Mountain Xpress 04.29.15

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s n r u t


P. 8

P. 30

Mobile homes: boon or bane?

Good bread at this year始s Artisan Bread Fest

RiverMusic & French Broad P. 46 River Fest return


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May 5 2

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


contents contact us Page 38

Leaf Lessons: With the May 7-10 festival, LEAF celebrates 20 years of world music, arts, camping and community. But the organization does much more than book bands — LEAF Schools & Streets and LEAF International programs make a big impact, too, and this year sees the launch of new local initiatives. coVeR design: Alane Mason Photo bY: Steve Atkins, Fox Cove Photography

CIDER FREE Beer Sunday! 12 p.m.‘til the keg runs dry!

8 boon oR bane Buncombe residents speak out against manufactured housing

12 chaRged uP Brevard’s proposed electric vehicle charging station could alter WNC map



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18 communitY caLendaR 30 bY bRead aLone Local bakers celebrate their art

20 conscious PaRtY 25 weLLness 36 beeR scout


49 smaRt bets 44 87,236 stoRies Asheville Wordfest shifts focus to local speakers

52 cLubLand 57 moVies 58 scReen scene follow us @mxnews, @mxaRts, @mxeat, @mxheaLth, @mxcaLendaR we use these hashtags #aVLnews, #aVLent, #aVLeat, #aVLout, #aVLbeeR, #aVLgoV, #aVLheaLth, #aVLwx

61 cLassifieds


62 fReewiLL astRoLogY 46 one RiVeR, two PaRties — French Broad River

63 nY times cRosswoRd

Festival and RiverMusic return

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Send your letters to the editor to staff

editoR & PubLisheR: Jeff Fobes assistant to the PubLisheR: Susan Hutchinson associate editoR: Margaret Williams a&e editoR/wRiteR: Alli Marshall food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith gReen scene editoR/wRiteR: Carrie Eidson weLLness editoR/wRiteR: Susan Foster staff RePoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Kat McReynolds editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moVie ReVieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke

Let’s increase sales tax for affordable housing After meeting with the manager of the Asheville [Visitor Center gift shop] to discuss possibly selling her AHHH Asheville T-shirt bags designed in part to bring needed money to Homeward Bound, I was approached for money by a homeless veteran outside of Harris Teeter. He had me at “veteran who was temporarily homeless” (and very wet). I watched as the next people he approached closed their car doors and ears without making eye contact. Is homelessness contagious? I moved here in June from West Virginia and have fallen in love with the diversity and beauty of our area. Unfortunately, part of that diversity is a disparity of economic means. Much has been written and discussed about rising housing costs due to us transplants. Mayor Esther \Manheimer has pledged to end veteran homelessness and challenged landlords to step up with affordable housing, especially for veterans. The short-term rental of homes to visitors is often perceived as exacerbating the problem. Let’s turn this “problem” into an opportunity. First, there seems to be consensus that visitors and transplants are not going away, and sites like Airbnb not only make Asheville more accessible to visit but also enable those of modest means to come [to] and/or live in Asheville.

Let’s establish fair regulations that ensure safety and needed revenue. Let’s add to the sales tax a portion to go toward affordable, permanent housing so that rather than “be bothered” by panhandlers, all may be housed in a warm, safe and dry home. I found myself thinking about Asheville as I sang Stephen Foster’s song written in 1854: While we seek mirth and beauty and music light and gay There are frail forms fainting at the door Though their voices are silent, their pleading looks will say Oh! hard times come again no more — Ian Rudick Asheville transplant

What is the city doing to end veterans’ homelessness? Some time ago, an announcement was made public that Asheville’s mayor had accepted [first lady] Michelle Obama’s challenge to end veterans’ homelessness. Since then, I have not seen or heard anything about the actual plans to do this, although I did hear that there was a lot of money that the city of Asheville may have applied for or had gotten to make this a reality. Would Mountain Xpress ask the mayor about all this and write a story to clarify what is really going on? Many

ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Max Hunt, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther


12 Eagle St • Asheville

NC Electrical License #30448-L

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contRibuting editoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

adVeRtising, aRt & design manageR: Susan Hutchinson gRaPhic designeRs: Lori Deaton, Alane Mason, Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille onLine saLes manageR: Jordan Foltz maRketing associates: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt infoRmation technoLogies: Stefan Colosimo web: Kyle Kirkpatrick office manageR & bookkeePeR: Patty Levesque


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assistant office manageR: Lisa Watters distRibution manageR: Jeff Tallman assistant distRibution manageR: Denise Montgomery distRibution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young



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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


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If your answers are yes, then consider working with Xpress as a collaborator. Send us your ideas and tell us about yourself. If you have clips or samples of your work, send us links. Email us at Let’s talk!

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

veterans here, including myself, would be really interested in knowing what actually is being done to implement the acceptance of Michelle Obama’s challenge other than accepting it. — John Penley U.S. Navy 1972-76 Asheville editor’s note: Xpress contacted Mayor Esther Manheimer; her response can be found in the letter, “City of Asheville Works with Partners to House Veterans” in this issue.

City of Asheville works with partners to house veterans Through a partnership with Homeward Bound, the city of Asheville provides support to implement the federal Supportive Services for Veteran Families grant. Homeward Bound was awarded $2.7 million in federal funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs to implement its Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) over the next three years. SSVF is a rapid rehousing program that provides short-term rental assistance to veterans and their families who are literally homeless in Buncombe County. Homeward Bound will be placing a minimum of 108 households into permanent housing annually, working in collaboration with other community partners with the specific goal of ending homelessness among veterans who are unsheltered and veterans who are chronically homeless by January 2016. In addition to case managers who work with veterans once housed to ensure they stay housed permanently, this SSVF team has an outreach specialist who connects homeless veterans with housing services and a housing specialist focused on recruiting landlords and property-management companies to partner in ending veteran homelessness in Asheville and Buncombe County. Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministries also operates a Supportive Services for Veteran Families program in Buncombe

County. ABCCM’s program focuses largely on homelessness prevention and will help prevent homelessness for 84 households in this current operating year. A variety of outreach strategies and tools to engage private landlords and private developers are being utilized by the collaborative partnership that includes the city of Asheville, the VA, Homeward Bound, ABCCM and the Housing Authority of the City of Asheville. The Housing Authority has been collaborating with the Charles George VA Medical Center since 2008 to implement the VA Supportive Housing (VASH) program. From 2008 through the end of 2014, those two agencies have housed more than 325 homeless veterans, most of whom met the definition of chronic homelessness. A chronic homeless person is one who has a disabling condition and has been homeless for more than one year, or has experienced four episodes of homelessness in the last three years. The Housing Authority administers a rental subsidy to help the veterans rent on the private market, and the VA provides supportive services to help the veterans manage the transition to permanent housing. The success rate has been 87 percent. Locally, the VASH program has grown from an initial allotment of 50 housing vouchers to 251 at the end of 2014. Just this month, the two agencies were awarded an additional 55 VASH vouchers. The challenge right now, because of the tight rental housing market — particularly for one-bedroom units — is to find vacant apartments to rent. Currently, about 30 veterans have vouchers in hand and are looking for housing, with assistance from the VA. Based on current projections, we can house an additional 90 veterans between now and the end of 2015, if apartments can be located for them. Readers willing to help a veteran by offering a vacant apartment should contact the Homelessness Program at the Charles George VA Medical Center at 298-7911, ext. 1198. For more information, please contact Christiana Glenn Tugman in the city of Asheville Community Development Division [at] — Esther Manheimer Mayor Asheville editor’s note: This letter is a response to the question raised in

John Penley’s letter, “What is the City Doing to End Veterans’ Homelessness?” in this issue.

Cow’s milk (raw or not) is bad for us, planet The two articles on raw milk in the April 8-14 issue [“Raw Deal: Asheville’s Taste for Unpasteurized Milk” and “The Raw Milk Debate: An Interview with Food Activist David Gumpert” Xpress] neglect a critical question: Why are humans drinking cow’s milk in the first place? The idea that people should drink cow’s milk has gone the way of Donna Reed and TV dinners. Today, the only proponents of drinking cow’s milk are the American dairy trade associations, the dairy producers they represent and small producers who seek to profit from cows. We know better now: Consumption of dairy products has a strong link to breast and other cancers, heart disease, Crohn’s disease and obesity. Moreover, dairy products cause our blood to become acidic. The blood actually leaches calcium from our bones to restore alkalinity. Calcium is best absorbed when obtained through plant sources. Cow’s milk contains a large amount of pus cells resulting from the stressed cow’s udders developing an infection called mastitis. The USDA

caRtoon bY bRent bRown

allows 750 ppm pus cells per liter of milk, and pasteurization heats the pus but doesn’t clear it. Mammals drink their mother’s milk until they are weaned and able to transition to solid foods. Humans are weaned by the age of 3 at the latest; after that, they have no need for anyone’s milk. Cow’s milk is designed for baby calves only. Dogs and cats, too, should never be given cow’s milk as it causes diarrhea and other intestinal problems. Unweaned puppies and kittens should be given milk-replacer formulas specifically designed for them. Were cow’s milk suited for consumption by nonbovines, it wouldn’t need to be pasteurized in the first place. Regardless of the size of the operation, the use of land and water for milk production is an unsustainable practice. A cow produces an average of 120 pounds of waste daily. Cows are repeatedly impregnated and their calves taken away until the milk cow cannot produce anymore and is slaughtered. Do we really want to support this? Let’s everyone grow up, give up the teat and switch to soy, almond, coconut or hemp milk! — Robbie Coleman Asheville

Raw-milk problems have been reduced In my comments about raw-milk problems in the 1800s, I provided a few examples of the problems that occurred [“The Raw Milk Debate: An Interview with Food Activist David Gumpert,” April 8, Xpress]. I never intended to suggest that the examples I mentioned were the only ones. Mr. [thomas] crowe [“Raw-milk Activist Failed to Mention Disease Concern,” April 22, Xpress] is correct that there were a number of other terrible diseases passed on by raw milk (and other sources). But as he notes, brucellosis was eradicated via vaccine, as were nearly all the most terrible diseases of those days, and other threatening pathogens were reduced by improving sanitation and other safety measures. — David Gumpert Needham, Mass.

Young drivers caused traffic hazard Dear Community: If you know of a group of young men who were at the baseball game tonight, April 20, who

were driving a gold SUV, and acting quite spunky, ask them if they were the ones who threw their fruit punch into my truck window as I was driving. Please inform them they nearly caused an accident, as their attack nearly made me collide with the vehicle in front of me. All this occurred on South Charlotte Street just around 9 p.m. Giving a warning beep of the horn to drivers who are erratic is not sufficient cause to assault them in return. Dear Asheville Police Department: Please step up your vigil on drivers leaving those games. I’ve continued to encounter drivers who aren’t especially safe as the evening proceeds. — Andrew Weatherly Asheville

Best of WNC campaigns try to game the contest Attached please find my third separate direct solicitation to vote for a particular organization or business in your 2015 Best of WNC competition. Those implementing campaigns to thus rig the deal are gaming your contest. Although I don’t personally participate, as a repeat Best Villain winner, I thought I’d reinforce my credentials. Some of your readers are cheaters. — Carl Mumpower Asheville

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



Boon or bane? Buncombe residents speak out against manufactured housing

R-1 & R-2 zones affected by proposed changes 19



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A steady stream of Buncombe County residents queued up April 7 to voice opposition to loosening restrictions on mobile homes. During a public comment period lasting more than an hour, more than a dozen people rose to speak out against this type of housing, which wasn’t even on the agenda for the Board of Commissioners meeting. The concern stemmed from local media reports that the county may consider allowing manufactured housing in all residential districts. Currently they’re allowed in R-3, low-density residential, employment and open-use districts, which together account for more than 80 percent of land in the county, though much of the open-use land doesn’t readily lend itself to siting mobile homes. R-1 and R-2 districts allow only sitebuilt or modular homes. sarah faulkner pointed out that although modulars are also considered manufactured homes, they’re expressly allowed in all residential districts. “The important difference between the two,” she continued, “is that mobile homes are considered personal property, like a car; modular homes are considered real property. This is significant when it comes to loan financing.” The topic made national headlines when, earlier this month, The Seattle Times published “The mobile-home trap,” an in-depth investigation of Clayton Homes. The nation’s largest manufactured home builder, the article charged, “relies on predatory sales practices, exorbitant fees and interest rates that can exceed 15 percent, trapping many buyers in loans they can’t afford and in homes that are


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

Woodfin 25




Candler 151

Black Mountain





Biltmore Estate

Mills 191 River




25A 146

26 280 191

almost impossible to sell or refinance.” The April 2 story is the first in a series of investigative pieces planned by the paper in cooperation with The Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan, nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. Speakers at the April 7 meeting repeatedly referenced the article. In a subsequent interview, Board of Commissioners Vice Chair joe belcher, who worked for Clayton Homes of Candler for 28 years, took issue with those criticisms, however. “I think everybody’s entitled to their own opinions,” Belcher told Xpress. “But if people will take a look at the facts — and not look at [mobile homes from] 20 years ago, to come into the present time and research new construction and what’s available — I think they



would be pretty amazed” at the progress that’s been made. “Affordable housing has been a big topic in Buncombe County for a long time,” he continued. “To leave out a housing option that is a quality-built, energy-efficient, factory-built home — well, it’s an option that we should not leave out.” how affoRdabLe aRe theY? During public comment, one of the residents’ main points was that mobile homes don’t increase in value the way stick-built homes often do. “Our goal, as a community, should be to provide smart, affordable solutions,” said Faulkner, “not open the door to potentially harmful options for families in need.”

countY Lands: Following the March 17 Buncombe County Board of Commissioners retreat, word spread that the county may consider lifting restrictions on mobile homes in R-1 and R-2 districts. Graphic by Anna Whitley & Kyle Kirkpatrick

Weaverville resident fred flaxman sounded a similar note, saying, “They depreciate in value, just like cars and trucks, as soon as they leave the lot. And the life span of a manufactured home is far shorter than that of a stick-built or modular home.

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continued fRom Page 8

That acts against the long-term interest of low-income people.” And Linda cook, also of Weaverville, noted, “Affordable housing is a complex issue: It is not only an issue of high home cost, but an issue of low-paying jobs [that] do not allow our citizens to find adequate housing.” Because the item wasn’t on the agenda, the commissioners made no comments during the meeting. But contacted later, Board of Commissioners Chair david gantt said, “I think, at the heart of the issue, you have the question of whether it’s really affordable housing or not. If you have a home that decreases in value [over time] or cannot be fixed, that’s a huge issue.” Belcher, on the other hand, said that lifting the restrictions on mobile homes is not about forcing them on all Buncombe County residents but about giving them another option. “What I’m advocating for is new construction — to have new [manufactured] homes available,”

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

he explained. Residents, said Belcher, should have “the choice and the ability to build that on their own property. We should explore all the options for affordable housing and allow the people in Buncombe County to make that choice.” Gantt, however, stressed that manufactured homes are “permitted in 80 percent — or more — of the county. It’s not like we’re an anti-mobile home county. We’re probably one of the more open counties, as far as the placement of mobile homes. “My concern,” he continued, “has always been: Is it a good thing for the people that [purchase these homes] if they can’t sell it and get their money back? The affordability question comes into place. We don’t want anybody to get into a situation where they’re worse off than they were before. The way I would look at it is: Is it truly affordable, and is it something the public wants? From what we’ve heard so far, [people] like things the way they are.” Belcher, however, said, “I know for sure” that if a mobile home is “placed on a person’s own property, and part of the loan requires a deed to that property, then they tie the two together. Therefore, that loan is comparable to a stick-built home.” Residents speaking at the meeting, he continued, had also voiced concern about the loans’ shorter terms. “But I think mostly what they were talking about was homes sited on rental or leased property. I think a lot of times people think of [mobile home] parks — and this is not about that. What I’m speaking about is [manufactured homes] sited on real, owned property. This is about new construction for individuals” who already own land. But according to the Seattle Times article, “two-thirds of mobile-home buyers who own their land end up in personalproperty loans, according to a federal study. These loans may close more quickly and have fewer upfront costs, but their rates are generally much higher. And if borrowers fall behind on payments, their homes can be seized with little or no warning.”

Belcher also said he’d recently heard from a man in his district who owns a sizable piece of property and wants to place a mobile home on it for his children. But because of the zoning, he’s not allowed to do so. Meanwhile, Belcher also made a case for mobile homes being greener than stick-built housing. An 1,100-square-foot, factory-built home, he said, produces “almost zero [construction] waste. You can ... put it in two 30-gallon garbage cans.” A comparable-size conventional home, he speculated, might fill “multiple dumpsters.” Thus, Belcher maintained, “It makes no sense to not allow an energy-efficient, quality home that also does not make a dramatic impact because of waste. It’s just a very efficient type of construction; It’s solid.” Gantt, on the other hand, said: “The neighbors have the right to say what they would like to see, and if the neighborhood doesn’t care, that’s great. If they do, well, they have the right to decide how their neighborhood should look.” “taking a bath” Weaverville resident gary kallback referenced his personal history, telling the commissioners, “I lived in a mobile home when I was young. I bought it, it decreased in value very quickly, and I wound up taking a bath on it. I would’ve been better off in an apartment.” Brandishing the Seattle Times article, Kallback declared, “People don’t need a handout; they need a hand up.” Low-income people, he continued, “need to have ownership so they can eventually participate with everyone else, but a mobile home is not an answer. I can tell you that from experience.” But Belcher defended mobile homes’ affordability, saying, “Affordable housing is a challenge — and this is affordable homeownership, too.” And despite the overwhelmingly negative public comment, he said there was enough interest from both the public and the commissioners to “move the discussion forward, and that’s what we’re doing. It’s just part of the ongoing questions [surrounding] affordable housing in all forms, and I think we need to explore them all. And I’m excited about that — that we’re willing to look at affordable options of homeownership.”X

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



by Ned Ryan Doyle

Charged up Leading the chaRge: Leaf owner Jim Hardy says it’s “time for Brevard and Transylvania County to join the rest of the region in providing public [electric vehicle] charging stations.”

Brevard’s proposed electric vehicle charging station could alter WNC map A proposal to establish Transylvania County’s first public charging station could expand options for electric vehicle owners across Western North Carolina. The proposal highlights the need for infrastructure in a sparsely served region to tap a rapidly growing market and its local economic impact.

Without at least one such facility, argues Brevard resident jim hardy, Transylvania County is essentially discouraging tourism and business development. “Clearly, it is time for Brevard and Transylvania County to join the rest of the region in providing public EV charging stations,” says Hardy, the project’s chief proponent. “Hendersonville, Waynesville, Asheville/Buncombe County and Greenville/ Spartanburg all have public stations. Brevard and Transylvania County do not have a single one.” As a result, notes Hardy, who charges his own electric vehicle

at home, no one driving a plug-in EV will come from more than 30 to 40 miles away to visit the area. “Imagine the loss of business to our restaurants and stores, as well as the poor environmental image this conveys to everyone — residents and visitors alike.” In response, he’s asking the city of Brevard to approve the use of a couple of its parking spaces to accommodate the station, which would be installed at no cost to the city. Details of the deal are still being worked out, but on April 20, the Brevard City Council agreed to hear a 15-minute presentation by Hardy at the May 18 meeting. Hardy calls the unanimous vote “a step in the right direction. If City Council grants approval, it’s possible the installation can be up and running by August — in time to attract additional visitors for leaf season.” sending a message Worldwide, electric car ownership has been doubling annually for the past three years and could reach 1 million vehicles by 2016, according to a 2014 study by the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg, a state-founded, nonprofit research organization. Currently, most all-electric vehicles have a range of about 80-90 miles between charges. That’s adequate for in-town use, but it places a sharp upward limit on longer trips, assuming there’s no charging station en route. Council member ann hollingsworth, who chairs the

Economic Development Committee for Heart of Brevard, a local nonprofit, agrees. “I recently took a trip to Charlotte, where I saw two charging stations located in the Whole Foods parking lot,” she reveals, adding, “It concerns me that Transylvania County has zero charging stations, and all the cities surrounding us have them. I personally think [having stations] sends a strong message to prospective high-tech companies who may be thinking about locating here that our community is progressive and environmentally friendly. Currently, we are excluding visitors with electric vehicles, because they cannot drive to our community and recharge. This conversation certainly needs to continue, and I plan on being a part of that conversation.” a team effoRt Hardy’s proposal calls for collaborating with a number of entities, including the Black Bear Solar Institute in Townsend, Tennessee ( htm). The nonprofit funds demonstration projects involving renewable energy, alternative-fuel transportation and wildlife rehabilitation to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship. bob harris, the institute’s president, says his organization is “fully committed to bringing free EV charging to Brevard if City Council approves this at their May meeting. I will be at that meeting to show examples of Tesla and level 2 EV charging equipment. I will also bring

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

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Boone Banner Elk Blowing Rock

Public Stations Installed by business or government


High Power Stations DC fast chargers or SuperChargers

19E Burnsville


70 Marshall



Spruce Pine 221

Mars Hill

Weaverville Woodfin





Black Swannanoa Mountain Clyde Asheville Canton Candler Fairview Waynesville Arden Lake Lure ALT Fletcher 276 74 Mills River 64


Forest City









Franklin Murphy


a model solar EV charging parking canopy as proposed for Brevard.” Tesla’s Model S is one of a few electric vehicles with a substantially greater range per charge. The solar canopy, notes Harris, would require business sponsors that would receive renewable energy tax credits in return. But “At the very least,” he continues, “Black Bear Solar Institute already has agreement from Tesla Motors to provide installation funding for the EV charging units our nonprofit will provide at no cost to the city.” Hardy, meanwhile, says he’s also contacted BrightField Transportation Solutions (bright-


Graphics by: Anna Whitley

Highlands of Asheville about installing and operating the stations. Company co-founder and principal stan cross is working on getting additional charging equipment from Nissan, which manufactures the Leaf EV. There are three different charging levels, which vary based on voltage and speed of charge. For a nominal sum, Hardy explains, the city would give BrightField a 10-year lease on the number of parking spaces needed to accommodate the proposed facility. The company would provide the engineering expertise in collaboration with Duke Energy,

the city engineer, City Council, equipment manufacturers and other interested parties. And once the station was up and running, BrightField would own it, receiving any revenue it generated and assuming all operational and maintenance costs. mark burrows, the county’s director of planning and community development, welcomes the idea, saying, “I think the need for our citizens and visitors is there, and it will definitely help promote Brevard and Transylvania County.” Despite dramatic growth in EV sales nationwide, these vehicles are still not that familiar to most people — including Hollingsworth.

wnc’s no-chaRge Zones: Driving an all-electric, 80- to 90-mile-range vehicle through parts of Western North Carolina is a stretch. Map based on plugshare. com data, showing EV charge stations in the region.

Prior to attending a recent informational meeting at the Brevard/Transylvania Chamber of Commerce, she reveals, “I wasn’t informed about electric vehicles. Since then, I have done some research and learned a lot.”X

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



Compiled by Carrie Eidson

Buzz around Buncombe fRom sLaVeRY to fReedom: RemembeRing aPRiL 26, 1865 About 75 people gathered at Vance Monument on Sunday, April 26, to honor the 150th anniversary of the freeing of slaves in Asheville. The remembrance was co-sponsored by Date My City and the UNC Asheville Center for Diversity Education. The Union Army of Gen. George Stoneman, led by Brig. Gen. Alvan Gillem, rode into Asheville on April 23, 1865. After signing a truce with the home guard, the general led 2,700 troops and hundreds of newly freed slaves along Main Street, which is now Biltmore Avenue. As they left Asheville on April 26, the troops were joined by newly freed slaves who sought safe passage out of the mountains to a new life elsewhere. “We’re not here to celebrate war or a battle won,” announced sasha


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

mitchell, founder of The Color of Asheville, a website for connections and information within Asheville’s black community. “The events of that week are perceived differently based on people’s position in society. For the first time, people who had been enslaved claimed an unalienable right: freedom.” darin waters, professor of history at UNCA, said in a speech he gave at the event that views of the war in the South differed drastically before and after the conflict. “Before the Civil War, southerners would readily admit the conflict was about slavery,” Waters said. “But after, they argued that it had nothing to do with slavery, setting the stage for injustice over the next hundred years.” The event also included a dramatic reading by dewayne barton, community activist and co-founder of the Burton Street Community

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the unaLienabLe Right to fReedom: DeWayne Barton, artist and co-founder of the Burton Street Peace Garden and Green Opportunities, recites a poem during Sunday’s remembrance. Photo by Pat Barcas

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Peace Garden, who presented one of his poems. — Pat Barcas highLight fRom the buncombe countY commissioneRs’ meeting On Tuesday, April 21, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners held two workshops: one to hear nonprofit funding requests and the other to facilitate discussion with the Buncombe County Fire Chiefs Association. In the first of the two meetings, staff from 45 nonprofits packed into the crowded commission chambers to present their organization’s funding needs and which project(s) the county’s money would help fund. Combined, the list of nonprofit requests would cost the county $4.2 million if approved as-is. Last year, 48 nonprofits requested $6.6 million in funds from Buncombe County but received only $2.3 million — just more than one-third of the money requested and less than 1 percent of the county’s $368 million operating budget as a whole. If the county takes the one-third route again this year, the organizations would receive around $1.4 million in funding, but first the commissioners will discuss the options with County Manager

wanda greene. A proposed budget plan will then be presented by Greene at the May 19 meeting, and the budget will come to a vote on June 16. Asking for the biggest chunk of the budget is the AshevilleBuncombe Community Christian Ministry, the Asheville Area Chamber, the Pack Square Cultural Partnership, Pisgah Legal Services and Homeward Bound of WNC. These five groups make up about half ($2.2 million) of the $4.2 million in budget requests. Following the nonprofit presentations, the commissioners met with the Buncombe County Fire Chiefs Association to discuss the various issues from fire departments across the county including a lack of volunteers, Buncombe’s response to the Ridgecrest Fire earlier this month and a possible drastic funding cut from a proposed North Carolina sales tax bill. The bill would redistribute millions of dollars from Buncombe to counties with smaller budgets, closing the monetary gap across the counties. Many of the chiefs said the impact of the bill, if it should pass, would be “catastrophic” to departments in Buncombe County. — Hayley Benton X


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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


f E a t u r E

Live small, ride free Our quest to travel and spend time in nature responsibly

bY ching fu

We all have dreams that we talk about over and over, whether to ourselves, our friends or our significant other. A lot of times, those dreams end with the words “someday” or “soon.” That’s how it was for Jerud and me. Our relationship was fairly new, and we talked about what we wanted out of our lives. It wasn’t anything unique: We wanted to explore, to travel and to spend time in nature. Traveling overseas was out of question for me because of Tybee, a loving Lab/Rott; I’d spent six months in Kenya years ago when Tybee was younger, and I missed the crap out of her. Sure, she’s a dog, but if you’re a dog person, you’ll understand. Going overseas is more exciting and exotic, but we agreed that there’s just as much to see in the U.S. We tossed around various ideas about how we could travel extensively and long term with our now two dogs plus all of our outdoor gear. The simplest way would be to live out of a truck — except that we can’t leave Tybee and Tyki (a spunky blue heeler mix) in the truck while we go on daylong mountain bike rides in the summer or snowboarding in winter. Tybee’s getting older, and she’s a lot more limited in what she can do, so she has to be safe and comfortable while we’re out and about. The answer turned out to be moving into an RV. Initially, we were skeptical because of the large carbon footprint — poor gas mileage, plus the need for propane when not plugged into the grid. Besides, the prospect of staying in crowded RV parks and spending so much time inside the vehicle wasn’t


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

heading out: Jerud Crandall and Ching Fu left Asheville earlier this spring in their revamped, off-grid “Toaster.” (Inset: The Toaster before its rebuild.) Photos courtesy of Ching Fu

all that appealing. And anyway, we couldn’t afford to live a traditional RV lifestyle for long, due to the high costs involved. For all those reasons, we nearly rejected the idea entirely — until we realized we could modify the RV to better match our priorities. off-gRidabLe With our love for the outdoors comes a sense of responsibility for taking care of it, and one of the biggest downsides of traveling in an RV is its fossil fuel usage. We couldn’t justify driving around the country burning diesel fuel at 10 mpg. So we decided that the truck

that towed our RV would have to be converted to burn waste vegetable oil obtained from restaurants. And since most RVs rely on grid electricity and propane, which are also created from fossil fuels, we knew our trailer would have to be solar-powered. Another consideration was fresh water consumption. To reduce it, we replaced the traditional toilet with an Air Head composting toilet. Thanks to these modifications, I describe our setup as “off-gridable”; I don’t consider it “off-grid” in the truest sense. We’re not collecting our own water, and we’re still using public sewer systems to dump the wastewater from our sink and shower. In addition, our oven/stove runs on

propane. It’s only a tiny amount, since it’s powered by a camping fuel bottle, but we weren’t sure we could satisfactorily replace it with an electric alternative. We’re still looking for ways to eliminate this use of fossil fuel. In 2011, Jerud and I found ourselves standing in Tom Johnson’s lot in Marion, looking at used RVs with our friend Barbara. We were there just to browse; she was there to share her knowledge and experience (Barbara and her partner, Mary, had started living in their RV full time the year before). But a month later, the Tom Johnson sales associate called us to say she’d found a used RV that met our specifications and price range, though the roof had some water damage. We knew we weren’t ready to leave Asheville yet, but it was too good a deal to pass up. It wasn’t until December of 2013 that we committed to renovating the RV. In the interim, we’d managed to travel some and enjoy life in Asheville. But the fear of time slipping away somehow, leaving the RV as just an oversized reminder of a failed dream, had grown stronger, fueling an increased sense of urgency to finally buckle down and get it done. I was terrified that, before we knew it, 10 years would have elapsed and we would still be talking about “living on the road.” Meanwhile, we’d also realized that waiting for all our ducks to line up perfectly meant exactly that — waiting. Eventually we just had to take the plunge. Needing a dry space to repair the roof repairs, we rented an indoor storage unit in Arden. For the next year, our lives consisted of going to work and fixing up the RV after work and on weekends. LiVing in the toasteR Early on, we got a huge unwelcome surprise. Our short to-do list consisted of replacing the roof, painting the interior and making some eco-friendly upgrades. But when we took the roof apart, we


starts within

keep the Toaster toasty inside. And since the bedroom has extra insulation, we’ll barricade ourselves in there with the dogs at bedtime and run the electric heater overnight. During our time in Colorado, we’ve woken up to snow a few mornings. The first thing we do is clear the snow off the solar panels so they can start absorbing sunlight as soon as the sun comes out. Our composting toilet has required more of an adjustment. Overall it’s easy to use, but there are things we had to get used to. The toilet has two tanks, one for liquid and one for solids. The liquid tank has to be emptied a lot more often; on our first outing, we didn’t keep track of how full it was and overfilled it! Each day, we’re learning how to live better with the Toaster.

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RiPPing off the Roof: The old roof of the Toaster had to go. Here, Ching Fu dismantles the last few pieces so that solar panels can be installed with a new roof. (Insets: The roof, after, with solar panels and kitchen, after the rebuild.)

uncovered much more water damage than we’d expected. The “renovation” turned into a rebuild, and what we thought would take three months wound up taking a year. We took everything out of the RV, tearing it down to the studs and even ripping out part of the subfloor. And though we cursed our bad luck, in fact it worked out for the better, because we were able to make additional changes while the vehicle was torn apart. We still spent less than we would have if we’d bought a new one, and now that we’re living on the road, our expenses are less than they’d be with an off-the-lot RV. Life in our 200-square-foot home, which we’ve nicknamed the Toaster because of its new look, hasn’t been as hard as we’d imagined. Even when we were living in our 1,200-square-foot house in Asheville, we realized that we mainly used only a couple of rooms. Besides, we don’t actually spend

that much time in the Toaster: We’re outside in the woods hiking and biking, or in town with its extensive Wi-Fi connections. We do occasionally step on each other’s toes, literally and figuratively, but over time, we’ve learned how to keep those collisions to a minimum. Basic rules include only one person in the kitchen at a time; don’t make piles; clean up messes and wash dishes immediately. An off-gridable life is a conscious life: We’re a lot more aware of how much water and electricity we use daily. For example, we can run the space heater and electric tea kettle at the same time, but if the refrigerator kicks on, it will overload the inverter and trip the breaker. When the weather gets down into the 30s or below, we plug up the windows and ceiling vents with Reflectix (which is like a car-windshield sunshade) to help

Living on the road in RVs and tiny homes is becoming more popular. RVs are no longer just for retirees: More and more people are realizing that they’re not interested in traditional lifestyles and priorities. Folks of all ages, backgrounds and interests — whether they’re individuals, couples, friends or families with kids and pets — are hitting the road in one form or another. In that respect, what we’re doing isn’t anything new or special. Nor is our desire for a sustainable lifestyle. What makes us different is that we do both of these things simultaneously: Our RV is powered by solar panels, and our truck runs off waste vegetable oil. Our goal to live small and ride free has been achieved in many ways. Our Asheville friends have been really supportive. Some came and helped us during the renovations and when we moved out of our house. And while some of them didn’t believe our lifestyle change would ever really happen, I can’t say I blame them, considering how long we talked about our plans before actually doing anything. But when we were finally ready to hit the road, everyone was excited — and maybe even shocked. When they lived in Asheville, Ching Fu was REI’s community outreach coordinator; Jerud Crandall was a design engineer at BorgWarner. You can follow their travel adventures at X 828-348-5372

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


C O M M u N I t Y

C a L E N D a r

aPRiL 29 - maY 7, 2015

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

Benefits A Very speciAl JumBle sAle 693-9783 • SA (5/2), 9am-1pm - Proceeds from this home goods sale benefit the episcopal church Women’s “make a Difference fund.” $10. Held at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 290 Old Haw Creek Road BlAck & White GAlA 254-7206, • TH (5/7), 7-10:30pm - Tickets to this music, dancing and raffle event benefit the yWcA of Asheville. $60. Held at Crest Center & Pavilion, 22 Celebration Place DininG Out fOr life • TH (4/30) - More than 110 Asheville area restaurants will donate 20 percent of their gross sales to benefit Western north carolina AiDs project.


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

dancing the night awaY: The YWCA of Asheville will hold is tenth annual Black & White Gala on Thursday, May 7. The event (voted one of the best fundraisers in the region in our Best of WNC poll) offers live music, dancing, a raffle, food and drinks. In addition to raising funds for the YWCA’s work empowering women and eliminating racism, the gala serves as a celebratory culmination of the organization’s Stand Against Racism campaign that was held in April. Photo courtesy of the YWCA of Asheville. (p.18)

Visit website for full list of participating locations. flyin’ eAGle 5k run/WAlk • SA (5/2), 7:30am - Proceeds from this race event benefit fairview elementary school. Fun walk: $5; 5K: $25/$20 advance. Held at Fairview Elementary School, 251 Big Orange Way, Sylva fOlkmOOt mAy DAy celeBrAtiOn 452-2997, • SA (5/2), 11am-4pm Proceeds from this day of music and dancing with a silent auction and spring plant sale benefit folkmoot usA. Free to attend. Held at Folkmoot Friendship Center, 112 Virginia Ave., Waynesville fOlkmOOt sprinG cleAninG 452-2997, • SA (5/2), 8am-4pm - Proceeds from this yard sale style fundraiser benefit folkmoot

usA. Free to attend. Held at Hazelwood School, 1111 Plott Creek Road, Waynesville ’fOre’ the chilDren 254-5356, x300 • TH (5/7), 11am - Proceeds from this golf tournament benefit eliada homes’ mission and programs. $200. Held at Grove Park, 338 Charlotte St. hOlistic heAlinG fOr VeterAns funDrAiser, bmolaro@ • TH (4/30), 6pm - Proceeds from this raffle event benefit helios Warriors, a holistic therapy program from veterans. Free to attend. Held at Park Place West, 70 Woodfin Place Suite 6A 6C 6D niA fitness funDrAiser JAm 697-7449 • SA (5/2), 11:30am-12:45pm - Proceeds from this dance fitness event with live music benefit the American cancer

society’s relay for life. $15. Held at Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville sAfe AnD sOunD presents: retrOspectiVe cOllectiVe • WE (5/6), 6:30pm - Proceeds from this prix fixe dinner and performance of Paul Simon’s Graceland album benefit helpmate. $65/$20 performance only. Held at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road shAlOm kiDs’ rummAGe sAle • SU (5/3), 10am-4pm Proceeds from sales will benefit shalom children’s center scholarships. Held at Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St. sOul shAkeDOWn By the riVer

• TH (4/30), 6pm - Tickets to this food and music event benefit Green Opportunities. $30/$25 advance. Held at The Boathouse Riverside Pavilion, 318 Riverside Drive tAles frOm the treehOuse: stOries Of trAnsfOrmAtiOn • FR (5/1), 6:30-8:30pm - Proceeds from this storytelling event will benefit children first/communities in schools. $5. Held at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road WAlk fOr miDWiVes ncfomwalkformidwives. • SU (5/3), 2-7pm -Tickets to this music and silent auction event benefit north carolina friends of midwives. $15/$50 per family. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. WOmen in the WilD 252-0562,

• TH (4/30), 7pm - Proceeds from this night of music, film screenings and a live raffle support Our VOice’s climbing toward confidence program. $10. Held at Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB), 39 N. Lexington Ave.

Business & technOlOGy 3 mOnths tO mOnetiZe yOur missiOn: Business trAininG (pd.) Want to grow/start your business in record time? Join us to quickly go from where you are now to earning more money doing what you love. • Starts June 13, 2015. Spaces limited. • Pre-registration required: AsheVille JeWish Business fOrum • MO (5/4), 5:30-7pm - “The Impact of Identity Theft on

Your Business and Your Family,” presentation. Free to attend. Held at Strada Italiano, 27 Broadway Venture AsheVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - One Million Cups of Coffee: weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

clAsses, meetinGs & eVents 3 mOnths tO mOnetiZe yOur missiOn: Business trAininG (pd.) Want to grow/start your business in record time? Join us to quickly go from where you are now to earning more money doing what you love. • Starts June 13, 2015. Spaces limited. • Pre-registration required: french cOnVersAtiOn clAss (pd.) BYO-BBL (brown bag lunch) to Metro Wines. Fridays May 8-29, 12:30 -1:30 p.m. $75 series or $20 per class, includes a beverage of your choice. Register: www. Grief AnD trAnsfOrmAtiOn clAss (pd.) Tigg’s Pond Retreat Center. Recently faced the death of a loved one or have unresolved grief issues? Get help through 8 week class and support group. 10am 12:30pm. Fridays from April 3 through May 22. $150 call 697-0680 for information. run fOr kiDs’ sAke (pd.) 10 Mile/5K Off Road Run. Saturday, June 13th 8:30 at Warren Wilson College. Register online under upcoming event at AsheVille mAy DAy rAlly • FR (5/1), 5pm - Workers rights rally in honor of International Workers Day/ Haymarket Riot anniversary, includes speeches on fair wages and treatment. Free to attend. Held at Vance Monument, 1 Pack Square AsheVille suBmArine VeterAns, • 1st TUESDAYS, 6-7pm -

Social meeting for U.S. Navy submarine veterans. Free to attend. Held at Ryan’s Steakhouse, 1000 Brevard Road AsheVille WOmen in BlAck • 1st FRIDAYS, 5pm - Monthly peace vigil. Free. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. BuncOmBe cOunty speciAl Olympics 250-4260 • TH (5/7), 9am - Spring Games Day, track and field for ages 6 and up. Free to attend. Held at TC Roberson High School, 250 Overlook Road henDersOnVille histOric preserVAtiOn cOmmissiOn 697-3088, • SU (5/3), 1-5pm - Tour of six residential lofts in private residences, the Skyland Hotel and above businesses. $20. Maps and tickets at the Visitor’s Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville. henDersOnVille Wise WOmen 693-1523 • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville hillsiDe D&D encOunters groups/hillsidednd • WEDNESDAYS, 6-9pm Weekly ongoing fantasy campaign with the new edition. Free. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road lAurel chApter Of the emBrOiDerers’ GuilD Of AmericA • TH (5/7), 9:30am-noon Making two different kinds of tassels. Registration required. Free. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe lGBtQJeW 253-0701, x108, • WE (5/6), 7-9pm - Social group meeting. Free. Held at Battery Park Book Exchange, 1 Page Ave. No. 101 OntrAck Wnc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166,

Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • THURSDAYS (4/30) until (5/28), 5:30-7pm - “Mother/ Daughter Money Buddies,” five-part seminar. Registration required. Free. pisGAh AstrOnOmicAl reseArch institute 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 862-5554, • SA (5/2), 10am-4pm “Space Day,” open house. Free to attend. smOky mOuntAin chess cluB SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1pm - Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville success eQuAtiOn SuccessEquation • FR (5/1), 2-4:45pm - “Child Watch Tour: Child Care Vouchers Matter for Working Parents and Kids,” presentation and tour discussing the Child Care Subsidy Program. $15/$10 presentation only. Held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St. tOuchstOnes DiscussiOn prOJect 200-2953, • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm Workshop on collaborative skills and group dynamics for community building. Free. Registration required. Held at White Pine Acupuncture, 247 Charlotte St. WAlk A mile in her shOes • SA (5/2), 10am-noon Awareness event and march against sexual assault, rape and gender violence, sponsored by Our Voice. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. Wnc pOkémOn leAGue WNCPokemon • SATURDAYS, 4-8pm - Video and card games for players of all ages. Free to attend. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road ymi culturAl center 39 South Market St., 252-4614, • TH (4/30), 6-8:30pm “Communities of Color,” forum on impacts of exclusionary housing and extraterritorial jurisdiction. Free.

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

communitY caLendaR














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

DAnce stuDiO ZAhiyA, DOWntOWn DAnce clAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 7am Hip Hop Cardio 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 sOuthern liGhts sQuAre AnD rOunD DAnce cluB 697-7732, • SA (5/2), 6pm - Dance with donations collected for local food bank. Free to attend. Held at Whitmire Activity Center, 310 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville


Vanquish the violence what: Safe and Sound Presents: Retrospective Collective when: Wednesday, May 6, 6:30 p.m. wheRe: 743 Haywood Road, Asheville whY: More than 15 local musicians will converge on Isis Restaurant & Music Hall to perform Paul Simon’s Graceland in its entirety to support Helpmate, Buncombe County’s nonprofit agency providing safety, shelter and support for victims of domestic violence. “Helpmate reached out to us for creative fundraising involving local musicians,” says Lush Life Productions event producer kelly denson. “This is the first in a series of events. We want to cover other albums in the future to raise more money,” But before guests are entertained by the main event, a threecourse prix fixe dinner will be served while a three-piece instru-


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

mental group put together by founder josh blake takes the stage. Guests will have the option of a steak, chicken or vegetable main course prepared by chef chris jones and served at tables set in front of the stage. A $20 ticket gives guests general admission to the 8 p.m. Graceland performance only. Guests who are interested in attending the threecourse dinner with VIP stage-front seating can purchase individual tickets for $65. Organizations can purchase full-table sponsorships for $500, which include the added fun of complimentary drinks for six people and the organization’s name featured at the event. All proceeds from the evening will be used to benefit Helpmate’s programs and activities. Tickets are available at However, take note that dinner guests must purchase their tickets and make reservations with Isis Restaurant & Music Hall by calling 575-2737. For more information, contact Denson at — Michael McDonald

AsheVille citiZens’ climAte lOBBy • SU (5/3), 9am-noon - Training to become a member and climate lobbyist. Free. Registration required. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road AsheVille Green Drinks Free to attend. • WE (5/6), 7pm - Hands-on interactive climate change presentation. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place Wnc reGiOnAl Air QuAlity AGency 250-6777 • WE (4/29), 6pm - Public comment period on Duke Energy’s electric plant permit renewal. Held at Erwin High School, 60 Lees Creek Road

fArm & GArDen BAmBOO WAlkinG tOurs (pd.) May 10th and May 24th 1:30-3 p.m. Haiku Bamboo Nursery, 468 Rhodes Mountain Road, Hendersonville. Leads you through a Bamboo Forest, Sustainable Environment. Adult $25, Senior $23, College/

Student $15; Cash upon arrival. Reservations: 685-3053 www. AsheVille BOtAnicAl GArDens 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd., 252-5190, • FR (5/1) & SA (5/2) - Spring plant sale. Fri.: noon-6pm; Sat.: 8:30am-3pm. Free to attend. AsheVille GArDen cluB 550-3459 • WE (5/6), 9:30am “Horticulture - Plant Propagation,” workshop. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road hAnGer hAll schOOl 64 W.T. Weaver Blvd, 258-3600 • SA (5/2), 8am-noon - Spring plant sale to support the school. Free to attend.

kiDs GROWING GODDESS • JUNE 22-26 • JULY 6-10 (pd.) A nature-based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) celebrating the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge. Info: www. AsheVille pArks AnD recreAtiOn 259-5800, Departments/ParksRecreation. aspx • SU (5/3), 2-5pm - Tiny Tykes Day, for toddlers age 5 and under. Free. Held at Martin Luther King Jr Park, 50 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

men’s GArDen cluB Of AsheVille 683-1673, • TU (5/5), noon - “Climate Resilient Benefits of Soil Quality,” luncheon presentation. Registration required. $11. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St.

first leGO leAGue rOBOtics teAm

sArA r. GnilkA memOriAl plAnt sAle 398-7900, • FR (5/1), 9am-3pm - Proceeds benefit A-B Tech scholarships and arboretum funds. Free to attend. Held in the Sycamore Greenhouse at A-B Tech. Held at A-B Tech, 340 Victoria Road

spellBOunD chilDren’s BOOkshOp

Wnc sprinG herB festiVAl 301-8968, • FR (5/1) through SU (5/3) Includes plant sale and information booths from Herb Society of America and the Center for Honeybee Research. Fri.&Sat.: 8:30am-5pm; Sun.:10am-3pm. Free to attend. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road

fOOD & Beer leicester cOmmunity center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, Community.Center • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - The Leicester Welcome Table offers a hot meal and fellowship. Open to all. Free.

258-2038 • WEDNESDAYS, 3-5:30pm - All boys and girls ages 10-14 welcome. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave.

50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free.

OutDOOrs BeArWAllOW BeAst 5k trAil run AnD festiVAl • SU (5/3), 11:30am Sponsored by Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy. Includes trail run and mountaintop festival with live music. Free to attend; 5K: $35; Fun run: $5. Held at Bearwallow Mountain, 847 Case St., Hendersonville DupOnt stAte recreAtiOnAl fOrest Entrance: 1400 Staton Rd., Cedar Mountain, 877-6527, • SA (5/2) & SU (5/3), 9am2:30pm - 12-mile bus tour of High Falls, Triple Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Lake Julia. Departs every 30 minutes. $12/$6 under 18.

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


communitY caLendaR

pArentinG chilDren AnD fAmily resOurce center 851 Case St., Hendersonville, 698-0674 • WEDNESDAYS until (5/13) - “Parents Matter!” sexual health and responsibility. Free.










aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

pOsitiVe pArentinG prOGrAm • WE (4/29), 6pm - “Raising Resilient Children,” workshop. Free. Held at Ira B. Jones Elementary, 544 Kimberly Ave. • WE (5/6), 6pm “Encouraging Desirable Behavior in Children,” workshop. Free. Held at Vance Elementary School, 98 Sulphur Springs Road

puBlic lectures Olli At uncA 251-6140,, • TU (5/5), 7:30pm Wold Affairs Council: “Globalization.” Held in Reuter Center. $10. puBlic lectures At uncA Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (4/30), 7-9pm - “Free Speech vs Hate Speech.” Held in Highsmith Union. Free. • FR (5/1), 11:30am - “Statins: Friend or Foe?” Held in Reuter Center. Free.

seniOrs AsheVille pArks AnD recreAtiOn 70 Court Plaza, 259-5809 • TH (4/23) through FR (5/8) - Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games. Contact for full schedule. $10.

spirituAlity ABOut the trAnscenDentAl meDitAtiOn techniQue: free intrODuctOry lecture (pd.) The simplest meditation is the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other meditation practices (including other “mantra” methods). TM is an effortless, non-religious technique for going beyond the busy, active mind to access your deepest inner reserves of calm, clarity and happiness — dissolving stress

and connecting you to your higher self. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. NIH-sponsored research shows deep revitalizing rest, reduced anxiety, improved brain functioning and heightened well-being. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or or AsheVille cOmpAssiOnAte cOmmunicAtiOn center (pd.) 8 week course starting May 5, 6:30-8:30pm. Learn ways to create understanding, connection, and deeper love in your relationships by learning Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication). Great for couples! 252-0538. www. AsheVille insiGht meDitAtiOn (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, AstrO-cOunselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAkeninG Deepest nAture meDitAtiOn clAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence and wisdom. Meditation, lessons and dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. • Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz. com crystAl VisiOns presents (pd.) Lee Carroll and Kryon “The New Human” Saturday, May 9 and Dr. Amber Wolf “Lemurian Sisterhood Sacred Circle” Sunday, May 10. For registration/information: 828-687-1193 or

eckAnkAr WOrship SERVICE • “LET GOD’S lOVe OrchestrAte yOur life” (pd.) “You can’t hurry the process of unfoldment. But if you are aware that the expanded consciousness exists—that at the end of all things is love, and that at some point love will begin to direct all your actions and thoughts—then you can go ahead and live your life with ease. You can accept that there will be times when you have to run and times when you have to slow down. Inwardly you are always going at your own pace, marching to the beat of your own drummer.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). Date: Sunday, May 3, 2015, 11am-12 noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-2546775. hOW tO use crystAls AnD GemstOnes fOr precisiOn heAlinG & enerGy BAlAncinG (pd.) Live at Hilton Hotel in Asheville, May 16-17, 2015; advance registration required. Learn rare practical methods, including from Egypt, Europe, and Asia; very different from info found in most Crystals books today! Amazing selection of international Crystals also available on site, including True Vogel Crystals made by Vogel’s own Master Cutter. For Free Articles and more info: 828-298-7007 or www. life enrichment WOrkshOp (pd.) SA(5/2), 2-5 p.m. Artist, Elise Okrend and husband, Life Coach, Phil use art and words from their book, Messages to the Heart to move you forward in life with clarity, passion and purpose. $45. Om Sanctuary. Register: messages-to-the-heart 919621-1578. Open heArt meDitAtiOn (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017

CREATIVE REGIONAL SOLUTIONS ADult fOrum At fcc 692-8630, • SU (5/3), 9:15am - “It’s a Metaphor! ... More Conversation About God, Life and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville AVAlOn GrOVe 223 Dula Springs Road, Weaverville, 645-2674 • SA (5/2), 3pm - Belatin Celtic Christian holiday service. Free. creAtiOn cAre AlliAnce Of Wnc • TH (4/30), 5:30-7pm General meeting. Free Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. GrAce lutherAn church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, • WEDNESDAYS until (5/20), 5:45pm - “Christianity’s Family Tree: What Others Believe and Why.” Free to attend.

shAmBhAlA meDitAtiOn center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, • THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Sitting meditation and dharma reading. Free. • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Food, conversation and meditation. Free.

spOken & Written WOrD Blue riDGe BOOks 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (5/2), 3pm - Merrill Hardy discusses his book Rommel is Dead: A World War II Alternative History. Free to attend. BuncOmBe cOunty puBlic liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/29), 6pm - Tim Barnwell discusses his book Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas: A Comprehensive

Identification Guide to What You See from the Many Overlooks. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. city liGhts BOOkstOre 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • SA (5/2), 3pm - Seamus McGraw discusses his book Betting the Farm on a Drought. Free to attend. crOW & Quill 106 N. Lexington Ave, 505-2866 • FR (5/1), 7pm - Poets R. Flowers Rivera, Holly Iglesias and Luke Hankins read. Free. mAlAprOp’s BOOkstOre AnD cAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (4/29), 7pm - Thomas Rain Crowe discusses his book Living Legacy: In Their Own Words. Free to attend.

L A N D O FS K Y. O R G P: 828.251.6622

Register online to vote by MAY 5

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


communitY caLendaR

• TH (4/30), 7pm - Chris McDougall discusses his book Natural Born Heroes: How a Daring Band of Misfits Mastered the Lost Secrets of Strength and Endurance. Free to attend. • TH (4/30), 7pm - Works in Translation Book Club: Killing the Second Dog by Marek Hlasko. Free to attend. • 1st TUESDAYS, 7pm Enneagram relationships workshop. Open mic niGht nothingsopowerful@gmail. com • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Free to attend. Held at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Highway, Candler the Writer’s WOrkshOp 387 Beaucatcher Road, 254-8111, • FR (5/1), 6-8pm - Monthly writer’s gathering and potluck. Free to attend.


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

VOlunteerinG literAcy cOuncil seeks VOlunteers (pd.) Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us ( BiG BrOthers BiG sisters Of Wnc 253-1470, • WE (4/29), noon Volunteer information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. riVerlink 252-8474, • WEDNESDAYS, 1-4pm - Cleanup and plantings along the French Broad River. Registration required. Held at Asheville Adventure Rentals, 704 Riverside Drive • FR (5/1), 4:45-10pm Volunteers needed for

RiverMusic parking, wristbands, set up and take down. Held at RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza, 144 Riverside Drive sAnDhill cOmmunity GArDen 58 Apac Circle, 250-4260 • SATURDAYS, 10am-noon - Volunteers are needed to help with growing produce for donation in this nonprofit community garden. WAlk tO enD lupus nOW: AsheVille 877-849-8271, x4, • SU (5/3) - Volunteers needed for site set-up, registration, parking, kids area, first aid, support and gear vehicles, food and beverage, finish line cheerleaders and breakdown. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. For more volunteering opportunities, visit



Get in shape for summer!

Get out and march Walk a Mile Asheville raises awareness of sexual violence bY kRista L. white

What started out as a challenge to men to walk their talk against sexual violence is taking a step toward inclusivity. In a change of pace, Our VOICE, Buncombe County’s sexual assault and abuse support center, is asking the community this year to turn its annual Walk a Mile event into a people’s march on Saturday, May 2. “Asheville is such a great, diverse and supportive community, and we wanted the event to be more reflective of our community,” she says. “In addition to men, we are also encouraging women and

children to participate,” says angelica wind, executive director of Our VOICE. “Sexual violence affects everyone. It isn’t just a women’s issue.” Each year about 500 people participate in the event. This year, with the expanded community focus, Our VOICE expects around 600-700 walkers. The event is about walking the walk in someone else’s shoes — someone who has been impacted by sexual violence, she says. That single mile is about the journey, not necessarily about having to wear a pair of high heels. Any pair of shoes will do, says Wind, who is, nonetheless, looking forward to seeing how men up the ante each year with their shoe choices and decorations.

“Sexual violence and assault are at times very difficult topics to discuss, so men in high heels is a somewhat lighthearted way to raise awareness around rape, sexual violence and gender-based violence,” she says. Wind plans to walk in a pair of men’s shoes to represent the males in her life who have been affected by sexual violence. Ashevillean nita walker, 70, is participating in the event for the first time this year. It isn’t about fancy shoes, she says, or even wearing someone else’s. Walker plans to wear her own as a rape survivor. “I will walk because each time a survivor takes any action to show she or he will not be silent, a step toward personal healing is made, and society moves a bit

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Steps Against Violence what Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, a family-friendly event that helps fund Our VOICE counseling and prevention programs. Our VOICE hopes the expanded event will provide a comfortable platform where people can enjoy themselves and begin to have discussions about how the community can come together to eliminate sexual violence, says angelica wind, executive director of Our VOICE. Participants can rent heels on-site for $5. when Saturday, May 2. Registration begins at 10 a.m., and the walk begins at 11 a.m. wheRe

weLL-heeLed: “I got involved with the event because of the work that Our VOICE does and the importance of bringing the topic of sexual violence out,” says Dennis Gibson. Photos by Krista L. White

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The walk starts at City/County Plaza and makes a 1-mile loop around downtown Asheville. moRe info walk-a-mile-asheville



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sPeaking uP: “Each time a survivor takes any action to show she or he will not be silent, a step toward personal healing is made,” says Nita Walker. closer to stopping the suppression of violent sexual crimes,” says Walker, a member of Womansong of Asheville and a volunteer on the Our VOICE board of directors. She’s also walking for other victims of sexual violence — the woman who was raped a month before she was by the same man, a friend in a nursing home who can’t speak for herself and a classmate’s daughter whose rapist is still at large, says Walker. Walker will participate for them, and all the women, children and men who live in fear because their rapist has not been prosecuted, she says. dennis gibson, 46, of Black Mountain has participated in the Walk a Mile event for the last five years. An Asheville-based attorney, he says he walks not because he has been personally affected by sexual violence but because he thinks the event supports a great cause and one that needs attention. “I’m not typically a touchy-feely kind of guy, but I got involved with the event because of the work that Our VOICE does and the importance of bringing the topic of sexual violence out,” he says. Everybody is affected by sexual violence whether they know it or


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

not, says Gibson. Perpetrators in these kinds of circumstances rely on a code of silence — the expectation that victims aren’t going to speak out partly because of the stigmatization that they experience. Gibson doesn’t wear high heels in his day-to-day life, but does keep a pair in his closet for the yearly event. And, even though the event is moving toward an allinclusive people’s march, he says he will continue to wear heels. It is important to make the discussion of sexual violence more palatable by having an event like this where discussions can take place and where it doesn’t feel like such a heavy topic, says Gibson, who is also on the Walk a Mile event planning committee. Walker says, “I believe that we cannot prevent any crime from happening until everyone realizes the impact that it has, not just on the victims, but also on the families, friends and the entire community.” X

weLLness caLendaR

internAtiOnAl heArinG VOices netWOrk • SA (5/2), 1pm & TH (5/7), 4pm Screenings of Knowing You, Knowing You and The Hearing Voices Network ’25 Years On’, short films about the mental health network. Free. Sat.: Held at McDowell County Public LibraryOld Fort Branch, 65 East Mitchell St., Old Fort. Thu.: Held at Yancy County Library, 321 School Circle, Burnsville. nAtiOnAl AlliAnce On mentAl illness 505-7353, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (5/14), 6 -8:30pm - Class for family members and caregivers of adults living with severe mental illness. Free. Held at 356 Biltmore Ave. shAmBhAlA meDitAtiOn center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, • SUNDAYS, 10am-noon - Sitting and walking meditation. Free. West AsheVille BAptist church 926 Haywood Road • SA (5/2), 10am-2pm - Community outreach health screenings. Free.


Send your wellness news to

World Tai Chi Day in Asheville Millions of people around the world gather on World Tai Chi Day to practice the mind-body movement forms of tai chi and qigong on the last Saturday in April every year. On April 25, local practitioners gathered at Recreational Park in East Asheville for an event hosted by Liz Ridley of Little Dragon School and Larry cammarata of Mind-Body Wellness. Photographer emily nichols asked several participants, “How has the practice of qigong or tai chi changed your life?" and suggested they demonstrate a pose that represented the change. While responses were varied, most mentioned improvement in balance as well as stress reduction. For more photos and responses, go to

weLL-gRounded: “Tai Chi helps you ground yourself as you cultivate energy through your meridians. It’s like a deep internal massage” says Mickey Hill, right, with Dennis Hagarty in the “playing the lute” pose.

tai chi to go: Valerie Hoh loves that she can take her tai chi practice with her when she travels. “I do it at beaches, national parks, anywhere.” Here, Hoh demonstrates “the wave,” a posture she initially struggled with because the arms and legs are moving simultaneously. “Now, after three years, my balance is so much better.”

aLL togetheR: “Stability, relaxation and focus,” says Larry Cammarata, right, leading a group practice for World Tai Chi Day in East Asheville. “The practice has given me a deep body awareness and taught me how to harmonize myself with others by staying grounded and soft at the same time.” Photos by Emily Nichols

fLow: “When I do qigong everyday” says Diane Beck, “I find that my day begins and ends balanced. The practice helps me to flow like a river.”

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


g r E E N


Don’t chicken out bY aiYanna seZak-bLatt Send your sustainability news to

Beneath the yellow light of a heat lamp, fluffy little yellow puffs chirp and scurry about. Priced at $3.50 each, the cute little chicks can be found filling up bins at homesteading or farming supply stores this spring and can quickly lead to an oh-so tempting impulse to buy. It’s an easy decision, right? Baby chicks are fun to cuddle, and once they grow up, you'll have farm-fresh eggs. But what does it take to provide for these little lives? The answer may not be so simple. According to annamaria bowman, the founder of Chicken Rescue and Sanctuary in Hendersonville, raising chickens is a great responsibility. “It’s a long-term commitment,” Bowman notes. “They live a long life, and they need proper housing, fencing, food, plus veterinary care.” Since the launch of Chicken Rescue in 2009, the 4 acres that Bowman owns with her husband, Paul Bowman, have been transformed into a haven and retirement center for over 80 hens, all of them abandoned, rescued or forfeited because they no longer lay eggs. A common misconception about chickens is that they always provide eggs, Bowman says. But a hen only lays for the first three years of her life — and a healthy hen can live up to 12 years. “By the second year they lay just 80 percent of the first year, and every year it’s decreasing,” she explains. “By the time

the chicken is 4, it lays almost nothing.” Thinking of keeping chickens this spring? “If you aren’t prepared to keep them until they die of natural causes, then don’t do it,” Bowman stresses. “If you are planning to move, you better have a plan B for the chickens.” That may mean a long-term commitment for a hefty chunk of Asheville. Turns out, the city is “chickening” like never before, says cathy williams, the founder of Asheville City Chickens. In 2009, Williams, along with a team of citizen activists, lobbied to relax the restrictions on raising chickens within city limits. “The ordinance on city chickens was so restrictive that nobody could comply,” she explains. “The city required that a coop be kept 100 feet from a neighbor, but we were able to change that to 10 feet.” Williams says that if you're ready to take the plunge and commit to your feathered friends, the next step in successful chicken-keeping is preparation and predator-proofing. “Proper housing is key,” she says, explaining that chickens need a coop with a sturdy foundation to protect them from predators that dig (like foxes and possums), a run that’s netted to defend against predators that fly (like hawks) and a sturdy fence to protect them from everything else. Bowman adds, “If the yard is not fenced, if there’s no netting on the top, you're going to lose them one by one.” But once you’ve got the housing built, don't think your work is done — proper chicken care is a year-round task. Bowman says that the birds also need a shady place to escape from

How to responsibly care for your backyard chickens

not as easY as it’s cRacked uP to be: Recent relaxing of city restrictions mean Asheville is “chickening” like never before. But many would be chicken-keeepers don’t realize the birds stop producing eggs early in their life, yet still require care and attention to survive. As the interest in backyard chicken keeping raises so do the number of abandoned and neglected animals.

direct sun. In the summer, she recommends cooling the coop with a fan, and in winter she suggests heating the coop to at least 50 degrees. If you’re not going to heat the coop, Williams says it’s vital to choose a hardy breed that can withstand cold temperatures. Daily observation of the bird’s habits and behavior is also essential, she adds. “Chickens are extremely tough and hardy, and yet very fragile all at the same time,” she says. “They can withstand a lot of pain, so you don’t necessarily know when they’re injured or sick.” diane oxford, who has been raising chickens in her backyard since the city ordinance was relaxed, adds that just like a family dog or cat, chickens have needs that impact the quality of their life. “Every chicken needs to live as close to a normal life as it can whether or not it’s raised for eggs or meat,” she notes. “A chicken needs to scratch in the dirt, it needs to be able to take a dirt bath, to peck around in the yard and find bugs in the grass. It needs to

spread its wings and flap. They’re very social, so they need a family. You can’t just get one chicken.” All these instructions may seem overwhelming, but Oxford says that though backyard chicken-keeping may be a resurgent trend, city dwellers have actually been doing this for decades. “Up until the ‘40s and ‘50’s, it was very common in the older neighborhoods and in cities, to have chicken coops,” she says. “Industrialization and the thought that you can buy cheap eggs in the grocery store without raising your own, changed all that, and it became a status thing [to buy eggs]. But Asheville is changing that.” In fact, these local chicken keepers point out that one of the most compelling reason for backyard chicken-keeping is to provide an ethical alternative to those grocery store eggs, most of which come from factory farming. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 99 percent of all the chicken and eggs consumed in America come from factory farms, meaning “almost 9 billion chickens are killed for their meat every

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year, while another 300 million languish in tiny cages producing our country’s eggs.” The Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply adds that 95 percent of U.S. eggs come from birds raised in battery cages where each animal is given roughly 67 square inches of space. As part of her work at the sanctuary, Bowman has worked to rescue many factory farm chickens. Recalling 16 layers she rescued last spring, Bowman says, “Their combs were overgrown and covering their eyes so they couldn’t see [and] their nails were an inch or an inch-anda-half long. In the cage, they can’t spread their wings.” Bowman adds that layers are often featherless, a result of stacked cages where they defecate on top of each other and the acidic waste burns them to the skin. She says that a broiler she attempted to rescue suffered a heart attack due to stress from selective breeding, rapid growth and being confined its entire life before being shipped to a slaughterhouse. “In this world, somebody has to be there to be their voice,” she notes. “And that’s what we try to do.” But educating people about the reality of factory farmed chicken isn’t easy. “They don’t want to hear about it because they don’t want to face it,” she says. Both Williams and Oxford add that even a careful reading of labels in the grocery store may not keep you from supporting the mistreatment of factory farm fowl. In fact, Williams strongly advocates against all store-bought eggs as terms such as “cage-free” and “free-range” have no legal definition in the United States in regard to layers and only a limited definition for broilers. Though the U.S. Department of Agriculture applies restrictions to the term “organic” — including that the animal be given organic feed, receive no hormones or antibiotics and be free-range — animal activists point out that the certification is meaningless in terms of the animals’ well-being if freerange remains an arbitrary term. “It doesn’t matter what the sign says,” Williams notes. “If it says ‘cagefree,’ that means nothing. If it says ‘organic,’ that means nothing. If it says ‘free-range,’ that means nothing.” Oxford adds, “Free-range means you can have a [massive] building with one little door at the very end that's open only 20 minutes a day. There are a lot of loopholes for large-production farms.”

Backyard chicken-keeping can provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing where your eggs come from and be an empowering way to reclaim the relationship between hen and human, Oxford notes. “They all have individual personalities,” she says. “They’re just adorable. When we come home, they’re right at the back door waiting for treats. Mine even come into the kitchen.” And if you’re successful in providing a safe, happy home for your chickens, the birds will remain loyal companions even after their egg-laying years are over, Williams adds. “My chickens have become my pets, and I don’t eat my pets,” she says. “So, when [people] ask me what happens when they stop laying. ‘Well,’ I say, ‘I still love ‘em.’” X











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The Spring Herb Festival will return to the WNC Farmers Market for its 26th annual plant sale and education event from Friday, May 1, through Sunday, May 3. As the largest herb festival in the Southeast, the event features over 60 professional growers and retailers selling locally grown herbs and herbal products, including soaps, oils, tinctures and extracts. The Center for Honeybee Research and Bee City USA will also be on hand to share information about pollinator-friendly herbs and other garden plants. The festival runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, visit —Carrie Eidson X

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


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Renowned chef James Beard opened his 1973 book Beard on Bread by declaring, “Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts.” Ashevilleans, it seems, would agree. Each year, they gather at the annual Asheville Artisan Bread Bakers’ Festival, eager to admire and sample these culinary artists’ wares. This year’s festival will take place on Saturday, May 2, at A-B Tech. Here’s what four of Asheville’s best had to say about the art of baking bread, displaying a passion that rises even higher than their loaves. it’s about time

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

bill tellman and his wife, debbie, co-own Bracken Mountain Bakery in Brevard. They arrived there in the mid-’90s, drawn by the mountains. After working as a chef in California and Charlotte, Tellman wanted a quieter life, so he taught himself to bake. “Now, 20 years of kids have grown up eating peanut butter on sunflower-oat bread,” he notes. Part of what attracts him is the simplicity of bread — the basic chemistry of yeast, water, salt and flour. “Artisanal bread bakers throughout history have used just those ingredients,” says Tellman, who’s been part of the bread festival for six of its 11 years. For him, though, the most crucial element is time. “If dough has a long, slow rising, more interesting flavors result. And yet overproofing — letting the bread rise too long — is a dough’s enemy, robbing it of elasticity until the dough resembles an athlete gone to flab. “Once you mix a dough, it’s on the loose, and it sets its own time,” he explains. For that

aRtisan Rising: Nathan Morrison, owner of Simple Bread in Woodfin, loves the meditative process of baking. “Breadmaking is a very practiced thing and very creative,” he says. “I’m always curious about how each loaf will look.” Photo by Cindy Kunst

flour, helping to maintain nutrients and flavor,” he explains. Workman uses Carolina Ground flour, stonemilled in Asheville, and filtered water instead of chlorinated city water. Great ingredients, though, are just the start. “You can have a perfect dough but put it in the oven too early

reason, he advocates using only a small amount of yeast and refrigerating the dough to slow the rise.


QuaLitY contRoL dave workman, co-owner of Flat Rock Village Bakery, began baking in his 20s “because I liked bread a lot,” he says. Like Tellman, he’s self-taught. Workman believes that every step in the process is important, though he stresses using quality ingredients such as freshly milled organic flour: “Stone milling eats up the grain less than roller-milled

11th annual Asheville Artisan Bread Bakers’ Festival wheRe Magnolia Building at A-B Tech, 340 Victoria Road when 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, May 2 detaiLs Call 683-2902 or visit

or late and you get a disappointing result,” notes Workman. Still, a rushed loaf is not a happy one: From start to finish, his take two to three days. “Good bread,” he maintains, “can’t be created overnight.” Workman has participated in the Asheville bread festival since its inception. This year, he’ll feature his favorite loaf — a whole-wheat sourdough — alongside other loaves and pastries. the magic touch joe Ritota, started working at his father’s New Jersey bakery when he was 10. Today, he co-owns Annie’s Bakery in Asheville with his wife, annie. “I became a baker by default, with four generations of Italian bakers on my mom’s side, three on my father’s,” he explains. Ritota agrees that great ingredients and careful timing are essential. He also emphasizes the baker’s subtle relationship with the dough. Quality, he says, depends on a baker’s ability to recognize the right feel and touch. But temperature is also a deal breaker. “If it’s 90 degrees in the shop, the dough will ferment quicker than you want. So you have to chill it through the temperature of the other ingredients and by reducing mixing time” — because the mixing generates heat. “Baking is an art, because it is the extension of an individual who puts his love and energy into the product and into the touch and feel. It’s like creating a painting,” says Ritota, who plans to debut a speciality bread at this year’s festival.

making it sing nathan morrison, who owns Simple Bread, works alone in a 15-by-15-foot space at his home in Woodfin with six electric ovens, selling his breads at local farmers markets. He loves the meditative process of baking and being in his shop. “Bread-making is a very practiced thing and very creative,” he says. “I’m always curious about how each loaf will look.” Like many bakers, Morrison emphasizes quality ingredients and the importance of weighing them to get the proportions right. But he also stresses shaping, which “increases the surface tension along the top and outside of the dough. When you score [cut the dough before baking], the bread has a place to expand, and it expands more because of the way it’s been shaped.” “Handling the dough is the trickiest part,” says Morrison, who grew up eating his mom’s homemade loaves. “A bread can be well leavened, but if it’s not shapedwell, it won’t look great.” It won’t sound great, either. Bread, says Morrison, speaks to us through all five senses: “When you take a perfect loaf out of the oven, the crust will crackle.” And while Morrison says he’s eager to learn from the other bakers at this year’s festival, his goal is to keep making simple bread for folks who care about what goes into their food — a pretty good description of Asheville’s talented bakers and their passionate fans. X

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Full bar . Full kitchen

Food served til 11 pM nightly Monday $3 pint night Tuesday cask night Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills Thursday $4 well drinks Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies

$12/ dozen Mon-Fri 3-6pm! (828) 575-9370 625 Haywood Rd • West Asheville Mon-Thur 3-11 • Fri 3-12 • Sat 12-12 • Sun 12-11

THE OFFICIAL GUIDE Bread baking 101 Whether you’re just starting to bake or looking to up your game, check out these books, recommended by several local bakers: Bread: A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes by Jeffrey Hamelman The Bread Baker’s Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread by Peter Reinhart Bread Alone: Bold Fresh Loaves From Your Own Hands by Daniel Leader and Judith Blahnik The Joy of Cooking (75th anniversary edition) by Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker and Ethan Becker

Publishes 05.20.15 adv e r ti s e @ m o u n t a i n x . c o m 8 2 8 - 251- 1333

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



by Gina Smith

The buzz in Arden Stepping through the door of the Beehive Coffee Bar from the parking lot of its nondescript little strip mall in Arden is a bit like entering a space-time wormhole — one that leads to a comfy spot where you can grab a fresh latte and some Wi-Fi. “One of my favorite things is to go into a space and make it awesome; just completely transform it,” says owner sophie charlton of her eclectically decorated space. Charlton says she spent years sourcing the colorful hodgepodge of vintage furniture and tchotchkes from flea markets and thrift stores — a set of 1960s-era chairs from a dentist office waiting room, a wooden cabinet radio tuned to ragtime jazz, a painted metal pie safe. Everything is lit softly by fixtures created by local artist jim bonello out of Edison bulbs and an assortment of old metal tins, teakettles and even an antique parking meter. The counters and shelves are filled with an equally oddball mix of retail items: Antiques from a local dealer mingle with pieces by local crafters — button flowers, magnets, coasters, pillows, signs and more. Somehow all the diverse components play together nicely in the shop, which opened on New Year’s Day on Sweeten Creek Road. The whole effect is at once homey and offbeat.

what Beehive Coffee Bar wheRe 3732 Sweeten Creek Road, Arden, across from Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack when 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays detaiLs Look for updates on extended summer hours at The Beehive Coffee Bar on Facebook


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

Beehive Coffee Bar provides a new South Asheville gathering spot

coffee stoP:

Adorned with a fabric sign handmade by a regular customer, the Beehive Coffee Bar is tucked into a small strip mall on Sweeten Creek Road in Arden. Photo by Audrey Walsh

“We definitely try to step out of the box whenever we can. We try to be creative,” Charlton says. This applies in the java department as well. Although Charlton, a former hairdresser and barista who moved to Asheville two years ago from Durango, Colo., offers the usual coffee shop selections (featuring coffee from Dynamite Roasters along with espresso from Bean Werks), there are a few inventive twists. The shop’s signature drink is a honey latte made with honey that’s “fresh out of the beehive,” sourced from a beekeeper who lives right around the corner from the shop in Arden’s Royal Pines community. The shop also does a latte with coconut oil and honey and often experiments with flavors, such as a recently popular ginger latte created with house-made crystallized ginger sauce. The frappés, she adds, are also something special — made all from scratch with ice cream and real cream. “I feel like the mixes add too many additives and sugar,” she says. There is a selection of Twin Leaf Teas and chai for the noncoffee-drinking set. Guests who want something sweet to munch on can choose from a number of baked goods

by local purveyors like Mountain Mojo, Blue Door Bakery, 50/Fifty Desserts, Famighetti New York Pantry and Bake Hampton. Those looking for something savory can pick from a variety of breakfast sandwiches, biscuits and quiches by Auntie M’s Homemade Pies. Although the Beehive is now open only mornings and afternoons, Charlton has her sights set on staying open later during the warmer months — a move that would fill a void in the immediate neighborhood, which currently lacks evening gathering spots. The property has a nice, grassy yard that Charlton envisions as an outdoor venue for acoustic music performances, socializing and possibly more — including a long-term goal to eventually serve beer and wine. The whole point of the shop, says Charlton, is to provide a place where people can get comfortable and enjoy hanging out. “I love it for the connection you can have with people,” she says. “You can make someone’s day just with a ’hello’ as they come through the door for a cup of coffee. It’s so simple, yet you just don’t get that in so many places anymore. When I created this, I wanted to create an environment where people could feel like family.” X

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015





Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

Tasty Beverage Co. opens on the South Slope And Burial hosts a saison festival

The tap lines are now flowing at South Slope’s newest tasting room. But this time there’s a twist. It’s not a brewery. When you walk into Tasty Beverage Co., there’s a bar and bartender to your left. There are also some picnic tables and window seats. Then, to your right, there’s a massive amount of beer — bottle after bottle on shelf after shelf. Along the back wall, there’s a cooler spanning half the room. There’s a register and an employee or two ready to help out. “The way I explain it is we’re not just a beer store and we’re not just a bar — we’re Tasty,” says johnny belflower, the owner of Tasty Beverage Co. “It’s what I wanted in a beer store: I want to be at a shop where I can try anything there. And I want it to be a place where it’s comfortable to hang out.” To that end, every beer available in four- or six-packs is also sold as singles and can be consumed on premise. Belflower says for the singles, there’s a minimal markup when there’s any at all. The prices on the shelves also include tax. The beer itself is a mix of American craft and imports — almost all Belgians. Belflower says he’ll be carrying everything they he get his hands on in Asheville and in North Carolina, so expect plenty of local beer as part of the mix. The bar features a rotating cast of 10 beers on draft and a small selection of bottles the employees are excited about. “Oftentimes we’ll try to have a new beer in bottles on draft at the same time so you can try it before you commit to a bottle,” says Belflower. Tasty will sell 10-ounce or 160-ounce pours depending on the beer style. As for food, Belflower says not to expect anything on day one, but it is part of the larger plan. “We’ll eventually have light bar snacks and we’ll sell local meats and cheeses,” says


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

shaRPen the bLades saison fest Last year, the inaugural Sharpen the Blades fest showed that Burial Beer wasn’t just serious about beer — it could host events with the best of them too. On a chilly, rainy day, crowds packed the inside space and outside patio sampling saisons from across the state. This year, on Saturday, May 2, expect more of the same but on an even larger scale. Burial’s new beer garden is open, greatly expanding its outdoors capacity, and it will be welcoming saison lovers starting at noon. Burial’s jess Reiser says to expect 27 saisons, including breweries from around the corner (Green Man and Twin Leaf) and across the state (Haw River Farmhouse Ales and Trophy Brewing). A commemorative sixounce tasting glass will be sold for $5, and then pours of each beer will run $2 per selection. Food will work in a similar way: just order and enjoy one of the first plates of elliott moss’s new Buxton Hall barbecue. Music starts at 4 p.m. and includes sets from Octopus Jones, Hermit Kings and Gold Light. X tastY heRe oR to-go? South Slope’s Tasty Beverage Co. serves every beer it stocks on-premises or to-go. Photo by Thom O’Hearn

O N Belflower. Oh, and if you’re tagging along for an early afternoon tasting and prefer coffee instead of beer, Tasty will have that covered as well. “Other beverages certainly fit very well within our mission. We sell Slingshot iced coffee in Raleigh, and I imagine we’ll sell 1000 Faces [based out of Vortex Donuts] iced coffee here.” Belflower says anything is fair game as time goes on. If a local company is producing something liquid, he’s interested. “Anyone involved in the beer or beverage industry, we’re here to promote them,” says Belflower. “If there’s a local company making bitters, I want to know about it.”

Belflower says to expect a grand opening and then events of all sorts once the store is off the ground. “At our Raleigh store we have a group bike ride every week, and every Tuesday we promote Trappist beers. We also celebrate the full moons, partner with other local businesses for events and partner with breweries for tastings. ... Really we just try to do a lot of fun things to celebrate life.” Tasty Beverage Co. is at 162 Coxe Ave. Check or Facebook for details on a grand opening. Hours of operation are 11 a.m.9 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 11a.m.-10 p.m. Friday-Saturday and noon-6 p.m.



WeDnesDAy AsheVille BreWinG: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm cAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills french BrOAD: $8.50 growler fills hiGhlAnD: Carolina Rivers Launch Event w/ Julian Monroe Fisher, 4:30 pm; Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm


leXinGtOn AVe (lAB): $3 pints all day

french BrOAD: Live music: Stray Local, 6pm

Oyster hOuse: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

One WOrlD: Live music: The Willy Whales, 8pm

hiGhlAnD: Live music: The Horse You Rode In On, 7pm; Food truck: Cici’s Culinary Cuisine & Tin Can Pizzeria

WeDGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

OskAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm Oyster hOuse: $2 off growler fills pisGAh: Live music: Clyde’s On Fire, 6pm WeDGe: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

One WOrlD: Live music: In Plain Sight, 8pm OskAr Blues: Firkin Friday: Caskconditioned Gubna; Live music: Through The Hills, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon pisGAh: Live music: The Lazybirds, 8pm

AsheVille BreWinG: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location BuriAl Beer cO.: Bottle release: Pink Moon (pink grapefruit peel & pulp, pink peppercorns, small batch, limited release), 4pm french BrOAD: Live music: A Cinematographer’s Party, 6pm hiGhlAnD: Race To The Stage (Battle of the bands): 6pm One WOrlD: Live music: Ashley Heath, 8pm

WeDGe: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)


BuriAl Beer cO.: Now open Mondays, 4-10pm

BuriAl Beer cO.: Sharpen the Blades Saison Fest w/ 27 local saisons, 12pm; Food: Elliot Moss w/ Buxton Hall BBQ; Live music: Octopus Jones, 4pm; Hermit Kings, 5pm; Gold Light, 6pm french BrOAD: Live music: Ten Cent Poetry, 6pm OskAr Blues: Pisgah Mountain Bike Adventure Race; Live music: Shotgun Gypsies, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon Oyster hOuse: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys pisGAh: Live music: Marcus King Band: 8pm;

OskAr Blues: Dining Out for Life fundraiser; Live music: Wyatt Espalin, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon

WeDGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

pisGAh: The Big Deal Bluegrass Fundraiser, 8pm; Live music: The Big F’n Deal Band, 8pm


WeDGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

AsheVille BreWinG: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location


BuriAl Beer cO.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out)

AsheVille BreWinG: New brew: Holy Ninja (oyster porter, collab. w/ Holy City Brewing)

OskAr Blues: Food truck: CHUBwagon

46 Haywood, Haywood Park Hotel Atrium Dresses available now for preview by appt. Call 828.357.4668

WeDGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

tuesDAy AsheVille BreWinG: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) AsheVille BreWinG: Bottle release: Fire Escape (22 oz.) hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints One WOrlD: Live music: DJ Brandon Audette, 8pm OskAr Blues: Tasty Tuesday: Belgian Double; Cornhole League, 6pm; Schenk You fundraiser; Food truck: Chameleon Oyster hOuse: Cask night WeDGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

TUES 5/5 - 7:00PM


5/5 - 10:30AM & 5/9 - 3:30PM

OskAr Blues: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm; Food truck: Latino Heat




AltAmOnt: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 7pm AsheVille BreWinG: Beat the Clock Mondays (medium cheese pizza, the time you order = the price you pay), 4-9pm

thursDAy AltAmOnt: Live music: Stray Local, 9pm





aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


a r t S


E N tE r t a I N M E N t

So much love LEAF celebrates 20 years of music, art, culture and community

bY aLLi maRshaLL

How do you sum up 20 years of festivals? That’s two decades of twiceyearly campouts, dances, new musical discoveries and fond favorites; of friends made and family bonds strengthened; of campfire hangouts and sunny-day revelry. For LEAF, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this May, “It’s expressed in the theme: ‘Global Gratitude,’” says jennifer Pickering, the festival’s founder and executive director. “LEAF has been one of these creations of so much love, so much energy, so many ideas and visions. The reality is it only comes to life because so many generous people come together in so many different ways.” That collective effort may be what keeps the event going strong even as a number of other local festivals — from long-running endeavors like Bele Chere to recent additions like

what LEAF, wheRe Lake Eden in Black Mountain when Thursday, May 7, to Sunday, May 10. Tickets are sold only in advance; prices are as follows: weekend pass (Friday-Sunday, including camping) $168 adults/$142 kids ages 10-17; community pass (Friday-Sunday, no camping) $112/$99; Friday evening or Sunday day pass $50/$40; Saturday day pass $60/$53. Parking $5 per vehicle, free shuttle to festival


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Mountain Oasis — have called it quits. LEAF nearly sells out each year, and attendance has grown from 1,2001,500 in the early going to as many as 6,000 on-site per day. Furthermore, Performing Arts Director ehren cruz reports that the organization is on track to achieve record ticket sales this season. moRe than music Far from resting on their laurels, however, LEAF’s organizers are beefing up two ancillary programs, LEAF Schools & Streets and LEAF International, while announcing a host of new local events (including concerts, a downtown Asheville festival and a “funk camp” with

the beat goes on: Adama Dembele, center, of local Afropop band Zansa, drums with students in a LEAF Schools & Streets program. Photo by Jill Nicolino

Bootsy Collins — see sidebar for more info). Meanwhile, the upcoming spring festival promises more than 80 roving performers, 10 artist installations (ranging from art cars to the jelly dome), and seven “kids villages.” Plus, “We’re bringing out artists from 30 different countries,” says Cruz. Lágbájá, a Nigerian Afro-beat

group, will be making its first U.S. visit; headliner Xavier Rudd fronts an eight-member band that includes musicians from Papua New Guinea, aboriginal Australia, Germany, France and South Africa. “That band really reflects the cultural traditions we’re trying to represent,” says Cruz. LEAF aims to create an overarching experience, so ticket buyers don’t come just for a big name act or two. Instead, festivalgoers get to hear an array of sounds ranging from the familiar to the exotic. “World music is a challenging music to promote. It doesn’t get as much of the corporate buzz,” says Cruz. “But for LEAF, the emphasis is on world music as cultural preservation.”

Another thing that sets LEAF apart, says Pickering, is that “it’s a limited-sized event, but the reach goes way beyond.” Thanks to LEAF International, launched in 2006 with a program in Bequia (an island in the Grenadines), art and music are changing lives in 10 countries. The newest program is in Costa Rica; the largest is in Panama, where more than 250 young people — many of them orphans — have been given the opportunity to attend music camps and workshops. The program in Rwanda began with the invitation of LEAF festival performing artist Jean Paul Samputu. Through drumming classes, that partnership reached out to 25 children who were living on the street due to the 1994 genocide and the AIDS epidemic. Not long afterward, the organization provided housing for those students, who formed the LEAF Intore Cultural Troupe. Today, members of the collective tour the world. Meanwhile, a contingent from the Costa Rican program will perform at the May festival. “Our hope is to give people that connective moment,” says Cruz. “When you’re visiting our international programs, you see how much music and art is not just a hobby, it’s woven into the cultures in a deep and powerful way.” He adds, “LEAF is not just about watching awesome stuff happen onstage. It’s about what you can take home into your life, to share art with your family and your community.” home is wheRe the aRt is Gathering inspiration from Canadian folk artists, classical Indian performers, Malawian drummers or Ugandan roots musicians — all of whom are featured on this spring’s roster — is exciting. But the real spirit of LEAF extends to local neighborhoods as well. That’s part of the idea behind LEAF Schools & Streets, the educational arm of the nonprofit. Seeking to “empower children, their families and communities through cooperation and performances,” the program provides in-school and afterschool art and music instruction. The culmination of those efforts plays out onstage at LEAF. “You recognize the life-changing capability of the performances that the youth do, and you see the kids

[from] residencies who were really shy, [who] get to the festival and shine,” says jocelyn Reese, the program’s director. “Seeing the process come together in the performances is really awesome.” Reese joined the LEAF team three years ago. Having previously served as an assistant principal for Asheville City Schools, she sought to strengthen school partnerships. On Reese’s watch, the LEAF Schools & Streets initiative has doubled, from 12-15 programs per year to over 25-30 annually. Launched by Pickering in 2004, LEAF Schools & Streets targets kids who lack access to the arts. Over the last decade, says Reese, Asheville has changed. And “our understanding of the needs within the communities has deepened.” But at the same time, she stresses, “We try not to ever approach a community and say, ‘What you need is ... .’ Them coming to us is the best way, and then we say, ‘Yes.’”

Band instrument repairs, service and rentals (828) 299-3000 • M-F 10-7 • SAT 10-6 800 Fairview Rd. (at River Ridge Marketplace)

diffeRent is good “When I created LEAF, I really wanted it to be where you got to step into this place that allowed you to sample all these different experiences and do this among so many different types of people from different communities,” says Pickering. “You start to unintentionally build bridges.” To fully achieve that ambitious goal, however, the festival director realized that she and her crew had to start building bridges intentionally. Accordingly, says Pickering, creating welcoming spaces is part of LEAF’s belief system. “It’s a piece of our local community in which LEAF is dedicated to playing a positive role. Through the music and arts, we believe you can break down a lot of isms and misunderstandings.” But even when the objective is a weekend’s worth of fun, there are barriers to overcome. Many people, says Pickering, simply don’t camp — yet the reality is that camping is a large part of LEAF festival. She cites a visit from LEAF International partners from Haiti and Rwanda who were shocked to see the tents, which they associated with refugee camps. Closer to home, there are also Western North Carolina residents — including students in LEAF Schools & Streets — for whom sleeping under the stars is an alien experience. As a part of the program’s funding, a number of families are sponsored to attend the festival. “This is our mission in action,” says Communications

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new moVes: Boukman Eksperyans from the LEAF International program in Haiti performs onstage during the biannual festival in Black Mountain. Photo by David Simchock

Director cortina caldwell. “We’re building a model to integrate those families into the festival world. When those kids get up onstage and perform, it’s a true moment of pride for them and for their families.” And if that’s not precisely what Pickering imagined when she started LEAF 20 years ago, it’s certainly close. Back then, the owner of the Black Mountain Folk Festival, which was also held at Lake Eden, approached Pickering about taking over his event. She had just moved back to town and didn’t know anything about festivals, but she’d grown up on the property and liked the idea of using it as a vehicle for exploring different cultures.

Instead of taking over the existing event, however, Pickering followed her own evolving vision and started LEAF. Two decades later, new campers are being minted, and a generation of children (some now young adults) can claim they grew up there. Still, at its heart, the festival remains rooted in simple pleasures. “What the press wants to talk about is who’s playing, but that’s such a small portion of the LEAF experience,” says Pickering. “It becomes more and more precious, as our lives become more busy, to be out in nature and take time to sit around with friends. To just be there.” X

home awaY fRom home: A generation of children has grown up at LEAF (some were, no doubt, conceived there). But festival organizers also reach out to communities who are new to camping, as the natural setting is as much a part of the event as its stellar art and music lineup. Photo courtesy of LEAF


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

Beyond Lake Eden Want more LEAF? The organization expands its reach with a number of community-based programs throughout the spring and summer. Leaf local concerts — Teaming up with New Mountain and Pisgah Brewing, LEAF offers up a series of shows that kicked off with Turkuaz on Wednesday, April 22. Still to come: • elephant Revival at New Mountain on Thursday, April 30, 9 p.m. $15. • the funky meters with Earphunk and George Porter Jr. & The Runnin’ Pardners at Pisgah on Saturday, May 16, 5:30 p.m. $27 advance/$32 day of show • dr. john and the nitetrippers at New Mountain on Friday, May 22, 7:30 p.m. $28 advance/$32 day of show. • Rising appalachia album release show at New Mountain on Saturday, June 13, 2 p.m. $20. • ohio Players at New Mountain on Saturday, June 20, 6 p.m. $20. • toubab krewe (original lineup) at New Mountain on Saturday, July 11, 8 p.m. $15/$18. • king sunny ade at New Mountain on Wednesday, June 24, 6 p.m. $20/$25. More info at and bootsy funk dynasty camp — LEAF alumnus and Grammy-winning funk bassist Bootsy Collins joins the original members of The Rubber Band for a five-day music intensive. Workshops, group improv sessions, showcases and late-night jams are part of the program, held Monday-Friday, July 27-31, at Camp Rockmont. Packages: $1,350-$1,850. Info at Leaf in Pack square Park — Held Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 1 and 2, LEAF Downtown brings music, art and activities to the heart of Asheville. Three stages host performers like Bootsy Collins’ Rubber Band, Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds, The Main Squeeze, Empire Strikes Brass, The London Soul and more. The Easel Rider, roaming performers, healing arts workshops and other offerings round out the event. Info at — A.M. X

it might get Loud: MarchFourth, a circus-arts-meets-marching-band collective, takes the stage at LEAF. The group also paraded (on stilts, no less) throughout the festival grounds. Photo by David Simchock

funk masteR cLass: Bootsy Collins and his Rubber Band perform in Pack Square Park and lead the Funk Dynasty Camp. Photo by David Simchock

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



by Kyle Petersen

Sound values How LEAF’s eclectic lineup defines the festival’s ethos

The 2015 lineup for LEAF, which prides itself on its globally conscious reach, is unsurprisingly excellent. Topping the bills each night are acts that range from soul revival firebrand Charles Bradley & his Extraordinaires to Australian worldroots act Xavier Rudd & the United Nations, demonstrating the festival’s knack for mixing quality bedrock American music with an eclectic range of styles that span the Earth. Bombino, who performs Sunday, May 10, 2:30 p.m. on the Lakeside stage, is a prime example of both impulses. “Bombino,” a derivation of the Italian word meaning “little child,” is actually the nickname given to Tuareg guitarist and singer-songwriter omara moctar at a younger age, and it doesn’t quite fit anymore. Moctar is now a fiery guitar god who blends traditional Saharan tribal music with his love of Jimi Hendrix and Mark Knopfler. The end result, particularly on the Dan Auerbach-produced 2013 LP Nomad, is an electrifying bridge between worlds that feels less like cultural appropriation and more like a magical key unlocking the far-flung connections between the two genres. Moctar, who answered questions with the help of his manager and translator, doesn’t see himself as a trailblazer. “Balancing between traditional Tuareg and Western music is something that is just natural for me because that is what I grew up on as a musician,” he says. “I do not think about things like ‘am I being too modern?’ or ‘am I being too traditional?’” He does, however, plan to continue down the more rambunctious path that Auerbach helped him to define. “I want my future albums to push that energy even further,” he says. “[Nomad] was really a blessing in all ways, [and] it was such a wonderful experience to work with Dan.” Another act a bit further down on the bill that combines LEAF’s musical threads is The Duhks (they per-


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form Friday, May 8, 10:45 p.m. at The Barn and Saturday, May 9, 6 p.m. on the Lakeside stage) a progressive folk band from Winnipeg that has repeatedly played the festival over the years. “I love LEAF,” says band co-founder Leonard Podolak. “It’s a beautiful and unique event. There’s a lot of small festivals that have a few things in common [with LEAF] in terms of size and the range of acts, but one of the things I love the most about LEAF is the incorporation of dance as an integral part of the festival. You go into the dance hall, and square dancing and contra dancing is going on and on and on. There’s just a lot of energy in that room.” He adds, “Oh, and that zip line.” More broadly, though, Podolak loves returning to North Carolina, noting that Doc Watson was one of his musical heroes and that festivals like LEAF, MerleFest and Shakori Hills have played a big part in his career. Among those festivals, though, LEAF stands out as a natural fit for the group. “There’s a huge appreciation for world music [at the festival],” he says. “We play old-time, Irish, French-Canadian and Cajun, all of these styles. We’re kind of a perfect band for LEAF.” Indeed, The Duhks’ ability to draw from (and revel in) a variety of styles mirrors the festival’s approach, and it’s one that, like Bombino, Podolak says comes by happenstance for the group. “My motto — although I don’t want to speak for anybody else in the band — is that we just play the music that we like and that we do,” he says. “If you look at our record collections and the record collections we had growing up, all of those styles exist in there.” The group’s lineup has rotated over the years, with Podolak as the sole constant, and those shifts have led to varied fluctuations in The Duhks’ sound and repertoire. Since reuniting in 2012 though, the band has included original lead singer Jessee Havey. Her voice defined the group’s early success and

RetuRn ticket: Canadian folk-fusionists The Duhks are repeat performers on LEAF’s stages. “We play old-time, Irish, French-Canadian and Cajun, all of these styles,” says founding member Leondard Podolak. “We’re kind of a perfect band for LEAF.” Photo courtesy of the band

output on Sugar Hill Records, and her return along with, for a few shows, the rest of the original lineup, seems to have marked a new, less frenetic pace for The Duhks. Beyond the Blue from 2013 was largely crowdfunded, and the band has toured consistently though not incessantly behind that album. “We’re gonna take things organically [from here],” Podolak says. “We’ve had a lot of years of pushing it and trying to ‘make it.’ Since this last record, we’ve just been doing it

for the music and having a good time with each other.” While that may sound like a down note from a seasoned musician, Podolak is fairly ebullient in conversation, and clearly eager to come back down to North Carolina. “The setting [of LEAF] is fantastic,” he says. “Black Mountain is a paradise. I just love it. It’s a really amazing part of the world. I feel really lucky to be accepted and be a part of the [musical] community out there.” X

weLL-tRaVeLed: “Balancing between traditional Tuareg and Western music is something that is just natural for me because that is what I grew up on as a musician,” says Omara Moctar, aka Tuareg musician Bombino. Photo by Jacob Bombersback


NewSong contest teams with LEAF The NewSong contest — an annual competition held by independent music organization NewSong Music — has been running for 15 years. It attracts musicians from around the world and across all genres. “There are so many aspiring artists out there,” says director and co-founder Gar Ragland. “Anyone with a MacBook from Best Buy has GarageBand and the ability through TuneCore to release their music. So how do deserving artists rise above the noise?” The 12 contest finalists (among last year’s was local musician Daniel Shearin) play for a panel of judges at Lincoln Center in New York — so just making it that far is huge. And the winner walks away with a prize package aimed at career advancement: A performance at the ASCAP Music Café during the Sundance Film Festival, another concert at Lincoln Center and a chance to record on the NewSong label. Three years ago Ragland relocated from Brooklyn to Asheville, setting up shop at Echo Mountain Studios. Soon after, LEAF organizers reached out about collaborating. Wanting to become more involved in the local music scene, Ragland jumped at the opportunity, and last year the NewSong Presents: LEAF Singer-Songwriter Competition was launched. “We’re getting entries from all over the country and from Canada,” Last year’s winner, says Ragland. Last year’s winner Wyatt Esplin. was Wyatt Espalin from Hiawassee, Photo courtesy of Ga. He returned to the festival in the musician October to perform his own show. On Saturday, May 9, eight new finalists will compete at LEAF — and not only is the winner asked to play the fall festival, he or she immediately advances as a regional finalist in the international NewSong contest. “Of the 12 finalists we select, six come from the general round, open to anyone anywhere, and six come from the regional rounds, based on where you live,” says Ragland. To win at LEAF is a major advantage. The 2014 champ of the international competition, the duo Max Hatt and Edda Glass, recently tracked their forthcoming album at Echo Mountain, with Pat Sansone of Wilco as producer. Finalists of the NewSong Presents: LEAF Singer-Songwriter Competition perform at The Barn on Saturday, May 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Learn more at — A.M. X

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



by Edwin Arnaudin

87,236 stories Asheville Wordfest shifts focus to local speakers, Wolfe inspirations

In 2008, Laura hope-gill designed Asheville Wordfest to be a festival that welcomes people from all communities and strives to represent as many cultural contexts as its budget allows. Just how expansive that reach would be for its 2015 installment, however, came into question when, in the midst of the planning process, Wordfest lost its major funding. “Any programmer in any field knows you have to be ready for anything,” Hope-Gill says. “Every year something happens that makes me think Wordfest can’t happen. Every year it happens, though.” Key to that continuation are two generous private donors and the Amy Mandel and Katina Rodis Foundation for the Tzedek Social Justice Residency, which is underwriting readings by Arkansas poets Nickole Brown and Jessica Jacobs. While they will be joined by fellow poets such as Haiti’s Lenelle Moise and Ecuador’s Santiago Vizcaino, the festival’s focus has shifted to local presenters and an Ashevillecentric theme, “The City Narrative/ The Narrative City.” The 2015 Wordfest takes place Friday, May 1, and Saturday, May 2, at Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Asheville campus, where Hope-Gill serves as the director of the institution’s Thomas


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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

what Asheville Wordfest wheRe Asheville Campus of Lenoir-Rhyne University, 36 Montford Ave. when Friday, May 1, at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 2, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Full pass sliding scale of $5-25

Wolfe Center for Narrative. A poet and essayist herself, she sees narrative as a connective force across communities and this year’s theme as an expansion of what she lives for and loves — community, creativity and Asheville itself. “I’ve moved here four times, and I know everybody here has a story about Asheville. Here is an opportunity to hear and tell them,” she says. Each presentation session will move between two to three poets and a “city narrator.” Andrea Clarke will narrate her photographs of the East End neighborhood prior to urban renewal. Novelists/journalists Dale Neal of the Asheville Citizen-Times and Mountain Xpress’ own Alli Marshall will narrate their distinct Ashevilles, as will community-builder Lana Phillips and retired civic planner Dave Nutter. “I invited this group because they each fascinate me as community members, each generating energy and motion from their own place in town,” Hope-Gill says. Between readings, participants will form groups and write together about life in Asheville, separately focusing on themes such as home, food, love, health, illness and adventure. Students of the Thomas Wolfe Center, along with some of the presenters and community members, will facilitate these narrative sessions — a new offering this year — removing pressure and stress to form a purely creative space. “Asheville is such an interactive city. We really aren’t the sit-back-and-betalked-at kind of place. We enjoy that for a minute, but then we want to respond,” Hope-Gill says. In choosing the sessions’ topics, Hope-Gill wanted to provide the broadest, most archetypal facets of life so that people will have plenty of room for inspiration. She then shared the topics with board members of the Thomas Wolfe Memorial, and they sent her emails with passages from Of Time and the River, You Can’t Go Home Again, Look Homeward Angel and the author’s short stories. “Wolfe wrote about




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every aspect of life. He gives health narrative, food narrative, race narrative, family narrative, sickness narrative. That’s why he’s my guy,” Hope-Gill says. As for the potential of these nearly century-old writings sparking reflections on modern living, Hope-Gill notes that the author’s observations of Asheville from a century ago — including the locals’ dislike of tourists, the surplus of hotels and alcoholism — line up remarkably well with today’s issues and conversations. “Every page is like an echo of the present resounding from the past,” she says. “It’s important to talk to one another and listen to each of our own versions of the city as it was and as it is now. Story and transformation are very old friends. As Asheville transforms, it needs its stories.” X

taking a Page fRom tom: Asheville Wordfest draws inspiration from native writer Thomas Wolfe, center. Clockwise from top left: Andrea Clarke, John Hoppenthaler, Laura Hope-Gill (photo by Michael Oppenheim), Nikole Brown (photo by by Joli Livaudais), Charles Fort, Molly Rice, Adrian Rice, Lenelle Moise, David Nutter, Matthew Olzmann, Alexis Levitin, Santiago Vizcaino, Greg Brown, Alli Marshall (photo by Carrie Eidson), Dale Neal and Jessica Jacobs (photo by Lily Darragh). Photos courtesy of the presenters unless otherwise noted

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



by John Zara

One river, two parties French Broad River Festival and RiverMusic return

It’s official. Festival season is here, marked by two favorite local spring celebrations. Both show boatloads of love for the French Broad River: RiverLink’s RiverMusic series, which began in 2012, and French Broad River Festival, now in its 18th year of raising river awareness. fRench bRoad RiVeR festiVaL Held annually in Hot Springs, this year’s French Broad River Festival takes place Friday-Sunday, May 1-3. Organizers accomplish charitable goals through numerous activities like a raft race, river cleanup, mountain bike race and Paddle with the Pros, a canoe trip with with threetime World Freestyle Rodeo champion Eli Helbert. And then there’s the music lineup. “Early on, the raft race was the main event, and the music was the after-party,” says sid border, a festival co-organizer. “Now, it’s a weekend full of music. But to us it’s still all about getting out and enjoying this beautiful place, whether it’s on the river, the trail or at the campsite with friends.” New-to-the-festival acts like Big Something, Dead 27s and Rodeo Clown appear on the lineup, but it’s the return of headliners and veterans

what French Broad River Festival wheRe Hot Springs Resort and Spa when Friday-Sunday, May 1-3. $100 general admission with primitive camping/$50 campground parking pass/$45 whitewater rafting


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

like Sol Driven Train and Larry Keel that keep music fans dancing. “There are a few bands that have become a mainstay of French Broad River Festival because they love the setting as much as we love having them,” says Border. “They’ve become friends and obviously are great live bands. For me personally, having kids now, Sol Driven Train’s kids show and parade on Saturday is so damn fun.” Locals like Sirius B, Empire Strikes Brass, Black Robin Hero and Lyric round out the roster. And all this fun is for a good cause. “Our goal has always been to raise awareness of this beautiful scenic river and its use for recreation,” says Border. Proceeds go to conservation nonprofit American Whitewater. As French Broad River Festival has grown, Border adds, “We’ve been able to support others in our community such as The Hot Springs Community Learning Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Eliada, Homeward Bound on WNC and MANNA FoodBank.” A river cleanup in conjunction with Nantahala Outdoor Center (French Broad outpost), RiverLink and Sierra Nevada takes place on Friday, May 1. Volunteers meet at NOC for a guided river trip that includes lunch, a gift bag and a discount ticket to the festival. RiVeRmusic RiverLink’s popular free RiverMusic series kicks off on Friday, May 1, with Columbia, S.C., reggae outfit The Movement. In the past, RiverMusic shows have included Americana, bluegrass, funk, Southern rock and more. This year, organizers are aiming for something similar, with reggae added to the mix. “Reggae is something that doesn’t seem to come to Asheville often, so we thought there’d be a draw,” says dave Russell, director of volunteer services. “The Movement has a good following — the band’s most recent album, Side By Side, debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard Reggae Chart.” The May show also features local acts Satta Roots and Franklin’s Kite. “We’ve committed to having three bands each evening and have them start at specific times so our

attendees can better plan their evenings,” says Russell. “The music starts at 5:30 p.m., with our second band at 6:45 p.m. and our headliner at 8:15 p.m.” New-to-the-series brewery Twin Leaf will team up with New Belgium, Catawba and Highland to provide beer. The series continues at the RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza in the River Arts District every second Friday — June 12, July 10, Sept. 11 and Oct. 9. (See sidebar for lineup.) The RiverMusic series aims to get Ashevilleans to the banks of the French Broad to discover its greatness. “It really is a fantastic body of water, and there are too many people who do not know about it, or only know the negative things

fRiends of the fRench bRoad: The annual French Broad River Festival is “all about getting out and enjoying this beautiful place,” says co-organizer Sid Border. One of his top picks for the weekendlong festival is the kid-friendly Sol Driven Train show and parade. Photo by Great Smokies Photography

they have heard,” says Russell. The series also functions as a fundraiser for RiverLink, which has used the monies raised to continue work on area greenways, parks, education and river access. X

RiverMusic schedule what RiverMusic wheRe RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza when Friday, May 1, then second Fridays through October. Music starts at 5:30 p.m. Free

may 1: The Movement with Satta Roots and Franklin’s Kite june 12: Ben Miller Band with Red Dirt Revelators and The Toothe july 10: Hackensaw Boys with Jon Stickley Trio and Grits & Soul sept. 11: Nora Jane Struthers with Sweet Leda and Megan Jean and The KFB oct. 9: Fred Wesley & The New JB’s with The Lee Boys and Lyric


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



by Alli Marshall

This is the way he moves Langhorne Slim on songwriting, collaborating and getting grounded Folk-rock troubadour Langhorne slim is known for spending nine months of the year on the road with his band, The Law. He’s a true road warrior who’s built a dedicated fan base through constant touring, lots of festival dates, infectious recordings, great art and live shows that pair roadhouse grit with tent revival soul — and he’ll return to The Grey Eagle on Thursday, April 30. But last year, he says, the band took a lot more time off, which, ironically, seemed to positively affect its popularity. Slim is going with it, though. He purchased a house in Nashville, his most recent move after stints in New York and Portland. “To buy a home in Nashville is considered a great investment. I understand that,” he says. “But I’m not flip-

who Langhorne Slim & The Law with The Dewars wheRe The Grey Eagle, when Thursday, April 30, 9 p.m. $15 advance/$18 day of show

ping that place, I’m moving the hell in.” In fact, when his new neighbors asked if he’d repaint right away (the house is pink), Slim said no. “It feels like more of a spiritual center than a place where I keep my sh*t,” he says. “I awoke to a dream and was able to live in it.” And, he adds, “I think my soul is pink.” (He’s since started recording musical performances for the Pink House Sessions video series.) Make of that what you will; homeownership has certainly not slowed Slim’s creative process. Between tour stints (including a number of solo shows), he’s been working on a new album. “I write a lot in pieces. It’s rare that I get a full song,” he says. “They’re little pieces that I eventually feel are devouring me. It’s not a fun feeling — the only cure is to put together the pieces.” Those fragments led to nearly completed songs; to polish them, Slim turned to trusted friend and collaborator, Kenny Siegal. And it’s because of Siegal and the relationship he and Slim share (“We bicker like an old Jewish couple ... [but] he’s a true soul brother”) that the musician found himself leaving his home in Nashville — arguably the current music epicenter of the universe — to record at Siegal’s Old Soul Studios in Catskill, N.Y. But while Slim’s connection to Catskill comes from a particular, deep friendship (and a certain holein-the-wall Thai restaurant), he insists that this will be very much a band album. “Our band has always just learned the songs on the road in front of an audience,” he says.


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

The musicians — drummer Malachi DeLorenzo, David Moore on banjo and keyboard, and bassist Jeff Ratner — have never lived in the same town. And although Slim does most of the writing on his own, “as soon as [the guys] get their hands on it, their contributions are immense,” he says. “The songs would be way different if it wasn’t those three guys playing. They help a lot with arrangements, and their own voices on their instruments are extraordinary.” While the songwriter says, “I’ve never been a man who knows how to write a damn bridge,” it’s his voice — raspy, tortured at times and as broken in as vintage denim — that elevates his songs to personal soundtrack status. From outsider anthems like “The Way We Move” (featured in the movie trailer for Admission) to aching slow dances like “Coffee Cups,” Slim conveys both poetry and authentic humanness. That he refers to his fans as “beautiful freaks” says as much

heaRt of the matteR: The Rolling Stone called the last Langhorne Slim album, The Way We Move, “damn near perfect.” But his fans already knew that. Of being a singer-songwriter he says, “I’m so fortunate to have music in my life to keep me grounded.” Photo by John A. Zara

about his personal aesthetic as that of his listeners. For those beautiful freaks who were in attendance at the 2012 show taping at The Grey Eagle, that live album is still on hold. “It kind of got lost in the shuffle,” says Slim, though it’s not forgotten: “It would be really cool to have ‘Live from The Grey Eagle,’ one of our favorite venues in one of our favorite towns, at some point.” X





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A&E staff

Asheville Magic Festival

Ouroboros Boys

From illusionists to jugglers, conjurers to balloon artists, storytellers to face painters, the second Asheville Magic Festival brings more than 20 entertainers downtown for a “nonstop celebration of wonder.” The multiday, multivenue event, some of which is free to the public, offers ample opportunity to mingle with the stars, catch in-depth stage performances or enjoy some casual sleight of hand on the streets. In addition to drawing on regional, national and international acts like Ice McDonald and Ariann Black, the family-friendly festival spotlights local magicians Max Vega and Ricky Boone, plus up-and-coming youths. Relive the magic of childhood from Friday, May 1, through Sunday, May 3. Visit for the full list of programming. Photo of Vega courtesy of the magician

“Ouroboros Boys have been busy booking our summer and awaiting the release of our first record, which is in the process of pressing now,” writes Nick Marshall, mandolin player in the local garage-surf outfit. Want to preview the forthcoming album? The group has a few songs up on its Bandcamp page — like darkly slithering “The Worm,” the breezy cha-cha of “Bikini Atoll” or the off-kilter romance of “The Corsage.” It’s just a hint at what’s to come, but intriguing and textural instrumentals with unexpected influences and surprising end results seem to be the band’s direction. You can also get the real-time preview at The Mothlight on Friday, May 1. There, Ouroboros Boys will share a bill with fellow locals Analog Moon, an experimental psychedelic indie-rock band, and Birmingham, Ala.-based power-gaze act Wray. The show starts at 9:30 p.m., $7. Photo by Daniel Abide

The Other Place We Live “What adventures and questions fill your mind as you sleep? What magic resides in that territory where dreams and our own self-awareness converge?” These are the questions René Treece Roberts hopes visual art enthusiasts will explore during a free multiartist exhibit of photography, encaustics, collage, illustration and drawing. The collection, composed of pieces by Roberts and fellow Asheville artists Dona Barnet, Hannah Dansie and Nicole McConville, among others, aims to evoke thoughts on both individual experience and the “collective unconscious” as they relate to the colorful spectrum of dream states. The Satellite Gallery will house the women’s showcase for the duration of May with an opening artists’ reception on Friday, May 1, from 7-9 p.m. “Dear One” photograph by Roberts

The Ghost Wolves “She’s just a complete monster of a woman. Very powerful, very strong,” drummer Jonathan Wolf told Xpress in 2014, describing his wife and bandmate Carley Wolf. That instinct for empowerment may explain the spirited female characters that pepper the band’s upbeat yet gritty, sassy yet approachable brand of rock. The Austinbased couple’s latest effort, Man, Woman, Beast, marks their first full-length album and offers “more of a complete picture of where we are at as a band,” according to Jonathan. And after 20 nearly consecutive gigs, the quirky twosome’s final pit stop is exciting for multiple reasons. “We love playing The Odditorium, and our favorite stop in Asheville is Amazing Savings — so many awesome snacks!” The Ghost Wolves wrap up their U.S. romp at The Odditorium on Sunday, May 3, at 9 p.m. $5 at the door ($7 under 21). Photo by Tina Machina

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


a&e caLendaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald trAnsylVAniA cOmmunity Arts cOuncil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • SATURDAYS through (5/23), 9-11am “Family Clay,” pottery class. $40. • SATURDAYS through (5/23), 6-8pm “Try Pottery,” ceramics class for ages 15 and up. $40. WeAVerVille Art sAfAri, • FR (5/1), 7-9pm - Preview party, includes live music, door prizes and hors d’oeuvres. Proceeds support future events. $10. Held at Weaverville Town Hall, 30 S. Main St., Weaverville • SA (5/2) & SU (5/3), 10am-5pm - Driving tour of 35 local artists’ studios in and around downtown Weaverville. Maps available with ticket purchase. Free.

AuDitiOns & cAll tO Artists BirDhOuse BAsh 476-4231 • Through SA (5/7) - Create or decorate birdhouses for auction to benefit local community gardens and community art projects. Held at Second Blessing Thrift Store, 32 Commerce St., Waynesville


cLimbing the waLLs: 474 Gallery Studio, the working space of Erin Hardy, Megan Kelly, Jeremy Russell and Dustin Spagnola, will host a spring show featuring works by contemporary artists with a flair for street and pop styles. In addition to Hardy, Kelly, Russell and Spagnola, Asheville artists Gus!, Alli Good, Ishmael and Ted Harper (whose work is shown here) will be exhibited. The show runs through the month of May with an opening reception on Friday, May 8. Image courtesy of the artist (p.51)

Art AsheVille Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • SA (5/2), 10am-1pm - “Political Cartoons in Pen & Ink,” drawing workshop. $30/$20 members. AsheVille urBAn lAnDscApe prOJect 458-0111, Open air painting events, held in various public


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

green spaces and hosted by different Asheville area artists. Free. • TU (5/5), 9:30am-12:30pm - Held at Biltmore Lake Clubhouse, 80 Lake Drive, Candler the center fOr crAft, creAtiVity & DesiGn 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • SA (5/2), 10am-6pm - “In Song Sing On: The Songbook Project,” song collecting and sing-along workshop. Public reception: May 1, 6-9pm. Free.

BeethOVen BAck tO BAck (pd.) Beethoven’s Eighth and Seventh Symphonies performed by the Blue Ridge Orchestra, • Saturday, May 16, 7:30pm; • Sunday, May 17, 3pm; Little Theater, Hall Fletcher Elementary, 60 Ridgelawn Road, West Asheville. $15 General Admission; $10 Friends of the Blue Ridge Orchestra; $5 Students; Walking to the concert? $5 • Tickets are also available (cash and checks only) at Soli Classica, 1550 Hendersonville Road, and Musician’s Workshop, 310 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville. • Details and tickets for Beethoven Back to Back: RIVERMUSIC • FRIDAY MAY 1 • 5PM (pd.) RiverLink’s RiverMusic series kicks off this Friday at the RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza in the River Arts District. Reggae rockers The Movement headlines. The party starts at 5pm with Asheville’s Satta Roots and jamsters Franklin’s Kite. Blue riDGe rinGers hAnDBell ensemBle, • SU (5/3), 4pm - Community concert. Admission by donation. Held at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon DiAnA WOrthAm theAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • SA (5/2), 8pm - Annie Moses Band, Americana classics. $30/$25 students/ $15 children.

flAt rOck plAyhOuse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (5/7) until (5/31), 2pm - Always ... Patsy Cline, musical. $15-$40. henDersOnVille symphOny OrchestrA 697-5884, • SA (5/2), 7:30pm - “Images of Italy” concert. $35. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock music At uncA 251-6432, • FR (5/1) & SA (5/2), 7pm - Reuter Center Singers perform The Beatles and The Beach Boys. Held in Reuter Center. Free. • SU (5/3), 3pm - Brevard Music Center Sunday Concerts, chamber recitals. Held in Reuter Center. Free. • WE (5/6), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Held in Reuter Center. Free. music At Wcu 227-2479, • TH (4/30), 7:30pm - Spring Choral: Selections from Haydn, Brahms and Handel’s “Alexander’s Feast.” Held in Coulter Building. Free. pAn hArmOniA 254-7123, • SU (5/3), 3pm - Sonata Series. $22/ $16.50 advance/ $5 students. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St. riVerlink’s riVermusic 252-8474, ext. 1, • FR (5/1), 5:30pm - The Movement, Satta Roots and Franklin’s Kite. Free to attend. Held at RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza, 144 Riverside Drive st. mAtthiAs church 1 Dundee St., 285-0033, • SU (5/3), 3pm - Bach’s “Magnificat” and Cantata #8, chamber chorus and orchestra. Admission by donation.

theAter 35BelOW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • TH (4/30), 7:30pm - “Listen to This,” stories and original songs. $15. AnAm cArA theAtre 545-3861, • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS until (5/2), 8pm Cloud 9. $12. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B AsheVille cOmmunity theAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (5/3) - A Streetcar Named Desire. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $22/$19 seniors & students/$12 under 17.

BeBe theAtre 20 Commerce St., 254-2621 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (5/9), 7:30pm - The Seagull. $15/$10 seniors. flAt rOck plAyhOuse 2661 Hwy. 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through FRIDAYS (5/7) until (5/31), 8pm - Always ... Patsy Cline, musical. $15-$40. henDersOnVille little theAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (5/10) - Dreamgirls, musical. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $12-$24.

gaLLeRY diRectoRY

310 ART 191 Lyman St. #310, 776-2716, • Through SU (5/31) - Oasis, gallery-members mixed media. 474 GAllery stuDiO 474 Haywood Road, Suite 2, • FR (5/1) through SA (5/31) - Group exhibition of street- and pop-art inspired works by Alli Good, Gus!, Erin Hardy, Ted Harper, Ishmael, Megan Kelly, Jeremy Russell and Dustin Spagnola. Opening reception: May 8, 6-9pm. 5 WAlnut Wine BAr 5 Walnut St., 253-2593 • Through (5/9) - Wavy Way, works by Reba West Fraser. Art At BreVArD cOlleGe 884-8188, • Through FR (5/1) - Grit, senior art exhibition. Art At mArs hill • Through FR (5/8) - Three senior art student exhibitions. AsheVille AreA Arts cOuncil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through SA (5/2) - Tension: Attention, works by Angela Eastman. AsheVille Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (8/16) - Flourish: Selected Jewelry From the Daphne Farago Collection. AsheVille BOOkWOrks 428 1/2 Haywood Road, 255-8444, • FR (5/1) through FR (7/3) - Wood Engravers Network triennial juried exhibition. AsheVille GAllery Of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through TH (4/30) - Art of the Angle,

M O U N TA I N XPRESS PRESENTS: paintings by Bill Cole. • FR (5/1) through SU (5/31) - My Wonky World, paintings by Sandi Anton. Opening reception: May 1, 5-8pm. AsheVille lOft 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, • Through MO (5/18) - Artworks by David Lawter and Veronika Hart. BenDer GAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, • Through SU (5/31) - Veiled Memories, metal and glass. cAstell phOtOGrAphy GAllery 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, • Through TH (4/30) - Objects in Perspective, photography and wax sculpture.






fOuntAinheAD BOOkstOre 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 697-1870, • FR (5/1) through FR (7/10) - Once Upon a Time, paintings and illustrations by Marcy Jackson. Artist’s reception: May 2, 5pm. GrAnD BOhemiAn GAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, • Through TH (4/30) - Impending Spring, works by realist painter Rebecca N. King and glass artist Michael Hatch. • Through SU (5/31) - Impressions: The Great Smoky Mountains, Stefan Horik’s expressionist works. GrAteful steps 159 S Lexington Ave., 277-0998, • FR (5/1) through SA (5/30) - Celebrating Color, works by B Adams. GrOVeWOOD GAllery 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • Through SU (5/10) - The Birds and the Bees, themed works. mAhOGAny hOuse 240 Depot St., Waynesville, 246-0818 • FR (5/1) through TU (6/30) - Natureinspired printmaking works by Dawn Behling and Myriah Strivelli. Artists’ reception: May 1, 6 pm-9 pm pAck memOriAl liBrAry 67 Haywood St., 250-4700 • Through TH (4/30) - Storybook Characters on Parade, dolls based on children’s literature.

Publishes 05.06.15

Contact us today!

riVerVieW stAtiOn 191 Lyman St., • ONGOING - Santangles, pen and ink drawings by Sandra Brugh Moore. ZApOW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • Through SU (5/31) - Wonderland, illustrations of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.


Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


C L U B L A N D Race To The Stage (battle of the bands), 6pm

Wednesday, April 29

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Friction Farm (folk, Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm Laid Back Thursdays, 7pm Baron Vaughn (comedy), 9pm

185 King Street Jacob Augustine (folk), 8pm 5 Walnut Wine Bar Eleanor Underhill (Americana, soul), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm Lazy Diamond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm

Asheville Music Hall Music Video Asheville afterparty w/ Marley Carroll, Debrissa & The Bear King (IDM, glitch), 10:30pm

Lex 18 Ray Biscoglia & Grant Cuthbertson (jazz), 7pm

Black Mountain Ale House Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm

Lobster Trap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Open Mic, 7pm

Market Place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm

Crow & Quill Crow & Quill’s 1st Birthday Party!, 9pm

New Mountain Bridge Over Asheville (variety show of local artists), 9pm Elephant Revival w/ Paper Bird (rock, altcountry, folk), 9pm

Diana Wortham Theatre Music Video Asheville viewing & awards, 8pm Double Crown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm Foggy Mountain Brewpub Trivia, 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band w/ The Low Counts (blues, folk, country), 8pm

Two chances: Eclectic Americana trio from Wilmington, Stray Local, will be playing two shows in a row at local breweries. Bouncing between guitar, banjo, mandolin, keys, bass, drums and washboard, the group experiments with many different genres, including blues, folk, old-time and jazz. Stray Local will be performing at Altamont Brewing Company on Thursday, April 30, at 9 p.m., following a set from Laura Thurston, and the band will play at French Broad Brewery on Friday, May 1, from 6-8 p.m.

Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm Highland Brewing Company Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm Iron Horse Station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm

Lazy Diamond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm Lex 18 Patrick Lopez (jazz, Latin), 7pm Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm Native Kitchen & Social Pub Ryan O’Keefe of River Whyless, 7pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

APRIL 29 - MAY 5, 2015

O.Henry’s/The Underground “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm Odditorium Outta Gas w/ Snack Champion, Kitty Tsunami & The Beach Ballz (punk), 9pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm


Noble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

Off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm Olive or Twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm One Stop Deli & Bar Colin You Home w/ Searra Gisondo, Noah Proudfoot, Aradhna Silvermon & Truth-i Manifest (singer-songwriter), 9pm One World Brewing The Willy Whales (old-time), 8pm Pisgah Brewing Company Clyde’s On Fire (bluegrass, Americana), 6pm Pour Taproom Karaoke, 8pm Rejavanation Cafe Open mic night, 6pm Room IX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm Root Bar No. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 8pm Scully’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm Straightaway Cafe Pierce Edens, 6pm TallGary’s at Four College Open mic & jam, 7pm The Joint Next Door Bluegrass jam, 8pm

The Mothlight Creepoid w/ Telecine & Strange Bodies (noise rock), 8pm The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm The Social Marc Keller (jazz), 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm

Barley’s Taproom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm Beer City Tavern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9:30pm Black Mountain Ale House Contagious (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm

The Southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

Tiger Mountain Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

Catawba Brewing Tasting Room Old time jam, 7pm

Timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm

Club Eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm James Posedel Quartet (jazz), 8:30pm

Town Pump Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm White Horse Black Mountain Wednesday Waltz, 7pm Wild Wing Cafe South Karaoke, 9pm

Thursday, April 30 5 Walnut Wine Bar Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm Altamont Brewing Company Stray Local (Americana), 9pm Altamont Theatre Diali Cissokho & Kaira Ba w/ Arouna Diarra (world, West African), 8pm

Crow & Quill Jazz Coven, 9pm Double Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm Foggy Mountain Brewpub Songwriter’s Night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm French Broad Brewery A Cinematographers Party (rock), 6pm Good Stuff Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Langhorne Slim & The Law w/ The Dewars (folk, singer-songwriter), 9pm Highland Brewing Company

O.Henry’s/The Underground Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm Odditorium The Beard w/ Twist of Fate & VIC Crown (metal), 9pm Off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm Olive or Twist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm One Stop Deli & Bar Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm One World Brewing Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 8pm Orange Peel Keb’ Mo’ (roots, blues, singer-songwriter), 8pm Oskar Blues Brewery Wyatt Espalin (Americana, singer-songwriter, rock), 6pm Pack’s Tavern Ashli Rose (indie-acoustic), 9pm Pisgah Brewing Company Big Deal Bluegrass Fundraiser w/ Big F’n Deal Band, 8pm Purple Onion Cafe Bob Sinclair Trio (singer-songwriter), 8pm Renaissance Asheville Hotel Carver & Carmody (country, blues, Southern rock), 6:30pm Room IX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm Scandals Nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm Scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 8pm Spring Creek Tavern The Accomplices (string band), 6pm Straightaway Cafe Esquela (Americana), 7pm TallGary’s at Four College Iggy Radio, 7pm The Mothlight Elephant Micah w/ Wes Tirey & Abraham Leonard (lo-fi, indie, folk rock), 9:30pm The Phoenix Derrick Gardner & friends (jazz-fusion), 8pm The Social Jamboogie Band (funk, jam band, rock), 8pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till




Full Bar


DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night




THU. 4/30 Ashli Rose



(indie acoustic)

FRI. 5/1 DJ OCelate (pop hits, dance)

FRI 5/1

SAT. 5/2 The King Zeros


(rock roots)







20 WNC




THUR 5/7 7:00 PM– JEFF



SAT 5/9





Every Sunday



Nightly Entertainment! THURSDAY:

4/30: Zuzu Welsh Band - 9 pm SATURDAY:

5/2: Kentucky Derby Party THURSDAY:

5/7: Funk Jam THURSDAY:

5/14: Calvin Get Down - 8 pm THURSDAY:

5/21: Awake in the Dream - 8 pm FRIDAY:

5/22: Westsound - 8 pm Check out Clubland for other events

Serving Lunch Daily 743 HAYWOOD RD 828-575-2737 ISISASHEVILLE.COM

Kitchen & Bar Open til 2am 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015



Our New Outdoor Patio & Deck Is Open Every Tuesday: Frank Zappa Music Night Every Sat. & Sun.: Brunch w/ Mimosas Sunday: Brunch w/ Mimosas & Massages

the sOuthern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm ASHEVILLE, NC POURTAPROOM.COM


the strAnD @ 38 mAin Mangas Colorado (outlaw country folkgrass), 7:45pm timO’s hOuse ’90s Nite w/ Franco Nino (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm tOWn pump Kate & Corey (Americana, roots, rock), 9pm



Send your listings to

tressA’s DOWntOWn JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urBAn OrchArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm


F O T S E B C 2015 WN

April 2015 THURSDAY














5.01 9PM















WXyZ lOunGe At AlOft hOtel Caromia (soul, blues), 7:30pm

FRIDAY, MAY 1 185 KING STREET The Dubber (singer-songwriter, rock, jazz), 8pm AltAmOnt theAtre Zansa & Guests (Afro-pop, world), 8pm


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

scAnDAls niGhtcluB Zumba Fitness in Da Club w/ Be Bad Hip Hop, 7pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scully’s DJ, 10pm strAiGhtAWAy cAfe Dave Desmelik (singer-songwriter), 6pm tAllGAry’s At fOur cOlleGe Mentirosa (rock), 9:30pm the ADmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm the mOthliGht Wray w/ Ouroboros Boys & Analog Moon (rock, power-gaze), 9:30pm the sOciAl Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mOuntAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm

White hOrse BlAck mOuntAin Panharmonia: Harp & Flute, 7:30pm

BeArWAters BreWinG cOmpAny Sauce Boss (blues), 7pm

mArket plAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

WilD WinG cAfe Cody Siniard Duo (country), 8pm

Beer city tAVern Jason Whitaker (acoustic), 9pm

nAtiVe kitchen & sOciAl puB Willy Whales (old-time, bluegrass), 7:30pm

Ben’s tune-up Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm

ByWAter Station Underground (reggae), 8pm clAssic Wineseller Dallas Wesley (Americana), 6pm cluB eleVen On GrOVe First Friday’s: DJ Jam & His Jamming Machine (hip-hop, r&b, soul), 9pm cOrk & keG Red Hot Sugar Babies (vintage jazz, blues, Dixieland), 8:30pm


lAZy DiAmOnD Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm

pisGAh BreWinG cOmpAny Live Recording: The Lazybirds (jazz, blues, swing), 8pm

lOBster trAp Hot Point Trio (gypsy-jazz, swing), 6:30pm



JerusAlem GArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

pAck’s tAVern DJ Ocelate (pop, dance), 9pm

AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

BOiler rOOm Rebirth XI (electronic), 10pm


JAck Of the WOOD puB Asheville Newgrass (bluegrass), 9pm

OskAr Blues BreWery Through The Hills (bluegrass), 6pm

AsheVille music hAll The Get Right Band & Soul Mechanic w/ The Shack Band (funk), 9pm



GOOD stuff The Colored Parade (alt-folk), 8pm

OrAnGe peel Mandolin Orange w/ Ryan Gustafson (folk, Americana), 9pm

LEx 18 Afternoon High Tea w/ Aaron Price (classical & romantic piano), 1:30pm Xpresso (modern jazz, Latin), 8:30pm

Blue mOuntAin piZZA & BreW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm


french BrOAD BreWery Stray Local (Americana), 6pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Frank Solivan & Dirty Kitchen (bluegrass), 9pm



fOGGy mOuntAin BreWpuB Mandelkorn George Project (funk, jazz), 10pm

WilD WinG cAfe Patio Party w/ Ramine, 6:30pm



elAine’s DuelinG piAnO BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

hiGhlAnD BreWinG cOmpAny The Horse You Rode In On (funk, fusion), 7pm

BlAck BeAr cOffee cO. Hope Griffin w/ Izzi Hughes (Americana, folk, blues), 6pm


One WOrlD BreWinG In Plain Sight (DJ, house), 8pm

White hOrse BlAck mOuntAin Ciggy Pop & friends (boom-bap), 7:30pm



DOuBle crOWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm

VincenZO’s BistrO Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm



New Car Caviar (jamgrass Pink Floyd tribute), 10pm

Grey eAGle music hAll & tAVern The Weight w/ members of The Band, Levon Helm Band & Rick Danko Group (The Band covers), 9pm



crOW & Quill R. Flowers Rivera (poetry), 7pm

neW mOuntAin Jahman Brahman w/ Electric Soul Pandemic & Mister F (shred ’n’ flow), 9pm niGhtBell restAurAnt & lOunGe Dulítel DJ (indie, electro, rock), 10pm nOBle kAVA Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 8:30pm

VincenZO’s BistrO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

WilD WinG cAfe sOuth Hip Slack (rock, hip-hop), 9:30pm WXyZ lOunGe At AlOft hOtel Ben Hovey (souljazztronica), 8pm ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sAturDAy, mAy 2 185 KING STREET Rough and Tumble (Americana, folk, indie), 8pm

O.henry’s/the unDerGrOunD Total Gold dance party, 10pm

AltAmOnt theAtre Sheila Kay Adams & The Scofflaws (Appalachian, Americana), 8pm

ODDitOrium Punx For Pits Benefit (punk), 9pm

AsheVille music hAll TASCAM Battle of the Bands Finals, 4pm

Off the WAGOn Dueling pianos, 9pm

AthenA’s cluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

One stOp Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm

Beer city tAVern The Carolina Fried Pies, 9pm

Ben’s tune-up Gypsy Guitars, 2pm

mArket plAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm

BlAck BeAr cOffee cO. Brief Awakening w/ Laura Thurston (folk, rock, freaky fairy rock), 6pm

mOJO kitchen & lOunGe Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

BOiler rOOm Domination Party, 9pm ByWAter Community Yard Sale, 10am Clint Robert & Friends (Americana), 8pm

neW mOuntAin Red Honey w/ Major and the Moonbacks (rockabilly, country, blues), 10pm Brown Sabbath (Black Sabbath covers), 10pm niGhtBell restAurAnt & lOunGe In Plain Sight (deep house), 10pm

clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles, Elton John & James Taylor covers), 6pm

nOBle kAVA The Kavalactones w/ Caleb Beissert & Max Melner (electro-coustic improv), 8:30pm

cOrk & keG Buddy Davis & The Session Players (honkytonk, country), 8:30pm

ODDitOrium Spirits and the Melchizedek Children w/ Teach Me Equals, Holy Holy Vine & Truly (indie, shoegaze), 9pm

DiAnA WOrthAm theAtre The Annie Moses Band (Americana, folk, jazz), 8pm DOuBle crOWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm elAine’s DuelinG piAnO BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

OrAnGe peel Peter Hook & the Light (Joy Division covers), 9pm OskAr Blues BreWery Shotgun Gypsies (rock), 6pm pAck’s tAVern The King Zeros (rock, roots), 9pm pisGAh BreWinG cOmpAny Marcus King Band (blues, rock, fusion), 8pm pulp Sam Steele Art Opening, 5pm purple OniOn cAfe Carolina Ceilli (Gaelic folk), 8pm rOOm iX Open dance night, 9pm

Off the WAGOn Dueling pianos, 9pm

scAnDAls niGhtcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

O.henry’s/the unDerGrOunD Naughty by Natures (‘90s variety, dance), 8pm

scully’s DJ, 10pm

OliVe Or tWist Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm

tAllGAry’s At fOur cOlleGe Mojomatic (rockin’ blues), 9:30pm




WED 4/29 THU 4/30




fOGGy mOuntAin BreWpuB Masons Project (funk, jazz), 10pm french BrOAD BreWery Ten Cent Poetry (acoustic, pop), 6pm Grey eAGle music hAll & tAVern Benefit for Grasshopper of Inner Visions w/ Reggae Infinity, Chalwa, Dubatronic Particles Selectors & more (reggae), 8pm

FRI 5/1


irOn hOrse stAtiOn The Wilhelm Brothers (folk rock, cello), 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Saturday Classical Brunch, 11am stephaniesid (rock, pop), 9pm


SAT 5/2

JAck Of the WOOD puB Raising Caine (alt-country), 9pm JerusAlem GArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy DiAmOnD Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm LEx 18 Afternoon High Tea w/ Aaron Price (classical & romantic piano), 1:30pm Hot Point Trio (Gypsy swing), 8:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-fusion, swing), 11pm lOBster trAp Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm





SUN 5/3 TUE 5/5




mArcO’s piZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015




Send your listings to



FRI 5.1


SAT 5.2


TUES 5.5


TUES 5.5


FRI 5.8


MON 4.205.18



WITH CANARY IN THE COALMINE 9 p.m.Free (Donations Encouraged) WITH DEAN JOHANSEN, JILL SILER & ANTHONY TRIPPI 7 p.m.Free (Donations Encouraged)




COMpETE 4/20-5/18 @ 7:30 MONDAYS

OPEN MON-THURS AT 3 • FRI-SUN AT NOON SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7:30-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville

252.5445 •

Wed • April 29 Woody Wood

the ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

OliVe Or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm

GOOD stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

the mOthliGht Red Light Rodeo w/ Hearts Gone South, Matthew Curry & The Carolina Two (country, bluegrass, rock), 9pm

One stOp Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 9pm

Grey eAGle music hAll & tAVern Contra dance, 7pm

the sOciAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm VincenZO’s BistrO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White hOrse BlAck mOuntAin Frankie Leo & Nathan Stitler (folk, pop), 8pm WilD WinG cAfe Karaoke, 8pm WilD WinG cAfe sOuth Northside Gentlemen (soul, rnb, blues), 8:30pm WXyZ lOunGe At AlOft hOtel DJ Marley (electronic), 8pm ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sunDAy, mAy 3 185 KING STREET Benefit for Mike Duckworth’s family, 8pm AltAmOnt theAtre Asheville Ecstatic Dance, 10am Beer city tAVern Dan & Albi (smooth classics), 4pm Ben’s tune-up Jazz Brunch, 2pm BlAck mOuntAin Ale hOuse Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm

5:30-7:30 / Carolina Rivers Launch Party -

BuriAl Beer cO. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm

Check website for details

Thurs • April 30 Race to the Stage Mountain Sports Festival Battle of the Bands 6:00-9:00

crOW & Quill Piano Karaoke, 9pm DOuBle crOWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm GOOD stuff Some Are Blue, 3pm Grey eAGle music hAll & tAVern The Donkeys w/ Wayne Robbins and The Hellsayers & The Knew (indie rock), 7pm

Check website for details

Fri • May 1

The Horse You Rode in on

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm


JAck Of the WOOD puB Irish session, 5pm

Sat • May 2

Closed for private event

scAnDAls niGhtcluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm tAllGAry’s At fOur cOlleGe Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm the mOthliGht Jon Mueller w/ MANAS & 75 Dollar Bill (percussion, experimental, jazz), 9pm the sOciAl Karaoke, 9:30pm the sOuthern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm tiGer mOuntAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm timO’s hOuse Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm tOWn pump The Wilhelm Brothers (folk rock, cello), 9:30pm VincenZO’s BistrO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WilD WinG cAfe sOuth Party on the Patio!, 4pm ZiA tAQueriA Cinco De Mayo Fiesta Weekend w/ Same As It Ever Was, The Krektones, ACMR, Jon Stickley Trio, Savannah Smith and Vollie Mckenzie & The Western Wildcats, 11am

mOnDAy, mAy 4 185 KING STREET Open Mic, 8pm AltAmOnt BreWinG cOmpAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 8pm AltAmOnt theAtre Asheville Comedy Contest, 8pm

lAZy DiAmOnD Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm leXinGtOn AVe BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm lOBster trAp Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm ODDitOrium May The Fourth Be With You: Star Wars Night, 8pm O.henry’s/the unDerGrOunD Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm OskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm sOVereiGn remeDies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm the mOthliGht Leopard Island w/ Sisterwife & Student teacher (rock, indie), 9pm the sOciAl Marc Keller, 6pm Ashli Rose (acoustic, indie, singersongwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 10pm the sOuthern Speakeasy Mondays w/ Champagne Wilson & The Corkscrews (Gypsy jazz), 10pm timO’s hOuse Movie night, 7pm VincenZO’s BistrO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm White hOrse BlAck mOuntAin Take Two Jazz, 7:30pm

tuesDAy, mAy 5 185 KING STREET Dinner Theatre w/ The Paper Crowns (roots, folk, blues), 8pm AsheVille music hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm Beer city tAVern Team Trivia (w/ prizes), 8pm BlAck mOuntAin Ale hOuse Trivia, 7pm BuffAlO nickel Trivia, 7pm

Beer city tAVern Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam & storytelling) w/ Jeff Brown, 8pm

LEx 18 Michael John Jazz (smooth jazz), 7pm

BlAck mOuntAin Ale hOuse Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm

lOBster trAp Crossroad String Band (bluegrass, folk, jazz), 6:30pm

ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm

GOOD stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

cOurtyArD GAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

Grey eAGle music hAll & tAVern Ryan Montbleau Band w/ Emily Knopp (folk, funk, blues), 8pm

Off the WAGOn Piano show, 9pm

aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

pOur tAprOOm Open mic, 8pm

JAck Of the WOOD puB Quizzo, 7pm

lAZy DiAmOnD Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm

ODDitOrium Ghost Wolves w/ Future West (garage rock), 9pm


OrAnGe peel Hollywood Undead w/ Cane Hill (hip-hop, rock, metalcore), 8pm The Donkeys w/ Wayne Robbins and The Hellsayers & The Knew (indie rock), 8pm

DOuBle crOWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

cOrk & keG Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm DOuBle crOWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm

irOn hOrse stAtiOn Open mic, 6pm

isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm JAck Of the WOOD puB Dean Johansen, Jill Siler & Anthony Trippi (singer-songwriter), 7pm Cinco De Mayo Fiesta w/ Canary In The Coalmine (indie, folk, Americana), 9pm lAZy DiAmOnD Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm lOBster trAp Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singersongwriter), 6:30pm mArcO’s piZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm mArket plAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm ODDitOrium Odd comedy night, 9pm Off the WAGOn Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm One stOp Deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm One WOrlD BreWinG DJ Brandon Audette (downtempo), 8pm OrAnGe peel Iration - Tales From The Sea w/ Stick Figure & Hours Eastly (alternative, reggae), 8pm Ryan Montbleau Band w/ Emily Kopp (singer-songwriter), 8pm pOur tAprOOm Frank Zappa night, 8pm ROOT BAR NO. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm tAllGAry’s At fOur cOlleGe Jam night, 9pm the JOint neXt DOOr Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm the mOthliGht Two Gallants w/ Blank Range (indie, rock, blues), 8pm the sOciAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic-rock), 5pm the sOuthern Salt Of The Earth (Appalachian folk), 6pm tiGer mOuntAin Tuesday Tests w/ Chris Ballard (techno, house, experimental, downtempo), 10pm tressA’s DOWntOWn JAZZ AnD Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm urBAn OrchArD Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm VincenZO’s BistrO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WestVille puB Blues jam, 10pm White hOrse BlAck mOuntAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm WilD WinG cAfe sOuth Maniac Brainiac Trivia!, 8pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact



Clouds of Sils Maria HHHHH

Friday, MaY 1 Thursday, May 7 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

DIRECTOR: Olivier Assayas (Summer Hours) Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

PLAYERS: Juliette Binoche, Kristen Stewart, Chloë Grace Moretz, Lars Eidinger, Johnny Flynn, Angela Winkler, Hanns Zischler

American Sniper (R) 1:00, 4:00 (Fri, Mon-Thu), 7:00, 10:00 Paddington (PG) 1:00, 4:00 Sat-Sun Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452) Carolina Cinemas (274-9500)

DRAMA  RATED R THE STORY: An aging actress agrees to appear in a revival of the play that launched her career, but playing the older lead character. THE LOWDOWN: The first full five-star movie of 2015. A wholly remarkable and richly layered film examining the thin line between art and life, about change, aging, death and identity, built on splendid performances by Juliette Binoche and (yes) Kristen Stewart — and a solid one from Chloë Grace Moretz. You need to see this one.

It is rare — once a year would be lucky — that we get a film as densely yet delicately layered as Olivier Assayas’ Clouds of Sils Maria. The thing you’ve probably heard about the film — if you’ve heard anything — is that Kristen Stewart won the Best Supporting Actress César (essentially the French Oscar) for her performance in the film (making her the first American to do so). While that is certainly a notable — and deserved — accolade, it is hardly the only noteworthy aspect of this fine film, which might best be described as a more cosmopolitan take on an Ingmar Bergman chamber drama — and more. It’s a backstage story, a movie about

The Age of Adaline (PG-13) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50 Avengers: Age of Ultron 3D (PG-13) 11:45. 12:15, 3:35, 6:30, 7:15, 10:35

Kristen Stewart and Juliette Binoche in Olivier Assaya's wholly remarkable Clouds of Sils Maria — the first five-star release of 2015.

Avengers: Age of Ultron 2D (PG-13) 10:45, 11:15, 12:45, 1:25, 2:00, 2:35, 3:00, 4:00, 5:30, 6:15, 7:45, 9:15 Clouds of Sils Maria (R) 11:00, 12:45, 4:25, 7:10, 10:00

movies, a movie about identity, about fame, about aging, about death — all done in a gracefully unhurried, even poetic, yet very savvy and tense manner. Not being as familiar as I might be with Assayas’ work, I was surprised to look back at my 2009 review for his Summer Hours and find that — with minimal tweaking — I could easily drop large chunks of that review into this one. For example: “Assayas plays his cards close to his chest — rarely commenting, never stressing his points, just letting the viewer take in the quiet enormity of what’s really going on beneath a story that can be reduced to one simple concept: disposing of a large estate and the collectibles it holds. But there’s a lot more going on beneath the surface of that simple concept.” Change the simple concept to “preparing for a play,” and it works. While this — “On its most basic level, the film is a kind of ‘end of an era’ drama — the kind of emotionally charged work that makes one long to hold onto something that will soon be no more” — doesn’t even need any alteration. There

are more examples, but those will serve to illustrate that these are works by a genuine artist with a coherent vision. The film stars Juliette Binoche as Maria Enders, a famous movie star who — through a series of unexpected events — agrees to star in a new staging of the play, Maloja Snake, that started her career. But there’s a key difference to this production — Maria will not be playing the role she did 20 years ago. Rather, she’ll be playing the role of the older woman her original character seduced and destroyed. Her original role will be played by tabloid-fodder movie star (from some YA sci-fi series) Jo-Ann Ellis (Chloë Grace Moretz). Maria is uneasy about the whole thing. Her co-star 20 years ago — in the role she’ll now play — died in a car crash a year later, she’s not sold on this Ellis girl, and, as much as anything, it’s an admission of her own aging. But since she’s agreed, she retires to the house of the play’s late author near Sils Maria in the Swiss Alps to rehearse the play — and learn the new part — with the aid of her much put-upon

Danny Collins (R) 12:00, 5:05 Ex Machina (R) 12:15, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40,10:15 Furious 7 (PG-13) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 Home 2D (PG) 12:05, 2:20, 4:30, 6:55 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (PG) 12:25, 2:45, 4:55, 7:05, 9:20 True Story (R) 2:35, 7:30 Unfriended (R) 9:55 While We're Young (R) 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, 10:10 Woman in Gold (PG-13) 10:55, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200) Avengers: Age of Ultron (PG-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536) Clouds of Sils Maria (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 Deli Man (NR) T hu., May 7 opening night film and reception, 6 p.m. (all tickets $22), Fri., May 8, 1 p.m. film only ($8:50) Ex Machina (R) 1 :20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., May 7), Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) Woman in Gold (PG-13) 4:00, 7:00 (Closed Mon., May 4) Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

APRIL 29 - MAY 5, 2015




Local film news by Edwin Arnaudin











• A screening of Sweet Dreams at the fine arts theatre on Thursday, April 30, at 7 p.m. benefits Asheville-based cross-cultural partnership africa healing exchange. The documentary is about Kiki Katese, the pioneering Rwandan theater director who started Ingoma Nshya, the nation’s first and only women’s drumming troupe. Treats will be provided by the hop ice cream cafe before the film, and special guest speakers will talk about the efforts of Africa Healing Exchange and the work of Resilience Training in Rwanda. Tickets are $10 at the Fine Arts Theatre box office or online. • The Old Fort Branch of the mcdowell county Public Library will host free screenings of two films that deal with voice hearers on Saturday, May 2, at 1 p.m. Knowing You, Knowing You tells the story of Eleanor Longden, who began hearing voices as a college student and whose life was nearly ruined by misguided treatment. She is now an award-winning psychologist working for reform within the mental health system. The Hearing Voices Network ‘25 Years On’ — Volume 2 : From Psychiatry to Society is a short history of the International Hearing Voices Network. The documentary shows the organization’s pioneering methods in assisting people to understand and cope with their experience, and how these approaches have developed over the last quarter century. The two films will be shown at Pack Memorial Library on Friday, May 22, at noon. • On Monday, May 4, at 7 p.m., the fifth annual grateful dead meetup at the movies will be presented in more than 400 select movie theaters around the country, including the carolina asheville. The 2015 meetup showcases the Grateful Dead’s previously unreleased July 19, 1989 concert at Alpine Valley. Recorded from the analog master multicamera video, this exclusive cinematic event captures Jerry Garcia, Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh, Brent Mydland and Bob Weir in a peak period of onstage chemistry and energy. Among the numerous songs in the set are “Sugaree,” “Morning Dew,” “West L.A. Fadeaway,” “Box Of Rain” and “Terrapin Station,” plus a cover of Bob Dylan’s “Desolation Row.” The Grateful Dead Meetup at the Movies is an annual opportunity for longtime Deadheads to reconnect and for new fans to learn more about the scene and experience the thrill of seeing the band live. Tickets for the 160-minute film are $12.50 online or at the Carolina Asheville Ziggy Gruber is the focus of the new box office. documentary Deli Man, which kicks off the Asheville Jewish Film Festival’s • the asheville jewish film spring film series on Thursday, May 7 festival’s spring series begins at the Fine Arts Theatre. Thursday, May 7, with Deli Man, a documentary about delicatessen owner Ziggy Gruber and iconic restaurants that serve savory, nostalgic foods. Festivities get underway with a 6 p.m. opening reception at blue spiral 1 art gallery catered by dough deli and market with wine provided by Eric Scheffer, followed by a screening of the film at the fine arts theatre. All tickets to this event are $22. The film will also be shown May 8 at 1 p.m. Admission is $8.50. Other films in the festival’s series will receive similar 7 p.m. screenings with 1 p.m. shows the following day; all cost $8.50. Rounding out the schedule are World War II pilot documentary Above and Beyond (May 14 and 15), Once in a Lifetime (May 21 and 22) — a documentary about a teacher’s use of the Holocaust in her classroom — and the culture clash, bakery-set dramedy Dough (May 27 and 28). Send your local film news to X


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

(but seemingly unflappable) personal assistant, Valentine (Stewart). These rehearsals and what they reveal — or suggest — about Maria and Valentine are the centerpiece of the film, with much conveyed by the fact that it becomes increasingly hard to tell where the rehearsals stop and actual conversation begins. Brimming with subtext — that might nearly be text — it’s a fascinating portrait of the two and the growing impossibility of their relationship. There’s more to it than that, since the film shrewdly deconstructs Stewart’s perceived public persona — never more pointedly than in a scene where Valentine mines Jo-Ann Ellis’ atrocious sci-fi flick for deeper meanings. (For that matter, there’s a direct Twilight joke when Valentine synopsizes a bad screenplay being offered to Maria, adding, “There are werewolves involved for whatever reason.”) But then there’s also the character of Jo-Ann herself, who seems to genuinely admire Maria (or is there a trace of All About Eve’s Eve Harrington in this?), but who also manages to live up to her tabloid image. And just as everything seems grimly clear, Assayas introduces a character to put a somewhat different spin on things. It doesn’t end there — this is too rich a film to discuss fully in this space. Do yourself a favor and catch this one. Rated R for language and brief graphic nudity. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Little Boy H diRectoR: Alejandro Monteverde PLaYeRs: Emily Watson, Tom Wilkinson, Michael Rapaport, CaryHiroyuki Tagawa, Jakob Salvati faith-based PeRiod dRama Rated Pg-13 the stoRY: A young boy in World War II California turns to the Catholic Church for reassurance when his deployed father is captured by the Japanese. the Lowdown: A painfully slow and contrived period piece that attempts to examine the power of faith, with appalling results.

Faith-based films may well be one of the last bastions of true exploitation cinema. While Little Boy might not be the worst offender ever, or even the worst to come out this year, like its brethren it relies on pandering to its prospective audience’s worldview to drive ticket sales. Little Boy follows the journey of its diminutive protagonist as he navigates a town populated almost entirely by people who hate him for being short, all the while pining for his POW dad (Michael Rapaport) and struggling with existential dilemmas that are only addressed in passing. If that premise sounds at once thin and convoluted to you, then you have a good sense of the problems plaguing Little Boy. Pepper Busbee (Jakob Salvati) is nicknamed Little Boy by the bullying offspring of an inexplicably cast Kevin James, a town doctor with designs on Pepper’s mom Emma (Emily Watson). With the Busbee patriarch having taken the place of his flat-footed eldest son in WWII’s Pacific Theater, Dr. Paul Blart ... er, Fox attempts to seduce Watson’s war-weary widow by denigrating her youngest son and openly ogling her in front of the elder. That Watson seems to consistently entertain his advances until the moment she is finally convinced of her husband’s demise is still somehow a less incomprehensible premise than an eightyear-old bully believing “Little Boy” was a sufficiently insulting moniker with which to torment his prey. For no conceivable reason, the nickname sticks, and Little Boy is openly derided throughout the town. While the film flirts with themes of ostracization and intolerance, the real story centers on the boy’s influences in the absence of his implausibly idealized father. These influences run the gamut from his drunken, racist older brother and his mystically empowered comic book hero to his wizened old priest and the town’s sole Japanese resident, into whose company Pepper is forced by the aforementioned clergyman. The plot mechanics that lead our protagonist through these spheres of influence are contrived at best and ultimately strain credulity. Little Boy’s most compelling relationship is that between Tom Wilkinson’s pious Father Oliver and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa’s more skeptical Hashimoto, but rather than letting this dramatic tension drive Little Boy’s character arc, the screenwriters Alejandro


Monteverde and Pepe Portillo fall back on tired cliches of shame and the fear of abandonment. Clearly, the point of Pepper’s pejorative nickname is for the writers to associate the titular protagonist with the bombing of Hiroshima, a plot point addressed in such a way that it would’ve been deeply disturbing even were it handled more competently than it is here. Little Boy becomes convinced, through the intermingled influences of comic books and the Catholic Church, that his faith in Jesus grants him magical telekinetic abilities directly proportional to said faith. Somewhat surprisingly, very few of his town’s inhabitants seek to disabuse him of this notion. When a young priest challenges the boy’s misperceptions regarding the nature of faith, Father Oliver quickly ushers the recent seminary grad out of the room for the sin of trying to rationally explain a theological principle to a child. Consequently, when Little Boy is prompted by Father Oliver to carry out a sort of scavenger hunt of virtuous acts, the subsequent escalation of his faith-based superpowers ultimately leads to young Pepper becoming convinced of his culpability in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Japanese through his role as the arbiter of God’s wrath. Yes, the movie directly (if bafflingly) implies that our Pepper is responsible for ushering in the nuclear age. This might have been putting too fine a point on things, were it not for the fact that the entire town congratulates our protagonist’s divergence from reality. While this story is certainly absurd, and while the film seems to subtextually condone violence and racism, these are not its greatest offenses. As pointless as the plot of Little Boy proves to be, its true failing lies in its inadvertent conflation of faith and delusion. In attempting to address naysayers in the audience by voicing a counterposition to the film’s sanctimonious piety through Hashimoto’s legitimate skepticism, Little Boy betrays a lack of conviction that will likely injure its reception with its target audience. Though the film’s conclusion emphasizes a positive interpretation of its peculiar take on faith, it ultimately falls short of the polemical success to which it aspires. Rated PG-13 for mature thematic content and violence. Now Playing at Epic of Hendersonville and Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Scott Douglas

The Age of Adaline HHH DIRECTOR: Lee Toland Krieger (Celeste & Jesse Forever) PLAYERS: Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew ROMANTIC FANTASY RATED PG-13 THE STORY: A woman who — through a freak accident — has been 29 for nearly 80 years falls in love with a man of about 30. THE LOWDOWN: It has a solid romantic fantasy premise and excellent performances from the supporting cast, but the central romance itself is tepid and barely involving. It’s by no means awful and offers compensations, but it’s not what it might have been.

When I left The Carolina Friday afternoon after watching The Age of Adeline, I thought it was more or less Perfectly Fine — a term meaning it was OK to sit through, mildly enjoyable but ultimately forgettable. I might even have given it a little edge because of how good Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Baker and, especially, Harrison Ford (no tics, no mannerisms, no catchphrases) are in the movie. But the truth is the further I get from The Age of Adaline the less I like it. And, no, my issues with the film have nothing to do with the movie’s utterly preposterous premise. I was willing to go along with that. In fact, one of my biggest problems with the film is that the screenplay insists on trying to make the idea of a 107-year-old woman whose aging process was frozen at the age of 29 plausible via barely thought-out “science” that has yet to be discovered. Hooey and phooey! To make matters worse, this balderdash is delivered through a pushy narration (spoken by someone named Hugh Ross, presumably because he narrated The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) that assumes the viewer is incapable of grasping anything without it being over-explained. However, the greatest issue I have with the film is that it’s clearly aimed squarely at the tear ducts and — for me at least — it never connected on that level. I felt little more invested in the film’s lovers — Adaline Bowman

(Blake Lively) and Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) — than I did for the leads in Fifty Shades of Grey (a film this curiously resembles, minus whips and chains). I don’t know who to blame here. There’s nothing exactly wrong with Lively or Huisman. There is a certain Twilight factor here in that we have this person with 107 years of life experience getting all hot and dithery over a generically attractive 30-something dot-com millionaire because ... what? He’s persistent (stalkerish even) and looks good with his shirt off? This, I think, is the problem. The characters aren’t very well developed or all that interesting — something that becomes more of a problem when you compare them to the older supporting players. The essence of the film is this romance. It’s supposed to be about what happens when Adaline lets a little love into her heart for Ellis — too bad that every other aspect of the film is more compelling. Her basic situation is more interesting. The history she’s lived through is certainly of greater note than trysting with Ellis, though little — apart from her fleeing from the prospect of becoming a medical experiment during the McCarthy years — seems to have made much impression on her. Her relationship with her daughter, Flemming (Burstyn), is more touching. And when the film permits itself the luxury of the amazing coincidence of — beware, some will consider this a spoiler — having the father of Ellis turn out to be her old boyfriend from the 1960s, William (Ford), every aspect of the current romance tastes like wax fruit. Worse, Lively has more chemistry in her scenes with Ford, who actually brings out a better performance from her. Their scenes together, however, actually give the film the weight it’s been striving for, but it doesn’t last since we’re soon back to the plot. The film’s final stretch plunges into cheesy melodrama — with lots of annoying narration — of the purely mechanical kind strictly designed to bring the film to a satisfactory conclusion. Well, it’s satisfactory if you don’t examine it too closely and wonder about those potentially awkward holiday dinners with the in-laws that loom in Adaline’s future. So all in all what do we have? A muddled mixed bag containing some fascinating ideas, a handful of terrific scenes and some good performances. Whether those are enough to compensate for the film’s shortcomings is your call. Rated PG-13 for a suggestive comment. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

The Water Diviner HS DIRECTOR: Russell Crowe PLAYERS: Russell Crowe, Olga Kurylenko, Jai Courtney, Yilmaz Erdogan WAR MELODRAMA RATED R THE STORY: An Australian farmer whose sons died at the Battle of Gallipoli sets out to find their remains. THE LOWDOWN: Actor/director Crowe makes a thoroughly sincere, if ultimately forgettable, feature directing debut.

Perhaps the most notable aspect of The Water Diviner is that it marks the first narrative feature directed by veteran actor Russell Crowe. That the film is likely to be remembered in cinematic history for this novelty rather than for its merits is a distinction that should not be lost on prospective audiences. While there are indeed some merits to recommend this production, they are significantly overshadowed by its shortcomings. Falling prey to the predominant vice of many actors who step behind the camera, Crowe’s film often emphasizes performance at the expense of story. This is not to say that the performances are particularly noteworthy, but that plotting and character development are blatantly overlooked in favor of unnecessary camera flourishes and extraneous action sequences. While Crowe’s camera setups and compositions are generally competent, his insecurity as a director is betrayed by excessive closeups, occasionally incomprehensible angle shots and gimmicky use of trick lenses; in short, his visual reach exceeds his technical grasp. To say that the narrative suffers for Crowe’s attempts at visual stylization is something of an understatement. Crowe plays Joshua Connor, a rugged Australian farmer who seeks closure after his family is torn apart by the vicissitudes of war. Nothing wrong with that story so far, but the longer it goes on the more evident it becomes that this was never meant to be a moving character study or a meditation on the human cost of warfare. Instead, this is 111 minutes of machismo-driven fantasy, apparently intended to let Crowe display the various facets of his

APRIL 29 - MAY 5, 2015




Russell Crowe-ness. Unfortunately, the Crowe of L.A. Confidential or Gladiator does not join us here. Sure, we have him riding horseback in a sandstorm, riding horseback in a gunfight, romancing a (much) younger woman, besting a gang of thugs in a fistfight over said woman, befriending a grizzled Turkish officer, hanging out shirtless with said officer and just about every other conceivable Crowe cliche, but his prior intensity has been replaced with a maudlin sentimentality and vague listlessness. Ultimately, it is this sentimentality that proves to be the The Water Diviner’s undoing. The film, in attempting to be poignant, devolves gradually into the silly. What should have been a pivotal trench battle sequence focusing on the death of Connor’s sons, while unquestionably brutal, proves emotionally unaffecting. A later return to the epilogue of this sequence, intended to deliver a significant plot twist, only reaffirms its tediousness while failing to provide any concomitant catharsis. A melodramatic subplot involving a budding romance with widow Ayshe (Olga Kurylenko) falls similarly flat due to a distinct lack of chemistry between the leads and underscores a subtextual assertion that imperial domination of native peoples is preferable to the autonomous adherence of those peoples to their cultural traditions. Even Connor’s “mateship” with Major Hasan (Yilmaz Erdogan), possibly the most developed relationship in the film, seems forced and arbitrary. Most damning, however, is the story’s abandonment of the protagonist’s eponymous dowsing abilities in favor of full-blown precognitive visions that are never questioned by the other characters or addressed by the script. I was secretly hoping the late Graham Chapman would suddenly appear in uniform to put a stop to the whole affair, but sadly this was not to be. If The Water Diviner wears its intentions on its sleeve, it ultimately fails to achieve them. Rather than delving into the horrors and heroism of World War I in any meaningful way, the plot meanders through an unfocused morass of ill-conceived patriotism, unconvincing romance and insipid action sequences. If it takes a unique creative vision to careen so recklessly through such varied emotional terrain without evoking even the slightest bit of pathos, then Crowe has succeeded in distinguishing his vision as unique. This is not a compliment but also not an outright condemnation. Rated R for war violence and disturbing images. Now Playing at Regal Biltmore Grande reviewed by Scott Douglas


APRIL 29 - MAY 5, 2015

Avengers: Age Of Ultron Here it is — the sequel the whole world has been waiting for apparently. This is the real — no foolin’ — beginning of the summer blockbuster season. (Furious 7 was just an appetizer.) You already know if you’re going to see this and you already know that it’s Marvel superheroes saving the world amid much property damage. (PG-13)

Clouds of Sils Maria See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

Community Screenings Film at WCU 227-2324 • FR (5/1), 7pm - “Controlled Chaos Film Festival,” short works in various genres by Film and Television Production Program and the School of Stage and Screen students. $10. Fine Arts Theatre 36 Biltmore Ave., 232-1536 • TH (4/30), 6:30pm - Sweets Dreams, a documentary about Rwanda’s only women’s drumming troupe. Ticket sales benefit Africa Healing Exchange. $10. WNC Film Society • SA (5/2), 7pm - “Short Film Challenge” top-10 films screening with proceeds to benefits Asheville area charities. $5. Held at Grace Center, 495 Cardinal Road, Mills River YMI Cultural Center 39 South Market St., 252-4614, • FR (5/1), 3pm - Nina Simone: The Legend, documentary. Free.

Be sure to read

‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online


Chicken with Plums HHHHS Director: Vincent Paronnaud, Marjane Satrapi (Persepolis) Players: Mathieu Amalric, Edouard Baer, Maria de Medeiros, Golshifteh Farahani, Isabella Rossellini COMEDY-DRAMA Rated PG-13 World Cinema is bringing back Chicken with Plums, a film that didn’t get the attention it should have when it was released a few years ago. Playful, gorgeous to look at, cinematically brilliant and finally heartbreakingly sad, Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi’s 2011 film is one of those movies that ought to have played here but didn’t. It’s a kind of fairy tale that tells the story of a great violinist (Mathieu Amalric) who becomes so distraught over the destruction of his violin that he decides to lie down and die. That he will succeed is evident from the first, but the film is really about what brought him to this conclusion and the great love of his life. A must-see. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Chicken with Plums Friday, May 1, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Citizen Kane HHHHH Director: Orson Welles Players: Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Ruth Warrick, Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane DRAMA Rated NR This year marks the 100th birthday of Orson Welles — May 6, in fact — and the Hendersonville Film Society is marking the event with a screening of Welles’ masterpiece Citizen Kane (1941). While that might seem the most obvious choice — almost too obvious — it really isn’t. In fact, this is the perfect time to remind the world what a truly great film it is, especially in light of the fact that the Sight & Sound critics’ poll (held every 10 years) of 2012 preposterously unseated Kane as “the greatest film of all time” (a position it had held since 1962) by placing Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) above it. Even if you believe — and you should — that such polls are imbecilic and exist mostly to draw attention to the publication containing them, this is just wrong. A fresh look at Kane — and at what Welles did with the basic tools of film — will more than show you why. Aside from that, Kane is a hell of a lot more fun in the bargain. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Citizen Kane Sunday, May 3, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

The House at the End of Time HHHHS Director: Alejandro Hidalgo Players: Ruddy Rodríguez, Rosmel Bustamante, Guillermo García, Gonzalo Cubero, Héctor Mercado HORROR FANTASY Rated NR Alejandro Hidalgo’s The House at the End of Time is Exhibit B for the case that we are indeed in the midst of a horror film renaissance. It may look like a standard haunted house movie on the surface — and it plays with those tropes — but this is really a finely crafted supernatural thriller of a very different — and startlingly complex — kind. The film starts in 1981 when Dulce (Ruddy Rodriguez) finds her husband (Gonzalo Cubero) murdered in the cellar and sees her son, Leopoldo (Rosmel Bustamante), vanish. Since her fingerprints are on the murder weapon and there are no other suspects, she’s sentenced to prison. Thirty years later finds her being released on compassionate leave — but only to the confines of her old home. There — sometimes with the help of a sympathetic priest (Guillermo García) — she begins to understand what happened. Through a series of flashbacks and strange occurrences — some of which are truly scary — the whole of the fantastic story is slowly revealed, leading to a surprising — and thoroughly satisfying — climax. Be there. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The House at the End of Time Thursday, April 30, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Moon’s Our Home HHHHS Director: William A. Seiter (Diplomaniacs) Players: Margaret Sullavan, Henry Fonda, Charles Butterworth, Beulah Bondi, Henrietta Crosman, Walter Brennan SCREWBALL ROMANTIC COMEDY Rated NR Art imitates — and attempts to improve upon — life in William A. Seiter’s The Moon’s Our Home (1936), one of the least seen and least known of all classic screwball comedies. The reasons for its obscurity are vague, though they may be grounded in copyright issues involving the literary source (a serialized novel by Faith Baldwin). Just as likely is the fact that the film was made by independent producer Walter Wanger and only released through Paramount. Whatever the case, it’s something of a tragedy that The Moon’s Our Home isn’t better known. The film charts the romance of Margaret Sullavan’s temperamental movie star Cherry Chester (née Sarah Brown) and Henry Fonda’s equally temperamental writer Anthony Amberton (née John Smith) — both of whom hate the other sight unseen, only to fall in love without being aware of each other’s public identity. It’s lightning-paced, very funny and definitely worth getting to know. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Moon’s Our Home Tuesday, May 5, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

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WAnteD tO rent We neeD rentAls! Have a house, room, or apartment available? Local Massage Therapy School is looking to assist students with local housing for the duration of our massage program. You set up leasing terms directly with individual students. For more information, please contact Karin at 828-658-0814 or


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AVAILABLE POSITIONS • meriDiAn BehAViOrAl heAlth peer support specialists Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialists working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s

license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. clinician Openings in the following programs: • PACE (Peers Assisting in Community Engagement) • Recovery Education Center (REC) & Specialized Assessment • Henderson/ Rutherford/Polk/Transylvania Counties • Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) – Cherokee County • Child & Family Team All clinician positions require you to be a Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist, with a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation, flexibility, and above moderate computer skills. transylvania county employment support professional (esp) Supported Employment Program The ESP position functions as a part of a team that implements employment services based on the SEIPS model. The team’s goal is to support individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment in the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. The ESP is responsible for engaging clients and establishing trusting, collaborative relationships that result in the creation and completion of individualized employment goals. The ESP will support the client through the whole employment process and provide a variety of services at each stage to support the individual in achieving their employment goals. haywood county clinician – recovery education center (rec) Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to join our Haywood County Recovery Education Center. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. transylvania county Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) – Part time position Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. cherokee county clinician Assertive community treatment team – (Actt) Seeking an energetic and passionate individual to join the Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience an enhanced service that really works! Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/licenseeligible. macon county clinician

recovery education center (rec) Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to join our Macon County Recovery Education Center. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. • For further information and to complete an application visit our website: www. chilD/ADOlescent mentAl heAlth pOsitiOns in JAcksOn, hAyWOOD, & mAcOn cOunties Looking to fill several positions in Jackson, Haywood and Macon Counties by Aug/Sept. Licensed/provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive In-home services to children/adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Also looking for QP/ Qualified professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP's must have Bachelor's degree and 2-4 years of experience post-degree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to




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CNA • CAREGIVER POSItiOns We screen, train, bond and insure. • Positions available for quality, caring and dependable professionals. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care. Apply online: fAmily preserVAtiOn serVices Of nc, inc. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services. Seeking fully/associate licensed professionals to work with children/ adults. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes to Crystal Simpson (csimpson@fpscorp. com). 828-225-3100 csimpson@ fAmily preserVAtiOn serVices Of nc, inc. hAs immeDiAte OpeninGs in henDersOnVille Currently recruiting for OUTPATIENT THERAPISTS. Must have a Master’s Degree in a human service field and be Licensed or Associate Licensed by the NC Social Work Board, NC Counseling Board or an NC Marriage and Family Therapy Board. Bi-Lingual preferred. CST QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL: Minimum of 1 year of experience working with SPMI to work with a Community Support Team. CERTIFIED PEER SUPPORT SPECIALISTS to work with adult consumers who have severe and persistent mental illness. Services will be provided to consumer in both community and office settings. This position provides outreach to consumers, facilitates consumer engagement in the recovery process, and works with consumers to develop skills and resources to

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aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015


fReewiLL astRoLogY

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Chris Moneymaker was employed as an accountant in Tennessee. On a whim, he paid $39 to enter an online poker tournament. Although he knew a lot about the game, he had never competed professionally. Nevertheless, he won the tournament. As his award, he received no money, but rather an invitation to participate in the annual World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. Can you guess the storybook ending? The rookie triumphed over 838 pros, taking home $2.5 million. I don’t foresee anything quite as spectacular for you, Aries, but there may be similar elements in your saga. For example, a modest investment on your part could make you eligible for a chance to earn much more. Here’s another possible plot twist: You could generate luck for yourself by ramping up a skill that has until now been a hobby. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Poetically speaking, it’s time to purify your world of all insanities, profanities and inanities. It’s a perfect moment for that once-in-a-blue-moon Scour-a-Thon, when you have a mandate to purge all clunkiness, junkiness and gunkiness from your midst. And as you flush away the unease of your hypocrisies and discrepancies, as you dispense with any tendency you might have to make way too much sense, remember that evil is allergic to laughter. Humor is one of the most effective psychospiritual cleansers ever. CANCER (June 21-July 22): I was in the checkout line at Whole Foods. The shopper ahead of me had piled her groceries on the conveyor belt, and it was her turn to be rung up. “How are you doing?” she said cheerfully to the cashier, a crabby-looking hipster who I happened to know is a Cancerian poet and lead singer in a local rock band. “Oh, I am living my dream,” he replied. I guessed he was being sarcastic, although I didn’t know for sure. In any case, I had a flash of intuition that his answer should be your mantra in the coming weeks. It’s time to redouble your commitment to living your dream! Say it 20 times in a row right now: “I am living my dream.” LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): As I awoke this morning, I remembered the dream I’d just had. In the dream, I had written a horoscope for you. Here’s what it said: “The Kentucky Derby is a famous horse race that takes place on the first Saturday of every May. It’s called ‘The Run for the Roses’ because one of the prizes that goes to the winning horse and jockey is a garland of 554 roses. I suspect that your life may soon bring you an odd treasure like that, Leo. Will it be a good thing or too much of a good thing? Will it be useful or just kind of weird? Beautiful or a bit ridiculous? The answers to those questions may depend in part on your willingness to adjust your expectations.” VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t calm down. Don’t retreat into your sanctuary and relax into protective comfort. If you have faith and remain committed to the messy experiment you have stirred up, the stress and agitation you’re dealing with will ripen into vitality and excitement. I’m not exaggerating, my dear explorer. You’re on the verge of tapping into the catalytic beauty and rejuvenating truth that lurk beneath the frustration. You’re close to unlocking the deeper ambitions that are trapped inside the surface-level wishes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): American author Stephen Crane wrote his celebrated Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage in ten days. Composer George Frideric Handel polished off his famous oratorio Messiah in a mere 24 days, and Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky produced his novel The Gambler in 16 days. On the other hand, Junot Díaz, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, needed ten years to finish it. As for you, Libra, I think this is — and should be! — a phase more like Díaz’s than the other three creators’. Go slowly. Be super extra thorough. What you’re working on can’t be rushed. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In her book A Natural History of the Senses, Diane Ackerman describes a medieval knight who asked his lady for a strand


aPRiL 29 - maY 5, 2015

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): eBay is a multibillion-dollar e-commerce business that has been around for almost 20 years. But it had an inauspicious beginning. The first item ever sold on the service was a broken laser pointer. Even though the laser pointer didn’t work, and the seller informed the buyer it didn’t work, it brought in $14.83. This story might be a useful metaphor for your imminent future, Taurus. While I have faith in the vigor of the long-term trends you are or will soon be setting in motion, your initial steps may be a bit iffy.

of her pubic hair: a symbol of her life force. The lady agreed. He placed the talisman in a locket that he wore around his neck, confident that it would protect him and consecrate him in the course of the rough adventures ahead. I recommend that you consider a similar tack in the coming weeks, Scorpio. As you head toward your turning point, arm yourself with a personal blessing from someone you love. Success is most likely if you tincture your fierce determination with magical tenderness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “An escalator can never break,” mused comedian Mitch Hedberg. “It can only become stairs. You should never see an ‘Escalator Temporarily Out of Order’ sign, just ‘Escalator is Temporarily Stairs.’” I think a similar principle applies to you, Sagittarius. If we were to try to evaluate your current situation with conventional wisdom, we might say that part of your usual array of capacities is not functioning at its usual level. But if we adopted a perspective like Hedberg’s, we could rightly say that this part of you is simply serving its purpose in a different way. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I’ve got a tough assignment for you. It won’t be easy, but I think you’re ready to do a good job. Here it is: Learn to be totally at home with your body. Figure out what you need to do to feel unconditional love for your physical form. To get started on this noble and sacred task, practice feeling compassion for your so-called imperfections. I also suggest you cast a love spell on yourself every night, using a red candle, a mirror and your favorite creamy beverage. It may also help to go down to the playground and swing on the swings, make loud animal sounds or engage in unusually uninhibited sex. Do you have any other ideas? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When Aquarian media mogul Oprah Winfrey was born, “Oprah” was not what she was called. Her birth certificate says she is “Orpah,” a name her aunt borrowed from a character who appears in the biblical Book of Ruth. As Oprah grew up, her friends and relatives had trouble pronouncing “Orpah,” and often turned it into “Oprah.” The distorted form eventually stuck. But if I were her, I would consider revisiting that old twist sometime soon, maybe even restoring “Orpah.” For you Aquarians, it’s a favorable time to investigate original intentions or explore primal meanings or play around with the earliest archetypes. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What I propose is that you scan your memories and identify everyone who has ever tried to limit your options or dampen your enthusiasm or crush your freedom. Take a piece of paper and write down a list of the times someone insinuated that you will forever be stuck in a shrunken possibility, or made a prediction about what you will supposedly never be capable of, or said you had a problem that was permanently beyond your ability to solve. Once you’ve compiled all the constricting ideas about yourself that other people have tried to saddle you with, burn that piece of paper and declare yourself exempt from their curses. In the days after you do this ritual, all of life will conspire with you to expand your freedom.

manage their recovery independently. INTENSIVE IN-HOME Positions: Licensed or Associate Lincesed Therapists and Qualified Professionals to work with children and families in the home and community. QPs must have Bachelor's degree with 2-4 years of post-degree exerience. (828) 697-4187 hOst hOme/Afl prOViDers neeDeD Work from home making up to $45,000 a year. Work with individuals with developmental disabilities from your home and assist with personal care, community networking and independence. intellectuAl DeVelOpmentAl DisABilities QuAlifieD prOfessiOnAl (IDD,QP) Universal MH/ DD/SAS is seeking energetic and passionate individuals to provide services to children and adults. Two years of experience working with IDD individuals required with a related human service degree. • Filling one position in Asheville and one position in Forest City. Pay negotiable. Please send inquiries to mAke A Difference in A persOn's life NC Outreach Home Care is seeking a person for Maggie Valley area to support a 25 year old female with spina-bifida. She enjoys getting out in the community and works on her computer. Her interest is getting employed in the jewelry business and needs continued support for personal care. Training will be provided for all aspects of her services. Contact Deb Ramsey at NCOHC for application/training process: 828-989-7654. QuAlifieD i/DD prOfessiOnAl Seeking Full-Time Qualified Professional-MUST have experience with Innovation Services Waiver in the I/DD healthcare field. This position is ideal for a self motivated creative thinker who likes to take the initiative, perform and/ or assist with parts of various problem-solving duties and the ability to work as part of a professional team. Administration of consumer files only. Not responsible for supervising staff. Education: 4 Year Degree Experience: At least 2 years Pay negotiable based on experience (minimum $18-$20 hr) Paid Holidays 1 week paid vacation after 9 months of service Stipend offered towards personal health insurance policy summer internships The Mediation Center is seeking Summer interns for the Family Visitation Program. For a full internship description and details, visit our website at www. internships therApeutic WilDerness fielD instructOrs-secOnD nAture Blue riDGe (snBr) Looking for Field Instructors who enjoy working outdoors with youth. Full-time and summer positions available. Instructors work week on/ week off rotations. For information and to download an application: http:// about-second-nature/ careers/orientation-datesblue-ridge/ uniVersAl mh/DD/sAs Is seeking individuals or couples to provide Alternative Family Living (AFL) for individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities. AFL services are provided in your home 24/7. Please contact Sherry at • www. We Are hirinG! WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is recruiting Resident Teachers • Full-time 2nd and 3rd shift, as well as part-time mornings and weekends. WNC Group Homes provides residential services for individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities. Our employees are the best at what they do. WNC Group Homes offers 50 hours of classroom training as well as 5 days of training on shift. Come join our team! • Applications and additional information is available on our website, or complete application at our main office. WNC Group Homes 28 Pisgah View Ave Asheville, NC 828.274.7171. Sign on bonus available!

prOfessiOnAl/ mAnAGement WeB GrAphic DesiGner - custOmer serVice fOr internet DepArtment Web Graphic Design and Customer Service Full Time permanent position for our growing E-commerce department. The position requires photography experience as well as Adobe Cloud programs, Excel, knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A great attitude and ability to provide outstanding attention to customer service via email and telephone. 828-209-1805

teAchinG/ eDucAtiOn eXceptiOnAl chilDren's teAcher ArtSpace Charter School is now accepting resumes for a full-time Exceptional Children’s Teacher position for the 2015-2016 school year. Candidates must have current NC licensure in Special Education and experience working with students with significant disabilities. Experience with collaborative planning and curriculum integration strategies is preferred. . Application deadline is May 15, 2015. Please email cover letters and resumes to: resumes@ email subject heading “EC TEACHER.”

cAreGiVers/ nAnny hOme cAre pOsitiOns Turning Point Services, Inc. is accepting applications for direct care staff. Just need high school diploma. Visit our website at www. turningpointservicesinc. com to apply. Look for Job Board under Career Opportunities.

Business OppOrtunities MAKE $1000 WEEKLY! Mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

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hOtel/ hOspitAlity

nOW hirinG hOtel JOB OppOrtunities $9/hour. Room Attendants, Houseperson. Must pass criminal background check and drug screen. Apply in person: 1238 Hendersonville Road, Suite 217, Asheville, NC 28803. Call for appointment: 828-274-4622.

XchAnGe furniture liVinG rOOm suite Brand new, 3 piece, chocolate, couch, love seat and recliner. Can text photos. Call (828) 395-0407.

yArD sAles BiltmOre pArk cOmmunity yArD sAle SPRING IS HERE! • Sat. May 2, 8 am - noon.• Don't miss this now famous sale! Huge variety including antiques, household items, clothing, holiday decor and gift items, furniture, toys, sports and exercise equipment, and much, much more! • I-26, exit 37 (Long Shoals Road), turn between McDonald's and CVS. Look for balloons on mailboxes at participating homes! cOmmunity yArD sAle Saturday, May 2, 8am-1pm. Toys! Furniture! Kensington Place Apartments, Tennis Court. 3176 Sweeten Creek Road. GiGAntic siDeWAlk yArD sAle! Over 50 participating merchants and individuals. This Saturday, May 2, 7:30am until. Historic Downtown Marion NC.

serVices cAreGiVers COMPANION • CAREGIVER • LIVE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 2732922.

entertAinment Get cABle tV, internet & phOne With free hD Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call now! 866-353-6916. (AAN CAN)

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hAnDy mAn hIRE A hUSBAND • hAnDymAn serVices Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.


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AnnOuncements AnnOuncements DO yOu knOW peruViO? We would like to get in touch with Peruvio, an artist who used to work at the Open Door downtown.

We used to come to Asheville often and had many good talks with him. We hope to come to Asheville in a few weeks and would like to see him and catch up. If Peruvio or someone who knows him is reading this, please email us at lee. GOOD WOOD piZZA OVens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www. GoodWoodpizzaOvens. com preGnAnt? thinkinG Of ADOptiOn? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) rOse AnD plAnt sAle Roses for Mothers Day! Asheville Blue Ridge Rose Society and the Buncombe County Master Gardeners Spring Plant Sale: May 9, 10 am - 2 pm, 100 Edgewood Road, Asheville. Rosesocietywnc@gmail. com

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minD, BODy, spirit BODyWOrk

#1 AFFORDABLE COMmunity cOnsciOus mAssAGe AnD essentiAl Oil clinic 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove. com intuitiVe AnD heAlinG mAssAGe Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offers $50/hr healing massage in downtown with Saturday & weekday hours. Swedish, Deep, Hot Stones and Reiki Energy Healing. 7 years with Reiki. Call 828-2797042 or structurAl inteGrAtiOn rOlf therApeutic BODyWOrk Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 AshevilleStructuralIntegration. com

nAturAl AlternAtiVes

sAcreD spAce pAintinG: AsheVille’s intuitiVe pAintinG stuDiO Awaken Passion and Aliveness through Painting! Workshops and Classes for adults and children. No painting Experience Necessary! One Day Workshop, May 9th, 10 to 4pm. 828-252-4828 justpaint@ imprOVe yOur DrAWinG AnD pAintinG skills! Improve your drawing and painting skills at AtelierJamesDaniel. Individual lessons in the studio along with take home projects. 828-335-2598, james@, www.AtelierJamesDaniel. com WOODcArVinG funDAmentAls Learn the art of chip carving with artisan carver Bill Johnson, June 22-26, at Wilson College. For more information, search “Warren Wilson Folkshop Classes”, or contact Bill at: bjohnson@ or call 828-5862772.

nAturAl, hOlistic, enerGy therApies Detailed Health Assessment through Iridology, Vital Scan HRV, Kinesiology. Personalized Natural Therapy Recommendations. LED Light therapy with customized frequencies will de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828777-5263, book online

spirituAl cAll ninA the AurAcle: 253-7472 “Nina’s insight is brilliant”. Andra Lyss, wisdom-journeys, Asheville.

the new YoRk times cRosswoRd PuZZLe

ACROSS 1 Reception cry 7 With 31-Across, Cape May’s locale 15 Elbowed 16 Smitten 17 “Orlando” and “Otello” 18 Put on a pedestal 19 Eight days after the nones, in ancient Rome 20 Wreck 21 Female cells 22 Modern prefix with design 24 Still, poetically 25 Univ. bigwig 26 “The plot thickens!” 29 Close down 31 See 7-Across 32 Navigator, e.g. 33 2015 Oscars host ___ Patrick Harris 35 Wee 37 Like 38 Members of an island kingdom 40 Prepare for planting, say 42 Set free 44 “___ sure you know …” 45 “Thou ___ aloft fulldazzling!”: Whitman 46 Generic Guy of “Dilbert” 47 ___ chi -pets AsheVille pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232. pOOper scOOper serVice Professional Pooper Scoopers Service serving the Asheville Area. Call Us at (828) 337-0022 or go to our website to sign up for our weekly service. (828) 3370022 K9wastesolutions@

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come from, with “the” 49 Family history, e.g. 51 Polling fig. 54 Opposite of debits: Abbr. 56 New Deal corp. 57 Maul, in a way 58 Playbill listing 61 Film whose sequel is subtitled “The Sequel” 63 Separate the seeds from 65 Hot spot 66 Food additive banned in 1976 67 Completely engaged (in) 68 Emphatic confirmation DOWN 1 “Feliz ___ Nuevo!” 2 Brazilian people 3 Had way too much, briefly 4 What subjects and verbs must do 5 Like candles that might remind one of the beach 6 Scores by RBs and WRs 7 Company with a harrowing history? 8 Come next 9 Many prayers are said in it

10 Many prayers end

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