Mountain Xpress 07.11.18

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State oF



Tracing the evolution of the Asheville Art Museum


Mobile clinic serves migrant farmworkers


The Big Crafty turns 10


JULY 11 - 17, 2018



JULY 11 - 17, 2018





State oF



Tracing the evolution of the Asheville Art Museum

Mobile clinic

The Big Crafty migrant 39 22 serves turns 10 farmworkers

As the $24 million Asheville Art Museum construction project moves toward the finish line, what will the sleek new facility mean to downtown Asheville? Pam Myers, the museum’s executive director, and others weigh in on the past, present and future of the institution. COVER PHOTO Cindy Kunst; architectural rendering courtesy of the Asheville Art Museum COVER DESIGN Scott Southwick



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22 FIELD MEDICINE Mobile clinics take health care to migrant workers


26 CALL TO ACTION Justice First Tour sparks conversation on environmental justice


August 16 @ Highland Brewing

29 TALKING SCOTCH Asheville bartenders share a wee dram of knowledge about the pride of Scotland

35 AFTER-SCHOOL SPECIAL Local duo PrettyPretty warms up the dance floor

37 GOING DEEP Grayson Morris brings emersion back to Asheville

Details coming soon! 4

JULY 11 - 17, 2018


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14 BUNCOMBE BEAT New utility poles alter skyline near I-240



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Send your letters to the editor to STA F F PUBLISHER: Jeff Fobes ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: Susan Hutchinson MANAGING EDITOR: Virginia Daffron A&E EDITOR/WRITER: Alli Marshall FOOD EDITOR/WRITER: Gina Smith GREEN SCENE EDITOR/WRITER: Daniel Walton OPINION EDITOR: Tracy Rose STAFF REPORTERS/WRITERS: Able Allen, Edwin Arnaudin, Thomas Calder, Virginia Daffron, David Floyd, Daniel Walton


Van Duyn knuckles under on district elections ‘compromise’ [Sen.] Terry Van Duyn … proposed a “compromise” with [Sen.] Chuck Edwards regarding the districting of Asheville City Council. Seventy-five percent of city residents voted not to district our Council seats. Isn’t government in a free society dependent upon the assent of the governed? Ms. Van Duyn’s “compromise” is not just hollow, it’s completely empty! A jot instead of a tittle is not a compromise. Van Duyn’s “compromise” represents to me a knuckling-under of an elected official who was sent to Raleigh with a specific mandate to represent and protect her constituents. Van Duyn was not sent to Raleigh with a mandate to “join ’em if you can’t beat ’em”!!! Our “conservative” legislature has repeatedly seen defeat in litigation in the courts of our land regarding flawed and illegal legislation. I find it appalling that Ms. Van Duyn thinks it wiser to engage a senator that isn’t even from Buncombe County, much less Asheville, to support legislation that isn’t favored by the citizens of our city. Mr. Edwards lacks the vision, understanding and intellect to impose his views on anybody else. That Ms. Van Duyn views this “compromise” as beneficial, rather than simply remaining in opposition to a measure that her city has rejected at the polling booth is an abrogation of her position. This measure is not government by assent, it is not

democratic, and I seriously believe it to be an illegal attempt to oppress a city full of citizens because the author simply views himself in an artificially illuminated light. I’m with Mayor [Esther] Manheimer; bring litigation if this ridiculous and voter-rejected mandate is forced upon us!! At least Esther Manheimer understands her constituency. Ms. Van Duyn seems to have, very sadly, forgotten her constituency and where she’s from. Ms. Van Duyn contradicts herself in her stated position on her very own website, which seems not to have been updated since shortly after her election. This I do know: I will not cast another vote for Terry Van Duyn. It seems obvious to me that she simply is not capable of doing the job she’s been elected to do. I wouldn’t have written this letter had Ms. Van Duyn not defended her position to me personally via email. She places herself in direct contradiction to the voters who elected her. What a shame. — Bill Grindstaff Asheville Editor’s note: Xpress contacted Sen. Van Duyn for a response to a summary of the letter writer’s points and received the following reply: “If there was any way I could have stopped the districting of Asheville’s city elections, I would have. I simply did not have the votes. “Sen. Edwards, on the other hand, had all the votes he needed to implement the original six-district map. He modified that plan, drawing five districts and one at-large seat, a change that allows all existing City Council members to run for re-election.

CALENDAR EDITOR: Abigail Griffin CLUBLAND EDITOR: Lauren Andrews MOVIE REVIEWERS: Scott Douglas, Francis X. Friel, Justin Souther CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Jonathan Ammons, Leslie Boyd, Liz Carey, Jacqui Castle, Cathy Cleary, Kim Dinan, Scott Douglas, Jonathan Esslinger, Tony Kiss, Bill Kopp, Cindy Kunst, Jeff Messer, Joe Pellegrino, Shawndra Russell, Monroe Spivey, Lauren Stepp ADVERTISING, ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Susan Hutchinson LEAD DESIGNER Scott Southwick GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Norn Cutson, Olivia Urban MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Christina Bailey, Sara Brecht, Bryant Cooper, Karl Knight, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Heather Taylor, Tiffany Wagner INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES & WEB: Bowman Kelley, DJ Taylor BOOKKEEPER: Amie Fowler-Tanner ADMINISTRATION, BILLING, HR: Able Allen, Lauren Andrews DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASST. DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBUTION: Gary Alston, Russell Badger, Frank D’Andrea, Jemima Cook Fliss, Margo Frame, Autumn Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Desiree Mitchell, Charlotte Rosen, Bob Rosinsky,


JULY 11 - 17, 2018



Send your letters to the editor to

“With the input of the mayor and several City Council members, I requested an amendment to move the elections to even years, where increased turnout should result in elections that more fully represent the people of Asheville. “My vote acknowledges Sen. Edwards’ willingness to accept input from the city and will hopefully help get this issue behind us.”

NC needs medical marijuana This letter is a warning to every chronic pain patient in North Carolina. As of March, physicians can no longer prescribe opioid medication to their patients. Chronic pain sufferers must now go to “pain clinics,” where if marijuana is found in their urine, they will promptly be deprived of the medication they need to function. Twenty-nine states have passed laws legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. If you, your friends or family members know anyone in these states, ask them to contact their physicians, who in “legal” states would be free to prescribe your pain medication.


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


The first principle of medicine is do no harm. This basic premise does not matter here in North Carolina. No one should suffer because they cannot get the medication they need. — Name withheld Hendersonville

Will I be welcome in Asheville? Dear Asheville, I’m planning on visiting your town [in July]. Every time I visit somewhere new, I like to follow their quirky, local newspaper for a few months to get a feel for the place. Mountain Xpress appears to give me that local vibe. I’m just curious about one thing: Am I welcome in your town? Almost daily, I see another jab at “the tourists.” We seem to be the bane of your existence. You have a strong history of tourism, thanks to your beautiful hills and a new train system in the 1880s. Your town has really thrived on tourism since the 1930s, thanks to the Biltmore opening its doors. At the time, you welcomed tourism to help pull you out of the Great Depression and the debts you had amassed. The outpour-

ing of vitriol for tourism today seems to be quite fresh in your minds. Why all the hate now? I get it. I’m coming to visit from Vermont. We will do anything to please our tourists. Free maple syrup and Ben & Jerry’s for all! We don’t have to put up with just any tourists, but French Canadian and Bostonian ones. Shiver. The bottom line is: Your town seems great. It’s a little progressive beacon in the bright red South. I escaped north from West Virginia but miss those hills all the time (don’t tell anyone). I was really hoping to feel like I had found a second home among the hills. Will I be welcome in your town? Will you offer up some of that famous Southern hospitality or will it be that alltoo-familiar Southern hostility? Sincerely, — Adrienne Fortune Montpelier, Vt.

Voter discrimination — let’s not do it again Voter fraud was never a worry for the N.C. Republican Party until blacks started voting in large numbers and Barack Obama won the state in 2008. The GOP stoked fears about voter fraud, but their concern was never actually about fraud; it was about trying to deter certain groups of people — in this case, black people — from voting. Look at the evidence. In 2013, the N.C. General Assembly passed an omnibus voter ID bill (ultimately overruled) that required a stateapproved photo ID for voting. The bill also eliminated or curtailed certain voting practices like early voting. As the bill was challenged in court, it became clear that what the Republican legislators really wanted was to knock down the black vote. Here is what the court found. During pretrial discovery, the civil rights parties arguing against the bill found emails and other documents by legislators requesting voter data, broken down by race, from the Department of Motor Vehicles and state Board of Elections. The evidence shows that the legislators then wrote a bill that eliminated or curtailed voting practices predominantly used by blacks and required IDs that black voters were less likely to have than white voters. The legislature didn’t require IDs at all for mail-in absentee ballots, used predominantly by white voters, even though they are susceptible to voter fraud. The decision on the ruling is summarized in excerpts from a Charlotte Observer editorial, July 30, 2016, “4th

Circuit Ruling Exposes the Real N.C. Voting Fraud” []: “On Friday, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down our state’s election law with a blistering ruling that laid bare the ‘discriminatory intent’ of our lawmakers. That’s right. A three-judge panel said that N.C. Republicans intended to discriminate against black citizens. “The judges then described, with evidence, exactly how lawmakers did it: “Before enacting the 2013 law, lawmakers requested data on the use, by race, of several voting practices, according to the ruling. Lawmakers learned, for example, that blacks disproportionately lacked the most common kind of photo ID, those issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, but did have other kinds of photo IDs. “With that info, lawmakers proceeded to change an existing N.C. voting bill so that it excluded many forms of ID blacks did possess, while making acceptable the kinds of ID whites possessed most. “Lawmakers also found in the research that blacks used early voting at greater rates than whites, and that in particular, blacks disproportionately used the first seven days of early voting. After getting this info, the General Assembly killed the first seven days of early voting. “And so it went, for same day registration and preregistration and provisional voting.” That’s what the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals found, and the court overturned the bill because it violated the Voting Rights Act and the 14th Amendment. Now, the Republican NCGA is back. In order to give a gloss of public approval to voter discrimination by Republicans, this time they want a state constitutional amendment to require the photo ID. If the amendment passes, legislators will have to fill in the details. And again, they will likely try to write a bill to deter certain groups of Americans from voting. Look at their record and be prepared. By the way, it won’t be helpful to call Republican legislators racists. Just lay out the facts to the voters. Most voters, even many Republicans, may see that the NCGA was wrong and shouldn’t try to pass this kind of bill again. — Chris Walters Hendersonville Editor’s note: On June 29, the legislature decided to ask voters whether to approve a constitutional amendment requiring photo IDs for in-person voting — though without details about what, exactly, those requirements would be. If voters approve the amendment in November, the General Assembly would fill in those details in a bill to be written later.


Prepare young people to deal with threats Reference the recent letter about militarization of youth and eternity [“The Militarization of Our Children,” May 23, Xpress]: The ideals of peace, freedom, wisdom, culture and education have always struggled side by side with the threats imposed by man’s inhumanity to man, aggression, cruelty and selfishness. History clearly demonstrates over and over that the ideal culture can only exist and thrive in a secure, well-defended situation. The late St. John Paul II once wrote in a historical thesis that over a period of 3,380 years, there were only 240 years without a war. That’s because there will always be those tyrants and aggressors who think they can succeed by taking advantage of weaker or unprepared nations. They seek better resources, nicer weather, access to warm seaports, revenge or “Lebensraum,” in the case of Adolf Hitler. But it doesn’t take 3,380 years to show this factor in human existence. Just look at the last 100 years. World War I, “the war to end all wars,” had hardly ended when Hitler was already plotting the next war. He only succeeded as far as he did because no one else was ready when he attacked. If Hitler himself would have been more educated, he would surely have realized that eventually the world

would turn against him and come back and destroy his own country. But such “leaders” are very shortsighted. The list of dictators and aggressors is very long, and their death toll on the world is counted in the millions. We already mentioned Hitler; then there was Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, etc., etc. There is another very disturbing trend in the history of conflict, which has become apparent in recent history. As world population increases, not only the number of people killed in wars has increased, but more alarming is that the percentage of the world population killed has also increased. Thus we face the threat of self-extinction if these trends continue. So wisdom demands that we acknowledge these risks to freedom, civilization, culture, etc., in our education system so we have the capability within our country to defend ourselves. There is one thing aggressors respect, and that is someone who is prepared and ready to defeat them. That capability comes with the requirement that we prepare our young people to deal with these very real threats to our own existence. Preparing young people to defend our country is not keeping them from learning. It is making their education more realistic and comprehensive. — Paul Lang Salisbury, Md. MOUNTAINX.COM

JULY 11 - 17, 2018




Asheville Art Museum builds for the past, present and future

BY ABLE ALLEN Now under construction at 2 S. Pack Square, the Asheville Art Museum’s expansive new home will do what none of its previous incarnations could: welcome residents and tourists to a modern, purpose-built museum that will accommodate more of the institution’s permanent collection, traveling exhibitions and a wide variety of community events and activities. The $24 million project seeks to marry aspects of Asheville’s past with its future. The 1926 Italian Renaissance building originally built to house Pack Library is undergoing a total renovation, and the institution’s existing east wing has been gutted and rehabbed. An all-new “core” building adds a dramatic glass-fronted lobby looking out on Pack Square, as well as a central circulation stair and gallery spaces. While few dispute the importance of a local art museum to Asheville and the region, the project hasn’t come cheap. To pay for the construction and fund an institutional endowment, the museum launched its Art Works for Asheville capital campaign, which has so far secured over $22 million toward construction costs, as well as $1.3 million in money to seed an endowment. With 6 to 8 percent of the original $24 million fundraising goal left to go, the museum continues the hunt for contributions. When the $24 million facility opens to visitors next year, over 68,000 square feet of space will offer an intuitive, easy-to-navigate spatial arrangement, says Pam Myers, the museum’s executive director of more than two decades. As the city gets ready to meet its newest museum, this Xpress reporter donned a hard hat and explored the active construction site to get a preview of what lies ahead. Along the way, we looked at the museum’s history and its plans for the future, along with cost of the building project and its effects on other Pack Place institutions to feel out what the new space will mean to Asheville and the region. 8

JULY 11 - 17, 2018

EYE ON ART: A view from above Pack Square shows the recent closing in of the upper floors of the Asheville Art Museum as the new facility nears completion. Museum leadership says the building will be an anchor for downtown, as well as a worthy permanent home for the museum’s collection. Photo courtesy of Asheville Art Museum SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING NEW The new building will look the part of a downtown museum. Decorative metal panels will accent the clear face, and zinc surfaces will flank the broad expanse of glass at the front of the edifice. The sleek structure replaces the 1980s-era Pack Place, which previously housed the art museum, The Health Adventure, the Colburn Earth Science Museum and the entrance lobby for Diana Wortham Theatre. “You ought to be able to see in and see art and people and activities,” says Myers. The lightness and clarity of the glass architecture will balance the classical style of the marble Pack Library building, she explains. “It brings the first world-class 21st-century piece of architecture to our community, which fittingly will house and showcase the history, heritage and creativity of Americans since the turn of the [last] century,” Myers says.


Designers at Ennead Architects of New York developed the aesthetic vision for the structure, while local architecture firm ARCA Design is serving as the project architect. Asheville’s Beverly-Grant is handling construction. One eye-catching architectural element — museum staff has taken to calling it the “oculus” — provides expansive views via a large window facing north on the building’s upper floor, where the permanent collection will reside. Visitors can soak in a different perspective on the city from the lofty vantage point, while those in the plaza below may catch a glimpse of exhibits through the glass. Soon-to-be-installed perforated metal panels mounted behind the building’s glass front combined with architectural lighting will create a dazzling nighttime effect. Architects wanted the punched holes to be truly mathematically random, so a team at UNC Charlotte created a computer program to ensure organized chaos. The concept relates to the museum’s roots, explains Rebecca Lynch, manager of the museum’s capital

gifts campaign, “because a big part of our collection and our focus is on Black Mountain College. … John Cage and others there studied a lot with the idea of randomization … so there’s a great sort of a conversation that can go on between the collection and the building.” Tearing down the old Pack Place entrance building and sorting demolition waste to divert as much as possible from the landfill took longer than expected, meaning the museum will miss its original target move-in date of 2018. Still, according to Lynch, the project is now on schedule to begin moving furniture, artwork and technology — in other words, everything — into the space this year in preparation for opening to the public in early 2019. ON TAP For now, the museum is calling the former Foam & Fabric retail store — located several blocks south of Pack Square on Biltmore Avenue —

its temporary home, while exhibits located in State Employees’ Credit Union branches and other facilities throughout the community have spread the museum’s impact to a broader audience. In the museum’s previous incarnation, only about 3 percent of the institution’s permanent collection could be shown at any given time, according to Myers. The new museum galleries, with nearly double the square footage of the previous facility, were designed to display about a tenth of the institution’s collection at one time, she says. Over the course of the move and construction, however, the collection has grown. “In the last several years, we’ve been the recipient of major gifts of works of art that are real gamechangers in the depth and breadth of our collection,” Myers explains. With those additions — which include works connected to Black Mountain College, as well as highprofile pieces such as “My Big Black America” by Wesley Clark — about 8 percent of the collection will rotate through the permanent collection gallery and other exhibits, a figure

that’s typical of similar museums, she says. Along with galleries showing the permanent collection, the new museum will accomodate more traveling exhibitions, expanded educational programming, lecture and event rooms, better storage, an area to study items from the collection that aren’t on display and an expanded art library. While earlier iterations of the museum included relatively little for the younger contingent, the new facility will feature the Art Place, a special area for kids to get hands-on and create art of their own. Above it all, a rooftop cafe will overlook a sculpture terrace, where views to the south provide another attraction, with Beaucatcher Mountain, White Fawn Gap, Mission Hospital, A-B Tech and Asheville’s South Slope all part of the panorama. NO LONGER AT THIS ADDRESS The Health Adventure, a healthand science-focused children’s museum, was the first of Pack Place’s



JULY 11 - 17, 2018



RAZZLE-DAZZLE: A rendering of the Asheville Art Museum’s night visage shows light filtering through randomly punctured metal panels into the part of Pack Square that will be known as SECU Plaza. Image courtesy of Asheville Art Museum institutions to leave the building. Its troubles began when an ambitious effort to launch an expanded $25 million Momentum Science and Health Adventure Park in Montford came to naught. After filing for bankruptcy in 2011, the Health Adventure moved to Biltmore Square Mall and subsequently went out of business when the mall closed in 2013. In 2014, Pack Place Inc.’s lease for the land beneath the buildings expired amid disputes about how the facilities were being maintained. Pack Place, an independent nonprofit which subleased space to the art and science institutions within, held that it had properly cared for the building, but the city disagreed. After debate, Asheville City Council unanimously approved new long-term lease arrangements with the art museum and the theater. A short-term agreement with Colburn Earth Science Museum bought that institution time as it sought a new location. Edward Hay, Pack Place’s chair, says the organization’s activity is now winding down. “Basically, Pack Place had two critical assets, so to speak,” Hay explains. “One was the lease for the premises, which the city terminated. The other was a $400,000 endowment at the [WNC] Community Foundation,” which Pack Place managed and disbursed for the benefit of its partner organizations. Going forward, the Community Foundation will manage that endowment, with proceeds to benefit Asheville Art Museum and Diana Wortham Theatre. 10

JULY 11 - 17, 2018


Now rebranded as the Asheville Museum of Science, the former Colburn Earth Science Museum had a rocky time of it during the lease negotiations, according to Jon Neumann, the museum’s board chair from 2013-16. “The board decided that the museum would have to either close or move to survive — we chose to move. It could have been a huge loss for Colburn and the community, but we chose a different path,” he explains. AMOS staff, Neumann says, raised $1.3 million in a capital campaign and secured funding from the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, county government and private donors. Without that support, he says, “the Colburn would have closed its doors, and Asheville would no longer have a science museum.” In its new location on Patton Avenue, he continues, AMOS now has more space for exhibits and education facilities, and it’s easier for visitors to find. STAYING THE COURSE During the art museum’s renovation and construction project, the Diana Wortham Theatre has adapted by relocating its box office and entrance and temporarily reducing the size of its lobby. Once the museum’s construction is complete, the theater will make some changes of its own. Rae Geoffrey, the theater’s managing director, says Diana Wortham is adding two new theater venues

to accommodate community-driven projects. Changes will also come to the theater’s public areas, with a new main entrance and renovations to the theater’s courtyard. “Through everything that has happened,” Geoffrey says, “we’ve been given this opportunity to expand our programming and our space, so that, for us, is positive.” Moving forward, Geoffrey stresses the importance of collaboration in the arts. “Pack Place was a wonderful model for that. We were able to bring all of these organizations under one roof and work together to accomplish a goal,” she says. “And I think especially with the arts being devalued and defunded in our government system, that it is still really important for all of the arts organizations to stand together in this town whether they’re in this building or not.” Pack Place, says John Ellis, the theater’s former managing director who retired last year, “helped revitalize a moribund downtown and it served to strengthen and support the development of the arts in our region. We all now enjoy a vibrant downtown and will soon enjoy a major regional art museum and a center for the performing arts.” THE CITY’S LIMITS The city of Asheville has contributed $2 million to the museum’s capital campaign. That support, which initially was included in the city’s 2013 budget, has been the target of criticism from former Asheville City Manager and Mayor Ken Michalove. Michalove has been pushing back against the expenditure since 2013,

claiming that the friendly relationship between Myers and individual Council members led to favorable treatment for the institution. Museum supporter Suzanne Hudson disputed Michalove’s take on the situation in a July 2013 letter to Xpress. “In a town as small as Asheville, everyone knows everyone and there is no scandal in that,” Hudson wrote, expressing her faith in the museum’s stewardship of financial donations. According to Tony McDowell, the city’s budget and financial reporting manager, the city’s check was finally cut and delivered to the museum in April. Aside from about $800 for children’s educational programming at Stephens Lee Recreation Center, the $2 million contribution is the only monetary support the museum has received from the city in the past five years, McDowell says. That accounting, however, doesn’t include the land on which the museum sits. In 2014, the museum entered into a 30-year agreement to lease the site for $10 per year, with an option to renew for an additional 20 years. The museum must also make payments to a capital repair fund held by the city and must take responsibility for maintenance, repairs, utilities and improvements, says McDowell. The prominently located downtown site would sell for a tidy sum in today’s real estate market. Last year, a Georgia-based investment company purchased a portfolio of 15 adjacent buildings for $28.3 million. But according to McDowell, the city hasn’t assigned a rental value to the

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AUTHENTIC ASHEVILLE The Asheville Art Museum has occupied a number of spaces over the years. Each move followed growth in visitor numbers and the need to be more accessible to the communities the museum serves, Executive Director Pam Myers says. After humble beginnings in the 1950s in an unheated, three-room office on Charlotte Street, the museum soon moved to space on the 15th floor of what is now the Arras Hotel and Residences on the west side of Pack Square. From there, the museum bounced to Montford and then the basement of the Civic Center (now the U.S. Cellular Center). During the 1980s, downtown advocate and philanthropist Roger McGuire, along with a team of volunteers known as the Pack Rats, conceived the Pack Place Education, Arts and Science Center as a vibrant cultural institution to revitalize a flagging city. The team assembled funding from the city, Buncombe County and a capital campaign; real estate investors donated land on Pack Square to the city. When the new facility opened on July 4, 1992, the art museum occupied 12,000 square feet. In 2000 and 2012, the museum expanded twice more within Pack Place.  X

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018


Self-Help Credit Union and Friends Present:

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Ending Cash Bail: A Community Conversation Thousands of people are locked in jail every day not because they've been convicted of a crime, but because they cannot afford to pay bail. Money should never determine someone's freedom. Join the ACLU of North Carolina and community advocates to learn about a statewide effort to overhaul our broken criminal justice system and how you can get involved. Visit for more.

Saturday, July 14, at 12:30 pm Sanctuary Brewing Company 147 1st Ave E Hendersonville, NC 28792


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


N EWS land, so the exact market value of the city’s real estate contribution to the museum isn’t known. The museum secured an additional $1.5 million by brokering a deal to name the area in front of the museum “SECU Plaza.” City Council signed off on the agreement, though several members commented that the museum should have involved the city in the conversation with State Employees’ Credit Union earlier in the discussion of the naming rights. With $7,500 allocated to the museum in the city’s current budget, the Asheville Art Museum will also be one of the largest recipients of the city’s strategic partnership largesse in the 2019 fiscal year. COUNTY SUPPORT Buncombe County has issued $1.05 million to fund the museum’s preservation, renovation and expansion over the last five years, according to Rachael Nygaard, the county’s director of strategic partnerships. During the same period, the museum got $875,283 in county

money for Pack Place maintenance and operations. For the current fiscal year that began on July 1, the county has allotted $100,000 for Pack Place maintenance and operations. Of that, Nygaard says, the art museum receives 55 percent, and Diana Wortham Theatre receives 45 percent. Hotel occupancy tax proceeds, by way of the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, will kick in $1.5 million toward the construction project. Two grants awarded in 2007 and 2009 will be disbursed upon “verified completion of construction benchmarks,” according to Pat Kappes, director of public affairs for Explore Asheville, which administers spending of hotel tax revenue under the direction of the authority’s board. All told, $4.55 million of the museum’s $24 million capital campaign will be fulfilled by local governmental monies, in addition to other governmental support for operations. That lines up with how Myers outlines the donations; local public funding amounts to 20.7 percent of the $22 million raised so far, she says.

FOR THE LONG HAUL Representing the culmination of what Myers calls an “extensive public process” and a complex renovation and new construction effort, what are the chances that the Asheville Art Museum has found its permanent home at last? According to Myers, there’s no doubt at all that the new museum will serve the community’s needs for a long time to come. If the Asheville

Art Museum of the future eventually needs more space for programming, administration and exhibits, satellite facilities or community partnerships could fill the gaps, much as the museum has done as its new home is being built. “I think it’s a multigenerational, 100-plus-year building,” Myers says of the new facility. “It will just be a fabulous home for the art in our collection and the art that we bring to the community.”  X

BIZ BRIEFS by Virginia Daffron | ASHEVILLE NATIVE JACQUELINE GRANT NAMED PRESIDENT OF N.C. BAR Jacqueline D. Grant was inaugurated as president of the North Carolina Bar Association on June 23 in Wilmington. A lifelong Asheville resident, Grant is a partner and litigator with Roberts & Stevens, where she has practiced her entire career. She is the first woman attorney from Asheville to serve as president of the NCBA. Grant attended A.C. Reynolds High School in Asheville, graduated magna cum laude from Western Carolina University in 1992 and received her law degree from the University of North Carolina School of Law in 1995. She currently serves on the Western Carolina University Board of Visitors. She previously served on the boards of Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Western North Carolina, the City of Asheville Sustainable Economic Development Task Force, the UNC Asheville Foundation, YMCA of Western North Carolina and YWCA of Asheville. In 2014-15, Grant became the first AfricanAmerican woman to serve as president of the

week sessions begin Wednesday, Aug. 1 (meets 9 a.m.-noon); Monday, Aug. 6 (meets 1-4 p.m. in Boone) and Wednesday, Sept. 12 (meets 9 a.m.noon). More information at ON THE MOVE

TOP LAWYER: Jacqueline Grant of Roberts & Stevens has been named president of the N.C. Bar Association. She is the second African-American woman to hold the position. Photo courtesy of Roberts & Stevens 28th Judicial District Bar, which encompasses Buncombe County. She will be the second AfricanAmerican woman and third African-American overall to serve as president of the NCBA. WHAT’S NEW • WNC entrepreneurs Kasey Hotchkiss and Crissa Requate launched Asheville Detours, which offers walking experiences in downtown Asheville. • Mountain BizWorks announced new dates and facilitators for its Foundations Business Planning Course. Six-

• Ryan Reardon was appointed executive director of Asheville Music School. • Kevin Broadwater joined DHG Wealth Advisors LLC, an affiliate of public accounting and advisory firm Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP, as chief compliance officer. • Melody King joined The Van Winkle Law Firm as an associate attorney in its family law practice group. • Pardee UNC Health Care of Hendersonville announced three new members of its 15-person board of directors: Vivian A. Bolanos, market manager for First Bank; Brian Cavagnini, senior director of operations for axles at Meritor; and James “Jimmy” Chandler, a retired vice president of operating services at Compaq Computers. • Chris English has been named interim vice president for economic and workforce development at Blue Ridge Community College.  X MOUNTAINX.COM

JULY 11 - 17, 2018



New utility poles alter skyline near I-240

MAKING WAY: Duke Energy has installed new, taller utility poles between the River Arts District and the downtown electrical substation on Rankin Avenue behind the U.S. Cellular Center. Staff and families at Isaac Dickson Elementary School say the relocation of the poles to the opposite side of Hill Street adjacent to I-240 will make traveling to school on foot or by bike safer. Photo by Virginia Daffron If you’ve traveled Interstate 240 near downtown Asheville lately, you may have noticed something new towering in the sky. No, it’s not a new high-rise hotel (this time); Duke Energy has been in the process of replacing 22 utility poles in the area. The new poles run from the River Arts District to West Haywood Street through the West End/ Clingman Avenue neighborhood, which is also known as WECAN. From there, the poles cross I-240 and run up Hill Street to Cherry Street before connecting to the substation on Rankin Avenue behind the U.S. Cellular Center. The new steel poles soar to about 100 feet, which is 20-30 feet taller than the previous poles. “I’ve been watching [the poles] go up and I noticed they were taller,” says Michael McDonough, a local architect who’s also president of the Montford Neighborhood Association. “But I notice things like that. In terms of aesthetics, I kind of like the rusted steel look.” According to Jason Walls, local government and community relations manager with Duke Energy, the rusted look of the poles is meant to help them blend into their surroundings; their size accommodates larger wires to carry more electricity and allows distribution lines to run underneath the transmission lines. 14

JULY 11 - 17, 2018


The $16 million effort to replace the poles began in the middle of last year, but the final pole was erected on June 19, says Walls. The project will be completed in September. By then, all of the new lines will be in place, and the remainder of the old poles will have been removed and repurposed or recycled. “Asheville is growing, and in order to support reliable electricity for customers we need to rebuild the transmission line,” Walls says. Previously, Duke partnered with the city of Asheville to rebuild the system around the River Arts District. Some additional substation work and grid-related improvements will also take place, Walls says. For the most part, the new poles stand in the same general alignment as the poles they replaced, though not in the exact same spot. “We couldn’t put them back in the same holes, because the line has to continue to serve the city while we are doing construction,” explains Walls. “But the new transmission poles are within a few feet of the current pole location.” In one instance, however, the poles were relocated. Distribution and transmission lines that ran down the middle of the sidewalk on Hill Street, past the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce and on toward Isaac Dickson Elementary School, were

removed from the sidewalk closest to the school and placed on the other side of Hill Street adjacent to I-240. “That school has a lot of families that walk to school and ride their bikes,” says Walls. The relocation of the poles will allow more room on the sidewalk for foot traffic. “We are very excited about the movement of the power poles,” says Brad Johnson, Isaac Dickson’s principal. “This will create a safer route for our students, staff, visitors and volunteers. In the past, the utility poles were centered in the sidewalks, forcing families into the street on their way to and from school. The new placement is safer for everyone.”

Those traveling in the area of the replacement poles may find some onelane road closures, but Walls maintains, “We are only closing roads when we absolutely have to in order to safely do the work.” In some areas, such as at Roberts Street and Trade Street in the WECAN neighborhood, trees have been removed for the project. “We had to clear a lot of trees coming up from the corner of Roberts Street and Clingman [Avenue],” says Walls. In heavily impacted areas, Duke went door to door and attended neighborhood meetings to talk with neighbors about the tree removal. Duke will also be planting additional trees to reduce the impact of the cutting, according to Walls.

Replacing the power poles is just one aspect of upgrades to the electrical grid that serves downtown Asheville. In the future, Duke plans to build a new substation at the corner of Clingman and Patton avenues on the former site of the Hunter Volvo dealership. “We have identified the need for more substations,” says Walls. Duke is currently working with the community to discuss the design of the substation. “I understand the need for [the new poles],” says McDonough. “I guess shorter poles that went through someone else’s neighborhood would be better, but the route has always been there — they’re just beefing it up.”

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— Kim Dinan  X

Recruitment begins for Asheville city manager Candidates from across the country have until Monday, July 30, to apply for the most powerful staff position in Asheville city government. On July 3, the city released its recruitment brochure seeking a permanent successor for former City Manager Gary Jackson, whom Council unanimously dismissed in March in the aftermath of a police beating scandal. The role, currently filled by interim City Manager Cathy Ball, oversees all of the city government’s daily operations and advises Council members as they develop long-term plans. Responsibilities include preparing Asheville’s more than $180 million budget, appointing department heads and ensuring the equitable enforcement of city policies and laws. Assembled with help from Texas-based consulting firm Springsted|Waters, the recruitment brochure incorporates input from four public meetings, a staff meeting, a comment hotline and an online survey. A total of 124 survey responses were recorded through the city’s Open City Hall website, with 22 total attendees at the public meetings and 27 total staff attendees. The public’s opinions come through most clearly in the “strategic leadership opportunities” section of the brochure. With items such as communitypolice relations, equity and social justice, affordable housing and strategies for smart growth (specifically including strategies to limit gentrification), the list addresses a cross section of Asheville’s most pressing issues. The “desired capabilities and traits” section appears to focus more on the internal concerns of city staff. Candidates for the role should prepare to “foster a positive, innovative organi-

FORD BENCH Find at Booth #61

26 Glendale Ave 828.505.1108 Mon-Sat 10a - 7p Sun 10a - 5p ASHEVILLE WANTS YOU: The recruitment brochure for Asheville’s city manager position seeks “an inspiring, innovative and visionary leader with a genuine concern and interest in all who call Asheville ‘home.’” Screen capture from the city of Asheville zational culture that engages and empowers employees”; “develop objective and impartial working relationships with all City Council members”; “build a leadership team with shared values and clear expectations”; and “exert confidence and display the fortitude to say no.” While the brochure does not list the salary range for the position, Jackson’s starting salary in 2005 was $140,000, and his pay as of December 2017 was $195,214.10. The new manager will also receive life, health and dental insurance, 401(k) con-

tributions, Local Government Employee Retirement System contributions and relocation expenses if moving from out of the area. Recruitment for the city manager position is starting later than staff had originally planned. The first version of the timeline estimated final candidate selection as taking place during the week of July 30, with announcement of the new manager by August; under the current



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JULY 11 - 17, 2018



timeline, candidate assessment won’t begin until the end of the month, and the manager won’t be announced until Sept. 20. The October-November window for the new hire actually beginning work remains unchanged. Neither Dawa Hitch, the city’s director of communication and public engagement, nor Springsted|Waters consultant Sharon Klumpp provided comment on the process by press time. The city has also not named the panel of key community leaders that will assist Council in reviewing applicant resumes. Those interested in applying for the position should visit the

Springsted|Waters website (avl. mx/53p) to submit a resume and cover letter. Applicants should hold a bachelor’s degree in public administration or related field (master’s preferred), with at least 10 years of high-level managerial experience in a complex organization. Finally, as the brochure notes, “experience managing rapid growth in a city with significant architectural structures and a thriving tourism industry is a plus.”

— Daniel Walton  X


HENDERSON COUNTY SCHOOLS APP FOCUSES ON SAFETY When students in Henderson County go back to school in August, they’ll have access to a new tool for reporting concerning behaviors or safety threats: the “Report It, Don’t Ignore It” app and online tool. Developed for Apple and Android and available now on the district ( and school websites, the tool gathers information from users and sends alerts to school administrators, who can immediately alert law enforcement if necessary. Users indicate the school they’re reporting about and are prompted to provide a brief description of the incident or threat. Users can provide additional witness information, names of people involved and whether to provide their own name. If desired, users can remain anonymous. The app and online tool allow users to upload up to three pictures or screenshots of physical or social media threats, in the “Optional Supporting Evidence” field. “Report It, Don’t Ignore It” also provides addition-


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


REPORT IT, DON’T IGNORE IT: A new app developed by the Henderson County Public Schools allows students to report concerning behavior and safety threats directly to administrators. Image courtesy of Henderson County Public Schools al resources, including school contact information, phone numbers for the Suicide Prevention Hotline, the Henderson County Department of Social Services and non-emergency numbers for the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office and Hendersonville Police Department.

The turnover among top local government officials continues with the announcement on July 5 of the resignation of Robin Currin, Asheville city attorney. Currin’s position will be vacant as of Sept. 27; she will become the City Attorney for Raleigh. According to a press release, “The Asheville City Attorney reports directly to the City Council. The City Council will begin the search for Ms. Currin’s successor as soon as practicable.” MERCY URGENT CARE OFFERING FREE TICK REMOVAL KITS Mercy Urgent Care is offering one free tick removal kit per family while supplies last at each of its five urgent care locations in Asheville, Weaverville and Brevard. The kits will include information regarding tick removal and tick avoidance. Ticks are carriers for more than 16 diseases in the United States, from the persistent flu-like symptoms of Lyme disease to potentially fatal infections like Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  X



Where the Locals Go!

by Thomas Calder |

BLUE MONDAY: Host Linda Mitchell

‘One of the purest lights’ The death of George Willis Pack

THE GIVER: George Willis Pack arrived in Asheville in 1884. The wealthy lumberman donated land, buildings and money to both the city and its residents. Photo courtesy of the North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Public Library, Asheville On Aug. 30, 1906, The Asheville Citizen reported that George Willis Pack “was very ill.” A wealthy lumberman, Pack first arrived in Asheville in 1884 by way of Cleveland, Ohio. He and his wife, Frances, had relocated to the mountains on account of health issues (Frances suffered from a throat ailment). But by 1906, Pack was back in his home state of New York. “Mr. Pack has been living away from Asheville for the last few years, the city’s altitude being too great for him,” the paper noted. “But during this time he has from time to time made munificent gifts to the city, as had been his custom before leaving.” Pack’s contributions to Asheville were manifold. He donated both land and build-

ings to the city, as well as financial support to health and educational institutions, including Mission Hospital. And although a staunch abolitionist and supporter of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, he would later develop a friendship with Zebulon Vance. Upon Vance’s death in 1894, it was Pack who proposed the idea for (and would later help finance) a monument to the former wartime governor. (See “A mystery in-deed: Who owns Pack Square?” Sept. 15, 2017, Xpress) Pack died in his Long Island home on Aug. 31, 1906, a result of heart failure. In the following day’s paper, The Asheville Citizen featured local coverage, as well as a tribute from the Cleveland Leader. Not surprisingly, both accounts highlighted

Pack’s philanthropy. The paper’s local account read: “George W. Pack is dead. And standing in sorrow beside his bier, every Ashevillian, young and old, will say, ‘A good man has passed away.’ No grief can be too deep, no eulogy too extravagant, no memorial shaft too costly to do justice to him in whose heart the city of Asheville was enshrined. In life he lived in spirit among the peaks and glens he loved so well; he could not be with us in the flesh, for fate had decreed that not in his adopted land should he seek the pearl of health, but in far off communities should he watch with longing the sinking of that sun which he knew had kissed these mountains each passing day. But though barred from actively participating in our daily life, the hand of George W. Pack was ever open to pour his bounties on the city which was green in his memory. Gift after gift fell to Asheville, and charity after charity was aided; no cause pleaded in vain, for he knew neither creed or politics when an appeal was made. “And now he is dead! The heart so full of the milk of human kindness will beat no more: the hand ever open to a generous deed is cold in death. What words or grief can adequately express the loss we have sustained? Not in matter material do we of Asheville reckon our misfortune, but in the departure of a friend among friends are we poor indeed. Our loss is greater and more keenly felt, not because it is a private one, but because it is public and universal. His death is not the removal of a candle, but the extinguishing of a light of the world and a public good. Every man who knew him, or heard of him, claims a share in this universal grief and bewails his particular loss in him. A stricken wife laments a faithful husband; son and daughters through their tears remember an affectionate and indulgent father; relations cry out for the loss of their dearest and most useful kinsman; friends bewail their being torn from a friend indeed; the poor groan for the death of a noble benefactor, and the church mourns because she feels herself deprived of one of the purest lights.” Pack’s funeral took place Sept. 4, 1906, in Cleveland. Meanwhile, Asheville held its own memorial inside the courthouse that day. The morning paper asked that all ministers be present. It also requested that all city schools and businesses close during the afternoon service. Editor’s note: Peculiarities of spelling and punctuation are preserved from the original documents.  X

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018



CALENDAR GUIDELINES For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 137. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

BENEFITS ATTIC SALT THEATRE The Mills at Riverside, 2002 Riverside Drive, Suite 42-O, • SA (7/14), 7-11pm - Proceeds from this costumed 80s dance party with refreshments benefit Attic Salt Theatre Company. $20/$30 VIP/$15 advance. NATIONAL HOTDOG DAY BENEFIT blackmountaincounseling. org • WE (7/18), noon-7pm Proceeds from "National Hotdog Day," hotdog and cheerwine fundraising sale benefit Black Mountain Counseling Center. $2. Held at Lake Tomahawk Park, 401 S. Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain REYNOLDS FIRE DEPARTMENT BENEFIT • Through TH (8/2) - Proceeds from registration for the “Reynolds Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary Crazy Scramble Golf Experience” benefit the Reynolds Fire Department. $50 per golfer/$180 per 4-person team/$35 per golfer for first responders. Held at High Vista Country Club, 22 Vista Falls Road, Mills River THE VANISHING WHEELCHAIR 175 Weaverville Road, Suite L., 828-645-2941, • TH (7/12), 7pm Proceeds from the Live Your Dreams, all-ages magic show benefit Bright Blessings of Asheville and The Vanishing Wheelchair, Inc. $10/$7 children. Held at Goodwill Career Training Center, 1616 Patton Ave. • 2nd FRIDAYS, 7pm Proceeds from “Magic, Mirth & Meaning,” family-friendly, hour-long production featuring storytellers, singers, jugglers, and magicians benefit The Vanishing Wheelchair. $10/$5 children.


BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY A-B TECH SMALL BUSINESS CENTER 828-398-7950, • WE (7/11), 9am-4pm - "Take the Fear Out of Your Financials," seminar. Registration required: Free. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • WE (7/11), 9am-4pm - "Using Quickbooks in Your Small Business," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • TH (7/19), 10am-noon - "Starting a Better Business," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at AB Tech South Location, 303 Airport Road, Room 113, Arden THE COLLIDER 1 Haywood St., Suite 401, 1828, • TH (7/12), noon Lunch & Learn Series: "Climate Science to Solutions: The CASE Study for DailyBreath," presentation by a health IT entrepreneur and a climatologist. Registration required. $20/Free for members. • TU (7/17), noon - Lunch & Learn: "Diversity + Inclusion in Your Organization," presentation by Susan Clark Muntean. Registration required. $20. • TU (7/19), noon - Lunch & Learn: "How to Build an Influencer Platform, Strengthen Your Brand, and Make Marketing Obsolete," presentation by Matt Frazier, vegan marathoner and ultra-runner. Registration required. $20.

CLASSES, MEETINGS & EVENTS CLASSES AT VILLAGERS (PD.) • Summer Cordials, Syrups, and Elixirs. Sunday, July 15. 6-8:30pm. $25-50. • Home Garden Medicine Making. Sunday, July 29. 5:30-7:30pm.

JULY 11 - 17, 2018

HIGHLAND GAMES • TH (7/12) through SU (7/15) - 62nd Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, celebration of Scottish culture with live music, athletes and dancers. See website for full schedule and tickets: Held at Grandfather Mountain, 2050 Blowing Rock Highway, Linville

$30-50. Registration/ Information: THIRSTY THURSDAY AT CALYPSO! (PD.) Join us for Women In Conversation ALL DAY. Laid back atmosphere, sample tropical St. Lucian flavors and bottomless Mimosas for $15. 18 N. Lexington Ave. at Calypso Restaurant. 828-5759494.

MOUNTAIN WILDLIFE FESTIVAL mountainwildlifedays. com/Sapphire Valley Resort • FR (7/13) & SA (7/14) - “Mountain Wildlife Days,” festival with presentations, activities and wildlife exhibitions. See website for full schedule and prices. Held at Sapphire Valley Resort, 207 Sapphire Valley Road, Sapphire

AMERICAN LEGION POST NC 77 216 4th Ave. W, Hendersonville • 2nd THURSDAYS, noon - Korean War Veterans Chapter 314, general meeting. Free. ASHEVILLE CHESS CLUB 828-779-0319, vincentvanjoe@gmail. com • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Sets provided. All ages and skill levels welcome. Beginners lessons available. Free. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES governing/depts/library • TH (7/12), 4pm Knitting & Crochet workshop for all ages. Free. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester HOMINY VALLEY RECREATION PARK 25 Twin Lakes Drive, Candler, 828-242-8998, • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm - Hominy Valley board meeting. Free. LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 828-774-3000, Community.Center • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm - The Leicester History Gathering, general meeting. Free. ONTRACK WNC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 828-255-5166, • WE (7/11), noon-1:30pm "Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it." Seminar. Registration required. Free. • WEDNESDAYS (7/11) until (7/25), 5:30-8pm "Money Management and Credit," class series. Registration required. Free. • TH (7/12), 5:30-7pm "Budgeting and Debt," class. Registration required. Free. PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAM


WEEKEND WILDLIFE: On Friday, July 13, and Saturday, July 14, at Sapphire Valley Resort, the 15th annual Mountain Wildlife Days will provide opportunities to get up close and personal with wildlife. A bird walk and a pair of hikes start off the weekend, followed by such programs as wildlife advocate Michael Skinner with a selection of birds of prey; photographer and black bear expert Bill Lea; and a presentation on wolves by Great Smoky Mountains National Park wildlife biologist Rob Gudger. Ticket prices for programs vary. For more information, visit Photo by Bill Lea (p. 18) • THURSDAYS through (8/23), 6:30-7:30pm Multimedia facilitated class series based on talks about personal peace by Prem Rawat. Free. Held at Montford Community Center, 34 Pearson Drive. SWANNANOA VALLEY MUSEUM 223 W State St., Black Mountain, 828-669-9566, history. swannanoavalleymuseum. org • TU (7/10) through SU (8/5) - NC Digs! Traveling exhibit featuring artifacts from the Berry Site located in Burke County. Free to attend. THE WYVERN'S TALE 347 Merrimon Ave., 828-505-7887, • SA (7/14), 12:30-9:30pm - Pathfinder Society, tabletop fantasy roleplaying club. Free to attend.

FOOD & BEER WINE AND TAPAS AT LONGLEAF VINEYARD (PD.) Free admission. Fri, July 13, 6-9pm. Live music by Brian Turner. Please no outside alcohol or food permitted. 36 Hallaran Dr., Marshall

ASHEVILLE CITIZENS’ CLIMATE LOBBY chapters/NC_Asheville/ • MO (7/16), 6:30-8:30pm - Monthly meeting and community action regarding climate change. Free to attend. Held at Habitat Tavern & Commons, 174 Broadway ASHEVILLE OUTLETS 800 Brevard Road, • SA (7/14), 11am-5pm Bites & Brews Food Truck Festival. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Eblen Foundation. Free to attend. ASHEVILLE SISTER CITIES 828-782-8025,, ashevillesistercities@gmail. com • WE (7/18), 7-9pm - "World Wide Wednesdays," event featuring wines and foods from France in celebration of Asheville's French sister city of Saumur. Admission by donation. Held at The BLOCK off biltmore, 39 South Market St. HUMANA 1863 Hendersonville Road, Suite 122 • TH (7/12), 11am-noon "Mood-Boosting Recipes," healthy cooking demo by Chef Brian Ross. Free.

LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 828-774-3000, Community.Center • 3rd TUESDAYS, 2:30pm - Manna food distribution. Free. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am1pm - Welcome Table meal. Free. LIVING WEB FARMS 828-891-4497, • TU (7/17), 6-7:30pm "Essentials of Cooking: Fat," workshop with Patryk Battle and Meredith Leigh. Registration required. $10. Held at Living Web Farms, 176 Kimzey Road, Mills River

FESTIVALS FOLKMOOT USA 828-452-2997, • TH (7/19) through SU (7/29) - Ten-day festival taking place in Waynesville, Clyde, Lake Junaluska, Maggie Valley, Canton, Cherokee, Franklin, Hickory, Asheville, Greenville and Hendersonville featuring cultural ambassadors and dance performing groups from many countries. See website for full schedule, costs and locations.

NC BLACKBERRY FESTIVAL • TH (7/12) through SU (7/14) - Outdoor festival with live music, art, craft and food vendors and a parade. See website for full schedule. Free to attend. Held in Downtown Lenoir

GOVERNMENT & POLITICS BLUE RIDGE REPUBLICAN WOMEN’S CLUB • 2nd THURSDAYS, 6pm - General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Gondolier Restaurant, 1360 Tunnel Road. CITY OF ASHEVILLE 828-251-1122, • WE (7/11), 5pm Citizens-Police Advisory Committee meeting. Free. Meets in the 1st Floor Conference Room. Held at Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte St. HENDERSON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY 828-692-6424, • TH (7/19), noon2pm - “Protecting the People of North Carolina," luncheon with Attorney General, Josh Stein. Registration required: $50. Held at Mountain Lodge and Conference Center, 42 McMurray Road, Flat Rock PROGRESSIVE WOMEN OF HENDERSONVILLE • FRIDAYS, 4-7pm Postcard writing to government representatives. Postcards, stamps, addresses,

pens and tips are provided. Free to attend. Held at Sanctuary Brewing Company, 147 1st Ave., Hendersonville BUNCOMBE COUNTY YOUNG DEMOCRATS buncombeyoungdems. com • SA (7/14), 9pm - "Turn Up For Progress," 90s dance party with DJ Drrrty Dishes to benefit the Buncombe County Young Democrats "You Choose" fundraiser. $5 (21+ only). Held at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road

KIDS ASHEVILLE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE 43 Patton Ave., 828-254-7162, • 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 9-9:45am - Little Explorers Club: Guided activities for preschoolers (with their caregivers). Admission fees apply. • 2nd FRIDAYS, 5:307:30pm - "Night at the Museum," parents night out event for children 4-10 years old. Event includes pizza, movie and activities. Registration required. $15. BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES governing/depts/library • FR (7/13), 4pm Fandom Friday Cosplay Club, for ages 12 and up. Free. Held at EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • 2nd SATURDAYS, 1-4pm - Teen Dungeons and Dragons for ages 12 and up. Registration required: 828-2504720. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. FLETCHER LIBRARY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 828-687-1218, library. • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am - Family story time. Free. HANDS ON! A CHILDREN'S GALLERY 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 828-697-8333, handsonwnc,org, learningisfun@ • WE (7/11), 9-11:30am - "Robot Engineers," class abour robot making for ages 4-6. Admission fees apply. • TH (7/12), 11am-noon - "Blue Ridge Humane Day," event with a visit from a special animal. Admission fees apply.

• TH (7/12), noon-4pm "Mars Travelers," activity for ages 7-11. Admission fees apply. HISTORIC JOHNSON FARM 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, 828-891-6585, • WE (7/11), 10:30am - Teddy Bear Tea Party for 3-6 year olds. Events features tea time, snacks, games and stories for kids and their teddy bear friend. Registration required: 828-891-6585. $3. MALAPROP'S BOOKSTORE AND CAFE 55 Haywood St., 828-2546734, • WEDNESDAYS, 10am - Miss Malaprop's Story Time for ages 3-9. Free to attend.

PISGAH CENTER FOR WILDLIFE EDUCATION 1401 Fish Hatchery Road, Pisgah Forest, 828-877-4423 • TH (6/12), 9am-noon - "Snorkeling in the Stream," class for ages 8 and older. Free. SWANNANOA VALLEY MUSEUM 223 W State St., Black Mountain, 828-669-9566, history. swannanoavalleymuseum. org • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Historically oriented crafts and activities for children. Free to attend.


for a moderate Old Growth Forest Guided Hike on Saturday, July 14. Preregistration required. Info at BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY HIKES 828-298-5330, • FR (7/13), 10am "Hiking Essentials," guided, easy to moderate, 1.5 mile hike on the Mountains to Sea Trail. Free. Meet at MP 388.8, Blue Ridge Parkway BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY RANGER PROGRAMS 828-295-3782, • TH (7/12), 1:30-3pm "Moths," ranger

presentation. Free. Held at MP 304, Blue Ridge Parkway • SA (7/14), 1:30-3pm "Coyote the Trickster," ranger presentation. Free. Held at MP 304, Blue Ridge Parkway CHIMNEY ROCK STATE PARK 431 Main St., Chimney Rock, 828-625-9611, • SA (7/14), 9am-noon "Naturalist Niche: Old Growth Forest Frolic," moderate, rangerled hike focused on characteristics of old growth forests and native trees. Registration required. Admission fees apply.

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018


CONSCIOUS PARTY by Edwin Arnaudin |

Totally Rad ’80s Dance Party

COM M U N I TY CA LEN DA R CITY OF ASHEVILLE 828-251-1122, • Tuesdays through (8/7), 5:30-7:30pm - "Asheville Hoop Jam," outdoor event hosted by Asheville Hoops, featuring hula hooping and music. Bring your own hula or borrow a demo. Free. Held at Pritchard Park, 4 College St. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - LEAF Cultural Arts event featuring live performances, interactive workshops and the LEAF Easel Rider Mobile Art Lab. Free. Held at Pritchard Park, 4 College St. JEWEL OF THE BLUE RIDGE 828-606-3130, JeweloftheBlueRidge. com • SA (7/14) - "Fire starting," workshop. $35.

THE WONDER YEARS: On July 14 at the Attic Salt Theatre Art Space, music, fashion and other beloved components from the 1980s will be in full effect during the Totally Rad ’80s Dance Party. Attic Salt Executive Director Marci Bernstein (prom photo) and Artistic Director Jeff Catanese will don their retro best for the fundraiser. Image courtesy of Attic Salt Theatre Company WHAT: A dance party to benefit Attic Salt Theatre Company WHEN: Saturday, July 14, 7-11 p.m. WHERE: Attic Salt Theatre Arts Space, 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O WHY: In devising a fundraiser for Attic Salt Theatre Company, the nonprofit’s board of directors thought a dance party would be a great idea, and gravitated to the music, fashion and attitude of the 1980s. “But if I’m being completely honest, it’s just the decade we hold closest in our hearts,” says Artistic Director Jeff Catanese. Marci Bernstein, Attic Salt executive director, concurs: “Jeff and I were both kids of the ’80s, so really, it was a bit of an obvious choice for us. We’re hosting a cabaret of music from the ’ 50s to the ’ 70s later in the month at Attic Salt, so we kind of piggybacked off of that, and now July is the month of traveling the decades.” The Totally Rad ’80s Dance Party takes place Saturday, July 14, at the Attic Salt Theatre Arts Space. All of the night’s eclectic musical selections will be danceable and from the featured decade, and Bernstein says most of the playlist is coming right from the organizers’ “old, romantic mixtapes,” which she’s proudly held on to. “I’m looking forward to dancing to some of the more new wave, fast stuff,” Catanese says. “You can still hear some of the ’80s dance music at various func20

JULY 11 - 17, 2018

tions, but you don’t often get to pogo to some Billy Idol or The Cars anymore. ‘Dancing with Myself’ is my jam.” Bernstein adds, “I love a good excuse to break out those old tunes. I know everyone is looking forward to Madonna and Michael Jackson, but we’ve got a little Berlin and Erasure thrown in there as well.” Eighties fashion and accessories will also be in full effect. Catanese rues not being able to find his old Members Only jacket but hopes to see “if a few people can drum up some acid-washed jeans, headbands and some of the T-shirt symbols from back in the day.” Meanwhile, Bernstein notes that her hair “has never looked better than when banana clips and crimping irons were popular.” Additional on-site offerings include a cash bar, an ’80s makeup station and the opportunity to have a professional yearbook or prom picture. A special Radical VIP package provides all of the above and more at a discounted price. “All of the proceeds from the evening will go directly toward enabling Attic Salt’s programming: From paying the teachers who run our classes for kids of all ages a living wage, to the space and talent needed to produce our fall and winter productions,” Bernstein says. The Totally Rad ’80s Dance Party takes place Saturday, July 14, 7-11 p.m., at Attic Salt Theatre Arts Space, 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O. $15 advance/$20 day of show/$30 Radical VIP.  X


PISGAH CHAPTER OF TROUT UNLIMITED New-Meeting-information. html • 2nd THURSDAYS, 7pm - General meeting and presentations. Free to attend. Held at Ecusta Brewing, 49 Pisgah Highway Suite 3 Pisgah Forest

PUBLIC LECTURES ETHICAL HUMANIST SOCIETY OF ASHEVILLE 828-687-7759, • SU (7/1), 2-3:30pm “Do No Harm: Harm Reduction”presentation by Dr. Jennifer Mullendore and Michael Harney. Free. Held at Haywood County Arts Council, 86 N Main St., Waynesville HATCHWORKS 45 S. French Broad Ave. • WE (7/11), 6pm Asheville Developers Network presentations on "Clojure: A Better Way To Program," "Graphical Web Browser," and “ChatOps for incident management, enabling human-computer collaboration.” Free. LEADERSHIP ASHEVILLE SUMMER BREAKFAST SERIES 828-255-7100,

• WE (7/18), 8am "Nurturing Equity and Inclusion," presentation regarding sexual and gender diversity and breakfast. $20. Held at Crowne Plaza Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF ASHEVILLE AND BUNCOMBE COUNTY 321-271-4593, • TH (7/19), 5:30pm - "A Long, Storied Road from Then to Now," presentation of the history and heritage of Fletcher by Brenda Coates. Admission by donation. Held at Feed & Seed, 3715 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher

SENIORS ASHEVILLE NEW FRIENDS (PD.) Offers active senior residents of the Asheville area opportunities to make new friends and to explore new interests through a program of varied social, cultural, and outdoor activities. Visit www. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES OF WNC, INC. 2 Doctors Park, Suite E, 828-253-2900 • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 11am2pm - The Asheville Elder Club Group Respite program for individuals with memory challenges and people of all faiths. Registration required. $30. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am2pm - The Hendersonville Elder Club for individuals with memory challenges and people of all faiths. Registration required. $30. Held at Agudas Israel Congregation, 505 Glasgow Lane, Hendersonville

SPIRITUALITY ASTRO-COUNSELING (PD.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Stellar Counseling Services.

by Abigail Griffin Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. INTUITIVE READINGS (PD.) Listen to your Spirits messages for you. For your reading, or for more information, call 4pm7pm, 828 551-1825. SHAMBHALA MEDITATION CENTER (PD.) Thursdays, 7-8:30pm and Sundays, 10-noon • Meditation and community. By donation. 60 N. Merrimon Ave., #113, (828) 200-5120. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1245 6th Ave W, Hendersonville, 828-693-4890, • 2nd FRIDAYS, 1-2pm Non-denominational healing prayer group. Free. LAKE JUNALUSKA CONFERENCE & RETREAT CENTER 91 North Lakeshore Drive, Lake Junaluska, 828-452-2881, • FR (7/13), 7pm - Lake Junaluska Singers, hymn sing. Free. • SU (7/15), 7pm Summer worship series with the Lake Junaluska Singers. Free. MILLS RIVER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 137 Old Turnpike Road, Mills River • MO (7/16) through FR (7/20) - “Peace Lab,” Vacation Bible School for Children. Registration required. mrumc. SOKA GAKKAI ASHEVILLE 828-253-4710 • 3rd SUNDAYS, 11am Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism meeting. Free. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 610002 Haywood Road UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF HENDERSONVILLE 2021 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville, 828-693-3157, • TH (7/19), 7pm - “Your Core Self-Healing Tools,” presentation by inspirational speaker Alice McCall. Free.

URBAN DHARMA 828-225-6422, • THURSDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Open Sangha night. Free. Held at Urban Dharma, 77 Walnut St.

SPORTS ASHEVILLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION • Through SU (7/15) Open registration for Asheville Open Junior Tennis Championships played Friday, July 20 through Sunday, July 22 at Aston Park Tennis Center. Registration required: southern., tournament ID 703940018. $33 singles/$13 doubles.

VOLUNTEERING LITERACY COUNCIL OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY VOLUNTEER INFORMATION SESSION (PD.) Thur. (7/12), 9:00am Information session for those interested in volunteering two hours per week with adults who want to improve reading, writing, spelling, and English language skills. Free. ASHEVILLE PRISON BOOKS ashevilleprisonbooks@ • 3rd SUNDAYS, 1-3pm - Volunteer to send books in response to inmate requests in North and South Carolina. Information: Held at Firestorm Books & Coffee, 610 Haywood Road HAYWOOD STREET CONGREGATION 297 Haywood St., 828-246-4250 • 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS, 10am-noon - Workshop to teach how to make sleeping mats for the homeless out of plastic shopping bags. Information: 828-707-7203 or Free. For more volunteering opportunities visit volunteering


JULY 11 - 17, 2018



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HEALTH ON WHEELS: Sylva-based nonprofit Vecinos takes health care services for migrant farmworkers to where they are most needed. “We’re here to make sure that people can keep going to work the next day,” says Marianne Martinez, Vecinos’ executive director. Photo by Brian Elmore

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018

Megan Padilla is sitting with her patient at a plastic folding table, nestled between two aging blue trailers. As the sun fades behind the hills, the only light comes from a batterypowered lamp and the sporadic glow of fireflies. The gentle chirp of crickets fills the night. Occasionally, an accordion wails from one of the trailers. This is not the typical doctor’s office that Padilla, a certified nursing assistant, is used to. She takes the calloused hands of Servando, a migrant farmworker, in her own and gently pricks him, drawing blood. Tonight, Padilla checks Servando’s blood sugar, hemoglobin levels and cholesterol. They discuss his health history and some pains he has been having and make plans for a future visit by a health care provider. Wherever North Carolina consumers buy their fruits and vegetables — whether from Whole Foods, a farmers market or Ingles — chances are some of that produce passed through the hands of farmworkers like Servando. Living in dozens of camps scattered throughout the region, predominantly Latino farmworkers make up a largely


invisible workforce that’s crucial to local agriculture. Despite their importance to the region’s economy, these workers often labor in conditions that make obtaining health services difficult or impossible. Some dedicated advocacy organizations and health care providers fill the gap with mobile services that take care directly to farmworkers who would otherwise go without. POWERING LOCAL AGRICULTURE The agriculture industry in North Carolina brings in over $70 billion each year, according to a 2015 report produced by N.C. State University. And with a severe and growing shortage of domestic workers willing to work in the fields, migrant farmworkers make up the backbone of the state’s industry. Some board buses in Mexico every year to toil in our fields from late spring through fall, while others, often undocumented, live here year-round. Each growing season, North Carolina is home to an estimated 80,000 of these farmworkers, although that number could be much higher. Padilla is visiting a migrant farmworker camp in Rosman with an organization called Vecinos. The mission

of Vecinos is in its name: Meaning “neighbors” in Spanish, Vecinos serves the often-invisible neighbors who work to harvest the region’s food. Vecinos serves farmworker communities in eight WNC counties, providing health education, offering an on-site weekly clinic in Cullowhee and, during the busy growing season of May to November, deploying a fully functioning mobile clinic. “We’re here to make sure that people can keep going to work the next day,” says Marianne Martinez, Vecinos’ executive director. Farmworkers face unique health challenges. Exposure to dust and pollen can lead to vision problems. Musculoskeletal issues — the result of long hours spent standing or bent over — are common. The biggest problem, says Martinez, is dental care, since workers often ignore concerns until they affect a person’s ability to work. “It’s a challenge every day,” Servando says. Vecinos works closely with the physical therapy and the nursing programs at Western Carolina University, as well as with other local clinics. Today, the staff of Vecinos is in Rosman to register new farmers, learn more about their health needs and provide health

education. Later, Vecinos will return to this camp with a health provider and its mobile clinic. LABORING UNDER THE LAW Many farmworkers come to America legally through the H2A visa program, which allows growers to bring in foreign workers for temporary or seasonal work. The program was born out of mutual need: America requires agricultural workers to grow and harvest its crops, while foreign workers seek to earn money to support their families. The roots of the program go back to 1942, when the nation faced labor shortages as American farmworkers left the fields to fight in World War II. In response, the “Bracero Program” brought thousands of laborers from Mexico. In the decades since, Mexican workers have continued to cross the border, both legally and illegally, to work in North American fields and alleviate domestic labor shortages. Under the H2A program, employers must first try to recruit Americans. Many farmers, however,

find it difficult to hire Americans who are willing to work in farm conditions. In 2011, despite almost half a million unemployed North Carolinians, only 245 native-born residents signed on as farm laborers. Of those, only seven lasted to the end of the season. In 2013-14, the most recent season for which data is available, the U.S. Department of Labor estimated that 47 percent of farmworkers in America were undocumented; 22 percent of farmworkers were estimated to be working in the country legally, through programs like the H2A visa program that brought in workers like Servando. The H2A affords agricultural workers protections that many undocumented workers don’t have. H2A workers are guaranteed housing and a minimum number of hours. If workers complete at least half a season, they are reimbursed for transportation. In addition, H2A workers are guaranteed a wage set by the Department of Labor. Set at a level designed to avoid driving down wages for domestic workers, the rate


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JULY 11 - 17, 2018



MIDNIGHT OIL: By the light of a lantern, Vecinos staffer Megan Padilla provides health services to a farmworker named Servando after the day’s labor is done. Photo by Brian Elmore in North Carolina this year was set at $11.46 an hour. However, these protections afforded to H2A workers could be at risk. The Agricultural Guestworker Act proposed by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., would eliminate the H2A visa program and replace it with a visa program called H2C. Under the proposed legislation, employers would no longer be required to provide housing or reimbursements for trans-

portation, and wages would be calculated as a percentage of the minimum wage. Advocacy groups have criticized the bill, saying it would expose more workers to exploitative working conditions. “The thinking is that … the workers are machines and they are here to be exploited,” Martinez explains. She notes that many of these measures are supported by large-scale agribusiness and that the small family farms that dominate Western North Carolina care about their farmworkers.

Pablo came to America through the H2A program and is currently working at Norton Creek Farms, picking blackberries and strawberries. “In Mexico, it is bad because there is not much work, and if there is work, it is very little, and you don’t earn very much,” he says. Despite earning a technical degree in computer systems and graphic design, for the past 10 years, Pablo has found himself boarding a bus in Guanajuato, Mexico. From Guanajuato, he rides 18 hours to the border. After crossing into the U.S., he travels another 32 hours to WNC. Like many of the other migrant workers at Norton Creek Farms, Pablo will move on to Georgia to pick onions after the berry season has ended here. When he returns to Mexico after the season is over, he will continue to work in agriculture as well as construction. “It’s really difficult. Even though you have a specialty in something, it’s really hard to find a job sometimes,” Pablo explains.


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JULY 11 - 17, 2018

Linda Andrews, national legislative director for N.C. Farm Bureau, says her organization advocates for a stable workforce on behalf of North Carolina farmers. “[Farmers have] expressed that there’s just a labor shortage now,” she explains, “and we’d like to be able to help move the needle to give them a workforce that brings stability so their industry can remain viable.” Domestic workers “did not show interest” in farming in a period of high unemployment during the Great Recession, she says, and that state of affairs has only gotten more acute as the overall economy has improved. Farm demand for workers using the H2A program rose in 2018, Andrews says, but there still aren’t enough workers to meet agricultural needs, especially for farms that operate yearround. Without a stable workforce, Andrews says, farmers are having to make hard decisions about the future. Such concerns “may hamper some expansion or the viability of a strong farm,” she says. Indeed, both the number of farms and the amount of land used for farming in North Carolina have steadily and significantly declined in recent years, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


FOLLOWING THE MONEY: Mariano came to America from Chiapas, Mexico. He says he loves to travel, and he’s also visited Vancouver, Canada, where he encountered people speaking different languages, including Punjabi. Photo by Brian Elmore

The typical day at Norton Creek Farms starts around 4:30 in the morning. The farmworkers stop at the store for coffee and sweet bread and then get to work in the fields. Some days last 10 or 12 hours; some days, the workers are on the job only three or four hours. “The most difficult thing is being separated from my family,” Pablo says. The stress and anxiety of long days in the field and away from home and family can cause health problems, and educating workers about these issues makes up a significant portion of Vecinos’ work. Outside of a farmworkers’ house in Franklin, Anna Ferretiz and Ashley Rodriguez talk with a group of farmworkers from Norton Creek Farms. They discuss topics like sun protection, healthy eating, strategies to cope with stress and depression, alcoholism and smoking. TRUST AND CONSEQUENCES Vecinos also provides legal advocacy and education. “Farmworkers, in general, have less rights than the average worker,” Martinez says. “It’s important for them to understand that you have the right to have drinking water, to have bathroom breaks, to have a washer, and it’s important that the grower complies with these rules.” Recent raids and arrests by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in Henderson and Buncombe counties have set farmworkers’ nerves on edge. “A lot of our patients get scared,” says Jessica Rodriguez, lead outreach worker for Vecinos. According to Martinez, attendance at Vecinos’ on-site clinic has been impacted because farmworkers are afraid to leave their homes to drive to seek health care. An incident at Blue Ridge Health in Hendersonville illustrates the problem. Lee Homan, the clinic’s marketing and development coordinator, says Blue Ridge Health is the nation’s oldest migrant health center. According to Homan, an ICE vehicle pulled into Blue Ridge Health’s parking lot several months ago. While it wasn’t clear whether the vehicle was targeting the clinic or just happened to stop there, and agents left after a discussion with a health worker, the episode left clinic clients wary. In

this small and tight-knit community, word spreads quickly, especially for the undocumented workers who are here year-round. “There is a lot of fear about coming into the on-site clinic, which is why our mobile clinic is even more important now,” Martinez says. To share sometimes-intimate health information, farmworkers must trust their providers. Over time, Vecinos staff members say, trust develops, and relationships form. “They’re not only our patients — we’re familia,” Rodriguez says. Vecinos staffers bond with their clients over food, music and their shared connections to Mexico. “They know us; they know they can call on us for anything,” Martinez says. For many Vecinos providers, the work is personal. Margarita Guerrero, who is completing a fellowship with Vecinos, says her

family hails from the same region of Mexico as Pablo’s. Guerrero’s grandfather was part of the first generation of Mexican farmworkers who came to the U.S. as part of the Braceros program. Her uncles tended tobacco, zucchini and potatoes in North Carolina, and her father worked on poultry farms. “Those farmworkers didn’t have programs like this,” she reflects. “Being a part of the farmworker movement is really rewarding. In a way, I’m honoring the hard work and sacrifices that my family has had to do. And I’m helping the people who are literally feeding us.” Editor’s note: Though the farmworkers interviewed for this story say they are working legally in this country, Vecinos staff asked Xpress to use clients’ first names only.  X


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SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK (PD.) Private Japanese-style outdoor hot tubs, cold plunge, sauna and lodging. 8 minutes from town. Bring a friend to escape and renew! Best massages in Asheville! 828-299-0999. SOUND HEALING • SATURDAY • SUNDAY (PD.) Every Saturday, 11am and Sundays, 12 noon. Experience deep relaxation with crystal bowls, gongs, didgeridoo and other peaceful instruments. • Donation suggested. At Skinny Beats Sound Shop, 4 Eagle Street. www. ASHEVILLE CENTER FOR TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION 165 E. Chestnut, 828-254-4350, • THURSDAYS, 6:307:30 pm - "About the Transcendental Meditation technique," introductory talk. Registration: Free. ASHEVILLE COMMUNITY YOGA CENTER 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga. com • SA (7/14), 12:30-2:30pm - "Vision Board Yoga," workshop. $20. • SU (7/15), 12:30-2:30pm - Prenatal yoga and massage partner workshop. $20.

FIRESTORM BOOKS & COFFEE 610 Haywood Road, 828255-8115, • FR (7/13), 6-7pm "Legalize Freedom," self-help workshop. Free to attend. HAYWOOD REGIONAL HEALTH AND FITNESS CENTER 75 Leroy George Drive Clyde, 828-452-8080, • TH (7/19), 6-7:30pm “Osteo: What is it? Do I have it? What can I do?" Presentation by Kate Queen, M.D. Registration required: 800-424-3627or MyHaywoodRegional. com/FindaDoc. Free. LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 828-774-3000, Community.Center • MONDAYS, 5:306:15pm - Gentle flow yoga for all levels. $5. LELIA PATTERSON FITNESS CENTER 1111 Howard Gap Road, Hendersonville, • TH (7/12), 1-7pm "Prime Time Living and Health Retirement Expo," event with free community health screenings and educational presentations. Free. OM SANCTUARY 87 Richmond Hill Drive, 828-252-7313 • SA (7/14), 2-4pm Chai Chats: "Somatic Mindfulness," pre-

sentation by Caroline Richardson regarding mindful embodiment, following the model of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. $15-$30. THE MEDITATION CENTER 894 E. Main St., Sylva, 828-356-1105, • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - "Inner Guidance from an Open Heart," class with meditation and discussion. $10. WNC KETOGENIC LIFESTYLE SUPPORT GROUP 828-348-4890 • TU (7/17), 7pm "Understanding your Keto Blood Tests," presentation by Dr. Jon Hall. Free to attend. Held at EarthFare - Westgate, 66 Westgate Parkway YMCA OF WNC 828-210-2265, • FR (7/13), 9:30-10:30am - "All Kinds of Strong," 4 week, group exercise class. Registration required: caitlin.bushong@ or 828-2109622. $30/$20 members. Held at YMCA - Asheville, 30 Woodfin St.

July 13th • August 1st • August 24th

YOGA IN THE PARK 828-254-0380, • SATURDAYS, 10-11:30am - Proceeds from this outdoor yoga class benefit Homeward Bound and United Way. Admission by donation. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St.


JULY 11 - 17, 2018




Dogwood Alliance tour sparks conversation on environmental justice

BY TAMIA DAME Across Western North Carolina, environmental organizations and activists have fought for decades to protect the natural environments of the Southern Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains. Asheville’s own Dogwood Alliance, a nonprofit forest protection organization engaged in work across the South, has made its mark by preserving the beauty of these breathtaking landscapes. But becoming just as important to the group’s environmental activism is something less visible: social justice. “We have become increasingly aware of how closely forest destruction is linked to community destruction,” says Emily Zucchino, community network manager for Dogwood Alliance. “As an organization, we wanted to become more clear and explicit in the role between environmental injustice

JUSTICE FOR ALL: Participants from New Alpha Community Development, Dogwood Alliance and other organizations gather at a Justice First Tour event in Charleston, S.C. Photo courtesy of Dogwood Alliance and forest destruction. We were forced to re-evaluate the way we do our work, who we are partnering with, and what those partnerships look like.” One such partnership, the Justice First Tour, comes to Asheville’s Arthur R. Edington Education & Career Center on Saturday, July 14. In collaboration with the Sierra Club, New Alpha Community Development Corp. and Kingdom Living Temple, a church based in Florence, S.C., Dogwood Alliance is traveling across seven Southern states to engage vulnerable communities and build solidarity around climate crises. The tour’s Asheville stop takes place in conjunction with the Southside Rising community celebration, which features music, food, cultural performances, local vendors and social justice activities. Zucchino says the event will tie the community’s poverty and gentrification issues together with the greater environmental context. “Where we see issues of affordable housing crises, we see climate justice arise also, as far as extraordinarily high energy costs for lower-income communities,” she says. Zucchino also mentions the WNC Renewables Coalition’s planned proposal for a citywide transition to 100 percent renewable energy. “This is an imperative opportunity for justice: If we transition to clean energy without shifting power out of the hands of corpora-


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


tions, we will have lost,” she explains. “Therefore, this is a call to all of us to push for a switch to renewable energy and ensure that the benefits of this transition are in the hands of Asheville’s most vulnerable communities.” The first step to making these important changes in a community, emphasizes Zucchino, starts with elevating the voices of community members themselves. “We desire to take the conversations and outcomes from the Southside Rising event to elected officials in our area so that the people can have a platform to communicate their frustrations and what they would like to see happen,” she says about the Asheville stop of the Justice First Tour. Dogwood Alliance’s approach is derived from the tradition of environmental justice, a concept popularized by Alabama native and Texas Southern University professor Robert Bullard. As he explains in his 1993 book “Confronting Environmental Racism: Voices from the Grassroots,” environmental damage is often inflicted on already disadvantaged or marginalized groups. “Whether by conscious design or institutional neglect, communities of color in urban ghettos, in rural ‘poverty pockets’ or on economically impoverished Native-American reservations face some of the worst environmental devastation in the nation,” Bullard writes.

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The U.S. government recognized the value of environmental justice when it created the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice — originally the Office of Environmental Equity — in 1992. Its formation came as a response to years of work by environmental and civil rights activists who formed their own groups and coalitions, such as West Harlem Environmental Action, the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice, to protect themselves from further environmental neglect. This change in the governmental protection of all people was largely due to underserved communities taking a stand against unhealthy and unsanitary environmental conditions. Inspired by that history, Dogwood Alliance is working to strengthen the link between environmental conservation and these roots of environmental activism. “Dogwood Alliance is a forest protection organization,” Zucchino says. “We are not a racial or economic justice organization, but there are other groups doing that work. What we do is identify those organizations, support and partner with them, and learn how we can do forest protection work from a lens of justice.” Such reflection is crucial for organizations that wish to pursue equity in their service. DeWayne Barton, community leader and founder of Hood Huggers International, does not believe there is optimal collaboration among local environmental organizations. “We have all these good groups doing this great work, but they’re not connecting,”

he says. “I wonder how we can all work together to have a bigger impact on the entire community.” While Barton says that organizations such as RiverLink have offered helping hands in the past, he sees missed opportunities for more consistent, mutualistic working relationships. Discussions over the I-26 Connector highway project, for example, have engaged his Burton Street community and the Burton Street Community Peace Gardens in the same fight for environmental protections as other groups. “Those that want to help have to value the work that these neighborhoods are already trying to do and add capacity to it,” Barton says. “We could use support in the gardens, at Smith Mill Creek where we’ve been trying to put in a greenway for almost a decade, or by working on the pipeline to get our local young people invested in environmental opportunities, especially in light of this highway expansion.” Zucchino agrees that a community united achieves bigger and better goals than a community divided. Environmental protection, justice and appreciation, she says, can only benefit everyone if all have a seat at the table. “We understand that we are never going to be successful in our mission of protecting forests if there are still racial and economic injustices. Until there is a shift in this paradigm that values profit and economics over people, the environment and forests, we cannot be successful in our most fundamental goals.”  X

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018




Ozone gardens help monitor WNC’s pollution levels

BY JENNIFER JENKINS Clean air is a point of pride in Western North Carolina. But it hasn’t always been that way. Fifteen years ago, the visibility in the area was less than a mile, according to Susan Sachs, education branch chief with Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Haywood County. And although local levels of the toxic gas ozone have decreased in recent decades throughout WNC due to the Clean Air Act of 1970, Sachs says ongoing monitoring is crucial. “With climate change, the ozone level could change again,” she says. “It’s a long-term commitment.” To educate people about air quality, Sachs established WNC’s irst ozone garden in 2003. Located at the Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center in Waynesville (and still open for scheduled visits), its design is based on research funded by the National Geographic Society and performed by Howard S. Neufeld with Appalachian State University’s department of biology. More science experiment than conventional garden, these projects implement ozone-sensitive plants to make air pollution visible, helping people develop an interest in air quality by providing a personal, tangible experience. “The ozone is invisible and odorless,” she explains. “We needed a good way for people to see the effects of air pollutants.” Ozone damage on leaves is distinctive and easy to diagnose. It shows up as tiny, evenly spaced purple to

TELLTALE SIGNS: The discoloration on this cutleaf coneflower leaf indicates high levels of ozone. Many area schools now maintain ozone gardens to allow students to track air pollution levels. Photo courtesy of Susan Sachs black dots, known as stippling, on the upper surface of the leaves. It appears first on the lower, older leaves of an ozone-sensitive plant. Stippling won’t be found on the back side of a leaf or the veins if the plant is free of symptoms. Eventually, the affected leaves will yellow, die and fall off. North Carolina native plants such as the cut-leaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata), black-eyed Susan (Ridibeckia hirta), yellow crown beard (Verbesina occidentals) and common milkweed

We’ve got the cure for the

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018

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(Asciepias syriaca) are good indicator species for ozone gardens. Thanks to Sachs’ early efforts, ozone gardening is now aligned with North

ECO ASHEVILLE CITIZENS’ CLIMATE LOBBY chapters/NC_Asheville/ • 3rd MONDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm - General meeting for non-partisan grassroots organization lobbying for a bipartisan federal solution to climate change that both energy companies and environmental groups can embrace. Free to attend. Held at Habitat Tavern & Commons, 174 Broadway ASHEVILLE GREEN DRINKS • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Informal networking focused on the science of sustainability. Free to attend. Held at The BLOCK off biltmore, 39 South Market St. DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE • TH (7/19), 5:307pm - “Bats,” bat box

building workshop with Nina Fascione, former executive director of Bat Conservation International. Registration: southeastoffice@ Free. Held at Asheville Museum of Science, 43 Patton Ave. MALAPROP’S BOOKSTORE AND CAFE 55 Haywood St., 828-2546734, • SU (7/15), 3pm - Marci Spencer presents her books, Nantahala National Forest: A History and Pisgah National Forest: A History. Free to attend. MOUNTAINTRUE 828-258-8737, • SA (7/14), 9am-1pmFrench Broad river cleanup. Free. RIVERLINK 828-252-8474, • TU (7/17), 4-7pm - Tour and public input session for the future park.

Carolina public school curriculum guidelines. Students learn about local air quality, sources of air pollution and health impacts on both plants and humans. Ninth-grade Earth science and high school chemistry students in particular benefit from the STEM-based learning experience, with lessons on how communities are working to reduce air pollution and what they can do to improve our air quality. Ozone gardens have been established throughout Buncombe, Haywood and Jackson counties, including at more than 10 area schools, such as the School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville, Evergreen Community Charter School and Nesbitt Discovery Academy in Asheville. Clean Air Carolina offers an Ozone Garden Toolkit for individuals, schools and community organizations that makes the topic of air quality fun and educational. The materials explain how to start an ozone garden and set it up for monitoring with standardized data sheets to record the effects of ozone damage. For details on planting an ozone garden, download the Ozone Garden Toolkit at  X

Refreshments provided. Free. Held at Karen Cragnolin Park, 190 Amboy Road

FARM & GARDEN ORGANIC GROWERS SCHOOL’S 5TH ANNUAL HARVEST CONFERENCE (PD.) Friday-Sat, Sept. 7&8 at Warren Wilson College. 2-day workshops with Jim Adkins (Sustainable Poultry), Monica Corrado (Gut Health & Cooking), and Tradd Cotter (Mushrooms). $90-165 organicgrowersschool. org. ASHEVILLE GARDEN CLUB 828-550-3459 • WE (7/11), 10am - “Drought Tolerant Gardening: Learn how to more effectively garden in the mountains based on southern climate,” presentaion by master gardener James Wade. Free. Held at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St.

MOUNTAIN HORTICULTURAL CROPS RESEARCH AND EXTENSION STATION 74 Research Drive, Mills River, 828-684-7197 • TH (7/12), 4:30pm - “Hops and Hemp Research,” twilight tour. Registration required: Free. MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION 265 Test Farm Road, Waynesville, 684-356-2257 • TH (7/19), 1:30-5pm - Field day. Free. POLK COUNTY FRIENDS OF AGRICULTURE BREAKFAST • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7-8am - Monthly breakfast with presentations regarding agriculture. Admission by donation. Held at Green Creek Community Center, 25 Shields Road, Green Creek



by Audrey and Bill Kopp |

TALKING SCOTCH Asheville bartenders share a wee dram of knowledge about the pride of Scotland

KINDRED SPIRITS: Chall Gray of Little Jumbo, left, and Kala Brooks of Top of the Monk believe Scotch can be an approachable drink. Despite common preconceptions, its appeal is stretching to include all age groups. “I’m starting to see a lot of young people come in and ask for Scotch,” says Brooks. Photo by Luke Van Hine For most people who enjoy spirits, Scotch whisky isn’t among the first drinks they’ll try. There are a number of preconceptions about the national drink of Scotland, and they all contribute to the idea that Scotch isn’t an approachable spirit. Scotch has an aura about it that can suggest a sort of male, bourgeois culture. “Even the smell of it is something you might associate with cigars and old men,” says Kala Brooks of Top of the Monk. “It was sort of an old boys club kind of thing, something of days past.” But that’s rapidly changing, she says. “I’m starting to see a lot of young people come in and ask for Scotch.” Another popular misconception is that an older Scotch is automatically better than one that doesn’t even

note its age. “Don’t be blinded by age statements,” says Brooks. Scarcity paired with increased demand means many Scotch distillers are moving away from displaying the age of their bottled spirits. Also, there’s the idea that a singlemalt Scotch is by definition superior to a blended whisky. “Single malt means it’s made from malted barley from a single distillery,” says Chall Gray, co-owner of Little Jumbo. A blended Scotch is a combination of various single malts. “It might come from different distilleries, even different regions,” Gray says. While it’s true that many of the most expensive brands are single malts and that all bottom-shelf varieties are blends, “Which is better?”

isn’t a simple question to answer. Distillers’ blends have often been carefully refined over time to deliver a specific flavor profile. “And they’re generally pretty secretive about what those blends are,” Gray says. The process of making Scotch gives the spirit its unique character, often described as peaty or earthy. “Barley is harvested. It’s wet, and it’s germinating; it’s still trying to grow,” Brooks says, describing one part of the complex and involved process. Distillers “roast the peat underneath the barley malt, and as they do, an oily vapor is released. It attaches to the malt itself, and then that [liquid] is distilled.” She adds that while the ingredients and end products are very different,


JULY 11 - 17, 2018





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August 16 @ Highland Brewing Details coming soon!

Sardinian Mangia Pasta Hour

¾ ounce lemon juice ½ ounce orgeat

THE OLD GODS AND THE NEW Courtesy of Kala Brooks, Top of the Monk

Offered at the Bar and Sofra Table


828.277.1510 Historic Biltmore Village MOUNTAINX.COM

Courtesy of Chall Gray, Little Jumbo

Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with a brandied cherry.

2:30pm - 4:30pm Mon - Sat

JULY 11 - 17, 2018

entry point into the world of Scotch whisky. It’s great straight-up and mixes well in cocktails (see sidebars). “And any of the ‘Glens’ [Glemorangie, Glenfiddich, The Glenlivet and more than 30 other brands] are going to be safe, not overwhelming, good-quality whiskies,” Brooks says. When it comes to food, Scotch is often paired with assertive dishes like steak, but Brooks notes that it works with other foods as well. “Two of my favorite things pair with Scotch,” she says. “One is chocolate, the other is stone fruit.” Because of the complex and rich taste of Scotch whisky, both Brooks and Gray discourage adding much water to a sipping Scotch. Gray says, “I recommend tasting Scotch neat and then tasting it with a little bit of water. Because many Scotches will demonstrably change and open up when they have water added.” He also strongly suggests using filtered rather than chlorinated tap water. “I wouldn’t add more than three or four drops of water,” Brooks says. She recommends that when tasting Scotch, drinkers do the Kentucky Chew: Take a sip and then swish it around in the mouth, letting the spirit contact all parts of the tongue. “Lightly deadening your palate to the actual alcohol means that when you take the second sip, you’re really going to get the flavor on the back palate.”  X

CAMERON’S KICK 1 ounce Scotch whisky 1 ounce Irish whiskey

Toasted Fregola / Seafood / Tomato-Saffron Broth $14Frisee Lettuce / Summer Vegetables / Fried Cheese $11Ricotta Ravioli / Corn Fondutta / Shaved Truffle $12Shrimp Scampi / Summer Relish / Toasted Breadcrumb $15 Great Italian Themed Cocktails!


the process of distilling Scotch is similar to that used to make corn-based bourbon in America. “It’s literally the fuel and the grain itself that make the big difference.” Even though Scotland is a relatively small country — roughly the same size as South Carolina — it’s home to five distinct whisky regions: Highland, Lowland, Speyside, Campeltown and Islay. And each imparts its own terroir — the component of a beverage’s character that derives from environmental factors — to whiskies distilled there. “A lot of that is due to the weather,” Gray explains. “Islay Scotch — like Talisker, one of my favorites — is very salty and oily, because the distillery is out on the Isle of Skye. So they have salty wind whipping through all the time. A lot of the terroir comes from the geographic placement of the distillery.” Peat dug from bogs closer to the seaside will have more of an ocean water character; Campbeltown and Lowland Scotches tend to be “grassier.” The growing popularity of Scotch is evidenced by the wide variety of choices available in Asheville bars. Several — including Little Jumbo, the Crow & Quill and Post 70 — feature dozens of Scotches on their shelves. Top of the Monk even offers flights, custom-built from among its extensive Scotch cabinet. Gray and Brooks agree that Monkey Shoulder — a smooth blend of five Islay Scotches, selling locally for under $40 — is an excellent

1½ ounces Talisker Storm ½ ounce Cointreau

1 ounce Bonal aperitif wine 1 dash barrel-aged whiskey bitters

Sir all ingredients in a rocks glass with a large ice cube. Garnish with an orange peel.

SMALL BITES by Thomas Calder |

St. Tickets are $80 per person. Seating is limited. Reservations close Sunday, July 15, at 5 p.m. For more, visit

Celebrating fats Over the last 50 years, says Ashevillebased author and chef Meredith Leigh, fats have been demonized by various food- and health-related industries. The result, she notes, has been unsettling: “I’m aghast at how we’ve substituted chemicals for natural fats in our cooking.” On Tuesday, July 17, Leigh aims to challenge this misconception of the macronutrient through her workshop, Essentials of Cooking: Fat. The event is the third in a four-part series presented by the nonprofit Living Web Farms. The impetus for the overall program, says Leigh, is to bring people back to the basic applications and fundamentals of cooking. During the class, participants will make pastry doughs and some type of emulsion in addition to sampling a variety of fats, from ghee to sesame oil. Throughout the session, Leigh will highlight the advantages that fats bring to recipes, including texture, flavor and preservation. Along with culinary insights, Leigh plans to share some historical background regarding the long-standing campaign against the macronutrient. “Corporate influence certainly played a role in demonizing fat, and then the health world got on board,” she says. “I certainly grew up in a world where fat was the enemy.” Part of the workshop’s goal, she continues, is to demystify the ingredient and celebrate its many contributions to a person’s overall health. “Your body needs fat for insulation, for energy, for lining organs, and cell walls and nerves,” Leigh explains. But ultimately, Leigh says, her intention in leading the workshop all circles back to taste. “I hope participants will learn to manipulate and understand different fats to diversify their cooking and also make their experience with food more delicious.” Essentials of Cooking: Fat runs 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 17, at Living Web Farms, 176 Kimzey Road, Mills River. Suggested donation, $10. To RSVP, visit BITES & BREWS FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL Sunshine Sammies, Purple People Feeder, My Sausage Buddy and Hit the Pit BBQ are among the more than 20 vendors scheduled to participate in the

ASHEVILLE TEA CO. AND ASHEVILLE GOODS POP-IN SHOP Asheville Tea Co. and Asheville Goods will open a pop-in shop in West Asheville, with a grand-opening celebration planned for Saturday, July 14. Asheville Goods will offer samples of its local food products, and Asheville Tea Co. will provide free tastings of its seasonal brews, including hibiscus mojito, lavender limoncello, mint julep and Southern sweet tea, 4-7 p.m. during the event. The shop is at 7 Brevard Road. The grand opening starts at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 14. Store hours to be determined. Visit or for details. FERMENTING FROM THE GARDEN/HOMESTEAD/FARM

FAT CHANCE: “I certainly grew up in a world where fat was the enemy,” says Meredith Leigh. But in the her latest workshop, the author and chef aims to challenge this misconception. Photo courtesy of Leigh Bites & Brews Food Truck Festival on Saturday, July 14, at the Asheville Outlets. Along with bites, the rain-or-shine, family-friendly gathering will include live music and beer from Hi-Wire Brewing, New Belgium Brewing Co., Oskar Blues Brewery and Highland Brewing Co. A portion of the event’s proceeds will benefit Eblen Charities, a nonprofit that helps families in Western North Carolina with medical and emergency assistance. Bites & Brews Food Truck Festival runs 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at the Asheville Outlets, 800 Brevard Road. General admission is $10. VIP tickets are $25. For details and tickets, visit

Meg Chamberlain, co-owner of Fermenti, will lead a free workshop at Sow True Seed on Tuesday, July 17, as part of Sow True Seed’s Tea, Biscuits and Gardening series. Participants will learn techniques for planning and using their garden’s bounty for fermented foods. “When you mention fermentation, people are either immediately intimidated or they think of sauerkraut,” says Chris Smith, Sow True Seed’s communications and marketing manager. “This class will open your mind to all the wonderful and varied forms that fermentation can take.” Fermenting from the Garden/ Homestead/Farm runs 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 17, at Sow True Seed, 243 Haywood St. The event is free to attend. To register, visit

THE CHEMIST OPENS The Chemist recently opened on Coxe Avenue. “We’re a craft distillery that pays homage to Prohibitionera chemists who turned contraband bars into happy hour science labs,” says James Donaldson, creative director. According to Donaldson, the distillery’s founder, Debbie Word, began as a hobbyist before traveling the world to learn the craft firsthand from a number of makers. Donaldson notes The Chemist’s first product, American Gin Tradition, focuses on American citrus as opposed to juniper. The distillery’s most recent release, in collaboration with Urban Orchard, is Eau De Vie, an unaged apple brandy. The Chemist is at 151 Coxe Ave. Hours are 2-9 p.m., Monday-Friday and noon-9 p.m. Saturday. For more, visit  X

CAYMUS WINE DINNER July 20th • 6:30pm Limited Seats Available

A MIDSUMMER WINE DINNER The Princess Anne Hotel and Metro Wines will team up for A Midsummer Wine Dinner on Wednesday, July 18. The menu, prepared by chef Todd Ritter, will include roasted and stuffed peach, basil-marinated jumbo sea scallop and Caribbean jerk oxtail. The evening’s wine selection will feature NV Cune Cava, 2017 Lubanzi Chenin Blanc, 2017 Amity White Pinot Noir, 2017 Commanderie de la Bargemon Rose and 2014 Capcane Mas Collet. A Midsummer Wine Dinner begins at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, July 18, at The Princess Anne Hotel, 301 E. Chestnut

Don’t miss your chance to try five family-made wines over the course of one unique evening! (828) 398-6200 26 All Souls Crescent, AVL


JULY 11 - 17, 2018




by Edwin Arnaudin |

The other wicked weed Hemp beers grow more popular on the local and national levels

Dinner 7 days per week 5:00 p.m. - until Bar opens at 5:00 p.m. Brunch - Saturday & Sunday 10:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. LIVE MUSIC Tue., Thu., Fri. & Sat. Nights Also during Sunday Brunch

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Biltmore & Black Mountain 32

JULY 11 - 17, 2018

Walk into a taproom, bar or home where New Belgium Brewing Co.’s The Hemperor HPA is being served, and one would be forgiven for thinking someone was smoking marijuana. The unmistakable aroma is one of many components of the beer’s appeal, and thanks to the Asheville brewery, the largest U.S. producer to distribute a hemp beer thus far, the ingredient is gradually working its way into the national market. ALL HAIL The Hemperor’s origin story began when New Belgium was approached by people who were working on early hemp breeding programs after the Farm Bill passed in 2014. The agriculturalists invited brewery representatives to visit their crops, and once research and development brewer Ross Koenigs and his colleagues walked into the first greenhouse, they knew they wanted to make a beer with the ingredient that highlighted its distinct qualities. “Most of the commercial hemp beers [already] out there tasted like regular beers before ours came along,” Koenigs says. “I’m fairly confident that we were the first brewery to explore hemp flavor in beer. We wanted to make sure that we gave the drinking public an accurate representation.” More specifically, Koenigs says hemp brings a wide variety of new terpenes — a class of aroma compounds — to beer that isn’t normally seen in its cannabinoid cousin hops. He describes the terpenes as “dank, grassy, woody, spicy and green.” The Hemperor is being brewed at both the Fort Collins, Colo., and Asheville locations but was developed in Colorado due to New Belgium’s hemp suppliers being nearby and the nation-leading levels of hemp production and research occurring in that state. The brewery chose an IPA base for its familiarity among craft beer drinkers and conduciveness for hemp and hops to interact. “We decided on Cascade, Simcoe and HBC 522 [hops], each for their unique properties for pairing with our hemp strain,” Koenigs says. “Cascade brings a floral, citrus and pine note. Simcoe brings a pungent and dank note. 522, a hop vari-


AROMATIC ASHEVILLE: New Belgium Brewing Co. lead brewer John Swanson adds hemp hearts during the brewing process of The Hemperor HPA in Asheville. Photo courtesy of New Belgium Brewing Co. ety we helped develop, gives a big note of peach and grass to the beer.” Due to hemp’s controversial reputation and the beer’s strong herbal cannabis aroma, customers frequently ask Koenigs if they will pass a drug test if they drink it. Since the beer does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoacitve component of cannabis, he assures them that they will be fine. A strong proponent of the ingredient, New Belgium has partnered with Willie Nelson’s advocacy brands, Hemp 4 Victory and GCH Inc., to help legalize industrial hemp nationwide — it’s been legal in North Carolina since 2016 as part of the pilot research program — and thereby encourage more brewers to test the ingredient and explore its potential. “I could see it working beautifully in pilsner or lager beer, perhaps even dark beer,” Koenigs says. “Hemp is in

its infancy as a crop and has as many aroma outcomes as hops. I think it will be interesting to see where brewers take it.” EARLY ADOPTERS While The Hemperor is Asheville’s most widely available hemp beer, it’s not the first to emerge from the local brewing scene. Wedge Brewing Co. has made 10 batches of Derailed Hemp Ale since 2009, many of which have appropriately been released on April 20. Wedge owner Tim Schaller was approached by pro-hemp Asheville residents and asked brewmaster Carl Melissas to use the ingredient in a beer as a way of promoting its many uses, including as a food and for fiber. Melissas based the recipe



JULY 11 - 17, 2018



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on his Payne’s Pale Ale and drew inspiration from fond memories of snacking on hemp seeds while living in California nearly three decades earlier, which got him thinking that they could work well in a nut brown ale. The brewery orders three 50-pound bags of hemp seeds from Canada for each 600-gallon batch, and they’re shipped in a certain condition. “They have to, by law, be toasted before they enter the country,” Melissas says. “If they’re not toasted, then they’re not denatured, so you can grow weed from them.” Hemp seeds are smaller than barley kernels, and in order to run them through Wedge’s mill and break the seeds in half, a tighter-than-usual setting is required. Melissas learned to make this adjustment the first year Derailed was brewed and became illuminated on hemp’s high oil content, which gummed up the roller mills when run through on its own. Milling the seeds along with dry barley malt balances out the gummy qualities and keeps the machine running smoothly. For the beer’s hops, Melissas stuck with Payne’s use of Cascade as a nod to it being harvested close to Humboldt County, Calif., where it shares some of the same land as the strain of marijuana famously grown in the region. Cascade has a “dank” aroma similar to marijuana, and Melissas jokingly likes to say, “The new hopheads are just the old potheads.” But he’s quick to note that hemp “has the most amino acids aside from eggs, second only to soybeans” among nonanimal products, and that it works as a great yeast energizer in the brewing process. The health benefits of hemp also appealed to Pete Langheinrich, head brewer for Asheville Brewing Co., in working with the ingredient, though the main inspiration for his Abra-Kolschdabra Hemp Pale Ale was rooted in lightheartedness. Brewery President Mike Rangel selected the

stoner comedy Half Baked as one of four films screened at the brewery’s Merrimon Avenue location as part of National Comedy Month in 2017 and booked it for April 20. He then tasked his brewers with crafting a complementary beer for each movie. “Of course, the idea of doing something hemp-related came up,” Langheinrich says. “Not every beer is going to be a funny beer, but it’s a lot of fun seeing people go to these movies and see the name of the beer and the ingredients and get a chuckle out of it. And that was definitely one of the top ones that we did along those lines.” Since fat can be the enemy of foam in beer, Asheville Brewing found a Canadian company with a low-fat hemp powder. Langheinrich adapted an existing pale ale recipe with Nugget hops “to further the tie-in with Half Baked” but additionally use its bittering qualities and pleasant herbal aroma. Columbus hops, often described as potlike, were also used, as were Chinook for their piney nature. He then essentially used hemp as a substitute for Victory malt to bring out its nutty flavors in the one-off beer. “We really wanted to attack the flavors of it,” Langheinrich says. “I think it would be really easy just to do a hemp beer because it’s hemp, and people are going to want to try it, but we really wanted to meld the flavors together.” Noting the strong aromatic nature of The Hemperor, which he calls “a different animal” compared with other hemp beers, Langheinrich is already seeing a diversity of the ingredient’s use and thinks it could work well in many different styles. “It would be a little bit harder to get it into some sour beers, maybe, but even a nice sour IPA with that kind of aromatics would be kind of nice,” he says. “It definitely has its place in the beer world.”  X

August 16 @ Highland Brewing Details coming soon! 34

JULY 11 - 17, 2018



AFTER-SCHOOL SPECIAL Local duo PrettyPretty warms up the dance floor

IT TAKES TWO: “It starts with, like, ‘Here’s some chords,’” says Michael Clair, right. “There’s been times at practices when I’ll take 20 minutes going through every sound on the keyboard until we’re like, ‘Yeah! That!’“ says Justin ”JB“ Bowles, left. But ultimately, when it comes to writing songs for the local duo PrettyPretty, ”It’s crazy how easy it is sometimes,” Clair notes. Photo by Cindy Kunst

BY ALLI MARSHALL Following Rihanna’s sage advice, “Please don’t stop the music,” local artists Justin “JB” Bowles and Michael Clair didn’t. “We lost a drummer,” Bowles says of the duo’s former band, Grammer School. But when that outfit ended, “We decided it wasn’t possible for Asheville to not have this songwriting team.” So the two — Bowles on keyboards, Clair on guitar, with vocal duties shared — went to work on the 70 or 80 songs they’d written and re-emerged as altpop act PrettyPretty. And, on Tuesday, July 24, the pair release their new album, Sugar Daddies, at The Mothlight. If the record doesn’t have a specific theme or continuum, its title does capture the sweet optimism and danceability that underscore each of the 10 tracks. There are hints of post-new wave and doo-wop, filtered through an ’80s lens. The album’s sweaty, soulful instincts possess an Elvis Costello (circa My Aim Is True) nerd-sexy swagger. And, if the

lyrics, on first listen, tilt toward the absurd, the garage-y guitar and hooky keys parts give the songs ballast. “With Grammer School, we thought we were going to get a tour bus; we had all these plans,” says Bowles. “But when PrettyPretty came along, we were like, ‘Let’s just play music.’” In a way, letting go of the rock star dream opened the door for greater creative impetus. As Clair puts it, “I still get to play music with my best friend.” But it wasn’t necessarily a smooth start. “The first show we played [as PrettyPretty] was when JB was going off to work at Dollywood,” Clair recalls. Bowles, who studied voice and piano in college, was in a roving a cappella group at the Pigeon Forge theme park. “As a trained singer, I sang a certain way for a long time,” says Bowles. “When I was able to play some rock ’n’ roll music and sing on my own, I was able to find my voice.” The result was a surprise: the almost hiccuping snap of it, the velvet low notes and smooth sweep into his upper register, the agile runs. With that instrument, which Bowles still seems to be explor-

ing and unfolding, he can express emotional shades that both complement that band’s melodies and — especially in the case of the sultry, throbbing “Bedpost” — add more nuanced layers. “I feel like my range is getting bigger,” he says. “I can hit notes I wasn’t able to hit. ” But as much as is revealed on the album’s tracks — from the post-disco melodrama of “Gay Cruise” (on which Clair sings lead) to the breezy instrumental “Dad Bod” to the thrumming, dark dance number “Outro” to the spacey atmospherics at the end of final track “JK” (which comes in at a precise 11 minutes and 11 seconds) — plenty also goes unsaid. “When [Bowles] does the lyrics, we don’t talk about it,” says Clair. “So every time we record something in the studio, I’m like, ‘Now I can hear what he’s saying. I hear what those lyrics are. Now I know what that’s about.’” “Instead of asking me, I think you’re just assuming,” Bowles says. “I don’t want to ask you! I want the mystery,” Clair replies. And, after all, don’t all listeners feel that way? We


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


A &E think we want to know the inspiration for a song until it takes away from our personal narrative and how the song resonates with our own lives. So, perhaps it’s surprising when — in the face of Sugar Daddies’ intimatefeeling songcraft — Bowles reveals, “There’s a lot [fewer] heartbreak songs on this album … less about relationship shit. There’s nothing on this album that’s superpersonal.” What is personal, and deeply felt, is the friendship between Clair and Bowles and the way their music sustains them. Through relocations, day jobs, family responsibilities and health scares, it’s a constant. The commitment to their collaboration and creative process (over output or racking up fans and Facebook likes) has led to some some measurable evolution. “Bedpost,” which Bowles originally wrote in 10 minutes (“because I was feelin’ it … it makes me want to put my hair up in pigtails and sit on the steps outside and eat a sucker”), started as an acoustic number that Bowles sang from a stool while Clair played guitar chords. It’s taken three or four years for it to find its way to its current lush iteration. That span of time “is crucial


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


for us,” says Bowles. “It’s how our best stuff comes about.” But if there is an end game here (there isn’t), or a mappable journey from Grammer School to PrettyPretty, it would be the duo’s mojo to make listeners move. “[In Asheville], no one really wants to go see dance music,” says Clair, “but we’re bringing people out.” “We dance,” says Bowles. “Sometimes I can’t play the piano because I’m dancing so much.” “At the last show,” says Clair, not to be outdone — and readers should probably take this as a challenge to their own moves — “I was dancing before the song even started.”  X

WHO PrettyPretty with Fashion Bath WHERE The Mothlight 701 Haywood Road WHEN Tuesday, July 24, 9 p.m. Free

by Alli Marshall

GOING DEEP When Grayson Morris was working on a press kit for her interactive art series, emersion, a friend advised her not to use the words “immersive theater.” That genre has, apparently, become passé in many cities. Happily, it’s still relatively new to Asheville. And, “My thing isn’t theater-theater. It’s site-specific performance art,” Morris points out. “I chose the word ‘emersion,’ with an ‘e,’ which means ‘an emergence,’ because the show emerges out of the space.” On Friday and Saturday, July 13 and 14, Morris’ semiannual project returns with emersion presents: halflight, taking place in the woods near Asheville at dusk. Unlike previous emersion experiences, which offered multiple viewings per evening, there is only one show each night so that participants experience the day-todark transition while in nature. Morris doesn’t want to give much away — the unexpected scenario set up by her emersion events is what makes them so powerful. But past emersions included a futuristic world, created inside Downtown Books & News, where showgoers took on the roles of alien anthropologists studying the remnants of the extinct human race while moving through various stations in the bookstore setting. At one stop, attendees could have a “work experience,” stamping books with a stamp that had run out of ink. At another, strangers were encouraged to perform dramatic readings of a series of inane emails. It was funny, but also disconcerting. Morris developed the emersion concept after hearing about Sleep No More, a site-specific work in New York City based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. “I’m going to create a series of worlds in my house that people can walk through,” Morris remembers telling herself. “I didn’t know what I was doing. I hadn’t even seen immersive theater and I was doing this cool thing.” The house in question, a two-story at the edge of Montford, provided a walk-through exhibition of sights and sounds. At one emersion, a performer in white perched on a ladder and asked attendees to name a good deed they’d done that week. In another room, showgoers sat in a chair and watched a video of a stranger sitting in the same chair. Then, in the final moments, the video changed to a recording of said showgoer squirm-

Grayson Morris brings emersion back to Asheville

WORLD BUILDING: “The thing to me about immersive theater is the space provides a lot for you,” says Grayson Morris of her emersion series. “The lighting is built in, the set is built in, and I just have to create something that feels interesting and worthwhile … in a place that is already so cool.” Photo from a previous emersion event courtesy of Morris ing or looking around in “Now what?” uncertainty. At the final stop, in the backyard, a group of African-Americans sat around a picnic table, sharing a beer and talking candidly about the experience of being black. White viewers could watch from a circle of chairs on the periphery, but not contribute to the conversation. These days, the house, though still owned by Morris (she bought it as a college student, back when such a thing was possible in Asheville), is occupied by her friends, making it unavailable for emersion events. The restriction led to creative problem solving: the upcoming emersion in the woods. These days, Morris is based in Los Angeles. She visited that locale while on a road trip, and “When I drove into the city I was like, ‘Holy shit, I have to live here.’ It was visceral,” she says. “In LA, you can be whatever you want. … In LA, people believe they can make it.” Though known in Asheville for her work as a comedian, it’s theatrical clowning that is Morris’ current passion. But while there are creative career opportunities in LA, “it’s really hard to produce [an emersion] here, because I don’t have the resources and I don’t know all the people and places,” she says. But, “If I don’t stay in my practice with creating, I’ll doubt myself and I’ll


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


A &E doubt my identity as an immersive theatermaker. … It helps me with my attitude to keep producing, even if I’m scared.” The desire to continue the project aligned with a vision to “to do something cool in the woods.” Initially, Morris imagined a small performance in the urban forest located between the Five Points neighborhood and UNC Asheville, but then a friend’s land became available. “I always hope to create something other than your everyday life, like the experience of a different world,” Morris says of emersion. “I really like to make people feel connected to the earth, connected to each other and have a sense of hope that we can create the world that we want to live in.” From futuristic bookstores and puppet shows-within-a-show to being fed grapes by a burlesque artist and, now,

entering a twilit forest, emersion offers a little discomfort, a lot of imagination, and — perhaps best of all — a sense of possibility.  X

WHAT emersion presents: half-light WHERE In Leicester, 30 minutes outside Asheville. Location and directions will be provided to advance ticket holders WHEN Friday and Saturday, July 13 and 14, 8:30 p.m. $15. Tickets are likely to sell out in advance.







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JULY 11 - 17, 2018


by Ali Mangkang

BIG CRAFTY BIRTHDAY Pack Square Park will be transformed into a handmade hotspot on Sunday, July 15, as The Big Crafty celebrates a decade of independent art and artists. Founders (and Asheville business owners) Brandy Bourne and Justin Rabuck first produced The Big Crafty in 2008. Since then, they’ve seen their brainchild grow into a juried, twice-yearly art happening that features a range of creative offerings, from fine to downright funky. But make no mistake, this is no slapdash production. From the beginning, the show has remained fiercely devoted to showcasing independent artists, while growing into a legitimate and respected economic driver for its participants. Let’s run some of the numbers that have carried the event into into double-digit territory. FOUR VENUES After their initial event outgrew The Grey Eagle concert venue, Bourne and Rabuck had an agreement with the Asheville Art Museum that allowed them to alternate between Pack Place for their July event, and the museum’s interior space for their December event. The current renovation project at the museum meant another change was in order for the show. Since 2016, the Big Crafty has enjoyed the relative stability of Pack Square Park for its summer show and the spacious digs of the U.S. Cellular Center for its winter event. ARTISTS: FROM A COUPLE DOZEN TO MORE THAN 100 A hallmark of the show’s success is its continued popularity among artists. “There were roughly 30 artists at the first event, and we had almost 1,000 applications for our second.” says Rabuck. The space limitations imposed by venues, alongside a desire to create balance between artists and mediums, motivated organizers to implement a modest application fee and adopt a juried selection process for prospective participants. For the upcoming show, roughly one-in-four applicants who applied were accepted, with around 150

A local biannual art fair turns 10

IN GOOD HANDS: Stefani Threet, left, of Threet Ceramics, works on her hand-built one-of-a-kind clay pieces. “My design concepts began years and years ago as doodles on napkins and scraps of paper, then later made their way onto fabric” before evolving into ceramics, she says in her bio. Threet will have a booth at this summer’s Big Crafty. Photos courtesy of Threet participating artists showcasing their goods. And since we’re talking numbers, the Big Crafty regularly includes artists who travel from other regions to participate. Stefani Threet (Threet Ceramics) is making the 10-hour drive to Asheville with a carload of planters, jewelry, mugs and other hand-built pottery from her Philadelphia-based studio. MORE MEDIUMS THAN A NEW AGE CONVENTION The collective energy of creation runs hot inside the artists’ spaces — and not just because it’s midsummer. The treasures housed within each 10-by-10-foot space embody a spirit of exploration, reflecting a range of materials and approaches. The organizers always include a sui generis category for applicants who might find themselves between, or well outside, the confines of a single material or artistic process. Metal artists bring some interesting diversions from the traditional this year. Twisted wire taxidermy from Charleston, S.C., artist Alison Brynn Ross offers a cheeky, crueltyfree version of a hunter’s wall trophy. Jeweler Amy Sreb, who creates under her Siren’s Holler moniker, goes big on geometry for her handcrafted earrings and necklaces. And, hop into Pizza Ships’ time machine

for original enamel pins and other rad tchotchkes crafted by Ashevillebased tattoo artist Chris Evans. At first glance, you might mistake newcomer Ben Grant’s vessels for clay objects. But despite some similarities in process (both turning and handtools are involved), Grant’s chosen medium is wood. There’s a surprising amount of fluidity in his work, which the Waynesville artist coaxes out with a combination of textural details and gentle lines. Given the worldwide clapback of marginalized folks of late, you might have to wait in line to grab a handcrafted vulva plushie or your very own screen-printed empowerment patch from Durham-based fabric artist River Takada-Capel (her business is called Rivtak). Bonus points for the artist’s purposeful use of remnant and salvaged materials in all of her products.

tions from the natural world. The Loomers shared this testimonial on the Big Crafty’s website: “The Big Crafty draws an enthusiastic and appreciative crowd. This sort of attentiveness makes earning a living selling handcrafted items so much more enjoyable.” A THRONG OF THOUSANDS Estimated attendance at Big Crafty shows regularly ranges from 6,000 to 10,000 art lovers. So, if you are planning to help celebrate the show’s “Big 1-0,” arrive early for the best parking. Most importantly, clear a space on your favorite shelf or wall beforehand, because this is one party you don’t want to leave empty-handed.  X

WHAT The Big Crafty

$2.8 MILLION EARNED This is the estimated cumulative earnings among participating artists over a decade. Any working artist will tell you: Art doesn’t sell itself. To truly devote themselves to their chosen passion, artists need a paying audience. Asheville-based company Seed & Sky (owned by Kelcey and Alex Loomer) crafts one-of-a-kind jewelry featuring detailed illustra-

WHERE Pack Square Park 80 Court Plaza WHEN Sunday, July 15, noon-7:30 p.m. Rain or shine. Free


JULY 11 - 17, 2018



by Edwin Arnaudin

MIXING MEDICINES In an age of auto-tune and overproduction, it was a quest for musical flaws that brought Lizzy Ross and Omar Ruiz-Lopez together. Ross had performed in North Carolina under her own name, then moved to Nashville for a few years. The singer-guitarist returned to the state with a new batch of songs to record but quickly felt frustrated about the studio process and what she calls “the perfectionism trap” of doing numerous takes of the same song. “I feel like it irons out all the goodness of the music, and makes it flat and artificial. And it’s also really expensive,” Ross says. “I was thinking, ‘OK, how can I get these songs in the pan in a way that feels authentic and captures the live magic?’” In 2016, opting to record her latest creations live at The Rooster’s Wife in Aberdeen, near Pinehurst, Ross was content to complete the show on her own. But two weeks before the gig, a mutual friend connected the intuitive songwriter with the classically trained multi-instrumentalist RuizLopez, and the new acquaintances clicked as a duo. The live album recording of that show was released under Ross’ name with the title Violet Bell. Keen on continuing her partnership with RuizLopez, she invited him to play subsequent shows with her, and he was, in her words, “all about it.” In need of a moniker for their new folk/soul group, Ross says it felt right to go with the name of the project that was their genesis, and on Friday, July 13, letters spelling “Violet Bell” will appear for the second time on the Isis Music Hall marquee.


JULY 11 - 17, 2018

Durham-based folk/soul duo Violet Bell returns to Isis

THE POWER OF PRACTICE: Violet Bell’s Lizzy Ross and Omar Ruiz-Lopez have played more than 300 shows in just over two years, resulting in a strong onstage chemistry that’s evident in person and in videos of these live performances. Photo by Jeremy Ryan Based out of Durham, the pair have played more than 300 shows in just over two years, resulting in a strong onstage chemistry that’s evident in person and


in videos of these live performances. The two share a mutual love of psychedelic music, rock, hip-hop and R&B that, through what Ross calls “mixing medicines,” finds its way into their traditionally rooted music. “She’s a songwriter, I’m a composer and multi-instrumentalist, and together our ability to meld those abilities and genres has been working out for us,” Ruiz-Lopez says. “The world of songwriting is a very interesting one as opposed to purely instrumental, ‘classical music.’ I feel like there’s an ability to have more space, so being able to combine those singer-songwriter qualities with orchestral technique allows me to create some interesting textures around the message, and together they become one.” Violet Bell’s momentum also radiates from the experience of recording its debut full-length album, Honey in My Heart, which is set for an early 2019 release. Cut

at the Fidelitorium in Kernersville in May and June, with engineer Jason Richmond (Steep Canyon Rangers; Bombadil), the songs were done live, without isolation or click tracks. Full of personality, the raw sounds feel consistent with the duo’s true selves as opposed to hiding behind studio wizardry. Risks were also taken through Ross’ lyrics, which explore such subjects as modern motherhood and her experiences with sexual violence. In addition to crafting their own tunes, Ross and Ruiz-Lopez are both involved in music education in the Durham area, providing youths with instrumental and vocal instruction as well as teaching them about the realities of life for professional touring artists. Those latter lessons grew increasingly important in late May when, on the North Carolina coast at the Beaufort Music Festival, Ross had a seizure — her second of the grand mal variety. Until then, she says she’d been in great health and had never taken an ambulance ride. While doctors haven’t traced anything back to a dire prognosis, she’s interpreting the seizures as a message from her body to make adjustments to ensure a long professional career going forward. “We’ve been hustling, and it’s been great, but the seizures are a reminder to go at a sustainable pace. And I think we’re getting to the point where we’re growing and we’re ready to invite some help onto our team. Some conscious, kind, skilled people who can help us with some of the work we’ve been doing,” Ross says. “We’re not just playing music. We’re driving to the gig, packing and unpacking the car, playing the gig, selling, designing and stocking the merch, posting the pages, posting about the shows, talking to the people about the interviews, doing booking — it is a lot of stuff. So we’re ready for any of you wonderful Ashevilleans who are looking for a job. We’re hiring.” X

WHO Violet Bell WHERE Isis Music Hall 743 Haywood Road WHEN Friday, July 13, 7 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show

THEATER REVIEW by Jeff Messer |

‘Some Things You Will Need to Know…’ at The Magnetic Theatre

EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED: Darren Marshall, left, and Scott Fisher star in The Magnetic Theatre’s end-of-days satire Some Things You Should Know Before the World Ends (A Final Evening with the Illuminati) by Larry Larson and Levi Lee. Photo by Rodney Smith/ Tempus Fugit Designs In Some Things You Will Need to Know Before the End of the World (A Final Evening With the Illuminati) it’s the end of the world as we know it, and at least two folks feel far less than fine. The show continues its run through Saturday, July 14, at The Magnetic Theatre. When The Magnetic had to cancel plans for a return of the show Witches Quorum due to scheduling conflicts, a quick replacement was needed. And while some might fear for the quality of a hastily assembled, two-character play with a lot of lines to be learned, in this case, there’s no need for such concerns. If anything, the short rehearsal period inspired the actors to the top of their game. It’s edgy stuff and a lot of fun.

Rodney Smith brings out the best in his cast with precision direction. The characters are thrown from the main storyline within this postapocalyptic play to random, fever-dream vignettes (dealing with everything from the place of women in the church to achieving sainthood on a steeply graded curve) that bubble up from the deluded subconscious of Reverend Eddie (played to delirious perfection by Darren Marshall). From the outset, we know that the good Reverend is a bit off his rocker. And why wouldn’t he be? He’s overseeing a congregation of weary survivors of some cataclysmic world-ending scenario. Subtle references to nerve gas fatalities are threaded into the dialogue, establishing the bleak reality outside the

walls of the church. He has constructed a sermon that finds a correlation between God and basketball, and is certain that it will rock the world, though he’s also paranoid that a secret society known as The Illuminati will try and suppress his message. Paranoia and delusion would be his closest friends, were it not for his faithful sidekick, who aids him in keeping the church up and running. Brother Lawrence (played by Scott Fisher), who suffers from a hunchback, is Eddie’s only ally, helping hold the fraying edges of the church and world together as much out of habit as religious devotion. Fisher is always funny on stage, and his dead leg walk is in clear homage to the classic mad scientist’s assistant, Igor. Though the Reverend discounts Lawrence because of his abnormalities, it is obvious that Lawrence is smarter and more aware of reality than his superior. The two actors move with ease through the frantically paced show. The play was written by Larry Larson and Levi Lee nearly 40 years ago. Of course, the Cold War era of the early 1980s informs the anxiety of the world being left a smoldering heap with few surviving. And it still works well today. It’s a bit like Sunday school at the end of Mad Max: Fury Road. In every way, this is the kind of show that is perfect for The Magnetic. It’s concise, precise and as smart as it is edgy.  X

WHAT Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends (A Final Evening With the Illuminati) WHERE The Magnetic Theatre 375 Depot St. WHEN Through Saturday, July 14 Thursday-Saturday at 7:30 p.m. $12-$16


JULY 11 - 17, 2018




by Edwin Arnaudin | Send your arts news to

Dirty Dead The members of the Asheville-based Grateful Dead/Jerry Garcia Band tribute group Dirty Dead feel that imitating or emulating the creations of their musical heroes is a fruitless exercise. Instead, the ensemble uses its players’ diverse backgrounds to bring distinctly modern takes on the Dead’s beloved songs to the stage, uniting such styles as reggae, hip-hop, psychedelia and funk within a single tune. Performing live since September 2016, the group was founded by Paul Drum DeCirce (guitar/flute/vocals), who plays alongside John Humphries (guitar/mandolin/vocals), Bryan Solleveld (keys), Eric Swanson (bass/vocals) and Sean Mason (drums). Dirty Dead brings its live experience to Ambrose West on Thursday, July 12, for an 8:30 p.m. show. Free to attend. $5-10 suggested donation. Photo by Dara Frustasi

Cashiers Plein Air Festival Carrying on the French tradition of painting outdoors in the open air, the Cashiers Plein Air Festival attracts nationally known artists to create new works in and around the Jackson County town. From Tuesday, July 17, to Saturday, July 21, painters will set up their easels and partake in activities ranging from a quick-paint competition to a youth artist mentoring event to the Palette to Palate Affair summer soiree, where standout pieces will be honored through the Ring Art Awards. The original art that comes out of the festival will be displayed for viewing and available for purchase. The biennial event is a fundraiser to ensure the ongoing preservation and operation of The Village Green, a 12.5acre public park. Ticket prices vary. Photo courtesy of The Village Green


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


French Baroque Celebration With Pan Harmonia on hiatus until the start of its 19th season on Sept. 9, its sister organization is ready to fill the local chamber music void. On Saturday, July 14, at 7:30 p.m., Asheville Baroque Concerts brings its Bastille Day: A French Baroque Celebration! program to Oakley United Methodist Church. Artistic director Gail Ann Schroeder teams up with fellow viola da gamba player Webster Williams as well as baroque violinists Jeanne Johnson and Margaret Humphrey, and Barbara Weiss on harpsichord. Works by Leclair, Marais and Couperin le Grand will be performed and aim to inspire contemplation of musical life in France before and after the revolution. $20. Photo courtesy of Asheville Baroque Concerts

Ayane Okabe Four days after making her U.S. debut at Carnegie Hall, awardwinning violinist Ayane Okabe visits Asheville for a performance at Biltmore United Methodist Church on Wednesday, July 18. The evening begins at 7:30 p.m. with the Blue Ridge Orchestra Chamber Strings’ presentation of Vivaldi’s Allegro in D, “Sentimental Sarabande” from Benjamin Britten’s Simple Symphony and Johann Stamitz’s Symphony in G minor. Then Okabe, winner of the 2018 Grand Prix International Competition for Juniors & Students, and local pianist Kimberly Cann, will play Tchaikovsky’s “Memory of a Dear Place.” All proceeds benefit the host nonprofit community orchestra’s efforts to create opportunities for area musicians and music lovers to enjoy affordable performances of great symphonic works. $20. Photo courtesy of the Blue Ridge Orchestra


by Abigail Griffin

ON TARGET: One of stage magic’s few female professionals, Tanya Solomon brings her solo show Truth Assassin to The Odditorium on Sunday, July 15, at 8 p.m. The Brooklyn resident’s hourlong comedic work emphasizes magic as entertainment for intelligent adults and incorporates sleight-of-hand, quick costume changes, blindfold targeting with a knife and the conjuring of live fish. When she’s not on the road, Solomon is a regular in New York City’s variety and burlesque scene, and produces the monthly Brooklyn revue Force Majeure Vaudeville. The Asheville show is open to all ages, and tickets are $10. For more information, visit Photo by John Huntington (p. 44) ART CHALK IT UP • SA (7/14), 10am-4pm - Outdoor art event featuring 150 artists of all ages creating chalk drawings for prizes. Free. Held at Historic Downtown Hendersonville, 145 5th Ave E, Hendersonville HAYWOOD COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL 86 N Main St., Waynesville, 828-4520593, • WE (7/11), 9:30amnoon - Plein air workshop session Anne Vasilik. Register for location. $20. • TH (7/12), 10am Artist Coffee & Chat, event to meet fellow artisans for camaraderie. Registration required: 828-452-0593. Free. • TH (7/19) - Creative sketching class with artist Haidee Wilson. Registration required: 828-452-0593. $20/$15 members. ODYSSEY COOPERATIVE ART GALLERY 238 Clingman Ave., 828-285-9700, odysseycoopgallery • 2nd SATURDAYS, 11am-5pm - "Second Saturday Celebration," event with food, music

and artist demonstrations. Free to attend.

ART/CRAFT STROLLS & FAIRS ARCHETYPE BREWING 265 Haywood Road, 828-505-4177, • SA (7/14), 11am-5pm - Pop-up, local art market. Free to attend. CASHIERS PLEIN ART FESTIVAL cashierspleinairfestival. com • TU (7/17) through SA (7/21) - Cashiers Plein Air Festival, featuring vending and live painting by plein air artists from around nation. See website for full schedule. Held at The Village Green, Intersection of Highways 64 & 107, Cashiers MICA FINE CONTEMPORARY CRAFT 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 828-688-6422, • FR (7/13), 4-7pm "Wine-Down-Friday," open house refreshments with glassblower Colin O’Reilly and metalsmith Marian Miller. Free to attend. MOONLIT ART MARKET

• 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 8-11pm - Art and craft fair. Free to attend. Held at Burial Beer Co., 40 Collier Ave. RIVER ARTS DISTRICT STUDIO STROLL Depot St. • 2nd SATURDAYS, 10am-8pm - Gallery walks along a mile-long cluster of working artist studios, galleries and eateries with live demonstrations, live music and wine tastings. Free trolley rides available every hour. Free to attend. THE BIG CRAFTY, • SU (7/15), noon6pm - Outdoor juried indie arts and crafts festival featuring local food and live music. Free to attend. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St.

AUDITIONS & CALL TO ARTISTS ART COUNCIL OF HENDERSON COUNTY 828-693-8504, html • Through FR (8/31) Submissions accepted for artists to demonstrate and sell their art and craft at the 59th annual Art on Main Festival in September.

Contact for full guidelines. NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES • Through SA (9/1) Submissions accepted for The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission annual Wildlife in North Carolina Photo Competition. See website for full guidelines.

DANCE COUNTRY DANCE W/ TWO-STEP LESSON (PD.) Friday, July 13, 7-10:30pm. • Theme “Bring Out Your Hats” Awards for the best Cowboy/Cowgirl Hats. Asheville Event & Dance Center. • Two-step lesson 7- 8pm. Dance/ Lesson $15, Dance $10. 828-333-0715, • EMPYREAN ARTS CLASSES (PD.) INTRO to POLE DANCE on Mondays 7:15pm. INTRO to POLE FITNESS on Tuesdays 7:00pm, Saturdays 12:00pm, Sundays 2:15pm. INTRO to SPIN POLE on Thursdays 8:00pm. INTRO to SULTRY POLE on Wednesdays 7:30pm - first class is $15. EMPYREANARTS. ORG - 828.782.3321.


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


A& E CA LEN DA R EXPERIENCE ECSTATIC DANCE! (PD.) Dance waves hosted by Asheville Movement Collective. Fun and personal/community transformation. • Fridays, 7pm, Terpsicorps Studios, 1501 Patton Avenue. • Sundays, 8:30am and 10:30am, JCC, 236 Charlotte Street. Sliding scale fee. Information: WAVE STUDIOS GRAND OPENING JULY 14TH (PD.) Wave Studios is a brand new Ballroom Dance and Yoga Studio in North Asheville. Stop by our Grand Opening Saturday, July 14th, 10am-4pm for free dance and yoga classes, a mimosa bar and ice cream from The Hop! For more information: BREVARD MUSIC CENTER 828-862-2105, • TU (7/17), 7:30pm Brevard Music Center presents Terpsicorps. $20. Held at Porter Center at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard HENDERSONVILLE STREET DANCING 828-693-9708, historichendersonville. org • MONDAYS, 7-9pm Outdoor street dance with bluegrass and clogging. Free to attend. Held at Hendersonville Visitor Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville OLD FARMER'S BALL

by Abigail Griffin

• THURSDAYS, 8-11pm Old Farmers Ball, contra dance. $7/$6 members/$1 for the Warren Wilson Community. Held in Bryson Gym at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa TERPSICORPS THEATRE OF DANCE • SU (7/15), 7:30pm - Terpsicorps dance performance. $35/$20 seniors & students/$12 children. Held at Hart Theatre, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville

MUSIC AFRICAN DRUM LESSONS AT SKINNY BEATS DRUM SHOP (PD.) Saturdays 5pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. Drop-ins welcome. • Drums provided. $15/ class. (828) 768-2826. www.skinnybeatsdrums. com BIG IVY COMMUNITY CENTER 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville, 828-626-3438 • FR (7/13), 7pm Gospel singing by Middle Cross. Free. BLUE RIDGE ORCHESTRA • WE (7/18), 7:30pm - Concert featuring violinist Ayane Okabe with pianist Kimberly Cann playing Tchaikovsky's Memory of a Dear Place. $20. Held at Biltmore United

Methodist Church, 378 Hendersonville Road BREVARD MUSIC CENTER 349 Andante Lane, Brevard, 828-862-2105, • WE (7/11), 12:30pm Piano students recital. Free. • WE (7/11), 7:30pm Outdoor concert featuring the BMC chamber orchestra playing a program of masterworks by Bach and Tchaikovsky. $20 and up. • TH (7/12), 7:30pm Janiec Opera Company presents La Cenerentola (Cinderella). $35 and up. Held at Porter Center at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard • FR (7/13), 12:30pm - Performance of new works written by BMC composition students. Free. • FR (7/13), 4:30pm - High school voice students present opera scenes. Free. • FR (7/13), 7:30pm - "A Bernstein Celebration," outdoor concert with the Greenville Chorale and the Brevard Music Center Orchestra playing works by Bernstein and Mahler. $20 and up. • SA (7/14), 2pm - La Cenerentola (Cinderella), opera performance with Janiec Opera Company. $35. Held at Porter Center at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive Brevard • SA (7/14), 8:30pm West Side story, outdoor concert by the Brevard Sinfonia. $20 and up. • SU (7/15), 3pm - "Bernstein the Educator," multi-media music program by the Brevard Concert Orchestra featuring Bernstien's Young

People’s Concerts. $20 and up. • MO (7/16), 12:30pm - College division students perform chamber music. Free. Held at Transylvania County Library, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard • MO (7/16), 7:30pm Brahm's String Quintet, BMC faculty concert. $28. Held at Porter Center at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard • TU (7/17), 7:30pm - Brevard Symphonic Winds concert. $25. • WE (7/18), 12:30pm BMC piano students in recital. Free. • WE (7/18), 7:30pm Quartet for the End of Time, with clarinet, violin, cello and piano. $28. Held at Porter Center at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard • TH (7/19), 7:30pm "WQXR Showcase," featuring Brevard Music Center musicians. $25. Held at Porter Center at Brevard College, 1 Brevard College Drive, Brevard BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES governing/depts/library • WE (7/18), 4-5:30pm Ukulele strum and sing for beginners. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville CITY OF ASHEVILLE 828-251-1122, • THURSDAYS 5-7pm - Pritchard Park singer/ songwriter series. Free. Held at Pritchard Park, 4 College St. • FRIDAYS, 6-9:50pm - Asheville outdoor drum circle. Free. Held


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JULY 11 - 17, 2018



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at Pritchard Park, 4 College St. CONCERTS ON THE CREEK • FR (7/13), 7-9pm - Outdoor concert featuring the the Super 60s Band. Free. Held at Bridge Park, 76 Railroad Ave., Sylva FLAT ROCK PLAYHOUSE 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 828-693-0731, • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/21) - "Broadway on the Rock," Broadway music concert. Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun.: 2pm. Wed. & Thurs.: 7:30pm. Fri. & Sat.: 8pm. Sat. & Sun.: 2pm. $20-$55/$17 children. FLOOD GALLERY FINE ART CENTER 850 Blue Ridge Road, Unit A-13, Black Mountain, 828-357-9009, • MONDAYS, 6-7pm - Didjeridu lessons. Admission by donation. LAKE JUNALUSKA CONFERENCE & RETREAT CENTER 91 North Lakeshore Drive, Lake Junaluska, 828-452-2881, • SA (6/16), 8pm - Flute concert by Robert Dick. Free.

at Historic Downtown Hendersonville, 145 5th Ave E, Hendersonville SHINDIG ON THE GREEN 828258-610-1345, • SATURDAYS, 7pm - Outdoor old-timey and folk music jam sessions and concert. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. SWANNANOA CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL 828-771-3050, • SA (7/14), 7:30pm - "Schubertiad," concert featuring the Tesla String quartet. $25. Held at Warren Wilson College, 701 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa • SU (7/15), 3pm "Schubertiad," concert featuring the Tesla String quartet. $25. Held at First United Methodist Church of Waynesville, 556 S. Haywood, Waynesville

SPOKEN & WRITTEN WORD BLUE RIDGE BOOKS 428 Hazelwood Ave., Waynesville • SA (7/14), 3pm Holly Kays presents his book, Shadows of Flowers. Free to attend.

PAN HARMONIA 828-254-7123, • SA (7/14), 7:30pm "Bastille Day: A French Baroque Celebration," concert with violin, viol and harpsichord. $20. Held at Oakley United Methodist Church, 607 Fairview Road

BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES governing/depts/ library • FR (7/13), 10am4pm - Used book sale. Free to attend. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • TU (7/17), 7pm - Black Mountain Mystery Book Club: Oath of Office by Michael Palmer. Free. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • WE (7/18), 3pm History Book Club: The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson. Free. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • TH (7/19), 2:30pm - Skyland Book Club: God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. Free. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road

RHYTHM & BREWS CONCERT SERIES 828-233-3216, • TH (7/19), 5-9pm - Rhythm & Brews outdoor music concert. Free to attend. Held

FIRESTORM BOOKS & COFFEE 610 Haywood Road, 828-255-8115, • 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 2:30pm - Wild Words writing group. Free to attend.

MUSIC AT UNCA 828-251-6432, • MO (7/16), 7pm Concerts on the Quad: Outdoor concert featuring Rissi Palmer, Southern soul. Free. Held at UNCA, 1 University Heights MUSIC ON MAIN 828-693-9708, historichendersonville. org • FRIDAYS until (8/17), 7-9pm - Outdoor live music event featuring the 96.5 House Band. Free. Held at Hendersonville Visitor Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville

FLETCHER LIBRARY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 828-687-1218, library. hendersoncountync. org • 2nd THURSDAYS, 10:30am - Book Club. Free. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:30pm - Writers' Guild. Free. HABITAT TAVERN & COMMONS 174 Broadway, • SU (7/15), 3-5pm A.D. White presents their fantasy novel, Asheville Hustle. Free to attend. MALAPROP'S BOOKSTORE AND CAFE 55 Haywood St., 828-254-6734, • TH (7/12), 6pm - Neal Thompson presents his book, Kickflip Boys: A Memoir of Freedom, Rebellion, and the Chaos of Fatherhood, in conversation with David Shields. Free to attend. • WE (7/18), 6pm Robert Gipe presents his book, Weedeater. Free to attend. • TH (7/19), 7pm Notorius History Book Club: Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala by Stephen Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer. Free to attend. SWANNANOA VALLEY MUSEUM 223 W State St., Black Mountain, 828-669-9566, history. swannanoavalleymuseum. org • FR (7/13), 11:30am12:30pm - Book Club: Affrilachia by Frank X Walker. Free.


MAGNETIC 375 375 Depot St., themagnetictheatre. org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/14) - Some Things You Should Know Before The World Ends (A Final Evening with the Illuminati), by Larry Larson and Levi Lee and directed by Rodney Smith. Thurs.Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $12-$16. • SU (7/14), 2pm Staged reading of What Happens After Manhatten, by the Magnetic Theatre Company. $5. • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (7/19) through (7/29) - Bugs!, musical. Thurs. & Fri.: 7pm. Sat. & Sun.: 1pm. Sat.: 4pm. Sun. (7/22), 4pm. $23/$12 students. MONTFORD PARK PLAYERS 828-254-5146, montfordparkplayers. org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/4), 7:30pm - Robin Hood, the Legend of Sherwood. Free. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. ODDITORIUM 1045 Haywood Road, 828-575-9299, ashevilleodditorium. com/ • SU (7/15), 9pm "Tanya Solomon: Truth Assassin," one-woman magic show. $10. SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REPERTORY THEATRE

FLAT ROCK PLAYHOUSE DOWNTOWN 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 828-693-0731, • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (7/15) - Aladdin Jr., based on the animated Disney film. Thurs. & Sun.: 3pm. Fri. & Sat, (7/13) & (7/14).: 2pm & 4pm. $14-$28.

828-689-1239, • THURSDAY through SUNDAY, (7/12) until (7/15) - Working: The Musical. Thurs. & Fri.: 7:30pm. Sat. & Sun.: 2:30pm. $25-$30. Held at Owens Theatre, 44 College St., Mars Hill

HISTORIC JOHNSON FARM 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, 828-891-6585, • FR (7/13), 11:30am - Historical presentation on the life of General Robert E. Lee performed by Nora Brooks. $5/$3 students.

34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 828-859-8322, • THURSDAY through SUNDAY (7/19) until (7/22) - James and the Giant Peach, performance by Tryon Youth Summer Theater. Thurs.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 3pm. $22/$11 students.


GALLERY DIRECTORY ART AT MARS HILL UNIVERSITY • Through FR (8/10) - Art & Manufacturing, exhibition. Held at Mars Hill University, Weizenblatt Gallery, 79 Cascade St., Mars Hill • Through TU (7/31) - The War From Above: William Barnhill and Aerial Photography of World War I, exhibition. Held at The Ramsey Center in Renfro Library, 100 Athletic St,, Mars Hill • Through MO (12/31) - A Cabinet of Curiosities, exhibition featuring examples of rural Southern Appalachian farm and household artifacts. Held at Rural Heritage Museum at Mars Hill, 100 Athletic St., Mars Hill • TH (7/12) through FR (8/31) Where We Worked: the Place of Employment in Madison County, photography exhibition. Held at Mars Hill University, Weizenblatt Gallery, 79 Cascade St., Mars Hill ART AT WCU 828-227-2787, • Through FR (12/7) - Glass Catalyst: Littleton’s Legacy in Contemporary Sculpture, exhibition of glass works by and inspired by Harvey Littleton. Held at The WCU Bardo Arts Center, 199 Centennial Drive ART IN THE AIRPORT 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher • Through SU (8/12) Perspective, group exhibition featuring works by Julie Bagamary, Cynthia Decker, Derek DiLuzio, Ivana Larrosa, Hillary Frye, Mary McDermott, Robert LaBerge and Skip Rohde. ASHEVILLE AREA ARTS COUNCIL 828-258-0710, • Through FR (7/27) - Contemplative Art in the Age of Distraction, exhibition curated by Susana Euston. Held at The Refinery, 207 Coxe Ave. • Through FR (7/27) - Process, group exhibition featuring work by Erica Stankwytch Bailey, Asheville Makers, Bright Angle and Emily Rogstad. Held at The Refinery, 207 Coxe Ave. ASHEVILLE CERAMICS GALLERY 109 Roberts St. • Through TU (7/31) - Exhibition featuring the ceramic work of Julie Covington. Reception: Saturday, July 14, 4-6pm. ASHEVILLE GALLERY OF ART 82 Patton Ave., 828-251-5796, • Through TU (7/31) - Bright and Bold, exhibition featuring the paintings of Bee Adams. CAROLINA MOUNTAIN SALES 10 Brook St., Suite #235 • Through TU (7/31) - Exhibition of paintings by Naomi Diamond Rogers. DOUBLETREE BY HILTON 115 Hendersonville Road • Through FR (8/31) - Exhibition of art work by Mark Holland. GALLERY 1 604 W. Main St., Sylva • Through MO (8/6) - Exhibition of glassworks and paintings by Beth and Ken Bowser.

Presents LOCAL COLOR: Asheville Gallery of Art’s July show, Bright & Bold, highlights the dynamic, colorful paintings of Bee Adams. Her subjects include iconic local landmarks, tobacco barns, florals and abstracts. Before moving to Asheville six years ago, Adams was active in the Denver art scene for over 40 years. The show runs through July 31. Photo of Adams courtesy of Asheville Gallery of Art GOOD SHEPHERD EPISCOPAL CHURCH 495 Herbert Hills Drive, Hayesville • SU (7/15) through SU (7/23) - Sacred Threads, art quilt exhibition. HAEN GALLERY BREVARD 200 King St., Brevard, 828-883-3268, • Through TU (7/31) Celebrating Tim Murray: A Life in Art, exhibition. HAYWOOD COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL 86 N Main St., Waynesville, 828-452-0593, • Through SA (7/28) - Fortyartist member show. HOMEWARD BOUND OF WNC • Through SA (7/31) - I Am Home, art show by homeless to benefit the homeless. Held at Habitat Tavern & Commons, 174 Broadway

MICA FINE CONTEMPORARY CRAFT 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 828-688-6422, • Through WE (8/22) Exhibition of glass work by Colin O'Reilley. MOMENTUM GALLERY 24 North Lexington Ave. • Through WE (8/25) - Dale Chihuly, glass exhibition. • Through SA (8/25) Reflections, group glass exhibition in conjunction with Dale Chihuly exhibit at the Biltmore Estate and the Summer of Glass, featuring works by Thor & Jennifer Bueno, Amber Cowan, Jennifer Halvorson, Alli Hoag, Joanna Manousis, Kit Paulson, Pablo Soto and Tim Tate. • Through SA (8/25) - Therman Statom: Contemporary Glass Pioneer, exhibition. MORA CONTEMPORARY JEWELRY 9 Walnut St., 828-575-2294, • Through TU (7/31) - Exhibition of jewelry by Anna Johnson.

PENLAND SCHOOL OF CRAFTS 67 Doras Trail, Bakersville, 828-765-2359, • Through SU (7/15) - Personal | Universal: Narrative Works in Craft, group exhibition featuring 11 artists.

UPSTAIRS ARTSPACE 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 828-8592828, • Through FR (8/3) - Four Women/Four Journeys, Thoughtful Forms and Holland Van Gores: Polychrome Turnings, three exhibitions featuring 11 artists.


WOOLWORTH WALK 25 Haywood St., 828-254-9234 • Through TU (7/31) - Journeys, exhibition featuring encaustic paintings by Julia Fosson.

348 Depot St., • Through SA (7/28) - Exhibition of recent paintings by Morgan Santander. POSANA CAFE 1 Biltmore Ave., 828-505-3969 • Through TU (7/31) - Food, group art exhibition featuring paintings by over 25 artists in various styles. TOE RIVER ARTS COUNCIL 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine, 828-682-7215, • SA (7/14) through SA (8/18) Clay +, exhibition of clay works by Cynthia Bringle. Reception: Saturday, July 28, 5-7pm.

YMI CULTURAL CENTER 39 South Market St., 828-252-4614, • Through FR (7/13) - Trigger Warning, 21-artist group exhibition on the issue of gun violence in the United States. ZAPOW! 150 Coxe Ave., Suite 101, 828-575-2024, • Through SU (8/18) - Tin to Plastic; The Toys That Made Us, group exhibition. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees

August 16 @ Highland Brewing Details coming soon!


JULY 11 - 17, 2018



TALL TALES: Experimental folk ensemble Faun Fables, led by Renaissance woman Dawn McCarthy (a former yodeler with the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus), channels folklore, theater, literature and mystery. The band’s fifth album, Light of a Vaster Dark, was inspired by writer and Little House on the Prairie-dweller Laura Ingalls Wilder. Songs feature harps, flutes and “percussion like Valkyries,” according to the band’s bio. Faun Fables’ avant-garde performances bring puppets and props to the stage. The group’s show at Sly Grog Lounge on Monday, July 16, 8 p.m., includes openers Okapi (intimate orchestrations with satirical messages) and Toybox Theatre (local puppetry). Photo courtesy of Mandy McGee WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 185 KING STREET Vinyl Night, 6:00PM 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Les Amis (African folk), 8:00PM ARCHETYPE BREWING Archetype Record Club presents: Crates and Barrels Vol. 2, 6:00PM Crates & Barrels Vol 2: Record Swap & Vinyl DJ Night, 6:00PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Open Mic hosted by Marc Bumgarner, 7:00PM CORK & KEG 3 Cool Cats, 7:30PM DOUBLE CROWN New Orleans Country w/ Okay Crawdad, Sabine Mccalla, Chris Acker & DJ David Wayne Gay, 9:00PM ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Isis Lawn Series: Kent Spillman & Friends, 6:30PM The Nouveaux Honkies, 7:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Old Time Jam, 5:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim, 10:00PM


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


LOBSTER TRAP Cigar Brothers, 6:30PM MG ROAD Salsa Night, 8:00PM NOBLE KAVA Open Mic w/ Caleb Beissert (sign-ups at 7:30pm), 8:00PM ODDITORIUM Synergy Story Slam , 7:00PM OLE SHAKEY'S Sexy Tunes w/ DJ's Zeus & Franco, 10:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Evil Note Lab , (Ableton push jam) , 9:30PM ONE WORLD BREWING Kelly Hoppenjans (indiefolk, rock), 7:00PM White Coyote (old time, bluegrass, folk), 9:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING WEST Flint Blade (looping artist), 8:00PM ORANGE PEEL Bowling for Soup w/ Not UR Girlfrenz, 9:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY French Broad Mountain Valley Acoustic Jam, 6:30PM

SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BREWERY Jazz Night hosted by Jason DeCristofaro, 7:00PM THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Ashley Beach & The Odd Ditties w/ Ghost Diver (acoustic rock n' roll), 8:30PM THE GREY EAGLE A Film in Color w/ Luxury Club & Secret Shame, 8:00PM

AUX BAR Phantom Pantone & Friends (G house, trap, rap), 10:00PM AMBROSE WEST Dirty Dead (Dead tribute), 8:00PM ASHEVILLE GUITAR BAR Will Ray & The Space Cooties, 7:30PM BANKS AVE Bass Jumpin w/ DJ Audio, 9:00PM

THE IMPERIAL LIFE The Berlyn Jazz Trio , 9:00PM

BARLEY'S TAPROOM & PIZZERIA Alien Music Club (jazz), 9:00PM

THE MOTHLIGHT Khandroma w/ Shane Parish & Lunar Creature , 9:30PM

BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Bluegrass Jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8:00PM

TOWN PUMP Open Jam w/ Billy Presnell, 9:00PM


TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES JJ Kitchen All Star Jam (blues, soul), 9:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Jazz Night: 7:30PM

THURSDAY, JULY 12 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8:00PM

CAPELLA ON 9@THE AC HOTEL Capella on 9 w/ Lincoln McDonald, 8:00PM CORK & KEG Ash Devine & Susan Pepper, 7:00PM CROW & QUILL Carolina Catskins (gritty ragtime jazz), 9:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Rock 'n' Roll Vinyl w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10:00PM



DROP OF SUN STUDIOS Goldfeather & Sprouse (indie), 7:00PM FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Paper Crowns (rock, soul), 9:00PM


FUNKATORIUM White Coyote, 8:30PM

SLY GROG LOUNGE Fifty Year Flood, 8:00PM

ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Isis Lawn Series: Upland Drive, 6:30PM Zoe Mulford w/ Emily Mure, 7:00PM

THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Early Jazz Jam w/ Micah Thomas & Friends , 5:30PM Flint Blade (beatbox, psychedelic one man band), 8:00PM

JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Bluegrass Jam, 7:00PM

THE GREY EAGLE Patio Show w/ Andy Ferrell, 6:00PM The Felice Brothers w/ Twain, 9:00PM

LAZY DIAMOND Heavy Vinyl Night w/ DJ Butch, 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Hank Bones, 6:30PM

THE IMPERIAL LIFE The Burger Kings (classic rock n' roll), 9:00PM

NOBLE KAVA Ping Pong Tournament, 8:00PM

THE MOTHLIGHT Cut Worms w/ Shy Boys, 9:30PM

ODDITORIUM Party Foul: Drag Circus, 9:00PM

TOWN PUMP Shred the Kidd, 9:00PM

OLE SHAKEY'S Karaoke w/ Franco, 10:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Mitch's Totally Rad Trivia, 7:00PM The Lambsbread, 10:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING Ryan Hutchens (American folk, bluegrass, and gospel), 9:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING WEST Thursday Funk Jam, 8:00PM ORANGE PEEL Kurt Vile & The Violators w/ Dylan Carlson, 8:00PM

TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Jesse Barry & The Jam (blues, dance), 9:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY David Zoll, 7:00PM W XYZ BAR AT ALOFT WXYZ Unplugged w/ Juan Holliday, 8:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Michael Jefry Stevens, Christian Howes, Asheville String Workshop, 7:30PM

FRIDAY, JULY 13 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Red Hot Sugar Babies (hot jazz), 9:00PM

PACK'S TAVERN Eric Cogdon (acoustic rock), 8:00PM


PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Bobby Miller & Friends, 8:00PM PURPLE ONION CAFE Nikki Talley, 7:00PM

FRENCH BROAD BREWERY Andy Lightning (folk, Americana), 6:00PM



AMBROSE WEST Courtyard Series w/ Dyado (folk, alt-country), 5:30PM


ASHEVILLE GUITAR BAR Vince Junior Band, 8:00PM

ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Isis Lawn Series w/ Fwuit, 6:30PM Violet Bell w/ Lizzy Ross & Omar Ruiz-Lopez, 7:00PM The Lost Chord: Moody Blues Tribute Band – 50th Anniversary of In Search of the Lost Chord, 8:30PM

ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Handmade Moments w/ Christy Lynn Band (folk, soul, hip-hop), 10:00PM BARTACO BILTMORE Phantom Pantone: DJ Collective (tropical house), 5:30PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Acoustic Swing , 7:00PM CAPELLA ON 9@THE AC HOTEL Capella on 9 w/ DJ Zeus, 9:00PM CATAWBA BREWING SOUTH SLOPE Mike Martin Band, 7:00PM CORK & KEG Hot Club of Cullowhee (gypsy jazz), 8:30PM CROW & QUILL Heather Himes & Friends (gritty folk), 9:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Rock 'n' Soul Obscurities w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10:00PM FEED & SEED Blake Ellege & The Country Resonators, 7:30PM FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB West End Trio (folk, jam), 10:00PM FRENCH BROAD BREWERY Crystal Fountains (bluegrass, folk), 6:00PM FUNKATORIUM Bill Mattocks & The Strut , 8:30PM GINGER'S REVENGE Eleanor Underhill , 8:00PM HABITAT TAVERN & COMMONS The Remainders, 9:00PM

JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Uncle Ben's Remedy, 9:00PM


12 THU


















13 14












Asheville’s longest running live music venue • 185 Clingman Ave TICKETS AVAILABLE AT HARVEST RECORDS & THEGREYEAGLE.COM

JARGON The Likemind Trio (jazz), 10:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Hot 'n' Nasty Night w/ DJs Jasper & Chrissy (rock & soul), 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Calico Moon , 6:30PM MAD CO BREW HOUSE Momma Molasses, 6:00PM MOE'S ORIGINAL BBQ WOODFIN Travis Bowlin, 7:00PM NOBLE KAVA Comedy Night w/ Tom Scheve, 9:00PM ODDITORIUM Jackson Harem, White Oak Splits (rock) 9:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam acoustic, 5:30PM RKIII, 10:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING The Posey Quintet , 9:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING WEST Roots and Dore Band (blues), 8:00PM ORANGE PEEL Dirty Soul Revival w/ Mindshapefist & Tombstone Highway, 8:00PM


THU 7/12 FRI 7/13 SAT 7/14 SUN 7/15


ON The Lambsbread - [Reggae] $ RKIII - [Livetronica] FUX - [Jam/Rock] STS9 Official Afterparty w/ Modern Measure - $8




FRI 7/13 - S HOW : 10 pm (D OORS : 9 pm ) - adv . $10

SAT 7/14 - S HOW /D OORS : 10 pm $5 C A $ H S UGGESTED D ONATION


Turntable Tuesday - 10pm




Evil Note Lab

Mitch’s Totally Rad Trivia 6:30pm

F ree Dead F riday



SUNDAY: Bluegrass Brunch

ft. Bald Mountain Boys + Aaron “Woody” Wood and Friends - 10:30am-3pm

7/20 Official DTA5 afterparty w/ Dyanmo Show: 10PM (Doors: 9PM) - Tickets: $10 7/21 Saturday Night Jive Summer Dance Party w/ DJ AVX 7/27 Jahman Brahman w/ TUB 7/28 Saturday Night Jive LYD set w/ DJ Marley Carroll 8/2 Envisioned Arts Presents: Kursa + Reso TICKETS & FULL CALENDAR AVAILABLE AT ASHEVILLEMUSICHALL.COM


@OneStopAVL JULY 11 - 17, 2018


C LUBLAND PACK'S TAVERN DJ MoTo (dance hits, pop), 9:30PM PILLAR ROOFTOP BAR Rhonda Weaver & The Soul Mates, 7:00PM PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Punch Brothers w/ Madison Cunningham (bluegrass), 7:00PM

North Carolina’s First Cider Bar Family Owned & Operated Seasonal, craft-made hard ciders and tasting-room delights from local farmers & artisans.

Weekly Specials: Sunday: $1 off Dips Monday: $2 off Flagship Growlers

Tuesday: $1 off cider & beer pints • Live Music by Billy Litz




Wednesday: 1/2 off Bottles of Wine • Wiener Wednesdays 210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806




Open daily from 4p – 12a



7:00PM – 10:00PM



7:00PM – 10:00PM











309 COLLEGE ST. | DOWNTOWN | (828) 575-1188

w w w. p i l l a r a v l . c o m 48

JULY 11 - 17, 2018



TUES-SUN 5PM-until 743 HAYWOOD RD 828-575-2737

SALVAGE STATION Same As It Ever Was (Talking Heads tribute), 9:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Carrie Morrison, 4:30PM Strange Avenues, 8:00PM SLY GROG LOUNGE The Super Spoopy Run: Chaos Among Cattle Til We Ignite I, The Supplier SoulSeason Vinyl Cinematic, 8:00PM THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Friday Latin Nights w/ DJ Victor , 9:30PM THE IMPERIAL LIFE Phantom Pantone DJ Collective (house, hiphop), 10:00PM

ASHEVILLE GUITAR BAR Swing Step Band, 8:00PM ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Saturday Night Jive w/ Robbie Dude, 10:00PM BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Daniel Shearin (Americana), 7:30PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Gene Holdway, 7:00PM CAPELLA ON 9@THE AC HOTEL Capella on 9 w/ Special Affair, 9:00PM CATAWBA BREWING SOUTH SLOPE Hearts Gone South, 7:00PM CHESTNUT JAZZ BRUNCH, 11:00AM
CORK & KEG The Barsters, 8:30PM CROW & QUILL Laurel Lee & the Escapees (honky tonk), 9:00PM DISTRICT WINE BAR Saturday Night Rock Show, 10:00PM

THE MOTHLIGHT Daydream Creatures Album Release Show w/ Glass Bricks, 9:30PM

DOUBLE CROWN Soul Motion Dance Party w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 10:00PM

TOWN PUMP Big Dawg Slingshots, 9:00PM

FLEETWOOD'S Knives & Daggers w/ Lawndry & Hari, 9:00PM

TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Lenny Pettinelli (evergreens), 7:30PM Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (funk, blues, soul), 10:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Cyndi Lou & The Want To (honky-tonk/classic country), 9:00PM W XYZ BAR AT ALOFT WXYZ Electric w/ Captain EZ, 8:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8:00PM

FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Snozzberries (jam, funk), 10:00PM FRENCH BROAD BREWERY Trail of the Lonesome (folk, rock), 6:00PM HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Devils in Dust, 7:00PM HILLMAN BEER Saturday Sounds w/ Jackdaw's 7, 7:00PM HOPEY & CO 3 Cool Cats, 8:00PM

WINE & OYSTER Rebecca O’Quinn, 7:00PM

ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Reggie Harris, 7:00PM Beth Snapp w/ Rebecca Haviland & Whiskey Heart, 9:00PM


JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Big Dawg Slingshot, 9:00PM

5 WALNUT WINE BAR Shabudikah (soul, funk), 9:00PM AMBROSE WEST Courtyard Series w/ Keef Harry & Hannah Hoyt (acoustic duo), 5:30PM Jeff Sipe, 8:00PM

JARGON The Pam Jones Trio (jazz), 10:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Rock 'n' Roll Vinyl w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Sean Mason Trio , 6:30PM

MG ROAD Late Night Dance Parties w/ DJ Lil Meow Meow, 10:00PM

TWISTED LAUREL Phantom Pantone DJ Collective (hip hop, top 40s), 11:00PM


UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Dirty Dead (Grateful Dead tribute act), 9:00PM

ODDITORIUM Pleasures of the Ultraviolent Welcome Home Show (punk), 9:00PM

W XYZ BAR AT ALOFT WXYZ Live w/ Drayton & Friends, 8:00PM



ONE WORLD BREWING Crystal Fountains (bluegrass) , 9:00PM

WINE & OYSTER Jason DeCristofaro, 7:00PM

ONE WORLD BREWING WEST OWB West: Benjo & Friends (bluegrass), 9:00PM PACK'S TAVERN Flashback (classic rock, hits), 9:30PM PILLAR ROOFTOP BAR Up Jumped Three, 7:00PM PISGAH BREWING COMPANY STS9 w/ Cofresi (electronic, jam, psychedelic), 5:30PM PURPLE ONION CAFE The Lonesome Road Band, 7:00PM SALVAGE STATION Lucero, 9:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY ACLU Cash Bail System Benefit, 12:30PM Shawn Taylor, 3:00PM Another Country Band, 8:00PM SLY GROG LOUNGE Armadilla w/ The Remarks & Billingsly, 9:00PM THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Youth OUTright's Drag Brunch , 11:00AM Saturday Salsa & Latin Dance Party Night w/ DJ Edi Fuentes, 9:30PM THE GREY EAGLE Somewhat Petty: A Tom Petty Tribute , 8:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Turn Up For Progress90's Themed Dance Party, 9:00PM TOWN PUMP Max Gross Weight, 9:00PM TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Lenny Pettinelli (evergreens), 7:30PM Free Flow (funk, soul), 10:00PM

SUNDAY, JULY 15 185 KING STREET Sunday Sessions Open Electric Jam , 4:00PM 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Ryan Furstenberg (Americana), 7:00PM

TAVERN Downtown on the Park Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 14 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night THE SUNDAY SOCIAL LUB C IC ON THE P MUS ATIO @ 4:30PM

THU. 7/12 Eric Cogdon (acoustic rock)

FRI. 7/13 DJ MoTo

(dance hits, pop)

SAT. 7/14 Flashback

(classic rock, hits)

ASHEVILLE GUITAR BAR Musicians Jam & Pot Luck, 3:30PM ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL STS9 Official After Party w/ Modern Measure , 11:00PM

20 S. Spruce St. • 225.6944

BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Larry Dolamore , 7:00PM CATAWBA BREWING SOUTH SLOPE Ashley Heath, 6:00PM CORK & KEG Vollie & Kari and the Western Wildcats, 4:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10:00PM FUNKATORIUM Bluegrass Brunch w/ Gary Macfiddle, 11:00AM ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Shared Madness, 5:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Traditional Irish/Celtic Jam, 3:00PM JARGON Sunday Blunch w/ Albi Podrizki (American swing), 11:00AM LAZY DIAMOND Punk Night w/ DJ Chubberbird, 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Phil Alley, 6:30PM NOBLE KAVA Reggae Sundays, 4:00PM ODDITORIUM Magic Show, 9:00PM


JULY 11 - 17, 2018


CLU B LA N D ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Bluegrass Brunch - Every Sunday hosted by Aaron Woody Wood, 10:30AM ORANGE PEEL Jenny Lewis w/ The Cactus Blossoms, 9:00PM

AVL Sister Cities Presents

World Wide Wednesdays Celebrating Saumur, France with French Wine & Food

Wednesday, 7/18 • 7-9pm • Donations 39 S. Market St. •

PACK'S TAVERN Sunday Social Club, 4:30PM PILLAR ROOFTOP BAR Open Mic Night w/ Laura Blackley & Emily Berk, 7:00PM PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Pisgah Sunday Jam, 6:00PM STS9 w/ Desert Dwellers (electronic, jam, psychedelic), 6:30PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Ryan Hutchens, 3:00PM SLY GROG LOUNGE Sly Grog Open Mic, 7:00PM

828-575-9622 356 new leicester hwy asheville, nc 28806

THE GREY EAGLE Patio Show w/ The Knotty G's, 4:00PM Dirty Logic (Steely Dan tribute), 7:00PM THE IMPERIAL LIFE Phantom Pantone DJ Collective (house, soul, hip hop), 8:00PM THOMAS WOLFE AUDITORIUM Heather Land: I Ain't Doin' it, 7:00PM TOWN PUMP Primitive Studio Band, 9:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Take Back The House w/ Rhoda Weaver & The perSisters, 6:00PM

THU 7/12



SAT 7/14

SAT 7/14

Dirty Dead [Dead Tribute]



[Folk, Alt-Country]


Jeff Sipe’s Electric Buddha Ft. Mike Barnes DOORS: 7PM / SHOW: 8PM


Courtyard Open – Bring Food, Fam and Friends for early show & stay for evening!

828-332-3090 312 HAYWOOD RD, WEST ASHEVILLE 50

JULY 11 - 17, 2018


MONDAY, JULY 16 185 KING STREET Open Mic hosted by Christ Whitmire, 6:00PM 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Siamese Sound Club (R&B, soul, jazz), 8:00PM ASHEVILLE GUITAR BAR Classical Guitar Mondays, 7:30PM CATAWBA BREWING SOUTH SLOPE Open Mic hosted by Jon Edwards, 6:00PM FLEETWOOD'S Sour Widows & Sweet Baby Jules, 8:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB QUIZZO Trivia & Open Mic, 7:30PM LOBSTER TRAP Bobby Miller & Friends, 6:30PM NOBLE KAVA Stage Fright Open Mic (sign-ups at 7:30pm), 8:00PM

ODDITORIUM Risque Monday Burlesque w/ Deb Au Nare, 9:00PM OLE SHAKEY'S Live Band Honky Tonk Karaoke, 9:00PM PILLAR ROOFTOP BAR Christina Chandler, 7:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Takes All Kinds Open Mic Night, 7:00PM SLY GROG LOUNGE Faun Fables w/ Okapi and Toybox Theatre, 8:00PM THE GREY EAGLE Open Mic Night, 6:00PM

LOBSTER TRAP Jay Brown, 6:30PM NOBLE KAVA Open Jam, 8:00PM ODDITORIUM Open Mic Comedy Hosted by Tom Peters, 9:00PM OLE SHAKEY'S Booty Tuesday w/ DJ Meow Meow (rap, trap, hip-hop), 10:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Turntable Tuesday, 10:00PM

THE IMPERIAL LIFE Ghost Pipe Trio (jazz), 9:00PM

SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Taco and Trivia Tuesday, 6:00PM

THE WINE & OYSTER Blue Monday: Jazz & Blues Open Mic hosted by Linda Mitchell, 6:30PM

SLY GROG LOUNGE Uncle Kurtis & The Styrofoam Turtles, 7:00PM

TOWN PUMP White Coyote, 9:00PM

THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Swing Asheville & Jazz-n-Justice Tuesday Community Jazz Jam w/ The Low Down Sires, 8:00PM

TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES R&B Jam with Ryan Barber (r&b, soul, funk), 9:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Monday Bluegrass Jam hosted by Sam Wharton, 7:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Jay Brown, Bill Altork, Charles Welch, 7:00PM

TUESDAY, JULY 17 5 WALNUT WINE BAR The John Henrys (hot jazz), 8:00PM ASHEVILLE GUITAR BAR Brad Hodge & Friends, 8:00PM ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Tuesday night funk jam, 11:00PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Billy Litz, 7:00PM CORK & KEG Old Time Moderate Jam, 5:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Tuesday Grooves (international vinyl) w/ DJs Chrissy & Arieh, 10:00PM ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Tuesday Bluegrass Sessions hosted by Berachah Valley, 7:30PM

THE MARKET PLACE RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Rat Alley Cats, 7:00PM TOWN PUMP Otto & the Moaners, 9:00PM TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Early Funk Jam hosted by JP & Lenny (funk, jazz), 9:00PM TWIN LEAF BREWERY Team Trivia Tuesday, 8:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Open Mic Night, 6:30PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Irish Jam, 6:30PM Open Mic, 8:30PM

WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 185 KING STREET Vinyl Night, 6:00PM

ISIS MUSIC HALL & KITCHEN 743 Isis Lawn Series: West End Trio, 6:30PM Flagship Romance, 7:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Old Time Jam, 5:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim, 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Cigar Brothers, 6:30PM MG ROAD Salsa Night, 8:00PM NOBLE KAVA Open Mic w/ Caleb Beissert (sign-ups at 7:30pm), 8:00PM ODDITORIUM Malevich (punk), 9:00PM OLE SHAKEY'S Sexy Tunes w/ DJ's Zeus & Franco, 10:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Disclaimer Lounge Comedy Open Mic, 9:00PM Evil Note Lab, 9:00PM PILLAR ROOFTOP BAR Jason Whitaker, 7:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY French Broad Mountain Valley Acoustic Jam, 6:30PM SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BREWERY Jazz Night hosted by Jason DeCristofaro, 7:00PM THE GREY EAGLE Joywave & Grandson, 8:00PM THE IMPERIAL LIFE The Berlyn Jazz Trio, 9:00PM

5 WALNUT WINE BAR Les Amis (African folk), 8:00PM

THE MOTHLIGHT Spindrift w/ Cadavernous, 9:30PM

BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Open Mic hosted by Billy Owens, 7:00PM

TOWN PUMP Open Jam w/ Billy Presnell, 9:00PM

CORK & KEG 3 Cool Cats, 7:30PM

JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Honky Tonk Jam, 7:00PM Nikki Talley, 7:00PM

DOUBLE CROWN Drayton Aldridge & the All-Nighters, DJ David Wayne Gay, 9:00PM

LAZY DIAMOND Rock 'n' Metal Karaoke w/ KJ Paddy, 10:00PM

FLEETWOOD'S Post Moves, Wes Tirey & Boy Band, 9:00PM

TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES JJ Kitchen All Star Jam (blues, soul), 9:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Jazz Night: Up Jumped Three, 7:30PM




Evangeline Lilly and Paul Rudd reunite with director Adam Peyton for a small-scale superhero sequel with a big heart

Ant-Man and the Wasp HHHH

DIRECTOR: Peyton Reed PLAYERS: Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Douglas, Michael Peña, Walton Goggins, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Pfeiffer SUPERHERO ACTION COMEDY RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, current AntMan Scott Lang reteams with new Wasp Hope Van Dyne and original Ant-Man Hank Pym to rescue original Wasp Janet Van Dyne from the Quantum Realm. THE LOWDOWN: A fun — and funny — superhero spectacle that tactfully avoids getting bogged down in mythology and epic stakes. I’m starting to feel like Disney is doing to movies what casual-dining chain restaurants did to the American culinary scene — don’t want to eat

at an inexplicably Australian-themed steakhouse? Why not try the same company’s seafood restaurant? It’s on the same interstate off-ramp. Don’t like Solo? Here, have some Ant-Man and shut up already. But even as weary as I’ve grown of Disney’s and Marvel’s painfully predictable proficiency — and my fatigue is only likely to deepen if their acquisition of Fox goes through — Ant-Man and the Wasp is still a refreshing change of pace following the stolid cynicism of Avengers: Infinity War. As was true of director Peyton Reed’s prior entry in the MCU canon, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a far more upbeat story operating on a smaller scale than its counterparts (if you’ll forgive some light shrink punning). Unlike 2015’s Ant-Man, this time Reed isn’t laboring under a cloud of fan backlash at the departure of Edgar Wright from that film’s helm, meaning that Ant-Man and the Wasp should ostensibly be easier to judge on the basis of its own merits

without the burden of speculation over what could’ve been. And what winds up on the screen has plenty to recommend it, with Reed recapturing the comedic tone and human element that made the previous film such a surprising crowd-pleaser. This time around the focus is shifted from Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang to a story more generally rooted in family dynamics as much as superhero spectacle. The premise revolves around Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) and father Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) renewing their efforts to rescue the former’s mother and the latter’s wife, Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) from the Quantum Realm. The details of how she became trapped there were covered via flashback in the first Ant-Man, but they’re recounted more fully here for anyone who might have missed that one. What’s important, though, is that it sets up the core emotional drama, an examination of daddy-daughter bonds that reverberate through multiple relationships in the film. Despite Ant-Man and the Wasp’s central familial drama, it still sports the requisite action set pieces that define the superhero subgenre, and they’re some of the most inventive and technically polished in the MCU to date. The visual effects work here is nothing short of remarkable, from Pym’s shrinking office building that could double as a carry-on bag to the nearly flawless de-ageing of Pfeiffer and Douglas in a flashback sequence. Under Reed’s ministrations, the conjunction of his background as a comedy director and the massive digital artistry resources at his disposal leads to some of the most effective visual gags in recent memory. Is Ant-Man and the Wasp a lifechanging, must-see movie? Absolutely not. Does it impact the status quo of the MCU the way that Infinity War did? Also no, but don’t skip the midcredits stinger. Sure, it may lack the element of surprise that benefited its predecessor, but it shares the lighthearted sense of understatement that distinguished Ant-Man from other films of its ilk. It’s an upbeat, funny and engaging picture that seamlessly blends humor and heart, spectacle and sentiment, all without taking itself too seriously. It’s not a three-Michelin-

MAX RATING Xpress reviews virtually all upcoming movies, with two or three of the most noteworthy appearing in print. You can find our online reviews at This week, they include: ANT-MAN 2



star experience, but it’s better than a Bloomin’ Onion. Rated PG-13 for some sci-fi action violence. Now Playing at AMC River Hills 10, Carolina Cinemark, Regal Biltmore Grande, Epic of Hendersonville, The Strand Waynesville. REVIEWED BY SCOTT DOUGLAS JSDOUGLAS22@GMAIL.COM


JULY 11 - 17, 2018




The First Purge HHS DIRECTOR: Gerard McMurray PLAYERS: Y’lan Noel, Lex Scott Davis, Jovian Wade, Steve Harris, Marisa Tomei, Rotimi Paul HORROR RATED R THE STORY: A young woman must save her teen brother from violent civilians and government goons as the first experiment in temporary lawlessness gets underway. THE LOWDOWN: A tepid prequel that contributes color — but not much else — to the popular politically minded torture porn franchise. Have you been dying to know how the first Purge happened? I have — but not in the narrative sense. I don’t much care what sort of backstory might have led to Ethan Hawke holing up in a suburban McMansion five years ago. No, I’m more interested in how The First Purge happened from a production standpoint. Is there really sufficient consumer demand for these things to continue to pop up with biennial regularity? Is that the world we live in? I guess it’s Jason Blum’s cinematic hellscape now, and we’re just paying rent every other year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that Blumhouse exists — it has consistently turned out some of the most interesting genre films of the last decade. With that in mind, I must also begrudgingly accept the repetitive doldrums of reviewing a Purge movie every couple of years, since that seems to be how Blumhouse foots the bill for some of the riskier productions on its slate. So if The First Purge — really the fourth Purge, but who’s counting? — rakes in a boatload of cash, I can’t complain too strenuously. However, as some of you may have surmised, I’m going to anyway. Set in a dystopian future closer to our present reality than the prior Purge films, The First Purge details the initial experiment devised by America’s fascist overlords, the New Founding Fathers, to allow citizens a one-night, consequence-free anarchic


JULY 11 - 17, 2018

crime spree in the name of some nebulous social catharsis. Here we see the concept’s originator (a severely underutilized Marissa Tomei) setting up the first free-for-all, a voluntary night of purging on Staten Island in which participants are rewarded with a little cash for their troubles. Caught between the government’s nefarious plans to help poor people kill each other off and those same people’s desire to escape their state of disenfranchisement are some of the most thinly characterized black stereotypes this side of a Wayans Brothers movie. We’ve got the well-meaning drug kingpin, his virtuous but tough-as-nails exgirlfriend with an activist streak and her innocent younger brother drifting into a life of crime to help make ends meet. If the abysmal Meet the Blacks was the black Purge parody, The First Purge is the franchise’s full-on blaxploitation response. Political commentary has always been a hallmark of the Purge series, and here it’s at its most overt. If 2013’s The Purge was about whiteflight anxieties, The First Purge is the Black Lives Matter counterpoint. It strains to touch on every pertinent social hot-button from torch-toting, Charlottesville-style white nationalists to Nazis and Klansmen, with a particularly clunky Trumpian crotchgrab gag thrown in for good measure — all that’s missing is a few Pepe the Frog memes. But as The First Purge tries harder and harder to prove how woke it is, it only comes across as increasingly racist and tone-deaf, despite its predominantly black cast and black director Gerard McMurray. This might come down to veteran Purge writer and noted white dude James DeMonaco, but it could just as easily be attributed to the fact that The First Purge was always meant to be exploitative, disposable summer counterprogramming that nobody put all that much thought into. And in that regard, The First Purge more or less hits its mark — but as with the other films in the series, I walked out of this one mystified that a series of movies whose entire premise is based on the concept of catharsis offers so little of it to the audience. Rated R for strong disturbing violence throughout, pervasive language, some sexuality and drug use. Now Playing at AMC River Hills 10, Carolina Cinemark, Regal Biltmore Grande, Epic of Hendersonville. REVIEWED BY SCOTT DOUGLAS JSDOUGLAS22@GMAIL.COM


by Edwin Arnaudin |

SPONTANEOUS SCORING: Geologist, left, of Animal Collective will team with local musicians Michael Flanagan and Adam McDaniel for an improvised score to Ingmar Bergman’s Persona on July 14 at Revolve. Photo by Tom Andrew • The Musical Matinees weekly summer film series continues at the Columbus Public Library, 1289 W. Mills St., Columbus, on Friday, July 13, at 1 p.m. with Pitch Perfect. Free. • Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St., continues its Phenomenal Friday Fantasy Films series on July 13, at 3 p.m. with The Neverending Story. Complimentary popcorn and drinks will be provided. Free. • Asheville Parks & Recreation continues its Movies in the Park series on Friday, July 13, at Pack Square Park, 80 Court Plaza, with a screening of Ghostbusters (1984). Children’s craft activities begin at 6:30 p.m., and the film begins at dusk. Attendees are asked to bring their own chairs, blankets and snacks. Free. • Revolve, 821 Riverside Drive, No. 179, pays tribute to Ingmar Bergman’s 100th birthday on Saturday, July 14, at 9 p.m. with a live rescoring of the director’s Persona. The musical accompaniment will be improvised by Geologist of Animal Collective, Michael Flanagan and Adam McDaniel. Tickets are $10

FILM BLACK MOUNTAIN COLLEGE MUSEUM & ARTS CENTER 828-350-8484, • WE (7/12), 7pm -Celebration of Black Mountain College alumnus Arthur Penn with a screening of Bonnie and

Clyde. $10/$8 members. Held at Fine Arts Theatre, 36 Biltmore Ave. HENDERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville, 828-697-4725 • WE (7/11), 2-4:30pm Darkest Hour, film screening. Free.

for reserved seats and $5 standing room only, and available online. • Hi-Wire Brewing, 2 Huntsman Place, continues its Summer of Will film series, featuring movies starring Will Ferrell, on Saturday, July 14, at 8:30 p.m. with Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. The parking lot of the brewery’s Big Top facility will be transformed into an outdoor movie theater for the rain-or-shine event. Attendees are asked to bring their own lawn chairs, blankets and other comfortable seating. Free. • Grail Moviehouse, 45 S. French Broad Ave., celebrates the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine with screenings of the animated film on Saturday, July 14, at 2 p.m., and Sunday, July 15, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available online and at the Grail box office. • The Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave., continues its Summer Movie Series on Monday, July 16, at 8 p.m. with The Big Lebowski. Popcorn, candy and beverages will be available for purchase. Free to attend.  X

HENDERSONVILLE MOVIES IN THE PARK recreation/parks/ jacksonpark.html • FR (7/13), 8pm- Jumanji, outdoor film screening. Bring a chair or blanket. Concessions available. Free. Held in Jackson Park, 801 Glover St., Hendersonville

MOVIES IN THE PARK • FR (7/13), 6:30pm Outdoor, family-friendly movie showing of Ghostbusters. Kids crafts begin at 6:30pm, movie at dusk. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St.


Boundaries (Unconfirmed at presstime; check theater listings) Indy family-dramadey from writer/ director Shana Feste, starring Vera Farmiga as a harried single mother who reluctantly takes her pot-dealing estranged father (Christopher Plummer) to live with her sister in exchange for his help with her troubled son. Early reviews mixed. (R)

Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Animated kids’ sequel from writer/director Genndy Tartakovsky, with the voice talents of Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez, Andy Samberg, Kevin James, David Spade, Steve Buscemi, Fran Drescher, Keegan-Michael Key, Molly Shannon, Fran Drescher, Kathryn Hahn, Jim Gaffigan and Mel Brooks. According to the studio: “Join our favorite monster family as they embark on a vacation on a luxury monster cruise ship so Drac can take a summer vacation from providing everyone else’s vacation at the hotel. It’s smooth sailing for Drac’s Pack as the monsters indulge in all of the shipboard fun the cruise has to offer, from monster volleyball to exotic excursions, and catching up on their moon tans. But the dream vacation turns into a nightmare when Mavis realizes Drac has fallen for the mysterious captain of the ship, Ericka, who hides a dangerous secret that could destroy all of monsterkind.” Early reviews mixed. (PG)

Skyscraper Action thriller written and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber (Central Intelligence, We’re the Millers). According to the studio: “Global superstar Dwayne Johnson leads the cast of Legendary’s Skyscraper as former FBI Hostage Rescue Team leader and U.S. war veteran Will Sawyer, who now assesses security for skyscrapers. On assignment in Hong Kong he finds the tallest, safest building in the world, The Pearl, suddenly ablaze, and he’s been framed for it. A wanted man on the run, Will must find those responsible, clear his name and somehow rescue his family who is trapped inside the building...above the fire line.” No early reviews. (PG-13)

Sorry to Bother You Sci-Fi comedy from writer/director Boots Riley. According to the studio: “In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, black telemarketer Cassius Green (Lakeith Stanfield) discovers a magical key to professional success, which propels him into a macabre universe of “powercalling” that leads to material glory. But the upswing in Cassius’ career raises serious red flags with his girlfriend Detroit (Tessa Thompson), a performance artist and minimum-wage striver who’s secretly part of a Banksy-style activist collective. As his friends and coworkers organize in protest of corporate oppression, Cassius falls under the spell of his company’s cocaine-snorting CEO Steve Lift (Armie Hammer), who offers him a salary beyond his wildest dreams.” Early reviews positive. (R)


Thanks for voting!

The Phantom Carriage HHHHH

DIRECTOR: Victor Sjöström PLAYERS: Victor Sjöström, Hilda Borgström, Tore Svennberg, Astrid Holm SUPERNATURAL DRAMA Rated NR Easily the best-known work of Swedish silent-era auteur Victor Sjöström, 1921’s The Phantom Carriage still packs a punch. Although most notable for its innovative special effects work, courtesy of cinematographer Julius Jaenzon (credited here under as “J. Julius”), The Phantom Carriage is no slouch in the narrative department. Jaenzon’s use of double exposure perfectly captures the otherworldly, supernatural elements of legendary Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf’s source novel, while Sjöström’s onscreen performance as a drunken wastrel tasked with taking over duties as Death’s emissary opposite Astrid Holm remains as affective today as it would have been a century ago. There’s a reason why this film was one of Ingmar Bergman’s most significant influences, and it remains a must-see for any serious cineaste. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Phantom Carriage on Sunday, July 15, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

Wadjda HHHS

DIRECTOR: Haifaa Al-Mansour PLAYERS: Waad Mohammed, Reem Abdullah, Abdullrahman Al Gohani DRAMA Rated PG Considering the recent recension of Saudi Arabia’s ban on female drivers, it seems like a good time to revisit writer/director Haifaa Al-Mansour’s Wadjda. The first feature film shot in Saudi Arabia, as well as the first to be directed by a woman, this story of a rebellious young Saudi girl trying to buy a bicycle easily bears as much value as a voyeuristic glimpse into the cultural context of its location as it does aesthetic merit. Uneven in places, Al-Mansour’s film nevertheless offers uncommon insight and a sense of grounded characterization that belies its significance as a cultural artifact to foreign audiences. Arabic with English subtitles. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Wadjda on Friday, July 13, at the new Flood Gallery location in Black Mountain, 850 Blue Ridge Road, Unit A-13, Black Mountain.

Mountain Xpress

Winners announced in August Look for the two giant issues MOUNTAINX.COM

JULY 11 - 17, 2018


FREEWILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your key theme right now is growth. Let’s dig in and analyze its nuances. 1. Not all growth is good for you. It may stretch you too far too fast — beyond your capacity to integrate and use it. 2. Some growth that is good for you doesn’t feel good to you. It might force you to transcend comforts that are making you stagnant, and that can be painful. 3. Some growth that’s good for you may meet resistance from people close to you; they might prefer you to remain just as you are and may even experience your growth as a problem. 4. Some growth that isn’t particularly good for you may feel pretty good. For instance, you could enjoy working to improve a capacity or skill that is irrelevant to your long-term goals. 5. Some growth is good for you in some ways and not so good in other ways. You have to decide if the trade-off is worth it. 6. Some growth is utterly healthy for you, feels pleasurable and inspires other people. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You can’t sing with someone else’s mouth, Taurus. You can’t sit down and settle into a commanding new power spot with someone else’s butt. Capiche? I also want to tell you that it’s best if you don’t try to dream with someone else’s heart, nor should you imagine you can fine-tune your relationship with yourself by pushing someone else to change. But here’s an odd fact: You can enhance your possibility for success by harnessing or borrowing or basking in other people’s luck. Especially in the coming weeks. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You wouldn’t attempt to cure a case of hiccups by repeatedly smacking your head against a wall, right? You wouldn’t use an anti-tank rocket launcher to eliminate the mosquito buzzing around your room and you wouldn’t set your friend’s hair on fire as a punishment for arriving late to your rendezvous at the café. So don’t overreact to minor tweaks of fate, my dear Gemini. Don’t overmedicate tiny disturbances. Instead, regard the glitches as learning opportunities. Use them to cultivate more patience, expand your tolerance and strengthen your character.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Lucky vibes are coalescing in your vicinity. Scouts and recruiters are hovering. Helpers, fairy godmothers and future playmates are growing restless waiting for you to ask them for favors. Therefore, I hereby authorize you to be imperious, regal and overflowing with self-respect. I encourage you to seize exactly what you want, not what you’re “supposed” to want. Or else be considerate, appropriate, modest and full of harmonious caution. CUT! CUT! Delete that “be considerate” sentence. The Libra part of me tricked me into saying it. And this is one time when people of the Libra persuasion are allowed to be free from the compulsion to balance and moderate. You have a mandate to be the show, not watch the show. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emily Dickinson wrote 1,775 poems — an average of one every week for 34 years. I’d love to see you launch an enduring, deep-rooted project that will require similar amounts of stamina, persistence and dedication. Are you ready to expand your vision of what’s possible for you to accomplish? The current astrological omens suggest that the next two months will be an excellent time to commit yourself to a Great Work that you will give your best to for the rest of your long life! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): What’s the biggest lie in my life? There are several candidates. Here’s one: I pretend I’m nonchalant about one of my greatest failures; I act as if I’m not distressed by the fact that the music I’ve created has never received the listenership it should it have. How about you, Sagittarius? What’s the biggest lie in your life? What’s most false or dishonest or evasive about you? Whatever it is, the immediate future will be a favorable time to transform your relationship with it. You now have extraordinary power to tell yourself liberating truths. Three weeks from now, you could be a more authentic version of yourself than you’ve ever been.

REA L ESTATE | REN TA L S | R O O M M ATES | SER VI C ES JOB S | A N N OU N CEM ENTS | M I ND, BO DY, SPI R I T CL A SSES & WORKSH OPS | M USI C I ANS’ SER VI C ES PETS | A U TOMOTI VE | X C HANG E | ADULT Want to advertise in Marketplace? 828-251-1333 x111 • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember the Russian proverb: “Doveryai, no proveryai,” trust but verify. When answering classified ads, always err on the side of caution. Especially beware of any party asking you to give them financial or identification information. The Mountain Xpress cannot be responsible for ensuring that each advertising client is legitimate. Please report scams to REAL ESTATE LAND FOR SALE MOUNTAIN ACREAGE FOR SALE BY OWNER Large acreage lots for sale-starting at $19,900, stream front properties, 20 minutes to downtown Asheville. Visit: or call (828) 412-2993 for more information. Shown by appointment only.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Now and then you go through phases when you don’t know what you need until you stumble upon it. At times like those, you’re wise not to harbor fixed ideas about what you need or where to hunt for what you need. Metaphorically speaking, a holy grail might show up in a thrift store. An eccentric stranger may provide you with an accidental epiphany at a bus stop or a convenience store. Who knows? A crucial clue may even jump out at you from a spam email or a reality TV show. I suspect that the next two weeks might be one of those odd grace periods for you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I’m feeling a bit helpless as I watch you messing with that bad but good stuff that is so wrong but right for you. I am rendered equally inert as I observe you playing with the strong but weak stuff that’s interesting but probably irrelevant. I fidget and sigh as I monitor the classy but trashy influence that’s angling for your attention; and the supposedly fast-moving process that’s creeping along so slowly; and the seemingly obvious truth that would offer you a much better lesson if only you would see it for the chewy riddle that it is. What should I do about my predicament? Is there any way I can give you a boost? Maybe the best assistance I can offer is to describe to you what I see.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Reverse psychology” is when you convince people to do what you wish they would do by shrewdly suggesting that they do the opposite of what you wish they would do. “Reverse censorship” is when you write or speak the very words or ideas that you have been forbidden to express. “Reverse cynicism” is acting like it’s chic to express glee, positivity and enthusiasm. “Reverse egotism” is bragging about what you don’t have and can’t do. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to carry out all these reversals, as well as any other constructive or amusing reversals you can dream up.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Psychologist Paul Ekman has compiled an extensive atlas of how emotions are revealed in our faces. “Smiles are probably the most underrated facial expressions,” he has written, “much more complicated than most people realize. There are dozens of smiles, each differing in appearance and in the message expressed.” I bring this to your attention, Virgo, because your assignment in the coming weeks — should you choose to accept it — is to explore and experiment with your entire repertoire of smiles. I’m confident that life will conspire to help you carry out this task. More than at any time since your birthday in 2015, this is the season for unleashing your smiles.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Poet Emily Dickinson once revealed to a friend that there was only one Commandment she ever obeyed: “Consider the Lilies.” Japanese novelist Natsume Sōseki told his English-speaking students that the proper Japanese translation for “I love you” is Tsuki ga tottemo aoi naa, which literally means “The moon is so blue tonight.” In accordance with current astrological omens, Pisces, I’m advising you to be inspired by Dickinson and Sōseki. More than any other time in 2018, your duty in the coming weeks is to be lyrical, sensual, aesthetic, imaginative and festively non-literal.



SUMMER EMPLOYMENT $12.50 an hour, no experience necessary. Perfect summer job for teachers! 1st and 2nd shift positions available. Must be 18 or older, have a HS diploma or equivalent, able to pass a background check and drug screen. Please apply online at www.plicards. com.


CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Business, building, land in Rutherfordton, NC for sale or lease. • Please contact: Sahil Trivedi, Realtor/broker, Wilkinson ERA. 704-7638667.


CANCER (June 21-July 22): I pay tribute to your dizzying courage, you wise fool. I stage-whisper “Congratulations!” as you slip away from your hypnotic routine and wander out to the edge of mysterious joy. With a crazy grin of encouragement and my fist pressed against my chest, I salute your efforts to transcend your past. I praise and exalt you for demonstrating that freedom is never permanent but must be reclaimed and reinvented on a regular basis. I cheer you on as you avoid every temptation to repeat yourself, demean yourself and chain yourself.

JULY 11 - 17, 2018



CONDOS/ TOWNHOMES FOR RENT 1BR/1BA NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOUSE $795/month. With hardwood floors, 1 mile from Downtown Asheville, in very nice North Asheville neighborhood, excellent condition. No pets allowed. 828-252-4334. 2BR/1BA NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOUSE $895/month. With hardwood floors, 1 mile from Downtown Asheville, in very nice North Asheville neighborhood, excellent condition. No pets allowed. 828-252-4334.

COMMERCIAL/ BUSINESS RENTALS MOVIE THEATRE FOR RENT Vintage Event Space for Rent, 1947 Movie Theatre perfect for private Movie Screenings, Corporate Events, Birthdays and Anniversaries. Complete Sound System, Video and Facebook Live Broadcasting. 828-2738250.

SHORT-TERM RENTALS 15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $150/day (2-day minimum), $650/ week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 6589145.

ROOMMATES ROOMMATES NEED A ROOMMATE? will help you find your Perfect Match™ today! (AAN CAN)

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGNER AND ACCESSIBILITY SPECIALIST A-B Tech is currently taking applications for a Full-Time position Instructional Designer and Accessibility Specialist. For more details and to apply: https:// postings/4865 IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR HVAC INSTALLER/GENERAL LABOR/SERVICE TECH • HENDERSONVILLE NC Positions available for helpers, installers and professional HVAC technician including recent graduate of a technical school. Come check us out and talk to our of our managers about how to earn more $$ and work in a great positive environment. contact phone number is 828-585-5535 , ask for Dena or Ricky. Compensation ranges from $ 18 to $ 28 / hr depending on experience. dena@southeastclimatecare. com NOT JUST A JOB • A CAREER! Be part of the process control industry! Immediate job openings, full time with benefits. • Assembly • Electronics • Machining • Calibration •Welding •CAD Design. Contact us, go to our website, or come in to apply. MondayFriday, 8am-5pm. Palmer Wahl • 234 Old Weaverville Road, Asheville, NC 28804. (828) 6583131 • FAX (828) 658-0728 •

DRIVERS/ DELIVERY LAUGH, PLAY, ADVENTURE, PEDAL Make your own schedule, full or part-time, great wages! Needed: playful, charismatic, enthusiastic folks who love life, people, and Asheville! Simply pedal folks around downtown on battery-assisted pedicab-rickshaws. www.


experienced advocate for racial and economic equity. Email mail@ or call 828.274.2681 for job details. 8282742681 mail@ CLINICAL TECHNICIANS WANTED • THE WILLOWS AT RED OAK RECOVERY Looking to hire Clinical Technicians for various shifts for our young women’s recovery facility in Fletcher, NC. PRN, Full-Time and Night Shifts available. Responsibilities: • Provide high level of support and care to clients in recovery • Manage client groups of 6-8 people. To Apply: Visit www. employment RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS NEEDED! 2ND AND 3RD SHIFTS! The Residential Counselors work in psychiatric residential treatment programs. The Counselors are responsible for providing a safe and therapeutic environment, teaching anger management, social, and coping skills to the student population, and monitoring the behaviors of the students. This position offers an outlet for creativity with activities and allows staff to bring their strengths and interests to the students in their care. Applicants must be at least 21 and possess a high school diploma or GED. A degree in Human Services and/ or previous relatable work experience is a plus! This is a full-time position with excellent benefits including paid holidays, vacation days, sick pay, health, vision, dental, and life insurance as well as discounts at various businesses! Eliada offers an amazing team focused atmosphere where you are able to learn and grow while making an impact in the lives of at-risk youth. SUWS OF THE CAROLINAS IS HIRING A RECOVERY SUPPORT SPECIALIST SUWS of the Carolinas/Phoenix Outdoor is seeking a full-time Recovery Support Specialist to serve students enrolled in its wilderness program for adolescents with problematic substance abuse. The ideal candidate has training and experience in immersing clients in 12-Stepbased recovery. Recovery Support Specialist – Duties include facilitating 12-Step meetings, processing relapse prevention plans and home agreements, leading psycho-educational groups, conducting webinars for parents, providing staff training and liaising with local recovery community. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. Associates Degree or higher with mental health concentration preferred. Preference given for coursework in 12 Core Functions of Substance Abuse Counseling. Work experience in counseling adolescents struggling with substance abuse/addiction. Familiarity with the 12-Step approach to addiction and 12-Step fellowships. Experience in Adventure, either in a Wilderness Therapy setting or therapeutic expeditions. Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug screen and background check including a motor vehicle record check. Apply at: https://www.suwscarolinas. com/about/careers/


Assistant Director, Graduate Enrollment Assists in identifying, enrolling, and retaining motivated and qualified graduate students. Salaried, exempt, full-time position based at Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Asheville campus in Montford.

TEACHING/ EDUCATION DANCE TEACHER ArtSpace Charter School, a K-8 public school near Asheville, NC, has an opening for an innovative, energetic, Dance Teacher to join its arts integration team in the 2018-2019 school year. Candidates must be willing to work in a collaborative environment and willing to teach various subjects through dance to students in grades Kindergarten through Eight. • A Dance Education degree and NC licensure in dance is required. • Qualified applicants may email their resume and cover letter to: resumes@ with “Dance Teacher” in the subject line.

INTERESTED IN WORKING AT A-B TECH? Full-Time, Part-Time and Adjunct Positions available. Come help people achieve their dreams! Apply for open positions at https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com LEAD TEACHER TODDLER CLASSROOM BMPC Weekday School seeking lead teacher for toddler classroom. Half day, faith based preschool. Contracted August 23rd through May. Hours are 7:45 - 1:15 Monday - Friday. BS in Early Childhood or related field required.

MATH TEACHER NEEDED Shining Rock Classical Academy, a public K-8 charter school in Waynesville, NC is seeking an innovative and highly qualified licensed mathematics teacher for the 2018-2019 school year. Interested applicants should forward a cover letter, resume, copy of NC DPI teaching license, and three references to: jobs@shiningrock. org. TEACHER ASSISTANT FOR 3 YEAR OLD CLASSROOM NEEDED BMPC Weekday School seeking assistant teacher for 3's classroom. Half day, faith based preschool, Position is August 23rd through May. Hours are 7:45 1:15 Monday - Friday. Experience preferred.

ARTS/MEDIA DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT WANTED FOR NONPROFIT ASHEVILLE MUSIC SCHOOL A minimum of four years' fundraising experience, nonprofit arts organization background a plus. Excellent grant writing and management skills; ability to research new funder leads. Send resumes to ryan@ashevillemusicschool. org


HR DATA MANAGEMENT TECHNICIAN A-B Tech is currently taking applications for a FullTime position HR Data Management Technician. For more details and to apply: http://abtcc. postings/4862

SALES/MARKETING INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Aeroflow Healthcare is a dynamic company looking for an Inside Sales Representative looking to grow within the company. Please apply online: y9wcc549

SALON/ SPA SALON BOOTH RENTER WANTED The Parlor salon is looking for a P/T and F/T booth renter. Set your own hours, prices, color line. Product for clients, backbar, coffee bar, magazines, towels, online booking system, and free rent week at xmas all included in your rent. Call Amanda 828-808-0244 or email


ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS LUNG CANCER? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. Call 844-898-7142 for Information. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. (AAN CAN)

CLASSES & WORKSHOPS CLASSES & WORKSHOPS LEARNING LANGUAGES MINDFULLY FREE for adults on Thursday, July 26th @ 10:30am for 2 hours at Firestorm Café and Books. Supporting ourselves and our children in the language learning process. walk-ins welcome.

TRAVEL TRAVEL CHEAP AIRLINE FLIGHTS! We get deals like no other agency. Call today to learn more 800-7670217. (AAN CAN)

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT BODYWORK RELAXATION? MUSCLE SORENESS? WEEKEND WARRIOR? LET ME HELP! Relaxation? Muscle soreness? Weekend Warrior? Let me help! www. Kern Stafford NCLMBT#1358 | 828301-8555 Text is best

COUNSELING SERVICES COUNSELING SERVICES FOR EATING DISORDERS/OTHER LIFE ISSUES Sandie Seigal Ph.D. Licensed psychologist (305) 4390143 with CBT, positive psychology, and mindfulness. Learn to experience greater life fulfillment.



1 Sweet tubers 5 Missouri city, informally 10 Suffix with narc14 Precious stone that has been found on Mars (fun fact!) 15 Start of a quip attributed to British comedian Ken Dodd 16 Sensei’s teaching 17 Modern lead-in to call 18 Speleologist 19 Leggy wader 20 Part 2 of the quip 23 Pipe bend 24 BBC ___ 25 Bundle up 27 Pricy wristwatch 29 Letters on a lotion bottle 32 Buffalo hockey player 33 1975 Best Musical Tony winner, with “The” 35 “You betcha!” 37 It’s not free of charge 38 Part 3 of the quip 43 Howe’er 44 School of whales 45 Crackerjack 46 “Baloney!” 49 Y feature

51 Just as planned 55 Potential Emmy nominee 57 Academic address ender 59 She-bear, in Baja 60 Part 4 of the quip 64 Become too sweet after a while, say 65 John with 56 Top 40 singles in the U.S. 66 Overly fussy 67 Thomas Edison’s middle name 68 End of the quip 69 Entwined 70 ___ greens 71 Declared on a stack of Bibles 72 1974 C.I.A. parody


1 The New ___ (weekly) 2 Creed of Hollywood 3 Old telephone service provider, informally 4 Sow chow 5 Send to attack 6 River crossed by Westminster Bridge 7 Mud 8 What’s within your range?

edited by Will Shortz

9 Otherworldly 10 Algonquian language 11 Locale of many cookie-cutter homes 12 1,049-mile race 13 Pot-scrubbing brand 21 Cause of a bee sting’s sting 22 Reply: Abbr. 26 Implement for confident crossword solvers 28 Source of the milk for pecorino Romano cheese 30 Little person 31 Bank charge 34 Quick turn 36 “Harper Valley ___” (1968 hit) 38 Town in two Dr. Seuss books 39 Kind of off-season baseball “league” 40 Identify on Facebook 41 Jamboree attendee 42 QB Roethlisberger 43 Demolition letters 52 Needing 47 Spend the night in quarters, maybe 48 The ___ Ridge Boys 53 John F. Kennedy (country/gospel and Jimmy quartet) Carter served 50 Many an ex-president’s book in it

No. 0606


54 2018 Super Bowl champs 56 Navigation hazards 58 Al ___ (pasta order)

61 A little dense 62 Other, in Acapulco 63 Hems’ partners 64 Where a truck driver sits


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ENTERTAINMENT DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Call Now: 1-800-373-6508 (AAN CAN)

HOME IMPROVEMENT GENERAL SERVICES DRIVEWAY SEAL COATING Protects pavement and beautifies. Hand applied commercial grade sealer. Also: Painting • Powerwashing • Top quality work • Low prices • Free estimate • 30+ years experience. Call Mark: (828) 2990447.

HANDY MAN HIRE A HUSBAND • HANDYMAN SERVICES Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. Insured. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.

HEATING & COOLING MAYBERRY HEATING AND COOLING Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • • Radiant Floor Heating • • Solar Hot Water • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.

GET TO THE ROOT OF YOUR PROBLEM Nell Corry, LCSW, NCGCll, Certified Primal Therapist. • Deep Feeling Therapy connects you with your inner child, uncovers the source. Heals depression, anxiety, addictions, trauma, PTSD, many other issues. • Call me for free confidential halfhour chat: 828-747-1813.http:// • • DeepFeelingTherapy

Paul Caron

FOR MUSICIANS MUSICAL SERVICES MUSICIANS HEARING PROTECTION We offer custom fitted earplugs that enable you to hear while playing, yet filters harmful decibals. Lots of color and style options! (828) 713-0767. NOW ACCEPTING STUDENTS IN JAZZ PIANO, COMPOSITION, AND IMPROVISATION (ALL INSTRUMENTS). Michael Jefry Stevens, “WNC Best Composer 2016” and “Steinway Artist”, now accepting students in jazz piano, composition, and improvisation (all instruments). 35 years experience. M.A. from Queens College (NYC). Over 90 cds released. 9179161363.

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JULY 11 - 17, 2018



JULY 11 - 17, 2018


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