Mountain Xpress 04.15.15

Page 1


Greetings from


Why Asheville artists p. 10

LGBTQ Christians get a spiritual uplift

p. 12

Buncombe’s transparency dispute

The Honeycutters vs. Foul Mouth Jerk at Isis

made the move


G N I T A Octopus R B E L CE


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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


contEntS contact uS PaGE 40

Best Western While Asheville’s art scene is thriving, some up-and-coming creative types are looking for wider-ranging opportunities and bigger stages. Here’s why four former locals now call LA home. covER DESiGn Lori Deaton

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12 SHot Down Commissioners tangle overtransparency resolution

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15 HouSE PaRtY Green Building Council celebrates 1,000th certified home

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28 comPREHEnSivE coLLaboRativE caRE New center aims to address mental health, addiction needs


34 SaLaD DaYS Asheville chefs season our plates with seasonal greens




caRtoon: moLton


caRtoon: bREnt bRown



20 communitY caLEnDaR 22 conSciouS PaRtY 26 aSHEviLLE DiScLaimER 27 nEwS of tHE wEiRD 48 SmaRt bEtS


44 tHE (not So) oDD couPLE — The Honeycutters vs. Foul Mouth Jerk at Isis

50 cLubLanD 56 moviES 60 ScREEn ScEnE

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61 cLaSSifiEDS


46 HunGRY HEaRtS Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats release a new album

62 fREEwiLL aStRoLoGY 63 nY timES cRoSSwoRD

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EDitoR & PubLiSHER: Jeff Fobes aSSiStant to tHE PubLiSHER: Susan Hutchinson aSSociatE EDitoR: Margaret Williams a&E EDitoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall fooD EDitoR/wRitER: Gina Smith GREEn ScEnE EDitoR/wRitER: Carrie Eidson wELLnESS EDitoR/wRitER: Susan Foster Staff REPoRtERS/wRitERS: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Kat McReynolds EDitoRiaL aSSiStantS: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moviE REviEwER & cooRDinatoR: Ken Hanke


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contRibutinG EDitoRS: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

caRtoon bY RanDY moLton

City Transportation Department impresses with pedestrian support Triple kudos to the city’s Transportation Department! How about this awesome pedestrian support happening right here in downtown Asheville! It happened just a few minutes ago, on April 2, not April 1, so it’s really true. Construction of the expansion and remodeling of the Buncombe County Social Services Building [40 Coxe Ave.] is starting this week. In preparation for the two-yearlong closure of the east sidewalk on Coxe Avenue, between Aston and Commerce, north of the existing Social Services Building, Transportation Planner barb mee invited city traffic [signal shop] staff members joel tweed and Gary Proffitt and downtown pedestrians to a meeting on the street to discuss pedestrian safety and how the city could improve the resulting dilemma on the northern part of Coxe. All three specialists came up with myriad suggestions and listened to pedestrian issues and their potential solutions, including those encountered by a blind person walking the streets with a cane to and from work. We visited relevant pedestrian lights with and

without cross lights, audible and not, with knobby pads and without, with lowered curbs and without, in this windy and otherwise pleasant spring afternoon air for an entire hour, observing in situ the intricacies of each existing crosswalk. And there are a good number of crosswalks in that area, yet each of them has its own challenges for a pedestrian who is walk-impaired. Some of the difficulties could be mitigated by encouraging motorized traffic to slow down, by extending the time the walk sign is up, or by adding an acoustic signal that would help the high traffic noise from rushing vehicles. Only in Asheville! Such a meeting is so Asheville! Actually, that’s not quite true; it was possible in Seattle many years ago as well. And if you have a need in your area to mitigate another trafficrelated situation, try contacting Barb Mee. I know she will try everything in her power to listen and help. Or, you could attend the city’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Task Force run on a monthly basis under Ms. Mee’s auspices. For meeting details, send an email to Thank you, Barb, for making this possible! — Inge Durre Asheville

REGuLaR contRibutoRS: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther

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infoRmation tEcHnoLoGiES: Stefan Colosimo

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wEb: Kyle Kirkpatrick officE manaGER & booKKEEPER: Patty Levesque aSSiStant officE manaGER: Lisa Watters DiStRibution manaGER: Jeff Tallman aSSiStant DiStRibution manaGER: Denise Montgomery DiStRibution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young




aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



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We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

Downtown businesses: Please share motivations for wastemanagement practices In April of last year, the Mountain Xpress article “Future vision: Local sustainability graduate research targets realworld benefits” covered a graduate research project supporting Asheville’s Zero Waste program. I am hoping downtown businesses can now help support this project by sharing their motivations for waste-management practices. In collaboration with the city of Asheville’s Office of Sustainability and Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville, I am conducting a survey of commercial waste-management practices in downtown Asheville. Identifying motivations for waste-management practices by businesses in downtown Asheville is important for developing effective strategies for policymakers to facilitate sustainable waste-management behaviors. Stakeholder feedback is absolutely essential for making long-term progress toward sustainability goals. Please follow the link to participate in this survey; it should take less than 10 minutes of your time, and all responses will be kept anonymous: http://goo. gl/forms/zh8oZE4U8W — Alisha Goodman Asheville Editor’s note: Goodman is a student in Lenoir-Rhyne University’s sustainability studies program at the Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville.

Great theater awaits with An Iliad This is to alert your readers to a performance far above what is commonly available. The N.C. Stage Company is putting on An Iliad through April 19. One actor, a very skilled willie Repoley, dressed as a scruffy veteran who drinks steadily, carries


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

a 90-minute retelling of The Iliad. He begins with the famous opening, in Homeric, “Of the wrath of Pelius’ son ....” and in English then recites several major scenes from the epic, including Agamemnon’s refusal to give up his trophy captive and Achilles’ confrontation with him, Hector’s farewell to Andromache and Astanax, Patrocles’ battle and death, the killing of Hector by Achilles, Priam’s begging the corpse of Hector: All are vividly described with sheer words only, no technical tricks or sexy lighting and only a few chords from an old piano for accompaniment. At intervals Repoley refers to parallels, ancient and modern. The narrator conveys the horror and madness of the Trojan War, of all wars, and at the same time he gives us glimpses of how the glorious warrior ideal can seize men and carry them away raging. Before the performance, there’s a bonus when no salesman comes onstage to give an airline-stewardess speech welcoming the audience aboard, hawking future shows and exhorting us to applaud the corporate sponsors. Whew! — Stephen Weissman Asheville

Artist on {Re} HAPPENING cover deserved recognition Loved the cool photo of choreographer/performance artist Kathy meyers Leiner on the cover of the April 1 issue promoting {Re} HAPPENING. I noticed that both the cover designer and photographer were credited, but nowhere could I find a caption about the photo subject. This was an unfortunate omission, as you missed a chance to inform your readers that Kathy, one of the most talented and prolific choreographers in WNC, was part of the inaugural {Re} HAPPENING and has participated every year. Along with many other artists, she donates her time and talent for this event. It’s great that designers and photographers receive proper credit for their work in Mountain Xpress; the artists actually making {Re}HAPPENING happen should get credit, too. — Charlotte Sommers Mars Hill

Editor’s note: Ms. Sommers: You make a good point. Xpress hasn’t typically identified the subjects of cover photos unless they are also featured in an article in that issue. But your letter has prompted a discussion at Xpress, and we are re-examining that policy. In the meantime, thanks for making sure readers know about the talented and community-minded Kathy Meyers Leiner.

Chelation therapy and lifestyle changes helped my health Writing this as an informed medical consumer and also as a practicing pharmacist in North Carolina, I can attest to the effectiveness of EDTA IV chelation. Having been discharged from a Tennessee hospital in February 2004 and refusing heart bypass from a physician who had never even seen my discharge papers from the hospital, I embarked on a program to lessen the coronary calcium at age 61. On Aug. 4, 2004, I went to the Northcross Diagnostic Imaging Center in Huntersville, N.C., where

caRtoon bY bREnt bRown I had a calcium score of 846, which was quite high. This calcium score is a CT scan on the heart only. One year later, on Aug. 5, 2005, the calcium score was 622, which is a 224 difference, done at Fort Sanders West Diagnostic Center in Knoxville, Tenn. This was after about six months of IV chelation therapy and also a vegan diet. My arteries had begun to clear out. I had not wanted the possible complications of bypass surgery, where the heart-lung blood circulation system and the surgery itself release a variety of debris, including bits of blood cells, tubing and plaques. For example, when surgeons clamp and connect the aorta to tubing, resulting emboli block blood flow and cause ministrokes. Other heart surgery factors related to mental damage may be events of hypoxia, high or low body temperature, abnormal blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms and fever after surgery. Not wanting any of this is why I researched other procedures.

Knowing that bypass operations can clog after five to eight years, on the average, if the patient does not change lifestyles and nutrition, I elected to change as much as I could. I also decided not to take statin drugs, as the side effects are quite dangerous, and physicians often do not recognize these side effects. Following is the National Institutes of Health TACT Program results released in 2013, quite more recent than the 2000 JAMA article cited in previous letters [to the editor]: … “Overall, TACT showed that infusions of EDTA chelation therapy produced a modest but statistically significant reduction in cardiovascular events in EDTA-treated participants. However, further examination of the data showed that patients with diabetes were significantly impacted by chelation therapy while patients without diabetes were not.” ( health/chelation)

Also, there are other methods of assisting revascularization of the heart, which use can be determined by cardiologists. … Each individual must make his or her own decision for their own health. I made my decision based on medical facts. Thank you. — Kern Stafford, RPh Asheville

Why doesn’t Xpress publish movie times with reviews? I like your [movie] reviews and comments, but it would be nice if you also had a link to where the movie is playing. I find I need to go to another site to find out where a movie is playing after I look at your reviews online! — Dan Pincu Asheville Editor’s note: Mr. Pincu: We appreciate the feedback. When possible, we do indicate at the end of each review where the movie is playing. However, as a result of your inquiry, we are now working to add active links to those theaters.

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


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The Gospel According to Jerry Sin City

If Rip Van Winkle had gone to sleep in the pristine little village of Asheville back in the 1930s and woken up today, he’d have to take a Stanback, a Goody’s and a BC powder, smoke a cigarette and wash the whole thing down with a shot of white lightning just to settle his nerves after confronting the shocking moral decadence that now abounds in our fair city. In the ’30s, the Sunday morning church bells had to penetrate the smog from the coal-burning homes and factories, and the flavored scent of fumes from the American Enka plant and the Champion Paper mill, to call the town to worship. The scores of churches that dotted our landscape preached against sin. In those days, the most notorious nonviolent criminals were the “likker” makers, haulers and sellers, who mainly peddled corn whiskey and homebrewed beer. You could almost see the fire and brimstone roaring through the pews as the preachers shouted at the top of their lungs about the evils of “John Barleycorn,” the scourge of our society. There was a story about one local farmer who put a generous contribution in the collection plate each Sunday. Needing some additional money for a church project, the preacher decided to visit this farmer and solicit his help. When he got to the farm, the kids said their father was down at his still. The horrified preacher found the farmer there and, keeping his fundraising mission in mind, gently chided his parishioner about the terrible sin of drinking alcohol. The farmer responded, “Preacher, likker ain’t for drinkin’ — it’s for sellin’.” Thus was another unholy alliance born. Next up in the criminal pecking order were the lowlifes who ran various gambling games, preying upon

the innocent. Then came the lewd and lascivious flesh peddlers, whose wares ranged from hootchykootchy shows to tiny porno comic books to full-blown prostitution. Meanwhile, yet another sin — growing and selling tobacco — was very conflicting, since it was homegrown and, like corn whiskey, was one of our first sustainable, organic, farm-to-table products. It also gave the local econoomy a significant

Imagine his further shock when he sees lottery tickets on sale, sanctioned by the great sovereign state of North Carolina, to help us teach our schoolchildren and, furthermore, that by driving only 50 miles west to what used to be the remote outpost known as Cherokee, he can gamble to his heart’s content in a casino that rivals the biggest and best in Las Vegas. He can also legally indulge his lust at a number of topless bars and porno shops or by renting X-rated movies, and though it’s not exactly legal, the oldest profession in the world still seems to flourish unabated. On the other hand, cigarettes and cigars have been outlawed in many areas, and when was the last time you saw anyone smoking a pipe? Snuff dipping and tobacco chewing have become very inconvenient,

I can see the incredulous look on ol’ Rip’s face now when he sees corn whiskey and homebrew being distilled and sold right out in the open in downtown Asheville

boost. “Chew backer,” snuff dipping, pipe smoking and cigarettes were glorified in movies, magazines and signboards, anyway, so what could be so sinful about it? Of course, women also smoked, but only in private, because it was considered unladylike. Interestingly enough, illegal drugs were not so rampant or even discussed. Why should they be when you could go to the apothecaries (now, not surprisingly, called “drugstores”) and buy a witches’ brew of most any kind of narcotic or alcohol-based “nerve tonic,” and speed and barbiturates were sold over the counter. I can see the incredulous look on ol’ Rip’s face now when he sees corn whiskey and homebrew being distilled and sold right out in the open in downtown Asheville, and City Council and the Chamber of Commerce bragging that we’re the “Craft Beer Capital of America.”

since most public places, including the fancy hotels, have done away with those ornate brass spittoons. With the controls imposed on the apothecaries, illegal drugs are now rampant, and the drug dealers are the new public enemy No. 1, replacing the bootleggers. It’s worth noting that marijuana, the most recent addition to our growing roster of farm-to-table products, is now the most popular recreational drug next to alcohol, and it’s on its way to becoming legal, as has already happened in many other parts of the country. I tell you, folks, ol’ Rip was so upset by our little Sin City that he had to go to Vegas to reset his moral compass. In future columns, I’ll have more to say about how all this sin evolved over my lifetime. I’ve waited many years to tell this story, until more of the “sinners” have gone to that great Sodom and Gomorrah in the sky. And since so much time has passed, I hope that, unlike Thomas Wolfe, I will still be able to come home again. X


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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



Straddling frontiers been with older Christians who had just been taught a particular blackand-white way of thinking. And I believe they’re scared, because if this isn’t right, then maybe their whole faith isn’t right. Maybe they’ve made mistakes about other things.”

Out to the Nations conference brings together two communities often at odds

taKinG tHE PLunGE bY joRDan foLtZ

It’s no secret that the Christian and LGBTQ communities have often found themselves at odds — each a thorn in the other’s side. And like many others, Asheville resident tom cash has experienced crisis and hopelessness as a member of both those communities, feeling that he had to choose one or the other. “As far as my faith is concerned, I had every reason to abandon it years ago after enduring rejection from churches for being gay,” says Cash. “I even endured four years of 24/7 reparative therapy, which was brutal.” Used by certain Christian organizations, the controversial process aims to change people’s sexual orientation. After that, he continues, “I left the ‘church system’ and went into years of self-destructive behaviors.” Eventually, Cash found an LGBTQ church in Long Beach, California, where he was living with his husband. There he learned about the cultural context and etymology of the biblical references to homosexuality and, able to interpret them in a new way, “I discovered that I had a destiny and a future as a gay Christian,” he reveals. Now the lead pastor at the Jesus People Church of Asheville, Cash is also the founder of the Out to the Nations Transformation Conference. The third annual event will happen Friday through Sunday, April 17-19, at The Hub in West Asheville. Given the limited attention actually paid to homosexuality in the Bible, Cash believes that the heated controversy the subject often inspires stems primarily from fear and ignorance. “I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God,” says Cash. “But it must be read and revealed


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

finDinG GRacE anD GoD: Conference speaker Jay Bakker, a son of televangelists Jim Bakker and the late Tammy Faye Bakker, is known for his radical theology and for preaching inclusiveness. Photo courtesy of Jay Bakker

in context — the culture of the time must be taken into account, and you must look up the original Greek and Hebrew meaning of key passages. God,” he points out, “calls his followers to strive not to be ignorant.” DiGGinG DEEP Out to the Nations reaches out to LGBTQ people in the Southeast who’ve felt ostracized or hurt by the church, offering them gospel-inspired uplift, a chance to connect with others, and the possibility of finding a new path and personal connection with God. But the conference, like Cash’s church, is for straight folks as well, he emphasizes. It’s about creating common ground and common experience, and Cash hopes that both sides will dig deep within the roots of their faith to embrace their “brothers and sisters,” despite their respective fears and resentments. This year’s conference will kick off with a Friday night speech by LGBTQ rights advocate jay bakker. The author of three books and pastor of the Minneapolis-based Revolution Church, Bakker is known for preaching inclusiveness, for his unconventional tattooed and semipunk style, and for a radical theology that many mainline and evangelical Christians find hard to swallow.

To boot, Bakker is the youngest son of televangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, founders and hosts of “The PTL Club,” a hugely popular Charlotte-based TV show that collapsed in the wake of a 1987 scandal. The following year, Jim Bakker was convicted of fraud and conspiracy and served time in federal prison. The collapse of his parents’ ministry triggered the first of many spiritual transformations for Jay, all of which have involved intensive study aimed at elucidating the Bible’s historical/linguistic context. And that quest, he says, has required him to regularly relinquish bits and pieces of his established views in order to move forward and be filled with the “good news” (i.e., the gospel). Again and again, Bakker explains, it’s meant giving up on certainty and finding himself in uncharted spiritual waters — which is what he believes all Christians are called to do. “When you preach grace and talk about it so much, you start to realize that doubt is an element of faith, not the opposite of faith, and none of us can be certain,” says Bakker. “Certainty is an addiction for so many people. A lot of these arguments that I’ve had, especially around [the topic of] Indiana, have

Bakker didn’t officially “come out” as an LGBTQ ally until 2001. “There was something inside of me that said, “You can’t be silent on this anymore,” Bakker explains. “Martin Luther King said, ‘It’s not the words of our enemies that we will remember but the silence of our friends.’” At the time, his Revolution Church was based in Atlanta. Within 48 hours of announcing his pro-gay stance Bakker saw all of his speaking engagements canceled, and a board member persuaded the church’s biggest donor to pull his funding. That kind of reaction is not uncommon, notes Cash. “It’s hard for both sides. I know of straight church pastors who want to accept LGBT people, but they would be financially devastated if they became inclusive.” Simultaneously advocating Christ’s message as well as equality for LGBTQ folks puts Jay Bakker in a strange position: often shunned by mainstream Christians while being mocked as brainwashed by the atheists with whom he culturally has more in common. “It’s a weird world to be in,” says Bakker, who, like Cash, tries to straddle the frontiers of many different sociocultural camps in the name of grace and inclusivity. But it’s tough, explains Bakker, because so many folks define themselves based on exclusivity, on who isn’t part of their tribe. “I often find I have more in common with comedians than I do listening to other preachers,” he reports, “because I find this great honesty and truth in comedians that pastors are afraid to tell. … And unfortunately, the ones who aren’t afraid to tell the truth think the truth is that God hates you and wants to burn you for eternity.” The philosophy behind Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act, says Bakker, drives him “a little nuts,” because he sees

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Vote for the BEST T S I V I T C A GROUP REacHinG out: Tom Cash, founder the Out to the Nations conference, stands in front of Scandals, where Jesus People—an LGBTQ and straight-friendly church — meets every Sunday morning. Photo courtesy of Tom Cash

the recent legislation as antithetical to what Christianity actually teaches. “The Bible says if a soldier asks you to take his pack — and they’re talking about Roman soldiers who are occupying the territory, here — you carry it an extra mile,” Bakker explains. “If you get slapped, turn the other cheek. If they ask for your jacket, give them your shirt.” Chuckling to himself, he continues, “But then Christians get to this point where they’re like, ‘But baking a cake? Now that’s TOO FAR. Taking wedding photos? Wait a second. … I can’t do that — it’s wrong. Jesus wasn’t saying that carrying the soldier’s pack meant you were supporting the Roman government—you’re just showing grace and love..” finDinG GRacE Contemporary society, says Bakker, is “post-Christian;” those leaving the

church are often put off by its blackand-white perspective, while many who stay are trying to hold onto something familiar and certain. Despite preaching ideas that seem radical to many, however, Bakker says he doesn’t blame folks who want that kind of certainty — he simply asks that they not force their convictions on others. “Christianity is always supposed to be a revolution that transforms people,” he declares. And though the Out to the Nations conference, and others like it, tend to attract folks who’ve already taken a stand for equal rights, Bakker doesn’t feel he’s merely preaching to the choir. Even if everyone in attendance can agree on the equality part, there is ample opportunity for each individual to think more deeply about their own beliefs and certainties, and maybe take a step into that uncharted territory where, Bakker is convinced, you find grace and God. The Out to the Nations Transformation Conference will happen Friday through Sunday, April 17-19, at The Hub in West Asheville (278 Haywood Road). X


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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Hayley Benton

Shot down DEvELoPmEnt, YES; RESoLution, no: A March 17 closed session on economic development and the purchase of a 137-acre parcel of land (pictured) gave reason for several Buncombe County Commissioners to draft a resolution in support of full transparency. The resolution to record and publicize closed sessions was voted down 3-4 at the April 7 regular meeting, and the purchase was approved 4-3.

Commissioners tangle over transparency resolution


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Tensions ran high at the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners’ April 7 meeting, as board members butted heads over a proposed policy change concerning closed sessions. The dispute traced back to a March 17 emergency closed session in which the board discussed a potential economic development project with an undisclosed company. After a public hearing on April 7, the board approved the purchase of a $6.8 million Bent Creek property on a 4-3 vote. But the three Republican commissioners took issue with the entire way the matter was handled: the hasty closed session, the way it was recorded in the minutes, and board Chair David Gantt’s subsequent statements to the media before there’d been a public hearing or a formal vote. According to the meeting minutes, “The county manager presented a possible property acquisition as part of an economic development offer for a company bringing 100-plus jobs to the area. After discussion of the details of the acquisition and options moving forward, a majority of the board gave consensus to proceed with the acquisition and economic development offer.” And soon after, Gantt made public details that weren’t included in the minutes, telling the media that the

county was buying the 137-acre parcel from Henderson County. “We didn’t have a vote,” Commissioner mike fryar told Gantt during the April 7 regular meeting. “But when you went to [the media], you basically stated to the news that the county would be purchasing this land. So by saying that, [you’re] stating that there’s enough votes to be able to purchase. The fact that you’re speaking to newspapers like it’s a done deal [means] it’s basically been voted on beforehand.” a LonG-StanDinG concERn The resolution by Republicans Fryar, miranda Debruhl and joe belcher proposed recording all

future closed sessions, using audio or video, and making those records available to the public as long as releasing them wouldn’t “frustrate the purpose of a closed session.” DeBruhl told Xpress that she’s felt frustrated by the secrecy surrounding closed sessions, both as a commissioner and as a member of the public, for quite some time. “The purpose of the resolution is not specifically about just this one issue,” she explained. “The public has been frustrated for years about closed sessions and transparency in government. This situation came up and served as a reminder that things could be done differently — and better and more efficient.” After reading the resolution aloud at the April 7 meeting, she said: “For

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



a long time now, I’ve heard folks on both sides of the aisle, even current commissioners, talk a lot about transparency. And this is really very simple. “The purpose of the minutes in closed session is to let people know what happened, without getting into specifics of what happened,” she explained to Xpress later. “In this situation, I don’t believe they’re technically wrong. They just weren’t complete enough, and they could have been misleading. It’s just in the nature of, ‘Hey, we can do this better.’” QuicK action The other four commissioners on the seven-member board, however, strongly disagreed with recording closed sessions and making them public, saying it would deter businesses from working with the county. “Public transparency is great,” said Commissioner brownie newman. “And there’s a number of different ways that we could improve openness in government, but I think this is definitely not one of them. “We can only go into closed session for very specific reasons that are authorized by state law,” he continued. According to the North Carolina Public Records Act, those reasons are: legally confidential information; honorary degrees, awards or prizes; attorney-client discussions; location or expansion of a business; personnel matters; contract negotiations and criminal investigations. “With economic development projects coming into Buncombe County, in some cases investing tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars ... a lot of what is disclosed in these sessions includes highly proprietary business information,” Newman pointed out. “So if we tell every business thinking about coming to Buncombe County that the discussions in these sessions are going to be recorded and released, and you can watch it on the 6 o’clock news, I think that would be one of the worst decisions we could possibly make if we take economic development in this community seriously.” County Attorney bob Deutsch and longtime Clerk to the Board Kathy Hughes agreed. “In 2010, I was a part of the Clerks Association that fought [a similar policy] statewide,” noted Hughes. “It’s a gift of the Legislature to be given certain reasons to go into closed session. In a closed session, you know you can hear and say things that, when I push the record button, you’re not going to say. “It [would] just change the whole

dynamic,” she continued. “I record the session in pretty great detail [in notes], and every bit of information that we can release — every piece that we can — is released when it can.” Deutsch added: “Consider the case we had the other day, which was a very lengthy and detailed presentation. As an attorney, I would be a little reluctant to [speak] as much as I would have if ... it was going to be confidential. Cases get settled, and you don’t put your cards on the table when you settle the case. I’m afraid, from the lawyer’s side, it would be a bit chilling.” Commissioner Holly jones said that while she’s all for transparency, “I think this is all about trust. This motion is on the [agenda] because three people don’t trust the process and don’t trust the staff and don’t trust [the people on] the other side of the aisle. “I’m assuming I’m one of the ones targeted for saying ‘transparency’ a lot, because I believe in transparency,” she continued. “And, for goodness’ sake, if there’s something in the minutes that is wrong or that we want to disclose appropriately, let’s amend the minutes and fix it. I want your voices to be heard appropriately and accurately. “But if we devise a process that in itself denotes distrust ... we’re developing a process that will, I think, undermine trust in our possibilities of going forward.” Gantt asked Hughes how many closed sessions in the last five years had dealt with economic development projects. Seventeen out of 23, said Hughes. Gantt then asked: After a project has been through a public hearing and voted on, what part of the closed session discussion hasn’t been released? Hughes responded: “By the time the public hearing is held, everything has been said. Everything can be released at that point. “Interestingly enough,” she added, “This last [session] is probably the first in a long time that has been controversial, so I did record who was for and who was against. Normally I don’t have to, because ... it’s normally unanimous.” And sometimes, economic development decisions need to be hasty to keep up with the fastpaced world of business, said ben teague, executive director of the Economic Development Coalition for Asheville-Buncombe County, during the April 7 meeting. “If you understand the process that com-

panies go through, it’s not site selection: It’s site elimination.” Companies, he explained, “make microdecisions throughout the elimination that can affect whether you continue in the process or not. And those microdecisions are made very, very quickly. “And to be honest,” he continued, the time frame given was not ideal. “It was forced upon us [in order] to continue in the process. We did as much as we possibly could to make a good decision, and I feel good about the decision. ... It’s a very quick sport, and Buncombe has done well in the past.” PubLic confuSion? The dissenting commissioners also emphasized the potential for misinterpretation by the public. “Going back and reading over the closed session minutes that Kathy wrote, I understand she can only put X amount out,” said Fryar. But the minutes, he continued, state “that there’s enough votes to go ahead and [purchase the property]. And there’s nothing saying here that it’s only a possibility of 100 jobs. We don’t need to discuss who it is and what it is, but

there’s areas where we can put ‘maybes’” and include other information the public needs to know in advance of a public hearing. The resolution, said DeBruhl, “is one way to take any gray out of the closed session meetings and provide black-and-white, accurate information if it’s needed and if it’s allowed to be released.” The resolution to record closed sessions failed on a 3-4 vote along party lines. But the idea of improving the system might still be on the table. “I was definitely disappointed by the vote,” DeBruhl told Xpress. “The resolution was published a week before the meeting, and I didn’t hear any suggestions or feedback at all from the people that voted against it. And nobody offered an amendment either. If they’re willing to work with me, I would be more than happy to look at it again. I don’t have to home-run; I would be happy just with a base hit. I’m willing to work toward a solution or a way to improve the process to move toward better government transparency.” X

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


by Max Hunt

House party GREEn miLEStonE: The completion of the 3 bedroom, 2 bath home at 87 Fenner Avenue marks the 1,000 building certified as “green under GBC’s Green Built North Carolina program. Photo courtesy of WNC Green Building Council. Photo by Jennifer Coates

Green Building Council celebrates 1,000th certified home Local sustainable builders and the Western North Carolina Green Building Council reached an important milestone last month with the certification of the 1,000th Green Built North Carolina home in the greater Asheville area. The property, located at 87 Fenner Ave. in Asheville, was built by JAG & Associates Construction, a local contractor known for its work in the green-building sector. Since its grassroots beginnings in the spring of 2000, the Green Building Council has worked to promote and facilitate green construction projects around the region, partnering with contractors to educate the public on the advantages of sustainable, lowimpact housing. “As a society, we have the capacity to build homes that are affordable and have minimal impact on the environment,” says maggie Leslie, the nonprofit’s executive director. “We have the capability to build homes that use zero fossil fuels to operate, capture their own water, treat it on-site and have zero toxic chemicals.” Leslie sees her organization as a driving force in the green-building market that’s

helping local communities reconnect with their natural surroundings. Located off Merrimon Avenue just north of UNC Asheville, the Fenner Avenue project’s roughly 2,000 square feet include three bedrooms and two baths. Among the home’s energy-efficient features are airtight construction, a fresh air ventilation system, water-saving appliances and low-toxic finishes. A south-facing roof area gives future owners the option of installing solar panels to cut energy costs and carbon emissions still more. JAG Construction, which has operated in Asheville and environs since 2003, has built more than 60 certified homes since joining the Green Building Council in 2006, says company founder jody Guokas, demonstrating a commitment to both energy-saving practices and high-quality craftmanship. Rob johnson, Operations Manager for JAG, explains that “our focus is not just being a green builder, but using our experience to get other builders to buy in and make green building practices the standard in the industry.” Johnson cites the Fenner property, which he personally oversaw, as an example of the standards they strive for in all their projects. The Fenner Avenue property, says Leslie, is further proof that the nonprofit’s Green Built

North Carolina program is gaining momentum among builders and buyers alike. “We are thrilled to have reached this milestone, particularly after a challenging few years for the homebuilding market,” she says. “When I began working in the industry in 2003, there were few builders that knew how to build high-performance green homes, and just as few people asking for them. But now, 230 contractors have built at least one project, and it’s no longer difficult to find a subcontractor to install insulation or a heating-and-cooling system to our standards.” Homes certified by the program, the nonprofit maintains, sell faster, hold their value longer, save energy, lower utility bills and protect the environment. Four levels of certification — certified, silver, gold and platinum — accommodate contractors and construction firms with varying budgets and levels of experience, while setting clear goals for improving energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact. “One of the true measures of the program’s success,” notes Leslie, “is that many contractors began building at the certified level. Over time they’ve added more and more green elements to their homes and now build at the silver and gold level as standard practice.” These 1,000 certified properties, the council reports, have already reduced carbon emissions in the region by an estimated 5,000 tons a year while saving homeowners an average of $815 annually on utility bills. “Everyone wins with green building — the homeowner, the contractor and the environment,” says Leslie. “Building green doesn’t mean doing without — on the contrary, a green home is based on a foundation of quality craftsmanship.” And while individuals have different reasons for deciding to go green, Leslie believes the program “helps give people the ability to get all of those things without having to choose” between two sets of values. The Green Building Council offers step-by-step instructions for both homeowners and builders, outlining the certification process for new green homes. Beginning with an online orientation course, participants then work with certified raters throughout the building process, using a checklist that focuses on energy and water usage, including things like appliances, HVAC systems and indoor air quality. Each

category is assigned a numerical value based on how well it meets these requirements, and the total score (which must be at least 105 in order to qualify) determines the level of certification. The Fenner Avenue property has achieved gold certification, meaning it’s “rated to be 45 percent more efficient than a home built to code,” Leslie explains. It was listed at $415,000, and at press time, a buyer was expected to close on the property any day. Besides on-site advice and design support, the Green Building Council offers contractors marketing assistance, workshops on green building techniques, and quality assurance by third-party firms. “Certification programs have been created as an educational pathway for builders and homeowners to make educated choices based on their values,” says Leslie. “We help them make choices about saving water and energy, indoor air quality, green materials and renewable energy, and then provide an extra set of eyes during the construction process to prevent green washing.” But rather than resting on their laurels, both the nonprofit and JAG are aiming to expand their work. A new program called Green Gauge, Leslie explains, provides an assessment tool for retrofitting existing structures to make them more energy-efficient. “The program is designed to be simple, low-cost and provide recommendations on costeffective upgrades, offering graphical comparisons of energy and water use compared to average homes. We think homebuyers should know what it will cost to live in a home before they buy it.” Johnson adds that “so many existing houses are being overlooked. Green Gauge is a great opportunity for us to address these deficiencies with homeowners and really make a big difference in that area.” The council is also updating its certification guidelines and participating in the Living Building Challenge, an international movement whose goal is producing “homes that are net-zero-energy, net-zero-water and built with local and nontoxic materials,” she reveals. To learn more about the Green Building Council and its certification process, visit For information on JAG Construction, go to

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Max Hunt

Mountain medley Reflections on the 2015 Appalachian Studies Conference In the popular imagination, the Appalachian Mountains have long been seen as a bastion of individualism and isolation. Tune in to any popular television show, or pick up a novel set in the region, and you’ll most likely encounter that image. Even longtime residents seldom seem to know much about the region’s far-flung communities. That sense of disconnectedness is part of these mountains’ romance, but it doesn’t tell the whole story and often ignores the similarities, shared heritage and goals of those inhabiting the peaks and valleys collectively known as Appalachia. In an ongoing effort to connect those dispersed communities, the Appalachian Studies Association held its 38th annual conference last month in Johnson City, Tenn. The one-ofa-kind event unites scholars and musicians, activists and academics, to celebrate the often misunderstood region’s distinctive heritage, culture and physical landscape. jeff Keith, a Warren Wilson College global studies professor who was a presenter at this year’s gathering, says, “It is unique from other academic conferences I attend, because it provides an opportunity for many different types of people to engage with regional issues. Every year,” he notes, “I manage to meet a person who has inspired me through their work and efforts. In this way, the ASA Conference allows me to develop a sense of community that strengthens my connection to this region and my commitment to it.” cominG toGEtHER Officially launched in 1978 at Berea College in Kentucky, the annual gettogether grew out of a shared desire to unite “the activism, discussion and organizing of various groups centered on the study of Appalachian life, culture and scholarship,” according to the association’s website. This year’s conference was held March 27-29 on the campus of East


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Tennessee State University. To better reflect the region’s vast scope, which extends from the Northeast to the Deep South, a different school hosts the event each year. This year’s theme, “Many Mountains, Many Musics,” encouraged attendees “to view Appalachia from a fresh perspective and discover its emergence as a creative, dynamic force,” according to an ASA press release. Keynote speaker Margo Miller, executive director of the Knoxville-based Appalachian Community Fund, spoke about her organization’s role in building community in central Appalachia and shared some success stories. Other highlights included a musical performance by Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder, a special pre-conference hike around the Roan Highlands, and a tour of the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in nearby Bristol, Tenn. For Hannah furgiuele, program coordinator for Mars Hill University’s Liston B. Ramsey Center for Regional Studies, it’s a chance to discover common themes that transcend state lines and traditional barriers. “The conference has provided me with a community up and down the mountain ranges, Georgia to Canada, who share a love for the ridgelines and peaks, rivers and streams, and communities and people who reside there,” she says. unitY in DivERSitY This year’s sessions covered topics ranging from the little-known cultural impact of “Affrilachian” and Native American communities to the far-reaching influence of traditional Appalachian music and literature to the environmental impact of mountain industries such as coal mining and fracking. Another key focus was community efforts to revitalize and diversify local economies while preserving a sense of traditional pride and values. It all wove together seamlessly: En route from one presentation to another, attendees might stumble on an impromptu jam session of oldtime folk ballads, followed by a presentation on those same tunes’ journey from the highlands of Scotland

LifELonG LEaRnERS: These students were just a few of the Western North Carolina first- through eighth-graders who studied at the Rosenwald School. Photo courtesy of the Rural Heritage Museum

and Wales to the remote hollers where they live on today. Other presenters addressed what it means to be “Appalachian,” seeking to dispel negative stereotypes and shed light on oft-forgotten aspects of the region’s heritage. In a post-conference interview, Keith, who took part in a roundtable discussion on multiculturalism in Western North Carolina, emphasized “the need for a greater acknowledgement of Appalachian diversity. Too often, Appalachian history is perceived as a history of white mountaineers, and that is a destructively false understanding of the region and the many people who have shaped it.” chris brown, executive director of the Community Housing Coalition of Madison County, sees the conference as a chance to share the successes and challenges of mountain activism and brainstorm with folks who may be facing similar issues in their own communities. “Observing the cultural evolution that has happened in Appalachia is extremely useful in understanding the evolutionary process of human culture as a whole,” he notes. “It’s extremely important that organizations such as the Appalachian Studies Association

exist to keep that conversation alive amid a diverse group.” Brown and other coalition members presented their work on the rejuvenation and strategic development of rural communities. “For me, the bottom-line goal is building bridges,” he said later. “The success of our communities depends on ... first seeking where we can bridge, and focusing less on the divisions between us.” PoRtRait of a cuLtuRE Appalachian State University students sparked a lively discussion in a session titled “The Elk Knob Art & Planning Project” that focused on efforts to bolster art projects in four communities in Ashe and Watauga counties. Les Reker, director of the Rural Heritage Museum in Mars Hill, says the conference “brings an awareness of the complexity of the Appalachian culture and environment.” In his panel presentation on the Anderson Rosenwald School, which served African-Americans in Madison County, graduates shared firsthand accounts of their experiences during

segregation and the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s. That awareness, says Warren Wilson College archaeology professor David moore, is particularly useful in the academic world. “For people who research in a professional setting, it’s important to know what others are doing in related fields. The opportunity to meet and mingle and to share research and insights on the whole span of Appalachian culture is invaluable.” But for first-time presenter jeannie Dunn, who owns Red Moon Herbs in Asheville, the focus was on more immediately tangible results. Dunn said she was excited about “finding new organic farmers and conscientious wild harvesters of prolific plants” and expanding her network of harvesters. She also relished the chance to spread creative, progressive ideas. “If I can plant a seed in one person’s head on a new way to use their land that creates revenue and keeps the land in agricultural or medicinal herb use instead of development, I’ve done what I came to do.” To learn more about the Appalachian Studies Association, the annual conference or the Journal of Appalachian Studies, visit X


a LooK bacK: Efforts are underway to preserve the Rosenwald School in Madison County. An exhibit this winter in Mars Hill told the story of how Rosenwald — built in 1928 and later named Anderson Elementary — served the African-American community in the area. Photo courtesy of the Rural Heritage Museum

Publishes 05.20.15 adv e r ti s e @ m o u n t a i n x . c o m 8 2 8 - 251- 1333

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Ned Ryan Doyle

These Mothers invented it

tHE oRiGinaL motHERS: (left-to-right) Franklin Sides, Susan Sides, Bob Kornegay, unknown man in green T-shirt, Ned Ryan Doyle, Terry Krautwurst, Lorna Loveless (front), Jean Malmgrem (partially obscured in middle), unknown man (obscured in back), Kathleen Seebe (front), Beach Barrett (back), Richard Freudenberger, Marsha Drake (front), unknown woman (obscured in back), Joanne Dufilho, Caroline Sizemore. Photo by Hannah Kincaid

Some of Mother Earth News’ earliest “Mothers” — whose roots go back to the 1970s and 1980s — got together this past Sunday at the Mother Earth News Fair, which was held at the WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher. Hosted by bryan welch, current publisher of the Mother Earth News magazine and CEO of Ogden Publications, nearly two dozen former employees and families met for brunch and to share their recollections from the decades past. I was one of them. bob Kornegay, now a master permaculturalist, brought his original hand-drawn illustration of the first comprehensive permaculture project in the country, built at the former Mother Earth News Eco-Village in Henderson County in 1984. “It all came to me in a flash one night,” he recounted. “I spent the entire night drawing. beach barrett took it into the editorial offices the next morning and they loved it. The project was on — the first working example of integrated gardening, housing and site design.” franklin and Susan Sides, now project leaders of the successful The Lord’s Acre community gardens in Fairview, brought two of their original hand tools used at the Eco-


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Village’s organic gardens, where interns from across the country came to learn. Susan and Franklin inspired dozens of interns and thousands of the general public with their educational, hands-on workshops in those early years. Franklin compared their original shovel to a brand-new shovel, one polished and sharp; the original was now worn inches shorter from decades of use. He drew a big laugh with, “We still have these because when the magazine moved, these were our ‘severance pay!’” Kathleen Seebe maintained the legendary Mother Earth News library and resource files, which in the early days meant books — thousands and thousands of books, paper photographs, negatives, slides and more. Commitment to accuracy and facts was a big part of the magazine’s success story, driven by john and jane Shuttleworth, the original founders of the magazine in 1970. “The library was in the basement of the editorial offices on Stoney Mountain Road in Hendersonville,” Kathleen recounted. “It was cold in the winter and hot in the summer, but when I brought in plants … they loved it under the lights and made it a spectacular library experience!”

Richard freudenberger, technical editor for the early Mother Earth News and now publisher of BackHome Magazine, recounted those days. “This was before the Internet came along. We had to make phone calls, write letters and buy books for our articles and projects. Many projects were envisioned and simply built from scratch, since all the information so easily available today was not in those days.”

Mother Earth News stages a reunion at the Ag Center

jade Kornegay, daughter of bob Kornegay, came to the reunion. She was born at the Eco-Village in the “Low Cost Homestead” that Bob designed and built, as it was called by many. “People ask me what it was like in those early days, but I was a baby,” she explained lightheartedly. “But I do recall walking in the gardens as a toddler.” Speaking as an original EcoVillage staffer and coordinator, I can say it was wonderful to see so many faces from the early days. I was able to interview a good number of my friends for an upcoming special edition of “Our Southern Community,” the radio series exploring the relationships of energy, environment and economy — not surprisingly, just what we did over 30 years ago! Stay tuned in the next few weeks to hear, in their own words, what those days were like in more detail. And have a few good laughs! Readers can check out Our Southern Community’s website at and listen to the radio series on 1350 WZGM, WPVM-FM 103.7 and X

DRawinG on inSPiRation: Ned Doyle, right, holds the original drawing of the Eco-Village that Bob Kornegay, left, came up with one night. Photo by Hannah Kincaid.

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015




aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 23, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fREE LiStinG, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fREE LiStinGS will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to or through our onLinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls WnC nAture Center 75 Gashes Creek Road., 298-5600, • SA (4/18), 3:30-7:30pm Training for FrogWatch, a citizen science program that collects data on frogs and toads. Free.

Benefits GroveWood GAllery’s 16th AnnuAl ChArity sAle (pd.) Benefiting Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, Asheville April 17 & 18 (10am – 6pm) Save 10% on all regular priced American made craft and up to 50% on sale items. 10% of proceeds go to Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Grovewood will also be hosting a pet adoption drive both days from noon to 4pm. Visit for more info.


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

GRow wHERE You aRE: As part of Asheville’s Earth Day celebrations, Organic Growers School and Green Opportunities will present a screening of Growing Cities on Wednesday, April 22. The film by Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette chronicles urban farming efforts in cities throughout the country including Atlanta, Portland, Detroit and Chicago (pictured). (p.22)

Be the mAtCh reGistry drive goto/MelaniesMission • FR (4/17), 4-7pm - Tickets to this spaghetti dinner donor drive benefit Asheville resident melanie fore, who was recently diagnosed with acute leukemia. $10. Held at Biltmore Lake Clubhouse, 80 Lake Drive, Candler Conquer A Cove 5K run/WAlK • SU (4/19), 1pm - Registration fees for this event benefit the hope Chest for Women. $30/$25 advance. Held at Mount Pisgah Academy, 75 Academy Drive, Candler dinner And A shoW! • SA (4/18), 6pm - Tickets to this dinner and chorus performance benefit eliada home. $25. Held at Eliada Home, 2 Compton Drive

doWn home • SA (4/18), 6-10pm - Tickets to this cocktails, auction and Southern supper benefit Asheville Area habitat for humanity. $60. Held at Yesterday Spaces, 305 Sluder Branch Road., Leicester empty BoWls dinner empty-bowls • WE (4/15), 7:30pm - Tickets to this food event benefit neighbors in need heating assistance programs. $15. Held at Mars Hill Baptist Church, 67 N. Main St., Mars Hill fAir trAde fAshion shoW And ClothinG sAle 254-8374 • SA (4/18), 2-3pm - Proceeds from this event provide income for skilled artisans and their communities in latin America, Africa and Asia. Free to attend. Held at Ten Thousand Villages, 10 College St.

Grinder in the Green river vAlley 242-1929 • SA (4/19), 8am-4pm - Entry fees to this biking or running race benefit the henderson County young leaders program. $25-$100. Held at Falling Creek Camp, 816 Falling Creek Camp Road., Zirconia indoor yArd And BAKe sAle 699-5696 • SA (4/18), 8am-2pm Proceeds from this event benefit henderson County’s special olympics and Blue ridge Community College scholarship fund. Held at Hendersonville Elks Lodge, 546 N. Justice St., Hendersonville ms WAlK And Wellness fAir • SU (4/19), 1-5pm Registration will benefit the fight against multiple sclerosis. Free to attend. Held at

Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road., Fletcher pAnCAKe Benefit 667-8467 • SA (4/18), 8-10am - Tickets to this breakfast fundraiser will benefit hominy valley Crisis ministry. $7. Held at Fatz Cafe, 5 Spartan Ave. the vAnishinG WheelChAir 645-2941, vanishingwheelchair. org • SA (4/18), 6:30pm - Magic show to benefit arts education for disabled participants. Donations accepted. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St.

Business & teChnoloGy A-B teCh smAll Business Center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950,

Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/15), 6:30-8:30pm “What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About 3-D Printing,” seminar. Held at • WE (4/15), 5:30-8:30pm SCORE: “Social Media for Business,” seminar. • TH (4/16), 9am-noon - “Business of Public Contracting,” seminar. • TH (4/23), 9am-noon “Public Contracting for Craft Businesses,” seminar. G&W investment CluB • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:45am - General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Black Forest Restaurant, 2155 Hendersonville Road., Arden WnC nAturAl heAlth & Wellness • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3pm Networking event for natural health & wellness practitio-

ners. Free to attend. Held at Western North Carolina School of Massage, 131 McDowell St. Suite 302

ClAsses, meetinGs & events AKAshiC reCords WorKshop (pd.) May 2-3. Learn to access your own life Akashic Records and communicate with your Guides in this 2-day experiential workshop with consultant Kelly S. Jones in Asheville. 919-200-8686 Asheville GlAss Center (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences., 828-505-7110 lindA pAnnullo mosAiCs And WorKshops (pd.) • April 19: Picassiette Planters at Painter’s Greenhouse, Old Fort. • May 16-17: Yulia Hanansen: Flower Mosaic in Double Reverse Technique. • August 8-9: Kelley Knickerbocker: Glass on Mirror: Color, Texture, Bling. • September 26-27: Deb Aldo: Pebble Mosaic Mandala Class. Registration/ information: Linda Pannullo; 828-337-6749. the ultimAte AntiinflAmmAtory CleAnse (pd.) (828) 620-1188 Want an Allergy-busting, Hormonebalancing, Gut-healing Detox with a side effect of Weight Loss? Join The 21 Day Spring Cleanse, April 22th. www. Asheville north seventh dAy Adventist ChurCh 364 Broadway • SU (4/19), 3-5pm Community seminar on the prevention of domestic violence. Free. BunComBe County puBliC liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/15), 5pm Swannanoa Knitters, for all skill levels. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • FR (4/17), 7pm - Black

Mountain Knitters, for all skill levels. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • SA (4/18), 3:30pm - “Renew Your Shoe,” decorating. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Road ColBurn eArth sCienCe museum 2 South Pack Square, 2547162, Located in Pack Place. • WE (4/22), 5:30-7:30pm Science Pub: “Finding Fort San Juan: Unearthing the first European settlement in the interior of the U.S.” Free to attend. CounCil on AGinG tAx AssistAnCe 227-8288 For low- to moderateincomes. Bring ID. Free. • WE (4/15), 10am-4pm - Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. ethiCAl humAnist soCiety of Asheville 687-7759, • SU (4/19), 2-3:30pm “Closing the Insurance Gap in North Carolina: The Health and Financial Benefits to the State.” Held at Asheville Friends Meetinghouse, 227 Edgewood Road hendersonville Wise Women 693-1523 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group for women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville hillside d&d enCounters hillsidednd • WEDNESDAYS, 6-9pm Weekly ongoing fantasy campaign with the new edition. Free. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road JeWish Community Center 236 Charlotte St., 253-0701, • SA (4/19), 4-5:30pm Workshop on learning skills to speak out against homophobia and transphobia. Presented by the Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity. Free. ontrACK WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, Registration required. Free

unless otherwise noted. • FR (4/17), noon-1pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it.” • MONDAYS until (4/27), 5:30-8:30pm - “Manage Your Money Series,” seminar. • WE (4/22), 5:30-7pm “What to do With Your Tax Refund,” seminar. • TH (4/23), 5:30-7pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” seminar. puBliC events At unCA • TH (4/16), 6-8pm “Queering the Narrative: Being Out on Campus.” Held in Highsmith Union. Free. • TH (4/16), 8:30am-5:30pm - “Reading of the Names,” holocaust remembrance. Held on steps of Ramsey Library. Free. smoKy mountAin Chess CluB SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1pm - Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville stAnd AGAinst rACism 2015 254-7206, A campaign of YWCA USA with various events designed to build community among those who work for racial justice. • TH (4/16), 11:45am-1pm - Presentation: “North Carolina’s Minority Credit Union Movement.” Free. Held at Self-Help Credit Union, 34 Wall St. • SA (4/18), 9:30am4:30pm - “Looking Deeper: Identity, Race & Family,” transracial parenting seminar. Registration required. $30. Held at Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville, 36 Montford Ave. sWAnnAnoA vAlley museum 669-9566,, info@swannanoavalleymuseum. org • TU (4/21), 6pm - History trivia night. Free. Held at Pisgah Brewery, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain touChstones disCussion proJeCt 200-2953, • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm Workshop on collaborative skills and group dynamics for community building. Free.

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

communitY caLEnDaR














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

Registration required. Held at White Pine Acupuncture, 247 Charlotte St. unC-Asheville 1 University Heights • WE (4/22) - Spring Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Community Engagement, research showcase. Free. WnC physiCiAns for soCiAl responsiBility, • FR (4/17), noon-2pm Monthly meeting. Held in private home. Contact for location. WnC poKémon leAGue WNCPokemon • SATURDAYS, 4-8pm - Video and card games for players of all ages. Free to attend. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road


Community construction campaign

wHat: Down Home: A Benefit for Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity wHEn: Saturday, April 18, 6-10 p.m. wHERE: 305 Sluder Branch Road, Leicester wHY: Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity wraps up National Volunteer Appreciation Week with a fundraiser for its house construction and home repair programs. Ultimately, the goal of this event is to triple the number of families served by raising money for the nonprofit’s Building a Way Home campaign. According to Habitat communications director ariane Kjellquist, “It’s about giving people a hand up, not a handout, and ensuring that more local families have a safe, decent and affordable home.” Guests can start the evening with a complimentary glass of Biltmore wine or a beer from Highland Brewing while checking out the various items available in the silent auction. But attendees should make sure to


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

stick around for the live auction, which will feature items such as Hawaiian vacation accommodations, local art and a premier in-home wine-tasting experience. WestWend, a three-piece bluegrass outfit from Knoxville, Tenn., will provide the evening’s early entertainment, and after the set an authentic “Southern Supper” will be provided by Corner Kitchen Catering. And if bluegrass isn’t enough, there will be contra dancing group lessons with music by Good & Plenty and caller Diane Silver at the mic. Tickets are $60, and all funds raised during the event will go to support Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity’s house construction and home repair programs. “We feel that our community gives to us, and we give back: Our families pay mortgages and taxes back into the community. We help keep people in our community,” notes Building a Way Home campaign coordinator Eva mellert. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit ashevillehabitat. org. — Michael McDonald

studio ZAhiyA, doWntoWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 7am Hip Hop Cardio 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 southern liGhts squAre And round dAnCe CluB 697-7732, • SA (4/18), 6pm - “April Showers.” Free. Held at Whitmire Activity Center, 310 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville

eCo Asheville Green drinKs Free to attend. • WE (4/15), 5:30pm - Ethical meat discussion. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway Asheville GreenWorKs 254-1776, • SA (4/18), 10am-2pm Citywide Neighborhood Cleanup Day. Contact for sign-up. Free.

Avl eArth WeeK • SA (4/18), 11am-3pm - South Slope community cleanup. Free. Held at Asheville Brewing Co., 77 Coxe Ave. • WE (4/22), 11am-3pm Downtown cleanup day. Free. Held at Pritchard Park, 4 College St. BunComBe County puBliC liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (4/21), 6:30pm Illustrated talk by naturalist Scott Dean. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa CArolinA mountAin lAnd ConservAnCy 697-5777, • WE (4/15), 6pm - Speaker Series: East Fork Headwaters State Forest presentation and panel. Free. Held at Transylvania County Library, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard • WE (4/22), 6pm - Speaker Series: Discussion of new predator beetle releases and efforts to stop the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in WNC. Free. Held at Hendersonville Public Library, 301 N Washington St, Hendersonville CreAtion CAre AlliAnCe of WnC • SU (4/19), 5:30-6:30pm - “Let There Be Light,” Earth Day vigil. Free. Held at Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St. elishA mitChell AuduBon soCiety • TU (4/21), 7pm - NC Audubon executive director discusses how climate change is threatening 314 North American bird species. Free. Held at the Reuter Center at UNCA. holmes eduCAtionAl stAte forest 1299 Crab Creek Road, Hendersonville, 692-0100 • SU (4/19), 2pm - Wildflower Walk. Reservations required. Free.

the Promise of Renewable Energy.” Free to attend. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. orGAniC GroWers sChool 772-5846, • WE (4/22), 6:30-9:30pm - Growing Cities, urban farming documentary screening. Panel discussion follows. Co-sponsored by Green Opportunities, Lenior-Rhyne University and the French Broad Food Co-op. Donations accepted. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave riverlinK 170 Lyman St., 252-8474 ext.11 • TH (4/16), 11:45am RiverFront Bus Tour on the Wilma Dykeman RiverWay Plan. Registration required. $20/free for members.

fArm & GArden “orGAniC GArdeninG 101” seminAr (pd.) SAT (4/18), 10AM with Ruth Gonzalez. Learn techniques for starting/and improving your garden with tips for success in any size garden – including site considerations, soil improvement, planting ideas, easy garden maintenance, useful tools, disease prevention, and Q & A. Free, but please pre-register at 828-645-3937. Reems Creek Nursery, 70 Monticello Road, Weaverville, NC. BunComBe County mAster GArdeners 255-5522, • TH (4/16), 10am - Discussion of sustainable irrigation techniques, including rain gardens to rain barrels. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave.

mills river liBrAry 124 Town Center Drive Suite 1, Mills River, 890-1850, library. • SA (4/18), 10am - “Birds of Prey,” wildlife education. Free.

hAyWood County mAster GArdeners • TU (4/21), 5:30pm - “SquareFoot Gardening,” discussion on producing yield from a small amount of space. Free. Held at Haywood County Library-Canton, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton

mountAintrue 258-8737, • WE (4/15), 6:30pm - “Our Energy Solutions: A Look at the Impacts of Fracking and

mountAin hortiCulturAl Crops reseArCh And extension stAtion 74 Research Drive, Mills River, 684-7197

• SA (4/18), 1-5pm - Training for the Good Agricultural Practices specific to medicinal herb production and postharvest handling. $20.

festivAls fiddles & folKlife 771-3722 • SA (4/18), 11am-5pm Appalachian folklife festival and old-time music competition. Free. Held at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa hot sprinGs Community trAilfest 2015 Bridge St., Hot Springs, 622-9575 • FR (4/17) through SU (4/19) - Town of Hot Springs’ outdoors festival celebrating the town’s proximity to the Appalachian Trail. Visit for full schedule. house of BAlAnCe eArth dAy fest • WE (4/22), 1-8pm Includes live music, eco-centric activities and workshops and vendors. Visit website for full schedule. Free to attend. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad north CArolinA sCienCe festivAl • SU (4/19) & WE (4/22), 3:30pm - Geology walk through downtown Asheville. Free. Held at Colburn Earth Science Museum, 2 South Pack Square

food & Beer leiCester Community Center 2979 New Leicester Hwy, Leicester, 774-3000 • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 2:303:30pm - Manna FoodBank distribution, including local produce. Free.

Government & politiCs henderson County demoCrAtiC pArty 692-6424, • SA (4/18), 9am - Annual con-

vention. Held at Henderson Operations Center, 301 Williams St., Hendersonville lilliAn’s list pAC • SA (4/18), 5-7pm - “Western Spring Fling,” progressive women’s political discussion. $25. Held at Urban Orchard, 210 Haywood Road, 828-7745151

Kids GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: www. pArents’ survivAl niGht • THE LITTLE GYM OF Asheville (pd.) Saturday, April 18, 6-9pm. Super Heroes Save the Day! Wear your favorite superhero costume for a fun night of activities in the gym, a pizza dinner, craft and Lego™ building! Ages 3-12. • Members: $25 for first child, $10 for siblings • Non-members: $35 for first child, $15 for siblings. At 1000 Brevard Road, Ste 168, Asheville. • Call 828-667-9588 or visit http:// Blue ridGe ClAssiC fun run • SA (4/18), 5-8pm - Races and running for kids 14 and under. $5. Held at AC Reynolds High School, 1 Rocket Drive first leGo leAGue roBotiCs teAm 258-2038 • WEDNESDAYS, 3-5:30pm - All boys and girls ages 10-14 welcome. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. Kids’ ACtivities At the liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/15), 9:30am & 10:45am- “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville • WE (4/15), 3:30pm - Buttermaking how-to for K-5. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

• TH (4/16), 9:30am & 10:45am - “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • FR (4/17), 9:30am & 10:45am - “Preschoolers We Love You 2015!” variety show. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • FR (4/17), 4-5:30pm - Teen Awesome Group planning meeting, 6th grade and up. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • SA (4/18), 11am - KidSenses Science: liquid nitrogen experiments. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • SA (4/18), 2pm - KidSenses Science: liquid nitrogen experiments. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road • TU (4/21), 4pm - Stories and Stretching: Yoga for Kids for ages 4-9. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville spellBound Children’s BooKshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free.


April 15th





T S E B e h t r Vote fo LOCAL N A I C I T I L PO



summer CAmp fundrAiser WE (4/15) through TH (4/30), Collection Jar at 62 Charlotte Street Starbucks to send low income kids to summer camp. To donate or nominate recipients, call 225-3753. tot time At Asheville Art museum 282-253-3227, • TU (4/21), 10:30am - Held in the museum’s ArtPLAYce. Admission fees apply. Held at Asheville Art Museum, 2 N. Pack Square

outdoors Blue ridGe nAturAlist netWorK BRNNmembers, • TH (4/16), 10am Wildflower walk. Free for members. Held at Pearson Falls, 2720 Pearson Falls, Saluda CArolinA mountAin lAnd ConservAnCy 697-5777, • TH (4/23), 10am - Guided 2-mile wildflower walk through

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


communitY caLEnDaR

Sherwood Forest. Registration required. Location given with registration. Free. ymCA of WnC 210-2265, • TH (4/23), 9:15am - Easy 3.5-mile hike on Givens Estates trail. Meets at YMCA Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.

pArentinG Children And fAmily resourCe Center 698-0674, childrenandfamily. org, summers@ • WEDNESDAYS (4/15) until (5/13) - “Parents Matter!” sexual health and responsibility. Free. • SA (4/18) - Week of the Young Child Conference: For Early Educators and Parents. $15-$30. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock positive pArentinG proGrAm • TH (4/16), 6pm - “Raising Resilient Children,” seminar. Free. Held at Hall Fletcher Elementary, 60 Ridgelawn Ave. united WAy of Asheville & BunComBe 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-0696, • TH (4/23), 12:30-2:30pm - “Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports,” student behavioral workshop. Registration required. Free.

puBliC leCtures puBliC leCtures At unCA Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/15), 12:30pm - Virtual reality applications discussion. Held in Highsmith Union. • WE (4/15), 5:15pm - Storying Symposium. Held in Ramsey Library. • TH (4/16), 6:15pm Economic Crystal Ball Seminar: The Fed: When Will it Tighten? Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. • TH (4/16), 12:30pm - Moral Challenges Series: “The

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Good, The Bad and The Dirty: The Emotion of Disgust and its Role in Moral and Political Judgement.” Held in Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (4/20), 7pm - “Fire in the Hole: Mysticism, the Prison System, and the Use of Images for Transformation.” Held in Karpen Hall. Free. • TU (4/21), 7pm - Evenings at the Cabaret Weimar series: “The Poet of Crossing Boundaries.” Held in Reuter Center. • TU (4/21), 4:30-7:30pm “Schooling for Resilience: Improving the Life Trajectories of African American and Latino Males.” Held inSherrill Center. puBliC leCtures At WArren Wilson 800-934-3536, • TH (4/16), 7pm - “The Turbulent Middle East.” Held in Jensen Lecture Hall. Free. • WE (4/22), 6:30pm - “Craft in Culture.” Free.

seniors Asheville pArKs And reCreAtion 70 Court Plaza, 259-5809 • TH (4/23) through FR (5/8) - Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games. $10

spirituAlity ABout the trAnsCendentAl meditAtion teChnique: free introduCtory leCture (pd.) The simplest meditation is the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other meditation practices (including other “mantra” methods). TM is an effortless, non-religious technique for going beyond the busy, active mind to access your deepest inner reserves of calm, clarity and happiness — dissolving stress and connecting you to your higher self. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. NIH-sponsored research

shows deep revitalizing rest, reduced anxiety, improved brain functioning and heightened well-being. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or or AKAshiC reCords meetup (pd.) APRIL 29, 7:309:30PM Dialogue with your Akashic Masters and Guides with Kelly S. Jones in our next Akashic Record Soul Gathering at the Asheville Training Center. $11, $22, or $33 events 919-200-8686 Asheville CompAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) 8 week course starting May 5, 6:30-8:30pm. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538. www. Asheville insiGht meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. AWAKeninG deepest nAture meditAtion ClAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence and wisdom. Meditation, lessons and dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. • Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz. com


MATT MITTAN Monday to Thursday 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Listen with the FREE TuneIN Radio App 24

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Send your event listings to CrystAl visions presents

Asheville friends of AstroloGy

(pd.) Lee Carroll and Kryon “The New Human” Saturday, May 9 and Dr. Amber Wolf “Lemurian Sisterhood Sacred Circle” Sunday, May 10. For registration/information: 828-687-1193 or www.

ashevillefriendsofastrology. org • FR (4/17), 7pm - “Moving Right Along: Life after the Uranus-Pluto Square.” Held at EarthFare at Westgate, Westgate Shopping Center

hoW to use CrystAls And Gemstones for preCision heAlinG & enerGy BAlAnCinG (pd.) Live at Hilton Hotel in Asheville, May 16-17, 2015; advance registration required. Learn rare practical methods, including from Egypt, Europe, and Asia; very different from info found in most Crystals books today! Amazing selection of international Crystals also available on site, including True Vogel Crystals made by Vogel’s own Master Cutter. For Free Articles and more info: 828-298-7007 or www. open heArt meditAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 the Blue mAndAlA (pd.) Ongoing Workshops and Events, for full details visit our website. Available Tues-Sat by Appt. (some evening appts available)- Intuitive Crystal Readings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Reiki, Massage, Access Consciousness Bars Sessions,Vibrational Sound Healing; Free Spiritual Lending Library, Online Metaphysical Store Shipping coming soon. The Blue Mandala 1359 Cane Creek Road Fletcher, NC 28732 828-275-2755 Adult forum At fCC 692-8630, • SU (4/19), 9:15am “Conversation on Spiritual Practice of Discernment.” Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville

first ConGreGAtionAl uCC of hendersonville 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville, 692-8630, • SA (4/18), 8:30am4:30pm - “Faith and Climate Change: Inspiration and Empowerment,” workshop. Donations accepted. GrACe lutherAn ChurCh 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, • WEDNESDAYS (4/15) until (5/20), 5:45pm “Christianity’s Family Tree: What Others Believe and Why.” Free to attend. out to the nAtions • FR (4/17) through SU (4/19) - LGBTQ Christain conference. Held at The Hub, 278 Haywood Road sAi mAA enliGhtened livinG Group 279-7042 • WE (4/15), 5pm Meditation, Sai Maa Diksha blessing and discussion. Call for location. Free. shAmBhAlA meditAtion Center 19 Westwood Pl., 200-5120, • THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free. unitAriAn universAlist ConGreGAtion of Asheville 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am - Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free. ur liGht Center 2196 N.C. Hwy. 9, Black Mountain, 669-6845, urlight. org • 3rd SATURDAYS, 11am4pm - Mind Body Spirit Day. $12. urBAn dhArmA 29 Page Ave., 225-6422, • FR (4/17), 7-9pm “Introduction to Bon Buddhism.” $20 donation.

spoKen & Written Word Asheville storytellinG CirCle 274-1123, • 3rd MONDAYS, 7-9pm Meets at Asheville Terrace, 200 Tunnel Road. Free. BlACK BeAr Coffee Co. 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 692-6333, • MO (4/20), 7-8pm - Story Slam: New Beginnings open mic story telling. BlACK dome mountAin sports 140 Tunnel Road, 669-9566 • TH (4/23), 7:30pm - Mike Reardon and Sean Cobourn discuss their book Rumbling Bald Rock Climbs. Blue ridGe BooKs 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (4/18), 1pm - Diana Kenney discusses her book How Cancer Transformed Our Lives. Free to attend. • SA (4/18), 3pm - Kirk Thomas discusses his book Miscellaneous Musings and Other Odd Thoughts: The Desert Poems. Free to attend. BunComBe County puBliC liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/16), 6pm Swannanoa Book Club: Eaarth by Bill McKibben. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TH (4/16), 2:30pm - Skyland Book Club: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Klein. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • FR (4/17), 10am-6pm - Used book sale. Held at EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • TU (4/21), 7pm - Black Mountain Mystery Book Club: Dance for the Dead by Thomas Perry. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • TU (4/21), 7pm - Fairview Evening Book Club: Living with a Wild God by Barbara Ehrenreich. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview City liGhts BooKstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 5869499,

• TH (4/16), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet featuring Katherine Soniat. Free to attend. • SA (4/18), 3pm - Steven Harvey discusses his book The Book of Knowledge and Wonder. Free to attend. friends of mAdison County liBrAry 380-1054 • Through SA (4/18) - Spring Book Sale to benefit the library. Free to attend. Held at Madison County Library, 1335 N. Main St., Marshall literAry events At unCA • TH (4/16), 12:20pm - Gary Ettari and Lori Horvitz discuss their new books. Held in Karpen Hall. • TH (4/23), 6-8pm - Trans Student Union: Poetry Showcase. Held in Hyannis House. Free. mAlAprop’s BooKstore And CAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/15), 7pm - Joseph Bathani discusses his book The Life of the World to Come. • TH (4/16), 7pm - Steven Sherrill discusses his book Joy, PA. • SA (4/18), 2pm - Ann B. Ross discusses her book Miss Julia Lays Down the Law. • SU (4/19), 3pm - Writers at Home, monthly reading series. • SU (4/19), 4pm - Abigail Thomas discusses her book What Comes Next and How to Like It. • SU (4/19), 5pm Shakespeare Salon: Hamlet. • MO (4/20), 7pm - Christian Hageseth and Jospeh D’Agnese discuss their book

Big Weed: An Entrepreneur’s High-Stakes Adventures in the Budding Legal Marijuana Business. • TU (4/21), 7pm - Chris Hoke discusses his book Wanted: A Spiritual Pursuit Through Jail, Among Outlaws, and Across Borders & Brian Bliss discusses his book No Parking at the End Times. • WE (4/22), 7pm - Salon: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (4/23), 7pm - Amy Green discusses her book Long Man.

from certified professionals.

mountAins BrAnCh liBrAry 150 Bill’s Creek Road, Lake Lure, 287-6392, • TH (4/16), 11:30am - Lake Lure Books and Bites Series: Rose Senehi. $25.

(4/29), noon - Volunteer

open miC niGht nothingsopowerful@gmail. com • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Free to attend. Held at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Hwy., Candler synerGy story slAm, tlester33@gmail. com • WE (4/15), 7:30-9:30pm - Open mic storytelling night on the theme, “When Animals Attach.” Free to attend. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road

Learn more by emailing us ( Asheville AreA Arts CounCil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through MO (4/20) Volunteers needed to prepare for the Creative Sector Summit, held April 24 & 25. BiG Brothers BiG sisters of WnC 253-1470, • WEDNESDAYS (4/15) & information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. • SA (4/18), 1-2:30pm Painting activity volunteer info session. RSVP required. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. riverlinK 252-8474, • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm - Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Drive sAndhill Community GArden 58 Apac Circle, 250-4260


• SATURDAYS, 10am-noon - Volunteers are needed to help with growing produce

literACy CounCil seeKs volunteers (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support

for donation in this nonprofit community garden. For more volunteering opportunities visit

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


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Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve


Find local standup comedy info at • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer

Asheville’s Fan Fiction

asheville disclaimer

Briefs 1,000th certified Green Built house finished in certified white neighborhood Smokey’s Tavern wishes fond farewell to nervous smiles and wide-eyed looks of terror of uninitiated tourists entering premises

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Patients’ fears that they won’t become addicted to powerful prescription drugs are put to rest as local medicinal marijuana activist receives 2-year sentence During federal investigation, Lumber Liquidators Flooring owner frantically pries up boards to reveal still-beating heart that agents seem not to hear

Black Mountain’s Swannanoa Valley Museum ended a hiatus this week, opening its doors to the public with a slew of fresh exhibits. Stop by to see: • Potato that looks like NC Governor Zeb Vance; Also, sweet potato Rick Flair. • Black-and-white pictures of stuff. • Diorama of nearby civil war “Battle of the Guys Who Haven’t Let the Loss Fully Sink In.” • Cornerstone of the old courthouse, or one that’s pretty close in appearance. • New map room, including some maps with as high as 40% accuracy. • Period-costumed Elijah Mitchell pleading for help with the many broken bones from his fatal fall during a geological study. • Disoriented curator in a bathrobe. • Commemorative pack of smokes from Jesse Helms’ 1967 visit to call for unity among racial separatists and greedy bastards. • “Don’t let the door to WNC’s front porch hit you in the ass:” A retrospective of failed downtown boutiques and their exorbitant rental rates. • Official “pizza golf” map for the 19 pizza restaurants in Black Mountain. 26

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Stone medicine practitioner accused of malpractice ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — An Asheville medical stone worker has been accused of negligence after allegedly leaving a piece of quartz on a patient for over an hour. “Quartz, as we all know, provides total wellness and maternal comfort when placed upon of medical a patient,” said Dr. Accused stone malpractice Gene Stafford, the director of North Carolina’s Department of Natural Stone Medicine. “But in large doses, quartz rewrites the deep, subconscious spiritual programming of a non-rock entity and, sadly, this is one of those cases.” Jason Ellerbe just wanted to remember what it felt like to be loved by a mother, as he recounted in his complaint. “I asked the stone worker if maybe a pound of quartz was a lot of medicine for my first time, and she assured me that this was a standard Chinese dose,” recalled Ellerbe. Of course, everyone intuitively knows that proximity to a pound of quartz will erase your spiritual DNA, but Jason put his full trust in the highly accredited stone worker. “The stone worker casually slapped down a near-lethal dose of quartz on my belly,” said Jason, “and offered me a stone elixir that I suspect was not prepared on a full moon.” Before the hour was up, Jason’s bone marrow was replaced with pure soul, making him so spiritually ill that a Charlotte shaman had to be summoned to reverse the medical mishap. “Listen, quartz is found beneath the surface of the earth where it has gained tremendous medical power,” said Dr. Stafford. “If you or a loved one has overdosed on quartz, you must seek shamanic treatment immediately. Too many people hesitate, and by the time they are trying to describe their condition, they find they can only speak in pidgin Cherokee.” Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve











The importance of family





by Chuck Shepherd

On Feb. 9, a single traffic stop in Alderson, W. Va., resulted in the arrest of six people from the same family trafficking in stolen power tools (including one man who traded a leaf blower, hedge trimmer and weed trimmer for Percocet pills). However, a month later, members of an even more charming family were caught in raids in Elyria, Ohio. Officers from three jurisdictions arrested 34 people — all related to each other — in connection with a $400,000 drug operation.

rebelled at improving their diction, claiming that their “mumbling” adds “realism” to the films. • Attention to detail: Major League pitcher Max Scherzer, new this season to the Washington Nationals, informed manager Matt Williams in March, according to a New York Times report, that he requires assistance when he warms up during daily practice sessions. He spoke of the importance of simulating actual game conditions, and since Scherzer is a starting pitcher, he needed someone to stand beside him and hum “The Star-Spangled Banner” before he begins his practice pitching.

Government in action


• The predawn line in March actually started forming at midnight, snaking around the building in Maitland, Fla., but it wasn’t for concert tickets. The dozens of people needed coveted visitor passes just to speak to an IRS agent — because budget cuts and personnel reductions have limited services. “I just came here to verify my identity,” said one frustrated taxpayer, who arrived at 8 a.m. and would not be served that day. The agency said its budget had been cut by $1 billion since the congressional “sequestration” in 2011. • Nope, they haven’t grown back yet: Canada’s Department of Veterans Affairs requires any vet receiving disability benefits to have a doctor recertify the condition annually — including people like Afghan war double-leg amputee Paul Franklin. He complained to Canadian Broadcasting Corp. News in March that he had been harshly threatened with loss of benefits if he failed to file (even though the department told CBC News that it might perhaps relax the certification requirement to “every third year”).

Lawyers Brendan and Nessa Coppinger live in a Washington, D.C., row house next door to a tobacco user, whose smoke seeps into their unit, and (especially since Nessa is pregnant) the Coppingers have filed a $500,000 lawsuit against the neighbor. However, the anti-corruption website Republic Report found that one of Nessa Coppinger’s clients is Suncoke Energy, which is being sued by four Ohio residents who allege that Suncoke does to them what Coppinger’s neighbor does to her and her fetus. (Suncoke’s “clouds or haze,” containing particulates of lead, mercury, arsenic, chromium, creosote, coal tar pitch and other alarming substances, allegedly threatens the neighbors’ health and property values.)

Wait, what? • Several theaters in Denmark reported in March that they had begun adding subtitles — to Danish-language films — because so many customers complained that the dialogue was incomprehensible. Apparently, it is widely known that spoken Danish is harder to understand than the written, but Copenhagen’s website The Local reported that actors had

The continuing crisis • Superman: While thousands of Japanese women accept commercial pornographic movie roles, only a dwindling number of males (by one estimate, only 30 industrywide) are available to pair with them (“stallions on call,” according to one producer). That makes the undisputed king of Japanese porn, “Shimiken,” 35, in such demand that he works as many as six movies a day with few days off. His oeuvre, according to a double entendre-laden March profile

READ DAILY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.

in Details magazine, includes 7,000 films, with at least 7,500 “co-stars,” including, once, 72-year-old twins. To maintain his vigor, he hits the gym fanatically and downs mineral supplements and complex amino acids — but no Viagra. “I haven’t had to use it,” he said (adding, after a pause, “yet”). • Among Colorado’s legal contortions to improve mass murderer James Holmes’ chances of getting a “fair” trial, officials in January called more than 9,000 people to choose its jury of 12 (plus 12 alternates) who will somehow surmise whether the Aurora theater shooter was legally sane at the time he killed 12 and wounded 70. The 9,000 first had to complete lengthy questionnaires, with “thousands” returning for individual interrogation and many for follow-up screening. (Among the prospects the judge encountered was one man skeptical of the death penalty — except in the case of a “zombie apocalypse.” Said Judge Carlos Samour Jr., “You meet some interesting people in this job.”) Unclear on the concept Some states that rushed to enact systems to evaluate schoolteachers by the test scores of their students left the details of such regimens for later, resulting, for example, in absurdities like the Washington, D.C., public school custodians and lunchroom workers who a few years ago were being evaluated, in part, by student test scores in English and math. In March, a New York public school art teacher, writing in The Washington Post, complained that his coveted “effective” rating one year had dropped to “developing” simply because his school’s student math score had fallen. Furthermore, since he is now “developing,” he must file plans for improving his performance (i.e., how, from art class, he can raise math scores among students he does not teach). Quintessential Australia • In March, the Simoneau family in a town near Australia’s Sunshine Coast at first considered the three-foot-long slitherer to be one of the country’s ubiquitous snakes, but the home invader was moving very slowly and, it turned out, was merely from one of those hair-raising Australian species — gigantic earthworms. • Dogs and cats, as well as wild animals searching for food, sometimes show up with their heads caught in fences, buckets or food containers (and,

to avoid starvation, need to be freed by helpful humans). In a suburb of Adelaide, in March, a deadly Eastern brown snake turned up needing similar aid, but it being Australia, its head was stuck in a beer can. Marketing challenges • Burger King Japan commenced an April rollout — limited in duration and only in Japan — of Burger King-branded cologne (mimicking the Whopper’s savory “flame-grilled scent”). Early reviews were favorable, even though the launch date, suspiciously, was April 1. • A small Virginia defense contractor won a $7 million job recently to help Pentagon analysts sift through supercomputer research, and according to the industry watchdog Defense One, the firm has decided to stick with its long-ago-selected original name. Even though events have overtaken that name, the company will still be known as Isis Defense. Least competent criminals • Surveillance cameras revealed a man with a gun inside the Circle K in Palm Bay, Fla., on Jan. 31. Since the clerk was in the back, with the cash register locked, the man decided to wait for him — for 17 seconds, according to the video — but then, impatient, fled empty-handed. • According to a February Ormond Beach, Fla., police report, Matthew Semione, 26, handed a holdup note (implying that he was armed) to a Sun Trust bank teller, who walked away to get money. Semione grew weary of waiting and left empty-handed but was arrested minutes later. A News of the Weird classic (September 2010) To most, the toilet is merely functional, but to brilliant thinkers, it can be the birthplace of masterpieces. Thus, the price tags were high this summer (2010) when commodes belonging to two creative giants went on sale. In August, a gaudily designed toilet from John Lennon’s 1969-71 residence in Berkshire, England, fetched 9,500 pounds (about $14,740) at a Liverpool auction, and a North Carolina collectibles dealer opened bids on the toilet upon which reclusive author J.D. Salinger spent many hours while at his home in Cornish, N.H. The dealer’s initial price was $1 million because, “who knows how many of Salinger’s stories were thought up and written while (he) sat on this throne!” X

APRIL 15 - APRIL 21, 2015


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Upcoming Classes 4/19 Medicinal Plant Walk –w/ Abby Artemesia 1 pm

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4/30 Nosh & Knowledge –w/ Heather Buzzard 7 pm To register: call 828-552-3334 or register online at 28

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

A new 24-hour, urgent care center and crisis facility in Asheville aims to do more than place a BandAid on mental health and addiction problems. Smoky Mountain LME/ MCO, which manages public funds for behavioral health and developmental disability services in Western North Carolina, plans to open the new Biltmore Avenue facility on Jan. 1, 2016, across from Mission Hospital. The new center will be named C3@356 for Comprehensive Care Center at 356 Biltmore Ave. “This comprehensive care center will operate under a philosophy that recovery from addiction or mental illness is not only possible — it happens,” says brian ingraham, chief executive of Smoky Mountain. Earlier this year, the agency secured nearly $2 million in grants from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services for the new facility. The grant was awarded through the department’s Crisis Solutions Initiative, a statewide effort to improve mental health and substance abuse crisis services, he explains. The center will fill a gap in mental health care and addiction facilities in Western North Carolina, says Ingraham, serving Asheville and surrounding counties with around-theclock care. Medicaid and other forms of insurance will be accepted, and state dollars are allocated to cover services offered at the facility. Its “staff will offer crisis resolution, support, safety and real options for recovery,” Ingraham says, adding, “The co-location of multiple services at one site reflects a vision of community partners to

cRiSiS manaGEmEnt: C3@356 will offer 24-hour emergency medical care for addiction and mental health issues. It hopes to reduce ER visits to Mission Health next door, as well as offer preventive and comprehensive care for those in need. Photo by Pat Barcas

provide ‘whole-person’ care to people in need of medical, clinical and pharmacy services.” The new facility will provide housing, community and peer support, treatment teams and a pharmacy. It will also address another care crunch: With 16 beds for adults and children, the new center will ease the crowded hospital and emergency room system in Buncombe County. Each year, there are an estimated 150,000 visits to emergency departments across the state for acute psychiatric or addictive disorder crises. “Care at the emergency department is not targeted to meet these patients’ needs; it’s not

sufficient, and everyone who goes to the ER for behavioral health is displacing somebody who needs emergency medical trauma care,” says Genny Pugh, senior director for the Community Collaboration Department at Smoky Mountain. Preventive care, although more expensive up front, is more effective at treating long-term addiction and mental health issues than merely stabilizing a patient temporarily in the ER, says Pugh. She adds that the cost evens out over the long term as people get quality care upfront, without going through the revolving door of emergency care. “It’s a culture change for this region. We’ll have under this roof

a full continuum of care. In offering that, we’ll be getting ahead of the crisis, to become more of a place where people come in for routine services, crisis prevention and living more successfully in recovery,” says Pugh. “Hopefully we can diminish the number of people in crisis by having something they can access much earlier in the process.” The Neil Dobbins Detoxification Center, which is across the street, will be repurposed from an adults-only facility into a crisis facility exclusively for youths and children once the new Smoky Mountain center is completed. Dr. Paul martin, medical director at Dobbins, will transfer to C3@356 and continue to work in the addiction field as the new center takes on the demand from Dobbins. From January 2010 to December 2011, Dobbins was running at capacity, according to the Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission — typically at a mid-90 percent utilization rate,

which can be considered maxed out in the health care industry. It had 432 admissions, with a total annual cost of treatment exceeding $682,000. The number of people seeking treatment for prescription drug addiction at the Dobbins Center has jumped disproportionately since then, says Martin. Mental health and addiction centers such as C3@356 oftentimes aren’t at the top of the list for budgetary considerations and are usually subject to a reduced budget instead of cash infusions, says Pugh. She describes the past year of planning for the new center as “really intense” and stresses how the health professionals involved are grateful for the funding. “It’s almost as if the planets have aligned. I don’t know that we often see in our system this kind of partnership, this kind of success in pulling funding together in such a short time period. It is remarkable,” says Pugh. “We’d like to still be around at this facility decades from now, doing good work, and that’s a big part of the responsibility of the implementation here.”X

Blaizing Lotus

By the numbers • Each year about 1,000 people die from unintentional medication or drug overdoses in North Carolina. — N.C. Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch • accidental drug overdoses in the state from prescription pain medications — such as methadone, oxycodone and hydrocodone — are taking more lives than heroin and cocaine combined, and heroin deaths have nearly tripled since 2011. — Injury-Free North Carolina at UNC Chapel Hill and the state’s Division of Public Health • The average age of death from drug overdose in the state is between 35 and 45 years old. And from 1999 to 2013, unintentional medication or drug overdose deaths have increased from 234 to 992 in 2013. — Injury-Free North Carolina at UNC Chapel Hill and the state’s Division of Public Health • In 2013 (the most recent data available), 28 percent of all fatal crashes in the state involved alcohol, and crashes involving injury were 4.5 times more likely to include a fatality if alcohol was involved. — N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts and the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles • Of North Carolina’s 100 counties, buncombe ranked 20th in the number of people who sought aid at an ER for substance abuse-related issues. The state average for ER visits for substance userelated issues per 100,000 people was 1,249 in 2007. Buncombe County’s number per 100,000 people was 1,622. — Asheville-Buncombe Drug Commission 2012 annual report • 13 percent of individuals with a mental health crisis treated in an emergency room or facility will return within 30 days. — N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. X

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Wellness Attention CliniCiAns And EDUCATORS • CONFERENCE ON Autism (pd.) Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 8:30am4pm, Asheville, NC. SUWS of the Carolinas ( is hosting Dr. Jed Baker, Director of the Social Skills Training Project. His presentation, All Kids Can Succeed, is for Clinicians and Educators to learn about working with individuals on the Autism Spectrum. • Breakfast and Lunch included. CEU’s awarded. $100 to attend. Contact Roslyn Walker, 704-408-7791, Attention mAssAGe therApists (pd.) Earn 12 CEUs. • Positional Release: June 27-28, Johnson City, TN and July 25-26, Asheville, NC. • Assisted Stretching, October 24-25, Ocracoke, NC. NCBMBT Approved Provider. Information/registration: 828-337-6749. CounCil on AGinG of BunComBe County 277-8288, • WE (4/15), 3:30-5:30pm - “Medicare Choices Made Easy,” health insurance workshop. Registration required. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville

offer expires 5/11/15

JuBilee Community ChurCh 46 Wall St., 252-5335, jubileecommunity. org • TU (4/21), 7-9pm - Spring cleanse cooking class. $20. nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness 505-7353, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (5/14), 6 -8:30pm - Class for family members and caregivers of adults living with severe mental illness. Free. Held at 356 Biltmore Ave. tAoist tAi Chi soCiety • MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Intermediate Tai Chi class. Donations required. Held at Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, 2 Science Mind Way

support Groups

Vote for the BEST N A I C I S Y PH 30

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Adult Children of AlCoholiCs & dysfunCtionAl fAmilies • Visit for full listings. Al-Anon/ AlAteen fAmily Groups 800-286-1326, • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit AlCoholiCs Anonymous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or Asheville Women for soBriety 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – Held at YWCA

of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave.

overComers of domestiC violenCe

AsperGer’s teens united AspergersTeensUnited • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details.

665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler

BrAinstormers ColleCtive • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - For brain injury survivors and supporters. Codependents Anonymous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8pm – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. deBtors Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. depression And BipolAr support AlliAnCe 367-7660, • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road diABetes support 213-4788, • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm - In Room 3-B. Held at Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive eleCtrosensitivity support • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact hopefulandwired@ or 255-3350. emotions Anonymous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road food AddiCts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. men WorKinG on life’s issues 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location. nAr-Anon fAmily Groups • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness 505-7353, • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual diagnosis group. Held at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. our voiCe trAumA eduCAtion series 252-0562, trauma-education-series • 3rd TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - For survivors of sexual violence, ages 18+. Registration required. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801

overComers reCovery support Group • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road overeAters Anonymous • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit for full listings. reCoverinG Couples Anonymous • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road s-Anon fAmily Groups 258-5117, • For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. shiftinG GeArs 683-7195 • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Group-sharing for those in transition in careers, relationships, etc. Contact for location. smArt reCovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sunrise peer support volunteer serviCes • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sylvA Grief support • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.h.e. Center for disordered eAtinG 337-4685, • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. • 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Teaches parents, spouses & loved ones how to support individuals during eating disorder treatment. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. undereArners Anonymous • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


g R E E N


Apples for Hillcrest A community orchard brings a new green space to the public housing neighborhood

bY caRRiE EiDSon Send your sustainability news to

When Asheville resident calvin allen was growing up in Hillcrest Apartments, he remembers the neighborhood being a bit shadier. “When I grew up here, there were a lot of fruit trees and shade trees, but a lot of them have been cut down now,” Allen says. “A lot of these kids now don’t have that connection to trees because there just aren’t hardly any trees around here anymore.” Over the years, the Housing Authority of the City of Asheville has removed trees from Hillcrest, located next to future Interstate 26, for reasons including rot, potential damage to property and safety concerns. Other trees that weren't cut down were trimmed back to prevent interference with the development’s security cameras, reducing shade coverage. The result is a neighborhood that can feel a bit barren. Allen says he and other residents knew that the environmental


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

nonprofit Asheville GreenWorks had planted fruit trees in Pisgah View Apartments a few years ago and hoped to see a similar project come to their neighborhood. In fact, notes HACA project manager Samantha bowers, the housing authority and GreenWorks have partnered to plant over 300 trees in public housing properties over the years. And according to Eric bradford, volunteer coordinator for GreenWorks, planting an orchard in Hillcrest was on the top of the to-do list. “Hillcrest doesn’t feel very inviting for the folks who live there,” Bradford notes. “There are tall fences around the neighborhood and cameras on all the buildings. Trees are restricted due to line of sight for the cameras, and it just looks very industrial. It doesn’t look like the home it is for all the people who live there.” In March, GreenWorks was awarded a $20,000 TD Green Streets grant for urban forestry projects from TD Bank and the National Arbor Day Foundation. With help from the Hillcrest Residents’ Council and tenants including Allen, GreenWorks conducted a survey to gauge the public housing community’s interest in bringing an orchard to the development. A spot was soon selected — a vacant lot created when a row of apartments burned down in 2010.

Room to GRow: Thanks to a grant from TD Bank and the National Arbor Day Foundation, Asheville GreenWorks has installed a production orchard and community green space in a vacant lot in Hillcrest Apartments. Photo by Pat Barcas

“We did a lot of research, we talked to the community, we sampled the soil to make sure it was good,” Allen recalls. “It really took a lot of community input.”

Farm Your Yard!

The grant funded the purchase of 24 full-grown semidwarf apple trees — already capable of bearing fruit — and 36 blueberry bushes that were planted by Hillcrest

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residents, TD Bank employees and Asheville GreenWorks volunteers on Saturday, April 11. The 10-year-old apple trees, which grow no taller than 20 feet, will produce shade but won’t interfere with security cameras. Bradford notes that no industrial sprays, pesticides or herbicides will be used in the orchard. While that may mean smaller apples with a few spots, it will also mean increased access to healthy foods in the low-income neighborhood that is isolated from grocery stores. And, Bradford continues, the yield produced in the orchard could become an ongoing revenue source for the community through distribution at local farmers markets. GreenWorks and the residents’ council are also pursuing a possible partnership with a local cider maker. “That’s why we consider this a long-term project — there’s lot of different ways it can go,” Bradford says. “People talk about wanting to buy local. You can’t get much more local than Hillcrest in the center of Asheville.” In addition to being a production orchard, the goal is for the vacant lot to become a small park and community gathering space. The site plan, designed by tom mainolfi of Carolina Native Landscapes, also includes raised beds that will be constructed by GreenWorks volunteers, benches that will be built by students from Green Opportunities and a pollinator garden, all being installed later this summer. Bradford adds that GreenWorks will also plant climbing plants along the surrounding fence to help block out noise from I-26. Hillcrest's orchard will be the sixth community orchard that

GreenWorks has installed in the city. HACA CEO Gene bell notes that the transformation of the vacant lot is a “really important project” for the development. “It’s a great opportunity for the community both in Hillcrest and outside Hillcrest to see the positive things that are happening in these public housing communities,” Bell says. Allen adds that residents also plan to use the space to honor Hillcrest residents who have passed away, including community organizers and a former day care center teacher, through memorial plaques on each of the trees. While GreenWorks will remain involved as a source of support, Hillcrest residents will be maintaining the orchard. The TD Green Streets grant provided for GreenWorks’ inaugural TreeKeepers Conference in late March where five Hillcrest residents, including Allen, were trained by local arborists and landscape professionals on proper techniques for tree planting and care and how to select native plants for landscapes. Grant funds will also compensate the five Hillcrest treekeepers for their time as they care for the new trees throughout the summer. “We have trees now but not a lot of shade,” Allen says. “It’ll be a great place where you can just go sit in the shade and be able to lose yourself cause you’re surrounded by trees. Well, as much as you can lose yourself when you’re right next to a highway.” A public gathering and celebration of the orchard will be held this fall. The Hillcrest Fall Harvest Festival will include family activities, an apple press and a pop-up farmers market and is tentatively scheduled for Oct 3. X

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



Salad days GaRDEn GooDiES: Davie Roberts, bar manager at Rosetta’s Kitchen, presents the restaurant’s salad plate, left, and Buddha Bowl, right. In spring, Rosetta’s garden salad features wild greens like chickweed rather than packaged organic spring mix. Photo by Pat Barcas

Asheville chefs season our plates with seasonal greens

bY DoRotHY foLtZ-GRaY

The shy return of baby greens — kale, dandelion greens, watercress — elates our salad plates. And local chefs perk up as well. In spring, Rosetta Star buan, owner of Rosetta’s on Lexington Avenue, plumps her restaurant’s garden salad with local greens


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

like chickweed instead of packaged organic spring mix. “Wild chickweed goes crazy in the spring before other greens get big leaves,” says Buan. “It’s like a pre-crop, light, succulent and mild like lettuce.” Rosetta’s is also tossing up a massaged kale salad — one of her special deli seasonal salads. “We massage kale with the dressing so that the vinegar and salts can get in the leaves, then marinate it for a few hours,” says Buan. “That makes the kale much more tender.” Buan also does a springlike vegan salad year-round, the sea veggie salad made with wakame (an East Asian brown seaweed), daikon (a mild radish, also East Asian) and carrots with a toasted sesame miso dressing. “What makes a good salad,” says Buan, “is a balance of bitter, sweet, salt and savory. A common mistake people make is to stick to the same vegetables. Break away from lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Anything can go in a salad.” Every week or so, Modesto on Page Avenue shifts its salad menu too. One tasty number is romaine lightly grilled on a wood-fired stove dressed with warm garlic oil (including crunchy bits of toasted garlic) and preserved lemon. Another is a salad made with local arugula tossed with lemon truffle oil and pecorino cheese. Another place to ease arugula longing is Zambra’s on Walnut

Street. Chef adam bannasch makes an arugula salad as high as Marge Simpson’s hairdo but much prettier, sprinkled with candied pecans and wafers of manchego (a Spanish sheep’s milk cheese) tweaked with a cherry mojo, a Spanish-style dressing with olive oil, dried cherries and fresh citrus juice. aaron thomas, chef and owner of Nine Mile on Montford Avenue in Asheville and on Haywood in West Asheville, offers four to five salads at lunch and dinner, made with local ingredients when possible. A recent special by chef frank Hayden included a host of spring items such as mixed greens, jicama (a Mexican white turniplike juicy root), bean sprouts, toasted almonds and orange Sriracha (a spicy red chili pepper and garlic sauce) dressing. Thomas also relishes the Easy Skanking, named after a Bob Marley song: grilled tuna and pineapple, mixed greens and ginger feta are just the highlights in a salad “skanking” with mint and mango vinaigrette. Another favorite: The Groundation, named after a 1990s California reggae band, is plump with mixed greens, feta cheese, Kalamata olives and chickpeas swinging with a sesame garlic tahini dressing. For Thomas, a good salad has “superfresh” ingredients dressed

more expressively than the diehards ranch, Thousand Island and French dressing can muster. “People tend to add too many ingredients to salads, and then they become bowls of nothing distinctive,” he says. Not that’s he’s hesitant when he’s hungry. He likes to make himself a hearty salad of mixed greens, bacon tempeh (made from slightly fermented soybeans), toasted almonds, red onion, chickpeas, and carrots tossed with sesame tahini dressing. Thomas uses a local tempeh, Smiling Hara, to make the bacon, marinating it in liquid smoke, maple syrup and soy sauce. Sadly, he says that’s not going to be a menu item anytime soon. If you’re after retro, try the black ‘n’ blue wedge salad at Luella’s Bar-B-Que on Merrimon Avenue: an iceberg lettuce wedge dressed up with half a deviled egg, an ample strip of barbecued brisket, green onions, blue cheese and a choice of housemade dressings from black pepper blue cheese to creamy basil. “Since I was a kid, I’ve loved the marriage of cold, crisp iceberg lettuce with creamy blue cheese dressing,” says jeff miller, Luella’s proprietor and pit boss. “It was the kale Caesar salad of its day. Ours bends the wedge tradition just enough to make it Luella’s.” Miller defines good salad as “a variety of contrasting textures and flavors: soft and crisp, salty and sweet, creamy and tangy, even cold and hot.” The path to salad disaster? “A room temperature salad or a puddle of dressing in the salad bowl,” adds Miller. For those who like some freedom of choice, Loretta’s on Lexington Avenue offers garden, Caesar and chef’s salads that can be prettied with any of 12 protein sides from avocado to cashew-olive spread, plus a choice of seven dressings. The salads (and all the dishes) arrive in vintage colored oval plastic baskets, former staple at drive-ins and diners. If spring greens mixed with whatever else is poking its head up in the garden feature among your cravings, Asheville chefs aren’t about to let your yens go unsatisfied. Crunch on. X

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Kat McReynolds

Brewing across industries Waking Life Espresso takes a lesson from the beer world

Open for dinner Mon-Sat 5:30 p.m.–until Bar opens at 5:00 p.m. Now serving Sunday Brunch 10:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. LIVE MUSIC Tue., Thu., Fri. & Sat. Nights Also during Sunday Brunch

Locally inspired cuisine.

Located in the heart of downtown Asheville. 20 Wall Street, Asheville 828-252-4162

Brewing Company Asheville, NC

Full bar . Full kitchen

Food served til 11 pM nightly Monday $3 pint night Tuesday cask night Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills Thursday $4 well drinks Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies

$12/ dozen Mon-Fri 3-6pm! (828) 575-9370 625 Haywood Rd • West Asheville Mon-Thur 3-11 • Fri 3-12 • Sat 12-12 • Sun 12-11 36

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Like Asheville’s notoriously crafty beer community, Waking Life Coffee co-owners jared Rutledge and jacob owens take their brewing seriously. By borrowing the concept of flash-chilling from brewers, the two say they’ve surpassed other methods of preparing iced coffee, including the popular cold-brew process. And with a new distribution deal with locally based beverage distributors Sour Grapes, a recently launched online sales portal and a promising second location in East Asheville, Waking Life’s caffeinated creations are poised to please coffee lovers near and far. tHE vaLuE of fLaSH cHiLLinG A blend of factors determines each morning java or afternoon pick-meup’s final taste, but Rutledge and Owens focus on brew temperature over time. “The core concepts you have to use when brewing coffee remain the same, no matter what,” Owens explains, “and the previous coldbrew methods were breaking all those rules” by attempting to replace higher initial water temperature with a lengthier brew time. Even in the recommended 12- to 24-hour steep, room-temperature water can’t extract each bean’s unique terroir, he says. That often results in a “flat, generic taste — maybe with some chocolate notes.” Another common mistake is slow cooling after a hot brew, say both baristas. “Coffee oils are volatile, and they degrade very quickly,” says Rutledge. “So if coffee cools down slowly — especially as it goes through the food-temperature danger zone — the aromas degrade, and you get a nasty, funky taste like cardboard.” Waking Life’s 4-minute method resolves both problems — incomplete extraction and flavor degradation — by brewing hot and chilling quickly.

cHEERS to tHat: Waking Life Espresso owners Jared Rutledge, left, and Jacob Owens brew their coffee hot and cool it quickly with a wort-chilling device traditionally used for making beer. The resulting flash-chilled coffee, they say, is the best they’ve ever tasted. Photo by Kat McReynolds

“The water goes in at 200 degrees, and by the time it’s done brewing, it’s below 80 degrees,” says Rutledge. The pair credit Wicked Weed’s walt Dickinson and Mountain Air Roasting’s marshall Hance with the suggestion of using a wort (pre-fermented beer) chiller on their coffee in early 2014, when the three companies teamed up to make a collaborative coffee stout. While the process of manipulating temperatures does require additional energy and, thus, added expense, Owens and Rutledge say their unique beverage will continue to impress casual drinkers and fellow coffee geeks alike — especially when the Flash Dream slushy (made with Waking Life’s flash-chilled coffee plus other local ingredients) debuts later this summer. “It’s kind of a shame to brew [coffee] any other way than perfect. [The flash-chilling] method allows us to do that,” says Owens.

bEYonD buncombE “We’ve been doing it all ourselves,” says Owens of the new brew’s local distribution. Waking Life’s cold elixir is already available at many grocery stores and specialty shops around Asheville. The Sour Grapes partnership, however, will introduce the product to consumers in Charlotte, the Research Triangle, Greenville and Charleston in South Carolina and Atlanta in addition to smaller towns in between. The busy partners also launched their product for sale online at avl. mx/0ul in February, making their bottled four-packs accessible anywhere in the U.S. Waking Life’s draft nitro coffee (yes, you read that correctly), which they hope to start canning later this year, will also be available in both the West Asheville shop and the soon-to-be-finalized East Asheville location. Stay tuned for details about the new East Asheville store. Waking Life Espresso is at 976 Haywood Road in West Asheville. More info: X

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015





Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

Sanctuary Brewing Sanctuary Brewing announces plans for Hendersonville and a Furry Friends beer dinner

Most new breweries want to talk about their beer. But for joe Dinan and Lisa mcDonald, the team behind Sanctuary Brewing, it’s all about something else: the animals. The couple, who plan to work together to open Sanctuary Brewing this summer in downtown Hendersonville, have long been animal rights advocates. “When I was a legal consultant, I was on the road constantly,” says McDonald. “But whenever I’d get some time off at home, we’d foster a new animal.” From puppies and kittens to chickens — even a goat — their home was open to whatever they could accommodate on their 3-acre homestead. Some animals actually never left. “We recently adopted a pig,” says McDonald. “But he’s not out on the property. … He lives in the house.” Beyond fostering animals, McDonald and Dinan describe themselves as farm animal rights activists. McDonald is vegan, and Dinan is vegetarian. Both currently volunteer with Blue Ridge Humane Society, Asheville Humane Society and Brother Wolf. All three of those organizations could play a role in the brewery itself when it opens, as animal welfare will be integrated with Sanctuary Brewing in a variety of ways — including, hopefully, the taproom. “We’re still batting around ideas with those organizations as far as how to work together, but we’re hoping we can do something similar to what Aloft hotel is doing right now: We’d like to host a foster animal for an evening or whatever makes sense and try to get them adopted straight from the taproom,” says McDonald. While the two have a business plan, the realities of any small business will mean other tie-ins with animal rescue organizations and


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

PEt PRojEct: Joe Dinan and Lisa McDonald, the team behind Sanctuary Brewing, share their 3-acre Flat Rock homestead with a number of adopted animals — including a pig named Oliver. Photo by Cindy Kunst

shelters will change as the business grows. “Giving back to the shelters we work with is huge, but we’re not sure what we’ll be able to do at first,” says Dinan. “Eventually we’d like to get to where 1-2 percent [of sales] could consistently go to those groups, but when we start out we’ll see. … We hope to at least have one beer on tap where $1 or so goes to one of those groups.” As far as beer and business goes, the pair say they’re ready to hit the ground running. Dinan is a former employee of Thirsty Monk and a current brewery employee at Wicked Weed, where he focuses on the barrel-aged beers and sours. For the initial lineup, Dinan says to expect about a dozen beers. “I think we’ll start out with a few IPAs, a coffee stout and a Berliner weiss and see how it goes,” says Dinan. “I definitely love saisons, too, so we’ll hopefully be able to do a lot of farmhouse-style beers.” Rounding out the tap list will be a cider and a beer or two from

Hendersonville neighbor Southern Appalachian Brewery. “andy and Kelly cubbin [the owners of Southern Appalachian] were the first people we told about our brewery,” says McDonald. “We wanted to make sure there was an alignment … and they’ve been just great mentors since then. We cannot say enough good things about them.” Sanctuary Brewing will host an open house event at 147 First Ave. E., Hendersonville, on at 6 p.m. Friday, May 8. For more information on the brewery, including crowdfunding efforts, visit: www. fuRRY fRiEnDS bEER fEaSt Speaking of Blue Ridge Humane Society, the shelter has another big event coming up even sooner in the South Slope at Catawba Brewing’s new brewery and tasting room. The Furry Friends Beer Feast, organized by Gary Glancy, is being presented jointly by Catawba and the Blue

Ridge Humane Society along with Budweiser of Asheville, Greenlife Grocery and Ward and Smith, P.A. On Sunday, April 26, diners can expect five dishes from jerami jones, traci taylor and treavis taylor of Fig Bistro with a few — OK, actually make that nine — beers. The beer lineup includes local favorites from Oskar Blues, Sierra Nevada, Southern Appalachian and Catawba along with legendary beers like Russian River’s Pliny the Elder, The Alchemist’s Heady Topper, Alesmith’s Speedway Stout and Founder’s KBS. “It’s probably safe to say there’s never been a public beer-dinner lineup like this — anywhere. Any one of these elusive beers would be an enormous draw on their own, but all four together, combined with the incredible local brews? It’s pretty epic,” says Glancy. Tickets are $125, a portion of which is tax-deductible, and are on sale now at: http://ashevillealetrail. com/furry-friends. X





WednesdAy Asheville BreWinG: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm CAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills frenCh BroAd: $8.50 growler fills hiGhlAnd: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm lexinGton Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day one World: Live music: The Sun Wranglers, 8 pm osKAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm

oyster house: $2 off growler fills pisGAh: Live music: Shampoo Trio, 6 pm Food truck: Latino Heat WedGe: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

southern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: Peggy Ratusz Trio, 8pm


sundAy thursdAy Asheville BreWinG: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location frenCh BroAd: Live music: Ghost of Paul Revere (holler-folk), 6pm

Asheville BreWinG: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location BuriAl Beer Co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out)

one World: Live music: Poet Radio, 9pm

hiGhlAnd: Pints For Patriots: $1 of every beer purchase donated to Veterans Helping Veterans, 1pm

osKAr Blues: Live music: Carver & Carmody, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon

osKAr Blues: Food truck: Avery’s Hot Dogs

pisGAh: Butcher’s Table Dinner w/ Foothills Local Meats, 6:30pm; Live music: Gaslight Street, 8pm southern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: The Secret B-Sides, 7pm


WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)



MOUTH! downtown delivery

oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

Lucky #7 combos and full menu online at

pisGAh: 10-Year Anniversary Party, gates open 2pm; Live music: Leftover Salmon, Pimps of Joytime, Dead 27s & more, 3pm

WedGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

southern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: Vintage Vinyl, 4pm; Food truck: Farm To Fender

55 College St, Downtown Asheville


WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

parking at the rankin ramp

frenCh BroAd: Live music: The Low Counts (rock), 6pm hiGhlAnd: CD Release: Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats, 7pm; Food truck: Gypsy Queen & Smashbox osKAr Blues: Smoky Mountain Relay; Firkin Friday: Quadzilla Dale’s; Live music: The Deer Run Drifters, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon pisGAh: Live music: Bloodkin w/ Sam Holt, 9pm southern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: Electric Campfire, 8pm

mondAy AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm Asheville BreWinG: New brew: Lemon Space Dog (American wheat) one World: Service industry night: $4 pints; Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

WedGe: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese) tuesdAy sAturdAy frenCh BroAd: Live music: Carolina Wray (Americana), 6pm hiGhlAnd: Live music: Mangas Colorado, 7pm; Food truck: Gypsy Queen & Smashbox osKAr Blues: Hope For Holmes Fundraiser: silent auction & raffle, 12pm; Live music: Cody Siniard, The Levi Garrett Band & The Shotgun Gypsies, 12pm; Live music: Calvin Get Down, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys


Asheville BreWinG: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints

Publishes 05.06.15

Space Guarantee


one World: Live music: Ashley Raines & the New West Revue, 8pm osKAr Blues: Tasty Tuesday: NC Beer Month Blonde Ale; Cornhole league, 6pm; Food truck: Chameleon

Contact us today! 828-251-1333

oyster house: Cask night

pisGAh: History trivia w/ Swannanoa Valley Museum, 6:30pm


WedGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015





LA Story Former Ashevilleans grow their careers in California

bY aLLi maRSHaLL

Asheville is more than just an address. Constantly changing, often inspiring and sometimes maddening, it’s played a role in the lives of some acclaimed artists (Bela Bartok, F. Scott Fitzgerald), while others (Thomas Wolfe, O. Henry) couldn’t seem to get away soon enough. And though those names date back to the 20th century, this mountain town continues to attract and foster creative types. But just because they get started here doesn’t mean Asheville is the right place for every artist to remain. So where do you go when you aspire to more than Western North Carolina can offer? For these four former Ashevilleans, the answer was Los Angeles. wEatHER oR not What does LA have that Asheville doesn’t? Jobs and consistent sunshine top the list, and though those whom Xpress polled moved west for the former, the latter aspect has definitely had a hand in keeping them there. “Think about who you are as a human being and decide where you want to place that self,” advises actor chris chalk. New York, Chicago and Atlanta all have their own acting scenes, each offering advantages that might speak to particular personality types, he says. “So if you hate the sun, don’t come to LA.” Chalk, who grew up in Asheville, was settled in New York when a job — the role of Gary Cooper in the HBO series “The Newsroom” — brought him to California. “I thought I would never, ever, ever come to Los Angeles,” he says. “I had that pretentious New York actor thing going, like, ‘I’m a hustler.’ ... I got here, and now there’s nowhere else on earth I’d rather be.”


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Scott Kinnebrew had a similar realization. He was based in Asheville when a friend in California asked his band to play her wedding. Kinnebrew drove cross-country for the gig, planning to stick around afterward just to check out the city. “But as soon as I got here, I felt it,” he says. “I was walking down the street thinking, ‘Maybe I want to give it a little bit longer.’” That was nearly 10 years ago. “You do get used to weather,” says Kinnebrew. “You think, ‘I want some weather. I want some thunderstorms ... but I don’t want it to rain for too long.’” Not that a steady supply of vitamin D is solely responsible for his lengthy tenure there. Kinnebrew felt he’d hit a wall in Asheville with the swamp-tinged Americana act Scrappy Hamilton; LA offered opportunities to expand the band’s horizons. First came the album Once or Twice Every Thousand Years, the group’s poppier turn. After that, a songwriter circle at Crane’s Hollywood Tavern birthed the

StaR tRacK: From roles on “The Newsroom,” “Homeland” and Twelve Years a Slave to a new part in “Gotham,” Asheville High alumnus Chris Chalk is experiencing success in LA. “Find what you love doing, and the money will come,” he says. “I have to remind myself to remain available for surprise.” Photo by Jenny Tunberg

short-lived Denim Family Band, followed soon after by Truth & Salvage Co. A roots-rock group that included Kinnebrew and fellow former Ashevilleans Walker Young, Bill “Smitty” Smith and Joe Edel, Truth & Salvage caught the attention of Black Crowes frontman Chris Robinson, who recorded their debut on his Silver Arrow label. “Came here on a different train / Saw everybody in the smoggy rain, and well / Hollywood, never thought would

appeal to me. ... We’re singin’ with angels / late-night dancing with the devil / whatever you want to find, you will find,” they sing on the track “Welcome to L.A.” aLL in a DaY’S woRK Song fodder aside, career moves are clearly a key part of LA’s allure — though it’s not always a case of fame and fortune. Simple numbers help tell the story: As of 2007, the city was home to nearly half a million businesses, compared with 12,773 for Asheville, census data show. “I already had opportunities for contract work, working on productions out here,” says bradan Dotson, a production assistant and associate producer of music videos. Those jobs came through a buddy who was based in LA. Dotson’s transition was further eased by his position as director of digital media at Creative Allies, an Asheville startup whose employees




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caLifoRnia DREaminG: Truth & Salvage Co., around the time of the band’s 2010 self-titled debut. Scott Kinnebrew is in the center, with a headband and beard. Photo by Tony Byrd


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

are now scattered across the U.S. And making the move with his girlfriend and his brother gave Dotson a built-in support system. (Bradan and Parker Dotson both play in the indie-rock band Antique Firearms.) “We moved out of Asheville so there wouldn’t be any woulda-coulda-shouldas for us,” says Dotson. “And I’ve always wanted to live in a major city.” As of 2013, the Census Bureau pegged Asheville’s population at 87,236; Los Angeles, meanwhile, was approaching 4 million. Photographer maggie west left Asheville for the West Coast six years ago, though she wasn’t sure she’d make a living with her camera. “Part of the reason I moved to LA is because of the variety of jobs within the entertainment industry,” she says. “I was initially really interested in production design and ended up doing some work in that field before becoming a full-time photographer.” These days, West primarily works on fashion and beauty shoots, doing some celebrity and music portraiture on the side. She’s shot ads for Ford, Dr Pepper and Budweiser and counts Spike Lee, Pharrell Williams, Common and other celebs among her clientele. “I wanted to move someplace where I could grow as an artist,” she says. “While I love Asheville, I just wanted to be in a city where there were more work opportunities and other artists to collaborate with. One of the best things about doing what I do in LA is that I regularly get to work with models, stylists and makeup artists from all over the world.” And in a city that presents opportunities for people willing to hustle and work their way up, West advises those looking to get ahead to “intern and assist for free. The people who do that a lot tend to meet way more cool people and can eventually get better-paid assisting jobs.” For Chalk, experience and perseverance paid off. “Being a black dude — any minority — it can get really nonspecific,” he says about the film and TV roles he’s encountered. “I look for anything that lends itself to a full-rounded human being.” Last month the actor announced that he’d be appearing as a young Lucius Fox in the DC Comicsthemed TV series “Gotham.”

wHat DREamS maY comE But while Chalk relocated to LA mainly to further his artistic aspirations, for Dotson, it was more of a mix of career opportunities. Antique Firearms is currently writing and recording its third album, though the move meant the loss of two band members who chose to stay in Asheville. “It’s a step back to basics,” the musician says. “We’re getting back to a more experimental tone. We’re trying to make songs that are unique and cultivating our own sound.” The good news is that longtime collaborator and producer Will Worthington has agreed to settle in Southern California. “The game plan is that it will be the three of us in a recording and live setting, with looping and all of us playing multiple instruments,” says Dotson. Speaking of his brother and Worthington, he adds, “When the three of us are together, that’s when the magic happens.” [Editor’s note: Since the writing of the story, Parker has returned to Asheville, and Bradan reports that he will be recording a non-Antique Firearms album.] But Kinnebrew offers a darker perspective. “You give it a shot, and you end up doing a combination of what you thought you were going to do and something else,” he says. Like Dotson, Kinnebrew has been finding plenty of contract work. The short-term jobs sometimes come with grueling hours, but they make it possible for a touring musician to make extra money as needed without committing to a 9-to-5 schedule. Contract work can be lucrative, too, but after a decade, Kinnebrew wonders how much longer the lifestyle will fit his needs. On the bright side, he points out, “My vision of music has changed so much. I had to step up my game. I’ve accomplished more than I even thought I could or would.” And since Truth & Salvage Co. is touring less these days, Kinnebrew has found time for his own projects (such as Scott Kinnebrew & the Bad Squirrels), as well as working with other musicians. “I never thought I’d be producing a record. I never really even understood what that meant before moving to Los Angeles,” he says. tHE SHaDY SiDE of tHE StREEt There are trade-offs, of course, starting with sunburn, celebrity overload and traffic. Among the people Xpress spoke to, though, the lat-

WESTWARD EXPANSION: Maggie West left Asheville to explore her options. She was interested in production design and ended up doing some work in that field before becoming a full-time photographer. Her client list in LA includes Empire of the Sun and Wolfgang Gartner among others, and she has an art book coming out in June. Photo by Anna West

APRIL 17 - MAY 3 sponsored by:

ter was less of an issue than parking (“Most people don’t realize there’s a subway,” says Dotson). “Parking tickets,” says West, “are a million dollars each, and you will get them if you even glance at a sign the wrong way. When you get one of these, which you definitely will, pay it immediately! If not, it keeps growing until it’s the cost of a month’s rent. It’s a nightmare.” It’s not just those tickets that add up, either. West counsels anyone thinking about making the move to start saving money. “Everything is way more expensive here, and it can take forever to get a job,” she says. “When I moved to LA, I pretty much didn’t know anyone. The first few months were pretty difficult, but I eventually made friends with some really amazing people that I am still really close with today.” And then there’s LA’s plasticky reputation. “People think it’s pretentious, cranking the American machine,” says Dotson. “There is a lot of that, but that’s kind of the industry here, and it has been for a long time.” And while that’s not what he’s into, Dotson says it wasn’t unexpected, adding, “There are a lot worse problems to have than over-glamorousness.” Still, it’s not for everyone. And in fact, plenty of current Asheville residents have made the opposite move. Local comedian Tom

Chalmers launched his “Listen to This” series at the Sacred Fools Theater Company in LA. Musician and composer Lenny Pettinelli grew up in Los Angeles, influenced by the city’s conscious hip-hop scene before relocating to Asheville, where he started his VOV (Vibration of Versatility) recording project. Diamond Thieves tattoo artist Sam Garrett is originally from LA; musician and filmmaker Ben Lovett — a Georgia native — also left Hollywood for Asheville. Kinnebrew, though, seems to be on the fence. “You can’t see yourself here forever,” he says. “But the longer you’re here, the fewer connections you have in other places.” On the other hand, spending more time in Los Angeles can mean forging more connections within that vibrant scene. It’s worked for Chalk, who’s only seen his star rise. From pre-LA theater roles to parts in major motion pictures like Twelve Years a Slave, the experience has proved positive: “Any way you get to do your art is pretty dope,” he says. “The plan is stay: I got furniture.” And then there are the tacos. Dotson, who’s been scouting LA’s tortilla-wrapped treats, says his favorites come from a place in Los Feliz. But ask West what she misses most about Asheville and she names her parents, her sister ... and Mamacita’s burritos. X


APRIL 15 - APRIL 21, 2015



by Edwin Arnaudin

The (not so) odd couple The Honeycutters and Foul Mouth Jerk play Isis on consecutive nights

s n o ! i t a EK v E r e SW I s H e T E R DU e c edition a Spfor 2015 e d ui

G 33 3 e-251-1 n o l 28 8 a de now! n tis r e Sta adv

Place The Honeycutters and Foul Mouth Jerk side by side and one can’t help but notice their differences. The former play country roots music while the latter raps and, unless one puts undue emphasis on the “cut” of Honeycutters, even their names reflect opposite sensibilities. But beyond these sonic and stylistic splits, the two Asheville acts have a substantial amount in common. Honeycutters singer/songwriter amanda anne Platt is from Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. — 20 minutes north of Manhattan and not far from the northern New Jersey origins of Foul Mouth Jerk (aka michael

wHo The Honeycutters with Aaron Burdett wHEn Friday, April 17, at 9 p.m. $15 wHo Foul Mouth Jerk with GFE, Philo ft. Empire Strikes Brass, DJ Jett and Macon Beats wHEn Saturday, April 18, at 9 p.m. $10 wHERE Isis Restaurant & Music Hall

capra). Both currently reside in West Asheville, where Isis Restaurant & Music Hall brings them closer still by hosting the record release party for The Honeycutters’ Me Oh My on Friday, April 17, followed by the launch of FMJ’s Death By Misadventure the very next night.


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

“It reminds me of a more oldschool time in Asheville,” Capra says. “[With] venues like Be Here Now or The Asheville Music Zone, that was kind of all you’d ever see. You might see [bluegrass/ reggae band] Snake Oil Medicine Show on Friday, then [rappers] MC Huggs and the Groove Crust on Saturday, then some national act like Fishbone on Sunday.” The Honeycutters’ last few local shows have been at Isis, which specializes in Americana and jazz but has been looking to broaden its musical offerings. The venue took a big step forward in that department with Asheville indie rockers The Hermit Kings’ Free For All Fridays residency in January, but other than revered Oakland MC Del the Funky Homosapien’s August 2013 show, hip-hop has rarely issued from its speakers. Enter Capra, who has lived in West Asheville for 18 years, long before it was a trendy neighborhood. (“I was a proud Worst Asheville resident,” he says, name-checking the area’s former moniker.) Once he learned that a theater-style venue was being built within walking distance of his house, he made a personal oath to do the first big local rap show on its stage. Isis’ October 2012 opening didn’t line up with his late 2010 album The Oldest Trick in the Book, but Asheville hip-hop collective Granola Funk Express, of which Foul Mouth Jerk is a member, played there during the 2014 All Go West Festival. (Another of the venue’s national hip-hop bookings, Digable Planets rapper Cee Knowledge and his Cosmik Funk Orchestra, performed after GFE that evening.) Fellow GFE member Josh Blake — also a friend of Platt’s — later put Capra in touch with Isis co-owner Josephine Woody, who finalized the Death By Misadventure show. “To make that actually come to fruition is kind of a big deal for me,” Capra says. “Having that theater gig for a local rap show and to have that turn out well is

battLE of tHE banDS: The members of Foul Mouth Jerk’s hip-hop act, left, actually have a lot in common with country band The Honeycutters, right. Both local bands recorded new records at Echo Mountain Studios; both will launch those albums at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall this week. Photo by Pat Barcas

a really good landmark for us — for the musical community, for the hiphop community here and for the theater itself.” He and Platt also cross over to a significant degree. For their latest albums, each used Echo Mountain Studios to lay down tracks that, despite sounding wildly different, share a strong sense of melody and smart songwriting packed with engaging storytelling, complex characters and witty wordplay. The Honeycutters — rounded out by Tal Taylor (mandolin), Rick Cooper (bass), Josh Milligan (drums) and Matt Smith (pedal steel, electric guitar, dobro) — also logged time at Mixtown Studios. Platt self-produced Me Oh My with an assist from engineer Jon Ashley and recruited local musicians Aaron Wood (guitar), Peter James (guitar), Will Straughan (harmony vocals, resonator guitar) and Mica Hanks (electric guitar) for guest spots. Also appearing are Evan Bradford (trumpet), Durhambased Phil Cook (piano, organ) of Megafaun and Platt’s father, Mark, who recorded harmonica parts while visiting from New York. Platt says she hasn’t intentionally operated with a strict “go local” approach but looks at working with a talented, mutually supportive and approachable network as a matter of convenience. “There’s not a hierarchy. It’s not like, ‘Oh, I could never get that person on the record.’

It’s ‘I just saw them at the Wedge [Brewery]’ and asked them, ‘Do you want to play guitar?’” she says. “I know people in Nashville ,and I like working with them too, but I feel that it’s important to really bolster the music scene now and keep feeding it.” Collaborating with Echo Mountain engineer Julian Dryer, Foul Mouth Jerk culled beats and guest verses from artists in Raleigh (former Asheville producer Commissioner Gordon), Wilmington (Reef Ali), Newark (Tame-One) and the Bay Area (TopR, Dick Nasty, Brycon, Luke Sick and Z-Man). For the most part, however, he too turned to the local pool, bringing aboard GFE, Philo, Josh Blake and Gus Cutty on the lyrical side, singer Marisa Blake, producers Swilliam Beamon and Chad Hockenberry and scratches from Marley Carroll. “There’s just such a wealth of talent in Asheville that it almost seems wasteful not to use it,” Capra says. “It provides a rare opportunity where you can get somebody who plays jazz flute on your rap record or you can actually get a pretty awesome banjo player on your rap record. So, it’s just going to sound a lot different than other people’s style.” While direct country/rap crossover may not be present on Death

By Misadventure or Me Oh My, Capra and Platt are open to the possibility. Both are fans of the New York hybrid group Gangstagrass, GFE has been bending and blending genres since the late ’90s and Platt was recently contacted by a Maryland-based producer requesting to sample a Honeycutters song for a hip-hop project. Asked if she has a rap side, Platt replies, “I wish. I don’t think I’m cool enough.” But she spends a lot of time rhyming in her head and values lyricists who excel at “a concentrated version of songwriting.” As for Foul Mouth Jerk’s country side, he points to his “awesome pit bull puppy” and being a bartender at The Burger Bar (“kind of a country music venue”) as well as a growing fondness for the outdoors. “I’m kind of getting [more country] the longer I live in North Carolina,” Capra says. “My girlfriend is a beekeeper and a farmer, and she’s raised goats and chickens and pigs, so she’s trying to turn me around on that. She’s pretty awesome in that way, so I’m just going to kind of follow her agricultural lead.” X

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Bill Kopp

Hungry hearts Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats release a new album

“I meet some people, and they say, ‘Oh, you’re a musician? You’re never going to eat,’” says the singersongwriter/guitarist/namesake of andrew Scotchie & the River Rats. He recently finished a record that responds to the starving artist stereotype: “Like the title of our album says, we all stay hungry. And we’re happy about it.” Initial tracking for We All Stay Hungry took place in Asheville at Sound Temple Recording Studios, with the bulk of recording, overdubbing, mixing and mastering completed at Eagle Room. A single, “The Best in You,” featuring a guest vocal by local sensation Lyric, was released on April 1. The full record debuts at a release party — a free

wHo Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats wHERE Highland Brewing wHEn Friday, April 17, 7 p.m. Free.

show — on Friday, April 17, at Highland Brewing. There’s a story leading up to that release. In early 2012, Scotchie started a busking duo on the streets of Asheville. “We had always played electric music,” he says. “But [acoustic] busking was my way to get back to the core of everything.” Through the process of interacting with other musicians, “we just met a lot of people who wanted to play.” The plugged-in version of Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats eventually formed around a nucleus of lifelong companions. “Eliza [Hill, drummer] and I have always been friends,” Scotchie says. Eliza’s brother Asher joined on bass and keyboards. The resulting trio created an original sound that at times suggests a scaled-down Drive-By Truckers. It was that lineup that recorded the band’s first album, Soul and Sarcasm. The group booked plenty of live dates, earned radio play and even got rotation of one song on a Nashville-based cable TV network. Onstage, the trio was sometimes joined (“for a couple of songs near the end of the show”) by a pair of horn players, Alex Bradley and Kyle Snuffer. Scotchie recalls that the pair came to him at one point and said, “Hey, we can play the whole set. Just give us the opportunity.” So two more longtime friends rounded out the group: “We [had gone] to school and Boy Scouts together,” Scotchie says. Having a five-piece band changed the way that Scotchie wrote songs.

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

SinGinG foR tHEiR SuPPER: Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats debut their new album, We All Stay Hungry, with a free show at Highland Brewing. Photo by Jim Donohoo Photograhy

He would start thinking, “I’ve got the chords; I’ve got the words. What are the horns going to be doing?” The result was a more deeply textured brand of music than before. “A lot of people think rock ’n’ roll is simple,” Scotchie says. “But so many different elements can go into it: jazz, fusion and even big band.” His newer songs highlight the funkier elements in his songwriting. And though Scotchie is the leader, the band arrangements grow out of collaboration, out

ST E B e h t r o Vote f D N U O R L AL BAND

of live performance. “A lot of the horn parts are things that Alex and Kyle came up with on the spot,” he says. “Right onstage. They’d try something, and we’d all say, ‘Yeah. That’s the one.’” The collective showcases its cohesive strength on We All Stay Hungry. And the band is committed to music as a lifelong pursuit. “I want to be busy, I want to have a schedule, and I want respect,” says Scotchie. “Looking back at this time last year, I’m really happy with where we are now.” X

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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


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A&E staff

Lowland Hum

Fair Trade Fashion Show “Our goal in hosting the Fair Trade Fashion Show is to educate the Asheville community about fair trade clothing options and give people the opportunity to add fair trade pieces to their closets,” says Mandy Broderick, co-manager of Asheville’s Ten Thousand Villages. With more than 100 North American retail locations, the nonprofit chain supports artisan fashion producers from across the globe. The Asheville affiliate will celebrate Earth Day and the oneyear anniversary of the store’s own expansion by holding the fifth annual Fair Trade Fashion Show. The free event, which features garments from Asian and African communities and a post-show shopping opportunity, takes place at Ten Thousand Villages downtown on Saturday, April 18, from 2-3 p.m. Photo courtesy of Ten Thousand Villages

Lowland Hum, composed of indie folk musicians Daniel and Lauren Goans, has been churning out sweet and artsy material since the couple’s 2012 nuptials. Only recently did the two employ the talents of friends Edd Kerr, Joseph Dickey and Dan Faust to expand their recorded sound — a strategy that seems to be working. “Odell,” the single from the band’s sophomore album (out Tuesday, April 14), sounds markedly bigger than Lowland Hum’s strippeddown, acoustic discography, with powerfully belted lyrics punctuating the lighter harmonies and decisive percussion commanding a new, leading role. Folk soloist Sam Burchfield opens Lowland Hum’s seated show at The Grey Eagle on Thursday, April 16, at 8 p.m. $10/$12. Photo courtesy of the artists

Matt and Kim If only Matt and Kim had a dollar for every calorie burned onstage. With the release of New Glow on Tuesday, April 7, the strikingly energetic dance pop duo take their knack for interactive creativity to new heights. The music video for single “Can You Blame Me?” for example, is shaping up to be a mashup of “really weird and fun” fan-created clips, and Matt says the new album’s tour will follow suit, too: “Anyone who has seen one of our shows knows we love any style of music you can have fun and get wild to. I’m not sure we were able to put that diversity on any of our albums the way we did on New Glow.” Check out the Brooklyn-based duo and rock group Waters at The Orange Peel on Monday, April 20, at 9 p.m. $23/$25. Photo by Matt Miller


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Milo Greene While musicians with alter egos are nothing new, a full-band alter ego is. We’re not talking stage names here, but rather a made-up booking agent: “He’s British. He wears a three-piece suit. He wears a monocle. He’s albino. He has chops, sideburns. He’s confident, charming, well-read, well-spoken,” the band members of Milo Greene explained to The Guardian of the fictitious character from whom they took their moniker. The group, a cinematic pop outfit from Los Angeles, includes Robbie Arnett, Graham Fink, Marlana Sheetz, Andrew Heringer and Curtis Marrero, who craft stylish, soulful, slightly dark dance music. They also post fantastic photos on Facebook. You can check out the pics now and the band at The Mothlight on Wednesday, April 22, at 9 p.m. $15. Photo courtesy of the band

a&E caLEndar

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald BeBe TheATRe 20 Commerce St., 254-2621 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (4/23) until (5/9), 7:30pm - The Seagull. $15/$10 seniors. diAnA WoRThAM TheATRe 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • TU (4/14) & WE (4/15), 10am & noon Curious George, musical. $7.50. flAT RoCk PlAyhouse 2661 Hwy. 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • TH (4/23) through SA (4/25) - “Donny Edwards: An Authentic Heart & Soul Tribute to ’The King.’” Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Fri. & Sat.: 2pm. $28.

Hard and soft: Asheville Area Arts Council will host an exhibit of works by local artist Angela Eastman from Tuesday, April 21, until Saturday, May 2. The exhibit, Tension/ Attention, explores “a conceptual exploration of structure and physical tension as metaphor for vulnerability, honesty and trust.” The exhibit’s opening reception will be held Friday, April 23. Photo courtesy of the artist. (p.48)

ART Asheville ART MuseuM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • TH (4/23), 5:30-7pm - Gallery Talk: “The Remarkable Career of John Heliker.” Admission fees apply. Asheville uRBAn lAndsCAPe PRojeCT 458-0111, asheville-paint-outs Open air painting events, held in various public green spaces and hosted by different Asheville area artists. Free. • TU (4/21), 9:30am-12:30pm - With Marilyn Fairchild. Held at Asheville Botanical Gardens, 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd. BunCoMBe CounTy PuBliC liBRARies depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/22), 4pm - “Circumstance of the Upcycle,” workshop on recycled art projects. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain

AudiTions & CAll To ARTisTs AnAM CARA TheATRe 545-3861, • SA (4/18) & SU (4/19) - Open auditions for Birdy. Contact for guidelines. Sat.: 5-7pm; Sun.: 6-8pm. Held at The Colourfield, 54 Ravenscroft Drive

Asheville CReATive ARTs 914-830-3000, • SA (4/19), 2-5pm - Open auditions for Miss Nelson is Missing. Must be able to sing and move. Registration required. Contact for guidelines. Held at Space Space, 2004 Riverside Drive, Woodfin

CARolinA ConCeRT ChoiR 607-351-2585, • SA (4/18), 3pm - “Music’s Reflection of the Civil War and Reconstruction.” $22/$5 students. Held at Bo Thomas Auditorium, Blue Ridge Community College, Hendersonville

Asheville gAlleRy of ART 16 College St., 251-5796, • MO (4/20), noon-5:30pm Membership applications accepted for original, 2-D works. Contact for guidelines.

diAnA WoRThAM TheATRe 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • FR (4/17), 6:30pm - “Sing Together: Carl Sandburg’s American Songbag.” $10/$8 for 12 and under/free 2 and under.

BiRdhouse BAsh 476-4231 • Through SA (5/7) - Create or decorate birdhouses for auction to benefit local community gardens and community art projects. Held at Second Blessing Thrift Store, 32 Commerce St., Waynesville MonTfoRd PARk PlAyeRs 254-5146, • SA (4/18) & SU (4/19), 5-8pm Open auditions for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Contact for guidelines. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway

MusiC Asheville syMPhony (pd.) SAT 4/18, 8PM • Thomas Wolfe Auditorium Handel’s Alexander’s Feast, featuring the voices of the Asheville Symphony Chorus and Western Carolina University Concert Choir. Tickets: 828-254-7046,

flAT RoCk PlAyhouse doWnToWn 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/16) until (4/26), 8pm - Music on the Rock Series: A Tribute to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. $15-$25.

TheATeR Asheville CoMMuniTy TheATRe 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/17) until (5/3) - A Streetcar Named Desire. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $22/$19 seniors & students/$12 under 17. • SA (4/18), 10am - Happily Ever After, fairytale inspired production. $5. Asheville PlAyBACk TheATRe 273-0995, • SU (4/19), 4pm - “Dying to Live,” improv theater. $15/$10 youth. Held at Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St.

nC sTAge 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (4/19) - An Iliad. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $14-$32. TheATeR AT BRCC • WE (4/22) through SU (4/26) - Clue. Wed., Thu. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Fri.: 7:30 & 9:30pm; Sun.: 2:30 & 4:30pm. $7/ $5 students, faculty & staff. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock TheATeR AT WARRen Wilson College • TH (4/16) through SU (4/19) - The Philadelphia Story. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $10. Held at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa TheATeR AT WCu 227-2479, • TH (4/16) through SU (4/19) - Peter Pan: The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:3pm. $16/ $11 seniors & WCU faculty & staff/ $10 students. Held in the Bardo Arts Center.

GaLLEry dirEctory 310 ART 191 Lyman St. #310, 776-2716, • Through SU (5/31) - Oasis, gallery-members mixed media. 5 WAlnuT Wine BAR 5 Walnut St., 253-2593 • Through (5/9) - Wavy Way, works by Reba West Fraser. ART AT BRevARd College 884-8188, • Through FR (5/1) - Grit, senior art exhibition. Opening reception: April 10, 5:30pm. ART AT unCA • Through FR (4/24) - Study Abroad Program international photo contest winners. In the Blowers Gallery. Asheville AReA ARTs CounCil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through FR (4/17) - A Community in Glass, hand-blown and flame-worked glass. • TU (4/21) until SA (5/2) - Tension: Attention, works by Angela Eastman. Opening reception: April 23, 5-8pm. Free to attend.

Asheville ART MuseuM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (8/2) - Prime Time: Third Annual New Media Juried Exhibition, various artists. Admission fees apply. • SA (4/18) through SU (8/16) - Flourish: Selected Jewelry From the Daphne Farago Collection. Opening reception: April 18, 3-5pm. Admission fees apply. Asheville gAlleRy of ART 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through TH (4/30) - Art of the Angle, paintings by Bill Cole. Asheville lofT 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, • Through MO (5/18) - Artworks by David Lawter and Veronika Hart. BendeR gAlleRy 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, • Through SU (5/31) - Veiled Memories, metal and glass. CAsTell PhoTogRAPhy gAlleRy 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, • Through TH (4/30) - Objects in Perspective, photography and wax sculpture. gAlleRy 86 86 N. Main St., Waynesville, • Through TU (4/28) - Memories-Past, Present and Future, photography and folk art. gRAnd BoheMiAn gAlleRy 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, • Through TH (4/30) - Impending Spring, works by realist painter Rebecca N. King and glass artist Michael Hatch. PACk MeMoRiAl liBRARy 67 Haywood St., 250-4700 • Through TH (4/30) - “Storybook Characters on Parade,” dolls based on children’s literature. sATelliTe gAlleRy 55 Broadway St., 305-2225, • FR (4/17) through MO (4/27) - A-B Tech Student Art Exhibition, various works. Artists reception: April 17, 5-7pm. Free to attend. sTudio ChAvARRiA 84 W. Walnut St. Unit A • Through FR (6/12) - The Floating World, abstract art by Katherine Aimone. TRAnsylvAniA CoMMuniTy ARTs CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through MO (4/27) - K-12 student art exhibit. uPsTAiRs ARTsPACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, • Through FR (5/1) - Boldly Abstract: Seven Notable Artists and Jon Jicha: Drawings about Drawing, abstract art. ZAPoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • Through SU (5/31) - Wonderland, illustrations of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Contact the galleries for hours and admission fees.

aPriL 15 - aPriL 21, 2015


C L U B L A N D winE anD DancE: From the mountains of West Virginia to the mountains of North Carolina, John Lilly plays his soulful classic country and honkytonk tunes, strumming the chords of Hank Williams, Jimmie Rodgers and old folk ballads, as well as his own originals. Lilly performs at the Cork & Keg Wine Bar and Taproom in the Weinhaus on Friday, April 17, at 8:30 p.m.

WednesdAy, April 15 185 KinG street Marcus King Band (blues, funk, rock), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Eleanor Underhill (Americana, soul), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm AltAmont theAtre Caravan of Thieves (folk, swing, roots), 8pm Asheville musiC hAll Viva La Hop (funk, jazz, hip-hop), 9pm BlACK mountAin Ale house Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm Blue KudZu sAKe CompAny Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Open Mic, 7pm CoWBoys lounGe Karaoke Night, 6pm douBle CroWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm duGout Karaoke w/ Elite Entertainment, 8pm foGGy mountAin BreWpuB Trivia, 8pm Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Jon Spencer Blues Explosion w/ Bloodshot Bill (rock ’n’ roll, blues), 9pm Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm

mountAin moJo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

sCully’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm

nAtive KitChen & soCiAl puB Ryan O’Keefe (from River Whyless), 7pm

strAiGhtAWAy CAfe Ken Kiser & the Soze (Americana), 6pm

JACK of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm

neW mountAin William Gerhardt (ambient, 2-step), 9pm

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Open mic & jam, 7pm

lAZy diAmond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

noBle KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

the Joint next door Bluegrass jam, 8pm

lex 18 Patrick Lopez (modern jazz, Latin), 7pm

o.henry’s/the underGround “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm

odditorium Synergy Story Slam: When animals attach (open mic), 7pm

the mothliGht Inter Arma w/ Yautja, Bask & Dead Mothers (punk, metal, psychedelic), 9:30pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Pat Donohue (acoustic, blues, rnb), 7pm The Andrea Beaton Trio (fiddle, Gaelic), 8:30pm

off the WAGon Piano show, 9pm To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm AltAmont theAtre Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 9pm BArley’s tAproom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm Beer City tAvern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9:30pm BlACK mountAin Ale house Contagious (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm Blue KudZu sAKe CompAny Trivia night, 8pm Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm CAtAWBA BreWinG tAstinG room Old time jam, 7pm CluB eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm 9th Street Stompers (jazz, swing, blues), 8:30pm CorK & KeG Old-time jam, 5pm CoWBoys lounGe Game Night, 6pm douBle CroWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

hiGhlAnd BreWinG CompAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm iron horse stAtion Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm

thursdAy, April 16

olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Mando Saenz (Americana), 10pm one World BreWinG The Sun Wranglers, 8pm pisGAh BreWinG CompAny Shampoo Trio w/ Shane Pruitt, Scotty Hawkins & Lil’ Jimmy Peterman (Delta blues), 6pm

the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the soCiAl Marc Keller (jazz), 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiGer mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm toWn pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm

pour tAproom Karaoke, 8pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

reJAvAnAtion CAfe Open mic night, 6pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

room ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

White horse BlACK mountAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

root BAr no. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 8pm

Wild WinG CAfe south Karaoke, 9pm

elAine’s duelinG piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foGGy mountAin BreWpuB Songwriter’s Night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm frenCh BroAd BreWery Ghost of Paul Revere (holler folk), 6pm Good stuff Caveman Dave (folk), 8pm Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Lowland Hum & Sam Burchfield (singersongwriter, acoustic), 8pm JACK of the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lAZy diAmond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm lex 18 James Barr (jazz, guitar classics), 7pm loBster trAp Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm mArKet plACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm neW mountAin The Nth Power w/ Cory Henry (soul, dance), 9pm o.henry’s/the underGround Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm odditorium Sete Star Sept (Japanese metal), 9pm off the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm

E T O V Every Tuesday: Frank Zappa Music Night • Thursday 4/16:- Green Flash Brewery Night • Friday 4/17: Live Music from Nikki Forbes • Thursday 4/23: Frog Level Brewing Night Every Sunday: Brunch w/ Mimosas & Massages



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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015





10/25 Lee Guthrie MEMBERS BRUSHFIRE STANKGRASS EXPLORING 10/25OFOFSarah Sarah Lee Guthrie THE&MUSIC JOHNIrion HARTFORD 9 P.M. $8 Johnny & Johnny Irion

SAT. BRADFORD LEE$10 FOLK w/4/18 Battlefield •• 9pm Battlefield 9pm $10 W/ w/ SAVANNAH SMITH BAND

10/26 Jazz CONTEMPORARY BLUEGRASS/AMERICANA 9 P.M. $8 10/26 Firecracker Firecracker Jazz Band Band & HALLOWEEN Costume TUES. 4/21 BAND OFCostume LOVERS & HALLOWEEN Party & Contest FOLK-HEARTED HARMONIES •9• 9pm P.M.—FREE Party & Contest 9pm $8 $8 (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/27 Vinegar Creek •• 9pm 10/27 Creek 9pm FREE FREE FRI. 4/24Vinegar WHITEWATER RAMBLE 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 HIGH-OCTANE ROCKY MOUNTAIN 10/28 Mustard PlugDANCEGRASS • 9pm $8 9 P.M. $8 w/ Crazy Tom Banana w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants Pants MON. 4/20 QUIZZOSongwriters COMPETITION 10/29 Singer 10/29 Songwriters FIRST PLACESinger PRIZE: CHICKEN FRY FOR 20, ••57-9pm FREE in the Round INCLUDING SIDES AND A GAL KEG, IN YOUR OWN 7-9pm FREE in the Round BACKYARD. HOSTED BY CHEFElise JASON Davis AND JOW. w/ Anthony Tripi, Anthony Tripi, Elise4/20-5/18 Davis RUNSw/ FOR FIVE WEEKS– COMPETE @ Mud Tea 7:30 MONDAYS Mud Tea •• 9pm 9pm FREE FREE Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 33 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON MON Quizzo! Quizzo! 7-9p 7-9p • • WED WED Old-Time Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • 252.5445 •

Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


THURS. 4/16 Jason Whittaker & Jeff Anders (acoustic rock)

FRI. 4/17 DJ MoTo (dance, pop hits)

SAT. 4/18 Grand Theft Audio (classic, covers, rock)




20 WNC


Wed • April 15 Woody Wood 5:30-7:30

Thurs • April 16 DJ Marley 6:00-8:00

Send your listings to

one stop deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Max Garcia Conover & The Ghost of Paul Revere (folk), 10pm one World BreWinG Poet Radio, 9pm orAnGe peel Marchfourth! (jazz, funk, rock ’n’ roll), 9pm pACK’s tAvern Jason Whitaker & Jeff Anders (acoustic rock), 9pm pisGAh BreWinG CompAny Gaslight Street (blues, rock), 8pm

Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats

AthenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Beer City tAvern Bull Moose Party (bluegrass), 9pm Ben’s tune up Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm BlACK BeAr Coffee Co. Billy Litz & The Hustle Souls (soul, funkrock), 6pm

purple onion CAfe Chuck Brodsky (folk), 8pm

BlACK mountAin Ale house Dan River Drifters (bluegrass, Americana), 8pm

renAissAnCe Asheville hotel Chris Smith (acoustic, alt-country), 6:30pm

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm

room ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm

Boiler room Rebirth XI (electronic), 10pm

sCAndAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

ByWAter Laura Blackley Trio (country, singer-songwriter), 8pm

sCully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 8pm southern AppAlAChiAn BreWery The Secret B-Sides (soul, indie), 7pm sprinG CreeK tAvern Herb N Hanson (Americana), 6pm tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Iggy Radio, 7pm the mothliGht Hiss Golden Messenger w/ Natalie Prass (indie, country, blues), 9:30pm the phoenix Bradford Carson (mountain music), 8pm

ClAssiC Wineseller The 9th Street Stompers (swing, Gypsy jazz, blues), 7pm CluB eleven on Grove Postal Express Street Riders Dance Party (DJ), 9pm CorK & KeG John Lilly (honky-tonk, country), 8:30pm CoWBoys lounGe Karaoke Night, 6pm CroW & quill My Graveyard Jaw & Nosedive (gritty blues, old-time), 9pm

the soCiAl Red Honey (blues, rock), 8pm

diAnA WorthAm theAtre Sing Together: Carl Sandburg’s American Songbag, 6:30pm

the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm

douBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm

the strAnd @ 38 mAin Pat Donohue (guitar finger-picking), 7:30pm

duGout Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana), 9pm

timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm

Fri • April 17

Asheville musiC hAll Same As It Ever Was (Talking Heads tribute), 10pm

elAine’s duelinG piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

toWn pump Eric Sommer (singer-songwriter), 9pm

foGGy mountAin BreWpuB Pleasure Chest (jazz, rock), 10pm

CD release

tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm

frenCh BroAd BreWery The Low Counts (rock), 6pm

Sat • April 18 Alarm Clock Conspiracy & Chalwa Collaboration

urBAn orChArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

Good stuff Jim Hampton (country), 8:30pm


vinCenZo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm White horse BlACK mountAin Benefit for Black Mtn Firefighters, 7:30pm

7:00-9:00 in Meadow tasting room closed for private event

Wild WinG CAfe south Scott Raines (acoustic-rock), 8:30pm WxyZ lounGe At Aloft hotel Lyric (funk, soul, rock), 7:30pm

Sun • April 19

Community Night w/ pints for patriots

fridAy, April 17 185 KinG street Eric Sommer (singer-songwriter), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Sankofa (world), 9pm AltAmont theAtre Songsmith showcase w/ Raising Caine, Sarah Clanton & Doug McElvy (singer-songwriter, Americana), 8pm


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Billy Joe Shaver w/ Caleb Caudle (country), 8pm hiGhlAnd BreWinG CompAny Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats (blues, rock, funk), 7pm iron horse stAtion Hunter Grigg (Americana), 7pm isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll The Honeycutters (Americana, alt-country), 9pm JACK of the Wood puB Aereo-Plain Stringband (John Hartford tribute), 9pm JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy diAmond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm lex 18 Afternoon High Tea w/ Bob Strain (classical, romantic piano), 1:30pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till

toWn pump The Fat Sparrows (folk, rock), 9pm

frenCh BroAd BreWery Carolina Wray (Americana), 6pm

toy BoAt Community Art spACe Choir (vocal), 7:30pm

Good stuff Michael Cody (singer-songwriter), 8pm

mArKet plACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Randy McQuay (blues, singer-songwriter, folk), 7pm The Virginia Slims (acoustic, soul), 10pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Dirty Bourbon River Show w/ Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm

nAtive KitChen & soCiAl puB The Low Counts (Americana, blues, rock), 9pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

hiGhlAnd BreWinG CompAny Mangas Colorado (Appalachian folk, Americana), 7pm

White horse BlACK mountAin Nancy Simmons (jazz), 8pm

iron horse stAtion Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm

Frank Puzzullo & Will Beasley (classic jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-fusion, swing), 11pm loBster trAp Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6:30pm

neW mountAin Carousel Kings w/ Post Season, Drosera, Hope Sets Sail, Old Again (pop, punk, metal), 8pm Gaslight Street w/ Somebody’s Darlings (Southern rock, blues), 10pm Runaway Gin & Machine Funk (Phish/ Widespread Panic covers), 10pm

Wild WinG CAfe Andy Buckner Trio (country, Southern rock), 8pm Wild WinG CAfe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

niGhtBell restAurAnt & lounGe Dulítel DJ (indie, electro, rock), 10pm

WxyZ lounGe At Aloft hotel DJ Kipper (DJ, electronic), 8:30pm

noBle KAvA Steve Karla (Gypsy jazz, jam), 8:30pm

ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

odditorium Squidling Bros. Circus Convergence III (variety), 9pm off the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist Westsound (Motown), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Wild Man Pebo Wilson w/ Ali Randolph & the Outta Luck Band (country), 10pm orAnGe peel Dan Deacon w/ Prince Rama & Ben O’Brien (electronic), 9pm pACK’s tAvern DJ MoTo (dance, pop), 9pm pisGAh BreWinG CompAny Bloodkin w/ Sam Holt (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm

sAturdAy, April 18 185 KinG street Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Patrick Fitzsimons (jazz, blues, world), 6pm Goldie & The Screamers (soul, rnb), 9pm Asheville musiC hAll Moe. Afterparty w/ Makayan & Nomadic (jam, rock), 11pm AthenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Beer City tAvern PyrVmis (DJ, trap, electronica), 10pm Ben’s tune up Gypsy Guitars, 2pm

root BAr no. 1 The Willy Whales (old-time), 8pm

BlACK BeAr Coffee Co. Muscle & Bone, Youth Eternal, Steeplechase (emo revival, punk, post-punk), 8pm

sCAndAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

BlACK mountAin Ale house Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie rock), 9pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Gene Holdway (Americana, bluegrass, folk), 7pm

southern AppAlAChiAn BreWery Electric Campfire, 8pm sprinG CreeK tAvern Pea Pickin’ Hearts (old-time), 9pm

Boiler room Spearfinger w/ Broad River Nightmare, Copestoned & Electric Phantom (metal, rock), 9pm

strAiGhtAWAy CAfe Gary Segal (Americana, blues, rock), 6pm

ByWAter William Mattocks Band (blues, rock), 8pm

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Old School Rock (classic rock), 9:30pm

ClAssiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm

the AdmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm the mothliGht Martin Snoddy & Alpha Lee w/ Free the Optimus, DJ Jet & special guests (hip-hop), 9pm the phoenix Resonant Rogues (Gypsy jazz), 9pm the soCiAl Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm the strAnd @ 38 mAin The HillBenders (bluegrass), 8pm tiGer mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm timo’s house Crux, Collective, One & Secret_NC (dubstep, techno, DnB), 10pm

CorK & KeG The Resonant Rogues (Euro-folk, gypsy-jazz), 8:30pm CoWBoys lounGe Rusted Kage (classic hard rock), 6pm CroW & quill Rusalka & Twinklebees (ambient, experimental), 9pm douBle CroWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm duGout Fine Line (classic rock), 9pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Saturday Classical Brunch, 11am Foul Mouth Jerk w/ GFE, Philo & Empire Strikes Brass, DJ Jett & Macon Beats (hip-hop), 9pm JACK of the Wood puB Bradford Lee Folk w/ Savannah Smith Band (bluegrass, folk, Americana), 9pm JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm



Full Bar



THU 4/16


7:00 PM–


lAZy diAmond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm

FRI 4/17

lex 18 Afternoon High Tea w/ Bob Strain (classical, romantic piano), 1:30pm Frank Puzzullo & John Thornton (classic jazz), 8:30pm loBster trAp Hot Point Trio (gypsy-jazz, jazz, swing), 6:30pm mACK Kell’s puB & Grill The Sharkadelics (rock), 9pm

9:00 PM–




SUN 4/19


mArCo’s piZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm

TUES 4/21

mArKet plACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm


moJo KitChen & lounGe Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm


neW mountAin Moe. w/ Kyle Hollingsworth Band (prog rock, jam), 7pm Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers w/ Andrew Combs (singer-songwriter), 10:15pm niGhtBell restAurAnt & lounGe DJ Picaro (electro swing-hop), 11pm noBle KAvA Sacral Crown (downtempo, organic grooves), 8:30pm o.henry’s/the underGround Shell Shock // Alter (dance party), 10pm odditorium Birth w/ Busted Chops, Claypool & Niah (metal, stoner-rock), 9pm off the WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm

WED 4/22








Every Sunday



olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm one stop deli & BAr Wavy Train (jam, rock), 10pm pACK’s tAvern Grand Theft Audio (classic covers, rock), 9pm

elAine’s duelinG piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

purple onion CAfe Drovers Old Time Medicine Show (bluegrass), 8pm

foGGy mountAin BreWpuB Dirty Badgers (rock), 10pm

room ix Open dance night, 9pm


aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



Send your listings to

Root Bar No. 1 Zuzu Welsh Blues Band (blues), 8pm

Cowboys Lounge Acoustic jam, 3pm

Altamont Brewing Company Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm

Iron Horse Station Open mic, 6pm

Scandals Nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm Jamie Monroe (drag), 10pm

Double Crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

Black Mountain Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

Good Stuff Quinn DeVeaux (soul), 4pm

Bywater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Band Of Lovers (folk), 9pm

Iron Horse Station Mark Shane (r&b), 6pm

Courtyard Gallery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

Lazy Diamond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Jazz showcase, 6pm

Double Crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Irish session, 5pm

Good Stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

Lex 18 Bob Strain (romantic jazz ballads & standards), 7pm

Lazy Diamond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Contra dance, 7pm

Lex 18 Michael John Jazz (smooth jazz), 7pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Quizzo, 7pm

Lobster Trap Hunnilicious (Americana, country, folk, pop, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

Lazy Diamond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm

Scully’s DJ, 10pm Southern Appalachian Brewery Peggy Ratusz Trio (blues, Americana), 8pm Spring Creek Tavern Pleasure Chest (rnb), 9pm Straightaway Cafe Laura Blackley Trio (country, folk, soul), 6pm TallGary’s at Four College Jarvis Jenkins Band (Southern rock), 9:30pm The Admiral Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm The Mothlight David Dondero w/ Josh Peart & Mother Explosives (singer-songwriter), 9pm The Phoenix Dave Desmelik Trio (singer-songwriter), 9pm The Social Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm Timo’s House Glitch Hoppin’ w/ Brad BiTT & friends (glitchhop, hip-hop), 9pm Town Pump Williams & Company (country), 9pm Toy Boat Community Art Space Asheville Vaudeville, 7:30pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Free Flow (funk, Motown, rnb, soul), 10pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White Horse Black Mountain Blues Guitar Night, 8pm Guitar Night w/ Max Hightower & Friends, 8pm Wild Wing Cafe Karaoke, 8pm

Odditorium Ego w/ Vamos & Ancient Whales (punk), 9pm

Oskar Blues Brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

Orange Peel Aer w/ Jez Dior & Packy (rap, reggae, pop), 8:30pm

Sovereign Remedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm

One World Brewing Ashley Raines & the New West Revue (roots, country), 8pm

The Mothlight Lord King w/ Alex Cameron (ska, reggae), 9pm

Orange Peel Walk The Moon w/ The Griswolds [SOLD OUT], 8pm

The Phoenix The Jeff Sipe & Friends (funk, jazz, soul), 8pm

Pisgah Brewing Company History trivia w/ Swannanoa Valley Museum, 6:30pm

Pisgah Brewing Company 10 Year Anniversary Party w/ Leftover Salmon, Bill Payne, Pimps Of Joytime, Dead 27s & More!, 3pm Pour Taproom Open mic, 8pm Scandals Nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

The Phoenix The Wilhelm Brothers (Americana, folk), 12pm

Ben’s Tune Up Jazz Brunch, 2pm Black Mountain Ale House Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm Blue Kudzu Sake Company Karaoke & brunch, 2pm Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Larry Dolamore (acoustic), 7pm Burial Beer Co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm Bywater Clint Roberts (singer-songwriter), 5pm

APRIL 15 - APRIL 21, 2015

Odditorium Odd comedy night, 9pm

One Stop Deli & Bar Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am

TallGary’s at Four College Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm

Beer City Tavern Monday Pickin’ Parlour w/ Dawghouse Dan the Bass Man (open jam), 8pm

O.Henry’s/The Underground Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm

Orange Peel Matt & Kim w/ Waters (indie), 9pm

Zambra Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

Altamont Theatre Asheville Ecstatic Dance, 10am

New Mountain Burlesque w/ Deb Au Nare, 10pm

Olive or Twist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm

Wxyz Lounge at Aloft Hotel Lyric (funk, soul, rock), 8:30pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar Drayton & The Dreamboats (vintage jazz), 7pm

Market Place The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

New Mountain Star Period Star & Hustle Souls (prog-rock, Southern soul), 8pm

Straightaway Cafe 6th Anniversary! w/ The Everydays & Circus Mutt (acoustic), 6pm

Sunday, April 19

Lobster Trap Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm

Marco’s Pizzeria Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm

Off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm

Southern Appalachian Brewery Vintage Vinyl (rock, blues), 4pm

Wild Wing Cafe South Contagious (rock), 8:30pm


Mojo Kitchen & Lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm

Lobster Trap Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

The Social Marc Keller, 6pm Ashli Rose (acoustic, indie, singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 10pm Timo’s House 4/20 Celebration: B1G BEN & DJ Whistleblower (turntablism, hip-hop, trance), 7pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

Tuesday, April 21

The Social Karaoke, 9:30pm

Asheville Music Hall Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

The Southern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm

Beer City Tavern Tuesday Team Trivia, 8pm

Tiger Mountain Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm

Black Mountain Ale House Trivia, 7pm

Off the Wagon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm One Stop Deli & Bar Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

Pour Taproom Frank Zappa night, 8pm Root Bar No. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm TallGary’s at Four College Jam night, 9pm The Joint Next Door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm The Mothlight Rob Mazurek & Black Cube SP (jazz, electronic, psychedelic), 9pm The Social Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 6pm The Southern Chris Jamison (singer-songwriter), 9pm Tiger Mountain Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm

Town Pump Bjorn Jacobsen (dark-folk, Gypsy-grass, blues), 9pm

Buffalo Nickel Trivia, 7pm

Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm

Vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

Cork & Keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm

Urban Orchard Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

Wild Wing Cafe South Party on the Patio!, 4pm Caribbean Cowboys, 5pm

Double Crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm

Timo’s House Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm Town Pump Stage Hands (jazz, ambient, IDM), 9pm

Monday, April 20 185 King Street Open mic, 8pm

Good Stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Songs From The Road Band w/ Casey Driessen (bluegrass, Americana), 8pm

Vincenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm Westville Pub Blues jam, 10pm White Horse Black Mountain Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm Wild Wing Cafe South Maniac Brainiac Trivia!, 8pm

WednesdAy, April 22 BlACK mountAin Ale house Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm Blue KudZu sAKe CompAny Bill Gerhardt’s Trio South (jazz), 6pm Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Open Mic, 7pm douBle CroWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm

olive or tWist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

one World BreWinG Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm pisGAh BreWinG CompAny Local Strangers (indie), 6pm pour tAproom Karaoke, 8pm

foGGy mountAin BreWpuB Trivia, 8pm

reJAvAnAtion CAfe Open mic night, 6pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Melissa Ferrick w/ Sara Rachele (indie, singer-songwriter), 8pm

room ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm hiGhlAnd BreWinG CompAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm iron horse stAtion Ashley Heath (rnb), 6pm isis restAurAnt And musiC hAll Tim Grimm (Americana, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band, 8:30pm JACK of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm

root BAr no. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 8pm sCully’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm strAiGhtAWAy CAfe Junto, 6pm tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Open mic & jam, 7pm the Joint next door Bluegrass jam, 8pm the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm

lAZy diAmond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

the soCiAl Marc Keller (jazz), 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm

lex 18 Patrick Lopez (modern jazz, Latin), 7pm

the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm

tiGer mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

mountAin moJo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm neW mountAin An Earth Day Celebration w/ Turkuaz, The Heard & Sumilan (funk, dance, Motown), 9pm noBle KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm o.henry’s/the underGround “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

April 2015

one stop deli & BAr The Royal Noise w/ AlyCat (funk), 10pm

timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm toWn pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

odditorium Art by Sharon Gonzales w/ The Nobodies & Trailer Park Orchestra (art), 9pm

White horse BlACK mountAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

off the WAGon Piano show, 9pm

Wild WinG CAfe south Karaoke, 9pm




WED 4/15


THUR 4/16 FRI 4/17 SAT 4/18

TUE 4/21












4.17 9PM















W/ KENNY GEORGE BAND 9pm $15 / $18




4.20 8PM


4.21 8PM








9pm $10

9pm $12 / $15

THU 4/23





WED 4/22











aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact


thEAtER LIstInGs

Danny Collins HHHH

FRIdAy, APRIL 17 thuRsdAy, APRIL 23 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

dIREctoR: Dan Fogelman PLAyERs: Al Pacino, Annette Bening, Jennifer Garner, Bobby Cannavale, Christopher Plummer

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Chappie (r) 10:00 selma (Pg-13) 1:00 (Mon-Thu), 7:00 The spongeBob Movie: sponge out of water (Pg) 1:00 (Fri-Sun), 4:00

comEdy-dRAmA RAtEd R thE stoRy: An aging rock star receives a letter sent to him by John Lennon in 1971 and decides to turn his life around to become the man he wanted to be. thE LoWdoWn: Bright dialogue and great chemistry between Al Pacino and the rest of the cast raise this fairly predictable comedy-drama to very enjoyable entertainment. Pacino hasn’t been this good in years.

On the way out of the noon showing of Dan Fogelman’s Danny Collins at The Carolina on Friday, a woman I didn’t know turned to me and enthused, “Wasn’t that wonderful?” She didn’t really want an answer; she just wanted to tell someone how much she loved the movie. Now, I could kvetch about how the film was contrived, determinedly feel-good, cinematic comfort food and shameless Boomer-bait. And all that would be true, but I more agreed with that lady than I didn’t. Maybe it’s because I am just as susceptible to Boomer-bait as anyone my age. How easy is it to really resist a movie with a soundtrack mostly comprised of John Lennon (postBeatles) songs — even when (like the use of “Beautiful Boy”) some are a little too on the nose? Not easy at all — at least for me — but there’s more here than just a nostalgic soundtrack.


APRIL 15 - APRIL 21, 2015

CArMike CineMA 10 (298-4452)

AL PAcIno and chRIstoPhER PLummER in Dan Fogelman's unabashed Boomer-bait, but very enjoyable, crowd-pleaser Danny Collins. Pacino hasn't been this good in years.

The film is very loosely based on a real incident involving a letter written by John Lennon to folksinger Steve Tilston that only found its way to Tilston 30-plus years later. In the film, Tilston has become the totally fictional Danny Collins (Al Pacino), an aging, self-indulgent rock star who’s been coasting on drink, drugs and the same old songs for years. Oh, he can still pack a theater — though he looks more like a bad Vegas act than a rocker — as long as he plays the hits his mostly aging fans recognize. He has a kind of fame, money, a posh house and a vapid trophy girlfriend (Katarina Cas) about a third his age. All this changes when his manager, Frank (Christopher Plummer), presents him with the lost letter as a birthday gift. The letter reminds Danny of the artist he wanted to be and makes him wonder how things might have played out had he received the letter and called Lennon at the phone number provided in it. Resolved to put his life back on track, Danny puts his tour on hold, dumps his girlfriend (well, she was

sleeping with some studly young man anyway), flushes his cocaine down the toilet and sets off for the wilds of a New Jersey Hyatt on a mission to find the son he never knew. Of course, he still dresses like his old rock star self, travels in his private jet, tools around in a high-end Mercedes sports car, has a Steinway grand piano put in his hotel room and plays his persona to everyone he meets. He’s not insincere exactly, but he can’t get away from the role he’s grown into — and that’s what makes the character more interesting than the film’s predictable path would suggest. He may start to flirt with hotel manager Mary Sinclair (Annette Bening) because it’s just what he does, but he becomes honestly interested in her in part because she’s not a fan and thinks his Danny Collins pose is more than a little ridiculous. Little happens here you can’t guess — except for one melodramatic curveball that is fairly typical of first-time director Dan Fogelman’s other screenplays — but it’s that kind of movie. Like Danny Collins in

CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) Child 44 (r) 1:10, 4:05, 7:15, 10:15 Cinderella (Pg) 11:25, 1:55, 4:25, 7:10, 9:45, Danny Collins (r) 12:00, 2:35, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 Furious 7 (Pg-13) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 home 2D (Pg) 12:05, 2:20, 4:30, 6:55. 9:05 it Follows (r) 7:55, 10:20 insurgent 2D (Pg-13) 10:50, 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:35 The longest ride (Pg-13) 11:05, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05 Monkey kingdom (g) 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (Pg) 11:00, 12:25, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:20 The second Best exotic Marigold hotel (Pg) 10:55, 1:35, 4:50 True story (r) 11:45, 2:00, 5:00, 7:25, 9:50 Unfriended (r) 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30, 10:25 while we're Young (r) 12:10, 3:00, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10 woman in gold (Pg-13) 11:10,1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) Danny Collins (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) while we're Young (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:15 wild Tales (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:45 FlATroCk CineMA (697-2463) The longest ride (Pg-13) 3:30, 7:00 (Closed Mon.) regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiUM 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)


by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

concert, it delivers what you expect and what you want. It’s virtually a checklist of the conventions of the redemption comedy-drama film. Naturally, his son, Tom Donnelly (Bobby Cannavale), wants nothing to do with him, though Tom’s wife Samantha (Jennifer Garner) is more receptive to him. Of course, Mary slowly thaws to Danny’s charm. There will be the expected missteps and disasters and so on. But this only conveys the mechanics of the story, not the essence of the film. This is a movie that rises or falls on the characters, the performances and the chemistry of the actors. This is where Danny Collins scores — especially in the chemistry department. Al Pacino has mostly been an embarrassment for over a decade. The last really good thing he did was The Merchant of Venice in 2004. This may not exactly make up for things like 88 Minutes (2007) and Jack and Jill (2011), but it helps. It helps because Pacino has remarkable chemistry with not just Bening, but Plummer, Cannavale and Garner. They all fit so comfortably together that even the hoariest tropes become a pleasure. It may not make for a great movie, but it makes for a great time at the movies. That’s a worthy accomplishment all on its own. Rated R for language, drug use and some nudity. Playing at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Community Screenings

Film BuncomBe county PuBlic liBraries library Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (4/18), 2-4pm - Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? documentary. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (4/23), 6pm - Art & Craft, documentary. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Rd. Groovy movie cluB 926-3508, • FR (4/17), 7pm - Big Eyes. Held in private home. Contact for directions. social Justice Film niGht 254-6001 • FR (4/17), 7pm - Gen Silent, LGBT documentary. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place


The Longest Ride S DiREctoR: George Tillman Jr. (Faster) PLaYERS: Britt Robertson, Scott Eastwood, Alan Alda, Jack Huston, Oona Chaplin RomancE

RatED PG-13

tHE StoRY: The past of an old, dying man and two young lovers intertwine as he looks back at his past love. tHE LoWDoWn: An incredibly goopy, way too long and overwhelmingly chintzy saccharine romance with dull leads and zero points of interest.

By my count, this is the sixth Nicholas Sparks adaptation I’ve reviewed. I’m not totally confident of that number because they all sort of ooze together into one incredibly long, incredibly similar folksy romance. They even all have the same damn poster. I don’t remember much about any of them, besides the one with Miley Cyrus having a raccoon in it and another one having a twist ending involving a ghost. The latest Sparks film, The Longest Ride, does not promise to stand out, besides — maybe — being that one about bull riding, or that one where Clint Eastwood’s son briefly had a film career. There’s nothing really all that different about The Longest Ride than any of its predecessors. Some hunk and some blonde girl fall in love. There are complications and flashbacks and (usually) everything turns out OK — or, at the very least, they end appropriately in some tragically romantic way. Here, our beefcake romantic interest is Clint’s son Scott Eastwood, with J. Crew model looks and J. Crew mannequin acting ability. He plays Luke, a daring bull rider who suffers a life threatening head injury, something that doesn’t deter him from trying to get back to the top, despite risks to his life. Enter Sophia (Britt Robertson, Delivery Man),

HHHHH = max rating a cloistered coed from the other side of the tracks with an interest in the arts and dreams of making it in the big city. After quickly falling for one another (despite Luke’s possible death wish and Sophia’s divergent career path), their lives cross that of Ira (Alan Alda), an elderly man whom they save — along with a box of old letters — from a car crash. Sophia and Ira soon strike up a relationship, as she begins reading the letters to Ira which detail his melodramatic romance with Ruth (Oona Chaplin) some seven decades ago. Conveniently, Ira and Ruth’s courtship mirrors a lot of what Luke and Sophia are struggling with. There are some very basic problems with how all of this nonsense is approached. Director George Tillman Jr. (Faster) makes the film look and feel like a TV show. Eastwood and Robertson are dreadfully boring and have zero interest in either having chemistry or appearing like real life human beings. The period stuff that’s set during WWII looks cheap and fake, while the story itself has nothing about it that makes it engaging — a problem considering The Longest Ride’s two-hour-plus running time. I suppose there’s some local interest since the film’s set in North Carolina and a slight chunk of the film relates to a really phony looking version of Black Mountain, but all of that’s hardly a reason to sit through the rest. Rated PG-13 for some sexuality, partial nudity and some war and sports action. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

ST E B e h t r o Vote f LOCAL ER K FILMMA

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015




Black Magic HHHH

Mahler HHHHH

Director: Gregory Ratoff (Moss Rose) Players: Orson Welles, Nancy Guild, Akim Tamiroff, Frank Latimore, Valentina Cortese, Margot Grahame “HISTORICAL” MELODRAMA Rated NR Orson Welles has a scene-stealing field day in this rather free adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ Joseph Balsamo, Mémoires d’un Médecin — the story of Cagliostro (née Joseph Balsamo) rechristened Black Magic (1949) and starring Welles as, of course, Cagliostro. And based on the on-screen evidence, Welles stole more than scenes. Venerable Russian character actor Gregory Ratoff directed his share of (mostly undistinguished) movies — none of which look anything like this one, making it pretty obvious that Welles had a hand in the direction. The fact that Ratoff was an actors’ director (which is why actors liked him) probably made the arrangement amicable — and Welles referred to the experience as one of his happiest. (That he was also borrowing equipment to shoot bits of his Othello may have helped.) In any case, it may supposedly be Dumas, but it plays more like a variation on the 1931 Svengali — only with the ending of Welles’ The Stranger (1946) tacked on. Whatever it is, it’s certainly stylish fun. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Black Magic Sunday, April 19, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

Director: Ken Russell Players: Robert Powell, Georgina Hale, Lee Montague, Rosalie Crutchley, Antonia Ellis STYLIZED FANTASTICATED MUSICAL BIOGRAPHY Rated PG The Asheville Film Society’s Budget Big Screen series returns with Asheville’s own Lisi Russell introducing Ken Russell’s Mahler — her late husband’s brilliant biographical film on composer Gustav Mahler, a film conductor Klaus Tennstedt said was “the best film ever made about music.” I’m not about to argue with him. Mahler is from the richest period of Russell’s career — when he was at the height of power. It is a wholly brilliant matching of music and image, giving back to Mahler’s music as much as it builds on it. It’s one of the most densely layered works Russell ever made — a glorious cinematic tapestry of astounding pastoral beauty and romanticism combined with powerful — sometimes outrageous — fantasy and dream imagery. Robert Powell (perhaps best known as Christ in Jesus of Nazareth) truly becomes Mahler, and he’s matched every step of the way by a fearless Georgina Hale as his wife Alma. The film is being shown from the new — imported — Blu-ray, which is the most stunning copy of the film I’ve ever seen. The Asheville Film Society is showing Mahler Wednesday, April 22, at 7:30 p.m. in at The Carolina Asheville as part of the Budget Big Screen series. Admission is $6 for AFS members and $8 for the general public. Special guest Lisi Russell (Ken Russell’s widow) will introduce the film with Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Housebound HHHHS Director: Gerard Johnstone Players: Morgana O’Reilly, Rima Te Wiata, Glen-Paul Waru, Ross Harper, Cameron Rhodes HORROR / HORROR COMEDY Rated NR The idea that we are in the midst of a kind of horror film renaissance these days is given ample support by this horror comedy from New Zealand by first-time feature writer-director Gerard Johnstone. Housebound (which, typically, is being remade for American consumption by New Line) got almost no release in the U.S. but managed to blow away almost every critic who encountered it, and it is frankly one of the freshest takes on the horror film in years. The basic story is pretty simple — small-time criminal and perpetual rehab failure Kylie (Morgana O’Reilly) is court ordered to house arrest with her much-detested mother (Rima Te Wiata) in their old house that may just be haunted. The film this results in is anything but simple. It is never just any one thing. It is — often simultaneously — scary, exciting, suspenseful and very funny. The characters are unusual and unusually well-defined. Kylie is about as far removed from your typical imperiled heroine as it is possible to get. Her mum, Miriam, may be mostly a comic figure, but she’s also given much more nuance than that suggests. Security guard Amos (Glen-Paul Waru) is a singularly unlikely — and endlessly likable — leading man. And what of Eugene (Ryan Lampp)? Well, I can’t really talk about him, but everyone — even the minor characters — is well drawn. It’s a must-see. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Housebound Thursday, April 16, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Turtles Can Fly HHHH Director: Bahman Ghobadi Players: Soran Ebrahim, Avaz Latif, Saddam Hossein Feysal, Hiresh Feysal Rahman WAR DRAMA Rated PG-13 When Turtles Can Fly (2004) first showed here, I wrote: The first thing you notice about Iranian filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi’s Turtles Can Fly is how much more technically accomplished it is than most films we see from this part of the world. The colors are bright and vivid, the images are sharp and detailed, the compositions are elegant and striking, and the camerawork as slick as anything from a major U.S. studio. Not only is this a pleasing departure in its own right, but it’s essential to Ghobadi’s approach, since the technical proficiency makes the grim reality of the world of its Kurdish refugee children look even grimmer by contrast. The film — the first made in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein — is a striking look at these nearly forgotten victims of war, and a sobering, saddening experience. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Turtles Can Fly Friday, April 17, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,


APRIL 15 - APRIL 21, 2015

Love Letters HHHHS Director: William Dieterle Players: Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten, Ann Richards, Cecil Kellaway, Gladys Cooper, Anita Louise ROMANTIC MELODRAMA Rated NR Yes, this is the movie that produced the song of the title — though it only appears as a song in the film in orchestral form. (This was common at this period. The song versions of the famous themes from The Uninvited (“Stella by Starlight”) and Laura (“Laura”) — both made the previous year — do not appear in those films.) Love Letters is the kind of movie that only a filmmaker like William Dieterle could pull off. He did the same thing three years later with the same stars in Portrait of Jennie, but that was a romantic fantasy, while this is an overheated romantic melodrama. It’s the story of Allen Quinton (Joseph Cotten) who, during the war, wrote love letters for his loutish friend (Robert Sully) — letters that cause a young woman, Victoria, to fall in love with the idea of the man she thinks wrote them, with unfortunate results. After the war, Allen meets an amnesiac called Singleton (Jennifer Jones). There are no prizes for guessing that Singleton and Victoria are the same person. Naturally, they fall in love, and despite the evident problems — like what will happen if she regains her memory and discovers who wrote the letters that ruined her life — he marries her. It’s all on the preposterous side, but it’s done with such conviction and artistry that both its melodrama and its unabashed romanticism work. Plus, the screenplay is by no less than Ayn Rand, though you’d (blessedly) never know it if you didn’t read the credits. The Asheville Film Society will screen Love Letters Tuesday, April 21, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Be sure to read

‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online


by Ken Hanke StaRtinG fRiDaY

Lisi Russell — Asheville’s Own

HomE SwEEt HomE: “When I first set foot in Asheville, I thought it was magic — everything about it seemed so different from Charlotte, from anyplace. It immediately became home,” recalls former Asheville resident Lisi Russell, pictured here with Ken Hanke. Russell is in town to introduce her late husband’s film Mahler. Photo credit: Norn Cutson

Lisi Russell — widow of British filmmaker Ken Russell (Tommy, Altered States) — will be in Asheville next week to introduce a special Asheville Film Society screening of her husband’s film Mahler on Wed., April 22, at 7:30 p.m. at The Carolina Asheville. Many of you may know that this isn’t her first trip to Asheville, but fewer of you are probably aware that Lisi grew up here. Though born in Charlotte, Lisi came to Asheville at the age of 9 when her father, Hal Tribble, left the Charlotte Observer to become editor of what was then the Asheville Citizen. “In those days,” Lisi explains, “there was the Citizen — a morning paper — and the Times — an evening paper.” “When I first set foot in Asheville, I thought it was magic — everything about it seemed so different from Charlotte, from anyplace. It immediately became home.” It would remain that for about 12 years. “Of course, it was very different then,” she adds. It was probably even more so for her, since her father was a die-hard progressive liberal whose views on the world — and especially on race — were not embraced by everyone.

“I got so used to answering the phone and having people say, ‘Let me talk to the nigger lover,’ that I’d just say, ‘Daddy, it’s for you,’ and think no more about it. It was just a part of life at our house.” This was the atmosphere in which she spent her formative years — and these were the ideals that were instilled in her. “We were never allowed to even remark on a person’s skin color to describe them. Dad insisted on us being truly color blind,” she explains, adding, “And we were taught to never feel superior to anyone. When I graduated high school I was accepted at Yale, but my father insisted I go to UNC at Chapel Hill, because he didn’t want me to become a snob.” The Asheville experience came to a halt in 1972 while she was at school when her father was “urged” into early retirement. Why? “It was very simple. My father refused to endorse Richard Nixon, so the family returned to Charlotte.” It was also at Chapel Hill that Lisi discovered the films of Ken Russell. “They had such an enormous impact on us — especially in the drama

Child 44

department. But I differed in one respect from the others. They said they loved those films. I said, ‘I love the man who made those films,’” she reveals. So what did she do? She wrote to Russell — care of the studio where The Music Lovers was shot — on the back of a restaurant place mat, telling him that she’d be studying acting in New York that summer and asking him to stop by if he was in the city. “Imagine my surprise when one morning at 8:30 the bell rang and there was Ken Russell standing on my doorstep. I remember there were two gay friends of mine asleep on the floor, and Ken just stepped over them as if this was perfectly normal.” So began a friendship and a correspondence that ended when Lisi’s mother nixed the idea of her daughter being in Lisztomania. “My mother knew Ken’s films and loved them,” she explains, “and that was exactly why she said no to the idea — mom was sure I’d have to take my clothes off.” It’s a story, of course, with a longdelayed happy ending, because Ken and Lisi got back together in 2000 and married in 2001. And as soon as the opportunity presented itself — with the invitation from the Asheville Film Festival in 2005 — she introduced him to Asheville. “He fell in love with it. He said that seeing his name on the marquee at the Fine Arts Theatre was a healing experience, that the place itself reminded him of the Lake District in England — without the lakes. It became his absolute favorite of all the film festivals and retrospectives he ever attended, and it remained so,” she reveals. “And you be sure to add,” she insisted against my objections, “that it was partly due to you. You have no idea how much Ken loved you, and he always said you were the only person who really understood his films. I never saw him have such a good time.” They always hoped to come back some day, but death intervened on Nov. 27, 2011 — though Ken Russell left this world with a picture of Lisi, himself and me sitting in a window at Diana Wortham in 2005 while waiting for the screening of Tommy. And Lisi will be back “home” — with Ken in spirit — for Mahler on April 22. X

This has the sound and look of an offbeat art title — also, the cast: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, Gary Oldman. But not only would the studio not screen it for local critics, it was only in the last day that any reviews (very few) appeared at all. It’s the story of a hunt for a serial child murderer in the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union, which doesn’t really sound like populist entertainment. It does, however, sound like the most interesting film coming out this week. (R)

Monkey Kingdom It’s DisneyNature’s annual Earth Day documentary. This time, as you can perhaps tell, it’s about monkeys. Less obvious is the fact that it’s narrated by Tina Fey. (G)

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 You may or may not remember that six years ago we were treated to Kevin James in Paul Blart: Mall Cop, a witless comedy from the Adam Sandler factory that somehow managed to rake in about $150 million. So here we are again with the cleverly titled Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. (The title speaks to the laziness of the enterprise.) This appears to be more of the same but with a Las Vegas setting. It has so far garnered three reviews — each more blistering than the last. (PG)

True Story Now, this by rights is an art title, but Fox Searchlight seems to have been overcome by a policy of paranoia that is making it harder and harder for their films to get screened, which is why this latest is opening with a scant 14 reviews. The blurb tells us: “When disgraced New York Times reporter Michael Finkel (Jonah Hill) meets accused killer Christian Longo (James Franco) — who has taken on Finkel’s identity — his investigation morphs into an unforgettable game of cat-and-mouse. Based on actual events, Finkel’s relentless pursuit of Longo’s true story encompasses murder, love, deceit and redemption.” (R)

Unfriended R rated horror about haunted internet stuff. It’s been likened to The Ring, but with chatrooms instead of a videotape. Actually, it sounds more like the little seen Feardotcom with its haunted website, but this time it’s been made like Nacho Vigalondo’s Open Windows — with all the action taking place on a computer screen. Oh, yes, a cyber bullying theme has been added. Strangely, the early (limited) reviews are largely positive. (R)

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


Local film news







by Edwin Arnaudin







• Downtown Winston-Salem plays home to the 2015 RiverRun International Film Festival from Thursday, April 16, through Sunday, April 26. Founded in Brevard in 1998 by actor Vincent D’onofrio (Full Metal Jacket; Men in Black) and his father Gene, the festival name was inspired by the French Broad River. RiverRun then moved east in 2003 under the direction of Dale Pollock, then the dean of the School of Filmmaking at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Festival highlights for 2015 include screenings of Manglehorn, starring Al Pacino and written and directed by David Gordon Green (All the Real Girls; Pineapple Express); People Places Things, starring Jemaine Clement (What We Do in the Shadows) and Jessica Williams (TV’s The Daily Show); and a six-film Spotlight on Black American Cinema from 1971-91, featuring such works as John Singleton’s Boyz n the Hood and Charles Burnett’s Killer of Sheep.

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• The 2015 Indie Grits Festival takes place Wednesday, April 15, through Sunday, April 19, in Columbia, S.C. Hosted by The Nickelodeon Theatre, South Carolina’s lone nonprofit art house theater, Indie Grits began in 2007 as a DIY film festival and also offers art, technology and music events. This year’s film selections include eight documentary features, two narrative features and over 60 short films from a variety of genres. This year also marks the first time the festival has a theme: “Future Perfect” encourages all involved with Indie Grits to look at the years to come with creative thought and an ownership of how life can turn out.

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The CBS show “Under the Dome” will film its third season in Wilmington, thanks to funds from the North Carolina Film and Entertainment Grant.

• The newly established n.c. Film and Entertainment Grant has awarded funds to three instate projects. The grant provides financial aid to attract productions that will stimulate economic activity and create jobs in North Carolina. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet direct in-state spending requirements to qualify for funds. Under The Dome will continue its Wilmington-based production for a third season. The CBS series is an adaptation of Stephen King’s novel of the same name and examines how the citizens of the fictional Chester’s Mill react when a giant dome is placed over their town. Additional filming takes place in Burgaw and Southport, and the eligible grant amount is $5 million. An untitled Lionsgate television Project will receive eligible grant amount of $4 million and is expected to shoot in Western North Carolina. The third production is the feature film Late in the Season, which, according to its IMDb page, is about “a 31 year-old Seattle stockbroker with a mysterious past who walks on to a small North Carolina college basketball team and inspires his struggling teammates’ lives with hope as they reach for a championship.” The film is written and directed by actor Gary Hershberger (Sneakers; TV’s Twin Peaks) and stars Kevin Sorbo (TV’s Hercules) and Fred Thompson (TV’s Law & Order). It will be shot primarily on the campus of Davidson College and the greater Charlotte area, and receive an eligible grant amount of $1 million. Send your local film news to ae@mountainx.comX


APRIL 15 - APRIL 21, 2015

• The Brevard music center and the Wnc Film Society will collaborate during the music center’s season and throughout the year on projects that explore the role of music in film. Interdisciplinary activities will include film screenings, lectures, panel discussions, concerts and other events. “melody Defines Story in Short Films,” the first project of this partnership, takes place Thursday, July 9, and will be followed by a panel discussion with industry experts.

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Chef needed At BoArdinG sChool The Academy at Trails Carolina, located near Dupont State Forest, is looking for a qualified professional to be the campus chef and culinary arts teacher. Responsibilities include preparing weekly lunches and dinners, planning meals for the weekends, and teaching groups of students how to prepare meals and run a sanitary kitchen. Furthermore, the chef will help create menus for 1-2 week quarterly expeditions and place weekly food orders. Qualified applicants will be proficient in group management, conflict resolution and therapeutic boundaries. Must be able to pass background check, general physical and drug screen. Send inquiries to pACK's tAvern hirinG line CooKs Pack's Tavern is looking for experienced line cooks. Hiring immediately with competitive pay. Full time and part time available. Send an email with a resume and references to JordanSAdams@ Thanks!

drivers/ delivery eAsy money! $570/Week. Delivery Drivers! Paid Every Friday! B2B, Full-time. Must have own Vehicle, Minivans or SUVs. 877-973-7447. pArt-time drivinG instruCtors Land Rover Experience is seeking parttime driving instructors at the Land Rover Experience at the Biltmore in Asheville. Instructors will facilitate hands-on off road driving experiences with guests, including detailed off-road instruction, scenic adventures, and team building events. This position is

AmeriCorps proJeCt Conserve noW ACCeptinG AppliCAtions for 2015-2016 AmeriCorps Conservation Positions in western North Carolina. 11-month program seeks individuals committed to conservation, education and volunteerism. Apply by May 22, 2012. See www. americorpsprojectconserve. org for full details.

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • meridiAn BehAviorAl heAlth peer support specialists multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialists working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org. Clinician openings in the following programs: • PACE (Peers Assisting in Community Engagement) • Recovery Education Center (REC) & Specialized Assessment • Henderson/ Rutherford/Polk/Transylvania Counties • Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) • Cherokee County • Child & Family Team. All clinician positions require you to be a Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist, with a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation, flexibility, and above moderate computer skills. For

further information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org or visit our website: www. haywood and transylvania Counties employment support professional (esp) Supported Employment Program: The ESP position functions as a part of a team that implements employment services based on the SE-IPS model. The team’s goal is to support individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment in the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. The ESP is responsible for engaging clients and establishing trusting, collaborative relationships that result in the creation and completion of individualized employment goals. The ESP will support the client through the whole employment process and provide a variety of services at each stage to support the individual in achieving their employment goals. For more information contact hr.department@ haywood County office support staff recovery education Center (reC) Must be detail oriented and have strong communication and computer skills. Two years of clerical/office experience preferred. High School Diploma or GED required. For more information, please contact transylvania County Certified medical Assistant (CmA) • Part- time position. Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. For more information, please contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www. CNA • CAREGIVER POSItions We screen, train, bond and insure. • Positions available for quality, caring and dependable professionals. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care. Apply online: direCt CAre/support stAff And Afl providers We are currently seeking staff to work with individuals with developmental disabilities. We have openings in our Day Program, Community Networking and AFL Providers. Please call us at 828-299-1720 ext 260. fAmily preservAtion serviCes of nC, inC. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services. Seeking fully/ associate licensed professionals to work with children/ adults. Please see the Web ad

for Job details. Resumes to Crystal Simpson (csimpson@ 828-225-3100 helpmAte overniGhtAWAKe positions Helpmate, Inc. seeks Overnight Case Managers for full-time, part-time and relief (as needed) positions to provide support during evening and nighttime hours to survivors of domestic violence. The permanent positions are awake shifts. Primary responsibilities include monitoring security, providing emotional support to survivors, responding to crisis line calls, creating organization systems, and documenting service provision. Strong communication and crisis management skills required. Qualified candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree or 2 years’ experience in social work or related field, with preference for experience in domestic violence or related field, or a commensurate combination of work and experience. Benefits package is available for the full-time position. Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply. Email resume and cover letter to HelpmateAsheville@ mAKe A differenCe in A person's life NC Outreach Home Care is seeking a person for Maggie Valley area to support a 25 year old female with spina-bifida. She enjoys getting out in the community and works on her computer. Her interest is getting employed in the jewelry business and needs continued support for personal care. Training will be provided for all aspects of her services. Contact Deb Ramsey at NCOHC for application/training process: 828-989-7654. therApeutiC Wilderness field instruCtors-seCond nAture Blue ridGe (snBr) Looking for Field Instructors who enjoy working outdoors with youth. Fulltime and summer positions available. Instructors work week on/ week off rotations. For information and to download an application: http:// universAl mh/dd/sAs Is seeking individuals or couples to provide Alternative Family Living (AFL) for individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities. AFL services are provided in your home 24/7. Please contact Sherry at • www.

teAChinG/ eduCAtion AssistAnt teAChers needed TLC School is hiring for two positions: 5/6 + 7/8 language arts junior teacher and 5/6 + 7/8 math and science assistant teacher. FMI, visit thelearningcommunity. org.

Sales Person Wanted Don’t worry if you’ve never held a sales position in your life. We are looking for an organized, computer-savvy person who can talk well and listen better — to promote Asheville’s business and nonprofit community and show them what Xpress can do for them. We offer a communityminded, mission-driven, collaborative environment. This is a salaried position. Please email your resume and a cover letter that communicates why you think you’d thrive at Mountain Xpress. Send your email (no phone calls, please) to

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015



by Rob Brezny

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The time between now and your birthday will provide you with excellent opportunities to resolve lingering problems, bring drawn-out melodramas to a conclusion and clean up old messes — even the supposedly interesting ones. You want to know what else this upcoming period will be good for? I’ll tell you: 1. Surrendering control-freak fantasies. 2. Relieving your backlog of tension. 3. Expelling delusional fears that you cling to out of habit. 4. Laughing long and hard at the cosmic jokes that have tweaked your attitude. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the mid-19th century, the entrance exam for the British Royal Navy was quite odd. Some candidates were required to write down the Lord’s Prayer, recite the multiplication table for the number three, get naked and jump over a chair and drink a glass of sherry. I’m guessing that your own initiation or rite of passage may, at least initially, seem as puzzling or nonsensical as that one. You might be hard-pressed to understand how it is pertinent to the next chapter of your life story. And yet I suspect that you will ultimately come to the conclusion — although it may take some time — that this transition was an excellent lead-in and preparation for what’s to come. CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1909, Sergei Diaghilev founded the Ballets Russes, a Parisian ballet company that ultimately revolutionized the art form. The collaborative efforts he catalyzed were unprecedented. He drew on the talents of visual artists Picasso and Matisse, composers Stravinsky and Debussy, designer Coco Chanel and playwright Jean Cocteau, teaming them up with top choreographers and dancers. His main goal was not primarily to entertain, but rather to excite and inspire and inflame. That’s the spirit I think you’ll thrive on in the coming weeks, Cancerian. It’s not a time for nice diversions and comfy satisfactions. Go in quest of Ballets Russeslike bouts of arousal, awakening and delight.

clothing that’s too tight. As you know, the effect is temporary. Once the close-fitting garment is removed, the imprint will eventually disappear as the skin restores its normal shape and texture. I see the coming days as being a time when you will experience a metaphorical version of karelu, Scorpio. You will shed some form of constriction, and it may take a while for you to regain your full flexibility and smoothness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Georgia is not just an American state. It’s also a country that’s at the border of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Many people who live there speak the Georgian language. They have a word, shemomedjamo, that refers to what happens when you love the taste of the food you’re eating so much that you continue to pile it in your mouth well past the time when you’re full. I’d like to use it as a metaphor for what I hope you won’t do in the coming days: get too much of a good thing. On the other hand, it’s perfectly fine to get just the right, healthy amount of a good thing.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Don’t ever tame your demons — always keep them on a leash.” That’s a line from a song by Irish rock musician Hozier. Does it have any meaning for you? Can your personal demons somehow prove useful to you if you keep them wild but under your control? If so, how exactly might they be useful? Could they provide you with primal energy you wouldn’t otherwise possess? Might their presence be a reminder of the fact that everyone you meet has their own demons and therefore deserves your compassion? I suspect that these are topics worthy of your consideration right now. Your relationship to your demons is ripe for transformation — possibly even a significant upgrade.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): When you’re a driver in a car race, an essential rule in making a successful pit stop is to get back on the track as quickly as possible. Once the refueling is finished and your new tires are in place, you don’t want to be cleaning out your cup holder or checking the side-view mirror to see how you look. Do I really need to tell you this? Aren’t you usually the zodiac’s smartest competitor? I understand that you’re trying to become more skilled at the arts of relaxation, but can’t you postpone that until after this particular race is over? Remember that there’s a difference between the bad kind of stress and the good kind. I think you actually need some of the latter.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Will you be the difficult wizard, Virgo? Please say yes. Use your magic to summon elemental forces that will shatter the popular obstacles. Offer the tart medicine that tempers and tests as it heals. Bring us bracing revelations that provoke a fresher, sweeter order. I know it’s a lot to ask, but right now there’s no one more suited to the tasks. Only you can manage the stern grace that will keep us honest. Only you have the tough humility necessary to solve the riddles that no one else can even make sense of.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Until the early 20th century, mayonnaise was considered a luxury food, a handmade delicacy reserved for the rich. An entrepreneur named Richard Hellman changed that. He developed an efficient system to produce and distribute the condiment at a lower cost. He put together effective advertising campaigns. The increasing availability of refrigeration helped, too, making mayonnaise a more practical food. I foresee the possibility of a comparable evolution in your own sphere, Aquarius: the transformation of a specialty item into a mainstay or the evolution of a rare pleasure into a regular occurrence.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): My message this week might be controversial to the Buddhists among you. But I’ve got to report the cosmic trends as I see them, right? It’s my sacred duty not to censor or sanitize the raw data. So here’s the truth as I understand it: More desire is the answer to your pressing questions. Passionate intensity is the remedy for all wishy-washy wishes and anesthetized emotions. The stronger your longing, the smarter you’ll be. So if your libido is not already surging and throbbing under its own power, I suggest you get it teased and tantalized until it does. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Karelu is a word from the Tulu language that’s spoken in South India. It refers to the marks made on human skin by


ARIES (March 21-April 19): The California Gold Rush hit its peak between 1849 and 1855. Three hundred thousand adventurers flocked to America’s West Coast in search of gold. In the early days, gold nuggets were lying around on the ground in plain sight or relatively easy to find in gravel beds at the bottom of streams. But later prospectors had to work harder, developing methods to extract the gold from rocks that contained it. One way to detect the presence of the precious metal was through the use of nitric acid, which corroded any substance that wasn’t gold. The term “acid test” refers to that process. I bring this to your attention, Aries, because it’s a good time for you to use the metaphorical version of an acid test as you ascertain whether what you have discovered is truly golden.

aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Piscean author Dr. Seuss wrote and illustrated over 40 books for children. Midway through his career, his publisher dared him to make a new book that used no more than 50 different words. Accepting the challenge, Seuss produced Green Eggs and Ham, which went on to become the fourthbest-selling English-language children’s book in history. I invite you to learn from Seuss’s efforts, Pisces. How? Take advantage of the limitations that life has given you. Be grateful for the way those limitations compel you to be efficient and precise. Use your constraints as inspiration to create a valuable addition to your life story.

elementAry sChool teACher ArtSpace Charter School is now accepting applications for an Elementary School Teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. Applicants Must have a current North Carolina teaching license in Elementary Education. • Previous experience as a lead teacher is highly preferred. Applicants must be willing to work in a collaborative, integrated, experiential environment. Knowledge of the arts and arts integration strategies is preferred but not required. Please send resumes and cover letters to: resumes@artspacecharter. org with the subject heading “Elementary Teacher.” Deadline to apply: May 8th. in-home eduCAtor Inhome Educators (IHE) work with families of young children to support children's development, provide parenting education, and work toward other goals identified by the family. Candidates must be comfortable driving throughout Buncombe County, spending time with families in the home environment, and working with families experiencing poverty and other high risk situations. This position is funded by Early Head Start. Applicants must have a minimum of an Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education, Social Work, or a related field as required by Early Head Start regulations. A Bachelor's Degree in-field is preferred. English/ Spanish bilingual candidates will be given preference as this position's caseload currently includes a majority of Spanishspeaking families. Verner is an EEOE. Apply online at www.

interested in WorKinG At A-B teCh? Full-Time, Part-Time and Adjunct Positions available. Come help people achieve their dreams! Apply for open positions at https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com leAd summer CAmp Counselor - Asheville Creative, Energetic and Reliable. Experience teaching kids ages 4+ and BS or similar expertise in science or nature studies. M-F, 8:30-3:00 for 5 weeks. 6/15--7/31. $80120/day DOE. Resumes to visuAl Arts teACher ArtSpace Charter School, a K-8 public school near Asheville, NC, has an opening for an innovative and energetic visual Arts teacher to join its Arts Integration Team, beginning August, 2015. Candidates must be willing to work in a collaborative environment and teach a variety of subjects through art to students in grades K-8. Art instruction experience and NC licensure are required. Experience teaching in an arts integrated environment is preferred. Application deadline is May 8, 2015. Qualified applicants may email their resume and cover letter to: resumes@artspacecharter. org

Business opportunities mAKe $1000 WeeKly! Mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

CAreer trAininG AirBrush mAKeup Artist Course For: Ads. TV. Film. Fashion. HD and digital. 40% Off Tuition for limited time. Train and Build Portfolio . One Week Course. Details at: 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN) Airline CAreers BeGin here Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) stArt your humAnitAriAn CAreer! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! 269-591-0518. (AAN CAN)

hotel/ hospitAlity montford Room/bath cleaning, stairs, lifting, part time - Fri/Sat/Sun. Seeking experience, reliability. References required, 828-254-2244.

noW hirinG hotel JoB opportunities $9/hour. Room Attendants, Houseperson. Must pass criminal background check and drug screen. Apply in person: 1238 Hendersonville Road, Suite 217, Asheville, NC 28803. Call for appointment: 828-2744622. renAissAnCe Asheville hotel noW hirinG The Renaissance Asheville Hotel is hiring for the following positions. Front Office Manager, Room Attendant/Housekeeper, Sales Assistant/Coordinator, Dishwasher, Banquet Waitstaff, Evening Restaurant Server, Host(ess), AM Busser (Restaurant), Lounge/Cocktail Server. Full Job Descriptions and Applications are available online at (click on Careers) wcghotels. com

benefits. Inquiries to: Linda Marie Barrett, General Manager, Malaprop's Bookstore/ Cafe, 55 Haywood St., Asheville, NC 28801, lindamarie@ love BooKs And musiC? Part-time retail. 2 years college preferred. Great working environment. Submit resume to Mr. K's Used Books, Music and More, 800 Fairview Rd in the River Ridge Shopping Center.

xChAnGe furniture livinG room suite Brand new, 3 piece, chocolate, couch, love seat and recliner. Can text photos. Call (828) 395-0407.

BooKseller positions Full-time (35-40 hours) and part-time (15-30 hours) bookseller positions available at Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe. Qualifications include retail experience, computer skills, comfort with multitasking and working within a team, and dedication to delivering excellent customer service. Malaprop's offers a creative, supportive working environment with a competitive wage plus

AnnounCements Good Wood piZZA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. preGnAnt? thinKinG of Adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) support rehABilitAtion We are looking for people with criminal records to join us on our mission to end discrimination. We are hoping to change the way employers look at people with records. 828-989-9459

serviCes Audio/video dish tv Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 months) Save! Regular Price $34.99. Ask about Free same day Installation! Call now! 888-992-1957 (AAN CAN).

CAreGivers COMPANION • CAREGIVER • LIVE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.

ClAsses & WorKshops ClAsses & WorKshops leArn the Art of Chip CArvinG Warren Wilson College presents a five day class with artisan carver Bill Johnson. Information at 828-5862772 or Also listed on Warren Wilson College Folkshop Classes site. to intermediate.

eduCAtion/ tutorinG speCiAl eduCAtion/ needs: veterAn AdolesCent eduCAtor/ youth AdvoCAte Steven T. Brown, M.Ed / Behavior: , 8284589069 ; IEP’s; Behavior Management/ Tutoring; Behavioral/ Emotional Disorders/ special needs; General learning or behavioral challenges to school success; State & National Certifications/ All Exceptionalities

entertAinment Get CABle tv, internet & phone With free hd Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call now! 866353-6916. (AAN CAN)

retAil AmeriCAn folK Art & frAminG Is seeking a people loving, computer savvy, hard working and creative individual with relevant retail experience for a position that is both rewarding and challenging. • Permanent, Part-time/weekend shift required. No phone calls. More information? Email:


sACred spACe pAintinG: Asheville's intuitive pAintinG studio Awaken Passion and Aliveness through Painting! Workshops and Classes for adults and children. No painting Experience Necessary! One Day Workshop, April 18th, 10 to 4pm. 828-252-4828 justpaint@ www.SacredSpacePainting. com

mind, Body, spirit BodyWorK

home improvement GenerAl serviCes Jm reid Custom home remodelinG Specializing in Kitchens and Baths, PreFinished Hardwood floors, Decks, Additions, Trim. Insured. 41 years experience. (828) 550-0585

hAndy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • HANDYmAn serviCes Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

#1 AffordABle Community ConsCious mAssAGe And essentiAl oil CliniC 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 5057088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 6970103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.

relAxinG And intuitive mAssAGe Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offers $50/hr healing massage in downtown on Saturday & weekdays. "When Beth does reflexology on my feet I feel good for weeks afterward."-3 yr Client. 828-279-7042 struCturAl inteGrAtion rolf therApeutiC BodyWorK Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 AshevilleStructuralIntegration. com

CounselinG serviCes intuitive AstroloGy ConsultAtions Look deeply into your life and its cycles through a reading of your natal chart. Gain clarity on complex situations, life transitions, & relationships. Sliding scale. http://astro. // 828-419-0393 //

heAlth & fitness

pets pet serviCes Asheville pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232. pooper sCooper serviCe Professional Pooper Scoopers Service serving the Asheville Area. Call Us at (828) 337-0022 or go to our website to sign up for our weekly service. (828) 337-0022

Automotive Autos for sAle 2012 BmW x5 35i Perfect condition, black with tan leather interior, garage kept, great tires, BMW maintained, $36,500, NADA $44,000, 252-9164939, 828-625-9542. CAsh for CArs Any Car/ Truck. Running or not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN)

Automotive serviCes

silK reelinG spirAl poWer qi GonG Asheville & BlACK mountAin Integrate body, mind & spirit with spiraling movement, qi cultivation, and circle walking. Wednesdays 12:001:00PM at the Tao Institute, 9 Walnut Street, Asheville. Fridays 4:00-5:00PM at the Black Mountain Center For The Arts, 225 W. State Street, Black Mountain. 828-4190393 /

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edited by Will Shortz


ACROSS 1 Ladylike 9 Like the bodies snatched in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” 15 Miami suburb 16 “So-o-o nice!” 17 Something that’s just not done at the dinner table? 18 Salad bar item 19 “Frozen” character who sings “Let It Go” 20 @ 22 ___ États-Unis 23 Census information 25 Traffic problem 27 Stinkbugs and others 30 Crunch beneficiaries 32 Reacts to gravity 35 “___ is to console those who are broken by life”: Van Gogh 36 Couch potato’s holder 39 “On cloud nine” feeling 40 Metro : Washington :: ___ : San Francisco 42 Tailgate dish 43 It goes from Carndonagh to Skibbereen 44 Symbol on Captain America’s shield 45 It might have a stirring part 47 Word with flour or milk

48 Like some ships

at harbor 50 Half of a candy duo 51 Longtime New York Philharmonic conductor 53 Things that may help you get out of a jam? 55 Fifth-century invader 56 Independence in Washington, e.g.: Abbr. 58 Cry from a whiny child 61 “___ that” 65 Dark wine 67 Aid provider since 1864 ... or a hint to this puzzle’s shaded squares 69 Wandering 70 Providers of pilot programs 71 Give the green light 72 Shakespearean character who says “We are such stuff as dreams are made on” DOWN 1 Became threadbare 2 Gem of a girl? 3 Twix maker 4 Rays’ div. 5 Athos, Porthos or Aramis 6 Polar explorer’s implement 7 Trick-taking game

8 Top gear 9 Welsh ___ 10 Like some cars and







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15 16 library books 11 No longer funny 17 18 12 Purse item 13 “What ___?” 19 20 21 14 “Tom,” entirely, in Morse code 23 24 25 21 “Don’t believe that one bit!” 27 28 29 30 31 24 Car mechanic’s fig. 26 Spur (on) 35 36 37 38 27 Colt 45 maker 28 Muse whose name 40 41 42 means “beloved” 29 Kool-Aid flavor 44 45 30 One who’s beyond belief? 48 49 50 31 Adobe, e.g. 33 Reform Party pioneer 53 54 55 34 “I gotta run!” 37 TiVo predecessor 56 57 58 59 60 38 Puppy’s plaint 41 Symbol on the state 65 66 67 flag of Maine or South Carolina 69 70 46 Avian sprinter 49 Prepare, in a way, 71 72 as fish 52 Lure into lawbreaking 54 Sounds from jalopies puzzle by david steinberg 55 Eco-friendly power 57 Unseen “Cheers” wife 62 Stood source, informally 59 Finish (up) 63 ___ experience 56 NASA’s ___ Research Center 60 One who’s succeeding 64 It’s a gas up north




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22 26 32 39 43 46 51

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66 Kind of preacher 68 “Hawaii Five-O”


























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aPRiL 15 - aPRiL 21, 2015


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