Mountain Xpress 04.30.14

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O U R 2 0 T H Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A V O L . 2 0 N O . 4 1 A P R I L 3 0 - M AY 6 , 2 0 1 4

French Broad River Festival returns p. 36


E ngagem e n t C o a l i t i o n

opens a dialogue

p. 12 Your guide to the Buncombe

commissioners race

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

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contents contact us Page 8

Hidden in plain view How do we start addressing racism when we “haven’t dealt with biases, just hidden them”? Members of the WNC Diversity Engagement Coaliton aim to start a meaningful conversation and foster real change. coveR design Lori Deaton tRiangLe PaRk muRaL Just Folks, Asheville Design Center and Molly Must

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24 a baLanced good time Healing arts offer ways to decompress at LEAF

28 a taLe of two sakes Blue Kudzu and Ben’s Tune Up serve their first batches of housemade rice spiritis


Your evenings become enchanting when our staff designs and installs a custom lighting system for your home or business. Our quality LED lighting materials enhance your property, adding beauty, safety, and function.

36 going with the fLow French Broad River Festival marks 17 years of laid-back fun

38 bRave aRt Stephaniesid engages the creative community with id Weekly

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LetteRs caRtoon: moLton caRtoon: bRent bRown communitY caLendaR conscious PaRtY in the sPiRit asheviLLe discLaimeR faRm & gaRden beeR scout smaRt bets cLubLand movies cLassifieds caRtoon: deRf fReewiLL astRoLogY nY times cRosswoRd

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30 the thiRd PLace Green Sage looks ahead with third location



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Illuminating The Night

12 bY the baLLot Six candidates vie for three seats on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners



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PubLisheR: Jeff Fobes

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assistant to the PubLisheR: Susan Hutchinson managing editoR: Margaret Williams

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a&e editoR/wRiteR: Alli Marshall food editoR/wRiteR: Gina Smith


staff RePoRteRs/wRiteRs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan editoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan movie RevieweR & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRibuting editoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Tracy Rose

caRtoon bY RandY moLton

Disappointed in DeBruhl I was very disappointed to hear Miranda DeBruhl, candidate for Buncombe County Commissioner in District 3, criticize the county’s plan to reduce its energy usage [“The politics of sustainability,” April 16, Xpress]. The sustainability plan does require an upfront investment of over $800,000, but that investment is estimated to be paid back and save the county almost $900,000 over the next 10 years and over $173,000 every year after that. Businesses such as Wal-Mart are investing millions of dollars every year to reduce energy costs because it is a good investment for their bottom line. I want my county commissioners to make the same kinds of smart investments to save our tax dollars and not oppose it because of ideological reasons because she defines the word “sustainability” differently. We need commissioners who will make smart decisions with our tax dollars. David King has been doing that. If DeBruhl would pass up this kind of opportunity, then she isn’t someone I want making decisions about the use of my tax dollars. — Judy Mattox Leicester

Speed humps are a joke I saw recently that the city is revisiting the issue of adding more speed humps. Granted, traffic speeds along in most areas, particularly neighborhoods, at an unprecedented speed. It’s a shame we don’t post speed limits: oh yeah, we do. But speed humps are a joke. In my experience, and particularly since I live on a major access from Biltmore to Tunnel on Kenilworth Road, they are no deterrent to speeding. A real speed ‘bump’ maybe, but not these little ripples in the lane. It’s the people who are passing through the neighborhood who go flying over them. Actually, if you observe for yourself some afternoon, you will notice that it’s the city buses that whip through the fastest. I kid you not. And these humps have no apparent effect on their speed. But a while ago there was some kind of pipe being repaired that spanned from one side of Kenilworth Road to the other. Work completed, they filled the trench with gravel (awaiting asphalt). This became compacted into a slight trough. This trough was just deep enough to slow everybody down. Same effect as rail road tracks generally have.

ReguLaR contRibutoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Michael Carlebach, Jesse Farthing, Michael Franco, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Jayson Im, Nick King, Cindy Kunst, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Max Miller, Nathan Metcalf, Thom O’Hearn, Mary Pembleton, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Haley Steinhardt, Micah Wilkins

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

So just maybe there is a more effective solution than the speed hump. — Xander Tremble Asheville

coRRections: We misspelled the name of Keith Krebbs, the artist who designed our April 23 Moogfest cover. In our April 2 “Wilderness Works” article, we incorrectly reported that Dr. Sarah “Salli” Lewis developed the wilderness therapy model. Wilderness therapy has evolved over the past six decades and does not credit its development to one person. Dr Lewis, an Ashevillebased clinical scientist, is one of several researchers who have studied the model’s effectiveness. A story in last week’s Small Bites mistakenly said Rhubarb is closed on Sunday. Rhubarb is actually now closed only on Tuesday and open the rest of the week, with new Sunday hours of 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and 5:30-9:30 p.m.

caRtoon bY bRent bRown

Asheville should cultivate green space The city of Asheville owns the property which lies adjacent to the Basilica of Saint Lawrence and US Cellular Center, and it is a proposed site for yet another downtown hotel. There are new hotels slated for the BB&T, Three Brothers, and TK Tripp sites. In a survey last year by Asheville’s PARC committee, Asheville voters want a public park in the space by the Basilica. Others wanted to sell the land to the church. Only 13 percent favored a hotel. Others with agendas in the building industry weigh in with perspectives for “urban open space,” claiming that the “green” park we have in front of our civic buildings is ample to offset all the clamor of downtown Asheville, which provides a central hub for robust tourist momentum and continuous influx of people moving to this area. My position here is that green spaces make cities liveable and contribute to collective wellbeing. It is therefore that I am in support of a green St. Lawrence Park — not a hotel or any other building project in this location. I have lived and worked in Asheville since 1994 and have witnessed our

Yes to park on Haywood

small city become a very different place during the course of that time. Development now is rampant, with investors, many of whom are from out of town, consuming the natural landscape with development projects. The result of these projects has breathed new life into abandoned buildings and has guided the way to a thriving downtown tourist-based economy. It has also lead to crowding, traffic, and parking issues. More can be said, but in my opinion, it is wise to cultivate green space and the preservation of Asheville’s original culture and nature. There are side effects to unchecked development. Quality of life is not all about the money. — Wendy Brown Asheville

To the town of Asheville, especially the mayor: Here are more citizens who strongly favor “NO Building — YES Park” on the property on Haywood in front of the Basilica of Saint Lawrence downtown. Please, please do not make money from builders in the short term, so that we have to live with an increasingly crowded city forever. — Wendy Bickart John Bickart Asheville

Parks over parking We want a park, not a parking deck! Let’s continue to make our city green and beautiful. Stop the parking deck and hotel construction across from the Basilica. Honor what we the citizens of this community want. — Cheri Brackett Asheville

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



in plain viEw Diversity Engagement Coalition aims to dismantle institutional racism


CoMe ToGeTher: The WNC Diversity

Engagement Coalition includes representatives from a host of major employers and organizations in the region — all with the goal of starting “a conversation that would lead to efforts supporting greater diversity.” Coalition members include, left to right: Sheneika Smith, Lisa Eby, Jacquelyn Hallum, Frank Castelblanco, Michele Ashley and Sarah Nuñez.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

The door Stroll down the east side of Biltmore Avenue from Pack Square and you’ll soon encounter the Fine Arts Theatre. Perhaps you’ll go in, watch a movie, go home. Maybe you’ll discuss its themes and mise en scène, or dismiss it as pretentious nonsense. But odds are you won’t even have noticed the door. It’s inconspicuous, hidden in plain view to the left of the main entrance. There’s no knob, and it’s painted the same color as the alcove it sits in. On the right is a small ticket window, long since fallen out of use. These days it’s just the theater’s emergency exit. “That was the entrance black people had to use during segregation,” says frank castelblanco of MAHEC. It’s late in the evening, and the WNC Diversity Engagement Coalition’s social at Pack’s Tavern is winding down. A group of concerned residents have been discussing ways to create and foster a more diverse community and workforce. Now only a few stragglers remain. “Yep,” says Castelblanco. “It leads to the upstairs seating area.” “Shoot, I had to use it,” says Jacquelyn Hallum of MAHEC, absently pushing a chicken wing around her plate with a fork. “They used to call it the peanut gallery.”

“You had to use the ... uh ... African-American entrance?” I ask. Hallum howls with laughter. “I don’t know about an African-American entrance. I had to use the Negro entrance, though.” The exclusionary history of Asheville is not only long and complex: It’s still with us. Sure, it’s mostly hidden, but not out of any sinister motive — in the 21st century, our attention is simply elsewhere. In a city that prides itself on being progressive, the people gathered here (including representatives from six of the county’s biggest employers) believe a Diversity Engagement Coalition is very much needed. And it’s curious that no one seems to know about that door.

STark diSpariTieS “Racism still persists,” says deborah miles, executive director of The Center for Diversity Education at UNC Asheville. “Political correctness hasn’t solved our biases: It’s just pulled a veil over them, made them private. We haven’t dealt with the biases, just hidden them; and that means people act on those unconscious biases. But many people just don’t know: They don’t realize. Once you’re aware, there are remedies.” Institutional racism runs on systemic paradigms, unintentional biases and subtle underpin-

nings that are often invisible to those not on the receiving end. In the workplace, it manifests itself in things like employee morale and retention, basic hiring percentages, promotional opportunities and the overall work environment. And in attempting to root out those entrenched practices, the Diversity Engagement Coalition is wrestling with the region’s very nature and history. Asheville and Buncombe County, after all, are part of the South. And as long as there’s been a Buncombe County, it’s been overwhelmingly white. In 2010, the breakdown was 87.4 percent white, 6.4 percent black or African-American, 6 percent Hispanic or Latino, and 1 percent Asian, according to that year’s census. (Editor’s note: These are the terms the U.S. Census Bureau uses; for simplicity’s sake, we’ll use AfricanAmerican and Latino in the statistics cited in the remainder of this article. All county figures include Asheville.) Those percentages are below the national averages for metropolitan areas, notes coalition co-founder Lisa eby, who works for the Buncombe County Health and Human Services Department. There are multiple reasons for this disparity, but the numbers speak for themselves. Based on the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey estimates covering 2008-12, 35.6 percent of Latino households in the county have total incomes less than $25,000 per year (a household is defined as everyone living within a single dwelling, regardless of whether they’re related). For AfricanAmericans, it’s 48 percent; for white householders, 25.3 percent. Constrict the parameters, and the situation worsens: Roughly one in five African-American-led households in Buncombe County lives on less than $10,000 per year. The number for whiteled households is 6.7 percent. So it’s perhaps not surprising that the black population of this overwhelmingly white area is declining. Why stay in a place with such racially skewed poverty numbers — and a cost of living comparable to Charlotte’s? The 1990 census found 12,207 AfricanAmericans living in Asheville (19.9 percent of the population). Twenty years later, there were 11,134 (13 percent). The five-year American Community Survey estimate is 10,413. A similar picture emerges in Buncombe County, whose African-American population dropped from 7.5 percent to 6.4 percent between 2000 and 2010.

CreaTinG CriTiCal MaSS It started with an April 25, 2013, conference titled “Realizing the Benefits of a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce.”

More than 50 organizations participated, says Eby, and after the event (which was sponsored by the city, county and UNC Asheville), “We had so much momentum, but we didn’t want it to be this thing where we just listened and went home. We thought about what we could do to make a real difference.” So they reached out to leaders at other key local institutions: A-B Tech, MAHEC and Mission Health. “The anchor institutions are the big dogs,” notes Miles. “They set the structure; you have to have them on your side.” Together, these six entities employ some 15,000 people. “They wanted to see if we could create a critical mass with our efforts,” says Eby. “Bringing underrepresented minority professionals across our institutions as well as human resources representatives and senior leaders, and start a conversation that would lead to efforts supporting greater diversity.” The urban renewal efforts of the ’60s and ’70s fractured local black communities, which have yet to recover. In the Latino community, many are relatively recent arrivals who face a language barrier, producing similar isolation and fragmentation. The Census Bureau’s current estimated income averages for Buncombe County show both communities seriously lagging behind the white population: African-Americans, $15,584; Latinos, $13,992; whites, $27,441. It would be easy to blame this glaring disparity on individual employers’ prejudicial policies. But in a county with nearly 250,000 people, no single organization is big enough to have such a pervasive impact. Taken together, however, the area’s many institutions and employers form a systemic structure that’s invested with the full weight of local history and policy. Two employment categories in the five-year census estimates appear to encompass most white-collar professions: “management, business, science and arts occupations” and “sales and office occupations.” Yet even combining them, only 29.46 percent of employed Latinos in the county work in such occupations. For African-Americans, it’s 43 percent; for whites, 62.4 percent. Those percentages haven’t changed significantly since the 1990 census. In the wake of the April conference, coalition members started meeting periodically last summer, brainstorming and exchanging ideas as they gradually zeroed in on three prime targets: institutional practices, professional development and networking. The first two directly concern the workplace, and one of the group’s first big steps is its Professional Development Program, an eight-week series of free workshops led by empow-

“Political correctness hasn’t solved our biases: It’s just pulled a veil over them.” deborah MileS, CENTEr For DIvErSITy EDuCATIoN

“It takes time. We’re hoping to see big changes in the next 10 to 20 years — 10 if optimistic.” Sarah nuñez, DIvErSITy AND MANAgEMENT CoNSuLTANT

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


erment expert michele ashley (see box, “Workforce Diversity”). “The purpose of the program,” says the New York native, “is to provide training, coaching, tools and tips to enhance people’s workplace experience and help navigate the corporate landscape for better chances at advancement.” The classes cover a variety of topics, using a combination of coaching, workshops, role-playing and open discussions. “It is not,” stresses Ashley, “a breeding ground to vent or a soapbox: It’s a place for people to get the help they need to better their landscape.” The first workshop was held April 24, but missing that one doesn’t disqualify people from attending future sessions. “The more, the merrier,” says Ashley, “and the more we have to throw in the pot. Asheville is a special place, and with a diverse workforce, Asheville is who wins.”

eduCaTion and diverSiTy Nationwide, one of the biggest hurdles minorities face is lack of education, and that’s true here too: Only 12.4 percent of African-Americans in the county possess a bachelor’s degree. For Latinos, it’s 14.6 percent; for whites, 34.2 percent. One in five African-Americans age 25 and over, and two in five Latinos, lack a high school diploma, compared with one in 10 whites. Those numbers don’t exist in a vacuum. Without a diploma, one is much less likely to hold a white-collar job or to earn the higher wages they typically pay. According to the five-year cen-

Workforce diversity The coalition’s continuing series of professional development classes meets Thursdays through June 12 at 5:30 p.m. at the YWCA of Asheville (185 S. French Broad Ave.). Child care is provided, and participants aren’t required to attend every session, though they are expected to participate actively. The weekly classes are free, but donations are encouraged to help cover the cost of materials. For more information, contact Jennifer Johnson (2506519;


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

sus estimates, 40 percent of AfricanAmericans and Latinos in the county live in poverty — nearly three times the number for whites (14.8 percent). Education alone is not the answer, but it’s unquestionably a critical factor, and both UNC Asheville and A-B Tech have unique roles to play in growing a diverse workforce. The university, for example, recently received a five-year grant to implement AVID for Higher Education services and faculty training, beginning this fall. “It’s a support structure,” Miles explains. “Students whose families have been to college share all kinds of information and encouragement about things like deadlines, essays, application fees, study abroad, dorm life expectations, resiliency and other aspects of college life.” Institutional culture, particularly diversity or the lack of it, is also crucial. “You can’t be what you can’t see,” says Miles. “Humans norm their behavior after those they see around them. A recent study by Catherine Riegle-Crumb from the University of Texas found that girls are more likely to take high school physics if they see women in their communities working in science, technology, engineering and math. The same holds true for African-Americans and Latinos.”

new populaTionS As the county’s African-American population has decreased, other minority communities have expanded dramatically. The Latino population has increased by more than 600 percent since 1990; the Asian population grew by almost 36 percent between 2000 and 2010. Each of these communities faces its own unique challenges. Latinos in particular, says sarah nuñez, come from many different countries, making it even harder to foster a sense of connection with the broader Asheville community. “Not everybody is from Mexico, and just because you speak Spanish doesn’t necessarily mean much,” the diversity and management consultant explains. “Asheville is populated by Spanish speakers from completely different cultures.” In the 2010 census, 14,254 Buncombe County residents identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino; 62 percent of them were from Mexico. That means the remaining 38 percent came from other places. Due to its geographic and political isolation, for example, Cuba has developed a dialect that’s famously difficult for even other Spanish speakers to understand. “To reach these people,” notes Nuñez, who co-founded a Latino-

“Changing racism is like losing weight. To permanently change it, you have to look at every part of your life and re-evaluate.” JaCquelyn halluM, MAHEC

oriented community service organization CHIVA TOP, “We have to understand their different cultures. That requires networking.” Which brings us to the third of the coaliton’s three focal areas. Eby hopes to have the website up and running by early May; the organization is also on Facebook. “The social group will network and create opportunities,” explains Castelblanco, a Center for Diversity Education board member. “One idea is creating a black film festival in Asheville and having the group lead the initiative, so participants get firsthand experience in creating a program and building relationships outside their jobs. Another suggestion was a black Asheville tour highlighting historical events such as our civil rights movement, the gentrification of the south side, and the hospital that took care of blacks.” In late March, the coalition co-hosted a mixer with Date My City, which sponsors multiracial arts-and-culture activities in downtown Asheville. “We’re going to continuously assist area minorities in fostering a stronger sense of belonging,” says founder sheneika smith. “Date My City will stand as an ongoing partner with the DEC as well as other organizations, projects and initiatives that serve people of color.” Ultimately, says Miles, the goal is to look beyond current residents: “This city gets 9 million visitors a year. We can build a base on that.” As Nuñez puts it: “We are going to work to get different people and agencies to move to Asheville, but it takes time. We’re hoping to see big changes in the next 10 to 20 years — 10 if optimistic.”

openinG doorS Changing racism, says Hallum, “is like losing weight. It wasn’t a six-week binge that got you there: It was a lifelong accumulation of environment and decisions. To permanently change it, you have to look at every part of your life and re-evaluate.” The door by the Fine Arts Theatre is still there, visible to anyone who has a mind to find it; its purpose still exists in living memory. The challenge lies simply in looking — an activity, says Miles, that’s of the utmost importance for the region. “In 30 years,” she notes, “the landscape of this nation will be 48 percent white and 52 percent people of color. If we maintain a dominant culture like we have now, we’re going to face some real problems. Seventy percent of all people get jobs through personal relationships. We have to extend that pipeline in all directions.” In the end, coalition members maintain, it’s up to individuals to recognize not only our community’s value but also the structural injustices built into it. It’s a tough specter to face, but the only way all of us can thrive in the coming decades is if everyone has a stake in the community. “We have to get everyone involved,” says Castelblanco. “We don’t see if we’re not really connected. We have the opportunity to make this history seen; we have the opportunity to grow a sustainable community. But we all have to know that door is there.” X Freelance writer Cameron Huntley can be reached at graphic, right, by Steph guinan.

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Jake Frankel

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By the ballot The candidates vie for your vote

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014











1. What would be your top priority if elected? Why? Buncombe County’s historic shift to a district election system continues this year as six candidates square off seeking four-year terms on the Board of Commissioners. In each of the three districts, an incumbent and a challenger from the same party are competing for the seat. The incumbents, who finished second in their respective districts in 2012, won two-year terms that expire this year. The first-place finishers in 2012 will hold their seats through 2016. Going forward, all commissioners will serve four-year terms, staggered so that one seat in each district will be up for grabs every two years. In District 1, roughly equivalent to the city of Asheville, incumbent Democrat brownie newman is being challenged by keith Young, who’s hoping to become the first African-American ever elected to the board. The winner faces no Republican opposition in November. In District 2, which encompasses Fairview, Black Mountain and Weaverville, Vice Chair ellen frost, a Democrat, faces a primary challenge from former Commissioner carol Peterson. In 2012, Frost defeated her by just 38 votes. The primary winner will go up against Republican christina merrill in the Nov. 4 general election. Merrill lost to Frost in 2012 by a mere 18 votes; the November contest will determine which party holds a majority on the seven-member board. In District 3, which stretches from Arden to Sandy Mush, incumbent Republican david king is being challenged by miranda debruhl. The winner faces no Democratic opposition in November. Early voting runs through Saturday, May 3; the primary is Tuesday, May 6. Xpress asked each candidate five questions designed to elicit their priorities and views. Their responses are presented in the following pages. X

2. What’s county government’s most important role in job creation? 3. What specifically should the county do to meet its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent? 4. In this year’s budget, are there any specific expenditures you’d cut or increase? Why? 5. Why would you be a better commissioner than your opponent?

distRict one Keith Young VS. Brownie Newman name: Keith Young Profession: Educator, Asheville City Schools Residence: Asheville Party affiliation: Democrat endorsements: None

1. Making sure our policies do not adversely affect upward mobility. Improving our approach to issues by being conscious of their effects on the community in other ways, as opposed to problem solving singular issues, i.e., the environment. We’ve failed on infrastructure, taxes, affordable housing, living wages and job creation. 2. By facilitating an environment that is conducive for businesses to thrive, we lay the groundwork for a business-friendly community. Making it easier to attract new industry without corporate welfare, such as Project X. Being smart about how we choose to lure business with taxpayer-funded incentives is key moving forward. 3. I love this idea! However, in its current form, there are no provisions that say how we do this. Current emission rates will rise more than the expected yearly reduction. We are essentially chasing a pipe dream. Let’s find a pragmatic solution to this that’s realistic to our actual abilities. 4. I would love to see funding increases to many areas. One can always argue the county’s contributions to teacher pay. However, the bigger question is do we have a budget that is being efficiently administered by county departments? How do we measure that? Are we wasteful? Are programs working properly? 5. Attacking the tough issues. Bringing real, substantive solutions to the table is my asset. I do not carry a singular outlook for my role in government. It’s not my hope to leave a legacy for just the environment. People matter in government, and I listen. I am a pragmatic individual.

distRict one Keith Young VS. Brownie Newman name: Brownie Newman Profession: Vice president of business development, FLS Energy Residence: Montford Party affiliation: Democrat endorsements: N.C. Sierra Club, Commissioners Holly Jones, Ellen Frost and David Gantt

1. I have three top priorities: 1) support the community economy by growing locally owned businesses and creating jobs that pay a living wage; 2) support public education; and 3) protect our mountain environment, including preservation of family farmlands and natural areas and implementing the greenway plans. 2. To provide excellent public schools. There hasn’t been a new public school built in Asheville in 30 years. Our Board of Commissioners voted to invest in a new Asheville Middle School, a new Isaac Dickson Elementary and the first Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) high school west of Charlotte. 3. I sponsored this proposal. Buncombe County needs to be a clean energy leader. We conducted an energy audit of all major public facilities. It identifies specific actions to be taken over the next five years. This will save taxpayers more than $1 million in utility expenses. 4. Our Board of Commissioners created a revolving loan fund to help people grow locally owned businesses. I’d like to expand that. I support dedicated funding for greenways. I support supplemental pay for teachers. I’d like to double the number of permanently affordable homes built each year, which will require investment. 5. I stand on my record. Our Board of Commissioners started the first new public schools in Asheville in 30 years. We created a domestic partner policy. I passed a far-reaching energy-independence policy. We are building Eagle Market Place: permanently affordable homes for 60 families in downtown.

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Jake Frankel

251-1333 ext. 115

distRict two Carol Peterson VS. Ellen Frost name: Ellen Frost Profession: Owner of Bed and Biscuit Pet Spa Residence: Black Mountain Party affiliation: Democrat endorsements: Sierra Club, Sheriff Van Duncan, Commissioners David Gantt, Brownie Newman and Holly Jones, former Black Mountain Mayor Carl Bartlett, Black Mountain Mayor Mike Sobol, Vice Mayor Don Collins, Aldermen Ryan Stone, Carlos Showers and Maggie Tuttle

1. Continue to strive for the very best education for our children, including making sure we keep our supplements for teachers. 2. Continue striving to create living-


@JakeFrankel wage jobs and help our small businesses. 3. Continue to protect our environment. We have a firm foundation, but we must be relentless. 2. Be innovative, think out of the box. Two great examples, GE Aviation and the pilot microloan program, are vast in scope but both create jobs. We as a community must do all we can to continue to be attractive to business: i.e., good schools and environmental stewardship 3. The energy audits this Board of Commissioners passed under Brownie Newman’s leadership will save taxpayers more than $1 million in utility expenses. Reducing the carbon footprint is not a Democratic or Republican issue: It’s an economic issue that will create a far better future for our children and grandchildren. 4. It will be a tough balancing act. We continue to face great challenges from federal and state government. My goal is to support our teachers, continue to create opportunities for small businesses to create living-wage jobs, and have the fairest and most responsible tax rate we can offer. 5. In my business, I hear people’s stories, challenges and triumphs, which help me be the best commissioner I can be. I’m accessible, answering emails within 12 hours. Brownie, Holly, David G. and I are proven innovators with vision. It would be a step back for our county if this changed.

distRict two

Carol Peterson VS. Ellen Frost name: Carol W. Peterson Profession: Home economics teacher, Buncombe County and Asheville City Schools; director of vocational education, Asheville City Schools, retired Residence: Fletcher Party affiliation: Democrat endorsements: Buncombe County voters in four election cycles

1. To assure a more transparent process in communications with the public. Our current commissioners have raised your property taxes from 52.5 cents per $100 valuation to 60.4 cents. That’s a tax increase of 7.9 cents per $100 valuation (an 8.7 percent increase). There was never any public dialogue or justification. 2. Continuation of Buncombe County’s support to the Economic Development Commission that recruits new businesses. Support our local businesses and industry with tax incentives for growth. Continue Buncombe County’s support of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College to educate and train a world-class workforce. 3. Convert our buildings to LEED-certified where possible. Convert heating systems to natural gas where possible. Convert Buncombe County vehicles to operate on compressed gas. Continue to convert the county’s mowing and maintenance equipment to compressed gas. 4. YES. I would eliminate the Culture and Recreation Authority. $10,479,740 of your tax dollars from last year’s budget was transferred out of this year’s budget to the CRA, and your property tax was increased 3.5 cents per $100 valuation to pay for something that you already own. 5. I have lived and worked in Buncombe County my entire life and know the culture of our people. I am more experienced, since I had the honor of serving as a commissioner for eight years. No one could have a greater love for the people of Buncombe County than me.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

distRict thRee

distRict thRee

Miranda DeBruhl VS. David King

Miranda DeBruhl VS. David King

name: David R. King Profession: Farrier Residence: Candler Party affiliation: Republican endorsements: state Rep. Nathan Ramsey, Buncombe County Commissioner Joe Belcher, Buncombe County Board of Education Chairman Bob Rhinehart and board member Amy Churchill, Don Mallicoat, owner of Guns ’N Gear, Candler

1. My top priority will continue to be creating a business environment which attracts quality jobs and furthers economic development. It is important to create more jobs and greater economic growth to facilitate expansion of the tax base, which will in turn allow a lower tax rate. 2. The county government’s most important role in job creation is working with the Economic Development Coalition in order to recruit new businesses and more industry. We also need to ensure we have good schools and quality-of-life infrastructure, such as the I-26 connector, to attract those businesses. 3. Starting with cost savings in mind, which is a primary focus in meeting the goal of reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent, the county will continue its ongoing effort of more energy efficient upgrades to its buildings, machinery, and equipment. 4. In this year’s budget, increases or decreases in any expenditures will be determined by possible cuts in state or federal funding as well as mandated expenses. Mandated and essential services take priority over everything else. 5. My qualifications for continued service to Buncombe County are a proven track record as commissioner and a lifetime of experience in business and manufacturing. This experience, along with my ability to work with others, enabled me to bring new jobs, a new road and new schools to our community.

Election basics eaRLY voting: Runs through Saturday, May 3. geneRaL eLection: Tuesday, May 6 Races on the ballot: Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, district attorney, district court judges, clerk of court, N.C. Senate District 49, N.C. Supreme Court, U.S. Senate, 10th and 11th Congressional Districts. buncombe county early voting locations: • William H. Stanley Building 35 Woodfin St., Asheville

name: Miranda DeBruhl Profession: Registered nurse and small-business owner Residence: Leicester Party affiliation: Republican endorsements: None

1. To sunset the sales-tax hike. It was sold to the voters as a temporary tax to help A-B Tech. However, legally it is permanent, and the tax simply flows into the general fund. I would like to make the tax automatically expire once construction is complete. 2. The county’s most important role is to ensure that regulations are not inhibiting job growth. We need to nurture a business-friendly environment where our government is a resource to business, not an obstacle. 3. I will support initiatives that BOTH save money and are helpful to our environment. For example, LED bulbs, efficient vehicles, modern HVAC equipment can save the taxpayers money, and that should be the goal. I believe we should be good stewards of all our resources, be they financial or environmental. 4. I would cut the $90,000 given to Moogfest. Given the current economy and tax increases, I don’t believe the BOC should use taxpayer money to support this festival. I would prefer to see all the funding for this festival come from private sources. 5. I am an employee and employer: I understand the challenges of each. Health care is the largest sector of our local economy and if elected, I will be the only health care professional on the board. Being a business owner, I understand the harm unnecessary regulations can inflict on businesses.

• North Asheville Library 1030 Merrimon Ave. • Girl Scout office, upper building (blue awning) 64 W.T. Weaver Blvd., Asheville • South Buncombe Library 260 Overlook Road • Skyland Fire Department 9 Miller Road • West Asheville Library 942 Haywood Road • Heaven's Cloud Retreat — Old Union Hall Building 130 Sardis Road • Black Mountain Library 105 N. Dougherty St. For more coverage of this year’s races, visit For a sample ballot and more information from the Buncombe County Election Services Department, visit avl. mx/08p.

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014




aPRiL 30 - maY 7, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fRee Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fRee Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to or through our onLine submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320. • Proceeds from the event will benefit Mediation Center programs.

AnimAls Brother Wolf Adoption event 505-3440, • SA (5/3) & SU (5/4), 11am-5pm - Pet Smart, 150 Bleachery Blvd. pet loss support Group 258-3229 For anyone who has lost or is anticipating the death of a pet. Free. • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - 1 Edwin Place. Free.

Benefits speAk Your peAce luncheon (pd.) The Mediation Center invites you to our Speak Your Peace luncheon on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. The event features speaker Brad Heckman, TedX speaker and CEO of the New York Peace Institute, one of the nation’s largest conflict resolution services. • Tickets are $50 and must be purchased in advance: www.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

be awaRe of YouR suRRoundings: “Most people who live in urban areas like downtown West Asheville have no idea that they are surrounded by edible and medicinal plants,” write the organizers of the West Asheville Urban Plant Walk, which will be held Saturday, May 3. The $8 event, hosted by the Center for Holistic Medicine, invites the public to learn about the over 90 medicinal and edible plants that grow in the blocks of West Asheville in formal gardens, abandoned lots and even cracks in the sidewalk.

White Rose Luncheon • mAY 17 (pd.) Join the Asheville Chapter of the Links Inc., celebrating 25 years of serving our community. • Saturday, May 17, 11:30am-2pm, Asheville Event Center, 991 Sweeten Creek Rd., 28803. • $45. Information/ Registration: Diane Mance (828) 651-0495 by Saturday, May 10. • Proceeds benefit scholarship fund. cArinG for children trunk shoW 225-5922 • SU (5/4), noon-6pm - A portion of the proceeds from works by local artists will benefit this network of shelters for families in crisis. Held at Willow’s Dream, 64 Broadway St. cinco de mAYo celeBrAtion 649-2828, • MO (5/5), 7:30pm - Ticket sales for this music and dance party benefit Joyful noise community center. $15/$12 advance. Held at

Photo courtesy of Center for Holistic Medicine (p.18).

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. eliAdA home chAritY Golf clAssic 254-5356, • MO (5/5), 11:30am - Proceeds from this golf tournament support Wnc families and children in need. $200 each with team discount. Registration required. Held at Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. luke lure BeAch Benefit 625-2725, • TU (5/6), 5-9:30pm - Season kickoff beach party at Lake Lure will benefit the chamber of hickory nut Gorge. $25/$40 couples/children under 12 free. pAncAke BreAkfAst for mAnnA 684-0041 • FR (5/2), 8:30-10am - Donations made benefit mAnnA foodBank. Held at Ardenwoods, 2400 Appalachian Blvd., Arden. prettY 4 prom donAtion

drive 550-9511 • Through WE (4/30) - Collecting dresses, accessories and cash donations for local girls in need. recYclerY Bike donAtion drive 255-7916, Donations may be brought to 90 Biltmore Ave., Tue.-Thu.:4-8pm; Sat: 1-5pm. • Through WE (4/30) - Bikes and bike parts may be donated for kids and adults. the BlAck & White GAlA 254-7206, • TH (5/1), 6:30-10:30pm - Ticket sales for this dressy dance party benefit the YWcA of Asheville $50. Held at Crowne Plaza Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive. WAlk to end lupus noW 877-849-8271, • Through (5/16) - Registration is open for this May 17 event for lupus foundation of America. Participants agree to raise $100.

Business & technoloGY

score counselors to smAll Business 271-4786, Held in A-B Tech’s Small Business Center, Enka campus. Free. • TU (5/6), 3-6pm - “An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Bridging the Digital Divide.”

clAsses, meetinGs & events

ArtspAce chArter school toWn hAll meetinG (pd.) ArtSpace Charter School Board of Directors will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, May 8, 6:008:00 pm in the ArtSpace Theatre. All members of the community are invited. Mosaic WoRkshops •

BeGinner-AdvAnced (pd.) Mosaic Mirrors, Picassiette (broken china) planters, concrete leaves and more. • Learn traditional techniques, explore new materials. • For more details, call (828) 337-6749 or visit Asheville mAkers • TUESDAYS, 6-8:30pm - Weekly social held at Asheville Pizza, 77 Coxe Ave. Asheville sister cities, rlutovsky@ • SU (5/4), 6pm - “The Truth About Cinco de Mayo,” includes discussion of two Mexican sister cities, Valladolid & San Cristobal de las Casas. $5. Held at 33 Page Ave. GoodWill cAreer clAsses 828-298-9023, ext. 1106 • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon - Adult basic education/ high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS,

5:30-8:30pm - ESL classes. Registration required. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries. Includes American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Registration required. henderson countY heritAGe museum Main St., Hendersonville, 6941619, hendersoncountymuseum. org. Free. • Through WE (12/31) - Coming of the Railroad, Civil War exhibit. hendersonville sister cities • WE (5/7), 6-7:30pm - “In Spring We Dream of Paris” presentation. Held at Henderson County Public Library , 301 N. Washington St.

lAnd of skY toAstmAsters • TUESDAYS, 7am - Meets at the Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. lAurel chApter of the emBroiderers’ Guild of AmericA 654-9788, • TH (5/1), 9:30am-noon - Meets at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe.

dAnce BeGinner sWinG dAncinG lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.swingAsheville. com dAnce clAsses With

dAncecluB (pd.) Tuesdays: 6:30pm: Jazz/ Funk: Dance and Sweat to Beyonce, starting May 13! • Wednesdays: 6pm, Beginner Modern, 4 Week Series starts May 7. • Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Burlesque Choreography, Starts May 7 • Thursdays: 10am: Booty Camp exercise class! • Pre-register: (828) 275-8628 or or studio ZAhiYA, doWntoWn dAnce clAsses (pd.) Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10am Bellydance Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 5pm Teen Dance 6pm AfroBrazilian 7pm West African • Sunday 5:15pm Yoga • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: (828) 242-7595 enGlish countrY dAnce • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS, 4-6:30pm - Hosted by Old Farmer’s Ball. Homewood Event and Conference Center, 19 Zillicoa St.

l le a n n i V u He



historic homes of hYmAn heiGhts tour 697-3088, • SU (5/4), 1-5pm - Selfguided tour hosted by the Henderonsville Historic

Preservation Society. $15. Begins at Killareny House, 322 Killarney St., Hendersonville.

Yarn crawl : thurs-Sun, May 8-11 10-8pm Thur & Fri; 10-6pm Sat; 12-6 Sun

Door prizes, demonstrations; Knitting Bags trunk Show by laura casey We carry Malabrigo, Cascade, Plymouth, and Berroco Yarns; locally spun and dyed yarns and roving, plus gifts for the knitter in your life.

The Shops at Reynolds Village near the Woodfin YMCA 61 N. Merrimon Avenue, Suite 113, Asheville, NC 28804 828.247.0344

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

communitY caLendaR

Beginners’ lesson: 3:30pm. $6/ $5 members. Info: 230-8449. internAtionAl folk dAncinG 350-2051 Free. • MONDAYS, 2:15-4pm - Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. southern liGhts squAre And round dAnce cluB 697-7732, • SA (5/3), 6pm - Mexican hat dance. Held at Whitmire Acitivity Building, Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville

festivAls Bent creek communitY pArk 125 Idlewood Dr., bentcreekpark. org • SA (5/3), 1:30-9pm - “Pickin in the Park” includes pig picking, 5k and silent auction & raffle to benefit the park. celtic christiAn holidAY service 645-2674, • SA (5/04), 3pm - Celebration of May Day (Beltaine) includes optional vegetarian potluck after the service. Held in a private home in Weaverville. Contact for directions.

eco Asheville Green drinks

Government & politics

Principles for Corporate Change,” with author Glenn Geffcken. Held at Green Sage Coffeehouse & Cafe, 5 Broadway eArth steWArdship dAY proJects 692-0385, • SA (5/3), 9am-2pm - Hosted by Enivornmental & Conservation Organization with locations across Henderson County. Contact for locations & times. Registration required. WilmA dYkemAn leGAcY sprinG series • SA (5/3), 3pm - “Water Troubles & Water Solutions: Western North Carolina Water in Context” continues with discussion of Catawba River. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

leGo cluB At the liBrArY 250-4758, • 1st FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - For ages 5 to 12. Free. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Rd., Candler













Fun fundraisers

Youth GArden cluB At the stephens-lee center 350-2058, • FRIDAYS through (5/30), 4-5pm - Held in the George Washington Carver Edible Garden, 30 George Washington Carver Ave.

dinner With proGressives 258-3327 • 1st MONDAYS, 6-8pm - Meets at Held at Green Sage Coffeehouse and Cafe, 1800 Hendersonville Road, Hendersonville

kids dAnce clAsses At BlAck mountAin center for the Arts 669-0930, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. $40 per month. Registration required. • THURSDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm Kids in Motion. Ages 3 to 5. • MONDAYS, 4-5pm & THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm Beginners Hip Hop. Ages 6-10. • SATURDAYS, 9am - Ballet. Ages 3 and up. • MONDAYS, 5-6pm - Tween dance. Ages 11-15.

hiGhlAnds BotAnicAl GArden 265 N. 6th St., Highlands, 5260188, botanical-garden • FR (5/2), 5-8pm & SA (5/3), 10am-2pm - “Wildflow Whimsey,” includes guided tours, lectures, live plant auction and live music. $50/$40 members/$25 Friday only. pisGAh AstronomicAl reseArch institute 1 PARI Dr., Rosman, 862-5554, • SA (5/3), 10am-4pm - Open house. Activities for all ages. West Asheville urBAn plAnt WAlk 505-3174,, • SA (5/3), 10:30am-noon - Walk looks at edible and medicinal plants. Begins at the Center of Holistic Medicine, 779 Haywood Road. $8/free for children.

A ‘joyful’ Cinco de Mayo what: Cinco de Mayo Celebration for Joyful Noise Music Center wheRe: Isis Restaurant and Music Hall when: Monday, 7:30 p.m.




The event will feature a live band made up of local musicians performing Latin-American genres such as Peruvian, Colombian, Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


tek-kids computer proGrAmminG cluB 250-4700, • SATURDAYS through (5/31), 1pm - For students of all ages. Bring a laptop or portable device. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

whY: The Joyful Noise Music Center is holding a Cinco de Mayo celebration and fundraiser for its music program and summer camp scholarships, which offer the community both group and private lessons for a variety of instruments, as well as an opportunity to experience different musical traditions.



outdoors • WE (4/30), 6 p.m. - “Indigenous

Send your event listings to

Mexican. A Latin-American inspired menu will also be provided by Isis Music Hall and Restaurant to accompany the tunes. “All of the proceeds are going to a great cause,” said Jason DeCristofaro, a teacher at Joyful Noise and one of the performers in the fundraiser. “It’s always rewarding when you know you have the ability to better the community with something you love, which is music.” Other performers in the event include drummer Bill Berg, who has worked alongside Bob Dylan; guitarist Ram Mandelkorn from The Blood Gypsies; violinist Lyndsay Pruett and more. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased by visiting cinco-da-mayo-celebration-and-joyful-noise-benefit/. — By Tanner Hall

pArentinG AZAleA mountAin school open house 27 Balm Grove Ave., 575-2557, • SA (5/3), 10am - Information session for programs is followed by May Fair festival at 11am. sAcred mountAin sAnctuArY open house Cove Road., Candler, • WE (4/30), 4:30-6pm - Programs for K-8 grade. the poWer of positive pArentinG seminAr 250-4720, • TH (5/1), 6pm - Hosted by Triple P Parenting Initiative. Optional pizza dinner at 5:30pm. Registration required. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

puBlic lectures puBlic lectures At uncA Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (5/2), 11:30am - Fab Friday at OLLI: “Arts & Crafts Bungalows:

Asheville’s Precious Treasures.” Reuter Center. • TU (5/6), 7:30pm - World Affairs Council: NSA Spying and the Constitution. Reuter Center.

seniors Adult forum At fcc 692-8630, • SU (5/4), 9:15am - “Buddhism 101.” Held at First Congregational Church of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville

spirituAlitY ABout the trAnscendentAl meditAtion technique: free introductorY lecture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by

the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828254-4350 or meditationAsheville. org Aim meditAtion clAsses (pd.) Ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101- Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www.ashevillemeditation. com/events, (828) 808-4444 AquAriAn consciousness felloWship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. Asheville compAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and

clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. Asheville insiGht meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Wednesdays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. Asheville open heArt meditAtion (pd.) Deepen your experience of living a heart centered life. Connect with your spiritual heart and the peace residing within. Free, 7pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St., 296-0017, Astro-counselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC.

(828) 258-3229. eckAnkAr Worship service - “discover the secret of spirituAl BAlAnce” (pd.) “How do you get in balance—and stay there? Always love God—no matter what happens in your outer life. Once you realize the spiritual lesson behind your imbalance, you will return naturally to the mainstream of the Holy Spirit, the Light and Sound of ECK.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a potluck lunch. (Donations accepted). • Date: Sunday, May 4, 2014, 11am to 12 noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828254-6775. GurdJieff: the fourth WAY (pd.) In search of the miraculous? What are the possibilities of inner evolution? New groups forming for those who wish to pursue inner work. (828) 232-2220. www. mindfulness meditAtion (pd.) Asheville insiGht meditAtion Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind

by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, mindfulness meditAtion clAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 2583241. the soul purpose of Asheville (pd.) An open invitation to all progressive citizens to join in creating a new conscious mission statement for the Asheville community. • Free event. Wednesday, May 7, 6-8pm, Masonic Temple Main Hall, 80 Broadway, downtown. • RSVP: facebook: Soul Purpose of Asheville Gathering. Let’s take action in unity!

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

communitY caLendaR










Send your event listings to



Story and photo by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to

A course in mirAcles studY Group • 1st & 3rd SUNDAYS - Held at a private residence. Directions & info: 450-4704. Asheville center for trAnscendentAl meditAtion 165 E. Chestnut, 254-4350, • THURSDAYS, 6:30 pm - Introductory lectures on transcendental meditation. Free. Asheville hAre krishnA 506-0996, gopalonetwo@yahoo. com • SUNDAYS, noon - Includes chanting, discussion and a vegetarian meal. Free. Held at Kuntao Arts, 211 Merrimon Ave. Asheville shAmAnic JourneY circle 369-0630, dreamtimejourneys. net • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-9pm Shamanic Journey experience required. $10. Registration required. center for spirituAl livinG Asheville 2 Science Mind Way, 231-7638, • SUNDAYS, 11am - Musical celebration of life. Free.

Hope rises WNC Green Congregations hosted its second annual interfaith vigil in Pritchard Park on Earth Day, April 22. The park was filled with people of all ages representing many faiths. All of those who attended were there to express solidarity and to take a stand for the environment. Attendees listened to speeches, prayers and songs from 10 speakers, including seven clergy members. Xpress spoke with Richard Fireman and Anna Jane Joyner of Green Congregations to get their insights on the event. Richard fireman: I view these events as trying to get people to show up. … I’m really interested in people engaging in community action. … We are living through a climate crisis which is out of control, and if we’re going to preserve life on Earth as human beings evolve … in all of this amaz-


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

ing fecundity, we have to do something. And it’s not just thinking good thoughts, it’s not just praying. It’s a combination of both local work and the really hard political work, like closing the Asheville coal plant. anna jane joyner: We are here today to celebrate God’s creation and also encourage and inspire people to help protect it, especially in light of the impacts of climate change that we are really beginning to see in ways that we need to address. … [Today] we are talking about the severity of the situation we’re facing in light of justice and what it means for people of faith to help address issues of justice. But [we’re also here] to talk about solutions. The theme is “hope rises,” and we are at a point where we want the faith community — and the whole community — to be part of the solution and to really bring hope to this critical conversation. X

eckhArt tolle discussion Group • MONDAYS,7-9pm - Meetings include viewing of video interviews with Eckhart Tolle, meditation and discussion. Held at Insight Counseling, 25 Orange St. GrAce lutherAn church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, • SA (5/3), 7:30am-11am- Flea market and bake sale to benefit the church. • SA (5/3), 10am - “Blessing of the Bicycles.” mAhA shAkti mAndir 11 Sand Hill Court, facebook. com/mahashaktimandir • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm - Arati, chanting and spiritual discourse. • SATURDAYS, 6-8pm - Shiva and Sri Chakra Puja. unitAriAn univerAlist felloWship of hendersonville 409 E. Patterson St., 693-3157 • SA (5/3), 9am-3pm - Spring Fling Sale to benefit the church. Women’s Book studY And discussion Group 277-6400 • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Seacoast Asheville, 123 Sweeten Creek Road. Registration required.

spoken & Written Word BlAck mountAin center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, • FR (5/2), noon-1pm - Poet Tina Barr reads from her works. Blue ridGe Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville, 4566000, • SA (5/3), 3pm - Eden Glenn reads from her latest novel, Drakin’s of WyrmArach. BuncomBe countY puBlic liBrAries liBrArY ABBreviAtions - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: •eA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) •ec = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) •fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) •sW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) •Wv = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) • TH (5/1), 6:30pm - Book club: The Beginner’s Goodbye by Anne Tyler. eA. • TH (5/1) through SA (5/10) Half-price book sale to benefit the library. sW. • SU (5/4), 2pm - Storyteller Becky Stone presents interactive stories for children. fv. • TU (5/6), 7pm - Book Club: The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis. ec. • WE (5/7), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, a casual knitting group. sW. • WE (5/7), 3pm - Book Club: The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. Wv. citY liGhts Bookstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • SA (5/3), 3pm - Wally Avett discusses his book, Murder in Caney Fork. hArrY potter AlliAnce Book drive • Through WE (4/30) - Books will be donated to Accio Books and the Pop Project. Contact for drop-off locations. JuBilee communitY church 46 Wall St., 252-5335, • FR (5/2), 7pm - Meta Commerse will read from her novel, The Mending Time. $15. mAlAprop’s Bookstore

And cAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • TH (5/1), 7pm - Will Harlan discusses his book, Untamed: The Wildest Woman in America and the Fight for Cumberland Island. • FR (5/2), 1-3pm - Rose Senehi discusses her book, Dancing on the Rocks. • SA (5/3), 7pm - Allan Gurganus reads and signs his book, Lost Souls. • SU (5/4), 3pm - Poetrio with Thomas Rain Crowe, L. Lamar Wilson & Landon Godfrey. • MO (5/5), 5-6:30pm - Attorney Sidney Powell discussed her book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. • MO (5/5), 7pm - Jessica Wapner discusses her book, The Philadelphia Chromosome. • TU (5/6), 7pm - Learn about the Enneagram system. spellBound children’s Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • 1st SUNDAYS, 4-5pm - ROYAL Book Club. For adult readers of young adult fiction. Ages 18+. • SU (5/4), 1-2:30pm - Star Wars Day Celebration and Book Drive includes prizes and costume contests. Admission is donation of $2 or a book to the POP Project. All ages. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Story time. Ages 2-6. Free. sYnerGY storY slAm • 1st MONDAYS, 8pm - Different theme each month. Free to attend. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Rd. WAYnesville first united methodist church 566 South Haywood St., Waynesville, 456-9475, • TU (5/6), 7pm - Friends of the Library annual meeting with author Lee Smith.

volunteerinG Girls on the run A nonprofit teaching self-respect and healthy living to girls. Info: • Through (5/17) - Volunteers needed for various tasks before and during the 5k held at UNCA on May 17. For more volunteering opportunities visit volunteering


Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve

Find local standup comedy info at • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer The Most Beloved Half-page on this Page

asheville disclaimer Kid Care with Arnold

Briefs Gov. McCrory makes surprise visit to Moogfest, declaring: ‘They told me everyone was wearing these DEVO outfits’ Suspicious package at Erwin High School turns out to be book Andy Griffith’s widow to level his old Outer Banks home, citing deep shame of years of Ernest T. Bass cosplay that took place at residence Youth charged with vehicle break-ins in Black Mountain Arrests resulted in numerous cans of Copenhagen being returned to grateful owners

Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Cary Goff, Tom Scheve

Arnold Crapacan is a Korean War veteran and member of the Woodfin Lions Club.

Dear Arnold,

We want to get a trampoline, but we’ve heard they’re not safe and that it will increase the cost of our house insurance. What are your thoughts? — Betty

Dear Betty,

I’ll tell you what’s not safe: being pinned down by constant commie mortar fire in a trench in Da Nang. Eating a muddy boot because your rations are gone. Dan’s missing an arm and T-bone just lost a nut while trying to squeeze one out at the latrine. All you can think while you’re savoring the flavor of your size-10 army issue is the knife fight you’ll have over who’s gonna be the small spoon because you’re sharing the one sleeping bag with a drunk Irishman. I forgot what your question was, but it’s probably just some whiney crap about your snot-nosed

EMS procedures for drug overdose Following several medical emergencies at Moogfest relating to drug overdose or drug-induced psychosis, this is an appropriate time to review procedures for paramedics dealing with patients who are under the influence of recreational drugs. Here are some no-no’s:

• It’s wildly inappropriate, when approaching the overdosed patient, for all of the paramedics to don gorilla masks. • Talking in a “33 rpm voice.” • Repeatedly flicking out your tongue lizard-style when nobody but the patient is looking. • Pretending to climb down into the Khole with patient. • Insisting to overdosed patients that they are actually at church on a Sunday morning, instead of at Moogfest on a Friday night. • Mouthing words without actually making sounds. • Interacting with patient as if the paramedics are George, Elaine and Jerry, and the patient is Kramer who has knocked himself out on Jerry’s door. • Frantically begging patient for the launch code.

• Treating the patient while talking to each other about the patient having already passed away. • Insisting to the patient that the “show must go on” and that paramedics are carting them to the Cellular Center stage and that everyone expects the patient to perform the headlining set of the festival. • Referring to the IV as a “venomous shamanic snake.” • Telling patient he/she “danced [his/her] ass off” and pretending to reattach his/her ass. • Pretending to open a panel in the overdosed patient and fix his/her circuitry while mumbling, “Weird, a programming error caused this model to believe it’s human.” • While within earshot of patient, telling other paramedics that a patient who is on MDMA must be “placed into a warm bathtub full of rabbits, stat.”

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



In the end Interfaith program focuses on end-oflife planning bY Lea mcLeLLan 251-1333 ext. 127

kristin scott’s mother had strong preferences about her own medical care as she neared the end of her life. She was able to make those wishes clear in an advance care directive, sometimes called a living will. When she passed away two years ago, Scott, facilitator for the WNC Health Network, says, “It was so much easier for us knowing what she wanted.” While the doctors might have been able to sustain her mother’s life, Scott knew her mother would not have approved. “[My mother] wanted to die at home. … She said, ‘When it gets to the point where I am not able to chew my food anymore, don’t sit there and try to give it to me in a syringe.’ … So that for us was a turning point in making that choice.” Scott admits that it wasn’t the choice she would have made for her mother. And perhaps because of that difference of opinion, Scott believes her family’s situation exemplifies why advance care directives are so important.

The WNC Advance Care Planning Community Initiative will bring the community together for an interfaith event on Monday, May 5, to discuss advance care directives as well as how faith leaders can encourage conversations about end-of-life care in their communities. kimberly Paul of Begin the Conversation, an organization dedicated to educating people about their health care options, and the Rev. Lisa bovee-kemper will speak on the subject. The event is open to all members of the community as well as all faiths. jennifer stuart, WNC Advance Care Planning Community Initiative coordinator, says that only about 38.8 percent of Western North Carolina residents have completed an advance directive. Barriers range from a hesitancy to talk about issues surrounding death to confusion about paperwork, Stuart explains. Some may think that their wishes have been made clear, adds Scott, but in fact they haven’t communicated their plans to physicians or family members sufficiently. “Let’s say, maybe I’ve shared my wishes with my husband,” Scott says, “but guess what? If my husband isn’t around, who’s going to speak for me?” About two-thirds of WNC residents have not completed an advance care directive — and about the same proportion of Americans die in institutions like hospitals and nursing homes. Stuart says this reality often translates into substantial medical

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

good PLanning: An interfaith program will educate attendees on end-of-life planning on Monday, May 5. Photo courtesy of WNC Advance Care Planning Community Initiative.

costs for treatment that the ailing individual may not have wanted. Stuart emphasizes that advance care planning is something that all adults should be thinking about — regardless of their age or current state of health. As years pass and a person’s health changes, she says, the advance care directive will likely change as well. “Medical care has advanced a whole lot, and people are living longer with chronic conditions,” Stuart notes. “It is helpful to think about the treatments that you want and how you want to be treated before you get to this crisis.” WNC Advance Care Planning Community Initiative is a community collaboration among advocates of advance care planning.

Advance Care Planning is an initiative of the Center for Healthy Aging at MAHEC. Learn more at X

what Advance Care Planning Community Initiative interfaith event wheRe Eisenhauer Hall at the First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. Free. Register online at or contact WNC Advance Care Planning Community Initiative coordinator Jennifer Stuart at 257-4449 or when Monday, May 5, 6-8 p.m.

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


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by Lea McLellan

Healing arts offer ways to decompress at LEAF LEAF ticket holders may come for the music, but the healingarts lineup has grown more and more robust, adding to a festival culture that puts a unique emphasis on wellness. Attendees will pitch their tents at Lake Eden for the four-day music festival (May 8-11), which boasts headliners including Beats Antique, Bootsy Collins & The Funk Unity Band and The Family Stone. In between performances, people can take advantage of the wellness offerings, including LEAF staples like meditation spaces, massage booths and yoga classes. New additions this year include a tea lounge organized by Dobrá Tea with tea-tasting classes, a black-light yoga rave, stand-up paddleboard yoga and a kombucha-making workshop. “At a lot of festivals, you end up feeling super tired after the weekend,” says jess toan, healing-arts director for LEAF. “There’s staying up all night and dancing all the time, which is great, but [the healing-arts programming] adds balance where you can go get a massage or even go get a chiropractic adjustment after sleeping in a tent all weekend, get acupuncture or go to a yoga class. I think it’s a really key component to a festival

moRe than music: Festivalgoers take part in an outdoor yoga class at the LEAF festival. Photo courtesy of LEAF.

weekend because it brings that balance, especially for families.” All classes and workshops are included in the festival pass, while vendors who set up booths for massage and similar services charge an additional fee. The festival has gained a reputation for being family-friendly, and Toan says the wellness offerings are starting to gain more recognition as well, helping to create a festival environment that Toan says is uniquely LEAF. corey costanzo, manager of Still Point Wellness, has been offering healing-arts classes at LEAF since he and his wife, Robin fann-costanzo, moved to the area five years ago. The couple lead a restorative yoga class with didgeridoo music, and they will also have

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two booths at the festival to represent their spa. “It’s an incredible way to be at the festival, mainly because there is so much stimulation going on,” says Corey Costanzo. “There are a lot of people that really need a retreat into themselves. What I notice is that a lot people come to us with headaches or feeling really tired or drained. Or they’re sleeping on the floor camping, so their bodies are aching, and I really think that having an hour massage or even a 20-minute chair massage can really help somebody to just get away to have a little miniretreat into their bodies and into wellness that will help them to enjoy the festival even more.” Unlike last year, the healingarts booths and workshop areas will be dispersed throughout the grounds, which is also true of the kid villages. Organizers hope the arrangement will further integrate all that the festival has to offer. “I think that it exposes people to the possibilities of self-care and the healing arts,” Costanzo says. “So many people in our culture are always on the go and always trying to fit more into their schedules, and they think of self-care as a luxury, where in the wellness field we really think about self-care as a lifestyle choice.” For more information on LEAF, visit X

weLLness caLendaR

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

chAir mAssAGe clAss – $79 With John morGAn | 6 ce for lmt’s (pd.) Dates: May 4 from 10am - 5pm • Held at WNC School of Massage, 46 Haywood St., Suite 200. 828.761.1553 emotionAl Well-BeinG/personAl GroWth Weekend Workshop (pd.) Intensive 26-hour self help weekend encounter, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 30-June 1. • Seating is limited. • Save $75 today, call (828) 484-1676. Information/ Registration: reiki mAster Workshop - $259 With hope devAll | 21 ce for lmt’s (pd.) Dates: May 9 -11 from 10am - 6pm • Held at WNC School of Massage, 46 Haywood St., Suite 200. 828.761.1553 Western north cArolinA school of mAssAGe - GrAnd openinG event (pd.) Free Food & Chair Massage • Held at WNC School of Massage, 46 Haywood St., Suite 200. 828.761.1553 Asheville Birthkeepers • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7:30pm - Meets at the Spiral Center for Conscious Beginnings, 167A Haywood Road. Asheville communitY YoGA center 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga. com • SA (5/3), 12:30-2:30pm - Restorative acupuncture workshop. All levels. $35. • SA (5/3), 3-5pm - Arm balance basics. $20. • SU (5/4), 11:30am-1:30pm - Moon practice. $20.

livinG heAlthY With diABetes clAss 251-7438 • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Meets at Woodfin YMCA, 40 N. Merrimon Ave, Suite 101. $30. Registration required. memorYcAre 100 Far Horizons Lane, 771-2219, • WE (5/7), 10am-noon - Workshop: “How to Connect with a Memory-Impaired Person.” Free. mission heAlth 778-1092, • WE (4/30), 10-11:30am - Seminar: “The Power of Positive Parenting.” Mission Children’s Reuter Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. red cross Blood drives Appointment and ID required. • FR (5/2), 11am-4pm - West Ridge Auto Sales, 1473 Patton Ave. Appointments and info: 258-8085. • FR (5/2), 1pm-5:30pm - Golden Living Center of Asheville, 500 Beaverdam Road. Appointments and info: 254-8833. • SA (5/3), 11am-3:30pm - First Baptist Church, 63 N. Main St., Weaverville. Appointments and info: 707-5525. side-BY-side sinGinG for Wellness • WEDNESDAYS, 1-2:30pm - For people with dementia, Alzheimer’s or brain damage and their care-partners. Held in UNCA’s Sherrill Center. For support group listings visit support.

Eating Right for Good Health Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

Victim and the Villain (image from

The “Victim and the Villain” dynamic is when people blame one food, beverage or ingredient for their weight or health issues and eliminate it from their diet proclaiming they are a “victim” of that particular food/ingedient or beverage and it is the cause of their weight woes or health issues. Let’s take obesity and soda for example. We all probably know that drinking caloric, sugar laden sodas is not the best choice...but is it the sole reason for the obesity “epidemic”? Sodas have certainly become a popular villain...or are they a scapegoat? I’m not encouraging people to drink sodas, just pointing out that it’s a lot easier for us to single out one thing rather than to address other possible reasons why children and adults are obese.... like any of the following: 1. Eating out more - and larger portions at restaurants 2. Less activity and exercise and a more sedentary lifestyle with more time in front of the screen (TV, computer or smart phone). 3. Constant snacking or grazing rather than eating 3 meals/day. 4. Drinking other high calorie beverages like energy drinks and coffee drinks. 5. Eating more high calorie snacks and desserts. 6. Mindless eating, i.e. not paying attention to what and how much we’re eating because we eat in front of the TV or computer. 7. Lack of education about the calories in sodas..

council on AGinG medicAre clAsses 277-8288, Free. • TU (5/6), 6pm - Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St. Registration required. henderson countY cooperAtive extension office clAsses 697-4891, • WEDNESDAYS, 2pm - Class for caregivers. Held at Shaws Creek Baptist Church, 91 Shaws Creek Church Road, Hendersonville. ‘hope for chronic pAin suffers’ clAss 779-5466 • THURSDAYS (through 5/29), 12:15pm - Information on a natural compound for chronic pain support. Held at 1 Kenilworth Knolls, Suite 7. Free. Meets every other Thursday starting May 1.


WHAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE?: Demonizing one food/ingredient


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or beverage and eliminating it from your diet may not solve your health or weight issues. Food is seldom a black or white or good vs bad issue with simple answers to complex problems that can have health, environmental, economical, agricultural, behavioral and even psychological involvement. Look at the big picture before making one food/ingredient or beverage the villain. Don’t be a victim, be a victor by evaluating your whole diet and your lifestyle including your exercise and activity.

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014





Twenty-five years of fresh herbs The Asheville Herb Festival celebrates its silver anniversary

bY jen nathan oRRis Send your garden news to

May 2 and 3 Friday, noon - 6 pm Saturday, 8:30 am - 3 pm

Native plants for sale grown by staff and plants, shrubs and trees from 10 regional nurseries/garden clubs. Food booth on Saturday.

The Asheville Herb Festival — now in its 25th year — started out with just four growers and a handful of people gathered in a parking lot. The sustainable food movement was in its infancy, and the public was just starting to gain an appreciation for the benefits of local food, says festival manager a.d. Reed. As the local food movement grew, so did the herb festival. “The next thing you knew, they started getting a regional reputation and had 40 or 50 growers,” Reed explains. People began to pay more attention to the origin of their produce, and bringing herbs to the family garden was a natural next step for many families. Twenty-five years later, the Asheville Herb Festival is now a fixture of spring in the mountains. Locals and visitors alike mob the tables, eager to meet the growers and take home some herbs for their own garden. Organizers estimate that more than 35,000 people come

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

a gRowing movement: “This year we’re going to have a focus on the interconnectedness of herbs and food and the process of natural growing and pollination,” says Herb Festival Manager A.D. Reed. Look for tips on bee-friendly gardening and useful herbs for purchase. Photo courtesy of Asheville Herb Festival

to the festival each year for what is now a three-day event. Herbs of all sizes, shapes and smells will line the walkways of the WNC Farmers Market at this year’s festival, scheduled for Friday, May 2, through Sunday, May 4. More than 60 vendors from throughout the region will bring their best plants and herbal products to the fair. Herbs for tinctures, teas and crafts will be available, as well as salves, balms, lotions and shampoo. But the real stars are the plants themselves, especially kitchen garden favorites like basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme. The festival will feature exhibits and presentations by Bee City USA and the Center for Honeybee Research in Asheville. “This year we’re going to have a focus on the interconnectedness of herbs and food and the process of natural grow-

ing and pollination,” Reed says. Experts will offer ideas on how to develop bee-friendly gardens and point out useful herbs that can be purchased on the spot. Attracting bees is one of the many benefits of planting flowering herbs. But if there are unwanted pests you want to keep out of the garden, the herb festival has plants for that too. The Carnivorous Plant Connection booth will feature plants like Venus’ flytraps and pitcher plants that offer sustainable ways to control detrimental insects. “You can do this the way your great-grandparents did. In a natural way where you don’t need to go buy Roundup, and you don’t have to pollute everything in order to have your garden,” Reed explains. This traditional approach to gardening can yield delicious results. Reed suggests stocking an herb

shop. create. smile! garden with basic cooking herbs like basil, oregano and tarragon and then branching out from there. More adventurous growers can stop by the fair for unique varieties like purple basil and lemon mint that are sure to spice up the table and bring useful plants into the garden. The Asheville Herb Festival, hosted by the WNC Chapter of the N.C. Herb Association, will be held Friday, May 2, through Sunday, May 4, at the WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road. Free parking and admission. Lunch and herbal beverages available for purchase. X

Nursery & Landscaping, Inc.

men’s GArden cluB of Asheville, kenandanne@ • TU (5/6), 11:30am - Includes a discussion of raised bed vegetable gardening. Held at First Baptist Church, 312 5th Ave., Hendersonvile

70 Monticello Rd. Weaverville, NC 1-26/Exit 18 828-645-3937

sYlvA GArden cluB 631-5147, • TU (5/6), 9:30am - Held at First Presbyterian Church, 46 Presbyterian Drive, Sylva

Asheville’s 25th Annual

Spring Herb Festival



Garden Calendar Asheville GArden cluB 550-3459 • WE (5/7), 10am - Discussion of annual and perennial herbs and herb gardens. Call for directions. Asheville herB festivAl • FR (5/2) through SU (5/4) - Herbs, medicines, soaps and cookbooks for sale, as well as educational booths. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road.

60 vendors of herbs, plants and herbal products

BotAnicAl GArdens At Asheville 151 W.T. Weaver Blvd., 252-5190, • FR (5/2), noon-6pm & SA (5/3), 8:30am3pm - Annual spring plant sale. hAYWood countY extension center 589 Raccoon Road, Suite 118, Waynesville, 456-3575, • Through (5/15), 9am-noon - Haywood County Plant Clinic open to answer questions about plants.

May 2-4 at the WNC Farmer’s Market Fri & Sat 9-5; Sun 10-3 Call the WNC Herb Association 828-301-8968 for more information


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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



A tale of two sakes

Blue Kudzu and Ben’s Tune-Up gear up to serve their first batches of house-made rice spirits

bY thom o’heaRn

Blue Kudzu Sake Co. There are only a handful of independently owned sake breweries in the United States (fewer than 10 at last count). So adding two within the Asheville city limits — within about a mile of each other, no less — is a pretty big deal. “We were actually supposed to be brewing our own sake sooner, but our permitting took about three times as long as it was slated to,” says co-owner/brewer Cat FordCoates. Yet the delays have had an unexpected upside. “We’ve been test-brewing for years, but it’s definitely different on a commercial system,” says Ford-Coates. “We used the extra time to refine our process. Also, Mitch Fortune, another owner/ brewer, was able to visit and learn from Wakatake in Japan while we waited on our approvals. They’ve been brewing sake for 300 years! He learned more in a few weeks than we’d learned in the past year, and it changed our methodology.” the sakes The first three sakes weren’t yet ready to serve, but Fortune gave Xpress the breakdown: • Thundersnow Nigori: “Most people start with hot sake, move on to something sweet [and cold], like a Nigori, and then as their taste for sake develops, they’ll move on to other styles,” says Fortune. In other words, Thundersnow is Blue Kudzu’s friendliest offering for the new sake drinker. It’s sweet, creamy, ricey and about 14 percent alcohol by volume. • Dancing River Nama Gensha: Both Dancing River and Spirit of the Sky are part of an elite class of sakes — the second-highest grade there


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

jaPanese tRadition: Blue Kudzu Sake Co. creates its sake based on years of test-brewing, as well as several weeks of study in Japan with the 300-year-old Wakatake brewery. Photo by Tim Robison

is, Fortune says. Dancing River will be Blue Kudzu’s most challenging offering, as in addition to its dryness and considerable wallop (19 percent ABV), it’s unpasteurized. “That makes it zestier and zippier,” says Fortune. • Spirit of the Sky Junmai Ginjo: Meant to fill the gap between Thundersnow and Dancing River, this style is high-grade but pasteurized, with a more delicate, balanced acidity, Fortune reports. And at 15-16 percent ABV, the alcohol content also places it in between the other two. what to exPect Blue Kudzu has a serious sake list already, with at least 60 bottles at any one time. It also does flights of sake (four pours for $14 to $18) and tasting classes. In short, it’s total sake immersion. The tasting room and café are in the former Magnetic Field space in

the River Arts District. There’s now a bar as soon as you enter, with glass tables and leather couches filling out the space. It feels like an airy wine bar. The house sakes will be available by the glass and the bottle, with glass prices likely around $5 to $7 and bottles around $18. The big release party, where all three house-made brews will be available, is set for Sunday, May 18. Blue Kudzu Sake Co., 372 Depot St.

Ben’s Tune-Up Ben’s is just a stone’s throw from Blue Kudzu, but the two breweries’ approaches to their first sakes are miles apart. If Blue

Kudzu Sake is purely Japanese, Ben’s American Sake is, well — the name says it all. Seated at one of the wooden picnic tables in the plant-filled courtyard, co-owner/brewer Meg Alt pours a glass of sake, saying, “We looked at it, and you have a town full of people who love to go out and socialize and have a drink. We love beer, and there’s plenty of great beer here … but sometimes you can’t drink beer all day.” “So we’re thinking of this as something complementary,” says fellow co-owner/brewer Jonathan Robinson. “Drinking sake falls somewhere between drinking beer and drinking wine, but for our approach it’s closer to beer.” This means that on Ben’s menu, the focus will be simple descriptions, with style notes or foreign words following in smaller print, Robinson explains. It also means Ben’s will serve its sake on draft, rather than from bottles. There’ll be glasses for about $5, and flights of three sakes for about $9. “And we want guys to be comfortable ordering sake, too,” adds Molly Clark, the third party in Ben’s owner/brewer troika. the sakes • Ben’s American: The only offering that was available to sample, Ben’s house sake makes for easier drinking than you’d expect from its 14 percent ABV, with a pleasant stone-fruit-and-banana aroma. “You don’t get fresh, unpasteurized sake too often. … It’s just a unique experience,” says Robinson. • Ben’s Natural: This will be Ben’s house unfiltered sake, Robinson reports. It’s going to be cloudier than Ben’s American, a bit richer and creamier, with a floral, fruity aroma. • Ben’s Ginger-Infused: The team is clearly excited about this one, the farthest removed from any classic style. The lightest at just 10 percent ABV, its light carbonation will play up the crisp, ginger aromatics. “It will be a patio-drinking sake,” notes Robinson.


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747 Haywood Rd Downtown West Asheville (828) 575-2844 aLL-ameRican stYLe: Ben’s Tune-Up’s unconventional approach to traditional Japanese sake offers opportunities for fun and experimentation. Photo by Tim Robison

what to exPect Ben’s unconventional takes on this traditional beverage are clearly something you’re meant to have fun with, just as the owners have had fun creating them. Still, they’re plenty serious about the brewing process. “All three of us have homebrewed sakes for years, and we’ve been working on the house sake for Ben’s since before we were open,” Robinson says.

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So even if you don’t make it to the big release party at 4 p.m. Thursday, May 1, you’ll still have to grab a seat at Ben’s to give the sake a try. “We hope to start distributing it eventually,” says Alt. “But for the next few months, we’re going to keep our focus pretty tight: The sake is just going to be at Ben’s.” Ben’s Tune-Up, 195 Hilliard Ave. X


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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Gina Smith

Send your food news to

The third place Green Sage looks ahead with Westgate location

The opening of the third Green Sage location in Westgate Shopping Center brings co-owners Randy Talley and Roger Derrough full circle: The pair established the first Earth Fare store in that same plaza 20 years ago. But with this newest manifestation of their healthy, fast-casual café concept, Talley and Derrough clearly have their sights set on the bigger picture. A rebranding effort, the addition of sake cocktails and, most notably, an aspiration toward national expansion mark the Westgate store as something of a watershed for Green Sage. With the scheduled Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 11) launch of the new store, which takes over the corner spot next to Earth Fare previously occupied by Tomato Cocina Latina, The Green Sage Coffeehouse & Café will shorten its name to Green Sage Café. The simplified moniker will be accompanied by a fresh, foodfocused color scheme of spinach green with grilled orange as well as a new interactive website ( The Westgate location will still offer health-conscious, organic food; fair-trade coffee and an impressive selection of tea, along with beer and wine, but Talley says there will be a few changes. Guests can expect a “refreshed menu” of nutrient-dense dishes, including some plated offerings, and — brunch fans will rejoice — a large and creative selection of mimosas and sake cocktails. The cocktail menu, designed by Green Sage marketing partner and erstwhile bartender Noreen Sullivan, offers sake-based twists on classics, like the bloody geisha and the honey sour, all made with fresh-pressed, organic juice from the juice bar. The signature drink is a green-colored basil mojito, made with sake, freshly muddled basil leaves, lime, cucumber juice, agave and soda water. Mocktail versions of most cocktails will be available for the non-tipplers. Plans are in the works to partner exclusively with


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

going foR thRee: Renovations are nearly complete at the newest Green Sage. Co-owners Roger Derrough, left, and Randy Talley, right, are pictured inside the dining area. Photo by Jayson Im

Blue Kudzu for the sake once the River Arts District brewery begins marketing its wares in late May. Like its two Green Restaurant Association certified sister locations downtown and in South Asheville, the Westgate Green Sage will focus on environmentally friendly practices and sustainability. After a “total gut and renovation” of the space, Talley says, they updated the kitchen with the most energy-efficient equipment available. Highlights include a dishwasher that reclaims its own heat output to warm the dishwater, an awning made of photovoltaic panels and a compressor system that heats the water tank using heat harvested from the refrigeration system’s motor. The Westgate location is about double the size of the other two stores, with 110 seats indoors and 38 on an outdoor patio that replaces what used to be a rather complicated and inefficient walkway area. The spacious back-of-house

area, which will be used as a commissary kitchen and bakery for prepping specific items for all three locations, will include a dedicated juicing spot. “We’re bringing the juice bar behind the scenes because it makes a lot of racket with the big juicers and blenders,” says Talley. Indoor renovations revealed a large, previously hidden window that provides a view of downtown Asheville and the surrounding mountains. Décor will feature indoor lighting designed by Spruce Pine ceramicist Ross Edwards and outdoor steel planters created by Tina Councell of Iron Maiden Studios. “We are definitely dressing up this store,” says Talley. “We have put a lot of attention on making this look beautiful.” Talley aims to create a homey atmosphere and offer evening hours, possibly with some plated dinner options. The goal is to appeal to environmentally conscious diners looking for a comfortable hangout spot. “We’re creating a healthy restaurant for the Earth Fare shopper

who doesn’t have that proverbial third place they can call their own,” Talley says. “There is home, there is work, then there is the ‘third place.’ Green Sage wants to be Asheville’s third place for the health-conscious.” And with the new store’s larger seating and parking capacity, easy accessibility, visibility and proximity to a natural food market, Talley says Green Sage will be able to examine possibilities for future growth. “Our aspiration is to create America’s healthiest restaurant,” says Talley. “Green Sage Café is a prototype for what we hope will be a national model like Whole Foods.” Talley says he and Derrough currently have no timeline or firm plans in place for expansion beyond Asheville, but adding the new location will allow them to lay tangible groundwork with suppliers for regional growth. “Expansion helps us with our buying power,” Talley explains. “Our biggest supplier is U.S. Foods. … There are some [who] think that’s not very local of us to buy from U.S. Foods, but what we’re doing is influencing U.S. Foods to be a greener, more sustainable supplier.” According to Talley, U.S. Foods has added numerous local producers to its catalog, including Smiling Hara Tempeh and Hickory Nut Gap Farms, at the recommendation of Green Sage. “Our goal is to bring in a new item to U.S. Foods every week until they carry the lion’s share of our items. ... and when we bring in a new thing … it becomes available to all the other restaurants in the area.” But, for all these goals, does Talley have any reservations about opening a restaurant in a location that has seen several other eateries come and go? It seems that he doesn’t. He points out that other businesses that occupied that corner over the years were all a little fancier than Green Sage Café and were more geared toward evening dining. Plus, he says, he has a bit of experience in this area. “I’ve made a career out of being successful where other businesses have failed,” he says. Green Sage Café opens Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 11, in Westgate Shopping Center next to Earth Fare. Hours will be 7 a.m.-8 p.m. daily, possibly extending to 9 p.m. X


by Sharon Bell

Celebration Israel Falafel, vegetarian schwarma with hummus, matbucha Moroccan tomato salad and pita, all paired with a hearty serving of baklava for dessert and washed down with mint lemonade: This is just one of combinations that will be served at the Celebration Israel Festival of Food and Culture on Sunday, May 4. Also on the menu are helpings of boreka (fried cheese pastries) halvah (a sweet blend of sesame and pistachios), sweet kugel (cheese pie) and marzipan-stuffed dates. Other than being delicious and fun to pronounce, these foods play an integral part in Jewish and Israeli culture. “Ask any Jewish cook, and they have a list of their favorite family recipes,” says chef Bruce Brown, who is a secondgeneration American with deep Eastern European roots that show in his cooking. Brown and volunteers from Asheville’s Jewish community and the Congregation Beth Israel are cooking up a storm in the congregation’s kitchen to feature some of their favorite authentic Israeli dishes at the festival. Attendees can be sure that the foods eaten in Jerusalem to celebrate Israel’s 66th year of independence will be similar to those served at Asheville’s celebration this weekend. Dr. Michael Weizman, who helped found the festival with his parents, Hanan and Goldie Weizman, notes that the festival’s growth has been astounding, attracting a great number of non-Jewish community members and even drawing attendees from the Jewish communities in surrounding cities. Acknowledging the sometimes negative press that Israel receives, he says, “The celebration of Israel should transcend religion, cultural background and politics. We’ve always felt the best way to position this celebration was through the sharing of Israeli food and culture — things that people of all backgrounds could relate to.” “Everyone can relate to food,” says festival organizer Sally Gooze. She explains that the majority of the foods at the festival will be vegetarian and vegan to abide by kosher regulations and Jewish tra-

Festival highlights Jewish and Israeli flavors

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kick uP YouR heeLs: Goldie Weizman (in glasses) does an Israeli folk dance at a past Celebration Israel Festival of Food and Culture. She and her husband, Hanan, started the event 10 years ago along with their son, Michael Weizman. Israeli folk dancing for all ages will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 4, at the festival. Photo courtesy of Sally Gooze

dition but that they will also please a number of palates, regardless of religious affiliation. And of course, no Beer City would be complete without offering a few Israeli specialty lagers. Prices range from $7 to $10 for Israeli platters with other Israeli street food options at $3 and Israeli desserts for just a buck. Brown explains that the festival is truly a group effort by the congregation to nourish and celebrate Jewish culture in Asheville. “Everyone is welcome to help cook, from the teenagers on up,” he says, noting that one day there were five members from three generations of one family in the kitchen. Although for many the main event is the food, this year’s festival also includes a free kid zone with various activities, continuous live music from several area bands, acrobatic performances, local arts and crafts vendors and more. There will also be a live auction, with items including a painting by Jonas Gerard and a Moog Foundation synthesizer, each valued at over $1,000.

“Asheville, being the eclectic and diverse community that it is, should be no exception with its effort to celebrate modern-day Israel,” says Weizman. The Celebration Israel Festival of Food and Culture will be held 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, May 4, at Congregation Beth Israel, 229 Murdock Ave. 252-8660 X

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Jonathan Ammons

Farewell to the queen Asheville is losing an icon. The sweet, fiery, exceedingly talented Cynthia Turner, our very own queen of the cocktail, is returning home to New Orleans, leaving behind a legacy built on quality, conviction and compassion. “In her three years in Asheville, she’s done more for making cocktails respected and delicious in this town than any other person,” says Ken Klehm, the bar manager at Buffalo Nickel, whom many consider the godfather of Asheville’s craft cocktail scene. “She will be missed, but her mark has been left. You can see it in the bars where there are fancy spoons, large collections of bitters and bartenders who can make a Vieux Carré properly without looking at their iPhone.” When Turner and her family moved here in 2011, she was simply hoping to find a suitable bartending job. But Turner was way ahead of the curve. A June 2012 Fox News travel report advised: “Stick to the beer. Cocktails do not seem to be one of Asheville’s strong suits.” Undeterred, Turner set out to build the culture she wasn’t finding here. In those first months she bounced from bar to bar, seeking an outlet for her encyclopedic knowledge of pre-Prohibition libations, eventually ending up at The Magnetic Field in the River Arts District (now closed). “I worked under her at Magnetic for eight months or so, and she showed me all the classics and opened my eyes to proper technique,” remembers Donnie Pratt, who now works at Cucina 24. For the first time in Asheville, bartenders were getting in-depth training in the fine points of preparing a drink. Thanks to her sharp understanding and love of sharing her wealth of knowledge, what had been foreign concepts to most in the local bar scene suddenly became brilliantly illuminated. “I found out about Cynthia a number of years ago, when she was at Magnetic Field,” says Dusty Allison, a freelance drinks writer for Paste magazine. “I knew she was the one who would tip the scales for Asheville as far as cocktails were concerned.” A devoted mother of two, Turner was reluctant to take on all the


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

Cocktail maven Cynthia Turner heads back to the Big Easy

Losing an icon: Asheville’s reigning queen of the cocktail, Cynthia Turner, is returning to her native New Orleans, leaving behind a legacy of masterful mixology. Photo by Cindy Kunst

duties of a full-time bar manager, but she often ended up being pushed into those responsibilities anyway, which led to her repeatedly changing venues. As the work at Magnetic Field became ever more consuming, she briefly moved to Wxyz in the Aloft Hotel, then over to The Imperial Life before finally winding up at MG Road. “There are a lot of people responsible for the cocktail boom in Asheville, but Cynthia was a major force,” says Pratt, adding, “Her mark is on nearly all the bars in one way or another.” But Turner didn’t stop there. Her Painkillers for a Pancreas fundraiser collected over $15,000 for the family of The Junction bartender Jason Crosby, who was under-

going treatment for pancreatic cancer, and around Christmas she organized a Toys for Tots fundraiser. Turner also played an instrumental role in organizing the Asheville Bartenders Guild, and her drinks were included in the legendary Gaz Regan’s 101 Best New Cocktails list and Imbibe magazine. “Cynthia has not only raised the bar for cocktails in Asheville, she’s been a galvanizing force in the craft cocktail community,” says Charlie Hodge, who worked with cocktail legend Jeffrey Morgenthaler in Portland, Ore., and now heads up the bar at The Bull and Beggar in the River Arts District. “She’s changed Asheville for the better.” X

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


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by Thom O’Hearn

Oskar Blues goes nitro Beer news from around WNC Sure, Oskar Blues is known for its great beer, but founder Dale Katechis has also made a name for the company when it comes to canned beer. It is widely credited as the first craft brewer to package in cans, and it’s been breaking down the stereotype that canned beer = bad beer for more than a decade. Soon, Oskar Blues will take it a step further and be the first U.S. brewery to package “nitro” beer in cans. Even those who aren’t the biggest fans of craft beer will be familiar with the concept: Guinness cans and draft are nitrogenated. Those fine, cascading bubbles will now be available in Old Chub, a malt-driven Scottish ale, thanks to a widget inside each can that will release nitrogen when the beer is opened. In addition to the groundbreaking cans, Oskar Blues has plenty else going on. Their first North Carolina Burning Can Festival now has tickets on sale at: events/burning-can-brevard. The event, which will take place on July 5, is the first East Coast version of their Colorado Burning Can event that features outdoor sports, live music, food and, of course, plenty of beer from a variety of breweries that package in cans. Last but not

least, Oskar Blues is teaming up with Carolina Theater for a short film contest. Entries will be shown at the theater on May 28 (during Asheville Beer Week), and the winner will get to brew a beer at Oskar Blues. Email for details and information on how to enter your short film. new beLgium bReaking gRound After months and months of brownfield remediation and other site work, New Belgium is ready to break ground on its 133,000-squarefoot brewery and tasting room. “Over the last two years, we’ve really enjoyed getting to know this community, and we have developed strong partnerships with businesses, nonprofits, government agencies and neighbors,” said New Belgium CEO and co-founder Kim Jordan. “We’re grateful to be part of this city and for our partnerships, and are incredibly excited to get this off the ground.” The groundbreaking celebration will include a free party at the Grey Eagle on Friday, May 2. David Earl and the Plowshares are playing, and tickets are available at the Grey Eagle or Harvest Records (limit of four per person). If tickets sell out, many of the folks from New Belgium — including Jordan — will also be at the Thirsty Monk on May 2 to celebrate with a toast of Le Terroir. Check Thirsty Monk’s website

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

Two more specialized festivals also have tickets on sale. The Big Firkin Beer Festival will move from Highland to Pisgah this year. It’s a smaller event than the big summer fests, but a must-attend for anyone who enjoys cask ale. Tickets are $40 and available at: Wicked Weed’s Funk Asheville, a sour-beer-centric event the night before the Beer City Festival, now has tickets on sale for $80 at X

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WednesdAY AltAmont: Live Music: Dave Desmelik, Woody Wood, Mary Ellen Davis; Stout Season Over Hefeweizen on tap

can do: Oskar Blues is known for breaking down stereotypes about canned beer. With the release of Old Chub Nitro, it will become the first U.S. brewery to package nitrogenated beer in cans. Photo courtesy of Oskar Blues Brewery

Asheville BreWinG compAnY: Wet Nose Wednesday: dog day at Coxe Avenue patio, 5-8pm; All pints $3.50 at Coxe location french BroAd: $7 growler fills lAB: $3 pint night oskAr Blues: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm oYster house: $2 off growler fills

( or Facebook page for details. fouR big festivaL tickets on saLe Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to pick up tickets to at least one of our area’s beeriest summer events: Beer City Festival tickets are now on sale at local breweries and beer stores for $45 (cash only). The festival will be May 31 and it traditionally sells out early. The other huge summer festival comes courtesy of Sierra Nevada. It’s the culmination of their Beer Camp Across America multicity tour and the first large public event at the Mills River Brewery. The brewers are not yet finalized, but Sierra is bringing in many that aren’t traditionally available in Asheville. Tickets are $65 and available at

pisGAh: Live Music: Even the Animals (folk), 6pm WedGe: Food Truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun) thursdAY Asheville BreWinG compAnY: Mystery Hop winners revealed from previous week on social media; All pints $3.50 at Merrimon location oskAr Blues: Live Music: Daniel Shearin, 6pm pisGAh: Live Music: Emefe w/ The Blood Gypsies & members of Antibalas (afro-beat, world funk), 9pm WedGe: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria fridAY AltAmont: Live Music: Bus Driver Tour, 9:30pm Asheville BreWinG compAnY: “Hop Domination”: Mystery hop series at both locations

hi-Wire: Food Truck: Slow Smokin’ Barbeque oskAr Blues: Live Music: Even the Animals (folk), 6pm

Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour (crepes, tamales) mondAY

pisGAh: Live Music: Frank Bang & The Secret Stash (blues), 9pm

AltAmont: Old-time jam, 8pm

WedGe: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour (crepes, tamales)

Asheville BreWinG compAnY: Firkin: Backstage Betty + peach & hibiscus

sAturdAY AltAmont: Green Water Works benefit w/ bluegrass outside, 5pm; Goodness Graceful, 7pm; Chris O’Neill jam, 9:30pm hi-Wire: Food: English Breakfast & Soccer, 10am-noon; Slow Smokin’ Barbeque oskAr Blues: Live Music: Motel Glory (rock ‘n’ roll), 7pm

cAtAWBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions oskAr Blues: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm WedGe: Immoral Monday: $4 beers are $3.50, $5 beers are $4, pitchers are $10; Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

AltAmont: Live Music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm

WedGe: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food)

Asheville BreWinG compAnY: 2 dollar Tuesday: $2 two-topping pizza slices & house cans

hi-Wire: Live Music: Hip Swayers, 4-5pm; Porcelain, 5-7pm WedGe: Live Music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm;

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014





Going with the flow French Broad River Festival marks 17 years of laid-back fun

bY edwin aRnaudin

It was 17 years ago when Mark Mickey and Chris Donochod launched the French Broad Downriver Race — a competitive paddle down Section 9 from Barnard to Hot Springs with some laid-back fun at the end. “There were about 100 people, a bunch of rafts, and we raced to Hot Springs Campground where we had a band, bluegrass picking, a keg of beer and a little raffle,” says Justyn Thompson. He helped sponsor the inaugural event through local kayak company Watershed Dry Bags, where he works as its brand manager. Three years later, he, Sid Border and Matt Kern came on board as co-organizers in what became the annual French Broad River Festival. That fête returns with three days full of family-friendly music, art, camping and outdoor recreation from Friday to Sunday, May 2-4. Like the festival, the quintet who masterminded it has remained intact. Each went to school in state (Donochod, Border and Kern attended N.C. State University while Thompson and Mickey are Warren Wilson College alums) and bonded

what French Broad River Festival wheRe Hot Springs Campground and Spa when Friday-Sunday, May 2-4. Tickets range from $30 for rafting only to $130 for an all-inclusive weekend pass.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

through kayaking and rafting. True to those roots, paddling remains a central part of the weekend with a nine-mile race hosted by French Broad Raft Co. on Saturday. Some participants take the paddling seriously, while others goof off and vie for the coveted DFL prize, awarded to the team that finishes Dead Frickin’ Last. The French Broad River Festival, which now attracts 2,500 to 3,000 people, has since added a river cleanup and mountain bike races for adults and kids. Children younger than 12 get in free: For them, there’s a huge Kids Village with all kinds of crafts, a show and parade with jam band Sol Driven Train, and performances by Paperhand Puppet Intervention and Asheville Aerial Arts. But, as with many warm-weather festivals, the weekend’s main draw is its plentiful music, spread across the campground’s Main Stage and the upper field’s Flood Stage. “I consider us a steppingstone festival,” Thompson says. “Right before a band gets really big, they play our festival,”

down bY the RiveRside: San Francisco-based bluegrass outfit Hot Buttered Rum performs at this year’s French Broad River Festival. A Snake Oil Medicine Show reunion is also in the works. Photo by Dave Fleishman

Of the acts on the cusp of potential stardom is Austin, Texas-based T Bird and the Breaks, whose funk grooves and soulful background singers made the group a featured band at this year’s SXSW festival. Also primed for the spotlight is Hot Buttered Rum, bluegrass pickers from San Francisco who’ll be joined by fiddler Allie Krall of Chicago roots band Cornmeal. Thompson and Donochod handle the festival booking and tend to select what they’re into at the time. It’s an approach that Thompson admits is a little selfish, though one that has proved successful. Last year, the two were listening to a lot of roots rocker Langhorne Slim and were elated

to book him, but their eclectic tastes consistently keep the lineup fresh. “I go from honky-tonk love songs to electronic stuff,” Thompson says. “Chris likes everything as well, but more Americana, and he also likes world music.” Adds Thompson: “We tend to surprise each other, and we complement each other really well with what we pick. We don’t claim to stick to any genre. One year could be heavy bluegrass, one year could be heavy funk.” He and Donochod also look for bands who are friends with each other, an angle that results in a good deal of spontaneity and artists jumping onstage to play together. This year, that same amiable atmosphere has encouraged a reunion for bluegrass/world music band and longtime friends of the festival, Snake Oil Medicine Show. Singer Caroline Pond is flying in from Hawaii, where she lives these days. Past band members Jay Sanders (Acoustic Syndicate) Jason Krekel (The Krektones) and Aaron Price (Wham Bam Bowie Band) will be there, too.

Here’s what’s new: The ENO Lotus Lounge, a flower-shaped structure with a DJ booth and hammocks hanging from its many petals. Even better: 2014 marks the first year that beer will be sold at the festival. Asheville Brewing, Catawba Brewing and Sierra Nevada will be represented. “We’re starting small and not going too crazy with it,” says Thompson. “We beefed up security, but we have such a mellow crowd.” Here’s what’s tried-and-true: Entry fees help worthwhile local causes. Since its inception, the festival has donated over $150,000 to charities. This year’s event benefits American Whitewater, Homeward Bound and the Hot Springs Community Learning Center. X

A festival for one and all

For more festivals, visit Calendar and Leaf, at Lake Eden in Black Mountain, returns for its spring installment with family-friendly camping, arts (performance, visual, healing, etc.), dance, crafts, kids activities and plenty of music. Headliners include Los Lobos, beats antique, Red baraat, sierra Leone’s Refugee all stars and many more. ThursdaySunday, May 8-11. Tickets range from $189 for a weekend-plus pass to $48 for day tickets, with discounts for children. downtown after 5, at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and I-240 in Asheville, celebrates its 26th year of live summertime music. Bands include st. Paul and the broken bones, the broadcast, chatham county Line and the local supergroup asheville all-stars. Third Friday of the month from May-September starting Friday, May 16, 5-9 p.m. Free. the montford music and arts festival, at Montford Avenue and Soco Street in Asheville, is the largest one-day music and arts festival in Western North Carolina. Over 100 vendors of art, crafts, plants, food and children’s activities are on site. Two stages with

over 20 musical acts combine for nonstop entertainment. westsound, Lyric, hank west and the smokin’ hots and others perform. Saturday, May 17, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. the mountain sports festival, at Carrier Park in Asheville, merges music and sports for a celebration of community, athletics and local business. Activities include raft races, dodge ball, ultimate Frisbee, disc golf and a Family Fun Olympics. Among the bands performing are Zansa, the get Right band, earphunk and the winner of the festival’s Race to the Stage competition. FridaySunday, May 23-25. Free. All sports events offer pre-registration. the white squirrel festival, in downtown Brevard, offers music concerts, street vendors, food, artists, craftsmen, potters, painters, games, kids activities and the Squirrel Box Derby. Performers include george Porter jr. & the Runnin’ Pardners, shannon whitworth and barrett smith, jeff sipe trio and dave desmelik. Friday-Sunday, May 23-25. Free.

the asheville Percussion festival, at the Diana Wortham Theatre and The OM Sanctuary in downtown Asheville, offers workshops, clinics, concerts and demonstrations. Teaching artists include david kuckhermann, River guerguerian, Lizz wright and naghmeh farahmand. Friday-Sunday, June 20-22. Tickets range $20-$150 for a VIP weekend pass, plus free noontime concerts June 21-22. the brevard music festival, in Brevard, features performances of some of classical music’s greatest masterpieces for its 2014 season. Guest performers include itzhak Perlman, marc cohn, garrick ohlsson and conrad tao. June 21-Aug. 3. Tickets range from $115 Orchestra 1 aisle seats to $15 for lawn seats, with discounts for students and children. shindig on the green, at Pack Square Park in downtown Asheville, features a stage show of southern

appalachian music and dance traditions and informal jam sessions around the park. Saturdays, June 28-July 19; Aug. 9-30, 7-10 p.m. Free. folkmoot, in Waynesville and select surrounding cities, highlights the world’s diverse cultural music and dance. Countries invited for 2014 include Turkey, Trinidad and Romania, and ensembles such as the warriors of anikituwah and tsalagi touring group from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Friday-Sunday, July 18-27. Tickets range from $16-$30 for individual events, with discounts for children. the mountain dance and folk festival, at the Diana Wortham Theatre in Asheville, aims to present the finest Appalachian ballad singers, string bands and square dance teams. Thursday-Saturday, July 31-Aug. 2, 7-10 p.m. Tickets range from $54 for all three nights to $20 for one night, with discounts for children. — E.A.

Rivermusic, at the RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza in Asheville’s River Arts District, brings national musical acts and local favorites to the banks of the French Broad River. Beer from local craft brewers and food trucks are showcased with the river flowing right by the stage. orgone, treetop flyers and the billysea are among the performers. May 30, June 13, July 11, Aug. 29 and Sept. 12, 5-10 p.m. Free. the brevard blues festival, at the Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium at the Brevard Music Center, is a family-friendly event with eight hours of blues, barbecue and brews with on-site food from Rollin’ Smoke Barbecue. Headliners include doug deming, dennis gruenling & the jewel tones, anson funderburgh and shane Pruitt band. Saturday, June 7, 3-11 p.m. $20. brevardmusic. org all go west, in West Asheville, features three stages of live music. Bands include stooges brass band, cee knowledge & the cosmik funk orchestra, secret agent 23 skidoo and free Radio. Saturday, June 7. Free.

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Alli Marshall

Brave art

idfest: “I’ve always wondered about the way an artist feels a connection with the audience,” says Stephanie Morgan of stephaniesid. “It’s really helpful for me to have people there.” Photo by Michael Oppenheim

Stephaniesid engages the creative community with id Weekly Not that the world isn’t full of people — and not just former Disney stars, at that — doing outlandish things on very public platforms, but when it comes to the creative process, privacy is often heavily protected. Maybe it comes from a fear of having material stolen (or, worse, being laughed at). But, says Stephanie Morgan of local pop-noir band stephaniesid, “You don’t hide stuff anymore. You have to make an effort to not be public nowadays.” Plus, she adds, “It’s more fun to create in community.” Enter id Weekly, a series of shows that takes cues from the increas-


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

ingly popular musicians residency (Asheville Music Hall has hosted a number of them) and a broader-visioned writers workshop. Set in the upstairs lounge of Isis Restaurant & Music Hall during May, id Weekly will include two sets of music from stephaniesid split by a segment called “night of bravery” in which members of the audience can take the stage for up to five minutes. “Do you have something that you know that if you do it, it will move your life forward, but you’re scared to do it?” asks Morgan. That’s a prerequisite for those four-per-week bravery slots. She experienced something similar a couple of years ago in a songwriters group called Naked Babies. “For the first time, my songwriting was more social,”

what id Weekly wheRe Isis Restaurant & Music Hall when Fridays, May 2, 9, 23 and 30; and Saturday, May 17, 5-7 p.m. $5

Shows, which will change from week to week to keep return listeners engaged, will include deep cuts from the stephaniesid back catalog as well as not-completelypolished material being worked up for a new album. Starting at 5 p.m., the shows are scheduled to attract a wider audience. The month at Isis is part of a yearlong project called Re-id, “a series of multimedia experiments aimed at building stronger community by teasing out authentic

personal exchanges,” according to a press release. A website providing art assignments will launch over the summer. Of that project, Morgan says, “I’m hoping folks will use it whether they’re a fan of the band or not.” And though the idea is not to generate material for stephaniesid to use, the musician says she’ll likely be inspired by some of what comes back. Also in the works is a home stage set to facilitate the more frequent release of videos — “Things not just tied to promotion,” says Morgan. And, just last week, the band hashed out a plan to record an album, even though that wasn’t initially the idea behind Re-id. The timing seems perfect: 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of stephaniesid. But where some musicians would make much of such a milestone, Morgan seems content to focus on what’s next. “I tend to look at the last decade as the first phase of this band,” she says. “The adolescent, go-for-gusto world domination. “I won’t be able to name this new phase,” she adds, “until 20 years have gone by.” X

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says Morgan. “I realized there’s a loneliness barrier that gets in the way of me and the people I’m writing for.” The musician says she also learned a lot about vulnerability in acting school — something she decided to pursue a year ago. It meant making the initially scary decision to take her band off the road. That detour has proved rewarding in many ways, but Morgan says she’s felt out of touch with fans. The id Weekly series is not only a chance to re-introduce the band to listeners: “It’s a way that we can get to know their stories,” she says. “Often the performance context doesn’t give you that opportunity.”

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Kyle Sherard

Written invitation Asheville Wordfest expands its literary reach and community focus Festivals are meant to be celebrations — hence etymological inclusion of the root word “festive.” But Asheville Wordfest, now in its seventh year, sets its sights beyond mere merriment. “It’s a reflection of what Asheville is, what matters to us, what we love,” says event founder and organizer Laura Hope-Gill. “It’s about the whole community, the story of our community.” Wordfest — which takes place at Asheville’s Lenoir-Rhyne University branch on Montford Avenue, from Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4 — kicks off with a special acknowledgement of that community and





aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

what Asheville Wordfest wheRe Asheville branch of Lenoir-Rhyne University, 36 Montford Ave. when Friday, May 2-Sunday, May 4. See website for schedule. Free.

one of its most ardent supporters: Laurey Masterton, the local chef, writer and activist, who passed away in February. This year’s Wordfest is dedicated to her memory. A Friday night session titled “Embrace What Is, Honor What Was, Love What Will Be” will feature a few readings of Masterton’s writings as well as The Geography of Loss, a new book by local author Patti Digh. “Narrative,” Hope-Gill says, “[is] a form of knowledge, a way of perceiving the world through story — our own and everyone else’s.” It’s this connection that she attributes to Masterton’s love of community, and ultimately, to the art of sto-

rytelling. “Every community is bonded by stories, so that’s the best substance for bringing them together.” Last year’s Wordfest saw the inclusion of storytelling. This year, the event — which originally focused on poetry — expands even further to envelop fiction and longer forms of both narrative writing and verse. Stories presented throughout the weekend range from a microbiologist’s view of life on Earth and meditations on tech startups, to presentations about autism and afternoon sessions on the medicinal benefits of narrative in the fields of physiology and psychology. As Hope-Gill sees it, “Wordfest is more a listening device than a teaching device.” Poetry is still well-represented. The literary festival features poetry recitations, theory and practice workshops, oral histories and musical performances by an array of area and regional academics and professionals, writers and songwriters — not to mention the poets. Presenters include Quraysh Ali Lansana, author of They Shall Run: Harriet Tubman Poems and editor of Glencoe/ McGraw-Hill’s African American Literature Reader; and Aimee Nezhukumatathil, a professor whose multiple accolades include the Global Filipino Award. “Wordfest started as an attempt to get poetry back on the scene after a decadeslong quiet,” says Hope-Gill. Now that that scene is flourishing, she says, the festival is beginning to organically move into new territory. The expansion is all about greater accessibility, says the event founder. Poetry isn’t always the easiest literary form to casually grasp, much less dive into. And literary festivals can often intimidate audiences by bombarding them with formulaic, listlike reasons (rave reviews, commanding resumes, etc.) for appreciating an author’s work. Not so at Wordfest. The weekend is less about accolades than it is about connecting to the audience. By including storytelling and narrative fiction, Hope-Gill and the featured poets, writers and presenters

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wRite on: Local author Patti Digh discusses her book, The Geography of Loss, at Asheville Wordfest. The weekend is dedicated to the memory of writer, chef and community activist, Laurey Masterton. Photo by Jeremy Madea

(including storyteller Connie ReganBlake; artist, curator and peace activist Kiran Singh Sirah; and filmmaker Lisa Smith Bruer) aim to reach a broader audience and ultimately enhance the appreciation of verse. That’s to say, the festival has something for everyone. “If an attendee needs intellectual stimulation, they get it,” says Hope-Gill.

“If they need some soul healing, as poetry has been known to deliver for ages, they get it. If they need conversation about current trends in literature and sociology and politics, they get it.” She adds, “This festival is about the writers inviting us into their work.” X

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Alli Marshall

Vinyl versus the air vo We alWays offer te fo 10% off of labor to: ru s! teaCHers (thank you for educating our youth) Hospital employees (we are grateful for all that you do) & Grove park inn & biltmore employees We value you all!

We proudly recycle all shop products including oil, antifreeze, cardboard, paper, all metal, and batteries. Pet friendly (we have dog treats!) Bring your sense of humor, and your Asian car—Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Acura, Subaru, Mini Cooper (only exception) No European models

loCally oWneD & operateD

mostly automotive 253 biltmore ave. 828-253-4981 Basket by Matt Tommey

ThE Folk SChool changes you.

Sean Hayes on change, solo shows and returning to the South Singer-songwriter Sean Hayes has been crafting his soultinged tunes for more than two decades, and he has some commercial success under his belt. His “Powerful Stuff” got a lot of mileage in a Subaru commercial, according to Hayes’ bio. “A Thousand Tiny Pieces” was covered by The Be Good Tanyas, he’s dueted with Aimee Mann, and he recently toured with popular world-fusion/electronic outfit Beats Antique. Meanwhile, Hayes’ bio notes, “‘When We Fall In’ inspired pop star Justin Timberlake to blog rhapsodic.” Nonetheless, the musician is still learning. “I think one of the challenges of working at home alone is you can get a lost in your own world,” he says of the new experience of recording in his own studio. But a forthcoming project is currently on hold for a string of shows that brings Hayes back to The Grey Eagle on Tuesday, May 6. The New York-born, North Carolina-raised and San Francisco-based performer last came through Asheville with back-

what Sean Hayes with Eric + Erica wheRe The Grey Eagle, when

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

Tuesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. $17 advance/$20 day of show

ing musicians Michael Coleman on keys and fellow Carolinian Eric Kuhn on drums. (Kuhn’s new project, Eric + Erica, opens the Grey Eagle show). These days, though, Hayes is traveling solo. “I’ve brought along a sophisticated drum machine

he’s got moves: From his start 20-plus years ago in North Carolina to enviable collaborations in his current home in San Francisco, Sean Hayes seeks sincerity in music. Photo courtesy of the artist

of sorts,” he says. “When I get a moment on tour, I’ve been trying to build up more tracks — old and new. It has also inspired me to ask my old friend and musical collaborator Etienne de Rocher [who recorded Hayes’ 2006 album Big Black Hole and the Little Baby Star] to send me more beats of his making. It’s an exciting idea to get different producers to arrange different beats for songs.”

Opening for Beats Antique in front of 1,000 people who didn’t know him, says Hayes, was a very different experience from doing his own smaller headlining shows. “Things keep changing,” he says — but he’s the sort of artist who seems adept at going with the flow. “I feel like it’s become lots of smaller, niche things, which is cool,” he

says about the current state of the music business. “The medium really is what you’re talking about — vinyl versus the air that is music now. Your phone is more important than your record collection. It’s a nebulous amount of music. ... You used to have to give a record a lot of time, because you didn’t have that many choices.” Still, Hayes pens songs that feel timeless and worth repeat listens. “Turn Around Turn Me On” pairs a reggae pulse with simple but deep lyrics. The not-yet-released “Found My Love” is also ruminative, following the singer-songwriter’s trajectory from North Carolina to California. In fact, that relationship to locality is a theme to which he often returns. “Alabama Chicken” and “Voodoo, Booday” tap Southern roots in a way that only a songwriter with some distance and perspective could manage. “When I first moved out west, I did not feel much culture shock, as they say,” Hayes admits. But at the same time, “There is a certain sincerity toward music I feel the South has that informed me and still plays a big role. By sincerity, I mean a direct kind of experience between the player and the listener.” That kind of authenticity runs like a current throughout the musician’s seven full-length records. And though he regularly dusts off older songs — at his last Grey Eagle appearance he performed “Mary Magdalene,” noting that he’d played it at the Black Mountain Folk Festival (the precursor of LEAF) when he was about 19 — his new work is energized and forward-thinking. Hayes recently posted a video for the dance-battle-themed “Magic Slim vs. Dynamite” off his forthcoming album. The song contains the verse, “I got moves the kids ain’t seen.” It could be a personal statement about his prowess as a seasoned writer and performer, though Hayes insists it’s just a fun line. Nonetheless, he concedes, “I have been at it for a while, so I may be able to inspire some young songwriters to keep at it.” X


Finish Line Festival featuring: Brushfire Stankgrass Kid’s Firetower Fun Run Food Beer Vendors find us on:

preleasing/application workshops for eagle market place! Eagle Market Streets Development Corporation and Mountain Housing Opportunities invite you to a free information session to learn how to apply for an apartment at Eagle Market Place! Preleasing will start in Fall 2014 and apartments will be ready to occupy in December 2014. who: •Eagle Market Streets Development Corporation •Mountain Housing Opportunities •Partnership Property Management •OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling

what: Information session to learn about renting an apartment at Eagle Market Place

when & where: Tuesday May 6, 2014

5-7 pm YMI Cultural Center 39 South Market Street

Tuesday June 3, 2014

5-7 pm YMI Cultural Center 39 South Market Street Future workshops will be announced for July and August at a later date

For more information: EMSDC: 281-1227

MHO: 254-4030

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014





Send your arts news to








A&E staff

Weekend of Wonder The Weekend of Wonder is your “golden ticket into the world of pure imagination, perfect for children, families and everyone who loves magic,” according to a press release. The event begins at the Asheville Community Theatre, where the main performances will take place. The magic will then spread out into the streets where “a dream team of master magicians will appear at over a dozen venues in a dazzling showcase of close-up, stage and street magic, one-man shows, lectures, workshops and all-star galas.” The Weekend of Wonder takes place Friday through Sunday, May 2-4. Tickets start at $10 for individual shows with some free offerings. Weekend passes are $150 adults/$100 kids. weekendofwonder. com/asheville. Photo courtesy of Jay Scott Barry

The Gospel of Flying Saucers, Dinosaurs & Love Although it’s tricky to describe the central philosophy of local R&B outfit The Secret B-Sides (flowers, spaceships, prehistoric creatures and the intersection thereof), once you’ve danced to one of the band’s sultry, funky, mood-enhancing jams, it begins to make sense. Happily, the Secret B-Sides singer-songwriter Juan Holladay has teamed up with illustrator Bobby Morgan on The Gospel of Flying Saucers, Dinosaurs & Love a self-described “post-modern gnostic gospel in comic book form” in which “both scientific and religious dogmas are joyfully discarded in favor of free association and absurd fun.” The first installment is presented at Highland Brewing Co. on Friday, May 2. Mountainwalker opens at 5 p.m., the Secret B-Sides perform from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. highlandbrewing. com. Photo courtesy of the band

Brian McGee “By the time every 30-something punk dude and their mom had picked up an acoustic guitar and started singing ‘This Land is Your Land,’ Brian had found his way back up to the East Coast, this time to Asbury Park, N.J.,” says the bio of songwriter/multi-instrumentalist and former Ashevillean Brian McGee. The Philadelphia native moved north a couple of years ago, reuniting with Plow United, the pop-punk band of his misspent youth. With that group he recorded 2013’s Marching Band, then went on to make his third solo album, Ruin Creek. It “combines punk brevity with rain-streaked folk minimalism.” Find out exactly what that sounds like when McGee returns to Asheville on Saturday, May 3. He plays The Odditorium with May Early and Chris Head. 9 p.m., $5. ashevilleodditorium. com. Photo by Greg Pallante


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

The Accomplices When The Accomplices come to WNC, the Lowcountry string band makes it worth its while. You have three chances to catch the four-piece from Savannah, Ga., this week. According to a press release, the band is “not quite country, not quite bluegrass, not quite jam band but a remarkable amalgam of all of the above and more. The Accomplices create a timeless, energetic sound full of audio texture, gorgeous harmonies and thoughtful songwriting.” The band will play at The Trailhead on Sunday, May 4, 6:30 p.m, free. A Good Stuff Grocery show takes place on Monday, May 5, at 7 p.m., and $5 includes a copy of the band’s new record. Then they’ll stop by One Stop on Tuesday, May 6, at 9 p.m., $2. Photo by Jon Waits

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


a&e caLendaR

by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson

• Through FR (5/9) - Photos may be submitted for White Squirrel Photography Contest. $5 entry fee. Contact for submission guidelines.









music sonG o’ skY chorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 pm song o’ sky chorus Calvary Baptist Church (Chandler Center), 531 Haywood Road, 28806. Asheville’s only a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! or (866) 8249547 Parking available behind the church. Asheville chAmBer music series 259-3626, • FR (5/2), 8pm - Season finale concert. Held at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. $35.

ciRcus fReaks: According to legend, white squirrels first arrived in Brevard over 50 years ago via an overturned circus truck. The legitimacy of that claim may be debatable, but what’s for sure is these furry little weirdos are quite the sight. If you happen to see one, take a photo for TC Arts Council’s White Squirrel Photography Contest. Winning photos will be displayed during the White Squirrel Festival in Brevard in May. Last year’s winning photo by Kathy Hardy (p. 46).

Art pYsAnkY Workshops in the river Arts district (pd.) Or at your location. Learn to make beautiful Ukrainian Easter eggs. Call (828) 423-6459 for more info. Visit Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • TH (5/1), 5:30pm - “Darkroom or Digital?,” a panel discussion with local photographers. Admission fees apply. Asheville puppetrY AlliAnce 862-8122,, vanpuppet@ • SA (5/3), 11am-3pm - Celebration of National Day of Puppetry with free events, including parade of puppets. Held at Pack Place, 2 S. Pack Square Asheville urBAn lAndscApe proJect 458-0111, Open air painting events, held in various public green spaces and hosted by different Asheville area artists. Free. • TU (5/6), 9:30am-12:3opm - With oil painter Mike Alonzo at the corner of Lyman and Roberts streets. fiBer Arts AlliAnce Open to interested nonmembers. • 1st TUESDAYS, noon-3pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. GiAnt puppet BuildinG Workshops Hosted by Street Creature puppet collective. Free. • THURSDAYS through (5/1), 6pm - Held at N. Asheville Community Center, 37 East Larchmont Drive.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

mission for temporAl Art 68 N. Main St., Marshall, 917-650-7321, • SA (5/3), 9pm - “It’s Alive!,“ a themed dance and art party. $5-10 donation. potterY clAsses At tc Arts council Held at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. $40 per participant. • SA (5/3), 9-11am - Pottery for Families. ‘Try Pottery’ Class at TC Arts Council • SA (5/3), 6-8pm - “Try Pottery.” For ages 15+. WAYnesville’s Art After dArk 452-9284, • FR (5/2), 6-9pm - Art stroll through working studios and galleries on Main Street, Depot Street and Frog Level in Waynesville.

Auditions & cAll to Artists AAAc’s reGionAl Artist proJect GrAnt • Through (10/14) - Applications will be accepted for this grant from the Asheville Area Arts Council to provide financial support for committed, accomplished artists. henderson countY open studio tour Open to all Henderson County artists. • Through (5/31) - Event will be held Sept. 20-21, 10am-5pm. trAnsYlvAniA communitY Arts council 884-2787, • ONGOING - Submissions open for 2014. Themes and deadlines: Animals, May 6; Potters, June 3; Art Mart, Nov. 10. • Through TU (5/27) - Call to artists to create or provide chairs for the “Chair-ity” Auction on Aug. 3.

Blue ridGe rinGers hAndBell ensemBle, • SA (5/3), 4pm - Held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 22 Fisher Road, Brevard • SU (5/4), 4pm - Held at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon • WE (5/7), 5:15pm - Reservations required. $7. Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville diAnA WorthAm theAtre 2 South Pack Square, 257-4530, • FR (5/2), 8pm - Cathie Ryan, Irish and American folk music. $30/$25 student/$15 children. • SA (5/3), 8pm - Sierra Hull, bluegrass. $30/$25 students/$15 children. dulcimer Workshop 298-1090. Registration required • SATURDAYS (5/3) & (5/10), 2:30-3:45pm - Beginner level dulcimer workshop taught by Janet Parkerson in E. Asheville. Free. J.e. BroYhill civic center 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenior, • SA (5/3), 7:30pm - Kathy Mattea, country. $24. music At uncA 251-6432, Free, unless otherwise noted. • SA (5/3) & SU (5/4), 4pm - The Reuter Singers will perform Rat Pack tunes. Reuter Center. • WE (5/7), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Reuter Center. music At Wcu 227-2479, Free unless otherwise noted. • 1st THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Old-time and bluegrass jam. In the Mountain Heritage Center. Free. • TH (5/1), 7:30pm - Asheville Symphony Orchestra with WCU students. John W. Bardo Fine & Performing Arts Center. $10/$5 students & children.

Mountain Xpress and sherwood’s Music present: Our weekly video series showcasing local musicians continues every Thursday. This week look for a performance by Chelsea Lynn La Bate of ten cent Poetry at Sherwood’s Music.

smokY mountAin BrAss BAnd • SU (5/4), 5-6pm - Held at Hazelwood Baptist Church, 265 Hazelwood Ave., Waynesville • TU (5/6), 7-8pm - Held at The Parish of St. Eugene, 72 Culvern St. st. mAtthiAs church 1 Dundee St., 285-0033 • SU (5/4), 3pm - 17-voice choir and a 19-piece orchestra chamber concert. Free. trYon fine Arts center 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 859-8322, tryonarts. org • SU (5/4), 3pm - Opera Adventure, an interactive family-friendly opera event. Free.

theAter A-B tech drAmA cluB • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS, 7:30pm - Unnecessary Farce. $10/$5 veterans & students. Thu.-Sat.:7:30pm; Sun.:2:30pm. Asheville communitY theAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre. org • FR (5/2) through SU (5/4) - “Weekend of Wonder,” include performances, lectures and workshops. See website for full schedule. $10-$30. BeBe theAtre 20 Commerce St., 254-2621 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (5/1) through (5/17), 7:30pm - Stop Kiss. Performed by Different Strokes! Artist Collective. $18/$15 advance & students.

flAt rock plAYhouse Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/17) until (5/11) - The Fantasticks. Wed.-Sat.: 2pm& 8pm. Sun.:2pm. $40. millroom 66 Ashland Ave., 555-1212 • SU (5/4), 4 & 7pm - What Did You Say? Performed by Asheville Youth Mission’s Many Voices Drama Company. nc stAGe 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (5/2) until (5/4) - Seven Singers and a Songwriter, a cabaret-style review. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30 pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15. trYon little theAter 516 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2466, tltinfo. org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (4/24) through (5/3) - Proof. Thur.-Sat.:8pm; Sun.:3pm.

gaLLeRY diRectoRY

AmericAn folk Art And frAminG 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, • TH (4/24) through WE (5/14) Pioneer, self-taught artists. Art At mArs hil 689-1304, • Through (9/1) - Works by art department faculty. Art At uncA • Through SA (5/17) - International Photo Exhibit. Ramsey Library. Art At Wcu 227-3591, Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. • Through FR (5/9) - Pottery from a private collection. Artetude GAllerY 89 Patton Ave., 252-1466, artetudegallery. com • FR (5/2) through SU (6/1) - New Beginnings, sculpture. Opening reception: May 2, 5-8pm. Asheville AreA Arts council GAllerY 346 Depot St., 258-0710, Asheville Area Arts Council • Through (6/15) - Look Again, a look at the byproducts of contemporary society. Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (5/18) - Social Geographies: Interpreting Space and Place, mixed media. • Through SA (6/22) - Pierre Daura: Modernist in the Mountains, paintings. • Through SU (6/2) - Take 10: Collectors’ Circle 10th Anniversary, mixed works. • Through SU (7/20) - Ralph Burns: A Persistence of Vision, photography.

Asheville GAllerY of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art. com • Through WE (4/30) - Landscapes by artist Reda Kay. • TH (5/1) through FR (5/31) - Collage, by Pat Perkerson. Mixed media. Opening reception Friday, May 2, 5-8pm. BellA vistA Art GAllerY 14 Lodge St., 768-0246, • Through WE (4/30) - Paintings by Christin Zelenka. • TH (5/1) through (7/31) - Pastels by Nicora Gangi. Bender GAllerY 12 S. Lexington Ave., • Through SA (5/31) - Glass sculptors by Toland Sand. BlAck mountAin center for the Arts 225 W. State St., 669-0930, blackmountainarts. org • Through (6/12) - Art in Bloom, works from regional galleries. BlAck mountAin colleGe museum + Arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • Through (5/17) - Cynthia Homire: Vision Quest, mixed media. Blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, • Through SA (5/24) - Narration, mixed media. • Through SA (5/24) - Nancy Kubale, ceramics. • Through SA (5/24) - Zen, Asian-inspired works.

sAtellite GAllerY 55 Broadway St., 305-2225, thesatellitegallery. com • Through SA (5/4) - Visual Proof, works by John Nebraska the center for crAft, creAtivitY & desiGn 67 Broadway St., 785-1357, • Through (5/3) - Taking Shape, works by Windgate Fellows. Curator’s talk: May 2, 6pm. the curiositY shoppe 118 Cherry St. Suite C, Black Mountain, 6697467, • Through (5/7) - abstract pastels by Bridget Risdon Hepler trAnsYlvAniA communitY Arts council 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts. org • Through WE (4/30) - Works by Transylvania County Public Schools students trYon Arts And crAfts school 373 Harmon Field Rd., Tryon, 859-8323, • FR (4/25) through FR (5/30) - Craft Tryon, works by Tryon artists. ZApoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • ONGOING - Bits and Bytes: Art of the Video Game, illustrations.

cAstell photoGrAphY GAllerY 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, • Through SA (5/31) - The New Construction, mixed media. folk Art center MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, • Through SU (5/11) - Eyecatchers: The Hunter Collection, quilts. hAndmAde in AmericA 125 S. Lexington Ave., #101, 252-0121 • Through TU (8/19) - All Kinds of Quilts, works by Asheville Modern Quilt Guild. Opening reception: May 4, 2-4pm. iZZY’s coffe den 74 N Lexington Ave., 258-2004 FR (5/2) through SA (5/31) - Innocent, collages by Adam Void. JonAs GerArd fine Art 240 Clingman Ave., 350-7711, • ONGOING - Large flow paintings show. n.c. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, • Through SU (7/6) - Scenography by Barbara Sammons. push skAte shop & GAllerY 25 Patton Ave., 225-5509, • FR (4/18) through SA (5/18) - Slown Down Pictures, pop art with an original soundtrack. rivervieW stAtion 191 Lyman St., • Through WE (4/30) - Works by members of Women In The Arts Foundation.

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


C L U B L A N D orAnGe peel Here Come the Mummies (funk), 9pm

WednesdAY, April 30

pAck's tAvern Scott Raines & Jeff Anders (acoustic rock), 9pm

185 kinG street Aaron LaFalce, 8pm

pisGAh BreWinG compAnY Emefe w/ The Blood Gypsies & Members of Antibalas (Afro-beat, world-funk), 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Jamar Woods (funk, soul), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm

posh BAr Acoustic jam, 6pm

AltAmont BreWinG compAnY Dave Desmelik songwriter series w/ Woody Wood (Americana, folk), 8:30pm

purple onion cAfe Jon Shain (blues, folk), 7:30pm

Asheville music hAll All Star Brown Bag Songwriting Competition Finals, 7pm

root BAr no. 1 Turchi w/ Big Tusk (rock), 8pm scAndAls niGhtcluB Dance party, 10pm

BArleY's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8pm

the mothliGht The Men w/ Nude Beach (punk, rock), 9:30pm

Ben's tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

the sociAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Open mic w/ Billy Owens, 7pm

toWn pump Yaddatu (rock, jazz), 9pm

BYWAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm douBle croWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm emerAld lounGe Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm GreY eAGle music hAll & tAvern Easy Star All-Stars: Dub Side of the Moon Tour w/ Underground System (Afro-beat), 9pm

not so scaRY: All the way from Melbourne, Australia, indie-pop duo Big Scary will perform with Seattle-based indie-rock band Say Hi at the Millroom, on Saturday, May 3, at 9 p.m. Big Scary’s signature sound infuses “a recognizable chemistry and genredefying spirit” that becomes “synonymous with their smart ‘less is more’ arrangements and dynamic songcraft,” according to Aussie music blogger Al Newstead.

hiGhlAnd BreWinG compAnY Jay Brown (acoustic), 5:30pm

odditorium Sub X & The Manifest Process, 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Big Nasty (ragtime), 8pm

hotel indiGo Peggy Ratutsz, 8pm

olive or tWist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8pm

AlleY kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll World Wednesday w/ One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 7:15pm JAck of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm lex 18 BMF Group (UNCA jazz workshop), 8pm loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm millroom Local Color: Empire Strikes Brass (brass band), 6pm

one stop deli & BAr Lazybirds (Americana), 10pm orAnGe peel Slightly Stoopid w/ Mariachi El Bronx (reggae, dub-rock), 8pm pisGAh BreWinG compAnY Even The Animals (folk, Americana), 6pm slY GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm the mothliGht Lee Noble w/ Lazy Magnet, Stephen Molyneux & Tann Jones (experimental, ambient, drone), 9:30pm the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

vincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm White horse Rock The Taste, 5:30pm

fridAY, mAY 2

Grind cAfe Trivia night, 7pm

iron horse stAtion Jesse James (Americana), 6pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm

tiGer mountAin thirst pArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm timo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm toWn pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm vincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm White horse Rupert Wates, 7:30pm

thursdAY, mAY 1 185 kinG street Barefoot Movement (folk), 8pm

Asheville music hAll The Werks w/ Jahman Brahman (jam), 10pm Blue kudZu sAke compAnY Trivia night, 9pm cork & keG Old-time jam, 7pm Square dance, 8pm dirtY south lounGe Chance Wayne (blues), 9pm douBle croWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm emerAld lounGe Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead tribute), 9pm french BroAd BreWerY tAstinG room Stephen Evans (acoustic, indie), 6pm

185 kinG street Marcus King Band (blues, funk, rock), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr 3 Cool Cats (rock 'n' roll), 8pm AlleY kAts tAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm AltAmont BreWinG compAnY The Horse You Rode In On (alt-rock), 9:30pm Asheville music hAll Double Vision Tour Paint, Foam & Blacklight party (electronic), 10pm AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm BYWAter Lyric (funk, soul), 9pm clAssic Wineseller James Hammel (jazz, pop), 7pm cluB eleven on Grove DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm

Good stuff Daniel Keller, 6:30pm

cork & keG Juan Benavides Group (Flamenco, Latin, jazz), 8:30pm

GreY eAGle music hAll & tAvern Jessica Lea Mayfield w/ Dylan LeBlanc & Barton Carroll (rock), 9pm

emerAld lounGe Support Emerald Lounge Fundraiser (help keep Emerald open!), 8pm

hAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm

french BroAd BreWerY tAstinG room Skylarks (indie, rock), 6pm

JAck of the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Good stuff The Lords of Chicken Hill, 7pm John The Revelator, 9pm

lexinGton Ave BreWerY (lAB) Mother Explosives w/ Oldman Rabbit (anti-folk), 9pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 7pm millroom Wakey! Wakey! w/ Andy Suzuki (alternative, pop), 9pm odditorium Ryan Fursetenberg w/ Shorty Can't Eat Book (punk, garage-rock), 9pm olive or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm

Green room cAfe & coffeehouse Carrie Morrison (Americana), 6:30pm GreY eAGle music hAll & tAvern New Belgium groundbreaking celebration w/ David Earl & The Plowshares (rock, folk), 7pm hAvAnA restAurAnt Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 7pm hiGhlAnd BreWinG compAnY Secret B-Sides w/ Mountain Walker (R&B, funk, soul, hip-hop), 5pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll stephaniesid (pop-noir), 7pm Jim Arrendell dance party, 9pm

JAck of the Wood puB Shane Pruitt Band (blues, jam), 9pm millroom Wake Owl w/ Mimicking Birds (indie-pop), 9pm niGhtBell Dulítel DJ (indie, electronic, dance), 10pm odditorium The Toothe (record release) w/ Blots & Barn Cat, 9pm olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (jazz, swing), 7:30pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Mooglefest w/ D&D Sluggers, Mikal kHill, The Last Wordbenders & Press B (nerd-core), 10pm orAnGe peel Lacuna Coil w/ Cilver & The Redcoats Are Coming (metal), 8pm pAck's tAvern DJ MoTo (dance, pop hits), 9pm pisGAh BreWinG compAnY Frank Bang & The Secret Stash (blues), 9pm root BAr no. 1 Arsena Shroeder (soul, acoustic), 8pm scAndAls niGhtcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

sAturdAY, mAY 3 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Andrew J. Fletcher (piano), 6pm The Low Down Sires (swing), 9pm AlleY kAts tAvern The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm AltAmont BreWinG compAnY Greenworks River Benefit, 4pm Bluegrass, 5pm Goodness Graceful (indie-folk), 7pm Jam w/ Chris O'Neill, 9:30pm Asheville music hAll Same As It Ever Was (Talking Heads tribute), 10pm AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm clAssic Wineseller Bohemian Jean w/ Jessi Stone & Matt Welborn (pop, soul, country), 7pm cork & keG Rose Sinclair & Swing Shack, 8:30pm emerAld lounGe Support Emerald Lounge Fundraiser (help keep Emerald open!), 8pm french BroAd BreWerY tAstinG room Damian LeMaster & LeMaster Plan (folk, indie), 6pm Good stuff Michael McFarland, 9pm

scullY's DJ, 10pm

Green room cAfe & coffeehouse Elise Pratt & Mike Holstein (jazz), 6:30pm

tAllGArY's cAntinA Mile High Band (country), 9:30pm

GreY eAGle music hAll & tAvern Willie Watson w/ Mandolin Orange (acoustic, folk), 9pm

the Green room Bistro & BAr Grits & Soul (bluegrass, Americana), 8:30pm

hAvAnA restAurAnt Porch Crop (bluegrass), 12:30pm Billy Litz (singer-songwriter), 7pm

the mothliGht Ahleuchatistas w/ Mande Foly & Fine Peduncle (improv, experiemental, world), 9:30pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Roney Studio Performance (brunch show), 11:30am April Verch Band (folk), 8:30pm

the sociAl Jump Yur Grin, 9pm

JAck of the Wood puB Small Town Lights (Americana), 9pm

tiGer mountAin thirst pArlour Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm

JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

toWn pump Hard Rocket (rock), 9pm

millroom Say Hi & The Big Scary (indie-rock), 9pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 8:30pm

niGhtBell Dulítel DJ (indie, electronic, dance), 10pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm White horse Blue Ridge Orchestra (symphonic), 7:30pm Wild WinG cAfe A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

odditorium Brian McGee, May Erwin & Chris Head, 9pm olive or tWist 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 7:30pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm one stop deli & BAr Reggae Family Jam, 2pm The Mug (blues, rock), 10pm

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



Send your listings to cLub diRectoRY

orAnGe peel Down w/ MindShapeFist (metal), 9pm pAck's tAvern The Free Flow Band (old school, R&B, funk), 9pm

thurs. may 1

MOTHer exPlOSIveS w/ OlDMan rabbIT

backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. may 15

a TIMe DevISeD w/ kIllIng abraHaM, Severence

backstage • 9:00PM • $6 thurs. may 22

bearknuckle w/ MOnkeY In

PODSHIP, craZY TOM banana PanTS

backstage • 9:30PM • $6 thurs. may 29

THe greaT barrIer reefS w/ nOaH STOckDale

backstage • 9:30PM • $6 sat. june 7

5/2 Shane Pruitt 9PM 10/25 Sarah LeeBand Guthrie & Johnny 5/3 SammyIrion Guns/Small Town w/ Battlefield Lights 9PM • 9pm $10 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 5/4 Shot Time & Cigarettes & HALLOWEEN Costume 10PM Party & Contest • 9pm $8 5/5 Eleanor Underhill (EVERY MONDAYCreek IN MAY) 9PM 10/27 Vinegar • 9pm FREE 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 5/6 KEVIN SCANLON w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants & FRIENDS 9PM 10/29 Songwriters 5/9 TheSinger Grant Farm LEAD BY • 7-9pmCHAMPION FREE inNATIONAL the Round FLATPICKING w/TYLER Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis GRANT (EMMITT/NERSHI

Mud Tea9PM • 9pm FREE BAND]

MelanIe MarTIneZ backstage • 8:00PM • $15 sunday

SunDaY bluegraSS bruncH frontstage • 12PM-3PM

Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • WEDNESDAY• APRIL 30 ACOUSTIC WEDNESDAY W/ JAY BROWN 5:30-7:30PM




one stop


Lazybirds 30 WED WED MAY







All Ages

The Werks w/ Special Guests




A.A.R.C presents: Mooglefest w/ performances by D&D Sluggers, Mikal kHill, The Last Wordbenders and Press B 10PM FREE 21+

10PM $13














aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

tAllGArY's cAntinA Rory Kelly (rock), 9:30pm the AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm the Green room Bistro & BAr Zach Page & Simpatico (jazz), 8:30pm the mothliGht Kreamy 'Lectric Santa w/ Zombie Queen, Blood Summer, Short Sets & Dance party (punk), 9pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin thirst pArlour DJ Devyl's Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm toWn pump Bullfeather (gypsy blues), 9pm vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm White horse Blue Ridge Orchestra (symphonic), 7:30pm

sundAY, mAY 4 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Jazz brunch w/ Mike Gray Trio, 11:30am Blue kudZu sAke compAnY Karaoke & brunch, 1pm douBle croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm hi-Wire BreWinG Hip Swayers (Americana, country), 4pm Porcelain (acoustic duo, indie-folk), 5pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm JAck of the Wood puB Irish session, 5pm Shot Time & Cigarettes (Southern rock), 10pm odditorium Urban Gypsy Trunk Show & Sirius.B (gypsy, folk, punk, funk), 9pm olive or tWist Shag & swing lesson w/ John Dietz, 7pm DJ Michael Filippone (beach, swing, ballroom, rock), 10pm one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Electric Soul Pandemic w/ East Coast Dirt (excellent shirt party), 10pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

The New Mastersounds w/ Tuesday Night 10pm

scullY's DJ, 10pm

the sociAl '80s night, 8pm

All Ages

Funk Jam Band

scAndAls niGhtcluB Dance party, 10pm

the mothliGht Marisa Anderson w/ Mike & Cara Gangloff (folk, blues, country), 9pm

Grand Old Uproar & The Accomplices 8pm

root BAr no. 1 Call the Next Witness (rock), 8pm

scAndAls niGhtcluB Dance party, 10pm

Electric Soul Pandemic w/ East Coast Dirt 10pm

purple onion cAfe Charlyhorse, 8pm

purple onion cAfe Montana Skies, 6pm

The Mug 10 PM FREE 21+


one stop










3 Same As It Ever Was 10PM $10/$12



Paint, Foam, & Blacklight PARTY

one stop




Lights Out Presents: Double Vision Tour





one stop



Brown Bag Songwriter Competition Finals





pisGAh BreWinG compAnY The London Souls w/ The Travers Brothership (rock, jam), 9pm

Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm

White horse Johnny Neel & band, 7:30pm

185 king stReet 877-1850 5 waLnut wine baR 253-2593 aLtamont bRewing comPanY 575-2400 the aLtamont theatRe 348-5327 aPothecaRY (919) 609-3944 aqua cafe & baR 505-2081 aRcade 258-1400 asheviLLe civic centeR & thomas woLfe auditoRium 259-5544 asheviLLe music haLL 255-7777 athena’s cLub 252-2456 baRLeY’s taP Room 255-0504 bLack mountain aLe house 669-9090 bLue mountain PiZZa 658-8777 boiLeR Room 505-1612 bRoadwaY’s 285-0400 the bYwateR 232-6967 coRk and keg 254-6453 cLub Remix 258-2027 cReekside taPhouse 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLeRY 367-6401 diana woRtham theateR 257-4530 diRtY south Lounge 251-1777 doubLe cRown 575-9060 eLeven on gRove 505-1612 emeRaLd Lounge 232- 4372 fiRestoRm cafe 255-8115 fRench bRoad bReweRY tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gReen Room cafe 692-6335 gReY eagLe music haLL & taveRn 232-5800 gRove house the gRove PaRk inn (eLaine’s Piano baR/ gReat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR Lounge 684-1213 haRRah’s cheRokee 497-7777 highLand bRewing comPanY 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jack of the wood 252-5445 Lex 18 582-0293 Lexington avenue bReweRY 252-0212 the LobsteR tRaP 350-0505 metRosheRe 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 monte vista hoteL 669-8870 moonLight miLe 335-9316 native kitchen & sociaL Pub 581-0480 nightbeLL 575-0375 odditoRium 505-8388 onefiftYone 239-0239 one stoP baR deLi & baR 255-7777 o.henRY’s/tug 254-1891 the oRange PeeL 225-5851 oskaR bLues bReweRY 883-2337 Pack’s taveRn 225-6944 the Phoenix 877-3232 Pisgah bRewing co. 669-0190 PuLP 225-5851 PuRPLe onion cafe 749-1179 Red stag gRiLL at the gRand bohemian hoteL 505-2949 Root baR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLub 252-2838 scuLLY’s 251-8880 sLY gRog Lounge 255-8858 smokeY’s afteR daRk 253-2155 the sociaL 298-8780 southeRn aPPaLacian bReweRY 684-1235 static age RecoRds 254-3232 stRaightawaY cafe 669-8856

Bloody mary Bar Sundays @ noon taLLgaRY’s cantina 232-0809 tigeR mountain thiRst PaRLouR 407-0666 timo’s house 575-2886 town PumP 357-5075 toY boat 505-8659 tReasuRe cLub 298-1400 tRessa’s downtown jaZZ & bLues 254-7072 vanuatu kava baR 505-8118 vincenZo’s 254-4698 westviLLe Pub 225-9782 white hoRse 669-0816 wiLd wing cafe 253-3066 wxYZ 232-2838

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Cinco de Mayo celebration & Joyful Noise benefit (Latin-American music), 7:30pm JAck of the Wood puB Quizzo, 7pm Eleanor Underhill (Americana), 9pm odditorium Synergy Story Slam, 8pm Folklorika, 9pm oskAr Blues BreWerY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm the mothliGht Cinco de Mothlight w/ Camp David, Eagle Chief, Hermit Kings & Doc Aquatic (indie-rock, folk), 7pm

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”

the sociAl Newgrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8pm tiGer mountAin thirst pArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm

ZiA tAqueriA Cuatro de Mayo Celebration, 12:30pm The Goodness Graceful (indie-folk), 12:30pm The Jon Stickley Trio (bluegrass), 2pm Eleanor Underhill & friends (Americana), 3:30pm Marina Orchestra (rock, indie), 5:30pm Coconut Cake (rumba), 7:30pm The Krektones (rock), 9pm

vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm Westville puB Trivia night, 8pm White horse Bill Bares & Michael Jefry Stevens, 7:30pm

tuesdAY, mAY 6

mondAY, mAY 5 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Moon & You (Americana, folk), 8pm AlleY kAts tAvern Open mic, 8pm AltAmont BreWinG compAnY Old-time jam, 8pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Karaoke, 9pm BYWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pmcourtYArd GAllerY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henry's (ragtime, jazz), 8pm AlleY kAts tAvern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm


AltAmont BreWinG compAnY Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm Asheville music hAll The New Mastersounds w/ Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm



wed 4/30

BlAck mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm cluB eleven on Grove Dance, 8:30pm

(Afro Beat) 9pm • $17/$20

douBle croWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

cork & keG Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm

Good stuff The Accomplices (Americana, folk), 7pm

douBle croWn Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean and Will, 10pm

thu jessica lea mayfield w/ dylan leblanc & 5/1

barton carroll 9pm • $13/$16

sat 5/3

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till


Wed 4/30

easy star all-stars dub side of the moon tour w/ underground system





Full Bar

Chef Mike will match the mood with dinner features inspired by foods and wines of the French persuasion. $5 added to tab • 7:15pm

Thur 5/1 CHRIS JONES AND THE NIGHT DRIVERS $10/$12 • 9pm Fri 5/2 stephaniesid PRESENTS: ID WEEKLY IN MAY $5 • 7-9pm Fri 5/2 JIM ARRENDELL DANCE PARTY $5 • 9pm Sat 5/3 APRIL VERCH BAND $15/$18 • 8:30pm Mon CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION AND JOYFUL NOISE 5/5 BENEFIT $12/$15 • 7:30pm Wed 5/7 DUBCONSCIOUS $12/$15 • 9pm


Every Sunday JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm • $5 Every Tuesday BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite

willie watson & mandolin orange

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fri 5/9

dex romweber duo w/ the Zealots 9pm • $10/$12

sat 5/10

michael tracy, lefty williams & andy buckner and southern soul campaign 9pm • $10/$13

sun 5/11

geographer w/ froth

tue 5/13

ben miller band

9pm • $10/$12

9pm • $10/12


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



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THU. 5/1 Scott Raines & Jeff Anders (acoustic rock) FRI. 5/2 DJ Moto (dance, pop hits)

fRom above to the undeRgRound: Rhymesayers Entertainment indie hip-hop artist Blueprint has performed sold-out shows (with hip-hop legend Atmosphere) at the Orange Peel, but now he is hitting up the underground scene at downtown’s Timo’s House on Saturday, May 3, at 9 p.m.

SAT. 5/3 The Free Flow Band (old school, r&b, funk)


Good stuff Old-time jam, 7pm

cork & keG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm

GreY eAGle music hAll & tAvern Sean Hayes w/ Eric & Erica (folk), 8pm

douBle croWn DJ Dr. Filth (country), 10pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Bluegrass session, 7:30pm

emerAld lounGe Blues jam, 8pm

JAck of the Wood puB Brad Hodge, Drew Kohl & Laura Michaels (singersongwriters), 7pm Kevin Scanlon & Friends (folk), 9pm

GreY eAGle music hAll & tAvern Johnnyswim (folk, soul, blues, pop), 8pm

loBster trAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7pm odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm

Wednesday, April 30th

Blues Jam! w/ special guests:

Support Emerald Blues & Emerald Lounge Thursday, May 1st

Phuncle Sam Emerald Lounge Fundraiser Friday, May 2nd

AVLPROMO presents: Keeping Emerald Lounge Open Saturday, May 3rd

AVID MONEY ENTERTAINMENT presents: Keeping Emerald Lounge Open Sunday, May 4th

Mixing Genres to Support Emerald Lounge

**Please go to Emerald Lounge Facebook & Emerald Lounge Web page for times and details on exciting participating artists!**


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

one stop deli & BAr Grand Old Uproar & The Accomplices (Americana, folk), 8pm Tuesday night techno, 10pm

Grind cAfe Trivia night, 7pm hiGhlAnd BreWinG compAnY Annual Spring Fling dinner w/ West Sound, 6pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll DubConscious (reggae, dub), 9pm JAck of the Wood puB Old-time session, 5pm

orAnGe peel Graveyard w/ Bombus (metal, hard rock), 8pm

loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm

scullY's Triva night, 9pm

odditorium Miss Mousie & The Rigamarole (experimental), 1880s Night Debut w/ Greybag, 9pm

tAllGArY's cAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm the sociAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm timo's house 90s night w/ DJ Ra Mak (90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 9pm toWn pump Laura Meyer (folk, blues), 9pm vincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm Westville puB Blues jam, 10pm White horse Irish sessions --- Open mic, 6:30pm

WednesdAY, mAY 7 38 n. french BroAd Adam Ezra Group w/ Peace Jones (roots-rock), 9pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Amore Jones (R&B), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm

olive or tWist Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Low Cut Connie w/ Hank West & The Smokin' Hots, Reed Turchi (rock), 10pm orAnGe peel Dropkick Murphys w/ The Bots (Celtic-punk), 8pm pisGAh BreWinG compAnY Grits & Soul (bluegrass, Americana), 6pm slY GroG lounGe Open mic, 7pm the mothliGht Steve Gunn w/ Cowboy Crisis (folk-rock), 9:30pm the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin thirst pArlour Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm timo's house Release w/ Disc-Oh! (bass), 9pm

Ben's tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

toWn pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Deals, 9pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

BYWAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm

vAnuAtu kAvA BAr Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

vincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

thursdAY, mAY 8 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8pm AdAm dAlton distillerY Bridging the Gap (old school hip-hop, vinyl night), 10pm AlleY kAts tAvern Open mic night, 7pm AltAmont BreWinG compAnY Bus Driver Tour (folk), 9pm Blue kudZu sAke compAnY Trivia night, 9pm douBle croWn DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm french BroAd BreWerY tAstinG room Brief Awakening (indie, Americana), 6pm

olive or tWist Blue Dawg Band (blues, swing), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Wobblesauce w/ Rims & Keys (dance, electro-funk), 10pm orAnGe peel Jenny Lewis w/ Waxahatchee (indie-folk), 9pm pAck's tAvern Steven Poteat (acoustic rock, jam), 9pm pisGAh BreWinG compAnY Charles Bradley & The Extraordinaires w/ The Broadcast & Bright Light Social Hour (soul), 7:30pm posh BAr Acoustic jam, 6pm purple onion cAfe Louise Mosrie, 7:30pm

Good stuff The Sun Cans (pop, rock), 7:30pm Modern Strangers (indie-rock), 8:30pm

the mothliGht Wham City Comedy Tour w/ Tom Peters (stand-up comedy), 9pm

hAvAnA restAurAnt Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm

the sociAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Erik Norlander & The Galactic Collective benefit for Moog Foundation, 8pm

timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm

JAck of the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 7pm odditorium Kimberly White Project, Polly Panic & Pluto No More (alt-rock), 9pm

Hookah Joe’s 79 Coxe Ave. Mon-Fri 5pm-2am Sat-Sun 1pm-2am

20% OFF of Any One Item

scAndAls niGhtcluB Dance party, 10pm

Over 40 Entertainers!


A True Gentleman’s Club


toWn pump Rich Brown (delta blues), 9pm

Getting Married Soon?

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm


vincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm


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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &











HHHHH = max rating contact



Dom Hemingway



Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

DIRECTOR: Richard Shepard (The Matador) ASHEVILLE PIZZA & BREWING CO. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Dallas Buyers Club (R) 7:00 Oscar Nominated Animated Shorts (PG) 1:00, 4:00 This Is the End (R) 10:00

PLAYERS: Jude Law, Richard E. Grant, Demian Bichir, Kerry Condon, Emilia Clarke, Madalina Ghenea, Jumayn Hunter DARK BRITISH CRIME COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: After 12 years in prison, safecracker Dom Hemingway is out — and in search of everything he feels is owed him. THE LOWDOWN: Unrepentant in its vulgarity, unflinching in its occasional violence, endlessly creative in its use of words and images and blessed with a brilliant performance from Jude Law, Dom Hemingway is a must-see for anyone interested in solid filmmaking and great writing. But it is very R-rated.

I unreservedly love Richard Shepard’s Dom Hemingway, and I strongly urge everyone with a taste for quirky, dark crime comedy of the British variety to beat a path to The Carolina to see this unabashedly vulgar and wildly creative movie. It deals in matters both profane and, finally, sacred. And while the accent is certainly on the profane, the film has redemption on its mind. This is a movie that begins with over a minute of Dom Hemingway (Jude Law) waxing rhapsodic over the wonders and delights of his male member. That alone will probably clue you in on whether or not Dom Hemingway is something you’d care to see. (And if it doesn’t, the payoff to this particular monologue will.) The reason I urge haste in this matter lies in my suspicion that the film will vanish


APRIL 30 - MAY 6 , 2014

CARMIKE CINEMA 10 (298-4452)

JUDE LAW and RICHARD E. GRANT in Richard Shepard’s pretty wonderful — and very vulgar — dark crime comedy Dom Hemingway.

quickly. This is a movie that ought to have been screened for local critics, but it slipped through the cracks and wasn’t. It’s the kind of movie that would have benefited from some critical push — and it didn’t get it in time for that allimportant opening weekend. If you saw Shepard’s 2005 film The Matador you have some idea of what Dom Hemingway is like tonally — but Dom Hemingway is even better. As the film’s tagline puts it, “Jude Law is Dom Hemingway, and you’re not.” (Before the film is over you’ll probably be glad you’re not.) Law really is — or seems to be — Dom Hemingway. I’ve always thought of Law as an underappreciated actor, but this is unlike anything he’s done, and he truly inhabits the role to the point that Law completely disappears. All you see on that screen is Dom Hemingway in all his hot-headed, vulgar, oversexed, egotistical glory. There is just an undercurrent that deep down, Dom knows he’s a blowhard, a failure and his own worst enemy. (There is no shortage of applicants for the title of Dom’s worst enemy.) The only thing Dom seems to have going for him is the friendship of the sardonic and enigmatic Dickie Black (the great Richard E. Grant in


his best role in 20 years). When the film opens, Dom is just getting out of prison after a 12-year stint for safecracking, and the 12 years have cost him dearly. His wife has died, and his daughter has grown to hate him. Naturally, from his point of view, the first thing he does upon his release is beat up the man who took up with his wife during his incarceration. Only then does he, with the help of Dickie, set out to get what he’s owed by his old boss and underworld kingpin, Mr. Fontaine (Demian Bichir). Despite Dom’s drunken abuse and demands — not to mention openly lusting after Fontaine’s girlfriend, Paolina (Madalina Ghenea) — Fontaine remains gracious. Not only does he pony up the 250,000 pounds Dom’s owed for keeping his mouth shut, but he throws in the 500,000pound present Dom wants. More, Fontaine provides hookers, booze and endless cocaine by way of celebration. Unforunately, this ends in a wild car ride and crash, in the aftermath of which, Dom’s money is stolen by Paolina while he’s busy saving the life of genially ditzy hooker, Melody (Kerry Condon, This Must Be the Place). All he gets for his trouble is

CAROLINA CINEMAS (274-9500) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 3D (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2D (PG-13) 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 Brick Mansions (PG-13) 12:20, 2:50, 5:10, 7:25, 9:50 Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2D (PG-13) 12:15, 3:00, 6:15, 9:10 Ernest & Celestine (PG) 11:25, 1:30, 3:35, 5:40, 7:45 Finding Vivian Maier (NR) 12:10, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:50 The Grand Budapest Hotel (R) 11:30, 2:10, 4:35, 6:50, 9:15 Heaven Is for Real (PG) 11:15, 1:45, 4:15, 7:05, 9:20 Joe (R) 1:45, 7:10 Le Week-End (R) 11:20, 1:35, 4:10 The Other Woman (PG-13) 11:50, 2:20, 4:45, 7:15, 9:40 The Quiet Ones (PG-13) 7:40, 9:55 Rio 2 2D (G) 11:05, 1:30, 4:15, 6:45, 9:30 Transcendence (PG-13) 11:10, 4:20, 9:45 Under the Skin (R) 9:50 CINEBARRE (665-7776) CO-ED CINEMA BREVARD (883-2200) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (PG-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 EPIC OF HENDERSONVILLE (693-1146) FINE ARTS THEATRE (232-1536) The Grand Budapest Hotel (R) 1:20 , 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., May 8), Late show Fri-Sat only 9:30 The Lunchbox (PG) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:15 FLATROCK CINEMA (697-2463) Bears (G) 4:30, 7:00 REGAL BILTMORE GRANDE STADIUM 15 (684-1298) UNITED ARTISTS BEAUCATCHER (298-1234)


Melody’s assertion that when you save someone’s life it means good fortune will befall you when you most need it and least expect it. And this is where Dom’s troubles — and his possible redemption — really begin. Broke and bitter, Dom tries to put his life back together in a number of obviously ill-advised, and sometimes very funny, ways that tend to be not only fruitless but often dangerous. While all this gives you some idea of the story of Dom Hemingway, it does nothing to reveal the boundless cinematic creativity of the film, which comes as something of a surprise, since for all its merits, The Matador was never especially striking as filmmaking. This is something else again with its bold colors, inventive lighting and fluid movements. Nor does the mere story reveal the nearly poetic profanity of Shepard’s screenplay. It’s one thing to pepper a script with swearing, it’s something altogether different to make it clever and funny. But beyond all this, a reading of the plot doesn’t even afford a glimpse of the curious warmth that lies just beneath the constant bickering between Dom and Dicky, or suggest the undercurrents of Dom’s absurd character — or the generous heart that beats inside this dark comedy. In other words, see this movie. Rated R for sexual content, nudity, pervasive language, some violence and drug use. Reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas

Ernest & Celestine HHHH

diRectoR: Stéphane Aubier, Vincent Patar, Benjamin Renner PLaYeRs: (Voices) Forest Whitaker, Mackenzie Foy, Lauren Bacall, Paul Giamatti, William H. Macy animated fantasY Rated Pg the stoRY: A young mouse becomes the improbable friend of a very large bear. the Lowdown: A film of immense charm and pleasingly nongooey sweetness that also carries a solid theme about prejudice and how it’s a learned response. It is not, however, preachy and is largely played for clever comedy.

A lovely pastoral scene featuring the title characters from the charming animated film Ernest & Celestine.

Timing might be the key to success for the charming Oscar nominee Ernest & Celestine. True, the movie has no real brand name recognition (at least in this country) but there’s not much on local screens for children, so that alone could carry the day. The fact that it’s a FrenchBelgian creation poses no problem since the soundtrack has been rerecorded with an English-speaking cast — it is a beautiful, seamless job of dubbing, too. Plus, the movie is just so darn beguiling that it’s pretty irresistible. The film comes from a series of children’s books by Belgian writer-artist Gabrielle Vincent, who never allowed a film of the stories to be made during her lifetime. It is, however, hard to imagine that she would disapprove of the results here. This unassuming little movie contains not one speck of the post-modern snark that has plagued animated movies for over a decade. It has no interest in being “with it.” Not only does it look like hand-drawn animation, but it has the gentle, water-colored appearance of a children’s book from the 1950s (the actual books are more recent). Despite its three directors, it all feels personal and handcrafted. Even its retrofitted English soundtrack doesn’t change that. The story is simple, detailing the unlikely friendship of a notvery-successful street musician bear, Ernest (Forest Whitaker), and would-be artist mouse, Celestine (Mackenzie Foy, The Conjuring). It all starts when a hungry Ernest finds Celestine trapped in a garbage can. At first, he thinks she’ll do for a tasty snack, but Celestine points him in the direction of a candy store — and the basement window of its storage room. So begins their peculiar relationship, which is fur-

ther solidified when she gets her bruin buddy to help her burgle a store full of bear teeth. You see, in the universe of the film, bear teeth are a necessary commodity in the mouse world. They are used to replace lost rodent incisors — said incisors being the very backbone of the mouse civilization, the way in which their subterranean mouse city and its amenities were created. (The story is simple, the world of the story is much less so.) This act, and their forbidden friendship, leads them to become not just outcasts but criminals on the run. This is what drives the action, but the center of the film is built around Ernest and Celestine adjusting to each other. Celestine — in fact the entire mouse world — has been taught to hate and fear bears. Even though Celestine has never quite bought into this, the teachings linger around the edges. Bears, on the other hand, view mice as vermin. Ernest operates on the belief that if you let one mouse into your house, you will soon be overrun with them. But not only has fate thrown them together, it soon becomes obvious that the diminutive Celestine is much better at taking care of Ernest than Ernest is at taking care of himself. It’s a learning process in which much of the joy comes from their differences. This also allows them the freedom to be what they want to be, since neither have defined notions of what the other is “supposed” to be. The drama is held in place by the fact that they are fugitives from both worlds — something that of necessity will intrude on their fairly idyllic existence. What happens is delightfully complicated and, yes, it will bring home the simple moral that lies beneath the whole movie. I have deliberately left out the details of the two worlds, the mechanics of the mouse dental school, the arrangements between certain

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

businesses, etc. Those things and their delights should be discovered in the course of the movie. Oh, this may not be a great film — though, frankly, I think it’s much better than the film that did win the best animated feature Oscar — but it is so dear, so gentle, so charming and pleasantly funny that it ought to be treasured for those rare qualities alone. Rated PG for some scary moments. Reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas

Brick Mansions S diRectoR: Camille Delamarre PLaYeRs: Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA, Catalina Denis, Ayisha Issa


action Rated Pg-13 the stoRY: In dystopian Detroit, an undercover cop and a criminal with a heart of gold must bust into a cordoned off slum and deactivate a nuclear device. ®

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

the Lowdown: Dumb, convoluted actioner that manages to be incredibly boring in the bargain — despite all the fistfights and car chases.

Camille Delamarre’s Brick Mansions is a collection of nearly everything wrong with action movies. Actually, scratch that. It’s everything wrong with action movies 10 years ago. It’s an extremely regressive remake of the 2004 French film District B13, the movie that, very briefly, tried to make parkour a thing in cinema. Its fight scenes are jumbled, Gordian knots of quick, needless edits, jittery camerawork and excessive use of high-speed shutter. The plot hits the sweet spots of both idiotic and convoluted. The easiest way to explain the ways in which Brick Mansions falls apart is to compare it side-by-side with Gareth Evans’ The Raid 2. The two films intersect on a fundamental level in terms of the fight scenes and car chases, but that is where the overlap begins and ends. Evans’ movie is ambitious in scope and sophisticated in its structure and fight choreography. Brick Mansions is none of these things. There’s no foresight, no vision, just a jumbled pile of forgettable action scenes. It’s a film lacking in imagination, a deficiency that, despite


being an hour shorter than Evans’ film, makes Brick Mansions feel infinitely longer. A lot of this is due to an incredibly meandering plot that takes about half the runtime to kick in. The idea here is that Detroit has fallen into a pit of lawlessness, and the most ruthless parts of town have been walled up to keep the riff-raff out. Paul Walker plays Damien, an undercover cop who wants nothing more than to take down scary drug lord Tremaine (RZA), who rules over many of the brick mansions that make up the cordoned off area. Damien gets his shot at taking down Tremaine when it’s discovered he’s accidentally hijacked a nuke that’s set to go off. So with the help of convict and Brick Mansion resident Lino (David Belle of the original District B13), Damien’s off to get his wish. The film plays like a lesser version of The Wire and Escape from New York (1981). The various plot points make no sense, and this nuclear bomb serves as the ultimate McGuffin, seemingly popping up out of nowhere. Even the world they inhabit is bunk. With nary a spiked shoulder pad or leather codpiece, this isn’t even a stylish dystopia. What’s left is the husk of a noisy, mindless action movie that spins its wheels until it’s time for the credits to roll and your money’s already gone. Rated PG-13 for frenetic gunplay, violence and action throughout, language, sexual menace and drug material. Reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande.

The Other Woman H diRectoR: Nick Cassavetes (The Notebook) PLaYeRs: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Kate Upton, Don Johnson comedY Rated Pg-13 the stoRY: A woman finds out the man of her dreams is actually married, and she and the wife become reluctant friends. the Lowdown: An overlong, unfunny and eventually despicable shot at the raunchy, female-centric comedy.

HHHHH = max rating staRting fRidaY

Ernest & Celestine See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Unless you’ve been living in a cave you know full well that the week belongs to The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and you can probably guess that no one is foolish enough to open anything up against it — at least nationally. So you can either go set your Spidey senses a-tingle, or choose from Ernest and Celestine or any of the estimable titles still playing. (Pg-13)

Imagine that part in The Shining where Shelley Duvall looks at the typewriter, but instead of seeing the phrase, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” over and over, it says “This movie sucks” ad nauseam. That gives you an idea of my first attempt to review Nick Cassavetes’ The Other Woman. I’m sitting here with my face in my hands, slowly spiraling towards some sort of existential depression as I attempt to say something more about this stupid movie. There’s not a ton to say about it, but let’s try. There are a few reasons why The Other Woman exists, from attempting to bank on the raunchy, femalecentric wake of Bridesmaids (2011) to scraping the last bits of Cameron Diaz’s career off the floor to proving why nobody but her husband usually casts Leslie Mann in their movies. The quality is already on shaky ground when a film’s success is tied to the idea of Nick Cassavetes having the ability to direct comedy. And when the major selling point is Diaz’s cleavage, the returns are pretty much what you’d expect — an overlong and frustratingly unfunny film. Even that might be tolerable, or at least forgettable, except it eventually devolves into something much more repulsive. Diaz plays Carly, a lawyer who’s entering into a pretty serious relationship with Mark (Nikolaj CosterWaldau, Headhunters). That is, of course, until she finds out he’s married to Kate (Mann), who doesn’t take the news of her husband cheating on her all that well. Without

Mark’s knowledge, Kate starts seeking the much more assured Carly for help, and a reluctant friendship soon forms. The two start to formulate their plans for revenge on Mark when they find out there’s yet another woman — the bubbly, naive Amber (deadeyed, uncharismatic swimsuit model, Kate Upton). Up to this point, the film is a predictable, unmemorable affair, with most of the comedy predicated on lazy, slobbery-dog jokes and bathroom humor. Then the payback aspect of the plot kicks in, and the movie starts to become borderline vile, as the gals decide to spike Mark’s smoothies with high doses of estrogen. Not only is this highly illegal and incredibly immoral (yet yucked up inside the film), it sucks any sympathy for these already shrill, unlikable characters right out of the movie. When the cheap jokes about Mark’s suddenly changing body kick in, the movie skirts the borders of offensiveness, making a dull comedy into an ugly one. Rated PG-13 on appeal for mature thematic material, sexual references and language. Reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.

Community Screenings

puBlic liBrArY screeninGs • SA (5/03), 1:30-3pm - Generation Rx, a documentary about psychiatric medication use with children. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N Main St., Weaverville

trYon fine Arts center sprinG film series 859-8322, • TU (5/6), 7pm - Dirty Dancing, 7pm. $6. Optional dance contest at 5:30pm. Held at 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon Women’s recoverY conference screeninG 257-4481, • WE (4/30), 5:30-8pm - Anonymous People, a film about new solutions to addiction. Admission donation benefits Women’s Recovery Conference scholarships. Held at Mountain Area Health Education Center, 121 Hendersonville Road.

The Quiet Ones HHH diRectoR: John Pogue (Quarantine 2: Terminal) PLaYeRs: Jared Harris, Sam Claflin, Erin Richards, Rory FleckByrne, Olivia Cooke hoRRoR Rated Pg-13 the stoRY: An unorthodox researcher gets more than he bargained for when he tries to cure a supposedly possessed girl. the Lowdown: It is rich in atmosphere, undeniably creepy and reasonably intelligent, but there’s an over-reliance on loud noises where the scares ought to be and a certain amount of cheese along the way.

The folks calling themselves Hammer Films these days are back, and once again, their efforts bear little, if any, resemblance to the work of the company they claim to be. At the

same time, The Quiet Ones does feel a good bit like the best movie Hammer’s chief rival, Amicus Productions, never made — a statement I’m sure means nothing unless you’re a hardcore horror movie geek. But that’s kind of my point with this brand name nonsense. Connecting the current owners of the Hammer name with the classic-era Hammer product is like calling modern Universal the people who made Dracula (1931). It’s true on paper, but it’s at least four corporate entities removed. (If it was your cousin, you could marry it.) But more, the point to all this is very obscure. They can flash their ersatz Marvel logo (that’s what it looks like) before the movie and all that, but outside of horror fandom of a certain generation, it means little or nothing to modern horror fans. The fact that this latest has tanked on its opening weekend is pretty sound evidence of this. But what of the actual merits of The Quiet Ones? Well, it’s a mixed bag — and one that’s too in love with the sudden loud sound as a shock effect. After a while, the banging and bashing is less useful for scares than for ensuring the audience doesn’t nod off. Otherwise, the movie is a pretty solid effort of the paranormal-investigation-gone-wrong variety — only this one purports to be “inspired by true events” (and they’ve got some old photos to back this up). Setting the film in 1974 at least gives it something of the feel of a Brit horror movie of 40 years ago, just not a Hammer one. (Truth to tell, Hammer was past its prime by then.) However, having large chunks of the story told from the hand-held, 16mm film footage documenting the investigation edges the film into the realm of shaky-cam and found footage. At least this is logical in the context of the film, and it isn’t overly shaky. The whole thing is about a clearly obsessed and possibly unhinged

professor, Joseph Coupland (Jared Harris, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows), engaged in an unorthodox experiment to cure the supposedly possessed Jane Harper (Olivia Cooke, TV’s Bates Motel). This is unorthodox enough to get Coupland booted out of Oxford. He is then forced to attempt the experiment on his own with a small crew in an (of course) isolated, old, dark house. What happens there is perhaps none too surprising, but it is atmospheric, and the relationships among Coupland, his three assistants and their subject is more than usually interesting. Better yet, the peculiar twists and turns of these relationships are not overly explained, making them more real than those depicted in many films of this sort. The problem with the film comes from a tendency to not be able to deliver on its attempts at the Big Scares. This is partly a budgetary thing, but that doesn’t change the fact that the whatever-it-is that emerges from Jane’s mouth at one point is more funny than scary, and the film’s climax isn’t much better. That’s really too bad because the story itself — and its eventual revelations — are fairly strong. In fact, I could have given it a stronger endorsement if the film had ended with the melting film-frame. The completely unnecessary final scene just oozes ripest Velveeta and diminished my good will considerably. Even so, The Quiet Ones is worth seeing for horror fans. It is creepy, it’s reasonably intelligent and it’s well acted by its low star-power cast. I would not expect it to be around long. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and terror, sexual content, thematic material, language, and smoking throughout. Reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher.

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014



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sPeciaL scReenings

In Dreams HHHH director: Neil Jordan (Interview with the Vampire) Players: Annette Bening, Aidan Quinn, Robert Downey Jr., Paul Guilfoyle, Stephen Rea hoRRoR Rated R Neil Jordan’s much maligned — and much misunderstood — 1999 horror thriller may be considered over-the-top, but I’ve always found it more operatic than anything. It’s an intense work of intense emotions that are played with that intensity — especially as concerns Annette Bening and Robert Downey Jr. It is also incredibly stylish, incredibly creepy and rich in Jordan’s usual Catholic symbolism. It is also seriously due for reappraisal. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen in dreams Thursday, May 1 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Love on the Run HHHHS director: François Truffaut Players: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Marie-France Pisier, Claude Jade, Dani, Dorothee, Daniel Mesguich Romantic comedY dRama Rated PG François Truffaut’s sixth and final film of his Antoine Doinel series that began with Truffaut’s first film The 400 Blows in 1959 is mostly a pure delight and a fine conclusion to the series. The only problem with Love on the Run (1979), which catches up with the 30-something Antoine for the first time since 1970s Bed & Board, is how comprehensible all the flashbacks to the earlier films will be to the uninitiated. Offhand, I’d say that only a basic familiarity with the concept is all that’s needed. If you do get its wavelength, though, it’s a charmer. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Love on the Run Friday, May 2, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Noah’s Ark HHHH director: Michael Curtiz (Casablanca) Players: Dolores Costello, George O’Brien, Noah Beery, Louise Fazenda, Gwynn Williams, Paul McCallister, Myrna Loy waR/bibLicaL ePic Rated NR A curio and two hybrids in one movie, Michael Curtiz’s Noah’s Ark (1928) is a fascinating relic of the late silent/early sound era. Like DeMille’s 1923 The Ten Commandments, it’s only partly a Biblical epic. Most of its first half is a WWI story that serves as a lead-in — and a rather crude allegory — for the Noah tale. It’s also a part-talkie (all of which is limited to the modern story), but it’s considerably less awkward than many. Its main goal, apart from being a vehicle for Dolores Costello, was to function as a spectacle. In that regard, it succeeds brilliantly, despite its rather tortured screenplay. The Asheville Film Society will screen noah’s ark Tuesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Big Parade HHHHS director: King Vidor (Halleluhah!) Players: John Gilbert, Renée Adorée, Tom O’Brien, Karl Dane, Hobart Bosworth, Claire McDowell waR dRama Rated NR The first of the great WWI films and the first film where King Vidor staked his claim as one of the great directors, The Big Parade suffers a bit today by having been eclipsed by other, better WWI films that followed it in short order — not to mention the fact that about half of its running time has elapsed before it actually gets to the war. Even so, it has retained its essential power all these years later, and it’s a film that can fairly be called an essential. The Hendersonville Film Society will show the big Parade Sunday, May 4, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

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teAchinG/ educAtion 6th GrAde mAth And science teAcher ArtSpace Charter School is now accepting applications for a 6th grade Math and Science teacher. This position will be a one year interim position for the 2014/2015 school year. • Applicants Must have a current North Carolina teaching license in Middle School Math and Middle School Science or Elementary Education. Applicants must be willing to work in a collaborative, integrated, experiential environment. Knowledge of the arts and arts integration strategies is preferred but not required. • Please send resumes and cover letters to: resumes@ with a subject heading that indicates the position for which you are applying. Deadline to apply: May 15. k-3 teAcher Naturally Grown School is searching for a dynamic co-teacher for our Reggio inspired school that serves native Spanish and English speaking children ages 4 to 8. Located on an organic educational farm in Mills River. The ideal candidate will be fluent in Spanish, with preference given to a Native Spanish speaker. Should be passionate about their work, comfortable getting dirty, loves animals, cooking and learning with children. 30 - 35 hours weekly, excellent pay. Send resume to: Jefferykinzel@ science teAcher WAnted The Academy at Trails Carolina, a year-round experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County

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Businesses for sAle

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aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014


fReewiLL astRoLogY

by Rob Brezny

aRies (maRch 21-aPRiL 19) "Dear Astrologer: We Aries people have an intense fire burning inside us. It's an honor and a privilege. We're lucky to be animated with such a generous share of the big energy that gives life to all of nature. But sometimes the fire gets too wild and strong for us. We can't manage it. It gets out of our control. That's how I'm feeling lately. These beloved flames that normally move me and excite me are now the very thing that's making me crazy. What to do? - Aries." Dear Aries: Learn from what firefighters do to fight forest fires. They use digging tools to create wide strips of dirt around the fire, removing all the flammable brush and wood debris. When the fire reaches this path, it's deprived of fuel. Close your eyes and visualize that scene.


tauRus (aPRiL 20-maY 20) “My personal philosophy is not to undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.” So said Taurus-born Edwin Land, the man who invented the Polaroid camera. I have a feeling these might be useful words for you to live by between your 2014 and 2015 birthdays. In the coming 12 months, you will have the potential to home in on a dream that will fuel your passions for years. It may seem to be nearly impossible, but that’s exactly what will excite you about it so much — and keep you going for as long as it takes to actually accomplish it.

canceR (june 21-juLY 22) In the Transformers movies, Optimus Prime is a giant extraterrestrial warrior robot. His body contains an array of weapons that he uses for righteous causes, like protecting Earth's creatures. His character is voiced by actor Peter Cullen, who’s also worked extensively for another entertainment franchise, Winnie the Pooh. He does the vocals for Eeyore, a gloomy donkey who writes poetry and has a pink ribbon tied in a bow on his tail. Let's make Cullen your role model for now. I'm hoping this will inspire you to get the Eeyore side of your personality to work together with the Optimus Prime part of you. What's that you say? You don't have an Optimus Prime part of you? Well, that's what Eeyore might say, but I say different. Leo (juLY 23-aug. 22) Do you finally understand that you don't have to imitate the stress-addled workaholics and self-wounding overachievers in order to be as proficient as they are? Are you coming to see that if you want to fix, heal and change the world around you, you have to fix, heal and change yourself? Is it becoming clear that if you hope to gain more power to shape the institutions you're part of, you've got to strengthen your power over yourself? Are you ready to see that if you'd like to reach the next level of success, you must dissolve some of your fears of success? 62

aPRiL 30 - maY 6 , 2014

sagittaRius (nov. 22-dec. 21) Actor Matthew McConaughey prides himself on his willingness to learn from his mistakes and failures. A few years ago he collected and read all the negative reviews that critics had ever written about his work in films. It was "an interesting kind of experiment," he told Yahoo News. "There was some really good constructive criticism." According to my reading of the astrological omens, Sagittarius, now would be an excellent time for you to try an experiment comparable to McConaughey's. Be brave! caPRicoRn (dec. 22-jan. 19)

gemini (maY 21-june 20) I wish there was a way you could play around with construction equipment for a few hours. I'd love it if you could get behind the wheel of a bulldozer and flatten a small hill. It would be good for you to use an excavator to destroy a decrepit old shed or clear some land of stumps and dead trees. Metaphorically speaking, that's the kind of work you need to do in your inner landscape: move around big, heavy stuff; demolish outworn structures; reshape the real estate to make way for new building projects.

cultivating cooperation and harmony than on being swept up in aggression and conflict. You might be tempted to get riled up over and over again in the coming weeks, but I think that would lead you astray from living the good life.

viRgo (aug. 23-sePt. 22) "Beauty is the purgation of superfluities," said Michelangelo. Do you agree? Could you make your life more marvelous by giving up some of your trivial pursuits? Would you become more attractive if you got rid of one of your unimportant desires? Is it possible you'd experience more lyrical grace if you sloughed off your irrelevant worries? I suggest you meditate on questions like these, Virgo. According to my interpretation of the astrological omens, experiencing beauty is not a luxury right now, but a necessity. For the sake of your mental, physical and spiritual health, you need to be in its presence as much as possible. LibRa (sePt. 23-oct. 22) I'm pretty sure God wants you to be rich. Or at least richer. And I know for a fact that I want you to be richer. What about you? Do you want to be wealthier? Or at least a bit more flush? Or would you rather dodge the spiritual tests you'd have to face if you became a money magnet? Would you prefer to go about your daily affairs without having to deal with the increased responsibilities and obligations that would come with a bigger income? I suspect you will soon receive fresh evidence about these matters. How you respond will determine whether or not you'll be able to take advantage of new financial opportunities that are becoming available. scoRPio (oct. 23-nov. 21) The U.S. military budget this year is $633 billion. In comparison, the United Nations' peacekeeping budget is $7.8 billion. So my country will spend 81 times more to wage war than the U.N. will spend to make peace. I would prefer it if the ratio were reversed, but my opinion carries no weight. It's possible, though, that I might be able to convince you Scorpios, at least in the short run, to place a greater emphasis on

"Dear Oracle: I might be hallucinating, but recently I swear my pet iguana has been getting turned on whenever I disrobe in front of it. My naked body seems to incite it to strut around and make guttural hissing sounds and basically act like it's doing a mating dance. Is it me, or is it the planets? I think my iguana is a Capricorn like me. - Captivating Capricorn." Dear Capricorn: Only on rare occasions have I seen you Capricorns exude such high levels of animal magnetism as you are now. Be careful where you point that stuff! I won't be shocked if a wide variety of creatures find you extra alluring. aquaRius (jan. 20-feb. 18) "Eat like you love yourself," advises author Tara Stiles. "Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself." Those four prescriptions should be top priorities for you, Aquarius. Right now, you can't afford to treat your beautiful organism with even a hint of carelessness. You need to upgrade the respect and compassion and reverence you give yourself. So please breathe like you love yourself. Sleep and dream like you love yourself. Think like you love yourself. Make love like you love yourself. Pisces (feb. 19-maRch 20) Blindfolded, most people can't tell the difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. But I bet you could, at least this week. Odds are good that you’ll also be adept at distinguishing between genuine promises and fakes ones. And you’ll always know when people are fooling themselves. No one will be able to trick you into believing in hype, lies or nonsense. Why? Because these days you’re unusually perceptive, sensitive and discerning. This might on occasion be a problem, of course, since you won't be able to enjoy the comfort and consolation that illusions can offer. But mostly it will be an asset, giving you a huge tactical advantage and lots of good material for jokes.

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the new YoRk times cRosswoRd PuZZLe

ACROSS 1 “Foucault’s Pendulum” author 4 Legendary predator of elephants 7 Entertainers at many 49-Downs, for short 10 Super Mario Bros. console, for short 13 Jobs offering 14 Stop ___ dime 15 Radio station listener’s call-in, perhaps 17 Asthmatic’s device 19 “Checkmate!” 20 Experiment site 21 Alternative to dice 22 1952 Winter Olympics host 23 ___ Sea, waters depleted by irrigation projects

24 “Spider-Man” director Sam 27 Abalone shell lining 30 “___ all good” 33 Politico Hatch of 54-Down 34 Clumsy sorts 35 Pick up 36 Holey plastic shoe 37 Off one’s rocker 38 Drag racers’ org. 39 “The Wizard of Oz” locale: Abbr. 40 Absorb, as gravy 41 ___-Grain 42 “Dee-lish!” 43 Bonnie’s partner 44 :-( 45 “… ___ in Kalamazoo” 47 Eldest Stark child on “Game of Thrones” 49 Australia’s Port ___ Bay



52 In hiding 56 Team leader of song 57 Retired academics 58 Tee-shot club 59 Well-put 60 Vintner’s vessel 61 I.S.P. with a butterfly logo 62 Afterafterthought on a letter: Abbr. 63 Many aging A.L. sluggers 64 ___ moment DOWN 1 Send out 2 One of man’s three legs, in the riddle of the Sphinx 3 Protest singer Phil 4 Arrives, as fog 5 N.B.A. great in Icy Hot commercials 6 *Typist’s duplicate of old 7 Prohibitionists 8 Game show with the theme music “Think!” 9 Knights’ attendants 10 *They’re big on Broadway 11 “To be,” to Brutus 12 Suffix with slick 16 Radius neighbor 18 With 38-Down, property of the first part of the answer to each starred clue (appropriately positioned in the grid)

No.0326 Edited by Will Shortz

No. 0326

edited by Will Shortz






















21 22 25


















45 49























24 First sports movie to win Best Picture 25 Pianist Claudio 26 *Medieval device with spikes 28 One way to read 29 *Anti-Civil War Northerner 31 ___ firma 32 Unflashy

37 Kid’s post-haircut treat, maybe 38 See 18-Down 40 Bit of surf in surf and turf 41 Green Giant canned corn 46 Radiant look 48 Zip 49 Gym ball?

50 Barbaric sorts 51 Nth degrees? 53 Demanding sort 54 See 33-Across 55 Gyro bread

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from Call the last 50 years:online 1-888-7-ACROSS. subscriptions: Today’s puzzle for answers: 1-900-285-5656, and more than 2,000 past puzzles, a minute; with a credit card,to download AT&T$1.49 users: Textor,NYTX to 386 puzzles, or visit ($39.95 a 1-800-814-5554. for moreyear). information. Annual subscriptions are available for Online Today’s puzzle and than 2,000 past share tips:more the subscriptions: best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. puzzles, ($39.95 crosswordsa year). for young solvers: At&t Text NYTX to 386 to Share tips:users: download puzzles, or visit mobilexword more information. Crosswords forforyoung solvers:

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