the same time that students are exploring themselves, they are able to “connect with each other
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
case study
into the wiLd: in a wilderness setting, students have fewer distractions and the opportunity to detach from technology, says Shawn Farrell, executive director of SUWS of the Carolinas. “The result,” he says, “is that they are able to sit with themselves and begin to ask themselves who they are, what they want to be and what they want to do differently.”
on a deeper level, forming authentic relationships based on emotional investment,” says Farrell. He reports that many students say it’s the first time they’ve had friends. “It’s not about what you’re wearing or who you’re dating,” says Farrell. “Students take emotional risks, make themselves vulnerable and respect each other for it.” He adds that breaking students into small groups of no more than eight avoids cliques and helps students learn better communication skills through listening, speaking up and giving constructive feedback. Wilderness therapy is different from traditional treatment, such as individual or group therapy because of the inherent challenges of living outdoors, Farrell explains. The challenges of doing difficult things such as crossing a creek or starting a fire with sticks help kids develop a sense of competency. “Hiking up a mountain gives kids a sense of
accomplishment. If kids are not allowed to struggle with challenges, they don’t experience failure, but they’re also robbed of selfesteem and emotional development. Helicopter parenting has great intentions, but it goes too far and stunts development.” The main activities at SUWS are backpacking and learning primitive living skills such as making cordage out of tree bark and constructing a Paiute deadfall trap (which are never actually used to trap animals). Other activities include yoga, therapeutic drumming, journaling, a ropes course, art therapy and equine-assisted therapy with Horse Sense of the Carolinas. SUWS of the Carolinas and similar programs are geared toward helping struggling families, much like the Maces. Farrell says that kids often come to SUWS as a last resort, after pre-
The Maces report that Christian’s problems began as he was transitioning from a small private middle school to a local high school. Christian’s grades went down, he became depressed and spent most of his time in his room. He also refused to go to school or participate in the swim program he had previously excelled in. Christian began to act out, punching holes in walls and breaking things. His father, stephen, says he knew they had to do something. They had already involved the police and a crisis intervention specialist, both to no avail. Stephen had seen an episode of the Dr. phil show that featured a kid sent to SUWS. “It was the hardest decision we ever had to make,” Stephen said about sending Christian to the program. “It felt like we were a failure as parents. And I felt horribly guilty about his being in the cold, sleeping on the ground, when I was in a bed in a warm house.” Christian spent 50 days in the woods, entering the program just before Christmas. Much of the experience was miserable, says Christian, especially a five-day stint in the rain. In the midst of adversity and challenge, however, he says, “I learned that there are some things you can’t change, so you need to stay positive and do what you can to better yourself. We said the serenity prayer every day, and it really meant a lot to me and stuck with me.” Christian describes himself as “a completely different person” after the program. “I’m more active. I socialize. I’ve gotten a lot more popular and have good friends. I’ve
learned to find outlets such as working out and biking instead of using drugs. I’m happy.” He attends Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and has been sober for 14 months. He notes that his relationship with his parents has improved also. “My dad and I never had a good relationship. Now he’s like a best friend, and I can tell him anything.” ReseaRch Wilderness therapy has proliferated over the past few decades as an alternative treatment modality for treatment-resistant youths, and it owes much of its development to Asheville-based researcher Salli Lewis, director of the Research Division of CReATE (Center for Research, Assessment, and Treatment Efficacy) in Asheville. Lewis was the principal investigator of a landmark study conducted in collaboration with the Arkansas Institute of Developmental Science and begun in 2006. The study looked at 200 adolescents in three programs in the U.S., one of which was SUWS of the Carolinas. Results showed a significant reduction in psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, substance use and suicidality. Participants also demonstrated improvements in emotion regulation skills and overall healthy coping strategies. “The outcome data indicate very robust therapeutic effects, even for adolescents who returned home following program completion,” says Lewis. “The effects of treatment appear to persist even when treatment is over.” Therapeutic gains were maintained for a full year after graduation, Lewis points out.
Lewis recently completed another study, in collaboration with Four Circles Recovery Center and the Intervention Sciences Laboratory at the University of Arkansas, comparing wilderness therapy to traditional drug treatment programs for young adults (ages 18-28). Lewis reports that preliminary data support the use of the wilderness model. She adds, “Wilderness treatment may actually be more appealing to young adults because it’s designed around the developmental needs of this particular age group, so participants are more likely to go and stay.” Lewis was motivated to research the effectiveness of wilderness therapy because of the significant gap she saw between the empirical understanding of treatment effectiveness and the provision of services. ResuLts At SUWS, wilderness therapy works, says Farrell, concurring with Lewis’ findings. He says that 70 to 85 percent of kids do really well and that every kid gets something out of it. “It’s awe-inspiring to watch kids grow, learning to believe in themselves and like themselves. I personally believe that every person can learn from group experience with time in the woods.” Farrell recounts watching graduation exercises and “seeing families reconnect in an open, authentic way, full of joy. What we’re doing with these families is so rewarding,” he says. Christian Mace’s experience at graduation reflects the joy that Farrell describes. “I saw my parents walking up, and I ran and hugged them,” he says. “It was the most emotional experience of my life, reconnecting with them.” X
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weLLness caLendaR
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wellness AdvAnCed YoGA sAdhAnA - vinYAsA krAmA (pd.) Go deeper in your practice. Move beyond just yoga postures, learn the intersection of Yoga and Ayurveda. Sunday, April 6. 10am4pm. Co-Luminate, downtown Asheville. www. Asimplevibrantlife.com SpRINg OpEN hOuSE! • DAOIST TRADITIONS ColleGe ACuPunCture CliniC (pd.) Saturday, April 12, 2-5pm, 222 S. French Broad Avenue. Celebrate Spring! • Pulse Diagnosis • Ear Acupuncture • Student Talks • Chinese Herbal Tea • Seasonal Health Tips • Free treatment raffle. All services Free and open to the public. More information: 828-253-8669 or www. daoisttraditions.edu
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'dAte niGht': diABetiC dininG • WE (4/9), 6-8pm - Includes cookies instruction with nutritionists and chefs. Held at A-B Tech's Asheville campus. $45/ couple. Registration & info: store.mission-health.org/innovation/datenight.html
CAre And reCoverY trAininG session • MO (4/7), 9am-5pm - Hosted by Governor’s Institute on Substance Abuse. Held on WCU's main campus. Free. Registration and info: integratedcareandrecovery.eventzilla.net
7 Beaverdam Rd Asheville, NC
CounCil on AGinG mediCAre ClAsses Free. Info and registration: coabc.org or 2778288. • TH (4/3), 6-8pm - South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road. fAmilY resourCe fAir • TU (4/8), 5:30-7:30pm - Hosted by Madison County Innovative Approaches Initiative. Held at Madison County High School, Marshall. Info: 213-0033. heAlth eduCAtion And Prevention sCreeninG • FR (4/4), 9am-noon - Held at the community center, 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester. Registration and info: neuro.mission.health.org or 213-9961. heAlth sCreeninG for seniors • TU (4/8), 8-11am - Held at Bryson City Senior Center, 125 Brendle St., Bryson City. Registration and info: neuro.mission-health.org or 213-9961. helP for AGinG ChAllenGes ClAss • TH (4/3), 11am-1:30pm - Presented by CarePartners. Held at 68 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration and info: lchase@carepartners.org or 277-4691.
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red Cross Blood drives Additional info: redcrosswnc.org. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • TH (4/3), 1:30-6pm - Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Appointments and info: 669-2725. • FR (4/4), 8am-1:30pm - Industries for the Blind, 240 Sardis Road. Appointments and info: 6679778. • SU (4/6), 11am-3:30pm - Earth Fare of South Asheville, 1856 Hendersonville Road. Appointments and info: redcrossblood.org or (800) 733-2767.
w w w. s t i l l p o i n t w e l l . c o m l 8 2 8 . 3 4 8 . 5 3 7 2
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
side-BY-side sinGinG for wellness • WEDNESDAYS, 1-2:30pm - For people with dementia, Alzheimer’s or brain damage and their care-partners. Held in UNCA's Sherrill Center. Free. Info: sidebysidesinging.wordpress.com.
suPPort GrouPs Adult Children of AlCoholiCs & dYsfunCtionAl fAmilies Info: adultchildren.org. • FRIDAYS: • 7pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS: • 8:30am - First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • SUNDAYS: • 3pm - The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. • 3pm - Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde • MONDAYS: • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Al-Anon / AlAteen fAmilY GrouP A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS: • 11:30am - Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville • 5:45pm - (Women's Group) Asbury Memorial United Methodist Church, 171 Beaverdam Road • 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS: • 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road • 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock • 7pm, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road • FRIDAYS: • noon - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 300 East Main St., Brevard • 1pm - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 8pm Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swann St. • SATURDAYS: • 9am & 10am - First Baptist Church Annex, 312 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville • 10am - First Methodist Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin • 10am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 10am - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. • noon - First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. • SUNDAYS: • 5pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS: • noon - First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. • 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva • 8pm - Ledger Baptist Church, 208 Church Road, Bakersville. • 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. • TUESDAYS: • 10am - St. Barnabas Catholic Church, 109 Crescent Hill Drive, Arden • 4pm Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. • 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. • 7:30pm - St. Phillips Episcopal Church, 256 East Main St., Brevard • 8pm - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. Asheville AlCoholiCs AnonYmous Info: ashevilleaa.org. • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. ChroniC PAin suPPort GrouP • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Held in a private residence. Info & directions: deb.casaccia@gmail. com or 989-1555.
deBtors AnonYmous Info: debtorsanonymous.org. • MONDAYS, 7pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. dePression And BiPolAr suPPort AlliAnCe • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road. Free. Info: MagneticMinds.weebly.com or 367-7660. emotions AnonYmous: Asheville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - A 12-step program for anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road. Info: 631-434-5294. heArt of reCoverY meditAtion GrouP • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Integrates meditation practice with any 12-step recovery program. Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. Info: asheville.shambhala.org. livinG with ChroniC PAin • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 W Charleston Ave, Swannanoa. Info: 776-4809. memorY loss CAreGivers • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am - For caregivers of those with memory loss or dementia. Meets at Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain. Info: network@ memorycare.org. mission heAlth fAmilY GrouP niGht • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm - For caregivers of children with special health care needs and developmental concerns. Mission Rueter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. Info: 213-9787. nAr-Anon fAmilY GrouPs A group for relatives and friends who are concerned about the addiction or drug problem of another. Info: nar-anon.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Church, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 891-8050. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. nArCotiCs AnonYmous of wnC Local helpline: 866-925-2148. Info: wncna.org. • ONGOING - Visit their website or mountainx. com/events for a full list of meetings in the WNC area. nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness Support for people living with mental health issues and their loved ones. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual Diagnosis Group at the Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Connection group and Family/Caregiver group at the NAMI office, 356 Biltmore Ave. overeAters AnonYmous • THURSDAYS: • noon - Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975 • 6:30pm - Cox House, 723 N. Grove St., Hendersonville. Info: 329-1637. • FRIDAYS: • 10am- Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS: • 9:30am - 424 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-0986. • MONDAYS: • 6pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 516-650-5626. • 6:30pm - Balfour
United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: 800-580-4761. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 609-7310808. • 5:30pm - First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva. Info: 508-2586. reCoverinG CouPles AnonYmous Support group for couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recovering-couples.org. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Unity Church Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Meets every other week. Info: crimsonmanzanita@yahoo.com. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Foster Seventh Day Adventist Church, 375 Hendersonville Road, room 402. Info: crimsonmanzanita@yahoo.com. reCoverY from food AddiCtion GrouP • FRIDAYS, 7pm - Meets at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 423-6191 or 407-8654. s-Anon fAmilY GrouPs • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexaholism. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: wncsanon@gmail.com or 258-5117. smArt reCoverY Helps individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Grace Episcopal Church,
871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 407-0460. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion. Info: 9258626 sYlvA Grief suPPort GrouP • FRIDAY, 1-2:30pm - Hosted by Four Seasons Compassion for Life. Held at First Baptist Church, 669 W. Main St., Sylva. Info: mlee@ fourseasonscfl.org. t.h.e. Center for disordered eAtinG 297 Haywood St. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Adult support group, led by licensed therapists and dietitians. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Group for family members, caregivers and friends of individuals struggling with eating disorders. wireless deviCes sensitivitY suPPort GrouP • 1st THURSDAYS, 7pm - For electrosensitive individuals. Location and info: 255-3350 or hopefulandwired@gmail.com. more wellness events online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after April 10. CAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wednesdAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 110
Eating Right for Good Health Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
Mind the Gap THE DISTANCE BETWEEN WANTING TO AND BEING WILLING TO (posted in inglesnutrition@blogspot.com) My younger sister, Sue, is a dietitian so of course we often talk about food and nutrition. This week we were talking about the difference between what people say they want and what they are willing to do to achieve that. This got me thinking about “mind the gap” which is what you hear if you ride the tube (subway) in London. A disembodied voice over the loudspeaker will remind you to “mind the gap” so you don’t step off the train platform while waiting for your train. This gap in our lives is often that distance between what we say we want and what we’re willing to do to get there. Sue said that when she counseled clients
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she used to write out suggestions for them to implement to help them achieve their health or weight loss/gain goals but has stopped doing that. “I found that on follow-up appointments they weren’t doing those things anyway...so now I have them write down what they are WILLING to do to achieve their goals.” You see many of us WANT to do the right thing. We want to be healthier, exercise more, eat more vegetables, lose weight .... but when it comes
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to actually taking action and doing the things we need to do to achieve those goals we hit our “gap.” We aren’t WILLING to take the steps or make the changes in our lifestyle or eating habits to get there....so there’s a gap between the WANTING to and the WILLING to. Sometimes we need an extra push or encouragement to get across that
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gap, maybe it’s a stern lecture from a loved one or a physician, maybe it’s a health scare, a milestone birthday, or maybe it’s even a major event like attending a wedding or a reunion. What’s the bottom line? When you’re trying to adopt healthier habits; be honest and realistic about what you want to achieve and what you’re willing to do to get to that point.
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by jen nathan oRRis Send your garden news to garden@mountainx.com
For the past 15 years, the Buncombe County Extension Master Gardeners have cared for a small plot of vegetables, herbs and flowers outside MANNA FoodBank. The space served as a demonstration garden for the Extension Master Gardeners’ educational programs and provided about 300 pounds of fresh produce to MANNA each year. This year the garden will be bare. MANNA is going through a physical expansion and needs the space for increased food storage and distribution. The Extension Master Gardeners were informed at the end of last fall’s growing season that they would need to be out of the space by spring of 2014. MANNA offered the Extension Master Gardeners access to other spots on the property, but the EMGs decided to search for a new location. The demonstration site at MANNA was a gathering place for volunteers and the public for over a decade. EMG volunteers offered classes on everything from growing tomatoes to gardening into old age at the site. Volunteers got their hands dirty and encouraged the public to take ideas and techniques from the demonstration garden back to their own neighborhoods. “Sometimes the easiest teaching tool is the physical doing and showing,” says EMG volunteer mary ann snedeker. “You can look at the soil and you can see what’s done to it and how it may look different, as opposed to just reading about it.” The Extension Master Gardeners will continue to offer a robust series
gaRdeneRs without a gaRden: extension Master gardeners tended to this demonstration garden at MANNA FoodBank for over a decade. The group will focus on indoor classes as it searches for a new site. photo courtesy of Buncombe County Agricultural extension Office
of indoor classes at the Buncombe County Extension Center in downtown Asheville. However the EMGs will not have an outdoor demonstration garden this year. “While we would have loved to have already found a site and be getting it ready for this year’s season, we are in no way held to a specific timeline,” says Snedeker. “When the opportunity and the right site presents itself, we will just jump in and get going.” The ideal spot would include many of the things on every gardener’s wish list: a sunny, level plot with access to water. The Extension Master Gardeners want to develop the garden over the coming decades, so finding a location that can make a long-term commitment is essential. EMG volunteers envision a space that goes beyond vegetable cultivation. They hope to include shade and evergreen gardens, a horticultural therapy program and a youth garden, all on about half an acre. They
also want the garden to be accessible with parking for volunteers and students with mobility issues. An adjacent classroom space would be ideal, says Snedeker. The EMGs reached out to the Buncombe County Parks and Recreation Department but have not been able to find a suitable location. The group also looked into smaller family-run plots but hasn’t found a space that suits its needs. Ideally, the new garden would be in a neighborhood where the public can stop by for tours and classes. The Buncombe County Extension Master Gardeners are actively seeking suggestions for potential garden locations. The public is invited to contact mizmag387@gmail.com with ideas. To find out more about the eMg program visit buncombe.ces.ncsu. edu/BuncombeCountyMaster gardeners. X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
As American as pierogies Buffalo Nickel adds eclectic twist to West Asheville dining scene
by jonathan ammons
West Asheville has been booming lately. Within the past year, Haywood Road has seen some significant changes to its dining and bar scene, the latest of which is the highly anticipated Buffalo Nickel, which opened March 18 to a packed house. “Everyone in West Asheville has been really good about welcoming us to this side of town,” says Head Chef Ryan Kline. A culinary graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Kline moved to Asheville in 2009 to work at the Biltmore Estate, where he helped open Cedric’s Tavern. He is best known in Asheville, though, as the head chef of Storm Rhum Bar & Bistro, where for the past two years his use of whole, local animals earned him quite the favorable reputation. Kline’s menu at Buffalo Nickel is as sprawling as its venue. “I don’t really have anyone telling me what to do,” Kline explains, “so I can kind of let the creative demons fly a little bit.” Chicken pot pie sits next to a colabraised beef short rib; and housemade scrapple shares the same menu as Kline’s family recipe for pierogies. “It’s actually my mother’s recipe. When I was growing up. I’d get in trouble and have to make pierogies with my mom,” Kline jokes. “I always hated making them when I was a kid; I wanted to be outside causing trouble! It’s crazy how things come full circle.” To say those pierogies were a hotticket item at the restaurant’s soft opening would be a massive understatement. Buffalo Nickel sold more than 25 pounds of them on that first night alone.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
“We’re not pigeonholed into doing anything particular here,” he says. “The only things I see staying the same all the time on the menu are the oysters and the pierogies.” But it is not just his menu that Kline has been laboring over. He has also been assembling his back-ofhouse dream team. “My pastry chef [Kim Walton], sous chef and I are really excited to work together again. We’ve worked together in the past, and we all bring something a little bit different to the table.” His sous chef, Brandon Miller, helped open Seven Sows with Mike Moore of the Blind Pig Supper Club as well as managing the kitchen at the oft-praised White Duck Taco. “The first shift I ever worked in Asheville was with Brandon,” Kline remembers. The restaurant and dining room stretches down a long, narrow first floor with an open kitchen and a ceiling peppered with mismatched chandeliers. Climb the stairs to the very pretty bar made of reclaimed
an offeR you can’t Refuse: “Ken is like the godfather of the Asheville cocktail scene,” says Buffalo Nickel Chef Ryan Kline, left, of bartender Ken Klehm, right. Klehm is well-known for his work in West Asheville bars, such as The Magnetic Field. photo by Nathan Metcalf
wood, and you’ll find an expanded seating area and a lounge with couches and pool tables. “[Owners Rob and Lynn Foster] had owned the building for nearly 28 years” Kline explains. “And they just now decided to do something of their own with it.” Buffalo Nickel could not have made a better choice than Ken Klehm to tend bar. Currently a student at A-B Tech’s brewing program, he is also already a staple of the West Asheville bar scene, best-known from his time behind the bar at the Rocket Club, The Magnetic Field,
Burgermeister’s and Jack of Hearts. “Ken is like the godfather of the Asheville cocktail scene,” Kline says with a laugh. “He likes to say he is the creepy uncle, though.” The early openings of Buffalo Nickel did not go as smoothly as expected, however. An hour before opening for the very first time, a kitchen hand dropped a tray of all 30 crème brûlées that had been prepped for the night. “That was about the worst thing that could happen,” Kline says. “It was 10 times more of a clusterf**k than I wanted it to be.” But that is to be expected on someone’s very first attempt at opening a restaurant as a head chef. “I’m really focused on this place,” Kline says. “Having a little time between here and Storm really helped me get a better game plan about how we are going to execute it.” Buffalo Nickel, 747 Haywood Road in West Asheville, is open for dinner starting at 4 p.m., with a late-night menu and bar running until 2 a.m. X
by Sharon Bell
Baked What originally started as a married couple’s ploy to meet baking superstar Peter Reinhart has since turned into the Southeast’s largest baking and bread festival, drawing local and international world-class bakers and bread-lovers alike. On Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13, Steven and Gail Bardwell of Wake Robin Farms Bread will celebrate the Artisan Bread Festival’s 10th anniversary, and Reinhart will return, keeping his perfect attendance record intact. First held at Greenlife grocery, the once-small festival is now backed by the Breadbakers Guild of America, and the free event draws some of the biggest names in the baking profession. While samples and mingling are a big focus, educational opportunities will be just as abundant. Other craftsmen may try to keep their secret ingredient under lock and key, but Bardwell says that he’s “never met a professional baker who isn’t happy to tell you their recipe.” That will hold true at the festival: Reinhart is one of several featured bakers and workshop leaders, including French master baker Lionel Vatinet, French bread specialist Dominique Homo and German master baker Harry Peemoeller. With a solid record of awards, television and magazine features and authored cookbooks backing these world-class bread bakers, the festival is expected to present new flavors, ideas and techniques to attendees. There will be several workshops geared toward serious home bakers on Saturday, April 12, with a six-hour master class for professional bakers on Sunday, April 13, (the latter has been so popular, it has already sold out). The Master Class “has made a significant difference in the bread culture in this area,” says Bardwell, who is known for his whole-wheat sandwich bread as well as a flax-andsesame loaf, inspired by previous festival workshops. Of the free, public Saturday workshops, topics include Hand Kneading, the Science of Yeast, Artisan Bread at Home: The Dutch Oven Method and several
Asheville Artisan Bread Bakers Festival celebrates its 10th year
on the Rise: The Artisan Bread Festival started small but is now backed by the Breadbakers guild of America. pictured is Jesse Bardyn at a past festival. photo by Suzannah gebhart
more. Bardwell is particularly looking forward to Reinhart’s demonstration of baking with ancient and sprouted grains — a preview from his new book, Bread Revolution, which will be available this fall. Hosted at A-B Tech’s culinary building, the festival will offer bread enthusiasts a chance to taste, explore and share new baking techniques in these and other hands-on workshops. “Having world-class artisans share their knowledge with not only other bakers but those who may be learning is part of what makes this festival so special,” says Anne Ritota of Annie’s Bakery in Asheville. Eighteen bakeries will have staff at the festival, both to share samples of their best and newest creations with customers, as well as to learn and collaborate on new ideas. More than a dozen bakeries are based in Western North Carolina, but bakers will also come from neighboring Tennessee, South Carolina and Virginia. “Everyone has a little bit different style, and we love seeing what everyone is baking these days. We’re lucky to live in an area that supports artisan bread bakeries,” says Brian Dennehy of Asheville’s City Bakery.
At last year’s festival, an estimated $10,000 in bread and pastries was sold within three hours, demonstrating the community’s literal hunger for quality bread. Backed by organizations such as Slow Food Asheville, organic flour mill Lindley Mills and the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project, the festival will offer “world-class bread for every taste in Asheville. You’ll be tasting bread that’s comparable to anywhere else in the world at this festival,” says Bardwell. Reinhart agrees. “Asheville and its surrounding area, with a very small population, support more artisan bakeries than most states. The bakeries are small but truly artisan in the purest sense of the word.” The public portion of the Artisan Bread Festival will be held on Saturday, April 12, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Magnolia Building at A-B Tech’s main campus. Admission is free; workshops are $10 each, with advance tickets recommended. For more information, visit ashevillebreadfestival. com. X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by Micah Wilkins
Helping hands we are now open for the 2014 season serving breakfast, lunch and dinner
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Fisherman’s Quarters
gRouP effoRt: With funding from the Rotary Club’s Rotarians Against Hunger project, volunteers at a recent event at the Reuter Family YMCA were able to package 215,000 meals for local people in need. photo by Micah Wilkins
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Every few minutes, a mallet struck a gong in the gymnasium, followed by cheers and applause. Each sounding of the gong, on loan from the Asheville Symphony, indicated that 5,000 meals had been assembled and packaged for hungry families in Western North Carolina. The sound rang down the halls of the Reuter Family YMCA in Biltmore Park on March 22, when more than 800 volunteers gathered to package fortified mac-and-cheese meals. With $50,000 raised by the Rotary Club’s Rotarians Against Hunger, the volunteers packaged 215,000 meals. The annual volunteer event launched five years ago, with the meals shipped overseas. But with the high cost of shipping and the need for food assistance in communities closer to home, organizers and participants decided to keep it local. At 19.3 percent, North Carolina is one of seven states with a statistically significant higher rate of food
insecurity than the national average (16.4 percent). According to the 2013 Map the Meal Gap study, 14.9 percent of all people and 27 percent of children living in MANNA FoodBank’s service area are considered food insecure. To help address such high rates of child poverty and food insecurity in the region, MANNA began the Packs for Kids program. Ten percent of the meals packaged on March 22 were placed into backpacks at schools and sent home with children for the weekend. The remainder were given to MANNA’s partner agencies for distribution throughout WNC. When organizers decided to distribute locally, they switched from fortified rice to fortified mac-andcheese meals. “Mac and cheese is our most requested item, especially among kids,” says Donna Ensley, MANNA’s chief development officer. “So MANNA is excited that Rotarians Against Hunger would change its menu.” Each meal provides six servings and, with added soy protein and vitamins, the mac and cheese is considered a nutritionally complete meal, says Ensley.
But the Rotarians Against Hunger event did not focus entirely on local hunger. Money raised for the event also goes toward Seed Programs International, a local organization that sends fruit and vegetable seeds to countries struggling with hunger. While mac and cheese may be a good meal to donate to local families, SPI’s President Peter Marks explains, it may not be suitable for those in developing countries. WNC, Marks says, is “a different setting. Here you have people who have a cooking stove that they can plug in, generally, and you can’t count on that in other places.” When planted in gardens, seeds distributed in the coming months could produce 10 times the servings of all mac-and-cheese meals packaged that day, says Marks. “We’re helping people help themselves by giving them seeds they can grow,” he says. Last year, seeds were sent to North Korea, Cameroon and Honduras, and SPI will decide where to send this year’s seeds within the next few months. According to Freddy Earley, cochair of the South Asheville Rotary Club, the Rotarians Against Hunger event grows awareness for the need for food assistance both at home and abroad. “A lot of us don’t realize the need,” says Earley, who has participated in the food-packing event for the last three years. “We produce enough food to feed people around the world. Distributing it — that’s the challenge.” Church groups, individuals from across the region and groups of co-workers volunteered their time and funds to the event. Kendra Fryer, who taped up and packaged boxes to put onto trucks and be distributed, says, “It’s important that we’re helping home first, and then reaching out further.” X
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by Micah Wilkins
And good nutrition for all Asheville parents, teachers rally for healthier school menus
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
It all started with a letter from an 8-year-old to his school principal. “I wish the cafeteria were healthier,” wrote Liam Miller to Gordon Grant, Hall Fletcher Elementary’s principal. As a third-grader, Liam struggles with reading and writing, and his mother, Misty Miller, who knew that “every sentence of that letter was a struggle for him,” took notice. Last fall, Miller decided to form a group called the Nutrition Committee to look at ways to improve the cafeteria food at Hall Fletcher and other Asheville City Schools. On March 18, the committee held a community meeting to discuss parents’ and teachers’ concerns about the health and nutrition of meals served at Asheville schools. About 60 parents, teachers, school-board and City Council members attended the meeting held at Hall Fletcher Elementary in West Asheville. The Hall Fletcher PTO also invited Beth Palien, the nutrition director for Asheville City Schools, to hear and respond to parents’ concerns. Lunch is served to students throughout the district, but Hall Fletcher is the only one in Asheville City Schools with a universal breakfast program. With nearly 80 percent of its students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunches, Hall Fletcher Elementary implemented the program last year, which provides free breakfast for all students, regardless of income. While many parents appreciate that the program is in place, “we are concerned that our children’s health and ability to learn is being negatively impacted by the highly processed, sugary, low-nutrient foods,” said Nutrition Committee member Alison Gooding. Breakfast foods that are high in sugar cause a spike in energy, and then a crash later on in the day, as second-grade Hall Fletcher teacher Carrie Rabuck has observed. “If the kids are given cinnamon buns in the morning, it’s more challenging,” she says. While only Hall Fletcher has the universal breakfast program, the lunch menu is consistent for all Asheville City Schools, and menu items usually con-
sPeaking out: A Hall Fletcher student named Lydia aired her concerns at the March 18 meeting of the Nutrition Committee. “i don’t think all that sugar is good for all my friends and all the other kids in this school,” she said. photo by Micah Wilkins
sist of highly processed and frozen lunch foods like chicken nuggets. “There’s a lot of empty calories there,” says Miller. Parents at the meeting advocated for more fresh ingredients to be added to school menus, and Hall Fletcher’s garden teacher even suggested collaborating with Palien to incorporate produce from the garden into the meals. “I’m so grateful for the lunch program, but I would be even more grateful if local produce came in,” said one mom at the meeting whose three children attend Vance Elementary. Palien develops the menus for all Asheville City Schools for the entire school year and must adhere to federal, state and district regulations. And while a Pop-Tart may meet the minimum federal requirements for a serving of fruit and a serving of whole grain, it doesn’t quite cut it for some parents. During the meeting, parent LaVette McDaniel proposed that a committee be formed to advise Palien as she develops the next
school year’s menu. The committee would help the nutrition director replace processed and sugary foods with whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. “I’d appreciate any help I can get,” Palien said, followed by applause. But, she said, an advisory committee must be approved by the school board first. Incorporating healthier options into the breakfast and lunch programs may be more expensive, Palien said, which could hinder some changes to the menu. “I’ll have to do some price costing to see if the funding is available,” she said. “It all depends on cost.” Palien and the Nutrition Committee are scheduled to meet at the end of April to discuss future changes in school menus. “I’m not going to stop the fight,” Miller said, “until we get food that nourishes our kids’ bodies and minds.” To reach the Hall Fletcher pTO, email hallfletcherpto@gmail.com or Misty Miller at misty.miller@asheville.k12. nc.us. X
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @avlbeerscout on Twitter
by Thom O’Hearn
Brew state lAB: $3 pint night
North Carolina Beer Month
oskAr Blues: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm oYster house: $2 off growler refills
Here in Asheville, we’ve long been ahead of the curve when it comes to craft beer. Now the entire state of North Carolina is getting up to speed as our state’s breweries unite in April for a full month of beerrelated events. With more than 100 breweries in North Carolina, only New York and Pennsylvania can rival our numbers out east — we’re currently No. 10 in the nation. So even though North Carolina Beer Month is only in its second year, it makes sense that there are already numrous events planned. There’s not necessarily something happening every night, or even in every city. (Here in Asheville, it’s a fairly quiet month as breweries plan and prep for Asheville Beer Week in May.) Yet many events are worth a daytrip or offer a good excuse for a weekend away. You can choose your own adventure on ncbeermonth.com, but here are a few of the highlights: exPLoRe the mountains Just because we live here doesn’t mean we’ve seen all there is to see. For example, have you been to a hops farm? The Hop’n Blueberry Farm — one of the first commercial hops growers in the state — will be hosting farm tours at 2 p.m. every Saturday in April. City Lights Café in Sylva is hosting a few events worth the drive too: Books, Bites and Brews pairs brewing books with beers from newcomer Innovation Brewing on Thursday, April 3; Local Beer, Local Cheese pairs just what you’d think on Thursday, April 10; and Heinzelmännchen joins City Lights for full-on beer dinners on Tuesday, April 15, and Tuesday, April 22. get festive Many of the Beer Month festivities come in the form of beer festivals, and most are of the pay-an-entrance-
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
PisGAh: Live Music: Dead Winter Carpenters (Americana, old-time), 6pm wedGe: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour; Recent Release: Julian Price thursdAY Asheville BrewinG ComPAnY: All pints $3.50 at Merrimon location CAtAwBA: Live Music: Tater Head & The Downriver Band frenCh BroAd: Live Music: One Leg Up Duo (jazz), 6-8pm hiGhlAnd: Community Night, 4-8pm; Food Truck: Avery’s Hot Dogs oskAr Blues: Live Music: Jimmy Mundane (alt-country), 6pm PisGAh: Live Music: Red Honey (country, blues), 8pm
beeR Run: Sponsored by the N.C. Craft Brewers guild and the N.C. Division of Tourism, North Carolina Beer Month is offering a variety of beer-related events from the coast to the mountains throughout April. photo courtesy of N.C. Division of Tourism
southern APPAlAChiAn: Live Music: Cabo Verde (Latin, Flamenco, jazz), 7-9pm wedGe: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
fee-and-sample-away variety. The World Beer Festival will take place on Saturday, April 5, in Raleigh. Perhaps the largest of the month, the festival will have more than 200 beers on tap (what else would you expect from an event thrown by All About Beer magazine?). Now in its 12th year, Hickory Hops is much closer and a worthwhile fest to attend on Saturday, April 26. More than 50 breweries will be there, and the festival is paired with the awards for the Carolinas Championship of Beers. If you want two fests for one drive, Cuegrass will pair barbecue and beers, and Brewgaloo will also host a unique token-based festival in Raleigh the same day. visit kinston True, the closer you get to the coast, the fewer the beer events. Perhaps the beer culture is still flowing eastward. However, Kinston is breaking the mold and hosting a three-day weekend Thursday, April
3, to Saturday, April 5. It starts with a beer dinner featuring Mother Earth Brewing, followed by a downtown barbecue, an oyster-and-beer bash, a brews cruise (the kind that’s actually on the river) and breakfast on the world’s only full-size replica of a Confederate ironclad. In your downtime, you can check out a program on drinking during the Civil War, drop in on a beer mug and pint glass exhibit, and enjoy a few rare beer releases, also from Mother Earth Brewing. X
wednesdAY Asheville BrewinG ComPAnY: All pints $3.50 at Coxe location CAtAwBA: New Release: La Sassy Belgium IPA frenCh BroAd: $7 growler fills
fridAY CAtAwBA: Beer, Bites & Bands: Eleanor Underhill & Friends frenCh BroAd: Live Music: Todd Cecil & Backsouth (rock, Americana), 6-8pm hiGhlAnd: Live Music: Zip the Hippo (Americana, fusion rock), 6-8pm; Food Truck: The Lowdown hi-wire: Food: Slow Smokin’ Barbeque, 3-9pm lAB: Live Music: Reagan Boggs w/ The Coal Men (country), 8:30pm oskAr Blues: Live Music: Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (rock ‘n’ roll), 7pm; Firkin Friday: Honey Grapefruit Deviant PisGAh: Live Music: American Babies w/ Bread & Butter (Americana, indie), 9pm southern APPAlAChiAn: Live Music: The Gamblers (jazz, roots), 8-10pm wedGe: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour
sAturdAY CAtAwBA: Beer, Bites & Bands: The John Henry’s frenCh BroAd: Live Music: Tina & Her Pony (indie, bluegrass), 6-8pm hiGhlAnd: Live Music: Typical Mountain Boys (bluegrass), 6:30-8:30pm; Food Truck: The Lowdown hi-wire: Food: English breakfast & soccer, 10am-2:30pm; Slow Smokin’ Barbeque, 4-11pm oskAr Blues: Brews & Bites: Collaboration w/ Green River Picklers - beer paired with pickles; Live Music: East Coast Dirt (funk, rock), 7pm PisGAh: Live Music: The Stringtown Ambassadors (bluegrass, Americana), 9pm; Black Mountain Greenway Challenge 5K/10K, 11am southern APPAlAChiAn: Live Music: Eric Congdon Trio (blues, roots, Americana), 8-10pm wedGe: Food Truck: El Kimchi sundAY hiGhlAnd: Now open on Sundays! hi-wire: Live Music: Billy Litz & MTN City Rhythm, 4:30-6:30pm; VW Bus Night, 4-10pm
lAB: $10 pitchers southern APPAlAChiAn: Stitch ‘n’ Brew: knitting, crocheting & craft beer wedGe: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour mondAY AltAmont: Live Music: Old-time jam Asheville BrewinG ComPAnY: Firkin: Ninja Porter + Chicory root frenCh BroAd: $2.50 pint night hi-wire: Food: Free kettle corn oskAr Blues: Live Music: Mountain Music Monday oYster house: $3 pint night wedGe: Food Truck: El Kimchi wiCked weed: $8 stein refills tuesdAY AltAmont: Live Music: Open mic night Asheville BrewinG ComPAnY: 2 for Tuesday: $2 cans & pizza slices at both locations hi-wire: $2.50 house pints oskAr Blues: Cornhole League, 6:30pm; Tasty Tuesday: Raspberry Chub wedGe: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Out of bounds Adventurous art pushes the edge at {Re}HAppeNiNg 2014
by aLLi maRshaLL
Black Mountain College, which shut down in 1957, is known for its contributions to modern art, experimental thought and interdisciplinary education. However, many of those now-respected ideas came not from the arts and academic institutions of the time but from far beyond the limits of convention. The school’s list of faculty and alumni reads like a who’s who of creative movers and shakers; it also includes female, gay and refugee artists, all fringe in their own ways. That doesn’t mean it takes an outsider to push boundaries, though boldly going is a big part of {Re} HAPPENING 2014. The event, now in its fifth year, will take place Saturday, April 5, at Lake Eden, the college’s former home. The {Re}HAPPENING, a collaboration between Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and The Media Arts Project, “reimagines Black Mountain College’s tradition of Saturday night parties and performances, and pays homage to the innovative artists of the legendary Black Mountain College,” according to a press release. “The event launch-
masked man: Jeff Marley, wearing a gourd mask, takes on the trickster character of the Booger during a performance at the University of North georgia in Dahlonega, ga. photo courtesy of UNg faculty
es a contemporary platform for artists and patrons to experience adventurous art and creativity.”
chaos and oRdeR
{Re}HAppeNiNg 2014 wheRe Lake eden in Black Mountain, rehappening.com when Saturday, April 5. Dinner and performances begin at 6 p.m., $85 BMCM+AC members/$100 nonmembers. performances only, at 7:30 p.m., $25/$30. Round-trip trolly fare is $8
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Here’s a modern application of creative thinking: As a student, artist Jeff Marley (who lives on the Qualla Boundary in Cherokee) struggled to express his identity without falling into stereotypes. He began exploring that conflict through the Booger Dance, a traditional Cherokee ritual in which the dancer wears a gourd mask to take on the character of a trickster. Marely will perform the ritual at the
{Re}HAPPENING. In one performance in Vermont, Marley dealt a card game to audience members, inspired, he says, by his previous work at the Cherokee casino. He used handmade, raku-fired chips, both for their distinct sound and for the way they (like the plastic chips at the casino) have value only in the context of the game. Marley holds a bachelor’s degree in fine art from Western Carolina University, where, he says, “In our museum, our featured piece is a Kenneth Noland.” The color-field painter attended Black Mountain
College from 1946-48. Marley says he heard a lot of talk about the influential school when he was getting his master’s at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Those out-of-the-box ideas sparked Marley’s own work. A recent Booger Dance performance at the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega, where he’s a visiting artist, involved sprinkling corn on the historical marker of a former U.S. Mint building. “The Booger’s saying, ‘Here’s the gold that you wanted, but I’m going to hide this gold to perpetuate this myth that the Indians hid the gold, and you have to dig up the mountainside to get it,’” Marley explains. “The Booger creates chaos, and from that chaos comes new order.” Decolonization, a central theme in Marley’s work, is “about embracing a more genuine version of your culture, but doing so in a way that embraces other cultures,” he says. “It brings in the community and is rooted in your community. It helps the community heal and brings more pride and dignity back to the culture you’re focusing on,” whichever one that is. Wearing the Booger mask, says Marley, makes him more observant. In performance, he works from a loose script, but his goal, he says, is for “something I don’t expect to happen, and I’ll have to respond to it on the fly.” The mask, he says, has another purpose too: It “acts as an amplifier of a culturally based identity.” There’s an idea that a masked person has something to hide — “You don’t know who I am, so I can do stuff that normally I’d be a little more reserved about.” Unlike traditional Booger masks, Marley’s is unadorned. “Part of what I’m saying is that, as a Cherokee person, I’m now the foreigner,” he says. “But also, I could be anybody. I don’t have to be any particular race or culture: I could be a reflection of anything.” distance LeaRning Writer and musician Jonathan Creasy, another of the 80-plus artists who’ll take part in the {Re} HAPPENING, knows something about
a famiLy affaiR: poet Ted pope, standing in the center, performed at last year’s {Re}HAppeNiNg, with musical accompaniment from his family. photo by Micah Mackenzie
adventurous art. Growing up in Los Angeles, he studied jazz with the likes of Peter Erskine and Charlie Haden. But an interest in Irish literature led him to Trinity College in Dublin, where he immersed himself in James Joyce’s work. Creasy’s focus shifted as he began working on his doctorate. Still, “I continue to try to bring the music and the writing and the research together whenever possible,” he says. He founded and runs nonprofit publishing house/performance initiative New Dublin Press, which strives to juxtapose literary theory, analysis and criticism. Creasy’s doctoral research, which looks at poetics and pedagogy, began with the letters between Charles Olson (Black Mountain College’s final rector) and Robert Creeley (who taught at the school in 1954 and ’55). “Creeley went on to be an important poet and a formidable teacher, and both of those things interest me,” says Creasy. He discussed those themes in a talk titled “What’s Made & Measured: Black Mountain Poetics as Craft & Design” at last October’s {Re}VIEWING Black Mountain College conference. While the move to Ireland was contradictory for an artist who’d assumed his work would either keep him in LA or take him to New York City, Creasy says he immediately felt at home in Dublin in a way he never had in California. Counterintuitively, he says, “I’ve
gotten a little bit more comfortable with being American in the last couple of years.” Meanwhile, Creasy’s focus has returned to American literature, including the Black Mountain College writers. For the {Re}HAPPENING, “It’s really about form, about making something out of the subject at hand,” says Creasy. His writing is based on what he imagines the Black Mountain College experience was like. It also deals with the recent death of his mother and with the work of college alum John Cage. As a musician, “I’d always been aware of his work,” says Creasy. “I think he might embody and sort of enact a lot of the things that Black Mountain College stands for, even more so than a lot of the people who were there for more time.” Creasy is part of a group of artists whose collective {Re}HAPPENING project will include a sound installation and other elements that won’t be determined umtil the 11th hour. Although group members have been in contact, they’ve yet to all be on the same continent, let alone in the same room. “We’ll meet each other the day before and be expected to create something the following day,” he says. But Creasy is an artist connected to particular places — LA, New York and Dublin — so naturally, Lake Eden will also play an important role in the performance. “The space is really the first thing we’re thinking about,” he says, “and the idea of art being created out of that and for that.” X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by Toni Sherwood
Seduction at the opera Asheville Lyric Opera performs Don Giovanni for its 15th anniversary
When David Malis was invited to direct Asheville Lyric Opera’s season opener and 15th anniversary production, Don giovanni, he was determined to accept. So determined, in fact, that he made arrangements to take leave from the University of Arkansas — where he is a voice professor and director of opera — and promptly headed east. The curtain will open on the two-act opera on Friday, April 4. On his 14-hour drive to Asheville, Malis had plenty of time to reflect on his directorial objectives. “There are a lot of famous European directors who shock
what Asheville Lyric Opera presents Don Giovanni ashevillelyric.org wheRe Diana Wortham Theatre, when Friday, April 4 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, April 6 at 3 p.m. $30-$58.
the audience for publicity,” Malis says. And in a production like Don giovanni, the story of a nefarious seducer based on the legendary Don Juan, there is ample opportunity to do just that. Instead, Malis’ intention is to focus on humanizing the characters. “Don Giovanni is not an attractive human being, but he truly believes in what he says and wants the women he pursues to benefit from what he has to offer them,” Malis says. “He’s unrepentant until the end because he doesn’t see anything to repent.”
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Seemingly the ultimate narcissist, Don Giovanni regularly clashes with the cast of characters. “His right-hand man is torn; he wants to make a living but almost gets killed calling his boss out,” Malis says. “Donna Elvira is the woman who steps in. She’s madly in love with Don Giovanni and wants him to change his ways. She’s the fly in the ointment. Partly because of her, he never consummates a relationship.” “Giovanni takes advantage of all of their vulnerabilities,” adds David Starkey, general and artistic director of ALO. “He appears powerful, but his complex weakness is that he has hardened himself to the kindness of man.” The gripping and at times comic story is intensified by music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Starkey was especially excited about bringing Mozart to the stage. “Don giovanni requires a unique balance,” says Starkey. Mozart is known for his ensemblebased compositions, “and here, he’s weaving six singers together at the same time but all with an individual opinion or position.” ALO previously presented Don giovanni in 2007, but Starkey guarantees a fresh interpretation. “We designed a set that will fill all corners of the stage, and yet new places will be revealed where the audience thinks there’s no room left.” At the first rehearsal, Malis intends to explore who the actors are as people and give them the best opportunity to relate to each other. “The drama is found within the words, the way people relate on stage,” says Malis. “It’s created anew each time you do it.” “Audiences thrive on intimate experiences,” adds Starkey. “The Diana Wortham Theatre is like opera in your living room.” The production will have the added weight and importance of being ALO’s 15th anniversary celebration. Malis credits the opera company’s longevity and success to Starkey. The two first worked together when Malis performed with ALO in its inau-
Abby loves her GTI!
Photo: Max Cooper, Mountain Xpress
The cast of Don Giovanni rehearses for Asheville Lyric Opera’s 15th anniversary production. photo by Jonathan Ross
gural season as a singer and in subsequent productions as both a singer and director. “When I arrived in Asheville 18 years ago,” Starkey says, “it was just growing into the vibrant, creative place we call downtown.” Just as Asheville has changed, ALO hopes to change along with it. The anniversary production marks the launch of the opera company’s “Grand Vision,” with the goal of cultivating deeper community support. “In the life cycle of a performing arts organization, you re-evaluate every five years,” Starkey says. “We took the time to examine ourselves and brought in consultants at the local and national level to look at every aspect of the company starting two or three years ago.” The vision includes a summer arts program, administrative internships and special preview dress rehearsals to give students access to a professional opera. ALO also hopes to play a major role in the economic development of Asheville as a performing arts destination, says Starkey. “Asheville’s lucky to have this; they don’t have to fly to New York or Chicago to see great opera,” Malis says. And Malis knows his opera. The director has performed at The Metropolitan Opera, Teatro Colòn in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
and the Thêàtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris. He is also a past winner of the prestigious Cardiff Singer of the World Competition. The cast members boast similarly impressive resumes. Malis will work alongside nationally acclaimed artists, including maestro Scott Schoonover. Galen Scott Bower performs as Don Giovanni and Kathy Pyeatt as Donna Elvira. Jonathan Ross will lend his vocal talents, as well as local star Dominic Aquilino. Debuting with ALO are Grant Knox (Director of Lyric Theater at Furman University), international soprano Kristin Vogel and Washington, D.C.’s leading opera soprano, Randa Rouwehya. X
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by Dave gilbert
Fresh, local metalwork
cLassic with a twist: Silversmith Ali Reznikoff wears a pair of her handmade earrings at her work bench. photo by Dave gilbert
The Silversmith returns to Asheville’s tailgate markets Tailgate market season is back, and while many Ashevilleans are eager to fill their baskets with local, fresh kale and baguettes, other shoppers have their eyes on a different prize: fine jewelry. Starting on Saturday, April 5, tailgate markets will begin to crop up at 17 area locations. One local artist, Alexandria (Ali) Reznikoff, is especially excited to start the new season. For Reznikoff, tailgate mar-
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
kets offer an opportunity to meet with potential customers, reconnect with fellow vendors and sometimes simply bask in the sun as she sells her handcrafted silver jewelry. She will vend her wares at the Montford Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays and at Asheville City Market on Saturdays. Known as The Silversmith on Etsy.com, a popular website for indie artists to sell their work, Reznikoff has been crafting simple, elegant jewelry designs professionally since her move to Asheville in 2010. When she arrived here, she remembers people telling her how great Asheville
was — “If you can get a job.” With that warning in mind, says Reznikoff, “I decided to focus on creating art and selling it on the Internet, because then I wouldn’t only be relying on the local economy.” As time progressed, however, she began to branch out into the Asheville craft scene — with positive results. “It’s a really good community,” she says. “And [the tailgate markets are] a good way for me to consistently interact with locals without having a store. I’m able to see my clients, whereas on Etsy, I don’t know who they are.” Connection is important to Reznikoff, who says she hopes to bring a simple piece of beauty to people’s everyday lives. “I want people to use my work. I want it to be functional,” she says. “I try to make things that will last through the generations. My aesthetic is ‘classic’ with a twist, so hopefully it’s timeless and can be passed down. I hope people will wear it every day for the rest of their lives, so that their children associate the jewelry with them.” While she is relatively new to selling her jewelry professionally, Reznikoff’s interest in the craft dates back to her childhood. She grew up outside New York City in South Orange, N.J., where she recalls first being impressed by metalwork. Her best friend’s grandfather was a machinist, and she says she was blown away by the fact that he could create jewelry in his free time. Reznikoff describes his pieces as “tiny sculptures,” minute works of art that she aspired to create. Although her first craft was woodwork, she picked up the basics of metalworking during a weeklong course at the Kulick Arts Center in Manhattan. She didn’t
pursue the craft, however, until a few years after college when she began working for an Egyptian-born jeweler in Manhattan, who fashioned ornate necklaces, bracelets and earrings with semiprecious stones and 18-karat gold. But even that experience did not concretize Reznikoff’s dedication to jewelry. After only 18 months, she moved to Maine, where she returned to woodwork and furniture-making. Of her restless, creative spirit, Reznikoff says, “I consider myself to be an artist who uses different mediums. People tell me, ‘You’re a woodworker,’ but I’m an artist who works with wood. … It’s not about the history of the techniques, so much as me expressing myself through these techniques.” These days, Reznikoff feels jewelry offers the best outlet for her self-expression. “Jewelry is very emotional,” she says. “It represents memories and ideas. So, for example, you wear a wedding ring — you like the ring well enough. But you’re not wearing it to wear a ring, you’re wearing it to represent your connection to somebody else.” She does divorce rings too, explaining, “People will contact me and say, ‘I just went through a divorce, and I want to get something for myself to represent everything that I’ve overcome.’” The sentiment fits into Reznikoff’s central goals for being an artist: “I want to make sure [my art] has a positive message to it.” Reznikoff notes that the tailgate markets inspire her to keep on pushing. “They get me away from my bench,” she says, “which I need. Right now, it’s just me doing everything for the business.” For more about Reznikoff and her work, visit madebyalexandria.com and thesilversmith.etsy.com. X
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by Alli Marshall
Running away from Oz. Embracing Oz.
community-minded: “i definitely feel a part of the North Carolina music scene internally,” says Fan Modine mastermind gordon Zacharias. To complete his new album, Cause Célèbre, he enlisted the help of friends, family and fans. photo courtesy of the musician
The many facets of N.C.-based chamber-pop project Fan Modine Fan Modine, the recording project of singer-songwriter/composer/multiinstrumentalist Gordon Zacharias, is kind of a North Carolina-based endeavor. Zacharias moved to the Carrboro area from Boston in 2001. And, when the 2011 album gratitude for the Shipper was faced with languishing in obscurity, a group of Triangle luminaries — including R.E.M. manager Jefferson Holt and
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Chris Stamey of power-pop outfit The dB’s — came to the rescue. That, and although the first time this writer saw Fan Modine perform it was in Austin, Texas, the lineup included Nick Campbell and James DeDakis of former Asheville band, Wages. “I definitely feel a part of the North Carolina music scene internally,” says Zacharias. “But on the club level, it’s still easier for me to book a good show in New York or London than it is to book something satisfying or workable where I live.” Yet there is one on the horizon: Fan Modine plays The Mothlight on Saturday, April 5,
with Brazilian psych-pop outfit Boogarins and local folk-rockers Warm the Bell. Still, something about the project kind of defies space and time even as its songs are born of those constructs. “A lot of Fan Modine’s themes draw from locations either experienced or fantasized,” says Zacharias. “New York as ‘The City’ or China as ‘The Middle Kingdom.’ Summaries of the eternal places [though] less so an anecdotal travelogue and hopefully more of a recurring expression of the ineffable.” If that sounds fantastic (perhaps overly so), take a listen to “Épater la Bourgeoisie,” the buoyantly poppy lead track to Fan Modine’s just-out Cause Célèbre. That song, pre-released in October, is at once strident and shrinking, advancing and retreating. Zacharias crafts bustling arrangements and the sort of layered instrumentation that reveals as much as it conceals. The record, a thoughtful collection of chamber-pop, is immediately accessible, yet slow to share its secrets. Zacharias is just as coy: When asked about the themes of Cause Célèbre, he says, “Social divides as allegory. Running away from Oz. Embracing Oz. Pulling the curtain on ‘The Man.’” With the new album, Zacharias also has pulled the curtain on his own creative process. Where past records took about six years to complete, Cause Célèbre was finished in a relatively quick two years. “I definitely wanted to break the cycle and cross the finish line a bit faster this time,” the musician says. Band members like Tony Stiglitz, Alex Maiolo and Joah Tunnell (all in the current lineup, though Joe Caparo will sit in while Tunnell is on tour with fellow North Carolinians Lost in the Trees) along with family, friends and fans pitched in. “I knew I needed to get this done once it was going,” says Zacharias. “We had some surprises along the way, but these things ultimately served the finished recording. Still, he doesn’t feel pressured to produce according to any schedule. Instead, Zacharias embraces the attitude that “music is a huge part of my life, but if I didn’t spend a great deal of time living it, there’d be no album to make.” Part of that living includes some as-yet unreleased collaborations, and there’s already a next Fan Modine record in the works.
And, through a friend, Zacharias discovered Boogarins, who “I just fell head-over-heels for,” he says. “The band and I became pen pals and pretty quickly ... I helped put the album together, and we collaborated on one of the tracks, an instrumental.” He also introduced them to the Fat Possum label, which released said album. In a way, it’s funny that Zacharias’ story is all about connections and teamwork, since he set out to be a solo artist. Going it alone has allowed the sort of sonic exploration he’s known for but, he says, “One of the things I like about the new record is that it sounds like a band. And for now, it is.” X
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who Fan Modine with Boogarins and Warm the Bell wheRe The Mothlight, themothlight.com when Saturday, April 5, at 9:30 p.m. $6.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com.
A&e staff
paleface It’s kind of telling that when Paleface made the video for the song “Williamsburg Bridge,” it was set in North Carolina instead of New York. That’s because Paleface — the indie-folk duo of singer-songwriter/ namesake Paleface and percussionist/vocalist Mo Samelot — are intricately linked to New York, but are based in North Carolina these days. And that seems right. It was in New York where Paleface hung out with Beck, The Moldy Peaches and Langhorne Slim. There, he learned from Daniel Johnston and was discovered, in 1990, by The Ramones’ manager Danny Fields. But the move to North Carolina in 2007 (kind of a location swap with friends The Avett Brothers) led to extensive touring and recording — including a forthcoming album. Paleface performs at Warren Wilson College on Friday, April 4, at 9 p.m. Free. warren-wilson.edu. photo by Staton Carter
Reagan Boggs On Reagan Boggs’ new album, Quicksand, the country singer-songwriter examines “those mired living a routine existence, only to wake up one day wondering whatever happened to their dreams.” It’s a road she has walked herself, having left the music business behind in 2009 to care for her newborn son. “You kind of go through a period where you learn about who you are outside of music,” Boggs says. “You find interests that you didn’t even know you had. But it left a really big hole there.” The quicksand theme runs throughout her new work, revealing everything from insecurity to revelation — all in that rich, country twang. Boggs performs at the Lexington Avenue Brewery on Friday, April 4, at 8:30 p.m. The Coalmen also perform. $8. lexavebrew.com. photo courtesy of the artist.
Majo John Madden and Tracey Schmidt Though the styles of poets Tracey Schmidt and Majo John Madden are quite different — hers “beautiful, lyrical and haunting” and his “raw, sprawling and often very funny” — the local wordsmiths have much in common. Both are very personal, psychological and accessible in their approach, and both poets claim to write “poetry for people who don’t like poetry,” according to a press release. They also enjoy collaborating with musicians. Joshua Messick on hammered dulcimer, Peter Levitov on hand pan drum and Michael Ivey on electric guitar, among others, will join the writers in an afternoon of poetry in performance at Jubilee on Sunday, April 6, at 3 p.m. $12/$15. 5829822. photo courtesy of the artists
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
The April Fool Show This month would have marked the 60th birthday of the late (and much missed) local sculptor and painter Vadim Bora. The artist, originally from the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, came to the U.S. in 1993. At his downtown Asheville gallery, he “mounted an annual or sometimes biannual April Fool exhibition — celebrating a sharp wit, political satire, clever caricatures and amusing observations of life in sketches, drawings, paintings and sculpture,” according to a press release. A two-part exhibition pays homage to that tradition. Part 1, held in Bora’s former studio, upstairs at 30 Battery Park Ave., opens Friday, April 4, from 5-9 p.m. Part II, held at 5 Walnut, opens on Wednesday, April 9, from 5-8 p.m. Both shows run until Wednesday, April 30. vadimborastudio.com. pitcured: “Checker players” by Vadmin Bora, courtesy of Constance Richards Bora
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
a&e caLendaR
by grady Cooper & Carrie eidson
Mart, Nov. 10. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. videoGrAPher for free food mArket • ONGOING - Volunteer videographer needed for nonprofit food pantry Bounty & Soul for their Kickstarter campaign. Info: acasparian49@gmail.com or 774-260-0066.
ComedY disClAimer ComedY Info: disclaimercomedy.com or 216-2331. • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Pre-booked open mic. Held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Stand-up. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10.
the new constRuction: Artists J.R. Berry, Lynne Bowman, Khan H. Le, Tasha Lewis, and Timothy pakron (whose work is shown here) fuse photography and craft in this new exhibit opening April 4 at Castell photography. Though each piece in the show uses a photographic image at its core, other mediums and techniques have been applied to create works that are bold, shocking and thoroughly unique. image courtesy of Castell photography (p.54)
Art 'CAtCh the sPirit of APPAlAChiA' Art workshoP • SA (4/5), 2pm - Held at Nature’s Home Preserve in Tuckasegee. $36. Info, directions and registration: 293-2239 or doreylart.yurtstudio.com. first fridAY Art wAlk • FR (4/4), 5-8pm - Hosted by the Downtown Asheville Art District through downtown Asheville. Info and locations: ashevilledowntowngalleries.org. GiAnt PuPPet BuildinG workshoP • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Hosted by Street Creature puppet collective. Held at N. Asheville Community Center, 37 East Larchmont Drive. Free. Info: facebook.com/puppetclubasheville. iron Pour sCulPture demonstrAtion • SA (4/5), 5-9pm - Hosted by WCU's Fine Art Museum at the Jackson County Green Energy Park, 100 Green Energy Park Road, Dillsboro. Info: 2272550.
Auditions & CAll to Artists CAll for Burlesque dAnCers (pd.) Audition for a new burlesque troupe, Beauty Booty Brigade: Monday, April 7, 7:30pm, third floor of Loretta's Cafe, 114 N. Lexington Ave. • New to burlesque is fine, but experience learning choreography and a sense of humor is a plus! • Must preregister to attend. Email: babyboovelvet@gmail.com Asheville CommunitY theAtre Auditions Held at 35 E. Walnut St. Info: ashevilletheatre.org • FR (4/4), 6-8pm & SA (4/5), noon-4pm - Spamalot. Singing required. • TU (4/8), 10:30am-2:30pm - Last of the Aztecs. No experience required.
sonG o' skY Chorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 Pm song o' sky Chorus Calvary Baptist Church (Chandler Center), 531 Haywood Road, 28806. Asheville's only a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky.org or (866) 824-9547 Parking available behind the church. AAron Burdett BAnd • TH (4/3), 6pm - Singer-songwriter. Held at Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Free. Info: tryonarts.org or 859-8322. Asheville Art museum PiAnoforte ConCert • SU (4/6), 3pm - With pianist Sandra Wright Shen. Held at 2 S. Pack Square. $16/ $8 members. Info and tickets: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. Asheville ChAmBer musiC series • FR (4/4), 8pm - With The Minguet String Quartet. Held at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. $35. Tickets and info: 259-3626 or ashevillechambermusic.org. Cello ChAmBer musiC ConCert • SU (4/6), 3pm - Held at St. Matthias Church, 1 Dundee St. Free. Info: stmatthiasepiscopal. com or 285-0033.
mAkinG AfriCAn Art mArketABle
front PorCh CommunitY theAtre Auditions • SA (4/5), 1-3pm - Our Town and Turn of the Screw. Held at Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St. Info and registration: 669-0930 or blackmountainarts.org.
henderson CountY liBrArY CentenniA ConCert • TH (4/10), 6:30pm - With Kenmure Show Chorus. Free. Held at Kaplan Auditorium, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville. Info: henderson.lib.nc.us/centennial.html.
• SU (4/6), 2pm - An exhibit of art and discussion with guests from Osogobo, Nigeria. Held at Tannery Studios, 339 Old Lyman. Info: facebook.com/ LikeTheTannery.
henderson CountY oPen studio tour • Through (5/31) - Registration is open to Henderson County artists. Held Sept. 20-21, 10am-5pm. Info: openstudiotourhc.com.
hendersonville ChAmBer musiC • SU (4/6), 3 pm - With The Rawlins Piano Trio. Held at First Congregational Church, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville. $20. Info: hendersonvillechambermusic.org.
meGAn kellY Artist reCePtion • SA (4/05), 7pm - Held at Ananda Hair Salon, 22 Broadway. Info: anandamanager@gmail.com.
urBAn PhotoGrAPhY meet uP And wAlk • SA (4/5), 9am - Meets at Vance Monument. Registration recommended. Free. Info: meetup.com/ Vagabond-Photo-Walks-WNC.
multi-instrumentAlist jAke ClAYton And CountrY Artist stePhAnie quAYle (pd.) Make their debut Asheville appearance at The One Stop on Tuesday, April 8. 8pm. $2 cover. All ages. More info, visit: jakeClayton. com or stephaniequayle.com
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
trAnsYlvAniA CommunitY Arts CounCil • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art
musiC At wCu Info: wcu.edu or 227-7211.
Mountain Xpress and sherwood’s Music present: Our new video series showcasing local musicians continues every Thursday. Check our website this week for a performance from Asheville band Luzius stone at Sherwood’s Music.
• 1st THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Old-time and bluegrass jam. In the Mountain Heritage Center. Free. • SA (4/5), 5pm - Flute Ensemble. In the recital hall of the Coulter Building. Free. • TU (4/8), 7:30pm - Smoky Mountain Brass Quintet. In the rectial hall of the Coulter Building. Free. • WE (4/9), 8pm - Kacey Musgraves, country singer. Held in the university's Ramsey Center. $20-$25. • TH (4/10), 7:30pm - Gamelan concert with the Low Tech Ensemble. Free. Held in recital hall, Coulter Building. PAn hArmoniA Tickets and info: pan-harmonia.org. • MO (4/7), 7:15pm - Haen Gallery Concert, 52 Biltmore Ave. $24/$22 advance/$8 students. unCA Artfest: steeP CAnYon rAnGers • TH (4/10), 8pm - Held in Kimmel Arena. $11.50$34.50. Tickets & info: 251-6432. calbighead:Theater
theAter 'medeA' At BrevArd ColleGe • TH (4/3) through SU (4/6) - A modern adaption. Held in the Porter Performing Arts Center. Thu.Sat., 7pm; Sun., 2:30pm. $5. Info: brandon.smith@ brevard.edu. 35Below Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or ashevilletheatre.org. • TH (4/3) through SU (4/19) - Women and Wallace. $15. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm Asheville lYriC oPerA • FR (4/4), 8pm & SU (4/6), 3pm - Don Giovanni. Held at Diana Worth Theater, 2 N. Pack Square. $30$58. Tickets & info: ashevillelyric.org or 257-4530.
flAt roCk PlAYhouse Highway 225, Flat Rock. Info: flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • TH (4/3) through SA (4/19) - Laughter on the 23rd Floor. $40. Wed.-Thu.: 2pm & 8pm; Fri.: 8pm; Sat.: 2pm & 8pm; Sun.: 2pm. j.e. BroYhill CiviC Center On the Caldwell Community College campus, 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenoir. Tickets and info: broyhillcenter.com. • TH (4/3) through SU (4/6) - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Thurs.- Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun: 3pm $15/$8 children. theAter At unCA Tickets and info: 251-6610 or drama.unca.edu • FR (4/4) through SA (4/12) - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Held in the Carol Belk Theatre. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $10/$8 faculty & seniors/$5 students. theAter At wCu Held in the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter.wcu. edu or 227-2479. • TH (4/3) through SU (4/6) - Les Miserables. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 3pm. $15/$10 faculty & staff, students, seniors. toY BoAt CommunitY Arts sPACe 101 Fairview Road. Info: 505-8657 or toyboatcommunityartspace.com. • FR (4/4), 9pm - Bedtime Stories, presented by Seduction Sideshow. $15.
gaLLeRy diRectoRy
Art At unCA Info: unca.edu. • TU (4/1) through SA (5/17) - International Photo Exhibit. Ramsey Library. • MO (4/7) through WE (4/16) - Musical Mentors, photography by David Holt. Lipinsky Hall. Reception: April 7, 6:30pm. Art At wCu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Info: fineartmuseum. wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (5/9) - Pottery from a private collection. • Through FR (5/23) - Photographs by Hugh Morton: An Uncommon Retrospective. In the Mountain Heritage Center. • TH (4/10) through FR (5/30) - Remote Sites of War, photography. Arts CounCil of henderson CountY Info: www.acofhc.org. • FR (4/4) through FR (4/18) - Art of Tomorrow, works by school students. At First Citizens Bank, 539 N. Main St., Hendersonville.
10th Anniversary, mixed works. • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through SA (6/22) - Pierre Daura: Modernist in the Mountains, paintings. • Through SU (7/20) - Ralph Burns: A Persistence of Vision, photography. Asheville GAllerY of Art 16 College St. Info: ashevillegallery-of-art.com or 251-5796. • Through WE (4/30) - Landscapes by artist Reda Kay. Opening reception: April 4, 5pm. BellA vistA Art GAllerY 14 Lodge St. Info: bellavistaart.com or 768-0246. • Through WE (4/30) - Paintings by Christin Zelenka. Bender GAllerY 12 S. Lexington Ave. Info: bendergallery.com. • Through FR (4/18) - Glass sculptural works by Kerrick Johnson. • FR (4/4) through SA (5/31) - Glass sculptors by Toland Sand. Opening reception April 4, 5pm. BlACk mountAin ColleGe museum + Arts Center 56 Broadway. Info: blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • Through (5/17) - Cynthia Homire: Vision Quest, mixed media. Blue sPirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Info: bluespiral1.com or 2510202. • Through SA (5/24) - Zen, Asian-inspired works. • Through SA (5/24) - Nancy Kubale, ceramics. • Through SA (5/24) - Narration, mixed media. • Through SA (5/24) - Ceramic sculptures by Becky Gray. • Through SA (5/24) - Paintings by Duy Huynh.
the Center for CrAft, CreAtivitY & desiGn 67 Broadway St. Info: 785-1357 or craftcreativitydesign.org • Through (5/3) - Works by Windgate Fellows. Artist’s talk: April 9, 6pm. the CirCle Asheville 426 Haywood Road. Info: thecircleasheville.com. • Through FR (4/11) - Linoleum prints by Isadora Bullock. trAnsYlvAniA CommunitY Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Info: tcarts.org or 884-2787. • MO (4/7) through WE (4/30) - Works by Transylvania County Public Schools students trYon fine Arts Center 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Info: tryonarts.org or 859-8322. • Through SA (4/19) - Old Ironsides and the War of 1812, an educational exhibit. woolworth wAlk 25 Haywood St. Info: 254-9234. • FR (4/4) through TU (4/29) - Paintings by John Nelson. Opening reception: April 4, 4-6pm. zAPow! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Info: zapow.net or 575-2024. • ONGOING - Bits and Bytes: Art of the Video Game, illustrations. Opening reception: April 5,
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when you become a member of
WNCW-FM Online at wncw.org
CAstell PhotoGrAPhY 2C Wilson Alley. Info: 255-1188. FR (4/4) through SA (5/31) - The New Construction, mixed media. Opening reception: April 4, 6pm. folk Art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Info: craftguild.org or 298-7928. • Through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members. • Through SU (5/11) - Eyecatchers: The Hunter Collection, quilts. n.C. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. $12 gate fee for non-member vehicles. Info: ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • Through SU (7/6) - Scenography by Barbara Sammons. Push skAte shoP & GAllerY 25 Patton Ave. Info: pushtoyproject.com or 2255509. • Through MO (4/14) - Portrait/street photography by Anthony Bellemare.
Asheville AreA Arts CounCil GAllerY 346 Depot St. Hours: Tues.-Sat.: 11am-4pm. Info: ashevillearts.com or 258-0710. • Through FR (4/25) - Impromptu, mixed media.
red house studios And GAllerY 310 W. State St., Black Mountain. Thurs.-Sun., 11am-6pm. Info: www.svfalarts.org or 669-0351. • Through MO (4/28) - Motion Emotion, mixed media.
Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square. Info: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • Through SU (6/2) - Take 10: Collectors’ Circle
riverview stAtion 191 Lyman St. Info: riverviewartists.com • Through WE (4/30) - Works by members of Women In The Arts Foundation.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
C L U B L A N D sCAndAls niGhtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
wednesdAY, APr. 2
southern APPAlAChiAn BrewerY Cabo Verde (Latin, flamenco, jazz), 7-9pm
5 wAlnut wine BAr Draton & The Dragons (acoustic), 5-7pm Juan Benavides (Latin), 8-10pm
the ChoP house Whitewater Bluegrass Company, 6:30pm
AlleY kAts tAvern Karaoke contest, 7pm BArleY's tAProom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm
the mothliGht Village of Spaces w/ Hot Norwegian, Delta Quadrant & Falcon Mitts (folk), 9pm
BlACk mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm
the soCiAl The River Rats (rock, funk), 8pm
BYwAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
Cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm
town PumP Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk), 9pm
douBle Crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm
trAilheAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm
emerAld lounGe Blues jam, 8pm
tressA's downtown jAzz And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm
Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm
vinCenzo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
hotel indiGo Dulci Ellenberger w/ Goner (rock), 8pm
white horse Montreat Songwriting Contest, 7pm
iron horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 6-9pm
wxYz lounGe Jamar Woods of The Fritz (funk, piano), 8-10pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Jesse Fischer & Soul Cycle (jazz fusion, psychedelic soul, indie-folk), 7:15pm
fridAY, APr. 4
jACk of the wood PuB Old-time session, 5pm
185 kinG street Nikki Talley, 8pm
loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm
countRy showcase: Local honky-tonkers Hearts gone South will perform with Roland J. Cole and pat Reedy for a night of Southern roots. This twangy group will take stage at the Odditorium on Thursday, April 3, at 9 p.m.
millroom The Silver Palms (indie-electronic), 9pm odditorium Cut Throat Freak Show, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 6:30pm Les Racquet & The Heritage (indie-rock), 10pm orAnGe Peel SOJA w/ Murs (reggae), 9pm PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY Dead Winter Carpenters (Americana, old-time), 6pm slY GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm
the Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm
BlACk mountAin Ale house Lyric (acoustic, soul), 9pm
the soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
BrevArd BrewinG ComPAnY Open mic night, 7pm
tiGer mountAin thirst PArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm
Cork & keG Old-time jam, 7pm First Thursday Square Dance, 8pm
timo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm
tAllGArY's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm the mothliGht Tin Foil Hat w/ The Volt Per Octaves & Jason Daniello (pop, electronic), 9:30pm
town PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm trAilheAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's downtown jAzz And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vinCenzo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
thursdAY, APr. 3 185 kinG street Mountain Roots Revue Series w/ Crying Wolf, 8pm 5 wAlnut wine BAr The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 8-10pm AdAm dAlton distillerY Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm2am
AlleY kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm AltAmont BrewinG ComPAnY Big Boss Sausage (rock, blues, country), 9pm Asheville musiC hAll Local Legends w/ Lyric, BFree, Topper, Blaze3, Philo, Alpha Lee, Lazz Quinn & DJ Ramak (hiphop, multi-genre), 10pm AthenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BYwAter Virginia & The Slims (oldies, swing), 9pm
douBle Crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
ClAssiC wineseller Sheila Gordon (Fleetwood Mac tribute), 7pm
frenCh BroAd BrewerY tAstinG room One Leg Up Duo (jazz), 6-8pm
CluB eleven on Grove Grown Folks DJ Jam (old school hip-hop, R&B, soul, funk), 9pm-2am
GreY eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Chris Knight w/ Aaron Lee Tasian (singer-songwriter), 8pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm jACk of the wood PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm millroom Molly Parti Birthday Bash w/ Paper Tiger (pop, electronic), 7pm odditorium Country Songwriters Showcase w/ Roland J. Cole, Pat Reedy & Hearts Gone South, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Cosby Sweater w/ Brett Rock & Skymatic (electronic), 10pm oskAr Blues BrewerY Jimmy Mundane (alt-country), 6pm
AlleY kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm
PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY Red Honey (country, blues), 8pm
AltAmont theAter Frank Vignola (jazz guitarist), 8pm
Posh BAr Acoustic jam, 6-9pm
Asheville musiC hAll Consider The Source (jam), 10pm
PurPle onion CAfe Heidi Howe (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm
5 wAlnut wine BAr What It Is (jazz), 9pm-midnight
Cork & keG Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz), 8:30pm emerAld lounGe Po'folk w/ Ryan Barber Jus K, JJ Dae, Miss TNP & Candasa Nicole (R&B, soul), 8pm frenCh BroAd BrewerY tAstinG room Todd Cecil & Backsouth (rock, Americana), 6-8pm Green room CAfe & Coffeehouse Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:30-8:30pm GreY eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Kool Keith (hip-hop) w/ Lord King (Floating Action side project, reggae) & Kosha Dillz, 9pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm iron horse stAtion Barb Turner (R&B), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Della Mae (folk), 9pm jACk of the wood PuB Raising Caine (Americana, country), 9pm lexinGton Ave BrewerY (lAB) Reagan Boggs w/ The Coal Men (country, Americana), 8:30pm
thursday• april 3 community night benefitting loving food resources ($1 per pint donated) 4-8pm friday • april 4 Zip the hippo (americana/fusion rock) 6:30-8:30pm saturday• april 5 typical mountain boys 6:30-8:30pm sunday• april 6 open on sunday! 1-6pm
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
OPEN FOR LUNCH M-F 11-3PM thu Chris Knight w/ aaron Lee tasjan 8pm • $15/18 4/3 fri 4/4 sat 4/5 tue 4/8
KooL Keith & Lord King (floating action side project)w/ Kosha dillz 9pm • $17/20 an evening with
david Lamotte Joined by sarah moor on Cello 8pm • $12/15 mishKa w/ sarah blacker 8pm • $12/14
wed 4/9
roadKiLL ghost Choir 9pm • $8/10
fri 4/11
hoLLy goLLghtLy & the broKeoffs w/ the shine brothers 9pm • $17/20
sat 4/12 sun 4/13
hoLy ghost tent revivaL w/ sweet Claudette 9pm • $10 “the sing in the ring”
CLay CooK vs. Levi Lowrey 8pm • $10
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLub diRectoRy
loBster trAP King Leo (jazz), 7-9pm
The place to be for
4/5 The Rocket Queens 10/25 Sarah Guthrie (all female GUNS &Lee ROSES tribute band from nyc) W/ POSH & Johnny IrionHAMMER 9PM w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 4/8 Kevin Scanlon 9PM 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 4/11 Woody Pines 9PM & HALLOWEEN Costume Party & Contest 4/12 Meagan Jean •&9pm The$8KFB MARINA ORCHESTRA 10/27W/Vinegar Creek •9PM 9pm FREE 10/28Levee Mustard Plug 4/14 Drivers 9PM• 9pm $8 w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants 4/15 Ribbon Healers 9PM 10/29Blue Singer Songwriters • 7-9pm FREE in the Round 4/18 Blair Crimmons & The Hookers
1/2 OFF Martinis & Bottles of Wine
3.00 Pints 32 Taps to Choose From
3.25 Flights 3.00 Greek & Italian Beer
5.00 Jager Bombs, Angry Balls & LIT’s
w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis W/ DARYL HANCE, GUITARIST FROM
5.00 Mojitos & Bloody Marys 2.00 Domestics
Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
10.00 Yugo Burger with Craft Beer & Keep the Pint Night
Tuesday 5.00 Margaritas & 3.00 Corona and Corona Light bottles
95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
millroom Dom Flemons String Trio (folk), 9pm odditorium Debon Surgery Benefit, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Mr. Breakdown w/ Henry & The Invisibles (funk, pop, soul), 10pm orAnGe Peel Aer w/ Ground Up & DJ Smiles (rap, reggae, pop, indie-rock), 9pm oskAr Blues BrewerY Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (rock 'n' roll), 7pm PACk's tAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY American Babies w/ Bread & Butter (Americana, indie), 9pm sCAndAls niGhtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am sCullY's DJ, 10pm-2am southern APPAlAChiAn BrewerY The Gamblers (jazz, roots), 8-10pm sPrinG Creek tAvern Ben Wilson (Americana), 8-11pm tAllGArY's CAntinA Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm the soCiAl Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie-rock), 9pm tiGer mountAin thirst PArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm town PumP Ginny McAfee (folk, country, bluegrass), 9pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 9pm vinCenzo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm
Wednesday, April 2nd
ELO Blues Jam! 8PM -12AM • FREE! Thursday, April 3rd
Grateful Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam 9 PM•$7 Friday, April 4th
Love Songs In The Springtime feat. Ryan Barber, Po’ Folk, JJ Dae & Jus K 9 PM • $7 (Ladies FREE until 11PM!) Saturday, April 5th
Stereospread w/ Oddstar & The Walking Sticks (DC) 8:30 PM • FREE! Sunday, April 6th Rims & Keys w/ Roots of a Rebellion 9pm•$5 Monday, April 7th
Muckety-Mutts Monday Mixer! Dogs Welcome! Every Mon. 5-7 PM • FREE! Simply Pickin’ Bluegrass Jam! Every Mon. 8pm-12am •FREE! Tuesday, April 8th
wild winG CAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
fri. apr 4
reagan boggs w/ THe CoaL Men
backstage • 8:30PM • $8
5 wAlnut wine BAr James Johnson (jazz), 6-8pm The Gypsy Swingers (gypsy jazz), 9pm-midnight
w/ POsH HaMMeR
AlleY kAts tAvern The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm
Hard roCkeT
backstage • 9:00PM • $6
thurs. apr 17
sex knuCkLe
AltAmont theAter Pierre Bensusan (world music), 8pm Asheville musiC hAll Styles & Complete w/ Luce Wayne (electronic), 10pm
w/ MiNDsHaPeFist, ZOMbie QUeeN
backstage • 9:00PM • $6
AthenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
thurs. May 1
BlACk mountAin Ale house The Get Right Band (funk, rock), 9pm
w/ OlDMaN Rabbit
Boiler room Shellshock (goth, industrial, ebm, alt-dance) w/ DJ Drees & DJ Joey Shull, 10pm-3am
MOtHeR exPlOsives backstage • 9:00PM • $6
Wade 8 PM •FREE!
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
sAturdAY, APr. 5
thurs. apr 10
Vagabond Philosophy w/ Pondering
wxYz lounGe The Goodness Graceful (Americana), 9-11pm
BYwAter Tyler Nail (folk, acoustic), 9pm ClAssiC wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles, Elton John covers), 7pm Cork & keG The Juan Benavides Group (flamenco, Latin, jazz), 8:30pm
185 king stReet 877-1850 5 waLnut wine baR 253-2593 aLtamont bRewing comPany 575-2400 the aLtamont theatRe 348-5327 aPothecaRy (919) 609-3944 aQua cafe & baR 505-2081 aRcade 258-1400 asheviLLe civic centeR & thomas woLfe auditoRium 259-5544 asheviLLe music haLL 255-7777 athena’s cLub 252-2456 baRLey’s taP Room 255-0504 bLack mountain aLe house 669-9090 bLue mountain Pizza 658-8777 boiLeR Room 505-1612 bRoadway’s 285-0400 the bywateR 232-6967 coRk and keg 254-6453 cLub Remix 258-2027 cReekside taPhouse 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLeRy 367-6401 diana woRtham theateR 257-4530 diRty south Lounge 251-1777 doubLe cRown 575-9060 eLeven on gRove 505-1612 emeRaLd Lounge 232- 4372 fiRestoRm cafe 255-8115 fRench bRoad bReweRy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gReen Room cafe 692-6335 gRey eagLe music haLL & taveRn 232-5800 gRove house the gRove PaRk inn (eLaine’s Piano baR/ gReat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR Lounge 684-1213 haRRah’s cheRokee 497-7777 highLand bRewing comPany 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jack of heaRts Pub 645-2700 jack of the wood 252-5445 Lexington avenue bReweRy 252-0212 the LobsteR tRaP 350-0505 metRosheRe 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 monte vista hoteL 669-8870 moonLight miLe 335-9316 native kitchen & sociaL Pub (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onefiftyone 239-0239 one stoP baR deLi & baR 255-7777 o.henRy’s/tug 254-1891 the oRange PeeL 225-5851 oskaR bLues bReweRy 883-2337 Pack’s taveRn 225-6944 the Phoenix 877-3232 Pisgah bRewing co. 669-0190 PuLP 225-5851 PuRPLe onion cafe 749-1179 Red stag gRiLL at the gRand bohemian hoteL 505-2949 Root baR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLub 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog Lounge 255-8858 smokey’s afteR daRk 253-2155 the sociaL 298-8780 southeRn aPPaLacian bReweRy 684-1235 static age RecoRds 254-3232 stRaightaway cafe 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809
tigeR mountain thiRst PaRLouR 407-0666 timo’s house 575-2886 town PumP 357-5075 toy boat 505-8659 tReasuRe cLub 298-1400 tRessa’s downtown jazz & bLues 254-7072 vanuatu kava baR 505-8118 vincenzo’s 254-4698 westviLLe Pub 225-9782 white hoRse 669-0816 wiLd wing cafe 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838
town PumP Todd Cecil & Back South (rock), 9pm vinCenzo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse Sultans of String, 8pm wxYz lounGe Ritmos Latinos w/ DJ Malinalli (Latin DJ), 9-11:30pm
sundAY, APr. 6 5 wAlnut wine BAr Mande Foly (African beat), 7-9pm BlACk mountAin Ale house Jazz brunch w/ Mike Gray Trio, 11:30am
emerAld lounGe oddSTAR w/ Stereospread & The Walking Sticks (electronica, alternative, pop), 8:30pm frenCh BroAd BrewerY tAstinG room Tina & Her Pony (indie, bluegrass, folk), 6-8pm GreY eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern David Lamotte w/ Sarah Moor on cello (folk), 8pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Nomadic (funk, jam), 10pm-2am iron horse stAtion Kevin Reese (Americana), 7-10pm isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Mipso w/ Chris Eldridge (bluegrass, folk), 9pm jACk of the wood PuB The Rocket Queens (all-female Guns 'n' Roses tribute) w/ Posh Hammer, 9pm loBster trAP Sean Mason Jazz Trio, 7-9pm odditorium Bipoloroid, The Shine Bros, Paint Fumes, Three Loud Crowd (rock), 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm ManG (WEEN tribute) w/ Mystical Space Typhoon, 10pm
douBle Crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm emerAld lounGe Rims & Keys (of Sky Walkers) w/ Roots of a Rebellion (reggae, rock, dub), 8:30pm hi-wire BrewinG Billy Litz and the Mountain City Rhythm (Americana), 4:30pm hotel indiGo Jason Daniello, 8pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm jACk of the wood PuB Irish session, 5pm loBster trAP Leo Johnson (swing, jazz), 7-9pm millroom Wild Child w/ Total War (indie-rock), 9pm odditorium Our Voice benefit w/ War Journal (punk), Birth & Art Auction
oskAr Blues BrewerY East Coast Dirt (funk, rock), 7pm
sCAndAls niGhtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
PurPle onion CAfe Joseph Hasty & Centerpiece (jazz), 8pm sCAndAls niGhtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am sCullY's DJ, 10pm-2am southern APPAlAChiAn BrewerY Eric Congdon Trio (blues, roots, Americana), 8-10pm sPrinG Creek tAvern Al Coffee & Da Grind (blues), 8-11pm
the soCiAl '80s night, 8pm timo's house Porch 40 w/ Matt Townsend (rock, folk, funk), 9pm vinCenzo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm white horse Hollander Blue (alternative, folk-rock), 7:30pm
mondAY, APr. 7 185 kinG street Monday Night Laughs (stand-up comedy), 8pm 5 wAlnut wine BAr Elanoir Underhill & Friends (Americana, blues), 8-10pm
the AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Filth, 11pm
AlleY kAts tAvern Open mic, 8pm
the mothliGht Boogarins w/ Fan Modine & Warm the Bell (psychedelic pop), 9:30pm
AltAmont BrewinG ComPAnY Old-time jam, 7pm
tiGer mountAin thirst PArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm timo's house The Banger: Harry Darnell & Paper Frank (hip-hop, top 40, dance), 9pm
Open 10 am -10 pm Everyday 105 Broadway St., Asheville, NC 28801 828-575-9553
southern APPAlAChiAn BrewerY The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5-7pm
tAllGArY's CAntinA Southern Soul Campaign (Southern rock), 9:30pm
the soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
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one stoP deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am The Get Right Band w/ Sirius.B (funk), 8pm orAnGe Peel Against Me! w/ Laura Stevenson & Cheap Girls (punk), 8pm
PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY The Stringtown Ambassadors (bluegrass, Americana), 9pm
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iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 5-8pm
orAnGe Peel Secret Agent 23 Skidoo (kids hip-hop), 11am Anthony Jeselnik (stand-up comedy), 8pm
PACk's tAvern Lyric (funk, pop, soul), 9pm
Smoke Rings SMOKE SHOP
BlACk mountAin Ale house Karaoke, 9pm BYwAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm CourtYArd GAllerY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm douBle Crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
The Brown Bag Songwriting Competition Hosted by Alex Krug
6:30 PM $3 to enter, FREE to watch All Ages
one stop one stop
Les Racquet & The Heritage 10 PM FREE 21+
Cosby Sweater w/ Brett Rock & Skymatic 10 PM $5/$7 21+
MANG- A Tribute to WEEN w/ Mystical Space Typhoon 10 PM $7 21+
one stop one stop
AVLPROMO Presents: Local Legends 10 PM $8/$10 21+
Mr. Breakdown w/ Henry & The Invisibles 10PM $3 21+
one stop
10 PM $8/$10 21+
one stop
Charlie Traveler Presents: Consider The Source w/ Makayan
Styles & Complete w/ Luce Wayne
10 PM $7/$10 21+ (add $3 if under 21)
The Get Right Band w/ Sirius.B
fRom PhiLLy: American Babies rocks an ecelctic sound. Like psychedelic rock from the ‘60s, the American Babies will bring the beats to pisgah Brewery, along with locals from Swannanoa, Bread and Butter, on Friday, April 4, at 9 p.m.
8 PM $2 21+
Jake Clayton & Stephanie Quayle w/ Joy on Fire 8 PM $2 All Ages
AS HE VIL L E M USI CHAL L . C O M jACk of the wood PuB Quizzo, 7-9pm loBster trAP Dave Desmelik (singer-songwriter), 7-9pm
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
odditorium Synergy story slam, 8pm Folklorika, 9pm
emerAld lounGe Pondering Wade w/ Vagabond Philosophy (alternative, folk, rock), 8:30pm GreY eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Mishka w/ Sarah Blacker (reggae-pop), 8pm iron horse stAtion Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 6-9pm
oskAr Blues BrewerY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm
the mothliGht JD Wilkes & The Dirt Daubers (rockabilly, country, blues, hot jazz), 8pm
jACk of the wood PuB Kevin Scanlon (folk), 9pm
tiGer mountAin thirst PArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm vinCenzo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm westville PuB Trivia night, 8pm white horse Bill Bares w/ Rockell Scott (gospel), 7:30pm
tuesdAY, APr. 8
loBster trAP Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Jake Clayton & Stephanie Quayle w/ Joy on Fire (country, fuzz-rock), 8pm sCullY's Triva night, 9-11pm the soCiAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm timo's house '90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm
5 wAlnut wine BAr The John Henry's (ragtime, jazz), 8-10pm
tressA's downtown jAzz And Blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm
AlleY kAts tAvern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm
vinCenzo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
AltAmont BrewinG ComPAnY Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm
westville PuB Blues jam, 10pm
BlACk mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm
white horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
CluB eleven on Grove Dance, 8:30-11pm Cork & keG Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm douBle Crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm
wednesdAY, APr. 9 185 kinG street Copious Jones (rock), 8pm
5 wAlnut wine BAr Drayton & The Dragons (jazz, folk), 5-7pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8-10pm BArleY's tAProom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm BlACk mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm BYwAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm Cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm douBle Crown DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm emerAld lounGe Blues jam, 8pm GreY eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Roadkill Ghost Choir (rock), 9pm Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm hotel indiGo Leigh Glass (Americana), 8pm iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 6-9pm isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Trio Guggino (Italian), 7:15pm jACk of the wood PuB Old-time session, 5pm loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm odditorium Children In Heat (Misfits tribute band), 9pm one stoP deli & BAr The Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 6:30pm Hannah Thomas w/ Peggy Ratusz & The Sugs (Americana, rock), 10pm PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY Campfire Reverends (blues, Americana), 6pm slY GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm tAllGArY's CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm the mothliGht Outer Spaces w/ Kangarot, Must Be The Holy Ghost & Human Pippi (experimental, indie-rock), 9pm the Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin thirst PArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm timo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm town PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm trAilheAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm tressA's downtown jAzz And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vinCenzo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
thursdAY, APr. 10 5 wAlnut wine BAr Jessy Carolina & The Hot Mess (hot jazz), 8-10pm
Mountain Xpress readers
BlACk mountAin Ale house Lyric (acoustic, soul), 9pm BrevArd BrewinG ComPAnY Open mic night, 7pm
make buying local a priority.
ClAssiC wineseller The DuPont Brothers (Americana, folk-rock), 7pm douBle Crown DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm emerAld lounGe Kalob Griffin Band (Americana-rock), 8:30pm frenCh BroAd BrewerY tAstinG room Bryan White (jazz, funk), 6-8pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Benefit for Asheville Music School w/ AMS Sound Education ensemble, AMS faculty & Asheville Tango Orchestra, Common Foundation, Josh Blake's Jukebox, The Secret B-Sides, Vertigo Jazz Project & Zansa (and more), 6:30pm jACk of the wood PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexinGton Ave BrewerY (lAB) Hard Rocket w/ Posh Hammer (power-pop), 9pm odditorium Squidling Bros Real Live Sideshow, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm BIG Something (jam, rock), 10pm orAnGe Peel Daniel Rossen (of Grizzly Bear) w/ William Tyler (rock), 9pm oskAr Blues BrewerY Naren (singer-songwriter), 6pm PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY American Aquarium w/ The Dead 27s (alt-country, rock, Americana), 9pm Posh BAr Acoustic jam, 6-9pm PurPle onion CAfe Marshall Ballew & Wanda Lu Paxton, 7:30pm root BAr no. 1 Cedric Burnside Project (blues), 9pm
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sCAndAls niGhtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am the mothliGht Max Pain & The Groovies w/ Mystery Cult (psychrock), 9:30pm the soCiAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm town PumP Finer (electronic pop, rock), 9pm trAilheAd restAurAnt And BAr Open jam, 6pm
tressA's downtown jAzz And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm vinCenzo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
fridAY, APr. 11
185 kinG street Love Canon (bluegrass, 80s), 8pm 5 wAlnut wine BAr Jamar Woods Acoustic Band (soul, funk), 9pmmidnight AlleY kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm
AlleY kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm
AltAmont BrewinG ComPAnY The Bayou Diesel Band (dance, Cajun, zydeco), 9:30pm
AltAmont BrewinG ComPAnY Fox Street All Stars (rock, funk, soul), 9pm
AltAmont theAter David Wilcox's Musical Medicine (folk), 8pm
Asheville musiC hAll Andreilien (Heyoka) & Kaminanda (psychedelic bass), 10pm
Asheville musiC hAll The Dean Ween Group w/ Donnie Dies (rock, jam), 10pm
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
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in the stabLe: Actually, they’ll be at French Broad Brewery Tasting Room. Tina and Her pony’s soft, harmonious voices and folksy instrumentals will silence the room on Saturday, April 5, from 6-8 p.m., for a show of indie-folk. photo by Zoe Zimmerman
AthenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Boiler room 9th Phoenix, Jenna Gilmore & DJ Story (DnB, experimental), 9pm-2am ClAssiC wineseller Ben Wilson (60s, 70s & 80s), 7pm
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Cork & keG The Gypsy Swingers (jazz, Latin, 30s pop), 8:30pm downtown Books & news Julia Read w/ Chris Head, Looking Forward Fireweed & Hospital Call (violin, singer-songwriters, indie-folk), 8pm emerAld lounGe Art Show & Spoken Word w/ Monica McDaniel & others, 8pm
orAnGe Peel Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors w/ Judah and the Lion (alt-rock), 9pm oskAr Blues BrewerY One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 7pm PACk's tAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PisGAh BrewinG ComPAnY Lefty Williams Band w/ Josh Roberts and The Hinges (blues, rock), 9pm sAGe CAfe At wArren wilson Bread and Butter Band (bluegrass), 9pm sCAndAls niGhtCluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am sCullY's DJ, 10pm-2am
frenCh BroAd BrewerY tAstinG room Tellico (country, bluegrass), 6-8pm
sPrinG Creek tAvern Jordan Igoe, 8-11pm
GreY eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs w/ The Shine Brothers (singer-songwriter, garage-rock), 9pm
tAllGArY's CAntinA The LowDown (rock), 9:30pm
hAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm
the mothliGht Apache Dropout w/ Thee Tsunamis & Doomster (garage-rock, proto-punk), 9:30pm
iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 7-10pm
the soCiAl Thicket (rock, country), 9pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Big Daddy Love w/ Brushfire Stankgrass (Appalachianrock, bluegrass), 9pm
tiGer mountAin thirst PArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm
jACk of the wood PuB Woody Pines (blues, roots, ragtime, jazz), 9pm
timo's house Can I Kick It?: MIC L!VE, Martin Snoddy, The Professor, DJ Jet & more (hip-hop fundraiser), 9pm
loBster trAP Mark & Aimee Bumgarner (Americana), 7-9pm
town PumP Brandon Reeves (blues, guitar), 9pm
odditorium Drunken Prayer, Impossible Vacation & Violaine (rock), 9pm
vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Seraphim Arkistra (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 9pm
one stoP deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm The Main Squeeze (funk, rock), 10pm
vinCenzo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm wild winG CAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
PicK oF thE WEEK
thEatER ListinGs
FRiday, aPRiL 4 thuRsday, aPRiL 10 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: Darren Aronofsky PLayERs: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins
Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. gravity 3D (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)
BiBLicaL Fantasy EPic RatEd PG-13 thE stoRy: Mystical, fantasized retelling of the Bible story of Noah’s Ark. thE LoWdoWn: It most certainly doesn’t all work, but Darren Aronofsky’s visionary take on the Bible story is still an amazing work — as much for its flaws as for its virtues. It may miss greatness, but it sure makes a valiant try for it.
As absurdly ambitious as you might imagine, Darren Aronofsky’s Noah is both a mad folly and a brilliant one. It is that most bizarre of things: The Biblical epic as personal filmmaking from a director who is nothing if not an idiosyncratic stylist. It is at once stunning and silly, thought-provoking and dullwitted, exciting and boring. It’s at least 15 minutes too long. There’s probably just as much wrong with it as right with it. I don’t know that I’ll ever feel inclined to watch it again, and the chances of it showing up on my 2014 Ten Best list are slim indeed. But I am very glad I saw it. I’m glad Aronofsky made it. And I am over the moon that a film this determinedly odd has been given a wide release. That in itself seems cause for rejoicing. Unless you’ve simply not been paying attention, you’re probably aware that Noah has angered quite a few people because it isn’t a faithful account of what is
From left: LoGan LERman, RussELL cRoWE, LEo mchuGh caRRoLL and JEnniFER connELLy in Darren Aronofosky’s visionary Noah.
written in the Bible. Let’s be honest, what’s actually written in the Bible isn’t enough material for a two-hour movie, so some embellishment was inevitable. This, however, goes somewhat beyond embellishment, but since much of what is added was taken from “The Book of Enoch,” it’s not as groundless as it might seem. Yes, even the giant rock creatures — the fallen angels known as The Watchers — are found in “Enoch,” along with a more detailed story of the flood. Whether or not this was a primary concern of Aronofsky is debatable. The changes don’t end there, and it’s clear that what he’s making is a wildly personal fever dream of a movie — not a religion lesson. In fact, at times, its mysticism makes it feel like a better title might have been Noah: A Biblical Odyssey. Actually, Noah doesn’t stop at evoking Kubrick. There are traces of The Tree of Life (2011) in there, along with intimations of Aronofsky’s own The Fountain (2006), hallucinatory scenes that might have dropped in from Altered
States (1980) and some effects that are straight out of Lifeforce (1985). If that makes it sound like Noah is a pretty trippy movie, that’s because it is — at least a lot of the time. It is devoutly mystical without being particularly religious. God is never exactly mentioned. He’s called, more vaguely, “the Creator.” Though Bible stories that lead up to this one are invoked, they’re also reinterpreted to the film’s purpose. God makes no cameo appearances and doesn’t speak to Noah. Instead, Noah divines what’s going on through dreams of what we might call the acid flashback variety. Noah’s grandfather, Methusela (Anthony Hopkins at his most Anthony Hopkins) is presented as some kind of shaman. At one point, the old boy even slips Noah a cup of hallucinogenic tea so our hero can obtain his next vision. At the same time, Noah bears more than a passing resemblance to an action movie, with its showdown between Noah and The Watchers against Tubal Cain’s (Ray Winstone) grotty team of barbarians. In a sense
CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) Bad words (r) 10:30, 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:40 Captain America: The winter soldier 3D (Pg-13) 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 Captain America: The winter soldier 2D (Pg-13) 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 7:15, 9:00 Divergent (Pg-13) 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 The Face of love (Pg-13) 11:15, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 8:45 god’s not Dead (Pg) 10:30, 1:00, 3:45, 6:45, 9:15 The grand Budapest hotel (r) 10:15, 11:30, 12:30, 1:45, 2:45, 4:00, 5:00, 6:30, 7:30, 8:45, 9:45 mr. Peabody & sherman 2D (Pg) 10:15, 12:45, 3:00 muppets most wanted (Pg) 11:15, 2:00, 4:30, 8:00 noah (Pg-13) 10:15, 11:00, 12:15, 1:15, 3:15, 4:15, 6:15, 7:00, 9:15 nymphomaniac vol. 1 (nr) 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 sabotage (r) 5:30, 9:55 Tim’s vermeer (Pg-13) 12:00, 2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) The grand Budapest hotel (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) The grand Budapest (r) 1:00, 3:00, 5:10, 7:30, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:40 stranger by the lake (nr) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat only 9:40 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) The grand Budapest hotel (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
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by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
— and it may well be accidental — what Aronofsky has done is fuse the two stories (the Biblical one and a WWI story) of Michael Curtiz’s 1928 Noah’s Ark into one story. Some of this works. Some of it is just plain clunky and obvious. (It was the second time this week I encountered a “Chekhov’s gun” variant, only this one was “Chekhov’s bear trap.”) Clumsier, though, is the film’s final section, which is also where Aranofsky makes his biggest — and most thematically suspect — changes to the story. Rather than having all three sons have wives, the movie has only Shem (Douglas Booth) paired off with Ila (Emma Watson), and she is theoretically barren. This sets the stage for Noah’s peculiar delusion that mankind is meant to perish with them. When the theoretically barren wife turns out to be pregnant, it throws a monkey wrench into Noah’s latest notion, setting the stage for psychotic Noah. I understand (I think) why Aronofsky took this route. It has a point and is going somewhere. But it’s awkward, somewhat silly and, frankly, tedious. Fortunately, the film does right itself before the end. Overall — and bearing in mind its very real missteps — Noah is too grandiose a vision to ignore. It’s epic (in the real sense of the word) and truly visionary. It’s crude yet sublime. But more than anything else, it’s unique, and it’s true to itself. We will not see its like again any time soon. Rated pg-13 for violence, disturbing images and brief suggestive content. reviewed by Ken Hanke playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore grande.
Bad Words HHS diRectoR: Jason Bateman PLayeRs: Jason Bateman, Rohan Chand, Kathryn Hahn, Allison Janney, philip Baker Hall comedy Rated R the stoRy: A foul-mouthed 40-something finds a loophole for entering a children’s spelling bee, which he plans on making a mockery of. the Lowdown: An occasionally amusing, sometimes sweet comedy with solid direction that unfortunately does little to be memorable.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
The feature film directorial debut for Jason Bateman, Bad Words is firmly ensconced in the realm of raunchy, R-rated comedies with a heart of gold. Bateman is attempting to balance wholesale vulgarity with a heartwarming, human touch. Unfortunately — despite occasionally deft direction from Bateman — the material just isn’t there. Boiled down to its basics, Bad Words is predicated on little more than the dull irony of adults being coarse and crude around children but with the notso-surprising twist of a genteel ending. Bad Words’ aims are simply too transparent, and its plotting is too predictable for the film to work.What it does manage to get right isn’t very impressive. Bateman also stars in the film, playing Guy Trilby, a crass, cruel, seemingly angry, yet very intelligent 40-year-old man, who’s entered a prestigious children’s spelling bee through a loophole. For obvious reasons, no one but Guy is pleased with the idea of mocking of a kids’ competition. His motives, which become increasingly obvious as the movie unfolds, can likely be guessed before the plot catches up. Along the way, Guy meets 10-year-old Chaitanya (Rohan Chand, Jack and Jill), a gregarious, naive competitor who wants to be friends. Reluctantly, Guy lets down his guard and submits to this unlikely bit of companionship, becoming a surrogate father to Chaitanya while dealing with his own daddy issues. Surprisingly, this is handled fairly adroitly, and there is a bit of heart here. It’s also obvious that Bateman is more comfortable with the more heartfelt aspects of the film. As far as his direction goes, he’s at his best with small touches and details. But there are glaring mistakes here, the main one being that Bateman miscast himself. He’s always been better utilized comedically as the straight man, so this sort of crass jerk just doesn’t suit his strengths as an actor. Beyond that, Bad Words doesn’t do enough to be all that entertaining. None of it is truly awful, but there’s simply no spark to it. Bad Words simply oozes adequacy, so while I can’t call Bateman’s film bad, exactly, it’s not really very memorable either. Despite all the supposed
HHHHH = max rating “adult” content, this is a film that defines nondescript. Rated R for crude and sexual content, language and brief nudity. reviewed by Justin Souther playing at Carolina Cinemas.
The Face of Love HHHS diRectoR: Arie posin (The Chumscrubber) PLayeRs: Annette Bening, ed Harris, Robin Williams, Jess Weixler, Amy Brenneman Romantic dRama Rated Pg-13 the stoRy: A long-grieving widow falls in love with a man who looks exactly like her husband. the Lowdown: A fairly ridiculous story with an uneven tone and improbable plot twists is turned into something far better than it has any right to be by the sensitive playing of stars Annette Bening and ed Harris — with help from occasionally inspired filmmaking.
Arie Posin’s The Face of Love is lovely to look at, albeit on the Architectural Digest layout side. It has two strong central performances. Ed Harris is flawless throughout, and Annette Bening matches him — at least when the film will allow her to. Much of the dialogue is literate and intelligent. This is the good news. The bad news is that The Face of Love not only has a fairly preposterous plot, but it’s one of those films that’s kept going only because one of the characters won’t utter the single sentence that would resolve things. It also boasts one of the most chortle-worthy plot devices — let’s call it “Chekhov’s heart condition” — in recent memory. The result is something like first-class passengers stuck on a train with only third-class accommodations. It’s entertaining, yes, and sometimes emotionally effective, but it’s very hard not to want to slap everyone involved whenever you pause to think about it. The idea here is that Nikki (Bening) and Garrett (Harris) are a picture-book happily married couple
— at least until Garrett manages to get himself drowned during their upscale Mexican vacation. Jump ahead five years to find Nikki still mourning over her late husband. Even the attentions of long-suffering shnook neighbor Roger (a slightly stalkerish Robin Williams) are to no avail. However, thanks to clever scripting she happens to see Tom, who is a dead-ringer for Garrett — possibly because he’s also played by Ed Harris. At first she reasonably dismisses this, but the idea takes root, and before you can say Vertigo, she contrives to meet him. Soon the two are keeping company, but does Nikki say a word about Tom’s resemblance to her dead husband at any point early enough to ease into the topic? Of course not, because this omission is necessary to drive the rest of the film. Unfortunately, it soon drives itself right into the realm of unintended mirth as the nearmisses of discovery keep piling up. I believe that director Posin and his co-writer Matthew McDuffie meant to convey the portrait of a woman slowly losing her grip on reality, immersed in living a fantasy that can only end badly. There is evidence to support this reading. For example, she never tells Tom that her husband died, only that he left her, and she never calls Tom by name. So, yes, she does seem to be crafting a fantasy, but the film not only doesn’t explore the idea in any depth, it becomes increasingly risible — and slightly annoying — as it goes along on the path to its melodramatic revelation scene. It’s not so bad that Nikki does things that are ever more childish in trying to keep her secret, but it’s a bit thick to have her take Tom to places where she and Garrett were known and then freak out when the staff thinks they recognize him. What is surprising is how well all this manages to work on an emotional level. The film’s penultimate scene at an art gallery cuts right through all the nonsense and false steps — including the carefully planted and quickly ignored information about Tom’s heart problems — to become genuinely moving and real. (Unfortunately, the final scene nearly undoes all this.) It’s tempting to lay all this at the feet of Bening and Harris, and they certainly deserve most of the praise, but the screenplay and the direction have something to do with it, some of the time. Rated pg-13 for brief drug references. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.
Community Screenings
Asheville jewish film festivAl Held at the Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Broadway, unless indicated otherwise. $8.50. Info: 2533227 or ashevillejewishfilmfestival.com. • TH (4/3), 6pm - Opening reception held at Blue Spiral 1, 38 Biltmore Ave. Includes screening of Dancing in Jaffa. $22. • FR (4/4), 1pm - Dancing in Jaffa, a film about dance & political barriers. • TH (4/10), 7pm & FR (4/11), 1pm - Sukkah City, a documentary about an architectural competition. ClAssiC world CinemA foreiGn film series • FR (4/4), 8pm - Hiroshima Mon Amour. Held in the Courtyard Gallery of Phil Mechanic Studios,109 Roberts St. Info: 273-3332 or ashevillecourtyard.com film At unCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 251-6585. • TH (4/3), 6:30pm - Suite Habana, a Cuban documentary. In The Grotto, Highsmith Union. • TU (4/8), 6:30pm - The Edukators, a German-Austrian film. In The Grotto, Highsmith Union. • WE (4/9), 6:30pm - La Haine, a French suspense film. In The Grotto, Highsmith Union. film sCreeninGs At wCu Held in the A.K. Hinds University Center. Info: 227-2324. • SU (4/6), 4pm - Shored Up, a documentary about climate change. Free. • TU (4/8), 7:30pm - Southern Circuit Film Series: The New Public, a documentary about public education. • TH (4/10), 7:30pm - The Black Power Mix Tape 1967-1975, a documentary about the Black Power movement. Free.
staRting fRiday
The Face of Love See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Nymphomaniac vol. 1
staRting fRiday
Captain America: The Winter Soldier In Hollywood terms summer starts this Friday — no matter what the weather says. It arrives in the form of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the year’s first big-men-intights comic book assault. It has an impressive enough cast — Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford, Anthony Mackie — and the trailer looks solid. Why then was it directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, the team whose principal big-screen credit is the absolutely ghastly You, Me and Dupree? Anyway, it’s already pulled down $75 million in the rest of the world, and it’s certain to sweep the U.S. come Friday. (Pg-13)
Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 HHHH diRectoR: Lars von Trier PLayeRs: Charlotte gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgard, Stacy Martin, Shia LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman dRama with daRk comedy Rated nR the stoRy: A self-proclaimed nymphomaniac tells her life story — assuming she’s not making it up — to a sympathetic listener who finds her lying unconscious in an alley. the Lowdown: Yes, it’s as sexually explicit as you’ve probably heard, but i don’t think eroticism is what von Trier’s latest is about. Vol. 1 is more funny, touching and a lot more playfully creative than you likely expect.
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Stranger by the Lake See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Tim’s Vermeer See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 is undeniably an unusual film. (I have not seen Vol. 2, and we won’t get it here for another two weeks.) It’s also a difficult film to describe. My first, very knee-jerk, reaction was that it was the best movie I could imagine that forced me to listen to a Rammstein song twice. My second reaction was that it’s not
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
in the least erotic; it’s like trying to find an erotic thrill by looking in a medical textbook. That does not mean that the film isn’t full of nudity and graphic sex, because it is, but it never struck me as titillating. Even if the sex involves porn actors, it’s still the sort of thing that isn’t likely to get a rating. But by far my most interesting reaction is that I found the film surprisingly playful, often funny — sometimes funny and tragic at the same time — and strangely old-fashioned. In that last respect, I mean it feels like an old novel — like Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders — more than an edgy, 21stcentury film. The story is the possibly suspect narrative being told by Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg) to a man — apparently named Segilman, but mostly referred to as Jude (Stellan Skargard) — who found her battered and unconscious on the street. When he takes her home, cleans her up and puts her to bed, she brushes off his concern about her condition by blaming herself, claiming, “I’m just a bad human being.” Since her host doesn’t believe in a “bad human being,” she attempts to prove her point by recounting her life story — mostly as relates to her sexual appetite and her efforts to satisfy it. This goes all the way back to prepubescent days, but reaches fullflower when she arrives at her teenage years (where she’s played by Brit model Stacy Martin). She gives up her virginity to a crude young man named Jay (Shia LaBeouf sporting a dodgy English accent) — more as something to be gotten out of the way than anything else. But soon she’s got bigger fish to fry, or catch, since the movie details part of her quest in terms of Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler. It is through these stories — digressions as von Trier calls them — that Seligman and viewers start to build an image of Joe’s life story. Some of these tales are touching, but even more are weirdly comic. Von Trier’s approach is creative and playful, especially when he offers his own digressions by presenting us with diagrams (including one on parallel parking) and numerical accounts of the number of strokes it takes Jay to deflower Joe. (This aspect of the film recalls Richard Lester’s films like The Knack ... and How to Get It and Help! [both 1965].) The film darts back and forth between Joe’s sexual odyssey and her more tranquil memories of her father (Christian Slater), along with her conversations with
APRIL 2 - APRIL 8, 2014
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Seligman. It turns out that Jay will return, now calling himself Jerome, and that Joe feels both some kind of love for him and a deep need to put him in his place. The stories just tumble out of her. The most striking is her encounter with the wife (Uma Thurman) of a man, Mr. H (Hugo Speer), who believes he’s moving in with Joe. Mrs. H. arrives with three children in tow (since they have a stake in this) staging a scene that is both comic (“Would it be all right if I show the children the whoring bed?”) and heartrending. Where is all this leading? Well, it does lead to a point where Seligman openly voices his suspicion that she’s making this up — an idea she doesn’t dispute but dismisses with the threat of stopping the narrative. Otherwise, it’s hard to tell just where it’s going, since this is only part one. (At least it ends at a logical point that suits the two-part approach.) I’m at a point where I don’t know if I care where von Trier is taking us, but I’m more than ready to find out. Is it great? Maybe, but I’m only convinced at this point that it’s fascinating. Greatness will have to wait. Not Rated, but contains explicit graphic sex. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.
Sabotage S
Director: David Ayer (End of Watch) Players: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Olivia Williams, Sam Worthington, Mireille Enos, Joe Manganiello action Rated R The Story: After stealing $10 million from a drug cartel, the members of an elite DEA task force start turning up dead. The Lowdown: An idiotically plotted, unlikable, laborious action movie that’s both tasteless and boring.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has made a career out of starring in bad movies, and Sabotage might
HHHHH = max rating be the worst of the lot. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say the film features the most unlikable, obnoxious characters ever committed in film, acting out a tasteless, unimaginative action picture with zero tact. Co-written and shoddily directed by David Ayer — who’s still riding high off writing Training Day 13 years ago — Sabotage is a stupid, ugly, boorishly macho film that’s a bigger mess than all the B-movie blood and guts it spills on screen. The idea here is that Der Arnold — who is as stiff and uncharismatic as ever — is a hotshot DEA agent tasked with tracking down the most dangerous of drug cartel leaders. He and his crack team of crooked, uncouth gunmen, replete with a plethora of neck tattoos and bad facial hair, open the film by taking down a cartel’s safe house. In the process, they skim $10 million off the bad guys’ giant pile of money that’s just laying around in the basement. All hell breaks loose when the crew’s stash turns up stolen. The DEA opens an investigation into the theft, and the cartel is seemingly hellbent on hunting down and killing each member of Schwarzenegger’s team. The film’s problems go beyond the piecemeal action scenes and a couple of shots that have the look — right down to the budget, angles and lighting — of a Mexican soap opera. Somehow, the DEA knows $10 million worth of blownup cash has disappeared, despite Arnie and friends blowing up the cartel’s remaining cash (presumably just to squeeze an explosion into the proceedings). That means there’s a Mack Truck-sized plot hole within the movie’s first ten minutes. Things get increasingly stupid from there. The bulk of the film’s plot centers around the various team members being offed in clever or horrific ways. (It’s kind of like the worst Final Destination movie imaginable.) Finally, we get to the big twist, which has zero to do with the rest of the movie. Ayer has created an incredibly inefficient movie, spinning his wheels on a lot of murder and mayhem before taking a pointless left turn, never thinking to include a single sympathetic character. Sabotage is crawling with misogynistic, loudmouthed, ignorant people with no redeeming qualities. Even the usually solid Olivia Williams is reduced to an unlikable approximation of Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs (1991) — south-
ern accent, short hair and all. The characters’ comeuppances are met with shrugs, something that might be tolerable if Sabotage was any fun. There’s a chintzy airlessness that hangs over the entire movie, from a scene set in Atlanta’s most well-lit, quiet and lightly attended strip club, to a clunky, goofy car chase. The sum of Sabotage’s parts are pretty boneheaded, while Ayer’s insistence on making things as ugly as possible doesn’t help. Rated R for strong bloody violence, pervasive language, some sexuality/ nudity and drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.
Stranger by the Lake HHHH Director: Alain Guiraudie Players: Pierre Deladonchamps, Christophe Paou, Patrick d’Assumçao, Jérôme Chappatte, Mathieu Vervisch Erotic Neo-Noir Thriller Rated NR The Story: A young man at a gay cruising spot becomes obsessively involved with a man he knows is a murderer. The Lowdown: A deliberately paced thriller of the neo-noir kind that effectively builds a steady sense of unease. However, viewers need to be aware that the film contains graphic gay sexual encounters.
The erotic French thriller Stranger by the Lake will most certainly frighten the horses with its graphic depictions of gay sex. How graphic? Very — to the point that some will call certain scenes pornography. With that in mind, those who are upset by such things — and, for that matter, the purely willy-phobic — would be well advised to pass the film by. It’s unfortunate that the film needs to carry the kind of warning that will consign it largely to the limited realm of gay cinema. I can’t imagine another approach filmmaker
PatRick d’assumçao and PieRRe deLadonchamPs in the French, gay erotic-thriller, Stranger by the Lake from director Alain guiraudie.
Alain Guiraudie could have taken that would have worked to so completely evoke the sense of place that’s so essential to the film. That place is a strip of lakeside beach and the woods beyond that have become a gay cruising spot. This confined area, which the film never leaves, is nearly as much a character as any of the players. Its seemingly tranquil, laid-back atmosphere where casual sex is an accepted act defines the film. Though it is very much a thriller, Stranger by the Lake is by no means a traditional mystery. The murder that sets the film in motion happens early, and there’s no question as to whodunit. We know, and our main character, Franck (Pierre Deladonchamps), knows, too. He had, in fact, been flirting with the murderer, Michel (Christophe Paou), and seemed to be getting somewhere. That is, until a man (François-Renaud Labarthe), who appears to be Michel’s boyfriend, shows up. Not too long afterwards, Franck — at twilight from the distance of the forest — witnesses the drowning murder of the supposed boyfriend. He knows who did it, but he is also, in film noir fashion, fixated on the murderer. His attraction overrides everything, and he is soon involved in an intense relationship with Michel. But it’s an odd
relationship in that Michel limits their relationship to the beach and the forest. It might be almost idyllic, except that the victim’s red car remains perpetually in the parking area where Guiraudie begins and ends every scene. The unease of the limited relationship is more telling than it might be were it not for the fact that Franck has struck up a friendship with a dumpy middle-aged man, Henri (Patrick d’Assumçao), who is quietly in love with Franck in a seemingly sexless but intimate manner. Henri actually wants all the things out of a relationship that Michel won’t offer. But the situation changes on the inevitable day that the body is discovered. (And the red car that served as a reminder of what happened becomes an even more potent reminder by its absence.) Now, the murder can no longer be denied, but the question is how far Franck is willing to go to protect Michel — and possibly imperil himself in the process. This is where the film moves from being quietly unnerving to being quietly suspenseful. Its quietness is the secret and the signature quality of the film. Even its central act of violence is muted by distance and twilight. The film is more interested in building a sense of dread than creating cheap thrills. The tone only changes toward the end — and only for a bit. Stranger by the Lake is almost detached in
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
its extremely formal approach. Nearly every shot is grounded to a tripod, and camera movement is rare and generally subtle, reflecting the mood of the setting. Mostly, it works, though it occasionally keeps the film just a little chilly to the touch. It is certainly more cerebral than emotional. I wouldn’t want a steady diet of it, but as a break from the norm, it’s strangely agreeable. Not Rated, but contains graphic sex of the kind that wouldn’t even pass the MpAA board with an NC-17. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre.
Tim’s Vermeer HHHS
diRectoR: Teller PLayeRs: Tim Jenison, David Hockney, Colin Blakemore, philip Steadman, penn Jillette documentaRy Rated Pg-13 the stoRy: inventor Tim Jenison sets out to prove how Vermeer painted his pictures by duplicating his method. the Lowdown: An interesting and often entertaining concept that at least suggests how Vermeer may have worked, but it ultimately confuses mechanics with artistic creation.
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aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Far and away the best thing about Tim’s Vermeer — apart from the fact that it’s only 80 minutes long — is the reasonably scant amount of screen time hogged by Penn Jillette. The film is mostly given over to its subject and a handful of people who know about art. Oh, Jillette hovers around the edges, intrudes with generally bland narration and occasionally shoves himself front and center. For the most part, however, he steers clear. (You may conclude that I generally find Mr. Jillette an annoyance. You will be correct.) The story of Tim’s Vermeer lies with Texas inventor Tim Jenison and his growing obsession with
discovering just exactly how 17thcentury Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer achieved his almost photorealistic effects. Starting from the fact that x-rays reveal no evidence of drawings beneath Vermeer’s paintings (suggesting they were strictly painted into existence), Jenison follows the line of thought put forth by artist David Hockney and art scholar Philip Steadman that Vermeer may have used an optical device, such as the camera obscura, to project his images onto the canvas. Fair enough. But Jenison quickly discovers limitations to this theory and begins experimenting to crack the secret. Coming up with a viable working model of the device that could have been used, Jenison — who is, of course, incredibly rich and can devote years to such a project — decides he’s going to try to reproduce Vermeer’s “The Music Room” using this method. The greater part of the film is given over to recording this experiment — from explaining the concept to building the requisite set and lighting to painting the picture. Is the experiment interesting? Yes, up to a point. As biopics down through the years of film have taught us, watching a man paint a picture is only marginally more exciting than watching a man write. By its very nature some of this preparation and painting can be a little dull, and some of it seems unnecessary. I remain unconvinced that it added anything to the story to detail how Jenison had to cut his lathe in half in order to be able to shape a harpsichord leg to the proper length. This obsession with minutiae, I think, is symptomatic of a basic problem with the film’s entire concept — the desire to reduce the mystery of artistic creation to a scientific formula. On the one hand, it’s intriguing to show how Vermeer might have done his painting. (Penn and Teller seem blissfully willing to accept it as fact without question.) On the other hand, what — apart from possible technique — does it really tell us? Does it clue us in on what caused Vermeer to choose his subjects? Does it tell us how and why he chose this angle or that prop or that carpet design? Why did he decide he wanted to freeze this moment in time? Of course, it doesn’t tell us these things. It can’t. All the experiment can do is reduce art to mechanics. It’s ultimately a very complex Vermeer paint-by-numbers. Jenison
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tim jenison attempts to solve the mystery of Johannes Vermeer’s photorealistic genius — and create his own Vermeer painting in the process — in the interesting but perhaps misguided documentary, Tim’s Vermeer.
himself — after first bursting into tears over the results — admits as much. Whether he really believes this (it comes as an afterthought) is another matter. The film — which I don’t deny holds a certain fascination — can’t quite get away from conveying the sense that it believes anyone who knows
the trick can be a Vermeer. Penn and Jillette, as illusionists by trade who think in terms of tricks, may buy that. I have a harder time. Art history buffs should see for themselves. Rated pg-13 for some strong language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
sPeciaL scReenings
Hiroshima, Mon Amour HHHH
Capote HHHHS
dRama Rated NR World Cinema kicks off its monthlong retrospective on the
biogRaPhicaL dRama Rated R Philip Seymour Hoffman won an Oscar for his portrayal of Truman Capote in this biographical drama centered around Capote researching and writing in Cold Blood. It’s certainly a good performance, and it’s housed in a good, but never quite great, film. It is also a very chilly affair, and it’s much easier to admire than it is to actually like. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Capote Sunday, April 6, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
works of the late Alian Resnais with the film that not only started it all for Resnais but marked the beginning of the entire French New Wave, Hiroshima, Mon Amour (1959). On its simplest level, the film is about the affair between a French actress on location and a Japanese architect, played out against the background of Hiroshima. The film’s importance comes from the way it is presented more so than its story. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard gallery will present Hiroshima, Mon Amour Friday, April 4, at 8 p.m. at phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard. com
Dancing in Jaffa HHHH documentaRy Rated NR This year’s Asheville Jewish Film Festival runs four Thursdays in April (with matinees on following Fridays). The opening night film is the heartwarming documentary, Dancing in Jaffa. The film features professional ballroom dancer Pierre Dulaine pursuing his dream of returning to his native city of Jaffa to teach both Jewish and Palestinian children ballroom dancing. It is his belief that dance might be the bridge to better relations and greater understanding. It is a surprisingly moving and involving film. Complete festival listing is available at ashevillejewishfilmfestival.com. The Asheville Jewish Film Festival and Fine Arts Theatre will screen Dancing in Jaffa on Thursday, April 3 at 6 p.m. (reception at 6 p.m. at Blue Spiral1). Admission is $22 for both the film and the reception (there are no film-only tickets). The film only shows again on Friday, April 4 at 1 p.m. and is $8.50.
Shanghai express HHHHH PuLPish Romantic dRama Rated NR Possibly Josef von Sternberg’s greatest film — and certainly Marlene Dietrich’s most luminous one — Shanghai express is a work that manages to transform what is basically a pulp adventure and trashy romance story into absolute cinematic gold. It ought to be a trifle, but it is instead a poetic, dreamlike, intensely moving drama about the nature of love and faith. I’d place in the top 10 or 15 movies ever made. Certainly, it’s one of the most beautiful. The Asheville Film Society will screen Shanghai Express Tuesday, April 8, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Spider Baby, or the Maddest Story ever Told HHHH
hoRRoR Rated NR (Make-up showing of the one cancelled by snow.) Despite
its full title, Spider Baby probably isn’t the maddest story ever told, but it’s in the running — at least as schlock exploitation film is concerned. Enjoyably trashy and occasionally downright amateurish, it’s the fairly silly story of a house full of folks suffering from some inexplicable form of mental degeneration that turns them into homicidal maniacs. They’re kept more or less in check by the old family retainer (Lon Chaney Jr. in a surprisingly touching performance) — at least till interlopers wanting the estate show up. You can kind of fill in the rest, but only kind of, since this is seriously demented. The Thursday Horror picture Show will screen Spider Baby Thursday, April 1 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
stiLL showing
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
300: Rise of an Empire HS Sullivan Stapleton, eva green, Hans Matheson, Callan Mulvey, Lena Headey
ancient world action The navy of Athens attempts to thwart a sea-born invasion from the Persian Empire. A pointless excuse for a lot of unexciting bloodletting with no thematic direction and zero vision. Rated R
3 Days to Kill HH Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Tómas Lemarquis
Large selection of tie dyed tights
Amazing colors to choose from
espionage action A CIA agent’s dying wish to reconnect with his estranged family is derailed when he’s offered a miracle cure for his disease — but only if he kills an especially nefarious target. A disjointed, aimless and occasionally ugly action picture with zero spark. Rated Pg-13
Bad Words HHS Jason Bateman, Rohan Chand, Kathryn Hahn, Allison Janney, philip Baker Hall comedy A foul-mouthed 40-something finds a loophole for entering a children’s spelling bee, which he plans on making a mockery of. An occasionally amusing, sometimes sweet comedy with solid direction that unfortunately does little to be memorable. Rated R
Divergent HH
eye see you
Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Jai Courtney, Kate Winslet, Zoe Kravitz dystopian action In the future, society has been separated into factions as a means of keeping the peace, but one girl — who discovers she may be factionless — tries to fit in with a new group as a means of survival. An overlong, joyless film that fancies itself as heady sci-fi. It’s full of moral questions, but is really just a boneheaded action flick with unappealing lead actors. Rated Pg-13
Enemy HHHH Jake gyllenhaal, Melanie Laurent, Sarah gadon, isabella Rossellini, Joshua peace Psychological horror thriller A man discovers he has an exact double and decides to meet him. Claustrophobic, psychological horror is the order of the day with enemy, a film that will appeal mostly to cineastes in search of the unusual and the unsettling. Rated R
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
The Face of Love HHHS Annette Bening, ed Harris, Robin Williams, Jess Weixler, Amy Brenneman Romantic drama A long-grieving widow falls in love with a man who looks exactly like her husband. A fairly ridiculous story with an uneven tone and improbable plot twists is turned into something far better than it has any right to be by the sensitive playing of stars Annette Bening and Ed Harris — with help from occasionally inspired filmmaking. Rated Pg-13
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Gloria HHHHS paulina garcia, Sergio Hernández, Diego Fontecilla, Fabiola Zamora, Luz Jiminez drama comedy A divorced woman on the edge of 60 decides to start living her life rather than watching from the sidelines. Refreshingly frank look at love — and life — in an age group the movies tend to shy away from. A very good film made into an essential one by Paulina Garcia’s performance as the indomitable Gloria. Rated R
God’s Not Dead H Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A.R. White, Trisha LaFache, Dean Cain, Willie Robertson shameless Propaganda melodrama A Christian student argues for the existence of God against his atheist professor. Your basic “faith-based” movie complete with its stereotypical villains and rigged arguments. It will please those it’s aimed at, but isn’t likely to do much for anyone else. Rated Pg
The Grand Budapest Hotel HHHHH Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham. Tony Revolori, Mathieu Amalric, Adrien Brody. Jeff goldblum, Jude Law comedy with tragic overtones The story of the last great days of the Grand Budapest Hotel and its legendary concierge, M. Gustave H. Absolutely breathtaking in its design, its cinematic flair and its tragicomic tone, which is masked by a deliberately absurd, thrill-comedy plot. Wes Anderson is at the peak of his form here — and so is Ralph Fiennes. Rated R
The Lego Movie HHHS (Voices) Chris pratt, Will Ferrell, elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson animated adventure An uninteresting Lego figure — living in a Lego world — is chosen to fulfill a prophecy that will free his people. A fun, often cute (and eventually sappy) movie that’s enjoyable but disposable. Rated Pg
The Monuments Men HHH george Clooney, Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, John goodman, Jean Dujardin, Bob Balaban, Hugh Bonneville fact-based war drama with comedic touches Fact-based story of the men who rescued stolen art treasures from the Nazis in WWII. Yes, it should have been great and it’s only pretty good, but it’s not the disaster many have painted. It’s solidly made and individual sequences are excellent, even if the whole doesn’t work so well. Rated Pg-13
Mr. Peabody & Sherman HHHH (Voices) Ty Burrell, Max Charles, Ariel Winter, Allison Janney, Stephen Colbert, Leslie Mann
HHHHH = max rating
animated fantasy comedy The world’s smartest dog, Mr. Peabody, must fight to keep his adopted son, Sherman. Brisk, funny and entertaining, Mr. peabody & Sherman may not set the world on fire and certainly won’t change the way you think about animated films, but it does provide a fun 90 minutes at the movies. Rated Pg
Muppets Most Wanted HHS Ricky gervais, Tina Fey, Ty Burrell, Steve Whitmire, eric Jacobson comedy The Muppets are unknowingly entangled in an international art theft after Kermit the Frog is mistaken for a master criminal and thrown in prison. A harmless little movie that exists solely for diehard Muppet fans and is more cute than entertaining. Rated Pg
Need for Speed HH Aaron paul, Dominic Cooper, imogen poots, Scott Mescudi, Michael Keaton Racing action After being framed for murder, a race car driver seeks revenge behind the wheel. An imminently braindead movie that’s occasionally fun but way too long and way too straight-faced to get the most out of its inherent stupidity. Rated Pg-13
Noah HHHH Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins biblical fantasy epic Mystical, fantasized retelling of the Bible story of Noah’s Ark. It most certainly doesn’t all work, but Darren Aronofsky’s visionary take on the Bible story is still an amazing work — as much for its flaws as for its virtues. It may miss greatness, but it sure makes a valiant try for it. Rated Pg-13
Non-Stop HHHS Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore, Scoot McNairy, Michelle Dockery, Nate parker thriller A U.S. Air Marshall on an intercontinental flight must go into action after receiving text messages threatening to kill the passengers on board if demands aren’t met. With a plot that can’t stand up to any real scrutiny, this mindless thriller is nothing more than silly entertainment. Rated Pg-13
Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 HHHH Charlotte gainsbourg, Stellan Skarsgard, Stacy Martin, Shia LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Uma Thurman drama with dark comedy A self-proclaimed nymphomaniac tells her life story — assuming she’s not making it up — to a sympathetic listener who finds her lying unconscious in an alley. Yes, it’s as sexually explicit as you’ve probably heard, but I don’t think eroticism is what von Trier’s latest is about. Vol. 1 is more funny, touching and a lot more playfully creative than you likely expect. Rated nR
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ReaL estate reAl estAte homes for sAle
fAirview fArmhouse! Year round Mountain views! 3BR/3.5 BA, 2232 sqft. Cascading creeks, wraparound porch. Two master suites, Dining room, Great Room w/fireplace. 6.17 acres. MLS#557174. $425,000. 828-7792222. Cornerstone real estate.
Condos/ townhomes for rent 2Br /1.5BA - sPlit-level Condo/townhome loCAted in west Asheville $765 West Asheville 2BR 1.5BA split-level Condo/ Townhouse-Canterbury Heights Apartment Complex. Appliances include dishwasher, garbage disposal, heating and AC, plus washer & dryer. Lovely & quiet setting, close to downtown. Playground, fitness club, and pool on site. $765. Call(828) 275-8704.
homes for rent Asheville eAst-duPlex-Half house close in. 3BR, 2BA, hardwood floors, fireplace, dishwasher, WD. Woods and trails. No pets/smoking. $825/month, plus utilities. 828-273-6700.
reAl estAte wAnted $50 CAsh rewArd (Finder's fee). Help me find a healthy/ peaceful, economical home/farm. Can exchange diverse services or pay. Have a 25 lb lovable pooch. Asap. (828) 620-1411. John.
CommerCiAl/ Business rentAls
CommerCiAl ProPertY offiCe suites Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sqft to 3,200 sqft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024. jmenk@gmproperty.com
out-of-town ProPertY 20 ACres $0 Down, Only $119/ month. No credit checks. • Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Views! Money Back Guarantee. 866-8825263 ext.81 www.sunsetranches. net (AAN CAN)
offiCe sPACe for rent Downtown office space in historic building at 1 Rankin Ave. 2000 sf upfitted. Two bathrooms, kitchen. Elevator. Original oak finishes, windows in all work spaces. Parking garage adjacent. $14 sf. Available April 1. jwarner@dunganlaw. com 828-254-4778, ext. 35
short-term rentAls 15 minutes to Asheville Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/ week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 6589145. mhcinc58@yahoo.com
APArtments for rent BlACk mountAin 2BR/1BA apartment,$595, heat/central air, washer dryer connections, very nice! (828) 252-4334. north Asheville • Townhouse style apartments, one mile from downtown on busline 1BR/1BA $495. • 2BR/1BA $595. • 3BR/1BA $695. Call (828) 2524334. Pet friendlY 2 Br 1BA 800sf APArtment Swannanoa, convenient. Very clean, private. Hardwood floors, creek-side deck. Lovely setting, must see to appreciate. Views of mountain and meadow. WD hook ups. Roomy bathroom, freshly redone. $850. 828-275-0328
roommAtes roommAtes All AreAs - roommAtes. Com. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www. Roommates.com. (AAN CAN)
emPloYment GenerAl AFRIcA • BRAZIL WORK/ studY! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 6, 9, 18 month programs
available. Apply today! www. OneWorldCenter.org (269) 5910518. info@OneWorldCenter.org (AAN CAN) Gift & tour tiCket sAles Asheville's RED Trolley tour company seeks experienced, outgoing sales clerk for downtown gift shop/ticket sales location. Part-time 3-4 days a week. Send resumes to: debbie@graylineasheville.com www.graylineasheville.com Phone oPerAtors From Home Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 18+ Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/some Weekends. 1-800-403-7772 Lipservice.net (AAN CAN). TOuR guIDE • cDL DRIvERS If you are a "people person" you could be a great Tour Guide! Seasonal full and part-time available. Training provided. Must have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). 828-251-8687. info@graylineasheville.com www.graylineasheville.com
skilled lABor/ trAdes AvAilABle Positions MMS and CopyWorks, a growing digital print and mail organization with locations in Asheville and Hendersonville, have full-time openings for self-motivated and energetic individuals in both locations. Employees must possess excellent communication and problem solving skills, be detail oriented and able to multitask in a fast paced team environment. General warehouse duties may include unloading/loading freight, long periods of standing, inventory management, machine and forklift operations, and driving. front counter positions include customer service, order processing, answering phones, and operating digital printers and finishing equipment. Industry and professional experience is a plus; proficiency with Microsoft office products suggested. Valid NC Driver’s License and clean driving record required. Benefits available after 90 day probationary period. Please email resume to cindy@mmsdelivers.com
AdministrAtive/ offiCe AdministrAtive AssistAnt For Appointment coordination,Event and meeting planning,Make travel arrangements,Pick up dry cleaning, Banking,Must possess a valid driver’s license, send your resume and salary expectations to: lin. da2@aol.com AdministrAtive AssistAnt Red Oak Recovery, a cutting edge substance abuse treatment program for young adults, is in search of a part time administrative assistant. Computer skills and great communication skills are required. Experience in Human Resources is preferred. Must be energetic and willing to work in many areas throughout our large non-smoking campus. Candidates must be team players, be
jobs self-driven, and be able to provide 3 references. Please email cover letter and resume to jobs@ redoakrecovery.com exeCutive AssistAnt Asheville, NC. Best-practice, non-profit agency, Community Action Opportunities, seeks an Executive Assistant to support the Children, Family and Community Partnerships Department. This key administrative position performs a variety of complex and often confidential administrative, supervisory, secretarial and record-producing and management duties. • Requires the ability to independently and accurately prepare, process, track and maintain electronic and hardcopy programmatic, HR and financial detailed records and reports. Also requires the ability to take initiative to prioritize and complete work and special assignments, exercise appropriate judgment, maintain confidentiality, support a variety of department employees and participate on teams as a member or leader. May include supervisory responsibilities. • Work requires extensive knowledge of office operations, detailed program and general agency knowledge. Work also requires the ability to accept and use the Agency Values: Teamwork, Communication, Quality and Respect. • Requires Graduation from a regionally or CHEA accredited business school or community college with coursework in office technology or related field and considerable high-level administrative support experience; comprehensive knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite and a variety of electronic office equipment, ability to use correct grammar, vocabulary and spelling and key a minimum of 50 wpm. • Must possess or obtain and maintain a Notary Public Certification and a valid North Carolina Driver License. Prefer experience working in Early Childhood or Head Start programs and bi-lingual in Spanish. • Salary: $34,674 to $45,000, DOQ. • Send resume, cover letter and three work references with complete contact information to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC 28801 or admin@ communityactionopportunities. org • Incomplete submittals shall be disqualified. For more information about Community Action Opportunities and this position go to: www.communityactionopportunities.org • This position is Exempt from overtime. Open until filled. EOE & DFWP seekinG quAlitY emPloYees? "We advertised with Mountain Xpress looking for a Licensed Assistant for our company. Right away we received numerous responses, one of which we ended up hiring. So impressed with the quality of leads we received from Mountain Xpress compared to our other ad placed with another source.
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restAurAnt/ food line Cooks Part-time. You must have experience and flexible availability on the weekends. Positions are available now! Accepting applications through www.Snagajob.com Buffalo wild wings
humAn serviCes
AvAilABle Positions October Road is an integrated, mental health and substance abuse provider for the greater Asheville area. We are dedicated to the highest quality of client care and customer service and strive to be a reliable and effective community partner to all of our stakeholders. We follow evidenced-based practices in all of our services and work diligently to recruit and retain the most dedicated and qualified staff to comprise our treatment teams. Our physician providers are well respected within their specialty fields and are known throughout the community. Our commitment to the community, clients and referral sources is unwavering. • We are growing and would like to have you join our team! mars hill office: Full-time ACtt Peer support specialist Full-time ACtt master’s level qP full-time Clinical Counselor (LCAS Required) Asheville office: Contract mental health therapist Contract dwi intake Clinician(LCAS Required), full-time ACtt substance Abuse specialist (LCAS or CSAC Required), full-time Peer support team leader fulltime Peer support specialist. • Eligible full-time Employee Benefits include: Health, Dental, Vision, 401K, Supplemental Life, Paid Days Off, and Holiday Pay. • All Employees enjoy discounts to Sears Auto, Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless, Sprint Wireless, Sam’s Club, Asheville Racquet Club as well as free in- house training. Apply online at www. octoberroadinc.net or email resume to info@octoberroadinc. net. Please reference job title when emailing. CliniCAl direCtor Red Oak Recovery, a cutting edge substance abuse treatment program for young adults, is seeking a highly qualified and experienced clinical director. We utilize a holistic approach, blending individual and group therapy, adventure therapy, the 12-steps, nutritional education, family therapy and many other modalities. • Qualified candidates will possess a Doctorate or Master’s degree
in a human services field and be licensed in Mental Health Treatment (LPC, LCSW) as well as Substance Abuse Treatment (LCAS, CCS). • Must have a minimum of 5 years acting as supervisor to a clinical team. Working knowledge of the 12 Steps is required. Being comfortable working outdoors is required. Please email cover letter and resume to jobs@ redoakrecovery.com CliniCAl teCh Four Circles Recovery Center, a wilderness substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking a full-time Clinical Tech to assist clients and families in all aspects of continuing care planning and education in a way that maximizes independence and family empowerment. • Duties include client care and continuing care treatment planning, coordination between client, family, and primary therapist, crisis intervention, psycho-education, and case management. • A Master’s Degree or PhD in a behavioral health or like discipline required. Licensure in behavioral health preferred. Must have strong clinical and interpersonal skills, strong organizational skills and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Wilderness experience preferred. • Please send all inquiries to jobs@ fourcirclesrecovery.com eveninG, weekend, And overniGht Positions Must be willing to attend Company trainings and offer personal care. We are seeking professional and dependable in-home CareGivers for our WNC team. www. homeinstead.com/159 lookinG for full or PArttime work? We are looking for you. WNC Group Homes provides residential services to people who have Autism and Intellectual Disabilities. Current open part- time positions include M-F, 6am-9/10am and Saturday/Sunday, 9am-9pm. Fulltime opening on 2nd shift. More information about WNC Group Homes and employment opportunities can be viewed at www. wncgrouphomes.org • Applications can be mailed or dropped off at 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville, NC 28803. mentAl heAlth Positions AvAilABle in hAYwood, jACkson, & mACon Counties Looking to fill several positions between now and Aug/ Sept. Licensed/provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive In-home services to children/adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Also looking for QP/Qualified professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP's must have Bachelor's degree and 2-4 years of experience post-degree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to telliot@jcpsmail.org suBstAnCe ABuse reCoverY Guide Four Circles Recovery Center, a young adult wilderness therapy program is seeking highly motivated, energetic,
demonstrates good health practices. The Director is responsible for programs and activities that improve the health of people with lifestyle-related health vulnerabilities, reduce the impact of socio-economic and racial health disparities, and promote wellness through exercise and improved nutrition for adults and children in YWCA programs and in the community. The Director is responsible for ensuring Aquatics and Club W’s vitality, financial stability, and alignment with the mission, vision, and values of the YWCA. • The position is full-time, year-round, exempt, benefits eligible and supervises five fulltime coordinators. The YWCA fosters a team environment and seeks employees who are dedicated to promoting our mission: eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. People of color are encouraged to apply. • Qualified candidates who are fluent in Spanish and English are strongly encouraged to apply. 4 year degree or higher is required. • Please apply for this position only after reading the complete job description at www.ywcaofasheville.org under the heading ‘Who We Are.’ Contact information is provided there. • Please do not call the YWCA to discuss this position. Application deadline is April 9. • Send resume and cover letter to humanresources@ywcaofasheville.org
compassionate individuals for direct care positions. Direct Care Recovery Guides work on a rotating week on/week off schedule. Treatment takes place in both wilderness and residential settings. Personal or professional experience with the 12-Steps, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Wilderness Therapy are preferred. • We offer competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. Substance abuse and clinical supervision are available. Please submit resumes to guidejobs@ fourcirclesrecovery.com
ProfessionAl/ mAnAGement Business lender The Natural Capital Investment Fund (NCIF), a nonprofit affiliate of The Conservation Fund is seeking an experienced lender to generate new loans which includes servicing loans, financial and risk goals. This position can be located in Asheville, Winston-Salem or Chapel Hill, NC. • NCIF (www. ncifund.org) is a US Treasurycertified CDFI. • For additional information visit our website at www.conservationfund.org • We offer an excellent benefits package including medical, dental and life insurance; 403(b) plan; paid vacation, sick leave and holidays. Interested/qualified candidates should send resume and cover letter with salary requirements to: careers@conservationfund.org or fax to: (703) 525-4610. We are an equal opportunity employer.
finAnCe mAnAGer for the CounCil on AGinG of BunComBe CountY (PArt time) Experience in nonprofit and/or government funding, GAP, Quickbooks and Microsoft Excel required. 25 hours/week. Deadline: April 14, 2014. Submit resume to: ZoeT@coabc.org. No phone calls. Full job description at: www.coabc.org/about-us/ employment-opportunities.
direCtor of heAlth And wellness Full-time. The Director of Health and Wellness is a member of the senior leadership team of the YWCA with responsibility for integrating wellness into all YWCA programming. • The Director serves as a role model for wellness and
Pets of
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Male, Domestic Longhair 2 years old
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Female, Hound Mix, 2 years old This sweet hound is Penny. She has been with us a while, and she is so ready explore the world! Being a hound she most definitely loves to follow that nose of hers. Penny is a smart girl and already knows how to sit and wait for her leash. Penny needs a family that can give her lots of exercise, she will do best with companions that can match her energy. Don’t you want to give this sweet girl a home?
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Asheville Humane Society
14 Forever Friend Lane, Asheville, NC 828-761-2001 • AshevilleHumane.org
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
Business oPPortunities
by Rob Brezny
fReewiLL astRoLogy tauRus (aPRiL 20-may 20)
Our ancestors could see the Milky Way spread out across the heavens on every clear night. Galileo said it was so bright, it cast a shadow of his body on the ground. But today that glorious spectacle is invisible to us city dwellers. After sundown, artificial light pollution hides 90 percent of the 2,000 stars we might otherwise see. If you want to bask in the natural illumination, you've got to travel to a remote area where the darkness is deeper. Let's make that your metaphor, Taurus. Proceed on the hypothesis that a luminous source of beauty is concealed from you. To become aware of it, you must seek out a more profound darkness.
aRies (maRch 21-aPRiL 19) In his novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera says the brain has “a special area which we might call poetic memory and which records everything that charms or touches us, that makes our lives beautiful.” In the coming days, it will be especially important for you to tap into this power spot in your own grey matter, Aries, to activate and stir up the feelings of enchantment that are stored there. Doing so will make you fully alert and available for the new delights that will be swirling in your vicinity. The operative principle is like attracts like.
gemini (may 21-june 20) "Dear Gemini: I don't demand your total attention and I don't need your unconditional approval. I will never restrict your freedom or push you to explain yourself. All I truly want to do is to warm myself in the glow of your intelligence. Can you accept that? I have this theory that your sparkle is contagious — that I'll get smarter about how to live my own life if I can simply be in your presence. What do you say? In return, I promise to deepen your appreciation for yourself and show you secrets about how best to wield your influence. — Your Secret Admirer." canceR (june 21-juLy 22) The Cancerian artist Rembrandt became one of the world's greatest painters. It was a struggle. "I can't paint the way they want me to paint," he said about those who questioned his innovative approach. "I have tried and I have tried very hard, but I can't do it. I just can't do it!" We should be glad the master failed to meet his critics' expectations. His work's unique beauty didn't get watered down. But there was a price to pay. "That is why I am just a little crazy," Rembrandt concluded. Here's the moral of the story: To be true to your vision and faithful to your purpose, you may have to deal with being a little crazy. Are you willing to make that trade-off? Leo (juLy 23-aug. 22) The Indian spiritual teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj offered a three-stage fable to symbolize one's progression toward enlightenment. In the first stage, you are inside a cage located in a forest where a tiger prowls. You're protected by the cage, so the tiger can't hurt you. On the other hand, you're trapped. In the second stage, the tiger is inside the cage and you roam freely through the forest. The beautiful animal is trapped. In the third stage, the tiger is out of the cage and you have tamed it. It's your ally and you are riding around on its back. I believe this sequence has resemblances to the story you'll be living in the coming months. Right now you're inside the cage and the tiger is outside. By mid-May the 70
aPRiL 2 - aPRiL 8, 2014
tiger will be in the cage and you'll be outside. By your birthday, I expect you to be riding the tiger. viRgo (aug. 23-sePt. 22) What is "soul work," anyway? It's like when you make an unpredictable gift for someone you love. Or when you bravely identify one of your unripe qualities and resolve to use all your willpower and ingenuity to ripen it. Soul work is when you wade into a party full of rowdy drunks and put your meditation skills to the acid test. It's like when you teach yourself not merely to tolerate smoldering ambiguity but to be amused by it and even thrive on it. Can you think of other examples? It's Soul Work Week for you. LibRa (sePt. 23-oct. 22) Are you close to anyone who is a catalytic listener? Is there a person who tunes in to what you say with such fervent receptivity that you get inspired to reveal truths you didn't realize you knew? If so, invite this superstar out to a free lunch or two in the coming days. If not, see if you can find one. Of course, it’s always a blessing to have a heart-to-heart talk with a soul friend, but it’s even more crucial than usual for you to treat yourself to this luxury now. Hints of lost magic are near the surface of your awareness. They're still unconscious, but could emerge into full view during provocative conversations with an empathetic ally. scoRPio (oct. 23-nov. 21) On my blog, I quoted author Ray Bradbury: "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." I asked my readers what word they would use in place of "writing" to describe how they avoided being destroyed by reality. Popular responses were love, music, whiskey, prayer, dreams, gratitude, and yoga. One woman testified that she stayed drunk on sexting, while another said "collecting gargoyles from medieval cathedrals," and a third claimed
her secret was "jumping over hurdles while riding a horse." There was even a rebel who declared she stayed drunk on writing so she could destroy reality. My question is important for you to meditate on, Scorpio. Right now, you must do whatever's necessary to keep from being messed with by reality. sagittaRius (nov. 22-dec. 21) Does your mother know what you’re up to these days? Let's hope not. I doubt that she would fully approve, and that might inhibit your enthusiasm for the experiments you’re exploring. It's probably best to keep your father out of the loop as well, along with other honchos, cynics or loved ones who might be upset if you wandered outside of your usual boundaries. And as for those clucking voices in your head: Give them milk and cookies, but don't pay attention to their cautious advice. You need to be free of the past, free of fearful influences — and free of the self you're in the process of outgrowing. caPRicoRn (dec. 22-jan. 19) For the foreseeable future, I urge you not to spend much time wrangling with bureaucrats and know-it-alls. Avoid frustrating projects that would require meticulous discipline. Don't even think about catching up on paperwork or organizing your junk drawer or planning the next five years of your career. Instead, focus on taking long, meandering walks to nowhere in particular. Daydream about an epic movie based on your life story. Flirt with being a lazy bum. Play noncompetitive games with unambitious people. Here's why: Good ideas and wise decisions are most likely to percolate while you’re lounging around doing nothing — and feeling no guilt about it. aQuaRius (jan. 20-feb. 18) Are you waiting? Are you wondering and hoping? Are you calculating whether you are needed, and if so, how much? Do you wish the signs were clearer about how deeply you should commit yourself? Are you on edge as you try to gauge what your exact role is in the grand scheme of things? I'm here to deliver a message from the universe about how you should proceed. It's a poem by Emily Dickinson: "They might not need me but — they might — / I'll let my Heart be just in sight — / A smile so small as mine might be / Precisely their necessity."
$1,000 weeklY!! mAilinG BroChures From Home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity. No Experience required. Start Immediately! www.mailingmembers.com (AAN CAN) helP wAnted Make extra money in our free ever popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! 1-888-2921120. www.easywork-fromhome. com (AAN CAN) turnkeY online Custom ProduCts Biz Cash in on this billion+ $ biz, be the local custom products provider. 60 to 100% profits. Completely turnkey, web store and online design center included. For more info: www. inkedartistry.com
xChAnGe Businesses for sAle the little GYm of Asheville WNC's premier motor skill development center, open since 2005. A wonderful franchise opportunity. For more details, please email bonnierapp@ yahoo.com
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AnnounCements AnnounCements Advertise your business or product in alternative papers across the U.S. for just $995/ week. New advertiser discount "Buy 3 Weeks, Get 1 Free" www.altweeklies.com/ads (AAN CAN) eArn $500 A dAY Airbrush and Media Makeup Artists For: Ads - TV - Film - Fashion Train & Build Portfolio in 1 week. Lower Tuition for 2014. www.AwardMakeupSchool.com (AAN CAN) PreGnAnt? thinkinG of AdoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)
leGAl notiCes notiCe of unClAimed ProPertY The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department: electronic equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous items. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property has 30 days from the date of this publication to make a claim. Unclaimed items will be disposed of according to statutory law. Items will be auctioned on www.propertyroom. com. For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section, 828-232-4576. notiCe of disPosition The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department tagged for disposition: audio and video equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous. Items will be disposed of 30 days from date of this posting.
outdoor reCreAtion BiCYCle rePAir thAt Comes to You Why haul your bike to the shop, if an affordable, friendly, professional will come to you? FREE pick up and delivery in Asheville area, $15 for surrounding cities. Bike Works Mobile. Call Joe, 828-633-2332. bikeworksasheville.com
mind, BodY, sPirit BodYwork
Pisces (feb. 19-maRch 20) You will soon get a second chance. An opportunity you failed to capitalize on in the past will re-emerge in an even more welcoming guise, and you will snag it this time. You weren't ready for it the first time it came around, but you are now! It's probably a good thing the connection didn't happen earlier, because at that time the magic wasn't fully ripe, but it is now!
home imProvement hAndY mAn hire A husBAnd Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
#1 AffordABle CommunitY ConsCious mAssAGe And essentiAl oil CliniC 2 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088 and 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 7851385 • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point,
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the new yoRk times cRosswoRd PuzzLe
ACROSS 1 Fare in “blankets” 5 Do the Wright thing? 11 Half-___ (coffee order) 14 In a frenzy 15 Bahamas cruise stop 16 South American cruise stop, for short 17 Journalists covering abstract art? 20 Coriander, for one 21 Cry with a fist pump 22 Hill staffers 23 “Mob Wives” star Big ___ 25 Aim high 26 Help from a jerk? 32 “… cup ___ cone?” 33 Model plane, e.g. 34 Like steak tartare 37 Letters on a radial
38 Sheer curtain fabric 39 Medium for short-lived sculptures 40 Ages and ages 41 Typists’ copies, once 43 ___-devil 44 Canned tuna without mayo? 47 The Scourge of God 49 Like one texting :-( 50 Ill-humored 51 Shell carries it 54 Jump the shark, e.g. 58 Narcoleptics with string instruments? 61 Toledo-toPittsburgh dir. 62 Holding-handsin-the-dark event 63 Gutter problem 64 Mike Tyson facial feature, for short
65 Guinness Book superlative 66 Equipment miniature golf players don’t need
DOWN 1 “Super” campaign orgs. 2 “You can stop trying to wake me now!” 3 Desert that occasionally gets snow 4 Winter topper 5 Hobby farm denizen 6 “Results may ___” 7 “Oh, O.K.” 8 Hieroglyphics creatures 9 Chinese “way” 10 “1984” superstate 11 One unable to get a loan, say 12 TV station, e.g. 13 Bob who directed “Cabaret” ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 18 Mister in a Answer sombrero M O M A to Previous O R B S Puzzle I B I S 19 They’re often off S N A R K R E A M T A P A W A D S T H A N D A S H the books O IT TT I H OA HF OR SO I AB N I AS T OG M O M O OF E EN LC E I NN AG BP L E AR DT E 24 Compadre of Castro FU ON RC WI AV RI DL M A R C L H I N 25 Mountaineering R O L EL S MN EE E D OL A E T CS A S E attempts SS RT OO M CP O M PM AU NT Y EH A SL ET X 26 World leader with HU IF PW P OS SE A LB U I GR DO T PO EE P an eponymous AL VA EN R TA X YL EE S K SN A I LS SH A “mobile” RA ER NA EB L KE EA ND E I R A GMR I E TE T 27 Guesstimate P R ER SU EM N T A RL ME S A NE TR OE S words C R RO OS SS EW O R ED P E E S E E 28 Where to find R E A D Y A I M F I R E the only stoplight Z E U S O B O E I S I A H I S N T D I O D E I M A C in a small town, A N N E R E V S S I N G E typically M I C E S A G E T L A S H R O D S N Y E T A N E W 29 Picnic utensil P R O D G A R Y E X P O
No.0226 Edited by Will Shortz
No. 0226
edited by Will Shortz
34 38
41 44
25 29
19 21
43 46
30 It’s best when it’s airtight 31 Towers on farms 35 Hurt 36 Pull up dandelions and crab grass 41 Harry Belafonte genre 42 It carries a shell 45 Flooring option
57 Txts, e.g. 46 One needing detox 47 It’s a plus 48 Tornado Alley city 51 Mortarboard 59 Symbol of tosser slipperiness 52 ___ cream 53 Jiffies 55 Castaway site 56 Siouan speaker 60 Net judge’s call
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from Call the last 50 years:online 1-888-7-ACROSS. subscriptions: Today’s puzzle for answers: 1-900-285-5656, and more than 2,000 past puzzles, a minute; with a credit card,to download AT&T$1.49 users: Textor,NYTX to 386 puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a 1-800-814-5554. nytimes.com/mobilexword for moreyear). information. Annual subscriptions are available for Online Today’s puzzle and than 2,000 past share tips:more nytimes.com/wordplay. the subscriptions: best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 Crosswordsa year). for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords. At&t Text NYTX to 386 to Share tips:users: nytimes.com/wordplay. download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/ mobilexword more information. Crosswords forforyoung solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
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