Mountain Xpress 06.01.16

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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


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starts on PaGe 38 Kid aPProved Two events — the release party for an all-ages album by 23 Skidoo and a Saturday morning theater series — are aimed at entertaining the whole family. cover photo Courtesy Rodney Smith/Tempus Fugit Design cover design Norn Cutson and Scott Southwick

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9 toxic legacy CTS site continues to breed suspicion, heartache for residents

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14 voter fatigue Low turnout predicted for June 7 congressional primary

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sta FF publisher & managing editor: Jeff Fobes assistant to the publisher: Susan Hutchinson a&e editor/writer: Alli Marshall

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caRto o n BY R a n D Y mo lt o n

Council sends troubling message in RAD With the deployment of its nuclear option — eminent domain — in the RADTIP project, Asheville City Council sent an important message to its citizens and the nation. If you or your property are in the way of a pet project of City Hall, they can, and will, simply confiscate your property. Eminent domain as a legal concept is one of the last remaining vestiges of European feudal societies. Despite its popularity with the likes of Donald Trump, it has no place in the 21st century. It has been shown repeatedly and across many countries that one of the most important drivers of economic success is the existence of stable property rights. A regime under which someone can arbitrarily take part or all of your property clearly does not meet that standard. Council’s readiness to blindly accept recommendations from the myriad unelected, unaccountable boards, commissions, committees, action teams, task forces — or whatever that it has set up —

means that the risk of establishing such a regime clearly exists. Say you repeatedly yell at your neighbors for letting their kids play in the street. Perhaps one of them serves on a board, commission, committee, action team, task force or whatever and decides to retaliate by promoting a cycle path up your driveway and through your backyard. Council has now demonstrated that you have no recourse except the courts. We are told repeatedly that Asheville’s housing market “is the sixth-least sustainable in the country.” Whatever the truth of the matter, it is clear that we are at a point where it is imperative to attract capital into the city for housing construction projects. How enthusiastic will that capital be when it can see that it and its projects are subject to arbitrary confiscation? Perhaps current Council members and staff should contemplate the following: Use eminent domain once, and your career is at risk. Use it a second time, and your career is over. — Geoff Kemmish Asheville

contributing editors: Chris Changery, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Margaret Williams regular contributors: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Jacqui Castle, Leslie Boyd, Thomas Calder, Scott Douglas, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Corbie Hill, Rachel Ingram, Bill Kopp, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Kat McReynolds, Clarke Morrison, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Conner, Thom O’Hearn, Alyx Perry, Kyle Petersen, Justin Souther, Krista White advertising, art & design manager: Susan Hutchinson graphic designers: Kerry Bober, Norn Cutson, Scott Southwick


online sales manager: Jordan Foltz

HONDA: 242 Underwood Rd PRE-OWNED: 195 Underwood Rd Fletcher, NC 828-684-4400

marKeting associates: Thomas, Allison, Sara Brecht, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri information technologies & web: Bowman Kelley booKKeeper: Alyx Perry administration, billing, hr: Able Allen, Lisa Watters distribution manager: Jeff Tallman assistant distribution manager: Denise Montgomery distribution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


Dr. Junk & Mr. Fix-It


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N.C. needs needleexchange law Pressure Washing • Painting Interior/Exterior Assembly • Welding • Remodeling • Landscaping Graffiti Removal • Tile & Stone Installation • Local, Insured • Call Pat Anytime!



JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

[Statistics show that] 51 percent of nonmentally ill inmates were abusing drugs at the time of their offense. This country needs comprehensive drug reform in order to begin to reform the prison system, and in turn reduce the cost to taxpayers — which is currently an astounding $1.1 billion. The societal cost of addiction is far too great, and far more can be done to prevent the devastating effects it has on families and communities. Addiction puts others at risk — through things like drunk driving, theft to financially support addiction, homelessness and staggering health care costs. The first step to combating addiction is to treat it like the health problem it is. There needs to be steps taken toward harm reduction, not toward further shame and criminalization of the subject. One step which needs to be taken on the subject of harm reduction is the needle exchanges. Needle exchanges, though often demonized, allow outreach to some of the most unreachable portions of the population addicted to drugs and prevent those individuals from catching deadly blood-borne diseases before they can get the help they need. Needle exchanges allow people suffering from crippling addictions dignity and respect — one of the first steps in encouraging them to get help. Needle exchanges often have onsite counseling and addiction services, many of which are so effective that those who get clean continue to go to the same place because it was the first one to treat them with respect. North Carolina needs more needle exchanges and legislation to support them. Currently, proprietors of needle exchanges can be held liable for minuscule amounts of drugs in the used needles they take in. There are only four needle exchanges in North Carolina at the time of this writing. Senate Bill 794, for authorized needle exchange programs is currently in the N.C. Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate. It would allow exchanges to be run without liability, to educate individuals on proper harm-reduction techniques and to distribute overdose antidote kits. This is the first step toward reform we need, to give people the help they need. — Ben Marsico Arden

HB2: flashback to Reagan administration? There is no telling what will be the cost to society from HB2. Some members of the N.C. [General] Assembly believe that the state is being negatively affected. Flashback to the 1960s and 1970s, when civil rights legislation was debated nationally. After enactment, a countermovement in the 1970s and 1980s culminated in the election of Ronald Reagan. He campaigned against civil rights and made William Rehnquist chief justice of the Supreme Court. The administration’s negative impact included anti-women’s rights, closure of government agencies (Office of Domestic Violence), putting polluters in charge of environmental programs and appointing James Watt as secretary of the interior. There were massive cuts to federal housing. President Reagan cut taxes to rich Americans. Much like then, the poor are becoming poorer, and the rich getting richer. One current presidential candidate exploits demagoguery and his prior celebrity status. He never served in elected office, voted on a piece of legislation or made our country more secure. — M. Heller Asheville

Park deserves credit for Old Farmer’s Ball In the recent article about the regional conference of SERFA (The Southeast Regional Folk Alliance), “Work Hard, Play Hard: SERFA Conference Looks at the Craft and Business of Folk Music” [May 11, Xpress], the [article] incorrectly states that I “started the Old Farmer’s Ball,” the weekly contra dance that currently takes place on the campus of Warren Wilson College. Fred Park, not I, was the founder of this long-standing popular event, and he deserves credit for it. When Fred initiated this weekly dance in the fall of 1982, I was one of four local dance callers he enlisted to help launch it. The other three were Peter Gott, Bob Thompson and Dudley Culp.

c aRt o o n B Y B R E n t B R o w n Initially, the dance was held in the old white dance hall along the Warren Wilson Road, but it moved to Warren Wilson in 1993, following the big blizzard of that year. — Phil Jamison Asheville

Protester didn’t represent media outlet The May 18 article featuring an interview with Gov. [Pat] McCrory [“McCrory Opens Up: Governor Chats on HB2, Mountain Attitudes,” Xpress] notes, “We were almost immediately interrupted by Amy Hamilton, who said she was ‘with the media, too, the Asheville Blade.’” The only person at that event on behalf of the Blade was photographer Max Cooper. Hamilton was not there on behalf of the Blade as a reporter or journalist or in any capacity representing our news organization. Like many news publications in this city, we also run opinion columns and perspectives from a range of community members, including those involved in pro-

tests and activism. Hamilton has written such a piece for us before and may do so again, but was at this event as an individual and a protester, not on behalf of the Blade for any assignment we’d commissioned. Hopefully, this clears up any confusion among your readers. — David Forbes Editor, Asheville Blade

We want to hear from you! Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


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Falling through the cracks The perils of life without health insurance by anne centers My heart sank as I drove into the packed parking lot of Biltmore Baptist Church in Arden at 6:55 a.m. Hurriedly gathering my belongings, I joined a long line. On this cool, cloudy morning, the 40ish blond woman in front of me had wrapped herself in a gray blanket. She’d driven for an hour to take advantage of the Missions of Mercy free dental clinic. We waited quietly, though hungry hands grabbed the glazed doughnuts dispensed by a volunteer. The blond woman shook out her already tired legs; unwittingly, we’d signed up for a marathon of standing and waiting. A female volunteer said the clinic had seen 500 people the previous day. Dentists wearing black scrubs strolled by, rested and raring to go. I was grateful for their willingness to assist people without dental insurance — the poor whom our politicians have forsaken. In this crazy system, if you earn little, you pay lots. Our governor refused federal money to expand Medicaid, and although I have a master’s degree and was a teacher, I never worked more than a year in one place, so I have no pension. My meager monthly income comes solely from my deceased ex-husband’s Social Security; Obamacare would cost more than half of it. Therefore, at age 63, I’ve learned to navigate the existing channels for free care: the Minnie Jones Health Center, Project Access and


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

anne centers the Health Department. The other day, I had skin cancer scraped and burned off through Project Access, which I found through Minnie Jones. On my Facebook, I’ve had four or five people asking for money to help with medical bills. This country is in a sorry state when people can’t afford procedures to keep them healthy. The line snaked around the red-

brick building. The blond woman struck up a conversation with a whiskered man, and I joined in. Two hours later, we’d reached the door, where a policewoman was letting in 10 people at a time. After filling out a registration form and having my blood pressure and pulse taken, I followed signs back outside — and onto another long line, where I shivered under a cloudy sky. X-rays were being taken in a truck parked at the curb. An old lady with badly swollen ankles was given a metal folding chair and seated in front of me. Each time the line moved, she struggled to stand up, scraped her chair forward, then plopped back down. I snagged the doughnut volunteer, who promptly moved her to the front of the line. A dark-haired guy named Doug gave me a thumbs-up. Off to the side, a man was barbecuing for us: A teasing aroma hung in the air. Scanning the growing line, I noticed an African-American man with a carved walking stick and a woman wearing pink sweatpants. Behind me, a man named JJ complained that being half-disabled in the war left him ineligible for veterans dental coverage. He pointed to his back, where shrapnel had been removed, and to his expensive hearing aid, both issues caused by an exploding bomb. Our impromptu group began a lively discussion about the state of the country. Approaching the promised land, we were jovial — until the doughnut man announced an hour or two delay before they resumed taking X-rays. People scattered; it was now 11:10 a.m. The blond woman spread her blanket on the sidewalk and we sat down, determined. The doughnut volunteer formed a line for people needing extractions: Almost everyone behind us would now be getting X-rayed first, and grumbling arose in our ranks. Should we even continue to wait? Then they announced, “People wanting cleanings stand here.” Although I wondered if I had cavities, I decided to cut my losses and was third in line. Paraded into the dimly lit building, we received yellow wristbands, gave

our names to a woman clutching a legal pad and sat in plastic chairs. Forty-five minutes later, I asked for an update and was told that a new group of hygienists would soon arrive; at high noon, my name was called. Speed-walking behind the long-legged assistant, I was deposited at yet another building on the huge campus. When the door opened, I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole: 80 openmouthed patients in dental chairs filled the bright, cavernous room. Dentists wearing white masks and yellow, blue or green gowns tended to their patients; pounding music pervaded the space. I snapped two pictures and asked the young mop top next to me what he needed. Opening his mouth wide, he pointed to his stained front teeth and the cavities in back. A girl walked by carrying a red 5-gallon bucket of hazardous waste. The big clock on the wall read 12:10 p.m. Directed down an aisle, I gave Samantha, the hygienist, my paperwork and sat in a portable dental chair. She began using an ultrasound tool to remove the plaque, and my body jumped. Had she struck a nerve? Now in full pain alert, I tried to relax; then it happened again. I sat on my hands and tried to breathe slowly. The third time felt like an electric shock. Was it really worth all this to save $25? But before I could bolt out of the chair, she switched to the oldfashioned scraping tool and gently completed the cleaning, while “Flashdance” permeated the room. Collecting my paperwork, I headed down the aisle feeling shellshocked. A cluster of dentists, arms folded, looked directly at me. That was my chance to thank them, I realized later, but I’d been too overwhelmed to speak. It was now 1:15 p.m.; still hoping to get X-rays, I drove over to the truck. But because I’d already turned in my paperwork, they wouldn’t take me. The blond woman was standing by the door, however, poised to go in; I wished her luck. Then I got back in my car and left, feeling grateful to everyone who’d donated their time and money to accommodate those of us who’ve fallen through the cracks. To learn more about the Mission of Mercy Outreach Dental Program, visit Anne Centers lives in Asheville. X


Toxic legacy

CTS site continues to breed suspicion, heartache for residents

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SOCIAL ANXIETY: Since evidence of the scope and extent of contamination began coming to public light a decade ago, the former CTS of Asheville Superfund site has bred tension and distrust between residents and the agencies charged with overseeing containment and remediation of the site. With a new remedial action plan set to be implemented by the end of 2016, many community members are hoping that EPA officials will finally follow through with cleanup measures they say are several decades late in coming. Photo by Dan Caylor

BY max hunt larry and dot rice thought they’d found their “haven” when they bought a wooded property on Mills Gap Road in 1974. “This was supposed to be something we could leave to our family,” says Dot. “We’d be able to do whatever we wanted to with it.” But their hopes were shattered in 1999 as evidence came to light that their well water was contaminated with high concentrations of trichloroethylene, an industrial solvent. Worse still, the Rices learned that state and federal environmental agencies had been alerted a decade before about contamination leaching from the former CTS of Asheville electroplating plant next door (see “Fail-Safe?” July 11, 2007 Xpress). As early as 1990, Environmental Protection Agency officials received reports of possible contamination at the site. The following year, an EPA contractor found “high levels of 1,2-dichloroethene, trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, and several unidentified

organic compounds,” yet no action was taken for almost a decade, and attempts at remediation didn’t start till 2006 (see “CTS Timeline”). Since then, both the former CTS property and the EPA have become lightning rods for community concern and activism, and meanwhile, progress in cleaning up the pollution has been painfully slow. The soil vapor extraction system installed in 2006 was rendered inoperable by copper thieves in 2010 and was never repaired. Although it had removed some 3 tons of pollutants, the system wasn’t able to address the deeper pockets of TCE in groundwater. And while some affected residents have been connected to city water lines, no further attempt to address the onsite source of the contaminants has been made since then. With the EPA set to implement a new remediation strategy this year, some residents and public officials are cautiously hopeful that the long-standing issues might finally be addressed. Others continue to lobby federal authorities to hold the EPA accountable for past missteps and speed up the remediation process. This is critical, community activists say, pointing out that

even the new strategy is billed as only an interim measure. IN hArm’S wAY Zip-tied to the front gate in the fence that separates the roughly 10-acre CTS site from the outside world is a small “no trespassing” sign; about 30 yards away, a larger sign identifies the property as a Superfund site. No details are given, and there’s no indication of who to call with questions. But many warning signs hang on the fence surrounding the Rices’ contaminated spring, which is capped by a mass of plastic sheeting, pipes and a vapor control system. “A year or two ago,” says larry rice jr., the fumes “were so bad that my children couldn’t get off the school bus.” The former kickboxing champion was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 2011. “I’ve lived clean — no bad habits, no smoking — yet I have

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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


the lungs of someone who’s smoked for 40 years.” And while Rice says his doctors won’t go on the record speculating about what may have caused his illness, he blames the water he drank for most of his life. “I have drunk this water by the gallons,” he reveals. “I thought this was good mountain spring water.” Over the past 15 years, the extended Rice family has experienced a host of health problems. “My husband has a brain tumor and COPD, my son Terry’s had glaucoma since his 30s, my granddaughter has a brain tumor, I’ve had two thyroid tumors, multiple skin cancers on my face, arms and chest,” says Dot. “All of us have muscle aches, stomach aches, headaches, runny noses — even Larry junior’s kids.” Fortunately, Larry senior and Dot can fall back on his military benefits for their health care. But at a time when Larry junior ’s thoughts had been turning toward retirement, the 56-year-old finds his health issues hampering both his martial arts career and the odd jobs he now does on the side. “I have to go back to work like a 25-year-old man,” he reports. “Not only do I have to change careers, but do it when I can barely work four hours a day anymore.” Meanwhile, he’s even more concerned about his wife and two sons. “My children are 9 and 10 years old, and they’re asking me, ‘Daddy, are we gonna die of poison? Daddy, why aren’t there any frogs or turtles in the creek?’ That’s heartbreaking for a father.” Pointing to the empty barrels clearly visible under a pile of debris on the CTS side of the fence, less than 50 yards from his house, he says: “It’s hard to be calm about the situation. They knew all this decades ago, and they willfully left people in harm’s way to live here.” SEEdS Of dISTruST “If you look at the history of the site, things were known early on by the agencies whom the public puts their faith and trust in that were not disclosed and did not come to light until activists got involved and sort of exposed it,” says barry durand, a local chemist who first brought the situation to Xpress’ attention in 2007. Durand and others say that contradictory or missing public documents and test data, conflicting locations given for the site, a revolving door of EPA on-scene coordinators, and the ponderous pace of official response have continuously plagued the cleanup progress. “If you don’t have account-


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

ability at the agency, these things end up happening,” Durand contends. “The mistakes made have not been confronted directly with an eye toward trying to correct them.” And that, in turn, can lead to deep and persistent distrust, says lenny siegel, executive director of the Mountain View, California-based Center for Public Environmental Oversight. “People need to hear about these issues from the regulators rather than finding out about it themselves, knocking on the regulators’ door, and seeing that they’re barely aware of the situation,” he points out. “That creates the high level of mistrust that many of the people around the CTS site have.” U.S. Rep. mark meadows, whose 11th Congressional District includes the site, says the overriding response he’s heard from the community is that “They just want honesty and transparency from the EPA. Past failures have tainted the trustworthiness and reputation of those that are charged with cleaning up the site. So whether there are areas to be concerned about or not, it makes everyone have to question, What is the truth? What’s not the truth? What’s being said and what’s not being said?” PrOPErTY ShOCk Health issues aside, property values are also a major concern for many of the CTS site’s neighbors. In her 2014 book Toxic Communities, professor dorceta taylor of the University of Michigan notes that “Property values decline in neighborhoods around hazardous waste sites,” even when the sites are officially deemed safe. bob selz, president of the Southside Estates Property Owners Association, says that pattern has played out in his neighborhood, which sits on a ridge overlooking the CTS site. “We’ve had several parcels of land that were purchased for, oh, $65,000 to $75,000,” he reveals. “They’ve since been sold for roughly $15,000.” That scenario weighs heavily on residents’ minds, says tate macQueen, a local activist and social studies teacher whose home was switched to city water in 2014 after his well was found to be contaminated. “One buys a house with the intention of building equity in it, so you can sell it to finance your next home or retirement. Then suddenly that’s taken from you.” Siegel, however, says, “If properties are properly investigated and typical environmental responses are implemented, the impact contamination might have on property value is largely reversed. But the regulatory agencies,

EXPOSING ThE TruTh: Despite testing in 1990 clearly indicating the presence of elevated levels of TCE and other harmful pollutants leeching into their property, the Rice family remained unaware that their drinking water was contaminated until 1999. Since that time, the family and several other neighbors have experienced a slew of health issues and cancers. Photo special to Xpress because property values aren’t part of their job, don’t always do a good job of communicating that.” Between May 2014 and April 2016, the average selling price for homes in SouthSide Village, another neighboring subdivision, was $358,500, up from $353,500 for sales between July 2012 and June 2014. “Property values have been maintained during the various economic periods of the last 10 years,” SouthSide Village board member therese figura reports. The Rices, however, despair of ever being able to sell their property or escape from the contamination. “If I had the money to move, my family would be out of here rapidly,” says Larry junior, “but it’s kind of hard to just pick up and move” without selling their property. “This is all paid for: We’ve worked hard as a family to pay for this place. And now it’s worthless.” A mATTEr Of dISCLOSurE Like the Rices, richard sullivan thought he was fulfilling his dream when he bought property on Pinners Cove Road, about 2 miles from the CTS site, in 2013. “The day we closed on the property, we drove down to the corner

of Pinners Cove and Mills Gap and saw the news crew,” he remembers. “I pulled over and asked the guys what was going on, and they said it was the CTS Superfund site.” Sullivan alleges that Town and Mountain Realty in Asheville, the seller’s agent in the transaction, never disclosed the potential contamination issues. “I’d like to know any Realtor in the area, specifically that sells in Arden, that doesn’t know that existed,” says Sullivan. “But because I can’t prove they’re lying, there’s nothing I can do.” Kenny potts, the Town and Mountain agent who handled the sale, says, “Everyone was under the impression that EPA was handling the cleanup and was replacing well water with city water for the homeowners in that vicinity. We based this on information provided on the EPA’s website.” Town and Mountain owner mike miller adds that under state law, such disclosures aren’t required for land transactions. “My understanding is that Mr. Sullivan bought this lot without seeing it in person, and they had a buyer’s agent from another local firm representing them,” notes Miller. “Mr. Sullivan has brought his issues before the Asheville Board of Realtors’ grievance committee and the N.C Real Estate Commission, which is chartered to protect the real estate consumer, and his complaint was dismissed.” State law does require property owners and real estate agents to disclose potential environmental concerns in connection with the sale of houses or other structures. But the onus is on the buyer to prove that the sellers knew about the problems prior to the sale. And in any case, says Siegel, the disclosures required by such laws typically “don’t describe what the risk is — they just say there’s a contamination site nearby.” Miller maintains that he’s often gone beyond the legal requirements in making clients aware of hazardous waste sites near properties for sale. “The mantra at my office is ‘disclose, disclose, disclose,’” he reports. “I know that sounds like a cliche, but for us, it’s about doing the right thing. We preach it all the time, we teach it all the time, and as far as I know, we practice it.” Town and Mountain, adds Potts, has since created a new disclosure protocol based on information provided by the EPA. “Currently, we and numerous other agencies use the buyer’s acknowledgement disclosure. This form was created by two firms and two local attorneys to address various disclosure issues such as the CTS site.”

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To date, no contamination has been found more than about a mile from CTS, and the EPA’s latest plume map does not include Sullivan’s property. But it does show a plume extending in his direction, and there’s no guarantee that properties farther out won’t be affected in the future. TEST ANXIETY Last June, four homes on Silk Tree Lane in SouthSide Village came under scrutiny when outdoor ambient air samples yielded higher TCE readings “than the concentrations historically detected in these areas,” according to a report by Amec Foster Wheeler, a contractor hired by CTS to conduct tests and report to the EPA. The subdivision sits just below the site along its western border. But the Silk Tree Lane residents denied the EPA’s requests to take indoor air samples, and the SouthSide Village Homeowners Association refused to allow additional outdoor tests. Meanwhile, testing last August on the adjacent Powell property showed an even higher reading (13 micrograms per cubic meter), though craig Zeller, the EPA’s on-scene coordinator, says more recent testing has shown lower concentrations. “October 2015 and January 2016 ambient air data from the undeveloped Powell property are at or below the screening level,” says Zeller, “and thus would not indicate a need to collect crawl space and/or indoor air samples from the Silk Tree Lane properties.” Asked about the situation, Figura said the residents in question “had no reason to be concerned, because air testing had been done over six years, with documentation proving there was not a health threat. These residents

cTS timeline • April 9, 1959 - CTS purchases 57-acre Mills Gap Road facility. • Aug. 1, 1980 - CTS registers with EPA as hazardous waste generator producing 44,440 pounds of sludge and 8,307 pounds of waste solvent annually. • Mar. 13, 1984 - N.C. Division of Health Services denies CTS permission to treat or dispose of hazardous waste. • April 30, 1986 - CTS ceases operations in Asheville. • May 1987 - Resident Dave Ogren reports on-site chemical pond to state Dept. of


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

SIGNS Of dISTrESS: Over the past decade, signs like the one above have been affixed to the fence surrounding the CTS site by community members (and subsequently removed). While some folks are cautiously optimistic that the new interim remedial action plan will finally begin cleanup at the source of pollutants, others say that EPA has waited too long to act and want officials held responsible for past mistakes and oversights. Photo special to Xpress. have lived in SouthSide Village for years and have not experienced any health issues.” The CTS contamination, she continued, “was a shock to many of us, but there were many locals who knew about the issue for years and decided to buy homes in the community. SSV residents have not reported health issues related to the site contamination. Various test results, over 10 years, consistently concluded that the soil and water were not contaminated, and it has been noted that higher concentrations of contamination were east of the site.” A January 2015 letter from franklin hill, director of the Superfund Division for the EPA’s Region IV, stated that “Air sampling to date has not indicated unacceptable risk to human health within the residential area of SSV,” (see “EPA Clarifies SouthSide Village Status,” March 27, 2015, Xpress). Zeller says Hill’s statement remains valid based on subsequent EPA data, but

Environment and Natural Resources. • April 20, 1990 - DENR notifies EPA officials about Ogren’s complaint, citing potential “imminent hazard” to surrounding community. • Feb. 22, 1991 – EPA contractor NUS Corp. completes site inspection, recommends “no further remedial action” despite evidence of contaminants in Rice family springs. • July 14, 1999 – N.C. Division of Water Quality tests wells on Rice property, finds TCE concentrations 4,200 times EPA’s drinking water standard. Family put on city water. • April 4, 2002 - EPA approves immediate, full-scale site cleanup, citing health risks to residents.

Siegel cautions that quarterly air samples may not be a good indicator of overall risk. “Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence,” he points out. TCE concentrations in indoor air vary daily, Siegel explains, and outdoors, something as simple as a change in the wind’s direction could affect test results. “One would need to do sampling every day or nearly continuously to say conclusively that it’s safe,” he maintains. “While there are devices that allow for continuous sampling, the current technology available on the market is expensive and time-consuming.” dISruPTEd LIvES For the CTS site’s neighbors, the contamination has disrupted daily activities that most folks take for granted. Where the Rices once held barbecues for friends and Larry junior’s martial arts students, he says he’s now afraid to have people

• July 20, 2006 - On-site soil vapor extraction system installed. • November 2007 - TCE found in wells in The Oaks subdivision. Neighborhood put on city water. • July 2010 – Vandals disable soil vapor extraction system. • Feb. 2, 2012 - New contamination reported in private wells around CTS site. Residents push for city water hookups. • Mar. 13, 2012 - CTS property declared Superfund site. Community members allege criminal negligence by EPA; EPA and CTS offer nearby residents home filtration systems. • June 19, 2012 - Buncombe County commissioners seek $4 million in loans to extend

over to his house. “Every time someone calls, I have to tell them about the risks of just being here.” Meanwhile, Dot Rice is simultaneously taking care of her ailing husband and raising her granddaughter’s 17-year-old, whom the mother is unable to care for due to complications from a brain tumor. And besides the effects of the toxic chemicals themselves, notes MacQueen, “There’s the health impact that comes from anxiety and fear and being angry.” “It really weighs on you,” says Dot. “You wake up at night — if you go to sleep at all. If they could have seen my husband when we first moved here, what kind of man he was and what he is now. He was wounded twice in Vietnam fighting for his country, but when it came to helping us, it seems like it’s hard to get anything.” For his part, Sullivan says the presence of a Superfund site near his land brings back a host of bad memories. “I grew up at the Little Elk Creek Superfund site in Maryland,” he reveals. “I lost most of my family to cancers because of that site, which was contaminated with the same chemical. How am I supposed to drive to that stop sign every day of my life and look at that place across the street? Think about what that does to someone’s psyche.” A brIGhTEr fuTurE? On Feb. 11, the EPA officially approved a plan calling for a combination of electrical resistance heating and in situ chemical oxidation, with implementation to begin by this fall (see Feb. 11 Xpress blog post, “EPA Finalizes $9 Million Interim Cleanup Plan”). The new strategy, says Zeller, is

water lines to neighboring homes. Asheville City Council subsequently approves extending water lines to 129 homes. • June 6, 2014 - EPA evacuates three families from Rice property after finding elevated TCE levels in indoor air samples. Vapor capture system subsequently installed on Rice property springs. • June/August 2015 - Elevated levels of TCE detected in outdoor air samples in nearby SouthSide Village. Homeowners reject EPA request to conduct indoor air tests. Subsequent readings yield lower concentrations. • Feb. 11, 2016 - EPA approves $9 million interim remediation plan. Full cleanup still several years away. X

expected to “mitigate, if not eliminate, TCE transport to the eastern and western springs areas.” Nonetheless, it’s still only a stopgap measure. According to the February report, “Final sitewide cleanup is not expected for several years” and will require yet another round of decision-making. In the meantime, it’s important for local representatives to keep up the pressure on both the EPA and CTS, says state Rep. brian turner, whose 116th State House District covers much of Buncombe County. Asheville City Council member julie mayfield says, “I’m hoping that the fact that EPA has initiated and now approved this interim action, and essentially forced CTS to broaden the scope of that action, that they’re finally going to start cleaning up.” Real progress on a cleanup would go a long way toward rebuilding trust between the community and the federal agency, says Mayfield, who is co-director of the environmental advocacy group MountainTrue and also serves on the POWER community advisory group for the CTS site. U.S. Rep. patrick mchenry, whose 10th District borders the CTS property, says positive strides have been made

in recent years. “Early on, I was alarmed that the communications dynamic between EPA and the community was not focused on the issue of utmost concern — cleaning up the contamination,” he says. Since then, McHenry says he’s worked to improve communication between the two groups and keep remediation efforts moving forward. “My duty is to stand with the impacted constituents and maintain pressure on the EPA, to ensure their full focus is on the cleanup effort. Projected deadlines must be met, and predicted outcomes must be realized.” MacQueen, however, says, “I ran for Congress in 2014 precisely because our primary representative, Mr. McHenry, has yet to lift a finger on this issue. My objective was to put this issue out for public consumption. I still hold out hope that perhaps he will take a position that’s in keeping with how he’d want to be represented.” Rep. Meadows, meanwhile, says, “Until the site is cleaned up, and we can verify and double-check that it’s not harming anyone’s health, the jury will still be out. Once trust is broken, how long does it take to gain it back? For some, that’s a longer journey than others.” Dot Rice concedes that things have gotten “a little better” in recent years, but

she’s skeptical that real progress is finally on the horizon. “They’ve talked for years about doing something, but it’s always just talk and more testing.” Turner, however, says the best way for the EPA to regain citizens’ trust is simple: “Immediately begin work on removal of all contaminants, including the source. If they want extra credit, they should sit down with the Rice family and others affected and find out what they can do to help them.”

“A lot of folks think it’s not going to affect them, but you never know what’ll happen,” she observes. “It’s happening in our community, and if we don’t do anything about it, it can happen to yours, too.” X

wOrd TO ThE wISE Government officials have gotten mixed reviews, at best, from Mills Gap residents, and for her part, Dot Rice says she’s most thankful for those dedicated neighbors who’ve helped her community bring this issue to light. “They put their lives on hold almost,” she notes. “If we had some EPA employees that were as dedicated as Barry and Tate, they might really be a protection agency.” And as Asheville continues to attract retirees and other transplants, Rice worries that this could spur additional development around some of the county’s many inactive hazardous waste sites (see “Hidden Hazards,” Jan. 11, 2011, Xpress).

To learn more...

For more about the EPA’s work at the CTS of Asheville site, see For past Xpress coverage of CTS, visit tag/ctsofasheville/. For an expanded CTS timeline, check out timetoast. com/timelines/cts-contamination. To view conceptual plume maps of TCE contamination around the site, visit health/cts-conceptual-site-model.pdf. There are two community groups advocating for site cleanup: To get involved, contact Glen Horecky at, or go to X

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016



by Dan Hesse

VoTer FaTigue Low voter turnout could be on the horizon for the congressional primary on Tuesday, June 7. “The turnout will likely be very low, because most voters won’t be paying much attention,” predicts political science professor chris Kypriotis of Warren Wilson College. “If they had occurred in March, voters would have been drawn for other races, particularly the presidential primaries.” A Feb. 5 federal court ruling in a lawsuit filed by voters in Mecklenburg and Durham counties led to all the state’s congressional districts being redrawn, which couldn’t be completed in time for the March 15 general primary. This is the third time in 12 years that North Carolina has held a second primary, all in presidential election years. In 2008, 63,014 Buncombe County voters cast ballots in the general primary; a Democratic runoff a month later drew a scant 1,395 voters. In 2012, the general primary saw 70,446 Buncombe County voters participate; just 5,005 took part in a second primary in July. As of May 21, Buncombe County had 189,397 registered voters, according to the state Board of Elections. In March, a recordbreaking 78,611 voters turned out in Buncombe County, but any votes cast for congressional candidates weren’t counted. Thus, a small number of local voters may end up deciding who appears on the November ballot for districts 10 and 11. “A voter has to really care about these congressional primaries to show up at the polls on June 7, and I don’t think many do,” Kypriotis observes. trena parker, Buncombe County’s director of election services, says she’s “hoping for doubledigits,” meaning a turnout in the thousands. Recruiting volunteers for a second primary can be difficult, she notes, but all polling locations will be open and staffed by four or five poll workers. “In smaller elections, we communicate to workers and those involved that every election is just as important as any other,” says Parker, adding, “All processes, procedures, rules and regulations apply.”


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

Low turnout predicted for June 7 congressional primary

Xpress Online Survey are you aware there is a congressional primary on tuesday, June 7?

65% - yes

35% - No

are you planning to vote in the congressional primary on tuesday, June 7?

74% - yes

26% - No

Xpress conducted an informal survey to see if its readers are aware of, and planning to participate in, the congressional primary on Tuesday, June 7. LOw TurNOuT COuLd bENEfIT INCumbENTS Four Republicans are running in the 10th Congressional District, including six-term incumbent patrick mchenry. His challengers are jeff gregory, albert wiley, jr. and jeffrey baker. The lone Democrat, andy millard, will automatically advance to the November election. In the 11th District, two-term Republican incumbent mark meadows faces no challengers. He’ll oppose the winner of the Democratic primary, either rick bryson or tom hill. (For more information, see the candidate coverage starting on the next page.) “Low turnout,” says Kypriotis, “favors those with a strong organization and an energized group of supporters.” In the 10th District, “McHenry, being the incumbent, has that strong organization, if not the energized supporters, and it seems

his opponents have neither. I don’t think low turnout favors either of the 11th District Democrats over each other.” Turnout aside, continues Kypriotis, “McHenry is somewhat vulnerable to a strong outsider candidate in the primary, given his ties to the House Republican leadership that isn’t too popular among Republican voters, but that candidate hasn’t materialized.” It remains to be seen whether one of McHenry’s three challengers can upend the incumbent, but if McHenry advances, “His general election prospects are good, given the 10th District is so heavily Republican,” says Kypriotis. In both districts, he notes, the Democratic candidates are demographically challenged. “The 11th District is solidly Republican, and the national Democratic Party will not spend much of its resourc-

es on the race.” And whichever Democrat wins the 11th District primary, “Neither has much of a chance” of upending Meadows, Kypriotis predicts. uNPOPuLArITY CONTEST Still, the national mood often has an impact in general elections. “I think there is an anti-incumbent mood, though it’s probably more accurate to call it an anti-establishment mood, and therefore any candidate seen as part of establishment politics could face some challenges,” Kypriotis explains. “McHenry is the most clearly part of the political establishment in Washington, and Meadows most clearly not. But in the end, when given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat, the voters in the 10th and 11th districts will almost certainly choose the Republican, no matter how establishment they are.” Looking ahead to November, Kypriotis says, “A Trump-Clinton contest will likely be a low turnout election, since both candidates are relatively unpopular.” And though low turnout tends to favor incumbents, he notes, antiTrump sentiment might undercut other Republican candidates’ home-court advantage. “There is a chance, though I can’t really quantify it, that supporting Trump will become the driving issue in many other downballot races, and candidate support for Trump becomes somewhat of a litmus test for voters. How that plays out in these two races is unknowable, though my best guess is that both McHenry and Meadows would still find a way to win.” But in the bigger picture, Kypriotis predicts, “Trump will end up losing badly to Clinton, and the scale of that loss will cost the Republican Party Senate and House seats, but these two House seats won’t be among those lost.” X




(No District Republican Primary)



City of residence: Bryson City, N.C.

City of residence: Zirconia, N.C.

Occupation: Industrial public relations; Bryson City alderman

Occupation: Retired aerospace scientist; Ph.D. in physics Political experience: Led a successful citizen effort to remove former Henderson County Sheriff Rick Davis from office for sexual misconduct. Served as spokesman for a successful citizen effort to prevent large electrical transmission lines from being constructed in Henderson County. Democratic candidate for Congress in 2014.

Political experience: Lifetime Democrat; lost bid for Swain County School Board; Bryson City alderman since 2013.

• If you advance, do you believe you have a legitimate chance to defeat two-term incumbent Mark Meadows?

Absolutely. Meadows has done less than nothing for the 11th District. Remember his shutdown-the-government stunt? That cost us $23 million. He is also attempting to destroy the public school system in the District of Columbia. On his watch, Western North Carolina has lost almost $1.8 billion in growth compared to the rest of the state. On the other hand, I have a record of progress in my term as an alderman in Bryson City, advancing tourism by gaining Trout City status from the Wildlife Resources Commission, modernizing a leaky water system, and helping to blunt the General Assembly’s sales tax takeaway from N.C. cities.

Yes, I do. People of all persuasions are fed up with the do-nothing-and-block-everything behavior of the U.S. House of Representatives, which Meadows typifies. I represent a Franklin Roosevelt approach to government, under the principle that the government should be working for the people to create jobs and improve their standard of living. When a majority of voters understand this difference, I believe that they will abandon Mark Meadows’ obstructionism.

• If elected, you’d be a freshman congressman with little political clout. What do you realistically believe you can accomplish in your first term for the people of Western North Carolina?

I will be a voice for women and veterans, a protector of Social Security and a builder of a new industrial base in our district ― a concept that does not depend on the votes of other congressmen.

I can work with either a Democratic House or a Republican House controlled by Paul Ryan to pass a bill giving legal status to undocumented Hispanic workers who are harvesting the crops we grow in W.N.C. Ryan has announced that he will support such a bill, but Meadows opposes it and supports returning all such workers to Mexico, leaving farmers without the labor needed to harvest their crops. There are other areas that both parties support, including cutting pork from the government’s budget. Currently, most House members, including Meadows, spend four hours every day on the phone calling rich donors and begging for money. I pledge not to do that.

• How do you feel you can represent the 11th District’s various ideologies and people in a way that champions compromise and bipartisan efforts? Or do you have other beliefs on representing a varied constituency?

The Book of Isaiah says it best: “Come now, let us reason together.” Our Constitution was formed through a process of listening and compromise. I try to follow that example.

My only agenda is common sense, and I regard myself as a moderate capable of making reasonable compromises. I do not adhere to some discredited political philosophy, such as the trickle-down economics which Mark Meadows advocates. His only major accomplishments during his tenure in Congress were shutting down the government in 2013 (which cost small businesses and workers in WNC about $23 million) in an attempt to defund the Affordable Care Act, and leading an effort to remove John Boehner (whom Meadows regarded as too liberal) as speaker of the house. That’s the sum of his legislative efforts in Congress.

• Which 2016 Democratic presidential candidate (including those who have dropped out) do you most identify with?

Although I do not specifically identify with either of the Democratic presidential candidates, I will support the party’s nominee. The candidate with whom I identify most is Harry Truman in 1948. They said he couldn’t win, but through a process of determination and staying on message, he did.

I identify the most with Bernie Sanders, but I recognize that some of his stated goals, such as universal health care, cannot be achieved overnight and must follow an incremental path, including the first step of providing a public option for people who have no health insurance. They and their employers must buy into a Medicare type of system by paying into a fund similar to FICA taxes, based on income. I want to emphasize, however, that I will support Hillary Clinton if she is the Democratic nominee, and I will work for the same goals as I would if Bernie were the party’s nominee.

• What’s the most important issue facing WNC residents? How would you address it?

We need to listen to reason, not fear and hate, and remember that, first, we are all Americans. Those who would create problems where no problem exists – i.e., voter fraud HONDA: and restroom terror – to demonize and take away rights of others need to be rejected.


The most important issue is job creation and improving the standard of living throughout the 11th District, as discussed below. However, there are other very important issues which 242 Underwood Rdincluding tax reform, stopping the never-ending and alwaysmust also be addressed, wars in the Mideast, PRE-OWNED: escalating 195 Underwood Rdcleaning up coal, nuclear and fracking wastes, ensuring equal pay for women for equal work, providing legal status for undocumented workers, Fletcher, including NC a public option for health care insurance, raising the minimum wage and others.


• Job creation and cost of living affect many 11th District residents. What would you do to create living wage jobs?

I plan to bring the concept of the Research Triangle Park to Western North Carolina. Using existing agency funds (no new taxes) we can grow high-tech businesses with commercial potential that are waiting for startup money in all our universities. These include telecommunications, biomedical, computer science, green energy and cutting-edge agriculture. In this way, our young people who leave to be educated can come home to find work in their fields that pays better than just a scrape-by wage, raise their families here.

Passage of new laws is required to create jobs which will pay for themselves many times over. We must pass a per year $50 billion funding bill over the next three to five years to support rebuilding the nation’s crumbling infrastructure. North Carolina’s share of $1 billion per year would create 20,000 jobs immediately that pay $25,000, with $500 million going to small construction and support businesses. The bill would not raise taxes on the middle or poor classes or small businesses: The money would come from closing unconscionable tax loopholes by so-called multinational corporations, especially those making the preponderance of their profits in the U.S. but claiming to be “offshore corporations.”

• What makes you more qualified than the other candidate?

The greatest influence on our lives comes from local officials. They fix problems with streets, water, sewer, lighting and safety. I am a Bryson City alderman and will take an alderman’s pragmatic point of view to Washington. We need to get things done in this country, not throw tantrums and shut it down.

A candidate in the 11th District must become known to people of various backgrounds and political persuasions in an area which stretches about 220 miles from the Tennessee/ Georgia border in the west to Lenoir in the east. I am a moderate and am well-versed on the issues which Congress faces and must resolve for the betterment of our nation. If elected, I hope to serve on the Science and Technology Committee. Understanding and support of programs based on science applications, such as a new space program, and issues such as environmental impacts of fracking and cleaning up waste generation are within the realm of my expertise. I am further qualified to refute baseless right-wing claims that global warming is not a reality.

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016






City of residence: Mount Holly, N.C. Occupation: Self-employed private investigator


City of residence: Denver, N.C.

• Q1 - FOR INCUMBENT: Do you believe having three primary contenders is representative of your performance and/or a fractured Republican Party?

(Q1) I am encouraged the 10th District has multiple individuals willing to step up and serve our community. I know for me, it was that desire to make a difference for my neighbors in Western North Carolina that led me to run for State House and then later the U.S. House in the first place. Since being elected I’ve made it my goal to shape public policy and affect outcomes in a positive way for those at home in North Carolina. Furthermore I have remained committed to working with 10th District constituents to ensure that they are properly served by their federal government, whether it’s an issue with obtaining Social Security benefits or assisting someone in obtaining a passport before a family vacation.

(Q2) McHenry has let the voters of the 10th District down. He runs as a conservative but receives an F rating from all conservative groups. In December of 2015 McHenry was one of only 79 Republicans out of 246 (joining 99% of the Democrats) to vote for a massive $4.1 trillion budget that fully funded Obamacare, TPP, Planned Parenthood and further raised the debt ceiling.

• Are you unhappy with the state of the Republican Party?

Throughout the primary season we’ve seen record turnout in Republican races up and down the ballot. It is clear that members of the Republican Party are excited and engaged in the electoral process, and I believe that will continue into the fall.

Yes, they are not governing on conservative principles and are spending us into oblivion.

• Q1 - FOR INCUMBENT: As a six-term incumbent, you’ve accrued political clout. How can you parlay that influence to benefit the people of the 10th District?

(Q1) During my time in Congress I’ve been able to use my experiences and relationships to ensure that the individuals and businesses that call the 10th District home have their voices heard in Washington. A recent example was the negotiations regarding the Pacific Trade Agreement the administration recently signed. I worked closely with the United States’ negotiators to ensure that Western North Carolina’s textile industry and the thousands of jobs that come with it are protected.

(Q2) Use my position as congressman as a soapbox to raise awareness of a runaway government.

• How do you feel you can represent the 10th District’s various ideologies and people in a way that champions compromise and bipartisan efforts? Or do you have other beliefs on representing a varied constituency?

Throughout my time in Congress I have always worked with leaders across the political spectrum to ensure the 10th District and its residents’ voices are heard in Washington. This Congress, I joined with my colleague Rep. G.K. Butterfield, a Democrat from eastern North Carolina, to introduce H.R. 2949, a bill that excludes compensation payments to victims of North Carolina’s eugenics program from being counted when determining their eligibility for federal benefit programs like Medicaid. Additionally I worked with Democratic Rep. Grace Meng of New York to introduce legislation making it easier for North Carolina families to save tax-free for dependent care expenses.

We are all created equal and have the same constitutional rights and privileges; everyone should realize this. We have historically been divided into victim groups and we need to stand as Americans. I believe in putting America first.

• Which 2016 Republican presidential candidate (including those who have dropped out) do you most identify with?

The Republican Party’s presidential candidates in the 2016 cycle were an accomplished group with diverse backgrounds and experiences. I agreed with many of the candidates on the need to strengthen our military, reduce the tax burden on all Americans, create good-paying jobs and increase our security both at home and abroad.

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

• What’s the most important issue facing 10th District residents? How have/will you address it?

One of my top priorities in Washington is lifting up America’s middle class. While the focus is typically on those at the very top and bottom of the income ladder, those in the middle are the ones that have been left behind over the past decade. They haven’t seen a raise in years and have faced rising prices on everything from milk to health care. Median household incomes have either stagnated or fallen in recent years, and our focus must be on turning that around. Growing up, I watched as my dad started a lawn care business that made it possible for my five siblings and me to attend college. That experience drove my interest in crowdfunding and angel investing, two important resources that can help small businesses — America’s true job creators — raise the capital they need to reinvest in their businesses so they can hire more Americans and lift middle-class wages.

Bring back the manufacturing jobs we lost from the horrible NAFTA trade deals.

• Job creation and cost of living affect many 10th District residents. What have you done/ would you do to create living wage jobs?

In 2012 I authored a significant portion of the Jobs Act, one of the few bipartisan jobs bills to pass in recent years. This legislation opened up new forms of capital formation that can be utilized by small businesses and entrepreneurs throughout the 10th District. Beyond that I’ve worked in a bipartisan fashion to help reduce unnecessary regulations that make it harder for Americans to do business and create jobs. Most recently I introduced the RPM Act, to roll back a needless regulation that would have crippled the after-market car parts industry which employs many here in Western North Carolina.

Eliminate NAFTA and TPP, remove excess governmental interference, lower corporate taxes. If we have full employment, businesses have to compete for workers, therefore increasing wages and benefits.

• What makes you more qualified than the other candidates?

I have a proven record of working on behalf of the people of Western North Carolina to ensure their voice is heard in Washington. I’ve always been receptive and open with my constituents and made clear it is an honor to work for them. My voting record reflects the values of the majority of Western North Carolinians, and I look forward to continuing to keep up that work in the future.

I’m not a politician.

(No District Democratic Primary)

• Q2 - FOR CHALLENGERS: Why are you running against six-term incumbent Rep. Patrick McHenry?

Political experience: None.

Occupation: Previously worked in real estate Political experience: Six terms in U.S. House of Representatives, one term in N.C. House.

• Q2 - FOR CHALLENGERS: If elected, you’d be a freshman congressman with little political clout. What do you realistically believe you can accomplish in your first term for the people of the 10th District?


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

lines from being constructed in Henderson County. Democratic candidate for Congress in 2014.



City of residence: Shelby, N.C.

City of residence: Indian Beach, N.C.

Occupation: Retired postmaster

Occupation: Physician, DOE first responder, former nuclear engineer

Political experience: I have voluntarily served our country and federal government for 30 years, both in the military and as a retired postmaster.

Political experience: Appointed by Governor Tommy Thompson, (WI), to State of Wisconsin Biotechnology Council and Nuclear Waste Committee. I have been a previous candidate, for U.S. Congressman or Senator. This is my 7th, self-funded primary election campaign.

(Q2) McHenry is a career politician who is only concerned with his political career. McHenry called individuals defending our country while in Iraq “two-bit security guards.” McHenry serves on the Finance Committee, which oversees banks and insurance companies, and gets most of his campaign funds from banks and insurance companies. McHenry votes to fund Planned Parenthood and Obama’s amnesty, yet he says he is against both. McHenry was a lieutenant for John Boehner and is part of the huge problem in Washington. McHenry allows NAFTA and CAFTA and voted for Obama’s fast track. This is devastating to our district. I am a decorated veteran and a retired postmaster. I will defend the Bible, our Constitution and all that they stand for.

(Q2) He voted for the Omnibus Budget Bill, which generously funds illegal immigration, Planned Parenthood and Obamacare, and leaves our children and grandchildren to pay for it with a $21 trillion federal debt. I believe that the U.S. Congress should primarily consist of term-limited citizens rather than special interest-funded, elected-for-life professional politicians. So, while politics has not been my profession, I have always appreciated President Eisenhower’s advice that “Politics should be every U.S. citizen’s avocation.” Accordingly, even though I’ve never been a professional politician, I have always thought that politics was important. I would now appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to use my diverse life and work experiences to serve the people of the 10th District.

I am very unhappy and displeased with the current state of our country, its safety and future. I am disgusted with career politicians who are RINOs [Republicans in name only]. I am a Republican who is deeply concerned about the future of our republic. The Republican Party is the party to bring America back to her glory and respected days. But we must elect genuine grassroots officials to accomplish this goal.

I have been unhappy in some ways for years, primarily because, as the Bible says, “My people suffer from a lack of knowledge and wisdom.” Since the Reagan administration, I have not agreed with most of the national Republican Party leadership on some vital issues, such as in 2003-04 when I campaigned for U.S. Senate, primarily as opposition to the rhetoric coming from Republican neoconservative leaders to go to war in Iraq. In 1984 I ran for U.S. Congress and was endorsed by President Reagan. And even now, I think too many of the Republican leaders too readily yield to the Democratic policies of expanding federal government, ignoring good monetary policy, increasing the national debt and all the very serious issues created by our current “open border” policy.

(Q2) In my first year in Congress, I will hire a staff that will work diligently for our district and its constituents. I will not vote for liberal ideas. I will vote for what is best for God, family and country. I will search for a coalition of like-minded conservatives who will stand strong for putting America first. I will work hard to lower taxes and push for less government.

(Q2) I have been blessed to have the opportunity to have uniquely diverse life experiences, which is very relevant to the workings of Congress and would help me to perform well in the various congressional specialty and oversight committees. Specifically, my work experience began as a coal boiler-stoker on the midnight shift and working with union iron workers in a paper mill. I then became a nuclear engineer, and for the past 40-plus years a physician cancer specialist and medical researcher in the U.S. Navy. Congress urgently needs a few veterans and some people who can provide reliable scientific information to promote meaningful, factual debate in order to make informed decisions on our increasingly complex national issues.

I will represent the 10th District as a decorated veteran who served on the first Columbia space shuttle recovery team in New Mexico. I will serve as a grassroots individual who worked full time in high school in textiles, as well as later for a large airline company. I will represent as a retired postmaster with 30 years of government leadership knowledge and experience. All of these previous positions and experiences have helped me prepare for and understand the need for jobs in our district.

I have learned to work closely with people of all ages and incomes in various jobs. I enjoy helping big medical engineering and social systems work well. I believe that with factual dialogue and definition of the questions followed by reasonable and respectful discussions, a functional solution is usually possible, even in Congress. I am not entirely naive about the challenges of working with Congress, since I learned much over the years working with congressmen. I have also worked in U.S. embassies, so I understand something about diplomacy and the importance and necessity of sometimes of having to work behind the scenes to resolve sensitive issues.

I never identify with any candidates. I identify with the hardworking people of the 10th District. I identify with how the hardworking people of the 10th District have been ignored and have been given very poor representation in Congress by McHenry and other self-serving career politicians. I identify with the people who cherish the Bible, the Constitution and those who will honor and defend them. I will be supporting Donald Trump. He is the Republican candidate. All others have dropped out. It is time for Republicans to unite for the betterment of America and to defeat Hillary.

Trump, because he appears to be honest and sincere in his pledge to keep America safe and to make our economy strong again. He has experience and success in the business management of large projects and large personnel systems, which very well prepares him to effectively manage and save money in our ever increasing federal bureaucracy. Trump’s agenda also includes negotiating better trade agreements, to bring jobs back to the U.S., and reducing illegal immigration. He does not seem to get distracted with hypothetical issues or threats, such as global warming and seems to agree with me in being more concerned about Iran, the failure of nuclear nonproliferation strategy and the real threat of nuclear winter.

I will fight to bring back jobs to our district, fight against funding abortion and for the rights of our unborn children. I will fight to enforce our immigration laws, defend our Constitution and lower taxes. Above all I will fight for God, family and country.

The 10th District desperately needs more and better-paying jobs. The unemployment rate in some regions of the district is much higher than reported. As a physician, I have too often seen that the loss of a job by the family breadwinner can become a serious mental and physical health issue for the entire family. I would do the best I could to alleviate this tragic situation by facilitating the movement of good, high-paying jobs into the 10th District. Such jobs are available now, and more can be created nationally, especially in the new medical and biotechnology-based industries. What is needed is a new congressman who understands these technologies and can better articulate the advantages of moving such industries to the 10th District.

We must start new manufacturing and technical job programs. We must work with businesses to keep taxes low and to take burdensome, overregulated laws off of businesses so they can compete. We must repeal Obamacare, which is not only unconstitutional but a huge cost to businesses. We must look at unfair trade practices that have devastated our district’s economy. I want to create good-paying jobs with excellent health care benefits, that help give the people their dignity and trust in America back. We should look at creating a new reservoir for our district, as water is a key issue that industry always looks for.

My response to this question is essentially the same answer as the previous question. In addition, one quick way to help small businesses in the district is to repeal Obamacare as soon as possible: The escalating cost of health insurance under Obamacare is only beginning. These increasing costs will cause small-business owners to further decrease work hours and defer raises and bonuses. I watched my father in his Forest City small engineering/realty business, and my mother in her small clothing business, struggle with the increasing federal mandates such as health, unemployment, disability and workers’ compensation insurance. So I know these federal regulations and small-business taxes are real deterrents to wages and job creation.

I am more qualified overall than any of the other candidates because I have seen the devastation of our district. I am keenly sensitive, loyal and deeply caring about all of our district’s people. My heart is deeply devoted to protecting and serving all of our military veterans to the very highest degree. I am a term-limit candidate, not a career politician. I owe no loyalty except to God, family and country. My constituents will always be put first. I am very unhappy and displeased with the current state of our country, its safety and future. I am disgusted with career politicians who are Republicans in name only. I am a Republican who is deeply concerned about the future of our republic.

I assume all of us Republican candidates are real fiscal and social conservatives. My long-term conservative values are verified by my endorsement for U.S. Congress by President Reagan in 1984. My past nine-year work experience as a federal government contractor working in 25 different countries (including Israel and Iraq, Asia and Africa) has been an unusual opportunity and instructive experience, working with many cultures with some very senior people in U.S. embassies and in foreign ministries of health. So, in general, I suggest and believe that my diverse work history would enable me to better serve, work and advocate for the people of this wonderful, beautiful part of the world.

OUR MISSION To build community and strengthen democracy by serving an engaged, thoughtful constituency at the local level – where the impact of citizen action is greatest. We report on local events, regional issues and the area’s vibrant artsand-culture scene – independently, fairly and in-depth. We partner with the community to create an ongoing civic dialogue. We offer exceptional and affordable media opportunities for local businesses, professionals and nonprofit groups to promote their offerings to the community.

Serving WNC since 1994 JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


COmmuNITY CALENdAr JuNE 1 - 9, 2016

Calendar guidelines In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a forprofit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. Free listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via email to calendar@ or through our online submission form at The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 137. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.


VIP. -- Held at The Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave.

CATAwbA SCIENCE CENTEr 243 3rd Ave. NE, Hickory, 322-8169, • Through (9/5) - Flutter-By Butterfly Habitat exhibit. Admission fees plus $1.

bENEfITS ACr muSIC fOr ThE SOLE 5k • SA (6/4), 9am - Proceeds from this 5k race benefit the a.c. Reynolds high school marching band. $30. Held at AC Reynolds High School, 1 Rocket Drive ArT IN bLOOm GALA PrEvIEw PArTY 669-0930, • FR (6/9), 6pm - Proceeds from this catered gallery viewing of the Art in Bloom exhibition featuring collaborative Ikebana and Western floral designs benefit the Black mountain center for the arts. $50. Held at Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain AShEvILLE YOuTh uLTImATE frISbEE bENEfIT • TU (6/7), 6:30-10pm - Proceeds from this fundraising event with raffle, games, snacks and live music by the Barefoot Hooligans benefit asheville ultimate Frisbee. $10/$15


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

uLTImATE PArTY: The Asheville Ultimate Frisbee Community is raising funds for the Asheville Youth Ultimate Program with a fun night Tuesday, June 7, from 6:30-10 p.m. at The Millroom. The event features a raffle, games, light snacks and live music by the Barefoot Hooligans. Tickets are $10, and all proceeds will go to the youth program, which runs high school and middle school leagues in the spring and fall, free youth clinics and an annual tournament at the Mountain Sports Festival. For more information visit (p. 18) Photo courtesy

bErNINA CuSTOmEr QuILT ShOw • Through SA (6/4) - Proceeds from donations at this quilt show benefit manna FoodBank. Free to attend. Held at Asheville Cotton Co., 1378 Hendersonville Road, Suite B bIkE & hIkE fOr LIfE • FR (6/3) & SA (6/4) - Proceeds from this Mount Mitchell & Hot Springs cycling event and 20-mile hiking event benefit Sisters of Mercy Urgent Care, Arts for Life, Sports Outreach and Mountain Area Pregnancy Services. $100 for 1 day/$150 for 2 days. CAr, TruCk, TrACTOr & TrAdE ShOw Held at Blue Ridge Community College,180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock, 694-1885 • SA (6/4), 9am-3pm - Proceeds from this car, truck, tractor and trade show benefit skills usa students & Great smoky mountain Region of aaca. Free to attend. brEvArd ACAdEmY LIvE & SILENT AuCTION • SA (6/4), 1pm - Proceeds from this live auction, music and food event raise money for a playground for Brevard academy’s new campus. Free to attend. Held at The Lumberyard, 170 King St., Brevard CELEbrATION IN bLACk ANd whITE

GEm fuNdrAISEr • SU (6/5), 4-6pm - Proceeds from black and white gala with reception, live music and silent auction benefit GEm (Gaining Educatio nal momentum)/aauw scholarship awards at unc-a and aB-tech. $50. Held at A-B Technical Community College, Fernihurst Mansion, 340 Victoria Road EvErGrEEN mArImbA bANd fArEwELL • SA (6/4), 6-8pm - Proceeds from this marimba concert benefit the Evergreen concert Band. $5/$10 per family. Held at Evergreen Charter School, 50 Bell Road fIrE & ICE: mANNA fOOdbANk’S bLuE JEAN bALL • SA (6/4), 7-11pm - Proceeds from this costumed gala reception and music event with DJ Nigel and Jesse Barry and the Heat, benefit manna Foodbank. $75. Held at MANNA Foodbank, 627 Swannanoa River Road frIENdS Of CONNECT buNCOmbE • TU (6/2), 5:30-7pm - Proceeds from this wine tasting and film viewing of a new video by BClip Productions benefit Friends of Buncombe county. $15. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. GrATEfuL STEPS 333 Merrimon Ave., 277-0998,

• SA (6/4), 6:30-8:30pm - Reception for the fine art silent auction fundraiser that benefits Grateful steps. Silent auction bids accepted until June 15. Free to attend. L.O.f.T. Of AShEvILLE bENEfIT 259-9303 • FR (6/3), 9:30am-10pm - Proceeds from store sales at this anniversary event benefit the campaign for southern Equality fight against hB2. Free to attend. Held at L.O.F.T., 53 Broadway Our vOICE 252-0562, • SU (6/5), 3pm - Proceeds from this family friendly “Pig Roast & Picnic” with games and music benefit our Voice. $15 per plate/$6 under 12. Held at Native Kitchen & Social Pub, 204 Whitson Ave., Swannanoa PrESErvATION SOCIETY Of AShEvILLE ANd buNCOmbE COuNTY 321-271-4593, • SA (6/4), 6:30pm - Proceeds from this costumed time-traveling trolley gala, “Look Homeward, Asheville,” benefit the preservation society of asheville and Buncombe county. Registration: psabc. org/2016/05/09/look-homeward-asheville/. $100 plus. Held at Grove Arcade, 1 Page Ave. PubLIC EvENTS AT mArS hILL uNIvErSITY 689-1307, • TH (6/2), 11am-2pm - Proceeds from this buffet lunch, silent auction features best sell-

ing author Mary Kay Andrews benefit library reading programs and the mcpl-marshall. Hosted by the Friends of Madison County Library. Registration and information: 6493741. Held at The Redway Room in Pittman Dining Hall. $40. SPEAkEASY SOIréE • TH (6/2), 6-8pm - Proceeds from this reception and silent auction benefit voter education in wnc. Sponsored by JustUs United. $50. Held at Lex 18, 18 Lexington Ave. uNdEr ThE STArS bENEfIT 254-7162, • TH (6/9), 6-9pm - Proceeds from this local food and beer reception and silent auction benefit the colburn Earth science museum. Held at The Boathouse at Smokey Park, 350 Riverside Drive

buSINESS & TEChNOLOGY AShEvILLE buSINESS fOr SuCCESS • MO (6/6), 7:30pm - General meeting and eynote presentations by Rebecca Crandel from McGuire, Wood, & Bissette and Clyde Volpe from Unlimited Advertising. Free to attend. Held at Earth Fare South, 1856 Hendersonville Road A-b TECh SmALL buSINESS CENTEr 398-7950,

Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler • TU (6/7), 6-8pm - “Increasing Cash Flow in Your Business,” seminar. • WE (6/8), 10-11:30am - “SBA: Programs and Services for Your Small Business,” seminar. • TH (6/9), 3-6pm - “Build Your Business’ Website Using WordPress CMS,” seminar. AShEvILLE JEwISh buSINESS fOrum • WE (6/1), 5:30-6:30pm - “Global Climate Change: Do we need to save the world?” Presentation and monthly meeting. Registration required: $15/Free for members. Held at Governor’s Western Residence, 45 Patton Mountain Road GrAIL mOvIEhOuSE 45 S. French Broad Ave., 239-9392, • WE (6/1), 4-6pm - Summer networking bash with local entrepreneurs. Free. wNC LINuX uSEr GrOuP, • 1st SATURDAYS, noon - Users of all experience levels discuss Linux systems. Free to attend. Held at Earth Fare South, 1856 Hendersonville Road

CLASSES, mEETINGS & EvENTS POLE, AErIAL ArTS, dANCE, fLEXIbILITY, CONdITIONING AT EmPYrEAN ArTS! (pd.) GROUP & PRIVATE CLASSES! Intro to Pole & Pole 1: Sundays 6:30pm • Pole 1/2: Wednesdays 5:30pm • Pole Dance 1: Fridays 5:15pm • Liquid Motion Dance: Wednesdays 8pm • Flexibility/Contortion: Tuesdays 8pm & Thursdays 1pm • Aerial Mix Up: Mondays 5:15pm • Aerial Silks: Thursdays 6:30pm • SIGN UP AT EMPYREANARTS.ORG or CALL/TEXT US AT 828.782.3321 or VISIT US AT 32 BANKS AVENUE, STUDIO 108! ThE bEST mOSAIC INSTruCTION IN wNC! (pd.) Linda Pannullo: Picassiette Planter workshop, Painter’s Greenhouse, Sunday, June 12 • Carol Shelkin: Mosaic Jewelry and Tempered Glass Mosaics, July 16-17. • Linda Pannullo: Pothead Planter workshop, August 20-21 • For more information call Linda at 828-337-6749. wEEk Of ACTING wOrkShOPS (pd.) 13 professional film, stage, and voiceover acting workshops over 5 days to kick-off the exciting Summer class schedule—only $15 for the week! Info/Registration: (828) 276-1212 AShEvILLE mAkErS 207 Coxe Ave. Studio 14, • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - Open house & meeting. Free. AShEvILLE SubmArINE vETErANS, • 1st TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Social meeting for U.S. Navy submarine veterans. Free to attend. Held at Ryan’s Steakhouse, 1000 Brevard Road AShEvILLE wOmEN IN bLACk • 1st FRIDAYS, 5pm - Monthly peace vigil. Free. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. bLuE rIdGE CENTEr Of LIfELONG LEArNING 694-1740, • MO (6/6) & WE (6/8), 10am-noon - “Who, What,

Where are The Appalachians,” 2-part class by Dr. Kristina Holland. $40/$30 members. Held in the Patton Building, Room 150. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock • TH (6/9), 5:30-7:30pm - “25th Anniversary Bash,” with food and live music. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock dEPArTmENT Of CuLTurAL rESOurCES wESTErN OffICE 176 Riceville Road, 296-7230 • Through FR (6/17) - “To Preserve the Blessings of Liberty,” exhibit of state constitutions of North Carolina. Free. fOur SEASONS COmPASSION fOr LIfE fOuNdATION 221 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 513-2440, • TH (6/2), 4pm - “Time Capsule Reveal” and grand opening. Free. LEICESTEr COmmuNITY CENTEr 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, • SA (6/4), 6am-2pm - Community yard sale. Free to attend. ONTrACk wNC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (6/7), 5:30-7pm - “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it.” Seminar. • TU (6/7), noon-1:30pm - “How to Buy a Car,” workshop. • WE (6/8), 5:30-7:30pm - “Energy Efficiency,” workshop. $10. • TH (6/9), noon-1:30pm - “Budgeting and Debt Class.” ShOwING uP fOr rACIAL JuSTICE • TUESDAYS, 10am-noon - Educating and organizing white people for racial justice. Free to attend. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 610 Haywood Road

Spring Sale!

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OPen Let Your Freak Flag Fly

a 60’s and 70’s Experience

TArhEEL PIECEmAkErS QuILT CLub • WE (6/8), 10am - General meeting and program on “table runners.” Free. Held at Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville

dANCE POLE fITNESS ANd dANCE CLASSES AT dANCECLub AShEvILLE (pd.) Pole dance, burlesque, jazz, funk, exercise dance, booty camp, flashmobs! Offering 27 classes a week, drop ins and memberships available. Info and sign up: Email: danceclubasheville@ 828-275-8628 STudIO ZAhIYA, dOwNTOwN dANCE CLASSES (pd.) Monday 5pm Ballet Wkt 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 7pm Bellydance Hip Hop Fusion 8pm Tap • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 8pm Bellydance 8pm Hip Hop Choreo •Wednesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 5:30pm Hip Hop Wkt 6:30 Bhangra 7:45 Hula 8pm Contemporary • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 5pm Teens Hip Hop 7pm West African • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wkt 10:45am POUND Wkt 12pm KAMP • Sunday 3pm Tap 2 6:30pm Vixen• $13 for 60 minute classes, Wkt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 AShEvILLE mOvEmENT COLLECTIvE • FRIDAYS, 7:30-8:30pm - Non-instructional, free-form dance within community. $8-$20. Held at NYS3, 2002

Let Your Freak Flag Fly!

a 60’s & 70’s Experience

Saturday, June 4th 7-10PM, $2-$10 Sliding Scale Double Tree Hotel 155 Hendersonville Rd, Asheville All Queer and Allied Youth Ages 14-20 Welcome

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


C O N S C I O u S PA r T Y

Magical Offerings

By Kat McReynolds |

June 2 - Psychic: Andrea Allen, 12-6pm June 4 - Tarot Reader: Edward, 12-6pm

embe plays a farewell show for its founder Sue Ford


June 6 - Astrologer: SpiritSong, 12-6pm June 8 - Tarot Reader: Susannah Rose, 12-6pm June 11 - Bast Class w/ Angela: 2-3pm, $10 June 12 - Men’s Alchemy Group: 4-6pm Donations June 14 - Tarot Readers: Byron Ballard, 1-3pm Jonathan, 3-6:30pm

Coming in July PSYCHIC FAIRE 7/15 & 7/16

Herb of the Month Catnip

Stone of the Month Tigers Eye

555 Merrimon Ave. (828) 424-7868 Daily readers. Walk-ins including Scrying, Runes, Tarot, & More!

The Walter E. Ashley Memorial Lecture Series Presents

The Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers The Underground Church

Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus

June 17-19 2016

“When was the last time you thought of going to church as dangerous? Once we challenged the status quo; now we mostly defend it. Dr. Meyers tells the story of how we must recover our subversive roots.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

First Congregational United Church of Christ 1735 5th Avenue West, Hendersonville, NC

To learn more and purchase tickets, vist: or call

828.692.8630 20

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

ThE LAST bEAT: After 14 years of practicing, performing and recording, EMBE will play its final show. Band director Sue Ford says she’s felt like a collaborator (rather than a teacher) with top players, and she’s also enjoyed facilitating positive momentum for students who struggle with academia. Photo courtesy Evergreen Community Charter School what: Evergreen Multicultural Beat Ensemble’s CD release show and farewell concert for founding band director sue ford where: Evergreen Community Charter School when: Saturday, June 4, at 6 p.m. why: Music teacher sue ford originally conceived of Evergreen’s marimba band as a way for students “to work off some energy” while learning a new art form. And though the seventh- and eighth-graders still run around between singing, dancing and performing on their fleet of Zimbabwean instruments, they’ve reached much greater milestones during the after-school program’s 14-year

climb. In addition to playing festivals and venues like LEAF, LAAFF, the French Broad River Festival, Diana Wortham Theatre and more beyond Western North Carolina, the students have studied under multiple professional artists in residency. The youth band is also releasing its fifth recording project, Stampede, which was captured by Sound Lab Studios’ adam johnson on campus. The CD includes traditional African songs alongside original compositions by the students — plus fun covers like “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid — and will be played in full at the upcoming release show. That event will double

as a send-off for Ford, who is transitioning to a part-time schedule at Rainbow Community School. In her absence, EMBE is drawing to a close, so proceeds will be funneled toward Evergreen’s expanding concert band program “It’s going to be very sentimental — nostalgic for me anyway,” she says of this last major performance, but the evening will also be celebratory with a slide-show and alumni joining in for part of the show. Admission is $5 per person, $10 per family or free with the purchase of EMBE’s CD ($15). Visit for more information. X

COmmu N IT Y CA L EN dAr

by Abigail Griffin

Riverside Dr. Studio 42-O Loft I • SUNDAYS, 9am & 11am- Non-instructional, free-form dance within community. $8-$20. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway burTON STrEET rECrEATION CENTEr 134 Burton St. • MONDAYS (except 3rd MONDAYS), 5:30pm - Groove dance. Free. dIANA wOrThAm ThEATrE 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • FR (6/3), 7pm & SA (6/4), 3pm - Ballet Conservatory of Asheville presents Paquita the Gypsy Princess. $20$26/$12-$15 students and children. SEduCTION SIdEShOw • FR (6/10) & SA (6/11), 9pm - “Bound,” burlesque. $15. Held at Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road SOuThErN LIGhTS SQuArE ANd rOuNd dANCE CLub 697-7732, • SA (6/4), 6pm - “Beach Party Dance” themed square and round dancing. Advanced dance at 6 pm. Early rounds at 7 pm. Squares and rounds at 7:30 pm. Free. Held at Whitmire Activity Center, 310 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville

fESTIvALS mONTfOrd mIdSummEr fAIrE • SA (6/4), noon-6:30pm - Family friendly Renaissancestyle festival sponsored by the Montford Park Players with sword fighting, fencing, blacksmithing, woodworking, leather working, children’s activities and food vendors. Free to attend. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St.

fOOd & bEEr dOwNTOwN wELCOmE TAbLE • SUNDAYS, 4:30pm - Community meal. Free. Held at Haywood Street Congregation, 297 Haywood St. fAIrvIEw wELCOmE TAbLE • THURSDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - Community lunch. Admission by donation. Held at Fairview Christian Fellowship, 596 Old Us Highway 74, Fairview kAIrOS wEST COmmuNITY CENTEr 742 Haywood Road, 367-6360, kairoswest.wordpress. com • MO (6/6), noon - Free food market. Free. LEICESTEr COmmuNITY CENTEr 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am-1pm - Welcome Table meal. Free. SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY 147 1st Ave., Hendersonville, 595-9956, • SUNDAYS, 1pm - Community meal. Free.

Nurture Brilliance. Broaden Horizons. Change The World.

Become a Teacher. GOvErNmENT & POLITICS LONG’S ChAPEL uNITEd mEThOdIST ChurCh 175 Old Clyde Road, Waynesville • WE (6/1), 6:30pm - Action group to help pass Bill #HR3706 regarding maternal and child health. Free.

UNC Asheville has a teacher licensure program for professionals who already have a bachelor’s degree. Fall 2016 applications are due by June 2, 2016.

Learn more at

kIdS mOvErS ANd ShAkErS SummEr CAmP! (pd.) (6/9-8/26) at Asheville Community Movement. Engaging, active weekly sessions! Activities include gymnastics, sustainable living workshops, archery, theater, dance, crafts, sports, music and much more! Info and registration: (828) 254-6060 828-251-6304

Asheville Friends Meetinghouse

ATTIC SALT ThEATrE COmPANY 505-2926 • SATURDAYS through (12/31) - Family theater performances. $5. Held at The Magnetic Theatre, 375 Depot St

Thursday June 9, 7pm 227 Edgewood Rd. Asheville, NC

bLuE rIdGE PArkwAY rANGEr PrOGrAmS 295-3782, • TH (6/2), 10:30am -“Children’s Hour,” with storytelling, games and/or crafts. For ages 4-12. Free. Held at Cone Manor, MP 294.

One Center Yoga Saturday, June 11, 5pm 120 Coxe Ave, 3rd Floor Asheville, NC

CATAwbA SCIENCE CENTEr 243 3rd Ave. NE, Hickory, 322-8169, • Through (8/28) - “When the Earth Shakes,” hands-on interactive exhibit that explore the science of earthquakes, tsunamis, tectonic plates and earthquake engineering. Admission fees apply.

Dhyan Mandir Sunday, June 12, 5pm Greg and Carla’s 70 Cedar Mountain Rd. Asheville, NC

fLETChEr LIbrArY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am - Family story time. Free. GrACE LuThErAN ChurCh 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, • Through MO (6/20) - Open registration for Henderson County Churches Uniting vacation bible school taking place June 27 through 30 from 9am to noon. For children ages 4 through 5th grade. Register online: grace-vbs. Free.

Carla 828-299-3246


Jana 828-329-9022 ~ 501C3

SPELLbOuNd ChILdrEN’S bOOkShOP 640 Merrimon Ave. #204, 708-7570, • SATURDAYS, 11am - Storytime for ages 3-7. Free to attend. wNC4PEACE • Through WE (9/7) - Submissions accepted for Buncombe County students creative works that promote the importance of peacemaking. Categories include: poetry, video, artwork and essays. Entries sent to: For more information contact: 378-0125. Free.

OuTdOOrS bLuE rIdGE PArkwAY rANGEr PrOGrAmS 295-3782, • SU (6/5), 7pm - “Happy Birthday to All of Us!” Celebration of the Park Service 100 year anniver-

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016



sary. Free. Held at the Julian Price Campground Amphitheater, MP 296.

195 Underwood Road, Fletcher, NC 28732 828-684-4400


Odyssey 2016 MPG HWY





HR-V Fit 2016 MPG HWY

35 41


28 33

LAkE JAmES STATE PArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 Programs are free unless otherwise noted. • SA (6/4), 9:45am - “Eagle/Osprey Nest Tour,” ranger led bird-watching boat tour. Registration required. • SA (6/4), 7:30pm - “Astronomy for Everyone,” star gazing with the Catawba Valley Astronomy Club. Registration required. • SU (6/5), 1pm - “Fishing 101,” hands on rangerled fishing class. Registration required. PISGAh ChAPTEr Of TrOuT uNLImITEd html • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7pm - General meeting with keynote speaker Ken Harwick, fishing guide. Free to attend. Held at Pardee Health Education Center, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville

PubLIC LECTurES COLburN EArTh SCIENCE muSEum 2 South Pack Square, 254-7162, Located in Pack Place. • FR (6/3), 5:30-8pm - Beer City Science Pub: “Why Fly Now?” Beer reception and presentation about the moths-climatic factors connection. Free.

SPIrITuALITY AShEvILLE INSIGhT mEdITATION (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 175 Weaverville Road, Suite H, ASHEVILLE, NC, (828) 808-4444, ASTrO-COuNSELING (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 2583229. LOOkING fOr GENuINE SPIrITuAL GuIdANCE ANd hELP? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville, very close to Warren Wilson College. 828-299-4359 OPEN hEArT mEdITATION (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 ShAmbhALA mEdITATION CENTEr (pd.) 60 N. Merrimon Ave., #113, 200-5120, ashevilleshambhala. org • WEDNESDAYS, 10-midnight, THURSDAYS, 7-8:30pm & SUNDAYS,


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

by Abigail Griffin

Send your event listings to

10-noon - Meditation and community. Admission by donation. AShEvILLE CENTEr fOr TrANSCENdENTAL mEdITATION 165 E. Chestnut, 254-4350, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm - Introductory talk on the Transcendental Meditation technique. Online registration. Free to attend. CENTEr fOr SPIrITuAL LIvING AShEvILLE 2 Science Mind Way, 231-7638, cslasheville. org • 1st FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Dreaming a New Dream,” meditation to explore peace and compassion. Free. Om SANCTuArY 87 Richmond Hill Drive, 505-2300 • SATURDAYS, 11am-noon - Meditation session. Admission by donation. uNITY Of ThE bLuE rIdGE 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, 891-8700 • THURSDAYS (6/2) through (6/30), 6:308:30pm - “Lessons in Truth: The Teachings of Dr. H. Emilie Cady,” 5-week class. Free. ZEN CENTEr Of AShEvILLE 5 Ravenscroft 3rd Floor, • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Thirty minute silent meditation followed by Dharma talk & discussion. Admission by donation.

SPOkEN & wrITTEN wOrd wrITING rETrEAT INSPIrEd bY NATurE (pd.) 6/19-6/21, Sourwood Inn, 810 Elk Mtn Scenic Hwy. Asheville commuter and overnight options. Conducted by Paula HartmanStein, PhD, psychotherapist, educator & journalist Focus is on reflective writing using nature as a prompt for insight, creativity & meditation info:

Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/1), 3pm - Weaverville Afternoon Book Club: The Land Breakers by John Ehle. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • TU (6/7), 7pm - Weaverville Evening Book Club: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • TU (6/7), 7pm - Enka-Candler Book Club: The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan. Free. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler CITY LIGhTS bOOkSTOrE 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • FR (6/3), 6:30pm - Danny Bernstein presents her book, Forests, Alligators, Battlefields: My Journey Through the National Parks of the South. Free to attend. • SA (6/4), 3pm - Randy Johnson presents his book, Grandfather Mountain: The History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon. Free to attend. dOwNTOwN bOOkS & NEwS 67 N. Lexington Ave., 348-7615 , • SA (6/4), 5-7pm - Oxford American summer issue launch party. Free to attend. fLETChEr LIbrArY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:30pm - Writers’ Guild. Free. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 10:30am - Book Club. Free.

AShEvILLE wrITErS’ SOCIAL • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - N.C. Writer’s Network group meeting and networking. Free to attend. Held at Cork & Keg, 86 Patton Ave.

mALAPrOP’S bOOkSTOrE ANd CAfE 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/1), 7pm - Alison Stewart’s presents her book, JUNK: Digging Through America’s Love Affair with Stuff. • WE (6/1), 1pm - Autism Book Club discusses With the Light, Vol. 2. • WE (6/1), 7pm - Malaprop’s Book Club discusses The Cellist of Sarajevo. • FR (6/3), 7pm - Randy Johnson presents his book, Grandfather Mountain: The History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon.

AZuLE 190 Rabbit Den Road, Hot Springs, 622-3533, • SA (6/4), 9:30am-1pm - “Easing into Autobiographical Story Telling,” workshop with actress Barbara Bates Smith. $20-$60.

SPELLbOuNd ChILdrEN’S bOOkShOP 640 Merrimon Ave. #204, 708-7570, • SU (6/5), 4pm - ROYAL Book Club: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. For adults who read teen/young adult books. Free to attend.

bLuE rIdGE bOOkS 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 10am - Banned Book Club. Free to attend.

SYNErGY STOrY SLAm • WE (6/8), 7:30pm - Storytelling openmic night on the theme “Blinders.” Free to attend. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road

bOOkS fOr GOOd 50 Heritage Park Drive, Fletcher, 989-4655, • SA (6/3) & SU (6/4), 10am-5pm - Proceeds from this summer book sale benefit local charities. Free to attend. buNCOmbE COuNTY PubLIC LIbrArIES

ThOmAS wOLfE ShOrT STOrY bOOk CLub 253-8304, • TH (6/9), 5:30-7pm - Discussion of Return of the Prodigal with Dale Neal. Free. Held at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 North Market St.

SPOrTS AmATEur POOL LEAGuE (pd.) Beginners welcome & wanted! Asheville, Arden, or Waynesville. HAVE FUN. MEET PEOPLE. PLAY POOL. 828-329-8197 ONGOING – weekly league play

vOLuNTEErING LITErACY COuNCIL Of buNCOmbE COuNTY (pd.) TEACH CHILDREN TO READ Would you like to help a child succeed at school? Become an Augustine Project tutor. To learn about this exciting volunteer opportunity, please contact Lily at to schedule an orientation. Orientations will be held on Fri. June 10 from 12-1pm and Wed. June 15, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the Literacy Council. LITErACY COuNCIL Of buNCOmbE COuNTY:TuTOrING AduLTS (pd.) Information sessions for volunteers interested in tutoring adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and ESOL on July 20 from 9-10:30am or July 21 from 5:30-7pm at the Literacy Council office. Email for more information. bEACON Of hOPE 649-3470, • (6/2) through (6/4) - Volunteers needed for the Beacon of Hope 3 day yard sale. Registration: 649-3470. fLETChEr fLYEr • SU (6/5) - Volunteers needed for this benefit road bike race. Information & registration:



Free alignment inspection with any service, just ask.

frIENdS Of hICkOrY NuT GOrGE 685-8798, • SA (6/4), 9am - Work day to remove invasives at the Riverwalk in Chimney Rock. Free. Held at Medina’s Village Bistro, 430 Main St., Chimney Rock hANdS ON AShEvILLE-buNCOmbE 2-1-1, Registration required. • MO (6/6), 6-8:30pm - Help bake homemade cookies for hospice patients and their families. Register for full guidelines.



MOSTLY AUTOMOTIVE 253 Biltmore Ave. 828-253-4981

hOmEwArd bOuNd Of wNC 218 Patton Ave., 258-1695, • 1st THURSDAYS, 11am - “Welcome Home Tour,” tours of Asheville organizations that serve the homeless population. Registration required. Free to attend. SANdhILL COmmuNITY GArdEN • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm & SATURDAYS, 9-11am - Volunteer in the garden. Held at Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 APAC Drive For more volunteering opportunities visit

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


Memberships include Yoga and BE THE SPARK. Biltmore Park, 2 Town Square Blvd., #180 • • 230.0624


Prodigal SoN Basil Soper revisits Asheville to launch ‘Transilient’ project


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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

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bEING mE: The Transilient project will “showcase a variety of trans voices, with the intention of humanizing [them] by connecting them to the overarching human experience that all people embody and can relate to,” says project co-founder Basil Soper. Photo by Johanna Case

BY maRGaREt williams In a photo featured on a fundraising page for his new project, Transilient, former Asheville resident basil vaughn soper looks the camera in the eye. He’s got one hand in his shorts pocket; the other holds the leash for his dog, Yep, who is glancing backward as if hearing his name called. Soper wears a hat, boyishly cocked back on his head, a lock of hair curling across his forehead. His expression says, “This is who I am.” It’s a serious look, Soper admits. In the background, there’s the Mississippi River and the iconic Crescent City Connection bridge of New Orleans, where the activist and writer now lives with his girlfriend and Transilient co-founder, johanna case. While living in Western North Carolina, Soper founded the LGBT advocacy group Just Us For All. He also led anti-violence protests including “We’re Not Bashful,” curated an art/education/community event called “How We Identify” and helped ensure that trans students can use their preferred names at local colleges. Now Soper and Case are launching a photo documentary, Transilient, on June 1. Basil, Case and Yep will travel the country, meeting transgender people and chronicling their stories, he says. They’ll stop first in Gulfport, Miss., followed by Atlanta. They’ll come to Asheville June 7-8. “If you need support, it’s a great place,” he adds, mentioning such nonprofits as Western North Carolina Community Health Services and the Campaign for Southern Equality, along with community groups such as Tranzmission. “I’m going to be getting interviews and taking photographs, not just trans men or women, but people on any aspect of the gender spectrum, different races, trans people in relationships,” says Soper. In a recent commentary for The Advocate, he writes, “We want to illuminate real transgender people, highlighting the myriad ways our lives are woven into the fabric of the overall human experience. I reject the idea that our entire life, our entire sense of self, must revolve around our gender identity and history.” Xpress chatted with Soper about his life, his project and his advocacy. Mountain Xpress: why did

you choose the name “basil,” like the herb? basil soper: I had a friend, right when I started transitioning, who committed suicide. Right before she died, she had left a whole basil plant on my porch. … It [represented] an important part of my life. you transitioned in asheville, struggled with depression, started a career as a writer and activist here. you became, in your words, “a loud trans voice.” it’s kind of cool to choose your own name along the way. It’s an opportunity to come into yourself, when you know who you are. Names are interesting, because we’re given them by people who don’t even know us yet. Trans folks [can] take a name that suits who they are, that means something. I’m pretty grateful for that. [But] if I’d been given the opportunity to pick my name when I was 6 [years old], I would have gone by “Babe Ruth.” He was my favorite [baseball player]. i might have picked pete rose at that age! “transilient” is another meaningful name, and you’ve chosen it for the new project. It means to move from one state to another. It also plays on “resilient,” and I’m actually moving from one [American] state to another [for the project], interviewing people, and hopefully one country to another when we go global. “Transilient” has a lot of strength in the way it sounds, too, and it involves the word ‘trans.’ … It’s all about changing and moving and being strong. how’d you develop your idea to interview and photograph people? Similar projects have come out, and I like them and appreciate them, and I’m glad they exist, [like] Transcending Gender, which is a photo project that focuses on things outside of the gender mainstream, but these just didn’t speak to me in the way I wanted people to connect. … I’m tired of trans people being asked about their bodies, when they came out, how they have sex, what surgeries they had. … We are people and deserve to be seen as living, breathing, feeling humans who have experienced many of the same things that cis [people who identify with the gender assigned to them at birth] do. the humans of new york project inspired you? [HONY] was so good at opening people up, being vulnerable to other human lives. … I wanted to do something similar that makes [interviewees’ gender] ambiguous but focuses on trans folks.

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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


Everyone [interviewed and photographed in Transilient] is trans, but you don’t know where they’ve transitioned from or where they’re transitioning to, or what they identify as. ... I want to show the world that anyone you meet could possibly be trans. this project comes out of your life and activism in asheville, too. you were a fairly well-known figure, and your work brought a lot of attention to you. perhaps moving away gave you a chance to just be basil? It totally did. Coming out of depres-

sion … and being such a loud trans voice in Asheville, I didn’t have a choice in how I wanted to come out, or when or if I wanted to come out. Sometimes, I don’t want to have to tell people I’m trans, especially if I’m in a conversation with someone [at a grocery store or wherever]. Sometimes I want to think about other stuff, like anyone would. we’re all human, you’ve said. It’s easy to recognize the differences, and sometimes the reason we have labels like LGBT or lesbian or gay or whatever is because we need to create

local video will highlight WNc trans people Two Asheville-based groups, Tranzmission and Different Strokes Performing Arts Collective, will soon release a video showcasing recent interviews with local transgender residents, organizers say. “Our goal is twofold,” says lacey winter, a Tranzmission volunteer who is working on the project. “We want to help raise awareness about [North Carolina] House Bill 2 and similar legislation in the U.S., and ... we want to share the real-life stories and experiences of transgender people living in Western North Carolina.” HB2, passed earlier this year by the Republicanled legislature and signed into law by Gov. Pat McCrory, restricts trans people to using public bathrooms that correspond to the genders listed on their birth certificates, among other mandates. It was sparked, say legislators, by a Charlotte nondiscrimination ordinance that offered protections for LGBT people. Different Strokes organizers approached Tranzmission with the video idea after the Charlotte ordinance passed, Winter says. The


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

new state law put North Carolina and trans people “in the spotlight” and further highlighted the need for such a project, says Winter, an Asheville-area resident. “It’s a good way for us to educate the community,” she says. Founded in 2001, the allvolunteer Tranzmission group has long worked “to improve the lives of transgender and nonbinary people through education, outreach, advocacy and healthy community building,” its mission statement explains. Different Strokes similarly seeks to “present works which confront issues of social diversity in a provocative way [and provides] opportunities for audiences to explore visions of our diverse world,” according to its website. Organizers of both groups recognized that some North Carolina residents might not understand what being transgender means or what HB2’s impact is, Winter adds. “We geared the questions to help people understand there’s nothing to be afraid of,” she says. “We’re normal people, just like anyone else, [but] our bodies don’t mesh well with our internal gender identification.”

In April, volunteers interviewed and filmed four transgender residents, Winter says. The final video is in production and should be finished in mid-June. The final product will be available on the Tranzmission website and likely shared with other organizations. Though the focus is local and regional and deals with HB2, a higher goal — “one dream, really — is that this could go national,” she says. The project “is a way for us to humanize [our] community and help people understand that we’re normal people ... active in our churches, social groups and workplaces.” HB2 and similar bills adopted or being considered around the U.S., says Winter, “have a significant impact on basic human rights and basic equality for a community of people who are just trying to live their lives and be happy.”X mOrE INfO The video will first be released at Tranzmission’s website: X

our own community or own identity. It’s really easy to keep those differences in mind in order to give us visibility, but we don’t have to just be different. We can also be similar. And that’s OK, because that’s how humans work. you left asheville to intern for the international lgbt advocacy group all out in new york and now live in new orleans. I remember I was so relieved when I left Asheville [and went to] New York. It was so cool to walk down the street and not be looked at or ogled. I don’t know what it was about Asheville — the small-town [aspect] or the type of tourists [who] come there, but I felt scrutinized by people all the time. [Maybe] it had nothing to do with being trans. I’m a flashy dresser, and that could be enough to get looks. But here in New Orleans, I’m pretty tame [and] one of the most boring people who live here. That’s cool. yes, for new orleans, you’re pretty boring. I absolutely am. I’m cool with it. I can choose when and if I tell people [I’m trans]. It gives me a chance to have constructive conversations with people. [One time], a guy was talking smack about Caitlyn Jenner, and he was misgendering her, and I said, “She’s totally hot and I would totally date her.” … He would have just dismissed me if I were [seen as] trans. Because he believed I was cis, [my comments] set him straight, which is weird, because I don’t necessarily like being invisible, but sometimes it’s more effective. you made him think about what he was saying. in asheville, did you feel that the town was a good place to transition? I spent eight years in Asheville, and I consider it my home, [though] I grew up in South Carolina. In comparison to other places [in the South], Asheville is a great place to come out. It’s got a lot of community support for trans folks. But the financial strain is really hard. you mean the lack of good-paying jobs and the high cost of living? I left because of the socio-economics of the city. [As an intern for All Out], I was renting a room in Brooklyn for nearly what a room in Asheville costs. … Since my internship, I’ve expanded creatively and in my career in large ways that I don’t think I could have in Asheville. … You can be an artist easily in Asheville: for free. you also say you just needed to get out of the town where you transitioned. I wanted to live in a way that gave me the space to choose when to come out, rather than being out or outed daily. From my experience [in Asheville], the

trans issues were overshadowed by the gay-marriage movement, too, which needed to happen, and I’m so glad that it happened, but there wasn’t a lot of room to bring trans issues to light. so your goal with transilient is to highlight the issues, such as the violence against trans people, but to do it in a different way than you’ve done before? I’m hoping it will shift people’s ideas around and show what people look like when they’re trans. There are stereotypes about trans, like … they look a certain way … but that’s not always true. [Trans] people can look how they want. This whole bathroom issue, [North Carolina House Bill 2], is trying to suggest you can tell when someone is transgender, and the truth about it is, you can’t. Your ideas about it are wrong, so let’s shift them. I want to sit down with any transgender, gender queer or people who identify as gender nonconforming and interview them about any part of themselves — their lives, pasts, present or future experiences. My end goal is to showcase a variety of trans voices with the intention of humanizing trans people by connecting them to the overarching human experience that all people embody and can relate to. … I want to show the world that we [transgender people] are more than our identities. X

more info TrANSILIENT: “Changing the trans narrative, one interview at a time.” #transgender, #wearetransilient and If you would like to be interviewed for Transilient or want to help, email Basil Soper at basilvaughnsoper@gmail. com. For general inquiries, itinerary and fundraising information, email wearetransilient@ Look for Transilient on Facebook and Instagram (We Are Transilient). X

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sense of wellbeing, mental clarity, pain reduction and physical performance. • Susan Brown, Certified Biofeedback Practitioner. Call (207) 5132353. earthywomanjourneys@ Earthy-woman. com AShEvILLE COmmuNITY YOGA CENTEr 8 Brookdale Road, • FRIDAYS (6/3) through (6/24), 2-4pm - “Coming

of Age with Sustainable Practice” yoga series for aging bodies. $40 series/$12 per class. buNCOmbE COuNTY PubLIC LIbrArIES depts/library • TH (6/9), 11am - “Get Your Heart Racing with Hooping Hearts!” hula hooping workshop. Held in the Grovement park next to the Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa

CENTEr fOr ArT & SPIrIT AT ST. GEOrGE 1 School Road, 258-0211 • FR (6/3), 7:30pm - “Sound & Movement Meditation,” interactive movement meditation with Celtic, Flamenco, and middle eastern music. $5-$20. fOCuS ON fLEXIbILITY 299-4844 • TUESDAYS, 2:15-3:15pm - Gentle exercise class with focus on flexibility, balance, body alignment and breath-

ing. Includes standing, floor and chair exercises. Free. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road

0869. Held at Grace Covenant

rEd CrOSS bLOOd drIvES Appointment and ID required. • TH (6/2), 1:30-6pm Appointments & info.: 6692725. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain • SU (6/5), 9am-1:30pm Appointments & info.: 694-


Presbyterian Church, 789 Merrimon Ave.

894 E. Main St., Sylva, 3561105, • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - “Inner Guidance from an Open Heart,” class with meditation and discussion. $10.

Student Clinic Opens June 2 nd $30 Massages Call for an Appointment! 828-252-7377

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


GrEEN SCENE by Virginia Daffron |

a greeNer greeNhouSe Passive solar greenhouse in Oakley strives for sustainability

SOLAr GAIN: Megan Riley of M R Gardens stands in front of her 800-square-foot passive solar greenhouse in Oakley. Photo by Vickie Burick The paradox of commercial greenhouses has always bothered edible landscaper megan riley. While the greenhouses allow professional growers to get a jump on starting seeds for food crops and landscape plantings, they require significant energy resources to operate. That means the houses aren’t necessarily sustainable, Riley says. Riley’s longtime dream of creating a commercial-scale passive solar greenhouse for her business, M R Gardens, became a reality in January when she completed an 800-square-foot facility in Oakley. Though conservation-minded gardeners have experimented with


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

similar structures on a small scale for at least the last 50 years, Riley says commercial producers in the nursery trade haven’t embraced the technology. The greenhouse features large windows facing south, not just for plant growth, but also for optimal solar gain. During the day, the sun’s rays fall on large plastic drums filled with water. The drums store the heat and then release it slowly overnight, moderating temperatures inside the structure. “It’s like living next to a body of water, where the temperature fluctuations are less extreme,” Riley explains. To keep all that heat in the building,

Riley specified a high R-value for the north wall insulation. The acrylic double-walled window panels she selected also hold in more heat than singlepaned glazing or plastic film. Since starting her first seeds in January, Riley hasn’t needed any supplemental heat to keep the greenhouse within the ideal growing range of 55-85 degrees, even on the coldest nights. According to Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Agent cliff ruth, heating a typical greenhouse costs $4-$5 per square foot over the course of a winter. In Riley’s case, that equals a savings of $4,000 per year in heating costs. The only electricity she uses is for supplemental grow lighting for her smallest seedlings and fans to help circulate the air. The structure’s design also prevents overheating on warm days in late spring and summer. Because the angle of the sun is higher in the sky during the warmer months, the sun’s direct rays

strike the building above the slanted windows, resulting in less solar gain. Vents along the side, roof and front wall ensure adequate air circulation. “In a typical greenhouse, it can feel unpleasant to stay very long on an 80-degree day, as temperatures can easily reach above 100,” Riley says. “But we seek refuge in the comfort of the passive solar greenhouse on a hot day.” Riley’s project, which included the purchase of 2 acres of land, is financed through the Natural Capital Investment Fund, a business loan fund for small and emerging businesses. Within a seven-state region, the fund focuses on providing capital to entrepreneurs and enterprises that are good stewards of natural resources. While sustainability is the primary goal, the greenhouse appears to provide other benefits as well. For one thing, the plants have grown faster than Riley anticipated. Her tomato seedlings took only four to five weeks to grow large enough to plant, rather than the typical six to eight weeks. Some of the difference might be due to this year’s warm, sunny spring, but Riley also suspects that the greenhouse’s design played a role. The large amount of light entering the south-facing acrylic windows bounces off the white walls and onto the plants, bolstering their growth. The plants’ roots may also benefit from the heat radiating from the water barrels, since the barrels double as tables. “The only challenge has been marketing the plants quickly enough,” she says with a laugh. Riley plans to use the greenhouse primarily to grow the kinds of native perennial plants her clients want to use in their landscape designs. Before building her own nursery facility, she says, she often had to source plants from suppliers in Pennsylvania or New Jersey. Growing those varieties locally is another aspect of Riley’s pursuit of sustainability. Though she expects to make up the difference in reduced operating costs and healthier plants, Riley estimates that her greenhouse cost three to six times more to build than a conventional facility of similar size. Riley is offering tours of the greenhouse on Saturdays at 11 a.m. through June 18. RSVP by contacting gardens@ or 828.333.4151. See for more information. X

ECO AShEvILLE GrEEN drINkS • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Ecopresentations, discussions and community connection. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place

in the Southeast,” Danny Bernstein presents about Southeastern national parks. Free. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place

of herbs. You can have fun with


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mOuNTAINTruE 258-8737, • SA (6/4) & SU (6/5) - “Bluff Mountain Bio-Blitz nature inventory,” data collection of the biological diversity of Bluff Mountain, hiking and camping event. Registration required: Free.

(pd.) SA (6-4), 2AM. with Matt Timmer. The southeast boasts a huge palette of beautiful native plants. Matt will introduce you to some of our native trees, shrubs, & perennials and their native cultivar cousins. He will discuss the benefits of using native plants in your garden, design considerations, and more. Be prepared for an informal, fun, and interactive afternoon! Matt Timmer, our Green Goods Manager, has years of horticultural experience. He is passionate about all sorts of plants and enjoys sharing his broad knowledge with fellow gardeners. Free, but please pre-register at 828645-3937. Reems Creek Nursery, 70 Monticello Road, Weaverville, NC.

wNC SIErrA CLub 251-8289, • WE (6/1), 7pm - “Celebrating 100 years of the National Park Service

ThE JOY Of hErbS (pd.) SA (6-4), 10AM. with Penelope Welch. This program is for everyone who wants to grow, use, cook with,

CrEATION CArE ALLIANCE Of wNC • TH (6/2), 5:30-7pm - General meeting and potluck. Free. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. • FR (6/3), 10am-noon - “Bringing Hope to the Climate Crisis Through Faith and Action,” led by Rev. Dr. Jim Antal. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.


and experience the health benefits

ing, preserving and cooking with herbs. Penelope Welch is an avid gardener who has spent decades

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growing and using herbs in the garden, kitchen and home. Free, but please pre-register at 828-645-3937. Reems Creek Nursery, 70 Monticello Road, Weaverville, NC. SOuThErN APPALAChIAN hIGhLANdS CONSErvANCY 253-0095, • SU (6/5), 2-4pm - “Protecting your biggest asset on the farm: Your body,” workshop. $10-$20. Held at Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy’s Community Farm, 180 Mag Sluder Road, Alexander


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Asheville bartenders offer tips for making laid-back summer cocktails

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POOL PArTY: From left, Top of the Monk bartender Kala Brooks, writer Jonathan Ammons and Buxton Hall Barbecue bartender Kyle Beach raise a glass to a summer full of tasty, homemade cocktails. Photo by Cindy Kunst

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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

As the oppressive heat of summer approaches, home bartenders are advised to plan ahead: Stock the bar, make sure the ice machine is working and maybe even batch up a few special concoctions, just in case. Good cocktails shouldn’t be hard to make, and with a little planning, it’s simple to have scratch-made syrups and any number of other ingredients handy should an unexpected guest arrive in need of something strong. A couple of Asheville’s finest bartenders offer their tips for great cocktails for the season.

When stocking for summer, it doesn’t take a hundred bottles or a stack of cash to create a flexible, functioning home bar. It’s actually quite easy to make do with just a handful of basic items. One important point to remember: It is always good to have a wide spread of spirits on hand — not all brown and not all clear — as your guests are sure to have varied tastes. Simple components like an affordable gin and a quaffable bourbon provide a great deal of flexibility, and you can add tequilas, rums or even brandy as your budget and preferences allow. Even though I don’t drink it, there’s also usually a bottle of vodka in my

freezer just in case a persnickety visitor should find himself parched and craving that particular tipple. For the summer, in addition to standard club sodas, tonics and lengtheners, think of lighter liqueurs as mixers. Top of the Monk’s Kala brooks’ suggested cocktail (see sidebar) uses Lillet Rose, a bright and summery infused wine. Other handy seasonal mixers are St. Germaine elderflower liqueur, Aperol for those in the mood for something bitter or Domaine de Canton, a French ginger liqueur. Simple syrups are another great ingredient — one that is easy to make and will keep in the fridge for a

week or two. To make a basic simple syrup, add one cup of raw demerara sugar to a pot with one cup of water, bring to a boil, then simmer until the sugar is fully dissolved. To make the tea syrup required for the Welcome Mat cocktail (see sidebar), substitute the cup of water for one cup of brewed black tea, add some mint leaves just after the sugar dissolves, and allow it to steep for several minutes before straining into a flip-top or squeeze bottle. If it doesn’t taste as potent as you’d like (though do err on the side of subtlety), try making 2 cups worth of tea and reduce it by half before adding equal parts sugar. This mint tea syrup also makes a great sweetener for iced tea. For Brooks’ rosemary-lavender syrup, heat 1 cup of agave sweetener, 1/4 cup of water, 3 tablespoons of lavender flowers and a 1/4 cup of rosemary; steep then strain into a container. For his proffered tipple (see sidebar), Buxton Hall Barbecue bartender Kyle beach uses fresh fruit preserves, which can be homemade or store-bought. “With the Summer Smash, we rotate between a grapefruit and orange preserve and a strawberry preserve as the season emerges,” he explains. “Cutting the base spirit with vermouth — or bonal, as we do at the restaurant — makes the drink a little lighter and makes it feel more seasonally appropriate, as does the crushed ice.” For the ice, Beach has a hot tip: “I recommend picking up a bag of pebble ice from Sonic [drive-in]. “It cost $2 a bag and works very consistently in cocktails calling for crushed ice." X

Summer Smash Kyle beach buxton hall barbecue 1.5 ounces rye whiskey .75 ounce lemon juice .5 ounce sweet vermouth .25 ounce simple syrup A healthy spoonful of preserves Shake all ingredients together and strain. Serve over crushed ice in a rocks glass.

a Walk Through Napa Kala brooks top of the monk

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5-6 ripe grapes 1.5 ounce Hendricks gin .5 ounce Lillet Rose .5 ounce fresh lemon juice .75 ounce rosemary-lavender agave syrup (see instructions in story) Muddle the grapes. Add the other ingredients, shake two times and strain. Serve up in coupe with skewered rosemary and a grape for garnish.

The Welcome mat

Come in for

a Pint & a Bite! 28 Hendersonville Rd.

jonathan ammons 2 ounces of good bourbon .25 ounce St. Germaine .25 ounce mint black tea syrup (see story for instructions) Eight to 10 fresh mint leaves Dash of angostura bitters Gently muddle the mint and syrup in a rocks glass. (Don’t press too hard on the mint. Gently massaged mint releases its oils, but hardpressed mint leaches bitter acids.) Add the spirits and swirl in the glass to mix slightly before adding enough crushed ice to fill the glass. Serve with a straw and a healthy sprig of mint for garnish.


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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016



by Cindy Kunst

The cooKbooK ProJecT A pilot program at Buncombe County Early College promotes healthy habits for high school students

ALL ChEfS ON dECk: The 12 Buncombe County Early College students who participated in The Cookbook Project are pictured with organizer Alli Casparian, far left, program facilitator Carla Gardner, far right and Doug Hutchman of BCEC, back right. Photo by Cindy Kunst

not just biscuits &


Dixie Chicken &

Boylan Soda Black Cherry Milkshake 372 Merrimon Ave, Asheville, NC 28801


This spring, a dozen students from Buncombe County Early College participated in The Cookbook Project, an eight-week food literacy pilot program organized by local nonprofit organization Bounty and Soul. Classes were held weekly after school in A-B Tech’s culinary arts department, wrapping up with the Food Culture Celebration at St. James Episcopal Church in Black Mountain on May 26. With Bounty and Soul’s mission already focused on providing fresh produce and wellness resources to the community, The Cookbook Project was a natural fit. “Its core lessons served as a great foundation [for the program], allowing us to create a customized curriculum that is holistic in nature,” says Bounty and Soul founder and executive director allison casparian. The Cookbook Project is an international nonprofit organization that began 32

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

in Boston with a mission of teaching nutrition literacy and basic cooking skills to kids. Instructors can become certified with the project through online courses, then create a curriculum that addresses the specific needs of their community. “We’ve included a class on self-care that introduces the kids to stress management and yoga as well as a field trip to Barefoot Farm in Barnardsville, exposing the students to time in nature and teaching about the importance of eating locally and sustainably,” notes Casparian. Class topics include nutrition, label reading, menu planning, budgeting and healthy substitutions, and sometimes feature cooking demonstrations. In the BCEC iteration, professional chefs were invited into the class to teach basic cooking techniques, knife handling and cutting skills. A notable part of the class involves sending each student home

with a box of ingredients and information about how to apply what they learned for the week by cooking for their family and friends. Students are asked to share photos of what they made at home via a private Facebook page created for the class. Student Kenji labi says his favorite dish to make at home was eggplant pizza. “We’d cut the eggplant into these little discs, and we’d put on olive oil, some salt, some tomato paste and cheese,” he explains. “There’s no dough — the eggplant is the base. My family enjoyed it, so I’ll probably be making that again soon.” The program focuses on individual empowerment through kitchen confidence for an age group that has significant influence among its peers. “A lot of the students that have participated in the pilot have really just taken ownership of what they’ve learned, telling their friends, ’Oh, this is the smoothie I made;

2016 Visual Arts & Crafts ballot I put kale in it,’” says Casparian. “Kids that might not listen to what a grownup says about these kinds of foods might be more likely to listen to someone their own age.” Students in the BCEC program learned to prepare an Asian stir fry, smoothies, eggplant pizzas, seasonal salads with homemade dressings, a variety of healthy snacks and quinoa dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As the program grows, former students will be invited back to mentor and facilitate the next class. “The hope is that these students would become food ambassadors, and they would be willing to come back to the next cookbook project and assist where they can with the other students, so that it’s more peer-level teaching and training,” says douglas hutchman, the Work Based Learning Counselor at BCEC. “The kids are extremely engaged, they do feel empowered. They come back to us saying, ’I tried this, and my mom absolutely loved it, and we’re thinking about eating differently.’” Food for the program is sourced from donations through Bounty and Soul’s many partnerships with community food organizations. MANNA FoodBank, Society of St. Andrews/Gleaning and the Dr. John Wilson Community Garden in Black Mountain are major contributors, as well as local farmers and home gardeners who donate excess crops to Bounty and Soul throughout the growing season at Bounty and Soul’s distribution locations. At the Food Culture Celebration, the 12 students were organized into teams: Smart Cookies, Master Chefs and Red Hot Chili Peppers, and had to plan, create and cook for their families and invited guests. Teams prepared an appetizer, entrée and dessert that reflect their culture at home. Dishes included a gluten-free fettuccine alfredo, Mexican lasagna, stir-fried noodles, Filipino carioca and virgin piña coladas, among many others. In the end, the students seemed to agree that they’d gained some valuable knowledge — not only about how to find their way around a kitchen, but also about healthy eating. “I’m almost 18, and I really didn’t know much [about cooking and food], and I feel like I learned so much from being in this program,” says student nizzy caddick. “Especially about how much sugar can impact your body and how certain materials and ingredients can either improve your body or put you in a bad place physically.” X




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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


F ooD

SmALL bITES by Thomas Calder |

Native Kitchen hosts a benefit pig roast Native Kitchen & Social Pub is no stranger to throwing fundraising parties, having hosted numerous events for local organizations, including Brother Wolf, Habitat for Humanity and ArtSpace Charter School. The Swannanoa gastropub will continue in this vein with its upcoming Pig Roast Picnic. All proceeds from the gathering will benefit Our VOICE, a nonprofit crisis intervention and prevention agency that serves victims of sexual violence in Buncombe County. “Something that’s really important to the owners of Native is giving back to the community,” says marissa howard, the restaurant’s marketing manager. “When we started partnering with [Our VOICE] ... a large benefit was something the owners wanted to do.” At the outdoor roast, guests can anticipate picnic plates served with slow-roasted pork, mac n’ cheese, coleslaw, green beans, roasted veggies, summer salad and homemade barbecue sauce. “The generosity that is embodied in the event is really remarkable,” says aiyanna sezak-blatt, the development coordinator for Our VOICE. Sezak-Blatt notes that outside of the event itself, Native’s owners, casey and sarah watkins and meredith and brandon ellison, make regular donations to the organization. “This business having such a stake in creating a safe community by supporting the rape crisis service is wonderful.” In addition to food, the progressive folk band Fireside Collective will perform at the event. There will also be a raffle (which includes an iPad and a $100 gift card to Native), outdoor games and beer specials thanks to donations from Highland Brewing Co., Pisgah Brewing Co. and Green Man Brewing. “Native is creating the platform and taking the lead,” Sezak-Blatt says. “But there are all of these other amazing local businesses that are supporting [the benefit].” These include Hickory Nut Gap Meats,


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

some food on the brewery’s spacious creekside lawn. At the Saturday, June 4, kickoff party, there will be free live music by local bluegrass bands Pants Party and Plain Folk. The brewery’s full food menu will be available, as will picnic-style specials that include fried chicken, catfish po’ boys and jo-jo potatoes. Cornhole, ladder golf and washer toss will be among the yard games available. The series will take place once a month throughout the summer. The series kicks off 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at Sweeten Creek Brewing, 1127 Sweeten Creek Road. Live music runs 2-8 p.m. There is no entry fee. Visit for additional information. hOPE fLOATS SIdEwALk SALE

PIG rIbS rOASTING ON AN OPEN fIrE: All proceeds from Native’s Pig Roast Picnic will go to Our VOICE, a nonprofit crisis intervention and prevention agency that serves victims of sexual violence, ages 13 through adult, in Buncombe County. Photo courtesy of Native Kitchen Symmetry Financial Group, Molly Cokery Photography, Asheville Web Hosting and Bee Tree Hardwoods. eden roorda, Native’s chef, will camp out on the property the evening before the picnic. “She’ll be out there all night roasting the pig,” says SezakBlat, adding, “There’s just a lot of love and heart going into the event.” The picnic runs 3 p.m.-sundown Saturday, June 5. Adult plates cost $15, child plates (age 12 and younger) cost $6. Food will be served at about 5 p.m. For more information on the event, visit For additional information on Our VOICE, visit TEPhrA vEGAN POP-uP dINNEr Cast iron-seared wild mushrooms, mixed radishes with pistachio, orange mint, lemon oil and orange zest and salt-roasted beets are among the items

to be served at an upcoming vegan pop-up dinner to be hosted at Trade and Lore. Piedmont Culinary Guild member shawn harrison of Charlotte restaurant Tephra is the chef behind the event. In addition to being 100 percent vegan, the four-course dinner is gluten- and soy-free. Dessert will be a blueberry orange ginger cobbler, served with cultured vanilla coconut cream. The dinner runs 7-9 p.m. Thursday, June 4, at Trade and Lore Coffee, 37 Wall St. Cost is $43. Visit for information or tickets. PICNIC SErIES kICkOff PArTY AT SwEETEN CrEEk brEwING With its Summer Picnic Series, South Asheville’s Sweeten Creek Brewing plans to host regular family- (and dog-) friendly events where guests can relax and have a beer and

There will be $2 hot dogs, root beer floats and ice cream sundaes (regular and sugar-free) at The Fresh Market’s 22nd annual Hope Floats Sidewalk Sale. All proceeds will go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to support ongoing research efforts. According to the Fresh Market’s press release, it has helped raise over $4.5 million for the foundation through a series of fundraisers and corporate donations. The Sidewalk Sale runs 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday-Sunday, June 3-5, at all area Fresh Market locations. For more information visit ArT ANd PIE: AN INTErACTIvE EXhIbIT ANd bAkING dEmO Buxton Hall Barbecue will host an afternoon of art, instruction, insight and pie on Saturday, June 5. Four bakers will join forces to lead this three-hour event. The day will be filled with cocktails, baking demonstrations and storytelling. The demonstrations will cover the impact that fats have on dough flavor, the various fruit pie fillings, different pie decorating techniques and much more. Art and Pie runs from 2-5 p.m. Saturday, June 5, at Buxton Hall Barbecue, 32 Banks Ave. Tickets cost $75 and include complimentary drink, pie knowledge and a gift bag. Purchase tickets at artandpie. X

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


F ooD

bEEr SCOuT by Scott Douglas |

Summer festivals highlight hometown beers and brewers Fonta Flora Brewery will host its third annual State of Origin Festival 3-7 p.m. Saturday, June 11, at the historic Courthouse Square in downtown Morganton. State of Origin showcases beers brewed using exclusively local ingredients. Several Asheville breweries will participate along with others from throughout North Carolina and across the country that specialize in beers that highlight their respective region’s unique terroir. “I would go out on a limb and say that I don’t think there’s another festival in the world with this kind of concept, the exclusive focus on locality. We’re trying to take the concept of what it means to brew with local ingredients and push that even harder,” says Fonta Flora head brewer and co-owner todd boera. “It’s a celebration of our core values, but in essence it’s a celebration of all the folks around North Carolina who have been [brewing with local ingredients] all along.” State of Origin will feature unique brews from Asheville-area breweries Burial Beer Co., Wicked Weed Brewing, Zebulon Artisan Ales, Highland Brewing Co. and Catawba Brewing Co. The festival will also host other notable North Carolina breweries that focus on local ingredients such as Fullsteam Brewery, Haw River Farmhouse Ales and Free Range Brewing. Festivalgoers can also expect a few out-of-state breweries, such as returning visitor Scratch Brewing Co. of Illinois, Carolina Bauernhaus from Anderson, S.C., Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co. and Austin, Texas-based Jester King Brewing. “With the addition of just a few outof-state breweries, our mission has not really changed. It’s still a focus on North Carolina ingredients,” says


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

SPOTLIGhT ON LOCAL: Morganton’s Fonta Flora Brewery showcases local ingredients at its annual State of Origin festival. Photo courtesy of The Destination Magazine Fonta Flora co-owner david bennett. “These ambassador breweries are there to shed a light on what people around the country are doing in a similar vein to our motto of ‘Local culture, local agriculture.’ That’s what we’re all about, and this is just expanding upon the same theme.” Bennett notes that in the spirit of constant learning, Boera just spent two weeks in Europe studying firsthand what the breweries over there are doing. “The difference between this year and last year,” notes Fonta Flora event coordinator brit josa, “is that last year it was OK if only one of the beers a brewery brought was made with only one North Carolina ingredient, like Riverbend Malt. This year we’ve gotten a lot more strict. We’re asking that every beer, or kombucha or cider, be made with a majority of North Carolina ingredients. It’s gotten more stringent.” Boera points out that State of Origin is designed to be an intimate festival

experience that seeks to emphasize guests’ ability to connect with local beers and the people who craft them. “The folks who end up coming have an incredible time,” says Boera.“It’s a really well-run festival, and it’s really low-crowd in terms of brewery ratio, so you get a lot of one-on-one interaction with the brewers and you have the opportunity to learn a lot about the beers they’re making.” “It’s a very laid-back and relaxed atmosphere,” adds Bennett. “One of my favorite elements of the festival is that, given the theme, a lot of the attending breweries are making special projects just for this festival, so you’re able to try things that you’ve never had before and may never have again.” State of Origin will feature live bluegrass music from Chapel Hill’s Mipso and Morganton natives BearWallow, as well as food trucks, including Farmhouse Barbecue. Tickets are on sale now, with general admission available for $50 and an additional option

of purchasing two bottles of Fonta Flora’s latest release, Funk Fuzz Appalachian Wild Ale, along with admittance to the festival for $86. Bennett encourages those interested in attending to purchase tickets early, as supplies are limited and expected to sell out. State of Origin happens 3-7 p.m. Saturday, June 11, on the Courthouse Square in downtown Morganton. For details and tickets, visit fontaflora. com/festival/. JuST brEw IT A perennial highlight of AVL Beer Week, the seventh annual Just Brew It Homebrew Festival will be hosted by Just Economics and Wedge Brewing Co. 2-5 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at the Wedge. Just Brew It is a homebrew tasting and competition designed to showcase the creations of Asheville-area homebrewers and to support Just Economics, a regional membership-based organization that educates and advocates for a sustainable economy in Western North Carolina. This year’s festival will feature over 150 unique handcrafted beers from local brewers and will include live music, a scavenger hunt, awards for brewers, food trucks and information about Just Economics. Rather than purchasing tickets for admission, attendees are invited to join Just Economics at three possible membership levels, each bearing unique incentives. A $25 basic membership will provide entrance to the festival and unlimited beer sampling, while a $35 standard membership also includes a raffle ticket and a commemorative Just Brew It tasting glass. Those purchasing a $55 VIP membership will be entitled to the benefits of standard membership as well as lunch and entrance to the festival one hour early. Mountain Xpress beer writers scott douglas and edwin arnaudin will be on hand to participate as judges, awarding the Mountain Xpress King or Queen of the Mountain Award. Just Brew It is a unique opportunity to meet up-and-coming local brewers and talk with the Xpress beer team while supporting economic sustainability in Asheville and enjoying some great beer. Just Brew It happens 2-5 p.m. Saturday, June 4, at Wedge Brewing Co., 37 Paynes Way. For tickets, visit For more on Just Economics, visit X

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


A r T S & E N T E r TA I N m E N T

To iNFiNiTy aNd beyoNd Secret Agent 23 Skidoo experiments with ‘all-ages’ music on new album BY EDwin aRnauDin For his 40th birthday, rapper and kid-hop artist secret agent 23 skidoo wanted to celebrate with something big. Fond of seeing the world, he considered taking a trip to Amsterdam or another desirable destination, but as he mulled it over, another idea took its place. “I kinda ended up thinking, ‘Forget the vacation, put the time and money into this album instead,’” he says. “I dig traveling a lot, but nothing’s better than being in the studio without limitations. Especially in Echo Mountain, working with [engineer] julian dreyer and the local musicians.” The result of this personal anniversary splurge is the extraordinary Infinity Plus One. The album will launch on Saturday, June 4, at The Orange Peel. An 11 a.m. showtime is geared toward young fans and their families, and Skidoo’s team will film a music video at the event. “Come dressed in your most funked-out attire, bring your dance steps and be ready to be in a movie,” he says. The whole project is a testament to how the musician refused to hold back in achieving his vision. “The ideas I had were all over the map musically, and I wanted to indulge all of it, from full brass band and a DJ, to strings, harp, Gypsy-jazz guitar, analog synths — everything,” says Skidoo, who lived in Asheville for many years but is currently based in California. “Also, I went in deep on the album art. I collaborated with three artists [from] London, NYC and Asheville to make it look tight, and it even glows in the dark. There’s a secret message on the back when you activate the glow-in-the-dark layer that is the first clue to guide you toward a hidden prize and free stuff. I went crazy and did everything I wanted on this one.” A founding member of the Asheville hip-hop collective Granola Funk Express, Skidoo began making rap music for children after the birth of his daughter, saki, herself a lyricist who spits under the name mc fireworks. As her brain and soul developed, Skidoo’s music kept pace on a concep-


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

mASTEr Of CErEmONIES: Keeping pace with the evolution of his music, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo has also expanded his concert experience. “Adding to the purple tuxedos and dragon masks, we have choreographed a full show with a couple of fantastic break dancers that we will debut [at The Orange Peel],” he says. “Backflips, Russian pirate dances, kung fu — it’s gonna be nuts.” Photo by Mike Belleme and artistically altered by Andy Potts tual level. But around the release of his 2014 album, The Perfect Quirk, Skidoo says that Saki grew past the point of relating to “kids music.” Now that Saki is 14, her dad has changed his approach, not only to reflect her interests and that of listeners her age, but to truly loop in the rest of the family as well as hip-hop heads who might have eschewed his past work. “I’m experimenting with ‘all-ages’ music, like the equivalent of Pixar or Jim Henson or Shel Silverstein,” Skidoo says. “I’m aiming for something that has aspects that apply to everyone on their own level, like old Bugs Bunny cartoons. I’m sure that angle is influenced by raising a teen — the border where kid meets grown-up.” As its title suggests, Infinity Plus One centers on themes of limitlessness, incorporating the multiverse,

human potential and the unending nature of outer space. Starting and ending the album are the electromagnetic emanations of Earth, recorded by the Voyager spacecraft in 1977 as it carried the gold records created by famed astronomer carl sagan. “The fact that, in order to attempt first contact with extraterrestrial life, NASA decided to make gold records that would last a billion years each and blast them out of our solar system with instructions on how to build a record player, is so absurdly beautiful it’s mindblowing,” Skidoo says. The story “crawled in [his] brain and set up shop,” as did the accompanying tale of the love that blossomed between Sagan and ann druyen as they chose whale songs, rock ’n’ roll, greetings in every language and other sounds to represent their plan-

et. Skidoo honors these influences in numerous ways, down to designing the physical CD of Infinity Plus One as a replica of Sagan and Druyen’s sonic creation. “But the coolest part is that when I wanted to scratch parts of the record on the song about it [‘Tastes Like Space’], marley carroll was all like, ‘Oh yeah, no problem. I got that record on vinyl,’” says Skidoo. “Crazy, man.” Beyond the intergalactic bounce at the heart of the album is an eclectic mix of musical styles that primarily incorporate Asheville-based musicians. “Glimmer” features hypnotic string instrumentation by members of the Asheville Symphony and the impossibly gorgeous vocals of indigo de souza. In addition to lyrically nimble odes to Skidoo’s daughter and his wife, “Long Days and Short Years” features a moving sidney barnes soul hook. Skidoo says the DNA of that rousing chorus has strands of Roy Orbison’s “Anything You Want,” Bob Marley’s “No Woman, No Cry” and Ray LaMontagne’s “You Are the Best Thing” with mixing and production

influenced by Charles Bradley’s debut album, No Time For Dreaming. yo mama’s big fat booty band is the funk backbone of Infinity Plus One, while Carroll, ryan barber, debrissa mcKinney (making her rap debut), stephaniesid and members of Zansa, sirius b, the fritz and the secret b-sides provide additional Western North Carolina flavor. Representing California are j. Kendall, former Spearhead beatboxer mc radio active and, of course, MC Fireworks. “There are 30 people besides me on the album,” Skidoo says. “And they all crushed it.” X

who Secret Agent 23 Skidoo where The Orange Peel 101 Biltmore Ave. when Saturday, June 4, at 11 a.m. $5/free for kids younger than 3

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


a &E

by Edwin Arnaudin

SaTurday morNiNg FuNhouSe Attic Salt extends family theater series through December Asheville is a city rich in theater and music for adults. But as a parent, Attic Salt Theatre Company executive director and educational coordinator marci bernstein was disappointed in the affordable opportunities for young children. In order to help fill that gap, she and Attic Salt artistic director jeff catanese created the Saturdays on Stage series for family audiences. The program, launched last December, runs each Saturday morning at The Magnetic Theatre and was recently extended through the end of the year. All shows are appropriate for ages 4 and older, and, in addition to providing copious amounts of fun, they have the power to aid a child’s development on numerous levels. “Studies continually show the benefits of theater for kids who are brought up either seeing it or participating in it on a regular basis,” Catanese says. “From an increased sense of empathy to higher reading comprehension skills and public speaking, we hope that what we do can both educate and entertain. We aim to help create lifelong theatergoers as well as participants.” Aiding that mission is a DIY aesthetic that Catanese says gives children the confidence to create their own stories, plays and anything they want out of their imaginations. Attic Salt’s productions skew toward simple props, costumes and sets made from household objects or materials that may easily be obtained. The shows’ homemade items are accessible to those willing to get a little crafty. “I think that, secretly, our favorite part of creating the shows is figuring out how to make everything that we need,” Bernstein says. “Our very first show, Feet Water, featured a giant bucket of dirty water as the main character. We built a puppet made from a Nerf ball, a bedsheet and some barbecue tongs. We were hooked after that.” Continuing that tradition, Tricky,


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

EASY mAGIC: Props and costumes in Attic Salt Theatre Company’s ongoing familyfriendly series are made from household items. Different hats symbolize different animals in Tricky, Tricky Trickster Tales. “This shows kids how something so simple can change an actor into a turtle,” says artistic director Jeff Catanese. Photo by Rodney Smith/Tempus Fugit Design Tricky Trickster Tales uses different hats for the production’s 12 characters. “This shows kids how something so simple can change an actor into a

turtle, for instance, but is also something that they can make at home in less than an hour,” Catanese says. The Tale of the Pig features a giant

upright-walking hog that frequently attracts post-show questions about its construction. “I love telling them that the pig’s head started out as an oven mitt and the cardboard tube from a roll of toilet paper,” Bernstein says. Actors interact with children before each play — and often during the show as well — to help convey that they’re merely fellow humans who just happen to be acting out a story. Limiting each show to two performers further elevates the accessibility of theater. In addition to Bernstein and Catanese, the cast includes josephine thomas, hallee hirsh and christy montesdeoca, all of whom Catanese says are equipped with an immense sense of fun. “It’s often said that kids are the harshest critics, but the only way I’ve seen where they will really come down on you is if you are phoning it in and portraying the joy of the tales instead of experiencing it,” he says. Tricky, Tricky Trickster Tales will be performed each Saturday in June. Echo, Narcissus, Icarus and Friends: Greek Myths is slated for much of July and The Tale of the Pig returns Aug. 20 and 27. (There are no shows July 2 and Aug. 6 and 13.) While the scripts remain the same each week, Bernstein notes that children love repetition. Upon return visits to the same play, she says, the young audiences often find new things that they missed the first time around. “They understand jokes they may have not gotten right away, and elements of the more sophisticated stories make more sense to some kids once they have a chance to revisit them,” Bernstein says. “Our Greek myths show is a popular one for repeat viewers, but there is a girl who has seen The Tale of the Pig a few times because she thinks it’s hilarious that the pig in the story eats waffles and pine cones for breakfast. I so appreciate that she honed in on one tiny little detail that she loves and has come back multiple times to enjoy it.” Series regulars have also reported back that Attic Salt’s DIY mission is proving successful. During the Q&A session that follows each show, kids often ask how a bit of stagecraft was enacted or how something was made. “We’ve heard from moms and dads about how their child has become ‘obsessed’ with re-creating something from our shows, and some have even started putting on shows for their

friends and families,” Catanese says. “It was a great pleasure one morning when a little girl, who had seen a previous show, presented me with a Trickster Tale that she had written.” Due to their universally relatable themes of kindness, wisdom and magic, these folktales and others will continue to be a major part of Saturdays on Stage going forward. Starting this fall, some Tall Tales will make their way into the mix as well. A fan of those stories since he was a child, Catanese is looking forward to bringing Attic Salt’s silly-yet-sophisticated brand of writing and humor to some genre classics. X

what Attic Salt Theatre Company’s Saturdays on Stage family series where The Magnetic Theatre 375 Depot St. when Saturdays at 10 a.m. $5/infants are free

NC Beer Brewed by NC Natives



32 Banks Ave Asheville, NC 28801 63 Brook St Asheville, NC 28803 212 S Green St Morganton, NC 28655

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


a& E

by Alli Marshall

PaST PerFecT anton disclafani, the New York Times best-selling author of The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls, sets all of her books in the past. Her debut novel took place in 1920s Appalachia; her work-in-progress is set in 1940s Alabama, and The After Party, her just-published follow-up to Yonahlossee, gives readers a window into Houston in the 1950s. But “I’m a big believer in not letting the research get in the way of writing,” says DiSclafani. “I’m not somebody who wants to spends days and days in the library.” The After Party — which she’ll present at Malaprop’s on Wednesday, June 8 — was inspired by the River Oaks community, a wealthy neighborhood in Houston. Both sets of the author’s grandparents are from that city, and when she’d visit as a child, DiSclafani loved to drive past the sprawling homes of River Oaks. While many of those grand domiciles are now being demolished to make way for larger, newer houses (“Houston is all about the future,” the writer says), The After Party’s narrator, Cece Buchanan, can’t imagine living anywhere else. The novel follows Cece and her best friend, Joan Fortier, two girls whose fates are entwined as children. When Cece loses her mother and is estranged from her father, she moves in with the Fortier family. But while Cece aspires to the Fortiers’ level of social standing, Joan grows disenchanted with Houston’s social circles and begins to rebel. Much of the narrative is shrouded in mystery, but the tension, says DiSclafani, “comes from Cece’s obsession with Joan.” While not exactly a midcentury Single White Female, the women’s fraught


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

Anton DiSclafani’s new novel visits 1950s Texas high society

ThE ENd IS NEAr: “The thing about writing historic fiction is it’s easy to see the character’s flaws,” says author Anton DiSclafani. She not only sets her work in the past, but teaches the topic at Auburn University in Alabama. “The reader understands what the characters don’t: that their world is coming to an end.” Photo courtesy of the author relationship is in part a product of its era. It was important that The After Party was set before Betty Friedan published her 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, which is credited with sparking a second wave of feminism in the U.S. Without access to those ideas, Cece was content to be a housewife; her wealth allowed her empty days without a job or even housework. But that vacuousness leads to a fixation on her best friend’s romantic life and carefully guarded secrets.

“The thing about writing historic fiction is it’s easy to see the character’s flaws,” says DiSclafani. She discusses such topics — how much of the historical record an author needs to get right, and what parts of a story set in the past can be filled in with fictional detail — with her writing students at Auburn University in Alabama. “It give you automatic tension,” she says. “The reader understands what the characters don’t: that their world is coming to an end.”

But even as Cece’s and Joan’s posh universes fall down around them, DiSclafani manages to resurrect a setting that’s been lost to time. Houston circa 1950s “was a city where anything — and everything — went,” she said in an interview with StarTelegram. “Watered by oil, organized by the women and men who would have been laughed out of the social registers in most cities, unbound by zoning laws or a sense of modesty — you can’t make Houston up, literally. The details were spectacular.” And, though opulent night spots like the Shamrock Hotel, frequented by Cece and Joan’s crowd, are being torn down to make way for new construction, DiSclafani brings them back to life — at least for a few hundred pages. “I’m just not a writer who wants to write about the presidential election or the newest technology,” she says. “It’s not that I’m not interested in those things, but I’m not interested in writing fiction about them, so it’s easier to set books in a world where my characters don’t know about them, either.” X

who Anton Disclafani where Malaprop’s 55 Haywood St. when Wednesday, June 8, 7 p.m. Free

matthew Quick shares his new ya novel at malaprop’s

bIG QuESTIONS: In the 2013 novel Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock, a teen plans to shoot the school bully. “I get really intense fan mail from teens who connect with Leonard [and] feel like he represents things that they think,” says Matthew Quick. Photo courtesy of the author “When you write about mental health, you want to start conversations [that are] helpful in the community,” says matthew Quick (Silver Linings Playbook). “But where does your responsibility as a writer end?” The author, who returns to Malaprop’s on Saturday, June 4, was a teacher before his writing career took off. He parlayed both his classroom knowledge and feelings about the intense fan letters he received into YA novel Every Exquisite Thing. There, Nanette, Alex and Oliver befriend Booker, a recluse-turned-mentor and the author of the teens’ favorite book, The Bubblegum Reaper. As the teens in Every Exquisite Thing seek answers to their problems (divorced parents, feeling isolated, uncertainty about the future) in Booker’s out-ofprint novel, they become obsessed with the author himself. Plot points and characters serve as clues to the writer’s own life, though he has little interest in sharing his personal story. “Authors are not people who typically seek out fame — most authors are people who like to quietly work out things alone in a room,” says Quick. Adding to that conundrum, “the boundaries between reader and author are forever being blurred on social media.”

But Quick has his own list of books that made an impression when he was a teen. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut and Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison were “books that make you look at society and question everything.” And as a kid who grew up in a fundamentalist Christian home, reading The Stranger, by existential writer Albert Camus “felt revolutionary,” he says. “It was a moment when I saw that the adults in my life, there were other people who opposed their thoughts.” Every Exquisite Thing is likely to be that for some teens. Early reviewers on GoodReads have already been noting pithy quotes like, “Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you have to do it.” Read the full story at — A.M. X who Matthew Quick where Malaprop’s when Saturday, June 4, 7 p.m.

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


a &E

by Bill Kopp

righT Place, righT Time Lake Street Dive became YouTube sensation almost by accident




Visual Arts & Crafts balloting starts June 8th! 44

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

fuLL SPEEd AhEAd: Boston quartet Lake Street Dive makes jazz-informed pop music designed to get listeners moving. The group plays Pisgah Brewing Co.’s outdoor stage. Photo courtesy of Big Hassle Media “We just used the ‘throwing darts at the internet’ method for getting our music out there,” says rachael price, lead vocalist of Boston-based foursome lake street dive. The group’s lowbudget video covering The Jackson Five’s “I Want You Back” became a viral sensation in 2013; to date, the clip has gotten more than 3.8 million views. “We didn’t have any specific designs on ‘I Want You Back,’” says Price. “It wasn’t like we thought, ‘This is the one that’s going to work better than the others.’” Lake Street Dive’s current tour brings the band to the Pisgah Brewing Co.’s outdoor stage on Friday, June 3. Price says that video clip, featuring a very stripped-down arrangement of the song, “was just one of the many videos we were throwing up there.” The group had already recognized the potential of YouTube. “We came

out of the era of seeing music videos on MTV, ones that were highly produced,” she says. “And all of a sudden there was this medium where absolutely anybody could upload videos. And I think that our video’s rawness — that lack of production — actually worked to our advantage.” Though together nearly a decade at that point, Lake Street Dive was caught by surprise by the video’s success. The group had previously made other lowbudget videos that were well-received. “People obviously seemed to like them,” Price says. “And we thought, ‘Well, we don’t have to do anything; all we have to do is set up a sh*tty camera, play the song and put it online!’ And that’s what we did.” Things quickly took off from there. The year that followed the video’s release found Lake Street Dive working a busy touring schedule. “Then

we performed at a concert called Another Day, Another Time,” Price recalls. “It was a live show that the Coen brothers produced for Showtime.” The bill included Joan Baez, the Punch Brothers, Dave Rawlings, Patti Smith and Jack White, among others. “It was really random how we got asked to be on the show,” Price says. “It didn’t make any sense, because we were completely obscure. And we got an amazing response that night. That was sort of what broke us in the business. Every publication was there; every record label was there.” Price believes that exposure opened a lot of doors for Lake Street Dive. After making six largely self-produced albums for smaller labels, the group signed with Warner subsidiary Nonesuch Records and record-

ed this year’s Side Pony in Nashville with producer dave cobb. The Side Pony sessions were the first time the group worked with what Price describes as a “hands-on producer. He was always in the room with us; he was rearranging the songs with us, offering new ideas.” Price notes that the group’s internal democratic process — all four members write — could sometimes slow things down in the studio. “So it was really nice to have an extra set of ears, somebody who’d say, ‘No, just go do it. Just go play,’” she says. “That was great.” The group is unusual in the pop idiom: mike “mcduck” olson’s trumpet is central to Lake Street Dive’s sound. “That wasn’t planned from the beginning,” Price says. “We didn’t ask ourselves, ‘How can we be different?’ It was simply the instrument that McDuck played.” In fact, the trumpet was Olson’s only instrument when he formed the group in 2004. “A year or two later, he started learning guitar specifically for the band,” Price says. All four members of Lake Street Dive — including bridget Kearney and mike calabrese — come from

a jazz background. “That is the music that we studied, and we definitely attribute it to the spirit in which we play,” says Price. “It’s a living, breathing style that does get into modern popular music in ways that people can’t necessarily detect. And I think that is in our music.” But Lake Street Dive doesn’t play jazz; the band crafts upbeat, exuberant music. “As soon as we realized that we made songs that made people dance even a little bit,” says Price, “we were like, ‘Full speed ahead!’ That’s what we want: We want people to move.” X


who Lake Street Dive with Holy Ghost Tent Revival where Pisgah Brewing Co. 150 Eastside Drive Black Mountain when Friday, June 3, 8 p.m. $27 advance/$32 day of show

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JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


a& E

SmArT bETS by Kat McReynolds | Send your arts news to

Toe River Studio Tour

The Record Company The Record Company writes high-energy, roots- and blues-tinted rock — the kind that makes you want to whip around Southern back roads in a Subaru or down a Miller Lite. At least that’s the hope of those companies, which, among many others, have harnessed the band’s feel-good flavor in ads. “It’s cool to have a song in a commercial for my dad’s favorite beer,” says frontman Chris Vos, who grew up on a farm before moving to Los Angeles. In a living room in that city, the trio writes and records its high-octane road songs before touring. “I always think of a performance as one less time onstage — not one more. ... So we try to play our guts out, leave it all on the table, and have fun doing it.” Catch the band at The Grey Eagle on Wednesday, June 8, at 8 p.m. $10/$12. Photo by Jacob Blickenstaff

The Toe River Arts Council prides itself on attracting visitors from faraway states to the creative nooks of Mitchell and Yancey counties — and then sending those travelers off “with packages in their back seats or in the overhead compartment,” according to a release on the Toe River Studio Tour. Artwork at the biannual event meets functional and fanciful needs using many mediums: painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, glass, jewelry, wood, fiber, soap, basketry, metal and more. This year, the self-guided driving tour showcases 10 galleries, plus the studios of 107 artists. Participating spaces open Friday to Sunday, June 3-5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and attendees are welcome to Friday’s artists reception at the Spruce Pine TRAC Gallery at 5:30 p.m. A collaborative exhibit continues there throughout the weekend. Art by ceramist Robbie Bell

Midsummer Faire

Nive and the Deer Children

Shakespearean theatrical group Montford Park Players is venturing offstage again for its second Midsummer Faire. The family-friendly festival celebrates medieval and Renaissance periods with demonstrations by the local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism — a nonprofit that studies and re-creates the activities of those times. SCA member re-enactments will range from blacksmithing, woodworking and leather craft to intense sword fights and fencing faceoffs. Attendees can experience the art of throwing axes and knives firsthand. For kids, there’s a free shield-making station, and all ages are encouraged to dress for the era. The faire is at the Hazel Robinson Amphitheater on Saturday, June 4, from noon to 6:30 p.m., after which the Montford Park Players will perform Much Ado About Nothing at 7:30 p.m. Free. Photo courtesy of Montford Park Players

Nive and the Deer Children have a knack for marrying their sound with motion pictures, particularly in the recent music video for “Tulugaq” from the 2015 album, Feet First. Outdoor scenes of an abandoned village — in frontwoman Nive Neilson’s home country of Greenland — reinforce the eight-member backing band’s nomadic folk feel, which meanders along with chants and elemental percussion. And the youthful quality in Neilson’s voice is mirrored by children on screen (who are from an orphanage the band visits to teach). The visual storyline sees a flock of them descend on Neilson in DIY cardboard wings, capturing her in a strange ending to an eerily dreamy track. Though U.S. tour stops are rare for the musicians, they open for Reed Turchi & The Caterwauls at The Altamont Theatre on Thursday, June 2, at 8 p.m. $10/$12 ($20 VIP seating). Photo courtesy of the band


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


a & E cal E nD aR

by Abigail Griffin

Send your event listings to

• Through (7/10), Textile submissions accepted for Local Cloth’s “Project Handmade 2016: Elements of Nature.” Full guidelines:

musician interviews by Robin Tolleson. $5 adults/$2 students. Held at Asheville Music School Performance Loft, 126 College St.

TEdX TrYON 393-0182, • Through (6/10) Submissions accepted for musicians, dancers, poets, humorists and street performers for September 10, 2016 event to be held at Tryon Fine Arts Center. Free.

brEvArd muSIC CENTEr 349 Andante Lane, Brevard, 862-2100, • FR (6/3), 5pm & SA (6/4), 2pm - Proceeds from the “3rd Annual Brevard Blues N’ BBQ Festival,” with live blues music featuring Bettye LaVette, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Nikki Hill, John Neméth, Anson Funderburgh, Rick Rushing and the Blues Strangers, and Andrew Scotchie & the River Rats, craft & food vendors and barbecue cook-off benefit the Brevard music center. $30 Friday pass/$50 Saturday pass/$70 weekend pass.

ThE CENTEr fOr CrAfT, CrEATIvITY & dESIGN 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • Through (9/17) Applications accepted from curators, researchers, independent scholars and graduate students for the Craft Research Fund. See website for full guidelines.

‘ThE ELEmENTAL ESSENCE’: Artist, photographer and longtime Ashevillean Jenny Bowen is best-known for her comprehensive 2009 photo documentary project, Faces of Asheville. Her newest work, The Elemental Essence, is an exhibition of intricately detailed assemblages using historical photographs, metal ephemera and natural elements. The exhibition takes place at The Asheville Area Arts Council until June 25, with the opening reception Friday, June 3, from 5-8 p.m. Fifteen percent of net profits will go to the Lupus Research Foundation. Photo courtesy of Jenny Bowen (p. 49) ArT dOwNTOwN AShEvILLE fIrST frIdAY ArT wALkS • 1st FRIDAYS, 5-8pm - Downtown Asheville museums and galleries open doors to visitors. Visit the website for participating venues and full details. Free to attend. fIrESTOrm CAfE ANd bOOkS 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • 1st FRIDAYS, 6:30pm - “The Tipout Artist Showcase,” open mic with local music, poetry and other arts. Free to attend. LEXINGTON GLASSwOrkS 81 South Lexington Ave., 348-8427 • 1st FRIDAYS, 5-8pm Glass blowing demonstrations, live music, and beer. Free to attend. TOE rIvEr SPrING


ZAPOw! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • Through (6/11) Submissions accepted for short stories about dreams. Winners will be illustrated by a Zapow artist and included in an exhibition from July to August. Free to attend.  

COmEdY STudIO TOur 682-7215, toeriverarts. org/studio-tour • FR (6/3) through SU (6/5), 10am-5pm - Selfguided tour of over 100 artist studios and galleries in Yancey and Mitchell Counties. Reception: Friday, June 3, 5:30– 7:30pm at the Spruce Pine TRAC. See website for full guidelines. Free to attend. • FR (6/3) through SU (6/5), 10am-5pm - Selfguided tour of artist studios throughout Yancey and Mitchell counties. Reception Friday, June 3, 5:30–7:30pm at the Spruce Pine TRAC. Information: Free to attend.

ArT/CrAfT fAIrS AShEvILLE ArT muSEum 2 N. Pack Square, 2533227, • SA (6/4), 6pm -

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

“Authentically Cherokee Native Marketplace,” featuring work by members of ONABEN, Sequoyah Fund and Authentically Cherokee, groups of contemporary Native American artists. Free to attend. bLACk mOuNTAIN OLd dEPOT 207 Sutton Ave., Black Mountain, 669-6583, • SA (6/4), 10am-6pm & SU (6/5), 10am-4pm - “Art By The Tracks, Juried Art and Craft Show” with live music and food vendors. Free to attend. LOCAL CLOTh • SA (6/4), 9am-2pm - “Fiber Feel Day,” handson fiber shopping & presentations with local farmers. Free to attend. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road

AudITIONS & CALL TO ArTISTS AShEvILLE ArEA ArTS COuNCIL 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through (7/13) Submissions accepted for organizations applying for the North Carolina Arts Council’s Grassroots Arts Program applications for Buncombe County. Information session: Wednesday, June 8, 5-6pm at The Refinery Creator Space, 207 Coxe Ave. Free. AShEvILLE COmmuNITY ThEATrE 35 E. Walnut St., 2541320, • MO (6/6) & TU (6/7), 6-9pm - Open auditions for Crimes of the Heart. Contact for full guidelines. Free. LOCAL CLOTh

bLACkLIST ImPrOv blacklistimprov • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 8pm - Improv comedy show. $7. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St.

muSIC ArrOw SOuNd STudIOS 107 East Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher • SA (6/4), 3-9pm - Grand opening party with food, games and live music by Caine McDonald, Cyndi Lou and the Want To, and Laurel Lee and the Escapees. Free to attend. AShEvILLE muSIC SChOOL 252-6244,, • 1st SUNDAYS through (6/5), 4pm - “Sounds That Shaped Us - Spinterviews” live mash-ups of vinyl and

acting workshops over 5 days to kick-off the exciting Summer class schedule—only $15 for the week! Info/Registration: (828) 276-1212


ANAm CArA ThEATrE 545-3861, • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (6/3) through (6/11), 8pm - And Everything Nice: A Purity Anti-Manifesto for the Stage. $18/$15 advance. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Rd. Suite B

Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.:

AShEvILLE COmmuNITY ThEATrE 35 E. Walnut St., 2541320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/3) until (6/26) - La Cage Aux Folles, musical. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $15-$25.

SUNDAYS (6/3) until (6/12)

250 Pigeon St., Waynesville • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/12) - Legally Blonde, musical. 2pm. $8-$26. hENdErSONvILLE COmmuNITY ThEATrE 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, hendersonvillelittletheater. org • FRIDAYS through - 4000 Miles. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2pm. $16. mONTfOrd PArk PLAYErS 254-5146, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/3) through

LEXINGTON GLASSwOrkS 81 South Lexington Ave., 348-8427 • 1st FRIDAYS, 5-8pm - “Glassworks Concert Series,” with glassblowing, beer and bluegrass. Free to attend.

AZuLE 190 Rabbit Den Road, Hot Springs, 622-3533, • FR (6/3), 7pm - Ivy Rowe, performed by Barbara Bates Smith. Admission by donation.

NOrTh mAIN muSIC SErIES 692-6335 • SA (6/4), 5-7:30pm - Stepchild, Americana/ blues. Free to attend. Held at Green Room Cafe & Coffeehouse, 536 N. Main St., Hendersonville

brEvArd LITTLE ThEATrE 55 E. Jordan St., Brevard, 884-2587, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/3) until (6/19) - The Odd Couple. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 3pm. $16/$11 students.

Drive, Burnsville, 682-

dIffErENT STrOkES PErfOrmING ArTS COLLECTIvE 275-2093, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/2) until (6/18), 7:30pm - The Mountaintop, by Katori Hall, directed by Steph Hickling Beckman. $21/$18 advance. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St.

seniors and students/$10

ST. mATThIAS ChurCh 1 Dundee St., 285-0033, • SU (6/5), 3pm - Classical music concert featuring works by J. S. Bach with Bradlley Williard on bass and an 18-piece orchestra led by Stephen Klein. Admission by donation. TrANSYLvANIA COuNTY LIbrArY 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard, 884-3151 • FR (6/3), 7:30pm Underhill Rose, bluegrass/ folk/blues. Free.

ThEATEr wEEk Of ACTING wOrkShOPS (pd.) 13 professional film, stage, and voiceover

fLAT rOCk PLAYhOuSE 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS, through SUNDAYS until (6/4) - The Affections of May. Wed. & Thurs.: 7:30pm. Fri. & Sat.: 8pm. Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun.: 2pm. $15-$40.

(7/2), 7:30pm - Much Ado About Nothing. $15. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. PArkwAY PLAYhOuSE 202 Green Mountain 4285, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/4) until (6/18) - The Ballad of Frankie Silver. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 3pm. $20/$18 children. STrEET CrEATurE’S PuPPET PLAYhOuSE 37 E Larchmont Road, Asheville NC • THURSDAYS (5/12) through (6/30), 7-9pm - Improv comedy class incorporating puppets. All levels. $10. ThE mAGNETIC ThEATrE 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAY through SATURDAY (6/2) until (6/25), 7:30pm - “Brief Encounters: New Magnetic Voices,” one-act plays. $24/$21 advance.

GallERY D i RE ctoRY AmErICAN fOLk ArT ANd frAmING 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, • TH (6/2) through TH (6/30) - The Color Red, exhibition of works by Michael Banks, Ellie Ali, and James A. Snipe. Reception: Friday, June 3, 5-7pm. ArT AT wCu 227-3591, Held in the Bardo Fine Arts Center unless otherwise noted. • Through (6/30) - Vision and Vistas: Great Smoky Mountains, exhibition of images of the Great Smoky Mountains that helped inspire the creation of the national park. ArT IN ThE AIrPOrT 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher • Through SU (9/4) - Reimagined, painting exhibition of local artists Carol L. MacAllister, Robert Mahosky, Hartley Meinzer, Wendy Newman and Elise Okrend. ArT mOb 124 Fourth Ave. E., Hendersonville, 6934545, • Through SU (6/12) - Miniature Art Show, juried exhibition. ArTwOrkS 27 S. Broad St., Brevard, 553-1063, • WE (6/1) through (6/30) - Sunshine, exhibition of the paintings of Sarah Sneeden. Reception: Friday, June 22, 5-8pm. AShEvILLE ArEA ArTS COuNCIL 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through SA (6/25) - Antecedents, exhibition of photography assemblage by Jenny Bowen. • SU (5/20) through SA (6/25) - A thing re | sembling a win • dow, exhibition curated by Dawn Roe. Opening reception: Friday, June 3, 5-8pm. Panel discussion & performance: Thursday, June 9, 6-7:30pm. AShEvILLE GALLErY Of ArT 82 Patton Ave., 251-5796, • WE (6/1) through TH (6/30) -

Surrendering to Mystery, exhibition of the abstract art of Reda Kay. Reception: Friday, June 3, 5-8pm. bENdEr GALLErY 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, • Through WU (7/31) - Twelve Voices: International Jewelry, exhibit of 12 influential contemporary jewelry artists curated by Donald Friedrich. bLACk mOuNTAIN CENTEr fOr ThE ArTS 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 6690930, • Through SA (6/11) - Art in Bloom, juried exhibition of artworks to be paired with ikebana floral designs on June 9-11. bLuE SPIrAL 1 38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, • Through (6/24) - The Halstead Challenge - KINETIC, juried exhibition of 20 brooches with kinetic elements. • Through FR (6/24) - C. James Meyer exhibition of jewelry pieces that double as small sculptures. • Through FR (6/24) - Exhibition of the works of Dean Allison (glass sculpture), Morgan Herrin (wood sculpture), Charles Ladson (oil paintings) and Mike Smith (photography). • Through FR (6/24) - Exhibition of the encaustic paintings of Dana Brown. • Through FR (6/24) - Exhibition of recent works by eight regional artists. • Through FR (6/24) - Exhibition of sculptural clay and wearable metal designs by Lisa Clague and Deb Karash. GrOvEwOOd GALLErY 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • SA (6/4) through SU (8/28) - Grovewood Rocks! exhibition of artisan made rocking chairs by 11 American woodworkers. Opening Reception: Saturday, June 4, 3-6pm. hAEN GALLErY brEvArd 200 King St., Brevard, 883-3268, • Through TH (6/30) - Remembering Lew Wallace, exhibition of watercolor paintings of waterfalls of the late Lew Wallace.

• Through MO (6/20) - Inspirations: The

hAYwOOd COuNTY LIbrArYCANTON 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton, 648-2924, • Through WE (8/31) - Exhibition of the paintings of Denise McCullough.

55 Broadway St., 305-2225,

hICkOrY muSEum Of ArT 243 3rd Ave. NE, Hickory, 327-8576 • Through SU (8/21) - On Common Ground: Pastel Paintings from the Mountains to the Sea, statewide juried pastel exhibition. mAdISON COuNTY ArTS COuNCIL 90 S. Main St., Marshall, 649-1301, • FR (6/3) through FR (7/29) - New Ink, exhibition of new prints by members of Asheville Printmakers and invited artists. Opening reception: Friday June 3, 6-8 pm. N.C. ArbOrETum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 6652492, • Through MO (9/5) - The Magic of Western North Carolina, exhibit of the watercolors of James Scott Morrison. OdYSSEY COOPErATIvE ArT GALLErY 238 Clingman Ave., 285-9700, facebook. com/odysseycoopgallery • WE (6/1) through TH (6/30) Exhibition of the ceramic art of Ginger Graziano and Diana Gillispie. Reception: Friday, June 11, 11am-5pm. PINk dOG CrEATIvE 342 Depot St., • FR (6/3) through TH (6/30) - Perceptions the Black Male: images of Dignity, exhibition of the paintings of Joseph Pearson. Opening reception: Friday, June 3, 5-8pm. rIvErSIdE STudIOS 174 W. Haywood St., 551-5045,

A new pole dance, burlesque, & jazz studio for adults!

Artist’s View, exhibition of gallery artists.

Special introductory offer:



(828) 275-8628 • FR (6/3) through SU (6/26) - A Memory

Rewound, crocheted VHS art installa-

Right down the street from UNCA 9 Old Burnsville Hill Rd., Suite 3

tion by Sally Garner. Opening reception: Friday, June 3, 7pm. SEvEN SISTErS GALLErY 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, • FR (6/3) through SU (8/28) - Exhibition of paintings by Billy Edd Wheeler. ThE vILLAGE POTTErS 191 Lyman St. #180, 253-2424, • Through SA (7/16) - Apprentices: The Next Generation, exhibition of the pottery work of apprentices Sarah Thurmond, Jenay Martin, Hannah McGehee and Tori DiPietro. TrANSYLvANIA COmmuNITY ArTS COuNCIL 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • FR (6/3) through MO (6/20) Celebration of Waterfalls, exhibition. ZumA COffEE 7 N. Main St., Marshall, 649-1617 • Through TH (6/30) - Exhibition of portraits of women by Lois Simbach. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees


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CLubLANd TALLGArY’S AT fOur COLLEGE Open mic & jam, 7pm Wu-Wednesdays (’90s hip-hop experience), 9pm

wEdNESdAY, JuNE 1 185 kING STrEET Vinyl Night, 7pm

ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE Colin Walker & friends, 9pm

5 wALNuT wINE bAr Dave Dribbon (Americana, rock), 5pm Les Amis (African folk music), 8pm

ThE JOINT NEXT dOOr Bluegrass jam, 8pm ThE mILLrOOm Flamenco nights w/ Juan Benavides Group, 9pm

550 TAvErN & GrILLE Bike Night, 6pm karaoke, 9pm

ThE mOCkING CrOw Open Mic, 8pm

ALTAmONT brEwING COmPANY Blues Night w/ Gary Segal (blues), 6pm

ThE mOThLIGhT Horse Lords w/ Cloud Becomes Your Hand & MANAS (rock, experimental), 9:30pm

AShEvILLE brEwING CO. Latin Night (flamenco), 8pm

ThE PhOENIX Jazz night, 8pm

bEN’S TuNE-uP Honky Tonk Wednesdays, 7pm

ThE SOCIAL LOuNGE Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm

bLACk mOuNTAIN ALE hOuSE Play to Win game night, 7:30pm

ThE SOuThErN Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

bLuE mOuNTAIN PIZZA & brEw Pub Open mic, 7pm CATAwbA brEwING SOuTh SLOPE Low Down Sires (Dixie traditional jazz), 5pm

TImO’S hOuSE TOUCH Samadhi Psychedelic Wednesdays (electronic), 9pm

dArk CITY dELI Pool Tournament, 7:30pm

TOwN PumP Open mic w/ Billy Presnell, 10pm

dOubLE CrOwN Honky-Tonk, Cajun, and Western w/ DJ Brody Hunt, 10pm

TrAILhEAd rESTAurANT ANd bAr Acoustic jam w/ Kevin Scanlon & Andrew Brophy (bluegrass, old-time, Americana), 6pm

fOGGY mOuNTAIN brEwPub Blue Fox (blues), 9pm fuNkATOrIum John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm GOOd STuff Jim Hampton & friends perform “Eclectic Country” (jam), 7pm

mIdwEST mELOdIES: Based out of Indianapolis, avant-garde folk artist Joshua Powell and his collective of troubadours, The Great Train Robbery, have brought their brand of experimental Americana to hundreds of venues around the country in recent years. Portland’s Williamette Week describes the group’s shows as “full in sound and authentic in nature.” Check out Joshua Powell & The Great Train Robbery Tuesday, June 7 at Black Mountain’s Town Pump Tavern, beginning at 10 p.m. Photo courtesy of the band

GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Rock ’n’ Roll Wednesday w/ Rock Academy, 7pm

An evening w/ Jerry Castle (“cosmic Americana”), 7pm

GrINd CAfE Trivia night, 7pm

LEX 18 Bob Strain & Bill Fouty (jazz ballads & standards), 7pm

JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub

hIGhLANd brEwING COmPANY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm

LObSTEr TrAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm



Old-time session, 5pm Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

mOuNTAIN mOJO COffEEhOuSE Open mic, 6:30pm NObLE kAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm O.hENrY’S/ThE uNdErGrOuNd “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm Off ThE wAGON Piano show, 9pm OLIvE Or TwIST Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm ONE STOP dELI & bAr Geeks Who Drink Trivia, 7pm OSkAr bLuES brEwErY Justin Payne (folk), 6pm PuLP TRiG’s SKRT OFF w/ Them Bands in Concert (hip hop, electronic), 9pm

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

ThurSdAY, JuNE 2 5 wALNuT wINE bAr Lyric (acoustic soul), 8pm ALTAmONT brEwING COmPANY Gretchen Witt, Paige Albritton & Elspeth Trembly (folk, soul), 9pm ALTAmONT ThEATrE Reed Turchi & The Caterwauls w/ Nive and the Deer Children (groove, funk, blues), 8pm bArLEY’S TAPrOOm AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm CrEEkSIdE TAPhOuSE Singer-songwriter night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm dOubLE CrOwN Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm ELAINE’S duELING PIANO bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm fOGGY mOuNTAIN brEwPub West End Trio (blues, roots), 9pm frENCh brOAd brEwErY Matt A. Foster (banjo blues), 6pm GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Morgan Geer’s Drunken Prayer w/ The Good Old Boyz (“druggy spirituals, reluctant pop, country”), 9pm

rOOm IX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL An Evening w/ The Danberrys (bluegrass, blues), 7pm

SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Jamison Adams (singer-songwriter), 7pm

JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm

SCuLLY’S Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm

LAZY dIAmONd Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm

SLY GrOG LOuNGE Sound Station open mic (musicians of all backgrounds & skills), 7:30pm Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm

LEX 18 Ray Biscoglia Duo (jazz standards), 7pm

SOL bAr NEw mOuNTAIN ADBC presents Axiom Wednesdays (drum ’n’ bass), 9pm


TrESSA’S dOwNTOwN JAZZ ANd bLuES Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

LObSTEr TrAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm mArkET PLACE Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm

N.C. ArbOrETum Roots and Dore (blues), 6pm

Open Cajun & swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm TrESSA’S dOwNTOwN JAZZ ANd bLuES Jesse Barry & Friends (blues, soul), 9pm

O.hENrY’S/ThE uNdErGrOuNd Game Night, 9pm Drag Show, 12:30am

TwISTEd LAurEL Karaoke, 8pm

OddITOrIum Dr. Sketchy’s Asheville presents Karin Webb (art show), 6:30pm

whITE hOrSE bLACk mOuNTAIN The David Benedict Band w/ Nora Garver & Julia Weatherford (bluegrass, old-time, Celtic), 7:30pm

Off ThE wAGON Dueling pianos, 9pm

frIdAY, JuNE 3

OLE ShAkEY’S Phantom Pantone (electronic), 10pm

185 kING STrEET Blues & Barbecue Festival, 4pm

OLIvE Or TwIST 42nd Street Band (jazz), 8pm

5 wALNuT wINE bAr The Reggie Sullivan Band (soul, rock), 9pm

ONE STOP dELI & bAr Streaming Thursdays (live concert showings), 6pm OrANGE PEEL An evening w/ Buckethead (heavy metal, avant-garde, funk), 9pm OSkAr bLuES brEwErY Billy Litz (Americana), 6pm

JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub Woody Pines (roots, ragtime, country blues), 9pm

mArkET PLACE The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

JEruSALEm GArdEN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

O.hENrY’S/ThE uNdErGrOuNd

LAZY dIAmONd Totes Dope Tite Sick Jams w/ (ya boy) DJ Hot Noodle, 10pm


LEX 18 Ray Biscoglia Duo (jazz standards), 7:30pm

Drag Show, 12:30am

Invoking the Abstract w/ Trees on Mars & Alarka (metal), 9pm Off ThE wAGON

LObSTEr TrAP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm

Dueling pianos, 9pm

mAGGIE b’S wINE & SPECIALTY STOrE Maggie B’s 9 Year Anniversary Party (bluegrass), 5:30pm

OLIvE Or TwIST Live dance, 8pm

550 TAvErN & GrILLE Smoke ’n Mirrors (Southern rock, blues), 9pm ALTAmONT brEwING COmPANY Phuncle Sam (Dead covers), 9:30pm AShEvILLE muSIC hALL Travers Brothership album release party (alt-rock, soul, funk), 9pm

PACk’S TAvErN Eric Congdon (Americana, blues), 8pm

AThENA’S CLub Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm DJ Shy Guy, 10pm

PISGAh brEwING COmPANY Soja w/ Allen Stone (roots, rock, reggae), 8pm PurPLE ONION CAfE Sam Pacetti (folk, instrumental, roots), 7:30pm

bEN’S TuNE-uP Woody Wood & the Asheville Family Band (acoustic, folk, rock), 7pm

rOOm IX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm

bLuE mOuNTAIN PIZZA & brEw Pub Acoustic Swing, 7pm

SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Craft Brews & Rescues w/ Blue Ridge Humane & Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 6pm

brEvArd muSIC CENTEr Brevard Blues & BBQ Festival w/ Bettye Lavette, The Blind Boys of Alabama, John Nemeth, Nikki Hill, Rick Rushing and The Blues Strangers, Andrew Scotchie and the River Rats & more, 4pm

SCANdALS NIGhTCLub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm SLY GrOG LOuNGE Howth Castle (folk, classical, contemporary), 8pm

COrk & kEG The Gypsy Swingers (jazz, Latin, bossa nova), 8:30pm

SPrING CrEEk TAvErN Open Mic, 6pm

dOubLE CrOwN DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm

TALLGArY’S AT fOur COLLEGE Open jam night w/ Jonathan Santos, 7pm

ELAINE’S duELING PIANO bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE Open mic night, 7:30pm

fOGGY mOuNTAIN brEwPub Fritz Beer & the Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 10pm

ThE ImPErIAL LIfE The Roaring Lions (jazz), 7pm

frENCh brOAd brEwErY Rinaldi the Flying Circus (rock, blues), 6pm

ThE mOThLIGhT Tengger Calvary w/ Nate Hall (Mongolian heavy metal), 9pm

GOOd STuff Shake It Like a Caveman (rock), 9pm

ThE PhOENIX Andrew Thelston (singer-songwriter), 8pm

GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Von Grey w/ Shannon Labrie (indie, rock), 8pm

TImO’S hOuSE Thursday Request Live w/ Franco Nino, 9pm

ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL An Evening w/ John Gorka (acoustic, Americana, folk), 7:30pm


TRAVERS BROTHERSHIP FRI 6.3 AMH Album Release Party w/ Lawrence

Our House Presents:Underground Legends 003 SAT 6.4 AMH QUIVVER / In Plain Sight / RU.DI.Ment / Red.Tree Sunshine Jones Live Ground Tour 2016 WED Electronic Music Seminar (Electronic)




THU 6.16


Sunshine Jones Live Ground Tour 2016 Live Set w/ Earthtone Sound System

FRI 6.17


Performing the Music of The Mars Volta

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


Wed •June 1 Woody Wood @ 5:30pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till




Fri •June 3

Full Bar

Adopted Arrogant Bastard Ale release ft. Porch 40 @ 7pm

Sat•June 4 Soldado @ 7pm








SAT 6.11 TUE 6.14 FRI 6.17









THE SWING ERA, VOL. II Every Tuesday 7:30pm–midnite


7PM $5

95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville

252.5445 •


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

AThENA’S CLub Michael Kelley Hunter (blues), 6:30pm DJ Shy Guy, 10pm bASIC brEwErY Eric Congdon (Americana), 7pm

bLACk mOuNTAIN ALE hOuSE Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana), 9pm

ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE TOMBOi (DJ, dance party, benefit for Campaign for Southern Equality), 8pm

brEvArd muSIC CENTEr Brevard Blues & BBQ Festival w/ Bettye Lavette, The Blind Boys of Alabama, John Nemeth, Nikki Hill, Rick Rushing and The Blues Strangers, Andrew Scotchie and the River Rats & more, 1pm

ThE mOCkING CrOw Karaoke, 9pm

ThE SOCIAL Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm ThE SOCIAL LOuNGE Rooftop Dance Party w/ DJ Phantom Pantone (electronic), 10pm TIGEr mOuNTAIN Dark dance rituals w/ DJ Cliffypoo, 10pm TImO’S hOuSE DJ Deven Balsam (electronic), 9pm TrAILhEAd rESTAurANT ANd bAr Kevin Lorenz (all genres), 8pm TwISTEd LAurEL Phantom Pantone (electronic), 11pm whITE hOrSE bLACk mOuNTAIN Jonathan Byrd (country, folk, singer-songwriter), 8pm wILd wING CAfE SOuTh A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

SATurdAY, JuNE 4


AShEvILLE muSIC hALL Underground Legends 003 w/ Quivver, In Plain Sight, Ru. Di. Ment & Red. Tree (electronic), 9pm

ThE AdmIrAL Hip-hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

ZAmbrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

OPEN MON-THURS AT 3 • FRI-SUN AT NOON SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old Time Jam 6pm THURSDAY Bluegrass Jam • 7pm

ArrOw SOuNd STudIOS Arrow Sound Studios Grand Opening Party w/ Caine McDonald, Cyndi Lou and the Want To & Laurel Lee and the Escapees, 3pm

SLY GrOG LOuNGE Kamber, Seers, Kingdoms & Classes (alt-rock), 9pm

ThE PhOENIX Howie Johnson Trio (blues, rock), 9pm

FRI 6/10

ALTAmONT ThEATrE McKayla & The Differential (country, rock), 7pm

bEN’S TuNE-uP Gypsy Guitars (acoustic, Gypsyjazz), 3pm Savannah Smith (southern soul), 8pm


9PM $5

9PM FREE (Donations Encouraged)

SCuLLY’S DJ, 10pm




PISGAh brEwING COmPANY Lake Street Dive w/ Holy Ghost Tent Revival & Dead 27s (Motown, soul), 8pm

ThE mOThLIGhT Shantih Shantih w/ Impossible Vacation & The Cannonball Jars (garage-surf), 9:30pm

9PM $5


PACk’S TAvErN DJ OCelate (dance hits, pop), 9:30pm



9PM FREE (Donations Encouraged)

550 TAvErN & GrILLE Petty Cash (rock), 9pm

SCANdALS NIGhTCLub Friday Fitness in Da Club, 7pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm



OrANGE PEEL Joker (dubstep, electronica, grime), 9pm




5 wALNuT wINE bAr Chuck Lichtenberger (eclectic piano), 6pm The Digs (funk, jazz), 9pm



Team Trivia with Dr. Brown @ 6pm


ONE STOP dELI & bAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Digg (funk, rock), 10pm

SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Letters to Abigail (Americana), 7:30pm

THU 6/2

Tue• June 7

FRI 6.3 SAT 6.4 TUE 6.7

Send your listings to

OSkAr bLuES brEwErY The Low Counts (blues, rock), 6pm


Sun•June 5 Reggae Sunday hosted by Dennis Berndt of Chalwa @ 1pm

cl u B l a n D

185 kING STrEET Blues & Barbecue Festival, 1pm

dOubLE CrOwN Pitter Platter w/ DJ Big Smidge, 10pm

LObSTEr TrAP Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm mArkET PLACE DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm OddITOrIum Gore Gore Luchadores Wrestling w/ FlashBang! & The Dimarcos (punk), 9pm Off ThE wAGON Dueling pianos, 9pm OLIvE Or TwIST 42nd Street Band (big band jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm ONE STOP dELI & bAr Rumpke Mountain Boys (bluegrass, jam), 9pm OrANGE PEEL Secret Agent 23 Skidoo Album Release Show, 11am DJ Audio w/ A.J. Makn Beats & Matt May (trap, hip hop, pop), 9pm OSkAr bLuES brEwErY Roots and Dore (blues), 6pm PACk’S TAvErN The House Band (rock n’ roll, hits), 9:30pm PISGAh brEwING COmPANY Keller Williams’ Grateful Grass w/ The Infamous Stringdusters & Keller Williams (bluegrass, Grateful Dead tribute), 7pm PurPLE ONION CAfE Drovers Old Time Medicine Show (bluegrass), 8pm rOOm IX Open dance night, 9pm

ELAINE’S duELING PIANO bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Yoga with Cats, 10am Tie Dye Day, 1pm Paul Lee Kupfer (blues), 7:30pm

ETOwAh vALLEY GOLf & rESOrT The High Court band (country), 6pm

SCANdALS NIGhTCLub Suit & Tie Male Revue, 8pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

fOGGY mOuNTAIN brEwPub Jangling Sparrows (Americana, folk), 10pm

SCuLLY’S DJ, 10pm

frENCh brOAd brEwErY Happy Abandon (orchestral rock), 6pm GOOd STuff Tides (indie), 9pm GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Blue Dragons (jazz, folk, rock), 8pm hIGhLANd brEwING COmPANY Soldado (rock ’n’ roll), 7pm ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL An evening w/ Matt Hires (Americana, R&B, singer-songwriter), 7pm JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub The Low Counts (rock), 9pm JEruSALEm GArdEN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

SLY GrOG LOuNGE Rinaldi Flying Circus w/ Elemeno (indie, blues, rock), 9pm ThE AdmIrAL Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm ThE mOCkING CrOw Live music, 8pm ThE mOThLIGhT Dulci Ellenberger & Big Sound Harbor w/ Daniel Shearin and Indigo De Souza (Americana, folk, pop), 9pm ThE PhOENIX Fin-Dog (alt-bluegrass), 9pm TImO’S hOuSE Dance Party w/ DJ Franco Nino, 9pm TOwN PumP Jimmy & the Jawbones (outlaw Americana), 9pm

LAZY dIAmONd Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm

TrAILhEAd rESTAurANT ANd bAr Laura Blackley (singer-songwriter, country), 8pm

LEX 18 HotPoint Trio (Gypsy swing), 7:30pm

TrESSA’S dOwNTOwN JAZZ ANd bLuES The King Zeros (blues), 7:30pm

TwISTEd LAurEL Indoor & Outdoor Dance Party w/ DJ Phantome Pantone (electronic), 10pm whITE hOrSE bLACk mOuNTAIN Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm wILd wING CAfE Karaoke, 8pm ZAmbrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

SuNdAY, JuNE 5 5 wALNuT wINE bAr The Moon & You (cello folk, soul), 7pm bEN’S TuNE-uP Sunday Funday DJ set, 2pm Reggae night w/ Dub Kartel, 8pm

Sol Driven Train (rock), 5pm SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Jangling Sparrows (gypsy), 3pm SCANdALS NIGhTCLub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm SLY GrOG LOuNGE Sunday Open Mic (open to poets, comedians & musicians), 7:30pm TALLGArY’S AT fOur COLLEGE Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE “Rupert’s Birthday” w/ Barbara Bates Smith (one-woman show, benefit for Full Circle Farm), 7pm ThE ImPErIAL LIfE Ultra Lounge Listening Party w/ projections DJ Phantone Pantone, 10pm

GOOd STuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Contra dance (lessons, 7:30pm), 8pm JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub Quizzo, 7pm Todd Cecil & friends (Americana, blues), 9pm LEXINGTON AvE brEwErY (LAb) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm O.hENrY’S/ThE uNdErGrOuNd Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm OddITOrIum Saz w/ Jameson Cooper & O.S.O.K. (hip hop), 9pm

bhrAmArI brEwhOuSE Sunday brunch w/ live music, 11am

ThE OmNI GrOvE PArk INN Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10am Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm

OrANGE PEEL Summer movie series: The Big Lebowski, 8pm

bLACk mOuNTAIN ALE hOuSE Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel and Friends (jazz), 11:30pm

ThE PhOENIX Blue Shiraz (tin-pan alley standards), 9pm

OSkAr bLuES brEwErY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

ThE SOCIAL Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

SOvErEIGN rEmEdIES Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm

ThE SOCIAL LOuNGE Jazz Brunch w/ Katie Kasben, 12:30pm

ThE mOThLIGhT Wei Zhongle w/ Library of Babel & Difference Clouds (experimental), 9pm

bYwATEr Cornmeal Waltz w/ Robert Greer (classic country, bluegrass), 6pm dOubLE CrOwN Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 9pm GOOd STuff Philos Moore (singer-songwriter), 6pm hIGhLANd brEwING COmPANY Reggae Sunday w/ Dennis “Chalwa” Berndt, 1pm ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL Sunday Classical Brunch, 11am Rich Willey’s “Funkload” (funk, jazz), 5:30pm The Zuzu Welsh Band (blues, Southern rock), 7:30pm JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub Irish session, 5pm LAZY dIAmONd Tiki Night w/ DJ Lance (Hawaiian, surf, exotica), 10pm LEX 18 Feast of Thrones Costumed Revelry & Viewing (ticketed event), 6:30pm LObSTEr TrAP Hot Club of Asheville (swingin’ grass), 6:30pm Off ThE wAGON Piano show, 9pm OLIvE Or TwIST Live blues band, 6pm ONE STOP dELI & bAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Sundays w/ Bill & Friends (Grateful Dead tribute, acoustic), 5pm OSkAr bLuES brEwErY Dear Brother & Reverend Justin Hylton (bluegrass, singer-songwriter), 12:30pm PISGAh brEwING COmPANY Sunday Travers Jam (open jam), 5pm PuLP QuickChester (indie), 9pm PurPLE ONION CAfE

ThE SOuThErN Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm TImO’S hOuSE Bring Your Own Vinyl (open decks), 8pm wEdGE brEwING CO. Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz-swing), 6pm whITE hOrSE bLACk mOuNTAIN Aoife Clancy and Robin Bullock (folk, Irish), 7:30pm wICkEd wEEd Summer Concert Series, 4pm

mONdAY, JuNE 6 185 kING STrEET Open mic night, 7pm 5 wALNuT wINE bAr Siamese Jazz Club (soul, R&B, jazz), 8pm 550 TAvErN & GrILLE Cornhole, 5pm ALTAmONT brEwING COmPANY Old-time jam w/ Mitch McConnell, 6:30pm bhrAmArI brEwhOuSE Mexi Monday (jazz, world music), 5pm bYwATEr Open mic w/ Rick Cooper, 8pm COurTYArd GALLErY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm CrEEkSIdE TAPhOuSE Trivia, 7pm dArk CITY dELI Trivia Night, 7:30pm dOubLE CrOwN Country Karaoke, 10pm

ThE OmNI GrOvE PArk INN Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm ThE PhOENIX Chris Tichner (singer-songwriter), 8pm ThE vALLEY muSIC & COOkhOuSE Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam, open mic), 8pm TIGEr mOuNTAIN Service industry night (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm TImO’S hOuSE Movie night, 7pm TwISTEd LAurEL Phantom Pantone (industrial electronic), 9pm urbAN OrChArd Old-time music, 7pm

TAVERN Downtown on the Park Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night

LIVE MUSIC... never a cover THU. 6/2 Eric Congdon


(americana, blues)

5 wALNuT wINE bAr The John Henrys (hot jazz), 8pm

FRI. 6/3 DJ OCeleate

550 TAvErN & GrILLE Mountain Shag, 6pm ALTAmONT brEwING COmPANY Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill featuring Kristin Myers, 8:30pm

(dance hits, pop)

SAT. 6/4 House Band

ALTAmONT ThEATrE James McCartney (son of Sir Paul) w/ Pierce Edens (alternative), 8pm

(rock n’ roll, hits)

AShEvILLE muSIC hALL Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm bACk YArd bAr Open mic & jam w/ Robert Swain, 8pm bEN’S TuNE-uP Eleanor Underhill (country, soul), 6pm

20 S. Spruce St. • 225.6944

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016






bLuE rIdGE TAPrOOm Tuesday Tease w/ Deb Au Nare (burlesque), 8pm


buffALO NICkEL Trivia, 7pm







6/8 6/9

The Record Company







bLACk bEAr COffEE CO. Round Robin acoustic open mic, 7pm bLACk mOuNTAIN ALE hOuSE Trivia, 7pm

CATAwbA brEwING SOuTh SLOPE Reverend Finster (R.E.M. covers), 6:30pm

6/3 fri

mOuNTAIN mOJO COffEEhOuSE Open mic, 6:30pm

dArk CITY dELI Ping Pong Tournament, 6pm

TrESSA’S dOwNTOwN JAZZ ANd bLuES Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm

NObLE kAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

dOubLE CrOwN Honky-Tonk, Cajun, and Western w/ DJ Brody Hunt, 10pm


GOOd STuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm


GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Billy Joe Shaver [CANCELLED], 8pm

horse lords


w/ impossible vacation, the cannonball jars

wei zhongle


w/ library of babel, difference clouds

6/7 tue



w/ allison crutchfield

6/8 Wed des ark

w/ adam torres, cowboy crisis



joe mcphee and

the omnipotent egyptians 6/10 fri n.p. presley & the ghost of jesse garon 6/11 sat deb au nare presents burlesque academy of asheville graduation show Details for all shows can be found at


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

North Carolina’s First Cider Bar Family Owned & Operated Seasonal, craft-made hard ciders and tasting-room delights from local farmers & artisans.


whITE hOrSE bLACk mOuNTAIN Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm wILd wING CAfE SOuTh Tuesday bluegrass, 6pm Trivia w/ Kelilyn, 8:30pm

wEdNESdAY, JuNE 8 5 wALNuT wINE bAr Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Les Amis (African folk music), 8pm

LAZY dIAmONd Classic Rock ’n Roll Karaoke, 10pm LEX 18 Andrew J. Fletcher (barrel house stride piano), 7pm

ALTAmONT ThEATrE Haken Continuum Conference (fingerboard conference), all day

mArkET PLACE The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm OddITOrIum Odd comedy night, 9pm Off ThE wAGON Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm OLIvE Or TwIST Tuesday Night Blues Dance w/ The Remedy (dance lesson at 8), 8:30pm

bEN’S TuNE-uP Honky Tonk Wednesdays, 7pm bLACk mOuNTAIN ALE hOuSE Play to Win game night, 7:30pm bLuE mOuNTAIN PIZZA & brEw Pub Open mic, 7pm dArk CITY dELI Pool Tournament, 7:30pm dOubLE CrOwN Honky-Tonk, Cajun, and Western w/ DJ Brody Hunt, 10pm fOGGY mOuNTAIN brEwPub Kevin Fuller (Americana), 9pm

ONE STOP dELI & bAr Turntable Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

fuNkATOrIum John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm

ONE wOrLd brEwING Trivia w/ Gil, 6pm

GOOd STuff Jim Hampton & friends perform “Eclectic Country” (jam), 7pm

OrANGE PEEL Copa America: United States vs. Costa Rica (benefit for ABYSA), 8pm

210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806

urbAN OrChArd Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

550 TAvErN & GrILLE Bike Night, 6pm karaoke, 9pm

LObSTEr TrAP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singersongwriter), 6:30pm

Soak up the sun in our greenspace, swing in the hammocks and enjoy the huge deck!

LEX 18 The Patrick Lopez Experience (modern & Latin jazz), 7pm

TOwN PumP Joshua Powell & The Great Train Robbery (indie psych-folk), 9pm

w/ cloud becomes your hand, manas

tennger cavalry(mongolian folk metal) shantih shantih

ThE SOCIAL LOuNGE Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm

LAZY dIAmONd Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

CrEEkSIdE TAPhOuSE Old School Low Down Blues Tues. w/ Matt Walsh, 6pm

ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL Tuesday bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm


ThE PhOENIX Open mic, 8pm

JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub Old-time session, 5pm

LObSTEr TrAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm

IrON hOrSE STATION Open mic, 6pm


ThE mOThLIGhT Waxahatchee w/ Allison Crutchfield (indie, rock, folk), 9:30pm

TImO’S hOuSE T3 Game Night, 8pm

hIGhLANd brEwING COmPANY Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia, 6pm


ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE Jazz-n-Justice Tuesday w/ Albi & The Lifters (benefit for Christians for United Community), 7:30pm

ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL De la Noche (Argentinian tango experience), 7pm An evening w/ Jon McLaughlin & Elliott Blaufuss (indie, rock, alternative), 8:30pm

COrk & kEG Old Time Jam, 5pm



TALLGArY’S AT fOur COLLEGE Jam night, 9pm









cl u B l a n D

SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Team trivia & tacos, 7pm SLY GrOG LOuNGE Swarming Branch w/ Luci & Henry Hates The World (boogie, folk, glam), 9pm

GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN The Record Company (rock, blues), 8pm GrINd CAfE Trivia night, 7pm hIGhLANd brEwING COmPANY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm

O.hENrY’S/ThE uNdErGrOuNd “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm OddITOrIum Lunch Cult w/ Did Is Dead (punk, garage), 9pm Off ThE wAGON Piano show, 9pm OLIvE Or TwIST Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm ONE STOP dELI & bAr Geeks Who Drink Trivia, 7pm ONE wOrLd brEwING Redleg Husky (acoustic trio), 8pm OrANGE PEEL HAIM w/ Bibi Bourelly (pop, rock, R&B), 8:30pm PISGAh brEwING COmPANY Noah Stidham & Clay Shutte (bluegrass, Americana), 6pm rOOm IX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY My Feral Child (singer-songwriter), 7pm SCuLLY’S Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm SLY GrOG LOuNGE Sound Station open mic (musicians of all backgrounds & skills), 7:30pm Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm SOL bAr NEw mOuNTAIN ADBC presents Axiom Wednesdays (drum ’n’ bass), 9pm TALLGArY’S AT fOur COLLEGE Open mic & jam, 7pm Wu-Wednesdays (’90s hip-hop experience), 9pm ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE LEAF Live! Teaching artists w/ Barakissa Coulibaly & MOSSOKAN (West African dance, drumming), 7:30pm ThE JOINT NEXT dOOr Bluegrass jam, 8pm ThE mILLrOOm Flamenco nights w/ Juan Benavides Group, 9pm ThE mOCkING CrOw Open Mic, 8pm

ThE mOThLIGhT Des Ark w/ Adam Torres & Cowboy Crisis (rock, punk), 9pm ThE PhOENIX Jazz night, 8pm ThE SOCIAL LOuNGE Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm ThE SOuThErN Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm TImO’S hOuSE On the Roxz for RoxZandra Rockheart (art opening), 8pm TOwN PumP Open mic w/ Billy Presnell, 10pm

Off ThE wAGON Dueling pianos, 9pm

PACk’S TAvErN Jeff Anders and Steve Mosely (acoustic rock), 8pm

SPrING CrEEk TAvErN Open Mic, 6pm

PurPLE ONION CAfE Bob Sinclair Trio, 7:30pm

TALLGArY’S AT fOur COLLEGE Open jam night w/ Jonathan Santos, 7pm

OLIvE Or TwIST 42nd Street Band (jazz), 8pm

rOOm IX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm

ThE bLOCk Off bILTmOrE Open mic night, 7:30pm

ONE STOP dELI & bAr Streaming Thursdays (live concert showings), 6pm

SANCTuArY brEwING COmPANY Matt Jackson (singer-songwriter), 7pm

OrANGE PEEL Ibeyi w/ The Secret B-Sides (soul, R&B, electronic), 9pm

SCANdALS NIGhTCLub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

OLE ShAkEY’S Phantom Pantone (electronic), 10pm

ThE ImPErIAL LIfE The Roaring Lions (jazz), 7pm

TImO’S hOuSE Thursday Request Live w/ Franco Nino, 9pm TOwN PumP Albi & The Lifters (jazz), 9pm TrAILhEAd rESTAurANT ANd bAr Open Cajun & swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm

ThE mOThLIGhT Joe McPhee & The Omnipotent Egyptians (free jazz), 9pm

TrESSA’S dOwNTOwN JAZZ ANd bLuES Jesse Barry & Friends (blues, soul), 9pm

ThE PhOENIX Carolina Bound (singer-songwriter), 8pm

TwISTEd LAurEL Karaoke, 8pm

TrAILhEAd rESTAurANT ANd bAr Acoustic jam w/ Kevin Scanlon & Andrew Brophy (bluegrass, old-time, Americana), 6pm TrESSA’S dOwNTOwN JAZZ ANd bLuES Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm whITE hOrSE bLACk mOuNTAIN The Core, 7:30pm

ThurSdAY, JuNE 9 5 wALNuT wINE bAr Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm ALTAmONT brEwING COmPANY Kevin Smith & Logan Mason (folk), 9pm ALTAmONT ThEATrE Haken Continuum Conference (fingerboard conference), all day bArLEY’S TAPrOOm AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm CrEEkSIdE TAPhOuSE Singer-songwriter night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm dOubLE CrOwN Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm ELAINE’S duELING PIANO bAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm fOGGY mOuNTAIN brEwPub Triptych Soul (jazz, fusion), 9pm frENCh brOAd brEwErY Jason Ager (blues, rock), 6pm GOOd STuff Modern Lady Fitness w/ Twin Quasars (rock, dark pop), 7:30pm GrEY EAGLE muSIC hALL & TAvErN Dungen w/ New Madrid (indie, psychedelic, rock), 9pm ISIS rESTAurANT ANd muSIC hALL The Honey Dewdrops (tangled country), 7pm JACk Of ThE wOOd Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm LAZY dIAmONd Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm LEX 18 Ray Biscoglia Duo (jazz standards), 7pm LObSTEr TrAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm mArkET PLACE Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm O.hENrY’S/ThE uNdErGrOuNd Game Night, 9pm Drag Show, 12:30am OddITOrIum Daniel Ouellette & the Shobijin w/ Tokusatsu (rock, indie), 9pm

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016




HHHHH = PicK of the weeK

Tom Hiddleston in Ben Wheatley’s brilliant, bleakly funny film of J.G. Ballard’s novel High-Rise.

High-Rise HHHHH DiREctoR: Ben Wheatley plaYERs: Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Miller, Luke Evans, Elisabeth Moss, James Purefoy BlEaKlY FunnY FutuRistic DRama FRom thE past RATED R thE stoRY: Life in a modern (circa 1975) luxury high-rise as a vision of a microcosm dystopia. thE lowDown: Brutal, darkly funny, nightmarish, disturbing. Maybe going in knowing that about High-Rise will fortify you for the experience — at least you’ve been warned. One of the most startlingly original films of the year. Ben Wheatley’s film version of J.G. Ballard’s 1975 novel High-Rise is a movie with style to burn — and one guaranteed to polarize audiences. It is unlike anything you are likely to see this year. Imagine if Ken Russell, Terry Gilliam, Stanley Kubrick, Luis Buñuel, Nicolas Roeg, John Boorman and David Cronenberg all got together and made a film (probably with the aid of strong drink) — the result might be something like this. Indeed, High-Rise


JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

not only retains its vaguely futuristic 1975 feel, but it’s something of a throwback. It’s hardly coincidental that, early in the film, we’re told that the main character, Laing (Tom Hiddleston), “found it difficult to believe that they were not living in a future that had already taken place.” The film feels for all the world like a product of that era — the one that is sometimes called “New Hollywood” but was a lot more international than the term implies — which is more or less the same era when the aforementioned collection of filmmakers were at their peak. Considering that the world of dystopian sci-fi seems to have become the exclusive province of YA adaptations with mopey teenagers, this is even more striking. And certainly more cerebral, funny and disturbing. High-Rise takes place almost entirely in the building of the title, a modernistic 20th-century monstrosity (concrete, glass and sharp, angular lines). It would be the last word in the recognizable, but not quite real, 1975 it inhabits. (Aspects of it are likely to recall the corridors of John Boorman’s 1967 Point Blank and the glass and chrome penthouse of his 1977 Exorcist II: The Heretic.) The building is also a little bit like an immobile, vertical


C O N TA C T AT P R E S S M O V I E S @ A O L . C O M

m a x r at i n g

version of the train in Joon-ho Bong’s Snowpiercer (2013), except here your social status and privileges are determined by how high up the building you are. To underscore this, the upper floors are increasingly large — at least on one side, causing the building to look a bit like a gigantic concrete T. Rex. The biggest is, of course, the top floor, belonging to the architect-owner Mr. Royal (Jeremy Irons). It’s large enough to include a formal garden with sufficient room for his wife (Keeley Hawes) to keep a horse (she rides) and a goat (she also likes to dress up like some sort of Bo Peep). The idea is that this building is an enclosed society — the skyscraper version of a gated community — that has everything you need. It would theoretically be possible to never leave the building, This ultimately functions like Buñuel’s The Exterminating Angel (1962), where a group of people inexplicably can’t leave a house after an upper-class dinner party. Here, as the ideal community starts becoming less than ideal (in part due to the upper floors being given increasingly preferential treatment — if there are shortages, from electricity to groceries, the lower floors are the first to suffer), it never seems to occur to anyone just to leave. In fact, they become increasingly devoted (or addicted) to the building (society) they inhabit. They can’t even find their cars in the parking lot should they decide to leave. The story is viewed mostly through the eyes of Laing (the embodiment of the passive middle class, a man with boxes he says are full of “sex and paranoia”) — as both observer and participant. Truthfully, there’s less story than there’s a series of events tied to the central situation of this attempted paradise as it descends into dissatisfaction, rebellion, chaos, depravity and extreme decadence. At the same time, we get a pretty good notion of Royal and his skewed notion of reality. He tells investigating police (none of whom seem to have showed up when a tenant fell 39 stories) that there’s nothing here “that can’t be swept under carpet” — despite massive filth, damage and something on fire in the background, not to mention that had to remove his blood-spattered coat to

answer the door. And that settles the matter. We also learn a good bit about Wilder (Luke Evans), a TV producer (and failed documentarian) from the lower floors, who heads an utterly disorganized revolt and himself descends into barbarism. His biggest transgression, according to the top floor denizens, is his lack of decorum. (“Now he’s raping people he’s not supposed to. And, to top it off, Mercer here says he actually shat in his attaché case.”) Ultimately — and despite its connections to other films and filmmakers — High-Rise is a film apart. And that’s a good — even great — thing, though I admit its structure and targets are much clearer on a second viewing. It is definitely not for everyone in its unflinching brutality (the film opens with Laing roasting a dog’s leg before flashing back to how this came to pass). Its bleak, mordant sense of humor will alienate some. But for those who can take it, this is one hell of a movie. Rated R for violence, disturbing images, strong sexual content/graphic nudity, language and some drug use. Playing at Grail Moviehouse. rEvIEwEd bY kEN hANkE khANkE@mOuNTAINX.COm

A Bigger Splash

HHHHS DiREctoR: Luca Guadagnino (I Am Love) plaYERs: Tilda Swinton, Matthias Schoenaerts, Ralph Fiennes, Dakota Johnson, Corrado Guzzanti, Aurore Clément Romantic DRama with a touch oF thRillER RATED R thE stoRY: A recovering rock star and

her lover find their blissful isolation disturbed by very unexpected guests. THE LOWDOWN: Maybe not great, but this trashy, lurid look at the lives of the rich and famous — that turns into a kind of thriller — is compelling viewing with a top-notch cast and great stylist director. At first, I was a little disappointed with Luca Guadagnino’s Englishlanguage debut, A Bigger Splash, but I think only because it simply wasn’t as devastatingly great as his previous film with Tilda Swinton, I Am Love (2010). And that’s unfair, because few things are as sublimely operatic and breathless as I Am Love. On its own merits, A Bigger Splash may miss greatness — but only just, and time may correct that assessment. It’s more lurid, more pulp-ish, but just as compelling in a different key. It’s a kind of chamber piece with four main characters holding the screen for most of its two hours. Its soundtrack is more rock than opera (though Verdi does sneak in), and the music for the film is drawn entirely from existing recordings. The premise is simple. Glam rock star Marianne Lane (Swinton) and her lover Paul De Smedt (Matthias Schoenaerts) have tucked themselves away in splendidly appointed isolation on an island off Italy while Marianne recovers from throat surgery that leaves her unable to speak above an occasional whisper. (Rarely has an actress in a talkie given such an essentially pantomime performance.) This peaceful existence is soon shattered by the unexpected — and not entirely welcome — arrival of her ex, music producer Harry Hawkes (Ralph Fiennes), and his recently discovered daughter, Penelope (Dakota Johnson, atoning somewhat for Fifty Shades of Grey). To complicate matters, Harry has (deliberately) arrived without a hotel reservation at a peak time, so the unannounced duo have to take up residency at Marianne’s luxurious compound. What follows is a series of uneasy interactions among the four. Harry, who seems more a force of nature than a person at first, pretty much dictates the action. The others seem mostly powerless to help, even those like Marianne, who is so used to his stories that she can mouth every word Harry speaks. This, of course, is all surface. The film is about all the tangled passions, histories and desires just beneath the sophisticated, glossy surface. This is what will lead the film on its sometimes predictable, sometimes strange and even tragic course. It would be easy to reduce Guadagnino to a master stylist working

in the realm of arty trash — allowing us to watch our betters comport themselves in ways that are limited to the extremely wealthy and/or famous. There might, in fact, be some truth to that, but his glamorous worlds feel either like beautiful prisons or just slightly imperfect. (I never have that Nancy Meyers’ Architectural Digest sense with Guadagnino.) It helps, of course, that he’s left us in the hands of two great performers: one excellent one and one surprisingly good one. That he gives them space to breathe, yet so controls every aspect of the film (his use of Harry Nilsson’s “Jump Into the Fire” is amazing), is a unique gift. As always seems to be the case each time he does anything different, Ralph Fiennes is receiving the bulk of the kudos here. No doubt, his Harry Hawkes is both a preposterous delight and a figure with an undercurrent of desperation and even tragedy. But he’s not working alone. He’s met step-by-step by Swinton’s aging glam rocker. (What other kind of rocker could Swinton, who has always flirted with androgyny, be?) It’s a terrific pairing — in a film that’s very near terrific itself. Guadagnino had such a good time with the cast that he’s invited them to be in his remake of Suspiria. Rated R for graphic nudity, some strong sexual content, language and brief drug use. Playing at Carolina Cinemark. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Alice Through the Looking Glass HH

DIRECTOR: James Bobin (Muppets Most Wanted) PLAYERS: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Sacha Baron Cohen FANTASY ADVENTURE RATED PG THE STORY: Alice returns to Underland to save the Mad Hatter. THE LOWDOWN: Despite a similar cast

and comparable visual style, this sequel to 2010’s Alice in Wonderland feels like an uninspired cash grab. Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland was a surprise hit, grossing $1 billion worldwide. At least, it was a surprise to me and, in a lot of ways, still is one. It was a film I never connected with (Ken originally reviewed it, viewing it much more favorably than I would’ve at the time), never really thought about afterwards and have never heard discussed since. That it raked in all this cash seems strange, since I can’t quite figure out what had caught on with audiences. Was it Burton or Johnny Depp? Perhaps the CGI-heavy, yet fantastical, imagery? Or just our general familiarity with Lewis Carroll’s source material? The obvious answer is a mix of all of these elements. Six years later, director James Bobin’s (Muppets Most Wanted) attempts to recapture this with Alice Through the Looking Glass. But, at least artistically, it doesn’t quite happen here. A lot of the blame can be placed on Bobin (whose Muppet films I haven’t really cared for) as his style — light comedy, for instance — works better with foam puppets spouting puns than in a bigbudget fantasy picture. Alice Through the Looking Glass is something that would have been better served through Burton’s sensibilities. Alice in Wonderland, while far from my favorite of Burton’s films, fits within that filmmaker’s sensibilities. Perhaps the problem here is that I’m not convinced Bobin has a sensibility. Yes, the film is professional enough, but there’s little verve or energy. It’s not simply a problem in the direction and physical style of the film (one that relies too heavily on art-directed CGI for my tastes), but one that trickles down to the cast as well, most of whom were in Wonderland and are returning for this second time. There’s Mia Wasikowska as Alice, who’s now a ship’s captain and must return to Underland to help her friend The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) by traveling back in time. Helena Bonham Carter’s here, as are Anne Hathaway and the voice of the late Alan Rickman. Plus, there’s the addition of Sacha Baron Cohen (doing what appears to be a Werner Herzog impression, which isn’t as interesting as it sounds). But even with the big, respectable names, they don’t seem like they want to be here. There’s a general lack of whimsy and lightheartedness. Not that this is some heavy, emotional drama we’re talking about (the blacklight-poster aesthetics of the film prevent this), but there’s a heart that’s missing here. There’s almost a sense that no one — from the studio down — really wanted to be making this movie (six years in between the two don’t really denote excitement on anyone’s part), but

THE AT E R LISTINGS Friday, jUNE 3 Thursday, jUNE 10 Owing to the Monday holiday, some of the listings were not available this week. Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters. Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (PG-13) 10:00 Zootopia (PG) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00

Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452) Carolina Cinemark (274-9500) Co-ed Cinema Brevard (8832200) X-Men: Apocalypse (PG13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30

Epic of Hendersonville (6931146) Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536) The Lobster (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 Love & Friendship (PG) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu June 9), Late show Fri-Sat 9:40 Thunder Road (NR) 7:00 Thu. June 9

Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) (R) Grail Moviehouse (239-9392)

Bringing It Home (NR) Thu: 7 p.m. (Followed by panel discussion) Do the Right Thing (R) 2:15 (Sat, Sun only), 4:40, 7:05, 9:30 Elstree 1976 (NR) Fri, Sat, Mon, Wed: 7:00 Sun: 2:30, 7:00 Green Room (R) Daily except Tue, Thu: 5:00, 9:30 High-Rise (R) Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed: 4:45. 7:10, 9:35 Sat, Sun: 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 His Girl Friday (NR) Tue (June 7): 7:30 The Mad Monster (NR) Thu (June 9): 7:30 The Stranger (NR) Sat (June 4): 1:00

Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

Be sure to read

‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online

JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2016


movies the huge sums of money the original made necessitated its creation. Alice Through the Looking Glass feels less like a film and more like a responsibility and an inevitability. Rated PG for fantasy action/peril and some language. Playing at Carolina Cinemark, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther

The Lobster HHHHS DIRECTOR: Yorgos Lanthimos PLAYERS: Colin Farrell, Rachel Weisz, Léa Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, John C. Reilly, Olivia Colman. Jessica Barden DARK COMEDY SCI-FI ROMANCE RATED R THE STORY: People in the near future are forced to find a suitable partner or to be transformed into an animal. THE LOWDOWN: With an unsettling, if fairly absurd, premise, this is one of the strangest films of the year. It defies easy classification. In fact, despite its dark comedy, nothing about the film is easy — nor is it meant to be. Whatever else The Lobster may be, it is most certainly odd. This is, after all, a movie in which persons who cannot find suitable mates in 45 days are turned into animals. The good news is they get to choose what kind of animal. As one of the few people who was completely underwhelmed by Yorgos Lanthimos’ Dogtooth (2010), I wasn’t as keen on seeing his new film as everyone else seemed to be. And, having seen The Lobster and liked it, I am still not so blown away as to be in a mad rush to reassess Dogtooth or check out his other works. For that matter, I am not sure I’d really like to revisit The Lobster — estimable as it is — any time soon. Or maybe ever. That is not a criticism, merely a personal reaction. It’s the same one I’ve had to every Lars von Trier movie — at least the ones I’ve liked (if “like” is a term that’s applicable to von Trier). On nearly ever other level, I’d have to call The Lobster a genre-defying (it has been called everything from a comedy to a horror picture) success of fairly


JUNE 1 - JUNE 7, 2016

constant surprise. The Lobster gets by on giving the viewer as little information as possible. We are never told where this law about people pairing off came from, nor how much of the world it pertains to. The world of the film consists of a hotel, a forest, a road and a place known only as The City. If the rest of the world exists, we never hear about it. Like the characters in the film, we accept this world as real. Our main character is David (Colin Farrell), a pudgy sad-sack with glasses, an unappealing mustache and a mostly blank expression. He is, however, luckier than most in that he has a name. (The only other character with a name is his brother, who has already been turned into a dog.) Everyone else is identified by a defining characteristic — Short-Sighted Woman, Limping Man, Nosebleed Woman, etc. — or an occupation — Hotel Manager, Hotel Receptionist, Maid. But characteristics seem to define people in the world of this film. They are the key to pairing off, with some people so desperate they fake someone’s defining characteristic as a means to an end. For instance, Limping Man (Ben Whishaw) cuts himself or bangs his head against tables to induce nosebleeds so he can woo Nosebleed Woman (Jessica Barden). It seems absurd, but is it that much more absurd than our own tendency to present ourselves as the person we think someone wants, rather than as the person we are? David is here because his partner abandoned him and he has the requisite 45 days (the time can be extended by catching runaway loners) to find a new partner among the other guests. His choice of a lobster as the animal to be turned into should he fail is reasoned: “Because lobsters live for over one hundred years, are blue-blooded like aristocrats and stay fertile all their lives. I also like the sea very much.” But, before that can happen, he makes an attempt at a relationship, runs off to the forest, joins the “loners” and meets Short-Sighted Woman (Rachel Weisz, who has been narrating the film) and falls in love. The problem is that the “loners” are as equally opposed to couples as the officials are insistent on them. Where the film goes from there is something you’ll have to see for yourself. It is characteristic of Lanthimos that much is left unexplained (the film opens with a woman casually shooting a donkey — something we are left to guess the motivations behind). That will please some and alienate others. Every genre The Lobster has been tagged with — comedy, romance, dystopian sci-fi, satire, horror — are not unreasonable, but no one term quite describes this very unusual — and vaguely

depressing — work. Rated R for sexual content, including dialogue, and some violence. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemark and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

X-Men: Apocalypse H DIRECTOR: Bryan Singer PLAYERS: Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner REDUNDANT SUPERHERO CASH-GRAB RATED PG-13 THE STORY: The X-Men return to confront the world’s oldest mutant supervillain. THE LOWDOWN: While the Biblical apocalypse was about the end of times, this Apocalypse feels as eternal (and interminable) as its title character. As someone raised on X-Men comic books (with over 20 years worth of back issues — including the first appearance of the character Apocalypse — all carefully sealed in plastic bags supported by acid-free boards), I could write a lengthy article based strictly on the discrepancies between Fox’s X-Men movies and the source material. Word counts being what they are, however, I will restrain myself to commenting on the merits (or lack thereof) of this particular film. To say that this latest installation in the X-Men series is bad would do a disservice to well-meaning films that nevertheless fail to hit the mark. This movie seems almost antagonistically awful to such an extent that a prominent character makes an awkward digression during a discussion of the original Star Wars trilogy, noting that, “The third movie is always the worst.” Such a self-referential inside joke only serves to highlight the lazy writing, ham-fisted direction and lackluster performances that make this film so tedious. X-Men: Apocalypse is a film that seems hell-bent on trolling fans of both the comics and the earlier movies in the series. Visually, the film is a mess. Most shots look as though one of the gaffers went crazy with pink lighting gels and nobody noticed until it was too late to do anything

about it. Many of the effects shots look rushed and cheaply produced, most likely due to a budget-burning computer-generated sequence featuring Quicksilver (Evan Peters) that seeks to recapture the acclaim of the “Time in a Bottle” sequence from X-Men: Days of Future Past. However, while that scene was an unexpected highlight, this sequence stretches the concept of that two-minute novelty into a 10-minute music video that does practically nothing to advance the plot. I don’t think Bryan Singer has directed a good film in almost 20 years, and his stylistic choices here have done nothing to disabuse me of that notion. In the unfortunate tradition of modern super-hero movies, an exponentially expanding list of characters leads to a lack of narrative focus and severely hampers the capacity for the film’s cast to deliver meaningful performances. Oscar Isaac’s Apocalypse looks like the bastard child of Skeletor and Count von Count, and it’s impossible to assess his performance under all the latex and clown paint on his face. Tye Sheridan and Sophie Turner are competent enough to carry their roles, but the dialogue they’re given is so stilted and generic it could almost be pulled straight from Stan Lee’s cringe-inducing work in the original comic. James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence seem utterly disinterested in the proceedings, and Michael Fassbender’s lower teeth seem to be doing all of the heavy lifting on his end. Were it not for the occasional period costume or pop-cultural reference, one could be forgiven for forgetting this film is supposed to be set in the ’80s. Settings are interchanged with wild abandon, and plot threads are either abruptly curtailed or outright abandoned. For a two-and-a-half-hour movie, this lack of expository coherence verges on the unforgivable. That the film also manages to waste some of the most impactful characters and narratives in the history of comics solidly pushes X-Men: Apocalypse into the abyss of intolerability. The word “apocalypse,” loosely translates to “revelation” from the original Greek; the only revelation here is that Fox needs to return the rights to all X-Men-related properties back to Marvel. Otherwise, we’ll have to wait for the Deadpool sequel before we get another decent X-Men movie. Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence, action and destruction, brief strong language and some suggestive images. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemark, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Scott Douglas


screen scene

AShEvILLE ChAPTEr Of ThE AmErICAN INSTITuTE Of ArChITECTS • TH (6/2), 7pm - Reimagining Lincoln Center and the Highline, documentary. $10. Held at Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. buNCOmbE COuNTY PubLIC LIbrArIES library • SA (6/4), 2pm - Rock and Roll Musicals You May Have Missed Series: Phantom of the Paradise. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. SYLvANSPOrT 235 Commerce St., Brevard, 883-4292 • TH (6/2), 7pm - Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time, documentary viewing followed by discussion with Dr. Stanley Trimble. Free to attend.

spin YouR paRtnER: Community members square dance at the Saluda School gym in the mid-1950s. The scene is one of many covered in the documentary Going Home: Saluda’s Music Traditions. Photo courtesy of Nancy Barnett • The Grail Moviehouse holds a screening of orson welles’ The Stranger on Saturday, June 4, at 1 p.m. The event is in conjunction with the Asheville School of Film Director’s Series, hosted by film scholar frank thompson, and is open to the public. Tickets are $7. • The theme of the North Asheville Library’s June film series is “Rock ’n’ Roll Musicals You May Have Missed.” brian de palma’s Phantom of the Paradise, starring paul williams, william finley and jessica harper, begins the latest set of connected titles on Saturday, June 4. The other films are sidney lumet’s The Wiz, with diana ross, michael jackson and nipsey russell on Saturday, June 11; adam shankman’s Rock of Ages, featuring tom cruise, julianne hough and catherine Zeta-jones on Saturday, June 18; and john cameron mitchell’s Hedwig & The Angry Inch, led by Mitchell, miriam shor and michael pitt on Saturday, June 25. All films will be shown at 2 p.m. in the library’s meeting room with the exception of Rock of Ages, which begins at 10:30 a.m. Free and open to the public. • The documentary Going Home: Saluda’s Music Traditions premieres Saturday, June 4, at 7 p.m. at the Party Place and Event Center in Saluda. The Historic Saluda Committee has been collecting oral histories through audio and video since 2010, primarily from its senior citizens. With the

help of the Polk County Film Initiative, these recollections of the town’s rich musical heritage come together with contemporary gospel, old-time and Americana acts and a visit to WNCW’s Studio B in Spindale. The screening is free and open to the public, and DVDs of the film will be available for purchase.

ThE hISTOrIC SALudA COmmITTEE • SA (6/4), 7pm - Going Home: Saluda’s Music Traditions, documentary screening. Free. Held at the Party Place and Event Center, 221 Friendship Church Road, Saluda

• Asheville School of Film holds its free summer open house and filmmaker mixer on Sunday, June 5, from 3 to 6 p.m. Co-owners brad hoover and bill pivetta and manager beth rhyne will be present, along with several guest instructors and local filmmakers. The community is invited to enjoy complimentary refreshments and learn about upcoming classes for youths and adults. RSVP to or at ASoF’s Facebook page. • NYS3 — The Meisner Acting Conservatory for the Southeast is hosting a week of professional workshops from Monday, June 13, to Friday, June 17. Access as many as 13 introductory workshops scheduled throughout the week for a one-time fee of $15. Offerings include Meisner Acting Technique, Improv, Filmmaking, Movement for Actors, Alexander Technique, Acting as a Business, Voiceover, Script Analysis, Voice & Speech, Auditioning and The Moment Lab. Class sizes may be limited, so early registration is strongly encouraged. X

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


moV iEs

by Edwin Arnaudin

sta Rti n G FR i D aY

s pEc ial s cREEninGs

The Lobster

De-Lovely HHHS

See review in “Cranky Hanke”

Me Before You

Not-quite-stars Sam Claflin and Emilia Clarke star in this Brit soaper. Warner Bros. say, “Adapted from the bestselling novel by Jo Jo Moyes, Me Before You tells the story of the unexpected relationship that blossoms between a contented small town Englishwoman and the wealthy, paralyzed Londoner who hires her as his caretaker. “ (pg-13)

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

Graced with possibly the worst title ever, this almost makes Me Before You look good. Universal assures us this is “headlined by musical digital-shorts superstars Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone, collectively known as The Lonely Island. The comedy goes behind the scenes as singer/rapper Conner4Real (Samberg) faces a crisis of popularity after his sophomore album flops, leaving his fans, sycophants and rivals all wondering what to do when he’s no longer the dopest star of all. The latest comedy from blockbuster producer Judd Apatow co-stars Sarah Silverman, Tim Meadows and Maya Rudolph and many of the biggest names in comedy and music in cameo performances.” Hiding under your bed till this passes might be the wisest course. (r)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

The latest attempt at a Teenage Mutant Turtles movie is here. Presumably this is intended to be the week’s big thing. We are told: “Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo and Raphael return to theaters this summer to battle bigger, badder villains, alongside April O’Neil (Megan Fox), Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett), and a newcomer: the hockey-masked vigilante Casey Jones (Stephen Amell). After supervillain Shredder (Brian Tee) escapes custody, he joins forces with mad scientist Baxter Stockman (Tyler Perry) and two dimwitted henchmen, Bebop (Gary Anthony Williams) and Rocksteady (WWE Superstar Stephen ‘Sheamus’ Farrelly), to unleash a diabolical plan to take over the world. As the Turtles prepare to take on Shredder and his new crew, they find themselves facing an even greater evil with similar intentions: the notorious Krang.” I assume that makes sense to someone. (pg-13) 60

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

director: Irwin Winkler players: Kevin Kline, Ashley Judd, Jonathan Pryce, Kevin McNally, Allan Corduner, Sandra Nelson musical-biopic Rated PG-13 When De-Lovely came out in late summer 2004, I compared it to Peter Bogdanovich’s At Long Last Love (1975) in the sense of it being another grand folly inspired by the music of Cole Porter. That remains true, though Bogdanovich fares better in that he wasn’t making a biopic and has more style than producer-turned-director Irwin Winkler. (Every few years, Winkler seems to get the directing bug, though it’s been 10 years since his last bout. Just as well.) As biopics go, this one is at least a little more creative than most. And it certainly has more to do with Porter than 1946’s Night and Day, which, of course, ignored the fact that Porter was gay. Movie-criticturned-screenwriter Jay Cocks cooked up a witty conceit worthy of Porter himself when he decided to present the composer’s life as a series of theatrical events being watched by Porter (Kevin Kline) himself at the hour of his own death. Porter does so in the company of a mysterious figure called Gabe (Jonathan Pryce), who stage manages what the songwriter and the audience see of the life and works of Cole Porter. “This is one of those avant-garde things,” Porter complains when the tour of his life starts off all wrong by breaking the cardinal musical rule of never opening a show with a ballad, thereby prompting a shift in gears to “Anything Goes.” It’s a brilliant moment — of theater and film all at once — in a movie boasting quite a few of them. Just not enough to be really successful. The Hendersonville Film Society will show De-Lovely Sunday, June 5, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

His Girl Friday HHHHH director: Howard Hawks players: Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy, Gene Lockhart, Ernest Truex, John Qualen screwball comedy Rated NR If you’ve never seen His Girl Friday (1940), this is definitely one of the greats from the “golden age” of movies — and it’s a film that still holds the record for the fastest dialogue in the history of movies. That crackling, witty banter is delivered by people who know exactly how to do it, especially Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell, who were never better than they are here. And, if you’re familiar with either performer in their prime, you’ll know what a statement that is. The film is Howard Hawks’ “switcheroo” version of the Ben Hecht-Charles MacArthur play The Front Page. Hawks’ inspiration (supposedly born of reading the first draft of the screenplay aloud with his girlfriend) was to change the character of ace reporter Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell) from a man to a woman. (It wasn’t much of a stretch because the relationship between the two leads was always a kind of romance.) That, in turn, led to making her boss, managing editor Walter Burns (Cary Grant), her ex-husband. This greatly upped the stakes of Walter’s desire to keep his best reporter from getting married and quitting. Charles Lederer’s screenplay seamlessly adds a backstory (about 25 minutes of original material) good enough to match the original play, setting up the central action and establish the couple’s comedically volatile romance. The results are comedy gold. The Asheville Film Society will screen His Girl Friday Tuesday, June 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Ken Hanke.

La Ronde HHHHH director: Max Ophuls players: Anton Walbrook, Simone Signoret, Simone Simon, Danielle Darrieux, Fernand Gravey, Isa Miranda comedy-drama Rated NR The films — the world — of Max Ophuls are certainly of a piece, in a similar tone of voice. All of them could be summed up with the same phrase used by the narrator (Anton Walbrook) of La Ronde (1950) when he explains that the story is set in 1900 Vienna: “I adore the past. It is so much more restful than the present and so much more reliable than the future.” The mood of the film has much in common with the comedies of Ernst Lubitsch, yet it’s difficult to imagine him making a film quite like La Ronde. Lubitsch did let Maurice Chevalier directly address the audience on occasion in his movies, but those were just touches. Ophuls has built La Ronde entirely around the presence of an interlocutor (Walbrook) who also takes an active role in the proceedings (while wearing various disguises) and helps guide the action. The film simply follows the sexual progression of a series of characters. A prostitute (Simone Signoret) has a “kneetrembler” under a bridge with a soldier (Serge Reggiani), who then seduces a housemaid (Simone Simon), who then beds her employers’ son (Daniel Gelin). The son then becomes involved in an affair with a married woman (Danielle Darrieux), whose husband (Fernand Gravey) takes up with a dressmaker (Odette Joyeux), and so on. The stories are told in a light and stylish manner that is first and foremost playful. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present La Ronde Friday, June 3, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 828-273-3332,

The Devil Bat HHHH director: Jean Yarborough players: Bela Lugosi, Suzanne Kaaren, Dave O’Brien, Guy Usher, Donald Kerr, Yolande Donlan horror Rated NR The Devil Bat (1940) marks the only time that Bela Lugosi worked for PRC Pictures. Whether once was enough (Lugosi had worked, and would work, at worse places) or whether his deal with Sam Katzman over at Monogram precluded further films is unknown. PRC was the lowest of the “real” studios, but it had kind-of-passable production values — though those values didn’t extend to a believable giant bat. Lugosi is Dr. Paul Carruthers (never mind that his accent hardly suggests that name), whose “formoola” for a cold cream is the source for the immense wealth of the Heath Cosmetics Company. The film makes it clear that it’s his own damn fault for having insisted on a lump sum rather than a piece of the company, but he’s worked himself into a vengeance-crazed tizzy over it anyway. So he does what any reasonable person would. He creates giant bats that are drawn to kill anyone wearing a special aftershave of his own devising. (“Now rub it on the tender part of your throat.”) Wouldn’t you? Yeah, it’s pretty funny. I mean we’re talking about a movie with a hero (Dave O’Brien) who says, “It’s not so funny when it’s your jugular vein, is it?” At the same time, you’ve got Lugosi giving it his all as if he believes he can hold this nonsense together by the sheer force of his will. And, in some ways, he nearly does. PRC liked it enough that they immediately reworked the story for George Zucco in 1942’s The Mad Monster, and then remade it outright with Zucco again as The Flying Serpent in 1946. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Devil Bat Thursday, June 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Scott Douglas.


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Land For SaLe


26 ACRES • SWANNANOA VaLLeY Full southern exposure, water, good timber, level to hilly, w/many building sites. Pleasant community. 15 minutes to Asheville. $225,000. Purcell Realty and Associates. Call 828-279-8562.

Gaia HerBS iS HirinG Gaia Herbs is growing, and we’re looking for people who want to help us make a difference. We’re looking for production workers (all shifts, must be 18 or older), shift managers, maintenance technicians, and multiple office positions for our herbal supplement manufacturing facility in Brevard. Work for a company with a unique culture focused on the health and wellness of plants and people. Benefits offered to all full-time employees, including medical, dental and Rx coverage, plus 401(k) with company match, free/ discounted products and organic produce share. Apply online at or in person at 101 Gaia Herbs Dr., Brevard.

reaL eState SerViceS MoVinG to tHe aSHeViLLe area? Let a native Ashevillean help you find your perfect mountain home. Call Angela Sego: (828) 544-9860, NC Licensed Broker.

Rentals apartMentS For rent

tHiS 1 Br apartMent aVaiLABLE JULY 1, 2016, WALK TO MerriMon aVe This 1 BR apartment available July 1, 2016 is one of 4 units in a building, 300 Barnard Avenue, Asheville, NC, erected in 1928 and remodeled into apartments several years later. Each Unit is about 750 sq ft.; all electric, with baseboard heating units in each room; no A/C; This unit has a Washer and dryer included. No dogs. No smoking or tobacco use. Water, sewer, and trash disposal are included in the rent: $675 per month on a 12 month lease, with an additional $675 as security deposit. Lease application, credit and background check are required. On site parking in front on a very quiet street.

coMMerciaL/ BuSineSS rentaLS DOWNTOWN COZY OFFICE WALKOUT Private entrance, small office with high speed cable, kitchen, shower, 1-3 year lease $600/mo + utilities, parking across street in City parking deck, signage on Biltmore Ave? 2 mo Security Deposit, avail July 1 Bernie 230-0755

Roommates rooMMateS aLL areaS rooMMateS. coM Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at! (AAN CAN)

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SKILLED LABOR/ tradeS PACKAGING DEPARTMENT poSition We are looking for a hard-working, energetic and reliable person to fill a position in our packaging/shipping department. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. consistently. The position is second shift and averages 30-40 hours per week. Background check required. Pay rate is determined based on applicant’s experience. Email resumes to: caroline@ SateLLite tecHnicianS DISH NETWORK Hiring Satellite Technicians in Asheville area. $40,000-$50,000+ per year. Experience working with your hands and power tools? People person? We'll help train you for a new career! Submit resume: ncJobs@

adMiniStratiVe/ oFFice cHurcH BuSineSS adMinISTRATOR AT BLACK MOUNtain preSBYterian cHurcH BMPC is seeking a person to serve as Business Administrator to lead the administrative affairs of the church, including but not limited to financial operations, information technology and management of facilities. mk@bmpcnc. org,


SaLeS proFeSSionaL Mountain Xpress has an entry-level sales position open. Necessary attributes are curiosity about the city and region, gregarious personality, problem solving skills, confident presentation, and the ability to digest and explain complex information. The ideal candidate is organized, well spoken, has good computer skills, can work well within an organization and within in a team environment, can selfmonitor and set (and meet) personal goals. The job entails account development (including cold calling), detailed record keeping, management of client advertising campaigns, and some collections. If you are a high energy, positive, cooperative person who wants a stable team environment with predictable income and meaningful work, send a resume and cover letter (no walk-ins, please) about why you are a good fit for Mountain Xpress to:

reStaurant/ Food APOLLO FLAME • WAITSTAFF Full-time. Fast, friendly, fun atmosphere. • Experience required. • Must be 18 years old. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. COOK Full-time and part-time kitchen positions available with Red Oak Recovery, a clinically dynamic substance abuse and trauma focused, dual diagnosis treatment facility for young adults. • No ticket machines… no late nights… no unexpected rushes. Work with a great team with lots of room for creativity. Campus is located in a beautiful setting with gardens that contribute to the preparation of our fresh, from scratch, food. Competitive pay and benefits. Ideal candidates are hardworking, have experience catering/cooking for large crowds (50-90 people), have a good sense of humor, work well both independently and as part of a team. • Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating your interest in the Cook position to

EXPERIENCED COCKTAIL SERVER WANTED! Off the Wagon Dueling Piano Bar has an opening for a part-time cocktail server. If you have an outgoing personality and a great work ethic, send your resume to info@ EXPERIENCED LINE COOK • DISHWASHER Full-time. Fast pace and high volume requiring ability to multi-task and work efficiently under pressure. Apply in person, between 1pm-4pm, 337 Merrimon Avenue, Weaverville. Stoney Knob Cafe. Go JoB opportunitY: LEAD CATERING COOK Green Opportunities is seeking a Lead Catering Cook, please visit for more information. PISGAH INN NOW HIRING LINE COOKS! The Pisgah Inn is seeking to employ full time experienced lead line cooks. Candidate must posses a strong culinary skill set, sense of urgency finesse, dedication and desire to learn. Potential for supervisory advancement for the right candidate. Both lunch and dinner shifts are available. (828)235-8228

MedicaL/ HeaLtH care REGISTERED NURSE • HEALTH care coordinator Red Oak Recovery, a clinically dynamic substance abuse and trauma focused, dual diagnosis treatment facility, is seeking a full-time RN/Health Care Coordinator to be responsible for providing professional wellness visits to young adults, ages 18 – 30, meeting a diagnosis of substance use or co-occurring disorders, to work with clinical and case management staff to coordinate care and assist in treatment plans, and educate/ communicate medication and medical information to clients and families. • Qualified candidates will possess a valid, unencumbered, current Registered Nurse license issued by the NC Board of Nursing, and a minimum of 3 years psychiatric nursing experience, or a National certification as a Psychiatric Registered Nurse. • Those with personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, and/or Mental Health Treatment are encouraged to apply. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating your interest in the RN/Health Care Coordinator position to

HuMan SerViceS

McDowell Counties. Varying rates of pay $9.25 -$13/hour. GED/High School diploma required. If interested email • No phone calls.

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • aduLt SerViceS We are currently recruiting for the following positions in Adult Services: psychiatric nurses and clinicians for ACTT Services (Assertive Community Treatment Team) · employment Support professionals and employment peer Mentors for Supported Employment Services • clinicians for REC Services (Recovery Education Center) • peer Support Specialists for PACE (Peers Assisting in Community Engagement) • clinician for Integrated Care • clinician/team Leader for CST (Community Support Team) • certified Medical assistant (cMa). Please visit the employment section of our website for further information about any positions listed and apply directly by submitting an application and resume.

eaSter SeaLS ucp nc needS paraproFeSSionaL StaFF Staff needed throughout Buncombe county & surrounding counties to work one on one with individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities in their home, the community, or at their job. 828-350-1111 michelle. http://www.eastersealsucp. com/ncVa/

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • cHiLd SerViceS We are currently recruiting for the following positions in Child Services: clinicians for Outpatient Services • clinicians for Day Treatment Services • clinicians for Intensive InHome Services • Qualified professionals for Day Treatment Services • Qualified professionals for Intensive In-Home Services Please visit the employment section of our website for further information about any positions listed and apply directly by submitting an application and resume. www. AWAKE/OVERNIGHT CLINIcaL tecHnician The Willows at Red Oak Recovery, a clinically dynamic substance abuse and trauma focused, dual diagnosis treatment facility for women, is seeking highly qualified Overnight/Awake direct care staff for our program in Fletcher, NC. Hours are 11pm-7am. • Clinical Techs are expected to be awake for the duration of their shift, participate in morning exchange with first shift, and complete safety checks and house sweeps as necessary. • Qualified candidates will be 21 years or older and possess a High School diploma (or equivalent). A 4 year degree in a Human Services field is preferred. • Those with personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, and/or Mental Health Treatment are encouraged to apply. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. • Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating your interest in the Awake/Overnight CT position at the Willows to coMMunitY SerViceS tecHnician Universal MH/DD/ASA is seeking community Services technicians to provide assistance with daily and independent living skills to individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities. • Various positions available in Buncombe (Black Mountain, Weaverville, and central Asheville) and

F/t Qp For daY treatMent (aSHeViLLe citY ScHooLS, nc) A Caring Alternative, LLC seeking individuals interested in serving as a F/T QP in a Day Treatment for Asheville City Schools. Candidates with documented experience with the child mental health population. Email detailed resume to Great opportunity, Great people, Great support. Behavioral Health Group is seeking Licensed Clinical Addition Specialists and Certified Substance Abuse Counselors. For more information, please call Rhonda Ingle at 828-275-4171. ScHooL BaSed outpatient tHerapiSt (aSHeViLLe citY ScHooLS) A Caring Alternative seeking provisional/ licensed clinician to carry child case load @assigned school(s). Duties include conduct intakes, develop treatment plans, provide case management, and therapy. Email resume to: turninG point SerViceS, inc. is accepting applications for direct care staff providing home and community based services to those with a developmental disability. All you need is a High School Diploma/GED. Visit our website at to apply

proFeSSionaL/ ManaGeMent aSHeViLLe area HaBitat FOR HUMANITY SEEKS FT HOMEOWNER SELECTION coordinator Recruit and work with potential applicants for Asheville Area Habitat's Homeownership and Home Repair programs through the application and approval process. Requires experience in housing counseling, mortgage lending/processing or comparable admin. experience. Competitive salary & benefits. Details at about/employment. Application period ends June 8. EOE. eXecutiVe director - riVERLINK The Board of Directors of RiverLink is seeking an Executive Director to replace its founder who is retiring. RiverLink is a 30 year old, 501c3 non-profit membership driven organization whose mission is to promote the environmental and economic vitality of the French Broad River and its watershed as a place to live, learn, work and play. For

additional details and candidate requirements go to To apply, email a resume and letter explaining why you should be considered for the position to edposition@

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • COLLeGe adVanceMent A-B Tech is currently taking applications for an executive director, College Advancement position. The start date is 07/05/2016. For more details and to apply: www.

Education Credentials and willingness to continue education. Pay based on education and experience. Contact: bellschoolforpe@

HuMan SerViceS tecHnoLoGY inStructor A-B Tech is currently taking applications for an instructor, Human Services technology (10-month) position. The start date is 08/11/2016. For more details and to apply: www.

teacHinG/ education

ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR • AVIation ManaGeMent A-B Tech is currently taking applications for an Adjunct Instructor, aviation Management and career pilot technology position. The start date is 08/15/2016. For more details and to apply: FuLL tiMe teacHer Licensed in English/Language Arts and/or History/Social Studies. Licensure required. This position is for a yearround school with small class sizes, middle and high school curriculum. Experience with alternative settings and/or learning disabilities a plus. Our beautiful 24-acre campus provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14 and Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18. Check out our websites for more information: and http://www. • Benefits are offered to full-time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. Please send a resume and cover letter to • Asheville Academy for Girls and Solstice East are both Equal Opportunity Employers. No phone calls please. HiGHLY proFeSSionaL earLY educator Bell's School for People Under Six is seeking a full time early education professional for classroom team teaching position. Bell's School is known for small group size and low student teacher ratio with a focus on lower classroom stress and positive teacher/child relationships. Applicants must be able to write and execute a collaborative lesson plan that follows appropriate curriculum. Must have at least an associate's degree in early education or related field or NC Early

INSTRUCTOR • NETWORKING A-B Tech is currently taking applications for an Instructor, Networking position. The start date is 08/11/2016. For more details and to apply:

inStructor inForMation tecHnoLoGY A-B Tech is currently taking applications for an Instructor, Information Technology position. The start date is 08/11/2016. For more details and to apply:

MatHeMaticS inStructor A-B Tech is currently taking applications for a Mathematics instructor position. The start date is 08/11/2016. For more details and to apply: jobs part-tiMe Lead teacHer We are a mixed aged, cooperative, play-based preschool. At Friends of Mine, we encourage inclusive play, mutual responsibility, cooperation, and self-respect. Looking for a classroom leader who collaborates well with parents and children. Experienced with positive discipline. Send resume and cover letter by June 15 to: part-tiMe MuSic teacHer at tLc ScHooL Cover fundamentals through movement, singing, playing instruments. Kodaly, Orff methodologies strong plus. Programming allschool performances, leading two choruses, general music classes, guitar, recorder, xylophones. Music director for all-school spring musical. employment@ www.thelearningcommunity. org

JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016


Business OppOrtunities

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Contact us today! 828-251-1333 x 320 JunE 1 - JunE 7, 2016

ArIES (march 21-April 19): The voices in our heads are our constant companions. They fill our inner sanctuary with streams of manic commentary. Often we're not fully cognizant of the bedlam, since the outer world dominates our focus. But as soon as we close our eyes and turn our attention inward, we're immersed in the jabbering babble. That's the bad news, Aries. Now here's the good news. In the coming weeks you will have far more power than usual to ignore, dodge, or even tamp down the jabbering babble. As a result, you may get a chance to spend unprecedented amounts of quality time with the still, small voice at your core -- the wise guide that is often drowned out by all the noise. TAuruS (April 20-may 20): We are inclined to believe that the best way to see the whole picture or the complete story is from above. The eagle that soars overhead can survey a vast terrain in one long gaze. The mountaintop perspective affords a sweeping look at a vast landscape. But sometimes this perspective isn't perfectly useful. What we most need to see may be right next to us, or nearby, and it's only visible if our vision is narrowly focused. Here's how poet Charles Bernstein expresses it: "What's missing from the bird's eye view is plain to see on the ground." Use this clue in the coming weeks.

Coming June 29th!


freewiLL astroLoGY

GEmINI (may 21-June 20): I foresee fertile chaos in your immediate future, Gemini. I predict lucky accidents and smoldering lucidity and disciplined spontaneity. Do you catch the spirit of what I'm suggesting? Your experiences will not be describable by tidy theories. Your intentions will not fit into neat categories. You will be a vivid embodiment of sweet paradoxes and crazy wisdom and confusing clarity. Simple souls may try to tone you down, but I hope you will evade their pressure as you explore the elegant contradictions you encounter. Love your life exactly as it is! Methodical improvisations will be your specialty. Giving gifts that are both selfish and unselfish will be one of your best tricks. "Healing extremes" will be your code phrase of power.

- bY rOb brEZNY

are excellent that you will accomplish another unlikely or monumental feat. Congratulations in advance! LIbrA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): "My mother gave birth to me once, yeah yeah yeah," writes author Sara Levine. "But I've redone myself a million times." I'm sure she is not demeaning her mom's hard work, but rather celebrating her own. When's the last time you gave birth to a fresh version of yourself? From where I stand, it looks like the next 12 to 15 months will be one of those fertile phases of reinvention. And right now is an excellent time to get a lightning-flash glimpse of what the New You might look like. SCOrPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Author Rebecca Solnit offers some tough advice that I think you could use. "Pain serves a purpose," she says. "Without it you are in danger. What you cannot feel you cannot take care of." With that in mind, Scorpio, I urge you to take full advantage of the suffering you're experiencing. Treat it as a gift that will motivate you to transform the situation that's causing you to hurt. Honor it as a blessing you can use to rise above the mediocre or abusive circumstances you have been tolerating. SAGITTArIuS (Nov. 22-dec. 21): Aphorist James Guida contemplates the good results that can come from not imposing expectations on the raw reality that's on its way. "Not to count chickens before they're hatched," he muses, "or eggs before they're laid, chickens who might possibly lay eggs, birds who from afar might be confused with chickens." I recommend this strategy for you in the coming weeks, Sagittarius. Experiment with the pleasure of being wide open to surprises. Cultivate a mood of welcoming one-of-a-kind people, things, and events. Be so empty you have ample room to accommodate an influx of new dispensations. As James Guida concludes: "Not to count or think of chickens."

CANCEr (June 21-July 22): According to many sources on the Internet, "werifesteria" is an obscure word from Old English. But my research suggests it was in fact dreamed up within the last few years by a playful hoaxster. Regardless of its origins, I think it's an apt prescription to fix what's bugging you. Here's the definition: "to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery and adventure." If you are not currently seeking out at least a metaphorical version of that state, I think you should be. Now is an excellent time to reap the catalytic benefits of being willingly lost in a wild, idyllic, relaxing setting.

CAPrICOrN (dec. 22-Jan. 19): "No gift is ever exactly right for me," mourns Capricorn poet James Richardson. Don't you dare be like him in the coming days. Do whatever you must to ensure that you receive at least one gift that's exactly right for you. Two gifts would be better; three sublime. Here's another thought from Richardson: "Success repeats itself until it is a failure." Don't you dare illustrate that theory. Either instigate changes in the way you've been achieving success, or else initiate an entirely new way. Here's one more tip from Richardson: "Those who demand consideration for their sacrifices were making investments, not sacrifices." Don't you dare be guilty of that sin. Make sacrifices, not investments. If you do, your sacrifices will ultimately turn out to be good investments.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I'm debating about which of your astrological houses will be your featured hotspot in the coming days. I'm guessing it will come down to two options: your House of Valid Greed and your House of Obligatory Sharing. The House of Valid Greed has a good chance to predominate, with its lush feasts and its expansive moods. But the House of Obligatory Sharing has an austere beauty that makes it a strong possibility, as well. Now here's the trick ending, Leo: I'd like to see if you can emphasize both houses equally; I hope you'll try to inhabit them both at the same time. Together they will grant you a power that neither could bestow alone.

AQuArIuS (Jan. 20-feb. 18): Life will invite you to explore the archetype of the Ethical Interloper in the coming days. The archetype of the Helpful Transgressor may tempt you, as well, and even the Congenial Meddler or the Compassionate Trickster might look appealing. I urge you to consider experimenting with all of these. It will probably be both fun and productive to break taboos in friendly ways. You could reconnoiter forbidden areas without freaking anyone out or causing a troublesome ruckus. If you're sufficiently polite and kind in expressing your subversive intentions, you might leave a trail of good deeds in your wake.

vIrGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Between now and July 25, there's a chance you will reach the peak of a seemingly unclimbable mountain. You could win a privilege that neither you nor anyone else ever dreamed was within your reach. It's possible you'll achieve a milestone you've been secretly preparing for since childhood. Think I'm exaggerating, Virgo? I'm not. You could break a record for the biggest or best or fastest, or you might finally sneak past an obstacle that has cast a shadow over your self-image for years. And even if none of these exact events comes to pass, the odds

PISCES (feb. 19-march 20): Your theme comes from the title of a poem by Fortesa Latifi: "I Am Still Learning How to Do the Easy Things." During the next phase of your astrological cycle, I invite you to specialize in this study. You may imagine that you are already a master of the simple, obvious arts of life, but here's the news: Few of us are. And the coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to refine your practice. Here's a good place to start: Eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired, and give love when you're lonely.

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GrApHiC DesiGner neeDeD Highly skilled designer needed for page layout and creating compelling advertising, The ideal candidate has excellent graphic design and layout skills for print publication, has experience working with style guides and adhering to brand structures, understands project management, can thrive in a fast-paced environment, is exceptionally organized and deadline-driven, and has excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, an exceptional creative eye and a desire to ensure high quality output. You must have the proven ability to create original, effective advertising and marketing materials, and to assist in the layout of our weekly print publication and guides. Candidates must: • Be able to simultaneously handle multiple projects • Be proficient in Adobe CSC programs (inducing, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat) • Be able to prepress and troubleshoot a variety of file types and to work interdepartmentally to organize, schedule and maintain workflows. • Be fluent in the Mac OSX platform • Be able to interface with other departments in the company. • Have a minimum of 2-3 years graphic design experience Newspaper, web-ad design and management experience a plus. This is a full time position. Email cover letter explaining why you believe you are a good fit, your resume, and either a URL or PDF of your design portfolio to: No applications or portfolios by mail, and no phone calls or walk-ins, please.

Xchange YArD sAles THIS SATURDAY • GIANT YArD sAle The Girly Girl Revue is cleaning out their costume closets and having a sale! Clothing, shoes, full and partial costume pieces, fabric, adornments, jewelry, accessories,various odds and ends, and of course, pasties and pastries. Stop by Colourfield Studio at 54 Ravenscroft Drive on Saturday, June 4th from 9am-4pm.

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leGAl nOtiCes in tHe superiOr COurt OF CArrOl COuntY stAte OF GeOrGiA In Re: David Jimenez Marin JR Civil Action File # 16CV469 Notice Of Petition To Change Name. Georgia, Carroll County. Notice is hereby given that Dianna Aleman, the undersigned, filed this petition to the Superior Court of Carroll County, Georgia on the 4th day of May, 2016, praying for a change in the name of the minor child(ren) from David Jimenez Marin JR to Letnner Aleman. Notice is hereby given pursuant to law to any interested or affected party to appear in said Court and to file objections to such name change. Objections must be filed with said Court within 30 days of the filing of said petition. This 4th day of May, 2016 Dianna Aleman 4224 Green Ct, Villa Rica, GA 30180.

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Across 1 Grand Canyon, notably

6 Muesli morsel 9 Acceded, informally 14 Three-line work 15 Mid-11th century year

16 Still in the running 17 Pen name of the

female author of “Wuthering Heights” 19 Tiniest bit 20 Denials 21 Body of agua 22 Rome’s Via ___ 23 Pen name of the female author of “Out of Africa” 25 Makes hazy 29 Tiny 30 Not getting much rain 31 Bed of roses, so to speak 34 Has a yen (for) 39 Pen name of the female author of “The Cuckoo’s Calling” 42 Written contest entry, say 43 Terrier of old whodunits

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2 Prop at a Christmas 3 4 5 6 7

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from surgery or “dense breast


No. 0427

8 Up to, informally 9 Approached 10 Dior dress style 11 Trellis climbers 12 Party notice that

lands in your inbox

13 Possessive spirit 18 Hound variety 22 Go head-to-head 24 Spoke at length about, with “on”

25 Unpainted, say 26 God with a bow 27 “Mine!,” in a schoolyard

28 What comes to mind

32 Visibly awed 33 Carrier with a

Copenhagen hub

35 Be a kvetch 36 Hotfoots it, old-style

37 Volcano in Catania 38 Gallery event 40 Wimbledon court surface

41 Noble’s domain 46 Hill V.I.P.: Abbr. 48 Lake that’s the

source of the Mississippi 49 Get, as a point 50 Counting-off word

puzzle by jeff stillman

51 Articles that are sometimes

57 Story you can hardly believe 58 Shade of raw linen 59 Take off the top 61 Word before gun or guitar 62 Pewter, mostly


52 Womanizer 53 Tilter’s tool 54 Reference book feature

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parodied by Ferrell 45 It’s a “gift” 47 Coarse-toothed tool 49 Pen name of the female author of “Silas Marner” 55 Having new energy 56 Fashion editor Wintour 57 Affirmative 60 Inner self, to Jung 61 Pen name of the female author of True Detective stories 63 Travel guide listings 64 Cryophobe’s fear 65 Wispy clouds 66 Cash in Baja 67 Traditional dog name 68 15-Across, e.g.

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44 Attorney general

edited by Will Shortz

Answer to Previous Puzzle

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Coming June 29th!



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