Mountain Xpress 04.23.14

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O U R 2 0 T H Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A V O L . 2 0 N O . 4 0 A P R I L 2 3 - A P R I L 2 9 , 2 0 1 4

DA, judicial 12 candidates debate the issues mobile markets fight hunger 26

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10 passing judgment A word from the 28th District Court candidates


12 debatable Highlights from the April 11 candidates debate for Buncombe County district attorney

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26 crossing the distance Mobile markets fight hunger in the deserts


46 memory lane Blue Ridge Bookfest highlights memoirs and more



28 spring cleaning Food for seasonal renewal

48 still digable Jazz-rap pioneer Cee Knowledge returns to Asheville

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Send your letters to the editor to staff

publisher: Jeff Fobes assistant to the publisher: Susan Hutchinson managing editor: Margaret Williams a&e editor/writer: Alli Marshall food editor/writer: Gina Smith staff reporters/writers: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan

Carpentry by Lucy

editorial assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan movie reviewer & coordinator: Ken Hanke contributing editors: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Tracy Rose

cartoon by randy molton

Ads should be more sensitive Did you notice in The Bywater advertisement on page 51 [April 9, Xpress] that the child looks terrified? I was appalled to see the picture of a very young child grabbed by a giant rabbit with sharp teeth. This is wrong on so many levels. Are you aware that April is National Child Abuse Protection Month? I would like to see greater editorial awareness and sensitivity. Patricia Darcy Asheville Editor’s response: Paid ads are largely the province of our advertisers. We don’t allow certain types of ads and certain content, such as nudity or vulgar language — but to a large degree our advertisers are responsible for their ads. In addition, in the case of this particular ad, the intent appears to have been humor rather than to be scary.

Appreciates David's letters Over the years I have appreciated the letters from Stewart and Teri David published in the Mountain Xpress. They have consistently articulated a deep respect and compassion for animals and advocated for a vegan diet that reflects that ethical concern. I

was sorry to see publication of a letter in Mountain Xpress attacking Stewart David. He has long been a voice of conscience and compassion in our community and deserves our respect. Clare Hanrahan Asheville

Don't leave out teen poets Asheville Writers in the Schools serves our community well in providing workshops for young writers. We've had many opportunities to work in tandem with Janet Hurley and AWITS and we applaud their efforts. We applaud Xpress' major coverage of the re-emergence of poetry in Asheville [“Versify,” April 9] however we are disappointed that you failed to focus more on our teen poets and their incredible contributions. Slam Asheville Youth has been running two monthly youth poetry slams for over two years now, and audiences frequently top 100. Our Soulspeak series at New York Studios often features a theme, and poets have used their words to raise awareness and money for several local organizations, most recently raising over $1,000 for MANNA FoodBank. Poets also enjoy free monthly workshops with award-winning regional artists such as Allan Wolf and Glenis Redmond.

regular contributors: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Michael Carlebach, Jesse Farthing, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Jayson Im, Nick King, Cindy Kunst, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Nathan Metcalf, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins

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art & design manager: Megan Kirby graphic designers: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton advertising manager: Susan Hutchinson marketing associates: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kenneth Trumbauer, John Varner information technologies manager: Stefan Colosimo web team: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger office manager & bookkeeper: Patty Levesque

We Want Your Junk

assistant office manager: Lisa Watters distribution manager: Jeff Tallman assistant distribution manager: Denise Montgomery distribution: Frank D’Andrea, Jemima Cook, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

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april 23 - april 29, 2014


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Our Asheville/BNV series at N.C. Stage is our competitive slam, where poets grow their performance skills and prepare all year long to compete in April to represent Asheville at the national championship. Here poets are often treated to feature performances from traveling nationally recognized poets. Many of these young poets are in poetry clubs at their schools that are run by our volunteer coaches and youth teaching artists. We have taken two teams of six young poets to represent Asheville at the National Championships in 2012 and 2013. We are preparing to take a third team to Philadelphia in July. Last year Xpress sent out a writer and photographer who spent the afternoon with our youth team as it prepared for competition in Chicago. You never ran that story. Our youths made it to the semifinals and ended up in the top eight in the world. We invite all Ashevilleans to come out and hear these amazing young poets who represent our fair city on Saturday May 3, 1 p.m. and 10 p.m. at Wordfest at Lenoir Rhyne University. Heidi Freeman, Mel Kelley and Steve Shell Slam Asheville Youth

Had enough of Moore The primary election for Buncombe County and throughout North Carolina is just around the corner. Early voting begins on April 24, and I encourage all citizens to get out and vote. One of the most important races in Buncombe County is the race for district attorney in the Democratic primary. Since there will be no Republican challenger in November, the candidate who wins this primary will be elected DA. The district attorney stands atop the legal department of our county, and according to its website, is responsible for “representing the state with integrity and professionalism, while protecting victims and their rights, in the pursuit of justice.” For one person to hold this powerful office for more than two decades is an invitation for the officeholder to become enamored with his own self-importance and to potentially abuse the influence of his office. Thus I think it's time to thank our current DA, Ron Moore, for his service to our community and to elect a new 6

april 23 - april 29, 2014

district attorney with fresh perceptions and approaches. Personally I'll be voting for Todd Williams for Buncombe County district attorney, and I hope you'll consider doing so as well. Bruce Mulkey Asheville

‘Nymphomaniac Vol. II’ didn't deserve good review I'm a relatively normal guy, so the title “Nymphomaniac Vol. II” intrigued me a bit and I cozened myself into going before reading the Mountain Xpress review [“Nymphomaniac Vol. II,” April 9, Xpress] I arrived at the theatre on a day and time when there were a total of 12 people in the house. I was the third of this group to walk out, and for me it was at about the 45 minute point. After leaving, I went right to your paper and read the review, which was, for the most part, positive, praising the flick and giving it four stars out of five. The best thing I can muster about the movie is that its female star was convincingly neurotic, and of course, this is just the kind of thing one hopes for in going to

cartoon by brent brown

the movies to be "entertained" or enlightened. The worst of it is that the film is also decadent. It's brutally violent towards this woman, who ends up looking as though she's been run over by a truck after a few sessions with a sadist who administers to her several forms of shocking violence, ostensibly to "awaken" her from some form of depression/repression, which deadens her sexuality. And it is ultimately nihilistic. I think that the kind of reviewers you employ for film criticism would almost have to find elements of sophistication in this kind of film, at least sufficient enough to rescue it from my kind analysis and warrant shining up their Pauline Kael badges. That's sad. People who write for publication and do not recognize decadence when they see it undermine that which is civilized in printing their opinions. Nihilism of this sort slouches backward in time towards barbarism. And it takes a Hollywood or New York type of Leftist critic to praise it. Bob Voorhees Asheville

Williams is right for the job I will be voting for Todd Williams for district attorney in the May 6 Democratic Primary. Ecclesiastes 3:18 reads, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.” Indeed, it is time for change. It is time for us to groom a new leader who is accountable to the community — someone who is receptive to the needs of the underdog and who will work to restore the many that have been overlooked and trampled upon. With Todd Williams, we have an opportunity for new leadership in our criminal justice system. We have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and elect an experienced attorney who has served as a public defender, representing the least of us. Todd Williams is a parent, a church goer, and a volunteer. I understand that he currently serves on the board of Green Opportunities, which helps youth and adults living in poverty get and keep jobs

that support their families and improve community and environmental health. Even though I am skeptical and weary of political divisiveness [and] those leaders who capitalize off the vote of the minority only to evacuate promises and enslave our sons mercilessly, my resolve remains in the spirit of change. Forward march! We fall and rise together as a community. And with the right amount of support and subjection to justice, I trust that Todd Williams will be the most suitable to serve us as new district attorney. Sheneika Smith Asheville

Open Auditions for ‘Art’

A Comedy by Yasmina Reza Translation by Christopher Hampton Directed by Jim Walker Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29 @ 7:00 PM Roles—3 men (25 and up) Showdates: July 18-20 & 25-27, 2014 Auditions will be cold readings from the script. Please bring your calendar to check for conflicts. For more the director Jim Walker at 828-692-2698 or the casting coordinator, Linda Brookes at 828-698-0394, or visit our website. 229 S. Washington St. Hendersonville, NC 28792

april 23 - april 29, 2014



april 23 - april 29, 2014


Send your commentary to

Home, sweet home diversity and inclusion training

It’s Fair Housing Month in the Asheville area

It’s Fair Housing Month in Asheville. This year marks the 46th anniversary of the passage of the federal Fair Housing Act, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Perhaps the tragic assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968, was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back and ultimately led to the signing of the Fair Housing Act merely seven days later. The act prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of housing based on seven protected classes: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status and disability. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity enforces the Fair Housing Act by investigating fair housing complaints, administering grants to support equal opportunity housing programs and advocating for equal opportunity housing policies. HUD relies on state and local governments, as well as nonprofit organizations, to assist in fair housing enforcement and provides federal funding to these entities to do just that. State and local governments that receive Community Development Block Grants, HOME Investment Partnerships, Emergency Solutions Grants, and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS, as well as public housing agencies, are required to affirmatively further fair housing, which means make policy decisions, development decisions and conduct all activities in a manner that support equal opportunity housing for all. On April 8, Mayor Esther Manheimer proclaimed April as Fair Housing Month in Asheville and recognized the collaborative efforts of the Asheville-Buncombe Community Relations Council, Pisgah Legal Services and the N.C. Human Relations Commission in

The goal of this new program is to use educational and training activities to assist businesses, organizations, governments and individuals to improve their cultural competency by increasing their knowledge of diversity and inclusion. fair housing outreach and education: ABCRC conducts grass-roots outreach efforts, in partnership with state and local governments and organizations, to help individuals understand their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act, and the resources available to address and peacefully resolve issues of housing discrimination or other perceived discrimination. Achieving fair housing in our community requires collective involvement of all citizens, governments, businesses and organizations. How can you help? 1) become a fair housing tester for legal aid of north carolina. For more information about the Fair Housing Testing Program, contact Amberly Datillo:

fair housing nexus: For more than 40 years, the Asheville-Buncombe Community Relations Council has partnered with people and organizations to embrace responsibility for equity and inclusion.

the fight against unlawful housing discrimination. The Asheville-Buncombe Community Relations Council is a 44-year-old organization that was instrumental in helping to desegregate Asheville during the civil rights movement of the 1960s. ABCRC’s mission is to partner with people and organizations to embrace responsibility for equity and inclusion. ABCRC works toward this mission by implementing four key programs: resource, referral and education for discrimination claims ABCRC assists individuals in addressing issues of discrimina-

tion in housing, employment, public safety, schools and private businesses. ABCRC provides support in navigation of formal complaint processes, educates clients about their rights, refers clients to other agencies when appropriate and utilizes other mechanisms for conflict management.

2) participate in a brand-new local fair housing working group. ABCRC wants to coordinate Asheville’s first Fair Housing Working Group, which will include a series of community conversations around issues of equity in housing in the Asheville and Buncombe County area. 3) volunteer. You can help us distribute fliers and staff tables at community events. 4) host abcrc for a fair housing training session. ABCRC can customize Fair Housing training sessions to meet the needs of your neighborhood, church, organization, business, institution or group.

police-community relations

5) donate to abcrc. Visit our website at

ABCRC facilitates positive interactions between citizens and local law enforcement officials by hosting community meetings, providing a safe atmosphere for healthy dialogue and assisting clients in navigating the formal police complaint process.

For more information, contact the ABCRC (50 S. French Broad Ave., Ste. 204) at 252-4713 or email Program Director Lucia Daugherty at lucia@, or Fair Housing Outreach Coordinator Cassidy Moore at

april 23 - april 29, 2014



Passing Judgement by hayley benton

A word from the 28th District Court candidates 251-1333 ext. 128

In the May 6 primary, two of the three candidates for district court judge will move on to the fall election. 28th District Court Judge Ed Clontz faces two seasoned opponents: J. Matthew Martin, a former associate judge in the Tribal Court in Cherokee, and Thomas Amburgey, a Buncombe County assistant district attorney. Clontz, a graduate of Southern Illinois University’s law school, was appointed to the court in 2011. All of the positions he’s held over the years are ones he was personally asked to take on. “My whole career has been on service. People have sought me out, and that means a lot to me,” he explains. “I’m a district court judge; that’s what I do. My life experiences give me the ability to do this job and do it well.” Martin, born and raised in Asheville, is an attorney in private practice and an adjunct professor at the UNC and Elon University law schools. “I have a heart for this job,” he says. “I love people. I love, particularly, lawyers, and I believe that the judge can be an agent of change in district court. I believe that we can achieve the goal of helping individuals exit the system successfully.” Amburgey has worked as an assistant district attorney since he graduated from the Appalachian School of Law in 2007. During that time, he’s resolved more than 400 cases annually and has 200 currently pending. “I don’t believe in judges who rule by fear and intimidation,” he says. “A toxic environment accomplishes nothing. I believe in work ethic. When the robe comes off my shoulders, my day is not over. … I don’t know everything there is to know, but I will be humble enough to recognize that.” During an April 11 debate moderated by retired Judge Gary Cash, each candidate was given one minute to answer the questions and respond to their opponents’ answers.

What interest and ability do you have in handling family with juvenile law matters if you are assigned to one of those groups?

“Just like every court I’ve been in, you have to start at the foundation, and you work your way up until you get confident in doing that particular job. ... You study. You learn through experience.”

april 23 - april 29, 2014

“A lot of these people know it’s a game. They get out, and they intentionally get arrested again — because that’s where they can get a meal, and they can get a warm place to sleep. And we have to understand that. ... I try to help them with what they’re going through.”

Ed Clontz

“I have enormous experience in family and juvenile law. ... I love juvenile court because you can really make a difference in the lives of human beings, and as your judge, I will strive to do that within the law on a daily basis.”

“The best way [is to] have specialized courts where these individuals can be sorted out so we can identify their substance abuse issues ... and drive them into treatment modalities, which we can use to get outcomes for them that don’t result in them coming back into the system.”

J. Matthew Martin

For the full audio of this debate, go to avl. mx/08q.X


What policies or practices, if any, could improve the disposition of persons repeatedly convicted of being intoxicated and disruptive?

Thomas Amburgey

“My background is in juveniles. ... I’ve never worked a family law case, but .... my trial experience, my familiarization with how trials work, the flow of the courtroom, the rules of evidence — that’s the hard part of being a trial attorney. That translates well into any courtroom.”

“[The] intoxicated and disruptive [charge] isn’t about holding people accountable. ... They need help. We can’t force help on them, unfortunately. They have to want it too. Our court system needs to do a better job of giving individuals help that want it.”

What do you see as the greatest challenges currently in domestic violence court?

Currently under North Carolina domestic violence law, defendants are allowed to enter temporary custody orders for certain durations of time. What is your position regarding that practice, and do you have a parameter or limits on those custody orders?

Why should voters elect you for this position, and what, if any, political aspirations do you have beyond being elected district court judge?

“Truly the greatest challenge in domestic violence is understanding the people before you. ... Unfortunately we see a lot of cases where it’s some sort of revenge based upon something that has no merit. And those cases clog up the system so we can’t address the cases that need to be addressed most.”

“You have to look deep into those cases, determine what is the underlying reason. ... We want to make sure what we do is in the best interest of the child. ... I try to limit about six months, because that’s plenty of time for the litigants to get an action filed in family court.”

“I didn’t seek it out. I was asked. My whole career has been on service. People have sought me out, and that means a lot to me. Do I have any aspirations? I’m a district court judge. That’s what I do. My life experiences give me the ability to do this job and do it well.”

“The greatest problem is identifying the … factors in any individual domestic violence case. ... One great way to do this, that we implemented in Cherokee, [is] the integrative domestic violence model, which involves having the civil protective order cases on the same day as the criminal cases. ... Everybody gets more information.”

“The law is well-considered in terms of being used to remove children from an immediate, violent situation. ... It’s very effective at protecting children. But the court has to be vigilant, because the court has to look at not only the interest of the child, but the interest of both parents as well.”

“I have a heart for this job. I love people. I love, particularly, lawyers... The judge can be an agent of change in district court. I believe that we can achieve the goal in district court that we help individuals exit the system successfully. [It’s] the best place that you can impact individual human beings in a positive way.”

“The hardest thing to do sometimes, is for a spouse to come in and say, ‘I love him. I just want to have this dismissed.’ It’s a difficult situation ... to say, ‘I’m not going to do that.’ ... Sometimes tough decisions have to be made. Not everyone knows what they need.”

“As an assistant DA, [I’ve had] to sit there and talk to them. ... That’s a skill that will assist me in emergency matters. [We are] making sure that when you’re going to do something ex parte, without the other party even being there, that you’re certain it’s the right thing to do for a temporary basis.”

“If you’re looking for a stepping stone, I don’t think district court is the best place to look. ... Professionalism is very important. I don’t believe in judges who rule by fear and intimidation. A toxic environment accomplishes nothing. I believe in work ethic. When the robe comes off, my day is not over.”

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



by Hayley Benton

251-1333 ext. 128

Debatable: The race for DA Q: What are the greatest challenges that you foresee facing the office of district attorney, and how do you plan to meet them?

Todd Williams

Ron Moore

The results of the May 6 Democratic primary will send either incumbent District Attorney Ron Moore or challenger Todd Williams to the fall election unopposed. Both men are North Carolina natives; both attended UNC Chapel Hill. Moore has been DA since 1991. In the past several years, however, he’s come under scrutiny in connection with two controversial cases involving local law enforcement. In 2008, former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford was sentenced to 180 months in prison on corruption charges, and in 2011, a partial audit of the Asheville Police Department’s evidence room showed 115 items missing. City Council subsequently ordered a full audit, which Moore has declined to release, citing pending litigation. “There are a lot of things I can’t talk about,” he says. “I wish I could give you some of it. I’m happy to release it, but I can’t until the case is over. … That’s not the way we conduct ourselves.”

On April 11, Moore debated his challenger in a packed fifth floor courtroom in the Buncombe County Courthouse. During the debate, Moore told Williams, “You’ve never tried a murder case. … If you’re going to stand up here and try death penalty cases, you’ve got to have adequate experience.” Williams has been a defense attorney for 15 years, nine of them as a local public defender. In a press release, he said: “The office of district attorney should be renowned for its fairness and integrity in pursuit of justice. In seeking justice, the office must safeguard the rights and reputations of the innocent. To regain this reputation and trust, we need new leadership that will demonstrate the highest degree of integrity and professionalism.” Retired Judge Gary Cash served as moderator. The candidates had two minutes apiece to answer each question.

Q: What is your position regarding the speedy trial of capital cases?


april 23 - april 29, 2014

For the full audio of this debate, go to avl. mx/08q. X

Williams: “Capital cases are extremely complex. Capital cases involve numerous experts. They’re very expensive to bring to trial. ... Those cases, where the ultimate punishment is sought, should not be rushed to trial, simply put. ... Under my leadership, defendants will have a fair opportunity to prepare for that.”

Moore: “It was always resources. … We continue to have more and more cases. ... We also have tried to do more things such as add DWI court. We’re looking at adding a domestic violence component. We’re constantly striving to offer more services. ...The whole N.C. court system has been underfunded historically. So that’s the biggest challenge — getting the resources we need.”

Q: Why should voters elect you as DA?

Williams: “I have committed my career to justice in that for 15 years I have served the citizens of N.C. and provided individuals who were brought for prosecution with competent representation. ... I understand how specialized court is set up. ... I have the perspective of having created close, collaborative relationships with a number of different DA offices. … I am confident, and I am capable, and I’m asking for your vote May 6.

Williams: “The biggest challenge facing the district attorney’s office in the future is to restore public trust and integrity in the criminal justice system here in Buncombe County. ... We’ll do that by prosecuting [childabuse, domestic-violence and other key] cases ... vigorously, reducing the turnaround for victims. It’s a fairness issue for defendants.”

Moore: “For 23-plus years, I have stood in this courtroom and handled everything that came through — all the way from criminal cases through capital murder. ... The DA is leader in court. The DA is a leader to the staff. ... You have to have some trial experience to lead the DA’s office. … You’ve never tried a murder case. ... Regardless of any allegations in motion, [the rest of the staff] has watched us work in this courtroom, know the quality of our work, know that we’re one of the best-run DA offices around, know that we have one of the best staffs around — which I am very proud of.”

Moore: “You’ve never tried a murder case. And you’re not qualified to sit first chair as a defense lawyer because you’ve never tried a murder. So I’ll tell you how capital cases work. ... The biggest problem in death cases right now is resources, where again, are backed up by the lab. It takes years to get DNA. Nobody is rushing death penalty cases to trial. And I’m curious, Mr. Williams, when you get a chance, if you would actually seek the death penalty in a case since your record is being morally opposed to it.”

Q: What is the duty of the DA when it comes to allegations of public corruption within his or her prosecutorial district, such as in the case of Sheriff Bobby Medford here in Buncombe County or the reported theft and tampering with evidence in the Asheville Police Department evidence room?

Moore: “People can allege anything they want, as we know with the media or in a printed motion. ... A lot of things I cannot respond to. For 24 years, I have taken my lumps. I will continue to do that. If you’re the DA or any other elected official, you’ll have to do that too. ... I did bring a page from the audit. ... I’m happy to release it, but I can’t until the case is over. ... It just goes with the territory.”

Williams: “In regards to the evidence locker, there I contend there is a public perception that the documents specifically have not been released for an unknown reason. Since I filed for the DA position, I’ve heard that the document could not be released due to the process of rights of the federal defendant who was the custodian of the locker room. That, I don’t think, was communicated very effectively with the community and has cast [doubt] all over the integrity of the DA’s office. Under my leadership, I will strive to communicate effectively with the community.”

Q: How would do you believe your approach to running the office of DA, if you were elected, would differ from that of your opponent?

Williams: “ I want to create a supportive, team environment among the assistants in the office. In addition to that, I will continue the policies that work in the DA office. I want to say right now that this DA has done a good job in starting adult drug treatment court and DWI treatment court. I would like to broaden out and create some additional specialized courts should the bar or judges be willing to do so. … I hope we can bring some mental health professionals into our system and increase our public safety through our expansion of specialized treatment courses.”

Moore: “We have nuisance court. We have domestic violence court. We put all those cases in the same court every Wednesday. We did that years and years ago. ... Every court that we start requires money. ... All the specialized courts are great, but it takes clerks. Every time we do an extra court, [we have to find another clerk, and we’re] perpetually short-handed. ... It’s all about resources.”

Q: Where there are allegations of prosecutorial misconduct directed toward the DA’s office — for example, disclosing exculpatory evidence or failing to prevent witness intimidation on law enforcement — what response to those allegations is most productive?

Williams: “I will admit the mistake and move forward as your DA. That is an openness — a transparency issue. This is what I’ll bring. I’ll bring a new perspective to the office. The integrity of our system requires a swift response to problems, if there were prosecutorial misconduct, and I’ll strive to make sure there is no misconduct, of course, [and] take rapid action to address that.”

Moore: “I’m going to assume you haven’t read the 10,000 or so pages from the Innocence Commission case, and you would see again you can allege anything you please. ... I’m the one that made them do an audit. Based on the audit, I’ve got the SBI and the FBI, and we were able to do the prosecution over in federal court. ... I’m frequently hamstrung about what I can say, but go read the 10,000 pages and then come sit down and talk to me.”

Q: What’s the proper ethical boundaries between the DA office and the law enforcement offices?

Moore: “The DA’s duty, by law, is to advise law enforcement. That’s what we’ve done for years. They ask us for advice. They call us in the middle of the night. We help them do search warrants, and so on and so forth.”

Williams: “I want to create a lawfirm culture in the DA office. I will not see myself as a ‘top cop,’ as the DA is sometimes referred to. I want [Buncombe County Sheriff] Van Duncan to have complete control without interference from my office. ... They investigate. I am a resource to them. I think it only muddies the cases for the DA to get too closely involved with law enforcement.”

april 23 - april 29, 2014



by Jake Frankel

Bus stops here Commissioners OK Swannanoa shelter, back fire-district changes

Buncombe commissioners acted April 15 to build a new bus shelter, restructure the county’s fire districts and prevent the FDA from implementing new rules that could hamper local brewers’ ability to sell spent grains to farmers for animal feed. Commissioners voted unanimously to spend $10,000 to build a new bus shelter in Swannanoa near the Ingles at 2299 U.S. 70. The location is served by the Asheville transit system but is outside city limits. The shelter will be similar to ones the city has installed in recent years and is intended to help protect riders from the elements as they wait for the bus. According to sophia papadopoulos, chair of the Friends and Neighbors of Swannanoa community group, the shelter will be the first one placed at Swannanoa’s nine transit stops. The group has been advocating for shelters to be built at the transit stops for several years, she said. “There’s a lot of people there who use the bus for employment,” she reported. “I’m so relieved to be able to report that this is actually going to happen.” However, she added that crosswalks and sidewalks are still needed in the area to make access to the bus stops and new shelter safer for pedestrians. “If we can start on that next, that would be great,” she said. The move was spurred by Vice Chair ellen frost, who faces a primary challenge from fellow Democrat carol peterson to represent District 2 on the commission, which includes Swannanoa. On another front, commissioners unanimously decided to ask state legislators to allow them to restructure the county’s fire districts. Buncombe County Attorney michael frue said the current system of organizing the districts is antiquated and needs an overhaul, which would require a change in state law. The commissioners are recommending that the 35 different service areas be consolidated into 22 new “Fire


april 23 - april 29, 2014

gimme shelter: Buncombe commissioners decided to spend $10,000 to build a new bus shelter in Swannanoa similar to the one pictured here. Photo by Carrie Eidson

Protection Service Districts” that would be served by the county’s 21 different fire departments. “There’s a lot of artificial lines. ... We just need to start from scratch,” Frue said. Skyland Fire Chief dennis presley told the commissioners that “all the fire chiefs support this 100 percent.” He added: “It cuts out all these district names; it’s just more help.” Commissioners asked state lawmakers to honor the request before July 1, when the next fiscal year starts and they set the fire district tax rates. In other business, commissioners unanimously approved a resolution opposing federal rules being considered by the Food and Drug Administration that could impair the ability of local breweries to sell their spent grains to local farms for animal feed. The local resolution to be sent to FDA officials and congressional representatives reads in part: “We support our local farmers and numerous craft breweries and respectfully request you

give favorable consideration to an exemption for craft breweries and the farmers who feed wet grain from any new regulations.” “This is something that several different counties have entered into,” said Board Chair david gantt. “The new rules could be harmful to our farmers and our brewers.” Commissioner mike fryar worried that if local beer companies are no longer able to sell their spent grains to farmers, more of that waste could end up in the sewage system or the landfill. “We don’t need this in the sewage system. We don’t need it in the dump. The cows seem to really like it,” he said, noting that he was speaking from personal observation after watching N.C. Rep. nathan ramsey feed the grains to his cows at his Fairview dairy farm. The idea for the county to sign on to the opposition came from Ramsey, according to Gantt. The April 15 meeting was the board’s last before the May 6 primary election, in which Frost as well as Commissioners brownie newman and david king are facing challenges.X


by Jake Frankel









openings andrew charles gallery, 60 N. Merrimon, Suite 105, 989-0111

improvements at graveyard fields Graveyard Fields, one of the Blue Ridge Parkway’s most popular recreation areas, is getting a major upgrade. Located at Milepost 418.8 about an hour north of Asheville, the National Park Service is constructing new parking spaces, toilets, boardwalks and interpretive signs at the beloved site. In the meantime, the site closed April 22 and will remain that way for approximately 11 weeks until the improvements are complete. Addressing safety issues at the site is a paramount concern, say officials. “Currently visitors to Graveyard Fields use the island of the existing lot, and several hun-

early voting dates april 24 through may 3 races on the ballot Buncombe County board of commissioners, district attorney, district court judges, clerk of court, N.C. senate 49, N.C. supreme court, U.S. senate, U.S. congressional districts 10 and 11 buncombe county early voting locations • William H. Stanley Building 35 Woodfin Street, Asheville • North Asheville Library 1030 Merrimon Ave. • Girl Scout Office — Upper Building (blue awning) 64 W.T. Weaver Blvd. • South Buncombe Library 260 Overlook Road • Skyland Fire Department 9 Miller Road • West Asheville Library 942 Haywood Road • Heaven’s Cloud Retreat — Old Union Hall Bldg, 130 Sardis Road • Black Mountain Library 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain For more coverage of this year’s races, visit For a sample ballot and more information from the Buncombe County Election Services Department visit avl. mx/08p.

dred feet of the narrow road shoulder in both directions, for parking. This situation is unsafe and has resulted in numerous incidents. We’re pleased this expansion will relieve some of the congestion and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians at Graveyard Fields,”says Blue Ridge Parkway Superintendent Mark Woods in a press release. The parking area will increase from 17 to 40 spaces. A partnership between the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service and the nonprofit Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, the project is being funded in part by a $261,336 National Scenic Byways Grant. The Graveyard Fields area features numerous trails, three waterfalls, wild blueberries and camping sites. cherokee language remains threatened The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians marked the 10th anniversary of the tribe’s effort to preserve its language on April 17, but their native tongue remains threatened. It’s estimated that fewer than 200 Cherokee residents are fluent in the Cherokee language, according to a press release. That’s despite the Kituwah Preservation and Education Program, which the tribe launched 10 years ago to try to revitalize the Cherokee language. Currently, the average age of fluent Cherokee speakers is 55 years old. The education program focuses on teaching children, from infancy to the fourth grade. In 2009, the Eastern Band opened the Kituwah Academy, a 42,000 square foot facility with ten classrooms where children from infancy through the forth grade receive instruction in their native language. “The immersion school stands as the tribe’s best hope for keeping the language alive,” says Michell Hicks, Principal Chief of the Eastern Band, in a press release. “Not only are we teaching our language to our children,

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studio b custom framing, 61. N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 109, 225-5200 — compiled by Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt

but native language experts associated with the Kituwah program are translating dozens of books and other materials, even movies, into Cherokee.” One challenge is that “there are few trained teachers,” according to the press release, which also notes: “Speaking a language means we have a culture. There is a big difference between people who have a culture and people with a history.”X



april 23 - april 29, 2014




april 23 - april 30, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. free listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via email to or through our online submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls Brother Wolf Adoption event 505-3440, • FR (4/25) through SU (4/27), noon4pm - Held at Grovewood Gallery, 111 Grovewood Rd.

Benefits doWn home, A Benefit for hABitAt for humAnity (pd.) • SA (4/26), 6-10pm – DOWN HOME, a benefit for Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity, at Taylor Ranch in Fletcher. Cocktail hour, presentation by Allison Ramsey Architects, BBQ dinner, contra dancing (beginners welcome) with caller Diane Silver, music by Good & Plenty and much more. Info/ tickets: or 828.210.9385.


bee season: The Literacy Council of Buncombe County will hold its annual costume party and spelling bee fundraiser on Thursday, April 24. This year’s music-based theme is “Bee in Harmony,” but the event itself won’t be so harmonious. Audiances are invited to hoot, holler and laugh along with host David Ostergaard, a former LaZoom tour bus host, to raise the levels of pandemonium and shake the contestants’ concentration. Audience members also get to compete for best costume— so dress to impress.

you to our Speak Your Peace luncheon on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. The event features speaker Brad Heckman, TedX speaker and CEO of the New York Peace Institute, one of the nation’s largest conflict resolution services. • Tickets are $50 and must be purchased in advance: • Proceeds from the event will benefit Mediation Center programs. White rose luncheon • mAy 17 (pd.) • Join the Asheville Chapter of the Links Inc., celebrating 25 years of serving our community. • Saturday, May 17, 11:30am-2pm, Asheville Event Center, 991 Sweeten Creek Rd., 28803. • $45. Information/Registration: Diane Mance (828) 651-0495 by Saturday, May 10. • Proceeds benefit scholarship fund.

speAk your peAce luncheon (pd.) •The Mediation Center invites

AnAstAsiA yArBrough Benefit concert, 901-3556225 • FR (4/25), 7pm - Ticket sales benefit viola player & LEAF organizer’s attendance to hayes school of music. $25. Held at First

april 23 - april 29, 2014

File photo by Max Cooper. (p.16)

Congregational United, 20 Oak St. dining out for life, info@diningoutforlife. com • TH (4/24), all day - More than 110 Asheville area restaurants will donate 20 percent of their gross sales to benefit Aids service organizations. girls rock Asheville Benefit concert 386-473-2967, Girlsrockasheville • WE (4/23), 5pm-2am - Donationbased admission to this night of musical performances benefits a camp dedicated to music education for girls and trans youth. $5-15. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Rd. literAcy council spelling Bee, brantlee@litcouncil. com • TH (4/24), 6-9pm - Tickets to “Bee in Harmony,” a music-themed spelling bee, raise funds for the literacy council of Buncombe county. $10. Held at On Broadway, 49 Broadway

north cArolinA outWArd Bound school • TU (4/29), 9am - Workshop to benefit north carolina outward Bound school nc youth scholarship fund. $120. Held at Prestige Subaru Adventure Center, 585 Tunnel Road. Info:, steverudolphcoaching. com/workshops.html or 772-9396. pretty 4 prom donAtion drive 550-9511 • Through (4/30) - Collecting dresses, accessories and cash donations for local girls in need. prom-n-Aid Benefit 712-0861, • SA (4/26), 6pm - Tickets for this adult prom benefit the swannanoa valley transitional housing committee’s home for women. $30. Held at White Horse, 105C Montreat Rd., Black Mountain recyclery Bike donAtion drive 255-7916, josephcrawley@gmail. com. Donations may be brought to

90 Biltmore Ave., Tue.-Thu.:4-8pm; Sat: 1-5pm. • Through WE (4/30) - Bikes and bike parts may be donated for kids and adults. WAlk to end lupus noW 877-849-8271, • Through (5/16) - Registration is open for this May 17 event for lupus foundation of America. Participants agree to raise $100.

clAsses, meetings & events mosiAc WorkshopsBeginner-AdvAnced (pd.) • SA (4/26), 6-10pm – DOWN HOME Mosaic Mirrors, Picassiette (broken china) planters, concrete leaves and more. • Learn traditional techniques, explore new materials. • For more details, call (828) 337-6749 or visit Asheville mAkers • TUESDAYS, 6-8:30pm - Weekly

social held at Asheville Pizza, 77 Coxe Ave. goodWill cAreer clAsses 828-298-9023, ext. 1106 • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon - Adult basic education/ high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - ESL classes. Registration required. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries. Includes American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:303:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Registration required. henderson county heritAge museum Main St., Hendersonville, 694-1619, • Through WE (12/31) - Coming of the Railroad, Civil War exhibit. Free. lAnd of sky toAstmAsters • TUESDAYS, 7am - Meets at the

Some companieS have brancheS, we have rootS! Recent buyer...“The housing market in our price range in Asheville is highly Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. stAnd AgAinst rAcism 398-7114, • MO (4/28), 8am-12:30pm - Sponsored by the YWCA. Includes community progress report and panel discussion. Held on the AB Tech Campus. trAnsition Asheville 296-0064, • TH (4/24),7-9pm - “Building Resiliency” meeting and discussion. Held at First Congregational UCC, West AfricAn drum clAss All levels welcome. • SATURDAYS through (4/26), 4pm - Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain. Wnc cArvers 665-8273 • SU (4/27), 1:30-4pm - Includes a presentation on carving a basswood. Meets at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road.

dAnce Beginner sWing dAncing lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.swingAsheville. com studio ZAhiyA, doWntoWn dAnce clAsses (pd.) Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10am Bellydance Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 5pm Teen Dance 6pm AfroBrazilian 7pm West African • Sunday 5:15pm Yoga • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: (828) 242-7595 internAtionAl folk dAncing 350-2051 Free. • MONDAYS, 2:15-4pm -

Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road.

eco Asheville green drinks • WE (4/23), 6pm - 500th meeting celebration. Held at Green Sage Coffeehouse & Cafe, 5 Broadway environmentAl & conservAtion orgAniZAtion 692-0385, • SA (4/26), 3-4:30pm Sustainable Living Workshop: Growing edible in aquaponics systems $15. Held at Asheville Aquaponics, 4021 Haywood Road, Mills River. Registration required.

competitive. The house we ended up buying had multiple offers. Without Mike’s professional guidance and negotiation skills we likely would not have succeeded in closing.” more on

mike miller, reaLtor® asheville native call me, you’ll like mike! 828-712-9052

highlAnds BotAnicAl gArden 265 N. 6th St., Highlands, 5260188, botanical-garden • FR (4/25), 2-4pm - “Living With Trees,” a guided tour and Arbor Day celebration. Free.

(828) 684-9588

april 23 - april 29, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

community calendar














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

riverlink events 252-8474, Held at 170 Lyman St., unless otherwise noted. • FR (4/25), 3-5pm - Friday Salon Series: “Our Native Azaleas and Rhododendrons.” Registration required. • SA (4/26), 1-3pm - Celebration of the opening of the new French Broad River access at Penrose, 170 Apac Drive, Penrose. Free. WilmA dykemAn legAcy spring series • SA (4/26), 3pm - “Water Troubles & Water Solutions: WNC Water in Context,” discusses Colorado’s western slope. Held at Pack Memorial Library,

festivAls festivAl of dionysus 250-2317, • WE (4/23), 4:45-8:30pm - Held on UNCA’s campus. Free.

Dancing to security what: Prom-N-Aid benefit dance where: White Horse Black Mountain, 105 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. when: Saturday, April 26 at 6 p.m. why: White Horse Black Mountain is hosting an adult prom to raise money for the Swannanoa Valley Transitional Housing Committee, an organization that provides safe housing for women. SVTHC aims to reduce the risk of women returning to prison by holding classes at the Swannanoa Correctional Center for Women, by sponsoring inmates and by offering safe and affordable housing to women who have been recently released. “Our transitional house is to help women at ‘high risk,’ which also includes victims of domestic abuse, women who are homeless or


april 23 - april 29, 2014

women who are coming out of prison and do not have a residency or home plan,” said Lauronda Teeple, the 2014 president of the board. Teeple says the organization works to reduce recidivism by offering “reentry tools [that] assist in the transformation of our residents into productive citizens – by helping build self-esteem, respect for others and the community and encouragement toward health and financial independence.” The dance at White Horse will last until midnight and will feature a “Dancing Through the Decades” theme — a decade for each hour of the night. Tickets are $30 and include refreshments, appetizers, prizes and a chance to win the best and worst dressed costume contests. More information on the SVTHC and the event at the White Horse can be found at — Tanner Hall

greening up the mountAins 226-8652, • SA (4/26), 10am-5pm - The Town of Sylva’s annual springtime festival includes music, crafts and food. Held in downtown Main Street, Sylva.

youth gArden cluB At the stephens-lee center 350-2058, • FRIDAYS through (5/30), 4-5pm - Held in the George Washington Carver Edible Garden, 30 George Washington Carver Ave.

outdoors BAmBoo WAlking tours, 685-3053 • SU (4/27) 1:30-3pm - Hosted by Keiji Oshima. Proceeds benefit bamboo education scholarships. $20. Held at 468 Rhodes Mountain Road, Hendersonville. $20 Adult. Registration required. Blue ridge pArkWAy visitor center Milepost 384 Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-5330 • SA (4/26), 10am-2pm Activities, demonstrations about springtime greening. Free. culloWhee Bicycle rodeo 227-3891 • SU (4/27), 2-4pm - Sponsored by WCU. Includes free inspections, safety information, group rides and skills courses. Free. Held at Jackson County Recreation Park, Cullowhee.

pArenting government & politics primAry cAndidAtes forum 692-0385, • TH (4/24), 6:30-9pm - Hosted by ECO, with candidates for House District 117 and Henderson County commissioner. Held at City Operations Center, 305 Williams St., Hendersonville.

kids dAnce clAsses At BlAck mountAin center for the Arts 669-0930, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. $40 per month. Registration required. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. • MONDAYS, 4-5pm & THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm Beginners Hip Hop. Ages 6-10. • SATURDAYS, 9am - Ballet. Ages 3 and up. • MONDAYS, 5-6pm - Tween dance. Ages 11-15.

children first/cis mind the gAp tour 259-9717, • TH (4/24), 3:30pm - Calls attention to issues that hinder the success of children and families in poverty. Free. Registration required. sAcred mountAin sAnctuAry open house Cove Road, Candler, • WE (4/30), 4:30-6pm Programs for K-8 grade. Located on Cove Road, Candler. Xplore usA informAtion sessions 651-8502, • WE (4/23), 5:30pm - Discusses the intercultural exchange program. Free to attend. Held at Rainbow Mountain Community School, 574 Haywood Rd.

puBlic lectures diAlogue on rAce series 419-0730, robertamadden@ • TH (4/24), 6-7:30pm - This

week: “We Shall Overcome.” Held at Carver Community Center, 101 Carver Ave., Black Mountain puBlic lectures At Wcu • TH (4/24), 7pm - Presentation on impact of roadside trash. Mountain Heritage Center. Free.

seniors Adult forum At fcc 692-8630, • SU (4/27), 9:15am - “Spirits in Nature Revealed in Photography.” Held at First Congregational Church of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville

spirituAlity ABout the trAnscendentAl meditAtion technique: free introductory lecture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:307:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. (828) 254-4350 or Aim meditAtion clAsses (pd.) Ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101- Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www., (828) 808-4444 Asheville compAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm.

Asheville insight meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, Asheville open heArt meditAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, www.

discussion, study guide provided, guided meditation and shamanic journey. Grounding our experiences into our daily lives. Faciliatied by Jude Lally. For more details. celtic-goddesses gurdjieff: the fourth WAy (pd.) In search of the miraculous? What are the possibilities of inner evolution? New groups forming for those who wish to pursue inner work. (828) 2322220.

Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.

mindfulness meditAtion (pd.) “Asheville insight meditAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, www.

celtic goddess course (pd.) 5 week course, evenings 05/21-06/18. Delve deeper in exploring Cailleach, Brighid, Epona and Cerridwen. Class

mindfulness meditAtion clAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through

deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. the soul purpose of Asheville (pd.) An open invitation to all progressive citizens to join in creating a new conscious mission statement for the Asheville community. • Free event. Wednesday, May 7, 6-8pm, Masonic Temple Main Hall, 80 Broadway, downtown. • RSVP: facebook: Soul Purpose of Asheville Gathering. Let’s take action in unity! Asheville center for trAnscendentAl meditAtion 165 E. Chestnut, 254-4350, • THURSDAYS, 6:30 pm Introductory lectures on transcendental meditation. Free.


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april 23 - april 29, 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

community calendar









Send your event listings to


By Carrie Eidson. Send your volunteering news to

Asheville shAmAnic journey circle 369-0630, dreamtimejourneys. net • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-9pm Shamanic Journey experience required. $10. Registration required.

123 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration required.

center for spirituAl living Asheville 2 Science Mind Way, 231-7638, • TH (4/24), 7pm - Public talk by mindfulness teacher Anh-Huong Nguyen. $10/$5 students. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Musical celebration of life. Free.

vulnerABility And fAith

church of the redeemer 1201 Riverside Dr., Woodfin, 253-3588 • SA (4/26), 8am-2pm - Book sale. eckAnkAr center of Asheville 797 Haywood Rd., 254-6775, • SU (4/27), 11am-12:30pm Laws of Life Workshop.

Reach & Rise at the YMCA In our new section, local nonprofits tell us more about their programs and the volunteering opportunities that are currently available. This week Brandy Laurencelle, the Reach & Rise program director for the YMCA of Western North Carolina, tells us about the program and how to become a mentor. Mountain Xpress: Tell us about the Reach & Rise mentoring program. laurencelle: Reach & Rise is a therapeutic mentoring program that seeks to pair adult volunteers with youth from the YMCA’s after-school programs who are at-risk for underachievement because of various life challenges. Mentors receive extensive support in the form of a 15-hour training, a mentor support group and 24/7 access to the program director. can you give us some examples of what a mentor does? A mentor participates in a variety of activities with their mentee such as creating art projects, attending sports events, taking cooking classes or working on homework, with


april 23 - april 29, 2014

the intention of working on a growth plan that helps to improve social skills, academic performance and family relationships. A mentor also supports a mentee by listening and empathizing with the youth’s experiences. what are the requirements for participating in the program? You must be at least 23 years old, complete a 15-hour training and pass a comprehensive background check. Mentors must meet with mentees once a week for 1-3 hours. You must commit to meeting with your mentee for one year, be dependable, empathetic and have a desire to work with kids. does the ymca have any other volunteering needs right now? The Y is a great place to volunteer and has many opportunities available! Volunteers in our youth development programs are welcome to participate at after-school programs by helping with homework, leading enrichment activities or coaching youth sports. For more information, visit ymcawnc. org X

eckhArt tolle discussion group • MONDAYS,7-9pm - Meetings include viewing of video interviews with Eckhart Tolle, meditation and discussion. Held at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St. grAce lutherAn church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, • SU (4/27), 5pm - “Beer and Hymns,” a singing and drinking event. greAt tree Zen temple 679 Lower Flat Creek, Alexander, 645-2085, • Last SUNDAYS, 10:30amnoon - Family Meditation with Rev. Teijo Munnich hendersonville first congregAtionAl united church of christ 1735 5t Ave. W., Hendersonville, 692-8630, • WE (4/23), 10:30am, 3:30pm & 5pm - Explorations of the Bible. mAhA shAkti mAndir 11 Sand Hill Court, facebook. com/mahashaktimandir • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Arati, chanting and spiritual discourse. • SATURDAYS, 6-8pm - Shiva and Sri Chakra Puja. Women’s Book study And discussion group 277-6400 • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Seacoast Asheville,

spoken & Written Word

(pd.) Essayist and Fiction Writer, Nora Gallagher, will read from her latest memoir, Moonlight Sonata at the Mayo Clinic, at the Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, Sunday, April 27, 4pm, in the church. “I love Nora Gallagher’s books. She’s everything I love—smart, searching, vulnerable, faithful, doubting, deeply real and a beautiful writer.” - Anne Lamott. A reception and book signing will follow. Blue ridge Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 456-6000, blueridgebooksnc. com • SA (4/26), 3pm - Dr. Bart Ehrman will discuss his new book How Jesus Became God. BuncomBe county puBlic liBrAries liBrAry ABBreviAtions All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: •eA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) •ec = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 2504758) •Wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) • FR (4/25) & SA (4/26), 10am-6pm - Spring Book Sale. ec. • FR (4/25), 4pm - Teen MacGyver mystery challenge. Wv. • FR (4/26), 10am-3pm - Sidewalk book sale. eA. city lights Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 5869499, • FR (4/25), 6:30pm - Sonja Condit discusses her book, Starter House. • SA (4/26), 3pm - Tim Jackson discusses his book, Gone Pro: North Carolina. hArry potter AlliAnce Book drive • Through WE (4/30) - Books will be donated to Accio Books and the Pop Project. Contact for drop-off locations. mAlAprop’s Bookstore

And cAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/23), 7pm - Author Sallie Bissell disucsses The Deadliest of Sins, from theMary Crow series. • TH (4/24), 7pm - Ann Vandermeer discuses her book The Time Traveler’s Almanac. n.c. poet lAureAte events 919-807-6530, Readings and discussions with poet Joseph Bathanti. Sponsored by the N.C. Arts Council. • SA (4/26), 5:15pm - Lanier Library, 72 Chestnut St., Tryon. nAtionAl poetry month events 648-2924, • MO (4/28), 5-6pm - Local poet Michael Beadle reads from his works. Free. Held at Canton Branch of Haywood County Public Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton spellBound children’s Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 7087570, • SA (4/26), 2-3pm - Youth poetry slam. Free.

volunteering girls on the run, A nonprofit teaching selfrespect and healthy living to girls. • Through (5/17) - Volunteers needed for various tasks before and during the 5k held at UNCA on May 17. ms community of Wnc 772-4920, MScommunityWNC Works to develop a support system for individuals, families and caregivers in WNC affected by multiple sclerosis. • SA (4/26), 8am-3pm Volunteers need to work on projects at homes of those with multiple sclerosis. Meets at YWCA, 185 S. French Broad Ave. For more volunteering opportunities, visit volunterring

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april 23 - april 29, 2014


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What the Founding Fathers had in Mind

asheville disclaimer

Briefs Bywater insurers celebrate lucky streak as intoxicated revelers manage not to drown, get burned on grill or be hit by train Latest album release by Pussy Riot may be blocked by religious organization opposed to promotion of riots Potential hostage crisis ended in 28 seconds using a hippie’s gas from eating ramps

Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve

Local mom not proud of cussing out her children in parking lot of Asheville Center for Spiritual Living

ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — Just steps away from the facility’s sign, Asheville mother Chloe Cornish took an unscheduled break from spiritual living to verbally threaten her children (ages 8, 11 and 13) in an attempt to stop them from “doing whatever it was they were doing” in the parking lot of the Asheville Center for Spiritual Living. A passerby and member of the ACSL describes Cornish’s outburst as “an affirmative prayer in the sense that it positively promised death and dismemberment to the small, assembled audience.” Another congregation member said “those children deserved what they got” and that the three children had been playing some sort of game in which whoever made the loudest, high-pitched shriek won. Cornish said she is not proud of the event, but that “the horribleness had to stop, just for a second,” and that their game was preventing her and others from leading full, rich and meaningful lives.

Alternate names for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes fundraiser The 5th annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes fundraiser happens May 3, during which men wearing women’s shoes walk to raise money and awareness to stop sexual violence against women. Other names considered for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: • Rifle for an hour through her purse • Perform a three-act puppet show using her nylons • Take 100 Cosmo surveys in her ex-boyfriend’s oversized T-shirt • Wear her granny-panties on ponytailTuesday • Complain to her sister about her mother over cocktails • Play Bejeweled for 30 seconds on her cell phone at a red light

• Readjust your assets in her push-up bra between selfies • Take a photo of your painted toenails with an ocean sunset in the background • Scroll half-a-day through her Facebook timeline and count the number of “likes” from her hot coworker • Spend 10 seconds filling her dishwasher without scraping hardened food from her dirty dishes • Watch a “Walking Dead” marathon in her sweatpants

Cheat-sheet for Spring 2014 Sheriff ’s Citizens Academy midterm exam • Have all three “Snitch School” shirts laundered and ready for use. • Practice commandeering both civilian vehicles and heavy equipment. • Purchase official BCSD crystal ball for use in divining probable cause • Shine jackboots and suck in that gut! • Dukes of Hazzard no-open car door entry


april 23 - april 29, 2014

• Remember: DON’T volunteer to attack drill sergeant with rubber gun • Brush up on old NYPD Blue lingo, so you don’t sound like a perp, skell, mope, mutt or housemouse • Dress up like a hooker and put the word on the streets • Police “10” codes tattooed on palm










dow down on the deer farm The billion-dollar deer-farming industry in America produces generations of bucks growing progressively larger racks of antlers mainly for eventual bragging rights by the so-called “hunters” who will pay large fees to kill them in fenced-in fields just so they can hang the grotesque antlers in their dens. Even before the farm-raised deer are stalked, The Indianapolis Star reported in March in a multipart investigation, bucks’ necks habitually slump from the weight of the freakish antlers. Most states allow such “hunting,” and in some, the activity is lightly regulated, lacking the safety rules and more humane conditions required by open-forest hunting laws and agriculture protocols. The Star also highlighted several captive-deer diseases that doctors still worry might jump species to humans, as “mad cow disease” did. recurring themes • stories that never get old: Dayton, Ohio, bus driver Rickey Wagoner, 49, survived a threebullet shooting in February that, police said, was probably a gang initiation that randomly targeted him as he worked on his bus’s engine. A police sergeant told the Dayton Daily News that Wagoner “should probably not be here” and survived the attack only because two of the bullets were blocked by a copy of “The Message” (a contemporary version of the Bible) in Wagoner’s shirt pocket. • Allowing dogs as “witnesses” in court cases in France has become “something of a recent trend,” reported the Paris edition of the European news site “The Local” in April. Tango, a 9-yearold Labrador retriever, took the witness stand in the city of Tours so the judge could observe how he reacted to the defendant, on trial for killing the dog’s owner. (For due process of law, a second dog, Norman, took the stand later, as a “control group.”) Ultimately, the





by Chuck Shepherd

judge said he learned nothing from the dogs and dismissed them. • “Zero tolerance”: Yet another questionable school suspension was handed down in March, in Virginia Beach, Va., when the sixth-grader who’d prevented a classmate from intentionally harming himself was punished for it. Adrionna Harris had persuaded a boy to hand over the razor blade he was threatening himself with, and she immediately discarded it. According to the principal, that transaction meant Harris “possessed” a “dangerous weapon,” albeit for a brief time, and she was suspended for 10 days, according to school policy. (After WAVYTV’s “On Your Side” reporters got involved, the school relented, and Harris returned to class.) • not an urban legend: (1) A county official in Portland, Ore., said his office gets “20 to 30 calls” about rats in toilets every year, like the one Daniel Powers reported in March when he spotted the “little guy with beady eyes” looking up at him. (2) The problem is more severe in India, where an emergency crew rushed to the Mumbai-area home of Vipul Desai in February to remove a 6-foot-long cobra from the toilet (but not before it “repeatedly” popped its head out of the commode, terrorizing Desai’s wife and daughter). A team from a wildlife rescue association flooded the toilet, grabbed the snake and released it in the forest. • Dwayne Yeager, 31, called police in Brandon, Fla., in March, reporting a “burglary” at his home, but after questioning, officers charged him with making up the “crime” so he could stay home from work that day. Three days earlier, in Kittery, Maine, the U.S. Navy formally decommissioned the USS Miami, a nuclear submarine that had suffered irreparable fire damage in 2012. A shipyard worker wanting to get off work for the day started what he believed would be a small

read daily Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.

blaze. He’s now serving 17 years in federal prison. updates • Among the $43 million worth of “renovations” that the former German “Bishop of Bling,” Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, ordered spent on his home and office before he was forcibly retired by Pope Francis in March: a 6-foot-deep fish tank filled with Koi carp ($300,000); a $917,000 “Garden of Silence”’ solid-bronze window frames all around ($2.38 million); and LED lights built into floors, walls, steps, window frames and handrails ($894,000). One expense did prove too extravagant for the bishop, however: According to The Washington Post, he’d reduced his staff. • The news site MedPageToday. com is keeping tabs on the eventual unveiling of new, obscure, minutely detailed billing codes for doctors to report diagnoses and treatments to insurance companies, and among the latest finds ready to be part of the medical landscape are separate codes for injuries occurring from a “balloon collision,” during “knitting and crocheting” or for injuries during “gardening and landscaping” (though those caused by “digging, shoveling and raking” require a different code). Distinct codes are necessary if an injury occurred at an opera house or if the patient is injured by walking into a lamppost (with separate codes for the first such collision and for repeats). • “Jane Doe,” the second of two victims of reckless, anal-oriented medical and law-enforcement drug searches reported in News of the Weird in January, has now filed her lawsuit to be compensated for the repeated, nonconsensual probes and tests ordered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers who had selected her for a random search and refused to believe, despite repeated negative tests, that she wasn’t carrying drugs. (None were ever found.) The lawsuit includes University Medical Center of El Paso, Texas, whose personnel seemed super willing to cooperate with CBP and audaciously even sent the victim a $5,000 bill for the procedures (subsequently withdrawn). (The other victim, David Eckert, treated similarly by New Mexico law enforcement and doctors, who also never found drugs, has settled his lawsuit with county and city police for $1.6 million, with the portion against medical authorities still pending.) X

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



All fun and games New yoga studio teaches students to fly

by micah wilkins 251-1333 ext. 140

Ryan Earls lies on the ground with his legs up in the air to support his partner, Lillian Jacobs. As she attempts to distribute the weight of her body on his feet, she gasps, lets out a few screams, a few laughs, and eventually becomes still. It takes a lot of trust to allow someone else to hold you several feet off the ground. But that’s the goal of Urban Ashram Studio: to build trust and a stronger sense of community. “At a typical yoga studio, you do yoga on your mat, and you leave,” says Earls, the owner of the studio, which opened on Wall Street earlier this month. “[Here], you’ll come into the studio, get off your mat and build connections with complete strangers.” “We want to bring more spice to town,” says Lyle Mitchell, who teaches at the studio. That spice will come largely in the form of AcroYoga, a type of yoga that combines partner acrobatics, Thai massage and yoga therapeutics all in one, according to Urban Ashram’s director, Lillian Jacobs, who is also a certified AcroYoga teacher. Through AcroYoga, Jacobs says, participants will laugh, they will sometimes fall, and they can have the opportunity to fly (or at least balance in midair). “AcroYoga is a big community builder,” she says. “It builds strength, and it gets you out of your shell.” A typical AcroYoga pose requires a base, flier and spotter. The base often lies on the ground and supports the flier with his or her feet and hands. The flier has the potential to move into a variety of different postures, while the spotter watches and makes recommendations to improve form and balance. It is also the spotter’s job to make sure the flier gets down safely. Not all AcroYoga activities require the participant to go up against gravity. Other exercises


april 23 - april 29, 2014

trust issues: Lyle Mitchell, left, balances on a slackline as Ryan Earls and Lillian Jacobs strike an AcroYoga pose in front of 7 Juice Bar on Wall Street. Photo by Micah Wilkins

include trust-building games (with two feet on the ground), partner stretches and Thai massage techniques that are meant to foster connection among participants. The studio offers an Open AcroYoga Jam in Carrier Park every Sunday from 2 p.m.-sundown. All are welcome, regardless of experience, and it isn’t necessary to bring a partner. While there is no set price for the weekly event, donations are accepted. In addition to AcroYoga, the studio offers another unique class: slackline yoga, the practice of balancing and doing yoga poses on a thin strip of nylon or polyester webbing — think of it as a tightrope walk without the death-defying heights. According to

Mitchell, who teaches slackline yoga, the two practices make for a good partnership. “With both [slackline and AcroYoga], we have to put effort into relationships,” he says. “Slackline calibrates your balance, so you take care of your own stuff and deal with your personal work, which means you’re a stronger partner [within] your AcroYoga relationship.” The AcroYoga classes will not only benefit the individual, but also, Earls hopes, the larger Asheville community. “Asheville is big on community and grassroots,” he says. “That’s the core foundation of AcroYoga, so there’s

a good synergy between the two.” According to Mitchell, there are people in Asheville who are interested in acrobatics and AcroYoga, but the community is somewhat segmented. “With Urban Ashram we’ll be bringing that into one focused space and bring together the splintered communities, as well as introducing it to new people,” he says. In addition to these nontraditional classes, Urban Ashram also offers classic yoga courses, but in its own funky, offbeat way, says Jacobs. “[Urban Ashram] will be a high-energy, playful place,” she says. “We want it to be a fun, vibrant community mecca.” Mitchell, Jacobs and Earls met for the first time in Bend, Ore., at an AcroYoga training. The three decided to open a studio of their own in Asheville, and Jacobs relocated from Los Angeles for the opportunity. “It takes a lot of trust for us to go into business together, and it takes a lot of trust to hold someone in the air,” Mitchell says. Adjoining the yoga studio is Seven Juice Bar, also owned by Earls. Seven Juice Bar is a sort of sister business to Urban Ashram, says Mitchell, who manages the juice bar in addition to teaching yoga. The business has been serving juices, tonics and elixirs since it opened in March. The juice bar and the yoga studio complement each other well, according to Jacobs. “You can extend your practice off the mat,” she says. “It’s about taking care of your body and your mental health.” The name, Urban Ashram, was inspired by the Sanskrit word meaning a spiritual home to rejuvenate, and the studio is meant to be a gathering place for the yogis and AcroYogis of Asheville, says Earls. “I’ve always thought of an ashram as a remote location where you need to travel to, to make a pilgrimage,” he says. “And once you get there, there’s an incredible source of knowledge. We’re taking that and making it accessible to the city. We’ve seen what Acro has done for us and we want to share that with everyone else.” Learn more about Urban Ashram Studio and course offerings at X

wellness calendar

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

chAir messAge - $79 With john Morgan • 6 CE for LMT’s (pd.) Dates: May 4 from 10am - 5pm • Held at WNC School of Massage, 46 Haywood St., Suite 200. 828.761.1553 emotionAl Well-Being/personAl groWth Weekend Workshop (pd.) Intensive 26-hour self help weekend encounter, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 30-June 1. • Seating is limited. • Save $75 today, call (828) 484-1676. Information/ Registration: reiki mAster Workshop $259 With HopE DEVaLL • 21 CE for LMT’s (pd.) Dates: May 9 -11 from 10am - 6pm • Held at WNC School of Massage, 46 Haywood St., Suite 200. 828.761.1553 Western north cArolinA school of mAssAge - grAnd opening event (pd.) Free Food & Chair Massage • Held at WNC School of Massage, 46 Haywood St., Suite 200. 828.761.1553 Asheville Birthkeepers • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7:30pm - Meets at the Spiral Center for Conscious Beginnings, 167A Haywood Road. henderson county cooperAtive eXtension office clAsses 697-4891, • WEDNESDAYS, 2pm - Class for caregivers. Held at Shaws Creek Baptist Church, 91 Shaws Creek Church Road, Hendersonville.

living heAlthy With diABetes clAss 251-7438 • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Meets at Woodfin YMCA, 40 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 101. $30. Registration required. mission heAlth events 778-1092, • WE (4/30), 10-11:30am - Seminar: “The Power of Positive Parenting.” Mission Children’s Reuter Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. red cross Blood drives Appointment and ID required. • WE (4/23), 8am-12:30pm - Asheville Fire & Police Department, 100 Court Plaza. Appointments and info: 259-5813. • FR (4/25), 7:30am-noon - Reuter Family YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Appointments and info: (800) 733-2767 or • MO (4/28), 2-6:30pm - Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 201 Mount Carmel Road. Appointments and info: 254-4688. side-By-side singing for Wellness • WEDNESDAYS, 1-2:30pm - For people with dementia, Alzheimer’s or brain damage and their care-partners. Held in UNCA’s Sherrill Center.

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Displace — don’t Replace (full article in

Too often when we try and adopt healthier eating habits we take an all or nothing approach in our food resolutions. We go for the “no’s”...i.e. no sugar/sugarfree; no fat/fat-free, vegetarian, meatless.....Quite often this leaves us feeling deprived and “hangry” because we want and crave certain tastes and textures so these resolutions often aren’t all too successful. So instead of replacing and eliminating how about just displacing ? Recently I attended a meeting and watched famous Charleston-based culinary instructor and cookbook author Nathalie Dupree prepare two delicous dishes. Nathalie explained “I try to displace, not replace ingredients” referring to cooking and baking recipes and not making complete substitutions but adding other ingredients. My husband and step-son would probably revolt if I did a “Meatless Monday” so I do “More Vegetables...Less Meat Mondays”...displacing some of the meat with vegetables.

Here are some of my favorite “displacers”

Mushrooms - I like to use sauteed mushrooms to add to dishes with meat. Mushrooms contribute a savory quality and the umami taste at fewer calories. You’re also adding vitamin D and flber. I like to add mushrooms to ground meat or chicken when making stir fry and sauces for pasta. Beans - Beans contribute protein, flber and texture at a low cost. There are so many varieties of beans but I’ve pureed or added whole kidney and black beans and used them as a base for tacos, tortillas and enchiladas or added pintos or cannellini beans to stews. Greek yogurt - Plain Greek yogurt is perfect to add to mayonnaise or sour cream to make dips. It can also be used in certain baking recipes to replace some of the oil. Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Dried fruit - I especially like golden raisins and dates because of their natural sugar. I often use these when making oatmeal to increase sweetness. While some dried fruit has sugar added, raisins and dates do not. Dried fruit is a good source of potassium and flber in addition to the natural sugar. Lemon juice and zest - I use salt when cooking but have found that in many recipes some lemon zest or lemon juice will make the dish taste more vibrant (professional chefs often say “bright”) and I can use less salt.

What are some of your favorite “displacers”?

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april 23 - april 29, 2014





Crossing the distance Mobile markets fight hunger in the deserts

liberation through cooperation

by carrie eidson 251-1333 ext. 114

“Food desert” may be a term you’ve heard a lot recently. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines a food desert as an area without ready access to fresh, healthy and affordable food — and has flagged several broad areas in Western North Carolina, including areas within Asheville city limits. In many ways, the region is a perfect example of an area prone to food deserts. If you have a car, it’s not uncommon to drive several miles before you reach a grocery store. And if you don’t have a car, crossing the distance between where you live and where you shop for food on foot may be a tremendous challenge — especially for seniors, parents with young children or folks with disabilities. With this in mind, it may not be surprising that three different mobile food markets are aiming to launch this year — each taking a different approach, but each striving to reduce the distance between healthy foods and communities in need. connecting healthy kids A former 72-passenger bus covered with brightly colored images of fruits and vegetables? The YMCA’s Healthy Living Mobile Kitchen is certainly hard to miss. “We thought, why not go big?” says cory jackson, senior director of Youth and Community Development for the YMCA of WNC. Jackson says the idea for the mobile kitchen came from a desire to expand on the services offered by the free pantry at the Beaverdam Youth Services Center. Through a grant from the Walmart Foundation, a bus from the Y fleet was converted into a full service kitchen allowing the Y staff to offer on-site free food, cooking


april 23 - april 29, 2014

the healthy-food trucks: The USDA has identified several areas in WNC, and Asheville, as places without access to healthy, affordable food. But three different mobile food markets are aiming to launch this year — reducing the distance between healthy foods and communities in need. (Photos by Carrie Eidson; except bottom left, courtesy of Ujamaa Freedom Market).

demonstrations, nutrition education and food stamp assistance. “The service we’re providing through the pantry is excellent, but we needed to bring in the nutrition education piece and reach those communities that are pretty far out,” Jackson says. In order to find the areas where mobile services would be most effective, the program analyzed client data to see where Y services were already being used. “Those clusters tell us that it is very easy for those families to get to us,” says nicole coston, the YMCA’s healthy living manager. “So we would want to be able to stretch out toward other areas like Henderson County, McDowell County, Jackson County — where families aren’t able to get to us as easily, due to transportation concerns or just the time it would take.” The bus will also offer local produce from community gardens, including the one tended by kids at the Youth Services Center. “The kids here will be able to plant the seeds, tend the garden,

harvest and then see where it goes,” Jackson says. “It provides that teaching moment for our kids here to be able to see how they are helping their community.” For now the bus will concentrate on visiting YMCA after-school and summer camp locations, though the goal is to expand the reach once staffing and resources can assure a consistent presence. “What we don’t want to do is go to a location and then not come back for a month,” Jackson says. “We want to make this as regular as possible.” In the future, Coston and Jackson say they would like to use the bus to increase access to other Y programs, including obesity and diabetes prevention. “There’s a lot of ways we can take this, and we want the community to embrace it,” Jackson adds. “We’re excited to see where it goes.” For more information about the YMCA’s Healthy Living Mobile Kitchen, visit

Healthy foods may not be the only things a mobile market can bring to a community. According to olufemi lewis and calvin allen, co-owners of Ujamaa Freedom Market, a mobile market can also be a source of empowerment. “We want to show people that they can lift themselves while doing something that will benefit the community and benefit themselves at the same time,” Lewis says. The idea of Ujamaa began when Lewis and other women who lived in public and low-income housing in Asheville became concerned about the lack of healthy foods available in their communities. Lewis says that a mobile convenience store would visit her neighborhood, selling “any kind of candy or processed junk food you wanted,” but fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks were never peddled. The new mobile market is designed to change that. Ujamaa will bring produce, free-range organic eggs and premade sandwiches, as well as cooking demonstrations, nutritional information and books on self-empowerment and improvement, Lewis says. The market won’t be exclusively organic, in part out of a need to stay affordable, though it will label GMO foods as a way to increase education and allow for choices. “Right now the most important thing is the introduction to cooking and eating healthy,” Lewis says. “You can’t go into a low-income community and insist that everything be organic. We want to meet the community where they’re at and provide a mixture of things, including education.” Lewis and Allen have previously run Ujamaa as a pop-up market on Depot Street, but after launching a campaign on GoFundMe and receiving a loan as part of a Community Development Block Grant, Lewis and Allen purchased a bus, which they will begin taking to Asheville Housing Authority communities and mixed-income areas such as Montford, Oakley and Emma starting in May.


shop. create. smile! Ujamaa differs from other mobile markets in a key way: This endeavor isn’t grant-funded, and the food isn’t free, Lewis says. Having gone through the experience of being rejected for grants or receiving grants and watching them run out, Lewis and Allen decided on a different model: a cooperativebased, worker-owned business tied to a symbiotic relationship with its employees and the community it serves, funded through the sale of its products and community donations. “The idea is to be a model for individuals that look like us and come from similar backgrounds,” says Lewis. “We want to show that if you’re not accepted in the institutions that are out there, then you can create something new that is your own and supports you and that you will continue to be a part of.” Lewis says as the project expands, it will also provide employment for people in the community who have faced barriers to employment in the past — including a lack of formal education or a criminal background, which Lewis says is a “huge, huge” barrier to employment in the Asheville area. “I’ve had the experience of being judged off of something that happened when I was 20 or 22 years old, even though I’m 33,” Lewis says. “We don’t come out of the womb knowing everything — we have to learn. We’re always learning throughout life, so it doesn’t make sense to me to automatically reject people and create that added hardship.” For more information about Ujamaa Freedom Market, visit ujamaafreedommarket.wordpress. com. Donations to the project can be made at reaching out Bounty & Soul is a pop-up food assistance pantry that runs out of three locations in Black Mountain, offering free produce as well as wellness classes to a rural population that includes many senior citizens. “Our goal is to go mobile because right now we’re not even scratching the surface,” says ali casparian, Bounty & Soul’s founder. “It would allow us to get to the communities and the people who really have a hard time getting to the food.” Casparian says Bounty & Soul hopes to purchase a 16-foot box truck with refrigerators that would allow her to deliver food to her clients dur-

ing times of bad weather or help them overcome transportation barriers that keep them from the pop-up markets. The refrigerated truck would also allow Bounty & Soul to incorporate protein items that need to be kept cool and would be a way to increase gleaning partnerships with local farmers and receive more donations from retailers by directly visiting those sites. “I know the food is out there,” Casparian says. “Forty percent of the food on any grocery store shelf is wasted. I need a way to be able to store that food and then get it to the people who need it.” Bounty & Soul has moved out of the planning stage for its mobile division and Casparian plans to launch the first fundraising efforts within the next couple weeks. The nonprofit will soon announce a Kickstarter campaign, but for now donations may be made through its Facebook page. For more information, visit facebook. com/bountyandsoul. X

Garden Calendar

Bullington gArdens plAnt sAle 698-6104, • FR (4/25) & SA (4/26), 9am-4pm - Held at 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville. BuncomBe mAster gArdeners 255-5522, • SA (4/26), 11am-2pm - Composting demonstration. Free. Held at the WNC Farmer’s Market.

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



Spring cleaning Food for seasonal renewal

by micah wilkins

Spring is a time of upward movement as wild edibles begin to push up from the ground: violets, chickweed, ramps, dandelions and other greens. Spring is rising, and the changing of the season, from cold to warm to hot, is the appropriate time for cleansing and renewal of the body, says Uma Sawicki, an Ayurvedic practitioner at Living Alchemy in Weaverville. Winter is a building time for the body when it craves richer foods to get through the cold, but “once spring comes,” she says, “there’s heat that’s starting to come in the atmosphere; the body just naturally wants to shed off that winter excess.” To restore and rejuvenate the system after the long winter, many turn to juice cleanses or other detoxes, where one modifies the usual diet in favor of simpler foods. However, cleanses should not be confused with fasts, in which the body is denied sustenance, says Dr. Brian Lumb of Asheville’s Nourish & Flourish, where he has developed a five-day juice cleanse. “The juice feast is you giving your body all the nutrients you need,” he says. “It’s being nourished completely. ... When it gets what it needs, it gets rid of what it doesn’t need.” According to Devon Kelley-Mott, the assistant manager at the new Wall Street juice bar Seven Juice, Tonics and Tea, cleanses not only allow for rejuvenation, but they also help restore balance to our bodies. “As we sip and enjoy a vegetable juice that helps detoxify the liver and gallbladder, or try a traditional homemade root beer that works to purify the blood, we return equilibrium to our systems,” Kelley-Mott wrote to Xpress in an email. To rejuvenate after the winter’s fat- and protein-heavy diet, Kelley-Mott


april 23 - april 29, 2014

recommends foods with high chlorophyll content. Dandelion leaves, according to Kelley-Mott, can act as a powerful liver detoxifier and provide nutrients for the intestines. Consuming simple foods, like fresh dandelion leaves, juices or kichari (see sidebar) over the course of several days gives your body the opportunity to “clean house,” says Lumb. “[The] body is constantly managing food, and it takes a tremendous amount of energy to break down food,” he says. “When you stop that process and are still giving yourself nutrition, you’re liberating energy through not having to digest. Our bodies are [efficient] machines given the right environment.” Ayurveda, a holistic form of medicine rooted in India, has a similar philosophy. Through a monochrome diet, you only eat one food at a time, allowing the body to focus its energy on cleaning and rejuvenating. “The

juice feast: A five-day juice cleanse can rejuvenate the system by giving the body all the nutrients it needs while getting rid of toxins, according to Brian Lumb of Nourish & Flourish. Photo by Cindy Kunst

digestive tract streamlines itself, not having to digest a lot of complex foods, and uses its energy to cleanse the body,” says Sawicki. Cleanses are not always easy for people, says Lumb. Generally, there is a typical arc with a juice cleanse: The first day or two are spent feeling tired, but by the fourth day, energy picks up and the body has heightened senses. But having a more restricted diet than usual can cause cravings. “Conceptually, your mind might be thinking, ‘I could go for a burger right now,’ but your body

is getting what it needs,” he says. And people are likely to stick with the cleanse only if it was their idea, according to Lumb. “I see what happens when people are in that New Year’s resolution frame of mind, being driven by some outside source,” he says. “The reality is, and studies show us, that when people make decision based on other recommendations, they don’t follow through too well.” Days, perhaps weeks after you’ve made it through your cleanse, you may notice changes in your body, but also changes in your taste. At the conclusion of a cleanse, Sawicki says, you have stronger immunity, more vitality, an enhanced way of being and your palate becomes more sensitive. “You will notice what feels good for your body and what doesn’t,” she says. “Some things may feel too sugary or too salty. It’s a good way to kick cravings.”X

Recipes for spring cleansing ccf tea (cumin, coriander fennel) According to Ayurvedic practitioner Uma Sawicki, this tea balances hormones, kindles the digestive fire (agni) and cleans out toxins (ama). ingredients: 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1 teaspoon fennel seeds 3 cups water to make: Bring water to a boil, add seeds, cover and turn heat to low heat. Simmer gently until seeds begin to sink, or about 5-10 minutes. Strain before drinking. The fennel provides a natural sweetness. A large batch can be mixed up to use throughout a cleanse. — Uma Sawicki cleansing tridoshic juice Sawicki says this juice is balancing for all three Ayurvedic body types, or doshas, and is excellent for removing toxins and supplying energy during a cleanse. All ingredients should be organic if possible, she says. ingredients: 3 carrots ½ a beet 1 celery stalk 1 leaf of kale ½ an apple to make: Run all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy. This juice is best digested on an empty stomach, at least one hour before or after a meal. — Uma Sawicki cleansing kichari ingredients: 5 cups filtered water 1 cup basmati rice, rinsed ½ cup whole mung beans 1 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter) 1 teaspoon fresh ginger root, minced 2 teaspoons coriander powder 1 teaspoon cumin powder ½ teaspoon each cumin and fennel seeds ½ teaspoon turmeric Salt to taste Cilantro and lime to garnish

to make: Soak mung beans overnight. Rinse well after soaking. Melt ghee in bottom of a sauce pan. Add ginger root, cumin seeds and fennel seeds, and roast to a light brown color. Add mung beans and stir to coat with mixture. Add water and simmer about 20 minutes. Add rice and powdered spices. Add more water if needed, and cook until soft, about another 30 minutes. The mixture should be soupy, not thick. Adjust spices, add salt to taste and garnish with lime and cilantro, if desired. — Uma Sawicki

1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice to make: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until the leaves are liquefied. Let stand for one minute, strain if desired and enjoy. — Devon Kelley-Mott





Monday $3 pint night Tuesday cask night

Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies

The juices at West Asheville’s Nourish & Flourish are all named after flowers that attract hummingbirds to complement the juice bar’s hummingbird logo. Owner Brian Lumb says his manzanita juice recipe promotes gallbladder and liver function, neutralizes acid by raising blood alkalinity, cleanses the blood, aids digestion and calms the mind. He recommends using organic ingredients. ingredients: 1 apple 2 stalks celery 1/4 bulb fresh fennel (including stalks) 4 leaves kale 1/4 lemon to make: Run ingredients through a juicer. Makes one 12-ounce serving. — Brian Lumb

“A plentiful source of chlorophyll as well as vitamins and minerals, this tonic nurtures and restores,” says Devon Kelley-Mott, the assistant manager at Seven Juice, Tonics and Elixirs, a new juice bar on Wall Street. The drink is best made in spring when plants are young and fresh. “If you don’t feel confident about identifying and gathering fresh herbs on your own, you can find them in abundance at local farmers markets and health food stores. ... Feel free to substitute other leafy herbs for those listed here and create your own version of this nourishing blend,” Kelley-Mott says. ingredients: 2 handfuls of mixed fresh, wild herbs: chickweed, dandelion leaves, nettles, parsley and plantain are all good choices 4 cups pineapple juice or freshly squeezed orange juice

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If you liked the fermentation stories in the April 9 issue, look for video demonstrations this week at on how to make sauerkraut and spicy pickled carrots with experts Sandor Katz (left) and Janelle Lucido-Conate (right). (Also pictured is Gina Smith, Xpress Foodsection editor/writer.)

april 23 - april 29, 2014


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MAY 14, 2014


april 23 - april 29, 2014


by David Ackley

Craft Brewers Conference On the world stage, Asheville brewers share the spotlight Over 7,000 brewing industry professionals gathered in Denver April 8-11 for the 2014 Craft Brewers Conference and World Beer Cup, sometimes referred to as the Olympics of Beer. The week was packed with seminars, events, tastings and an awards ceremony that placed some of North Carolina’s breweries among the best in the world. north carolina brewers shine at the world beer cup For many, the highlight of the week was the World Beer Cup. Nearly 5,000 beers from breweries around the world were judged over the course of the week. North Carolina brewers won a total of eight awards, up from four when the competition was last held two years ago. Asheville brewers were among the state’s award winners, with Asheville Brewing Co. picking up a gold medal in the brown porter category with its Ninja Porter, and Wicked Weed Brewing bringing home the bronze medal in the imperial red ale category with its Tyrant Double Red. In the competition’s most hotly contested category, American-style India Pale Ale, Charlotte’s NoDa Brewing Company edged out 223 other entries to take the gold with Hop, Drop ‘n Roll IPA. Other winners from North Carolina included: •White Street Kölsch-Style Ale, White Street Brewing Co. — Gold, German-Style Kölsch •MeyerBock, Outer Banks Brewing Station — Gold, Germanstyle Heller Bock/Maibock •Irish Walker, Olde Hickory Brewing Co. – Silver, Old Ale or Strong Ale • Once You Go, Lynwood Brewing Concern – Silver, American-style Black Ale •Endless River, Mother Earth

Brewing — Bronze German-Style Kölsch


state of the industry The Craft Brewers Conference officially kicked off with a stateof-the-industry report from the Brewers Association. The report’s detailed statistics point to a rapidly growing craft beer industry. Over 400 breweries opened in the U.S. in 2013, bringing the total count to more than 2,700. North Carolina was the fifth-fastest growing state in the U.S., with 21 new breweries opening in 2013 and a growth rate of just over 30 percent. “North Carolina ranks 10th nationally in total number of breweries, and we’re one of the fastest-growing states,” said Margo Knight Metzger, director of the N.C. Brewers Guild. “When you look at craft beer growth around the country, North Carolina stands out as the one to watch on the East Coast.” michael pollan addresses the world’s brewers The conference keynote address was delivered by Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. You may wonder what a food writer was doing giving the keynote address at a beer conference, but as Pollan will tell you, “Beer is food.” A homebrewer himself, Pollan acknowledged that the brewing and food industries are “comrades in the burgeoning food movement.” Drawing from Cooked, his most recent book, Pollan placed beer “at the pinnacle of the human art of transformation,” pointing out that this “cross-species love affair” is made through a combination of cooking techniques: Hops and barley are grown from the earth, malt is air-dried in a kiln, it’s all mixed with water, then microbes magically ferment the various ingredients into beer. Perhaps the most fascinating thing about beer, however, is its


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Roasted Beets, Smoked Chevre, Pickled Carrot, Marcona Almonds, Orange, Micro Lettuce, Harissa Vinaigrette $9 *Hobby’s Clams, Kielbasa, Tomato-Chile Broth, PBR, Parsley Toast $14 Apple Brandy Farms Burger, Potato Bun, Iceberg, Onion Jam, Bacon, Cheddar Whip, Pickle, French Fries $12 art of transformation: In his keynote address at the Craft Brewers Conference in Denver, author Michael Pollan discussed the impact of beer on contemporary culture. Photo courtesty of Brewers Association

impact on human civilization. Some would argue that beer is responsible for civilization itself, compelling humans to settle down and develop agriculture. Today, the craft beer, local food, and sustainability movements are inseparable. Visiting the farmers market or the local brewery is about more than just sustenance: It’s about community. And just as consumers support their local farmers at the market, Pollan urged brewers to support their local raw materials producers, especially those in the latest frontier of the agricultural revolution: grain. riverbend represents craft malt As if on cue from Pollan, Asheville’s local malt house was featured in a spotlight seminar at the conference. Brent Manning, cofounder of Riverbend Malt House, presented the Craft Malt Sensory Workshop along with four other representatives from the newly formed Craft Maltsters Guild. Some 500 brewers were given the opportunity to compare five beers made with five different craft malts. “Our presentation at CBC was an exciting way to introduce craft malt to brewers from around the world, and the response was overwhelmingly positive,” Manning says. “I think the exposure will really benefit our industry and help build connections to local agriculture.”

Between the increasing quality and quantity of craft beer being made in our state, the companies in our area that are driving positive change and the strong community that supports our local beer economy, North Carolina sure has something worth celebrating.X

The scoop on Sierra Nevada

At the outset of the Craft Brewers Conference, Sierra Nevada made headlines by announcing the release of its Beer Camp Across America variety 12-pack. Slated for distribution this summer, the variety pack will feature 12 different collaboration beers brewed with 11 craft breweries and the Asheville Brewers Alliance. Wicked Weed’s Luke Dickinson and Green Man’s John Stuart led the team of brewers to craft the beer from the ABA. “It’s a sweet potato Scotch ale at about 7.5 percent ABV,” said Dickinson. “It’s an unbelievable honor to be part of something as great as this.” Sierra Nevada also announced a traveling beer festival to coincide with the Beer Camp Across America 12-pack release. The festival will culminate at the grand opening of Sierra Nevada’s new brewery in Mills River on Aug. 3.

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



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students from the program will test their kitchen chops in the American Culinary Federation’s 2014 Southeast Region Student Team Championship in Charleston on Monday, April 28. The five team members will compete against teams from The College of the Bahamas in Nassau, Bahamas; Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in both Atlanta and

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april 23 - april 29, 2014

Miami; and Sullivan University in Louisville, Ky., for a shot at advancing to the national competition in Kansas City, Mo., in July. The regional competition consists of three phases: cold-food presentation, skills and cooking. During the cooking phase, teams will prepare four portions of the classical French fish starter matelote plus a chicken entrée, salad and dessert of their choice from Escoffier: The Complete Guide to the Art of Modern Cookery. According to team manager Jadrien O’Hannon, a first-year culinary arts student, the team is ready to bring its A game. Students have been practicing three days a week and consulting with local chefs to hone their skills. “We’re drawing from a lot of sources,” he says. “I think we have a really good shot.” To compete at the regional level, teams must first win local and state

competitions. Teams from A-B Tech won the southeast championship in 1997, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013, and A-B Tech won the national title in 2007. sake at ben’s It’s official: Ben’s Tune-Up is brewing sake. The South Slope restaurant, beer garden and now sake brewery, will release its muchanticipated, made-on-site rice spirit at 4 p.m. Thursday, May 1. Several fresh varieties of Ben’s American Sake will be available in flights and as single servings. All will be unpasteurized, chilled and on tap. More details to come. Ben’s Tune Up is at 195 Hilliard Ave. chili for change The Buncombe County Democratic Party and the political action committee 9ers of Western North Carolina will host the first annual Chili for Change chili contest 2-6 p.m. Saturday, April 26, at Highland Brewing Co. on Old Charlotte Highway. Local celebrity judges including Brian Turner, Tate McQueen, Terry Bellamy, John Ager and Keith Young will choose winners in three categories: vegetarian, anything goes and terlingua. The terlingua category is described by organizers as “championship-style chili” containing all beef and no beans, with no ground beef allowed. Admission for noncompetitors is $5 and includes all-you-can eat chili samples. Winners will receive gift cards to Katuah Market and local brewery tasting rooms. The entry fee is $10. To enter, contact Devin Walsh at 333-1776 or at oakley9ers@, or just show up with a slow cooker full of chili and a $10 bill. Proceeds will benefit the 9er Notes, a quarterly political flier created by the officers of the 9th Precinct, and will support the 9th’s annual contribution to the county Democratic party. celebrating indian truck stops Indian truck stop food, anyone? MG Road will host a screening of the short documentary film Horn Please, which examines Indian truck art, on Sunday, April 27. The event opens with a social hour starting at 7 p.m., followed by the film at 8 p.m. The ticket price of $20 also includes a meal of authentic Indian truck

stop food and a glass of Grand Trunk Road punch. Learn about the film at Tickets and event details are available at MG Road is at 19 Wall St. lunch, brunch and evening service It seems that the arrival of spring has prompted a number of local eateries to add new service hours to their existing schedules. West End Bakery and Café, which previously had only daytime hours, is now open 7-11 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Always a hot spot, the Haywood Road landmark now serves desserts, coffee and espresso, beer and wine, along with small-plate savories to West Asheville’s nighttime crowd. Downtown, Chestnut recently introduced an 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday brunch service that offers everything from blintzes to roasted beet salad to chicken and waffles — and, of course, cocktails. Rhubarb has also added brunch — 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays — with edible options like duck egg toad-in-the-hole and Chef John Fleer’s original sweet-tea fried chicken, as well as custom cocktails by bartender Hank Fuseler. The Pack Square restaurant will be closed on Tuesdays now, as well as Sundays. Seven Sows Bourbon & Larder has rolled out both weekday lunch service and weekend brunch service. Now foodies can get their Southernfood fix 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, as well as during the restaurant’s regular evening hours. In addition to its now-active sake brewery, Ben’s Tune-Up recently started offering its own take on a Chinese lunch buffet 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Look for healthy, Asian-inspired dishes including plenty of vegetarian options along with fresh fruit and salads. The buffet is a bargain at $7.99, and you can bring the whole family because ages 12 and younger eat for $4.99 and ages 5 and younger are free. The regular menu and brunch specials are available on weekends 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. West End Bakery and Café is at 757 Haywood Road. Chestnut is at 48 Biltmore Ave. Rhubarb is at 7 S.W. Pack Square. Seven Sows is at 77 Biltmore Ave. Ben’s Tune Up is at 195 Hilliard Ave. X

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



by Michael Franco

Behind the bar The Junction

When you watch bar manager Courteney Foster easily engaging her patrons and her colleagues while working her mixology magic behind the bar at The Junction, it’s not hard to believe that she spent her life in the restaurant industry. Originally from New York, her parents moved the family to Atlanta to open one of the first bagel shops in the area. Years of helping out with the family business and working behind the bar in Atlanta has certainly helped Foster develop the organizational, conversational and operational skills that make a good bartender. She moved to Asheville in July after getting her gig at The Junction and has been happily whipping up potions for patrons since then. Mountain Xpress: why do you like working here? courteney foster: Here, my creativity is called upon all the time, and I really get to flex those creative muscles that I have, which is great. And I also get to work with the kitchen. I’m allowed to use any products they have back there. We try to cross the bridge between the front of house and back of house and work together as much as possible. so do the ideas for your drinks come out of this cooperation with the kitchen?

If there is something fun and different the chef has back there that he is using and he has excess, I always try and pick up on that. We work with very little waste here. Everything is really fresh. I juice fresh every day. All my syrups are made here in the house. With that being said, we do borrow some ideas and some ingredients from each other but I can’t say that it’s 100 percent driven from that. It’s seasonal and it’s me just always craving change in life, I guess. there’s a cocktail on your menu called you’re my inspiration, where you whip up something according to the tastes of your customers. tell me a bit more about that. I usually sing the song when people order that. Well, I try not to because I don’t want to upset the guests, but sometimes I do (laughs). It’s a great way for me to build relationships with guests. Sometimes my cocktail list is a little intimidating. There are words on there that people are not familiar with, and it scares people sometimes. So I want them to have the comfort to be able to come up to me and say, “You know, this is the spirit that I like. I don’t like things too sweet.” so do you have a cocktail-making philosophy? I wish I was that organized! A lot of it is trial and error, a lot of it is starting off with an idea and then adding layers to it. So I say I want you to taste all the layers of the drink. I don’t want anything to be too intense. I don’t want anything to not be noticed.

raising the bar: Courteney Foster, bar manager at The Junction, wants her customers to feel comfortable — she even sings to them upon occasion. Photo by Tim Robison

with cocktails like some like it hot and slap happy, you must have a lot of fun coming up with names. I hate coming up with names! I can come up with a cocktail no problem, but coming up with the name is probably the most difficult


part. So I use our wait staff because they are very creative, they’re very much into the scene of what’s going on around town or what’s trending in the world. And I use my guests. Naming is definitely not the most fun part for me. The Junction is at 348 Depot St.X


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april 23 - april 29, 2014


april 23 - april 29, 2014





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by Thom O’Hearn

Let’s get funky Catawba: Live Music: acoustic

A new location and a new festival, both featuring sour beer, are on the way from Wicked Weed

French Broad: $7 growler fills Hi-Wire: 6-course Beer Dinner @ The Junction (reservation required), 6pm LAB: $3 pint night Oskar Blues: Wednesday Night Bike Ride, 6pm

What is a Funkitorium? According to Wicked Weed, it’s a 12,000-squarefoot barrel house and sour beer tap room opening in late summer at 147 Coxe Ave. While the tasting room portion of the Funkitorium will be on the small side, the massive warehouse space — which will eventually hold up to 1,500 wine and bourbon barrels — will also be open to the public in some capacity. “There may be ropes, but you’ll be able to walk in and see the barrels for sure,” says Abby Dickinson, director of media and events for Wicked Weed. For the uninitiated, Wicked Weed uses these barrels to mingle microbes and beer to create beers like Black Angel, Amorous and the Great American Beer Festival gold-medal-winning Serenity among others. Opening a second location just two years after opening may seem to place a lot of pressure on the sour program, but that’s not the case, according to Dickinson. “We’ve actually been using a building about a third this size out in Fairview to store barrels, and we also have office space in another part of town as well. This new building will give us all the space we need [for the barrels and offices] and allow us to open some of that up to our customers as well. … It’s a natural evolution.” Nothing has been finalized yet, but the tasting room will likely have a garage door that opens up with a view of Twin Leaf across the street. There may be an outdoor area as well, though that has yet to be determined, according to Dickinson. There will definitely be between 10 and 15 taps, most of which will be devoted to sour beers and beers made with wild yeasts. Two or three taps will pour other Wicked Weed beers such as Freak of Nature Double IPA. The company


april 23 - april 29, 2014

Oyster House: $2 off growler fills Pisgah: Live Music: Bradley Carter of Sanctum Sully (bluegrass, old-time), 6pm; Food Truck: Appalachian Smoke (BBQ) Wedge: Food Truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun); New Release: Hellesbock, Witbier Thursday Altamont:Live Music: Stuart McNair, 9pm Asheville Brewing Company: All pints $3.50 at Merrimon location Hi-Wire: Charity Event: A portion of tasting room sales goes to Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association

WICKED GOOD: Walt Dickinson, Wicked Weed co-owner and brewer, uses wine and bourbon barrels to brew the company’s signature sour beers. Photo courtesy of Wicked Weed Brewing

plans to eventually stock the location with a “robust cellar list of aged bottles,” according to Dickinson. Funk Asheville Festival While the space is projected to open in late summer or early fall, Wicked Weed is partnering with Pints for Prostates for Funk Asheville: A Gathering of Wild & Sour Beers 7-10 p.m. on Friday, May 30, to christen the space. The brewery list has not yet been announced, but expect a list of established and up-and-coming American brewers that make interesting, funky beer from lambic and gose to Flanders red and gueuze. Early RSVPs include Green Man, New Belgium, Oskar Blues, Trophy, Yazoo, Natty Greene’s and Green Bench. Tickets are $80 and on sale now via Etix. A limited number of VIP tickets will be available for $100 and will provide access for an hour preview with food provided by Wicked Weed and some of the brewers on

Oskar Blues: Live Music: Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm; Food Truck: Little Bee Thai, 4-9pm

hand. According to Wicked Weed Event Captain Micah Pulleyn, Funk Asheville will also feature unique entertainment and an art installation, “celebrating all things funky in Asheville.” Additionally, a silent auction of unique beer experiences and collectible items will benefit Pints for Prostates. “Our mission is to reach men through the universal language of beer, and this is the second year in a row that Pints for Prostates will host an Asheville Beer Week event,” says Rick Lyke, founder of Pints for Prostates.X







Pisgah: Live Music: Aaron Burdett Band w/ The Everydays (Americana, folk), 9pm; Food Truck: Root Down (Cajun, comfort food) Southern Appalachian: Live Music: Hunnilicious (country), 7-9pm Wedge: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria Friday Altamont:Live Music: East Coast Dirt, 9:30pm Asheville Brewing Company: “Hop Domination:” Mystery hop series at both locations Catawba: French Broad River Fest pre-party w/ The Blue Dragons, 5-10pm; Release: Le Sexxxy Saison Hi-Wire: Food: Slow Smokin’ Barbecue, 3-9pm Oskar Blues: Live Music: Plankeye Peggy (rock), 6pm; Firkin Friday: Lime Dale’s

Altamont: All Goes West w/ Brand New Life, 9pm; Specialty Tap: Goose Island

Pisgah: Live Music: Reggaeinfinity (roots, reggae, rock), 9pm; Food Truck: Bombus (Portuguese food); Release: Leaf Amber Ale, 6pm

Asheville Brewing Company: Wet Nose Wednesday: dog day at Coxe Avenue patio, 5-8pm; All pints $3.50 at Coxe location

Southern Appalachian: Live Music: The Pleasure Chest (rock, soul, blues), 8-10pm

Wedge: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Cuisine (crepes, tamales) sAturdAy

Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Cuisine (crepes, tamales) mondAy

AltAmont:Electric jam, 9:30pm

AltAmont:Old-time jam, 8pm

cAtAWBA: Live Music: Mark Casson of Wham Bam Bowie Band & friends, 6-10pm

Asheville BreWing compAny: Firkin: Ninja w/ smoked habanero

hi-Wire: Food: English Breakfast & Soccer, 10am-noon; Slow Smokin’ Barbecue, 4-11pm

cAtAWBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions

pisgAh: Pisgah’s 9th Anniversary Party w/ Live Music: Pimps of Joytime, Dangermuffin, Chalwa & The Archrivals, 5pm; Food Truck: The Bombus & DOGS southern AppAlAchiAn: Meltdown Vintage Motorcycle Show, noon-5pm; Live Music: The Krektones (surf-rock), 2-4pm; evening band TBA, 8-10pm Wedge: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food) sundAy

hi-Wire: Live Music: Circus Mutt (rock, bluegrass), 4:30-6:30pm southern AppAlAchiAn: Live Music: Garry Segal BlueSunday (blues jam), 5-7pm Wedge: Live Music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm;

oskAr Blues: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm Wedge: Immoral Monday: $4 beers are $3.50, $5 beers are $4, pitchers are $10; Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food) tuesdAy AltAmont:Live Music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm Asheville BreWing compAny: 2 dollar Tuesday: $2 two-topping pizza slices & house cans; Beer Release: Morican Porter, collaboration w/ Bearwaters Brewery, 5pm, both locations. cAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints Wedge: Food Trucks: Tin Can Pizzeria

april 23 - april 29, 2014











A Moogfest’s thoughtful and future-leaning reinvention by Alli Marshall

More to love: This year’s Moogfest pairs tech-based day events with nighttime music as well as installations, workshops and more. Thereminist Dorit Chrysler, above, performs at Diana Wortham Theatre. Photo by Mrs. lee. Photo opposite by David Simchock


april 23 - april 29, 2014

oogfest has evolved since it last took place in 2012. The then-three-day electronic music festival changed partners, took a year off and re-emerged this spring as a “Synthesis of Technology, Art & Music.” Now spanning five days (Wednesday-Sunday, April 23-27) and more than 20 locations throughout downtown Asheville, Moogfest has also expanded its coverage. The festival’s previous incarnation focused on musical acts and a handful of panel discussions and installations. This year, the focal point broadens to include technology. And not just tech in the pedals and synthesizers sense. Speakers in the ticketed daytime lineup include New Museum director Julia Kaganskiy; cloning, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology expert Dr. Nick Bostrom; and Jerome C. Glenn, co-founder and director of The Millennium Project. “We have evolved our thinking to create an event that truly celebrates the pioneering spirit of Bob Moog, uniting art, music and innovative technology to explore the dimensions of creative expression,” Moog Music President Mike Adams said in a press release.



Still, this thinking-person’s festival is not so erudite as to detract from the event’s party-ready, hip-shaking potential (which happens to include a dozen local acts, In Plain Sight, The Volt Per Octaves, Hello Hugo and RBTS WIN among them; see schedule pg. 43). “The hope is that people will explore the technology and thinking behind the tools that artists use and through that discover the limitless possibilities for creation and be inspired to make something new,” says Moog Music Brand Director Emmy Parker. And, while she’s not certain that the same audience will attend, say, the New Musical Frontiers by MIT Media Lab presentation at Asheville Community Theatre and, say, German electronic band Kraftwerk’s headlining 3-D show in the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, Parker does think the crossover is important. “Moogfest is for people who want to have their minds expanded by new ideas and technologies and art, as well as discover and celebrate music,” she says. “Hopefully people will leave inspired to create something new.” That hope extends even to nonticket holders. Moogfest lauds inventor and Moog Music founder Bob Moog as well as his longtime home, Asheville. With that in mind, festival planners added sig-

nificant free programming — from a daily modular marketplace and tech-based presentations to an outdoor stage on Broadway near the Moog Music factory. It’s a “thankyou to our community and a way that everyone can be involved regardless of whether they have the money or not,” says Parker. There’s also a ripple prospect to the nonticketed events. “We want people in Asheville to be exposed to these amazing thinkers and performers so our community can be inspired by new technologies and modes of thinking,” says Parker. “But we also want those coming to Asheville to see it in a new light. Not just as a great place to vacation, but also as town that’s supportive of innovation.” Look for that spirit of innovation throughout the five-day festival. From stages curated by the likes of Hopscotch Music Festival organizers and record label Ghostly International and an ongoing Moog Film Festival, to offerings like Moog yoga at Go Yoga on Biltmore Avenue and durational performances held at the Center for Craft, Creativity and Design, there are a lot of ways to be inspired. “Nile Rodgers, Dan Deacon, Giorgio Moroder, Claire Evans and many others who are performing at night are participating in daytime panels, couch conversations and presentations,” says Parker. “All artists have a relationship with new technology; we are just featuring a selection of those who are excited to talk about it.” For ongoing Moogfest coverage, go to X

WHAT Moogfest, WHERE Diana Wortham Theatre; Asheville Community Theatre; The Millroom; Masonic Temple; Center for Craft, Creativity and Design; The Altamont Theatre; Fine Arts Theatre; Asheville Art Museum; Renaissance Asheville Hotel; Thomas Wolfe Auditorium; U.S. Cellular Center; Asheville Music Hall; The Orange Peel; New Earth; Emerald Lounge; and Broadway Outdoor Stage at Moog Music WHEN Wednesday-Sunday, April 23-27. $199 night program/$249 day program/$299 day+night/$49-$89 day tickets

•Pioneers Of Electronic Musical Instruments: Don Buchla, 2-3 p.m.; Dave Smith & Roger Linn, 2:30-3:30 p.m. •Dubspot Workshops: Generating & Controlling Randomness in the Modular Environment with James Patrick, 5-6 p.m.; Creative Sampling with Analog instruments and Devices with Chris Petti, 6-7 p.m. Diana Wortham theatre: •Dorit Chrysler, 3:30-4 p.m. Center for Craft, Creativity & Design: •Durational performance by Dan Deacon, visuals by Hisham Bharoocha and Jesse Hlebo, 3-7 p.m. Broadway outdoor stage •Higher Learning, 3-4:30 p.m. •Two Fresh, 5-6:30 p.m. •Eliot Lipp, 6:30-8 p.m. •Zeds Dead, 8-10 p.m.









startING WeDNesDaY

Diana Wortham theatre: •Odd Harmonics: Sculptural Theremins by François Chambard, 9am -5pm daily •Conductar: Moogfest Aramique installation, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily •Dorit Chrysler, 1:30-2 p.m. Masonic temple: •Modular Marketplace, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. thUrsDaY

Masonic temple: •Ableton Workshop, 12:30-1:30 p.m. •Pioneers of Electronic Music: David Borden, 2-3 p.m.; Tom Oberheim, 3:30-4:30 p.m. •Dubspot Workshops: Moog and Sampler collide, 5-6 p.m.; An Analog Synthesizer’s best Friend with Chris Petti, 6-7 p.m. Diana Wortham theatre: •Dorit Chrysler, 1:30-2 p.m. Center for Craft, Creativity & Design: •Durational Performance with Nick Zinner and bradford Cox, visuals by Hisham Bharoocha, 3-7 p.m. lexington avenue: •New Media Art Installation, 3-10 p.m.

lexington avenue: •New Media Art Installation, noon-6 p.m.






renaissance asheville hotel: •Synthesis: Tech Expo, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Friday and Saturday Masonic temple: •Ableton Workshop, 12:30-1:30 p.m. •Pioneers Of Electronic Musical Instruments: Roger Linn, 2-3 p.m.; Dave Smith, 3:30-4:30 p.m. •Dubspot Workshops: How Overtones & Harmonics Create Musical Sounds with James Patrick, 5-6 p.m.; The Best of both Worlds with Chris Petti, 6-7 p.m.


Masonic temple: •Mobile Synthesis and Future Forward Controllers with Geert Bevin, 1-2 p.m. •Dubspot workshops: Controlling Synthesis Timbre and Tone Using Spectral Processing with James Patrick, 5-6 p.m.; Using MIDI and Your DAW to Expand Your Moog Synthesizer with Chris Petti, 6-7 p.m. Broadway outdoor stage: •High Klassified, noon-1 p.m. •Sammy Bananas, 1-2 p.m. •Nick Catchdubs, 2-3 p.m. •Treasure Fingers, 3-4 p.m. •Salva, 4-5 p.m. •Just Blaze, 5-6 p.m.

Diana Wortham theatre: •Dorit Chrysler, 1-1:30 p.m.

— AM

Center for Craft, Creativity & Design: •Durational performance by Gavin Russom, visuals by Hisham Bharoocha and Jesse Hlebo, 3-7 p.m. Broadway outdoor stage: •Egyptian Lover, 5-7 p.m. •Mix Master Mike, 7-8:30 p.m. •Giorgio Moroder, 8:30-10 p.m.


lexington avenue: •New Media Art Installation, noon-10 p.m.

Dr. Daniel Waldman, DPM FACFAC


Masonic temple: •Ableton Workshop, 11 a.m.-noon 828-254-5371

april 23 - april 29, 2014


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A sneak peek at Moogfest’s daytime lineup


Call our office for a free site visit Claire Evans, left, with YACHT band member Jona bechtolt. Photo courtesy of YACHT

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april 23 - april 29, 2014

oogfest gets an added boost of brainpower this year with a rich lineup of panels and presentations. Xpress talked to three of those presenters to learn more about what Moogfest has to offer by day. Claire L. Evans, lead singer of YACHT and editor-in-chief of OMNI Reboot, imagines how the year 3000 will sound, Jerome C. Glenn of the Millenium Project just might fuel some cyborg fantasies while discussing the future of creativity, and Bruce Walker of the Georgia Institute of Technology explains how music can communicate data.

in the year 3000 “Whenever a science fiction movie has a scene that takes place in a dance club or at a party — from the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars to the cave rave in the second Matrix film — the music is all wrong,” says Claire L. Evans. “If you really think about it, will music 1,000 years from now even sound like music to our ears? Likely not.” Evans will appear at OMNI Reboot’s Science Fiction & the Synthesized Sound panel where panelists will imagine, as Evans explains it, “how can we create music, and to a larger extent art, that is future-proof.”

Evans began exploring her interest in science journalism in college by writing “screwy little essays about string theory, narwhals, the moon and polar exploration.” Today, as both an editor at OMNI and a touring musician, she says that interest in science has actually inspired her music career. “I realized the two pursuits informed one another and stopped compartmentalizing them,” Evans says. “YACHT is a product of whatever Jona [Bechtolt] and I are interested in — we write songs about space, death, utopias, connection and alienation. I figure if I stay curious and always investigate the things that fascinate me, it can only strengthen all my projects, be they journalistic or musical.” Also appearing at the OMNI panel will be musician King Britt, writer Martine Syms, artist Neil Reinalda and astronomer Doug Vakoch, director of interstellar message composition at the SETI Institute, who will discuss the aesthetics of aliens. How does all this relate to an electronic music festival? Evans is quick to point out the overlap between electronic music and people who are interested in the future. “After all, these are progressive tendencies; we all share a desire to test the limits of sound and vision,” Evans says. “And more and more, we are living in the future — sci-

Jerome C. Glenn predicts the future — with science.

ence and technology are no longer niche interests. They are engulfing every aspect of our lives.” Claire Evans will speak at the Masonic Temple on Saturday, April 26, at 1 p.m. — C.E. the conscious cyborg Jerome C. Glenn is a scientist, not a psychic, but he has still managed to make a career out of predicting the future — no crystal ball required. He’s the founder of the Millenium Project, a global think tank made up of futurists, scholars, business planners and policymakers. Together, they systematically identify future trends. He’ll share what he sees happening in the art and music world during his keynote address on the future of creativity. Glenn says that the biggest trend that will affect the creation of music and art is the increasing popularity of conscious technology, or, “the common flow between the human consciousness and technology on a global basis.” For instance, when you have a conversation on a phone, Glenn asks, are you talking to a person? Or are you talking to a machine? “To some degree you are in my office right now,” he says, “and in some sense I’m there. We know that isn’t really the case, but in this consciousness sense, there is that blurring between you’re here, and I’m there. Imagine that extended through all things.” “With artificial intelligence,” he continues, “the physical environment starts to feel more alive as if it was a conscious partner.” It’s true that much of his research centers on major global challenges like energy, ethics and democratiza-

tion, and while music might not be the man’s M.O., he says he is coming to Moogfest because he believes that artists serve an important role in creating a better future. “Individual actions now affect the whole more than ever before,” says Glenn. “Artists can make information more exciting, more visually alive, more interactive, more entertaining. We can’t rely on the university professor writing the book with all kinds of data and charts. Who’s going to read it?” He does, however, encourage Moogfest attendees to pick up the organization’s State of the Future report, a that study outlines 32 ways in which art could look different in the year 2020. Jerome C. Glenn will speak at the Diana Wortham Theatre on Friday, April 25, at 10 a.m. — L.M.

began to realize that learning math could pose a particular challenge for blind students. Not long after, Walker began developing software programs that used tones, pitches and spoken word to teach math, replacing traditional visual graphs with sound. So how does all this relate to music? Walker says a key part of sonification is learning how to utilize pleasing sounds. “We look at musical theory and what is common in music and use that to build our sonifications,” Walker says. “We want to build things that are harmonious and that people want to listen to. If the output is a more pleasurable aesthetic, it can be more effective.” Walker will discuss the relationship between sonification and electronic music, as well as the future of sonification. “We’re going to see sonification get more sophistication,” he says. “We’ll see more use of sound in driving, walking and navigation and certainly in more high-tech applications like medical diagnosis — applications like surgeons using sound to check for a tumor.” Bruce Walker appears at the Masonic Temple on Thursday, April 24, at 1 p.m. — C.E. X

May 2 and 3 Friday, 12:30 - 6 pm Saturday, 8:30 am - 3 pm

Native plants for sale grown by staff and plants, shrubs and trees from more than a dozen regional nurseries/garden clubs. Food booth on Saturday.

the science of sound Sonification may not be a word you’ve heard before, but it will be one of the key subjects discussed at the Sonification and Cybernetics panel, which features artist Neil Harbisson and Bruce Walker of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The term describes the use of sound to convey information or information about data. At least that’s the technical definition. Walker says you can also think of sonification as “a blend of science and art.” “Most simply put, sonification is when you represent numbers or data with sound,” Walker says, adding that it’s easier for our brains to recognize patterns or trends in auditory rather than visual formats. Walker’s interest in the field began when he was working with NASA to develop auditory systems that would relay information to astronauts about the International Space Station and its environment, but he quickly

april 23 - april 29, 2014







side of just the concert hall. Actually, it’s an exciting time for all.




how do you feel about playing a festival that’s equally dedicated to technology/invention and to music? Thrilled. I’m hoping to explore new ways of writing my music and getting it heard and seen and to experience first hand what others are doing in the same area.




what moog instruments do you play or wish you owned? Over the years I think I used most configurations on projects that I produced and on my own. The ones that come to mind are Moog modular ’70s version, Minimoog D, Polymoog first version. I am currently using the Arturia software-based Moog Modular in the performance at Moogfest and in other live shows. what other moogfest artist would you most like to collaborate with? This year I’m recreating an older album of mine from 1980 called Nommos for a performance that utilizes a string quartet. At Moogfest, we will be joined by a quartet from the Asheville Symphony. I would like to collaborate with the symphony in the future, performing larger scale works for full orchestra integrated with synthesizer, that I will be touring in Europe later this year and next. what are the top three sounds, sights or ideas inspiring you recently? There are too many to list only three, but [at the moment] it’s the sounds of Carl Ruggles, Virgil Thomson and Austin Pitre.

by Alli Marshall

Craig leon with the late musician/engineer/ inventor/producer Walter Sear’s old modular Moog. image courtesy of leon


april 23 - april 29, 2014

mong the elder statesmen of this year’s Moogfest is musician/ composer/producer Craig Leon whose music you know, even if his name is unfamiliar. Leon’s work has been in movies like Karate Kid and 200 Cigarettes, as well as on classical recordings by Luciano Pavarotti and Joshua Bell, among others. But his career hasn’t been all symphony-going and film scoring. In fact, after moving to New York City in the ’70s to work with Sire Records, Leon signed The Ramones and the Talking Heads and worked on Blondie’s early albums. The 150-plus records that he’s produced over the years include projects by Richard Hell, Guy Clark and Cowboy Junkies, as well as his own albums. At Moogfest, Craig will perform his 1980 album, Nommos, in collaboration with a quartet from the Asheville Symphony. The record is “enshroud-


ed in impenetrable mystery – from its understated artwork to the rich assemblage of analog synths contained inside,” according to press notes. Head Heritage said Nommos is the “missing link between the proto-industrial rhythm and drone of SUICIDE and the whole minimalist drone / static / repetition method of Terry Riley and La Monte Young.” Craig Leon performs at Moogfest on Saturday, April 26, at Diana Wortham Theatre, at 9:30 p.m. Mountain Xpress: beyond amplification and electronic instruments, what ways do you see music/art and technology intersecting? craig leon: There is a growing need for entertainment and music projects to have strong multimedia content. This obviously is best served by digital technology linking up the audio, visual and other elements of the performance/recording. Also for streaming of live performances over the internet, to cinemas and other venues out-

when you create music, do you have an audience in mind? No. I only write down what I hear in my head and hope that someone listens. as a listener, what experience do you seek from music? Transport from day to day existence. To create a sense of ecstasy, using the term as Arthur Machen uses it relating to literature in his 1902 book, Hieroglyphics. This doesn’t mean it all has to be serious. Fun counts as ecstasy as well. anything you’re looking forward to doing in asheville beyond moogfest? Looking forward to seeing the Blue Ridge Mountains again and maybe getting an hour or two to listen to some bluegrass music. For more interviews, go to



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april 23 - april 29, 2014




IN It to WIN It: Cliff b. Worsham, left, and Javier Bolea of RBTS WIN are hoping Moogfest will help spread their music internationally. Photo by Jasmine Vieau. Photo opposite: The Jellyrox, by Jessica langston. 51 Biltmore Ave (828) 232-2838 44

april 23 - april 29, 2014


major goal of this year’s retooled five-day festival, say organizers, is to synthesize innovative artistic expression and economic success. And the local musicians involved seem to be embracing those aspirations with open arms. Headliners such as German electronic pioneers Kraftwerk and pop star M.I.A. are drawing music lovers from across the globe. In the process, hometown acts hope visitors will also tune into local sounds. “Just getting onto the festival website or the poster alone, there’s going to be people from all over the world, just clicking on each act they’ve never heard of and going to their website,” says Javi Bolea of local electro-pop duo RBTS WIN. “I don’t know what else would give us that kind of exposure, really. It’s unlike anything else in the world, as far as I know, in terms of bringing all these people together.” RBTS WIN was also one of the few local acts to play at previous incarnations of Moogfest in 2010 and 2012. But Bolea says this year’s focus on attracting industry insiders as well as more intellectual and tech-savvy attendees presents new opportunities. Representatives from renowned record labels such as Warp and booking companies like The Wyndish Agency will be seek-


Local acts are ready to connect at Moogfest







ing out new talent. So will journalists from more than 100 national outlets, including The Associated Press and National Public Radio. And TV powerhouses like “Futurama” producer David X. Cohen will also be wondering the streets with open ears and eyes. “A chance meeting there with who knows who could really change the path of what we’re doing,” says Bolea. “We are very open to collaboration, meeting people, that’s what it’s all about.” Rosser Douglas of local instrumental rock group Hello Hugo says his band is also preparing for unprecedented exposure. “I think the main goal is new fans,” he says, noting that’s the strongest foundation for any financial success. “There are avenues in which we think we can thrive, and exposure is the only way we can get them. … People who live in California who are huge Kraftwerk fans can come here and stumble into us, and they never would’ve found us in any other way.” now’s the time Douglas says it’s a happy coincidence that Hello Hugo’s new album, Motorcycle Milkman, should be ready to release online just in time for the band’s Moogfest set, which he calls its “biggest show to date.” After working on the album for almost a year, “it’s coming at the right time for

Local music schedule

thUrsDaY, aPrIl 24

local showcase at New earth • The Jellyrox (electro-pop), 6 p.m. • Tin Foil Hat (indie-experimental), 9:30 p.m. • Hello Hugo (experimental-instrumental), 11 p.m. • Aligning Minds (breakbeat, dubstep, IDM, downtempo), 12:30 a.m. FrIDaY, aPrIl 25

local showcase at New earth • Razor & Blade (DJs/producers), 8 p.m. • In Plain Sight (DJ collective), 9:30 p.m. • Earthtone Soundsystem (DJ collective), 11 p.m. • Kri & Sensoma (DJs), 12:30 a.m. Colliderfest at emerald lounge, 3 p.m.-midnight satUrDaY, aPrIl 26

Broadway outdoor stage (open to the public) • Two-Fresh (hip-hop/electronic), 5 p.m. local showcase at New earth (side room) • Bombassic (future bass), 8 p.m. • The Volt Per Octaves (electronicexperimental), 9:30 p.m. • Brett Rock (DJ), 11 p.m. • DLX (experimental drum funk), 12:30 a.m. hopscotch showcase at emerald lounge • RBTS WIN (psyche-pop, soul), 9:30 p.m. • Marley Carroll (producer, indiepop) , 11 p.m. — A.M.

us,” says Douglas. “It just kind of happened that way.” Douglas promises the new music is the best the band’s made in the three years it’s been together, fusing ambient sounds with electronica, jazz and rock. “It took a while for all of our styles to gel,” he says. “We’re very excited about getting that out into the world.” To complement the new songs, Hello Hugo’s set will likely feature a visual component Douglas helped create called “The Bass Projector,” which involves laser lights being reflected off a mirrored speaker that vibrates to the band’s sounds. RBTS WIN also has special plans for Moogfest that the duo hope will win over new fans. They’re going to bring special guests onstage for collaborations, and will debut at least a couple of new songs such as the intriguingly titled “Live From the End of the World.” That song and more will be featured on a new deluxe version of Palm Sunday, RBTS WIN’s lauded album originally released last July. Aiming to build off the Moogfest attention, the revised CDs and a corresponding marketing campaign will be geared for a national audience, says Bolea. In addition to playing the new tracks during their set, he says the duo are “going to do a lot more live experimentation with some of the Moog instruments … to feature some of the crazy sounds that Bob Moog brought to music.” the moog spirit Electronic music pioneer Robert Moog died in 2005, but his work continues to shape his namesake festival and touch the lives of local musicians in powerful ways. Like RBTS WIN, Hello Hugo plans to feature the synthesizers Moog invented prominently in its show. It’s a big change for the quartet, which started out a few years ago focusing on more traditional instrumentation. “Broadening to this idea of adding synthesizers has brought a whole new element,” says Douglas. “We’ve started to embrace textures and atmospheres that are not generable by acoustic instruments.” More personally, Douglas says Moog’s influence on him as an individual has been “pretty profound.” Moog Music, the company founded by the inventor and longtime Asheville resident, hired Douglas nearly six years ago after he graduated from UNC Asheville with a bachelor’s degree in music technology. “It changed the direction my life was going,” Douglas says. He continues to work at the local company as an engineering technician, although

The Original Hookah Joe’s is back!

his Hello Hugo performance will fall outside of his official work duties. Bolea also says Moog’s innovations continue to make an impact. Instruments like the Minimoog Voyager have helped give voice to his artistic ideas for over a decade and are a key part of RBTS WIN’s sound, he says. Growing up in Miami, he was familiar with the instruments before he learned about the man behind them. “He pretty much changed my life even before I knew who he was, and I think that says a lot. It probably is the same for a lot of people,” Bolea says. “That just shows the power of what he’s done. … I’m still learning what Bob’s brought to the world.” And although Bolea admits global fame would be nice, ultimately it’s the inherent creative instinct he feels he shares with Moog that inspires him to keep playing music. “He never did it for the money. … He wanted to teach people and share his inventions with the world,” says Bolea. “He just did it because that’s what he was here to do. … That’s how we approach our music: If people dig it, or if it can help inspire someone, that’s great, but we’re just doing it because we just kind of have to.” Regardless of what comes of it, Bolea says, “It’s a dream come true to play this festival, especially this incarnation of it.” X

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



by Rich Rennicks

Memory lane Blue Ridge Bookfest highlights memoirs and more Bill Ramsey was one of the driving forces behind Blue Ridge Bookfest and still helps publicize the event. This year, he’ll be wearing a new hat at the festival. Now in its sixth year, it takes place at Blue Ridge Community College over the weekend of April 25 and 26. More than 35 authors from around the country will participate; Ramsey, who became an author since starting the festival, will be among them. Ramsey’s first books were a volume of memoirs (Billy the Kid) and then a collection of personal essays (Now That I Think About It). His third book, Me Now — Who Next? The Inspiring Story of a Traumatic

what Blue Ridge Bookfest where The campus of Blue Ridge Community College, 180 W. Campus Drive, Flat Rock when Friday, April 25, 1:30-7:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 26, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Most events are free.

Brain Injury Recovery, sees him step beyond his own experiences to tell the true story of Angela Leigh Tucker, a successful business executive whose life was disrupted when she suffered a serious brain injury due to a car accident. As Ramsey describes it, in one day Tucker “went from being a young, up-and-coming vice president of a public relations firm in New York City, married less than a year and owning a home for less than four months to … being in a six-week coma, [suffering from] dangerously broken bones, wid-


april 23 - april 29, 2014

owed, jobless and soon to be homeless because of foreclosure. Everything most of us would regard as singular losses, she lost in one fell swoop.” Four months after the crash, Tucker moved to Hendersonville to live with her father while recovering. A friend of the family, Ramsey got to know Tucker and felt he needed to tell her story. At that point, according to the writer, Tucker resembled a “walking trainwreck,” with her arm still in a cast, getting around with the help of a cane, and the scar of a tracheotomy still fresh on her throat. The longest-lasting damage was to her memory. One of the common side effects of traumatic brain injury is memory loss — Tucker suffered severely. However, the process of researching the book and Ramsey’s interviews (with both Tucker and her family and friends) helped Tucker to recover some of her past. Me Now — Who Next? is primarily an inspiring story of one woman’s efforts to restore her life after an incredible injury, but Ramsey also manages to educate the reader about traumatic brain injury without overwhelming the narrative. Both Ramsey and Tucker will be at Bookfest discussing the story and the process of writing the book on Saturday, at 11 a.m. Friday night’s keynote presenter is Ken Grossman, president and founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. and author of Beyond the Pale: The Story of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., a memoir of his career in beer-making. The book is an insightful and humorous account of Grossman’s life from his first experiments in homebrewing, through his early days in business, to the development of what he calls the “Sierra Nevada way,” where the success of his brewery is founded on principles of nonconformity, sustainability and passion. With the imminent opening of Sierra Nevada’s new plant in Mills River, Grossman’s book is likely to be a popular read for the large Asheville brewing community.

page turner: Local writer Bill Ramsey, one of the creators of Blue Ridge Bookfest, will discuss his new work, Me Now — Who Next?, at this year’s festival. Photos courtesy of the author.

Grossman will be the featured speaker at Friday night’s fundraising gala — one of the only ticketed events over the weekend (the other is a luncheon with author Cassandra King on Saturday) — and will be delivering a public presentation about his memoir on Saturday, at 10 a.m.

Other notable Bookfest appearances include King (her latest novel is Moonrise), local poet Nancy Dillingham (author of Home: Poems), and military historian and Vietnam veteran Nicholas Warr, whose new book is Charlie One Five: A Marine Company’s Vietnam War. X

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april 23 - april 29, 2014



by Kyle Petersen

Still digable Jazz-rap pioneer Cee Knowledge returns

Even today, it’s one of the most recognizable bass lines in the hiphop canon — the slinky, undeniably funky riff nicked from Art Blakey and the Jazz Messenger’s 1978 jam “Stretching” that formed the bedrock of Digable Planet’s 1993 Grammy-winning crossover smash Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat). The trio’s critical and commercial success with that song now denotes the highwater mark for the uplifting, socially conscious brand of jazz rap that they and other groups like A Tribe Called Quest and De La Soul pioneered. Sadly, Digable Planets would disband just a few years later, with the three members each going

who Cee Knowledge and the Cosmic Funk Orchestra with Free Radio where • 828-252-8282

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april 23 - april 29, 2014

onto to their own solo careers. Cee Knowledge, who went by Doodlebug in the group, will be playing a show with his Cosmic Funk Orchestra at The Grey Eagle on Thursday, April 24. As Cee prepares for this tour, he’s busy finishing up an all-live album he’s been recording with CFO over the last four years, but he’s happy to reflect on his days in that nowclassic hip-hop outfit. “That group was my foundation, my primary school,” he says. “Ishmael [‘Butterfly’] Butler did most of the music, but we did the lyric writing along with him. I learned a lot of studio techniques, mixing techniques, how the process of recording

a live band works. And I learned a lot from that sound, but [what I do now] is my musical vision and philosophy. When you are in a group like [Digable Planets], you have three different views of the world and three different ideas about things, so you have to mix and match a bit more.” As for the trio’s lasting place in history, Cee’s first reaction is a hearty laugh. “It feels like it was just yesterday! Where did the time go?” he says, but then follows up with a humble recognition of how important the group was. “It’s a big thing because a lot of groups don’t survive more than a year or two in this game. So for it be 20 years and there be a group of people around the world who think favorably of us and still actively listen to Digable Planets’ music is a blessing.” While these days Cee and his live band tend toward funk and rock-tinged tunes that showcase the instrumental prowess of its nine-member lineup, the veteran emcee does not think jazz rap is gone or irrelevant. “I think the mid-’90s was the golden era of that style of music — Stetasonic, A Tribe Called Quest and a couple of other groups helped spark that whole movement — but I don’t think it’s dead so much as it’s not mainstream anymore,” he says. “It had its moment, but now it’s kind of gone underground. It’s still out there going well and strong — you just have to look for it, have to search for it.” This opinion seems to reflect much of Cee’s current philosophy about the state of hip-hop — he professes love of gangsta rap but also points out how the diversity of rap music being made is not reflected on the radio. “What I love about [hip-hop] is that it’s one of the few mediums where you can pull from pretty much anything and it’s sort of accepted,” he says. “It’s always been a medium that borrows from a lot of different styles and rolls them into one.” These days Cee mainly revels in the collaboration with a live band,

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captain planet: From Digable Planets’ Doodlebug to the frontman of his own nine-piece funk and rock-tinged outfit, Cee Knowledge, in the front, continues to forge ahead. Photo by Laura DeSantis Olsen

where he enjoys the experimentation and creativity of bouncing ideas off his colleagues. “I brought five or six songs in [first] and taught them the music, but once everyone started getting comfortable with the flow and idea of the music I wanted to make, everybody began bringing in their own ideas,” he says. “Somebody will hum a bass line or come up with a riff — it’s very organic, a very different process than writing with a drum machine and some loops.”

Cee’s also excited about returning to Asheville. He’s played here many times before and remembers it fondly, though he hasn’t been here recently. “Asheville has always been a town of openminded music lovers,” he says. “The first time we were there, I didn’t know what to expect, but we just met so many cool people and saw so many great shows. I can’t believe it’s gotten that different [since], except some of the faces will have changed.” X

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Send your arts news to








A&E staff

Ann VanderMeer It’s one thing to be a steampunk: the top hats, the goggles, the gadgets. But to be queen of the steam punks is a whole other level. That title is reserved for author and editor Ann VanderMeer who, with her husband, Jeff VanderMeer, penned the 2008 fiction anthology Steampunk, The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities in 2011, and, most recently, The Time Traveler’s Almanac. That collection includes “72 journeys into time from the likes of Douglas Adams, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. Le Guin, George R.R. Martin, H.G. Wells and many more,” according to a book description. “This is the largest and most definitive collection of time travel stories ever assembled.” VanderMeer gives a presentation and book signing at Malaprop’s on Thursday, April 24, at 7 p.m. Free. Image courtesy of the author

Pimps of Joytime Pisgah Brewing Co. is turning 9, and for its big anniversary party, the beer lovers responsible for some of the region’s favorite craft brews have also demonstrated their fantastic (and funky) taste in music. The in-your-face, can’thelp-but-dance, Brooklyn-based soul band Pimps of Joytime will headline the outdoor celebration. With an infectious single titled “Booty Text” and influences ranging from Afrobeat to Motown and soul to salsa, this is the kind of band that will keep a party going and then some. The beer will probably help, too. Celebrate Pisgah’s big day on Saturday, April 26. Gate opens at 4 p.m. Free. Photo by by Michael Weintrob

Jimbo Mathus While songwriter and former Squirrel Nut Zippers frontman Jimbo Mathus is known more for his energetic romp through the archives of American music, his newest offering is a departure of sorts. The title track to Dark Night of the Soul (recorded with The Tri-State Coalition) bleeds intensity, raspy vocals and shimmery guitars. “From the gritty, Southern country rock explored in Confederate Buddha and White Buffalo, to the ’60s roadhouse, garage rock found on his Blue Light EP, Dark Night of the Soul sees Mathus fully surrendering to his rock and roll impulses,” says PopMatters. Jimbo Mathus plays The Mothlight on Thursday, April 24, at 9:30 p.m. Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots also perform. $8 advance/$10 day of show. Photo by Elizabeth DeCicco


april 23 - april 29, 2014

Weaverville Art Safari Get to know Asheville’s artistic neighbors to the north at the Weaverville Art Safari, a self-guided tour through 40 local and nationally known artists’ studios and galleries. “Weaverville is so fortunate to have so much talent,” says Cindy Ireland, Weaverville Art Safari chairperson. “Our hardworking artists not only thrive on the creative process, but we enjoy sharing how that magic happens with everyone who comes out searching for something new.” Artworks include pottery, glass, sculpture, jewelry, furniture, fiber art and more. The tour encompasses downtown Weaverville and extends into the surrounding areas. The preview party take place at Weaverville Town Hall on Friday, April 25, at 7 p.m. $10. Self-guided tours run Saturday-Sunday, April 26-27, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Paper sculpture by Leo Monahan

PROMOTE YOURSELF Remind your friends and customers to vote for you in this year’s BEST OF WNC reader poll. Restaurants Coffee houses Bars Beers and breweries Festivals Music venues Bands Art galleries Artists Crafters and schools Dance classes Writers and schools Biking services Hiking outfitters Races and outdoor programs Kayaking services

Architects Carpenters Stone masons Home cleaning services Clothing shops Lingerie shops Jewelry stores Shoe stores Food stores Health food stores Gift shops Printers Tobacco shops Furniture dealers Used furniture dealers Bedding stores

Zip-lines Spas Hair salons Tattoo parlors Piercing services Astrologers Accountants Attorneys Car repair shops Computers Real estate brokers Building contractors Green builders Alt energy services Plumbers Electricians



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Hardware stores Automotive dealers Radio stations Kids after-school programs Museums Gymnastics instructors Martial arts schools Camps Pediatricians Veterinary services Pet supplies and services Neighborhoods Fundraising events Environmental groups Entrepreneurs Banks and credit unions


Voting starts

APRIL 23rd

celebrating diversity, imagination and excellence in business, civic & personal life

april 23 - april 29, 2014


a&e calendar

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

Center), 531 Haywood Road, 28806. Asheville’s only a capella barbershopstyle chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! or (866) 824-9547 Parking available behind the church.

crafting streetscapes: As part of the Asheville Art in the Park Arts & Community Grant, 12 different Asheville locations will host open air “paintouts” as part of the Asheville Urban Landscape Project. The free events, held in city parks and greenspaces, connect community members with local artists for a shared painting experience. The spring series will continue throughout May, with a different artist and a different location each week. Photo courtesy of Asheville Urban Landscape Project. (p.52)

Art pysAnky Workshops in the river Arts district (pd.) Or at your location. Learn to make beautiful Ukrainian Easter eggs. Call (828) 4236459 for more info. Visit AshevillestudioA. com Asheville Art museum

WeAverville Art sAfAri • SA (4/26) & SU (4/27), 10am-6pm - A selfguided tour of 40 local artists’ studios in and around Weaverville, NC. Contact for full list of locations.

Auditions & cAll to Artists

Asheville urBAn lAndscApe project

BrAnding for Asheville Arts Alive WeBsite • Through (4/23) - Original artwork needed for new website, Resume, up to 10 images and links to online work samples may be sent to

458-0111, • TU (4/29), 9:30am-12:30pm - With artist Virginia Pendergrass at Zealandia Castle, 1 Vance Gap Road Free..

henderson county open studio tour Open to all Henderson County artists. • Through (5/31) - Event will be held Sept. 20-21, 10am-5pm.

2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • FR (4/25), noon-1pm - Frank Thomson discusses the Pierre Daura: Modernist in the Mountains exhibit. Admission fees apply.

BlAck mountAin center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, • FR (4/25), noon-1:30pm & SU (4/27), 1-4pm Pinhole photography instruction. Free.

trAnsylvAniA community Arts council 884-2787, • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10.

giAnt puppet Building Workshops Hosted by Street Creature puppet collective. Free. • THURSDAYS through (5/1), 6pm - Held at N. Asheville Community Center, 37 East Larchmont Drive.


april 23 - april 29, 2014

music song o’ sky chorus (pd.) Tuesday 6:45-9:30 pM song o’ sky chorus Calvary Baptist Church (Chandler

Amicimusic 802-369-0856, • FR (4/25), 7:30pm - “German Genius,” trios concert. Held at a private home. Reservations required. $35. • SA (4/26) 10am & noon - “Saturdays Classical Brunch.” $15, does not include food. Reservations required. Held at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Rd. • SA (4/26), 7:30pm - “German Genius,” trios concert. $20/$15 members/free for children. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 1 Edwin Place • SU (4/27), 7pm - “German Genius,” trios concert. Held at a private home. $35. Reservations required. • SU (4/27), 2pm - “A Short History of the Piano, Part 2.” $20/$15 advance. Held at White Horse, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain hendersonville chAmBer music • SU (4/27), 3pm - Carolina Brass performs. $20. Held at First Congregational Church of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville music At Wcu 227-2479, Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (4/26), 4-9pm - Open Air Jazz Festival. On the lawn of the University Center. • MO (4/28), 7:30pm - University Guitar Ensemble. Coulter Building recital hall. • TU (4/29), 7:30pm - University Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band. John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center. tryon fine Arts center 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 859-8322, • TU (4/29), 7pm - Toubab Krewe, fusion instrumentalists. $22. unitAriAn univerAlist felloWship of hendersonville 409 E. Patterson St., Hendersonville, 693-3157, • SA (4/26), 7pm - Friction Farm, folk duo. $15 donation.

theAter A-B tech drAmA cluB • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS, 7:30pm - Unnecessary Farce. $10/$5 veterans & students. Thu.-Sat.:7:30pm; Sun.:2:30pm. Held in Ferguson Auditorium Asheville community theAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320,









Mountain Xpress and sherwood’s Music present: Our new video series showcasing local musicians continues every Thursday. Check our website this week for a performance from Asheville band minorcan at Sherwood’s Music.

• FR (4/11) through SU (4/27) - Dearly Departed. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $22/$19 seniors & students/$12 children under 17. Asheville plAyBAck theAtre • SA (4/26), 7pm - A performance from the Faith-Based Tour. $10/ $5 children. BeBe theAtre 20 Commerce St., 254-2621 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (4/17) until (4/26), 7:30pm - The Bog. $12. flAt rock plAyhouse Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/17) until (5/11) - The Fantasticks. Wed.-Sat.: 2pm& 8pm. Sun.:2pm. $40. hendersonville little theAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, Downtown Hendersonville • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (until 4/27) Close Ties, a warm and funny family drama. Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $10$20. theAter At Wcu 227-2479, Held in the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, unless otherwise noted. • SU (4/27), 5pm - The Fantasticks, . $20/$15 faculty and staff/$5 students and children. tryon little theAter 516 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2466, tltinfo. org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/24) through (5/3) - Proof. Thur.-Sat.:8pm; Sun.:3pm.

gallery directory folk Art center AmericAn folk Art And frAming 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, • Through TH (4/24) - Uprooted, works by Southern self-taught artists • Through WE (4/23) - Face Jug show. • TH (4/24) through WE (5/14) - Pioneer, selftaught artists. Art At mArs hil 689-1304, • Through (9/1) - Works by art department faculty. Art At uncA • Through SA (5/17) - International Photo Exhibit. Ramsey Library. Art At Wcu 227-3591, Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. • Through FR (5/9) - Pottery from a private collection. Asheville AreA Arts council gAllery 346 Depot St., 258-0710, • Through FR (4/25) - Impromptu, mixed media.

MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, • Through TU (4/29) - Works by five Southern Highland Craft Guild members. • Through SU (5/11) - Eyecatchers: The Hunter Collection, quilts. jonAs gerArd fine Art 240 Clingman Ave., 350-7711, • ONGOING - Large flow paintings show. n.c. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, $12 gate fee for non-member vehicles. • Through SU (7/6) - Scenography by Barbara Sammons. push skAte shop & gAllery 25 Patton Ave., 225-5509, • Through SA (5/18) - Slown Down Pictures, pop art with an original soundtrack. red house studios And gAllery 310 W. State St., Black Mountain, 699-0351, • Through MO (4/28) - Motion Emotion, mixed media.

Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through SA (6/22) - Pierre Daura: Modernist in the Mountains, paintings. • Through SU (6/2) - Take 10: Collectors’ Circle 10th Anniversary, mixed works. • Through SU (7/20) - Ralph Burns: A Persistence of Vision, photography.

rivervieW stAtion

Asheville gAllery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through WE (4/30) - Landscapes by artist Reda Kay.

the center for crAft, creAtivity & design

BellA vistA Art gAllery 14 Lodge St., 768-0246, • Through WE (4/30) - Paintings by Christin Zelenka.

the curiosity shoppe

Bender gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave., • Through SA (5/31) - Glass sculptors by Toland Sand. BlAck mountAin college museum + Arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • Through (5/17) - Cynthia Homire: Vision Quest, mixed media. Blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, • Through SA (5/24) - Narration, mixed media. • Through SA (5/24) - Nancy Kubale, ceramics. • Through SA (5/24) - Zen, Asian-inspired works. cAstell photogrAphy gAllery 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, • Through SA (5/31) - The New Construction, mixed media.

Fritz loves her VW.

191 Lyman St., • Through WE (4/30) - Works by members of Women In The Arts Foundation. sAtellite gAllery 55 Broadway St., 305-2225, thesatellitegallery. com • Through SA (5/4) - Visual Proof, works by John Nebraska

67 Broadway St., 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign. org • Through (5/3) - Works by Windgate Fellows.

118 Cherry St. Suite C, Black Mountain, 6697467, • Through (5/7) - abstract pastels by Bridget Risdon Hepler

My Jetta TDI Sportwagen has the best mileage-to-stuff ratio. I can carry a lot of cargo and get 50 plus miles per gallon on highway trips with the clean diesel engine. I used to drive a Subaru, but when I was in college the first car I ever owned was a VW diesel Dasher. I am happy to be back in a Volkswagen! Fritz Johnson Co-Owner - Blue Heron Whitewater, Marshall, NC

trAnsylvAniA community Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through WE (4/30) - Works by Transylvania County Public Schools students tryon Arts And crAfts school 373 Harmon Field Rd., Tryon, 859-8323, • FR (4/25) through FR (5/30) - Craft Tryon, works by Tryon artists. Opening reception: April 25, 6-8pm.

Volkswagen of Asheville 621 Brevard Rd, Asheville, NC 28806 (828) 232-4000 •

WoolWorth WAlk 25 Haywood St., 254-9234 • Through TU (4/29) - Paintings by John Nelson. ZApoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • ONGOING - Bits and Bytes: Art of the Video Game, illustrations.

april 23 - april 29, 2014


C L U B L A N D grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Cee Knowledge (Doodlebug of Digable Planets) & The Cosmic Funk Orchestra and Free Radio (hiphop), 8pm

WEDnEsDay, apriL 23 185 king street Rupert Wates, 8pm

hAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Drayton & The Dragons (folk), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm

jAck of the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny All Goes West, Brand New Life (funk), 9pm

leX 18 Andrew Fletcher (barrelhouse piano), 8:30pm

Asheville music hAll Aligning Minds w/ Paradox, Robert Manos, Kalu & more (dubstep, electronic), 10pm

leXington Ave BreWery (lAB) American Hologram (Americana), 9pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 7pm

BArley's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm

nightBell Dulitel DJ (indie, tronic, dance), 9pm

Ben's tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

odditorium Open mic w/ Harry of The Tills, 9pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

olive or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing), 8pm

ByWAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm

one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm

cork & keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm

orAnge peel Moogfest, 8pm

douBle croWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm

emerAld lounge Blues jam, 8pm good stuff Lauren Lapointe (singer-songwriter), 8pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny Aaron Burdett Band w/ The Everydays (Americana, folk), 9pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Joshua James (singer-songwriter), 8pm

posh BAr Acoustic jam, 6pm

grind cAfe Trivia night, 7pm

purple onion cAfe Chuck Brodsky, 7:30pm

hotel indigo Oso Rey (funk, soul), 8pm iron horse stAtion Wilhelm Brothers (folk), 6pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Turchi album release party (Americana, blues, rootsrock), 9pm jAck of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm

all over asheville: Rupert Wates was born in London, lived in Paris and is now in the United States, playing a series of Asheville shows for a glance into this singer-songwriter’s mind. Wates’ first show is at 185 King Street on Wednesday, April 23. Then he will swing by Good Stuff in Marshall on Thursday, April 24. He’ll play a dual-set with Dave Turner at One Stop Deli & Bar on Tuesday, April 29. And finally he will perform at White Horse Black Mountain on Wednesday, April 30. Photo by John Mazlish

leX 18 Drayton & The Dragons (swing, jazz), 8:30pm loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm

orAnge peel Moogfest, 8pm

odditorium GirlRock Fundraiser, 9pm olive or tWist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny Bradley Carter of Sanctum Sully (bluegrass, old-time), 6pm sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


april 23 - april 29, 2014

southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Hunnilicious (country, singer-songwriter), 7pm tAllgAry's cAntinA iii (hard rock), 10:30pm the mothlight Jimbo Mathus (of Squirrel Nut Zippers) w/ Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz, rag-time), 9:30pm the phoeniX Dust n' the Wynn (folk-rock), 8pm

one stop deli & BAr Midi Boss & Morningstar [TLW] w/ Murashi Xero, Better Daze & Rebel Savage (hip-hop), 10pm

nightBell Dulitel DJ (indie, tronic, dance), 9pm

scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm

the phoeniX Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin thirst pArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm timo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm

thursdAy, April 24 185 king street Lauren LaPointe, 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hot Point Trio (jazz), 8pm AdAm dAlton distillery Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm Alley kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Stuart McNair (folk, country, Cajun, zydeco), 8pm Asheville music hAll Moogfest, 7pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Lyric (acoustic, soul), 9pm BogArt's restAurAnt & tAvern Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30pm

the sociAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm toWn pump Corey Hunt Band (country), 9pm toy BoAt community Art spAce Rude Mechanical Orchestra (brass band), 9pm tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm vincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm White horse Hand Pan Drum Concert, 7:30pm WXyZ lounge Eleanor Underhill, 8pm

fridAy, April 25

toWn pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

dirty south lounge Total War w/ heyrocco (indie-rock), 9pm

tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

douBle croWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

emerAld lounge Moogfest Venue Takeover: Climate Collider w/ local visual & audio artists, 3pm

vincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

french BroAd BreWery tAsting room Circus Mutt (roots, rock), 6pm

Alley kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm

White horse Tokyo Rosenthall (Americana), 7:30pm

good stuff Rupert Wates (singer-songwriter), 8pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny East Coast Dirt (rock), 9pm

185 king street Feed The Squirrel fundraiser w/ Dust N' the Wynn, Moonshine Babies, Mike Sweet, Crooked Pine, Hogtown Squealers & Spencer & The String Ticklers (mixed genre, cornhole tournament, chili cookoff & raffle), 12pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr El Duende (Latin jazz), 8pm

Asheville music hAll Moogfest, 7pm

southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Pleasure Chest (rock, blues), 8pm

AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm

spring creek tAvern Letters to Abigail (Americana, country, bluegrass), 8pm

clAssic Wineseller Dan Keller (jazz), 7pm cork & keg Friday Night Flights & One Leg Up (jazz), 8:30pm

tAllgAry's cAntinA Fine Line (classic rock), 9:30pm

the mothlight Power the Tower fundraiser for Asheville Free Media (raffle, mix-tape exchange, AFM DJs), 9pm

french BroAd BreWery tAsting room Vagabond Philosophy (indie-rock), 6pm

the phoeniX The Get Right Band (rock, funk, reggae), 10pm

good stuff Laura Thurston (singer-songwriter), 8pm

the sociAl The Jamboogie Band (rock, funk, jam), 8pm

hAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm

tiger mountAin thirst pArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm

highlAnd BreWing compAny The Carvers (surf, 60s garage-rock), 6pm

timo's house Nomadic w/ Shogi (live electronica), 9pm

iron horse stAtion Andy Buckner (Southern rock), 7pm

toWn pump Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 9pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Carolyn Martin (Western swing), 9pm

toy BoAt community Art spAce Appalachian Squaredance Revival, 8pm

jAck of the Wood puB Michelle Malone (folk, rock, blues), 9pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Drayton and the Dragons (string jazz), 9pm

leX 18 Michael John Jazz & Friends (classic jazz), 9pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

loBster trAp Mark & Aimee Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm

White horse Cabaret Jazz w/ Melodie Galloway, 8pm

nightBell DJ Lougesport (electronic lounge, nu-soul-disco), 10pm odditorium The Girly Girl Revue (burlesque), 9pm olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz), 7:30pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm

Wild Wing cAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm WXyZ lounge Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 9pm

saTurDay, apriL 26 Alley kAts tAvern The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Electric Jam (Grateful Dead, blues), 9:30pm

orAnge peel Moogfest, 8pm

Asheville music hAll Moogfest, 3pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Plankeye Peggy (rock), 6pm

AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm

pAck's tAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Reggaeinfinity (roots, reggae, rock), 9pm scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am scully's DJ, 10pm

make buying local a priority.

the green room Bistro & BAr Small Town Lights (Americana), 8:30pm

emerAld lounge Moogfest, 8pm

millroom The Black Cadillacs (rock, indie, soul), 9pm


Mountain Xpress readers

BlAck mountAin Ale house Gibson Wilbanks (Southern rock, Americana), 9pm ByWAter Brown Mountain Lights, 9pm clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John songs), 7pm cork & keg Bayou Diesel (Cajun, zydeco), 8:30pm

New Earth MUZiQ Presents at 38 N. FRENCH BROAD AVE:

APRIL 24-27

Thursday, April 24: -Wolf Eyes -Black Dice -Dan Deacon -Yacht

Friday, April 25: -Keith Kemp -Erika -Reference-Live -Mike Huckaby -UR Presents: Timeline-Live

Saturday, April 26 -Gordon Voidwell -LE1F -Saul Williams -Surprise DJ TBD

Sunday, April 27: Official MoogFest Afterparty w/ Infinity Shred and More TBA

New Earth MUZiQ presents at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall: Wednesday, May 7, 8pm


To purchase tickets online visit: find us on facebook:

april 23 - april 29, 2014



Send your listings to club directory

emerAld lounge Moogfest, 8pm

4/25 Michelle Malone 9PM 10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny 4/26 BeachIrion Spring Fling With w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10COMBO) The Carvers (SURF STOMP W/ KREKTONES 9PM 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band & HALLOWEEN Costume 4/28 Radio Birds W/ CHARLIE & THE Party Contest FOX&TROTS 9PM • 9pm $8 10/27 Vinegar Creek • 9pm FREE 4/29 Circus Mutt 9PM 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 5/2 ShaneTom Pruitt Band 9PM w/ Crazy Banana Pants 10/29 Singer 5/3 Small TownSongwriters Lights 9PM in the Round • 7-9pm FREE 5/4 TimeTripi, & Cigarettes w/Shot Anthony Elise Davis Mud Tea • 9pm FREE 10PM Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

thurs. aPr 24

aMerIcan HOlOgraM

backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. may 1

french BroAd BreWery tAsting room Leigh Glass & The Hazards (blues, rock), 6pm good stuff J.P. the Great (hip-hop), 7pm green room cAfe & coffeehouse Mark Yaxby & Elise Pratt (Brazilian jazz), 6:30pm


grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Kovacs & The Polar Bear farewell show (alternative, indie, folk-rock), 9pm

backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. may 22

highlAnd BreWing compAny Sufi Brothers Trio (bluegrass, folk, old-time), 6:30pm

w/ MOnkeY In PODSHIP, craZY TOM banana PanTS

jAck of the Wood puB Beach Spring Fling: The Carvers w/ The Krektones (surf, 60s garage-rock), 9pm

w/ OlDMan rabbIT


backstage • 9:30PM • $6 thurs. may 29

THe greaT barrIer reefS w/ nOaH STOckDale

backstage • 9:30PM • $6 sat. june 7

MelanIe MarTIneZ

iron horse stAtion Paul Cataldo (Americana), 7pm

leX 18 Kings County Lighthouse (downbeat DJ), 9pm loBster trAp Crossroad String Band (bluegrass, jazz, blues), 7pm millroom Graphs, 10pm nightBell DJ Lougesport (electronic lounge, nu-soul-disco), 10pm

backstage • 8:00PM • $15 sunday

odditorium Yard sale, 10am Gutterhound, Jacked Up Joe, Twist of Fate, The Lonesome Three (rock, metal), 9pm

frontstage • 12PM-3PM

olive or tWist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 7:30pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm

SunDaY bluegraSS bruncH

95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 •

one stop deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm orAnge peel Moogfest, 8pm pAck's tAvern Howie's House Party (blues, fusion), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Pisgah's 9th Anniversary Party w/ Pimps of Joytime, Dangermuffin, Chalwa & The Archrivals, 5pm

Wednesday, April 23rd

Blues Jam! 8PM -12AM • FREE!

purple onion cAfe The Zealots (indie-rock), 8pm root BAr no. 1 Lily & The Tigers (indie-folk), 8pm scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm scully's DJ, 10pm

Thursday, April 24th


southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery The Krektones (surf rock), 2pm spring creek tAvern Andy Buckner & The Southern Soul Campaign (Southern rock), 8pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Jarvis Jenkins (Southern rock), 9:30pm

Friday, April 25th


the AdmirAl Soul night w/ Dr. Filth, 11pm the green room Bistro & BAr The Moon & You (folk), 8:30pm the phoeniX Aaron Brudette Band (Americana), 8pm

Saturday, April 26th


the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin thirst pArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm timo's house Betty Toker, Werecat, Olof, McDubbin vs. Cleofus, 9pm

Sunday, April 27th

toWn pump Chamomile & Whiskey (Americana, rock), 9pm

MODE:fest Launch

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm White horse Benefit for Swannanoa Valley Transitional Living, 8pm


april 23 - april 29, 2014

185 king street 877-1850 5 walnut wine bar 253-2593 altamont brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 apothecary (919) 609-3944 aQua cafe & bar 505-2081 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas wolfe auditorium 259-5544 asheville music hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 barley’s tap room 255-0504 black mountain ale house 669-9090 blue mountain piZZa 658-8777 boiler room 505-1612 broadway’s 285-0400 the bywater 232-6967 cork and keg 254-6453 club remix 258-2027 creekside taphouse 575-2880 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 diana wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 double crown 575-9060 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 firestorm cafe 255-8115 french broad brewery tasting room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 green room cafe 692-6335 grey eagle music hall & tavern 232-5800 grove house the grove park inn (elaine’s piano bar/ great hall) 252-2711 hangar lounge 684-1213 harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 highland brewing company 299-3370 isis music hall 575-2737 jack of the wood 252-5445 lexington avenue brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 metroshere 258-2027 millroom 555-1212 monte vista hotel 669-8870 moonlight mile 335-9316 native kitchen & social pub 581-0480 nightbell 575-0375 odditorium 505-8388 onefiftyone 239-0239 one stop bar deli & bar 255-7777 o.henry’s/tug 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 oskar blues brewery 883-2337 pack’s tavern 225-6944 the phoenix 877-3232 pisgah brewing co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851 purple onion cafe 749-1179 red stag grill at the grand bohemian hotel 505-2949 root bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 sly grog lounge 255-8858 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 the social 298-8780 southern appalacian brewery 684-1235 static age records 254-3232 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809

tiger mountain thirst parlour 407-0666 timo’s house 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy boat 505-8659 treasure club 298-1400 tressa’s downtown jaZZ & blues 254-7072 vanuatu kava bar 505-8118 vincenZo’s 254-4698 westville pub 225-9782 white horse 669-0816 wild wing cafe 253-3066 wxyZ 232-2838

mondAy, April 28 185 king street Monday night trivia w/ Spencer Jones ($50 prize), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Jeff Thompson Band (soul, rock), 8pm Alley kAts tAvern Open mic, 8pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Old-time jam, 8pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Karaoke, 9pm ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm courtyArd gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

sundAy, April 27 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Mande Foly (African beat), 7pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Jazz brunch w/ Mike Gray Trio, 11:30am douBle croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm good stuff David Bronson (indie-rock), 4pm

douBle croWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm good stuff Butch Barnette, 7:30pm jAck of the Wood puB Quizzo, 7pm Radio Birds w/ Charlie & The Foxtrots (rock), 9pm loBster trAp Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 7pm odditorium Michael Parallax, Dog Bones, Nick James, Dow One, 9pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Damien Jurado w/ Holy Holy Vine (indie-folk), 9pm

orAnge peel Alabama Shakes w/ Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires (indie-rock), 8pm

hi-Wire BreWing Circus Mutt (rock, bluegrass), 4:30pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

hotel indigo Paula & Tony, 8pm

the Bull And BeggAr The Big Nasty (jazz, ragtime), 10pm

iron horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 5pm

the mothlight Woods w/ Quilt & Axxa Abraxas (pop), 9:30pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm

the phoeniX Jeff Sipe & Friends (jam, fusion), 8pm

jAck of the Wood puB Irish session, 5pm

the sociAl Newgrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8pm

leX 18 Andrew Fletcher (barrelhouse piano), 7pm

tiger mountAin thirst pArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm

nightBell Dulitel DJ (indie, tronic, dance), 9pm

toWn pump Looking for Astronauts (energetic rock, pop), 9pm

odditorium Lions of Tsavo (death metal), 9pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

olive or tWist Shag & swing lesson w/ John Dietz, 7pm DJ Michael Filippone (beach, swing, ballroom, rock), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am The Get Right Band w/ Gibson Wilbanks (rock, funk, reggae), 8pm scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Garry Segal BlueSunday (blues jam), 5pm the mothlight Ken Vandermark's Made To Break w/ Tim Daisy, Jasper Stadhouders & Christof Kurzmann (experimental), 9:30pm the sociAl '80s night, 8pm timo's house D:raf, DJ Whistleblower (DnB, glitch, hip-hop), 9pm toWn pump Matt Townsend & Hannah Kaminer (singer-songwriter), 9pm

Westville puB Trivia night, 8pm White horse Tal Naccarato, 7:30pm

tuesdAy, April 29 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henry's (ragtime, jazz), 8pm Alley kAts tAvern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm Asheville music hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm cluB eleven on grove Dance, 8:30pm cork & keg Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm




wed 4/23

joshua james 8pm • $10/$12

Cee knowledge (doodlebug of digable thu Planets) & the CosmiC 4/24 funk orChestra and free radio 9pm • $10/$13

sat 4/26

koVaCs & the Polar bear

sun 4/27

good stuff Celtic night, 6:30pm

White horse AmiciMusic: Short History of the Piano (part 2), 2pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Alejandro Escovedo & The Sensitive Boys w/ Amy Cook (alt-rock), 8pm

9pm • FREE

damien jurado w/ holy holy Vine 9pm • $13/$16

tue alejandro esCoVedo 4/29 & the sensitiVe boys w/ amy Cook 8pm • $17/$20

easy star all stars dub side of the wed moon tour 4/30 w/ Cas haley & big hope 9pm • $17/$20

thu jessiCa lea mayfield w/ dylan leblanc & 5/1

barton Carroll 9pm • $13/$16

sat 5/3

douBle croWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

farewell show

willie watson & mandolin orange 9pm • $10/12

april 23 - april 29, 2014



Send your listings to

TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


FRI. 4/25

DJ Moto (dance, pop hits) SAT. 4/26

Howie’s House Party (blues, fusion)

like a tiger lily: Indie-folk trio Lily and the Tigers will be performing at the Root Bar on Saturday, April 26, at 8 p.m. The group’s newly released album, The Hand You Deal Yourself, was recorded in isolation in the woods of Vermont.

20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM iron horse stAtion Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 6pm




Brown Bag Songwriting Competition


one stop

23 Hosted by Alex Krug 6:30pm $3 to enter WED

Free to Watch The Asheville Underground Showcase Presents:

Boss and Morningstar [TLW] w/ 23 Midi Musashi Xero, Better Daze,& Rebel Savage WED



25 FRI

leX 18 Steve Karla & Phil Alley (gypsy guitar duo), 8:30pm


orAnge peel Alabama Shakes w/ Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires (indierock), 8pm scully's Triva night, 9pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm the mothlight Nakatani Gong Orchestra (world music), 8pm

Moogfest 7 PM

the sociAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm

one stop one stop


timo's house 90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm

Moogfest 8 PM

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

APR Get Right Band w/ Gibson Wilbanks 27 The 8 PM $2 21+



Rupert Wates and Dave Turner 10 PM $2 All Ages


one stop deli & BAr Tuesday night techno, 10pm Rupert Wates & Dave Turner (folk), 10pm

the phoeniX Jason Lane Duo (singer-songwriter), 8pm



odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm

Moogfest 7 PM



loBster trAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7pm





jAck of the Wood puB Circus Mutt (alternative, bluegrass), 9pm




isis restAurAnt And music hAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm

ALIGNING MINDS Presents Waveforms 007: Featuring PARADOX, ROBERT MANOS, KALU & Special guests.10PM $8 / $10 / $5 with Moogfest wristband 21+




10 PM


april 23 - april 29, 2014

Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm

WEDnEsDay, apriL 30 185 king street Aaron LaFalce, 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Jamar Woods (funk, soul), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Dave Desmelik songwriter series w/ Woody Wood (Americana, folk), 8:30pm Asheville music hAll All Star Brown Bag Songwriting Competition Finals, 7pm BArley's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm Ben's tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm ByWAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm cork & keg Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm douBle croWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm emerAld lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Easy Star All-Stars: Dub Side of the Moon Tour w/ Underground System (Afro-beat), 9pm grind cAfe Trivia night, 7pm highlAnd BreWing compAny Jay Brown (acoustic), 5:30pm hotel indigo Peggy Ratutsz, 8pm

Westville puB Blues jam, 10pm

iron horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 6pm

White horse Irish sessions --- Open mic, 6:30pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll World Wednesday w/ One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 7:15pm

SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch jAck of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm

millroom Wakey! Wakey! w/ Andy Suzuki (alternative, pop), 9pm

leX 18 BMF Group (UNCA jazz workshop), 8pm

odditorium Ryan Fursetenberg w/ Shorty Can't Eat Book (punk, garage-rock), 9pm

loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm millroom Local Color: Empire Strikes Brass (brass band), 6pm odditorium Sub X & The Manifest Process, 9pm olive or tWist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Lazybirds (Americana), 10pm orAnge peel Slightly Stoopid w/ Mariachi El Bronx (reggae, dubrock), 8pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Even The Animals (folk, Americana), 6pm sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm

one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny Emefe w/ The Blood Gypsies & Members of Antibalas (Afro-beat, world-funk), 9pm posh BAr Acoustic jam, 6pm

the phoeniX Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

toWn pump Yaddatu (rock, jazz), 9pm

tiger mountAin thirst pArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm

tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

tressA's doWntoWn jAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

vincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

Alley kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm

White horse Rupert Wates, 7:30pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny The Horse You Rode In On (alt-rock), 9:30pm

AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Big Nasty (ragtime), 8pm

clAssic Wineseller James Hammel (jazz, pop), 7pm

Alley kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm

cluB eleven on grove DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm

Asheville music hAll The Werks w/ Jahman Brahman (jam), 10pm

cork & keg Juan Benavides Group (Flamenco, Latin, jazz), 8:30pm

cork & keg Old-time jam, 7pm Square dance, 8pm

emerAld lounge Support Emerald Lounge Fundraiser (help keep Emerald open!), 8pm

douBle croWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm emerAld lounge Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute), 9pm good stuff Daniel Keller, 6:30pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Jessica Lea Mayfield w/ Dylan LeBlanc & Barton Carroll (rock), 9pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm jAck of the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm leXington Ave BreWery (lAB) Mother Explosives w/ Oldman Rabbit (anti-folk), 9pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 7pm

A True Gentleman’s Club



Asheville music hAll Double Vision Tour Paint, Foam & Blacklight party (electronic), 10pm

185 king street Barefoot Movement (folk), 8pm

dirty south lounge Chance Wayne (blues), 9pm



fridAy, mAy 2 5 WAlnut Wine BAr 3 Cool Cats (rock 'n' roll), 8pm

thursdAy, mAy 1

Over 40 Entertainers!

vincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

Approved Medical Device in Japan -38yrs An Overly Acidic Body is the Root Cause of Most Disease

20% OFF of Any One Item

the mothlight The Men w/ Nude Beach (punk, rock), 9:30pm

timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

toWn pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”

scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm

the sociAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm

timo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late

purple onion cAfe Jon Shain (blues, folk), 7:30pm

the mothlight Lee Noble w/ Lazy Magnet, Stephen Molyneux & Tann Jones (experimental, ambient, drone), 9:30pm

Alkaline, Ionized, Mineral Charged

Take the 30 Day Challenge To: Reverse & Prevent Disease Dramatically Increase Energy

olive or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing), 8pm

orAnge peel Here Come the Mummies (funk), 9pm

Try Kangen Water FREE

good stuff The Lords of Chicken Hill, 7pm John The Revelator, 9pm green room cAfe & coffeehouse Carrie Morrison (Americana), 6:30pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern New Belgium groundbreaking celebration w/ David Earl & The Plowshares (rock, folk), 7pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm highlAnd BreWing compAny Secret B-Sides w/ Mountain Walker (R&B, funk, soul, hip-hop), 5pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll stephaniesid (pop-noir), 7pm Jim Arrendell dance party, 9pm jAck of the Wood puB Shane Pruitt Band (blues, jam), 9pm millroom Wake Owl w/ Mimicking Birds (indie-pop), 9pm




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½ OFF COVER CHARGE 520 Swannanoa River Rd Asheville • (828) 298-1400

• • OPEN 7 DAYS • •

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)

april 23 - april 29, 2014




Send your listings to soothing sounds: Brooklyn-based Woods and Boston-born Quilt will play a set with Athens/Atlanta’s psych-influenced art-pop band Axxa/Abraxas on Monday, April 28, at the Mothlight, at 9:30 p.m. Woods, an indie-folk outfit with psychedelic-sounding undertones, just released its 8th LP With Light And With Love on April 15.

4/30 doors at 6

Live Taping of Local Color

cork & keg Rose Sinclair & Swing Shack, 8:30pm

olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz, swing), 7:30pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm

emerAld lounge Support Emerald Lounge Fundraiser (help keep Emerald open!), 8pm

one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Mooglefest w/ D&D Sluggers, Mikal kHill, The Last Wordbenders & Press B (nerd-core), 10pm

good stuff Michael McFarland, 9pm

orAnge peel Lacuna Coil w/ Cilver & The Redcoats Are Coming (metal), 8pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAvern Willie Watson w/ Mandolin Orange (acoustic, folk), 9pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny Frank Bang & The Secret Stash (blues), 9pm scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

Wakey! Wakey!

5/2 doors at 8

odditorium The Toothe (record release) w/ Blots & Barn Cat, 9pm

w/ Andy Suzuki

scully's DJ, 10pm the green room Bistro & BAr Grits & Soul (bluegrass, Americana), 8:30pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till






Sat 4/26 Wed 4/30

Full Bar

CLASSICAL BRUNCH FEATURING AMICIMUSIC’S GERMAN GENIUS First Seating 10 AM • Second Seating 12 PM • $15 for music • Brunch $7-$11

WORLD WEDNESDAY WITH ONE LEG UP Chef Mike will match the mood with dinner features inspired by foods and wines of the French persuasion. $5 added to tab • 7:15pm Thur 5/1 Chris Jones and the Night Drivers $10/$12 • 9 PM Fri 5/2 stephaniesid PRESENTS: ID WEEKLY IN MAY $5 • 7-9 PM Fri 5/2 JIM ARRENDELL DANCE PARTY $5 • 9 PM Sat 5/3 APRIL VERCH BAND $15/$18 • 8:30 PM Every Sunday JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm • $5 Every Tuesday BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite

the sociAl Jump Yur Grin, 9pm

april 23 - april 29, 2014

jAck of the Wood puB Small Town Lights (Americana), 9pm millroom Say Hi & The Big Scary (indie-rock), 9pm odditorium Brian McGee, May Erwin & Chris Head, 9pm olive or tWist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 7:30pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm one stop deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm The Mug (blues, rock), 10pm

toWn pump Hard Rocket (rock), 9pm

orAnge peel Down w/ MindShapeFist (metal), 9pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 8:30pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny The London Souls w/ The Travers Brothership (rock, jam), 9pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

purple onion cAfe Charlyhorse, 8pm

Wild Wing cAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm

saTurDay, May 3 Alley kAts tAvern The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Greenworks River Benefit, 4pm Bluegrass, 5pm Goodness Graceful (indie-folk), 7pm Jam w/ Chris O'Neill, 9:30pm Asheville music hAll Same As It Ever Was (Talking Heads tribute), 10pm

clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles & Elton John covers), 7pm


isis restAurAnt And music hAll Roney Studio Performance (brunch show), 11:30am April Verch Band (folk), 8:30pm

tiger mountAin thirst pArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm

AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm


green room cAfe & coffeehouse Elise Pratt & Mike Holstein (jazz), 6:30pm

scully's DJ, 10pm the AdmirAl Soul night w/ Dr. Filth, 11pm the green room Bistro & BAr Zach Page & Simpatico (jazz), 8:30pm the mothlight Kreamy 'Lectric Santa w/ Zombie Queen, Blood Summer, Short Sets & Dance party (punk), 9pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiger mountAin thirst pArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm toWn pump Bullfeather (gypsy blues), 9pm vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact

picK oF thE WEEK

thEatEr listinGs

Finding Vivian Maier HHHHS

Friday, april 25 thursday, may 1 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

dirEctor: John Maloof, Charlie Siskel Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

playErs: John Maloof, Mary Ellen Mark, Phil Donahue, Vivian Maier, Duffy Levant, Joe Matthews

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. 12 Years A slave (r) 7:00 300: Rise of an Empire (R)

documEntary ratEd nr thE story: Documentary about the work of recently discovered street photographer Vivian Maier, combined with the efforts to track down the story of this enigmatic woman. thE loWdoWn: Altogether captivating, fascinating and even moving documentary chronicling the work of and trying to understand a mid-20th century street photographer. If you only see one documentary a year, this should be it.

Finding Vivian Maier is that rarest of things: a documentary I like rather than merely admire. In fact, it’s only a musical score away from having gotten the full five stars. (Is there some school for documentary composers where they learn how to slather films with this insipid, generic music that makes them all sound alike?) Yes, I think the film is actually that good. Not only is the subject of the film’s work worthy of examination, but the enigma of Vivian Maier is fascinating in itself. The film addresses both her street photography and her life. It explores the mystery of Maier through detective work and the memories of those who knew her, but it never solves the central riddle of who she was. (Think of it as the Citizen Kane of documentaries.) And while I suspect that this is because it’s not possible to do so, I think it’s also why the film works

10:00 Frozen: sing-Along version (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452) CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) Brick mansions (Pg-13) 12:20, 2:50, 5:00, 7:25, 9:50

One of Vivian Maier’s remarkable street photos showcased in the fascinating new documentary Finding Vivian Maier.

Captain America: The winter soldier 2D (Pg-13) 12:15, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 Dom hemingway (r) 12:05, 2:35, 4:50, 7:15 Finding vivian maier (nr) 12:00, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:50

so well — and is so strangely moving. Strip Vivian Maier of the enigma, and chances are, you would lose the magic of her story. It is more than possible that you’ve heard of Vivian Maier, though the name may not have stuck with you. She was the subject of a great deal of media attention when the late Chicago nanny’s cache of photos and thousands of rolls of undeveloped film were discovered. It was a treasure trove of striking, distinctive images from mid-20th century America, especially Chicago. This remarkable find was made by John Maloof, who had purchased some of the material at auction (he later tracked down more) with an eye toward stock shots for a project. What he found was far more remarkable. He started showing Maier’s photos around to various experts, all of whom were enthused over the discovery. He subsequently mounted retrospective shows of her work to great acclaim. In the midst of all this, Maloof teamed up with Charlie Siskel (nephew of film critic Gene Siskel and sometime assistant director to Michael Moore) to document the entire experience, show-

casing the distinctive photos while trying to get a picture of the woman who took them. The film does an admirable job of both, though the hook lies in trying to discover just who Vivian Maier was and why she never showed her work to anyone. It is more than slightly likely that Maloof and Siskel have at least simplified some of this, and it’s even probable that Maloof goes a little out of his way to congratulate his own detective work. I’m not at all certain that he doesn’t deserve all the credit he takes for uncovering Maier and her work. At the same time, I’m not wholly convinced that he completely justifies his reason for making this intensely private woman’s life — and for that matter her work — public property. A letter he discovered that suggests she at one point considered selling some of her work is thin justification. Even so, the whole story, as pieced together by previous employers and some of her now grown-charges, along with discoveries Maloof made about her earlier life, is compelling viewing. Equally compelling are Maier’s photographs, and the film provides plenty of them, including a num-

The grand Budapest hotel (r) 11:30, 2:10, 4:40, 7:00, 9:15 A haunted house 2 (r) 11:00, 1:05, 5:25, 7:40, 9:45 heaven is for real (Pg) 11:15, 1:45, 3:15, 4:15, 7:05, 9:20 Joe (r) 10:45, 1:20, 3:55, 6:45, 9:20 le week-end (r) 11:20, 1:35, 4:10, 6:35, 9:20 The other woman (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 The Quiet ones (Pg-13) 12:25, 2:40, 5:15, 7:45, 10:00 rio 2 2D (g) 11:05, 1:30, 4:15, 6:45, 9:30 Transcendence (Pg-13) 11:10, 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Under the skin (r) 11:25, 2:00, 4:25, 6:55, 9:40 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) Captain America: The winter soldier (Pg-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) The grand Budapest hotel (r) 1:20 (no 1:20 show Fri-Sun., Apr. 25, 26, 27), 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., May 1), Late show Fri-Sat only 9:30 The lunchbox (Pg) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:15 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) Draft Day (Pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 (no 7:00 show Tue,. Apr. 29) regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADiUm 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)

april 23 - april 29, 2014



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by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

ber of self-portraits and even home movie footage. All of this is almost as mysterious and evocative as the images Maier captured with her unerring eye. Unlike most documentaries, not a single one of its 83 minutes is dull. Is it somewhat selfserving on Maloof’s part? Maybe, but it’s still a rattling good documentary. Even if you don’t generally like documentaries, you owe it to yourself to catch this one. Not rated, but contains some adult themes. Reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.

A Haunted House 2 S director: Michael Tiddes (A Haunted House) players: Marlon Wayans, Jaime Pressly, Gabriel Iglesias, Cedric the Entertainer, Essence Atkins horror parody rated nr the story: A man finds himself haunted by a demon. the lowdown: A crass, obvious and generally stupid send-up of popular horror movies.

Despite the hot garbage that was last year’s A Haunted House — a languid, grating attempt at throwing Marlon Wayans back into the always-lucrative horror parody business — it still made millions of dollars. A lot of this has to do with how cheaply these things can be made. I guess Wayans comes cheap these days, and a whole lot of corners can be cut by filming in a single location. There’s no way it wouldn’t make millions of dollars, which is a depressing, depressing thought. Since there’s no way a sequel could fail, here comes A Haunted House 2, which is essentially the first movie all over again, though there do appear to be differences. While the found footage aspect of the movie remains, this time around, Wayans and company are going after movies like Sinister (2012) and James Wan’s Insidious (2010), Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) and The Conjuring (2013). And by going after, I mean pulling things from the trailers and grafting some weed


april 23 - april 29, 2014


and sex jokes onto them. Imagine the lowest common denominator. Now, imagine lifting up the lowest common denominator and finding an even lower, never-beforediscovered denominator nestled comfortably underneath. There’s exactly one amusing joke (about Madea Goes to Mars, which sounds infinitely better than this movie). It only serves to remind you what humor is before the rest of the movie tramples your better inclinations. This is, after all, a movie with a Wayans in it. I’m not even going to get into a full-on description of what constitutes that distinct Marlon Wayans’ style, but without addressing the more Freudian aspects, this is a man who thinks his own bare ass is the height of comedy. This movie is an affront to good taste and an affront to America, where a man can get paid seven digits (OK, let’s be realistic, six digits) to hump a spooky doll twice on screen. I can only take solace in the fact that one day the sun will eat the earth and every $5 remainder bin DVD of A Haunted House 2 with it. Rated R for crude and sexual content, nudity, pervasive language, drug use and some violent images. Reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grane, United Artists Beaucatcher.

Heaven is for Real HS

director: Randall Wallace (Secretariat) players: Greg Kinnear, Connor Corum, Kelly Reilly, Thomas Haden Church, Margo Martindale faith-based drama rated pg the story: The story of a young boy who claims he went to heaven after nearly dying in surgery and his father’s (who is also a pastor) struggle to accept the tale. the lowdown: A surprisingly theologically even-handed film that’s unfortunately dull, with no dramatic push behind it.

HHHHH = max rating I expected the worst from Randall Wallace’s Heaven Is for Real. I’ve seen enough (too many, in fact) treacly, whitewashed religious tracts masquerading as cinema. I mean, this is a movie based on the “true story” of a young boy by the name of Colton Burpo (newcomer Connor Corum) claiming to have seen heaven during an appendectomy. You pretty much know what you’re going to get, from the cheesy, familyfriendly humor to the noxious, swelling, saccharine score that sweats out of the speakers. Despite being awash in such expected gooeyness, imagine my shock to find a surprisingly evenhanded, theologically inquisitive little movie. Heaven Is for Real is, for the most part, really about father and pastor Todd Burpo (Greg Kinnear, in a solid, none-too-taxing performance) coming to grips with what he truly believes. As a man of faith, even he has trouble buying into this story that young Burpo visited heaven, and not because of Colton’s more fantasticated claims (like Jesus riding around heaven on a horse), but because — even to him — heaven is far-fetched. This makes for a film that’s more measured and less preachy than most Christian cinema. This is all wonderful and unexpected, and you might, at this point, be asking yourself why Heaven Is for Real received such a meager star rating. Well, that’s because it’s boring. In the end, there’s just nothing interesting about the Burpos — not their money problems, not Todd breaking his leg playing softball and certainly not Colton going to heaven, which we only sort of see with some bad green screen work. There’s never any doubt, in a film called Heaven Is for Real, which side of the argument Pastor Burpo is going to fall on, and there’s certainly no dramatic energy in the meantime. These are the lives of solidly middle class people, living in middle America, and they seemingly have little to do other than listen to kids talk about heaven. I’m obviously less gullible than Todd, who apparently buys Colton’s claims that equestrian Jesus — complete with feathered hair — looks like a Bee Gee. All this excitement just feels goofy and makes the characters look even sillier. The movie is just steeped in aw shucks sincerity, and it’s all the more boring for it. Rated PG thematic material including some medical situations. Reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Playing at Carolina

starting friday Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grane, United Artists Beaucatcher.

Joe HHH director: David Gordon Green players: Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Gary Poulter, Ronnie Gene Blevens, Brian Mays southern gothic melodrama rated r

them down and replace them with trees more suitable for wood production — requires day laborers. This is how he meets Gary (Tye Sheridan, Mud), a 15-year-old boy with an abusive, psychotic, alcoholic father, Wade (Gary Poulter, a real homeless man who died on the streets shortly after the film was made). Joe immediately likes the boy and even tries to employ Wade, but that’s predictably doomed. At first, Joe fires them both, but he takes Gary back, and a friendship grows between them. It’s the kind of story that

the story: An ex-con forms an attachment to a troubled 15-year-old boy with an abusive alcoholic father.

Community Screenings

the lowdown: Highly acclaimed in many quarters, Joe feels both disjointed and falsely sentimentalized to me, despite containing a strong performance by Nicolas Cage. A fondness for Southern gothic melodrama is essential.

film At uncA 251-6585, • TH (4/24), 6:30pm - 12 Years A Slave. Screened in Sherrill Center. Free.

I have tried to like David Gordon Green’s work for years and failed. I’m afraid his generally highly regarded Joe has done nothing to change that. I freely admit that my taste for Southern gothic is limited, so that plays a part. But Joe is a messy movie that manages at once to be meandering and almost painfully predictable. More, it takes what is essentially a thick slab of sleazy, hicksploitation melodrama and does its damndest to romanticize and sentimentalize it. Much of the film is bathed in cinematographer Tim Orr’s golden, dappled-sunlight imagery, and we even get a dose of his trademark time-lapse photography. This may serve Green’s vision, but it feels false. It’s like the film wants to be the next Winter’s Bone (2010), but lacks the courage of its convictions. At best, it’s Winter’s Bone-lite. The story concerns Joe (Nicolas Cage), an ex-con with a dubious profession and a natural tendency to get into trouble. He’s not presented as a bad guy — at least within the film’s cheap-booze, whorehouses, dog-fighting milieu — just one with a short temper in regards to anything he perceives as injustice. He might also have a too-kind heart. His job — illegally poisoning trees so the logging company can cut

mechAnicAl eye microcinemA, saffronstarz@ Screenings held at Be Be Theatre, 20 Commerce St. • SU (4/27), 8pm - Dusty Stacks of Mom: The Poster Project, an animated musical documentary about the wholesale postcard business. reclAiming sAcred ground series 250-4750. This series discusses Native American self-representation in film. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Free. • WE (4/23), 6:30pm - The Cherokee Word for Water. screenings At mg roAd 254-4363, • SA (4/27), 8pm - Horn Please: The Journey of Indian Truck Art. $20. Held at 19 Wall St. sociAl justice film night, mnpopi@ Free. • FR (4/25), 7pm - American Teacher, a documentary about teacher salaries and the educational system. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 1 Edwin Place the shAmBhAlA meditAtion center 19 Westwood Place, 490-4587, • 4th FRIDAYS, 7pm - A screening and discussion of a Dharma-inspired film. Women’s recovery conference screening 257-4481, • WE (4/30), 5:30-8pm - Anonymous People, a film about new solutions to addiction. Admission donation benefits Women’s Recovery Conference scholarships. Held at Mountain Area Health Education Center, 121 Hendersonville Road

Finding Vivian Maier

Dom Hemingway

See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

Brick Mansions The primary draw for this latest from the Luc Besson action factory is going to be the presence of the late Paul Walker as its star. It hasn’t been reviewed by anyone yet, and the trailer looks pretty darn ghastly. According to the studio: “In a dystopian Detroit, abandoned brick mansions left from better times now house only the most dangerous criminals. Unable to control the crime, the police constructed a colossal containment wall around this area to protect the rest of the city.” It is this area Walker will, of course, be sent. The studio also claims “stylized action” and “an entertaining twist on the action genre.” (pg-13)

Richard Shepard’s (The Matador) latest, Dom Hemingway has pretty much split the critics, which is not necessarily a bad thing for a dark Brit crime comedy. Much more troubling is the fact that the film is from Fox Searchlight and hasn’t been screened for local critics. Jude Law plays the title character, “a largerthan-life safecracker with a loose fuse who is funny, profane and dangerous. After twelve years in prison, he sets off with his partner in crime Dickie (Richard E. Grant) looking to collect what he’s owed for keeping his mouth shut and protecting his boss, Mr. Fontaine (Demian Bichir).” Even with the lack of screenings, I’m intrigued. (r)

Joe See review in “Cranky Hanke.”


The Quiet Ones The 22 critics (mostly British) who have weighed in on this latest spook show from the folks who took over the Hammer Films brand name are evenly split on its merits or lack thereof. It is “inspired by true events” (red flag) and has to do with paranormal researchers discovering something “more terrifying than any of them expected.” It stars Jared Harris and heads out this way on Friday. (pg-13)

ALL Sunday Shows $1 ALL Tuesday Shows $2 Every Mon-Thu

ALL Shows $1 After 9pm

The Other Woman Cameron Diaz stars with Leslie Mann and Kate Upton in this romantic comedy where one wife (Mann) teams up with two women (Diaz and Upton) who are also romantically involved with her philandering husband (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). Their objective? Revenge. It could work, but why is goo-meister Nick Cassavetes (My Sister’s Keeper) directing this? (pg-13)

Saturday Morning Shows ONLY $1

Sat & Sun

Brunch Menu for all shows before 12pm Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808

april 23 - april 29, 2014



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

follows a fairly straight trajectory. The film, and presumably Larry Brown’s novel, both want to be more, and so we get the addition of several subordinate stories. Structurally, this is where the film runs into problems. A secondary romance between Joe and a woman (Adrienne Mishler) is, I think, meant to flesh out Joe’s character, but it feels like padding. Similarly, his visits to the local whorehouse and the whole dogfight business feel remarkably inessential. But all of these pale compared to a scene where Wade brutally murders an old wino for a bottle of Boone’s Farm and some spare change. It may be meant to show the depths the character has reached, but it’s a dead end dramatically in that nothing comes of it. The film is on surer footing with Joe’s running feud with a scarred psycho named Willie (Ronnie Gene Blevins). Willie has also butted heads with Gary and is integrated into the overall story. (Plus, Willie’s tiresome, idiotic mantra, “I went through a windshield and I don’t give a f--k,” sets up the film’s most satisfying bit of black comedy.) While the ending may feel contrived and forced, the final — theoretically hopeful — scene just seems ridiculous and phony. Much has been said about Nicolas Cage’s performance in Joe being a return to greatness. It may be more controlled than his more mainstream scenery chewing, but it works mostly because you can sense the inner, over-the-top Cage threatening to break through during the entire film. His Joe is a good performance, but it owes much to Cage’s overall filmography. How else could we buy into Joe as a guy who responds to being shot in the shoulder by lighting a cigarette? Plus, I’d be hard-pressed to say that it’s as good as his performance in Werner Herzog’s The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call (2009). I was less impressed by Tye Sheridan here than I was by his turn in last year’s Mud, but I’m also not sure anyone could have done better with the role of Gary as written. All in all, though, I can’t honestly recommend the film, but neither do I feel I can not recommend it. This is a film where a higher penchant for Southern gothic than I have may pay dividends. Rated R for violence, disturbing material, language and some strong sexual content. Reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas.


april 23 - april 29, 2014


HHHHH = max rating

Transcendence HHHS

director: Wally Pfister players: Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Cillian Murphy, Kate Mara, Morgan Freeman, Clifton Collins Jr. science fiction rated pg-13 the story: A dying computer genius has his mind uploaded to a computer so that he can live on beyond death. the lowdown: An intriguing, nice-looking science fiction film that risks tackling some pretty big issues. It doesn’t entirely succeed, but it remains above-average entertainment with something on its mind.

No, cinematographer Wally Pfister’s bid to become a director with Transcendence isn’t what you’d call a raging success. It flopped at the box office, and it more than flopped with the majority of the critics. There are all the pre-fab shibboleths you might expect: Pfister has overreached himself, while Depp is no longer a draw and keeps playing the same character over and over. Surely, you know the drill. Since this is Pfister’s first time at bat, I don’t know if he’s overreached himself or not. He’s certainly followed the basic template of his mentor and producer, Christopher Nolan, by making a somewhat ponderous, pompous and humorless movie. As for the Depp charges, I’m mostly of the opinion that Depp is being systematically vilified for no good reason except it’s the “in” thing to do. Without getting into the psychology and the many fallacies of the Dump-on-Depp game, one thing is certain: This is a restrained performance with no trace of Depp’s more popular characters. In fact, the absence of any vestige of those characters might just be part of the problem here. The truth is that Transcendence is by no means a bad movie. It is streets ahead of most of what we get that is labeled science fiction. It’s intelligent. It explains its premise — within reason. Its

From left: morgan freeman, cillian murphy, johnny depp (on monitor screens) and rebecca hall in Wally Pfister’s flawed but interesting Transcendence.

dialogue isn’t chuckleheaded. It isn’t afraid to tackle the Big Questions. Perhaps it ought to have been a little more careful in that last regard, but that’s also what makes the film more interesting than your average multiplex fodder. Transcendence tries very hard to be profound, and it actually gets near it on occasion. Still, it can’t quite escape the sense of being something of a bargainrate Inception (2010). But I give it high marks for trying. And while it may not successfully grapple with its questions of humanity and the soul, I do believe it’s a deeply spiritual film — much more so than certain other films currently playing that actually make that claim. The premise is nothing too original. When computer genius Will Caster (Depp) is killed by the effects of a radiation-infused bullet fired by a member of a group of computer Luddite-terrorists, he has his wife, Eve (Rebecca Hall), and his best friend, Max (Paul Bettany), upload his mind into a computer, effectively resurrecting him. Eve is ecstatic, while Max is worried that maybe what’s in the computer isn’t really (or exactly) Will. It’s pretty obvious that Will, or whatever variation of Will this is, will change as his mental powers grow. In fact, it can be said

that most of what happens is fairly standard “there are things that man must leave alone” fare, which may actually be enhanced by moving the action to a small desert town of the sort so favored by 1950s sci-fi movies. There are, however, several very intriguing new wrinkles, and, at bottom, Transcendence is a love story in much the same way as David Cronenberg’s The Fly (1986). In fact, The Fly may well be its closest spiritual relation, especially as concerns questions of the real vs. the synthetic. The Fly, however, is clever enough to tackle this idea head on — even if its method of dealing with it is a little vague. Transcendence offers the viewer nothing but the hint of this as an issue, yet it lies beneath everything that happens. This is especially apparent in the film’s most fascinating variation on its basic premise. It is this variation — a kind of accidental Frankenstein effect that I don’t want to address here in detail — that lingers in the mind more than the film’s undeniable shortcomings. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence, some bloody images, brief strong language and sensuality. Reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.

april 23 - april 29, 2014


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still showing

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

13 Sins HHHS

Mark Webber, Devon Graye, Tom Bower, Rutina Wesley, Ron Perlman, Pruitt Taylor Vince horror thriller A desperate man is given a chance at winning a million dollars if he completes 13 tasks, which, unsurprisingly, turn out to be much worse than he imagines. A truly solid horror thriller with a compelling, darkly humorous story and an unusually complex moral center. It's not perfect, but it's good. rated r

3 Days to Kill HH Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Tómas Lemarquis espionage action A CIA agent’s dying wish to reconnect with his estranged family is derailed when he’s offered a miracle cure for his disease — but only if he kills an especially nefarious target. A disjointed, aimless and occasionally ugly action picture with zero spark. rated pg-13

Draft Day H Kevin Costner, Jennifer Garner, Denis Leary, Frank Langella sports melodrama An NFL general manager — with his job on the line — feels the pressure on draft day. A dull, ill-conceived and needlessly melodramatic film of very specialized interests and zero dramatic energy. rated r

Captain America: The Winter Soldier HHHS Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Redford

God’s Not Dead H Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A.R. White, Trisha LaFache, Dean Cain, Willie Robertson shameless propaganda melodrama A Christian student argues for the existence of God against his atheist professor. Your basic “faith-based” movie complete with its stereotypical villains and rigged arguments. It will please those it’s aimed at, but isn’t likely to do much for anyone else. rated pg

The Grand Budapest Hotel HHHHH Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham. Tony Revolori, Mathieu Amalric, Adrien Brody. Jeff Goldblum, Jude Law comedy with tragic overtones The story of the last great days of the Grand Budapest Hotel and its legendary concierge, M. Gustave H. Absolutely breathtaking in its design, its cinematic flair and its tragicomic tone, which is masked by a deliberately absurd, thrill-comedy plot. Wes Anderson is at the peak of his form here — and so is Ralph Fiennes. rated r

Heaven is for Real HS

Divergent HH

faith-based drama The story of a young boy claims he went to heaven after nearly dying in surgery and his pastor father’s struggle to accept the tale. A surprisingly theologically even-handed film that’s unfortunately dull, with no dramatic push behind it. rated pg

dystopian action In the future, society has been separated into factions as a means of keeping the peace, but one girl — who discovers she may be factionless — tries to fit in with a new group as a means of survival. An overlong, joyless film that fancies itself as heady sci-fi. It’s full of moral questions, but is really just a boneheaded action flick with unappealing lead actors. rated pg-13

Joe HHH Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Gary Poulter, Ronnie Gene Blevens, Brian Mays psychological horror thriller An excon forms an attachment to a troubled 15-year-old boy with an abusive alcoholic father. Highly acclaimed in many quarters, Joe feels both disjointed and falsely sentimentalized to me, despite containing a strong performance by Nicolas Cage. A fondness for Southern gothic melodrama is essential. rated r

Finding Vivian Maier HH HHS John Maloof, Mary Ellen Mark, Phil Donahue, Vivian Maier, Duffy Levant, Joe Matthews

april 23 - april 29, 2014

documentary Documentary about the work of recently discovered street photographer Vivian Maier, combined with the efforts to track down the story of this enigmatic woman. Altogether captivating, fascinating and even moving documentary chronicling the work of and trying to understand mid-20th century street photographer. If you only see one documentary a year, this should be it. rated nr

comic book action Captain America returns to battle a mysterious, powerful assassin. A noisy actioner that is passable as big-budget entertainment. rated pg-13

Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Jai Courtney, Kate Winslet, Zoe Kravitz



Greg Kinnear, Connor Corum, Kelly Reilly, Thomas Haden Church, Margo Martindale

Le Week-End HHHHH Jim Broadbent, Lindsay Duncan, Jeff Goldblum, Olly Alexander, Judith Davis, Igor Gotesman romantic comedy drama An aging, far from affluent and not very happy British couple try to relive their honeymoon on a weekend in Paris. Rich, funny, touching and altogether real, this is a must-see. rated r

The Lunchbox HHHHH Irrfan Khan, Nimrat Kaur, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Lillete Dunbey, Nakul Vaid, Shruti Bapna romantic comedy drama When a young wife's special lunch for her husband is mistakenly delivered to another, older man, an increasingly intimate correspondence ensues. Charming, quietly funny, elegantly made and sometimes heartbreakingly perceptive, The Lunchbox is one of 2014's must-see films. Stars Irrfan Khan and Nimrat Kaur are marvelous.rated pg-13

HHHHH = max rating

Mr. Peabody & Sherman HHHH (Voices) Ty Burrell, Max Charles, Ariel Winter, Allison Janney, Stephen Colbert, Leslie Mann animated fantasy comedy The world’s smartest dog, Mr. Peabody, must fight to keep his adopted son, Sherman. Brisk, funny and entertaining, Mr. Peabody & Sherman may not set the world on fire and certainly won’t change the way you think about animated films, but it does provide a fun 90 minutes at the movies. rated pg

Muppets Most Wanted HHS Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey, Ty Burrell, Steve Whitmire, Eric Jacobson comedy The Muppets are unknowingly entangled in an international art theft after Kermit the Frog is mistaken for a master criminal and thrown in prison. A harmless little movie that exists solely for diehard Muppet fans and is more cute than entertaining. rated pg

Noah HHHH Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins biblical fantasy epic Mystical, fantasized retelling of the Bible story of Noah’s Ark. It most certainly doesn’t all work, but Darren Aronofsky’s visionary take on the Bible story is still an amazing work — as much for its flaws as for its virtues. It may miss greatness, but it sure makes a valiant try for it. rated pg-13

Oculus HHHS

Karen Gillan, Brenton Thwaites, Katee Sackhoff, Rory Cochrane, Annalise Basson, Garrett Ryan horror A young woman sets out to prove that her brother wasn't responsible for the murder of their father 11 years ago. The real culprit, she insists, is an evil mirror. Though it's certainly good — and should be seen by discerning horror fans — Oculus is a few scares shy of the "instant classic" some are claiming. rated r

Rio 2 HH (Voices) Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Jemaine Clement, Andy Garcia animated musical comedy A rare blue macaw named Blu and his family head off into the wilds of the Amazon. A wholly acceptable, palatable, colorful and unmemorable animated flick. rated g

Under the Skin HHHHH Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy McWilliams, Lynsey Taylor Mackay, Dougie McConnell art sci-fi horror A mysterious woman — who is apparently an alien — prowls the Glasgow area in a white van to seduce and dispatch men. Highly acclaimed as fresh and original, Under the Skin is also slow-moving and on the deliberately impenatrable side. Yes, it's the critical sci-fi sensation of the moment, but it's not going to suit everyone's tastes.rated r

special screenings

A Hard Day’s Night HHHHH

The police, Ringo, George, John and Paul in Richard Lester’s classic A Hard Day’s Night (1964)

director: Richard Lester players: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Wilfrid Brambell, Norm Rossington, John Junkin, Victor Spinetti musical comedy Rated NR Richard Lester’s landmark film A Hard Day’s Night (1964) not only captured a moment in time and propelled The Beatles even further into the realm of icons, but it revolutionized cinema — especially British cinema — and can be said to be the true birth of modern film. Borrowing much of its style from the French new wave, Lester’s film, and its secret weapon, The Beatles, was a joyous, cheeky experience unlike anything before it. The Asheville Film Society will screen A Hard Day’s Night Tuesday, April 29, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Great Santini HHH Aftermath HHHHS director: Wladyslaw Pasikowski players: Maciej Stuhr, Ireneusz Czop, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Danuta Szaflarks, Jerzy Radziwilowicz drama Rated NR The Asheville Jewish Film Festival at the Fine Arts closes with a powerful, disturbing film, Aftermath, that might be described as a Holocaust story devoid of both Nazis and Jews. But that’s not exactly right. It is, as its title indicates, a story that takes place long after the Holocaust but is still deeply about that era. It’s structured as a kind of mystery set in modern Poland — a mystery with a shattering and horrific conclusion that digs deeply into the heart of Polish anti-Semitism. I’ve never seen anything quite like it, and I highly recommend it. The Asheville Jewish Film Festival and Fine Arts Theatre will screen Aftermath April 24 at 7 p.m. with an encore showing on Friday, April 25 at 1 p.m. Admission is $8.50.

Eyes Without a Face (Les Yeux sans Visage) HHHH director: Georges Franju (Judex) players: Pierre Brasseur. Alida Valli, Edith Scob, Juliette Mayniel, François Guérin horror Rated NR Georges Franju’s Eyes Without a Face (1960) is one of the most highly regarded of all horror films, though I’ve never been able to completely embrace it myself. Certainly, it’s well made, has a certain poetic quality, some iconic imagery and a hypnotic performance from Edith Scob. But the film itself strikes me as essentially a fairly standard horror film in terms of its plot. That, however, is a minority opinion. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Eyes Without a Face Thursday, April 24 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

My American Uncle (Mon Oncle d’Amerique) HHHHH director: Alain Resnais players: Gérard Depardieu, Nicole Garcia, Roger Pierre, Nelly Borgeaud, Pierre Arditi, Henri Laborit drama Rated PG World Cinema concludes its monthlong tribute to Alain Resnais with the filmmaker’s 1980 film My American Uncle (Mon Oncle d’Amerique), and it’s another winner. It takes the intersecting stories of three characters, along with the real evolutionary philospher Henri Laborit, and presents their stories in terms of a sociological/ psychological study, based in part on Laborit’s theories. (Resnais throws in at least one theory of his own.) The results are slyly comic and finally devastating. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present My American Uncle Friday, April 25, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

director: Lewis John Carlino (The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea) players: Robert Duvall, Blythe Danner, Michael O’Keefe, Lisa Jane Persky, Stan Shaw, Theresa Merritt, David Keith, Paul Mantee drama Rated PG The Great Santini comes with a long list of critical accolades from the time of its release. How this story of a hard-drinking, abusive Marine colonel and his impact on his family holds up is largely going to be a matter of taste. At best, it contains some strong performances and is competently made — though it looks for all the world like a TV movie. At its worst, it puts forth a message that, to me, feels spurious and poorly developed. Others will strongly disagree with that assessment. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Great Santini Sunday, April 27, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


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april 23 - april 29, 2014


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open houses THis sunDay • apriL 27 • 1-4pm Open House: 107 Maple Drive, East Asheville. $799,900. Ideal home for outdoors lifestyle just 10 minutes to downtown. Private and secluded 3+- acre retreat bordering Blue Ridge Parkway. Superior construction, 3,700+ sqft, 3BR, 2.5BA with mountain views and long list of upgrades. Extraordinary home for discriminating buyer. Chris Pelly, Keller Williams Professionals (828) 2313704.

Pets of

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the Week Hilda •

Female, Domestic Shorthair 8 years old

Hilda is a friendly cat who likes people and other cats. She likes to be petted and gently scratched, and she always hangs out wherever the “family activity” is. Hilda meows to let you know she wants loving, dinner, or the feather wand to play with. She will need to be on a thyroid pill for the rest of her life, but the medication is not expensive. Consider giving Hilda a home. She’s a pleasure to have around.


Female, Border Collie Mix, 9 years old Tessa is a super smart dog that desperately wants a new family to be with. She can be kind of picky about which dogs she likes, so if you already have a canine companion then we just ask that you bring them by to meet each other first. She is a mellow lady looking for a friend to go for walks with! Tessa is a nice quiet ole girl just looking for a loving home!

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reAl estAte

office suites Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sqft to 3,200 sqft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-2814024. jmenk@gmproperty. com


BlAck mountAin 2BR/1BA apartment,$595, heat/central air, washer dryer connections, very nice! (828) 252-4334. north Asheville • Townhouse style apartments, one mile from downtown on busline 1BR/1BA $495. • 2BR/1BA $595. • 3BR/1BA $695. Call (828) 252-4334. pet friendly 2 Br 1BA 800sf ApArtment Swannanoa, convenient location. Wrap-around creekside deck, views of mountain and meadow. Hardwood floors, large bathroom, WD hookups. Very clean, freshly redone. Private, secure. Brian 828 275 0328 828 275 0328



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commerciAl/ Business rentAls 2,000 sqft +/- WAynesville, nc • Ideal office/warehouse/workspace downtown Waynesville. Decor would support craft-oriented use, distributor or low-traffic store. Negotiable. Call (828) 216-6066.

short-term rentAls 15 minutes to Asheville Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/week, $1500/ month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145.

roommAtes roommAtes All AreAs - roommAtes. com. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: (AAN CAN)

ApArtments for rent

Asheville Humane Society


homes for rent

employment generAl afriCa • BraZiL Work/ study! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! www.OneWorldCenter. org (269) 591-0518. (AAN CAN)

skilled lABor/ trAdes fire sprinkler pipe fitter We are currently accepting applications for an experienced fire sprinkler pipe fitter, must have a valid drivers license. Pay

depends on experience. Please send a resume or application to Download our application at Phone calls won’t be accepted prior to receiving and review of completed application and/or resume.

jobs retAil sAles AssistAnt 2-3 days a week. Must have superb customer service skills, able to mulit-task and available to work weekends and holidays. Must have friendly, relaxed disposition. Open 7 days/week, 11am6pm. Apply in person: 19 Patton Ave., downtown Asheville. kress emporium.

professionAl pet groomers WAnted Shampoodles Salon is expanding. We are searching for professional groomers who are skilled at their trade to join our team. We have two locations Fairview and N.Asheville (opening May). 828628-9807 shampoodlessalon@,

Work from home For a non-profit organization enrolling new members in a worthy cause. Commission basis. Must enjoy phone work and have good computer skills. Call David: (954) 270-1007.

AdministrAtive/ office

restAurAnt/ food

pArAlegAl/legAl AssistAnt Three-lawyer law office, specializing in criminal defense litigation. Duties include interviewing clients; managing files; preparing court documents; telephone answering; litigation support. Legal experience preferred but will consider applicants with compensatory life skills. Computer skills necessary. No phone calls please. Resumes with cover letter as well as any inquires by Email Only to:

cAmp cook WAnted Camp in Balsam, NC looking for a motivated individual to cook for as many as 100 campers. If interested please email or call Jon Terry @ (828) 456-3435. www.soarnc. org $15 per hour.

sAles/ mArketing Business development ManagEr • aCCounT eXecutive Our company and product line is growing faster than we can keep up with! We need aggressive, creative sales reps to help us secure an even bigger piece of this multi-million dollar industry. Candidate will be responsible for generating sales revenue on new accounts by analyzing and researching database for sales leads, initiating calls to prospective retail stores / resellers, and following up leads. Must have strong sales skills, computer skills, and be able to thrive in a fast paced environment. Must be self motivated and willing to travel. The right person will be comfortable negotiating major deals. Benefits include competitive pay, comfortable atmosphere w/casual dress, holiday and vacation pay, health insurance co-pay, 401K and great office hours. • Interested parties please email / fax resume and cover letter to Jacqui - AFG Distribution - Fax#: (828) 236-2658.

server/grill cook positions AvAilABle For busy North Asheville restaurant. Server - minimum 2 years experience • Grill Cook - full time P.M. shift, experienced. Apply in person only. 337 N. Merrimon Ave.

sous chef / culinAry tAlent Passionate about food, local ingredients, attention to detail and serving guests well? THE SWAG country inn is seeking a talented SOUS CHEF to join our professional kitchen. 828.926.0430 chef@theswag. com

medicAl/ heAlth cAre dietAry cook needed for nursing fAcility Asheville Health Care Center Heather Drape, HR Manager P: 828-298-2214 ext. 319 828298-2214 ext. 319 Heather.

humAn services

aVaiLaBLE posiTions • meridiAn BehAviorAl heAlth staff psychiatrist Meridian Behavioral Health Services is a non-profit provider of community mental health services serving nine counties in Western North Carolina. We have an opening for a Psychiatrist providing outpatient care for adults. Our primary office locations are in Waynesville, Sylva, Franklin and Brevard. We are seeking physicians who have interest and experience in community mental health care treatment of persistent mental illness and addiction. Part of this time could involve providing treatment for opioid addiction in our clinic-based buprenorphine (Suboxone) program. Minimal call responsibilities. Our locations have qualified for education loan repayment programs. Send CV to: Matthew Holmes, MD email: matt. or Joe Ferrara, CEO joe.ferrara@ offender services clinician The Offender Services Program of MBHS seeks a licensed or license-eligible clinician in North Carolina to join its Offender Services Program. Job duties include: conducting risk assessments, coleading treatment groups, coordinating case management, collaborating with probation and social services, and providing program operational support for both the sexual abuse intervention program (SAIP) and the domestic violence intervention program (DVIP). This is an opportunity to further your experience in a specialty field working with offenders and their non-offending partners in an intensive outpatient setting. This position is located in Waynesville, NC. For more information contact Kim Franklin, kim.franklin@meridianbhs. org Jackson County clinician Assertive community treatment team (Actt) Must have Master’s degree and be licensed/license-eligible. For more information, please contact Becky McKnight, rebekah. Macon/Jackson County clinician recovery education center (rec) Seeking a passionate, values-driven professional to work within an innovative MH/ SA recovery-oriented program. Will be responsible for facilitating assessments and individual sessions as well as teaching classes within the REC. Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/license-eligible. For more information, please contact Cyndi Hoyle, cyndi.hoyle@ transylvania, Jackson and Macon Counties multiple positions open for peer support specialists working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. • Being a Peer Support

Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. • Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. • For further information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: html child/Adolescent mentAl heAlth positions in jAckson, hAyWood, & mAcon counties Looking to fill several positions between now and Aug/Sept. Licensed/ provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive In-home services to children/adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Also looking for QP/ Qualified professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP’s must have Bachelor’s degree and 2-4 years of experience postdegree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to telliot@ direct cAre Worker Need experienced worker to provide care for adult female with autism and IDD. Call (828) 2729759 or familytree Alternative family services lpn Irene Wortham Center seeks LPN licensed in NC. Friday-Monday, Mid-shift and on call. 32 hours per week, competitive pay, plus weekly on call bonus, and benefits. Reply with resumè • Questions: call (828) 274-6067. quAlified mentAl heAlth professionAls And therApists Family Preservation Services of Buncombe County is seeking Qualified Mental Health Professionals and therapists to work with children through the following service lines: IIH, and School based therapy. Candidates must have a minimum of 1 years’ experience with the child mental health population. FPS offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package. Come join our expanding team! Resumes to cowings@ seAsonAl Wilderness field instructor Seasonal Wilderness Field Instructors (Spring and Summer Season) This is an eight days on and six days off shift schedule. Duties and responsibilities include; safety and supervision of students, assists field therapist with therapeutic outcomes, lead backpacking expeditions with students and co-staff, teach student curriculum, leave no trace ethics and primitive skills to students. Opportunities for

fulltime employment are possible based on availability of positions and seasonal job performance. Must be able to hike in strenuous terrain and lift 15 pounds over their head. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. Current CPR and First Aid preferred, college degree or higher education preferred. Send resume to Ted Bost at or visit: http://suwscarolinas. There are upcoming 3 day informational seminars about this position on April 18-20, May 2-4, May 16-18 and May 30-June 1. CRC Health Group and its subsidiaries is an Equal Opportunity Employer. suBstAnce ABuse recovery guide Four Circles Recovery Center, a young adult wilderness therapy program is seeking highly motivated, energetic, compassionate individuals for direct care positions. Direct Care Recovery Guides work on a rotating week on/ week off schedule. Treatment takes place in both wilderness and residential settings. • Personal or professional experience with the 12-Steps, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Wilderness Therapy are preferred. • We offer competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. • Substance abuse and clinical supervision are available. • Please submit resumes to suBstAnce ABuse recovery guide Red Oak Recovery, a young adult Substance Abuse Treatment Program is seeking highly qualified individuals for direct care positions. Recovery Guides work on a rotating 4 day on/3 day off schedule. Treatment takes place in a residential setting with wilderness adventure expeditions. WFR, CSAC, or a degree in a human services field preferred. Personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, Mental Health Treatment and/or Wilderness Therapy is required. We offer competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. Substance abuse and clinical supervision are available. Please submit resumes to jobs@ therApeutic foster pArents needed If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a child, and live in the Asheville area, please give me a call. Free training. Call Debbie Smiley (828) 258-0031 ext. 348 or volunteer trAining And outreAch progrAm director Build relationships and motivate volunteers! Fulltime, needs to have experience with volunteer team management and diverse relationship building. For more information and full job description, email miranda@

teAching/ educAtion science teAcher WAnted The Academy at Trails Carolina, a year-round experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County North Carolina, is seeking a Licensed Science Teacher to join its faculty. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, NC teaching license, 3 letters of reference, and pertinent wilderness certifications (WFR, CPR, etc.).,

teAchers needed Small, independent, experiential school hiring full-time lead math/ science teacher for grades 5/6, 7/8 and full-time language arts teacher for grades 2, 3, and 4. Bachelor’s degree in education, two years experience in a classroom required for both positions. Outdoor ed and technology skills a bonus. Interested, qualified applicants who enjoy working in a team-friendly, fast-paced environment can visit employment-opportunities.htm for more information.

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cAreer trAining Airline cAreers begin here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) eArn $500 A dAy as Airbrush Media Makeup Artist For Ads, TV, Film, Fashion. One Week Course Train & Build Portfolio. 15% Off Tuition. 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN)

computer/ technicAl leAding digitAl Agency seeks sociAl/seo mAnAger Responsible for social and SEO strategies, implementing , creating content, managing day-to-day social interactions, and reporting to clients. Outstanding communication skills, both verbal and writing In-depth knowledge of social media platforms Strong understanding of organic search, digital content, communication and marketing principles Experience with analytical tools to monitor and generate reports for clients on activity specific to social media Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing or related field 3+ years of agency experience Salary is commensurate with experience Send cover letter and resume to

hotel/ hospitAlity 2 positions housekeeper/BreAkfAst server opening at the Historic Princess Anne Hotel. Part-time position, competitive wages. • Weekends required. Responsibilities include: cleaning guest rooms, common areas and serving breakfast to our guests. • We are seeking a front Desk Concierge to join our team full-time. • Requirements: Previous hospitality experience, a professional appearance, exceptional customer service abilities, and the ability to work independently. Excellent communication skills (in person, on the phone, and in writing) are essential. • Competitive wages. Interested applicants should apply in person at 301 E. Chestnut St., Asheville, after 10am.

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april 23 - april 29, 2014


sAlon/ spA

by Rob Brezny

freewill astrology aries (march 21-april 19)

taurus (april 20-may 20)

If for some inexplicable reason you’re not simmering with new ideas about how you could drum up more money, I don't know what to tell you — except that maybe your mother lied to you about exactly when you were born. The astrological omens are unequivocal: If you are a true Aries, you are now being invited, teased and even tugged to increase your cash flow and bolster your financial know-how. If you can't ferret out at least one opportunity to get richer quicker, you might really be a Pisces or a Taurus. And my name is Jay Z.

You remind me of a garden plot that’s recently been plowed and rained on. Now the sun is out, the air is warm, your dirt is wet and fertile. The feeling is a bit unsettled, because the stuff that was below ground got churned up to the top. Instead of a flat surface, you’ve got furrows. But the overall mood is expectant; blithe magic is in the air. Soon it will be time to grow new life. Oh, but just one thing is missing: The seeds have yet to be sown. That’s going to happen very soon. Right?

gemini (may 21-june 20) Here's an excerpt from "Celestial Music," a poem by Louise Gluck: "I'm like the child who buries / her head in the pillow / so as not to see, the child who tells herself / that light causes sadness." One of your main assignments in the coming weeks, Gemini, is not to be like that child. It's true that gazing at what the light reveals may shatter an illusion or two, but the illumination you’ll be blessed with will ultimately be more valuable than gold. cancer (june 21-july 22) Would you like to forge new alliances and expand your web of connections and get more of the support you need to fulfill your dreams? You are entering the Season of Networking, so now would indeed be an excellent time to gather clues on how best to accomplish all that good stuff. To get you started in your quest, here's advice from Dale Carnegie: "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." leo (july 23-aug. 22) Does Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt run faster than any other person alive? As far as we know, yes. He holds three world records and has won six Olympic gold medals. Even when he's a bit off his game, he's the best. At the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, he set the all-time mark for the 100-meter race — 9.69 seconds — despite the fact that one of his shoelaces was untied and he slowed down to celebrate before reaching the finish line. Like you, Bolt is a Leo. I'm making him both your role model and your anti-role model for the foreseeable future. You have the power to achieve something approaching his level of excellence in your own field — especially if you double-check to make sure your shoelace is never untied, and you don't celebrate victory before it's won. virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) In his unpublished book The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, John Koenig coins new words to convey experiences our language hasn’t previously accounted for. One that may apply to you sometime soon is "trumspringa," which he defines as "the temptation to step


april 23 - april 29, 2014

off your career track and become a shepherd in the mountains, following your flock between pastures with a sheepdog and a rifle, watching storms at dusk from the doorway of a small cabin." To be overtaken by trumspringa doesn't necessarily mean you will literally run away and be a shepherd. In fact, giving yourself the luxury of considering such wild possibilities may be a healing release that enables you to be at peace with the life you’re actually living. libra (sept. 23-oct. 22) "The supreme pleasure we can know, Freud said, and the model for all pleasure, orgasmic pleasure, comes when an excess tension built up, confined, compacted, is abruptly released." That's an observation by philosopher Alphonso Lingis. I bring it to your attention, Libra, because I expect that you will soon be able to harvest a psychospiritual version of that supreme pleasure. You’ve been gathering and storing up raw materials for soul-making, and now the time has come to express them with a creative splash. Are you ready to purge your emotional backlog? Are you brave enough to go in search of cathartic epiphanies? What has been dark will yield light. scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21) The potential turning points that might possibly erupt in the coming days will not become actual turning points unless you work hard to activate them. They will be subtle and brief, so you’ll have to be very alert to notice them at all, and you’ll have to move quickly before they fade away. Here's another complication: These incipient turning points probably won't resemble any you've seen before. They may come in the form of a lucky accident, a blessed mistake, a happy breakdown, a strange healing, a wicked gift or a perfect weakness. sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21) If you happen to be an athlete, the coming week will not be a good time to head-butt a referee or take performance-enhancing drugs. If you hate to drive your car anywhere but in the fast lane, you’ll be wise to

try the slower lanes for a while. If you’re habitually inclined to skip steps, take shortcuts and look for loopholes, I advise you to instead try being thorough, methodical and by-thebook. Catch my drift? In this phase of your astrological cycle, you’ll have a better chance of producing successful results if you’re more prudent than usual. What?! A careful, discreet, strategic, judicious Sagittarius? Sure! Why not? capricorn (dec. 22-jan. 19) My interpretation of this week's astrological data might sound eccentric, even weird. But you know what? Sometimes life is — or at least should be — downright unpredictable. After much meditation, I've concluded that the most important message you can send to the universe is to fly a pair of underpants from the top of a flagpole. You heard me. Take down the flag that's up there, and run the skivvies right up to the top. Whose underpants should you use? Those belonging to someone you adore, of course. And what is the deeper meaning behind this apparently irrational act? What exactly is life asking from you? Just this: Stop making so much sense all the time — especially when it comes to cultivating your love and expressing your passion. aQuarius (jan. 20-feb. 18) You need to take some time out to explore the deeper mysteries of snuggling, cuddling and nuzzling. In my opinion, that is your sacred duty. It's your raison d'etre, your ne plus ultra, your sine qua non. You've got to nurture your somatic wisdom with what we in the consciousness industry refer to as yummy warm fuzzy wonder love. At the very least, you should engage in some prolonged hugging with a creature you feel close to. Tender physical touch isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. pisces (feb. 19-march 20) Your body contains about four octillion atoms. That's four with 27 zeroes after it. Believe it or not, 200 billion of that total were once inside the body of Martin Luther King Jr. For that matter, an average of 200 billion atoms of everyone who has ever lived and died is part of you. I am not making this up. (See the mathematical analysis here: AtomsFromEveryone.) As far as your immediate future is concerned, Pisces, I'm particularly interested in that legacy from King. If any of his skills as a great communicator are alive within you, you’ll be wise to call on them. Now is a time for you to express high-minded truths in ways that heal schisms, bridge gaps and promote unity. Just proceed on the assumption that it’s your job to express the truth with extra clarity, candor and grace.

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the new york times crossword puZZle

ACROSS 1 Easy, in adspeak 9 Like the stars 15 Tooth next to a canine 16 The “cave” of “cave canem” 17 Go away as a marathoner might? 18 Go away as a Michael Jackson impersonator might? 19 Z abroad 20 Yank rival 21 Pothook shape 22 Go away as an outdoorsman might? 26 Augment 28 Olympics chant 29 Some Marine NCOs 31 Neural conductor 32 Wrinkle-reducing shot 35 Step up or down 37 Go away as a bumblebee might?

40 Go away as a speaker of pig Latin might? 44 Particle theorized in 1977 46 Carnivore that both hunts and scavenges 47 Overwhelm with flattery 50 “Wonderful!” 53 Word with living or dead 54 Caffeine-laden nuts 56 With 63- and 65-Across, go away as a soda jerk might? 59 “___ be a pleasure!” 60 They’re checked at the door 62 ___ instant 63 & 65 See 56-Across 69 A solar system “ice giant” 70 Sculptor’s works 71 “For heaven’s sake!”

72 F. A. O. Schwarz, for one

DOWN 1 “Science Friday” airer 2 Tulsa sch. with a Prayer Tower 3 Mad-when-wet bird, idiomatically 4 Knock the socks off 5 Form of flamenco 6 Poky sorts 7 Hawaiian verandas 8 Joule fraction 9 Group featured in “Mamma Mia!” 10 “Later!” 11 Carrier in “The Aviator” 12 Hard-core 13 British uppercruster, for short 14 Reveals one’s feelings 20 Volkswagen model since 1979 22 Ernest of country music 23 Not worth ___ ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 24 Willy who lent his name Answer to Previous Puzzle B A D C O B B S M A R T to a historic A L I A P A R A C O M E R M I L K J U I C E T E A Manhattan deli EB PU ER EG L UA PR BA OLW I S TL AU LG Y 25 British scale divs. AA SM AT NO O S L A I V T E A K OE TR I I S 27 “Pride and D O N TG SE TN AT RD E I S P T E RC I A CN T Prejudice” B O SO NB IO TO C CHA AD O protagonist CC SU AP O NR EN SA T O P C LF OA GV S 30 College football IA AF MA SR OE W E TL I LMT E OT AO RG MO S star Michael in 2014 news DD RF IL NA KT S A LB L I AOR O U CN AD W E A G LT EC EB YY E M RD BE ER AE NK 33 Conductor Seiji RD HE OA T RH IW SE OD TO T VO E RS S A 34 Worthless tic-tac-toe row E R I LE E SI S A O I L BS E A S T 36 “Sorta” suffix A R C E D P L O T L I N E S E R O D E S N A K E C H E R L A I D F L I N T N O T A 38 Garden of Eden R E L O S I T S O T E R I tree E S A U E E N I E E W O K E D I N A R E I N M A P 39 Much paperwork P O P W A T E R W I N E


No.0319 Edited by Will Shortz

No. 0319

edited by Will Shortz













18 19







35 38


44 47


49 55












46 51

53 57























62 65







41 Need a bath badly 42 Hathaway of “Becoming Jane” 43 When tripled, a Seinfeld catchphrase 45 Museum-funding org. 47 One often in need of a lift?

48 Official with a seal 49 Racetrack has-been 51 Closely resembling 52 Like some shortterm N.B.A. contracts 55 Hole in one’s head?

57 Stands the test of time 58 Raw data, often 61 Usain Bolt event 64 “It’s ___-brainer” 65 Prince Edward Island hrs. 66 Mekong Valley native 67 Sale rack abbr. 68 Rope on a ship

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Mountain Xpress readers plan to remodel their homes this year.

april 23 - april 29, 2014


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