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Neighbors don’t want to live next to mini-hotels This is in response to the letter in the July 15 issue [of Xpress] from “Asheville resident” titled “Proposed Fines for Short-term Rentals Are Overzealous.” First, I am disappointed that you would make an exception to your rule of always printing letter writers’ names because it would expose someone who is breaking the law. Second, it does seem that this person and his/her group has been painstakingly fighting for their rights as homeowners and have been doing what they can to get their way in a legitimate fashion. But there still remains the big picture: Residential zoning is there for a reason. People who have chosen to live in quiet, residential subdivisions within the city limits do not want to suddenly find that they are living next door to a mini-hotel. The excuse that these “poor” homeowners can no longer afford to stay in their homes sounds very strange to me. When did they buy these homes? Weren’t they prequali-
fied by their lenders to assure them that they could afford it? Taxes have not gone up that much (in some cases they have even gone down in recent years), so why all of a sudden is renting out a house or room in a house so necessary? Why? Because they can make good money without accounting to anyone for the payment of hotel tax, permits, licensing, safety inspections, etc. Good for them, but unfair to the hotel owners and bed-and-breakfast owners who must do all these things and run legitimate businesses. Later this summer we will probably hear that renting a room in one’s house will be OK with City Council as they submit to the whining. But those who own investment houses and are renting them on a nightly basis will still be breaking the law and subject to fining. Perhaps that will force them into returning these homes to the locals’ yearly rental market, giving the folks who live and work here a chance to rent a home. — Sandra Brooks Asheville
reGuLar contributorS: Able Allen, Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, George Etheredge, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Daniel Hall, Max Hunt, Cameron Huntley, Rachel Ingram, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Clarke Morrison, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna SezakBlatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther, Krista White
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com
We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to letters@mountainx.com.
There’s nothing ‘sharing’ about short-term rentals The anonymous writer of “Proposed Fines for Short-term Rentals are Overzealous,” [July 15, Xpress] has the nerve to attempt to clothe a practice which violates city regulations in socially acceptable dress by calling short-term rentals part of the “sharing economy.” There’s nothing “sharing” about short-term rentals. They’re commercial transactions, pure and simple. They threaten to commercialize and disrupt residential neighborhoods which, for most of us, represent the largest investments we will ever be make.
It is not the city that is spreading fear, but the threat of predatory commercialization of residential neighborhoods with vacation rentals owned by nonresident property landlords that middleclass homeowners fear. Shame on the editors of Mountain Xpress for publishing such a misleading letter anonymously! While your cartoon in the July 15 issue lampoons the Sovereign Oaks development, you lend tacit support to threats to established, middle-class, urban neighborhoods. People who have a legitimate position to air sign their letters the editor! — Michael N. Lewis Asheville
Let’s stop this notion of ‘artisan’ killing “I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. I may not complete this last one, but I give myself to it.” So wrote German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, in words perhaps echoed by Albert
Einstein and Albert Schweitzer, who each advocated enlarging our “circle of compassion.” For me that “widening circle” includes the entire community of life. That’s why I simply cannot eat the flesh, mother’s milk or ova (eggs) of tender, caring, intelligent creatures. And I’m not alone. Veganism — a diet free of animal products — is exploding in the United States and abroad. (The most vegan country in the world as a percentage of the population is Israel!) Vegan grocery-store chains, restaurants, new food products galore, even a vegan “butcher shop” (!) are opening across the U.S. and Europe. And who is the driving forces? Millennials. Young adults in the prime of their lives. That is the future we’re moving into — an evolutionary leap into healthy, compassionate “wining and dining” (beer, too!). The idea of a slaughterhouse producing “artisan meats” is laughable — or rather painfully “cry-able” [“The Art of Butchery: An Ancient Craft is Reborn in Asheville’s Food Scene, July 15, Xpress]. It is so not Asheville, which on a per-capita basis may well be the most cruelty-free, vegan city in the world. Let’s stop this deadly notion of “artisan” killing in its tracks! — Cynthia Sampson Asheville
Article brought horror of butchery to life Local animal lovers and advocates like myself are outraged at the rock-star status you give to people slaughtering animals [“The Art of Butchery: An Ancient Craft is Reborn in Asheville’s Food Scene,” July 15, Xpress] . However, I actually want to thank the Mountain Xpress for this article. Because most butchering goes on behind closed doors (ever try to get a slaughterhouse tour?), consumers tend to block out the cruelty behind the nicely packaged meat and dairy in grocery stores. Your article, complete with graphic photo, brings the violence, blood, death and horror to the public eye. Anyone who reads this glorification of butchers must surely stop, think and hopefully question this horror in a civilized society. — Frank Contreras Asheville
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
CO2’s effect on climate change is debatable Mike Wright is quite mistaken to think that the impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) on climate is well-understood [“Climate-change Denier Displays Lack of Scientific Understanding,” July 22, Xpress]. University of Western Ontario applied mathematician Dr. Chris Essex, an expert in the mathematical models that are the basis of the climate scare, explains, “Climate is one of the most challenging open problems in modern science. Some knowledgeable scientists believe that the climate problem can never be solved.” The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change lists thousands of peerreviewed science papers that show that much of what we thought we knew about CO2 and climate is wrong or highly debatable. The lack of global warming for the past 18 years while CO2 rose 10 percent (likely due mainly to soaring hydrocarbon fuel use in China and other developing nations) suggests that there is something seriously wrong with the CO2-caused warming theory. As I showed the 1,500 students I taught at Carleton University here in Ottawa, Canada, the science is becoming more unsettled as the field advances. Not only can we not control global climate, we don’t even know if warming or cooling lies ahead. Yet, on this flimsy basis, President Barack Obama wants to end America’s use of coal, your country’s least expensive and more plentiful power source, to supposedly “stop climate change.” It is worrisome for us here in Canada, and indeed across the free world, when our primary defender is bent on crippling itself in this way. U.S. Congressman Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) summed up the situation well, “You don’t dismantle America’s power and energy on a maybe.” — Tom Harris Executive Director International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) Ottawa, Canada
Homophobes should consider self-reflection Regarding [a July 9 article in the Asheville Citizen-Times], “Franklin Graham Slams Obama for Supporting Gay Marriage”: “The most damnable and bloodthirsty tyranny that a nation can be sub-
cartoon by brent brown
jected to, is that of a bigoted religious sect,” [by William] Stanton, The Great United States Exploring Expedition [published in] 1975. Webster’s College Dictionary for the 21st century (fourth edition, emphasis added) defines a bigot as a person who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular creed or opinion and who is narrow-minded and prejudiced. In his latest rant against President Obama, Franklin Graham blatantly displays his homophobic opinions by criticizing the president for purportedly disgracing the White House by lighting it up with rainbow colors. Presumably his intolerant rant is attributable to the Supreme Court’s recent opinion upholding same sex-marriage as a constitutional 14th Amendment due process right. I would suggest that there is perhaps another dynamic at work with many others of Graham’s ilk. Studies show that people who hold strong anti-gay views may have repressed same-sex desires. Thus, homophobes should seriously
consider some self-reflection. It would behoove Graham to look directly into a mirror and reflect on two simple questions: 1) Am I a bigot; and 2) am I a homophobe? It is a shame that so many intolerant, narrow-minded church figures just cannot seem to get their heads into the 21st century. They thump upon, and frequently intentionally misinterpret, good, historic books that were written 2,000 years ago using the ancient mindset and language of those times. They fail to recognize that times do change. For anyone who reads this, ask yourself if you are a bigot as defined above, and are you perhaps a repressed homophobe? For the record, I am straight and happily married to the same wonderful woman for 38 years. My views on same-sex marriage have progressed with the times. Times do change. Get over it! — Allan J. Fedor Asheville
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
The stars make you sick
I gave her a stock answer about having taken on too many projects. She nodded with false understanding, and we continued on our separate ways. conVaLeScence
by VirGinia roSenberG
how to spend the rest of her life.” “Oh,” he said. “Yeah, you can’t force it on people.” I excused myself to go get my juice.
I’ve been sick this week. Like, really sick. Some kind of summer flu. It’s been pretty intense: body aches, fever, swollen sore throat and all. Maybe I should have expected it, seeing as Mercury stationed direct, and Mercury is my ruling planet. Not to mention Neptune stationing retrograde the day after. Everyone knows Neptune can get you sick. Luckily, I live in Asheville.
to-do LiStS When I got sick, I went to Greenlife Grocery to get some fresh-pressed juice (kale lemonade, to be exact), since we all know food is our best medicine. As I entered the store, I ran into some friends. “How are you?” they asked. “I’m really sick, actually. I can barely think straight right now. Just came to get some juice.” “Did you take a salt bath yet? Take a salt bath. Make sure it’s purified sea salt. Crush up some ginger and use a cheesecloth…” I stood in wonder for the next many minutes as they gave me detailed instructions on how to make a ginger salt bath and use a hot compress afterward to squeeze all the toxins out of my body. “Hope you feel better,” they quipped upon departing. juice iSn’t heaLthy Grocery stores are always far too cold. I walked outside while my $7 juice was being prepped, to escape the freeze. “Hey, how ya doin’?” shouted the long-haired busker playing banjo outside the entrance. “I’m OK. How are you?” I responded. “I’m getting over a cold; feeling pretty good now.” “Yeah, I came here to get a juice because I’m pretty sick.” “Actually,” he said, “I heard that juice isn’t really that healthy for you, because of all the sugars.
contributed photo You should do smoothies instead, because we need fiber.” “Uh, thanks?” I thought to myself, before telling him “I’m getting a fresh-pressed lemon/ginger/apple/ kale juice, because I feel like that’s what my body needs right now.” “Right on,” he said, picking his banjo. “Yeah, a friend of mine had cancer and went on a juice fast but it didn’t work: He died anyway.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” Despite my aching muscles, I tried to connect with this person who’d randomly started a conversation with me. “My aunt is currently battling cancer. She just started another round of chemo last Wednesday.” “Turmeric,” interrupted the banjoist. “Tell her to eat turmeric. You should eat some turmeric, too. But you have to eat it with a precise combination of black pepper, cayenne … (he rambled on about other spices and exact amounts, but being feverish, I zoned out) ... on a bed of massaged kale. That’s honestly the best food you could possibly eat pretty much ever. And it fights cancer. Seriously, you should tell your aunt.” “I’ve tried to talk to my aunt about diet to fight cancer. Her take on it is it’s her illness, and she wants to choose
At the onset of my illness, I thought I had a backache, so I scheduled an appointment with a chiropractor. Later I realized that my full-body muscle aches were due to the sickness, but I kept the appointment anyway. My chiropractor asked me how I was. I told him I was sick with some kind of summer flu. I’ve been in Asheville for nearly six years now, so I no longer remember how people in other places react to news like this. My chiropractor informed me that I probably wasn’t sick after all, but rather “evolving.” And my system was “dumping stuff.” What a relief! I am so glad to hear I’m not actually sick. And I love it when my evolution includes waking up after sleeping for 16 straight hours connected to my pillow via encrusted mucous. Once again I was instructed to take a salt bath. But this time it was Epsom salt, not sea salt. And there was no mention of ginger or cheesecloth or hot compresses. At least it seemed a more manageable recommendation. whoSe fauLt iS it? On my way out of the appointment, I ran into another friend. She greeted me happily and asked how I was. When I told her I was sick, her response was, “Why?” That’s all she said. But as with the banjo man’s juice vs. smoothie remark, I sensed a gentle condescension. Maybe Condescension is the new path to Ascension? After all, both words contain “scension.” What’s implied, though, is “What’s your psychospiritual-emotional reason for being sick? Where are you out of alignment with your true path? What are you doing wrong in life? For what reason did you make yourself ill? You obviously called this in for your highest good, so what lesson are you learning from being sick?”
After lying in bed all day reading, resting and drinking “lots of healing drinks” as recommended by a text from a friend, I felt I needed to move some energy, so, carefully mustering all my strength, I made it to my qi gong class. When folks there found out I was sick, they immediately started rattling off all the supplements, herbs and formulas they take as preventives. “Whenever I feel like I’m about to get something, I take XYZ and it clears right up!” “I never actually get sick, because I take ___ every morning. You should too. It’s the ___ brand.” “Go to Greenlife and get the one with the silver label. I think it’s on sale right now.” But while all the unsolicited advice, opinions and “teachings” I received during the worst day of my illness made for an interesting time, I can’t say that any of it helped me get better. Psychospiritually analyzing myself to try and discover the cause of my illness didn’t either. Thinking of my flu as transformational evolution pacified me for a minute or so: Then I had to blow my nose again. The day had drained me. I was physically drained by the illness and emotionally taxed by the empathy vaccuum I seemed to be moving through. Could someone just nurture me, please, instead of telling me what to do? maGic wordS You know what did help? One friend I contacted texted back, “Do you need anything? What can I do for you?” He then drove 40 minutes from his house to bring me my preferred supplements and some chicken soup. That gave me strength enough to draw myself a bath. I used sea salt and ginger without any cheesecloth. Virginia Rosenberg, an Ashevillebased intuitive astrologer and sacred movement artist, can be reached at HeavenlyBodiesHealing.com.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Big little city blues by hayLey benton
hbenton@mountainx.com In many ways, today’s Asheville is a victim of its own success. The city is home to hippies and hikers, retirees and big city refugees, hipsters, foodies, brewers, farmers and artists of every sort. Downtown, a compact space bustles with life. Traffic inches along Patton Avenue and College Street, stalled by lights spaced a mere block apart. Firetrucks blast their horns as knots of pedestrians clog
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
the street corners, waiting for their signal to cross. Adding to the clamor, washboardtoting musicians perform traditional Appalachian tunes as tourists gather round, phones out, to share “weird Asheville” with friends back home. For the past decade or more, the city’s been conspicuous on the national radar — and its population has spiked sharply. But living in such a desirable place can have unwanted consequences: in Asheville’s case, a severe housing shortage, skyrocketing rents and home prices,
Asheville’s growing housing crisis
overcrowded streets with no place to park, and an abundance of lower-paying, tourism-based jobs. Surrounded by mountains and crammed into a 45-square-mile valley, the city of Asheville is bursting at the seams, and increasingly, Buncombe County is feeling the effects of the spillover as well. Meanwhile, city and county officials are scrambling to combat the challenges posed by urbanization, overpopulation and a growing gap between wages and housing costs.
no Vacancy Every five years, the city commissions a Housing Needs Assessment and Market Study; in January, patrick bowen of Bowen National Research presented his findings. Bowen, the founder of the Pickerington, Ohio-based company, has conducted real estate market analyses in hundreds of cities around the country. But as Xpress reported last winter (“Study Highlights Asheville Housing Challenges,” Jan. 20), he’s never seen the mix
of extremely low apartment availability and high population growth that now confronts Asheville. With the vacancy rate for multifamily rental housing at 0.9 percent, landlords can raise rents to meet the high demand. Nationally, the vacancy rate sits at around 5 percent, which is considered healthy. “When demand increases and the supply doesn’t keep up, then prices rise,” says mike figura, who owns Mosaic Community Lifestyle Realty. “Asheville’s population has grown faster than houses have been built — apartments especially — partly because we’re constrained by our land.” In the mountains, he continues, “It’s hard to build single-family houses in tracts, like they do in other cities and suburbs. If you’re a home seller, then that’s a good thing; but if you’re somebody looking to move to Asheville, buy a house or rent,” you’ll have to make some sacrifices, Figura explains. “Some people are willing to take a house with smaller square footage
that’s in not as good condition, because they have a strong location preference. Other people need a house in better condition or a larger house, so they push out farther from the city, where prices are cheaper.” Low waGeS You can’t talk about affordable housing without considering income levels. At an April 21 retreat, Planning Department staffer donna cottrell told the Buncombe County commissioners that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development pegs the median household income for the four-county metropolitan area (Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson and Madison) at $32,200 for one person, $44,800 for two and $50,400 for three. Other sources may give different numbers, depending on which specific areas they include, but the basic message doesn’t change much: low wages and high housing costs. In Buncombe County, the median monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment is $916; for a two-bedroom house, it’s $950, according to the Bowen report.
Yet many local people (such as firefighters, teachers, wait staff, child care and construction workers) aren’t making anywhere near the $40,450 per year that is needed to comfortably afford such rentals. The widely cited benchmark is that affordable housing should cost no more than 30 percent of one’s monthly income. In Buncombe County now, however, 44.5 percent of renter households are considered “cost-burdened” (i.e., spending more than 30 percent on housing), and another 21.7 percent are “severely cost-burdened” (spending more than 50 percent), said Cottrell. And meanwhile, notes the Bowen report, roughly 27 percent of Asheville’s current renters make less than $15,000 a year ($1,250 per month before taxes) in a city where the median cost of a studio apartment rental is $720 per month, and a one-bedroom is about $836. In other words, 27 percent of Asheville renters would have to spend about 57.6 percent of their pretax income to live on their own in a small studio — or 66.9 percent if they wanted a onebedroom apartment.
After taking out 20 percent for taxes, this leaves those renters with somewhere between $164 and $280 a month to cover all other living expenses. And even with two earners in a household, the numbers often don’t add up. So much for rentals. And if you’re trying to buy a home, things get even worse. At the commissioners’ retreat, Cottrell noted that the median home price in the county was $215,000 — and, to properly afford that, a household would need to make at least $67,188 per year. But that’s $22,388 more than the median income for county residents, and meanwhile, housing prices continue to climb. One key reason for all this, of course, is the preponderance of lower-paying service sector jobs. Nationwide, many areas are grappling with the loss of manufacturing jobs; ironically, however, Asheville’s situation is also tied to its rise as a tourist destination. continued on paGe 12
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
neWs Charlotte marketplace.” And the very demand that’s helping drive the housing crisis applies to the job market, too, giving many local employers the same kind of leverage that landlords enjoy.
The main industries here are related to either tourism or health care, notes jeff Staudinger, the city’s assistant director of community and economic development. “We do have a significant manufacturing economy, but relative to the general economy, it’s a lower percentage. And our gross product is also relatively low per wage, so that really influences the wages that can be paid out the other side.” Asheville is not alone in grappling with these problems: High housing costs are common in many big cities. But wages also tend to be significantly higher in those places — and even the service sector has more potential customers. Part of Asheville’s problem, says Staudinger, is “the size of our city relative to the demand. We’re not a
no end in SiGht Between 2000 and 2010, Asheville’s population grew by 21.1 percent, even as the rest of Buncombe County saw a 15.5 percent increase. “We’re seeing the market in the county tighten up a lot, relative to where it was last year,” says Figura. “It went from a balanced market to a strong sellers’ market. ... And as of the second quarter, the median home price in the city is higher than it’s ever been: $235,000. That’s even higher than it was at the last peak [in 2007], before the recession, at $225,000.”
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Historically, houses in Buncombe have tended to command higher prices than those within the city limits, but Asheville began outperforming the county in 2011 — perhaps, Figura speculates, due to the “higher preference toward urban living among millennials.” Still, there may be some good news here. As developers start showing more interest in Asheville, we should see some improvement in our housing numbers, Figura predicts. “For the longest time, developers didn’t want to look at markets like Asheville, because they were too small. They were focused on larger markets like Charlotte, Atlanta and D.C.” “That’s changed as our population has grown,” he explains. “Our popularity is rising, and our low vacancy rate has caught the eye of a lot of developers.” In the last five years, the population has increased by about 7.4 percent, and the Bowen report expects that trend to continue. In the meantime, though, things could be worse. “We’re not at the top of the [housing] pricing curve,” notes Staudinger. “We do have a limited housing supply, but we are not Tokyo or New York City. And I think that, if you talk to some folks from Atlanta, they’ll tell you we’re not Atlanta either.” Until development catches up with the population influx, however, the vacancy rate will remain stagnant, making it hard for many Ashevilleans to afford city prices, says Figura. pLayinG catch-up? The Bowen study indicated 40,504 total households in Asheville: 50.7 percent renters and 49.3 percent homeowners. Over the next five years, it predicts, Asheville will see another 1,338 homeowner households and 1,748 renter households moving to the city. And with limited buildable land available within the city limits, the only place to go is up. “It’s going to be dense,” maintains Figura, who has a background in urban planning and development. “Land is running out, and in a lot of cases, they’re tearing down buildings to build another one.” Several multifamily housing complexes are currently being built or in the works, he continues. “The question is: Will our population continue to grow? And is this going to fill the void and return our normal vacancy levels? Or is our population going to continue to grow just as fast as apartments are being built?” Figura believes things will start getting better. “I think we’re playing catchup right now, and at some point [the
demand] will be filled.” Compared with other cities, he continues, “We don’t have a particularly high population growth rate: It’s more of a supply problem.” In Charlotte, 21 percent population growth over a decade wouldn’t be cause for panic. In fact, that city’s 35 percent rate in those same years far outstrips Asheville’s; Raleigh, meanwhile, comes in at a whopping 46 percent. “They’re not as constrained by topography,” Figura explains, “so they can build a lot — and more quickly.” And in fact, notes Bowen, Asheville’s growth rate is really more like 12 percent, because the city annexed a number of areas during that decade. Staudinger, however, takes a somewhat less optimistic view. “You’ll get many economic theories about what drives down housing prices,” he points out. “The one that typically gets a lot of traction is about the supply-demand curve. If you see a real building boom of new housing, then, theoretically, that will drive down the pricing for existing housing that may not have the level of amenities or efficiency the newer homes have. “But I think if we look three to five years into the future, we are nowhere near the point where even the suggested pipeline would be sufficient to really have a serious impact. There’s a lot of room in the market to continue to fill demand without driving prices down.” Still, Asheville’s future, Figura believes, will probably include a lot of five-story apartment complexes, which are cheaper to build than taller structures. “I think that’s the only way we’re going to really solve it,” he maintains. “People are going to continue to build houses, but it’s not going to be able to keep up with demand. A lot of land just outside the city isn’t served by utilities. You just can’t build on land when you don’t have water and sewer. “It’s a lot more cost-effective to make housing if you’re building multifamily,” he continues. “Land cost is really high, and you structure your building around that.” Staudinger, however, cautions that “The apartment development that’s happening is not always inexpensive to develop. There’s topography challenges, flood plain challenges, the adequacy of infrastructure. All this provides some limits to our growth.” In any case, however, multifamily housing is exactly what Asheville seems to need most.
MEDIAN HOME SALE PRICE in the City of Asheville and Buncombe County
1ST & 2 QTR 2015
Clearly, addressing Asheville’s housing crisis will take more than just building additional residential units. “Affordable housing is not just a housing problem,” Figura explains. “It’s a housing supply problem; it’s a wage problem; it’s an employment problem.” Staudinger agrees. As for the city’s role, “One of the questions we consistently ask is, ’What can a local government do?’ And the second question is, ’What will a local government do?’ I think, right now, we’re trying to answer those simultaneously.” The current plan, he continues, is to “increase our investments in affordable housing; eliminate barriers created through our regulatory process; provide financial incentives; continue to look at and seek to increase the allowable densities — and increase our partnerships with housing developers.” Figura, meanwhile, offers these suggestions: “If you’re a business owner, pay a living wage. If you go out to eat, tip your server well. Support the industries that aren’t making a lot of money whenever you can. It’ll help people afford the housing in Asheville.” X
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Up and Up: The median home price in Asheville is higher than it’s ever been, at $235,000, exceeding even prerecession levels in 2007. The median home price in 2007 was $225,000. Traditionally, Buncombe’s home sale prices have surpassed those within city limits. But in 2013, the city exceeded the county — and the county median currently sits at $219,570. SearchinG for SoLutionS “There are no vacancies among the 3,362 surveyed affordable (tax credit, government-subsidized) rental units in the city,” notes the Bowen report. “This occupancy rate and the long waitlists maintained at these projects indicate that there is pentup demand for affordable housing in the city.” The analysts surveyed 9,232 Asheville apartment units and found all but 82 of them occupied. City officials are well aware of the problem. Asheville’s five-year Consolidated Strategic Housing and Community Development Plan,
approved by City Council on April 28, states: “Prices of homes for sale are rising and are now at prerecession levels. Rental housing is full. Supply of homes — both for sale and for rent— is the greatest issue for low- and moderateincome households.” The consolidated plan is based on numbers from the Bowen report. “At the end of June,” says Staudinger, “City Council passed a resolution establishing 2,800 affordable housing units to be constructed in the next seven years.” But that, he continues, will barely put a dent in the 8,751 additional residential units the city says it needs to bridge the gap.
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
HOME, CHEAP HOME? Local experts explore solutions to Asheville’s housing crisis
by tracy roSe
trose@mountainx.com There’s no doubt about it: For growing numbers of residents, finding affordable housing in the area is a daunting challenge. Increasingly, people not only want to visit Asheville: They want to live here. But the high demand for housing across all sectors, the high cost and limited availability of land, the challenges of building in the mountains — together with the harsh reality of wages that aren’t keeping pace with rising housing costs — add up to a grave issue facing this community. What would it take to solve the Asheville area’s affordable housing problem? In hopes of sparking dialogue that might help move us beyond mere collective hand-wringing, Xpress posed that question to assorted local nonprofit leaders, government officials, builders, developers, academics and folks who’ve struggled to find affordable housing themselves. We got back a range of thoughtful essays — so many, in fact, that we couldn’t fit them all into a single issue. In this second of three parts, five writers offer their diverse views and suggestions. X
LooKinG up: Mountain Housing Opportunities homeowner Anika Ervin takes part in constructing her own home in MHO’s Self Help program in Weaverville. MHO, a private,
nonprofit housing and community development corporation, is the largest producer of affordable housing west of Charlotte. MHO produces over $10 million each year of affordable and workforce housing, including 109 new affordable homes this year in Leicester, Swannanoa and Mars Hill and preserving over 100 homes for low-income homeowners in Asheville and Buncombe County. Info: mtnhousing.org Photo courtesy of MHO
let’s sUBsidiZe real aFFordaBility
weeKS Photo courtesy of MHO
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Affordable housing is part of a community’s total economic development picture. Yet in Asheville, the two are viewed and treated separately. Economic development officials work on providing more jobs for residents; housing officials work on providing more homes for the workforce. The underlying economic fact is that the single biggest monthly expense for any worker is typically their rent or mortgage payment. And in Asheville, wages are low and housing costs are high. That’s the basic disconnect. If we broke down all the jobs we’ve recruited in the last five years, how many of those workers are being paid a living wage? We hear about the “average wages,” but we can’t keep assessing the jobs we recruit based
on the averages. We need to consider the actual wage rates so we can see if these new jobs will enable workers to support a home and a family. It’s OK if most of them don’t, because that’s the reality of our tourism economy. However, we have to be brave enough to ask that question. Let’s take a hard look at the past five years and ask: How many jobs did we create? What will each of these jobs pay? How much did we pay the corporations bringing the jobs, and therefore, how much was paid to subsidize each one? How many of those jobs won’t pay enough to allow the worker to afford a modest apartment or home? How many workforce homes did we
create in that same five-year period? How much funding did we use to incentivize the construction of true workforce housing? Government funds are used to boost both job growth and affordable/workforce housing: All we have to do is match them up. For every job created with a subsidy that doesn’t provide a living wage, let’s provide a genuinely affordable home. — Cindy Visnich Weeks Vice President, Director of Community Investments Mountain Housing Opportunities Inc.
aFFordaBle hoUsing or aFFordaBle living?
whaLen Photo courtesy of Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce High demand (Asheville’s livability) + limited land and housing supply = expensive housing. Why is the supply limited? Buildable land is scarce and expensive. The combined effect of national, state and local policies is to encourage single-family homes over multifamily, particularly sprawling exurban and suburban houses. Is it sensible or fair to complain about the cost of midrise, multifamily housing when fire codes require redundant systems like noncombustible materials, two sets of fireproof exit stairs, fire separation between all occupants, full sprinkler systems and fireproof doors, while allowing children in North Asheville to sleep on the third floor of a wooden house with wooden stairs directly over two large, mobile, gasoline storage devices parked in the first-floor garage? Is it wise to allow NIMBYs to claim a “right” not to share “their” road or “their” view, thereby forcing “our” affordable housing farther out into the county and farther away from jobs and necessary services? Basically, the affordable housing crisis is “the chickens coming home to roost” after decades of policies that generate sprawl-oriented devel-
opment — developing our land as if there were an unlimited supply — making two (or even three) cars a family necessity and climate change an accidental consequence. Why is the focus on “affordable housing” and not on “affordable living”? The official “affordable housing” definitions focus narrowly on rent; transportation costs are ignored. Around the turn of the 20th century, most families spent 5 percent or less of their income on transportation. Today we spend 25 percent on transportation, and two lower-income wage earners living in “affordable” housing out in the county need to spend 30 to 40 percent just to be able to get to work. National studies have shown that over 30 percent of the jobs in cities like ours are within 3 miles of downtown. And with the hospital, UNC Asheville, A-B Tech and the Asheville Mall all within a 1.5 miles of downtown, our percentages are probably higher. Two wage earners living near the center of our city have a realistic likelihood of being able to ditch one (or even two cars), walk or bike to work, and actually live affordably. However, there’s a huge shortage of middle-income, workforce housing in the city center. About 45 percent of downtown residential units are upscale or luxury housing. About 40 percent are subsidized affordable housing. Only about 15 percent are for people who aren’t wealthy but don’t qualify for subsidies. One solution (certainly not the only one) would be to actively encourage more density in the city’s center, where people might actually be able to walk to work or, from the central bus station, catch just one bus to get to work. Imagine the effect on density and affordable living if our zoning encouraged affordable and middle-income, workforce, multifamily housing within a half-mile (or even 1 mile) radius of downtown. Affordable and workforce housing definitions should factor in realistic transportation costs and recognize continued on paGe 16
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
for Asheville City Council
Because seven shades of blue needs a little red...
paid for by the committee to elect carl mumpower
neWs the limitations that our lack of density forces on our transit system. We need to stop kidding ourselves that someone living in “affordable” housing near a bus line can make a daily commute involving two separate buses, both running once an hour. The limited housing subsidies we have available should be spent
going oUt oF BUsiness
KrauS Photo courtesy of Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity During an interview years ago, I was asked where I’d like to see Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity in 10 years. My response — “out of business” — surprised the interviewer, but she knew what I meant. If Asheville Habitat were out of business, it would mean that every Buncombe County family lived in a safe, affordable home. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. We live in an area that thrives on tourism, health care and manufacturing. But with a huge discrepancy between high housing costs and low wages, many people have been priced out of the housing market. Let’s say you work full time in a Living Wage-certified job and have one dependent. That means you make $26,000 a year (about 58 percent of the area’s median income). If you have to pay more than $650 per month for your mortgage or rent, you become “cost-burdened” — your housing costs have made it difficult for you to pay for food, transporta-
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
on housing near the center. And, for extra credit, our community would really be doing something to address the connected challenges of affordability and global warming. — Pat Whalen President Public Interest Projects Inc.
tion or medical care. But how do you find decent, affordable housing? You could apply for an Asheville Habitat home, because we serve those earning less than 70 percent of the median income, and our mortgage payments are less than average rents. But as with all other affordable housing options in town, the need far outstrips our capacity. Whenever people ask what we need to create more affordable housing, we say: capital. It takes money to buy and develop land, and to build attractive, energy-efficient homes. Those capital expenditures aren’t temporary Band-Aids: They’re investments in permanent change. Habitat sells homes to qualified applicants (teaching assistants, certified nursing assistants, firefighters, etc.) who put in hundreds of volunteer hours to help build their homes and then pay a zero percent interest, 30-year mortgage that goes right back into our building fund. Those mortgage payments help sustain our work and convert “renters-in-need” into “homeowners helping neighbors.” It’s a great model — and a primary reason Habitat for Humanity International was the sixth-largest homebuilder in the U.S. during the Great Recession. Buncombe County is home to excellent nonprofit and for-profit builders with decades of expertise in building affordable homes. But neither Habitat nor anyone else is the sole, end-all solution to the affordable housing crisis. It will take nonprofit and for-profit entities and municipalities, all working together, to serve more families in need. And unfortunately, I don’t see Habitat going out of business any time soon. — Lew Kraus Executive Director Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity
Black neighBorhoods will Be oBliterated Housing in Asheville is simultaneously booming and in crisis. The summer of 2015 seems to be culminating in trends that are several years deep. Construction has been on the upswing, while affordability is out of the range of those with average incomes. Public officeholders defend the hot real estate market, while average voters are moving closer to being displaced from the city. For the impoverished, policies have waxed and waned in effectiveness over the years. Data mined by UNC Asheville undergraduates in The State of Black Asheville, an ongoing research project, tell a story that is changing as you read this article. Rent vouchers, partnerships between former public housing tenants and the private sector, may produce owner-occupied housing for those whose $8,300 annual income would never before have made it
seem possible. This idea was discussed at a recent town hall forum held at the YMI Cultural Center. For most, though, the options are extremely limited. Data indicate that the black population is in decline even as the city’s overall population increases dramatically. At least two reasons seem to explain what is happening with black city residents. One, AfricanAmericans in their 20s and 30s are choosing to leave the area for places that seem more hospitable and satisfying. Charlotte and Atlanta are often preferred to an Asheville that frequently refuses to reach out to attract and retain folks who would join the core of an increasingly undersized black middle class. Poor pay and job opportunities are major components that contribute to self-exile. Young white people also face these factors, but black earnings, on average, are significantly lower than whites’. Black family
income that averages just over $32,000 a year will not qualify for homeownership in Asheville. Why stay where you can’t live? A second compelling factor for African-Americans in Asheville is the community itself. History clearly demonstrates that black neighborhoods will be obliterated: They seem to be the first areas selected for “improvement.” Public officials seem not to notice, while private developers proceed with only profit in mind. Culture, history, family, “roots” mean little in a present-oriented marketplace. And promises of future inclusion never pan out. This city will be richer, whiter and increasingly more exclusive. We know this if we accept African-Americans and housing as the miner’s canaries. — Dwight B. Mullen Political Science Professor UNC Asheville
muLLen Photo by Matt Rose, courtesy of UNC Asheville
how Badly do we want it?
merreLL Photo courtesy of Pisgah Legal Services Here at Pisgah Legal Services, we talk to thousands of people every year who pay too much for rent, live too far from work and/or live in substandard conditions. We see that our local affordable housing problem is
complex and will take creative, multidimensional solutions. The solution to the affordable housing problem is political and community will. Everyone — families, neighborhood groups, politicians, nonprofits, business leaders, etc. — must commit to making affordable housing a priority and evaluate every decision based on how it affects affordable housing. Here are some approaches that can have an impact quickly: • Significantly increase density in zoning districts (when a developer can build more units per acre, the units cost less). • Make affordable housing at least 15 to 20 percent of every multifamily development. • Incentivize affordable housing development and make it easy for developers to build it. Instead of creating complicated regulations, simplify them. • Put 1 cent of the city’s tax revenue into the Housing Trust Fund. Establish a similar county fund. • Waive all fees for affordable housing development; increase fees for market-rate development.
• Work with employers to create housing on underutilized land, and/ or funding streams that can subsidize employees’ housing costs. • Develop new strategies and try those that have worked elsewhere. • A key part of the solution is having the Chamber of Commerce use some of the room occupancy tax for affordable housing. Tourism is a big local industry, and the workers that support it deserve safe, decent housing. Some elected officials have proposed building affordable housing on the outskirts and busing low- and moderateincome workers to their jobs rather than developing it in convenient, central locations throughout our community. There’s no denying the link between transportation and housing costs, or the need for more transportation choices. But pushing large categories of people to the fringes of the community is not an acceptable option. It is segregation, and it hurts everyone. Our community benefits in many ways from having all types of people living together in communities. — Robin Merrell and the Pisgah Legal Services Housing Team
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
by Hayley Benton
4x4: Four weeks, four candidates Sixteen candidates have officially thrown their hats into the ring for the Asheville City Council elections this fall. Each week, Xpress will introduce, in brief, four candidates’ backgrounds and ideas for the city. Three seats on Council are up for grabs, marking the end of the fouryear terms of Marc Hunt, Chris Pelly and Jan Davis. Only Vice Mayor Hunt is seeking re-election in the fall. Brian Haynes Brian Haynes, showroom manager at Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore and brother of musician Warren Haynes, says his position is simple: to advocate for the people of Asheville and be “a good listener.” “My family is my motivation for [running for Council],” says the lifelong Asheville resident. “I just want to see Asheville move in the right direction for [my children and grandchildren’s] futures.” Former owner of the now-closed Almost Blue Records and The Basement bar, he and other likeminded entrepreneurs are credited with helping revitalize downtown, from a closed-up ghost town to a thriving epicenter for local business. While Haynes cites affordable housing and the living wage as two 4x4: Xpress has been introducing four randomly chosen candidates per week for the last of the biggest issues he hopes to two weeks. Starting from the top left and working clockwise, we have Grant Millin, Julie tackle if elected, those two issues Mayfield, Rich Lee and Brian Haynes. Haynes photo by Stewart O’Shields fall under one umbrella: “My biggest concern of all is that I think we’re growing at an incredible rate — and ronment to “ensure everyone — young Asheville. She chairs the city’s Transit possibly too fast. ... We invest more and old, rich and poor, black and white Committee and is a member of both in growth than we do in citizens and — shares in Asheville’s success.” the city’s Multimodal Transportation the community and the town. For more on Mayfield: Commission and the WNC Chapter of “We’ve still got huge infrastructure juliemayfieldforcouncil.org the American Civil Liberties Union. problems that aren’t being addressed,” “I am a problem solver and a leader,” he continues. “I just feel like we maybe Grant Millin she writes on her campaign website. need to slow the growth and take “My job for the last 20 years has been Grant Millin, founder of care of the problems that exist,” while to work in the place of uncertainty and Innovograph, has a bachelor’s degree still preserving “Asheville’s unique conflicting views and to find ways to in sustainability and security studies charm. It’s a unique city. If we bring move forward. … My career has given from UNC Asheville and a master’s in too many hotels and too many corme the depth and breadth of experiin project management and entreporate chain stores, I think we could ence to make progress on the chalpreneurship from Western Carolina easily lose our charm and become just lenges Asheville faces — how we grow, University. He is a GroWNC conlike any other city.” how we invest scarce dollars, how we sortium member, City of Asheville For more on Haynes: take care of people and the environCommunity Energy Plan member and brianhaynesforavl.com ment and how we work together coopa Leadership Asheville and City of eratively and constructively.” Asheville Citizens’ Academy graduate. Julie Mayfield Some of her goals for Asheville In 1980, Millin’s parents bought the include shutting down coal-burning Julie Mayfield, co-director of historic T.S. Morrison & Co,. hardware power plants, adding more bus, pedesMountainTrue, has worn many difstore, which today houses Lexington trian and biking infrastructure and balferent hats in and out of the comAvenue Brewery. ancing Asheville’s growth with preser “A lot has changed in Asheville,” munity. She’s an attorney, an advoMillin writes. “I remember well the vation of our people, culture and envicate and a graduate of Leadership
AUGUST 5 - AUGUST 11, 2015
hard work it took to move from 1980 Asheville to where we are today.” And, Millin tells Xpress, he hopes to keep pushing Asheville forward to a sustainable future. In order to address affordability and other problems, Millin says the city needs a “strategy to create a more sustainable society. For example,” he says, “the BB&T building was sold for a hotel condo project — that’s not sustainable tourism, there. We should have some good white collar, green collar jobs in that building. All those floors could be well paying jobs rather than a hotel condo.” Some of his other goals include keeping government transparent, addressing issues of climate change and the environment and bringing tourists into Asheville by passenger train, rather than clogging city garages with out-of-town cars. For more on Millin: grantmillin.com Rich Lee Edward Jones financial adviser Rich Lee is a member of the East West Asheville neighborhood group and the City of Asheville Greenway Committee, chair of Buncombe County Triad and more. Now, he’s also a candidate for the 2015 City Council elections. Moving to Western North Carolina in 1997, Lee attended Western Carolina University, earning bachelor’s degrees in English and Spanish and a master’s in English. After graduation, Lee and his wife joined the Peace Corps, spending time in a small Jordanian village. As part of his Council position, Lee advocates for bike lanes in West Asheville, installation of traffic calming lanes, Asheville’s affordability, job opportunities and social justice. His goals include growing the greenway system to connect underserved communities, taking back control of busy, dangerous roads, opening city-owned land for neighborhood uses (like trails and community gardens) and directing the hotel room-tax revenue to local needs. On the last point, Lee writes, “Tourism should pay for the impacts of tourism on the community.” For more on Lee: richleeforasheville.com X
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
communIty calendar auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a free LiStinG, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. free LiStinGS will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via emaiL to calendar@mountainx.com or through our onLine submission form at mountainx.com/ calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
Benefits Benefit concert for Kenny capps 669-0816, whitehorseblackmountain.com • TH (8/13), 7:30pm - Tickets to this music event featuring The BJ Leiderman Band and David LaMotte benefit a Black Mountain resident’s medical expenses from his bone marrow transplant. $25/ $22 advance. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain Mental HealtH filM screening 668-7590, skysthelimitfund.org/ girlontheedge • WE (8/12), 6pm - Donations collected at this screening and discussion of Girl on the Edge will benefit sUWs of the carolinas’ treatment program for children and adolescents with mental illness. Suggested donation: $10-$20. Held at Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. MidsUMMer nigHt’s dreaM for tHe aniMals 367-1620, fcfsanctuary.org • SA (8/8), 6-8pm - Tickets to this
Learn, conserve and celebrate: RiverLink will hold its 15th annual RiverFest on Saturday, Aug. 8, at French Broad River Park. The event includes face-painters, hula-hoopers, vendors, adoptable puppies from Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and, of course, the Anything That Floats parade where participants guide their handcrafted and wildly decorated vessels down the French Broad. Photo by Hayley Benton (p. 21)
faerie-themed party and silent auction benefit full circle farm sanctuary. Reservations recommended. $15. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. slide tHe fletcH 350-6400 • SA (8/8), 11am-3pm - Tickets to this water balloon and slip n’slide event benefit Hall fletcher elementary. $10/$15 family pass. Held at Hall Fletcher Elementary, 60 Ridgelawn Ave. yogatHon at acy 255-5575, ashevillecommunityyoga.com • SA (8/8) through SU (8/9), noonnoon - Donations collected at this 24-hour all-levels exercise event benefit asheville community yoga center. Admission by donation. Held at Asheville Community Yoga Center, 8 Brookdale Road
BUsiness & tecHnology a-B tecH sMall BUsiness center 398-7950, abtech.edu/sbc Registration required. Free unless
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
otherwise noted. • TU (8/11), 10am-noon - “Starting a Better Business,” seminar. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler
classes, Meetings & events aBoUt tHe transcendental Meditation tecHniQUe: free introdUctory lectUre (pd.) The most effortless meditation technique is also the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other practices (including common “mantra” methods). An evidencebased technique for going beyond the active mind to access deep inner reserves of energy, creativity and bliss — dissolving stress, awakening your highest self. The only meditation recommended for hypertension by the American Heart Association. NIHsponsored research shows decreased anxiety, improved brain functioning, heightened well-being. Reduces insomnia, ADHD, PTSD. Personalized training, certified instructors, free follow-up classes. Thursday, 6:307:30pm, Asheville TM Center,
165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or TM.org or Meditationasheville.org free Beer sUnday! (pd.) SUN 8/9 at The Regeneration Station. 26 Glendale Ave., AVL 28803. Come have a beer or two and enjoy our 26,000 square feet of Antiques, Uniques, and Repurposed rarities! asHeville BUsKers collective 242-8076, wordpress.ashevillebuskers.com • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-12:30pm - Open public input session for discussing street performing and busking in downtown. Free to attend. Held at New Mountain Theater/ Amphitheater, 38 N. French Broad asHeville national organization for WoMen ashevillenow@live.com • 2nd SUNDAYS, 2:30pm - Monthly meeting. Free. Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. asHeville WoMen in BlacK main.nc.us/wib • 1st FRIDAYS, 5pm - Monthly peace vigil. Free. Held at the Vance Monument in Pack Square.
asHeville-BUncoMBe aeroModelers flying clUB 250-4269, abaeromodelers.org • SA (8/8), 10am-1pm - Annual model airplane air show. Free. Held at Buncombe County Sports Park, 58 Apac Circle Big ivy coMMUnity center 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville, 626-3438 • 2nd MONDAYS, 7pm - Community club meeting. Free. BUncoMBe coUnty pUBlic liBraries buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/5), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, knitting and needlework group for all skill levels. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • MO (8/10), 2-3:30pm - Interview skills workshop with Goodwill. Registration required: 298-9023. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TU (8/11), 2-3:30pm - Interview skills workshop with Goodwill. Registration required: 298-9023. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain
BUncoMBe coUnty sHeriff’s office 255-5000 • TH (8/6), 6pm - Community discussion on the use of force by law enforcement. Free. Held at North Buncombe Highschool, 890 Clarks Chapel Road, Weaverville laUrel cHapter of tHe eMBroiderers’ gUild of aMerica 686-8298, egacarolinas.org • TH (8/6), 9:30am - Class on Hapsburg lace bookmark. $12. Held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe MoUntain Heritage center Located in Hunter Library on the campus of WCU, 227-7129, mhc.wcu.edu • Through (12/11) - Exhibit: The Photography of Lewis Hine: Exposing Child Labor in North Carolina, 19081918. Free. nortH carolina peace action 505-9425, ncpeaceaction.org • Through SU (8/30) - The Spirit of Hiroshima 1945, exhibit commemorating the bombing of Hiroshima.
Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. road sHoW aMateUr radio clUB 367-1830, theroadshowarc.com • THURSDAYS through (8/20), 6-9pm - Introductory class on ham radio licensing. Free. Held at Skyland Fire Department, 9 Miller Road, Skyland tarHeel pieceMaKers QUilt clUB tarheelpiecemakers.wordpress.com • WE (8/12), 10am-noon - Monthly meeting. Free to attend. Held at Bafour Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville transition asHeville 296-0064, transitionasheville.org • MO (8/10), 6:30-8pm “Cultivating Solutions to Hunger and Malnutrition in WNC Communities,” discussion and social. Free. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. yoUtH oUtrigHt 772-1912, youthoutright.org • SU (8/9), 4pm - Weekly meeting and journaling activity. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
dance dance stUdio open HoUse (pd.) Saturday, August 15, 10am3pm. Come visit Idea Factory Inc.’s New Location at 3726 Sweeten Creek Road. • Come try a class, see the studio, and more! ideafactoryinc.org stUdio zaHiya, doWntoWn dance classes (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 5pm Bhangra Wkt 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Friday 8am Hip Hop Wrkt • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 11am Hip Hop • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595 Hendersonville street dancing 693-9708, historichendersonville.org • MONDAYS through (8/10), 7-9pm - Includes live music, square dancing and clogging. Free. Held at Hendersonville Visitor Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville
MoUntain dance and folK festival 258-6101, folkheritage.org • TH (8/6) through SA (8/8), 7pm Traditional music and dance festival. Different performers each night; contact for lineup information. $22/$10 children 12 & younger. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square
eco asHeville green drinKs ashevillegreendrinks.com Free to attend. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway • WE (8/5), 7pm - Presentation on “Exploring Waterfalls & Wildflowers in the Southern Appalachian Mountains.” • WE (8/12), 6pm - “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” multimedia presentation on citizen efforts to protect public lands. BlUe ridge Bicycle clUB blueridgebicycleclub.org • SA (8/8), 8:45am-noon - Bike lane cleanup throughout the River Arts District. Free. Held at Clingman Cafe, 242 Clingman Ave. clean energy in tHe MoUntains 919-832-7601, energync.org • TH (8/6), 5:30-8:30pm - Gathering for those interested in NC Sustainable Energy Association. Registration required. Free to attend. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway
farM & garden create a BUtterfly & pollinator friendly garden: (pd.) SA (8-8), 10am - Seminar. Cheerful Flowers, Beautiful Butterflies, and Food for Our Pollinators. Learn about butterflies and pollinators, why they need us, and tips on creating a garden haven for butterflies/pollinators that is alive with beauty. Free, but please pre-register at 828-6453937. Reems Creek Nursery, 70 Monticello Road, Weaverville, NC. www.reemscreek.com
Join RiverLink for our biggest event of the year
Plant problems, pests and compost demonstrations. Free to attend. Held at WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road • TU (8/11), 3:30-6pm - Master Gardeners will answer gardening questions at the Ask-a-Gardener info booth. Free. Held at West Asheville Tailgate Market, 718 Haywood Road living WeB farMs 891-4497, livingwebfarms.org • TU (8/11), 6:30pm - Chip-Bud grafting workshop. $10. Held at 176 Kimzey Road, Mills River • TH (8/13), 12:30-2pm - Workshop on propagating and harvesting medicinal plants. $10. Held at Hendersonville Community Co-op, 715 S. Grove St., Hendersonville
festivals RIVERFEST • SATURDAY aUgUst 8 (pd.) 1pm-7pm, French Broad River Park, Asheville, NC. • Live music • Food trucks • Sierra Nevada beer • Kids parade 1:30pm. • And don’t miss the anything that floats parade floating by • Presented by RiverLink. Learn more: riverlink.org riverfest 252-8474, riverlink.org • SA (8/8), 1pm-7pm - Hosted by RiverLink this celebration of the French Broad River includes live music, kids activities, food trucks and the Anything That Floats raft parade. Free to attend. Held at French Broad River Park, Amboy Road soUrWood festival 800-669-2301, sourwoodfestival.com • FR (8/7) through SU (8/9) Sponsored by the Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce, this celebration of local honey includes food and craft vendors, live music, dancing and kids activities. Contact for full schedule. Free to attend. Held in downtown Black Mountain.
food & Beer
asHeville garden clUB 550-3459 • WE (8/5), 10am - Presentation on how to attract butterflies to your garden. Free. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road
Henderson coUnty cooperative extension office 100 Jackson Park Road, Hendersonville, 697-4891, henderson.ces.ncsu.edu • TH (8/13), 2pm & 6pm - Food preservation workshops. $15.
BUncoMBe coUnty Master gardeners 255-5522, buncombemastergardener.org • 2nd SATURDAYS, 11am-2pm -
leicester coMMUnity center 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, facebook.com/ Leicester.Community.Center
RIVERFEST On Saturday, August 8, RiverLink marks 20 years of RiverFest, and you’re invited! Join us at French Broad River Park (508 Riverview Dr., Asheville, NC 28806) from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m.
Schedule of Events: 11:00 Put-in for Anything that Floats Parade begins at Hominy Creek Park 1:00 RiverFest begins at French Broad River Park -- Watch the raft parade float by 1:15 Kids Parade/Jugglers Forty Fingers & A Missing Tooth 1:45 Music: Infinity Vortex 2:30 Claire Dima, Bellydancer 3:00 Music: Caro Mia 3:45 Asheville Aerial Arts 4:00 Music: Ashley Heath 5:00 Announcements of raft race winners 5:10 Music: Sun Cans 7:00 See y’all next year! Come see the rafts in one of the events that makes Asheville cool – The Anything That Floats Parade – float by at RiverFest. Rafts will be judged and awarded prizes by our judges:
Frank Kracher, WLOS Anchor Casey “Answer Woman” Blake of the AC-T Suzanne Hudson, former WLOS reporter and local celebrity All day long there will be cold beer from Sierra Nevada as well as wine and prosecco, and good eats from our foodtrucks: Vieux Carre, The Real Food Truck, Latino Heat, Smash and Sunshine Sammies. This is a family-friendly event and RiverFest offers lots of fun for kids: face-painters, art supplies, craft booths, and puppies from Brother Wolf. Kids can ride, skate, walk, run, and skip in costume in the Kids Parade, which always kicks off the festivities at 1:15 p.m. Satellite parking will be available at 144 Riverside Drive, RiverLink’s Performance Plaza where we host RiverMusic, in the River Arts District, with shuttles making continuous loops between RiverFest and the parking area.
For more information, visit www.riverlink.org, contact RiverLink’s Dave Russell at 828-252-8474, ext. 11, or email dave@riverlink.org. mountainx.com
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
communIty calendar
by Abigail Griffin
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com
CONCIOUS PARTY fun fundraisers
By Kat Mcreynolds | kmcreynolds@mountainx.com
a slip-and-slide field party for hall Fletcher
Completion of Hall Fletcher’s Outdoor Learning Center will enable students to explore their inquisitive sides beyond the classroom walls. Photo by Elsa Berndt what: Slide the Fletch when: Saturday, Aug. 8, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. where: Hall Fletcher Elementary activity field why: Slide the City promised to bring a giant slip-and-slide to downtown, but when permitting issues halted that event, one local parent saw an opportunity. “There seemed to be a lot of people, myself included, who were bummed out about Slide the City being canceled,” says Hall Fletcher Elementary PTO member robin payne. “We have a really big field with some slopes at Hall Fletcher so I figured, ’What the heck?’” Payne and other PTO members will set up two 100-foot slides for racing and two 50-foot slides for human bowling. To partake in the latter, brave individuals launch themselves at a set of inflatable pins. The funds raised at the event will support the school’s PTO, Payne explains, including the school’s in-theworks Outdoor Learning Center, the yearbook and an in-school store that rewards positive behavior.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
“The students are thrilled about the OLC,” Payne says, “because they know some of their classes will be held outside, that some of their friends in wheelchairs will be able to experience a treehouse for the first time, and because they see efforts continuing in the beautification of their campus.” In addition to massive slides, the field will house a few smaller slides “for those who are less extreme,” as well as water balloon games, crazy sprinklers, food trucks (Latino Heat and others) and live music performed by The Square Circles and Made in China — a band composed of former Hall Fletcher students. “We will have an all-around fun and wet time,” Payne says. “Bring a towel, slap on some sunscreen, grab a friend and come Slide the Fletch!” Visit slidethefletch.com for more information or to purchase advanced tickets. Entry costs $10 for a single slider or Hall Fletcher family pass and $15 for a regular family pass. Registration online or inperson is required. X
• MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS until (8/7), 12:30-1:30pm - Free lunch for all schoolage children.
governMent & politics BUncoMBe coUnty repUBlican Men’s clUB 712-1711, gakeller@gakeller.com • 2nd SATURDAYS, 7:30am - Discussion group meeting with optional breakfast. Free to attend. Held at Corner Stone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road
Kids BAND • PIANO • LESSONS • TUTORING (pd.) Children • Beginners-Advanced. Professional licensed music teacher. Your home or my studio. • Affordable. 25 years+ experience. • Multi-child discounts. • Call Georgia Slater, B.M.E. (828) 484-9233.
(828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com astro-coUnseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. aWaKening WisdoM (pd.) For optimal psycho-spiritual health. Guidance and training in Zen influenced meditation, mindfulness, and teachings in a completely contemporary context. Unlocking the secret of non-duality consciousness for a more authentic, wise, compassionate and sane life. Individual, group and telephone sessions available with consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Very affordable. For info contact healing@billwalz.com, (828) 258-3241. Visit www.billwalz.com
cradle of forestry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, cradleofforestry.org • THURSDAYS through (8/6), 10:30-noon & 1:30-3pm - “Woodsy Owl’s Curiosity Club,” outdoor-oriented activity exploring forest-related themes. For ages 4-7. $4.
coMMUnity HU song (pd.) In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Singing HU can lift you into a higher state of consciousness, so that you can discover, in your own way, who you are and why you’re here. • Date: Sunday, August 9, 2015, 11am-11:30am, fellowship follows. • Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. (free event). www.eckankar-nc.org
Kids’ activities at tHe liBraries buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (8/7), 3:30pm - Young Novel Readers Club: The Mark of the Dragonfly by Jaleigh Johnson. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville
crystal visions BooKs and event center (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks.com
spellBoUnd cHildren’s BooKsHop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop.com • SATURDAYS, 11am - Storytime for ages 3-7. Free to attend.
looKing for genUine spiritUal gUidance and Help? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville, very close to Warren Wilson College. www.truththomas.org 828-299-4359
oUtdoors BlUe ridge parKWay HiKes 298-5330, nps.gov • TH (8/6), 7pm - Ranger-led 1.5-mile hike to discover local cactus species. Free. Meets at MP 377.4. • FR (8/7), 10am - Ranger-led 2.2-mile hike through a high-elevation forest. Meets at MP 407.8. yMca of Wnc 210-2265, ymcawnc.org • SA (8/8), 8:45am - 2.5 mile easy hike to Douglas Falls. Registration required. Free; optional $5 carpool. Meets at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.
parenting cHildren’s HoMe society of nc 1-800-632-1400, chsnc.org • TU (8/11), 6pm - Information session on how to adopt or foster a child. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave.
spiritUality asHeville insigHt Meditation (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200,
open Heart Meditation (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org asHeville center for transcendental Meditation 165 E. Chestnut, 254-4350, meditationasheville.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - “An Introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Technique.” Free. Better living center 606-6834 • THURSDAYS (8/6) through (9/24), 6:30pm Creationist health seminar. Free. Held at Leicester Community Center, 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester creation care alliance of Wnc creationcarealliance.org • TH (8/6), 5:30-7pm - General meeting. Free. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. sHaMBHala Meditation center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, shambhalaashvl@ gmail.com • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - Food, conversation and meditation. Free. tHe Way of love coMMUnity groUp thepowerofpassionatepresence.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Modern mind meditation
class. Free. Held at Angle Cottage, 50 Woodlawn Ave. tiBetan BUddHist practice groUp 512-289-248 • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, noon - Lunchtime meditation practice. Free. Held at KTC Asheville, 2 Wall St. Suite 112
stories on asHeville’s front porcH facebook.com/storiesonashevillesfrontporch • SA (8/8), 10am-noon - Storytelling by the staff and volunteers of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Free. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square
volUnteering spoKen & Written Word Big BrotHers Big sisters of Wnc BlacK MoUntain college MUseUM & arts center 56 Broadway, 350-8484, blackmountaincollege.org • TH (8/6), 7pm - Eva Díaz presents her book The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College. Free. BUncoMBe coUnty pUBlic liBraries buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/5), 3pm - Book Club: Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • TH (8/6), 6:30pm - Book Club: Golden Boy by Abigail Tarttelin. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Road • SA (8/8), 3pm- Book Club: Blood Done Sign My Name by Timothy B. Tyson. Held at West Asheville Public Library, 942 Haywood Road • TU (8/11), 1pm - Book Club: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TU (8/11), 7pm - Friends of Fairview Library quarterly meeting. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview
253-1470, bbbswnc.org • TU (8/13), noon - Information session for volunteers ages 18 and older interested in mentoring young people from single-parent homes. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. Hands on asHeville-BUncoMBe
All Breed Dog & Cat Grooming
2-1-1, handsonasheville.org Registration required. • SA (8/8) - Volunteers needed to assist with packing and pricing merchandise. Held at Ten Thousand Villages, 10 College St.
N. Asheville 51 N. Merrimon Ave, Ste 117 828-252-7171 Fairview 911 Charlotte HWY 828-628-9807
trailBlazers oUtdoor adventUre clUB 255-8777, wwd-f.org/volunteer • MONDAYS through WEDNESDAYS until (8/12) Volunteers needed to lead children from public housing on outdoor activities. For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/volunteering
city ligHts BooKstore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, citylightsnc.com • FR (8/7), 6:30pm - Authors David Joy, Mark Powell, Charles Dodd White and Jon Sealy discuss their anthology Appalachia Now. • SA (8/8), 3pm - Wilford Corbin discusses his book The Boys of Battle Branch. Free to attend. firestorM cafe and BooKs 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • SU (8/9), 3pm - Former Warren Wilson professor Laura Lengnick discusses her book Resilient Agriculture: Cultivating Food Systems for a Changing Climate. Free to attend. Malaprop’s BooKstore and cafe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, malaprops.com Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/5), 5pm - Salon: Artist Elise Okrend and author Phil Okrend discuss their book Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth. • TH (8/6), 7pm - Adam Caress discusses his books The Day Alternative Music Died and The Struggle Between Art and Money for the Soul of Rock. • SA (8/8), 3pm - Chris Kinsley discusses his book Exploring Bitlmore Estate From A to Z. • SU (8/9), 3pm - Musician Gary Reid discusses his music history books, The Music of the Stanley Brothers and The Bluegrass Hall of Fame. • SU (8/9), 5pm - Miranda Richmond discusses her book A Fifty-Year Silence: Love, War, and a Ruined House in France. • WE (8/12), 7pm - David Payne discusses his book Barefoot to Avalon. • WE (8/12), 7pm - Salon: I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t) by Brene Brown. • TH (8/13), 7pm - Dr. Neil Spector discusses his memoir Gone in a Heartbeat.
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Hospice Thrift Store has special deals every Thurs - Sat
105 Fairview Rd • Below the Screen Door in Biltmore cpestatesales.org for sale times, dates & special offers mountainx.com
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
neWs oF the WeIrd by Chuck Shepherd
Lead Story -- there'S an app for that Among the health and fitness apps for computers and smartphones are sex-tracking programs to document the variety of acts and positions, degrees of frenzy and lengths of sessions (via an on-bed motion detector) — and menstrual trackers aimed at males (to help judge their partner's fertility but also her predicted friskiness and likelihood of orgasm). Several have chart- and graph-making potential for data (noise level, average thrust frequency, duration, etc.), and of course, the highlight of many of the apps is their ability to create a "score" to rank performance — even encouraging comparisons across a range of populations and geography. (Sociologist Deborah Lupton's app research was summarized in the July Harper's Magazine.) we are not aLone (1) Scientists from Australia's James Cook University told reporters in June
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
that they had spotted an aggressive fish that can walk on land making its way toward the country from Papua New Guinea. The native freshwater "climbing perch" can live out of water for days and has survived short saltwater treks from PNG toward Australia's Queensland. (2) In July, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department posted a warning photo of a so-far-rare Texas Redhead — an 8-inch-long centipede with gangly white legs tipped with venom-delivering fangs and which eats lizards and toads. the continuinG criSiS • Reuters reported in early July that a big loser in the nuclear pact between Iran and six world powers was (since all negotiators have gone home to sell the deal) the brothel industry of Vienna, Austria, which hosted that final round. With so many (male, mostly) diplomats in town for two stressful months, business had been robust — especially compared to the previous round in notoriously expensive Lausanne, Switzerland. • The Undernews From Wimbledon: The All England Club, host of tennis's most hallowed tournament, is, formally, the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, at which presumably Britain's 11,900 croquet "regulars" aspire to play — although their British Open Championship is actually held at the nearby Surbiton Croquet Club, which this year hosted 50 competitors from four continents, according to a July New York Times dispatch. The leading U.S. player — Ben Rothman of Oakland, California, the "croquet pro" at Mission Hills Country Club near Palm Springs — is the reputed "world's leader" in prize money ($4,500). profiLe in LeaderShip Maryland state Delegate Ariana Kelly was charged with trespassing and indecent exposure in June after she arrived at her ex-husband's home to drop off their kids and learned that his girlfriend was inside. According to police, she started banging on the door and ringing the bell repeatedly and, aware that her husband had a camera trained on the doorway, she faced it, exposed her breasts and shook them, one in each hand, toward the lens. Eventually, she dared an officer to arrest her. (The Washington Post reported that Kelly is a member of a legislative task force studying maternal mental health issues.) X
Holding steady By clarke morrison
Desperate for something that would calm his shaking hands, Ted Kubit found relief in deep brain stimulation, a surgical procedure that involves drilling holes in the skull and implanting a device in the chest that sends signals to electrodes anchored in the brain. “It got to the point where I couldn’t even brush my teeth anymore,” Kubit, 72, says of essential tremor — a disease that afflicts millions of Americans. “The problem with the tremors is you have trouble eating, drinking,” he says. “Your everyday skills you need to get through life are getting worse and worse and harder to put up with, so you end up not wanting to be out in public at a restaurant or anything like that, because you might be spilling and causing problems that embarrass yourself.” Deep brain stimulation, sometimes called “a pacemaker for the brain,” can also help control tremors caused by Parkinson’s disease, says Dr. Richard Lytle of Carolina Spine and Neurosurgery Center in Asheville. “It really can potentially help people’s quality of life significantly,” he says. Lytle performs the surgery at Mission Hospital. “It’s probably one of the most satisfying groups of patients that we get to deal with. A lot of them had very bad tremors, and it enables them to get control of their hands again.” Essential tremor is a neurological condition that causes a rhythmic trembling of the hands, head, voice, legs or trunk, according to the Essential Tremor Foundation. The malady is often confused with Parkinson’s, although it’s eight times more common: An estimated 10 million Americans have essential tremor. Also called familial tremor, it’s a hereditary disease. Kubit, a retired electronics technician, says the disease was passed down to him by his mother. In his 20s, he knew there was “some-
THE BIG ONE THAT DIDN’T GET AWAY: Ted Kubit catches a steelhead trout after undergoing deep brain stimulation for tremors. Photo courtesy of Ted Kubit
thing wrong,” but essential tremor wasn’t diagnosed until Kubit was 45 and his family doctor sent him to a neurologist. “I had trouble keeping my hands steady when I was trying to write or trying to do something that was a little more precise where you needed to be steady, and I had no control over it,” says Kubit. “It was affecting my job performance.” Kubit took various prescribed medications to bring his tremors under control, but the dosages increased while side effects from the drugs grew worse.
Deep brain stimulation offers hope for tremor sufferers “It was a process of trying different medications and different doses to make the tremor better, and nothing seemed to work,” he says. “I said, ‘I can’t put up with this.’” His doctor, James Patton of Asheville Neurology Specialists, suggested deep brain stimulation and determined that Kubit qualified for the operation. Apprehensive about undergoing a procedure that involves drilling holes in his skull, Kubit decided the surgery was worth the chance. “I had researched what the surgery was all about, and I knew it had been done many, many times,” says Kubit. “I knew what the benefit could be, and I said, ‘I can handle this.’” So Kubit underwent his first surgery in 2006, doctors first targeting the left part of his brain, which controls movement in his right hand. He was more than pleased with the result. “Having the surgery was lifechanging for me,” he says. “One of the first things I did when I got home from the surgery was I wrote out a check. I showed it to my wife and said, ‘Look at this.’ I said, ‘I can write again.’ That was a big change. “I’m a fly-fisherman and I love fishing, and I had to back off on that because I couldn’t even tie a hook on a line anymore. With the surgery, I was able to start fishing again. I feel like I got my life back.” Kubit had a second surgery in 2007 to control the tremors in his left hand. “Quite often you need two hands to do things,” he says. Lytle says the surgery involves implanting a pin-size electrode in the brain. “Going back to the ’50s, we’ve known that you can go in and make lesions on the brain for people who have tremors or Parkinson’s disease, and their symptoms, a lot of times, get better,” he says. “Deep brain stimulation is an alternative way to get the same physiological result, and you don’t hurt the brain in the process.”
The electrodes must be placed in very specific locations, depending on the disease process. “While they’re awake in the operating room, we will turn the device on and make sure we’re helping their symptoms and not giving them any bad side effects,” Lytle says. “Once we’re happy with that, we lock it in place.” Kubit says he found that part of the procedure intriguing. “A neurologist analyzes the neurons firing in your brain, and by the sound of the neurons firing, they can tell if the wire is in the right place,” he says. “It sounds like AM static on the radio. You can hear the changing pitch and volume as they move the wire in your brain. That was pretty fascinating to me,” says Kubit. Next, the surgeon embeds a battery-powered “implantable pulse generator” under the chest wall. This device electrically stimulates areas of the brain that control movement and blocks abnormal nerve signals that cause tremors. The generator is connected to the electrode by a wire running under the skin from the chest to the head. Programming the device completes the process. “The battery has multiple settings,” Lytle says. “A remote control like you would use with your TV can turn the battery up or down and change the settings and change the electrode contacts.” The procedure was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1997, and Mission is the only hospital in Western North Carolina where it’s performed. Lytle says he’s done it for about 125 patients since 2005. Symptoms are relieved in about 80 percent of patients, he says. The goal is to reduce and possibly eliminate the tremors, he says. “You’re trying to make their rigidness better. You’re trying to make their slowness of movement improve. You’re trying to decrease the medication. We’re very successful on a lot of those counts. “I’ve had people tell me they got to take communion in church again for the first time in 10 years. Other people are just thrilled they can
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pacemaKer for the brain: Deep brain stimulation can control tremors caused by Parkinson’s disease, says Dr. Richard Lytle of Carolina Spine and Neurosurgery Center in Asheville. Photo by Emily Nichols
go out in public and have a meal and not feel like they are making a mess on themselves or spilling food constantly during the meal. It really gives them back a lot of independence a lot of the time, and there’s a huge improvement in their selfimage, it seems.” Lytle says the relief is long-lasting. “If you have a tremor and you have the surgery and your tremor got better, that’s going to stay better the rest of your life,” he says. “It’s not going to come back.” But the procedure won’t stop the progression of other symptoms of Parkinson’s, such as dementia, Lytle says. He believes that the population of people with essential tremor, which typically afflicts older people and grows worse with age, is “hugely
underserved,” but he understands patients’ reluctance to try deep brain stimulation. “I think that’s a group of people we really need to reach,” Lytle says. “I think once [they] get more educated about the procedure and realize how really minimally invasive it is and how easy it is to tolerate, then most of [their] fears are allayed.” Kubit started a support group for people in the Sylva area dealing with tremors. “I want to make them more comfortable in dealing with tremors,” he says. “I’m so thankful, I wanted to give back to the community. I told them what my experience was. We all have to make that decision [to undergo the procedure] ourselves. Surgery always has a risk.” X
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
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by joSh o’conner The N.C Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has released a master plan for the Western North Carolina Farmers Market, covering future business and development operations for the facility. “The master plan addresses the future of food in Western North Carolina,” says market manager doug Sutton. “It’s a project for the farmers, the consumers and the region.” The Brevard Road market opened in 1977 and is one of four farmers markets owned by the state of North Carolina and operated by the state agricultural department. The market’s 36-acre-parcel includes the retail market, as well as the land that holds Jesse Israel and Sons Garden Center, the Moose Café, wholesale market operations and NCDA&CS administrative offices. The new master plan is intended to guide management at the markets over the next 20 years, while serving as a guide for future investments in the facility. “This plan takes a very frank look at the market,” says Agriculture Commissioner Steve troxler. “The [WNC] market is almost 40 years old, and this comprehensive study will help us modernize and set a path for the future. “In this region, there is a huge amount of interest in buying locally grown food,” Troxler continues. “We need to make
modern timeS: A master plan for the WNC Farmers Market calls for everything from LED fixtures and improved signage to a new brewpub, outdoor dining and increased rent for businesses leasing space from the state-run facility. Photo by Carrie Eidson sure the market’s facilities can continue to meet that demand.” The consultant team that assembled the master plan was led by Market Ventures, Inc. of Portland, Maine and supported by Architectural Design
Studio of Asheville, which served as a local subconsultant. Market Ventures began the planning process late last year with guidance from a local steering committee and input from vendors, local officials and the public. Market Ventures’ findings identified a number of weaknesses at the market, including declining sales and an overemphasis on marketing to tourists. The study also noted a lack of regionally specific products and on premise dining options as limitations. “Over the almost 40-year life of the market many things have changed, including the expectations of customers and the needs of sellers,” notes Kent yelverton, director of property and construction division at NCDA&CS. “Customers today want to know where their food is grown. Sellers today require the infrastructure necessary to meet food safety requirements.” Yelverton says that plan was guided by five goals: increase the efficiency of wholesaling; enhance the retail experience to attract more local consumers and visitors; highlight and support North Carolina farmers and encourage sales of regionally grown and produced foods; upgrade facilities to modern standards; and allow phased implementation and minimize disruption to operations. The plan also identified three core audiences who will remain in the market’s focus as it transitions into the future: local consumers
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who have higher incomes and are more likely to be “foodies;” local consumers from low-income households who receive government assistance such as WIC and SNAP; and tourists. In terms of the physical structure of the facility, the plan calls for upgrades such as LED fixtures, improved signage and new landscaping. The plan also suggests new features including an event center, an outdoor seating area for the Moose Café, a “dining terrace” at the end of the retail building and a restaurant and brewpub within the facility. While the plan has the potential to create some buzz, the full realization of the plan would call for hefty increases in rent for the businesses on the market’s parcel. Jesse Israel and Sons would see the rent of their garden center increase by threefold
and tenants in the wholesale building would see their rent nearly double. Xpress reached out to Jesse Irsrael and Sons for comment but did not receive a response as of print time. The plan will be completed in phases over 20 years at an estimated cost of $37 million. Projects will be implemented as funding becomes available, and Yelverton says some changes could be expected to roll out within the next 12 months. However, large capital projects may take longer to become a reality. “There is currently no dedicated funding available to implement recommendations in the master plan,” Yelverton notes. The full plan can be reviewed at the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services website. X
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
cLaSSic diVe: Owner Paul Martin stands behind the bar at Ole Shakey’s — one institution among Asheville’s dwindling number of dive bars. For some patrons, these timeworn buildings are vestiges of decades past. Photo by Cindy Kunst
CHEERS! by jonathan ammonS
jonathanammons@gmail.com You know the place. When you drive past at night, it looks closed. It’s usually a freestanding joint that’s 50 years old or more, with bars on the windows and a simple sign (if any). But drive by at 4 p.m., and the parking lot’s packed. Inside, there’s
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Searching for Asheville’s perfect dive bar
probably a pool table, lots of neon signs, maybe a poker machine or two, and a jukebox loaded up with classic country songs. Often labeled (or mislabeled) a “dive bar,” such a place is an icon of a city’s culture. But in Asheville, it’s a rare breed, overtaken by gentrification and changes in clientele. Xpress asked an expert — and a few bar owners — to talk about the places that hang on.
‘diVe’ or SimpLy ‘cLaSSic’? Many patrons pass by Ole Shakey’s on their long walk from a hard-to-get parking space for the Bywater on Riverside Drive. Originally a biker bar called Hot Spot, the decades-old place has been renamed by its new owner, former truck driver paul martin. Looking over the fence at the crowded Bywater parking lot, he
says, “We just want something a little different over here. I don’t want dogs or children or people tubing off the river. “We are an adult bar. We just want people to come have a good time with each other.” The renovated AstroTurf patio features a gas grill and root ball court. A lattice-covered awning shields patrons from the sun, the French Broad River rolls by, and a fire pit crackles and pops. “We have more of a day-drinking crowd,” says Martin. “Come back around 3 p.m., and this patio will be full.” “I think a lot of these bars are such an attraction to us because they are so different than who we are,” says dusty allison, an account executive
for Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine but also a local “fixer,” or chronicler of dive-bar crawls, for culture publication Paste. Despite a blue-collar upbringing, he now works in a downtown office and tends to imbibe in Asheville’s upscale downtown bars. “When I think dive bar, I think ‘blue-collar.’ I think of a working man’s bar,” says Allison. “There’s some Waylon [Jennings] or Johnny Paycheck on the juke box, and it’s beer as cold and cheap as you can get it.” burGer bar baSicS Many of Asheville’s old watering holes have succumbed to gentrification. Years ago, the Polar Bar — a nondescript place a hard stone’s throw from Biltmore Village — became the restaurant Stove Trotters before morphing into Moe’s Barbecue. But some have tried to maintain the tradition, culture and spirit that Allison talks about. The Burger Bar lays claim to being Asheville’s oldest continuously open bar, once opening at 10 a.m. to service third-shifters getting off work at the stockyard across the street. But times change. New Belgium Brewing Co.’s new East Coast facility is nearing completion on the stockyard site, and the Burger Bar has new owners — celeste adams and chris King. Allison says the place “went from being guys driving in from Candler ... to our ilk: the hipster Asheville demographic.” He wonders if media attention in recent years “ate away some of the mystique.” Perhaps, but Adams says, “The Burger Bar has been open since 1960, so there have been times where it has been really jumping off down there, and there have been serious lulls.” And the base clientele changed. “When we bought the business from Ms. Rita, there weren’t that many regulars left anymore, [though] a lot of them still do come,” she says. “We set out to keep the Burger Bar going, but we can’t pay our bills with only 10 customers. So we had to bring some new life back into it.” Allison comments, “I had conversations with so many people over the years about the Burger Bar, and I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, ‘Oh, I’ve always wanted to go in there.’ Well, why didn’t you? ... Asheville people will hate hearing this — there is more of a safety and comfort for [them] now because some of that ‘otherness’ is gone.”
one more round Take a drive a little out of town, down a side street or two, and you’ll find a classic bar, its owners still pulling the chain on its open sign. Let’s call it “Another Round” — to protect its purity and maintain its mystique. Housed in a 1950s stone building, Another Round has changed names and purposes a handful of times, from a gas station to its current incarnation. Inside, there’s a grill — if you’re lucky and if they feel like it, the bartender will grill you up a burger. Fliers on the wall announce benefits for patrons who’ve fallen ill or been injured. A sign reads, “No racial comments tolerated.” When my group and I arrive, somecustomers are setting up for an anniversary party. Streamers hang above the karaoke stand, and folks file in, bringing covered dishes for the couple’s potluck dinner. This is a family bar, a neighborhood joint, timeless — the kind of place where a mother and her grown daughter both tend bar. Whether it’s Ole Shakey’s or Cowboys Lounge in Asheville, the Tiki Bar at Lake Lure or Flat Creek Tavern in Weaverville, when you find the real thing, it’s clear. Call it authenticity — but that can almost be degrading and trite for something so right. “You know, I can’t imagine that the folks who opened these bars in the ’60s and ’70s were saying, ’Hey, let’s open a dive bar!’” says Allison. “It was just ‘the bar’ to them, and it still is.” Sometimes, such places are what’s left after the decades of wear and tear have stripped away the polish of whatever was trendy at the time, like a fading photograph of a disappearing Asheville. “Whether it’s vintage or just some remnant of the past,” Allison muses, “we celebrate that, but sometimes with the way we celebrate them, I don’t know if we are hurting or helping that legacy.” In other words, to preserve what we’ve always had, we often destroy what we loved about it in the first place. X
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
by Gina Smith
spicing it up
Local entrepreneurs tap ginger for Asheville’s newest brews
peopLe’S choice: Homebrewing enthusiast David Ackley bolsters his ales with a healthy dose of ginger. His alcoholic ginger beer won the People’s Choice Award at the 2015 Just Brew It homebrew festival. Photo by Cindy Kunst
Hops, malt, apples and grapes are the usual suspects when it comes to brewing and fermenting drinks in Western North Carolina. Even honey is making itself known as mead becomes more popular. But at least two new businesses are spicing up the WNC brewing scene by fermenting with ginger. Homebrewing enthusiast david ackley and bartenders max Karcheski and jeff daniels are creating both alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks — and perhaps a new crop option for local farmers — using the tropical rhizome. Ackley, who’s been homebrewing beer for about six years, began cooking up his alcoholic ginger beer, dubbed Ginger’s Revenge, a couple of years ago when he and his fiancée were living in Panama. “I was determined to make beer when we moved down there, but there weren’t any homebrew shops, so we had to fill our suitcases with malt and hops every time we went back to the States, which was really challenging,” he recalls. Around the same time, Ackley’s cousin introduced him to alcoholic ginger beer, which can be made with ingredients that are plentiful in Central America — ginger, cane sugar and lemon juice. “I started making it and discovered that it’s really refreshing in a tropical environment, and it makes for a really good dark, strong ale,” he explains. After moving back stateside, Ackley began taking his ginger beers to homebrew festivals with positive results, including nabbing the People’s Choice Award at the 2015 Just Brew It festival. “It was getting such good feedback from people,” he explains, that “I started thinking, ’Hey, maybe we should make this commercially.’” behind the bar Karcheski and Daniels developed their 4-month-old business, Good Bros. Ginger Brew, from a completely different place: behind the bar. The two became close friends — the “good bros” of their product’s name — during the more than two years they’ve worked together at the Aloft hotel’s WXYZ bar. Fermenting nonalcoholic, house-made ginger ale for use at the bar sparked thoughts of becoming entrepreneurs.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
“Ginger-based drinks are really popular right now, like Moscow mules and the dark ’n’ stormy, and they taste really good, but we were going through cases and cases of Fever Tree and other brands of ginger beer,” Karcheski says. “So one day, Jeff said, ‘Why don’t we make our own?’ So we decided to give it a try.” Their inaugural batch was just 1 gallon fermented in a plastic jug, but after a lot of Google searches and YouTube videos, they “started to experiment with it just like mad scientists,” says Karcheski. “It was a lot of trial and error — some of it was good, some of it was bad.” After about a month and a half of playing around with different types of yeast, sweeteners (local honey vs. sugar), varieties of lemons, fermenting times and temperatures, they arrived at the recipe they are now marketing. “It’s a top-secret recipe, but we don’t use anything crazy,” says Karcheski. “We just use ginger, some sugar, some lemon juice and lemon zest, then we add yeast and let it ferment for the perfect amount of time. … We wanted to create something sweet that finishes warm.” Cutting off the fermentation process before alcohol can form, they bottle the brew, which is distinctly gingery but not overly spicy, sweet but not cloying, with a refreshing, lemony zing. And since it’s made without preservatives, they keep it ice-cold until it’s opened. the GinGer hunt But where do they source those ingredients? Both Ackley and Good Bros. are adamant about their dedication to using all-natural processes and the freshest components — locally grown whenever possible. But both businesses acknowledge the challenge inherent in trying to source responsibly when the main ingredient doesn’t typically grow nearby. Karcheski and Daniels, who started out brewing small batches in the kitchen at Aloft, go around to local grocery stores, “basically raiding all the ginger supplies in town,” says Daniels, adding, “We put pounds and pounds of it into each batch.” But after looking into partnering with local farmers and even taking a stab at growing it themselves, they’re now looking for a wholesale source, he explains. Meanwhile, Ackley, who’s searching for a space to set up a full-scale
Karcheski and Daniels, though, are closer to getting their business off the ground. They just finished having their product tested at N.C. State University, and at press time, Good Bros. was poised to move into a new production and sales space at the Asheville Food Park on Amboy Road. Although they haven’t quit their jobs at WXYZ, the pair see Good Bros. taking off. They’ve been selling their brew for $3 a bottle (and selling out every week) at the River Arts District Farmers Market, and they’re kegging it for downtown businesses such as Aloft, Tiger Mountain and the Over Easy Cafe. Isa’s Bistro has even commissioned a watermelon-flavored brew that its bartenders use to create a signature cocktail. In the meantime, these budding entrepreneurs credit Aloft with helping them get started and Asheville with being fertile ground for sowing the seeds of such a venture. “Maybe you couldn’t do something like this in another town,” says Karcheski. “But for us — right here, right now — we’re very, very happy with the way the community has received our idea.” X
brewS brotherS: Good Bros. owners Max Karcheski, left, and Jeff Daniels have been making their nonalcoholic ginger beer in the kitchen at Aloft hotel, but they are poised to open a new production and sales facility at Asheville Food Truck Park on Amboy Road. Photo by Cindy Kunst
Brewing Company Asheville, NC
Full bar . Full kitchen
brewing facility in or near Asheville, has his sights set on creating a local ginger supply. He reached out to the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project to connect with potential growers in the area, and he is in the trial phase of a partnership with a local farm. “There is an interest in growing it,” he says. “I have picked up ginger from the local farmers markets. … But it’s a seasonal crop, so usually I just have to pick up organic ginger from the grocery store. But my goal would be to create demand, and I think there is — or will be — a lot of demand for organically grown local ginger.” from the Ground up But how feasible is it to grow the warm-weather-loving plant in WNC? “Because it’s tropical, it has to be grown in greenhouses here in the mountains,” explains molly
nicholie, program director of ASAP’s local food campaign. Brewers, she continues, “need a lot more ginger than is grown in this region. Most local farmers who are growing it have very limited production.” eileen droescher of Ol’ Turtle Farm in Marion does small-scale ginger production, marketing mostly to small businesses making baked goods, chocolate and ice cream. Droescher plants around 45 pounds of seed ginger each year on her 2-acre market plot, using methods she learned years ago while running a large Community Supported Agriculture operation in Massachusetts. “It takes a good bit of effort,” says Droescher, “more than growing squash or cucumbers or something like that. It’s a long-season crop, so it has to be presprouted in a greenhouse, and the soil has to be warm when it’s planted, so we sometimes have to preheat the soil with row cover or black plastic.”
It’s a slow-growing plant that must have dirt hilled around it several times throughout the growing season, she continues, and it needs a lot of cleaning before it goes to market. Nevertheless, says Droescher, “I see a great potential for young growers to hop on this. The breweries would have to be committed to buying local and be willing to pay the price for it. But Asheville really supports that, and people would be willing to pay for a product made with locally grown, organic ginger.”
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next StepS Meanwhile, Ginger’s Revenge isn’t yet on the market. Ackley aims to start with a couple of varieties — one mild, the other stronger — and then experiment with different yeast strains and flavors, incorporating local produce, herbs and spices. His emphasis will be on making and bottling the product for retail sale.
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
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by Jane Morrell
Chef Patrick Abernathy talks about Chupacabra Latin Café
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Latin LeSSonS: Chef Patrick Abernathy, left, and his sous-chef, James Simonoff, stand in front of the menu board for Abernathy’s new restaurant, the Chupacabra Latin Café, which opened last week. Photo by Jane Morrell
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Not one for splashy grand openings, chef patrick abernathy hopes folks hear about his new restaurant, the Chupacabra Latin Café in Reynolds Village, via word-of-mouth and come by to try his Latin entrees or enjoy a cup of joe. At age 16, Abernathy took a summer job washing dishes; later he learned how to be a prep cook. He attended culinary school at the Colorado Institute of Art in Denver, and he’s been cooking ever since. Abernathy has been in Asheville since 2000, working at Noi’s Thai Kitchen, Chestnut, Trillium bistro and other local eateries. In 2013, he was part of chef adam hayes’ team from Red Stag Grill that won the Got
To Be NC Competition Dining Series. Now, however, Abernathy’s focus is on running his own restaurant, which he says is completely chef-driven. Mountain Xpress: What inspired you to start Chupacabra? patrick abernathy: I just wanted to be my own boss and do what I wanted to do. My last job was corporate; there was a lot of working on holidays and being away from family. Of course, I’m away from family right now, but hopefully it won’t be like that forever. I know it will be challenging for probably the first year, but eventually if staff can run the place, I’ll be able to have more time with my family. what are some of chupacabra’s signature dishes?
The Cuban sandwich has been a huge hit. We’re using local torta bread from up the road and making our own pulled pork that has manchego cheese on it. We’re making our own chorizo in-house, and we’re doing a chorizo burger instead of a regular beef burger. But I would say the mussels (which have chorizo in them, too) would be everyone’s favorite so far. We’ve also started playing around: We ran an ahi tuna taco special recently that everyone seemed to love. I’m just now starting to get where I can focus on the food and not the restaurant logistics, and that’s a good thing, considering it’s our first real week.
who helps you run the café? My wife, emily abernathy, takes care of all the front-of-the-house stuff, the schedules and the finances. james Simonoff and eli Scott are kind of like my sous-chefs; they make everything happen. And dave Snyder is my good friend, business partner and co-chef. what sets chupacabra apart from other local Latininspired restaurants? Just having the café menu and doing the mussels and the ceviche (which has been a big hit too). Right now we’re doing a shrimp and a scallop ceviche; we’re also making desserts in-house: coconut milk flan and stuff like that. We’re trying to do a taqueria with a twist: a little bit more chef-driven, using all fresh ingredients and making everything in-house, selling good coffee, using homemade bread and handmade tortillas. to what do you attribute your success as a chef? I definitely grew up in a cooking family: My mom cooked pretty much every meal, and she always made desserts — growing up in the South, that was always our thing. My grandparents were farmers who grew up eating cornbread, pinto beans, collard greens and a spread of other vegetables and corn. I guess just being around that started my love for cooking. I was always kind of artistic and hands-on, not a desk job kind of guy; cooking just kind of fit me, and here I am. X
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MORE INFO The Chupacabra Latin Café opened on July 27 at 50 N. Merrimon Ave. in Reynolds Village. Hours are 11 a.m.-9 p.m. MondayThursday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and closed Sunday. Catering is available. For details, visit chupacabralatincafe.com or call 333-9260. X
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
small bItes by Kat McReynolds | kmcreynolds@mountainx.com
(some made with honey). For the adventurous foodie, True Holiness Fellowship church brings fried pies, and Lunchwagon Food offers gator-on-a-stick. Around 200 vendors sprawl across downtown during the weekend, with the bulk of the action on Sutton and Black Mountain avenues and surrounding blocks. Most of these exhibitors are local, McMurray says. The Owen High School Band Boosters, for example, have sold their barbecue at Sourwood Festival nearly every year the festival has been held. In addition to food, the event boasts live music, handmade arts and crafts, carnival rides, clogging performances and “lots of fun stuff for kids to do,” says McMurray. “It’s a very familyfriendly, fun festival.” The Sourwood Festival kicks off with the Sourwood Idol competition on Friday, Aug. 7, from 7-10 p.m., and continues on Saturday, Aug. 8, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 9, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit sourwoodfestival.com.
“Participants learned to propagate, grow, identify, harvest, dry and use many beneficial herbal plants,” reads a release about the course. Because the event was such a success, organizers are planning round two of “Grow Your Own Medicine Chest” — a condensed version of the original lesson — for those who missed out the first time around. The event is 12:30-2 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 13 at the Hendersonville Community Co-op, 60 S. Charleston Lane. For details or to register for the class, visit avl.mx/1dl. X
experimentinG with hopS Sweet eVent: Black Mountain’s annual Sourwood Festival celebrates what event organizer Bob McMurray calls “the Cadillac of honeys.” This year’s festival will feature local honey vendors, honeybee demonstrations, food, carnival rides, live music, children’s activities and more. Pictured is sourwood honey at the Asheville Bee Charmer. Photo by Cindy Kunst
sourwood Festival Gaining momentum in its 38th year, the annual Sourwood Festival draws about 30,000 people to the streets of Black Mountain, attracting lovers of food, entertainment and, most of all, a sweet little treat from Mother Nature. “Sourwood honey is like the Cadillac of honeys,” says bob mcmurray, festival organizer and executive director at the Black Mountain Swannanoa Chamber of Commerce. “It’s crystal clear. It’s the best-tasting honey money can buy.” Black Mountain was nicknamed “The Sourwood City” years ago
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
for its proliferation of sourwood trees, he explains, and that’s why the chamber has stuck with the theme for its free and alcoholfree celebration. “We’ve got about four vendors that sell local honey,” he says, “and then edd buchanan — our main honey guy — has honeybee demonstrations.” But honey isn’t the only thing on the menu. Kettle corn, produce, freshbaked breads, funnel cakes, gyros, kebabs, corn dogs, cheesesteaks, ice cream, cupcakes and other festival foods will all be available, as will artisan food products such as pickles, chow chow, salsas and jellies
To hop or not to hop is rarely the question for Asheville homebrewers, but just how and when hops are added to beer has a significant impact on the beverage’s final taste and aroma. Hops & Vines owner and resident hop sguru alex buerckholtz is leading an instructional event to explore the many methods of harnessing this fragrant ingredient. Topics include varietals, alpha acids, dry hopping, dual-stage and first-wort hopping, kettle additions, hop timing and more. Experimenting with Hops will be held at Hops & Vines, 797 Haywood Road, Suite 100, on Tuesday, Aug. 11, from 6-7 p.m. Visit hopsandvines.net/events for more information. Grow your own herbaL medicine cheSt During a recent workshop hosted by Living Web Farms, attendees learned how to grow and use herbal medicines from their own backyards.
friday tea poUrings 3-10:30 p.m. Fridays in August. Experience Yunnan Teas in the Gong Fu Room at Dobra Tea West. Led by the Tea Monk-y of Panther Moon Tea Co., these pourings feature more than 30 puerh teas along with other Hei Cha and Yunnan specialties. $7 per person. Dobra West Asheville, 707 Haywood Road. tea at asHeville vegan fest Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16. Maté Factor will be selling cups of its yerba maté and other products at Asheville Vegan Fest with a portion of proceeds benefiting Brother Wolf Animal Sanctuary. This celebration of compassionate living includes food samples, giveaways, speakers, beer, music and more. The festival takes place in Pack Square. Compiled by Jacqui Castle. Send your tea-related events to Jacqui at jacquicastle@gmail.com.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
arts & entertaInment
‘Things we wouldn’t normally do’ Fashion Bath accidentally records a full-length album
the art of diStraction: Instead of isolation booths and silence, Fashion Bath likes found sounds and the occasional industrial clamor. “Having our own space allowed us to try different things,” says Max Murray of the band’s atypical studios. Photo courtesy of the musicians
by aLLi marShaLL
amarshall@mountainx.com There’s something so distinctly Asheville about turning a makeshift space into a recording studio. That DIY approach blends necessity, ingenuity and an off-kilter sense of style. Its end result is not just heard but felt on Give It, the new full-length album from local experimental-rock band Fashion Bath. They’ll launch the LP with a free show at The Mothlight on Monday, Aug. 10.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
“The album title to me kind of means ‘give it all you got before you have to get out,’” says Kevin boggs who, with max murray — a high school friend from Morganton — formed Fashion Bath last summer. Due to construction, the band was about to lose its studio space in the Highland Brewing Co. complex, above Maté Factor’s yerba maté processing facility. Murray and Boggs had the space for about six months — tiny rooms used as offices by former occupants Blue Ridge Motion Pictures. Boggs says it felt cramped, Murray says it didn’t bother him, both say the tea imbued the studio with a strange smell.
While the maté factory locale might be unique in record-making, there’s a precedent for using unlikely industrial spaces. For The Black Keys’ third album, Rubber Factory, they rented the second floor of a defunct General Tire plant in Akron, Ohio. Hot, airless and acoustically lacking, it produced a critically acclaimed album — that band’s first to chart on the Billboard 200. “If anything, having our own spot allowed us to experiment more,” says Murray. “For one song that didn’t make it onto the album, we went outside and hit a bunch of things against
the roof. The space allowed us to do things we wouldn’t normally do.” At 13 tracks, Give It is the band’s longest album to date. It ambles between garagey, guitar-fueled rockers like “Between the Lines” and dreamy, slow-core offerings like “Frendulum.” The former recalls the band’s first EP, Ease People, albeit with more layered complexity; the latter is in line with Sunday Best, Fashion Bath’s last EP, a textured and darkly expressive collection. The full-length format was actually a mistake. What started as another EP project (part of a loose
plan to release a short-form album every few months) took on a life of its own. Though Boggs and Murray had been making music together for years, when they found themselves sharing a house in Asheville, they started writing songs together for the first time. That relationship jelled, the makeshift studio space presented itself, and the two hit their creative stride. “It’s nice to have a bank [of songs] to choose from,” Boggs says. They produced enough material for an additional mini-album, this one of outtakes and “the ones that were too weird to put on [Give It],” Murray says. That release comes in a few weeks. The creative output shows no signs of slowing. Though Fashion Bath is easing slowly into the idea of touring, Murray and Boggs have added members (tyler hernandez on bass and Sean coughlin on drums) to their live-show lineup. And, post maté processing facility, Fashion Bath moved into a space in a metalworking factory. The industrial setting does dovetail with the band’s building supply warehousesourced moniker. “It’s kind of nice to have other things going on around you,” says Boggs. “Some people lock themselves in a basement with headphones and they can crank out a record, but with that you can go a little crazy.” He continues, “Sometimes it’s nice having someone drop a hammer or a piece of wood on the floor. You get that in the microphone. You snap out of it and realize you’re not isolated in the space.” Many studio technicians argue with that technique. Then again there as many ways to make a record as there are musicians to dream up songs. X
what Fashion Bath album release show with Doc Aquatic and Harrison Ford Mustang where The Mothlight themothlight.com when Monday, Aug. 10 9 p.m. Free
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waLK it out: Model Payton Turner wears a floral dress by Angela Kim. Hair by An Chaboudy, makeup by Vanessa Sogan, styling by Tricia Ellis. Photo by What’s Her Face Photography
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Asheville Fashion Week makes an entrance by Alli Marshall amarshall@mountainx.com There are a number of elements that go into making a fashion production, from hair to makeup and venues to models, but it’s the designers who are the stars. Look for apparel from charles josef, angela Kim, mcKinney Gough, anna Gordon, tricia m. ellis and the design team at House of Fabrics, among others at Asheville Fashion Week. Local boutiques and retailers such as Wildflower Bridal, Southern Charm and Diamond Brand will also be represented at the inaugural event, held Wednesday, Aug. 5 to Saturday, Aug. 8 (not quite a full week ... yet). Sponsored by Gage Models & Talent Agency — a Knoxville-based group providing representation for models, actors, dancers and singers throughout the Southeast — the four-day art and fashion extravaganza offers designer showcases and runway shows. Schedule: • Kickoff event — Music, local artists and models and a sneak peek of following shows. Wednesday, Aug. 5, 5-7 p.m., at The Altamont Theatre. $35 • emerging model runway and ready-to-wear event — Young models show at 6 p.m., fashion designer showcase at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6, at The Altamont Theatre. $45 open seating/$75 VIP (not available at the door) • fashion in film and emerging designer runway shows — Accessories showcase at 6 p.m., runway show at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7, at The Millroom. $45/$75 • finale — Child and teen models at 4 p.m., cocktails and jazz at 6 p.m., couture runway show at 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, 3 p.m., at Renaissance Asheville. $45/$75 Learn more at ashevillefashionweekusa.com X
Mountain Xpress | advertise@mountainx.com
Subtle Yoga RYT500 Therapeutics Intensive begins Oct. 2015 with Kristine Kaoverii Weber
Sign up today! www.subtleyoga.com 828.775.1200 mountainx.com
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
by Kat McReynolds
MONEY OR MEANING Local author Adam Caress broaches music business’ greatest dichotomy
French Broad Real Estate Company Approx. 1/2 Mile of Secluded French Broad River Frontage 38.8 acres 10 minutes from the Town Of Hot Springs Tremendous agritourism potential too - 1BR/1BA Renovated 100 Year Old Historic Farmhouse w/Old General Store & Antique Tobacco Barn - 15+ acres of flat tillable land Create your homestead dream right here in HS. 1486 Boys Home Road, Hot Springs, NC 28743 $395,000 - MLS#573202 Call Ann Harold for details~828-622-7100~annmharold@gmail.com frenchbroadrealestatecompany.com
For music fans with a taste for rock and a tolerance for history, the date April 5 has a certain weighty presence on the calendar. On that Tuesday in 1994, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain ended his own life, and along with it the momentum that had carried the grunge band’s anti-establishment rock into music’s mainstream. As a result of Cobain’s death and the corporate consolidation of the music industry in the ’90s, “artistic aspirations have never again rivaled commercial aspirations in
what Adam Caress reads from The Day Alternative Music Died and will be interviewed by Kevin Auman, director of the music business program at Montreat College where Malaprop’s, malaprops.com when Thursday, Aug. 6, at 7 p.m.
mainstream rock,” according to adam caress, a Montreat College music business educator. The struggle embodied by Cobain — an inherent tension between authenticity and marketing genius — plays the main stage in Caress’ debut, The Day Alternative Music Died. He’ll read and discuss the book at Malaprop’s on Thursday, Aug. 6. Although Cobain’s demise inspired the book’s title and several chapters, Caress says the discrepancies between artistic merit and commercial success in the alternative music sphere began with Bob
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Dylan’s popularization of politicized folk rock in the mid-’60s (for which he was tormented by folk purists at the time). Meticulously assembling rock’s complex history into a chain reaction of artistic movements, Caress chronicles the motivations behind countless alt-musicians’ careers and dissects the precursors to and effects of each genre’s prevailing ethos. Along the way, he adds industry executive perspectives, analyses on modern music production and consumption and plenty of quotes from cultural notables. Weaving the comprehensive tale — without leaving out pertinent history gems like the “superfluity of crotch shots” in Led Zeppelin’s film The Song Remains the Same and gutchurning glimpses into the life of Gene Simmons — took Caress nearly four years. In the final stretch, he handed segments of the work over to his Montreat students for feedback. “There’s a lot of new and interesting research in there,” he says, citing the post-digital industry landscape as one major area of investigation. “I hope it can become part of the cultural conversation about these issues.” Both the motives behind alternative music and the meaning associated with the term have vacillated over time, as Caress points out. What “once described a scene that contained countless styles of music and was defined only by its lack of mainstream success ... was increasingly coming to describe a very specific stylistic genre of music, a homogenous sound and attitude chosen specifically for its perceived marketability and modeled on its most iconic band: Nirvana.” Caress’ revisiting of already storied artists throughout the book feels nothing like blind idolatry. In some cases, he actually highlights the frivolity of deifying stars. In other
Sex, druGS and a reSpectabLe portfoLio of worK: While some rockers dedicate a lifetime to the pursuit of artistic credibility, less commonly admitted aspirations include money, fame and a conveyor belt of groupies. Local author Adam Caress dissects the tension between these disparate motives (which are sometimes adopted simultaneously) across decades and genres in his debut nonfiction book. Photo courtesy of the author
instances, he demystifies the intense social climates that made contributions from pioneers like Dylan and Cobain so indelible in popular culture (and so ubiquitous among J.C. Penny racks). After 20 years of experience as a recording and performing artist, booking agent, talent buyer, music writer and editor, Caress delivers his findings with the aplomb of an industry insider and the fervor of a devout
and optimistic listener. “As much as the book could be kind of a downer in a sense of where corporate culture has gone, it really ends up taking a hopeful note,” Caress says. “There have been times where it might have been easier to find the more artistically substantive music in the mainstream, [but] I think this is one of the best times for musical creativity. It’s just that you have to look under the surface for it.” X
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
by Virginia Daffron
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A Celebration of all things made in western n.c.
dance with the paSt: The Cole Mountain Cloggers performed at last year’s Mountain Dance and Folk Festival. “This festival and others like it are keeping the music and dance of the Southern Appalachian mountains alive and thriving,” says festival Co-Chair Judy Miller. Photo by Wendy Olsen
Mountain Dance and Folk Festival preserves traditions
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alive and kicking
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3d pap ays, 2 erto 0 ba w nd han n kids s. $0 v dm a farm de illage craf ers t m a foo rke s d clog truck t ging s
Sponsored in part by HCTDA www.VisitNCSmokies.com 42
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
ralph Lewis, the 87-year-old leader of local bluegrass band Sons of Ralph, says he remembers when the Mountain Dance and Folk Festival was “just a little thing in the schoolhouse.” Originally known as the Rhododendron Festival, the gathering was a competitive event with keenly contested titles for the best bands, solo musicians, singers and dancers. Lewis won his share of trophies with his band, Ralph Lewis and the Piney Mountain Boys Clogger and Folk Heritage Committee Chair Loretta freeman
began performing and competing at the annual festival — which returns to the Diana Wortham Theatre, Thursday to Saturday, Aug. 6 to 8 — as a child. Her dad, Gordon freeman, was a musician she says “could play any instrument.” He won so many titles he was made a competition judge. Somewhere along the way, the performers decided to eliminate the competitions and, says Loretta, “just enjoy playing music and dancing.” The longest-running event of its kind, the Mountain Dance and Folk Festival (now in its 88th year), celebrates the full range of traditional Southern Appalachian music and dance. Entertainers at this year’s threenight gathering include ballad singers, bluegrass and old-time bands, gospel groups, solo and duet instrumentalists and vocalists, clogging teams, buck dancers, flat-footers and traditional Appalachian smooth dancers.
Family ties make up a big part of the spirit of the festival. “Traditions of long ago have been handed down through the generations, and we sometimes have two or three generations of one family performing together onstage,” says Freeman. Lewis’ sons don and marty first played the festival stage in 1972 as 8- and 9-year-olds. “We cut our teeth on mountain music, and we’ve been at it ever since,” says Don. While the Lewis patriarch toured with Bill Monroe, his wife, Imogene, drove Don and Marty all over the Southeast to perform at festivals and gatherings. “She used to get us all dressed up in our shiny shirts, plaid bell-bottom pants and platform shoes,” Don says. On Saturday nights, Imogene and the boys would drive from the Lewis home in Candler to the top of a hill in Weaverville. High up, with a view toward the west, the family could get
radio reception to hear Ralph play on the “Grand Ole Opry” radio program. These days, the members of the Sons of Ralph look forward to the festival as a special homecoming and a rare opportunity to enjoy many different entertainers and genres. “Nobody has an attitude,” says Marty. “It’s a chance to see and visit with everybody we’ve known through all these years.” Sons of Ralph will perform on Thursday as part of Hometown Appreciation Night. Guitarist brian hunter also has family ties to the Mountain Dance and Folk Festival. He’ll share the stage with his brother, mandolin player mike hunter, on Friday for the first time in 40 years. Brian says this event is the gold standard against which all other folk festivals are judged. He, Mike and local singer Laura boosinger plan to perform traditional songs with lots of harmonies. Festival Co-Chair judy miller says the most important thing for organizers is that these folk art traditions not be lost to time. She’s glad to see so many young people performing at the festival and its sister event, Shindig on the Green. Even Sons of Ralph has a youngster in its ranks: 23-yearold bassist Korey warren, who has been with the band for six
years. “While the mobility of our society is diluting local culture all over the country, this festival and others like it are keeping the music and dance of the Southern Appalachian mountains alive and thriving,” says Miller. Ralph Lewis’ sons say they’re the ones who struggle to keep up with their dad. Likewise, the 88-year-old Mountain Dance and Folk Festival shows no signs of slowing. What folklorist Bascom Lamar Lunsford first brought down from the “hills and hollers” in 1928 is, in 2015, as strong a family tradition as ever — and the family has grown a whole lot bigger over the years. X
what Mountain Dance and Folk Festival where Diana Wortham Theatre dwtheatre.org when Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 6, 7 and 8, at 7 p.m. $22 adults/$12 children 12 and younger
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752 Biltmore Avenue • 828-251-0094 www.naturesvitaminsandherbs.com mountainx.com
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
by Alli Marshall
fine-feathered friendS: Pop-rockers Counting Crows have been playing together for more than two decades. “The only idea I’m religiously tied to is making the best music possible,” says frontman Adam Duritz, center. Photo by Danny Clinch
Count them in Getting older isn’t easy — not even for an award-winning and chart-topping artist like adam duritz. “When I was in my 20s, I was panicked about age,” says the Counting Crows frontman. “Most of my friends were getting on with their lives, but I was treading water because I wanted to be a musician.” Then his career took off following the band’s 1993 debut, August and Everything After. On his 30th birthday, Duritz was opening for The Rolling Stones. Aging seemed to stop, he says, because he’s achieved rock stardom. But last year was another milestone birthday. “I suddenly felt like I was my grandmother’s age,” he says. “Fifty is immune to rock stars.”
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Counting Crows play Biltmore Estate’s summer concert series
Duritz is hardly washed up. He and Counting Crows perform at the Biltmore Estate on Sunday, Aug. 9, as part of the annual summer concert series. The show is a stop on the band’s current tour in support of last year’s release, Somewhere Under Wonderland. That nine-track album, sometimes meandering and confessional, sometimes energized and hooky, is at once risky and realized. “It’s a new experience every time,” Duritz says of the writing and recording process. “I changed a lot of the way I wrote in the last few years. Working in a vacuum, I wasn’t finishing a lot of songs.” He had good ideas, but they were so different from his previous songs that he worried something
was wrong. When he started meeting with his bandmates to prepare for the record, he’d share his ideas and iPhone recordings with them. “Immediately I was getting back very excited responses from the band,” says Duritz. “That gave me the confidence to see them as new and different ideas as opposed to lesser ideas.” But collaboration has been a major part of Counting Crows’ process, almost since the beginning. The band — originally Duritz and guitarist David Bryson playing coffee shops as a duo — formed in Berkeley, Calif., in the early 1990s. And though early on Duritz was cautioned away from using so many names of people and places in his songs, it’s those
songwriting characteristics — along with the singer’s trademark warble — that have set the band apart. “The only idea I’m religiously tied to is making the best music possible,” says Duritz. “In a collaborative atmosphere, every time you use an idea by somebody else that’s a good idea, the song is that much better than if you’d done it yourself.” There has to be a strict appraisal process, he adds. And collaboration means removing the ego from of the equation, often a stumbling block among creative types. “It’s not really a letting-go process,” says Duritz. “The thing I’ve got in the beginning is not a fully formed idea. I may have some arrangements that are worth trying. But if someone else has a better idea, I’ve got to be willing to try that.” In a recent interview with Swide, the frontman described Counting Crows’ operation as a three-part system: The group begins with skeletons of songs, and the musicians flesh those out in the recording process. “The third part is playing live, exploring songs as they change while being played on a stage,” Duritz told the magazine. But while the musician has a lot of respect for his fans and says it’s his job to go onstage and be great every night, “it’s a mistake to pay too much attention to the audience.” The evolution of Counting Crows’ songs — and this is a band known for reworking and extending its back catalog, crosspollinating songs with snippets of covers or other original tracks — is all about the band members’ chemistry with each other. “If you’re too dependent on having that response and that affirmation from the audience, you’re vulnerable to having a crap show if you don’t get that,” says Duritz. “It’s different from night to night — I just want to play well every night, for me.” X
who Counting Crows with Citizen Cope where Biltmore Estate biltmore.com when Sunday, Aug. 9, 7:30 p.m. $70 general admission $80 reserved seating
Massage CE Classes with Cat Matlock, LMBT #1080 SELF CARE for Knee and Back Pain 3 CEs Fri 9/18 5-8pm OPEN TO ALL $50 Trigger Point Therapy for Hip and Low Back 7 CEs Sat 9/19 1-8:30pm $140 LMBTs ONLY SELF CARE for Sciatica, Hip, and Low Back Pain 3 CEs Sun 9/20 2-5pm OPEN TO ALL $50
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
state oF the arts by Lea McLellan | leamclellan@gmail.com
Hannah Dansie’s exhibition The Fishwife draws inspiration from folk tales
Story time: Inspired by folklore from around the world, local painter Hannah Dansie enlisted a number of local artists as collaborators in her new show. Pictured, “The Waitingmaid’s Parrot,” by Dansie
INCLUDING: The Hawk (105.7 mi), The Trout (76.43 mi), The Panther (50.8 mi), The Rabbit (25.8 mi)
Riders will explore mountain valleys near the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Pisgah National Forest and in the shadows of Cold Mountain. The Trout and Hawk ride will also include 30 miles on the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway. Early Registration is recommended as a limited number of riders are permitted on the parkway. Registration is available through active.com or BlueRidgeBreakaway.com
Silver Sponsors: Old Town Bank, Maple Tree Vetinary Hospital, Haywood Tourism Authority Media Sponsors: Mountaineer & Smoky Mountain News Sponsored in party by HCTDA www.VisitNCSmokies.com 46
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
“Stories connect us to each other and to the very core of what makes us human,” says hannah dansie, who is inspired by both oral and literary traditions. “As a visual artist, I’ve always felt that painting is the best form of communication I have.” She named her upcoming show, The Fishwife — opening at The Satellite Gallery on Friday, Aug. 7 — after a story from a Grimm’s fairy tale that was read to her as a child. The paintings in Dansie’s collection reflect that dreamy, eerie landscape where everyday scenarios meet magic: Fish are actually enchanted princes that grant poor villagers’ wishes, armless mothers give birth to sons with limbs of gold. In the painting The Blue Corn Maiden, the long, cornsilk hair of two women loops and twists around their bodies. Where their faces should be, there’s a starry night sky. In another work, a young girl framed by flowers weeps diamonds into her flowing, blond tresses. While Dansie says that her work comes from a highly personal foundation, she was equally drawn to how these stories transcend the individual and connect cultures around the world. “When I first began working on this show, I thought that I would focus mainly on folklore from this area. But the more I read, the more I became interested in how many versions of the older folk tales there were coming from different countries,” she says. “The Armless Maiden” is the story on which Dansie and local artist alli Good based a collaborative piece. The first version of the tale that Dansie found was “A Father Cuts Off His Daughters Arm,” from South Africa, which she describes as “a gruesome story about a journey of a young woman into adulthood.”
what The Fishwife where The Satellite Gallery thesatellitegallery.com when Opening reception on Friday, Aug. 7, 7-10 p.m. The show is on view through Sunday, Sept. 20
“I found this story fascinating in itself,” says Dansie, “but it was even more fascinating when I realized how many versions of this story had been told all over the world.” On that list: “The Girl Without Hands,” from Germany; “The Girl With Her Hands Cut Off,” from France; “Olive,” from Italy; “Doña Bernarda,” from Spain; “The Armless Maiden,” from Russia and “The Girl Without Arms,” from Japan. Perhaps it makes sense then, that a collection inspired by shared tales would include collaborative art pieces. The Fishwife boasts contributions from local artists Sarah cavalieri, Gus cutty, maxx hawthorne-fiest, andy herod, nicole mcconville, josie mosser, Lauren patton and ian wilkinson. While Dansie admits that collaborating is a challenge, she says it’s one she enjoys and felt was essential for her show. “I realized that collaboration has always been a huge part of what I love about making art, so it seemed fitting that I should include it in this show as well,” she says. “Adding collaborations to this collection has given the show something I couldn’t have achieved on my own. Many of the stories that were chosen are very simple. It’s interesting to see what everyone has taken from them with the imagery they’ve created.” Dansie had already worked with Good, Cutty and Wilkinson at a mural show at Western Carolina University last summer, and with Cutty on a mural at Over Easy Cafe. Other pieces in The Fishwife represent Dansie’s first time teaming up with local artists she admires. That spirit of cooperation is key: “Folklore is shared and passed down,” says Dansie. “The tales help to tell us who we are and how we see, interpret and interact with the world around us.” She adds, “I hope that I have successfully captured this idea in my work while portraying how gorgeous and weird these stories really are.” X
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
smart bets Richard III Richard III follows the deceitful rise to power of an Englishman whose “bitterness at his outward disfigurement fuels an inward deformity,” according to Travis V. Lowe, who plays the conniving character during Montford Park Players’ reproduction of the Shakespearean play. “He sets his sights on becoming king at all costs, playing an elaborate game of chess at court and leaving blood and chaos in his wake.” To evoke the paranoia and danger of the time, the local theater group plans to employ surveillance cameras, real-time television broadcasts and looming agents throughout the production. The modernized play runs at the Hazel Robinson Ampitheatre, Fridays through Sundays, Aug. 7-29, at 7:30 p.m. Admission by donation. montfordparkplayers.org. Photo by Laura Lowe
SASS and Daree Not only do the members of Asheville-based hip-hop label Musty Mark Records hope to pave their own way into the earbuds of a new generation, they’d also like to record, write about, film and photograph the journey themselves. Composed of a handful of young artists and an in-house producer, the strictly do-it-yourself troupe achieves various musical styles before pooling members’ skills and resources. “Musty Mark Records aims to bring Asheville music to national attention with originality, charisma and dedication never seen before,” reads the website for the independent label. But first, the emerging rappers perform at One Stop on Saturday, Aug. 8, at 8 p.m., with Zoot Troop (Mayor Black and Dante) opening for SASS and Daree. Free. ashevillemusichall.com. Photo courtesy of Musty Mark
RiverFest While there are plenty of festivals happening near the French Broad River, RiverLink’s annual RiverFest actually starts off in the river. The Anything that Floats wacky raft race sets sail at 11 a.m. (watch it from the bank or gather a team to participate), followed by an afternoon of live music, food trucks, Sierra Nevada beer and more. Entertainment kicks off at 1:15 p.m. with a kids parade and jugglers, and includes performances by Claire Dima Bellydancers, CaroMia, Asheville Aerial Arts, Ashley Heath and The Sun Cans. The festival takes place on Saturday, Aug. 8. Free admission; profits from food and beverage sales benefit river preservation programs. riverlink.com. Photo courtesy of RiverLink
Pasckie Pascua “The poems and prose in Red is the Color of My Night reflect the often ragged but mostly warm wisdom of a journeyman who witnessed and experienced a life that defies his reserved demeanor and soft-spoken tact,” reads a release about local poet Pasckie Pascua. He weathered a dictatorial regime in the Philippines while beginning his multifaceted media career. After gaining experience with print publications, radio and television, the community organizer moved to New York and then Asheville, eventually publishing community paper The Indie for about a decade. The wordsmith presents his new book at The Crow and Quill on Sunday, Aug. 9, at 7 p.m., along with poet Caleb Beissert, singer-songwriter Darien Crossley and jazz singer Katie Kasben. He also visits Sylva’s City Lights Bookstore on Thursday, Aug. 20, at 11 a.m. Free. thecrowandquill.com. Photo courtesy of the author
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
a&e calendar
by Abigail Griffin
time music and dance. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. sUMMer tracKs concert series 290-4316, summertracks.com • FR (8/7), 7pm - Seth Walker, blues/swing. Free. Held at Rogers Park, 55 W. Howard St., Tryon Ur ligHt center 2196 N.C. Highway 9, Black Mountain, 669-6845, urlight.org • FR (8/7), 7-9pm - Medicine for the Soul Sound Journey, singing bowls, flute, & gongs. $15.
tHeater anaM cara tHeatre 545-3861, anamcaratheatre.com • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS through (8/8), 7:30pm - Romeo & Juliet. $12. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B
The writing on the walls: Asheville Area Arts Council’s newest exhibit, Contemporary Muralism in Context, features work from Asheville artists Dustin Spagnola, Ted Harper, Gus Cutty, Ishmael, Trek 6, Patch Whisky and Molly Rose Freeman. “I want to tell a story about mural artists who live and work in Asheville, but who are often taking their work on the road,” writes guest curator Spagnola. “I hope people will be able to better understand the connection that Asheville, as an arts town, has with these cities.” Photo of Trek 6 courtesy of AAC. (p. 49)
for details.
art asHeville area arts coUncil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • TU (8/11), 10am - Artists business brainstorm session with AAAC executive director. Registration required. Free. BencHspace gallery & WorKsHop 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • TH (8/13), 6pm - Artist Talk with metalsmith Nick Dong. Free to attend. cloUd cottage 219 Old Toll Circle, Black Mountain, 669-6000, cloudcottage.org • MONDAYS and THURSDAYS through (7/31), 1-4pm - Open studio intensive with puppet maker Judith Toy. Admission by donation. MoUnt MitcHell crafts fair 682-7413, yanceychamber.com • FR (8/7) & SA (8/8), 9am-5pm - Includes food and local craft vendors. Free to attend. Held in downtown Burnsville. river arts district artists riverartsdistrict.com • 2nd SATURDAYS, 10am-6pm - Self-guided open studio tour through the River Arts District with artist demonstrations and classes. Free to attend.
aUditions & call to artists 35BeloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • SU (8/9), 3-6pm and TU (8/11), 6-9pm - Open auditions for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Free. Contact
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
asHeville syMpHony cHorUs shevillesymphonychorus.com • TU (8/11), 3-8pm - Open auditions for the 2015-16 season. Registration required. Held at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 10 North Liberty St. tHe Writers’ WorKsHop 254-8111, twwoa.org • Through (8/30) - Submission will be accepted for the Literary Fiction Contest. Contact for guidelines. $25. toe river arts coUncil 765-0520, toeriverarts.org • Through (8/18) - Submissions will be accepted for the Juried Art Show. Open to artists in all mediums, ages 18 and over. Contact for full details.
MUsic african drUM lessons at sKinny Beats drUM sHop (pd.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. No experience necessary. Drums provided. $12/ class. (828) 768-2826. www.skinnybeatsdrums.com aMiciMUsic 802-369-0856, amicimusic.org • TH (8/6), 7:30pm - “Around the World in 80 Minutes,” with clarinet, violin and piano. $15-$20. Held at Cathedral of All Souls, 3 Angle St. • FR (8/7) and SA (8/8), 7:30pm - “Around the World in 80 Minutes,” with clarinet, violin and piano. Held in private home. Location given on registration. $35. flat rocK playHoUse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org
• MO (8/10) & TU (8/11), 7pm - “Music on the Rock Jr.: (Flat) Rockin’ Through the Decades,” covers of popular songs. $5. flat rocK playHoUse doWntoWn 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (8/6) until (8/16), 8pm - “Music on the Rock: A Tribute to Carole King and James Taylor.” $25. MUsic on Main 693-9708, historichendersonville.org • FR (8/7), 7-9pm - Horsefly, blues and classic rock. Free. Held at Hendersonville Visitor Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville nortH Main MUsic & art deMonstration 692-6335 Free to attend. Art Demo starts at noon; Music starts at 4:30pm. • SA (8/8) - Artist Steve Whiteside and music by Carrie Morrison, Americana. Held at Green Room Cafe & Coffeehouse, 536 N. Main St., Hendersonville open UKelele JaM • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - All skill levels and stringed instruments welcome. Free. Held at Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Drive pUBsing 254-1114 • 2nd SUNDAYS, 6-8pm - Gospel jam and sing-along. Optional snack time at 5:30pm. Free to attend. Held at French Broad Brewery, 101 Fairview Road sHindig on tHe green 258-6101 x345, folkheritage.org • SATURDAYS until (9/5), 7pm - Traditional old-
flat rocK playHoUse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/16) Gypsy. $15-$40. Wed. - Sat.: 8pm. Wed., Thu., Sat. & Sun.: 2pm. Montford parK players 254-5146, montfordparkplayers.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (8/7) until (8/29), 7:30pm - Richard III. Free. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. nortH carolina stage coMpany 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263 • WE (8/12) through SA (8/15), 7:30pm - A Life of Sorrow - the Life and Times of Carter Stanley. $10-$20. parKWay playHoUse 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville, 682-4285, parkwayplayhouse.com • FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS through (8/8), 7:30pm All Shook Up. $22/$12 children. soUtHern appalacHian repertory tHeatre 689-1384, sartplays.org • FR (8/7), 7:30pm - “As Time Goes By,” cabaret of songs from classic films. $20-$25. Held at Mars Hill University, 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill tHe Magnetic tHeatre 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • FR (8/7), 10:30pm - Magnetic Midnight, improv/ variety show. $5.
gallery dIrectory 5 WalnUt Wine Bar 5 Walnut St., 253-2593 • Through MO (8/31) - The Night’s Thoughts Considered, paintings by Suzanne Saunders and Terri Owen. aMerican folK art and fraMing 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, amerifolk.com • TH (8/6) through WE (8/26) - Natural Affinity, paintings by Ellen Langford and pottery by Shawn Ireland. Opening reception: Aug. 7, 5-8pm. art in tHe airport 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher
• Through FR (10/30) - The Rhythm of Color, works by WNC artists. asHeville area arts coUncil 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through SA (9/5) - Contemporary Muralism in Context: Street Art, Public Art, and Graffiti. Opening reception: Aug. 7. asHeville art MUseUM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • Through SU (10/11) - Heritage and Home: Photographs of Hickory Nut Gap Farm, photography by Ken Abbot. asHeville BooKWorKs 428 1/2 Haywood Road, 255-8444, ashevillebookworks.com • Through MO (8/31) - It’s About Time, workbooks by Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts members. asHeville gallery of art 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art.com • Through MO (8/31) - Watercolor paintings by Elinor Bowman. Opening reception: August 7, 5-8pm. asHeville loft 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, theashevilleloft.com • FR (8/7) through MO (9/7) - To The Harbormaster, paintings by Amanda Seckington. BencHspace gallery & WorKsHop 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • Through (8/22) - “The Mend-Smith Project” with metalsmith Nick Dong. BlacK MoUntain center for tHe arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • Through FR (9/4) - Works by glass artist John Almaguer.
McdoWell arts coUncil association 50 S. Main St., Marion, 652-8610, mcdowellarts.net • Through MO (8/31) - Blue Ridge Series, paintings by Kasey Moran. Opening reception: Aug. 15, 2-4pm. rHetorical factory 444 Haywood Road 424-1378, rhetoricalfactory.com • Through FR (8/14) - Photography of Cindy Kunst in collaboration with fabric artist Bethany Adams. sWannanoa valley fine arts leagUe svfalarts.org • Through SA (8/8) - Americana, patriotic-themed work by SVFAL members. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain • FR (8/7) through TU (9/8) - Annual member’s juried art exhibition. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain tHe design gallery 7 South Main St., Burnsville, 678-9869, the-designgallery.com • Through MO (8/31) - The Renaissance of the Family Farm, works by the Blue Ridge Fine Arts Guild. transylvania coMMUnity arts coUncil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through FR (8/7) - Art Spark, display and silent auction of outdoor garden artwork. Proceeds benefit T.C. Arts council programs. Upstairs artspace 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, upstairsartspace.org • Through FR (9/11) - Soul to Sole, gospel portraits by Steve Mann. • Through FR (9/11) - Endless Night, photography by Rimas Zailskas. zapoW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, zapow.net • Through SU (10/11), Heroes and Villains!, a member artist group show. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.
Our series with Sherwood’s Music continues this Friday at mountainx.com. Check the website for a performance by local singer Rachel Waterhouse’s jazz-inspired project, Sister Ivy.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
clubland Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm WHite Horse BlacK MoUntain Wednesday Waltz, 7pm Around the World In Eighty Minutes w/ Rachel Patrick, Matthew Boyles & Daniel Weiser (classical, world), 7:30pm
Wednesday, aUgUst 5 185 King street Movie Night, 8pm
Wild Wing cafe soUtH Skinny Wednesdays w/ J Luke, 7pm
5 WalnUt Wine Bar Wine Tasting w/ Dave Dribbon (Americana, rock), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (flamenco), 8pm
tHUrsday, aUgUst 6
Ben’s tUne-Up Asheville Country Music Review w/ Town Mountain, The Honeycutters & John Stickley Trio, 5pm
185 King street Matt Foster (mountain music, blues, country), 8pm
BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm
5 WalnUt Wine Bar Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm
BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Open Mic, 7pm
Barley’s taprooM AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm
BUrger Bar Karaoke Denial, 9pm
BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Bluegrass Jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8pm
dirty soUtH loUnge Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm doUBle croWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm
BUrger Bar 70’s & 80’s classic underground and power pop, 9pm
foggy MoUntain BreWpUB Bobby Miller & special guests (folk), 9pm
clUB eleven on grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm
fUnKatoriUM John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm good stUff Karaoke!, 7pm grind cafe Trivia night, 7pm HigHland BreWing coMpany Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm iron Horse station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm JacK of tHe Wood pUB Tia McGraff (Americana, bluegrass), 2pm Old-time session, 5pm Hearts Gone South (country, honky-tonk), 9pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Matt Sellers (Americana, blues, roots), 7pm
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
StarGaZerS: In an endless sea of Grateful Dead-inspired tribute bands, Chicago-based Dark Star Orchestra consistently rises to the top. Former Grateful Dead vocalist Donna Jean Godchaux says that “playing with Dark Star Orchestra feels just exactly like it felt when I was playing with the Grateful Dead,” while Rolling Stone Magazine has called them “quite possibly the most talented and accomplished tribute band out there.” DSO enters the Southern Appalachians’ orbit for a special two-show stint at Pisgah Brewery Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8, beginning at 7 p.m. each night. lazy diaMond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm
reJavanation cafe Open mic night, 6pm
lex 18 Patrick Lopez (modern & Latin jazz), 7pm
rooM ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm
loBster trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm
scUlly’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm
MoUntain MoJo coffeeHoUse Open mic, 6:30pm
sly grog loUnge Word Night (trivia-ish), 8pm Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm
noBle Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
sol Bar neW MoUntain World Wednesdays, 8pm
o.Henry’s/tHe UndergroUnd “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm
tallgary’s at foUr college Open mic & jam, 7pm
odditoriUM The Cloth w/ Nate Hall, Moistboy & Niah (punk, metal), 9pm
tHe Joint next door Bluegrass jam, 8pm
off tHe Wagon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stop deli & Bar Lip sync karaoke, 10pm one World BreWing Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 8pm orange peel Zoso (Led Zeppelin tribute), 9pm pisgaH BreWing coMpany Campfire Reverends (blues, Americana), 6pm poUr taprooM Karaoke, 8pm
tHe MillrooM South Slope Boogie (country, line dance), 7pm tHe MotHligHt Ancient Warfare w/ Hailey Wojcik & Kitty Tsunami (Gothic, drone-rock), 9:30pm tHe pHoenix Jazz night, 8pm tHe social Marc Keller, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm tHe soUtHern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm tiger MoUntain Flux (’80s & ’90s dance party), 10pm tiMo’s HoUse Spectrum AVL w/ Jericho, Ixnee, Kri & guests, 9pm toWn pUMp Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm tressa’s doWntoWn Jazz and BlUes
corK & Keg Cafe Sho (Cajun, two-step, waltz), 8pm creeKside tapHoUse Station Underground (reggae), 8pm croW & QUill Carolina Catskins (rag-time, jazz), 9pm diana WortHaM tHeatre 88th Annual Mountain Dance & Folk Festival, 7pm doUBle croWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm elaine’s dUeling piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy MoUntain BreWpUB Simon George and friends (funk, jazz), 10pm frencH Broad BreWery Jeff Markham (indie, folk), 6pm grey eagle MUsic Hall & tavern Hot Club of Cowtown w/ The Blue Ribbon Healers (Gypsy jazz, Americana, Western swing), 8pm isis restaUrant and MUsic Hall On the patio: Laid Back Thursdays, 7pm An evening w/ Cindy Alexander (singersongwriter), 7pm Greg Ruby & Evan Price (Gypsy jazz), 8:30pm JacK of tHe Wood pUB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lazy diaMond Masquerade Fog Party w/ Clear Plastic Masks (rock ’n’ roll), 12pm Masquerade Fog Party w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 10pm lex 18 Ray Biscoglia Duo (jazz standards), 7pm Michael Andersen (honky-tonk piano), 10pm loBster trap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm
MarKet place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm neW MoUntain tHeater/aMpHitHeater Big Deal Comedy presents Occupy The Debate I (comedy), 9pm
olive or tWist Dance lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 8pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm one stop deli & Bar Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Hollis Brown (rock), 9pm
pisgaH BreWing coMpany The Freeway Revival (rock, Americana, blues), 8pm
scandals nigHtclUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
pUlp Alex Joyce & Sean Flannery’s Blackout Diaries (comedy), 9pm
sly grog loUnge Open mic (musicians, poets, comedians & more welcome), 8pm
o.Henry’s/tHe UndergroUnd Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm
one World BreWing Sarah Tucker (acoustic), 8pm
pUrple onion cafe Keith Davis Trio (jazz), 7:30pm
sol Bar neW MoUntain Songwriter Thursdays w/ Caine McDonald, 8pm
odditoriUM Holders Scar (hardcore), 9pm
osKar BlUes BreWery Billy Litz (singer-songwriter), 6pm
renaissance asHeville Hotel Carver & Carmody (country), 6:30pm
soUtHern appalacHian BreWery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm
off tHe Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm
pacK’s tavern Jeff Anders & Justin Burrell (acoustic rock), 9pm
rooM ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm
spring creeK tavern Open Mic, 6pm
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
tallgary’s at foUr college Gentle Jones Band (classic rock mix), 7pm
DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
Try Our New Wo Pizza and G od-Fired rinders!
THU. 8/6 Jeff Anders & Justin Burrell (acoustic rock)
FRI. 8/7
tHe MotHligHt Fly Golden Eagle w/ Ranch Ghost (rock), 9:30pm tHe pHoenix Bradford Carson (modern mountain music), 8pm tHe social Jordan Okrend (pop, rock, soul), 6pm tHe soUtHern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm tHe valley MUsic & cooKHoUse PDGA World Championships live stream (disc golf), 8:30am tiMo’s HoUse TRL w/ Franco Nino (dance party, requests), 10pm toWn pUMp Stray Local (Americana, folk, blues), 10pm
DJ OCelate (dance hits)
tressa’s doWntoWn Jazz and BlUes The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm
SAT. 8/8
tWisted laUrel Karaoke, 8pm
Howie’s House Party
WHite Horse BlacK MoUntain Arouna Diarra Trio (world, folk), 7:30pm
(blues, fusion)
Wild Wing cafe Throwin’ Down Thursday w/ DJ Ramin, 5pm Wild Wing cafe soUtH Cody Siniard (country), 6pm Live DJ, 9pm
Wxyz loUnge at aloft Hotel CaroMia (soul, blues), 7:30pm
WED 8.5
185 King street Noche Latina (Latin music), 8pm 5 WalnUt Wine Bar Purple (jam, funk), 9pm
off tHe Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm
atHena’s clUB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm
olive or tWist Free Flow (Motown, funk), 8pm
Ben’s tUne-Up Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm
one stop deli & Bar Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Groova Scape (funk, blues), 10pm
BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Hustle Souls (soul, alt-country), 8pm BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Acoustic Swing, 7pm BUrger Bar Juke Joint Blues w/ Rare Burger Band, 9pm ByWater ZuZu Welsh Band (rock), 8pm classic Wineseller ’Round the Fire w/ chris Minick, Greg Kidd & Lee Kram (rock, blues, folk), 7pm clUB eleven on grove First Fridays Dance Night w/ DJ (R&B), 9pm corK & Keg Don Humphries & Friends (country, singer-songwriter, folk), 8:30pm creeKside tapHoUse Roots and Dore (blues, rock, acoustic), 7pm croW & QUill Pasckie Pascua, Caleb Beissert & Darien Crossley (poetry, rock, indie), 7pm diana WortHaM tHeatre 88th Annual Mountain Dance & Folk Festival, 7pm doUBle croWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm
elaine’s dUeling piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm
foggy MoUntain BreWpUB Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (rock), 10pm frencH Broad BreWery The Paper Crowns (Americana, rock), 6pm
SAT 8.8
SUN 8.9
isis restaUrant and MUsic Hall Friday night dance party w/ Jim Arrendell (classic Motown, soul), 9pm
JacK of tHe Wood pUB The Low Counts (blues, rockabilly, psychedelic), 9pm
9 p.m. $5
9 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)
(ADVENTUROUS, INSTRUMENTAL ROCK FUSION) 9 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)
SATUrDAY Parker & Smith (old-fashioned blues), 2-4pm SUNDAY Celtic irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7:30-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Scottie Parker (old-fashioned blues) 2-4pm, Bluegrass Jam 7pm FriDAY The Low Counts (blues) w/ Todd Cecil & Back South A Dirty Dance Party
95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville
252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
neW MoUntain tHeater/aMpHitHeater Mountain Flow Fest (dance), 12pm
asHeville MUsic Hall Schism w/ Binding Isaac (Tool tribute, metal), 9:30pm
native KitcHen & social pUB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7:30pm
odditoriUM Vic Crown w/ Electric Phantom, Severance & Prezzence (metal), 9pm
dUgoUt Unit 50, 9pm
2 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)
MarKet place The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm
altaMont tHeatre Jonathan Edwards (singer-songwriter), 8pm
Fri 8.7
MON 8.10
friday, aUgUst 7
good stUff Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 7:30pm HigHland BreWing coMpany Bayou Diesel (dance, Cajun, zydeco), 7pm iron Horse station Ashley Heath (R&B), 7pm
JerUsaleM garden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lazy diaMond Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm lex 18 Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 4pm Michael Jefry Stevens (modern jazz), 6:30pm Lenny Pettinelli (pop, jazz), 9:30pm loBster trap Hot Point Trio (Gypsy jazz), 6:30pm
osKar BlUes BreWery Shotgun Gypsies (rock), 6pm pacK’s tavern DJ OCelate (dance hits), 9pm pisgaH BreWing coMpany Dark Star Orchestra (Grateful Dead tribute), 7pm riverWatcH Bar & grill Garry Segal (blues, rock), 7pm scandals nigHtclUB Zumba Fitness in Da Club w/ Be Bad Hip Hop, 7pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scUlly’s DJ, 10pm sol Bar neW MoUntain Friday Sol Vibes w/ DJ Bowie (electronic, dance), 10pm Zoobeats w/ illanthropy (DJ, dance, Brother Wolf benefit), 10pm soUtHern appalacHian BreWery The Laura Blackley Trio (country, Americana), 8pm spring creeK tavern Leslie & Angie Slosek (Americana), 9pm tallgary’s at foUr college Rory Kelly (rock), 9:30pm tHe adMiral Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm tHe MotHligHt Plankeye Peggy w/ Wasted Wine (pirate rock), 9:30pm tHe pHoenix Howie Johnson Trio (blues, rock), 9pm tHe social Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tHe valley MUsic & cooKHoUse PDGA World Championships live stream (disc golf), 8:30am Jon Cox w/ Barely Alive (kickin’ country), 9pm tiger MoUntain Dark dance rituals w/ DJ Cliffypoo, 10pm toWn pUMp Worldline (rock), 9pm tWisted laUrel Live DJ, 11pm WHite Horse BlacK MoUntain Mean Mary James (folk, Americana), 8pm Wild Wing cafe Shotgun Gypsies (rock, Americana, hip-hop), 6pm Wild Wing cafe soUtH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm Wxyz loUnge at aloft Hotel Ben Hovey (jazztronica), 8pm
zaMBra Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm
satUrday, aUgUst 8 185 King street Aaron Burdett & Leah Shaw (Americana, folk-rock, bluegrass), 8pm 5 WalnUt Wine Bar Jeff Thompson w/ Aaron Price (jazz, rock), 6pm The Gypsy Swingers (Gypsy jazz), 9pm atHena’s clUB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Ben’s tUne-Up Gypsy Guitars, 2pm BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Zapato (funk), 9pm BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Bob Zullo (acoustic), 7pm ByWater The 200s (funk, jam), 8pm classic Wineseller Mean Mary (folk), 7pm corK & Keg The Paint Bug (art lessons & beer), 2pm Jack Devereux & David Surette (folk, acoustic, oldtime), 8:30pm diana WortHaM tHeatre 88th Annual Mountain Dance & Folk Festival, 7pm doUBle croWn Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm
odditoriUM Sex Knuckle w/ The Damned Angels & The Unsatisfied (rock), 9pm
altaMont tHeatre An evening w/ Seth Walker (Americana, jazz, blues), 7pm
off tHe Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm
asHeville MUsic Hall Psylo Joe & Nomadic ARU afterparty w/ Joy On Fire (jam, rock), 9pm
olive or tWist 42nd Street Band (big band jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm
BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Larry Dolamore (acoustic), 7pm
osKar BlUes BreWery Jamison Adams Project (folk), 6pm
BUrger Bar De La Sunday w/ Foul Mouth Jerk (old-school hip hop), 2pm Pick a Flick movie night (on the big screen, pizza), 9pm
piano eMporiUM Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 8pm pisgaH BreWing coMpany Dark Star Orchestra (Grateful Dead tribute), 7pm pUrple onion cafe Charlyhorse (Americana), 8pm rooM ix Open dance night, 9pm scandals nigHtclUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scUlly’s DJ, 10pm sol Bar neW MoUntain Push Pull (electronic, dance), 9pm soUtHern appalacHian BreWery Deep River (country, dancehall), 8pm spring creeK tavern Moonshine Racers (bluegrass), 9pm
dUgoUt Project X, 9pm
tallgary’s at foUr college Unit 50 (rock), 9:30pm
elaine’s dUeling piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm
tHe adMiral Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm
foggy MoUntain BreWpUB Virginia and the Slims (blues), 10pm
tHe MotHligHt The Dead Tongues w/ Josh Moore (singer-songwriter, rock, folk), 9pm
frencH Broad BreWery Todd Cecil & Backsouth (blues, Americana), 6pm good stUff Searra Jade (jazz, earth folk), 9pm iron Horse station Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm isis restaUrant and MUsic Hall An evening w/ the Maharaja Flamenco Trio, 7pm The Hermit Kings w/ P3riph3ral (indie, rock), 9pm J-BoB’s sMoKing pit Riyen Roots (blues, rock, soul), 7pm JacK of tHe Wood pUB Ron Gallo w/ Charlie Pierce & Choctaw Wildfire (rock ’n’ roll, Americana, honky-tonk), 9pm
tHe pHoenix Bradley Carter (singer-songwriter), 1pm The LazyBirds (Americana, roots), 9pm tHe social Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tHe valley MUsic & cooKHoUse PDGA World Championships live stream (disc golf), 8am tiMo’s HoUse Smasheville w/ Jim Raves & Mike Funk, 10pm toWn pUMp Daryl Hance Power Trio (blues, rock ’n’ roll, funk), 10pm tWisted laUrel Live DJ, 11pm
JerUsaleM garden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm
Wedge BreWing co. Movie: Amelie, 8:30pm
lazy diaMond Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm
WHite Horse BlacK MoUntain 7x7x7 Jazz w/ Jason DeCristafaro & friends, 8pm
lex 18 Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 4pm HotPoint Trio (Gypsy, swing), 6:30pm Shelia Gordon (vocalist, love songs), 10pm
Wild Wing cafe Karaoke, 8pm
loBster trap Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm MarKet place DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm MoJo KitcHen & loUnge Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm neW MoUntain tHeater/aMpHitHeater Mountain Flow Fest (dance), 12pm DJ Audio & DJ Matt May (hip hop, trap, reggae), 9pm
Wild Wing cafe soUtH Steven Poteat Trio (acoustic jam, rock), 6pm Wxyz loUnge at aloft Hotel Salsa Saturday w/ DJ Malinalli (salsa, DJ), 8pm zaMBra Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm
sUnday, aUgUst 9 5 WalnUt Wine Bar The Roaring Lions (Latin jazz), 7pm
Full Bar
BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm
one stop deli & Bar Sass & Daree (rap), 8pm
pacK’s tavern Howie’s House Party (blues, fusion), 9pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
ByWater The Beat Kids (British invasion, ’60s rock ’n’ roll), 8pm doUBle croWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm
THU 8/6
good stUff Elle Carpenter (folk, Americana), 5:30pm
HigHland BreWing coMpany Dennis “Chalwa” Berndt (reggae), 12pm
iron Horse station Mark Murray (R&B), 6pm
FRI 8/7
isis restaUrant and MUsic Hall Sunday Classical Brunch, 11am Sunday jazz showcase, 6pm JacK of tHe Wood pUB Irish session, 5pm Shane Cooley & The Lucky Kings (singer-songwriter), 9pm
lazy diaMond Honky Tonk Night w/ DJs, 10pm
lex 18 Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 7pm Lenny Pettinelli (pop, jazz), 9pm neW MoUntain tHeater/aMpHitHeater Mountain Flow Fest (dance), 12pm odditoriUM Radiant Beings of Light w/ Some God Damned Fool & TEEM (metal), 9pm off tHe Wagon Piano show, 9pm
olive or tWist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm
THU 8/13
one stop deli & Bar Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 7pm
orange peel Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit w/ Jimmy Herring, Oteil Burbridge, Jeff Sipe & Matt Slocum (rock, jazz fusion), 8pm piano eMporiUM Just Jazz: Piano Trio concert series, 2pm
THU 8/20 7:00 PM – AN EVENING W/
poUr taprooM Open mic, 8pm pUrple onion cafe Sol Driven Train (roots, rock), 7pm
W/ THE GET RIGHT BAND Every Tuesday 7:30pm–midnite
riverWatcH Bar & grill Hunnilicious (Americana, country, folk), 6pm
Every Sunday
scandals nigHtclUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
social loUnge & tapas In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm soUtHern appalacHian BreWery Gospel Brunch w/ Redneck Mimosa (gospel), 8pm spring creeK tavern Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 2pm tallgary’s at foUr college Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
743 HAYWOOD RD 828-575-2737 ISISASHEVILLE.COM mountainx.com
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
Wed • August 5 Cary Fridley & Dave Perkins
tHe MotHligHt What Moon Things w/ Jackson Scott (darkwave), 9:30pm
tHe oMni grove parK inn Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10pm
Fri • August 7 Grateful Zydeco
tHe pHoenix Up Jumped Three (jazz), 12pm
tHe social Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
Sun • August 9 Dennis “Chalwa” Berndt Roots Reggae Trio
tHe soUtHern Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm tHe strand @ 38 Main Nora Jane Struthers & The Party Line (Southern Honky-tonk-grass), 8pm
tiMo’s HoUse Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm
Tue • August 11 Rock Academy 6:00-8:00
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
toWn pUMp Dave Britt (acoustic), 9pm
Wedge BreWing co. Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazzswing), 6pm WicKed Weed Mrs. Dubfire (reggae), 3pm Wild Wing cafe Bluegrass Afternoons w/ Bobby Miller & the Virginia Dare Devils, 3pm Wild Wing cafe soUtH Party On The Patio w/ Crocs Duo, 5pm
Monday, aUgUst 10 185 King street Open mic night, 7pm 5 WalnUt Wine Bar Eleanor Underhill & Friends (Americana, soul), 8pm altaMont BreWing coMpany Old-time jam w/ Mitch McConnell, 6:30pm BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Acoustic jam w/ Hunter, Charlie & Friends, 7:30pm BUrger Bar Honkytonk ladies night w/ Brody, 6pm ByWater Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm coUrtyard gallery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm croW & QUill Los Abrojitos (Argentine tango), 9pm doUBle croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm good stUff Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm grey eagle MUsic Hall & tavern Contra dance (lessons, 7:30pm), 8pm JacK of tHe Wood pUB Quizzo, 7pm Mammal Dap (rock fusion), 9pm
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
orange peel Hellyeah w/ Eyes Set To Kill (metal, rock), 8pm osKar BlUes BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm social loUnge & tapas In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm sol Bar neW MoUntain Kim Weitkamp w/ Kathy Gordon (storytelling), 7pm sovereign reMedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm tHe MotHligHt Fashion Bath w/ Doc Aquatic & Harrison Ford Mustang (experimental rock), 9pm tHe oMni grove parK inn Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm tHe pHoenix Carver & Carmody (folk, Americana), 8pm tHe social Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 9pm tHe valley MUsic & cooKHoUse Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam & storytelling), 8pm tiger MoUntain Service industry night (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm tiMo’s HoUse Movie night, 7pm toWn pUMp Clyde’s on Fire (high-energy bluegrass), 9pm UrBan orcHard Old-time music, 7pm Wild Wing cafe soUtH Monday Bike Nights w/ Scott Raines (acoustic), 6pm
tUesday, aUgUst 11 185 King street Dinner theater w/ Rough & Tumble (Americana, folk, indie), 7pm 5 WalnUt Wine Bar The John Henrys (hot jazz), 8pm altaMont BreWing coMpany Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm asHeville MUsic Hall Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm Ben’s tUne-Up Eleanor Underhill (acoustic), 5pm BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Trivia, 7pm BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm BUffalo nicKel Trivia, 7pm BUrger Bar ’77 punk night (punk classics), 9pm
lazy diaMond Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm
corK & Keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm
lexington ave BreWery (laB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm
doUBle croWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm
loBster trap Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm
good stUff Old time-y night, 6:30pm
o.Henry’s/tHe UndergroUnd Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm
iron Horse station Open mic, 6pm
olive or tWist 2 Breeze Band (Motown), 6pm
isis restaUrant and MUsic Hall Tuesday bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm
one World BreWing Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm
lazy diaMond Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm
renaissance asHeville Hotel Justin Moore & Trust Trio (classic jazz), 6:30pm tallgary’s at foUr college Jam night, 9pm tHe Joint next door Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm tHe pHoenix Bradley Carter Duo (Americana, singer-songwriter), 8pm tHe social Jason Whitaker (acoustic), 5pm toWn pUMp Chuck Burns & Ty Rone w/ special guests (roots, soul), 9pm tressa’s doWntoWn Jazz and BlUes Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm UrBan orcHard Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm Wedge BreWing co. Skunk Ruckus (hillbilly gut-rock), 7pm
lex 18 Patrick Lopez (modern and Latin jazz), 7pm
o.Henry’s/tHe UndergroUnd “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm off tHe Wagon Piano show, 9pm
Wild Wing cafe soUtH Tuesday bluegrass w/ The Doghouse Band, 6pm Trivia w/ Kelilyn, 8:30pm
pisgaH BreWing coMpany Shane Pruitt’s Band of Ballers w/ Brandon Guilliard, Scotty Hawkins & Chris Duvall (funk, jazz), 6pm
Ben’s tUne-Up Asheville Country Music Review w/ Town Mountain, The Honeycutters & John Stickley Trio, 5pm BlacK MoUntain ale HoUse Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm BlUe MoUntain pizza & BreW pUB Open Mic, 7pm BUrger Bar Karaoke Denial, 9pm
July/ August 2015
poUr taprooM Karaoke, 8pm reJavanation cafe Open mic night, 6pm rooM ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm scUlly’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm sly grog loUnge Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm sol Bar neW MoUntain World Wednesdays, 8pm tallgary’s at foUr college Open mic & jam, 7pm tHe Joint next door Bluegrass jam, 8pm tHe MillrooM South Slope Boogie (country, line dance), 7pm
dirty soUtH loUnge Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm
tHe MotHligHt Nashville Pussy w/ Valient Thorr (Southern rock, psychobilly), 9:30pm
doUBle croWn Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay,
tHe pHoenix Jazz night, 8pm
w/doc aquatic, harrison ford mustang
8/12 wed nasheville pussy w/ valient thor
8/13 thu ahleuchatistas w/wei zhongle
noBle Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
one stop deli & Bar Lip sync karaoke, 10pm
asHeville MUsic Hall James Brown dance party w/ members of the James Brown Band, Bootsy Collins Band, The J.B.’s, Trey Anastasio Band & more (funk, dance), 9:45pm
8/10 mon free mothlight monday! fashion bath (album release!)
MoUntain MoJo coffeeHoUse Open mic, 6:30pm
WHite Horse BlacK MoUntain Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm
5 WalnUt Wine Bar Wine Tasting w/ Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Flamenco), 10pm
w/ jackson scott
loBster trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm
Westville pUB Blues jam, 10pm
185 King street Movie Night, 8pm
8/9 sun what moon things
JacK of tHe Wood pUB Old-time session, 5pm Hearts Gone South (country, honky-tonk), 9pm
olive or tWist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm
Wednesday, aUgUst 12
w/josh moore
isis restaUrant and MUsic Hall An evening w/ Grits and Soul (bluegrass, honky-tonk, blues), 7pm
lazy diaMond Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm
8/8 sat rusty & theresa's wedding celebration the dead tongues
8.13 8.14
8/14 fri a night with eugene chadbourne
poUr taprooM Frank Zappa night, 8pm
w/ wasted wine
orange peel Summer movie series: Spaceballs, 8pm
tressa’s doWntoWn Jazz and BlUes Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
HigHland BreWing coMpany Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm Laugh Your Asheville Off! w/ Billy Wayne Davis (comedy), 8pm
8/7 fri plankeye peggy
one World BreWing DJ Brian, 8pm
toWn pUMp Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm
grind cafe Trivia night, 7pm
w/ranch ghost
Rock N’ Roll Wednesdays
one stop deli & Bar Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm
8/6 thu fly golden eagle
An Evening with
grey eagle MUsic Hall & tavern On the patio w/ Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singersongwriter), 6pm
tiMo’s HoUse Spectrum AVL w/ Jericho, Ixnee, Kri & guests, 9pm
off tHe Wagon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm
w/ hailey wojick, kitty tsunami
tiger MoUntain Flux (’80s & ’90s dance party), 10pm
An Evening with
The Grey Eagle Comedy Series Presents:
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
good stUff Karaoke!, 7pm
8/5 wed ancient warfare
tHe soUtHern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
odditoriUM Odd comedy night, 9pm
fUnKatoriUM John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm
MarKet place The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm
foggy MoUntain BreWpUB Ashley Heath (folk), 9pm
tHe social Marc Keller, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm
loBster trap Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm
Brody Hunt, 10pm
lex 18 Bob Strain (jazz ballads and standards), 7pm
m o V I e s c
h s
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
a &
friday, auGuSt 7 thurSday, auGuSt 13 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
asHeville pizza & BreWing co. (254-1281) Mad Max: Fury Road (R) 10:00 san andreas (pg-13) 7:00 tomorrowland (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00
carolina cineMas (274-9500) the 100-year-old Man Who climbed out the Window and disappeared (r) 1:40, 7:05 ant-Man 2 d (pg-13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 dark places (r) 7:45, 10:20 fantastic four (pg-13) 11:15, 12:20, 1:35, 2:40, 3:55, 5:05, 6:15, 7:30, 8:35, 9:55 the gift (r) 11:50, 2:15, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50 inside out 2d (pg) 12:15, 2:55, 5:15 irrational Man (r) 11:35, 2:05, 4:30, 7:25, 9:40 Minions 2d (pg) 12:40, 2:50, 5:00, 7:10, 9:20 Mission: impossible -- rogue nation (pg-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 Mr. Holmes (pg) 11:10, 1:55, 4:25, 6:55, 9:35 ricki and the flash (pg-13) 11:55, 2:15, 4:40, 7:00, 9:25 shaun the sheep (pg) starts Wednesday 12:30, 2:35, 4:45, 6:50, 9:00 southpaw (r) 11:00. 4:10, 9:45 trainwreck (r) 11:20, 2:00, 4:55, 7:40, 10:25 vacation (r) 11:05, 1:20, 3:40, 6:00, 8:15, 10:30
co-ed cineMa Brevard (883-2200) Mission: impossible -- rogue nation (pg-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30
epic of Hendersonville (693-1146)
Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone in Woody Allen’s new film Irrational Man — a drama about murder with dark comedy. picK of the weeK
Irrational Man HHHHS director: Woody Allen pLayerS: Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone, Parker Posey, Jamie Blackley, Sophie von Hasselberg, Ethan Phillips, Betsy Aidem drama with darK comedy rated r the Story: A burned-out philosophy professor gets a new lease on life when he decides to commit the “perfect murder” as a kind of twisted good deed. the Lowdown: Though it just misses being one of Woody Allen’s great films, this is still a worthwhile addition to his filmography and a must-see for admirers of the filmmaker.
fine arts tHeatre (232-1536) infinitely polar Bear (r) 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 irrational Man (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show 9:20 Mr. Holmes (pg) 1:20, 4:20
flatrocK cineMa (697-2463) a little chaos (r) 3:45, 7:00 (Closed Mon.)
regal BiltMore grande stadiUM 15 (6841298) United artists BeaUcatcHer (298-1234)
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
It’s summer and that means it’s not only time for this year’s Woody
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
carMiKe cineMa 10 (298-4452)
Allen film, but time for the usual crop of Allen bashers to bring out the usual attacks — and more than ever these are marked by what people think they know about Allen’s personal life. (Let us face it, all of us have an opinion on it, but that’s all it is.) Setting all that aside, what is one to make of his latest? There’s no denying that Irrational Man isn’t top drawer Woody Allen, but neither is it that far from it. His best film involving committing murder — exempting the mostly comedic Manhattan Murder Mystery (1994) and Scoop (2006) — remains the complex Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989). I know I’m supposed to admire Match Point (2005), but I don’t. While Irrational Man is no Crimes and Misdemeanors, it’s an intriguing work that is more than a little reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt (1943). Oh, I don’t mean in terms of plot, but of setting and atmosphere. (At the same time, the dynamic between Joseph Cotten and Teresa Wright in Hitchcock’s film and that of Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone here is almost identical.) Allen’s vision of an upscale Rhode Island university is no more realistic than Hitchcock’s backlot small-town America — and neither is meant to be anything other than the filmmakers’ personal visions
of such places. In both cases, the communities are depicted as enclosed hotbeds of gossip, and that gossip helps to drive the plot. Allen’s idea of college town gossip is more slanted toward dark comedy, or at least a different kind of comedy. Hitchcock’s film leaves most of its comedy to Hume Cronyn’s murderenthusiast character — approximated here by Ethan Phillips as Emma Stone’s father. Allen’s film is peppered with dark comedy from every corner. The story concerns Abe Lucas (Joaquin Phoenix), a philosophy professor whose reputation as a womanizer, a drunk, and an outspoken troublemaker precedes his arrival at the film’s fictional Braylin University. This might be seen as a downside to most, but to this enclosed and bored society, Abe’s reputation makes him just that more alluring — and affords him immediate celebrity status, especially with the ladies. But all this adoration — and its attendant promises of sex — counts for nothing with Abe, who is suffering from some kind of existential crisis that has, among other things, left him impotent. Unsurprisingly — given the ennui level of the university — this only makes him that much more interesting. Where most people would dismiss Abe as a self-absorbed jerk (or worse), the characters here — especially faculty member Rita (Parker Posey), who is bored with her life and her husband, and student Jill (Emma Stone), who is dazzled by his “tormented genius” quality (and whose own boyfriend is on the dull and doting side). Attempted dalliance with Rita changes nothing, nor does his (at first) scrupulously chaste friendship with Jill. What changes Abe is his decision to make the world a better place by removing a cruel judge via the “perfect murder.” It is this decision — and its execution — that cures Abe’s terminal malaise, along with his impotence. Of course, it also creates a very different set of problems, and that’s where the film becomes fascinating. Those are the mechanics of the plot, but they’re not what makes the story interesting. That has more to
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
do with the underlying moral questions this raises — for more than just Abe. And that “more” includes the viewer. (As in Allen’s other “murder” dramas, the victim is not likable.) What is perhaps even more interesting is that Allen has here made a film where the main character, Abe, is not played like a Woody Allen surrogate. There is nothing Allenesque in Joaquin Phoenix’s performance. Instead, that aspect surfaces in Emma Stone’s Jill — and she may just be Allen’s best onscreen alter ego. This isn’t by any means a great Woody Allen film, but it’s one with great things in it. Rated R for some language and sexual content. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@ mountainx.com
Vacation HH DIRECTOR: John Francis Daley & Jonathan M. Goldstein PLAYERS: Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Skyler Gisondo, Steele Stebbins, Chris Hemsworth RAUNCHY ROAD TRIP COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: A de facto sequel/ reboot to 1983’s Vacation, one that finds a father on a similar roadtrip with his family — and one with equally disastrous results. THE LOWDOWN: Despite the overreliance on body humor and general crassness running through the entirety of the film, the end result is a generally harmless (though wholly disposable) comedy.
Harold Ramis’ National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983) is, for quite specious reasons, considered a “classic” these days, a status based more on popularity and nostalgia than quality. The original Vacation is a pretty braindead, though likable, ’80s comedy that — for many thirty-somethings — was essential viewing as a kid. I was born the year the film came out and watched it numerous times growing up and — because of this — can admit that there are some iconic moments here and there. But again, this is solely due to familiarity and
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
has nothing to do with how the film was made. I say this because John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein’s reboot/remake of Ramis’ Vacation — aptly named, get this, Vacation — isn’t anything, on principle, to get worked up about. It’s yet another re-monkeying of an established franchise, and yet another obvious example of Hollywood’s inability to take chances. Many a tooth has been gnashed over this for years, so I won’t waste any more time on the notion, which leads us to discuss how good Vacation is. The short answer is not very. The slightly longer answer is that it’s better than it should be. The idea is that the character of Rusty Griswold (who’s been played by six different actors over the years, and is here played by Ed Helms), the son of the bumbling Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) has grown up, married and is raising a family. Unfortunately, his marriage is stale and his two sons (Skyler Gisondo, Night at the Museum: The Secret of the Tomb, and Steele Stebbins, A Haunted House 2) can’t get along. As a cureall, Rusty decides to retrace his childhood road trip to the theme park Walley World, which made up the plot of the original Vacation. Like the original, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. As expected, the film has heavy doses of references to the original film, almost to a crippling degree. Yes, most of the gags are cheeky reworkings, but they’re so pervasive that the film rarely feels original. That, I suppose, is no shock, but it reeks of a certain unoriginality and lack of true creativity. The rest of the comedy is built around boiling the human body down to nothing more than fluids and sexual appendages. This is, after all, a movie that showcased in its trailer a gag based around people swimming in fecal matter. What makes the film work in a limited capacity is that it does have some heart to it, not to mention an actual arc to its plot and some drive behind its storyline. The Griswolds — to an extent — are likable and their problems are tied up in satisfying, if not totally surprising, ways. While this isn’t the most ringing endorsement, we have here, at the bare minimum, a watchable movie that revels in its own crassness. Rated R for crude and sexual content and language throughout, and brief graphic nudity. Playing at Carolina Cinemas,
HHHHH = max rating Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther jsouther@ mountainx.com
Dark Places HHHS DIRECTOR: Gilles Paquet-Brenner (Sarah’s Key) PLAYERS: Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Sterling Jerins, Christina Hendricks, Corey Stoll, Tye Sheridan, Chloë Grace Moretz MYSTERY THRILLER RATED R THE STORY: The sole survivor of a mass murder 25 years ago is forced by circumstances to confront the truth of what happened. THE LOWDOWN: It may be little more than a convoluted — and fairly unpleasant — mystery thriller, but it’s largely effective and holds the interest.
I remember liking Gilles PaquetBrenner’s Sarah’s Key (2011) rather a lot, but remember nothing about it as filmmaking — a situation I expect to repeat itself with his Dark Places. I may remember that I cringed while watching the film’s very grainy (the kind of grain that looks like small worms writhing in the screen) opening in all its shaky-cam glory, but otherwise the direction never seemed more than workmanlike. The appeal of this film lies in its twisted — even somewhat distasteful — mystery, its performances and its shrewd sleight-of-hand structure. However, Paquet-Brenner did direct those performances and did write the screenplay (based on Gillian Flynn’s book), so some credit must go to him. Of course, the structure may be inherent in the book, though I suspect it works better on film. The mystery itself may be pretty improbable — all right, it is pretty improbable — but it mostly works, though you may well guess half of the solution early in the game (assuming you’ve seen a few movies like this and know that seemingly irrelevant information usually isn’t). Now, before you undertake Dark Places, it’s as well to know that this isn’t David Fincher’s Gone Girl
(2014), despite being based on a novel by the same author. It has a similar sour tone — a rather unpleasant view of humanity — but it lacks both Fincher’s precise filmmaking, and the element of social satire inherent in Gone Girl. This is more of a straightforward — if impossibly convoluted and unrelentingly grim — mystery thriller that verges on being a horror picture. The story concerns Libby Day (Charlize Theron), the lone survivor of a triple homicide that claimed her mother and two sisters 25 years earlier. She’s been living off the “kindness” of sympathetic strangers who sent scads of money her way when she was a child and the proceeds of a ghost-written book she’s never read about her experience. But the money’s run out — no one sends cash to 30-plus-year-old victims 25 years after the fact — and Libby finds herself reduced to agreeing to appear at a convention of true crime enthusiasts (the Kill Club). It’s much like a faded B-movie star signing photos at film convention for $15 a pop, only with creepier participants. What she’s completely unprepared for is that these people aren’t so much her fans as they are fans of her brother, Ben (played as a young man by Tye Sheridan and as an adult by Corey Stoll), whom they believe was falsely convicted and falsely imprisoned for the murders — falsely convicted on young Libby’s (Sterling Jerins) confused testimony. It is their mission to prove his innocence — they hope with her help. (As well as being true crime enthusiasts, they’re also amateur sleuths.) Satisfied that Ben did it, Libby wants nothing to do with the project, but they have money and she doesn’t. Or at least, their least peculiar member, Lyle Wirth (Nicholas Hoult), has some money and he’s willing to bankroll her enough to get her to dig into the past to find the truth. And therein lies the plot and the bulk of the movie — interspersed with flashbacks that slowly reveal what happened all those years ago. Overall, the film works as a thriller, but it’s a pretty grubby thriller in that none of the characters are very likable — the guilty and the innocent (to the degree that anyone in this can be called innocent). The most interesting aspect of this is that the characters are imbued with a sense of self-awareness as concerns their shortcomings. That at least gives the movie a certain illusion of depth — something that the performances help to convey. The tone may be a little off-putting, and the plot fairly
AUGUST 5 - AUGUST 11, 2015
Local film news
by Edwin Arnaudin
preposterous, but it’s still a compelling watch. Rated R for some disturbing violence, language, drug use and sexual content. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@ mountainx.com
Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation HHHS
director: Christopher McQuarrie (Jack Reacher) pLayerS: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Alec Badwin Spy action rated pG-13 the Story: The fifth installment in the Mission: Impossible series — is pretty much what you probably expect. puZZLinG: The documentary How to Draw a Bunny looks at the life and art of Ray Johnson. Pictured: the artist’s “Red Snakes,” circa 1980s. Copyright by the Ray Johnson Estate, courtesy of Richard L. Feigen & Co. • the Sierra club of wnc, the orange peel and mountaintrue join forces for a screening of the climate change documentary Merchants of Doubt on Thursday, Aug. 13, at 7:30 p.m. Based on the book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway, and directed by Academy Award nominee Robert Kenner (Food, Inc.), the film examines how spin doctors and media manipulators have successfully misled the public on various scientific topics for decades. The fully seated event, open to all ages, begins at 7 p.m.. Entry is free, but a $5 donation is suggested to support the screening’s co-sponsor organizations. theorangepeel.net • black mountain college museum + arts center closes out its nearly threemonth exhibition, Something Else Entirely: Ray Johnson, Dick Higgins and the making of The Paper Snake, with a screening of the documentary How to Draw a Bunny. john walter’s and andrew moore’s award-winning film tells the story of collage artist Johnson, whose death was shrouded in mystery and whose life and art remain intriguing puzzles. The real-life art riddle will be shown on Thursday, Aug. 20, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for BMCM+AC members and students with a valid ID and $8 for non-members. blackmountaincollege.org • new belgium brewing’s clips beer & film tour comes to Asheville on Friday, Sept. 4, at Pack Square Park’s Roger McGuire Green. Part of a 20-city, coast-tocoast extravaganza, the tour debuted in 2010. It has raised more than $520,000 for nonprofits nationwide and attracted over 35,000 people to local parks for a night of fan-created short films and beer tasting. Attendees are invited to bring low-sitting chairs or simply lounge on the grass for the free event, which starts at 7 p.m., with films beginning at 8:30 p.m. Seventeen beer varieties will be for sale — including brewery mainstays and some of the rarer entries from the Lips of Faith series — in 3-ounce samples, 12-ounce pours or cans. The beverages will be served by volunteers from Asheville on Bikes, the local beneficiary. Food from Gypsy Queen Cuisine, Avery’s Hot Dogs and Belly Up Truck will also be available. New Belgium is also teaming with asheville Greenworks, part of the brewery’s commitment to working with a local sustainability partner at each stop. This aspect of Clips Beer & Film has diverted more than 85 percent of event waste from landfills over the past five years. avl.mx/1dk Send your local film news to ae@mountainx.com X
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
the Lowdown: It’s certainly slick and often clever, but it’s also too long, and the spectacle of Cruise trying to prove that age has not dimmed his physical prowess gets pretty silly.
Though I’d watched the TV show when I was in high school, I’d never seen one of the movies. So after seeing the latest, Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation, I decided to watch Brian De Palma’s original 1996 film in the movie series. While De Palma’s film is better in almost every regard — starting with being 21 minutes shorter — the two films both have their plusses and minuses. The original is slick and fast-paced, but there are few aspects that suggest it’s a De Palma film. It has the advantage of not feeling it has to prove what a badass stuntman Cruise is, but the disadvantage of giving us Cruise — with a bad ’90s haircut — at his smirkiest. The new film — which follows the template of the original — benefits from having a less obnoxious Cruise. But it has a downside in that the 53-year-old Cruise insists on trying to convince he’s still as young and trim and fit as he was at 34. A very carefully posed and lit shirtless Cruise scene is only mildly risible, but his endless parading of derring-do stuntwork and leaping about just becomes funny. It falls somewhere between Cruise jumping on
Oprah’s couches about how gaga he was over Katie Holmes (well...) and watching Jack Palance doing one-arm push-ups on the Oscars. When he was 34, he was much less of a show-off — perhaps because he wasn’t trying to prove anything. Otherwise, Rogue Nation is a reasonably solid — but way too long — action/spy picture. The plot is basically an elaborate variation on the original film, but instead of just Ethan Hunt (Cruise) being disgraced and on the run, the whole I.M.F. (Impossible Mission Force) is under fire by C.I.A. bigwig Alan Hunley (Alec Baldwin), who is determined to shut them down. It could be said to be mostly Hunt’s fault, since much of the crisis hinges on his insistence on bringing down a secret terrorist force called The Syndicate — sort of his personal Moriarity — that no one else thinks exists. Apart from the presence of an agent, Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson), who may or not be a British agent pretending to work for Syndicate head Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) — and who functions as a remarkably chaste romantic interest for Hunt — that’s about it for the plot. It’s fine for a base on which to build the expected set-pieces. One of the set-pieces — an assassination at a performance of Turandot — is just plain brilliant. (Though whoever decided “Nessun Dorma” would make a great love theme for Hunt and Ilsa probably should have thought twice.) Others are mixed bags, and nearly all of them go on too long. A motorcycle chase that mostly serves to show off Cruise’s skill on a motorcycle could have been cut altogether. (At least the hokey CGI explosion might have been improved.) Overall, they’ll probably go over pretty well with fans of the series. The film does a good job of giving all the major supporting players — Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner, Ving Rhames — something worthwhile to do. For that matter, Sean Harris’ Solomon Lane is a pretty decent villain of the kind that would need to have an IQ of about 500, but can be undone by his very intellectual superiority. And Cruise and Ferguson make a nicely relaxed pair (perhaps because it only teases at a romance). All in all, it’s an OK picture that pulls off the not inconsiderable feat of being clever and largely brainless at the same
time. Rated PG-13 for sequences of action and violence, and brief partial nudity. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, and Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@ mountainx.com
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet HHHHH DIRECTOR: Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie) PLAYERS: Kyle Catlett, Helena Bonham Carter, Judy Davis, Callum Keith Rennie, Niamh Wilson, Jakob Davis, Dominique Pinon, Rick Mercer FANCIFUL COMEDY-DRAMA RATED PG THE STORY: An unusual, lonely 10-year-old runs away from home — and across the country — to accept a prize from the Smithsonian for inventing a perpetual motion machine. THE LOWDOWN: Make all possible haste to catch this magical film because it will only be around through Thursday. Everything about it is special.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s latest film The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet is the kind of movie that might have enjoyed a respectable life on the art house circuit. It’s really a wonderful film — everything you expect from Jeunet: playful filmmaking, a fanciful story, strange plot twists, delightfully eccentric characters and a lot more serious than it appears on the surface. But after sitting on it for more than a year the Weinsteins have just dumped it on the market with no promotion — mostly in secondrun theaters. Locally it’s booked for three shows a day (12, 4:40, 10 p.m.) at The Carolina. It will be gone by Friday. I urge you to make time in your schedule to catch it. The film is based on the novel The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
by American author Reif Larsen, and seems to have been a natural fit for Jeunet, since the book incorporates diagrams and footnotes — the sort of thing that’s perfect for the filmmaker’s style. It is, in fact, a marriage made in movie heaven. Plus, the story works for Jeunet as much as the style does. The title character, T.S. Spivet (Kyle Catlett), is a precocious 10-yearold misfit growing up in a dysfunctional household on a ranch in Montana. T.S. has a fraternal twin, Layton (Jakob Davies), who, as T.S. tells us, “got all the height,” while T.S. got the brains. They have an older sister, Gracie (Niamh Wilson), with ambitions of being an actress — or a singer or at least Miss Montana. The father (Callum Keith Rennie) is a taciturn out-ofhis-time cowboy who specializes in quietly drinking, watching John Wayne movies and not making eyecontact with T.S. (Layton is clearly the favored son). The mother, Dr. Clair (Helena Bonham Carter), is a self-absorbed entomologist — with a distracted style of parenting and almost supernatural knack for destroying pop-up toasters (hers mostly go up in flames). The dynamic of the family changes dramatically when Layton is killed in an accident with a gun in the barn — something only T.S. witnesses and knows the truth of, a situation that remains a constant undercurrent in the film. The plot mostly involves what happens when T.S. invents a perpetual motion machine and is asked by the staff at the Smithsonian (who have no idea he’s 10) to come to Washington to accept a prestigious award. Feeling more shut out by the rest of the family than usual, T.S. sets out to cross the country by hopping a freight train. This journey, the characters he meets on it and his experiences in D.C. make up the greater part of the film. The story is slight and some of it is rather obvious, but this is a film that is more about emotion and characters than about story. The focus is on our title character, his unnatural intelligence along with his deep-seated sense of loneliness and feeling out of place. But T.S. Spivet is also a film that is interested in the depths of the rest of the family — depths that are only slowly revealed over the course of the film with a surprisingly moving delicacy. It is a movie that’s at once heart-warming and heart-breaking. As filmmaking, it’s as amazing
and inventive as anything Jeunet has done, which is saying a great deal if you think back over his filmography. It’s not just that the film is wildly inventive — though it is — it’s also that it’s stunningly beautiful. Jeunet — making his second English language film and his first film set in America (often shot in Canada) — has turned the U.S. into a fabulous, almost luminous picture-book fantasy meant to resemble things seen on a stereoscopic Viewmaster — only better. This is simply a wonderful, very special film — one you should catch with all possible haste, since it won’t be around long. It’s been given a
shoddy release, but I can guarantee it will be on my Ten Best list at the end of 2015. Do not miss this. Rated PG for thematic elements, language and some reckless behavior. (Note: though rated PG, the film — at least in the British print I saw — drops two or three “F bombs.”) Playing at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@ mountainx.com
Be sure to read
‘Cranky Hanke’s Weekly reeler’ for comprehensive movie news every Tuesday afternoon in the Xpress online
Community Screenings
filM pUBlic liBrary screenings buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library • SA (8/8), 2pm - Throwback Theatre: The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. • TH (8/13), 2:30pm - Yes You May: The Story of Christopher’s Garden, documentary about Christopher Mello’s West Asheville garden. Free. Held at Skyland/ South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road Wnc sierra clUB 251-8289, wenoca.org • TH (8/13), 7:30pm - Merchants of Doubt, documentary on climate change. Admission benefits MountainTrue and the Sierra Club. $5. Held at Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave.
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
sPecIal screenIngs
Auntie Mame HHHH director: Morton DaCosta (The Music Man) pLayerS: Rosalind Russell, Forrest Tucker, Coral Browne, Fred Clark, Roger Smith, Patric Knowles, Peggy Cass comedy Rated NR First of all, it’s too long. Second, Auntie Mame is adapted from a play and it marked the film debut of theater director Morton DaCosta — both of which conspire to make it feel like canned theater. (The fact that it was made in the 1950s and in Cinemascope — or Technirama, which is the same thing — certainly adds to this.) But there’s no denying that this vaguely autobiographical tale of the original book’s author, Patrick Dennis, growing up with his eccentric aunt is undeniably full of bright, quot-
able dialogue and a generous — and nonconformist — spirit. It also affords Rosalind Russell, Coral Browne and Peggy Cass with iconic roles. Great filmmaking? Not in the least, but it’s still a lot of fun on its own terms. And it has simian value (see photo). The Hendersonville Film Society will show auntie mame Sunday, Aug. 9, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Breakfast on Pluto HHHHH director: Neil Jordan (The Crying Game) pLayerS: Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson, Ruth Negga, Stephen Rea, Gavin Friday, Brendan Gleeson comedy-drama Rated R Back before our current “information overload” era — which is to say 2005 — it was quite possible to walk into an awards-season critics’ screening and encounter a movie you’d never heard of and knew nothing about. Such a film was Neil Jordan’s Breakfast on Pluto — which I didn’t even know was a Neil Jordan picture till the credits came up. There is a delighted surprise (well, potentially) that goes with such experiences and I miss it. I had no clue this was a movie featuring Cillian Murphy as Patrick “Kitten” Brady, an essentially apolitical, good-natured drag queen who grew up in Ireland — near the border of Northern Ireland — in an era that didn’t much allow for being either apolitical or a drag queen. He’s also the illegitimate son of a priest (Liam Neeson) and his housekeeper. The film is built around Kitten’s search for his mother (he’s already figured out who his father is) — and his adventures, loves and losses during that search. It’s richly funny, deeply moving, beautifully made and brimming with a glorious soundtrack of early 1970s pop music. The Asheville Film Society will screen breakfast on pluto Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The Cat o’ Nine Tails HHHH director: Dario Argento pLayerS: Karl Malden, James Franciscus, Catherine Spaak, Pier Paolo Capponi horror myStery Rated PG An early Dario Argento film (his second), The Cat o’ Nine Tails (1971) is more mystery than outright horror — and its PG (originally GP) rating should clue you in on the fact that it doesn’t really qualify as a giallo. In fact, it’s closer to a German krimi than anything. But that doesn’t mean it’s not good or of interest as an Argento film. This — like many Italian films of the era — is one of those international productions built around an American star. In this case, we have two American stars — Karl Malden and James Franciscus. Malden plays a retired blind journalist (who creates crossword puzzles) who teams up with reporter James Franciscus to solve a series of murders that are somehow connected to some secret genetic research at a pharmaceutical company. Also, for an Argento picture, it’s surprisingly coherent — even if its premise is no more likely than usual. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen the cat o’ nine tails Thursday, Aug. 6 at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie HHHHH
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auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
director: Luis Buñuel pLayerS: Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig, Stéphane Audran, Paul Frankeur, Bulle Ogier SurreaL comedy fantaSy Rated R If you’ve never seen a Luis Buñuel film, it’s high time you did, and this 1972 Oscar winner about six middle-class people and their interrupted efforts to have a meal together is a good place to start. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie is more accessible than some of Buñuel’s work and might just change your mind about the whole concept of “art films” and surrealism as something incomprehensible or dry. Whatever else this film is, it’s anything but dry. Buñuel had the happy knack for mixing straight-up surrealism with a theaterof-the-absurd sensibility — and more than a little self-mockery — to make something unique in cinema. He made surrealism fun. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie Friday, Aug. 7 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
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restaUrant/ food 2 POSITIONS • ANNIE’S BaKery pacKing teaM packing team: Packing bread for delivery and quality control. Part-time position will assist packaging department during the peak hours of the afternoon. 2pm-7pm. Monday-Thursday. Approximately 20 hours. route driver: We are looking for an experienced route driver for a Full time position. Applicant should have experience with box-trucks, customer relations and expect to work Monday through Saturday. No phone calls. Email resume to finance@anniesbread.com APOLLO FLAME • WAITstaff Full-time. Fast, friendly, fun atmosphere. • Experience required. • Must be 18 years old. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. ASSISTANT MANAGER • servers Now accepting applications, 18 or older. Open Monday-Sunday, 11am10pm. • Apply in person: 2pm-4pm, Monday-Thursday, 1025 Brevard Road, across from Biltmore Square Mall. Please, no phone calls.apollo flame Bistro. papa JoHn's Weaverville noW Hiring Papa Johns is coming to Weaverville! We are currently hiring Delivery Drivers and In-House team members to join our locally owned and operated location. Please call 954-2941908 for more info. 954-2941908
servers & Hostess Now hiring. Apply in person: 2 Hendersonville Road, Biltmore Station, Asheville. 2527885. ichiban Japanese steak House
HUMan services adMissions coUnselor Red Oak Recovery, a young adult substance abuse treatment program in Leicester, NC, is seeking a highly qualified individual to assist families and individuals in the intake process. Qualified candidates will have two years of relevant work experience, a bachelor’s degree or higher, extensive knowledge of recovery industry, and a general knowledge of all office systems and operations. The position will require moving between several buildings throughout our large nonsmoking campus. Ability to communicate and work well with others in a fast paced environment is required. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. Please submit resume and cover letter including desired salary to jobs@redoakrecovery.com AUGUST 13 • HIRING event Youth Villages: Hiring Event. Youth Villages is a private non-profit that uses Multi Systemic Therapy (MST) to provide Intensive Counseling In-Home for at-risk youth and their families. We are seeking Family Counselors to provide MST out of our Asheville office. • We will be hosting a hiring event on Thursday, August 13 from 3pm-5pm. • For more information or to RSVP, please contact Aiden Spencer at 919-474-6366. availaBle iMMediateLY • DIRECT CARE POSItions Must have clean driving record, dependable and insured auto, exemplary background, and flexibility to work. Please contact Jeannie Aiken, Rescare HomeCare. EOE. 828-252-0891 or apply online at rescare.com
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • Meridian BeHavioral HealtH Jackson county: psychiatric nurse - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT). Seeking a psychiatric nurse with 2 years of psychiatric nursing experience to join our Jackson County Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience a
service that really works! clinician - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT). Seeking an energetic and passionate individual to join the Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience an enhanced service that really works! Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/license-eligible. certified Medical assistant (cMa) Jackson/Macon Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. clinician – offender services Meridian is seeking a therapist to be a member of a multi-disciplinary treatment team, providing assessment, individual and group therapy services to sex offenders and their non-offending partners within a structured Sexual Abuse Intervention Program (SAIP) and to domestic violence abusers and their families within a structured Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP). Prior clinical experience working with sexual offenders and an understanding of the dynamics of sexual deviance strongly preferred as well as familiarity with relevant research literature, clinical assessments, procedures and methods, particularly those designed for sexual offenders. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and the ability to establish rapport and maintain objectivity with a criminal or forensic population is a necessity. Masters Degree in a human services field and licensure as a Professional Counselor or Clinical Social Worker or Psychological Associate is required. At least one year of supervised clinical experience is required, preferably in a community mental health center setting. Services provided in Haywood, Jackson, and Cherokee County. Haywood county: clinician, team leader - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT). We are seeking a passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to oversee our Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT), which serving Jackson, Macon and Swain counties. ACTT is an evidence-based, multi-disciplinary, community-based service which supports individuals with severe psychiatric disorders in remaining in the community and experiencing mental health recovery. We have a deep commitment to our ACTT services because, over the years, we have seen that is a service that truly makes a difference in the lives of the people that struggle the most with mental health
challenges. Our ACTT staff have been known to describe the work as the “hardest job that you will ever love”. Come be part of our rural team and experience if for yourself! Master’s Degree in Human Services Required, One Year Experience with Adults with Mental Health, Substance Abuse or Development Disability Required. Macon county: clinician - recovery education center (rec) Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to join our Macon County Recovery Education Center. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. transylvania county clinician – child and family services Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist for an exciting opportunity to serve youth and their families through individual and group therapy, working primarily out of the local schools. agency-Wide: employment support professional (esp) The ESP functions as part of a team that implements employment services based on the SE-IPS model. The team’s goal is to support individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment I the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. The ESP is responsible for engaging clients and establishing trusting, collaborative relationships that result in the creation of completion of individualized employment goals. The ESP will support the client through the whole employment process and provide a variety of services at each state to support the individual in achieving their employment goals. peer support specialist (pace) Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. clinician – Peers Assisting in Community Engagement (PACE). Clinician will be providing ongoing therapy with individuals and clinical support to the peer support team. The position will involve travel and community-based work in multiple counties. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are required. PACE provides structured and scheduled activities for adults age 18 and older with a diagnosis of Mental Health and Substance Use disorders. •
For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org faMily preservation services of nc, inc. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services. Seeking fully/ associate licensed professionals to work with children/ adults. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes to Crystal Simpson (csimpson@ fpscorp.com). 828-225-3100 csimpson@fpscorp.com 828225-3100 csimpson@fpscorp. com http://www.fpscorp.com/ fps-home.html fUll-tiMe day treatMent Qp A Caring Alternative, LLC is seeking an individual interested in serving as a F/T Child QP in a Day Treatment classroom in Buncombe County. Prefer candidates with documented experience with the child mental health population. Email detailed resume to opportunities@caringalternative.com. fUll-tiMe intensive inHoMe teaM leader A Caring Alternative, LLC is seeking a licensed or provisionally licensed clinician to serve as Intensive In-Home Team Leader in Marion, NC. Must have one year of documented experience with the child mental health population. Must be willing to travel within surrounding counties. Email detailed resume to opportunities@caringalternative.com. HelpMate seeKs BilingUal coUnselor Post Helpmate, Inc., a domestic violence agency in Asheville, NC, seeks Bilingual Counselor (p/t) to provide individual and group therapy plus psychoeducational programming to survivors of domestic violence. Candidates must have Master’s degree and be licensed/ license-eligible and must be fluent in English and Spanish. Bicultural applicants and individuals with prior experience serving trauma victims and/or training/certification in evidence-based therapy techniques are strongly preferred. Email resume and cover letter by August 14 to helpmateasheville@gmail.com. www. helpmateonline.org HelpMate seeKs prograM director Helpmate, a domestic violence agency in Asheville, NC, seeks Program Director to oversee direct service programming, supervise staff and form positive community relationships. Candidates must have Bachelor’s degree, 3 years’ experience with domestic violence victim advocacy and 3 years’ experience with staff supervision. Strong communication, organizational, and time management skills required. Diverse candidates encouraged to apply. Fluency in Spanish, Russian, Moldovan or Ukrainian is incentivized. Email resume
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
FreeWIll astrology
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Charles de Lint is a novelist whose stories are influenced by folklore, myths, and science fiction. In his book Yarrow, a wizardly character named Toby is skilled at conjuring. He can make small objects appear and disappear, for example. But Toby yearns for more. I want to be magic," he says. "I want to be a friend of elves and live in a tree. I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the stars sing. I don’t want to pretend at magic anymore. I want to be magic." If you have ever wished for a comparable upgrade, Aries, now is an unusually favorable time to work on it. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): An imaginative Welsh man named Liam Bennett has developed a "dausage," which is a blend of a doughnut and sausage. One of his most requested treats is pork meat stuffed with strawberry jelly. Even if this novel blend doesn't appeal to your taste buds, it serves as a good prompt for my advice: The coming weeks will be a favorable time to expand your notion of what types of nourishment are fun and healthy for you. I mean that in the metaphorical as well as the literal sense. Experiment with new recipes, both with the food you provide your body and the sustenance you feed your soul. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the woods, living matter isn't segregated from the decaying stuff. Rotting tree trunks are host to teeming colonies of moss. Withered stems of ferns mingle with cheerful saplings. Audacious mushrooms sprout up among scraps of fallen leaves. The birds and beetles and lizards and butterflies don't act as if this mix is weird. They seem to be at peace with it. I suspect they thrive on it, even exult in it. That's the spirit I suggest you adopt as you enjoy the paradoxical mélange of your life in the coming weeks, Gemini. Celebrate the mysterious magic that emerges as you simultaneously fade and flourish, decline and increase, wind down and rise up. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Here are some tips on being the best Cancerian you can be: 1. Cultivate your sensitivity as a strength. Regard your emotional vulnerability as a superpower. 2. Nurture yourself at least as much as you nurture others. 3. Learn to know the difference between your golden hunches and the glimmering delusions that your demons stir up. 4. Be kind, but don't be exorbitantly nice. 5. Remember that others' unhappiness is rarely your fault or responsibility. 6. Keep reinventing the way you love yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It's time to leave behind the golden oldies. You'd be wise to tiptoe away from tradition, and give the ghosts of the past one last kiss goodbye, and wean yourself from nostalgia for the good old days. Frankly, my dear, you've got numerous appointments with the future, and it would be a shame to miss them because you're mucking around with memories. In the coming weeks — for that matter, in the coming months -you're most likely to thrive if you become an agent of change. And the most important thing to change is your relationship to the person you used to be. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In Indonesia, the term gotong-royong is defined as the "joint bearing of burdens." In practice it means that you and I and our allies get together voluntarily to help each other achieve a shared goal. It may also be an agreement to provide mutual aid: I help you do what you need to have done, and you help me with my task. Gotong-royong also implies that we enjoy working together. The emotional tone that we cultivate is affection and care. By sharing a burden, we lighten the load that each of us has to bear. I bring this to your attention, Libra, because it's the gotong-royong season for you and yours. Be the ringleader who initiates and sustains it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In one of his poems, Jack Gilbert mentions "the incurably sane," who are "uncrippled by beauty" and "unbutchered by love." When I read those lines, I felt a surge of protest. Is there a single person on the earth who fits that description? No! I was miffed by such starry-eyed idealism. Later, though, as I studied the astrological omens for you Scorpios, my attitude softened. I
auGuSt 5 - auGuSt 11, 2015
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “What are the best things and the worst things in your life, and when are you going to get around to whispering or shouting them?” This question was posed by Leo author Ray Bradbury in his book Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity. Even if you’re not a writer yourself, you will benefit from responding to his exhortation. It’s one of the best things you could possibly do to activate your dormant creativity and intensify your lust for life. This is one of those times when working with your extremes is not only safe and healthy, but also fun and inspirational. So do it, Leo! Get excited and expressive about the best and worst things in your life.
realized that the coming weeks may be a time when many of you will at least temporarily be incurably sane, uncrippled by beauty, and unbutchered by love. If you're one of these lucky ones, please use your blessed grace to spread an abundance of blessed grace everywhere you go. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If you're not skirting the edges of the forbidden zone, you're playing it too safe. If you're not serving as a benevolent mischief-maker for someone you care about, you're shirking your duty. Your allegiance should be with X-factors and wild cards. You will thrive to the degree that you cultivate alliances with mavericks and instigators. Are you shrewd enough to mess with time-tested formulas? Are you restless enough to rebel against habits that stifle your curiosity? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): How to be a Capricorn, according to my Capricorn reader Sadie Kennedy: When you are younger, take yourself too seriously. Look and act older than you actually are as you serve what's most practical. Sacrifice fun and frivolity, working doggedly to achieve the goals you yearn for, until you reach some level of accomplishment. Then realize, as if struck by a thunderbolt, that fun and frivolity have practical value. Begin to age backwards like Benjamin Button as you balance work with play and discipline with leisure. Enjoy the fruits of your intense efforts as everyone tells you how relaxed and supple and resilient you are becoming. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cracking open the shell of a soft-boiled egg is a tricky task. You must be firm enough to break the shell, but sufficiently gentle to avoid making a mess. If you live in Germany, you have access to a metal instrument that provides just the right measure of soft force. It's called an Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher, translated as "soft-boiled egg shell cracker." Your assignment in the coming weeks is to cultivate a talent that is metaphorically similar to an Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher. I believe you will need that blend of sensitivity and power on numerous occasions. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Americans often regard Cuba as impoverished and backwards. There is an element of truth in their prejudice, primarily because the U.S. has imposed a stifling embargo on the Caribbean nation for over 50 years. That's why, for example, many Cubans drive cars that were manufactured in the 1950s. But I wonder how my fellow citizens would respond if they knew that in some ways Cuba's healthcare system is better than America's. The World Health Organization recently congratulated Cuba for being the first country on earth to eradicate the transmission of syphilis and HIV from mothers to babies. Can you identify a metaphorically similar situation in your personal life, Pisces? Are there people you regard as inferior or undeveloped who could teach you an important lesson or motivate you to grow? Now is a perfect time to benefit from their influence.
and cover letter by August 14 to helpmateasheville@ gmail.com. www.helpmateonline.org MEDIATOR/FACILITATOR • Mediation center The Mediation Center has openings for a full-time Henderson County Mediator/Facilitator. For job descriptions and application instructions, please visit our website at www.mediatewnc.org rn-fUll-tiMe Medicating nUrse Mountain Area Recovery Center is growing and we are currently seeking an RN to work full-time as a medicating nurse at the Clyde facility. Early morning hours required. Criminal background check required for all final candidates. EOE. Please e-mail resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp.com or fax to 828.252.9512, ATTN: RHONDA INGLE. marc-otp. com marc-otp.com seeKing alternative faMily living providers Adult Family Living Opportunities in the Asheville Area: Provide foster care for a person with developmental disabilities in your home and be rewarded with the satisfaction that comes with improving another person's life while earning a living for yourself. Applicant must have a HS Diploma or GED; experience in a mental health field preferred. For more information or an application call HomeCare Management Corporation at (828) 247-1700. seeKing BeHavioral tecHnicians Behavioral Technician to provide Developmental Therapy and respite for a 9 yr. old boy in Asheville area, 3-4 days a week Afternoons, and some weekends, approx. 13.5 hrs a week. Additionally, for 2 adult males, Asheville and Fairview 3 hrs/week each. Call HomeCare Management Corporation at 828-247-1700 or visit www.homecaremgmt. org.
seeKing ft/prn residential coUnselors Eliada Homes is looking for caring, patient people motivated to work with children and teens! Full and part-time positions are considered entry level. Working as a team and the ability to handle a high pressure environment are essential. Previous experience a plus, but not required. All new counselors must complete two weeks of full-time training and observation including First Aid/CPR and de-escalation techniques before working with students. To apply visit www.eliada.org/employment/current-openings
episcopal diocese seeKs yoUtH Missioner The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, located in Asheville, is seeking an energetic, creative and Christ-centered Youth Missioner for our diocese. This person will take responsibility for organizing, empowering and networking within the diocese in support of the youth ministries located in Western North Carolina. Experience as a youth minister and community organizer are a must. Please send resume, a list of three professional references and a cover letter explaining experience and interest in position to the Rev. Milly Morrow at milly@ allsoulscathedral.org and cc Sue Schwein at sschwein@ diocesewnc.org. For full job description, visit www.diocesewnc.org. fUndraising director Mountain Housing Opportunities Fundraising Director. Visit www.mtnhousing.org/ jobs for more information. 828-254-4030. prograM directorsUWs of tHe carolinas SUWS of the Carolinas/Phoenix Outdoor is currently looking for a passionate, innovative leader with experience working with “at-risk” youth and program development to become our Program Director. We are a wilderness therapy company that operates in the Pisgah National Forest, part of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, and serves youth and adolescents ages 10-17. The Program Director is a pivotal member of our leadership team and oversees all aspects of the program. This includes managing day to day operations of the field and logistics departments, collaborating with other department managers to ensure quality programing, supervising staff, management of USFS permits and usage, providing leadership and growth plans for team members, oversee academics, oversee risk and safety, transportation and vehicle management, recruiting, hiring, and training staff. Minimum of 2 years supervisory experience required. Minimum of 2 years Wilderness Therapy program experience required. Bachelor’s Degree required in human services, teaching or business. Master’s degree preferred. Must pass a background check and drug screen. Must have a valid driver’s license and good driving record. Ability to lift up to 50 pounds. Extensive walking and hiking may be required. SUWS of the Carolinas offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Submit resume to Kevin Scarbrough at kscarbrough@suwscarolinas.com suwscarolinas.crchealth.com
teacHing/ edUcation
professional/ ManageMent environMental JUstice organizer/researcHer, asHeville Progressive statewide non-profit seeks full time organizer/researcher with some experience, science or health background and strong commitment to social justice for statewide advocacy on water and energy issues, local and regional organizing. Email hope@ cwfnc.org for full description and application requirements. Deadline August 20.
acadeMy Mentor staff Wanted Mentor Staff Wanted: The Academy at Trails Carolina, a year-round experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County North Carolina, is seeking
passionate and energetic individuals to join its student life staff. Academy Mentor Staff coordinate with the Director of Student Life to create and facilitate integrated and experiential resident life programming for Academy students. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, letters of reference, and any pertinent wilderness certifications (WFR, CPR, etc.) to jobs@ trailsacademy.com www.trailsacademy.com after scHool associate Part-time, $10/hour. Qualified applicants must be at least 18 years old, creative, energetic, dependable and experienced with children grades K-8. Duties include planning and leading activities, child supervision and homework assistance. Must be available 3pm-6 pm, Monday-Friday and some Wednesdays, 12-6pm. Other schedules will be considered on a substitute basis. Please email your cover letter and resume to: resumes@ artspacecharter.org with email subject heading “After School Associate.”
interested in WorKing at a-B tecH? Full-Time, Part-Time and Adjunct Positions available. Come help people achieve their dreams! Apply for open positions at https://abtcc.peopleadmin. com
MatHeMatics teacHer Wanted The Academy at Trails Carolina, a year-round experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County North Carolina, is seeking a Licensed Mathematics Teacher to join its faculty. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, NC teaching license, 3 letters of reference, and any pertinent wilderness certifications (WFR, CPR, etc.) to nduncan@trailsacademy.com www.trailsacademy.com seeKing early edUcation professional teacHer Bell’s School for People Under Six is seeking a full time early education professional teacher for classroom teaching position. Bell’s School is known for small group size and low student teacher ratio with a focus on lower classroom stress and positive teacher/child relationships. Applicants must be able to write and execute a lesson plan that follows appropriate curriculum. Must have at least an associate’s degree in early education or related field or NC Early Education Credentials and willingness to continue education. Pay based on education & experience. tHird grade teacHer ArtSpace Charter School is hiring a Third Grade Teacher for the 2015-16 school year. Applicants Must have a current North Carolina teaching license in Elementary
Education. • Previous experience as a lead teacher is highly preferred. Applicants must be willing to work in a collaborative, integrated, experiential environment. Knowledge of the arts and arts integration strategies is preferred but not required. • Please send resumes and cover letters to: resumes@ artspacecharter.org with the subject heading “Third Grade Teacher”.
BUsiness opportUnities Help Wanted! Make $1000 a week! Mailing Brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. www.nationalmailers.com (AAN CAN)
career training airline careers Begin Here Get started by training as a FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800725-1563 (AAN CAN) earn $500 a day As Airbrush Makeup Artist For: Ads • TV • Film • Fashion • HD • Digital. 35% Off Tuition - One Week Course. Taught by top makeup artist & photographer. Train and Build Portfolio. Models Provided. Accredited. A+ Rated. AwardMakeupSchool.com (818) 980-2119 (AAN CAN)
coMpUter/ tecHnical
WeBMaster/ developer Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to continue the evolution of our online presence. You must have: 1) Excellent web development skills (PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, RWD) with at least 2 years of professional experience; 2) Strong problem solving skills with the ability to work independently; 3) Ability to manage inhouse and outsourced projects; 4) Willingness to be a team player; 5) Commitment to a locally focused, socialmedia-engaged outlet. The ideal candidate will have WordPress development experience (templating, custom post types, taxonomies, widgets, hooks & actions), the ability to write custom database queries, as well as modify existing custom PHP applications. You will also need experience managing a LAMP infrastructure with high-availability principles. Salary based on experience and skill, with benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress' mission and needs, and why you'd like to work with us) and resume to: web-coordinator@mountainx.com. No phone calls please.
Hotel/ Hospitality JoB fair at tHe renaissance asHeville Hotel The Renaissance Asheville Hotel will be hosting a Job Fair on Thursday, August 6. We are seeking to fill a number of key positions and we are looking for excited, enthusiastic people to join our team. Come join us in The
Alexander Room 10 AM to 3 PM to learn about the positions we have available. EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER, SOUS CHEF, BANQUET COOK, BANQUET SERVER/BARTENDER (ON CALL), HOUSEKEEPER/ROOM ATTENDANT (PART TIME AND FULL TIME), RESTAURANT SERVERS, DISHWASHER, GUEST SERVICE/FRONT DESK AGENT, PARKING LOT ATTENDANT http://www.renaissanceasheville.com/ renaissance asHeville Hotel JoB openings The RENAISSANCE ASHEVILLE HOTEL is seeking to fill the following positions: Guest Service/Front Desk Agent, Banquet Waitstaff - On call, Banquet Cook, Room Attendants (part time and full time), Dishwasher, Parking Lot Attendant, Sous Chef, PM Waitstaff (Writer's Bistro). Applications are accepted online only. For further information and to apply for any of these positions go to WWW. WCGHOTELS.COM and select CAREERS.
retail BooKseller/sales associate needed Position requires skills in multi-tasking, attention to detail, lifting boxes, and advanced people skills. Some nights/weekends. Must have experience in either retail, bookselling, customer service or all. Send resume Ftnhead1@att.net
services aUdio/video disH tv Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 months) Save! Regular Price $34.99. Ask about Free same day Installation! Call now! 888-992-1957 (AAN CAN).
entertainMent get caBle tv, internet & pHone WitH free Hd Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call now! 855602-6424 . (AAN CAN)
organizational the ideal assistant Home & Office Organized & Efficient Carly 828.595.6063 TheIdealAssistant.com idealassistant1111@gmail.com
transportation Best Medical transportation services David’s Transportation Services for elderly and physically disabled, non emergency transportation anywhere in the USA. Certified Nursing Assistant and Spanish translator available. Part-Time Drivers Wanted. For more information please contact 828-215-0715 or 828-505-1394. www.cesarfamilyservices.com
HoMe iMproveMent general services JM reid cUstoM HoMe reModeling Specializing in Kitchens and Baths, PreFinished Hardwood floors, Decks, Additions, Trim. Insured. 41 years experience. (828) 550-0585
Handy Man HIRE A HUSBAND • HANDYMan services Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
Moving Hate Moving? We can Help "I had a tough move. Billy and his team worked unceasingly with positive attitudes. There were no surprises or hidden charges. I highly recommend them." Mya M. • Call: (828) 713-7998. Wnc Mountain Movers
annoUnceMents annoUnceMents good Wood pizza ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www.goodWoodpizzaovens.com pregnant? tHinKing of adoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)
legal notices notice of UnclaiMed property The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department: electronic equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous items. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property has 30 days from the date of this publication to make a claim. Unclaimed items will be disposed of according to statutory law. Items will be auctioned on www.propertyroom.com. For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section, 828-232-4576. notice of disposition The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department tagged for disposition: audio and video equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous. Items will be disposed of 30 days from date of this posting.
the neW yorK tImes crossWord Puzzle
Across 1 With 68-Across, release philosopher John Stuart from cryonic suspension? 5 Not one, colloquially 9 With 66-Across, slow learner in the litter? 14 Abu Simbel’s waterway 15 “Hmm …” 16 “Cleanup on ___ 4” (store announcement) 17 Hybrid fruit 18 ___ butter (moisturizer) 19 Slacker 20 Turkey servings for the famished? 23 Flanged construction beam 24 Sportscaster Berman 25 Mandela’s org. 28 Minimal poker draw 31 Poker draw follow-up, often 34 Order to attack 36 Sob syllable 37 First name at Woodstock 38 Quadrennial competition for hitchhikers? 42 Home run swings 43 Numeral atop a face classes & WorKsHops
tHe painting experience WeeKend WorKsHop Experience the power of process painting as described in the groundbreaking book Life, Paint & Passion: Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression. August 21-23 at the Asheville Art Museum at Pack Place. Phone: (415) 4886880 Email: info@processarts.com Website: www. processarts.com
Mind, Body, spirit BodyWorK
44 Classical column style 11 Capri, e.g. 12 G ___ 45 Sharpton and Roker 46 Toon tots of ’90s-’00s 13 Start to “plunk” TV 21 Eniwetok blaster, informally 49 Author LeShan 22 The Jetsons’ son 50 Like cardinals 25 “Per ardua ad ___” 51 Court units 53 TV critic’s approval of 26 Zero, to Nero a show’s opening tune? 27 Features of many bras 29 Gospel group 60 Copy, in a way 61 “Casablanca” heroine 30 Web giant 62 Online read, for short 31 Pickling need 32 Charlton Heston title 63 “Such a shame” 64 Bank-protecting agcy. role 33 Opera that premiered 65 Copland’s “Laurie’s
Song,” e.g. 66 See 9-Across 67 Something that has low stakes? 68 See 1-Across
Down 1 Flanged fastener 2 Weather forecast figure 3 “For ___ care …” 4 Consider carefully 5 Yokohama auto giant 6 How things may drift 7 Boater’s hazard 8 Wine datum 9 Followed, as a suspect 10 Used as cover 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. • $33/ hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com Healing and intUitive Massage Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offers $50/hr massage in downtown on Saturday/weekdays. Swedish, Deep, Hot Stones and Reiki Energy Healing. 7 years with Reiki. Find inner peace. Call 828279-7042 or ashevillehealer.com
retreats sHoJi spa & lodge • 7 DAYS A WEEK Day & Night passes, cold plunge, sauna, hot tubs, lodging, 8 minutes from town, bring a friend or two, stay the day or all evening, escape & renew! Best massages in Asheville 828-299-0999
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