Mountain Xpress 06.03.15

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Evolving regional storytelling traditions 12







JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


contEnts contact us pagE 41

Storyville WNC has a long and rich storytelling tradition, but the craft is finding new applications (mediation, recovery) and new outlets (story slams, open mics and busking). Meanwhile, longheld festivals are still going strong. covEr dEsign Elizabeth Bates photo by Photo of Sheila Arnold Jones courtesy of the International Storytelling Center

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12 costs and bEnEfits What price riverfront revitalization?

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venues with upcoming shows

16 do not drinK Local residentail wells may be tainted, state testing reveals

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32 at thE turn of thE tidE — Lari beetles join the battle to save the hemlocks

36 thE bLocK off biLtmorE — A new vegan bar gets set to launch in the YMI Cultural Center




cartoon: moLton


cartoon: brEnt brown




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22 community caLEndar 24 conscious party 26 ashEviLLE discLaimEr 27 nEws of thE wEird 37 smaLL bitEs

46 both ways and aLL ways — Haas Kowert Tice crafts captivating sounds

question about the website?

47 frEEwiLL astroLogy 49 smart bEts 51 cLubLand follow us @mxnEws, @mxarts, @mxEat, @mxhEaLth, @mxcaLEndar we use these hashtags #avLnEws, #avLEnt, #avLEat, #avLout, #avLbEEr, #avLgov, #avLhEaLth, #avLwx

57 moviEs


59 scrEEn scEnE 48 timE on thEir sidE Ruby Velle & the Soulphonics let their sweet soul simmer

61 cLassifiEds 63 ny timEs crossword

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

copyright 2015 by Mountain Xpress advErtising copyright 2015 by Mountain Xpress aLL rights rEsErvEd


Send your letters to the editor to staff

Editor & pubLishEr: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE pubLishEr: Susan Hutchinson managing Editor: Jeff Fobes a&E Editor/writEr: Alli Marshall food Editor/writEr: Gina Smith grEEn scEnE Editor/writEr: Carrie Eidson

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wELLnEss Editor/writEr: Susan Foster staff rEportErs/writErs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Max Hunt, Kat McReynolds EditoriaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moviE rEviEwEr & coordinator: Ken Hanke contributing Editors: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Margaret Williams

cartoon by randy moLton

Reduce pollution and poaching to protect brook trout Western North Carolina is home to the native brook trout. Recently, the brook trout population has drastically declined. Many people see this trout as any other fish — something you can catch and [photograph]. But there is more to it than that: Out of the three types of trout in our streams, the brook trout is a necessity to the food web as well as an indicator species. For these trout to survive, the “brookies” require healthy water as well as water that is colder. This is why you can’t go fishing anywhere and expect to catch the brook trout. These fish can be found in wild waters where streams have been restored or coming off a natural spring. Some of the major problems that are polluting the water can be construction, runoff and people littering and dumping chemicals into waters. Although pollution is a major problem, other trout are another big problem. The stocking of invasive trout such as the rainbow and brown trout decreases the population as well. Rainbow and brown trout are stocked into the rivers to give anglers a bigger fish and more fish to catch, however. These fish have decreased the

population because of the lack of size and aggressiveness of the brook trout. Humans are also killing the population by poaching or keeping any brook trout that should be released back into the water. Most people don’t see the brook trout as I do. I travel back into wild waters just to be able to catch a wild brook trout for the beautiful color that looks somewhat unreal. If we can reduce pollution and poaching, we can increase the population of these beautiful trout and be able to enjoy them in any stream. — Grayson Hollar Senior, North Buncombe High School Weaverville

Thanks to an unsung Asheville heroine There are unsung heroines in our midst who have made Asheville the scene that it is. One of these women is ann von brock, who recently retired from years working at the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County. Ann moved here in the ’70s with energy, spirit and passion for people having better lives — people of all colors, ages and socioeconomic situations. She has motivated and created countless programs bringing people together and successfully influenced the Asheville we have today.

rEguLar contributors: Able Allen, Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Max Hunt, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther

Tea Tasting & Aromatherapy

advErtising, art & dEsign managEr: Susan Hutchinson graphic dEsignErs: Elizabeth Bates, Alane Mason, Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille

6/7: Psyche Sui Generis 4-5:30pm 6/9: Authentic Goddesses 7-8pm 6/11: Mercury Goes Direct 6/13: Panther Moon Tea Ceremony 12-3pm Scrying with Angela 12-6pm Hit ‘n run Henna 12-3pm 6/14: Runes: Binding & Casting 5-8pm 6/18: Circle Round 7-9pm

onLinE saLEs managEr: Jordan Foltz marKEting associatEs: Sara Brecht, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt information tEchnoLogiEs: Stefan Colosimo wEb: Kyle Kirkpatrick administrativE assistant: Able Allen officE managEr & booKKEEpEr: Patty Levesque

Daily readers. Walk-ins including Scrying, Runes, Tarot, & More!

We Want Your Junk Got Junk?

assistant officE managEr: Lisa Watters distribution managEr: Jeff Tallman assistant distribution managEr: Denise Montgomery


distribution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young



JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


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(828) 407-4263 Calling all community-minded writers, photographers and content curators Do you like to write? Take photos or videos? Are you fascinated with the people, places and projects of Asheville and the surrounding region? Do you like organizing information and helping bring people together? Are you empathetic, curious and gregarious? Do you use social media to interact and learn about your community? Does Asheville’s DIY, grassroots energy inspire you? If your answers are yes, then consider working with Xpress as a collaborator. Send us your ideas and tell us about yourself. If you have clips or samples of your work, send us links. Email us at Let’s talk!


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

I bow to her with appreciation and gratitude for all her years of service and hard work! Thank you, Ann. — Susan Hickerson Weaverville

Duke Energy substation risks are unacceptable As a parent of three children who attend Asheville City Schools and a family practice physician in the community, I was shocked to learn of Duke Energy’s plans to build a power

corrEctions An article in the May 27 issue, “If the Creek Don’t Rise,” should have reported that the proposed RAD Lofts project falls outside of the defined flood plain for the River Arts District. The Buncombe County Board of Adjustment has changed the date of a meeting to consider a conditional use permit for Regional Recycling Solutions from the one reported in “New Recycling Facility Represents a Step Backward for WNC,” in the May 20 issue. The meeting will now be held at noon on July 8 at 30 Valley St. in Asheville.

cartoon by brEnt brown

substation next to the new Isaac Dickson Elementary School. Having lived in Asheville for over 15 years, I have come to trust Asheville as a safe environment to raise my children. Never would I have dreamed my local elected officials would allow the placement of such an inherently dangerous structure next to an elementary school. Not only do such structures emit potentially carcinogenic, harmful electromagnetic fields, but just recently a similar substation burst into flames. These are not acceptable risks for my children or any other children. We have a duty to protect the children of our community. ... — Dr. Holly Musgrove Asheville

and state level. It would give corporations the right to sue [over] any laws or regulations that might reduce their “expected profits.” Like food safety regulations, “buy local” promotions and much more. Seriously. The pact has been negotiated in secret for the last five years among corporate lawyers, legal advisers and government representatives. We are being told by President Obama that it is in our best interest and not to worry about it. Our representatives in Congress are being told not to look at the particulars of the agreement but to

just say yes or no. Some members are already enthusiastically on board. Does anyone see a problem here? Fortunately, more and more people are realizing what an incredible power grab this is by large multinational corporations that have no allegiance to any country. The powerful trade lobby is in high gear. The trade pact really should be called the “Trash the Planet for Profit” (TPP) agreement. Let your representatives and senators know how you feel about this “trade agreement” and keep an eye on what they do. — Gardner Hathaway Asheville

Proposed trade pact could affect local level The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) trade pact would be a gut punch to our nation’s economy, which is just now starting to recover from the recession of 2008. If passed, the TPP would affect North Carolina and every other state in our country at the local, regional

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


by Deborah Miles

Soaring ideals

I recently attended a conference at the Grove Park Inn where I was mesmerized by a talk Pulitzer Prizewinning author isabel wilkerson gave. Her book The Warmth of Other Suns describes the Great Migration of 6 million African-Americans out of the caste system and the daily terror attacks carried out in the South between 1915 and 1970. At the conference, Wilkerson spoke about the power of narrative to help people heal and promote a sense of self, of belonging. UNC researchers, she noted, have studied the cultural socialization of African-American students. They found that the more family and community stories fifth-graders knew, the higher their self-esteem and academic achievement were by the time they were in the seventh grade. Accordingly, she implored the audience to tell family and community stories to empower the next generation, helping build resilience and fortitude. One story this community is telling right now concerns Zebulon Vance and the monument in his honor placed in Pack Square, directly across from the seat of local power. The monument was dedicated in the 1890s, at the height of the re-emergence of white power and Jim Crow laws. And like many of his peers, Vance was a complicated person: Freemason, slave owner, lawyer, state legislator, commander of the Confederate 26th North Carolina Regiment, governor, maker of a prison labor system using “vagrant” African-Americans, U.S. senator — and advocate of religious tolerance who spoke on behalf of the much-maligned Jewish community. A “rededication” of the newly restored monument (from the Latin “monere,” to remember; to warn) will take place on June 6. But what, exactly, are we being asked to rededicate to? Which current Asheville

fifth-graders are getting their sense of self and place reinforced so that their seventh-grade test scores will reflect their growing confidence that they, too, are part of this community? During the same conference, douglas blackmon, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his book Slavery by Another Name, asked an audience of 500 people if there were Confederate monuments in their community — and, if so, “What are you doing about it?” The way he sees it, these monuments need to be “curated” as the museum objects they are, rather than continually glorified. Taking Blackmon’s words to heart, then, how are we to curate the Vance Monument and the four other Confederate monuments nearby? As an educator, I would start by considering point of view. At the monument’s original dedication, Tennessee Gov. R.L. Taylor sang Vance’s praises, declaring, “Through all his long and brilliant career, his love for humanity never waned, and his devotion to country never cooled.” But did that include the 33 percent of North Carolinians who were African-American? As a curator, I’d also compare and contrast the choices Vance made with those of Gen. Alvan Gillem of Tennessee. Vance didn’t initially favor the split between the North and South, but after the shelling of Fort Sumter, he reluctantly decided to fight against his country. Gillem, on the other hand, left the South to fight for the Union and later led the army of liberation into Asheville to free the enslaved community. How would a discussion of their respective choices inform today’s young people? I might also revisit Vance’s other roles (Mason, lawyer, senator, etc.) and ask each of those organizations’ members how they’re curating their own understanding of who Vance was and what his complex legacy directs them to do today. Given Vance’s efforts to combat anti-Semitism, it’s possible that he might eventually have changed his mind about African-Americans and the caste system that continues to rip our country apart today. Would he want his memory to be harnessed to the resurgence of white supremacy in the U.S.? As a lifelong Southerner and the descendant of multiple

Vance Monument rededication set for Saturday A rededication ceremony for the Vance Monument is set for 2 p.m. Saturday, June 6, at the foot of the monument in Pack Square Park in downtown Asheville. Constructed in 1897 at the west end of what is now Pack Square Park, the Vance Monument commemorates the life of Zebulon B. Vance, U.S. senator, governor of North Carolina during and after the Civil War, and the first colonel of the 26th North Carolina Regiment, notes a news release from the city of Asheville. The granite monument, part of the city of Asheville’s public art collection, was designed by noted architect Richard Sharpe Smith. Repairs to the monument included fixing mortar joints, overall cleaning of the monument and plaques, and repair of the wrought iron fence surrounding the monument. The restoration was made possible by a donation by the 26th North Carolina Regiment, which will host the ceremony, according to the city. The contents of a time capsule placed under the monument in 1897 will be on display, and plans to create a new time capsule will also be revealed. The Asheville Buncombe Time Capsule Project will invite the community to offer opinions on the new time capsule’s contents, and a volunteer selection panel will make the final recommendation on what should be included. — Staff reports

slave-owning families tracing all the way back to Jamestown, I know that my ancestors would want these 21st-century acts of reconciliation and understanding to be carried out on their behalf as well. I urge all those attending the June 6 rededication to see it as the time to reconsider this person and time period, in part, as cultural artifacts. Rather than focusing only on honor and glory, I implore speakers and audience members alike to face history’s shadow side, and our own, to address this complex story in a way that embraces all the impacts. I also ask that a word be said on behalf of all the people who were bought and sold on that very spot — still publicly owned — with the full support of multiple levels of government. There are also other, more durable ways to re-envision this monument and others like it. One powerful way would be placing additional markers around these core artifacts to reinterpret their meaning, so that all fifth-graders for the next 100 years might see themselves as part of the soaring obelisk’s story — and draw on the resulting self-confidence to do their own academic soaring in future years. X

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



By Juliana Grassia

Leadership vacuum Student input must be part of UNC president search

Recently, the UNC Board of Governors received a lot of attention because of the resignation of UNC system President tom ross. Popular with students and respected as a fair and experienced leader, many in the UNC community were confused by his sudden resignation. Board of Governors Chairman John fennebresque offered little information, and it became clear to many that Ross was not resigning voluntarily. In my university classes, many of my peers and professors talked about the political undercurrents of the announcement. So began the search for someone who was deemed a better fit.


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

On May 26, UNC Asheville hosted the first of four regional forums meant to allow students, alumni, faculty, community members and anyone else to express what qualities and characteristics they believe are crucial for the next UNC president. The Board of Governors made it clear they want as much input as possible as they begin the search. At first, I was impressed by widely accessible aspects of the search process, such as an online survey and via Twitter (#UNCSearch), text (919590-3630) and e-mail (uncsearch@ I liked that all of the forums would be live streamed so people at home could watch. I then realized I was one of only three recent UNC system alumni present, and that there were no current students in attendance. The regional forums are taking place during the summer, when most students and faculty are not on campus.

The forum was a brief 30 minutes. Nevertheless, comments made by the speakers reflected many of the themes often referenced when discussing North Carolina higher education. The first speaker encouraged the search committee to minimize partisan politics. Many wanted the next UNC president to have roots in North Carolina and experience in public higher education. Economics and affordability were also mentioned, in addition to the ability to stand up to the North Carolina General Assembly. One person said that the next president must respect the regional importance of small universities in the system because they not only serve the regions’ students, but also act as the largest employers for their respective regions. I chose to speak regarding the absence of students at the forum. I said that one of my favorite aspects of the UNC Asheville chancellor search this past year was the ability of student leaders to meet candidates and take a tour of campus with them. We were then allowed to submit our comments regarding the candidates to the search committee,

which I know were taken into consideration. I feel that because students were included, my alma mater was able to offer the position to the best person for the job. I advised that the same consideration of student input must be a part of the search for president; if the next president can’t first and foremost be an advocate for students, then what is the point? A recent UNC graduate said he would like the Board of Governors to share their opinion of what Ross lacks and, in turn, what they feel the next president should be like so that we can more easily understand their perspective. He made me realize that many of the characteristics that the evening’s speakers spoke in favor of were already exhibited by Ross. I respect the Board of Governors’ efforts, but I worry about the future of the university system. I am concerned that we do not fully appreciate what an important role it plays in our state’s well-being. I plan to stay involved in the search for the next president as much as possible, both as an alumna and as someone invested in the future of public institutions of higher learning in North Carolina. X


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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



Costs and benefits What price riverfront revitalization?

by max hunt

Editor’s note: In “If the Creek Don’t Rise,” (May 27 Xpress) we considered the history of flooding in the River Arts District, current city redevelopment projects there, and concerns raised by members of the RAD community. In part 2 of this story, we delve into the French Broad watershed’s physical characteristics, how perceptions and use of the river have changed, and the nuts and bolts of development in a flood hazard area. The French Broad River gets its start near the little village of Rosman in south-central Transylvania County. Spilling down the western slopes of the Eastern Continental Divide, the river flows north for 117 miles through Henderson, Buncombe and Madison counties before crossing into Tennessee. Many tributaries feed the French Broad: The Davidson River comes in near the Pisgah Forest community outside Brevard, and the Swannanoa, flowing west from the North Fork and Bee Tree reservoirs in eastern Buncombe County, joins the French Broad near Biltmore Estate. There are also many smaller streams. In her landmark 1955 book, The French Broad, Asheville author Wilma Dykeman said the river was “above all, a region of life, with all the richness and paradox of life.” She described a watershed rich in flora and fauna, ranging from the “fertile fields and gentle fall” through Transylvania and Henderson counties to the sudden “plunge between steep mountains” around Asheville, “strewn with jagged boulders.” In the course of that journey, the French Broad traverses landscapes ranging from protected forestlands


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

to more urban environments, providing habitat for over 44 rare or endangered species, including the mountain sweet pitcher plant and the Appalachian elktoe mussel. Yet throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the French Broad also played a central economic role: The timber and textile industries used the river as an access point to move materials through the region. “Asheville’s history is tied to the river,” says stephanie monson dahl, director of Asheville’s Riverfront Redevelopment Office. She also mentions the railroad depot’s close proximity to the river as a major reason businesses historically located there. By the early 20th century, however, deforestation of surrounding land led to the loss of what Dykeman called the French Broad’s “natural sponge.” In the catastrophic flood of 1916, timber and manufacturing

rivEr runs through: Looking south, a calm French Broad flows well within its banks, with New Belgium Brewery under construction on the right. Drone photography by Dan Caylor

byproducts piled up around bridges and natural barriers, compounding the effect of the rising waters by restricting the river’s flow. “We were a huge logging industry,” says Monson Dahl. “What you see today is really a different river than it was back then.” an EvoLving vision John Nolen’s groundbreaking 1922 Asheville City Plan called for flanking the French Broad and Swannanoa with parkland, which would also reduce flood risks.

The closing of the train station on Depot Street in 1968 meant fewer people coming to the area. The 1978 launch of the Land of Sky Regional Council’s French Broad River Improvement Program, the 1983 founding of the French Broad River Foundation (which eventually merged with RiverLink), and other milestones helped expand the focus. Rather than simply cleaning up the river, the goal became transforming a failed industrial corridor into a viable part of the city and a tourist attraction. In 2000, Asheville’s Sustainable Economic Development Strategic Plan listed riverfront revitalization as one of the city’s four top priorities, calling the area “an asset for both enhancing quality of life and attracting economic activity.” “This was the first time you see the plans for the river include transportation, economic development, housing and integration of a more

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The first step in any new development in the district is meeting federal, state and city floodwater management guidelines. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has designated 74 percent of the RAD a “special flood hazard area”; 27 percent of that sits in the floodway and can’t be developed, except for things like transportation and parks that won’t significantly affect water levels. The remainder, labeled Zone AE, can be developed but is subject to various levels of restrictions, depending on the specific site and building characteristics and other factors (see map). There are also some outlying areas with lower flood risk.



construction cooKbooK


sustainable model of development,” notes Monson Dahl. It also marked the start of Asheville’s “land banking” process: acquiring reclaimable riverfront property for future rehabilitation and development. City planners now say the RAD could become the center of a citywide transportation network connecting downtown and the river with other parts of Asheville via a series of greenways and improved pedestrian infrastructure. “People want to walk; they want greenways and better access,” says Monson Dahl. “We’re creating a hub for a real greenway network, where people can go from destination to destination or do a loop walk. Right now, Asheville doesn’t have that.” These ambitious plans have seen private investors come calling about development opportunities in the district. In 2012, New Belgium Brewing Co. bought the former Western Carolina Livestock Market site on Craven Street; the brewery’s East Coast production and distribution facility is now under construction there. “We recognize that private investors have chosen to invest in the River Arts District,” says Monson Dahl, adding that the public sector’s responsibility is “creating an environment that’s safe and clean, and ensuring that any development that happens is done in a way where it provides no impact to the rest of the area.” Last year, the city secured a $14.6 million TIGER grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to fund intersection improvements, bike and pedestrian paths, and greenways in the area.


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haZard ZonEs: A flood map of the RAD, based on FEMA’s 2010 calculations, puts development restrictions on many properties in the district. Map based on FEMA flood maps

According to the interactive flood maps found on FEMA’s website, Zone AE includes portions of Lyman Street, Riverside Drive and recreational facilities such as Carrier and French Broad River parks. The area immediately outside the floodway is home to such businesses as 12 Bones Smokehouse, Gennett Lumber Co., Asheville Waste Paper and the New Belgium site. At the city’s request, notes Monson Dahl, FEMA is updating those maps, which were done in 2010. Any subsequent development will affect the new versions, which are due out in 2020. Federal guidelines for construction in such flood hazard zones include standards for the type of fill supporting foundation structures, the composition and elevation of foundations, building materials’ flood-resistance capability, and design features integrated into a structure to

minimize flood impacts, as detailed in a manual produced by the American Society of Civil Engineers. There are also state requirements which, in North Carolina, include building at or above the specific area’s “base flood elevation” — the level that floodwaters have a 1 percent chance of reaching or exceeding in any given year. Any parts of a structure below that threshold must be designed to mitigate flood impacts. The state website provides comprehensive guidelines for the permitting process and spells out requirements for new and existing structures. To do a construction project in the RAD flood zone, Monson Dahl explains, “You have to get a certificate that you’ve created no rise in floodwaters and go through a large permitting process that includes a flood impact study.” If the study finds that the project could cause flood levels to rise, steps must be taken to mitigate that impact, either by creating stormwater retention areas on adjacent properties or moving the project elsewhere. Asheville, meanwhile, has “extra requirements on top of state regulations for flood plain construction,” she says. They include setting the construction threshold 2 feet above the state’s base flood elevation requirement.


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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


historicaL barriErs: This vintage railroad bridge, with its many supports, tends to catch debris and slow the water’s flow, especially at flood levels. Regulations generally prohibit construction of obstacles in the floodway. Drone photo by Dan Caylor

harry pilos, who’s developing the RAD Lofts on the former Dave Steel property, says “When you get rid of dirt and replace it with concrete, it’s going to have a negative impact.” The broader debate, he continues, “is how much commercial development will go into an area that has right of way issues with Norfolk Southern, that is in a flood plain that we all know floods, and then there’s substantial environmental issues from the fact that it was an industrial corridor next to a railroad track for over 100 years.” crEativE approachEs All those rules may sound daunting, but Monson Dahl cites several local developments that have found creative ways to work with the requirements. The office/retail project at 10 Brook St. in Biltmore Village, for example, built a ground floor parking area that doubles as a “flow-way” under flood conditions. And the flood-proof design of the Smoky Mountain Adventure Center, now under construction on


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

Amboy Road, calls for using the rear portion of its extended foundation as a climbing wall. Other developers simply choose to take government agencies’ advice and build in less vulnerable areas. “Our site is out of [Zone AE],” notes Pilos, adding that otherwise, he wouldn’t have proceeded with his project. As for New Belgium, whose project is part of the reason for city infrastructure initiatives such as the Craven Street Improvement Project, susanne hackett, the company’s media relations specialist, says measures were taken to bring the facility well above the base flood elevation. “Reusing crushed concrete from the existing site for fill, as well as bringing in additional dirt, we raised our Craven Street site out of the flood plain by up to 10 feet in some places,” she explains, adding that the entire facility is at least 2 feet above the flood requirement for the property.

hEdging bEts

LEft in thE waKE?

One key lesson some local business owners learned the hard way in the devastating 2004 floods triggered by hurricanes Frances and Ivan was the need for insurance coverage. The National Flood Insurance Program, notes to FEMA’s website, provides “access to affordable, federally backed flood insurance” that wouldn’t otherwise be available, and the agency’s flood maps help insurance companies set the premiums for that coverage. “Payments [for claims] are backed up and supported by the federal government because no private insurance company will offer to write flood insurance,” explains david mann, vice president of Webb Insurance in Asheville. “The peril is deemed too catastrophic and would bankrupt the insurance mechanism. The only body willing to take on that kind of financial exposure is the federal government.” Various factors are considered when calculating insurance rates in a special flood hazard area, including the flood zone, location, building age, occupancy, foundation type and building elevation in relation to the base flood elevation. Federal guidelines provide insurance cost estimates for both residential and commercial developments. That cost, says Mann, is “not outrageous, but it’s not cheap either.” For a typical commercial building in the RAD flood zone, the maximum available coverage might run $3,000 to $4,000 annually, depending on the limits. “If you’ve got a million-dollar building, the maximum that you can buy is $500,000. If you think a flood will completely destroy the building, you’re still only going to get half of that back. Like most insurance, you have to weigh the risk versus the cost. Are you willing to absorb some of that cost in case of a catastrophe?” But by tightening the requirements for building in the flood zone, notes Monson Dahl, Asheville helps investors qualify for lower rates. Thanks to the city’s participation in the federal Community Rating System program, she explains, developers in the RAD may qualify for a 10 percent lower insurance rate than those building on comparable sites in other parts of the state.

Amid all the excitement about the River Arts District’s current boom, however, there’s a downside for low-income residents and renters. “A recent study funded by the city, ‘Alternatives to Gentrification,” already revealed that the RAD area is in the ’middle stage’ of gentrification,“ mari peterson wrote in an April 15 article on the watchdog site Asheville River Gate. And by hiring the Austin, Texas-based consultant Code Studio to create form-based code zoning in the RAD, she maintains, the city is laying the groundwork for rapid investment in the area that will drive up property values and rents — and ultimately drive out many artists and other residents. “In many ways,” argues Peterson, form-based code zoning “transfers development power from the developers to the city, because they can dictate everything from use of space to materials and design. It essentially dictates development standards based on the whims of the City Council at that time, rather than really thinking about growth for the long term.” Metal artist Jeri bartley lives and works in the district. “I bought my house five years ago, and was able to afford it largely because it’s in the RAD,” she explains, noting that there have been problems with vandalism and squatters. “I had a cash offer on my house that was more than I’ve ever been able to afford in another house. I considered it but realized I wouldn’t have a place to live, because even with that amount, you can’t buy a house in downtown or the RAD now.” As for the future, Bartley says “Maybe I won’t be able to afford it in the future, but ... if I ride the wave right, then I don’t think I’ll be priced out. My work will sell more, and there’ll be people coming into the RAD who can afford to buy it.” Monson Dahl, meanwhile, acknowledges that certain individuals and neighborhoods may be negatively affected by new development, but she assures those living and working in and around the RAD that the city is also trying to accommodate their needs. “Just like downtown, we know that surrounding neighborhoods are going to feel the impacts of the

revitalization,” she says, noting that the 2014 “Alternatives to Gentrification” report was “the first time we surveyed artists in the RAD to ask them how much they pay, if they’re afraid of losing those spaces, and how we can help.” Monson Dahl also mentions the city’s Equitable Development Strategies initiative, which will include a two-day workshop with community leaders and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to consider how residents of surrounding neighborhoods can benefit from the changes taking place in the district. Meanwhile, the Livingston Complete Streets Project will focus on expanding infrastructure from Depot Street through Livingston Street to Victoria Road. Both projects are slated to begin later this year. But Monson Dahl also emphasizes the importance of ongoing communication with residents. “We do a lot of outreach, but it’s obviously not reaching everyone,” she concedes, encouraging concerned community members to contact her personally with questions or attend one of the open public meetings of the Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission, held the second Thursday of each month at City Hall. Monson Dahl has open office hours the third Thursday of the month. “I care a lot about the success of this project, and I want people to know that they can call me at any time,” she says. “We want to find out what parts of the project people are interested in, and provide information quickly and efficiently. We want do it the right way.” X

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Margaret Williams

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JuNe 3 - JuNe 9, 2015


wHat’S BeeN SeepiNG iNto mY DriNKiNG water? Eleven private wells sit within a quarter-mile of Duke Energy’s Skyland coal-ash ponds, and recent state tests have shown possible contamination in two of them. Photography flight courtesy of SouthWings

Local residential wells may be tainted, state testing reveals Two residential wells near Duke Energy’s coal-fueled power plant in Arden may not be safe to drink from, recent state testing has shown, and further sampling is needed. Similar results have been found across North Carolina: Hundreds of residents draw their drinking and cooking water from wells that sit within 1,000 feet of one of Duke Energy’s 14 coal ash ponds. Nearly a dozen such wells are in Buncombe County. The findings are part of a statewide effort to determine how many wells pose health risks and, of those, how many have been contaminated by the coal ash ponds, says Jamie Kritzer, public information officer for the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Produced when coal is burned as fuel, the ash contains a host of concentrated toxins, ranging from arsenic to vanadium. It also raises the pH of groundwater, which can corrode pipes and affect the taste.

As of mid-May, DENR had evaluated four of the 11 Buncombe County wells identified for this round of testing. All four exceeded state standards for pH, suspended solids and sulfates; two were deemed safe for human use. But in the two tagged for further sampling, state labs reported the presence of hexavalent chromium, which can cause health problems ranging from asthma to kidney damage to cancer. More wells will be tested when the agency expands the sweep to include those with 1,500 feet of a Duke coal ash pond, Kritzer reports, adding, “We’ve never done something as broad as this.” To date, DENR has identified 345 wells within 1,000 feet of one of Duke’s ponds and sampled more than half of them. Some owners declined the testing, Kritzer explains. As of May 19, DENR has tested 207 wells; 191 of those exceeded state standards, triggering an assessment by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. So far, the agency has sent 166 “do not drink” notices to well owners; half concerned wells around Duke’s Allen Steam Station in Belmont, N.C., near Charlotte.

Whenever there’s coal ash contamination, the utility must provide an alternative water source, adds Kritzer. The company’s been doing that, notes spokesperson Catherine Butler. The state’s studies will help determine the origin of contamination, the direction of groundwater flow, and the best cleanup approaches as the ponds are excavated and closed, she says. “We can appreciate how troublesome this has been for neighbors, and we want to do the right thing to assist while more information becomes available,” Butler says. Not a new problem In 2013, a well in Arden was one of three contaminated by coal ash, says Amelia Burnette, senior attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center. “A ‘do not drink’ letter was sent, and Duke Energy was required to supply water to the residents,” she reports. “We are finalizing agreements with these residents to extend the local municipal water line [to them] in the coming months,” says Butler.

Earlier in 2013, Burnette’s organization filed a lawsuit against Duke, claiming it had illegally discharged contaminants into the French Broad River from its Buncombe plant. The Sierra Club, the Waterkeeper Alliance and MountainTrue joined the suit, aimed at forcing the company to clean up its coal ash. “You can’t dump [toxins] wherever you want: That’s the Clean Water Act,” says French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson of MountainTrue. That suit is pending, but the state also sued Duke that year for violating the Clean Water Act and state groundwater-protection laws. The utility recently pleaded guilty to similar violations and agreed to a $102 million fine in connection with a catastrophic February 2014 Dan River coal ash spill. In addition, the company announced plans to convert its Buncombe plant to natural gas and install a solar farm. According to Butler, the new plant will come online in late 2019 or early 2020. That’s good news, says Carson. “Years ago, we tried to figure out

who was still on drinking wells” near the Asheville plant, he says. Interns went door to door, identifying seven wells within a half-mile of the ponds. Two were in between the ponds and the French Broad River, Carson recalls, and one tested high for iron, manganese, arsenic and boron. Elevated levels of those naturally occurring elements make the water unsafe for consumption and are “fingerprints” of coal ash contamination. Both Burnette and Carson credit staff at DENR’s Asheville office with initiating the testing program in 2012, before the Dan River spill spurred state legislators to pass the Coal Ash Management Act. The law requires Duke to clean up its coal ash ponds, beginning with those at the Buncombe, Sutton, Riverbend and Dan River plants. Burnette says she’s keeping an eye on the process as DENR completes its risk assessments. There are differences between federal and state standards, she notes, and all the labs involved should use the same testing protocol. The Coal Ash Management Act calls for closing down the ponds by 2019, but Sen. Tom Apodaca of Henderson

County, a co-sponsor of the law, has proposed a bill that would give Duke more time as it converts the Asheville plant to natural gas. “You can’t ask people to wait [years] before getting safe water,” says Burnette. Meanwhile, even if all of Duke’s coalfired plants were closed today, more than 150 million tons of ash would remain in N.C., says Carson. “That’s why we [started] the Beyond Coal campaign, to stop burning it and continuing to create coal ash.” Burnette says Americans’ demand for cheap electricity has driven our dependence on coal, which fuels 37 percent of power plants in the Southeast, and its true environmental and human health costs haven’t been taken into account. “At Asheville, Duke Energy has committed to remove the coal ash from its old lagoons to dry, lined storage, and it has announced plans to close the coalfired units altogether,” she continues. “In the meantime, it should ensure that impacted wells receive alternative water supplies and that the groundwater is remediated and restored.” X

JUNE 3 - JUNE 9, 2015



by Hayley Benton

Recycling debated 26

Coddington Property

Coddington Home

Residential Commercial Employment District City Zoning


Site of proposed recycling facility

rEsidEntiaL woEs: Neighbors of Pond Road near Enka are worried that a proposed recycling facility may bring some serious consequences. But the property’s employment district zoning allows for offices, industry, storage, warehousing and wholesale trade. Map by Alane Mason

Pond Road residents say ‘no’ to green recycling facility “What have you learned from the people of this neighborhood tonight?” asked one Asheville resident at a May 26 community meeting, as she stood before a panel of representatives from Regional Recycling Solutions. “Well, I’ve learned we have some homework to do,” replied Ken allison, whose company plans to build a recycling facility on a Pond Road property. “I’ve learned we have a big traffic problem. Is [traffic] the No. 1 concern?” The crowd of more than 100 shouted back, “We just don’t want it! We don’t want a recycling facility” in our neighborhood.


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

Earlier this year, RRS, partnering with German-based engineering company Stadler, signed an option to purchase a 53-acre tract of land on Pond Road in Buncombe County, just south of the interstates 40 and 26 junction. The company has been planning to build a regional center in the area for the last two years designed on European waste management standards, with the goal of bringing cleaner practices to this side of the Atlantic. “In Europe, they have a zero-waste [initiative],” Allison told Xpress after the meeting. Europe is trying to distance itself from reliance on landfills, he said, and nearly everything is either recycled or burned for energy. “In America, we have big, open spaces — a lot of room for a lot of

landfills. But in Europe, everything is more compact. They’re under a lot of pressure to do more recycling.” Unlike Curbside Management in Woodfin, which Allison explains is a single-stream facility — getting its recyclables from a single source — RRS would receive materials from sources other than the blue containers left outside residential homes and city sidewalks. “[Curbie] processes recyclables that have already been separated from someone’s home or business,” he continues. “My plan is a multistream recycling center [that] can do the kind of separation that doesn’t happen at home.” What he means is commercial recycling — from factories, businesses, industry and the like, as long as the materials are brought dry to the facility, which will have the ability to separate nonrecyclable from recyclable materials. The facility would not, however, be a drop-off location. His plans for the facility include taking the extra step to ensure the facility creates as little environmental impact as possible. As far as noise is concerned, Stadler America sales director gerben nijland explained that the facility would be practically silent outside — and even inside, the machinery will be so quiet that there will be no regulations requiring workers to wear protective gear on their ears. For cleanliness and odors, the facility will use state-of-the-art odor neutralizers and an air-cleansing system that will give on-ground “manual workers a cleaner work environment than their manager in his office upstairs,” Nijland said. The property, under current “employment district” zoning, can house offices, industry, storage, warehousing or wholesale trade. To blend into its rural community, Allison said the team plans to build a row of evergreens to shield the main facility from the road. Only the facility’s educational building will be visible, Allison said, which the team plans to let the community use for meetings and recycling education. Though the RRS partners initially intended to build the first facility in the United States using 100 percent European technology, the facility’s lengthy planning period will make it the third of its kind, if approved, behind a new center in Lawrence, Kan., and another that will open this month in Baltimore. “Landfilling is eventually going to go by the wayside, as soon as more of these plants are built,” Allison told Xpress. “We have a lot of volume to

tackle, but it’s a big, big job. And this is a great start.” But at a Tuesday, May 26, neighborhood meeting, organized by partners of RRS, the conversation quickly shifted from, “How can we be good neighbors?” to “The neighbors don’t want us at all.” The meeting was designed to give Pond Road residents a chance to meet RRS, ask questions and address concerns. But it became clear right from the start that the residents were not happy about RSS’ plans. Concerns ranged from unaddressed traffic issues — such as the sharp curves on Pond Road that could potentially cause collisions between residents and trucks — to a decline in property values. When Allison expressed that he believes RSS’ facility would look better than the existing commercial structures along the road, residents shouted back, “Nothing is better!” “We like farmland!” “That’s what we’re happy with.” Resident Larry harwood has lived on Pond Road for 41 years and remembers back before the road was paved. After being paved, he said, the road “turned into a speedway. These big trucks cannot maneuver these curves. You meet a truck on a curve, and you’re in big trouble.” At this statement, the roomful of residents applauded. “That road was just not designed for tractor-trailers,” he continued. “Ain’t no way.” Another resident stood up and agreed: “If I gave all four of you trucks, set them on opposite ends of Pond Road and said, ‘Go’ — and you pass one another on that road curve unscathed, we’ll all bow down to your future facility. “I know your intentions are good, and I can understand that,” he continued. “But good intentions are not going to bring those lives back if they collide with one of those trucks.” nancy polansky gave the RRS team some insight into the neighborhood’s past: “This might be a great facility; you’re just putting it in a terrible place. This area has had some bad experiences with open recycling and waste that we’ve been fighting for years, so you stepped right into the middle of problems we’ve had before.” Jim coddington lives right above the proposed site. “I’m your nextdoor neighbor,” he said. “Are you going to be a good neighbor to me? I own 46 acres right above you. My home is 400 feet from his property line. You can have the most beautiful facility in the world, but you’ll destroy

Bee Helpful my property. Are you going to be a good neighbor about that?” Toward the end of the meeting, Allison admitted, “We didn’t think there would be this much concern.” The room erupted in reply: “What universe do you live in?” “That is unreal!” “Put it in your own backyard!” But deborah tatko reminded residents that, though they may not like it, at least RRS took the initiative to hold a community meeting. “I don’t live on Pond Road,” she stated. “But I came here [after hearing] the WLOS story that all my recycling is going into a landfill, and I wanted to find out who you were. My questions were all answered — noise, dust, appearance — but who you are is a big part. “Pond Road may not be the place for this,” she said, turning to face the roomful of residents. “I’m listening to all of you, and I totally understand that. … But since it was [RRS’] choice to hold this meeting, I see that [they] are at least listening to the community.” Tatko then told a story from her past: 20 years ago in her town in New York, the residents took issue with a proposed locally owned business near their homes. The residents ran the business away, but because of the zoning, a national waste company decided to build on that spot instead. “They came in and did whatever they damn well pleased. I’m just bringing that to the light. This may not be the place for [RRS]. However, something else could go in [and that business may] not listen to you. You can go harass him in person,” she said, pointing to the four partners at the front of the room. “But you cannot go to Waste Management and have them care about plastic bags on your lawn.” After the meeting, Allison told Xpress that he was surprised by the reaction, but that, based on the residents’ concerns, he and his team will explore ways to make it work. “Meetings like that are always good. You find out what they’re experiencing and what their concerns are, to find a way to help. “I think that what we have to do is take a practical approach and see what can be done, addressing as many concerns as we can,” he continued. “You can never please 100 percent of people on anything, but we can go a long way now that we know the issues.”

RRS partners convened the weekend after the community meeting to explore different solutions to the neighborhood’s concerns. Xpress will provide updates when new information becomes available. The Buncombe County Board of Adjustment will hear RRS’ plans for the site and vote whether to approve the company’s conditional use permit on Wednesday, July 8, at noon. X



get it! guide

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



Wineries & Cheesemakers



JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Rachel Ingram

Transformed, from the Earth up

The first gathering consisted of about 60 classes, Bogwalker notes. This year’s gathering will have 300, including 100 new classes. Highlighted themes this year include sustainable living, traditional crafts, healing arts and the overarching theme of self-sufficiency. Attendees will have the opportunity to integrate biology, ecology, botany, propagation, linguistics, forestry, artistry and other fields during the four-day, primitiveskills camp, and, depending on the courses they choose, participants may receive up to 30 hours of instruction, Salzano says. “The gathering just brings so many subcultures together. It really is kind of this cultural renaissance,” he says. “A lot of people just teach whatever they’re most passionate about.” thE community EnvironmEnt

primitivE sKiLLs and morE: John Kraus engages a small crowd at Firefly 2014. Photo by Oliver Fleming

Firefly Gathering adds classes, emphasizes cultural transformation and community building Last summer, diana parra, a Colombia native and mother of a toddler, picked up her life and relocated to Asheville after having what she describes as a “transformative experience” at a Firefly Gathering. “I was living in New Orleans, and I had heard about Asheville being cool, but I didn’t have a job or house or anything,” she recalls, “but then some friends told us about Firefly, and we looked it up.” She says she purchased tickets two days before the event, packed everything she owned into her car and drove up to North Carolina from New Orleans. “And then the gathering was amazing. It changed our life,” says Parra. After it ended, she camped just outside Asheville for a week, then found a job teaching Spanish at a Weaverville elementary school. A week later, she moved into a house.

This year’s Firefly Gathering, being held June 25-28 in Barnardsville, aims to take its transformation potential a step further, putting cultural transformation at the forefront, explains frank salzano, class coordinator for the event. “Really what we’re doing with the event,” adds natalie bogwalker, co-founder and general coordinator of the Firefly Gathering, “is trying to create and foster and give people tools for cultural change.” The gathering, now in its eighth year, has always been geared toward changing participants’ lives through a variety of classes based on radical ideas and concepts, but this summer, directors are working to make that goal explicit instead of implicit, Bogwalker says. “The cultural transformation — [which is] the next layer that’s evolving and building on top of the self-sufficiency and the hard skills — is the practical stuff,” says Salzano. “It’s what can hold a community together and actually build communities.” “We actually created an entire new track of classes this year,” he says.

Firefly offers “not just one person who knows something leading the way, but it’s like 20 people who know a lot, so it gets to be a pretty rich experience,” says Justin holt, a local permaculturalist who is teaching this year. The intimate, community-based experience is nourishing, he says, and is what sets Firefly Gathering apart from other seemingly similar events. “It’s really humbling to be around all these people with so many great skills that are offered to the community,” he says. “These teachers aren’t doing this because it’s lucrative. They’re doing it because it’s worth it.” One of Holt’s classes is intended to foster a better understanding of kudzu. He says he appreciates the ability to share his interests and learn more about the interests of others. Parra says one of the most valuable things she learned from Firefly was how to connect with nature in new ways, and even though she was new to the community, it was a safe place to ask questions and learn the ropes. Tickets sales are capped this year at 700, but an additional 300 people will participate as instructors, staff or work-trade attendees, according to Bogwalker. Attendees share communal, camp-style kitchens, stocked with stoves and supplies, and can choose from evening activities staged in several group areas, she says.

“There’s a pretty strong community of people who come back every year, and a lot of people know each other,” Salzano says. For the past three years, the organization has rented a 300acre, private lot in Barnardsville called Bell’s Cove, which offers ample campsites, trails, forests, meadows and a pond, Bogwalker says. “It’s really convenient,” she notes. “It’s only, like, 25 minutes from Asheville.” bEyond thE fEstivaL For Holt, who has been involved with Firefly Gathering for four years, each new gathering is an opportunity to glean more knowledge. “Every year I go, I get to learn a little bit more deeply,” he says. His passion for learning skills at the gathering has evolved into a yearning to deepen his connection to community. His first year, Holt recalls, he took “pages and pages of notes,” fervently scribbling every word each instructor uttered, in an effort to absorb as much information as possible. Bogwalker says she has seen this desire, within the general public, to learn more about selfsufficiency skills, which helped birth the concept of the gathering. “I saw a big need in this community for the passing-on of skills and passing-on of knowledge, and I saw a lot of hunger within the community for learning a lot of these land-based skills,” she says. For others, though, she says, the goal is more relationaloriented than skills-oriented. “People get to know each other and make connections at Firefly,” she says. The personal connections forged at the gathering are what Salzano says distinguish it from traditional festivals. “There’s kind of that festival feeling, you know,” Salzano explains, “but it’s not a festival. It’s not a big, crazy music festival where you have this feeling of being surrounded by strangers and you’re being entertained.” And nobody leaves the gathering empty-handed, Salzano adds. “Whether it’s relationships or skills,” he says, “people are taking that stuff home with them.” X

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015




JunE 3 - JunE 11, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a frEE Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. frEE Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to or through our onLinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls CArolinA Poodle resCue 850-766-8734, • SA (6/6), 11am-3pm - Adoptions and information from this poodle rescue group. Free to attend. Held at Patton Avenue Pet Company, 109 Patton Ave.

Benefits AmeriCAn Business Women’s AssoCiAtion, • TU (6/9), 5:30pm - Tickets to this wine tasting and Susan Reinhardt book signing benefit the ABWA education fund scholarships. $45. Held at Burntshirt Vineyards, 2695 Sugarloaf Road, Hendersonville Boys & Girls CluB CeleBrAtion dinner 693-9444, • SA (6/6), 6-9pm - Proceeds from


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

famiLy fun timE: Billy Jonas, the Dan Keller Group, Hobey Ford, the Low-Down Sires and stephaniesid will all be performing at The Grey Eagle in a benefit show for Paws on ASD, an Asheville resource center for families with children on the autism spectrum. The benefit, held Sunday, June 7, also includes food and a silent auction. Photo of stephaniesid by Michael Oppenheim, courtesy of the band.

this dinner and annual celebration benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County. $150. Held at Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County, 1304 Ashe St., Hendersonville frAnny’s fArm fest 216-2836 • SA (6/6), noon - Proceeds from this music, beer and recreation festival benefit food Connection & Wildsouth. $25/$20 advance. Held at Franny’s Farm, 38 Came Sharp Road, Leicester Gem fun-rAiser PArty 424-8455 • SU (6/7), 4-6pm - Tickets to this auction and libations celebration benefit AAuW-Asheville’s local scholarship endowment. $50. Held in Fernihurst Hall at A-B Tech, 340 Victoria Road J11 dAnCe PArty & Pie AuCtion 917-628-8274 • TH (6/11), 9pm - Donations gathered at the event benefit eco-anarchist prisoners marius mason and

eric mcdavid. Admission by donation; suggested: $10-$40. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road PAWsAroo 775-8622, • SU (6/7), 3-7pm - Tickets to this live music performance benefit Paws on Asd, a resource center for families with children on the autism spectrum. $25 families/ $15/ $12 advance. Held at Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern, 185 Clingman Ave.

Business & teCHnoloGy 3 montHs to monetiZe your mission: Business trAininG (pd.) Want to grow/start your business in record time? Join us to quickly go from where you are now to earning more money doing what you love. • Starts June 13, 2015. Spaces limited. • Pre-registration required:

A-B teCH smAll Business Center 398-7950, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (6/4), 10am-noon - “Starting a Better Business,” seminar. Held at RiverLink, 170 Lyman St. • TU (6/9), 2-4pm - “Department of Revenue: Business Essentials,” seminar. Held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler Venture AsHeVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - “One Million Cups of Coffee,” weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Free to attend. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

ClAsses, meetinGs & eVents 3 montHs to monetiZe your mission: Business trAininG (pd.) Want to grow/start your business in record time? Join us

to quickly go from where you are now to earning more money doing what you love. • Starts June 13, 2015. Spaces limited. • Pre-registration required: nys3’s WeeK of free WorKsHoPs (pd.) In Acting, Dance, Filmmaking, Improv and Voiceover and begins June 8! Learn from award-winning faculty. Train, create, evolve, get work. Register at; (828) 276-1212; run for Kids’ sAKe (pd.) 10 Mile/5K Off Road Run. Saturday, June 13th 8:30 at Warren Wilson College. Register online under upcoming event at AsHeVille mAKers, • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Meetup & makerspace open house for makers, tinkerers, artists, etc. Free to attend. Held at

OpenSpace Asheville, 285 Haywood Road AsHeVille Women in BlACK • 1st FRIDAYS, 5pm - Monthly peace vigil. Free. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square. BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/3), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, for all skill levels. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TU (6/9), 5:30pm - Presentation on Appalachian Bear Rescue and what to do when encountering bears up-close. Held at West Asheville Public Library, 942 Haywood Road • WE (6/10), 6pm - “Asheville 100 Years Ago,” multimedia presentation. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

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HendersonVille sister Cities • TU (6/9), 6pm - “Costa Rica, coast to coast,” cultural presentation. Free. Held at Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville HendersonVille Wise Women 693-1523 • 1st WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville Hillside d&d enCounters hillsidednd • WEDNESDAYS, 6-9pm - Weekly ongoing fantasy campaign with the new edition. Free. Held at Hillside Games, 611C Tunnel Road lAurel CHAPter of tHe emBroiderers’ Guild of AmeriCA • TH (6/4), 9:30am Monthly meeting. Free. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe moVe to Amend of BunComBe County 299-1242, movetoamend. org/nc-asheville • MO (6/8), 7pm - General meeting. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. ontrACK WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • THURSDAYS (6/4) & (6/18), noon-1pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” workshop. • TU (6/9), 5:30-7pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” workshop. restorAtiVe CirCles ConferenCe 669-1965, • TH (6/4) through SU (6/7) - Workshops and discussion on community dialogue. Admission by donation; does not include room and board. Contact for full schedule. Held at Earthaven Ecovillage, 5 Consensus Circle, Black Mountain

• FR (6/5), 7:30pm Conflict resolution practice. Free. Held at Odyssey Community School, 90 Zillicoa St. tArHeel PieCemAKers Quilt CluB tarheelpiecemakers. • WE (6/10), 10am-noonMonthly meeting. Free to attend. Held at Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville touCHstones disCussion ProJeCt 200-2953, • SUNDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm Workshop on collaborative skills and group dynamics. Free. Registration required. Held at White Pine Acupuncture, 247 Charlotte St. WnC CArVers 665-8273, • SA (6/6), 9:30am-3pm - Beginning woodworking class. $35. Held at Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop, 270 Rutledge Road, Fletcher WnC Knitters And CroCHeters for otHers 575-9195 • MO (6/8), 7-9pm - All skill levels welcome. Free. Held at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3070 Sweeten Creek Road WnC PoKémon leAGue WNCPokemon • SATURDAYS, 4-8pm Video and card games for players of all ages. Free to attend. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road

dAnCe studio ZAHiyA, doWntoWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 5pm Bhangra Wkt 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Friday 8am Hip Hop Wrkt

• Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 11am Hip Hop • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 soutHern liGHts sQuAre And round dAnCe CluB 697-7732, • SA (6/6), 6pm - With guest caller Pam Courts. Free. Held at Whitmire Activity Center, 310 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville



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eCo AsHeVille CitiZens’ ClimAte loBBy • SA (6/6), 12:30-3pm Monthly meeting. Free. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (6/9), 2pm - Lecture and walking tour on the history of the Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.


PollinAtion CeleBrAtion! • TH (6/11), 4-7pm - Launch party for BeeCity USA’s Pollinator Week with live music and libations. Held at Renaissance Asheville Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. solAriZe WnC 631-3447, • WE (6/10), 7pm - Solar energy adoption forum. Free. Held at Hudson Library, 554 Main St., Highlands WnC sierrA CluB 251-8289, • WE (6/3), 7pm Discussion of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan mandate. Free to attend. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place • TH (6/4), 5:30pm - Clean energy activist training session. Free. Held at WNC Sierra Club Office, 45 Wall St. ste. 709

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

community caLEndar














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

fArm & GArden GArdens tHAt GiVe WnC, • SA (6/6), 8am-noon Self-guided public garden tour of donation gardens. Contact for locations. $5.

festiVAls Air fAir At tHe museum 698-2482, • SA (6/6) & SU (6/7), 10am5pm - Open house, antique aircraft, flybys and memorabilia. Free to attend. Held at WNC Air Museum, 1340 Gilbert St., Hendersonville BreVArd Blues n’ BBQ festiVAl • FR (6/5) & SA (6/6), 4-11pm- Includes food and live blues music. Fri.: $20 & Sat.: $30. Held at Brevard Music Center, 349 Andante Lane, Brevard

Farms, food and fun

what: Franny’s Farm Fest whEn: Saturday, June 6, noon whErE: 38 Came Sharp Road, Leicester why: Stopping food waste, easing hunger in our communities and protecting our natural resources — these are the goals that the 3rd Annual Franny’s Farm Fest aims to benefit this weekend by supporting the missions of Food Connection and WildSouth. “We chose this focus because we were looking to join forces with others in the area doing good. And because farms thrive on local visits, we wanted to do something local. That’s why we joined forces with Food Connection and WildSouth,” says volunteer buzz durham. “Being on a local farm excites the country boy in me.” Music begins at 3 p.m., and will feature a variety of local acts, including Folk Soul Revival, Red


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

Honey, Leigh Glass, David Earle and the Plowshares, The Bread & Butter Band and The Buchanan Boys. While enjoying the tunes, guests can peruse an array of outdoor recreational outfitters — Eagle Nest Outfitters, Zen Tubing, Second Gear, Curtis Wright Outfitters, Asheville Outdoor Center and others — in addition to other local vendors who are donating a portion of their proceeds to the benefit. Local food truck Farm to Fender will also be on hand providing local eats, including breakfast on Sunday morning for overnight campers. Day passes to the family friendly festival are $20 in advance, $25 at the gate. Camping costs $10 per camper, and camping is encouraged. All proceeds from ticket prices will help Food Connection donate surplus food to local charitable organizations for distribution, and help WildSouth preserve land for public use. For more information, contact the farm at 216-2836 or visit frannysfarm. com. — Michael McDonald

mermAids in mArsHAll, 262-3476 • FR (6/5), 5:30-11pm Sponsored by Downtown Marshall Association. Includes costumes, live music and a parade of mermaids. Free to attend. Held in downtown Marshall.

GoVernment & PolitiCs BunComBe County rePuBliCAn Women’s CluB 243-6590 • WE (6/10), noon - Picnic lunch with speaker Tami Fitzgerald. $5. Held at Governor’s Western Residence, 45 Patton Mountain Road tArHeel teA PArty • MO (6/8), 6:30-8pm - Town Hall-style event with Rev. Rafael Cruz. Free. Held at Skyland Fire Department, 9 Miller Road, Skyland

Kids youtH filmmAKinG CAmP (pd.) At NYS3 with awardwinning filmmakers begins

next month! One and two week camps begin June 15; progression will be offered again beginning August 3. Register:; (828) 276-1212; CrAdle of forestry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, • THURSDAYS (6/11) through (8/6), 10:30-noon & 1:30-3pm - “Woodsy Owl’s Curiosity Club,” outdoor-oriented activity exploring forest-related themes. For ages 4-7. $4. first leGo leAGue roBotiCs teAm 258-2038 • WEDNESDAYS, 3-5:30pm - All boys and girls ages 10-14 welcome. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. Kids’ ACtiVities At tHe liBrAries governing/depts/library • WE (6/3), 11am - Bounce ’n’ Books, movement-based storytime. Free. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview sPellBound CHildren’s BooKsHoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free.

outdoors Blue ridGe PArKWAy rAnGer ProGrAms 295-3782, Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (6/6), 7pm - “Dinosaurs and the Blue Ridge Mountains.” Held at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316 Blue Ridge Parkway • SA (6/6), 7pm “Wilderness Skills: Get Lost in the Woods.” Held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 Blue Ridge Parkway friends of tHe smoKies 452-0720, • TU (6/9) - ’Classic Hike of the Smokies,’ with author Danny Bernstein. $35 non-members. Registration required.

PuBliC leCtures BlACK mountAin ColleGe museum & Arts Center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • WE (6/10), 7:30pm - “The Founding of the Farm at Black Mountain College.” Free.

sPirituAlity ABout tHe trAnsCendentAl meditAtion teCHniQue: free introduCtory leCture (pd.) The most effective meditation is also the most effortless. Learn how TM is different from other meditation practices (including common “mantra” methods). TM is a simple, natural, non-religious technique for going beyond the busy, active mind to access your deepest inner reserves of calm, clarity and happiness — dissolving stress and connecting you to your higher self. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. NIH-sponsored research shows deep revitalizing rest, reduced anxiety, improved brain functioning and heightened well-being. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or or AsHeVille insiGHt meditAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, Astro-CounselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAKen to AWAreness WorKsHoP (pd.) SA(6/6) 2-5p.m. Artist, Elise Okrend and husband, Life Coach, Phil use art and words from their book,

Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth to inspire passion and life vision. $45. Om Sanctuary. Register: www. messages-to-the-heart 919-621-1578. AWAKeninG Wisdom (pd.) Realize the promise of Zen meditation and mindfulness for peace, wisdom and everyday life effectiveness while experiencing true spiritual connection. Individual, group and telephone sessions available with consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Very affordable. For Info contact healing@billwalz. com, (828) 258-3241. Visit CrystAl Visions BooKs And eVent Center (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: eXPerienCe A HuG liKe no otHer! (pd.) Amma will hold free programs on June 28-29 at the GA International Convention Center in Atlanta. More info at atlanta. JUNE 7 • RECOGNIZE tHe ABundAnCe of sPirituAl lessons in your life (pd.) “The tests of Spirit are unlimited. They reach you through your personal experiences in a totally unique way that could not be appreciated by anyone else. Most people are not even aware of what is occurring. Yet, by the time you first realize that it might have been a test, you’ve covered considerable ground; you’ve become more aware. Eventually you get to the point where you recognize practically every test that is given to you.” • Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). • Sunday, June 7, 2015, 11am-12 Noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. (lower

level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. looKinG for Genuine sPirituAl GuidAnCe And HelP? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville, very close to Warren Wilson College. www.truththomas. org 828-299-4359 oPen HeArt meditAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017

sPoKen & Written Word BlACK mountAin ColleGe museum & Arts Center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • SA (6/6), 2pm - Ray Johnson discuss The Paper Snake. $5/free for members & students. • TH (6/11), 7:30pm Katherine Soniat discusses her book The GoodBye Animals and Kathryn Stripling Byers discusses her book The Vishnu Bird. $8/$5 members.

sHAmBHAlA meditAtion Center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120 • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Food, conversation and meditation. Free. • SUNDAYS, 10am-noon Sitting and walking meditation. Free.

BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/3), 3pm - Afternoon Book Club: Possession by A.S. Bryant. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • FR (6/5) & SA (6/6), 10am4pm - Friends of the Library used book sale. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • FR (6/5), 3:30pm - Young Novel Readers Club: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • SA (6/6), 1-3pm - Gloria Anderson discusses her book Beauty from My Ashes. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • MO (6/8), 10am-4pm Friends of the Library used book sale. Held at Skyland/ South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • TU (6/9), 1pm - Book Club: Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TH (6/11), 1pm - Afternoon Book Club: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview

st. mArK’s lutHerAn CHurCH 10 North Liberty St., 253-0043 • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - “A Service for Service,” service-industry worship.

GrAteful stePs 159 S Lexington Ave., 277-0998, • SA (6/6), 6pm - Annalise Bernadette discusses her book Dreams of Sand. Free.

serenity insiGHt meditAtion (pd.) A Burmese monk leads authentic Buddhist insight meditation, grounded in 40 years of practice. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am; • Mondays and Wednesdays, 6pm-7pm. (828) 298-4700. GrACe lutHerAn CHurCH 693-4890 • MO (6/8), 6:30pm - “Beer and Hymns,” a singing and drinking event. Free to attend. Held at The Poe House, 105 First Ave, Hendersonville om sAnCtuAry 87 Richmond Hill Drive, 252-7313, • SA (6/6), 11am-4pm - “Human Health and Connection to Nature,” open house and silent auction. Admission by donation.

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


community caLEndar

mAlAProP’s BooKstore And CAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/3), 1pm - Autism Book Club: The Asperkid’s Secret Book of Social Rules by Jennifer Cooke O’Toole. • WE (6/3), 7pm - Malaprop’s Book Club: The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne. • TH (6/4), 7pm - Normandi Ellis discusses her book Imagining the World into Existence. • FR (6/5), 7pm - Robert Morgan discusses his book Dark Energy. • SA (6/6) 7pm - YA panel with Becky Albertalli, Jasmine Warga and Aisha Saeed. • SU (6/7), 3pm - POETRIO, readings and signings by three poets. • MO (6/8), 7pm - Jennifer Bean Bower discusses her book North Carolina Aviatrix Viola Gentry: The Flying Cashier. • MO (6/8), 7pm - Mystery Book Club: Learning to Swim by Sara Henry.


• TU (6/9), 7pm - Alan Gratz discusses his book The Dragon Lantern. • WE (6/10), 7pm - John Connell discusses his book Ruins of War. • WE (6/10), 7pm - Salon: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (6/11), 7pm - Michelle Miller discusses her book The Underwriting.

tHomAs Wolfe sHort story BooK CluB

mountAins BrAnCH liBrAry 287-6392, • TU (6/9), 11:30am - Books and Bites Series: Peter Barr discusses his book Hiking North Carolina’s Lookout Towers. $25. Held at Lake Lure Inn and Spa, 2771 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure

Prison BooKs/ trAnZmission BoooKs 348-7615 • TH (6/11), 3-5:30pm - Open house and volunteer work day. Held at Downtown Books & News, 67. N. Lexington Ave.

sPellBound CHildren’s BooKsHoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SU (6/7), 4pm - ROYAL Book Club: Sekret by Lyndsay Smith. Free.

253-8304, • TH (6/11), 5:30-7pm “Boomtown.” Discussion led by Michael Sartisky. Free. Held at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St.


sAndHill Community GArden 58 Apac Circle, 250-4260 • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm & SATURDAYS, 9-11am Volunteers are needed to help with growing produce for donation in this nonprofit community garden. For more volunteering opportunities, visit

Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve

Find local standup comedy info at • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer

Keeping it Unreal Since 2002

asheville disclaimer


Asheville parents seek to change their children’s End-of-Grade Testing, which currently requires an encyclopedic knowledge of all facts known to human race WNC deputies to get autism training, starting with Asperger’s syndrome, and how to engage in lengthy, highly informed conversations about trains or dinosaurs New report praises potential of the drug ecstasy as PTSD treatment, acknowledges effectiveness of cocaine in treating cash windfall

Al Qaeda job app Items found in Osama Bin Laden’s home following his death are finally being revealed to the public, including a recovered job application for Al Qaeda. Questions from the document include:

0-to-3 months: Background check finally completed.

Future former APD chief Tammy Hooper

4-to-6 months: Unable to find affordable housing and sick of living out of patrol car. 7-to-9 months: Shoots a bear in the face and posts images on Instagram.

• Are you a team jihadist?

13-to-15 months: After Pubcycle collides with fuel truck, chief is forced to shoot the riders who are engulfed in flames when they run toward new hotel construction.

• Do you have any physical limitation that would prevent you from repeatedly kneeling or from lifting 50 pounds of explosives? • You just witnessed a coworker brazenly exposing her ankle from under a burqa. What should you do?

• Do you have any special scheduling needs that would prevent you from indiscriminately killing innocent bystanders? • In the event of an organizational setback, are you willing to forego 40 afterlife virgins in lieu of three divorcees and a stack of dirty magazines?

• What percentage of your biweekly paycheck would you direct toward your Al 401K-da?

Asheville, MondAy — After hiring its third police chief in four years, citizens are excited to learn how long Chief Tammy Hooper will last. Here are some projections, with probable causes of departure:

10-to-12 months: Officer morale plummets as each officer realizes she is doing a fine job and they will never be chief.

• Tell us about a problem at your last job that you solved using terrorism.

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

City of Asheville vows to hire new police chief yearly ‘until we get it close to right’

• Who do you see yourself terrorizing in five years? • Do you have prior experience as a suicide bomber?


16-to-18 months: Finally reads the stall wall in the men’s bathroom and Tasers several captains. 19-to-21 months: Makes off-color joke during press conference about tri-sexual, non-gendered quartz worshippers without realizing that offends nearly half of Asheville’s population. 22-to-24 months: When her name comes up in the rotation, the new chief’s code of honor won’t allow her to ride a Segway on patrol. 25 months: City forces her to resign just out of habit. Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve











crimE doEs pay When officials in Richmond, Calif., learned in 2009 that 70 percent of the city’s murders and firearms assaults were directly linked to 17 people, they decided on a bold program: to pay off those 17 to behave themselves. For a budget of about $1.2 million a year, the program offers individual coaching, health care coverage and several hundred dollars a month in stipends to former thugs who stick to their “life map” of personal goals and conflictresolution training. According to an April report on National Public Radio’s “This American Life,” Richmond is no longer among the most dangerous towns in America, with the murder rate in fact having fallen from its all-time yearly high of 62 to 11 last year. can’t possibLy bE truE One might believe that a 6thgrader, suspended for a whole year after school officials found a “marijuana” leaf in his backpack, might be immediately un-suspended if authorities (after three field tests) found the leaf was neither marijuana nor anything else illegal. Not, however, at Bedford Middle School in Roanoke, Va., whose officials said they had acted on gossip that students called the leaf “marijuana,” and therefore under the state schools’ “lookalike-drug” policy, the 6th-grader was just as guilty as if the leaf were real. Formerly a high-achiever student, he has, since last September, suffered panic attacks and is under the care of a pediatric psychiatrist, and his parents filed a federal lawsuit in February. thE Job of rEsEarchEr Biologist regine gries of Canada’s Simon Fraser University devotes every Saturday to letting about 5,000 bedbugs suck blood from her arm — part of research by Gries and her biologist-husband gerhard to develop a pheromone-based “trap” that can lure the bugs from infested habitats like bedding. (She estimates having been bitten 200,000 times since





by Chuck Shepherd

the research began, according to a May Wired magazine report.) Regine holds each mesh-topped jar of bugs against her arm for about 10 minutes each (which Gerhard cannot do because he is allergic) — leading, of course, to hours of itchiness and swelling in the name of progress.

Check Out


thE continuing crisis The three gentle grammar pedants (one an environmental lawyer calling himself “Agente Punto Final,” i.e., “Agent Period”) devoted to ridding Quito, Ecuador, of poorly written street graffiti, have been patrolling the capital since November 2014, identifying misplaced commas and other atrocities and making sneaky corrective raids with spray paint. punto final told The Washington Post in March that he acts out of “moral obligation” — that “punctuation matters, commas matter, accents matter.” As police take vandalism seriously in Quito, the three must act stealthily, in hoodies and ski masks, with one always standing lookout. suspicions confirmEd Almost half of the DNA collected from a broad swath of the New York City subway system matched no known organism, and less than 1 percent was human. Weill Cornell Medical College researchers announced in February that they had identified much DNA by swabbing passenger car and station surfaces, finding abundant matches to beetles and flies (and even traces of inactive anthrax and bubonic plague) but that since so few organisms have been fully DNA sequenced, there was no cause for alarm. The lead researcher fondly compared the bacteria-teeming subway to a “rain forest,” deserving “awe and wonder” that “there are all these species” that so far cause humans relatively little harm.

rEad daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



Hike to help A.T. hiker raises money for Alzheimer’s program

by susan fostEr

Johnny morris set out from Springer Mountain, Ga., on March 2, hiking the Appalachian Trail to raise money for MemoryCare, an Asheville nonprofit founded by his mother, dr. margaret noel. So far, the 23-year-old Asheville native has raised nearly $17,000 to help the nonprofit care for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers. “I had the idea to hike for MemoryCare, and people could donate based on miles hiked if they wanted to,” says Morris. “It’s been a great way to give to an organization that I have a deep connection with and that I sincerely believe needs it.” No other organization provides the services that MemoryCare does, he says. “More and more people find out about them and decide they are a one-of-a-kind organization.” MemoryCare provides comprehensive services to caregivers as well as patients with memory impairments. It involves caregivers in every office visit and engages more than three caregivers for each patient, says Noel. The idea was to “develop a model that would uphold the dignity of persons with dementia, who are too often neglected by our fractured health care system, and incorporate their caregivers into the evaluation and management process,” says Noel. “Failure to do so leads to delayed diagnosis, poor management and great frustration among caregivers.” The integrated model of care provided by MemoryCare, she adds, helps patients stay in their homes longer, which saves money in medical care. Noel notes that her son’s hike has brought Alzheimer’s disease awareness to a younger generation.


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

famiLy affair: Johnny Morris is thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail to raise money for MemoryCare, a local nonprofit founded by his mother, Margaret Noel, to help families struggling with Alzheimer’s. Photo courtesy of MemoryCare

“If you look at our Facebook page, we’ve gone from 20 people checking in to almost 300 followers,” she says. “It’s made a big difference. It’s brought awareness to people who probably don’t realize how this is impacting their parents and their grandparents and will impact them at some point.” Morris says he enjoys having conversations with other hikers on the trail who may not know much about Alzheimer’s. “It’s interesting to see who knows what Alzheimer’s is and who doesn’t,” he says. “It’s nice to be able to explain to them why I’m doing it and why Alzheimer’s disease and caring for those who have it is so pertinent and relevant. “A lot of people think it’s way off in the distance, that it’s an obscure disease that only old people get, which is not really true,” he adds. “It’s not a disease just for people 70 plus. It’s a disease that can

affect people as early as their 40s or 50s. It’s a devastating disease, and there’s no cure for it.” Morris admits that, growing up, he was influenced by his mother and her work with Alzheimer’s. “Obviously my mother has been deeply rooted in MemoryCare, and by extension I have been too. It’s been table conversation for a long time, as early as I can remember. I’ve helped out volunteering, and I recently led a skills class with my mother and another teacher. I’ve definitely had a connection with the organization. For me this hike is as much about me as it is about doing good for it.” Noel echoes her son’s recollections about the influence of her work: “He has watched this organization from its beginning. … We’re 15 years old, and he’s 23. From the time he’s been aware of my work,

it has always been with older adults who had cognitive disorders.” She believes the influence has carried over into his choice of physical therapy as a career. In the fall Morris will start a graduate program in physical therapy at Western Carolina University. “He’s obviously going to work with a number of older adults. If you think 1 in 9 people over 65 have dementia, and 1 in 3 over 85, this will be a population he’ll work with closely,” she says. “I think she’s a great person,” Morris says about his mother, adding that she’s been a role model to him. But as much as his hike is about honoring the work of his mother and his connection to her, it’s about creating his own path. “I’m at that point where it’s time for me to do my own thing and fly the coop. Both she and my dad are getting used to that,” he says. “I’m really out on my own now. I think the time I chose to hike the A.T. is significant and meaningful for me. I’m at this juncture where it’s up to me to decide what I do and who I become.” Noel acknowledges she has had reservations about him being out on the trail. “As a mom, I can imagine all kinds of things. I’ve worried about him being alone, getting Lyme disease and losing weight,” she says. “But you watch your child grow and become mature. I’ve seen him become more competent and confident. He’s developed a strong love for the outdoors, for challenging himself physically and developing the strength of endurance.” Even though Morris has undertaken the hike to support MemoryCare, he has done so without any support from the organization. Noel notes that when he decided to do the hike, he wrote a pledge letter, and MemoryCare publicized it. “But otherwise we’re not helping him. He went out and got his own sponsors for equipment,” Noel says. “But I do bake brownies and send him care packages as a mom.” So far Morris has raised $16,600 in donations and pledges on his

hike. Noel says the total amount will provide care for 33 patients and 99 caregivers for a year. “The goal is $20,000,” says Morris, “but Memory Care will need an additional $11,000 by July 1 to satisfy its annual operational budget.” Morris says he still hopes to be able to raise the extra amount needed to close the gap. At this point Morris has hiked about 3/4 of the 2,189mile trail. He expects to hit the Mount Greylock area in Massachusetts this week and plans to finish the trail by mid-July in order to be ready for his physical-therapy program in August. Morris says that having the commitment to the cause of Alzheimer’s has made the hike easier. “I’ve received support from so many people. I know that when they donate, it’s because I’m hiking,” he says. “And with every mile, whenever the going gets tough, it’s a great thing to have in the back of my mind — that people are out there supporting me and watching the posts that I update. People care, and that’s a rewarding thing to be a part of.” X morE info For more information on MemoryCare and its mission, visit To follow Morris’ journey, go to And to donate to MemoryCare through Morris’ thru-hike, visit

Alzheimer’s facts for 2015 •Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. • It's the only cause of death in the top 10 in America that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed. • Almost 2/3 of Americans with Alzheimer's are women. • One in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or another type of dementia. • Every 67 seconds someone in the U.S. develops the disease. • An estimated 5.3 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's. • Only 45 percent of people with Alzheimer's report being told of their diagnosis, compared with 90 percent of people with the four most common types of cancer. • In 2015, Alzheimer's and other dementias will cost the nation $226 billion. By 2050, these costs could rise as high as $1.1 trillion. • Although there are more non-Hispanic whites living with Alzheimer's and other dementias than people of any other racial or ethnic group in the U.S., African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely than whites to have Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. • Nearly 60 percent of caregivers rate the stress of caregiving as very high and about 40 percent suffer from depression. The physical and emotional toll of caregiving collectively costs about $10 billion per year in the U.S.

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


wELLnEss caLEndar

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald


suPPort GrouPs

life of enerGy retreAts— WitH AdVenture (pd.) Experience and learn about alternative health methods for the body. I.P. Yoga, Meditation, Emotion Code, Nutrition Awareness, and more. Energize and free yourself from pain. Enjoy a mountain retreat with added adventure: zip line! First of three sessions, August 28-30. Register: seCrets of nAturAl WAlKinG (pd.) Workshop June 6 from 9-5pm. to register. Call 828-215-6033. Proper alignment = healthy joints, energized body, calm minds. Walking is our heart’s song of gratitude. AsHeVille Community yoGA Center 8 Brookdale Road, • THURSDAYS, (6/4) until (6/25), 6-7:30pm - “Yoga for Trauma,” workshop series. $40. mission HeAltH 509 Biltmore Ave. • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS, 3-4:30pm - PERKS Knee Class, preoperative preparation. Held on orthopedic unit. Free. sWAnnAnoA liBrAry 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa, 250-6486 • WE (6/10), 6:30pm - “Breaking the Patterns that Hold Us,” psychological health presentation. Free.

Adult CHildren of AlCoHoliCs & dysfunCtionAl fAmilies • Visit for full listings. Al-Anon/ AlAteen fAmily GrouPs 800-286-1326, • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit support. AlCoHoliCs Anonymous • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or AsHeVille Women for soBriety 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. AsPerGer’s teens united • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. BrAinstormer’s ColleCtiVe 254-0507, • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Led by brain injury survivors for brain injury survivors and supporters. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road

CHroniC PAin suPPort 989-1555, • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6 pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. CodePendents Anonymous 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8pm – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. deBtors Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. dePression And BiPolAr suPPort AlliAnCe 367-7660, • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road eleCtrosensitiVity suPPort • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact or 255-3350. emotions Anonymous 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road food AddiCts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Ave. GAmBlers Anonymous • THURSDAYS, 6:45pm - 12-step meeting. Held at Basillica of St. Lawrence, 97 Haywood St.

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life limitinG illness suPPort GrouP 386-801-2606 • TUESDAYS, 6:30-8pm - For adults managing the challenges of life limiting illnesses. Free. Held at Secrets of a Duchess, 1439 Merrimon Ave. liVinG WitH CHroniC PAin 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa memory loss CAreGiVers • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Held at Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain men WorKinG on life’s issues 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location. nAr-Anon fAmily GrouPs • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness 505-7353, • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Connection group. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - Family/ caregiver

group. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am - For family members and caregivers of those with mental illness. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. • 2nd MONDAYS, 11am - Connection group for individuals dealing with mental illness. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. oVerComers of domestiC ViolenCe 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler oVerComers reCoVery suPPort GrouP • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road oVereAters Anonymous • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit mountainx. com/support for full listings. reCoVerinG CouPles Anonymous • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road s-Anon fAmily GrouPs 258-5117, • For those affected by another’s sexual behavior. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. sHiftinG GeArs 683-7195 • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Group-sharing for those in transition in careers or relationships. Contact for location. smArt reCoVery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sunrise Peer suPPort Volunteer serViCes • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sylVA Grief suPPort • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.H.e. Center for disordered eAtinG 337-4685, • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. undereArners Anonymous • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


g R E E N


At the turn of the tide Heroic beetles join the battle for the hemlocks

by hayLEy bEnton

When richard mcdonald exits his Seattle hotel, he carries a large, black-and-yellow umbrella, even when the forecast calls for sunny skies. Though he may be fresh off a flight from Western North Carolina, the entomologist will quickly shake off any jet lag in the misty morning air. After 61 trips to Washington in the last nine years, he has this down to a routine. When the dew lifts, McDonald will tread through mossy underbrush in and around the city, knocking on branches with a bamboo stick and collecting an ensuing shower of beetles into his upside-down umbrella. Carefully, he’ll twirl it from black panel to yellow and back to black again — searching for small black beetles, Laricobius nigrinus — Lari, for short, and their white larvae. Sucking the beetles into an aspirator, he’ll steadily click-clickclick his thumb against a tally counter, counting each bug as it passes into the chamber. “In my life, I never thought I would do anything that’s important

like this,” McDonald says. “It’s a story of hope. Actually, it’s even beyond hope. We’re resurrecting the hemlock ecosystem. We’ve turned the tides.” Often referred to as Dr. McBug, the Watauga County resident has dedicated more than 15 years to saving the Carolina and Eastern hemlocks from extinction. The key to their survival, he says, lies in the Pacific Northwest. “We needed this initiative 10 years ago,” McDonald says. “But the battle’s almost over. It’s like we’ve got Gandalf back on our side, and now we’re going to go kick ass.” In the early 1950s, an invasive, sap-sucking insect, the hemlock woolly adelgid, was unintentionally introduced to the East Coast, suspected to have arrived on horticultural imports from Asia. In their native environment, McDonald notes, adelgid populations are controlled by natural predators and can stimulate the tree, prune its needles and “make it a little tougher.” But this wasn’t the case for the Southern Appalachians. Once the aphidlike insect made its way South, where milder winters and a lack of natural predators allow a yearlong population, the path of destruction “spread much faster than anyone thought it would,” says sarah sheeran, stewardship associate at Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. The adelgid systematically eradicated millions of hemlocks in the

forEst of thE dEad: Multitudes of Appalachian-native hemlocks have been turning up dead and bare, sucked dry by an invasive, non-native insect. But in the last 15 years, entomologists have discovered, captured and released a beetle that may be the key to the hemlocks’ survival. Creative commons image

region, turning once-thriving trees into bare, skeletonlike silhouettes. The National Park Service estimates that in some areas, including the Blue Ridge Parkway and Shenandoah National Park, around 80 percent of the hemlocks have died due to infestation. Not only was the hemlocks’ disappearance

devastating from a visual standpoint, it also meant the threat of ecological imbalance. The hemlocks “grow on stream corridors, providing very dense shade, which is important for water quality,” Sheeran explains. “[They] keep the water temperatures cool, which favors species like the brook

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

trout, our only native trout species. If the hemlock goes, there’s really nothing else like it that fills that ecological niche.” Those studying the hemlocks, including himself, McDonald explains, “were operating under three misconceptions: The hemlock woolly adelgid was native [only] to Asia, there were no effective predators in the U.S. and that the hemlocks were doomed.” Initial (and ongoing) efforts in the ‘80s and ‘90s looked to Asia for a solution, seeking something in nature that would serve as a proper adversary to the ever-advancing pest. But around 1997, McDonald says entomologists realized the hemlock woolly adelgid is also native to the Pacific Northwest, where it has its own set of effective predators — including Laricobius nigrinus. McDonald quickly realized that he and his colleagues could go out West to collect beetles more efficiently than through an expensive trip to Asia or via reproduction in a lab. With that revelation, the race was on. “We were discovering this while the house was on fire,” McDonald says. “It was a mad scramble; nobody was going to save our trees except us.” In 2006, McDonald flew out to Seattle, collecting 3,586 beetles in a single sweep. “A lab would produce that many beetles in a year,” he explains. “But we’re trying to solve problems in real time, trying to save as many trees as quickly as possible. I chained myself to the hemlocks, man. But in a different way — in a scientific way.” A few years later, McDonald determined that the adelgid had another West Coast predator, a sesame seed-sized beetle called Scymnus coniferarum. While Laricobius takes care of the adelgid in winter, this second predator picks up the slack in summer. In the last decade, McDonald estimates he’s collected 80,000 beetles from the Pacific Northwest. Meanwhile, the beetles he’s brought back to WNC continue to reproduce and their larva consume adelgid eggs. “By 2009, our trees [on Grandfather Mountain] quit dying,” he says. “That was six years ago. When you look at our trees, people are stunned.” More than 14,000 beetles have been released at that site, McDonald notes, and the observant eye can spot them easily enough. “That’s a 6,000-foot tall mountain,

and when the winds get high, those beetles blow all over the place,” he says. “It’s like a beetle volcano.” So far, it seems this strategy is working. In fact, the evidence in support of predatory beetles “is pretty compelling,” says Sheeran. “The foliage is rebounding, and the trees are responding positively with new growth,” she notes. “Biological control can make some people nervous. And while there are some instances of biological control gone bad, this one feeds exclusively on the woolly adelgid.” Currently, McDonald supplies beetles to government agencies, community groups and even individuals for $5 per beetle, a rate that covers travel to and from Seattle for McDonald and his team. Everybody on the East Coast wants beetles, McDonald says — including Buncombe County. At a May 19 meeting, Buncombe County agreed to purchase 5,000 Lari beetles in the county’s next fiscal year, starting July 1. The nonprofits WNC











Communities and MountainTrue will administer the release and monitor the beetles, reporting back to the county on their progress. At the meeting, MountainTrue biologist Josh Kelly said the only way to guarantee an individual tree’s survival is with chemical treatment. But when talking about an entire forest, “this predator-prey realtionship ... is the bridge to the future.”

From McDonald’s perspective, the region is already seeing some beautiful progress. “This beetle spans, [in patches], from the border of Virginia all the way to Mars Hill,” he says. If you want to see the difference these little insects are making, he adds, just look to the trees. “If I’m a little bummed out, all I have to do is go for a drive, see hemlocks, and I’m just like, ‘Woo-hoo!’ We did it!” X


FARM & GARDEN SECTION HAS EXPANDED! introducing. . . Gardens That Give WNC, a volunteer network of donation gardens, will hold its second annual garden tour on Saturday, June 6. The selfguided tour runs from 8 a.m. to noon and includes seven gardens throughout Buncombe County as well as Hendersonville. Participating locations include the Lord’s Acre in Fairview, the Sandhill Community Garden in West Asheville, the Dr. John Wilson Community Garden in Black Mountain and Veterans’ Healing Farm in Hendersonville. Admission to the tour is a suggested donation of $5, which will go toward funding the start of a new donation garden. For locations and more information, visit X

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

by margarEt wiLLiams

From homemade country sausage to a rice bowl flavored with an Indonesian-style gado-gado sauce, Enka-Candler’s evolving food scene proves that good eats go best with a big helping of community, history and heart. Consider this sampling: the Miami Restaurant, with its half-century of history; the Artisan Café and Coffee House, the new kid on the block that tilts toward upscale; and the familystyle Highway 151 Restaurant (call it “Kim and Donovan’s” if you want to sound like a local). “Simple food; nothing fancy,” says Miami owner hercules “rocco” papazahariou. “I fix what I like to eat — traditional with a twist,” notes Artisan owner Kris paxton. “Family-style,” says marshall ayers, who’s filling in for his dad at Highway 151 when I drop by. “Come and sit down and see people. Chances are, you know the folks in the next booth.” Nonlocals, though, might easily miss out on Enka-Candler’s good food. Drive down the Smoky Park Highway and the most visible eateries are the same ones that could be found anywhere: Sonic, Zaxby’s, McDonald’s. But west of Interstate 40’s Exit 44, there’s not a Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Olive Garden or other big national chain in sight, though you will find a J&S Cafeteria, a California-style Mexican grill (Botanas & Beer) and a coffee house (Rejavanation) in the community’s biggest shopping center, near Asbury Road. Down the way, tucked in near a fence company and a few vacant buildings, sits Cruizers, the race

history: Miami Restaurant (and its historic sign) started in the early 1950s and lives on as a neighborhood favorite. Photos by Margaret Williams

car-themed home of the best milkshakes in town (not to mention the Cruizer Challenge: Can you down a 48-ounce burger in less than 34 minutes, the current record?). For a family-style, sit-down dinner, turn off the main drag at Highway 151 (the Pisgah Highway). In less than a block, you’ll find Kim and Donovan’s, a lunch-and-dinner restaurant that advertises steak, seafood, pasta and burgers. Ayers describes both the food and décor as “down-home,” with meat-and-vegetable combos every day, a “world famous” taco salad, frequent specials like shrimp and grits, and classic desserts (think peach cobbler). A sign near the list of daily specials puts patrons on notice that there’s a $5 charge for whining. Marshall says his family’s been in the restaurant business at least 30 years, teasing his mother, who’s busy sweeping up after the lunch rush.

Kim ayers amends that estimate, though, noting that she and her husband met while working at Shoney’s but went out on their own around the time Marshall was born — about 24 years ago. More than a decade later, she explains, they bought the restaurant, whose history includes a brief spell as a pizza joint with more space devoted to pool tables than booths for diners. The Ayerses made more room for serving food, focusing on classic American fare. Their cheeseburger combo is one of the most popular items, notes Kim, but the grilled pork chops are the best thing on the menu. “You don’t need a knife to cut them,” she boasts. The Ayerses know how to get their grits thick and creamy while still keeping the grilled shrimp tender. And when I say I didn’t expect to get good shrimp in Candler, Marshall asks, “Why not?” His are cooked perfectly, perched atop a huge plate of cheesy grits sprinkled with bacon. It’s pure comfort food, a specialty of family restaurants everywhere. But, as Marshall observes, “There aren’t too many mom-and-pop restaurants left.” Like most of Candler’s eateries, Kim and Donovan’s relies on a local, lunchtime clientele. Leaf season brings an influx of tourists renting cabins up the Pisgah Highway,

which winds upward to the Blue Ridge Parkway and comes out near Mount Pisgah, says Kim. ‘artsy-fartsy fingEr food’ The demographics are different at the Artisan Café, which is located close to the nearly 600 newer homes spread around Biltmore Lake (Enka Lake to longtimers). It’s in a small shopping center, a few doors down from the local library and post office. There’s also a medical center and, coming soon, a hair salon. Later this year, a new mega-grocery store will be opening a half-mile away, across from A-B Tech’s Enka campus. All that activity brings customers to the Artisan and bodes well for the overall Enka-Candler food scene. “I didn’t want to be downtown,” says Paxton, who came to the Asheville area almost two years ago. “I wanted community.” The Denver native received her culinary training at Johnson & Wales University, but kids, life and work steered her into nursing, she says. Whenever Paxton had a “quiet place” in her life, though, she’d think about opening a restaurant. “And I’m one of those people who said, ‘I’m supposed to be in Asheville.’” Paxton decided to take over the former Mosaic Cafe space and grow her restaurant “based on what the community is looking for.” The modest breakfast menu includes classic deli fare like lox and bagels, but the “Artisan bowls” — grains, proteins, beans and sauce — are a big customer draw. The Gado Gado Goodness bowl and wrap are based on an Indonesian dish with a peanut sauce that a visiting Native American storyteller told her about, says Paxton, adding, “When a grandmother speaks, you listen.” Paxton describes her menu as traditional food “taken up a notch,” whether it’s the seared steak salad or the lighter fare that she whimsically calls “artsy-fartsy finger food”: a Parmesan-encrusted quesadilla; loaded French fries. Meanwhile, the catering arm of the business is growing so much that Paxton has backed off on staying open for dinner. And to further boost the sense of community, she offers up the Artisan as a meeting place for assorted groups, ranging from Clean Up Candler gatherings 70 N. LexiNgtoN aveNue 828.225.8880

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art and hEart: Kris Paxton’s Artisan Café feeds mind, body and spirit.

to a gaggle of home-birth mothers. Local artists display their work here, and musicians play most Saturdays. It’s all casual, says Paxton, whose blackboard notes that the Artisan feeds mind, body and spirit. “Just come and hang out and play.” She plans to let the business keep evolving, saying, “I want to have fun with what I’m doing and work with the community.” thE mEcca of candLEr Another Candler eatery has deeper roots. A half-century ago, the Hominy Valley Singing Grounds brought scores of hungry diners to the Miami Restaurant, Papazahariou explains. The diner sits at the back of a courtyard motel, opened in the early 1950s by a restaurateur who came to Candler by way of Miami — hence the name, the beach-style sign by the road and the palm trees on the menu. Never mind that only one letter in the 60-year-old sign still lights up, or that the motel has been closed since Hurricane Ivan flooded the property in 2004. At 9 a.m. on a Wednesday (three hours after the diner opens), the parking lot is full. “We’re the mecca of Candler,” Papazahariou jokes after the rush dies down. The 35-year-old Enka High School graduate says it’s true what folks up and down the Smoky Park Highway maintain: If you want breakfast in Candler, you’ve got to go to the Miami.

On a busy Saturday, he probably cracks 160 to 180 eggs an hour, he says. And his dad — who came to America from Greece long before Rocco was born — has probably made millions of biscuits, all cut out of homemade dough with a tin that’s been in the family for years. His mother, “Georgia” Papazahariou, makes the Miami’s tzatziki sauce using yogurt based on a culture her mother gave her. And they get their olive oil from family in Greece. The homemade sausage, though, gives a spicy, hint-of-sage nod to American food culture. And Rocco, who bought the place from his parents in 2009, cooks an over-easy egg to perfection. After all, he’s been in the kitchen, “cutting tomatoes” and whatnot since he was 6 years old. “All Greeks have restaurants, and Americans like to eat. We just take advantage,” he jokes. Meanwhile, the good food and camaraderie continue. A waitress sits down next to an older couple who look like regulars, saying, “OK, you wild things: You need some coffee first?” X

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for morE info miami restaurant: 1469 Smoky Park Highway, 665-1213 artisan café and coffee house: 1390 Sand Hill Road, 665-3800 highway 151 restaurant: 30 Pisgah Highway, 667-0477

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Krista L. White

The Block off biltmore A new vegan coffee shop and bar in the YMI Cultural Center focuses on celebrating diversity and honoring history

cam macQueen has a vision for the future of Asheville, and it includes stories, bar drinks and vegan food. Standing amid multicolored stained-glass windows, a hodgepodge of reclaimed furniture and a large heart-pine bar, MacQueen’s eyes sparkle as she talks about her vision for her new gathering space — The Block off biltmore. “This is an event concept bar,” she says. “We believe that Asheville is ready to support a unique, multicultural, progressive, vegan gathering spot for activists, artists, educators, community organizers and others to come together to socialize, to dream and to dare to create positive social change in Western North Carolina and beyond.” The space is in the historic YMI building on the corner of Eagle and Market streets downtown. Reminiscent of an Prohibitionera speakeasy with its cream and burgundy walls, vinyl club chairs, old church pews and dark brown circular tables, the bar and event center pays homage to the history of the building and its surrounding neighbors. The YMI, which is believed to be one of the oldest African American cultural center in the world, was built in 1893. According to the YMI’s website,

it was built “to provide an institution for the black construction workers employed at the Biltmore Estate to improve the moral fiber of the black male through education focusing on social, cultural, business and religious life.” “This bar is about telling the story of this space, of this block, of bringing people together, of unity through diversity and a place to gather and dialogue,” says MacQueen. She plans to do this by highlighting musicians, artists, authors, activists, thinkers, poets, filmmakers, students, dreamers and others in the space. “The Block off Biltmore’s regular events and welcoming atmosphere will amplify the mission of the YMI while always acknowledging the significance of The Block,” she says. MacQueen envisions mornings where people are conversing over laptops and enjoying the sunshine next to the large windows overlooking the street. By evening, patrons can expect to find happenings such as poetry slams, art shows, documentary viewings and music events. The bar, which is slated for a late June opening, will be open six days a week. Fair trade and shade-grown coffee, tea and cold-pressed juices will be available, and the bar will also feature artisan beers, sustainable wines, Buchi and classic craft cocktails. The bar will have its own specialty drinks, says MacQueen, but she is keeping the recipes a secret until opening day. MacQueen notes that The Block off biltmore will introduce a new concept to Asheville: It will be the city’s first

farm greens · nastur tium · appalachian mule · garlic scapes salted macadamia ice cream · chicken of the wood smashed avocado · gunpowder chutney · pickled turnip sassafras · loaded polenta · togarashi · grilled beets

165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 | 36

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

tELLing thE story: Accented with reclaimed furniture, wood and stained

glass, Cam MacQueen’s new vegan bar and coffee shop, The Block off biltmore, is designed to pay tribute to the historic YMI Cultural Center and the neighborhood in which it is located. “This bar is about telling the story of this space,” says MacQueen. Photo by Krista L. White

vegan bar. “A vegan bar is a place where there is no flesh, dairy, eggs or honey — it’s animal and crueltyfree. It’s about compassion, and in addition to that, it’s about being as green as possible.” The all-vegan menu will feature small plates with food from local businesses such as Edible Musings, Elements, Eden Out and Plant restaurant. “The menu is still a work in progress, but the companies we have partnered with [will] bring the food in, and we’ll plate it here,” she says. “The dishes will be bar food, such as hummus, mock chicken salad, vegan paté, salsa, [vegan] cheese plates and gazpacho.” And not just the food will be vegan, says MacQueen. The bar will be cruelty-free from its furnishings all the way down to its house-cleaning practices. “The cleaning products that we plan to use will all be biodegradable and haven’t been tested on animals” she says. MacQueen says the food and drink prices will be comparable with other

bars around town. “We plan to keep the prices as low as possible so that everyone will be able to come in,” she says. Because the bar doesn’t have a kitchen, due to N.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission regulations, it will be membership-based, she says. Nonprofit organizations also hold a place in MacQueen’s heart, so The Block off biltmore will serve as a fundraising venue for local charities at least one or two nights per week. “A nonprofit will have a night here and will be able to do what they want to do, such as having a special event with music,” she says. “On those nights the nonprofit will receive a percentage of the bar and the door covers.” Tentative hours will be 8 a.m.-11 p.m. Tuesday-Wednesday, 8 a.m.-midnight Thursday-Friday, 10 a.m.-midnight Saturday and 2-9 p.m. Sunday. It will be closed Mondays. The Block off biltmore is currently hiring bartenders. To apply for a job or check for updates on the opening date, visit X












by Gina Smith week later, Ross announced that the whole business has closed. “It was our hope to keep the cooking classroom open despite the closing of the market portion of Dough,” Ross said in a statement. “However, this is just not possible.” Scheduled classes are cancelled, and Dough is providing refunds for classes already paid for and gift certificate balances. For details, visit doughasheville. grEat harvEst brEad co. to opEn in south ashEviLLE

chEErs to community: Asheville’s cocktail bars are joining forces to raise money for local charities through Asheville Negroni Week 2015. The week of competition will culminate with a party at Tiger Mountain on Sunday, June 7. Photo courtesy of Jasper Adams

ashEviLLE nEgroni wEEK 2015 As with its restaurants, Asheville’s steadily evolving bar community is inclined to be collaborative. Local watering holes joined forces in March and April to raise money for area charities through the Bar Wars AVL craft cocktail event, and now they are at it again with their participation June 1-7 in Negroni Week 2015. The annual initiative sponsored by Imbibe magazine and Campari challenges mixologists around the world to create variations on the classic negroni cocktail, a mix of equal parts gin, Campari and sweet vermouth with a twist of orange. A portion of the proceeds from each negroni sold at participating bars during the week is donated to a charity of each bar’s choosing. Of the nearly 20 cocktail venues taking part in the effort this year throughout North Carolina, 13 are in Asheville. As an incentive to increase interest in the fundraiser, local bars have partnered to coordinate a passport and reward system. Anyone who visits at least two participating bars during Negroni Week will receive admission to a party at Tiger Mountain on Sunday, June 7. Event organizer and The Imperial Life bartender Jasper adams says the shindig will feature free food and cocktails, raffles, games and more. In addition, anyone who manages to visit all of the bars on the passport will be entered into a drawing for a mystery prize. “We’re

not announcing it yet,” says Adams in a press release, “but trust us, it will be very worthy.” As of press time, participating bars and their charities are: Buffalo Nickel — HOPE Women’s Cancer Center; Bull & Beggar — Brother Wolf Animal Rescue; The Crow and Quill — Asheville Sustainable Restaurant Workforce; Cucina 24 — Open Doors of Asheville; The Imperial Life — RiverLink; Lex 18 — Youth Outright; MG Road — Haywood Street Respite; Nightbell — Haywood Street Downtown Congregation: Chefs Welcome Table; The Southern — MANNA FoodBank; Sovereign Remedies — Asheville Community Theatre; Tiger Mountain Thirst Parlor — Our VOICE; The Yacht Club — Brother Wolf Animal Rescue; Top of the Monk — Asheville Green Building Council. Visit a participating bar through Sunday, June 7, to pick up a passport and get your negroni on. Those who visit two participating bars can attend the closing party 1-4 p.m. Sunday, June 7, at Tiger Mountain, 112 N. Lexington Ave. For more information, check out or email jasper@ dough cLosEs pErmanEntLy Effective Sunday, May 31, Merrimon Avenue’s Dough has closed. Owner brian ross originally announced that Dough’s market would close on May 25, but that he planned to expand its culinary education curriculum. But a

As North Asheville loses Dough, Asheville residents Kirk and meridee mucciarone and their son, steven mucciarone, are set to open a bakery in South Asheville. The family plans to launch a franchise of the Montana-based Great Harvest Bread Co. by early fall in the Gerber Village shopping center. A press release says the bakery will offer scratch-made bread baked with stone-milled Montana wheat. Ingredients will contain no preservatives, additives or dough conditioners. The bakery will feature a rotating selection of specialty breads; fresh-ground oatmeal; pancake, cornbread and cookie mixes; granola; breadsticks; dog treats; cookies; and scones. A made-to-order sandwich menu will offer chipotle turkey, Italian, three-seed veggie hummus, roast beef chimichurri and chicken salad. Coffee from a local roaster will be available, and the restaurant will offer catering services. The bakery will have a booth with free samples at the Chamber Challenge 5K starting at 4:20 p.m. Friday, June 5, at the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. Great Harvest Bread Co. will open soon at 1838 Hendersonville Road. For details, visit taproom at montE’s sub shop dan and monique ruiz, the owners of Monte’s Sub Shop in Hendersonville, will debut a new beer-focused business, the Taproom at Monte’s, on Friday, June 5. The taproom will feature rotating taps of local brews as well as craft beers from all over North America. Beers on tap for opening week will include 21st Amendment’s Hell or High Watermelon wheat, Deep River black

IPA, Horny Goat chocolate-peanut butter porter and Pisgah Pale Ale. Beer will be sold by the pint, half-pour and flight. The full Monte’s Sub Shop menu will be available at the taproom, and there will be a late-night small-bites menu. The Taproom at Monte’s is at 2024-H Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. It launches at noon Friday, June 5. Hours will be 4-9 p.m. Monday-Friday, noon10 p.m. Saturday. For details, visit or look for “Taproom at Montes” on Facebook. X

Tea Time

An introduCtion to yunnAn teAs Saturday, June 6, 1-3 p.m. — A tea-focused discussion of Yunnan Province, China, the ancestral home of camellia sinensis, var assamica, the mother of all tea in the world. Explore the history, culture, health benefits and varieties of Yunnan teas including the famous post-fermented puerh. Tea tasting and brewing demonstration included. Sponsored by Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated. Space is limited. Mountain Housing Opportunities, 64 Clingman Ave., No. 101. Call Rebecca at 575-9600 for reservations. BeAu-teA WorKsHoP Wednesday, June 10, 6-7:30 p.m. — Learn to make skin care products with tea and herbs, experience facial and body reflexology for balance and renewal, learn about Chinese face mapping and facial qigong and experience guided meditations focusing on the energy of the approaching solstice. Sponsored by Samadhi Productions. $25. Dobra Tea, 120 Broadway St., Black Mountain. To register, call 357-8530. Community GonG fu teA tAstinG WitH PAntHer moon Saturday, June 13, noon-3 p.m. — A tasting of special teas from China and Taiwan. The magical and mystical teas from Yunnan will be featured. $5-8 donation requested. Drop in anytime during the event. Raven and Crone, 555 Merrimon Ave., Suite 100. For details, call Sumitra at 450-9853.

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015




Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

State of Origin + Burning Can Two unique summer festivals are just around the bend

Fonta Flora Brewery’s todd boera has made it his mission to brew with local ingredients. He’s one of the biggest advocates for using Riverbend Malt House’s barley, wheat and rye. He also forages for special additions to his beers. So it’s not surprising that the brewery’s festival, State of Origin, shares the same theme. “For us, this festival is important because it’s about showcasing North Carolina agriculture and how to incorporate their unique tastes and terroir into beers,” says Boera. “It’s a really neat day for folks to sample what can be done with North Carolina-grown ingredients and what our brewers can do with them.” State of Origin, now in its second year, will take place at the Courthouse Square in Morganton on Saturday, June 13 — starting at 3 p.m. for most attendees and 1:30 p.m. for those with VIP passes. While the two dozen or so breweries this year will include many from Asheville and Charlotte, most will be serving beers you won’t see anywhere else. By festival rules, all breweries must bring at least one beer featuring North Carolina ingredients. While a few use such products on a regular basis, most see the festival as a chance to try something new. This year Fonta Flora will also release two of its own beers in bottles — just the fifth and sixth bottle releases for the brewery. Brutus is a saison featuring foraged dandelions, and Carolina Custard is an Appalachian wild ale fermented with pawpaw fruit. “Brutus is such a cool beer this year,” says Boera. “Dandelions are incorporated in the mash, and we used a ton in the boil for bitterness — we actually relied more on the greens than on hops.” This year will also feature beers from homebrewers going local. Asheville’s MALT homebrew club and MASH, Morganton’s homebrew

a tastE of tErroir: Fonta Flora’s State of Origin festival puts crops from North Carolina on full display. Photo courtesy of Fonta Flora

club, will both be pouring as well. “This is the first year we’re highlighting homebrewers doing the same thing as the brewers — brewing up North Carolina-grown beers,” says Boera. “It’s really exciting.” Tickets to State of Origin start at $40 and are available now on burning can hits thE rEEb ranch Just like State of Origin, Oskar Blues Brewery’s Burning Can operates around a central rule: To attend and serve its beer at Burning Can, the guest brewery has to bring its beer packaged in cans. This event isn’t brand-new; Oskar Blues held it in the parking lot outside its brewery last year. Yet it’s looking like this year the festival is changing in a big way. Burning Can 2015 will not only move from the brewery in Brevard

to the scenic REEB Ranch down the road, it will turn into a two-day festival where revelers can camp overnight at the ranch — and enjoy not just a beer festival but tons of live music and outdoor sports as well. The concert portion of the festival begins on Friday, June 19, and is free to attend — meaning you don’t need a festival ticket. The concert will feature Porch 40 and Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band. The music on Saturday is for festival attendees only. Starting at 2 p.m., the lineup will include Travers Brothership, Jarekus Singleton, Rebirth Brass Band and Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue. If you’re more interested in the outdoor action, Oskar Blues is offering plenty of options. The headline event is the Outlaws of Dirt BMX and MTB dirt-jumping competition. It’s the U.S.’s only national dirtjump series, and the champion will be crowned during the Burning Can festival.

If you want to get in on the action, Pisgah Cycling will lead group bicycle rides — both road and mountain — from the ranch. MountainTrue and the French Broad River Keeper will lead paddling trips down the French Broad River. Or maybe you’re tough enough to sign up for the Beer Relay, which Oskar Blues says is North Carolina’s first sixhour endurance trail running (and drinking) race. That’s right, you and your friends can run laps around a 5K trail loop, and before each lap you have the option to drink a 12-ounce Oskar Blues beer for a two-minute time bonus. Tickets to the event, which include festival sampling, live music and the Outlaws of Dirt Jumping competition are $50. Adding in two nights of camping costs an extra $10. Or if you want to package the Beer Relay and festival ticket, that’s $70 per person. Designated driver tickets are available for $25. For more information and to buy tickets, visit X





WednesdAy AsHeVille BreWinG: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm CAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills frenCH BroAd: $8.50 growler fills funKAtorium: Live music: John Hartford jam (bluegrass), 6:30pm Green mAn: Food truck: The Real Food Truck HiGHlAnd: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm leXinGton AVe (lAB): $3 pints all day

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


one World: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm osKAr Blues: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oyster House: $2 off growler fills PisGAH: Live music: Bradley Carter & Friends, 6pm; Food truck: Latino Heat

Farm To Fender WedGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

fridAy frenCH BroAd: Live music: Alarm Clock Conspiracy, 6pm Green mAn: Food truck: Little Bee Thai

WedGe: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

HiGHlAnd: Live music: Lyric, 7pm; Food truck: Cici & Smashbox


osKAr Blues: Burgers, Beer, and Bikes: Group ride w/ Pisgah Cycling, 6pm; Live music: West End String Band, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon

AsHeVille BreWinG: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location frenCH BroAd: Live music: One Leg Up, 6pm one World: Live music: Sarah Tucker (acoustic), 8pm osKAr Blues: Live music: Nick Dittmeier & The Sawdusters, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon PisGAH: Live music: Jeff Austin Band w/ Rodeo Clown, 9pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: Nitrograss, 7pm; Food truck:

PisGAH: Live music: TJ Lazer, 8pm; Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: Patrick Lopez, 8pm WedGe: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

sAturdAy Green mAn: Free brewery tour, 1pm frenCH BroAd: Live music: Ian Fitzgerald & Krista Baroni, 6pm

Green mAn: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese) HiGHlAnd: Live music: Bobby Miller & the Virginia Dare Devils, 7pm; Food truck: Cici & Smashbox osKAr Blues: Pisgah Enduro: registration open; Live music: TJ Lazer, 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys PisGAH: Wild South! Benefit ($2 dollars of every ticket sale goes to WS); Live music: Jason Isbell w/ Amanda Shires, 7:30pm

mondAy AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 6:30pm AsHeVille BreWinG: Beat the Clock Mondays (medium cheese pizza, the time you order = the price you pay), 4-9pm WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: Goldie & The Screamers, 8pm


WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food)

AltAmont: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm


AsHeVille BreWinG: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations)

AsHeVille BreWinG: $5 bloody Marys & mimosas at Coxe location BuriAl Beer Co.: Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project, noon (until food runs out) osKAr Blues: Free Yoga, 11am; Live music: Reems Creek Incident, 12:30pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon

BuriAl Beer Co.: Small plates: Salt & Smoke (chef from Bull & Beggar, charcuterie/country cuisine), 4pm Green mAn: Food truck: The Real Food Truck Hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints

oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

HiGHlAnd: Live music: The Rock Academy of Asheville, 6pm

soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: The Dan Keller Trio, 5pm

one World: Live music: DJ Jake, 8pm

WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm

oyster House: Cask night WedGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015




Storyville The evolution of the oral tradition in WNC

by corbiE hiLL

For decades the road between Asheville and Jonesborough, Tenn., was a hard one. It was a pretty route, skirting farmland and winding up and down wooded mountains, but it was two lanes much of the way, and it wasn’t a road drivers could take in a hurry. Even as recently as the turn of the millennium, Interstate-26 only went so far into Madison County. And then the highway ended, and travelers were plunged into rural switchbacks — roads that followed the natural lines of the mountains rather than blasting through them. Today there’s a modern interstate — a literal high road — across “the mountain.” To some there may still be a psychological divide between the two regions, but it’s an easy drive today, one david Joe miller can make in an hour and 15 minutes, he says. “It was a long, winding road, and I think people still have that mindset,” Miller says. “We use that terminology: ‘over the mountain.’” Yet Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee have plenty in common: geography, cultural history and long-standing traditions of storytelling. Miller is, after all, a storyteller. He’s practiced the timehonored craft both in his native Jonesborough and in Asheville, where he lives today. He’s the executive director of Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch and the producer of Black Box Storytelling Theater, which takes place Monday evenings at New Mountain. And the relatively recent highway has already served as a conduit, bringing members of Jonesborough’s renowned storyteller community to perform in Asheville.

routEs of connEction “I founded the Jonesborough Storytelling Guild in 1994,” Miller says. He’s invited members of the guild to his events in Asheville, and they’ve made the trip. saundra Kelley, the former president of the guild, traveled to one of Miller’s open mics, where she told a classic tale. At that same open mic there was a comedian ranting about politics, a gay hippie couple telling a story together and personal tales by people of varying ages. Miller loves the variety; it’s what he wants. And he loves to see people come together over that oldest of art forms, the story. “We are recognizing storytelling as something that permeates all the different disciplines — across dance,

tELLEbration timE: Reverend Robert Jones performs at the International Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tenn. The annual gathering, started in 1973, includes not only traditional artists but contemporary forms of storytelling such as slam poetry and busking. Photo by Jay Huron

across performing arts, visual arts, journalism — and all the ways people interact with one another,” says Kiran sirah, executive director of the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough. “It crosses all borders and divisions: ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality.”

Stories are powerful. Stories are everywhere. And the storytelling movement is evolving to accept and incorporate everything from ancient folklore and traditional tales to modern personal narratives and slam poetry. The Asheville-Jonesborough corridor, with its mix of tradition and progressiveness, seems like a natural hub for that evolution. The first International Storytelling Festival was in Jonesborough in 1973, and the small Tennessee town quickly became a nexus for the storytelling community. And Sirah, who has headed the festival since 2013, is actively working to ensure everyone’s stories are welcome. After all, he knows what it means to be marginalized, and he knows

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


nEw taLE to tELL: Busker Abby Roach, aka Abby the Spoon Lady, right, performs at a Black Box Storytelling Theater production with Vaden Landers. Photo courtesy of David Joe Miller

what it’s like to have nothing but the clothes on his back and the stories in his head. “Without storytelling, I don’t know if I would be where I am today,” Sirah says. “My family were political refugees who came from Uganda and were expelled from the country.” They couldn’t bring their personal possessions with them to southern England, where they took asylum, but they did bring hundreds of years worth of narratives, which they passed on to Sirah. Stories became his life. Sirah has worked with marginalized high school students, with gang members and with conflict-wracked communities in Northern Ireland, Colombia, Palestine

and Israel. And when he first came to the U.S. four years ago, he worked with the homeless community in central North Carolina “I’m a person of color, I’m not a citizen of this country, but I’m an advocate of how stories can be told and can be used in that way, to empower communities to tell their own stories,” Sirah says. “It’s one of the most powerful vehicles, particularly for people who live on the fringes, on the margins of society.” When people gather and tell their stories, Sirah says, they realize how much they have in common, even if they were raised to see each other as incompatibly different. This is the dialogic process, and Sirah explains it in terms of strangers meeting at a bar. One may be a construction worker and one may be a bank manager, yet sitting down and swapping stories makes them equals. “If you imagine what can happen between two people, it can happen between nations,” Sirah says. nEw voicEs

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

“There’s an old folk tale about two people who are walking by a person who is farming, and the person has on a red hat on one side and a green hat on the other,” says traditional storyteller sherry Lovett, who lives in the rural mountain

town of Little Switzerland. “They walk by, and each person only sees one half of the hat.” Long story short, the two friends get into a massive argument over whether the hat is red or green, and it ruins their friendship. When they see the farmer again, Lovett says, they each see the whole hat and realize their fight was foolish and unnecessary. Traditional tales can contain the same truth as personal stories and can serve the same peacemaking purpose as Sirah’s tales. Many traditional stories, Miller points out, originated as personal stories. The first teller and events surrounding the anecdote have been lost to time, yet the tale itself survives. Some, Sirah points out, are tens of thousands of years old. Linguists and geologists in Australia, he notes, used an ancient aboriginal tale to locate vanished islands in what is now an urban area. Yet a modern movement, one exemplified by StoryCorps or the Moth’s StorySLAM, privileges the personal narrative. todd Lester produces the Asheville Synergy Story Slam at The Odditorium as well as an open mic night the fourth Wednesday of the month at Hendersonville’s Black Bear Coffee Co. Folklore doesn’t speak to him — he’s too pragmatic for fantasy, as he puts it — but many of the themes he uses for his Synergy open mics turn up in many forms of storytelling. “There are some common threads — themes of crime and punishment, of first times, of madness,” Lester says. “These are themes you find in any group of people.” Indeed, as Miller puts it, personal tales often hinge on the same archetypes that traditional stories do. “You can see the trickster, you can certainly see the villain and the hero,” he says. “You can pick all of this out. It’s almost impossible to get away from that.” Still, traditional mountain tales are inextricably tied to this region. People not originally from WNC or Eastern Tennessee may not get it or appreciate it, which seems natural enough. Lester, for example, is from Long Island, and he was raised hearing his mother’s stories about growing up in an old ethnic neighborhood in Buffalo, N.Y. People from elsewhere in the nation or in the world may find even less in common with mountain tales. “We’re global, so we’re hearing stories from all over the place,”

Lester says. Bring in modern digital connectivity, and people are saturated with tales from all over the world, Sirah says. And in the age of social media, there are few secrets. “People are completely willing to tell you anything about themselves,” Lester says. “People are willing to share everything.” What he likes about modern storytelling is that it puts boundaries and parameters on this confessional urge, turning it into an art form. two roads convErgE The new highway between Asheville and Jonesborough is fast, comfortable and modern. One can stop at its overlook, for instance, and take in the grandeur of the time-worn mountain range straddling the North Carolina/ Tennessee border. Or one can take the old road if he or she chooses — it’s still there — and get a closer look at the shady hollows and tumbling mountain creeks. In storytelling, too, there’s the contemporary route and the traditional one. Some aficionados hew stubbornly to just one or the other, yet storytelling’s future may hinge on a compromise between the two. “You’ve got a lot of dyed-in-thewool traditionalists, and they’re going to stick with that traditional story no matter what,” Miller says. Thanks to leaders like Sirah, though, even the originally tradition-heavy International Storytelling Festival is moving to include slam poetry and buskers. They have worthy stories too, Sirah and Miller say, and Miller feels bringing in such younger voices is essential to preserving the Jonesborough movement. “You look out at the national festivals and you see a lot of gray hair, and that’s something that needs to be addressed,” Miller says. “I think with Kiran at the helm now, you’re going to see a lot of things change. I think that’s not going to be a problem with the national festival. Here, locally, it’s to each his own.” To survive, Miller feels traditional storytellers will need to appeal to modern audiences. Yet Sirah’s time-tested method, the one he has used to get gang members to sit down and talk with each other, involves encouraging two opposing sides to recognize they’re not all that different. Modern personal narratives and traditional storytelling may not be that different, either. Sirah includes both in his festival, after all. Like the old road from Asheville to Jonesborough and the new one, both ultimately arrive at the same place. X


by Kyle Sherard

Visual narrative

a picturE tELLs a thousand words: “You See I Had to Burn Your Kingdom Down” by Arden B. Cone. Image courtesy of upstairs [artspace]

storytELLing Exhibition at upstairs [artspacE] Storytellers can pull a captive audience into an otherwise unknown narrative. This is also true in visual art, where the telling is begun by an artist and finished through a viewer’s own experience in viewing the work. Exploring these connections is at the heart of Storytellers, an exhibition at upstairs [artspace] in Tryon. The show features narrative paintings by arden b. cone, margaret curtis, dawn hunter and anna Jensen. Each employs the human figure as a means of forming basic storylines that allow their audiences to interpret as they please. But this is not to say that these are figure paintings. “These works are an attempt to take figuration away from technical ability and refer strictly to narrative,” says Curtis. “It keeps each story open-ended.” Hunter’s works play with seduction and gender identity, leaving her figures — nude and clothed alike — shrouded, even buried behind curtains of tropical flora and bursting 1960s TV action effects. Cone’s works blend the delicacy of high fashion with pastoral scenes similar to those in our surrounding hills. Women in prom dresses wade through a greenhouse while others hover over gardeners and fence lines. Each is surreal and out of place, yet seemingly comfortable. Jensen’s and Curtis’s works delve into the darker psychological side of interpersonal relationships. Jensen’s pieces have the look and feel of family photos: scenes from the beach, living room portraits, packed cars. But in each painting the scenery has been washed out. The beach has been replaced by bright red swaths reminiscent of blood. The car is a mere outline dropped behind a grinning, key-holding dad, begging the question of which memory is more important — the vehicle or the parent? Curtis illustrates the idiosyncrasies felt between close duos. “I started off thinking about burdens and baggage we carry physically and psychologically,” she says. Her characters bring these connections and divides to life through awkward stares in salons, secretive actions in household bathrooms and even on a bicycle rickshaw driven by a pregnant women (her passenger a drunken businessman). “As an artist, your duty is first and foremost to the image, to making it as compelling as you can, for yourself and your audience,” Curtis says. “That is what brings the story to life.” View Storytellers through Friday, June 19, at upstairs [artspace], 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. For more information visit X

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Steph Guinan

Tall tales told here Regional storytelling activities

fEstivaLs, EvEnts, and pErformancEs • Feed & Seed Storytelling Series: Living in a multicultural community Saturdays, June 13, Sept. 12 and Nov. 21, 4 p.m. in Fletcher. Focusing on diversity, this series is part of the Henderson County Arts Council’s Storytelling Education & Arts Program. The storyteller at the June 13 event is Freeman Owle, a Qualla Boundary Cherokee who will tell stories about Native Americans in Cherokee. • black box storytelling theater David Joe Miller at Buffalo

Nickel Restaurant in West Asheville on Wednesday, June 24, 7:30 p.m.; open mic at New Mountain SOL Bar on Monday, June 29, 7 p.m.; Kristin Pedemonti, Chuck Fink and Busker Ginnie Waite at New Mountain SOL Bar on Monday, July 27, 7 p.m.; Kim Weitkamp and Kathy Gordon at New Mountain SOL Bar on Monday, Aug. 10, at 7 p.m. facebook. com/blackboxstorytellingtheater • ongoing performances at the international storytelling center (Jonesborough, Tenn.) — Matinee performances by the teller-in-residence, Tuesday-Sunday at 2 p.m.

dramatic EffEct: Scenes from John C. Campbell Folk School’s “Grab That Story and Tell It!” class. Photo courtesy of the school

Evening performances, children’s performances and workshops are also scheduled throughout the year. See website for calendar of events. • shine, baby, shine: a onewoman play — Storytelling performance by Dottie Jean Kirk at The Altamont Theatre on Thursday, July 9, 7 p.m. • toe river storytelling festival — In its 17th year, the annual festival will feature performances by Tim Lowry, Donna Marie Todd and Donna Washington. It’s held at Bowman Middle School in Bakersville on Saturday, July 11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. • stories on asheville’s front porch — Downtown storytelling series at Diana Wortham Theatre’s Rhino Courtyard (inside if raining); held Saturdays, July 11-Aug. 8, 10:15 a.m.-noon; Fundraising show for Stories on Asheville’s Front Porch held at UNC Asheville’s Reuter Center. Performers include Dr. Joseph Sobol, head of the master’s degree program in storytelling at Eastern Tennessee State University, and


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

David Joe Miller, founder of the Jonesborough Storytellers Guild. Held Thursday, Aug. 20, 7:15 p.m. $10 suggested donation. storiesonashevillesfrontporch • national storytelling festival at the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough, Tenn., Friday-Sunday, Oct. 2-4. • tellabration — A global storytelling event hosted by the Asheville Storytelling Circle, held at the Asheville Folk Arts Center on Sunday, Nov. 22, 3-5 p.m. cLassEs, rEtrEats and circLEs • asheville storytelling circle Swap stories and share tales. Held at Asheville Terrace, 200 Tunnel Road, every third Monday of the month (except in August and December), 7 p.m. •

“a widow’s tale” retreat Donna Marie Todd leads a one-day retreat for widowed women to share their stories. Held at Christmount

• storytellers’ wild week A workshop by Dianne Hackworth at Wildacres Retreat Center in Little Switzerland. Participants will examine ways to incorporate folk tales into their storytelling. Sunday, June 28, to Saturday, July 4.

• classes at John c. campbell folk school — Basic Techniques of Telling, Sunday, June 28, to Saturday, July 4; Women’s Stories, Friday, July 10, to Sunday, July 12; Native American Storytelling, Friday, Oct. 30, to Sunday, Nov. 1; Old Stories Rewritten and Renewed, Sunday, Nov. 15, to Friday, Nov. 20.

• storytelling workshop with michael reno harrell — Learn the elements of a goodstoryattheBlowingRockMuseumon Saturday, July 11, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • 10th annual storytelling retreat and adventure with connie reganblake — Workshop for all levels of storytellers, includes practice, performance and coaching. Sunday, July 12 to Saturday, July 18. X


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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Alli Marshall

Both ways and all ways Haas Kowert Tice parlays high-profile influences into captivating sounds Acoustic trio Haas Kowert Tice recorded debut album You Got This in Brooklyn, where twothirds of the band then lived. But the group’s latest effort is currently being composed in Nashville — where two-thirds of the band has relocated. “I think a lot of the new music isn’t going to be as loud. It’s going to be more chill,” says guitarist Jordan tice. “The mindset of living in New York — that constant kind of buzzing ... I feel a huge shift. I’m sure it affects the music.” Another change for Haas Kowert Tice — performing at The Altamont

who Haas Kowert Tice whErE The Altamont Theatre whEn Friday, June 5, 8 p.m. $15

Theatre on Friday, June 5 — is that the new album is much more collaborative. You Got This, released almost a year ago, features five songs by Tice and two each by his bandmates paul Kowert (upright bass) and brittany haas (fiddle). While all three contribute to each track, the debut — a smart and exploratory jaunt through strings arrangements (including, but not limited to, progressive bluegrass) and musical camaraderie. The three players met at various music festivals as college students and found they liked jamming and hanging out. The friendship endured even as they


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

moved in various directions careerwise. Kowert now plays with The Punch Brothers, Haas with Crooked Still and Tice with Tony Trischka. Reconvening in Nashville and sharing equally in the creation of new material, “everything comes off of our individual instruments more,” says Tice. “The guitar part is a little more guitarish, the fiddle parts are a little more fiddly as opposed to centering around an idea that came off of one of our instruments.” There’s a tried-and-true chemistry among the musicians. After all, even though Haas Kowert Tice didn’t formally take shape until 2013, the artists had contributed to each other’s projects over the years. And their association with each other predates their involvement in their high-profile day jobs. So how much does the Haas Kowert Tice style influence, say, The Punch Brothers (or vice versa)? “It goes both ways and all ways,” says Tice. “I would say [there are] influences at large, including the groups we play with. Sometimes advice from a musician we’ve played with rings true for a situation we’re working through in the trio.” He adds, “By nature of trying to learn more about music and playing with different people, you’re building a set of experiences to draw from. Anything that goes into that situation helps in any other situation.” Within the trio, the musicians are blessed not just with a plethora of outside sources of advice, but with a variety of educational backgrounds. Kowert and Tice both studied music — the former focusing on classical bass performance, the latter on music composition. “But it wasn’t like I was looking for ‘help wanted’ signs on composer buildings,” says Tice. “I didn’t know how it would play out.” Haas didn’t major in music, “but she’s been just as active in music as us,” says Tice. And many musicians with whom the trio have played, together or

thrEE’s company: Of the trio configuration, Jordan Tice, right, says that Haas Kowert Tice is less about the number of players and more about the specific instruments. “But it’s kind of the most logical number,” he says. “Wrangling five people is pretty intense; two people is kind of exposed; three is kind of great.” Photo courtesy of the band

separately, “come from the alternative school that is bluegrass,” he says. It’s the acoustic instrument version of the school of life. Those experiences and circuitous routes that led to Haas Kowert Tice result in “a rich and varied sound and a strong presence from each individual,” writes the bassist on the band’s bio. As well-rounded as that sounds, “This story leaves out a lot of beer drunk, bass cases slept on, late drives from Boston to NYC and general goofing off,” Kowert adds. Fans, however, seem instinctively drawn to both the heady classical training and the

proclivity toward riotous fun. Listeners come out thanks to fiddle session connections or because they’re Punch Brothers fans (surely the Crooked Still and Tony Trischka nods have pull, too). And even if it’s hard to find an exact slot — bluegrass/acoustic/instrumental/experimental/progressive — in which to fit Haas Kowert Tice, “The whole idea is that we want to make a good, captivating sounds,” says the guitarist. Expect that at The Altamont Theatre the group will offer — just maybe, Tice says — a first listen of new material. X

frEEwiLL astroLogy

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The Persian scholar Avicenna was so well-rounded in his knowledge that he wrote two different encyclopedias. Even as a teenager he was obsessed with learning all he could. He got especially consumed with trying to master Aristotle’s Metaphysics, which did not easily yield its secrets to him. He read it 40 times, memorizing every word. When he finally understood it, he was so excited he celebrated by giving out money and gifts to destitute strangers. I suspect you will soon be having an equivalent breakthrough, Aries. At last you will grasp a truth that has eluded you for a long time. Congratulations in advance! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): When it’s rush hour in Tokyo, unwieldy crowds of commuters board the trains and subways. They often need help at squeezing in. Railway workers known as oshiya, or pushers, provide the necessary force. Wearing crisp uniforms, white gloves and neat hats, they cram the last stragglers into each car. I foresee the possibility of you being called on to perform a metaphorical version of the service these pushers provide. Is there a polite and respectful way for you to be indelicate in a worthy cause? Could you bring lighthearted tact to bear as you seek an outcome that encourages everyone to compromise? CANCER (June 21-July 22): You’ve wandered into an awkward phase of your cycle. Missed connections have aroused confusion. Disjointed events have led to weirdness. I’ve got a suggestion for how you might be able to restore clarity and confidence: Make a foray into a borderland and risk imaginative acts of heroism. Does that sound too cryptic or spooky? How about if I say it like this: Go on an unpredictable quest that will free your trapped vitality, or try a mysterious experiment that will awaken your sleeping magic. P.S. For best results, ask for help every step of the way. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Gesamtkunstwerk is a German word that can be translated as “total art work” or “all-embracing art form.” It refers to a creative masterpiece that makes use of several genres. The 19th-century composer Richard Wagner had this in mind when he produced his opera cycle, The Ring of the Nibelung, which included orchestral music, singing, theater and literature. I’m invoking the spirit of Gesamtkunstwerk for your use, Leo. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to synthesize and coordinate all the things you do best and express them with a flourish. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “Defender” was a popular video game that young people played in video arcades during the 1980s. Fifteen-year-old Steve Juraszek was profiled in Time magazine after he racked up a record-breaking 16 million points while playing the game for 16 hours straight. But when his high school principal found out that Juraszek had skipped classes to be at the arcade, he was suspended. I’m wondering if there may soon be a similar development in your own life, Virgo. Will you have to pay a small price for your success? You should at least be prepared to risk an acceptable loss in order to accomplish an important goal. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): People I meet are sometimes taken aback by the probing questions I ask them. Recently an acquaintance said to me, “Why don’t you feel driven to talk about yourself all the time, like everyone else?” I told him the truth: “Being curious is just the way I was made. Maybe it’s because of my Mercury in Gemini or my seventh-house sun or my three planets in Libra.” I suspect that you are due to go through a phase similar to the mode I’m so familiar with. If it doesn’t happen naturally, I suggest you coax it out. You need to be extra inquisitive. You’ll benefit from digging as deeply as you dare. The more information you uncover, the better your decisions will be. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I love to watch an evolved Scorpio get his or her needs met by helping other people get their needs met. It’s thrilling to behold the paradoxical Scorpio assets in action: the

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Nobel Prize-winning physicists Wolfgang Pauli and Niels Bohr were both amused at how counterintuitive their innovative theories seemed. Once Pauli was lecturing a group of eminent scientists about a radical new hypothesis. Bohr got out of his seat in the audience and walked up to the front to interrupt his colleague. “We all agree that your theory is crazy,” Bohr told Pauli. “The question that divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.” Pauli defended himself. “It is crazy enough!” he said. But Bohr was insistent. “It’s not crazy enough!” he argued. I’m going to pose a comparable query to you, Gemini. Are your new ideas and possibilities crazy enough to be true? Make sure they are. combination of manipulativeness and generosity; the animal magnetism working in service to the greater good; the resourceful willpower that carries out hidden agendas and complex strategies designed to make the world a better place. I expect to see a lot of this idiosyncratic wisdom from you in the coming weeks. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Would that life were like the shadow cast by a wall or a tree,” says the Talmud. “But it is like the shadow of a bird in flight.” That’s a lyrical sentiment, but I don’t agree with it. I’ve come to prefer the shimmering dance over the static stance. The ever-shifting play of light and dark is more interesting to me than the illusion of stability. I feel more at home in the unpredictable flow than in the stagnant trance of certainty. What about you, Sagittarius? I suggest that in the immediate future you cultivate an appreciation for the joys and challenges of the shimmering dance. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The core of your horoscope comes from the poem “A Color of the Sky” by Tony Hoagland. Imagine that you are the “I” who is saying the following: “What I thought was an end turned out to be a middle. What I thought was a brick wall turned out to be a tunnel. What I thought was an injustice turned out to be a color of the sky.” Please understand, Capricorn, that speaking these words might not make total sense to you yet. You may have to take them on faith until you gather further evidence. But I urge you to speak them anyway. Doing so will help generate the transformations you need in order to make them come true. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lessons in luck are coming your way. Will they help you attract more luck? Maybe. Will they show you how to make better use of your luck? Maybe. A lot depends on your ability to understand and love the paradox of luck. I’ve assembled a few enigmatic teachings to prepare you. 1. “Luck is believing you’re lucky.” - Tennessee Williams. 2. “It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck even while waiting for it.” - Baltasar Gracián. 3. “Sometimes not getting what you want is a brilliant stroke of luck.” - Lorii Myers. 4. “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” - Samuel Goldwyn. 5. “You’ve got to try your luck at least once a day, because you could be going around lucky all day and not even know it.” - Jimmy Dean. 6. “Go and wake up your luck.” - Persian proverb. PisCes (feb. 19-march 20): The word “boudoir” means a woman’s bedroom. But hundreds of years ago, it had a more specific definition. It was a room where a well-bred girl was sent when she was pouting. “Boudoir” is derived from the French verb bouder, which means “to sulk.” If it were in my power, Pisces, I would send you to the sulking room right now. In fact, I would encourage you to sulk. In my opinion, a good long sulk would be just the right prescription for you. It would trigger brainstorms about how to change the soggy, foggy conditions that warranted your sulking in the first place.

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JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Patrick Wall

Time on their side Any other bandleader might have come unglued at the prospect of a three-year gap following a debut record. Especially when that record had built up a healthy buzz, thanks to a Top-30 appearance on Billboard’s Heatseekers chart and some high-level song placements. But ruby velle isn’t sweating the sophomore release from the Soulphonics, the Atlanta soul-pop band she fronts. “We like to take our time,” she says. “We like to say [the Soulphonics play] ‘sweet soul,’ and that takes time.” The group performs at The Grey Eagle on Friday, June 5. As a title, It’s About Time — the Soulphonic’s 2012 debut — is polysemantic: an announcement of the band as a sharp young voice and an acknowledgement of good timing. It’s a tip of the cap to artists like Amy Winehouse and Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings who helped usher in soul’s commercial and critical revival. Listen to It’s About Time, and you would be hard-pressed to guess that the music you’re hearing is from 2012 or that it was performed by a white band fronted by an Indian woman. But the title is mostly, Velle notes, a sly wink to the record’s long gestation. The Soulphonics had been a band for the better part of a decade when It’s About Time was released. They formed


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

in Gainesville, Fla., in 2005 when Velle met spencer garn and scott clayton, but it was the trio’s 2007 move to Atlanta that marked the band’s real beginning. “Georgia’s very special to us,” Velle says. “I think it was very fate-driven for us to come here. I think we really started who we are in this city.” In Atlanta’s Little 5 Points, the Soulphonics refined and defined themselves. In 2008, the group, rebuilt with a new rhythm and horn section, snagged a residency at the neighborhood’s Star Bar. It played there every Wednesday night for about a year, building its chops and fan base but also diversifying its soul-standards repertoire by incorporating other musical influences, like classic rock, R&B and jazz. More importantly, Little 5 Points is where the Soulphonics developed into a self-contained enterprise. In 2011, Garn sold his car to build Diamond Street Studios, where the band members push out digital singles when they’re ready and sometimes sell commissioned demos for licensing in television spots and commercials. It also serves as the home of Gemco Recording Group, a label co-run by Garn, which released It’s About Time. The luxury of commercial space and a vanity label is extra work, Velle concedes. But investment in

Ruby Velle & the Soulphonics let their sweet soul simmer

unhurriEd: “[We’re] a group of very picky individuals,” says Ruby Velle, who fronts the Atlanta-based Soulphonics. In order to work at their own pace, the musicians built their own studio. “We know what we like when we hear it, and these things just take some time to develop.” Photo for Eide Magazine by Jimmy Johnston

the business end is as critical to the Soulphonics’ success as its anachronistic-but-authentic sound. The infrastructure grants the band incredible sovereignty, both financially — the band doesn’t have to shell out big bucks for expensive studio time and generates income by renting out its studio — and creatively. It’s also gifted the Soulphonics the luxury of time — time to endlessly toy with arrangements and rehearse and rework songs until they’re just right. Or dump them if they don’t work. “It’s helped us to grow,” Velle says. “Just to make our own calls and our own choices. It gives us a lot of freedom in our expression and our creativity. [We’re] a group of very picky individuals. And we know what we like when we hear it, and these things just take some time to develop.” Consider the single “Tried on a Smile,” released in November. Where It’s About Time is a smoky and sultry affair, leached from the loamy red-clay soil that grew Georgia soul, “Tried on a Smile” is a vibrant, almost Technicolor pop song rooted in the vernacular of soul. The rhythm section drives the feel-good song, the drums echo the classic Motown heartbeat and the bassline moves with Stax sweetness, but the song is bright and breezy instead of brassy and bold. Velle’s voice moves in a more classical

pop melody than a rangy soul roar — less Marva Whitney and more Minnie Riperton. Modern flourishes, like the chewy phaser applied to Clayton’s casual guitar arpeggios, abound. The production is as brilliant and sun-baked as the washedout photograph on its cover, further removing the Soulphonics from any retro-soul aspersions. “I think it’s unfortunate that the label ‘retro-soul’ exists. How can you say something is retro when it never really went away, when it’s still very much current?” Velle says. “The important thing for us is to be a pillar in the genre, to be able to stand on our own making soul, regardless of which pigeonhole we go into. It is soulful. That’s the bottom line.” X

who Ruby Velle & the Soulphonics with Sidney Barnes and The Secret B-Sides whErE The Grey Eagle, whEn Friday, June 5, 9 p.m. $10 advance/$12 day of show




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A&E staff

Polka-dot Dot Dot “Whenever there is a natural commonality amongst our artists, consciously or not, it is worth exploring,” says Betsey-Rose Weiss, owner of downtown’s American Folk art gallery. During June, Weiss’ gallery will explore and celebrate the multitude of folkart pieces utilizing the polka dot (sometimes attributed to finger-painted dabs, according to Weiss). From elegant pottery to basic paintings, many mediums of artwork will demonstrate the prominence and dynamism of this rounded icon. “Thoughtful, bold, fun to subtle, the polka dot rocks,” Weiss says. American Folk hosts the free showing from Thursday, June 4, at 10 a.m. through Wednesday, June 24, with an opening reception on Friday, June 5, from 5-8 p.m. Photo of Summer Market by Lucy Hunnicutt

The Growlers The Growlers are too cool to loiter in pop territory for long. Instead, the zany Californians submerge their catchiest melodies in sun-dazed rock, curbing each tune with a meandering pace and a soothingly lazy vocal track. After eight years and five albums together, the touring musicians claim that homing in on the resulting “beach goth” sound trumps the antics that once escorted them from town to town. “We’re taking [our live sound] a bit more seriously and enjoying the show more,” frontman Brooks Nielson says. “We know drunk Growlers isn’t the best Growlers sonically, and we want the fans to have fun, too.” The probably-mostly-sober band plays in support of its 2014 album, Chinese Fountain, at New Mountain on Wednesday, June 10, at 9 p.m., with opening acts Broncho and The Nude Party. $15/$17. Photo by Pam Littky

Spring Fling Rock ’n’ Roll Sock Hop A shoeless occasion, the sock hop gained momentum in the ’50s for enabling school-age kids to cut a rug without harming the highly varnished gym floor. The Bywater’s forthcoming Spring Fling Rock ’n’ Roll Sock Hop honors this music and dance tradition (although the bar’s indooroutdoor standing areas may not need such meticulous protection) by hosting rockers Red Honey and DJ Biig Poppa for an evening of entertainment. A photo booth, “The Twist” dance competition, a Twister (the game) competition and beer and draft root beer floats made with The Hop ice cream complete the retro vibe. The party, which includes eats by Pho Ya Belly food truck, kicks off on Friday, June 5, with feisty rock band Red Honey starting at 9 p.m. and DJ Biig Poppa taking over at 11 p.m. $5 at the door. Image by Cate Battles

White Wolf Kin Mother-and-son artists Cher Shaffer and Gabriel Shaffer launch the shared exhibit, White Wolfe Kin, at The Satellite Gallery. While the show has been in the works for a year and a half, “a few months ago we decided we wanted to make this one different,” says Gabriel. “It’s gonna be a bit more personal mythology and spiritually based work.” The title of the exhibit relates to the Shaffer family genealogy and Cherokee roots. Among the works on display, Cher has bold, haunting large-scale paintings as well as giant dolls and puppets. Gabriel, who is readying for a solo show at Red Truck Gallery in New Orleans this fall, will exhibit some of his recent pieces. Abstraction, barn quilts and new combinations of mediums are some of the ideas he’s been working with. “Sacred geometry, the Underground Railroad, Op art, comic books, Return of the Jedi, boxing, death and the afterlife,” he says of themes. The exhibit runs through Sunday, July 12, with an opening on Friday, June 5, 7-9 p.m. Image courtesy of Gabriel Shaffer

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald Bioflyer Productions • Through TU (6/30) - Submissions open for oneact plays on theme “Lovetown Liaisons.” Hendersonville Little Theatre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, • SA (6/6) & SU (6/7), 1-3pm & MO (6/8), 6-8pmOpen auditions for The Crucible. Contact for guidelines. Free. The Writer’s Workshop 254-8111, • Through SU (8/30) - Submissions will be accepted for short story or novel chapters. Contact for guidelines. $25.

Music RIVERMUSIC • FRIDAY JUNE 12 • 5PM (pd.) RiverLink’s RiverMusic series continues this Friday at the RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza in the River Arts District. • The rowdy Americana Missouri trio, the Ben Miller Band headlines with explosive bluegrass, delta blues and old-timey “Ozark stomp”. The party starts at 5pm with Asheville’s alt-folkies, the Toothe, and tough electric blues by the Red Dirt Revelators from Hickory. Crest Mountain Center 30 Ben Lippen School Road, 252-1277, crestmtn. com • WE (6/3), 7pm - Summer Concert Series: FORTE, cabaret. $25/$20 children/Free ages 5 and under.

SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY: Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center’s summer exhibit showcases the work of BMC alumni Ray Johnson and his art book, The Paper Snake. The exhibit opens June 5 and runs until Aug. 27. Image courtesy of BMC

Toe River Studio Tour

Art Asheville Area Arts Council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • W (6/3), 10am-noon - Brainstorm Session: “Successful Business Tips for the Creative Entrepreneur.” Registration required. Free. Local Cloth • SA (6/6), 9am-2pm - Artists from this regional fiber and textile arts collective will discuss fibercraft. Free to attend. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road Old Depot Gallery 207 Sutton Ave., Black Mountain, 669-6583, • SA (6/6) & SU (6/7) - Black Mountain Arts & Crafts Show. Free to attend. The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • TH (6/11), 6:30pm - Michael Strand discusses craft as a catalyst for social change. Free


JUNE 3 - JUNE 9, 2015

682-7215, • FR (6/5) through SU (6/7) - Self-guided tour through 61 artists’ studios. Free to attend. Fri.:noon4pm; Sat.& Sun.:10am-5pm. Maps available at Spruce Pine TRAC Gallery, 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine Transylvania Community Arts Council 884-2787, • FR (6/5), 10am-noon - “The Artist Portfolio, Digital and Print,” art business workshop. Co-sponsored with Handmade in America. $20/$10 members. Held at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard

Auditions & Call to Artists Asheville Community Theatre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • MO (6/8) & TU (6/9), 6-9pm - Open auditions for Not Now, Darling. Contact for guidelines. $10 script deposit. • TU (6/9), 10:30am-2:30pm - Open auditions for The Vanishing Point. Contact for guidelines. $10 script deposit.

Monday Night Live! Concert Series 693-9708, • MO (6/8), 7-9pm - Lynn Goldsmith & the Jeter Mountain Band, folk/bluegrass. Free to attend. Held in downtown Hendersonville. Music on Main 693-9708, • FR (6/5), 5:30pm - Tuxedo Junction, Americana/folk-rock. Free. Held in downtown Hendersonville. Free. Open Ukelele Jam • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - All skill levels and stringed instruments welcome. Free. Held at Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Drive Summer Tracks Concert Series 290-4316, • FR (6/5), 7pm - Lauren Mitchell Band, blues/ soul. Free. Held at Rogers Park, 55 W. Howard St., Tryon

Theater NYS3 SIX-WEEK SUMMER INTENSIVE (pd.) Begins June 5. Classes in acting, dance, filmmaking, improv, and voiceover. Awardwinning faculty. Train, create, evolve, get work. Register at; (828) 276-1212; Asheville Community Theatre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/5) until (6/28) - The Great American Trailer Park Musical. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15-$20.

Different Strokes Performing Arts Collective 275-2093,, • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (6/4) until (6/20), 7:30pm - Coyote on a Fence. $15. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/4) until (6/21) - Over the River and Through the Woods, comedy. $15-$40. Wed.-Sat.: 8pm; Thu., Sat. & Sun. afternoon shows: 2pm Montford Park Players 254-5146, • FRIDAYS through SATURDAYS (6/5) through (7/4), 7:30pm - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Free. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. Parkway Playhouse 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville, 682-4285, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/6) until (6/20) Arcadia. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 3pm. $18-$22. The Magnetic Theatre 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (7/4), 7:30pm - The Merchant of Asheville (A Locally Sourced Comedy). $23/$20 advance.


American Folk Art and Framing 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, • TH (6/4) through WE (6/24) - Polka Dot. Dot. Dot, mixed media exploration of dots. Opening reception: June 4, 10am. Art at UNCA • Through TU (6/30) - Homage to Life, works by Cecelia and Abigail Frederic. Held in Blowers Gallery. Asheville Area Arts Council 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through MO (6/15) - Working Memory, mixed media paintings by Mark Flowers. Artist’s reception: June 5, 5-8pm. • Through TU (6/30) - Jodi John + Laura John: A Mother + Daughter Exhibition of Original Paintings. Asheville Art Museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (9/13) - From New York to Nebo: The Artistic Journey of Eugene Thomason. Asheville Gallery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art. com • Through TU (6/30) - Recent Works, watercolor, pastel and pencil drawings. Opening reception: June 5, 5-8pm. Black Mountain Center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, • Through SA (6/20) - Paintings of floral designs shown in collaboration with Art in Bloom event.

C L U B L A N D BlACK mountAin ColleGe museum & Arts Center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • FR (6/5) through TH (8/27) - Something Else Entirely: Ray Johnson, Dick Higgins and the making of The Paper Snake, mail art. Opening reception June 5, 5:30-8pm. CHifferoBe Home & GArden 118-D Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-2743, • FR (6/5) through FR (7/31) - “Healing Landscape,” pastels by Elise Okrend. Artist’s reception: June 5, 4-8pm. GroVeWood GAllery 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • Through SU (8/30) - Surface & Texture: The Work of John Jordan, woodwork. HiCKory museum of Art 243 3rd Ave. NE, Hickory, 327-8576 • Through SU (9/6) - Woven Together: From Lesotho to Carolina, tapestries. Artists reception: May 29, 6-8pm. JAilHouse GAllery 115 E. Meeting St., Morganton, 433-7282 • Through FR (6/12) - Works by Appalachian Pastel Society members. miCA fine ContemPorAry CrAft 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 688-6422, • Through TU (7/21) - Rock, Paper, Scissors, works by Lisa Blackburn, Bill Brown, and Thor and Jennifer Bueno. odyssey CooPerAtiVe Art GAllery 238 Clingman Ave, 285-9700, • TU (6/2) through TU (6/30) - Ceramics by Ginger Graziano, Kat McIver and Diana Gillispie. PusH sKAte sHoP & GAllery 25 Patton Ave., 225-5509, • Through TU (6/16) - Brainstorm, street-art inspired works by various artists. seVen sisters GAllery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, • Through SU (8/2) - Photography by John Smith. toe riVer Arts CounCil 765-0520, • Through FR (6/5) - Works by artists who will participate in the 2015 Toe River Studio Tour. Held at Spruce Pine TRAC Gallery, 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine uPstAirs ArtsPACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, upstairsartspace. org • Through FR (6/19) - Storytellers, paintings by Arden Cone, Margaret Curtis, Dawn Hunter and Anna Jensen. West AsHeVille liBrAry 942 Haywood Road • Through TU (6/30) - Photos and digital paintings by Ron Morecraft. ZAPoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • ONGOING- Kinetic Summer, works on the theme of summer on Asheville. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

WednesdAy, June 3 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Wine tasting w/ The Paper Crowns (altfolk), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm Ben’s tune-uP Asheville Country Music Review w/ Town Mountain, The Honeycutters & John Stickley Trio, 5pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Open Mic, 7pm BurGer BAr Karaoke, 9pm CluB eleVen on GroVe First Friday’s: DJ Jam & His Jamming Machine (hip-hop, r&b, soul), 9pm CroW & Quill Victor & Penny (guitar, ukulele), 9pm douBle CroWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm funKAtorium John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Parker Millsap w/ Lilly Hiatt (country, folk, gospel), 8pm

circus sounds: Rather than fitting a strict genre, eclectic Pennsylvaniabased group This Way to the Egress knows fluidity is what it does best. The group “cascades onto the stage in a breathtaking explosion of sound and color that’s equal parts unruly vaudeville, ebullient world-beat-band and three-ring circus,” reads the band’s bio. Egress will perform with local rockabilly band Skunk Ruckus at The Crow and Quill on Wednesday, June 10, at 9 p.m.

Grind CAfe Trivia night, 7pm HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm

mountAin moJo CoffeeHouse Open mic, 6:30pm

tHe Joint neXt door Bluegrass jam, 8pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll The Gamblers (roots, jazz, gospel), 7pm

neW mountAin Dead Winter Carpenters (Americana, rock, alt country), 9pm

tHe PHoeniX Jazz night, 8pm

JACK of tHe Wood PuB Old-time session, 5pm

noBle KAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

tHe soCiAl Marc Keller, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm

lAZy diAmond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm

o.Henry’s/tHe underGround “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm

tHe soutHern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

leX 18 Patrick Lopez (modern & Latin jazz), 7pm

odditorium Round-robin hip-hop night, 9pm

tiGer mountAin FLUX: 80s/90s Dance Party, 9pm

loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.

off tHe WAGon Piano show, 9pm oliVe or tWist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one World BreWinG Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm

timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Jericho, Ixnee, Kri & guests, 9pm toWn PumP Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm WHite Horse BlACK mountAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny Bradley Carter & Friends (bluegrass, Americana), 6pm

Wild WinG CAfe soutH Party on the Patio! w/ J Luke, 6pm Karaoke, 9pm

Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm reJAVAnAtion CAfe Open mic night, 6pm

tHursdAy, June 4

room iX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm root BAr no. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hazy Ray (funk, rock), 8pm

sCully’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm

AltAmont tHeAtre Barry Rothbart w/ Jason Saenz & Tom Scheve (comedy), 9pm

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Open mic & jam, 7pm

BArley’s tAProom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



Send your listings to

Beer City tAVern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9:30pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Dirty Badgers (blues, rock), 8pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Larry Dolamore (acoustic), 7pm BurGer BAr Old school metal night w/ Schrader, 9pm CAtAWBA BreWinG tAstinG room Old time jam, 7pm

one World BreWinG Sarah Tucker (acoustic), 8pm orAnGe Peel Kill Paris w/ Louis Futon (future funk), 9pm osKAr Blues BreWery Nick Dittmeier & The Sawdusters (Americana), 6pm

CluB eleVen on GroVe Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm

PACK’s tAVern Howie Johnson Duo (acoustic rock), 9pm

douBle CroWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny Jeff Austin Band w/ Rodeo Clown (pop, bluegrass, rock), 9pm

elAine’s duelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

PurPle onion CAfe Calvin Edwards Trio (jazz), 7pm

foGGy mountAin BreWPuB Hot Point Trio (Gypsy jazz), 9:30pm

room iX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm

frenCH BroAd BreWery One Leg Up (jazz), 6pm

sCAndAls niGHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

Good stuff Carina Point (alt-country), 8pm

sly GroG lounGe Open mic (musicians, poets, comedians & more welcome), 8pm

PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm

WXyZ lounGe At Aloft Hotel Caromia (soul, blues), 7:30pm

fridAy, June 5 5 WAlnut Wine BAr David Earl & The Plowshares (Americana), 9pm AltAmont tHeAtre Haas Kowert Tice (progressive acoustic, bluegrass), 8pm AtHenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

lAZy diAmond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm

BlACK mountAin Ale House Ginny McAfee (country, folk), 8pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Acoustic Swing, 7pm

lAZy diAmond The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm

tHe motHliGHt Milo Greene w/ Hey Marseilles (indie, pop), 9pm

ByWAter Spring Fling rock ’n’ roll sock-hop (the twist & Twister contests, root beer floats) w/ Red Honey (blues-rock), 9pm

mArKet PlACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm o.Henry’s/tHe underGround Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm odditorium Dr. Sketchy’s Asheville presents: Go Chicken Go, 7:30pm Barbelith w/ Bear & Crook (metal), 9pm

tiGer mountAin Low Cut Connie (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm timo’s House TRL w/ Franco Nino (dance party, requests), 10pm toWn PumP Joe Cat (Americana), 9pm

off tHe WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm

oliVe or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm

urBAn orCHArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Wisewater (folk, country, roots), 7pm Tellico (Appalachian folk, bluegrass, old-time), 8:30pm

BlACK BeAr Coffee Co. Battle At The Bear (battle of local bands), 6pm

BurGer BAr Juke Joint Blues w/ Rare Burger Band, 9pm

tHe soutHern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm

iron Horse stAtion Luke Wood (instrumental), 7pm

JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz), 7pm

loBster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm

HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny Lyric (funk, soul, pop), 7pm

Ben’s tune-uP Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm

JACK of tHe Wood PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

tHe PHoeniX Bradford Carson (modern mountain music), 8pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics w/ Sidney Barnes & The Secret B-Sides (soul, R&B), 9pm

JACK of tHe Wood PuB Mangas Colorado (bluegrass, folk rock, Americana), 9pm

soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm

leX 18 Ray Biscoglia & Grant Cuthbertson (jazz standards), 7pm

Good stuff Mermaids in Marshall!, 5pm

Beer City tAVern Shaggy & Roberto (blues), 9pm

BreVArd musiC Center Brevard Blues & BBQ Festival w/ Dangerous Gentlemens, Doug Deming, Dennis Gruenling & The Jewel Tones, Mac Arnold & Plate Full O’ Blues & All Star Blues Jam, 4pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Laid Back Thursdays, 7pm Dan Tedesco (folk, rock, singer-songwriter), 7pm


one stoP deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Lauren Pratt w/ JW Teller and Grits & Soul (Americana), 10pm

ClAssiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (piano covers), 7pm CorK & KeG The Gamblers (roots, jazz), 8:30pm CroW & Quill Divine Circles & Aerial Ruin (ambient, experimental), 9pm douBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm elAine’s duelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foGGy mountAin BreWPuB Station Underground (reggae, jam), 10pm frenCH BroAd BreWery Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie, pop), 6pm

leX 18 Aaron Price (classical & romantic piano), 1:30pm Aaron Price (jazz), 6pm Hot Point Trio (Gypsy swing), 8:30pm loBster trAP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm luellA’s BAr-B-Que Riyen Roots (blues, soul), 9pm mArKet PlACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm nAtiVe KitCHen & soCiAl PuB The Willy Whales (old-time), 7:30pm neW mountAin Geektastic: A Burlesque Revue, 9pm noBle KAVA Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 8:30pm o.Henry’s/tHe underGround Total Gold dance party, 10pm odditorium Plankeye Peggy w/ Wall of Ears & Aquamule (art punk), 9pm off tHe WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist Westsound (Motown), 8pm one stoP deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm One Tribe (reggae), 10pm


Wineries & Cheesemakers



JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



Send your listings to

orAnGe Peel Tarocco: A Soldier’s Tale, 8pm osKAr Blues BreWery West End String Band (Americana), 6pm PACK’s tAVern DJ OCelate (pop, dance, hits), 9pm

North Carolina’s First Cider Pub! Family Owned and Operated

PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm


PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny TJ Lazer (soul, funk), 8pm riVerWAtCH BAr & Grill Chris Smith (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm


root BAr no. 1 Joe Smith & The Going Concern (rock, punk), 8pm

See our Facebook Page for Nightly Specials

sCAndAls niGHtCluB Zumba Fitness in Da Club w/ Be Bad Hip Hop, 7pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s DJ, 10pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Patrick Lopez (Latin), 8pm

210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806

sPrinG CreeK tAVern Drayton & The Dreamboats (swing), 9pm

(828) 774-5151

strAiGHtAWAy CAfe Bluesy Duo (blues, Motown, R&B), 6pm


tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe The Showcase w/ Mike (blues, classic rock), 9:30pm


tHe AdmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm





FRI 6.5

Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night



THU. 6/4 Howie Johnson Duo (acoustic rock)

FRI. 6/5 DJ OCelate

(pop, dance hits)

SAT. 6/6 Lyric

(funk, pop, soul)

14 WNC

20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM 54

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

BREWERY 5 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)

FRI 6.5


SAT 6.6


FRI 6.12




9 p.m. $5



SAT 6.13


Sun 6.14


9 p.m. $5

OPEN MON-THURS AT 3 • FRI-SUN AT NOON SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7:30-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Bluegrass Jam 7pm




95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville

252.5445 •

tHe CroW And Quill Divine Circles & Aerial Ruin (ambient, experimental), 9pm tHe motHliGHt William Fitzsimmons w/ Denison Witmer (folk, indie), 9pm tHe PHoeniX Howie Johnson Trio (blues, rock), 9pm tHe soCiAl Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tHe soutHern Salt Of The Earth (Americana), 6pm tiGer mountAin Soul dance party w/ Cliff, 10pm timo’s House Subterranean Shakedown w/ Horus, Inxnée & Lionize (bass party), 10pm toWn PumP 1 Last Chance (alt-rock), 9am

WHite Horse BlACK mountAin The Everydays (acoustic), 8pm Wild WinG CAfe Courtaud (alternative, Americana, blues-rock), 8pm Wild WinG CAfe soutH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm WXyZ lounGe At Aloft Hotel Ben Hovey (jazztronica, trumpet), 8pm ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sAturdAy, June 6 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Patrick Fitzsimons (jazz, blues, world), 6pm Jason Moore & Trust Trio (jazz, funk), 9pm AltAmont tHeAtre Mike Farris (soul, singersongwriter), 8pm AsHeVille musiC HAll The Corbitt Brothers w/ Homemade Wine, The Freeway Revival & Hazy Ray (southern rock, Americana), 10pm AtHenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Beer City tAVern Hurricane Bob, 9pm Ben’s tune-uP Gypsy Guitars, 2pm BlACK mountAin Ale House The Mug (blues, rock, boogie), 9pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Matt Sellars (Americana, blues, roots), 7pm BreVArd musiC Center Brevard Blues & BBQ Festival w/ Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore, Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats, Lee Griffin Band, Shane Pruitt Band, Stolen Hearts, Pam Taylor & Robert Johnson Jr., Rick Rushing & The Blues Strangers, Golden State Lone Star Revue & All Star Blues Jam, 12pm BurGer BAr Bike Night w/ DJ Johnny Be Good (70s rock), 9pm CentrAl united metHodist CHurCH Story & Song w/ Jim Avett (father & musical inspiration of The Avett Brothers), 7pm ClAssiC Wineseller Lacy Green (Americana, country), 7pm

elAine’s duelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foGGy mountAin BreWPuB Third Nature (experimental, groove), 10pm frAnny’s fArm Franny’s Farm Fest w/ firekid, Buchanon Boys, Red Honey, Bread & Butter Band, Leigh Glass & more, 11am frenCH BroAd BreWery Ian Fitzgerald & Krista Baroni (singer-songwriter), 6pm Good stuff Steve Gilbert (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 9pm Green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Bob Frank (acrylic painting demo), 12pm Stepchild (classic, Southern rock), 4:30pm Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Mang (Ween tribute), 9pm HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny Bobby Miller & the Virginia Dare Devils (bluegrass, alternative, acoustic), 7pm iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Saturday Classical Brunch, 11am JACK of tHe Wood PuB Red Dirt Revelators (blues, roots), 9pm JerusAlem GArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy diAmond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm leX 18 Bob Strain (classical & romantic piano), 1:30pm Michael John Jazz (smooth jazz), 6pm Michael Jefry Stevens (modern jazz), 8:30pm loBster trAP Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm mArCo’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm mArKet PlACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm moJo KitCHen & lounGe Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm neW mountAin Robert Randolph & The Family Band w/ Firekid (funk, soul), 7pm Aurelio Voltaire (cabaret, folk, Gothic rock), 9pm

tWisted lAurel Doghouse Band, 8:30pm

CorK & KeG The Gypsy Swingers (jazz, Latin, ’30s pop), 8:30pm

noBle KAVA The Kavalactones w/ Caleb Beissert & Max Melner (electro-coustic improv), 8:30pm

tWisted lAurel WeAVerVille Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues, soul), 6pm

douBle CroWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

odditorium Gore Gore Luchadores (allfemale wrestling team, benefit for NCHRC), 6pm

off tHe WAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist 42nd Street Band (big band jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm

soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Goldie & The Screamers (rnb, soul), 8pm sPrinG CreeK tAVern Nick Dimiter & The Sawdusters (Americana), 9pm

one stoP deli & BAr Donna Hopkins Band w/ Divine Love Mission (roots rock, pop), 10pm

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Jarvis Jenkins (Southern rock), 9:30pm

orAnGe Peel Tarocco: A Soldier’s Tale, 8pm

tHe AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

osKAr Blues BreWery TJ Lazer (soul, funk), 6pm

tHe motHliGHt 2nd Annual Burners & BBQ (art show, hip hop), 7pm

PACK’s tAVern Lyric (funk, pop, soul), 9pm PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm PisGAH BreWinG ComPAny Jason Isbell w/ Amanda Shires (Americana), 7:30pm PurPle onion CAfe Gigi Dover & Big Love (Gypsy soul), 7pm riVerWAtCH BAr & Grill Carrie Morrison (Americana), 1pm Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm room iX Open dance night, 9pm root BAr no. 1 Secret Club (rock), 8pm

tHe PHoeniX Mike Sweet (acoustic covers), 1pm Shotgun Gypsies (rock, Americana), 9pm tHe soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin Marion Walker w/ The Nude Party (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm toWn PumP Bullfeather (bourbon-grass, Appalachian rock), 9pm WHite Horse BlACK mountAin Red Herring Puppets (puppetry), 2pm The ZuZu Welsh Band w/ Jimmy Landry (Americana, rock ’n’ roll, blues), 8pm Wild WinG CAfe Karaoke, 8pm

sCAndAls niGHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

WXyZ lounGe At Aloft Hotel Juan Benavides Trio (Latin, flamenco), 8pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm

ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

sundAy, June 7

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till



Full Bar


5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Honey Chasers (Appalachian string jazz), 7pm AltAmont tHeAtre Daniel Champagne w/ Doug McElvy (singer-songwriter), 7pm Ben’s tune-uP Jazz Brunch, 2pm BlACK mountAin Ale House Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Robin Whitley, 7pm BurGer BAr Bike night w/ DJ John Black (’70s rock), 9pm BuriAl Beer Co. Jazz brunch w/ The Mandelkorn George Project (funk, soul), 12pm ByWAter Nick Dittmeier & The Sawdusters (Americana), 8pm CroW & Quill r.ariel (ambient, experimental), 9pm douBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm frAnny’s fArm Franny’s Farm Fest w/ firekid, Buchanon Boys, Red Honey, Bread & Butter Band, Leigh Glass & more, 11am Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Pawsaroo w/ Stephaniesid, Billy Jonas, Hobey Ford & others, 3pm


4pm-2am Mon-Fri | 12pm-2am Sat | 3pm-2am Sun Mon.-Thur. 4pm-2am • Fri.-Sun. 2pm-2am

87Patton Patton Ave., Asheville 87 Asheville

7:00 PM– THE

WED 6/3




June 2015


WED 6/10


THURS 6/11


FRI 6/12


SAT 6/13














THURS 6/18







SAT 6/20 7:00 PM– AN EVENING WITH JOE CROOKSTON Every Tuesday 7:30pm–midnite


Every Sunday



































JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



Send your listings to

iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm

AltAmont BreWinG ComPAny Old-time jam w/ John Hardy Party, 6:30pm

BuffAlo niCKel Trivia, 7pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm

Beer City tAVern Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam & storytelling), 8pm

BurGer BAr Krekel & Whoa! (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm

JACK of tHe Wood PuB Irish session, 5pm lAZy diAmond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm

Come Dine on

leX 18 Michael John Jazz (smooth jazz), 7pm loBster trAP Lyndsay Pruett & John Stineman (old-time, traditional), 6:30pm

BlACK mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm BurGer BAr Honkytonk ladies night w/ Brody, 6pm ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm

CorK & KeG Honky-Tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 8am douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm Good stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

CourtyArd GAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern The Secret Sisters w/ Striking Matches (neotraditional country), 8pm

neW mountAin Da Slam w/ Dante Basco & Super Art (poetry, comedy, puppetry), 9pm

CroW & Quill Carolina Catskins & Los Abrojitos (folk, Americana, tango), 9pm

HiGHlAnd BreWinG ComPAny The Rock Academy of Asheville, 6pm

6/11: Rory Kelly - 9 pm

odditorium Dawn Carol & Kim Smith (folk), 9pm

douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

iron Horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm


off tHe WAGon Piano show, 9pm

Good stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

Grey eAGle musiC HAll & tAVern Contra dance, 7pm

lAZy diAmond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

JACK of tHe Wood PuB Quizzo, 7pm

loBster trAP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

Our New Patio! THURSDAY:

6/4: East Coast Dirt - 9 pm THURSDAY:

6/12: WestSound - 9 pm THURSDAY:

6/18: Contagious - 9 pm THURSDAY:

6/25: Zuzu Welsh Band - 9 pm FRIDAY:

oliVe or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm one stoP deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am orAnGe Peel Blind Maiden (metal), 5pm PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 2pm

6/26: Riphaven - 9 pm Check out Clubland for other events Serving Lunch Daily Kitchen & Bar Open til 2am 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780

Pour tAProom Open mic, 8pm PurPle onion CAfe The Honeycutters (Americana, honky-tonk), 7pm sCAndAls niGHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

Wed • June 3 Woody Wood

soCiAl lounGe & tAPAs In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm


Fri • June 5

Lyric 7:00-9:00

Sat • June 6 Bobby Miller & the Virginia Dare Devils

Sun • June 7

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm tHe motHliGHt Masking Apathy w/ Chanterelles (alt rock), 9pm

tiGer mountAin Seismic Sunday w/ Matthew Schrader (doom, sludge, drone, psych-metal), 10pm timo’s House Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm Wild WinG CAfe soutH Party On The Patio w/ Crocs Duo, 5pm

mondAy, June 8 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Feels w/ Caromia (soul), 8pm


JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

off tHe WAGon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

osKAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm soCiAl lounGe & tAPAs In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm

one stoP deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm one World BreWinG DJ Jake, 8pm

root BAr no. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm

tHe soutHern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm

WNC 2014

odditorium Weakwick, Team & Kortriba (metal, punk), 9pm

tHe motHliGHt Giant Giants Improv Ensemble w/ Alterbreak & Kima Moore (percussion), 9pm

Tues • June 9 HALL OF FAME

o.Henry’s/tHe underGround Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm

odditorium Glory Hole Singers & Meridian (folk, country), 9pm Odd comedy night, 11:30pm

sPrinG CreeK tAVern Ashley Heath (R&B), 2pm

tHe soCiAl Karaoke, 9:30pm


mArKet PlACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

Pour tAProom Frank Zappa night, 8pm

tHe PHoeniX Grayson Barton (folk), 12pm


loBster trAP Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm

mArCo’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm

soVereiGn remedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm


Rock Academy

leXinGton AVe BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm

soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5pm

tHe omni GroVe PArK inn Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10pm

Dennis Berndt Roots Reggae Trio

lAZy diAmond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm

tHe PHoeniX Evalina Everidge & Marty Balash (blues, jazz, Americana), 8pm tHe soCiAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 9pm timo’s House Movie night, 7pm WHite Horse BlACK mountAin Bill Bares & Zack Page (jazz), 7:30pm

tuesdAy, June 9

tAllGAry’s At four ColleGe Jam night, 9pm tHe Joint neXt door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm tHe motHliGHt Brief Awakening w/ Erica Russo & Poet Radio (freak folk, fairy rock), 9:30pm tHe PHoeniX Stuart Wicke (folk), 8pm tHe soCiAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic), 5pm tHe soutHern Jason Brazzel (folk, soul), 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (ragtime), 8pm

tiGer mountAin Guantanamo Baywatch (surf rock), 9pm

AltAmont BreWinG ComPAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm

tressA’s doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm

AsHeVille musiC HAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

urBAn orCHArd Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm

Ben’s tune-uP Eleanor Underhill (acoustic), 5pm

WestVille PuB Blues jam, 10pm

BlACK mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm

WHite Horse BlACK mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm

Wild WinG CAfe soutH Trivia w/ Kelilyn, 8pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact



Love & Mercy HHHHS

Friday, June 5 Thursday, june 11 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

DIRECTOR: Bill Pohlad PLAYERS: John Cusack, Paul Dano, Elizabeth Banks, Paul Giamatti, Jake Abel, Kenny Wormald, Bill Camp

Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Cinderella (PG) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 It Follows (R) 10:00

MUSICAL BIOGRAPY RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Two parts in the life of the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson — separated by 20 years and used to illuminate each aspect. THE LOWDOWN: Brilliantly conceived and almost as brilliantly realized, this is one of those rare musical biopics that truly gets to the essence of its subject — and in a creative manner. This is in the must-see realm.

I went into Bill Pohlad’s Love & Mercy knowing absolutely nothing about it — and by nothing, I mean I didn’t even know what it was about. I had seen the poster in passing but never paid much attention to it. (I sometimes wish this happened more often, but in our media-soaked society, it’s nearly an impossible feat.) I certainly had no reason to expect that I was settling in for a most unusual biographical film about Brian Wilson. How unusual is it? It tells Wilson’s story from two points in time — separated by 20 years — and with two actors (Paul Dano and John Cusack) playing him. It isn’t structured in two sections, however, and moves freely back and forth between the two times. To say that the two stories play at once isn’t quite right, but neither can the earlier scenes be called flashbacks. There have certainly been more unorthodox approaches to the biographical film — Ken Russell’s work, for one example, and Todd Haynes’ 2004

Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452)

Paul Dano as the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson in 1966 (John Cusack also plays Wilson 20 years later) in Bill Pohlad's unorthodox biographical film Love and Mercy — a bracingly fresh take on the biopic form.

I’m Not There (which was co-written by Oren Moverman, who co-wrote this), for another — but it’s certainly not traditional, thank goodness. The idea is to present Wilson at the perilous peak of his creative abilities and in the abyss into which he descended. There’s something nearing genius in this approach, but it comes with a built-in pitfall. No matter how good the later sections are, no matter how good the performances, no matter the inherent drama, this part of Love & Mercy cannot really match the force of the earlier part of the story. That’s not the fault of the film per se, but the fault of history — and the fact that the headiness of 1966 is just more interesting than the vacuum of 1986. Watching an artist — especially one who is as delicately balanced as Wilson — create his masterpiece (the Pet Sounds album) against the advice of nearly everyone, only to see him fall apart from it all — from his own demons and the naysaying of his family — is just more rewarding as complex drama. The latter portions do work as drama, but they’re more traditional and less compelling. However, looked at as complementing the early sections, the later scenes work in a way

that enhances the stronger material. While the Dano scenes might work on their own — and the Cusack scenes would not — they work better in context. Also, without the Cusack scenes, there’d be no shape to the film and certainly no satisfying ending. Things in the Dano section establish the Cusack one. The terrifying Dr. Eugene Landy (an uncharacteristically detestable Paul Giamatti), who controls Wilson with drugs and authoritarian bullying, has his roots in Wilson’s own controlfreak father (Bill Camp). Neither character is complete without the other — and the reasons that Wilson is so susceptible to Landy are grounded in his father. It’s what he’s comfortable with. Despite the fact that the Dano sections are more imaginative and fresher, the Cusack sections hold them in place and make sense of them. Neither part is truly complete without other there, too. The essential thing that Love & Mercy gets so right is the very dichotomy that drives the film — that gulf that separates the 1950s mindset of the early Beach Boys from the growing 1960s sensibility of Wilson’s expanding ambitions and visions. The very idea that Wilson was convinced he could take the Beach Boys beyond

Carolina Cinemas (274-9500) Aloha (PG-13) 11:40, 2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:30 Avengers: Age of Ultron 2D (PG-13) 12:05, 3:50, 7:30, 10:00 Entourage (R) 12:25, 2:45, 5:05, 7:25, 9:45 Ex Machina (R) 11:25, 4:20, 9:20 Far from the Madding Crowd (PG-13) 11:10, 1:50, 4:25, 7:05, 9:40 Insidious: Chapter 3 (PG-13) 12:50, 3:05, 5:25, 7:40, 9:55 Lambert & Stamp (R) 11:00, 1:35, 4:10, 6:50, 9:25 Love & Mercy (PG-13) 11:05, 1:40, 4:15, 7:00, 9:35 Mad Max: Fury Road 3D (R) 2:35 Mad Max: Fury Road 2D (R) 12:00, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30 Pitch Perfect (PG-13) 11:55, 2:25, 4:55, 7:35, 10:05 Poltergeist 2D (PG-13) 12:30 San Andreas 3D (PG-13) 4:50 San Andreas 2D (PG-13) 11:50, 2:20, 7:20, 10:10 Spy (R) 11:30, 2:05, 3:25, 4:40, 6:00, 7:15, 8:35, 9:50 Tomorrowland (PG) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:25 The Wrecking Crew (PG) 1:55, 6:55 Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200) Pitch Perfect 2 (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536) Far from the Madding Crowd (PG-13) 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:40 Love & Mercy (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 The Salt of the Earth (PG-13) 1:20 (no 1:20 show, Fri. June 5), We Won't Be Down (NR) Fri., June 5 only1:00 Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) The Water Diviner (R) 4:00, 7:00 (Closed Mon.) Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

JUNE 3 - JUNE 9, 2015



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

the realm of the Beatles’ Rubber Soul is symptomatic of that gulf — a gulf, the film seems to suggest, that existed unreconciled in Wilson himself. In this regard, the film is brilliant — even in those moments where it doesn’t quite soar. The performances are all excellent. Dano is brilliant as the younger Brian Wilson, Cusack isn’t far behind him, nor are Elizabeth Banks and Paul Giamatti. Rated PG-13 for thematic elements, drug content and language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Aloha HHH DIRECTOR: Cameron Crowe PLAYERS: Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams, John Krasinski, Bill Murray ROMANTIC COMEDY-DRAMA RATED PG-13 THE STORY: A military contractor returns to his old stomping ground of Hawaii to resurrect his career but becomes entangled with both an old girlfriend and a uptight Air Force pilot. THE LOWDOWN: An incredibly uneven, often messy film with flashes of inspiration that almost make the whole thing coalesce. Almost.

A day after watching Cameron Crowe’s Aloha, I’m still not sure what to think of it. In a lot of ways, I respect Crowe for making a full-on Cameron Crowe movie (we’re to the point where any sort of directorial fingerprint in a major motion picture is worth some credit). But even if this is fully his movie, we’re still a good decade-and-a-half past the two times Crowe was interesting, with Almost Famous (2000) and Vanilla Sky (2001). Aloha is messy, uneven and — occasionally — mildly embarrassing, the work of a director unfortunately past his prime. The sheer Crowe-ness of it all is much of the problem, since his modus operandi has either tuckered itself out or simply fallen down a few notches in creativity. The pop music is there but to no real effect and is used mostly toward the beginning of the film before petering out (or simply being so uninspired that it’s unmemorable).


JUNE 3 - JUNE 9, 2015


The usual Crowe monologues are there, and while the dialogue is occasionally clever, there are some awkward moments (some Bradley Cooper exclamation about living his life “hard and fast” is both clunky and poorly delivered). Plus, everyone — even the guy (a horribly miscast John Krasinski as a butch Air Force pilot) whose whole schtick is that he doesn’t talk — gets a monologue. Even the basic plot — a morally bankrupt man finds love and a chance to resurrect his broken soul or whatever — is Crowe 101. That last part, in theory at least, is fine, except Crowe’s gotten a little too high concept and a little too clever and a little too unrelatable. The film seems to want to do for failing military contractors what Crowe’s Jerry Maguire (1996) did for failing sports agents — with Cooper playing Brian, a former pilot who’s nearly ruined his life with a string of bad decisions but has a chance to get back on track by working for eccentric billionaire Carson Welch (Bill Murray). The job sends Brian to Hawaii — his favorite place, we’re told — but also places him in the path of a quirky Air Force pilot (Emma Stone) and a long-lost girlfriend (Rachel McAdams). Other quirky characters come and go, like Danny McBride, who has a strange tic involving his hands, or a precocious kid (Jaeden Lieberher, who at least has the fact that he’s not Jonathan Lipnicki going for him) with a video camera and a whole lot of facts about Hawaiian myths. All of this conveniently dovetails into Brian finally getting his act together. It all feels a little dated (even the hand-held camera work feels passe) and like some lost indie movie from a decade ago. Crowe attempts to mitigate this with lots of pertinent talk about privatized militarization and the need for a moral compass, but none of it comes across as very deep, just extremely researched and, usually, totally unapproachable. Even with this, Crowe will occasionally come up with a good line or a touching moment, and it reminds you of how smart a writer and filmmaker he can be. Unfortunately, there simply aren’t enough of these instances. Rated PG-13 for some language, including suggestive comments. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther

HHHHH = max rating

Lambert & Stamp HHHHS DIRECTOR: James D. Cooper PLAYERS: Christopher Stamp, Kit Lambert (archival only), Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Heather Daltrey, Terence Stamp, Richard Barnes MUSIC DOCUMENTARY RATED R THE STORY: Documentary on the men who helped shape The Who, and of the band itself. THE LOWDOWN: A marvelously detailed — if ultimately messy and overstuffed — look into the history of The Who and the men who helped make it possible. Candid, perceptive and of interest even to viewers who aren’t fans.

James D. Cooper’s Lambert & Stamp — a documentary about the managers of The Who and the group’s rise to fame and artistic credibility — spins a story almost too strange to be true. In 1962 Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp — two mismatched kindred spirits working at Shepperton Studios — were wanting to make their mark as filmmakers of the New Wave school. The idea they hatched to do this was at the very least circuitous, highly impractical and maybe just a little bit insane. The pair would find a rock group, shepherd them to fame, film the whole process and end up with this amazing art film documentary. Of course, that didn’t happen. But in the process of helping nurture and shape a group then calling themselves the High Numbers into what we now know as The Who, they did far more — even if it was largely accidental. It is this, as much as anything, that the film chronicles. Lambert & Stamp is a sometimes messy — even somewhat chaotic — movie. This is a film that is so full of information and so intent on discussing every bit of that information that it manages not to cover Kit Lambert’s death, despite the fact that the movie is ostensibly about him. (It does no better in establishing Stamp’s death before the film was completed.) I don’t point this out as a criticism so much as an observation that the film is possibly

too expansive not to be messy. With a story as rich as this, that almost rates nothing more than a shrug. Of course, your interest in all of this is going to depend to a great degree on whether or not you’re a fan of The Who. I am, so factor that in. However, there’s more here than that. With or without The Who, the story of Lambert and Stamp is interesting in itself. Kit Lambert was the son of composer-conductor Constant Lambert. He came from money and privilege and was well educated. He was also gay. Chris Stamp (brother of Terence Stamp) was lower-class, the son of a tugboat captain and not gay. (And according to Roger Daltrey, Stamp tended to talk in an unintelligible Cockney accent — in sharp contrast to Lambert’s BBC-announcer English.) What the two had in common — apart from a desire to be filmmakers — was hard to imagine, but something about the pairing — both personally and professionally — clicked. The film — which benefits greatly from the heavy use of footage from the Lambert-Stamp rock documentary that never was — is refreshingly candid and intimate, though some of it won’t be all that revelatory to anyone who has read Pete Townshend’s autobiography, Who I Am. (Considering the length of time Lambert & Stamp took to make, it’s not unlikely that the interviews in the film informed Townshend’s book — nor is it unlikely that writing the book spilled over into what Townshend says in the film.) Some things that are being treated as new by critics aren’t — this is hardly the first time Townshend has denigrated the song “Magic Bus,” and it’s certainly not the first time Daltrey’s youthful tendency to settle things with his fists has been addressed. But a lot of the film is fresh, and none of it dodges the tough questions. You never get the sense of a PR mindset kicking in (contrast this with any film on the Beatles where you’re forced to read between the lines for truth). No one is made out to be better than he was — and no one is arguing the importance of what Lambert and Stamp brought to The Who, or what The Who brought to them. Similarly, there’s no attempt to gloss over where it all went wrong between the group and the managers. There are omissions. That’s inevitable. Overall, though, Lambert & Stamp is a fascinating documentary of two men, one of the great rock bands and a moment in time. Rated R for language, some drug content and brief nudity. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Local film news


Community Screenings

starting wEdnEsday






by Alli Marshall







Entourage film n.C. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, • TH (6/11), 6:30pm - Call of the Ancient Mariner, turtle documentary. $10. PuBliC liBrAry sCreeninGs • WE (6/3), 6pm - Comedy Greats of the Silent Screen: A Little Princess and The Butcher Boy. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (6/4), 3pm - The Third Man, film noir. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TU (6/9), 3pm - The Learning Tree. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (6/11), 3pm - Saving Mr. Banks, drama. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.

This big screen version of some HBO TV show is opening on Wednesday for no explicable reason. It has a lowwattage cast apt to elicit shrugs from anyone not familiar with the show. The trailer is not enticing. There are no early reviews, but the studio tells us this “much-anticipated bigscreen version of the award-winning hit HBO series, reunites the show’s original cast, led by Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven. Movie star Vincent Chase (Grenier), together with his boys, Eric (Connolly), Turtle (Ferrara) and Johnny (Dillon), are back ... and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold (Piven).” So there. (r)

starting friday

Insidious: Chapter 3

San Andreas HHH dirEctor: Brad Peyton (Journey 2: The Lost World) pLayErs: Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, Ioan Gruffudd, Paul Giamatti, Archie Panjabi

This third entry in the Insidious series is actually a prequel. That’s not the only difference, though, since director James Wan turned the reins over to his writing partner Leigh Whannell (who also plays the character Specs in the Insidious films). This one is supposed to detail how Elise Rainer (Lin Shaye) got into the spook-busting business in the first place. The series has been solid so far, so let’s hope this transition is a smooth one. (pg-13)

Lambert & Stamp

bicEp-powErEd disastErthon ratEd pg-13

See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

thE story: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is on hand for a smackdown with a couple of earthquakes.

See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

thE Lowdown: Exactly what you expect — massive computerized disaster, improbable heroics and 10 cents worth of dialogue. Efficient for what it is.

It’s big, it’s loud, it’s incredibly dumb — and it’s pretty funny, which I suspect was not the idea. It sets out to prove that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson can go toe-to-toe with two earthquakes and a tsunami and come out on top by the sheer power of his biceps and a helpful screenwriter (TV writer Carlton Cuse). And it succeeds in proving just that. Whether it proves anything else is another question

Love & Mercy Spy Somewhat surprisingly, this Melissa McCarthy spy comedy is racking up strongly positive reviews. It is worth bearing in mind that these are coming from people who were just wild about Bridesmaids and The Heat. So if you weren’t among those, some caution may be wise. The folks at Fox offer this: “Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) is an unassuming, deskbound CIA analyst, and the unsung hero behind the Agency’s most dangerous missions. But when her partner (Jude Law) falls off the grid and another top agent (Jason Statham) is compromised, she volunteers to go deep undercover to infiltrate the world of a deadly arms dealer, and prevent a global disaster.” (r)

A film 10 years in the making, We Won’t Bow Down will be screened at the Fine Arts Theatre as a benefit for the Burton Street Community Peace Gardens. “Wild Mohicans” photo by Steve Mann

• Asheville filmmaker chris bower’s Mardi Gras Indians documentary We Won’t Bow Down receives a pair of benefit screenings Thursday, June 4, at 7 p.m., and Friday, June 5, at 1 p.m. at the fine arts theatre. Bower has been working on the film for 10 years with a team of fellow Asheville residents, including producer/still photographer steve mann, cinematographer/editor/producer daniel Judson and producer david Kabler. According to the film’s website, We Won’t Bow Down “explores a secret society of African-Americans in inner-city New Orleans as they devote their time and skills to create hand-beaded Indian costumes that embody a cultural, spiritual and ancient power that has kept Africa alive in the New World despite slavery and its legacy.” The screenings will raise funds for the burton street community peace gardens in West Asheville. • Asheville actress Eva peterson will be in the upcoming Melissa McCarthy (The Heat) film titled Michelle Darnell, currently scheduled for an April 2016 release. The comedy was written by actor Steve Mallory (Identity Thief), McCarthy and her husband Ben Falcone (Tammy), who also directs, with shooting taking place in Atlanta and Chicago. The film’s IMDb page provides the following synopsis: “A titan of industry is sent to prison after she’s caught for insider trading. When she emerges ready to rebrand herself as America’s latest sweetheart, not everyone she screwed over is so quick to forgive and forget.” McCarthy plays the titular character while Peter Dinklage (“Game of Thrones”), Kristen Bell (“Veronica Mars”) and Kathy Bates (Misery) costar. Peterson plays Chrystal, one of the “Darnell Darlings,” a tough group of quasiGirl Scouts whose selling of homemade brownies is key to McCarthy’s character’s return to glory. Peterson and the other darlings were recently featured in a “First Look” photo and article in Entertainment Weekly. • The release date for Masterminds has been pushed back two weeks to Wednesday, Aug. 18. The film, shot in and around Asheville in summer 2014, was originally set for an Aug. 7 debut, which would have put it in box-office competition with the Fantastic Four reboot, the Meryl Streep rock ’n’ roll dramedy Ricki and the Flash and Shaun the Sheep, the latest stop-motion animation feature from Aardman Animations (Wallace and Gromit). The change also gives Masterminds a two-day head start on the action comedy American Ultra (starring Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart), the video game adaptation sequel Hitman: Agent 47 and the horror sequel Sinister 2. Send your local film news to X

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

altogether. I’d say the main thing it proves is that the disaster movie is no better than it was back in its heyday. The truth is that we already were in the midst of a disaster movie renaissance — only today’s disasters are typically generated by folks in spandex or giant robots duking it out. I suppose you could call those unnatural disasters, while San Andreas returns us to the days of the natural disaster. In practice, there’s not a nickel’s worth of difference between the two — and it’s actually debatable whether any movie with someone as pumped up as The Rock can truly be called natural. All in all, it’s an expensive-looking movie in which Los Angeles and San Francisco (and presumably all points in between) are destroyed by a series of earthquakes. Thousands, maybe millions, of people perish, billions of dollars in property damage — not to mention cultural destruction — are racked up, and it’s all in the service of bringing the estranged Mr. and Mrs. The Rock back together. After all, there’s no kind of bonding experience to equal massive destruction and a frenzied journey through it all to save your imperiled daughter — and her manufactured-forthe-occasion boyfriend and his cuteas-a-button, smarter-than-him little brother. (How a dog was left out of this mix, I do not know. Maybe someone thought it would make the whole thing unbelievable.) Before tut-tutting over this cavalier treatment of humanity as extreme marriage counseling, just remember Spielberg destroyed a great chunk of the world to fix things for Tom Cruise and his estranged family in War of the Worlds (2005). Well, after all, one of the earliest depictions of the real San Francisco earthquake — Old San Francisco (1927) — suggested it was the result of God protecting Dolores Costello’s virtue from the lecherous intentions of Warner Oland.

Of course, no one is going to a movie like this for anything like intellectual stimulation, or even marginal realism. It seems a disturbing thing to consider, but audiences go to this sort of thing for the joy of watching mass destruction — as only CGI can render it. In this regard, San Andreas can be said to be on par with Roland Emmerich at his ... er ... best. The effects are generally excellent — though the minute the film personalizes the destruction by including the human element, the composites are pure 1963. Fortunately, little is actually personalized. There’s one sympathetic death and one unsympathetic “deserved” demise. Everything else is kept safely at arm’s length — unless we’re talking about the main characters, who aren’t likely to be handing in their dinner pails. This assures us a guilt-free glut of catastrophes of escalating preposterousness. Characterization is largely nonexistent, perfunctory or badly sketched in. In this last capacity, we have Ioan Gruffudd as Carla Gugino’s new billionaire boyfriend. I guess he’s evil. Certainly the film treats him that way — even expending its grace PG-13 F-word on him. Yet, I was never sure if he was a sniveling coward who deliberately abandoned the leads’ daughter (Alexandra Daddario), or if he was dazed by it all, or if he was upset because he lost one of his shoes and had to hobble through the rest of the movie with one shoe and one sock. It hardly matters. Seriously critiquing a movie like this is impossible, impractical and useless. If you can get worked up about seeing landmarks various and sundry being destroyed again, it won’t matter — though you may reasonably wonder about the flag-waving (literally) “We will rebuild” message. Mightn’t it be wiser to rebuild somewhere else? Rated PG-13 for intense disaster action and mayhem throughout and brief strong language. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, Yancey Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke


We Won’t Bow Down HHHS

Director: Chris Bower (Solatrium) DOCUMENTARY Rated NR Chris Bower’s visually striking and undeniably colorful documentary on the Mardi Gras Indians and their culture, We Won’t Bow Down, has its Asheville premiere this Thursday at the Fine Arts Theatre. Though Bower never uses the term, the film is in the cinema verite style, which is to say that the film and its characters speak for themselves. As Bower says, “I wanted to create a raw, visually exciting, non-watered-down film about the culture and artists I love, the Mardi Gras Indians. I also wanted to keep the tradition of verbal history. As Chief Howard says in the film, ’We were not allowed to write or read, so everything had to be passed down through word of mouth.’ That is why there is no narration or outside academia.” The film doesn’t attempt to tell you why this underground culture is important. It shows us the culture and leaves us to draw our own conclusions — and while it may go on a little longer than it should, it’s very good at it. The Fine Arts Theatre is showing We Won’t Bow Down for two shows on Thursday, June 4, at 7 p.m. and Friday, June 5, at 1 p.m.


JUNE 3 - JUNE 9, 2015


Chocolat HHHHS

Director: Lasse Hallström Players: Juliette Binoche, Lena Olin, Johnny Depp, Judi Dench, Alfred Molina, Leslie Caron ROMANTIC COMEDY FANTASY Rated PG-13 In Chocolat (2001), Lasse Hallström walks a fine line with material that could easily have slipped into the realm of the too precious, but it never falters as it tells a predictable story of a woman (Juliette Binoche) and her daughter (Victoire Thivisol) who come to a small French town in 1959 and magically transform it, as much by way of their nonconformity and practical psychology as through any properties of the chocolate they sell. Beautiful to look at, the film is charming in every sense, directed with a sure hand and acted by an unbeatable cast. At the same time, the film hasn’t quite retained its original magic over the space of 14 years. Its luster seems to me to have ever-so-slightly dimmed, but only slightly. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Chocolat Friday, June 5, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Empire of the Sun HHHH

Director: Steven Spielberg Players: Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson, Nigel Havers, Joe Pantoliano, Leslie Philips DRAMA Rated PG Empire of the Sun (1987) is Steven Spielberg still in his serious mode from The Color Purple (1985), and as serious Spielberg goes, you could do worse. It has nearly all of his strengths and weaknesses on full display. This story of the British imprisoned by the Japanese upon the fall of Shanghai — and centering on an adolescent boy (then-newcomer Christian Bale) — offers him a broad canvas on which to demonstrate his undeniable craft. It is a magnificent looking film and every inch a model of professionalism, but here’s something just a bit impersonal about it. I suspect matters are not helped by Christian Bale, who spends the first stretch of the film inevitably making you want to box his ears. I’m not sure that was the idea — Spielberg’s addiction to precocious children makes it hard to be certain how we’re meant to take him. If you can get past that, however, the film is solid — and very oldfashioned — entertainment. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Empire of the Sun Sunday, June 7, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

That Man from Rio (L’homme de Rio) HHHHS Director: Philippe de Broca Players: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Françoise Dorléac, Jean Servais, Roger Dumas, Daniel Ceccaldi, Adolfo Celi ADVENTURE COMEDY ROMANCE Rated NR Promoted as a spy spoof, though it really wasn’t one, That Man from Rio is more of a globe-trotting action/thrill comedy with a plot that would be perfectly at home in a 1940s serial film. It’s ostensibly about some religious icons that were ... appropriated from a tribe of South American Indians, but this mostly serves as the means to set the adventure in motion so that on-leave soldier Adrien Dufourquet (Belmondo) has to chase after his not-quite fiancee Agnès (Dorléac) when she’s kidnapped by whatever mysterious villains are after the complete set of three statuettes. This takes on a wild ride from Paris to Rio to the then-under-construction city of Brasilia to the supposedly impenetrable Amazonian jungles. (Think of it all as a nascent Raiders of the Lost Ark with three little statues instead of the Ark of the Covenant and greedy, power-mad villains and possibly dangerous Brazilian natives instead of Nazis.) Fast, funny, exciting, exotic, colorful — and wonderfully preposterous. The Asheville Film Society will screen That Man from Rio Tuesday, June 9, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Uninvited HHHHS

Director: Lewis Allen Players: Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Gail Russell, Donald Crisp, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Barbara Everest, Alan Napier GHOST STORY Rated NR Incredible though it may seem, The Uninvited was Hollywood’s first serious attempt at a genuine ghost story — and a rare example of an A-picture horror film. Earlier attempts at ghost stories were either comedic in intent, or had some — usually preposterous — rational explanation to all the “boogie, boogie, boogie” stuff at the climax. The Uninvited changed all that — even if it didn’t start a trend. On its own, The Uninvited is a superbly crafted, thoroughly convincing haunting movie about a vengeful ghost that inhabits an old house purchased by a musician (Ray Milland) and his sister (Ruth Hussey) — a ghost that seems especially determined to drive its presumed own daughter (Gail Russell) to commit suicide. The production values are top notch, the horror set pieces effective and the limited special effects perfectly convincing. First rate. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Uninvited Thursday, June 4, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

M A R K E T P L A C E rEaL



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totally renovated., Gourmet Kitchen, Stainless Steel Appliances. Granite, Copper Counter Tops. Wine Cooler, Exposed brick Walls, Large Windows (Great Light) , Gas Fireplace. Parking garage space in building included. 1 year Lease required, Available July 1 . Please no smoking. Call for showing. (828) 301-8033: Clayton or (954) 684-1300: Phil.

CommerCiAl/ Business rentAls

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reAl estAte serViCes

ATTENTION CRAFTERS • 2,000 sQft +/- WAynesVille, nC • Ideal office/ warehouse/workspace downtown Waynesville. Decor would support craft-oriented use, distributor or low-traffic store. Negotiable. Call (828) 216-6066. goacherints34@

sHort-term rentAls 15 minutes to AsHeVille Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@yahoo. com

roommAtes Buyers only- our only foCus is your Best interests. We work with real estate buyers, with no conflicts of interests or sellers to please. Step outside the traditional real estate model for a better home-buying experience. 828-210-4663 info@

rentAls APArtments for rent nortH AsHeVille Adjacent to UNCA. 1BR fully furnished. Living room, combo kitchen/dining, all utilities included. Electric, cable TV, A/C and internet. Private entrance and parking. $800 plus deposit. 252-0035.

Condos/ toWnHomes for rent doWntoWn luXury Condo for rent 2BR, 2BA, $2300/month.1365 sqft. 52 Biltmore Ave. W&D in unit, Loft condo in historic downtown building,

roommAtes All AreAs roommAtes. Com Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at! (AAN CAN) AVAilABle noW Share 2BR, 1BA Townhouse, Fletcher,. Fully furnished except bedroom. $450/month includes all utilities. If you're responsible, please leave message: 335-2140. ideAl HousemAte AVAilABle noW Seasoned, kind, stable, chemical free, handy, helpful, natural healer and massage therapist. Have lovable smaller service healing dog. Seeks healthy/peaceful home/farm/room. $400 total. John: (828) 620-1411.

emPloyment GenerAl finAnCe And oPerAtions mAnAGer, sHArinG House located in Brevard, NC. Transylvania Christian Ministry, Inc. is immediately seeking an exceptional and compassionate person


whose skill strengths are in Non-Profit Accounting and business management. Qualified and interested applicants, please send resume electronically to, GrAy line trolley seeKs Cdl driVers Tour GuideCDL Drivers: If you are a "people person" you could be a great TOUR GUIDE! FULL-TIME and seasonal part-time available. Training provided. MUST have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL).;; 828-251-8687 GrAy line trolley seeKs diesel meCHAniC Opening for experienced diesel mechanic; minimum 5 years verifiable experience; certifications a plus; must have own tools; part-time, possible fulltime.; 828-251-8687; GrAy line trolley seeKs Gift & tour tiCKet sAles Gray Line Tours seeks outgoing sales clerk for downtown gift shop/ticket sales location. Part-time 2-4 days a week. Retail experience required. 828-251-8687 GrAy line trolley seeKs oPerAtions suPerVisor Seeks full-time Operations Supervisor/Tour Guide. Must have CDL; hospitality or transportation experience desirable. Send resume or request application:

noW HirinG! @WORK Personnel Services is now hiring for Manufacturing positions in Asheville and surrounding areas. Call 828-658-9304 for more details or apply online seeKinG A reWArdinG JoB? Mountain Xpress employment Classifieds are effective at pairing local employers with qualified candidates. Visit our desktop or mobile site at mountainx. com/classifieds to browse additional online-only job listings OR post a personalized “Jobs Wanted” ad for extra exposure during your search. Check our jobs page often, and be the first to apply!

WHiteWAter rAft Guides needed! Hiring Now! Fun Summer Job! Free Training. Apply Online. Drug Free Workplace. Housing Provided. Only 1hr from Asheville! www.

AdministrAtiVe/ offiCe AdministrAtiVe AssistAnt Full-time, non-exempt. Wage range: $12-$14/hour. Resume deadline: 6/2/2015. The Administrative Assistant plays an integral role in the support of the Leadership Team and oversees the effective operation of the reception area at Verner, a comprehensive early education program of excellence that encompasses high quality education, family services, health and nutrition services, and teacher education. Support responsibilities include document creation and editing, taking minutes, scheduling appointments and interviews as needed, assisting in data entry and volunteer coordination efforts, maintaining the social media accounts, basic graphic design, assisting with the upkeep of the staff directory and paperwork for new hires, keeping office supplies stocked, and following up on projects to a timely completion. Reception responsibilities include greeting families, young children, visitors, volunteers, and therapists, answering a multi-line phone system, daily deposits, effective management of the tuition payment system, mail distribution, and being knowledgeable on internal policies and upcoming events. The Administrative Assistant must be at least 18 years of age with a high school diploma or equivalency; a Bachelor's degree is preferred. The incumbent must be highly organized and skilled in the areas of written and verbal communication. Success in this position requires the ability to manage multiple projects at once, attention to detail, critical-thinking, flexibility, and a high degree of initiative. Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs including Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel is required. Basic skills in InDesign, WordPress, and various social media are preferred but not required. The Administrative Assistant must exhibit professionalism

and warmth in all interactions with children, families, visitors, and co-workers. This position is the communication hub of the Riceville Center and will experience a high level of distraction from families and staff needing assistance throughout the day. The ideal candidate will feel energized by the fast-paced and ever-changing nature of a dynamic early childhood education program. Verner is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply online at www.vernerearlylearning. org/jobs HABitAt for HumAnity seeKs PArt-time BilinGuAl offiCe AssistAnt Duties include reception, coordinating activities for office volunteers, maintaining office supplies and equipment, processing mail, and managing data; as well as Spanish translation and interpretation. EOE. Info on web: HumAn resourCes direCtor JoB oPeninG Four Circles Recovery Center, a wilderness substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking a Human Resources Director to manage all human resources functions including recruiting, hiring, and onboarding staff, payroll, maintaining confidential files, monitoring leaves of absence, facilitating employee coaching and counseling, advising management regarding human resources concerns, tracking and facilitating employee training, presentation and assistance with Open Enrollment, and tracking and reporting human resources metrics. Additional duties include management of accreditation paperwork and general office duties. Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 3 years of Human Resources experience, and proficiency in Microsoft Office programs required. Looking for a mature, highly organized, confident leader and team player, with an excellent work ethic and positive attitude. PHR or SPHR preferred. Please respond via email to reference HR Director.

restAurAnt/ food 2 POSITIONS • ANNIE’S BAKery Production Artisan Bread Baker: Experienced only need apply. 35-40 hours/ week, M-F; potential leadership advancement. sanitation: Experienced individual for 30-35 hours/week M-F. HACCP, GMP preferred. Please email resumes to • No phone calls.

APOLLO FLAME • WAITstAff Full-time. Fast, friendly, fun atmosphere. • Experience required. • Must be 18 years old. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. eXPerienCed line CooK needed in Hot sPrinGs Experienced line cook needed for high volume casual dining restaurant. Must be available to work nights and weekends. Competitive pay offered. Please apply in person Wed- Fri from 12-4pm. VeGAn CHef WAnted in CHArleston, sC Hiring a Compassionate Self-Motivated Chef/Kitchen Manager. Vegan restaurant opening in Downtown Charleston, SC. Will be serving breakfast and lunch. Looking for someone who can manage food cost; control the inventory and place orders; properly store and care for inventory; expedite food, and encourage a positive work environment. Please email saragrimshaw@

mediCAl/ HeAltH CAre seeKinG CArinG dediCAted Responsible individual to care for my 27 year old daughter with developmental disabilities from TBI. Habilitation training in home and community. 32 hours/week available. $10$11/hour. Email resume to

HumAn serViCes

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • meridiAn BeHAViorAl HeAltH licensed/Associate Clinicians Seeking NC licensed/associate licensed clinicians to join a recovery oriented organization in the beautiful North Carolina mountains. Clinical positions are available in a variety of programs such as the Assertive Community Treatment Team, Peers Assisting in Community Engagement, Recovery Education Center and Specialized Assessment, to provide recovery oriented comprehensive clinical assessments, support, skill building, education, and team consultation both in the office and the community. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation, flexibility, and moderate computer skills. Certified medical Assistants (CmA) – 2 Full Time Positions. Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years

of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. employment support Professional This positions supports individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment in the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. Applicant must have reliable transportation and a valid driver’s license. Peer support specialists Multiple positions open for Peer Support Specialists working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: AVAILABLE POSITIONS • rAy of liGHt Homes llC Seeking interested, qualified applicants for part-time positions with Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Pay ranges from $9-$12/ hour. Must be able to provide safe transportation. • Monday-Friday: 9am-1pm Community supports in Asheville area to assist at volunteer jobs. Weekend hours available. • Varied respite hours in Candler area. Must be able to lift and provide personal care supports. Serious inquiries only; contact direCt CAre stAff needed Turning Point Services has opportunities for direct care staff in the area. Requirements range from high school graduate to CNA. Look under Career Opportunities at for more information. direCt CAre stAff needed- BreVArd, nC Turning Point Services, Inc. is currently accepting applications in your area for direct care staff . All you need is a high school diploma/GED. Visit our website at to apply. Look for the Job Board under Career Opportunities

direCt suPPort ProfessionAl This is a direct care position, working with residents with a developmental disability or intellectual challenges. www.

full-time dAy treAtment QP Do you desire to make a difference in a child's life? Come use your passion to promote change while working in a unique setting that provides MH services within the county school system. Seeking a full-time experienced mental health staff to work in a classroom setting with middle and high school aged children who are behaviorally challenged. Required: ability to work in a team culture, strong leadership experience, and two or more years working with atrisk youth population (must meet child QMHP status). Please submit a detailed resume to afortune@

mentAl HeAltH Counselor With Substance Abuse Credentials (CSAC/ LCAS). Established Counseling Center seeking Licensed Therapist to do part-time contract work including Batterer Intervention group. Experience and work background in substance abuse highly desired. Please contact Bruce directly at (828) 777-3755 and email resume to

for QmHPs needed CHild mentAl HeAltH AGenCy in HAyWood And JACKson Counties Looking to fill several positions in Jackson and Haywood Counties by Aug/ Sept. We are needing child QMHPs/Qualified Mental Health Professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP's must have Bachelor's degree and 2-4 years of experience post-degree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to

suBstAnCe ABuse Counselor, CliniCAl Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain, NC has positions available for Substance Abuse Counselors, Clinical. Applicants must be Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialists (LCAS). Positions will provide treatment planning, individual and group therapy, and discharge planning for clients receiving in-patient psychiatric treatment and/or detox services. Please visit http:// agency.governmentjobs. com/northcarolina/default. cfm to apply.

turninG Point serViCes is looKinG for A QuAlified ProfessionAl must have a 4-year degree in human services and 2 years of post-degree experience working with the IDD population. An official college transcript is required. Apply online at

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015


ProfessionAl/ mAnAGement food sourCinG CoordinAtor Full-time. Manna Foodbank. Bachelors’s Degree or equivalent experience. Assist in the procurement of food and grocery inventories from the food industry. • Good driving record required. • Complete job description and application instructions at www. EOE CAlendAr editor WAnted Mountain Xpress is looking for a calendar editor who’s highly organized, locally focused and loves managing and organizing data for the area’s most comprehensive community calendar and club listings. The best candidate knows a lot about our community • loves Asheville’s locally focused, grassroots exuberance • gets Xpress’ community-oriented journalism • has good organizational skills • collaborates well and meets deadlines • is familiar with AP style • is Web savvy • can decipher and distill press releases • meets deadlines. 30hrs/week with potential for growth in hours and responsibilities. To apply, send resume and cover letter explaining your passions and expertise — to WAnted: freelAnCe editor Mountain Xpress is looking for one or more talented editors to help make our print and online content sparkle, probe, compel, provoke, captivate, inspire, challenge and energize — as well as be accurate, fair and balanced. Local knowledge and AP-style competence needed. If interested, send a cover letter, resume and examples of copy you’ve edited to passionate@

teACHinG/ eduCAtion 2 POSITIONS • HANGER HAll science teacher Hanger Hall, an all-girls middle school in Asheville, seeks an engaging and passionate 6th8th grade Science teacher to inspire the girls to bring out their absolute best, incorporate innovative teaching practices, be open to collaboration with colleagues, and commit to meaningful professional development. This is a full-time position with a comprehensive benefit package. Please send a resume and cover letter to employment@ • Deadline for applying is Monday, June 8. Athletics teacher Hanger Hall, an all-girls middle school in Asheville, seeks an engaging and passionate 6th-8th grade Athletics teacher to inspire the girls to bring out their absolute best, incorporate innovative teaching practices, be open to collaboration with colleagues, and commit to meaningful professional development. This is a 4 day, 30 hour a week, teaching position with a comprehensive benefit package. Please send a resume and cover letter to • Deadline for applying is Monday, June 8.

ACAdemy mentor stAff WAnted Mentor Staff Wanted: The Academy at Trails Carolina, a year-round


experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County North Carolina, is seeking passionate and energetic individuals to join its student life staff. Academy Mentor Staff coordinate with the Director of Student Life to create and facilitate integrated and experiential resident life programming for Academy students. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, letters of reference, and any pertinent wilderness certifications (WFR, CPR, etc.) to AsHeVille ACAdemy for GIRLS • SOLSTICE EAST • sCienCe teACHer Position available. Come join our team where you can have a positive, lasting impact on youth from across the country. Our programs are steadily growing and we seek a full-time teacher, licensed in one or more of the following areas: Middle School and/or Secondary Science Education. Licensure required. This position is for a year-round school with small class sizes. Experience with alternative settings and/ or learning disabilities a plus. Asheville Academy for Girls is a residential treatment center for girls ages 10-14 and Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18. Benefits are offered to full-time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. Please send a resume and cover letter to: No phone calls or walk ins please. www. www.

HeAd stArt/nC Pre-K teACHer Seeking dedicated and experienced early childhood professional to join our high quality program. Four year degree in Early Childhood Education and at least two years of related experience with preschool children required. North Carolina Birth to Kindergarten teaching license preferred. • Bi-lingual in Spanish-English a plus. Great Benefits! A valid North Carolina driver’s license required. Must pass physical and background checks. Salary Range: $15.35/hr. -$19.44/hr., DOQ. • Send resume, cover letter and work references with complete contact information along with DCDEE CRC Qualifying Letter to: Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 (828) 252-2495 or For more information: Admin@ communityactionopportunities. org Or www. communityactionopportunities. org Or (828) 253-6319 (Fax) Open until filled. EOE & DFWP. HeAd stArt/nC Pre-K teACHer AssistAnt Seeking energetic individual to work as an early childhood professional to join our high quality early childhood program. Experience working with pre-school children and NC Early Childhood Credentials required. Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education or CDA preferred. Bi-lingual in Spanish-English a plus. Salary: $10.74./hr. A valid North Carolina driver’s license is required. Must pass physical and background checks. Make application with complete work references and contact information along with DCDEE CRC Qualifying Letter to:

JunE 3 - JunE 9, 2015

Human Resources Manager 25 Gaston Street, Asheville NC, 28801 (828) 252-2495 or For more information: Admin@ communityactionopportunities. org Or www. communityactionopportunities. org Or (828) 253-6319 (Fax) Open until filled. EOE & DFWP.

interested in WorKinG At A-B teCH? Full-Time, PartTime and Adjunct Positions available. Come help people achieve their dreams! Apply for open positions at https:// montessori leAd & AssistAnt teACHer oPeninGs Swannanoa Valley Montessori School is a private, non-profit school in Black Mountain. We have openings for full-time Montessori trained Lead Primary Teacher and part-time Elementary Assistant. Submit resumes and Letter of Intent to office. Visit for school information.

Business oPPortunities mAKe $1000 WeeKly! Mailing brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

Arts/mediA GrAPHiC desiGner needed for tHe mountAin XPress ProduCtion teAm. We are seeking a community-minded individual who wants to put his/her skills to work creating compelling advertising for the area’s burgeoning eclectic mix of businesses, creating fliers and marketing materials, and by helping design the pages of Mountain Xpress The ideal candidate thrives in a fast-paced environment, works well in a collaborative environment, is exceptionally organized and deadline-driven, and has excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, an exceptional creative eye and a desire to ensure high quality output. You must have the proven ability to create original, effective advertising and marketing materials, and to assist in the layout of our weekly print publication and guides. Candidates must: • Be able to simultaneously handle multiple projects • Be proficient in Adobe CSC programs (inducing, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat) • Be able to prepress and troubleshoot a variety of file types and to work interdepartmentally to organize, schedule and maintain ad-production workflows. • Be fluent in the Mac OSX platform • Be able to interface with other departments in the company. • Have a minimum of 2-3 years graphic design experience Newspaper, web-ad design and management experience a plus. This is a part-time hourly position. Email cover letter explaining why you believe you are a good fit, your resume, and either a URL or PDF of your design portfolio to: design@ <x-msg://218/> No applications or portfolios by mail, and no phone calls or walk-ins, please. WAnted: freelAnCe VisuAl Arts Writer Mountain Xpress is looking for one or more talented writers to cover the local visual arts scene, including exhibit openings, show reviews and previews, artist profiles, arts business features and local arts administration and politics. Local knowledge needed. AP style and Wordpress proficiency are helpful. If interested, send a cover letter, resume and links to published writing to

CAreer trAininG AirBrusH mAKeuP Artist Course For: Ads. TV. Film. Fashion. HD and digital. 40% Off Tuition for limited time. Train and Build Portfolio . One Week Course. Details at: 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN) Airline CAreers BeGin Here Get started by training as a FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800725-1563 (AAN CAN) eArn $500 A dAy As Airbrush Makeup Artist For: Ads • TV • Film • Fashion • HD • Digital. 35% Off Tuition - One Week Course. Taught by top makeup artist & photographer. Train and Build Portfolio. Models Provided. Accredited. A+ Rated. (818) 980-2119 (AAN CAN) mediCAl BillinG sPeCiAlists needed! Train to become a Medical Office Professional! No experience needed! Online training at CTI can get you ready! Call for details! 1-888-926-6057. HS Diploma/ GED and computer needed. stArt your HumAnitAriAn CAreer! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18 month programs available. Apply today! 269-591-0518. (AAN CAN)

ComPuter/ teCHniCAl ProJeCt enGineer Video Project engineer for digital video . Must be able to travel up to 40% if required. International video analytic company needs a project engineer. Job duties will be : implementing and maintaining analyitcs servers, IP cams/ encoders , training end users., completing remote and onsite maintenance and reports. Preferred skills and or experience : Computer network administrator type duties, customer service attitude, knowledge of video encoding theory, encoder configurations,, ability to maintain multiple projects simultaneously. XML and Linux editing Full time Salary position commensurate with experience . For consideration for this employment opportunity Please email scanned resume to : wirelessangel@



eXP serVers Exp. Servers/ Banquet Servers. Part-time, Days, Nights/Weekends. Living Wage + Tips. Apply in Person at Country Club of Asheville. 170 Windsor Rd, Asheville. 828.258.9183

WAnted: ZZ toP tiCKets Need 2 reserved seats for August 16, Biltmore Estate. Call (954) 873-4747.

serViCes trAVel

noW HirinG Hotel JoB oPPortunities $9/hour. Room Attendants, Houseperson. Must pass criminal background check and drug screen. Apply in person: 1238 Hendersonville Road, Suite 217, Asheville, NC 28803. Call for appointment: 828274-4622.

sAlon/ sPA HAir stylist Excellent opportunity to provide quality hair styling services in an upscale Five Star salon. Seeking highly motivated stylists with a desire to achieve their professional best. Please visit our website: http://ismspa. com/employment/open-positions/ liCensed mAssAGe THERAPISTS • NAIL TECHniCiAns Full-time. Must have a minimum of 1 year experience and the ability to work at both locations. Please bring resume to 59 Haywood St. sensibilities day spa. stylist Experienced or new and motivated Stylist needed. The WaterLily Organic Salon is looking to expand their team. Are you looking for a healthier environment to do hair in? Starting to suffer from allergies from the toxic chemicals in most salons? Or do you just need a more relaxed and friendly place to work? Call 505-3288 or email a resume to All inquiries should be addressed to Alissa Neill.

XCHAnGe AntiQues & ColleCtiBles BootHette WitH PAy PHone Call now, this won't last. (828) 216-4711.

APPliAnCes Wood BurninG stoVe Good condition. $600. Call (828) 216-4711.

Business eQuiPment roto CHef rotisserie Cooks up to 15 chickens or 5 turkeys. 220 volts. Good condition. $3600 new, asking $900. (828) 216-4711.

yArd sAles THIS SATURDAY • BENefit yArd sAle Start From Seed is having a yard sale! June 6, 9am-1pm in the lot behind our office at 857 Merrimon Avenue. • Free Lemonade • Baked Goods • Children's clothing • and more! All proceeds will go to Start From Seed, a non-profit organization that empowers and strengthens families. Rain date: 06/13/15. www.

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CAreGiVers COMPANION • CAREGIVER • LIVE-IN Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • Hospice reference letter. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.

ComPuter WeB desiGn & GrAPHiC Art By JACoB louis Services include mobilefriendly website design, logos, signs, banners, t-shirts, stickers, book covers, album art, brochures, business cards, social media and more. Visit or call (828) 708-7127 to learn more.

Home imProVement GenerAl serViCes Jm reid Custom Home remodelinG Specializing in Kitchens and Baths, PreFinished Hardwood floors, Decks, Additions, Trim. Insured. 41 years experience. (828) 550-0585

HAndy mAn HIRE A HUSBAND • HAndymAn serViCes Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

AnnounCements AnnounCements Good Wood PiZZA oVens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www. GoodWoodPizzaovens. com PreGnAnt? tHinKinG of AdoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers

with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/ Indiana (AAN CAN) tHe folloWinG is A list of unClAimed fireArms Currently in tHe Possession of tHe AsHeVille PoliCe dePArtment: Brown/ Black Smith & Wesson 18 5K59767; Brown/Black Heritage Rough Rider HZ6077; Silver Smith & Wesson Magnum 28K4032; Black/Brown Winchester 120 L1558098; Silver/ Brown Taurus .38 Special KF37276; Black Taurus PT-22 LR Z020998;Black/ Brown H&R Topper 83 AT205775; Black Cobra.38 Special F98427. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property must contact the Asheville Police Department within 30 days from the date of this publication. Any items not claimed within 30 days will be disposed of according in accordance with all applicable laws. For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section at 828-232-4576. tHe folloWinG is A list of unClAimed fireArms Currently in tHe Possession of tHe AsHeVille PoliCe dePArtment: Silver/Black Bersa Thunder 380 869567; Brown Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum AYZ8565; Black Star Modelo Super 48527; Black Mossburg 88 MV5790F; Black/Brown Marlin Glenfield 27094248; Silver Iver Johnson .32 Caliber 841497; Black/ Brown Remington Speedmaster 662 None Visible; Black F.I.E. E15 TC41771; Black Lorcin 9MM L083977; Black Raven Arms .25 Caliber 989485; Black Norinco 9MM 404206; Black Inter Arms Star 2129323; Silver Mauser 7.65MM 376568; Black Taurus PT-22 ANA22532; Black Mossberg .410 Gauge P704969; Black Smith & Wesson Model 10 C457916; Black Remington 870 X287559M; Black/White CDM .22 Caliber 130670; Silver/Black Smith & Wesson .40 Caliber DVJ7426; Black Int’l Corp. The Regent R39820; Brown Unknown Unknown 107153; Brown Connecticut .50 Caliber 011713; Valley Arms. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property must contact the Asheville Police Department within 30 days from the date of this publication. Any items not claimed within 30 days will be disposed of according in accordance with all applicable laws. For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section at 828232-4576.

leGAl notiCes notiCe of unClAimed ProPerty The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department: electronic equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous items. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property has 30 days from the date of this publication

to make a claim. Unclaimed items will be disposed of according to statutory law. Items will be auctioned on For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section, 828-232-4576. notiCe of disPosition The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department tagged for disposition: audio and video equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous. Items will be disposed of 30 days from date of this posting.

ClAsses & WorKsHoPs ClAsses & WorKsHoPs leArn HoW to mAKe A HAndmAde stArBooK! Learn the art of bookmaking by creating a lovely starbook! You will be surprised at the comments your book will bring! At Urban Art Retreat & Studios $30; materials $5, Sat, June, 6, 3-6 pm. Register: maryangelamcdermott@

sACred sPACe PAintinG: AsHeVille's intuitiVe PAintinG studio Awaken Passion and Aliveness through Painting! Workshops and Classes for adults and children. No painting Experience Necessary! One Day Workshop, June 6, 10 to 4pm. 828-252-4828 justpaint@sacredspacepainting. com

mind, Body, sPirit BodyWorK

#1 AffordABle Community ConsCious mAssAGe And essentiAl oil CliniC 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. • $33/ hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! struCturAl inteGrAtion rolf tHerAPeutiC BodyWorK Fifty Five-Star testimonials can’t be wrong… Enjoy amazing results with very personal attention. Feel

Fit, Flexible, & Free from Pain. Move into balance and feel great doing it! 828-230-9218 AshevilleStructuralIntegration. com

nAturAl AlternAtiVes nAturAl, HolistiC, enerGy tHerAPies Detailed Health Assessment through Iridology, Vital Scan HRV, Kinesiology. Personalized Natural Therapy Recommendations. LED Light therapy with customized frequencies will de-stress and rebalance! Jane Smolnik, Naturopath 828-7775263, book online www.


10 dAy yoGA detoX And JuiCe CleAnse June 12-21. Yoga, Meditation, 5 day Juice Cleanse, Group Support, Knowledgeable Staff, Delicious Meals, Workshops, Personal Consultations, Health & Relaxation in the Mountains. Prama Wellness Center www.pramawellnesscenter. org 828 -649-9911 pwc@ SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 dAys A WeeK Day & Night passes, cold plunge, sauna, hot tubs, lodging, 8 minutes from town, bring a friend or two, stay the day or all evening, escape & renew! Best massages in Asheville 828299-0999


musiCiAns’ Bulletin PiAnist/Keys Pianist/ Keys Blues/Jazz/Classical influences seeks work in restaurant/bar or polished working Blues band. (404) 740-6903.

Pets Pet serViCes AsHeVille Pet sitters Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232. PooPer sCooPer serViCe Professional Pooper Scoopers Service serving the Asheville Area. Call Us at (828) 337-0022 or go to our website to sign up for our weekly service. (828) 3370022 K9wastesolutions@

AutomotiVe Autos for sAle CAsH for CArs Any Car/ Truck. Running or not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN)

AutomotiVe serViCes Auto insurAnCe stArtinG At $25/ montH! Call 855-977-9537. (AAN CAN)

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Cloud CottAGe Community of mindful liVinG: Mindfulness practice in the Plum Village tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, 219 Old Toll Circle, Black Mountain. Freedom, Simplicity, Harmony. Weds. 6-7:30 PM; Sundays 8-9:00 AM, followed by tea/book study. For additional offerings, see or call 828-669-6000. PsyCHiC reAder And AdVisor God gifted helps all problems reunites lovers stops divorce answers all questions call now one free question: 832-270-6062. AAN CAN

for musiCiAns musiCAl serViCes AsHeVille's WHiteWAter reCordinG Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/ DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.

feel tHe ViBe! Hot Black Chat. Urban women and men ready to make the connection. Call singles in your area! Try free! Call 1-800305-9164 (AAN CAN). ¿HABlAs esPAnol? Hot Latino Chat. Call Fonochat now and in seconds you can be speaking to Hot Hispanic singles in your area. Try Free! 1-800-416-3809 (AAN CAN). PHone ACtresses From home. Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 21+. Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/most Weekends. 1-800-403-7772. Lipservice. net (AAN CAN) ViAGrA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 40 Pills + 4 Free for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement! Discreet Shipping. Save $500. Buy the Blue Pill Now! 1-800-404-1271 (AAN CAN) WHere loCAl Girls Go Wild! Hot, Live, Real, Discreet! Uncensored live 1-on1 Hot phone chat. Calls in your city! Try free! Call 1-800-261-4097 (AAN CAN)

thE nEw yorK timEs crossword puZZLE

ACROSS 1 Expressions of frustration abroad 5 Key of Mozart’s last piano concerto 10 Accustomed (to) 14 2013-’14 N.B.A. All-Star Joakim ___ 15 Peanut-butter-andchocolate innovator H. B. ___ 16 Record for later viewing, maybe 17 Spanish lady 18 Resident of 123 Sesame Street 19 Midmonth day 20 ELK, geometrically, in the finished puzzle 23 At dinner for two, say 24 Trident points 27 Limey’s drink 28 EARL, geometrically 32 Quiet 34 ___-lacto-vegetarian 35 Europe’s highest volcano 36 Easy question 39 ELK, EARL, LEAK or GEAR, geometrically 42 Cartoon yelp 43 Some nest eggs, briefly

45 Not quite the majors 46 Like Twizzlers 48 LEAK, geometrically 51 Yacht spot 54 “Wake Up With Al”

edited by Will Shortz

11 Incidental remark 12 D-Day minus one 13 Commendable activi-














14 15 16 ties 21 Advice to a base 17 18 19 runner co-host 22 Verizon forerunner 55 For the most part 20 21 22 25 Article in Die Zeit 58 GEAR, geometrically 62 Give a grilling? 26 Neb. neighbor 23 24 25 64 Dispense with 29 5-Down, for his entire 27 28 29 30 31 career 65 Ear-related 30 Mean: Abbr. 66 Symbol of authority 32 33 34 35 31 D 67 Quirkier 33 Spooky sound 68 “99 Luftballons” 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 singer 36 Line to Penn Sta. 69 Excels over, in slang 37 Non-fruit smoothie 43 44 45 46 47 70 Inclined flavor 71 Halves of an old item? 38 Lumbago 48 49 50 51 52 53 40 Jet ___ DOWN 41 Dead: Prefix 54 55 56 1 Mixing male and female characteristics, 44 Bear’s Wall Street 58 59 60 61 ’partner slangily 47 Darn 2 Whispering sweet 62 63 64 65 nothings 49 Flight board abbr. 3 Jet setting 50 Nearing midnight 66 67 68 4 Iran, formerly 52 What each of this puz5 Baseball Hall-ofzle’s circled squares 69 70 71 Famer George represents 6 Find (out) 53 Puppet lady of puzzle by DANIel lANDMAN “Mister Rogers’ 7 Director Riefenstahl Neighborhood” 8 ___-Pacific 9 First-time voter, often 56 Red flag, maybe 59 Unaccounted for 61 “___ Rose” (song from 62 ___-Magnon 57 Some fitness centers 10 Avail oneself of “The Music Man”) 63 Chop down 60 Put on board




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