Mountain Xpress 08.12.15

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august 12 - august 18, 2015


august 12 - august 18, 2015


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august 12 - august 18, 2015

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cARtoon BY RAnDY MoLton Nix development restrictions to solve affordable housing crisis

Track history of affordable housing problem

There IS a silver bullet that could end the housing shortage in Asheville! I just finished reading “Triumph of the City,” by Edward Glaeser, in which he states the differences between successful cities and those that are declining. Regarding housing costs, the answer is simple: supply and demand. That is, where builders are not restricted by local laws or misplaced environmental concerns, they build lots of houses and the prices are low because of lots of supply (for example, Houston, Texas). Where NIMBYs fight for restrictions on housing development, builders build few homes and they turn out to be expensive because of demand (for example, New York City and California). So, if housing development restrictions in Asheville could be done away with, there would soon be ample housing for all at affordable prices. Can politicians and their wealthy constituents muster the will to overturn many of the local restrictions? Possibly not, therefore the NIMBYs will remain in control, and housing will remain expensive in Asheville. — Lowell Smith Asheville

First, a little background about myself … [I am] 80 years old, and [after] dropping out of high school, I became a carpenter, which led me to become a successful, licensed general contractor in the state of Florida. My heyday in construction was from the mid-’60s, to the ’80s. That is when buildings were very much affordable. I saw over the years so much unnecessary requirements by local and federal governments that of course added to the cost of construction. Which was passed on to the consumers. I am retired but talk to people still in the construction business, and they all say it is out of control again for unnecessary requirements. One basic proof of this, after the Second [World] War, my dad wanted a home built and could not find help, so he took it on himself to build his one and only house before even a permit or building inspectors were required as they are today. After 66 years, and through many hurricanes, that same house is still standing on the coastline and in great condition. I read your article [“The Quest for Affordable Housing: Local Experts Weigh in on Asheville’s Housing

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august 12 - august 18, 2015


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excerpts from this writing, with comments attached as interpreted by some contemporary writers: “Children of the poor could be sold into a meat market at the age of one, he argues, thus combating overpopulation and unemployment, sparing families the expense of child-bearing while providing them with a little extra income, improving the culinary experience of the wealthy, and contributing to the overall economic well-being of the nation. Swift suggests some recipes for preparing this delicious new meat, and he feels sure that innovative cooks will be quick to generate more. He also anticipates that the practice of selling and eating children will have positive effects on family morality: husbands will treat their wives with more respect, and parents will value their children in ways hitherto unknown. His conclusion is that the implementation of this project will do more to solve Ireland’s complex social, political, and economic problems than any other measure that has been proposed.” While that is a bit extreme, what if we were to send unwanted pets to the proposed Buncombe County meat-processing plant? They could kill, butcher, then cook the dog/cat parts, eventually packaging these and selling the resulting meat products back to the many pet stores in the area. This, of course, would not only be the epitome of recycling, but would be “dog food” or “cat food” in its most literal form! I’ll close with a favorite quote: “The greatest power a person possesses is the power to choose.” — Steve Longenecker Asheville

Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

Crisis,” July 29, Xpress] plus the four contributing people’s thoughts. And not one mentioned … how did this problem come about. Not only with the housing problems, but also in many other areas — such as health, schooling, insurance … that we have today — let’s start asking how this problem came about and not just throw more money to try to correct the mess we are in today. So in summary, let’s find out what went wrong and fix that problem, not ask for free help, discount material costs and any public or government assistance, but rather look at the real problem on how this happened … — Frank G Richert IV Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

Take a page from Swift in butchery issue Five, wonderfully written letters in a recent issue of your paper! I was impressed with the last letter [“Eating Meat is Bad for Animals, You and our Planet,” July 29, Xpress] in which Ann Green remarked that we would be horrified to hear of people killing/eating dogs and cats, something done in other parts of the world. Let me take that thought one step further. Jonathan Swift, perhaps the greatest satirist in the English language, wrote an essay entitled “A Modest Proposal.” Here are some

Ethical meat is a profitable oxymoron


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august 12 - august 18, 2015

I was appalled at the glorification of butchers in “The Art of Butchery: An Ancient Craft is Reborn in Asheville” in the July 15-21 issue [of Xpress]. A butcher is a skilled tradesperson, much like a pipefitter or welder. “Ethical meat” and “process animals respectfully” are oxymorons used by those who wish to profit from the public’s increasing awareness of the horrors involved in confined agricultural feedlot operations (CAFOs), otherwise known as factory farms. The marketing tactic of “happy meat” appeals to those who consider themselves compassionate and environmentally conscious. However, if we examine what is behind this marketing ploy, we see a different picture. Regardless of an animal’s living arrangements while alive, a “free-

range” animal and a CAFO animal endure the same fate: an early and brutal end to their lives. They are killed as they approach adolescence and are not yet fully grown. At the slaughterhouse, cows are shackled by one leg and hauled up into the air, upside down, along the assembly line. They are terrified and conscious while their throats are slit, their legs hacked off, and they are skinned. Webster’s synonyms for slaughter include bloodbath, carnage, murder, death, holocaust and massacre. In both cases, the animals are commodified, that is, they are converted into objects used and consumed for the purpose of making a profit. This commodification does not respect the inherent dignity and worth of the animals. No one who consumes meat can consider himself/herself a committed environmentalist. As U.N. scientists discovered several years ago, animal agriculture is the No 1 source of greenhouse gas impact, far greater than that contributed by all modes of transportation. Production of food for a diet based on grains, nuts, vegetables and fruits uses several times less energy and water and creates vastly less pollution than a diet based on meat, milk, and eggs. Furthermore, Washington State researchers found that “pound-forpound, beef produced with grain produces significantly less greenhouse gas emissions than grass-fed beef. A grain diet is more easily digestible than the cellulose fibers of grass, producing less methane.” According to this research, it takes 226 more days for grass-fed cattle to reach market weight than grain-fed cattle, meaning that each pound of grass-fed beef requires 45 percent more land, 76 percent more water, 49 percent more feed, all while generating 51 percent more manure and 42 percent more carbon emissions. In short, no form of animal agriculture is sustainable, and all are contributing to the environmental catastrophe we are facing. The term “ethical meat” belongs in the same category as “ethical child abuse” and “ethical torture.” It is a mythical concept! — Robbie Coleman Asheville

Appropriate mental health care can protect community I would like to have an open and honest dialogue on community mental health and mass killings by people

with mental health problems … I am a retired community mental health therapist with over 25 years of experience in the community and private psychiatric hospitals, so have some knowledge in the area. … If we had an honest dialogue, we would conclude that appropriate mental health care for even the most severely ill could drastically reduce the instances of these events. But there is a cost and that is where this discussion always ends. As a society, we refuse to pay the price for adequate services in proven models of treatment; in fact, mental health care is often the first to be cut when we cut budgets. … For individuals with the most significant illnesses, treatment must be intensive … [and] MUST include the newest, most appropriate, proven medication …. It must include monitoring of the individual on an ongoing basis … Treatment must address issues of desocialization, isolation, stigma, housing and community integration. … We must use appropriate treatment methods (evidencebased practices) on the appropriate populations and not add on other populations in an effort to reduce the per-consumer cost. We must allow therapists latitude to use their judgment and specific skill sets to assist consumers in their recovery. We also have to understand that intensive treatment means some smaller caseloads and get away from the notion that we can set “managed care” rates and time limitations on the most severely impaired if we are to have any hope of returning them to community functioning. We must have modern, adequate and available inpatient hospitals and treatments for individuals in need of periods away from the public. We need a public willing to employ these people as part of their recovery. We must know that consumers can recover, relapse and recover again and be there to support them. All of this is expensive, but we are currently unwilling to pay the necessary price for adequate care that could offer some additional protection to our communities. ... [U]ntil we are willing to provide adequate funding and professionals to provide these intensive services, we are simply doomed to see ongoing images of police standing around outside a theater or school with blue lights flashing, and the bewildered-looking announcer wondering about the root causes of another unthinkable act. — Michael E. Beech Asheville

Editor’s note: A longer version of Mr. Beech’s letter appears online at

West Asheville burglars destroy neighborhood’s charm Everyone talks about how West Asheville is the up-and-coming place to live. The houses go on the market for a day before they are sold. Many families and young adults walk the streets. My husband and I are one of the many enjoying our time in West Asheville with all it has to offer. I’m seven months pregnant and [in] walkable distance to Carrier Park. Everything is great. Or so we thought. In the last month, there have been 10 robberies on or around our street, with thousands of stolen goods. The thieves are caught then released less then a week later. Our house got hit hard. My husband came home, and the robbers were still in the house. We got fingerprints from a window. They live two blocks from us, and nothing has been done. I have been left pregnant, sad and violated in my home. A few

CAR T O O N B Y B R E N T B R O W N other neighbors who have been robbed a month ago have already moved out so more victims can move into that home. ... We no longer want to live in West Asheville. For the residents of this area, be aware and take extra precautions. — Daphne Cave Asheville

Thanks, LEAF, for new community tradition Having the unique vantage point of working the cart for Spiritex, I had the opportunity to engage several tourists about the wonder-filled event that was LEAF Downtown AVL. After encouraging several to check out the festivities, I had more than a few come back and thank me for the recommendation. One in particular mentioned how lucky we are to have an organization that does such vital work in the community and how needed similar efforts are elsewhere. Personally, my best takeaway from the event was how it brought such an eclectic, diverse group of people together. Overall, I’m extremely grateful for the phenomenally positive energy, cultural enrichment and platform for our great community that LEAF [Community

Arts] brought to downtown [on the Aug. 1-2] weekend. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Jennifer Pickering for your leadership through the years, as well as the amazing group of people that comprise LEAF. Here’s to a new downtown tradition. — Timothy Sadler Asheville

Drone detracted from LEAF performance While attending LEAF Downtown AVL [the evening of Aug. 1], during the performance, a drone appeared above the audience. It came lower and lower, hovering, intimidating and frankly threatening the people in attendance. Presumably, it was taking unauthorized photos. It was a terribly unnerving experience and totally distracted my attention from the performers. Surely some restrictions need to be enacted to prevent these invasions of privacy and intimidation tactics. Agree? Let the “powers that be” know! — Patricia Wald Asheville

Many thanks, Asheville, for heartsurgery fundraiser After recently undergoing openheart surgery to fix a severely leaking valve, I was shocked and surprised to find out the Asheville community had come together to help my family out with a fundraiser. The mountains surrounding here are in my soul and so are all of the many lifelong friends I have made here. Thanks to the Desoto Lounge and its crew for hosting this event and for gathering up such a great group of folks. Josh, Lisa, Sabrina and Timmy — you rock! Many heartfelt thanks to Asheville Brewing Co., Oyster House Brewing Co., Ben’s Tune Up, Westville Pub, Creekside Taphouse, Mellow Mushroom, Sunny Point Cafe, Harvest Records, artists Gus Cutty, Dustin Spagnola, Aaron Wackenhut, Nora Hartlaub, Chuck Giezentanner, Keith Minguez and performers Couples Skate and Case Quarter for their valuable time and donations. I wish I could’ve been there — I heard it was a lot of fun! Many, many thanks to all of you. I tip my cap to Asheville. — Kris Riddle Asheville

august 12 - august 18, 2015


neWs cOmiNg TOgETHEr: The Dulce Lomita Mobile Home Cooperative in Emma offers an innovative approach to the Asheville area’s affordable housing problem. Co-op members formed a company three years ago to jointly purchase the property, which has six mobile homes owned by individual families. Each family owns an equal share; if someone moves out and sells their share, the cooperative agreement calls for the price to stay affordable. All of the families in Dulce Lomita are first-time homeowners. Enjoying the co-op’s playground area are essayist Andrea Golden’s family members, including, from far left, partner Abel Gonzalez, daughter Yaretzi Cruz Golden, niece Emily Cruz Macey, Golden and son Hyadi Abel Gonzalez. Photo by Tim Robison

a place to call home By TrAcy rOSE The lack of affordable housing is one of the biggest issues facing Asheville today. There are various factors involved, including a growing population, 8

august 12 - august 18, 2015

the high demand for both apartments and houses, the particular challenges of building in the mountains and the low wages paid by many local employers. (See “Little City Blues: Asheville’s Growing Housing Crisis,” Aug. 5, Xpress.) “Affordable housing is not just a housing problem,” notes mike figura, who owns Mosaic Community Lifestyle

Solving Asheville’s affordable housing crisis

Realty and also has a background in urban planning and development. “It’s a housing supply problem; it’s a wage problem; it’s an employment problem.” Aiming to generate constructive discussion, Xpress asked assorted government officials, nonprofit leaders, neighborhood advocates, volunteers, developers and those facing the chal-

lenges of affordable housing to tackle this question: “What would it take to solve the Asheville area’s affordable housing problem?” We got back so many thoughtprovoking essays that we couldn’t fit them all in a single issue. In this third of three parts, eight writers offer their ideas. X

support successful models adeQuately

gOLDEN photo by Tim Robison My community, Emma, has an incredible infrastructure of grassroots and faith organizations, local businesses and nonprofits — plus an elementary school that’s a strong community partner and

believes in our children and families. Despite the racial and economic oppression that many people in our community face, this infrastructure makes Emma a beautiful place to live. Together, the community has created access to fresh food, cultural and after-school programming for our children, health services, sidewalks and many other resources. Across the country, marginalized communities are doing incredible work to create vibrant neighborhoods. This, however, often attracts people with more resources, who then displace longtime residents. This trend, in addition to the development of nearby areas such as the River Arts District, has already meant raised rents for some Emma residents. Houses are being bought, renovated and sold at much higher prices, and families that have rented in Emma for decades face few options for continuing to live in their own neighborhood. Meanwhile, families that own mobile homes but rent the lots they’re set up on are at risk of losing their homes when the land is literally sold

out from under them and there’s no affordable place to move to. Hearing the voices of those most impacted by the housing crisis is vital to creating solutions. “While Asheville becomes known as a magical place to live, those of us who are working-class pay the price of that fame,” Emma resident mirian porras explains. “When landlords sit down to talk about raising rents because more people want to move to Emma, they’re not thinking about the miserable wages that we earn that barely allow our families to eat. We need regulations on how rents are raised. How much more money can they take from us if we have nothing left?” There are two models we’re developing at the grassroots level: community land trusts and mobile home cooperatives. We’re working toward creating the Emma Community Land Trust in order to maintain affordable rentals as well as individually and cooperatively owned housing. My family lives in Dulce Lomita, a mobile home cooperative created to show residents how they can purchase parks that might otherwise be bought by developers, leading to

permanent loss of affordable housing. “If it weren’t for our cooperative, I would never have been able to own my home,” says member-owner rosalba cruz. “We take care of each other and the generations to come in my neighborhood.” Yet despite our commitment to cooperative ownership, tenants who’d been renting in the park were displaced, because we couldn’t afford a park large enough to include all existing renters. This speaks to how incredibly difficult it is for individuals and small communities to address these overwhelming waves of development and displacement on our own and with such limited resources. We need the support of local housing-and-development institutions, as well as local governments, to give us the resources and legislation needed to bring models such as these up to scale. Only then will we be able to ensure housing equity and self-determination for all our communities. — Andrea Golden Dulce Lomita Mobile Home Cooperative

cOmmuNiTy FOcuS: Members of the Dulce Lomita Mobile Home Cooperative at their community garden include, top row from left, Ingrid Johnson, Yozet Estrada Cruz, Jackie Fitzgerald, Bruno Hinojosa (holding Neftali Hinojosa Fitzgerald), Maria Ruiz (holding Ariana Edgerton Hinojosa) and Carmen Huichapeño; and bottom row, from left, Keyla Estrada Cruz, Andrea Golden (holding son Hyadi Abel Gonzalez Golden) and Rosalba Cruz. Photo by Tim Robison

august 12 - august 18, 2015





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Affordable housing and strategies for solution continue to be a focus for many in our community. A relatively consistent definition says housing is “affordable” if it costs no more than 30 percent of a family’s income. But 30 percent of $300,000 is very different from 30 percent of $20,000. For decades, policymakers and private-sector leaders nationwide have sought an effective solution to the lack of affordable housing. And meanwhile, the very desirability of our community exacerbates the problem. Local government is committed to continuing to focus on addressing our community’s housing needs, and counties, municipalities, partner agencies and stakeholders continue to pool our resources and efforts in search of a long-term solution. Wages and housing costs are two big factors, and both are driven by supply and demand. Buncombe County government works proactively to incentivize affordable and workforce housing options as well as a diversified

economy. By working with both local employers and those interested in moving operations here, Buncombe County has been able facilitate greater job opportunities and a more diversified economy. But while that addresses one side of the issue, Buncombe County also understands the importance of supporting things like tenant-based rental assistance, emergency repairs, singleand multi-family home construction, down payment assistance, permit fee rebates and workforce housing. The hard work of many nonprofit and private-sector entities makes these programs possible. While our community continues to work diligently to address housing concerns, Buncombe County, like many other areas across the country, still faces significant challenges. Continuing to incentivize local job opportunities for our community while supporting affordable and workforce housing initiatives can help address

cOTTrELL Contributed photo Buncombe County’s affordable housing problem. — Donna Cottrell Buncombe County Planning Department

there are factors we can’t control

mELTON Contributed photo As a member of Asheville’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, I have a lot of respect for all who serve and have served on this body. We’re a diverse group of City Council appointees: contractors,


august 12 - august 18, 2015

bankers, developers, business leaders, small-business owners and people representing Pisgah Legal Services, the Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, neighborhoods and nonprofit groups that work with folks in need of affordable housing. We’re all committed to trying new and out-ofthe-box ideas to address our affordable housing crisis. Asheville is not alone in that regard: Many cities in North Carolina and across the United States are working on this complex issue. We’ve looked at what other cities are trying and whether those efforts were successful. We strongly encourage including a certain percentage of affordable houses or apartments in every project. We’ve looked at the Unified Development Ordinance, the allowable density in all zoning districts, and we’ve offered incentives to developers who include affordable housing in their projects. But we also know that there are factors we have no control over. In Asheville, for example, workers need to make $12 to $14 an hour to afford a one-bedroom apartment; land is very

expensive, due in part to our topography. Meanwhile, if federal funds or tax credits are used for a project, it must be on a bus line and close to a grocery store. People who work in Asheville should be able to live here if they choose. The Bowen report commissioned by City Council found that we have insufficient supplies of both rental property and moderately priced homes for sale. Also, we now have about 1,000 short-term rentals: These take properties off the market, since an owner can make five times as much renting it that way as they could at “affordable” rents. We shall continue to work and strive to make things better. City Council and Buncombe County are working together to solve this thorny issue, along with the residents of this community. — Barber Melton Vice President, Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods member, Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

student labor cuts costs, provIdes job traInIng Like many other parts of the country, Western North Carolina has been experiencing an affordable housing crisis for several years, starting even before the 2008 recession. And while Asheville’s construction industry has picked back up and there are more job opportunities, we still struggle with affordable housing. Several great local organizations are trying to address the problem, but as often happens with challenging issues, it becomes intertwined with other socio-economic concerns that require us to take a broader perspective. Our health care costs, for instance, are the highest in the world, yet many people become sick due to poor indoor air quality in their home. This is especially true for some lower-quality rental homes. Living in an “affordable” house that triggers thousands in medical bills is counterproductive and only exacerbates poverty. The same is true for a home that isn’t energy-efficient: It becomes less affordable when energy bills are comparable to the monthly rent or mortgage payment. Whatever approach we take to affordable housing, it must include healthy, sustainable construction practices for the homes to be truly affordable in the long term. As a board member for the WNC Green Building Council, I’ve been pleased to see Habitat For Humanity, Mountain Housing Opportunities and other groups get their houses certified through the council’s Green Built NC program, Energy Star, LEED or SystemVision. These certified homes give homeowners better indoor air quality and energy bills as low as $25 a month. Organizations such as the Green Building Council are critical in increasing our homes’ performance and health while lowering homeowners’ utility costs. One very promising approach is to partner with community colleges, high schools and four-year colleges on programs that are looking for hands-on projects for job-training purposes. Students become more

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mOODy Contributed photo engaged and have a greater sense of ownership in the projects and the community. After all, many of them are struggling with the same issues themselves. Such partnerships may not produce enough homes to meet all the needs, but they can cut labor costs while giving students real-world training. At A-B Tech, we’ve engineered our construction and sustainability programs to focus on live projects, and students have built affordable homes, including a superefficient tiny house. Educational budget cuts caused us to lose our construction facility, but we’re currently seeking a comparable space so we can continue to serve the community in this way. Community colleges and technical trade schools have many resources, and, in partnership with other governmental organizations and nonprofits, we can offer our communities sustainable, affordable housing while helping build a healthy economy. — Heath Moody Construction Management, Building Science and Sustainability Technologies Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

august 12 - august 18, 2015



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brIdgIng the fInancIal gap It must be stated that “affordable housing” is low-income housing (income-restricted housing). And in the absence of federal subsidies that once offset the debt service and labor costs, all communities are searching for alternative ways to produce lowincome housing. possible solutions include: 1. Aggressively recruit employers that can provide adequate wages. The educational system is a major factor: The better-educated the population, the more attractive the community is to “good” employers. Residents deserve economic and educational opportunities that enable them to earn enough money that they don’t need low-income housing. 2. Bridge the “financial gap”: “Affordable Housing”/Low Income Housing a. Rework existing low-income housing communities. The city owns the land, infrastructure is in place, and

Contributed photo We’re a town in crisis, and few residents need yet another study to tell them that housing that is genuinely affordable by much of Asheville’s workforce is scarce or nonexistent. So what needs to happen? Whether or not you are personally struggling with affordable housing, this issue affects the very fabric of our town, and we need to understand where the practical solutions lie. As residents, we have to start thinking about what’s best for the whole community, even if it isn’t popular in our particular neighborhood. We need to understand the transition from what was once pub-

august 12 - august 18, 2015

PiLOS Photo by Carrie Eidson f. Provide incentives to repurpose existing housing units. Asheville/ Buncombe has an aging housing inventory. These properties cost less to produce years ago and, with some financial incentives, could be more economically converted into low-income/ workforce housing. — Harry Pilos Downtown Developer

consIder the bIgger pIcture



the locations are very good. These communities are very low-density and can easily be replaced with higher density. b. Develop vacant city-owned land into low-income/workforce housing communities. These could be boutique projects, as most of those sites are smaller parcels. workforce housing a. Modify zoning regulations to allow multifamily development in more locations. Flexible policies allow for creative solutions. b. Increase allowable density: more apartments, less land. c. Revamp the city’s housing incentives into packages that are meaningful to the multifamily industry. d. Lower MSD’s impact fee. Currently each housing unit pays a $2,500 fee, regardless of size. e. Let apartment developers do what we always do: OVERBUILD. We will build as long as the banks will lend. This ALWAYS results in lowering market rents.

lic housing to Section 8 vouchers, and that many people with those vouchers have no place to use them, due to the overall lack of affordable housing. Besides pushing local elected officials to take bold action, we can participate in creative community solutions that are beyond those leaders’ scope — organizing community land trusts, supporting innovative ideas and educating ourselves about complex solutions. The business community and elected officials need to understand the impact that low wages, underfunded public transit and nonexistent affordable housing have on workforce availability. Just Economics’ living wage (currently $12.50 per hour, or $11 per hour with employerprovided health insurance) is the bare minimum of what it takes for a single individual to afford a one-bedroom apartment in the county. It’s a better starting place, not an end goal. And meanwhile, a high percentage of downtown workers aren’t making even this bare minimum wage, lack full-time work or have dependents. So what happens to Asheville when there’s nowhere near the city that workers can afford to live? We need the business community to embrace a living wage and support infrastructure investments for the workforce.

We need to advocate for things that city and county leaders can actually do. Most of the options for slowing the rise in housing costs, including things like rent control, aren’t currently legal in North Carolina. And many of the options for increasing supply, such as tax breaks and subsidies, are extremely costly yet yield limited benefits. Nonetheless, we must push forward. It may be time for Asheville, regardless of the legal threats, to push the envelope on mandatory inclusionary zoning, which is used in 44 other states. The city and county can work together to provide effective incentives for creating affordable housing along major corridors and extending transit lines beyond the city limits. All our local governments need to invest more resources in increasing the affordable housing stock and slowing cost growth. Basically, it’s going to take all hands on deck to change this dangerous trajectory of unaffordability and extreme gentrification. As an entire community, we need to be informed about the issues, be cognizant of the big picture, roll up our sleeves and get to work. — Vicki Meath Executive Director

Just Economics

ashevIlle Is a natIonal leader Although it might be hard for some to believe, Asheville is a national leader in affordable housing policy and production. Successful communities throughout the country are all facing the same issues: rising demand for land and increased building costs. Relative to the city’s size and budget, Asheville’s Housing Trust Fund represents a significant ongoing commitment to creating affordable housing. The city’s 201516 budget allocates $1 million for affordable housing: $500,000 for the Housing Trust Fund and $500,000 for related capital improvements. Amending the Unified Development Ordinance to increase allowable densities in our urban commercial corridors is another example of City Council’s commitment to supporting

affordable housing production. But we still have a long way to go. City Council recently adopted a goal of assisting in the production of 2,800 new affordable housing units in the next seven years. That, however, is only about half of the city’s projected need over the next five years. Current financing and regulatory tools alone cannot produce enough new affordable housing to meet the need. To achieve that, we’ll need to support our existing housing partners, find new partners in both the public and private sectors, implement new policies and embrace new tools. At its affordable housing work session last October, City Council established goals and supported staff taking specified actions to meet the city’s affordable housing needs. Those actions include: • Embracing mixed-income, mixed-

use development as the goal, rather than the exception. • Embracing urban density. • Supporting urban density with multimodal transportation. • Supporting urban density with quality-of-life improvements that embrace inclusivity and diversity. • Creating a regulatory environment that requires inclusivity but removes barriers to it. • Establishing a financing environment that recognizes the long-term value of and need for affordability. • Creating a stewardship structure that supports permanent, placebased affordability. By combining policy, financing and regulatory reform, the city and its stakeholders are making progress in meeting today’s needs and ensuring that Asheville can be a diverse, afford-

STAuDiNgEr Photo by Tracy Rose able and livable city in the future. — Jeff Staudinger Assistant Director, Community & Economic Development City of Asheville

Increase densIty and fundIng, mandate InclusIvIty

SimErLy Contributed photo by Kathi Barnhill. Through my research and work as chair of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee and my own struggle to find affordable housing over the last dozen years, I know that we can and must do more to address our affordable housing crisis. People working one or more jobs (as I did

for years) should be able to find a decent rental or home to buy. There are proven strategies for increasing affordable housing: 1) increase density; 2) increase funding; and 3) mandate inclusivity. Moving forward will require skin in the game from government, nonprofits, private developers and neighbors. The good news is that all stakeholders recognize this crucial need, and most also recognize the communitywide rewards these strategies provide. First, by increasing density, we get the greatest return on our investments while having the lightest impact on our environment. Specific ways we can achieve this include: • Tasking all city boards and commissions with developing policies, programs and procedures that increase density, to provide the needed tax base and encourage affordable housing. • Examine the underutilization of available density bonuses and fix any barriers to usage. • Implement fee waivers or increased rebates for high levels of density and affordability. • Increase the amount of land available for affordable housing; evaluate city-owned property to identify suitable sites.

• Create an affordable housing land bank to reserve properties near transit lines, grocery stores and other services, and those that would make local projects more competitive for state and federal tax credits. Allocate additional funds for this purpose. • Offer affordable housing sites for sale through a competitive bidding process. Second, increasing the annual allocation to our Affordable Housing Trust Fund will further drive development of high-quality units. The fund subsidized the Larchmont and Glen Rock

projects, providing attractive, permanently affordable rental units in North Asheville and the River Arts District. Third, mandating that housing be inclusionary is a strategy that’s working across the state and nation. This policy requires every new development to include a percentage of affordable housing. An added benefit: inclusionary zoning strengthens neighborhood resiliency and builds community across income levels. — Lindsey Simerly Chair, Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

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august 12 - august 18, 2015



by Hayley Benton

Foster care system can’t keep pace with kids in need

No place to go

NO VAcANcy: Despite the efforts of state, county and private social service organizations, a shortage of foster care homes and facilities is creating a housing crisis as more children in need enter the foster system. Photo courtesy of CARING For Children.


august 12 - august 18, 2015

Imagine someone coming to your home in the middle of the night, handing you a box the size of a milk crate and telling you to pack whatever you can fit into it — you’re going with them. They take you to a stranger’s house to live, and there’s no telling when you’ll see your family again. Or a juvenile court judge asks why you’re skipping school, and you tell him bluntly that your family lives in a van; you have no place to eat, sleep or shower and school is just not a priority. For thousands of children in Western North Carolina, this is reality. As of March 31, there were 2,386 kids in foster care in the 28 western counties, according to Fostering Court Improvement, a nonprofit that makes official state data more readily available. And while innovative agencies and evolving state standards are making strides in streamlining the system and reuniting families, the available resources can’t keep up with the growing numbers of children needing foster care. Buncombe County currently has 288 children in foster care — roughly 2 percent of the total child population, reports angie pittman, Buncombe county’s social work services director. In the state’s 100 counties, there were 14,831 children in the system last year, according to the N.C. Division of Social Services. Several WNC counties are in the top 10 for their rates of foster care placements. Mitchell County leads the state with 151 per 10,000, though this is a projection, since there are only 2,979 children in the county. And Buncombe’s placement rate (44 children per 10,000) lands it in the top third statewide, according to Fostering Court Improvement. The state average is 32 per 10,000. But those numbers don’t tell the whole story, notes renaye owen, foster care programs coordinator at CARING for Children. “That’s only measuring Department of Social Services cases,” says Owen, who’s worked in the field for 20 years. “You can maybe not double that, but it’s pretty close.” Those statistics, she explains, don’t include things like guardian-requested foster services, juvenile detention rates and preventive services administered before the DSS steps in.

Meanwhile, the need continues to grow, while the number of local foster homes has remained stagnant, notes Pittman. Buncombe County Health & Human Services, she says, “has 85 family foster homes, and we work with child-placing agencies who also have homes available, but that’s still not enough.” At the Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth & Families, “There’s been a year-on-year increase of children entering care since 2008,” says Foster Care Coordinator alex williams. “Since January 2013, we’ve had to turn away over 270 children due to lack of beds and homes.” “I don’t think there’s one particular reason” for the increase, says Williams. “Wider social issues ultimately result in children being in unsafe home situations,” she continues. And unless systematic family cycles are broken, “Children will find themselves becoming a part of them.” Owen says aftershocks from the Great Recession are contributing to the growing gap. “I hear all the time that things are getting better, but the jobs are very low-paying, and the cost of living here is very high.” Many working-class families, she notes, have already tapped out their resources, and cuts to things like day care vouchers have left some parents feeling desperate. “They may become drinkers or start doing drugs to make themselves feel better, or they’re fighting over money, and domestic violence gets involved.” uncertain journey A child’s journey through the system begins when a social worker, responding to a report of abuse or neglect, informs a judge the child’s in imminent danger, Pittman explains. The judge decides whether the child will be temporarily placed with a relative or family friend or in foster care until the parent or guardian resolves the issues triggering the removal. Facilities like the Black Mountain Home typically offer both residential care and temporary foster placement. The home, which has served orphaned and abused children and young adults in Western North Carolina since 1904, admits more than 100 children annually, partnering with local churches and organizations such as CARING for Children. “Our program has four main elements: foster care, residential care, transitional living and independent living,” says Williams. There are four family-style cottages, plus separate

facilities for siblings, teenage boys and girls, and a transitional living house for those about to re-enter the broader world. For those who’ve aged out of the system, “Our independent living program enables them to stay connected to a support structure,” giving them “a greater opportunity to be successful in their young adulthood.” Besides handling DSS-managed cases, CARING for Children, a nonprofit with a 40-year track record, offers residential group home care in Buncombe and Burke counties, a transitional group home for girls aging out of the system, Trinity Place (WNC’s only shelter for runaways), and outpatient counseling for both children and parents, says Director of Development terri bowman. The current focus, she notes, is expanding services in McDowell and Burke counties while continuing to serve Buncombe, Haywood, Madison and Henderson. Still, Owen says her organization “turns down about 20 kids a week — and I have the referral stack to prove it.”

“When these kids come in, they’re angry: They’ve been hurt by the people they trust,” notes Owen. “Whether they’ve been physically or sexually abused or totally neglected, you have to have the nuturance, the tolerance, the structure and security to deal with that.” Williams, too, stresses the importance of empathy. “Any child who’s in care has gone through some trauma,” she says. “A big role for foster parents is helping children learn to trust that adults around them do care for them and have their best interests at heart.” But foster parents, says Owen, also have to have a thick skin. “They could come in and tear your house apart, and nobody’s going to fix that for you. You have to be OK with that.” To get licensed, foster parents must undergo about six months of training, including introductory sessions, home inspections, and basic first aid and CPR certifications. Classes in the Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting emphasize “the trauma that children in foster care have experienced and how to respond to it in ways that support the child and family,” says Pittman.

CARING for Children’s program also incorporates the “Together Facing the Challenge” model, based on a study out of Duke University. And families can indicate what types of children they’ll accept, Owen explains. Potential foster homes are vetted to ensure compliance with the state’s tightened housing standards. Homes must now pass a fire and safety inspection involving everything from electrical configurations to proximity to water sources, says Executive Director john lauterbach. “If there’s a stream or pond a halfmile from your house, you have to make sure there’s a fence between your house and that pond,” says Owen; such requirements, she notes, can impose financial burdens that deter some prospective foster parents. Meanwhile, the parents themselves must undergo background checks, a review of medical records and up to 10 hours of deeply personal interviews. “That stops a lot of people right there,” says Owen, adding that only about three out of 10 applicants

MOre infO RETRO RAG: Hearkening back to the time of speakeasies and 1920s brass, Tray Dahl & The Jugtime Ragband describe themselves as “an energetic amalgamation of jug bands, ragtime and Dixieland immersed in an early New Orleans sound.” No Depression Magazine’s Garrett Cash has likened Dahl’s voice to “the growly blues mamas of scratchy 78s that will tear your playhouse down.” Dahl & the Jugtime Ragband bring their throwback medley to Altamont Brewing Company on Saturday, August 15 at 9 p.m.


a normal life South Asheville native stacey polk experienced this logjam firsthand when she turned up on the doorstep of Trinity Place in 1995. Her family, she explains, “was living in a van at the time; we were literally homeless.” She lived with her grandmother off and on, but a volatile relationship drove her to seek a more stable environment. “My grandmother would kick me and my siblings out regularly,” remembers Polk. “She identified us with our [absentee] mother and held that against the children.” Eventually, Polk took it upon herself to go to Trinity: “I wanted a family. I wanted to be a normal kid with a normal life, and to live somewhere where I’m not kicked out every other day.” But while Owen sought a suitable placement for Polk, the troubled teen had to keep cycling in and out of Trinity Place. “You can stay for 28 days, then you have to leave for 24 to 48 hours before you can come back,” Polk explains. “All the while, Renaye was looking for a place for me.” When she couldn’t be at Trinity, Polk stayed with friends or her grandmother.

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many barriers Potential foster parents face their own daunting challenges.

august 12 - august 18, 2015



by Max Hunt

complete the evaluation process. “I have specific questions: Have you ever been sexually molested? Have you ever been raped? I’m going all the way into your world: all the dirty little secrets you didn’t want to tell anybody.” Misconceptions about foster care requirements are yet another barrier. “People believe you have to be married,” says Owen. “You don’t. You can be single, you can have roommates, you can have pretty much any lifestyle, as long as it’s safe for children.” The nonprofit’s roster, she adds, includes many gay and lesbian couples as well as older couples on Social Security and families living in apartments. “We have no single male foster parents in our system,” Owen says wistfully, “which is sad, because I think a lot of men out there could be great foster parents, and there’s a lot of boys who need a male role model.” Perhaps the biggest requirement, says Bowman, is simply having “room in your heart ... and tolerance for people who are going to come in frustrated. You have to make them understand that it’s safe.” WEB XTRA: (Xpress has profiled some of the foster parents working in CARING For Children’s network in an online feature, “Faces of foster care”: testing the limits Polk remained based at Trinity Place for several months. Eventually, Owen “found a single attorney who’d never had kids of her own,” Polk recalls. “She wasn’t sure, because it was short-term, but something kept making her come back.” Polk, though, wasn’t being picky. “I thought, OK, for six months I have somewhere to sleep, somewhere to eat: I’m happy.” Her new guardian “said the door would never be locked, but there would be consequences for breaking the rules. So of course I put her to the test.” Polk says she would leave for several days at a time, or throw parties when her foster mother was out of town. “I was testing the waters to see how true she would be, because the people in my life who I expected to take care of me didn’t. There were some trying times for both of us.” Such circumstances increase the risk of foster parents simply burning out. “When you’re bringing kids into your home and working to teach them the skills they need to succeed, it takes a toll,” says Lauterbach. “If foster parents don’t think they’re


august 12 - august 18, 2015 able to give it 1,000 percent, they just won’t do it, and that’s one less slot available for a kid.” In addition, notes Owen, foster parents often become the target of upset neighbors or vengeful relatives of the child. “Somebody gets mad at them and calls DSS, who does an investigation,” Owen explains, adding that few of those anonymous tips are ever substantiated. “These folks are trying to help a child find a place to live and be stable, and people are bashing them. Families just get tired of that.” support for foster parents To combat feelings of isolation and fatigue, CARING for Children provides weekly home visits, a 24-hour support hotline, and monthly training and networking events. “We hold picnics and holiday parties to get the parents together,” says Owen, a foster parent for 20 years before going to work for the nonprofit. “This allows them to talk about some of the issues they’re having.” In addition, “When somebody new comes in, I hook them up with somebody who can answer questions they might think are too stupid to ask me” and offer positive feedback and advice. Over the past two decades, the state has both tightened financial requirements for foster parents and increased the monthly stipends they receive. In the mid-1990s, remembers Owen, she was getting about $140 a month to provide for two children. Monthly stipends vary from agency to agency, but the current state recommendations range from $475 to $634 per child, depending on their age, with supplemental payments in some cases. Organizations like CARING for Children sometimes provide additional funds. “We make sure the kid can play football, go to the prom or have swim lessons,” Owen explains. “They used to be treated like a poor orphan; today it’s more like they’re just a kid trying to make it in the world.” reuniting families Nonetheless, says Pittman, “Our primary goal in almost all cases is reunification.” Last year, for example, 141 Buncombe County children in foster care — 65.4 percent — were either reunited with their birth parents or permanently adopted, she notes. Williams, too, says, “Reunification is always the first goal,” though the Black Mountain Home also supports foster parents’ attempts to adopt children who’ve been with them a long time. For reunification to succeed, however, biological parents’ issues must

SySTEm OF SuPPOrT: Stacey Polk (right) entered the foster care system in her early teens. She credits CARING For Children and Renaye Owen (left) for placing her with her long-term foster mother and “literally sav[ing] my life.” Polk is pictured here with Owen and foster parent Teresa McMinn (center) at a recent CARING For Children picnic. Photo by Max Hunt be addressed. “We have to acknowledge that the vast majority of the parents of children in care were once children living in the same kind of dysfunctional homes that our children are now being removed from,” stresses Williams. Owen agrees. CARING for Children, she says, “works with therapists, the foster parents, Helpmate” and other organizations. The team makes recommendations and counsels the parents, after which the child temporarily returns home. The home is monitored during the stay, and the family’s progress is evaluated, says Owen. “We find out how things went and work on whatever skills we need to.” Meanwhile, CARING for Children’s Angels Watch program aims to preempt DSS removals. Open to kids up to 6 years old (10 if multiple children are involved), the program gives parents a temporary respite without worrying about permanently losing custody. “Sometimes a family just runs up against hard times,” says Bowman. “Angels Watch helps them get back on their feet.” The child is placed with a trained foster family for up to 90 days while the program helps parents access needed services and execute a game plan for recovery. “There’s always open lines of communication between the parent and the foster parent,” Bowman explains, adding that the two parties often form a mutually supportive relationship. Black Mountain Home uses a similar strategy to help families get back on track.

“By preventing those kids from going into foster care or the DSS system and that family from self-destructing,” says Owen, “you’re preventing years and years of a kid’s life being altered.” ’what can i do?’ To create more foster homes, both the DSS and private groups are ramping up recruitment efforts. Pittman cites Buncombe County’s “I Can Do That for a Child” campaign, launched last year, as well as a bevy of print and radio announcements. “We have a ‘Foster Our Future’ Facebook group,” she adds. “Anything we can do to encourage people to think about their capacity to foster.” Boosting awareness, continues Pittman, is key. “We think there are more people in our county who could step up and provide safety and stability to a child that needs it.” Bowman urges residents to attend informational meetings “just to see if it’s a near fit,” since people typically consider becoming a foster parent for several years before committing. “You have to break down some of those preconceptions, think about it and decide that you do want to go ahead.” “If each church in the general Buncombe/Henderson/Transylvania/ Haywood County area could challenge, motivate and help support five to 10 families to become foster parents, every single child in WNC would have a home,” notes Williams. “Instead of saying, ‘How awful!’ say,

‘What can I do?’ Not everyone can be a foster parent, but everyone can help in some way.” Pittman suggests making a donation to the county’s foster child wish list (see box, “How You Can Help”). CARING for Children, too, needs financial support. “Things like Angels Watch are privately funded,” notes Bowman. “If the money runs out, we have to start turning kids away.” Owen, meanwhile, cites other ways to enhance a child’s quality of life. “We have kids that sit in our office all day during the summertime. It’d be nice if we had somebody who’d come down and play checkers or read a book with them.” Short of that, she continues, “Send birthday cards to the office, so we can pass them on to the kids. Let them know that at least somebody out there in the world is thinking about them.” giving Kids a chance Despite the many challenges, Owen feels progress has been made. “I know people hear horror stories, but to be honest, kids are really coming out OK from this.” Fostering, she concedes, can be difficult. “You don’t get instant gratification: It comes way later. But when you get a phone call saying this kid is graduating in June, it’s like, ‘Whoa!’” And Williams, citing the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child,” says, “I would like to see WNC step up to this huge need and be a national leader in communities coming together, working in partnership and caring for children, youth and families who need love and support.” Stacey Polk is living proof that all the hard work can pay off. Twenty years later, her foster mother “is my mom in every sense of the word,” says Polk. “She’s the only grandmother my daughter’s ever known.” Those experiences have also left her better equipped to handle whatever the future may bring. “If I go through anything, my mom tells me, ‘You’ve been through worse,’” notes Polk, who now works as a regional property manager. “If I had to go back to being homeless, I could, because I’ve done it. Most people can’t say that.” These days, she continues, “Life is pretty good. If it hadn’t been for CARING for Children, I don’t know where I’d be: They literally saved my life.” X

august 12 - august 18, 2015


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by Hayley Benton

4x4: four weeks, three candIdates? The final week of Xpress’ Asheville City Council candidates series comes with a surprise withdrawal from the race. Three seats on Council are up for grabs, marking the end of the four-year terms of Marc Hunt, Chris Pelly and Jan Davis. Only Vice Mayor Hunt is seeking re-election in the fall.

Miall writes that he also wishes to diversify Asheville’s economy: “Tourism historically made Asheville the destination it remains for all of us, and will forever be a part of who we are, but the endless support of that one single element of our economy will continue to suppress wage earners and fail to create genuine employment opportunities. We can and should have both.” Other goals Miall mentions include supporting city employees, fiscal responsibility and accountability, working with other local governments to sort out the water issues in the region, stopping excessive government spending on consultants and outside legal costs and reducing an “endless stream of regulation that frustrates small business [owners] and developers.” For more on Miall:

“It’s in me,” he says. “It’s in me to want to help folks. ... I know where real change comes from: Real change comes from activism. Real change comes from people going to the polls and voting. Real change comes from people being interested in their community. Real change comes from politicians understanding the constituents that they serve — and serving them in a way that will create growth for everyone. I know you can’t be all things for all people, but we can sure as hell try.” Young’s main stances for the community are social justice, improved transit systems, connecting the greenways, increasing the housing stock for affordable development and strengthening the Police Department. For more on Young:

holly shriner

john miall In 2013, John Miall went headto-head with now-Mayor Esther Manheimer, seeking the mayoral vote. Now he’s looking for a spot on Council. Miall graduated from UNC Asheville with a degree in political science and worked as the city’s risk management consultant for nearly 30 years before retiring in 2005. In a press release, Miall writes, “Asheville continues to be a community of many robust and diverse ideals and interests. I do not believe the monopoly of a single political view represented by recent City Councils reflects that diversity. A voice of reason, restraint and experience is needed. “I have seen and been part of government that put the public interest first, avoided the pitfalls of scandal after scandal, and balanced budgets without biennial tax increases. I believe Asheville is capable of better and certainly deserves better.” If elected, Miall says he intends to work on setting a tax rate that reflects priorities “consistent with the role of local government,” including policing, fire protection, trash collection, paving streets and sidewalks and making the community safe. “Only after these core needs are met ... should any city consider spending millions and millions of dollars on new development.”

had “no representation on City Council for years. ... When you look at South Asheville as the fastest residential growth area of the city, [it] concerns me that the entire Southern tier of of the city, that goes all the way to the airport, has no representation.” In his spare time, Grady volunteers with his pet labrador retriever, Beckett, a registered therapy dog, at Mission and Mission Children’s Hospitals, WNC Down’s Syndrome Buddywalk, Four Seasons Hospice, UNC Asheville and Deerfield Village Retirement Community. Grady believes the biggest challenges facing Asheville are affordable housing, safety, city services, zoning changes, environmental concerns, taxes and beautification of the city. For more on Grady:

joe grady Keith young Another “back again” candidate, Deputy Clerk of Superior Court Keith Young will be on the ballot this fall after running unsuccessfully for county commission in 2012 and 2014. Young received a bachelor’s degree in communications and design from Virginia State University and has worked in marketing and advertising for more than 13 years. Growing up locally in a political household, Young says his interest in local government sparked at a very young age. “I remember sitting around with party officials — we always talked politics in our household,” he explains. “It’s always been an interest of mine, being able to see how things change in society due to politics.” Though Young has worn many different hats — he’s been a small business owner and worked for Disney out of college — he says politics is one thing he’ll never get bored with.

Former real estate broker and former North Canton, Ohio city councilman Joe Grady has lived in North Carolina since 2000. Having served six years on North Canton’s City Council, 25 years in real estate and through his continuous work as a volunteer, Grady writes that one of his greatest passions is helping others. After earning a bachelor’s degree in political science, American government and public relations from Ohio State University, Grady went on to earn a master’s in public administration from Phoenix University, where he wrote his thesis on affordable housing in Asheville. “It is very clear that the affordable housing issue is a hot topic in this election,” Grady writes to Xpress. “Is it the only issue? Absolutely not. ... [But] I have worked with residential housing; I built residential housing for all income levels, including a senior housing development, and I studied affordable housing.” Being a South Asheville resident, Grady writes that this is an area that has

Holly Shriner, vice chair of the city Planning and Zoning Commission, registered for candidacy just before the deadline to file. But on Aug. 10, Shriner announced her decision to withdraw from the election. “It is with great regret that I must inform you of my intention to withdraw from the race for a seat on the Asheville City Council,” Shriner writes in an email. “I have had a serious health issue arise, and I have been advised by my doctor to take it seriously.” Over the phone Shriner says, however, that this “won’t be the last” we see of her, politically speaking. “I love Asheville, and I want to serve in some capacity. ... But if I had seen this coming, I would have never planned to run.” After speaking with the Buncombe County Board of Elections, Shriner explains she was informed that her name would still appear on the primary ballot this fall — despite her withdrawal — and that any votes would still count toward her discontinued campaign. “I just want to get the word out so people don’t waste that vote,” she explains.

august 12 - august 18, 2015


community calendar July 3 - July 11, 2014

Calendar deadlines In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a forprofit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. Free listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via email to calendar@ or through our online submission form at The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 2511333, ext. 320.

AniMALs cARoLinA pooDLe RescUe 850-766-8734, • SA (8/15), 11am-3pm Adoption and volunteer information event. Free to attend. Held at Patton Avenue Pet Company, 109 Patton Ave.

BeneFits BeneFit conceRt FoR KennY cApps 669-0816, • TH (8/13), 7:30pm - Tickets to this music event featuring The BJ Leiderman Band and David LaMotte benefit a Black Mountain resident’s medical expenses from his bone marrow transplant. $25/ $22 advance. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain


POODLE POWEr: Patton Avenue Pet Company is hosting a poodle meet and greet on Saturday, Aug. 15 from 11am-3pm. This event offers the opportunity to meet adoptable poodles and find out about volunteer opportunities through the nokill sanctuary, Carolina Poodle Rescue. (p. 20)

contRoLLeD chAos FiLM FestivAL AnD BeneFit 227-7028, • SA (8/15), 6pm - Tickets to this WCU reception, live auction, and student film festival benefit the wcU senior student film projects. $80. Held at Martin Lipscomb Performing Arts Center at WCU. DAnce FoR DeMocRAcY FUnDRAiseR • FR (8/14), 8pm - Tickets to this DJ dance party go to benefit Democracy north carolina. Motown, rock ‘n roll, swing and hip-hop music. $10 general/$50 patron. Held at Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. MentAL heALth FiLM scReening 668-7590, skysthelimitfund. org/girlontheedge • WE (8/12), 6pm - Donations collected at this screening and discussion of Girl on the Edge will benefit sUws of the carolinas’ treatment program for children and adolescents with mental illness. Suggest donation: $10-$20. Held at Altamont Theatre,

august 12 - august 18, 2015

18 Church St.

BUsiness & technoLogY g&w investMent cLUB • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:45am General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Black Forest Restaurant, 2155 Hendersonville Road, Arden LeADeRship AsheviLLe 255-7100, Sponsored by UNCA, this series of panels focuses on community leadership development. • TU (8/18), 7-9am - “Asheville’s Innovation Districts: A Catalyst for Growth.” Includes breakfast. $20. Held at Renaissance Asheville Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. wnc nAtURAL heALth & weLLness • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3pm Networking event for natural health & wellness practitioners. Free to attend. Held at Western North Carolina School of Massage, 131 McDowell St. Suite 302

cLAsses, Meetings & events ABoUt the tRAnscenDentAL MeDitAtion techniQUe: FRee intRoDUctoRY LectURe (pd.) The most effortless meditation technique is also the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other practices (including common “mantra” methods). An evidence-based technique for going beyond the active mind to access deep inner reserves of energy, creativity and bliss — dissolving stress, awakening your highest self. The only meditation recommended for hypertension by the American Heart Association. NIH-sponsored research shows decreased anxiety, improved brain functioning, heightened well-being. Reduces insomnia, ADHD, PTSD. Personalized training, certified instructors, free follow-up classes. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828254-4350 or or

A-B tech chiLD cARe centeR 255-5111, • SA (8/15) 10am-2pm. Child care center reunion and celebration. Held at the A-B Tech Early Education Center. Free. AsheviLLe BUsKeRs coLLective 242-8076, • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-12:30pm - Open public input session for discussing street performing and busking in downtown. Free to attend. Held at New Mountain Theater/Amphitheater, 38 N. French Broad BUncoMBe coUntY pUBLic LiBRARies depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/19), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, knitting and needlework group for all skill levels. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa BUncoMBe coUntY sheRiFF’s oFFice 255-5000 • TH (8/20), 6pm - Community discussion on the use of force by law

enforcement. Free. Held at Owen High School, 99 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain noRth cARoLinA peAce Action 505-9425, • Through SU (8/30) - The Spirit of Hiroshima 1945, exhibit commemorating the bombing of Hiroshima. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. pisgAh AstRonoMicAL ReseARch institUte 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 862-5554, • FR (8/14), 7pm - Presentation on NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto. $20/$15 seniors/free for children under age 10. RoAD show AMAteUR RADio cLUB 367-1830, • THURSDAYS through (8/20), 6-9pm - Introductory class on ham radio licensing. Free. Held at Skyland Fire Department, 9 Miller Road, Skyland tARheeL pieceMAKeRs QUiLt cLUB tarheelpiecemakers.wordpress. com • WE (8/12), 10am-noon - Monthly

meeting. Free to attend. Held at Bafour Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville YoUth oUtRight 772-1912, • SU (8/16), 4pm - Regular meeting and discussion about communicating with parents. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. oRgAnic gRoweRs schooL’s 2nD AnnUAL hARvest conFeRence SA 9/12 at AB Tech Asheville. 25+ classes on fall & winter growing, preservation, fermentation, homesteading & self reliance. $50.

DAnce DAnce stUDio open hoUse (pd.) Saturday, August 15, 10am-3pm. Come visit Idea Factory Inc.’s New Location at 3726 Sweeten Creek Road. • Come try a class, see the studio, and more! • See out Display ad this issue! stUDio ZAhiYA, Downtown DAnce cLAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Fusion Bellydance 7:30pm Bellydance• Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 •Wednesday 5pm Bhangra Wkt 7:30pm Bellydance• Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Friday 8am Hip Hop Wrkt • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 11am Hip Hop • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595 AsheviLLe MoveMent coLLective • FRIDAYS, 7:30pm - Non-instructional, freeform dances within community. $7-$15. Held at Asheville Ballet Studio, 4 Weaverville Road, Woodfin • SUNDAYS, 9am & 11am- Non-instructional, free-form dance within community. $7-$15. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway

eco AsheviLLe gReen DRinKs Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway Free to attend. • WE (8/12), 6pm - “Wild Utah: America’s Redrock Wilderness” presentation on efforts to protect public lands. • WE (8/19), 6pm - Presentation by the director of the Creation Care Alliance.

BUncoMBe coUntY soiL AnD wAteR conseRvAtion DistRict 250-4794, • TU (8/18), 7am - Buncombe County “Friends of Ag Breakfast” with presentation on pollinators. Reservations required. Free. Held at the Virginia Boone building, WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road henDeRsonviLLe gReen DRinKs 692-0385 ext. 1004, • TH (8/13), 6-8pm - Presentation on the Phase III of the Oklawaha Greenway. Free to attend. Held at Southern Appalachian Brewery, 822 Locust St. Suite 100, Hendersonville

FARM & gARDen MUshRooMs oF the soUtheRn AppALAchiAn MoUntAins hAnDs on FoRAging Saturdays, 8/15-9/5, 10am-1:30pm - Explore local forests in search of edible, medicinal and regional mushrooms with fungal forager Mateo Ryall. $25 per class/$75 all. Info:, livinroots@ or 413-636-4401. BUncoMBe coUntY MAsteR gARDeneRs 255-5522, • SA (8/15), 8am-noon - Master Gardeners will be available to answer gardening questions at the “Ask-a-Gardener” info booth. Free. Held at North Asheville Tailgate Market, • TH (8/20), 10am - Master Gardener presentation on starting and growing a cool season vegetable garden. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 94 Coxe Ave. Living weB FARMs 891-4497, • TH (8/13), 12:30-2pm - Workshop on propagating and harvesting medicinal plants. $10. Held at Hendersonville Community Co-op, 715 S. Grove St., Hendersonville • TH (8/20), 12:30-2pm - Chip-Bud grafting for home orchardists. $10. Held at Hendersonville Community Co-op, 715 S. Grove St., Hendersonville ncsU DepARtMent oF hoRticULtURAL science 828-684-3562 ext 257, • TH (8/20), 8:30am-12:30pm - Tour and discussion of current organic and specialty crop research projects. Free. Held at Mountain Research Station, 265 Test Farm Road Waynesville

FestivALs 5point FiLM FestivAL, • FR (8/14) and SA (8/15) - Festival celebrating art, community and short adventure films in various locations around Asheville. Contact for full schedule.

FooD & BeeR henDeRson coUntY coopeRAtive extension oFFice 100 Jackson Park Road, Hendersonville, 697-4891, • TH (8/13), 2pm & 6pm - Food preservation work-

august 12 - august 18, 2015


coMMU n it Y cA L e n D AR

by Abigail Griffin

Send your event listings to

COnCiOUs ParTY fun fundraisers By Kat McReynolds |

shops. $15. LeicesteR coMMUnitY centeR 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, Leicester.Community.Center • 3rd TUESDAYS, 2:303:30pm - Manna FoodBank distribution, including local produce. Free. Living weB FARMs 891-4497, • TU (8/18), 6:30-8pm - Learn to preserve meats through salt, smoke, and dehydration. $10. Held at French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave.

goveRnMent & poLitics henDeRson coUntY DeMocRAtic pARtY

“It’s remarkable the folks who have chipped in [to help with Kenny Capps’ benefit concert],” says musician David Lamotte. “It speaks to who Kenny is and the impact he’s had on the community. He’s well-known and loved in lots and lots of different circles ... and it’s meaning a whole lot to him.” Photo courtesy of Capps’ famliy

a healthy dose of music and friendship what: A benefit concert for Kenny Capps when: Thursday, Aug. 13, at 7:30 p.m. where: White Horse Black Mountain Five days before heading to Atlanta for surgery and a month of isolation to combat an aggressive form of bone marrow cancer, Black Mountain resident and Kudzu Printing Co. owner Kenny capps will be enveloped in the sights and sounds of friendship; White Horse Black Mountain hosts a benefit concert planned by a group of his loved ones on Thursday, Aug. 13. “It’s such a gift to people who love him that we have something we can do, which is always what you long for when somebody you love is hurting,” says author and awardwinning singer/songwriter david lamotte, who is also a longtime friend of Capps’. Lamotte and Virginian musicians Karl werne and bj leiderman all have live sets planned for the event and “spontaneous collaborations seem likely,” according to the talented and prolific group of friends. Local poet barbie angel will also perform, doubling as the emcee for the evening. LaMotte wouldn’t reveal details about one additional guest performance, “because it’s a surprise for Kenny.” Capps has already begun treatment for the multiple myeloma he’s facing, and


august 12 - august 18, 2015

although a to-be-determined portion of the medical expenses will be covered by insurance, “there’s no question that the costs that are left are going to be huge,” Lamotte says. Meanwhile, Capps’ wife murphy is managing Kudzu in Kenny’s absence, while also juggling her own business Kudzu Branding Co. and tending to the couple’s three children. “They’re both keeping an extraordinarily positive attitude,” LaMotte says. “Kenny keeps joking around with me even in the midst of all this, and I find that really deeply inspiring.” Murphy, for one, is confident that with advances in medical technology and the support of an entire community, her husband can overcome the incurable illness. “Kenny and I look forward to many, many happy years together, raising our family, running our businesses and loving our friends right here in Black Mountain,” she says. Tickets for the event, which includes a raffle of donated items are available at for $22/$25 per person. All proceeds will help offset the expenses associated with Capps’ treatment. Direct donations to the cause can also be made at X

692-6424, • WE (8/12), 9am - Discussion group. Free to attend. Held at Mike’s on Main, 303 N. Main St., Hendersonville

KiDs BAND • PIANO • LESSONS • TUTORING (pd.) Children • BeginnersAdvanced. Professional licensed music teacher. Your home or my studio. • Affordable. 25 years+ experience. • Multi-child discounts. • Call Georgia Slater, B.M.E. (828) 484-9233. cReAtive peAceMAKeRs • ENROLL NOW! (pd.) TU/TH 2:30-5:30 PM. Creative expression (art, music, dance, poetry + more!) & cooperative play. For ages 5-9. $125/month. Reduced fees available. 1 School Rd., West Asheville. 828-258-0211., AsheviLLe histoRY centeR 253-9231, • SA (8/15), 10:30am - “Crafty Historian” activity on needlepoint. $5. Held at SmithMcDowell House Museum, 283 Victoria Road AsheviLLe pARKs AnD RecReAtion 259-5800, ashevillenc. gov/Departments/ ParksRecreation.aspx • SA (8/15), 2-7pm - “Back to School Bash,” with food, music and entertainment. Free. Held at Shiloh

Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road speLLBoUnD chiLDRen’s BooKshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free to attend. BLAcK MoUntAin centeR FoR the ARts 225 W. State St., 669-0930, • FR (8/14) through SU (8/16), - The Hive, original children’s play. Fri. & Sat.: 6:30pm. Sun.: 2pm. $10/$5 children.


BLUe RiDge pARKwAY RAngeR pRogRAMs 295-3782, Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (8/13), 7pm - “A Nut for Nuts!” Easy walk to learn about seed and nut producing trees. Meets at the Walnut Cove Overlook, MP 396.4. • FR (8/14), 7pm - “The Giant’s Stomping Ground,” moderate 2.5 mile hike from Devil’s Courthouse to the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. Meets at Devil’s Courthouse overlook, MP 422.4. • FR (8/14), 11am - “Hiking for the Perfect Picture,” guided hike to Linville Falls focusing on photography. Meets at the Linville Falls Visitor Center, MP 316. • SA (8/15), 7pm - Program about skunks. Held at the Julian Price Campground Amphitheater, MP 296. • SA (8/15), 7pm - “Night Flyers” program about owls. Free. Held at Linville Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 316 Blue Ridge Parkway • SA (8/15), 7pm - “Yell Fire” program discusses wildland fires. Held at Crabtree Falls Campground Amphitheater, MP 340 Blue Ridge Parkway YMcA oF wnc 210-2265, • WE (8/19), 8:45am - Easy hike to Wintergreen Falls. Free; optional $5 carpool. Held at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.

pARenting sMARt stARt oF BUncoMBe coUntY 2229 Riverside Drive 2859333, • WE (8/12), 9am-4:30pm Three childhood and early education focus groups

throughout the day. Contact for schedule. Free.  

pUBLic LectURes ethicAL hUMAnist societY oF AsheviLLe 687-7759, • SU (8/16), 2pm - “Ordinary People Making a Real Difference: A Report from the 100th Assembly of the American Ethical Union.” Free. Held at Asheville Friends Meetinghouse, 227 Edgewood Road pUBLic LectURes At UncA • SA (8/15), 2pm - Asheville History Center lecture on early American botanist John Bartram. Free. Held at the Reuter Center. pUBLic LectURes At wcU • FR (8/14), 5:30pm - Wes Moore, author of The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates delivers keynote address at the new student convocation. Free. Held in the Ramsey Regional Activity Center.

spiRitUALitY AsheviLLe insight MeDitAtion (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, AstRo-coUnseLing (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AwAKening wisDoM (pd.) For optimal psychospiritual health. Guidance and training in Zen influenced meditation, mindfulness, and teachings in a completely contemporary context. Unlocking the secret of non-duality consciousness for a more authentic, wise, compassionate and sane life. Individual, group and telephone sessions available with consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Very

affordable. For info contact, (828) 258-3241. Visit cRYstAL visions BooKs AnD event centeR (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: open heARt MeDitAtion (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing negative emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 2960017 seRenitY insight MeDitAtion (pd.) A Burmese monk leads authentic Buddhist insight meditation, grounded in 40 years of practice. Beginners and advanced practitioners welcome. • Sundays, 10am-11:30am; • Mondays and Wednesdays, 6pm7pm. (828) 298-4700. AsheviLLe centeR FoR tRAnscenDentAL MeDitAtion 165 E. Chestnut, 254-4350, • THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - “An Introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Technique.” Free. BetteR Living centeR 606-6834 • THURSDAYS through (9/24), 6:30pm - Creationist health seminar. Free. Held at Leicester Community Center, 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester MoUntAin Jewish FestivAL 693-9838, • SU (8/16), 11am-3pm - Festival featuring traditional Jewish foods, crafts and traditions. Free to attend. Held at Agudas Israel Congregation, 505 Glasgow Lane, Hendersonville the wAY oF Love coMMUnitY gRoUp thepowerofpassionatepresence. com • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Modern mind meditation class. Free. Held at Angle Cottage, 50 Woodlawn Ave. tiBetAn BUDDhist pRActice gRoUp 512-289-248 • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, noon - Lunchtime meditation

practice. Free. Held at KTC Asheville, 2 Wall St. Suite 112 UR Light centeR 2196 N.C. Highway 9, Black Mountain, 669-6845, • 3rd SATURDAYS, 11am-4pm Mind Body Spirit Day. $12.

spoKen & wRitten woRD BUncoMBe coUntY pUBLic LiBRARies Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (8/18), 7pm - Mystery Book Club: The Treatment by Moe Hayder. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • TH (8/20), 6pm - Swannanoa Book Club: A Confederacy of Dunces by Peter Kennedy Toole. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TH (8/20), 2:30pm - Book Club: The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road BURnsviLLe tRAc gALLeRY 102 W. Main St., Burnsville, 6827215, burnsville-gallery • SA (8/15) through SA (9/26) - Local authors’ books are showcased. Free to attend. FiRestoRM cAFe AnD BooKs 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • SU (8/16), 12:30pm - Kristina Horton discusses her book Martyr of Loray Mill. Free to attend. henDeRson coUntY pUBLic LiBRARY 301 N. Washington St., Hendersonville, 697-4725 • TU (8/18), 6pm - “Authors Visit,” panel discussion with Jack J. Prather, Dave Richards, and Richard Gould Woodhull, Jr. Free. MALApRop’s BooKstoRe AnD cAFe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (8/12), 7pm - David Payne discusses his book Barefoot to Avalon. • WE (8/12), 7pm - Salon: I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t) by Brene Brown. • TH (8/13), 7pm - Dr. Neil Spector discusses his memoir Gone in a Heartbeat. • SA (8/15), 3pm - Jeff Alt discusses his book The Adventures of Bubba Jones: Time Traveling Through the Great Smoky

Mountains. • TU (8/18), 7pm - Michael Swanwick discusses his book Chasing the Phoenix. • WE (8/19), 5pm - Messages to the Heart Salon: Elise and Phil Okrend discuss their book Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth.

Paint Your Pet?... Oh Yes You Can!!! Doesn’t Your Best Friend Deserve A Portrait? Sign up for Paint Your Pet Night on our website! 640 Merrimon Ave • (828) 255-2442 •

oLLi At UncA 251-6140, • TH (8/20), 7pm - Storytelling event on courage and fortitude. Free. Held at the Reuter Center.

voLUnteeRing Big BRotheRs Big sisteRs oF wnc 253-1470, • TU (8/13), noon - Information session for volunteers ages 18 and older interested in mentoring young people from single-parent homes. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. hAnDs on AsheviLLeBUncoMBe 2-1-1, Registration required. • SA (8/15), 10am - Volunteers needed to create info packets for OnTrack financial education. Location given on registration. • SA (8/15), 10:30am - Volunteers needed to sort books for “book shelf starter-kits” for Homeward Bound clients. Location given on registration. • SU (8/16), 1pm - Volunteers needed for “Knit-n-Give” hat knitting for homeless and at-risk newborns. Location given on registration. • MO (8/17), 6pm - Volunteers needed to bake cookies for hospice patients and families. Held at John Keever Solace Center, 21 Belvedere Road • SA (8/18), 4pm - Volunteers needed to assist with packing and pricing merchandise. Held at Ten Thousand Villages, 10 College St. tRAiLBLAZeRs oUtDooR ADventURe cLUB 255-8777, • Through WE (8/12) - Volunteers needed to lead children from public housing on outdoor activities. For more volunteering opportunities visit volunteering

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august 12 - august 18, 2015


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august 12 - august 18, 2015

neWs oF tHe Weird

Responsible Automotive Service & Repair

by Chuck Shepherd lead story — "doc, it hurts when i do that" ("then don't do that") Ran'dell Busch, 27, was in serious condition after being shot on July 26 near the corner of 18th Street and Emmet Street in Omaha, Nebraska. He was also shot in 2014 around the intersection of 18th and Emmet, and in 2012 was shot in a scuffle after running from the corner of 18th and Emmet. the entrepreneurial spirit! • Failed European Business Models: (1) Grande Hotel San Calogero, the planned centerpiece of a Sicilian tourist renaissance, is still nowhere close to opening — 61 years after construction began. It took 30 years to build, but then developers fought for 10 years over its management, and only later was a serious drainage deficiency discovered (repair of which Rome's news site The Local reported in July remains unfunded). (2) Construction of the ultra-modern Don Quixote airport (in Ciudad Real, Spain, about an hour from Madrid) was finished in 2006, but the $1 billion facility never opened, and in July, was sold to a Chinese investor for the equivalent of $11,000. (Bonus: Fictional character Don Quixote was, himself, noted for delusions of grandeur.) • Unclear on the Concept: Overlooked by the roundup of "state fair" foods listed in News of the Weird two weeks ago was the debut in June, at California's San Diego County Fair, of the deepfried Slim-Fast bar. A 200-calorie "diet bar" is breaded in pancake batter, fried, dusted with powdered sugar and drizzled with chocolate. • A woman in a suburb of Beijing filed a lawsuit against the China Dragon Garden graveyard recently over her shock to find that not only was her own name affixed to a headstone in gold lettering, but about half of the 600 plots were eerily marked for prominent (and still living) people to move into. It was a marketing plan, according to cemetery workers, to convince customers of the upscale neighbors (such as basketball star Yao Ming) waiting for them in the

afterlife. (China's aging population, and Beijing's land scarcity, have driven up prices, intensifying competition and corrupt practices, according to a Los Angeles Times dispatch.) wait, what? (1) Jason Patterson, upset that New Zealand's health care administration has rejected paying for gastric bypass surgery, announced in July that he will protest publicly by going on a hunger strike. "The first two to three days (will be) really hard," he told Channel 3 News. (2) Local officials in China's Xinjiang region informed Muslim shopkeepers and restaurateurs in May that they will henceforth be required to sell alcohol and cigarettes (even though Islam forbids their consumption). An official told Radio Free Asia that the government aims to weaken religion. cutting-edge science Some owners may be petting their cats all wrong, cautioned recent research in issues of the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science by scientists from University of Lincoln in England and the University of WisconsinMadison. For example, felines seem to prefer face-caressing, especially between the eyes and ears, and are especially aroused, negatively, by tail-petting, especially at the base. Cats appear to be pickier about how their owners pet them than strangers, according to a Washington Post review of one article. The Wisconsin research revealed that cats better appreciate (or are annoyed less by) music written especially for their pitch (an octave higher) and tempo (mimicking purring) than traditional classical music.

Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to weirdnews@ or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.

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august 12 - august 18, 2015



mIssIon possIble

Program gives students chance to learn about health care careers

FiNgEr ON THE PuLSE: Alesia Carpenter, manager of Mission Hospital’s simulation lab, shows students how to check the pulse of a mannequin designed to demonstrate the process of giving birth. The students are, from left, Kaylee Lorenzen, Peyton Johnson and Tabis Gore. Photo by Clarke Morrison

By cLArkE mOrriSON The high school students craned their necks to get a good look at the mechanical mannequin that was about to give birth. “She’s contracting every three minutes now,” said alesia carpenter, a registered nurse. As manager of the simulation lab, she led the simulated birth in a Mission Hospital suite.


august 12 - august 18, 2015

A monitor displayed the makeshift mom’s vital signs. “She’s pretty comfortable,” said Carpenter. “We’ve got to get her feet up.” Delivery time came minutes later. “I need someone to catch the baby,” said Carpenter, calling on a student to assist. “Push her legs back a little bit. I want you to hold that head and pull just a little bit.” The task fell to peyton johnson, a Roberson High junior who is considering a career as a labor-and-delivery nurse or a pediatric surgeon.

“It was cool to see how hard it actually is for the mother to deliver a baby and the way it came out,” said Johnson. “You have to go in there and help her a lot and actually pull the baby out as she’s pushing, so it’s really difficult.” The session was part of Mission Possible, a collaboration between Mission Hospital, Asheville City High Schools, Buncombe County Schools and private schools in Buncombe. With its two-week summer intern-

ship, the program gives Asheville and Buncombe high school students a taste of what it’s like to work in a hospital-based medical profession. Students get to see doctors, nurses and technicians at work in complex environments. They also observe clinical and nonclinical areas of the hospital, including diagnostic, therapeutic and emergency services. And there’s a focus on the importance of wellness, nutrition, stress reduction and healthy lifestyles.

“I think it’s great,” Johnson says. “Getting to walk around the hospital and seeing all the different possibilities is really eye-opening. We get to go to all the different departments and learn a little bit about each one. It gets your mind going on what you want to do.” career development ben napper, coordinator for Mission’s Center for Leadership and Professional Development, says the program is part of the hospital system’s workforce development effort. “Getting people interested in health care in general, especially at a young age, is important to us,” he says. “As Bruce Springsteen said, ‘You can’t start a fire without a spark.’ We don’t necessarily know exactly when that spark will happen or what it will be, but I feel like going around meeting people who are actually doing it every day and going through what it takes to get into the health care industry, [students] get a lot of good influences and they feel a lot more confident heading into college about what their next step is going to be.” For eight years, Mission Possible organizers have recruited juniors and seniors from Asheville and Buncombe County schools. Admission is based on a student’s grade-point average, essays, interviews and a desire to pursue a career in health care. The program is held on the hospital campus in Asheville. This summer, a selection committee composed of Mission Hospital and school representatives reviewed nearly 100 student transcripts and applications; then they picked 30 students to participate. “We received over 80 applications, so it was definitely tough to narrow it down,” Napper says. “It’s always tough, because there’s a lot of great high school kids in this community. To me, it’s awesome to see young people engaged and wanting to go out and learn about opportunities and what they can do to take the next step for their careers.”

live, and he lived to be 34. Right now I think I want to be a cardiac thoracic surgeon, but honestly, after [taking] this program, it’s really hard to pinpoint. This way you get to experience a lot of different things and hear from people who are in it day to day, versus your own personal research.” Kaylee lorenzen, a junior at Asheville High’s School of Inquiry and Life Sciences, says Mission Possible provided a positive experience. She was inspired to go into the medical field by her mother, she says. “My mom’s a nurse, so I’ve been raised in a household where the medical talk was always there,” Lorenzen says. “And it’s just really uplifting to hear all her stories about helping patients and stuff, and I’ve always just really wanted to be able to help patients.” Lorenzen said she’s considering a nonclinical field, such as overseeing patient safety and quality care. “Being able to come [to the hospital] and see what everyone does is just really amazing, seeing all the different aspects and how it’s not just the doctors,” she says. “It’s people who don’t always get the credit.” Another participant, Asheville High junior tabis gore, says the program gave him valuable insights into what it’s like to work in a hospital setting. “I want to become a general surgeon, and … why not accept this opportunity about the career choice that I want to take?” he says. “I’ve learned a lot of stuff that I didn’t know before.” Napper says the Mission Possible program aims to help students meet their career goals as well as encourage the development of future employees and meet the community’s demand for health care professionals. “They may not end up working for Mission one day,” he says, “but by getting them interested in health care early and helping them identify what it is they’re interested in, we’re giving them a leg up heading into college.” X

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future choices jacob wiegman, an Asheville High senior, says Mission Possible showed him career choices that he hadn’t considered. “I’ve always been interested in cardiology because of family history and that kind of thing,” he says. “My uncle was born with three heart chambers and was given a day to

MOre infO For more information about Mission Possible, go to avl. mx/1dw.

august 12 - august 18, 2015


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august 12 - august 18, 2015

Send your event listings to

AL-Anon/ ALAteen FAMiLY gRoUps 800-286-1326, • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit ALcohoLics AnonYMoUs • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or AsheviLLe woMen FoR soBRietY 215-536-8026, • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. AspeRgeR’s teens UniteD • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. BRAinstoRMeRs coLLective • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - For brain injury survivors and supporters. BReAst cAnceR sUppoRt gRoUp 213-2508 • 3rd THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - For breast cancer survivors, husbands, children and friends. Held at SECU Cancer Center, 21 Hospital Drive chRonic pAin sUppoRt 989-1555, • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6 pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions.

heARtspeAK eMpAthY ciRcLe • TU (8/18), 7:30pm - For practicing and experiencing empathy. Free to attend. Held at 386 Kenilworth Road.

coDepenDents AnonYMoUs 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8pm – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 370 N. Louisiana Ave. Suite G4

LeicesteR coMMUnitY centeR 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, • MONDAYS, 6-7pm - Community yoga class. Free.

DeBtoRs AnonYMoUs • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.

ReD cRoss BLooD DRives Appointment and ID required. • FR (8/14), 7am-3:30pm - Appointments & info: 2992514. Held at Charles George V.A. Medical Center, 1100 Tunnel Road • FR (8/18), 9:30am-2pm - Appointments & info: 1-800-733-2767. Held at Buncombe County Administration Building, 200 College St. • TH (8/20), 1pm-5:30pm - Appointments & info: 667-3950. Held at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church, 725 Asbury Road, Candler • TH (8/20), 11am-4:30pm - Appointments & info: 1-800-733-2767. Held at UNC-Asheville, 1 University Heights

DepRession AnD BipoLAR sUppoRt ALLiAnce 367-7660, • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road.

YMcA oF wnc 210-2265, • WE (8/12), noon - Dr. Grace Evins discusses the ways cognitive ability impacts the aging. Free. Held at YMCA - Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St. • TU (8/18), noon - “The Key to a Healthy Happy Gut” discussion led by Dr. Elizabeth Pavka. Free. Held at YMCA - Asheville, 30 Woodfin St.

sUppoRt gRoUps ADULt chiLDRen oF ALcohoLics & DYsFUnctionAL FAMiLies • Visit for full listings.

Growing baby at a time!!! 28

by Abigail Griffin

DiABetes sUppoRt 213-4788, • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm - In Room 3-B. Held at Mission Health, 509 Biltmore Ave. eLectRosensitivitY sUppoRt • For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact or 255-3350. eMotions AnonYMoUs 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road FooD ADDicts AnonYMoUs 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Held at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 1 School Road • SATURDAYS, 11am- Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 370 N. Louisiana Ave. Suite G4 gAMBLeRs AnonYMoUs • THURSDAYS, 6:45pm - 12-step meeting. Held at Basillica of St. Lawrence, 97 Haywood St. LiFe LiMiting iLLness sUppoRt gRoUp 386-801-2606

• TUESDAYS, 6:30-8pm - For adults managing the challenges of life limiting illnesses. Free. Held at Secrets of a Duchess, 1439 Merrimon Ave. Living with chRonic pAin 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa Men woRKing on LiFe’s issUes 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location. nAR-Anon FAMiLY gRoUps • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road nAtionAL ALLiAnce on MentAL iLLness 505-7353, • 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Connection group for individuals dealing with mental illness. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - For family members and caregivers of those with mental illness. Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. oUR voice tRAUMA eDUcAtion seRies 252-0562, • 3rd TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - For survivors of sexual violence, ages 18+. Registration required. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801 oveRcoMeRs oF DoMestic vioLence 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler oveRcoMeRs RecoveRY sUppoRt gRoUp • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road oveReAteRs AnonYMoUs • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit support for full listings. RecoveRing coUpLes AnonYMoUs • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road s-Anon FAMiLY gRoUps 258-5117, • For those affected by another’s sexual behavior. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. shiFting geARs 683-7195 • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Group-sharing for those in transition in careers or relationships. Contact for location. sMARt RecoveRY • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sUnRise peeR sUppoRt voLUnteeR seRvices • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer

support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sUppoRtive pARents oF tRAnsKiDs • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - For parents to discuss the joys, transitions and challenges of parenting a transkid. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. sYLvA gRieF sUppoRt • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County

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Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.h.e. centeR FoR DisoRDeReD eAting 337-4685, Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. • 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30pm - Teaches parents, spouses & loved ones how to support individuals during eating disorder treatment. UnDeReARneRs AnonYMoUs • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.



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august 12 - august 18, 2015


Do You Have a Child with ADHD?

green scene

Wearing your green on your sleeve Upcycled fashion creates an eco-friendly and uniquely Asheville look By jANE mOrrELL AND SArAH WHELAN

UNCA & Advanced Psychological Services is currently accepting participants for a study of a nonmedication treatment of ADHD for children aged 7-10.

Standing in the window space of Avedian Coast on Lexington Avenue, local model camille reeds smiles and poses in an asymmetrical cotton dress with sides of deep purple and flashy red bordering a chaotic rainbow pattern like television static. The boutique’s showroom is filled with jazzy reds, ashy blues and dazzling greens — a spectrum of garments, many of which were created from a puzzle of textile waste. The fashion on display here is made through a process called upcycling. In a way, upcycling is like the recycling we do with our cans and bottles: It also uses that concept of reusing and reducing waste material — but it’s not exactly cut from the same cloth. “[Upcycling] is very specific,” explains stina anderson, owner and designer of ARTeries, an upcycled clothing and accessories line. “Recycling, that’s redoing. Upcycling is actually taking something [and] improving upon it. Primarily, it’s built around the philosophy of making something new again.” Anderson says her work is a “fusion” that combines post-consumer clothing with new and used materials to create custom pieces. The result, she says, is garments that are handcrafted, unique and visually distinct from most off-therack options. After all, as Anderson asserts in her company’s tagline, “every woman wants a dress that no one else has.”

Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) include difficulty concentrating, disorganization, distractibility, forgetting, and trouble completing tasks on time. The treatment can be added to other treatment (such as medication) the child is receiving. Prior diagnosis is not necessary. Qualified participants receive free evaluation and treatment, and some reimbursement for time and travel. Risks will be explained before agreeing to participate.

For information without obligation call Erik Avots: 828-333-5359 x3, or email, or visit 30

august 12 - august 18, 2015

SArTOriAL SuSTAiNABiLiTy: The United States generates an estimated 21 billion pounds of textile waste annually, but upcycled fashions — such as this dress by designer Stina Anderson modeled by Camille Reeds — offer a way to repurpose old threads. Photo by Jane Morrell

reduce, reuse, upcycle According to the Council for Textile Recycling, the United States

generates an average of 25 billion pounds of textiles annually — from clothing and footwear to accessories, bedding and drapery. Of that 25 billion, an estimated 21 billion — 85 percent — will end up in landfills each year. In fact, textiles account for 5.2 percent of the country’s municipal solid waste, and that amount is growing. The council estimates that in 1999 the U.S. generated 18.2 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste, but by 2019 that number is projected to increase to 35.4 billion. Furthermore, the Institute for Sustainable Communication reports the textile industry is one of the world’s largest polluters, contributing to contamination of drinking water through chemical runoff or from dyes seeping out of clothing in landfills. The Journal of Hazardous Materials reports that chemicals used in dyes — including formaldehyde, a known respiratory irritant, as well as fluoride, phthalates and nonylphenols —have been detected in treated drinking water. “[By upcycling] you’re saving the environment from a lot of chemical processes that a lot of times involve caustic chemicals that are bad for the environment,” notes john riddle, textile expert of the Hickory-based clothing line Recover Brands. At Recover, Riddle sources fabrics from traditional sources such as excess industrial cotton, as well as some surprising ones — primarily, extracting polyester from discarded plastic bottles. The salvaged materials are used to create Recover’s 100 percent recycled apparel line — another spin on upcycling. Riddle estimates that the company sources a quarter million pounds of cotton annually from manufacturers such as Nike and Haynes. Additionally, Recover salvag-

es around 2.5 million plastic bottles each year. Larger upcycled lines, such as Recover, are able to utilize connections with national manufacturers. Smaller-scale designers like Anderson will use leftover fabrics, thrift-store pieces or even donations of vintage garments to turn anything from a T-shirt or a suede jacket into a new suit, a handbag or even a pair of toreador pants. stitch by stitch Upcycling is also a chance to wear an actual art piece, notes gigi renee, designer and owner of Vintage Moon. “[An upcycled piece] is different,” she explains. “You know you’re not going to find it in Urban Outfitters or the mall.” To create an upcycled piece, Renee begins with her collection of vintage fabrics and antique textiles — silks, velvets, lace and embroidery — that she’ll combine into a wearable collage. If she has a stiff piece of crochet or lace, she’ll soak it in warm water to loosen the threads before stitching it into the new garment. She hand-dyes her work, utilizing methods such as Shibori, indigo and acid dying to make each piece one-of-a-kind. But her favorite process is eco-print dying — where she applies botanicals and metals to the fabric to introduce patterns and colors. Renee says that recycling is the foundation for her work. “To be able to turn an old item into something to be presently cherished and enjoyed gives me a deep sense of creative satisfaction,” she explains. The pieces that designers like Renee produce can vary from professional suit jackets to casual sundresses and crop tops — but the

techniques to create the pieces require dedication and labor, often taking entire days or weeks to create. asheville’s fashion district It’s not difficult to find upcycled pieces in Asheville. In fact, the style is prominently displayed in several stores on Lexington Avenue, which Renee compares to the artsy HaightAshbury district in San Francisco. “The boutiques down here are very unique,” she says. “They’re not like your wholesale buyers that are just buying stuff that you can get anywhere.” According to franzi charen, owner of Hip Replacements and director of the Asheville Grown Business Alliance, Lexington Avenue has long been home to sustainable fashion. Charen notes that upcycled and vintage pieces can be found at Honeypot, Vintage Moon, Royal Peasantry, Aveidan Coast and Hip Replacements — all located within a short walk of each other. In fact, independent boutiques and clothing artists seem to flock to this part of downtown. “I think the draw for the alternative culture and the love for Lexington Avenue has always been known to be welcoming to everybody,” Charen notes. However, Lexington was not always regarded as the place to be for Asheville fashion.“I know that there was a time where even the Chamber [of Commerce] warned against going down Lexington,” Charen notes. “This street, back as early as the ’90s and early 2000s, was culturally very interesting, [but] it was home to a lot of people who lived on the streets.” However ironic, just like upcycled clothing, Lexington has transformed from rags to riches, while still hanging onto its independent vibe. sarah legatski, owner of Honey Pot, says

many shoppers come to Lexington’s boutiques looking for “a sense of self and nonhomogenization.” Legatski says that while her store focuses solely on vintage wears, she believes both upcycled and recycled clothing fit the Asheville personality. “It’s original,” she explains. “The thing both [styles] have in common is that each piece stands on its own, and people really like that. It feeds the diversity and the independence that this town prides itself on.” The unique look of repurposed clothing also attracts a wide variety of consumers, from locals to tourists. In fact, Legatski, Charen and Anderson all noted that tourism has been a driving force behind the upcycled clothing scene in Asheville over the years. Anderson notes that her dresses can range in price from $65 to $350 depending on the amount of labor that went into each piece, but that many out-of-town shoppers are more than willing to pay the price for the one-of-a-kind look. It’s not uncommon to find a Lexington Avenue customer willing to invest in handmade fashion and local artists, adds Legatski, and attracting that kind of consumer can be a great asset to the local economy. “I think that is a growing point for Asheville,” she says. “The money is here, and it’s walking down our streets. I mean, we’ve all caught the tweet that this actor is here now, and this person is there and Kristen Wiig’s been here — we’ve seen so many people come through here.” bursting at the seams Anderson notes that even though several boutiques are crowded onto Lexington Avenue, so far the vibe


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gR een s ce n e

EcOuTurE: Upcycled clothing, like this Stina Anderson dress modeled by Marlee Foley — can offer an eco-friendly approach to style. But some local storeowners who offer upcycled and vintage pieces fear corporate competitors — that sell pieces that mimic the look but not the manufacturing practices of upcycling — may squeeze local designers and boutiques out of the market. Photo by Sarah Whelan has been more community than competition. “There are some really strong designers here in Asheville, and it’s been cool to watch it grow over time,” she notes. “Everyone succeeded in their own paths.” However, that sense of welcome might not extend to some of the newer kids on the block. Larger clothing corporations have jumped onto the upcycled and vintage style, offering lower-priced garments that might mimic the look of repurposed fashion, but not the manufacturing practices. Recent news of an Anthropolgie


august 12 - august 18, 2015

store opening on Lexington Avenue — following in the footsteps of Urban Outfitters on Haywood Street — sparked concern among many shopkeepers, including dean peterson with Tops for Shoes, who noted that the entrance of multiple chains stores can lead to increased rents in downtown, driving out small businesses with tighter budgets. Ironically, Legatski notes that the popularity of Lexington Avenue could allow chain stores to squeeze out independent business. “We’re expected to keep up with [businesses] who came in loaded and to have the same

resources that they have, [because] if we don’t, somebody else will,” she says. “Strangers come in and offer landlords double [rent] because they want to be here. They want to be on the ‘cool street.’” Charen agrees, adding that “downtown Asheville is facing the reality of being overtaken by outside landlords and retail chains. As local businesses get priced out of the market, we lose much of our unique culture.” She adds that a conversation about downtown’s future should consider both the present situation and what the next few decades could

bring. “We all want a downtown that we can live, work and play in, and we must prioritize the needs of residents in our community over those that only wish to extract resources,” she notes. “We must look 20 years down the road at the real implications of these decisions based on short-term profit and outside interests.” The concern over the potentially changing face of Lexington Avenue and other streets in downtown led Adorn Salon owner rebecca hecht, who is also a member of the Asheville Downtown Commission, to create an online petition calling for local leaders to “regulate and/ or place a moratorium on chain and formula stores in downtown.” The petition garnered more than 2,000 signatures in less than a week. “From the commissioners’ perspective, I think we all feel that it’s time to start the conversation about how we guide the development of downtown,” Hecht says. However, not all Lexington boutique owners are opposed to Anthropologie and other chain stores coming into downtown. Anderson says that Asheville needs to maintain a “fine balance” between local and national stores, but adds that the presence of larger corporations may actually bring more consumers to her business by drawing the attention of tourists and leading them to explore Asheville’s other fashion options. “When you have bigger stores move into an area like this, you have to look at the bigger picture,” Anderson says. “Maybe those tourists don’t know that Lexington Avenue is so awesome. Maybe they need to stumble upon us, but they wouldn’t have done that if hadn’t known Urban Outfitters.” Renee notes that ultimately the situation will rely on customers who may choose to shop in bigbox stores also continuing to support independent boutiques. “We, as independent artists and business owners, want to keep the local economy thriving,” she notes. “The only way we can survive is to depend on the consumer to come in and shop in our stores.” one of a Kind Anderson adds that ultimately what will keep bringing customers to her store is the desire for a something unique. Upcyling allows her to utilize repurposed materials to keep prices lower on her custom pieces,

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WHAT’S OLD iS NEW AgAiN: “[Upcycling] is very specific,” explains designer Stina Anderson. “Primarily, it’s built around the philosophy of making something new again.” Photo by Sarah Whelan but it also allows her customers to show off their environmental consciousness, she says. “I feel like when people wear upcycle, they wear a brand that is very visually made from materials that were something else,” she notes. Effectively, upcycling is wearing your green on your sleeve. Anderson notes that customers who purchase upcycled clothing are more likely to be aware of and promote the need to reduce textile waste. “[A lot of consumers] want more, and they want new, and when you have really accessible, cheap clothing that is produced with no accountability for waste, there really is no end in sight,” she says. But upcycled and vintage wares may help promote the exchange that there could be a better way, she adds. “We all have to help each other and educate each other

about how to upcycle and recycle,” she says. “There is nothing more valuable than that kind of exchange. That’s what is trendy now — people want to be green.” X

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august 12 - august 18, 2015



come for the animals, stay for the food

Brother Wolf hopes its inaugural Asheville Vegan Fest will change diets and minds


A TASTE OF PLANT-BASED: The Hop owner Greg Garrison, left, (pictured with son Finn sampling some ofrother Wolf Animal Rescue founder Denise Bitz, left, Photo by Cindy Kunst


august 12 - august 18, 2015

Brother Wolf Animal Rescue founder denise bitz has a much broader view of what it means to be an animal lover than just rescuing dogs and cats. “We advocate for compassion to all animals,” she says, pointing to the no-kill shelter’s upcoming Asheville VeganFest as a public exhibition of the organization’s mission. “As more and more folks add vegan options to their diet, they learn that a plant-based diet is not only more humane, but it’s also better for the environment, as well as our own health and well-being.” Bitz says she is also hoping that the new event will raise awareness about plans for the new Brother Wolf Animal Sanctuary, an 82.5-acre, specialcare facility the group is developing in Leicester to provide long-term, specialized rehabilitation for cats and dogs suffering from abuse and neglect. Guests at the festival will be able to view plans for the facility, and memorial bricks for the sanctuary’s grounds will be on sale to raise money for the project. At least a dozen vendors will be serving vegan foods and beverages at the inaugural event on Sunday, Aug. 16, some of whom see the festival as an occasion to win over converts. eric and veronica walsh, the couple behind soon-to-open vegan lunch delivery service Veganized, hope to convince their customers that eliminating animal products from their diets doesn’t mean missing out on comfort foods. “We are offering a product that is indulgent and reminds you of the meals you grew up loving — without the guilt of harming animals in any way,” Walsh says. “We believe that Asheville’s plant-based food

scene should offer a wide range of choices.” When Veganized opens for business on Tuesday, Aug. 18, it will offer vegan interpretations of classic, hearty dishes such as stuffed peppers, a loaded cheeseburger and chicken Philly cheesesteaks. “Our meals should also serve as an easy step for anybody transitioning into a vegetarian or vegan diet as the tastes, textures and types of food we serve will not be a huge jump from those they are currently eating,” says Walsh. charles foesch, owner of Bean Vegan Cuisine, says he sees a wide variety of motivations behind the customers eating his fare. “People come to veganism for so many different reasons,” says Foesch. “Health, compassion for animals, environmental reasons, spiritual beliefs and the culture they were raised in, to name just a few. We’ve also found that about 70 percent of our customer base does not identify as vegan or vegetarian at all. They just like the food.” VeganFest will also offer educational sessions on the benefits of a plant-based diet, which Bitz says is “not only more humane for animals, but also reduces greenhouse gases and global warming.” In addition to aiding weight loss and bodybuilding, she claims a vegan diet is beneficial in preventing such diseases as cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. “[It] even helps support the spiritual journey,” she says. Leading up to the festival, Brother Wolf enlisted 38 Asheville residents to take part in a 14-Day Health

MOre infO

Challenge. Participants agreed to eat a plant-based diet for two weeks, taking health screenings before and after the challenge, in an effort to see how the diet affected major health indicators including blood chemistry, blood pressure and weight loss. At VeganFest, amy lanou, chair of the Health and Wellness Department at UNC Asheville, will announce the results. Brother Wolf will have dogs and cats available for adoption, and arts and lifestyle vendors will showcase their vegan-friendly artwork, crafts and services. Food vendors will include Bean Vegan Cuisine, Plant, Farm to Fender food truck, Coconut Organics, Veganized, Mela Indian Restaurant, Roots Hummus, Smiling Hara Tempeh, No Evil Foods and more. Food samples will be available at many booths, and all vendors will have vegan food for sale. The Hop and French Broad Chocolates will offer vegan desserts. Beer will also be available from Sanctuary Brewing Co. and Catawba Brewing Co. X


Eat well. Be Happy. Open for Lunch! Noon-4 PM, Tue-Fri

what: Asheville Vegan Fest

Kids eat FREE Sundays after 4 PM!

when: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16

(With accompanying adult purchase of $8 or more)

where: Pack Square Park

Tues-Fri 12 - 4 PM/ 5 PM -2 AM Sat 12 NOON - 2 AM Sun 11 AM - 10 PM

how much: Admission is free. Free food samples will be available, and food will be for sale.

full menu online at 55 College St, Downtown Asheville


parking at the rankin ramp

august 12 - august 18, 2015



by Lea MClellan

Say (vegan) cheese! Local chefs prove artisan cheese doesn’t have to be dairy-based 70 N. LexiNgtoN aveNue 828.225.8880

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DAiry-FrEE AND FLAVOrFuL: Plant chef Jason Sellers, left, and sous-chef Nathan Burrows pair their house-made aged cashew cheese, almond-based fresh mozzarella and dairy-free cream cheese with heirloom tomoatoes, herbs, pickled vegetables, focaccia and more on the vegan restaurant’s cheese plate and tomato plate. Photo by Cindy Kunst

Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies

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august 12 - august 18, 2015

Vegan cheese may sound like a culinary oxymoron — that is, until you try the good stuff. Local chefs are proving that vegans don’t necessarily have to forgo their fromage or settle for overly processed squares of mystery cheese. Chef jason sellers of Plant, whose vegan ice creams are distributed nationally through Amy’s brand, is not one to shy away from the challenge of dairy-free cheeses. In fact,

diners can order an entire cheese plate at his all-vegan restaurant. Currently, the cheese plate features aged cashew cheese and farmer’s-style soft cheese. Plant also offers an almond-based fresh mozzarella as well as cream cheese, which is currently paired with caramelized Jerusalem artichokes and ancho chili sorghum. A seitan dish features a nut-based queso, and a fermented tofu feta has been in development and is nearly

ready for the menu. Sellers says it will likely be paired with melon. That’s quite a bit of cheese for an animal product-free kitchen. So how do they do it? Actually, the process for making these vegan cheeses may sound familiar to those who know traditional cheesemaking methods. “Often vegan cheese products on the market are made as stand-ins for other processed animal cheeses.”

says Sellers. “So the result is often an imitation of the same process. But I would urge anyone to explore vegan cheese that is made with a nod to cheese-making tradition, where bacteria is responsible for the predominant flavor.” Sellers cultivates lactobacteria and uses a 3- to 5-day aging process for the cashew cheese. “To make the almond fresh mozzarella, we first make a yogurt from almond milk,” he says. “Once the healthful bacteria is strong, it’s blended, salted and set with agar [a sea vegetable] to achieve an elasticity. The cream cheese is tofu-based and is fermented with miso, a paste made with a rice-based mold known as koji.” While the process requires Sellers to get a bit creative, his preferred way to enjoy vegan cheese is fairly simple. “I like to eat fermented cheese with wine and something crunchy,” he says. “Traditional animal cheeses are strong; their flavors sit easily on top of other flavors. But nut-based cheeses are typically more mild. The trick to enjoying them is to pair them with foods that do not overwhelm.” jenni squires, co-owner of Elements Real Food, also sees the value of featuring cheesy flavors on her all-vegan menu. If fermenting your own dairy-free cheese sounds intimidating, Squires offers some other creative and cheesy options —

most of which can be accomplished with a food processor and high-speed blender. “Nuts, seeds and other fats such as avocados make a great start to a plant-based cheese,” says Squires, who mentions that nuts are often soaked overnight to prepare for the blender. “Cashews, almonds, macadamias, pine nuts and tahini are some of the most versatile ingredients for making Alfredo sauce, ricotta, chevre, Caesar dressing, cheddar sauce, Parmesan and cheesecake.” Squires is quick to point out that she and partner Zack bier avoid any vegan cheese recipes that are heavy in processed soy ingredients and instead focus on using the flavors and textures found in organic nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. “Cheesecake is my favorite,” says Squires. “It’s so decadent and tastes just like the real thing. We make many kinds of plant-based, gluten-free cheesecake, all made from scratch using nuts, dates, fruit and coconut oil.” And just as these chefs are eager to prove that vegans can enjoy a good cheese, Squires reminds nonvegans that dairy-free cheeses aren’t just for those who eschew animal products. “We believe that everyone can enjoy plant-based cheese and food,” she says. “You don’t have to be a vegan to like vegan, plantbased food.” X

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basic cashew cheese This recipe makes a great base for a creamy alfredo sauce or ricotta-style cheese for a lasagna.

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recipe from elements real foods 2 cups cashews soaked for at least four hours 1/2 teaspoon salt dash of pepper 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 date 1 clove garlic water (enough to cover cashews in the blender) Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until it’s smooth like Alfredo sauce. If you do not have a high-speed blender, you can use a food processor, and the cheese will be more of a ricotta consistency, perfect for lasagna.

august 12 - august 18, 2015


F ooD

small bites 13. Cost is $15, and participants will each receive a jar of goodies to take home. Preregistration is required. Workshop sessions are at 2 and 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 13, at the Henderson County Cooperative Extension Office, 455 Research Drive, Mills River. To register, call 697-4891. mushroom foraging classes

PiTcHiNg iN: Agudas Israel Congregation members, from left, Natalie Zitnick, Sherry Harris, Ruth Marcus, Carol Leaman, Joan Kershner, Barbara Beckerman and Barbara Monoson have been busy preparing Jewish food delicacies to sell at the synagogue’s inaugural Mountain Jewish Festival. Photo by Bonnie Cooper mountain jewish festival For months now, many members of the Agudas Israel Congregation have been doing weekly kitchen duty at their synagogue in Hendersonville. Altogether, nearly 100 women and men have been working together regularly, whipping up Jewish food and making plans for the congregation’s inaugural Mountain Jewish Festival, which takes place Sunday, Aug. 16. Why did the synagogue decide to undertake such a huge project? “The reason we decided to do this festival was to expose and share our Jewish food and traditions with the community,” says the event’s publicity chair, bonnie cooper. “[We’ve been] preparing the food weekly for the past six months. Both the brotherhood and sisterhood have participated.” The food Cooper is referring to includes a long list of traditional Jewish delicacies such as kugels, potato latkes, chicken soup with matzo balls, knishes, pastrami, corned beef, braided challah bread, bagels with lox and cream cheese and more. Samples will be available, and guests will be able


august 12 - august 18, 2015

to buy some to eat there or take home as well. The congregation also plans to introduce Agudas’ new rabbi, rachael jackson, to the community during the festival with a meetand-greet, and a new video on the history of the Jewish people of Hendersonville will be screened. In addition, there will be music, Jewish craft activities for children, a Jewish book sale, a Sukkah (an outdoor arbor used for dining during the Jewish festival of Sukkot) and tours of the synagogue’s sanctuary. The synagogue’s Judaica Boutique will be open and stocked with new items. Admission to the festival is free. Food and craft tickets will be sold for $1 each at the door. Cash, check and credit cards will be accepted. Mountain Jewish Festival happens 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16 at Agudas Israel Congregation, 505 Glasgow Lane, Hendersonville. For details, call 693-9838 or visit fermented foods worKshop Cooperative Extension consumer sciences agent renay Knapp will offer two hands-on fermenting workshops for all ages on Thursday, Aug.

Fungal forager mateo ryall will offer Mushrooms of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, a series of hands-on foraging classes, Saturdays, Aug. 15-Sept. 5. Participants can choose to attend one or all four of the classes, which will offer instruction in identifying, harvesting and preparing edible and medicinal mushrooms. All skill levels are welcome. Cost is $25 per class or $75 for the series of four classes. Ryall has been studying and foraging for mushrooms for 15 years. He owns and operates Herb and Roots Nursery in West Asheville. 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturdays, Aug. 15-Sept 5. Participants will meet in the back parking lot at Earth Fare Westgate and proceed to nearby forests. For details, visit herbandroots. com or contact Ryall at livinroots@ or 413-636-4401.

paired with a local berry dessert from Vortex Doughnuts. The event will be held at Catawba Brewing Co.’s South Slope taproom and will feature two Catawba brews made with North Carolina ingredients. Catawba will also unveil its new T-shirts made with North Carolina cotton. Tickets are $20 and will include entry into a raffle for two private dinners at Omni Grove Park Inn’s Edison Craft Ales + Kitchen, a Catawba Brewery gift basket and a free pass to ASAP’s Farm Tour. Tickets include only the food — beer and other drinks will be sold separately. Reducedprice tickets for children ages 12 and younger will be available at the door. All ticket proceeds benefit ASAP. 5:30-9 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 13, Catawba Brewing Co., 32 Banks Ave. For tickets and details, visit X

blacK mountain ciderworKs anniversary party Black Mountain Ciderworks will celebrate its second anniversary on Saturday, Aug. 15, with the release of Viking Blood, a cherry-aged mead blended with cider. The festival is open to the public and will feature food and an outdoor cider pressing demonstration. Admission is free. Children and pets are welcome. 1-9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, Black Mountain Ciderworks, 104 Eastside Drive, Unit 307, Black Mountain. For details and updates, look for Black Mountain Ciderworks on Facebook. asap local summer cooKout The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project will host its Local Summer Cookout fundraiser on Thursday, Aug. 13. Chef philip bollhoefer of the Omni Grove Park Inn will prepare Hickory Nut Gap Farm pork ribs and a host of locally sourced summer side dishes to be

WHAT’S WOWING ME NOW Food writer Jonathan Ammons lets us in on his favorite dish du jour. the deviled egg at nightbell: This is not your grandma’s deviled egg — an open eggshell filled with warm, whipped corn sabayon and Sunburst Trout Farm’s smoked gravlax and trout roe. It’s like a tiny soup that you finish in five bites, but they’ll be the best five bites you’ll have all month. Smoky, salty, creamy and easily one of my favorite amuse-bouche offerings in Asheville.

— Jonathan Ammons

august 12 - august 18, 2015


F ooD

beer scout by Thom O’Hearn | Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.

MillS RiveR BReWeRy the taproom is open and the brewery will soon make its first beers this fall. At Mills River Brewery, the brewhouse isn’t up and running yet. And if you searched for it on Google as recently as a week ago, it was on the third page of results after various links to Sierra Nevada’s Mills River brewery. However, co-owners patrick (pj) mccarthy and joey soukup aren’t letting details like that deter them. “I grew up in the Mills River area and I think we’ve needed something like this on the south side of town for a long time: a local craft beer bar and [soon a] microbrewery with plenty of parking,” says Soukup. “Actually, I’m sure there will be other breweries down here eventually, but right now we’re the first.” McCarthy also grew up locally and has been friends with Soukup for about 15 years. For their first business venture, Soukup will be the brewer — he’s been homebrewing for seven years and took brewing classes at A-B Tech. McCarthy brings the hotel and restaurant management know-how to the team with a degree in the field and years of experience working in corporate restaurants. While the pair wait on permitting, they’re running the business like a craft beer bar with a deli on the side. “We have 24 taps we’re constantly changing out,” says McCarthy. “We’re keeping on a mix of national and local — everything from Asheville to California.” McCarthy says while the guest taps are the main focus, he and Soukup are trying to host plenty of events to spread the word that they’re open — including at least one pint night a week. Regular hospitality nights and seasonal events will soon be part of the program as well. “We’re planning to do special events for Oktoberfest and we’ll definitely have a night for pumpkin beers,” says McCarthy. He also says come fall they’ll play NFL games on multiple TVs, giving the brewery a bit more of a sports bar feel than most tasting rooms.


august 12 - august 18, 2015

“And if you search for us this week on Google, we’re on the first page,” says Soukup, smiling. Mills River Brewery is at 33 Rockwood Road, Unit 103, in Arden. For updates on the brewery, go to X

O n Ta P weDnesDAY AsheviLLe BRewing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm FRench BRoAD: $8.50 growler fills

SuDS FOr THE SOuTH SiDE: Mills River Brewing co-owners Joey Soukup, left, and PJ McCarthy hope their business will attract craft beer lovers living in South Asheville and Mills River. Photo by Thom O’Hearn

While some downtown breweries have never bothered with food, Soukup says they knew they needed to offer something in-house starting from day one. “When you walk around downtown, it’s easy to find food right next door to a brewery, but down here we realize the options you can walk to are a bit more limited,” says Soukup. “If people get off work and come by, we had to have something ready for them besides beer.” With that in mind, they’re currently serving fresh-baked pretzels from Carolina Mountain Bakery, subs and charcuterie boards with a mix of meats, cheeses, fruit, hummus and pita. In addition to crafting sandwiches, Soukup feels up to the challenge of building the brewery once the pair pass the permitting process. “I can get that type of work done quickly since my background is in construction,” says Soukup. “In fact, just about everything in the taproom right now came straight from [my workshop] in my garage — the bar, the tables and even the stools.” Soukup says they can’t control everything in the timeline, but they hope to be brewing in the next one to two months on their 3-barrel system.

What will the first Mills River Brewing beers be? “Our goal will be to have a flight of our own beers, maybe four at all times,” says Soukup. “We want to have a couple recipes that stay consistent while others are really pushing the envelope.” As far as styles go, Soukup says he has long brewed stouts and porters as well as nontraditional recipes, like a farmhouse blonde. He’s also big into IPAs and brews many different variations of the style. There are no beer names yet, but the team plans to name their flagship beers after the trails system in Mills River. “We’ve started this with a small loan and some credit cards, and when you look at Oskar Blues or Sierra Nevada, you can’t imagine a business [starting where we are and] being there,” says McCarthy. “But we’re inspired by seeing what’s happened in Asheville with our local breweries. They all started small, and look where a lot of them are now.” “We’re not really seeing any tourists yet, but we’re not brewing ... and we’re slowly becoming a neighborhood bar already,” says McCarthy.

gReen MAn: Food truck: Appalachian Chic (traditional comfort food) Lexington Ave (LAB): $3 pints all day osKAR BLUes: Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm; Food truck: Blue Smoke BBQ oYsteR hoUse: $2 off growler fills pisgAh: Food truck: Latino Heat (Mexican cuisine) weDge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

thURsDAY AsheviLLe BRewing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location gReen MAn: Food truck: Belly Up (tacos, tortas, burritos) osKAR BLUes: New brew: Oskar Blues IPA (6.4% ABV), 5:30 pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon soUtheRn AppALAchiAn: Hendersonville Green Drinks meeting, 6pm; Food truck: Amazing Wood Fired Pizza Truck weDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

FRiDAY gReen MAn: Food truck: Little Bee Thai

highLAnD: Food truck: Root Down (Creole & soul food), Smash Box (Nicaraguan down home cookin’) osKAR BLUes: Burgers, Beer & Bikes (group MTB ride w/ Pisgah Cycling), 6pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon soUtheRn AppALAchiAn: Food truck: Farm To Fender (local) weDge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

sAtURDAY gReen MAn: Free brewery tour, 1pm; Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese) osKAR BLUes: Waynesville Craft Beer Faire, 1-5pm; Food truck: CHUBwagon oYsteR hoUse: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

BURiAL BeeR co.: Brunch w/ Salt & Smoke, noon

osKAR BLUes: Food truck: Chameleon (variety)

gReen MAn: Food truck: Out of the Blue (Peruvian cuisine)

oYsteR hoUse: Cask night

osKAR BLUes: Food truck: CHUBwagon oYsteR hoUse: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys weDge: Food truck: Either Melt Your Heart or Tin Can Pizzeria

MonDAY one woRLD: Service Industry Night, 8pm weDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/ Mexican street food)


weDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

AsheviLLe BRewing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations); $10 growler refills (Hendersonville location only)


BURiAL BeeR co.: Small plates: Salt & Smoke (chef from Bull & Beggar, charcuterie/country cuisine), 4pm; $1 off all saisons

AsheviLLe BRewing: $6 bloody Marys & $5 mimosas at Coxe location

hi-wiRe: $2.50 house pints

weDge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

weDnesDAY AsheviLLe BRewing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location; Wet Nose Wednesday (special treats for dogs) at Coxe location, 5-8pm

One of the first Growler Bars in North Carolina! NOW POURING INTO CROWLERS:

FRench BRoAD: $8.50 growler fills gReen MAn: Food truck: Appalachian Chic (traditional comfort food) Lexington Ave (LAB): $3 pints all day osKAR BLUes: Community bike ride led by The Bike Farm, leaves brewery 6pm; Beer run w/ Wild Bill, group run leaves brewery 6pm; Food truck: Blue Smoke BBQ oYsteR hoUse: $2 off growler fills pisgAh: Food truck: Latino Heat (Mexican cuisine) weDge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)\

828-676-3060 | 1987 Hendersonville Rd. Mon-Thu 11am-8pm | Fri-Sat 11am-9pm

august 12 - august 18, 2015


a r t s & e n t e r ta i n m e n t

choose your own adventure 5Point Film Festival establishes regional hub in Asheville By EDWiN ArNAuDiN

oFF tHe beaten patH: A production still from The Coast, one of the 20-30 short adventure films that will screen at the inaugural Asheville 5Point Film Festival. Photo by Skip Armstrong


august 12 - august 18, 2015

In many ways, sarah wood considers the Asheville version of the 5Point Film Festival, set for Friday, Aug. 14, and Saturday, Aug. 15, a giant token of gratitude to an area that’s been instrumental in her daily happiness. An Indiana native, Wood moved to Nashville for college and her frequent trips to the Pisgah and Nantahala national forests — where she learned how to whitewater kayak and was infused with mountain culture — served as her introduction to the outdoor lifestyle. She then worked her way to Carbondale, Colo., and became the executive director of 5Point Film, whose annual four-day adventure film festival has enjoyed a successful eight-year run. The company has also established regional hubs in Somerville, Mass. and Bellingham, Wash., each which host two-day events. When the time came to choose a Southeastern site, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville were all considered for their proximity to the mountains, but the Asheville community’s passion for art and outdoor recreation — an important combination that Wood also sees in the smaller Carbondale — was especially appealing. To back up the personal preference with cold hard facts, due diligence was done in researching population size and local venues. Time was also spent on the ground to gauge the location’s overall feeling, the specifics of which Wood says are difficult to define but are clear when they present themselves. The sense that Asheville was ready for an event like 5Point and capable of growing it in future years sealed the deal. The full weekend of activities completes the circle of inspiration for the executive director. “Bringing something back to an area that’s given me so much — it’s given me my life — I feel really lucky to be able to do that,” Wood says. What separates 5Point from other adventure film festivals is that it’s not merely a tour stop bringing

Colorado to Asheville. It’s an event that celebrates the local community and endeavors to become part its fabric. Using her connections among outdoor industry and media sectors, Southeast event manager micah pulleyn made important firstyear inroads. Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine and the Outdoor Gear Builders of Western North Carolina — believers in 5Point’s potential to entertain as well as inspire environmental stewardship and outdoor industry development — introduced Pulleyn to area athletes and filmmakers. The Downtown Asheville Association was also helpful in the planning process. The result is two days defined by community involvement (see sidebar), and a pair of evening film programs at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. Each night, 10-15 short films will be screened. While there is some overlap with the line-ups of the other regional hubs, the Asheville slate is unique and representative of the area’s interest. “Bellingham is a kayaking community, too, so some of those films will overlap, but we won’t show as many ski pieces in Asheville,” Wood says. “That’s not something folks are doing readily. We will have a couple because we do like to show a little bit of everything and inspire people to maybe try something new.” Embodying that spirit is Karl thompson, a weekend

warrior adventurer and the star of 55 Hours in Mexico, which makes its Southeast premier at 5Point Asheville. Directed by Greenville, S.C., native thomas woodson, the film follows Thompson and two friends as they fly from the U.S. to Mexico, hike its highest mountain (Pico de Orizaba), ski down and return to work on Monday. An inspiration to the 9-to-5 set, Thompson will be in attendance with Woodson, part of the concertlike experience that further sets 5Point apart from its peers. “We’re very, very thoughtful about the emotion that each of these films evokes from the audience,” Wood says. “We feel that we’re best at putting that together in a way that people leave incredibly moved and inspired to find their own definition of adventure. So we really are careful about the way that we put each film back to back, how many times we have people up on stage or not and what guests we bring.” Every film and personal appearance connects to the 501(c)(3) nonprofit’s five namesake principles: balance, commitment, purpose, humility and respect. Wood and the 5Point staff believe that these are the core tenets for living the most inspired life possible — one that doesn’t have to be attained on skis or in a kayak, but that helps people rid themselves of excuses, push their own boundaries and pursue their individual dreams. X

5POinT fesTiVal sChedUle friday, aug. 14: • Kickoff party with live music by Pleasure Chest. Held at the lot next to Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, 4-7 p.m. Free. • film program i, with emcee Brett McCall, at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. 7-10 p.m., $20. saturday, aug. 15: • down by the river cleanup with Asheville GreenWorks at The Boat House, 318 Riverside Drive, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., followed by a 1-4 p.m. community party with boat demos, SUP yoga, music and more. Free. • “going the distance” panel discussion with Blue Ridge Outdoor Editorin-Chief Will Harlan, whitewater specialist Anna Levesque, adventure racer Jay Curwen, long-distance blind hiker Trevor Thomas, mountain biker Sam Koerber and ultrarunner Adam Hill. New Mountain SOL Bar, 10-11 a.m. Free. • youth adventure program: all-age screening of animated and made-foryouth adventure films. Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, 11 a.m-noon. Free for kids younger than 13, $10 for adults. • community picnic with free ice cream from Farm to Home Milk. New Mountain Amphitheater, noon-2 p.m. Free. • van life rally with “livable adventure vehicles” and live music. New Mountain Amphitheater, 4-7 p.m. Free. • film program ii with emcee Pat Keller. Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, 7-10 p.m. $20. • after-party with live music by DJ Marley Carroll. New Mountain Amphitheater, 11 p.m.-2 a.m. Free entry with a 5Point ticket. Free parking available at New Mountain all day Saturday. Tickets at — E.A. X


august 12 - august 18, 2015


A &e

by Jeff Messer

peak cheek

ACt ends 69th season with ’60s farce

wAit, wAit, Don’t teLL theM: From left, Cary Nichols, Kristen Livengood, Jorja Ursin, Emily Crock and Rachel Adams revisit the swinging ’60s in the British farce, Not Now, Darling. Photo by Rodney Smith / Tempus Fugit Designs The three Bs of the ’60s, Bond, Beatles and Batman, represented film, music and television. Between the bullets, the babes and the beats and Adam West’s Batusi dance moves, the ’60s was a decade unlike any other. Pop art

was king and mainstream culture valued style with substance. A TV in every home tuned into the space race, dance shows and 30-second commercial jingles. The British farce Not Now, Darling, written by by John Chapman and Ray

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august 12 - august 18, 2015

Cooney, seems so fabulously retro now. In reality, it was just another modern play of the era. But these days, thanks to TV shows like “Mad Men,” “Pan Am,” “The Astronaut Wives Club” and the subsequent wave of nostalgia, audiences are getting a whole new look at that bygone era. It’s also the perfect choice to finish out Asheville Community Theatre’s 69th season. Despite a history that predates the ’60s, this is the first time the local theater has mounted this production — see it every weekend from Friday, Aug. 21, to Sunday, Aug. 30. “We had been tossing around [the idea] that it’s of the ‘Mad Men’ era, but we think it’s a tad later in the ’60s because the play premiered in 1967,” says ACT marketing director jenny bunn. “The time period absolutely informs the style of this show, most noticeably in the costuming and the hairstyles.”

She continues, “We have a fabulous collection of vintage furs that have been donated to us over the years, and it’s rare that we’re able to use them. That is certainly a style choice that has drastically changed over the past 40 years.” The show also owes a lot of its style to classic British TV comedies like “Benny Hill” and “Fawlty Towers.” The setting for Not Now, Darling is a fur salon in London, filled with often scantily clad mistresses being shoved into closets. The plot also provides plenty of suspicious wives, missed opportunities and mistaken identities. “It’s definitely a period piece and a play in which nothing is to be taken too seriously,” says ACT Executive Director susan harper. Take the over-the-top tone of the play with a grain of salt; Not Now, Darling was a comedy hit in its heyday. It may be even more so for 2015 audiences,

many of whom are not old enough to remember the era. Bunn, among that population, filters the material through her own frames of reference. “It reminds me of the first Austin Powers movie, when he’s originally unfrozen from the ’60s and still expects the relationships between men and women to be of that earlier era. We all laugh because, thankfully, it’s not that way any longer,” she says. “I think 1960s Austin Powers would have attended

what Not Now, Darling where Asheville Community Theatre when Friday, Aug. 21 to Sunday, Aug. 30. Fridays and Saturdays, at 7:30 p.m., Sundays, at 2:30 p.m. $18 opening weekend. Other times: $22 adults/$19 seniors and students/$15 children younger than 17

opening night of Not Now, Darling in 1967 London and would have absolutely loved it.” ACT brought back one of its classic directors to take on this stylish show. ralph redpath served as the theater company’s artistic director for many years and was an audience favorite. For this journey, nearly five decades into the past, Redpath enlisted a cast of regulars and new faces, including steve turner, cary nichols, jerry crouch, Kristen livengood, michael Keene, heather ingle, jorja ursin, bruce gruber, emily crock, rachel adams and christian carmean. While audiences shouldn’t plumb this play for the spiritual betterment and up-with-people attitudes associated with the end of the ’60s, Not Now, Darling is big on enviable fashion and quick laughs. “Thank heavens you’ve arrived, Mr. Bodley, I’ve been driven out of my mind,” says the beleaguered character Arnold Crouch at one point in the show. To which the cheeky Gilbert Bodley quips, “That must have been a very quick trip.” X

august 12 - august 18, 2015


A &e

by Hannah Sentenac

craft comedy

LYAO festival represents Asheville’s growing stand-up scene

the Best MeDicine: This year’s Laugh Your Asheville Off lineup includes Billy Wayne Davis, left, on opening night, and Chris Roach, right, a rare returning performer. Mascot Cosmo the Space Donkey is in the center. “The worst-case scenario for attending any of our shows is that you’re only going to laugh a lot,” says LYAO’s executive producer, Charlie Gerencer. Photos courtesy of the festival A decade ago, the phrase “Asheville’s stand-up comedy scene” would have been met with little more than a blank stare. Fast-forward to now, however, and beer and belly laughs are on the menu at an array of Asheville establishments. The city’s humor evolution is largely due to Laugh Your Asheville Off, a locally produced comedy festival kicking off its ninth annual edition on Wednesday, Aug. 12.

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LYAO isn’t your average comedy fest, says the festival’s owner, director and executive producer, charlie gerencer. With more than 50 new comics and no repeat performances, each of the four nights of the festival stands on its own and offers an eclectic assortment of comedy styles. “We used to do a lot of late night shows and we would stack shows,” Gerencer says. “This year we’re having one big show per night.” That format is new this year and a rare find in the comedy world, he adds. Each show will feature 10 comics, with each comic performing 10 minutes of their best material. “The worst-case scenario for attending one any or of our shows is that you’re only going to laugh a lot,” says Gerencer. No one will have to choose between shows, and anyone who opts to purchase the $80 all-access Cosmo Pass (named for LYAO’s mascot, Cosmo the Space Donkey) will see all new material. “We use Asheville as our artistic canvas and we like to try things and see if they work or see if they don’t,” Gerencer says. The festival launches at its traditional kickoff spot, Highland Brewing Co. That show will feature billy wayne davis, a Tennessean who’s appeared

828-674-2658 • •


august 12 - august 18, 2015

on NBC’s “Last Comic Standing.” On Thursday night, chris roach will lead the lineup at the Diana Wortham Theatre. It speaks to Roach’s talent that he’s a rare return performer — the LYAO team usually strives to keep the list new every year, Gerencer says. Other comics in the lineup (which continues Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 7 and 9:30 p.m.) include: eric dasilva, who’s performed in Comedy Central’s South Beach Comedy Festival; laura crawford, a host and producer of the Los Angeles-based Chimp City Comedy Showcase; jason dudley, a three-time finalist at The World Series of Comedy; and several dozen others. So how do Gerencer and his team narrow hundreds of applicants down to choose a roster for the festival? “Rule No. 1 is, are they funny? That’s something we never complicate,” says Gerencer. “To us it doesn’t matter if they’re complete amateurs or complete veterans or somewhere in the middle. If they’re funny, they’re funny, and that’s undeniable.” Festival planners also take pains with the lineup’s gender ratio. Because there are fewer female comics than male comics in the world, they try to

get as many women as possible up to the mic. “The whole idea that there are no funny female comics is just crap. It’s just because they’re not being exposed and promoted properly,” says Gerencer. The Asheville audience has evolved along with the festival, Gerencer adds. “They have become much more open, and you can really feel it,” he says. The audience is also extremely eclectic: “You’ll see a couple of 18-year-olds sitting next to a retired couple who’s sitting in front of a WLOS news anchor and his wife who are sitting next to restaurant owners who are sitting next to an African-American family from Virginia — you don’t see that anywhere else in Asheville.” The humor curator knows what Asheville is all about. He was involved with Tomato Tuesdays, the city’s first comedy open mic. It involved stand-up, a gong and plush tomatoes to toss for less-thanhilarious performers. LYAO’s original founder, greg brown, partnered with Gerencer, and the festival blossomed from there. The event has proved its staying power. According to Gerencer, LYAO’s long-term success is really due to one factor: passion. “Our goal is to have a fun experience,” he says. “The popularity just kind of happened because we were doing something we enjoyed.” X

what Laugh Your Asheville Off where Highland Brewing Co. and Diana Wortham Theatre when Wednesday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 14, 8 p.m.; and Saturday, Aug. 15, 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. $20 per showcase/$80 for an all-access Cosmo Pass

smart bets Send your arts news to

the holland Bros Three or four times a year Mark and Michael Holland (aka The Holland Bros) — offstage twins and an onstage oldtime, country and blues duo — make the trip up the mountain from Carrboro to play a weekend’s worth of shows at Ben’s Tune Up. “We visit a lot and consider it our home away from home,” says Mark. “It is a very unique place and it is our favorite spot to play in the region.” The brothers’ newest album, Yo To The Holland Brothers, was recorded with Rick Miller of Southern Culture on the Skids. Its 13 tracks range from the haunting, harmonica-fueled “Dreamed Last Night of an Old Girlfriend” to the folky, harmony-laden “Some These Days.” Upcoming shows at Ben’s Tune Up are Friday and Saturday, Aug. 14 and 15, from 8-10 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 16, from 2-4 p.m. Photo by Michael Traister

Ne-hi The title track from rock outfit Ne-Hi’s most recent album Drag — which Stereogum premiered and British magazine New Musical Express called “a scrappy delight” — borrows simplistic instrumental tracks, repetitive riffs and staccato vocals from the punk aesthetic. But it’s all delivered with a softer, lighter edge. Sun-soaked guitar tones and a slack pace make the Chicago band sound too unperturbed for full-on angst, but the musicians’ youthful energy and musical curiosity shine through all the same. Ne-Hi is currently touring the country in support of Drag. The band stops by The Mothlight on Tuesday, Aug. 18. Local rock groups Shallows and Isaacson open at 9 p.m. $8. Photo by Xavier Juarez

Andrew tyson If there’s one thing as black and white as the keys dancing under pianist Andrew Tyson’s fingers, it’s the young artist’s success. At just 29 years old, Tyson inspires global audiences with his “commanding and expressive performances, replete with imaginative interpretations,” according to his online bio. The Durham native has been featured as a soloist with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, the Colorado Symphony, the National Orchestra of Belgium and the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, among many others, accumulating an impressive roster of accolades along the way. After studying at the University of North Carolina and the Curtis Institute of Music, the musician went on to earn a master’s degree at The Juilliard School. He brings his talents to the Haywood County Arts Council’s Young Artist Series, performing at Waynesville’s First United Methodist Church on Friday, Aug. 14, at 7:30 p.m. $22. Photo by Christian Steiner

Jeff Alt Written by award-winning author and outdoor enthusiast Jeff Alt, The Adventures of Bubba Jones: Time Traveling Through the Great Smoky Mountains is the first book in a historical fiction series that “crisscrosses the country, taking youth and teens on an educational, time-traveling adventure through America’s beloved National Parks,” according to a media release. Not only does Alt pepper the narrative with wild animal encounters and fun science facts to engage young readers, he also sneaks historic and ecological information onto the pages. The lively plot, Alt says, is “meant to excite kids to hit the trail.” The author will hold a free talk and book signing at Malaprop’s Bookstore and Café on Saturday, Aug. 15, at 3 p.m. Photo courtesy of the author

august 12 - august 18, 2015



by Abigail Griffin

Send your event listings to open UKeLeLe JAM • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - All skill levels and stringed instruments welcome. Free. Held at Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Drive RhYthM & BRews conceRt seRies 233-3216, • TH (8/20), 7pm - Local food, beer and music by Big Muddy, blues. Free to attend. Held in Downtown Hendersonville. shinDig on the gReen 258-6101 x345, • SATURDAYS until (9/5), 7pm - Traditional old-time music and dance. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St.

theAteR AnAM cARA theAtRe 545-3861, • FR (8/14) and SA (8/15), 8pm - Accordion Time Machine presents “Silent Ballroom”. $12/$10 advance. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B AsheviLLe coMMUnitY theAtRe 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, • FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS (8/14) through (8/30) - Not Now, Darling. $22/$19 seniors & students/$15 under 17. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm.

mEET LEicESTEr ArTiSTS: Artists in the Leicester area open their studios to the public for the 10th annual Come to Leicester Studio Tour on Saturday, Aug. 15 and Sunday, Aug. 16 from 10am-6pm both days. The artists included in the tour work in a range of mediums including painting, iron work, textiles, pottery, jewelry, aroma therapy candles and brooms. Painting by Christine Hield titled Rabbit Ham Rd. (p. 48) ARt BenchspAce gALLeRY & woRKshop 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • TH (8/13), 6pm - Artist Talk with metalsmith Nick Dong. Free to attend. cLoUD cottAge 219 Old Toll Circle, Black Mountain, 669-6000, • MONDAYS and THURSDAYS through (7/31), 1-4pm - Open studio intensive with puppet maker Judith Toy. Admission by donation. coMe to LeicesteR stUDio toUR • SA (8/15) and SU (8/16), 10am-6pm - Self-guided tour of artist studios throughout the Leicester area. Map and artist info on website. Free to attend. Held at Addison Farms Vineyard, 4005 New Leicester Highway, Leicester

AUDitions & cALL to ARtists AnAM cARA theAtRe

august 12 - august 18, 2015

experience necessary. Drums provided. $12/class. (828) 768-2826.

cARoLinA conceRt choiR 607-351-2585,, ldoebler@ithaca. edu • Through MO (8/31) - Open call auditions for the choir. Contact for location and guidelines. Free to attend.

citY Lights BooKstoRe 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, • TU (8/18), 7pm - Lee Knight concert, folk. Free to attend.

gRAnD BoheMiAn gALLeRY 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, bohemianhotelasheville. com • Through MO (8/31) - Entries accepted for the annual signature holiday ornament. Contact for guidelines. Free.

FLAt RocK pLAYhoUse Downtown 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, • Through SU (8/16), 8pm - “Music on the Rock: A Tribute to Carole King and James Taylor.” $25.

the wRiteRs’ woRKshop 254-8111, • Through SU (8/30) - Submission will be accepted for the Literary Fiction Contest. Contact for guidelines. $25.

MUsic At UncA 251-6432, • WE (8/19), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. Held in the Reuter Center.

toe RiveR ARts coUnciL 765-0520, • Through TU (8/18) - Submissions will be accepted for the Juried Art Show. Open to artists in all mediums, ages 18 and over. Contact for full details. $35.

MUsic on MAin 693-9708, • FR (8/14), 7-9pm - Hendersonville Antique Car Club showcase and music by Tuxedo Junction, classic swing, rock, motown and country. Free. Held at Hendersonville Visitor Center, 201 S. Main St., Hendersonville


545-3861, • SU (8/16), 6-9pm and MO (8/17), 8-10pm - Open call auditions for Paradise Park Zoo. Contact for guidelines. Free. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road Suite B • MO (8/17), 8-10pm - Open call auditions for Paradise


Park Zoo. Contact for guidelines. Free. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Rd. Suite B

AFRicAn DRUM Lessons At sKinnY BeAts DRUM shop (pd.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. No

noRth MAin MUsic & ARt DeMonstRAtion 692-6335 Free to attend. Art Demo starts at noon; Music starts at 4:30pm. • SA (8/15) - Mob artist and music by Letters to Abigail, bluegrass/Americana. Held at Green Room Cafe & Coffeehouse, 536 N. Main St., Hendersonville

FLAt RocK pLAYhoUse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/16) Gypsy. $15-$40. Wed. - Sat.: 8pm. Wed., Thu., Sat. & Sun.: 2pm. MontFoRD pARK pLAYeRs 254-5146, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/29), 7:30pm - Richard III. Free. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. noRth cARoLinA stAge coMpAnY 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263 • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (8/16) - A Life of Sorrow - the Life and Times of Carter Stanley. $10-$20. Wed. - Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2pm. the MAgnetic theAtRe 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (8/20) until (9/12), 7:30pm - The Jacob Higginbotham Show, one-man lyric-drama.

g A LLe RY Di R e c t oRY 5 wALnUt wine BAR 5 Walnut St., 253-2593 • Through MO (8/31) - The Night’s Thoughts Considered, paintings by Suzanne Saunders and Terri Owen. AMeRicAn FoLK ARt AnD FRAMing 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, • Through WE (8/26) - Natural Affinity, paintings by Ellen Langford and pottery by Shawn Ireland. ARt in the AiRpoRt 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher

• Through FR (10/30) - The Rhythm of Color, works by WNC artists.

by Kasey Moran. Opening reception: Aug. 15, 2-4pm.

ARts coUnciL oF henDeRson coUntY 693-8504, • FR (8/14) through FR (8/28) - Bring Us Your Best, all-media juried exhibit. Held in the TEDC building at Blue Ridge Community College.

MoUntAin heRitAge centeR Located in Hunter Library on the campus of WCU, 227-7129, • Through FR (12/11) - Exhibit: The Photography of Lewis Hine: Exposing Child Labor in North Carolina, 1908-1918. Free.

AsheviLLe AReA ARts coUnciL 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through SA (9/5) - Contemporary Muralism in Context: Street Art, Public Art, and Graffiti. • Through SA (9/19) - The Unwritten Lyrics original paintings on wood by Heather Shirin. Opening reception: Aug. 14, 7pm. AsheviLLe ARt MUseUM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • Through SU (10/11) - Heritage and Home: Photographs of Hickory Nut Gap Farm, photography by Ken Abbot. AsheviLLe gALLeRY oF ARt 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through MO (8/31) - Watercolor paintings by Elinor Bowman. AsheviLLe LoFt 52 Broadway St., 782-8833, • Through MO (9/7) - To The Harbormaster, paintings by Amanda Seckington. BenchspAce gALLeRY & woRKshop 67 Broadway, 785-1357, • Through SA (8/22) - “The Mend-Smith Project” with metalsmith Nick Dong. BLAcK MoUntAin centeR FoR the ARts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, • Through FR (9/4) - Works by glass artist John Almaguer. McDoweLL ARts coUnciL AssociAtion 50 S. Main St., Marion, 652-8610, • Through MO (8/31) - Blue Ridge Series, paintings

RhetoRicAL FActoRY 444 Haywood Road, 424-1378, • Through FR (8/14) - Photography of Cindy Kunst in collaboration with fabric artist Bethany Adams. spRUce pine tRAc gALLeRY 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine, 765-0520, toeriverarts. org/facilities/spruce-pine-gallery • Through SA (9/19) - Wax, featuring work of nine artists who include wax in their creative process. swAnnAnoA vALLeY Fine ARts LeAgUe • Through TU (9/8) - Annual member’s juried art exhibition. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain the Design gALLeRY 7 South Main St., Burnsville, 678-9869, • Through MO (8/31) - The Renaissance of the Family Farm, works by the Blue Ridge Fine Arts Guild. UpstAiRs ARtspAce 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, • Through FR (9/11) - Soul to Sole, gospel portraits by Steve Mann. • Through FR (9/11) - Endless Night, photography by Rimas Zailskas. ZAPOW! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, • Through SU (10/11), Heroes and Villains!, a member artist group show. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.

weB XTras

Our series with Sherwood’s Music continues this week on Look for a new video on Friday featuring indie synthpop duo Pretty Pretty. X

august 12 - august 18, 2015






#1 Pub Grub #2 Bar for Live Music


FRI 8.14



SAT 8.15

MUSIC) EARLY AFTERNOON SET 2 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)



TUE 8.18

9 p.m. $5


9 p.m. Free (Donations Encouraged)


SATURDAY Parker & Smith (old-fashioned blues), 2-4pm SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 5pm til ? MONDAY Quizzo! 7:30-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Scottie Parker (old-fashioned blues) 2-4pm, Bluegrass Jam 7pm FRIDAY The Low Counts (blues) w/ Todd Cecil & Back South A Dirty Dance Party

RETRO RAG: Hearkening back to the time of speakeasies and 1920s brass, Tray Dahl & The Jugtime Ragband describe themselves as “an energetic amalgamation of jug bands, ragtime and Dixieland immersed in an early New Orleans sound.” No Depression Magazine’s Garrett Cash has likened Dahl’s voice to “the growly blues mamas of scratchy 78s that will tear your playhouse down.” Dahl & The Jugtime Ragband bring a throwback medley to Altamont Brewing Company on Saturday, Aug. 15, at 9 p.m.

95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville

252.5445 •

weDnesDAY, AUgUst 12

8/12 wed nashville pussy w/ valient thorr

185 King stReet Movie Night, 8pm

8/13 thu ahleuchatistas

5 wALnUt wine BAR Wine Tasting w/ Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Flamenco), 10pm

w/wei zhongle & holy holy vine

8/14 fri a night with eugene chadbourne

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. this is a firm deadline.

8/15 sat sweet claudette w/tina & her pony

8/16 sun weedeater

w/ kings destroy & horseflesh

8/17 mo free mothlight monday jamaican queens w/absolute fantasy, lommol

8/18 tu ne-hi

w/ shallows, isaacson

8/19 wed danny kroha (the gories) w/ jake xerxes fussell, don howland, sally anne morgan, sarah louise


august 12 - august 18, 2015

AsheviLLe MUsic hALL James Brown dance party w/ members of the James Brown Band, Bootsy Collins Band, The J.B.’s, Trey Anastasio Band & more (funk, dance), 9:45pm Ben’s tUne-Up The Honeycutters (Americana, honky-tonk), 6pm BLAcK MoUntAin ALe hoUse Play To Win Game Night, 7:30pm BLUe MoUntAin piZZA & BRew pUB Open Mic, 7pm DiRtY soUth LoUnge Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm DoUBLe cRown Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm FoggY MoUntAin BRewpUB Ashley Heath (folk), 9pm FUnKAtoRiUM John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm gooD stUFF Karaoke!, 7pm gReY eAgLe MUsic hALL & tAveRn On the patio w/ Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm gRinD cAFe Trivia night, 7pm highLAnD BRewing coMpAnY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till



Full Bar





THU 8/13


FRI 8/14


THU 8/20


Laugh Your Asheville Off! w/ Billy Wayne Davis (comedy), 8pm isis RestAURAnt AnD MUsic hALL An evening w/ Grits and Soul (bluegrass, honky-tonk, blues), 7pm JAcK oF the wooD pUB Old-time session, 5pm Hearts Gone South (country, honky-tonk), 9pm LAZY DiAMonD Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm Lex 18 Patrick Lopez (modern and Latin jazz), 7pm LoBsteR tRAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm MoUntAin MoJo coFFeehoUse Open mic, 6:30pm noBLe KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm o.henRY’s/the UnDeRgRoUnD “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm oFF the wAgon Piano show, 9pm oLive oR twist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stop DeLi & BAR Lip sync karaoke, 10pm one woRLD BRewing The Jenkins Twins, 8pm pisgAh BRewing coMpAnY Shane Pruitt’s Band of Ballers w/ Brandon Guilliard, Scotty Hawkins & Chris Duvall (funk, jazz), 6pm poUR tApRooM Karaoke, 8pm ReJAvAnAtion cAFe


Open mic night, 6pm RooM ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm


FRI 8/21

scULLY’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm


sLY gRog LoUnge Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm



soL BAR new MoUntAin World Wednesdays, 8pm


tALLgARY’s At FoUR coLLege Open mic & jam, 7pm

8:30 PM – ALEX

the Joint next DooR Bluegrass jam, 8pm



the MiLLRooM South Slope Boogie (country, line dance), 7pm


the MothLight Nashville Pussy w/ Valient Thorr (Southern rock, psychobilly), 9:30pm

FRI 8/28


the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm



the sociAL Marc Keller, 6pm Karaoke, 9:30pm

Every Tuesday



the soUtheRn Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

Every Sunday



tigeR MoUntAin Flux (’80s & ’90s dance party), 10pm tiMo’s hoUse Spectrum AVL w/ rotating DJs, 9pm town pUMp Open mic w/ Parker Brooks, 9pm tRAiLheAD RestAURAnt AnD BAR Acoustic jam w/ Kevin Scanlon (bluegrass, old-time, folk), 6pm


august 12 - august 18, 2015


c L UB L An D

Send your listings to

tRessA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD BLUes Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm white hoRse BLAcK MoUntAin Wednesday Waltz, 7pm Asheville Tango Orchestra, 7:30pm wiLD wing cAFe soUth Skinny Wednesdays w/ J Luke, 7pm

thURsDAY, AUgUst 13 5 wALnUt wine BAR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm ALtAMont theAtRe The Grateful Dead (Fare Thee Well re-broadcast), 8pm BARLeY’s tApRooM AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm

4pm-2am Mon-Fri | 12pm-2am Sat | 3pm-2am Sun Mon.-Thur. 4pm-2am • Fri.-Sun. 2pm-2am

87Patton Patton Ave., Asheville 87 Asheville


An Evening with

The Grey Eagle Comedy Series Presents:


august 12 - august 18, 2015

FRiDAY, AUgUst 14

osKAR BLUes BReweRY Nikki Talley (singer-songwriter), 5:30pm

185 King stReet Big Daddy Love (Appalachian rock), 8pm

pAcK’s tAveRn Hope Griffin Duo (acoustic folk), 9pm

5 wALnUt wine BAR Drayton & The Dreamboats (vintage jazz), 9pm

pisgAh BRewing coMpAnY Through the Hills (Americana), 8pm

ALtAMont theAtRe A Jew & A Black Guy (comedy), 9pm

RooM ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm

BLUe MoUntAin piZZA & BRew pUB Acoustic Swing, 7pm

cLUB eLeven on gRove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm

Root BAR no. 1 Community Center (rock), 9pm

BYwAteR Fritz Beer and Crooked Beat (rock, Americana), 8pm

cReeKsiDe tAphoUse Station Underground (reggae), 8pm

sLY gRog LoUnge Open mic (musicians, poets, comedians & more welcome), 8pm

cRow & QUiLL Carolina Catskins (ragtime, jazz), 9pm

eLAine’s DUeLing piAno BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FoggY MoUntAin BRewpUB Port Arthur & Brief Awakening (folk), 9pm

isis RestAURAnt AnD MUsic hALL On the patio: Laid Back Thursdays, 7pm An evening w/ Scott McMahan & Cary Cooper (soul, folk, country), 7pm JAcK oF the wooD pUB Bluegrass jam, 7pm LAZY DiAMonD The Replacement Party w/ Dr. Filth, 10pm Lex 18 Ray Biscoglia Duo (jazz standards), 7pm Michael Andersen (honky-tonk), 10pm LoBsteR tRAp Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm MARKet pLAce Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm new MoUntAin theAteR/ AMphitheAteR The Fritz w/ Ghost-Note, Sput Searight & Nate Werth (funk, rock), 9pm o.henRY’s/the UnDeRgRoUnD Gayme Night w/ Xandrea Foxx, 9pm oDDitoRiUM Chaseambler w/ Bobby’s Oar & Snack Champion (pop punk), 9pm


one woRLD BRewing The Paper Crowns, 8pm

BYwAteR Kaahale & Friends (singer-songwriter), 8pm



An Evening with

wxYZ LoUnge At ALoFt hoteL Waist Management (modern jazz, funk), 7:30pm

Ben’s tUne-Up Woody Wood (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm


The Grey Eagle Taqueria Patio Series



Rock N’ Roll Wednesdays

one stop DeLi & BAR Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm A night of Steely Dan w/ The Scurvy Bros & Snakeships (Steely Dan tribute), 10pm

RenAissAnce AsheviLLe hoteL Chris Carpenter (rock), 6:30pm

gReY eAgLe MUsic hALL & tAveRn Willy Porter w/ Chris Jamison (singer-songwriter, rock), 8pm



wiLD wing cAFe soUth Mike Snodgrass (rock), 6pm Live DJ, 9pm

BLUe MoUntAin piZZA & BRew pUB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk), 7pm

FRench BRoAD BReweRY The Piedmont Playaz (soul, funk), 6pm




oLive oR twist Dance lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 8pm DJ (oldies, Latin, line dance), 8:30pm

BLAcK MoUntAin ALe hoUse Bluegrass Jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8pm

DoUBLe cRown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm


wiLD wing cAFe Throwin’ Down Thursday w/ DJ Ramin, 5pm

pURpLe onion cAFe Fayssoux McLean & Brandon Turner (country, folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm

DiAnA woRthAM theAtRe Laugh Your Asheville Off Comedy Festival, 8pm

The Grey Eagle Taqueria Patio Series

oFF the wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm

scAnDALs nightcLUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

soL BAR new MoUntAin Songwriter Thursdays w/ Caine McDonald, 8pm Wrenn (retro-pop, singer-songwriter), 10pm soUtheRn AppALAchiAn BReweRY Cabo Verde (Latin jazz), 7pm spRing cReeK tAveRn Open Mic, 6pm tALLgARY’s At FoUR coLLege Gentle Jones Band (classic rock mix), 7pm the MothLight Ahleuchatistas w/ Wei Zhongle (math-rock, avant garde, jazz), 9:30pm the phoenix Joe Bill Loudermilk Duo (singer-songwriter), 8pm the sociAL Jordan Okrend (pop, rock, soul), 6pm the soUtheRn Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm the stRAnD @ 38 MAin Jon Shain w/ Lorraine Conard (Piedmont blues), 7:45pm the vALLeY MUsic & cooKhoUse Karaoke w/ Adam Scully, 9pm

AthenA’s cLUB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm

cLAssic wineseLLeR Jay Brown (Americana, blues, bluegrass), 7pm coRK & Keg Hot Point Trio (Gypsy jazz, swing), 8:30pm cRow & QUiLL Daydream Creatures (mythical folk), 9pm DiAnA woRthAM theAtRe Laugh Your Asheville Off Comedy Festival, 8pm DoUBLe cRown DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm eLAine’s DUeLing piAno BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FoggY MoUntAin BRewpUB Simon George and friends (funk, jazz), 10pm FRench BRoAD BReweRY The Moon & You (folk), 6pm gooD stUFF Dog Daze w/ Andrew Scotchie and the River Rats (rock, blues, funk), 7pm Shadow Show (indie, rock, folk), 8:30pm Friday Night Cat Fights (rock ’n’ roll), 9:30pm Poet Radio (goth, Americana, rock), 10:30pm gReY eAgLe MUsic hALL & tAveRn Blue Mother Tupelo w/ Big Shoals (“Southern soul stew”, rock), 9pm

tiMo’s hoUse Dance Party w/ DJ Franco Nino, 10pm

highLAnD BRewing coMpAnY Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie rock, pop, alt-country), 7pm

town pUMp Elonzo Wesley (singer-songwriter), 9pm

inFUsions LoUnge Hot Point Trio (Gypsy jazz), 7pm

tRAiLheAD RestAURAnt AnD BAR Cajun & western swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm

iRon hoRse stAtion Ben Wilson (Americana), 7pm

tRessA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD BLUes Lyric (funk, rock, soul), 9pm twisteD LAUReL Karaoke, 8pm white hoRse BLAcK MoUntAin Benefit for Kenny Capps w/ The BJ Leiderman Band, David LaMotte, Karl Werne and Barbie Angell (singer-songwriter, poetry), 7:30pm

isis RestAURAnt AnD MUsic hALL An evening w/ Webb Wilder (country, rock, blues), 7pm Friday night dance party w/ Jim Arrendell (classic Motown, soul), 9pm JAcK oF the wooD pUB The Paper Crowns (folk, Americana, blues), 2pm Under The Willow w/ The Jenkins Twins (roots, folk, stringband), 9pm

Wed • August 12

Laugh Your Asheville Off JeRUsALeM gARDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm LAZY DiAMonD Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm Lex 18 Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 4pm Michael Jefry Stevens (modern jazz), 6:30pm Lenny Pettinelli (pop, jazz), 9:30pm LoBsteR tRAp Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30pm MARKet pLAce The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm new MoUntAin theAteR/ AMphitheAteR Help Sheila Shine Benefit w/ Drumstrong (percussion), 7pm oDDitoRiUM Ryan Sheffield & The Highhills w/ Ben Tricky (acoustic, rock), 9pm oFF the wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm oLive oR twist 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one stop DeLi & BAR Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Tree Tops (indie, jam), 10pm oRAnge peeL Dance For Democracy (benefit dance), 8pm osKAR BLUes BReweRY The Katts (Americana), 6pm pAcK’s tAveRn DJ MoTo (dance hits), 9pm RiveRwAtch BAR & gRiLL Sound Extreme Karaoke w/ DJ Hurricane, 7pm Root BAR no. 1 Sam Burchfield (rock), 9pm

Them Travelin’ Birds (neo-jug nomadic folk punk-Grass), 9pm tRessA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD BLUes Filmore East w/ Lenny Pettinelli (piano), 7:30pm Al “Coffee” & Da Grind (blues, soul), 10pm twisteD LAUReL Live DJ, 11pm white hoRse BLAcK MoUntAin Open Mike w/ Serengetti & Ciggy Pop (rock, pop, punk), 9pm wiLD wing cAFe Rory Kelly (swamp rock), 6pm

the MothLight A night w/ Eugene Chadbourne (free jazz), 9:30pm the phoenix Todd Cecil & BackSouth (cigar-box swamp rock), 9pm the sociAL Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm the vALLeY MUsic & cooKhoUse Roots & Dore (blues), 8pm tigeR MoUntAin Dark dance rituals w/ DJ Cliffypoo, 10pm tiMo’s hoUse Falk, Rawls & Brinker (house, techno), 10pm town pUMp

(Check Website for Tickets)

Meadow is Open with Woody Wood 5:30-7:30

Fri • August 14

Alarm Clock Conspiracy 7:00-9:00

Sat • August 15 Jason Daniello & the Argonauts 7:00-9:00

Sun • August 16 Dennis “Chalwa” Berndt Roots Reggae Trio 1:00-4:00

sAtURDAY, AUgUst 15




185 King stReet Savannah Smith (ukulele), 8pm

WNC 2014

5 wALnUt wine BAR Jeff Thompson w/ Aaron Price (jazz, rock), 6pm Jason Moore & Trust Trio (jazz, funk), 9pm ALtAMont theAtRe “We Love Di Vibes” King & Queen of the Dancehall (DJ, reggae, dancehall), 9pm AthenA’s cLUB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm Ben’s tUne-Up Gypsy Guitars, 2pm BLAcK MoUntAin ALe hoUse Hustle Souls (soul, alt-country), 9pm

BYwAteR Mande Foly (world, West African), 8pm

the ADMiRAL Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

JeRUsALeM gARDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

ZAMBRA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

scULLY’s DJ, 10pm

tALLgARY’s At FoUR coLLege Sol Rhythm (salsa), 9:30pm

JAcK oF the wooD pUB Jacob Augustine (experimental, folk), 2pm Matt Townsend & The Wonder World w/ The Paper Crowns (rock, roots, Americana), 9pm

wxYZ LoUnge At ALoFt hoteL Ben Hovey (jazztronica), 8pm

BLUe MoUntAin piZZA & BRew pUB Gene Holdway (Americana, bluegrass, folk), 7pm

spRing cReeK tAveRn The Shanes Gang (R&B), 9pm

iRon hoRse stAtion Dave Desmelik (Americana, folk, singersongwriter), 7pm

wiLD wing cAFe soUth A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

scAnDALs nightcLUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

soUtheRn AppALAchiAn BReweRY Carver & Carmody (Americana, blues), 8pm

highLAnD BRewing coMpAnY Jason Daniello & the Argonauts (singer-songwriter, rock ’n’ roll), 7pm

cLAssic wineseLLeR Joe Cruz (Elton John, Beatles & classic folk covers), 7pm coRK & Keg Red Hot Sugar Babies (vintage jazz, blues, swing), 8:30pm DiAnA woRthAM theAtRe Laugh Your Asheville Off Comedy Festival, 7pm Laugh Your Asheville Off! w/ Chris Roach (comedy), 9:30pm DoUBLe cRown Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm eLAine’s DUeLing piAno BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FoggY MoUntAin BRewpUB Freeway Revival (folk), 10pm FRench BRoAD BReweRY Olivia Quillo (folk, soul), 6pm gooD stUFF Screamin’ J’s (boogie woogie, ragtime), 9pm gReY eAgLe MUsic hALL & tAveRn Bobby Long w/ William Wild (folk-rock, country, blues), 9pm

august 12 - august 18, 2015


SAT. 8/15 The House Band

(classic covers, rock&roll)




n 5©


-9/7AY 9/5


pre sen


(pop, dance hits)

histori c

wntown c a do

FRI. 8/14


(acoustic folk)

Lex 18 Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 4pm Patrick Lopez Experience (modern & Latin jazz), 7pm Michael Andersen (honky-tonk piano), 10pm

3d pap ays, 2 erto 0 ba w nd han n kids s. $0 v dm a farm de illage craf ers t m a foo rke s d clog truck t s ging

Sponsored in part by HCTDA

twisteD LAUReL Live DJ, 11pm

MoJo Kitchen & LoUnge Dine ’n’ Disco (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

white hoRse BLAcK MoUntAin Andy Buckner (country, Southern rock), 8pm

oDDitoRiUM Sinai Vessel w/ Gillian Carter, Asherah & Heavy Hearted (screamo), 9pm

wiLD wing cAFe Karaoke, 8pm wiLD wing cAFe soUth The Buchanan Boys (country), 6pm

oFF the wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm

wxYZ LoUnge At ALoFt hoteL Jamar Woods (pop, soul, funk), 8pm

oLive oR twist 42nd Street Band (big band jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm

ZAMBRA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm

one stop DeLi & BAR An evening w/ Tuatha Dea (Gypsy rock), 10pm oRAnge peeL Christina Maxwell & Friends (jazz, pop, bluegrass), 7pm Satisfaction (Rolling Stones tribute), 9pm osKAR BLUes BReweRY Vince Junior Band (singer-songwriter), 6pm pAcK’s tAveRn The House Band (classic covers, rock n roll), 9pm

RooM ix Open dance night, 9pm Root BAR no. 1 Call the Next Witness (alt-rock), 9pm scAnDALs nightcLUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

sUnDAY, AUgUst 16 5 wALnUt wine BAR Xpresso w/ Patrick Lopez (Latin jazz), 7pm ALtAMont theAtRe Early Elvis: a tribute to the king, 7pm BLAcK MoUntAin ALe hoUse Sunday Jazz Brunch w/ James Hammel, 12pm BLUe MoUntAin piZZA & BRew pUB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm BYwAteR Quick Chester (rock, Americana), 5pm coRK & Keg The Paint Bug (art lessons & wine, beer), 2pm cRow & QUiLL Ultra-Lounge: ’50s music & weird cult films, 7pm DoUBLe cRown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

scULLY’s DJ, 10pm

gReY eAgLe MUsic hALL & tAveRn George Porter Jr. & Runnin’ Pardners (funk, R&B), 8pm

sLY gRog LoUnge Kaahele w/ Baby Kudzu (singer-songwriter), 9pm

iRon hoRse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm

soL BAR new MoUntAin 5 Points Film Festival Afterparty w/ DJ Marley Carroll, 10pm soUtheRn AppALAchiAn BReweRY Crossroads (blues, rock, soul), 8pm spRing cReeK tAveRn Roots and Dore (blues, soul, R&B), 7pm tALLgARY’s At FoUR coLLege A Social Function (rock), 9:30pm the ADMiRAL Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm the MothLight Sweet Claudette w/ Tina & Her Pony (country, Motown), 9pm the phoenix Mike Sweet (acoustic covers), 1pm Unpaid Bill & the Bad Czechs (acoustic blues, jazz, swing), 9pm the sociAL Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

town pUMp Stolen Rhodes (Americana, rock), 9pm

MARKet pLAce DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm

RiveRwAtch BAR & gRiLL Motownblue (soul, R&B), 7pm

august 12 - august 18, 2015

tiMo’s hoUse Smasheville w/ Jim Raves & Mike Funk, 10pm

tRessA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD BLUes The King Zeros (blues), 7pm Free Flow (Motown, R&B, soul), 10pm

pURpLe onion cAFe Wrenn (retro-pop), 8pm


the vALLeY MUsic & cooKhoUse Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 8pm

LoBsteR tRAp Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm

new MoUntAin theAteR/AMphitheAteR 5 Points Vanlife rally, 4pm

n. on, c . nt

Hope Griffin Duo


Try Our New Wo Pizza and G od-Fired rinders!

THU. 8/13

nt o f ca no

DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night

Send your listings to

LAZY DiAMonD Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm




A Celebration of all things made in western n.c.

isis RestAURAnt AnD MUsic hALL Sunday Classical Brunch, 11am Sunday jazz showcase, 6pm JAcK oF the wooD pUB Irish session, 5pm LAZY DiAMonD Tiki Night w/ DJ or band (Hawaiian, surf, exotica), 10pm Lex 18 Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 7pm Lenny Pettinelli (pop, jazz), 9pm LoBsteR tRAp Hunnilicious (Americana, pop, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm oDDitoRiUM Adult Poetry Slam, 7pm oFF the wAgon Piano show, 9pm oLive oR twist DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm

one stop DeLi & BAR Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am Reggae Sundays, 7pm poUR tApRooM Open mic, 8pm RiveRwAtch BAR & gRiLL Matt Walsh (blues, rock), 1pm scAnDALs nightcLUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sociAL LoUnge & tApAs In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm soUtheRn AppALAchiAn BReweRY The Wilhelm Brothers (indie, folk), 5pm spRing cReeK tAveRn Nick Slaw, 2pm tALLgARY’s At FoUR coLLege Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm the MothLight Weedeater w/ Kings Destroy (stoner rock, sludge metal), 9:30pm

gReY eAgLe MUsic hALL & tAveRn Contra dance (lessons, 7:30pm), 8pm JAcK oF the wooD pUB Quizzo, 7pm LAZY DiAMonD Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm Lexington Ave BReweRY (LAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm LoBsteR tRAp Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm o.henRY’s/the UnDeRgRoUnD Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm oLive oR twist 2 Breeze Band (Motown), 6pm one woRLD BRewing Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm oRAnge peeL Summer movie series: Princess Bride, 8pm osKAR BLUes BReweRY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

the oMni gRove pARK inn Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10pm

sociAL LoUnge & tApAs In the Biz Networking Night w/ Patrick Lopez (acoustic, piano, pop, open to everyone), 8pm

the phoenix Roots and Dore (blues, soul, R&B), 1pm

soveReign ReMeDies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm

the sociAL Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

the MothLight Jamaican Queens w/ Absolute Fantasy & lommol (pop, electronic, indie), 9pm

the soUtheRn Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm tiMo’s hoUse Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm weDge BRewing co. Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazzswing), 6pm wicKeD weeD Mrs. Dubfire (reggae), 3pm wiLD wing cAFe Bluegrass Afternoons w/ Fireside Collective, 3pm wiLD wing cAFe soUth Party On The Patio w/ Crocs Duo, 5pm

MonDAY, AUgUst 17 185 King stReet Open mic night, 7pm 5 wALnUt wine BAR Eleanor Underhill & Friends (Americana, soul), 8pm ALtAMont BRewing coMpAnY Old-time jam w/ Mitch McConnell, 6:30pm ALtAMont theAtRe Charles Walker w/ Bella Hatch (singer-songwriter), 7pm BLAcK MoUntAin ALe hoUse Acoustic jam w/ Hunter, Charlie & Friends, 7:30pm

the oMni gRove pARK inn Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm the phoenix Jeff Sipe & Friends (jazz-fusion), 8pm the sociAL Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Salsa Night, 9pm the vALLeY MUsic & cooKhoUse Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam & storytelling), 8pm tigeR MoUntAin Service industry night (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm tiMo’s hoUse Movie night, 7pm town pUMp Jacob Cummings (singer-songwriter), 9pm URBAn oRchARD Old-time music, 7pm white hoRse BLAcK MoUntAin Lightbulb Jazz Orchestra, 7:30pm wiLD wing cAFe soUth Monday Bike Nights, 6pm

tUesDAY, AUgUst 18 5 wALnUt wine BAR The John Henrys (hot jazz), 8pm ALtAMont BRewing coMpAnY Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm

BYwAteR Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm

AsheviLLe MUsic hALL Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

coURtYARD gALLeRY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

Ben’s tUne-Up Eleanor Underhill (acoustic), 5pm

cRow & QUiLL Los Abrojitos (Argentine tango), 9pm

BLAcK MoUntAin ALe hoUse Trivia, 7pm

DoUBLe cRown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Dave & Rebecca, 10pm

BLUe MoUntAin piZZA & BRew pUB Andy Ferrell (Americana, roots), 7pm

gooD stUFF Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

BUFFALo nicKeL Trivia, 7pm

august 12 - august 18, 2015



Send your listings to

BYwAteR Fire spinning night, 8:30pm

one woRLD BRewing The Rosinators, 8pm

coRK & Keg Old Time Jam, 5pm DoUBLe cRown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm DJ Brody Hunt (honky-tonk, Cajun, Western), 10pm

poUR tApRooM Frank Zappa night, 8pm

gooD stUFF Old time-y night, 6:30pm

the Joint next DooR Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm

iRon hoRse stAtion Open mic, 6pm

the MothLight NE-HI w/ Shallows & Isaacson (alt-rock, pop, psychedelic), 9pm

isis RestAURAnt AnD MUsic hALL Tuesday bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm JAcK oF the wooD pUB Accidental Seabirds (indie folk-rock), 9pm LAZY DiAMonD Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm Lex 18 Bob Strain & Bill Fouty (jazz ballads & standards), 7pm LoBsteR tRAp Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm MARKet pLAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm new MoUntAin theAteR/AMphitheAteR Tuesday Tease w/ Deb Au Nare (burlesque), 10pm oDDitoRiUM Odd comedy night, 9pm oFF the wAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm one stop DeLi & BAR Turntablism Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm

tALLgARY’s At FoUR coLLege Jam night, 9pm

the phoenix John Trufant (folk, Americana), 8pm the sociAL Jason Whitaker (acoustic), 5pm town pUMp Company News, 9pm tRessA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD BLUes Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm URBAn oRchARD Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm weDge BRewing co. Blue Dragons (rock, blues, jazz), 7pm westviLLe pUB Blues jam, 10pm white hoRse BLAcK MoUntAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm wiLD wing cAFe soUth Tuesday bluegrass, 6pm Trivia w/ Kelilyn, 8:30pm

GIVE!local Julian Award Nominations are open! Nominate someone for the first-ever GIVE!LOCAL Julian Award, a prize for excellence in service in the nonprofit sector. Nominations are due by midnight Aug. 25, 2015. To qualify for the Julian Award, nominees must: • be doing exceptional, creative work in the nonprofit sector • work at least 30 hours/week for a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization in Buncombe, Henderson, Haywood or Madison counties • be 35 or younger on Nov. 6, 2015 • earn no more than $35,000 a year 56

august 12 - august 18, 2015


CRANkY HANkE REVIEWS & LISTINGS by Ken HanKe & Justin soutHer



C o n ta C t at p r e s s m o v i e s @ a o l . C o m m a x r at i n g

th e Ate R L istin gs Friday, august 14 tHursday, august 20

PiCk Of The week

Jesse Eisenberg and Jason Siegel in James Ponsoldt’s terrific The End of the Tour — a film on the five days interviewer David Lipsky spent with writer David Foster Wallace at the end of Wallace’s 1996 book tour for Infininte Jest.

The End of the Tour HHHHS

DirEcTOr: James Ponsoldt (Smashed) PLAyErS: Julian Assange, Adrian Lamo, Bradley Manning, James Ball, Michael Hayden BiOgrAPHicAL DrAmA Rated R THE STOry: Fact-based story covering the five days David Lipsky spent with author David Foster Wallace at the end of his 1996 tour for Infinite Jest. THE LOWDOWN: Not really a biopic, but more a compelling — and surprisingly entertaining — slice of time spent with a famous writer, and the tensions and evasions and possible insights it brings forth. This movie should be seen.

Full confession: I have never read anything by David Foster Wallace and most of what I “know” about him, I learned from James Ponsoldt’s The End of the Tour, which I approached with some caution. I had admired Ponsoldt’s Smashed (2012) (it’s too unpleasant to like), but found his The Spectacular Now (2013) far from spectacular. The film’s unfamiliar subject and my mixed feelings about the director raised my skepticism, but the film turned out to be close to wonderful. Whether it’s an accurate portrait of Wallace (played by a revelatory Jason Segel), I leave to others to debate. I’m also not in the least sure that it matters much. This is less an attempt at depicting Wallace than a savvy look at the nature of fame and the

relationship between an interviewer and his subject. The interviewer in this case is David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg), who talked Rolling Stone into footing the bill for him to spend five days interviewing Wallace during the final leg of the author’s 1996 book tour supporting his most famous book Infinite Jest. Lipsky never did anything with the interviews until after Wallace’s suicide in 2008 when he published the interviews as a book, Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself. The film is built around Lipsky going through his tapes and notes on Wallace. What we end up with is both Lipsky’s version of Wallace and the film’s own portrait of Lipsky and his relationship with Wallace over those five days. Regardless of its accuracy — or lack thereof — it makes for fascinating viewing that possibly says more about Lipsky and the cult of celebrity than it does Wallace. The film makes it clear from the start that Wallace is guarded in his dealings with Lipsky and may well be withholding more than he’s revealing. He may, in fact, be playing the part of the David Foster Wallace he imagines Lipsky is looking for — at least in part. He is, however, not a bad interview subject in that he is genuinely interested in his interviewer. (Most of the better ones are.) How much of that has to do with wanting to understand just what Lipsky’s agenda is remains a question, though we get a sense of that in Wallace’s occasional accusation that Lipsky has less desire for truth than good copy. And his skepticism may not be entirely off-base, since Lipsky’s undeniable hero worship is tinged with both a desire to be Wallace and a resentment over the fact that Infinite Jest is wildly successful, while Lipsky’s own book, The Art Fair, has been largely ignored. (At the same time, Wallace is seemingly perturbed by the fact that Lipsky was given a voice in the matter of his book’s cover — a rare thing in the publishing world. The film is nothing if not savvy.) What we are given is a film made up almost entirely of conversations


Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters. n cARoLinA cineMAs (274-9500)

Ant-MAn 2 D (pg-13)

11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 Cop Car (R) 11:35, 1:30, 3:30, 5:35, 7:45, 10:05 The End of the Tour (R) 12:00, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9:45 Fantastic Four (PG-13) 12:20, 2:40, 5:05, 7:30, 9:55 The Gift (R) 11:50, 2:15, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50 Irrational Man (R) 11:25, 1:50, 4:30, 7:25, 9:40 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 11:15, 2:05, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00 Mission: Impossible -- Rogue Nation (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 Mr. Holmes (PG) 11:10, 1:55, 4:25, 6:55, 9:35 Ricki and the Flash (PG-13) 11:55, 2:15, 4:35, 7:05, 9:25 Shaun the Sheep (PG) 11:40, 1:45, 4:00, 6:10 Straight Outta Compton (R) 12:15, 3:35, 7:00, 8:15, 10:20 Trainwreck (R) 11:20, 2:00, 4:55, 7:40, 10:25 Vacation (R) 11:05, 1:20, 3:40, 6:00, 8:15, 10:30 n co-eD cineMA BRevARD (883-2200)

Mission: Impossible -- Rogue Nation (PG-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 n Fine ARts theAtRe (232-1536)

The End of the Tour (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:20 Irrational Man (R) 4:20, 7:20, Late Show 9:30 Mr. Holmes (PG) 1:20 n Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) Mr. Holmes (PG) 4:00, 7:00 (Closed Mon.) n Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) n United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)

august 12 - august 18, 2015



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

between the two. That may not sound exciting, but it is in the case of The End of the Tour, because the conversations are so compelling. It doesn’t matter how honest either man is being; their verbal jousting is riveting and fascinating. It’s also impossible not to feel that, as the tension increases between them, a level of honesty is creeping into the mix. The filters seem less and less in place. The more each lands a verbal blow, the more it seems likely the facades are crumbling. This is perhaps why the film’s last stretch — which includes a fight so intense they stop speaking to each other for a time — is its least successful part. The film recovers, but the recovery is tentative and guarded. The defenses are back in place, except they can’t quite be. Too much has been said. Too much might have been revealed. The End of the Tour is the kind of film I suspect will grow on me over time (it’s less than 24 hours since I saw it) and with repeat viewings. It’s already pretty high on my list for the year. It may move higher. It is without a doubt a wonderful exercise in acting by the two leads, especially Segel. I honestly don’t think I’d have even recognized him if I hadn’t gone in knowing he was playing Wallace. So much of the dialogue is memorable and worthy of pondering that it’s a film to revel in. Now, whether or not I end up like Wallace’s perky tour escort (Joan Cusack), and come to the point of “I may have to buy your book and read it,” is a separate issue altogether. But maybe. Rated R for language including some sexual references. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@

Cop Car


Director: Jon Watts (Clown) Players: Kevin Bacon, James Freedson-Jackson, Hays Wellford, Shea Whigham, Camryn Manheim crime thriller Rated R The Story: Two kids make off with a seemingly abandoned police car that happens to belong to a corrupt sheriff, who was off disposing of a body.


august 12 - august 18, 2015


The Lowdown: Spare, unadorned and unsentimental crime thriller. Well done modern B-picture stuff that may be too cold-blooded for some viewers. Jon Watts’ Cop Car may not be a lot more than an ersatz 1970s drive-in movie in 21st century indie clothes — with a lacquer coating of Coen Brothers sensibility — but it’s pretty good at being exactly that. And considering that drive-ins (and B movies in general) have gone the way of the dodo and the full-service gas station, this sort of low-budget, quasi-art title is the last refuge of this once flourishing type of movie. (The line between exploitation and “art” movies is often pretty thin.) Since the Coens’ Blood Simple (1984), these movies have also been the basic alternative to the horror film, as the standard calling card for young filmmakers hoping to draw attention to their work. (Considering Watts is currently slated to direct the latest SpiderMan reboot, it may be said to pay off. Well, maybe. Big budget reboots are a nice paycheck, but hardly a guarantee of anything beyond that.) Cop Car is spare in the extreme. It has only a handful of characters and a story that’s simplified to a basic premise and little else. Its major distinguishing characteristics are a streak of cynicism that verges on misanthropy and an almost complete lack of sentiment and sympathy. This gives the film its overriding identity, making it an effective, but somewhat off-putting, little thriller. That is not entirely a plus, especially since the film has a take-it-or-leave-it style of filmmaking that is mostly utilitarian, and it poses no weighty moral issues for the viewer to take away. It just is. That may or may not be enough, depending on the tastes of those watching it. Then again, these very same things can be said about many — if not most — ’70s drive-in movies. The story concerns a pair of 10-yearold boys — Travis (James FreedsonJackson) and Harrison (Hays Wellford) — who are making a desultory stab at running away. (This is the kind of running away that normally would end at dinner time.) What makes this a different proposition is that they come across an abandoned police car in the middle of nowhere. After exploring it with no little trepidation, they find the keys and decide to try out their largely nonexistent driving skills. What they do not know is that the car belongs to singularly corrupt Sheriff Kritzer (Kevin Bacon), who was busy disposing of a body while they were making off with his car. Worse, they are unaware of the presence of another

HHHHH = max rating — battered but still living — man (Shea Whigham) in the trunk. As well you may imagine, Kritzer is desperate to get his car back before anyone else gets to it. While there are embellishments and complications along the way, this forms the story — and apart from a woman (Camryn Manheim) who unwisely gets involved, these are the only significant characters. The film is at its best when it’s generating suspense and dread in its later sections — especially once you come to realize that there’s no place the film is afraid to go. This is not a cozy tale where you know no real evil is going to come to these boys. It’s also pretty effective in detailing Kritzer’s panicked — but savvy — efforts to regain his car and its contents. Far less successful are the film’s more light-hearted scenes of the kids being kids — or at least a movie-ized notion of what that means. Strangely, the screenplay occasionally rings true in this area, but the depictions fall short of the believable. However, the big thing to remember is that this is a fairly mean little movie and is not going to be to everyone’s taste. Rated R for language, violence and brief drug use. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke khanke@

Fantastic Four S Director: Josh Trank (Chronicle) Players: Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell superhero comic book action Rated PG-13 The Story: Four mild-mannered youngsters gain superpowers after a science experiment gone wrong. The Lowdown: A disjointed, joyless addition to the saturated world of comic book movies. Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four — thanks to a tortured production — has become more a pop-culture curio than an actual piece of cinema. Tons of reshoots and rumors of a reckless director (and a little help from an ava-

lanche of nasty reviews) has created all of the film’s interest, at least as a spectacle, and not a money-making proposition. The end result is certainly bad, but perhaps not the train wreck I was hoping to walk into (because if a movie has to be substandard, at least it should be spectacularly so). Instead, it’s just a sad, awkward piece of filmmaking — the wet blanket of superhero movies, one that’s totally sadsack and humorless. A lot of this, of course, is due to the reshoots. But I’m not convinced — despite Trank’s claims that, unabated, his film would’ve gotten good reviews — that there’s a quality film truly buried underneath all the straight-faced, gray-hued selfseriousness. This is yet another very grim, somewhat gritty take on a story about a guy who can stretch his limbs really far and another guy covered in rocks. There’s no whimsy in Trank’s take, one that takes a straight-faced, hard science-fiction look at comic books and wants to over-explain every single detail. Instead of the comic book’s tale of a team of four going into space and acquiring powers thanks to some cosmic rays, our heroes — Reed Richards (Miles Teller), Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell), Sue Storm (Kate Mara) and Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan) — spend most of the movie building a teleportation device that will cause their transformation. It’s a tedious way to go about things, and one that makes nearly the entire film an origin story — until the climax just sort of pops up and things finally happen. There are some interesting aspects that seem native to Trank’s vision for the film — mainly a sense of Cronenbergian body horror, which is fitting since so much of the film feels like a sourpuss version of The Fly (1986). But that’s a small benefit. There’s simply a lack of forward momentum for the bulk of the film, which is, presumably, why the reshoots were called in. It’s tricky to tell what was reshot (though Kate Mara’s wig helps things a bit), though there are definitely bursts of bad CGI that seem to highlight certain scenes. The big climax, which takes place on some primordial planet in another dimension, is both hokey and hackneyed — due to a mix of effects look like they had the budget of a TV movie, the usual wholesale CGI destruction that’s a prerequisite for these movies and cribbing the end of Ghostbusters (1984). But at least the group learns about teamwork (no, really, they stop to talk about teamwork).

This let’s Trank off the hook to some degree, but all this is really just a distraction from the film’s other problems. There’s the stilted dialogue. There’s Tim Blake Nelson chomping on gum in all of his scenes (OK, that’s nitpicky, but, good god, is it obnoxious). There’s a wasted Jamie Bell coated in a suit of cartoonish rocks (Michael Chiklis in a rubber suit in the 2005 Fantastic Four was more convincing). There’s Kate Mara’s thousand-yard stare. And, of course, there’s the wholly unlikable Miles Teller trying to play a nebbish super genius. While it’s impossible to guess, my assumption is that Trank’s film would’ve been watchable. It’s current iteration has more of a sideshow vibe to it, but that’s hardly a reason to pay it much attention. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence, and language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther

Ricki and the Flash HHS

Director: Jonathan Demme Players: Meryl Streep, Mamie Gummer, Kevin Kline, Rick Springfield, Audra McDonald comedy-drama with music Rated PG-13 The Story: Facing a family crisis, an aging low-rent “rock star” returns to the family she abandoned years earlier. The Lowdown: Though it seems to strike a chord as “Boomer-bait” and capitalizes on Meryl Streep’s name, this is a flat-footed comedydrama with music — but the comedy is almost nonexistent, the drama heavy-handed and the music undistinguished.

Shameless Boomer-bait that — judging by the audience I saw it with — seems to work on its target crowd. I both do and don’t understand this, despite being in the demographic. I suppose it’s kind of a grungy distaff version of Danny Collins, but it’s nowhere near as appealing — or funny or much of anything. At best, Ricki and the Flash is a schmaltzy feel-good mediocrity where the major selling point is Meryl Streep as an aging rocker (as if Mamma Mia! wasn’t enough of Streep and pop music). It isn’t very funny and its assaults on the tear ducts are hamhanded and, for me at least, missed the mark at almost every turn. Even with all the generosity I can muster, the best I can say is that the film is largely innocuous and probably harmless. The problems almost entirely stem from Diablo Cody’s sloppy and sometimes downright bizarre screenplay. This is no Juno (2007), nor is it Young Adult (2011). Hell, it’s not even Jennifer’s Body (2009). This is a tone-deaf mess of more than passing mawkishness. The whole concept of Streep’s rocker Ricki Rendazzo (real name: Linda Brummel) is awkward to say the least. She’s not a rock star. She’s an aging would-be rock star with a similarly never-made-it aging band. They play other people’s (mostly borderline) hits in a movie-sleazy Tarzana, California, bar to a very small audience of faithful barflies, who apparently dote on Ricki’s bad hairstyle and adequate musical talents. For reasons the film never makes clear, develops or makes use of, Ricki is also the Ted Nugent of bar-band rockers — a card-carrying Tea Party adherent (with a “Don’t tread on me” flag tattooed on her back), who almost opens the film by denouncing Obama. Why? I don’t know. Maybe it’s supposed to be connected to her mourning a brother who died in Vietnam, whose existence is established in one line and one shot of a memorial in her apartment? Like most things in the film, this is not explored. The plot — such as it is — is about Ricki going “home” to the family she abandoned years and years ago in favor of pursuing her dreams of being a rock star. The reasons behind this trip are grounded in Ricki’s daughter Julie (played by Streep’s real daughter Mamie Gummer) having become suicidal because her husband dumped her. Why does Julie’s ex-husband Pete (an unnaturally dull Kevin Kline) call Ricki? Well, it’s supposedly because his second wife (Audra McDonald) — who actually raised Julie — is off tending her ailing father. The reality, of course, is it drives the wheezy plot on its path to unearned redemption and spurious sentimentality. Overall, the movie makes very little sense. Ricki presumably fled something like the upscale lifestyle she returns to,

but she approaches it like someone who’s never seen indoor plumbing before. She has no clue how to handle herself in this society, and you’re left to conclude that this society hasn’t glimpsed the outside world since Hair first frightened the horses. Presumably, Ricki is just too cool to care, but she’s mostly just embarrassing. That frankly describes much of the film. Ms. Gummer plays her role as the dumped wife like she thinks she’s still in last year’s The Homesman — a zombified glazed look with flashes of anger. Streep herself is mostly being given the “She does what she can” pass — a disingenuous stance to take with an actress too powerful to have to do any such thing. Honestly, the best thing in the movie is Rick Springfield as Streep’s long-suffering, love-struck guitarist, and considering the amassed talent, that’s not something that should be happening. Rated PG-13 for thematic material, brief drug content, sexuality and language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

Shaun the Sheep


Director: Mark Burton, Richard Starzak Players: (Voices) Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes, Omid Djalili, Richard Webber animated sheep comedy Rated PG The Story: Shaun the Sheep leads the flock on an adventure in the city that turns out to be more than he bargained for. The Lowdown: Moderately successful attempt to capture the spirit of silent movie comedy with claymation sheep. More clever than outright funny, but invariably pleasant — and ought to appeal to younger viewers. The folks at Britain’s Aardman Animation are back, and much as with

Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005), I find myself in a kind of outside-looking-in mode — only more so. I don’t dislike Shaun the Sheep Movie, but neither am I ga-ga over it. While nearly all of my critic compatriots are singing its praises and making sheep puns, I’m shrugging my shoulders and wondering what kind of pun I can get away with involving the use of the word “flocking.” The film is perfectly fine, but it requires a taste for claymation — and Aardman’s penchant for somewhat unappealingly grotesque character design — which I just don’t have. When everyone else is laughing hysterically, I’m wondering why the sheep’s mouths protrude from the sides of their faces. My loss, I’m sure. This is a very simple story about our title hero — faced with some kind sheep ennui over the day-to-day tedium of farm life — leading the flock astray and into the Big City with the Farmer and his dog Bitzer in pursuit. That, of course, is merely the set-up for a series of gags and adventures, and I’d be the last to say that most of the gags aren’t clever. They are. The whole thing is geared toward these gags, all of which are visual. There’s no dialogue. The voice cast supplies bleats, barks and assorted...noises, but nothing coherent. That’s clever and different, but it’s a bit limiting, too — and, no, this doesn’t prevent the film being littered with pop-culture references. They’re merely conveyed visually, and they aren’t quite as clever as the early reviews suggested. For example, the announced Night of the Hunter reference is the simplest — and most overused — choice imaginable. The idea is clearly to evoke the spirit of the great silent comics, though the most obvious direct reference involves a Laurel and Hardy gag that I only recall from a talkie short film — but it is a visual gag. It’s probably in the film’s favor that it doesn’t much attempt to duplicate actual silent movie gags, but instead simply goes for the vibe of those old movies. (Its closest antecedent is the thrill comedy of Harold Lloyd — with a pretty profound dash of the world of Laurel and Hardy where people can be bamboozled by the damndest charades.) Yes, it’s fun — and it wisely doesn’t go on too long — but I found it more clever and amusing than outright funny. Your mileage may vary. Rated PG for rude humor. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke

august 12 - august 18, 2015



8 1/2 HHHHH

Players: Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale, Anouk Aimee, Barbara Steele SURREAL SEMI-AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL COMEDY DRAMA Rated NR If you only see one Federico Fellini film, 8 1/2 is the one to see. It’s the film where Fellini emerged as the fully-formed fantasist he’s most identified as. It’s a beguiling fantasy about a filmmaker trying to come to terms with his life, his spirituality, his love life and the big movie already in the works that he’s supposed to make — even though he has only the barest notion of what that film will be. Whether it actually means anything or is simply a look at a filmmaker’s own confusion is up to you, but it’s a ride like few others. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present 8 1/2 Friday, Aug. 14 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

It’s in the Bag! HHHH

Director: Richard Wallace (A Night to Remember) Players: Fred Allen, Binnie Barnes, Jack Benny, Robert Benchley, Sidney Toler, Jerry Colonna, John Carradine COMEDY Rated NR Whatever else can be said about the 1940s, it was not an era that produced much that could truly be described as “off-the-wall.” Bing and Bob in their various “Road” pictures was about as wild as it got. One of the few exceptions to this rule is It’s in the Bag! — the only starring vehicle for radio comedian Fred Allen — and a notable exception it is. The plot concerns flea circus owner Fred F. Trumble Floogle (Allen) inheriting a fortune — or so it’s presumed — from his murdered uncle (Lloyd Ingraham). It turns out, however, that the estate has been plundered by crooked lawyer Jefferson T. Pike (a delightfully hammy John Carradine) and his associates, so that all that’s left are five chairs. Unbeknownst to anyone, one of the chairs has $300,000 hidden in it — something Floogle (and Pike) only learns from a phonograph record his grandfather made. In the meantime, Floogle and his family have run up a lot of bills on credit — plus, a detective (Sidney Toler in his last break from playing Charlie Chan) is after Floogle for the murder of the old man. To complicate matters, the chairs have been sold. Yes, it’s the same basic story — taken from a Russian novel — as Mel Brooks’ The Twelve Chairs (1970), but this is much wilder. Some of it may be lost on modern audiences, since a good bit of the humor is grounded in topical references to then famous radio shows — including Allen’s long-running radio feud with Jack Benny. But it’s all so fast and so...well, strange that it won’t matter if you miss a few jokes. The Asheville Film Society will screen It’s in the Bag! Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Magician HHHHS

Director: Rex Ingram Players: Paul Wegener, Alice Terry, Iván Petrovich, Firmin Gémier, Gladys Hamer, Henry Wilson HORROR Rated NR Rex Ingram’s The Magician (1926) takes place of pride as being the first American horror film that doesn’t feel the need to offer up a rational explanation for its supernatural content. It also happens to be one of Ingram’s best films — and the film that had perhaps more direct influence on the Universal horror pictures of the 1930s than any other. For years, The Magician was considered a lost film, and then a film that was simply hard to see. Well, it’s been cleaned up and outfitted with a musical score (mostly cribbed from the classical music on some of the Universal horrors). This wild tale of a mad alchemist/magician (Paul Wegener) and his attempts to create an homunculus with the “heart blood of a maiden” (Alice Terry) is very now much among us — in all its stylish splendor — taking its rightful place as one of the key horror movies. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Magician Thursday, Aug. 13 at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Young Sherlock Holmes HHHH

Director: Barry Levinson Players: Nicholas Rowe, Alan Cox, Sophie Ward, Anthony Higgins, Susan Fleetwood, Freddie Jones MYSTERY FANTASY Rated PG-13 It’s too big, too loud, too over-produced. Hey, Barry Levinson made it, Chris Columbus wrote it and Spielberg produced it. What did you expect? Young Sherlock Holmes was largely dismissed in 1985, and, of course, riled up a few Sherlockians (the literary equivalent of comic book fanboys). However, the latter have turned their ire on Guy Ritchie, and may be cutting this version some slack, since the young star, Nicholas Rowe, grew up to play the movie Holmes in the current Mr. Holmes. But really, taken on its own somewhat silly and overblown terms, Young Sherlock Holmes was always a pretty decent fantasy. Seen today, it takes on added interest — especially with Columbus’ participation — as being a fairly obvious template for the Harry Potter movies. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Young Sherlock Holmes Sunday, Aug. 16, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.


august 12 - august 18, 2015

The Gift

HHHH Director: Joel Edgerton Players: Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall, Joel Edgerton, Allison Tolman, Tim Griffin, Busy Philipps mystery thriller Rated R The Story: A couple’s life is thrown into increasing disarray and dread by the arrival of someone from the husband’s increasingly murky past. The Lowdown: A well-judged, slickly-made thriller that mostly eschews the trappings of the genre for more psychological unease and a disturbingly dark vision of the world. Joel Edgerton’s debut feature, The Gift, is a deeply disturbing cerebral thriller that is seemingly a little too disturbing for some viewers who are, I believe, perhaps reading too deeply into the film’s climax. Oh, it offers a supremely creepy — even distasteful — ending, but whether it has quite the murky depths that some are seeing, I am less certain. Obviously, this can only be discussed in the most general terms in a review — after all, the film has a mystery at its center. Even so, I am hard-pressed to come up with any reading that suggests the slightest evidence that the film endorses the behavior (and possible behavior) uncovered in the course of the story. Just because the behavior depicted is repugnant doesn’t mean the film is. On the surface — and for part of the film’s length — The Gift plays like a fairly straightforward thriller in which a couple is menaced by some, probably unbalanced, figure from the past. In this case, the couple is Simon (Jason Bateman) and Robyn (Rebecca Hall) who have just relocated from Chicago to Simon’s hometown of Los Angeles. This is all very movie-ish, too, since they move right into one of those Architectural Digest-worthy houses that seem to proliferate in such movies. (The lesson of 1950s producer Ross Hunter about the value of leaving a body at the bottom of an elaborate marble staircase rather than a rickety wooden one is still with us.) This is supposed to be the beginning of a new life for them — one with a rosy future for Simon on the corporate ladder, and one where they can put Robyn’s mis-

carriage and her subsequent depression behind them. What they have not reckoned on is the sudden appearance of Gordo (Joel Edgerton), an overly friendly, overly solicitous remnant of Simon’s past — an old high school acquaintance who Simon claims not to remember. Naturally, Gordo is not what he appears to be. It’s easy to guess early on that he has an agenda that has nothing to do with reconnecting with an old friend. It’s also easy to see that Gordo and Simon share a secret that is only hinted at — mostly by Gordo and mostly for the benefit of Robyn. This secret and the growing realization that Simon is also not what he seems is what makes The Gift more intriguing and complex than a straightforward thriller with a nice couple in peril. This is no basic Hollywood thriller like, say, John Schlesinger’s Pacific Heights (1990). The Gift is more European in tone and story — something along the lines of Dominik Moll’s With a Friend Like Harry... (2000), to which it bears more than a passing resemblance. Much of what works about The Gift has little to do with Edgerton’s occasional (and effective) use of shock effects (usually of the false scare variety) or even Gordo’s creepy agenda. Rather, the strength of the film comes from Robyn’s deepening suspicion that Simon is not the person she thinks he is. Both she and the viewer are sometimes led down the garden path with clever bits of understandable misdirection (a requirement of the mystery format). But the truly chilling aspect of this is less in what she uncovers than the fact that her discoveries ultimately tell her things she might already have guessed — things that perhaps tell her as much about herself, her problems and the life she leads as they do about Simon. This brings us back to the film’s slightly controversial ending. Yes, it’s disturbing — and, yes, it involves both Simon and Gordo using Robyn to their own ends without regard for her. But it’s also less directly about misogyny than the movie’s overall bleak worldview. The fact that aspects of it have offended some is even possibly a measure of the film’s effectiveness as a critique of modern society. It offers no comfort. It doesn’t even offer a solution — merely another mystery that we can discuss, but which we will never know the answer to. Rated R for language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

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Service Associate performs a variety of semi-skilled activities with little direct supervision from the Facility and Fleet Manager and may help to coordinate the work of licensed or other subcontractors. Work occurs during and after routine business hours and may require overtime. • The person in this position must be able to accurately make calculations, complete paperwork, organize and care for tools and equipment; inventory, track and complete requisitions for cleaning and other building supplies and stock; perform routine carpentry, operate motor vehicles, and perform other related work as required. • A valid North Carolina Driver License and passing pre-employment background checks and drug/ alcohol screens are required. Also requires graduation from high school, or GED and, at least, six years of experience in facility maintenance. • Prefer college-level course work in facility maintenance. An equivalent combination of training and experience may be acceptable. • Bi-lingual in Spanish a plus! $12.00-$16.00/ hour. (DOQ) plus paid benefits This position is non-exempt and eligible for overtime pay. Send resume, cover letter and complete contact information for three work references to: Human Resources Manager, 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Or Email: Or Fax: (828) 253-6319 Open until filled. EOE & DFWP For complete job description go to: FURnitURe AppRentice Entry Level Position for a small, busy custom furniture shop. Incredible Opportunity for the career oriented person. Please be: CREATIVE ENERGETIC OPTIMISTIC CONFIDENT You have to be a Self Motivated, Clean and have a Professional, Strong Work Ethic. Looking for a person that recognizes attention to fine detail. Knowledge of various methods of joinery helpful. Top Compensation/Benefits for the right person. Please reply with a letter of intent and to schedule an interview.

ADMinistRAtive/ oFFice

BooKKeepeR-hR/oFFice ADMinistRAtoR neeDeD Job responsibilities: (1) maintain and reconcile financial and accounting records, (2) process payroll, (3) file taxes, (4) manage personnel records and benefits

Jo Bs programs, (5) maintain advertising-sales records, accounts, invoicing & collections, and (6) provide front office support. Qualified applicants must have an associate’s degree or higher in HR and/or accounting (or demonstrate equivalent business experience) and at least two years’ successful experience in an office environment in the relevant fields. Must be mature, with extremely high ethics and good judgment, and able to communicate effectively with employees, supervisors, clients and the public. Must be computer-savvy, Macintosh preferred. Knowledge of MYOB accounting application and Excel are plusses. We are a small, community-minded, media outlet. If you want a meaningful job with a company that serves the community in a calm and respectful environment, send your resume and cover letter outlining your experience, your goals, and why you think you would fit in with Xpress. Please respond by email to xpressjob@

Drivers and In-House team members to join our locally owned and operated location. Please call 954-294-1908 for more info. 954-294-1908

Annie’s BAKeRY: cUstoMeR seRvice/AccoUnt MAnAgeR Responsible for acting as liaison between customers and company. Assistant to Sales Team, handling account questions, errors, billing and all inquiries. QuickBooks required. Contribute to team effort working with sales, finance, production and drivers. Friendly, energetic, positive, strong communication and interpersonal skills, detail oriented, effective multitasker and able to work in a fast paced environment. Assist with social media. 25-30 Hours per week. Email resume to No Phone calls.


wAnteD: BLAcK MoUntAin pResBYteRiAn chURch--DiRectoR oF FinAnce. Basic accounting and financial reporting skills required. Familiarity with ACS software preferred. Salary range: $15-20/hr for 12-15 hrs/ week depending on experience and education. Please contact Betsy Ray at finance.

RestAURAnt/ FooD ASSISTANT MANAGER • seRveRs Now accepting applications, 18 or older. Open Monday-Sunday, 11am-10pm. • Apply in person: 2pm-4pm, Monday-Thursday, 1025 Brevard Road, across from Biltmore Square Mall. Please, no phone calls. Apollo Flame Bistro. pApA John’s weAveRviLLe now hiRing Papa Johns is coming to Weaverville! We are currently hiring Delivery

seRveRs & hostess Now hiring. Apply in person: 2 Hendersonville Road, Biltmore Station, Asheville. 252-7885. ichiban Japanese steak house

wiLD wing cAFé in south Asheville is now hiring servers and cooks. Please apply in person weekdays between 2 and 4pm for an immediate interview located at 65 Longshoals Road. Some experience is ideal, but not required.

Annie’s BAKeRY: RoUte DRiveR We are looking for an experienced route driver for a Full-Time position. Applicant should have experience with box-trucks, customer relations and expect to work Monday through Saturday. Email resume to No Phone calls.

with benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress’ mission and needs, and why you’d like to work with us) and resume to: No phone calls please.

hUMAn seRvices ADMissions coUnseLoR Red Oak Recovery, a young adult substance abuse treatment program in Leicester, NC, is seeking a highly qualified individual to assist families and individuals in the intake process. Qualified candidates will have two years of relevant work experience, a bachelor’s degree or higher, extensive knowledge of recovery industry, and a general knowledge of all office systems and operations. The position will require moving between several buildings throughout our large non-smoking campus. Ability to communicate and work well with others in a fast paced environment is required. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. Please submit resume and cover letter including desired salary to jobs@redoakrecovery. com AvAiLABLe iMMeDiAteLY • DIRECT CARE POSITIONS Must have clean driving record, dependable and insured auto, exemplary background, and flexibility to work. Please contact Jeannie Aiken, Rescare HomeCare. EOE. 828-252-0891 or apply online at


weBMAsteR/ DeveLopeR Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to continue the evolution of our online presence. You must have: 1) Excellent web development skills (PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, RWD) with at least 2 years of professional experience; 2) Strong problem solving skills with the ability to work independently; 3) Ability to manage in-house and outsourced projects; 4) Willingness to be a team player; 5) Commitment to a locally focused, social-mediaengaged outlet. The ideal candidate will have WordPress development experience (templating, custom post types, taxonomies, widgets, hooks & actions), the ability to write custom database queries, as well as modify existing custom PHP applications. You will also need experience managing a LAMP infrastructure with highavailability principles. Salary based on experience and skill,

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MeRiDiAn BehAvioRAL heALth Jackson county psychiatric nurse - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) Seeking a psychiatric nurse with 2 years of psychiatric nursing experience to join our Jackson County Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience a service that really works! clinician - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) Seeking an energetic and passionate individual to join the Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience an enhanced service that really works! Must have a Master’s degree and be

licensed/license-eligible. certified Medical Assistant (cMA) – Jackson/Macon Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. clinician – offender services Meridian is seeking a therapist to be a member of a multidisciplinary treatment team, providing assessment, individual and group therapy services to sex offenders and their non-offending partners within a structured Sexual Abuse Intervention Program (SAIP) and to domestic violence abusers and their families within a structured Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP). Prior clinical experience working with sexual offenders and an understanding of the dynamics of sexual deviance strongly preferred as well as familiarity with relevant research literature, clinical assessments, procedures and methods, particularly those designed for sexual offenders. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and the ability to establish rapport and maintain objectivity with a criminal or forensic population is a necessity. Masters Degree in a human services field and licensure as a Professional Counselor or Clinical Social Worker or Psychological Associate is required. At least on year of supervised clinical experience is required, preferably in a community mental health center setting. Services provided in Haywood, Jackson, and Cherokee County. haywood county clinician, Team Leader - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) We are seeking a passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to oversee our Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT), which serving Jackson, Macon and Swain counties. ACTT is an evidence-based, multi-disciplinary, communitybased service which supports individuals with severe psychiatric disorders in remaining in the community and experiencing mental health recovery. We have a deep commitment to our ACTT services because, over the years, we have seen that is a service that truly makes a difference in the lives of the people that struggle the most with mental health challenges. Our ACTT staff have been known to describe the work as the “hardest job that you will ever love”. Come be part of our rural team and experience it for yourself! Master’s Degree in Human Services Required, One Year Experience with Adults with Mental Health, Substance Abuse or Development Disability Required. Macon county clinician - Recovery Education Center (REC) Seeking passionate, valuesdriven and dynamic professional to join our Macon County Recovery Education Center. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant

should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. transylvania county clinician – Child and Family Services Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist for an exciting opportunity to serve youth and their families through individual and group therapy, working primarily out of the local schools. certified Medical Assistant (cMA) Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. AgencY-wiDe employment support professional (esp) The ESP functions as part of a team that implements employment services based on the SE-IPS model. The team’s goal is to support individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment in the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. The ESP is responsible for engaging clients and establishing trusting, collaborative relationships that result in the creation of completion of individualized employment goals. The ESP will support the client through the whole employment process and provide a variety of services at each state to support the individual in achieving their employment goals. peer support specialist Peers Assisting in Community Engagement (PACE) 2 Full Time Positions Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. clinician – peers Assisting in community engagement (pAce) Clinician will be providing ongoing therapy with individuals and clinical support to the peer support team. The position will involve travel and communitybased work in multiple counties. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are required. PACE provides structured and scheduled activities for adults age 18 and older with a diagnosis of Mental Health and Substance Use disorders. For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: heLpMAte seeKs BiLingUAL coUnseLoR Post Helpmate, Inc., a domestic violence agency in Asheville, NC, seeks Bilingual Counselor (p/t) to provide individual and group therapy plus psychoeducational programming to survivors of domestic violence. Candidates must have Master’s degree and be licensed/licenseeligible and must be fluent in English and Spanish. Bicultural

august 12 - august 18, 2015


freewill asTrOlOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): To ensure the full accuracy of this horoscope, I have been compelled to resurrect an old-fashioned English word that isn't used much any more: "gambol." It means to cavort and frolic in a playful manner, or to romp and skip around with mad glee, as if you are unable to stop yourself from dancing. The astrological omens seem unambiguous in their message: In order to cultivate the state of mind that will enable you to meet all your dates with destiny in the coming weeks, you need to gambol at least once every day. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Do you remember your first kiss? How about the first time you had sex? Although those events may not have been perfectly smooth and graceful, they were radical breakthroughs that changed your life and altered your consciousness. Since then, there may have been a few other intimate rites of passage that have impacted you with similar intensity. No doubt you will experience others in the future. In fact, I suspect that the next installments are due to arrive in the coming months. Get ready for further initiations in these mysteries. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Two-thirds of us don't know what our strengths and talents are. That's the conclusion of a study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology. One reason for the problem is what the report's co-author Dr. Robert BiswasDiener calls "strengths blindness," in which we neglect our real powers because we regard them as ordinary or take them for granted. Here's the good news, Gemini: If you suffer from even a partial ignorance about the nature of your potentials, the coming months will be a favorable time to remedy that glitch. Life will conspire to help you see the truth. (Read more: CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1504, Michelangelo finished his sculpture of the Biblical hero David. But he hadn't been the first person to toil on the 17-foot-high block of marble. Forty years earlier, the artist Agostino di Duccio was commissioned to carve David out of the stone. His work was minimal, however. He did little more than create the rough shape of the legs and torso. In 1476, Antonio Rossellino resumed where Agostino had stopped, but he didn't last long, either. By the time Michelangelo launched his effort, the massive slab had languished for 25 years. I see parallels between this story and your own, Cancerian. I suspect that you will be invited to take on a project that has been on hold or gotten delayed. This may require you to complete labors that were begun by others -- or maybe instigated by you when you were in a very different frame of mind.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): "No tree can grow to Heaven unless its roots reach down to Hell," wrote psychologist Carl Jung in his book Aion. My interpretation: We earn the right to experience profound love and brilliant light by becoming familiar with shadows and suffering. Indeed, it may not be possible to ripen into our most radiant beauty without having tangled with life's ugliness. According to my understanding of your long-term cycle, Virgo, you have dutifully completed an extended phase of downward growth. In the next extended phase, however, upward growth will predominate. You did reasonably well on the hellish stuff; now comes the more heavenly rewards.

august 12 - august 18, 2015

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Great Balancing Act of 2015 doesn't demand that you be a wishy-washy, eager-to-please, self-canceling harmony whore. Purge such possibilities from your mind. What the Great Balancing Act asks of you is to express what you stand for with great clarity. It invites you to free yourself, as much as you can, from worrying about what people think of you. It encourages you to be shaped less by the expectations of others and more by what you really want. Do you know what you really want, Libra? Find out! P.S.: Your task is not to work on the surface level, trying to manipulate the appearance of things. Focus your efforts in the depths of yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Muslims, Jews, and Christians are collaborating to erect a joint house of worship in Berlin. The building, scheduled to be finished by 2018, will have separate areas for each religion as well as a common space for members of all three to gather. Even if you don't belong to any faith, you may be inspired by this pioneering effort to foster mutual tolerance. I offer it up to you as a vivid symbol of unity. May it help inspire you to take full advantage of your current opportunities to heal schisms, build consensus, and cultivate harmony. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In some phases of your life, you have been a wanderer. You've had a fuzzy sense of where you belong. It has been a challenge to know which target you should aim your arrows at. During those times, you may have been forceful but not as productive as you'd like to be; you may have been energetic but a bit too inefficient to accomplish wonders and marvels. From what I can tell, one of those wandering seasons is now coming to a close. In the months ahead, you will have a growing clarity about where your future power spot is located -- and may even find the elusive sanctuary called "home." Here's a good way to prepare for this transition: Spend a few hours telling yourself the story of your origins. Remember all the major events of your life as if you were watching a movie. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You have been slowing to a crawl as you approach an exciting transition. But I'm here to advise you to resume normal speed. There's no need for excessive caution. You have paid your dues; you have made your meticulous arrangements; you have performed your quiet heroisms. Now it's time to relax into the rewards you have earned. Lighten your mood, Capricorn. Welcome the onrushing peace and start planning how you will capitalize on your new freedom. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): "Most people reach the top of the ladder of success only to find it’s leaning against the wrong wall." Aquarian actor Paul Sorensen said that. It's no coincidence that I'm bringing this theory to your attention right now. The coming months will be a good time to determine whether the ladder you have been climbing is leaning against the right wall or wrong wall. My advice is to question yourself at length. Be as objective as possible. Swear to tell yourself the whole truth. If, after your investigations, you decide it is indeed the wrong wall, climb down from the ladder and haul it over to the right wall. And if you're satisfied that you are where you should be, celebrate!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Many people harbor the unconscious bias that beauty resides primarily in things that are polished, sleek, and perfect. Celebrities work hard and spend a lot of money to cultivate their immaculate attractiveness, and are often treated as if they have the most pleasing appearance that human beings can have. Art that is displayed in museums has equally flawless packaging. But the current astrological omens suggest that it's important for you to appreciate a different kind of beauty: the crooked, wobbly, eccentric stuff. For the foreseeable future, that's where you'll find the most inspiration.


rOB BreZnY

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): When he served as Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi denigrated the cuisine of Finland. "Finns don't even know what prosciutto is," he sneered. At best, he said, their food is to be "endured." He mocked the "marinated reindeer" they eat. But Finland fought back against the insults. In an international pizza contest held in New York, their chefs won first Prize for their "Pizza Berlusconi," a specialty pizza that featured marinated reindeer. The Italian entry finished second. I foresee you enjoying a comparable reversal in the coming months, Pisces. And it all begins now.

applicants and individuals with prior experience serving trauma victims and/or training/ certification in evidence-based therapy techniques are strongly preferred. Email resume and cover letter by August 14 to heLpMAte seeKs pRogRAM DiRectoR Helpmate, a domestic violence agency in Asheville, NC, seeks Program Director to oversee direct service programming, supervise staff and form positive community relationships. Candidates must have Bachelor’s degree, 3 years’ experience with domestic violence victim advocacy and 3 years’ experience with staff supervision. Strong communication, organizational, and time management skills required. Diverse candidates encouraged to apply. Fluency in Spanish, Russian, Moldovan or Ukrainian is incentivized. Email resume and cover letter by August 14 to LiBeRtY coRneR enteRpRises Are you looking for a job that will leave you feeling fulfilled? Do you want to work for a company that will value you and the unique strengths and talents you have to offer? If so, then Liberty Corner Enterprises wants to meet with you! We are actively recruiting individuals to work with adults who have developmental and intellectual differences. So, what does it take to be a member of our team? Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, valid driver’s license, proof of vehicle insurance and a reliable vehicle. To apply visit and click on job opportunities, or visit our main office at 723 Fairview Road in Asheville. We offer top notch benefits and competitive starting pay based on experience. Call 828-254-9917 for more information! Rn-FULL-tiMe MeDicAting nURse Mountain Area Recovery Center is growing and we are currently seeking an RN to work full-time as a medicating nurse at the Clyde facility. Early morning hours required. Criminal background check required for all final candidates. EOE. Please e-mail resume to rhonda.ingle@marc-otp. com or fax to 828.252.9512, ATTN: RHONDA INGLE. seeKing ALteRnAtive FAMiLY Living pRoviDeRs Adult Family Living Opportunities in the Asheville Area: Provide foster care for a person with developmental disabilities in your home and be rewarded with the satisfaction that comes with improving another person’s life while earning a living for yourself. Applicant must have a HS Diploma or GED; experience in a mental health field preferred. For more information or an application call HomeCare Management Corporation at (828) 247-1700.

organizing. Email hope@cwfnc. org for full description and application requirements. Deadline August 20.

health department and OSHA compliance. $24,530 - $27,252. To view full posting and apply online:

teAching/ eDUcAtion


get cABLe tv, inteRnet & phone with FRee hD Equipment and install for under $3 a day! Call now! 855-602-6424 . (AAN CAN)


MAtheMAtics teAcheR wAnteD The Academy at Trails Carolina, a year-round experiential and adventure based therapeutic boarding school for boys grades 9-12 based in Henderson County North Carolina, is seeking a Licensed Mathematics Teacher to join its faculty. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, NC teaching license, 3 letters of reference, and any pertinent wilderness certifications (WFR, CPR, etc.) to seeKing eARLY eDUcAtion pRoFessionAL teAcheR Bell’s School for People Under Six is seeking a full time early education professional teacher for classroom teaching position. Bell’s School is known for small group size and low student teacher ratio with a focus on lower classroom stress and positive teacher/child relationships. Applicants must be able to write and execute a lesson plan that follows appropriate curriculum. Must have at least an associate’s degree in early education or related field or NC Early Education Credentials and willingness to continue education. Pay based on education & experience.

AccoUnt Rep neeDeD Mountain Xpress salespeople are unusual — and we need another one. Are you supergregarious, ambitious, selforganized, and deadline-driven? We’re team-spirited, and we work hard for salaries rather than commissions. Cold-calling must thrill you. We want a great listener and someone who wants to build relationships. Additionally, we need someone who can effectively close deals, collect payments, perform extensive and detailed contract entry. We adhere to strict sales guidelines for our quality product. Some experience in outside print sales and/or marketing will be helpful, but not required. This is a full time, fully salaried, outside sales position. If you are a high energy, positive, cooperative person who wants a stable team environment with predictable income and meaningful work, please send a resume and cover letter about why you are a good fit for Mountain Xpress to:

xchAnge BicYcLes

BUsiness oppoRtUnities HELP WANTED! Make $1000 a week! Mailing Brochures from home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

2014 new BeLgiUM BReweRY, FAt tiRe cRUiseR $500 Limited Edition, Fat Tire Cruiser. New Belgium beer logos branded on it. You can’t buy this bike in a store, Brand new, still in box. $500. See pics online. Call 828230-5151

cAReeR tRAining AiRLine cAReeRs Begin heRe Get started by training as a FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN)


AntiQUes/ coLLectiBLes seARcheRs AntiQUes West Asheville’s newest antique store! N. Louisiana Plaza, 441 N. Louisiana Ave., Asheville, NC. Open Tuesday-Friday 10:006:00; Saturday 9:00-5:00. Shop in air-conditioned comfort. 828253-7851. searchers_antiques@ Like us on Facebook!

seRvices speciAL events AttenDAnt Seeking a Housekeeping and Special Events Attendant for the Brumit Center at A-B Tech to maintain facilities including lodge rooms, lobby, kitchens, offices, and laundry facilities. Maintains

the iDeAL AssistAnt Your home & office organized & running efficiently with Carly. TheIdealAssistant. com. Assistant / Concierge / Organizer 828.595.6063 •

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hoMe iMpRoveMent geneRAL seRvices JM ReiD cUstoM hoMe ReMoDeLing Specializing in Kitchens and Baths, PreFinished Hardwood floors, Decks, Additions, Trim. Insured. 41 years experience. (828) 550-0585


pRoFessionAL/ MAnAgeMent enviRonMentAL JUstice oRgAniZeR/ReseARcheR, AsheviLLe Progressive statewide non-profit seeks full time organizer/researcher with some experience, science or health background and strong commitment to social justice for statewide advocacy on water and energy issues, local and regional


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AnnoUnceMents AnnoUnceMents gooD wooD piZZA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www. pRegnAnt? thinKing oF ADoption? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)

stRUggLing with DRUgs oR ALcohoL? Addicted to Pills? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800978-6674 (AAN CAN)shops

.cLAsses & woRKshops LEARN BRIDGE IN A DAY! Sunday, September 13, 2015 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Asheville Bridge Room. 800 Fairview Rd. River Ridge Mall. Preregister $20. Email Grace at tongrac@charter. net or call 299-0887 .

Village tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, 219 Old Toll Circle, Black Mountain. Freedom, Simplicity, Harmony. Weds. 6-7:30 PM; Sundays 8-9:00 AM, followed by tea/book study. For additional offerings, see www. or call 828-6696000.

pets pet seRvices AsheviLLe pet sitteRs Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.

the pAinting expeRience weeKenD woRKshop Experience the power of process painting as described in the groundbreaking book Life, Paint & Passion: Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression. August 21-23 at the Asheville Art Museum at Pack Place. Phone: (415) 488-6880 Email: Website:

MinD, BoDY, spiRit BoDYwoRK

AUtoMotive AUtos FoR sALe cAsh FoR cARs Any Car/ Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN)

RecReAtionAL vehicLes FoR sALe 18’ 2007 MALLARD spoRt tRAveL tRAiLeR MoDeL 18cK Fully self contained 2007 travel trailer. 3500 lbs. dry. Ducted air, new tires 2014, tows great, 16’ awning, will fit in your driveway. sleeps 4 adults. $6995 obo. contact:

t h e n e w Y oR K ti M es cR osswoR D p U ZZLe ACROSS 1 Twosome in the news 5 ___ California 9 “No drama” president 14 Simba’s mate in “The Lion King” 15 Play to ___ 16 Half of the Dynamic Duo 17 Serious injury for a firefighter 20 Part of a golf cup 21 Letter after kay 22 Gerund ender 23 Sri Lanka export 24 ___ roll 25 Mary’s boss on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” 26 Santa ___ (some winds) 28 “Pale” or “prairie” plant of the central U.S. 34 Fine distinction 35 Suze with financial advice 36 Good pace, informally 38 One of the Wayans brothers 41 Salinger heroine 42 Farmhand’s material 44 Fancy neckwear 46 Indication that “That’s how things are” 50 Collagist’s supply

edited by Will Shortz

51 Bard’s contraction 52 Do-over call 54 Temple University athlete 57 Figures at raves 58 LIII doubled 59 Outburst from Scrooge 60 Question answered by this puzzle’s circled letters 64 French-speaking African land 65 Skeptic’s reply 66 Tolerate 67 Conductors’ announcements 68 Canadian fill-up choice 69 English Channel feeder

9 Common pizza sea1 2 3 4 soning 10 Dole out in 14 politics? 11 Border on 17 18 12 Bog 13 Actress Kendrick of 20 21 “Pitch Perfect” 18 Novelist Ephron 24 25 19 Sicilian province 27 Shakespeare’s Avon, 28 29 for one 29 Fooling 34 30 Pastel shade 31 Import from Holland 36 37 32 Existential declaration 42 43 33 Coastal hurricane dir. 36 Subjects of height46 ened interest, for short? 37 Luau necklace 50 39 Sad sorts DOwn 54 55 56 57 40 From 1 Start of many course 43 Rots slowly 60 61 titles 45 Call on 2 Falafel sauce 47 It’s big in Japan 64 3 2012 Super Bowl 48 Singer O’Shea who M.V.P. who hosted shared the stage with 67 “S.N.L.” the Beatles on the 4 Deface 2/9/64 “Ed Sullivan Show” 5 Banking problems puzzle by Ryan Milligan 49 Mariner 6 Had a midday meal 7 What may be up when 53 “Ta-da!” 56 Building block the police arrive? 54 Controls 61 Sales worker 8 Kind of photography 55 Iota

No.0708 5












16 19 22





31 35





44 47



49 51











62 USA competitor 63 “Game of Thrones” airer

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