from cow to
Seal of Quality
li k
... and what happens in between | page 40
m 12
Local companies form outdoor-industry alliance
Stalking the Bogeyman launches NC Stage’s season
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
conTEnTS conTacT uS PagE 40
Milk: From cow to cup There’s more than one way to milk a cow. As milkman Jonathon Flaum puts it, “The perception is that there are two choices with milk: raw or highly processed.” He provides an option in between, and here, Xpress explores the local dairy trade to learn what happens between cow and cup.
covER dESign Laura Barry
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10 a PhonE fiT foR a ninja Local tech duo debuts encrypted ‘superphone’
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46 kiLLER inSTincT World premiere of Stalking the Bogeyman launches NC Stage’s season
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LETTERS caRToon: MoLTon caRToon: BREnT BRown convERSaTionS coMMuniTy caLEndaR conSciouS PaRTy in ThE SPiRiT aShEviLLE diScLaiMER wELLnESS faRM & gaRdEn SMaRT BETS cLuBLand MoviES cLaSSifiEdS caRToon: dERf fREEwiLL aSTRoLogy ny TiMES cRoSSwoRd
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coPyRighT 2013 By Mountain Xpress advERTiSing coPyRighT 2013 By Mountain Xpress aLL RighTS RESERvEd
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com. Staff
PuBLiShER: Jeff Fobes aSSiStant to thE PuBLiShER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E EditoR: Rebecca Sulock, a&E REPoRtER: Alli Marshall SEnioR nEwS REPoRtER: David Forbes Staff REPoRtERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd
Voted Best Of WNC Yoga Studio 2011, 2012 & 2013
aSSiStant EditoRS: Jaye Bartell, Julia Ritchey food wRitER: Emily Patrick moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke EditoRiaL intERnS: Brandy Carl, Max Miller, Micah Wilkins contRiButing EditoRS: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt caLEndaR/faRm&gaRdEn EditoR: Jen Nathan Orris
caRtoon By Randy moLton
Xpress should be the light that penetrates the darkness I would like to follow up on Carl Mumpower's Aug. 21 letter, “Let There Be the Light of Day,” regarding Mountain Xpress' investigative reporting in the Aug. 7 story, "Ruffled Feathers.” Carl is often maligned in this community for his conservative stances, but in this instance, I feel that he was right on. We would like to believe otherwise, but many special-interest groups do not demonstrate much of a concern for the common interests of our community. Instead they pursue selfish interests and the public is left without any advocates. Mountain Xpress can serve a vital role for Western North Carolina by continuing to do such investigative reporting. Our nation's mainstream establishment media is compromised and not performing this service. We desperately need genuine investigative reporting to shine the light on all governmental activities. Mountain Xpress is to be congratulated on the "Ruffled Feathers" report. Unfortunately, it arrived, in this instance, after the deeds were done. With community support, Mountain Xpress can and should be
the light that penetrates the darkness that Carl Mumpower referred to. Thank you for not flinching from this endeavor. — Dennis Kabasan Asheville
Give a voice to the voiceless Typically, reading the new Mountain Xpress issue on Wednesday mornings is my self-allotted carte blanche to procrastinate for a few minutes and revel in calling Asheville my home. However, this week's news feature, "Waiting for the Cavalry,” was nothing short of painful — it underscores some systemic flaws that our city has yet to confront about itself. I'm not talking about the police dispatch system. I can almost forgive your choice of catalyst for the story: a white man in Kenilworth who broadcasted his shock and outrage about slow police response to an emergency call. But your exclusion of voices from parts of Asheville where that outrage is more like routine disappointment is saddening. I also found the article irresponsible, namely because its angle belies Asheville's complacency with its
cLuBLand EditoR, wRitER: Dane Smith contRiButing wRitERS: Brandy Carl, Bridget Conn, Ursula Gullow, Nelda Holder, Jordan Lawrence, Kate Lundquist, Pamela McCown, Max Miller, Kyle Sherard, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Jackie Starkey, Rachel Winner
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aRt & dESign managER: Carrie Lare ad dESign & PREPRESS cooRdinatoR: John A. Zara gRaPhic dESignERS: Laura Barry, Sarah Riddle Staff PhotogRaPhER: Max Cooper advERtiSing managER: Susan Hutchinson maRkEting aSSociatES: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Samantha Pope, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kenneth Trumbauer, John Varner infoRmation tEchnoLogiES managER: Stefan Colosimo wEB tEam: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
We want to hear from you
Changes are not always good
Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by e-mail to letters@mountainx.com.
I have given Xpress' new layout an open mind, but I am still lost. In the old style, things stuck out and were easy to find and enjoyable to read. Now everything is kind of generic bland and hard to find. You can't deny it. Take, for example, the Sept. 4 issue. You could not even find the “News of the Weird” on page 29, as the index listed it. Why do people insist on changing something that is working just fine? The enjoyment of reading Mountain Xpress has waned due to the cold, uninviting blandness of the new layout. This is a diverse community, and you were too. Changes are not always good. — David Smith Marshall
image as a panacea for privilege, where a problem is only a problem when it affects people in well-represented communities. Why did take a middle-class white male on Twitter for you to conduct an investigative report about an issue that has affected people of color and economically disadvantaged communities here (and throughout the U.S.) for years? Where was the quote from the black woman in Pisgah View who can't get law enforcement to take her complaints of ex-partner violence seriously enough to file a report Where was the picture of the homeless heroin addict who died because North Carolina's average emergency response time for overdoses is 22 minutes? Such individuals are equally a part of Asheville, yet we relegate them to the outskirts of our attention. I believe in the integrity of the Mountain Xpress, but in the future, I urge you to take on the challenge of including Asheville citizens who traditionally have not been asked to share their input or experience, no matter how unglamorous or uncomfortable the result may be. Many of us count on the Mountain Xpress for our most intimate and honest local coverage, and the hoppiest craft brew in town could not make me prouder to live here than having a media outlet that sparks discussion and social change by representing everyone. — Laura Eshelman Asheville Managing Editor Margaret Williams responds: Thank you, Ms. Eshelman, for challenging us to do better. We hoped that, in telling this story, we would encourage others to come forward and share theirs, whatever part of the community they call home. We also hope that this story serves as a launching point for more discussions about the varied issues our city and its residents face. So, pour yourself that hoppy craft brew! You letter does what you want most: “sparks discussion and social change by representing everyone.”
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Xpress responds: We’re glad that you are so fond of our old design. It definitely showcased the work of various Xpress designers over the past few years. Ultimately though, our goal is to provide our readers with a cohesively designed paper that’s navigable, readable and with a pleasing aesthetic. We hope we’ve met those goals for the majority of our readership. For example, one of the new design’s key attributes are its consistent headers at the top of each page that make it easy to see what section of the paper you’re in. As to your difficulty in finding News of the Weird in our Sept. 4 issue: That wasn’t a design flaw. The feature was cut that week for lack of space and, unfortunately, we failed to update the table of contents to reflect the cut. Even if you do find the new design generic and bland — we hope you find the weekly content anything but.
“Grow It, Show It, Eat It” headline was appalling In a world where humans seem to struggle with empathy and compassion toward each other, animals and our planet, I was appalled by the headline of the Sept. 4 article, “Grow It, Show It, Eat It.” Underneath the article is a picture of a baby calf not even standing up on its two front legs yet. The article speaks of pig racing for
fun and animal showings. The insensitivity to animals and that they are somehow for our own use and entertainment is disgusting and immoral in my opinion. Not until I read on further did I see that there is also an exhibit for students to grow and show a flower. It never mentions eating the flower, and I'm left to wonder what this headline is really inferring. I'm pretty sure that calf will end up on someone's plate after its life is directed 100 percent of the time by human desires. I ask that the Mountain Xpress not perpetuate the selfish and harmful use of animals. — Keli Keach Asheville
Renters' dilemma Since moving to North Carolina almost two years ago, I have encountered a different policy for notifying landlords/property managers of the intent to vacate at the end of a lease. I had been accustomed to giving a 30-day notice in three other states. Here, 60 days' notice seems to be the norm. However, no prospective landlord will hold an apartment or house for rent for that long, which is understandable.
caRtoon By BREnt BRown
From what I have read on the North Carolina Legal Aid website, only 30 days' notice to vacate is required in the state, by either the resident or the landlord. I am on social security retirement, and it will be a hardship for me to pay both the last month's rent on the old apartment and the first month's rent on the new apartment at the same time. Does anyone have any suggestions? I always appreciate Mountain Xpress' advocacy for Asheville citizens' concerns. — Kathryn J. Tyrone Asheville
No right on red! Dear Mayor Terry Bellamy: I have noticed, being a downtown resident for several years, that crossing the street is much more dangerous than it should be. Reason being, even when there is a walk signal, cars can still make a right on red. I know of people who have actually been hit because of this problem, which could easily be solved. The “no right on red” rule should be implemented at every intersection downtown. I know this would be an inconvenience to drivers, but it
would definitely be a better alternative than putting pedestrians, not to mention the tourists, at such a risk. I hope, Mayor Bellamy, you will give this situation due consideration. Thank you. — David Hall Asheville
I’d vote for Esther if I could! I am writing this letter in support for Esther Manheimer for mayor of Asheville. If I lived in Asheville I would vote for her. She is very caring, honest and hardworking. She is what the city of Asheville needs in a mayor. I know if she was mayor she would give Asheville what it deserves: a caring, hardworking mayor who cares for all the people of Asheville. — Christopher Stephen Oaks Black Mountain
Lies, lies, lies I received an email from the North Carolina GOP concerning the Affordable Care Act. In it they
said; "It’s killing jobs, hurting our economy, raising premiums, and limiting health care access." Lies, Lies. Lies. Judging from the results achieved by a Republican administration in North Carolina and the U.S. House of Representatives, their interest in jobs is just as shallow as their understanding of "Obamacare.” The economy will not be hurt by a healthier population, by the creation of more health care jobs to assure this or by the savings in health care costs it will produce by limiting the profits of insurance companies and by improving and coordinating the provision of primary care. A study of health care premiums of policies offered state ACA marketplaces just released by the Kaiser Foundation found that premiums are reduced and are lower than original estimates. How the ACA will reduce access by making health care available to millions of the uninsured in the nation and by expanding medicaid in states not governed by retrograde state governments like North Carolina can only be explained by someone with an impaired attachment to reality, i.e., the NC GOP. — Tom Coulson Marshall
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Photo by Max Cooper
Community dialogue from mountainx.com
by Jaye Bartell
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Beer City, Bike City, Bee City ... But did you know that Buncombe County also produces the most ginseng in the state? Compared to the materials behind those other appellations, however, the ginseng trade is a more fragile instance of local manufacturing. Despite restrictions on its harvest and distribution, ginseng is the center of a widespread and ultimately destructive clandestine market. As Jake Frankel reported in “Botanical Bandits,” the Sept. 4 cover story, “Last year, Buncombe County led the state in ginseng production, with 1,268 pounds of dried roots, the Department of Agriculture reports. Almost all of the 8,994 pounds harvested statewide came from WNC and eventually made its way to China. The state agency has no way to determine exactly how much of that was illegally harvested, but at $800 a pound, that translates into more than $7.1 million going into the pockets of those rummaging the hillsides.” (For more about the traditions and tribulations of local ginseng harvesting, see the full story at avl.mx/prpt). A few readers commented on the inadvertent horticultural guidelines provided by the article’s images and general information on plant harvesting. Others felt that the piece helped generate awareness of the “severity of the poaching problem.” What do you think? Let us know at mountainx.com. via mountainx.com Is there a way to do this story without telling people how much they can get for ginseng; telling them where it grows; and putting a damn picture of it on the cover, next to a shovel?!? Just a thought... — bsummers You’re right. This is a veritable “How to Find and Poach Endangered Ginseng for Profit.” — dionysis Excellent article. Do you really
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
‘Sang Run: Despite restrictions on its harvest and distribution, ginseng is the center of a widespread and ultimately destructive clandestine local market. Lesley Storke, research specialist with the N.C. Department of Agriculture, searches for the plant to dye its roots for conservation purposes.
think that poachers are going to get information from this article that they already don’t have? How silly. This article is meant for the rest of us — to inform us of the severity of the poaching problem — it’s not some quaint Appalachian folkway we can be amused by — it’s darn harmful. Keep writing informative articles like this. — marcianne No, of course not. It’s about creating brand-new poachers. I was at work about 10-12 years ago when a similar article came out in the Asheville Citizen-Times. When someone read it out loud, another co-worker went up and said, “$1,000 a pound? Let me see that!” He ripped out the photograph and walked away muttering about borrowing a shovel after work. — bsummers In some cases, yes, they would. So if the article is “informative,” why do you think potential poachers would not find it so as well? That notion is what is “silly.” — dionysis
via facEBook Although I find this article interesting it probably shouldn’t be plastered on the front of the Xpress as it will likely tempt several other people to go dig up the root. — j christian Smilanic Thanks for this informative story. I’ve always heard rumors about the ‘sang trade, but never understood the economy behind it. $800 per pound is mind-blowing. — Brian Sarzynski Thanks for the heads up! Heading out today. Seriously though, the pic seems a little over the top. Good reporting, but it could possibly have been just as good without the info on the price, and the detailed pic of the plant top. I know where some is, and leave it there. I’ve been aware of it for years, however, this is the first I’ve heard of $800 a pound. I’m sure that info would be enough for a lot of people to pull it up, when they’d otherwise leave it alone. — jeff hyatt X
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
A phone fit for a ninja Local tech duo debuts encrypted ‘superphone
QSAlpha, the company making the phone, launched an Indiegogo campaign Sept. 17 to move the first 5,000 phones into production. Up until now, Quasar has been selffunded. The project will have 30 days to reach a formidable $3.5 million goal, which, if met, could be a communications game changer. Quasar IV will retail for $785, but the first 350 people to contribute $495 will also qualify for one. Remington emphasizes that communications sent from a Quasar phone to a nonsecure (non-Quasar) device will not be encrypted. However, the phone should start people thinking about how to protect their digital identity. “With everything that’s going on right now, with the NSA and PRISM, this is a really good way to protect yourself and your business,” adds Remington. QSAlpha CEO Steve chao explains in a promotional video that the design and engineering for the phone were inspired by ninja culture. “The essence of digital security is the ability to operate in stealth mode, moving about undetected, leaving no trace in the digital world — the same way a ninja leaves no trace in the real world.” Chao describes the phone as the “ultimate digital defense system” for the “modernday ninja.”
By juLia RitchEy
jritchey@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 122
Two local tech entrepreneurs are about to make waves in the realm of digital security and mobile technology with the debut of the Quasar IV, an encrypted “superphone” that will allow users to securely exchange messages and store information away from prying eyes. For more than two years, Hendersonville-based kendall weaver and Shane Remington have been working on the Quasar project — flying to and from Taiwan and San Francisco to meet with the core team responsible for creating the cellphone. “We’re trying to emphasize ‘superphone’ as opposed to smartphone,” says Weaver. “It’s more cutting edge than most of what you’ll see.” Remington is more blunt: “This phone will operate just as a normal Android 4.3 phone … but it’s way beyond the other phones out there. In fact, the features are better than Samsung 5 and iPhone 5.” The phone looks sleek and sturdy, boasting a 5-inch, 1080 highdefinition screen, Gorilla Glass and waterproof shell. It’s also compatible with other smartphones and comes unlocked or jail-broken (meaning you don’t have to subscribe to a phone carrier to use it). Remington says it will run on an Android 4.3 platform utilizing their own proprietary Quatrix software, which will act as an encryption blanket. “Quatrix is a layer that runs on top of Android that protects Android from intrusion,” says Remington. “It also protects your identity, and there are tools within Quatrix that will allow you to encrypt all of your conversations and everything you do on the Web.” Weaver serves as chief software
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
architect of the highly secret and secure QuaOS and explains how it works: “You turn on your phone, there’s Android, then you press a button, you enter a password, go through some login steps and then you have this whole brand-new suite of applications that exist in their own private little world — that are fully encrypted.” Other technical specs include a quad-core 2.3 gigahertz processor, 3 gigabytes of memory and 64 or 128 GB of encrypted local storage. Weaver says one of the coolest components of the new phone will be its dual rear 13-megapixel cameras. These cameras simulate augmented reality, which integrates technology into real-world environments — an example would be holding a smartphone up to the night sky and having it point out the constellations.
aLPha tEam: Kendall Weaver and Shane Remington, both of Hendersonville, will oversee software development for the Quasar IV. Photo courtesy of Kendall Weaver
“We’ll be the first cellphone that’s capable of proper augmented reality, including multiple cameras that can capture everything with a realistic depth of field,” explains Weaver. “If an object moves behind another object, it has the ability to track that, as opposed to current [models], which try to identify what’s in focus with one camera. It’s like two eyes — it gives you that perspective.”
who can you tRuSt? Chao, Weaver and Remington all say they expect pushback from the cryptography community, but that, in light of revelations about the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs and other cyber-security threats, Quasar fills a need that other phones are not meeting. In fact, since news of the phone leaked online to tech blog Ars Technica, some technologists have expressed skepticism that propriety encryption can be trusted. “I think this is going to be difficult to gain people’s trust from the beginning,” says Chao. “The entire PKI [public-key infrastructure] camp are going after us — everyone is going to try to go after us. Our goal is to launch a great product.
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25% Discount for locals ninja PhonE: Tech company QSAlpha aims to raise $3.5 million in startup capital for the Quasar IV, the world’s first encrypted smartphone. Photo courtesy of QSAlpha
... My message to the community is to throw our code out there. Every new system requires some time to get started.” He says once they begin production, he will release the documentation, math formulas and reasoning behind their encryption for those who remain skeptical. “This is not just one encryption algorithm, this is a combination,” explains Chao. “It’s not just the encryption, it’s the logic behind it that makes it super-secure.” Questioned about those who would try to break through Quatrix encryption, Weaver quickly retorts, “They can try.” Adds Weaver, “We think it will do well in corporate environments and government and private sectors.” SEtting uP ShoP As they prepare for a busy fall of fundraising and production, Weaver and Remington have no intention of leaving Western North Carolina. Quasar’s headquarters will remain in San Francisco, its hardware production in Taipei, Taiwan, and its augmented-reality team in the U.K. The duo will continue to head up software development in the Asheville area.
Says Weaver, “We feel like there’s a good number of people around here that could benefit from employment opportunities. Primarily, we’re looking to set up shop, see what resources from the community are available and what resources we can give back to the community.” Xpress profiled Remington and Weaver in July on their free Linuxbased operating system called Peppermint OS [“Peppermint O Yes,” July 2013]. The pair explains that as a result of working on Peppermint — they were invited to collaborate on Quasar. Weaver and Remington swear the phone lives up to the hype. “It’s got an absolutely cuttingedge processor that’s faster than anything you’re going to find from any of the competitors presently [and] more RAM than anything you’re going to find … so we’re feeling very strongly about it. “I’ve been playing around with bits and pieces for quite some time and it’s mesmerizing,” says Weaver. “You put the technology in the hands of the people and it’s, ‘Whoa,” absolute ‘Whoa.’” For more information, QSAlpha.com X
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
More Significant than politics, weather, or the economy:
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
As the beer industry boomed in Western North Carolina, business owners from another sector began to think, “If beer can do it, why not gear?” “This area is such an outdoor mecca for individuals who love to go mountain biking and climbing and paddling and hiking. Everyone here is into the outdoors, so why can’t the manufacturers be into the area as well?” asks Eagle Nest Outfitters Marking Director natalie deRatt. “There are already a great number of manufacturers right here in our backyard. Hopefully by forming some kind of organized group, we can sort of band together.” Citing the Asheville Brewers Alliance as a model, DeRatt says ENO and SylvanSport — which manufacture outdoor hammocks and small pop-up campers, respectively — looked to develop partnerships with other like-minded companies in the region this summer. Initially, the two companies worked with fellow outdoor businesses to create a demo day for their gear along the French Broad River. However, when faced with the reality of event planing from permitting to porta-potties, the informal group looked for another opportunity. In May, the Outdoor Gear Builders of Western North Carolina made its debut at the Mountain Sports Festival. kyle mundt, marketing director for SylvanSport, describes the alliance as a “win-win” for the region. “We wanted to expose the fact that there is a pocket here on the eastern half of the country that is like Boulder and Salt Lake is to the west,” he says, noting that he and DeRatt identified close to 30 outdoor gear companies in the region. Now the local alliance that began as a series of emails boasts a new website and a membership of 10 local outdoor gear builders, including its two founding members ENO
mEmBERS of thE outdooR gEaR BuiLdERS of Western North Carolina as of Sept. 12 include: American Backcountry, Astral, Bellyak, Eagle Nest Outfitters, Harmony, House Foods, Inc, Liquidlogic, Native Watercraft, Recover Brands, Simple Shot Shooting Sports, Swaygo, SylvanSport
and SylvanSport, and. However, it’s just the beginning for the local business alliance. The group has been working with noah wilson, who serves as director of grants and special projects at AdvantageWest, a local nonprofit economic development group created to attract businesses to the mountains. Wilson says AdvantageWest has contributed $2,500 out of its own general operating budget for the new Outdoor Gear Builders website. However, he says AdvantageWest sees this as money and time well-spent. “This [alliance] is an example of a way to really leverage our time and expertise to help companies here grow and to help grow what makes sense in our region,” Wilson says, citing towns, such as Brevard, that are driven largely by outdoor tourism and could benefit from these businesses. However, in addition to attracting outdoor companies to the entire region,
Wilson says that Outdoor Gear Builders also presents an opportunity to change how people view manufacturing in the mountains. “People see industrial jobs still as hot, dirty, greasy overalls kind of jobs, but it’s really changed,” he says. “These are manufacturing jobs, but they’re really high-profile; they’re very cool jobs. When you’re making Astral life vests and making SylvanSport GO trailers, you’re making awesome gear and doing very highly skilled work and thinking about things that can save someone’s life,” he says. In July 2012, Legacy Paddlesports, which manufactures a range of watercraft and kayaks, relocated to Fletcher, N.C. As part of that relocation, the company brought between 40-50 new jobs with it. Legacy Paddlesports CEO Bill medlin says being a member of the Outdoor Gear Builders allows for cross-collaboration between companies of all sizes. “We all have different things. We’ve got our core expertise and
then there are things we don’t know as much about. SylvanSport knows a lot more about aluminum fabrication than we do, but there’s some aluminum fabrication that we care about, so we’re able to share some information. We know a lot more about plastics and all forms of molding, so we’re able to share that. There’s just a lot of cross-fertilization that can happen,” he shares. Mundt echoes this sentiment, saying the collaborative spirit can be found throughout the outdoor industry and within the new alliance. “What we’re bringing to each other is the ability to share resources. When you get 20 or 30 companies putting out press releases about something, it has much greater coverage. When the websites are all linked together, there’s huge SEO [search engine optimization] benefits. When a friend of somebody’s has outdoor experience and wants to move from California to the East Coast and needs a job, there are 30 companies that can be sort of be plugged into that network.” The goal, DeRatt says, is that as more companies find out about the Outdoor Gear Builders of Western North Carolina, the region’s attraction and economic impact will grow, too. “We are really sort of the underdogs of where outdoor brands are traditionally located, but we’ve found that there are so many here but, why should that be the case? Why can’t we be the place where outdoor brands want to be?” she asks. “The more manufacturers we attract to the area, the more economically strong we’ll be, and hopefully we can naturally and organically grow.” X
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Staff reports
Asheville campaign calendar thuRSday, SEPt. 19 whEn/whERE: 6 p.m., Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. what: An Asheville mayoral forum sponsored by the AshevilleBuncombe League of Women Voters. The forum will be run by a moderator and will include a mix of predetermined questions, as well as queries submitted by audience members. All three candidates have confirmed their attendance. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization and never supports or opposes candidates or political parties.
wEdnESday, SEPt. 25 whEn/whERE: Noon, Magnolia’s Raw Bar & Grille, 26 E. Walnut St. what: The Council of Independent Business Owners (CIBO) will host a mayoral candidate debate.
The restaurant will remain open throughout the fair to serve beer, wine and snacks. what: “Get There AVL” will give Asheville mayoral and City Council candidates the opportunity to discuss their positions on transportation and how they intend to impact the city’s infrastructure. “Asheville hosts several plans designed to enhance how citizens move about their city,” says Mike Sule, creator of “Get There AVL” and director of Asheville on Bikes. “The next generation of political leaders face the challenge of implementation and consolidation of city plans. The people of Asheville see the value of moving our city forward. They’re looking for candidates who can champion the implementation.”
wEdnESday, SEPt. 25
Julie Mayfield, co-director of the Western North Carolina Alliance, says, “We’ve organized the event so that participants will have a chance to meet candidates, before and after the formal question and answer period.”
whEn/whERE: 6:30-8:30 p.m., Clingman Café, 242 Clingman Ave. The event will be held in the parking lot of Clingman Café. Asheville on Bikes provides a bicycle corral.
“Get There AVL” is co-hosted by Asheville on Bikes, Western North Carolina Alliance, Asheville Design Center, & The Blue Ridge Bicycle Club.
EaRLy voting: Early voting for the primary runs Thursday, Sept. 19, through Saturday, Oct. 5. Residents can register to vote during this period. For more information, visit buncombecounty.org/vote or call the Board of Elections at 250-4200. thE PRimaRy: will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8, to reduce the number of mayoral candidates to two. thE gEnERaL ELEction: will be Tuesday, Nov. 5. X
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Staff reports
In the news
givE PEacE a chancE: People rallied against war in downtown Asheville as the nation contemplated military action in Syria. Photo by Jake Frankel
wnc congRESSmEn comE out againSt miLitaRy action in SyRia Facing a fluid and complex foreign policy situation, Western North Carolina’s congressional representatives opposed military action against Syria, as initially proposed by President Barack Obama. As the president prepared to address the nation Sept. 10, Republican Rep. Patrick mchenry, whose 10th District includes most of Asheville, announced that he’d vote against a military strike. “After reviewing the evidence and plan presented by the administration, I do not believe there is a compelling national interest or clear mission for our engagement in the Syrian
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
civil war,” he said in a press release. “Coupled with the overwhelming and near-unanimous feedback from my constituents opposing military involvement, I cannot support U.S. military action in Syria.” That evening, about 15 people from the local Veterans for Peace group gathered at the Vance Monument in downtown Asheville, brandishing banners that called for peace. A few days later, the leftist ANSWER Coalition organized a march of about 15 people through downtown streets protesting any war against Syria. Meanwhile, Republican Rep. mark meadows, whose 11th District includes parts of southern and western Buncombe County, agreed that military involvement is the wrong course.
“Freedom of Movement Bodyworks Presents” “After carefully reviewing the facts and participating in multiple hearings and briefings, I will be voting against the authorization of U.S. military intervention in Syria,” said Meadows, who sits on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Obama subsequently asked Congress to delay a vote authorizing military action, pending diplomatic negotiations over a plan to put Syria’s chemical weapons under international control. The president also appointed Meadows to a leadership position, nominating him to serve as a congressional delegate to the United Nations. — Jake Frankel fouR LocaL coLLEgES REcognizEd in nationaL ‘BESt coLLEgES’ guidE Four WNC liberal arts colleges made the grade in this year’s “Best Colleges” guide by U.S. News & World Report. Published Sept. 10, the annual report showed that UNC Asheville maintained its position as the seventh best public liberal arts college in the nation, while private schools Brevard College and Mars Hill University received recognition as one of the best national liberal arts colleges and one of the South’s best colleges, respectively. Warren Wilson College was also recognized as a top national liberal arts college, and was specifically recognized — for the seventh time — for having one of the nation’s leading service programs. This year’s Best Colleges Rankings from U.S. News & World Report offers data on nearly 1,800 colleges and universities, including tuition, acceptance rates, class sizes, graduation rates, average debt of graduates and more. Eligible schools are ranked on up to 16 different factors, each weighted for importance. — Caitlin Byrd
ported or opposed in the most recent session. This year’s report card rates legislators based on how they voted in five key areas: voting rights, reproductive rights, racial justice, privacy rights and religious liberty. Ramsey and Moffitt, both Republicans, each voted against the ACLU-NC’s positions on all of the issues involved in the ratings. They joined 55 of their House colleagues in earning a score of 0. In contrast, Fisher, a Democrat, voted in line with the ACLU-NC’s recommendations all of the time. She was one of only 15 North Carolina legislators to do so. The mission of the nonprofit ACLU-NC is “to preserve and defend the guarantees of individual liberty found in the North Carolina Constitution and the U.S. Constitution, with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, equal protection under law for all people, the right to privacy, the right to due process of law and the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.” — Jake Frankel
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amERican civiL LiBERtiES union of nc fLunkS RamSEy, moffitt; fiShER EaRnS PERfEct ScoRE The American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina released its annual legislative report card Sept. 5, giving Buncombe County’s delegation vastly different scores. Statehouse Reps. nathan Ramsey and Tim Moffitt received scores of 0, while Rep. Susan fisher earned a perfect score of 100. The report rates members of the North Carolina General Assembly based on their votes on various pieces of legislation the ACLU-NC sup-
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TUNNEL VISION mountainx.com
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
SEPt. 18 - SEPt. 24, 2013
Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. day-By-day caLEndaR iS onLinE Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to www.mountainx.com/events.
Calendar Deadlines fREE and Paid LiStingS Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t find youR gRouP’S LiSting? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing.
thE quaRRy chaLLEngE: Race through Grove Stone Quarry in Black Mountain at the Rock the Quarry four-mile challenge on Saturday, Sept. 21. (pg. 21)
If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com.
AnimAls fREE LiStingS onLinE (best) http://www.mountainx.com/events/submission E-maiL (second best) calendar@mountainx.com fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in PERSon Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid LiStingS Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-maiL marketplace@mountainx.com. fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in PERSon Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Brother Wolf AnimAl rescue A no-kill organization. Info: bwar.org or 505-3440. • WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am-1pm - Outward Hounds invites the public to take adoptable dogs on local hikes. Meets at BWAR, 31 Glendale Ave. Free. Dog DAy Afternoon • SU (9/22), 11:30am-4pm - Dog Day Afternoon will feature a dog-friendly fun run, contests for pets, adoptable animals and an animal photo booth. Held at Carrier Park, 500 Amboy Road. $10 run/$5 per contest. Info: DogDayAsheville.com. free spAy Vouchers • The Humane Alliance offers free spay services for female felines. Pick up a Dudley Fund voucher at Humane Alliance, Pet Harmony, BWAR, Friends 2 Ferals or Asheville Humane Society. Info and appointment: humanealliance.org or 252-2079. pArrot cAre clAss • SA (9/21), 10am - A comprehensive parrot care class will cover health and safety, nutrition, behavior and enrichment. Free. Info and location: phoenixlanding.org.
Art AmericAn folk Art AnD frAming Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon5pm. Info: amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (9/18) - Harbinger, works by self-taught Southern artists. • TH (9/19) through WE (10/23) Wandering to the Verge, works by selftaught Southern artists. Art At Asu Exhibits take place at Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, unless otherwise noted. Tues.Thurs. & Sat., 10am-6pm; Fri., noon-8pm. Donations accepted. Info: tcva.org or 262-7338. • ONGOING - Susan Webb Tregay: Contemporary Art for Adult Children will be on display in the Community Gallery. • ONGOING - Orna Bentor: Landscapes Within will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • ONGOING - Men Working: The Contemporary Collection of Allen Thomas, Jr. will be on display in the Main Gallery. • Through SA (10/19) - Beyond the Image: The Paintings of Warren Dennis will be on display in the Mezzanine Gallery.
Art At BreVArD college Exhibits are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: brevard.edu/art or 884-8188. • Through FR (9/27) - From the Hills to the Mills: The Carolina Piedmont Textile Story, photography by Lawrence Lohr, will be on display in the Sims Art Center. Art At uncA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • Through FR (9/27) - Urban Photography from the Streets of a Bohemian Mountain Town, works by Joe Longobardi, will be on display in the Blowers Gallery. • Through FR (10/4) - The UNCA art faculty exhibition will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. Art At Wcu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Mon.Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: www. fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • TH (9/19) through FR (11/22) - Iron Maidens: Women of Contemporary Cast Iron. • TH (9/19), 5-7pm - Opening reception. ArtetuDe 89 Patton Ave. Sun., noon-5; Mon.Thurs., 10am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 10am7pm. Info: artetudegallery.com or 252-1466.
• SA (9/21), 6 pm - Opening reception for Grounded: Meditations in the Human Form, sculpture by Amy Medford. AsheVille AreA Arts council gAllery 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: ashevillearts.com or 258-0710. • Through SA (9/28) - Thought Provoking Work, art by six UNCA alumni. • FRIDAYS, 9-11am - Artist business brainstorming sessions will feature oneon-one opportunities for artist entrepreneurs. Free or by donation. Call to confirm dates. • SUNDAYS, 10am-1pm - Asheville Art Church, a "Sunday morning sanctuary for the creative spirit," invites the public to write, paint, draw and craft. $10-$20 donation. AsheVille Art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • Through SU (9/29) - PLAY, works from the permanent collection, will be on display in the East Wing. • ONGOING - Lasting Gifts, works by Black Mountain College teachers and students. • FR (9/20), noon - Lunchtime Art Break: Art After Dark, with curator Frank
Thomson. AsheVille BookWorks 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri., 1-5pm; Sat., 1-4pm. Info: ashevillebookworks. com or 255-8444. • Through SA (11/30) Printocracy will celebrate contemporary print culture. AsheVille gAllery of Art 16 College St. Mon.-Sat., 10am5:30pm; Sun., 1-4pm. Info: ashevillegallery-of-art.com or 251-5796. • Through MO (9/30) - Verity of Genre, oil paintings by Olga Michelson. BellA VistA Art gAllery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs., 11am4pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: bellavistaart.com or 7680246. • Through MO (9/30) - Works by Nancy Varipapa, Shellie Lewis Dambax, Karen Jacobs and Jane Cartwright. BlAck mountAin college museum + Arts center The center, which preserves the legacy of Black Mountain College, is located at 56 Broadway St., Asheville. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • ONGOING - Shaping Craft and Design at Black Mountain College. cAstell photogrAphy 2-C Wilson Alley. Tues.-Sat., by appointment. Fri. & Sat., 11am6pm. Info: castellphotography. com or 255-1188. • Through SA (10/5) - This Side of the Blue, works by Timothy Pakron. city lights Bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • Through MO (9/30) - Land of the Crooked Water, works by Joshua Grant. clArissA sligh • TH (9/26), 7pm - Clarissa Sligh will present Reading Dick and Jane with Me, a multicultural examination of the well-known 20th century textbooks. Held in UNCA’s Highsmith University Union. Free. Info: cesap.unca. edu or 251-6674. courtyArD gAllery Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. Info: ashevillecourtyard.com or 273-3332. • Through TU (9/27) - The Anything Goes, Everything
Shows mail art show will feature local and international artists. eVents At the turchin center Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is located at 423 West King St., Boone. Info: 262-3017 or www.tcva.org. • ONGOING - Photographs by Hugh Morton: An Uncommon Retrospective will be on display in Galleries A and B. folk Art gAme BoArDs • Through TH (10/10) - An exhibit of hand-painted folk art game boards (checkers and tic-tac-toe) by Francine Menor will be on display at the Canton Public Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave. Info: twigdiva.com or 633-0202. groVeWooD gAllery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm & Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: grovewood.com or 2537651. • Through SU (9/22) Celebration of Color, group wood sculpture show. hAnDmADe in AmericA Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: handmadeinamerica. org or 252-0121. • Through FR (10/25) - Works by Tadashi Torii will be on display at Beverly-Hanks, 1 Town Square Blvd., Suite 140. hAyWooD county Arts council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86, 86 N. Main St., Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: haywoodarts. org or 452-0593. • Through SA (9/28) Contemporary Traditions group show. hotel inDigo 151 Haywood St. Info: boutiquehotel-asheville.com or 239-0239. • Through TH (10/31) Photography by Honour Hiers Stewart. silVerspAce Located in the Asheville Darkroom at the Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. Info: theashevilledarkroom.org/ silverspace. • Through MO (9/30) - Luminous Alchemy, analog photography by John Dearing, Aspen Hochhlater, Laurie Schorr and Jane Wiley. mAttheW ZeDler • Through TU (12/31) - Works by painter Matthew Zedler will be on display at Salon Blue Ridge,
518 S. Allen Road, Flat Rock. Info: matthewzedlerfineart.com. • Additional works by Zedler will be on display at Hendersonville Sports Club, 88 Oak Creek Lane, Hendersonville. open stuDio tour of henDerson county • SA (9/21) & SU (9/22), 10am5pm - The Open Studio Tour of Henderson County will include a self-guided tour of fine art and craft studios throughout the county. Free. Info: openstudiotourhc.com. • FR (9/20), 5-8pm - A preview party will be held at Southern Appalachian Brewery, 822 Locust St.
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push skAte shop & gAllery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: pushtoyproject.com or 225-5509. • Through TU (10/22) - Paper, a group show curated by Gabriel Shaffer. sAtellite gAllery 55 Broadway St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-6pm; Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: thesatellitegallery.com or 305-2225. • Through MO (10/21) - Hoard Reflex, a solo show by Julie Armbruster. sWAnnAnoA VAlley fine Arts leAgue Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 West State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Sat., 10am5pm; Sun., noon-4pm. Info: svfal.org. • Through MO (10/28) - Still Life: In or Out of the Box. • FR (9/6), 5-7pm - Opening reception. the DogWooD gAllery Located at Artisan Catering and Deli, 1390 Sand Hill Road, Candler. Info: 665-3800. • Through MO (9/30) - Works by Mary Catherine Cozens. the Junction 348 Depot St. Info: thejunctionasheville.com or 225-3497. • TH (9/19) through SU (10/13) Every Day a Little Death, works by Randy Siegel. • TH (9/26), 6-8pm - Opening reception. the upDrAft fine Art gAllery 84 Walnut St. Mon. & Thurs., 11am-7pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am9pm; Sun., 11am-7pm. Info: facebook.com/Updraft.Gallery. • Through MO (10/7) - Nudes: A Sacred Arrangement of Grace and Form.
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and to everyone who supported the WCQS Summer Raffle. See the full list of winners at wcqs.org
www.harmonymotors.us mountainx.com
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jen Nathan Orris
community caLEndaR
Fun fundraisers
toe riVer Arts council
the little fleA
The TRAC Center Gallery: 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine. Burnsville TRAC Gallery: 102 W. Main St. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm. Spruce Pine info: 765-0520. Burnsville info: 682-7215. General info: toeriverarts.org. • Through SA (9/28) - New Traditions: Contemporary Perspectives from a Traditional Landscape, works by Potters of the Roan guild, will be on display in the Spruce Pine gallery. Info: pottersoftheroan.com.
• SATURDAYS, 3-7pm - The Little Flea will feature produce and hand-selected fares and wares behind Grace Baptist Church, 718 Haywood Road. Free to attend. Info: littleflea.org.
trAnsylVAniA community Arts council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: artsofbrevard.org or 884-2787. • FR (9/20) through FR (10/11) - A collaborative exhibit will feature works by two or more artists.
Art/crAft fAirs Art in Autumn Arts AnD crAfts festiVAl • SA (9/21), 10am-6pm - The Art in Autumn Festival will feature more than 100 juried artists and craftspeople, food and live music. Held on Main Street, Weaverville. Free. Info: artinautumn@visitweaverville.com.
Peace Corps brings philanthropy closer to home what: “A Benefit For Peace At Home and Abroad,” to benefit Homeward Bound of WNC. Hosted by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Western North Carolina. when: Sunday, Sept. 22, 5-8:30 p.m. where: The Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman Ave. $18; children 12 and under free. Info: avl.mx/005.
FoodBank, Homeward Bound, Habitat for Humanity and more. The group will host a benefit for peace at home and abroad, featuring music by dance band The Business. The evening will include a silent auction with items from local businesses and artists. The public can meet Peace Corps volunteers and learn about their work overseas and at home.
why: When Peace Corps volunteers return to Western North Carolina, they bring with them a passion for helping others. The Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of WNC regularly engage with the community by working with several local organizations, including MANNA
The funds will benefit Homeward Bound of WNC and an international project developed by a current Peace Corps volunteer. If you’re interested in the Peace Corps’ mission or curious about the work its members do in our community, stop by The Grey Eagle for an evening of music, dance and socializing in the spirit of peace and charity.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
BAkersVille creek WAlk Arts festiVAl • SA (9/21), 10am-5pm - BCWAF will exhibit work of artists in glass, jewelry, pottery, paintings, fiber and sculpture. Held on the banks of Cane Creek in downtown Bakersville. Info: creekwalkfestival@gmail.com. celeBrAtion of the Arts • TH (9/19) through SU (9/22), 9am-5pm - Celebration of the Arts show and sale will be held at Isothermal Community College's Foundation Performing Arts Center. Free. Info: rcvag.com.
AuDitions & cAll to Artists Blue riDge ringers • MO (9/23), 1:30pm - The Blue Ridge Ringers will host auditions for its handbell ensemble at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 692-4910. cool crAft holiDAy mArket • Through MO (9/30) HandMade in America will accept submissions for its Cool Craft Holiday Market through sept. 30. Info: 252-0121. historic BArns photo contest • Through FR (9/27) - The Appalachian Barn Alliance will accept submissions for its Historic Barns Photo Contest through sept. 27. Info: madisoncofair.org or 380-9146. immeDiAte theAtre proJect • MO (9/23), 10am-3pm Immediate Theatre Project will host auditions for Live From WVL Radio Theatre: It's A Wonderful Life at N.C. Stage Company, 15 Stage Lane. Info: immediatetheatre.org or 239-0263. miss AsheVille AnD miss Blue riDge VAlley competition • Through SU (9/22) - The Miss Asheville and Miss Blue Ridge Valley competitions will accept applications through sept. 22. Info: info@missasheville.org.
pAris of the south fleA mArket • SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 8am-3pm - The Paris of the South Flea Market will feature a "gypsystyle" market including handmade clothes, jewelry, art, food trucks and live music. Held at U.S. 70 at Lytle Cove Road. Free to attend. Info: avl.mx/s5.
tc Arts council
pisgAh inn crAft shoW • SA (9/21) & SU (9/22), 10am5pm - The Pisgah Inn Craft Show will feature handmade arts and crafts, food and entertainment. Held at MP 408 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free to attend. Info: 235-8228.
• Through WE (10/30) - The Writers' Workshop will accept short stories for its fiction contest through oct. 30. Info: twwoa.org or writersw@gmail.com. • Through SA (11/30) - Memoirs of 5,000 words or less will be accepted through nov. 30.
Applications available at tcarts@ comporium.net or 884-2787. • Through WE (9/18) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its collaborative exhibit through sept. 18. Works must be created by two or more artists. Writers' Workshop
Benefits AsheVille AreA piAno forum • SU (9/22), 3pm - A fall benefit concert, to support the Asheville Area piano forum's charitable programs, will be held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $28/$3 students. Info: ashevillepiano.org. AsheVille to Ashes • SA (9/21), 1-7:30pm - Asheville to Ashes II, to benefit montford park players, will feature an outdoor rock concert, food and beer. Held at Hazel Robinson Amphitheatre, 92 Gay St. $10 donation includes CD compilation. Info: montfordparkplayers. org or 254-5146. BArk for life kick-off eVent • TH (9/26), 7pm - A kick off event for the American cancer society's Bark for Life Walk will feature music, food and a "Ready-Set-Draw: Bark Edition" competition. Held at Bywater, 796 Riverside Drive. $5. Info: relayforlife.org/barkasheville. Benefit for the elephAnt sAnctuAry • SU (9/22), 1pm-5pm - Ten Thousand Villages will donate 15 percent of sales to the elephant sanctuary in Hohenwald, TN. Activities will include crafts, information, videos and food. Held at 303 Lookout Road, Montreat. Info: 669-1406. conDom couture • TH (9/19), 6:30-9pm - Condom Couture, to benefit planned parenthood health systems, will include a fashion show featuring clothing made from condoms. Held at Pack Place Atrium, 12 Biltmore Ave. $35/$30 in advance. Info: pphsinc.org/cart. cookies for kiDs' cAncer BAke sAle • SA (9/21), 11am-3pm - Asheville Macaroni Kid will host a bake sale and kids' fun fest to benefit child cancer research. Held at Dancing Bear Toys, 518 Kenilworth Road. Free to attend. Info: asheville. macaronikid.com. cleAn WAter for north cArolinA concert • SA (9/21), 7:30pm - A concert featuring Marc Black, to benefit clean Water for north carolina, will focus on the organization's efforts to keep N.C. frack-free. Held at Pisgah Brewing Company, 150 Eastside Drive, Black Mountain. $10. Info: cwfnc.org. DAnce JAm • SU (9/22), 4:30-5:45pm - A dance jam, to benefit mAnnA
foodBank, will celebrate the anniversary of Nia, a blend of martial arts, dance and healing arts. Held at French Broad Food Co-Op, 90 Biltmore Ave. $15 suggested donation. Info: niacarolina.com. fooD DriVe • Through SU (9/22) - SweetFrog Premium Frozen Yogurt, 1636 Hendersonville Road, will host a food drive to benefit Share Our Strength’s no kid hungry campaign. Nonperishable donations will be accepted during store hours. Info: sweetfrogyogurt. com. frienDs of BlAck mountAin liBrAry • TH (9/26), 4:30pm - A benefit for the Black mountain library will include hors d' oeuvres and a glass of beer or wine. Held at Phil's Bar-B-Que Pit, 701 N.C. Route 9, Black Mountain. $15. Info: ldueker@charter.net. golf tournAment • SA (9/21) - A golf tournament, to benefit the special operations Warrior foundation, will be held at Wolf Laurel Country Club, 2607 Wolf Laurel Road, Mars Hill. $85. Info: 680-9689. grAnting Wishes With three Dishes • Through MO (9/30), 5-6:30pm - Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville will donate a portion of proceeds to make-A-Wish central and Western north carolina. $30 for three-course dinner. Held at 11 Boston Way. Info and reservations: bohemianhotelasheville.com or 505-2949. krishnA • SU (9/22), 3pm - "Krishna," to benefit Vision express, will feature an Indian dance-drama performance. Held at Flat Rock Playhouse's Mainstage, Highway 225, Flat Rock. $35. Info: flatrockplayhouse.org/project/ krishna. leAf schools AnD streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - Wine tasting and jazz, to benefit leAf schools and streets, will be held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5 suggested donation. Info: theleaf.org or Jocelyn@theLEAF.org. liBerty corner funDrAiser • SA (9/21), noon - An afternoon of music, food and beverages, to benefit liberty corner's efforts to support people with developmental/intellectual disabilities will be held at Lexington Avenue Brewery, 39 N. Lexington Ave. $50. Info:
254-9917. mini-golf funDrAiser • SA (9/21), 11am, 1pm & 3pm - The West Asheville Open minigolf tournament, to support the construction of the guastavino Dome at hall fletcher elementary, will be held at Tropical Gardens, 956 Patton Ave. $10 per person. Info and registration: wavlmason.com. rock the QuArry 5k • SA (9/21), 9:30am - The Rock the Quarry 5k Challenge, to benefit Black mountain home, the colburn earth science museum and leAf schools and streets, will be held at Grove Stone and Sand Co., 842 Old Highway 70, Black Mountain. $35/$30 in advance. Info: avl. mx/002. sisters-to-sisters • 4th THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Sisters-to-Sisters, to benefit ABccm's steadfast house, will include a "home sales party" featuring handcrafted items, cosmetics and gifts. Held at Grateful Steps Foundation, 159 S. Lexington Ave. Prices vary. Info: gratefulsteps.org or abccm.org. yogA in the pArk • SA (9/21), 10am - Yoga in the Park, to benefit homeward Bound, will be held in Pritchard Park, downtown Asheville. $5-$15 donation. Bring a mat. Info: youryoga.com or 254-0380.
clAsses, meetings & eVents mAc BAsics clAsses At chArlotte street computers (pd.) Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street, 9:30 - 10:30am weekdays. Mondays - Mac OS X Basics Level 1, Wednesdays - iPad Basics Level 1, Thursdays - iCloud, Fridays - iPad Basics Level 2, first Tuesday of each month - iPhoto, second Tuesday each month - Safari, third Tuesday each month -Mac OS X Level 2, fourth Tuesday each month - iMovie. Registration is just $9.99 at www.charlottestreetcomputers.com/classes. music lessons With moses AtWooD (pd.) Find your own musical style-- All levels welcome. Songwriting. Voice. Guitar. Piano. Dobro. Music Theory. $30 an Hour. mosesatwood@ gmail.com
stuDio ZAhiyA (pd.) studio Zahiya, Downtown Dance classes Monday 7pm • Bellydance 1 Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Workout • 7pm West African Drumming • 8pm West African Dance • Wednesday 7:30 Bellydance 2 • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout • 7pm Bollywood • 8pm Hip Hop • $13 for 60 minute classes. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com 828.242.7595 especiAlly for Women neW to AsheVille (pd.) Join Asheville Newcomers to meet other women new to the area. Discover friendships, fun and fabulous finds. Get connected at ashevillenewcomersclub.com 15 mAture Women (pd.) For the Hendersonville Wise Women's Discussion Group to pursue intellectual stimulation, companionship and support. First meeting: Wednesday, October 2, 1:303:30pm. Topics: grace, humor, guilt and joy. Info/directions: ravery09@gmail.com or 693-1523. pottery AnD sculpture clAsses At oDyssey clAyWorks stArting octoBer 21 (pd.) We offer wheel throwing and handbuilding classes and workshops for all levels. Located in River Arts District. Call (828) 285-0210 or please see our website for more information: odysseyceramicarts.com AsheVille oBJectiVists • TU (9/24), 6:30pm - Asheville Objectivists will meet in the North Asheville Library Meeting Room, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: avlobj@att.net.
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BuilDing BriDges of AsheVille • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - Building Bridges of Asheville will feature speakers and films on topics relating to race relations. Held at First Congregational Church UCC, 20 Oak St. $30 with discounts for public school teachers. Info and registration: buildingbridges-ashevillenc.org or 777-4585. DigitAl estAte plAnning seminAr • TH (9/19), 5:30pm - Robert J. Deutsch P.A. and Associates will present a discussion on planning for your digital afterlife. Held at Mojo Coworking, 60 N. Market St. Free. Info: 251-0600. getting fAt in the Desert • WE (9/18), 6:30pm - A discussion on ways to influence public policy to ensure that every child in WNC has access to a
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jen Nathan Orris
Details: SwingAsheville.com Black Mountain Center for the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: BlackMountainArts.org or 6690930. • SATURDAYS - Ballet classes for children with Casey Littlejohn. $35 per month. Call for schedule. Lava Nights • FRIDAYS, 10:30pm-2:15am - Lava Nights will feature Latin dance with DJ Carlos Carmona. Held at Mela, 70 N. Lexington Ave. $5. Info: melaasheville.com. Line Dancing Class • TUESDAYS, 6:30-8:45pm - A line dancing class will be held at Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway. $40/$36 members. Info: opportunityhouse.org or 692-0575.
India meets WNC: Experience the classical Indian dance of Bharatanatyam at a performance of Krishna, to benefit Vision Express. The production takes place on Sunday, Sept. 22 at Flat Rock Playhouse. (pg. 21)
healthy diet. Held at Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville, 36 Montford Avenue. Free. Info: asheville. lr.edu. Looking for Mr. Goodbar Meetup • SUNDAYS, 1pm - The "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" group, moderated by Patrick Ochsenreiter, meets weekly at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St., for "banter about what is happening in the world of gay men." Info: pbochsenreiter@gmail.com or avl.mx/yc. NYS3 Acting Classes • Through TH (9/12) - NYS3 Acting Conservatory in Asheville will offer two weeks of free acting classes for theater, film, writing and voiceover. Geared towards adults age 16 and older. Held at 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O. Free. Info: nys3.com. • MO (9/16) through TH (9/19) Additional classes for youth age 8-15. Free. Public Forum on LGBT Community Center • SU (9/22), 3pm - A community forum to discuss establishing an LGBT services center in the city of Asheville will be held in UNCA’s Humanities Lecture Hall. Info and RSVP: yvonne@ blueridgepride.com. Smith McDowell House
History Center Located on the A-B Tech campus, 283 Victoria Road. Info: wnchistory.org. • ONGOING - Douglas Ellington: Asheville's Boomtown Architect exhibit. • TH (9/19), 7:30pm - Isabelle Gournay will speak about Ellington's study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris at First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Free. Info: smh@wnchistory.org. Western North Carolina Carvers • SU (9/22), 1:30-4pm - The Western North Carolina Carvers will host a meeting at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Bring tools. Free. Info: 665-8273. Youth OUTright • SU (9/22), 4-6pm - Youth OUTright will host a post-painting decorating session at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: youthoutright.org.
Disclaimer Stand-up Open Mic • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge open mic is held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: DisclaimerComedy.com. Reasonably Priced Babies • WE (9/18), 8:30pm - Reasonably Priced Babies will present improvisational comedy at Lexington Avenue Brewery, 39 N. Lexington Ave. $7. Info: 252-0212. The Metro Show • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Disclaimer Comedy and Metro Wines present a headlining comedian and featured wine at 169 Charlotte St. $10 includes ticket and a glass of wine. Info: DisclaimerComedy. com or 828-273-5348.
Comedy Open Mic • SUNDAYS, 10pm - A comedy open mic will be held in the upstairs lounge of Arcade Asheville, 130 College St. Free. Info: facebook.com/arcadeasheville or josh.rosenstein@gmail.com.
Disclaimer Comedy • FRIDAYS, 8-9:30pm - Disclaimer Comedy presents weekly standup at Elaine's Piano Bar in the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Free. Info: disclaimercomedy.com.
Beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville.
Traditional Aztec Dancers • TU (9/24), 7pm - Traditional Aztec dancers will perform for Hispanic Heritage Month. Held in UNCA's Highsmith University Union Grotto. Free. Info: msp. unca.edu or 232.2417.
Eco Asheville Green Drinks • WEDNESDAYS - Socializing begins at 5:30pm, followed by a presentation on environmental issues at 6pm. Held at the Green Sage Cafe, 5 Broadway St. Free. Info: ashevillegreendrinks.com. N.C. Big Sweep • SA (9/21), 9am-5pm - The N.C. Big Sweep, hosted by RiverLink, ECO and Asheville GreenWorks, will include a fall river cleanup in the French Broad Watershed. A volunteer appreciation party will follow. Info, directions and registration: jess@riverlink.org. RiverLink Info: 252-8474, ext. 11, volunteer@riverlink.org or riverlink. org. • TH (9/19), 11:45am-2pm - A RiverLink bus tour of the French Broad and Swannanoa rivers will meet at the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. $20/free for members. Info and registration: 252-8474. Water Quality Monitoring • WEDNESDAYS through (9/25), noon-3pm - WNCA invites volunteers to sample water in the French Broad River Basin. Meets at Westfeldt Park, 280 Old Fanning Bridge Road. Info: avl. mx/ue or 258-8737.
Festivals Catawba RiverFest • SA (9/21), 10am-3pm Catawba RiverFest will feature a water derby, kayak demos and more. Held at Lake James State Park, 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Free. Info: heritagealliance.org. Downtown After Five • FR (9/20), 5pm - Downtown After Five will feature music by Truth and Salvage Co. and the Blue Rags. Held on N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: ashevilledowntown.org. Heritage Weekend • SA (9/21), 10am-4pm & SU (9/22), noon-5pm - The Southern Highland Craft Guild will host Heritage Weekend, featuring bluegrass and gospel music, clogging, craft demonstrations and access to hiking trails. Held at the Folk Art Center, MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Free. Info: craftguild.org or 298-7928. Mill Around the Village Festival • SA (9/21), 9am-3pm - Mill Around the Village Festival will feature arts and crafts, food, activities for kids and a salute to veterans. Held at First Baptist Church, 503 Park St., Swannanoa. Free. Info: avl. mx/009.
Food & Beer Montford Farmers Market Beer and Bread Bash • WE (9/25), 2-6pm - The Montford Farmers Market will celebrate "all things yeasty" with featured local bakers and brewers. Held at 36 Montford Ave. Free to attend. Info: montfordfarmersmarket@gmail.com. VicinityBrew Summit • MO (9/23), 9am-10pm - The VicinityBrew Summit will focus on the manufacturing needs of the craft beer industry. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway. Free. Info and registration: regonline. com/vb13.
Government & Politics Buncombe County Democratic Women • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-8pm - The Buncombe County Democratic Women will host its monthly
dinner and meeting at the Buncombe County Democratic Party Headquarters, 951 Old Fairview Road. $12 per dinner/$15 yearly membership. Info and registration: 277-8554. Henderson County Senior Democrats • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - The Henderson County Senior Democrats will meet at HCDP Headquarters, 905 Greenville Highway, Hendersonville. Bring a bagged lunch. Info: info@ myhcdp.com or 692-6424.
Kids 50% OFF • PARENT/CHILD CLASS • REGISTER NOW (pd.) For children ages 4-9 months, begins August 20. Call 667-9588 or check us out online: http://www.tlgashevillenc.com/ for details. The Little Gym. ASU Turchin Center Workshops Info and registration: www.tcva. org/workshops. • FRIDAYS, 3-4:30pm - Blazing Easels kids' workshop will be held in the Turchin Center. $20 per month. Connect • Through MO (11/11) - St. Gerard House's 10-week Connect program invites elementary, middle and high school students to learn about how thoughts, actions and reactions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: jenniferlaite@yahoo.com or 693-4223. Fun Fest • SA (9/21), 11am-3pm - Fun Fest will feature activities for kids, including disc golf, face painting, crafts and a Lego table. Held at Dancing Bear Toys, 518 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info: dancingbeartoys.com or 255-8697. Hands On! This children's museum is located at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.handsonwnc.org or 697-8333. • WE (9/18), 10:30am - Book 'n Craft will feature stories and activities relating to fish. • TH (9/19) - Critter Craft will focus on fish. Held throughout the day. • WE (9/25), 10:30-11:30am Alphabet-mania invites children to make their name with stamps.
• TH (9/26), 10:30-11:30pm The Fall Flower Festival invites children to make flowers with paintings from the art area. kiDs’ Art contest • Through MO (9/30) - The Fairview Library will accept submissions for its kids' portrait contest through sept. 30. Hand deliver to the library, 1 Taylor Road. Info: 250-6485. oAkley fArmers mArket storytime • THURSDAYS through (10/3), 4:30pm - The Oakley Farmers Market will present storytime for children with crafts relating to food. See tailgate market listings for info.
music song o' sky chorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 pm song o' sky chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803 Asheville's premier a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky.org 1-866-824-9547
AsheVille symphony orchestrA Concerts held at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium in the U.S. Cellular Center. Tickets and info: ashevillesymphony.org or 254-7046. • SA (9/21), 8pm - "Fantasy and Firebird," works by Stravinsky, Wagner and Bruch. • FR (9/20), 3pm - A symphony talk with Daniel Meyer will be held in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: olliasheville.com or 251-6140. BArefoot moVement • FR (9/20), 7pm - Barefoot Movement will perform at Mountain Mojo Coffee House, 381 Old Charlotte Highway, Fairview. $15. Info: facebook. com/mojofairview. Blue riDge orchestrA Info: blueridgeorchestra.org. • WE (9/18), 7pm - A Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal will be held in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: blueridgeorchestra. org or 251-6140. chimney rock concert series • TH (9/19), 6-8pm - The Swayback Sisters (country soul)
will perform at Chimney Rock’s Gathering Place Amphitheater on Main Street. $5 suggested donation. Info: chimneyrockvillage.com. crystAl chicks concert • WE (9/25), 7pm - "Faerie" Elaine Silver and KateBeloved's performance will include singing, guitar, crystal singing bowls, channeled angel messages and kirtan chants. Held at Unity Mills River, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Suggested offering $10-$20. Info: (407) 718-1087. fAll outDoor concert series • FR (9/20), 7pm - Al Scorch and the Country Ensemble will perform a free outdoor concert at the Transylvania County Library amphitheater, 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard. Rain or shine. Info: 884-3151. heArts gone south • TH (9/26), 7:30pm - Hearts Gone South will perform at Zia Taqueria, 521 Haywood Road. Free. Info: facebook.com/ ZiaTaqueriaAsheville.
shohei toyoDA • WE (9/25), 7pm - Japanese guitarist Shohei Toyoda will perform at Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Free. Info: marianne@tryonarts.org. kArAoke At plAyers • WEDNESDAYS, 8pm; FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, 9pm - Players Cigar Bar, 170 Rosscraggon Road, hosts weekly karaoke. Info: 676-0588.
michAel Jefry steVens • SA (9/21), 8pm - Michael Jefry Stevens (piano, composition) will perform at Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St. Free. Info: michaeljefrystevens.com. music At BreVArD college Events take place in the Porter Center for the Performing Arts, unless otherwise noted. Info: theportercenter.org or 884-8211. • TH (9/26), 7:30pm - Symphonic Winds concert. Free.
music liBrAry cluB • SU (9/22), 1-3pm - The Music Library Club meets to listen to recorded music at a private home. Light refreshments will be served. Free. Info and directions: HomemadeRadio@juno.com or 669-1193. song o' sky chorus • Sa (9/21), 3pm - Song O' Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) will perform barbershop-style harmony at
NCDOT TO HOLD CITIZENS INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP SEPT. 24 IN ASHEVILLE FOR THE PROPOSED U.S. 19/23 (FUTURE I-26) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TIP Project A-0010A The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting in September regarding a proposed project to improve about 12 miles of existing U.S. 19/23 from just north of Broadway Street (Exit 25) in Asheville to just south of Stockton Road (Exit 13) near Mars Hill in Buncombe County. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at the Woodfin Elementary School located at 108 Elk Mountain Road in Asheville. It will run as an open house from 4 to 7 p.m. Interested citizens may attend at any time during the meeting hours, as there will be no formal presentation. NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and listen to comments regarding the project. Citizens will also have the opportunity to submit comments and questions in writing. The comments and information received will be taken into consideration as the project develops.
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The project is needed to address traffic congestion and deteriorating pavement as well as improve and or/replace bridges within the study corridor. It may include adding lanes to portions of U.S. 19/23, replacing bridges, and repaving sections of the highway. Project information is available on the project website at: http://ncdot.gov/projects/ us19-23improvements/. For more information contact Zahid Baloch, Project Planning Engineer, NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit, at (919) 707-6012 or zbaloch@ncdot.gov. Citizens may also contact consultant Mark Pierce, with URS Corporation, at (919) 4611515 or mark.pierce@urs.com. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who want to participate in these meetings. Anyone requiring special services should contact Baloch as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Jen Nathan Orris
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Parenting ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Drug Free Therapy for Learning Disabilities (pd.) Tuesday, September 24. Free 45-minute talk about a method for alleviating symptoms of learning difficulties without drugs or supplements. Helping adults and children improve the ability to learn, remember, focus and make better decisions. 6:30pm at Earth Fare South, 1856 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville. RSVP: 828-216-4444 or Wes@Learning ImprovementCenter.com
Craft adventure: Meet the fine craft artists of Henderson County at the Open Studio Tour of Henderson County Saturday, Sept. 21, and Sunday, Sept. 22. (pg. 19)
Pack Library, Lord Auditorium, 1 Haywood Road. Info: songosky. org. Swallow the Ocean Tour • FR (9/20), 7pm - Swallow the Ocean Tour, featuring Newsong (Christian music), will be held at Caldwell Community College's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. $18. Info: broyhillcenter.com.
Outdoors Beautiful Lake James Marina • Boat Slips Available (pd.) Reserve a covered, uncovered or houseboat slip. Great location at Canal Bridge. Security, gas sales, marine store and customer lounge. Call (828) 584-0666. www.mountainharbourmarina.com Cradle of Forestry Events Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Admission: $5/children ages 15 and under free. Some programs require an additional fee. Info: cradleofforestry.org or 877-3130. • SU (9/22), 2pm - A multimedia program on monarch butterflies, presented by conservationist Ina Warren. Events at REI Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: rei.com/asheville or 687-
0918. • TH (9/19), 6-8pm "Backpacking Basics II: What's Inside your Pack" will focus on how to reduce weight by carrying just the essentials. Free; registration required. Great American Backyard Campout • SA (9/21) through SU (9/22) - REI and Fletcher Parks and Rec will host a Great American Backyard Campout night, featuring a campfire stories and s'mores. Free. Info: rei.com/ asheville. Lake James State Park 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (9/21), 9am - A two-mile sustainable trail design hike will depart from the Paddy’s Creek Area bathhouse breezeway. • SU (9/22), 3pm - A short hike along the Holly Discovery Trail will focus on wildlife. --- 10am - A program on snakes will include a light hike. • MO (9/23), 10am - A program on the predators of Lake James will meet at the East Picnic Shelter. • TU (9/24), 10am - A hike along the Discovery Trail will feature activity stations for children. Departs from the Holly Discovery Trail parking area.
ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Drug Free Therapy for Learning Disabilities (pd.) Wednesday, September 25. Free 45-minute talk about a method for alleviating symptoms of learning difficulties without drugs or supplements. Helping adults and children improve the ability to learn, remember, focus and make better decisions. 6:30 p.m. at JCC, 236 Charlotte Street, Asheville. RSVP 828-2164444 or Wes@Learning ImprovementCenter.com Asheville Community Yoga Center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga. com. • WEDNESDAYS through (9/25), 6-7:30pm - A prenatal yoga series for pregnant women will focus on pregnancy-specific asanas, pranayama and meditations. $40. Internet Safety Worshop • TH (9/26), 6pm - Parents and caregivers are invited to a workshop on how to help children make safe choices while using the internet. Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Free. Info: 648-2924. Positive Behavior Guidance for Young Children • WE (9/18), 6pm - Montessori Cooperative School will sponsor a seminar on positive behavior guidance for parents of young children at the Fletcher Public Library, 120 Library Road, Fletcher. Program will focus on cooperation and self-motivation. Free. Info: montessoricooperativeschool@yahoo.com.
Public Lectures Brevard College Lectures • TH (9/19), 6:30pm "Eyewitness to Power: Leadership in America," with
David Gergen. Held in the Porter Center. $20. Info: 884-3151. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • WE (9/18), 7pm “Agroecology: Cultivating an Alternate Future for People and the Planet," with Steve Brescia, executive director of Groundswell International. Held in the Highsmith University Union Alumni Hall. Info: unca. edu or 250-2317. --- 7pm "'Satisficing: A Rational Choice Principle for Sustainability,” with Grace Campbell, humanities lecturer. Held in Karpen Hall, Laurel Forum. Info: 251-6296. • TH (9/19), 7pm - "Should We Move the Whitebark Pine? Rethinking Environmental Values as the Climate Changes,” with Clare Palmer of Texas A&M. Held in Karpen Hall. Info: 2516296. --- 12:30pm - A brown bag talk with faculty authors will include an overview of crowd sourcing and the Cyclone Center. Held in Ramsey Library's special collections room. Info: libguides. unca.edu or 251-6336. • FR (9/20), 11:25am - "The Contagion of Freedom: AntiSlavery, Women’s Rights and Economic Justice." Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. --- 11:25am - The Consumerism Talk Show Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. --- 11:30am - “A History of UNC Asheville.” Held in the Reuter Center. --- 12:30pm Presentation by Paul Chaat Smith, curator at Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. • MO (9/23), 11:25am "Buddhism and Jainism." Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall. --- 11:25am - "Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Europe." Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. --2pm - Protect Against ID Theft.” Held in the Reuter Center. --7:30pm - “Through the Door of Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders." Held in the Sherrill Center. • TU (9/24), 4:30pm - "A Life's Work: What Bees Do and What we Do… Both Making Life Possible," with Laurey Masterton. Held in the Reuter Center, Room 102A. • TH (9/26), 7:30pm - “X Marks the Spot: the Archaeology of Piracy.” Ramsey Library, Whitman Room.
Seniors SilverSneakers® Older Adult Fitness Classes (pd.) (SilverSneakers®: health benefit for Medicare-eligible, qualifying Supplemental Insurance) Unity Center of Mills River, September 23-November 27, Mondays and Wednesdays, • 10am: "Easy Tai Chi: Improves Balance" • 11am: "Fit Futures: Strength and Balance Class". • Fletcher United Methodist Church, September 23-February 10, Mondays, 1:30pm "Easy Tai Chi: Improves Balance". • Affordable fees for NONSilverSneakers® • Information/ Registration: Jana, (828) 3299022. Active Aging Week • MO (9/23), 10am-2pm - The Active Aging Week Wellness Expo will include health screenings, physical activity demonstrations, community resources and more. Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Rd. Info: 251-6622. • WE (9/25), 9:30am-1pm - This Active Aging Week event will include balance talks, screenings, counseling with a physical therapist and a balance-related health fair. Registration required and lunch provided. CarePartners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road. Info: 274-9567 ext. 8379 or lchase@ carepartners.org. • TH (9/26), noon-3:30pm Eating Healthy on a Budget will feature an onsite tailgate market until 1:30pm, and a cooking demo with Chef Michael Gentry at 2pm. Vanderbilt Apartments, 75 Haywood St. Free. Info: 2538024 or turkessab@coabc.org. • SA (9/21), 1pm-5pm - Fit After 50 Day will include brain games, bocce ball, volleyball, lectures, music by BJ Leiderman, food vendors, prizes and more. Held at Woodfin YMCA, 40 N. Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: landofsky.org. • TU (9/24), noon-6pm - Wisdom Film Festival will feature films, discussion and activities exploring perceptions of aging in UNCA's Sherrill Center. Info: activeagingweekwnc.org. Gentle Yoga for Every Body • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 9am - A slow and gentle style of yoga, suited for all fitness levels, will be hosted at Lakeview Senior Center, 401 Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain. $8 suggested donation. Info: kirklandyoga@ charter.net. Senior Friendships of
Henderson County • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm - Senior Friendships of Henderson County will meet at First Congregational Church, 5th Avenue West and White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Info and cost: 696-1968. WNC Alliance for Retired Americans • 3rd TUESDAYS, 10am - The WNC Alliance for Retired Americans meets at Kenilworth Presbyterian Fellowship Hall, 123 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info: dick@dickandnorma.com.
Spirituality WEEKLY CIRCLE w/ EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.)6 PM THURSDAYS- Working with divination and purification rituals, we gather wisdom of the ancestors to be in right relations and advance the collective dream. (828)284-0975 or mayanrecordkeeper@live.com SERPENT MOUNDS HEART QUEST w/EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.) Sept. 20-22-Recalibrate to the new planetary Solar connections. The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foothigh prehistoric effigy mound located in Adams County, Ohio. Leave Asheville NC early to caravan on Friday, 9/20. Call to register: Zoe Allison (828) 284 0975 or Kim Nicolson (859) 339 0978 mayanrecordkeeper@ live.com OR kimofthedance@ hotmail.com LIGHT LANGUAGE CLASS LEVELS 1 AND 2 w/EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.)NOV 9 & 10-Work with sacred geometric shapes and dimensional colors; learn hands on healing with Light Language—an effective transformational tool to share with clients, friends and family. Level 1: $65. Level 2: $275. (828)2840974 or mayanrecordkeeper@ live.com CREATION DRUMS w/ EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.)November 2, 10 AM-3 PM, Winston-Salem- When making drums in a traditional way, we bring sacred beings into physical form. Working with the drum we are able to reach the place before and beyond words; this place is oneness with Creator. To register: (828) 284-0974 or mayanrecordkeeper@live.com ELDER CIRCLE OF LIFE w/ EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.)6 PM WEDNESDAY, 9/25, Crystal Visions Bookstore, 5426
AVL Hwy., Hendersonville- This elder circle is open to all traditions and anyone w/special knowledge or training to share: songs, life stories, traditions, tools. (828)284-0974 or mayanrecordkeeper@live.com open heArt meDitAtion (pd.) Experience easy, wonderful practices that open your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Love offering. 7pm, Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 or 367-6954 http:// www.heartsanctuary.org Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AsheVille compAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com. • 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 5:00-6:15. AQuAriAn consciousness felloWship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and
Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. feArless life: trAnsforming feArs, finDing confiDence (pd.) Identify and remove the real source of fear, with American Buddhist nun Gen Kelsang Nyema. Saturday, September 28, 10am-1pm. AB Tech Asheville Campus, 340 Victoria Rd., Rhododendron Bldg., Room 351. $20/$15 students/seniors. Info: meditationinsouthcarolina.org minDfulness meDitAtion clAss (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:307:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. www. billwalz.com celtic christiAn holiDAy serVice • SU (9/22), 3-4pm - A Mabon autumn equinox service will be held at a private home in Weaverville. Optional vegetarian potluck to follow. Free. Info and location: avalongrove.org or 645-2674. church of the gArDen • SUNDAYS, 11am – The Church of the Garden is a spiritual community that draws meaning from ancient wisdom, new
thought and the natural history of the Blue Ridge. Held at OM Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive. Donations appreciated. Info: ashevillechurchofthegarden.org. first congregAtionAl church in henDersonVille Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Info: 6928630 or fcchendersonville.org. • SUNDAYS through (9/29), 9:15am - Adult forum: A threepart series on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. grAce lutherAn church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS, 4:45-5:30pm - OASIS will include choral and instrumental rehearsals, adult Bible study and youth activities, followed by a faith and fine arts event from 5:30-7:30pm. • WEDNESDAYS through (10/23), 5:45-7pm - Adult Bible study. greAt tree Zen temple Daily, weekly and monthly retreats and zazen practice and study. Info: www.greattreetemple.org or 645-2085. • TUESDAYS, 3:30 pm Meditation, readings and discussion with Rev. Teijo Munnich. 679 Lower Flat Creek Road, Alexander. light center 2196 N.C. Highway 9 S., Black Mountain. Info: urlight.org or
669-6845. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7:15pm Reiki circle. Free. • SU (9/22), noon-3pm - Aramaic healing circle with anointing. $35; no one turned away. --- 4:44pm Crystal bowls concert. Free. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Self Energy Awareness Group. • TH (9/26), 7:15pm - Jangama Dhyana Satsang with Isham will lead a meditation practice followed by Kirtan and discussion. mountAin Zen prActice center • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Conscious Compassionate Awareness meditation and group discussion guided by the teachings of Cheri Huber. First Tuesday orientation. Donations appreciated. Info: mountainzen.org. spirituAl enrichment circle • 4th SUNDAYS, 1-3pm - The Opening Heart discussion group explores the ideas of new thought and science of mind. Meets at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Highway. Donations accepted. Info: 335-3540 or theopeningheart.sec@gmail.com.
trAnsmission meDitAtion • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm & SUNDAYS, 9am - Group meditation provides a dynamic service to the world and spiritual development. 16 Sunview Circle, Arden. Free. Info: transmissionmeditation.org, share-International.org or (704) 467-7649. urBAn DhArmA 29 Page Ave. See website for temple and gallery hours. Weekly programs are free with $5-$10 suggested donation. Info: udharmanc.com or 225-6422. • SUNDAYS through (10/6), 2-4pm - "Six Sessions on Nothing: Contemplating the Heart Sutra," a six-week program focused on The Heart Sutra, a central text to Mahayana Buddhism. Presented by Dorlob Dr. Lye. By donation. We connect • SUNDAYS, 6:30pm - An open forum to discuss the meaning of life, God, Jesus, faith, etc. All are welcome. Info and location: 575-3231.
spoken & Written WorD
the lAW of BAlAnce • SU (9/22), 11am-12:30pm - A workshop on the law of balance will focus on love, abundance and freedom. Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Free. Info: eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775.
! At The in Montford h c r Chu
AsheVille city poets • WEDNESDAYS through (9/25), 9pm - Vanuatu Kava Bar Open Mic, open to all forms of artistic self expression including musicians, poets, spoken word, jugglers, contortionists, etc. Held at 15 Eagle St. Hosted by Caleb
Beissert. Free. Info: meetup.com/ Asheville-City-Poets. Blue riDge Books Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. All programs free, unless otherwise noted. Info: blueridgebooksnc.com or 456-6000. • SA (9/21), 3pm - Jeff Minick will present his book Amanda Bell. BuncomBe county puBlic liBrAries liBrAry ABBreViAtions - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n eA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n fV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n sW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n WA = West Asheville Library (942 Haywood Road, 250-4750). n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (9/18), 11am - "Buzzy Buzzy Bee: Our Food Pollinators," with Renee Ray of the Buncombe County Soil and Water Conservation District. Free; tickets are required and available at the library. eA --- 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters. sW --- 7pm - Richard Russell will lead a presentation on "Robert Henry: A Western Carolina Patriot." WA • TH (9/19), 2:30pm - Book
Asheville Greek Festival 2013 September 27, 28, & 29 Friday & Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Sponsored by:
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
227 Cumberland Avenue, Asheville
For Info:
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jen Nathan Orris
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
Asheville celebrates United Nations International Day of Peace, Saturday, Sept. 21 What: Observe the United Nations International Day of Peace with the Asheville Baha’i Community. When: 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21 Where: WNC Baha’i Center, 5 Ravenscroft Dr., Asheville Why: The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations with the intention to “have the entire world observe a day of peace and nonviolence ” — a premise embraced by the Baha’i Faith, which has had a long-standing relationship with the United Nations in its efforts to promote world peace. As an organization in consultative status, the Baha’i Office is guided by the teachings of the worldwide Baha’i
club: The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster. SS -- 6pm - Book club: The Folded Earth by Anuradha Roy. SW --- 7pm - Book club: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. FV • SA (9/21), 10am-3pm - Art book sale. WV City Lights Bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • TH (9/19), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet, featuring Rick Mulkey. Henderson County Library Book Sale • SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS through (9/21) - The Friends of the Henderson County Library will host a book sale at 1940 Spartanburg Highway. Prices vary. Info: 697-4725. Let’s Talk About It Series • TH (9/19), 4-6pm - The "Let’s Talk About It" series will focus on The World Made Straight by Ron Rash. Held at Haywood County Library, 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville.
community as it endeavors to apply the principles of unity and justice to the betterment of villages, neighborhoods and society as a whole. As thousands around the globe are preparing vigils and observations for the International Day of Peace on Saturday, Sept. 21, in Asheville the Baha’i community will be hosting an event that includes music, prayer, fellowship and light refreshments. All are welcome, and there is no charge. For more information about the local Baha’i, go to wncbahai.org. For more information about International Peace Day go to un.org/en/events/ peaceday.
Free. Info: 456-5311. Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: malaprops. com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • WE (9/18), 7pm - Colin McAdam will present his novel A Beautiful Truth. • TH (9/19), 7pm - Laurey Masterton will present her book The Fresh Honey Cookbook. • FR (9/20), 7pm - Daniel Pierce will present his book Corn from a Jar: Moonshining in the Great Smoky Mountains. • MO (9/23), 7pm - Local musician Asher Leigh will lead a presentation on The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. • TU (9/24), 7pm - Henriette Lazaridis Power will present her novel The Clover House. • WE (9/25), 7pm - P. Gregg Blanton will present his book Mind Over Marriage: Transforming Your Relationship Using Centering Prayer and Neuroscience. • TH (9/26), 7pm - V. E. Schwab will present her novel Vicious.
Traditional Storytelling • SU (9/22), 6pm - "An Evening with an Often Forgotten Elder" will feature a story for the first day of Autumn. Held at the Appalachian School of Holistic Herbalism, 2 Westwood Place. Free. Info: herbsheal.com. UNCA Faculty Reading • TH (9/26), 12:20pm - UNCA literature department faculty will present their works in the university's Karpen Hall. Free. Info: literature. unca.edu or 251-6411.
Sports Events at REI Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: rei.com/asheville or 687-0918. • TU (9/24), 7-8pm - A cycling fitness presentation will focus on increasing riding performance. Free; registration required. • WE (9/25), 6-8pm - A hands-on class on bike maintenance will focus on disc brake systems. $40/$20 members. Registration
required. Hilly Hellacious • SU (9/22), 7am - Hilly Hellacious will feature 22, 62 and 100-mile cycling courses. Proceeds benefit Asheville Youth Cycling. Ride departs from Fletcher Valley Foods,185 Fletcher Academy Drive, Fletcher. Info and registration: ashevilleyouthcycling.org/ride-the-hill. Roller Derby Division 1 Playoffs • FR (9/20) through SU (9/22) Skaters will compete in women’s flat track roller derby in the 2013 WFTDA Division 1 Playoffs. Hosted by the Blue Ridge Rollergirls at the U.S. Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St. Info, times and cost: http://avl. mx/001. Runway 5K • SA (9/21), 8:40am - The Runway 5K will depart from the Asheville Regional Airport, 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher. $40/$30 in advance. Info: flyavl.com.
Theater Asheville Community Theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (9/20) until (10/13) - Annie Get Your Gun, a musical about Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Fri. & Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2:30pm. $25/$22 seniors and students/$15 children. Bright Star Touring Theatre • MO (9/23), 7pm - Bright Star Touring Theatre will present Aesop’s Fables at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. A red carpet reception will follow at Renaissance Hotel, 21 Woodfin St. Free. Info: brightstartheatre.com or 254-1320. Cirque Zuma Zuma • TH (9/26), 8pm - Cirque Zuma Zuma will present African acrobatics in ASU's Schaefer Center. $20/$10 students. Info: zumazuma.com or pas.appstate.edu. Flat Rock Playhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/6) - Cats, the musical. Performed at the downtown location. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Thurs., Sat., Sun., 2pm. $35 will discounts for seniors, students and military. Foothills Community
Theatre • FR (9/20), 7:30pm - Foothills Community Theatre presents You Can't Get There From Here, a light-hearted comedy set in a small southern town. Held at Greenlee Theatre at McDowell Arts Council, 50 South Main St., Marion. Info: 828-659-PLAY. Parkway Playhouse 202 Green Mountain Drive, Burnsville. Info: parkwayplayhouse. com or 682-4285. • THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (9/21) until (10/5) Sherlock Holmes Returns or the Case of the Bloody Heart, an original play by local playwright Jeff Douglas Messer. 7:30pm; 5:30pm Sept. 22. $12-$20, with discounts for students, military and seniors. Theater at WCU Performances take place at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter. wcu.edu or 227-2479. • WE (9/25) through SA (9/28) Next to Normal, a rock musical about a suburban mother with bipolar disorder. Held in Hoey Auditorium. 7:30pm. $20/$15 faculty and staff/$10 students.
Thriving Children The Success Equation, under the umbrella of Children First/ Communities In Schools, unites the community to reduce the root causes of child poverty. These calendar listings feature community events and volunteer opportunities to help children thrive in Buncombe County. Become a Reading Coach • TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS - Read to Succeed Reading Coaches work one on one with children from low-literacy homes in Asheville City Schools. Four-week training is free to qualified, committed volunteers. Orientation through Sept. 19. Info and registration: 251-4949. Children First/CIS • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Info: childrenfirstbc.org or 768-2072. Hands On AshevilleBuncombe Registration required. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • WE (9/21), 9am-noon & TH (9/26), 6-8pm - Help sort and pack food at MANNA FoodBank for agencies
serving hungry people in 17 WNC counties. • MO (9/23), 5:30-7:30pm - Help tidy and organize the play rooms of the family visitation center. In Real Life After School Programs • ONGOING, 3-6pm - The IRL After School Program seeks volunteers to build relationships with middle schoolers while participating in diverse programming like academics, sports and the arts. Volunteers with special skills/interests matched to appropriate programs. Info: acsf.org, irlacsf@gmail. com or 350-6270. Play and Learn for Preschoolers and Parents • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS until (10/31), 9am - An eight-week series of pre-literacy classes for parents, caregivers and children ages 3-5 from Buncombe County. Free. Info, location and registration: 3502904 or marna.holland@asheville. k12.nc.us. Success Equation Faith Summit • WE (9/25), 5-7:30pm - The Success Equation Faith Summit invites communities of faith to explore the impacts of child poverty. Held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St. Free; dinner provided. Info: 259-9717.
Volunteering American Cancer Society • WEEKDAYS, 9am-1pm - The American Cancer Society seeks volunteers to provide information to cancer patients and their families. Orientation and screening required. Info: (800) 227-2345. • The American Cancer Society seeks volunteers to drive cancer patients to treatments in Buncombe County. Must have valid driver's license, car and insurance. Info: (800) 227-2345. Asheville City Schools Foundation • ONGOING - The Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks volunteers to tutor/mentor a student (K-12) in need of support. Volunteer opportunities available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm. Info: jay@acsf.org 3506135. Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks persons to mentor one hour per week in schools and after-school sites. Volunteers age 18 and older are
also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, such as sports, local attractions, etc. Info session: sept. 25, noon. • TH (9/19), 5-7pm - Big Brothers Big Sisters will host a mentor recruitment drive at Asheville Brewing Company, 77 Coxe Ave. Free. Info: 253-1470. guArDiAn AD litem • Through MO (9/23) - Guardian ad Litem seeks volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children. Application, background check and 30 hours of training required. 10-15 hours per month commitment. Info: ncgal.org or 251-6130. hAnDs on AsheVilleBuncomBe Registration required. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • SA (9/21), 10am-1pm & TH (9/26), 4-6pm - Fair-Trade StockUp: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade
retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • MO (9/23) - 7-8:30pm - Cookie Night: Help bake cookies for families staying at the Lewis Rathbun Center, which provides free lodging for out-of-town families who have a loved one in an area hospital. Supplies provided. • TH (9/26), 11am-12:30pm Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate. interfAith AssistAnce ministry • Interfaith Assistance Ministry offers emergency assistance to Henderson County residents in financial crisis. Four-hour volunteer shifts available and well as substitute opportunities. Info: iamhendersoncounty.org or 697-7029. literAcy council of BuncomBe county Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: litcouncil.com, volunteers@litcouncil.com or 254-3442. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills includ-
ing reading, writing, math and English as a second language. Tutors provide one on one or small group instruction in Buncombe County. No prior tutoring experience or foreign language skills required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training and ongoing support from certified professionals. Volunteers must attend one orientation.
No Judgement • No Shame • We’re here to help regain your driving privileges
DWI Groups offered various days / nights
opportunity house • Opportunity House seeks volunteers for its thrift shop and front desk. Info: 692-0575. the rAthBun center • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation that provides free lodging for patients and their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. Info: rathbuncenter. org or 251-0595.
To make an intake appointment call
cAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
www.octoberroadinc.net We accept most insurance, credit cards and can make payment arrangements. State Funding based on income for people without insurance may be available
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local live standup comedy events at www.DisclaimerComedy.com (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLdisclaimer).
asheville disclaimer Now Featuring Font Technology
Briefs Governor McCrory ‘finds’ $10 million for teacher raises by walking 13 paces due east from skull-shaped rock, digging at large red ‘X’ Local woman skips own PhD dissertation defense for 105.9’s Miller Lite Rock Girls audition Man standing downtown with backpack, camping gear regrets flying to Asheville with only backpack, camping gear Sen. McCain’s inattentive video poker-playing during Syria hearings shocks even fellow committee member Marco Rubio, whose head during hearings was covered with plastic bag containing Japanese co-ed’s underwear Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com
Twitter: @AVLdisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Cary Goff, Tom Scheve
Asheville performing arts calendar
• Monday: Man bobbing head really hard while waiting for bus. Does he hear music, or is the music just in his head? Will he kick the trash can in anger after looking at his cellphone and peering up the bus-less street? Futile eye-contact with passing female motorists every minute on the minute. • Wednesday: Unplanned, eerie gathering of accordion players downtown. A dream if you’re a human resources manager for a vaudeville show that’s doing a one-night-only charity show and lacks a big musical cue for stage appearance of a fat man playing a hilarious old fat white woman who serves as a visual prop for upcoming entrance of the sexy burlesque act. • Saturday: Photography session at Flat Iron sculpture downtown. Mr. Kincaid will be taking Kincaid-family portraits from 1:15 to 1:25 p.m.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
This week we introduce a new feature in our food section: Blue Plate Special A closer look at our readers’ favorite home-cooked meals This week’s Blue Plate Special comes to us from Asheville resident Craig J. Conway:
Divorcedparent dinner-cereal
Ideas for mixing it up? This is a meal that is built for variety. If witnesses are expected to arrive, serve up vitamin-fortified Tastee-O’s in your finest ceramic. Or, if you want to be the favorite parent, Choco-Blasts.
Tell us about your culinary specialty! An old family recipe, Side dishes? Dinner-cereal, an easy meal that my children eat Dinner-cereal goes any divorced parent with a full dinner-cereal three, well with whatever Netflix queue can prepare for sometimes four nights children-of-divorced-parents Daddy is watching on a week, depending on of all custodial ages. Netflix, or you can pair custody. That’s just it with a side of dollarnights. You can also eat dinner-cereal for aisle dolls in the privacy of your lockedbreakfast and lunch, so you can enjoy from-the-outside bedroom. 9-to-12 delicious meal-cereals a week And for dessert? while at Daddy’s apartment. Clean-up is as easy as hiding the threequarters-full Tupperware container full How do you make it? of soggy cereal somewhere where Daddy It’s easy to prepare. All you need is: • Cereal bowl or Tupperware container doesn’t have to mess it with it for a few or large coffee cup or cereal box with weeks. You can also play in the apartment parking lot until the neighbor’s opened bag porch light gets turned off or go straight • Cereal and/or cereal dust • Milk or watered-down milk depending to bed so you can get enough sleep to feel fully rested when you arrive at school on milk levels and grocery store hours during recess the next mid-morning. • Spoon or fun-fingers
This week in science Discoveries & Advancements
1854: Florence Nightingale, through her work during the Crimean War, establishes the foundation of modern nursing by bringing handfuls of sweets into patients’ rooms to lure in otherwise easilydistracted doctors. 1912: Marian Smoluchowski provides adequate explanation of why a perpetual motion machine cannot work, but fails to anticipate that a teenager’s texting finger on a cross-country family road trip remains in perpetual motion long after the exhaustion of Red mountainx.com
Bulls and Cheetos. 1943: Cheap mass production of antibiotics is achieved in the US during the second world war, allowing soldiers to be protected from wound infections and sexually transmitted diseases, allowing for the liberation by Allied forces of France. 1953: Clair Patterson determines the planet Earth is 4.6 billion years old by studying the decay rate of lead isotopes after months of failing to cut it open to count the rings.
Kid Care with Arnold
Arnold Crapacan is a Korean War veteran and member of the Woodfin Lions Club.
Dear Arnold, I’ve heard there’s a 3-day pottytraining method. Have you heard of this? Would you recommend it? — Dave Dear Dave, If you’re talking about the method of duct-taping the potty to your child, my experience has been there’s a lot of splashing and it makes hosing your kid off in the backyard a pain, so I would advise against it. I’ve tried other nonduct-tape based potty-training methods and I’d have to say they didn’t work. So continue with the duct tape, just expect it to take a few months.
Zombie Walk 2013 cancelled due to permitting issues Locations under consideration for “zombie flashmob” contingency plans: • ABCCM bag sale • Grand opening of N. Asheville dog park • Mission Hospital’s next free screening for hepatitis • Location gleaned from police scanner of APD’s assault calls • Medical tent at Asheville’s Octoberfest • Next health code inspection at Femcare • Upon sound of first offbeat cymbals clash at toddlers’ KinderMusik class
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Plenty of options New consulting business helps families with adoption process
By caitLin ByRd
cbyrd@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 140
The phrase her mother used to describe adoption was “unwanted children,” but as a young Erica jourdan listened to the explanation on the staircase of her childhood home in Rhode Island, she knew how she would become a mother one day. “In my little 8-year-old head, I said ‘I want to adopt,’ and it just sat there. I didn’t think anything further about it, but I never let it go,” she recalls. “To me, adoption was always the first choice.” However, Jourdan explains that adoption can also feel like a complicated, confusing and challenging choice as well. During her 10 years recruiting and training both foster and adoptive parents for Buncombe County Child Protective Services, a quarter of the phone calls have been from people who wanted to adopt but “were just kind of lost,” she says. “Each case, each client, each child, each birth family is unique. That’s why no one can write a comprehensive book and say, ‘Here’s how you do it.’ We have to take it one situation at a time,” Jourdan says. To help individuals understand the adoption process and empower them with knowledge along the way, Jourdan launched her business, Adoption Options Consulting, this August. The social worker describes herself and her business as being like a “life coach for adoptive parents.” As a mother of three adopted children herself, Jourdan emphasizes that myths about adoption still persist, including the one her mother told her when she was 8. In foster care, adoption only happens when all other options fail and it doesn’t mean these children aren’t wanted, says Buncombe County Social
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
famiLy mattERS: Erica Jourdan, center, started Adoption Options Consulting this summer to help individuals with the adoption process. Photo courtesy of Josh Jourdan.
Work Program Administrator dawn warren. “Our primary goal is to reunify children with their families and if they can’t go home to their parents, then we’re looking for relatives. While adoption is always on our radar, that is not our first path,” Warren explains. For children who were adopted less than 24 months after entering the foster care system, the national median adoption rate is 26.8 percent, Warren reports. Since 2009, she adds, the rate in Buncombe County has consistently been higher. In fiscal year 2013, Buncombe’s adoption rate was 29.3 percent. At this time, Warren says 15 children in Buncombe County are legally cleared for adoption. One of Jourdan’s three adopted children became part of her family after being in foster care. Though good information about the adoption process can be found, wading through all of it can be overwhelming, Jourdan says. “What most people do now is they
go to the Internet, and they are just inundated,” she says. “Sorting that information and [determining] what [information] is helpful, what is terrifying but useful, what is boring but important — I can help them narrow it down.” michelle Reames says that was exactly what she needed. For most of her adult life, she knew she wanted to adopt an interracial child. However, as she researched online about international adoption, each query seemed less hopeful than the one before it. “When you do get on the Internet to research other countries’ rules and regulations surrounding adoption, you find, at least in my situation — I am gay and I am a female; I am single and I am almost 46 — that almost puts a big fat zero on almost any other country out there,” she says. Then she hired Jourdan. Reames shares, “I didn’t realize how much opportunity there was
domestically for me to still have an interracial child and not have those other stipulations that go along with it. So instead of being dissuaded by looking online, I actually got much more hopeful speaking to Erica about all categories” from the financial aspects to what happens after the adoption. By this time next year, Reames hopes that she will be able to call herself a mom. Jourdan “hasn’t promised me a child but she has shown me so many opportunities that I never knew existed,” Reames says. “She’s such an advocate for the child and for the adult, and that genuineness to see that connection made is there in every question she asks and every answer she gives.” Being an adoptive parent is not limited to heterosexual wealthy couples, Jourdan notes, citing single dads, homosexual couples and lower-income families. “There are so many people who desperately want to be a mommy or a daddy,” she says. After the first free 30-minute phone consultation, Jourdan says each consultation costs roughly $60$75 per hour depending on the services her clients need. She also mentions being open to negotiating a sliding scale for some clients. “Once you have the concept that you’re not stuck in one path,” Jourdan says, “there are endless possibilities.” To learn more about Adoption Options Consulting visit adoptopt.com or email info@adoptopt.com. X
want to adoPt oR foStER? Learn more about foster parenting and children waiting to be fostered and adopted at the 2013 Western Carolina Foster Adopt Fall Festival on Saturday, Nov. 16, at the Asheville-Biltmore DoubleTree from 1-4 p.m. You can also learn more about fostering or adopting by contacting Families For Kids at 2505868 or familiesforkids@buncombecounty.org.
Dr. Daniel Waldman, DPM, FACFAS
Associate, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Member, Council for Nail Disorders Board Certified Foot Surgeon Diplomate, American Board Podiatric Surgeons Fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
Dear Dr. Waldman, For the last 3 years, my right heel has been hurting, especially when I get out of bed in the morning and when I start walking after sitting. I don’t remember injuring my foot at all. I tried some cushions and ibuprofen from the drugstore, but it doesn’t help. It’s starting to hurt so bad, I don’t know what to do. What is going on, and what can be done to cure this? -Mrs. G.T., Arden From the symptoms you describe, I believe you have one of the most common foot problems I treat in the office. The medical term is plantar fasciitis (Fa-shE-Its), which simply means inflammation of the ligament on the bottom of the heel. A spur on the bottom of the heel bone is often present. The most common reason for this is repetitive pressure on the heel and flat arches (hyper-pronation). I commonly treat this problem with stretching exercises, anti-inflammatory pills, shoe inserts and topical relieving gels like BioFreeze. I will often use ultrasound to see inside the heel to evaluate the condition of the ligament. Sometimes the ligament is thickened and/or torn. It may also have an area of inflammation called a bursae. Occasionally, a small steriod injection can be given to quickly shrink the bursea and greatly reduce the pain. More than 95% of my patients of my patients get long term relief with these treatments. New treatments for resistant heel pain include high energy sound wave which is replacing traditional heel surgery. Of course, there are a number of other possible causes for heel pain so you should consult with your podiatric physician soon.
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
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by Jen Nathan Orris
thAnk Dog BootcAmp (pd.) your Dog is your workout partner! Thank Dog Bootcamp is an outdoor fitness program that combines dog training, weight training, and cardio training for dogs and their people. First class is FREE! MON, WED & FRI 10:15AM @ Summit Crossfit (21 McArthur Ln), TUE & THUR 6PM @ Recreation Park (65 Gashes Creek Road). Info: info@thankdogavl.com or (828) 423-0156. expressiVe moVement Workshop (pd.) Saturday, September 28, 1-5pm. Hosted by Taisir El-Souessi, LPC, at Studio Zahiya. $40. Utilize your personal expressive and creative qualities of movement for self-discovery in this therapeutic workshop. • Space is limited. Information/registration: (828) 214-5123. www.taisirexArts.com strength & Alignment yogA (pd.) Sundays, 4-5:30pm. $12 or 10/$100. 1378 Hendersonville Rd. Call 277-5741. Registration suggested, details at www.AshevillehappyBody.com pilAtes mAt At hAppy BoDy (pd.) New class Mondays 6:30- 7:25p $12 or 10/$100 1378 Hendersonville Rd. Call 2775741. Registration suggested, details at www. AshevilleHappyBody.com restorAtiVe yogA for stress relief (pd.) End your weekend with a yoga class specifically designed to relieve anxiety and stress. Sunday 9/22, 1:30-3:30, $25 1378 Hendersonville Road. Registration required, 277-5741, www. AshevilleHappyBody.com
8 Days for only $20
AromA touch therApy (pd.) Aroma touch therapy A clinical approach to Essential Oil Application using doTERRA oils. Powerful results for Stress Management, Immune Support, Inflammatory Response & Hemostasis. A to Z Healing, 539 Long Shoals Road, Arden. 828329-2943 A conVersAtion ABout eAting DisorDers • TH (9/26), 6pm - This expert panel discussion will cover anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. Open to adults. Light refreshments served. Hosted at Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville, 36 Montford Ave. Info: thecenternc.weebly.com.
River Ridge Plaza, 802 Fairview Rd.
AlZheimer’s cAre trAining • THURSDAYS through (9/26), 5:30-7:30pm Alzheimer’s CARE Training invites families to participate in training workshops in recognition of World Alzheimer's Month. Held at Home Instead Senior Care, 1293 Hendersonville Road, Suite 4. Free. Info and registration: 274-4406. AsheVille community yogA center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga.com. • FR (9/20), 7-9pm - Kirtan with LunaMela. $15-$20 suggested donation. • SA (9/21), 2:30-4:30pm - Thai partner yoga. No prior yoga or massage experience necessary. $20. cArepArtners BAlAnce seminArs • TUESDAYS, 4-5pm - CarePartners will host a series of balance seminars at its south clinic, located in the Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Free. Info and registration: 209-0900.
Lovely sessions at $40/hour
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
freeDom from smoking • TUESDAYS through (10/22), 6:30pm - This sevenweek smoking cessation clinic was developed by the American Lung Association. Participants form a personal plan for quitting tobacco, quit together and continue to support each other while learning
Send your wellness events to calendar@mountainx.com.
relapse prevention. Sponsored by Mission Hospital. Free. Info and registration: 213-5527 or avl.mx/yn. gmos in our fooD: Digesting the fActs • TH (9/19), 9:30am - Attendees will learn how GMO foods can affect everyday life and the importance of avoiding preservatives and artificial additives. Mission Hospital’s Integrative Healthcare Wellness Resource Center, 50 Doctor’s Drive, 120 W. Annex. $10/free for Mission employees. Info: 213-8250 or mission-health.org/events. heAlth fAir • WE (9/25), 9am-noon - The Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd., will host a health fair featuring cholesterol and glucose screening, vendors and seminars. Free; small fee for lab work. Info: ymcawnc.org. liVing heAlthy With A chronic conDition • TUESDAYS, 1pm - A six-week workshop for people with chronic health conditions and their caregivers will be held at Battery Park Apartments, 1 Battle Square. $30 suggested donation. Info and registration: 251-7438. • WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An additional program will be held at Hillcrest Community Center, 22 Ravenscroft Drive. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm - Additional workshops will be held in UNCA's Sherrill Center, Room 402, through Oct. 23. $30 suggested donation. mission hospitAl integrAtiVe heAlthcAre Wellness resource center 50 Doctor’s Drive, 120 W. Annex. Info and registration: 213-8250. • MO (9/23), 9am-noon & 1-4pm - "Aromatherapy Gifts with Essential Oils." $30/$20 Mission Employees. opportunity house BlooD tests • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30-10am - Opportunity House will offer blood profile laboratory testing at 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. $25. No appointment required. Info: opportunityhouse.org or 692-0575. pool pilAtes for the Differently ABleD • SA (9/28), 5:30-6:30pm - A pool pilates workshop will demonstrate one on one assisted activities for partners and caregivers to do with their child/adult in the water. Held at Hendersonville YMCA, 810 West 6th Ave. Register by Sept. 23. $25/person. Info: susanhyler@charter.net. • SU (9/29), 5:30-6:30pm - An additional workshop will be held at the Rueter YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. reD cross BlooD DriVes 100 Edgewood Road. Info: redcrosswnc.org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (9/18), 11am-4:30pm - Blood drive: UNCA. Info: 1-800-RED-CROSS. --- 9am-1:30pm - Blood drive: Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway. Info: opportunityhouse.org or 692-0575. • FR (9/20), 10:30am-4pm - Blood drive: Black Mountain Fire Department, 106 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Info: 279-3972. • SU (9/22), noon-4:30pm - Blood drive: Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville. Info: 656-2161. • TU (9/24), 9:30am-2pm - Blood drive: Mountain Credit Union, 1453 Sand Hill Road, Candler. Info: 667-7245.
the Art of soulful liVing • TU (9/24), 7-9pm - "The Art of Soulful Living" will explore ways to live a more full and happy life. Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $5 donation. Info: bobhannaphd.com or 768-1287. Women’s empoWerment AnD self Defense • THURSDAYS through (10/3), 6:30pm - A six-week women's empowerment and self defense class will be held in UNCA's Sherrill Center, Room 306. $10. Info: recreation.unca.edu or 232-5650. yogA for VeterAns • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - A yoga class for veterans and their families will be offered at Asheville Yoga Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. All levels. Instructor: Ashley Poole. Free. Info: youryoga.com or 254-0380.
support groups Al Anon meeting (lAmBDA) • FRIDAYS, 8pm - The Lambda (LGBT) group of Al-Anon, a gay-friendly support group for families and friends of alcoholics, holds weekly candlelight meetings at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. Info: trackerm1001@yahoo.com. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - "Parents of Children with Alcoholism," West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. --- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. --- 8pm Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. • SATURDAYS, 10am - "One Day at a Time," First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th avenues, Hendersonville. --- 10am - "Grace Fireside," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 10am "Saturday Serenity," St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. --- noon - "Courage to Change," Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville. • SUNDAYS, 5pm - Al-Anon and Alateen, West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte street. --- 6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - "Al-Anon Spoken Here," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. --- 5:30pm - "Steps to Recovery,"
Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. --- 7pm - "One Day at a Time," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. --- 8pm Transylvania men's meeting, Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. DeBtors Anonymous • MONDAYS, 7pm - Debtors Anonymous meets at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101. Info: debtorsanonymous.org. Depression AnD BipolAr support AlliAnce: mAgnetic minDs • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Magnetic Minds provides self-help through weekly, peer-facilitated support meetings offering acceptance, info and techniques to manage challenges. Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road, across from the West Asheville BB&T. Free. Info: MagneticMinds.weebly.com or 367-7660. eAting DisorDers support group • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. eAting DisorDers: fAmily AnD frienDs support • 3rd SATURDAYS, 10-11:30am - A support group for family members, caregivers and friends of individuals struggling with eating disorders is held at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. fAmily hope line • TUESDAYS, 2-5pm & THURSDAYS, 8-11pm - Family Hope Line offers compassionate listening, encouragement and help finding recovery resources for individuals and families experiencing mental health challenges and/or emotional distress. (855) 446-7348. Free. Info: motherbearcan.org. fAmily mentAl heAlth support • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Mother Bear Family Dens are free recovery education and support meetings open to individuals, families, friends and care providers working with mental health challenges. Held at All Souls Counseling, 35 Arlington St. Info: motherbearcan.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-7pm - An additional meeting will be held 65 Hill St. Onsite parking. Info: emily@motherbearcan.org or 255-7890. heArt of recoVery • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Heart of Recovery meetings integrate Buddhist meditation with 12-step recovery programs. New and experienced meditators welcome. Meetings are anonymous. Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. Info: asheville.shambhala.org. memory cAfe • 1st MONDAYS, 1-3pm; 1st WEDNESDAYS, 2-4pm; 3rd SATURDAYS, 1-3pm; 3rd THURSDAYS, 2-4pm - Memory Cafe is an opportunity for those living with the challenges of dementia to gather and socialize. Free. Info and locations: shendrix@mountainprojects.org, Asstminister@uuasheville.org, LBrown@FBCA. net or bettyrobbins@morrisbb.net. nAmi support groups The National Alliance on Mental Illness offers three types of groups to support people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Free. Info: namiwnc.org
or 505-7353. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am; 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am; 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm Connection group for people with mental health issues. 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite 207. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am; 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Family/Caregiver group for people supporting someone experiencing a mental health issue. 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite 315. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Dual Diagnosis Support Group. For individuals with MH/SA diagnoses. 3 Thurland Ave., off Biltmore Avenue. • THURSDAYS, 6-8:30pm & SATURDAYS, 10am12:30pm, (9/26) through SA (11/2) - NAMI Family-to-Family offers a 12-session class for families of individuals with a serious mental illness. Held in Asheville. Free; registration required: sharonpitts1@gmail.com or 258-5359. nAr-Anon • Nar-Anon provides support to relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road; enter through back door. Info: robinplemmons@ gmail.com. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Chuch, 204 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Enter through side parking lot. Info: 891-8050. oVereAters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: (609) 731-0808. recoVery from fooD ADDiction • MONDAYS, noon & FRIDAYS, 7pm - A 10-step support group for those suffering from food addiction meets at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, second floor. Info: scmunchkin59@yahoo.com. s-Anon • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexual behavior. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: 258-5117. teen eAting DisorDer support group • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Teen eating disorder support group for ages 15-17. Led by licensed therapists at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Participants must currently be in therapy. Free. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. Wnc BrAin tumor support • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm - WNC Brain Tumor Support meets at MAHEC, 121 Hendersonville Road. Info: wncbraintumor.org or 691-2559. more Wellness eVents online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after September 26.
Eating Right for Good Health presented by
Support LOCAL -
Taste of Local - Ingles Markets Friday, September 20th 3:30-6pm Tunnel Rd. Asheville Join Ingles and ASAP** (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project) at your Ingles Market and meet some of the local farmers and vendors who supply your Ingles Markets and sample their products: • Annie’s Breads (Asheville) - artisan bread makers • Carolina Pig Polish (Whittier) - BBQ sauce • Dolci Di Maria (Swannanoa) - gluten free pastries • Do More Bars (Pisgah Forest) - Gluten Free rice cereal snack bars • My Gluten Free Bread Company (Hendersonville) gluten free breads • Milkco (West Asheville) - Laura Lynn milk from local dairy farmers • New Sprout Farms (Black Mountain) - local organic produce • Roots Hummus (Asheville) - delicious hummus • Sunny Creek Farms (Tryon) - sprouts • Theros (Asheville) - olive oil **ASAP Farm Tour Sept. 21-22nd.
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cAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Hit the hay Cloud 9 Farm grows its business through tourism
By caRoL Lynn jackSon
BRought to you By mountain BizwoRkS
Carol Lynn Jackson is a business developer at Mountain BizWorks within the FARE (Food, Agriculture, and Rural Enterprise) program. Mountain BizWorks helps small businesses start, grow and create jobs through loans, classes and coaching. For more information, call 253-2834 or visit mountainbizworks.org.
For many farm families in Western North Carolina, opening the gate to paying visitors can be more lucrative and sustaining than farming itself. Activities such as U-pick apples and other crops, hay rides, educational programs and on-site festivals expand what a farm can offer customers and visitors beyond the realm of products and into agritourism. To live on a farm is to work on a farm, and giving visitors the experience of an afternoon in the field not only lengthens the earning season and diversifies services, but it promotes agriculture itself as a thriving, purposeful vocation. janet Peterson, owner of Cloud 9 Farm in Fairview, found that vacation rentals and pick-your-own blueberries help keep her generational 200-acre farm from falling into the hands of real estate developers. “One good thing about the tanked economy is that land developers have stopped calling,” Peterson says. “They would ask questions like, ‘What do you need this much land for anyway?’ and ‘What are you keeping it for, the squirrels?’ It dawned on me that the answer to
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
thE good LifE: At Cloud 9, keeping the family farm takes many forms, from blueberries and honeybees, to hosting weddings and other events, says owner Janet Peterson. Photos by Carol Lynn Jackson
that was, ‘Yes! We are keeping it for the squirrels!’ We want to be good stewards of the land.” Peterson, a retired science teacher, inherited the property from her parents (“Dad mended fences, Mom processed and prepared the chickens”). She works the property with her partner, jeff hambley. They share a deep-seated belief in maintaining and sharing “the good life” with others. At Cloud 9, this good life comes in many forms, from blueberries and honeybees, to hosting weddings and other events. Cloud 9 Farm raises hormonefree beef and heritage-breed chickens, and maintains a substantial garden. Peterson began
these operations primarily for family, friends and neighbors, she says. But as she nails down the process for raising true heritage flocks, she recently acquired her meat handler’s license. The farm can now sell frozen cuts and portions of beef to the public. In addition, an apiary on the property provides the farm’s pollinators and honey for Bee Babes, a smallbatch line of body products. But what really sustains the farm, and ties these many lines of business together, are its two vacation rental cabins. Peterson explains that cabin visitors “stay and have an experience of harvesting their own produce, berries and eggs. They fish in our pond or shop from our meat shed.” They
To help get her chicks in a row, Peterson worked with a Mountain BizWorks business coach who helped her set up better systems, which she then hired a bookkeeper to maintain. “I carry around a notebook now and track everything I spend and which line of business it’s for. It saves you good money to be able to make the proper deductions.” Proper paperwork makes keeping “farm” status an easier task, too. One of the first things Peterson realized, once becoming more streamlined and organized with her paperwork, was that the farm was making less than $3 per hour raising and processing its chickens. But for now, that’s OK. “The bigger benefit from that line of business is working to raise heritage breed birds, to enjoy ourselves, and to build flocks back up for the future,” explains Peterson.
might even witness the miracle of new life; in August, renters got to name the calf that was born during their stay. Peterson calls this all-inclusive experience a “farmcation” and loves sharing her property (and some good conversation) with her visitors. “You have to be a people-person willing to share your story,” she says. “That’s what our clients are hungry for. I talk all day and evening with our guests, and they return on a regular basis.” It does take considerable energy and dedication to make all of this happen — which on a farm just adds work to work. And while she seems undaunted by most of it, Peterson admits that organization is her biggest challenge, especially when it comes to bookkeeping. “When folks check out and you are tabulating all kinds of different tax ratios on different lines of product with a calculator and a memo pad, you quickly wish for a better system,” she says.
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Cloud 9 Farm is located at 137 Bob Barnwell Road in Fletcher. Tours are available by appointment. Learn more at cloud9farm.net or call 628-1758. X
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
thE LocaL Economy
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Business Calendar
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A-B tech smAll Business center Unless otherwise noted, classes are free and held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Suite 1060, Candler. Info: abtech.edu/sbc‎ or 398-7950. • WEDNESDAYS through (9/25), 6pm8pm – "THRIVE! Four Weeks to Business Breakthrough." This seminar covers ways to help businesses reach their full potential. Held in SBC Room 1040, Enka campus. • TH (9/19), 3-6pm - "Build Your Business’ Website Using Joomla" will help participants develop and manage their website with Joomla. Held on the Enka campus, 1465 Sand Hill Road in Candler, Room SBC 2046. • MO (9/23), 10am-noon - An overview of the programs and services offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration for start-up and existing businesses will be held in Room SBC 2046. • TU (9/24), 6-8pm - "Craft Lab Series: Pricing and Budgeting." Participants will learn how to set up a budget and use it to price their work. Held in Room SBC 2046. • TH (9/26), 6-8pm - "Business Formation: Choosing the Right Structure." This seminar will cover the different business entities and the advantages and disadvantages for choosing one type over another. Held in Room SBC 2046.
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Business Boot cAmp • TH (9/19), 12:30-1:30pm - Business Boot Camp will host a "sneak peek" for entrepreneurs who want to learn more about the program. New sessions begin in Oct. Held at Mountain BizWorks’ offices, 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info and registration: mountainbizworks.org/bootcamp. crAft lAB: pricing your Work • WE (9/25), 5:30-7:30pm - "Craft Lab: Pricing Your Work" will be held at Toe River Arts Council, 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine. Info, cost and registration: rbranch@mayland.edu or 766-1295. gooDWill cAreer clAsses Info and registration: 298-9023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for those interested in careers in the food and hotel industries. Hands-on training includes American Hotel and Lodging Association certification. $25. • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon General Education Diploma classes. Intake process required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm English as a Second Language class. • ONGOING - Entry-level computer classes. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 1:30-4pm - Classes for those interested in entering the field of medical office support. Fee waived for job seekers. leADership AsheVille luncheon • TH (9/26), 11am-1:30pm - Leadership Asheville will host a luncheon featuring Heath Shuler, former Congressional representative and current employee of Duke Energy Progress. Held at Lenoir-
Rhyne University Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave. $35. Info: leadershipasheville.org. minority enterprise DeVelopment Week • MO (9/23) through FR (9/27) - Minority Enterprise Development Week will include programs on services for small businesses, budgeting and starting a business. Held on the A-B Tech Enka campus. An awards ceremony will follow at Homewood. Free. Info: wncmedweek.org. mountAin BiZWorks Workshops 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 253-2834 or mountainbizworks.org. • MO (10/21), 6-9pm - FARE Foundations Business Planning Course for food, agriculture and rural enterprises. Learn the business-planning process while building business skills. Eight-week session meets Mondays. Sliding scale. Info and registration: ashley@mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834. • WE (9/25), 6-9pm - Foundations Business Planning Course will teach participants about the business-planning process. This eight-week session meets Wednesdays. Sliding-scale. Info: victor@ mountainbizworks.org or 253-2834 x23. more Business eVents online Check out the Business Calendar online at www. mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after September 26. cAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Small sheep with big personalities
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
By jEn nathan oRRiS Send your garden news to garden@mountainx.com
wEE ShEEP: Take a gander at Sycamore Farms’ flock of Shetland sheep during year-round tours.
Shetland sheep graze in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains at Sycamore Farms. These ewes and rams trace their ancestry back to Scotland, but their modern counterparts have made a permanent home in Western North Carolina. The sheep are small by design. Unlike their long-wool cousins, Shetland sheep are bred for their miniature size as well as their wool capabilities. Sycamore Farms shepherd Melissa Orr and her family “love small things,” and made this particular breed of sheep a tiny but powerful addition to their farm, which all began with a half-dozen miniature donkeys. Sycamore Farms is home to many different colors of sheep, from black to pure white. This produces a muted rainbow of wool, which Orr transforms into stunning, hand-spun yarn. The sheep are bred for the beauty of their fleece as well as overall health. Learn how Orr and her family care for the sheep, and try your hand at weaving on a peg loom, at Sycamore Farms’ ongoing tours. The public can make an appointment to explore
a working sheep farm Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (and other days by request). Bring a picnic and dine in the shade after meeting the sheep and learning about this unique breed. If you’re feeling inspired by the farm’s flock, the ewes and rams are for sale. Shetland sheep’s petite stature make them a great choice for aspiring shepherds with limited acreage. Learn how to start your own flock or just admire Sycamore Farms’ spirited herd. Tours cost $5 per person and are available year-round. Children 3 and under are free. Appointments requested. More info: sycamorefarmsnc.blogspot.com or 891-2487.
cRafting thE nExt gEnERation “Farmers learn best from each other,” says Cameron Farlow. As the farmer programs coordinator for Organic Growers School,
she knows a thing or two about inspiring new farmers to take up the cause. CRAFT, one of the school’s many farm education initiatives, is a season-long program for apprentices who want to start their own farms. The program, which stands for Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training, brings together interns from local farms and experienced growers to create a dynamic learning environment for aspiring farmers. Monthly education days, which include both formal farm tours and social potlucks, take place on a member farm each month. Beginning and experienced growers swap tips and share shop talk while seeing the realities of professional farming first hand. Burgeoning farmers learn the “trials and tribulations of transitioning from being an apprentice into actually farming,” Farlow says. Even if interns don’t start their own farm at the end of the program, CRAFT inspires them to get some dirt under their fingernails and become leaders in the local food economy. More info at farmers.organicgrowersschool. org/craft. X
Regional Tailgate Markets
For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: buyappalachian.org or 2361282. WeDnesDAys • 8am-noon - haywood historic farmers market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. • 8am-noon - Waynesville tailgate market, 171 Legion Drive. • 1-5pm - Asheville city market south, Biltmore Park Town Square, Town Square Blvd. • 2-5pm - spruce pine farmers market, 297 Oak Ave. • 2-6pm - french Broad food co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. • 2-6pm - montford farmers market, 36
Montford Ave. • 2:30-6:30pm - Weaverville tailgate market, 60 Lakeshore Drive. • 3-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. thursDAys • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. • 3-6pm - flat rock tailgate market, 2720 Greenville Highway. • 3:30-6:30pm - oakley farmers market, 607 Fairview Road. • 4-6:30pm - tryon tailgate market, McCowan St. • 4-6pm - Blowing rock farmers market, 132 Park Ave. • 4-8pm - evening harvest farmers market, Hayesville town square. friDAys • 3-6pm - east Asheville tailgate market, 945 Tunnel Road. • 3-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. sAturDAys • 6am-noon - caldwell county farmers market, 120 Hospital Ave., N.E., Lenoir. • 8am-noon - north Asheville tailgate market, UNCA commuter lot C. • 8am-noon - haywood historic farmers market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. • 8am-noon - mills river farmers market, 5046 Boylston Highway. • 8am-noon - Waynesville tailgate market, 171 Legion Drive. • 8am-1pm - Asheville city market, 161 South Charlotte St. • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. • 8am-12:30pm - transylvania tailgate market, 190 E. Main St., Brevard. • 8:30am-12:30pm - yancey county farmers market, U.S. 19 East at S. Main Street, Burnsville. • 9am-noon - Black mountain tailgate market , 130 Montreat Road. • 9am-noon - Jackson county farmers market, 76 Railroad Ave., Sylva. • 9am-noon - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson and Logan streets. • 9am-1pm - madison county farmers and Artisans market, Mars Hill College, Highway 213 and Park Street. • 9am-2pm - leicester farmers market, 338 Leicester Highway. sunDAys • noon-4pm - sundays on the island, Blanahasset Island, Marshall.
tuesDAys • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. • 3-6pm - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson and Logan streets. • 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville tailgate market, 718 Haywood Road. DAily • 8am-6pm - Wnc farmers market, 570 Brevard Road.
Garden Calendar
ADDison fArms friDAy Wine tAstings (pd.) Visit us every Friday and Saturday, Noon-5pm and Sundays, 1pm-5pm. You've got to try our 2 newest releases! 4005 New Leicester Hwy, Leicester NC. See more: addisonfarms.net home AnD smAll fArm Vermicomposting (pd.) Saturday, September 21, 1-4 pm. Everything you need to know about composting with redworms. Turn “waste” into a valuable resource. $45 includes complete starter setup with worms. Registration/ information: (828) 231-9352. Learn more: www.maytimecomposting.com AmericAn chestnut orchArD tours • WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Guided tours of an American chestnut orchard will be offered at Cataloochee Ranch, 119 Ranch Drive, Maggie Valley. $15 includes lunch. Registration requested: 926-1401. AsAp fArm tour • SA (9/21) & SU (9/22), 1-6pm - ASAP will host a self-guided farm tour, featuring dozens of family farms throughout the region, a chance to meet farm animals and taste local foods. $30 per car. Info: asapconnections.org. • TH (9/19), 6-9pm - The Spade to Spoon Social will kick off the tour with local food and beverages at Sunny Point Cafe, 626 Haywood Road. $20. BAmBoo WAlking tour • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 1:30-3pm - Haiku Bamboo Nursery and Farm, 468 Rhodes Mountain Road, Hendersonville, will host a bamboo walking tour featuring 23 species. $20. Info: oshimabambooschool.com or 685-3053. BuncomBe county extension mAster gArDeners Programs are held at 94 Coxe Ave., unless otherwise noted. Info: 255-5522. • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9:30am3:30pm; FRIDAYS, 9:30am-12:30pm - The Master Gardener Hotline will accept gardening questions via phone and in-person. Info: 255-5522 or buncombemastergardener.org. DAhliA DAys • WE (9/25), 2-4pm - Dahlia Days will include a tour of Bullington Gardens' dahlia garden with expert Brian Killingsworth. Held at 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 698-6104. eDiBle WilDfloWers • TH (9/26), 9am - A program on edible wildflowers will be held at Lake James State Park, 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Departs from the Paddy’s Creek Area breezeway. Free. Info: 584-7728.
eliADA’s corn mAZe • FRIDAYS, 4-8pm; SATURDAYS, 10am-8pm & SUNDAYS, 11am-7pm through (10/27) The Eliada Corn Maze features four trails, hayrides, corn cannons and activities for children. Held at Eliada Homes, 2 Compton Drive. Proceeds benefit Eliada Homes. $9/$6 children ages 4-11. Info: avl.mx/prpn or 713-2252.
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fAll into the fArm • SA (9/21), 9:30am-4:30pm - Fall Into the Farm will feature butter and cheese-making demonstrations, activities for kids, square dancing and puppetry. Held at the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, three miles south of Hendersonville, off U.S. 25 on Little River Road. Free. Info: nps.gov/ carl. hAyWooD county extension grAnts • Through TU (10/1) - The Haywood County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association will accept grant applications for gardening, horticulture and environmental programs in Haywood County. Applications available at 589 Raccoon Road, Suite 118, Waynesville. Info: 456-3575. n.c. ArBoretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Info: ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • SATURDAYS, 1pm - Interpretive guides will lead small groups through woodland trails and a variety of forest types. Topics include wildflowers, plant identification, natural history and land use. Free with $8 parking fee; donations encouraged.
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nAtiVe lAnDscAping • SA (9/28), 9am - A program on native landscaping will be held at Lake James State Park, 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, as part of National Public Lands Day. Meets at the Catawba River Area office breezeway. Free. Info: publiclandsday.org or 584-7728. Wnc herB cluB • TU (9/24), 5:30pm - The WNC Herb Club supports current and interested growers specializing in medicinal herbs with educational programs, networking opportunities and more. Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, 455 Research Drive, Mills River. Info: jenn_beck@ ncsu.edu. Wnc orchiD society plAnt Auction • SU (9/22), noon-3:30pm - The WNC Orchid Society will host a plant auction at WNC Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. $8 parking fee/free for Arboretum members. Info: 658-0112. more gArDening eVents online Check out the Gardening Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after September 26. cAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
from cow to
... and what happens in between
By emily PaTrick | Photos by max cooPer
By 9 a.m. on Monday mornings, Jonathon Flaum is already more than 100 miles from home. He’s a milkman on a mission, and in his massive, refrigerated van, he’s navigated down from the mountains and through the flatlands beyond. He’s headed to Wholesome Country Creamery, a Hamptonville, N.C., dairy just west of Winston-Salem. The drive takes Flaum a couple of hours and as many cups of coffee, but the product he’s after is worth it, he says. Wholesome Country Creamery is Asheville’s closest source for grassfed, minimally processed milk. Flaum launched his delivery business, Farm to Home Milk, in January with milk from Maple View Farm in Hillsborough, N.C. The dairy pasteurizes and homogenizes milk on-site, and packages it in glass bottles. The specialty product drew an immediate following, Flaum says, but some customers wanted milk with even less processing (see “A Guide to Processing Milk”). “There’s a clientele in Asheville that’s super-knowledgeable about milk and really wants that purity, the 100 percent grassfed and the cream-line milk, the unhomogenized,” he says. “They talk about the health [benefits] of grassfed and, also, the old-time feeling of having cream on top.” In February, Flaum partnered with John Hostetler, who runs Wholesome Country Creamery with his family. Hostetler has been raising dairy cows since 1979, but until this year, he’s always sold his milk to a larger operation that picked it up in a tanker truck and mixed it with milk from other farms. The Wholesome Country Creamery brand is Hostetler’s first shot at independence. It’s a line of minimally processed dairy products that haven’t been
homogenized. And it comes from cows raised mostly — or in some cases, exclusively — on grass. As Flaum puts it, there are more ways to milk a cow than consumers might realize. “The perception is that there are two choices with milk: raw or highly processed industrial milk,” he says. But North Carolina is one of 17 states where it’s illegal to sell raw milk for human consumption. “It’s hard to tell people there is this other product out there in the middle, meeting the demands of your high standard of nutrition that is out of the industrial complex. It’s gotten hard for people to believe that that exists.”
The middle way Flaum and Hostetler are an unlikely pair. Flaum has been a milkman for less than a year. He started Farm to Home Milk after stints as a corporate consultant, Zen monk and playwright. Hostetler, on the other hand, has childhood memories of playing in the dairy barn on his dad’s farm. He grew up in an Amish community in central Pennsylvania, where he later started a dairy farm of his own. He relocated to the small New Order Amish community in Hamptonville in 2005. As a young farmer, Hostetler looked out for his cows, feeding some of them a 70 percent grass diet and others a 100 percent grass diet, depending on how he markets their milk. “When I started, my focus was getting the highest production, but I soon found out that there’s other things you need to focus on to stay in business,” he says. “Now I focus on herd health and bottom line. If we don’t have herd health, our cost goes up.” Plus, Hostetler is fascinated by the science of nutrition. “When I start talking about nutrition, my wife says I don’t stop,” he says.
FROM COW TO DELIVERY: Asheville entrepreneur Jonathan Flaum buys his Farm to Home Milk from longtime dairy farmer John Hostetler (lower photo). Since 1979, Hostetler has raised cows for milk production; his brand, Wholesome Country Creamery, includes 100 grassfed milk.
duced in the 19th century and widely used for milk processing by the 1960s — is that it eradicates dangerous bacteria and increases shelf life. But opponents of pasteurization say some bacteria in milk, such as Lactobacilli, has digestive benefits that should be preserved. And according to the “Real Milk” campaign run by the Weston A. Price Foundation, “Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B2 … and is associated with allergies” and other illnesses. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the North Carolina Division of Public Health counter that pasteurization is needed to kill salmonella, E. coli and other bacteria that can be deadly. Nonetheless, Hostetler’s household of eight drinks only raw milk — about 3 gallons a day, he says. “I prefer raw milk,” says Hostetler, adding that low-temperature, long-time pasteurized milk is “much better” than ultra-pasteurized.
“There’s a clientele in Asheville that’s super-knowledgeable about milk and really want that purity, the 100 percent grassfed and the cream-line milk, the unhomogenized.” — JOnaThOn FLauM
In Asheville, consumers seem receptive to low-temp milk as an alternative to raw or ultra-pasteurized: Flaum sells about 50 gallons of Wholesome Country Creamery milk each week, and that volume is growing. He recently began stocking the dairy’s milk, butter and goat milk at French Broad Food Co-op.
By his explanation, milk comes from the soil. Minerals from the ground appear in the grass, corn and soybeans he grows for feed (all of his crops are non-GMO, he adds). Those same nutrients contribute to the health of the cow, the look and taste of the milk and, finally, the nourishment of the consumer. When the cow takes in more vitamins and enzymes from the grass, the person who drinks the milk gets more nutrients too, Hostetler says. In February, Flaum convinced the dairy farmer that there’s a strong market for 100 percent grassfed, minimally processed milk, although Hostetler still questions whether consumers will pay more when they can have a 70 percent grassfed product with only a slight difference in taste. (Wholesome Country Creamery’s 100 percent grassfed milk costs $1 more per half-gallon than its 70 percent product.) “Can the consumer afford [100 percent] grassfed?” he says. “I have done the blind test on the grassfed and on our conventional product that we produce here. I have yet to really pick [a difference] up.” However, the color difference between the two milks is obvious. The grassfed milk looks more yellow — or green; Hostetler attributes the color difference to chlorophyl and amino acids. The orange-yellow hue, in particular, comes from carotenes (a precursor to vitamin A), according to Harold McGee, author of On Food and Cooking. Whether consumers prefer milk from 70 or 100 percent grassfed cows, all Wholesome Country products are minimally processed, which is one of the biggest draws of the brand, says Flaum. “I think what folks in Asheville are liking about the low-temp pasteurization and the non-homogenized is that it’s as close to raw as they can get,” he says. Hostetler’s milk goes through a process called vat pasteurization: The milk is heated to 145 degrees for 30 minutes. That’s significantly cooler than the ultra-pasteurized process, which gives milk a longer shelf life but, some say, a more cooked flavor. High temperatures kill bacteria in milk. The whole point of pasteurization — intro-
While Flaum drives long distances for a product between raw and processed, some consumers already are drinking and buying raw in the Asheville area. One farmer, who asked Xpress to keep his identity a secret, sells about 50 gallons of raw milk a week in town. Nine states around the country, including South Carolina and Pennsylvania, allow raw cow’s milk to be sold in grocery stores and other retail locations. “The FDA’s already called me once,” he says. “He was real nice. We just had a real good conversation.” The dairy farmer told the official that his milk was for pet food, a legal use in North Carolina. “I said, ‘I don’t have any milk for you to inspect,’” the farmer recalls. “[The official] said, ‘Are you telling me you don’t have any milk?’” “I said, ‘No sir, I have three refrigerators full of milk, but you don’t inspect dog food, cat food, calf milk and stuff like that. If you can find anybody that I have ever told to drink this milk, I’d appreciate it if you’d tell me where they’re at, and I’ll meet you there, and we’ll talk to them.’” On every glass jar of milk he sells, the farmer attaches his own sticker, designating it for pet consumption only. The label isn’t FDA-approved. Kate and Kevin Lane use a state-issued, FDA-approved label at their farm, Homemade in Marshall. They sell about 50 gallons of raw milk from 100 percent grassfed cows each week. “I did everything I needed to do to become a pet-food company,” Kate says. “In North Carolina, that’s the loophole: You can sell raw milk for pets.” Although Kate surmises that some customers drink the milk or make yogurt from it, she says she’s not sure what happens to it after it leaves the farm. “We don’t give any advice for human use,” she says. “I know that the majority of our customers are not just buying it for their pets, but there actually are some who do significantly share it with their pets.” Raw milk is particularly good food for chickens and puppies, she notes. One customer even uses it as fertilizer, although this practice is expensive. In the past, the Lanes sold raw milk through cow shares, in which each customer owns stock in the cow that produces the milk. But that practice has been outlawed in North Carolina.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
“It would be really nice for us to be selling a product that was approved for human consumption,” Kate says. There’s a bill in the N.C. House of Representatives to eliminate laws that prevent cow shares and make it legal to dispense (but not sell) raw milk for human consumption. Proposed in April, House Bill 792 is undergoing committee review. No action has been taken otherwise.
On the shelf Keith Collins, president of MilkCo in West Asheville, says he doesn’t understand why consumers go to such lengths for raw or minimally processed milk. “We work so hard to eradicate diseases from raw milk,” he says. “I think it’s a risk and reward. Why take the risk for no reward? It’s a big risk.” He worries that an outbreak of disease from raw milk could cast a shadow over the entire milk industry. Furthermore, milk sales in general are declining. In 2011, the USDA announced that milk sales had dropped by more than 50 percent since the early 1980s. Collins attributes the decline to the “many alternatives” customers have these days. “You’ve got almond milk. You’ve got soy milk, coconut milk,” he says. Owned by Ingles Markets, MilkCo processes and packages about 1 million gallons of milk each week and distributes it throughout the Southeast. The company also packs milk for Earthfare, US Foods and many other brands. Its milk goes to grocery stores, summer camps, hospitals and more. But in a weakening market, Collins knows he must diversify. MilkCo also packages 200,000 gallons a week of water, juice and other drinks. Collins is considering getting the equipment to make almond milk. Perhaps the most surprising detail about MilkCo? Its milk isn’t ultra-pasteurized. Nor is it vat-pasteurized like the Wholesome Country Creamery brand. Rather, it undergoes HTST pasteurization, in which it’s heated to at least 161 degrees, according to FDA standards. “Ultra-temperature can sometimes give you a cooked flavor,” Collins says. “Some people like that. Some people don’t. If you don’t have a preference, [ultra] gives you a longer shelf life.” But HTST could actually be holding MilkCo back. Collins will have to explore ultra-pasteurization to start making nut milks. “Right now, almond milk is ultrapasteurized because of the longer shelf life,” Collins says. “We’d have to investigate … how we want to go about doing that.”
How do you like your milk? While researching this story, we discovered that opinions and conclusions vary wildly when it comes to milk — raw vs. processed, homogenized vs. nonhomogenized, grassfed or not. So we’re curious: How do you like your milk? What do you think? Please send your replies to food@mountainx.com or comment online at mountainx.com/dining.
Milk to go West Asheville-based MilkCo packages 1 million gallons of milk every week, distributing it to Ingles Markets (which owns the company), US Foods, Earthfare and other outlets.
The demand for milk alternatives is a symptom of the information age, Collins says, although he recognizes that his best option is to adapt to changes in the market. “You’ve got all kind of misconceptions about what’s good for you and what’s not good for you,” he says. “There’s so many choices. If you look in the store in the dairy case, it used to be it was all milk. Now it’s all these other alternative drinks.” Whatever the choices, starting a milk-delivery business made sense to Flaum. He notes the simple pleasure of handling bottles of fresh cold milk and doing work that gets beyond the world of words and corporate business that he used to be part of. “The bottom line for why I wanted to do this — and do it as a family and not just as the direct connection to the farmer — I wanted that connection to something genuine and authentic.”
MON $5 Moonshine Martinis, Shibby @ 9 TUES 49¢ Wings & $10 Bud/Bud Lt. Buckets, WED THUR
For more information about Farm to Home Milk, which also delivers eggs, bread, meat, poultry and other products, go to farmtohomemilk.com. For information about Homemade in Marshall, go to homemadeinmarshall.com.
Managing Editor Margaret Williams contributed to this report.X
A guide to processing Milk In the late 1950s and early ’60s, advances in refrigeration and processing technology made large-scale milk production possible. So did pasteurization, invented in France in the late 19th century as a way of heating liquid to kill pathogens and increase shelf life. Today, pasteurization is a mainstay in industrial milk production., and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns against human consumption of raw or unpasteurized milk. In some states, including North Carolina, the law forbids selling or dispensing raw milk for people to drink. There are several ways to pasteurize milk. To see what process was used, look near the top of the bottle or carton for the label. Here are the most common FDA standards the USDA sets for milk (slightly different standards apply to buttermilk and eggnog): • LtLt: Low temperature (145 degrees Fahrenheit) Long time (30 minutes). Also called vat pasteurization. • thermization is a low-temperature (145 F) and short time (15 seconds) process that appears to have the lowest impact on natural bacteria and enzymes in milk. It’s commonly practiced in Europe. • HtSt: High temperature (161 F) Short time (at least 15
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sec). Sometimes called “Flash Pasteurization,” this is the most common method used in the United States, according to the USDA and the International Dairy Foods Association. • uP: ultra Pasteurization. Thermally processed at 280 F for at least 2 seconds. Due to some of the changes the process makes to milk’s proteins and enzymes, cheese cannot be made from this product or from UHT. • uHt: ultra High temperature, also known as aseptic processing, (275 F to 302 F, Short Time (4 to 15 seconds), with strict regulations about sterile equipment and conditions. It signifcantly increases the product’s shelf life. Homogenized In raw milk, large particles of milk fat naturally rise to the top of the liquid, forming a cream float on top (sort of like the way ice cream floats to the top of a milkshake.) Homogenization makes all the fat particles the same size. Overall, homogenized milk has a creamier texture and whiter color than raw milk, but raw-milk advocates say that it may adversely affect the proteins, enzymes and other aspects of the final product. — Margaret Williams
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Emily Patrick
Photo by Max Cooper
Hyphen is coming
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Hyphen, the new everything business coming to Patton Avenue downtown, could just as appropriately be called “slash.” The longtime Creatures Café spot will become a coffee roaster/ yoga studio/tattoo parlor/art gallery/music classroom. Why so many operations in one building? The concept is about more than keeping rent costs low, co-owner Kimi Leger explains. The goal is to “create a community of artists,” she says. “It kind of came to us as a brainstorm one day. We’re all very close friends, and we get along very well.” Hyphen has four official owners and a number of additional collaborators. Among them is Mark Oliveri, who will spearhead the coffee roasting operation. “I’ve been roasting for about 18 years,” he says. “We slow-roast, and we have a proprietary roasting system that we use.” Until recently, he traveled the East Coast with his roaster, preparing beans for private labels, such as Majik Coffee Co., as well as doing contract work for national brands. Look for more updates about Hypen in the coming month, Leger says. The business is preparing to open at 81 Patton Ave. but has yet to develop its Web presence. X
comE togEthER: Co-owner Kimi Leger explains that creating a community of artists was the concept that led to Hyphen — a coffee roaster/ yoga studio/tattoo parlor/art gallery/ music classroom. Photo by Max Cooper
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Fall into Brewgrass The annual beer and bluegrass blitz returns to downtown Summer officially ends on Sunday, Sept. 22, but not without one last outdoor to-do. The 17th annual Brewgrass Festival combines two of Western North Carolina’s superlative productions: beer and bluegrass music. Hosted by the Great Smokies Craft Brewers Association, the event welcomes sippers and pickers to Martin Luther King Jr. Park from noon to 7 p.m. for live music and a cakewalk-like showing of local beer breweries ( and one cider maker). And it’s all a fund-
raiser for Big Brother’s/Big Sister’s. According to the festival’s website, Brewgrass “began in ... 1996 in Asheville to educate the masses [on] the qualities of craft-brewed beer combined with the finest examples of bluegrass music.” With 53 participating breweries (the majority of which brew in WNC), that’s virtual master class in craft beer. This year’s performers include The Henhouse Prowlers, Larry Keel & Natural Bridge, The Seldom Scene and Johnson’s Crossroad. Tickets are $55 and were still available at press time via brewgrassfestival.com, where the full list of breweries and bands (and festival rules) can be viewed as well. — staff reports X
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Killer instinct World premiere of Stalking the Bogeyman launches NC Stage’s season
By aLLi maRShaLL
“This time last year I was plotting to kill a man and I was telling myself that it was noble,” says writer David Holthouse in his story, Stalking the Bogeyman. “I was doing it to protect the children. But really, more than anything else, I think I just wanted to shoot the son of a bitch.” Holthouse read the harrowing, true-life tale that stems from being raped as a 7-year-old. That story, raw with emotionalism, appeared on Public Radio broadcast This American Life in 2011 International (and before that, in 2004, ran as a cover story in Denver, Co., alt-weekly Westword). New York Rep theater company artistic director Markus Potter heard it on a This American Life podcast while in his car. “I literally had to pull off the road because I was completely arrested by the power of the story,” he says. He immediately thought that it was a story that needed to be told and one that could work well on the stage. Potter contacted Holthouse through the producers of This American Life and the writer agreed to give New
what: Stalking the Bogeyman whERE: NC Stage whEn: Wednesday, Sept. 18 through Sunday, Oct. 13 (Wednesday-Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. $16-$28 depending on the night of the week. Student tickets are $10 anytime. ncstage.org)
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
York Rep the rights. The author, who lives in Alaska, has been instrumental in adapting the work to the stage — he’ll even attend the opening shows and will participate in some aftershow discussions in Asheville. After a year and a half of preparation, Potter started looking for a theater to develop and refine the play. Bogeyman is headed for offBroadway, but by the time it gets to New York (the namesake and home of the company behind it), the show has to be flawless, Potter explains. “We strive to have the same quality here, for this production, but if there’s a small problem it’s not going to make or break it.” He happened to tune into an American Theatre Wing podcast on which NC Stage’s artis-
haPPinESS iS a waRm gun or so thinks writer David Holthouse in his autobiographical story-turned-theater production. Actors Charlie Flynn-McIver (left) and Chris Allison star in the world premiere. Photo by Scott Treadway
tic director, Charlie Flynn-McIver, was a guest. “The theater sounded very innovative and like they take a lot of risks,” Potter says. Mutual colleagues confirmed that impression, so the New York Rep director reached out to the local company. Flynn-McIver and Asheville native Chris Allison play the title character and Holthouse, respec-
tively. They’re joined by an ensemble cast. NC Stage pushes the limits of theater, says Potter, and is willing to look at raw and dangerous issues. “A lot of people would not; a lot of people would look for the safe refurbished, same old productions,” he says. Potter explains that, ultimately, Bogeyman is a transformative story with a positive ending, but there’s some tough ground to cover in order to reach the uplifting conclusion. (For the record, Holthouse’s original story is not graphic, and at points the writer’s humor shines through. But it’s still not appropriate for children.) “I do think this could work as a film,” says Potter. “But there’s the danger in it becoming banal, an afterschool special.” He wanted
to focus on the story more than any message and began the writing process based on the author’s 20-minute radio reading. A few changes have been made to flesh out the drama for the stage, but it remains true to the original tale. Beyond Potter’s initial response to the Holthouse’s writing, there are other reasons why Bogeyman was a match for New York Rep. That company’s mission includes encouraging and fostering new works. They’ve developed other authors, and they look for socially conscious material. “Issues that really resonate to today and the lives we’re currently living,” says Potter. As a relatively new father himself, he was drawn into Bogeyman’s theme of protection of family, even at the cost of personal morals, a rich if slippery topic. Perhaps it’s because of that personal connection that Potter says
he feels an enormous weight and responsibility when it comes to the production. “I’m thinking of all the survivors out there and making sure we’re honoring and respecting and doing this the right way.” He continues, “My first goal is that this be a great piece of theater, but there’s also a component of this being educational.” Through their connection to Holthouse, New York Rep has teamed with Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN); that group is acting as a consultant. As part of the local show, Our VOICE (a nonprofit agency serving victims of domestic and sexual violence) is partnering with NC Stage to present Heart Works — Our VOICE 13th Annual Survivors Art Show. Cheri Brackett is the featured painter. The exhibit opens on Friday, Sept. 27, 5:30-7 p.m. at the theater. X
What’s coming to NC Stage?
NC Stage’s 2013-2014 season continues with five mainstage performances: • The Book Club Play by Karen Zacarías. Wednesday, Oct. 23 through Sunday, Nov. 17. • Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol, presented by Ensemble Theatre Company. Wednesday, Dec. 11 through Sunday, Dec. 29. • Rounding Third by Richard Dresser, stars Charlie FlynnMcIver and Scott Treadway. Wednesday, Jan. 29 through
Sunday, Feb. 23. • Venus In Fur by David Ives, produced by Immediate Theatre Project. Wednesday, March 19 through Sunday, April 13. • A Conversation With Edith Head by Paddy Calistro and Susan Claassen, closes out the season. Wednesday, May 14 through Sunday, June 8. Also, the NC Stage lobby has undergone a renovation and will be reopened and renamed in grand style (including a Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting event) on Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 4-5 p.m.
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Megan Northcote
Douglas Ellington’s architectural legacy New exhibit showcases Art Deco architect’s life
In a mere five years, from 1925-30, architect Douglas Ellington transformed the landscape of downtown Asheville, designing such distinctive structures as Asheville City Hall, Asheville High School, the S&W Cafeteria and First Baptist Church. Now, more than 80 years later, his architectural legacy continues at another Asheville landmark, the Asheville History Center at the Smith-McDowell House, with the opening of the exhibit Douglas Ellington: Asheville Boomtown Architect on Sunday, Sept. 22. The exhibit, which will run through mid-March, is the first to fill
what: Keynote lecture by Dr. Isabelle Gournay, associate professor of architecture at the University of Maryland. Gournay will discuss Ellington’s work before and after the Asheville years. whERE: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St., Asheville whEn: Thursday, Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m.
the museum’s temporary groundlevel exhibit hall. “The new gallery was designed to attract more locals to the museum, who might have already seen what the site has to offer,” says museum director Sharon White Gruber. The first part of the exhibit highlights Asheville’s pre-Depression building boom, a period when more than 40 downtown buildings were erected, nearly all of which were influenced by the popular Art Deco style of the 1920s, says John Turk, exhibit curator and vice president of the board of trustees of the Western North Carolina Historical Association.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
While Ellington was undoubtedly influenced by the rich colors, geometric patterns and lavish ornamentation characteristic of Art Deco, he also synthesized a variety of architectural trends to create “a style that was distinctly Ellington,” Turk explains. He says Ellington’s designs combined a type of European Neoclassicism called the Beaux-Arts with Italian Renaissance, and even a few notes of Christian symbolism. Ellington also had a hand in the construction of the buildings he designed. “Few architects get down with the workmen, but Douglas was very hands-on,” Turk says. Perhaps the one Asheville architectural feat, of which Ellington was most proud, Turk says, is Asheville City Hall downtown, with its pink Georgian marble arranged in a characteristically Christian, octagonal shape with a Native American feather motif on top. Ellington had originally been appointed to design a complementary county building, but was denied the commission due to a disagreement between municipal and county officials. Yet, despite his architectural accomplishments, Ellington came from rather humble beginnings. Growing up in the sleepy Piedmont town of Clayton, N.C., at the turn of the century, 12-year-old Ellington and his two brothers were sent to live with their half-sister after their mother died of tuberculosis, says Sallie Middleton Parker, Ellington’s grand niece, who lives in Asheville. Ellington eventually left North Carolina to attend college in Pennsylvania. While at the University of Pennsylvania, he was given the opportunity to study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he became the first and only American to win the Prix de Rougevin, the school’s top architectural honor. Ellington fit in seamlessly with the intellectual circles, Parker says. He often engaged in political discussions with his elder brother while smoking cigars and listening to classical music. It was Ellington’s brother, an astute businessman, Parker says, who sought out architectural work for his talented sibling, sending
aRt dEco: An undated photo of architect Douglas Ellington, who’s architectural legacy includes Asheville City Hall, Asheville High School, the S&W Cafeteria and First Baptist Church. A new exhibit at Smith-McDowell House on A-B Tech’s campus gives an in-depth look at the famed designer. Photo courtesy of Sallie Middleton Parker
Ellington first to Asheville and later to Maryland and Charleston. Yet, despite Ellington’s seemingly sophisticated lifestyle, Parker’s childhood memories of her great uncle render quite a different man. Parker recalls Ellington with his long hair piled atop his head, tied with a string and stuffed under a hat, often sitting at the table, legs crossed at the knees, with cigarette stains streaked across the front of his pants. “We would go to restaurants and he would pull out his soft lead pencil and doodle on whatever was available,” Parker says. “It meant so much to me, having him draw those pictures for me when I was a little girl.” Many of the artifacts in the exhibit were donated from Parker’s personal collection of her great uncle’s artwork, including a chess set with pawns he carved from dog bones and a triptych painting of the mountains. When not designing noteworthy Asheville buildings, Ellington was hard at work, building a summer home on Chunns Cove Road in Asheville for Kenneth and his wife, Margaret.
“He didn’t use any blueprints,” says Parker, who has owned the house since 2010. “He built the house according to what materials were left over [from his other building projects]. All of it was built by hand. Apprentices and other architects pitched in to help because they wanted to for fun.” Ellington, who died in 1960, is buried in the family plot behind the house at Chunns Cove. X
what: “Douglas Ellington in Asheville” day tour; this guided bus trip features an inside tour of Ellington’s buildings, including his summer home. whERE: Asheville History Center at the Smith-McDowell House whEn: Saturday, Oct. 5 and Saturday, Oct. 12. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $55 per person, $40 for WNC Historical Association members; includes lunch and transportation. Reservations required.
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Alli Marshall
Full circle though the group (except for Kinnebrew) all left L.A. for Music City a year and a half ago. “The songs were already written before we moved,” Smith points out. And the group has been on tour for much of the time they’ve been based in Tennessee. On a personal note, Young does think that the new location (plus a country setting after city digs in California) has affected his songwriting. The Nashville sound will be revealed on future recordings. Of that slow return, the time span between when a song is written and when it’s released to fans, Kinnebrew says, “The cool thing about music is that once you put it out there, it no longer belongs to you. You might be singing the same song
Truth & Salvage Co. returns to Asheville to close out the Downtown After 5 season Depending on how you tally the discography of roots-rockers Truth & Salvage Co., Pick Me Up is either their second (counting LPs only) or third (counting 2012 EP Salvage Songs, Vol. 1) or fifth (counting ’09 Truth & Salvage Co. EP, with songs that appeared on the their 2010 selftitled debut, and an ’09 online-only Daytrotter release) effort. But it kind of doesn’t matter, because even if this is the dreaded sophomore album, when you total all the records made by the band’s members in previous bands (including Asheville-based Scrappy Hamilton and Old Pike from Indianapolis), they blew by the second album years ago. Which is probably why Pick Me Up (released this July), straight out of the gates, brims with confidence and honed bombast from the multipart harmonies and earth-rattling percussion, to the an especially hooky cover of Joe South’s “Games People Play.” Perhaps surprisingly, Pick Me Up — for all of its feel-good vintage-rock prowess — wasn’t an easy record to make. A first attempt, despite a great producer, “didn’t really capture the enthusiasm and the excitement that a lot of people associate with our live show,” says keyboardist Walker Young. Band members were split over
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who: Truth & Salvage Co. recorded new album Pick Me Up at Echo Mountain Studios this past March. The band calls it “super-live,” it captures their on-stage performance. Photo by Steve Condon
the end result, but the group’s label, Megaforce, sent them back into the studio. The producer in charge of the second take had complications with the label, so that recording was discarded, too. “At that point, our budget had dwindled down. Luckily, the folks at Echo Mountain opened their doors to us, and that was why we had to make the records really quickly,” says Young. “Jon Ashley and Evan Bradford co-engineered the record. And put in monster 12 hour days for a twoweek stretch,” says by guitarist Scott Kinnebrew, who adds that studio manager Jessica Tomasin went so far as to offer to put the band up. “We owe this killer record to them.” Kinnebrew adds that the “Icing on the cake was having Bill Reynolds from Band of Horses mix the record. He had produced two Scrappy records in the past, so he really knew us, and it shows in the record.” The project, completed in a week, is “super-live,” according to Young. It crackles with charged
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
momentum. Some tracks feel familiar, like “Silver Lining,” written by Kinnebrew and described, by the band, as a jammer they’d been playing live for at least five years. Drummer William “Smitty” Smith started writing “Appalachian Hilltop,” a track obviously influenced by WNC. The rest of the band helped work out the chorus. In fact, a number of the album’s offerings, like intro track “Bad Times,” are truly co-written, which explains how Truth & Salvage Co.’s four songwriters (including Young and guitarist Tim Jones) have managed, two or three or five albums in, to remain consistent. Instead of fighting for artistic control, the writers have moved in a more collaborative direction. “We realized, what’s the point of holding on to a song and not putting it out there for interpretation and embellishment from the other people we play music with,” says Kinnebrew. “It would be a crime to the song.” What’s not on the new album: Any discernible influence from Nashville,
Truth & Salvage Co. with The Blue Rags whERE: Downtown After 5 whEn: Friday, Sept. 20 (5-9 p.m., free. ashevilledowntown.org)
for four years, but the listener has an experience that’s uniquely theirs.” The experience of their listeners matters a lot to the band: When it comes to touring (which they do a lot), “We feel community with our fans,” says Smith. A new fan, perhaps, is a certain Grateful Dead guitarist, who turned up at a recent show. “Full circle alert — Bob Weir came to see me play last night,” Kinnebrew posted on Facebook. Another full circle: Asheville’s Blue Rags, who were at the height of their fame in the ‘90s, will support Truth & Salvage Co. when they play the final Downtown After 5 street party of the season. “They were a major inspiration on the Scrappy Hamilton ensemble,” says Kinnebrew of ragtime-roots outfit, the Blue Rags (Reynolds was once a member). “My first show at Be Here Now was in winter in ’97, and they just blew my mind.” X
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Kyle Sherard
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Bright Star Theatre goes to Russia A performing duo from Asheville’s Bright Star Touring Theatre will soon be packing up and checking in with the American Embassy in Moscow. But for the sake of theater — not political asylum. David Ostergaard, founder of Asheville-based Bright Star Touring Theatre and Erin Schmidt, the company’s theater manager, will travel to Moscow to perform their play Aesop’s Fables and take part in a residency program arranged by the embassy and the Anglo-American School of Moscow, an English-speaking, international coeducational day school.
who: Bright Star Theatre what: Free performance of Aesop’s Fables and celebration party whERE: Asheville Community Theatre and Renaissance Hotel whEn: Monday, Sept. 23 (7 p.m. Free. Reservations at 254-7360. Afterparty at the Renaissance. ashevilletheatre. org and brightstartheatre.org)
To celebrate the opportunity, they’re doing a free performance of Aesop’s Fables at the Asheville Community Theatre this Monday, Sept. 23. To follow up, they’re throwing an equally free celebratory red-carpeted soiree nextdoor at the Renaissance Hotel. Their picks from the 2,600-yearold fables include “The Fox and the Grapes,” “The Lion and the Mouse” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” among others. Ostergaard and Schmidt recount the stories as memories told by two Renaissance-era vaudevillian travelers named Lenny and Mable.
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Bright Star’s invitation to visit Russia came through connections they formed in Washington D.C., via The National Theatre, where they’ve worked extensively. The theater company’s roster includes 24 actors who perform some 30 different shows in more than a hundred locations across the U.S. Their stages range from school libraries, classrooms and gymnasiums, to parks, parking lots and an array of auditoriums and stages. They’ve even played opera houses and detention centers. Performers spend their days traveling the country, putting on character-building and educationally focused performances. Ostergaard estimates they’ve logged more than 70,000 miles a year getting to and from each show. But as they enter their 11th season, the trip to Moscow marks the first time the traveling company has left the country. At least, the first time they’ve done so on purpose. “We’ve had actors accidentally drive into Canada before,” Ostergaard jokes. Aside from their own performance, Ostergaard and Schmidt will spend much of the 17-day trip working with students from the Anglo-American School of Moscow, an independent, English-speaking co-educational organization. It’s part of a weeklong residency program that takes a hands-on approach to teaching theater production, design and performance. “The whole point of the residency is to expose the students to the theater,” says Schmidt. “By the end of the residency they’ll have built a play from start to finish.” Those lessons translate into other life skills. “Teaching them how to write, produce and perform,” Schmidt says, “helps them flex a whole array of skills that they will use every day.” Schmidt says that communication and collaboration are the foundation of a play’s formation. Risktaking, such as addressing positive and negative facets of their school life, melds with creative thinking and enables creative problem solv-
Bright Star’s david oStERgaaRd and ERin Schmidt teach life lessons through theater. Photo courtesy of David Ostergaard.
ing. It also helps them develop confidence and take personal responsibility for their actions and learn time-management skills. Like many of Bright Star’s performances, they’ll focus on education and integrating social themes that impact the student’s daily lives. “It’s all about character education,” Ostergaard says. “It’s ideas and plays like these that we like to get behind.” Bright Star’s approach to theater aims at merging social issues affecting students and schools with broader historical themes relevant to problem solving. “We study curriculums and work them into shows,” says Schmidt. They even make study guides, Q&A sessions and curriculum outlines available with each play and performance. It enables the conversation to continue into the classroom and beyond. If it’s not already apparent, Bright Star isn’t your average theater company. For starters, they’re certified living wage by local labor advocacy nonprofit Just Economics. And they don’t own or rent a performance space. Everything is mobile. This freedom keeps their company affordable for school systems, Ostergaard says. They’ve got just over 1,000 shows booked this year. That includes four solid weeks of shows in Arizona, over 50 bookings in Raleigh and weekly shows in Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and New York, to name a few locales. “We do shows everywhere,” says Ostergaard. Everywhere else, that is. With the exception of an ongoing partnership with ACT and few ties to area schools, their schedule doesn’t hit to close to home as often as they would like. But that’s something they’re trying to fix by reinforcing the educational value of their performances. Some of Bright Star’s more popular shows focus on historical topics ranging from the Civil Rights Movement and bluegrass-backed mountain folk tales, to highlights from American history. The company also uses the stage as a first line of defense against bullying. They confront the cast and the audience with options on how to handle various scenarios, from those who bully to those getting bullied, letting the students make the calls on what to do. “It’s important that live theater is happening now, right before the eyes of the young audience,” Schmidt says. “It’s one thing to be told how you can deal being a victim of bullying, but to hang out with the student on stage while they are getting picked on, and to see them using tools to help themselves out of the situation, is much more memorable.” X
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com.
by Alli Marshall
Ahleuchatistas Asheville’s Ahleuchatistas is an expertly wrought aggregate of mechanical and organic, structural and free-form, art and math, sweet and bad-ass. Guitarist Shane Perlowin and drummer Ryan Oslance are, according to their bio, “on a musical odyssey of pure imagination, limitless in influences, combining tight-knit composition with improvisation, and delivering powerful live shows.” Their journey has been at warp-speed since the release of last year’s critically acclaimed Heads Full of Poison. They played Hopscotch festival earlier this month; this week (Thursday, Sept. 19), they’ll be at the Odditorium. Bad Fog and Cumulus also perform. 9 p.m., $5. ashevilleodditorium.com. Photo by Courtney Chappell
Aoife O’Donovan Aoife O’Donovan grew up outside of Boston but spent her summers in Ireland. Even still, she ended up not in a trad music group but in bluegrass outfit Crooked Still and all-female folk-trio Sometymes Why. But O’Donovan is a solo artist, too: Alison Krauss covered her song, “Lay My Burden Down;” other songs have found their way to TV and film. After touring with The Goat Rodeo Sessions (Yo-Yo Ma, Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer and Stuart Duncan), O’Donovan announced her own fall tour in support of this year’s release, Fossils. She plays Isis Music Hall on Thursday, Sept. 19. 8:30 p.m. $12/$15. isisasheville.com.
Ruthie Foster Singer-songwriter Ruthie Foster is no stranger to Asheville, having already played a number of venues and a couple of Christmas Jams. Not many women make it onto the Christmas Jam roster, either, but Foster has the kind of chops that warrant hubris, and the kind of good-natured makeup that keeps her humble and relatable. When asked, in her interview, about playing a mix of blues, soul, gospel and reggae, she said, “We try to do it all and have a hallelujah time.” Foster’s most recent album is Let It Burn, hailed by NPR as “solid originals and surprising covers, along with several stirring collaborations with The Blind Boys of Alabama.” Which is why the Texas-based musician is a fine choice to kick off Diana Wortham Theatre’s Mainstage season. Friday, Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. Seth Walker opens. $15/$25/$30. dwtheatre.com. Photo by John Carricoa
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Battlefield Band Scottish music quartet Battlefield Band got its start in 1969, taking its name from the Battlefield suburb of Glasgow. Founding member Alan Reid recently bowed out after 40 years of recording and touring, but as the band’s bio points out, though lineup changes have been a part of the group’s history, what’s remarkable is the “smooth and organic way in which these changes have taken place.” The current collective (Sean O’Donnell, Ewen Henderson, Alasdair White and Mike Katz) seamlessly blends traditional sounds with fresh new ideas — as witnessed on this year’s release, Room Enough For All. The Battlefield Band plays The Altamont Theater on Thursday, Sept. 19. 8 p.m. $20. thealtamont.com.
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THUR•SEPTEMBER 19 Battlefield Band Oconaluftee Indian Village's depictions of ancient Cherokee offer bone-cracking certainty this isn't a boring history class. Whether you prefer stickball, blowguns, and war reenactments, or the gentler examples of dance and craftmaking, if it happened then, it's happening now. The Village closes October 19, so include it on your leaf tour. Open 9am-4pm daily, except Sundays. Visit CherokeeLivingHistory.com.
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
C L U B L A N D one stop Deli & BAr Atlas Road Crew (rock) w/ The River Rats, 10pm
WeDnesDAy, sept. 18
pAck's tAVern Eric Congdon (Americana, world), 9pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Caris Arlin (jazz), 5pm Juan Benevides Trio (Latin jazz), 8pm
phoenix lounge Bradford Carson (rock, jam, blues), 8:30pm
ApothecAry Thom and Tashi Duo (experimental), Suno Deko, Tantrum, Hospital Call, 9pm
pulp Slice of Life (comedy open mic), 9pm
AsheVille music hAll Bob Schneider (singer-songwriter, rock), 9pm
purple onion cAfe Scoot Pitman (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm
AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, blues), 7pm
scAnDAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
BArley's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm
tAllgAry's cAntinA Asheville music showcase, 8pm
BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam, 9pm
the sociAl Salsa dancing, 9pm
Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Open mic, 7pm
timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
cluB hAirsprAy Requests w/ DJ Ace of Spade, 8pm
tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (R&B, soul), 8:30pm
cluB remix Variety show & open mic, 9pm
VincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
cork & keg Tom Leiner ("baby boomer flashbacks"), 7:30pm
WAter'n hole Karaoke, 10pm
DouBle croWn Country night w/ Dr. Filth, 9pm
yAcht cluB Kamakazi karaoke (no control over song choice), 9pm
emerAlD lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm
ZumA coffee Bluegrass jam w/ Bobby Hicks, 7pm
gooD stuff Jake Hollifield's silent movie boogie, 7pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Live music on the patio, 6pm Vinyl night, 9pm
friDAy, sept. 20
JAck of the WooD puB Old-time jam, 5pm lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Reasonably Priced Babies (improv sketch comedy), 8:30pm o.henry's/tug Karaoke, 10pm oliVe or tWist East Coast swing lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr What It Is (rock, funk), 10pm
no PaRking on thE dancE fLooR: Asheville’s go-to band for Motown music, Westsound, is known for packing the dance floor. With a knack for showmanship, the group is always ready to deliver a good time for its crowds. The band’s weekly Revue features surprise musical guests, impressive vocals, and an extensive repertoire of hits (R&B, soul, oldies) performed in Westsound’s signature style. Boogie down to the Westsound Revue on Thursday, Sept. 19.
pisgAh BreWing compAny Campfire Reverends (Americana, blues), 6pm
Karaoke, 9:30pm
sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm
timo's house Blues night, 9pm
strAightAWAy cAfe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm
tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Jazz Trio w/ Micah Thomas & Daniel Ianucci featuring Shane Perlowin (jazz), 8:30pm VincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm yAcht cluB Open jam w/ Justin Brophy of the Go Devils, 9pm
AltAmont theAter Marc Sciblia (singer-songwriter), 8pm AsheVille music hAll Chico Mann (Afrobeat, classic freestyle) w/ Flypaper, 10pm Boiler room Frequinox Festival (electronica), 9pm
phoenix lounge Jazz night, 8pm
the sociAl
AltAmont BreWing compAny Point & Shoot (Americana, bluegrass), 9:30pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
ZumA coffee Open mic w/ Greg & Lucretia Speas, 6pm
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
thursDAy, sept. 19
cork & keg Vollie McKenzie (popular covers, jazz standards), 5:30pm creeksiDe tAphouse Open mic, 8pm DouBle croWn International cuts w/ DJ Flypaper, 9pm emerAlD lounge Strange Planet (rock) w/ A.J. Usher Band, Pick Your Switch & The Fustics, 9pm french BroAD BreWery tAsting room Todd Hoke (roots, blues), 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys (rockabilly, soul, honky-tonk), 9pm
ByWAter Gary Macfiddle (swing, jazz, bluegrass), 9pm clAssic Wineseller Jay Brown (singer-songwriter), 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm cork & keg Zoe and Cloyd (Appalachian), 8:30pm DouBle croWn Hootenanny w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 9pm emerAlD lounge Dirty Bourbon River Show (gypsy brass band) w/ Sirius.B (absurdist, gypsy), 9pm french BroAD BreWery tAsting room The Bluegrass Drifters (bluegrass), 6pm
hArrAh's cherokee Live band karaoke, 8pm
grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern WHY? (indie rock) w/ Astronautalis, 9pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Big Nasty (ragtime jazz), 8-10pm
isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Aoife O'Donovan (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm
AltAmont theAter Battlefield Band (Scottish), 8pm
JAck of heArts puB Old-time jam, 7pm
highlAnD BreWing compAny Jason Daniello & the New Mexicans (rockish folk, moody pop), 6pm
BArley's tAproom Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm
JAck of the WooD puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm
BlAck mountAin Ale house Lyric (R&B, soul, pop), 9pm
loBster trAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
ByWAter Game night, 8pm
oDDitorium Ahleuchatistas (prog rock, avant-garde, experimental) w/ Bad Fog & Cumulus, 9pm
cluB hAirsprAy Karaoke, 8pm cluB remix Reggae dance night, 9pm
oliVe or tWist Old-school swing lessons, 7pm Russ Wilson Swing Trio, 8pm
isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion (Americana), 8pm JAck of heArts puB Vollie Mckenzie (honky tonk), 9pm JAck of the WooD puB Blair Crimmins & the Hookers (rock, blues, jazz) w/ Miss Tess & the Talkbacks, 9pm lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) The Moon & You (Americana, folk) w/ Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray, 9:30pm nAtiVe kitchen & sociAl puB Mark Bumgarner (Southern Americana), 7:30pm
SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLuB diREctoRy
oDDitorium Burnt Books, Nuklear Blast, Sons of Tonatiuh (metal, punk), 9pm oliVe or tWist 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8:30pm onefiftyone BoutiQue BAr River Rats (rock, jam, blues), 7pm orAnge peel Mayer Hawthorne (soul, pop) w/ Superhumanoids, 9pm pAck's tAVern DJ Moto (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Phuncle Sam (rock, jam), 9pm root BAr no. 1 Sanchez (blues, rock), 9:30pm scAnDAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Mobility Chief (prog, post-rock, funk), 8pm the sociAl Dave Dribbens and the Stomping Ground (rock), 9:30pm thomAs Wolfe AuDitorium Queens of the Stone Age (rock), 8pm toy BoAt community Art spAce The Runaway Circus and the Loose Cabooses (circus), 7pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (R&B, soul), 10pm VAnuAtu kAVA BAr The Dizzy Chickens (electronic, jazz, improv), 8:30pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
sAturDAy, sept. 21 5 WAlnut Wine BAr El Duende (hot jazz), 10pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Chris O'Neill Jam, 9pm ApothecAry Lonesome Leash (alternative New Orleans) w/ Holy Holy Vine, 9pm BArley's tAproom The Henhouse Prowlers (bluegrass), 9:30pm
Wed. sept 18
Reasonably pRiced babies impov sketch comedy Backstage • 8:30PM • $7
Fri. sept 20
the moon and you w/ miss shevaughn & yuma wRay Backstage • 9:30PM • $6
sat. sept 21
Backstage • 9:30PM • $7
sat. sept 28
emily easteRly w/ Jaye baRtell Backstage • 9:30PM • $5
BlAck mountAin Ale house David Earl, Silas Durocher & Matt Lane (rock, folk, country), 9pm Boiler room Peace Day Festival feat. Warm the Bell, The Goodness Graceful, Allijah Motika & more, 9pm clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (popular covers), 7pm cluB hAirsprAy DJ Brian Sparxxx, 8pm cork & keg Old-time jam, 8pm creeksiDe tAphouse The Reems Creek Incident (bluegrass), 9pm DouBle croWn Cheap Time (rock) w/ Shine Brothers, 9pm emerAlD lounge Skunkruckus ("hillbilly gutrock") w/ Wild Leaves, Nick Shelton & Dean Johanesen, 9pm french BroAD BreWery tAsting room Buncombe Turnpike (bluegrass), 6pm highlAnD BreWing compAny Gaelic Storm (Celtic rock) presents Shamboozlefest!, 2pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Nora Jane Struthers & The Party Line (Americana) w/ Crossroads String Band, 8:45pm JAck of heArts puB Mike Stinson (country, honky tonk), 9pm JAck of the WooD puB Mala & Frymoon, 5pm The Chop Tops (rockabilly) w/ Go Devils, 9pm
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
185 king StREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 aLtamont BREwing comPany 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 aPothEcaRy (919) 609-3944 aqua cafE & BaR 505-2081 aRcadE 258-1400 aShEviLLE civic cEntER & thomaS woLfE auditoRium 259-5544 aShEviLLE muSic haLL 255-7777 athEna’S cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEy’S taP Room 255-0504 BLack mountain aLE houSE 669-9090 BLuE mountain Pizza 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadway’S 285-0400 thE BywatER 232-6967 coRk and kEg 254-6453 cLuB haiRSPRay 258-2027 cLuB REmix 258-2027 cREEkSidE taPhouSE 575-2880 adam daLton diStiLLERy 367-6401 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRty South LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 ELEvEn on gRovE 505-1612 EmERaLd LoungE 232- 4372 fiREStoRm cafE 255-8115 fREnch BRoad BREwERy taSting Room 277-0222 good Stuff 649-9711 gREEn Room cafE 692-6335 gREy EagLE muSic haLL & tavERn 232-5800 gRovE houSE thE gRovE PaRk inn (ELainE’S Piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR LoungE 684-1213 haRRah’S chERokEE 497-7777 highLand BREwing comPany 299-3370 iSiS muSic haLL 575-2737 jack of hEaRtS PuB 645-2700 jack of thE wood 252-5445 LExington avEnuE BREwERy 252-0212 thE LoBStER tRaP 350-0505 mEtRoShERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE viSta hotEL 669-8870 nativE kitchEn & SociaL PuB (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onEfiftyonE 239-0239 onE StoP BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRy’S/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE PEEL 225-5851 oSkaR BLuES BREwERy 883-2337 Pack’S tavERn 225-6944 PiSgah BREwing co. 669-0190 PuLP 225-5851 PuRPLE onion cafE 749-1179 REd Stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 ScandaLS nightcLuB 252-2838 ScuLLy’S 251-8880 SLy gRog LoungE 255-8858 SmokEy’S aftER daRk 253-2155 thE SociaL 298-8780 SouthERn aPPaLacian BREwERy 684-1235 Static agE REcoRdS 254-3232 StRaightaway cafE 669-8856 taLLgaRy’S cantina 232-0809 tigER mountain
thiRSt PaRLouR 407-0666 timo’S houSE 575-2886 town PumP 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 tREaSuRE cLuB 298-1400 tRESSa’S downtown jazz & BLuES 254-7072 vanuatu kava BaR 505-8118 vincEnzo’S 254-4698 waLL StREEt coffEE houSE 252-2535 wEStviLLE PuB 225-9782 whitE hoRSE 669-0816 wiLd wing cafE 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838
One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 7:30pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Jazz brunch w/ Mike Gray Trio, 11:30am BroADWAy's Dent May (indie pop, psychedelic, new wave), 10pm cluB hAirsprAy DJ Ra Mac, 8pm cork & keg Bill Kirchen (Americana, swing, blues), 7:30pm DouBle croWn Soul gospel Sunday w/ DJ Sweet Daddy Swamee, 6pm Karaoke w/ KJ JD, 10pm emerAlD lounge Southern Crescent Bluegrass (bluegrass) w/ Driftin’ Westward, 8pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Peace at Home benefit feat. The Business, 5-8:30pm
lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Turchi (roots, rock, blues), 9:30pm oDDitorium Floco Torres (hip hop), StereoMonster (hip hop, rock), 9pm one stop Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Grits & Soul, 11am Distopia w/ Inverted Sea, 10pm
groVe pArk inn greAt hAll Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Upstairs: Linda Mitchell (jazz), 6pm Main stage: Jesse Earl, Jr. (jazz), 8pm JAck of the WooD puB Irish session, 3pm loBster trAp Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm
DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio • 13 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space Shuffleboard • Darts • Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
Full Bar 27 Beers On Tap
American-Inspired Cuisine Pool | Shuffleboard | Foosball | 11’ Screen
THU. 9/19
Eric Congdon
(Americana, acoustic, world)
FRI. 9/20
(dance, pop hits)
SAT. 9/21
Grand Theft Audio (rock, dance, pop)
Live Music • Daily Specials
oliVe or tWist Ruby Mayfield Band (rock 'n' roll, Motown), 8:30pm
one stop Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Remember Remember Sundays in September - Jahman Brahman w/ A Ghost Like Me, 9pm
purple onion cAfe Peggy Ratusz Band (blues), 8pm root BAr no. 1 Smooth Hound Smith (Americana, roots), 9:30pm scAnDAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am smokey's After DArk Karaoke, 10pm strAightAWAy cAfe R&R Crossing (folk, Americana), 6pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm toy BoAt community Art spAce The Runaway Circus and the Loose Cabooses (circus), 7pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Lyric (neo soul), 10pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WAter'n hole GInny McAfee CD release party (singer-songwriter), 7pm WestVille puB Ken Kiser & the Soze (soulternative, roots rock), 10pm White horse Charles Unger Jazz Experience (jazz), 8pm
sunDAy, sept. 22
strAightAWAy cAfe Liam McKay (folk, Americana), 6pm
VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm White horse Jesse Donovan (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm
monDAy, sept. 23
BLUES JAM with Westville Allstars Shrimp ‘n Grits • $3.50 RUM DRINKS
11:30am-2am Mon-Fri / 10:30am-2am Sat-Sun 777 Haywood road | 225-WPUB WWW.WESTVILLEPUB.COM
ApothecAry RPE Duo (techno-dub, hip hop) w/ Kima Moore, Frank Meadows, 9pm ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm emerAlD lounge Vinyl night w/ DJ Ra Mak, 9pm firestorm cAfe AnD Books Dean Johanesen (singer-songwriter), 4pm JAck of heArts puB Singer-songwriter showcase w/ Utah Green & Eric Jonoski, 6:30pm oDDitorium Tiny Empires (Ex. O Pioneers!), Matt Evans, Muscle & Bone, 9pm orAnge peel Movie night: "Fight Club," 8pm
AltAmont BreWing compAny Alvin Youngblood Heart's Muscle Theory BBQ (blues), 9pm
sly grog lounge Trivia night, 7pm
BArley's tAproom
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Sufi Brothers (bluegrass, folk), 8pm
oskAr Blues BreWery Old-time jam, 6-8pm
AsheVille music hAll Blue Ridge Roller Girls Dance Party, 9pm
the sociAl '80s vinyl night, 8pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Mande Foly (African rhythm), 7pm
ApothecAry Alan Lomax Film Screening, Sarah Louise (folk), Nathan Salsburg (folk), 9pm
orAnge peel North Mississippi Allstars (country blues) w/ Lightnin' Malcolm, 9pm
scAnDAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
oDDitorium The Rigel Show (electronica), 8pm
pisgAh BreWing compAny Benefit for Clean Water: CWFNC Concert w/ Mark Ford, 6:30pm
feat. Highland Brewing Co.
THUR 9.19
onefiftyone BoutiQue BAr Jamar Woods (piano,funk), 7pm
pAck's tAVern Grand Theft Audio (rock, dance, pop), 9pm
WED 9.18
the sociAl College Night w/ Shibby (rock), 9pm tiger mountAin thirst pArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lorruh, David Wayne Gay, and Brody Douglas Hunt, 10pm timo's house Open jam, 9pm
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Thur 9/19 Fri 9/20 Sat 9/21
Full Bar
w/ Crossroads string Band 8:45PM • $12/$15
Thur RYAN SHUPE & THE RUBBER BAND 9/26 W/ Phoebe Hunt 8:30pm • $10/$12 Fri 9/27 ALEX KRUG COMBO w/ Chelsea LeBate & Ten Cent Orchestra 8pm • $8/$10 Wed 10/2 CASH’D OUT (JOHNNY CASH TRIBUTE) 9pm • $5 Thur 10/3 GRANT PEEPLES 8pm • $10/$12 Fri 10/4 THE STRAY BIRDS 9pm • $8/$10 Every Sunday JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm • $5 Every Tuesday BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 9pm - 11pm Laid Back wednesdays LIVE MUSIC ON THE PATIO 6pm - 9pm
titan of thE tELEcaStER: Grammy-nominated guitarist, singer and songwriter Bill Kirchen’s a career has spanned more than 40 years. He’s played guitar for Nick Lowe, Emmylou Harris, Doug Sahm, Elvis Costello and many more. Kirchen’s latest release, Stems and Seeds, came out earlier this year. Enjoy an intimate evening with the man who Guitar Magazine dubbed the “Titan of the Telecaster,” at the Cork & Keg on Sunday, Sept. 22.
tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Scary-Oke, 10pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WAter'n hole Open mic, 9pm WestVille puB Trivia night, 8pm
ZumA coffee Blues & BBQ w/ Steve Davidowski & friends, 7pm
tuesDAy, sept. 24
o.henry's/tug Movie trivia, 10pm oDDitorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm one stop Deli & BAr Greg Shaddix & The Company, 8pm orAnge peel Micky Hart Band (world, jam), 8pm
AltAmont BreWing compAny Open mic, 8pm
the sociAl Enlightened Rogues (rock, blues), 7pm
AltAmont theAter Craig Butterfield (jazz), 8pm
timo's house Open mic variety show, 9pm
ApothecAry Kal Marks (indie rock) w/ Drunken Prayer, Doomster, 9pm
tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Long Island Tuesdays w/ DJ Audio, 9pm
AsheVille music hAll Funk jam, 11pm
VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
cluB eleVen on groVe Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance, 8:30pm
WestVille puB Blues jam, 10pm
creeksiDe tAphouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm DouBle croWn The Woogles (rock 'n' roll, soul) w/ Krektones, 9pm
mArket plAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz), 7-10pm
oskAr Blues BreWery Trivia, 6pm
cluB remix DJ party w/ open requests, 9pm
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
loBster trAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (gypsy jazz), 8pm
cluB hAirsprAy Trivia night, 8pm
Bluegrass sessions, 9pm
White horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
WeDnesDAy, sept. 25 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hot Point Trio (jazz), 5pm Juan Benevides Trio (Latin jazz), 8pm
emerAlD lounge March Against Monsanto event, 8pm
AltAmont BreWing compAny Valorie Miller (singer-songwriter) and Laura Blackley (singer-songwriter), 9pm
grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Peter Bruntnell (singer-songwriter), 8pm
AsheVille music hAll The London Souls (rock) w/ Dead Rattles, 10pm
isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll
AthenA's cluB
Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, blues), 7pm BArley's tAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam, 9pm Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Open mic, 7pm cluB hAirsprAy Requests w/ DJ Ace of Spade, 8pm cluB remix Variety show & open mic, 9pm cork & keg Tom Leiner ("baby boomer flashbacks"), 7:30pm emerAlD lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Live music on the patio, 6pm Vinyl night, 9pm JAck of the WooD puB Old-time jam, 5pm o.henry's/tug Karaoke, 10pm oDDitorium Orbit Presents Movie Night: Dead Man, 9pm oliVe or tWist East Coast swing lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8pm orAnge peel Big Boi (hip-hop) w/ Killer Mike, 9pm phoenix lounge Jazz night, 8pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Jon Stickley & friends (bluegrass, Americana), 6pm sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm strAightAWAy cAfe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm timo's house Blues night, 9pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Wednesday Night Jazz, 8:30pm Jazz Trio with Micah Thomas & Daniel Ianucci featuring Dave Morgan (jazz), 8:30pm
emerAlD lounge Aaron Woody Wood & The Ends w/ Tyler Herring, 9pm french BroAD BreWery tAsting room The 23 String Band (old-time, bluegrass), 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Greensky Bluegrass w/ Fruition, 8pm isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband (bluegrass) w/ Phoebe Hunt (singer-songwriter), 7pm JAck of heArts puB Old-time jam, 7pm JAck of the WooD puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm o.henry's/tug Open mic w/ Jill Siler, 8pm oDDitorium Ruidosa Inmundicia (punk), 9pm oliVe or tWist Old-school swing lessons, 7pm Russ Wilson Swing Trio, 8pm orAnge peel City & Colour (indie-pop) w/ Lucy Rose, 8pm pAck's tAVern Scott Raines & Jeff Anders (acoustic, rock), 9pm phoenix lounge Bradford Carson (rock, jam, blues), 8:30pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Miss Tess & the Talkbalks (swing, jazz, rockabilly), 8pm purple onion cAfe One Leg Up (jazz), 7:30pm scAnDAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am southern AppAlAchiAn BreWery Cabo Verde (Flamenco), 7pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Asheville music showcase, 8pm the sociAl Salsa dancing, 9pm timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
VincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
yAcht cluB Open jam w/ Justin Brophy of the Go Devils, 9pm
WAter'n hole Karaoke, 10pm
ZumA coffee Open mic w/ Greg & Lucretia Speas, 6pm
White horse Jane Kramer CD Release (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Big Nasty (ragtime jazz), 8-10pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Stuart McNair (singer-songwriter), 9pm
AltAmont BreWing compAny East Coast Dirt (rock), 9pm
ByWAter Game night, 8pm
AltAmont theAter Ernie Halter (pop, soul), 8pm
cluB hAirsprAy Karaoke, 8pm
AsheVille music hAll Legalize It Tour feating Edge Michael (reggae) & Rub a Dub Band w/ Steve Martinez, 10pm
DouBle croWn International cuts w/ DJ Flypaper, 9pm
25th Anniversary Tour
FRI 9/20
SUN 9/22
w/ Astronautalis 9pm • $15/$17
A BENEFIT FOR PEACE AT HOME AND ABROAD Featuring Music From The Business • 5pm • $18
The Grey Eagle & Geniass present
THUR 9/26 • 9PM • $18/$20
friDAy, sept. 27
BlAck mountAin Ale house Lyric (R&B, soul, pop), 9pm
creeksiDe tAphouse Open mic, 8pm
THU 9/19
ZumA coffee Bluegrass jam w/ Bobby Hicks, 7pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Screaming J's (boogie woogie), 10pm
cork & keg Vollie McKenzie (popular covers, jazz standards), 5:30pm
yAcht cluB Kamakazi karaoke (no control over song choice), 9pm Left Lane Cruiser (hillbilly punk blues), 10pm
AsheVille music hAll Snarky Puppy (fusion, experimental) w/ Jonathan Scales Fourchestra, 10pm
cluB remix Reggae dance night, 9pm
tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (R&B, soul), 8:30pm
VincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
thursDAy, sept. 26
20% OFF of Any One Item
Boiler room Local Art, Saw Bones, Skunk Ruckus, Lords of Chicken Hill & The Living Deads, 9pm clAssic Wineseller Valorie Miller (singer-songwriter), 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe Salsa night, 10pm DouBle croWn Hootenanny w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 9pm
Where Adult Dreams Come True • • OPEN 7 DAYS • •
FRI 9/27
SAT 9/28
Album Release Show w/ David Earl & The Plowshares & The Deluge 9pm • $10/$12 w/ The Yawpers & Enlightened Rogues 9pm • $8
SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250
2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)
www.bedtymestories.net mountainx.com
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
Wednesday • Sept 18 The People’s Variety Show & Open Mic! Thursday • Sept 19 Turn up Thursday Reggae Roots & Dance Hall Thursday • Sept 19 @ Metro Boom One Records presents Hope Massive, B Davis, Dubsmith, Hai Tokyo, Bums Lie, Higher Ground Movement, Boom One Sound System Friday • Sept 20 IN GROWN & SEXY birth day party Saturday • Sept 21 Lights out presents Invader slim ,DJ alcolyte,DJ Moto,Electric orchestra www.TheMetroSphere.com • 38 N. French Broad Ave
TUES. WED. Free Pool & $3 Wells THURS. FRI.
Drag Show
SAT. Drag show SUN.
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
TUES–SAT 8pm–2:30am SUN 4pm–12am
Bloody Mary Bar w/ DJ RAMAK
emerAlD lounge Pawtooth (rock) w/ Aloha Radio, Doe Eye, 9pm french BroAD BreWery tAsting room The Low Counts (Americana, rock), 6pm
Goner (indie rock) w/ Dulci Ellenberger, 9pm nAtiVe kitchen & sociAl puB Alarm Clock Duo (alt-country), 7:30pm
grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern The Broadcast (rock, soul) album release show, 9pm
oDDitorium Third Seven (folk), The Sweater Set, Zebulon Wright, 9pm
highlAnD BreWing compAny Delta Moon (Americana, blues), 6pm
oliVe or tWist 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8:30pm
isis restAurAnt AnD music hAll Alex Krug Combo (roots, folk) w/ Ten Cent Orchestra (chamber folk), 8pm
orAnge peel Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band (funk) w/ The Fritz & DJ Adam Strange, 9pm
JAck of heArts puB Shine Brothers (pop), 9pm
pAck's tAVern DJ OCelate (dance, pop, hits), 9pm
JAck of the WooD puB
pisgAh BreWing compAny The Blue Dogs (Americana), 9pm root BAr no. 1 Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 9:30pm scAnDAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am strAightAWAy cAfe Desperado (folk, Americana), 6pm the sociAl Jeff Thompson (singer-songwriter), 9:30pm timo's house YohanBug (blues, jazz, rock) 10pm tressA's DoWntoWn JAZZ AnD Blues Fine Grit (R&B, soul, funk), 10pm VAnuAtu kAVA BAr Kava Bar Duo (electro-coustic improv), 8:30pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm White horse One Leg Up (gypsy swing), Peggy Ratusz (cabaret jazz), 8pm
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
PicK oF thE WEEK
thEatER LiStinGS
Thanks for Sharing HHHH
FRiday, SEPtEmBER 20 thuRSday, SEPtEmBER 27 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: Stuart Blumberg PLayERS: Mark Ruffalo, Tim Robbins, Gwyneth Paltrow, Josh Gad, Alecia Moore (Pink), Patrick Fugit
Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. The Conjuring (r) 10:00 Turbo 3D (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 (All Tue shows in 2D)
dRama/comEdy RatEd R
The wolverine (Pg-13) 7:00
thE StoRy: A look into the lives of three characters attempting to deal with sex addiction. thE LoWdoWn: Solid performances overcome most of the problems in this frequently absorbing drama — with comedy overtones — that clearly wants to be more than it can quite pull off.
CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452) 2 guns (r) 1:35, 4:30, 7:00, 9:45 Battle of the Year 3D (Pg-13) 1:40, 7:35 Battle of the Year 2D (Pg-13) 4:40, 10:05 Despicable me 2 2D (Pg) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 The mortal instruments: City of Bones (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:10, 7:15, 10:10
maRK RuFFaLo and GWynEth PaLtRoW in the dramatic comedy Thanks for Sharing from first-time director Stuart Blumberg.
Percy Jackson: sea of monsters 2D (Pg) 1:45, 4:25, 6:55, 9:30 Prisoners (r) 12:50, 4:00, 7:10, 10:15 The smurfs 2 2D (Pg) 1:30, 4:05, 6:35, 9:10 we’re the millers (r) 1:50, 4:35, 7:30, 10:05 The world’s end (r) 1:10, 4:45, 7:25, 10:00 You’re next (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:50 CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500)
Thanks for Sharing is one of those movies that’s marketed as a comedy-drama in which the comedy is markedly subservient to the drama. It’s also a film about which I can’t quite make up my mind. It has a few problems, and I can’t help but feel that any movie where I end up caring more about a pair of supporting characters has done something wrong. But I also know that it’s been several days since I saw the film and it’s still hovering in my mind. That’s clearly a sign that there’s something to this directorial debut from writer Stuart Blumberg (who co-wrote 2010’s The Kids Are All Right). If it’s not quite as worthwhile as it wants to be, it’s still OK. The basics here involve a group of people in a 12-step, sex-addiction support group. The primary focus is on Adam (Mark Ruffalo) and his relationship with his sponsor, Mike (Tim Robbins), who also serves as the group’s leader. Off to the side — sort of — is Neil (Josh Gad), an ER doctor with
porn issues and a creepy tendency to rub up against strangers, for whom Mike also serves as a sponsor. A little further off is newcomer Dede (pop singer Pink, under her real name Alecia Moore), who ends up connected to Neil. Much of the drama, however, comes from the effects of this addiction on those involved with Adam and Mike. (The Neil/Dede storyline is more compact, which might be why it works best for me.) A large portion of the film involves the burgeoning relationship between Adam and a woman he meets at a party named Phoebe (Gwyneth Paltrow). This is hardly surprising, given that Adam is essentially the film’s main character. This is also one of the areas where I have issues with the film. It’s not that it’s dealing from a stacked deck (though it most certainly is), it’s that I never quite believe in them, nor do I find them particularly appealing or sympathetic. Too much about them feels like Rom-com Basic, and their romantic banter is frequently embarrassing in its sheer banality. (Do real couples
talk like this? Maybe, but we don’t have to listen to it. It’s like being the only sober person in a roomful of drunks.) Their one worthwhile dialogue concerns the idea that each is the only person the other doesn’t hate — and while that may be true of Phoebe, who seems to have no other existence, it’s clearly not true of Adam. The side story involving Mike’s strained relationship with his son (Patrick Fugit) and wife (Joely Richardson) is better achieved — at least till it erupts into the melodrama that’s been threatened throughout. Altogether more successful — in part because it illustrates the actual workings of a support network — are the scenes depicting Neil and Dede. These ring truer than the rest of the film. But the whole film has its merits — mostly in performances that are first-rate even when the material isn’t. Much the same was true of The Kids Are All Right, which shares other weaknesses with this — including the fact that all these characters are just a little too upscale
Ain’t Them Bodies saints (r) 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 10:10 Austenland (Pg-13) 11:15, 1:30, 3:45, 6:00, 8:10 Blue Jasmine (Pg-13) 12:00, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00 The Family (r) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 insidious: Chapter 2 (Pg-13) 11:00, 4:35, 7:10, 9:30, 10:20 lee Daniels’ The Butler (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:40, 4:20, 7:00, 9:40 Prisoners (r) 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 1:30, 3:10, 4:15, 6:10, 7:00, 7:30, 9:00, 9:45. 10:35 riddick (r) 11:00, 1:35, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40 The spectacular now (r) 2:20, 7:15 still mine (Pg-13) 11:30, 1:40, 3:50, 6:10, 8:20, 10:30 Thanks for sharing (r) 11:15, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 The way, way Back (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:20, 3:40, 6:45 we’re the millers (r) 2:10, 4:30, 6:50, 9:30 The world’s end (r) 12:00, 4:40, 9:30 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) The Family (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Blue Jasmine (Pg-13) 1:20 (no 1:20 Sat., Sept. 21), 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:20 in a world (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:00 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) 20 Feet from stardom (Pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (6841298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
for most of us to relate to. (The inclusion of Isiah Whitlock Jr. as a working-stiff addict doesn’t quite balance things out.) In the end, what we have is a good movie that misses greatness — and perhaps does so by straining too hard for significance. Rated R for language and some strong sexual content. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas
Austenland HHHH Director: Jerusha Hess Players: Keri Russell, JJ Feild, Jennifer Coolidge, Bret McKenzie, Georgia King, James Callis, Jane Seymour romantic comedy spoof Rated PG-13 The Story: A woman obsessed with Jane Austen’s world — especially as concerns Mr. Darcy — blows her life savings on a trip to Austenland in England, which promises the real Austen experience. The Lowdown: A frequently charming little romantic comedy that wants to poke fun at the genre, while appealing to fans. You probably already know if it’s for you or not.
Austenland is a somewhat sloppy, fairly goofy little movie that has been pretty unfairly dismissed by the bulk of the critical world — mostly, I think, because of a basic misunderstanding of what the film aims to be. The general opinion stems from the idea that Austenland is supposed to be a Jane Austen spoof — filled with all manner of clever references to Austen’s novels — that is not, I think, the point of the film. Rather, this first directorial effort from Jerusha Hess — best known for co-writing husband Jared’s Napoleon Dynamite (2004) — seems aimed at the American-based Austen cult that has less to do with Austen’s work than with an obsession with Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy from the 1995 BBC mini-series Pride and Prejudice and Firth’s modern counterpart, Mark Darcy, in Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001). (In fact, the
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
film probably has more relation to Bridget Jones than to Austen.) Viewed in that regard, Hess’ little movie is a reasonably successful, entertaining and genial spoof — not satire — of that mania. The film stars Keri Russell as Jane Hayes, a rabid Darcy-phile who decides to blow her life savings on a trip to Austenland — a tourist attraction in Great Britain that promises a total immersion in the world of Jane Austen. That the whole thing is an absurdity ought to be telegraphed by the fact that its proprietess, Mrs. Wattlesbrook (Jane Seymour), carries a taxidermied lamb around with her. But if you’re a romantic 30-something who’s increasingly desperate to find a Mr. Darcy of your own, I guess you overlook some things. It turns out that there’s more to overlook than a stuffed lamb. As the bargain-rate guest, Jane is shunted into the servants’ wing and generally looked down upon. On the other hand, the shamelessly vulgar and excessively wealthy Miss Elizabeth Charming (Jennifer Coolidge) is shown every deference — she makes no bones (shall we say?) about admiring the indelicate tailoring of men’s trousers in the Regency era. (Her broad comedy also steals most scenes.) What transpires is not exactly packed with surprises — and that includes the ending, even with its spoof of the race-to-the-airport business from Love Actually (2005) and its in-joke about Bret McKenzie’s role in The Hobbit (2012). There are some rough patches, but it mostly hits all the right notes. The middle section of the film sags to the point that you’re apt to wonder if the movie’s just wandering around aimlessly. When it rights itself, however, it does so with considerable élan and charm. The casting helps to no end, especially Russell and Coolidge, but note should be taken of JJ Feild as Austenland’s ersatz Mr. Darcy. In the end, of course, it’s all meant in good fun — even where the Darcy cultists are concerned. This is a movie that wants to parody that fantasy and realize it, too. Is that realistic? Well, no, of course it isn’t, but I’m not sure there’d be an audience for it any other way. Rated PG-13 for some suggestive content and innuendo. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas
HHHHH = max rating
The Family H
Austenland See review in “Cranky Hanke” Director: Luc Besson Players: Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dianna Agron, John D’Leo, Tommy Lee Jones black comedy Rated R The Story: A mob snitch and his violent family are sent to a quiet French village by the witness protection program. The Lowdown: A mean-spirited, listless attempt at mixing French whimsy and American violence.
It’s been well over a decade since Luc Besson’s name carried any weight as a filmmaker. These days you’re more likely to see his name flaunted as a producer or writer of any number of cornball European action flicks. If his latest, The Family, is any indication, you can see why his sway as a director has faded. Here, we have an attempt at mixing French cinema’s sometimes whimsical nature with the violence of American pictures. Combining JeanPierre Jeunet and Martin Scorsese might sound interesting in theory, but Besson’s lack of skill and wit instead leaves a pointless, meandering and overall wrong-headed movie. The film’s true draw is less Besson than it is Robert De Niro reprising the kind of wise-guy role on which he’s built a career. De Niro plays Giovanni Manzoni, a former mafia-hitmanturned-FBI informant, who — along with his wife (Michelle Pfeiffer) and two kids, Belle (Dianna Agron, I Am Number Four) and Warren (John D’Leo, Wanderlust) — has just been relocated to Normandy by the witness protection program. There’s no real plot to speak of, as the movie’s really just a fish-out-of-water tale. The story follows this violent, constantly bickering family around as they attempt to adjust to life in rural France. There are some attempts at storytelling here — like Giovanni attempting to write his memoirs — but the film’s mostly an excuse for a bit of the old ultraviolence, which is perhaps The Family’s most repugnant aspect. This is an ugly, gruesome, mean-spirited movie about four incredibly unpleasant family members who shoot, maim and bludgeon just about everyone in town. That Besson composes this for laughs doesn’t help, and in some ways makes it worse since his
Battle of the Year This appears to be an imitation (yes, that means rip-off) of one of those Step Up movies. (The real thing wasn’t bad enough?) It was made by some guy named Benson Lee, whose last (and also first) film was in 1998. It stars people I’ve seen but don’t know — apart from Chris Brown, who I know of, but don’t think I’ve actually seen. The only other news is that I don’t know who is showing this. All I know is The Carolina passed on it. (PG-13)
Prisoners Of more note is Denis Villeneuve’s new film, Prisoners, a thriller that finds Hugh Jackman taking matters into his own hands after his daughter is kidnapped. Most of the the story appears to deal with Jackman trying to torture and beat information out of the simple-minded Paul Dano. Early reviews — most by people I wouldn’t buy a used DVD from — are strongly positive. Well, there’s no denying that his previous film, Incendies, was good and intense, so we shall see. (R)
Thanks for Sharing See review in “Cranky Hanke”
sense of humor is so tone deaf. As an approach, it’s a gross miscalculation, since what’s supposed to be cute and funny is actually incredibly vile and nasty, creating a film with little conscience. But there are a couple of clever moments in which Besson gets it right. The montage of Warren’s school paper making it halfway across the world via happenstance and contrivance is honestly clever. Giovanni being invited to the local film society’s screening of Goodfellas (1990) is a bit obvious but generally amusing despite not really going anywhere, though it causes other prob-
lems within the film. The Family often attempts to act as a loving homage to American gangster flicks, but there’s no need to reference vastly superior films and more appealing De Niro performances. The constant missteps and miscalculations on Besson’s part just add insult to this grating, loathsome little movie. Rated R for violence, language and brief sexuality. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher
Insidious: Chapter 2 HHHH diREctoR: James Wan (Insidious) PLayERS: Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins, Lin Shaye, Barbara Hershey, Steve Coulter, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson hoRRoR RatEd Pg-13 thE StoRy: A continuation of 2010’s Insidious — with the focus changed to the father. thE Lowdown: One of the most beautifully connected sequels I’ve ever seen, Insidious: Chapter 2 is everything I hoped for and more. Easily as creepy as the first film and quite possibly a better movie in the bargain.
I held high hopes for James Wan’s Insidious: Chapter 2. After all, his Insidious (2010) is in a select group of 21st century horror films that I’ve watched more than twice — a group consisting of The Ring (2002), Seed of Chucky (2004) and Silent Hill (2006). Even with the pitfalls inherent in any sequel — let’s face it, The Ring 2 (2005) was rubbish and Silent Hill: Revelation (2012) wasn’t much better — I was hopeful, especially because the same director and writer were in place on this sequel. That’s generally a good sign. I took it as a good enough sign that I went to the 10 p.m. show on Thursday at The Carolina to join a bunch of teenagers (and what appeared to be a hapless grandfather with child in tow) to see it at the earliest possible moment. And my hopes were not in vain. In fact, I believe Insidious: Chapter 2 might be the better film, though, frankly, it’s hard to separate the two pictures.
Community Screenings
moVie night At colony eArth • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Colony Earth screens feature films, documentaries and more. By donation. Info and location: avl.mx/vb. suBlime freQuencies • TU (9/24) & WE (9/25), 7:30pm - Sublime Frequencies will screen Vodoun Gods on the Slave Coast and The Divine River: Ceremonial Pageantry in the Sahel in WCU’s University Center theater. Free. Info: wcu.edu. the eAst • FR (9/20), 7pm - The Groovy Movie Club will screen The East at a private home in Dellwood. A mostly-organic potluck begins at 6:15pm. Free. Info and location: johnbuckleyX@gmail.com or 926-3508.
I honestly have never seen a sequel that’s as completely organic as this one. I was especially struck by a scene that incorporated, expounded on and explained one of the random scares from Insidious. Naturally, I wanted to see how well this really fit, so I came home and popped the DVD in to check. It was only then that I realized that the first shot in Insidious by all rights belongs to Chapter 2 — or at least to the backstory from 1986 that opens it. By itself, it seems like little more than a creepy mood-setter. Taken in connection with Chapter 2, it becomes much more to the point. Whether this was intentionally done to lead to this sequel, I have no idea, but it helps to make the two movies virtually seamless. The bulk of this film concerns whether what really came back from “The Further” in Insidious was indeed Josh Lambert (Patrick Wilson). This isn’t much of a mystery, since we already knew he wasn’t himself by the end of the first film. However, we didn’t know exactly what he was, or whether he was possessed. The second film unravels this and the story of Josh’s childhood possession. That story strikes me as stronger than the one about the red-faced demon in the first film. (And, despite the trailer’s use of the demon’s “theme” — the Tiny Tim recording of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” — he doesn’t show up here, except possibly in the tag scene meant to lead into the inevitable Chapter 3.) All in all, Chapter 2 is a solid spook show — much like the first, but
something — in both these films and Dead Silence (2007) — that genuinely disturbs and unsettles me (not in a bad way, mind you). Whether this will hit a nerve with you, I can’t say, but as modern horror goes, this one is up there with the best. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of terror, violence and thematic elements. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher
with the intensity ramped up. Since our spirit medium, Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye), is dead in this film (which doesn’t mean we won’t see her), her old associate, Carl (Steve Coulter), is brought in to work with the semi-comic relief ghost hunters Specs (writer Leigh Whannell) and Tucker (Angus Sampson). He’s a reasonable substitute and has the film’s most memorable line — “Let’s just say this is a house where very little good happened.” There are a couple of moments where the film starts to slip out of control, but these are quickly reined in. And the performance of Danielle Bisutti as the younger version of the “Bride in Black” is a most elegant personification of evil. Horror is quite possibly even more subjective than comedy. What scares me — or at least creeps me out — is probably drawn from deep recesses in my psyche that I have only the vaguest understanding of. And there’s no guarantee that it will scare you. As witness, I have a friend whose opinion I respect and who most certainly knows the horror genre, but who was left almost completely cold by the film. It’s clear that James Wan has tapped into
Now HiRiNg FoR ALL PoSitioNS Apply online at
or in-person
Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
CRAFT issue
SPEciaL ScREEningS
The Darjeeling Limited HHHHH comEdy dRama Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited (2007) is one of
the filmmaker’s best works — and a film that flirts with the term “perfect.” Complaints that it doesn’t “go anywhere” and that it is “twee” (a favorite term of Anderson detractors) seem to miss the point. The film — or the characters (who pretty much are the film) — very clearly ends up in a much different place than it started. That it gets there less by plot than by incident is beside the point. This is a ride well worth taking — full of great sights and sounds and a lot more depth than is often claimed. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Darjeeling Limited Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The Exorcist III HHHHH
reserve your space today!
advertise@mountainx.com 828.251.1333 | 9/25 deadline
hoRRoR Exorcist author William Peter Blatty brought his own Exorcist sequel novel, Legion, to the screen in 1990 as The Exorcist III. (Since its story follows an entirely different tangent, it doesn’t have to consider Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) in its plotting.) For my money, the result is the scariest, best-acted and certainly most literate film in the series. There is scarcely a wrong move in the film — including the studio-mandated big exorcism ending — and Blatty’s direction is phenomenal. (He may have, in fact, created the best shock-effect ever in this movie.) You might not buy into the story five minutes after the movie, but while it’s onscreen — well, that’s another matter. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Exorcist III Thursday, Sept. 19, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The Human Stain HHHH dRama Critically reviled at the time of its release — especially for something
that was clearly Oscar-bait — Robert Benton’s The Human Stain (2003) isn’t so much a bad movie as it’s an underwhelming one. It’s a film that never takes off due to Benton’s decidedly old-fashioned filmmaking and its overbearing attempt to be Important. The story of an aged professor (Anthony Hopkins) discharged for racism (despite being secretly black himself) and his affair with a younger woman (Nicole Kidman) would have been better served by embracing its soapy underpinnings than by taking a high-toned literary approach. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Human Stain Sunday, Sept. 22, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
The Magic Flute HHHHH comic/fantaSy oPERa Ingmar Bergman’s 1975 film of Mozart’s The Magic Flute is a marvelously theatrical — but not stagey — incarnation of the opera. Your fondness for it will depend in large part on how well you like Mozart and this opera in particular. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Magic Flute Friday, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
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SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
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Small Towns the
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2,000 SQFT +/- WAYNESVILLE, NC • Ideal office/ warehouse / workspace downtown Waynesville. Decor would support craftoriented use, distributor or low-traffic store. Negotiable. Call (828) 216-6066.
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ShorT-TErm rENTALS 15 mINUTES To AShEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/day, $650/week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 6589145. mhcinc58@yahoo.com
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SOAPY DOg NOW HiRiNg pArT TImE. Kennel and daycare experience a must. Basic grooming required including nail trims and ear cleaning. Please email a resume and references to ashevillesoapydog@ gmail.com
HigHLAND BREWiNg SEEkS A SELf-mOTivATED AND DETAiL-ORiENTED PARTTimE ADmiNiSTRATivE ASSISTANT to perform a variety of regulatory and clerical duties. If you meet the following qualifications, we invite you to apply: • Minimum of high-school diploma; education beyond high school strongly preferred • Minimum of two years clerical experience • Knowledge of business office/ administrative clerical operations • Strong organizational, time-management, and multitasking skills • Commitment to accuracy and meeting deadlines • Strong work ethic • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Ability to create and maintain filing systems • Excellent problem-solving skills • Proficiency working with numbers • Ability to work effectively both independently and within a team • Excellent phone skills and legible handwriting • Polite, patient, and persistent personality and strong interpersonal skills • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications • Interest/ passion for working in the craft beer industry • Interest in seeking out additional and increasingly complex administrative duties over time • Ability to move to full time if and when needed Please submit resumes and cover letters by 9/27/13 to BarbC@highlandbrewing.com.
SkiLLED LABOR/ TRADES PET gROOmER NEEDED, FAIrVIEW Part time position available for experienced pet groomer at Shampoodles Salon, Fairview. Hand scissoring skills a must! Please contact Richard. 828-628-9807 shampoodlessalon@gmail.com www.shampoodlessalon.com
ADmiNiSTRATivE/ oFFICE ACCoUNT rECEIVAbLE CLERk Country Club of Asheville has an opening for a Account Receivable Clerk. Please apply in person. Must have some accounting and bookkeeping experience. Part-time only 30hr per week. •Location: Asheville, NC •Compensation: $14 per hour •This is a part-time job. boX oFFICE mANAGEr Asheville Community Theatre seeks person to manage box office. Ticketing and Microsoft Office experience required. Position is part time (30 hours per week). Send resume to: susan@ashevilletheatre.org. ashevilletheatre.org
SALES/ mARkETiNg 5 poSITIoNS NoW AVAILAbLE! Asheville Concert Promotions Office seeking individuals with an outgoing personality for Sales Position. High energy atmosphere. • $12 per hour plus weekly bonuses. •
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RestauRant/ Food CoLd stone CReaMeY/ BLIMPIe noW HIRInG Our East Asheville store on Bleachery Blvd is currently looking for crew members to join our team! Applicants must have weekend availability, and their own transportation. Please apply @ www. coldstonecreamery.com.
MedICaL/ HeaLtH CaRe Cna PaRt-tIMe Private school in Weaverville, NC has an opening for a part-time CNA. Candidate must be willing to work 20-25 hours a week, MondayFriday mornings. Med Tech Certification required. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14 and Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18. EOE. Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com No phone calls please. www. ashevilleacademy.com • www. solsticeeast.com
HuMan seRvICes asHevILLe aCadeMY FoR GIRLs / soLstICe east – neW oPPoRtunItIes Team Manager, Direct Care Staff and Overnight Staff Positions Available. Are you interested in making a difference? Come join our team where you can have a positive, lasting impact on youth from across the country. Our programs are steadily growing and we continue to seek qualified FT, PT, and PRN applicants to join our programs. The suitable applicant is outgoing, energetic, and a responsible and positive role model. Our staff ensures the provision of physical and emotional safety of our students and residents at all times. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14 and Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18. Our beautiful 24-acre campus provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Benefits are offered to full time employees and include health, dental, vision and life insurance as well as holiday pay, vacation and sick leave. EOE. Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com No phone calls please. www.ashevilleacademy. com www.solsticeeast.com
avaILaBLe PosItIons The Asheville Office of Family Preservation Services is seeking the following: Licensed or provisionally Licensed therapist to work with youth and families in our Intensive In Home Program; QMHP to work with young children and families in our Intensive In Home Program; QP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; Md/Pa/ nP to work with adults in our Center for Recovery, Education and Wellness. Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp. com FaMILY PReseRvatIon seRvICes oF nC is experiencing significant growth and is in need of fully licensed and provisionally licensed staff for Hendersonville, Polk and Rutherford offices. • For the Hendersonville office, please send resumes to dreynolds@fpscorp.com • For the Rutherford and Polk offices, please send resumes to mtambini@fpscorp.com LIBeRtY CoRneR enteRPRIses is seeking support team Members to work in residential homes and the community with people who have disabilities. • Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent, a North Carolina driver's license, proof of insurance and a reliable vehicle. Sign language skills are a plus. • Positions are available in Swain, Haywood and Buncombe counties. Pay rate based on experience. Apply in person at Liberty Corner Enterprises: 147 Coxe Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 or www.libertycornerent.com
PEER SUPPORT SPECIALIST • MeRIdIan BeHavIoRaL HeaLtH Position open for Peer Support Specialist to provide community-based services. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process and must have basic computer skills. For further information, contact Kim Franklin at kim.franklin@meridianbhs.org suBstanCe aBuse CounseLoR Mountain Area Recovery Center is GROWING and we are seeking additional Licensed Substance Abuse Counselors to meet the needs of our patients. We have positions available in our outpatient OTP clinics located in both Asheville and Clyde, NC. Candidates will provide substance abuse services, including but
not limited to, assessments/ screenings, intake, client orientation, person centered planning,case management, intervention, client education, and plan and lead structured process and theme centered groups. We offer competitive pay WITH benefits…medical, dental, life, short-term disability, flexible spending account, 401K, pto, paid holidays, and a flexible work environment in this challenging, yet highly rewarding field. If you are up to the challenge, please e-mail your resume to rhonda.ingle@marcotp.com or fax to attention: Rhonda Ingle at 828.252.9512. EOE suBstanCe aBuse CounseLoR Women’s Recovery Center is looking for a SA Counselor to work in their Pathways of Change Program. • Submit resume to Suzanne Boehm at sboehm@drugfreenc.org
who is fascinated with the region’s arts, entertainment, music, craft, food and beer scenes; loves interacting with the community; and can manage a team of staffers, freelancers and public contributors. The job entails assigning, tracking and keeping the stories flowing at a fast pace. The coordinator will also write some A&E stories, so demonstrated compelling magazine/newspaper reporting is a must. Reasonable compensation for the area, with benefits including group health, optional dental plan and IRA. Email a cover letter explaining why you would excel in this position, your resumé, references and examples of published writing to: editor@mountainx.com (put “A&E Coordinator” in the subject line) or mail to Managing Editor, Mountain Xpress, PO Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802.
grandmothers, children and virtually anyone who cooks. Must be self-motivated and able to write engaging, clear, colorful copy. Benefits include group health, optional dental plan and IRA. Email resumé, cover letter, clips and three story ideas to editor@mountainx.com (put “Xpress food writer” in the subject line). Submissions without writing samples will not be considered.
Wanted: HeaLtH and WeLLness WRIteRs Xpress is seeking part-time and freelance health-and-wellness writers to: Curate and write content for
our weekly print edition, as well as for our website; Make connections, keeping up with breaking health-and-wellness news and promoting community submissions. develop stories through social-media conversations with community members and experts; and passionately enjoy exploring healing modalities, from alternative to traditional to high-tech. We are looking for people who are comfortable talking with the full range of community members: activists, health practitioners and therapists of all modalities and worldviews, community leaders, philosophers, scientists, degreed professionals, yogis and shamans. Must be selfmotivated and able to write engaging, thought-provoking,
colorful copy. Email resumé, cover letter, clips and three story ideas to editor@mountainx.com (put “Xpress health writer” in the subject line). Submissions without writing samples will not be considered.
teaCHInG/ eduCatIon aMeRICoRPs vIsta at CLaXton eLeMentaRY Make a difference for local students and teachers by serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA at Claxton Elementary. For more information please visit www. acsf.org and look for "ACSF News." Application deadline is Sept 20th.
tHanKs aGaIn to MountaIn XPRess Our ad last week, and on-line, resulted in 50 resumes, and a wealth of well-qualified candidates. Bill McGuire Director/CEO, Child Abuse Prevention Services, Inc.
BusIness oPPoRtunItIes HeLP Wanted • Make extra money in our free ever popular homemailer program, includes valuable guidebook! Start immediately! Genuine! 1-888292-1120 www.easyworkfromhome.com (AAN CAN)
PRoFessIonaL/ ManaGeMent
aRts and enteRtaInMent CooRdInatoR/WRIteR Mountain Xpress, Asheville's award-winning alt-weekly newspaper and website, is seeking a coordinator for its Arts and Entertainment coverage — a person who gets Xpress’ community-oriented journalism; loves Asheville’s locally focused, grassroots exuberance; has management skills and works well collaboratively and with deadlines. The ideal candidate is a highly organized person
Wanted: Food WRIteR FoR asHevILLe’s WeeKLY CoMMunItY neWsPaPeR Xpress is seeking a full-time food writer (and also seeking freelance writers) to enthusiastically embrace the local food scene. The food writer curates and writes savvy, thoughtful content for our weekly print edition, as well as for our website; makes connections, keeping up with breaking food news and promoting community submissions; and uses social media to converse with community members. You must be comfortable talking with the full range of community members, including celebrity chefs, street vendors,
WANT TO EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY? Immediate Opportunities Available for Inventory Takers No Experience Needed - $8.00 per hour - Flexible Part-Time Hours • Entry Level • Paid Training • Regular Wage Reviews • • Must Have Access to Reliable Transportation & Communication • • Three Availabilities Needed — Daytime, Evening, Anytime • RGIS is the industry leader in inventory, merchandising, and workforce solutions. We are assembling an Inventory Team to accurately and efficiently count clients' merchandise. This is a physical job that requires working on sales floors, in warehouses, and stock rooms. The ability to climb up and down ladders is a requirement. If you are enthusiastic, highly motivated and looking for a new challenge, email an inquiry to www.rgis.com (requisition #INV00224) RGIS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER mountainx.com
SEPtEmBER 18 - SEPtEmBER 24, 2013
FREEWiLL aSTRoLoGY aRiES (March 21-april 19)
"If Taylor Swift is going to have six breakups a year," observed comedian Bill Maher, "she needs to write a new song entitled 'Maybe It's Me.'" He was referring to Swift's habit of using her romantic misadventures to stimulate her lyric-writing creativity. With that as your prompt, Aries, I'll ask you to do some soul-searching about your own intimacy issues. How have you contributed to the problems you've had in getting the love and care you want? What unconscious behavior or conditioned responses have undermined your romantic satisfaction, and what could you do to transform them? The next eight weeks will be prime time to revolutionize your approach to relationships.
TauRuS (april 20-May 20) Philosopher Alan Watts used to talk about how the whole world is wiggling all the time. Clouds, trees, sky, water, human beings: Everything's constantly shimmying and jiggling and waggling. One of our problems, Watts said, is that we're "always trying to straighten things out." We feel nagging urges to deny or cover up or eliminate the wiggling. "Be orderly," we command reality. "Be neat and composed and predictable." But reality never obeys. It's forever doing what it does best: flickering and fluctuating and flowing. In accordance with astrological omens, Taurus, I encourage you to rebel against any natural tendencies you might have to fight the eternal wiggle. Instead, celebrate it. Rejoice in it. Align yourself with it.
GEMini (May 21-June 20)
by Rob Brezny
ViRGo (aug. 23-Sept. 22) A Chinese entrepreneur named Nin Nan dreamed up a unique way to generate capital: He sold dead mosquitoes online for a dollar apiece, advertising them as useful for scientific research and decoration. Within two days, he received 10,000 orders. Let’s make him your patron saint and role model for the next few weeks, Virgo. May he inspire you to come up with novel ways to stimulate your cash flow. The planetary omens suggest that your originality is more likely than usual to generate concrete rewards.
the coming weeks. Charge up your internal batteries with an extra-special deluxe regimen of sweet self-care.
LEo (July 23-aug. 22) Half of a truth is better than no truth at all, right? Wrong! If you latch on to the partially accurate story, you may stop looking for the rest of the story. And then you're liable to make a premature decision based on insufficient data. The better alternative is to reject the partially accurate story and be willing to wait around in the dark until the complete revelation comes. That may be uncomfortable for a while. But when the full truth finally straggles in, you will be very glad you didn't jump to unripe conclusions.
LiBRa (Sept. 23-oct. 22)
Author Elaine Scarry defines "the basic impulse underlying education" as follows: the "willingness to continually revise one's own location in order to place oneself in the path of beauty." Consider making this your modus operandi in the coming weeks, Gemini. Always be on the lookout for signs that beauty is near. Do research to find out where beauty might be hiding and where beauty is ripening. Learn all you can about what kinds of conditions attract beauty, and then create those conditions. Finally, hang around people who are often surrounded by beauty. This approach will be an excellent way to further your education.
"The most important thing is to find out what the most important thing is," wrote Shunryu Suzuki in his book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. That's your assignment for the next three weeks. Do whatever it takes to find out beyond any doubt what the most important thing is. Meditate naked an hour a day. Go on long walks in the wildest places you know. Convene intense conversations about yourself with the people who know you best. Create and sign a contract with yourself in which you vow to identify the experience you want more than any other experience on earth. No waffling allowed, Libra. What is the single most important thing?
cancER (June 21-July 22)
ScoRPio (oct. 23-nov. 21)
"Life is either always a tight-rope or a feather bed. Give me the tight-rope." So declared writer Edith Wharton. But she was an Aquarius, and more temperamentally suited to the tight-rope. Many of you Cancerians, on the other hand, prefer to emphasize the feather-bed mode. I suspect that in the next nine months, however, you will be willing and even eager to spend more time on the tight-rope than is customary for you. To get primed for the excitement, I suggest you revel in some intense feather-bed action in
Sometime in the next nine months you may feel moved to embark on an adventure that will transform the way you understand reality. Maybe you will choose to make a pilgrimage to a sacred sanctuary or wander further away from your familiar comforts than you ever have before. Right now is an excellent time to brainstorm about the possibilities. If you don't feel ready to actually begin your quest, at least formulate a master plan for the magic moment when you will be ripe.
SaGiTTaRiuS (nov. 22-Dec. 21) In the indigenous culture of Hawaii, "mana" refers to a spiritual power that may abide in people, objects and natural locations. You can acquire more of it by acting with integrity and excellence, but you might lose some of it if your actions are careless or unfocused. For instance, a healer who does a mediocre job of curing her patients could lose the mana that made her a healer in the first place. I believe that similar principles hold true for non-Hawaiians. All of us have an ever-shifting relationship with the primal life force. What's the current state of your own personal supply, Sagittarius? It's time to make sure you're taking full advantage of the mana you have been blessed with. Your motto: "Use it or lose it."
caPRicoRn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Have you been getting enough? I doubt it. I think you should sneak a peek into the hiding place where your insatiable cravings are stored. If you're brave enough, also take a look at your impossible demands and your unruly obsessions and your suppressed miracles. Please note: I'm not suggesting that you immediately unleash them all; I don't mean you should impulsively instigate an adventure that could possibly quench your ravenous yearnings. But I do believe you will benefit from becoming better acquainted with them. You could develop a more honest relationship, which would ultimately make them more trustworthy.
aQuaRiuS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Don't tape your thumbs to your hands and stalk around pretending to be a dinosaur. Don't poke three holes in a large plastic garbage bag and wear it as a tunic while imagining that you are a feudal serf in a post-apocalyptic, sci-fi dystopia. Don't use a felt-tip marker to draw corporate logos on your face to show everyone what brands of consumer goods you love. To be clear: I would love you to be extravagantly creative. I hope you will use your imagination in novel ways as you have fun playing with experimental scenarios. But please exercise a modicum of discernment as you wander way outside the box. Be at least 20 percent practical.
PiScES (Feb. 19-March 20) "Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic," says the poet Marty McConnell. That's good advice, Pisces — not just in regards to your intimate relationships, but about all your other alliances, too. If you're seeking a friend or consultant or business partner or jogging companion or new pet, show a preference for those creatures who look at you like maybe you are magic. You always need to be appreciated for the sweet mystery and catalytic mojo you bring to your partnerships, but you especially need that acknowledgment now.
PerFOrMiNG Arts direCtOr LEAF Performing Arts Director Job Posting-Full Time Position with LEAF Community Arts LEAF Performing Arts Director helps create and oversee effective visioning, planning and execution of LEAF performance arts and special events. LEAF seeks a creative and entrepreneurial person with a passion for cultural and community arts, wide range of music knowledge, and nonprofit awareness. Contact info@ theLEAF.org or 828.68-MUSIC [686-8742] for full Job Posting. Start: November 1st with training October 15- October 22. PrOMOtiONs direCtOr Clear Channel Asheville, NC is seeking our next Promotions Director. Must demonstrate the ability to manage and direct all aspects of promotions. Duties include, but not limited to, planning and developing promotions, supervising station contests, arranging prizes and listener events, represent stations at community events, promotions. Must be able to frequently lift and/or move up to 50 pounds and possess a valid driver’s license and state mandated auto insurance. Send your resume to jeffdavis@clearchannel.com Clear Channel Media + Entertainment Asheville is an equal opportunity employer.
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theatre styles. Ages 7 & up. I have a doctorate & 20+ yrs. teaching experience. 405-5014035, no texts. STUdy THE ArT OF iMprOviSATiOn – ALL inSTrUMEnTS – ALL LEvELS – ALL STyLES The history of music from antiquity to the present is richly colored with the art of improvisation. In today’s competitive musical world a working knowledge of the improviser’s art is an imperative for the active professional. From transposing to reading chord charts to understanding the Blues to playing introductions and endings – these skills and more are an integral part in the study of improvisation. With 30 years teaching experience, a Masters of Arts degree from Queens College (CUNY) and 40 years of professional experience as an international jazz pianist/composer and bandleader – I am available for private lessons in the art of improvisation for ALL INSTRUMENTS either in my Black Mountain home studio or through the Asheville Music School. Contact me at: mjsjazz@mac.com (917)916-1363 michaeljefrystevens.com http:// www.ashevillemusicschool.com/ Mention this ad to get your first lesson FREE!
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thE nEw YoRk timES cRoSSwoRd PuzzlE
ACROSS Mesa, Calif. 6 Legs on an insect or strings on a guitar 11 Decryption org. 14 Square dance group, e.g. 15 ___ curiae (friends of the court) 16 Done, to Donne 17 Author Zora ___ Hurston 18 Sells in the stands 19 Insult, slangily 20 Norwegian import in the dairy case 23 Windsor’s locale: Abbr. 24 Bit of ink, for short 25 “Aw, hell!” 26 Some book jacket blurbs 28 Links 33 Not so risky
1 ___
36 41 42
Youngest 600-homer man, informally You can hardly believe it Oscar winner Jannings Inappropriate for the easily offended, say Bit of equipment for an outdoor kids’ game Help (out) Electronically scored duel Western treaty grp. ___-Blo fuse What 20-, 28-, 36- and 45-Across are Cranberry locale Carlos Danger, e.g. Lavatory sign ___ Taylor (clothier)
66 67 68 69 70
Beatnik’s percussion Ring-tailed primate ___ judicata “S.N.L.” bit Northern Scandinavians
DOWN 1 Scams 2 Where
Polynesia is from square 51 one 52 4 Blow the whistle, so to 53 speak 5 “This is only 55 ___” 6 Can’t help but 56 7 E.M.T. part: Abbr. 62 8 Ped ___ 9 Aussie rockers 63 with a knickersclad lead guitarist 64 10 Potluck choice 65 11 Spouse’s refusal 12 Earth movers? ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 13 Literary sleuth Answer S P C A toA Previous S H E S Puzzle P A R E ___ Lupin W N S E AI S AS BW JI ER CL T A AR RE ES 21 Do a T S R TY CI Y PP RA AT GR UO EL B TO AA RT supermarket A R LE O T RI M I N G EW DI L SL I D NO G task R U E A L M IP TO EL MY SP 22 Ending of S B M A OR NI EN YE many an e-mail C E EA ES NE Y E X KP UO W A I T address C H A I N S R AE I UP MA AD M IP O W S Z OI O A R M C LR EA NF ST EC SA R SR T I NE SR 27 French seasoning A O L TS O LL OO OU ST E V TO OL UT T S G H R E A M K II NL NN A MS EE OT NT LS Y 29 Grammywinning Eric G I J EO SE T ED EE S T XR FO I Y LE ER Clapton tune S C O N C E P E A L O N E T E N N O S C A Y 30 ___ diavolo O W Q U I T E K I L L M E N B A T T L E S H I P R O S A 31 Potter or Klink: U R N N E W D A D M A C H A N T E O K A P I B O O N Abbr. A S K E L A I N E O S H A D E A R N Y J E T I N N S 32 Valhalla ruler D E S S I N G E R N A S T
No.0814 Edited by Will Shortz
No. 0814
edited by Will Shortz
23 27
35 37
41 45
3 Go
53 58
51 54
55 61
34 37 38 39 40 43 44
Cambodian currency Marseilles Mrs. Bro, for one Flapper’s do Struggling at the plate, say Amasses, as debt Sales pros
45 46
47 48 49 50
Party room fixture “The Internet in your pocket” sloganeer, once Fakes Sedge locale Many “Well, ___-di-dah”
54 57 58 59 60
Participant in 1-Down Chews the rag Zero-star fare Rotgut buyer, perhaps To whom Brabantio says “Thou art a villain” Fit for drafting
For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle Forsubscriptions answers: Call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 for Annual are available the best of Sunday and more than 2,000 past puzzles, a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800crosswords nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). 814-5554.from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&TAnnual users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. subscriptions are available for nytimes.com/mobilexword for more the best of Sunday crosswords from the information. Crosswords young solvers: nytimes. lastsubscriptions: 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. Online Today’s puzzlecom/learning/xwords. and moreforthan 2,000 past puzzles, AT&Tnytimes.com/crosswords users: Text NYTX to 386 to ($39.95 a year). puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/ Sharedownload tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. mobilexword for more information. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
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