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caRtoon by Randy moLton
The name of Isis goes back to ancient Egypt
Let the Energy Freedom Act pass in N.C.
citizens be able to choose what kind of power they will pay for is so very, very long overdue. House Bill 245, the Energy Freedom Act, is the first step in getting [rid of] these outrageous rates that Duke charges for burning fossil fuels, causing massive destruction of our rivers, water systems, [and] drinking water, and probably causing untold cases of cancer for generations to come. We have an opportunity — grant you, it’s a small window — but it is a chance to change the way our state does business. I am only one, but if the word gets out, I do believe that the power of this pen can be mightier that Duke’s powerful sword, lobbying, and all the backroom deals that go on, but we never have a voice in these backroom, smoke-filled deals. Our country was founded on the free-enterprise system. What is Duke Power afraid of? If these solar companies can make electricity cheaper for some, then it should be allowed to become law. — Carl Hansley Hendersonville
I am only one person, however, I do believe that our government should stay out and Duke Power should get out of the monopoly it has on the state of North Carolina and the population it charges for electricity. Having the
Editor’s note: House Bill 245, the Energy Freedom Act, is co-sponsored by Rep. Chuck McGrady of Henderson County. The bipartisan bill relates to third-party energy sales and states that renewable-energy companies
This letter is in response to Kent Purser’s letter in the March 25 Xpress regarding the ISIS Theater on Haywood Road in West Asheville [“Citizens of Asheville, It’s Time to Connect the Dots”]. I, too, grew up in West Asheville and saw many movies at the ISIS in the 1950s. The name is not something new, nor is it related to the terrorist group. The name Isis goes back to ancient Egypt. Isis was an Egyptian goddess and was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. Mr. Purser, have you seen a doctor about your paranoia? I don’t think moving to South Carolina will solve your problems. — Brenda C. Webber Asheville
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would be allowed to build solar- or wind-power systems for customers on their property and bill directly for the electricity, even though they aren’t utilities.
Oops, actually chelation therapy really does work…. I thank Dr. stephen ely for his letter [“Research Doesn’t Support Chelation Therapy’s Effectiveness,” March 25, Xpress], as it provides insight into the forces keeping our conventional medical care focused exclusively upon expensive procedures and pharmaceuticals, without proper risk/benefit consideration given to nonprescription options. The first force is “cognitive dissonance,” the mental discomfort we experience when confronted with new information that conflicts with existing beliefs or ideas. The discomfort increases relative to the investment [people have] in their current belief systems. So, after 14-15 years in higher education to become a cardiologist, it is almost impossible to accept that there may actually be a very useful therapy that they were originally taught was useless. Indeed, their cognitive dissonance may blind them to the more recent $31 million National Institute of Health study known as TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy), which did show positive results, especially for diabetic patients. In fact, one recent analyses of this study (Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014 7: 15-24) reports: “Post-myocardial infarction patients with diabetes mellitus aged >50 showed a marked reduction in cardiovascular events with EDTA chelation,” with “a 41 percent relative reduction in risk of a combined cardiovascular end point; … a 52 percent reduction in recurrent MI; and a reduction in death from any cause of 43 percent.” Forbes magazine on Nov. 19, 2013, pointed out that the NNT (number needed to treat) with chelation therapy to prevent an event is about the same as with statin
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drugs (6.5 patients would need to be treated for five years to prevent one event). However, while statins carry significant risk for adverse events, the TACT study showed chelation therapy had zero significant risk. The second force at play is “conflict of interest,” which we all understand. While Dr. Ely is correct that an entire series of EDTA runs about $4,000 and is not covered by insurance, that chelation client is seen 40 times over 20-40 weeks for that cost, at about $100 per IV. Dr. Ely neglects to compare that to the price of bypass surgery (which the Healthcare Bluebook puts at $39,572) or a coronary artery stent (ranging from $11,000-$30,000). The math is compelling. In integrative medicine, we integrate whatever works and make decisions in partnership with fully informed clients. That is why I sent bill sites for his bypass surgery, because together he and I decided that it was finally time for it. I am so glad that it is available as an option and that he got a great result. However, while Dr. Ely asserts that “the medical consumer does need to be well-informed,” I doubt cardiologists are educating their patients about all of their true options, including chelation therapy and its enviable risk/benefit ratio, especially for their diabetic patients. — James Biddle, MD Asheville Integrative Medicine
Do Ashevilleans really support local? I was, and am, extremely saddened by the closing of Katuah [Market] and have the utmost respect and appreciation to [John] Swann for creating such a meaningful and healthy place. It is a great loss to see it go. But I am not convinced that it’s due to people not willing to purchase locally, as Swann’s quote insinuated: “That’s all great, but if you want to support local, then really support it. That means not supporting multibillion-dollar, multinational corporations.” Wasn’t this the same man who sold Greenlife to one of these corporations? Couldn’t he have refused to be a part of bringing in such a multibillion-dollar company? The next article, concerning the expansion of the French Broad Food Co-op, tells a different story regarding locals supporting local businesses. They lost customers
when Greenlife was locally run, and after the purchase by Whole Foods, those customers returned to the local co-op. Isn’t this the act of people putting their money where their mouth is ... or where their bumper stickers are? — Kris Kramer Black Mountain Editor’s note: Swann told the Asheville Citizen-Times in March that he had been a minority partner in Greenlife and that the 2010 buyout by Whole Food had been negotiated without his knowledge.
WNC residents, look in the mirror for bad drivers There have been a few letters complaining about driving habits of drivers from outside the local area. I find this amusing, as, having lived on the East Coast, Rocky Mountains and West Coast, I have found Western North Carolina the least traffic-aware and most careless driving region I have lived and driven in.
caRtoon by bRent bRown
These letters suggest that I “leave at home” some driving traits that appear to be illegal in the area — as in making full stops at stop signs, including when making a right turn at one or at a red light and always using turn signals before turning and/or changing lanes. I was not aware these are apparently illegal here, as 80 percent [or more] do not do the above. In order to better fit in here, I would have to discontinue these imported driving habits. One letter complained about a line of cars tailgating on [Interstate] 26 approaching downtown but totally missed the point as to why this often happens. This is usually because there is a driver going significantly under the speed limit and who is not being held up by traffic immediately ahead — a very common occurrence here. Usually, on multilane roads you can go around — but not on most of the roads in the surrounding area. I don’t know if North Carolina has a law, as other states do, that require drivers who
have more than four to five cars behind them on these roads to pull over in a safe spot. If so, it is also being ignored. On a serious note with respect to turn signals: Not only is this the law and a reflection of common curtesy, but there is a hidden benefit for drivers. It goes back to traffic awareness, as in properly using turn signals. The driver will be more aware of traffic conditions and actually become a safer driver. So before complaining about others’ driving habits, take a good, honest look in the mirror. — G. Wurster Asheville
Youth Art Exhibit coming in May In response to the query “Where can we see local student artwork?” the Asheville City Schools Youth Art Month exhibit will open on Sunday, May 3, and run through Thursday, May 14.
For the second consecutive year, we are using the historic YMI Cultural Center on Market Street. Every Asheville City School will be represented, from kindergarten through high school seniors. We have found the center to be an ideal place to showcase art, as well as an opportunity to highlight the venue itself. Anyone interested in seeing student work might wish to check their website for specific hours. My own students’ work is regularly exhibited at the State Employees Credit Union on Broadway and the downtown branch on Charlotte Street. I am passionate about displaying my students’ works. As a young artist, I still remember seeing my own work on display and the impact it had on my life’s course. Local businesses that would like to brighten their walls with student art should contact any area art teacher. I can be reached at james. cassara@asheville.k12.nc.us — James Cassara Art Teacher Claxton Elementary School of the Arts and Humanities
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Honor system Vance Monument restoration raises troubling questions
by danieL haLL dhall1@unca.edu
Vance Monument is showing its age. Streaks of rust run down the foundation. Gouges mar the plaque’s lettering. The bricks are faded and cracked, washed out and weatherworn, attesting to the changes they’ve seen. Erected in 1897, it’s been around for more than a century. The cornerstone was laid at a public ceremony in a packed town square. The Rev. R.R. Swope addressed the crowd, the Asheville Citizen reported, couching his remarks in lofty rhetoric: “Its granite shall be as strong as [Vance’s] character. Upright as was his memory, this shaft shall stand as an enduring witness. ... May his name and fame be as a beacon prompting to patriotism in the land of his birth and his love.” The towering obelisk still stands tall in the center of downtown, dominating Asheville’s center of power. The Buncombe County Courthouse and City Hall reign at one end; the monolithic BB&T Building looms over the other. At press time, restoration of the monument was slated to begin in early April, managed by the 26th North Carolina Regiment, a Civil War re-enactment and historic preservation society. (Vance commanded the 26th North Carolina Regiment in 1861.) The project is expected to take three to four weeks, with a rededication ceremony to follow on May 16. But there’s another side to this story. “For me, as an African-American, it’s on par with memorializing Nazis as a Jewish person. I’m just never going to be OK with it,” says dwight mullen, a political science professor at UNC Asheville.
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By many accounts, Zebulon Vance was a white supremacist, a fairly common stance at the time. He served the Confederacy as a military officer and wartime governor. He also supported and profited from slavery. gordon mckinney, the author of Zeb Vance: North Carolina’s Civil War Governor and Gilded Age Political Leader, says historians haven’t found a direct connection between Vance and the Ku Klux Klan. But Vance, notes McKinney, a history professor at Berea College in Kentucky, certainly benefited from the secretive militant group’s work to suppress the votes of political groups overwhelmingly opposed to his election as governor.
defining “good” Mullen, meanwhile, remembers when his son, after a school field trip to the Vance Birthplace, asked, “What’s wrong with Zebulon Vance? The lady says he was good to his Negroes.” “At that point,” Mullen recalls, “I said, ‘You know, we might have different definitions of good.’” But what’s the solution? Do we just let the monument crumble? “Yes, I would,” says Mullen. “I think it would be a really powerful statement. Just let it fall down; leave it right where it drops.” darin waters, an assistant professor of history at UNCA, says
the hub: Here’s Pack Square circa 1930, looking east, with Asheville City Hall and both the 1903 and 1928 Buncombe County Courthouses in the distance. Photo by George Masa. Original photo held by the NC Div. of Archives & History, this print courtesy of North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library, Asheville, North Carolina
Vance’s character must be considered in the context of the times. “Vance advocated religious tolerance, particularly toward Jews. He served North Carolina fully and faithfully as its
governor, making hard decisions on behalf of its residents — its free residents. He was complex, if nothing else. “We don’t always like to see the complexity of that history,” continues Waters. “We like a clean narrative — a narrative that tends to promote the idea of triumph and progress.” Upon Vance’s return to office in 1876 after an 11-year hiatus, his first major project was extending the North Carolina Railroad, a largely state-funded enterprise whose construction had stalled at Old Fort before the war, to Asheville. According to McKinney’s book, Vance foresaw the railroad’s potential economic benefits for the Asheville area, adopting the cause as his personal crusade. “Of course, Vance was from Asheville,” says McKinney, “and he and his family owned a lot of land in Asheville, which, if the railroad got here, that land would be worth a lot of money.” At the time, African-Americans could legally be rounded up, convicted on trivial charges such as unemployment and vagrancy, and then leased out to industries by the government. This supplied states with forced labor without meeting the legal definition of slavery. North Carolina lacked the funds to complete the railroad, so Vance deployed an initial workforce of 250 convicts, with more to follow as the operation continued. The railroad was indeed completed, and the area prospered — but 125 convict laborers died in the process, some from exposure and starvation in the harsh conditions, some from accidents and cave-ins. Others were simply shot as they tried to escape. And when Vance was notified of these deaths, he demanded that the work continue at the same pace. “African-Americans,” says McKinney, “were arrested for vagrancy and loitering, and things
Petition calls for a monument for African-American contributions UNC Asheville’s Center for Diversity Education is spearheading efforts to have a new monument constructed in Pack Square, in tribute to the contributions and history of Buncombe County’s African-Americans. According to a petition circulating in support of this effort, the restoration plans for the Vance Monument are an opportunity to stop the pattern of commemorating certain facets of our history while ignoring the experience of others. Addressed to the Asheville City Council and Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, the petition asserts that, with the abundance of Confederate heritage markers in downtown Asheville, it is time for there to be one dedicated to the county’s African-Americans. “There are five markers for the Confederacy and none for the contributions of the African-American community,” said deborah miles, director of the Center for Diversity Education. “Why is that? What do we choose to remember? What do we want to forget?” Miles said the Confederate heritage markers in downtown Asheville were introduced during the time the Jim Crow movement was emerging — a movement to deprive African-Americans of citizenship rights. Part of this effort was shaping the public’s historical memory, assuring the right story was told. The creation of this new monument represents an opportunity to balance the scales. She described the project as being in the informational stage, getting the word out through letters and presentations, along with the petition. Fundraising and planning committees are still to come. Numerous organizations have signed the petition, including the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, the Mountain People's Assembly and the Carolina Jews for Justice. Miles estimated it has more than 1,000 signatures so far. Miles said the monument should be iconic — as iconic as the Vance Monument, situated at the heart of downtown Asheville. So the plan is to work with the Arts Council and reach out to the community for the monument's design. “Most people don’t get their history in a classroom or from books, the way we do as academics,” said darin waters, history professor at UNC Asheville. “They get it from what they see on a daily basis, in the naming of roads and the naming of buildings, in statuary, things like that. And if you look at the way that is at present, in most places — Asheville is not the only place that I would point to with regard this — but in most places, you don't see the memory of African-Americans in those spaces.” Mayor esther manheimer said she supports the construction of a new monument and appreciates the Center for Diversity Education’s efforts to raise awareness. When it comes time to work with the city to obtain land for the monument’s construction, Manheimer said she is optimistic of the project’s success. “I can't speak on behalf of Council, because that would require a Council vote,” said Manheimer, “but my sense is that the Council would be eager to partner with any group that's interested in memorializing the AfricanAmerican heritage in Asheville.” — by Daniel Hall X
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continues on Page 10
Convicts, many of them AfricanAmericans who had been sentenced for minor crimes, were used to build the railroad tracks in Western North Carolina. Some of them lost their lives in the process. Photograph originally published by T.H. Lindsey as a postcard approximately 1892. Photo courtesy of North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library, Asheville, North Carolina
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
About the Vance Monument • Construction cost $3,000, two-thirds of it contributed by philanthropist George Pack, for whom the square was eventually named. • The monument was designed by Richard Sharp Smith.
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• The base contains a time capsule from 1897, encased in a cornerstone block. • In 2008, Conservation Solutions Inc. conducted an assessment of Asheville’s public artworks, calling the Vance Monument a highpriority project. • In 2012, the 26th North Carolina Regiment entered into an agreement with the city to allow the group to raise funds for the restoration. • In 2014, the 26th Regiment reached its $115,000 fundraising goal. • The city contributed $11,000 from its public art maintenance budget, to which $40,000 is allocated annually. • The city will also assume responsibility for and cover the cost of preparing the site, extracting and replacing the time capsule, and repairing the wrought-iron enclosure.
continued fRom Page 09
like that — which turned out to be a death sentence.” And while the author says he knows of no commemoration of those deaths, there are numerous dedications to Vance across the state. Over time, he became a symbolic figure for the “lost cause” of the Confederacy in North Carolina; groups such as the Southern Historical Society and the Daughters of the Confederacy sanctified men like Vance, romanticizing the Confederacy’s cause and leaders. “I really do have issues with the memorialization of the Confederacy,” says Mullen, “because somehow it’s disassociated from slavery. And no, you’re memorializing slavery. That’s what you’re doing.” Col. Chris Roberts, commander of the 26th North Carolina Regiment, declined to comment on the controversy. fiLLing in the gaPs deborah miles, the director of UNCA’s Center for Diversity Education, says Americans are often reluctant to take a critical view of the nation’s history. But tearing down the Vance Monument or letting it fall, she believes, would cause too much dissension. Instead, a new memorial — as iconic as the Vance obelisk and equally prominent — should be established, paying tribute to the African-Americans of Western North Carolina, including those who gave their lives building the railroad. As of February, a petition for the cause had collected over 1,000 signatures.
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Portrait of Zebulon Baird Vance on his inauguration as North Carolina governor in 1862. Photo courtesy of North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library, Asheville, North Carolina
Waters, who supports the proposed monument, says it’s really a matter of picking your battles. As one of Asheville’s most iconic landmarks, the Vance Monument is almost certainly here to stay. But Pack Square, notes Waters, is a public space of power, and it’s important to consider what ideals and what history it reflects — and also what is absent. To most visitors, notes sasha mitchell, chair of the CityCounty African American Heritage Commission, the Vance Monument is probably just a piece of scenery. But for those who know more about Zebulon Vance, particularly Asheville’s African-Americans, having such a prominent dedication can send a powerful and troubling message. “I think it’s worthy of looking very carefully at possibly making a change to the monument,” she says. “I know that’s touchy, because you want to preserve history. On the other hand, we’re not static.” X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Hayley Benton
End of an era Smokey’s Tavern closes after 60 years
Smokey’s brands itself as Asheville’s oldest continuously operating bar — “same location, same name, same everything” since the 1950s, Masters says. But after 60 years of beer and booze, Smokey’s is losing its lease: The downtown fixture will close forever on April 15. “Business was starting to pick up; we had a good future ahead of us,” he says. “But that’s all gone now. It’s going to be lost history.” Rough and tumbLe
gene masters stands in the doorway of Smokey’s Tavern, leaning over the barricaded sidewalk that’s blanketed with concrete dust — remains of the former BB&T garage next door. Traipsing back inside, he takes a seat on a black swivel stool and gazes down the musty hall. The air is thick with decades of brews, whiskey and cigars — memories caught in cracks of aging wood. “After 32 years, it’s going to be hard to come back downtown,” says Masters, his voice shaking. “I don’t know if I will come back. It’s just about broken my heart.”
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Last caLL: Gene Masters, owner of Smokey’s, will close “Asheville’s oldest bar” after a lease dispute and 60 years of continuous service. He launched a GoFundMe campaign for a new bar. To contribute, visit avl.mx/0uy
Hired as a bouncer and bartender at Smokey’s in 1983, Masters remembers a much different Asheville. “When I started here, it was pretty much the only place on this street.” Back in the ’80s, he continues, Smokey’s Tavern was “just a very, very redneck bar. We had a lot of problems, but we handled our own problems back then,” which often meant throwing dangerous drunks out onto the street. Lifting his shirt, Masters reveals a deep scar across his abdomen, the aftermath of a brutal 1986 bar fight. “I got stabbed here 13 times,” he says,
pointing to his chest. “Most were superficial, but the one in the belly put me in the hospital for two days.” And in 2001, when longtime building and bar owner Cecil Cassada passed away, his wife, Pauline, rewarded a loyal employee by giving Masters the bar. In honor of his friendship with Cassada, Masters kept the bar just as it was for his first year — “same records on the jukebox; nothing was changed,” he says. But then, seeking to rid the place of its shady characters, rough drunks and violent outbreaks, Masters turned Smokey’s Tavern into Smokey’s After Dark, a private LGBT club. “I’d always wanted to have a private club to serve mixed drinks, and in the process I decided to make it a gay club too,” he explains. “I’ve earned my right to be here and do anything I want to here. I’ve got a right to make it a private club if I want to — and gay at that.” haRd times come again “I’ve been cut and stabbed and everything back when it was the old way, but ... I’ve had very few problems in the last 14 years,” says Masters.
cLosing time: Smokey Tavern in 1978, from the North Carolina Collection at Pack Memorial Library. Photo courtesy of Pack Memorial Library
Just as he finishes speaking, though, the whole building starts to shake. Masters rests his head in his palm against the bar, waiting for the tremor to cease. Smokey’s started running into problems late last year, when demolition began on the adjacent parking garage, making way for a Marriott AC Hotel. The construction crew barricaded the sidewalk from College Street down to the bar’s entrance on Broadway, making it hard to access the building — even more so if you don’t know it’s there. “My back entrance is blocked off, and from the front, it looks like we’re almost completely closed too,” he explains. So when customers head over to Smokey’s, “They’re either going to have to jaywalk or go all the way to the corner and come back up. They’re routing customers away from me. We usually get a lot of walk-ins that see or hear that we have karaoke and come in. Well, if they’re on the other side of the street, they don’t know what we’re doing over here.” But the problems didn’t stop there. “They’re jackhammering the [foundation] of the building, and all that shaking stopped up my plumbing,”
Masters explains. “They don’t [work] at night, but you can’t run a club without plumbing.” Another loud bang hits the premises, sending the centuryold building into a wobble, the liquor bottles behind the bar clinking together. Amid the commotion, bar manager ashley michaels walks in. In February, “We had to close for nine full days and four halfdays,” Michaels says. “So that put us in a huge bind, because in this business, the winter is horrible anyway.” Masters adds: “January, February and March of every year, it’s so hard to meet the bills. Those three months are the coldest. And downtown at nighttime? People aren’t going to walk two or three blocks to get to this bar in that kind of weather,” especially if the sidewalk is blocked. During that period, Smokey’s fell behind on the rent, but the pair believed they could straighten things out. “I had a vision,” Michaels explains, “and I told Gene that with the new hotel opening [next door], we could remodel. We could open upstairs. I think business could be really, really good.” But around the same time the demolition began, building owner Pauline Cassada handed over power of attorney to her daughter, Shirley Fender, whom both Masters and Michaels allege has been against the bar from the beginning, even when it was her father’s. “I’ve always known when she got control, I would get kicked out,” says Masters, claiming Fender is against serving alcohol in her building. “And sure enough, that’s what happened.” Fender declined to speak with Xpress on the lease termination, explaining that her lawyer advised her not to comment at this time. Masters, however, suspects that it’s not just the rent and the alcohol. “The downtown properties have gotten so valuable. … I think they realized there’s more money to be made,” he says. “And I always knew they could get more, but in the meantime they’re going to have to do so much work on the building, it’s probably going to take their lifetime to get that money back.” In the meantime, after being closed for more than nine days and spending about $1,000 trying
to fix the faulty pipes, the bar was even further in the red. “Hardly any business can go two weeks with no income without falling behind,” Masters says. “My employees were just working for tips trying to help me stay open.”
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moVing on It wasn’t the first time this had happened, Michaels explains. “Gene’s been behind on rent before, but him and Polly always worked it out. I guess, with all the construction, she decided that she didn’t want to handle it anymore and handed it over to her daughter.” Meanwhile, Masters and Michaels sought outside financing and found someone who was willing to lend the money needed to keep Smokey’s going. But on Feb. 15, Masters explains, Fender told him she wasn’t renewing his lease. “She would do nothing but 30 days at a time, and there’s no way [the investor] would loan me money with only a 30-day window to pay it back,” he says. “I could have [the rent and bills] paid, up to date and everything, if she had only given me a year’s lease, but she’d rather lose the money than let me stay here — I mean, that’s obvious. The only thing I asked for was a 12-month lease, and two or three of those months are going to be over with by the time they get me out of here.” Michaels speculates that Fender “thinks it’s a gold mine because of the hotel coming in next door. And Gene’s so passive that she probably thought she would just tell him to move, and he would.” Frustrated, exhausted and confused, Masters throws his hands in the air, realizing he’s about to lose everything he’s known for the last 32 years. “I just said, ‘You’ll just have to throw me out then, because I’m not going to walk out voluntarily.’ I’ve been here over half of my life, six to seven days a week.” At that point, Masters stands up to leave. “It’s too depressing,” he says, as he walks out the door. “Poor Gene,” says Michaels. “This has really killed him.” But amid the chaos of packing up, Michaels has some good news to share: Plans for a new bar are already underway, though the name and location are a secret for now. “It’s not that Smokey’s is dying,” says Michaels, who’ll co-own the new venture with Masters. “It’s just time for something new — a new start, a new journey.” X
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Kat McReynolds
Habitat ReStore’s secrets to success How one local retail shop became a national leader Books, toilets, rugs, records, glassware, furniture, building supplies. On first glance, the eclectic inventory at Asheville’s Habitat for Humanity ReStore might seem haphazard, but the organization itself is a well-oiled machine. Habitat for Humanity International recently ranked the Asheville ReStore second in gross sales among the parent nonprofit’s nearly 800 such retail shops, presenting a lifetime achievement award to recently retired general manager jay sloan, who oversaw the retail operation for more than a decade. Habitat’s corporate headquarters, which mentors stores in other cities, has even begun looking to Asheville for answers. “We often recommend that new store managers visit the Asheville Area Habitat ReStore for best practices and ideas,” says frank Reed, senior director of ReStore support at the international nonprofit, which uses volunteers to build or renovate housing for families in need. The store, continues Reed, is “a great place to shop, volunteer and donate.” So, how does this small-town store outperform hundreds of peers across the nation? the eVeR-exPanding showRoom In 1990, under the leadership of Executive Director Lew kraus, the Habitat Home Store opened on Biltmore Avenue, making the Asheville affiliate one of the first in the nation to partially fund its housing projects through a retail operation. Some years later, the small shop expanded dramatically: In 2001, Asheville residents Skip and Mary Pearlman donated the ReStore’s current facility, the much larger 31 Meadow Road location.
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
time fLies: Some 444 volunteers racked up more than 25,000 hours at the Asheville ReStore in 2014. Pictured from left to right are volunteer Connie Koiner, general manager Scott Stetson, and volunteers John Evans, Mary Jane Grigsby, Marge Marsh and Brenda Evans. Photo by Pat Barcas
you come, the more likely you are to find what you’re looking for,” says ariane kjellquist, communications director for the local affiliate. “We don’t want our merchandise to sit there, so it’s priced to move quickly.” To encourage even more loyalty and keep inventory moving, the ReStore gives holders of the Go Local Card a 10 percent discount on all purchases. Local hotels, which need to replace furniture regularly, have come to know the ReStore as a deserving beneficiary; other businesses also offer bulk donations when they have surplus goods. In 2014 alone, Biltmore, Deerfield, Givens Estates, Hampton Inn & Suites, Mission Health and NOVA Kitchen & Bath each gave the ReStore at least $5,000 worth of merchandise. “The majority of the leading hotels in Asheville donate to the Habitat ReStore, or they have at one time,” Sloan reports. Individuals can easily bring unwanted items to the drop-off door as well. Shoppers and donors, though, aren’t the only ones beating down the ReStore’s doors. the gReatest donation of aLL
In 2010, seven years after relocating to the newly renovated building, Sloan oversaw a complete revamping of the space, tripling the number of families served through the local affiliate’s Building a Way Home campaign. Sloan’s team turned covered parking spaces into an expansive showroom, added a customer-friendly loading dock and rearranged the upper sales floor to include a books-and-records section, among other upgrades. Boasting 27,000 square feet of retail space, the ReStore has an additional 21,000 square feet that holds goods not yet ready for sale. Endless bins of electronics, stacks of paintings, clusters of appliances and other donations fill this hidden lair, waiting to be processed. “It takes a lot of room to get this merchandise ready,” notes Sloan. And for an operation that processes massive donations — 100 couches at a time is no big deal — that extra space is a definite asset. Sometimes, the Asheville outlet temporarily holds
donations made to other, smaller ReStores until they can arrange transportation and storage. it takes a ViLLage Habitat has garnered considerable support from Western North Carolinians over the years. Some shop at the ReStore because they know the profits support Habitat’s building programs (ReStore sales account for 12 percent of the Asheville Area Habitat’s total revenue). But others simply want to get their gardening pots for 50 cents and raid the dollar record bin on the way out. Asheville’s many “do-it-yourselfers and fixeruppers” provide a dependable flow of customers, says Sloan. “We have a lot of customers that come in on a daily or weekly basis, because the nature of thrift shops is hit-or-miss — the more
“Volunteers are the lifeblood of Habitat,” says Sloan. Last year, the ReStore’s 444 unpaid workers collectively racked up 25,818 hours on the clock — a recordbreaking figure for the operation. Supplementing this force are two dozen full- or part-time employees, who often mentor new teammates. “Asheville is an attractive place for retirees to move to, and many of these people want to be active and involved in their community,” he explains. “A lot of them end up at Habitat.” This highly skilled army, notes Sloan, includes “volunteers with all different types of backgrounds, from CEOs to construction workers to electricians and desk jockeys of all descriptions,” and the ReStore’s eclectic spectrum of merchandise affords “a niche for just about any interest.” Volunteers get to choose their own role and can switch departments
if they’re unhappy. In addition, ReStore hosts an annual appreciation event for these valued workers. Imparting each hour with meaning, says Sloan, encourages volunteer longevity. “There’s a reason we’re scanning books at the bookstore,” he explains. “The only purpose of the Habitat ReStore is to provide funds for the building program — that’s why it was started. So I think it’s a means to an end.” Volunteers are also encouraged to visit the nonprofit’s building sites to better understand the impact of Habitat-built houses. and the highest biddeR is... Several creative initiatives at the Asheville store — like the ReUse contest, which showcases participants’ creative upcycling projects — have piqued the interest of other ReStore managers. One program, though, particularly exemplifies volunteers’ capacity to make a difference. “I’m an antiques freak,” says retired teacher alan williams, a
14-year ReStore veteran who founded its silent auction. Williams’ fascination with the TV program “Antiques Roadshow” inspired him to find a better way to monetize esoteric donations. And on May 18, the silent auction will celebrate 10 years and more than $660,000 in total revenue. “Everybody wins,” says Williams. “Even if people pay more than they should, they know it’s for a good cause, but most of our items go for less than market value.” Auction participants, who typically have 60 to 75 weekly items to peruse, have taken home some truly unique treasures over the years. “We once had a headrest from Africa,” Williams recalls. “It was a wooden-framed item that women used to put their heads on so they didn’t mess up their hair, and to keep their heads from touching the ground.” A discerning bidder had to identify the object, as nobody at the store could. “We looked on the ‘Antiques Roadshow’ back programs, and it sold there for $2,500. Needless to say, we did not get that much. I think we got $100, so somebody either has a
good souvenir or they had a good investment,” he reflects. Another time, the ReStore wound up with a carpet from a building adjacent to Checkpoint Charlie, a famous crossing point between East and West Berlin before the Berlin Wall came down, according to the donor. “Somebody now has that in their home,” says Williams, and “can say, ‘Oh! I have a carpet that President Reagan walked across!”’ The final bid, he recalls, “was quite a nice sum: over $1,500.” Williams says old tools and cookie jars also have impressive track records, along with old model trains. “Some of the people that get the trains aren’t little kids: They’re grown men,” he says with a smile. “So grown men still are little boys sometimes.” These days, the auctions, which begin at noon on Friday and end the following Wednesday at 2 p.m., are raising a few thousand dollars each week. “It’s fun so far,” Williams says about his lengthy tenure. “When it’s not fun anymore, I’ll go find something else to do.”
imPRoVing on exceLLence “Habitat is always looking for something different to draw people in and be of service to people,” notes Williams, and current ReStore General Manager scott stetson says he’s up for the challenge. “I have done a few things to try to keep improving on our ReStore here in Asheville,” says Stetson. “We just recently finished remodeling our building supply showroom, making it a better shopping experience: safer, brighter, better organized. We now carry brand-new porcelain floor tile, high-quality laminate flooring and area rugs — all for just a fraction of what you might find at other retailers.” And Kraus, the affiliate’s longtime executive director, continues to guide the ReStore team, says Stetson. “He leads our vision here in Asheville and makes it possible for us to do this. We can’t be settled in, saying, ‘This is done, and this is what we’re going to have.’ It’s a constantly changing thing, and the success is all to be able to serve more families. That’s why we’re doing it; that’s the bottom line.” X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Publishes 05.06.15
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Margaret Williams
Come together CleanUp Candler community meeting set for Thursday, April 9 Can a community initiative rise from the ground up, with no leaders and no set agenda? The answer is yes, and it’s apparent in newly affixed “Ole Town Candler” bumper stickers and a CleanUp Candler campaign that’s taking off via a Facebook page. And on Thursday, April 9, the initiative takes another step forward with a community meeting at Enka Middle School. The event is a chance “get in a room together and talk about our issues,” says michelle Pace wood, an Enka High graduate and 2012 candidate for Buncombe County’s Board of Commissioners. Wood is active on the group’s Facebook page and has helped make sure a host of politicians as well as transportation and law-enforcement officials will attend on April 9. But she insists the group has “no leader, no one person” spearheading its mix of activities, concerns and question-raising. There are residents focused on improving traffic safety on Highway 19/23, along Highway 151 and on the “mile straight” where one resident once clocked a vehicle going 114 miles per hour. There are folks asking what’s being done to address crime in the area — which the Buncombe Sheriff’s Department says has ranked high in the county for break-ins. There’s a call to repair and refurbish the historic jet airplane on display at Enka Middle School. There are zoning questions being raised about regulating junkyards, signs and employee parking. And there are even answers to questions, suggestions for solutions and calls for collaboration. There’s also the idea that a parade could help celebrate a vibrant Candler. In short, CleanUp Candler’s Facebook page shows a community that wants to remind people that it is a community, says Wood. “It started with some folks wanting to address litter,” she says, mentioning a March cleanup project that WLOSTV spotlighted. The litter campaigns are ongoing, Wood emphasizes.
jet set: Some Enka-Candler residents would like to restore the historic jet on display at Enka Middle School. Photo by Pat Barcas
But community interest also grew because many Candler residents feel the area gets a bad rap, little attention to its issues and not much action that would improve it, says Wood. “We feel this real sense of community [and a sense] that we need to clean up Candler [and] work together.” One of her personal interests is creating a community center. Candler doesn’t have one, which led to the April 9 meeting being planned initially to take place at the local fire station. But the buzz on Facebook showed that more than 100 folks would be coming — so the group decided to move the meeting to Enka Middle, which used to be the community high school, she explains. “The agenda will be set by the people,” says Wood. Invited politicians and elected officials include Buncombe
Commissioner joe belcher, Rep. brian turner, Buncombe Sheriff Van duncan, Congressman mark meadows and Buncombe Board of Commissioners Chair david gantt, she says. And state Department of Transportation officials will be on hand, too, to hear what’s on residents’ minds. The whole idea is to “make things better” in Candler and “bring people together,” says Wood. Candler “is a community, and we want to talk about [what we need to do]. This is an opportunity … to come together.” X
moRe info facebook.com/cleanupcandler what CleanUp Candler community meeting when Thursday, April 9, 6:30 p.m. wheRe Enka Middle School on Asbury Road
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
compiled by Carrie Eidson
The buzz around Buncombe
contained: A March 30 “escaped debris burn” caused what’s been dubbed the Weed Lane fire near Ridgecrest Conference Center in Buncombe County. The wildfire destroyed one home, damaged five others and spread across 740 acres in Buncombe and McDowell counties. Photo by Max Hunt
foRest fiRe cLaims 750 acRes neaR RidgecRest Around 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, a brush fire caused by unknown sources in the Ridgecrest area of Buncombe County erupted across the ridge line. Spurred by gusty winds and dry conditions, the blaze soon spread across the mountains bordering Black Mountain, destroying at least one home and forcing residents to flee to safety while state and federal officials, along with firefighters from across Western North Carolina, came in droves to battle the blaze. The fire burned more than 752 acres near Black Mountain and the Ridgecrest Conference Center and continued to burn for several days due to dry conditions. On Friday, April 3, the U.S. Forest Service reported that the fire had “calmed down considerably,” but Ridgecrest trails remained closed for the Easter holiday weekend. — Max Hunt and Margaret Williams weLcome to LoVetown An anonymous group of people who say they “love Asheville” painted over a prominent Pepsi billboard near
downtown Asheville during overnight on March 31. The graffitists renamed Asheville “LOVETOWN” instead of “PEPSITOWN” in an effort to urge Pepsi — and the community — to rethink the sign’s contents for the future. Although the stunt was performed in anticipation of April Fools’ Day, a representative from the responsible party says, “We’re not joking when it comes to keeping the heart and soul of Asheville alive and free from being owned. “This news will … help people understand our intention to reclaim our town from those corporate interests who dare to claim it,” says one of the group’s anonymous members. “We trust that this act of reclaiming the heart and soul of our town will stimulate a conversation about who and what this town really represents.” The Love Town group says they did not contact Pepsi before painting the billboard. As it turns out, the humor wasn’t lost on Pepsi, according to moore Patton, corporate marketing manager for Pepsi-Cola
Bottling Co. of Hickory and creator of the “PEPSITOWN” billboard. “We had a pretty good chuckle about it,” Patton says. He adds that the sign was intended as a play on words and was “nothing more than just advertising Pepsi and trying to associate our relationship with Asheville because Asheville has been mighty good to us.” Patton says that he thinks there’s “a minority of people” taking a stand against Pepsi — not Asheville as a whole. Patton’s bottling company is not part of corporate conglomerate PepsiCo Inc., but rather a purchaser of the corporation’s syrup concentrate. For now, though, commuters will have to cozy up to the scarlet letters. “We’re not going to take it down immediately,” Patton says. “We kind of like it.” Rick steele, general manager at Fairway Outdoor Advertising of Greenville, S.C. — the company that owns the billboard —says Fairway will pay to replace the advertisement “in the near future.” “It will be our cost,” Steele says, adding that the restoration will prompt a “significant” expense for the company. “The land that the sign is on is not our property. We are leasing that, so not only is it trespassing, but it’s vandalism.” Steele’s company, however, will not pursue an investigation of the case “at this time,” he says. Xpress could not reach the relevant property owners to confirm whether Love Town’s presence on their land was, indeed, unauthorized. The Asheville Police Department says it doesn’t have a report on the event and “therefore is not investigating.” “We’re not a big fan of that idea — having our billboards painted on — but it was mutually agreed upon [with Patton] that we need to change it out,” says Steele. “I’m not exactly sure what date or if the message is going to change. That is to be determined.” Steele says the event was “absolutely not” a publicity stunt, as far as he knows. — Kat McReynolds a safe sPace UNC Asheville held the grand opening of its new resource
center, Hyannis House, on Saturday, April 4. The facility will provide workshops, trainings and other educational events on sexual assault education and prevention and awareness of the issues affecting women and the LGBTQ community. Hyannis House will be open to UNCA students throughout the academic year. — Carrie Eidson take the scenic Route With part of the $600,000 committed by the nonprofit Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, a youth conservation crew from the Conservation Trust for North Carolina will repair trails and campgrounds in the Highlands District, and a partnership with Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail will help build a bridge over the Boone Fork near Blowing Rock, N.C. The Parkway Foundation announced the grants for a variety of high-priority projects in need of immediate attention to protect the environment and wildlife, prevent deterioration of historic buildings and improve visitor enjoyment and safety. Another project that will be taken on through the effort will bring repairs to crumbling walkways, picnic tables and fire pits at the Doughton Park picnic area (milepost 240). — Margaret Williams asheViLLe now Launches monthLy ‘PoweR houR’ The Asheville chapter of NOW is sponsoring monthly “Power Hour” gatherings that offer opportunities for women to gather, learn, discuss and network. The inaugural gathering on Wednesday, April 8, includes a screening of an hourlong documentary about the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire in which 123 women died. The gathering will be held at Avenue M on Merrimon Avenue and starts at 6 p.m. The screening will be followed by a talk by Cynthia Drew, author of City of Fire. — Margaret Williams X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 16, 2014
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to calendar@mountainx.com or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/ calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
AnimAls WAggers And reAders 250-4754 • WE (4/8), 3pm - Book sharing for school age kids with certified therapy dog. Reservations required. Free. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road
Benefits empty BoWls dinner madisoncounty-nc.com/event/ empty-bowls • WE (4/15), 7:30pm - Tickets to this event benefit neighbors in need. $15. Held at Mars Hill Baptist Church, 67 N. Main St., Mars Hill erWin WArriors yArd sAle 545-5494, erwinwarriorband.webs.com • SA (4/11), 8am-1pm Proceeds from this commu-
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
take the chaLLenge: The Appalachian Trail Conservancy with the help of MountainTrue’s Forest Keepers program are looking to break the record in the Garlic Mustard Challenge. Volunteers are needed to participate in the national campaign to remove the invasive exotic plant species that has infested parts of the Appalachian Trail. Workdays will be held on Thursday, April 9, and Saturday, April 11. (p.25)
nity yard, vendor and craft sale support the erwin High school band program. Free to attend. Held at Erwin High School, 60 Lees Creek Road fiddlin’ 5k lunsfordfestival.com • SA (4/12), 8am-11:30am Proceeds from this run with live music benefit the Bascom Lamar Lunsford Festival and the Junior Appalachian Musicians, a program of the Madison County Arts Council. $25/ $23 Mars Hill students, facility & staff. Held at Mars Hill University, 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill Hitsville, Hipsters And Hippies 504-723-3911 • SU (4/12), 6-9pm - Tickets to this ’60s jazz benefit concert support national multiple sclerosis society. $15/$10 teens/$5 for 12 and under. Held at Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues, 28 Broadway St.
pride prom 633-1773 • SA (4/11), 8pm - Tickets to this speakeasy-themed concert and drag show benefit Anam Cara theatre Company. $20. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B sound effeCts 252-6244, ashevillemusicschool.org • TH (4/9), 6-9pm - Tickets to this concert and raffle benefit the Asheville music school. $15/$12 advance/$6 under 12. Held at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road
Business & teCHnology A-B teCH smAll Business Center 398-7950, abtech.edu/sbc Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/8), 5:30-8:30pm - SCORE:
“Advanced Internet Marketing.” Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road., Candler • MO (4/13), 3-6pm - “Using WordPress to Blog for Your Business,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road., Candler • TU (4/14), 6-9pm - “How to Start a Nonprofit,” seminar. Held at A-B Tech South Site, 303B Airport Road, Arden • WE (4/15), 5:30-8:30pm SCORE: “Social Media for Business,” seminar. • WE (4/15), 6:30-8:30pm - “What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About 3-D Printing,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road., Candler • TH (4/16), 9am-noon - “Business of Public Contracting,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road., Candler AmeriCAn Business Women’s AssoCiAtion abwaskyhy.com, abwaskyhychapter@gmail.com • TU (4/14), 5:30-7:30pm - Dinner meeting. $25. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive
g&W investment CluB klcount@aol.com • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:45am - General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Black Forest Restaurant, 2155 Hendersonville Road., Arden WnC nAturAl HeAltH & Wellness meetup.com/ WNC-Natural-Health-Wellness • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3pm Networking event for natural health & wellness practitioners. Free to attend. Held at Western North Carolina School of Massage, 131 McDowell St Suite 302
ClAsses, meetings & events AkAsHiC reCords WorksHop (pd.) May 2-3. Learn to access your own life Akashic Records and communicate with your
Guides in this 2-day experiential workshop with consultant Kelly S. Jones in Asheville. www. KellySJones.net/events 919-200-8686 AsHeville glAss Center (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences. ashevilleglass.com, 828-505-7110 single And looking for sometHing fun? (pd.) Try AVL Speed Dating! • Next events • April 9 (Ages 35-49) • April 21 (Ages 45+). To RSVP or for more info, call (828) 242-2555 or see Avlspeeddating.com tHe ultimAte AntiinflAmmAtory detoX (pd.) Want a HormoneBalancing, Brain Fog-Clearing, Tummy-Soothing Detox with a side effect of Weight Loss? Join
the 21 Day Spring Cleanse April 13th. 828-620-1188 www.WhiteWillowWellness. com AsHeville green drinks ashevillegreendrinks.com • WE (4/8), 5:30pm - Asheville literacy panel. Free to attend. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway AsHeville nAtionAl orgAnizAtion for Women ashevillenow@live.com • 2nd SUNDAYS, 2:30pm Monthly meeting. Free. Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. AsHeville oBjeCtivists ashevilleobjectivists. wordpress.com • TU (4/14), 6pm Presentation: “Logical Fallacies.” Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. BAker-BArBer slidesHoW presentAtions 697-6224, cfhcforever.org • THURSDAYS, 1:30-3pm Images from a collection of historic WNC photographs will be viewed. Presented by the Community Foundation of Henderson County. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville BunComBe County puBliC liBrAries buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (4/14), 5-8pm - “Scan the Plan,” historic blueprint preservation. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TU (4/14), 7pm - “The Economics of Globalization and the Future of Work,” economic change workshop. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • WE (4/15), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, for all skill levels. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa CounCil on Aging tAX AssistAnCe 227-8288 For low- to moderate-incomes. Bring ID. Free. • WEDNESDAYS through (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • THURSDAYS through (4/9), 10am-4pm - Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • MONDAYS through (4/13), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack
Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TUESDAYS through (4/14), 9am-4pm - Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TUESDAYS through (4/14), 10am-4pm - Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain
touCHstones disCussion projeCt 200-2953, lanternprojectonline.org • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm Workshop on collaborative skills and group dynamics for community building. Free. Registration required. Held at White Pine Acupuncture, 247 Charlotte St.
Hendersonville Wise Women 693-1523 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group for women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville
trAnsition AsHeville 296-0064, transitionasheville.org • MO (4/13), 6:30-8pm - Presentation: “The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear War.” Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St.
Hillside d&d enCounters facebook.com/ groups/hillsidednd • WEDNESDAYS, 6-9pm Weekly ongoing fantasy campaign with the new edition. Free. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road n.C. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, ncarboretum.org • SA (4/11), 10am-5pm “Mountain Science Expo: Full STEAM Ahead!” hands on educational event. Admission fees apply. ontrACk WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, ontrackwnc.org Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/8), noon-1:30pm “What to do With Your Tax Refund” seminar. • MONDAYS (4/13) until (4/27), 5:30-8:30pm - “Manage Your Money Series,” seminar. stAnd AgAinst rACism 2015 254-7206, ywcastand.org A campaign of YWCA USA with various events designed to build community among those who work for racial justice. • TH (4/16), 11:45am-1pm - Presentation: “North Carolina’s Minority Credit Union Movement.” Free. Held at Self-Help Credit Union, 34 Wall St. tArHeel pieCemAkers Quilt CluB tarheelpiecemakers. wordpress.com • WE (4/8), 9:30am-noon Monthly meeting. Free to attend. Held at Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville
veterAns for peACe 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc. blogspot.com • TU (4/14), 6:30pm - General meeting. Held at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. Western CAroliniAns for peACe And justiCe in tHe middle eAst mepeacewnc.com • WE (4/8), 9:30am - General meeting. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain • SA (4/11), noon-2pm - Israeli military occupation protest. Held at Vance Monument, 1 Pack Square Western nC HumAnists 550-7935 • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 11am - Brunch meeting. Free to attend. Held at Denny’s, 1 Regent Park Blvd. WnC knitters And CroCHeters for otHers 575-9195 • MO (4/12), 7-9pm - All skill levels welcome. Free. Held at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road. WnC orCHid soCiety wncos.org • SU (4/12), 2pm - Monthly meeting. Free. Held at Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. WnC pokémon leAgue facebook.com/groups/ WNCPokemon • SATURDAYS, 4-8pm - Video and card games for players of all ages. Free to attend. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Rd
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
community caLendaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
dAnCe studio zAHiyA, doWntoWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 7am Hip Hop Cardio 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595
eCo CArolinA mountAin lAnd ConservAnCy
A throwback swing thing
what: 2015 Pride Prom: Speakeasy! when: Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m. wheRe: 101 Fairview Road, Asheville why: Anam Cara Theatre Company strives to provide the community with progressive, thought-provoking theater, incorporating music, art and the written and spoken word into its productions. Next up on their progressive agenda — a prom “for all the people who didn’t get the prom experience they wanted in high school. This event will recreate for adults an essential part of the prom experience,” explains Anam Cara development director kim hartley. Prom guests can expect a variety of live entertainment, from circus performances and jug-
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
gling troupes to staged theater scenes and a ’20s-themed dance party. A free photo booth will be on-site to immortalize guests in their best swing-style dress, and a silent auction will feature LaZoom tour tickets, dance classes at Studio Zahiya, chocolates from the French Broad Chocolate Lounge and one-of-a-kind glassware from Lexington Glassworks. “This is something that is inclusive of everyone in our community. We want all to feel welcome and comfortable,” Hartley says. Tickets are $20, and all ticket and silent auction proceeds from this 21 and older event will support the operations of Anam Cara Theatre. Beer and wine sales will support the operations of Toy Boat Community Art Space, which is providing the space for the theater’s fundraiser. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 633-1773 or visit anamcaratheatre.org. — Michael McDonald
697-5777, carolinamountain.org • SU (4/12), 2-4:30pm - Annual meeting and volunteer recognition. Free. Held at Camp Tekoa, 211 Thomas Road, Hendersonville • WE (4/15), 6pm - Speaker Series: East Fork Headwaters State Forest presentation and panel. Free. Held at Transylvania County Library, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard CleAnup CAndler facebook.com/cleanupcandler • TH (4/9), 6:30pm Community meeting. Free. Held at Enka Middle School, 390 Asbury Road, Candler Holmes eduCAtionAl stAte forest 1299 Crab Creek Road, Hendersonville, 692-0100 • SA (4/11), 10am - Wildflower walk. Reservation required. Free. mountAintrue 258-8737, wnca.org • WE (4/15), 6:30pm - “Our Energy Solutions: A Look at the Impacts of Fracking and the Promise of Renewable Energy.” Free to attend. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. riverlink 252-8474, riverlink.org • TU (4/14), 2pm - Tour of water treatment facilities. Registration required. Held at North Fork Water Treatment Plant, 3374 N Fork Left Frk Road, Black Mountain
fArm & gArden AsHeville greenWorks 254-1776, ashevillegreenworks.org • SA (4/11), 10am-2pm Volunteer planting day and public unveiling for new Hillcrest Community Orchard . Registration required. Free. Held at Hillcrest Apartments, 100 Atkinson St. BunComBe County mAster gArdeners 255-5522, buncombemastergardener.org • SA (4/11), 11am-2pm Backyard composting demonstration and ’Ask-a-Gardener’ plant clinic. Free. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road • TU (4/14), 3-6pm - Ask-aGardener information table. Free. Held at West Asheville Tailgate Market, 718 Haywood Road • TH (4/16), 10am - Discussion of sustainable irrigation techniques, including rain gardens to rain barrels. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. CrAdle of forestry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, cradleofforestry.org • SA (4/11) - “Old Time Plowing and Folkways,” farm demonstrations. $5. HAyWood County mAster gArdeners tim_mathews@ncsu.edu • TH (4/9), 5:30pm - Seminar on extending a garden’s production through the seasons. Held at Haywood County Library-Canton, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton motHer eArtH neWs fAir motherearthnews.com WNC Agricultural Center • SA (4/11), 9am-7pm & SU (4/12), 9am-5pm - Sustainable living event. Visit website for full schedule. $30/$25 advance/free for 17 and under. Held at 1301 Fanning Bridge Road mountAintrue 258-8737, wnca.org • TH (4/9), 10am-noon - Urban water cycle tour. Free. Held at Metropolitan Sewerage District, 2028 Riverside Drive. • FR (4/10), 9:45am - Urban water cycle tour. Free. Held at North Fork Water Treatment Plant, 3374 N Fork Left Frk Road, Black Mountain
spring ploW dAy 304-268-6252, rtruitt@warren-wilson.edu • SA (4/11), 9am-3pm - Includes kids activities, a logging competition, food and traditional plowing demonstrations. $3/ free for WWC students & under 5. Held at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Rd., Swannanoa
festivAls nortH CArolinA sCienCe festivAl ncsciencefestival.org • SA (4/11), 10am - Discovering insects for ages 2-5. Free. Held at Colburn Earth Science Museum, 2 South Pack Square • SA (4/11), 1pm - “Planetarium experience” discusses interstellar bodies. Free. Held at Colburn Earth Science Museum, 2 South Pack Square • TU (4/14), 3:30pm - Geology walk through downtown. Free. Held at Colburn Earth Science Museum, 2 South Pack Square
food & Beer leiCester Community Center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000 • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free. vAnCe BirtHplACe 911 Reems Creek Road, Weaverville, 838-645-6706, nchistoricsites.org/vance • SA (4/11), 10am-2pm - Openhearth cooking demonstrations.
government & politiCs BunComBe County repuBliCAn men’s CluB 712-1711, gakeller@gakeller.com • 2nd SATURDAYS, 7:30am Discussion group meeting with optional breakfast. Free to attend. Held at Corner Stone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road BunComBe County repuBliCAn Women’s CluB 243-6590 • TH (4/9), noon - Social and discussion of North Carolina tax reform and legislative update. Free to attend. Held at Olive Garden, 121 Tunnel Road
kids GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: www. earthpatheducation.com pArents’ survivAl NIGHT • THE LITTLE GYM of AsHeville (pd.) Saturday, April 18, 6-9pm. Super Heroes Save the Day! Wear your favorite superhero costume for a fun night of activities in the gym, a pizza dinner, craft and Lego™ building! Ages 3-12. • Members: $25 for first child, $10 for siblings • Non-members: $35 for first child, $15 for siblings. At 1000 Brevard Road, Ste 168, Asheville. • Call 828-6679588 or visit http://www. tlgashevillenc.com AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • TU (4/14), 11am - Home School Program, guided tour and hands on activity. Registration required. $4. first lego leAgue roBotiCs teAm 258-2038 • WEDNESDAYS, 3-5:30pm - All boys and girls ages 10-14 welcome. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. kids’ ACtivities At tHe liBrAries buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (4/11), 10am - Oakley LEGO Builders for ages 5 and up. Held at Oakley/ South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road • MO (4/13), 4pm Weaverville LEGO Builders for ages 6 and up. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • TU (4/14), 10:30am Rhythm Sticks Rock! rhythm and listening skills exploration for ages 4 and 5 only. Registration required. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • TU (4/14), 9:30am “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.
• TU (4/14), 10:45am “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • WE (4/15), 9:30am “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville • WE (4/15), 10:45am “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville • WE (4/15), 3:30pm - Buttermaking how-to for K-5. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (4/16), 9:30am “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • TH (4/16), 10:45am “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road spellBound CHildren’s BooksHop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free. tiny tots CirCus plAytime toyboatcommunityartspace. com • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 10am-noon - Circus-themed mini class for babies and children up to age 6. $5 per child per class. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B
outdoors nAtionAl girls & Women in sports dAy 259-5800 • SA (4/11), 9am-1pm - Free sports clinics including running, tennis, cheerleading, swimming, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, cardio funk and more. Sponsored by Asheville Parks & Rec, YWCA and other local nonprofits. $10-$15. Held at UNCA. BlACk mountAin greenWAys 669-2052, townofblackmountain.org • SA (4/11), 2-5pm - Black Mountain Greenway Challenge 5K/10K. $29-$33. Held at Pisgah Brewing Company, 150 East Side Drive, Black Mountain
Blue ridge BiCyCle CluB blueridgebicycleclub.org • WE (4/8), 6pm - Spring meeting. Free. Held at Sycamore Cycles, 146 Third Ave. E, Hendersonville Blue ridge nAturAlist netWork facebook.com/groups/ BRNNmembers, brnnetwork2013@gmail.com • TH (4/16), 10am - Wildflower walk. Free for members. Held at Pearson Falls, 2720 Pearson Falls, Saluda BunComBe County pArks And reC 250-6703 • SA (4/11), 1-3pm - Adult/ Child Miniature Golf Tournament. $15/team. Held at Tropical Gardens Mini Golf, 956 Patton Ave. friends of tHe smokies 452-0720, friendsofthesmokies.org, outreach.nc@ friendsofthesmokies.org • TH (4/9), 7pm - Hiking 101, Great Smoky Mountains National Park hiking info session. Held at REI Asheville, 31 Schenck Parkway • TU (4/14), 9:30am Moderate 9.4 mile hike on the Caldwell Fork Loop to benefit the Smokies Trails Forever program. $10 members/$35 non-members. sWAnnAnoA vAlley museum Hikes 669-9566, swannanoavalleymuseum.org • SA (4/11), 10am - Moderate 3-mile hike and history tour in North Fork. $30. Held at Swannanoa Valley Museum, 223 W State St., Black Mountain ymCA of WnC 210-2265, ymcawnc.org • SA (4/11), 8:45am - Moderate 2.5 mile hike at Roaring Fork Creek Falls/Setrock Creek Falls. Held at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.
pArenting CHildren And fAmily resourCe Center 851 Case St., Hendersonville, 698-0674 • WEDNESDAYS (4/15) until (5/13) - “Parents Matter!” sexual health and responsibility. Free. positive pArenting progrAm triplep-parenting.org • TH (4/16), 6pm - “Raising Resilient Children,” seminar. Free. Held at Hall Fletcher Elementary, 60 Ridgelawn Ave.
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
community caLendaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
puBliC leCtures
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com. puBliC leCtures At unCA unca.edu Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/16), 6:15pm - Economic Crystal Ball Seminar: The Fed: When Will it Tighten? Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. • TH (4/16), 12:30pm - Moral Challenges Series: “The Good, The Bad and The Dirty: The Emotion of Disgust and its Role in Moral and Political Judgement.” Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. puBliC leCtures At WArren Wilson 800-934-3536, warren-wilson.edu • TH (4/16), 7pm - “The Turbulent Middle East.” Held in Jensen Lecture Hall. Free.
Faith and climate change what: An interfaith panel and workshop session presented by the United Religions Initiative of Henderson County exploring how six faith traditions can inform our actions on behalf of the planet — locally, regionally and globally. The morning panelists are the Rev. byron ballard, Rabbi Philip bentley, the Rev. Randall boggs, kitty herriott, the Rev. Robert Lundquist and sam wazan. david weintraub, executive director of Hendersonville’s Center for Cultural Preservation will also have a special, free program. when: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, April 18 wheRe: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 1735 Fifth Ave. W., Hendersonville why: Henderson County URI recognizes climate change as a moral and cultural issue as much as it is a scientific or technical one, and it sees a common theme throughout many faith traditions that mandates humans to nurture and care for each other and the environment. “It is absolutely clear to me that God is the God of all creation,” says melissa melum of the group’s coordinating committee. She points to
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Genesis 1 and 2 as “clearly revealing God’s love and blessing of every element of creation as it unfolds.” When it comes to addressing climate change, Melum notes that one of the biggest challenges facing humanity is the sheer scale of the problem and feeling disempowered and helpless to make a difference in one’s own day-to-day choices. That’s why Henderson County URI chose the theme “Inspiration and Empowerment” for the upcoming program — to provide attendees with a sense of solidarity and hope, and to provide clear-cut ways that we can take action every day. “I think major change [will happen] in the form of a chorus [where] every voice added to that chorus makes it stronger and louder and more effective,” Melum says. “All major social movements are grounded in the concerns and the actions of the people.” After the morning interfaith panel, the afternoon program will consist of “empowerment” classes in the following breakout groups: The Sustainable Home, The Backyard Wildlife Refuge, HomeGrown Food and Community/Faith Group Activities.
moRe info: urihc.org
puBliC leCtures At WCu wcu.edu • MO (4/13), 4pm - Global Spotlight Series: “Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Rapprochement and Middle East Peace.” Held in Bardo Center. Free.
spirituAlity ABout tHe trAnsCendentAl meditAtion teCHniQue: free introduCtory leCture (pd.) The simplest meditation is the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other meditation practices (including other “mantra” methods). TM is an effortless, non-religious technique for going beyond the busy, active mind to access your deepest inner reserves of calm, clarity and happiness — dissolving stress and connecting you to your higher self. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. NIH-funded research shows deep revitalizing rest, reduced anxiety, improved brain functioning and heightened well-being. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-2544350 or meditationAsheville.org AsHeville CompAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) 8 week course starting May 5, 6:30-8:30pm. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538. www.ashevilleccc.com
AsHeville insigHt meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. ashevillemeditation.com Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAkening deepest nAture meditAtion ClAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence and wisdom. Meditation, lessons and dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. • Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz.com www.billwalz.com Community Hu song (pd.) In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Singing HU can lift you into a higher state of consciousness, so that you can discover, in your own way, who you are and why you’re here. Date: Sunday, April 12, 2015, 11am-11:30am, fellowship follows. Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. (free event). www.eckankar-nc.org CrystAl visions presents (pd.) Lee Carroll and Kryon “The New Human” Saturday, May 9 and Dr. Amber Wolf “Lemurian Sisterhood Sacred Circle” Sunday, May 10. For registration/ information: 828-687-1193 or www.crystalvisionsbooks.com metApHysiCAl tArot CArd reAder (pd.) Are you looking for answers which, like lost keys, will open invisible doors? Very experienced European gypsy tarot reader and life coach. 828.380.1839 overloopvan@ gmail.com open HeArt meditAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5
Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org open HeArt WorksHops (pd.) Level 1, April 11, Level 2, April 12, 9am-5pm, 5 Covington St. These workshops are a beautiful way to connect with, feel and strengthen your spiritual heart, deepening your experience of living a heart-centered life. Register with Rana: 808-651-2458. ohworkshopswnc@gmail.com • www. wncheart.com serenity insigHt meditAtion (pd.) A Burmese monk leads authentic Buddhist insight meditation, grounded in 40 years of practice. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am; • Mondays and Wednesdays, 6pm7pm. (828) 298-4700. wncmeditation.com tHe Blue mAndAlA (pd.) Ongoing Workshops and Events, for full details visit our website. Available Tues-Sat by Appt. (some evening appts available)- Intuitive Crystal Readings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars Sessions,Vibrational Sound Healing; Free Spiritual Lending Library, Online Metaphysical Store Shipping coming soon. The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755 thebluemandala.com AsHeville AmmA sAtsAng 450-5155, mcadamsleigh@gmail.com • SU (4/12), 10:30am-12:30pm - Kirtan program. Free. Held at Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. grACe lutHerAn CHurCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • WEDNESDAYS (4/15) until (5/20), 5:45pm - “Christianity’s Family Tree: What Others Believe and Why.” Free to attend. sAi mAA enligHtened living group 279-7042 • WE (4/15), 5pm - Meditation, Sai Maa Diksha blessing, and discussion. Call for location. Free. sHAmBHAlA meditAtion Center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, shambhalaashvl@gmail.com • THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free.
unitAriAn universAlist CongregAtion of AsHeville 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, uuasheville.org • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am - Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free.
City ligHts Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, citylightsnc.com • SA (4/11), 3pm - Jim Hartbarger discusses his book On the Rim of the Basket: THe Memoirs of Coach Jim Hartbarger. Free to attend.
spellBound CHildren’s BooksHop
unity of tHe Blue ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, 891-8700 • SU (4/12), 1-3pm - “Making Room for a Miracle,” spirituality workshop. $35.
friends of mAdison County liBrAry 380-1054 • TU (4/14) through SA (4/18) Spring Book Sale to benefit the library. Free to attend Held at Madison County Library, 1335 N. Main St., Marshall
synergy story slAm avl.mx/0gd, tlester33@gmail.com • WE (4/15), 7:30-9:30pm Open mic storytelling night on the theme, “When Animals Attach.” Free to attend. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road.
literAry events At unCA unca.edu • TU (4/14), 4pm - Peter Van Buren discusses his book We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People. Held in Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. • TH (4/16), 12:20pm - Gary Ettari and Lori Horvitz discuss their new books.
tHomAs Wolfe sHort story Book CluB 253-8304, wolfememorial.com • TH (4/9), 5:30-7pm - “An Angel on the Porch.” Discussion led by Terry Roberts. Free. Held at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St
spoken & Written Word AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • TU (4/14), 3pm - Discussion Bound: The Extreme of the Middle: Writings of Jack Tworkov by Jack Tworkov. Admission fees apply. Blue ridge Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (4/11), 3pm - David Joy discusses his book Where All Light Tends to Go. Free to attend. BunComBe County puBliC liBrAries buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/9), 2:30pm - Brian Lawrence discusses his book History of Firefighting in Buncombe County. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road. • TH (4/9), 1pm - Fairview Afternoon Book Club: Nothing to Envy by Margaret Demick. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road., Fairview • SA (4/11), 10am - West Asheville Book Club: The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. • TU (4/14), 3:30pm - Poetry Alive! performances. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road. • TU (4/14), 1pm - Leicester Book Club: A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TH (4/16), 6pm - Swannanoa Book Club: Eaarth by Bill McKibben. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TH (4/16), 2:30pm - Skyland Book Club: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Klein. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road.
mAlAprop’s Bookstore And CAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, malaprops.com Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/8), 7pm - Nina MacLaughlin discusses her book Hammer Head: The Making of a Carpenter. • TH (4/9), 7pm - Wendy Wax discusses her book While We Were Watching Downton Abbey. • FR (4/10), 7pm - Dada Vedaprajinananda discusses his book From Brooklyn to Benares and Back. • SA (4/11), 7pm - Cat Warren discusses her book What the Dog Knows. • SU (4/12), 3pm - POETRIO, readings and signings by three poets. • MO (4/13), 7pm - Peter Van Buren discusses his book We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People. • WE (4/15), 7pm - Joseph Bathani discusses his book The Life of the World to Come. • TH (4/16), 7pm - Steven Sherrill discusses his book Joy, PA. mountAins BrAnCH liBrAry 150 Bill’s Creek Road, Lake Lure, 287-6392, mountainsbranchlibrary.org • TH (4/16), 11:30am - Lake Lure Books and Bites Series: Rose Senehi. $25. open miC nigHt nothingsopowerful@gmail.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Free to attend. Held at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Highway, Candler
50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SU (4/12), 4-5pm - ROYAL Book Club: Mosquitoland by David Arnold. Free.
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AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through MO (4/20) Volunteers needed to prepare for the Creative Sector Summit, held April 24 & 25. Big BrotHers Big sisters of WnC 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • WEDNESDAYS (4/15) & (4/29), noon - Volunteer information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. mountAintrue 258-8737, wnca.org • TH (4/9) & SA (4/11), 9am Volunteers needed to pull Garlic Mustard along the Appalachian Trail corridor at Garenflo Gap near Bluff Mountain. Carpool encouraged. Meets at Earth Fare, 1856 Hendersonville Road riverlink 252-8474, riverlink.org • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Drive sAndHill Community gArden 58 Apac Circle, 250-4260 • SATURDAYS, 10am-noon - Volunteers are needed to help with growing produce for donation in this nonprofit community garden. For more volunteering opportunities visit mountainx.com/volunteering
April 15th
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
wait, what? An unarmed man, suspected of no crime, who three years ago was shot 16 times by police while lying in his bed, told a Seattle Times reporter in March that he bears no ill will for the cops who shot him. Said dustin theoharis, now 32, “Sometimes (police) make mistakes.” Theoharis was napping in a friend’s house in Puyallup, Wash., when police arrived to arrest the friend’s son, and when Theoharis reached for his ID, one officer imagined a gun, and the two officers opened fire, hitting Theoharis in the jaw, both upper arms, both lower arms, wrist, hand, shoulder, abdomen and both legs. He spent months in a hospital and skilled nursing facility and today is largely immobile and unable to work. (He “won” legal settlements totaling $5.5 million, but one-third went to lawyers, and much of the rest has paid medical bills.) can’t PossibLy be tRue • Update: According to the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, it appears that some of the 2016 Summer Olympics aquatic events will take place among floating household trash and raw sewage in Guanabara Bay (although mayor eduardo Paes noted to the Associated Press in March that the events are scheduled for the “cleanest part” of the bay). To acquire the games, organizers had promised a massive cleanup, but now, with 500 days to go, Paes conceded that the goals will not be met and that, indeed, infrastructure improvements still have not halted the sewage flow into the bay. • Despite the skepticism of a few tech writers, the Internet pornography supersite Pornhub insists that it is developing a wristband that stores energy (enough to power a cellphone) that can be generated by the “up and down” motion of masturbation. Pornhub announced in February that it will soon begin recruiting human testers for its Wankband. comPeLLing exPLanations • According to the 17-year-old bicyclist who was broadsided by a motorist at rush hour in Sheffield,
by Chuck Shepherd
England, on March 6, a woman at first alighted from the car to help. However, upon seeing the extent of the cyclist’s injuries, she apologized and walked away, telling the sprawled-out victim that her children were in the car and would be “scared” to see all that blood — and so she would drive them on to school. (Witnesses provided a description of the vehicle, but the hit-and-run driver was still at large.) • Trying to stake out a position on the Paris murders of the staff of Charlie Hebdo magazine, Pope francis in January told an audience during his Philippines tour that freedom of speech is important, but that there are limits. “If my good friend dr. (alberto) gasbarri (who organized the pope’s visit and was standing at his side) says a curse word against my mother,” Francis said, “he can expect a punch.” He then “threw” a mock “punch” toward Gasbarri. (The Vatican press office was later moved to clarify that violence in God’s name can never be justified.)
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cuLtuRaL diVeRsity Superprotective parenting: Standardized placement exams are typically far more determinative of student success in Asian countries than the United States, and in March in some testing centers in India’s Bihar state, “traditional” rampant cheating became grotesque. Dozens of parents were seen climbing outside walls of one center (to pass answers and notes to the students), reminiscent of movie depictions of Santa Anna’s army scaling the walls of the Alamo. The week-long secondary school exams, testing 1.4 million students, had early-on seen 400-plus students expelled, nine bags of cheat sheets confiscated and at least seven parents arrested. However, officials admitted that their security forces were overmatched by parents desperate to assist their children.
Read daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www.weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
For your health by Lea mcLeLLan
buncombe Ranks in toP 15 heaLthiest n.c. counties Apparently all the hiking and eating healthy, local foods has paid off. Buncombe County recently ranked 14 in the state for overall health outcomes, according to the annual County Health Rankings Report. Researched and compiled by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, the ranking report recognizes that overall health is affected by income, education, area of residence, access to healthy foods, recreation and medical care, as well as the health behaviors individuals adopt, according to a press release. While Buncombe County has been ranked within the top 20 counties over the last five years, there is also plenty of room for improvement. Two of the lower-ranking health indicators in Buncombe County are physical environment and children in poverty. The top-performing counties nationally have a child poverty rate closer to 13 percent, while Buncombe has 22 percent. According to American Health Rankings, a scale that uses similar indicators of health, North Carolina ranks 37 in the nation overall. View the full report at avl.mx/0uq. the ameRican Legion to hoLd VeteRans benefit action centeR in asheViLLe The American Legion, Department of North Carolina, Veterans Assistance and Rehabilitation Division will hold a Veterans Benefits Action Center from Wednesday-Friday, April 8-10, for veterans and their dependents that have questions concerning their claims, appeals and healthcare, from the Department of Veterans Affairs. “Service — that’s what the American Legion is all about,” says W. Frank Stancil, adjutant of organization for the Department of North Carolina. “We exist to help each and every veteran, their families and the communities they live in.”
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Pace youRseLf: Physical therapist Eli Day helps a PACE participant with some light exercise on one of the stationary bikes in the facility’s recreational area. Photo courtesy of CarePartners
There will be veterans law advocates, as well as Department of Veterans Affairs representatives to assist with benefits and other health care issues to help grant, expedite and facilitate benefits and health care claims. The event takes place at 103 Reddick Road in Asheville, Wednesday-Friday, April 8-10, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. caRePaRtneRs oPens PRogRam of aLL-incLusiVe caRe foR the eLdeRLy CarePartners furthers its mission to serve the elderly with its recent opening of the PACE Center. PACE — the Program and All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly — offers community-based care and services to people ages 55 and older. The program helps those who might otherwise need to move to a skilled nursing facility, allowing more elderly people to live independently. The program began accepting its first applicants in early March. “CarePartners has been proud to serve Western North Carolina in the areas of rehabilitation, hos-
pice, home health care, adult day care and more; [we] are pleased to expand to be the PACE provider for Buncombe and Henderson counties,” says President and CEO tracy buchanan. Nationally, there are 106 PACE programs in 31 states. There are 10 PACE programs active in North Carolina. “We can provide outpatient clinic care (like you would receive at your own doctor’s office), labs, medication administration for those who need it, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, activities and social events, meals, dietitian consultation, pharmacy consultation, and social work/ care management,” says primary care provider and medical director Dr. amy cohen. nationaL aLLiance on mentaL iLLness offeRs fRee cLass foR famiLies “Despite gains in treatment and opportunities for recovery, people may encounter difficulties in
A veterans benefit, a new program for elders and more
caring for a relative or friend with mental illness. To address this critical need, the National Alliance on Mental Illness has developed an education program of facts and support that many describe as ‘life-changing,’” according to NAMI WNC. Designed for families and caregivers of individuals living with severe mental illness, NAMI Family-toFamily addresses the clinical treatment of these disorders and teaches the skills that families need to cope more effectively. Participants receive up-to-date facts about major mental disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and co-occurring brain and addictive disorders. NAMI Western Carolina, with support from Smoky Mountain LME/MCO, will sponsor the free, 12-session NAMI Familyto-Family weekly at 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 7 through May 14 in Asheville. For more information email pamelajaillet@gmail.com or call 989-2365 or 505-0027 X
Wellness Attention CliniCiAns And eduCAtors • CONFERENCE ON AUTISM (pd.) Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 8:30am-4pm, Asheville, NC. SUWS of the Carolinas (suwscarolinas.com) is hosting Dr. Jed Baker, Director of the Social Skills Training Project. His presentation, All Kids Can Succeed, is for Clinicians and Educators to learn about working with individuals on the Autism Spectrum. • Breakfast and Lunch included. CEU’s awarded. $100 to attend. Contact Roslyn Walker, 704-408-7791, rwalker@suwscarolinas.com OPEN HOUSE • DAOIST TRADITIONS College ACupunCture CliniC (pd.) Saturday, April 11, 2:30pm-5:30pm. • Free to the public. Get your energy moving for spring with free mini treatments, health tips, raffles, and more. For details visit www.daoisttraditions.edu AsHeville Community yogA Center 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga.com • SU (4/12), 11:30am-1:30pm - “How to Practice Meditation.” $20.
weLLness caLendaR
CounCil on Aging of BunComBe County 277-8288, coabc.org • TH (4/9), 3-5pm, FR (4/10), 2-4pm & WE (4/15), 3:30-5:30pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy,” information session. Free. Thu.: Held at Pardee Health Education Center, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville Fri: Held at the Reuter Center at UNCA Wed.: Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville first CongregAtionAl uCC of AsHeville 20 Oak St., 252-8729, uccasheville.org. • SA (4/11), 1-3pm - Medicaid expansion town hall discussion. Registration required. Free. HeAling from CAnCer nAturAlly facebook.com/healingcancernaturally • 2nd FRIDAYS, 2-4pm - Information on diet and lifestyle changes for cancer patients. Free. Held at OM Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive juBilee Community CHurCH 46 Wall St., 252-5335, jubileecommunity.org • TU (4/14), 7-9pm - “Find Presence, Ease and Flow in Your Self-Expression,” speaking circle. $10 donation. lAnd of sky regionAl CounCil 339 New Leicester Highway, 251-6622, landofsky.org • TH (4/9), 1-5pm - “Just Press Play,” workshop on using music to improve memory and decrease stress in those suffering from dementia. Free. nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness 505-7353, namiwnc.org • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (5/14), 6 -8:30pm - Class for family members and caregivers of adults living with severe mental illness. Free. Held at 356 Biltmore Ave. • TU (4/14), 6pm - “Understanding and Managing Panic Disorder, ” presentation. Free. Held at Pardee Health Education Center, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville poWerful tools for CAregivers seminAr 697-4891 • WEDNESDAYS until (4/8), 2-4pm - Self-care education program for family caregivers. $25. Held at Shaws Creek Baptist Church, 91 Shaws Creek Church Road, Hendersonville tAoist tAi CHi soCiety taoist.org/usa/locations/asheville • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way
support groups Adult CHildren of AlCoHoliCs & dysfunCtionAl fAmilies adultchildren.org • Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. Al-Anon/ AlAteen fAmily groups 800-286-1326, wnc-alanon.org • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit mountainx.com/support. AlCoHoliCs Anonymous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or aancmco.org AsHeville Women for soBriety 215-536-8026, womenforsobriety.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave.
Asperger’s Adults united facebook.com/WncAspergersAdultsUnited • 2nd SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. Asperger’s teens united facebook.com/groups/AspergersTeensUnited • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. BrAinstormers ColleCtive 254-0507 • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - For brain injury survivors and supporters. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road. BrevArd-Hendersonville pArkinson’s support group 696-8744 • TU (4/14), 10am - Parkinson’s Awareness Month observance with speaker Richard London. Held at Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 East Main St., Brevard CHroniC pAin support 989-1555, deb.casaccia@gmail.com • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6 pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. Codependents Anonymous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8pm – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave.
men Working on life’s issues 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location. nAr-Anon fAmily groups nar-anon.org • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness 505-7353, namiwnc.org • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual diagnosis group. Held at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. overComers of domestiC violenCe 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler overComers reCovery support group rchovey@sos-mission.org • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road overeAters Anonymous • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit mountainx.com/ support for full listings. reCovering Couples Anonymous recovering-couples.org • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road
deBtors Anonymous debtorsanonymous.org • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
s-Anon fAmily groups 258-5117, wncsanon@gmail.com • For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Confidential meetings available; contact for details.
depression And BipolAr support AlliAnCe 367-7660, magneticminds.weebly.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road.
sHifting geArs 683-7195 • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Group-sharing for those in transition in careers, relationships, etc. Contact for location.
diABetes support 213-4788, laura.tolle@msj.org • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm - In Room 3-B. Held at Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive eleCtrosensitivity support • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact hopefulandwired@gmail.com or 2553350. emotions Anonymous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road food AddiCts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. living WitH CHroniC pAin 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa memory loss CAregivers network@memorycare.org • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Held at Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain
smArt reCovery smartrecovery.org • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sunrise peer support volunteer serviCes facebook.com/sunriseinasheville • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
g R E E N
Back-to-the-Earth living by josh o’connoR
Mother Earth News Fair returns to the Western North Carolina Agriculture Center on Saturday, April 11, and Sunday, April 12, marking the fair’s second consecutive appearance in Asheville. The fair is an opportunity for fans of Mother Earth News, the bimonthly environmental magazine based in Topeka, Kan., to get hands-on experience with the topics covered in the publication, including renewable energy, organic gardening, sustainable agriculture and green home building. Last year’s fair drew large crowds out to the Ag Center with an attendance of more than 16,000 over the course of the weekend. During the opening hours of the fair, traffic to the gates of the Ag Center was heavy enough to cause traffic backups onto Interstate 26. The 2014 fair occupied a large portion of the Ag Center property with a variety of live demonstrations, exhibits, speakers and vendors that included a mix of nationally branded companies as well as several sustainability-oriented local purveyors of botanicals and homesteading products. This year’s fair will again feature a number of family-friendly vendors, workshops and events that focus on a back-to-the-earth lifestyle.
hands on: Mother Earth News Fair offers workshops and exhibits that emphasize homesteading and sustainable living. The event has brought together gardeners, farmers, crafters and artisans like broom maker John Holzwart, pictured here at the 2014 fair. Photos by Hayley Benton
getting down and diRty’ Mother Earth News was founded by john and jane shuttleworth in Madison, Ohio, in 1970, but the publication has deep ties to WNC. By the third issue (published in May 1970), the Shuttleworths had moved the operation to Hendersonville, where it remained until the mid-1980s. The couple had another impact on the region — they
used the funds from the magazine to establish the 600-acre Mother Earth Eco-Village in Transylvania County. The village was both a residential and research center that brought thousands of visitors to conferences and seminars on alternative energy and sustainable living until its decline around 1985, the year the publication was sold to the New American Magazine Co.
Mother Earth News Fair returns to Asheville
The fair is really an extension of Mother Earth’s early days, offering attendees multiple opportunities at hands-on learning in one location. The fair will feature over 150 interactive workshops that cover a range of topics, including organic gardening, cooking and food preservation, renewable energy, homesteading, smallscale livestock, green building, natural health and green transportation. The workshops will be led by a number of nationally renowned experts, including sustainable farmer and author Joel Salatin, cheesemaker Claudia Lucero, herbalist and author Rosemary Gladstar, organic gardening experts Barbara Pleasant and Pam Dawling, and beekeeping expert Kim Flottum. Local sustainability and homesteading notables presenting include Meredith Leigh (who discusses butchering and breaking down chicken and hog carcasses to get the most out of your meat), Richard Freudenberger (making your home energy-efficient and making small-scale alcohol fuel), Alan Muskat (foraging wild edibles), Juliet Blankespoor (cultivating an herbal tea garden and using medicinal herbs safely), Janelle LucidoConate (preserving produce through fermentation) and Natalie Bogwalker (preserving the wild abundance of Southern Appalachia). The fair will also offer attendees an opportunity to interact with over 300 vendors selling items ranging from local foods and body-care products to black soldier fly bins and compos-
Garden Solutions with B.B. Barns! Lawn Care
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Farm Your Yard!
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discoVeR something new: The fair will also offer attendees an opportunity to interact with over 300 vendors. Merchants such as Jennifer De Marco and Jordan Aversman, owners of FAB Ferments, offer visitors a chance to celebrate the “old school” way of preserving foods or running a home.
iting toilets for the more adventurous. Families attending the fair also find activities for all ages, and children will have their own stage of hands-on activities like milking goats and cows, making dairy-free smoothies and planting garden seeds in the ice cream cartons. nan chase, the Asheville-based author of Eat Your Yard who will be conducting workshops on canning and on making garden wines, says the fair is a positive experience for “everyone and anyone.” “Anyone who is the least bit interested in learning new skills will be amply rewarded,” Chase says. “The speakers are experts
what The Mother Earth News Fair wheRe Western North Carolina Agricultural Center in Fletcher when 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, April 11; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, April 12. info Ticket prices are $25 in advance for a weekend pass or $30 at the gate; children 17 and younger are free. No single-day passes will be available this year. Tickets are available online via motherearthnews.com or by calling 800-234-3368 or at the gate.
in their fields and eager to share their knowledge. I like how there are classes for every skill level, from beginners to real pros. There is even information about logging and slaughtering livestock, not just about growing things.” This year’s fair also offers a special focus on self-reliance and homesteading with a number of demonstrations and exhibits showcasing sustainable living. Artisans from the John C. Campbell Folk School will demonstrate traditional skills such as blacksmithing, broom making, spinning, weaving and handcarving wooden spoons. Ian Snider and Mountain Works Sustainable Development will demonstrate using draft horses for logging and using the logs to build tiny homes. The Land of Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition will also have an alternative fuel vehicle exhibit. Of course, there will also be heritage breeds of livestock and horses that will give the event a countryfair feel. Food and snacks will be available on-site from 15 local food trucks, and attendees are encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottles as Klean Kanteen will be offering free potable water. When asked about advice for first-time Mother Earth News Fair attendees, Chase offers, “The best thing is to attend both days. There is so much to see and do that it could be overwhelming to try and cram it into one day. Take it easy, stay in the shade and build in some time to take a break to sit and relax.” X
FRI & SAT: 9 till 5 AM
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Mother Earth News Fair Schedule: Saturday Stage Name
2:30-3:30 PM
4:00-5:00 PM
5:30-6:30 PM
What the Cluck?! Getting Started on Gardening with Chickens Jessi Bloom
Can Do Easy Canning Nan K. Chase
30-Minute Farmers’ Cheese Flavored with Herbs and Edible Flowers Claudia Lucero
Herbs for Family Health Rosemary Gladstar
GRIT Stage
I ntroduction to Charcuterie Meredith Leigh
Wild Food: “Find dining” off the eaten path Alan Muskat
Restoring Pollinators Lisa Ziegler
From the Wood-Fired Oven: New and traditional techniques for cooking and baking with fire Richard Miscovich
A Homesteader’s 20/20 Hindsight: 20 good ideas and 20 not-so-good ideas Philip Ackerman-Leist
DIY Aquaponics Dan and Don Adams
The Livestock Conservancy Stage
The Blessings of the Bison Benefit Everyone Dr. Frank King
I Want Chickens But Where Do I Start? Jeannette Beranger
Home Poultry Processing: The art and science of micro-scale meat bird processing ... using tools you already have Patricia Foreman
Wonderful Attributes of Heritage Duck Breeds Andrew Frank
Using Livestock Guardian Dogs for Flock Protection Stuart Richens
Herbal Remedies for Common Goat Ailments Elizabeth Rich
Modern Homesteading Stage Presented by Brushy Mountain
Is Your Homestead Climate Ready? Cultivating Resilience at Home and in the Community Laura Lengnick
Easy Cold Frames for Gardeners with All Thumbs Rebecca Martin
What Does It Take to Be a Beekeeper? Shane Gebauer
The Return of the Family Milk Cow Faith Schlabach
Honey Bee Nutrition Kim Flottum
Farming the Woods: Seeing the forest for more than just the trees Steve Gabriel
Comfrey and Healing Herbs David Christopher
Essential Oils for Health and Well-Being: Taking control of your health using Mother Earth’s bounty Connie Jacoby
10:00-11:00 AM
11:30-12:30 PM
1:00-2:00 PM
DIY Solar Dan and Don Adams
Organic Body Care Recipes: Creating aromatherapeutic body and facial oils Stephanie Tourles
Aromatherapy for Wellness Billy Galloway
The Herb Lover’s Spa Garden Sue Goetz
Dissolving Your Sugar Habit Sharon Greenspan
How to Heal Local Dawn Combs
Mountain Rose Herbs Stage
Make Your Own Herbal Scrubs; Lotions, Teas and Spa Treatments from Your Garden Sue Goetz
DIY: Herbal first aid Linda Conroy
Medicinal Mushroom Gardens: Cultivation, garden design, and preparing extracts and tinctures Tradd Cotter
Herbal Medicine Making Cultivating an Herbal Basics Tea Garden Erin McIntosh Juliet Blankespoor
Virtual Medicine Walk Dawn Combs
Organic Gardening Stage
The Hoophouse in Spring and Summer Pam Dawling
Compost Your Way to Better Soil Barbara Pleasant
A Selection of Epic Tomatoes for Southeastern Gardens Craig LeHoullier
Down and Dirty Ways to Amend Your Soil Biochar: Why and how Hendrikus Schraven and Bob Wells Nirav Peterson
How to Make Biochar Bob Wells
Ingles Real Food Stage
Pickle It! Janelle Lucido-Conate
Garden-Fresh Drinks Hannah Kincaid
Kimchi for the People Janelle Lucido-Conate
Eating Wild: Identifying the wild edible plants in your own backyard Heather Houskeeper
Chocolate: The journey from bean to bar Cat Gipe-Stewart
Whole Hog Butchery Meredith Leigh
Renewable Energy Stage
The Woodstove/OffGrid Lifestyle Roger Lehet
Powering Your Homestead with Renewable Energy John Ivanko
Backyard Biodiesel: How to brew your own fuel Lyle Estill and Bob Armantrout
Small-Scale Alcohol Fuel Richard Freudenberger
Build Your Own Electric Car Ben Nelson
Energy Storage for Everyone: The beginners guide to getting off the grid Mark Cerasuolo
Star Seed Stage
Extending the Harvest: Fall and winter gardening Ira Wallace
Managing Cover Crops with Hand Tools Cindy Conner
Restoring Life to Your Soil Dale Strickler
Organic Gardening for Newbies: Avoiding beginner mistakes Barbara Pleasant
Perma-What? How You Can Create Your Own Paradise Homestead with Permaculture Jessi Bloom
The Best Berry ... Is the One You Grow Yourself! Walter Harrill
Yanmar Sustainable Agriculture Stage
Rebuilding the Foodshed: A homesteader’s call to farms Philip Ackerman-Leist
The Biodynamic Farm Organism: Practical application for farmers and gardeners Jim Fullmer and Erin Agostinelli
Producing Hops for Local Craft Breweries Jeanine Davis
Tractor Maintenance and Attachment Options Ben Housch
Farming Finances Brion Smoker
Launch a Food Business from Your Home Kitchen Lisa Kivirist
Kids’ Treehouse Stage
Fungi in the Classroom Tradd Cotter
Children’s Goat Milking Demonstration Elizabeth Rich
Kids Can Build with Sticks and Mud Chris McClellan
You’re Kidding Me: The kid-run farm and homestead John Moody
Soap Felting Fun! Linda Conroy
APRIL 8 - APRIL 14, 2015
Schedules subject to change
Mother Earth News Fair Schedule: Sunday Stage Name
10:00-11:00 AM
11:30-12:30 PM
1:00-2:00 PM
2:30-3:30 PM
4:00-5:00 PM
Live Poultry Processing Demo Joel Salatin and David Schafer STARTS AT 9:30
Butchering and Deboning a Whole Chicken Meredith Leigh
Raw Milk: A catalyst for fundamental change in our food system? David Gumpert
New Frontiers in Organic Gardening Barbara Pleasant
10 Threads That Successful Startup Farms Knit Together Joel Salatin
GRIT Stage
How to Milk a Goat, Make Raw Milk Cheese and Stay Out of Jail Elizabeth Rich
The Hoophouse in Fall and Winter Pam Dawling
Tapping into a ’Sweet’ Idea: Making natural sumac spiles Alan and Susan Fox
Build a Home Charcuterie Cabinet Meredith Leigh
Wild Mushrooms: A taste of enchantment Alan Muskat
The Livestock Conservancy Stage
An Introduction to Heritage Breed Goats Alison Martin
The Basics of Heritage Hog Production Jeannette Beranger
Sustainable Animal Feed: Insect farming and native black soldier grubs Karl Warkomski
Considering Cattle? Make the MOOve! Ryan Walker
Hopping for Fun and Profit with Heritage Rabbits Alison Martin
Modern Homesteading Stage Presented by Brushy Mountain
Sustainable Living Simplified John Ivanko
Becoming a Beekeeper Shane Gebauer
How to Grow 35 to 40 Organic Plants Within a 2-Square-Foot Garden (With NO WEEDING!) Shawna Coronado
Spring Management: Second season and beyond Kim Flottum
Raisin’ Cane and Gettin’ Juiced Alan and Susan Fox
Growing Medicinal Herbs Juliet Blankespoor
The Healing Revolution Is On! Dr. Frank King
Home Health Care for Your Thyroid Dawn Combs
Herbal Wellness with Your Homegrown Tea Blends Jane Hawley Stevens
Homestead Medicine Joseph Alton, M.D.
Mountain Rose Herbs Stage
Jane’s Virtual Herb Walk: Review today, reap tomorrow! Jane Hawley Stevens
Mushroom Cultivation for Everyone Tradd Cotter
Farmstead Chef: Organic eating on a dime Lisa Kivirist
Adaptogens and Tonic Herbs: Herbs for longevity and well-being Rosemary Gladstar
Organic Body Care Recipes: Creating aromatherapeutic body and facial oils Stephanie Tourles
Organic Gardening Stage
Educational Aquaponic System Design Jesse Hull
Growing Great Garlic and Perennial Onions Ira Wallace
Grow a Sustainable Diet Cindy Conner
Easy Seed Starting Lisa Ziegler
Carbon Crazy: Hugelkultur, biochar, ramial chipped wood and more! John Moody
Ingles Real Food Stage
Dive into Dehydrated Foods Jennifer Kongs
The Power of Raw Foods: Transform your health, transform your life! Stephanie Tourles
Preparation and Preservation: Preserving the wild abundance of Southern Appalachia Natalie Bogwalker
Delightful Garden Wines Nan K. Chase
Beginning Pressure Cooking: Meals under pressure Rebecca Martin
Renewable Energy Stage
Creative Housing from Dirt and Junk Chris McClellan
Practical Steps to Energy Efficiency in the Home Richard Freudenberger
Design Your Green Dream Home in 60 Minutes or Less Steve Linton
Build Your Own Electric Motorcycle Ben Nelson
Draft Animal-Powered Forestry and Tiny Timber Houses Ian Snider
Star Seed Stage
6 Inches of Soil in 6 Months with 600,000 Bugs, Part 1 John Moody
6 Inches of Soil in 6 Months with 600,000 Bugs, Part 2 John Moody
Garden Tools 202: The stuff you won’t learn at a big-box store Joel Dufour
Growing and Preserving Unusual Fruit John Holzwart
The Holy Grail: How to grow great tomatoes from seed to harvest Craig LeHoullier
Yanmar Sustainable Agriculture Stage
Growing High Nutritional Organic Foods: The whys, whats and hows Nirav Peterson and Hendrikus Schraven
Growing Ginseng and Other Woodland Medicinals for Fun or Profit Jeanine Davis
Growing Elderberry for Health and Profit Terry Durham
Seed Libraries and Other Seed Share Initiatives Cindy Conner
Becoming a Marketing Rock Star Ryan Walker
Kids’ Treehouse Stage
Kids Can Milk Too Faith Schlabach
Smoothies and Seed Starting Nicole Peltz
The DIY Dad’s Backyard Projects Ben Nelson
Chicken POOP Power! Patricia Foreman
APRIL 8 - APRIL 14, 2015
Raw deal? Asheville’s taste for unpasteurized milk
by gina smith
gsmith@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 107
Twice a month, “Emma Gordon” (not her real name) pays a truck driver to make a run across the South Carolina border. The Asheville mom isn’t dealing in homemade moonshine or smuggling drugs, yet the product she brings to local families — raw milk — can’t legally be sold for human consumption in North Carolina. “It’s legal to buy in South Carolina,” Gordon explains, “so what we’re doing is ... in kind of a legal gray area.” Raw milk comes straight from the cow — it hasn’t been pasteurized (heated to high temperatures for specific lengths of time to kill potentially harmful pathogens). For the past three years, Gordon has managed a cooperative in Asheville that buys raw milk from two South Carolina farms and raw cheese, yogurt and butter from an organic Amish farm in Pennsylvania. Every two weeks, members put in their orders, and the truck heads south. The products are delivered to two drop sites, one in West Asheville and one in Montford, where members collect their milk and pay $9 (for grain-fed) or $14 (for organic grassfed) per gallon. The cooperative, says Gordon, now has several hundred members and averages about 70 gallons of milk per run. “And we’re not the only people doing it,” she continues. “More and more people are getting comfortable with selling raw milk.” Yet both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn against unpasteurized dairy products in no uncertain terms. “Raw milk can harbor dangerous microorganisms that can pose seri-
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
ous health risks,” notes the FDA website. And the CDC categorically states: “There are no known health benefits from drinking raw milk that cannot be obtained from drinking pasteurized milk that is free of disease-causing bacteria.” sue ellen morrison, disease control lead nurse at the Buncombe County Health Department, agrees. “While it’s possible to get foodborne illnesses from many different foods, raw milk is one of the riskiest of all,” she says. “Getting sick from raw milk can result in diarrhea, stomach cramping and vomiting. Less commonly, it can mean kidney failure, paralysis, chronic disorders and even death.” According to data from the CDC, from 2007 to 2012 no illnesses related to the consumption of raw milk were reported in North Carolina, although five cases were documented in South Carolina during that time period. a gRowing LocaL tRend Gordon knows of several other such cooperatives in the Asheville area, and a number of local farmers sell unpasteurized milk at local tailgate markets or straight from their farms, sometimes labeled as pet food (a loophole in the law allows raw milk to be sold for that purpose). Mostly it’s not advertised, so finding
miLk contRoVeRsy: Because the sale of unpasteurized milk for human consumption is illegal in North Carolina, Marshall farmers Kate and Kevin Lane sell raw milk from their Jersey cows under a state-approved label that marks it as pet food. The farm expects to be distributing about 100 gallons per week to local customers this summer. Photos by Cindy Kunst
raw milk for human consumption in North Carolina. The farm, she notes, spends several hundred dollars per year on testing and fees to stay in the state’s good graces. Although some of her customers do feed the milk to their pets, many are drinking it themselves. “We’ve been selling milk to people for seven years, so we have personal relationships with our customers: We know what they do with it,” says Lane, adding that she’s comfortable with that. “We’re really focused on our cows’ well-being and health. All of our cows have a name, and they come when they’re called. We check their physical condition every day, so we’re acutely aware of when they’re coming down with something.” Lane also milks all her cows by hand and hand-filters the milk. Those arguments don’t appear to sway the CDC, however, which points out on its website, “Even dairy farms with very good safety practices can harbor illness-causing germs. And even if a batch of a farm's raw milk tests come back negative, it is no guarantee that the next batch will be free of harmful germs.” In light of those health warnings, why are people seeking out raw milk when the pasteurized variety is more easily obtained — and legal? moRe nutRitious?
it is “a matter of knowing the right person,” she notes. kate and kevin Lane are more upfront about their business. From their 15-acre farm, Homemade in Marshall, the Lanes sell the milk from their herd of seven Jersey cows in halfgallon Ball jars. By May, when three of their cows are due to give birth, Kate estimates that they’ll be delivering about 100 gallons of raw milk per week to customers. Each jar has a label that Kate painstakingly created to meet detailed guidelines from the state Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. The words “for animal consumption, not for human consumption” are emblazoned at the top, followed by a disclaimer that it’s illegal to sell
Alternative health educator andi Locke mears buys about a half-gallon of raw milk each week from an unidentified Asheville farm to make kefir, a fermented milk product, for herself and her husband. For Mears, it’s all about the health benefits. “It’s just superior in nutrition,” she maintains. “Pasteurized milk is milk that’s dead: It’s a processed product. It’s awesome when you get the real foods because they have so much flavor, their fats are so healthy and the nutrients are there. They haven’t been adulterated by high heat or anything, so it’s a whole different food.” The FDA’s website, however, states that “pasteurization does not reduce milk’s nutritional value.” Mears, though, says some people opt for raw milk because their bodies can’t process the pasteurized kind.
“I’ve seen absolute miracles happen when people start drinking raw milk vs. adulterated milk,” she says. “It’s meant for our bodies. … A lot of people have lactose issues [with pasteurized milk].” Gordon, too, says many of her cooperative’s members buy raw milk to address symptoms of various health issues, including autoimmune problems, digestive disorders, allergies, asthma and irritable bowel syndrome. “There are an awful lot of people who come to us and are like, ‘Thank God I found you!’” she reports. The FDA maintains that “pasteurizing milk does not cause lactose intolerance and allergic reactions. Both raw milk and pasteurized milk can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to milk proteins.” And the CDC dismisses as a myth the idea that “drinking raw milk can prevent or cure diseases, such as asthma, allergies, heart disease or cancer.” Morrison, meanwhile, stresses the risks, saying, “Many people who choose raw milk to improve their health can instead find themselves (or their loved ones) in a hospital for several weeks fighting off infections.” However, amy Lanou, associate professor of the Health and Wellness Department at UNC Asheville, says that while she acknowledges there are some risks in drinking raw milk, it may, in fact, have some health benefits. Although Lanou generally recommends diets that don’t contain cow’s milk at all, she says the heat used in the pasteurization process would kill any beneficial bacteria present in milk as well as altering the nature of its proteins. She also says claims that raw milk helps people with immune issues, allergies and asthma could hold water as any “immune stimulating agents present in raw milk would be destroyed by pasteurization. People
who are consuming raw milk are getting more natural exposure to allergens at levels that are naturally present in the foods they consume.” Some raw-milk proponents would agree. Lane and her husband, not content with feeding their cows grass exclusively, recently planted 125 locust, mulberry and persimmon trees in their pastures, augmenting that grain-free diet with a variety of leaves, shoots and fruit. “The grassfed milk you buy at the store, those cows might only be eating hay, and we feel that cows should have a more diverse diet. Our cows are healthier than cows that just eat hay,” she says. Mears, too, says health fears are unfounded as long as the raw milk comes from sanitary, trustworthy farms. “If you look at the statistics from our government, most of the issues come with pasteurized food and pasteurized milk,” she says, citing data from realmilk.com and research by nutritionist Chris Kresser. “Raw milk has redundancies built into it to destroy pathogens. Pasteurized milk doesn’t do that.” Meanwhile, North Carolina may be changing its law. On March 23, the Got Natural Milk bill (HB 309) was filed in the state House. The bill would allow consumers to buy “shares” of a farmer’s cow or herd and the milk produced. Lane says the proposed change wouldn’t affect her business as long as she could continue selling her milk as pet food, but Mears maintains that legalization would enable many small dairy farmers who trade in raw milk to “come out of the closet.” Furthermore, she asserts, “Changing the law is key. That way we can get better information, better education out to people. And we can address these fears that are totally unfounded.”
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For more on raw milk, see “The Raw Milk Debate: An Interview With Food Activist David Gumpert,” elsewhere in this issue. X
moRe info: realmilk.com farmtoconsumer.org Nutritionist Chris Kresser’s blog: http://avl.mx/0us The FDA’s report on raw milk: http://avl.mx/0ur N.C. House Bill 309, “Got Natural Milk bill:” http://avl.mx/0ut homemadeinmarshall.com
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Gina Smith
The raw milk debate An interview with food activist David Gumpert During his decadeslong career, journalist, editor and author david e. gumpert has written about everything from food rights to entrepreneurship to family history. But in recent years, he’s focused on raw milk. His new book, The Raw Milk Answer Book: What You Really Need to Know About Our Most Controversial Food, addresses more than 200 questions in Q&A format, including: Is it risky to consume unpasteurized milk? Does raw milk have nutritional and health benefits? What does the debate over raw milk tell us about the power corporations have over our food system? Both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn against drinking unpasteurized milk, and selling it is illegal in many states, yet consumer demand seems to be growing. North Carolina bans the sale of unpasteurized milk for human consumption, yet there are Asheville residents who favor it for various reasons. On Sunday, April 12, Gumpert will give a talk at the Mother Earth News Fair titled “Raw Milk: A Catalyst for Fundamental Change in our Food System?” Xpress spoke with Gumpert recently; here are excerpts from that conversation: Mountain Xpress: what got you interested in raw milk? gumpert: In 2005 and 2006, I was writing about the business of health, and I began noticing these crackdowns on small dairies. I had never heard of raw milk and didn’t know people were drinking it. I also was unaware that government regulators had as much hostility toward raw dairies as there turned out to be. We have a long-term policy in this country of encouraging small business, and we even have a U.S. Small Business Administration that’s supposed to help support their interests. And here we were with the Food and Drug Administration in particular, but also with the Centers for Disease Control, really trying to put this segment — these small farms that are part of our heritage — out of business. It just was totally foreign to me. ...
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
in the Raw: Author and food rights activist David Gumpert will speak at the upcoming Mother Earth News Fair in Asheville on the subject of raw milk. Photo courtesy of David Gumpert
The reason that’s offered is that they’re producing a product that’s dangerous, yet the data doesn’t really bear that out. And if you look at the book, I do go through the data pretty carefully. There have been challenges, and there is a need for small dairies to improve on safety, but we don’t have a public health crisis by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to raw milk. if the safety issue isn’t as big as some people say, why is there so much hostility toward raw milk? I think there are two reasons. One is historical. We did have a serious problem with raw dairy back in the 1800s and early 1900s. The Industrial Revolution was going on, with millions of people moving from the country to the city, and we had some unscrupulous operators trying to satisfy the demand for milk in the city producing a really bad product. We also didn’t really understand how disease was transmitted and the importance of sanitation, so we had very serious outbreaks of disease, especially among children who were being fed this really unsatisfactory raw milk. So pasteurization came out as an industrial solution to that problem. … The diseases then were much more dangerous and often fatal — things like typhoid and tuberculosis. The diseases you can get from raw milk today are the diseases you can get from any other food. There are usually four main pathogens of foodborne illness, and you can get them from cantaloupe, from bad hamburger and from bad pasteurized milk products.
The second reason is economic. We have this huge processing industry devoted to pasteurizing and homogenizing milk. I’ve seen accounts that say it’s worth something on the order of $130 billion, and increasingly they see raw milk as competition. Sales of pasteurized milk have shown a slow, steady decline over the past few years, and while we don’t have much data, from all indications the sales of raw milk are going up. how can people find safe sources of raw milk? Realmilk.com from The Weston A. Price Foundation provides the regulations in each state and lists dairies that are willing to be listed. Not everyone wants to be listed because of the crackdowns: They don’t want to be targeted. It gives the pro-raw milk case, and you can search in each state and find farms that produce it. These farms haven’t necessarily been evaluated as to their safety practices, but the Raw Milk Institute, which just started up in the last three years, does that. It has about eight to 10 listed members and a bunch of others ready to come onboard. To become a member, dairies have to be certified; they have to demonstrate that they’re operating under certain standards of cleanliness. If a farm is a member of the Raw Milk Institute, it’s a good sign that they’re following very safe practices. But since most dairies aren’t yet members, I give some guidance in my book as to how to do it yourself. … Look for a farmer who’s been doing it for a few years, not just someone who wants to make some extra money selling their milk raw. Because you can get sick
from raw milk if it’s not produced correctly. The idea is to reduce that risk. it seems like the demand for raw milk is growing. is this because people believe it’s more nutritious than pasteurized milk? There’s a huge demand. I think nutrition is a big part of it. Some largescale studies out of Europe suggest that raw milk helps protect children from asthma and allergies, but it’s also part and parcel of the growing interest in unprocessed food, nutrient-dense food, locally produced food. Raw milk is seen as having health properties that pasteurized milk doesn’t have. do you think raw milk will be more accepted and less regulated in the future? I think regulation is fine if it’s directed at producing a safer product, as opposed to banning the product. I’d also like to see more education, because the FDA and the CDC are intent on banning raw milk. They keep saying it’s inherently dangerous, that nobody should drink it under any circumstances, and therefore the regulation should be designed to put raw dairy producers out of business or to force them to just sell their milk for pasteurization. But clearly, lots of people are ignoring that. X
who Author and food rights activist David Gumpert what Raw Milk: A Catalyst for Fundamental Change in our Food System? wheRe Mother Earth News Fair, WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. when Sunday, April 12. Presentation 1-2 p.m., book signing 2-2:30 p.m. how Visit motherearthnews.com for ticket information.
by Jacqui Castle
Welcome to the oasis
Brewing Company Asheville, NC
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Mobile ceremonies bring tea to the people “A lot of tourism and a lot of community around Asheville is based around drinking beer. How do we build a community around another beverage that has innate healing qualities?” wonders charles wu, co-owner of Wu Gong Fu Tea. Wu’s comment reflects a shift in the local tea community, which is joining the growing trend toward mobile dining and entertainment. Mobile tea services invite participants into a warm, homelike environment for a pouring that doubles as a social gathering with newfound friends. People sit down, and instead of ordering, they’re simply handed a cup of whichever tea variety is currently brewing. “Often we find that pouring tea outside is way more social,” says Dobra Tea co-owner Lindsay thomas. “In a traditional Chinese tea ceremony,” she notes, “there are numerous chairs set up, and you are just serving people infusion after infusion.” Another local company, The Infusion Lounge, specializes in mobile tea ceremonies. “We really enjoy doing festivals, because it pairs nicely with that sometimes chaotic festival nature,” explains clarice coppolino, who co-owns the business with saksiri kridakara. “Where there’s a lot going on, people are really relieved to have that moment to come and sit, recharge, connect and kind of take in all that’s been happening.” Coppolino and Kridakara’s shared passion for bringing tea to the community was ignited when they first poured at the LEAF Festival four years ago. “We were really grateful to do it at LEAF because it was a completely new experience that we hadn’t had here in Asheville,” Kridakara recalls. “A woman came in and said it was the most connected experience she had had all weekend, and from that moment on we decided that we were going to continue offering it at these types of events.”
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tea time: Mobile tea booths like Wu Gong Fu Tea are joining the ranks of food and drinks vendors at local festivals, giving festivalgoers a chance to slow down and appreciate the moment. Photo by Tim Robison
Charles and jenny wu report similar experiences. “Sometimes, at festivals, it is just so crazy out there,” says Jenny Wu. “It’s nice to come be somewhere where we are just communicating through our eyes and our motions and are really able to hear each other on a different level. The conversations that do start up tend to be really vulnerable.” “Vulnerability is a strength,” adds Charles Wu. “When we can foster vulnerability, we open up, we’re more connected, we’re more empathetic, and we are able to really resonate with where other people are.” Unlike other festival booths, where one simply walks up, orders a product and then moves on to the next activity, tea ceremonies give festivalgoers a chance to slow down and truly be in the moment. “People forget that they’ve actually been there for hours, because they
end up talking with someone and making a really special connection,” notes Coppolino. “That’s kind of the beauty of tea: It’s a gateway for connection.” Jenny Wu takes it further, maintaining that the tea ceremony can actually enhance the brew’s medicinal value. “I believe that when we’re talking about plants as medicine, just having that human interaction between the pourer and the receiver can be a cyclical healing and a really beautiful experience.” Kridakara, meanwhile, points out that “People often gravitate toward alcohol because it’s a way to open up and meet others. Well, you can have that same experience over tea and even take the conversations to another level that sometimes doesn’t happen with alcohol.” X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Kat McReynolds On Saturday, April 11, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, April 12, from noon until 4 p.m., MetroWines transforms into a living estate-sale venue, housing the goods of a “well-traveled Miami couple,” says Trippi. sheila billeter, owner of Sweet Earth Mountain Resale thrift shop in Saluda, will host the pop-up thrift store as “Tipsy Gypsy.” “To complement The Tipsy Gypsy’s eclectic collection, we will be tasting Txakolina — a sparkling rosé from the Basque region of Spain that goes with anything,” says Trippi. “Where else can you buy a bottle of wine, teal-colored wine glasses and a teak table?” Visit metrowinesasheville.com or call 575-9525 for more information. MetroWines, 169 Charlotte St. aPPaLachian RamPs and PReseRVes at the maRket PLace
community connections: MetroWines co-owner Gina Trippi, pictured above with business partner John Kerr, loves bringing people together at her shop. “Most [of our] events take place while the store remains open to shoppers, and this is where the real magic happens. Upon seeing the gathering, neighbors find out about opportunities and organizations they didn’t even know about that interest them,” she says. Xpress file photo
metRowines’ uPcoming eVents “Our philosophy is that wine is about food, family, friends and community.” says MetroWines coowner gina trippi. “It was our vision to have our shop be a part of the community.”
In two years, MetroWines has hosted myriad gatherings — from movie nights to fundraisers, comedy clubs to storytellings, French language lessons to birthdays and everything in between. Many of the events are free to attend, including two upcoming affairs. bill green, national sales manager for Wilson Artisan Wines of Healdsburg, Calif., visits Asheville for a free tasting on Thursday, April 9, from 5-7 p.m. He’ll present six wines from Wilson Artisan Wines’ collection, including Wilson’s zinfandel and petite sirah, De Lormier Winery’s chardonnay and cabernet and Jaxon Keys Winery's red blend and white blend. “This is particularly exciting for us, as Diane Wilson is the winemaker, and we try to highlight women winemakers when we can,” says Trippi, adding that Wilson wines are “consistently awarded 90 points or higher by respected critics.”
70 N. LexiNgtoN aveNue 828.225.8880 38
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
An old Appalachian saying — “Tax day is ramp day” — alludes to the wild, garliclike onions' early harvest at the onset of spring. The foraged food, along with a host of preserves, pickles, ferments and canned veggies from the last year, will share the spotlight at The Market Place’s upcoming fundraiser, Appalachian Ramps and Preserves, which honors the arrival of spring in the mountains. The five-course, Appalachianinspired dinner, a joint effort by chefs william dissen of The Market Place and travis milton of Comfort Restaurant in Richmond, Va., costs $55 per person plus tax and gratuity with proceeds benefiting the Appalachian Food Summit. Wednesday, April 15, 6:30 p.m. at The Market Place, 20 Wall St. Visit marketplace-restaurant. com for details or call 252-4162 for reservations. cRest mountain dinneR PeRfoRmances “Located only 10 minutes from downtown Asheville, [The Crest Mountain Dinner Show] is bringing midweek entertainment and mountaintop concerts to locals and visitors throughout the year,” says the venue's executive producer katie kasben. Boasting a full bar and 300-seat “win-
dowed pavilion” with panoramic Blue Ridge backdrops, the space will host several preview events before debuting a full-length show in August. The Legacy Motown Revue, Friday, April 10, revisits “rhythm and blues, beach, and soul music that will have you dancing in the aisles” as a six-piece horn band accompanies the featured singing and dancing quartet, according to organizers. The Crest Mountain Canteen USO Tribute pairs the sounds of Betty Grable, The Andrews Sisters and other ‘40s artists with songand-dance numbers. Tickets are $25 for show only or $44 for show and buffet catered by M7 (discounts available for military, seniors, children and groups). Wednesday, April 15, 5:30 p.m. doors, 6:30 buffet, 7 p.m. show at Crest Mountain Dinner Show, 6 Celebration Place. Visit crestmountaindinnershow.com for information and tickets. cajun- and cReoLeinsPiRed RestauRant Lafayette to oPen downtown Restaurateur michel baudouin, chef and owner of Bouchon and Crêperie Bouchon, is at it again. His next upscale eatery, Lafayette Cajun Creole Cuisine, will take over The Local Taco’s former space at 68 N. Lexington Ave. this summer. The new restaurant, whose name pays tribute to the Marquis de Lafayette, the Frenchman who provided military aid to the American colonies during the American Revolution, will undergo some “updating and restoring of the structure with attention to saving as much of the original as possible,” according to Baudouin. Baudouin has already begun hiring for 40 Living Wage positions and hopes to hold the grand opening on Friday, May 1. “Expect Cajun and Creole classics such as red beans and rice and shrimp etouffée to be on the menu, along with some more unusual offerings. Chaudin (a stuffed pig's stomach — so much better than it sounds) and fried boudin (balls made of Arcadian pork and rice sausages rolled in bread crumbs then fried) are two of those dishes,” says the chef. X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
WednesdAy AsHeville BreWing: New brew: Liberty Saison (for Liberty Bikes’ 35th anniversary); $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm CAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills
pisgAH: Live music: Campfire Reverends, 6pm; Food truck: Latino Heat Wedge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)
tHursdAy AsHeville BreWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location frenCH BroAd: Live music: Paul Edelman, 6pm
frenCH BroAd: $8.50 growler fills
HigHlAnd: Flights & Bites w/ Green River Picklers; Live music: Amy & Mike, 5:30pm one World: Live music: Sarah Tucker, 8pm
HigHlAnd: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm leXington Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day
Lucky #7 combos and full menu online at
oskAr Blues: Live music: fRITZ bEER & The Crooked Beat, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon
one World: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower (triphop, downtempo)
pisgAH: Live music: Copious Jones, 8pm
downtown mojokitchen.biz 55 College St, Downtown Asheville
oskAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oyster House: $2 off growler fills
parking at the rankin ramp
soutHern AppAlACHiAn: Live music: Dan Keller Trio, 7pm
pisgAH: Black Mountain Greenway Challenge: 5/10k, 2pm; Live music: Chalwa, 8pm; Food truck: DOGS soutHern AppAlACHiAn: Live music: Zuzu Welsh, 8pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)
sundAy AsHeville BreWing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location BuriAl Beer Co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) oskAr Blues: Food truck: CHUBwagon
oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
frenCH BroAd: Live music: Rinaldi the Flying Circus, 6pm
soutHern AppAlACHiAn: Live music: Klarcnova, 5pm
HigHlAnd: Live music: Buncombe Turnpike, 7pm; Food truck: Little Bee Thai; New brew: Schwing Has Schwung (dark ruby brown, nutty, spicy)
Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm
pisgAH: Live music: The Saint Francis Band, 9pm
small plates all night
oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
oskAr Blues: Firkin Fridays: Pinner; Live music: Chris Jamison, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon
music: Clay Spokes, 4pm; David Wax Museum, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon
soutHern AppAlACHiAn: Live music: Patrick Lopez & the Xpresso Latin Jazz Party, 8pm Wedge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)
mondAy AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm one World: Service industry night: $4 pints; Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)
165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 | www.plantisfood.com sAturdAy
InnovatIve, SeaSonally InSpIred, new amerIcan cuISIne Chef Duane fernanDes brings his Culinary finesse to the heart of Downtown asheville. weekly speCials. open Daily.
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
BuriAl Beer Co.: South Slope celebration: Backyard Barbecue w/ Buxton Hall Barbecue (whole hog, BBQ chicken), 2pm; Live music: George Mandelkorn Project (funk, soul), 2pm frenCH BroAd: Live music: Bird & The Bear, 6pm HigHlAnd: Scotty’s 21st Birthday Bash; New brew: Scotty’s 21st Birthday Double IPA; Live music: The Resolvers, 7pm; Food truck: Little Bee Thai & St. Andrews oskAr Blues: Assault on the Carolinas Afterparty, 4pm Live
tuesdAy AsHeville BreWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) Hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints one World: Live music: Brandon Audette, 8pm oyster House: Cask night Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
Opportune moments The Resonant Rogues celebrate a new album
by edwin aRnaudin
The Resonant Rogues know that to get the most out of New Orleans, it’s best to keep one’s options open. Before traveling to the Asheville quartet’s home away from home in March, sparrow Pants (accordion, banjo, vocals), keith smith (guitar, vocals), Craig Sandberg (upright bass, vocals) and Drayton Aldridge (fiddle, vocals) did the logical thing and booked multiple shows. But upon arriving, they had plenty more gigs pop up at the last minute, from swing dances to DIY warehouse shows to songwriter showcases, plus busking for thousands of people from all over the world on Royal Street. “It’s kind of like music school — there are so many amazing musicians jamming, practicing and performing all the time,” Smith says. “People may choose to go to college or take lessons to learn how to play, but NOLA is a great place to learn how to perform.” The band brings that energy back to Western North Carolina, releasing new album Here & Gone Again at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Saturday, April 11, the group’s two-year anniversary. Since that genesis, sweethearts Sparrow and Smith have maintained a successful musical partnership by writing
what The Resonant Rogues with The Moon & You and Madison J. Cripps wheRe Isis Restaurant & Music Hall isisasheville.com when Saturday, April 11, at 9 p.m. $8 advance/$10 at the door
songs separately and giving each other feedback while remaining in charge of their individual works. “With two strong-willed songwriters, we think it’s the best way for us to have some autonomy and creative control. We make most of our decisions together, but whoever wrote the song gets the final say,” Sparrow says, adding that band leading is “a whole other ball of wax.” For those nonmusical tasks, the two try to keep things as equal as possible, and while they each have a few defined roles, the other nonetheless has a say in those matters. Sparrow does all of the graphic design, but Smith gives input on what pictures, fonts and colors to
band on the Run: Following a record release show at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall, the Resonant Rogues will wind their way up the East Coast before heading to Europe for the summer. Photo by (SIC) Images.
use. In turn, Smith does more of the booking, but Sparrow helps decide where they go, how much they travel and whether a gig is worth taking. And when it comes to writing bios, press releases and interviews, one writes and the other edits. “We just have to come to a point of agreement about every little thing, which can
be difficult especially when there is also a relationship involved,” Sparrow says. “Two heads are better than one, though, and the debate often makes things more polished and well-done.” That level of refinement extends to The Resonant Rogues’ new recordings. Following April’s six-song EPs of swing (Swing Set) and Balkan music (Go East, Young Band) — both of which were cut at New Orleans’ Word of Mouth Studios in a mere 12 hours — Here & Gone Again features all original songs that draw on the band’s numerous influences. A successful Kickstarter campaign afforded them more time to prepare and perfect the songs. The funds also allowed them to lay down tracks at Echo Mountain Studios, which the band chose after considering a handful of Asheville sites. “It felt like a pipe dream at first, to record at one of the best and fanciest studios in the Southeast, but we decided to just go for it and work our butts off to make it happen,” Sparrow says. “Echo Mountain is just incomparable as far as sound quality, equipment, expertise and connections.” She says the church building has a magical feeling, and Josh Blake, the main engineer for the project, was “extremely helpful, informative, encouraging, knowledgeable and kind.” Following the Isis show, The Resonant Rogues will wind their way up the East Coast before heading to Europe — the Balkan region and hot jazz clubs of France receive nods on Here & Gone Again. The band performed in Belgium, France and Spain in 2013 but expands its reach this summer. The plan is to start in Istanbul — where they’ll join family and study music and dance — then head west to Ireland, stopping through Budapest, Berlin and Amsterdam, and small towns along the way. “We don’t know exactly what to expect but have heard great things from friends who have gone on similar adventures, and we are finding lots of support from folks we have been in touch with over there,” Sparrow says. “We will have many things planned before embarking on the trip, but we are leaving ourselves open to fun opportunities that may arise.” X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Bill Kopp
The show goes on The Broadcast will continue touring (after this important local message) “We can jam, but we are definitely not a jam band,” says caitlin krisko, vocalist and songwriter of The Broadcast. Her band’s albums feature shorter songs because “we write songs; we’re songwriters.” Krisko and guitarist Aaron Austin are co-writers on all of the group’s music, which is as tight and concise on record as it is soulful and exhilarating live onstage. “My favorite artists are storytellers,” Krisko adds. “I think that it’s really important that we continue to tell stories about our lives,” she says, describing music as a means to create “a sense of oneness between artist and listener.”
who The Broadcast with The Suffers and Porch 40 wheRe The Grey Eagle, thegreyeagle.com when Saturday, April 11, 9 p.m.
Coming out of a tumultuous year that saw two of its founding members depart, Asheville-based (though originally from Brooklyn) The Broadcast is gearing up for what looks to be its busiest year yet. The buzz around the group’s set at 2014’s Warren Haynes’ Christmas Jam led to an invite to perform at an Allman Brothers Band tribute event being planned for this summer. And while preproduction for a second studio album is well underway, The Broadcast has scheduled a local performance (Saturday, April 11, at The Grey Eagle) before returning to the road and then to the studio. “So much has changed since last year,” Krisko says. “I am really proud
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
of the core members who were able to make it through this transition,” and now the band is “committed on an even deeper level.” Krisko and Austin plus drummer Michael W. Davis and percussionist Tyler Housholder remain from the original lineup. Observing that making music for a living is not the easiest path, Krisko believes that “you have to be willing to lose everything for it.” The Broadcast’s members are savvy users of modern technology as a means of building relationships with fans and potential fans. While acknowledging the advantages of that technology, Krisko believes that instant, accessible quality also disconnects the listener from being able to discover new music. That means in order to break through, a band has to be better and then market itself better. Krisko is optimistic and determined: “Touring on the road has given me a sense of hope that there still are people who want to come together, connect and share in a joined experience.” Krisko focuses on two important components of the band’s overall strategy: “The live performance emotionally grabs people; the vibrations literally have an effect on their bodies.” And the album is a souvenir, a package that concertgoers can take home to relive the experience of the show. “You can’t completely capture the live experience on an album,” Krisko says. “Where a great producer comes in is being able to capture that energy.” For The Broadcast’s first album (2013’s Dodge the Arrow, recorded at Asheville’s Echo Mountain Studios), the band worked with producer Eric “Mixerman” Sarafin. “We were so blessed to have one of the most positive first-album experiences,” Krisko says. But the musicians came away from that experience knowing what they would do differently on the next album. For their second recording, Krisko and Austin wanted a producer who truly understood how to record a female-
stiLL teLLing theiR taLe: After a tumultuous year that included the departure of two band members, The Broadcast has rededicated itself to energetic live shows, powerful recordings, reaching new fans and a few high-profile surprises — such as an appearance at an Allman Brothers tribute show. Photo by Jenn Ross Photography
fronted band. They wanted someone like Jim Scott, who produced and engineered albums for the Tedeschi Trucks Band, Wilco and other big names. “So I emailed [Scott] last November,” Krisko says, “and when I woke up the next morning,
I had an email from his people. I screamed!” Scott said yes. And with a large catalog of new material from which to choose, Krisko is confident that The Broadcast’s upcoming album (out early 2016) will please longtime fans while earning new ones. X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Alli Marshall
So the story goes Connie Regan-Blake’s collection is inducted into the Library of Congress When Asheville-based storyteller connie Regan-blake embarked on her career more than 40 years ago, there were only two storytelling festivals in the country. That was in the mid-’70s; “Now every state in the nation has festivals, and North Carolina probably has six ongoing,” she says. Even though the concept was a new one at the time, its impact was felt: “In many ways, I was so wide-eyed as I was entering the world of folk music, traveling full time and getting paid to tell stories,” remembers Regan-Blake. Still, “I definitely had an awareness that this is happening, people are loving it, it’s growing, and this is a movement.” At the time, she and Barbara Freeman — Regan-Blake’s first cousin and the other half of the Folktellers, a duo until the mid-’90s — made the rounds of folk music festivals in Philadelphia, Vancouver, Winnipeg and San Diego. “I had a cassette recorder, and at jam sessions I’d record people,” ReganBlake says. Sorting through boxes in recent years, she found those tapes and realized they contained vintage performances by tellers — some since passed away — who were famous in their fields. ReganBlake contacted an acquaintance at the Library of Congress to offer the tapes: “He said, ‘We’ll put them in your collection.’” That means that although this year marks Regan-Blake’s induction into the oldest federal cultural institution in the nation, the library was already aware of the local artist. Freeman had donated some of her ephemera to the National Storytelling Center, which shared the material with the Library of Congress — that’s how Regan-Blake’s file began. When the storyteller (who has produced videos for PBS and appeared on “Good Morning America” and NPR’s “All Things Considered”) offered to add to that collection, the
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
coLLected woRks: Among keepsakes from her early years as a storyteller, Connie Regan-Blake found field recordings of famed tellers from ’70s-era folk music festivals. These and other historic works have been donated to the Library of Congress. Photo courtesy of Regan-Blake
Library of Congress associate said, “We’ll take anything you have. ... What we’re wanting is your personal input into this journey of storytelling.” Regan-Blake’s perspective on that evolution is unique because she was part of the storytelling revival, which followed the folk music revival in the U.S. “Sometimes in interviews over the years, people say, ‘Storytelling died, and here you are, one of the people who brought it back,’” Regan-Blake says. “It never died. Storytelling is such a part of who we are as human beings. It did go underground. When we turned to radio first and then television, people looked outside themselves for entertainment.” But Regan-Blake took a circuitous route to the art form. “Looking back, I would think of myself more as a listener,” she says. “I wasn’t the one capturing everyone’s attention at the dinner table.” In her family, that role went to Freeman. The cousins grew up in different states (Regan-Blake in Florida
and Freeman in Tennessee) but often visited. Regan-Blake entered college as a math major, intending to work for NASA. She ended up switching to political science “because I thought I’d be a lawyer — which isn’t too far away from storytelling.” At loose ends after traveling through Europe, her cousin helped her land a job at a library in Chattanooga, Tenn. The library had just earned a grant to hire a storyteller for nine months, something unheard of at the time. Though Regan-Blake had little experience, the brief commitment was appealing, and soon she was part of an outreach program geared toward underprivileged children with limited access to books. “Within a short time, I knew I’d be telling stories for the rest of my life,” she says. Though even at that point, it was a career choice out of step with the era: “During the four years [I worked for the library], I never heard of another storyteller except for the old-timers. Ray Hicks was the master.” The first National Storytelling Festival took place in Jonesborough, Tenn., in 1973. Regan-Blake wrote
to the director. Happily, for the Library of Congress, she has a copy of his response to her. Today, she is a frequent host and featured performer at that annual gathering. “The idea grew out of the first and second national festival of it really being performance,” she says. “It’s not necessarily old-timers doing it. It was very clear then that it was a new thing.” While storytelling as performance art is no longer a new thing, Regan-Blake’s enthusiasm for the craft remains fresh. She parlays her talents into workshops that share techniques for telling. “I feel one of the key qualities of a good storyteller is to be a good listener,” she says. “The goal is to be very present onstage.” ReganBlake leads a one-day “Finding the Storyteller in You” workshop on Saturday, May 30, at Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Asheville campus, 36 Montford Ave. She also leads a weeklong retreat July 12-18 to help attendees “find their voice and gain the skills and confidence to tell their own stories.” For details, visit storywindow.com X
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Kyle Sherard
The Photography of Hugh Mangum: beyond black and white
Call for
A century ago, there were no phone cameras or selfie sticks. Instead, you would’ve put on your most elegant dress or best suit, gone down to a local department store or traveled to a nearby city to have your portrait taken. If you were allowed to, that is. For many nonwhite Americans living in a post-Reconstruction South ravaged by discrimination and segregation, getting a portrait in the public sphere was out of the question. If you lived in North Carolina during that period, however, you had another option: The studio of Hugh Mangum (1877-1922) — an itinerant photographer with a Penny Picture Camera — offered an unbiased eye and made house calls. From the early 1890s until his death in 1922, Mangum, who was born and based in Durham, traveled all over North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia, photographing anybody and everybody who lined up. From town to town he set up a temporary studios — a proto-popup photo booth of sorts — for up to three months. Families and individuals, young and old, black and white, rich and poor were among the thousands who sat for their portraits. Hundreds of those faces make up Keep All You Wish: The Photographs of Hugh Mangum, on view at the Asheville Art Museum. The exhibition takes its name from a letter that Mangum wrote
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
to his sister in 1922, in which he ominously told her to “give my love to all and keep all you wish.” He died just a few weeks later, but the sentiment lived on in his work, embodied in each of his portraits. The images on display were reproduced from the original plates by sarah stacke, a Brooklyn-based photographer and the exhibition’s curator. The show also includes a small collection of Mangum’s handprinted photographs and bits of ephemera, like test strips, buttons and studio advertisements, all from Duke University’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library, where Mangum’s work is archived. “No matter how society perceived a person, they were always welcomed into Mangum’s studio,” says Stacke. Four children pose behind their seated parents in one family portrait while another shot shows more than 20 members spanning four generations crowded around a lunch table. These pictures and the dozens of individual portraits feature a mix of every possible race, creed and character. “The work celebrates identity,” Stacke says. “It really provides an insightful, perceptive glimpse into that period.” It’s that openness and warmth that Stacke says allowed Mangum’s sitters to relax and fully become themselves in front of his camera. His images reveal smiling, pleasant and even playful individuals. One image shows two women poking their heads through newspapers, as if they were they were flowers. Another shows one girl trying on different hats and hairstyles. While some of the images are singular, featuring one portrait per print, many of the show’s works offer up multiple portraits per frame. The Penny Picture Camera he carried used glass plates that allowed for multiple exposures — two to 24 depending on the type — per plate.
Untitled, Hugh Mangum Photographs, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University. Contemporary reprints by Sarah Stacke
In a 15-frame self-portrait, Mangum jumps from stoic, contemplative and postured poses to turning his back on the camera and even candidly poking his eyes over the brim of a hat. An adjacent image features a radiant young black woman in the upper left corner, bordered by nine others. She stands out because of the minimal yet startling nature of her simple white dress and her proud forward gaze. Of the thousands of glass plate negatives that Mangum used, only around 700 have been found and preserved. The photographer used a tobacco packhouse on his family’s farm outside Durham as a darkroom and storage space. Several hundred plates were recovered from that building, where many had been damaged by the elements (and the chickens). Mangum was one of only a few Southern photographers who broke with social norms and worked openly with nonwhite
communities. But according to Stacke, this isn’t the only thing that makes his work so interesting. “The order of the images on the glass plates represents the order that people came into his studio,” she says. “You can really see that he had an open, revolving door, and keeping them together is what makes them unique.” X
what Keep All You Wish: The Photographs of Hugh Mangum wheRe Asheville Art Museum ashevilleart.org when Exhibition on view through Sunday, July 12. Curator Sarah Stacke gives a gallery talk on Friday, May 8, at 5:30 p.m.
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
A&E staff
Tom Green
David Joy For those who believe that the average man doesn’t read, North Carolinabased author David Joy might have the remedy. His new novel, Where All Light Tends to Go, has garnered comparisons to “Breaking Bad,” “Sons of Anarchy” and “Justified.” That’s some edgy TV watching. Booklist called it “an uncompromising noir, its downward thrust pulling like quicksand on both the characters and the reader.” Where All Light Tends to Go, set around Cashiers, is the story of Jacob McNeely, who comes from a meth-dealing family and is “torn between appeasing his kingpin father and leaving the mountains with the girl he loves.” Joy studied literature at Western Carolina University and was a student of Ron Rash. He reads at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville on Saturday, April 11, at 3 p.m. blueridgebooksnc.com. Photo by Alan Rhew
For comedian Tom Green, humor takes many bizarre (and often gut-churning) forms — guzzling milk straight from a cow’s udders, overexplaining condom purchases, even penning a list of items adjacent to his rear end for hit single “The Bum Bum Song.” The off-the-wall prankster, famous for his MTV series “The Tom Green Show,” movie roles in American Pie and Freddy Got Fingered among many other mainstream appearances, also revels in filming strangers’ reactions to his wild antics and periodically torturing his parents for comedic value. Catch the nationally known star at The Millroom, where he’ll translate his odd sense of humor into a stand-up routine, on Tuesday, April 14, at 8 p.m. $20/$22.50. ashevillemillroom.com. Photo courtesy of the comedian
BEAT LIFE showcases The Asheville Beat Tape Collective exists to connect local electronic musicians with national talent, often hosting multi-artist performances like the group’s upcoming two-night stint at Asheville Music Hall. The collective’s initial “psychedelic beat showcase” features DJ Kutzu, Slums, EmE, Musashi Xero and Atlanta-based headliner The Difference Machine ($6). Night two sees Ellie Herring and MONO/POLY opening for New York City-based soloist Blockhead, who is currently touring to promote his self-released album Bells and Whistles ($12). The two BEAT LIFE shows, which organizer Paul Gaeta says “emphasize the more downtempo, melodic, subtle and beautiful sides of dance music,” take place at Asheville Music Hall on Friday and Saturday, April 10-11, both starting at 9 p.m. ashevillemusichall.com. Photo of Blockhead courtesy of the artist
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
Sir Richard Bishop “In order for guitar music to have value, it must remain new and on the move,” says world-wandering musician Sir Richard Bishop. “To take risks and to challenge one’s self and one’s listeners is the only way to maintain any worth.” Bishop stumbled upon his latest challenge — a spellbinding parlor guitar — in Tangier, Morocco. This six-stringed muse inspired an improvised collection of seductive tunes titled Tangier Sessions, which showcases both the unaccompanied instrument and Bishop’s own penchant for songwriting. The artist, known for decades of work with Sun City Girls and a dynamic solo career, brings his Tangier Sessions tour to The Mothlight on Tuesday, April 14, at 9 p.m., with support from Robert Millis and Shane Parish. $8/$10. themothlight.com. Photo by Uwe Faltermeier
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
a&e caLendaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald puBsing 254-1114 • 2nd SUNDAYS, 6-8pm - Gospel jam and sing-along. Optional snack time at 5:30pm. Free to attend. Held at French Broad Brewery, 101 Fairview Road
an eVening undeR the staRs: “An evening at PARI,” held Friday, April 10, invites the public to take a tour of the astronomical observatory located in the Pisgah National Forest before enjoying some music under the open sky. As part of the N.C. Science Festival, PARI will host “a musical foray into astronomically inspired compositions.” Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children. Photo courtesy of PARI (p.50)
AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • FR (4/10), noon - Lunchtime Art Break: “John Heliker: The Order of Things — 60 Years of Paintings and Drawings.” Admission fees apply. Blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, bluespiral1.com • FR (4/10), 3pm - Artist Talk and Panel Discussion: Art, Nature and Conservation in Western North Carolina. Free. trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • SATURDAYS through (5/23), 9-11am - “Family Clay,” pottery class. $40. • SATURDAYS through (5/23), 6-8pm - “Try Pottery,” ceramics class for ages 15 and up. $40. unCA Arts fest arts.unca.edu/arts-fest • WE (4/8) through SA (4/11) - Includes workshops, performances, concerts, fine art exhibits, talks and more. Visit website for full schedule.
Auditions & CAll to Artists AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil
AsHeville gAllery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art. com • Through TH (4/30) - Art of the Angle, paintings by Bill Cole. AsHeville loft 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, theashevilleloft.com • Through MO (5/18) - Artworks by David Lawter and Veronika Hart.
tHeAter At mArs Hill 689-1239, mhu.edu • TH (4/9) through SU (4/12) - Zombies from the Beyond, musical. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun: 2:30pm. $10/free for students.
Bender gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, thebendergallery.com • Through SU (5/31) - Veiled Memories, metal and glass.
tHeAter At unCA 251-6610, drama.unca.edu • WE (4/8), FR (4/10) & SU (4/12) - Almost, Maine, comedy. Wed.: 7:30pm; Fri: 10am; Sun.: 1pm. Free.
CAstell pHotogrApHy gAllery 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, castellphotographygallery.com • Through TH (4/30) - Objects in Perspective, photography and wax sculpture.
diAnA WortHAm tHeAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com • SA (4/11), 8pm - New York Voices, vocal harmonies. $35/$30 students/$15 children.
tHeAter At WArren Wilson College inside.warren-wilson.edu/blogs/theatre • TH (4/16) through SU (4/19) - The Philadelphia Story. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $10. Held at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa
gAllery 86 86 N. Main St., Waynesville, haywoodarts.org • Through TU (4/28) - Memories-Past, Present and Future, photography and folk art. Artist’s reception: April 10, 5-7pm.
flAt roCk plAyHouse doWntoWn 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/16) until (4/26), 8pm - Music on the Rock Series: A Tribute to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. $15-$25.
tHeAter At WCu 227-2479, bardoartscenter.wcu.edu • TH (4/16) through SU (4/19) - Peter Pan: The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:3pm. $16/ $11 seniors & WCU faculty & staff/ $10 students. Held in the Bardo Arts Center.
lAugHing WAters retreAt Center 3963 Gerton Highway, Gerton, 625-4780, laughingwatersnc.com • SA (4/11), 4-9pm - The Robert Thomas Band, new age jazz fusion.
gaLLeRy diRectoRy
AsHeville CHAmBer musiC series 259-3626, ashevillechambermusic.org • FR (4/10), 8pm - Trio Cavatina. $38. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place
mAdison County Arts CounCil 90 S. Main St., Marshall, 649-1301, madisoncountyarts.com • SA (4/11), 7:30pm - Joe Penland, Cathy Arrowood & Emma Best, folk music & storytelling. $15. musiC At unCA 251-6432, unca.edu • FR (4/10), 7pm - Bolokada Conde, djembe. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. $6. • SU (4/12), 7:30pm - Symphony and wind ensemble. Free. In the Reuter Center.
1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through WE (4/8) - Submissions open for local short films on art and culture. Contact for guidelines.
musiC At WCu 227-2479, wcu.edu • TH (4/9), 7pm - Josh Goforth, Old-Time bluegrass. In Mountain Heritage Center. Free.
Hendersonville little tHeAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, hendersonvillelittletheater.org • WE (4/8), 7pm - Open auditions for Arsenic & Old Lace. Contact for details.
pisgAH AstronomiCAl reseArCH institute 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 862-5554, pari.edu • FR (4/10), 7pm - Evening at PARI Series: Astronomy-inspired music. $20/$15 seniors & military/$10 under 14.
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • Through SU (7/12) - Keep All You Wish: The Photographs of Hugh Mangum. • Through SU (8/2) - Prime Time: Third Annual New Media Juried Exhibition various artists. Admission fees apply.
nC stAge 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, ncstage.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (4/19) An Iliad. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $14-$32.
ArroWHeAd Artists And ArtisAns leAgue 668-1239 • SU (4/12), 2-4pm - “Sunday Painters,” impressionist still life acrylics class. Registration required. Free. Held at Arrowhead Gallery, 78 Catawba Ave., Old Fort
diAnA WortHAm tHeAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com • TU (4/14) & WE (4/15), 10am - Curious George, musical. $7.50. • TU (4/14) & WE (4/15), noon - Curious George, musical. $7.50.
AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through FR (4/17) - A Community in Glass, hand-blown and flame-worked glass.
310 Art 191 Lyman St. #310, 776-2716, 310art.com • Through SU (5/31) - Oasis, gallery-members mixed media. Art At BrevArd College 884-8188, brevard.edu/art • FR (4/10) through FR (5/1) - Grit, senior art exhibition. Opening reception: April 10, 5:30pm. Art At mArs Hill mhu.edu • Through FR (4/10) - Works by Asheville artists Grant Penny and Kenn Kotara. Art At unCA art.unca.edu • Through FR (4/24) - Study Abroad Program international photo contest winners. In the Blowers Gallery. • Through TU (4/14) - Confronting the Threshold: Perceptions of a Passageway, largescale paintings by senior Payton James.
grAnd BoHemiAn gAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, bohemianhotelasheville.com • Through TH (4/30) - Impending Spring, works by realist painter Rebecca N. King and glass artist Michael Hatch. pACk memoriAl liBrAry 67 Haywood St., 250-4700 • Through TH (4/30) - “Storybook Characters on Parade,” dolls based on children’s literature. studio CHAvArriA 84 W. Walnut St. Unit A • Through FR (6/12) - The Floating World, by abstract art Katherine Aimone. trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through MO (4/27) - K-12 student art exhibit. Artists’ reception: April 9, 4:30-6pm. upstAirs ArtspACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, upstairsartspace.org • Through FR (5/1) - Boldly Abstract: Seven Notable Artists and Jon Jicha: Drawings about Drawing, abstract art. zApoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, zapow.net • Through SU (5/31) - Wonderland, illustrations of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Contact the galleries for hours and admission fees.
C L U B L A N D Beer City Tavern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9:30pm
Wednesday, April 8
Black Mountain Ale House Contagious (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm
5 Walnut Wine Bar Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin jazz), 8pm
Blue Kudzu Sake Company Trivia night, 8pm
Ben’s Tune-Up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Bob Zullo (acoustic), 7pm
Black Mountain Ale House Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm
Catawba Brewing Tasting Room Old time jam, 7pm
Blue Kudzu Sake Company Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm
Club Eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm The Gamble w/ Wilson String Orchestra, 8:30pm
Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Open Mic, 7pm Double Crown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm
Crow & Quill Todd Day Wait’s Pigpen w/ 1-Man Banjo (boogie, country, folk), 9pm
Foggy Mountain Brewpub Trivia, 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Salad Days: A Decade of Punk in DC, 7pm
Double Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm
Highland Brewing Company Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm Iron Horse Station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall The Young Novelists (folk, pop), 7pm Taylor Martin’s Acoustic Band (singer-songwriter, acoustic), 8:30pm Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm
Foggy Mountain Brewpub Songwriter’s Night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm
Howlin’ on the Mountain: When psychedelic blues-rock band Howlin’ Rain released its newest album, Mansion Songs, singer and guitarist Ethan Miller “was in a dark and trying place,” he explains. “I wanted the album to reflect a dignified despair. Oftentimes that’s what art is: elegant sorrow pushing through despair with some kind of dignity, in search of a reasonable justification of life.” Howlin’ Rain performs at New Mountain on Tuesday, April 14, at 8 p.m.
Lazy Diamond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm Lex 18 Patrick Lopez (jazz), 7pm Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm Noble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm O.Henry’s/The Underground “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm Odditorium Rough Shape w/ Lysp & Moist Boy (punk), 9pm
Good Stuff Ben Wilson (Americana), 7:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Dustbowl Revival w/ Miss Tess & The Talkbacks (bluegrass, gospel, blues), 8pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Benefit for Asheville Music School, 6pm
Off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm Olive or Twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm
Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm
The Social Marc Keller (jazz), 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm
Lazy Diamond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm
The Southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
Lobster Trap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm
One Stop Deli & Bar Progger w/ Melissa McMillan (funk, jazz), 10pm
Tiger Mountain Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm
One World Brewing Brews & Beats w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8:30pm
Timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm
Orange Peel Datsik w/ ETC!ETC!, Bear Grillz & Infuze (dubstep, hiphop), 9pm
Town Pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm
New Mountain Pigeons Playing Ping Pong w/ Supatight (funk, rock), 9pm
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
O.Henry’s/The Underground Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm
Vincenzo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm
Odditorium Horseflesh w/ Radiant Beings of Light & Earth Collider (metal), 9pm
Pisgah Brewing Company Campfire Reverends (blues, Americana), 6pm To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
French Broad Brewery Paul Edelman (Americana), 6pm
Pour Taproom Karaoke, 8pm Rejavanation Cafe Open mic night, 6pm Room IX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm Root Bar No. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 9pm
Market Place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm
White Horse Black Mountain Wednesday Waltz, 7pm
Off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm
Wild Wing Cafe South Karaoke, 9pm
Olive or Twist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm
Thursday, April 9 185 King Street Cosby Dixon & Tom Staudle (folk), 8pm
One Stop Deli & Bar Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm The Rocket Queens w/ Posh Hammer (rock), 10pm
5 Walnut Wine Bar Hank West & the Smokin’ Hots (jazz), 8pm
One World Brewing Sarah Tucker (acoustic), 8pm
The Joint Next Door Bluegrass jam, 8pm
Altamont Theatre Asheville Comedy Showcase w/ Minori Hinds, Tom Peters, Tom Scheve & Taylor Rogers, 9pm
Orange Peel Stars w/ Wild Moccasins (synth, pop), 9pm
The Mothlight Sleepwalkers w/ Gold Light (atmospheric, rock), 9:30pm
Asheville Music Hall Exmag w/ Marvel Years & M!nt (electronic), 10pm
Oskar Blues Brewery fRITZ bEER & the Crooked Beat (Americana), 6pm
The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm
Barley’s Taproom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm
Pack’s Tavern Steven Poteat (acoustic, jam), 9pm
Straightaway Cafe Duke (rock), 6pm TallGary’s at Four College Open mic & jam, 7pm
APRIL 8 - APRIL 14, 2015
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
pisgAH BreWing CompAny Copious Jones (rock, jam), 8pm purple onion CAfe Marshall Ballew & Wanda Lu Paxton (singer-songwriter), 8pm
North Carolina’s First Cider Pub! Family Owned and Operated
New SPRING houRS North Carolina’s First Cider Pub!
Marc Keller 6-9, Karaoke - 9:30 NEW BAND EVERY THURSDAY:
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renAissAnCe AsHeville Hotel Chris Rhodes (jazz, blues, rnb), 6:30pm room iX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm sCAndAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm
soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 7pm
tAllgAry’s At four College Iggy Radio, 7pm
Steve Moseley 6-9, Karaoke 9:30 Karaoke - 9:30 EVERY MONDAY:
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DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
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The Sloantones
(blues, funk, grass) BE
20 WNC
20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM 52
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
mArket plACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm
Beer City tAvern Hurricane Bob Band (rock, blues) w/ Eric & Kyle Travers (of Travers Brothership), 9pm
neW mountAin Lydia Loveless w/ Whiskey Shivers (country, punk, rock), 9pm
BlACk mountAin Ale House Dan River Drifters (bluegrass, Americana), 8pm Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm Boiler room Equivalent Exchange w/ Alaric’s Wrath, Obey the Reckless & Close By A Long Shot (ambient, rock), 9pm ByWAter The Zealots (indie-rock), 8pm ClAssiC Wineseller ’Round the Fire (rock ’n’ roll, blues), 7pm
tHe motHligHt A Tribute to The Kinks, 9pm
Cork & keg Haywood County Ramblers (oldtime, Appalachian), 8:30pm
tHe pHoeniX Carolina Bound Duo (singer-songwriter), 8pm
CroW & Quill Drayton & the Dreamboats (jazz, vintage pop), 9pm
tHe soCiAl WestSound (blues, Motown), 9pm
douBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm
tHe soutHern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm timo’s House ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm
AtHenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm
tressA’s doWntoWn jAzz And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urBAn orCHArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm vinCenzo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm Wild Wing CAfe soutH Ashli Rose (acoustic, indie, singersongwriter), 8:30pm WXyz lounge At Aloft Hotel Cameron Stack (blues, Americana), 7:30pm
fridAy, April 10 185 king street Free Show Friday w/ Danika Holmes & Jeb Hart (acoustic, Americana), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Lazybirds (Americana), 9pm 550 tAvern & grille Picasso Facelift (classic rock, blues), 9pm AltAmont BreWing CompAny North Side Gentleman (funk), 9:30pm AsHeville musiC HAll Beat Life w/ The Difference Machine, Musashi Xero, EmE, Slums & DJ Kutzu (psychedelic), 6pm; Jesters Ball 2.0 w/ Mixtress Krikett, Pericles, Antandra & Betty Toker (electronic), 10pm
elAine’s dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWpuB Fustics w/ Paul Edelman (folk, rock), 10pm
nigHtBell restAurAnt & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro, rock), 10pm noBle kAvA Mystic Ferryman (electro-coustic ambient improv), 8:30pm odditorium The Dirty Badgers w/ Egg Eaters (rock, blues, punk), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist Westsound (Motown, funk), 8pm Live Latin Band, 11pm one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm orAnge peel Talib Kweli & Immortal Technique w/ Niko Is, CF & Hasan Salaam (rap), 9pm oskAr Blues BreWery Chris Jamison (singer-songwriter), 6pm pACk’s tAvern DJ MoTo (dance, pop), 9pm pisgAH BreWing CompAny The Saint Francis Band (jam), 9pm
frenCH BroAd BreWery Rinaldi the Flying Circus (rock, blues), 6pm
sCAndAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
good stuff Jim Hampton Band (country), 8:30pm
sCully’s DJ, 10pm
grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Patrick Sweany & Band (roots, blues), 9pm HigHlAnd BreWing CompAny Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 7pm iron Horse stAtion Ben Wilson (Americana), 7pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll The Sam Bush Band (newgrass), 9pm jACk of tHe Wood puB Whiskey Bent Valley (traditional, folk, old-time), 9pm jerusAlem gArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAzy diAmond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm leX 18 High Tea w/ Bob Strain (classical, romantic), 1:30pm Michael Jefry Stevens w/ Miles Griffith (modern jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-fusion, swing), 11pm loBster trAp Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm luellA’s BAr-B-Que Riyen Roots (blues, Americana, soul), 8pm
soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Patrick Lopez & the Xpresso Latin Jazz Party, 8pm spring Creek tAvern Screaming J’s (boogie), 9pm strAigHtAWAy CAfe Ryan Gore (country), 6pm tAllgAry’s At four College Andy Buckner (southern rock), 9:30pm tHe AdmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm tHe motHligHt Villages & Tashi Dorji (electronic, ambient), 9pm tHe pHoeniX Todd Cecil & Backsouth (cigar box swamp rock), 9pm tHe soCiAl Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm timo’s House Free The Optimus w/ Defacto Thezpian & Mallz (hip-hop), 10pm toy BoAt Community Art spACe Performing Arts Lab Improv Show, 8pm
tressA’s doWntoWn jAzz And Blues Al Coffee & Da Grind (blues, soul), 10pm vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WAter’n Hole Urban Pioneers (Americana, stringband), 10pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm Wild Wing CAfe Scott Raines & Laura Michaels (acoustic), 8pm Wild Wing CAfe soutH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm WXyz lounge At Aloft Hotel Ben Hovey (souljazztronica), 8:30pm zAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm
sAturdAy, April 11 185 king street Brevard Academy Band Fundraiser: James Brown Get Down (funk, variety), 8pm
Long shot (stoner/space rock), 9pm ByWAter Grass is Dead (rock, Grateful Dead covers), 8pm ClAssiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm Cork & keg Vollie McKenzie & The Leadfoot Vipers (swing, blues, jazz), 8:30pm diAnA WortHAm tHeAtre New York Voices (jazz), 8pm douBle CroWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm elAine’s dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWpuB Hustle Souls (folk, Americana), 10pm frenCH BroAd BreWery Bird & The Bear (folk, acoustic), 6pm good stuff Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 7:30pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern The Broadcast (soul, rock), 9pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Andrew Fletcher (stride piano), 6pm Anna Haas (soul, pop), 9pm
HigHlAnd BreWing CompAny Scotty’s 21st Birthday Bash w/ the Resolvers (reggae, soul, world), 7pm
AsHeville musiC HAll Blockhead & Mono/Poly w/ Ellie Herring (instrumental hip-hop), 10pm
iron Horse stAtion Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 7pm
AtHenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Beer City tAvern The Delta Billies (country, bluegrass), 9pm BlACk mountAin Ale House The Good Ol’ Boyz w/ Woody Wood (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Saturday Classical Brunch, 11am Danika Holmes w/ Jeb Hart (soul, country), 7:15pm Resonant Rogues (folk, blues), 9pm jACk of tHe Wood puB The Low Counts w/ Todd Cecil & Back South (dirty blues, rock ’n’ roll), 9pm
Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm
jerusAlem gArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm
Boiler room Blunderbust w/ A World of Lies, Stories of Solitude & Close By A
lAzy diAmond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm
leX 18 High Tea w/ Bob Strain (classical, romantic), 1:30pm Xpresso (modern jazz, latin), 8:30pm loBster trAp Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm mArCo’s pizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm mArket plACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm mojo kitCHen & lounge Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm
4pm-2am • 7 Days a week
87 Patton Ave., Asheville
neW mountAin Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute, jam), 10:30pm nigHtBell restAurAnt & lounge Cpt. Hyperdrive (new future funk), 11pm noBle kAvA Kings County Lighthouse (samplebased downtempo mix), 8:30pm o.Henry’s/tHe underground Glitter Bomb (dance party), 10pm odditorium Onj w/ Glass, Ellipser & Bear (indie, metal, post-rock), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm one stop deli & BAr The French Broads w/ The Sun Cans (blues, rock), 10pm oskAr Blues BreWery Clay Spokes (bluegrass, folk) & David Wax Museum (folk, roots), 4pm pACk’s tAvern The Sloantones (blues, funk, bluegrass), 9pm pisgAH BreWing CompAny Chalwa (rock, reggae), 8pm purple onion CAfe David Childers & the Serpents (folk, country, blues), 8pm room iX Open dance night, 9pm sCAndAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
WED 4/8
FILM SCREENING 8pm $7 / $10
thU 4/9
FRI 4/10
& BAND WIth JOE FLEtChER 9pm $12 / $15
SAt 4/11
SUN 4/12
tUES 4/14
9pm $10 / $12
BLItZEN tRAPPER 9pm $15 / $17
WED 4/15
thUR 4/16
9pm $15 / $18
8pm $10 / $12
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
sCully’s DJ, 10pm
iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (rnb), 6pm
soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Zuzu Welsh (rock, blues), 8pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm
spring Creek tAvern City Hotel Band (Americana), 9pm
jACk of tHe Wood puB Irish session, 5pm Todd Day Wait’s Pigpen (folk, country, blues), 9pm
strAigHtAWAy CAfe Black Robin Hero (Americana, rock ’n’ roll), 6pm tAllgAry’s At four College A Social Function (rock), 9:30pm tHe AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm
AWARDS mountainx.com/bestofwnc
tHe motHligHt Hearts Gone South w/ Sammy Guns (country), 9pm tHe pHoeniX Stepchild (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm tHe soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm timo’s House Latin Night w/ DJ Millinali (Latin, salsa), 10pm toy BoAt Community Art spACe Pride Prom, 8pm tressA’s doWntoWn jAzz And Blues The King Zeros (blues), 7pm Ruby Mayfield & The Friendship Train (blues, R&B, soul), 10pm
loBster trAp Crossroad String Band (acoustic, bluegrass, blues, folk, jazz), 6:30pm mojo kitCHen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm neW mountAin Blue Ridge Reggae Family Fest w/ Satta Roots, Saylyn Roots Reggae, Station Underground & Selector Az-iZ, 5pm Tig Notaro (comedy), 8pm odditorium Lords of Chicken Hill & Future West (punk), 6pm Steeplechase w/ Host Club & Momentai (goth, pop), 9pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Get Right Band (funk, rock, reggae), 8pm AltAmont BreWing CompAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm Beer City tAvern Monday Pickin’ Parlour w/ Dawghouse Dan the Bass Man (open jam), 8pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm CourtyArd gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm good stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Contra dance, 7pm jACk of tHe Wood puB Quizzo, 7pm Patrick Coman’s Red & Blues (folk, rock, country), 9pm
olive or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm
lAzy diAmond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm
one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am
leXington Ave BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm
WXyz lounge At Aloft Hotel Salsa Saturday w/ DJ Malinalli (salsa, DJ), 8:30pm
orAnge peel Kidfest! w/ David LaMotte (singer-songwriter), 2:15pm
loBster trAp Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm
zAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm
pour tAproom Open mic, 8pm
Wild Wing CAfe Karaoke, 8pm Wild Wing CAfe soutH Andy Buckner Band (country, Southern rock), 8:30pm
sundAy, April 12 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Dulci Ellenberger (Americana), 7pm AltAmont tHeAtre Asheville Ecstatic Dance, 10am Noah Larssen w/ Zep Murray & special guests (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm Blue kudzu sAke CompAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Hunter Grigg (singer-songwriter), 7pm BuriAl Beer Co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm ByWAter Safe in Harmonia fundraiser w/ All-Star Jam, 2pm Cork & keg The Gypsy Swingers (jazz, latin, ’30s pop), 8:30pm
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
leX 18 Michael John Jazz (romantic jazz), 7pm
s185 king street Open Mic Night, 8pm
off tHe WAgon Piano show, 9pm
vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
lAzy diAmond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm
mondAy, April 13
sCAndAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm soutHern AppAlACHiAn BreWery Klarcnova (jazz), 5pm spring Creek tAvern Ashley Heath (rnb), 2pm strAigHtAWAy CAfe Bird & The Bear (Americana, folk), 5pm
pulp Harry & The Potters (punk rock), 7pm sovereign remedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm tHe motHligHt Busted Chops w/ Birth & Pallor (thrash-core, power violence), 9pm tHe pHoeniX Larry J & Tory Ellis (acoustic, rock), 8pm
tAllgAry’s At four College Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
tHe soCiAl Marc Keller, 6pm Ashli Rose (acoustic, indie, singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 10pm
tHe motHligHt Waxahatchee w/ The Goodbye Party (singer-songwriter, pop), 9pm
timo’s House Movie night, 7pm
tHe pHoeniX Tina Eno (singer-songwriter), 12pm tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tHe soutHern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm
CroW & Quill Beards of Valenccio (poetry music, art), 9pm
tiger mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm
douBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm
timo’s House Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm
frenCH BroAd BreWery PubSing (gospel jam & sing-along, bring snack), 5:30pm
vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
good stuff Millie Palmer (Americana, folk, acoustic), 3pm
WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Andy Cohen (folk), 7:30pm
grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Blitzen Trapper w/ Spirit Family Reunion (country, folk), 9pm
Wild Wing CAfe soutH Party on the Patio!, 4pm Crocs Duo (acoustic), 5pm
oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Michael Jefry Stevens (jazz, jazz piano), 7:30pm
tuesdAy, April 14 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (ragtime jazz), 8pm AsHeville musiC HAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm Beer City tAvern Tuesday Team Trivia, 8pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm Blue mountAin pizzA & BreW puB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm BuffAlo niCkel Trivia, 7pm
Cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
good stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern The Marcus King Band w/ Lionz Of Zion (Southern rock, blues, jam), 8pm iron Horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm jACk of tHe Wood puB Keith Kenny (rock, acoustic, blues), 9pm lAzy diAmond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm leX 18 Bob Strain (romantic jazz), 7pm loBster trAp Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm mArCo’s pizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm mArket plACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm neW mountAin Howlin’ Rain (blues, funk, rock), 8pm The Tontons w/ Luzius Stone (rock, indie, blues), 9pm o.Henry’s/tHe underground Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm odditorium Odd comedy night, 9pm off tHe WAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm one stop deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm one World BreWing Brandon Audette (DJ), 8pm pour tAproom Frank Zappa night, 8pm sCully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm tAllgAry’s At four College Jam night, 9pm tHe joint neXt door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm tHe motHligHt Sir Richard Bishop w/ Robert Millis & Shane Parish (folk, flamenco, pychedelic), 9pm tHe soCiAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 6pm tiger mountAin Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm tressA’s doWntoWn jAzz And Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm
AWARDS mountainx.com/bestofwnc
April 2015
FRI 4/17 9:00 PM–
Every Sunday
urBAn orCHArd Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm
4.15 8PM
vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
Westville puB Blues jam, 10pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm Wild Wing CAfe soutH Maniac Brainiac Trivia!, 8pm
Full Bar
10/25 Sarah Lee FROM KENTUCKY, BEARING STORIES, AND 10/25 Sarah LeeTHEGuthrie Guthrie TRADITIONS OF AN OLD-TIME BAND 9 P.M.—$5 & Johnny Irion & Johnny Irion w/ Battlefield 9pm SAT. THE LOW ••COUNTS w/4/11 Battlefield 9pm $10 $10 W/ TODD CECIL & BACK SOUTH 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Firecracker Jazz Band Band A10/26 DIRTY BLUES DANCE PARTY—$5
& HALLOWEEN Costume Party & •• 9pm $8 Party & Contest Contest 9pm $8 NEW ORLEANS BASED, BLENDING FRENCH QUARTER BLUES, COUNTRY, 10/27 Vinegar Creek FREE 10/27 FOLK, Vinegar Creek •EARLY • 9pm 9pmR&B. FREE 9 P.M.—FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 MON. 4/13 PATRICK COMAN’S w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants w/ Crazy Tom REDS & BLUES FROMBanana BOB DYLANPants TO 10/29 Songwriters ROCKABILLY. 9 P.M.—FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/29 Singer Singer Songwriters •• 7-9pm in TUES. 4/14Round KEITH KENNY 7-9pm FREE FREE in the the Round w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise 9 P.M.—FREE (DONATIONS w/ Anthony Tripi, ENCOURAGED) Elise Davis Davis Mud •• 9pm Mud Tea 9pm FREE FREE STRINGBAND FRI. 4/17Tea AEREO-PLAIN & HALLOWEEN SUN. 4/12 TODD DAYCostume WAITS PIGPEN
Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 33 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
While We’re Young HHHHS
Friday, March 20 Thursday, March 26 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
DIRECTOR: Noah Baumbach (Frances Ha) PLAYERS: Ben Stiller, Naomi Watts, Adam Driver, Amanda Seyfried, Adam Horovitz, Maria Dizzia, Charles Grodin
Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281) The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies (PG-13) 11:30, 3:00, 7:00 Taken 3 (PG-13) 10:30
Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)
THE STORY: Generation X-ers in midlife crisis mode fall under the spell of millennial hipsters. THE LOWDOWN: Here we have the year’s first great film — a sharply penetrating satire on generational foibles and modern life. Writer-director Noah Baumbach pulls of the incredible feat of taking no prisoners without ever being cruel. A must-see.
Noah Baumbach’s While We’re Young is the filmmaker’s best film to date. I can hear a few grumbles now from those with good memories — if it’s his best movie, then why did I give it four-and-a-half stars, when I gave his last film, Frances Ha (2013), the full five stars? Without getting into the inherent imbecility of star ratings (or any other “grading” system geared to people who don’t want to actually read the reviews), it’s a fair question. The best answer I can give is that Frances Ha is almost completely successful within its somewhat limited aims. While We’re Young is more complex and ambitious. It has a depth of penetration that may well haunt you for days. But it also has a few missteps — perhaps part of its greatness — that are hard to brush aside. Even so, it is a great film — the first such of 2015.
APRIL 8 - APRIL 14, 2015
Carolina Cinemas (274-9500) Cinderella (PG) 11:25, 2:00, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45,
Adam Driver and Ben Stiller in Noah Baumbach’s remarkable comedydrama While We're Young — the first great film of 2015.
Danny Collins (R) 12:00, 2:35, 5:00, 7:30, 9:55 Furious 7 (PG-13) 12:15, 1:15, 3:15, 4:15, 6:15, 7:15, 9:15, 10:15 Get Hard (R) 12:30, 2:45, 5:05, 7:50, 10:20
Essentially, While We’re Young is a comedy. In many respects, it’s close to Woody Allen. The dividing line between Ben Stiller’s Josh, a failing — maybe failed — documentarian, and Allen’s Cliff Stern in Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) is very thin. The difference lies in the areas Baumbach is exploring. His film could be called Josh’s Adventures in Hipster Land. Josh is 44 and at that uncomfortable — and perilous — time of life when you start to feel out of touch with many (or even most) of your circle of friends. Priorities and interests have changed. There may even be the perception that your old friends have “sold out” and are — unlike you, of course — getting old and boring. (If you recognize yourself here, don’t feel alone — so do I.) So both Josh and his equally disenfranchised-feeling wife Cornelia (Naomi Watts) are easily drawn into the world of an attentive younger hipster couple, Jamie (Adam Driver) and Darby (Amanda Seyfried). They — especially Josh, whose sagging ego is stroked by Jamie’s fannish gushing over his work — are, in fact, too easily drawn into this world. Perspective is easily and quickly lost. Josh, in particular, is taken
with the hipster couple and their cult of the ironic and the retro. “It’s like they’ve collected all the stuff we threw out,” enthuses Josh, who finds that with them it looks good. He revels in the fact that they watch crappy VHS tapes and make no distinction between things like Citizen Kane and The Goonies. This prompts his old friend Fletcher (Adam Horovitz) to ask, “Since when is The Goonies a good movie?” What Josh is losing sight of is that his new friends’ lack of judgmental thought is also a lack of discernment of any kind. When Jamie forces Josh to listen to Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger,” he remarks, “I remember when that was just a bad song,” but he’s altogether too quick to just accept it. What remains just out of Josh’s reach — until circumstances force him to realize it — is that this lack of discrimination in art is perhaps indicative of a larger lack of values of any kind. At this point, you would be excused for thinking that While We’re Young is a generation gap yarn — Generation X meets the millennials. That’s not wrong, but it significantly sells the depth of the movie short because it’s about much more
Home 2D (PG) 12:05, 2:20, 4:30, 6:55. 9:05 It Follows (R) 11:05, 1:20, 3:25, 5:40, 7:55, 10:25 Insurgent 2D (PG-13) 10:50, 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:35 Kingsman: The Secret Service (R) 4:40, 10:20 The Longest Ride (PG-13) 11:00, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG) 10:55, 1:35, 4:25, 7:05, 9:50 Serena (R) 11:50, 2:15, 7:25 Seymour: An Introduction (PG) 12:25, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 While We're Young (R) 12:10, 3:00, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10 Woman in Gold (PG-13) 11:10,1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200) Furious 7 (PG-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536) While We're Young (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:15 Wild Tales (R) 1 :20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., Apr. 16), Late Show Fri-Sat 9:45 Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) The Longest Ride (PG-13) 3:30 (no 3:30 show on Sun), 7:00 Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
than that. Baumbach’s hipsters — as they scrounge through the past to try to create a cultural identity of their own — are ultimately not likable, but the portrait is not entirely unsympathetic. (As an aging boomer who co-opted art and pop culture created 20-plus years before I was born, I can kind of understand some of this.) Their value-challenged shortcomings — a symptom of an age where truth and lies sometimes become hard to separate — are partly naivete. It’s the same mindset that keeps them from ever identifying themselves as hipsters. (Like people who make mumblecore movies, hipsters almost never recognize themselves as part of that group.) There’s more here. Questions of the difference between idealism and egotistical stubbornness are raised. The “transformative magic” of parenthood is questioned. The very nature of the presumed honesty of documentaries is also brought into play. Josh’s wildly successful — and success-oriented — documentarian father-in-law (Charles Grodin) may, in his way, be just as phony as Jamie. (In a way, this is an old issue when you consider how much of such landmark documentaries as Nanook of the North (1922), Chang (1927) and Man of Aran (1934) were staged or outright falsified to suit the filmmakers’ desire.) The amount of undercurrents in this remarkably dense film more than overshadow its occasional errors in judgment. Rated R for language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke
Furious 7 HHH DIRECTOR: James Wan (The Conjuring) PLAYERS: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Statham, Michelle Rodriguez, Kurt Russell ACTION RATED PG-13 THE STORY: The brother of an old nemesis starts to hunt the bad boys and girls of the Fast & Furious franchise. THE LOWDOWN: A worthy entrant into the long-running series, assuming you’re a fan, of course. Otherwise, it’s a bit too long and a bit too repetitive to work, despite flashes of top notch action filmmaking.
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
In this era of mega-franchises, The Fast and the Furious series has had the most curious journey, going from dumb, goofy junk to dumb, incredibly popular (and even beloved in some circles), goofy junk. What’s even stranger is the path they’ve taken, filling their films with a cast of B- and C-list talent who’ve never been able to carry a film on their own, while getting more and more ridiculous and making more and more cash. Unfortunately, this has led to an increase in bloat, a simple side effect of the films’ increasingly complex plot lines and character list. In this sense — and therein, perhaps, lies the franchise’s greatest secret — these movies are little more than tarted up soap operas, but with lots of testosterone, fist fights and car chases. The latest installment, Furious 7, embodies this perfectly. We have memory loss, pregnancy, vengeful brothers — add in all the fake deaths from the other films and this is straight-up General Hospital here. The conceit this time around is that our heroes, Dom (Vin Diesel) and Brian (Paul Walker) and their ragtag crew of misfits are being hunted by uber-spook Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), the brother of Fast & Furious 6’s bad guy (Luke Evans). This leads to them all sputtering around the globe to stop Deckard, something that puts them into the paths of a secretive government agent (Kurt Russell), a computer hacker (TV actress Nathalie Emmanuel) and an international terrorist (a really loud and pretty embarrassing Djimon Hounsou). None of this matters, since Furious 7’s purpose is that of highpowered action machine, one with plenty of fight scenes and ridiculous car chases that stretch the limits of credulity. In this sense, the film delivers, especially since director James Wan (taking over for series stalwart Justin Lin), who — despite his horror movie background not really informing the film in any way — has a sense of showmanship and coherence in his action scenes. It’s welcome and — for a time — makes the film feel fully realized. With the death of series star Paul Walker during filming, there is a feeling of culmination — and maybe even importance (his send off, while corny, is appropriately tasteful) — even for something as disposable as this series.
HHHHH = max rating But it never truly pays off, not with a 140-minute running time that gets bogged down in action scenes that feel like a lot of been-there-done-that, with a whole lot of extraneous exposition and character dynamics. Then, add in the awful dialogue (Diesel’s half-baked, thick-necked philosophizing, The Rock’s nonsensical oneliners) and awkward cameos from people who are even worse actors than Paul Walker and Vin Diesel, and the movie tends to get a bit rickety. But it’s totally in line with the rest of the franchise and will work for people who adore the other movies. For everyone else, there’s some excitement but little else. Rated PG-13 for prolonged frenetic sequences of violence, action and mayhem, suggestive content and brief strong language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, Regal UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther
Seymour: An Introduction HHHHS
DIRECTOR: Ethan Hawke PLAYERS: Seymour Bernstein, Andrew Harvey, Michael Kimmelman, Kimball Gallagher, Junko Ichikawa, Marcus Ostermiller BIOGRAPHICAL DOCUMENTARY RATED PG THE STORY: A loving look in on classical pianist Seymour Bernstein. THE LOWDOWN: A thoroughly charming, warm look at a man who may make you rethink what “greatness” means. If you only see one documentary this year, make it this one.
This remarkable and remarkably elegant (there’s a word I’m not sure I’ve ever applied to a documentary before, but it fits here) film from Ethan Hawke about his friend, classical pianist and sometime-composer Seymour Bernstein, is one of early delights of 2015. Seymour: An Introduction is an essential for music lovers and indeed for anyone involved in — or even
interested in — the arts. Its subject is a true original with much to say about music, art and life in general. He is not only an original, he’s genuine. Seymour Bernstein is the real deal. Now, as some of you probably know, I am not generally keen on documentaries, but this is an exception of some note. As you may not know, I’m also not exactly wild about Ethan Hawke — something Seymour: An Introduction goes a long way toward changing. What easily could have been a film about Hawke and Seymour Bernstein turns out to be almost entirely about Bernstein. Hawke never editorializes and is barely in the movie. At most, he gently leads Bernstein into speaking of things he may have preferred to leave alone. The connection between the two is quite simple. Hawke met him at a dinner party where he talked to Bernstein about his own fears and worries about his acting craft and career and simply why he’s even doing what he does. Much in the way we see Bernstein interact with his students, the answers to Hawke’s questions and worryings — to the degree we really hear them — seem more indirect than specific. He conveys much this way, and he conveys it with feelings — all couched in good humor. It is no wonder that Hawke felt safe talking to him. And for the most part, Bernstein was safe with Hawke, who rarely crosses over into areas that might be too personal. Bernstein treasures his privacy and his isolation (he’s lived in the same one room apartment for over 50 years), and Hawke accepts that — even if he does get him to give a public performance (for a small and select crowd) at the old Steinway Hall. Bernstein was an acclaimed concert pianist who made his debut with Chicago Symphony in 1969. He was a darling of the critics. Yet it never made him happy — quite the opposite — and in 1977 at the age of 50, he simply walked away from it all. It was a decision he seems not to regret in the least — even if his former student, New York Times architectural critic Michael Kimmelman, pointedly wonders if he didn’t cheat the world by quitting. (Bernstein has an answer for him, but I’ll leave that to the film.) I went into this expecting nothing and never having heard of Seymour Bernstein. At first, I kept waiting for the gimmick — that he was physically or mentally challenged — and blessedly found no such gimmick existed. And no gimmick of any kind was needed. By the end, I felt like I’d just spent 80 enriching minutes with an old friend. It was refreshing. Rated PG for some mild thematic elements. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke
APRIL 8 - APRIL 14, 2015
Local film news
by Edwin Arnaudin edwinarnaudin@gmail.com
• The 18th annual Full Frame Documentary Film Festival runs Thursday, April 9, through Sunday, April 12, in downtown Durham. Considered one of the premier nonfiction festivals in the country, Full Frame is a perennial home to Oscar nominees and winners and boasts an advisory board with legendary documentarians Ken Burns, Jonathan Demme, Steve James, Ross McElwee, Mira Nair, D.A. Pennebaker and chairman Martin Scorsese. The annual Full Frame Tribute will be presented to filmmaker Marshall Curry (If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front). This year’s thematic program is “The True Meaning of Pictures,” which examines the ethical portrayal of provocative content and is curated by filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal (Watermark). fullframefest.org • The first trailer for Masterminds has been released. Directed by Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite), the film is based on the true story of a night guard at Charlotte armored car company Loomis Fargo who organized one of the biggest bank heists in U.S. history. The film was shot last summer in Asheville — one quick clip in the trailer features Kristen Wiig’s character, Kelly, exiting the BB&T Building’s main entrance onto Broadway — as well as Franklin, Waynesville, Swannanoa and Old Fort. The action/comedy also stars Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis and is slated for a nationwide release on Friday, Aug. 7. avl.mx/0un • The Asheville Convention & Visitors Bureau and Asheville-based Amplified Media have produced a short video titled Making Music in the Blue Ridge Mountains — Asheville’s Music Heritage. The film features interviews with local musicians Laura Boosinger and David Holt and highlights “Asheville’s many festivals and diverse venues [that] keep the area’s musical heritage alive and make it a unique destination for lovers of both traditional and contemporary music.” The video includes performances by Peter Gott, Bobby Hicks, Brian Hunter, Bud David, Susi Gott Séguret and Steep Asheville musician Laura Boosinger in a new video Canyon Rangers, by the Asheville Convention & Visitors Bureau and with footage from Amplified Media. Shindig on the Green and the Mountain Dance & Folk Festival. avl.mx/0um • Andrew Simpson’s Found It Locations is expanding to Western North Carolina. The business specializes in sourcing locations for photo, film and video shoots and previously worked exclusively in the New York tristate area. A recent Asheville transplant from Manhattan, Simpson has been collaborating with such local photographers as Keith Wright, Evan Kafka, Steven McBride and Lynne Harty and has produced shoots in the area for Blossman Gas, Belk, Human Design Medical and Time magazine, among others. Now he’s looking to work with WNC home and business owners interested in offering their property for upcoming shoots. Property owners register their site(s) on Found It Locations’ website and are compensated when their home or business is booked. The client also provides insurance coverage for liability and property damage. Utilizing his 20 years of experience as a shoot producer, UK native Simpson works with professional photographers and high-end clients (e.g. Vanity Fair, Nike and Calvin Klein) who are respectful of the locations. Among other general guidelines, smoking and animals are prohibited during the use of these private spaces. To register your property and upload sample photos, visit avl.mx/0uo Send your local film news to ae@mountainx.com X
APRIL 8 - APRIL 14, 2015
Woman in Gold HHHH DIRECTOR: Simon Curtis (My Week with Marilyn) PLAYERS: Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl, Antje Traue, Katie Holmes, Charles Dance, Elizabeth McGovern, Jonathan Pryce FACT-BASED DRAMA RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Fact-based story of a Holocaust survivor fighting to regain art works stolen from her family by the Nazis. THE LOWDOWN: Solid drama of the cultural-historical kind that simplifies much but gets the essentials right. Occasionally heavy-handed, but it makes a fine vehicle for Helen Mirren and — surprisingly — Ryan Reynolds.
Yes, Simon Curtis’ Woman in Gold is on the middlebrow side. At any other time of the year, we’d call it Oscar-bait. And, yes, there’s a certain by-the-numbers quality to it. Plus, first-time screenwriter Alexi Kaye Campbell has turned the story — perhaps inescapably — into something like Stephen Frears’ Philomena (2013), with Nazis and a stolen painting replacing nuns and a lost child. (This is especially true in the relationship between Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds.) But the truth is Curtis has so carefully crafted the film, and Mirren and Reynolds have such terrific chemistry, that it mostly works — and it works pretty well at that. Viewers who go to see the film because it stars Helen Mirren will not be disappointed, and they may be startled by how very good Ryan Reynolds is. The film — told in a surprisingly well-judged mosaic of different eras — relates the history of the Gustav Klimt painting of the title from its creation to its “confiscation” by the Nazis to its postwar reappearance in a Viennese museum to the legal battle for it launched against the Austrian government by Maria Altmann (Mirren), now a widow running a dress shop in Los Angeles. The painting — actually titled Portrait of Adele Block-Bauer until its
identity was taken away from it — was commissioned by Maria’s uncle as a portrait of his wife (Antje Traue). In her view, it’s less a great work of art valued at over $100 million than it’s a picture of her aunt — but more, it’s something that connects to her family, most of whom died under the Nazis. With the death of her sister, Maria is the only family member left standing. This — and the news that Austria is making efforts to return stolen works of art to their rightful owners — prompts her to take a stab at reclaiming the painting. Enter lawyer Randol Schoenberg (Reynolds) — courtesy of his mother. He’s the grandson of composer Arnold Shoenberg, whom he never knew, but Maria did (Klimt was not the only luminary to spend time at her family’s home). At the beginning of the film, Randol is down on his luck, following a disastrous attempt at opening his own practice. Not only does he know nothing about this area of law, he’s just landed a position with a high-powered law firm that promises him security and solvency. But Maria Altmann is not so easily put off — and when Randol learns the value of the painting, he tries to sell his firm on the case. His boss (Charles Dance) is unimpressed, noting that the Austrians are not likely to give up something so famous, but he allows Randol one week to go to Vienna and put in the claim. This one week will cost Randol his job and several years of his life. Much of what makes all this work is the rapport between the two stars and the way that their characters drive each other to pursue the case. The process turns out to be frustrating at every turn, since, as Austrian journalist Hubertus Czernin (Daniel Brühl) points out to them, the whole restitution business is little more than empty PR for the government. The attempt is to look good, not to actually return Nazi loot to its rightful owners. But there are other fine points to the movie, especially the way the past is worked into the story, filling in gaps in Maria’s story and the history of her family and the painting. This is cannily handled, especially in the way — late in the film — that past and present bleed into each other. Some of it is overstated and geared toward clichés of WWII melodrama. A great deal of it, however, plays with forceful emotion. It’s the sense of true emotions that keeps it all afloat.
A great many critics (roughly half on Rotten Tomatoes) seem to have it in for Woman in Gold — and not just on the basis of how it dramatizes the facts in the case (pretty much a given when dealing with this kind of material), but that’s the crux of it. I’m not sure why. I don’t find the film any more specious than, say, The Imitation Game (2014). They’re cut from the same tasteful BBCish cloth. If anything — clichés to one side — Woman in Gold is more cinematically adventurous than many of its critically acclaimed brethren. Is it a great movie? No. Few films of this sort are. They’re the modern equivalent of those old Warner Bros. biopics like The Life of Emile Zola (1937) — factual up to a point, but simplified for purposes of dramatic entertainment. And that’s what this is — dramatic entertainment. On that basis, it succeeds admirably. Rated PG-13 for some thematic elements and brief strong language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke
Be sure to read
‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online
staRting fRiday
Danny Collins By all rights, this probably should have been an art title, but new distributor Bleecker Street Films apparently thinks the cast on this will take it wide. The blub tells us, “Al Pacino stars as aging 1970s rocker Danny Collins, who can’t give up his hard-living ways. But when his manager (Christopher Plummer) uncovers a 40-year-old undelivered letter written to him by John Lennon, he decides to change course and embarks on a heartfelt journey to rediscover his family, find true love and begin a second act.” Early reviews are mixed, but encouraging. (R)
The Longest Ride Scott (Son o’ Clint) Eastwood and Britt Robertson (who?) star in this latest in the seemingly interminable adaptations of Nicholas Sparks novels. The blurb explains this “enters on the star-crossed love affair between Luke, a former champion bull rider looking to make a comeback, and Sophia, a college student who is about to embark upon her dream job in New York City’s art world.” (I detect bull, but it’s not being ridden.) There’s also some parallel flashback story. Yep, it’s Sparks. (Pg-13)
Community Screenings AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • SA (4/11) & SU (4/12), 2pm - John Heliker: The Inner Compass, documentary. Admission fees apply. film At unCA 251-6585, unca.edu • TU (4/14), 6:30pm - The Ultimate Wish: Ending the Nuclear Age, documentary. Free. soCiAl justiCe film nigHt 254-6001 • FR (4/10), 7pm - Gen Silent, LGBT documentary. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place
Seymour: An Introduction See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
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While We’re Young See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Woman in Gold See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
sPeciaL scReenings
sPeciaL scReenings
Body Double HHHH
Ladies in Lavender HHHH
diRectoR: Brian De Palma PLayeRs: Craig Wasson, Melanie Griffith, Gregg Henry, Deborah Shelton, Guy Boyd, Dennis Franz hoRRoR thRiLLeR Rated R It would be difficult to decide which of Brian De Palma’s movies is the most ... well, insane, but Body Double (1984) — his heady mix of Rear Window, Vertigo and De Palma over-the-top crazy — is certainly in the running. While there’s no escaping the heavy dose of Hitchcock — and I’m not sure I’d want to anyway — the end result is pure De Palma. Let’s just start with the fact that instead of a hero with a fear of heights (as in Vertigo), De Palma gives us one with claustrophobia. That’s no big deal in itself, but it’s the height of career embarrassment when the hero is a low-rent actor in a cheesy vampire picture who freaks out in the confines of his character’s coffin. So what we have is a gory, sexy mystery thriller — with a horror film in it — that also functions as a satirical critique of Hollywood. Before it’s over, it will turn into a kind of screwball comedy with a claustrophobic actor and a porn star as amateur sleuths (Nick and Nora Charles were never like this). Whatever else it is, Body Double is certainly not lacking in creative ideas. You may notice I’ve said very little about the actual plot. That’s deliberate because the film’s chief delight — apart from De Palma’s nonstop visual creativity — lies in its twisty (and twisted) plot, and that should be allowed to unfold on its own. It’s either one crazy mess or a brilliant piece of subversive cinema — unless, of course, it’s both. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Body Double Thursday, April 9, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
diRectoR: Charles Dance PLayeRs: Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Daniel Brühl, Natascha McElhone, Miriam Margolyes, David Warner dRama Rated PG-13 Ladies in Lavender (2004) marked the first — and so far only — film to be written and directed by character actor Charles Dance. Why he stopped after this perfectly credible first film is a mystery. It’s not like Ladies in Lavender was some huge hit, but for a little film playing in limited release, it did well enough. It’s the kind of film that has a built-in market — the Judi Dench and Maggie Smith crowd — that guarantees it a healthy run at just about any art theater. It’s an old-fashioned tale — based on a story by an old-fashioned author — recounting the bittersweet encounter between two aging women, Ursula (Dench) and Janet (Smith), and the young Polish musician (Daniel Brühl moving into English language film after the previous year’s Goodbye, Lenin!) who mysteriously washes up on the beach near their cottage in Cornwall. Really, it’s more about Ursula falling in love with the young man — and the impossibility of this love — than anything. A great movie? No, but it’s a sweet and rather charming one. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Ladies in Lavender Sunday, April 12, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Excalibur HHHHH
diRectoR: Peter Greenaway PLayeRs: Richard Bohringer, Helen Mirren, Michael Gambon, Alan Howard, Tim Roth, Ciarán Hinds Pitch-bLack comedy Rated NC-17 Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover was the art film of 1990, which is to say that if you saw only one art film that year, this was probably the one you saw. It was daring. It had a hint of scandal attached to its excesses. It was full of nudity, sex, violence and an extremely disturbing revenge scheme. Controversy oozed from every frame. Roger Ebert mounted a personal campaign against the MPAA for refusing to give the film an R rating. Moreover, it was — and still is — a film destined to be endlessly discussed and interpreted. What was it all about? Was the movie an attack on the Thatcher government in Great Britain? Was it a broader attack on corporate greed? Was it about voyeurism? Was it an attack on the nouveau riche? Was it possibly just so many empty calories in a sea of stylistic excess? What exactly did the characters represent? There’s more — all served up with violence, sex, endless stylization and sometimes slightly nauseating detail. Viewers who know Helen Mirren only from her more restrained films are in for a shock. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover Friday, April 10, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
diRectoR: John Boorman (Zardoz) PLayeRs: Nigel Terry, Nicol Williamson, Helen Mirren, Nicholas Clay, Cherie Lunghi, Paul Geoffrey aRthuRian Legends a La wagneR Rated R I remember seeing John Boorman’s Excalibur when it first came out in 1981. I remember being completely blown away by its visual splendor and Boorman’s fascinating attempt to present the Arthurian legend in terms of Wagner opera (which pervades the soundtrack). I also remember the scorn with which the film was received by a number of reviewers — and being more than a little shocked by presumably adult critics bitching about the fact that the movie didn’t have a real dragon in it. (In Boorman’s take on the story, the “dragon” is the spirit of the earth itself.) Time has tended to side with Boorman’s incredibly ambitious film — a take on the story that preserved its essence, but enlarged on it, made it more universal and shifted the focus to the emergence of Christianity over paganism (“The one God comes to drive out the many,” Nicole Williamson’s Merlin notes at one point). It remains a remarkable and visually stunning film. The Asheville Film Society will screen Excalibur Tuesday, April 14, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover HHHHS
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AdministrAtive/ offiCe
roommAtes roommAtes 2 roommAtes needed Retired woman seeks 2 roommates to share large home in Candler. Call Cathy: 828 216-0029. All AreAs roommAtes. Com Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at Roommates. com! (AAN CAN)
reAl estAte serviCes
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Homes for rent
grAy line trolley seeks diesel meCHAniC Opening for experienced diesel mechanic; minimum 5 years verifiable experience; certifications a plus; must have own tools; part-time, possible full-time. Jonathan@GrayLineAsheville. com; 828-251-8687; www. GrayLineAsheville.com
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HumAn serviCes
CHef needed At BoArding sCHool The Academy at Trails Carolina, located near Dupont State Forest, is looking for a qualified professional to be the campus chef and culinary arts teacher. Responsibilities include preparing weekly lunches and dinners, planning meals for the weekends, and teaching groups of
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committed to conservation, education and volunteerism. Apply by May 22, 2012. See www.americorpsprojectconserve.org for full details. AsHeville ACAdemy for GIRLS / SOLSTICE EAST • overnigHt AWAke Come join our team where you have a positive, lasting impact on youth from across the country. We are currently seeking applicants to become a FT/ PT member of our Overnight Awake staff. You ensure the provision of physical and emotional safety of our students and residents during the current ONA shift. Applicants must be proficient in Word, Excel and Outlook software. Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com • We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. No phone calls please. BeHAviorAl teCHniCiAn needed Behavioral Technician sought to provide support services for 16 yr. old female in Hendersonville 7 hrs/day M-F and ½ day every other Saturday; approx. 40 hrs a week. Other assignments available. Call HomeCare Management Corporation at 828-247-1700 or visit www. homecaremgmt.org CHild/AdolesCent mentAl HeAltH positions in jACkson, HAyWood, & mACon Counties Looking to fill several positions between now and Aug/Sept. Licensed/provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive Inhome services to children/adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Also looking for QP/ Qualified professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP's must have Bachelor's degree and 2-4 years of experience postdegree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to telliot@ jcpsmail.org CNA • CAREGIVER POSItions We screen, train, bond and insure. • Positions available for quality, caring and dependable professionals. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care. Apply online: www.homeinstead.com/159 Community serviCe teCHniCiAns Universal MH/ DD/SAS is seeking Community services technicians to provide assistance with daily and independent living skills to individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities. Various positions available in Buncombe county including the Weaverville Area. • Positions also available in Marshall and Hendersonville. Varying rates of pay starting at $8.50/
hour. • If interested please email plowe@umhs.net • No phone calls please. www. umhs.net direCt CAre/support stAff And Afl providers We are currently seeking staff to work with individuals with developmental disabilities. We have openings in our Day Program, Community Networking and AFL Providers. Please call us at 828-299-1720 ext 260. HelpmAte overnigHtAWAke positions Helpmate, Inc. seeks Overnight Case Managers for full-time, part-time and relief (as needed) positions to provide support during evening and nighttime hours to survivors of domestic violence. The permanent positions are awake shifts. Primary responsibilities include monitoring security, providing emotional support to survivors, responding to crisis line calls, creating organization systems, and documenting service provision. Strong communication and crisis management skills required. Qualified candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree or 2 years’ experience in social work or related field, with preference for experience in domestic violence or related field, or a commensurate combination of work and experience. Benefits package is available for the full-time position. Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply. Email resume and cover letter to HelpmateAsheville@ gmail.com. Hinds' feet fArm dAy progrAm CoordinAtor Position includes: program planning, linking members with services, providing skill building activities, advocacy and QP responsibilities at a day program for adult survivors of brain injury. Send cover letter/resume: eengelsman@ hindsfeetfarm.org. www. hindsfeetfarm.org
meridiAn BeHAviorAl HEALTH • CLINICIAN Jackson County Clinician Assertive Community treatment team – (ACtt) Seeking an energetic and passionate individual to join the Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience an enhanced service that really works! Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/ license-eligible. If interested, please contact hr.department@ meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org
Sales Person Wanted Don’t worry if you’ve never held a sales position in your life. We looking for an organized, computer-savvy person who can talk well and listen better — to promote Asheville’s business and nonprofit community and show them what Xpress can do for them. We offer a communityminded, mission-driven, collaborative environment. This is a salaried position. Please email your resume and a cover letter that communicates why you think you’d thrive at Mountain Xpress. Send your email (no phone calls, please) to
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design@mountainx.com No applications or portfolios by mail and no phone calls or walk-ins please.
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
fReewiLL astRoLogy
by Rob Brezny
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your nasty, nagging little demon isn’t nasty or nagging any more. It’s not doing what demons are supposed to do. It’s confused, haggard and ineffective. I almost feel sorry for the thing. It is barely even keeping you awake at night, and its ability to motivate you through fear is at an all-time low. Here’s what I suggest: Now, when the demon’s strength is waning and its hold on you is weak, you should break up with it for good. Perform an ultimate, nonreversible exorcism. Buy it a one-way bus ticket to the wasteland and say goodbye forever. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When he was in his 50s, French painter Claude Monet finally achieved financial success. He used his new riches to buy a house and land, then hired gardeners to help him make a pond full of water lilies. For the first time in his life, he began to paint water lilies. During the next 30 years, they were his obsession and his specialty. He made them a central feature of 250 canvases, which now serve as one of his signature contributions to art history. “I planted my water lilies for pleasure,” he said. “I cultivated them without thinking of painting them. And then suddenly, I had the revelation of the magic of my pond.” I regard the imminent future as a good time for you to do something similar, Gemini: Create or find a source of beauty that will stimulate your sense of wonder and fuel your passion to express yourself for a long time. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Everything we do in life is based on fear, especially love,” said Cancerian comedian Mel Brooks. Although he was joking, he was also quite serious. More often than we like to admit, desperation infects our quest to be cared for. Our decisions about love may be motivated by a dread of loneliness. We worry about whether we are worthy of getting the help and support we need. It’s a fundamental human problem, so there’s no reason to be ashamed if you have this tendency yourself. Having said that, I’m happy to report that you now have the necessary power to overcome this tendency. You will be able to summon tremendous courage as you revise and refine your relationship with love. It’s time to disappear the fear. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Do you ever feel reverence and awe, Leo? Are there times when you spontaneously yearn to engage in acts of worship? Is there anyone or anything that evokes your admiration, humility and gratitude? The coming weeks will be a good time to seek out experiences like these. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you will get tender jolts of transformational inspiration if you blend yourself with a sublime force that you trust and respect. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A lot has happened since you were ... uh ... indisposed. You’ve missed out on several plot twists. The circle has been broken, repaired, broken again and partially repaired. Rumors have been flying, allegiances have been shifting, and riddles have been deepening. So are you ready yet to return to the heated action? Have you learned as much as you can from the commotion that provoked your retreat? Don’t try to return too early. Make sure you are at least 70 percent healed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Rent, but don’t buy yet. That’s my $250-per-hour advice. Keep rehearsing, but don’t start performing the actual show. OK? Flirt, but don’t fall in love. Can you handle that much impulse control? Are you strong enough to explore the deeper mysteries of patience? I swear to you that your burning questions will ultimately be answered if you don’t try to force the answers to arrive according to a set timetable. I guarantee that you will make the necessary connections as long as you don’t insist that they satisfy every single one of your criteria. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The Guerrilla Girls are a group of prankster activists who use humor to expose sexism and racism in the art world. Every so often they take a “weenie count” at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. During their first survey in 1989, they found that five percent of the artists who had work hanging in the galleries were women, while 85 percent of the nudes depicted in the paintings
aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Uitwaaien is a Dutch word that means to go out for a stroll in windy weather simply because it’s exhilarating. I don’t know any language that has parallel terms for running in the rain for the dizzy joy of it or dancing through a meadow in the dark because it’s such nonsensical fun or singing at full volume while riding alone in an elevator in the mad-happy quest to purge your tension. But in the coming weeks, you don’t need to describe or explain experiences like this; you just need to do them. Experiment with giving your instinctive need for exuberance lots of room to play.
were women. More recently, in 2012, their weenie count revealed that four percent of the artists were female, but 76 percent of the naked people in the paintings were female. The coming week would be a good time for you to take a weenie count in your own sphere, Scorpio. Conditions are more favorable than usual to call attention to gender disparities and to initiate corrective action. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The English term “engine” refers primarily to a machine that transforms energy into mechanical power. But its roots are in the Old French word engin, which meant skill or wit, and in the Latin word ingenium, defined as “inborn talent.” I’d like to borrow the original meanings to devise your horoscope this week. According to my reading of the astrological omens, your “engine” is unusually strong right now, which means that your cultivated skills and innate talents are functioning at peak levels. I suggest you make intensive use of them to produce maximum amounts of energy and gather more of the clout you’d love to wield. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): What I’m about to say is not a hard scientific fact, but it is a rigorous poetic fable. You don’t need to go to the mountain because the mountain is willing and able to come to you. But will it actually come to you? Yes, but only if you meet two conditions. The mountain will pick itself up and move all the way to where you are if you make a lot of room for it and if you are prepared to work with the changes its arrival will bring. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you were a four-year-old, cookies might be a valuable treasure to you. Given a choice between a bowl of stir-fried organic vegetables and a plate full of chocolate coconut macaroons, you’d probably choose the macaroons. For that matter, if you were four years old and were asked to decide between getting a pile of macaroons and a free vacation to Bali or an original painting by Matisse or a personal horoscope reading from the world’s greatest astrologer, you’d also opt for the cookies. But since you’re a grownup, your list of priorities is screwed on straight, right? You would never get distracted by a sugary, transitory treat that would cause you to ignore a more nourishing and long-lasting pleasure. Right? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): On June 23, 1917, Babe Ruth was the starting pitcher for the Boston Red Sox in a Major League Baseball game against the Washington Senators. After the first batter drew a walk, Ruth got upset with the home plate umpire and punched him in the head. Ejected! Banished! The Babe had to be dragged off the field by the cops. The new pitcher was Ernie Shore. He proceeded to pitch a perfect game, allowing no further Washington player to reach base in all nine innings. In the coming weeks, Pisces, I see you as having the potential to duplicate Ernie Shore’s performance in your own sphere. Coming in as a replacement, you will excel. Chosen as a substitute, you will outdo the original.
direCt serviCe position AvAilABle Storybook Farm, Inc. has a direct service position available in Hendersonville, Monday - Friday, afternoons 29 hr/week. This position will assist a young man with volunteer work in the community. High school diploma, criminal records and drivers license checks required. Training provided. 828-891-7571 p_story@bellsouth.net fAmily preservAtion serviCes of nC, inC. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services. Seeking fully/associate licensed professionals to work with children/ adults. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes to Crystal Simpson (csimpson@ fpscorp.com). 828-225-3100 csimpson@fpscorp.com tHerApist Responsibilities: Provide therapy for individuals with substance abuse/ mental health disorders including assessment, treatment planning, referral, all of which will be reflected by accurate record keeping. Be able to assess clients and develop treatment goals using client input, client strengths, needs, and preferences. Develop and maintain therapeutic relationships with clients and families. Develop and maintain relationships with referring professionals. Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Human Service Field, licensed in addiction and mental health treatment. Experience with young adults in ecotherapeutic setting. 21 years old, cpr/aed/first aid, NCI. • Resume and cover letter to jobs@redoakrecovery.com or jeannieA@redoakrecovery. com
professionAl/ mAnAgement tHe AmeriCAn CHestnut foundAtion seeks ACCounting mAnAger Visit: http://www.acf.org/jobs. php for the job description and application instructions. No phone calls. This postion is located in the TACF National office (50 N. Merrimon Ave., Ste. 115, Asheville, NC 28804).
teACHing/ eduCAtion AssistAnt teACHers needed TLC School is hiring for two positions: 5/6 + 7/8 language arts junior teacher and 5/6 + 7/8 math and science assistant teacher. FMI, visit thelearningcommunity.org.
interested in Working At A-B teCH? Full-Time, PartTime and Adjunct Positions available. Come help people achieve their dreams! Apply for open positions at https://abtcc. peopleadmin.com leAd summer CAmp Counselor - AsHeville Creative, Energetic and Reliable. Experience teaching kids ages 4+ and BS or similar expertise in science or nature studies. M-F, 8:30-3:00 for 5 weeks. 6/15--7/31. $80120/day DOE. Resumes to ashevilleninjas@gmail.com.
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BeAuty/sAlon AWArd Winning HAir stylist joAn Anderson is noW At AttrACtions HAir design! Joan holds a Board Certified Color Degree and she was also voted East
ClAsses & WorksHops ClAsses & WorksHops
sACred spACe pAinting: AsHeville’s intuitive pAinting studio Awaken Passion and Aliveness through Painting! Workshops and Classes for adults and children. No painting Experience Necessary! One Day Workshop, April 18th, 10 to 4pm. 828-252-4828 justpaint@sacredspacepainting. com www.SacredSpacePainting. com
mind, Body, spirit BodyWork
HAndy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • HAndymAn serviCes Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
AnnounCements AnnounCements
support reHABilitAtion We are looking for people with criminal records to join us on our mission to end discrimination. We are hoping to change the way employers look at people with records. 828-989-9459
good Wood pizzA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www. goodWoodpizzaovens.com merlefest tiCkets for sAle Two 4-day passes. • Incredible seats! Row 26, #32 and 33, right on center aisle. Closest parking lot pass included. $600. Call 586-322-1936 or michaeldfitz44@gmail.com notiCe to food serviCe mAnAgers The Council on Aging of Buncombe County is accepting bids for the provision of meals for the Congregate Nutrition Program. The bid documents are available at www. coabc.org. Bids due 4/30/15. pregnAnt? tHinking of Adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/ Indiana (AAN CAN)
#1 AffordABle Community ConsCious mAssAge And essentiAl oil CliniC 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 6970103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com relAXing And intuitive mAssAge Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offers $50/hr healing massage in downtown on Saturday & weekdays. "When Beth does reflexology on my feet I feel good for weeks afterward."-3 yr Client. 828-279-7042 ashevillehealer. com SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 dAys A Week Looking for the best therapist in town--or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www. shojiretreats.com struCturAl integrAtion rolf tHerApeutiC BodyWork Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 AshevilleStructuralIntegration. com
Counseling serviCes
Hypnosis | eft | nlp Michelle Payton, D.C.H., Author | 828-681-1728 | www.MichellePayton.com | Dr. Payton’s mind over matter solutions include: Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Acupressure Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Sensory-based Writing Coaching. Find Michelle’s books, audio and video, sessions and workshops on her website.
nAturAl AlternAtives nAturAl, HolistiC, energy tHerApies Detailed Health Assessment through Iridology, Vital Scan HRV, Kinesiology. Personalized Natural Therapy Recommendations. LED Light therapy with customized frequencies will de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828-7775263, book online www. ultimatehealing.com
orgAniC foods mAke your oWn rAW, sprouted, seed And nut milks! Saturdays, 9:30-4:30, • April 25 (register by April 11) and • May 16 (register by May 2). $75 includes lunch and $10 milk bag. Call Michele: 828-713-3598.
spirituAl CAll ninA tHe AurACle: 253-7472 "Nina's insight is brilliant". Andra Lyss, wisdom-journeys, Asheville.
pets pet serviCes AsHeville pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.
pooper sCooper serviCe Professional Pooper Scoopers Service serving the Asheville Area. Call Us at (828) 337-0022 or go to our website K9wastesolutions. com to sign up for our weekly service. (828) 337-0022 K9wastesolutions@gmail.com
for musiCiAns musiCAl serviCes AsHeville’s WHiteWAter reCording Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.whitewaterrecording. com
Automotive Autos for sAle 2012 BmW X5 35i Perfect condition, black with tan leather interior, garage kept, great tires, BMW maintained, $36,500, NADA $44,000, 252-9164939, 828-625-9542. CAsH for CArs Any Car/ Truck. Running or not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN)
ACROSS 1 Bow-toter on seasonal cards 6 Piano exercise 11 Cold and blustery 14 Turn topsy-turvy 15 John Lennon’s tribute to Yoko Ono 16 In vitro needs 17 Connery and Lazenby, between 1967 and 1971? 19 Tesla, for one 20 Prefix with matter 21 Neighbor of a Yemeni 22 Record problem 23 Hood’s piece 25 Poetic feet 27 Study of whales 32 Beginning of a conclusion 33 Boston Garden legend 34 Walrus mustache feature 36 Lay to rest 39 River of Orléans 41 Scrape (out) 42 Tiny type size 43 Poplar variety 44 European finch 46 Competed in the last leg of a triathlon 47 After the whistle 49 Foreign film feature
51 Where to take a dive 54 Twin or quadruplet,
for short
55 Cy Young
candidates’ stats
56 ___-watch 59 The same,
in footnotes 63 “Empire” network 64 What Harrison Ford was doing in 1977, 1980 and 1983? 66 Tribute in rhyme 67 Father of Impressionism 68 Novi Sad natives 69 Popular Japanese pizza topping 70 Skedaddles 71 To date DOWN 1 Homeland of many Miamians 2 Over 3 Confined, with “up” 4 Spectrum hue 5 “Silent Spring” pesticide 6 Competed in the first leg of a triathlon 7 Sonata ending 8 Add a rider to, say 9 Ring in a rodeo ring 10 PT boat officer: Abbr.
16 19 22 25
26 32
54 57
65 68 71
64 Cameron and Blair, for short 65 Govt. property org.
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rise to stardom? 12 Be of use 14 13 Board defects 17 18 18 Turbine part 22 Deeply offended 20 21 24 Still a little firm 26 Wine traditionally 23 24 sold in a fiasco 27 Bar mixer 27 28 29 28 Counterpart of 1-Across 34 29 Murphy, after 1984, 33 1987 and 1994? 40 30 Says, in teenspeak 39 31 Symbols of servitude 43 35 Land bordering Lake Titicaca 47 48 37 Citation abbr. 38 President Coty of 51 52 France 40 Swings a sickle, say 55 56 45 “The Wild Duck” dramatist 63 64 48 All together 50 Once-sacred birds 66 67 51 Author who wrote on Friday? 69 70 52 Chip away at 53 Title woman of a 1957 puzzle by JeFF STIllMAN #1 Paul Anka hit 57 Russian refusal 61 Dresden’s river 58 Skedaddles 60 Boat with oars 62 Guinness Book adjective
pHone ACtresses From home. Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 21+. Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/most Weekends. 1-800-4037772. Lipservice.net (AAN CAN)
11 1976, for Stallone’s
feeling WHACked? Let Kaye's revive you back! Incall/outcall: 280-8182.
edited by Will Shortz
the new yoRk times cRosswoRd PuzzLe
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aPRiL 8 - aPRiL 14, 2015