Mountain Xpress 04.22.15

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Music Video Asheville rolls out the red carpet

Asheville始s $1.9M Kickstarter record


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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


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Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest With the popularity of locally made artisan cheese steadily growing in Asheville, the WNC Cheese Trail — organized by a group of local cheesemakers — will spotlight the craft and its products through a new festival, the Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest. coveR design Alane Mason Photo by Tim Robison PictuRed Christine Owen of Spinning Spider Creamery

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8 asheviLLe’s kickstaRteR RePoRt caRd — Locally based projects beat the averages



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10 meRRimon madness Addressing safety risks along Asheville’s major roadways


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43 dinneR with a diffeRence — Monthly potlucks fight gender inequality


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26 wnc’s sustainabiLity RePoRt caRd

48 video saved the Radio staR — Music Video Asheville spotlights local artists


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50 buiLding tRadition fRom tRansition A-B Tech’s Rhapsodist turns 4

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

LetteRs caRtoon: moLton caRtoon: bRent bRown community caLendaR conscious PaRty asheviLLe discLaimeR news of the weiRd weLLness smaLL bites state of the aRts smaRt bets cLubLand movies scReen scene cLassifieds fReewiLL astRoLogy ny times cRosswoRd

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editoR & PubLisheR: Jeff Fobes assistant to the PubLisheR: Susan Hutchinson associate editoR: Margaret Williams a&e editoR/wRiteR: Alli Marshall food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith gReen scene editoR/wRiteR: Carrie Eidson


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weLLness editoR/wRiteR: Susan Foster staff RePoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Kat McReynolds editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose movie RevieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRibuting editoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

caRtoon by Randy moLton

Vance Monument debate raises larger issues One thing missing in the April 8 issue about the Vance memorial [“Honor System: Vance Monument Restoration Raises Troubling Questions,” Xpress] is how those same laws that allowed the use of African-American “prisoners” convicted of petty crimes to be used to enrich white landowners through their use as involuntary servants in the construction of infrastructure ... is still going on today, with sometimes even greater zeal. The mass incarceration of minority and poor folks through arrests for minor infractions and ever-increasing fines ending in jailing is just starting to be identified as wrong, anti-civil rights actions that are aimed at continuing poor and minority folks in a permanent underclass state. As a transplanted Northerner, I have always been amazed that the South wants to glorify its past Confederate history while being so quick to overlook its true history, both past and present, of violence, hate, impoverishment and economic and chattel slavery of people. It seems to me to be more of the “historical

myth” that is so much of the social, economic and racial history of white privilege and supremacy. We make up a history of American Exceptionalism that freely ignores our true history and glorifies a version of history that is sugarcoated and amnesiac. We push to teach this history to generation after generation, ignoring any and all ills [in] our past. But the truth is out there to be seen and revealed through books like The New Jim Crow and A People’s History of the United States and others, as well as current events throughout the South and beyond. We willfully ignore our true history because we want a fairy-tale America. Those who push forward this ignorance truly don’t understand that the real strength of a people comes from their ability to reveal the truth, and deal with it and move forward. I support the addition of monuments to black Asheville’s past and present history, as well as history to yet be made. Let them stand next to Vance and allow people to see the full truth of Asheville’s history and decide for themselves which deserves our respect and praise. — Michael Beech Asheville

ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther adveRtising, aRt & design manageR: Susan Hutchinson gRaPhic designeRs: Lori Deaton, Alane Mason Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille onLine saLes manageR: Jordan Foltz maRketing associates: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt infoRmation technoLogies: Stefan Colosimo web: Kyle Kirkpatrick office manageR & bookkeePeR: Patty Levesque assistant office manageR: Lisa Watters distRibution manageR: Jeff Tallman assistant distRibution manageR: Denise Montgomery distRibution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



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Raw-milk activist failed to mention disease concern

We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

In reading food rights and rawmilk activist david gumpert’s [interview] on “The raw milk debate” in the April 8 issue [“The Raw Milk Debate: An Interview with Food Activist David Gumpert,” Xpress], I was struck by his passion for his

subject, but at the same time his ignorance and omission of one of the most important facts as to why the pasteurization of milk has become mandatory in this country. He pretty much implies that working conditions in dairies and in the bottling of milk are the main concern for safety and safe sources for milk. Posing as something of an expert on the subject of safe sources of raw milk, he has, in fact, totally ignored

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

and/or failed to mention the terms “brucellosis” or “undulant fever” in his [interview]. I strongly suggest that he go to Wikipedia and look it up. What he will find is that the brucella bacteria is highly contagious and is transmitted to humans from infected cattle by drinking unpasteurized milk. The result is a chronic disease, having often debilitating symptoms, that can and often does last for years if not for the duration of one’s life. Why do I bring this up? For two reasons. One, my grandfather (my grandmother’s second husband) was a scientist whose field was veterinary medicine. He was the man who discovered the cure for brucellosis in cattle. He did this by drinking unpasteurized milk that contained the brucellosis bacteria, becoming ill with the disease, and then treating himself with various serums he had concocted from his own research. Second, I was possibly the last person on record in the U.S. to have been infected with and suffered from undulant fever (the infected human form of the disease) — from drinking unpasteurized cow’s milk when I was living in France and working on a dairy farm in Brittany. Upon my return to the States, with severe undulating fevers and sore muscles and bones, etc., in 1973, doctors could not even diagnose what it was I was suffering from — as at the time, no case of undulant fever had been reported in 50 years, and younger doctors were not even trained in diagnosis of the disease. It wasn’t until talking with my grandfather one night and telling him of my symptoms that he diagnosed my disease and informed me what I was dealing with. So ... while David Gumbert’s passion about raw milk is contagious, so is the disease he has failed to mention and which is at the very heart of this debate. Mr. Gumbert is obviously not an expert on this subject. All I can say is that whatever the objections are to the process of the pasteurization of milk, they pale in comparison to the objections someone who contracts this disease would have to their state of health. I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemies. And I can’t say that about pasteurized milk — which I have been drinking my whole life with no known ill effects. — Thomas Crowe Tuckasegee

Farmers, consumers need to educate selves on raw-milk risks As a raw-milk dairy farmer, I am highly interested in both the benefits of raw milk and the illnesses people have contracted from it. As the popularity of raw milk grows, it needs to be both the responsibility of the farmer and of the consumer to be educated of the risks and talk openly about them. The farmer and the consumer need to work together to minimize these risks. The major argument against the sale of raw milk for human consumption is the possibility that it may contain high levels of certain harmful bacteria, such as campylobacter, salmonella, listeria, E. coli and brucella. I have no experience in personally contracting any illness from raw milk, but I know it is possible. When it comes to brucellosis or undulated fever, this one lies in the hands of the farmer. In cattle, the disease is called Brucella abortus, or “contagious abortion.” In infected ruminants, brucellosis commonly induces abortion in the latter half of gestation. Brucellosis

caRtoon by bRent bRown

has largely been eradicated within the cattle population in the U.S. With this being said, there is always a chance this illness may return at some point in the future. In a small dairy herd, B. abortus is a good example of a manageable risk. If a cow experiences a lategestation abortion, the farmer can take the dead calf to the diagnostic lab for testing. This is one way to learn if B. abortus is present. Our farm sells raw milk for animal consumption only, and not for human consumption, although someday this law may change. This is all the more reason to be open in dialogue to increase the carefulness of the farmer and the attentiveness of the consumer. For raw milk to be as safe as possible, there needs to be a direct and close relationship between the consumer and the farmer. If we can keep raw milk on a small scale and within the community, it becomes more manageable to make ethical, educated and aware decisions for the betterment of our health and the regeneration of the land. — Kevin Lane Marshall

Thank you, Love Town group, for defending Asheville’s values

Raw milk: How good it tastes I was curious to find no mention of how good raw milk tastes, compared to pasteurized homogenized milk, in your articles on the subject [“Raw Deal: Asheville’s Taste for Unpasteurized Milk,” and “The Raw Milk Debate: An Interview with Food Activist David Gumpert,” April 8, Xpress]. I don’t use milk that often, so it is not cost-effective for me to try to buy it, but I do remember how much better it tastes from the one time I did buy it. I also wonder about all the hysteria surrounding it, considering all the folks who used it for centuries prior to the regulation of pasteurization. — AA Lloyd Asheville Editor’s note: Although there wasn’t an extensive discussion about the taste of raw milk, alternative health educator Andi Locke Mears was quoted in “Raw Deal” as saying, “It’s awesome when you get the real foods because they have so much flavor, their fats are so healthy and the nutrients are there.”

Dear Love Town Group: Thank you for having the bravery to do what I only dreamed of doing [“Welcome to Lovetown” in “The Buzz Around Buncombe,” April 8, Xpress]. Every time I passed that insult of a billboard, I threw paint balloons at it in my mind. Thanks for your anger, for your action and for defending the values of our town. If we are given a label, let it begin with LOVE. — Chelsea Lynn La Bate Asheville

coRRection The date for the Milo Greene show at The Mothlight, featured in Smart Bets in our April 15 issue, has been changed. The show will now take place on Thursday, June 4. Info at

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



Locally based projects beat the averages by kat mcReynoLds Infographics by Anna Whitley

Friends, family and fools are frequently cited as the most promising sources of capital for small businesses. And that networking approach to financing — called crowdfunding when it’s leveraged online — seems to suit Ashevilleans, who’ve raised almost $2 million to date for creative ventures funded via Kickstarter. One of a growing number of crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter launched in April 2009, and as of this January, Asheville-based campaigns had raised $1.9 million for 368 ventures posted on the popular website, according to Kickstarter representative Justin Kazmark. Perhaps more impressive than the total, though, is the local campaigns’ success rate. Forty-five percent of projects claiming


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

Asheville as their home base reached their funding goals, compared with 39.6 percent for all Kickstarter campaigns worldwide. Those numbers don’t distinguish between local and nonlocal donors, though individuals may choose to include their location in their profile, and project creators often ask donors for an address so they can send rewards. Either way, however, “A big part of the appeal is that you get to interact and engage with a company or product that you believe in,” explains kimberly daggerhart, crowdfunding strategist for the JB Media Group, a local marketing firm. “You’re not just purchasing something; you’re helping to make something happen, and I do think Asheville is the kind of place that really enjoys supporting people’s dreams.” Local support, she notes, “helps to raise the project’s profile, making nonlocals more likely to contribute. ... People are more likely to

give to a Kickstarter project that already has backers.” In 2014, more than 40 percent of the 99 Kickstarter projects based here were successfully funded, putting more than $600,000 into the hands of local dreamers and doers. By comparison, the state of North Carolina clocked in at just 27 percent of the 1,334 projects funded last year. “Any platform that’s reliable and safe is important to help grow a vibrant economy,” says sam Powers, director of economic development for the city of Asheville. Much like business incubators, peer-to-peer networks and microloans through nonprofits, says Powers, crowdfunding websites give locals an additional alternative to conventional bank loans. “Venture capital and equity firms have been active in many larger metro areas, but more limited here in the mountains,” he

explains. “A Kickstarter cumulative total of $1.9 million since 2009 would be an important supplement to the mix of financing.” Although there are no strict criteria for launching a Kickstarter project — last year, for example, 6,911 people pledged $55,492 online to a Columbus, Ohio, man who “set out to make potato salad” — many campaigns blend creativity and entrepreneurship. Beyond that, says Daggerhart, there are several other factors that can help a pitch stand out and attract backers. “The [noteworthy] projects I have worked with from Asheville were world-changing in some way, and I think that makes them appealing beyond just the local audience,” she points out. “They become nationally and globally appealing.” Two of the top Asheville-based projects she’s consulted on, she says, were Appalatch’s 3-D printed sweater, which boasts zero waste and an ethical supply chain, and

Outrider USA’s Horizon Trike, which was designed to empower adventurous but disabled riders. The sweater raised $55,272; the trike, the most successful of her clients’ projects to date, generated $126,231 in one month. Those products’ backstories, she says, added another level of interest, helping them appeal to a broad audience beyond Western North Carolina. Daggerhart’s formula for success: “People who are interesting, authentic and inspirational combined with a really great, often world-changing idea. Those things together are incredibly compelling.” In addition, she continues, “It is somewhat easier for an existing business to get community support. You have to have the crowd before the funding, so if you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably engaged your community.” Although Daggerhart cites large-scale success stories, smaller-scope ventures such as record

releases, art exhibits and documentaries can also thrive on Kickstarter. In Asheville, the most prevalent project categories have been music, film, publishing, art and food; music projects alone have accounted for almost onethird of all locally launched campaigns. The fashion, games, technology, design, journalism, comics, theater, dance, photography and crafts categories, on the other hand, have each had fewer than 20 locally launched projects. Daggerhart says she’s not surprised by Asheville’s numbers “just because of the incredible support I’ve seen for all of the projects that we’ve worked with.” And though she sees a combination of local and nonlocal backers for her clients’ campaigns, Daggerhart says, “If you’re going to do a crowdfunding project, you’re lucky to be located in Asheville, because this community is incredibly supportive, really well-connected and engaged.” X

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



by Max Hunt

Merrimon madness Addressing safety risks along Asheville’s major roadways If you’ve lived in the Asheville area for any length of time, you know there are certain city roads that you simply avoid at key times of day. Prone to congestion, near misses and traffic accidents, thoroughfares such as Merrimon Avenue, Hendersonville Road, Patton Avenue and Tunnel Road can even be life-threatening for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers alike. And with tourism booming and more people looking to move here every day, traffic concerns on already crowded city streets loom large in the minds of many residents, as well as city and state officials. Xpress took a walk last week along the stretch of Merrimon between Interstate 240 and the crosswalk at the new light in front of Harris Teeter. We were joined by don kostelec of Asheville-based consultants Kostelec Planning, which specializes in implementing safe, efficient alternatives for pedestrians and cyclists. During our walk, he pointed out a series of problems, including crosswalk-signal buttons placed in strange, nearly inaccessible places, and crosswalks featuring a handicapped-access curb cut on one side of the street but not on the other. We watched a man try to ride his bicycle south into the city, mere

inches to spare between him and the cars speeding past trying to make the next light. We saw two pedestrians sprint across Merrimon at the entrance to Greenlife Grocery to get to the bus stop, rather than walk some 50 yards downhill to the nearest stoplight-controlled crosswalk. “In theory, yes, those guys should have walked the 150 feet to the crosswalk, but many people just don’t think that way. We wouldn’t ask drivers to go out of their way; why should we expect pedestrians to do it?” says Kostelec. “People are going to follow their natural inclination to take the most direct route to the bus stop.” no Refuge Indeed, human nature plays a role in many of the incidents along Merrimon and other major roads, particularly when those thoroughfares’ carrying capacity has been reached or exceeded. “Merrimon Avenue serves approximately 20,000 motorists a day on a four-lane road through concentrated residential and commercial areas,” notes anna henderson, traffic engineer with the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Division 13, which oversees state roads running into and out of Asheville. “Four-lane highways like Merrimon, with no median strip or designated turn lanes, are particularly dangerous because they offer pedestrians no refuge area to pause in,” she explains. Like many public agencies in Buncombe County, the DOT has had to try to accommodate both a rapidly

growing population and changing patterns of commerce, as new grocery stores like Harris Teeter and Trader Joe’s on Merrimon have drawn increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic to the already crowded road. The developers of both stores were responsible for submitting traffic-flow plans and traffic-control improvements to the city and state for approval. According to jeff moore, a traffic engineer for the city, the developers of Trader Joe’s were required to incorporate Harris Teeter’s traffic study — which was conducted first — into their own study prior to construction. “We have seen an increase in vehicle traffic and pedestrian accidents over the last few years,” says Henderson, adding that the DOT plans to re-evaluate several intersections along Merrimon later this year. East Asheville resident nick neubauer drives Merrimon Avenue daily on his way to work. “A turning lane would solve a lot of the traffic problems, but there isn’t any room for one,” he muses, mentioning several sections along the stretch between Beaver Lake and downtown. “The traffic light timing could be adjusted, but travel speed [varies] between 10-35 mph depending on time of day, so there’s no good approach there either.” The busy road’s shortcomings came to a head this past January, when 67-year-old Yvonne Lewis

of Arden was struck and killed by a motorist while trying to cross Merrimon at the Coleman Avenue intersection. The fatality sparked demands that state and city officials address trouble spots along the busy road. Asheville City Council member chris Pelly, whose concern for pedestrian safety helped fuel his entry into public life, blames increased population and business density, coupled with inadequate pedestrian infrastructure. “Merrimon is a four-lane road, which makes left turns difficult,” says Pelly. “It also has numerous driveway cuts, which increase accident rates.” He compares Merrimon’s evolution with the intense development along Hendersonville Road (including several large apartment complexes) and Patton Avenue (the main link between Asheville and Leicester). But while both those roadways have been widened, the lack of room for expansion along Merrimon poses a unique challenge for engineers and planners. nc’s most dangeRous city The city and DOT coordinate their planning through the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization, whose goals include increasing options for pedestrians and cyclists, Pelly points out. Recent improvements initiated by the agency, he notes, include sidewalks along Tunnel Road in Oteen and along Patton Avenue at Bowen Bridge.

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



bLind decisions: Low visibility for turning traffic is a common issue along Merrimon and other major roads in Asheville, leading drivers to edge up into crosswalks in order to see. Photo by Max Hunt

Last year, residents lobbied for sidewalks on Hazel Mill Road (see West Asheville Apartment Plan Highlights Pedestrian Safety, Dec. 1, 2014, Xpress). City Council recently allocated $15,000 for those sidewalks. And in the wake of Lewis’s death, the DOT has placed a highvisibility crosswalk at the intersection of Coleman and Merrimon and plans to install a new traffic signal and crosswalk there this summer. Other projects are scheduled for the fall. The city also gets input from its Neighborhood Advisory Committee, consisting of residents, Police Department representatives and city engineers, who are charged with identifying traffic problems and advising residents on ways to deal with them. But with the upcoming tourist season promising to be bigger than ever, Kostelec, Pelly and others fear that Asheville’s glaring traffic problems are likely to get worse before they get better. “Tourism will certainly increase the amount of traffic, especially downtown,” Pelly predicts. jim grode, who chairs the city’s Multimodal Transportation Commission, goes further, noting that “In terms of pedestrian traffic accidents, Asheville

is statistically the most dangerous city in North Carolina.” The commission educates and advises city officials and the public on transportation issues, including initiatives to develop efficient, safe multimodal systems. From 2008-12, Asheville averaged 8.1 pedestrian accidents per 10,000 people — well above the average for North Carolina’s biggest metro areas, and increasing each year during that period — according to a DOT report. Such statistics, says Grode, are challenging city and state officials to change the way they think about transportation. “No matter how you’re getting around, we want to make your trip safe, pleasant and efficient from a broader standpoint,” he continues. “Efficiency doesn’t mean moving as many cars as you can as fast as you can from one place to another ... with no regard for whether the people actually need to go that fast or should be moving that fast.” muLtimodaL PLanning Established in 2013, the commission is supposed to work with city and DOT officials to develop a multimodal transportation plan for Asheville, though Grode says the details of that cooperation have

yet to be hammered out. The city will release its plan by the end of this year, Grode reports, saying that he expects it to include short-term solutions to traffic problems while highlighting longer-term structural issues and proposing fundamental changes to the design and function of Asheville’s roadways. “We need to get away from thinking about transportation and traffic as an end in itself,” says Grode. “That’s my biggest goal: Let’s stop thinking about transportation like it’s in this vacuum, something we’re doing purely for its own sake.” Kostelec agrees, calling for “traffic dieting” on Merrimon — converting an existing through lane into a left-turn lane to make traffic flow more predictable — as one of several alternatives that have proven successful in other cities. Pelly, too, supports that idea. “Traffic calming can slow vehicles and improve the safety of residents,” he says, adding, “For the first time in eight years, last year City Council funded traffic calming, which brought needed improvements to Bear Creek Road and Riverview Drive.” But whatever plans the various agencies develop, the real challenge will be getting those projects funded, designed and completed. “These things may be feasible within the next few years or the next few months,” says Grode. The DOT, says Henderson, recognizes the need to re-evaluate pedestrian infrastructure along many state roads in response to simultaneous population and traffic density increases. The agency, she says, is “working to find appropriate and safe crossing treatments” along the busy thoroughfares to better accommodate pedestrians. inteRim measuRes In the meantime, though, there are practical measures that officials and residents alike can take to reduce the risks along Asheville’s busy roadways, notes Grode. Things like “re-signaling, re-timing traffic lights and crosswalks” and placing temporary ramps along sidewalks until curb cuts can be installed, he says, “are easy, quick fixes.” For its part, the DOT advises pedestrians, cyclists and drivers on or near major roads to stay vigilant, urging them not to assume that they know how others will react. Watch for Me NC, a statewide campaign administered in cooperation with

UNC Chapel Hill’s Highway Safety Research Center, aims to educate residents and public agencies on safe transportation practices while advocating law-enforcement crackdowns in accident-prone areas. But Kostelec and others maintain that government agencies tend to place the burden of safety on pedestrians without adequately considering the socio-economic realities and often inefficient infrastructure found in working-class neighborhoods. Kostelec has conducted his own analysis of pedestrian crash rates in Asheville from 1997 to 2012 based on racial background, but correlating those numbers with economic information, he says, is more challenging. “It’s a lot easier to tell if somebody hit by a car was white or African-American than it is to tell how much money he made,” says Kostelec, who concedes that people can do more to protect themselves, such as using designated crosswalks when possible, and not texting while driving or walking. He also recommends simply slowing down when driving on Merrimon and other busy streets. “You’re seven times more likely to be killed by somebody going 35 miles per hour as you are by somebody going 25,” says Kostelec. “Ten miles per hour makes a big difference.” Grode, meanwhile, stresses the importance of improving local infrastructure, rather than always looking to major roads to solve traffic problems. “If you’re going 10 miles an hour for a mile, you’re still getting there faster than if you’re going 50 miles an hour for 15 miles,” he points out. One thing just about everyone seems to agree on, however, is that fixing the inherent issues on Merrimon and Asheville’s other main arteries is a significant challenge that will take time, creative approaches and involvement at all levels, from residents on up. “You never treat cancer by giving someone an aspirin and saying, ’There, now your pain will go away,’” Grode observes. “But that’s kind of what we do with traffic — and that needs to change.” For more information visit or attend the Multimodal Transportation Commission’s monthly meetings (3 p.m. every fourth Wednesday in City Hall’s first floor conference room). To view maps showing daily traffic volume for Asheville and Buncombe County, go to trafficvolumemaps/. X

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



by Hayley Benton

Transformative journey editor’s note: On Feb. 18, Xpress published “Tales from the trail: Hiking Appalachia from Georgia to Maine,” detailing the experiences of thru-hiker Gary Sizer. In the story, we met Henry Wasserman, a self-described “conservative Republican Bible-thumping NRA member” who — after 30 years of substance addiction, 19 years of sobriety, four failed marriages and an unfulfilling career — was seeking a transformative experience on the A.T. The only problem: He’d never been backpacking in his life. But on March 19, Wasserman strapped on his 32-pound pack at the base of Springer Mountain, beginning a monthslong trek north, trudging mile after mile through red Georgia clay. Along the way, he’s been reflecting on his troubled past and identifying the changes needed for his future. For a longer, more detailed version of this story, visit

“Hey, Hayley: It’s Henry,” Wasserman says excitedly over the phone. “I’m looking out over this absolutely stunning view of a valley going up into the Smokies. ... I’ll have to send you a picture when we’re done.” Wasserman calls every Tuesday, provided there’s good cell reception. He talks and talks and chuckles at his own jokes, updating me on the previous week’s experiences and lessons. He’s always in a great mood, enthusiastic about what lies ahead despite the inevitable setbacks, minor injuries and dreary weather. A few hikers stomp up behind him, crunching the dried leaves and snapping fallen twigs. “Hi, Mom,” one shouts. “Everyone thinks I’m talking to my mom,” Wasserman explains, laughing. He first checked in on day four, 30 miles in. The inexperienced 58-yearold hiker says he’s pacing himself, trying to “keep it under 10 miles the first week. I don’t want to hurt myself, but my body is doing way better than I thought it would.” After hiking 8 miles his first day, Wasserman was exhausted. “I camped right there by the parking lot. That approach trail is no joke, but it’s a good wake-up call for what’s in front of you.” By day 10, he says he shed 10 pounds. Since then, he suspects he’s lost even more — maybe gaining a few back in muscle. “I am getting stronger,” Wasserman reported on March 31, just south of the North Carolina line. “And I’m a little more sure-footed on the trail. ... They say Georgia’s like a four in difficulty, and North Carolina’s like a six, so I anticipate harder climbs, but also I expect to get stronger and faster. I’m hoping to get up to 12 miles a day in the next couple of


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

weeks, and I should start hitting 12-15 miles a day” to finish before winter hits. The day before our third chat, on April 8, he’d hiked 11 miles. But he later said he’s decided not to push himself too hard: “I’ve given myself seven months to do what some people do in four or five. And when I asked Gary [Sizer], ‘If you could do it over, what would you do different?’ He said, ‘I’d give myself more time to enjoy and take in the experience.’” Despite the slower pace, though, Wasserman’s ahead of schedule. He originally planned to start on April 15, but after selling his home “everything went so fast,” he says. “Here it is, April 15, and I’m already at 160 miles.” a sPiRituaL detouR “Hey, Hayley: I’m sitting on another one of those amazing mountaintops,” says Wasserman, snacking on a handful of M&M’s. A hiker he recognizes walks by, and they tease each other. “He’s taking my picture because I’m always on the phone,” Wasserman explains. He had just entered North Carolina, an experience he calls “anticlimactic.” The climb, he says, was “difficult, and it’s just a signpost on the trail — not even a wide spot. ... I just wanted it to be more exciting.” But his optimism still shines through. “Georgia’s behind me, and when I hit 100 miles, I realized I only have to do this 21 more times.” Because he’s a born-again Christian, Wasserman made plans to catch a ride to the nearest town for an Easter morning sermon. Meanwhile, the arches of his feet ached with every step. “I was afraid I wasn’t going any further,” he explains, “but I believe God intervenes.” On Saturday, April 4, Wasserman spotted some young hikers pacing

caLL me haRLey: After quitting his job, selling his home and most of his belongings, 58-yearold Henry Wasserman, under trail-name Harley, set off on the Appalachian Trail. Photos courtesy of Wasserman

around anxiously. “One of them said, ‘His dad’s picking him up and taking him home for Easter. We’re hoping to catch a ride.’ So all six of us, with our packs, crammed in the back of an F-150, playing Tetris with our legs.” Once in Franklin, Wasserman ran into some other thru-hikers who advised him to stop by Outdoor 76. “There’s a guy there who’s a magician at fitting hiking boots,” they said. Wasserman made an appointment with the outfitter, and in the morning, he hitched a ride to Franklin’s Biltmore Baptist satellite, watching the Arden Easter service on a big screen. On Monday, he exchanged his shoes for properly fitted boots and was back on the trail. intRosPection “Really, it’s better than I could’ve expected,” he says. “All day long, I’m hiking alone; I can go three to four hours without seeing another human being. In the evenings, you tend to congregate: Only twice have I camped by myself.”

Appalachian Trail thru-hiker reconsiders his life path

But Wasserman says one of the biggest things he’s learned about himself “is that I’m totally OK alone. ... I’m not always social, especially if it’s a group of kids sitting around the fire with wine or beer. ... But it’s amazing how I can walk seven hours alone and be completely at peace,” thinking about his past, his present and his future. Having quit his job and sold his house and most of his belongings, he’s determined to start a new life once he reaches Maine. “I’ve been reflecting on so much these past weeks,” he reveals, “as a way of getting in touch with my current self.” “Through meditation and writing,” he explains, he’s bringing up past issues, “using exercises to detraumatize some of those things: the kid in the trailer park playground, the kid that felt like an outcast in junior high, getting into weed and trying to be a surfer, even though I wasn’t good at it. I’m seeing things in myself that I don’t like, and also things I’m really proud of.” Meanwhile, he’s also “running back and forth through all my various relationships. I accept that I’m the common denominator, but I still think maybe it wasn’t always my fault. I’m more at peace with that, and I accept the fact that I don’t always fit well with certain people.” Wasserman says he’s learned so much from the trail in the last four weeks, building the strength to keep walking and knowing what and how much he should carry. But even with new boots, his feet are still hurting — though not like before. “The nurse gave me ibuprofen, and it’s probably just something I’ll have to deal with: walking through the pain.” In the meantime, he’s savoring the experience. “I’ve spent a lot of time thanking God that I’m out here. I’m watching the trees bud, the sun poking through, just watching the shoots coming up out of the brown leaves. That’s something that I’ve been divorced from the last couple of decades: this awakening of spring. I’m in awe of it all day long.” And though he still has a long way to go, “Right now,” he says, “I’m comfortable with the path I’m on.” X

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



Complied by Hayley Benton

Buzz around Buncombe fight foR $15 RaLLy not hindeRed by Rain On Wednesday, April 15, Asheville fast-food workers walked off their jobs for the national Fight for $15 movement, which says that fast-food workers should earn a living wage in America and be treated better on the job. One Asheville worker shared her story with Xpress. johaunna cromer, a single mother who has participated in four similar strikes in the Southeast, has worked at a fast-food franchise in Asheville for eight months. She enjoys the friendly customers and her coworkers, she says, but adds that the policies at her job make it difficult to handle family matters. The telephone policy at her restaurant states that no employ-

ees can use their phones while on the clock, says Cromer. In January, her 8-year-old son had a seizure while at school, and school officials couldn’t reach her, although they called the restaurant’s phone number in addition to her number. Finally, the school sent someone to her workplace to get a message through. The experience, says Cromer, left a lasting impression. “They were calling for two hours,” she says. “It was very frustrating.” Fight for $15 protests occurred in more than 200 cities, in gatherings that included adjunct college professors and workers from the home care, child care, airport, industrial laundry, discount store and other trades. Organizers called the nationwide effort “the most

widespread mobilization ever by U.S. workers seeking higher pay.” One of the core beliefs of the Fight for $15 movement is that fast-food jobs are no longer a steppingstone to a larger career but a career in itself for millions of workers. Cromer says that working 40 hours per week should earn her and other fast-food workers a wage on which they can live and feed their families. Those earning the $7.25 per hour that Cromer receives may only be surviving on the thinnest of margins, especially in Asheville. “I’ve watched it firsthand here — the food, the cost of housing. It’s going up,” she says. “It’s hard. We just want to be treated like human beings and given what we deserve. Right now it’s very stressful and kind of degrading.” — Pat Barcas

bLue kudzu sake comPany cLosed aPRiL 18 The owners of Blue Kudzu Sake Company, located in the River Arts District, announced on April 14 that, “with heavy hearts,” the sake “will stop flowing” on April 18. “Despite the positive reception of our products,” including a feature in Dancyu, Japan’s national food-andwine magazine, “we have failed to secure a large enough market share to make our operation profitable,” the owners wrote. “An extended and lengthy permitting process prevented our products from reaching the market in a timely manner, depleting our cash reserves and setting the stage for a collapse due to undercapitalization.” It simply took too long for the brewery to open, they wrote, and

Lenoir-Rhyne University, Organic Growers School, and Green Opportunities present…

Sustainability Studies Program

Growing Cities, A Film about Urban Farming in America

Earth Day April 22, 2015 @ 6:30 pm Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville Campus 36 Montford Ave Donations accepted at the door. More Information at

Earth Day Celebration at Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville 14

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

The purpose of the program, according to organizers, is “to capture and uplift rising talent by developing essential organizing and leadership skills through social justice and community work.” Each position pays about $26,000, and opportunities are available at Campaign for Southern Equality, Green Opportunities, Spirit in Action, Asheville Jewish Community Center, UNC-Asheville Center for Diversity and Warren Wilson College. Candidates must be able to solve problems with creative thinking, be willing to work with others, possess excellent communication skills and be passionate about equality for all — whether it’s race, class, gender, sexuality, gender identity or faith tradition. “The Tzedek Social Justice Residency develops young adult leaders committed to community service, social justice and LGBT advocacy,” reads the program’s Facebook page. “Guided by the Jewish values of equitable giving, repairing the world, and leadership, the residency links emerging leaders with organizations to ... increase potential. Each year a group of young adults selected as Tzedek residents are paid to engage in full–time, meaningful work with local nonprofit organizations. Residents participate together in meetings, training and conferences to explore and better understand the intersectionality of race, class, gender, sexuality, faith traditions and ethnicity.” For more information on each position and how to apply, follow the links at or search for Tzedek Social Justice Residency on Facebook. — Kat McReynolds X

fight foR 15: Fast food workers walked off the job around 9 a.m. April 15 and brought their families to the picket lines around the McDonald’s and Hardee’s restaurants on Hendersonville Road in Biltmore Village. Photo by Pat Barcas

the lack of foot traffic at night in the RAD escalated the problem. “Once we were able to get our sake to market, we just were not able to create enough sales to hit a break-even point or replenish our cash reserves.” With Blue Kudzu closing, Ben’s American Sake Brewery (at Ben’s Tune-Up) in South Slope remains Asheville’s only local sake producer. “We wish at this time to say thank you to all of our local fans and customers, as well as the travelers that made their way down the edge of the RAD just to try our products,” they continue. “We appreciate and thank the restaurants and stores across North Carolina that carried our sake in their establishments. It has been an amazing journey the last 3 1/2 years leading up to this moment, [and] we have made some great friends and contacts in the sake world both domestically and abroad.” The owners say the plan for the future is to open a small production-only facility to continue their passion of producing hand-crafted sake. But for now, they will take a break. — Hayley Benton

six Paid sociaL-justice Positions oPen uP in asheviLLe The Amy Mandel and Katina Rodis Fund’s Tzedek Social Justice Residency program has announced six yearlong positions, each working with various local organizations to collaborate with the community to shed light on social-justice issues. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, May 20.


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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015




aPRiL 22 - aRPiL 30, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls leicester community center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, Leicester.Community.Center • SA (4/25), 10am-2pm - Rabies, vaccination and microchip clinic for cats and dogs. $10-$25. run for the PAws + wAgging wellness fAir 2015-run-for-the-paws • SU (4/26), 1-4pm - Registration for this race and wellness event benefit Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. $35. Held at Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher

Benefits A sunset soiree dfwsunsetsoiree. • SA (4/25), 5-7:30pm -


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

fRiends! asheviLLeans! Lend us youR eaRs!: The Montford Park Players will hold their seventh annual Bard-athon, a 24-hour Shakespeare reading that raises funds for the players and the North Carolina Stage Company. Participants in the Friday, April 24, to Saturday, April 25, event will call on their friends and family to sponsor them as they present the Bard’s works until a big wrap party and celebration on Saturday night, which is also Shakespeare’s 451st birthday. Photo by Nina Swann for the Montford Park Players (p.16)

Tickets to this dinner and silent auction support Dining for women, which funds grants for women and girls in developing countries. $35. Held at Renaissance Asheville Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. All night long 227-7028, • FR (4/24), 4:30pm - Tickets to this auction, raffle and musical performance benefit wcu’s college of fine and Performing Arts scholarships and arts programming. $15/$10 WCU faculty and staff/$5 students. Held in the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center at WCU. BArD-A-thon 239-0263 • FR (4/24) & SA (4/25) Sponsorship dollars raised at this 24-hour Shakespeare reading benefit nc stage and montford Park Players. $15 registration. Held

at North Carolina Stage Company, 15 Stage Lane Dining out for life asheville • TH (4/30) - More than 110 Asheville area restaurants will donate 20 percent of their gross sales to benefit western north carolina AiDs Project. Visit website for full list of participating locations. Do tell storyfest 388-0247 • SU (4/26), 3-6pm - Tickets to this storytelling event benefit homes for youth in henderson county. $12. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville eArth DAy Benefit VortexDoughnuts • WE (4/22), 6-9pm - Tickets to this taco dinner and live reggae music event ben-

efit native Arts & culture collective. $25. Held at Vortex Doughnuts, 32 Banks Ave. #106 holistic heAling for VeterAns funDrAiser, • TH (4/30), 6pm - Proceeds from this raffle event benefit helios warriors, a holistic therapy program from veterans. Free to attend. Held at Park Place West, 70 Woodfin Place Suite 6A 6C 6D short stAcks for Big chAnge 712-8536, • SA (4/25) 8-10am - Tickets to this pancake breakfast support operation christmas child. $7. Held at Fatz Cafe, 5 Spartan Ave. soul shAkeDown By the riVer • TH (4/30), 6pm - Tickets

to this food and music event benefit green opportunities. $30/$25 advance. Held at The Boathouse Riverside Pavilion, 318 Riverside Drive sPring fAshion show AnD luncheon 398-7247 • SA (4/25), 11:30am-2pm Tickets to this runway event benefit the American cancer society. $30. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive west AsheVille cArniVAl westashevillecarnival • SA (4/25), 3-7pm Proceeds from this live entertainment, food truck and games event benefit Vance elementary school. Free to attend. Held at Vance Elementary School, 98 Sulphur Springs Road

Business & technology

A-B tech smAll Business center 398-7950, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/23), 9am-noon “Public Contracting for Craft Businesses,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler Venture AsheVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

clAsses, meetings & eVents AkAshic recorDs workshoP (pd.) May 2-3. Learn to access your own life Akashic Records and communicate with your Guides in this 2-day experiential workshop with consultant Kelly S. Jones in Asheville. 919-200-8686 AsheVille glAss center (pd.) Weekly course offerings in the art of glass blowing. Day, weekend, and evening offerings. A challenging medium expertly taught by our skilled instructors, one on one or group experiences., 828-505-7110 got seAsonAl Allergies? (pd.) (828) 620-1188 Want an Allergy-busting, Hormonebalancing, Gut-healing Anti-inflammatory Detox with a side effect of Weight Loss? Join The 21 Day Spring Cleanse, April 29th. linDA PAnnullo mosAics AnD workshoPs (pd.) • May 16-17: Yulia Hanansen: Flower Mosaic in Double Reverse Technique. • August 8-9: Kelley Knickerbocker: Glass on Mirror: Color, Texture, Bling. • September 26-27: Deb Aldo: Pebble Mosaic Mandala Class. Registration/information: Linda Pannullo; 828-337-6749. run for kiDs’ sAke (pd.) 10 Mile/5K Off Road Run. Saturday, June 13th 8:30 at Warren Wilson College. Register online under upcoming event at Army of liBerAtion 150th AnniVersAry • SU (4/26), 5-6:30pm Commemoration and historic presentation on the liberation of African American slaves in Asheville/ Stoneman’s Raid. Sponsored by UNCA’s Center for Diversity Education. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. colBurn eArth science museum 2 South Pack Square, 254-7162, Located in Pack Place. • WE (4/22), 5:30-7:30pm Science Pub: “Finding Fort

San Juan: Unearthing the first European settlement in the interior of the U.S.” Free to attend. hillsiDe D&D encounters groups/hillsidednd • WEDNESDAYS, 6-9pm Weekly ongoing fantasy campaign with the new edition. Free. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road ontrAck wnc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/22), 5:30-7pm - “What to do With Your Tax Refund,” seminar. • TH (4/23), 5:30-7pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” seminar. • MONDAYS until (4/27), 5:30-8:30pm - “Manage Your Money Series,” seminar. • TU (4/28), 5:30-7pm “Energy Efficiency,” seminar. • TU (4/28), noon-1pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” seminar. • THURSDAYS (4/30) until (5/28), 5:30-7pm - “Mother/ Daughter Money Buddies,” five-part seminar. smoky mountAin chess cluB SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1pm - Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville stAnD AgAinst rAcism 2015 254-7206, A campaign of YWCA USA with various events designed to build community among those who work for racial justice. Free to attend unless otherwise noted. • FR (4/24), 10am-10:30am Music, arts and presentation. Held at Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. • FR (4/24), 6:30-9pm “Wordslam,” youth spoken word poetry competition. Held at Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center, 285 Livingston St. • FR (4/24), 6:30-9:30pm - “Rootwork: A Path to Liberation,” two-part racial healing workshop. Held at Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St. • SA (4/25) noon-2pm Community potluck, music and speakers. Held at Black Mountain Town Square, Black Mountain

• SA (4/25), 10am-4pm - “Rootwork: A Path to Liberation,” two-part racial healing workshop. Held at Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St. • SA (4/25), 2-5pm - “A Block Party with an Environmental Twist,” family-friendly festival. Held at Arthur R. Edington Education and Career Center, 133 Livingston St western cAroliniAns for PeAce AnD Justice in the miDDle eAst • FR (4/24), 3:15pm - Monthly meeting. Free. Held at BrooksHowell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. western nc humAnists 550-7935 • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 11am - Brunch meeting. Free to attend. Held at Denny’s, 1 Regent Park Blvd. wnc cArVers 665-8273, • SU (4/26), 1:30-4pm - Safe holding and open carving workshop. Free. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road wnc Pokémon leAgue WNCPokemon • SATURDAYS, 4-8pm - Video and card games for players of all ages. Free to attend. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road

DAnce stuDio ZAhiyA, Downtown DAnce clAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 7am Hip Hop Cardio 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 BreVArD music center 349 Andante Lane, Brevard, 862-2100, • FR (4/24) & SA (4/25) “Clogfest Weekend,” clogging

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

community caLendaR












Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

competition. Contact for full schedule. $7-$10. JuBilee community church 46 Wall St., 252-5335, • TU (4/28), 7-9pm - Line dancing instruction and open dance. Admission by donation.

eco AsheVille greenworks 254-1776, • FR (4/24), 10am-2pm - Arbor Day celebration and tree planting. Free. Held at French Broad River Park, Amboy Road • SA (4/25), 8am-1pm - “Hard to Recycle,” collection event. Free. Held at Asheville City Market Downtown, 161 S. Charlotte St. AVl eArth week • WE (4/22), 11am-3pm Downtown cleanup day, followed by after-party at New Mountain. Free. Meets at at Pritchard Park, 4 College St.

Shake it off

what: Soul Shakedown by the River when: Thursday, April 30, 6 p.m. wheRe: 318 Riverside Drive, Asheville why: Asheville Affiliates, a social networking group of more than 3,000 young professionals that benefits area nonprofits, is hosting an evening of libations, food and fun to support the work of Green Opportunities, which helps youths and adults living in poverty get and keep jobs that support their families and improve community and environmental health. “It is important as a community to provide for people with employment obstacles. In Asheville, people want to help but often don’t know how. This event makes philanthropy accessible to people who want to help,” notes Asheville Affiliates marketing chair dena Rutter. Starting the evening’s entertainment is soul and funk act Lyric, which will be followed by local DJ Dr. Filth, best-known from


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

Saturday nights at The Admiral. Guests will be able to sample appetizers provided by Lexington Avenue Brewery, as well as main dishes prepared by Green Opportunities Kitchen Ready students and can wash it all down with gratis beer from Catawba Brewing Co. and wines from Skyland Distributing. “Eat and drink all you want is a key aspect of our events. We want people to come and have a good time, create community and bring friends to increase the numbers of communityminded people,” Rutter says. A pick-your-item raffle and a silent auction will take place during the event, with raffle tickets costing $5 each (5/$20). Guests may bid on items such as magnetic knife racks made by GO students, Biltmore tickets, gift certificates and Diamond Brand outdoor gear. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door. All proceeds will benefit Green Opportunities’ food costs, administration and programs. For tickets or more information, email billy@greenopportunities. org or visit — Michael McDonald

cArolinA Jews for Justice west • MO (4/27), 6:30-8:30pm “Beyond Coal Campaign,” Duke Energy coal plant air quality info session and panel discussion. Free. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road cArolinA mountAin lAnD conserVAncy 697-5777, • WE (4/22), 6pm - Discussion of new predator beetle releases and efforts to stop the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in WNC. Free. Held at Hendersonville Public Library, 301 N Washington St, Hendersonville house of BAlAnce eArth DAy fest • WE (4/22), 1-8pm - Includes live music, eco-centric activities, workshops and vendors. Visit website for full schedule. Free to attend. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad mountAintrue 258-8737, • SA (4/25), noon-3pm - “Kick the Disposable Bag Habit!” Earth Day celebration. Free to attend. Held at Hendersonville Community Co-op, 715 S. Grove St., Hendersonville orgAnic growers school 772-5846,

• WE (4/22), 6:30-9:30pm Growing Cities, urban farming documentary screening. Panel discussion follows. Admission by donation. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave. riVerlink sculPture AnD PerformAnce PlAZA 144 Riverside Drive • SA (4/25), 11am-3pm - Earth Day Children’s Festival. Free to attend. wnc regionAl Air QuAlity Agency 250-6777 • WE (4/29), 6pm - Public comment period on Duke Energy’s electric plant permit renewal. Held at Erwin High School, 60 Lees Creek Road

fArm & gArDen AsheVille AlternAtiVes to PesticiDes coAlition 778-1874, • FR (4/24), 6pm - “Pesticides Kill More Than Pests: Keeping Bees and Other Wildlife Safe,” public forum. Free. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave. Blue riDge horticulture AssociAtion • FR (4/24) & SA (4/25), 9am-5pm - “Growing in the Mountains” spring sale with horticulture experts and vendors. Free to attend. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road Bullington gArDens 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville, 698-6104, • FR (4/24) & SA (4/25), 9am4pm - Spring plant sale. Free to attend. Johnson fArm 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, 891-6585, • SA (4/25), 10am-4pm - “Spring Festival at the Farm,” home tours, tractor rides and live music. $5/$3 students. trAnsylVAniA county extension office 98 East Morgan St., Brevard, 884-3109, transylvania.ces.ncsu. edu • SA (4/25), 1-5pm - “Eradicate Invasive Plants,” workshop. Registration required. Free. urBAn homesteAD fAir 255-7650,

• SA (4/25), 11am-5pm Features vendors and information booths on sustainable living and organic gardening. Free to attend. Held at French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave.

festiVAls celeBrAtion isrAel festiVAl AnD exPo 772-0222 • SU (4/26), 11am-4pm - Food, dancing, educational programming and 5K. Held at Congregation Beth Israel, 229 Murdock Ave. eArth DAy celeBrAtion At chimney rock 625-9611, • SA (4/25), 11am-3pm Includes animals, live music, kids activities and educational opportunities. Free. Held in Chimney Rock Village. greening uP the mountAins 226-8652, • SA (4/25), 10am-4pm Springtime festival with local vendors, live music and dancing, kids’ activities and environmental information booths. Free to attend. Held in downtown Sylva. mountAin gAtewAy museum AnD heritAge center 102 Water St., Old Fort, • SA (4/25) - “Pioneer Day,” traditional Appalachian craft demonstrators, musicians, food, authors and more. Free to attend. north cArolinA science festiVAl Held at Colburn Earth Science Museum, 2 South Pack Square. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/22), 3:30pm - Geology walk through downtown. • SA (4/25), 10am - Plant life discovery for ages 2-5. • SA (4/25), 1pm - “Planetarium experience” discusses interstellar bodies.

fooD & Beer leicester community center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, Leicester.Community.Center • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free.

goVernment & Politics leAgue of women Voters of AsheVille-BuncomBe 258-8223, • SA (4/25), 2-4pm - Ice cream social with elected officials. Free to attend. Held at The Hop, 640 Merrimon Ave. Suite 103

kiDs GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: Downtown Books & news 67 N. Lexington Ave., 348-7615, • SU (4/26), 2pm - Reptile program with snake handler Steve Longenecker. Free to attend. first lego leAgue roBotics teAm 258-2038 • WEDNESDAYS, 3-5:30pm - All boys and girls ages 10-14 welcome. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. kiDs’ ActiVities At the liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (4/24), 3pm - Leicester LEGO Builders, for ages 5 and up. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • MO (4/27), 4pm - Weaverville LEGO Builders, for ages 6 and up. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville PAri scigirls 862-5554, • TU (4/28), 6-8pm - “Time Flies,” astronomy and time keeping for girls 9-14. $10. Held at Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, 1 PARI Drive, Rosman sPellBounD chilDren’s BookshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11am - Storytime for ages 3-7. Free.

outDoors cArolinA mountAin lAnD conserVAncy 697-5777, • TH (4/23), 10am - Guided 2-mile wildflower walk through Sherwood Forest. Registration required. Location given with registration. Free. • TU (4/28), 7-8pm - White Squirrel Hiking Challenge presentation. Free. Held at REI Asheville, 31 Schenck Parkway crADle of forestry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, • SA (4/25), 9am-5pm International Migratory Bird Day. $5. mountAintrue 258-8737, • SA (4/25), 10am-3:30pm Ecology experts will lead five different hikes through trails in Big Ivy. Contact for details. Free. Meets at Big Ivy Community Center, 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville southern APPAlAchiAn highlAnDs conserVAncy 253-0095, • TU (4/28), 10am - “Foraging Sustainably - Wild Edibles Hike,” moderately easy 3- to 4-mile hike at Highlands of Roan. Directions given on registration. $10/free for members. ymcA of wnc 210-2265, • TH (4/23), 9:15am - Easy 3.5mile hike on Givens Estates trail. Meets at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.

Elementary, 544 Kimberly Ave uniteD wAy of AsheVille & BuncomBe 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2550696, • TH (4/23), 12:30-2:30pm - “Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports,” student behavioral workshop. Registration required. Free.

PuBlic lectures PuBlic lectures At BreVArD college 884-8251, • FR (4/24), 7pm - “Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters.” Held in Porter Center. Free. PuBlic lectures At mArs hill • FR (4/24), 7pm - Rep. Michelle Presnell discusses human trafficking. Held in Broyhill Chapel. • MO (4/27), 7pm - “The Ethics of Suffering: Reintroducing Love Into (Medical) Decision-Making.” Held in Moore Auditorium. PuBlic lectures At uncA • TU (4/28), 7pm - Evenings at the Cabaret Weimar series: “Martin Buber: Jewish Existentialist.” Held in Reuter Center. Free. PuBlic lectures At wArren wilson 800-934-3536, • WE (4/22), 6:30pm - “Craft in Culture.” Free. PuBlic lectures At wcu

PArenting chilDren AnD fAmily resource center 851 Case St., Hendersonville, 698-0674 • WEDNESDAYS until (5/13) “Parents Matter!” sexual health and responsibility. Free. PositiVe PArenting ProgrAm • TH (4/23), 6pm - “Raising Confident, Competent Children,” workshop. Free. Held at Claxton Elementary School, 241 Merrimon Ave. • TU (4/28), 6pm - “Encouraging Desirable Behavior in Children,” workshop. Free. Held at Isaac Dickson Elementary School, 90 Montford Ave. • WE (4/29), 6pm - “Raising Resilient Children,” workshop. Free. Held at Ira B. Jones • WE (4/22), 4:15pm “Bootleggers and Baptists in the Garden of Good & Evil.” Held in Killian Building. Free. wnc PhysiciAns for sociAl resPonsiBility, • TU (4/28), 6:30pm - “Nuclear Weapons: Our Prevention is the Only Cure.” Free. Held at MAHEC Biltmore Campus, 121 Hendersonville Road

seniors AsheVille PArks AnD recreAtion 70 Court Plaza, 259-5809 • TH (4/23) through FR (5/8) - Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games. Contact for full schedule. $10

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

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sPirituAlity ABout the trAnscenDentAl meDitAtion techniQue: free introDuctory lecture (pd.) The simplest meditation is the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other meditation practices (including other “mantra” methods). TM is an effortless, non-religious technique for going beyond the busy, active mind to access your deepest inner reserves of calm, clarity and happiness — dissolving stress and connecting you to your higher self. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. NIH-sponsored research shows deep revitalizing rest, reduced anxiety, improved brain functioning and heightened well-being. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or or AsheVille comPAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) 8 week course starting May 5, 6:30-8:30pm. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538. AsheVille insight meDitAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AwAkening DeePest nAture meDitAtion clAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence and wisdom. Meditation, lessons and dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. • Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 2583241, www.

crystAl Visions Presents (pd.) Lee Carroll and Kryon “The New Human” Saturday, May 9 and Dr. Amber Wolf “Lemurian Sisterhood Sacred Circle” Sunday, May 10. For registration/ information: 828-687-1193 or how to use crystAls AnD gemstones for Precision heAling & energy BAlAncing (pd.) Live at Hilton Hotel in Asheville, May 16-17, 2015; advance registration required. Learn rare practical methods, including from Egypt, Europe, and Asia; very different from info found in most Crystals books today! Amazing selection of international Crystals also available on site, including True Vogel Crystals made by Vogel’s own Master Cutter. For Free Articles and more info: 828-298-7007 or www. oPen heArt meDitAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 serenity insight meDitAtion (pd.) A Burmese monk leads authentic Buddhist insight meditation, grounded in 40 years of practice. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am; • Mondays and Wednesdays, 6pm-7pm. (828) 2984700. ADult forum At fcc 692-8630, • SU (4/26), 9:15am - “How Do We Deal with the Ever-Growing Information Explosion?” Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville grAce lutherAn church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, • WEDNESDAYS until (5/20), 5:45pm - “Christianity’s Family Tree: What Others Believe and Why.” Free to attend. shAmBhAlA meDitAtion center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, • THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free. st. luke’s ePiscoPAl church 219 Chunns Cove Road, 2542133,

• SA (4/25), 8-10pm - Candlelight labyrinth walk with Sangita Devi. Free. unitAriAn uniVersAlist congregAtion of AsheVille 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, • WEDNESDAYS, 8am-9am Contemplation Hour, open silent meditation/prayer. Free. ur light center 2196 N.C. Highway 9, Black Mountain, 669-6845, • SA (4/25), 1-5pm - “Joy & Peace are my Inheritance,” David Hoffmeister presentation. $40.

sPoken & written worD BlAck Box storytelling theAter 808-1150, • MO (4/27), 7pm - Michael Reno Harrell and Abby the Spoon Lady. $12/$10 advance. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad BlAck Dome mountAin sPorts 140 Tunnel Road, 669-9566 • TH (4/23), 7:30pm - Mike Reardon and Sean Cobourn discuss their book Rumbling Bald Rock Climbs. BuncomBe county PuBlic liBrAries governing/depts/library • WE (4/29), 6pm - Tim Barnwell discusses his book Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas: A Comprehensive Identification Guide to What You See from the Many Overlooks. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. city lights Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 5869499, • SA (4/25), 3pm - William Everett discusses his book Sawdust and Soul: A Conversation on Woodworking and Spirituality. Free to attend. literAry eVents At uncA • TH (4/23), 6-8pm - Trans Student Union: Poetry Showcase. Held in Hyannis House. Free. mAlAProP’s Bookstore AnD cAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/22), 7pm - Salon: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (4/23), 7pm - Amy Green

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discusses her book Long Man. • FR (4/24), 3:30pm - A-B Tech student poetry and short fiction reading. • FR (4/24), 7pm - Multiple poets read their works from The Southern Poetry Anthology VII. • SA (4/25), 7pm - Tim Spira discusses his book Waterfalls and Wildflowers in the Southern Appalachians: Thirty Great Hikes. • SU (4/26), 3pm - Mel Ryane discusses her book Teaching Will: What Shakespeare and 10 Kids Gave Me That Hollywood Couldn’t. • MO (4/27), 7pm - Enneagram relationships workshop. • TU (4/28), 7pm - YA Triple Launch Party, three authors discuss their new books. • WE (4/29), 7pm - Thomas Rain Crowe discusses his book Living Legacy: In Their Own Words. • TH (4/30), 7pm - Chris McDougall discusses his book Natural Born Heroes: How a Daring Band of Misfits Mastered the Lost Secrets of Strength and Endurance. • TH (4/30), 7pm - Works in Translation Book Club: Killing

the Second Dog by Marek Hlasko. oPen mic night • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Free to attend. Held at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Highway, Candler sPellBounD chilDren’s BookshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SU (4/26), 4pm - First in Series Book Club: The Keepers by Donna Augustine. Free. tryon fine Arts center 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 8598322, • TH (4/23), 7:30pm - “Spring Fever,” original work by Tryon Writers. Free.

Volunteering literAcy council seeks Volunteers (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive train-

ing and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us ( Big Brothers Big sisters of wnc 253-1470, • WE (4/29), noon - Volunteer information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave.


14 WNC


...from Furniture to Collectibles

riVerlink 252-8474, • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Drive


sAnDhill community gArDen 58 Apac Circle, 250-4260 • SATURDAYS, 10am-noon Volunteers are needed to help with growing produce for donation in this nonprofit community garden.


For more volunteering opportunities, visit





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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve

Find local standup comedy info at • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer

Asheville’s Fan Fiction

asheville disclaimer


The Folk School changes you.

Experts: tiny-house trend not recommended for those who have so many children they don’t know what to do TSA agents, accused of targeting attractive passengers for body searches, contend that beautiful people often dress provocatively to encourage pat-downs

engaging hands and hearts since 1925. come enjoy making crafts and good friends on 300 natural, scenic acres in western north carolina.

John C. Campbell Folk SChool BraSSTown

1-800-Folk-Sch norTh carolina

Dollywood celebrates 30th anniversary, millionth fluming of log Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve

New NC gun bill

In an effort to encourage “a more polite society,” NC lawmakers are championing relaxed regulation with regard to concealed guns. Among its provisions: • Conceal carry extended to baby strollers and diaper bags. • Guns are allowed to own their own guns. • Up-the-sleeve derringer users required to wear lavender-scented shirt ruffle and display stereotypical feminized behaviors. • Any boy old enough to grow passable mustache can simultaneously carry up to 12 guns. • Nickel-plated, pearl-handled .45 can be used to hide butt crack of assless chaps wearers. • Gun owners may offer best Robert DeNiro “You lookin’ at me?” imitation into any reflective surface, including police sunglasses. • Cars with odd-numbered license plates: Army man costume, cars with even numbers: Cowboy outfit. Switch on Wednesdays. • Must recite, “This is my rifle, this is my gun. This one’s for shooting, this one’s for fun,” when walking distances greater than 50 yards. 22

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

Repairs to derailed urban-hobo train expected to take six months ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — Dozens of young urban hobos whose train derailed nearly a month ago will be forced to stay on the streets of Asheville until nearly the end of autumn, according to engineers who assessed damage to the train that derailed near Asheville on the first day of spring. The train, carrying seven carloads of intoxicated young urban hobos, derailed when it struck a Visitors Bureau pamphlet that had fluttered onto the tracks. The pamphlet, instead of being neatly ripped in half or pressed into the rails, became lodged in the train’s wheel-set assembly, leading to an abrupt stop in forward progress for both the train and the Visitors Bureau. “Every year, we safely transport thousands of sticky-fingered, drug-addled degenerates, as well as their dogs and decorative guitars, from and to points all over the nation, with few incidents,” said Clyde Steep, a representative of TRAMPTRAK. “We remain concerned about the number of derailments that have occurred near Asheville over the past decade.” City officials say Asheville is well prepared to deal with the unscheduled delivery. “We have nice sidewalks for them to rest on, and plenty of pedestrians to yell at or hassle for entertainment,” said Mayor Esther Manheimer. “We need to do our part by walking around them, into the street if need be, and regularly paying 25 cents as ransom to the guitar terrorists holding our ears hostage.” Update: Last week, Xpress featured several former Asheville actors, artists and musicians who moved to Los Angeles to pursue opportunities. Since then, we are sad to report all of them have suffered major career setbacks and have moved back to Asheville after all. In new interviews, each described life in LA as “scary,” “impossible,” and “pie-in-the-sky stuff,” and they each made a point to warn other Asheville artists thinking of making the move that they’ll never make new friends in LA and their parents will have to eventually physically rescue them. Instead, they recommend that you should live out a tiny, cartoonlike, amateur semblance of your dreams here in Asheville and pass the days enjoying nature and getting high and wondering if you have made a huge mistake.















by Chuck Shepherd

haRd-hitting numbeRs

wait, what?

In March, offensive lineman john urschel of the Baltimore Ravens added to his curriculum vitae by co-authoring the latest of his several peer-reviewed academic articles — “A Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm for Computing the Fiedler Vector of Graph Laplacians” in the Journal of Computational Mathematics. If Urschel can understand, and even advance, tangled, obtuse formulas (which use familiar numbers, e.g., 1, 2, 3, and Greek letters such as phi, lambda, and sigma — lots of sigmas), why is he a football player, he asked himself on the Players Tribune website. “There’s a rush you get when you go out on the field ... and physically dominate the player across from you.” He added, “I love hitting people.”

• In March, two men serving time for antigay murders became the first same-sex couple allowed to get married behind bars in Britain, at the Full Sutton Prison in East Yorkshire. The romance blossomed after the two men (marc goodwin, 31, serving life, and pedophile mikhail gallatinov, 40, who is eligible for release sooner) met at the prison library, and the wedding party included four relatives of the two killers. • In January, the principal of W.F. Burns Middle School in Valley, Ala., sent home a letter to parents with her suggestions on how to train students in the event an active shooter breaks into the classroom. In order not to be “sitting ducks” for the intruder, each child was asked to be armed with an 8-ounce canned food item to toss at any potential spree-killer. The can is designed to give the student a “sense of empowerment” in the face of extreme danger, the principal told WHNT-TV of Huntsville, but acknowledged that “(T)his is a sensitive topic.”

gReat aRt • The National Gallery of Australia hosted a special series of tours of James Turrell: A Retrospective in early April — in which all guests were nude. The tours were staged by Australian artist stuart Ringholt, who introduced the concept earlier at the Museum of Contemporary Art (and was nude, himself, for the Turrell show, though other gallery staff remained clothed). The post-tour cocktail reception was also in the nude. • The Australian “abstract expressionist” aelita andre began painting “professionally” at age 9 months, said her parents, and by 22 months had her own exhibit at Melbourne’s Brunswick Street gallery, and by age 4, the paintbrush-armed toddler had enjoyed a $24,000 sale. She has now also distinguished herself as an “artist” of another type while explaining her approach. In April, the now-8-year-old told, “I interpret my style of painting as a magic, abstract universe. It doesn’t sit in one tiny sphere in all realism; it goes out and it explores the world.” She acknowledged seeing things (e.g., “rabbits”) that an 8-year-old might, but pointed out that she also sees “the cosmos.” “I just feel free. I don’t feel locked up in a tiny world.”

PeRsPective Newly elected Alabama state sen. Larry stutts, in one of his first actions in office, introduced a bill to repeal “Rose’s Law,” a 1999 legislation that, had it been on the books the year before, might have saved the life of new mother Rose Church, whose doctor was OB/GYN Larry Stutts. Rose’s Law gave new mothers a legal right to remain hospitalized for up to 96 hours after birth, depending on circumstances, but the new senator calls that right just another “Obamacare-style law” in which legislators in Montgomery intrude into doctors’ decisions. (Stutts also proposed to repeal the requirement for written cautions to patients whose mammograms show unusual density.) Though her daughter survived, Rose died of a heart attack following two “doctor’s decision” hospital releases, and her husband’s wrongfuldeath lawsuit against Stutts and others reached a settlement in 2005.

Read daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



From Asheville to Rwanda Africa Healing Exchange focuses on resilience and connections

by Lea mcLeLLan

sara stender first learned of the genocide in Rwanda while she was in college. In 1994, between 500,000 and 1 million members of the Tutsi tribe were killed by members of the Hutu majority in the country. “It struck something really deep within me,” says Stender. “I felt like this was a nation of people that I wanted to get to know. So the seed was planted,” she says. “There was something about Rwanda that was drawing me. I heard so many stories of survival, and I was really mostly interested in stories of resilience and really started studying this idea of human resiliency. Why is it that some people have it and some people don’t? Is it nature? Is it nurture? Is it culture?” Stender knew that if she was going to truly help people in Rwanda, she needed to do something different. “When I lived there, I did a lot of observing. I did a lot of listening,” she says. “I was in the capital city, and I was seeing the major government organizations and NGOs from around the world present. Without being critical, I was seeing that a lot of initiatives weren’t working, or they weren’t sustainable, or they weren’t needed or requested by the local population.” So 3 1/2 years ago, she began formulating the Asheville-based nonprofit Africa Healing Exchange. Her passion for Rwanda has attracted a diverse group of local medical and nonprofit professionals, in part because AHE focuses on human resiliency instead of trauma. The Community Resilience Model, or CRM, is a positive psychology


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

approach developed by the Trauma Resource Institute in California and used at AHE, says Stender. The approach teaches participants skills that “help [them] understand their nervous system and learn to track sensations connected to their own well-being,” she says. mary Lynn barrett, director of behavioral health at the Ashevillebased Mountain Area Health Education Center and board member of AHE, taught the method to fellow nonprofit members before they took their most recent trip to Rwanda. The CRM “trains community members to not only help themselves but to help others within their wider social network,” she says. The approach “has largely been used with individuals and communities [that] have been marginalized either by economic challenges, ethnicity or specific events.” “I like that AHE is doing something that none of the hundreds of [nongovernmental organizations] in Rwanda are doing. AHE’s focus on teaching resiliency is fundamental to life,” says Dr. michael weizman, a physician at Our Family Doctor and president and chair of AHE. He already had a connection to Rwanda through his medical training in Africa. But his support for AHE runs deeper than that.

coffee & connections: African Healing Exchange founder Sara Stender — pictured center during a February 2014 workshop with the coffee farming community of COOPAC, located near Gisenyi, Rwanda — will return there with Dynamite Coffee Roasting Co. of Black Mountain this June to launch the crop-to-cup tour, now open to the public. Photo courtesy of AHE

“Helping the Rwandan people — and eventually people in other postconflict African nations — develop resiliency skills in the face of past trauma will help them to live healthier, more productive lives. This is an incredible opportunity to make a real difference,” says Weizman. Stender says focusing on the trauma can have adverse effects. “Our mission is to offer new solutions and proven, innovative solutions for generational trauma. But we don’t need to talk about the trauma in order to do that. And that’s the difference [with CRM]. That was a huge realization on this [most recent] trip,” she explains. “If we can just stick with talking about stress and stress manage-

ment and resilience, it’s so much more empowering. People feel like, ‘We’re all stressed out, right?’ There’s no social stigma around that. People are going to show up to a workshop that’s called ‘learn new stress management skills’ and ‘programs to increase your resiliency.’” Stender’s background is in fair trade education, consumer education and business management. When she moved to Asheville over seven years ago, she was still working with fair trade companies but was looking to work overseas in the countries that she had been learning so much about. Rwanda was at the top of her list. When an offer to manage a missiondriven restaurant in Rwanda’s capital of Kigali landed in her email inbox, she jumped on the opportunity. The job allowed her to make connections in the country and learn what Rwandan life, post-genocide, is like. “A lot of the approaches used are created by the West for the West, and it’s a Band-Aid approach. So I knew I wanted to do something different. It’s not for me or about me. It’s for my friends in Rwanda who are asking for help,” she says. “They’re saying, ’Look, things appear to be going really well on the surface, but we’re still suffering emotionally. We have issues related to what happened that are manifesting physically and we’re not getting the services that we need.’... “So we decided to form this partnership and really look at how we’re building programs from the ground up that are indigenous and culturally appropriate,” says Stender. While the current focus is bringing Americans to Rwanda, Stender intends for the AHE to be an exchange more than in name only. “I see AHE really being a partnership of Rwandans and Americans who are really going back and forth, and, ideally, we’re opening it up so that we’re inviting Rwandans here,” she says. “It’s not about us Westerners healing someone else or fixing someone else. It’s about working together to create solutions to global issues.” moRe info X

weLLness caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

wellness Attention mAssAge therAPists (pd.) Earn 12 CEUs. • Positional Release: June 27-28, Johnson City, TN and July 25-26, Asheville, NC. • Assisted Stretching, October 24-25, Ocracoke, NC. NCBMBT Approved Provider. Information/registration: 828-337-6749. AsheVille community yogA center 8 Brookdale Road, • SA (4/25), 12:30-2:30pm - “Introduction to Yoga for Trauma.” $20. leicester community center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, • FR (4/24), 8am-noon - Community health fair. Free to attend. • FR (4/24) & SA (4/25) - NC Baptist Men’s Dental Bus, dental care for Leicester residents. Free. nAtionAl AlliAnce on mentAl illness 505-7353, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (5/14), 6 -8:30pm - Class for family members and caregivers of adults living with severe mental illness. Free. Held at 356 Biltmore Ave. PisgAh legAl serVices 62 Charlotte St., 855-733-3711 • SA (4/25), 12:30-5pm - Health insurance enrollment and questions. Free. sheJumPs 336-263-4856, • SA (4/25), 10am - Yoga in the park. $5. Held at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road

suPPort grouPs

AsheVille women for soBriety 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. AsPerger’s ADults uniteD • 4th SATURDAYS, 2-5pm - Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. Held at Earth Fare, 1856 Hendersonville Road AsPerger’s teens uniteD • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. coDePenDents Anonymous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8pm – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. DeBtors Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. DePression AnD BiPolAr suPPort AlliAnce 367-7660, • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road electrosensitiVity suPPort • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact or 2553350. emotions Anonymous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road

ADult chilDren of Alcoholics & DysfunctionAl fAmilies • Visit for full listings.

fooD ADDicts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave.

Al-Anon/ AlAteen fAmily grouPs 800-286-1326, • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit

men working on life’s issues 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location.

Alcoholics Anonymous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or

nAr-Anon fAmily grouPs • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave.

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West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road nAtionAl AlliAnce on mentAl illness 505-7353, • THURSDAYS, 2pm - Dual diagnosis group. Held at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. oVercomers of Domestic Violence 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler oVercomers recoVery suPPort grouP • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road

sylVA grief suPPort • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.h.e. center for DisorDereD eAting 337-4685, • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. unDereArners Anonymous • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

oVereAters Anonymous • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit support for full listings. recoVering couPles Anonymous • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road

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s-Anon fAmily grouPs 258-5117, • For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. shifting geArs 683-7195 • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Group-sharing for those in transition in careers, relationships, etc. Contact for location.

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smArt recoVery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sunrise Peer suPPort Volunteer serVices • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road

“I see Evan for scoliosis. By unwinding these patterns I have a more balanced posture, greater range of motion, and much less discomfort overall for a condition that has become significantly more pronounced as I’ve gotten older. Not only has the scoliosis not progressed since my work with Evan, it has actually improved without surgery!” –Mary Beth Gwynn by appointment only

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015





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WNC’s sustainability report card by caRRie eidson Send your sustainability news to


Live in Beauty



arth Day celebrations, and springtime in general, are a great time to be thankful for the abundance of natural resources that surround us in Western North Carolina. But as we begin enjoying our springtime hikes, picnics and quiet moments in the sun, it’s important to remember that keeping our environment beautiful requires stewardship and mindfulness that extend beyond Earth Day cleanups and block parties. When we look at sustainability in our region, it seems WNC has come a long way in the past few decades. Efforts have been made to cleanup our water, our air and our soil, and improve our social sustainability through increased access to food, transportation, green spaces and more. But while it’s good to celebrate how far we’ve come, it’s also good to look at how far we’ve yet to go. Xpress asked local nonprofits and regulatory agencies to take a hard look at our region — from our successes to our failures — and tell us how we’re doing, so that as we head into Earth Day 2015 we can strengthen our conversation on how we can be a more resilient, more sustainable community.



It's impossible to be definitive in reporting about air quality anywhere, including in WNC. We depend on data received from narrowly defined and sparsely located air quality monitoring stations in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park that give us some indications on levels of the major air pollutants sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. This may indicate trends in the region, but it doesn’t necessarily provide accurate information for specific locations in WNC where there are no monitoring stations. Further confusing the picture is the variations in climatic circumstances and seasonal weather patterns. For instance, in the past five years we've had higherthan-normal rainfall in the summer (the height of the ozone season) that has helped lower ground-level ozone concentrations. Nonetheless, the trend appears to be toward improvement in air quality, attributable to a flurry of legislative, regulatory and economic activity from the year 2000 to the present. The NC Clean Smokestacks Act, passed in 2002, reduced sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from public utility-owned coal plants by 73 percent and 78 percent respectively, throughout most of North Carolina and resulted in a lawsuit against the Tennessee Valley Authority that compelled it to shut down or add emission controls to coal plants that seriously impact our air. The Clean Air Interstate Rule, reimplemented in 2009 after an earlier judicial setback, promises to have a positive impact on our air here in WNC. The general trend of replacing old coal plants with new natural gas-fired power plants may have some short-term positive impact on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, but not on carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases that are also a form of air pollution. The only real way to eliminate air pollution is to use less energy and transition to nonpolluting technologies that don't use combustion, such as solar and wind. So it's a mixed bag. It will be decades before we know, definitively, the net result of all this activity on the air quality of our region, but it stands to reason that by limiting pollution at the sources, our air quality will gradually improve. Currently, however, we still have limited visibility far below the natural level in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, ozone pollution and asthma rates among our children have not abated, and mercury concentrations in the aquatic wildlife of our fresh water lakes and rivers are still rising. Is this a healthy place to live in terms of air quality? — avram Friedman, executive director of the Canary Coalition



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The French Broad River is an amazing success story. The river was once said to be “too thick to drink and too thin to plow,” but thanks to the Clean Water Act and the work of thousands of concerned citizens, business owners and government officials, the French Broad River is now a thriving recreation destination. Gone are the days when millions of gallons of raw sewage and industrial waste were intentionally dumped into the river. But we still face challenges from sediment pollution, poor land-use practices, bacteria pollution and the legacy of old hazardous waste sites. The French Broad Riverkeeper monitors bacteria pollution in the river on a weekly basis at more than 20 locations around the watershed and posts that data at and on the mobile app, named swim guide. This data shows that the river is safe for swimming more than 75 percent of the time, but pollution levels do rise after a moderate to heavy rain event. We can all help clean up the river to make sure it finally reaches the full goals of the Clean Water Act to be fishable and swimmable all of the time. Volunteering opportunities are posted at

70 Monticello Rd. Weaverville, NC I-26/Exit 18 828-645-3937

— Hartwell Carson, French Broad RiverKeeper at Mountain True



Not long ago, rooftop solar was a dormant market in WNC, largely the province of do-gooders and off-grid enthusiasts. But over the past five years, favorable policies and community-based initiatives have changed that. Today WNC is one of the hottest residential solar markets in the state because of programs like Solarize WNC and Clean Energy for WNC. These programs made it cheaper and easier than ever for customers to go solar, and every week a new homeowner in WNC is doing just that. In the last 1 1/2 years, the Clean Energy for Us initiative has helped 80 homeowners install solar panels in WNC — 11 times more than what resulted from the same program in Raleigh. Commercial and utility-scale markets have been less promising, and traditional energy monopolies continue to push for policies that would kill the solar industry in North Carolina. However, Clean Energy for Us believes that our region’s unique sense of selfreliance makes us well-situated to continue growing our clean energy economy for years to come.” — Katie Bray , program director at Clean Energy for Us

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015






B+/ A-

The city of Asheville has managed an impressive 27 percent reduction in its carbon footprint of municipal operations since the 2008 baseline. It has achieved this through alternative fuel vehicle technology, LED streetlights, employee engagement and better operations and maintenance of its facilities. However, the need for improvement remains. After the low-hanging fruit has been picked, the next carbon reductions will be much harder. The city must figure out how to integrate electric vehicles into its fleet and how to incorporate renewable energy into its reduction strategy. Eventually, the city may choose to extend the goal beyond the government organization and lead a communitywide carbon footprint reduction effort as well. — Kerby smithson, interim sustainability officer for the city of Asheville

ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP IN ASHEVILLE Stewardship includes a broad range of activities, nearly all of which are covered in the work of environmental nonprofit Asheville GreenWorks. Asheville excels in some area but struggles in others, leaving the overall performance somewhere in the middle. Here’s a more specific breakdown:


for volunteering: GreenWorks worked with nearly 3,000 volunteers in 2014 through 196 projects. When you need something done in Asheville, turn to the volunteers. They’re the first ones to roll up their sleeves.


for litter: Our beautiful mountain town continues to struggle with roadside and river-borne trash. The No. 1 source of roadside litter in our area is when you can’t wait to throw that item away until your next stop and out the window it goes. But hey, it’s not like we don’t have recycling and waste containers everywhere! Gas stations, restaurants, shopping centers, parks, grocery stores, not to mention your own home — there’s always a place to properly dispose of your items. Accidental littering is also being created by unsecured trash from commercial haulers and residents. How can you help? The next time you’re filling up your trash bin, make sure that all of the items in your can are bagged.



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for recycling and composting: Holy smokes, we love our recycling! Since the city of Asheville rolled out Big Blue in 2012, recycling jumped 87 percent over 2011. Nine schools in the area have made the switch to 100 percent commercial composting saving the taxpayers money and teaching the next generation about waste. — eric Bradford, volunteering coordinator at Asheville GreenWorks


No one knew exactly what the certification to become the inaugural Bee City USA would entail back in 2012, so our city staff and council took a bold leap of faith. Now there are six certified cities in North Carolina, Oregon and Kentucky, with many more in the process of applying. Though Asheville gets an A+ for taking that initiative and our community has embraced pollinator stewardship by choosing native plants and using fewer pesticides, Asheville could look to other certified cities and applicants for additional ideas. For example, for decades Carrboro, N.C., has managed its city property using a "least toxic integrated pest management" policy. The city goes so far as to spray weeds with steam — using a special machine mounted on the back of a truck — rather than herbicides. When Talent, Ore., discovered a beehive tangled in power lines, city staff built a box with an observation window in it, collaborated with the local power company to rescue the colony and put the hive in a public place where people could see the bees at work. Now the city manager is adding two more Bee City USA signs and planting pollinator patches in prominent places around city buildings. Here are some ideas of what Asheville could do to become a grade A pollinator-friendly city: recommend only native trees and shrubs on city property and to developers because native pollinators have a symbiotic relationship with the plants with which they co-evolved over millions of years; plant native meadows along greenways, rather than grass; and adopt a least toxic integrated pest management policy for city property. — phyllis stiles, director of Bee City USA


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015





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The Asheville metro area has some the highest levels of food insecurity in the nation, meaning food insecurity or food hardship are an important piece of sustainability in our community. We are excited about the city’s efforts with the Azalea Road Park area where it is providing a lease of city-owned land for an organic farm and composting facility. We are seeing a revival of interest in food security through the volunteer sustainability committee, SACEE, which is starting to work closer with us in assessing the city’s progress toward the Food Action Plan (adopted in 2013). We feel there is much more work to be done in comparison to other cities across the U.S. and would like to see funding made more of a priority around food security/food access (i.e. community gardens, public transportation, edibles in parks and greenways). We encourage the city of Asheville to: look at our neighbors in Black Mountain and their success in maintaining a staff gardener, community gardens and a seed bank; ensure all Asheville City Schools participate in Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s Farm to School Program; allocate funding and authorization for edibles in city parks and greenways; and allocate staff hours for the new sustainability coordinator to work toward food security matters. Although the city has passed legislation, it has taken very little action toward their words. City owned property is not yet a welcome place for edible plantings and at this point, most all work being done toward food security in the city is from volunteers. Buncombe County allocates resources such as funding and staffing for farmland preservation and hosts the Agricultural Advisory Board for Farmland Preservation. While a county agriculture extension agent is par for the course in most counties, Buncombe County goes above and beyond in its duties, working with the Ashevile-Buncombe Food Policy Council and other organizations to establish baselines and metrics to track our progress in lessening food hardship. The county has been very supportive of community gardens and edible plantings on its property (i.e. the Sand Hill Community Garden). Last year the county funded 17 community gardens (eight new and nine expansions) totaling more than $38,000. Buncombe County Schools participate in the N.C. Farm to School program. Overall, the county has shown a commitment toward decreasing food hardship and supporting farmers in their work.” — the asheville-Buncombe Food policy Council

Staying on the forefront of this technology gives my own family and customers access to efficient and sustainable driving and also encourages further advancement and breakthroughs. The brands we represent provide several alternative energy options — clean diesel TDI, hybrid, plugin hybrid, and all-electric. Our manufacturers are committed to making these innovations more accessible by funding the installation of charging stations along the entirety of both coasts and offering partner discounts for industry leading home solar energy solutions that extend beyond the vehicle. Additionally, I’ve had four charging stations installed at the dealership giving access for our customers to re-charge their vehicles. I personally believe that we all share the responsibility of creating a sustainable future for our community starting with my own family.

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015





For many decades real estate development in the mountains was a primary driver of WNC’s economy. By the time of the 2008 economic collapse, that trend had become unsustainable. Many places that should never have been considered for development —the steep, rural and remote parts of the region — were being fragmented with roads, subdivided and sold. In many cases, buyers never intended to reside on these remote lots but acquired them as a speculative investment. The economic downturn changed all that overnight. Ironically, at the same time the economy collapsed, government revenues also plunged. State conservation trust funds were slashed and tax credit programs were eliminated. However, since 2006, the 10-member organizations of Blue Ridge Forever have saved more than 70,000 acres and some of the region’s most outstanding places. Counties such as Buncombe, Haywood and Transylvania have helped offset reduced state funding with local programs to assist conservation landowners. As the real estate market begins to rebound, state and local officials must invest once again in conservation funding, restore tax incentives and implement reasonable development controls so that we can avoid the type of inappropriate development seen too often in past decades and conserve the natural resource assets upon which the region’s economic future will depend. — Kieran roe, executive director at Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy



Since the passing of Asheville’s Bicycle Comprehensive Plan in 2008, the city has prioritized the implementation of bicycle infrastructure and has made steady progress as indicated by the expansion of greenways, the striping of several bike lanes, the inclusion of sharrow markers and wayfinding signs, increased participation in community rides, bicycle corrals and education programs. In 2012 Asheville earned bronze status from the League of American Cyclists as a bicycle-friendly city. Most recently, a protected bicycle lane was included in the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Plan and the city is working to install onstreet bike parking on Haywood Road this summer. Asheville has demonstrated a reliable commitment to developing as a bicycle-friendly community. Progress has been made, but there is much more progress to make. Asheville city government’s budget is tight, and there is only so much the city can do on its own. Although the N. C. Department of Transportation enacted a Complete Streets Policy, recent legislation prohibits the state from matching funds for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The Strategic Transportation Investment Law curtails future expansion of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, greatly impacting Asheville’s future success as a bike-friendly community. Our community is passionate about advancing bicycle infrastructure and it will take continued support and investment from all aspects of the community to build a robust bicycle system. We’re moving in the right direction, but we’re far from being a leading city. — Mike sule, executive director at Asheville on Bikes


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015









by Richard Fireman

Yes, we can: It’s time to stand up for clean air — again

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As I’ve grown into elderhood, I’ve learned that certain elements of my life keep recurring: sensing injustice, speaking out and taking action, especially around caring for our land, air and water. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh when it was known as the Smoky City. In 1946, when I was 3, Mayor David Lawrence said, “I am convinced that our people want clean air. There is no other single thing which will so dramatically improve the appearance, the health, the pride, the spirit of the city.” By 1954, Pittsburgh’s air was 90 percent cleaner, and by the time I left the city in 1965 to pursue medical training, clean air had become a necessity.

When I was attending medical school and doing a residency in Philadelphia and New York City, air pollution was a terrible and visible fact of daily life. And when our family settled in Winston-Salem in 1975, I was disappointed to discover that despite the community’s beauty, we lived in a bowl collecting pollution that was readily visible to the naked eye. When we moved to Western North Carolina in 1998, we thought we’d entered paradise, but as many longtime residents will remember, there was dirty air hanging over downtown Asheville and a significant number of bad-air days, especially in the summer. As an emergency room doctor, I personally witnessed the effects of dirty air, particularly on older adults with chronic respiratory diseases and kids with asthma. While my professional life allowed me to help individuals, I quickly learned that Asheville was home to a large number of actively engaged citizens with visionary insight and a willingness to take action, the way David Lawrence had in Pittsburgh. I quickly joined the broad coalition, including the Western North Carolina Alliance (now known as MountainTrue) that had started working on cleaning up our local air, in collaboration with state Sens. Steve Metcalf and Martin Nesbitt. The Alliance, the Canary Coalition and Appalachian Voices formed the regional backbone of the statewide, grassroots effort to help get the Clean Smokestacks Act passed in 2002. It was the first state-level legislative effort to correct loopholes in the federal Clean Air Act, and it eventually led to the retirement of many older coalfired power plants in North Carolina. Progress Energy and Duke Energy elected to put modern pollution controls on other plants, including the Asheville

plant in Arden, to remove harmful nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide from the smokestacks’ emissions. Scrubbers were installed in 2006 and ’07, and as far as we knew, the problem was solved. The air would be clean: We could breathe easier. But unbeknownst to most of us, Progress Energy had been in discussion with Buncombe County for two years about building a supplemental diesel-powered plant that would kick in during periods of peak demand. Asheville/Buncombe residents first heard of these discussions on Dec. 2, 2006, and on Jan. 16, 2007, the county commissioners, with little public discussion, agreed to lease 78 acres of property in Woodfin to Progress Energy for $1 a year as a site for this facility. Public outrage over this issue was amazing. Ordinary citizens, environmentalists and businesspeople organized and showed up at the Woodfin Planning and Zoning Board’s April 2 public hearing. Medical testimony bolstered the arguments against the plant, and the board unanimously voted to deny Progress Energy a conditional use permit for the land. And with that plan defeated and scrubbers in place, I guess many of us were lulled into some sort of complacency. But the mere fact that we can’t see something doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t there, and meanwhile, the Sierra Club’s Asheville Beyond Coal campaign commissioned two studies of sulfur dioxide emissions from the Arden plant. The results were released last month, and we now know that since 2010, when the current permit was issued, the coal-fired facility has regularly been emitting SO2 at levels the Environmental Protection Agency considers unsafe for human health. Part of the problem is that the scrubbers aren’t being operated in accordance with their designed efficiency rating. In addition, the utility is using cheaper, higher-sulfur-content coal. Beyond those immediate concerns, however, lies a deeper issue: The SO2 limits in the plant’s

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current permit are inadequate to begin with. According to the Sierra Club’s studies, those limits would allow SO2 emissions at 79.3 times the level that would be needed to meet the EPA’s human health standard. Luckily, we’re once again in a position to get our air cleaned up. The WNC Regional Air Quality Agency is writing a new permit, as required under Title V of the Clean Air Act; once finalized, it will be submitted to the EPA for approval. The first draft of that permit has now been made available for public review, but the agency didn’t change the SO2 limits. And in fact, the plant could meet those proposed standards without even using the scrubbers it already has, thus undoing all the good work our community and state accomplished by passing the Clean Smokestacks Act. I guess David Lawrence’s wisdom and spirit live on in me, as I, too, “am convinced that our people want clean air. There is no other single thing which

will so dramatically improve the appearance, the health, the pride, the spirit of the city.” Once again we are called to come together for our community’s wellbeing. We succeeded twice before: We can do it again. The Air Quality Board is composed of our neighbors — regular people whose primary concern should be our common welfare. Our most immediate task is simple: show up at the public hearing on Wednesday, April 29, at 6 p.m. at Erwin High School. We need to demonstrate to this board that it must write a permit that’s in line with the best public health science and that can be enforced by the EPA. If you can’t come to the hearing, sign our petition (available at or email your comments to the Air Quality Board (betsy. Mars Hill resident Richard Fireman, a retired physician, is a founding member of Elders Fierce for Justice and a volunteer with Asheville Beyond Coal. He also served on Progress Energy’s Community Energy Advisory Council. X

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


gReen scene

Carrie Eidson

As local as your own backyard over 30 vendors and educators offering information and products related to permaculture, alternative energy, hops and mushroom growing, fermentation and even bread-oven building. bobby sullivan, general manager at the co-op, notes that providing a space for community education is one of the “five bottom lines” that the co-op holds itself to. The fair, he says, really brings together “everyone you need to meet” for a successful urban homestead. “In the grocery store business there’s not a whole lot of infrastructure for us to hold regular classes or do as much community outreach as we’d like,” Sullivan says. “We decided to organize the fair so we could fulfill that mission of education by bringing all the

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With chickens, tomatoes and pollinator gardens popping up in every corner — from backyards to apartment balconies to rooftops — it certainly seems Asheville is a city that is enthusiastic about urban farming and homesteading. With spring in full swing, growers, DIY enthusiasts and the homestead-curious will find the perfect venue to prepare for the season as the French Broad Food Co-op holds its third annual Urban Homestead Fair on Saturday, April 25. The fair, held in the co-op parking lot on Biltmore Avenue, will include

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

best of what we think Asheville is about right to our parking lot — that way the public can be exposed to everything from beekeeping to making soap to gardening to keeping livestock.” Sullivan adds that this year’s fair will feature less of an emphasis on live music (to decrease noise and facilitate more conversation) but will have more activities for children, including a bounce house and crafting stations. Local growers will also be offering spring plant starts, which Sullivan says are one of the fair’s most popular assets. “There’s a ton of activity around buying plant starts because, of course, it’s spring,” Sullivan notes. “We’re one of the most biodiverse regions in the whole U.S., and this is a really great example

stock uP, get Ready: Looking to venture into the world of urban farming or beef up your homestead? The French Broad Food Co-op’s Homesteading Fair returns for its third year, offering plant starts, supplies and educational opportunities to get spring projects underway. Photo courtesy of the French Broad Food Co-op

of the magic that Asheville has to offer. So many people who live here are experts at growing everything from fruit trees to herbs to organic crops. The people who sell this stuff are just incredible.” The French Broad Food Co-op Urban Homestead Fair is free to attend and will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. X

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


gReen scene


Join us for an

Earth Day celebration: at New Earth on April 22nd benefiting the nonprofit House of Balance

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Tarot & Rune Readers

Carrie Eidson

Celebrate spring Local events for Earth Day and beyond Earth Day falls on Wednesday, April 22, this year, but with the bees buzzing, the flowers blooming and the sun shining all around us, why spend just one day celebrating the beautiful environment in Western North Carolina? Here’s a roundup of some of the environmentally focused events happening throughout WNC this week, though you can also find more by flipping through Clubland and the Community Calendar. Get out there and enjoy spring! asheviLLe eaRth week 2015 This year’s Asheville Earth Day has expanded into a 10-day celebration of green living and sustainability culminating in a downtown clean-up and after party on Wednesday, April 22. Wild South, Asheville GreenWorks and the Asheville Downtown Association will host the cleanup starting at Pritchard Park from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Earth Day Celebration (aka the cleanup after-party) kicks off at New Mountain’s Sol Bar at 5 p.m. and features music by Drew Emmitt of Leftover Salmon. Free; chimney Rock state PaRk eaRth day ceLebRation The park’s festivities have an educational focus as naturalists, biologists and other environmentalists host exhibits designed to encourage stewardship and environmental knowhow. The event also features games, animal ambassadors, live music by park musician and hammered dulcimer player John Mason and presentations by Friends of the WNC Nature Center, the N.C. Arboretum, N.C. Clean Air, the Nature Conservancy, Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy and more. The event is held in Chimney Rock Village and runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 25. Free;


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

eaRth day fiLm and PaneL Organic Growers School and Green Opportunities will host a screening of Growing Cities, a documentary about urban farming, at Lenior Rhyne’s Asheville campus on Wednesday, April 22. The documentary follows filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monobouquette as they road-trip across America interviewing urbanites who grow and distribute food from vacant lots, rooftop gardens and backyard plots. A panel discussion will follow the screening. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; film begins at 7 p.m.; admission by donation; house of baLance eaRth day festivaL House of Balance, a new nonprofit focusing on arts and agriculture, will host a pop-up festival in New Mountain’s outdoor space from 1 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 22. The event promises live music, local food trucks, dancing and vendors offering everything from metalsmith art to henna to tinctures. Free to attend with donations encouraged; houseofbalance. RiveRLink’s eaRth day chiLdRen’s festivaL Crafts, face painting, educational lessons, games, food and a chance to responsibly ditch those hard-to-recycle electronic items — it’s all available at Riverlink’s children’s festival. The event, co-sponsored by FLS Energy, takes place at RiverLink Performance Park in the River Arts District from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 22. Free; gReening uP the mountains The town of Sylva will hold its 18th annual spring festival, Greening Up the Mountains, on Saturday, April 25. The event is a celebration of fine arts and crafts, local music and environmental protection efforts,

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Health | Comfort | Efficiency | Indoor Air Quality (828) 713-3346 • weLcome to sPRing: With outdoor stages, vendors, local foods and children’s activities, Jackson County’s Greening Up the Mountains Festival makes for a full day of fun in the sun. The festival, one of several springtime celebrations happening this week, will be held Saturday, April 25, in downtown Sylva. Photo courtesy of the Town of Sylva.

drawing an estimated 10,000 people to the tiny mountain town every year. The festival runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free to attend; gRowin’ in the mountains Sponsored by the Blue Ridge Horticultural Assocation, Growin’ in the Mountains is one of the biggest plant sales of the season. The event, held at the WNC Farmers Market, brings together over 40 nurseries from throughout the Southern Appalachians and the Piedmont. The sale runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 24, and Saturday, April 25. Free to attend;

wiLd edibLes hike Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will hold a “Foraging Sustainably” wild edibles hike through the Highlands of Roan on Tuesday, April 28, starting at 10 a.m. Hike leaders will discuss and demonstrate responsible foraging practices including how to protect the plant’s natural habitat and the forest ecosystem. But wait, it gets better — this sustainability lesson takes place among the hardwood forests, open meadows and stunning vistas of the Highlands. $10, free for SAHC members; registration required; X

sPRing festivaL at the faRm Johnson Farm, the heritage education center and historic property located in Henderson County, will hold its spring festival on Saturday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to the exploration and adventure opportunities offered by the site’s 15 acres of forest, fields and streams, the festival will feature dancers, live music, sheep-shearing, a craft sale and tractor rides. $5 adults, $4 students; 891-6585

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


gReen scene

by Lillian Mercho

Native pollinator meadows to open at UNCA The university’s new gardens offer a home for bees, butterflies and more A honeybee’s sense of smell is so precise that it can differentiate among hundreds of floral varieties and tell whether a flower carries pollen or nectar from many yards away. This season, UNC Asheville is doing its part to protect these and other important pollinators by planting several new native pollinator meadows throughout the campus. “Our pollinators and bees are really imperiled,” says melissa acker, landscape director at UNCA. “We’ve done several other

pollinator gardens before that were much smaller, but the available funds that we have from the grants that we received will truly help us better meet the needs of the pollinators.” The meadows have been funded by the Burt’s Bees Greater Good Foundation and the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership. The project also received grants from Bee City USA, which was started in 2012 by Phyllis stiles, Bee City USA founder and director of foundation relations for UNCA. “We’ve started working on several spots on campus, but the primary ones that will be the focus will be a dry meadow and a wet meadow on the school’s main entrance drive,” Acker says. The accessibility of these meadows will, hopefully, draw attention

an outdooR cLassRoom: UNC Asheville students will use the new pollinator meadows to document and identify pollinators and monitor their activities. The goal is to figure out which plants are best at promoting pollination and a stronger ecosystem. Photo by Jennifer Rhode Ward

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

to the project and spread the word about the importance of pollinators in the community, she adds. The meadows will be used for instructional purposes, allowing students to photograph and document bee activity and identify pollinators. The research gathered will inform UNCA as well as the surrounding community of which native and cultivar plant species are best at attracting native and non-native pollinators. After all, more pollinators make for better ecosystems, which in turn will lead to more food. “Our role will be primarily to monitor the species that visit the plants over the active flowering period — summer plus early fall,” says jennifer Rhode ward, associate professor of biology at UNCA. “We hope that, by observing the insects’ behaviors and the plants’ responses, we will be able to determine which species are just visiting to rob nectar or pollen and which are actually pollinating.” The research obtained from such observations will be put to

good use. Using the meadows as a showcase, this fall UNCA will host a workshop for colleges and other institutional campuses across the region to explore ways to use their landscapes to better sustain pollinators, including bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other species facing steep declines over recent decades. The pollinator garden project won’t stop there. Students and faculty are exploring the idea of creating pollinator meadows under nearby electric wires and along highways. In doing so, they hope to bring to light alternate methods of maintaining these forgotten spaces and reduce the amount of maintenance costs spent on them. Instead of being mowed, these areas could and should be turned into habitats for pollinators. Lillian Mercho is a freshman at UNCA. She also serves as a student intern for the university’s communication and marketing department.

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


F O O D Brewing Company

Cultural affairs

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Full bar . Full kitchen

Food served til 11 pM nightly Monday $3 pint night Tuesday cask night

Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest shines a spotlight on local cheesemakers

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by jonathan ammons

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

You’ll rarely catch katie moore in her office these days; she’s in and out, always a blur. Since abandoning the idea of a fixed downtown location for her company, The Cheese Store of Asheville, and going mobile, Moore is much more likely to be spotted at tasting events and pop-ups around town. A wine store one day, a winery the next, at festivals and shops across town, she keeps busy curating and selling quality local cheeses, as well as some from farther afield. “There are a lot of great cheesemakers in this area, and it would be nice if people knew about them,” she says. “A lot of people don’t go to tailgate markets, so another way to get to get to know them is to create a special way that people can learn and be educated about who the cheesemakers are.” Lately, Moore and colleagues Jennifer Perkins of Looking Glass Creamery and Rachel english brown of English Farmstead Cheese have been working hard on a project aimed at raising awareness of the region’s artisanal cheese crafters: the Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest. Slated for Sunday, April 26, at Highland Brewing Co., the event will shine the spotlight on the WNC Cheese Trail, which promotes local cheeses and profiles their producers. “The WNC Cheese Trail was put together by a group of cheesemakers who hardly have enough time to make cheese, let alone promote this larger picture of what we are all doing,” Moore explains. “So what we’re hoping is to raise some money and awareness, so that we have the capital to do bigger things.”

say cheese: Christine Owen, owner of the award-winning Spinning Spider Creamery in Marshall, is among local artisan cheesemakers who will highlight their craft at the inaugural Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest on Sunday, April 26. Photos by Tim Robison

As a cheesemonger, Moore has worked closely with many of the state’s nearly 40 cheesemakers, helping organize the trail and create the festival. “It’s not just about educating people about cheese — it’s about letting people know that it’s here and that it’s local,” she notes. “This is an industry that has sustained itself for a number of years now. It can grow and it can add to the economy of Asheville. It’s not just that locally made cheese that isn’t wrapped in plas-

tic for months and isn’t highly processed is actually good for you; it’s that there’s an industry right here in our backyard that is viable and needs our support.” a Legacy of cows and cuRds In the dim light of dawn, the little farmhouses’ lit windows have halos. Dew coats the grass as the 70-some head of cattle start waking up — the first stirrings of the workday at English Farmstead Cheese, tucked away in the valley below the Blue Ridge Parkway’s Chestoa Overlook. “I was out here around 5:30 to get the raw tank and get it down to the barn to get the milk,” terry english reports, adding, “My day usually ends around dark.” He and his wife, susan english, are the fourth-generation keepers of this legacy dairy farm in Marion. “In 1926, Carnation built a receiving station for sour cream in Spruce Pine, just across the moun-

tain,” Terry says, with a drawl that slows and curves slightly south at the end of each phrase. “So they started raising cows for a living, because there was always a buyer for sour cream. “In the ’40s,” he continues, “it became clear that electricity was coming.” With it came the promise of refrigeration, which led them to begin producing milk as well. But that meant they needed more cows. As Terry tells it, “By 1950, they’d done their research, and when they turned the power on for the first time, they started milking with electric milkers instead of by hand, and they went from collecting 6 gallons a day to 12 gallons. It doubled their production.” And three generations later, the family farm is still scrambling to keep up with the times. “Right now our income is decided by the world’s [milk] market. We just want to develop some kind of stability in our income,” says Terry. A couple of months ago, he explains, the going rate for their product was roughly 28 cents a pound; last month, the price dropped to 21 cents. This month, he expects it to be around 18 cents. In short, it’s a steadily declining market in an increasingly expensive industry, and a lot of those sales hinge on seasonal demand. Think about it: How many schools serve milk at lunch? And how much does that demand drop in the summertime? And meanwhile, the more the price per pound declines, the higher the losses mount up. So in order to make up the difference in a falling market, the Englishes realized that

what Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest when Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, April 26 wheRe Highland Brewing Co., 12 Old Charlotte Highway, Asheville detaiLs Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the gate, kids under 13 are free. Advance tickets are available at To learn more about the WNC Cheese Trail, go to

they’d have to find some other way to utilize their product. “I don’t really know how to say it. ... It’s a tough business, but at the same time, it’s an enjoyable lifestyle — most of it, at least!” Terry says with a laugh. “This cheese thing was a big investment. We just raised cows for milk for so long, and it just kept getting tougher every year, and something had to change. We saw the writing on the wall, we did some research, took a gamble, and it’s paid off real good.” “Terry made a mistake one year by giving me a cheesemaking kit for Christmas,” says Susan, “and for years, I made cheese every Saturday. I even had a little minipasteurizer. I have friends that are rudely honest, so if it was bad, they’d tell me.” In 2013, the family launched the commercial creamery and began handcrafting cheese. After 30 years as an operating room nurse, Susan traded in her scrubs for a droll little hairnet spattered with cow spots. She and her sister, Luanne Graham, a biology teacher at the local high school, actually have matching hairnets. “It’s always been just the two of us,” notes Susan. “When Luanne comes in here, she doesn’t say a word; she knows exactly what she’s supposed to do and what I need to do.” The English farm still ships grade A milk to Milkco in Asheville (an Ingles subsidiary) and PET in Spartanburg, S.C. But a significant amount of the family’s income now comes from handcrafting artisanal cheeses. And that change denotes a broader shift in demand that’s increasingly convincing local dairy farmers that it’s time to start creating their own alternative products with their milk. The WNC Cheese Trail now represents 12 farms, helping expand the market for the region’s cheeses. “Our family decided to make cheese as a way to keep the farm going,” explains Rachel english brown, Terry and Susan’s daughter, who now serves as public relations director for the Cheese Trail. “My family has been farming for a really long time, and that is a huge part of who we are and what we do. So cheese is just one way to keep that going into the future.”

goats and kids christine owen — farmer, mother, wife, cheesemaker and proprietor of the award-winning Spinning Spider Creamery — says, “I just needed to make cheese for the family. My kids were intolerant of cow’s milk, so having a few goats evolved into us looking around in 1999 and realizing there were very few licensed cheesemakers in Western North Carolina. We started to evaluate that and decided that it was a worthwhile enterprise.” Like many artisanal cheesemakers, the Owens eventually saw a business opportunity in the expertise they’d developed at home. “We’re a farmstead dairy, meaning all of our cheese comes from our own animals,” she explains. “We milk a herd of about 75 to 90 doe, and we regularly have about 125 animals on the farm.” For Owen, it all started with those animals. “They just have such great personalities!” she gushes. “We take a lot of pride in our herd, and we actually have several national champions. I think one of the main reasons we got into this in the first place was because of the goats.” Lke Susan English, Owen has a scientific background. “Cheesemaking,” she notes, “fits a scientific mind perfectly, because it isn’t just following a recipe: It’s understanding the chemistry of the milk and its seasonality as it changes, and putting it into the product that I want. It’s a constantly evolving and changing analytical process that really appeals to me. That’s one of the reasons we’re always making so many cheeses. I just really want to push myself and see what we need to tweak and refine.” Owen mainly functions as the cheesemaker, leaving it to her three sons to raise the animals while husband Jeff handles distribution, market sales and marketing strategy. And having her boys on the farm ”makes such a difference,“ she maintains. “This is their lifestyle now; this is what they’ve known since they were tiny. It’s not me trying to convince my children that this is what they want to do: It’s something they’ve chosen.” Cullen, the eldest, attended UNC Asheville but returned to work on the farm after graduating. “He’s been doing this since he was really young,

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


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and he’s had such good feedback!“ she observes, adding that he was selling Spinning Spider’s cheese at local markets when he was 12. ”That’s a family farm to us: We didn’t inherit this farm, but it is still entirely familyrun and family-built.” “It’s not an easy thing to become a cheesemaker anymore,” says Owen. Thanks to the Food Safety Modernization Act, “There are a lot more hoops to jump through and a lot more record keeping. I may want less oversight and less regulation, but at the same time, I can’t fault my customers for wanting the safest products possible.” aLL in the famiLy “What has really amazed us is how many people come here and, yeah, they buy cheese, but they also feel like they’re reconnecting,” Terry English reports. “They can look out there and see the heifers in the pasture, the cows at the barn; they can see the tractors and the people working. It’s like they’re buying the experience as much as the cheese.” And on a warm spring day — cattle grazing in the pasture, the sun hanging over the mountains, smiling down on you — it’s just about impossible not to buy into that. But beyond the magnificent vistas, such farms may represent the future of WNC’s rural economy, an opportunity to keep these communities self-sustaining. “Our goal is to have people come and learn about cheese and then, ultimately, to support these local businesses and buy some,” Moore says about the Cheese Fest. “When you think of a cheese board, that’s who the vendors are

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

bRing the cheese: Katie Moore, owner of the Asheville Cheese Store, and local cheese makers organized the Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest as a way to raise awareness of the region’s artisanal cheese crafters. Pictured are products from English Farmstead Cheese.

going to be. We have cheesemakers, bread-makers, cracker companies, jams, charcuteries and everything you’d see on a cheese platter.” But the festival will also serve up lectures and discussion panels, including a presentation on Old World versus New World cheeses by Peter Dickson of Vermont’s Parish Hill Creamery. “It’s a good chance to learn about the kind of cheeses we’re making now and where they came from,” notes Moore. Add to that the promise of Highland beer, a grilled cheese cook-off and the “Cheese Olympics” — including, rumor

has it, a bicycle-powered butter churn and a mozzarella pull — and you have a four-hour, familyfriendly event that’s hard to turn down, especially at this price. “The reason tickets are only $12 is because we want people to buy cheese,” Moore explains. “The entire reason we’re doing this is to support these cheesemakers. In addition, Susan English points out, ”It’s really nice that the cheese trail is cooperative instead of being competitive. Everybody has their own niche around here, so there isn’t really a big need to compete. I don’t make what they make, and they don’t make what I make. We’re all in this together." X


by Dorothy Foltz-Gray

Dinner that makes a difference Monthly potlucks fight gender inequality

For seven years, Kamala, a young Nepalese woman, was an indentured servant, “rented” out by her parents for $50 a year. Today, she’s the Himalayan nation’s first female motorcycle mechanic, earning $50 a day. Kamala owes her freedom and improved prospects to Dining for Women, a global, nonprofit “giving circle.” And on Saturday, April 25, members from six of the organization’s 20 Western North Carolina chapters will gather at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel for A Sunset Soiree, aiming to connect, raise money and build awareness. They’ll also share stories like Kamala’s. As of 2014, the giving circle had funded 100 grassroots organizations dedicated to empowering women and erasing gender inequality in developing countries. But perhaps the most remarkable story of all is how the nonprofit got started. In 2003, marsha wallace, then a maternal health nurse in Greenville, S.C., invited 24 friends to her birthday party. She told them about a group of social workers who held monthly potlucks, donating money to help community organizations. “Marsha said, ‘Why don’t we do that globally for women and girls?’” remembers barb collins, board chair and co-founder of Dining for Women. And for Collins, who’d traveled internationally as a consultant to nonprofits, it was a pivotal moment. “I had a flame burning inside about what I could do for women and girls and children in developing countries,” she reveals. “I told Marsha I would help.” Today, the organization has seven full-time and part-time paid staff, 500 volunteers (including both Wallace and Collins), plus 8,400 members in 430 chapters, 44 states and 11 countries. Potluck by potluck, these giving circles — many comprising only six to 12 women — have raised $4.1 million

women with a cause: Adrienne Crouther, far right, presents information on a nonprofit program to, from lower left, Sheila Dunn, Tera Broughton, Laura Cleaveland and Stephanie Peterson Jones, at a recent Dining for Women potluck. The monthly events raise money for organizations that support women and girls all over the world. Photo by Cindy Kunst

to date, says Collins. In 2014 alone, Dining for Women raised almost $1 million — a far cry from the $750 that first birthday potluck produced. A 2012 report on the “NBC Nightly News” tripled the organization’s growth overnight, says Collins. “Our website crashed,” she recalls. “We thought we were prepared, but I’m not sure you can quite prepare for that.” Scads of publications — ranging from USA Today to O, The Oprah Magazine — have covered Dining for Women since then, and both New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Hillary Clinton have offered praise.

“Our growth has been so fast that we are often running to catch up,” notes Collins. But timing has also been a factor, she says. In the early 2000s, “There was a surge in interest in giving circles. The world started to look for global solutions to poverty and gender inequality. So investing in women and girls seemed a way to [spur] change in the world.” The process is simple. The chapters meet monthly to support a specific organization chosen by the nonprofit’s program selection team. The Greenville headquarters (no longer a room in Wallace’s home) sends each chapter a DVD, a PowerPoint presentation and fact sheets about that month’s featured entity. “In our chapter, a different member presents the program every month,” explains sue fernbach, who founded the first Asheville chapter in 2011. “Each member brings a covered dish made from recipes from

the country where the program is located. So we have fabulous meals, and all of us have learned so much about the challenges women face in these countries.” But the benefits, notes Collins, don’t stop there: “We are developing leaders. ... For example, one woman now on our board became confident enough to get the nursing degree she always wanted.” Fernbach, who organized the April 25 event, first heard about Dining for Women 10 years ago. “I called Marsha, who was still operating out of her living room, to learn about it. When I moved to Asheville in 2011, a lot of women I knew were interested in forming a chapter.” Downtown Asheville now has three such groups, and Fernbach is eager to help other local women start their own chapters. Wallace and Beth Ellen Holimon, the parent organization’s executive director, will be on hand at the soiree. The evening will include international hors d’oeuvres such as empanadas (meat or vegetarian), spring rolls and skewered shrimp with a lemon-pepino relish. There’ll be live and silent auctions plus door prizes, meaning attendees could leave the event toting more than inspiration. X

what Dining for Women’s A Sunset Soirée when 5-7:30 p.m., Saturday, April 25 wheRe Renaissance Asheville Hotel, Top of the Plaza, 31 Woodfin St. detaiLs Dining for Women members, spouses, friends and significant others are welcome. No tickets will be sold at the door. Tickets are $35 plus a processing fee and are available only at To view some of the auction items, look for “Dining for Women - Asheville Area” on Facebook. For more information, contact Sue Fernbach at

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



by Kat McReynolds

MANNA FoodBank campaigns for $3M The Space to Erase Hunger project revamps MANNA warehouses

Vote for your TE I R O V A F T N A R U RESTA

Register online to vote by MAY 5 44

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

“Ideally, MANNA would put itself out of business,” says brad searson, committee chair of MANNA FoodBank’s newly announced capital campaign, the Space to Erase Hunger. Since that wishful thinking isn’t reality, however, the MANNA team is revealing its comprehensive plans to achieve an “integrated facility,” through a complete overhaul of current warehouse operations. In its first year of operating, 1983, MANNA distributed 40,000 pounds of food across Western North Carolina. In 2014, the nonprofit disseminated that amount daily, serving 107,600 people across 16 WNC counties with the help of 248 partner organizations (where the food is dispersed to final recipients). “I wish I could tell you that the need for this food was going to decrease, but it’s not,” Searson says. “What we’re talking about [with this campaign] is developing the capacity to handle fresh food — and lots of it — quickly and efficiently.” In MANNA’s early years, Searson explains, food donations were largely canned or boxed foods that could sit on shelves until a need arose. Now, nearly onethird of donations are perishable items, often including fresh produce and high-quality proteins. But this trend toward better nutrition comes with a bittersweet aftertaste. “We’ve actually had to turn away fresh stuff, because we couldn’t process it and get it out to our agencies,” Searson says. “The plan is to have capacity to solve that in the foreseeable future.” “We also went into this campaign because we realized that we could be more efficient in the way we managed our warehouses,” adds donna ensley, campaign director. The Space to Erase renovations, largely the result of consulting by a logistics expert from Wal-Mart’s Raleigh-based offices, are extensive and include major improvements such as a 400 percent increase in freezer space, 171 percent increase

exPanding the Pie: MANNA FoodBank’s Space to Erase Hunger capital campaign will fund major improvements at the organization’s warehouses, enabling more distribution of fresh food. Pictured, from left, are MANNA executive director Cindy Threlkeld, campaign committee chair Brad Searson, campaign director Donna Ensley and honorary campaign committee chair David Holt. Photo by Becky Upham

in cooler space, 24 percent increase in dry goods storage, a café for volunteers, information technology upgrades, meeting space improvements and additional loading docks, including a dedicated dock for Ingles Markets, MANNA’s largest 2014 donor. Although many of these initiatives have already been implemented, critical changes like freezer and cooler installations remain unfinished. “The exciting thing is we’ve already met about 70 percent of the goal. Our goal is 3 million [dollars], and we’re already at about $2.3 million,” Searson says. “I really think we’re going to reach it.” The initial $2.3 million was collected during MANNA’s “quiet phase” of fundraising, which called upon past and present board members, large donors, staff, foundations and friends for support. Now MANNA will explore wider circles. “From here forward, we’re launching out in what we call the public phase, which is where we invite more of our donors and the community at large to par-

ticipate in this campaign,” says Ensley. Ingles offered up the first phase-two donation — a check for $50,000. The face of the public push is four-time Grammy Awardwinning banjoist david holt, the honorary chair of Space to Erase. Holt says he had followed MANNA’s work for many years but became seriously interested in the organization after hearing a radio interview last year. About a month later, he was asked to join the campaign. “People are hungry, and I hate to be hungry,” Holt says, “This [extra capacity is for] food that would have gone in the landfill … and it just seems like if society can’t pull it together to take good food and pass it to people who need it, we’ve got real problems. [MANNA] is doing that. Just as a citizen, I appreciate that.” Visit space -to - erase -hunger- capitalcampaign/ to learn more about MANNA Food Bank and its new campaign. X












by Gina Smith ing items for sale. Entertainment will include live music, face painting and balloon twisting. Food truck operators and restaurants in North Asheville, Woodfin and Weaverville can contact Sharee at 552-5204 or info@ampedupkids. com about booking vendor spaces. Artists should contact Meghan at 575-0905 or rococoballroom@, and musicians should contact Leslie at 708-7570 or Reynolds Village is one mile north of Beaver Lake off Merrimon Avenue, directly across from Future U.S. Interstate 26 Exit 23. For details, follow @RV_Shops on Twitter. vandeRbiLt dinneR theateR

bean theRe: Bean Vegan Cuisine features plant-based interpretations of classic Southern recipes. The Charlotte-based restaurant will open a storefront on Hendersonville Road this month. Photo courtesy of Bean Vegan Cuisine

bean vegan cuisine Queso dip, carnitas tacos and pulled barbecue sandwiches aren’t items vegans would normally pay attention to on a restaurant’s menu, but a new eatery is coming to Hendersonville Road that could be the exception to that rule. Charlotte-based Bean Vegan Cuisine is planning a location on Hendersonville Road in Arden with a projected opening date of April 29. Co-owner and executive chef charlie foesch says the idea for an Asheville store was born when he and fellow owners Roy Parkhurst and kandice hexter noticed a number of people from Asheville were coming to eat at their Charlotte restaurant. “We had always traveled from Charlotte to Asheville to enjoy vegan food, so this stood out to us,” says Foesch. The new store will feature the same menu of vegan Southern comfort food, fast-casual format and comic book hero theme as the Charlotte restaurant. With breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert menus, diners will find familiar vegan options such as veggie burgers, seitan Reuben sandwiches, fried tofu fingers and tofu scrambles. But there are also more inventive choices such as vegan meatloaf and crabby dip, crabby patties and a barbecue sandwich made from young jackfruit, a meaty-textured, neutral-flavored tree fruit native to Southeast Asia.

Sides are plentiful and decidedly Southern, with everything from fried yellow squash to red beans and rice to tater tot casserole. Desserts run the gamut from layer cakes to nondairy cheesecakes. Prices range from $7 for appetizers up to $13 for certain entrees. Bean’s Charlotte location also features a full-scale vegan market, but Foesch says the Asheville eatery lacks the space for that. However, Asheville shoppers will be able to find top-selling grocery items for sale at the restaurant. Bean is currently hiring for its Asheville location. To learn about employment opportunities, contact the owners at Bean Vegan Cuisine is expected to open on April 29 at 2145-A Hendersonville Road, Arden. For more information, visit food tRucks RetuRn to ReynoLds viLLage ‎Food Truck Fridays will return to Reynolds Village this year on May 22, June 26, July 24, Aug. 28 and Sept. 25, with festivities running 5:30-8 p.m. The free outdoor block parties feature food choices from a rotating lineup of local food trucks, as well as resident businesses Thirsty Monk and Chupacabra Latin Café. The Hop will be selling ice cream, and local artists and crafters will be offer-

On Friday, May 1, the Biltmore Estate will host a theatrical dinner party in the style of the grand events hosted by Edith Vanderbilt in the 1920s. Vanderbilt Dinner Theater will feature a reception on the roof of the Biltmore House with wine and hors d’oeuvres, a seated, multicourse dinner in the Stable Café Loft featuring 1920s-era cuisine and interactive dinner theater entertainment by Bittersweet Productions. Period attire is optional. Tickets are $110 each, and advance reservations are required. 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 1, Biltmore Estate, 1 Lodge St., Asheville. Call 800-411-3812 for reservations. Go to and click on “Events” for details and to view the menu.

Race to the taPs The inaugural event in the craft beer-themed Race to the Taps “sixpack” running race series happens on Saturday, April 25, starting — and finishing with a post-race festival — at Highland Brewing Co. Each of the six 4-mile, chip-timed road races will begin and end at local craft breweries. Runners receive Race to the Taps T-shirts and koozies plus a free pour at the end of the race. Scheduled races are as follows: • 1 p.m. Saturday, April 25, at Highland Brewing Co. • 6 p.m. Friday, June 12, at Pisgah Brewing Co. • 9:30 a.m. Saturday, July 18, at Asheville Pizza and Brewing on Merrimon Avenue. • 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, in the South Slope with Catawba Brewing Co., Green Man Brewery, Twin Leaf Brewery and Wicked Weed Brewing Co. • 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at Oskar Blues Brewery. • 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. For details, visit X

PubLix gRand oPening Florida-based supermarket chain Publix will launch its first Asheville location at 1830 Hendersonville Road with a grand-opening celebration on Wednesday, April 29. The first customer in line at 7 a.m. that day will cut the ribbon as the store opens to the public. The store will offer product samples throughout the day and free reusable shopping bags throughout the week while supplies last. Publix says the 50,000-square-foot store will feature all the traditional grocery departments along with prepared-foods venues and an Aprons Simple Meals kiosk, which will offer affordable, easy-to-make recipes for families. Hours will be 7 a.m.-10 p.m. daily.

fooD writer JonAthAn Ammons lets us in on his fAVorite Dish Du Jour. Nachos at The Vault: I know everyone raves about the burgers, but if you want to make a table full of hangry drunks happy — or at least sedated — for around $10, The Vault’s mountain of crispy, cheesy, jalapeño and salsa-laden starches is an easy option.

— Jonathan Ammons

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015






weDnesDAy AsheVille Brewing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm cAtAwBA: $2 off growler fills french BroAD: $8.50 growler fills highlAnD: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm lexington AVe (lAB): $3 pints all day one worlD: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower (triphop, downtempo), 8pm oskAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oyster house: $2 off growler fills PisgAh: Live music: Local Strangers, 6pm; Food truck: Latino Heat weDge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

thursDAy AsheVille Brewing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location french BroAD: Live music: Band of Lovers (folk), 6pm one worlD: Live music: Cameron Stack, 8pm oskAr Blues: Live music: Eric Congdon, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon PisgAh: New brew: Leaf Amber ale; Live music: Red Honey, 8pm southern APPAlAchiAn: Live music: Carolinabound, 7pm weDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

friDAy french BroAD: Live music: Todd Cecil & Backsouth (rock), 6pm highlAnD: Live music: Blind Lemon Phillips, 7pm; Food truck: Pho Ya Belly & Mama Dukes oskAr Blues: Firkin Fridays: G’Knight; Live music: Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon

PisgAh: Live music: Mike Rhodes’ Fellowship w/ special guests, 8pm; Food truck: Tin Can Pizzaria southern APPAlAchiAn: Preparty for The Meltdown Vintage Motorcycle Show; Live music: Pleasure Chest, 8pm; Food truck: Amazing Pizza Co. weDge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

monDAy AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm AsheVille Brewing: Beat the Clock Monday (medium cheese pizza, the time you order = the price you pay), 4–9pm BuriAl Beer co.: Now open Mondays, 4–10pm


one worlD: Live music: Cameron Stack (blues), 5pm

french BroAD: Live music: The Gravelys (Americana), 6pm

weDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

highlAnD: Race to the Taps: Race #1, 1pm; Live music: Pleasure Chest, 7pm; Food truck: Pho Ya Belly & Mama Dukes


oskAr Blues: Fundraiser for Michelle Wilkins; Live music: Conservation Theory, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys PisgAh: Live music: Phuncle Sam, 9pm; Food truck: DOGS

AsheVille Brewing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations); New brew: Red, Wheat & Blue (draft only) hi-wire: $2.50 house pints oyster house: Cask night weDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

southern APPAlAchiAn: The Meltdown Vintage Motorcycle Show, 12pm; New brew: Ton Up Pale Ale; Live music: The Krektones, 2-4pm; Jonny Monster Band, 8pm; Food truck: Farm to Fender & Underground Baking Company weDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

sunDAy AsheVille Brewing: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location BuriAl Beer co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) highlAnD: Carolina Mountain Cheese Fest, 12pm oskAr Blues: Bracken Mountain Race; Food truck: Chameleon oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys southern APPAlAchiAn: BlueSunday; Live music: Garry Segal & special guests, 5pm weDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015




Video saved the radio star SPRING 2015


Publishes 05.06.15


Music Video Asheville spotlights local musicians and videographers

the iLLustRated man: Marley Carroll in his “Speed Reader” video, which won multiple awards at last year’s Music Video Asheville event. Photo by Alex Cason

Contact us today! 828-251-1333

by coRbie hiLL

musicians and videographers. Those artists will pull up in stylish cars on loan from Harmony Motors and step out, dressed to the nines, to a swarm of waiting photographers (“paparazzi”) whose pictures soon end up as Facebook profile shots for many participants. In this way, this

Space Guarantee On Wednesday, April 29, Diana Wortham Theatre will roll out the red carpet — literally — for local


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

year’s competitors in Music Video Asheville will make their grand entrances with flair, panache and personality. “Last year we actually drove a VW Beetle across the stage,” says kelly denson, who co-organizes the event with boyfriend and business partner Jason Guadagnino. With such pomp, circumstance and deliciously absurd trappings, it’s like a small-scale Video Music Awards, Asheville-style. A grassroots endeavor, the awards show is now in its eighth year and has grown into a highly anticipated event. Artists come from all

genres, Denson says, to compete and to meet. Though music videos are long gone from MTV, these intersections of popular music and short film serve an essential purpose in the era of smartphones and tablets, she says. They can introduce listeners to new music. “If anyone ever tells you that music videos are a dying art form, they are full of it,” Denson says. marley carroll agrees. The producer and electro-pop artist’s “Speed Reader” video won multiple awards last year. It wasn’t his first music video, but it was his first serious, thought-out one. He worked with a handful of people — for the production quality achieved, he says, it really was a small group — to produce a video that seriously impressed Denson (“It was probably one of the best submissions we have ever received,” she says). This year, Carroll performs at the after-party at Asheville Music Hall and is excited to experience Music Video Asheville as a spectator. He’s convinced of the music video’s practical power, after all. “Very few people listen to music intentionally, like, ‘I’m going to sit down and listen to this record,’ which is something that used to happen,” Carroll says. “Now, one of the only ways to get somebody to sit through a full song is to give them something to watch.” As a professional musician, he’s drawn the conclusion that potential fans could stumble across his work, as long as he puts out worthwhile videos. “YouTube has become the primary way that people discover music,” he says. “Think of ’Chandelier,’ by Sia. That was a beautiful piece of art, and people got to hear about who this person was,” Denson says. “And even ’Wrecking Ball,’ that controversial [Miley Cyrus] music video from last year.” Music videos, she says, have almost become so ubiquitous that people don’t think about them anymore. The roots of the medium go back at least as far as Scopitones and Panorams, film projector jukeboxes dating to the mid-20th century. The current home of music video — streaming sites like YouTube and Vimeo — have leveled the playing field, allowing anyone to create one. You can make a video from scratch on a smartphone, Denson notes, and post it from there.

“People are able to discover new music because they are on their computers all the time,” Denson says. Plus, the absence of a controlling network like MTV or VH1 allows for a wide variety. “There’s beautiful, dark art and also comedy — it reaches us on multiple levels.” By definition, it’s democratic: The “Speed Reader” video, Carroll says, likely wouldn’t have made it to a channel like MTV. It was, however, able to find an audience through YouTube — a small one, he says, but still an audience. It’s a crowded Internet, though, and “Speed Reader” is just one video in the indistinct flood of online media that electronic artist Moby calls “gray goo.” Posting art on the Internet is easy; standing out can be tricky. “Everybody who would coach you in terms of getting your stuff online would just be like, ‘have more, more, more,’” Carroll says. Yet he won’t put videos out just for the sake of steady output. He wants to release purposeful art rather than content for content’s sake. And if being a working musician in 2015 means he has to make music videos, he wants them to count for something. “In some ways I wish the music could stand on its own, but I have to adapt,” Carroll says. Events like Music Video Asheville are valuable to artists like him because they bring musicians and videographers together in person. Though Carroll doesn’t have a video in the running this year, he may be paying close attention to the submissions, looking for a new collaborator. “A good music video is amazing,” he says. “It’ll stick with you forever.” X

what Music Video Asheville wheRe Diana Wortham Theatre when Wednesday, April 29 Red carpet at 5:30 p.m., show at 8 p.m.awards at 9:30 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show/$25 VIP

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



by Doug Gibson

Building tradition from transition A-B Tech’s Rhapsodist celebrates its fourth year of publication

When erik moellering, an instructor in the A-B Tech English department, came on full time in 2009, the school lacked a feature common to four-year colleges and universities: a student-produced literary magazine. “Literary journals at community colleges are few and far between,” he says, and although A-B Tech had produced such journals sporadically — primarily as faculty endeavors — none had been published since the 1990s.

Moellering, however, wanted A-B Tech students to have a vehicle for their writing. So starting a literary magazine became his first priority. In 2011 he recruited two student editors, and The Rhapsodist — which celebrates the release of its fourth issue with a reading at Malaprop’s on Friday, April 24 — was born. But there’s more to The Rhapsodist than just getting student submissions (and some faculty offerings) into print. Moellering lists the skills that students acquire producing the journal: layout and graphic design, dealing with printers and publicizing the magazine (including producing videos for airing on the A-B Tech student channel), among other things. “It’s practically an internship,” he says.

new edition: A-B Tech’s student literary journal The Rhapsodist is now in its fourth year. “It was a resource for me to recognize that the arts could be valued,” says Grey LaJoie, second from right, one of this year’s editors. Photo by Pat Barcas

In addition, the staff has made innovative use of online tools to routinize the submissions process. Shortly after the deadline for submissions, faculty judges receive a single email with a link to a spreadsheet that in turn contains links to each submission — and provides space to record feedback. The editors use this system, too (though they do meet face to face to hash out what to include in the final issue), and in A-B Tech’s fastchanging environment, this administrative template adds stability to an undertaking that might otherwise require each new set of editors to reinvent the wheel. The devotion of the student staff has also helped the journal survive the constant turnover of a two-year college. Two early editors, barbie byrd and jeff horner, have moved on to UNC Asheville, but they still serve as mentors for the current staff. The Rhapsodist has drawn boosters from the wider community as well, attracting volunteers from outside the school and from a wide range of A-B Tech faculty.

what Student poetry and short fiction reading, featuring selections from The Rhapsodist wheRe Malaprop’s, when Friday, April 24, at 3:30 p.m. Free.


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

According to the students, the journal inspires this commitment for two main reasons. “For me, The Rhapsodist was superimportant,” says grey Lajoie, one of this year’s editors. “It was a resource for me to recognize that the arts could be valued.” Byrd seconds this. Noting a lack of attention to the arts on campus, she says, “The Rhapsodist tries to fill that hole.” But the journal also serves a larger function. “We say that we’re the literary voice of A-B Tech,” Byrd says, adding that the journal strives to represent the diversity among the school’s students. oskar gambony, another of this year’s editors, elaborates. “The Rhapsodist exemplifies something that’s unique about A-B Tech that I picked up on when I started going here — all the different ages and backgrounds of people at a community college.” As they look to the future, the editors emphasize this potential to build community out of A-B Tech’s diversity. Byrd says, “I think the community that we’ve created is hugely important. Part of the problem that we have is that it’s such a revolving door on campus. So we want to let people know that we’re there and get involved.” Moellering concurs. “I love teaching here primarily because of the diversity,” he says, and while life at a community college means a lot of students are in transition, he’s seen The Rhapsodist provide an element of permanence. “There’s a kind of hereditary thing with it,” he says, “an inheritance, a tradition. It’s been fascinating to witness that.” X

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



by Alli Marshall

The great outdoors New Mountain opens its amphitheater Along with craft beer, the drum circle and a nun on a tall bike, outdoor event spaces are primed to become one of Asheville’s defining factors. Highland and Pisgah breweries have already found success with outdoor stages, and the open-air space of Salvage Station is anxiously awaited. But unlike those venues located on the outskirts of the city, New Mountain plans to implement an outdoor stage within the walkable area of downtown Asheville. “Our amphitheater is the backside of our bar,” says New Mountain owner and operator adrian zelski.

“We’ll have 30 big-production shows a year, but for the other 150 days of the summer, it’s going to be a space for food trucks, picnic tables and cornhole, and a hangout area for kids and dogs.” The amphitheater — featuring a rented stage and audio and lighting by Stewart Sound — will be properly introduced to the Asheville community with a grand opening party that spans Friday-Sunday, April 24-26. Headliners include garagerockers Black Lips, electronica artist RJD2 and jazz-funk collective Snarky Puppy. It’s a party that’s been a while in the making. Zelski says he moved back to Asheville from San Francisco because he fell in love with the urban acre where New Mountain sits. “The amphitheater idea came because I’m a music person. [The PuPPy Love: Brooklyn-based instrumental-fusion collective Snarky Puppy returns to Asheville to help christen New Mountain’s amphitheater. Other headliners for the weekendlong event are electronic artist RJD2 and garage-punk act Black Lips. Photo by Stella K

space] is kind of in a valley,” he says. City officials expressed interest in the beautification of French Broad Avenue, according to Zelski, and even though the initial plans of the New Mountain team (such as B Corporation status, building modifications and creation of green space) were based on big dreams, those ideas were met with support. There’s also been some trial and error, hence the rented stage while the venue fine-tunes its amphitheater setup. “Our goal is to build our own permanent stage and have an enclosed space that’s soundproofed,” Zelski says. In preparation for the inaugural season, New Mountain held two prototype events, including a concert headlined by flatpicker Larry Keel. One issue addressed with those trial runs was sound bleed into Echo Mountain Studios. Careful scheduling will solve some of those challenges, as will an ACI Smartwall: sustainable ceramic-based soundproofing. With the logistics squared away, the next task was booking. “I wanted to represent high levels of


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

quality in different genres,” says Zelski. “The reputation of a place can be defined quickly if it’s all jam bands or it’s all electronic.” For New Mountain, it was important not to be pigeonholed. The talent buyers wanted to excite garage rock fans as much as electronic music aficionados, and all three headlining acts for the weekendlong launch were passion picks: “I basically booked acts that I just really wanted to see,” Zelski says. For good reason: Since bursting out of the Atlanta suburbs 15 years ago, Black Lips built a strong reputation for legendarily bad behavior — though those antics on and offstage no longer really represent the band. The most recent album, Underneath the Rainbow, recorded with Patrick Carney of The Black Keys and Thomas Brenneck of Dap-Tone Records, offers up the group’s cleanest and hookiest tracks to date. RJ Krohn, aka RJD2, is no stranger to Asheville. Having

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Receive off your first service with Chelsea testing, one, two: Before this week’s launch of the New Mountain amphitheater, the venue held two prototype events. “Our goal is to build our own permanent stage and have an enclosed space that’s soundproofed,” says owner Adrian Zelski. Photo courtesy of New Mountain

played multiple Moogfests and, most recently, headlined New Year’s Eve at The Orange Peel, he could probably put down roots here — were he not so busy touring, producing and pushing the boundaries of electronic music. And Grammy-winners Snarky Puppy, a Brooklyn-based instrumental fusion group, claims dozens of musicians within its ranks. The lineup fluctuates to suit the situation (past situations entailed performances with Erykah Badu, Justin Timberlake and Snoop Dogg, to name a few). Add to that lineup about a dozen supporting acts — including many favorite local bands — and it’s shaping up to be a memorable weekend. That’s exactly what New Mountain

is hoping for. “We really want to be part of the rising tide,” Zelski says of Asheville’s growing live music industry. “I’m excited about everyone’s success, and I’m doing what I can with my piece of real estate.” The venue owner is forwardthinking, but he’s quick to note historical markers in Asheville’s music history, too: The White Stripes at Vincent’s Ear, The Smashing Pumpkins’ residency at The Orange Peel, Burning Spear’s transcendent appearance at Bele Chere, Fleet Foxes’ stunning opening set at The Grey Eagle. “My biggest reason for doing this,” Zelski says, “is because I want to create those moments that go down in time.” X

The schedule • friday, april 24: The Black Lips with The Tills, The Shine Brothers, Sol Cat. Music starts at 5 p.m. $20 advance/$25 day of show after party: Baby Baby, Monsoon, Shehehe, 10 p.m. $10 • saturday, april 25: RJD2 with Slow Magic and RBTS WIN. Music starts at 4 p.m. $20 advance/$30 day of show after party: Eliot Lipp, Late Night Radio, FXD A/V and more. 10 p.m., two rooms. $10 advance/$13 day of show • sunday, april 26: Snarky Puppy with The Fritz, Kansas Bible Company, Cure for the Common, Southern Fried Funk. Music starts 3 p.m., all ages. $20 advance/$25 day of show after party: The Fritz does Talking Heads, Moniker, 10 p.m. $10 Three-day passes are available for $60. Info at

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

















Literary listening: Cairn Desk releases book albums CDs are on their way out. For some music fans, they’ve been dead for years. As downloading and digital streaming continue to consume the music industry, more and more artists and boutique producers are embracing that transition by turning to alternative means of preserving the physicality of the album. Vinyl records have come back in a big way. Cassette tapes have also made a substantial return, particularly in experimental and avant-garde music. Now books are getting into the mix.

book aRts: Collaborators, from left, Alec Sturgis, Shane Parish and David Grubba. Photo courtesy of Cairn Desk

“Books have such a connotation of taking time, of sitting down and appreciating the quality and the content of what you’re spending time with,” says alec sturgis. He’s a co-founder of Cairn Desk, a quasiAsheville-based and self-described composition front and sound studio. “That connotation is important as

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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

by Kyle Sherard

an access point to the music itself,” he adds. Cairn Desk, whose name harkens to hand-stacked rock formations that often serve as guideposts for hikers, was co-founded in 2013 by Sturgis and David Grubba of Minneapolis. Grubba previously lived in Asheville. The label recently joined the small-but-rising wave of those ventures releasing albums by book with the debut of Desert Installation, the newest album by Asheville-based guitarist and composer shane Parish. The book itself falls somewhere between a zine and a chapbook, combining illustrations and graphic scores with philosophic and poetic verse. At the back is a small card stamped with a URL and a code for downloading the album. “We download so much music these days, but that often leaves us empty-handed,” says Sturgis. “This book is about providing listeners with a threshold for the music.” Desert Installation is a living, evolving piece. The album consists of a single track — a sonic movement — in which 13 participating musicians on guitars, violins, horns, bass, percussion and vocals were given schematiclike graphic scores. The notation loosely instructed musicians on when to play, but not necessarily what to play — a musical philosophy that descends from John Cage’s concepts of chance, sound as sound and silence as silence. “The piece can be assembled anywhere, at any time and with any number of musicians of any skill level,” Parish says. “In one

sense it was designed to be social, but there’s also a simultaneous solo aspect to it where everyone is performing separately.” Parish created the piece in 2012 while flying over the desert in the American Southwest. The drifting soundscape reflects the austere aesthetic of the desert through the lens of classically oriented avant-garde music. “There is a kind of romantic aspect to it,” says Sturgis, “one that’s traditionally pastoral, like Beethoven in a sense, but using the language of experimental music.” Since its inception, Parish has performed Desert Installation at house shows, downtown venues and Black Mountain College Museum + Art Center’s annual {RE}Happening. The current iteration is roughly 30 minutes long and was recorded in the lobby of UNC Asheville’s Lipinsky Auditorium. Parish’s is the first in a series of book-albums that Cairn Desk is planning to release. While Sturgis and Grubba may at first sound like producers, they see themselves more akin to gallery curators, hand-selecting music that is naturally and stylistically related. “We feel that there are things that we want to hear that we haven’t heard,” Sturgis says. “This is a way for us to create a space for artists that we’ve recognized, dialogues that we’ve observed, and to make it as accessible to as many people as possible.” For more information on Cairn Desk, visit Find Desert Installation at [Editor’s note: Alec Sturgis is a contributor to Mountain Xpress.] X

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015





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A&E staff

Catie Curtis

Annie and the Hot Club Theatrical facial expressions and expressive gesticulations take jazz vocalist Annie Sellick’s onstage storytelling abilities over the top, transforming each song into a personal conversation with the crowd. The performer — part musician, part impromptu actress — is truly living every lyric as she sings. The Hot Club of Nashville, which infuses 1930s and ’40s jazz classics with “fiery guitar and violin soloing,” according to a band release, will join Sellick for a set of original tunes and Django Reinhardt-inspired covers this weekend. The troupe performs its “gypsy swing with a twist of Nashville” at White Horse Black Mountain on Saturday, April 25, at 8 p.m. $15/$18. Photo courtesy of the artists

Catie Curtis was dubbed a “folk-rock goddess” by The New Yorker — an impressive title that still doesn’t manage to sum up the singer-songwriter’s remarkable career. A Maine native, Curtis got her musical start as a drummer and, as a teenager, sat in with Foreigner on “I Want to Know What Love Is.” She went on to perform at two presidential inaugural balls, at Carnegie Hall and at Lilith Fair. Her songs found their way onto shows like “Alias,” “Dawson’s Creek” and “Chicago Hope,” and her accolades include album of the year at the Gay and Lesbian American Music Awards for her 1997 self-titled record. Curtis’ most recent album is Flying Dream, a collaboration with Kristian Bush of Sugarland. She plays Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Saturday, April 25, at 8:30 p.m. Hannah Aldridge opens. $15 advance/$18 day of show. Photo by Joseph Anthony Baker

Blue Ridge Bookfest A literary smorgasbord, the seventh annual Blue Ridge Bookfest will host a variety of sessions exploring the art and business of the written word. Although much of the festival’s programming is open to the public, tickets for the event’s keynote speech and interview with Joe Galloway — longtime military correspondent and author of We Were Soldiers Once ... And Young — will cost $25 per person, including heavy hors d’oeuvres and a book-signing reception. Free events include dozens of mini-presentations by individual authors, several literary workshops (“How Graphic Art, Cover Design and Promotion Stimulate Book Sales,” for example) and other exhibits. Blue Ridge Bookfest takes place from Friday to Saturday, April 24-25, at Blue Ridge Community College. For the full calendar of free and ticketed events: blueridgebookfest. Photo of Galloway courtesy of the author


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

Up the Chain For Reed Kendall, transitioning from solo songwriting to a solid band lineup has been “the ultimate blessing.” With drummer Kirby Sybert and bassist Noah Skaroff replacing the former rotating cast of musicians, he says his Philadelphia-based rock band Up the Chain is using consistency and trust as a platform for progress. The group’s first record together, Windows Into Worlds, honors this new chapter. “A lot of the lyrical imagery in the songs relates to the opening up of new possibilities,” Kendall says, “What you hear now is three people who clearly play a lot of music together. ... The new trio forces me to be challenged, and I’m thrilled about it.” Up the Chain takes the stage at Jack of the Wood on Saturday, April 25, at 8 p.m. $7. Photo courtesy of the band


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

Art Asheville Art Museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • TH (4/23), 5:30-7pm - Gallery Talk: “The Remarkable Career of John Heliker.” Admission fees apply. Asheville Urban Landscape Project 458-0111, Open air painting events, held in various public green spaces and hosted by different Asheville area artists. Free. • TU (4/28), 9:30am-12:30pm - Held at Lake Louise Park, Doan Road, Weaverville Black Mountain Center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, • FR (4/24), noon-1:30pm - Demonstrations of pinhole photography. Free. • SU (4/26), 1-4pm - Celebration of Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day with cameras and instruction. Free. Buncombe County Public Libraries Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/22), 4pm - “Circumstance of the Upcycle,” workshop on recycled art projects. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain Haywood Street Congregation 297 Haywood St., 246-4250 • SA (4/25), 4pm - “Diamonds in the Rough,” multicultural folk art showcase. Donations accepted.

Auditions & Call to Artists Attic Salt Theatre Company 505-2926 • SU (4/26), 2-5pm & MO (4/27), 6-9pm - Open auditions for The Underpants. Free. Contact for guidelines. Held at Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St. Birdhouse Bash 476-4231 • Through SA (5/7) - Create or decorate birdhouses for auction to benefit local community gardens and community art projects. Bring donations to Second Blessing Thrift Store, 32 Commerce St., Waynesville Montford Park Players 254-5146, • SA (4/25) & SU (4/26), 1-4pm - Open auditions for Richard III. Contact for details. Free. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway

Music BEETHOVEN BACK TO BACK (pd.) Beethoven’s Eighth and Seventh Symphonies performed by the Blue Ridge Orchestra, • Saturday, May 16, 7:30pm; • Sunday, May 17, 3pm; Little Theater, Hall Fletcher Elementary, 60 Ridgelawn Road, West Asheville. $15 General Admission; $10

Friends of the Blue Ridge Orchestra; $5 Students; Walking to the Concert? $5 • Tickets are also available (cash and checks only) at Soli Classica, 1550 Hendersonville Road, and Musician’s Workshop, 310 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville. • Details and tickets for Beethoven Back to Back:

• Through SA (5/2) - Tension: Attention, works by Angela Eastman. Artist’s reception: April 23, 5-8pm.

• SU (4/26), 2pm - “Learning to Fly,” aerial arts production and workshop. $20. Held at Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. Asheville Community Theatre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (5/3) - A Streetcar Named Desire. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $22/$19 seniors & students/$12 under 17.

Asheville Art Museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (8/2) - Prime Time: Third Annual New Media Juried Exhibition, works by various artists. • Through SU (8/16) - Flourish: Selected Jewelry From the Daphne Farago Collection.

Asheville Lyric Opera • FR (4/24) through SU (4/26) - West Side Story. Fri. & Sat.: 8pm; Sun.: 3pm. $17-$58. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square

Asheville Gallery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through TH (4/30) - Art of the Angle, paintings by Bill Cole.

BeBe Theatre 20 Commerce St., 254-2621 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (4/23) until (5/9), 7:30pm - The Seagull. $15/$10 seniors.

Asheville Loft 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, • Through MO (5/18) - Artworks by David Lawter and Veronika Hart.

Center for Spiritual Living Asheville 2 Science Mind Way, 231-7638, • SA (4/25), 7:30pm - Amy Steinberg, singer-songwriter. $15.

Flat Rock Playhouse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • TH (4/23) through SA (4/25) - “Donny Edwards: An Authentic Heart & Soul Tribute to ’The King.’” Thu.Sat.: 7:30pm; Fri. & Sat.: 2pm. $28.

Bender Gallery 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, • Through SU (5/31) - Veiled Memories, metal and glass.

Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/16) until (4/26), 8pm - Music on the Rock Series: A Tribute to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. $15-$25.

Hendersonville Little Theatre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/24) until (5/10) - Dreamgirls, musical. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $12-$24.

Hendersonville Chamber Music Series 808-2314, • SU (4/26), 3pm - Minneapolis Guitar Quartet. $20/ free for students. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville

Theater at BRCC • WE (4/22) through SU (4/26) - Clue. Wed., Thu. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Fri.: 7:30 & 9:30pm; Sun.: 2:30 & 4:30pm. $7/ $5 students, faculty & staff. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock

AmiciMusic 802-369-0856, • FR (4/24), 7:30pm - “Quintessence,” piano and woodwind quintets. $20/$15 members/free for children. Held at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. • SA (4/25), 7:30pm - “Quintessence,” piano and woodwind quintets. Held in private home. Location given on registration. $35. Bluegrass to Bach Concert Series • SA (4/25), 6:30pm - Sheila Kay Adams, Appalachian ballads. $15. Held at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville, 2021 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville

Honeyfolk House Concerts 950 Bailey St., Mars Hill, 301-602-0338, • SA (4/25), 5:30-9pm - David Wiseman, acoustic blues and folk. $15. Music at WCU 227-2479, • WE (4/22), 7:30pm - Low Tech Ensemble, central Javanese gamelan music. Held in the Coulter Building. Free. • SA (4/25), 7:30pm - WCU Jazz ensemble with guest Rick Margitza, saxophonist. In the Coulter Building. Free. • SA (4/35), 8:30pm - Pavel Wlosok Trio with Rick Margitza, jazz. Held in the Coulter building. Free. • SU (4/26), 3pm - “We’ve Only Just Begun: Carpenters Remembered,” pop tribute. Held in the Bardo Fine Arts Center. $21/$16 faculty & staff/$7 students & children.

Theater 35below 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FR (4/24) & SA (4/25), 2:30pm - Autumn Players’ Reader Theatre: Humble Boy, comedy. $6. • TH (4/30), 7:30pm - “Listen to This,” stories and original songs. $15. Anam Cara Theatre 545-3861, • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (4/24) until (5/2), 8pm - Cloud 9. $12. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B Asheville Aerial Arts 301-5615,

Theater at UNCA 251-6610, • SU (4/26), 2:30pm - Autumn Players’ Readers Theatre: Humble Boy, comedy. $6. Held in the Reuter Center.

Gallery 86 86 N. Main St., Waynesville, • Through TU (4/28) - Memories-Past, Present and Future, photography and folk art. Grand Bohemian Gallery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, • Through TH (4/30) - Impending Spring, works by realist painter Rebecca N. King and glass artist Michael Hatch. • Through SU (5/31) - Impressions: The Great Smoky Mountains, Stefan Horik’s expressionist works. Grovewood Gallery 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • Through SU (5/10) - The Birds and the Bees, themed works.

Gallery DIRECTORY 310 ART 191 Lyman St. #310, 776-2716, • Through SU (5/31) - Oasis, gallery-members mixed media. 5 Walnut Wine Bar 5 Walnut St., 253-2593 • Through (5/9) - Wavy Way, works by Reba West Fraser. Art At Brevard College 884-8188, • Through FR (5/1) - Grit, senior art exhibition. Art at Mars Hill • Through FR (5/8) - Three senior art student exhibitions. Art at UNCA • Through FR (4/24) - Study Abroad Program international photo contest winners. In the Blowers Gallery. Asheville Area Arts Council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710,

Castell Photography Gallery 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, • Through TH (4/30) - Objects in Perspective, photography and wax sculpture.

Pack Memorial Library 67 Haywood St., 250-4700 • Through TH (4/30) - Storybook Characters on Parade, dolls based on children’s literature. Riverview Station 191 Lyman St., • ONGOING - Santangles, pen and ink drawings by Sandra Brugh Moore. Satellite Gallery 55 Broadway St., 305-2225, • Through MO (4/27) - Works by A-B Tech art students. Studio Chavarria 84 W. Walnut St. Unit A • Through FR (6/12) - The Floating World, abstract art by Katherine Aimone. Transylvania Community Arts Council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through MO (4/27) - K-12 student art exhibit. ZaPow! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • Through SU (5/31) - Wonderland, illustrations of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

APRIL 22 - APRIL 28, 2015


C L U B L A N D BArley’s tAProom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm

weDnesDAy, APril 22

Beer city tAVern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9:30pm

AsheVille music hAll Amnesis w/ Call The Next Witness, Equivalent Exchange, Spearfinger, VIC Crown & Severance (metal, rock), 7:30pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Contagious (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm Blue kuDZu sAke comPAny Trivia night, 8pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Open Mic, 7pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Rocket Science, 7pm

cowBoys lounge Karaoke, 8pm

BogArt’s restAurAnt & tAVern Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30pm

DouBle crown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm

cAtAwBA Brewing tAsting room Old time jam, 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm Drayton & the Dreamboats (honkytonk, jazz), 8:30pm

foggy mountAin BrewPuB Trivia, 8pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Melissa Ferrick w/ Sara Rachele (indie, singer-songwriter), 8pm grinD cAfe Trivia night, 7pm highlAnD Brewing comPAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm iron horse stAtion Ashley Heath (rnb), 6pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Tim Grimm (Americana, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band, 8:30pm

cowBoys lounge Game Night, 6pm

isis debut: Timbre Cierpke was featured on Jack White’s newest album and has played with hardcore band mewithoutYou, pop songwriter Brooke Waggonener and bluegrass icon Ricky Skaggs. Now she’s doing her own thing: releasing “Sun & Moon,” her debut album, after nearly two years of work. “With ‘Sun & Moon’ Timbre draws effortlessly from the vocabulary of both the choral/symphonic and the contemporary and shows that, together, they can communicate beauty in greater depths than either can alone.” Timbre plays at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Friday, April 24, at 8 p.m.

JAck of the wooD PuB Old-time session, 5pm

lex 18 Patrick Lopez (modern jazz, Latin), 7pm loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm mountAin moJo coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm new mountAin Drew Emmitt (jam, newgrass), 5pm An Earth Day Celebration w/ Turkuaz, The Heard & Sumilan (funk, dance, Motown), 9pm

OneTribe Reggae Band, 9pm noBle kAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm o.henry’s/the unDergrounD “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm oDDitorium Art by Sharon Gonzales w/ The Nobodies & Trailer Park Orchestra (art), 9pm off the wAgon Piano show, 9pm oliVe or twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stoP Deli & BAr The Royal Noise w/ AlyCat (funk), 10pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BrewPuB Songwriter’s Night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm french BroAD Brewery Band of Lovers (folk), 6pm

lAZy DiAmonD Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm


DouBle crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

one worlD Brewing Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm

the Joint next Door Bluegrass jam, 8pm the Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Marc Keller (jazz), 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm town PumP Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm

PisgAh Brewing comPAny Local Strangers (indie), 6pm

tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm

VincenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

reJAVAnAtion cAfe Open mic night, 6pm

white horse BlAck mountAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

room ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

wilD wing cAfe south Karaoke, 9pm

root BAr no. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 8pm scully’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm strAightAwAy cAfe Junto, 6pm tAllgAry’s At four college Open mic & jam, 7pm

thursDAy, APril 23 AltAmont theAtre Bombadil & Darlingside (indie, folk, rock), 7pm Grandma Lee w/ Bob Lauver & special guests (comedy), 10pm

gooD stuff West Of Roan (folk, old-time), 7:30pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Will Hoge w/ Kenny George Band (singer-songwriter), 9pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll The Feels w/ CaroMia (Amy Winehouse covers), 7pm Elizabeth Cook w/ Derek Hoke (country, singer-songwriter), 8:30pm JAck of the wooD PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm lex 18 Ray Biscoglia & Grant Cuthbertson (jazz standards), 7pm loBster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm mArket PlAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm new mountAin Hope For A Golden Summer & Resonant Rogues (folk, Americana), 8pm Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 9pm Kinnection Campout Preparty w/ Random Rab & Saqi, Live Animals (electronic), 10:15pm o.henry’s/the unDergrounD Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm oDDitorium Abstruktor (metal), 9pm

off the wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm

AltAmont theAtre Les Femmes Mystique (dance), 8pm

oliVe or twist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm

AsheVille music hAll Black Lips afterparty w/ All Them Witches, sol cat & The Nude Party (rock), 10pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Telekinetic Walrus & Ben Hovey (psychedelic, electronic), 10pm

AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

one worlD Brewing Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm oskAr Blues Brewery Eric Congdon (Americana), 6pm PAck’s tAVern Howie Johnson Duo (acoustic-rock), 9pm PisgAh Brewing comPAny Red Honey (goth country, psychedelic blues), 8pm PulP Slice of Life Comedy open mic/contest, 8:30pm PurPle onion cAfe Marc Yaxley (classical jazz), 8pm renAissAnce AsheVille hotel Chris Rhodes (jazz, R&B, blues), 6:30pm room ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm AVL College Night, 10pm scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 8pm southern APPAlAchiAn Brewery Carolinabound (Americana, folk), 7pm tAllgAry’s At four college Iggy Radio, 7pm

Beer city tAVern Marc Keller (acoustic), 6pm DJ Dance Party w/ Sound Extreme, 10pm Ben’s tune-uP Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Dan River Drifters (bluegrass, Americana), 8pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Acoustic Swing, 7pm Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm Boiler room 3rd Annual Up In Smoke Party (hip-hop), 10pm BroADwAy’s World Pennies, The Blots & Total War (“dramatic pop,” rock, punk), 9pm BywAter Junkyard Dogs (blues), 8pm cork & keg One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz, Latin, swing), 8:30pm cowBoys lounge Karaoke, 8pm crow & Quill Carolina Catskins & Lost Dog Street band (folk, old-time, jug-band), 9pm DouBle crown DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm

the Phoenix Sean Austin Leanord (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm

elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

the sociAl Rory Kelly (rock), 9pm

foggy mountAin BrewPuB Midnight Snack (funk, rock), 10pm

the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm

french BroAD Brewery Todd Cecil & Backsouth (rock), 6pm

the strAnD @ 38 mAin The Moon Show (moon-themed variety show, folk tales, puppets, music), 8pm timo’s house ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hiphop, pop), 10pm town PumP The Threadbare Skivvies (vagabond nature folk), 9pm tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urBAn orchArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm VincenZo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm wilD wing cAfe south Jason Whittaker (acoustic-rock), 8:30pm wxyZ lounge At Aloft hotel Stevie Lee Combs (Americana, folk), 7:30pm

friDAy, APril 24 185 king street The Jeff Sipe Trio (funk, jazz, soul), 8pm

4pm-2am Mon-Fri | 12pm-2am Sat | 3pm-2am Sun Mon.-Thur. 4pm-2am • Fri.-Sun. 2pm-2am

87Patton Patton Ave., Asheville 87 Asheville

Vote for the BEST D N U O R ALL BAND

gooD stuff Chris Jamison (singer-songwriter), 9pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Family and Friends & The Collection (folk rock), 9pm highlAnD Brewing comPAny Blind Lemon Phillips (Americana, roots, rock), 7pm iron horse stAtion Barb Turner (rnb), 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Songs of Water w/ Timbre (folk, bluegrass), 8:30pm JAck of the wooD PuB Whitewater Ramble (bluegrass, dance), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm lex 18 Afternoon High Tea w/ Bob Strain (classical & romantic piano), 1:30pm Hot Point Trio (Gypsy swing, strings), 8:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-fusion, swing), 11pm loBster trAP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm

Register online to vote by MAY 5

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



Send your listings to

mAck kell’s PuB & grill 80’s Jam Night (80’s rock), 9pm mArket PlAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

North Carolina’s First Cider Pub! Family Owned and Operated

NEW GREEN SPACE & OUTDOOR SEATING Vote U.O.C.C. “Best Local Cidery” in Mt. X

SEASONAL CIDER RELEASE 4/25/2015! See our Facebook Page for Nightly Specials 210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806

(828) 774-5151

TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


Marc Keller 6-9, Karaoke - 9:30 NEW BAND EVERY THURSDAY:

4/23: Rory Kelly- 9 4/30: Jamboogie Band- 8 Friday 4/24: Lyric - 10 EVERY SATURDAY + SUNDAY:



THU. 4/23 Howie Johnson Duo (acoustic rock)

FRI. 4/24 DJ MoTo (dance, pop hits) SAT. 4/25 The Free Flow Band

Karaoke - 9:30 EVERY MONDAY:

Ashli Rose 7-9

(R&B, old school, funk)


Jason Whitaker 5-8


Serving Lunch Daily Kitchen & Bar Open til 2am 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780 60

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



20 WNC


nAtiVe kitchen & sociAl PuB Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 7:30pm new mountAin The Black Lips w/ The Tills, The Shine Brothers & sol cat (rock ’n’ roll), 5pm New Mountain Amphitheater Grand Opening w/ The Black Lips, RJD2, Snarky Puppy, Slow Magic, The Fritz, The Tils, & more!, 5pm Black Lips afterparty w/ Baby Baby, Monsoon & Shehehe (pop, indie, rock), 10pm

Transputer (house), 10pm town PumP Bullfeather (Appalachian Gypsy folk), 9pm tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Nikki Calloway & Friends (singer-songwriter), 7pm WestSound (blues, Motown), 10pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm white horse BlAck mountAin Salsa Shark, 8pm wilD wing cAfe Courtaud (alternative, Americana, blues, rock), 8:30pm

nightBell restAurAnt & lounge Dulítel DJ (indie, electro, rock), 10pm

wilD wing cAfe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

noBle kAVA Mythistica Lounge: Samuel Paradise & friends, 8:30pm

wxyZ lounge At Aloft hotel Ben Hovey (soul-jazz-tronica), 8:30pm

o.henry’s/the unDergrounD Kings & Queens (drag dance party), 10pm oDDitorium Doomster w/ Chester & the Nuts, Kreamy ’Letric Santa, Cold Solstice, Lords of Chicken Hill (punk, rock), 9pm off the wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or twist FreeFlow (Motown, funk), 8pm one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Tuatha Dea (Gypsy rock), 10pm

ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sAturDAy, APril 25 185 king street The Moon & You (folk, Americana), 8pm AltAmont theAtre Cheryl Wheeler w/ Kenny White (folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Beer city tAVern DJ PyrVmis (trap, electronic), 10pm

orAnge Peel Earl Sweatshirt w/ Vince Staples & Remy Banks [POSTPONED], 9pm Dave Rawlings Machine (Americana, folk), 9pm

Ben’s tune-uP Gypsy Guitars, 2pm

oskAr Blues Brewery Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Bob Zullo (acoustic), 7pm

PAck’s tAVern DJ MoTo (dance, pop, hits), 9pm

Boiler room Brief Awakening w/ Lilly Jean, Mendocino & Beneath Trees (folk, rock), 9pm

PisgAh Brewing comPAny Mike Rhodes’ Fellowship (fusion), 8pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s DJ, 10pm southern APPAlAchiAn Brewery Pleasure Chest (soul, blues), 8pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Matt Walsh (blues, rock), 9pm

BywAter Ghost Eagle (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm clAssic wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers, piano), 7pm cork & keg Old-time jam, 7:30pm

sPring creek tAVern Shanes Gang (rnb), 9pm

cowBoys lounge Old School (classic rock, modern rock), 8pm

strAightAwAy cAfe Flat Creek Boys, 6pm

creeksiDe tAPhouse Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Apple Blue Horse Band (country, Southern rock), 9:30pm

DouBle crown Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

the ADmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

the mothlight Brother Hawk w/ Stonerider (rock, blues, soul), 9:30pm

foggy mountAin BrewPuB Krektones (surf-rock), 10pm

the Phoenix Jamboogie Band (jam), 9pm the sociAl Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm Lyric (funk, rock, soul), 10pm tiger mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm timo’s house

french BroAD Brewery The Gravelys (Americana, rock, roots), 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Joe Pug w/ Field Report (singer-songwriter), 9pm hArmon fielD in tryon The Deadfields (Americana), 4pm highlAnD Brewing comPAny Pleasure Chest (blues, soul, rock ’n’ roll), 7pm

iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (rnb), 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Saturday Classical Brunch, 11am Firekid (country, bluegrass), 7pm Catie Curtis & Hannah Aldridge (singersongwriter, folk), 8:30pm JAck of the wooD PuB Zack Joseph Band w/ Williams & Company (Americana, country, roots), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm lex 18 Afternoon High Tea w/ Bob Strain (classical & romantic piano), 1:30pm Xpresso (modern Latin jazz), 8:30pm loBster trAP Crossroad String Band (bluegrass, blues, folk, jazz), 6:30pm mArco’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm mArket PlAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm moJo kitchen & lounge Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm new mountAin RJD2 w/ Slow Magic & RBTS WIN (hip hop, indie), 4pm RJD2 afterparty w/ Eliot Lipp, Late Night Radio, FXD A/V & more! (electronic), 10pm nightBell restAurAnt & lounge DJ Tony Z (deep house), 11pm noBle kAVA The Hellacious Habañeros (old-time, jazz fusion), 8:30pm oDDitorium Zuzu Welsh Land & The Zealots (rock), 9pm off the wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or twist 42nd Street Band (jazz), 8pm

Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm one stoP Deli & BAr The Isaac Haze w/ Faderh8erz Crew ft. DJ Notik, Maconbeatz & RX9 (funk), 10pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till





Full Bar



FRI 4.24

orAnge Peel Yellowcard w/ Finch & The Downtown Fiction (pop punk, alt rock), 8pm oskAr Blues Brewery Conservation Theory (Americana), 6pm PAck’s tAVern The Free Flow Band (R&B, old school, funk), 9pm PisgAh Brewing comPAny Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead covers), 9pm PurPle onion cAfe The Shana Blake Band (funk, rnb, soul), 8pm room ix Open dance night, 9pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm Transputer (house, trance), 10pm scully’s DJ, 10pm southern APPAlAchiAn Brewery The Krektones (surf-swagger), 2pm Jonny Monster Band (blues, rock ’n’ roll), 8pm sPring creek tAVern Raising Caine (country), 9pm


tAllgAry’s At four college Mojomatic (rockin’ blues), 9:30pm the ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm the mothlight Burlesque 101 Graduation Show, 9pm the Phoenix The Get Right Band (funk, rock, reggae), 9pm the sociAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm



SAT 4.25 TUES 4.28


THU 4/23



8:30 PM–



THU 4/30



FRI 5/1





Every Tuesday



Every Sunday

9PM / $5



8PM / $5


9PM / FREE (Donations Encouraged)



COMPETE 4/20-5/18 @ 7:30 MONDAYS

OPEN MON-THURS AT 3 • FRI-SUN AT NOON SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville

252.5445 •

Wed • April 22 Woody Wood Thurs • April 23 Meadow Open!

Tasting room closed for private event

Fri • April 24






9:00 PM–

MON 4.205.18



Blind Lemon Phillips 7:00-9:00

Sat • April 25 Pleasure Chest 7:00-9:00

Check website for Race to the Taps details

Sun • April 26

Cheese Fest 12 - 4


Check website for details


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015



April 2015 WEDNESDAY

4.22 9PM










4.24 4PM




















4.26 7PM


4.26 10PM









bLack box buskin’: New Mountain and the Black Box Storytelling Theater present an evening with Michael Reno Harrell and Abby Roach. Abby, otherwise known as “Abby the Spoon Lady,” will be playing her signature spoons and telling stories about busking in Asheville. The evening’s storytellers will entertain audiences with both humor and song at New Mountain (in the Ridge Room), on Monday, April 27, at 7 p.m.


WED 4/22 THuR 4/23 FRI 4/24 SAT 4/25 SuN 4/26 TuE 4/28



W/ KENNY GEORGE BAND 9pm $15 / $18




ANDREA GIBSON 8pm $12 / $15






Send your listings to

THu 4/30

W/ THE LOW COuNTS 8pm $10 / $12



the strAnD @ 38 mAin Soldier’s Heart (Appalachian porch rock), 7:45pm timo’s house Jim Raves & Funk (hip-hop, trap, club), 10pm town PumP The Fustics (rock, Americana), 9pm tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues The King Zeros (blues), 7pm The Liley Arauz Band (Latin soul), 10pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

BuriAl Beer co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm cork & keg The Paint Bug (art class & beer), 2pm cowBoys lounge Acoustic jam & food, 3pm crow & Quill A Company of Ghosts & The Warren Wilson Circus Band (circus-rock, punk-folk, jugband), 9pm

white horse BlAck mountAin Annie Sellick & the Hot Club of Nashville (Gypsy swing, jazz), 8pm

DouBle crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

wilD wing cAfe Karaoke, 8pm

gooD stuff This Frontier Needs Heroes (Americana), 3pm

wilD wing cAfe south Cody Siniard Band (country), 8:30pm wxyZ lounge At Aloft hotel Marley Carroll (DJ, electronic), 8:30pm ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sunDAy, APril 26 AltAmont theAtre Asheville Ecstatic Dance, 10am Karla Bonoff (singer-songwriter), 7pm Ben’s tune uP Jazz Brunch, 2pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm Blue kuDZu sAke comPAny


Karaoke & brunch, 2pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Andrea Gibson (spoken-word), 8pm iron horse stAtion Ashley Heath (rnb), 6pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm JAck of the wooD PuB Irish session, 5pm lAZy DiAmonD Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm lex 18 Michael John Jazz (smooth jazz), 7pm loBster trAP John Stineman & Lyndsay Pruett (traditional, bluegrass), 6:30pm

moJo kitchen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm new mountAin Snarky Puppy w/ The Fritz, Kansas Bible Company, Cure For The Common & Southern Fried Funk (instrumental, fusion), 3pm Snarky Puppy afterparty w/ The Fritz Does Talking Heads & Monkier (electronic, funk, rock), 10pm

monDAy, APril 27 185 king street Open Mic Night, 8pm AltAmont Brewing comPAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm

oDDitorium Spoken Word Sunday (poetry), 9pm

Beer city tAVern Monday Pickin’ Parlour w/ Dawghouse Dan the Bass Man (open jam), 8pm

off the wAgon Piano show, 9pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm

oliVe or twist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm Bachata lesson w/ Wayne Tipton, 8pm

BywAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Pour tAProom Open mic, 8pm scAnDAls nightcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm southern APPAlAchiAn Brewery Gary Segal w/ special guests (blues), 5pm sPring creek tAVern Ashley Heath (R&B), 2pm strAightAwAy cAfe Chris Smith, 5pm tAllgAry’s At four college Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm the mothlight Improvised Soundtrack to Metropolis w/ Joe Dowdy, Michael Flanagan, Patrick Kukucka & Ryan Oslance, 9pm the Phoenix Ryan Furstenberg (Americana), 12pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm the southern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm tiger mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm timo’s house Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

the sociAl Ashli Rose (acoustic, indie, singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 10pm timo’s house Movie night, 7pm town PumP The Hudson Branch (alternative, pop), 9pm VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

loBster trAP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm mArco’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm mArket PlAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm new mountAin B The Change Community Gathering, 6:30pm Cantenac Dagar w/ Derek M. Poteat & Fort Crevecoeur (instrumental, noise), 9pm o.henry’s/the unDergrounD Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm

tuesDAy, APril 28

courtyArD gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

AsheVille music hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

oDDitorium Odd comedy night, 9pm Human Bodies w/ Asherah (punk), 11pm

DouBle crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

Beer city tAVern Tuesday Team Trivia, 8pm

off the wAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Larry Dolamore (acoustic), 7pm

Pour tAProom Frank Zappa night, 8pm

BuffAlo nickel Trivia, 7pm

root BAr no. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm

cluB eleVen on groVe Postal Express Street Riders Dance Party (hip-hop, soul, funk), 9pm

tAllgAry’s At four college Jam night, 9pm

gooD stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Contra dance, 7pm JAck of the wooD PuB Quizzo, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm lexington AVe Brewery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm loBster trAP Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm new mountAin Michael Reno Harrell w/ Abby the Spoon Lady (singer-songwriter), 7pm Avatar w/ Amnesis, Redefind, Copestoned & Severance (metal, rock), 7:45pm oDDitorium Vampirates w/ Killing Solves Everything, Pleasures of the Ultraviolent, Spliff & Earth Collider (punk, metal), 9pm orAnge Peel Holy Pinto w/ The Spiral & Shaq Soda (indie, punk, pop), 9pm oskAr Blues Brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm soVereign remeDies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm

white horse BlAck mountAin AmiciMusic: Quintessence (classical), 3pm

the mothlight Matt Townsend & The Wonder of the World w/ Jacob Augustine & Daniel Shearin (indie, folk, rock), 9pm

wilD wing cAfe south Party on the Patio!, 4pm

the Phoenix Carver & Carmody (folk, Americana), 8pm

cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm

the Joint next Door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm the sociAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 5pm

DouBle crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm

tiger mountAin Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm

gooD stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

town PumP Nathan Kalish & The Last Callers (bluegrass), 9pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Frank Fairfield w/ Sarah Louise & The Carolina Cud Chewers (Americana, folk, roots), 8pm

tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm

iron horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm

urBAn orchArD Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

VincenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

JAck of the wooD PuB Lauris Vidal (kitchen sink beat blues), 9pm

westVille PuB Blues jam, 10pm

lAZy DiAmonD Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

white horse BlAck mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm

lex 18 Bob Strain (romantic jazz, standards), 7pm

wilD wing cAfe south Maniac Brainiac Trivia!, 8pm

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact



Ex Machina HHHHS

Friday, april 24 Thursday, april 30 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

DIRECTOR: Alex Garland PLAYERS: Domhnall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander, Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno

Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281) The Duff (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00 Kingsman: The Secret Service (R) 7:00, 10:00


Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)

THE STORY: A young employee of a computer company is brought to the isolated home of his boss to help determine whether or not his employer has really created artificial intelligence. THE LOWDOWN: A coolly brilliant film from writer-turned-director Alex Garland that explores the nature of what it means to be human. Effective as both a sci-fi thriller and a cerebral chamber drama.

While I don’t think Alex Garland’s directorial debut, Ex Machina, is quite a masterpiece (others have thought so), I do find it an impressive, compelling, thought-provoking film. I’m not at all surprised that Garland’s first film is a success. After all, he wrote two Danny Boyle films — 28 Days Later... (2002) and Sunshine (2007) — and it’s reasonable that he learned a few things along the way. That’s not to say he’s quite in the Danny Boyle league, but he’s certainly a gifted filmmaker. For that matter, his direction doesn’t even especially resemble Boyle’s. Garland — at least here — is more distanced, more cerebral, less inclined toward visual panache for its own sake. I draw the line at calling Ex Machina Kubrickian, though the film’s pacing and its glossy, impersonal settings have a Kubrick feeling — up to a point. And that point is extremely different.


APRIL 22 - APRIL 28, 2015

Domhnall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander and Oscar Isaacs in Alex Garland's somewhat distant, but frequently brilliant Ex Machina.

Calling Ex Machina science fiction is certainly accurate, but it may also be misleading. Yes, the trappings qualify, and the whole idea of this artificial -intelligence-endowed robot woman, Ava (Alicia Vikander, Anna Karenina), certainly is sci-fi. But the film overall is as much a psychological thriller as anything else — and maybe more so. The premise involves billionaire computer genius Nathan (Oscar Isaac) inviting an employee, Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson), to stay for a week at his reclusive compound in Norway. The point to this is to have Caleb interact with Ava as a Turing Test — to determine whether or not this creation is actually capable of original thought. In other words, Nathan wants to determine just exactly how “real” — or how human — Ava is. Conceptually, it’s not entirely unlike good old Dr. Moreau (Charles Laughton) in Island of Lost Souls (1932) wanting to prove whether or not his artificially created panther woman (Kathleen Burke) is a “real woman” — the difference being that his creation was at least organic. This is more like trying to prove the humanity of the robot Maria (Brigitte Helm) in Metropolis (1927) — something probably not lost on Garland, since his Ava

is the sexiest robot since Maria and is really something of a modernized take on her. The big departure here is that Ava’s self-awareness is at the heart of the experiment. Nathan views the possibility of her ability to think as a major event for mankind. Caleb views it as more in the realm of God — an idea that Nathan happily twists into Caleb having called him a god. (No amount of protestation on Caleb’s part can shake Nathan’s self-mythologizing here.) Much of what follows is designed to seem predictable. All the expected notes are hit — including, of course, Caleb’s attraction to Ava — but none of them are ultimately quite what they seem. It would be a disservice to both viewer and film to say much more about the specifics here. It is safe to say, however, that the film toys with the very idea of what it means to be human — something brought forcefully home in a scene where Caleb has a kind of freak-out and thinks that maybe he’s a robot himself. This is certainly headier stuff than the space operas we normally get as science fiction. Though I likened Ex Machina to Kubrick, it almost might be an Ingmar Bergman chamber drama — only in sci-fi terms. Take away a helicop-

Carolina Cinemas (274-9500) The Age of Adaline (PG-13) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:45 Child 44 (R) 1:55, 7:25 Danny Collins (R) 12:00, 2:35, 5:05, 7:30, 10:30 Ex Machina (R) 12:15, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40,10:15 Furious 7 (PG-13) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 9:55 Home 2D (PG) 12:05, 2:20, 4:30, 6:55. 9:05 Insurgent 2D (PG-13) 11:20, 4:50, 10:20 The Longest Ride (PG-13) 11:05, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05 Merchants of Doubt (PG-13) 11:50, 2:05, 4:25, 6:50, 9:10 Monkey Kingdom (G) 11:15, 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (PG) 12:25, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:20 True Story (R) 11:45, 2:00, 5:00, 7:25, 9:50 Unfriended (R) 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30, 10:25 While We're Young (R) 12:10, 3:00, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10 Woman in Gold (PG-13) 11:10,1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200) Danny Collins (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 (no 7:00 show Thu., Apr. 30) Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536) Ex Machina (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:20 While We're Young (R) 1 :20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., Apr. 11), Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) Woman in Gold (PG-13) 1 :00 (Sat., Apr. 25 only), 4:00, 7:00 (No 7:00 show Sat., Apr. 25) Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

ter pilot and the first scene where Caleb wins the prize of his week with Nathan and the film only has four characters — Nathan, Caleb, Ava and Nathan’s mute servant Kyoko (Sonoya Mizuno) — isolated from the rest of the world, trapped in a psychological drama. That’s about as Bergman as you can get. OK, so it’s finally a little more lively than most Bergman — and certainly not drenched in his Lutheran guilt — but it’s ultimately just as chilling as the bleakest of his works. And yet, Ex Machina is its own beast. Maybe there’s some Boyle, Kubrick and Bergman here, but it’s also very much Alex Garland’s vision. It’s the kind of film that seems to me shy of a masterpiece right now, but one where I may well find it to be with time and repeat viewings. Rated R for graphic nudity, language, sexual references and some violence. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Child 44 HHHH DIRECTOR: Daniel Espinosa (Easy Money) PLAYERS: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, Gary Oldman, Joel Kinnaman, Paddy Considine, Jason Clarke, Vincent Cassel HISTORICAL THRILLER RATED R THE STORY: A Russian secret police agent becomes increasingly disillusioned with Stalin’s Russia, especially concerning a series of child murders. THE LOWDOWN: As a mystery, there’s not much here. Also, it’s too long and on the slow side. But as an examination of the grim final days of Stalinism, it’s often fascinating.

I’m going against the current on Daniel Espinosa’s Child 44 by simply not hating it, but I’ll go further and say it’s actually good — with qualifications. It’s too long, too slow, too overstuffed and too meandering, yes. In fact, it’s a bit of a mess. But there are messes and messes, and Child 44 is in the category of a fascinating mess — one that works


a great deal of the time. One of the more common complaints with the movie is that old saw, “The book was better.” I couldn’t say, but as far as criticizing a film, it’s kind of beside the point. Books and movies are two distinct entities — each with its own strengths and drawbacks. The real question should be whether the film works on its own merits, and I’d say Child 44 more or less does — assuming you realize it has little interest in its mystery plot and a great deal of interest in depicting the start of the unraveling of Stalin’s Russia. It is in this regard that Child 44 is most effective. If you go to it expecting a procedural mystery about tracking down a child murderer, you will be disappointed — and then some. The film does involve a series of child murders that drive the action, but it’s by no means a mystery plot — or if it is, it’s a strangely botched one. The identity of the killer is established fairly early and just dropped into our laps. It’s also fairly perfunctory as an investigative affair. The fact is that the murders mostly function as the means that help to change true believer Stalinist MGB agent Leo Demidov (Tom Hardy) into an active force working against what the party has taught him. He has other reasons for being disillusioned — being demoted, disgraced and sent to a miserable job in the hinterlands because he refuses to denounce his wife, Raisa, (Noomi Rapace) as a traitor, as well as generally being troubled by the excesses of the agency he’s part of. But the murders help to lay bare the central lie of the Stalinist Soviet Union because they are dismissed as accidents, since — according to the Party Line — murder is a product of a capitalist society and does not exist in Stalin’s “paradise.” The murders also serve the more utilitarian function of tying his Moscow life to his one in the provinces since identical ones turn up in his new locale. They also help to form a bond with his new commander, General Nesterov (Gary Oldman). What the film really offers is a grim and disturbing picture of life in a nightmare that insists it’s a paradise. (It has certainly disturbed the current Russian government — sufficiently so for them to ban Child 44 outright.) But it is not an unrelentingly grim or downbeat work since it’s mostly about the redemption of Leo and

HHHHH = max rating of his marriage to Raisa. It’s about the end of the Stalin era. (Those who’ve complained about the film’s “improbable” ending seem to be unaware that the ending takes place after Stalin’s death and at the beginning of Kruschev’s denunciation of his predecessor.) It isn’t a happy ending, but it is a hopeful one. One might reasonably fault the film for its use of affected accents. While I certainly question the wide array of accents — from heavy (Hardy) to relatively mild (Oldman) — the affectation itself worked for me because it felt appropriate to the era. That’s to say if this film was from 1953, rather than about it, this would have been the approach. I also admit that the film is too long and that it would have benefitted from losing 15-20 minutes, but there’s more than enough good here to make it worth a look. Rated R for violence, some disturbing images, language and a scene of sexuality. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Merchants of Doubt HHHH DIRECTOR: Robert Kenner (Food, Inc.) PLAYERS: Stanton Glantz, Jamy Ian Swiss, Bob Inglis, Frederick Singer, Tim Phillips, Marc Morano, Naomi Oreskes ACTIVIST DOCUMENTARY RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Documentary about “experts” whose job is to cast doubt on scientific findings at the behest of their employers. THE LOWDOWN: It probably won’t change many minds — do these things ever? — and it may not tell you much you don’t know, but this is a solid and surprisingly effective activist documentary.

Apart from a clever opening with magician Jamy Ian Swiss performing card tricks at Hollywood’s Magic Castle, Robert Kenner’s new documentary Merchants of Doubt is a pretty straightforward affair. It’s the usual talking heads, tart-

ed-up with animated graphics and archival footage (some of the latter used ironically). However, many of the talking heads are interesting — and not always admirable — and the production is undeniably handsome and slick, making the film an easy watch. It’s even easy to watch when the information is overly familiar or infuriating (the latter being intentional since this is an activist documentary). The film is based on a book by Naomi Oreskes (who appears in the film) and Erik M. Conway (who does not appear) and is about the strange — and morally dubious — cottage industry that makes its practitioners available to corporate interests as “experts.” This is the rationale — and a solid one — behind the magicact opening. It’s all about the art of deception. The difference, argues Swiss, is that his profession is honest in that the magician admits he’s fooling you, while these people are deceiving you and attempting to make you believe what they’re selling is true. According to the film, this all started with the cigarette industry, who realized they had a problem on the horizon long before the surgeon general’s report on the dangers of smoking. With this in mind, they hired people to draw up a defense strategy for something that was indefensible. The basic approach — since they can’t actually refute the charges against them — is to have “experts” (often sketchy and self-proclaimed) sow doubt about the veracity of the science being used to confront the corporation. If that doesn’t work, the approach moves to discrediting the scientists. The combined effort can then be used to not only make the public question the evidence, but, used properly, to also convince them that their freedom is being attacked. The film then follows this trail as these same experts and newer models are employed over the years to do the same basic thing over and over again — leading to the film’s central issue, which is (unsurprisingly) climate change denial. While the film does a good job of discrediting the so-called skeptics, I have to admit two things — I’m in agreement with the film, and Merchants of Doubt is an agenda-driven work. It’s not going too far to say that it’s a propaganda film denouncing propagandists. Typically — and you can see this more in online comments than in reviews — it is the kind of film that will only be seen by people who are already in agreement with

APRIL 22 - APRIL 28, 2015


Local film news







by Edwin Arnaudin







• the World Made straight is available for Netflix subscribers to stream via the company’s Watch Instantly service. Directed by david burris and written by Shane Danielsen, the adaptation of Ron Rash’s novel was filmed in Buncombe, Madison and Henderson counties. • The east asheville Library’s free documentary series resumes on Thursday, April 23, at 6:15 p.m. with a screening of Art and Craft. The acclaimed 2014 film centers on Mark Landis, a gifted art forger who’s had his work featured in museums and galleries across the nation without the institutions knowing that the paintings are fake.

Weaverville resident Kira Bursky’s film “Tree Hugger” has been selected for the 2015 Cannes Film Festival’s Short Film Corner. The 18-year-old has launched a GoFundMe campaign to help pay for the trip.

• wedge brewing co.’s free outdoor movie series gets underway May 9 with Guy Ritchie’s British gangster comedy Snatch. Other films to be projected on the side of the courtyard truck are Casablanca (June 13); Big Fish (July 11); the locally filmed Thunder Road (July 18); Amelie (Aug. 18); and The Royal Tenenbaums (Sept. 12). Weather permitting, films begin 15 minutes after sundown. • In honor of its 20th anniversary, asheville Pizza & brewing co. is having a monthly film series featuring films from 1995. Upcoming are Babe (May 14), Friday (June 11), Trainspotting (July 9), Casino (Aug. 13), Apollo 13 (Sept. 10), Seven (Oct. 8), Clueless (Nov. 12) and that year’s Academy Award Winner for Best Picture, Braveheart (Dec. 10). Screenings are held at 7 and 10 p.m. and cost $1.

• the organic growers school will host an Earth Day screening of Growing Cities, a documentary about urban farming in America, on Wednesday, April 22, at the Lenoir-Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville. Doors to the second-floor boardroom open at 6:30 p.m., and the film starts at 7 p.m. A panel discussion will follow the 90-minute movie, donations accepted. • a Walk in the Woods, starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte, will be released nationwide on Friday, Sept. 2. Based on bill bryson’s memoir of hiking the Appalachian Trail, the film debuted this year at the Sundance Film Festival, is directed by Ken Kwapis (Big Miracle) and stars Emma Thompson, Mary Steenburgen, Nick Offerman and Kristen Schaal. John Bailey, the film’s director of photography, reports on his American Society of Cinematographers blog that part of the film’s second unit work was shot at clingmans dome and fontana dam. • Weaverville resident kira bursky’s film tree Hugger has been selected for the 2015 cannes film festival’s Short Film Corner. To help pay for the trip to the esteemed festival, which will be take place May 13-24 on the French Riviera, the 18-year-old filmmaker has launched a GoFundMe campaign. According to the fundraising website, Tree Hugger “is a short fantasy drama that tells the story of Clara, a high school freshman who is in search of magic in her life. Clara becomes involved with Leo, a senior boy at the school, but the fantasy world in her head darkens when Leo takes advantage of her.” The film was shot on location in Asheville and Weaverville as well as Greenville, S.C. Bursky was a student of Asheville High School’s SILSA program and Evergreen Community Charter School. A 2014 graduate of Interlochen Arts Academy’s Motion Picture Arts program in Michigan, she has been working as an intern at Warrior Poets, the New York-based film production company of documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me). Send your local film news to X 66

aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

it, making its actual effectiveness open to question. However, so much of the film’s indictment of these “merchants of doubt” comes out of the merchants’ own mouths that it’s startling. Many of them make no bones about this being a political issue, not a scientific one. One of them — Marc Morano — even basks in his duplicity and enthuses about his delight in launching personal attacks against his opponents. It’s one thing when your opponents are such obvious snake-oil salesmen, but it becomes something far more unsettling when the tone becomes openly mean-spirited and happy about it. Rated PG-13 for brief strong language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 S diRectoR: Andy Fickman (Parental Guidance) PLayeRs: Kevin James, Raini Rodriguez, Eduardo Verástegui, Neal McDonough, David Henrie comedy Rated Pg the stoRy: Mall cop Paul Blart returns, clumsily fighting crime in Las Vegas during a convention. the Lowdown: A tired and embarrassing comedy that’s based on a grotesque view of everyday people and a penchant for the cheapest of jokes.

If you want a view into Western decadence, take a gander at Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. Someone at Sony decided to drop $30 million on a sequel to a six year old comedy generally loathed by the bulk of humanity for no other reason than to keep Adam Sandler (whose Happy Madison Productions produced) and his zoo of chuckleheaded cronies happy. I’m less infuriated at the idea of this sort of monumental waste of time and money than I am egregiously resigned to the fact that this sort of movie is an unstoppable force that’s destined to bulldoze its way into theaters one way or another — and probably make someone a nice stack of cash in the bargain.

If you happened to miss Paul Blart: Mall Cop when it was released in 2009, bless you and keep it that way. That film — based solely around the premise that Kevin James (as our titular Blart) is overweight and has a mustache — is a canker sore of a movie — incredibly, painfully unfunny and tedious to boot. I remember zilch about that movie besides Kevin James riding around on a Segway and a faint image of James rolling around on the floor. That’s it, yet six years later I’m left with such a visceral reaction to the words “Paul Blart.” I suppose I have at least another six years of this, since the cleverly titled Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 manages to take all the nails-on-a-chalkboard humor of the original and make it even worse. This time around, the humor is based on the idea that Kevin James is still overweight and still has a bad mustache, but imagine him in Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and a fanny pack. Beyond this, the plot has him dropped in Las Vegas for a security officer’s convention, which just so happens to coincide with an art heist that’s going down in his hotel. Paul then bumbles his way to heroics, but this is only an afterthought. There are a whole lot of Blart family dynamics happening here with Paul and his daughter (Raini Rodriguez), a really tiresome plot device that eats up the first half of the movie. Once things start to finally happen, it’s no better, since we’re deluged with slapstick (oh, and more Segway jokes) and more of Kevin James mugging for the camera. Making matters worse is how accidentally ugly the film is. There’s this sort of “aw shucks” attitude at play here, as Blart is portrayed as an everyman and an underdog just struggling to get by. But much of the humor is built upon laughing at how chubby, unfashionable and lonely Blart is, along with his fellow mall cops, who are all festooned with frumpy, ill-fitting clothes and bad wigs. There’s a sneering attitude that the film takes as it looks down on its supposedly relatable characters that takes a bad movie and makes it an ugly one. Rated PG for some violence. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

Unfriended S DIRECTOR: Levan Gabriadze PLAYERS: Shelley Hennig, Moses Jacob Storm, Renee Olstead, Will Peltz, Jacob Wysocki LOW-TECH GIMMICK HORROR  RATED R THE STORY: Some overage teenagers run afoul of a vengeful spirit online. THE LOWDOWN: A strong contender for Worst Movie of 2015. This isn’t even bargain-basement horror of the so-bad-it’s-funny school. This is so-bad-it’s-awful. That said, some have called it brilliant.

I suppose the unmitigated rubbish that is Unfriended fills some kind of need. If nothing else, it affords studios yet another chance to make a quick buck on low-budget horror pictures. It certainly seems to have convinced a number of otherwise rational film critics — along with some who don’t really qualify as critics, let alone rational ones — that it is some kind of profound and profoundly terrifying critique on social media, cyber bullying and the casual cruelty, hypocrisy — and utter lack of values — of the American teenager. (I haven’t seen so much undeserved gush since Paranormal Activity appeared in 2009.) I only wish the movie I saw was anything like the one they’re enthusing over. What I saw was a mind-numbing gimmick completely lacking in nuance, point and even marginally likable characters — not to mention the slightest hint of production values. The movie — all of which takes place in something like real time on Blaire’s (Shelley Hennig) computer screen — manages the not inconsiderable feat of making social media even more vapid, witless and boring than it is in real life. You might think that the addition of a vengeful spirit (I guess that’s what it is) would liven things up. You would be wrong. What we end up with is a bunch of truly unpleasant, self-absorbed teenagers (played by folks well into their 20s, of course) messag-

ing in barely literate “chatspeak” and yelling at each other on Skype — all recorded in grating lo-fi to maximize the headache-inducing annoyance value. These “kids” start out loud and only increase in volume as panic sets in and their grubby, pathetic little secrets are revealed. Chances are you will not find learning these secrets an especially edifying experience. The central idea of the movie — apart from getting you into the theater, of course — is that it’s the anniversary of the suicide of Laura (Heather Sossaman), who was driven to the act when a video of her drunk and incontinent went viral, prompting a rash of cyber-bullying. (Her suicide, by the way, is also available online.) Well, it seems that someone or something — possibly Laura’s ghost — is out for revenge on those responsible. As luck — and the cyberfied dictates of the And Then There Were None formula — would have it, all of the suspected miscreants gather online for a Skype-athon conversation that will instill indifference of a positively supernatural level in all but the most easily amused viewers. Fortunately, there’s the additional presence of a Mystery Guest to add ... well, not much actually. Then Blaire makes the mistake of breaking the first law of the internet — she answers a message from a dead person. (Remember this. It could save your life — much like not seeing this movie will save you ten bucks.) Theoretically, all this will plunge the viewer into a nightmare of horror as more is learned and vengeance is exacted — all in low-resolution jittery online images. What we learn really is that all these characters are loathsome human beings, despite Blaire’s insistence that they’re all “really good people” — evidence of which is woefully lacking. The film wants to be a statement on the perils of the online world and the evils of cyber-bullying — laudable notions both. What it mostly conveys is that teenagers are pretty horrible and that it is ill-advised to engage with dead folks in online chats. As horror, this is pretty tepid stuff, too — with most of the shocks barely glimpsed on bad video. Let’s put it this way, by the 20-minute mark I was regretting choosing this over Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. The next day when I inadvertently saw the last five minutes of Paul Blart, I still felt the same way. Rated R for violent content, pervasive language, some sexuality, and drug and alcohol use — all involving teens. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke

True Story HH DIRECTOR: Rupert Goold PLAYERS: Jonah Hill, James Franco, Felicity Jones, Ethan Suplee, Robert John Burke FACT-BASED CRIME DRAMA RATED R THE STORY: A disgraced journalist has the story of a lifetime fall into his lap when a fugitive accused of murdering his family turns up in Mexico pretending to be him. THE LOWDOWN: A self-serious crime drama that’s impossible to actually take seriously, one that’s too straight-faced and thematically droll.

A very serious film starring two actors who are nearly impossible to take seriously, Rupert Goold’s True Story is its own biggest fan. It’s a film that obviously thinks very highly of itself, with all of its stern faces and handheld camerawork. The most obvious problem is that the stern faces that all of these wobbly frames are zoomed in on belong to Jonah Hill and James Franco, who — in this case — are clawing desperately for some sort of importance. Perhaps it’s just personal taste, but these might be the last two actors I want to watch carry this kind of heavy, emotional crime drama, something compounded by the idea that their apparent ideal of drollness boils down to various dumfounded expressions. Neither has the gravitas to pull off the kind of nuanced performance the story demands, instead looking like a couple of guys acting as if they’re acting. It’s simply a matter of miscasting, though I’m not sure the material lends itself to anything much better. I’m not familiar with the book — Michael Finkel’s memoir of the same name — that the film is based on, but judging from the film, it seems to fancy itself as a modern day version of Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood. By proxy, the film feels a lot like Bennett Miller’s Capote (2005), following a journalist (here it’s Hill as Finkel) who finds himself enraptured by the murderer (Franco as Christian

Longo) he’s writing about. There are some different layers here, since Finkel is a disgraced journalist, fired by the New York Times for fudging a story, who has the perfect story fall in his lap when an accused murderer, Longo, is captured in Mexico pretending to be him. Obviously, the film revolves around Finkel and Longo, as Michael visits Christian — a supposedly charming (for Franco, I guess) possible sociopath — who endears himself enough to Michael to make him question the man’s guilt. The film centers on the two, as Michael is slowly drawn in, but also has the added layer of meditating on the notion of truth, putting Michael’s transgressions in relief against Longo’s stories of what really happened when his wife and three kids turned up dead. This also ties into the lengths Michael will go — such as keeping his notes away from prosecutors — to get his story, his book deal and his career back, even if it means letting a murderer roam free. Unfortunately, none of it feels specifically fleshed out or necessarily pertinent, and the lack of a strong cast (even Felicity Jones gets stuck in this doe-eyed stupor) certainly doesn’t help things. The film is such the picture of mediocrity — a dull cast, a forgettable plot with no real dramatic arc, concerns that aren’t as intelligent as the film thinks they are — that True Story is nothing more than a nice, forgettable attempt. Rated R for language and some disturbing material. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther

Community Screenings

Film Buncombe County Public Libraries Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/23), 6pm - Art & Craft, documentary. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Rd. Film at UNCA 251-6585, • TH (4/23) 6:30pm - The Hunting Ground, documentary. Free.

APRIL 22 - APRIL 28, 2015




The Age of Adaline Lee Toland Krieger — who brought us Celeste & Jesse Forever back in 2012 — returns with this romantic fantasy starring Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Harrison Ford and Ellen Burstyn. It currently boasts a pretty impressing 83 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, but that's six reviews from Australia and New Zealand. The blurb tells us: "After miraculously remaining 29 years old for almost eight decades, Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) has lived a solitary existence, never allowing herself to get close to anyone who might reveal her secret. But a chance encounter with charismatic philanthropist Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) reignites her passion for life and romance. When a weekend with his parents (Harrison Ford and Kathy Baker) threatens to uncover the truth, Adaline makes a decision that will change her life forever." Gee, what could that decision be? (PG-13)

Ex Machina See review in "Cranky Hanke."

Little Boy On the other hand, Alejandro Monteverde's Little Boy has three reviews — all scathing. Since it's being promoted and booked as a "faith-based" film, it's hard to say just where this will play. The distributor claims it's "a powerful and moving film about a little boy who is willing to do whatever it takes to bring his dad home from World War II alive. The heartwarming story will capture your heart and lift your spirits as it reveals the indescribable love a little boy has for his father and the love a father has for his son. Set in the 1940s, Little Boy is an instant cinematic classic that captures the wonder of life through the eyes of a 7- year-old little boy." Age of Adaline suddenly sounds pretty good. (PG-13)

Ararat HHHH Director: Atom Egoyan Players: David Alpay, Charles Aznavour, Eric Bogosian, Brent Carver, Christopher Plummer DRAMA Rated R To commemorate Armenian Genocide Day, World Cinema is showing Atom Egoyan’s much misunderstood Ararat (2002), which deals with the Turkish government’s 1915 genocide of its Armenian population. This is heady stuff. It’s also heavily layered and told in an unusual manner, presenting the story from the perspective of an Armenian filmmaker and linking past and present so that the characters cross storylines. It is, however, rewarding if you’re willing to accept its structural challenges. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Ararat Friday, April 24, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Death Takes a Holiday HHHHH Director: Mitchell Leisen Players: Fredric March, Evelyn Venable, Sir Guy Standing, Katharine Alexander, Gail Patrick, Kent Taylor, Helen Westley DARK ROMANTIC FANTASY Rated NR More a dark fantasy than an outright horror movie (though it has been claimed by the horror community), Death Takes a Holiday (1934) is the kind of film that could only have been made by Paramount Pictures and could only have been made at the time it was. Mitchell Leisen’s surprisingly complex (especially with its brief 79-minute running time) film has proven itself immune to both time and remakes. Neither a peculiarly flat 1971 TV movie, nor Martin Brest’s interminable Meet Joe Black (1998) came anywhere near capturing the same fragile dark romantic fantasy. The story of Death (Fredric March) assuming human form for a few days in order to attempt to understand why men fear him is handled in a fairly straightforward manner that never allows the viewer to doubt the seriousness of the intent. Fredric March’s performance helps immensely — even if some of the more purple patches of Maxwell Anderson’s dialogue push him toward overacting, especially in his first scene — but more than anything it’s Leisen’s luminous, otherworldly approach to the material that makes it work. This is a truly beautiful film in every sense. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Death Takes a Holiday Thursday, April 23, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

For the Defense HHHH Director: John Cromwell (Street of Chance) Players: William Powell, Kay Francis, Scott Kolk, William B. Davidson, Thomas E. Jackson, Harry Walker ROMANTIC DRAMA Rated NR For the Defense (1930) is a rare (I think TCM has played it once) early sound film starring William Powell and Kay Francis made while both were still under contract to Paramount, and while it’s not up to their more famous Warner Bros. duo — One Way Passage and Jewel Robbery (both 1932) — it’s a surprisingly solid little film. This was the second teaming of the pair (they’d both also been in 1930’s Behind the MakeUp and Paramount on Parade, but not as co-stars). The film also reteamed them with underrated early sound director John Cromwell, who knew how to make movies move even in those sometimes stodgy days. Powell plays slick defense attorney William Foster who — while staying within the law — specializes in getting obviously guilty clients off through cleverness and showmanship. Francis is stage star Irene Manners, who’s in love with him but is frustrated by his refusal to marry her, leaving her open to the attentions of marriage-minded Jack Defoe (Scott Kolk). One night while driving with Defoe, she hits and kills a pedestrian. He takes the rap, but she convinces Foster (without telling him the truth) to defend him, a seemingly impossible task — unless Foster crosses that line he’s been careful to avoid. A great film? No, but it’s a well made, fast-moving drama with some terrific performances that makes it worth a look. The Asheville Film Society will screen For the Defense Tuesday, April 28, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Merchants of Doubt See review in "Cranky Hanke."

Be sure to read

‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online 68

APRIL 22 - APRIL 28, 2015

The Day of the Jackal HHHS Director: Fred Zinnemann Players: Edward Fox, Terence Alexander, Michel Auclair, Alan Badel, Tony Britton POLITICAL THRILLER Rated PG It’s big. It’s glossy. It’s competently professional. It rarely thrills, and it goes on for an unconscionable 143 minutes. In other words, it’s a Fred Zinnemann film. Zinnemann is probably the last person I’d approach to make a thriller — and this movie illustrates why. What this shaggy yarn about an assassination attempt of French president Charles de Gaulle has going for it — apart from slick professionalism — amounts to one chillingly inhuman performance from Edward Fox as the titular would-be assassin and some nice supporting turns from the rest of the cast. It’s the kind of movie — even for all its casual violence — that seemed old-fashioned in 1973 and hasn’t exactly become any less in the intervening years. It’s not bad, just badly judged. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Day of the Jackal Sunday, April 26, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


fReewiLL astRoLogy

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): If you’re stumped about what present to give someone for a special occasion, you might buy him or her a gift card. It’s a piece of plastic that can be used as cash to buy stuff at a store. The problem is, a lot of people neglect to redeem their gift cards. They leave them in drawers and forget about them. Financial experts say there are currently billions of dollars going to waste on unredeemed gift cards. This is your metaphor of the moment, Aries. Are there any resources you’re not using? Any advantages you’re not capitalizing on? Any assets you’re ignoring? If so, fix the problem. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): There may be a flood-like event that will wash away worn-out stuff you don’t need any more. There might be an earthquake-type phenomenon that only you can feel, and it might demolish one of your rotten obstacles. There could be a lucky accident that will knock you off the wrong course (which you might have thought was the right course). All in all, I suspect it will be a very successful week for benevolent forces beyond your control. How much skill do you have in the holy art of surrender? CANCER (June 21-July 22): What is your biggest excuse? Or rather, what is your THICKEST, SICKEST, MOST DEBILITATING EXCUSE? We all have one: a reason we tell ourselves about why it’s difficult to live up to our potential; a presumed barrier that we regard as so deeply rooted that we will never be able to break its spell on us. Maybe it’s a traumatic memory. Maybe it’s a physical imperfection or a chronic fear. In accordance with the current astrological omens, Cancerian, you’d be wise to do an audit and reassessment of your own LAMEST EXCUSE. I suspect you now have insight about it that you’ve never had before. I also think you have more power than usual to at least partially dismantle it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): If you were a supporting character in a popular TV drama, the producers would be cooking up a spin-off show with you in a starring role. If you were in an indie rock band, you’d be ready to move from performing at 300-seat venues to clubs with an audience capacity of 2,000. If you have always been just an average egocentric romantic like the rest of us, you might be on the verge of becoming a legend in your own mind — in which case it would be time to start selling T-shirts, mugs and calendars with your image on them. And even if you are none of the above, Leo, I suspect you’re ready to rise to the next level. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Free at last! Free at last! Thanks to the Lord of the Universe or the Flying Spaghetti Monster or a burst of crazy good luck, you are free at last! You are free from the burden that made you say things you didn’t mean! You are free from the seductive temptation to rent, lease or even sell your soul! Best of all, you are free from the mean little voice in your head — you know, the superstitious perfectionist that whispers weird advice based on fearful delusions! So now what will you do, my dear? You have escaped from the cramped, constricted conditions. Maybe you can escape to wide-open spaces that will unleash the hidden powers of your imagination. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “To me, there is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first,” says Libra actress and activist Janeane Garofalo. I can think of other ways to measure bravery, but for your immediate future, her definition will serve just fine. Your ultimate test will be to freely give your tenderness and compassion and empathy — without any preconditions or expectations. For the sake of your own integrity and mental health, be steadfast in your intention to always strike the first blow for peace, love and understanding. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): It will soon be that time when you are halfway between your last birthday and your next birthday. I invite you to make this a special occasion. Maybe you can call it your anti-birthday or unbirthday. How to celebrate? Here are some ideas: 1. Imagine who you would be if you were the opposite of yourself. 2. Write


aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I usually have no objection to your devoted concern (I won’t use the phrase “manic obsession”) with security and comfort. But there are rare phases in every Taurus’s life cycle when ironclad stability becomes a liability. Cruising along in a smooth groove threatens to devolve into clunking along in a gutless rut. Now is such a phase. As of this moment, it is healthy for you to seek out splashes of unpredictability. Wisdom is most likely to grow from uncertainty. Joy will emerge from an eagerness to treasure the unknown.

a list of all the qualities you don’t possess and the things you don’t need and the life you don’t want to live. 3. Try to see the world through the eyes of people who are unlike you. 4. Extend a warm welcome to the shadowy, unripe, marginal parts of your psyche that you have a hard time accepting, let alone loving. 5. Any other ways you can think of to celebrate your anti-birthday? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): As I climb the first hill along my regular hike, both sides of the path are dominated by a plant with glossy, three-lobed leaves. They’re so exuberant and cheerful, I’m tempted to caress them, even rub my face in their bright greenery. But I refrain, because they are poison oak. One touch would cause my skin to break out in an inflamed rash that would last for days. I encourage you, too, to forgo contact with any influence in your own sphere that is metaphorically equivalent to the alluring leaves of the poison oak. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Today, the French Capricorn painter Henri Matisse (1869-1954) is regarded as a foremost pioneer of modern art. Some critics say his innovative influence on painting nearly matched Picasso’s. But during the first part of the 20th century, his work often provoked controversy. When a few of his paintings appeared at a major exhibition in Chicago, for example, local art students were shocked by what they called its freakishness. They held a mock trial, convicted Matisse of artistic crimes and burned his painting “Blue Nude” in effigy. I don’t expect that you will face reactions quite as extreme as that in the coming weeks, Capricorn. But it will make sense to express yourself with such forceful creativity and originality that you risk inciting strong responses. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Leonardo da Vinci had skills in many fields, ranging from botany to engineering to cartography, but he is best known as a painter. And yet in his 67 years on the planet, he finished fewer than 40 paintings. He worked at a very gradual pace. The “Mona Lisa” took him 14 years! That’s the kind of deliberate approach I’d like to see you experiment with in the coming weeks, Aquarius. Just for a while, see what it’s like to turn down your levels of speed and intensity. Have you heard of the Slow Food Movement? Have you read Carl Honoré’s book In Praise of Slowness? Do you know about Slow Travel, Slow Media and Slow Fashion? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Modern movies don’t scrimp on the use of the f-bomb. Actors in The Wolf of Wall Street spat it out 569 times. The word-that-rhymes-with-cluck was heard 326 times in End of Watch, while Brooklyn’s Finest racked up 270 and This Is the End erupted with an even 200. But this colorful word hasn’t always been so prominent a feature. Before 1967, no actor had ever uttered it on-screen. That year, Marianne Faithfull let it fly in the film I’ll Never Forget What’s’isname. In the coming weeks, Pisces, I invite you to break a taboo that’s maybe not as monumental as Faithfull’s quantum leap but still fabulously fun and energizing. Be a liberator! End the repression! Release the blocked vitality!

fAmily PreserVAtion serVices of nc, inc. hAs immeDiAte oPenings in henDersonVille Currently recruiting for OUTPATIENT THERAPISTS. Must have a Master’s Degree in a human service field and be Licensed or Associate Licensed by the NC Social Work Board, NC Counseling Board or an NC Marriage and Family Therapy Board. Bi-Lingual preferred. CST QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL: Minimum of 1 year of experience working with SPMI to work with a Community Support Team. CERTIFIED PEER SUPPORT SPECIALISTS to work with adult consumers who have severe and persistent mental illness. Services will be provided to consumer in both community and office settings. This position provides outreach to consumers, facilitates consumer engagement in the recovery process, and works with consumers to develop skills and resources to manage their recovery independently. INTENSIVE INHOME Positions: Licensed or Associate Lincesed Therapists and Qualified Professionals to work with children and families in the home and community. QPs must have Bachelor's degree with 2-4 years of postdegree exerience. (828) 6974187 intellectuAl DeVeloPmentAl DisABilities QuAlifieD ProfessionAl (IDD,QP) Universal MH/DD/ SAS is seeking energetic and passionate individuals to provide services to children and adults. Two years of experience working with IDD individuals required with a related human service degree. • Filling one position in Asheville and one position in Forest City. Pay negotiable. Please send inquiries to www. mAke A Difference in A Person's life NC Outreach Home Care is seeking a person for Maggie Valley area to support a 25 year old female with spina-bifida. She enjoys getting out in the community and works on her computer. Her interest is getting employed in the jewelry business and needs continued support for personal care. Training will be provided for all aspects of her services. Contact Deb Ramsey at NCOHC for application/training process: 828-989-7654. summer internshiPs The Mediation Center is seeking Summer interns for the Family Visitation Program. For a full internship description and details, visit our website at about/internships therAPeutic wilDerness fielD instructors-seconD nAture Blue riDge (snBr) Looking for Field Instructors who enjoy working outdoors with youth. Fulltime and summer positions available. Instructors work week on/ week off rotations. For information and to download an application: http:// uniVersAl mh/DD/sAs Is seeking individuals or couples to provide Alternative Family Living (AFL) for individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities. AFL services are provided in your home 24/7. Please contact Sherry at • www.

teAching/ eDucAtion AssistAnt teAchers neeDeD TLC School is hiring for two positions: 5/6 + 7/8 language arts junior teacher and 5/6 + 7/8 math and science assistant teacher. FMI, visit elementAry school teAcher ArtSpace Charter School is now accepting applications for an Elementary School Teacher for the 20152016 school year. Applicants Must have a current North Carolina teaching license in Elementary Education. • Previous experience as a lead teacher is highly preferred. Applicants must be willing to work in a collaborative, integrated, experiential environment. Knowledge of the arts and arts integration strategies is preferred but not required. Please send resumes and cover letters to: resumes@artspacecharter. org with the subject heading “Elementary Teacher.” Deadline to apply: May 8th.

interesteD in working At A-B tech? Full-Time, PartTime and Adjunct Positions available. Come help people achieve their dreams! Apply for open positions at https://

Business oPPortunities mAke $1000 weekly! Mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

cAreer trAining AirBrush mAkeuP Artist course For: Ads. TV. Film. Fashion. HD and digital. 40% Off Tuition for limited time. Train and Build Portfolio . One Week Course. Details at: 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN) Airline cAreers Begin here Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) stArt your humAnitAriAn cAreer! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! 269-591-0518. (AAN CAN)

hotel/ hosPitAlity

renAissAnce AsheVille hotel now hiring The Renaissance Asheville Hotel is hiring for the following positions. Front Office Manager, Room Attendant/Housekeeper, Sales Assistant/Coordinator, Dishwasher, Banquet Waitstaff, Evening Restaurant Server, Host(ess), AM Busser (Restaurant), Lounge/Cocktail Server. Full Job Descriptions and Applications are available online at (click on Careers) wcghotels. com

xchAnge furniture liVing room suite Brand new, 3 piece, chocolate, couch, love seat and recliner. Can text photos. Call (828) 395-0407.

yArD sAles community yArD sAle Saturday, May 2, 8am-1pm. Toys! Furniture! Kensington Place Apartments, Tennis Court. 3176 Sweeten Creek Road.

If Peruvio or someone who knows him is reading this, please email us at lee.spears@ gooD wooD PiZZA oVens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www. PregnAnt? thinking of ADoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-4136293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) rose AnD PlAnt sAle Roses for Mothers Day! Asheville Blue Ridge Rose Society and the Buncombe County Master Gardeners Spring Plant Sale: May 9, 10 am - 2 pm, 100 Edgewood Road, Asheville.

clAsses & workshoPs clAsses & workshoPs

serVices cAregiVers COMPANION • CAREGIVER • LIVE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 2732922.

entertAinment get cABle tV, internet & Phone with free hD Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call now! 866353-6916. (AAN CAN)

imProVe your DrAwing AnD PAinting skills! Improve your drawing and painting skills at AtelierJamesDaniel. Individual lessons in the studio along with take home projects. 828-335-2598,, leArn the Art of chiP cArVing Warren Wilson College presents a five day class with artisan carver Bill Johnson. Information at 828-586-2772 or Also listed on Warren Wilson College Folkshop Classes site. Beginner to intermediate.

home imProVement generAl serVices Jm reiD custom home remoDeling Specializing in Kitchens and Baths, Pre-Finished Hardwood floors, Decks, Additions, Trim. Insured. 41 years experience. (828) 5500585

hAnDy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • HANDYmAn serVices Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

sAcreD sPAce PAinting: AsheVille's intuitiVe PAinting stuDio Awaken Passion and Aliveness through Painting! Workshops and Classes for adults and children. No painting Experience Necessary! One Day Workshop, April 25th, 10 to 4pm. 828-252-4828 justpaint@

minD, BoDy, sPirit BoDywork

Announcements Announcements now hiring hotel JoB oPPortunities $9/hour. Room Attendants, Houseperson. Must pass criminal background check and drug screen. Apply in person: 1238 Hendersonville Road, Suite 217, Asheville, NC 28803. Call for appointment: 828-274-4622.

Do you know PeruVio? We would like to get in touch with Peruvio, an artist who used to work at the Open Door downtown. We used to come to Asheville often and had many good talks with him. We hope to come to Asheville in a few weeks and would like to see him and catch up.

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Pets Pet serVices AsheVille Pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

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heAlth & fitness

PooPer scooPer serVice Professional Pooper Scoopers Service serving the Asheville Area. Call Us at (828) 337-0022 or go to our website K9wastesolutions. com to sign up for our weekly service. (828) 337-0022


ACROSS 1 Hats for Indiana Jones 8 The Trojans of the Pac-12 11 Covert ___ 14 Sitcom installment 15 “No secrets!” 17 The “3” in “6 ÷ 3” 18 Relative of a snowboard 19 1984 #1 Billy Ocean hit 21 Suffix with elephant 22 Insurance co. that received a $182 billion bailout 23 Research center: Abbr. 24 Saddle-making tools 27 Minor keys? 29 Letter after phi 30 Uncluttered 32 Overwhelmed police officer’s request 36 Maids, butlers and au pairs 39 Start for some art 40 Rail rider of old 41 What makes a cat scat? 42 Greater Antilles native, once 44 Real estate reference 45 Cut into planks, say 48 “… or ___ thought”

49 Former conductance

unit 51 Aircraft in modern airstrikes 56 Didn’t honor a promise 57 “Get lost!” 59 San ___ Fault 60 Where to find the ends of 19-, 36- and 51-Across 61 “___, me!” 62 Conniving 63 Par number DOWN 1 Put quarters in, as a meter 2 “Ben-Hur,” for one 3 Persnickety performer 4 Hades : Greeks :: ___ : Egyptians 5 Grip enhancer 6 Brick house 7 Tennis’s Ana Ivanovic, for one 8 Inscription on a classic letter box 9 Friend of Squidward on Nickelodeon 10 Deux + trois 11 Twin Mary-Kate or Ashley 12 ___ Peak 13 Be economical

16 Comic who said “The






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meal is not over when I’m full. The meal 14 is over when I hate myself” 17 20 Sit back and enjoy it 24 Versatile, electrically 19 25 “That’s super crazy!” 21 26 Illustrate 27 Tyrannical Amin 28 Root used to make poi 24 25 26 30 February Revolution 29 30 31 target 31 “You can’t beat 36 37 that price!” 33 What a ship’s ribs 39 are connected to 34 Connect-the-dots 42 bear? 35 Subtle attention-getter 45 46 47 48 37 Boxer Holyfield 51 52 38 Stir-fry vessel 43 Forestlike 56 44 Something to put on before a shower 59 45 Output from a showerhead 61 62 46 Olympics venue 47 Visitor to Neverland puzzle by timothy polin 49 Rival mascot of the Phillie Phanatic 53 Applies gingerly 50 Canadian bozo 54 N.B.A. coach Spoelstra 52 A long, long time

Autos for sAle

Auto insurAnce stArting At $25/ month! Call 855-9779537. (AAN CAN)

silk reeling sPirAl Power Qi gong AsheVille & BlAck mountAin Integrate body, mind & spirit with spiraling movement, qi cultivation, and circle walking. Wednesdays 12:001:00PM at the Tao Institute, 9 Walnut Street, Asheville. Fridays 4:00-5:00PM at the Black Mountain Center For The Arts, 225 W. State Street, Black Mountain. 828-4190393 /

edited by Will Shortz

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18 20 22



28 32 38 40



44 49







60 63

55 With the exception of 58 Response from a rubber stamp














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aPRiL 22 - aPRiL 28, 2015


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