O U R 2 0 T H Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A V O L . 2 1 N O . 1 J U LY 3 0 - A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 1 4
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wnc's music industry Moogfest will be back... in 2016 | 9
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
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WNC’s music-driven economy is less obvious than its thriving food scene and largely untapped by corporate finance. But musicians, industry professionals and music-related businesses are coming together to build this region on rock ’n’ roll (among many other sounds).
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9 GOING BIENNIAL Moogfest will be back ... in 2016
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11 POETIC INJUSTICE Locals respond to NC’s poet laureate debate
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18 YOGA FOR ONE AND ALL Lifestyle coaching aims for root causes
22 TINY SPACE, BIG FLAVORS — Urban Café adds creative options to downtown’s breakfast-and-lunch scenes
20 OUT OF THE SOIL & INTO THE TANK — Symbiotic systems blend technology and nature
34 ONE-MAN BANJO Tall Tall Trees puts a new spin on an old instrument
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Carpentry by Lucy
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com. STAFF
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MANAGING EDITOR: Margaret Williams A&E EDITOR/WRITER: Alli Marshall
FOOD EDITOR/WRITER: Gina Smith STAFF REPORTERS/WRITERS: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken Hanke CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Tracy Rose
Commentary a disgusting, racist rant Robert Woolley’s commentary (“Profiles in Suspicion,” July 19, Xpress) is a disgusting, racist rant from someone whose worldview is clearly very deeply steeped in white supremacy — a fact of which he seems incomprehensibly oblivious. Woolley seems to have no understanding of the ways the criminal justice system, the police and the prison-industrial complex target people of color, resulting in shockingly disproportionate rates of arrest and incarceration. Mr. Woolley, do yourself and us all a favor and brush up on your Sociology 101. Or, better, please leave town. If not, though, I do at least appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us: we white folks now know that we should feel free to target you and your home for break-ins and burglaries, free of any suspicion on your part. Whitey Ford Asheville
Gorges State Park ranger’s disrespect is ‘sickening’ When I read Joe Stelpflug’s letter [“Beer Tourists, Beware of Gorges State Park,” July 16, Xpress], I was
not at all surprised by the pompous attitude possessed by the Gorges State Park ranger he encountered on the July Fourth holiday. For some reason, in most instances, law enforcement officers believe that a badge gives them an excuse to disrespect and harrass the very people they have sworn to protect and serve and treat them with complete disrespect! If it had been me, my mouth would probably have gotten me put in jail. I’m so sick of their “above the law attitudes,” disrespect for their common man and out and out corruption that seems so commonplace among law enforcement officers these days! And believe me! I’ve had a very difficult time referring to them as law
CORRECTION In the July 23 cover story in Xpress, “Jump Start,” the lead photo featuring CAYLA participants was taken by Eric Howard. In the July 23 story “Unfit for Artistry,” New Belgium did not move out on July 14 as reported; the brewery is in the process of finding a new location for building and salvage materials.
REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Shara Crosby, Dave Gilbert, Jesse Farthing, Alicia Funderburk, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Jayson Im, Cindy Kunst, Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Peterson, DeWitt Robbeloth, Tim Robison, Kim Ruehl, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Megan Kirby GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan Hutchinson ONLINE SALES MANAGER: Jordan Foltz MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB TEAM: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
enforcement officers as I’ve written this letter! Yet, over years and years and years, people just turn their heads the other way! Sickening! Cynthia Tomaszewski Black Mountain
Movie reviews are contradictory OK guys, I get it. I’ve been reading your reviews for a long time now, and I completely understand why you’d like a movie such as Life Itself over a movie such as Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Not enough substance in the summer blockbuster that is Dawn, too many explosions, and where is that last statement — oh, here it is: “That the mere sheen of intelligence in a movie about cartoon apes riding horses and shooting guns is enough to distract from the nonsensical plot and warmed-over bluster of this movie is embarrassing.” Got it. You both hate the summer blockbuster for the stupid nature of the story, script, plot and overuse of explosions and general “silliness.” Why then, for the
Show & Sale • August 1, 2 & 3 Friday & Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 11am-4pm uS Cellular Center (CiviC Center) 87 Haywood Street, downtown aSHeville (uSe HiawaSSee Street entranCe) Very carefully chosen, reputable dealers from throughout the country will offer for sale a wide variety of antiques at reasonable prices.
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love of all that’s holy on this planet, would you EVER describe a movie called, oh wait, it’s here somewhere — Terror of Mechagodzilla as “... we’re talking about men in rubber suits playing giant monsters causing havoc and having smackdowns. This is not weighty stuff, but for the type of movie it is, this is what you’re looking for.” CONTRADICTORY! You can glaze over it all you’d like, but you two need to stick to anything OTHER than movie reviews because I’ve seen this so many times it’s ridiculous. Explosions, fighting and “smackdowns” are OK as long as they’re in a Japanese monster film, but oh no — put them in a 2014 action-driven movie and it’s “silliness.” Adam DeWitte Brevard, NC
Promotion of Roman Polanski film appalling Talk about offending readers. After reading the Movies section, I was appalled that you promote a movie [“Venus in Fur,” July 23, Xpress] directed by a sex criminal, Roman Polanski.
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
DO YOU REMEMBER MOUNTAIN XPRESS IN THE ’90s? WHEN... • Over 300 ardent Green Line supporters — in a pre-Kickstarter effort — helped launch Mountain Xpress? • A crack-smoking rabbit graced Xpress’ inaugural cover? • Weekly issues were just 24 pages? • Area club listings took just over one page, compared to four pages nowadays? • Xpress’ first guide to international cuisine featured just four Asheville restaurants? • Xpress covered Gannett’s purchase of the Asheville CitizenTimes? • The 1995 “Best of WNC” winners included Laughing Seed, Hot Shot Café, Be Here Now, Beanstreets, Chocolate Fetish, Barley’s, Liquid Dragon, Cissy Majebe, Julian Price, Leni Sitnick? If so, help us celebrate Xpress’ 20th anniversary in our Aug. 27 issue! Send us your memories — on paper or by email to PO Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802, or iremember@mountainx.com.
No one should attend the movie Venus in Fur no matter how “great, great” it is or support its nasty director in any way, shape or form. Polanski had to flee the United States hours before sentencing many years ago for sex crimes committed on a minor, including rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious acts upon a child under 14 and furnishing a controlled substance to a minor. The fact that this dirty old man is trying to make a comeback and directs a “great great” movie will never excuse his molestations on a child. Women (and anyone who respects them and children) should protest at the doors of theaters showing this movie. All of us should be offended and angry. How sad that your reviewer either does not know or does not care. To go to this movie is to help Polanski, a convicted sex offender.
Do you really want to do that? Mr. Hanke, you owe readers an apology, but please bless us with no explanation. There isn’t one. Janet Burhoe-Jones Swannanoa
Robert Woolley’s commentary defends racial profiling [Robert] Woolley’s article [“Profiles in Suspicion,” July 16, Xpress], in which he claims “A book’s cover does tell you something,” defends racial profiling with the erroneous argument that minorities commit crimes at higher rates. That’s a broad insult to make without any evidence to back it up. I wish Robert were aware of the insidious, oppressing impact of racial profiling. The officer he quoted was right on when he said race does not make an individual suspicious. I hope that you, Robert, will read something below to help you understand how important it is that you don’t use race in making your “judgment call.” How would you feel if you were routinely treated like a white supremacist just because you have a bald head? Please explore these links to become more educated on the harms of racial profiling: Go to: ywcaofashville.org, then select What we do / Eliminating EYE OPENER Racism / Racial Justice Resources; Look under resources on this page: www.olliasheville.com/diversity-initiative; Read this ACLU article: www. aclu-or.org/blog/racial-profilinghurts-everyone-regardless-color; and consider reading The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander Kris Wallace Asheville
eye see you
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Living Healthy Leader Training Learn more about how you can make a difference in your health AND the health of your community. Support behavioral and perspective shifts that will impact individual and community through this evidence-based health promotion LEADER Training. Dates and Time: August 7,8,14 &15 9am- 5pm each day Cost: No charge with commitment to lead one class in the next 12-months. Lunch and supplies provided.
Location: Eliada Homes, 2 Compton Dr, Asheville, PARC bldg Registration: Required. Space is limited. Contact Rebecca (see below) for details
Contact Rebecca at Land-of-Sky Regional Council by phone: 828-251-7438 or email: rebecca@landofsky.org for details. 8
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Going biennial
DON’T CALL IT A COMEBACK: Nile Rodgers and his band CHIC, were among the headlining acts at the 2014 Moogfest. Photo by David Simchock
Moogfest will be back ... in 2016
jfrankel@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 115
Moogfest will take next year off, returning to Asheville in 2016. This year’s five-day April event, held at different venues across downtown Asheville, cost about $2.74 million to produce and lost roughly $1.5 million.
The ultimate goal of the festival, which featured a wide range of performances, talks and demonstrations by musical and technological innovators, “was all about attracting entrepreneurs to Asheville to see what a great place we live in,” says Moog Music CEO Mike Adams. The Economic Development Coalition for Asheville-Buncombe County is finishing up an economic assessment that could be used to make the case for increased public funding in the years ahead. In contentious decisions, Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted to chip in $180,000 in cash and in-kind services for this year’s event.
But while local governments’ previous contributions were “much appreciated,” Adams calls the amounts “really just a token gesture.” For the festival to successfully move forward, he’d like them “to be way more supportive,” he says. He’s also looking for a major corporate sponsor such as Google or IBM, but none has been secured yet, he says. Moogfest was previously produced in Asheville by Knoxville-based company AC Entertainment from 201012. Each of those year’s festivals sold more tickets than this year’s, but since Moog Music took over the event, organizers have sought to recast it as more beneficial to the public than the previous electronic music-focused events. “This future-forward version of Moogfest is in its infancy,” says Emmy Parker, brand director of Moogfest and Moog Music. “It will take some time for it to grow, but it’s clear that people want an unadulterated, ideas-based festival that combines new art, music and technology. Moogfest is a personification of the Moog ethos, and we’re honored to dedicate a full two years for curating each festival, with a sustainable, long-term plan for maintaining this platform for all those who share our passion.” The festival and the iconic local synthesizer company that manages it are both named after Bob Moog, a musical innovator who called Asheville home from 1978 until his death in 2005. X
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Jake Frankel
Pack it up Asheville council restructures Pack Place
After months of debate, Asheville City Council voted unanimously July 22 to approve a controversial new leasing arrangement for Pack Place and its tenants at 2 S. Pack Square: Asheville Art Museum, Diana Wortham Theatre and Colburn Earth Science Museum. The city owns the building, which was instrumental in the revitalization of downtown when it opened 22 years ago. Since then, it has been managed by a nonprofit —` Pack Place Education, Arts and Science Center. But on July 22 Council members chose to sidestep the nonprofit’s management authority and offer
leases directly to the organizations that call the building home. Officials from the art museum pushed for the changes, saying it would help them complete long-term expansion plans. The 30-year lease calls for the museum to pay $147,000 over the course of five years for use of the property. After that period, the payment structure will be reevaluated. And after three decades, the museum will have two renewal options of 10 years each. However, the city will waive payments for three years as the museum constructs long-planned renovations. Former Mayor Ken Michalove criticized the deal, asserting during a public hearing the move could make the city vulnerable to a lawsuit and that “Asheville Art Museum is a poor excuse for a nonprofit. … The real
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
PACK IT IN: Asheville Art Museum and Diana Wortham Theatre will split the space left by the Colburn Earth Science Museum, which is vacating the Pack Pace building. Photo by Jake Frankel
reason the art museum wants a direct lease is to get out of the control and building management of the Pack Place board.” Former Mayor Lou Bissette, now an attorney for the art museum, rebutted the charge. “I really think the art museum board deserves credit, not harassment here,” he said. “I think this is a good deal for the city. I think this is a good deal for the art museum and Diana Wortham Theatre. … things change, and institutions change.” The art museum has raised $15 million towards its goal of $19 million to fund major renovations at the facility, said Bissette. Marc Rudow, an attorney representing Diana Wortham Theatre, said his organization supported the change. The theater’s 30-year lease can also be renewed two times for 10 years each. Starting July 1, 2015, the theater will pay $105,000 in increments over the next five years. The art museum and the theater will divide up space left by the Colburn Earth Science Museum, which is vacating the building next year. Amid the uncertainty over Pack Place, the science museum announced earlier this year that it was looking for a different site, which is yet to be determined. In the meantime, the new lease gives it
until June 7, 2015, to operate at the existing facility at a cost of $1,450 per month starting Jan. 1. Vice Mayor Marc Hunt has previously been critical of the Pack Place nonprofit’s stewardship of the building. He was instrumental in negotiating the new arrangement and praised it. “The city is the ultimate steward of Pack Place,” he said. “We’ve taken that duty very seriously for many months.” He added: “The success of the tenants operating at Pack place is paramount. … On balance it achieves that very well.” It’s unclear how Buncombe County will respond to the new arrangement. The Board of Commissioners allocated $210,076 in this year’s budget for the Pack Place nonprofit to help it manage the property and $180,000 to pay for the building’s utilities. The city’s new move “does give us some heartburn,” says Buncombe County board Chair David Gantt. “Now if we give the [nonprofits] money, they’ll just have to turn around and give it to the city.” He said the board will consider its options in coming months. The new leases must be posted publicly for 10 days before becoming final. X
by Alli Marshall
Poetic injustice
POETGATE: Allan Wolf — pictured here at a reading at Malaprop’s — and other local poets weigh in on the NC poet laureate controversy. Photo by John Fletcher Jr.
Locals respond to NC’s poet laureate debate
Poetry has long been an actionpacked artistic genre in Western North Carolina. Here, it’s not merely written but spoken, slammed and taken into schools. And local poets have been in a particularly bright spotlight recently, due to what some are calling “Poetgate.” Valerie Macon, a disability examiner for the state of North Carolina and a self-published writer, was named Poet Laureate by Gov. Pat McCrory on Friday, July 11. Less than a week later, Macon resigned, saying that “she didn’t want the negative attention her appointment has raised to distract from that prominent post.” Macon’s appointment and resignation brought a flurry of confused and sometimes outraged comments from the poetry community. The upset stemmed somewhat from Macon’s limited output (just two collections) and self-published status, but more from McCrory’s decision to make his selection without input from a panel of writers, as had been the previous practice. Many locals used Facebook posts and links to comment on Macon’s
appointment and discuss what it meant for the perception and future of poetry in North Carolina. Asheville Poetry Review founder Keith Flynn wrote, “There are a number of esteemed and qualified candidates in our state for this position. Never have I seen such a rich and vibrant literary community that cares deeply about the arts, and nurtures and supports one another completely.” Poet and author Allan Wolf responded to a friendly suggestion that he, Asheville WordFest Director Laura Hope-Gill or Flynn be considered for the post. “I was actually in the final three being considered for the post two years ago and was glad to yield to Joe Bathanti,” he said in a Facebook thread. “I became intimately involved with the nomination and application process, which gave me a renewed respect for the North Carolina Arts Council. I’m particularly glad to see the council consider Po-Folk like me who are not directly connected to universities.” To Xpress, he added that he’s wished for years that the poet laureate position could be released from the clutches of academia. “Change has been slow, but things have been changing,” he says. “But this is obvi-
ously not the solution. At least a dialogue is happening as a result. It’s making all of us ask ourselves what makes a good poet laureate and what the position really means to our state.” Local artist, playwright and poet David Hopes brought some levity to the situation. He posted a substantial comment on his Facebook page, in which he wrote, “McCrory cares so little about poetry that he took the first name attached to someone he owed a favor anybody flung at him — but the idea that poetry belongs to the masses, and there is no immediately obvious reason why the good poetry beloved by the few should have precedent over the bad poetry beloved by the many, is intriguing.” Hopes continued, “That some poetry should be ‘better’ than others is a foreign concept to some, and I do understand why. I am a teacher in order to correct such notions, in order to point out the excellence of the excellent, but I do recognize the thinking. Giving people with bad taste in poetry their own laureate is actually a rather charming concept, though one would think bad taste is rather over-rewarded already.”
The best thing to come out of Poetgate just may be the conversation. Instead of relegating poetry to a state-approved job of easy-to-overlook importance, why not celebrate it by redefining what the role of poet laureate is all about? More recently, Wolf started a new thread on his Facebook page, posing such ideas. “I’m not saying that N.C. should be without a poet laureate (quite the contrary), but God Almighty people, I wrote three poems in my head before I set foot out of bed,” he said. “To be a poet is to notice. Poetry is a way of looking at the world. Transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Let’s not forget that, at the end of the day, poetry elevates us and strengthens us and makes us feel. Poetry is powerful because of its HEART, as much as its ART. So let’s each take turns being N.C. poet laureate for a day. Better yet let’s just all be poet laureate AT THE SAME TIME! Imagine the rattle! Imagine the roar!” For the full story, including context and coverage from regional and national news outlets and additional local input, go to mountainx.com. X
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a FREE LISTING, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. FREE LISTINGS will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EMAIL to calendar@mountainx.com or through our ONLINE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/ calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
BENEFITS COMEDY NIGHT AT THE MARSHALL DEPOT 333-3882 • TH (8/7), 8pm - Tickets to this comedy performance benefit Neighbor in Need's food shelf. $10/$6 ages 5 to 18. Held at Marshall Depot, 282 South Main St., Marshall COMEDY SHOW FOR HOLMES DESMELIK 215-8822, avl.mx/0du • FR (8/1), 9pm - All proceeds and a portion of bar sales at this Slice of Life Comedy stand-up and music event will support the Desmelik family and their young son's medical costs. $8. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad
TEAM HOLMES: Local musicians and comedians will gather to support the family of singer-songwriter David Desmelik, who’s 5-year-old son Holmes has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Slice of Life Comedy and New Mountain are organizing the event which features Laura Blackley, Josh Gibbs and several local standup comedians. All proceeds, as well as a percentage of bar sales, will be donated to the Desmelik family to help cover medical costs. Photo courtesy of David Desmelik. (p.12)
Sustainable Agriculture Project and their Get Local campaign. $125. Held at Cúrate, 11 Biltmore Ave. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 236 Charlotte St., 253-0701, jccasheville.org • FR (8/1), 11am-3:30pm - "You Can Make a Difference Day," with a car wash, art sale, bake sale and service projects to benefit community charities. Contact for full schedule. LEAF'S BENEFIT OF CULTURE 686-8742, theleaf.com • TH (8/7), 5-10pm - Tickets to this annual fundraising party featuring food and circus performers benefit LEAF Community Arts programs. $35. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway.
GET LOCAL LA TOMATINA 236-1282, asapconnections.org • WE (8/6), 6:30-9:30pm - Tickets to this multi-course tomatothemed dinner featuring local food support Appalachian
STORYTELLING DINNER THEATRE 298-3553, stjohnsasheville@gmail. com • SA (8/2), 6pm - Tickets to this dinnertime storytelling event
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
featuring historians and comedians benefit St. John's Episcopal Church. $15/ $20 including dinner. Held at St. John's Episcopal Church, 290 Old Haw Creek Road.
BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY A-B TECH SMALL BUSINESS CENTER 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 3987950, abtech.edu/sbc Unless otherwise noted, classes are free. • TU (8/5), 6-8pm - Seminar on marketing natural products for small businesses. Registration required. • TH (8/7), 10am-noon - Seminar on assessing business ownership skills and the feasibility of ideas. Registration required. COUNTER CULTURE COFFEE TRAINING CENTER 77 Broadway, 919-361-5282, counterculturecoffee.com
• WE (7/30), 3pm - Roasting training for professional development. Open to coffee professionals. Free.
CLASSES, MEETINGS & EVENTS A NEW ART SCHOOL IN ASHEVILLE! (pd.) Weekly classes at Astoria Art Center, East Asheville. $210 for 6 classes. Free supplies and all levels welcome. Thursdays 7-10 PM. 718-956-8539 astoriaartcenter.com LINDA PANNULLO MOSAICS AND WORKSHOPS (pd.) Concrete Leaf Class, Saturday, September 13, create a bird bath or garden centerpiece. • Carol Shelkin Mosaic Portrait workshop: September 20 and 21 and mosaic jewelry class, September 19. • Deb Aldo Pebble Mosaic Mandala workshop, November 8 and 9. For info and registration: call 828-337-6749 •
http://www.lindapannullomosaics.com/ SINGLE AND LOOKING FOR SOMETHING FUN? (pd.) Try AVL Speed Dating! • Single's Amazing Pub Cycle Event, July 31st (Ages 21+) • August 12th, Mix and Mingle Event (21+). We are Collecting Food for Manna Food Bank at this event. • To RSVP or for more info, call (828) 242-2555 or see AVLSpeedDating.com GOODWILL CAREER CLASSES 828-298-9023, ext. 1106 • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon - Adult basic education/ high school equivalency classes. Registration required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm - ESL classes. Registration required. • ONGOING - Classes for careers in the food and hotel industries. Includes American Hotel and Lodging Association Certification. Call for times. $25. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS,
12:30-3:30pm - Medical office support career classes. Registration required. LAUREL CHAPTER OF THE EMBROIDERERS' GUILD OF AMERICA 654-9788, egacarolinas.org • TH (8/7), 9:30am - Monthly meeting with discussion of needle art technique. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe ONTRACK WNC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, ontrackwnc.org • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, (8/5) through (8/14), 5:30-8:30pm - HUD-certified course with stepby-step explanation of the homebuying process. $35. Registration required. • TH (8/7), noon-1pm - "Budgeting 101" seminar from the Women's Financial Empowerment Center. Free. Registration required. YOUTH OUTRIGHT youthoutright.org • SUNDAYS, 4-6pm - Weekly
meeting for LGBTQ youth and straight allies. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
DANCE BEGINNER SWING DANCING LESSONS (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $10/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville. com STUDIO ZAHIYA, DOWNTOWN DANCE CLASSES (pd.) Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10am Bellydance Wrkt 4pm Kid's Dance 6pm Bellydance 1 7pm West African 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue.www.studiozahiya. com, 828.242.7595
BREVARD'S OLD TIME STREET DANCES 1-800-648-4523, visitwaterfalls. com • TUESDAYS through (8/6), 6:30pm - Includes live music and square dance instruction. Free. Held on Main Street, Brevard. CIRCLE 8'S SQUARE DANCE CLUB circle8s.info, garwoods2@yahoo. com • TUESDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Dance classes. $5. Held at Oakley United Methodist Church, 607 Fairview Road.
MOUNTAIN DANCE AND FOLK FESTIVAL 258-3387, folkheritage.org • TH (7/31) through SA (8/2), 7pm - Tradition mountain music and dancing, including bluegrass and clogging. Contact for full schedule. $20/$10 children 12 and younger. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square
HISTORIC HENDERSONVILLE STREET DANCES 693-9708, historichendersonville. org • MONDAYS through (8/11), 7-9pm - Mountain heritage music and dancing. Free. Held at the Visitors Center, 201 South Main St., Hendersonville.
INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING connielwiley@gmail.com • MONDAYS, 2:15-4pm & TUESDAYS, 7:30-9:30pm- Free with donations. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road.
251-8289, wenoca.org • WE (8/6), 7-9pm - Monthly meeting includes presentation on birds. Free to attend. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 1 Edwin Place
100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, ncarboretum.org • TH (7/31), 6pm - Presentation on climate change with research scientist Laura Stevens. Free with $12 gate fee for parking. WNC SIERRA CLUB
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
FESTIVALS CELTIC CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY SERVICE 645-2674, avalongrove.org • SU (8/3), 3-4pm - To celebrate Lughnasadh. Held in a private home in Weaverville. Contact for directions.
FOOD & BEER A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S FEAST 772-5846, avl.mx/0dy • MO (8/4), 5:30-10pm - Proceeds from this three-course farm-totable dinner and panel discussion of local foods will be donated to Hickory Nut Gap Farm. $40. Held at The Hub, 278 Haywood Road.
A swashbuckling soiree WHAT: LEAF’s Benefit of Culture: A Pirate Hullabaloo WHERE: Highland Brewing Tasting Room, 12 Old Charlotte Highway WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 7, 5-10 p.m. WHY: Arrrrren’t you ready for a fun time with LEAF? The arts education outreach program is holding its annual FUNraiser to raise support for both its local and international programs. “At first it seems a little odd for an organization that promotes connectivity to have a party centered around marauding swashbucklers,” says development director Adam Bowers. “But we’re thinking of our pirates as being adventures or explorers that go out and then bring back knowledge of these other cultures. So we’re cultureexploring pirates, connecting cultures through the arts.” The event will feature food from HomeGrown, beers from Highland Brewing and perfor-
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
mances by the LEAF Schools & Streets Circus Performers and Sirius B. There will also be a performance by a surprise group billed only as The Swashbuckling Sea-Stars — an Asheville band you may know by another name who have a connection to LEAF’s Costa Rica program. Though funds raised at the event will support both the organization’s local and international work, Bowers notes that there is a special emphasis on LEAF’s programs in Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama. Bowers describes the programs as “all-encompassing arts experiences,” which include instruction in percussion, vocal training, dancing, music, jewelry and more — all with the intention of preserving cultural traditions. “We’re looking to tie all three of these locations together and create cultural enrichment between all of them,” says Bowers. Tickets are $35 for individuals, $60 for families (2 adults plus children) or $75 for VIP. They are available for purchase at highlandbrewing.com. For more information, visit theleaf. org. — Carrie Eidson
BEE SWEET TO POLLINATORS! PLANT A POLLINATOR FRIENDLY HABITAT (pd.) Saturday, 10 a.m. - Seminar with Tanya Lacorte & Ruth Gonzalez. BZZZ. Learn why it is important to protect pollinators, and discover the habitat needs and plants that will help you create a wonderful oasis for bees, butterflies, & hummingbirds in your own yard. Free, but please pre-register at 828-6453937. Reems Creek Nursery & Landscaping, 70 Monticello Road, Weaverville, NC. www.reemscreek.com CANTON BRANCH OF HAYWOOD COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton, 648-2924, haywoodlibrary.org • TU (8/5), 5-6:30pm Introductory class on medicinal herbs and their use in tinctures, poultices and decoctions. JOHNSON FARM 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville • WE (8/6), 10:30am - Traditional mountain storytelling on the farm. Free. LIVING WEB FARM 176 Kinzey Road, Mills River; livingwebfarms.org; 595-2735 • TU (8/5),6:30-8pm - Workshop on blight and other tomato problems. $10.
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS WCU PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE MEETING 227-3898, pip.wcu.edu • WE (7/30), 7pm - "Focus on
Franklin," a town-hall style meeting. Held at Franklin Town Hall, 188 W. Main St., Franklin
KIDS FLETCHER LIBRARY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 6871218, library.hendersoncountync. org • WE (8/6), 10am - A visit with llamas. GIRLS ON THE RUN girlsontherunwnc@gmail.com • TU (8/5), 4-5:30pm - Information session on the program for girls age 8 to 13. Meets at Carrier Park, 220 Amboy Road, in the concession stand area. LEGO CLUB AT THE LIBRARY 250-4758, enka.library@buncombecounty.org. • 1st FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - For ages 5 to 12. Free. Held at EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler SPELLBOUND CHILDREN'S BOOKSHOP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com • WE (7/30), 5-6pm - First in Series Book Club for ages 7 to 12. Free. SUMMERTIME KIDS ACTIVITIES AT THE LIBRARY LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: •BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) •LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) •NA = North Asheville Library (1030 Merrimon Avenue, 2504752) •SA = South Asheville/Oakley Library (749 Fairview Road, 2504754) •SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) •WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) • WE (7/30), 3pm - A visit from the WNC Nature Center. NA • WE (7/30), 2pm - Creating upcycled robots. PM • TH (7/31), 2:30pm & 4pm - Hobey Ford's Golden Rod Puppets show. Reservations required. WV • TH (7/31), 11am - Storyteller and musician Sharon Clarke. LE • TH (7/31), 2:30pm - Professor Whizzpop. SS • TH (7/31), 10:30am Experiments with magnets. BM • TH (7/31), 3:30pm - Storyteller and musician Sharon Clarke. SA
OUTDOORS BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY PROGRAMS 298-5330, nps.gov, gail_fox@nps. gov. Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (7/31), 7pm - Ranger-led hike discussing habitat fragmentation. Meets at MP 388.8. • FR (8/1), 10am - Ranger-led 2.5-mile hike to Graveyard Fields. Meets at MP 418.8. • SA (8/2), 7:30pm - Discussion of fir trees and their use in Christmas traditions. Free. Held at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316. CRADLE OF FORESTRY Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, cradleofforestry.org • SA (8/2), 9am-1pm - Smokey the Bear's 70th Birthday Party. Includes family activities. Free.
SENIORS SENIOR CRIBBAGE MEETINGS 367-7794 • MONDAYS, 6pm - Instruction provided. Free to attend. Held at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave.
SPIRITUALITY ABOUT THE TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION TECHNIQUE: FREE INTRODUCTORY TALK (pd.) Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or MeditationAsheville.org AIM MEDITATION CLASSES (pd.) Ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101- Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. ashevillemeditation.com/events, (828) 808-4444 ASHEVILLE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION CENTER (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. ASHEVILLE INSIGHT MEDITATION (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays.
40 Day Yoga Challenge 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www. ashevillemeditation.com ASHEVILLE OPEN HEART MEDITATION (pd.) Experience effortless techniques that connect you to your heart and the Divine within you. Your experience will deepen as you are gently guided in this complete practice. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org. ASTRO-COUNSELING (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAKENING DEEPEST NATURE MEDITATION CLASS (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. Meditation and lessons in unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave.
(off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz.com www.billwalz.com CRYSTAL VISIONS BOOKS AND EVENT CENTER (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts • Incense • Tarot. Visit our Labyrinth and Garden. 828687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks.com ECKANKAR WORSHIP SERVICE • “HOW DO I GET GOD’S LOVE?” (pd.) “Love is like water in that only so much can be poured into the glass. Before you can put more in, you have to let some out. If you don't keep giving out love, more can't come in. People often wonder, How do I get God's love? You get it by giving of yourself to others, in ways that you like to give.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a pot-luck lunch. (Donations accepted). Date: Sunday, August 3, 2014, 11am to 12noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville,
797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-2546775. www.eckankar-nc.org IAM20- AN EFFECTIVE 20 MINUTE MEDITATION TECHNIQUE FOR BUSY PEOPLE (pd.) The IAM meditation technique offers an integration of gentle relaxation exercises with an effective and easy-to-practice meditation technique that can be comfortably performed by anyone in just 20 minutes. August 2nd, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. . Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Rd 28806. Love offering. 828-775-4900 Jennifer
with Michael Johnson
Mon-Fri 6-7:15am $250
Begins September 8
MINDFULNESS MEDITATION (pd.) ASHEVILLE INSIGHT MEDITATION Deepen your authentic presence, and cultivate a happier, more peaceful mind by practicing Insight (Vipassana) Meditation in a supportive community. Group Meditation. Thursdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, (828) 808-4444, www. ashevillemeditation.com
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
A Spa Featuring WORLD-CLASS
Robin Fann-Costanzo 2012 World Massage Hall of Fame Inductee
ASHEVILLE HARE KRISHNA 506-0996, gopalonetwo@yahoo. com • SUNDAYS, noon - Includes chanting, discussion and a vegetarian meal. Free. Held at Kuntao Arts, 211 Merrimon Ave. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • TUESDAYS through (8/12), 8pm - Pastor-led Bible study group, "Parables: Stories for Life in God's World." MOUNTAIN MINDFULNESS SANGHA mountainmindfulness.org • MONDAYS, 7-8:30pm & THURSDAYS, 8-8:40am - In the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. All levels. Free. Held at Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave.
POINT STILL WELLNESS 81-B Central Ave In the heart of Downtown Also featuring Salt Water Floatation
W W W. S T I L L P O I N T W E L L . C O M 828.348.5372
STUDY OF JOHN'S GOSPEL 273-4418 • THURSDAYS, 7-8pm - Focuses on an emphasis on the spirit. Free. Meets at 90 Zillicoa St.
SPOKEN & WRITTEN WORD BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES LIBRARY ABBREVIATIONS - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: •EA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) •EC
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
= Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) •SS = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) •SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) •WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) • TU (8/5), 7pm - Book Club: Wild by Cheryl Strayed. EC • TU (8/5), 7pm - Evening Book Club: Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver. WV • TU (8/5), 6pm - Skyland Knit 'n Chain Group. SS • WE (8/6), 3pm - Afternoon Book Club: The Moviegoer by Walker Percy. WV • WE (8/6), 6pm - Swannanoa Knitters. SW • TH (8/7), 6:30pm - Book Club: The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester. EA. CITY LIGHTS BOOKSTORE 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, citylightsnc.com • SA (8/2), 3pm - Roy Owenby shares stories from his book, Blue Ridge Mountain Heritage. MALAPROP'S BOOKSTORE AND CAFE 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, malaprops.com Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • TH (7/31), 7pm - Works in Translation Bookclub: City of Angels by Christa Wolf. • WE (7/30), 7pm - Barbara J.
Taylor discusses her novel, Sing in the Morning, Cry in the Night. • TH (7/31), 7pm - Inspiration speaker Matthew Sanford discusses his book Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence. POEMSCAPES 684-6266, calvaryfletcher.org • SA (8/2), 7pm - A presentation of music, poetry and photography. Free to attend. Held at Calvary Episcopal Church, 2840 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF ASHEVILLE AND BUNCOMBE COUNTY 321-271-4593, psabc.org • TU (8/5), 5:30pm - Journalist Jim Cavener discusses the "Literature, Legacy and Lore" of Asheville. Held at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St
VOLUNTEERING CARL SANDBURG HOME 1928 Little River Road, Flat Rock, 693-4178, nps.gov/carl • Through (8/30) - Volunteers needed to monitor monarch butterflies to aid conservation efforts and knowledge. For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/ volunteering
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Yoga for one and all Lifestyle coaching aims for root causes
When I first walk into his office, Abbas Rakhshani offers me a warm, generous hug. “Hugging communicates and transfers energy,” he says. I immediately feel comforted by his calm, compassionate presence. And by the end our interview, I feel like I’ve had a healing session myself. Rakhshani opened the Yoga Wellness Center in South Asheville in June, with offices and a yoga therapy hall that are simple and uncluttered. It’s not a yoga studio, however, nor does it host large yoga classes. Instead, it’s a healing center for lifestyle change via several channels, one of which includes yoga therapy. Rakhsahni uses the Eastern Vedic approach to healing. He earned his doctorate in Vedic sciences at SVYASA University in Bangalore, India. From 2003-12, he trained and conducted clinical research in yoga as a mind-body therapy at St. John’s Medical College and Hospital in Bangalore. One of his main areas of clinical research includes the effects of yoga in low- and high-risk pregnancies. At the Yoga Wellness Center, he now offers one-on-one lifestyle coaching that derives from the spiritual roots of yoga. “Whereas Western medicine looks at your physical body, Eastern medicine sees you as an onion, with layers and layers,” says Rakhshani. “You have a physical body, a subtle body, a mental body, a wisdom body and the bliss body. Vedic science focuses on all of these bodies. The symptoms appear in the physical body, but the root cause may be anywhere along the path in these other layers.” After exploring the root cause of an ailment, Rakhshani formulates a coaching plan that may include breathing techniques, yoga postures, guided imagery, meditation
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
COLLECTIVE HEALING: Yoga Wellness Center founder Abbas Rakhshani and his wife, Nubia del Carmen, explain what drew them to the people Western North Carolina. “There’s a collective consciousness here, and this is an incredible asset when it comes to a therapeutic business,” he says. Photo courtesy of the Yoga Wellness Center
and other lifestyle changes that are tailored to the individual. “Every person’s condition is different,” he says. “If you are well, a certain practice can be very good for you. If not, it can have an adverse effect.” Lake Lure resident Ann Gilbert Logan, who had been diagnosed with scoliosis, says her doctors told her there was nothing she could do. “I was feeling very dejected when I visited Dr. Rakhshani,” she says, “not to mention skeptical about whether he would be able to help me. After my initial consultation, I felt very comfortable with him. After my first session I was quite impressed, to say the least!” During her hourlong sessions, Rakhshani gave Gilbert Logan a series of exercises that she continued to do at home. “They stopped all the hurting in my back. I’m 70 years old and have never done yoga before. I was skeptical,” she adds. “But after taking away years of pain and pills, it would make anyone a believer. [Rakhshani] is such a patient person, a very kind person. You can talk to him about anything.”
Rakhshani emphasizes individualized, caring attention for each client. The center also offers meditation classes, educational workshops and massage therapy. Plans call for small, therapeutic yoga classes to address particular health issues such as hypertension, arthritis, back and neck pain, anxiety and depression, gastrointestinal disorders and PTSD. “But these,” says Rakhshani, “will not be a replacement for oneon-one therapy that clients receive initially. Clients can attend classes to maintain their wellness. “Just as a physician treats one patient at a time because no two cases are alike, years of experience have taught me that identifying the root cause of the disorders and administering the Vedic therapies are most effective when working with one individual at a time.” Since one of Rakhshani’s specialties is prenatal and postnatal yoga therapy, he plans to have a midwife on board at the center as well, along with a team of physicians who will attend to the more
acute situations. He’s also collaborating with the medical and holistic heath community in Asheville. MAHEC, for example, has added the Yoga Wellness Center to its list of chronic pain resources for patients. So what exactly inspired Rakhshani to open a wellness center in Asheville? “I just want to serve,” he says. “And especially Ashevilleans, because I’m in love with them. I really am.” A native of Iran, Rakhshani left his home country in his early 20s and spent much of his adult life in Florida working as a software engineer and publisher. But he and his Nicaraguan wife, Nubia del Carmen, always felt most at home in the Blue Ridge Mountains. In 1995, they purchased land in Hendersonville with the intention to build. But then India called to them, and they spent 13 years there, studying and training in yoga as a body-mind therapy. Now Rakhshani has returned to Western North Carolina to serve the community he loves. But again, why Asheville? “It has to do with the people,” he says. “We communicate with each other before we even speak a word. Even with people walking the streets, they contact you before they even say hello. You are in communication with everybody around, and you feel you understand them. People recognize the divine in each other and greet it. I have exchanged some of the most beautiful hugs in this place. Delicious hugs. “Clients come in here. They are in pain, and I can feel it,” he says. “I can feel their thoughts. It’s so easy to work with them in here. There’s a collective consciousness here, and this is an incredible asset when it comes to a therapeutic business such as ours.” The Yoga Wellness Center is still very young. Yet Rakhshani’s one-on-one practice is beginning to thrive — perhaps because of his attentive and compassionate presence. And let’s not forget the delicious hugs. For more information, visit TheYogaWellnessCenter.com or call 774-5150. X
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
ABOUT THE TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION TECHNIQUE: FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or MeditationAsheville.org EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING/ PERSONAL GROWTH WEEKEND WORKSHOP (pd.) Intensive 26-hour self help weekend encounter, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 29-31. • Seating is limited. • Save $75 today, call (828) 484-1676. Information/Registration: heartofasheville.com MOVING FROM LIMITATION TO CO-CREATION WITH ALICE MCCALL (pd.) $45 Saturday, August 2, 6-8pm, The Salt Spa, Asheville. • Cellular transformation for successful manifestation. (850) 585-5496. www.healingpath.info ASHEVILLE BIRTHKEEPERS • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 5:307:30pm - Meets at the Spiral Center for Conscious Beginnings, 167A Haywood Road. ASHEVILLE COMMUNITY YOGA CENTER 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga.com • WEDNESDAYS through (8/13), 6-7:30pm - Meditation for quieting the mind. $40 for four sessions. • THURSDAYS through (7/31), 6-7:30pm - Stiff Guy Yoga. $40 for four sessions. • FRIDAYS through (8/22), 2-3pm
- Yoga Nidra meditation. $11/$40 for series. • THURSDAYS, (8/7) through (8/28), 6-7:30pm - Prenatal yoga. $40 for series. BLACK MOUNTAIN CENTER FOR THE ARTS 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 6690930, blackmountainarts.org • THURSDAYS, 10:11:30am - T’ai Chi Qi Gong class. $12. COUNCIL ON AGING MEDICARE CLASSES 277-8288, coabc.org Free. Registration required. • WE (8/6), 9-11am - Leicester Community Center, 2979 New Leicester Highway. MISSION HEALTH 778-1092, mission-health.org • TU (8/5), 5:30pm - Family Group Night for parents and caregivers of special needs children. Held at 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. • WE (8/6), 2-4pm - “An Introduction to Energy Medicine.” Held in the Integrative Healthcare Department at Mission Hospital, 508 Biltmore Ave.
Eating Right
for Good Health
Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
Get a “TASTE OF LOCAL” Ingles in Hendersonville - Howard Gap Rd Thursday, July 31st 3:30-6pm
OPPORTUNITY HOUSE 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, 692-0575, opportunityhouse.org • WE (7/30), 11am-12:30pm - Seminar on solutions for knee pain. Free to attend.
Meet some of the local farmers and vendors that supply Ingles Markets: and sample their products
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES redcrosswnc.org Appointment and ID required. • WE (7/30), 2:30-6:30pm - Biltmore Church of Christ, 823 Fairview St. Appointments & info: 274-2829.
-Bobo Bloody Mary Mix - Highlands
SIDE-BY-SIDE SINGING FOR WELLNESS sidebysidesinging.wordpress.com • WEDNESDAYS, 1-2:30pm - For people with dementia, Alzheimer’s or brain damage and their care-partners. Held in UNCA’s Sherrill Center.
-Hickory Nut Gap Farms (meat) - Fairview
YOGA IN THE PARK 254-0380, youryoga.com/yoga-workshops • SATURDAYS through (8/20), 10am11:30am- Outdoor yoga event. Free with donations to Homeward Bound or Helpmate encouraged. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St.
-Moon Rabbit Foods (gluten-free mixes) - Barnardsville
-Annie’s Bread - Asheville -Carolina Pig Polish (BBQ Sauce) - Whittier -Darnell Farms (produce) - Bryson City - MILKCO - Laura Lynn Milk - West Asheville -Miss Jenny’s Pickles - Kernersville -Slawsa (condiment) - Cramerton -Sunny Creek Sprouts - Tryon
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
The current aerates the water. The water spawns the algae. The algae feed the fish. The fish fertilize the plants. The water flows between them all. It’s a cycle known as aquaponics, which uses dual-tanked plant-andfish habitats to create a symbiotic environment and a sustainable system that mimics the natural world. One tank holds the fish; the other, the plants. A pump flows water between the two, aerating the water in the process. Along with hydroponics — a similar idea that focuses solely on raising vegetation — it’s creating an alternative to traditional in-soil farming. Anthony Coggiola, CEO of Asheville Urban Farms, says some people initially think aqua- and hydroponic gardens are unnatural or bizarre. “A lot of people think hydroponics is somewhat Frankenstein-ish,” he says. “That’s not true. ‘Hydro’ means water; ponics, comes from ‘pono’ meaning work — so you’re letting the water do the work for you.” In hydroponics and aquaponics, plants gather nourishment from nutrients flowing in the water — without the use of soil. Products such as Grodans, grow plugs and cocoa husks can be used as synthetic soil to hold down seeds and the roots of young plants as they grow. But don’t confuse that with “drowning the plants,” Coggiola says. “The roots are suspended, and the water is moving so the roots just go crazy and wild,” he explains. “They’re not fighting the soil for water, and you’re creating an ideal condition for the plants.”
KEEP SWIMMING: Aquaponics is creating quite the stir — literally. The systems keep water flowing between symbiotic environments of plant and fish habitats creating a year-round farm. “You know where your food is coming from and you know your fish aren’t swimming around in toxic wastewater,” says Cliff Jagger of Asheville Aquaponics. Photo by Hayley Benton
So ideal, in fact, that Coggiola says hydroponic growers can yield up to 13 harvests per year, compared with the average 3.5 of a soil garden, in part because a hydro- or aquaponic system can be harvested year-round when contained in a controlled climate environment such as a greenhouse or indoor space. Cliff Jagger, owner of Asheville Aquaponics, notes that an aquaponics system is self-sustaining. “It’s like a mini-ecosystem,” he says. “The fish do all the work — they eat the algae, and their poop fertilizes the plants.” And in an age of pesticides, herbicides and other pollutants, aquaponics can bring a certain comfort, Jagger adds. “You know where your food is coming from, and you know your fish aren’t swimming around in toxic wastewater,” he says, adding that in order for the system to work,
it has to be closed off from outside elements. “We feed them certified organic fish food, so even their poop is organic. Everything grows four times faster, and you can do it all year long.” Though the system seems complex, Jagger says the concept has been around for tens of thousands of years, dating back to techniques used by Chinese and Egyptian cultures 10,000 years ago. Only recently did advances in water technology make the systems more practical and popular. A more modern, simple system makes use of an electric pump, Jagger says, and costs around $4 per month in electricity to run. The pump keeps the water in the tanks circulating so that the fishes’ waste will settle into a rock bed, which acts as the system’s natural biofilter.
A simple aquaponics system can cost around $350, Jagger says, though he adds that some may choose to opt for something more complicated, which he deems unnecessary. He estimates the total cost rising to around $450-$500 once the fish and stones are purchased. “But it’s a one-time deal,” he notes, “unless you start adding on and increasing your size. The idea is to have a self-sustainable system. The more gadgets you add to it, the more problems you’ll have. Why not just do it simple, cheap and easy?” Coggiola says many of the products needed for the systems are available locally at independent retailers, including New Age and Fifth Season. Asheville Aquaponics also sells systems and gear for aspiring urban aqua-farmers. The method is gaining popularity with homesteaders and schools. Jagger says he has sold aquaponic systems to local schools, including Odyssey Community School in Asheville — and he has presented guest lectures to the students on using aquaponics for alternative farming techniques and food-origin awareness. But don’t expect to see aquaponically harvested fish in Asheville restaurants anytime soon. Coggiola says there are aquaponic farms and restaurants in Kentucky that grow and serve their own fish, but Jagger notes that in order to operate a business like that, “you really need a lot of fish,” which can be difficult without a much larger system. Jagger adds that while he is licensed to sell to restaurants, Asheville Aquaponics is primarily for personal or educational systems.
Both Coggiola and Jagger agree that interest in hyrdro- and aquaponics is increasing throughout the country. “America is famous for innovation,” Coggiola says. “There’s a lot of cool innovations that have come out of this country. We can be a leader in this type of agriculture.” X
The Shiloh community held their annual community garden summer celebration on Saturday, July 26. Apart from good food and good times, this year’s celebration marked the dedication of the garden’s new amphitheatre and outdoor kitchen, a result of a community partnership with Tupelo Honey and other local businesses. Check out our coverage of the event at mountainx.com/living/farm-garden.
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Tiny space, big flavors Urban Café adds creative options to the downtown breakfastand-lunch scene
gsmith@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 107
An imaginative and affordable breakfast and lunch spot opened downtown early this month on the ground floor of the BB&T building on Pack Square. Situated in the tiny venue previously occupied by The Sandwich Company, Urban Café cranks out a globe-spanning range of bold flavor combinations from its compact kitchen — and offers them at close to fast-food prices. Co-owned by Sam and Brooke Souhail (who also own Tobacco Plus on Eagle Street) and Simo and Amanda Berzem, the restaurant has a coffee menu featuring Bean Werks products and offers three varieties of fruit-based smoothies at $2.99 each. Breakfast items include a personal quiche-of-the-day that sells for $4.99 and occasional treats like a recent special of peanut butter-banana F rench toast made with brioche from Karen Donatelli Cake Designs. Biscuits and breakfast sandwiches will soon be available. Brooke Souhail, who attended the A-B Tech culinary program and previously worked at Cedric’s Tavern and The Stable Café on the Biltmore Estate, created a lunch menu that centers around a diverse assortment of paninis, cold sandwiches, wraps and salads. She makes as many of the dishes in-house as possible, given the limited kitchen area, and sources her veggies from the WNC Farmers Market. All lunch items are in the $5-9 range, and sandwiches come with a choice of a house-made side or chips. The generously portioned curry portobello panini is made with portobello mushrooms marinated in a yogurt-tikka sauce layered with
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
sweet potato, apricot-lime chutney and coconut-cilantro spread. The combination of sweet-and-sour chutney, mellow sweet potato and earthy ‘shrooms makes it pleasingly complex. Paired with one of the housemade sides (recent choices were a lentil, almond and goat cheese salad or a green-tomato, basil and blueberry salad), it is a filling and satisfying lunch — and a steal at $5.99. Among the other sandwich choices are a hickory-smoked turkey breast panini with pickled green tomatoes, roasted kale, pimento cheese and Cajun remoulade and a duck confit panini with brie and fig jam. Salad choices range from a vegetarian offering featuring roasted Smiling Hara tempeh and a mix of veggies with green goddess dressing to an adobo-marinated flank steak salad with avocado, cucumber, red onions and Monterey Jack cheese in a honey-lemon vinaigrette. Xpress recently stopped by Urban Café to ask Brooke Souhail about their new venture and plans for the future.
SMALL WORLD: Urban Café co-owner and chef Brooke Souhail, center, incorporates influences from Morocco, Europe and India into her menu. Also pictured are co-owners Simo Berzem, left, and Sam Souhail, center. Not pictured is Amanda Berzem. Photo by Alicia Funderburk
Mountain Xpress: In planning to open a restaurant, were you intentionally looking for a small space? Brook Souhail: It was really kind of a coincidence. We had been thinking about opening a Moroccan restaurant. I was browsing online, and I saw that The Sandwich Company that used to be located here was for sale, and we kind of just jumped on it. Also, it was kind of a financial thing. We knew it would be pretty cheap to do, we didn’t have to do a lot to fix it up and the overhead is really low
here. We just saw a lot of potential for making some money and making good food. What are some of the challenges of having a small kitchen area and dining room? Storage space is a huge issue, but it’s kind of good in a way because we have to keep things fresh since we don’t have the ability to keep stuff hanging around. We also have to be superorganized. ... I mean, this is basically like running my garde manger station at Biltmore, but it’s a whole restaurant. There’s pretty much only room for one or two people [in the kitchen]. As far as dining space, we are looking into adding some tables on the patio in front of the building on Pack Square to make an outdoor café area. Are your prices introductory or do you plan to keep them affordable? I think we’ll be able to keep our prices low. We have superlow overhead here because our space is so small, and we only have two employees, so I don’t see any reason
Mon – Fri lunch: 11:30am - 2pm dinner: 5pm - 10pm
to go up on our prices unless food costs go up. What inspired your menu? My husband is from Morocco, and I’ve traveled there a few times with him as well as to Europe, and that definitely has influenced a lot of our flavors and my techniques. And I really love Indian food, so I draw from that as well. I do a lot of experimenting. I get bored and I have to try new things. Do you still plan to open a Moroccan restaurant? It’s still on my mind. I would love to do it. But right now we’re really working on building a following here. ... We plan on being very competitive. We’re not trying to do it in a day, it will take time, but eventually we want to kick [the competition] to the curb. Urban Café is at 1 W. Pack Square in the BB&T building. The entrance is on College Street. Hours are 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Delivery is free in the downtown area. facebook.com/ avlurbancafe or 552-3008 X
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by Gina Smith
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Arrr! Pirates — and their cocktails — are invading WNC! Asheville’s cocktail-focused event production company, Spirit Savvy, is partnering with LEAF Community Arts to host the Raucous Pirate Cocktail Competition, a two-week-long event that kicked off on July 24 and leads into LEAF’s annual fundraiser, Benefit of Culture, at Highland Brewing on Thursday, Aug. 7. For the competition, participating local bars will create their own unique, pirate-themed drinks to be evaluated by six mystery judges who will covertly visit each bar before Aug. 7 to sample the entries. The winning concoction will be announced at the pirate-themed Benefit of Culture event, and the identities of the secret judges will be revealed. Bars and restaurants onboard for the adventure are: Seven Sows Bourbon and Larder, 131 Main, Village Wayside, The Junction, Green Room Bistro, Cucina 24, Ben’s Tune-up and Ambrozia. The public is encouraged to get in on the fun by visiting participating businesses and ordering the LEAF Pirate Cocktail — $2.50 from each one sold will benefit LEAF Schools & Streets and LEAF International youth art education programs. “I am working with LEAF because I am a big believer in the power of music for children,” says Spirit Savvy Executive Producer Mary Rich. “There’s lots of music in [my] family,” says Rich, whose daughter plays drums with local band the River Rats and whose son is into music production and often plays bass for Red Honey. The main event, Benefit of Culture: A Pirate Hullabaloo, should be a family-friendly evening of musical, swashbuckling fun, with a pirate costume contest, music by Sirius B and a secret guest artist, performances by LEAF Schools & Streets Circus Performers, roving performing artists and a silent auction featuring a custom-built gourd banjo made by local banjo maker Joshua
COCKTAILS AWEIGH: The Junction created this mix of fresh-juiced watermelon, tequila, house-made falernum syrup, lime, and basil as its entry in Spirit Savvy’s Raucous Pirate Cocktail Competition. The event is raising money to support LEAF youth arts programs. Photo courtesy of The Junction
Grant. Food from HomeGrown and Highland Brewing beer are included in the ticket price. Proceeds from the event benefit the LEAF International and LEAF Schools & Streets programs. Benefit of Culture: A Pirate Hullabaloo takes place 5-10 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 7, at Highland Brewing Co., 12 Old Charlotte Highway. Tickets are $35 for individuals, $60 for a family of four (two adults, two children) and $75 VIP. Children age 10 and younger are free. Tickets are available at highlandbrewing.com. ASHEVILLE FRENCH QUARTER Michel Baudouin, chef and owner of Bouchon and Crêperie Bouchon, recently announced an ambitious project that will add a new Creole/ Cajun restaurant and an event venue to the Lexington Avenue
Courtyard downtown. RendezVous will be a mid-sized private space designed to accommodate a variety of events. Lafayette, the new restaurant, will feature Louisiana Cajun and Creole cuisine prepared by Chef Tres Hundertmark who recently returned to Asheville after a stint as the executive sous chef at House of Blues restaurant and The Foundation Room in New Orleans. With the announcement of the new ventures, Baudouin has dubbed the courtyard, which already houses his two current restaurants, the Asheville French Quarter. Baudouin predicts that the addition of the two businesses will bring 40 new living-wage jobs to the city, according to a press release. For those who want a taste of what’s to come, Hundertmark is previewing Lafayette menu items every Thursday evening at Bouchon. ashevillebouchon.com, and creperiebouchon.com JAMES BEARD FOUNDATION CELEBRITY CHEF TOUR DINNER The annual James Beard Foundation Celebrity Chef Tour Dinner Series lands in Asheville on Wednesday, Sept. 10, at The Market Place restaurant, and three of Asheville’s culinary celebrities will be part of the five-chef lineup. Dan Rattigan of French Broad Chocolate Lounge and Elliott Moss of the twice-weekly pop-up restaurant Punk Wok will join host William Dissen of The Market Place in representing Asheville. They will prepare a multicourse dinner alongside James Beard Best Chef of the Southeast 2014 winner Ashley Christensen of Raleigh and three-time Best Chef of the Southeast finalist Anthony Lamas of Louisville, Ky. Mixologist Sara Strom of Shutters on the Beach in Santa Monica, Calif., will create cocktails using locally made Troy & Sons whiskey. Tickets are a hefty $175 each, but the experience should prove to be memorable. 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 10, The Market Place, 20 Wall St. celebritycheftour.com X
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @thomohearn on Twitter
by Thom O’Hearn
Change of venue Catawba finds a new home on the South Slope If you get up every morning and drive an hour to work, you have a good idea what it’s been like to work in sales or deliveries for Catawba Brewing. For the past 15 years, Catawba has been driving thousands of barrels of beer from its brewery in Morganton to Asheville, the company’s largest territory since day one. Two years ago, the company started trying in earnest to secure an Asheville site for a satellite brewery, tasting room and storage space. For the past year, Catawba’s owners thought that site would be 2 Fairview Road on the edge of Biltmore Village. “We tried very hard for that whole time to throw money, design changes and anything we could at [the site], but we just couldn’t make it work,” says Billy Pyatt, co-owner of Catawba Brewing. He says the initial plan, to rehab the property’s existing structure, was the best decision financially for Catawba. However, the city never agreed with the construction company on how Catawba could resolve existing issues with the site. “I have no idea what the city approved or didn’t approve,” says Pyatt. “But our permits to move forward with the building were never issued.” While Pyatt says the city was just doing its job to ensure safety and proper permitting for a building that sits in a flood plain and is affected by Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations, the fact remained that neither rehabbing the existing building nor a new building on the same site would be possible — at least not without going over budget by more than a quartermillion dollars.
SIGN OF THE TIMES: The old Standard Paper building will be the new home of Catawba Brewing, maker of best-selling ales like Firewater IPA, Farmer Ted’s Cream Ale and White Zombie. Photo by Thom O’Hearn
for storage and a small tasting room at 63 Brook St. — also on the edge of Biltmore Village. “We’ve been using our space there as both storage space and a taproom,” says Pyatt. “Sure, we needed the space .... but in four or five months of running the taproom, we’ve developed a deeper following than we ever had in our [15] years in Asheville. … Just having the footprint has made a huge difference.” In fact, the neighborhood response has been so positive, Pyatt says that in lieu of Catawba building its brewery in Biltmore Village, he plans to keep the tasting room there open as long as possible. “That building will eventually be torn down,” says Pyatt, “but pending what the owners of the building want to do, we’ll keep it open as long as we can.” HEADING TO THE SOUTH SLOPE
A TEMPORARY TASTING ROOM For the past six months, Catawba has been moving ahead as best it can. The company has an entire brewing system assembled and ready to go. It has also rented space in Asheville
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Now, almost two years after Catawba initially announced its plans for an Asheville brewery, the company has finally found an alternate
new home that will work: 32 Banks Ave. “We just fell in love with it,” says Pyatt. “It’s a large, open space. … We can see a lot of potential.” While core beers such as Firewater IPA and Farmer Ted’s Cream Ale will still be produced in Morganton, the plan is to brew a handful of specialty beers on-site. Part of the team’s strategy is to barrel-age much more beer in whiskey, tequila, rum and wine barrels than it currently does in Morganton. “We barrel-aged our first beer, our IPA, about a dozen years ago,” says Pyatt. “We’re currently doing a few beers that way — including Hooligan and Brown Bear — but we’re excited to do more of that.” Pyatt says the new taproom will feature two bars, one of which will exist inside that barrel-aging room. “We think having two bars will help us better serve the indoor and outdoor area, since the back bar will open to the deck,” he explains. “But we also see that back room as a place where we can host groups and events. We want it to be the special bar with the beers that aren’t available anywhere else.”
Tours, both self-guided and hosted by Catawba, will also be part of the experience. “We want the brewery here to be like the Blue Ridge Parkway,” says Pyatt. “We’ll have placards so you can tell what’s going on where if you want to walk around.” According to Pyatt, there will also be programs that go beyond tours, including the ability to come in with a group and brew a custom beer. “It will be like a mini [Sierra Nevada] Beer Camp,” says Pyatt. “You’ll be able to visit one weekend and design a beer and make it … and then a few weeks later you can come back in and you get to try that beer.” The shell of the building will be finished by September, and Pyatt says that if all goes as planned, Catawba hopes to open its new location later in the fall. X
WEDNESDAY ASHEVILLE BREWING: Wet Nose Wednesday: dog day at Coxe Ave. patio 5-8pm; $3.50 all pints at Coxe location FRENCH BROAD: $7 growler fills GREEN MAN: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria, 3pm HIGHLAND: Live Music: Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul, folk), 5:307:30pm LEXINGTON AVE (LAB): $3 pints all day OSKAR BLUES: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm OYSTER HOUSE: $2 off growler fills PISGAH: Live Music: Campfire Reverends (blues, Americana), 6pm WEDGE: Food Truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)
THURSDAY ASHEVILLE BREWING: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location
The VAPOR EXPERTS are now HERE in Asheville!
FRENCH BROAD: Live Music: Matt Walsh (rock), 6-8pm
GREEN MAN: Food Truck: Taste & See, 3pm
HI-WIRE: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 12:15pm
OYSTER HOUSE: $4 well drinks
LEXINGTON AVE (LAB): Live Music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day
SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN: Live Music: Chris Titchner (singer-songwriter), 7-9pm WEDGE: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
FRIDAY FRENCH BROAD: Live Music: The Low Counts (rock), 6-8pm
Saturdays 15% Off ALL E-JUICE!
SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN: Live Music: Marc Yaxley (jazz guitar), 5-7pm WEDGE: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour (crepes, tamales); Live Music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm
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HI-WIRE: Food Truck: Slow Smokin’ Barbeque, 3-9pm
CATAWBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions
HIGHLAND: 20 Beers for 20 Years: Schenk’s Cream Ale (#10 in past-release series, 2008)
FRENCH BROAD: $2.50 pints
WEDGE: Food Truck: Cecilia’s Culinary Tour (crepes, tamales)
E-Juice from Top Vapor and Lion’s Head Over 170 different flavors!
OYSTER HOUSE: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
GREEN MAN: New Brew: Disco Peach release party - collab w/ Luella’s BBQ (vienna-style lager, smoked peaches, cornbread); $10 for pint & plate from Luella’s
SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN: Live Music: Eric Congdon Trio (rock, Americana), 8-10pm
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OSKAR BLUES: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm OYSTER HOUSE: $3 pint night
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Got iques? Ant
TUESDAY ALTAMONT: Live Music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm
SATURDAY FRENCH BROAD: Live Music: Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6-8pm
ASHEVILLE BREWING: $2 Tuesday: $2 twotopping pizza slices & house cans CATAWBA: $2 off growler fills
GREEN MAN: Food Truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese), 3pm
GREEN MAN: Food Truck: Taste & See, 3pm
OYSTER HOUSE: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
HI-WIRE: $2.50 house pints
WEDGE: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food); Movie night: Blood Simple (Coen Brothers), 8:30pm WICKED WEED: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 11am
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HIGHLAND: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 5:30pm
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OYSTER HOUSE: Cask night WEDGE: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria; Live Music: Pleasure Chest (rock, blues), 7pm
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
BANDING TOGETHER: The Asheville Symphony Orchestra is the leading presenter of classical music in WNC, and one of many groups making up the region’s diverse music industry. Photo courtesy of the ASO
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
SOUND INVESTMENT by Alli Marshall WNC’s burgeoning music industry While the local music scene might be hard to typify, it’s easy to point to: Musicians, venues, festivals and street performers compose the visible face of a vibrant arts culture. The local music industry, however, is more difficult to quantify. There are some well-known recording studios and instrument manufacturers and the occasional high-profile guitar sale, but what else makes up the infrastructure that supports live music? Unlike larger communities (Nashville, Memphis, Detroit, New Orleans, New York, Los Angeles) longassociated with music-as-big-business, Asheville’s music-driven economy is less obvious, largely untapped by corporate finance, and as creatively constructed as, say, the city’s tailgate markets, craft fairs and local street festivals. But while the DIY approach helps to not only keep Asheville’s music scene eclectic (and yes, weird), it also makes it hard to navigate.
“I know I’m not alone in thinking that some kind of music industry advocacy organization, similar to what Asheville Independent Restaurants is for the local restaurant scene, would be a great addition to our community,” says Liz Whalen Tallent, marketing manager at The Orange Peel. “We have such a strong music economy, and I think something like this would really help in making sure we have an organized voice to advocate for what we need, help keep the Asheville environment music-friendly and draw more business to the various music-related entities.” The group Asheville Music Professionals agrees and is organizing to address those and other ideas (read more in the following story). Meanwhile, local record labels and studios are garnering some major awards, and support businesses such as video production houses, publicity agencies, graphic design companies, talent promoters and artist development outfits are basing themselves in Western North Carolina — all of which means the future of local music, both as an art and an economic force, stands to be bright. In our special Music Industry issue, Xpress looks at a few of the companies leading the charge. X
by Alli Marshall
BECOMING REALITY Building a community centered music scene Recording studios tend to focus on a single thing: crafting great albums. Echo Mountain does that well, with Grammy-winning projects by the likes of the Steep Canyon Rangers and the Zac Brown Band to its credit. But the downtown Asheville studio, opened by Steve Wilmans in 2006, does a lot more than just make records. Other recent projects include a foray into e-books (starting with Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep), a collaboration with music tastemaker Daytrotter, and hosting events like The Society of Professional Audio Recording Services’ Studio Summit, the HATCH festival and a Creative Sector Summit panel discussion sponsored by the Asheville Area Arts Council. At that panel, says Echo Mountain studio manager Jessica Tomasin, participants kept commenting on “the real, genuine nature of the people who live here and care about the place” — which is part of what sets Asheville apart from music industry meccas like Nashville, Austin and New Orleans. “Is it possible for us to have a thriving community here in terms of the music business? Yes. People are already starting to do it,” says Tomasin. But comparisons to bigger cities just don’t make sense. What Asheville has to offer, through a grass-roots approach, is resources for musicians who move here and opportunities such as festivals put on by outside promoters. THEY’LL BUILD THIS CITY But grass roots or not, that kind of infrastructure takes organization, which is where Asheville Music Professionals comes in. The embryonic group grew out of a conversation Tomasin had with music business veteran Michael Selverne and Mike Morel, the Asheville Symphony’s mar-
keting and production manager. They were talking about the music community’s need for both representation and cross-pollination. It’s not a new idea: Years ago, a group called Future of Asheville Music similarly aspired to provide a common voice for those involved with local music. AMP, though, has legs, pooling the ideas and talents of studio and venue owners, talent bookers, festival organizers, publicists, managers and musicians. Together, they’re scheduling workshops and educational opportunities, brainstorming collaborative opportunities, and considering ways to achieve fair pay and workable arrangements between performers and venues, among other projects. Tomasin, who has a technical theater background, has been with Echo Mountain since the beginning. “I love music; it’s my passion,” she says. And though her prior recording experience was limited, “I jumped in with both feet. I’ve enjoyed every minute of learning everything that goes on behind the scenes.” Her résumé quickly grew to include artist management, producing shows and running the studio’s shortlived Echo Mountain Records label. “I enjoy the aspect of taking something from concept to reality,” she says. In a sense, that’s where Western North Carolina’s burgeoning music industry is now: still in the concept phase but becoming a reality. And the local community, says Tomasin, can proceed using the quirky DIY approach it’s known for: “Instead of coming out with a glossy product, it’s the Asheville way to just progress along. ... We’re not waiting for anyone else, like Sony, to come in and build infrastructure.” FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, COLLABORATORS
IF YOU BUILD IT: Members of Asheville Music Professionals meet to discuss ideas of collaboration, education and advocacy. Pictured from left, Jessica Tomasin, Steven Heller, Marcel Anton, Josh Blake and Brandon Raab. Photo by Carrie Eidson vice Mason Jar Media, video production house IamAVL and independent music organization NewSong all have offices in the Patton Avenue facility and, like good housemates, collaborate on projects. Tomasin has worked festivals with Mason Jar; IamAVL provides live video stream for Echo Mountain events; and Lovett has worked on music video projects for Echo Mountain clients. On top of that, says Tomasin, “Ben and I had a kickball team together.” This is Asheville, after all: All work/no play just won’t cut it. “I get calls all the time from producers and engineers who are interested in Asheville,” says the studio manager. But while these people might be dazzled by the city’s potential, Echo Mountain’s staffers actually live here. That means they understand WNC’s realities, whether it’s the low wages/high rents obstacle or the importance of DIY know-how and
team spirit. So when it comes to small bands who’ve stretched their budget to record at the studio, “We’re all in the same boat, and we know what it takes to be able to get the money together to be able to do that,” says Tomasin. “You have a lot more riding on a record when you’ve put everything you have into it.” In other words, she continues, everyone gets treated the same, whether it’s Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band or Steve Martin — “except that Steve Martin gets better snacks.” Early on at Echo Mountain, she says, “I knew that it had to be a resource for the community. There’s too much talent here for it not to be.” AMP, meanwhile, though still in the formative stage, plans to build on that idea. By linking those who come to Asheville to enjoy good music and those who work to create it, the whole community benefits. And that’s just good business sense. X
Echo Mountain’s second studio — in the historic Salvation Army building adjacent to the former church that houses the main recording space — is a kind of microcosm of what that self-made infrastructure might look like. To help offset a hefty property tax bill, Wilmans decided to rent out space on the main building’s upper level. Musician and producer Ben Lovett, publicity and marketing ser-
“The scene really needs to coalesce and organize so it can be a unified voice in its local advocacy efforts, and work more effectively with local civic leadership and community stakeholders to everyone’s mutual benefit.” — Gar Ragland, NewSong Recordings
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Jake Frankel
ing and publicity campaign, will steer national media attention this way. The CVB’s Foodtopia site, says Brown, has “been that kind of focal point to our brand that’s opened the door to a lot of other opportunities.” She’s also seeking partners to create a downtown Asheville box office “where you could walk in and learn everything that’s happening and walk out with tickets. … I feel like it would be really amazing to have a physical icon of arts and music where visitors are drawn, like TKTS in New York.” The marketing campaign, says Brown, will “not only help promote that aspect of the Asheville visit but also help that segment of our community to thrive, because it’s creating more customers.” HOT ON THE TRAIL
SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: The Moog Music factory hosts tours of 20-40 people from all over the world every day. Here, Paul Gaeta (aka local musician Panther God) leads a group. Photo by Alicia Funderburk
New projects seek to increase local music tourism Asheville may never be able to swipe the “Music City” moniker from a certain similarly named titan of sound in Tennessee, but several new initiatives aim to boost this area’s image as a serious music destination. The Asheville Convention and Visitors Bureau, building on its success in helping nurture the city’s growing national reputation as a food lovers’ paradise, is now developing a marketing campaign to promote Asheville and environs as a world-class music mecca. Tourists already spend about $1.5 billion in Buncombe County each year; the idea is to explore ways the local creative sector could boost that number while deriving more benefit from it. The boom in music venues, 30
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
events and overall cultural interest has reached a tipping point, says Stephanie Brown, the agency’s senior vice president and executive director. And now, “The CVB has an opportunity to be a leader in the branding of these experiences to create some assets that really help the industry. This is part of a process of developing awareness of things that Asheville does well.” Accordingly, the CVB is developing a website, due to be completed by the end of 2014, that will include a venue guide, streaming music and a comprehensive calendar of local events. It will be part of exploreasheville.com, which some 3.5 million people use to plan their vacations each year. The bureau hopes the new site, in tandem with an advertis-
These efforts come on the heels of Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina, a website launched in April that aims to promote traditional music across 29 WNC counties. A corresponding guidebook was released last year, and a map of music venues and historical sites will be distributed at visitors centers across the state. The goal is “to connect people with great musical experiences,” says Rob Bell, director of programs for the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership. “It will also help provide more work opportunities for musicians and dancers.” A 2011 survey conducted by East Carolina University for the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area and the N.C. Arts Council suggests that old-time, bluegrass and folk music events already have a significant economic impact, notes Bell. The study, which measured visitation at just 26 of the region’s more than 200 traditional music venues, reported a $20.7 million impact. Bell hopes the new efforts will help increase that number in years to come. And though the CVB hasn’t tracked exactly how much money music tourism pumps into Asheville and Buncombe County, information provided by folks working in the local industry suggests that it’s significant. Roughly 35 percent of ticket buyers at The Orange Peel live more than 120 miles away, says marketing director Liz Whalen Tallent; last year, she figures, they had an economic impact of at least $2.1 million. Knoxville-based AC Entertainment has produced many of Asheville’s biggest pop, rock and electronica shows since
“The way local musicians, promoters and venues support each other and collaborate is unprecedented. I hear it all the time at the Tuesday Night Funk Jam, when I meet musicians from all over the map who come to check it out or sit in: ‘Man, I wish we had something like this where I was from.’” — Josh Blake, musician, producer, engineer
1991. And founder Ashley Capps reports that in shows he’s staged at U.S. Cellular Center during the last three years, more than 60 percent of ticket buyers have come from outside the region. “There’s no question that Asheville’s a destination, and given a choice to see a show in many other cities or in Asheville, many would opt for Asheville if they possibly can,” says Capps. LONG AND WINDING ROAD Yet there are still significant hurdles to enhancing Asheville’s musical pedigree. One is the limited availability of downtown lodgings, says Capps, but he hopes that will start to change with the opening of several planned hotels. The area could also use a better outdoor space for major festivals, he believes. Both McCormick Field and Memorial Stadium (perched just above it) show promise, though Capps says the city has denied him permission to use the stadium in the past. Another potential outdoor venue is the New Belgium Brewing site now under construction in the River Arts District. Although the facility isn’t due to open until late next year, “We’ve had some conversations,” he reports. As for indoor music venues, one of the most pressing needs is renovating the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, where Capps recently staged a sold-out show by pop star Beck. “It needs some help, in terms of what’s expected in modern amenities for a concert,” the promoter maintains. In the past, says Capps, he hasn’t “seen a lot to indicate that there’s a real push [by tourism officials] to identify Asheville as a music scene,” but he’s glad their mindset seems to be changing. Not every key player in the local music industry is happy to see increased investment in luring tourists here, however. “I really think we need to change the mindset from tourism to technology,” says Moog Music CEO Mike Adams. Moogfest, which he took over from Capps this year, drew thousands of tourists to town back in April, but Adams says that wasn’t his principal goal. “It definitely filled up hotels, and people went to eat. … We’re doing our part for the tourism bit,” he says, noting that an economic impact study is in the works to measure those immediate benefits. And the iconic instrument factory itself, he continues, hosts daily tours for 20 to 40 people from all over the world. “But the majority of the powers that be here over-invest in tourism,” Adams asserts. “What I’m saying is, let’s … use the tax money that derives from that and put that into attracting some high-tech entrepreneurs who could bring some good-paying jobs here. … I’m not trying to be exclusionary, but we need to look at things a little bit differently.” X
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Lea McLellan
LAYING DOWN THE TRACKS Local recording studios offer top-tier quality Time was, musicians had to rely on outfits in places like Nashville or New York to mix and master their albums. These days, though, Asheville and environs boast a broad array of facilities equipped to handle songs, videos and related projects from start to finish. Even many out-ofstate artists, companies and larger TV networks have started looking to Western North Carolina-based studios for their audio needs. The following three businesses — 2BruceStudio, Crossroads and Merrick Music — provide strong evidence that when it comes to recording, this small town can deliver big-city results. FROM THE JINGLE HOUSE TO THE MILES BUILDING You probably won’t find a rock band in Bruce Sales’ 2BruceStudio, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t keeping busy. “My studio is more geared for postproduction,” says Sales. “I work with filmmakers and people doing video. So it’s [creating] the sound for the picture. They need sound design or voice recording or original music, or they just need me to mix it. Or fix it — I’ve been doing a lot of fixing lately.” After majoring in songwriting at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Sales landed a gig at David Horowitz Music Associates, a commercial “jingle house”
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
in New York City. He spent the next 15 years composing and engineering for bigname clients like Pepsi and GE, as well as small films. And while the Asheville native says out-of-towners such as HBO and The History Channel still call on him regularly for voice recording work, he’s also made his mark in the local community. Besides producing the Asheville 48 Hour Film Project, Sales sponsors the Asheville Music School’s summer camp program, giving young musicians their first recording experience. The kids, he says, “just kind of walk in and play, and they get their mix. The largest group I had in here was 12 kids: They’re all lined around the walls, and I recorded them all at once playing a couple of songs. In the last 15 minutes, I mixed it together and gave them a version they can give their parents.” He also works with local musicians (including a lot of rappers and hip-hop artists lately, thanks to his knack for high-quality vocal recording), and businesses such as The Biltmore Co. and Travelling Yogini tours. Info at 2brucestudio.com MORE THAN BLUEGRASS While the national success of local band Balsam Range may have made a name for the Crossroads label in the bluegrass world, Ty Gilpin, the company’s marketing director, points out that there’s much more to the studio. “It’s a fullservice label,” he says. “We have license and distribution teams, a physical and digital sales team, a fairly big marketing team, video production, radio promotion.” Crossroads got its start about 30 years ago when Asheville native Micky Gamble established the business on Merrimon Avenue. He moved the studio to its current location in Arden in the mid-’90s. The label and its subsidiaries — including Organic Records and Mountain Home — put out between three and six albums a month, says Gilpin. “We do everything from gospel to Americana to bluegrass to rock ’n’ roll. ... Sometimes there’s an assumption that we’re just doing Southern gospel or just doing bluegrass, but there’s a lot of variety.” “We’ve been doing all this stuff, but it’s gone under the radar to some extent,” he continues, in part because Crossroads has been working with national acts. But with the new label, Organic Records, Crossroads hopes to work more with local musicians.
SOUND GUY: Bruce Sales sits in his studio space in the Miles Building in downtown Asheville. Photo courtesy of Sales “We’re excited about the music scene that’s developed over the last decade or so here in Asheville,” says Gilpin. “The fact that we’re working with some local bands proves our interest in being a part of a vibrant Asheville scene. I think Asheville has lots of great talent but doesn’t always have the music business structure side of it that you might see in Nashville, New York or L.A., and really, we’d love to be a facilitator in that.” Info at crossroadsmusic.com NASHVILLE NATIVE MOVES TO THE MOUNTAINS After 20 years on Nashville’s Music Row working with big-name clients like Cyndi Lauper and Dolly Parton, Neal Merrick Blackwood (aka Neal Merrick) moved his Grammy-winning production company and recording studio to tranquil Black Mountain. “Nashville is full of the hustle and bustle of a large city. That can be very distracting at times,” says Merrick. “Asheville offers me the time to allow creativity to freely flow, to work with talented artists who I like, as well as to compose for film and TV.” The mountain views from his studio, he notes, don’t hurt either. And if Merrick’s skills as a composer, multi-instrumentalist, engineer and
producer enable him to work with the likes of Bob Dylan (in New York) and Charlie Daniels (in Nashville), as well as on TV projects, he also gets local musicians in his studio regularly. In fact, “the great number of world-class talented people here,” says Merrick, was part of the reason for the move. Merrick Music works with a range of genres, from instrumental to ambient to alternative rock. Merrick spent most of his early life in the Nashville area, studying and performing various musical styles and technical applications. Current projects, he says, are “too many to list,” but mentions working with two new artists, Hollander Blue and Moon Without the Blue. Both projects feature local musicians. Still, Merrick freely acknowledges how hard it can be to make a living as a musician. “Selling CDs at live shows has been a lifesaver for many artists,” he says. And even when you have a great artist, a great image and a great product, “I’ve found that it still mostly comes down to eventually taking the well-worn avenues of distribution, promotion and marketing, in the amount that one can prudently afford, in order to make an artist known.” Info at merrickmusic.com X
“People [in Asheville] tend to avoid complacency; they go out to shows, they dance, they buy music, they want to hear new things — it’s vibrant here in a way I imagine many other cities are not.” — Mark Capon, Harvest Records
by Edwin Arnaudin
INSTRUMENT OF CONSTRUCTION Two local manufacturers talk inspiration, sales and famous fans Moog Music leads all local instrument builders in name recognition, and for good reason. With a legacy that dates back to Robert Moog’s first theremins in 1954 and first modular synthesizer in 1963, the company has remained at the forefront of the electronic music scene, thanks to steady innovation and popular events such as Moogfest. In 2014, Moog Music will ship 1,500 Minimoog Voyagers, 7,000 Etherwave Theremins and 17,000 effects pedals, according to spokesperson Jill Lieberman, but it’s far from the only game in town. A handful of smaller operations, including Make Noise and Blackout Effectors, are increasingly having an impact at the national and international levels. THE MODULAR SYNTH ALTERNATIVE Armed with a knowledge of electronic circuit design and analog electronic engineering gleaned from reference books at the Brooklyn Public Library, Make Noise founder Tony Rolando began making one-of-a-kind drone boxes and special requests for installation artists. A little over six years ago, he and Kelly Kelbel moved to the Asheville area, where Rolando, looking to expand his skills, started working on the Moog production line. There, he developed a great interest in modular synthesizers, particularly the pioneering efforts of Don Buchla, and began working on his own creations in a spare bedroom in his home in Marshall. “The first module Tony made was the modDemod. He built 20 by hand, kept two for himself and sold the remainder through an Internet forum in a matter of hours,” says Kelbel, the company’s president. “An instrument dealer contacted him right away and placed an order. After that, [the profits from] every run of modules were
invested into making the next run and creating new designs. In some ways, not much has changed.” After a brief stint in West Asheville, Make Noise now operates out of a downtown space on Carolina Lane. A staff of six builds and tests the current line — 18 individual modules and seven systems — which are then sold all over the world. “Folks who play Eurorack modular synths we’ve found to be a rather lovely group who build community with one another,” says Kelbel. The same holds true for folks in Asheville, she continues. Daft Punk, Alessandro Cortini and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, and Stewart Pico Cole of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros are among the well-known artists who’ve purchased Make Noise systems or modules. But though Rolando is pleased to have such esteemed clients, his admiration isn’t limited to famous folks. “Anybody who learns to use a modular synthesizer and creates music with it is notable,” he says. “It’s not an easy instrument to learn, and there’s not a predetermined path of study. The folks who use these instruments share patch tips and create community around sound sculpting.” A lot of Make Noise’s customers, he continues, “are not professional musicians. They’re simply people who enjoy exploring sound and music.” That passion for their customers is also what prompted Rolando and Kelbel to start Make Noise Records. The label’s initial five albums are all part of the Shared System Series; each record showcases a different artist using the company’s Shared System collection of modules. “We hope the records will purely illustrate the intentions of the artists rather than the designer of the instrument,” says Kelbel. “Making records is not a way for us to make money: It’s a way for us to share music and promote some of the artists who support what we do.” Info at makenoisemusic.com PEDAL TO THE METAL In April 2008, Kyle Tompkins began building guitar effect pedals while living in Vancouver. Working full time in the graphic design field, he viewed instrument tinkering as just one of many hobbies that kept his nights busy. But as interest in his products spread via online guitar forums, “It eventually became
LOUD AND PROUD: Daft Punk, Alessandro Cortini and Trent Reznor have all purchased Make Noise systems or modules. Make Noise owners Kelly Kelbel and Tony Rolando (front center and right) and their team have set up shop in downtown Asheville. Photo by Alicia Funderburk
another full-time job on top of my day job, leaving me struggling to keep up with both and extremely sleep-deprived,” he says. “Eventually I had to make a decision, and the day job got the boot.” But Tompkins knew he’d need dependable help to make Blackout Effectors a success. His older brother, Ross, was living in Asheville at the time and expressed a strong interest in helping take the business to the next level. That enthusiasm prompted Kyle to move here in 2009, and the brothers now jointly own the company. “The city has been a very good home base for us, and the name Asheville is now so intertwined with our brand identity that it’s hard to imagine leaving. It would almost be like rebranding,” says Kyle. Although Blackout’s pedals are primarily used with guitars, they’re designed to work with bass guitar, organ and other electronic instruments too. Packed with informational videos, the company’s website sells directly to the public, but the bulk of Blackout’s business is wholesale, to guitar shops around the world. “We keep them stocked with new, exciting sounds for their local musician customers to stumble upon and compare against the effect pedal that they thought they were going into the shop to get,” says Kyle. “As nice a tool as online videos are, there’s just no replacement for hearing something in the real world.”
Wilco, Robert Plant and Deerhunter are among the many musicians and bands who showcase Blackout Effectors’ wares while on the road. Kyle also had a chance to hang out with Band of Horses when the group was recording at Echo Mountain in downtown Asheville. The band, he remembers, was searching for “a really great fuzz tone for a particular track,” and one of Blackout’s pedals provided it. “Artist endorsements are a big part of spreading the word about what you’re up to,” says Kyle. “It also gives us a chance to meet up with a lot of artists who we admire and get their input on sounds they hear in their heads but can’t seem to find in the real world. We can use that as a jumping-off point for new effect designs.” Having experienced growth almost every year since the company’s launch, the Tompkinses have added two more members to their Merrimon Avenuebased production team to meet consumer demand. Still, they’re not completely insulated from the effects of the recession, notes Kyle, though strong international sales do give them a bit of a buffer. Understanding the seasonal nature of the business also helps. “When bands are out on the road in the summer, they’re buying less gear,” he says. “When they’re holed up in the studio during the colder months, they’re buying a lot.” Info at blackouteffectors.com X
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Alli Marshall
One-man banjo Tall Tall Trees puts a new spin on an old instrument When you think of the banjo, you might think of Earl Scruggs (who invented the three-finger picking style), or old-time player Uncle Dave Macon, or even comedian-turnedserious picker Steve Martin. You probably don’t think of loop pedals or bowing, or ancillary sounds from percussive tapping and blowing; you probably don’t imagine anything that could be classified as “space banjo.” But that’s exactly the kind of music banjo player Mike Savino of band-turned-solo-act Tall Tall Trees makes. “In retrospect, when I look back on my life, I understand there had always been a passion for banjo music,” he says. Though he’s not necessarily talking about bluegrass chestnuts, virtuosic banjo licks from The Eagles and Flying Burrito Brothers caught his attention. Nonetheless, it was double bass
WHO Tall Tall Trees with Christopher Paul Stelling and Mother Explosives WHERE The Mothlight, themothlight.com WHEN Wednesday, Aug. 6, at 9:30 p.m. $5
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that Savino studied at a conservatory in New York, and it wasn’t until he began the transition to songwriter that he realized he’d need a more portable instrument. “I’ve always been interested in instruments that aren’t overplayed,” says Savino. “When I got serious about banjo, I realized how much there was to be done with it that hadn’t been done before.” Things really got interesting when, after making Moment in 2012, he realized that he couldn’t afford to tour with a full band in support of the album. “I had been doing loop-based shows on the side, for my own entertainment,” he says. “That’s the point I realized I needed to rethink my entire live approach.” At the same time, K. Ishibashi — a friend of Savino’s from New York’s improvised music circles — asked the banjo player to tour both as an opener for and member of his indiepop collective, Kishi Bashi. “We had an instant chemistry,” Savino says of his early meetings with the songwriter and experimental violinist whose orchestral concoctions have found their way onto commercials for Sony and Microsoft products. Though Savino and Ishibashi have different sounds (both underscored by a palpable, if off-kilter, sweetness), they’ve had similar paths in music — the struggle to stay afloat as an indie artist, the turn to solo act out of necessity and the passion for pushing the limits of their respective instruments. “I wasn’t surprised that we could get away with what we’re doing as much as that the response for what we’re
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
STRING THEORY: “In retrospect, when I look back on my life, I understand there had always been a passion for banjo music,” says Mike Savino of Tall Tall Trees. As a solo act, he’s taken that instrument far from its folk and bluegrass roots. Photo courtesy of the musician
doing is so great,” says Savino. While the banjo player’s previous albums, lauded by critics, were recorded with full bands (guitarist and Xpress contributor Dave Gilbert played on Moment), he’s currently at work on a new project. This one, tracked in Athens, Ga., with Ishibashi’s help, will reflect Savino’s solo prowess. “I just finished an EP that’s more based on my live show — a lot more banjo, a lot more looporiented,” he says. “I’m kind of reinventing myself again to reflect that this is music coming straight from me rather than a collaboration with other musicians.” That reinvention, however, is rooted in a lot of spontaneity. Inspired by the prospect of creating onstage, in the moment, Savino says he never makes a set list. “For me to stay excited about playing the same songs every night, I need room to improvise and to feed off the energy of the audience,” he says. Much of what he’s developed into techniques originated from those
impromptu flashes. His practice of drumming on the banjo came from one night when he forgot the floor tom that he used to travel with. “I started playing with my mallet on the banjo and realized, ‘This is much cooler,’” Savino says. “I’ve spent time in the practice room woodshedding these techniques, but a lot of it I’ll change from night to night.” With great creativity comes great risk, and removing the safety net of a backing band adds to that vulnerability. Savino admits that he’s blown it in front of an audience — including one show where he broke his banjo on the second song. In front of 600 people, he rigged it back together and finished his set. “You’re doing a tightrope act, and things can go wrong at any time,” he says. “But people will get on your side quicker, because they want to see you triumph over difficulties.” X
Asheville Area Arts Council’s recharged direction
ROOM WITH A VIEW: Along with new funding sources, collaborations and programs, Asheville Area Arts Council relocates from the River Arts District to the Grove Arcade. “I think we will see more action downtown,” says AAAC director Kitty Love, left, with operations manager Mica Mead. Photo by Kyle Sherard
The Asheville Area Arts Council is moving: Friday, Aug. 1, marks opening day for the 62-year-old nonprofit organization in suites 144 and 143-A of the Grove Arcade. The new location marks the organization’s return to downtown Asheville after a three-year stint in the River Arts District’s Pink Dog Creative building. The move also follows a string of property transfers, including the 2010 sale of 11 Biltmore Ave., which resulted in the AAAC’s subsequent RAD relocation, and the January sale of 13 Biltmore Ave. to the owners of Cúrate. The Arts Council acquired both of its Biltmore Avenue buildings
from the Asheville Housing Authority in the late 1980s. This year’s sale freed the organization of the duties of a landlord. It also enabled the organization to pay off debts accrued by previous boards and program directors and to further enrich its programming schedule. Asheville Running Co. will soon open in the space the AAAC just left at 346 Depot St. Both downtown and the RAD are engaging areas, says Kitty Love, AAAC’s executive director. “Each has its vibe, but I think we will see more action downtown,” she says. Unlike the RAD loca-
by Kyle Sherard
tion, which was a specific destination point, the downtown space will be easier for locals and visitors to drop by. The Grove Arcade space will offer a better and more affordable contact point for visitors wanting information on Asheville’s greater arts scene. Relocating downtown, Love notes, will also increase visibility for the gallery and the Artists Resource Center, a multipurpose events space, education and tech lab that serves area artists and creators. “Having the ARC central is a plus,” Love says. “[But] it’s important to remember that our area of service is the county. The actual location of the office, while there is a natural association with environment, isn’t really related to the programs and services we offer on a broad scale to the whole county.” She continues, “Ultimately, I see the ARC as a modular program with technology and training components in the RAD once again, but also in Emma, Black Mountain and Eagle and Market streets, where the creative folk are living.” The new space comes at a time when the arts council is steadily regaining strength in the community and emerging from a multiyear probationary period with the N.C. Arts Council. AAAC lost its status as a Designated County Partner — and its ability to distribute Grassroots Arts Program funds — with the state agency in 2010 after a series of financial problems under previous directors and boards. But since Love was named executive director in 2011, the agency, with guidance from the state, has made a steady recovery and, as of July 17, was granted a provisional partnership status with the state.
Last week, for the first time since 2010, AAAC used its new space to host a writing workshop on the 2014-15 cycle of the Grassroots grants, whose deadline is Aug. 15. The annual grants, created by the N.C. Arts Council in 1977, are distributed through local arts councils throughout the state’s 100 counties. Individuals and groups of artists, qualified nonprofits, and educational and community organizations can apply for partial or whole funding through the grants, which range from a hundred to thousands of dollars. In the weeks ahead, AAAC will open a new exhibition from its Point of View series, with works curated by local artist Colby Caldwell. “It will be a collaboration show between Asheville and Washington, D.C. artists featuring a music component and panel discussion event about technology and art-making,” says Mica Mead, AAAC’s operations manager. An artists reception will follow later in August. Added to that is a new source of funding from the Windgate Charitable Foundation and partnerships with HandMade in America and NC REAL, among others. The organization will also continue to put on its annual color ball — the theme (“The Gilded Ball,” so think gold) and date (Sept. 27, at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall) were just announced. The AAAC gallery and Artist Resource Center open Friday, Aug. 1. Regular hours will be Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information on the AAAC, the ARC and the Grassroots Grants, visit ashevillearts.com X
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
A&E staff
Ali Douglass
Quilts as Inspiration There was a time when quilts served as one of the few pieces of artwork in Appalachian homes, and they truly were works of art. “The hallmarks of great art always include line, color, patterns, texture, balance. Quilts are no exception,” according to a press release for American Folk Art & Framing’s upcoming exhibit, Pattern, Texture, Emotion: Quilts as Inspiration. The featured artists — Liz Sullivan, Darrell Loy Scott, Jane Wells Harrison, Kent Ambler and Sherry Cook — use the design elements and ideas of piecing, layering and reusing to create quilts and quilt-inspired art in their own mediums of paint, wood and metal. The exhibition will be on view at American Folk Art & Framing from Thursday, July 31, through Monday, Aug. 25, with an opening reception on Friday, Aug. 1, from 5-8 p.m. Free. amerifolk.com. Image: “Land” by Liz Sullivan
There is something comfortingly familiar about Ali Douglass’ whimsical illustrations and paintings. It might be the eye-pleasing color combinations, charming characters and quirky cityscapes and scenes — or it might actually be that you’ve seen them before. Douglass has been illustrating for countless magazines and newspapers — including Seventeen, Martha Stewart, Glamour and The New York Times — as well as for greeting cards, advertisements and books for over 15 years. These days, she lives in Asheville and teaches drawing online at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Meet the artist at the opening reception, at the Front Gallery at Woolworth Walk on Friday, Aug. 1, from 5-7 p.m. Free. woolworthwalk. com. Paper art by Douglass
Jim Lauderdale Although country singer-songwriter Jim Lauderdale is as tied to Nashville as to the colorful, embroidered suits he wears, he’s actually a North Carolina native. The son of a minister and a church organist, Lauderdale was born in Troutman, N.C., and grew up in South Carolina. He did head to Nashville after college, but it was in New York where he delved into the twang scene and began playing with his longtime collaborator Buddy Miller (“They really do finish each other’s sentences,” says NPR) before finally making it as a Nashville songwriter. The multi-Grammy winner released his 26th album, I’m a Song, this month. It includes co-writes with Elvis Costello, Robert Hunter, Bobby Bare and others. Lauderdale plays The Orange Peel on Friday, Aug. 1, at 8 p.m. Carlene Carter shares the bill at the seated show. $20 advance/$22 day of show. theorangepeel.net. Photo courtesy of the musician
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
The Royal Noise Drawing on influences from the great funk masters Herbie Hancock and Parliament Funkadelic, as well as contemporary bands like Umphrey’s McGee and Lotus, Philadelphia-based funk band The Royal Noise is a self-described “relentless funk dance party.” One reviewer characterizes the band as “Groove, groove and more groove — with a side order of groove and a frothy mug of groove to wash it down with.” Getting the idea yet? The four-piece group promises “a different show [each night] with constant experimenting and improvising over heavy grooves, catchy melodies and instrumental prowess.” The Royal Noise performs at One Stop on Thursday, July 31, at 9 p.m. Free. ashevillemusichall.com. Photo courtesy of the band
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Grady Cooper & Carrie Eidson
Located inside the Unitarian Universalist Congregation. • SU (8/3), 7pm - Pat Donohue, singer/ songwriter. $15/$10 students.
ASHEVILLE ART MUSEUM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • ONGOING - Community, abstract works by Sharon Louden.
PARK RHYTHMS CONCERT SERIES 669-8610 • FR (7/31), 6-9pm - One Leg Up, jazz. Free. Held at Lake Tomahawk Park Pavilion, 401 S. Laurel Circle Dr., Black Mountain
ASHEVILLE GALLERY OF ART 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-ofart.com • Through TU (7/31) - World’s Apart, works by Peggy Horne Taylor. • FR (8/1) through SU (8/31) - Paintings by Joyce Schlapkohl. Opening reception: August 1, 5pm.
STUART AUDITORIUM Lake Junaluska, 452-2881 • SA (8/2), 7:30pm - David Troy Francis, contemporary Americana. $17.50.
THEATER ANAM CARA THEATRE 545-3861, anamcaratheatre.com • FR (8/1), 8pm - Tales & Ales. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B
A STREET JOURNAL: Photographer Joe Longobardi will celebrate the release of his book, Urban Photography from the Streets of a Bohemian Mountain Town, with an exhibit running through August at Grateful Steps Publishing House. Longobardi writes, “The collection focuses on the performance of living, creating, and being an ‘Ashevillian’ in downtown Asheville.” Photo by Joe Longobardi. (p.38)
MT. MITCHELL CRAFTS FAIR 682-7413, yanceychamber.com/craft-fair • FR (8/1), 9am-6pm & SA (8/2), 9am-5pm Artisan crafts, demonstrations and live music and dance. Free to attend. Held at Burnsville Town Square, 2 Town Square, Burnsville
AUDITIONS & CALL TO ARTISTS AAAC'S REGIONAL ARTIST PROJECT GRANT ashevillearts.com • Through (10/14) - Applications will be accepted for this grant from the Asheville Area Arts Council to provide financial support for committed, accomplished artists. ARTS COUNCIL OF HENDERSON COUNTY acofhc.org, 693-8504 • Through (8/16) - Applications will be accepted for the N.C. Arts Council Regional Artist Project. Open to artists in Henderson, Polk, and Transylvania counties. Contact for guidelines. WRITERS' WORKSHOP EVENTS 254-8111, twwoa.org, prez@twwoa.org For beginning and experienced writers. • Through SA (8/30) - Submissions will be accepted for the Literary Fiction Contest, stories of 5000 words or less. $25. Contact for guidelines. • Through WE (7/30) - Submissions will be accepted for the Hard Times Essay Contest, describing a difficult personal experience in 5000 words or less. $25. Contact for guidelines.
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
SONG O' SKY CHORUS (pd.) Tuesday 6:45-9:30 PM Song O' Sky Chorus Calvary Baptist Church (Chandler Center), 531 Haywood Road, 28806. Asheville's only a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky.org or (866) 824-9547 Parking available behind the church. BREVARD MUSIC CENTER 349 Andante Lane, Brevard, 862-2100, brevardmusic.org • WE (7/30), 7:30-9pm - Chamber music by Franz Schubert. $20. • TH (7/31), 7:30-9:30pm & SA (8/2), 2-4pm - Janiec Opera Company presents Sweeney Todd. $40. • SA (8/2), 7:30-9:30pm - The Brevard Sinfonia performs Brahms' Symphony No.1. $15-$40. • SU (8/3), 3-5pm - Pianist Conrad Tao and the Brevard Music Center Orchestra. $15 and up. GRASSY CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 793 State Road, 1116, Spruce Pine, 765-4620, grassycreekbc.org • SU (8/3), 10:30am - Dixie Melody Boys, gospel music quartet. Free. HENDERSONVILLE'S MUSIC ON MAIN STREET 693-9708, historichendersonville.org • FR (8/1), 7-9pm - Blind Lemon Phillips, blues/ funk. Free. MOUNTAIN SPIRIT COFFEEHOUSE 1 Edwin Place, uuasheville.org
FLAT ROCK PLAYHOUSE Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (7/24) until (8/24) - Miss Saigon. Wed.Sat.: 8pm; Thu., Sat. & Sun.: 2pm. $40. FLAT ROCK PLAYHOUSE DOWNTOWN 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 6930731, flatrockplayhouse.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (7/31) through (8/9), 8pm - Music on the Rock: The Songs of the 60s, tribute concert. $24. SART - SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REPERTORY THEATRE Owen Theatre Mars Hill University, Mars Hill, 689-1384, sartplays.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (7/17) until (8/3) - Promises. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:2:30pm. $26.56. • WE (8/6) through SA (8/9), 7:30pm & SU (8/10), 2:30pm - Smoke on the Mountain Homecoming. $26.56.
AMBROZIA BAR & BISTRO 120 Merrimon Ave., 350-3033, ambrozia-avl. com • ONGOING - Two Worlds, abstract watercolors by Mick Donelan. ANANDA 22 Broadway, 232-1017, anandahair.com • Through SA (8/2) - A Retrospective, sculpture and ceramics by R. N. Grinnell/Banister. ARTETUDE GALLERY 89 Patton Ave., 252-1466, artetudegallery. com • Through SU (8/31) - Life in Motion, works by Alyson Markell and Kenn Kotara.
BLACK MOUNTAIN CENTER FOR THE ARTS 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • Through FR (9/12) - Carolina Through My Lens, photography by Joye Ardyn Durham. BLUE SPIRAL 1 38 Biltmore Ave., 251-0202, bluespiral1.com Blue Sprial 1 • TH (7/31) through SA (9/27) - Works by Kenneth Baskin, John L. Cleaveland, Brad Sells, Lee Sipe and Mike Smith. Opening reception: July 31, 5pm. • FR (8/1) through SA (9/27) - Ahead of the Curve, contemporary works focusing on lines. Opening reception: July 31, 5pm. CANTON BRANCH OF HAYWOOD COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton, 648-2924, haywoodlibrary.org • Through FR (8/1) - Fly Over, photography of WWII warbirds by Barbara Sammons. GRATEFUL STEPS 159 S Lexington Ave., 277-0998, gratefulsteps. org • FR (8/01) through SU (8/31) - Urban Photography From The Streets Of A Bohemian Mountain Town, street photography by Joe Longobardi. Opening reception: August 6, 8pm. HANDMADE IN AMERICA 125 S Lexington Ave #101, 252-0121, handmadeinamerica.org • TH (7/31) through TU (8/19) - Glass works by John Almaguer. Held at Beverly-Hanks Discovery Center, 1 Town Square Blvd. Opening reception: July 31, 5:30pm. MICA FINE CONTEMPORARY CRAFT 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 688-6422, micagallerync.com • Through MO (9/1) - Bits and Pieces, sculptures by Raven Tata. Artist’s reception: August 2, 5pm. PACK MEMORIAL LIBRARY 67 Haywood St. • FR (8/1) through SA (8/30) - Paintings, architectural drawings and iron work by Anthony Lord. PUSH SKATE SHOP & GALLERY 25 Patton Ave., 225-5509, pushtoyproject.com • Through SU (8/31) - Screen prints, stickers and other works by California artist Bigfoot. RED HOUSE STUDIOS AND GALLERY 310 W. State St., Black Mountain, 699-0351, svfalarts.org • FR (8/1) through SU (8/31) - Swannanoa Fine Arts League members juried exhibit. Opening reception: August 1, 5pm.
SILVER FOX GALLERY & INTERIORS 508 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 698-0601, silverfoxonline.com • FR (7/25) through WE (8/27) - Wooden sculptures by Mark Gardner. THE BENDER GALLERY 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, thebendergallery.com • FR (8/1) through TU (9/30) - Artifacts and Contraptions, glass and mixed media sculptures by artists Peter Wright and Audrey Wilson. Opening reception: August 1, 5pm.
SAT, AUG 2 Livingston Taylor 8 PM l $30
SUN, AUG 10 One Heart Productions Presents “Paloma
Devi in Convcert -
TRANSYLVANIA COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through FR (8/15) - Works by artists of Burlingame Country Club. URBAN DHARMA 29 Page Ave., 225-6422, udharmanc.com • FR (7/25) through FR (10/31) - Drifting Toward the Names of Things, paper works by Brian T. Leahy. ZAPOW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, zapow. net • SA (8/2) through FR (9/26) - British Invasion, works inspired by the British pop culture. Opening reception: August 2, 7pm.
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
C L U B L A N D CORK & KEG Honey Swamp Stompers (country, blues, jug-band), 8pm
CROW & QUILL Asheville Gypsy Swingers (gypsy jazz), 9pm
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Wine tasting w/ The Buncombe County Boys (bluegrass), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm
DOUBLE CROWN 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
BEN’S TUNE-UP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
DUGOUT Slumberjack (alt-rock), 9pm
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Buncombe County Boys (bluegrass), 7pm
BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Open Mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7pm
FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Andrew Scotchie (acoustic rock, soul), 8pm
BYWATER Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
CORK & KEG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm DOUBLE CROWN DJs Greg Cartwright & David Wayne Gay (country), 10pm DUGOUT Karaoke, 9pm
GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN The Freight Hoppers (string, folk), 8pm
EMERALD LOUNGE Blues jam, 8pm
HAVANA RESTAURANT Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm
GOOD STUFF The Saturday Giant (indie, pop), 7:30pm GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Bob Log III (slide guitar) w/ The Pork Torta, 9pm GRIND CAFE Trivia night, 7pm HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul, folk), 5:30pm ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Acoustic on the Patio w/ Taylor Martin & friends, 7pm JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Old-time session, 5pm
LOBSTER TRAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm MOE’S ORIGINAL BAR-B-QUE Matt Sellers, 6pm MOUNTAIN MOJO COFFEEHOUSE Open mic, 6:30pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
THROUGH THE AIR: “Bromelia is a small collective of dancers, acrobats, aerialists and contortionists exploring the intersection of land and sky,” explains Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective’s website. “Rooted in circus tradition and modern dance technique, Bromelia’s choreography seeks to link the spacial futurosity of flight with the human impulse toward non-verbal communication.” This particular series of acrobatic dance, Missed Connections, will be accompanied by the live music of Hello Hugo and Polly Panic members. Three shows will be performed at The Mothlight — two on Saturday, Aug. 2 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., and an encore show at 2 p.m., on Sunday, Aug. 3.
NOBLE KAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm ODDITORIUM Demon Waffle w/ The Pandemics (ska, punk), 9pm
LEX 18 The Roaring Lions (jazz), 7pm
GOOD STUFF Blue Eyed Bettys (folk, rock), 7pm
TRESSA’S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL The Bankesters (bluegrass, Americana), 9pm JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Bluegrass jam, 7pm LEX 18 Michael Jefry Stevens (jazz piano), 7pm LOBSTER TRAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm MARKET PLACE Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm ODDITORIUM Projector Night (“totally weird”), 9pm
URBAN ORCHARD Poetry on Demand w/ Eddie Cabbage, 6:30pm
OLIVE OR TWIST Swing dance lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats Band (vintage rock ‘n’ roll), 8pm
OLIVE OR TWIST Pop the Clutch Band (Motown, blues, swing), 7:30pm
VINCENZO’S BISTRO Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
ONE STOP DELI & BAR Tanya Morgan & Pigeon John (hip-hop), 10pm
WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm
ONE STOP DELI & BAR Phish ‘n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm The Royal Noise (funk), 10pm
PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Campfire Reverends (blues, Americana), 6pm PULP Lords of Chicken Hill w/ The Blots (punk), 9pm
PISGAH BREWING COMPANY The Shane Pruitt Band (blues, soul, rock), 9pm POSH BAR Acoustic jam, 6pm
185 KING STREET Brevard Music Center presents Joe Lulloff, 8pm
PULP Slice Of Life Comedy Open Mic, 9pm
SLY GROG LOUNGE Open mic, 7pm
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm
PURPLE ONION CAFE Jay Brown, 7:30pm
STRAIGHTAWAY CAFE Searra & The Jazzy Folk, 6pm
ALLEY KATS TAVERN Open mic night, 7pm
TALLGARY’S CANTINA Open mic & jam, 7pm
ALTAMONT BREWING COMPANY Drayton & The Dreamboats, 9pm
THE PHOENIX Jazz night, 8pm
ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL The Visionarium: Drumspyder w/ Splynter & DJ Story (dance, electronic), 10pm
ROOT BAR NO. 1 Justin Osborne (rock, Americana), 9pm
THE SOCIAL Karaoke, 9:30pm TIGER MOUNTAIN THIRST PARLOUR Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm TIMO’S HOUSE Release AVL w/ Dam Good & guests (dance party), 9pm TOWN PUMP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Karaoke, 9pm BLUE KUDZU SAKE COMPANY Trivia night, 8pm BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Larry Dolamore, 7pm BOGART’S RESTAURANT & TAVERN Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30pm
RENAISSANCE ASHEVILLE HOTEL Chris Smith (acoustic, alt-country), 6:30pm SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Dance party, 10pm SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BREWERY Chris Titchner (singer-songwriter, acousticrock), 7pm THE PHOENIX Naren (singer-songwriter), 8pm THE SOCIAL Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm THE STRAND @ 38 MAIN Hiroya Tsukamoto (cinematic classical guitar), 7:45pm TIMO’S HOUSE Unity Thursdays w/ Asheville Drum ‘n’ Bass Collective, 9pm
TOWN PUMP The Saturday Giant (one-man, art-rock), 9pm
MARKET PLACE The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm
TRESSA’S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm
METRO WINES Stand up comedy w/ Disclaimer Comedy, 7pm
URBAN ORCHARD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm
NEW MOUNTAIN A Benefit For Holmes Desmelik, 8pm Overground - Multiple Artists (techno), 10pm
VINCENZO’S BISTRO Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
NOBLE KAVA Space Medicine (electro-coustic, ambient improv), 8:30pm
WESTVILLE PUB Andy Ferrell & Oncoming Train (Southern roots, Americana), 9:30pm WILD WING CAFE SOUTH DJ MoTo, 8pm
FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 185 KING STREET The Honeycutters (Americana), 8pm 5 WALNUT WINE BAR What It Is (funk, jazz), 9pm ALLEY KATS TAVERN Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm ALTAMONT BREWING COMPANY Mountain First, 9:30pm ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL AK1200 w/ CollectiveONE b2b Crux, DJ Acolyte, and BassClef w/ Davie G (electronic, drum ‘n’ bass), 10pm ATHENA’S CLUB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm
ODDITORIUM Warm w/ Onj (post-metal, experimental), 9pm OLIVE OR TWIST Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm ONE STOP DELI & BAR Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm HeY!ALLigator & PLOYD (hip-hop), 10pm ORANGE PEEL Jim Lauderdale & Carlene Carter (Americana), 8pm PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Randall Bramblett Band w/ Mingo Fishtrap (soul, blues, funk), 9pm ROOT BAR NO. 1 The Blue Eyed Bettys (old-time), 9pm SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Dance party, 10pm SCULLY’S Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm DJ, 10pm SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BREWERY Eric Congdon Trio (rock, Americana), 8pm
TALLGARY’S CANTINA A Brief Awakening (freak-folk, rock), 9:30pm
BYWATER Asheville Aces (electric country, blues), 9pm
THE MOTHLIGHT Hello Hugo (album release) w/ Onawa, Green Glass (experimental rock), 9:30pm
CORK & KEG Vollie, Roger and the Western Wildcats (swing, 2-step, dance) w/ dance lesson, 7:30pm
TIGER MOUNTAIN THIRST PARLOUR Dr. Filth (soul, psych, punk), 10pm
CROW & QUILL Noonday Feast (Irish folk), 8:30pm
TIMO’S HOUSE Dark Room: In Plain Sight (house), 10pm
DOUBLE CROWN DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm
TOWN PUMP Sara Nelms (singer-songwriter), 9pm
DUGOUT Picasso Facelift (rock), 9pm ELAINE’S DUELING PIANO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm
TOY BOAT COMMUNITY ART SPACE Anam Cara: Tales ‘n’ Ales (storytelling), 8pm VINCENZO’S BISTRO Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Jamie Laval (violin), 9pm
WHITE HORSE AmiciMusic: Italian Inspirations w/ Dr. Daniel Weiser & Rachel Patrick, 7:30pm
WILD WING CAFE Ryan Perry (acoustic), 9pm
GOOD STUFF Marshall Junk & Simbach Stuff, 4pm
WILD WING CAFE SOUTH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm Daniel Martin Trio, 9:30pm
GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN The Defibulators, The Whiskey Gentry and Grits & Soul (country, rockabilly), 9pm ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Jerry Garcia Band Cover Band (Jerry Garcia birthday celebration), 9pm JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Sons of Ralph (country, bluegrass), 9pm JERUSALEM GARDEN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm LEX 18 The HotPoint Trio (gypsy swing, jazz), 7:30pm LOBSTER TRAP Calico Moon (Americana), 7pm
thu 7/31
w/ goldmine pickers 8pm • $10/$12
fri 8/1
the defibulators, the whiskey gentry and grits & soul 9pm • $10/$12
wed 8/6
honeyhoney w/ annabelle’s Curse 8pm • $10/$12
thu 8/7
small town lights & Carolina story 8pm • $8/$10
fri 8/8
ben niChols bikeriders tour 9pm • $13/$15
sat 8/9
SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 185 KING STREET Doug Deming & Dennis Gruenling w/ The Jewel Tones (blues, rock, swing), 8pm
the freight hoppers
sun 8/10
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Andrew Fletcher (stride piano), 6pm Goldie & The Screamers (soul), 9pm
jessy Carolina & the hot mess w/ ragtime hawks 9pm • $10/$12 the grey eagle comedy series presents Comedian
kyle kinane w/ minori hinds & tom peters 8pm • $15/$17
ALLEY KATS TAVERN The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm ANDREWS BREWING CO. Mangas Colorado (Americana, bluegrass, folkrock), 6pm
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. CLUB DIRECTORY
ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Nomadic w/ Supatight & Electric Soul Pandemic (hip-hop), 10pm ATHENA’S CLUB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7pm
7 days/wk
9 am until
BYWATER Taylor Martin (Americana, singer-songwriter), 9pm
•Local & Sustainable Espresso & Coffee •Farm to Home Milk •House Made Syrups •Urban Orchard Chai •Local Bites To Go
DOUBLE CROWN DJ Lil Lorruh (50s, 60s R&B, rock), 10pm DUGOUT Fine Line (classic rock), 9pm ELAINE’S DUELING PIANO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Phil Alley (bluegrass, jazz), 7pm Third Nature (progressive), 11pm FRENCH BROAD BREWERY TASTING ROOM Dave Desmelik (Americana), 6pm
GOOD STUFF Dendera Bloodbath (rock, experimental), 7pm BullFeather band/managerie (blues, rock, rockabilly), 8pm Roshambeaux (rock), 9pm
See our Facebook Page for Nightly Specials
GREEN ROOM CAFE & COFFEEHOUSE Nello Masci & Mark Sherren (ragtime, jazz, pop), 6:30pm
210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806
JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Sons of Ralph (country, bluegrass), 9pm
www.urbanorchardcider.com (828) 774-5151
JERUSALEM GARDEN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm LEX 18 Picante Latin Jazz, 7:30pm LOBSTER TRAP Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 7pm MARKET PLACE DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm NOBLE KAVA Caleb Beissert & Max Melner and friends (electro-coustic improv), 8:30pm
10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie NIGHTS! & Johnny Irion 8/1w/W/ GEORGE• &9pm BROOKE Battlefield $10 BUCKNER (NORTH CAROLINA 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band & HALLOWEEN Costume BANJO & TRADITIONAL Party & Contest • 9pm $8 MOUNTAIN MUSIC) 10/27 • 9pm FREE 8/2 W/Vinegar WILL RAYCreek (TELECASTER 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 OF also lots of Special Surprise Pickers PHENOMENON & MEMBER will be joining Asheville NC Bluegrass w/AWARD Crazy Tom BananaTWANG Pants WINNING Legend Ralph Lewis and his Boys 10/29 Songwriters ...Y’all Come & Celebrate with Ralph!! TRIOSinger THE HELLECASTERS) in the Round • 7-9pm FREE Anthony Tripi, FRIDAY Elise Davis 8/1w/FIRST FIRKIN
Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
95Patton Pattonat atCoxe Coxe••Asheville Asheville • 252-5445 • jackofthewood.com 95
252.5445 • jackofthewood.com 42
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
ODDITORIUM Pear, High & Uninhabitable (rock, punk), 9pm OLIVE OR TWIST Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm ONE STOP DELI & BAR Reggae Family Jam, 2pm Progger w/ The Funky Knuckles and The Indie Revenge (experimental, ambient), 10pm OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm PURPLE ONION CAFE The Lonetones, 8pm RIVERWATCH BAR & GRILL MotownBlue (soul, R&B), 6pm ROOT BAR NO. 1 John the Revelator (alt-country), 9pm SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Dance party, 10pm SCULLY’S DJ, 10pm TALLGARY’S CANTINA Sol Rhythm (Latin, dance), 9:30pm THE ADMIRAL Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm THE MOTHLIGHT Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective: “Missed Connections”, 2pm & 8pm
THIRST PARLOUR 407-0666 TIMO’S HOUSE 575-2886 TOWN PUMP 357-5075 TOY BOAT 505-8659 TREASURE CLUB 298-1400 TRESSA’S DOWNTOWN JAZZ & BLUES 254-7072 VANUATU KAVA BAR 505-8118 VINCENZO’S 254-4698 WESTVILLE PUB 225-9782 WHITE HORSE 669-0816 WILD WING CAFE 253-3066 WXYZ 232-2838
THE PHOENIX Riyen Roots Band (blues), 9pm THE SOCIAL Karaoke, 9:30pm TIGER MOUNTAIN THIRST PARLOUR DJ Devyl’s Hands (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm TOWN PUMP Duke Frye (rock), 9pm TOY BOAT COMMUNITY ART SPACE Anam Cara & Accordion Time Machine: House Fire (theater), 8pm VINCENZO’S BISTRO Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WILD WING CAFE Steven Poteet, 9pm
SUPPORTING RALPH: Legendary Asheville-based country/bluegrass band Sons of Ralph (“featuring Ralph”), is set to take up two nights of sets at Jack of the Wood, with guest musicians Brooke & George Buckner on Friday, Aug. 1, at 9 p.m., and guest Will Ray from The Hellecasters on Saturday, Aug. 2, at 9 p.m. Ralph, his two sons, and “Cousin” Steve Moseley and “Brother Oz” Ozzie Orengo Jr., will take the stage to celebrate Ralph’s decades of contribution to the bluegrass scene, having first dabbled in the “mountain music” business in the 1940s.
WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Lyric (acoustic), 9pm
ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Classical Brunch w/ Rachael Patrick (Violin) Daniel Weiser (Piano), 11am Jazz showcase, 6pm
185 KING STREET Sunday Funday, 12pm
JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Irish session, 5pm
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Mande Foly (West African), 7pm BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Jazz brunch w/ Mike Gray Trio, 11:30am
LEX 18 Andrew J. Fletcher (barrelhouse piano), 12pm MichaelJohnJazz & friends (smooth jazz), 7:30pm
BLUE KUDZU SAKE COMPANY Karaoke & brunch, 2pm
ODDITORIUM Shame: Mortified! Asheville edition, 9pm
OLIVE OR TWIST Shag & swing lesson w/ John Dietz, 7pm DJ Michael Filippone (beach, swing, ballroom, rock), 8pm
BYWATER Jangling Sparrows (Americana), 3pm DOUBLE CROWN Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm
ONE STOP DELI & BAR Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am
RIVERWATCH BAR & GRILL Chris Smith (Americana, rock, country), 1pm SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Dance party, 10pm SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BREWERY Marc Taxley (jazz guitar), 5pm THE MOTHLIGHT Bromelia Aerial Dance :: “Missed Connections”, 2pm THE SOCIAL ‘80s night, 8pm VINCENZO’S BISTRO Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WHITE HORSE Scott Ainslie (acoustic blues), 7:30pm YACHT CLUB Steely Dan Sunday, 5pm
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
FRIDAY• AUGUST 1 LIVE MUSIC 6:30-8:30 PM SATURDAY• AUG 2 JOSH PHILLIPS & SUZANNA BAUM 4-6 PM THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON 6:30-8:30 PM WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY GIANT: One-man art-rock band The Saturday Giant will be dropping by Western North Carolina for two nights of shows. See the high-energy performance on Wednesday, July 30, at 7 p.m. at the Good Stuff in Marshall, or catch him at the Town Pump Tavern in Black Mountain on Thursday, July 31, at 9 p.m. “Sometimes people ask me why I insist on performing all components of my songs live,” reads a passage on The Saturday Giant’s Facebook page. ‘“It would be a lot easier to use pre-recorded drum patterns,’ they’ll say, or, ‘Why don’t you just sequence everything and play over top of the backing tracks?’ The short answer is: that would be cheating.”
Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Hot Point Trio (gypsy jazz), 8pm ALLEY KATS TAVERN Open mic, 8pm
Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
one stop one stop
30 WED
Tanya Morgan & Pigeon John 10PM $8/$10 21+
31 THU
JULY The Royal Noise 31 10 PM FREE 21+ THU JULY
one stop
HeY!ALLigator & PLOYD
THU. 7/31 Scott Raines & Jeff Anders (acoustic rock)
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10PM FREE 21+
AK1200 w/ CollectiveONE b2b Crux, DJ Acolyte, and BassClef feat. Davie G 10PM $12/$15 18+
(classic rock)
w/ The Funky Knuckles and 2 Progger The Indie Revenge 10PM FREE 21+
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Bluegrass jam w/ Thicker Than Water, 7pm BYWATER Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm COURTYARD GALLERY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm CROW & QUILL Stevie Lee Combs (old-time, folk, blues), 9pm DOUBLE CROWN Punk ‘n’ roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm GOOD STUFF Marbin (jazz, instrumental), 8pm GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Contra Dance, 7pm JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Quizzo, 7pm LOBSTER TRAP Dave Desmelik (americana), 7pm OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm THE SOCIAL Hartford bluegrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8pm
VINCENZO’S BISTRO Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
Nomadic w/ Supatight
& Electric Soul Pandemic 10PM FREE 21+
TIGER MOUNTAIN THIRST PARLOUR Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm
one stop
The Visionarium Night 6: DrumSpyder w/ Splynter, DJ Story
(Closing Night Masquerade) 10PM $10/$12 21+
WESTVILLE PUB Trivia night, 8pm
WHITE HORSE Dr. Bill Bares & Andy Page (duet jazz), 7:30pm
TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 185 KING STREET Tall Tall Trees w/ Christopher Paul Stelling (altfolk, psych-rock), 8pm 5 WALNUT WINE BAR The John Henrys (swing, jazz), 8pm ALLEY KATS TAVERN Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm ALTAMONT BREWING COMPANY Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Billy Litz, 7pm BUFFALO NICKEL Trivia night, 7pm CLUB ELEVEN ON GROVE Dance, 8:30pm CORK & KEG Honkytonk jam w/ Tom Pittman & friends, 6:30pm DOUBLE CROWN Punk ‘n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm GOOD STUFF Celtic Night, 7pm ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Bluegrass session, 7:30pm JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Erika Jane, Annalise Emmerick & Todd Murray (singer-songwriters), 7pm Matt Townsend & The Wonder of the World (folk), 9pm LEX 18 The HotPoint Duo (gypsy swing), 7:30pm LOBSTER TRAP Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7pm
NEWEST VAPE SHOP IN EAST ASHEVILLE MARKET PLACE The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm ODDITORIUM Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm ONE STOP DELI & BAR The Funky Nuggets (funk, jam) & The Old Guard, 8pm Tuesday night techno, 10pm
ODDITORIUM Western Medicine, Ancient Whales & Thee Loud Crowd (garage), 9pm
ORANGE PEEL Manchester Orchestra (rock, indie) w/ The Mowgli’s & Brick+Mortar, 8pm SCULLY’S Trivia night, 9pm
SLY GROG LOUNGE Open mic, 7pm
THE SOCIAL Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm
TALLGARY’S CANTINA Open mic & jam, 7pm
TRESSA’S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Early Tuesday w/ Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm
THE MOTHLIGHT Tall Tall Trees (indie, psych-folk) w/ Christopher Paul Stelling, Mother Explosives, 9:30pm
VINCENZO’S BISTRO Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
THE PHOENIX Jazz night, 8pm
WHITE HORSE Irish sessions --- Open mic, 6:30pm WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Trivia, 8:30pm
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Wine tasting w/ Gary Mackey (fiddle), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm BEN’S TUNE-UP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Open mic w/ Billy Owens, 7pm BYWATER Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm CORK & KEG Irish jam w/ Beanie, Vincent & Jean, 7pm DOUBLE CROWN DJs Greg Cartwright & David Wayne Gay (country), 10pm DUGOUT Karaoke, 9pm
is for the people
OLIVE OR TWIST Swing dance lessons, 7pm ONE STOP DELI & BAR Soulshine Farms Pre-Party w/ Jerry Leeman, Terina Plyler, and Kendra Warren, 6pm Black Milk (hip-hop) w/ Colston n DJ Jet, 10pm
WESTVILLE PUB Blues jam, 10pm
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NOBLE KAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
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THE SOCIAL Karaoke, 9:30pm
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TIGER MOUNTAIN THIRST PARLOUR Sean & Will (classic punk, power pop, rock), 10pm TIMO’S HOUSE Release AVL w/ Dam Good & guests (dance party), 9pm TOWN PUMP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm TRESSA’S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm URBAN ORCHARD Poetry on Demand w/ Eddie Cabbage, 6:30pm VINCENZO’S BISTRO Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm WHITE HORSE AmiciMusic: Jewish Jazz w/ Dr. Daniel Weiser, Matthew Boyles & Rachel Patrick, 7:30pm WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm
EMERALD LOUNGE Blues jam, 8pm
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm
GOOD STUFF T. C. Costello (world, punk), 7pm
ALLEY KATS TAVERN Open mic night, 7pm
GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN HoneyHoney w/ Annabelle’s Curse (alternative, folk), 8pm
ALTAMONT BREWING COMPANY The Jangling Sparrow (Americana, indie-folk), 9:30pm
GRIND CAFE Trivia night, 7pm
ASHEVILLE SANDWICH COMPANY Laura Thurston (Americana), 6pm
ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Hovey Kat :: In the Lounge, 7pm
JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Old-time session, 5pm
LEX 18 The Roaring Lions (jazz), 7:30pm
LOBSTER TRAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm
BUFFALO NICKEL Leigh Glass (rock, Americana), 9pm
MOE’S ORIGINAL BAR-B-QUE John Trufant & Tim Fisher, 6pm
DOUBLE CROWN 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
DUGOUT Slumberjack (alt-rock), 9pm
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
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Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
Tropical Tuesday! Karaoke Thirsty Thursday Karaoke
ELAINE’S DUELING PIANO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FRENCH BROAD BREWERY TASTING ROOM Small Town Gossip (folk, pop), 6pm GOOD STUFF Tyler Talks to Doors (rock, indie), 6pm GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Small Town Lights & Carolina Story (honkytonk, Americana), 8pm HAVANA RESTAURANT Open mic (instruments provided), 8pm
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JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Bluegrass jam, 7pm LEX 18 Michael Jefry Stevens & Nancy Simmons (jazz), 7:30pm LOBSTER TRAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm LOOKOUT BREWERY Daryl Hance (Southern rock), 6pm
PULP Shark Week Comedy Showcase w/Dan Weeks, 9pm PURPLE ONION CAFE Nikki Talley, 7:30pm RENAISSANCE ASHEVILLE HOTEL TLQ + 2 (rock, blues), 6:30pm SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Dance party, 10pm THE MOTHLIGHT Axxa Abraxas (psych, rock) w/ Old Smokey, Wyla, 9:30pm THE SOCIAL Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm TIMO’S HOUSE Unity Thursdays w/ Asheville Drum ‘n’ Bass Collective, 9pm TOWN PUMP Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz), 9pm
MARKET PLACE Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm NEW MOUNTAIN Thomas Wynn and The Believers (rock, blues) w/ The Dead 27′s, 9pm ONE STOP DELI & BAR Phish ‘n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Ceschi (hip-hop) w/ Little Books, Mikal kHill, and Rob DaVerb, 10pm
TRESSA’S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES The Westsound Revue (Motown, blues), 9pm URBAN ORCHARD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm VINCENZO’S BISTRO Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm WHITE HORSE Mean Mary (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm
POSH BAR Acoustic jam, 6pm
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
521 Amboy Rd. 232-1970
NO PETS allowed on premises
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
The Grand Seduction
FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
DIRECTOR: Don McKellar
PLAYERS: Brendan Gleeson, Taylor Kitsch, Liane Balaban, Gordon Pinsent
Please call the info line for updated showtimes Edge of Tomorrow (PG-13) 7:00, 10:00 The Fault in Our Stars (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00
CARMIKE CINEMA 10 (298-4452)
THE STORY: In order to get an oil company contract, a small town has to bamboozle a young doctor into staying there. THE LOWDOWN: It’s predictable and a little pokey. It’s contrived and improbable. But The Grand Seduction has its own slender charms and terrific chemistry between its leads, making it a minor pleasure.
Don McKellar’s The Grand Seduction is as old-fashioned as a cobblestone — and just about as mysterious. Everything about it — including its plot — feels lived in. This is cinema as comfort food. It’s not that the film is a Canadian English-language remake of the 2003 Canadian French-language film called Seducing Doctor Lewis. (Chances are most of us never saw the original.) It’s that it feels like a film from an earlier era — an art house offering from 20-plus years ago. This is the kind of film that we still see glimmers of in period movies like Dear Frankie (2004), Ladies in Lavender (2004) and even An Education (2009) — all unassuming movies about people adjusting to a changing world. To call a movie like this “formulaic” is to miss the point, because its intention is to play to a formula. Its aim is to please, not to startle.
CAROLINA CINEMAS (274-9500) And So it Goes (PG-13) 12:00, 2:15, 4:25, 6:40, 9:00 Chef (R) 10:45, 2:10, 7:15
BRENDAN GLEESON and TAYLOR KITSCH have an easy chemistry in The Grand Seduction, a charmingly old-fashioned little film about getting a young doctor to take up residency in a backwater town.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 2D (PG-13) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00 Get on Up (PG-13) 11:40, 12:45, 3:45, 7:00, 10:10 The Grand Seduction (PG-13) 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 Guardians of the Galaxy 3D (PG-13) 12:50, 6:10, 9:20
It doesn’t plow new ground, but it offers familiar pleasures of no little charm. Sometimes that’s enough. When the star is Brendan Gleeson, it may be more than enough. The premise here is that the once-thriving fishing village of Ticklehead is now a ghost of its former self. Forbidden to commercially fish in these waters, the few remaining — mostly aged — inhabitants exist from month to month on welfare checks. It’s a grim, dispiriting existence, but there might be one path to what at least looks like salvation — getting an oil company to consider Ticklehead for the location of their new waste-processing plant. Yes, this sounds like a bad idea, but all the locals see is the prospect of jobs reviving their little community. In fact, the chief architect of all this, Murray French (Gleeson), only sees positives. (“They make jobs!” is his answer to the question of what the plant makes.) But one of the requirements for getting the contract is that the town has to have a doctor in residence. As luck — and
contrived writing — would have it, the town’s mayor just happens to have a job in customs at the nearby airport. And he happens to be working when wet-behind-theears Dr. Paul Lewis (Taylor Kitsch) tries to sneak some cocaine into Canada. Rather than bust Lewis, he proposes the young man spend a month as doctor on Ticklehead. A month will solve nothing, of course. The idea is to convince the young man that Ticklehead is the best place on earth and get him to stay. How? By remaking the island into the image of everything he likes. He likes cricket? Well, they’ll start a cricket team — no matter that no one understands the game. He likes fusion jazz? They’ll take it up. And if he really is all that into cocaine? “We’re down with it,” Murray assures him. Yes, it’s every bit as preposterous as it sounds, and it only gets more so as it goes along. But at the same time, The Grand Seduction becomes ever more beguiling as you come to know and like the characters. After a while it’s the audience that’s being seduced
Guardians of the Galaxy 2D (PG-13) 10:50, 11:50, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:10, 5:10, 6:45, 7:45, 8:30, 9:50, 10:20 Hercules 2D (PG-13) 10:55, 1:10, 3:20, 5:30, 7:40, 9:55 How to Train Your Dragon 2 2D (PG) 11:40, 2:40, 7:25 Lucy (R) 11:00, 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20, 9:25 A Most Wanted Man (R) 11:15, 1:50, 4:30, 7:05, 9:40 Sex Tape (R) 5:00, 9:45 Snowpiercer (R) 1:25, 4:10, 7:10 Venus in Fur (NR) 12:00, 4:40, 9:45 Wish I Was Here (R) 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:25 CINEBARRE (665-7776) CO-ED CINEMA BREVARD (883-2200) Guardians of the Galaxy 2D (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 EPIC OF HENDERSONVILLE (693-1146) FINE ARTS THEATRE (232-1536) Begin Again (R) 1:20, 4:20 A Most Wanted Man (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show 9:30 Snowpiercer (R) 7:20, Late Show 9:45 FLATROCK CINEMA (697-2463) And So it Goes (PG-13) 4:00, 7:00 REGAL BILTMORE GRANDE STADIUM 15 (684-1298) UNITED ARTISTS BEAUCATCHER (298-1234)
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
as much (or more) than Lewis. And it takes some seduction, since every aspect of the plot is morally sketchy — from the oil company plant to the improbable snow-job on Lewis. That everything turns out to be for the best — as far as the story takes us — doesn’t change this. What makes all this agreeable — as long as you don’t think too hard — is the easy chemistry between the rascally Gleeson and the absurdly innocent Kitsch. It’s impossible not to like them, and equally impossible not to think that Kitsch’s innocence isn’t going to change Gleeson along the way. Nice supporting turns from Gordon Pinsent and Liane Balaban are helpful, while a couple of large comic set-pieces work better than they have any right to. OK, sure, this isn’t a great film. It’s not going to be on anybody’s “Best of” list, but it’s a pleasing diversion. Rated PG-13 for some suggestive material and drug references. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke
And So it Goes S DIRECTOR: Rob Reiner PLAYERS: Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Sterling Jerins, Annie Parisse, Frances Sternhagen COMEDY RATED PG-13 THE STORY: A grumpy widower is forced to take in his estranged granddaughter, who he helps raise with a widowed neighbor. THE LOWDOWN: An unfunny, flat piece of melodrama that wants desperately to be adult and a little bit raunchy but instead comes across as childish and boorish.
Remember when Rob Reiner’s last movie, Magic of Belle Isle (2012), was so bad it never played locally? Those were the days. Now, Reiner is back in theaters with And So It Goes, a fat slab of melodrama and raunchy comedy. (Well, it’s raunchy by the standards of its senior citizen demographic.) The film is quintessential late-period Reiner (that there’s even a late period Reiner to begin with is an affront to decent society), slathered in corny jokes and flat direction. None of 48
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
it exists within the realms of reality and normal human interaction. Here are some examples of the level we’re operating at and the extremes of awful hackiness that And So It Goes manages to oscillate between. First, Reiner himself makes a cameo in a bad toupee. That’s basically the joke — that he has a bad toupee. Wonderful. On the other end, this is more tactful than the Rottweiler humping a large, stuffed bear. Every other gag exists somewhere within these two extremes, all the while holding a consistent level of idiocy throughout. The actual plot isn’t much better, with Michael Douglas playing Oren, a curmudgeonly widower who’s trying to sell his giant $8 million house. He’s such a grump he keeps a paintball gun in the trunk of his Mercedes for no other apparent purpose than to shoot stray dogs. His life is upset when he’s suddenly beset with a preteen granddaughter (Sterling Jerins, The Conjuring) who gets fobbed off onto him by his former heroin-addicted son. Because of his icy heart, the girl ends up being cared for by his neighbor (Diane Keaton), a widow who still has dreams of making it as a singer. It’s pretty easy to see where all of this is going. This is Reiner, after all, and the gooey center of the movie is never absent. This is a movie that exists to keep some sort of white-bread status quo glued together. Views of poverty are icky and filled with dirty drug addicts who live in trash-strewn streets, while precocious twins run around Oren’s neighborhood being cute and generally obnoxious. What’s bizarre about this middling view of Reiner’s values is the idiotic and ultimately vapid way And So It Goes attempts to be edgy. Various sex and anatomy gags (including one involving a pantsless preteen) pop up, while Oren walks around making rape jokes. The aim seems to be to make this dull little movie more adult and less boring. But guess what? It doesn’t work. Instead, it makes a dull rom-com for the senior set and turns it into something verging on offensive and fully steeped in stupid. Rated PG-13 for some sexual references and drug elements. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville. reviewed by Justin Souther
HHHHH = max rating
Lucy S DIRECTOR: Luc Besson (The Family) PLAYERS: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Min-Sik Choi, Amr Waked, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Analeigh Tipton SCI-FI ACTION TWADDLE RATED R THE STORY: A clueless young woman accidentally gets an overdose of a new drug that causes her brain capacity to expand, giving her something like superpowers. THE LOWDOWN: Yes, it’s so dumb that it ought to be kind of likable, but incoherence, lousy special effects, stretches of tedium and a ponderous tone make it just plain bad.
I never expected Luc Besson’s Lucy to be good in any normal sense of the term, but I did think it would be so harebrained that it might provide 90 minutes of unintended amusement. Well, it most assuredly is harebrained. In fact, that’s an insult to rabbits of all kinds. This is more like amoeba-brained, or maybe amoebas-on-drugs. I expected dumb. An incomprehensible mess punctuated with cheeseencrusted CGI effects, phony philosophizing and outbursts of tedium, I did not. The unintentional mirth I had hoped for amounted to no more than two or three contemptuous snorts at the aggregation of asininity — not to mention the cosmic incompetence — on the screen. Someone will undoubtedly tell me that this is one of those films that you enjoy by “checking your brain at the door.” Well, that’s clearly what writer-director Luc Besson did before creating this thing, but I see no point in lowering myself to his lobotomy. Generally speaking, I have nothing — well, not much anyway — against Besson. After his early period as an overrated filmmaker — and the critical and commercial disaster of his 1999 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (starring his then-wife Milla Jovovich as Joan) — he settled into the role of producer, frequent writer and occasional director of schlock action pictures (and the odd children’s film). These films were of
little discernible merit but largely of no great harm. For some reason, he seems to be of a mind to reestablish himself as a filmmaker of note — and this curdled concoction of undigested Kubrick and barely assimilated Malick is his apparent attempt at this. The terrifying thing is that there’s a good chance that Lucy is going to be a hit. Whether this has anything to do with Besson’s filmmaking and storytelling or is solely based on the prospect of seeing Scarlett Johansson kicking ass as the pseudo-superheroine of the title is an unsettled point. OK, let’s go ahead and admit that the basic premise of the movie — the whole we-only-use-10-percent-ofthe-brain biz — is a load of clams. That idea has been long refuted, but I knew this going in and was still willing to go with all this hooey. It didn’t take long for the film itself to evaporate any good will I might have mustered. The erosion started when the movie thought it was being clever and cinematic by cutting away to childish bits of symbolism portraying hapless Lucy (Johansson) as a mouse being lured into a trap, or being a gazelle pursued by a cheetah, etc. In the film’s favor, it soon dropped this idiocy, but it never occurred to anyone to go back and cut it out, which cancels out any significant plus value. I’m not about to catalogue all of the movie’s sins — a priest at a cinematic confessional would skip the Hail Mary and Our Father stuff and jump right into hair shirts and flagellation for Besson’s penance. Let’s just say that almost nothing makes any sense — and I’m not even talking about this designer drug (that looks like bright blue aquarium gravel) that preposterously gets into Lucy’s system and turns her into the Smartest Person Who Ever Lived — complete with all sorts of superpowers. No, I’m talking about the actions of every character in the picture — including the supposedly superintelligent Lucy. I don’t mind that this drug allows her to writhe up a wall and across the ceiling as if Fred Astaire was having a seizure in Royal Wedding. I do mind that Mr. Jang’s (Min-sik Choi, Oldboy) henchmen haven’t been told, “Hey, don’t kick her in the abdomen. We just sewed up a bunch of drugs in there.” I don’t care that Lucy can telekinesis up a storm of bleeding noses, floating firearms and hovering bad guys — not to mention turning on and off electrical devices without the aid of a Clapper. No, I’m good with that. I’m less good with why she doesn’t just
go all Amy Irving on Mr. Jang and explode him like John Cassavetes in The Fury (1978), rather than wait for him and his endless stream of goons to shoot up Paris. In the midst of all this, we have poor Morgan Freeman trying to make this nonsense sound “scientific” and plausible. (I haven’t encountered anything this pathetically unpersuasive since 2008 when I listened to Ben Stein ramble on in Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.) Better yet, we have the movie’s supposedly mind-blowing sequence where our Lucy sits in an office chair and goes on some kind of amazing journey on the road to 100 percent brain capacity (onscreen titles keep us abreast of where she is percentage-wise). That scene manages to cobble together 2001 (1968), The Tree of Life (2011), Altered States (1980), the Sistine Chapel ceiling (reconfigured with Scarlet Johansson and the Australopithecus Lucy) — and more. The problem is that this all sounds more interesting — at least in a trainwreck way — than it actually is. Bad effects, stretches of tedium, a somnambulistic performance from genetically modified Johansson and the mistaken belief that all this is somehow profound squelches its screw-loose amusement value very fast. Rated R for strong violence, disturbing images and sexuality. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke
The Grand Seduction See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Get on Up Director Tate Taylor follows up his hit The Help with this glossy-looking PG-13-ified biopic on the Godfather of Soul, James Brown (Chadwick Boseman). Universal assures us that this will be “a fearless look inside the music, moves and moods of Brown, taking audiences on the journey from his impoverished childhood to his evolution into one of the most influential figures of the 20th century.” Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer are on hand to help. (PG-13)
Guardians of the Galaxy Here is the Next Big Thing — the juggernaut that is primed to plow into theaters on Friday, the latest Marvel Comics potential franchise. The difference here is that the tone is clearly humorous, the soundtrack clearly 1970s and the performances clearly leaning toward camp. Right now, it’s got nothing but positive reviews, but it’s worth noting that those are largely from the UK. (PG-13)
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Wish I Was Here HS
DIRECTOR: Zach Braff PLAYERS: Zach Braff, Kate Hudson, Joey King, Pierce Gagnon, Mandy Patinkin COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: A struggling actor whose father is dying of cancer tries to keep his life — and family — together. THE LOWDOWN: With a pile of needless quirk, here’s a movie that feels like rudimentary indie filmmaking from a decade ago, only more insufferable and out-of-touch.
I’ll admit that — at least when it was released in 2004 — I liked Zach Braff’s directorial debut Garden State. Looking back, it is among the key examples of mid-Aughts indie filmmaking. It’s a movie heavy in quirk and sentimentality. Ten years later, Braff’s second film, Wish I Was Here, has finally surfaced, and it’s
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
very reminiscent of Garden State, a film where every character has an idiosyncratic nature and a vaguely profound thing to say at any moment. The problem is that it’s 2014, not 2004, and this kind of whimsical indie comedy simply feels dated. It’s a style of filmmaking, writing and characterization that long ago went out of style, and it’s one that doesn’t translate well to today. That is not just because it’s past its expiration date, but because it’s basically Garden State Redux. Where Braff’s first film is a story of a 20-something coming of age, it doesn’t transfer in any meaningful way to a 30-something coming of age, making Wish I Was Here feel at best naive and at worst insufferable. Braff plays Aidan, who, like his character Andrew in Garden State, is an actor, but just barely. He spends his days going to auditions and generally failing at making a career out of his trade, while his wife (Kate Hudson) works a mind-numbing office job for the water department, and his father (Mandy Patinkin) pays for his kids (Joey King and Pierce Gagnon) to go to a Jewish private school. When his father’s cancer comes back and sends him toward death, it plunges Aidan’s life into a tailspin, but not in any emotional or meaningful way (at least not at first). His father’s cancer treatments mean no more private school payments. And this means Aidan’s kids might have to go to (cue ominous music) public school. This is about the time we start to see how vapid this man is. He’s pursuing his dream of becoming an actor, but he can’t bother to get even a part-time job? He’s so scared to death of public schooling that he half-asses his way through home schooling his kids (this eventually turns into him pushing the kids into manual labor and odd jobs around the house). All of this is supposed to show how tough Aidan’s life is — with his suburban home, his beautiful wife and intelligent kids. His only problem is his inability to grow up and get his shit together. It’s an existential crisis wholly removed from actual human feeling. All of this is set up so the movie can take an abrupt turn as Aidan and the rest of the cast learn to grow in very obvious, very convenient ways. This is mostly achieved through bits of dialogue that are meant to sound profound and wise but come off as cornball hokum, where people learn important lessons from the self-help tidbits and mildly philosophical mus-
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
ings of the band of goofballs. I realize this is a movie, and movies are inherently far-fetched, often unrealistic and deserve a certain amount of suspension of disbelief. But Braff’s idea of emotional and personal growth is so shallow and unworkable that the movie simply feels insincere and improbable — with its concept of the human condition boiled down to little more than bumper sticker slogans. The emotional response Braff so desperately wants is drowned out by the noisiness of his thematic style, from the overt, aggressive quirkiness of the characters to a soundtrack that’s mostly a collection of today’s flaccid, dullest indie rock. I understand his goals in theory, but the assembled whole of Wish I Was Here just makes me roll my eyes. Rated R for language and some sexual content. Playing at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Justin Souther
Hercules HHH DIRECTOR: Brett Ratner (Tower Heist) PLAYERS: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Ian McShane, John Hurt, Rufus Sewell, Aksel Hennie, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal REVISIONIST ANCIENT WORLD MYTHOLOGY RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Sword-for-hire Hercules agrees to help rid Thrace of a man trying to dethrone the king. THE LOWDOWN: No, it’s not really all that good, but this latest take — revisionist in nature — on Hercules is painless fun. Wellcrafted action and a strong supporting cast make a difference.
Look, it’s a Brett Ratner movie. It does the currently popular revisionist bit on an established character — a long established character. It stars The Rock as Hercules. Seriously, how good do you expect Hercules to be? Exactly. The surprise is that — for what it is — it’s really not that bad. This is not a
August 27
y Is
is 20!
Celebrate with us!
DWAYNE “THE ROCK” JOHNSON shows off his muscles — and the high quality of ancient Greek dental care — in the agreeably silly Hercules.
recommendation, but neither is it a condemnation. It simply joins the long list of relatively negligible but mostly painless moviegoing experiences that make up much of a critic’s life. Before you undertake it, just ask yourself whether you want a demythification of the story starring The Rock as a Hercules who surveys impending danger and mutters that fine old Greek phrase, “Fucking centaurs.” Yes, it’s that kind of movie, though, being PG-13, the centaur bit shoots its F-word wad (so to speak). Much as I am over this whole revisionist kick with classic stories, I’ll concede that it’s probably the best approach for a movie that’s trying to sell The Rock as Hercules — and even more so when it’s a movie that can’t keep its Greek and Roman myths straight. So here, rather than being the usual Hercules story, we’re given a Hercules who probably isn’t a demigod, and whose feats are rather more mundane than usual. For instance, the Hydra seems to have been a gang of bandits wearing some kind of reptile drag. Moreover, he has a posse of helpers — Amphiaraus (Ian McShane), Autolycus (Rufus Sewell), Atalanta (Ingrid Bolsø Berdal), Tydeus (Aksel Hennie) — who assist in pulling off his amazing feats. Above and beyond this, he has Iolaus (Reece Ritchie), a young man who serves the function of an ancient world press agent, extolling the tales of brave Hercules. None of this is all that new. In 1947’s Sinbad the Sailor, Sinbad (Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.) was less the swashbuckling hero than the legend of Sinbad’s own hot air — until he has to become his own myth, naturally. Of course, Hercules probably only
goes back to A Knight’s Tale (2001) where the hero’s (Heath Ledger) background and accomplishments are all created by Geoffrey Chaucer (Paul Bettany). (Things change very little in Hollywood — even when Hollywood is Hungary pretending to be Greece, as it is here.) Whatever the genesis of this approach, it works more than it doesn’t. And frankly, without Ian McShane’s prophetic helper and Rufus Sewell’s sarcastic sidekick, the movie wouldn’t be much fun. The Rock may be an ingratiating screen presence, but they have most of the best lines — and they know how to deliver them. The plot is no great shakes — Hercules and company come to the aid of Lord Cotys (John Hurt) to dispose of a marauding enemy. Even its big twist and subplot wrinkle aren’t especially surprising. But the whole thing seems to be crafted to play to audience expectations, and that’s not a bad thing with this kind of disposable entertainment. It helps that the action scenes are unusually coherent. Either Brett Ratner has a heretofore unseen knack for action, or (as seems more likely) he has an ace second unit making him look really good. Regardless, it’s fairly impressively accomplished. Rated PG-13 for epic battle sequences, violence, suggestive comments, brief strong language and partial nudity. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke
Do you remember Asheville in the ’90s, when Mountain Xpress was launched 20 years ago this summer?
When… • There wasn’t a parking problem downtown? • Xpress‘ weekly issues were just 24 pages? • Area club listings took about one page, compared to four pages nowadays? • The only place to get a bite to eat downtown after 10 p.m. was Vincent’s Ear? • Over 300 ardent Green Line supporters — in a pre-Kickstarter effort — helped launch Mountain Xpress in 1994? • The 1995 “Best of WNC” winners included Laughing Seed, Hot Shot Café, Be Here Now, Beanstreets, Chocolate Fetish, Barley’s, Liquid Dragon, Cissy Majebe, Julian Price, Leni Sitnick?
If you were around back then, send us your recollections, and help celebrate Xpress’ 20th anniversary in its Aug. 27 issue. iremember@mountainx.com MOUNTAINX.COM
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
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Every Week
Unconquered HHHHS Director: Cecil B. DeMille Players: Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard, Howard Da Silva, Boris Karloff, Cecil Kellaway, Ward Bond, Katherine DeMille HISTORICAL ACTION Rated NR It’s big. It’s colorful. It’s longer than it needs to be. It’s exciting. It’s filled with movie stars who look like movie stars. It’s preposterous in the way that only a Cecil B. DeMille movie can be. Essentially, Unconquered is a Western — only instead of cowboys and Indians, we have pre-Revolutionary War settlers and Indians. But it plays just like one of DeMille’s Westerns with its unscrupulous white villain supplying arms to the Native Americans. Gary Cooper is ... well, Gary Cooper. (What more do you want?) Paulette Goddard is gorgeous. Boris Karloff makes for a somewhat peculiar Native American chief on the warpath. The Asheville Film Society will screen Unconquered Tuesday, Aug. 5 , at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Twixt HHH
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Missy • Terrier/Pitt
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
Director: Francis Ford Coppola Players: Val Kilmer, Bruce Dern, Elle Fanning, Ben Chaplin, Alden Ehrenreich HORROR Rated R Not really released in the U.S. (or much of anywhere, it seems), Francis Ford Coppola’s wayward horror picture Twixt is by no means a success. In fact, it’s a mess. That its sub-Stephen King story is being told, experienced or both (it’s a mess, I tell you) by a writer (Val Kilmer) who is referred to as a cut-rate Stephen King, may make it seem self-aware, but it doesn’t keep the whole thing from feeling like a bad King knockoff. At the same time, the film has great atmosphere and images of creepy beauty that almost make up for the frankly awful screenplay. A failure? Yes, but a fascinating one by a great filmmaker. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Twixt Thursday, July 31 at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Heart of Glass HHHH Director: Werner Herzog Players: Josef Bierbichler, Stefan Guttler, Clemens Scheitz, Sonja Skiba SYMBOLIC DRAMA Rated NR If Werner Herzog is the most idiosyncratic of all filmmakers — and the case can be made — there’s a good chance that Heart of Glass (1976) is his most idiosyncratic work. Theoretically, it’s the story of a late 18th century village that descends into madness when the foreman of a glassworks dies, taking the secret of how their “ruby glass” is made. But it’s also a film about prophesy, about Herzog’s childhood, and it’s performed by a cast Herzong supposedly hypnotized before takes. There is nothing quite like it. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Heart of Glass Friday, Aug. 1, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com.
All Quiet on the Western Front HHH Director: Delbert Mann (Fitzwilly) Players: Richard Thomas, Ernest Borgnine, Donald Pleasence, Ian Holm, Patricia Neal WAR DRAMA Rated NR In 1930, Lewis Milestone made a film version of Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front. It was a breakthrough in sound filmmaking and one of the most powerful antiwar films ever made. It was a film that actually added something legendary to its literary source — the business of reaching for the butterfly at the end. It remains one of the world’s great films. Unfortunately, that isn’t what is being shown here. Instead, this is the reasonably adequate, uninspired, superfluous 1979 TV movie. Pity that. The Hendersonville Film Society will show All Quiet on the Western Front Sunday, Aug. 3, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Carolina Day School, 1345 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 28803 wboykin@ carolinaday.org
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HUMAN SERVICES AMERICORPS/NC LITERACYCORPS MEMBER The Literacy Council of Bunc. Co.'s LiteracyCorps member will provide direct tutoring; recruit, orient, and support volunteers/students; develop partnerships; conduct visibility campaigns; and participate in national days of service. ashley@litcouncil.com CNA • CAREGIVER POSITIONS We screen, train, bond and insure. • Positions available for quality, caring and dependable professionals. Flexible schedules and competitive pay. Home Instead Senior Care. Call (828) 274-4406 between 9am-5pm. www.homeinstead.com/159 COMMUNITY SUPPORT TEAM LEAD AND TEAM MEMBER POSITIONS AVAILABLE Parkway of FPS seeks Licensed or License eligible staff for CST Lead and QP positions in Buncombe County. Duties include crisis work, on-call, case management, connection to community resources, and documentation. Paid holidays, vacation time, health, dental, vision and 401K available. Contact EBowman@fpscorp.com.
PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG FREE NC is hiring a LCAS or LCASA to do assessments and case coordination in the Buncombe County Work First/ Tanf program. Please respond to sboehm@drugfreenc.org RESIDENT TEACHERS • WNC GROUP HOMES WNC Group Homes provides residential services for people with Autism, Intellectual Disabilities. Currently recruiting for Full and Part-Time Resident Teachers to work in group homes. Qualified staff must have at least High School Diploma and a current Driver’s License. Full-time hours are for 2nd shift, part time hours are on weekends or early morning during the week. WNC Group Homes provides competitive wages and paid training for all new staff. Look to our website at www.wncgrouphomes.org for job details and application. Applications can be submitted to 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville, NC 28803. SEEKING SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Established Counseling Center seeking licensed therapist looking to establish private practice. Must have CSAC or LCAS credentials. While building your client base, you'll be conducting Assessments and leading groups. Experience and work background in substance abuse highly desired. Please contact Bruce directly at (828) 777-3755 or email resume to trcbruce@gmail.com. SELF-SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM MANAGER Community Action Opportunities. We are a high-performance non-profit organization looking for a seasoned, skilled and energetic professional to be our Full-time Self-Sufficiency Program Manager. This position supervises and provides technical case management support to a professional direct-service team to help low-income families become self-sufficient; supports the department director by managing a $750,000 budget and maximizes the use of and improves an agency-owned, statewide case-management database application. • The Program Manager: Coordinates
team activities; Ensures that strengths-based, bestpractice program activities also promote the efficient use of resources; Provides technical case management supervision/consultation; Coordinates staff training; Prepares grant refunding and other applications and manages budgets; Supports the database Help Desk • Is proficient with Microsoft Office Suite and Google Apps Education and Experience: Graduation from a regionally or CHEA accredited university with a Master’s Degree in Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Public or Human Service Administration, or related field; 5 years of related program administration and 3 years case management experience. At least 3 years of supervisory experience is required. Prefer Family Development Credential or equivalent and bi-lingual in English/Spanish. $46,966 to $61,776 DOQ plus benefits. Interviews expected to begin in August. For job description and submittal instructions go to: www. communityactionopportunities.org DFWP/EOE SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Parkway of Family Preservation Services in Asheville, NC is seeking a Licensed or License eligible counselor to provide substance abuse services in an outpatient setting. Some evenings running groups, serving in an on-call rotation, and maintaining an individual caseload are requirements of this postion. Competitive benefits: paid holidays, vacation time, health/dental/vision insurnace plans, and 401K are offered. To apply, please contact Erin Bowman, EBowman@fpscorp.com
TEACHING/ EDUCATION CAROLINA DAY SCHOOL is seeking an interim high school Spanish teacher. The anticipated length of employment is six weeks, beginning in late August. The teaching load is five classes, including Spanish 2, Spanish 4, Culture & Conversation. Send application, letter of interest, and resume to: Whitney Boykin,
HEAD START NC PRE-K TEACHER ASSISTANT SUBSTITUTE Seeking energetic individual with a desire to work as an early childhood professional in our high quality program. Experience working with preschool children; performs a variety of support tasks in the teaching and classroom environment in Head Start preschool education centers or classrooms in local school systems; may also work with children with needs, and may be assigned to any classroom as needed to work one-on-one to support routine classroom activities; helps with individual and group teaching activities of preschool age children in a classroom; sets up learning centers, and arrange daily activities. NC Early Childhood Credentials preferred. Must understand the developmental stages and appropriate teaching techniques for pre-school children. Bi-lingual in Spanish-English a plus. A valid N. C. driver’s license is required. Must pass physical and background checks. • Salary $10.73/hour. • Make application with complete work references and contact information along with DCDEE CRC Qualifying Letter to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street,Asheville, NC 28801 or Admin@commuityactionopportunities.org or Fax: (828) 253-6319. Open until filled. EOE and DFWP. MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHING POSITIONS New Dimensions Charter School is seeking a Language Arts and a Math Teacher for grades 6 - 8. Call the school at 828-437-5753, or send resumes to lwilkerson@ newdimensions.teamcfa. org.
CAREER TRAINING AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing and Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN) EARN $500 A DAY as Airbrush Media Makeup Artist For Ads, TV, Film, Fashion. One Week Course Train and Build Portfolio. 15% Off Tuition. AwardMakeupSchool.com 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN)
CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS HIRING BROADBAND INSTALLERS Charter Communications, one of the nation’s largest Broadband service providers, is seeking Broadband Installers for their Asheville, NC area. The essential functions of this position are contributing to the company vision of being the industry leader in customer service through quality, commitment, courtesy and teamwork. This person will be responsible for performing basic installations, disconnects and service changes for residential and business customers for cable television, phone, and internet. This is an entry level position. Must have HS Diploma or GED and a valid driver’s license. Interested applicants must complete the online application at www.charter.com/careers. Charter offers competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits package. ***Females and Minorities encouraged to apply***
HOTEL/ HOSPITALITY FULL TIME HOUSEKEEPER/LAUNDRY POSITION Full time housekeeping and laundry position available at vacation rental resort in Mills River. Must have experience. Please fax resume to 828-891-9955 or email ewinner290@gmail.com
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
by Rob Brezny
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22
The Earth has been around for almost 4.6 billion years. But according to scientists who study the fossil records, fire didn’t make its first appearance on our planet until 470 million years ago. Only then were there enough land-based plants and oxygen to allow the possibility of fires arising naturally. Do the math and you will see that for 90 percent of the Earth’s history, fire was absent. In evolutionary terms, it’s a newcomer. As I study your astrological omens for the next ten months, I foresee the arrival of an almost equally monumental addition to your life, Leo. You can’t imagine what it is yet, but by this time next year, you won’t fathom how you could have lived without it for so long.
Broadway is one of New York City’s main streets. It runs the length of the island of Manhattan. But hundreds of years ago it was known by the indigenous Lenape people as the Wickquasgeck Trail. It was a passageway that cut through stands of chestnut, poplar and pine trees. Strawberries grew wild in fields along the route. Is there a metaphorical equivalent in your own life, Sagittarius? I think there is: a modest, natural path that you will ultimately build into a major thoroughfare buzzing with activity. Part of you will feel sad at the loss of innocence that results. But mostly you’ll be proud of the visionary strength you will have summoned to create such an important conduit.
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 In the nights to come, I expect you will dream of creatures like fiery monsters, robot warriors, extraterrestrial ghosts and zombie vampires. But here’s the weird twist: They will be your helpers and friends. They will protect you and fight on your behalf as you defeat your real enemies, who are smiling pretenders wearing white hats. Dreams like this will prepare you well for events in your waking life, where you will get the chance to gain an advantage over fake nice guys who have hurt you or thwarted you.
The heavenly body known as 1986 DA is a near-Earth asteroid that’s 1.4 miles in diameter. It’s packed with 10,000 tons of gold and 100,000 tons of platinum, meaning it’s worth over five trillion dollars. Can we humans get to it and mine its riches? Not yet. That project is beyond our current technology. But one day, I’m sure we will find a way. I’m thinking there’s a smaller-scale version of this scenario in your life, Capricorn. You know about or will soon find out about a source of wealth that’s beyond your grasp. But I’m betting that in the next 10 months you will figure out a way to tap into it, and begin the process.
It’s fine if you want to turn the volume all the way up on your charisma and socialize like a party animal. I won’t protest if you gleefully blend business and pleasure as you nurture your web of human connections. But I hope you will also find time to commune with the earth and sky and rivers and winds. Why? You are scheduled to take a big, fun spiritual test in the not-too-distant future. An excellent way to prepare for this rite of passage will be to deepen your relationship with Mother Nature.
“I just sort of drifted into it.” According to author Gore Vidal, “That’s almost always the explanation for everything.” But I hope this won’t be true for you anytime soon, Aquarius. You can’t afford to be unconscious or lazy or careless about what you’re getting yourself into. You must formulate a clear, strong intention and stick to it. I don’t mean that you should be overly cautious or ultra-skeptical. To make the correct decisions, all you have to do is be wide-awake and stay in intimate touch with what’s best for you.
You are hereby excused from doing household chores and busywork, Scorpio. Feel free to cancel boring appointments. Avoid tasks that are not sufficiently epic, majestic and fantastic to engage your heroic imagination. As I see it, this is your time to think really big. You have cosmic authorization to give your full intensity to exploring the amazing maze where the treasure is hidden. I urge you to pay attention to your dreams for clues. I encourage you to ignore all fears except the one that evokes your most brilliant courage. Abandon all trivial worries, you curious warrior, as you go in quest of your equivalent of the Holy Grail.
Members of the industrial band Skinny Puppy are upset with the U.S. military. They discovered that an interrogation team at America’s Guantanamo Bay detention camp tortured prisoners by playing their music at deafening volumes for extended periods. That’s why they sent an invoice to the Defense Department for $666,000 and are threatening to sue. Now would be a good time for you to take comparable action, Pisces. Are others distorting your creations or misrepresenting your meaning? Could your reputation benefit from repair? Is there anything you can do to correct people’s misunderstandings about who you are and what you stand for?
ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19 If a farmer plants the same crop in the same field year after year, the earth’s nutrients get exhausted. For instance, lettuce sucks up a lot of nitrogen. It’s better to plant beans or peas in that location the next season, since they add nitrogen back into the soil. Meanwhile, lettuce will do well in the field where the beans or peas grew last time. This strategy is called crop rotation. I nominate it as your operative metaphor for the next 10 months, Aries. Your creative output will be abundant if you keep sowing each new “crop” in a fertile situation where it is most likely to thrive. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20 Maybe your grandparents are dead, or maybe they’re still alive. Whatever the case may be, do you have a meaningful or interesting connection with them? Is there anything about their souls or destinies that inspires you as you face your own challenges? Or is your link with them based more on sentimentality and nostalgia? In the near future, I urge you to dig deeper in search of the power they might have to offer you. Proceed on the hypothesis that you have not yet deciphered some of the useful messages you can derive from how they lived their lives. Explore the possibility that their mysteries are relevant to yours. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20 The prolific American author James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) wrote 32 novels. In those pages, he crammed in almost 1,100 quotations from Shakespeare. What motivated such extreme homage? I suspect he regarded Shakespeare as a mentor and wanted to blend the Bard’s intelligence with his own. I invite you to do something similar, Gemini. What heroes have moved you the most? What teachers have stirred you the deepest? It’s a perfect time to pay tribute in a way that feels self-empowering. I suspect you will benefit from revivifying their influence on you. CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22 Was there an actual poet named Homer who wrote the ancient Greek epics the Iliad and the Odyssey? Or was “Homer” a fictitious name given to several authors who created those two master works? Whatever the case may be, we know that Homer plagiarized himself. The opening line of Book XI in the Iliad is identical to the opening line of Book V in the Odyssey: “Now Dawn arose from her couch beside the lordly Tithonos, to bear light to the immortals and to mortal men.” So should we be critical of Homer? Nah. Nor will I hold it against you if, in the coming days, you imitate some fine action or brilliant move you did in the past. It was great the first time. I’m sure it will be nearly as great this time, but in a different way. 54
JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014
FRANCISCAN CHINA Total 20 pieces: 12 Dinner plates, dessert, vegetable plate and platter. No chips: excellent condition. $45. Call for details: 692-3024.
JEWELRY FRESHWATER PEARL NECKLACE Bought in 1950, excellent, excellent condition. Never worn. Valued $150, asking $60. Call 6923024.
SPORTING GOODS TREADMILL Gold Gym trainer 410. 7 months old. $200. 505-8056.
DID YOU KNOW MURDER VICTIM LOUISE DAVIS SHUMATE IN 1966? Seeking information about Opal Louise Davis Shumate, one of three murder victims in Hendersonville in July 1966. CONFIDENTIALITY GUARANTEED. Any information appreciated. Contact 1966triplemurder@gmail. com or 828-458-7868.
THIS SATURDAY Gigantic Sidewalk Yard Sale, 7:30amuntil. Over 50 participating merchants and individuals. Historic Downtown Marion, NC.
SERVICES HOME A DOMESTIC GODDESS can shop, cook, clean, organize, and run errands all to make your house a home and free up your precious time. IdealAssistant1111@gmail.com 828.595.6063. ATTENTION SENIORS Need help with your errands? Let me help with: • Transportation • Shopping • Organizing • Secretarial tasks • Events, planning • Pet services • Serving Asheville and Buncombe County. • Please call Gilcelia: (828) 712-7626.
TRANSPORTATION BEST MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES David’s Transportation Services for elderly and physically disabled, non emergency transportation anywhere in the USA. Certified Nursing Assistant and Spanish translator available. For more information please contact 828-2150715 or 828-505-1394. www. Cesarfamilyservices.com
HELP YOURSELF WHILE HELPING OTHERS By donating plasma! You can earn $220/ month with valid state ID, proof of address, and SS card. Located at 85 Tunnel Road. Call (828) 252-9967. LAAFF VENDING Looking for LOCAL artist to vend their handmade crafts at LAAFF . Show date :Aug 31st 2014. Send photos of booth and work. Contact LAAFFvendors@ gmail.com. Deadline is 8/10 PREGNANT? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-4136293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) PROFESSIONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Affordable • Quality • Style • Service. • Private portraits. (828) 777-6171. www.PhotosbySerge.webs. com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ART CURRICULUM TRAINING/ INSTRUCTION (ASHEVILLE) Art therapy training 8/4-8/7. Trained instructors paid to teach at $50/hour 3 hours/ week for 8 weeks per program. Submit resume to the Council on Aging of Buncombe County at info@coabc.org.
HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
HEATING & COOLING MAYBERRY HEATING AND COOLING Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • • Radiant Floor Heating • • Solar Hot Water • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 6589145.
KRIYA YOGA WITH THE GREAT GRANDSON OF LAHIRI MAHASAYA As taught in the Lahiri dynastic (family) tradition: introductory talks in Asheville on Aug 13 and 22, with an initiation program over the weekend of Aug 23-24. Joe (206) 399-9747 or www.kriyayogalahiri.com.
TER RECORDING Full service studio: • Mastering • THE PAINTING EXPERIENCE Experience the power of process painting as described in the groundbreaking book Life, Paint & Passion: Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression. August 22-24 at the Asheville Art Museum at Pack Place. www.processarts.com, (888) 639-8569.
Mixing and Recording. •
WILD EDIBLE PLANT CLASSES Identifying and using wild plants in WNC on August 11th, 12th, and 13th at 1:00pm. 2 hour class, sliding scale cost($5-$20). Reserve your space now. Phone Seth at 828.779.7741.
CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.whitewaterrecording.com
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and microchipped. Would be good on a farm or land to
$100. call (704) 221-0750.
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IAM20-AN EFFECTIVE 20 MINUTE MEDITATION TECHNIQUE FOR BUSY PEOPLE The IAM meditation technique offers an integration of gentle relaxation exercises with an effective and easy-to-practice meditation technique that can be comfortably performed by anyone in just 20 minutes. August 2nd, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. . Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Rd 28806, Love offering. 828-775-4900 Jennifer
ACROSS 1 Breather 5 Car radio button 9 Back of a 45 record 14 Telephone keypad abbr. 15 Wild hog 16 Reporting to 17 Where there’s smoke 18 “I’m game” 19 It’s rattled metaphorically 20 Goodyear employees when they’re on strike? 23 Feed 24 “Goody, goody!” 25 Porch light circler 28 The Buckeyes’ sch. 29 He’s to the right of Teddy on Mount Rushmore 32 Site with a “Time left” display 35 Scenery chewer 37 It might reveal more than a simple X-ray
39 Result of Santa misplacing his papers? 42 Like some potatoes 43 Cotton seed remover 44 Puts in 45 Düsseldorf-toDresden direction 46 Prop in a western 48 Maryland athlete, for short 50 “Me, too” 52 First name in cosmetics 56 What the Red Sox had to start using in 1920? 61 Women’s golf star Lorena 62 “Like that’s gonna happen” 63 Some investment opportunities, in brief 64 One who’s not from around here 65 Lime green 25-Across
No. 0625
edited by Will Shortz
66 Field for Gérard Depardieu and Audrey Tautou 67 Experimental division, for short 68 Drop when one is down? 69 The “K” in James K. Polk
28 36
50 56
23 25
DOWN 1 Some sleeping areas 2 Like the Statue of Liberty at night 3 Prefix with science 4 Story set on Mount Olympus 5 Up to the job 6 Homer Simpson’s watering hole 7 Round one 8 Woman in “A Wrinkle in Time” 9 It may be diagrammed on a city map 10 Serpentine 11 “___ much obliged” 12 Traditional meat in a humble pie 13 Fouls up 21 Baseball’s Durocher … or his astrological sign 22 Censorshipworthy 26 Nickname for filmdom’s Lebowski 27 Holds 29 Liquid that burns 30 Posse, e.g. 31 Some M.I.T. grads: Abbr.
44 48
52 59
32 Admiral Zumwalt 33 Skewed view 34 Helper: Abbr. 36 Knicks’ home: Abbr. 38 Buster Keaton genre 40 Theme park based on a toy 41 Tailor’s concern 47 Margarita option
49 ___ room 50 Did a farrier’s job on 51 People output 53 Easy basketball two-pointer 54 Prefix with metric 55 Earl of ___, favorite of Queen Elizabeth I 56 Waterfall sound
57 Sch. near Beverly Hills 58 Like dangerous ice 59 Fey of “30 Rock” 60 Miles and miles away
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JULY 30 - AUGUST 5, 2014