Mountain Xpress 06.24.15

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O U R 2 1 S T Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A VO L . 2 1 N O. 4 8 J U N E 2 4 - 3 0 , 2 0 1 5


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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


coNtENts coNtact Us pagE 10

Modern moonshine Enthusiasm for craft brewing and a loosened federal permitting process have stimulated interest and entrepreneurship in a time-honored Appalachian tradition. coVEr dEsigN Elizabeth Bates pHoto by George Etheredge

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10 bottLEd LigHtNiNg Appalachian moonshining in the 21st century


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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


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30 gLUtEN-frEE Medical conditions can be difficult to diagnose




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cartooN: brENt browN



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18 commUNity caLENdar


36 HENdErsoNViLLE’s risiNg food scENE The apple capital’s culinary community is making its own mark

20 coNscioUs party 22 opEN for bUsiNEss 34 grEEN scENE 40 smaLL bitEs

42 soLiLoQUy — The Magnetic Theatre finds a new home and renewed mission


changes you.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

14 stEp by stEp New Belgium greenway plans finalized

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60 scrEEN scENE 44 tHE bioNic maN — Back from knee surgery, Michael Franti plays New Mountain



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61 cLassifiEds 62 frEEwiLL astroLogy 63 Ny timEs crossword

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Send your letters to the editor to staff

pUbLisHEr & maNagiNg Editor: Jeff Fobes assistaNt to tHE pUbLisHEr: Susan Hutchinson

36 Montford Avenue Downtown Asheville

a&E Editor/writEr: Alli Marshall food Editor/writEr: Gina Smith

(828) 407-4263

grEEN scENE Editor/writEr: Carrie Eidson

wELLNEss Editor/writEr: Susan Foster staff rEportErs/writErs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Max Hunt, Kat McReynolds

Carpentry by Lucy

EditoriaL assistaNts: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moViE rEViEwEr & coordiNator: Ken Hanke

• Insured • Over 30 Years Experience

coNtribUtiNg Editors: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Margaret Williams

cartooN by raNdy moLtoN

Asheville is becoming a victim of its success … Asheville’s charm has been decaying fast and will cease to be very soon. It is unavoidable. Sadly, it’s just business. Enough with “better wages” and “affordable housing” — we are all disposable, particularly to the rate of people flocking in and those who will take the low wages. Nor are the jobs (breweries, bars, hotels, restaurants, etc.) vital to human needs and [sustainability]. The corporations coming and already here are raising the property values of their area in town. What do you think happens from there, people? The building next to it, across the street, will have the rent raised to values unaffordable to artists, smallbusiness owners, unique restaurants, etc. When nobody can afford the rent anymore, that building or area will get purchased and destroyed by yet another corporation, thus increasing the property value of that area after their business goes up. It branches and spreads fast from there with this cycle. Our city officials could care less about the integrity of what Asheville has been and the people who made that happen. Their outlook is on the future full of money, not human needs or well-being. This is why you have

no say, opinion or vote on what is to come, because you would choose those things. Easier to make a profit getting someone stuffed full of food and drunk than keeping a “vibe.” Soon you will see nothing downtown but corporate businesses, clubs, big food chains, upscale bars, breweries (I’m a beer connoisseur, but seriously, this one is getting really stupid), unnecessary amounts of hotels, an exploding increase in homelessness, criminal and drug activity (Let’s get real, the Asheville Police Department can’t even handle what’s in the city now at all) already happening swiftly. The schools are already overcrowded and troubled, and the staff there already has low morale and demeanor. Plus, do you think the width and structure of our roads and highways are not already congested? Just wait. This city is progressive in the sense it’s progressing forward with its worth in dollars. … Farewell to the history, to those who tried their hands at real, true business and quality. Goodbye to those of us who came for the beauty, nature, simplicity and open-mindedness years ago. Prepare for the indefinite collapse of the middle and lower class in Buncombe County. For those who choose to stay and hope for the best, hope is only as good as doing, and there is nothing you can do when you can’t vote for anything or

rEgULar coNtribUtors: Able Allen, Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Daniel Hall, Max Hunt, Cameron Huntley, Rachel Ingram, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Clarke Morrison, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther, Krista White

• AGC Certified Master Residential Carpenter • NC Licensed Journeyman Carpenter • Residential and Commercial Remodeling • Interior Painting


EditoriaL iNtErNs: Samantha Glaspy, Jane Morrell, Melissa Sibley, Sarah Whelan adVErtisiNg, art & dEsigN maNagEr: Susan Hutchinson grapHic dEsigNErs: Elizabeth Bates, Alane Mason, Kathleen Soriano Taylor, Anna Whitley, Lance Wille oNLiNE saLEs maNagEr: Jordan Foltz marKEtiNg associatEs: Sara Brecht, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt iNformatioN tEcHNoLogiEs: Stefan Colosimo


12 Eagle St • Asheville

We WantofYour Junk The Peace a Clean Place

wEb: Kyle Kirkpatrick admiNistratiVE assistaNt: Able Allen officE maNagEr & booKKEEpEr: Patty Levesque assistaNt officE maNagEr: Lisa Watters distribUtioN maNagEr: Jeff Tallman


assistaNt distribUtioN maNagEr: Denise Montgomery distribUtioN: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young



JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


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even get but seconds, if that, to speak at a Council meeting. — Derek Daniels Asheville

Do you like organizing information and helping bring people together? Are you empathetic, curious and gregarious? Do you use social media to interact and learn about your community? Does Asheville’s DIY, grassroots energy inspire you? If your answers are yes, then consider working with Xpress as a collaborator. Send us your ideas and tell us about yourself. If you have clips or samples of your work, send us links. Email us at Let’s talk!

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Magistrates must treat everyone equally I can’t believe people don’t get it: It’s an unconstitutional violation of the separation of church and state and is a violation of the equal protection clause as well. A magistrate is funded and entitled to perform the services by a/the government. The government must treat everyone equally, therefore this magistrate must treat people equally. He is an employee of the taxpayers, and as such must service all taxpayers and even potential taxpayers equally. In addition, he has no right to impose his own religious standards on taxpayers: That violates the separation of church and state. Just remember, if you will, all of the craziness around the supposed “plans” to impose Sharia law and outrage and craziness about the imposition of religious law on Americans. This is the same thing: the imposition of a specific religious belief on Americans. It’s unconstitutional! It doesn’t matter if two magistrates share an office, and one will perform a marriage, and the other won’t on the basis of religious beliefs, because it’s still unconstitutional! And where will it stop here in the “the Civil War isn’t really over” South? Mixed-race marriages, mixed-religion marriages, mixed-age marriages, Northerners marrying Southerners (the Civil War never really ended after all, and my religion says that [an] abolitionist should never marry a Southerner), or how about the magistrate who thinks that only tall, blond Arians should be able to marry each other? How has that worked out in the past? — Michael Beech Asheville

Petition calls for saving South Slope trees ... We started an online petition requesting the city of Asheville to

cartooN by crawford mUrpHy

avoid sacrificing the precious wooded area on Collier Avenue in Asheville’s central business district to a new apartment building. According to a tree evaluation report from a certified arborist, this property has, among many other trees and shrubs, 23 mature oak trees that are a “singular occurrence in the hardscape of the city center area. … The stand also serves several ecosystem functions such as cleaning air, sequestering carbon, moderating noise, mitigating heat-island effect and capturing stormwater runoff. As such, the trees serve the citizens of the immediate neighborhood and the entire city.” The petition calls on Asheville’s City Council, Downtown Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission and Tree Commission to preserve this irreplaceable green space or work with local citizens and nonprofit organizations to arrange such preservation.

If you haven’t already done so, please consider signing the petition at the following link. The more signatures we gather, the better our chance for having an impact. [Here is the link:] — Inge and Imke Durre Asheville

Local roadside tribute distracts drivers If there was a memorial for every traffic fatality on our nation’s highways, there wouldn’t be room for traffic signs; not to mention, to enshrine a spot on a roadside shoulder where someone died reduces a life to its final, awful moments.

The new one on Interstate 240 east is tragic in several ways. First and foremost, a young woman’s life was lost. Second, the assumption is that this has been created for drivers to look at, so on a busy road with merging lanes, a distraction has been created that could lead to more casualties. The city and state have spent time and money creating a beautiful approach to Asheville that is marred by the defacing of the rock cliff. I cannot believe anyone would want to be remembered in this manner. There is an appropriate place for an outpouring of grief and a laying of tributes — it is the graveside service at a cemetery and not beside public roads. — Steve Woolum Asheville

Local group lobbies for climate change action The Citizens Climate Lobby is a grassroots people’s movement creating the political will for a livable world by empowering individuals to experience breakthroughs in exercising their personal and political power. A

cartooN by brENt browN local chapter has formed in Asheville and [was]preparing to participate in and support Congressional Climate Message Day on June 22. Approximately 1,000 volunteers [planned to travel] to Washington to lobby every congressional representative and demand that they develop the political will to address climate change. Supporters at home will call their representatives. The level of carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas, must be reduced to avert disastrous effects such as coastal flooding, droughts, famine and species extinction, all of which we are currently experiencing to some extent. The most efficient and effective means to do this is to place a fee on carbon and return the revenue equally to all citizens. Politicians can argue all they want, but Mother Nature doesn’t argue or negotiate. We must learn to respect our planet’s environment and keep it livable. Citizens Climate Lobby offers a way for us to do this. For more information or to get involved, go to — Anne Craig Asheville

the breaker box. You will find a wire clamped to a metal rod in the ground. — Doug Bennett Brevard

Letter inaccurately described power generation, distribution Stephen Schulte’s description of the power generation and distribution process is inaccurate [In Substation Issue, Electrical Current Law Doesn’t Bend for Kids, June 10, Xpress]. Generators in a power station draw their electrons from the ground at zero voltage. The generators raise the voltage to 25,000 volts and put out three phases. Transformers at the power station step the voltage up to values over 110,000 volts for long-distance transmission. There is no neutral line in power transmission. Transformers closer to the points of consumption step the voltage back down. The transformers on the poles near our houses take a single phase and step it down to two lines of 120 volts each and 240 volts across them. In our homes, the electrons go through our lights and appliances and emerge at almost zero volts. The return current is carried in the neutral wire back to the breaker box. There, the neutral and ground wires are joined and are carried back to the ground. Look on the ground, near the foundation by the electric meter or close to

Occupancy tax collection raises fairness issue In reference to Krista [L. White’s] article, “Leveling the Playing Field,” in Mountain Xpress on June 17, the Buncombe County occupancy tax was started in 1983 at 2 percent and applied to rentals with five or more units. The number of units was reduced to one about a year ago. HomeAway and VRBO are very similar to Airbnb, have been around for over 10 years and are not currently collecting and sending taxes to the state of North Carolina or Buncombe County. The occupancy tax is now 6 percent and is used to promote visitors and people moving to the area. This article could have been titled, “Leveling the playing field in favor of HomeAway and VRBO.” Now that we are getting 10 new hotels, let’s increase taxes to fill them. [The] Asheville area [is] not growing fast enough: Let’s speed up the train.

— Tom Gallo Asheville JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



by Milton Ready

Retired UNCA history professor and Mars Hill resident

When past is present Zeb Vance and his monument The recently completed repairs to the Vance Monument in the heart of downtown Asheville appear to have restored ol’ Zeb’s aging obelisk but not his reputation. The whole project has sparked a re-examination of Vance’s history, which encapsulates Asheville’s and much of North Carolina’s. Who was Zebulon Vance, exactly, and why would he deserve such an impressive memorial in Pack Square? Gordon McKinney, Vance’s biographer, surprisingly turned into a hedging postmodernist, painting his subject as a slave owner and white supremacist who benefited from both. Dwight Mullen, a political sci-


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Our facile judgments of Vance derive from a hypocrisy that’s every bit as shallow as our own historical self-importance.

ence professor at UNC Asheville, has rightly questioned whether Vance was a “good” slave owner (as if that category ever existed), suggesting that the monument should simply be allowed to fall down as a powerful statement against racism. Fellow UNCA professor Darin Waters, meanwhile, says Vance was “complex,” a governor who “made hard choices for [North Carolina’s] residents,” such as using convict labor (both black and white) to bring railroads into Western North Carolina after 1876. Monuments can be repaired, but it’s harder to restore a person’s dented reputation. Yet if you really want to know about Vance, the base of the monument contains some clues. There you’ll find a small bronze parade of pigs and turkeys with footprints in between, representing the Buncombe Turnpike, Western North Carolina’s major antebellum “freeway.” Vance grew up on the turnpike at his father’s stock stand on the French Broad River in Lapland (now Marshall), and yes, the family owned slaves, which the turnpike brought into Western North Carolina in ever-increasing numbers before the Civil War. Census data from the period reveals slaves, often disguised as “servants” or “laborers,” in every North Carolina county. Indeed, many of the bronze footprints sandwiched in between the pigs and turkeys around Vance’s monument would belong to slaves and to children like Vance, who “cribbed” and herded the millions of animals that came down the pike each year. And women? They likely labored more and longer than anyone else on the turnpike.

In between the Vance Monument and the bronze pigs stands a smaller, tombstonelike memorial to Robert E. Lee and the Confederacy. Despite the myth of “Unionism” and its generally misunderstood meaning, mountaineers like those of Vance’s 26th North Carolina Regiment bled to death for the Confederacy even as Vance battled President Jefferson Davis and his “tyranny.” Vance’s intransigence toward the Confederacy and his support of North Carolina’s ordinary soldiers never wavered, nor did his loyalty to an older constitutional union set up by slave owners like Jefferson, Washington and Madison. Vance also disliked Lincoln and the “black Republicans” who wanted slavery abolished. Indeed, Vance, like most North Carolinians then and now, just plain hated authority and central government of any kind. He was one of the most prolific writers and orators of his day, and Vance’s letters, speeches and pamphlets tell you more about him than any current judgments concerning the times in which he lived. His courtship letters to his first wife, Harriett Newell Espy of Morganton, published in Elizabeth Roberts Cannon’s My Beloved Zebulon, reveal a charm and tenderness resident in a rustic but ambitious mountaineer. Vance’s stirring pamphlet The Scattered Nation stands as a monument to tolerance at a time when a wave of anti-Semitism swept the South and nation. It’s not surprising that Jewish organizations have helped get the old mountaineer’s monument repaired: They also helped put it up in 1897. A principled and high-minded man, Vance nonetheless embraced the racial stereotypes of the time that deemed newly freed blacks inferior. Yet he

loathed the Reconstruction-era Ku Klux Klan, condemning its members as cowards and “ruffians,” its intimidating methods as unlawful. Like Andrew Jackson, Zeb Vance believed in the common man, disliked elites, wanted the railroad extended to Western North Carolina because it benefited everyone, fought not for the Confederacy but for North Carolina and its flawed principles, was surprisingly elected governor from the mountains at an early age and, overall, was probably the most popular mountaineer in the state’s history. Our facile judgments of Vance derive from a hypocrisy that’s every bit as shallow as our own historical self-importance. As moderns, we embrace the conceit that we’re more tolerant, less nativist, less misogynistic, more moral, less anti-Semitic, less racist and more progressive than older conservatives like Vance. In reality, we may be worse. Almost all monuments stand as tributes to politicians and wars, and, from that, our founders wanted none of them. They smacked of tyranny and empire, antithetical to democracy, yet our nation’s capital has since become overrun with them. Asheville should not follow suit. Yes, we could erect memorials to Isaac Dickson, the father of black Asheville; to civil rights leader Floyd McKissick; to Lillian Exum Clement, the first woman in the South to be elected to a state legislature; or to Helen Morris Lewis, an early leader of the women’s suffrage movement in the South. But as Washington, D.C., has shown, there would be no end to candidates for additional monuments. Oh, yes: Vance has a statue in Washington as well. Asheville, however, has found other ways to honor such notables as author Thomas Wolfe, philanthropist George Willis Pack and Jeter Pritchard, one of the few U.S. senators from the mountains. Wouldn’t it be nice have a few more parks, squares, green spaces, libraries and Urban Trail stops named after other important figures in Asheville’s and Western North Carolina’s history? You might be surprised by how many are not white males.

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



Bottled lightning Appalachian moonshining in the 21st century by max HUNt

carl petzold leans over a large stainless steel vat, watching its contents slowly circulate. It’s a humid afternoon, and he removes his hat, wipes sweat from his graying brow and brushes away a fly. Like the rest of Petzold’s equipment, the former dairy vat has been repurposed to its current use. And in about a week, the swirling liquid it holds will become the newest flavor of Carl’s Carolina Spirits: peach moonshine. While explaining the ratio of sugar to peaches, Petzold languidly reaches over to flick a June beetle from the froth collecting on top. “An oldtimer told me once, ‘Son, if the bugs don’t come to it, don’t drink it,’” he says, grinning conspiratorially. Petzold is one of a growing number of Western North Carolina craft distillers making legal moonshine. Blending traditional recipes with new technology and methods, these pioneers are bringing Appalachia’s most fabled and misunderstood product into the 21st century, changing cultural perceptions even as they adapt to shifting economic realities. History of HoocH Variously known as white lightning, mountain dew and moonshine, white liquor is an integral thread in the American tapestry. With origins in early-19th-century Scots-Irish communities, ’shine was an important economic, cultural and political driver of antebellum Appalachia. “Consumption of alcohol had a prominent place in the life and culture of the region,” daniel s. pierce writes in Corn From a Jar. Throughout the mountains, moonshine played a pivotal role


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

in everything from elections to herbal remedies. Conflict between governing bodies and bootleggers stretches back equally far. A 1791 federal excise tax on distilled spirits triggered the Whiskey Rebellion, as frontier farmers resisted government efforts to collect the tax. It was repealed in 1801, but in 1862, Congress passed a federal excise tax that still stands today, sparking the beginning of the “moonshine wars” in southern Appalachia. Prohibition, in effect in North Carolina from 1909 to 1935, drove the market value of liquor through the roof. And the continuing catand-mouse game between federal agents and bootleggers produced characters and institutions that have become central to American life. High-speed chases down narrow mountain roads evolved into

rUmrUNNErs: Carl Petzold is one of several modern-day distillers in Western North Carolina bringing the region’s most-storied spirit into the 21st century. Photo by George Etheredge.

NASCAR, as many early rumrunners transferred their talents to the racetrack. Larger-than-life figures like Quill Rose and Lewis Redmond helped mythologize the moonshiner, spawning countless dime novels based on their exploits. mooNsHiNE goEs maiNstrEam By 2000, however, ’shine had mostly faded from the popular imagination, due to increased job opportunities in the southern Appalachians and the rising cost of ingredients. NASCAR had distanced itself from its boozy beginnings, and holdovers

like Marvin “Popcorn” Sutton were known more for their personalities than their brewing prowess. But a subsequent enthusiasm for craft brewing, and a loosened federal permitting process, piqued interest in the time-honored tradition. A new generation of students, entrepreneurs and self-described “rednecks” began seeing market potential in bringing back ’shine. For Petzold, the path to white liquor began at the gas pump. “I originally started out making fuel alcohol” in response to a 2010 regional gas shortage, he reveals. Encouraged by friends and business associates, Petzold crossed over to moonshine

two years later. “The process for making moonshine and making fuel is somewhat similar,” he notes. “I was able to switch pretty easily.” cody bradford of Howling Moon Distillery says a combination of fiscal necessity and family history led him to try his hand at the still. “When the economy wasn’t doing so hot, me and a friend decided to start our own business and figured that liquor sells, even in a bad economy. Part of one of my stills,” he continues, “is my great-great-grandfather’s; we use an old family recipe.” Asheville Distilling Co. founder troy ball was intrigued by the old moonshiners she met, who she says were producing a “nice, smooth, white whiskey. Why are we drinking Russian cocktails,” she wondered, “when we could be drinking American?” Ball’s distillery, which opened in 2011, has achieved wide distribution. “We’re at Disney World and all the resorts there,” she notes. “We’re also at high-profile restaurants in Charleston, South Beach and, soon, Brooklyn. Brooklyn loves whiskey.” pHasEs of prodUctioN “Practically anyone can make liquor, but it takes talent to make good liquor,” writes Pierce, a UNC Asheville history professor. Ball’s operation uses heirloom white corn, grown and ground at Peaceful Valley Farm near Old Fort. “Having the incredibly rare Crooked Creek Corn was important to our recipe,” she says. “In the 1800s, if you lived in the mountains in Appalachia, you would be growing white corn and making whiskey from it.” Asheville Distilling, notes Ball, also sacrifices volume for quality’s sake. “We don’t even use 100 percent of the distillate like most people do: only the heart of the distillation, instead of 99 percent of it and giving everyone a headache.” Petzold, too, relies on an old family connection, buying his fruits from Henderson Farms in Flat Rock. Local produce, though, is only the beginning: His whole handcrafted setup consists of items originally used for something else. “I believe I have the only wood-fired, steam-jacketed kettle in the entire country,” he says, pointing to a repurposed furnace welded to an old wood stove. Petzold harvests firewood from his property and water from local sources, builds his own filters and

hand-bottles his product. “We live by the rule of keeping things simple,” he explains. Howling Moon, too, sticks to time-honored practices. “We make it with a traditional still with a pot, a front keg and a ‘worm,’ or condenser,” says Bradford. And if modern technology is more efficient, he maintains that his approach yields a product “that anyone who’s ever had real moonshine will recognize.” from HoLLEr to HoLLywood Moonshine’s renaissance is reflected in television shows like the Discovery Channel’s “Moonshiners” series, which presents a somewhat glorified version of the craft. Films like 2012’s Lawless also deal with Prohibition, bootlegging and the struggle between lawmen and mountain folk. “A lot of it is nostalgia,” says Pierce, citing the media savvy of 20th-century ’shiners like Sutton. “Popcorn’s genius was in promoting, and in marketing his own image. He really led the revival.” In his later years, Sutton regaled the public with tales of his ’shine exploits in an autobiography and several documentaries. That example has some local entrepreneurs considering how they, too, can capitalize on moonshine’s popularity. georgia malki, co-founder of Asheville’s Lex 18 moonshine bar, believes white liquor allows for innovation in ways that other spirits don’t. “When something comes from a steep tradition, like whiskey or Scotch, the things that help provide it with stature are the very things that limit it,” she points out. “But there’s nothing like that around moonshine. It’s old but has no legal expectation: It’s the ultimate American spirit.” In creating Lex 18, Malki and her design team, Jack & Masters, have drawn on the property’s history as one of Asheville’s most notorious speak-easies. “We thought, ’Isn’t it interesting that we’re in moonshine country and nobody’s doing moonshine’” as a theme, she says. “Here’s a building that served not only as a bar but later as a speakeasy, owned by a very innovative saloonkeeper and businessman, John O’Donnell. It doesn’t take a lot to put two and two together

and decide that this is perfect for restoration.” The Eureka Saloon, which operated on the same site from 1904-1933, featured trapdoors and a secret tunnel under Lexington Avenue and College Street, so bootleggers could

modErN mEtHods: Many craft distilleries, like the Asheville Distilling Co., have traded traditional copper and wood stills for more efficient stainless components. Photo by Rachel McIntosh

Camp Heart Songs 12th Annual Grief Camp

A two-day, overnight camp to help children express their grief in a fun and safe environment. When: 8AM Saturaday, August 15th - 11AM Sunday, August 16th Where: Camp Tekoa in Hendersonville, just off Crab Creek Road Ages: 6-12 years of age Pre-Application due by July 10th. Application due by July 17th. For an application, please call: 828-233-0334

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


proHibitioN profitEErs: Local saloonkeeper John O’Donnell (portrait photo on right) was notorious for his dealings in illeagal liquor during the Prohibition Era. Historical artifacts provided by Lex 18. Photo by Georege Etheredge

discreetly transport product to neighboring businesses. Malki has some of Eureka’s old ledgers, which give clues to how O’Donnell masked his illicit trade. “He was cooking the books,” she explains. “He’s showing that what he’s buying is milk and some laundry and ice — to generate, in 1907, $283 a day using $2 worth of materials.” Malki believes Asheville’s historical association with moonshine gives the area an advantage. “We shouldn’t let the Piedmont try to take the spotlight on moonshine. We’re in the mountains: We sit in the center of everything that was happening regionally.” Ball, though, is quick to temper get-rich-quick dreams. “Everyone thinks they’re going to become overnight billionaires, which they’re not. It’s a costly thing to build a brand.” Meanwhile, a recent market downturn is slowing growth. “Right now, it’s really on the decline,” Petzold reports. “If you look at the state’s numbers, yes, moonshine is selling. But if you look at the total revenue it produces and divide that by the number of distillers, it’s getting harder and harder for us to sell.” That downturn is partly due to a flood of new brands that vary in quality. “There are some substandard products being put out with


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

the good products, and people get turned off,” says Petzold. “There’s big-name products out there that don’t even distill. It’s a farce.” Instead, he says, they simply dilute neutral grain spirits with water and add flavoring. Competition among craft distillers is generally friendly but fierce, as more and more operations vie for sales in a limited market. “Do I hate them? Yes, I hate them,” says Petzold, his tone somewhere between wry humor and bemused sincerity. “I just want to strangle them all, because a lot of them started with money. They didn’t have their nose to the grindstone.” pay to pLay One major difference between illicit moonshiners and their legal counterparts is the latter’s willingness to comply with federal and state liquor laws. “It’s called excise tax,” says Petzold, “and that sh*t has got to be paid.” Setting up shop is time-consuming and expensive, notes Bradford. “It took us about two years just to get our permit. They want to tax every single part of it: everything you buy, everything you make or dump out.”

Distillers selling domestically must pay federal taxes within 15 days of a sale. And while rates vary depending on the product, a 750-milliliter jar of moonshine racks up about $2.14 in taxes, compared with less than $1 per bottle for beer and wine, according to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. North Carolina also oversees and regulates the distribution and sale of liquor through the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission and localized ABC boards. Created in 1937, the commission is “the chief regulator of all alcoholic beverages in the state,” says Public Affairs Director agnes stevens. Responsible for warehousing, documenting and distributing liquor to 423 ABC retail stores, the agency also collects taxes and fees and determines which products can be sold in the state, and how. The regulatory body works closely with local law enforcement agencies and the state’s Alcohol Law Enforcement branch to enforce liquor provisions. Distillers must apply for both federal and state permits before manufacturing begins, and the commission, notes Stevens, doesn’t issue a permit until federal officials have approved both the product and the label. The distillery is then entered into the state system, and its products are assigned specific codes for tracking sales and distribution. Distillers, says Petzold, are notified electronically whenever a sale is made, helping them track their products. ABC stores must pay the distiller within 30 days of placing an order. “I set the shelf price,” he explains, “and then they deduct the state’s taxes, bailment charges and other fees, and we get the rest.” Most local distillers seem to feel that the taxes are manageable and that the commission isn’t difficult to work with, though some question certain facets of the regulatory body’s operating methods. “It’s a complicated process, and it’s highly regulated and taxed,” says Bradford. And Malki says that while she understands the need for health and safety requirements, other aspects of the law need revisiting. “To suggest that we want to discourage people from drinking is silly. That’s a moral judgment and really shouldn’t be decided by the state.”

Meanwhile, changes to state liquor laws last month have loosened restrictions on distillers selling directly to consumers. Distillers in areas with at least one ABC store are now allowed to sell each visitor one “commemorative” bottle per year. In the current economic environment, says Stevens, “The challenge is for distillers to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded market.” Malki agrees, saying the overall success of the industry depends on how well distillers understand this. “Right now, vodka stands as the No. 1 spirit in the U.S., because bartenders found it to be one of the most versatile ingredients to produce a range of different cocktails for customers.” But she believes that moonshine, with its “extraordinary versatility and more traditional skews and profiles of flavors,” can eventually claim that crown. For his part, Petzold sees product diversity as “security for the house. It helps keep the lights on.” darK sidE of tHE mooN Amid the excitement surrounding these legal operations, it’s easy to forget that there are still many small-time’shiners distilling in the shadows. One such native resident, who declined to be named, describes his operation as “pretty small — a couple gallons a batch. We got what’s called a silver still; it’s galvanized to prevent corrosion.” And most of those who choose to carry on their business beyond the reach of Uncle Sam, he continues, “are working the same recipes they have for generations, whether it’s a family tradition or learned from a friend.” Lex 18 doesn’t sell illegal products, but Malki believes outlaw ’shiners are an important facet of mountain heritage. “We really have to guard against creating a corporate structure for everything that happens in our country,” she maintains. “Whether it’s a hobby or selling to neighbors, [moonshine’s] an important part of the American tradition, and certain things in life shouldn’t be dictated by somebody’s idea of legitimate business.” But with legal alternatives now available and homemade hooch’s market value drastically reduced, oldfashioned ’shiners find themselves in a peculiar situation. “It’s very challenging when your family’s been doing it for a long time,” says Malki, “and now anyone can walk into an ABC store and get a fancy

bottle of moonshine in all kinds of colors and flavors. Where does that leave you?” Some have branched out into more lucrative (and dangerous) trades. “The profit margins on growing marijuana or making methamphetamine are a lot greater than those of moonshining,” notes Pierce. “When they have a moonshine bust these days, the folks are often caught with meth or marijuana, too.” He also cautions consumers about purchasing illegally made liquor. “You don’t know if it’s been run through a car radiator or what’s been added to it.” Bradford concurs. “You have a lot of younger people jumping on the bandwagon and saying they’re ‘moonshiners’ who know nothing about it.” Improper production practices, he notes, can lead to things like copper poisoning or exposure to methane, a byproduct of distillation. “A lot of the old-timers who make it were taught by their family; they know the dangers and secrets and [process]. If you just saw it on TV and bought a still and try to make it, you can kill somebody,” adds Bradford. And beneath the romantic veneer surrounding moonshine and its makers, violence still lurks. In March 2013, calup Joe caston was found near a boat ramp outside Bryson City, severely beaten and stabbed through the back with a samurai sword. Rushed to Mission Hospital, Caston was pronounced dead on arrival. Investigators pinned the attack on members of the Savage Anarchy Knights, a local moonshining gang; within days, eight men were arrested.

diVErsE distiLLatEs: With the number of craft distillers growing in a limited local market, local operations are branching out into different flavors and new twists on traditional products. Photo by George Etheredge

According to a WLOS report, the Knights suspected Caston of having spoken to authorities about their activities. Charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery with a deadly weapon, alleged gang leader Joshua price recently copped a plea. He’ll avoid the death penalty, but the 22-year-old will spend the rest of his life in prison without parole. The remaining defendants are awaiting trial.

good mooN risiNg Squatting at the entrance to Petzold’s distillery near Hot Springs, we watch intermittent rain clouds crest the ridgelines. I ask about the upcoming distillery tours, organized by the state to ferry visitors around the region for a peek into local operations. “I wasn’t quite prepared for this year, but they talked me into it,” he reveals, gesturing at half-finished insulation and construction debris — signs of a business built from the ground up.

Petzold wants to add another building to house the bottling equipment, and there are plans for a merchandise area where, under the new laws, visitors can buy a jar of his product and perhaps a hat or T-shirt. Meanwhile, he’s excited about the new batch of peach ’shine. Other flavors are also in the works, though Petzold isn’t ready to share details yet. As with every other facet of his operation, he prefers to take it slow. “The pace that I’m setting is really going to get us back to the production level where I cannot do it by myself,” he muses. Petzold used to go to conventions and shows, actively marketing the product. But family concerns and a fluctuating market made him reconsider. “I said, ’You know what, Carl? You’re putting food on the table. Don’t rush.’” Petzold plans to start making his own barrels, and he hopes to grow sugar cane and eventually produce molasses and raw sugar, cutting operating costs while creating additional products. Like any mountain man worth his salt, he knows that the more things you produce yourself, the less you have to depend on others. He’s also thinking about his children. “This is all really for them,” says Petzold. “I want to leave this whole thing at a point where my kids can take over, and I can sit back and get out of the way.” Taking a pinch of Copenhagen tobacco, he stares into the distance. “Maybe then I’ll have some time to get back to fishing. Or go bear hunting again.” And maybe, eventually, the Carl Petzolds of the world will fade into the background, joining prior generations of innovators and outlaws, businessmen and farmers who’ve roamed and chased one another across these mountains, like children after fireflies, trying to catch “white lightning” in a jar. X

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



by Rachel Ingram

Step by step

New Belgium greenway plans finalized

LEt’s go dowN by tHE riVEr: — A 1-mile greenway, designed by Equinox, will run through the New Belgium brewery site in the River Arts District and connect with existing greenway segments. Illustration by Equinox

The design for a key link that will help create the longest continuous stretch of greenway in Asheville has been finalized. The roughly 1-mile section will run through the New Belgium Brewing Co. site in the River Arts District and connect with existing greenway segments. “It’s pretty exciting, because this part of the greenway is kind


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of an anchor for the entire system,” says landscape architect david tuch of Equinox, the consulting firm charged with designing the French Broad River Greenway Westbank Extension. Four other greenway projects are currently in the planning stage, notes Joey robison of the city’s planning and multimodal transportation team.

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

“Construction of these projects will take place from 2016-19,” she explains. “When completed, the French Broad River greenway system, including those in the River Arts District, will have 11 miles of continuous greenways. The completion of Beaucatcher Greenway will provide another 1.5 miles. This combined greenway network, the ‘River to Ridge,’ will connect the River Arts District to the South Slope neighborhood, downtown and Beaucatcher Mountain.” Beginning at a soon-to-be-constructed Craven Street trailhead, the greenway will extend through the New Belgium site and link to a section to be built on land recently donated by Duke Energy. From there, says Tuch, it will link with other sections connecting French Broad River Park, Carrier Park and on to Hominy Creek, creating “our longest [continuous] section of greenway in the entire city of Asheville. This location is going to be pretty significant, in terms of the overall feel and connectivity of the greenway.” aN award-wiNNiNg partNErsHip The city and the brewery won a national partnership award from American Trails, after Equinox nominated them, for their collaboration on this greenway segment. The award was announced at the International Trails Symposium in Portland, Ore., last month. “Overall, it was a very thoughtful process by both the city and New Belgium,” says Tuch. Equinox is also designing the Craven Street trailhead for the city. “It’s going to hopefully include some sort of shade structure, a nice gathering space. There’s going to be wayfinding and interpretive signage, a parking area, a bike repair station, some seating,” he reports. “We’re designing that space to be kind of a node for the whole greenway system.” The need for multiple retaining walls as well as shoreline restoration drove up the price of this particular greenway segment, notes Tuch, who also had a hand in developing Asheville’s comprehensive Greenway Master Plan. The city, he says, requested some changes to the initial design, such as grading a certain area to avoid installing another costly retaining wall. “The greenway starts from Craven Street and drops down along

the French Broad River, where we have a nice, wide trail,” says Tuch. “We’ve designed in some overlooks — little bump-out areas where you can get a nice view of the river and actually have a bench.” At its narrowest, the path will be 10 feet wide, and it will be fully handicapped-accessible from the Craven Street trailhead. “We think this is going to be a very widely used greenway,” he predicts. “We’re creating a connector up to Haywood Road, so all the people from West Asheville will be able to access it.” Due to the topography, the roughly 600-foot connector will be suitable for pedestrians and bicyclists but won’t meet Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines, Tuch explains. a mULtipUrposE NEtworK “Asheville residents have consistently identified greenways as an important amenity,” notes Robison. The greenway network, she says, will provide “a safe, enjoyable and efficient transportation option for bicyclists and pedestrians that also helps citizens be more active and decrease their overall carbon footprint. By connecting neighborhoods to grocery stores, jobs and schools, more commuters can choose nonmotorized transportation and help alleviate traffic issues.” cathy ball, executive director of planning and multimodal transportation, adds: “Greenways serve so many purposes for residents — they are a place to meet friends and teach your children how to ride a bike. They provide an alternative route to get to work, and they promote health and wellness. It is so exciting to be a part of implementing the community vision.” New Belgium, which was instrumental in developing this section, strongly supports multimodal transportation, says susanne Hackett, the brewery’s community and media relations specialist. “We believe in diverse modes of transportation, and safe and accessible public pathways for pedestrians and bicyclists,” she says. “In addition to improved safety and quality of life, these pathways improve economic vitality for communities.” For these reasons, she continues, the company recently took a public stand opposing House Bill 44, a proposed state law that would restrict local governments’ ability to install bike lanes. “Right now there is legislation on the table that threatens

our local communities’ ability to make their own choices for bicycle infrastructure and threatens partnerships like the ones we’ve been able to make,” says Hackett. Meanwhile, New Belgium is also partnering with Highland Brewing Co., she says, to produce the Footpath Belgian Session Ale. Slated for a Friday, June 26 release, it will be sold exclusively at Highland for a limited time, with $2 of every pint sold going to the nonprofit Friends of Connect Buncombe. The partnership is part of the Brewing for Greenways initiative, which aims to raise awareness, support Connect Buncombe and help fund development of the county’s Greenways and Trails Master Plan. The money for this and future greenways will come from a combination of taxes, grants and corporate partnerships, says stephanie monson dahl, director of the city’s Riverfront Redevelopment Office. “Taxpayers,” she notes, “will see a near dollar-for-dollar match toward the cost of the greenway projects.” city to sHowcasE its grEENway drEams The city of Asheville’s Riverfront Redevelopment Office will host a public gathering and meeting, Grilling on Greenways from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, June 27, at the Carrier Park pavilion. The session will showcase the city’s five greenway projects that are currently being designed and prepared for construction: the Clingman Forest Greenway, the Townbranch Greenway, the Beaucatcher Greenway, the French Broad River Westbank’s Greenway (two segments) and the French Broad River Eastbank Greenway. “We want the public to have the opportunity to understand what kind of connected greenway system is about to happen. We’ll be seeking public input at this event on both the French Broad River West Greenway and the Beaucatcher Greenway,” Lucy Crown, greenways coordinator, said. The public is welcome to attend the June 27 drop-in session. Hot dogs and other refreshments will be served. X

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



by Clarke Morrison

Ever ready Local ham radio operators provide vital link In the age of smartphones and the Internet, ham radio strikes many as an outmoded technology destined to go the way of eight-track tapes and film cameras. “I hear that all the time, and nothing could be further from the truth,” says david day, an amateur radio enthusiast from Hendersonville. “Licensed ham radio operators in the United States are at an all-time high. It’s been increasing for the last 10 years, and we keep bringing younger and younger people into it.” Last year, the number of licensed operators in the U.S. surpassed 726,000. That’s about a 60 percent increase since the early 1980s, according to the American Radio Relay League, a national organization formed in 1914. Worldwide, there are now more than 2.5 million ham operators. The 1912 Radio Act marked the start of federal licensing of amateur radio activities. The Federal Communications Commission now allocates 26 radio frequency bands for amateurs. When natural disasters such as hurricanes and ice storms disable other communications technologies, ham radios still work. Operators provide rescuers with critical information and backup communications for agencies like the American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “It’s just one of those invaluable resources,” says Jerry VeHaun, director of Buncombe County Emergency Services. “They provide an excellent backup network for us. We’ve used them in the past when we lost our 911 system.” No tHird party Ham radio is also appealing as a hobby, notes Day, who belongs to the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club. “What I really enjoy is when I can communicate with somebody that’s halfway around the world on


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

a VitaL LiNK: Dick Smith, foreground, chats with a fellow ham radio operator as Danny Rector listens in. Both are members of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club in Hendersonville. Members will join thousands of other ham operators this weekend in a field day designed to test their skills during an emergency. Photo by Clarke Morrison

a very low-power station,” says the retired pharmaceutical company researcher. “Phones can do that, but you’re going through a third-party service. I’m reliant upon absolutely nobody and no system to make any communications. That phone will only work because Verizon has towers up. I’m communicating directly to that other party, with no intermediaries involved whatsoever.” Most amateur radio operators have a home radio station that enables them to carry on twoway conversations with other operators on assigned radio frequencies. Operators must obtain an FCC license by pass-

ing an exam that covers applicable regulations, electronics and radio use. Each person is then assigned a call sign that they use to identify themselves. The name “ham” originated as a derogatory term used by commercial radio professionals. danny rector, president of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club, says he became interested in ham radio while part of a relief mission in Meridian, Miss., in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. “The phones wouldn’t work,” he recalls. “Nothing was working down there. We were sending crews everywhere. One of the guys with us was a ham radio operator.”

Rector watched with interest as his colleague set up the equipment and used it to communicate with disaster relief officials and others. “I just thought that was the coolest thing,” he says. “So as soon as I got back, I started working on my license and got it. It’s a lot of fun. There are so many different aspects to the hobby.” A basic antenna on the rear deck of his house enables Rector to connect with other operators in Europe, South America and Hawaii. “I’ve never reached Japan yet; I just don’t have enough power,” he explains. “To me, the long-distance contacts are the neatest thing.” dick smith, another member of the Hendersonville club, got his ham radio license 57 years ago when he was still in high school. Smith says he still gets on the radio two or three times a week seeking out conversations with people around the country and the world. “You talk about what equipment you’re using and where you are,” says Smith. “Everyone is always interested in what the area you live in is all about. It’s a good way to find out about how people around the world live. It’s just a way to make friends, basically.” Members sometimes stage competitions at the club’s station in Jackson Park, seeing how many other operators they can reach within a given period of time. “It’s not always a guaranteed thing that you’re going to make contact with anybody,” Smith explains. “A lot of it is dependent upon atmospheric conditions at the time you’re on the air.” HELpiNg HaNds Day also belongs to the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, which coordinates with FEMA to

provide communication services at disaster scenes. “So if there were a major disaster in the Henderson-TransylvaniaBuncombe County area that wiped out the cellphone towers or whatever, I would be asked to provide emergency linked communications with other ham radio operators in other areas,” he says. “It would involve what supplies we need to get in, where the supplies are needed and so on. If I got a call, I would go to where FEMA is to carry out communications on their behalf.” Ham operators, notes Day, provided crucial support in the wake of Hurricane Floyd, which slammed into the North Carolina coast in 1999, prompting the evacuation of some 2.6 million people in five states. “It smashed all the communications in North Carolina and South Carolina, and for a number of days the ham radio emergency services helped to coordinate getting supplies to people in need,” he says. “The same thing happened with Hurricane Katrina.” Ham operators also frequently provide communications for community events. Earlier this month, members of the Hendersonville club helped coordinate the Fletcher Flyer bicycle ride through Transylvania County, which drew more than 1,000 participants. “We had people at strategic locations communicating to notify drivers when riders needed to be picked up or needed emergency medical assistance or food and water,” says Day. “About a third of the course had no cellphone coverage whatsoever; many areas in the mountains have no cellphone coverage.” That’s typical of the kinds of service ham operators provide. As VeHaun puts it, “When you need them, they’re there.” X

Ham radio operators have a field day Ham radio operators across the country will set up temporary communications stations this weekend to hone their skills and demonstrate the valuable service amateurs can provide during emergencies. Members of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club will set up their equipment at Jackson Park in Hendersonville. The event will run from 2 p.m. Saturday, June 27, to 2 p.m. Sunday, June 28, and the public is invited. “Every year on the last weekend in June, the ham radio operators from around the United States all go out to different preselected, remote sites,” club member david day explains. “The goal is to practice their ability to set up temporary radio stations and be able to communicate and send messages to one another, so that if there were a big national emergency, we know that we’ve kept the skills to be able to do that.” Amateur Radio Field Day is coordinated by the American Radio Relay League; the national organization celebrated its 100th anniversary last year. Last year, more than 45,000 operators nationwide participated in the event. “The fastest way to turn a crisis into a total disaster is to lose communications,” notes allen pitts of the American Radio Relay League. “From the earthquake and tsunami in Japan to tornadoes in Missouri, ham radio provided the most reliable communication networks in the first critical hours. Because ham radios aren’t dependent on the Internet, cell towers or other infrastructure, they work when nothing else is available. We need nothing between us but air.” The Hendersonville club, which has about 50 members, will set up stations

and practice sending and receiving Morse code, digital, Internet and traditional voice communications. There’ll also be a station enabling visitors without a ham license to try out long-distance, worldwide radio communications. “It’s to keep the bugs out of the system,” says Day. “Plus, it’s a time to have a lot of fun. The public can come in and see what we’re doing. The goal is to keep it up and running for 24 hours, so we know that in case of an emergency, we’re ready to go.” Solar panels will power Day’s radio station; the others will run on emergency generators. He’ll also be testing an experimental antenna he’s been working on for six months. “The appeal that fuels ham radio for me is to make the best station possible, so that I can get the clearest communications I can over very long distances,” says Day. X

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015




JULy 24 - JULy 30, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a frEE ListiNg, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. frEE ListiNgs will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to or through our oNLiNE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls Dog tAlk series 545-2948, dogtraininworkshops. • MO (6/29), 7-9pm - Workshop on canine aggression. $20/$15 advance. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave.

Benefits Aloft Hotel Pool PArty • SU (6/28), 4-8pm - Tickets to this pet friendly Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots concert benefit Asheville Area Arts Council. $5. Held at Aloft Hotel, 51 Biltmore Ave. Dinner Benefit for leiCester Community Center 774-3000, • FR (6/26), 5-7:30pm - Tickets to


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

oUtdoor LiViNg: Want to spend some fun in the sun and make a difference? Trailblazers Outdoor Adventure Club is looking for summer volunteers to lead children from public housing neighborhoods on hiking activities in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The program is sponsored by Women’s Wellbeing and Development Foundation and is seeking volunteers for Mondays through Wednesdays. Photo courtesy of WWDF (p. 21)

this “Poor Man’s Supper” support the work of the leicester Community Center. $7. Held at Leicester Community Center, 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester run for sHinDig • SA (6/27), 8:30am - Registration fees for this 5K race and fun walk benefit shindig on the green concert series. $10-$30. Held at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road tHe VAnisHing WHeelCHAir 645-2941, • SA (6/27), 7:30pm - Magic show to benefit arts education for disabled participants. Admission by donation. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. VegAn iCe CreAm soCiAl • SA (6/27), 4-6pm - Tickets to this community event benefit full Circle Animal sanctuary. Held in private home. Contact for location. $15.

Business & teCHnology

A-B teCH smAll Business Center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950, • MO (6/29), 6-9pm - “Turn Your Passion into a Business on Etsy,” seminar. Free with registration required. Venture AsHeVille, 258-6137 • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - “One Million Cups of Coffee,” weekly entrepreneurs startup presentations. Free to attend. Held at RISC Networks, 81 Broadway Suite C

ClAsses, meetings & eVents

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communicate with your Guides in this 2-day experiential workshop with consultant Kelly S. Jones in Asheville. events 919-200-8686 feng sHui WorksHoP (pd.) July 10, 11, & 12- Unlock the potential of your environment and maximize your health, prosperity and love! Practical, interactive workshop ideal for homeowners, Architects, Interior Designers and Realtors. Bring your floor plans! Kelly S. Jones www.KellySJones. net/events 919-200-8686. Attend Friday Evening Introduction only for $35. introDuCtion to CirCling: relAtionsHiP skill-BuilDing (pd.) June 10th, 6:30-9:30pm. Circling is a relational practice to bring intimacy and love in your life. Co-explore and co-experience the world with us. 73 Swannanoa Avenue, Asheville 28806. 828-337-7261, RSVP.

linDA PAnnullo mosAiCs AnD WorksHoPs (pd.) LAZY SUSAN MOSAIC July 18-19 with Linda Pannullo. • GLASS ON MIRROR: COLOR, TEXTURE, BLING August 8-9 with Seattle Artist Kelley Knickerbocker • PEBBLE MANDALA MOSAIC WORKSHOP September 26-27 with Deb Aldo. More info, prices and registration at http://www. rePlenisH! reneW! reCHArge! (pd.) 828-620-1188 Want an Allergy-Busting, HormoneBalancing, Gut-Healing, AntiInflammatory Detox with a side effect of Weight Loss? Join The 21 Day Summer Essential Cleanse, July 8th AsHeVille Buskers ColleCtiVe 242-8076, • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-12:30pm - Open public input session for discussing street performing and

busking in downtown. Free to attend. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad AsHeVille mAkers, • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Meetup & makerspace open house for makers, tinkerers, artists, etc. Free to attend. Held at OpenSpace Asheville, 285 Haywood Road Blue riDge AmAteur rADio CluB of HenDersonVille • SA (6/27) & SU (6/28), 10am5pm - Emergency response practice and HAM radio demonstrations. Free. Held at Jackson Park, 801 Glover St., Hendersonville BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (7/1) & WE (7/15), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, for all skill levels. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa HillsiDe D&D enCounters hillsidednd • WEDNESDAYS, 6-9pm Weekly ongoing fantasy campaign with the new edition. Free. Held at Hillside Games, 611c Tunnel Road ontrACk WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/24), 5:30-7pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it,” workshop. • TUESDAYS through (6/30), 5:30-8pm - “Manage Your Money Series,” workshop. roAD sHoW AmAteur rADio CluB 367-1830, • SA (6/27) & SU (6/28), 2pm Presentation and demonstration on operating amateur radios under emergency conditions. Free. Held at Harmon Field in Tryon, 430 Harmon Field Road, Tryon rurAl HeritAge museum At mArs Hill 100 Athletic St., Mars Hill, 689-1304 • SA (6/27) through SU (1/31) - How the West Was Won: Trains and the Transformation of Western North Carolina, multimedia history exhibit. Free.

smoky mountAin CHess CluB SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1-4pm - All skill levels welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville Western nC HumAnists 550-7935 • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 11am Brunch meeting. Free to attend. Held at Denny’s, 1 Regent Park Blvd. WnC CArVers 665-8273, • SU (6/28), 1:30-4pm - Monthly meeting and open carving. Free to attend. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road

DAnCe stuDio ZAHiyA, DoWntoWn DAnCe ClAsses (pd.) (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 5pm Bhangra Wkt 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Friday 8am Hip Hop Wrkt • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 11am Hip Hop • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595

eCo AsHeVille green Drinks Free to attend. • WE (6/24), 5:30pm “Downtown Waste Prevention” presentation. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway

fArm & gArDen AsHeVille AlternAtiVes to PestiCiDes CoAlition 778-1874, • LAST FRIDAYS until (6/26), 6pm - “Pesticides: Use, Misuse and Alternatives,” four-part public forum. Free. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave.

fooD & Beer leiCester Community Center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000 • MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS until (8/7), 12:30-1:30pm - Free lunch for all schoolage children.

kiDs leArn to skAte/PlAy HOCKEY! • FREE (pd.) Kids ages 10 and under, come out to the rink at Carrier Park, Tuesdays from June 16-August 11, 6:30pm-8pm. • Equipment supplied. Details: CrADle of forestry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Junior Forester Program for boys and girls ages 8-12. Meets every other week. $4. • THURSDAYS through (8/6), 10:30-noon & 1:30-3pm - “Woodsy Owl’s Curiosity Club,” outdoor-oriented activity exploring forest-related themes. For ages 4-7. $4. kiDs’ ACtiVities At tHe liBrAries governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (6/25), 3pm - LEGO Builders Club. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • FR (6/26), 1-5pm - Model airplane building workshop for ages 12-18. Held at EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler sPellBounD CHilDren’s BooksHoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • SATURDAYS, 11am - Storytime for ages 3-7. Free.

outDoors Blue riDge PArkWAy Hikes 298-5330, • TH (6/25), 7pm - Ranger-led easy 1.5-mile hike identifying trees of the Blue Ridge. Meets at MP 375.6. Free. • FR (6/26), 10am - Ranger-led 2-mile hike to Bridges Camp Gap and Yellow Prong River. Meets at MP 417. Free.

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

commUNity caLENdar














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers

Blue riDge PArkWAy rAnger ProgrAms 295-3782, Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (6/27), 7pm - “The Civil War in the Mountains,” historical presentation. Free. Held at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, Milepost 316 Blue Ridge Parkway • SA (6/27), 7pm - “Picture This,” nature photography fundamentals. Free. Held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, Milepost 340 Blue Ridge Parkway

Labyrinth and Garden. 828687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers:

ymCA of WnC 210-2265, • WE (6/24), 8:45am - Easy-tomoderate 4-mile hike on Roan Mountain. Free/$5 carpool. Held at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.

oPen HeArt meDitAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017

sPirituAlity A PHysiCAl eXPerienCe of tHe soul! (pd.) Embodiment Class with Lisa Stendig. Wednesdays, 6pm7:15pm at the Embodiment Studio, $15 (discounts available); for more info call 828-505-2856 or go to

Feeding the hungry

wHat: Leicester Welcome Table Poor Man’s Supper wHEN: Friday, June 26, 5-7:30 p.m. wHErE: 2979 New Liecester Hwy., Leicester wHy: The Leicester Community Center has allowed the Leicester Welcome Table to operate out of its location since its inception almost five years ago, helping assist with its mission of feeding the hungry. To return the favor, the Welcome Table is holding a Poor Man’s Supper to raise funds for the center. “We had a yearning to feed the hungry,” says longtime Welcome Table volunteer carol bryson, “and since the center has helped us feed an average of 100 people per week, we wanted to put on a fundraiser that helps with their projects.”


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Friday’s dinner will consist of “country comfort food,” including pintos & ham, oven-roasted potatoes, coleslaw, banana pudding and tea and coffee. For convenience, takeout will be also be available for patrons who don’t wish to dine at the center. For summer events like this, some of the produce is provided by local farmers, and much of the remaining food is procured from MANNA FoodBank’s Feed America program. Supper tickets are $7, and 100 percent of proceeds will benefit capital programs at the Leicester Community Center, such as walking path construction, maintenance and repairs and making the center more neighborhood friendly. For more information, contact Leicester Community Center president greg brookshire at 774-3000 or — Michael McDonald

AsHeVille insigHt meDitAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAkening WisDom (pd.) For optimal psycho-spiritual health. Guidance and training in Zen influenced meditation, mindfulness, and teachings in a completely contemporary context. Unlocking the secret of nonduality consciousness for a more authentic, wise, compassionate and sane life. Individual, group and telephone sessions available with consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Very affordable. For info contact healing@, (828) 258-3241. Visit CrystAl Visions Books AnD eVent Center (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space,

eXPerienCe A Hug like no otHer! (pd.) Amma will hold free programs on June 28-29 at the GA International Convention Center in Atlanta. More info at http://

AsHeVille Center for trAnsCenDentAl meDitAtion 165 E. Chestnut, 254-4350, • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - “An Introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Technique.” Free. BuCkeye BAPtist CHurCH 102 West Buckeye Road, Swanannoa, 298-0326 • Through FR (6/26), 6-8:30pm Vacation Bible school for kids and adults. Free sHAmBHAlA meDitAtion Center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, • SUNDAYS, 10am-noon - Sitting and walking meditation. Free. • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Food, conversation and meditation. Free. st. mArk’s lutHerAn CHurCH 10 North Liberty St., 253-0043 • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 12:301:30pm - “A Service for Service,” service-industry worship. trinity PresByteriAn CHurCH 900 Blythe St., Hendersonville, 692-6114, • SUNDAYS until (6/28), 9:45am - Ohmann Lecture Series: “Navigating Rough Waters,” 1960s cultural revolutions. Free.

sPoken & Written WorD AAuW Book sAle • Through TH (6/25) - Proceeds from book sales will benefit AAUW’s scholarships for women. Free to attend. Hours: 10am –

7pm, except Sun.:noon-7pm. Free to attend. Held at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard AsHeVille storytelling CirCle 274-1123, • SU (6/28), 5pm - “Folktales & Foolishness,” storytelling event. Held in Pavilion #3. Free. Held at WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road BlACk BoX storytelling tHeAter 808-1150, • WE (6/24), 7:30pm - “Don’t Be Afraid of Your Story, It Might Just Inspire Someone!” performance by storyteller David Joe Miller. Free. Held at Buffalo Nickel, 747 Haywood Road Blue riDge Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (6/27), 3pm - Faustine Wilson discusses her mother’s book Living in the Shadow of Slavery. Free to attend. BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (7/1), 3pm - Weaverville Afternoon Book Club: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville HenDo story slAm • WE (6/24), 7:30pm - Open mic storytelling night on the theme “Friendship.” Free to attend. Held at Black Bear Coffee Co., 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville mAlAProP’s Bookstore AnD CAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/24), 7pm - Patti Callahan Henry discusses her book The Idea of Love. • WE (6/24), 7pm - Salon: Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. • TH (6/25), 7pm - Works in Translation Book Club: Bullfight by Yasushi Inoue. • SA (6/27), 3pm - Joanne O’Sullivan discusses her book Migration Nation: Animals on the Go from Coast to Coast. • SA (6/27), 7pm - Benjamin Hedin discusses his book In Search of the Moment: The Struggle for Civil Rights Then and Now. • MO (6/29), 7pm - Matthew Quick discusses his book Love May Fail. • MO (6/29), 7pm - Partners in

Health Engage Book Club: To Repair the World: Paul Farmer Speaks to the Next Generation by Paul Farmer. • TU (6/30), 7pm - Janet Surrey discusses her book The Buddha’s Wife: The Path of Awakening Together. • WE (7/1), 7pm - Jenny Martin discusses her book Tracked and Courtney Stevens discusses her book Faking Normal. sWAnnAnoA VAlley museum 223 W State St., Black Mountain, 669-9566, history. • SA (6/27), 2pm - Timothy Spira discusses his book The Magic of Waterfalls and Wildflowers in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Free. trAnsylVAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • MO (6/29), 7pm - Open Mic Night for writers. Free. Writers on tHe roCk 625-9611 • SU (6/28), 1-4pm - 12 Appalachian writers discuss their works. Park admission

fees apply. Held at Chimney Rock Park, 1638 Chimney Rock Park Road, Chimney Rock

Volunteering Big BrotHers Big sisters of WnC 253-1470, • TH (6/25), noon - Information session for potential volunteers interested in becoming mentors. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. HAnDs on AsHeVilleBunComBe 2-1-1, • TH (6/25), 4pm - Volunteers needed to unpack and price merchandise. Held at Ten Thousand Villages, 10 College St. • TH (6/25), 11am - Volunteers needed for “Shake and Bake,” cooking lunch for ABCCM. literACy CounCil of BunComBe County 254-3442, • WE (6/24), noon-1:30pm - Orientation of potential vol-

unteers interested in becoming a mentor with the Augustine Project. Held at 31 College Place, Suite B-221 PisgAH legAl serViCes 62 Charlotte St., 855-733-3711 • WE (6/24), 5:30pm - Open house for potential volunteers interested in becoming Affordable Care Act Navigators. Sandhill Community Garden 58 Apac Circle, 250-4260 • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm & SATURDAYS, 9-11am Volunteers are needed to help with growing produce for donation in this nonprofit community garden.

French Broad Real Estate Company Approx. 1/2 Mile of Secluded French Broad River Frontage 38.8 acres 10 minutes from the Town Of Hot Springs Tremendous agritourism potential too - 1BR/1BA Renovated 100 Year Old Historic Farmhouse w/Old General Store & Antique Tobacco Barn - 15+ acres of flat tillable land Create your homestead dream right here in HS. 1486 Boys Home Road, Hot Springs, NC 28743 $395,000 - MLS#573202 Call Ann Harold for

trAilBlAZers outDoor ADVenture CluB 255-8777, • MONDAYS through WEDNESDAYS until (8/12) - Volunteers needed to lead children from public housing on outdoor activities. For more volunteering opportunities, visit

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


BUSINESS issue Welcome to Xpress' Open For Business: a special advertorial section, offering entrepreneurs, educators and innovators a chance to introduce themselves and share their visions.

The Downtown Market has come a long way in the past four years. We stuck it out and now we have a beautifully renovated store! Through it all, we have always been a place where you can see the true spirit of Asheville’s friendly, fun, funky nature and diverse community. When you shop at The DTM, you support 60-plus vendors who have small businesses, each with a unique vision and passion for cool things. We now house Asheville’s go-to store for theatrical gear, The Costume Shoppe, and some of the best vintage, fashion and festival divas in town. You will also fi nd gently used outdoor gear, locally made goods, herbal body care, fi ne jewelry, books and LPs. We also offer antique, mid-century and handmade furniture, home de´cor, crafty supplies, treasures from around the world and locally made art. Our bar, Sly Grog Lounge, has its own space connected to The DTM with its own little bookshop and sneaky side entrance. You can still have a drink and shop, but we now have a live music and a performance space. Check out Thursday Open Mic and Wednesday Word nights. Come shop, relax and have a drink with us! XOXOXOXOXOXO

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

fresh ideas

Each installment of Open for Business presents an assortment of the new and the recently improved — giving readers a window into our ever-expanding local business scene.

Dear Asheville,


New businesses, | spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN

Western North Carolina’s businesses play an important role in our region, and so we are proud to showcase the efforts of the area's new and growing entrepreneurs. Please welcome their initiatives to the community!

Founded in 2010, Sugar Hollow Solar designs and installs solar electric, solar hot water, and radiant floor heating systems for homes and businesses around Asheville. Co-founders and cousins Phelps Clarke and Douglas Ager grew up in Fairview and decided to try to use the tools of business to implement positive change in the world after seeing how much support the community gave to their relative’s businesses Hickory Nut Gap Meats and Flying Cloud Farm. With a mission to change the current energy paradigm, the company is also committed to trying to improve on the way business has traditionally been practiced. They believe that quality is an often neglected part of sustainability and that it’s spiritually important for people to be able to walk away from a job feeling good about the work that they’ve done. They have an open book policy where they share all financial information within the company. The SHS team has over 45 years of combined experience helping residences, businesses and government go solar.

6 Sugar Hollow Lane, Fairview, NC 28730 828.776.9161

You live in Asheville, a unique and wonderful place full of families of all kinds. RE/MAX Results is a homegrown real estate office with an international family, and our office appreciates and respects all types of diversity, quirkiness and even normalcy.

Our agents (Gus, Debora, Bonnie, Phillip, Tina, Bob and Margaret) care about you, our clients, as individuals. We aren’t just trying to make a sale, we are building relationships and listening to what you are really saying about your home buying or selling needs and wants. More than ever, you need a guide through the intricacies, legalities and strategies of buying or selling a home. Our agents support each other in order to support you in one of the biggest purchases or sales you will ever experience. We have strong relationships with lenders, home inspectors, contractors and other professionals you may need along the way. There is a lot on the line when you buy or sell a home. So call the office with the agents who care and also have experience, training and proven results: RE/MAX Results.

RE/MAX Results | 34 Orange St, Asheville, NC 28801 | | (828) 333-5260

spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN |

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


Bon Vivant Co.

Design market and vintage gallery Bon Vivant Co., a unique retail shop, is a new creation from Jada Nye, the mind behind several successful local shops. Her vision is a resale shop featuring vintage and locally made objects in conjunction with quality consignments that will help her customers save money, time, the local economy and the planet! Bon Vivant Co. features antiques, mid-century and upcycled pieces, and art from local to international artists. She goes beyond resale with custom pieces and creative classes.The shop is located behind Fig restaurant in Biltmore Village and open every day. Hours are: Sunday-Tuesday, noon-4 p.m.; and Wednesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Our flagship beers are distributed through NC, SC, and TN from our home base in Morganton, NC. Artisan barrel processing and specialty beers are brewed on the South Slope of downtown Asheville. Come and taste our full range of beers and enjoy live music, televised sports, and the most friendly and professional staff in the city. Our sophisticated Rickhouse can be reserved for private parties with a dedicated bar and 6 tap selections. Enjoy the largest outdoor courtyard in the South Slope. Bring your bikes, your children, your dog...make yourself at home.

Dr. Junk and Mr. Fix-It, the services division of Bon Vivant, specialize in handyman work and deliveries, and are available for large and small projects. With excellent rates on junk removal, pressure washing, labor, painting, repairs and jack-of-all-trades work, make them your first call at 828-620-1844.

9 Reed St., Suite D, Asheville, NC 28803 • 828-785-1527 •

Cheers! Creative HVAC solutions Jay Hein, P.E., a mechanical engineer with 25 years of practical engineering experience, has relocated his business, Mechanical Edge LLC, to Black Mountain. Jay specializes in designing & troubleshooting systems for heating, ventilating, & air conditioning (HVAC).

Services include design & engineering, stamped permit and installation drawings, troubleshooting, and performing assessments of commercial, industrial and high-end residential projects.

Clients include owners, developers, architects and mechanical contractors who value his focus on effective energy use, constructability, safety and responsiveness. Jay has experience with designing HVAC systems for restaurants, bars, breweries, retail, schools, churches, offices, warehouses and manufacturing facilities. If you are building, remodeling, or having problems with an existing facility, Jay and Mechanical Edge offer creative solutions for HVAC. Note: Mechanical Edge does not sell, install, service, or maintain HVAC equipment systems or parts.

The Craft Beer of the Carolinas -Since 199924

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015 | spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN

151 NC Highway 9, Suite B-165 Black Mountain, NC • 828-668-5070 •

Perfect Gifts opens downtown Perfect Gifts’ boutique space carries a wide breadth of greeting cards, gifts & accessories from baby to grandma to Rover — all with a cheerful & irreverent twist. Among the various items for sale at Perfect Gifts are an amazing selection of greeting cards (from nice to naughty), along with Voluspa, Trapp & Millefiori candles, unique home décor items, books ranging from self-motivation to humor, plus items for kids, technology-oriented accessories & the coolest kinds of barware accessories. The store also features clocks, jewelry & over-the-top novelty items. Much of the store’s merchandise is exclusive to Perfect Gifts, says owner Perry Martino, including Cow Parade figurines, Scojo New York optical quality readers, Lampe Berger Paris air-purification & fragrance-diffuser systems, plus items made from original vinyl 45 & 33 LPs, Grass Roots beadworks, Crane stationery & a collection of hand-beaded sculptures from Southeast Asia. 8 Biltmore Ave. 828-774-5096

100 N. Lexington Ave.


Lightning Bolt Ink is a locally owned, locally operated wholesale & retail screen printing & embroidery shop located in downtown Asheville. We provide customers with exceptional screen printing & embroidery services, working in an environment of mutual respect, approachability & openness. We are customer-focused & professional while taking pleasure in the perfection of our craft. As a Living Wage Certified business & participant in the Asheville Grown “Go Local” program, Lightning Bolt Ink strives to integrate within & support the local community & economy. We are proud to partner with local businesses, social justice groups, schools, artists & musicians to create beautiful, unique hand-printed apparel.

we’re new on the block, but our team shares over 25 years of combined experience. We would love to meet you! come by & let us show you what we do.

Run by husband & wife team, Greg & Danielle Vaeth, this unique store will offer a wide range of locally-printed apparel at modest prices including community-inspired t-shirts, jackets, hoodies & hats for adults & children - along with their higher-end line, NCline. Greg has spent the last 20 years in the apparel industry & is excited to source high quality fabrics, unique designs & offer a little something for everyone. The goal is to offer Asheville-themed apparel for locals & visitors alike that reminds them of the joy & incredible energy this area brings. MTN Merch will also sell a select number of locally-made products. The store will also offer a ‘t-shirt of the month,’ which will be designed by local artists & a portion of the proceeds designated for local charities. Their first charity shirt will benefit the local Veteran’s association (SSVF Homeward Bound WNC), just in time to celebrate Father’s Day & Independence Day.

22 Lodge Street Asheville 28803 828-708-7802 •

“I am excited and very proud to open a business that provides a fun experience for locals and visitors alike—and to do so with my husband.”

-Danielle Co-owner Mnt Merch

MTN Merch’s mission is to provide products that embrace the adventurous mountain lifestyle of the Asheville area while supporting the local community through proceeds and initiatives. spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN |

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


New Reynolds Village Salon Welcome to MaryFrank! I opened a salon that personifies me and allows me to pursue my passion of transforming people and changing lives. My goal was to create a place for clients to experience a relaxing environment and feel a positive energy.

51 North Lexington Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 258-1901

Nest Organics is excited to announce the opening of an expanded kitchen & dining area within our store! As the only downtown source for kitchen accoutrements, you will find a wide selection of items from local & handmade to hard-to-find and kitschy!

Items include locally made aprons from vintage grain sacks, wooden kitchen utensils, unique ceramic measuring cups & spoons, extensive selection of tea towels, handmade ceramic kombucha and other fermenting crocks! Also, wonderful locally made foods such as honey, jams, pickled vegetables and hot sauce.

We have free and ample parking at our doorstep. Let me extend my personal invitation to visit us today and meet some of the best master colorists and stylists in town!

Great gifts for the foodie in your life!


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Entering our 9th year of being Western North Carolina’s largest source for organic & sustainable products for the whole family! Come visit! | spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN

61 North Merrimon, Suite 103 | Asheville, NC 28804 828-232-7073 | |


FOX AND BEAUX: Exquisitely Unique Fox and Beaux is your local source for exquisitely unique handmade jewelry. We also offer custom ring design, including wedding and engagement rings, bridal jewelry and much more. We would love for you to visit us any day of the week at The Grove Arcade's Portico Market, or call to meet with designer Lauren Moody for a private consultation. You can also find Fox and Beaux at Hitched Handmade, Garage 34,

and Wake - The Foot Sanctuary & Shop. Fox and Beaux has become a staple in Asheville and is sure to send you on your merry way feeling pleased, whether you are shopping for yourself or for a gift for a loved one. We strive to create beautiful works of art that are unlike anything you have seen before, and those who are tired of the mundane jewelry-shopping scene will love the Fox and Beaux experience. • AppOiNtmENt ONly: 46 Haywood St. Suite 252 (828) 585-7230

Bratburger was created to give Asheville a quick-serve drive-thru that it could be proud of and call its own. Quality is the first ingredient in everything that we serve. We feature many locally sourced products, including the beef. Our burgers have quickly become known as one of the best around. Our hot dogs are all-beef and will leave you satisfied! And where else can you come and get a quick bratwurst on the go? The fries are hand-cut daily, and we have sweet potato fries also. You donʼt want beef? No problem. We feature a veggie burger and a black-bean burger as well. With a fully customizable menu and fresh buns baked daily, even the pickiest eater will come away happy! No car? No worries. We have a walk-up window in the front of the building and outdoor seating. Come and experience the difference! | 828-505-0699 | 705 Merrimon Ave Asheville NC 28804

NEW LOCATION IN THE RIVER ARTS DISTRICT! At FRESH, we believe that the simple act of feeding people is at the core of what it is to be human. We follow a few simple rules as we prepare food for you. Whenever we can, we buy locally grown, seasonal, organic produce and meats. We use farmers and farm cooperatives or family-run

operations as our primary suppliers for our flowers, vegetables, fruits and herbs. We use feta and goat cheese from local creameries and carry local microbrews from around our region. We have a large garden that supplies us seasonally with fresh basil, edible flowers and herbs

as well as greens, peppers, root vegetables and other produce. Every day, we make homemade soups and breads for the day. Each weekend, we feature FRESH specials that highlight seasonal offerings from our local food purveyors and unique flavors of our chef ’s culinary creativity.

At FRESH, we offer an alternative to the processed food delivery system that has become the staple of the modern diet. Here, you will sit down to eat a meal and taste the difference of food that is grown, artfully prepared and served by people who live right here and are part of our community. | | 342 Depot Street, Asheville, NC 28801 | (828) 552-3917 spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN |

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


RISE to the challenge of authentic Pilates in downtown Asheville RISE: Authentic Pilates is an urban Pilates studio located in the heart of downtown Asheville. We are dedicated to the classical Pilates method developed by Joe Pilates focusing on small-group training and individualized attention. Pilates is a structured and systematic method of whole-body exercises that weaves its way in and out of fundamental, intermediate and advanced levels of movement. It is about whole-body fitness that can rival the strength, stretch and control of almost any rigorous exercise program available. The versatile studio space — combined with expertly taught classes that are both fun and challenging — will enable you to RISE up and take your fitness to the next level. From your very first session, you are always greeted and welcomed to the studio as family. Small numbers per class, a beautiful urban space, classes for charity and a focus on community are what make RISE a truly unique experience.

60 Biltmore Ave., Suite 002 Asheville, NC • 828.575.9500 •

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015 | spEciaL adVErtisiNg sEctioN

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015




Gluten-related medical conditions can be difficult to diagnose

by LEa mcLELLaN

Karen Koelling, an Asheville resident who was diagnosed with celiac disease as an infant, experiences extreme skin eruptions and rashes if she encounters even the tiniest bit of gluten. She is a part of the Celiac Support Group in Hendersonville as well as the Asheville Gluten Intolerance group, which she recommends to anyone needing support and resources. While people with celiac must be hypervigilant about the food they eat, Koelling says that increased awareness has made things easier, especially in the last five years. “This is one of the very few autoimmune diseases where the trigger is known, and that’s very helpful. There are lots of autoimmune diseases where the trigger is not apparent,” she says. “There’s no medication, but really if a person stays on a glutenfree diet very carefully, they will have no symptoms. Their body will heal, and they will be just fine.” Celiac disease has a long list of symptoms — 300, in fact, says Ingles dietitian Leah mcgrath. That long list, which includes everything from weight loss to weight gain, eczema and depression, makes the condition an especially difficult one to diagnose. “To be honest, the medical community is lagging behind in recognizing the symptoms,” says McGrath. “For example, maybe someone is anemic and they’re treated by their family practice doctor for anemia. ... And then they go to their gynecologist for chronic yeast infections, so maybe they get treated with Monistat, but they also have chronic migraine headaches, and somebody refers them to a neurologist. Well, all those things can be symptoms of celiac disease, but no one puts them together.” Some people, however, may have gluten sensitivity even if they do not have celiac disease. But what do we really know about gluten sensitivity? Found in grains like wheat, gluten is the mix of proteins that


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

GLuten-Free is GooD: Elements Real Food on South Liberty Street makes a variety of unique and delicious gluten-free desserts and entrees. This salad trio has spiralized beet salad (with balsamic vinegar, homegrown parsley and microgreens), Moroccan carrot salad (with cumin, lemon vinaigrette, garlic and cilantro) and kale Caesar salad (with shaved onion, shredded carrots and a vegan Caesar dressing with raw tahini). Photo by Emily Nichols

help grains maintain their shape and give them elasticity. But in some cases these proteins cause crippling, chronic pain and illness. While celiac is a widely acknowledged condition, science is still catching up with the issue of gluten sensitivity, and it remains controversial. McGrath notes an Australian study in which people who self-identified as gluten-sensitive were given gluten-free foods as well as foods containing gluten, and there was no difference in their reactions. This suggests that some people are needlessly cutting gluten from their diet. Dr. James biddle of Asheville Integrative Medicine sees plenty of

patients who are concerned that they might be gluten-sensitive. Unlike celiac disease, which is diagnosed via intestinal biopsy, gluten sensitivity is confirmed by a simple blood test and is defined by the presence of certain antibodies in the blood. “It used to be thought that gluten sensitivity was no more serious than any common food allergy,” says Biddle. “But recent studies show that it’s just as serious as celiac disease, with the same long-term health risks.” A classic indicator of a gluten sensitivity is weight loss, but Biddle says that is not always the case, and about a third of people

actually gain weight. “One of the big things that people see is emotional disorders like depression and anxiety,” he says. “They might also experience skin disorders, such as eczema, or fatigue, but really it tends to show up wherever the person’s weak link is. For some people, it could be joint pain.” For children, gluten may present a different problem. Biddle has worked with parents who opt for a gluten-free diet for their children with ADHD and autism. “Some of that is because a certain percentage of any population is going to have gluten sensitivity,” he says. coNtiNUEs oN pagE 32

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



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“But specifically in younger people, there’s a different problem, in that the incomplete digestion of gluten creates a morphinelike compound called gluteomorphine, which causes brain dysfunction. So when these kids are eating gluten, they’re essentially tripping on morphine, and when they aren’t eating gluten, they’re experiencing morphine withdrawal.” On the other hand, tests for gluten sensitivity may be inaccurate, says Biddle, citing another report. “In this study, they took a bunch of people with chronic illnesses, and they did the biopsy for celiac disease and the blood test for gluten sensitivity, and everyone who tested positive, they took out of the study. So you have a bunch of people who were chronically ill, who tested negative for gluten sensitivity and celiac disease and put all those people on a 100 percent gluten-free diet. About half of them had significant improvements in their health. So that shows that our testing is not so good yet.” Biddle recommends that patients put themselves on a strict, glutenfree diet for six weeks. Assuming they don’t change anything else about their diet, it will be very obvious whether gluten is the problem, he says. Some people, however, insist that getting rid of gluten simply makes them feel better, whether or not they have been diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. And for others, going gluten-free is about (not always successful) weight-loss strategy. Of course, it can be difficult to cut out gluten and not change one’s diet dramatically, considering that many foods contain it. McGrath notes that a person might feel better on a gluten-free diet simply because they’re eating healthier. “The important

thing to remember there, we don’t always know where their starting point was,” she says. “I run into a lot of people who say, ‘Oh my gosh, I went glutenfree, and I feel so much better.’ You start really talking to them, and you realize their diet wasn’t optimal to begin with,” McGrath says. “They were eating things like pastas and beer and breads, and they start substituting more fruits and vegetables. Maybe they’re eating more lean meat, and their diet is just better overall. It might not be the gluten at all.” Eating gluten-free doesn’t always mean making healthy choices, she adds. There are plenty of gluten-free options that are high in calories and not necessarily more nutritious than their glutinous counterparts. Especially in Asheville, where gluten-free alternatives are readily available and resources are abundant, making healthy choices is becoming easier for people with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Koelling recommends that those with gluten sensitivities seek support and information in their own communities. “Many times a person has been recently diagnosed … and they don’t know what to do,” she says. “The doctors aren’t always helpful because they don’t have nutrition backgrounds. So these support groups can help explain the other [symptoms] they might be experiencing that may be connected to gluten sensitivity, where to go for information. There are lots of websites and resources for where to find gluten-free food, which of course is paramount.” X

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

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Wellness life of energy retreAts—WitH ADVenture (pd.) Experience and learn about alternative health methods for the body. I.P. Yoga, Meditation, Emotion Code, Nutrition Awareness, and more. Energize and free yourself from pain. Enjoy a mountain retreat with added adventure: zip line! First of three sessions, August 28-30. Register: AsHeVille Community yogA Center 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga. com • THURSDAYS until (6/25), 6-7:30pm “Yoga for Trauma,” workshop series. $40. BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (6/24), 11:30am - Laughter Yoga, for ages 18 and older. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa leiCester Community Center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 7743000 • MONDAYS, 6-7pm - Community yoga class. Free.

PuBliC eVents At WCu 227-7397, • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS through (7/30), 12:10-12:55pm - Summer aqua fitness workshop. Held in Reid Gymnasium. $35. reD Cross BlooD DriVes Appointment and ID required. • TH (6/25), 1-6pm - Appointments and info: 667-3950. Held at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church, 725 Asbury Road, Candler • MO (6/29), 2-6:30pm - Appointments and info: 299-3370. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway • MO (6/29), 2:30-7pm - Appointments and info: 683-3178. Held at Newfound Baptist Church, 2605 New Leicester Highway, Leicester yogA in tHe PArk 254-0380, • SATURDAYS through (9/5), 10am Outdoor yoga instruction. Admission by donation to Our Voice and Homeward Bound. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St.

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


g R E E N


Land, food and local economy A new program for novice farmers connects conservation, education and local food production

by carriE EidsoN Send your sustainability news to

When tom and Karen Elmore were starting their 10-acre Leicester farm, now called Thatchmore, in 1987, their neighbors thought the new operation was a little odd. “There were a lot of conventional farmers around, and a lot of our neighbors were doing farming part time, but there weren’t many people doing it in the style we intended to do,” Tom says. The Elmores were interested in labor-intensive, small-scale farming with less focus on mechanical labor and more emphasis on organic growing — even going so far as to pursue their organic certification the first year they were in production. But all that came with a steep learning curve, Tom says. “We really had to hunt to find a support network,” he explains. “Slowly over time we developed the experience and expertise to grow our crops, but it was a kind of a struggle.” Today, Tom serves on the board of Organic Growers School, an organi-

‘patHways’ to growtH: Farm Pathways would be a continuation of existing farming programs like Organic Growers School’s Craft program and Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy’s Farm Incubator. The program would support new farmers through classroom education, land access and a farmer-to-farmer support network. Photo courtesy of Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy

zation that is part of a new initiative to make sure the next generation of farmers in Western North Carolina have better access to farmer-to-farmer education and support. A new program from OGS, WNC FarmLink and Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy called Farm Pathways will combine peer support and land access with a structured curriculum centered on farm production and business. The program is now in the development stages thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farmer Rancher Development Program. “This grant is allowing us the luxury to really dig in and create a farmer training program that is inclusive of farmer needs and looks at the chal-

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lenges farmers in WNC are facing,” says cameron farlow, farmer programs coordinator with OGS. “It will allow us to create connections to other allies and communities that are already doing really good work, learn from national programs and glean the best of all those tools.” Farlow says Farm Pathways is designed to attract and support new and beginning farmers — a growing urgency as the average age of farmers in both WNC and the country is climbing, with many farmers ready to retire. So far, younger generations have been hesitant to take over family farms or enter into agriculture-based businesses. Part of this, according to chris Link, Farm and Food program

manager with SAHC, is that a lot of younger people only conceive of conventional, large-scale farming, which isn’t an accurate reflection of the agriculture that happens in WNC. “A lot of young folks have this view of farming as laborious work with low pay, and just really unrewarding,” Link says. “A lot of potential younger farmers haven’t seen the models that are popping up now that are smaller-scale methods, and they don’t realize that you can make a pretty decent living on small acreage, depending on your markets and your efficiency.” The curriculum that SAHC, FarmLink and OGS are working to create would combine classroom learning with visits to established farms, where students can see the theories they’re studying put in action. The program would be informed by existing programs, including SAHC’s Farm Incubator program and OGS’s CRAFT program. The idea, Farlow says, is to duplicate a traditional apprenticeship system. “To be a farmer, some people can do it just by jumping right in, but it’s a much harder battle to do it that way,” she says. “Traditionally, farm kids were raised up on the farm and learned things their whole life, and eventually the land and the business were passed over to them. But now we’re seeing a lot new farmers coming in without that type of background.” Link adds that the peer support network, which will partner Farm Pathways students with seasoned growers like Elmore, can be critical in the early years of a farm business. “There’s all these little things that can be pretty overwhelming,” he says. “But when you can call someone, have them come out to your farm, look at what is happening and say, ‘I know what to do,’ it just greatly lowers that anxiety.”

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Another huge barrier for young farmers is finding land to farm, Farlow adds, especially as historic farmland in WNC is dwindling due to development or reaching a price point that makes it inaccessible for most people. With only 2 percent of the land in WNC considered prime for agriculture, disappearing farmland has been a concern of all three of Farm Pathways’ parent organizations for years. In fact, Link says SAHC saw the need to connect land conservation with agriculture education, local economy and local food production a long time ago. The nonprofit has already been working with farmland owners to place their properties into conservation easements that would still allow for sustainable cultivation. Through Farm Pathways, beginning farmers would lease those lands for their agriculture businesses under restrictions and environmental protections set up by SAHC. “There are people in the community, land owners and otherwise, who are interested in food security and keeping land undeveloped,”

Link says. “Part of what we will be doing is developing relationships with people who own land and want to protect it, while also supporting the local food system.” Though affiliated with OGS, Farm Pathways will not focus exclusively on organic farming, and participants will learn organic and sustainable practices along with conventional methods, Farlow says. The program will not be free, and though the tuition has not yet been established, Farlow notes that OGS intends to set up financial aid and possibly offer a sliding scale for admission. Anticipated capacity is around 20 people in each year-long session for the first couple of years, though she says it may grow to as many as 40 later on. Best of all, Link adds, the program would be centered in Asheville, though some regional elements will possibly be added later. “Asheville is such a local-foods town, and there’s such an awareness of the importance of that here,” he says. “It’s the perfect place for these three organizations to come together and create that intersection of local food, local economy and land conservation.”

Farm Pathways is anticipated to roll out in 2016. Farlow says the program will apply for a three-year grant in that year to maintain continued financial support. For more information, X


A controversial proposed subdivision is now becoming a reality. David Case, lead developer for Coggins Farm L.L.C., has confirmed to Mountain Xpress that his company finalized its purchase of 169 acres of historic farmland off of Riceville Road known as Coggins Farm on Friday, June 19. The property will now be called Sovereign Oaks. Some Asheville residents have questioned the development’s staying power and environmental impact claiming it would cause dangerous erosion and poor traffic conditions

and contribute to the loss of historic farmland. However, the company has promoted the project as being focused on “agriculture and sustainable living.” Though earlier plans for the development have included as many as 382 units, the final site plan calls for only 99. “We’re really excited and we have a beautiful project,” Case told Xpress. “The land is exquisite and it’s going to be a special project. There will be lots of community gathering points and trails.” Other community groups, including the Coggins Conversation Project, had sought to purchase the land for smaller-scale development with a focus on New Ruralism principals and land conservation. ron Ainspan, a founding member of CCP and former resident of Coggins Farm, said the group hopes to work with the developers and continue promoting New Ruralism in Western North Carolina. “It’s a disappointment,” Ainspan said. “Coggins Conservation Project had hoped to maintain the property primarily as a place for agriculture and as a public resource. But we would really like to keep the communication lines open and explore the possibility of continuing those ideas.” Ainspan said the group will continue to maintain its website,, for updates. More information on Sovereign Oaks can be found at More Xpress coverage of the Coggins Farm is available at X

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



Hendersonville’s rising food scene The apple capital’s culinary community is making its own mark

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

by gEraLdiNE H. diNKiNs

Hendersonville culinary entrepreneurs don’t need to move to Asheville. They’ve got their own flavors, a burgeoning food scene and a strong sense of community that’s been dubbed “co-op-etition.” “I’m a big fan of our small town,” says Jason reasoner. “I have my pick of the cream of the crop of employees, and no one has to fight crowds and traffic here.” In November, the 42-year-old Hendersonville native and his wife, stephanie, opened Postero, a come-casual, eat-fine restaurant located on the town’s pedestrianfriendly Main Street. If Postero were located in Asheville, it would be mentioned in the same breath with Curaté, Rhubarb or Seven Sows, Reasoner says a food critic has told him. But Hendersonville is “right at the edge of the umbrella” that marks Asheville’s thriving food scene, says Reasoner. “I have Asheville revenue envy in the dead months, that’s for sure,” he jokes. Just the same, he’s more than happy running a restaurant in his hometown. In 2008, Reasoner recalls, he wasn’t so sure Hendersonville — home to the annual Apple Festival — was ready for the new American cuisine he dishes. Now he says, “I do feel that Hendersonville is working really hard to overcome that old reputation of being a conservative retirement community.” And the number of new Hendersonville entrepreneurs focused on artisan products, small-town customer service and a sense of community gives him hope, Reasoner adds.

Southern Appalachian Brewery co-owner Kelly cubbin agrees, even if Hendersonville is “just a few years behind Asheville.” Back in 2006, Cubbin and her husband had their sights set on starting a brewery in the region’s biggest town. “There were four, five, then six breweries in Asheville, then the seventh opened up, and we felt that was it. Asheville was oversaturated for craft-style beer,” says Cubbin. So they settled on Locust Street instead, although almost 10 years later, the Asheville breweries keep cropping up as if the city’s thirst can’t be sated. But she has no regrets. “We found Hendersonville to be a very supportive community. We never looked back,” Cubbin says. Meanwhile, Lisa Hoffman, 51, and matthew Hickman, 40, started Underground Baking Co. by subletting a kitchen off Main Street in 2009. The two pastry chefs specialized in European-style breads and pastries made with all-organic and local ingredients. Not long after opening, it was clear they were

UNdErgroUNd goods: Underground Baking Co. co-owner Matthew Hickman, left, says he senses a growing momentum among Hendersonville entrepreneurs that could help push the town’s food scene forward. Also pictured is co-owner Lisa Hoffman. Photo by Woodward & Rick Photography

hitting a sweet spot not yet satisfied in Hendersonville. So the next year, at the crest of the recession and just as antigluten sentiments had reached a fever pitch, they opened their own retail bakery on slow-torevitalize, but historic, Seventh Avenue. City-maintained hanging flower baskets bloom brightly against boarded-up storefronts on Seventh, but the couple wanted to own a business that had integrity, where personal priorities made few concessions to profits.

“I was saved by bread. You can’t fake good bread,” Hickman says. A loaf of Underground’s French sourdough runs $5, made with flour grown and milled in North Carolina. And the maple bacon on the soft pretzels comes from humanely raised pigs. Hickman and Hoffman can come a long way from the highly processed, fourdigit-price-tag wedding cakes they used to make at upscale resorts. Hickman says he can feel a growing momentum among Hendersonville entrepreneurs and hopes more will join in, help push Hendersonville’s food scene forward and perhaps breathe new life into Seventh Avenue. Meanwhile, if Hickman is short on flour, he can call on his friends (and most direct competitors) at the Flat Rock Village Bakery, which uses the same flour. Both Reasoner and Cubbin courted Underground and now serve its products. Reasoner gives fellow restaurateurs and Main Street retailers a 10 percent discount at Postero. Business cards are liberally exchanged and prominently displayed. “It’s important that we promote each other, especially since we all know how much effort goes into running our businesses,” says Cubbin. “When you believe in the same values, it is easy to have that relationship,” says Reasoner, who notes there’s interest in forming a Hendersonville restaurant association. “Here you can not only meet the owners, but know they are preparing your food — it’s an even more personal connection than farm-to-table.” At Postero, bar seats 1 through 3 will put you close to the chef “throwing down on the line,” Reasoner says with a laugh. “I enjoy chatting with my customers and seeing them react to the food served.” Asheville’s prominence and proximity, along with the influx of beer tourists attracted by Sierra Nevada in Mills River and Oskar Blues in Brevard, are also helping Hendersonville. “Asheville is definitely what draws many younger people to the area, but a lot of them can’t or don’t want to live in the city, and we have DuPont [State Recreational Forest] and excellent schools here,” says bob willingford, president of

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the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce. “Hendersonville has that smalltown feel, where you want to raise a family,” he says. “We actually have to card people now, because not everyone looks like they are retired anymore,” Cubbin jokes. On weekends with live music, flocks of children give the brewery a decidedly familyfriendly flair, and at the bakery, Hickman’s seeing a new type of regular. “It used to be all retirees,” he says. “Now suddenly we have tattoos coming through the door.” At Postero there is always a good chance that 7-year-old Cole Reasoner (aka “Bean”) is busing tables, filling water glasses and striking up conversations, while bacon believers are adding Underground to their pig-product pilgrimages for a taste of “Croink” (a croissant layered with bacon lard — the recipe and name are trademarked, by the way). It’s all what Willingford hears referred to as “co-op-etition.” So sorry, Asheville. Eat your heart out, or better yet, journey to Hendersonville. X

cHaNgiNg timEs: A few years ago, Postero owner Jason Reasoner wasn’t sure Hendersonville was ready for his new American cuisine. But he thinks things have changed. “I do feel that Hendersonville is working really hard to overcome that old reputation of being a conservative retirement community,” he says. Photo courtesy of Postero

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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



by Margaret Williams

Making it What’s the secret ingredient for a successful food business? The answer comes in as many flavors as there are restaurants, food trucks and homegrown food products in the Asheville area: Stick to what you’re good at; put together a great team; know the basics of running a business; adapt to the conditions around you. But whatever you do, don’t do it alone, because it takes more to start and run a successful food business than simply being a good cook. These are just a few of the replies Xpress heard from business owners, lenders and coaches. “Having someone who can cook — that’s great, but [food entrepreneurs] also have to understand the cost of doing business, managing the business and cash flow,” says Zurilma mcKeown, microbusiness lender for the Asheville-based nonprofit and entrepreneurial-support organization Mountain BizWorks. “A lot of people come [to us] for loans, but they don’t have the basics.” Whatever the business, its creators need to know about permitting, financing, costs, revenue projections, cash flow, payroll and more, she says. chris reedy agrees. As director of Blue Ridge Food Ventures, he helps entrepreneurs get their products from concept to tailgate market to professional production. “How successful they are depends on how closely their vision matches the reality,” he says. Many food entrepreneurs have a great idea and a great product but no business experience, especially in marketing their product or knowing how to navigate food-safety and permitting requirements, Reedy says. “They’re going to have to learn.” And they’ll have to adapt “to the competition around [them] — and there’s more of that in Asheville — and adapt to what’s happening in their lives,” says mark sternal, a business coach for Mountain BizWorks. “If you’re not on your A game, the gal who opens on the other side of you or the guy across the street may get the jump,” he says. tEst casEs Sternal, Reedy and McKeown offer several examples of what works and what doesn’t.


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Is there a recipe for success for Asheville food businesses?

they launched the mobile repair part of the business. Later this summer, they hope to get the taco trailer fully functional, and for that component, they needed money. “Capital is one of the major hurdles we’ve had to overcome,” says Hakala. With a Mountain BizWorks loan, their next goal is finding a sponsor kitchen, then in 10 years, their own “brick-and-mortar establishment down the road.” magic bULLEts

frEE wHEELiNg: Michael Hakala of the mobile taco shop/bike repair business The Tacoed Wheel says patience was key in getting his business started. “Figuring out all the permitting and license requirements is enough to make someone go cross-eyed,” he says. Photo courtesy of The Tacoed Wheel

One of Asheville’s most established food-product companies — Lusty Monk mustard — started in Kelly davis’ home kitchen, he says, with a great concept and “simple branding, with tons of room for growth.” Years later, after graduating from Advantage West’s ScaleUp growth-strategy program, Davis has a professional kitchen and national distribution. He suggests food entrepreneurs test their ideas and products at local tailgate markets, where they’ll get feedback from more than just friends and family. “And if you want to be a success, you better know your cost [and] how much you’ve got sell to cover those costs,” says Reedy. Before you can get a product to market, you’ve also got to address a host of compliance requirements, from food safety to basic production needs, says Reedy. Blue Ridge Food Ventures “is here to help with that,” he says. McKeown mentions two new businesses that seem ready for success: Tacoed Wheel and Blue Dream Curry House. The first has a unique idea — get your bike fixed for the trail or race while you enjoy a taco. The latter has assembled a team of co-owners whose skills complement each other — a chef, a manager and a computer whiz. “You can be a solo musician and write songs, but there comes a time

when you need a band and producers, studios, record labels,” says chris cunningham, who co-owns Blue Dream with “bandmates” sean park (the cook) and James sutherland (the computer whiz). This band of food brothers met while working for other restaurants but long harbored the desire to set out on their own. They took their time, says Sutherland. “We spent a year meeting at Waffle House [after hours],” he jokes. They did their research, worked the numbers and fleshed out the concept. “If you focus on one thing, you can make it really great,” says Park. He focused on the food. Sutherland looked at the technical side as if they were producing a beta version of a new software product. “Everyone focused on their strengths,” says Park. The Tacoed Wheel, meanwhile, required “a lot of patience” to get up and running, says co-owner and marketing manager michael Hakala. “Figuring out all the permitting and license requirements is enough to make someone go crosseyed,” he jokes. Hakala and partner glen clemmer (a bike-repair guru who used to work for Carolina Fatz) put together a business plan and laid out the steps for success. First,

Do these new businesses have what it takes? Sternal says time will tell. He notes his own path in the food industry evolved from working for restaurants to getting married and having kids, then seeking other ways to stay in the business. Those ways now include helping new and established businesses as well as being involved with groups like the Asheville Independent Restaurants association. There are so many different approaches to the food business in Asheville, he says. Take, for example, Roots hummus, which has done well by market testing its products and adapting to what sells. Then there’s The Hop, which started selling its ice cream at a small shop but now has a production facility in West Asheville. And there’s Gypsy Queen, which suzy phillips opened as a food truck a few years ago but is now seeking to expand into a brick-and-mortar location. There are those who don’t make it out of the gate, have to take longer to make their dream come true or later decide to throw in the towel, too. McKeown notes an entrepreneur who thought to get a head start by buying equipment early, but when he found the right space for his venture, some of the equipment wasn’t the right size or type for the space. “There’s no one single magic bullet [for success],” says Sternal. “You need to have lots of magic bullets.” X

morE iNfo mountain bizworks: blue ridge food Ventures: scaleUp wNc:

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015








EssENcE As the Asheville Wine and Food Festival celebrates its seventh year, it is transforming in both size and format. Essence, on Friday, June 26, is the second of two preliminary cocktail and small-plate tastings added to the roster this






year — the first, Amuse, took place on May 1. The new events — which join last year’s Elixir, Sweet and Grand Tasting — provide two central venues for the community to decide which local chefs and mixologists will compete in the final rounds at August’s Elixir cocktail competition and Grand Tasting chef showdown, says event organizer melissa mathews. Previously, contenders in the final faceoffs were decided through a series of ticketed dinners leading up to the challenges. “This [new] way really involves the community more because you can go and experience all these different chefs and mixologists who are competing all on one event date,” Mathews explains. She also notes that the mixology competition “got a lot more serious this year,” so some preliminary events were needed to whittle down the field of competitors. Restaurants competing at Essence will include Farm Burger, Buffalo Nickel, Ambrozia, the Omni Grove Park Inn and the Grand Bohemian Hotel’s Red Stag Grill. Bars represented at the event will include Nightbell, Omni Grove Park Inn’s Edison, MG Road, Red Stag Grill, Buffalo Nickel, Top of the Monk, Ambrozia and the Double Tree Inn Biltmore. Essence will take place 6-8 p.m. Friday, June 26, at the Morris Hellenic Cultural Event Center, 227 Cumberland Ave. Tickets are $49 plus sales tax. Elixir, Sweet and the Grand Tasting will be Aug. 20-22. For details and tickets, visit food trUcK fridays June’s Food Truck Friday at Reynolds Village takes place 5:30-8:30

by Gina Smith

wEb Extra Chef William Dissen of The Market Place restaurant is traveling this week to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to visit the sustainable fishery where he sources sockeye salmon for his menu. Look for travelogue posts from Dissen on his journey this weekend at

EssENtiaL tHiNgs: Asheville Wine and Food Festival’s Essence on Friday, June 26, will allow guests to decide which local mixologists and chefs will participate in this year’s Elixir and Grand Tasting final competitions. Photo from the 2014 Grand Tasting by Julie McMillan of Silver Birch Studio Photography

p.m. Friday, June 26. Food trucks will include The Real Food Truck, Amazing Pizza Co., Captain Dave’s Pirate Dawgs and Appalachian Chic, plus The Hop will be on-site selling ice cream. HotPoint Trio will provide live music 6-8 p.m., and there will be face painting, balloon art, games and hula-hooping for the kids. Local artists and crafters will have booths at the event, and the Asheville Humane Society will have adoptable pets to meet. Reynolds Village is one mile north of Beaver Lake on North Merrimon Avenue. For details on food vendor spots, call 552-5204 or send an email to Artists can call 575-0905 or send an email to Musicians are already booked for the 2015 season. bEEr docUmENtary Metro Wines and Brewing Up a Storm will host a screening of the documentary film Beer Wars: Brewed in America followed by a panel discussion with industry experts at 6 p.m. Friday, June 26. Beer Wars explores the world of beer marketing and distribution


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

from the perspective of craft brewers such as Stone, Dogfish Head and Sam Adams. Tickets are $10 plus sales tax. Admission includes the movie, discussion and one drink. Parking is free. Metro Wines,169 Charlotte St. For more information, contact Anita Riley at bEEr coLLaboratioN Highland Brewing Co. and New Belgium Brewing Co. have partnered to brew Footpath, a Belgian session ale, as the inaugural beer collaboration of the Brewing for Greenways initiative. Footpath will be released at 4 p.m. Friday, June 26, at Highland. Two dollars from the sale of each pint will benefit Friends of Connect Buncombe to support the East Asheville greenway. Brewing for Greenways was developed by Highland and New Belgium as a way for brewers to support greenway development across Buncombe County. Also, on the afternoon of Sunday, June 28, Asheville on Bikes Summer Cycle will ride the route between New Belgium and Highland to raise awareness of the future greenway plans. Highland Brewing Co., 12 Old Charlotte Highway. For details, visit and food trUcK fridays Black Mountain’s Creative Mountain Food Tours is celebrating its first anniversary this month by adding a new Round the World tour to its offerings. Starting Saturday, June 27, the walking tour will stop at internationally inspired businesses in Black Mountain, including Berliner Kindl, Dobra Tea, Fresh Wood Fired Pizza, La Guinguette and Europa gift shop. The tours include tastings, meet-and-greet sessions with chefs and details on local history and architecture. For more information or to book tickets, visit X





LooKiNg for mUsic? All music events have moved to the Clubland calendar on page 52.

WeDnesDAy AsHeVille BreWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm frenCH BroAD: $8.50 growler fills green mAn: Food truck: The Real Food Truck HigHlAnD: Pints For Parkinson’s Benefit ($1 per pint donated to Team Fox) leXington AVe (lAB): $3 pints all day oskAr Blues: Food truck: CHUBwagon; Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm oyster House: $2 off growler fills PisgAH: Food truck: Latino Heat (Mexican) tHirsty monk Biltmore PArk: New brew: Euro Monk Pale Euro Lager WeDge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)


WeDge: Food truck: Either Melt Your Heart or Tin Can Pizzeria

green mAn: Food truck: Little Bee Thai


HigHlAnD: Brewing For Greenways ($2 each pint goes to Friends of Connect Buncombe); New brew: Footpath Belgian Session Ale; Food truck: Mobile Global & Tin Can Pizzeria PisgAH: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Food truck: Farm To Fender Food Truck (locally-sourced cuisine) WeDge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

sAturDAy green mAn: Free brewery tour, 1pm; Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese) HigHlAnD: Food truck: Mobile Global & Tin Can Pizzeria oskAr Blues: Food truck: CHUBwagon oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Food truck: Vieux Carre (Cajun & Creole) WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

AsHeVille BreWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location green mAn: Food truck: Belly Up (tacos, tortas, burritos) oskAr Blues: Food truck: Blue Smoke BBQ PisgAH: VIP Early Entry & Tasting, 5:30pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Project We Care Henderson County Fundraiser (proceeds benefit Council on Aging & MemoryCare) WeDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

HigHlAnD: Pints For Pints Blood Drive, 2pm oskAr Blues: Food truck: Latino Heat (Mexican cuisine) WeDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

Dinner 7 days per week 5:30 p.m. - until Bar opens at 5:00 p.m. Brunch - Saturday & Sunday 10:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

tuesDAy AsHeVille BreWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations); $10 growler refills (Hendersonville location only) BuriAl Beer Co.: Small plates: Salt & Smoke (chef from Bull & Beggar, charcuterie/country cuisine), 4pm

LIVE MUSIC Tue., Thu., Fri. & Sat. Nights Also during Sunday Brunch

Locally inspired cuisine.

Located in the heart of downtown Asheville. 20 Wall Street, Asheville 828-252-4162

green mAn: Food truck: The Real Food Truck Hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints oskAr Blues: Tasty Tuesday: Blood Orange G’Knight; Oskar Blues Cornhole League, 6pm; Food truck: Chameleon oyster House: Cask night

sunDAy tHursDAy

green mAn: Food truck: Happy Lucky (soups, sandwiches)

WeDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

AsHeVille BreWing: $6 bloody Marys & $5 mimosas at Coxe location green mAn: Food truck: Out of the Blue (Peruvian cuisine) oskAr Blues: Free Yoga, 11am; Food truck: CHUBwagon oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys HigHlAnD: Summer Cycle ’15 soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Food truck: The Real Food Truck (local organic)

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015





Soliloquy The Magnetic Theatre finds a new home and renewed mission

by JUstiN soUtHEr

“Theater’s inherently local. And the greatest who ever were made the focal point of their plays the place they lived, worked and were part of the community that inspired their art. We believe we work in that tradition. We have consciously made it our mission to embrace local artists and set them free, which is why this space simply had to be. You can’t make great playwrights without a home, a subject I think worthy of a poem.” Those words are from the prologue of The Merchant of Asheville, a play written and directed by steven samuels, artistic director and cofounder of The Magnetic Theatre. Not only do those words launch — after more than two years of looking for a home — the grand opening production of the company’s new space at 375 Depot St. (strangely enough, just across the street from its original building), but they also sum up Magnetic Theatre’s mission statement. “That’s what we do, that’s the entire purpose,” says Samuels. “We want to do original works, we want them to grow out of this soil. That’s where theater comes from.” Founded in 2010 by Samuels and local theater veteran chall gray (who’s stepped back from The

wHat The Merchant of Asheville wHErE The Magnetic Theatre wHEN Through Saturday, July 4 Thursdays-Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. $20 advance/$23 door


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Magnetic Theatre’s current iteration, but, Samuels assures, still has input and was crucial in securing the lease), the company has always wanted to focus on new productions. “A large part of this grew out of ... seeing the way the theater over the last several decades has essentially managed to recapitulate Hollywood Hell,” says Samuels. “The way playwrights are shunted about from theater to theater through all these development processes, where no one ever actually intends to produce your play because they all make a little something on the development process.”

LocaL attractioN: “We want to do original works, we want them to grow out of this soil,” says The Magnetic Theatre’s artistic director and co-founder, Steven Samuels, center in burgundy shirt. “That’s where theater comes from.” Photo by Rodney Smith/Tempus Fugit Design

In Asheville, The Magnetic Theatre can take a different approach. “Over time we build up an audience who’s excited about that. One of the lines in [The Merchant of Asheville] is ‘and you don’t need the masses, just the discerning few.’” The play continues its run through Saturday, July 4.

Beyond world premieres of new works, Samuels — taking advantage of the new beginnings of a new Magnetic Theatre — has possible plans for shaking up the company’s productions and creating something more diverse, while also building the theater’s playwrights’ profiles. “The big thing, ultimately, is how do you break these plays out into the

broader culture,” Samuels says. “Here it turns out that there’s something worse than trying to get your first play up. And that’s trying to get the second production of a play that has had its world premiere. Or a third production so that you can begin to work your way into the national theater network.” Ideas include swapping productions with other companies in the Southeast and revivals of The Magnetic Theatre’s past original works once a year. This sense of raising the awareness and profile of overlooked plays is ingrained into Samuels’ vision for the theater’s new start. “As much as we’re devoted to original work, each of the core playwrights [including Samuels, managing and associate artistic director Lucia del Vecchio and John crutchfield] has work that is deeply meaningful to us,” Samuels says. He adds, “There are incredible plays that had a huge impact on me that some people may not know anymore.” Samuels

mentions Václav Havel’s The Increased Difficulty of Concentration and Bruce Jay Friedman’s Scuba Duba. “These are marvelous and now completely neglected works, and if our audience saw them, they would understand more about how my writing has come to be what it is.” Regardless of the new directions Samuels and company want to take with The Magnetic Theatre, their purpose will always be cultivating the local theater scene, making the existence of a brick-and-mortar home for their various productions crucial. “You cannot help playwrights grow if you cannot take chances,” Samuels says. “And you can’t take chances if you don’t have a home, because if you’re itinerant, you’re paying as you go. Having a home offers us other performance opportunities.” Or, to once again paraphrase The Merchant of Asheville’s prologue, The Magnetic Theatre wants “to make Asheville home to the very best original theatrical work in the land. And, in order to accomplish that, we have to take a stand. So here it is.” X


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JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



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by Edwin Arnaudin

The bionic man Back from knee surgery, Michael Franti and Spearhead play New Mountain What do Harrison Ford and michael franti have in common? They both have Star Wars creator George Lucas to thank for helping start their careers. Franti was playing basketball for the University of San Francisco in the summer of 1985 when employees at Lucas’ nearby special effects company, Industrial Light and Magic, approached him and his teammates. Looking for exceptionally tall people, they cast the 6-foot-6 Franti to wear a fullbody costume and be part of an army of evildoers in the made-forTV Star Wars spinoff movie Ewoks: The Battle for Endor.


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

wHo Michael Franti and Spearhead wHErE New Mountain Amphitheater wHEN Friday, June 26, 7 p.m. $35

“I was a Marauder, which was essentially like a big gorilla that chased Ewoks through the woods and shot them and netted them and captured them,” Franti says. “I was the shortest of the Marauders — one guy was 7-foot-5 — and all the Ewoks were little people, so I spent the whole summer hanging out with giants and little people. And from that, I was able to earn enough money to buy my first bass and my first amplifier, and that led to me falling in love with music.” The multiplatinum recording artist and the man behind the ubiquitous 2009 hit “Say Hey (I Love You)” plays the New Mountain Amphitheater with his band, Spearhead, on Friday, June 26. The show was originally slated for Feb.

18 at The Orange Peel, but was rescheduled when Franti tore the meniscus in his left knee in late January. “I wish I had this incredible story — like I was in a halfpipe doing a triple flip on a snowboard and I saw an orphanage on fire and I ran to put out the fire and save all the children — but unfortunately I was just on stage, standing, not even dancing really crazily,” Franti says. “It was on The Rock Boat, which is a floating festival, and I was just sort of shifting back and forth, kind of dancing and singing and playing guitar, and I just felt this pop in my knee.” An avid runner, Franti had been experiencing pain in that joint for several weeks as well as some swelling, all of which he figures was “the accumulation of many years of being active.” After the injury, he got off the boat in Mexico and flew back to the U.S., where he did a week of shows sitting down. “It was really a new challenge for me. I’m used to jumping on stage and running through the audience and doing all kinds of crazy stuff, so to sit down really made me get more into the storytelling of the songs and concentrate on singing in a way I hadn’t before,” Franti says. In February, Franti traveled from his home in San Francisco to Vail, Colo., where the U.S. Ski Team doctors performed the surgery. Initially told he’d be on crutches for a week, followed by six weeks of recovery, that timetable was adjusted to six weeks on crutches and another six weeks of rehab. Disappointed but undaunted by that report, Franti committed himself to the recovery program. From the first moment possible and every day since, he’s been in the gym training and doing yoga, and he recently ran for the first time since his injury. The hard work has his knee around 85 percent of where it was and where his right knee is. But as a result of training his whole body, Franti says that his overall health hasn’t been this good in at least 15 years. “I’d never had a serious

mULtifacEtEd: In addition to being a full-time musician, Michael Franti is a documentary filmmaker. His latest feature, tentatively titled 11:59, profiles three everyday people who’ve inspired his life: an Indonesian midwife who’s been an aid worker after major natural disasters; an Atlanta man with ALS who sparked the creation of Franti’s Do It for the Love Foundation; and an Indonesian surfer who works with indigenous tribes to preserve their culture. Photo by Jay Blakesberg

injury before. I always imagined that once you have an injury, then it’s over — your body’s done, and it’s all downhill from there. I’ve seen people let it be that way, but my doctor was insistent. He was like, ‘The day after the surgery, you’re going to be in the rehab room and you’re going to come back from this as strong as you ever were,’ and he was right,” Franti says. Music has also played a big part in Franti’s recovery. The first three days after his surgery, he was experiencing incredible pain, and though the painkillers did their job, they also brought about what Franti calls “a psychotic episode.” Unable to get out of his Vail hotel room with the snow falling outside, he had a claustrophobic fit and felt ready to jump out the

window, all of which prompted him to go off his pain medication. Still in plenty of agony, listening to music on his headphones helped him escape, as did the company of friends, who sat around and sang and wrote songs with him. In the process, Franti found a new groove for his forthcoming single “Once a Day” — also the name of his current tour — which took on a more celebratory feel in the company of loved ones. The track is part of a new album slated for early 2016, but Franti and Spearhead think that the song is so well-suited for summer that there’s no point waiting until next summer to put it out. X

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



by Lea McLellan

Exposure Terpsicorps Theatre of Dance takes its rehearsals outside the studio It’s a muggy, hot day in downtown Asheville, and Pack Square Park is overrun with screaming toddlers weaving through a maze of gushing sprinklers. Older kids hang together in packs, kicking soccer balls as their parents chat and maintain a watchful eye. It’s a typical June scene, except for the professional contemporary ballet dancers stretching their long limbs on the outdoor stage. Somehow the Terpsicorps Theatre of Dance performers manage to make sunburn look graceful.

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Terpsicorps’ open-air rehearsals were born out of necessity: The company lost its River Arts District rehearsal space, Studio Terpsicorps, earlier this year when the building’s landlord failed to meet the city’s requirements. However, executive director and choreographer Heather maloy has turned a crisis into an opportunity. The outdoor rehearsals for this season’s show, The Elements, spanned the first three weeks of June through rain and heat. “It was one of those falling-asleep-at-night moments where you go, ‘Maybe we should rehearse outside and be in the elements,’” says Maloy. The performance of the end result takes place in the climate-controlled Diana Wortham Theatre, Thursday to Saturday, June 25-27. The public rehearsals have attracted the attention of everyone from tourists and passersby to Asheville moms groups. “It’s really wonderful because we don’t usually get that much exposure to young people, and I love that aspect of it,” says Maloy. “Sometimes we will have little girls just lined up on the steps, with their little eyes peeking over the stage.” The unique rehearsal plan also affected the application process — in a good way, says Maloy. Now in its 12th season, Terpsicorps’ reputation has spread, and the competition has become fierce. “This year I weeded through all these applicants and their credentials and their videos,” says Malloy. “And then I asked them, ‘Are you willing to rehearse outside, in the heat, and get sunburned and wet, and do you have a good attitude, and does that sound exciting?’ And that weeded out a lot of people. ... This is not an experience that most professional dancers have ever had. It requires a certain mindset and a willingness to be open to play. But that brought together a really nice group of people who are excited to be here.” The group’s talent and playfulness is apparent, even in the drowsy noontime sun. It’s the first day of rehearsing the dance for the earth element. Maloy and her company are devising a way to lift a

602 Haywood Road, 28806 46

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

oUtrEacH: After Terpsicorps Theatre of Dance lost its studio space, the company decided to rehearse a new show, The Elements, in Pack Square Park. The move both fits the production’s theme and brings exposure to the company’s plight. Photo of William Fowler by Zaire Kacz

dancer from a seated position to standing — a task complicated by the sizable stilts strapped to her sneakers. The other dancers remain patiently crouched under Mother Earth’s long skirt, like seedlings waiting to burst

to life. After a few false starts, the earth dancer sits on the back of one performer and is propelled to standing by another. Maloy and the dancers cheer at their small victory and swiftly move on to the next part of the dance. It’s a work in

wHat Terpiscorps Theatre of Dance presents The Elements wHErE Diana Wortham Theatre wHEN Thursday through Saturday, June 25-27, 8 p.m. $30 general/$28 seniors/ $25 students/$20 teens/$12 kids

progress — but an impressive one. The show will feature the five classic elements, including ether, which Maloy says was the most difficult to choreograph. “Ether means something different in every culture, and it meant something different in the past than it does today,” she says. In the end, she decided to approach the element from the perspective of quantum physics. “For a long time, science had ruled [ether] out … but now they’re discovering that there is something there in the void between particles … there’s

this energy.” The dance seeks to embody that energy, she says. “Some people think that space between is where God lies — the spirit of the unity that connects all of us.” The rest of the elements are slightly more literal. The water element will be performed on a wet stage, with dancers emerging from tubs of water. Maloy definitely had the possibility of rain in mind when she choreographed the dance, anticipating the issue of summer storms. In fact, she says, it hasn’t rained quite enough since they began, and their biggest challenge has been trying to keep the stage damp under the sun. If this year has been an unusual and difficult journey for Maloy and her dance company, the finished product will be a testament to the director’s tenacity and creativity. “The open-air rehearsals are out of necessity, and it’s also to get attention,” she says. “We’re making it work for us. We do not want it to be permanent, but we’re making it work.” X

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



by Alli Marshall

In the moment The Wood Brothers’ be here now playlist

Even though the time change is on his side when traveling west, singer-songwriter and guitarist oliver wood says he prefers moving east. That works out well since The Wood Brothers (with sibling chris wood and brotherfrom-another-mother Jano rix) just did a European tour. “We had good shows in Germany and Switzerland, but our booking agent is Dutch and got us some great gigs,” says Oliver. “Holland was really good to us — somehow that market is a good fit for us.” The magic of The Wood Brothers — who return to Asheville for a show at Pisgah Brewing Co. on Thursday, June 25 — is that they kind of don’t fit anywhere (jazz, blues, folk, rock), and so are able to fit everywhere. While many brother bands start when the siblings are young, the Woods first pursued individual careers. Chris is a founding member of Medeski Martin &


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Wood; Oliver was the guitarist for bluesman Tinsley Ellis and fronted his own blues-rock (with an expanded palette) outfit, King Johnson. “Even though [Chris and I] went in different directions, we started out listening to our dad’s blues records,” says Oliver. The guitarist got into improv jazz for a while, and his bassist brother studied at the New England Conservatory of Music before meeting John Medeski and Billy Martin. After 15 years of separate musical projects, King Johnson opened for Medeski Martin & Wood, and Oliver sat in with his brother’s band. “It was a creepy experience, like watching myself,” Chris says in his bio. “He had a lot of the same impulses I did. Part of it was influences; part of it was blood.” The resulting collaboration, including Rix on inventive rhythm instrument the shuitar, has produced five studio releases, two live albums and newest effort, Paradise, due out in October. “It’s the first time we’ve produced our own record,” Oliver says of the album. (It’s not such a stretch: Oliver works as a producer when not on tour; everyone in the group has extensive recording experience.) Because all three musicians now live

cLosE caLL: While The Wood Brothers understand the impulse to take photos at concerts, fans with phones out can detract from the magic of the moment. When band and audience are in sync, “That’s ecstatic,” says Oliver Wood, center. “It’s all-inclusive, everyone’s connected.” Photo courtesy of Calabro Music Media

in Nashville, it’s also the first time they worked on songs while in the same room. “Being able to hang out together more meant we could be more collaborative,” says Oliver. “It’s good for morale.” Also good for spirits, and a takeaway from recent European concerts, was that fewer fans overseas used their smartphones during shows. “It takes you out of the moment,” Oliver says. “I understand the impulse that when you see something cool, you want to take a picture.” The trio posts some great photos through Instagram. But the experience when band and audience are in sync, sharing the energy of the show, “That’s ecstatic,” he says. “It’s all-inclusive, everyone’s connected.” He adds, “[If] you’re any sort of creative person, it’s pretty awesome when your subconscious stuff comes to the surface. In order for that to happen, you’re really in the moment.” For those willing to go there, The Wood Brothers’ stripped down, folkinfluenced, deeply organic songs are instantly engaging. Theirs is music that feels lived in and appeals to the dance instinct as much as the intellect. There’s contagious groove and smart songwriting — and more of that to come on Paradise. “Every song is written in different ways,” says Oliver. “We have a song I’d been working on for a couple of years and had basically finished all

the lyrics. When I showed it to Chris, he completely deconstructed it and reconstructed it. It took me out of my box.” Some musicians might resist that intense level of collaboration; The Wood Brothers seem to embrace it.

wHo The Wood Brothers with Acoustic Syndicate wHErE Pisgah Brewing Co. wHEN Thursday, June 25, 7 p.m. $25 advance/$30 day of show/$55 VIP

After all, this has been a lifelong pursuit. Oliver recently celebrated a milestone birthday, one he says is bittersweet. “It seems like just a few weeks ago I was in my 20s and had my first road gig,” he says. “It flew by.” Then again, referencing Malcolm Gladwell’s theory that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something, Oliver supposes he’s put in three times that. “I feel lucky that I didn’t peak when I was 30,” he says. “I haven’t peaked yet. What a cool thing, that I can still feel like I’m growing.” X

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Matthew Quick For author Matthew Quick, broaching the heavy topic of mental health issues with honesty and wit is a common tactic. That’s what magnetized his debut novel, Silver Linings Playbook — adapted into a wildly popular Oscarwinning film — and it’s just what readers should expect from his latest story, Love May Fail, which details recent divorcee Portia Kane’s efforts to support her troubled ex-teacher, Mr. Vernon. “I intentionally resist labeling my characters,” Quick explains, “because I don’t want readers to interact just with depression or brain injury or the aftermath of sexual abuse, but with a fully fleshed-out human being who is so much more than his or her diagnosis.” For a full Q&A with the author, visit Quick reads and signs the book at Malaprop’s Bookstore/Cafe on Monday, June 29, at 7 p.m. Free. Author photo by Alicia Bessette

A&E staff

Esley: The Life and Musical Legacy of Lesley Riddle Local radio personality, playwright and Xpress contributor Jeff Messer turns his focus to the folk and country music contributions of Burnsville native Lesley Riddle in his play, Esley: The Life and Musical Legacy of Lesley Riddle. In 1928, Riddle met Carter Family patriarch A.P. Carter, and the two began to collaborate. Not only did Riddle’s guitar style influence Maybelle Carter, his compositions such as “Cannonball Blues,” “Hello Stranger” and “I Know What It Means to Be Lonesome” were recorded by the legendary musical family. Riddle, an African-American, was largely overlooked during his lifetime, but Riddlefest, an annual event honoring his accomplishments, is helping to correct this. A historical marker commemorating Riddle will be installed in Burnsville during the Friday, July 3, festival (info at; Esley runs at Parkway Playhouse Saturday, June 27-Saturday, June 11. Shows are at 7:30 p.m., on Saturdays (and Friday, July 10); 3 p.m., Sundays. $12/$20/$22. Photo by Kitty Smith, courtesy of Traditional Voices Group

Underhill Rose Nearly 300 fans pledged $25,491 to help Underhill Rose bring 11 new tracks of banjo-heavy country and Americana to fruition this summer. While “The Great Tomorrow” — title track from the band’s “best work yet,” according to guitarist and vocalist Molly Rose — encapsulates the trio of ladies’ proclivity for slow and sultry compositions, more animated moods also shine through the predominantly heavy subject matter. “We are all introspective women, and we are inspired by the world within us and around us — from Western landscapes to love and loss,” says banjoist Eleanor Underhill. “Beyond that, we write about the day-to-day and how to stay grounded and happy in a busy world.” North Carolina roots outfit Tyler Nail Trio opens the band’s CD-release show at The Grey Eagle on Saturday, June 27, at 9 p.m. $10/$12. Photo courtesy of the band

Sol Driven Train Sol Driven Train is on a mission to make you dance, and the quirky Charleston-based sextet will try anything — breezy rock, ska-inspired jams, even a couple of slow, falsetto hip-swayers for the sake of contrast — to make it happen. In fact, the band’s recently released music video for “Crazy Dancer” serves as an ode to the musicians’ beloved off-beat crowd collaborators: “Got two left feet/Could not find a beat if it was hog-tied, laid down out in the street,” the band sings with admiration. “You know you’re no ballerina/but there’s something even sweeter/about that klutzy demeanor.” The ever-smiling group plays in support of its aptly titled 12th album Dance! at New Mountain on Friday, June 26, at 10:30 p.m. $10. Photo courtesy of the band

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


a&E caLENdar

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald WnC HistoriCAl AssoCiAtion • Through WE (7/15) - Nominations open for the Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award. Contact for guidelines.

musiC RIVERMUSIC • FRIDAY JULY 10 • 5PM • FREE (pd.) RiverLink’s RiverMusic series continues at the RiverLink Sculpture and Performance Plaza in the River Arts District. • Long-time Asheville favorites, the Hackensaw Boys, bring their kicked up brand of bluegrass: get ready to groove! Asheville bands the bluesy bluegrass Grits and Soul, and the virtuosic Jon Stickley Trio APPAlACHiAn summer festiVAl • SA (6/27), 7:30pm - Kacey Musgraves, singer/songwriter. $38. Held at Kidd Brewer Stadium at Appalachian State University.

ENgagE, EdUcatE aNd iNspirE: Americans Who Tell The Truth — NC, a traveling exhibit of portraits showing North Carolina citizens who have engaged in social, environmental or economic justice activism, will be stopping at Kenilworth Inn for a preview on Thursday, June 25. The event is presented by Mountain People’s Assembly. Image courtesy of the exhibit (p. 50)

PenlAnD sCHool of CrAfts

Art Artist reCePtion 505-7788 • FR (6/27) - Local artist Tarah Singn displays her paintings. Free to attend. Held at Salon Intuition, 157 Lexington Ave. Cotton mill stuDios 122 Riverside Drive, 252-9122 • TH (6/25), 5-8pm - Local artists Matt Tommey (baskets) and Victoria Pinney (oil paintings) display and discuss their works. Free to attend.

67 Doras Trail, Bakersville, 765-2359, • TU (7/2), 8pm - Auction of student and instructor art to benefit Penland’s scholarship fund. Free to attend. trAnsylVAniA Community Arts CounCil • 4th FRIDAYS until (11/27), 5-8pm - Gallery Walk. Held in downtown Brevard. Free to attend.

mountAin PeoPle’s AssemBly • TH (6/25), 6:30-8pm - Preview of the traveling photography exhibit Americans Who Tell the Truth - NC, portraits of civic engagement leaders by Robert Sheerly. Free to attend. Held at Kenilworth Inn, 60 Caledonia Road


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

CAntAriA: tHe gAy men’s CHorus of AsHeVille 274-8971, • TH (6/25), 7:30pm & SU (6/28), 4pmAlexander’s House, a one-act musical. $20-$25. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

nortH mAin musiC & Art DemonstrAtion 692-6335 Free to attend. Art Demo starts at noon; Music starts at 4:30pm. • SA (6/27), noon-6:30pm - Jennifer Scott Trio (jazz/pop) and Kathy Gagnon (watercolor). Held at Green Room Cafe & Coffeehouse, 536 N. Main St., Hendersonville OPEn UKELELE JAM • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - All skill levels and stringed instruments welcome. Free. Held at Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Drive sHinDig on tHe green 258-6101 x345, • SATURDAYS (6/27) until (9/5), 7pm Traditional old-time music and dance. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. tHe rAleigH ringers HAnDBell CHoir • SA (6/27), 7-9pm - Performance of classical and popular music. $10. Held at Brevard High School, 609 N Country Club Road, Brevard

tHeAter 35BeloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • TH (6/25), 7:30pm - “Listen to This,” stories and original songs. $15. • FR (6/26) & SA (6/27), 2:30pm - The Vanishing Point. $6. AsHeVille Community tHeAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/28) The Great American Trailer Park Musical. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15-$20. AttiC sAlt tHeAtre ComPAny 505-2926 • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/24) until (7/5) - The Underpants, farce. $14-$28. Wed.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. Held at NC Stage, 15 Stage Lane DiAnA WortHAm tHeAtre 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, • TH (6/25) through SA (6/27), 8pm - The Elements, dance. $12-$30.

ArroWHeAD gAllery

monDAy nigHt liVe! ConCert series 693-9708, • MO (6/29), Pop the Clutch, rock/R&B. Free to attend. Held at Hendersonville Visitor Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville

flAt roCk PlAyHouse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/12), 8pm - How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, satire. $15-$40. Wed.Sat.: 8pm; Thu., Sat. & Sun.: 2pm.

78 Catawba Ave., Old Fort, 668-1100 • TH (6/25), 4-6pm - Entries accepted for Limited Palette-Unlimited Possibilities. Contact for guidelines. $10/$15 nonmembers.

musiC At unCA 251-6432, • MO (6/29), 7pm - Concerts on the Quad: The Malpass Brothers, country. Free.

Art moB 124 Fourth Ave. E., Hendersonville, 693-4545, • Through SA (6/27) - Local art vendors accepted for arts & crafts show. $40.

musiC At WCu 227-2479, • TH (6/25), 7pm - Summer Concert Series: Bubonik Funk. Held at Central Plaza. Free.

HenDersonVille little tHeAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 6921082, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (6/28) - Arsenic & Old Lace, comedy. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 3pm. $10-$20.

AuDitions & CAll to Artists

HiCkory museum of Art 243 3rd Ave. NE, Hickory, 327-8576 • WE (6/24), 6pm - Annual meeting open to prospective members with music by harp and flute duo Tapestry. Free to attend.

BreVArD musiC Center 862-2105, • WE (6/24), 12:30pm - BMC student piano recital. Free. Held at 349 Andante Lane, Brevard • WE (6/24), 7:30pm - Elgar Piano Quintet, chamber music. $25. Held at Ingram Auditorium at Brevard College. • SA (6/27), 7:30pm - Brevard Sinfonia performs Khachaturian. $15 lawn/ Additional seats $25+. Held at 349 Andante Lane, Brevard • MO (6/29), 7:30pm - Chamber music for wind quintet. $25. Held in Scott Hall at Brevard College. • TU (6/30), 7:30pm - Steep Canyon Rangers, bluegrass. $15 lawn/ Additional seats $25+. Held at 349 Andante Lane, Brevard • WE (7/1), 7:30pm - Bill Preucil and Friends, chamber music. $25. Held in Scott Hall at Brevard College.

musiC on mAin 693-9708, • FR (6/26), 7pm - Emporium, oldies. Held in Downtown Hendersonville. Free.

montforD PArk PlAyers 254-5146, • FRIDAYS through SATURDAYS until (7/4), 7:30pm - A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Free.

Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. PArkWAy PlAyHouse 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville, 682-4285, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (6/27) until (7/11)- Esley. Fri.&Sat.:7:30pm; Sun.:2:30pm. $18-$22. tHe mAgnetiC tHeAtre 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (7/4), 7:30pm - The Merchant of Asheville (A Locally Sourced Comedy). $23/$20 advance. tHeAter At unCA 251-6610, • SU (6/28), 2:30pm - Autumn Players Readers Theatre: The Vanishing Point. Held in Reuter Center. $6.

gaLLEry dirEctory

AmeriCAn folk Art AnD frAming 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, amerifolk. com • Through WE (6/24) - Polka Dot. Dot. Dot, mixed media exploration of dots. Art At unCA • WE (7/1) through FR (7/31) Celebrating Middle School Success, art by area students. Held in Highsmith Gallery. Opening reception: July 6, 3:30-6pm. AsHeVille AreA Arts CounCil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through SA (7/25) - Misprints: A Print Making Exhibition. Artists’ reception: July 3, 5-8pm. AsHeVille Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • SA (6/27) through SU (12/27) - ManMade: Contemporary Male Quilters.

Opening reception: July 3, 5-8pm. BlACk mountAin Center for tHe Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 6690930, • Through (7/17) - Display of paintings created during Art in Bloom. BlACk mountAin College museum & Arts Center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, • Through TH (8/27) - Something Else Entirely: Ray Johnson, Dick Higgins and the making of The Paper Snake, mail art. CArlton gAllery 10360 Hwy. 105 S., Banner Elk, 9634288, • Through WE (7/15) - The Landscape — Masculine and Feminine, paintings by Kevin Beck and Amy Sullivan. CHifferoBe Home & gArDen 118-D Cherry St., Black Mountain, 6692743, Chifferobe Home & Garden • Through FR (7/31) - Healing Landscape, pastels by Elise Okrend. CrADle of forestry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, • Through FR (7/31) - Carolina Nature Photographers Association exhibit.

• Through SA (8/2) - The Bait Hides the Hook, works by Anna Jensen. PusH skAte sHoP & gAllery 25 Patton Ave., 225-5509, • ONGOING - A Retrospective at PUSH Gallery, photography. Opening reception: June 20, 7-10pm. toe riVer Arts CounCil 765-0520, • SA (6/27) through SA (8/8) - Avery Artists Cross Over, works by Avery County artists. Artists’ reception: July 10, 5-7pm. Held at Burnsville TRAC Gallery, 102 W. Main St., Burnsville • Through SA (7/25) - 200 Years of Chairs, woodworking. Held at Spruce Pine TRAC Gallery, 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine. trAnsylVAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • FR (6/26) through FR (7/17) - Works by Transylvania Art Guild members. ZAPoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • ONGOING- Kinetic Summer, works on the theme of summer on Asheville. Contact the galleries for admisison hours and fees.

grAnD BoHemiAn gAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, • Through SA (7/19) - Faces and Places, neo-expressionist works by Peter Keil. HAnDmADe in AmeriCA 125 S Lexington Ave #101, 252-0121, • Through MO (8/24) - Works by Asheville Modern Quilt Guild members. oDyssey CooPerAtiVe Art gAllery 238 Clingman Ave, 285-9700, facebook. com/odysseycoopgallery • Through TU (6/30) - Ceramics by Ginger Graziano, Kat McIver and Diana Gillispie. Pink Dog CreAtiVe 342 Depot St.,

Band instrument repairs, service and rentals. (828) 299-3000 • Mon.–Fri. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. • Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

800 Fairview Rd. (at River Ridge Marketplace)

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


C L U B L A N D 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm


AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Electric Campfire (pop rock), 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Wine tasting w/ James Scott (acoustic fingerstyle), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm

AltAmont tHeAtre A Jew & A Black Guy (comedy), 9pm

AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Dave Desmelik (Americana), 8:30pm

BArley’s tAProom AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm

AltAmont tHeAtre Dulce Sloan w/ Michael Dowe, Minori Hinds, Tom Peters & more (comedy), 9pm

Beer City tAVern Karaoke w/ DJ Do-It, 9:30pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Contagious (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm

AsHeVille musiC HAll TAAKE w/ Young and in the Way & Wolvhammer [POSTPONED], 8pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Bob Zullo (acoustic), 7pm

Ben’s tune-uP Asheville Country Music Review w/ Town Mountain, The Honeycutters & John Stickley Trio, 5pm

Burger BAr Old school metal night w/ Schrader, 9pm

BlACk BeAr Coffee Co. Hendersonville Storytellers (open mic), 7:30pm

CluB eleVen on groVe Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm

CreeksiDe tAPHouse Station Underground (reggae), 8pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Open Mic, 7pm

CroW & Quill Carolina Catskins (ragtime, jazz), 9pm

Burger BAr Karaoke, 9pm Dirty soutH lounge Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm DouBle CroWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm funkAtorium John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm gooD stuff Karaoke!, 7pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAVern Charlie Parr w/ Sarah Louise & Count This Penny (blues, rock), 8pm grinD CAfe Trivia night, 7pm HigHlAnD BreWing ComPAny Woody Wood Wednesdays (acoustic rock), 5:30pm iron Horse stAtion

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

scaVENgEr aNgELs: Taking stage to perform his dark, emotionally driven folk, Living Dog brings audiences an honest, seductive and soft setlist, driven by flawless, haunting vocals that, at the same time, expose his gnarled roots. Living Dog will play songs from his newest album, “Scavenger Angels,” at a special CD release party, opened by Sven Hooson, at The Mothlight on Thursday, June 25, at 9 p.m.

Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll The Gamblers (jazz, blues, gospel), 7pm JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Old-time session, 5pm lAZy DiAmonD Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm LEx 18 Andrew J Fletcher (stride, ragtime, barrel house piano), 7pm loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm MOUntAIn MOJO CoffeeHouse Open mic, 6:30pm noBle kAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm o.Henry’s/tHe unDergrounD “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm oDDitorium Ellipser w/ Idle Bloom & Cold Solstice (indie, punk), 9pm off tHe WAgon Piano show, 9pm oliVe or tWist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance les-

son w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stoP Deli & BAr Third Coast Kings & The Soul Magnetics (funk, soul), 10pm one WorlD BreWing Billy Litz (Americana, singersongwriter), 8pm PisgAH BreWing ComPAny Shampoo Trio w/ Shane Pruitt, Scotty Hawkins & Jim Peterman (Delta blues), 6pm Pour tAProom Karaoke, 8pm REJAVAnAtIOn CAFE Open mic night, 6pm room iX Fuego: Latin night, 9pm

spell pop), 9:30pm tHe PHoeniX Jazz night, 8pm tHe soCiAl Marc Keller, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm tHe soutHern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger mountAin Broken Water w/ Shallows (shoe-grunge), 10pm timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Jericho, Ixnee, Kri & guests, 9pm toWn PumP Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm

ROOt bAR nO. 1 DJ Ken Brandenburg (old school, funk), 8pm

tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD bLUES Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

sCully’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm

WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm

sly grog lounge Trivia, 7pm

WilD Wing CAfe soutH Party on the Patio! w/ J Luke, 6pm Karaoke, 9pm

tAllgAry’s At four College Open mic & jam, 7pm tHE JOInt nExt DOOR Bluegrass jam, 8pm tHe motHligHt Strange Bodies w/ The Doozies & Lake Lawn (outer-

tHURSDAY, JUnE 25 185 KIng StREEt Chris Jamison (singer-songwriter), 8pm

DouBle CroWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm Dugout Calculated Error, 7pm elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm frenCH BroAD BreWery Circus Mutt (bluegrass), 6pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAVern Whitey Morgan & The 78s w/ Cody Jinks (alt country, outlaw country, honky-tonk), 9pm HigHlAnD BreWing ComPAny Amy & Mike (acoustic), 5:30pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Laid Back Thursdays, 7pm David Holt & the Lightning Bolts (mountain music), 8:30pm JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD The Delusionaires w/ The Tills (rock ’n’ roll), 10pm LEx 18 Ray Biscoglia & Grant Cuthbertson (jazz standards), 7pm loBster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm mArket PlACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm neW mountAin Searra Jade w/ Truth-i Manifest, I, Star & Noah Stockdale (earth folk), 8pm o.Henry’s/tHe unDergrounD Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm oDDitorium Black Tusk w/ Horseflesh, Temptations Wings & All Hell (metal), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist Cha cha lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm

DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm one stoP Deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Opposite Box (funk), 10pm oskAr Blues BreWery Wayne Brodley & Kelly Jones (guitar duo), 6pm PACk’s tAVern Steven Poteat (acoustic jam), 9pm PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm PisgAH BreWing ComPAny The Wood Brothers w/ Acoustic Syndicate (Americana), 7pm PurPle onion CAfe Mare Wakefield & Nomad, 7:30pm room iX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm ROOt bAR nO. 1 Frontier Folk Nebraska (rock), 8pm sCAnDAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sly grog lounge Open mic (musicians, poets, comedians & more welcome), 8pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery 2/3 Goat (Americana, folk rock, country), 7pm tAllgAry’s At four College The Rockin’ Blues (rock, blues), 9pm tHe motHligHt Living Dog w/ Sven Hooson (dark folk), 9pm tHe PHoeniX Stephen Lee (singer-songwriter), 8pm tHe soCiAl Jordan Okrend (pop, rock, soul), 6pm Hustle Souls (southern soul), 9pm tHe soutHern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm timo’s House TRL w/ Franco Nino (dance party, requests), 10pm toWn PumP The Corey Hunt Band (country), 9pm toy BoAt Community Art sPACe Circus Camp Showcase, 4am tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD bLUES The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urBAn orCHArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Joshua Messick (dulcimer), 8pm WXyZ lounge At Aloft Hotel

Jamar Woods (soul, funk, pop), 7:30pm

FRIDAY, JUnE 26 185 KIng StREEt Chalwa (reggae), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Mandelkorn George Project (jazz, funk), 9pm AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Super Jam Night (blues, funk), 9:30pm AltAmont tHeAtre Reasonably Priced Babies (improv comedy), 9pm AsHeVille musiC HAll Desert Noises (indie rock), 9pm AtHenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Ben’s tune-uP Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm BlACk BeAr Coffee Co. Pleasure Chest w/ Jeff Michels & Jim Robertson (blues, rock, folk), 7pm BlACk mountAin Ale House The Big Deal Band (bluegrass), 8pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Acoustic Swing, 7pm Boiler room Rebirth 17 w/ DJ Luis Armando (EDM), 10pm Burger BAr Juke Joint Blues w/ Rare Burger Band, 9pm ByWAter Donna Hopkins Band (rootsrock, blues), 5pm Max Gross Weight (rock), 8:30pm ClAssiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles, Elton John covers), 7pm CluB eleVen on groVe The White Out Edition Dance Party (30+), 9pm Cork & keg One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz, Latin, swing), 8:30pm CroW & Quill Hearts Gone South & Carolina Cud Chewers (country, honky-tonk), 9pm DouBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm Dugout Unit 50 Band, 8pm elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm frenCH BroAD BreWery Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 6pm gooD stuff Roadside Relics (rock, blues, country), 9pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAVern Ben Nichols (rock, singersongwriter, alt country), 9pm

HigHlAnD BreWing ComPAny The Get Right Band (funk, rock, reggae), 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll David Holt & the Lightning Bolts (mountain music), 8:30pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till



Full Bar


JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Alarm Clock Conspiracy w/ Fashion Bath (rock ’n’ roll, alt country), 9pm JERUSALEM gARDEn Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lAZy DiAmonD Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm LEx 18 Patrick Lopez (modern & Latin jazz), 3:30pm Hot Point Trio (gypsy-jazz, swing), 6:30pm Andrew J Fletcher (stride, ragtime, barrel house piano), 9:30pm loBster trAP Crossroads String Band (bluegrass, blues, jazz), 6:30pm mArket PlACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm nAtiVe kitCHen & soCiAl PuB Broken Rabbit (old-time), 7:30pm neW mountAin Michael Franti & Spearhead w/ The Movement & Elliot Root (reggae, funk, rock), 6pm Sol Driven Train w/ Threesound (roots, rock), 10:30pm noBle kAVA Mythistica Lounge w/ Samuel Paradise & friends, 8:30pm o.Henry’s/tHe unDergrounD Kings & Queens (drag dance party), 10pm oDDitorium Thera Roya w/ Black Mountain Hunger, Foe Hammer, Spliff & Mondays (metal), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist Free Flow (Motown, funk), 8pm one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Flow Tribe w/ Bachaco (funk), 10pm oskAr Blues BreWery Sinners & Saints (alt-country), 6pm




SAT 6/27

9:00 PM–















THU 7/10



Every Tuesday



Every Sunday



PACk’s tAVern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm PisgAH BreWing ComPAny Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead covers, jam), 9pm renAissAnCe AsHeVille


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015



Send your listings to

Hotel TLQ+3 (rock, blues), 6:30pm

sly grog lounge Rad Lou (rock, soul, punk), 8pm

riVerWAtCH BAr & grill Garry Segal (blues, rock), 7pm

soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Calvin Get Down (funk, soul, groove), 8pm

ROOt bAR nO. 1 Muddy Ruckus (indie, oldtime), 8pm

sPring Creek tAVern Raising Caine (Southern rock), 9pm

sCAnDAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s DJ, 10pm

Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

Dark dance rituals w/ DJ Cliffypoo, 10pm

tHe motHligHt Anklepants w/ Aligning Minds & 5ifth (electronic), 9:30pm

timo’s House SOUL Revival w/ DJ Met, Disc-Oh!, Crux & Cymatic, 10pm

tHe PHoeniX Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 9pm

toWn PumP Shenandoah Alley (bluegrass), 9pm

tAllgAry’s At four College North 40 Renegades (rock, country), 9pm

tHe soCiAl Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Riphaven (metal, hard rock), 9pm

tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD bLUES Nikki Calloway & Friends, 7pm WestSound (R&B), 10pm

tHe ADmirAl

tiger mountAin

tWisteD lAurel Blue Dawg Band (blues, jazz, swing), 8:30pm

gooD stuff Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 9pm

WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm

green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Jennifer Scott Trio (jazz, pop), 4:30pm

WilD Wing CAfe soutH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAVern Underhill Rose w/ Tyler Nail Trio (country, soul), 9pm

All WNC Breweries Represented On Tap Every Tuesday: Frank Zappa Music Night Every Sat. & Sun.: Brunch w/ Mimosas Sunday: Brunch w/ Mimosas & Massages ASHEVILLE, NC POURTAPROOM.COM


WXyZ lounge At Aloft Hotel Ben Hovey (jazztronica), 8pm ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm



185 KIng StREEt Tellico (Americana, bluegrass), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Krekel & Wilson (surf-rock), 6pm Slow Lights (indie-rock), 9pm

Wed • June 24

Pints for Parkinson’s feat. Woody Wood

AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Junto (country), 9:30pm


Thu • June 25

AltAmont tHeAtre Déjà Vu (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young tribute), 9pm


AtHenA’s CluB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

Fri • June 26

Ben’s tune-uP Gypsy Guitars, 2pm

Get Right Band

BlACk BeAr Coffee Co. The Stipe Brothers & Dan Ruiz w/ Clint Roberts (acoustic pop, rock, folk), 7pm

Sat • June 27

BlACk mountAin Ale House Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 9pm

Mike & Amy

Brewing for Greenways beer release featuring 7:00-9:00

Lazy Birds

Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm


Sun • June 28

Dennis “Chalwa” Berndt Roots Reggae Trio 12:30-2:30


WNC 2014 Check website for details about Summer Cycle

Burger BAr Bike Night w/ DJ Johnny Be Good (70s rock), 9pm ByWAter Drum & Bass Collective (24+ DJs), 12pm ClAssiC Wineseller The Jazz Cats w/ Bonnie Rossa (jazz), 7pm Cork & keg Buddy Davis & the Session Players (honky-tonk, country), 8:30pm CroW & Quill


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

Los Abrojitos (tango), 9pm

Roses tribute), 9pm

DouBle CroWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Jeff Santiago (singer-songwriter), 6pm

Dugout Fine Line, 9pm

PACk’s tAVern Srp2 (Americana, funk, rock), 9pm

elAine’s Dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm

frenCH BroAD BreWery Shenandoah Alley (bluegrass), 6pm

PisgAH BreWing ComPAny Tipper w/ Lusine, Medisin, Rockers International & Push/Pull (electronic, trip hop), 2pm PurPle onion CAfe The Deluge, 8pm riVerWAtCH BAr & grill Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm room iX Open dance night, 9pm

HigHlAnD BreWing ComPAny Lazy Birds (Americana), 7pm

ROOt bAR nO. 1 Kolkata (Grateful Deadinspired rock), 8pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Big Daddy Love (rock, roots, bluegrass), 9pm

sCAnDAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Kelley & The Cowboys (honky tonk, rockabilly), 9pm JERUSALEM gARDEn Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Vintage Vinyl (classic rock), 8pm

lAZoom Bus tours Pleasure Chest (rock ’n’ roll), 2pm

tAllgAry’s At four College A Social Function (rock), 9pm

lAZy DiAmonD Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm

tHe ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

LEx 18 Byron Hedgepeth (Latin, classic jazz), 7:30pm Andrew J Fletcher (stride, ragtime, barrel house piano), 9:30pm

tHe motHligHt Beat Life w/ Bombassic, Samuel Paradise, AXNT, DJ Kutzu & Vietnam Jerry (soul, future bass, electronic), 9:30pm

loBster trAP Hot Point Trio (gypsy-jazz, swing), 6:30pm

tHe PHoeniX Andrew Thelston (singersongwriter), 1pm Blown Glass (Americana), 9pm

mArket PlACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm MOJO KItCHEn & lounge Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

tHe soCiAl Simulcast Grateful Dead (jam, folk, rock), 5pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

neW mountAin Rites Of Summer (dance, DJ), 10pm

toWn PumP Rapanui (improv, jam), 9pm

noBle kAVA The Hellacious Habañeros (old-time jazz), 8:30pm oDDitorium Dynamo w/ Kimberly White & Pluto No More (rock), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oliVe or tWist 42nd Street Band (big band jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm orAnge Peel Appetite For Destruction w/ Ride The Lightning (Guns N

toy BoAt Community Art sPACe Asheville Vaudeville, 7:30pm tressA’s DoWntoWn JAzz AnD bLUES Virginia & The Slims, 10pm tWisteD lAurel Free Flow, 9pm WilD Wing CAfe Karaoke, 8pm WXyZ lounge At Aloft Hotel 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock ’n’ roll), 8pm ZAmBrA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm


oliVe or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Moon and You (cello folk, soul), 7pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 9pm

Aloft rooftoP/PoolsiDe Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz, benefiting Asheville Area Arts Council), 4pm

PeACe Center Keith Lockhart (classical), 3pm

Ben’s tune-uP Jazz Brunch, 2pm

PiAno emPorium Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 2pm

BlACk mountAin Ale House Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm

Pour tAProom Open mic, 8pm

June/ July 2015 FRIDAY


Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm

PulP Slice Of Life Comedy w/ Gilbert Lawand, 9pm

Burger BAr Movie night (on the big screen, pizza), 9pm

riVerWAtCH BAr & grill Matt Walsh (blues, rock), 1pm

ByWAter Circus Mutts (alt-world), 5pm

sCAnDAls nigHtCluB Miss Firecracker Pageant (drag show), 9pm


soCiAl lounge & tAPAs In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm


CluB eleVen on groVe Postal Express Street Riders Dance Party (hip-hop, soul, funk), 9pm CroW & Quill Beards of Valenccio (poetry & art show), 9pm


6.26 10PM


Dugout Mark Curtis Blues Jam, 3pm

sPring Creek tAVern Ashley Heath (R&B), 2pm


grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAVern Amy Lavere (Americana), 8pm

tAllgAry’s At four College Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm

HigHlAnD BreWing ComPAny Dennis Berndt (acoustic reggae), 12:30pm

tHe omni groVe PArk inn Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Sunday Classical Brunch, 11am Jazz showcase, 6pm

tHe PHoeniX Bradford Carson (modern mountain music), 12pm

lAZoom Bus tours The Pond Farm Pickers (bluegrass), 2pm lAZy DiAmonD Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm

tHe soutHern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm

LEx 18 Michael John Jazz (smooth jazz), 7pm

timo’s House Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm

loBster trAP Hunnilicious (Americana, country, folk, pop, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

WeDge BreWing Co. Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz-swing), 6pm

oDDitorium Fashion Bath w/ Sister Helen, Kitty Tsunami & The Beach Ballz (rock), 9pm off tHe WAgon Piano show, 9pm

WiCkeD WeeD Mrs. Dubfire (reggae), 3pm WilD Wing CAfe soutH Party On The Patio w/ Crocs Duo, 5pm






DouBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

tHe soCiAl Simulcast Grateful Dead (jam, folk, rock), 5pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm



soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery BlueSunday w/ Garry Segal & Micheal Filoppone (blues), 8pm

JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Irish session, 5pm




















7.10 7PM











JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015






Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night




WED 6/24 8pm

oducing PACK’S intr TAVERN ESB

by Pisgah Br ewing Co.



FRI 6/26 9pm


THU. 6/25


Steven Poteat

SUN 6/28 8pm


Patio Series Presents


Beer City tAVern Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam & storytelling), 8pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 7:30pm

Ben’s tune-uP Eleanor Underhill (acoustic), 5pm BlACk mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & BreW PuB Larry Dolamore (acoustic), 7pm BuffAlo niCkel Trivia, 7pm

ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm


FRI. 6/26



CourtyArD gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

Cork & keg Old Time Jam, 5pm Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm

(pop, dance hits)


(americana, rock, funk) ST OF BE







DouBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm



FRI 7/3

CroW & Quill Los Abrojitos (tango), 9pm

SAT. 6/27







Come Dine on Our New Patio! THURSDAY:

6/25: Hustle Soul - 9 pm

FRI 6.26


SAT 6.27


MON 6.29 TUES 6.30


6/26: Riphaven - 9 pm SATURDAY & SUNDAY:

6/27-6/28: Simulcast Grateful Dead San Francisco shows!

FRI 7.3

7/2: The Low Down - 9 pm FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY:

7/3-7/5: Chicago Fare Thee Well shows SATURDAY:

7/4: Lyric - 10pm BBQ Cook Off - Noon cash prizes! Check out Clubland for other events Serving Lunch Daily Kitchen & Bar Open til 2am 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780 JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015




(Honky Tonk Rockabilly Barn Burner Hoedown)

9 p.m. $5

9 p.m. $7

FRI 7.3


9 p.m. $5 9 p.m. $5


w/ CATAWBA BREWING CO. 5p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)

OPEN MON-THURS AT 3 • FRI-SUN AT NOON SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7:30-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville

JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Caroline Rose w/ Redleg Husky (rockabilly, country, blues), 9pm

JACK OF tHE WOOD PUb Quizzo, 7pm Sinners and Saints (Americana), 9pm

lAZy DiAmonD Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

lAZy DiAmonD Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm leXington AVe BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm loBster trAP Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm neW mountAin Black Box Storytelling Open Mic, 7pm o.Henry’s/tHe unDergrounD Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm oDDitorium Milk Spot w/ Ol Scratch, Sad Magick & Johnny Cashed Bowl (punk), 9pm orAnge Peel Summer Movie Series: Jurassic Park, 8pm


252.5445 •

iron Horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm

grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAVern Contra dance (lessons @7:30pm, dance @8pm), 7:30pm

soCiAl lounge & tAPAs In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm


gooD stuff Old time-y night, 6:30pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC HAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm

oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm


DouBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm

gooD stuff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm


(A Little Slice of Americana Heaven) 9 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)




AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Old-time jam w/ Mitch McConnell, 6:30pm

AsHeVille musiC HAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

(acoustic jam)

9pm 9pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm

AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm

Burger BAr Krekel & Whoa! (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm


THU 7/2


Burger BAr Honkytonk ladies night w/ Brody, 6pm



Send your listings to

soVereign remeDies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm tHe PHoeniX Jeff Sipe & Friends (jazz fusion), 8pm tHe soCiAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 9pm timo’s House Movie night, 7pm urBAn orCHArD Old-time music, 7pm

tUESDAY, JUnE 30 5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (ragtime, jazz), 8pm

LEx 18 Bob Strain (jazz ballads & standards), 7pm loBster trAP Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm mArket PlACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm oDDitorium Odd comedy night, 9pm off tHe WAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm one stoP Deli & BAr Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm Pour tAProom Frank Zappa night, 8pm ROOt bAR nO. 1 Cameron Stack (blues), 8pm tAllgAry’s At four College Jam night, 9pm tHE JOInt nExt DOOR Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm tHe motHligHt Deb Au Nare Burlesque Graduation, 10pm tHe PHoeniX Just The Crust (bluegrass), 8pm tHe soCiAl Jason Whitaker (acoustic), 5pm Devyl Nellys (dance, pop), 8pm tRESSA’S DOWntOWn JAzz AnD bLUES Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm urBAn orCHArD Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm WestVille PuB Blues jam, 10pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm WilD Wing CAfe soutH Trivia w/ Kelilyn, 8pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact



Escobar: Paradise Lost HHHS

FRIDAY, JUNE 26 TUESDAY, JUNE 30 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

DIRECTOR: Andrea Di Stefano PLAYERS: Benicio Del Toro, Josh Hutcherson, Brady Corbet, Claudia Traisac, Carlos Bardem, Ana Giradot

Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Big hero 6 (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 Furious 7 (Pg-13) 7:00, 10:00


CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452) CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500)

THE STORY: Fictionalized thriller about an innocent who is corrupted and betrayed by a real life character. THE LOWDOWN: Note well that this is not a biopic on Pablo Escobar; it’s a thriller crafted around Escobar. On that basis, it mostly works — at least once it gets going — and Benicio Del Toro is terrific in an oversized portrayal of the drug lord.

Actor-turned-writer-director Andrea Di Stefano has cooked up an oddity with Escobar: Paradise Lost. Though named after Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar and giving Benicio Del Toro — in the title role — top billing, the film is more about the fate of fictional Canadian surfer Nick (Josh Hutcherson) than it is about Escobar. Nick is in Colombia living a kind of beach-bum life when he has the bad luck to fall for Escobar’s niece, Maria (Spanish TV actress Claudia Traisac). It is through her that he succumbs to Escobar’s charisma, becomes willfully blind to the real business and the violence, torture and murder that lies beneath Escobar’s champion-of-theoppressed and loving, familyman persona. This is what is at the core of the movie. So

Dope (r) 12:25, 2:55, 5:20, 7:45, 10:05 escobar: Paradise lost (r) 5:05, 10:25

Benicio Del Toro as the title character in Andrea Di Stefano’s fictionalized thriller Escobar: Paradise Lost

Far from the madding Crowd (Pg-13) 11:10, 1:50, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45 i’ll see You in my Dreams (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:20, 3:35, 6:00, 8:15, 10:30

if you’re looking for an Escobar biopic, this isn’t it. This is essentially a combination of an innocence-corruptedand-betrayed yarn and a fictional thriller built on a real character. That it works better in that second capacity may be because the line between innocence and stupidity is very thin and the film has trouble staying convincingly on the side of innocence. Hutcherson almost pulls it off through his purely likable screen persona, but there comes a point where dumb as a stump trumps likable. Fortunately, the thriller aspect kicks in for the final act and Di Stefano’s film truly comes into its own. The only problem with this is simply that it takes a while to get to this part. But when it does get there, the escalating sense of dread, then panic and then the inevitability of how it will play out is amazingly well judged and executed. I found the payoff well worth the wait. Others may not. One thing that is hard to deny about the film overall is the power of Benicio Del Toro’s performance as Escobar. Yes, it is larger than life. I’m not sure how it could have

been otherwise with this character. And Del Toro’s fairly obvious perfidy may unfairly exacerbate Nick’s stupidity, but that doesn’t change the fact that Del Toro has created a portrait of a fascinating monster. He makes you understand how people fell under his spell. (The Colombian government was a tremendous help here — something the film barely touches on.) But he also clues you in on the menacing undercurrents at every turn. However, it only slowly becomes apparent that his sole loyalty is ultimately to himself. By the end of the movie, he even suggests something more deeply disturbing. Even as a subordinate character, Del Toro owns the film. His presence, the threat of his presence, the sense of his reach pervades the movie, especially in its second half. It should be noted that this is one of those Weinstein Radius releases. That basically means that its theatrical life is more a contractual obligation than anything. And that usually translates into a one-week engagement and quite possibly a limited number of

inside out 3D (Pg) 1:25, 3:45, 8:30 inside out 2D (Pg) 10:55, 11:55, 2:20, 4:40, 6:10, 7:00, 9:20 Jurassic world 2D (Pg-13) 11:15, 12:45, 2:00, 3:25, 4:45, 6:05, 7:30, 8:45, 10:15 A little Chaos (r) 10:50, 1:35, 4:10, 6:50, 9:25 love & mercy (Pg-13) 11:05, 1:40, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 mad max: Fury road 2D (r) 11:50, 2:25, 7:50 max (Pg) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40 spy (r) 11:25, 2:00, 4:35, 7:15, 9:50 Ted 2 (r) 10:45, 12:00, 1:15, 2:35, 3:50, 5:10, 6:25, 7:45, 9:00, 10:20 Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) Jurassic world 2D (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) i’ll see You in my Dreams (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 love & mercy (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:50 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) Far from the madding Crowd (Pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 (Closed Mon.) regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (684-1298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015




Keeping You

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

showings a day. (This review will be updated online to reflect the showtimes.) In other words, if you want to see Escobar, it would be wise not to put it off. Rated R for violence including grisly images. Starts Friday at The Carolina. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@

he loop.. t . In

A Little Chaos HHHH dirEctor: Alan Rickman pLayErs: Kate Winslet, Matthias Schoenaerts, Alan Rickman, Stanley Tucci, Helen McCrory, Jennifer Ehle HistoricaL romaNcE ratEd r

...a nd

on the

! o g

Visit our mobile site NOW! MOUNTAINX.COM/CLUBLAND


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

tHE story: A female landscape designer lands a position at Versailles constructing an outdoor ballroom for Louis XIV. tHE LowdowN: Stylish direction, a great cast, a plum role for Kate Winslet and numerous delights overcome the somewhat fragmented construction of this (loosely) historical romance.

The very first thing we see in Alan Rickman’s A Little Chaos is a title — “There is an outdoor ballroom in the gardens of Versailles. In what follows, that much at least is true.” That means this is the sort of movie that, once upon a time, would have been called “an historical romp,” except this is more a romance than a romp, but the distinction is a fine one. This is not meant to be history, nor is it intended to be taken as such. I point this out because we live in an age of literal-mindedness that verges on the terrifying, and so we find people working themselves into a lather because the movie “distorts French history.” (Quick! How many here think Shakespeare’s Richard III is historically accurate?) What we have is essentially a confection — with a surprising degree of backbone — of no little wit and charm that presents historical persons in


recognizable humanized terms. It’s not history, but it captures the flavor of a time in ways to which we — at a distance of 300plus years — can relate. Essentially, this is the story of a widow, Sabine De Barra (Kate Winslet in the strongest role she’s had since The Reader in 2008), who is trying to make her mark and her way in the world as a landscape designer. Her somewhat unorthodox designs — not to mention the very fact that she’s a woman — catch the attention of head landscape designer Andre Le Notre (Matthias Schoearerts), not in the least because she repositions a potted plant in his own forecourt. Combining her designs with his own, he puts her in charge of the construction of the garden ballroom at Versailles referred to in the film’s opening title — much to the displeasure of a number of other designers and workmen. This also places her — more or less — in the court of Louis XIV (Alan Rickman), complete with all its rules, its intrigues and its social backbiting. What’s more, she becomes part of its intrigues by becoming romantically involved with Le Notre — and by being fairly outspoken with the King, following an encounter with him (one of the film’s chief delights) where she mistakes him (minus his court wig) for a gardener. Sabine finds that she not only has to prove her worth as a landscape architect, but as a member of this enclosed and fairly rigid society. Plus, she has a few demons of her own to deal with. Little that happens within the confines of this situation can be said to be terribly surprising, but it makes for compelling entertainment — at least for the most part. If there is a central failing of A Little Chaos, it stems from the fact that the film has a tendency to break down into splendid set-pieces that work better on their own accord than as part of a unified story. However, there are so many of these individual moments — the aforementioned encounter with Louis, various encounters at court, an exciting sequence involving the near destruction of the garden ballroom, a wonderful scene where she describes the life of a rose,

HHHHH = max rating and so on — that it seems churlish to complain. It’s a stylish, intelligent entertainment for grown-ups with some splendid performances and numerous moments of at least near greatness. Perhaps it doesn’t need to be more than that. Rated R for some sexuality and brief nudity. Starts Friday at The Carolina. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@

Inside Out HHHS dirEctor: Pete Docter (Up), Ronnie Del Carmen pLayErs: (Voices) Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Richard Kind, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Kaitlyn Dias aNimatEd faNtasy ratEd pg tHE story: When a young girl’s central memories are lost, it falls to two of her basic emotional components to find them. tHE LowdowN: A mix of the brilliant and the basic — a film that truly soars when it works, but doesn’t quite work all of the time.

While I’m not going to be one of those dragging down Inside Out’s “approval rating” on Rotten Tomatoes, neither am I joining the gush-athon of unstinting praise. I’m not entirely surprised. I hadn’t been impressed with the trailer, but I’d held out hope because of Peter Docter’s status as co-director, since he held the same position on Up (2009) — far and away my favorite Pixar movie. So I settled in with cautious optimism — only to be subjected to a short film called Lava, which I guess was there to make Inside Out look better. In this, it succeeded admirably. Then the feature started — and what I got was almost exactly the movie promised by the trailer. Almost. There are moments of brilliance here, but whether they add up to everything that’s been claimed is another matter. Will Inside Out really change the way you think about how people think? Maybe.

But it didn’t do that — or anything like it — for me. Now, before I hear the chorus of “It wasn’t made for you” and the usual objections, I question the claim that the movie is aimed at children. Movies with jabs at San Francisco’s new-agey vibe with organic broccoli pizzas and jokes requiring the viewer to know things like the last line of Chinatown (1974) are not entirely aimed at 9-yearolds. Inside Out clearly has more on its mind than entertaining the kids. That’s not a flaw — all the best movies of this sort are more than children’s entertainment. But it does mean that the defense that it’s not for adults won’t cut it. The basic premise of personifying the emotions inside the head of a young girl named Riley (Kaitlyn Dias) is interesting enough, but reducing those emotions to Joy (Amy Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black) and Disgust (Mindy Kaling) is both curious and limiting. Why no other emotions? Why Disgust at all (except that it sets up the gag that Riley can’t stand broccoli)? We see other emotions like jealousy, but what we get isn’t jealousy — only Anger’s reaction to it. Then, too, these personified emotions feel a little too like something out of a junior-high health class. Regardless, these emotions are what we’re told control Riley — and that may be why Riley remains a largely unengaging character. In fact, she’s barely a character at all. We respond to her less because of anything she says or does, but because we’re expected to do so by the basic dictates of movies. After all, she’s supposed to be the film’s central character. The plot hinges on Riley being thrown off balance because her parents (equally bland) have uprooted her and derailed her life by moving from Minnesota to San Francisco. That’s reasonable. Most of us have probably experienced this or something like it. (I spent at least two youthful years refusing to admit we’d moved to Florida — even to the point of putting “Kannapolis, North Carolina” under my name in books.) But that’s merely the underpinning for the movie’s exploration of the antics of her basic emotions — and what happens when her carefully constructed and guarded memories are lost. This causes Joy (Riley’s main guiding force) and Sadness to go in search of these memories. That’s fine, but

what it turns the adventure into is awfully like a game where you have to collect things in order to win. That may or may not be a downside to you. It diminishes the otherwise lofty goals of the movie for me. What works, however, works well. The individual worlds inside Riley’s brain are often very creative — some are more than that. Ideas like literal trains of thought are exceptional, even if their depiction is only adequate. Best of all, though, is finding Riley’s old imaginary friend, Bing Bong (Richard Kind), a fantasticated creation that combines animals (notably an elephant) and pink cotton candy. Here the film hits the kind of perfect blend of cleverness and emotional power it seems to have been striving for all along — and it’s a doozy. (It also can’t be discussed in any detail without giving away too much.) The big difference between this and Up is that Up engages the emotions right away and never lets go. Inside Out takes nearly half the movie to get there and can’t quite hold on. The overall theme of the story — that it’s OK to be sad and that joy and sadness exist in tandem — is certainly worthwhile. I just wish I could feel that Inside Out was quite worthy of its theme. Rated PG for mild thematic elements and some action. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@

Community Screenings

startiNg friday

Escobar: Paradise Lost See review in “Cranky Hanke”

A Little Chaos See review in “Cranky Hanke”

Max A PG-rated dog movie “from the director of Meet the Titans and a producer of Marley and Me“ — the kind of information that tells you right away whether or not Max holds any interest for you. Local interest may get a boost because it was partly shot in Asheville. According to the studio publicists: “A military dog from Afghanistan is adopted by his late handler’s grieving family in the U.S., where his close bond with the soldier’s brother leads to a life-altering revelation in this family-friendly adventure.” (pg)

Ted 2 A sequel to the incredibly successful movie about Mark Wahlberg and his oversexed, foul-mouthed teddy bear. The blurb informs us: “Newlywed couple Ted and Tami-Lynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Ted will have to prove he’s a person in a court of law.” To understand the profundity of that statement, keep in mind that Ted is the stuffed toy bear. (r)

film ASHEVILLE 48 HOUR FILM PROJECt 917-647-9642, • Through TH (6/25), 7-10pm - Screenings of films by Asheville filmmakers that were made in 2 days. $7. Held at Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co., 675 Merrimon Ave. JUbILEE COMMUnItY CHURCH 46 Wall St., 252-5335, • TU (6/30), 7-9pm - GMO-OMG, docu-

Be sure to read

‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online

mentary. Panel discussion follows screening. $5.

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


Local film news







by Edwin Arnaudin




spEciaL scrEENiNgs




The Man Who Played God HHHHS

dirEctor: John G. Adolfi (A Successful Calamity) pLayErs: George Arliss, Violet Heming, Bette Davis, Andre Luguet, Louise Closser Hale, Ivan Simpson, Oscar Apfel drama Rated NR Touted as “A modern drama from real life,” The Man Who Played God (1932) is actually a remake of George Arliss’ 1922 silent version (now lost) of a 1914 play. It is, however, one of that great actor’s best films. It’s also the movie where Arliss brought Bette Davis to Warner Bros. — at the suggestion of his friend Murray Kinnell who’d worked with her on the low-budget Columbia thriller The Menace (1932). It changed her life — and, in a sense, it changed the movies. The 24-year-old Davis somewhat improbably was cast as the fiancée of the 64-year-old Arliss. An age difference was inherent in the story, but not a 40-year difference. What she brought to the role was the ability to blend love and hero-worship, making the pairing — even if obviously doomed — believable. The story — a very theatrical contrivance — concerns a great concert pianist (Arliss), who falls prey to a genetic predisposition to deafness when an anarchist’s bomb goes off near him. The nearly suicidal deaf pianist finds a new outlet in life when he discovers his lip-reading skills allow him — with the aid of binoculars — to “eavesdrop” on people in the park across from his balcony, which leads him to “playing God” by anonymously helping those who need it. Where this leads is not terribly surprising, and it’s all very old-fashioned and even artificial, but it has a sincerity that makes it work beautifully and movingly. The Asheville Film Society will screen the man who played god Tuesday, June 30, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Night Monster HHHH

actioN: Teens can learn about filmmaking techniques and industry opportunities during an August summer camp at Asheville School of Film.

• Carolina Cinemas’ directors series continues with free screenings upstairs in the Cinema Lounge, celebrating a filmmaker’s work on his or her birthday. Featured artists and films through the end of June are sidney Lumet (12 Angry Men; Network) on Thursday, June 25; paul thomas anderson (The Master: Boogie Nights) on Friday, June 26; Krzysztof Kieslowski (The Three Colors Trilogy: Red, White and Blue) on Saturday, June 27; and Victor Erice (The Spirit of the Beehive) on Tuesday, June 30. Call 274-8811 for showtimes. • Registration is now open for the asheville school of film’s two-week intensive summer course designed specifically for teenagers. From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3, through Friday, Aug. 7; and Monday, Aug. 10, through Friday, Aug. 14, students will gain filmmaking experience and learn about various career opportunities available in the film industry. During the film camp, students will direct, shoot and edit a short script of the group’s choosing. The students will then screen their film on Saturday, August 15, 9 a.m.-noon at Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. on Merrimon Avenue and receive a digital copy of the film to keep. The course costs $495. A $99 deposit is due by Friday, July 3, with the remainder to be paid on the first day of class. • Recent Swannanoa transplant dan florio is the inventor of the free runpee app for iPhone and Android. The app informs users of the best times during a movie to excuse themselves for a restroom break without missing important scenes. It has been endorsed by Hugh Jackman, Hank azaria, rashida Jones and stephen fry. New movies are added every week on opening day or earlier with a list of carefully selected peetimes, each of which is prioritized so that viewers can get the most of their moviegoing experience. Limited-release titles aren’t often included, but nearly all wide releases are. While viewing a movie, Floria or someone from his team — his mother ginger gardner, sister christene Johnson, Los Angeles-based film critic shanee Edwards and occasionally his niece danielle Johnson — look for one to four scenes between three and five minutes that don’t contain crucial plot twists, notably exciting action or standout humor. Summaries of these stretches are provided so that viewers may read them before seeing the film or during the trip to the restroom and not be lost when they return to their seats. Floria’s wife, Jill, reads over all of the peetime synopses and gives them a final polish before they’re published. The RunPee app also has a few extra features, such as letting users know if there’s a bonus scene or gag reel during or after the end credits, an email alert when a film comes out on DVD and a synopsis of the first three minutes of most moves in case viewers are running late to the screening. Send your local film news to X


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

dirEctor: Ford Beebe pLayErs: Bela Lugosi, Lionel Atwill, Leif Erickson, Irene Hervey, Ralph Morgan, Don Porter, Nils Asther, Fay Helm, Doris Lloyd Horror Rated NR Ford Beebe’s economically-minded Night Monster (1942) not only uses the sets from The Wolf Man (1941), but also pilfers the Wolf Man’s feet for its nocturnal monster. It is, in any case, quite the best movie Beebe ever made. In fact, it’s hard to understand why Beebe — a specialist in serials and cowboy movies — was chosen to not only direct, but to produce the film. Yet, it would be hard to fault what he accomplishes. Indeed, the results supposedly pleased no less a figure than Alfred Hitchcock, who screened the film to assess the performance of Janet Shaw, who he was considering for Shadow of a Doubt (1943). The story has it that Hitch completely enjoyed the film and was amazed by its 13-day shooting schedule. In any case, he did cast Shaw in his film. The film is delightfully over-the-top. It’s only a minute old when we find Fay Helm raving that the whole house “reeks” of blood — “The air is charged with death and hatred and something that’s unclean!” Well, it’s that kind of movie and, anyway, she’s not wrong — she’s just in blood-and-thunder mode and that suits the film. The story is an old-dark-house affair that finds the doctors who treated the crippled Kurt Ingston (Ralph Morgan) being killed off one by one during an ill-advised visit to their old patient. Obviously, the completely paralyzed Ingston can’t be doing it, but who else would want these men dead? And what is it that prowls the night leaving pools of blood and gigantic footprints? Well, that’s the mystery of the film — and it’s pretty darn atmospheric about it. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Night monster Thursday, June 25 at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Bewitched HHH

dirEctor: Nora Ephron pLayErs: Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell, Shirley MacLaine, Michael Caine, Jason Schwartzman, Kristin Chenoweth comEdy faNtasy Rated PG-13 The film version of Bewitched (2005) is a bullet I had dodged until now. (This is not the sort of movie I am apt to seek out unless I have to.) The truth is — the movie is not good, but neither is it (in a strictly relative sense) bad. It has a few things going for it, the most notable of which is Nicole Kidman. Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine don’t hurt, nor does Steve Carell doing a disturbingly uncanny Paul Lynde impression. The idea itself is not without interest — in a purely post-modern sense. You see, this isn’t actually Bewitched as we know it from TV. This exists in a world that fully acknowledges the existence of the show. The concept is that washed-up, egotistical actor Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) is being given a chance at a comeback as Darrin in a revival of the old series. The problem is he can’t find a suitable Samantha — until he spots Isabel Bigelow (Kidman) wiggling her nose a la Elizabeth Montgomery. What he doesn’t know is that Isabel is a witch — a witch who wants nothing more than to give up witchcraft and have a normal life. Conceptually, this is OK, but the execution isn’t all that good, and then there’s the Will Ferrell factor. Unsurprisingly, Ferrell is so broad most of the time that he feels like he’s in an entirely different movie. He doesn’t quite sink the movie, but it’s a very near thing. The Hendersonville Film Society will show bewitched Sunday, June 28, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

M A R K E T P L A C E rEaL



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ADministrAtiVe/ offiCe ACCounting/ADministrAtiVe Small Accounting firm is Asheville is looking for a bookkeeper, administrative assistant. Must know QuickBooks. Assist with data entry, bank reconciliations, payroll & administrative duties. Fax resume 1-866-845-0266 or e-mail srgordon44@gmail. com. BookkeePing AssistAnt The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville is seeking a 10 hour/week Bookkeeping Assistant. Forward cover letter and resume to by June 19. Job description can be found at wp-content/uploads/2015/06/ JobDescription-BookeepingAsst. pdf CommuniCAtions AnD ADmin sPeCiAlist The Cathedral of All Souls is seeking a qualified full time person responsible for office communications, technology, calendaring, training & running an effective & efficient office environment. Apply to jobs@

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DriVers/ DeliVery DriVers WAnteD Mature person for full-time. Serious inquiries only. Call today. 828713-4710. Area Wide taxi, inc.

meDiCAl/ HeAltH CAre

mentAl HeAltH tHerAPist / Counselor Position Looking for a fully licensed clinician (LPC, LCSW) with 3-5 years experience in child/adolescent mental health for a full-time position at a non-profit mental health agency. Duties will include: providing child, adolescent and family outpatient therapy as well as comprehensive clinical assessments. We are looking for an energetic, self-motivated individual who is organized, can multi -task; as well as work well within a team -based approach. Our agency is a well-established community resource for children and families and we pride ourselves on delivering timely and effective family centered services. We offer competitive benefit packages including dental, health and life insurance. Send resume and cover letter to our Program Coordinator: natasha.kush@caring4children. org PArt-time lPn Addiction treatment clinic seeking parttime LPN! Positive attitude and passion, early morning hours and flexibility, valid driver’s license required. Licensed to practice in North Carolina. Experience with opiate-addiction a plus. careers@ www.crossroadstreatmentcenters. com

HumAn serViCes

AVAILAbLE POSItIOnS • meriDiAn BeHAViorAl HeAltH licensed/Associate Clinicians Seeking NC licensed/associate licensed clinicians to join a recovery oriented organization in the beautiful North Carolina mountains. Clinical positions are available in a variety of programs such as the Assertive Community Treatment Team, Peers Assisting in Community Engagement, Recovery Education Center and Specialized Assessment, to provide recovery oriented comprehensive clinical assessments, support, skill building, education, and team consultation both in the office and the community. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation, flexibility, and moderate computer skills. Certified medical Assistants (CmA) 2 Full-time positions. Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. employment support Professional This positions supports individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment in the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. Applicant must have reliable transportation and a valid driver’s license. • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: CHilD & ADolesCent mentAl HeAltH tHerAPist Positions in HAyWOOD, JACKSOn AnD mACon Counties We are looking to fill several positions by Aug/Sept. Licensed/provisional therapists to provide Outpatient, Day Treatment or Intensive In-home services to children/adolescents with mental health diagnoses. Therapists must have current NC therapist license. Apply by submitting resume to telliot@ De-esCAlAtion minDeD seCurity guArD Parttime security will be tasked with monitoring AHOPE Day Center for safety throughout our hours of operation. Ideal candidate will have security experience and PPSB certification. Email resumes to derek@ DireCt CAre stAff neeDeD Turning Point Services, Inc. is currently accepting applications in the Brevard and Asheville areas for direct care staff . All you need is a high

school diploma/GED. Visit our website at to apply. Look for the Job Board under Career Opportunities guArDiAnsHiP rePresentAtiVe Full time Guardianship Representative position with some travel and home visits. 4 yr human service degree with experience supporting individuals with mental illness required. Case management experience a plus. Non smoking office. Email resume to kinch22@ Pt CAse mAnAger Homeward Bound’s AHOPE Day Center needs a PT case manager. Weekends and possibly some weekdays. Social Work background and/or experience with homeless population preferred. Email cover and resume to derek@ QmHPs neeDeD for CHilD mentAl HeAltH AgenCy In HAYWOOD AnD JACKson Counties Looking to fill several positions in Jackson and Haywood Counties by Aug/Sept. We are needing child QMHPs/Qualified Mental Health Professionals to provide Intensive In-home or Day Treatment services. QP’s must have Bachelor’s degree and 2-4 years of experience postdegree with this population (experience required depends on type of degree). Apply by submitting resume to telliot@ reCoVery guiDe Red Oak Recovery, a young adult Substance Abuse Treatment Program located in Leicester, NC is seeking highly qualified individuals for direct care positions. Recovery Guides work on a rotating week on/week off schedule. Treatment takes place in a residential setting with wilderness adventure expeditions. WFR, CSAC, or a degree in a human services field preferred. • Personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, Mental Health Treatment and/or Wilderness Therapy is required. We offer competitive pay, health benefits, professional substance abuse and clinical training. Please submit resumes to jobs@ suBstAnCe ABuse CAre mAnAger Positions available in Asheville, Brevard and Hendersonville. Details and application at https://insightnc. org. Send application to jobs@ suBstAnCe ABuse Counselor, CliniCAl Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain, NC has positions available for Substance Abuse Counselors, Clinical. Applicants must be Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialists (LCAS). Positions will provide treatment planning, individual and group therapy, and

discharge planning for clients receiving in-patient psychiatric treatment and/or detox services. Please visit http:// northcarolina/default.cfm to apply.

ProfessionAl/ mAnAgement CAlenDAr eDitor WAnteD Mountain Xpress is looking for a calendar editor who’s highly organized, locally focused and loves managing and organizing data for the area’s most comprehensive community calendar and club listings. The best candidate knows a lot about our community • loves Asheville’s locally focused, grassroots exuberance • gets Xpress’ community-oriented journalism • has good organizational skills • collaborates well and meets deadlines • is familiar with AP style • is Web savvy • can decipher and distill press releases • meets deadlines. 30hrs/week with potential for growth in hours and responsibilities. To apply, send resume and cover letter explaining your passions and expertise — to editor@ DeVeloPment AnD outreACH CoorDinAtor Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville, North Carolina has an immediate opening for a Development and Outreach Coordinator. Reporting to the Executive Director, this individual will be responsible for development, communications, special events, financial reporting, and administrative duties critical to daily operations. The successful candidate must have experience in fundraising, event coordination, and office administration, an interest in the history of Black Mountain College, and excellent communication skills. • A bachelor’s or advanced degree would be desirable. Salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience. • For more information, visit http:// www.blackmountaincollege. org • Please submit a resume by July 1, letter of interest, and brief writing sample (no more than 2 pages) to: alice@ tHe nC ArBoretum eVents mAnAgement CoorDinAtor The NC Arboretum Events Management Coordinator is responsible for all facility rentals including the weddings program, new summer music series, and holiday lights. For further details and complete application instructions see: about-us/employment/ WAnteD: freelAnCe eDitor Mountain Xpress is looking for one or more talented editors to help make our print and online content sparkle, probe, compel, provoke, captivate, inspire, challenge and energize — as well as be

JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015


by Rob Brezny

frEEwiLL astroLogy

ARIES (March 21-April 19): During my regular hikes along my favorite trails, I’ve gotten to know the local boulders quite intimately. It might sound daft, but I’ve come to love them. I’ve even given some of them names. They symbolize stability and constancy to me. When I gaze at them or sit on them, I feel my own resolve grow stronger. They teach me about how to be steadfast and unflappable in all kinds of weather. I draw inspiration from the way they are so purely themselves, forever true to their own nature. Now would be an excellent time for you to hang out with your own stony allies, Aries. You could use a boost in your ability to express the qualities they embody. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Everyone is a genius at least once a year,” wrote German aphorist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. “The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.” According to my astrological analysis, Taurus, your once-a-year explosion of genius is imminent. It’s even possible you will experience a series of eruptions that continue for weeks. The latter scenario is most likely if you unleash the dormant parts of your intelligence through activities like these: having long, rambling conversations with big thinkers; taking long, rambling walks all over creation; enjoying long, rambling sex while listening to provocative music. CANCER (June 21-July 22): In its early days, the band Depeche Mode had the infinitely boring name Composition of Sound. Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman’s classic 1942 film Casablanca was dangerously close to being called Everybody Come to Rick’s. And before Charles Dickens published his novel Bleak House, a scathing critique of the 19th-century British judicial system, he considered eleven other possible titles, including the unfortunate Tom-allAlone’s. The Solitary House that was always shut up and never Lighted. I bring this to your attention, Cancerian, as the seeding phase of your personal cycle gets underway. The imprints you put on your budding creations will have a major impact on their future. Name them well. Give them a potent start. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): One summer afternoon when I was seven years old, my friend Billy and I grabbed an empty jar from my kitchen and went looking for ants. Near the creek we found an anthill swarming with black ants, and scooped a bunch of them in the jar. A little later we came upon a caravan of red ants, and shoved many of them in with the black ants. Would they fight? Naturally. It was mayhem. Looking back now, I’m sorry I participated in that stunt. Why stir up a pointless war? In that spirit, Leo, I urge you to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Don’t do anything remotely comparable to putting red ants and black ants in the same jar. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In order for everyone in your sphere to meet their appointed destinies, you must cultivate your skills as a party animal. I’m only slightly joking. At least for now, it’s your destiny to be the catalyst of conviviality, the ringleader of the festivities, the engineer of fun and games. To fulfill your assignment, you may have to instigate events that encourage your allies to leave their comfort zones and follow you into the frontiers of collaborative amusement. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your symbolic object of the week is a magic wand. I recommend that you visualize yourself as the star of a fairy tale in which you do indeed have a wand at your disposal. See yourself wielding it to carry out a series of fantastic tricks, like materializing a pile of gold coins or giving yourself an extraordinary power to concentrate or creating an enchanted drink that allows you to heal your toughest wound. I think this playful imaginative exercise will subtly enhance your ability to perform actual magic in the real world. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The taskmaster planet Saturn wove its way through the sign of Scorpio from October 2012 until the end of 2014. Now it has slipped back into your sign for a last hurrah. Between now and mid-September, I urge you to milk its rigorous help in every way you can imagine.


JUNE 24 - JUNE 30, 2015

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “I think if we didn’t contradict ourselves, it would be awfully boring,” says author Paul Auster. “It would be tedious to be alive.” But he goes even further in his defense of inconsistency, adding, “Changing your mind is probably one of the most beautiful things people can do.” This bold assertion may not apply to everyone all the time, but it does for you in the coming weeks, Gemini. You should feel free to explore and experiment with the high art of changing your mind. I dare you to use it to generate extravagant amounts of beauty.

For example, cut away any last residues of trivial desires and frivolous ambitions. Hone your focus and streamline your self-discipline. Once and for all, withdraw your precious energy from activities that waste your time and resist your full engagement. And if you’re serious about capitalizing on Saturn’s demanding gifts, try this ritual: Write either “I will never squander my riches” or “I will make full use of my riches” twenty times — whichever motivates you most. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The advanced lessons on tap in the coming days are not for the squeamish, the timid, the lazy or the stubborn. But then you’re not any of those things, right? So there shouldn’t be a major problem. The purpose of these subterranean adventures and divine interventions is to teach you to make nerve-racking leaps of faith, whether or not you believe you’re ready. Here’s one piece of advice that I think will help: Don’t resist and resent the tests as they appear. Rather, welcome them as blessings you don’t understand yet. Be alert for the liberations they will offer. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “Man’s being is like a vast mansion,” observed philosopher Colin Wilson, “yet he seems to prefer to live in a single room in the basement.” Wilson wasn’t just referring to Capricorns. He meant everybody. Most of us commit the sin of self-limitation on a regular basis. That’s the bad news. The good news, Capricorn, is that you’re entering a time when you’re more likely to rebel against the unconscious restrictions you have placed on yourself. You will have extra motivation to question and overrule the rationales that you used in the past to inhibit your primal energy. Won’t it be fun to venture out of your basement nook and go explore the rest of your domain? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “An obscure moth from Latin America saved Australia’s pasture-land from the overgrowth of cactus,” writes biologist Edward O. Wilson. “A Madagascar ‘weed,’ the rosy periwinkle, provided the cure for Hodgkin’s disease and childhood leukemia,” he adds, while “a chemical from the saliva of leeches dissolves blood clots during surgery,” and a “Norwegian fungus made possible the organ transplant industry.” I think these are all great metaphors for the kind of healing that will be available for you in the coming weeks, Aquarius: humble, simple, seemingly insignificant things whose power to bring transformation has, up until now, been secret or unknown. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “She is hard to tempt, as everything seems to please her equally,” said artist Anne Raymo in describing a hedonistic acquaintance. A similar statement may soon apply to you, Pisces. You will have a talent for finding amusement in an unusually wide variety of phenomena. But more than that: You could become a connoisseur of feeling really good. You may even go so far as to break into a higher octave of pleasure, communing with exotic phenomena that we might call silken thrills and spicy bliss and succulent revelry.

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teACHing/ eDuCAtion

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tHE NEw yorK timEs crossword pUZZLE

ACROSS 1 Some bunts or flies, for short 5 Sound of thunder 9 Cabinet member’s title, maybe 14 Throw a line to 15 Have merit 16 Came into being 17 Like much tribal history 18 Neck of the woods 19 “Of course!” 20 In relation to someone’s travel document? 23 Holiday not widely observed by Quakers 24 See-through material 25 Start of a one-two 28 Cunning 29 Drilling apparatus 31 Many a MundoFox watcher 33 “Grampa Simpson, describe a Genesis figure”? 36 Diamond defect 39 Back when 40 Off-color, plus 41 Jockey who’s jeered by me? 46 Paper Mate’s Pink Pearl, e.g. 47 Brian who produced U2

48 Awareness-raising

spot, for short 51 Cap named for a Robert Burns hero 52 Meadow cries 55 Wordless harrumphs 57 Detective catches sight of bakery wares? 59 It might make a shadow disappear 62 Respond to a belly rub, say 63 Manner of speaking 64 Be 65 Send off 66 Mineral abundant in kale 67 “Mark twain” measure 68 Role for Costner or Stack 69 Dermatologist’s concern DOWN 1 Pushes hard 2 Like most Google Earth views 3 Elegant 4 Paintball impact sound 5 With 11-Down, barking rodent 6 What barbers “lower” 7 First-stringers 8 Fleet Week break

edited by Will Shortz

9 Parade V.I.P. 10 Bocelli piece 11 See 5-Down 12 Makeup of some bats 13 “Miracle” player of





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1969 20 21 22 21 What “is” is 22 Any of the Canaries 23 24 25 Agree (with) 26 From the top 28 29 30 31 27 Font option 30 Feeling pleased 33 34 35 32 Chaucer piece 36 37 38 39 33 Bowls over 34 Actuarial figure 41 42 43 44 35 Barrel diameter 36 Get in a stew 46 47 37 Turkish currency unit 51 52 53 54 55 38 “Paradise Lost” character 57 58 42 Renaissance 43 “Dies ___” (hymn) 59 60 61 62 44 They often fall out of magazines 64 65 45 Mob summit figures 48 Home to monks 67 68 or nuns 49 Notepad holders of old puzzle by JACOb STulbeRG 50 Nod of the head, say 53 Wood used in matchmaking 56 ___ disc (blind spot) 58 “Bearded” bloom 54 Surf froth 57 Put on YouTube, e.g. 59 Power tie shade

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