OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
PAGE 10 GO OR NO GO? In this election, city voters will decide a $74 million question: whether to approve bonds to finance transportation, affordable housing, and parks and recreation projects. Asheville leaders and organizations weigh in on the choices. PHOTO MONTAGE Scott Southwick COVER DESIGN Scott Southwick
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
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Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com. STA F F PUBLISHER & MANAGING EDITOR: Jeff Fobes ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER: Susan Hutchinson ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Virginia Daffron A&E EDITOR/WRITER: Alli Marshall FOOD EDITOR/WRITER: Gina Smith WELLNESS EDITOR/WRITER: Susan Foster OPINION EDITOR: Tracy Rose STAFF REPORTERS/WRITERS: Able Allen, Thomas Calder, Virginia Daffron, Dan Hesse, Max Hunt CALENDAR EDITOR: Abigail Griffin CLUBLAND EDITORS Abigail Griffin, Max Hunt
WNC forests need your voice for protection Mountain Xpress has done a great job covering the concerns of many Asheville residents about tree removal in the city (as in the Sept. 28 article “If a Tree Falls in the City: Residents Push to Update Asheville’s Tree Ordinances.”) As was the case with the large sycamores recently removed from the Country Club of Asheville, the loss of old, specimen trees along well-traveled corridors is often startling and heartbreaking. These trees and the city’s ordinances and regulations to protect them certainly merit investigation and close consideration, and it is inspiring to see how many people care passionately for them. Outside of the view of most Asheville residents lie 1.1 million acres of public land in the Nantahala and Pisgah national forests, and these trees need our time, attention and voices, too. They face an uncertain future under the new forest management plan currently being created by the U.S. Forest Service. Though the forest plan revision is a long, complicated process, it will ultimately decide the future of these lands that belong to all of us. It is our responsibility to pay attention and engage to ensure that the special places that exist in our region receive adequate protection in this new plan.
MOVIE REVIEWERS: Scott Douglas, Jonathan Rich, Justin Souther CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Chris Changery, Karen Richardson Dunn, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Margaret Williams EDITORIAL INTERNS Emma Grace Moon, Clara Murray REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Jacqui Castle, Leslie Boyd, Scott Douglas, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, John Piper Watters, Steph Guinan, Corbie Hill, Rachel Ingram, Bill Kopp, Cindy Kunst, Kate Lundquist, Lea McLellan, Kat McReynolds, Clarke Morrison, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Conner, Thom O’Hearn, Kyle Petersen
UNCERTAIN FUTURE: A view from within the Black Mountains range, an area The Wilderness Society describes as having exceptional wilderness characteristics deserving of permanent protection. Photo by Michelle Ruigrok of The Wilderness Society An important step in the forest planning process occurred this summer when the Forest Service released its evaluation of lands that may be eligible for wilderness recommendation in the new plan. In Western North Carolina, there are over 350,000 acres of lands inventoried for their wilderness characteristics, including places like Craggy/Big Ivy, Mackey Mountain and the Black Mountains. They provide opportunities for nonmotorized recreation, such as hiking, hunting and camping, protection for old-growth forest, rare and threatened species and more. Unfortunately, the evaluation released by the Forest Service reduces the total
ADVERTISING, ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Susan Hutchinson GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Norn Cutson, Jordy Isenhour, Scott Southwick MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Thomas Allison, Sara Brecht, Bryant Cooper, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Nick Poteat INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES & WEB: Bowman Kelley BOOKKEEPER: Alyx Perry ADMINISTRATION, BILLING, HR: Able Allen, Lisa Watters DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBUTION: Gary Alston, Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Thomas Young, Robin Hyatt
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
acreage eligible for wilderness recommendation in the new forest plan by more than 80 percent. If unchanged, this could prevent some of our region’s most pristine wild lands from being recommended for wilderness designation, i.e., permanent protection. Making sure the special qualities of these areas are recognized now will help protect them within the plan, and the Forest Service is accepting public comments on the evaluation. I implore those who care deeply for trees to also raise their voices for our national forests. For a full list of key areas and guide to making comments, visit ncmountaintreasures.org. — Kathy Kyle Hendersonville
Sierra Club endorses candidates in local elections
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
After reviewing voting records, questionnaires and interviews, the Sierra Club has made the following endorsements in contested Buncombe County races: • Terry Van Duyn for N.C. Senate. • John Ager for N.C. House. • Brownie Newman for chair of the Buncombe County [Board of Commissioners]. • Nancy Nehls Nelson, Ed Hay and David King for Buncombe County [Board of Commissioners]. • Drew Reisinger for Register of Deeds. Outside of Buncombe County, we have endorsed Jane Hipps for N.C. Senate District 50, and Rhonda Cole Schandevel and Joe Sam Queen for N.C. House Districts 118 and 119. Statewide, the Sierra Club has endorsed Deborah Ross for U.S. Senate, Roy Cooper for governor, Linda Coleman for lieutenant governor, Josh Stein for attorney general and Michael Morgan for state Supreme Court. Go to WENOCA.org to see a full list of endorsements. These candidates care about solutions for global warming, planning for smart growth, farmland preservation and will protect our air and water from fracking and coal-ash pollution. — Ken Brame Chair Sierra Club Political Committee Leicester
Be part of the swarm to take back NC Now that the second debate between the two main presidential MOUNTAINX.COM
candidates is over, those of you still on the fence have to make a choice. This is what I’m certain of if Hillary Clinton is elected president: Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will work hard to help her implement the most progressive Democratic platform ever and that Hillary will be a champion for earlychildhood education, affordable college education and take on student debt so that every one of our children has the chance to live up to their potential. The next Supreme Court justice nominated by a Democratic president can overturn Citizens United. This is what I’m certain of if Donald Trump is elected president: He will still be a misogynist and a racist in office. He will dismantle Planned Parenthood, environmental protections and make sure that the next Supreme Court justice will be an extreme conservative who can help overturn Roe v. Wade. This is what I’m certain of if you vote for a third-party candidate: Your choice will not have an outcome because they will not win. You can say your one vote does not matter, but each vote does matter. As the Dalai Lama says, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.” It is vital you turn out to vote also for your state and local candidates this election and be part of the swarm of mosquitos that can take back our state of North Carolina and repeal HB2, which has done irreparable economic and social harm to our state. So vote early from Oct. 20 to Nov. 5, take a selfie with your “I voted” sign and challenge all your friends on Facebook to early vote as well. Our future can be much brighter with a Democratic governor and legislature in North Carolina who believe in our values — on education and on social, economic, health care and environmental issues. — Valerie Hoh Community activist Asheville
Get thee to Sweeney Todd at ACT Giving up watching football and venturing over to Asheville Community Theatre to see a play is not a typical way to spend a Sunday fall day for me. Although I have seen a number of plays in New York, London and Los Angeles over the years, [outings to see] plays in Asheville have been few and far between. After viewing Sweeney Todd this past Sunday afternoon, taping football just might be an option.
From the opening number to the closing epilogue, Sweeney grabs you and won’t let go. The set design dazzles before you can get comfortable in your seat. The orchestra, with only seven pieces, feels like a Fourth of July celebration with Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops. The actors, from support staff to Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney himself, set the stage ablaze in every scene. They have a rare and special connectivity not often found in musical theater. During postshow discussion, I learned that all cast members were local Asheville residents. The talent within our wonderful city truly overwhelms. At $25 a ticket, this production might fetch nearly 10 times that on big-city venues. I urge all of Asheville and Western North Carolina to see this spectacular production. Taping the Bills, Brady and the Broncos never felt so rewarding. — Rob Lipsett Asheville
Holocaust comparison: a response I would like to respond to Raymond Capelouto’s letter to the editor, “Holocaust Comparison Is Disturbing” [Oct. 5, Xpress]. It was written in response to my letter to the editor from Sept. 21, “Slaughterhouse ‘Blues’ Is Shocking.” First, my apology to any Jewish person who was offended. That was not my intention at all. I remember visiting the Jewish Museum in Prague several decades ago, and it broke my heart. I think most of us are still wondering how on earth human beings were capable of doing that to other human beings, not just Jewish people but the other minorities as well. The point of my [letter] was to express that today, billions of animals are being slaughtered yearly, and this is acceptable to most people. Animals also have feelings and fears, but most do not want to actually know the horrors of what they are put through. I admired Cynthia Sampson’s mention in her letter to the editor [Sept. 28] that Israeli animal rights activists refer to the “Holocaust of the animals” using the same term that causes us all to shudder. That word is meant to wake us up, [make us] pay attention and say, “Never again!” Let’s include animals in this firm resolve. — Miriam Hard Asheville
The continuing holocaust of animals I would like to respond to Raymond Capelouto’s letter [“Holocaust Comparison Is Disturbing,” Oct. 5, Xpress] regard-
C A RT O O N B Y B R E NT B R O W N ing [Miriam Hard’s] previous letter [“Slaughterhouse ‘Blues’ Is Shocking, “Sept 21, Xpress] regarding slaughterhouses. [In a Sept. 28 letter, “Why Invite a Slaughterhouse to Asheville?” Cynthia] Sampson pointed out that Israeli animal activists refer to slaughterhouses as “the Holocaust of the animals” ... In fact, many Jewish writers have compared the treatment of animals grown and killed for food in terms of holocaust. I urge Mr. Capelouto (and anyone who eats animals) to read Eternal Treblinka by Charles Patterson. The author is a historian who has researched and written on the German Holocaust extensively, and whose discovery of the treatment of animals we use for food led him to explore the connections between the German Holocaust and today’s holocaust of animals imprisoned and butchered for food. The author dedicates his book to Isaac Bashevis Singer, a vegetarian, who made perhaps the first written observation that to animals “all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.” Singer also wrote that “there is only one little step from killing animals to creating gas chambers a la Hitler and concentration camps a la Stalin” and “All the nice talk about humanism, a better tomorrow, a beautiful future, has no meaning as long as people kill to eat or kill for pleasure.” These remarks came from a man who had lost his mother, brother and other family members to the Holocaust. If any-
one has the credibility to speak of a holocaust of animals, it is certainly Mr. Singer. (Incidentally, the urban myth that Hitler was a vegetarian is false; it was a fib intentionally propagated by Hitler’s minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, to show that Hitler was disciplined and strong.) Webster’s dictionary states that the word “holocaust” means mass killing and is used in caps when referring to the Nazi Holocaust. What’s really interesting is that the Greek word holokaustos, meaning burnt whole, was used by the early Jews who made a burnt offering of a goat or lamb as a sacrifice to God. So the root of this word actually does refer to killing an animal. The imprisonment for life of animals killed for food is a holocaust that makes all the combined crimes of humanity against other humans pale in number. Read Eternal Treblinka, and you will discover the horrors, the fear and agony that the animals experience, and the cruelty that inspired Hitler. We are all animals, and to think it acceptable to torment and kill members of certain species, races, genders or religions but not others keeps us in a perpetual cycle of violence. Ms. Sampson owes no one an apology. But Mr. Capelouto and everyone who participates in the holocaust of animals by eating them owe the animals an apology. — Robbie Coleman Asheville
Reconsider the holocaust on your plate In “Holocaust Comparison Is Disturbing” [Oct. 5, Xpress], Raymond Capelouto states that Miriam Hard owes an apology to Jewish people for comparing the treatment of animals raised for food to the Nazi Holocaust [“Slaughterhouse Blues is Shocking,” Sept. 21, Xpress]. I would like to respectfully offer another perspective. I am a Jewish boomer who grew up in a neighborhood populated by many Nazi Holocaust survivors, and Ms. Hard does not owe me an apology. Society has desensitized most of us to the mass killing of animals, and I hope the analogy will awaken some folks to the gross injustices inflicted upon these innocent creatures. Just because something is legal and considered to be normal doesn’t make it right. Slavery was widely accepted once, too. Before others express similar criticisms, I suggest they read Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust by Jewish historian Dr. Charles Patterson (see www.powerfulbook.com). This enlightening book, which has been translated into 15 languages, gets its title from a quote by Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Isaac Bashevis Singer. He said, “In relation to them, all people are Nazis: for the animals, it is an Eternal Treblinka.”
Yes, of course, the Nazi Holocaust was egregious, to say the least. But what else should you call the killing of tens of billions of animals raised and killed for food every year? It seems counterproductive to argue which injustice is greater than the next. In fact, it is exactly this attitude — that some lives are more important than others — that perpetuates most injustices. Violence is violence, and if you believe in social justice, how can you support the abuse of animals simply because they cannot defend themselves? Isn’t that the basis of most discrimination? Unless you believe that might makes right, please reconsider the holocaust on your plate. It has never been easier to switch to a healthy, humane, environmentally friendly plant-based diet! — Stewart David Venice, Fla.
Correction In our Oct. 12 article “Taking a Stand: WNC Locals Support Protesters at Standing Rock,” we misquoted Erin Hardy in her comments about the people allied against the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota. She referred to them as “protectors.”
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Asheville leaders and organizations weigh in on bond choice
BY VIRGINIA DAFFRON vdaffron@mountainx.com In seeking voters’ approval for a $74 million bond referendum, is the city of Asheville acting more like a prudent family taking out a long-term mortgage on a home — or an outof-control consumer racking up discretionary purchases on a high-limit credit card? “Some people say that all debt is bad, and you should just pay for everything that you can out of that year’s budget,” said Mayor Esther Manheimer at a debate on the bond referendum sponsored by the Asheville High School Speech and Debate Club on Oct. 1. “I would tell you, though, to make major infrastructure improvements, it is necessary to borrow, and general obligation bonds are the cheapest way to do that.” One of Manheimer’s opponents in the debate, former chair of the Buncombe County GOP Chad Nesbitt, said handing the city a bigger credit card would be a mistake. “They don’t know how to budget like you families do,” Nesbitt told the audience of students, parents and civicminded community members. “So now they have spent all our property taxes, crazy taxes, fees, and want us to give them $74 million and interest? Absolutely not.” Manheimer offered three reasons why she believes Asheville should use general obligation bonds to finance major infrastructure investments: It’s a policy question that voters will decide, the city’s finances are in good order, and there will never be a better time to invest. IT’S UP TO YOU According to Chapter 159, Article 4 of the North Carolina General Statutes, debt secured by the “full faith and credit” of a municipality by way of its property tax revenues requires voters’ approval through a ballot measure. This type of debt, which cities and towns may use to fund a wide variety of long-term assets, is known as general obligation financing. Limited or special obligation financing, which is often secured by the municipal borrower’s physical assets, does not require the direct consent of the voters, but has a higher interest
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
BIG DECISIONS: Asheville voters will weigh in on three separate bond measures: $32 million for transportation projects, including road repaving, sidewalks, bus shelters, traffic-calming measures and greenways; $25 million for affordable housing, including $15 million to repurpose city-owned land for affordable housing and $10 million for the city’s affordable housing trust fund; and $17 million for parks and recreation projects. Graphic assembled by Scott Southwick rate. Repayment of those loans comes from nonproperty tax revenue streams, including sales tax. Enterprise, or “revenue” debt, the repayment of which comes from revenues produced by amenities such as water and utility systems or parking decks, is rated separately, according to the financial health of the underlying business enterprise. At the debate, Manheimer sparred with Nesbitt over how to compare “apples to apples” when assessing the city’s debt, which she pegged at $49 million currently. “Yes, there is additional debt,” she said in response to Nesbitt’s claim that the actual figure is $83 million, “but it’s in the water system and the one parking deck which we’ve still financed, which is supported not by taxpayers, but by fees.” The referendum asks voters to weigh in on three separate bond measures: $32 million for transportation projects, which includes road repav-
ing, sidewalks, bus shelters, traffic calming measures and greenways; $25 million for affordable housing, which includes $15 million in funding to repurpose city-owned land for affordable housing and a $10 million cash infusion to the city’s affordable housing trust fund; and $17 million for parks and recreation projects. But Nesbitt argued, “Asheville taxpayers already pay hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes. ... So when the City Council spends their money on things not in the budget [that] they are legally responsible for, they make a bond referendum and crazy things like a rain tax [referring to city stormwater fees].” HOUSE IN ORDER? Carl Mumpower, a former City Council member, joined Nesbitt
in opposing the bond in the debate. Mumpower took issue with the mayor’s statement that the city’s finances are healthy. “When I left the Council in 2009 ... we had double the reserve fund in percentages than we do now. I think y’all are down to the minimum in percentages because you spent every nickel you can get your hands on,” he charged. Manheimer responded that, “Our rainy day fund exceeds 15 percent of our general fund. The state requirement is only 8 percent. We far exceed that. ... It’s as healthy as it’s ever been currently.” While Mumpower’s dates are slightly off, city Finance Director and CFO Barbara Whitehorn says it’s true the reserve fund used to be considerably larger as a percentage of the general fund. In 2007, she says, it was 27 percent of the general fund. Sometime after that, she explains, City Council made a management decision to draw down
the general fund in order to put more of the city’s money to work for projects and other needs. By June 30, 2009, the reserve fund was 18.7 percent of the general fund, according to the city’s audited financial report for that year. Former Vice Mayor Marc Hunt, the fourth debate participant, agreed that the city’s finances are in good shape: “Bond financing is a very normal and smart way for a healthy city, like Asheville is, to tend to its financial needs. Asheville’s plan is safe.” “Asheville currently carries a debt load of $234 per person,” said Manheimer. According to a spreadsheet dated October 2016 provided by the N.C. Department of State Treasurer, Asheville had “no major deficiencies” and “no defaults noted.” If the bonds are approved, the state treasurer’s spreadsheet indicates that per capita debt will rise from $234 to $1,063. The average per capita debt of the state’s 10 largest cities — “of which we are one,” Manheimer noted — is $1,078 per person, the mayor said. However, neither the state’s nor the mayor’s figures are up-to-date, clarifies Whitehorn. Asheville’s per capita debt was $234 from June 30, 2015, (the end of the city’s fiscal year) until June 26, 2016. On that date, the city retired $1 million of its $25 million debt and added $25 million more, for a total indebtedness of $49 million. Much of that debt pays for vehicles and equipment, she pointed out. One firetruck costs about $1.5 million, so those costs mount quickly, Whitehorn says. The bottom line is that the current city per capita debt is actually $550, according to Whitehorn. (See sidebar, “Asheville’s current per capita debt higher than recent city claims”) If the bonds are approved by voters, and if the city issues the entire $74
million in one lump sum (“Which we wouldn’t do,” says Whitehorn, explaining that the debt would be issued in chunks spread out over seven years), the per capita figure would jump to $1,378. She also points out that all the figures cited for other municipalities’ per capita debt loads are based on figures from June 30, 2015, so those also are likely to be out of date. Pressed by Nesbitt to explain his statement that the city needs to catch up on infrastructure projects that have long been deferred, Hunt said, “Our city has a legacy of the crash of the 1920s and the fiscal difficulties that reigned ever since then [see “Ties that bond” in this issue of Xpress]. And a very weak economy, leading up to about 20 years ago when things started rebuilding. When I came into office five years ago, we were on a 70-year cycle of repaving our city streets.” The recommended target for street repaving, Hunt said, is 20 years. Currently, Asheville’s schedule is “about 40 years.” If passed, Hunt continued, “I think this bond is going to help us take a leap toward 20. It probably won’t get us to 20.” Mumpower shot back, “It would be my suggestion that when your road replacement schedule has been narrowed down to only being twice as long as it should be, your ship is not in order.” He also advised that city staff salaries are too high, “especially when you look at the community that we live in. We are not wealthy by the majority, especially the people who’ve lived here for some time.” THE TIME IS NOW “We have been extremely conservative, and some might argue, too conservative,” Manheimer said of the
city’s financial status. “You do need to borrow to be able to make major infrastructure improvements and investments. And there is need. And that is why I believe the taxpayers so strongly support these bonds, as evidenced by the polling.” While he declines to give an opinion on Asheville’s bond questions, Edward J. Lopez, a professor of economics at Western Carolina University, says that, as a general rule, “Using debt can be an important lever for the city.” Mumpower, however, says he believes this is a risky and uncertain time to take on more debt. “On our horizon, there are some dark clouds. There are some concerns, serious concerns, all across the world, about where events are going to go — not unlike what happened to the city in the late ’20s and early ’30s. I don’t think the picture lends itself to high risk at this point. “Are you aware of who’s running for president this year?” Mumpower continued. “Anybody who tracks the economies of the world and our spending — it’s a particularly dangerous time, and we have never talked about borrowing $76 [sic] million for the purposes for which this money is semi-dedicated.” Though the state treasurer’s document indicates that the GO bond issue would be rated as AA+ by Standard & Poor’s and Aa1 by Moody’s, that Standard & Poor’s rating is incorrect, according to Whitehorn. She forwarded an Aug. 26, 2015, report from Standard & Poor’s showing that Asheville’s GO bond rating is AAA. Nesbitt pointed out that the total bill for the bond would be far greater than $74 million. The interest the
Asheville’s per capita debt higher than recent city claims According to Barbara Whitehorn, the city’s finance director, juggling multiple projects — including a $25 million debt issue and a $74 million bond proposal — led to an accounting error that resulted in the Mayor Esther Manheimer and other city officials understating the city’s current per-capita debt by more than half. “I take responsibility for it,” says Whitehorn. “The mayor has been using figures I provided, and those were not correct.” The city’s per capita debt was $234, Whitehorn says, as of June 30, 2015, the end of the city’s 2014-15 fiscal year. It continued to be true until June 26 of this year, when the city increased its nonenterprise debt load from $25 million to $49 million. At that point, the per capita debt went up to $550. Prior to City Council’s decision to bring the bond referendums to voters, Whitehorn continues, she assembled much of the data about the city’s debt levels in early June, before the new debt
was issued. Her mistake was in not adding that prospective debt to the city’s total debt load, she says. The documents that the city submitted to state regulators (and which were approved) were dated June 30, 2016, and included the lower pre-June 26 debt totals and per capita debt figures. Of her Oct. 1 statement that the current city debt is $234, Manheimer wrote in an Oct. 17 email, “At the time I made the statement, I thought it was the current debt per capita until staff later informed me that due to new debt being issued, the current debt number is $550.” If all of the proposed $74 million in bond debt were issued at once — which is not the city’s plan, Whitehorn says — the total per capita debt would be $1,378. Compared with 2015 figures, that would be higher than all but two of the 18 largest municipalities in the state, Charlotte and Raleigh. — V.D. X
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
NEWS city pays on these bonds will be just under 3 percent, he said, “and the total amount of interest we pay will be around $36 million. The total debt will be around $110 million, not $74.” Whitehorn agrees with Nesbitt’s interest figure, but clarifies that $36 million in interest payments rep-
resents what the city views as “the maximum amount we could spend.” According to Whitehorn, the Local Government Commission, which oversees debt issued by municipalities, reviewed Asheville’s financial projections when it considered the city’s application to place the bond ques-
tions on the ballot. The LGC, she says, signed off on $36 million as being the upper limit of future interest payments; the total could be lower in the end. But just as with a mortgage, she acknowledges, the total amount of interest over the lifetime of a longterm loan is significant.
Supporters and opponents While Asheville’s elected officials may legally advocate for the Asheville bond referendum — and all seven of them have come out strongly in favor of it — city staff may only provide planning support and voter education. Dawa Hitch, the city’s director of communications and public engagement, says the telephone survey of Asheville voters, the city’s webpage related to the bond and a printed information sheet are all “strictly educational” in nature. The informational flier and presentation boards recently created by her department, Hitch says, cost $4,463.42, and that money came from the department’s annual budget. Education, Hitch explains, is central to the mission of her department. “Education is an essential part of our day-to-day work across so many different subjects,” she says. “We try to make sure that we are educating people on the range of things that the city is doing or considering doing. This time those efforts happen to be about the bond.” An advocacy organization spearheaded by the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, the AVL GO Bonds Committee, is campaigning in support of the bond. The organization has created promotional materials with a green and white color scheme, including yard signs. According to the committee’s website (avl.mx/32d), the group is registered with the supervisor of elections and is made up of organizations that have endorsed all three bonds including:
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
• Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce • United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County • Asheville Buncombe Adult Soccer Association • Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Association • Asheville Ultimate Frisbee League • River Arts District Artists • River Arts District Business Association • Asheville Downtown Association • Mountain Housing Opportunities • Asheville on Bikes • Children First/Communities in Schools • MountainTrue • Land of the Sky Association of Realtors • Friends of Connect Buncombe
Xpress wasn’t able to identify any business organizations that oppose the bonds. Council of Independent Business Owners’ Executive Director Mike Plemmons says that his group hasn’t taken a stand one way or the other. “If our members want to vote for it, fine. If they don’t, that’s fine, too,” he says. CIBO is more concerned with advancing the Interstate 26 Connector project, he explains. And the group would like to see the city be more aggressive in planning, funding and building infrastructure projects generally, he says. The Mountain Area Citizens’ PAC has emerged as the main body opposing the bond. On its website (avl.mx/32e), an open letter to the mayor and City Council outlines the group’s position: “As a concerned taxpayer and citizen of the City of Asheville, I respectfully request that you withdraw your current bond proposal. Our city already has a substantial amount of debt and is not in good financial standing. Adding such an overwhelming amount of debt to this current total is not only worrisome but irresponsible to our future generations.” The group is collecting signatures of those who oppose the bond; at press time, fewer than 100 signatures appeared on the group’s online petition. X
A LOT TO CONSIDER Hunt noted that the preference for “low taxes and low services” championed by Mumpower and Nesbitt is “a valid viewpoint” held by “many, many of our citizens” who oppose any increase in city taxes. Hunt conceded that he wrestles with the gentrifying potential of large-scale investments that will improve the city’s infrastructure and amenities. “Asheville is so appealing fundamentally because of our natural surroundings and our architectural heritage. It represents a real challenge,” he said. He pointed to recent economic development success stories (including GE Aviation, Linamar, New Belgium Brewing and Avadim Technologies) as examples of the kinds of private-sector investment that smart public-sector funding can catalyze, saying, “If we put the brakes on improving and the employers faded away, that would be a shame.” All the same, he said, “It is going to be a constant challenge to address the unmet needs of underserved populations.” But, Hunt said, the current City Council is “very serious” about addressing those issues. Asheville taxpayers will end up footing the bill for improvements that could benefit all of Western North Carolina, Hunt continued. “I regard the assets that are going to be invested in as community assets that extend well beyond the boundaries of downtown Asheville,” he explained. Hunt also has concerns about some of the specific proposed projects. “Some of these projects were thrown together in a hurry,” he said. “Like spending $4 million at Memorial Stadium. I understand it’s decrepit, but it’s a single field with very little spectator interest, and I think it’s worth stepping back and re-examining all these projects to make sure the money is well-aimed and not spent if it doesn’t need to be.”
WCU economist Lopez agrees that it’s important to question whether the solutions proposed in the bond package are the best ways to accomplish the voters’ objectives, should the bonds be approved. He’s specifically concerned about the strategies to boost affordable housing. “The bond proposal includes spending an additional $10 million on direct subsidies to the marketplace. If voters do make it known in this election that affordable housing is a priority ... the problem really needs to be solved by looking at the supply of housing, and doing what we can from a regulation standpoint to make that supply flexible to expand with new waves of population growth like we’ve been seeing. That will do more than anything to keep housing affordable.” MATTER OF TRUST Former Mayor and City Manager Ken Michalove approaches the bond question with deep skepticism. At a public presentation given by Manheimer on Oct. 10 at Ira B. Jones Elementary School, Michalove told Xpress he pointed out that the composition of City Council is likely
to change over the next seven years, the period in which the bond funds would be spent. Thus, Michalove said, Manheimer cannot guarantee how the money will be used. Michalove also highlighted the city’s $110 million, five-year Capital Improvement Program budget, which will move forward regardless of whether the bond referendum passes. Michalove told Xpress that he does not trust current and possible future elected officials to use the CIP and bond referendum funds responsibly: “They can hide expenses, and there are not any watchdogs to bring it to the attention of the public.” Distrust of city leadership was a note also sounded by Mumpower and Nesbitt in the debate. “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior,” Mumpower argued. “Asheville has a long track record of ignoring potholes, failing to uphold its street-replacement schedules, failing to fulfill affordable housing fantasies, wasting millions on development schemes that don’t happen, and creating public spaces and amenities that in turn we don’t maintain because we cannot afford to. We cannot trust this kind of government to be careful with our money.”
Mumpower told the audience the current City Council is “unilateral” and is made up only of Democrats. For the record, Council member Cecil Bothwell recently resigned from the Democratic Party and changed his registration to independent. Comparing City Council to a “crackhead family member” who keeps asking for money, Nesbitt said, “You have to be responsible and accountable for your actions, and we as taxpayers have to stop giving money to those who are not responsible for our money.” TAX IMPACT Whether the bond passes or not, Nesbitt said, higher property taxes are on the horizon. “In regards to the $74 million bond, the property tax increases will continue to drive out businesses and working-class renters, leaving only wealthy people who can afford to live in the city.” According to the city website that outlines the bond proposal, issuing $74 million in GO bonds could require a property tax increase of 4.15 cents per $100 of taxable real estate value. “The upcoming revaluation could affect
these estimates slightly,” the website advises, “but based on current rates, if approved, the bonds could increase property taxes in the city by about $110 a year, or a little more than $9 per month for a home valued at $275,000.” Manheimer pointed out during the debate that $275,000 is the average home value in the city. Because GO bonds are supported by taxpayers, Manheimer said, the projects and spending are geographically distributed throughout the city. Mumpower disputed that claim, countering, “Look where the money is going. They can put it wherever they want to, but most of it is going to downtown Asheville and North Asheville. East, West and South are getting much more bill than benefit.” The city’s website includes an interactive project map that details both the proposed bond projects and Capital Improvement Program projects. The GO bond referendums will appear on the back of Asheville voters’ ballots when early voting gets under way on Oct. 20. Voters will be asked to indicate their position on each of the three bond measures separately. X
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Coogan Brennan
TIES THAT BOND Asheville’s voters will decide this November whether the city will take on a major — $74 million — taxpayerfinanced debt load for the first time in decades. Supporters say the funds will support the city’s current growth by creating or updating vital infrastructure. Critics say taking on such heavy debt is irresponsible. Some of those critics raise the specter of the Great Depression, when Buncombe County had one of the highest levels of debt per capita among all United States counties. Even former Vice Mayor Marc Hunt, who supports the current bond measures, notes, “The impact of the 1920s made it so that economic development for decades following the 1920s was very difficult, and it was only around 1990 that the economy of Asheville began to recover.” Asheville’s municipal debt crisis, spanning 1927-36, appears, in retrospect, to have been the consequence of a multiyear perfect storm. By 1928, over half of the city’s collected revenues were being used to pay off its debt. On a single day in November 1930, eight banks in the region closed. By 1932, Buncombe County’s 98,000 residents were on the hook with bondholders to repay a mind-numbing $158.8 million — $2.8 billion in today’s dollars, or over $28,000 per person. Because the county and city debt were consolidated in a 1936 agreement, Asheville labored in the shadow of that entire amount. BOOM TURNS TO BUST One victim (or villain) of the times was Asheville Mayor Gallatin Roberts. An attorney, Roberts served in a variety of elected positions, including county attorney, state legislator and two stints as the city’s mayor. At the age of 49, Roberts came into mayoral office for a second time in 1927, having previously served from 1919-23. This go-round, he had campaigned on pledges to reignite a once-promising economy that had faltered in the face of worsening financial conditions — conditions that would soon become the Great Depression. Roberts’ efforts quickly became mired in a financial scandal that helped push the city near bankruptcy and eventually led to his death. A real estate frenzy in 1925 had sent Asheville’s land values and hopes soaring. Today’s development boom of new hotels and other real estate ventures may seem dramatic, but it pales in com-
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
The legacy of Asheville’s financial nightmare
BOOM TOWN: Shown here around 1929, Pack Square at that time was ringed by the 1926 Asheville City Hall, the 1903 and 1928 Buncombe County courthouses, Pack Memorial Library, Legal Building, Central Bank & Trust, Commerce Building, Westall Building and Jackson Building. Photo by George Masa, provided courtesy of the North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Public Library parison to the city’s frenzy during that earlier period. C.R. Sumner, a reporter at the time for the Asheville Citizen, described the scene as “so cockeyed crazy as to make the opus of Jules Verne seem like the tamest of prose.” Real estate offices popped up overnight in highrent spots near Pack Square, removing their front doors to make room for the brass bands and string orchestras they hired to play as enticements, Sumner recollected in an article dated March 16, 1956. Salesmen from the recently burst Florida bubble market came to Asheville, loading customers on custom-built touring cars to see land developments by day and throwing parties fueled by call girls and Prohibition-era alcohol by night. Asheville’s population grew from 20,000 in 1920 to more than 50,000 in 1930. In 1924 alone, building per-
mits brought in $4.2 million, several sources report. Growth of this magnitude necessitated increases in municipal services, and Roberts’ predecessor, Mayor John Cathey, authorized spending over $15 million ($207 million in today’s dollars) on infrastructure. According to a 1934 University of North Carolina study — which categorized some of these expenses, such as the city’s new public golf course, as luxuries — the city improved its water service, paved roads and built a new art deco city hall designed by architect Douglas Ellington. Barbara Whitehorn, the current chief financial officer for the city, imagines the time as being one of intoxicating potential, which clouded sound judgment. “It’s the Roaring ’20s, the economy is booming, people are thinking, ‘We can do anything. We’re the Paris of the South,’” she
muses. When real estate values began to decline in 1926, those lofty dreams were put in jeopardy. A MAYOR IN CRISIS When Roberts took office in 1927, he found a web of debt slowly suffocating the area. Some of it was partially hidden at first: Throughout the 1920s, individual districts, such as Biltmore Village and Swannanoa, were able to issue their own debt without notifying one another. This practice resulted in excessive borrowing, as well as double spending when districts with overlapping boundaries borrowed money for purposes such as maintaining roads. Over time, the debt burden became overwhelming when the real estate market, which had begun to falter in 1926, didn’t bounce back, either.
TRAGIC FIGURE: Two-term Asheville Mayor Gallatin Roberts is shown in his City Hall office (which would recently have been completed) around 1930. The woman shown in the photo is believed to be his secretary from that period, Mrs. Glen B. Morris. On Feb. 25, 1931, four days after his indictment by a grand jury on corruption charges related to mismanagement of city funds, Gallatin committed suicide. Photo courtesy of the North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Public Library Between 1927 and 1933, house prices in Asheville dropped nearly 50 percent. While the real estate decline certainly hurt the city, the 1929 stock market crash dealt the decisive blow. Asheville’s own “Black Thursday” took place a year later, on Nov. 20, 1930, when eight banks in the region closed — four in Asheville, three in Hendersonville and one in Biltmore Village (then its own district). Many people lost whatever money they had in those banks. The city itself had at least $3 million (1933 dollars) for the school budget alone in Central Bank and Trust. It appears from news reports that that money was lost. The dream of the Roaring ’20s had transfigured into a nightmare. Throughout late 1929 and 1930, Roberts went to extreme, perhaps illegal, measures to save his city, according to an oblique mention by the state’s attorney general in an April 1930 editorial in the Asheville Advocate. To buy time, Roberts set up a complicated financial scheme. The Central Bank and Trust of Asheville had been the major financier of the city’s development. In what seems to have been a quid-proquo relationship, the city kept its accounts at the Central Bank. The bank oversaw issuances of bonds and then gave the money to the city. The city deposited that money back into the bank, which could use those deposits to fund additional lending. According to a 1934 report by Chester
F. Lewis from UNC’s School of Public Administration, “Asheville’s difficult position was rendered more difficult by the fruitless attempt to bolster the chief banking institution [Central Bank and Trust] with deposits of public funds, only to have the bank close in the end. With the closing of the banks holding public funds, the city was no longer able to meet current expenses and maturing obligations.” INCREASING DESPERATION “If we hadn’t had the crash, we probably could have paid off the debt and people never would have known the extent of the behind-the-scenes issues,” Whitehorn says. After the crash of the market and nationwide bank closings, though, the relationship between the city and its bankers became increasingly desperate. A bank assistant cashier, Charles J. Hawkins, who was tasked with bringing promissory notes to Roberts, characterized the mayor as a nervous wreck of a man by 1930. In court testimony, Hawkins described the erratic behavior Roberts exhibited when he asked for the mayor’s signature: The mayor would instruct Hawkins to close the door to the office, and Roberts would pace back and forth, sometimes for minutes, before signing. Occasionally, Roberts would ask why the notes were being issued and inquire about the financial condition of the bank.
Hawkins would then leave City Hall as inconspicuously as possible. Black Thursday, however, spelled doom for Roberts. He resigned as mayor in December as evidence of the city’s financial mismanagement mounted. In 1931, the state legislature created a budget control board, which took over Asheville and Buncombe County’s major municipal services, according to a news article titled “County Board Has Authority Much Reduced,” held by the North Carolina Room at Pack Memorial Library. Vestiges of this shift toward state authority (such as control of many local roadways and oversight of borrowing) continue to this day. Further, the people of Asheville themselves, according to Lewis’ report, lobbied the city government to change its administration style to the more transparent city council-city manager structure that is now in place. A Dec. 6, 1930, editorial in the Asheville Citizen stated that while auditors found Roberts responsible for gross mismanagement, the newspaper had concluded neither he nor any locals personally pocketed government funds. But that meager vote of confidence was cold comfort to Roberts. Pack Memorial Librarian Betsy Murray, reflecting on biographical material from the N.C. Room’s Gallatin Roberts Collection, writes that Roberts had “spent his entire life trying to be the trustworthy, upright man that he
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
NEWS wished his father [who had abandoned the family] had been.” After his indictment — along with other officials — by a grand jury in February 1931 on charges of conspiring to misuse public funds, Roberts wrote three letters, one to his family, one to his close friend George Pennell and one to the people of Asheville. This third letter (published in the newspaper) concludes, “When I went into office nearly four years ago, I found millions of dollars of the people’s money in the Central Bank and I tried with all my soul to protect it. … What would you have done? … Would you have made an honest effort to save it?” On Feb. 25, 1931, Roberts killed himself with a .38-caliber revolver in the bathroom of his law office. LEGAL CHALLENGE After Roberts’ death, more details emerged about the scope of the mismanagement. The new City Council asked a regional firm, R.C. Birmingham, to conduct an audit of the city’s finances. Along with the predictably dismal budget numbers, the firm also concluded that the city’s contracted auditor during the entire 1920s, Scott and Co., had created a “monumental farce.” The audit work reflected “rank stupidity,” the report states, “pervert[ing]” the city’s credit. Scott and Co., the report continues, also billed the government above-market prices for such peculiar services as an “advance of audit” and “balance on special audit, to apply on audit.” When Roberts’ travails, the incompetence of the city’s auditor and other missteps came to light, the circumstances opened the possibility of challenging the validity of the bonds. It seemed worth a shot to city leaders, given the crippling alternative. In 1932, according to “An Onerous Pact,” an editorial published on Dec. 9 of that year in the Asheville Advocate, bondholders presented a settlement agreement to Asheville and Buncombe County requiring full repayment of $158.5 million ($2.8 billion in 2016 dollars) and waiver of the right to legally challenge the bonds. The fiery commentary, published in response to the proposal, captures the popular indignation of a small town asked to pay a big bank during the Depression. The piece criticized the bondholders’ rapaciousness (“Let no one be deceived as to how they have developed their power and wealth simultaneous-
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
FINAL FAREWELL: Upon his death, Gallatin Roberts left three letters: one to a close friend, one to the people of Asheville and this one to his family. Document from the North Carolina Collection, Pack Memorial Library; photo by Coogan Brennan ly”) and argued for a fight in court: “As an alternative, the threat of the mailed fist through federal court procedure is presented. Opinion is rapidly changing in this country.” In 1932, a new City Council was elected and set out to settle the bond validity question once and for all. The case made it to U.S. District Court, where the city found a sympathetic ally in Judge Yates Webb, an Asheville resident. In his final ruling, Webb spoke openly about his desire to rule in favor of the city. As quoted in the Sept. 27, 1935, Asheville Citizen, he stated: “I have ransacked [legal libraries] in an effort to find some high authority [that] would enable me to relieve the City of Asheville of its liability. … I must confess to you that I have been unable to find it. On the contrary, I have been thoroughly convinced … that there is no legal way by which Asheville may be relieved of her obligations.” The federal court ruling can be seen as a tribute to Gallatin Roberts. It noted that the bonds issued by the city had been used mainly to pay for significant, lasting infrastructure in Asheville — not for personal gain. The city did, and would continue to, receive revenue from the bonds. Therefore, it needed to pay back the bondholders. Though Roberts and Cathey ran up debt irresponsibly and inappropriately, in some ways those funds created a greater Asheville. PAYBACK The brought from all a debt
conclusive Webb ruling about earnest negotiations sides and, in January 1936, settlement agreement was
announced in the Asheville Citizen. Asheville assumed all the debt of its districts and Buncombe County, which it would pay back in full with interest. A strict schedule of payments satisfied the bondholders and restored a sense of order to the Asheville economy. The settlement did not require Asheville to dramatically raise taxes, for example, and it prevented the city from defaulting. Most crucially to bondholders, the agreement made the debt legally incontrovertible. The newly formed Sinking Fund Commission included prominent members of the business community tasked with executing the agreement. Announcements of its permanent secretary, Curtis Bynum, mentioned his degrees from the University of Chicago and the Sorbonne, multiple directorships and executive business roles. Bynum represented how the crisis in Asheville went from being perceived as an unmitigated disaster to a logical, character-building civic duty. The next 40 years clicked by. “$5,265,347 in Public Bonds Retired Here,” proclaimed a June 22, 1941, news story in the Asheville Times. These headlines came around annually like clockwork. The debt was recorded on promissory notes. When the city retired debt, the bondholders would return the paper. Government and Sinking Fund members would then burn those notes in the city incinerator. One newspaper photo shows the city’s auditor, the chairman of the county Board of Commissioners and the mayor cremating retired debt instruments. The debt agreement limited Asheville’s ability to fund development over the 40 years that followed its financial catastrophe. Whitehorn
describes city spending from 1936 until the 1970s as having been largely focused on “getting rid of the albatross.” But, she continues, “the beauty of it is that we couldn’t do the things in urban renewal that so many cities did. We still did some things that were not great from the perspective of our community, but we didn’t tear down all the art deco buildings and replace them with malls. Because we didn’t have the money.” In the end, Whitehorn explains, “We ended up keeping these boarded-up buildings we thought were eyesores. In reality, they were treasures.” Reporter Doug Reed’s first beat when he began at the Asheville Citizen-Times was the municipal debt. He covered it voraciously, developing relationships with major players such as Curtis Bynum. Now in his late 80s, Reed still remembers Bynum speaking to him about the 1936 settlement agreement and how “not long after people grew ignorant.” PAST MEETS PRESENT The facts of Asheville’s municipal debt calamity are convoluted and difficult to parse out. The crisis, however, continues to haunt Asheville’s institutional memory. When Whitehorn arrived at City Hall in 2013, municipal debt had a reputation as “a big scary thing. [Yet] in the municipal world, debt is seen as a much more reasonable way to pay for infrastructure.” Curious about the source of the anxiety, she learned about the municipal debt story and it began to make sense. “It gave me a lot of perspective on why people are so reticent about debt here.” It also gave her a further appreciation for creative alternatives to taking on debt, she says. For example, Asheville’s entrepreneurs tend to develop existing real estate rather than build anew. “Instead of sprawl, you’re building up,” adds Whitehorn. The city also created financial incentives to encourage development in specific areas such as the River Arts District This spring, City Council proposed a referendum for the November general election to authorize up to $74 million in general obligation bond borrowing. For Whitehorn (who stresses she is not allowed to advocate for or against the bonds, only educate), municipal debt is an innovative tool of development if used responsibly. She sees Asheville’s positive credit rating and its relatively low debt load as “this one shiny tool that everyone uses. Asheville’s keeping
it very nice, shiny and lovely and not using it. And it’s the best tool. Like instead of using the screwdriver, using the power drill.” Concerned citizens point to the past as a warning for the future. At a public debate in October, former City Council member Carl Mumpower said, “The world economy is teetering, and Asheville is about to do the same thing we did in the 1920s: Borrow money while the sun is shining and ignore very dark clouds on the horizon.” [See more about the debate in this week’s issue of Xpress, in the article “GO or no GO?”] Asheville’s municipal debt crisis, though, may have been a singular event. Not only were the circumstances different in scale, but Asheville (like all municipalities in the state) must now obtain the approval of state regulators before creating new revenue streams — a procedure that some say is a direct result of the 1930s municipal crisis. Asheville’s government structure, and the world we live in, is more transparent now than it was in those days of tense check-signing scenes behind closed doors in City Hall. However, if approved, these referendums could bring about a significant,
if subtle, change for Asheville. Many cities have a rolling debt program, in which every few years old debt is retired and new debt is subsequently taken on, says Whitehorn. Due to the city’s first inability, then reluctance, to take on debt, Asheville doesn’t have this cycle in place. November’s election could mark the beginning of such a process. And while it’s easy to dismiss a comparison between the two eras, hindsight, which is always more accurate than prediction, presents a haunting view. Despite the tragedy and hardship it imposed, Asheville’s debt crisis had some positive effects for the city over the long run. It saved the art deco buildings, now an important draw for the tourist economy. It unified Buncombe County and Asheville. It produced a culture of municipal problem-solving born out of financial constraints. Beneath those contributions, though, is the painful reckoning of Gallatin Roberts and other citizens who lost everything on Black Thursday. “In Asheville,” Whitehorn says, “we wonder: Is the best way the way we did it last time? Maybe not.” X
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Dan Hesse | dhesse@mountainx.com
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County oversight erroneously lands project before Board of Adjustment An hour into the Board of Adjustment’s Wednesday, Oct. 12, meeting, some 30 people began speaking out against a proposed vacation rental in South Asheville at 28 Merrills Cove Road. While the fifth person to speak was outlining why the development should not be approved, the county’s zoning administrator, Debbie Truempy, announced that the agenda item should not have made its way to the Board of Adjustment. “That is my mistake, and I apologize to everyone involved,” said Truempy, while further clarifying the Board of Adjustment would not be able to approve the agenda item. “It should have never come before the board,” she stated. At issue was the proposed development of a vacation rental complex that would feature upward of 10 luxury cabins. The owner of the property, Peter
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
FENCES AND NEIGHBORS In other business, the board heard from a property owner that built nearly 60 percent of his home using an improper land survey, causing issues with the home’s setback. The property’s R2 zoning requires a 20-foot setback, but due to the mistake, the owner asked for an 11.42foot variance. The improper survey resulted from using an incorrect parcel identification number, or PIN, the homeowner claimed. The mistake caused issues with a neighbor, but those have been resolved. The neighbors stated they weren’t happy with the situation but wanted to resolve the issues in the name of fostering community. Board member Keith Levi said he didn’t want the house to be torn down but expressed displeasure with the process. “You were reckless and disregarded
your neighbors’ interest,” he said before voting in favor of the requested variance. It was approved unanimously. EARLY VOTING KICKS OFF OCT. 20 Below is the schedule and places you can early vote. You must be registered in Buncombe County to early vote in Buncombe County. •Oct. 20-22, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. •Oct. 23, no early voting. •Oct. 24-Oct.29, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. •Oct. 30, 1-6 p.m. •Oct. 31-Nov.4, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. •Nov. 5, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 250-4200 for more information about early voting locations or visit avl.mx/32i. Xpress will have election guides with candidate questionnaires in its Oct. 26 and Nov. 2 issues and online at mountainx.com. X
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Anuar, said he was looking to start by building two cabins to see how much interest they generated. He said his family would also live on the property and run the business. Before the project was considered a moot point, nearby residents spoke out against the plans, asserting that a commercial development would be in stark contrast to the area’s residential character. Concerns about traffic, loss of trees and fraternity parties were also cited as reasons the community did not want the project to move forward. Ultimately, the intended use did not match the land’s zoning designation, much to Anuar’s frustration. He asked why he was just now being told. However, Anuar told Xpress he will try to find another way to move forward with his plans to create short-term cabin rentals on the 22-acre plot.
1 • AVERY’S CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER 899 Glenn Bridge Road Arden, NC 28704
5 • ENKA-CANDLER LIBRARY 1404 Sandhill Road Candler, NC 28715
2 • ASHEVILLE MALL 3 S. Tunnel Road Asheville, NC 28805
6 • FAIRVIEW LIBRARY 1 Taylor Road Fairview, NC 28730
3 • BLACK MOUNTAIN LIBRARY 105 N. Dougherty St. Black Mountain, NC 28711
7 • LEICESTER LIBRARY 1561 Alexander Road Leicester, NC 28748
4 • WESLEY GRANT SR. SOUTHSIDE CENTER 285 Livingston St. Asheville, NC 28801
8 • MONTFORD BLDG. (FORMERLY ISAAC DICKSON ELEM) 90 Montford Ave. Asheville, NC 28801
9 • NEW HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3070 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC 28803
10 • NORTH ASHEVILLE LIBRARY 1030 Merrimon Ave. Asheville, NC 28804
13 • BEE TREE FIRE STATION 510 Bee Tree Road Swannanoa, NC 28748
14 • UNCA (HIGHSMITH UNION STUDENT BLDG.) One University Heights Asheville, NC 28804
11 • PACK LIBRARY (LORD AUDITORIUM) 67 Haywood St. Asheville, NC 28801
15 • WEAVERVILLE TOWN HALL 30 S. Main St. Weaverville, NC 28787
12 SOUTH BUNCOMBE LIBRARY 260 Overlook Road Asheville, NC 28803
16 • WEST ASHEVILLE LIBRARY 942 Haywood Road Asheville, NC 28806
17 • A-B TECH (MISSION HEALTH/ CONFERENCE CENTER) 16 Fernihurst Drive Asheville, NC 28801
18 • MURPHYOAKLEY RECREATION CENTER 749 Fairview Rd Asheville, NC 28803
19 • POLE CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 96 Snow Hill Church Road Candler, NC 28715
20 • WOODFIN COMMUNITY CENTER 11 Community St. Asheville, NC 28804
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
COMMUNITY CALENDAR OCTOBER 19 - 27, 2016 For community calendar guidelines visit mountainx. com/calendar or call 828-251-1333 ext. 137
ANIMALS BLUE RIDGE HUMANE SOCIETY 692-2639, blueridgehumane.org • WE (10/19), 6pm Pet adoption event. Free to attend. Held at Sanctuary Brewing Company, 147 1st Ave., Hendersonville • SA (10/22), 11am3pm - Animal adoption event with fall activities. Co-sponsored by the Transylvania Animal Alliance Group. Free to attend. Held at the Tractor Supply Company, 14 Old Brevard Road, Brevard BROTHER WOLF ANIMAL RESCUE 505-3440, bwar.org • WE (10/26), 6pm Pet adoption event. Free to attend. Held at Sanctuary Brewing Company, 147 1st Ave., Hendersonville WNC NATURE CENTER 75 Gashes Creek Road, 298-5600, wildwnc.org • SA (10/22), 10am5pm - "Howl-O-Ween" event with spooky arts & crafts, games, face painting, hay maze, costume contest, refreshments available for purchase, and educational animal encounters. Regular admission fees apply.
BENEFITS ASHEVILLE BROWNS BACKERS CLUB 658-4149, ashevillebbw@ gmail.com • SUNDAYS, 1pm Proceeds raised at this weekly social group supporting the Cleveland Browns benefit local charities. Free to attend. Held at The Social, 1078 Tunnel Road BARBELLS FOR BOOBS fundraise.barbellsforboobs.org/
team/90069 • MO (10/24), 4-9pm - Proceeds from this fundraising event with athletic training classes, bake sale and body fat testing clinic benefit mammograms for women and men that cannot afford them. Admission by donation. Held at Urban Athletic Training Center, 68 New Clyde Highway, Canton BEARFOOTIN’ PUBLIC ART WALK downtownhendersonville.org/ bearfootin-public-artwalk-2015/ • SA (10/22), 4:30pm - Proceeds from the Bearfootin' Art Walk bear sculpture auction benefit Hendersonville Community Theatre. Registration at 2:30pm. Free to attend. Held at Held at Hendersonville Historic Courthouse Square, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville FLETCHER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 50 Library Road, Fletcher • SA (10/22), 7-11:30am - Proceeds from this yard sale and bake sale benefit the Grace Lutheran preschool. Free to attend. GROCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 954 Tunnel Road, 2986195, groceumc.org • MO (10/3) through MO (10/31) Proceeds from pumpkin sales at this pumpkin patch benefit local mission groups. Mon.-Sat.: 10am-7pm. Sun.: 12:30-7pm. Free to attend. LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, facebook. com/Leicester. Community.Center • SA (10/22), 4pm Proceeds from the first annual "Newfound
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
ENLIGHTEN YOUR FRIDAY: Thanks to UNC Asheville’s partnership with LEAF Community Arts, the Tibetan monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Practice and Culture are coming to Asheville and will give a public lecture and guided meditation on Friday, Oct. 21, at UNC Asheville. The lecture, “The Psychology of Enlightenment,” will take place at 11 a.m. in the Sherrill Center Mission Health Mountain View Room. The guided meditation will take place at 12:30 p.m. on the UNC Asheville Quad or, in case of inclement weather, in the Sherrill Center Mission Health Mountain View Room. For more information visit cesap.unca.edu. Photo courtesy of UNC Asheville (p. 24) Chili Cookoff and Gospel Singing," benefit Zion Hill Baptist Church West Virginia Missions. Admission by donation. • TH (10/27), 7pm Proceeds from the Squire Parsons & The Land of the Sky Boy gospel concert benefit the Leicester Community Center. $10. NATIONAL DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH FUNDRAISER libertycornerenterprises. com • SA (10/22), 11am-4pm - Proceeds from this fundraiser featuring all you can eat ‘low country boil’ plates, music by Laura Blackley and a magic show by The Vanishing Wheelchair benefit Liberty Corner Enterprises and The Arc of Buncombe County. $15 for food/Admission by donation. Held at Native Kitchen & Social Pub, 204 Whitson Ave., Swannanoa OF TIME AND THE RIVER BENEFIT 252-8474, RiverLink.org • FR (10/21), 6-9pm -
Proceeds from this gala landscape art show and reception featuring music by cellist and composer Ron Clearfield benefit RiverLink. $75/$50 members. Held at Zealandia Castle, 1 Vance Gap Road PAWS & PUMPKINS aloftashevilledowntown. com • WE (10/26), 6:309:30pm - Proceeds from this "Howl-O-Ween" themed costumed fundraiser with a gameshow competition, silent auction, live music from The Juan Benavides Group and BBQ and wings benefit Charlie’s Angels. $20. Held at The Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. SILVERMONT PARK East Main St., Brevard • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (10/14) through (10/29), 7-9pm - Proceeds from this "Lighted Pumpkin Patch & Revenge of the White Squirrels," event with spooky trails, lighted decorative pumpkin displays, ghost stories, games, music and food benefit Silvermont Park. $5.
BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY A-B TECH SMALL BUSINESS CENTER 398-7950, abtech.edu/sbc • WE (10/19), 10-11:30am - "SBA: Programs and Services for Your Small Business," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech Madison Site, 4646 US 25-70 Marshall • TH (10/20), 3-6pm - " Using Analytics to Develop Your Business Platform," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler • SA (10/22), 9am-noon - "SCORE: Marketing Your Business," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler • TU (10/25), 6-8pm "Evaluating the Potential of Your Food, Beverage, or Natural Products Business Idea," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech
Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler • TH (10/27), 6-9pm "QuickBooks Online for Natural Products Businesses," seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler G&W INVESTMENT CLUB klcount@aol.com • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:45am - General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Black Forest Restaurant, 2155 Hendersonville Road, Arden
CLASSES, MEETINGS & EVENTS BOUTIQUE EYEWARD TRUCK SHOW AT L'OPTIQUE (PD.) 30 Wall St., downtown Asheville, Saturday, October 29, 12-6pm. Spotlighting French made line, Face a Face. An opportunity for customers to view the latest and
greatest collection of independent eyewear. This is a free event. 259-9041.
6:15pm - General meeting. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St.
ONE MILLION CUPS OF COFFEE (PD.) WEDNESDAYS, 9am - Asheville’s startup community gathers weekly for presentations by founders of emerging high-growth startup businesses. Run by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Free coffee, open to the public. RISC Networks, 81 Broadway. www.1millioncups. com/asheville
BIG IVY COMMUNITY CENTER 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville, 626-3438 • 4th MONDAYS, 7pm - Community center board meeting. Free.
THE GREATEST EVENT IN HISTORY IS NOW UNFOLDING (PD.) The Transformation Has Begun. Maitreya, The World Teacher and Masters of Wisdom are in the world. Rise of people power. Economic, Social, environmental justice. Increase in UFO sightings. Crop Circles. Signs and miracles. Find out how these events are related. Saturday, October 22,Asheville Friends Meeting house. 227 Edgewood Road. 2pm. Free presentation. 828398-0609. ASHEVILLE CHESS CLUB vincentvanjoe@ gmail.com, 779-0319 • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Sets provided. All ages and skill levels welcome. Beginners lessons available. Free. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road ASHEVILLE LAND OF SKY TOASTMASTERS 274.1865 or 954.383.2111 • TUESDAYS, 7am - Group meeting to develop speaking and leadership skills in a supportive environment. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. ASHEVILLE TOASTMASTERS CLUB 914-424-7347, ashevilletoastmasters. com • THURSDAYS,
BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES buncombecounty. org/governing/depts/ library • WE (10/19), 4pm - "Coloring and Conversation," for adults. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • 4th TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - "Advance Care Planning Workshop," sponsored by the Mountain Coalition for Healthcare Decisions. Free. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • 4th TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - "Sit-n-Stitch," informal, self-guided gathering for knitters and crocheters. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. FIRESTORM CAFE AND BOOKS 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - "What's Up with Whiteness" discussion group. Free to attend. HOMINY VALLEY RECREATION PARK 25 Twin Lakes Drive, Candler, 242-8998, hvrpsports.com • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm - Hominy Valley board meeting. Free. IKENOBO IKEBANA SOCIETY 696-4103, blueridgeikebana.com • TH (10/20), 10am “Free Style Using Seasonal Materials," presentation and monthly meeting. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave., W. Hendersonville
Redeem your Bloomin’ Bucks® LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 7743000, facebook.com/ Leicester.Community. Center • 3rd THURSDAYS, 7pm - The Leicester History Gathering general meeting. Free. MARINE CORPS LEAGUE ASHEVILLE 273-4948, mcl.asheville@ gmail.com • Last TUESDAYS - For veterans of the Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and their families. Free. Held at American Legion Post #2, 851 Haywood Road ONTRACK WNC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, ontrackwnc. org • WE (10/19), noon1:30pm - "Budgeting and Debt Class." Registration required. Free. • TH (10/20), noon1:30pm - "Understanding Reverse Mortgages," seminar. Registration required. Free. • THURSDAYS (10/20) through (11/17), 5:307pm - "Money Buddies," class series. Registration required. Free. • FR (10/21), noon1:30pm - "Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it." Seminar. Registration required. Free. • TU (10/25), 5:30-7pm - "Budgeting and Debt Class." Registration required. Free. • WE (10/26), 5:30-7pm - "Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it." Seminar. Registration required. Free. • TH (10/27), 6-7:30pm "Understanding Reverse Mortgages," workshop. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. SHOWING UP FOR RACIAL JUSTICE showingupforracialjustice. org • TUESDAYS, 10amnoon - Educating and organizing white people for racial justice. Free to attend. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 610 Haywood Road THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN susangrable2@gmail.com
starting Friday, October 21st
• TU (10/25), 11:15am - The American Association of University Women monthly meeting with guest speaker, Dr. Mary Grant. Registration required: susangrabel2@ gmail.com. Free/$12 optional lunch. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. THE CENTER FOR CRAFT, CREATIVITY & DESIGN 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • SA (10/22), 1-3pm Bike Repair event with Asheville on Bikes. Part of The Future of Fixing exhibition. Free to attend. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 99 Monticello Road, Weaverville. • SA (10/22), 1-4pm "Immigration to North America: St. Augustine to Ellis Island," seminar by Dr. James M. Ragusa. Registration: 442-3056. Free. TRANZMISSION PRISON PROJECT tranzmissionprisonproject. yolasite.com • Fourth THURSDAYS, 6pm - Tranzmission Prison Project. Free to attend. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 610 Haywood Road WNC MILITARY HISTORY MUSEUM wncmilitaryhistorymuseum.com • SA (10/22) through FR (11/11) - Operation Armed Forces, exhibition of military memorabilia from WWI to the present. Held in the Aethelwold Hotel Lobby, 23 S. Broad St., Brevard WNC PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY wncpsr.org • 3rd FRIDAYS, noon2pm - Monthly meeting. BYO lunch. Free. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. WOMEN & MONEY CONFERENCE ontrackwnc.org/women. html • SA (10/22), 9am1:45pm - Women & Money Conference with financial literacy presentations and work-
shops designed specifically for women. Registration required. $15 includes lunch. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St.
DANCE POLE FITNESS AND DANCE CLASSES AT DANCECLUB ASHEVILLE (PD.) Pole Dance, Burlesque, Jazz/Funk, Hip Hop, Flashmobs! Drop in for a class or sign up for a series: • 6 Week Burlesque Choreo-Begins Oct. 18 • 4 Week Beg. Jazz/ Funk-Begins Oct. 25 • 6 Week Intro to Spin Pole-Begins Oct. 27 • 8 Week Jazz/Funk to Beyonce-Begins Oct. 27 • 6 Week Intro to PoleBegins Nov. 2 DanceclubAsheville.com 828-275-8628 Right down the street from UNCA - 9 Old Burnsville Hill Rd., #3 STUDIO ZAHIYA, DOWNTOWN DANCE CLASSES (PD.) Monday 5pm Ballet Wkt 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 7pm Hip Hop Fusion 8pm Tap • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 4:30pm Teen Bellydance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm Bellydance 3 8pm Hip Hop Choreography •Wednesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 5:30pm Hip Hop Wkt 6:30pm Bhangra 7:30pm POUND Wkt 8pm • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Girls Hip Hop 5pm Teen Hip Hop 7pm West African • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wkt 10:45 Electronic Yoga Wkt • Sunday 3pm Tap 2 6:30pm Vixen • $13 for 60 minute classes, Wkt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www. studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595 CITY OF MORGANTON MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 401 South College St. Morganton, 433-SHOW, commaonline.org • TH (10/20), 7:30pm - "Shanghai Nights," featuring the Shanghai Acrobats of the People's Republic of China. $18$26.
ASHEVILLE GREEN DRINKS ashevillegreendrinks.com • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Eco-presentations, discussions and community connection. Free. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave. MOUNTAINTRUE 258-8737, wnca.org • WE (10/26), 6-8pm - Annual meeting with music from the Midnight Plowboys. Free to attend. Held at New Belgium Brewery, 21 Craven St.
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The Area’s Largest Selection of Keyboards
FARM & GARDEN HIDE TANNING CLASS WITH WILD ABUNDANCE (PD.) November 11-13, A 3-day workshop on the ancient art of leather making. Transform deer rawhide into soft, supple, wearable leather. Info: 775-7052, wildabundance.net.
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HUMANE SLAUGHTERING AND BUTCHERING WITH WILD ABUNDANCE (PD.) November 5-6, Participate in the whole process of slaughtering a sheep in the most respectful way, to skinning, butchering, preparing & eating. Info: 775-7052, wildabundance.net. BUNCOMBE COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 250-4794, ariel.dixon@ buncombecounty.org • TH (10/27), 4-7pm - Fall open house with chili, cornbread and activities. Registration required: 255-5522. Free. Held at Buncombe County Cooperative Extension Office, 49 Mount Carmel Road, Asheville HAYWOOD COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS 456-3575, sarah_scott@ncsu.edu • Through (10/31) Applications accepted for educational or research grants for gardening, horticulture and
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
C O N S C I O U S PA R T Y By Kat McReynolds | kmcreynolds@mountainx.com
Barbells for Boobs
FULL SUPPORT: National nonprofit Barbells for Boobs is funded in part by local-level benefits like the one coming up at Urban Athletic Training Center. The organization aims to make mammograms accessible to everyone, regardless of age, gender, income and insurance status. Photo courtesy of Urban Athletic Training Center WHAT: A fitness event to fund mammograms for underinsured women and men under age 40 WHERE: Urban Athletic Training Center in Canton WHEN: Monday, Oct. 24, from 4-9 p.m. WHY: There’s a reason people opt to have their breasts squished between two plates: Mammograms use X-ray images to reveal tumors, which could be cancerous, before they can be felt. Women and high-risk men are typically advised — by organizations like the American Cancer Society and U.S. Preventative Services Task Force — to wait until age 40-50 to begin this screening, so as to reduce the risk of false positives and overdiagnosis. And because these guidelines inform many health insurance plans, individuals may not be covered if they want to get a mammogram before age 40. Barbells for Boobs, however, advocates for universal screening access. Through a fourth annual fundraiser by that same name, UATC hopes to help the nonprofit pay for tests and other services for younger patients and those without adequate income or insurance.
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
“It’s an active way to raise money for a good cause,” says Justina Goodman, the gym’s general manager and group fitness director. “We usually raise between $300 and $600.” That figure includes online contributions, but most money is collected on event day, when members of the public can drop in for a group fitness session. “If they want to work out, we ask that they do a donation. It can be as little as a quarter or as much as they want,” Goodman says. Attendees can also visit a mobile hydrostatic body fat testing machine to get an accurate measure of their body composition (by hopping in a water tank, so bring a swimsuit). And more casual visitors can purchase T-shirts and baked goods made by the gym’s instructors. “There’ll be music and people hootin’ and hollerin’, sweating and cheering each other on,” Goodman says, and spectators are welcome, too. “We really encourage people just to show up.” Visit facebook.com/UrbanAthletic for more information. X
environmental projects in Haywood County. Full guidelines and applications: 456-3575 or mgarticles@charter.net. Free. POLK COUNTY FRIENDS OF AGRICULTURE BREAKFAST polkcountyfarms.org • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7-8am - Monthly breakfast with presentations regarding agriculture. Admission by donation. Held at the 4-H Center, Locust St, Columbus SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS CONSERVANCY 253-0095, appalachian.org • SU (10/23), 1-5pm “Mobile Walk-In Cooler Design/Build: Part 2,” workshop. Registration: chris@appalachian.org or 490-2565. $20. Held at Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy’s Community Farm, 180 Mag Sluder Road, Alexander
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS CITY OF ASHEVILLE 251-1122, ashevillenc.gov • TU (10/25), 5pm Asheville City Council formal public meeting.
by Abigail Griffin
Free. Held at Asheville City Hall, 70 Court Plaza PUBLIC EVENTS AT WCU 227-7397, wcu.edu • TH (10/27), 7pm Political debate between opponents for the N.C. Senate District 50 seat: incumbent Jim Davis (R-Macon) and opponent Jane Hipps (D-Haywood). Free. Held in room 204 of the Health and Human Sciences Building
KIDS ASHEVILLE COMMUNITY THEATRE 35 E. Walnut St., 2541320, ashevilletheatre.org • SA (10/22), 11am - Little One-Inch, presented by Red Herring Puppets. $5. ATTIC SALT THEATRE COMPANY 505-2926 • SATURDAYS through (12/31) - Family theater performances. $5. Held at The Magnetic Theatre, 375 Depot St. BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY RANGER PROGRAMS 295-3782, ggapio@gmail.com • SA (10/22), 11am-noon - Stop by the ranger table to learn how to become a Junior Ranger
for the Blue Ridge Parkway. Held at MP 296 BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library • WE (10/19), 3:30pm - Pack Library Makers and Shakers: Perler bead party for ages 5 and up. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • FR (10/21), 4-5:30pm - "Teen Awesome Group," for grade 6 and up. Snacks and drinks provided. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • MO (10/24), 4-5pm LEGO builders club for kindergarten age and up. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville • 4th TUESDAYS, 1pm - Homeschoolers' book club. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. • WE (10/26), 4-6pm Dungeons & Dragons for teens. Registration required: 250-4720. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (10/27), 4pm - LEGO club: "Monsters!" themed. For ages 8 and above. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa
CATAWBA SCIENCE CENTER 243 3rd Ave., NE Hickory, 322-8169, catawbascience.org • Through (12/31) - Sonic Sensation, interactive exhibition focused on science and hearing. Admission fees apply. DIANA WORTHAM THEATRE 2 S. Pack Square, 2574530, dwtheatre.com • WE (10/19), 10am Parsons Dance concert. Recommended for grades 3-12. $9.50. • TH (10/20), 9:30am & noon - Twelfth Night. Recommended for grades 6-12. $8.50. • TH (10/20), 9:30am & noon - Twelfth Night, Warehouse Theatre. Recommended for grades 6-12. $8.50. FLETCHER LIBRARY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library.hendersoncountync.org • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am - Family story time. Free. HANDS ON! A CHILDREN'S GALLERY 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 697-8333 • TH (10/27), 11am "Buggy Hands!" All ages activities to learn about healthy hands. Admission fees apply. • TU (10/25) & TH
(10/27), 2-5pm "Makerspace!" Activities for kids to design and build halloween themed toys with found materials. Admission fees apply. • TU (10/25) through FR (10/28), 10am-4pm - "Dios de los muertos – Day of the Dead," activities for kids to learn about this Mexican Holiday. Admission fees apply. MALAPROP'S BOOKSTORE AND CAFE 55 Haywood St., 2546734, malaprops.com • WEDNESDAYS, 10am - Miss Malaprop's Story Time for ages 3-9. Free to attend. PISGAH ASTRONOMICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE 862-5554, pari.edu, ksteiner@pari.edu • TU (10/25), 6-8pm Area girls ages 9-14 are invited to learn about plant life cycles during the ”Flower Power” SciGirls program.
Registration: pari.edu. $10. Held at Transylvania County Extension Office, 98 East Morgan St., Brevard SPELLBOUND CHILDREN'S BOOKSHOP 640 Merrimon Ave., #204, 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop.com • FR (10/21), 6-7pm - Teen Book Club for ages 14-18 meets to discuss The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare by M.G. Buehrlen. Free to attend. • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free to attend. URBAN DHARMA 29 Page Ave., udharmanc.com • SU (1/24), 10amMeditation for children with a Buddhist tale, contemplation, meditation and snack. Free.
OUTDOORS BIG IVY COMMUNITY CENTER 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville, 626-3438 • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (10/21) until (10/29), 7pm - Haunted trail Halloween event. Free. BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY HIKES 298-5330, nps.gov • FR (10/21), 10am Hike of the Week: “Pinnacle Perfection,” ranger-led 1.4 mile moderate hike on the Craggy Pinnacle Trail. Free. Meet at MP 364.1 BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY RANGER PROGRAMS 295-3782, ggapio@gmail.com • FR (10/21), 11am-3pm Randy Johnson presents his book, Grandfather Mountain: The History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon. Free. Held at MP 304.4
• FR (10/21), 3-5pm Ranger-led walk in the Cone Cemetery. Free. Meet at MP 294 ELIADA 2 Compton Drive, 254-5356 • Through SU (10/23) - Proceeds from the Eliada outdoor corn maze with kids activities benefit Eliada kids and families. See website for full schedule: eliada.org. $15/$10 for ages 4-16/ Free under 4. GHOULS FOR SCHOOLS hauntedtrailwnc.com • WE (10/26) through SU (10/30), 6-9pm Proceeds from this outdoor haunted trail event benefit local school PTA and PTO programs. $13 ages 10 and up/$11 under age 10. Held at Pisgah Brewing Company, 150 East Side Drive, Black Mountain
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Magical Offerings
Oct. 19 - Tarot Reader: Susannah Rose, 12:30-6pm Oct. 22 - ASK A WITCH! 5-7pm, Donations Oct. 24 - Astrologer: SpiritSong 12-6pm Oct. 25 - Tarot Readers: Byron Ballard,1-3pm Jonathan, 3-6pm Oct. 27 - Death-Traveling on the Dark Cloak of Night: Byron Ballard, 6pm, $10 Donations Oct. 30 Store Ancestor Vigil Ritual: 12pm, Donations
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GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN 2050 Blowing Rock Highway, Linville, 7334337, grandfather.com • TH (10/20) & TU (10/25), 5pm - Watch the sunset from the Mile High Swinging Bridge. Registration required: frank@grandfather.com or 733-2013. $10/$5 members. HOLMES EDUCATIONAL STATE FOREST 1299 Crab Creek Road, Hendersonville, 692-0100 • SA (10/22), 11am-1pm - Fall tree identification hike. Open to families. Registration required: 692-0100. Free. LAKE JAMES STATE PARK 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 • SA (10/22), 2pm "Monarch Madness," ranger presentation about monarchs. Free. • SA (10/22), 7pm - "Astronomy for Everyone," ranger led star gazing. Registration required. Free. • SU (10/23), 4pm - "Fall Photo Safari," ranger led presentation on nature photography. Free. MOUNTAINTRUE 258-8737, wnca.org • SA (10/22) - "French Broad River Section Paddle." Moderate, class II/III guided paddle from 25/70 to Rankin Access. $10/$10 rental.
PARENTING FRANKLIN SCHOOL OF INNOVATION 21 Innovation Drive, 318-8140, franklinschoolofinnovation.org • TH (10/20), 5:30-7pm - Tour and information session for the 2017-2018 school year. Free.
PUBLIC LECTURES HIGH COUNTRY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST highcountryucc.org • TH (10/20), noon1:30pm - "How Leaders Can Use Conflict for Good," presentation by Dr. Nate Regier. Registration required: goo.gl/2yDdUK. $15
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Abigail Griffin
includes lunch. Held at the Fairway Cafe, Boone Golf Course, 433 Fairway Drive, Boone LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 7743000, facebook.com/ Leicester.Community. Center • TH (10/20), 7pm - Leicester History Gathering: "African Americans living in Sandy Mush 1850-1970 and the Slave Cemetery," presentation. Information: 7743000. Free. PUBLIC LECTURES AT UNCA unca.edu • TH (10/20), 7pm - "Look to the Hills: Celebrating History and Heritage of the National Parks in Western North Carolina," a panel of historians discusses the past, present, and future of western North Carolina's national parks. Free. Held in the Reuter Center. • TH (10/20), 7pm "History, the National Parks and Western North Carolina," panel discussion. Part of UNC Asheville’s celebration of the National Park Service Centennial. Free. Held in the Humanities Lecture Hall • FR (10/21), 11am - Public lecture by the Tibetan Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery. Free. Held in the Sherrill Center, Mission Health Mountain View Room • FR (10/21), 11:30am1:15pm - Fab Friday Lunch n' Learn: "The Black Potter," lecture by ceramist Jim McDowell. Free. Held in the Reuter Center • MO (10/24), 7pm - "The Economics of National Parks: Issues and Opportunities," presentation by Carolyn Ward, CEO of the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation and Steve Morse, director and economist of the Hospitality & Tourism Program at Western Carolina University. Free. Held in Karpen Hall Laurel Forum • TU (10/25), 4:30pm - OLLI STEM Lecture: "Deep Water Corals: A Vital Habitat Off the
Carolina Coast," lecture by Garry Mayer. Free. Held in the Reuter Center
SENIORS ASHEVILLE LIVING TREASURES 423-6476., ashevillelivingtreasures. com • SU (10/23), 1:30pm Asheville Living Treasures recognition ceremony. Free. Held in the Reuter Center COUNCIL ON AGING OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY, INC. 277-8288, coabc.org • FR (10/21), 2-4pm - "Medicare Choices Made Easy," workshop. Registration required. Free. Held at Goodwill Career Training Center, 1616 Patton Ave. • TH (10/27), 1-2:30pm - "Medicare Choices Made Easy," workshop. Registration required. Free. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road OLLI AT UNCA 251-6140, olliasheville.com • FR (10/21), noon-4pm - Safe Driving Program from AARP and OLLI at UNC Asheville. Course designed to help mature drivers remain safely on today's faster highways. Registration required: 708-7404 or csel@mindspring.com. $20/$15 for AARP members. STONECREEK HEALTH & REHABILITATION 455 Victoria Road, 252-0099 • TU (10/25), 5:30-7pm - Senior night with free meal and presentation by crime prevention officer Keither McCulloch and elder law attorney Jeff Cooper. Free.
SPIRITUALITY ASHEVILLE INSIGHT MEDITATION (PD.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 175 Weaverville Road, Suite
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com
H, ASHEVILLE, NC, (828) 808-4444, ashevillemeditation.com. ASTRO-COUNSELING (PD.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. FULL MOON TRANSMISSION MEDITATION (PD.) Want to help the world, but don't know where to start? Group meditation that 'steps down' energies from the Masters of Wisdom for use by people working for a better world. Non-sectarian. No fees. A simple altruistic service for the world. Free. Wednesday, October 19, 7pm. Crystal Visions. 5426 Asheville Hwy. Information: 828-398-0609. OPEN HEART MEDITATION (PD.) New Location 70 Woodfin Pl. Suite 212 Tues. 7-8 PM. Experience the spiritual connection to your heart and the stillness & beauty of the Divine within you. Suggested $5 Love Offering. OpenHeartMeditation. com SEASONAL HARMONY SEMINAR (PD.) Saturday, November 5, 10am-5pm, West Asheville. Harmony with Natural Cycles enhances optimum well-being, strengthening SelfSovereignty. Explore the coming season through Celtic and Oriental philosophy, Astrological Cycles, Aromas, Crystal Grids, Qigong Exercise, and catered vegetarian, gluten-free lunch of seasonal foods. • Early Registration $125 till October 20. “A great day with great Presenters.” • Information/Registration: www.facebook.com/ wisdomwaysworkshops/ SHAMBHALA MEDITATION CENTER (PD.) Wednesdays, 10-midnight, Thursdays, 7-8:30pm and Sundays, 10-noon • Meditation and
community. Admission by donation. 60 N. Merrimon Ave., #113, (828) 2005120. asheville.shambhala.org CENTER FOR ART & SPIRIT AT ST. GEORGE 1 School Road, 258-0211 • Last Tuesdays, 7-9pm - Aramaic, Hebrew and Egyptian vocal toning, breath work and meditation. Admission by donation. CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING ASHEVILLE 2 Science Mind Way, 253-2325, cslasheville.org • TUESDAYS, 10:3011:30am - Science of Mind magazine discussions. Free. • WEDNESDAYS through (11/2), 7pm - Class series Exploring the 12 touchstones of Emma Curtis Hopkins that were the mystical impetus in the Science of Mind movement. Admission by donation. CHRISTMOUNT CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY 222 Fern Way, Black Mountain • TU (10/25), 7-8:30pm Twice Blest concert with Donna Marie Todd and Andy Gwynn. $15/$12 advance. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL UCC OF HENDERSONVILLE 1735 5th Ave., W. Hendersonville, 692-8630, fcchendersonville.org • SATURDAYS until (10/29), 10am-noon - "Spiritual Self-Care: Techniques for Mind and Heart," classes. Free. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1245 Sixth Ave., W. Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • THURSDAYS (10/20) through (11/3), 10am - "Martin Luther: The Catechism and Music" seminar series. Free. LITERARY EVENTS AT UNCA unca.edu • FR (10/21) through SA (10/22) - Faith in Literature: A Festival of Contemporary Writers of the Spirit, gathering of 11 writers with presentations, readings, panel discussions and guided conversations. See website for full schedule and guidelines:
English.unca.edu. MARY WHITESIDES: GATHERING OF FRIENDS dolly3695@aol.com • FR (10/21), 7-9pm "Choice," non-duality meeting with Mary Whitesides. Free. Held at Asheville Women's Wellness & Education Center, 24 Arlington St. URBAN DHARMA 225-6422, udharmanc.com/ • THURSDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Open Sangha night. Free. Held at Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave • FR (10/21), 7:30-9pm - "Tibetan Approach to Inner and Outer Health and Well-Being: Introductory Talk," lecture by Mempa Youlha Tsering and Dr. Hun Lye. $20. Held at Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave
SPOKEN & WRITTEN WORD 35BELOW 35 E. Walnut St., 2541320, ashevilletheatre.org • TH (10/27), 7:30pm "Listen to This," storytelling series hosted by Tom Chalmers. $15. BLUE RIDGE BOOKS 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (10/22), 3pm - Mike Krecioch presents his book, Convict Lake: Behind the Badge. Free to attend. • WE (10/26), 3-5pm William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY RANGER PROGRAMS 295-3782, ggapio@gmail.com • SA (10/22), 4pm - Story Telling with Doyle Pace. Free. Held at MP 296 BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library • TH (10/20), 2:30pm Skyland Book Club: My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. Free. Due to early voting, the club will meet at the Biltmore Park Clubhouse, 1067 Columbine Road • TH (10/20) & FR (10/21), 10am-5pm & SA (10/22),
10am-4pm - Annual Antique and Collectible Books Sale. Free to attend. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TU (10/25), 6:30pm - "Ghostly Tales of WNC," presentation by Joshua Warren and Tadd McDivitt. For ages 13 and up. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa FAMILY CHRISTIAN STORES 129 Bleachery Blvd. • TH (10/27), 2:30pm - William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. MALAPROP'S BOOKSTORE AND CAFE 55 Haywood St., 2546734, malaprops.com • WE (10/19), 7pm - An evening with Malaprop's publisher representatives. Free to attend. • TH (10/20), 7pm - Selena Einwechter presents her book, Courage is Abundant in the Abstract. Free to attend. • FR (10/21), 7pm - Alison Umminger presents her young adult novel, American Girls. Free to attend. • SA (10/22), 3pm - Two Hoots Press present Roaming in the Mountains by John Parris. Free to attend. • SU (10/23), 3pm - Tim Barnwell presents his book, Great Smoky Mountain Vistas. Free to attend. • MO (10/24), 7pm Writer's Coffeehouse, monthly meeting for writers of all experience levels. Free to attend. • WE (10/26), 7pm - Belle Boggs presents her book, The Art of Waiting: On Fertility, Medicine, and Motherhood. Free to attend. OLD BUNCOMBE COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 128 Bingham Road, Suite 950, 253-1894 • SA (10/22), 10am-3pm - Proceeds from this used book sale benefit the Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society. Free to attend.
THOMAS WOLFE MEMORIAL 52 North Market St., 253-8304, wolfememorial.com • SA (10/22), 11am - The "Tell Our Tales" Student Writing Competition award ceremony. Registration required. Free. TRADE & LORE COFFEE HOUSE 37 Wall St., 424-7291, tradeandlore.com/ • FR (10/21), 8pm "Scary Word!" Spoken word series hosted by David Joe Miller and featuring storyteller David Novak and Alison Fields. $15/$12 advance. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION OF ASHEVILLE 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, uuasheville.org • FR (10/21) & SA (10/22), 9am-4pm Annual used book sale. Free to attend. WILLIAM CLARK AUTHOR EVENT • TU (10/25), 11am William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. Held at the Mountaineer Restaurant, 6490 Soco Road, Maggie Valley • TU (10/25), 9-10:30am - William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. Held at Organic Beans Coffee Co., 3680 Soco Road, Maggie Valley • TU (10/25), 2pm William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. Held at Seasoned Pages & Tunes, 3435 Soco Road, Maggie Valley • TU (10/25), 3:30pm William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. Held at Skis & Tees, 3463 Soco Road, Maggie Valley • TH (10/27), 11:30am - William Clark presents his book, Hope and the Approaching Apocalypse. Free to attend. Held at the Beehive Coffee Bar, 3732 Sweeten Creek Road
SPORTS BUNCOMBE COUNTY RECREATION SERVICES buncombecounty.org/ Governing/Depts/Parks/ • Through MO (12/19) Open registration for the winter adult dodge ball league. $30 per player. DOWNTOWN TRYON GRAN FONDO • SA (10/22), 9am-noon - Over 2000 bicyclists from around the world will be riding through Downtown Tryon in the Gran Fondo. Line the streets of Tryon to welcome bicyclists and watch the race live and via a jumbo screen. Free.
VOLUNTEERING TUTOR ADULTS IN NEED WITH THE LITERACY COUNCIL (PD.) Literacy and English language skills help people rise out of poverty and support their families. Volunteer and give someone a second chance to learn. Sign up for volunteer orientation on 11/2 (9:00 a.m.) or 11/3 (5:30 p.m.) by emailing volunteers@litcouncil. com. www.litcouncil.com BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF WNC 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • WE (10/26), noon Volunteer to spend time twice a month with a young person from a single-parent home and/ or to mentor 1 hour a week in elementary schools and after-school sites. More information: 253-1470. Free. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. BOUNTY & SOUL 419-0533, bountyandsoul.org • Through TU (10/25) - Volunteers needed to assist with the Wednesday, Oct. 26, 4:30-7:30pm "Felicidad y Salud" celebration of health and wellnes. Seeking Spanish speakers to assist with translating for agencies, in the children's area, at sampling stations and throughout the event.
Registration: bountyandsoul.org. ELIADA 2 Compton Drive, 254-5356 • WE (9/14) through WE (10/19) - Volunteers (over age 18) needed to help with the Eliada corn maze. Registration: goo. gl/mpfxs1. HANDS ON ASHEVILLEBUNCOMBE 2-1-1, handsonasheville.org • SA (10/22), 9am-noon - Volunteer to pack food items into backpacksized parcels that are distributed to local schools. Registration required. • TH (10/27), 11am12:30pm - Volunteer to serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veteran's Restoration Quarters. Registration required. • TH (10/27), 4-6pm Volunteer to assist with unpacking and pricing the merchandise in a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store. Registration required. HOMEWARD BOUND OF WNC 218 Patton Ave., 2581695, homewardboundwnc.org • 3rd THURSDAYS, 11am - "Welcome Home Tour," tours of Asheville organizations that serve the homeless population. Registration required. Free to attend. MOUNTAINTRUE 258-8737, wnca.org • Through FR (10/28) - Register to be a volunteer with MountainTrue for the "Race to the Taps" event on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 9:30am1pm. Registration: signupgenius.com/ go/20f054cacab2aa0fa7newbelgium. Held at New Belgium Brewery, 21 Craven St. For more volunteer opportunities visit mountainx.com/volunteering
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
TIME TO ACT Childhood poverty has lifelong ramifications
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A NEW DOW JONES: Marian Wright Edelman said we need to have “stock in children’s lives” at Pisgah Legal’s sixth annual poverty forum Oct. 5. Photo by Leslie Boyd
BY LESLIE BOYD leslie.boyd@gmail.com The little girl needed extensive dental work, says Susan Mims, director of Mission Children’s Hospital. The girl had squirmed in the chair when told she needed to brush her teeth every day and then said she couldn’t. “We asked her, ‘Why not? What are your barriers?’ and [the girl] told us she had nowhere to spit because she lived in a car,” says Mims. Child poverty is not simply about little ones being unable to have the latest fashion or gadget; poverty is trauma-inducing, Mims says, and it affects more than one in four children in North Carolina. In some counties, more than one in three children live in poverty. In the search for solutions, Pisgah Legal Services sponsored its sixth
annual poverty forum on Oct. 5, with a keynote address by renowned child advocate Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund. The United States ranks 34th of 35 industrialized countries when it comes to child poverty, Edelman says, with more than one in five children living below the federal poverty level. Only Romania ranks lower. In North Carolina, a new report from the N.C. Justice Center’s Budget and Tax Center shows that poverty is at a higher level — more than 16 percent overall — than it was before the 2008 recession. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Kids Count report, issued annually, child poverty statewide was 25.1 percent in 2013, the last year for which data are available. According to Kids Count data, Buncombe County’s rate was 22 percent in 2013. Among Western North
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
W EL L NESS Carolina counties, Graham County had the highest child poverty rate at 35.9 percent, but Avery, Cherokee, Clay, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Rutherford, Swain and Yancey counties all had rates above 30 percent. Nationally, Edelman says, the numbers are 14.5 million children in poverty and 6.5 million living at half the poverty level or below. The National Center for Children in Poverty places the national number at 15 million, or 21 percent of all children. The cost of addressing child poverty in the United States — crime, imprisonment, lost work opportunities, illness, etc. — is about $500 billion annually, Edelman says, while the cost of lifting children out of poverty would be about $77 billion. “If society cares about children, it should spend money on them,” Edelman said during her speech. “We need to create a new Dow Jones … with its stock in children’s lives.” As researchers have begun to study the results of poverty and its effect on the developing brain, they have found changes in the structure of the brain brought about by the stresses, Mims says, and those stresses have lifelong implications. People who were raised in poverty have four times the risk of depression and 12 times the risk of suicide, Mims says. They are 2.5 times more likely to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hepatitis, lung cancer and heart disease.
“We don’t know the exact mechanisms of why this happens, but we know it does,” she says. “We tend to think of trauma as an accident of being beaten up, but this long-term, low-level stress acts the same way [on the brain and body] as trauma.” The good news, say Mims and Edelman, is that this damage can be mitigated by helping children change their response to stressors. Some schools are replacing detention with meditation, punishment with positive strategies, and that is helping. More local governments are reacting in creative ways to address the health effects of poverty on children, says Pisgah Legal Services attorney Jackie Kiser, who serves on the advisory board for the Community Health Improvement Process. The group puts together a Community Health Assessment every three years with a list of priorities to be addressed. The most recent assessment calls for people of all ages to have the opportunity to eat healthy foods, be active and better manage chronic illnesses. It also advocates for children to have safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments to ensure they reach their full potential. One barrier to the eradication of child poverty is that American society tends to blame people for their poverty, Edelman says, while refusing to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, failing to fund child care and underfunding education, nutrition programs, housing assis-
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tance and other assistance for people in poverty. “American children in poverty didn’t ask to be born,” she said. “They didn’t choose their parents or their neighborhoods.” And because of where they live, they attend poorer schools, have fewer safe places to play and are less likely to have a nurturing relationship with a caregiver after school. They get less exercise and have less access to nutritious food because their neighborhoods likely don’t have grocery stores or restaurants that serve healthy food. In addition, their homes are more likely to have mold, lead and other contaminants that make them sick or sicker, says Edelman. Children in poverty are more likely to attend schools with socalled zero-tolerance policies that criminalize behaviors once handled by school personnel, she continues, so children in poverty are more likely to enter the justice system than those from homes with sufficient incomes.
WELLNESS A STORYTELLER'S FIRE (PD.) Join popular storyteller, David Novak, on October 26th at 6pm for an evening of seasonal stories and conversation the way it was meant to be: in the low light of a mystic salt cave. Session includes a one-hour inside the Salt Cave. Not suitable for children under 14 years. Space limited & reservations required. $36.00 per person. Call 828-236-5999.
Libby Kiles, a teacher at Isaac Dickson Elementary School in Asheville, sees the effects of poverty on children every day. “It’s like dealing with PTSD,” she said during a panel discussion after Edelman’s speech. “They’re not in safe places, they witness violence, they don’t get good nutrition, and they don’t get enough sleep.” And although Asheville and Buncombe County schools are working to address the physical and emotional ramifications of poverty and other traumas, we need to address the problems as a nation, not at school district, city, county or even state levels, said Edelman. “Children in Massachusetts aren’t more deserving than children in Mississippi,” she said. “I will never understand why any state would refuse Medicaid expansion.” The best, most practical solution to poverty in America lies with the voters, Edelman said after the program. “Get to the voting booth,” she said. “Your vote connects right to children. So much is riding on this.” X
BREAST/TESTICULAR CANCER PATIENTS DESIRED FOR FREE HEALING WORK (PD.) SA & SU (12/3 - 12/4) 9am3pm both days. Breast or testicular cancer patients needed as clients for advanced hands-on healing students. Earth-based healing school. FREE. Interested parties must register at registrar@ wildernessFusion.com. Asheville, NC area. (828) 7854311, wildernessFusion.com. OM SANCTUARY 87 Richmond Hill Drive, 252-7313 • SA (10/22), 8pm - "When Willpower Fails You: A Fresh
Approach to Weight and Wellness," discussion and book signing. Free to attend. PUBLIC EVENTS AT UNCA unca.edu • FR (10/21), 12:30pm Guided meditation by the Tibetan Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery. Free. Held in the Quad THE MEDITATION CENTER 894 E. Main St., Sylva, 356-1105, meditate-wnc.org • 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6-8pm - "Reflections Through The Looking Glass," journaling and meditation. Registration required. $10.
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DOES A BEAR COMPOST IN THE WOODS? How to build and maintain a composting toilet O P IN I O N
BY NED RYAN DOYLE nedryandoyle@earthlink.net Editor’s note: We asked composting-toilet enthusiast and expert Ned Doyle to describe the merits of his approach, in light of his upcoming workshop on the topic. The opinions he expresses are his own. However, readers should be aware that there are no allowed uses of composting toilets in residences in Buncombe County, according to commercial plan reviewer Bob Haynes. Humanity, now over seven billion people strong, produces annually an estimated 560 million tons of solid body waste and about 3 trillion liters of liquid waste, according to Dan Chiras, Ph.D., author of The Scoop on Poop. Where does it go, what are the impacts and how do we deal with all of this so-called “waste”? An upcoming Living Web Farms workshop that I am co-teaching, “Building and Maintaining a Composting Toilet,” will address all of the above. UNDERSTANDING POOP First, let’s acknowledge that most folks have some level of what Joe Jenkins, author of The Humanure Handbook, has termed “fecophobia”: the fear of feces, dealing with it and even talking about it. Yet our bodily functions are a fact of life and entirely natural. All living organisms take in organic materials and excrete organic materials; it’s the way nature works. “Only death and taxes are inevitable,” goes the old saying, but we can also add the “urge to purge.” When you have to go, you have to go! From a narrow, human perspective, the most important aspect of dealing with excrement is the prevention of disease from dangerous pathogens. The modern flush toilet
is extremely effective at accomplishing this goal, which is why it’s been called by some the world’s most important public health innovation. In Western North Carolina, our urban infrastructure for handling sewage is expensive, and relies on modern technology, electric power and highly trained operators. For the most part, it works well to protect us from disease pathogens. The history of toilets and waste disposal dates back thousands of years, to ancient Babylonia, Crete, Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire. Asian cultures have appreciated and dealt with their excrement as a resource for thousands of years, collecting and returning it to farms and agricultural fields as fertilizer. As cities developed higher population densities, the need for waste disposal became evident across many cultures, from a health standpoint alone. From a global environmental perspective, the impacts of flushing away our sewage have become severe. Human sewage is a potent source of pollution that is implicated in the loss of coral in the oceans and contamination in waterways and groundwater. Waste material from sewage treatment also adds to landfills. Meanwhile, an important source of nutrients in the natural biological cycle is being wasted, at great cost. Human waste contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ammonia and other essential elements for agriculture. We primarily manufacture fertilizers containing these nutrients from fossil fuels and mined phosphorus, with the byproducts of fertilizer use ending up in landfills or pumped into waterways. When conventional sewage-handling systems overflow or become inoperative due to power outages or severe weather, such as we saw this month with Hurricane Matthew, the immediate danger of disease is very real. Nearly 1,000 people were tragically killed in Haiti from the rain and winds, but the death toll from cholera may be thousands more, according to the World Health Organization.
PERFECTLY CIVILIZED: Ned Ryan Doyle will present a workshop on Oct. 29 at Living Web Farms on building an effective and efficient composting toilet. Photo courtesy of Living Web Farms
Knowing how to cope without flush toilets, even as a short-term solution, can be critical for a family or community. ANSWERING NATURE’S CALL So, how can we protect human health and address these problems? Fortunately, an excellent answer is
provided by nature: composting! The same composting processes that many gardeners and farmers utilize — done properly — will destroy disease-causing human pathogens, produce valuable fertilizer and save clean water that would otherwise be flushed away. Bacteria, fungi, earthworms and more have been recycling the resources of all life forms on our planet for millions of years. It’s actually very simple — if done properly. Yes, that point has been repeated, because it’s the key to addressing sanitation concerns. In a conventional garden-composting process, the essential keys are the temperature of the compost, the need for oxygen, moisture at the right level and a good balance of carbon and nitrogen. However, in a humanure composting process, done properly, there is a fifth essential requirement: time. Unlike conventional garden composting, which can be achieved in as little as a month, humanure composting, to assure pathogen elimination, needs at least a year. Commercial composting toilets have been around for many years. But regulations vary widely. Be sure to contact your local public health department for information prior to investing in or installing a composting system. The public health division of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services provides the following resource: avl.mx/32l. Ready to learn more about proper humanure composting? Interested in low-cost options for when the power and water are interrupted? Want to learn if a bear really does compost in the woods? Join me along with Richard Freudenberger on Saturday, Oct. 29, 1:30–7 p.m. at Living Web Farms in Mills River to find out. A $15 donation suggested. Find more information at 891-4497 or avl.mx/32m. X
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
KITCHEN VS. CLASSROOM Are culinary schools necessary?
CLASS ACT: A-B Tech culinary instructor Frederick Snyder believes some amount of formal education makes sense for aspiring chefs.“This is an industry where there is no onesize-fits-all for everyone,” he says, but in culinary school, “it’s about exposure to the fundamentals. It lays a better foundation.” Photo by Cindy Kunst
BY JONATHAN AMMONS jonathanammons@gmail.com The kitchen is an odd place to work. The endless shifts in often windowless environments, the
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
dripping sweat, the low wages, the constant handling of dead animals, sharp knives and scalding-hot oil tend to produce perils that often dissuade the more collegiate-oriented of society from joining the ranks on the line.
Though it does happen — and surprisingly often — one historically doesn’t look to the kitchen to find the next poet laureate or economic guru. Rather, traditionally, the commercial kitchen has become a kind of stereotype for a place to find the
folks for whom conventional school, work or life in general seemed a little too constraining. But more and more these days, perhaps because of the pervasiveness of the food-asentertainment concept, young people are enrolling in culinary school
LEARNING THINGS THE HARD WAY “One day in my mid-20s, I dropped everything and packed my truck with a dog, a bike, some clothes, a Sun Drop and a tin of Slim Jims and drove west as far as I could to San Francisco,” says chef Mike Moore, proprietor of the Blind Pig Supper Club and the Old Etowah Smokehouse. In California, he began working in a small breakfast joint in Pacifica while he enrolled in culinary school. “I ended up in an overpriced and way underrated French culinary school in the Tenderloin, getting catcalled by the most beautiful transvestites I had ever seen and stepping over dead people while pigeons ate sidewalk vomit in one of the worst neighborhoods in the U.S. on my way to class for 10 hours a night. “Was it worth it?” he asks. “My debt-to-income ratio was once an embarrassment, and it hindered me from gaining financial momentum in life during my late 20s. Many culinary schools like the one I attended in the early 2000s were run like degree mills similar to latenight online curriculum programs. They were advertised and marketed to offer excellent and prestigious career training, which would reflect career salaries. They also promised job placement worldwide to
their students. It is sad to say, but postsecondary culinary institutions across our nation took advantage of many students with inflated tuition costs and high interest rates that, once revealed, would shock you. “I learned more from the two Mexican cooks in that breakfast café in Pacifica,” he continues. “Eventually, I threw everything I owned on an eastbound train ... landing in Asheville about the time Zambra opened. I paid a mortgage and loan payments while making $10 an hour for the next three years. Thirteen years later I still agree I learned more either on my own or working with other inspirational chefs — but for some reason we sometimes learn things the hard way.” “I think it’s worth it, but it depends on your motivations when you go to culinary school,” says chef Steven Goff, who helped open Standard Foods in Raleigh after opening the now-defunct King James Public House in Asheville. He is currently helming the kitchen at Sovereign Remedies while he works to open his own food truck back in the Triangle. “[But] I don’t think you should go there without working in a kitchen first, because a lot of what you’re going to be learning isn’t going to be cooking. You’re going to learn management, numbers, how to be a hospitable human being. And if you’ve already worked, maybe you’ll be able to refine some of that knowledge you’ve already learned in a restaurant.” Goff, having dropped out of high school at a young age, train-hopped his way across the country, cooking at restaurants along the way to make ends meet. He wound up in Asheville, homeless, but worked his way up the line, also at Zambra. He attended A-B Tech’s culinary program before eventually teaching there himself. “Obviously I’m going to be a little biased,” he says. “Do I think that you have to go to culinary school? Absolutely not. But is it helpful? Yes. And do I think it is worth it? For a community college, hell yes, it’s worth the money.” GOING LOCAL “To quote Thomas Keller, are we really trying to advocate for less education?” says Frederick Snyder, chef and instructor at A-B Tech. “The piece that always seems to be missing from every story about culinary schools that I read are the less expensive schools. I hold what
seems to be a popular opinion: The private, for-profit schools are really expensive. It doesn’t make sense to spend more money on school than you are going to make in salary when you get out of school. That just doesn’t work.” But for Snyder, the argument for some schooling is elementary. “This is an industry where there is no onesize-fits-all for everyone,” he says, but in culinary school, “it’s about exposure to the fundamentals. It lays a better foundation.” A-B Tech’s culinary program is an estimated $8,000 to $10,000 for a two-year associate degree, a stark contrast to the carlike pricing of the higher-end schools. And while some snooty Michelin-starred kitchens might scoff at a community college as opposed to the prestige of a fancy program in Hyde Park, N.Y., that often depends on the kitchen. Chefs, unlike banks or financial companies, are often less likely to put as much emphasis on the kind of school one has attended, and some don’t really seem to care if the applicant attended school at all. “I would hire someone from culinary school before I would hire someone with zero experience at all,” says Goff. “But more importantly, I’m going to look where you’ve worked, but if you’ve gone to school, I know you’ve been taught some of the more basic things, and you’ve at least been taught — more importantly than cooking — to respect the kitchen, the food and the chef.” He also notes that occasionally students fresh out of the fancy culinary programs can be difficult to work with. “They often come with a little more ego because they went to the [Culinary Institute of America] or Johnson & Wales.” Moore agrees. “I have worked with many recently graduated culinary students who have had a false perception of the industry and whose attitudes have hindered something as simple as passion and love for the craft of cooking,” he says. Snyder also agrees, to an extent. He worked as chef at The Market Place under Mark Rosenstein for several years. He recalls, “While working there, it got to the point where if I got a résumé from A-B Tech, one from CIA and another from Johnson & Wales, I wouldn’t even call the people from Johnson & Wales and CIA until I’d talked to the person from A-B Tech, because that’s the reputation that we have in this area.” X
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in order to get into the kitchen. And that rise in enrollment begs the question: Is it worth it? There are a wide range of establishments offering culinary arts degrees. Some are for-profit schools like Le Cordon Bleu, a franchise of the Career Education Corp., which currently accounts for over 20 percent of all culinary school enrollments in the country and which in 2013 ended a drawn-out lawsuit over inflated job-placement rates for prospective students to the tune of $10 million. These corporations thrive on federal aid, and not surprisingly, their tuition rates have continued to skyrocket as America’s food obsession has inspired more to seek careers in the culinary industry. To complete the famed International Culinary Schools at the Arts Institutes, it costs over $50,000. Johnson & Wales is just a thousand dollars less, and even Le Cordon Bleu pushes over the $15,000 mark. Bear in mind that in small cities like Asheville, the average line cook makes $10-$13 an hour, often with no benefits.
Kickoff Party NOV. 2 6-10 PM
Highland Brewing Free and open to the public Come celebrate the work of 47 local nonprofits
givelocal@mountainx.com OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Jacqui Castle
STEEPING IT REAL Recently launched Asheville Tea Co. sources local ingredients
Fall is here! Hot Chocolate Bar
Pumpkin Spice Truffle Monday - Saturday 11am - 8pm
2 Weaverville Rd. Suite 201
A LEADER IN HER FIELD: Asheville Tea Co. owner Jessie Dean stands in a field of pineapple sage at Rayburn Farm in Barnardsville. Dean, who focuses on using locally grown components for her line of loose-leaf and packaged teas, will include the pineapple-scented herb in an upcoming fall and winter seasonal blend. Photo by Cindy Kunst
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
“I’m on a mission to turn Asheville into a town of craft tea drinkers,” says Jessie Dean, owner of recently launched Asheville Tea Co. “People love their craft beverages here, and it’s really hard to find a local craft tea.” Asheville Tea Co. uses fresh ingredients from local farms, tossing in green or black tea with certain blends, to create unique and flavorful concoctions. Dean is optimistic that in the near future, every element of her formulations — even the green and black teas, which are not native to the United States — will be sourced locally. “I have been working with Table Rock Tea Co. in South Carolina, and they are growing camellia sinensis,” she says. “So,
within the next few years, I am hopeful that we will be able to have local green and black tea even.” For now, she is crafting caffeinated blends with an imported Kenyan black tea she sources from Table Rock Tea Co. and green tea from Mountain Rose Herbs. But “those blends are still infused with local products,” she adds. In addition to Table Rock Tea Co., Dean is working with a growing list of Asheville-area farms to procure her other ingredients, including Rayburn Farm, Epling Farm, Hoopers Creek Botanicals, Pangaea Plants, A Way of Life Farm, Franny’s Farm and Gentle Harmony Farm. She’s also sourcing yaupon, a wild-harvested, caffeinated holly
leaf native to North America, from the Georgia-based ASI Yaupon Tea. “The thing that is unique about Asheville Tea Co. is that we are focused on local sourcing,” she says. “So, we are really working hard to support local farms and local business.” The first seasonal blend Asheville Tea Co. rolled out is known as G & T, inspired by the gin and tonic cocktail. It combines locally grown lime basil from Rayburn Farm in Barnardsville with local rosemary, juniper and elderflower and a green tea base. For her foray into small business, Dean draws on deep entrepreneurial roots. “I was inspired definitely by my family. My mom and her sisters run a candy store, and it’s a
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POWER PLANT: Roselle, or hibiscus sabdariffa, from Rayburn Farm in Barnardsville is one of the ingredients used in Asheville Tea Co.’s elderberry-yaupon tea blend. Roselle is high in calcium, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C and iron and has a tart, juicy flavor. Photo by Cindy Kunst third generation family business. My dad runs his own craft business,” she says. Starting her own business felt like a natural progression for Dean. “I had been in a job for 11 years working in the health-and-wellness and outdoor recreation industry, and, you know, a lot of my role was in operations, so I have a background there,” she explains. “I wanted to shift gears to being a full-time mom and was looking for something that I could do to be able to stay with my kids and also something that I could get really passionate about. So, tea is something that I am really passionate about.”
Dean says her business has also been inspired by the Asheville community. “There is such a great farmto-table scene and craft beverage scene and foodie scene in Asheville. The local farms are so awesome to work with,” she says. Asheville Tea Co. offers individually packaged and loose-leaf varieties. For now, both products are available at various local tailgate markets and at The Rhu downtown. Dean plans to partner with other local businesses to expand her distribution in the near future. For details on where to find Asheville Tea Co. products, look for the company on Facebook. X
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Thomas Calder | tcalder@mountainx.com
Burger and Brew Nights at Isis In August, Kitchen 743 at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall competed for the first time in the annual WNC Battle of the Burger. By day’s end, the Isis burger — with its Hickory Nut Gap beef, heirloom tomatoes, baby romaine, shallot aioli, aged sharp cheddar and Nueske’s bacon on a homemade roll — was crowned the winner. “We didn’t go into it thinking about winning,” says co-owner Josephine Woody. “We wanted to get it out there that we have a burger on the menu, which goes hand in hand with a good show.” In addition to highlighting the menu option, Woody says Isis signed up for the contest to promote the restaurant’s evolution. Last year, the venue’s eatery made a series of changes to its menu, kitchen and name. The owners brought in chef Chris Jones from Charlotte, who created a “more accessible menu,” says Woody. Along with the burger, Kitchen 743 now offers a fried chicken sandwich, open-faced fried grouper sandwich and a number of shared plates. October marks the restaurant and music hall’s fourth anniversary. To celebrate this milestone along with its Battle of the Burger win, Kitchen 743 is featuring a weekly Friday night special dubbed Burger and Brew Night. For $12, diners will get the awardwinning burger and a beer. Woody notes that Kitchen 743 has 30 craft beers to chose from, including local brews from Green Man, French Broad Brewery, Pisgah Brewing, Wicked Weed Brewing and Burial Beer Co. With its recent victory at Battle of the Burger, the restaurant has also been invited to compete at the nationally televised World Food Championship in Kissimmee, Fla., for the title of World’s Best Burger. A scheduling conflict may prevent Kitchen 743 from participating in the November challenge, but Woody says there’s an open invitation to next year’s competition as well. Woody reflects on the restaurant’s recent win, recalling slinging burgers in the the August heat
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
BURGER WITH A SIDE OF MUSIC: In its first year competing at the WNC Battle of the Burger, Kitchen 743 at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall took home the win with its Isis burger. The eatery celebrates the victory this month with weekly Burger and Beer Nights. Photo by Josephine Woody while an occasional breeze came off the French Broad River. “I came up with a cheesy line [that day],” she says. “I told people, ‘The burger usually comes with a side of music.’” Throughout October, Burger and Brew Night will take place every Friday beginning at 5 p.m. at Kitchen 743 at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. For additional information, visit isisasheville.com/menus. MOD PIZZA OPENS IN NORTH ASHEVILLE The Seattle-based MOD Pizza chain is now open in the former Exxon station on the corner of Merrimon Avenue and Ottari Road. The restaurant specializes in made-to-order
pizzas. “We feel that this concept will resonate with members of the community,” says Matt Jamison, the company’s marketing manager. The shop also offers specialty pizzas, including the Dominic (white sauce, asiago, fresh-chopped basil, red onion, sliced tomatoes and mild sausage), the Mad Dog (mozzarella, pepperoni, mild sausage, ground beef and MOD red sauce), the Caspian (mozzarella, Gorgonzola, barbecue chicken, barbecue sauce and sliced red onions) and the pizza salad, which gives customers the option to create their own salads atop a warm asiago pizza crust. Jamison says guests can expect “a friendly and welcoming environment with a minimal wait time and delicious food.”
MOD Pizza is at 873 Merrimon Ave. Store hours are 10:30 a.m.-10 p.m. seven days a week. For more information, visit modpizza.com. BUXTON HALL BBQ: BOOK OF SMOKE Award-winning Asheville chef Elliott Moss shares his knowledge on the art of Carolina pit smoking in his new book, Buxton Hall BBQ: Book of Smoke. Readers will find instructions on how to build large and small backyard pits, plus recipes for a variety of main dishes, including pulled pork, wings and ribs. Side dishes are also in the mix, as are desserts. Along with the recipes and instructions, there are
M O U N TA I N X P R E S S P R E S E N T S more than 100 photos by Cindy Samargia Laun. Find Buxton Hall BBQ: Book of Smoke at Malaprop’s and other bookstores. POP-UP PREVIEW DINNER FOR JARGON RESTAURANT Sean Piper, who plans to open Jargon restaurant in 2017 at 715 Haywood Road, will host a popup dinner on Monday, Oct. 24, at Smoky Park Supper Club. The event will offer a preview of what an Eventbrite announcement calls the eatery’s “continental social cuisine” with a 10-course feast paired with wines selected by Metro Wines. Featured menu items will include avocado-arugula bisque with yogurt panna cotta and crab salad and cinnamon-smoked quail stuffed with chanterelle mushroom mousse. Tickets are $100 each and seating is limited. The Jargon pop-up happens 6-9 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24, in the Boat House at Smoky Park Supper Club, 350 Riverside Drive. Look for tickets on Eventbrite.com.
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WINE AND CHEESE WORKSHOP The Cheese Store of Asheville, in partnership with 5 Walnut Wine & Cheese Bar, will host a wine and cheese workshop on Sunday, Oct. 23. Cheese history, science and pairings will all be topics of discussion. According to The Cheese Store’s announcement, attendees will learn all the “hows and whys of tasting,” in addition to details on why wine lovers and cheeseheads do all the “sniffing [and] swirling” before each sip, nibble and bite. The workshop runs 1-2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23, at 5 Walnut. Tickets are $20. To buy tickets, visit avl.mx/31k. For more information, visit csasheville.com. PLOUGH TO PANTRY JOINS THE LAUREL OF ASHEVILLE Plough to Pantry, which The Laurel of Asheville has been producing as an independent quarterly, will now be included as a section inside The Laurel’s monthly publication. The new section will continue its focus on farm-totable stories. X
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Scott Douglas | jsdouglas22@gmail.com
Fall festivals bring the heat Cantillon Zwanze Day Fonta Flora Brewery, with the help of Proof Wine and Spirits and Shelton Brothers Importers, brought one of the world’s most exclusive beer events to Western North Carolina earlier this month. Brouwerij Cantillon’s annual Zwanze Day was hosted by Fonta Flora in Morganton. It marked the return of Cantillon to this region — a protracted legal dispute kept the majority of the Shelton Brothers offerings out of local glasses for half a decade. Massachusetts-based Shelton Brothers manages some of the most sought-after brands in the craft beer industry, including renowned Belgian brewers such as Drie Fontainen, De Struise and Cantillon. The entire portfolio is once again available in the Asheville market. Zwanze Day is an international event held at 60 locations that celebrates the tapping of a one-off lambic blended specifically for the annual event. This year’s Zwanze was a framboise with blueberry and vanilla, tapped alongside Cantillon’s Classic Gueuze, Kriek, Mamouche and Iris Grand Cru. Fonta Flora also tapped some special brews of its own, as well as beers from friends of the brewery like Jester King and Scratch. Nearly 600 people entered a lottery for 150 tickets to Zwanze Day at Fonta Flora. The honor of pouring the extraordinarily rare lambics from one of the world’s most esteemed sour beer producers was not lost on Fonta Flora coowner and head brewer Todd Boera. “This is really special if you give a damn about history and about sour beer,” he says. “Without Cantillon and the traditional lambic producers, there would be no American wild-fermented beers. If you care about those things at all, Cantillon is what you should look to as one of the beers that paved the way for what everybody is doing now.” The Cantillon celebration was a fitting way to mark the return of the brand to North Carolina shelves, according to John McCarthy, owner of Durham-based distributor Proof. Due to the Byzantine nature of the state’s franchise laws, Proof has been restricted to distributing a small portion of the portfolio in the Asheville
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
CANTILLON RETURNS: Fonta Flora Brewery co-owner Todd Boera, left, talks to Funkatorium employee Andrew Ross at the recent Zwanze Day event. The celebration marked the return of Belgian Cantillon products to Western North Carolina. Photo by Scott Douglas market, but the resolution of the lawsuit means Asheville drinkers can expect to see regular deliveries of the previously disputed brands in local bottle shops. “What’s in the past is in the past, and we’re looking forward to making all these beers available. We thought there was no better way to reintroduce people to these beers than bringing Zwanze Day to the Carolinas for the first time ever,” says McCarthy. A late-September drop from Proof saw new offerings from major breweries including Fantome, Mikkeller, Thiriez and Nøgne Ø that have either never been available in Asheville, or have been absent for years. Zwanze Day was just the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Asheville’s retail beer market, which can finally take its rightful place as one of the best in the world now that years of complex and acrimonious legal wrangling have come to a close. “This is a great case-in-point for how
franchise laws that date back to the repeal of Prohibition aren’t benefiting anyone,” says Dan Shelton, owner of Shelton Brothers. “Those laws need to be changed. But that’s all in addition to how great it is to be back in North Carolina and what we have planned for the future, which is getting people more of the beers that they want at better prices than they were being charged. Zwanze Day is definitely a part of our plans to make up for lost time, and to show some hope for the future and our belief in North Carolina as a market.” BURNPILE 2016 With fall in the air, Burial Beer Co.’s third annual Burnpile Harvest Festival is just around the corner. Burnpile has traditionally been one of the brewery’s best-attended events, and with Burial’s exploding popularity, this year’s festival — on Saturday, Oct. 29, from noon-10 p.m. — promises to be a blowout.
Burnpile will feature more than 20 breweries pouring seasonal beers, with local stalwarts such as Hi-Wire and Wicked Weed pouring alongside up-and-comers like Zebulon and notable regional breweries such as Fonta Flora. This year’s event will be the first to feature out-of-state breweries, a result of Burial’s extensive collaborative efforts and relationshipbuilding with other craft breweries around the country. Among the distinguished national guests will be Creature Comforts of Athens, Ga., Brooklyn-based Other Half Brewing, Walland, Tenn.’s Blackberry Farm, TRVE Brewing from Denver and Allagash Brewing of Maine, which is slated to bring a particularly special offering, a sour pumpkin beer known as Goulschip. “It’s a brewery-only release that they brew with pumpkins every year on Halloween night and cool overnight in their Coolship,” explains Reiser. “It ages in oak barrels for many years, and then they blend barrels for each year’s release. I know Jason [Perkins], their brewmaster, specifically picked this beer to send to our festival, so it’s a pretty special honor.” To coincide with the festivities, Burial will release The Coronation Lemongrass Tripel — a classic Belgian Tripel brewed with lemongrass from the brewery’s urban garden and traditionally bottle-conditioned. Bottles will go on sale at noon for $14 each. Burial will also be pouring Skullsaw Harvest Porter, brewed with over 400 pounds of sweet potatoes, along with many of the brewery’s other seasonal favorites. Burnpile is about more than just beer. Live music will keep the party going from 5 to 9 p.m., with local bands Betaplane and Ouroboros Boys opening for Atlanta-based headliners Twin Studies. Food will also be available all day, with Belly Up food truck serving from noon to 5 p.m. and Salt and Smoke Kitchen delivering a seasonally inspired harvest feast from 5 to 10 p.m. Admission is $10, which includes two drink tokens and a commemorative tasting glass described by Reiser as “pretty epic.” Beer pours will be in 4-ounce and 8-ounce increments, and additional tokens will be available at stations throughout the taproom for $2 each. Guests will be able to leave and return throughout the day, and kids and dogs are welcome. X For a complete list of the breweries participating in Burnpile 2016, look for this story on mountainx.com.
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
A R T S & E N T E R TA I N M E N T
Country for Syria creates a unique sound that blends musical traditions
IN TUNE: Owen Harris plays his accordion, with bandmate Juan Bayon Jimenez on flute. The photo was taken when Country for Syria traveled with Clowns Without Borders to the Kurdistan region of Turkey, where Kurdish villages are under siege by the Turkish Army. Photo by Pinar Ezgi Kadı
BY THOMAS CALDER tcalder@mountainx.com Owen Harris thought he was booked to perform a 45-minute set. It was November 2015 and the musi-
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
cians he was scheduled to play with were strangers. Harris himself was relatively new to the area — having arrived to Istanbul, six months earlier, by way of Asheville. He’d left the U.S. to work for Humanwire, an organization that helps individuals make direct monetary donations to
Syrian and other refugee families in Turkey and Lebanon. He played music on the side. The 45-minute set turned out to be a three-hour performance. “We ran out of songs,” says Harris. The room quieted. In a last-ditch effort to fill the void, Harris threw out
the chords to the Hank Williams chestnut “Hey Good Lookin.” The band jumped in, and the rest of the evening was spent covering country songs (with some Arabic flair). This near-debacle turned out to be the origin of Country for Syria, an Istanbul-based international col-
lective. The nine-piece band consists of three Syrians, two Americans, two Turks, a Spaniard and a Frenchman. The group is embarking on its first U.S. tour, scheduled to play two shows in Asheville — Tuesday, Oct. 25, at The Toy Boat Community Art Space and Wednesday, Oct. 26, at The Mothlight. The group will also hold a workshop at Warren Wilson College prior to its Wednesday performance. The concerts will showcase the band’s blend of traditional Middle Eastern music with American country. The workshop at Warren Wilson will involve a short set, along with a post-performance Q&A. Harris views the workshop as a way to discuss the overlap between the two styles. “Country music has its origins in the American Civil War,” he says. “And Syria is in the midst of a civil war now. A lot of Arabic folk music is about the relationship to place, the relationship to your community, the relationship to religion, to your God and things about geographic features, rivers, mountains — just like country music does.” The similarities, Harris adds, go far beyond lyrical motifs. In Western North Carolina in particular, Harris sees a history that mirrors Syria’s present day. “Appalachia was a poor region, a working-class region,” he says. “There was a lot of migration, a lot of moving around, a lot of insecurity. A lot of these things are what Syrian folks are going through now.” Harris hopes the shared experiences will help reshape American views of Syrian refugees. Early on, during the crisis, he remembers support and a positive dialogue coming from the U.S. “I felt like there was solidarity,” he says. “But as the election season has worn on, the dialogue around the refugee crisis has really turned quite toxic and xenophobic.”
In addition to highlighting the commonality between the two nations, the tour will double as a fundraiser for Syrian refugees. At each show, concertgoers will have the opportunity to donate funds to a specific Syrian family. The tour also functions as a case study on the immigration process. Harris emphasizes the obstacles his band members have had to navigate to obtain travel visas to the U.S. “People feel insecure ... like refugees are pouring into the Untied States,” he says. “It’s actually very very difficult to get Syrian refugees into the [country].” Letters of recommendation, letters of invitation, school transcripts from elementary through university and numerous fees have all been part of the undertaking. “Sometimes politicians make it sound like the vetting process for people coming into the U.S. is not thorough,” Harris continues. “When actually, it’s quite intense.” For Harris, the Asheville visit is a homecoming. He graduated last year from Warren Wilson, where he studied modern languages and political science. He’s excited to bring the band’s message back to the mountains. “There’s this big crisis going on,” he says. “[It’s] this big tragedy that ... people back home really aren’t aware of, or, for them it’s a political issue or they don’t want to accept these people as people.” He adds, “I felt like the best way to counter that was to come to the U.S. with Syrian refugee musicians and show that our cultures are compatible. These are normal people who do normal things.” X
Local events • Concert at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. $10 suggested donation. 505-8657 to reserve tickets. • Workshop at Warren Wilson College’s Kitteridge Recital Hall, 701 Warren Wilson Road, on Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 2:30 p.m. Free. warren-wilson.edu • Concert at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road, on Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 8 p.m. $10 suggested donation. themothlight.com For more information, visit facebook.com/countryforsyria
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Timothy Burkhardt
MONSTERS OF GAMING Asheville Scarefest returns for its fourth year WNC Agricultural Center www.saffsite.com
Fiber Animals, Workshops, Demonstrations, Contests, Over 100 vendors
Admission $5 per person $10 weekend pass Children under 12 free
Fri., Oct. 28 10 am -6 pm Sat., Oct. 29 10 am -6 pm Sun., Oct. 30 10 am -4 pm
Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair
PLAYDATE: While the the fourth annual Asheville Scarefest will offer more than 20 different game systems, Pathfinder is still the main event at the convention. More than 50 tables are dedicated to the game in which players take on the roles of warriors or wizards and battle powerful villains — or become them. Photo courtesy of Asheville Scarefest “The first Scarefest was held upstairs at The Wyvern’s Tale in 2013,” says Amie Tracey, co-founder of the local Table-Top Role Playing Game convention and primary organizer of this year’s event. “It was really wellattended. A lot of people came in costume, and it was fun, so we did it again, and that was even better.” At the inaugural Asheville Scarefest, there wasn’t enough room for Pathfinder — a fantasy adventure game similar to
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Dungeons & Dragons — so the group began to look for larger spaces. From Friday, Oct. 21, to Sunday, Oct. 23, geeks and gamers will gather at the Montreat Conference Center for the fourth annual Asheville Scarefest, which offers more than 20 different game systems. “A few years back, our Pathfinder players wanted to have a big Halloween-themed weekend of gaming,” says Deklan Green, co-owner of
The Wyvern’s Tale. “Last year, [the group was] too big to fit in the store anymore. [The convention was] able to expand in both size and scope, and offer a lot more games at Montreat, which is a really beautiful location.” Pathfinder is still the main event at Scarefest. More than 50 tables throughout the convention are dedicated to the game in which players take on the roles of warriors or wizards and battle powerful villains — or become them. There’s even a conventionwide interactive special on Friday night, where all of the tables will participate in a battle together. This year, Tracey is working to rise to the challenges that face the growing convention. “The Sunday brunch open gaming circle is something new we’re trying out,” she says. “Last year, some people were really exhausted by the schedule ending at 1:30 a.m. and then starting again at 8:30 a.m., so we’re hoping this will give people a chance to sleep a little.” The open gaming circle features short sessions of Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder and other role-playing games, as well as board games, a miniature painting workshop and food. Speaking of gaming fuel: “We have meal tickets this year,” Tracey says, “which is a big deal, because last year we didn’t. People had to go to Black Mountain for food and missed the start of gaming sessions.” There will not, however, be a costume contest this year, but attendees who arrive dressed up will be given tokens that can be used to enter raffles throughout the weekend. Andrew Gmitter, one of the coorganizers of the convention, will be running several sessions of Dread, which uses a Jenga tower for action resolution. He describes tabletop gaming as “your opportunity to tell a story as it happens, make decisions that have consequences for your character, but not you as a person, and where the success of your character is based on luck and skill.” In most tabletop role-playing games, players collaborate to tell a story. A referee, often known as the game master, helps move the story along, arbitrates rules and decides what happens when players make choices. If something occurs for which a GM cannot predict the outcome, then dice, cards or another method are used to introduce elements of randomness into the story. In many forms of entertainment, “you don’t often have the opportunity to participate in your own story,” says Gmitter. “You grab a video game, you’re on rails the whole time. You grab a book, you’re start-to-finish,
unless you grabbed a choose-yourown-adventure. With games like Dungeons & Dragons, Dread and Fiasco, you get to make decisions that affect the stories themselves.” Members of the simulation and game development program of Blue Ridge Community College will be at Scarefest, demonstrating some of the tabletop role-playing games created by first-year students. Those enrolled in the program learn game design, starting with board tabletop roleplaying games, before moving on to video games. The group will bring the games Four Heroes and Tataiki to the convention. “Four Heroes is a co-op, turn-based strategy game similar to Imperial Assault or Descent,” says BRCC professor Patrick Roeder. “In Tataiki, everyone plays an assassin trying to kill their target.” This year, Scarefest will also feature the spaceship simulator Artemis, which is “similar to being on the bridge of a ‘Star Trek’ vessel,” says Gmitter. “Someone is yelling orders at you. …You might be the pilot, you might be the weapons officer, you might be communicating with other ships, but you’re not doing it all yourself — you’re working with a team.” A simulation lasts about an hour, with each member of the crew using a different computer screen. “We built backdrops for it and flashing lights. Very nerdy,” says Tracey. The festival organizer promises that no matter a gamer’s play style or experience level, all will feel welcomed and accommodated at Asheville Scarefest. “There are day passes for people who can only come for one day, and it’s a really great community if you are just starting role-playing and you don’t know what you are doing,” Tracey says. “Last year I saw so many people next to a newbie at a game saying, ‘Oh, let me help you.’ The people are really friendly.” X
WHAT Asheville Scarefest gaming convention WHERE Montreat Conference Center 401 Assembly Drive Montreat WHEN Friday, Oct. 21-Sunday, Oct. 23. $20 weekend pass/$12 day pass/ $70 meal ticket/$140 lodging. avlscarefest.com
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Apparel & Lingerie Body Safe & Luxury Toys Costume Accessories
by Bill Kopp
THIS MESSAGE IS ENDORSED Esperanza Spalding brings Emily’s D+Evolution to Asheville
57 Broadway • Downtown Asheville vavavooom.com
New Beer Thursdays
32 Banks Ave Asheville, NC 28801 63 Brook St Asheville, NC 28803 212 S Green St Morganton, NC 28655 catawbabrewing.com 42
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
MORE THAN JUST AN ALBUM: Bassist/composer Esperanza Spalding has confidently moved beyond her jazz origins on her fifth album, the varied and ambitious Emily’s D+Evolution. Spalding plays The Orange Peel Oct. 20. Photo by Holly Andres Bassist and singer Esperanza Spalding initially made her name as a musical prodigy, then as the youngest member of the faculty at Boston’s Berklee School of Music. She went on to win a Grammy in 2011 (Best New Artist) and made
four albums exploring the jazz idiom. But her fifth recording, 2016’s Emily’s D+Evolution, moves well beyond that genre, aided in part by her choice of co-producer. Spalding plays The Orange Peel on Thursday, Oct. 20.
In the music business, Tony Visconti is something of a household name. Since his start in 1968, Visconti has produced more than 120 albums for a wide variety of artists, including more than a dozen for David Bowie. He’s worked in
a variety of musical genres, but is most closely associated with rock, and a large percentage of his production duties has been on albums by British artists. Spalding, on the other hand, is described by some as a bass-wielding cross between Joni Mitchell and Michael Jackson. So what led Spalding to choose Visconti to co-produce the sessions that would become Emily’s D+Evolution’s heady mix of rock/ funk/soul/jazz/hip-hop? Spalding had, in fact, already recorded much of Emily’s D+Evolution before deciding to work with a co-producer. “I didn’t know if this record was valid or if it was any good to anybody other than me,” Spalding says. She knew she didn’t want to work with someone intent on making her music “sound like a jazz record.” Spalding was especially impressed with Visconti’s production work on Bowie’s 2013 release, The Next Day. “It has a lot of acoustic instrumentation, and yet it still sounds like you’re getting slapped in the face,” she says. “And I wanted that sound.” Visconti is “a unique character in that he knows so much,” explains Spalding. “He’s been through the whole arc of rock ’n’ roll and jazz. And he has a classical background. He can arrange for orchestra.” That background, Spalding believes, meant that Visconti would be a good person to “endorse” — that’s her word — the music she had been writing and recording. “I thought, ‘If someone like Tony Visconti understands this record, then I’m good.’ And he did.” The bassist-vocalist-composer characterizes Visconti’s approach to the Emily’s D+Evolution project as “hands off in all the right ways,” but notes that Visconti was “hands in” concerning studio matters in which his mastery is well-established. An earlier “technical snafu” meant that nearly half of the tracks cut before Visconti came on board would have to be re-recorded, but Spalding is grateful for what might have seemed like a serious setback. “His spirit did need to be in this,” she believes. “And it would have sucked if all the songs that he worked on weren’t on the record.” Though she initially needed — and earned — that coveted endorsement of Emily’s D+Evolution, Spalding has moved forward from that place. “Now I know better. Because I’m older, I know that you don’t need authorization. But for a
while, it was that emotional or spiritual development, artistic development that I needed: an endorsement to feel confident enough to release this to the world.” Spalding’s first album, 2006’s Junjo, was a straight-ahead jazz release that received positive reviews but didn’t chart. But by the time of her fourth record, 2012’s Radio Music Society, the bassist was selling over 100,000 copies, topping the jazz charts and enjoying crossover success. The small label to which she was signed was absorbed into the larger Concord Records, but when her contract was up for renewal, she didn’t jump ship. “I like them,” she says of the Concord staff. “They really are champions of me exploring, which is not something that most record labels want to invest in.” She acknowledges that she doesn’t sell as many records as bigger-name artists, “but they still treat me like I do ... and that’s really priceless. Any person in a record contract will understand how profoundly special that is.” Meanwhile, Emily’s D+Evolution isn’t just an album. It’s the basis for Spalding’s live show. She describes the pre-Visconti sessions: “We were going to bring in an audience; they were going to watch us from the control room.” The songs — delivered in a specific order — would tell a story. “We would hit ‘record,’ and we would play the record from the top to the bottom. And that would be the album.” Even though the sessions didn’t ultimately work out that way, that linear storytelling approach informs the live presentation of the material. “The record is one aspect of the project,” Spalding says. “But the bigger aspect of the project, I would say, is the performance, the staging and the storytelling that is done through dramaturgy. That, for me, is the meat of the project.” X
WHO Esperanza Spalding presents Emily’s D+Evolution WHERE The Orange Peel 101 Biltmore Ave. theorangepeel.net WHEN Thursday, Oct. 20, 8 p.m. $27
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Kat McReynolds | Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
Fish & Friends featuring Jane Kramer and Eliza Sidney Fish & Friends, a recurring smorgasbord of local live music, has found its home at Salvage Station. “We aim to present a diverse cross section of Asheville-based songwriters in a loose, collaborative setting,” says longtime performer James Fisher (Blue Dragons), who curates the lineup. Fisher opens each show alongside fellow musicians Bill Melanson and Jeff Mooney plus drop-in guests, depending on the night. After their mix of original songs and playful covers, a featured act takes over. Next up is mountain songstress Jane Kramer, pictured left — who was reeled back to Asheville’s music scene in 2015, after four years on the West Coast — with harpist Eliza Sidney, right. “We all finish with a collaborative set,” Fisher adds. The fifth iteration of Fish & Friends is on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. Free. salvagestation. com. Photo of Jane Kramer and Eliza Sidney by Sandlin Gaither
Michael Ian Black Michael Ian Black exercises his sense of humor through various mediums. He’s written for, directed, produced or acted in numerous TV shows and movies like “The State” and Wet Hot American Summer (which has a Netflix sequel coming out soon). He’s an avid connoisseur of the political tweet and recently published A Child’s First Book of Trump. And he just landed the role of the moderator in the TV series “Debate Wars,” which sees his peers dissecting timeless rivalries like pie versus cake. But it’s the soft-spoken mockery that he contributed to MTV’s “I Love the ’90s” that makes Black such a fitting source of entertainment for UNC Asheville’s ’90s-themed homecoming celebrations. He’ll perform a stand-up routine at Lipinsky Auditorium on Saturday, Oct. 22, at 9 p.m. $20/$22 (free for UNCA students). homecoming.unca.edu. Photo courtesy of the comedian
SCARY WORD! Just in time for Halloween, storyteller David Joe Miller is dressing his spoken word series up with a spooky theme: “Don’t be afraid, be disturbed!” Acclaimed storyteller, writer, playwright, director and educator David Novak — the featured Ghost Storyteller at the National Storytelling Festival this month — will take the stage. Joining Novak for the show, Asheville native Alison Fields, pictured, is a writer, blogger and an Asheville Moth Story Slam Champion. Costumes are encouraged at the show, which takes place at Trade & Lore Coffee on Friday, Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. $12 advance/$15 at the door. avl.mx/32g. Photo courtesy of David Joe Miller
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Asheville Symphony Orchestra Asheville Symphony Orchestra’s next Masterworks concert — titled In the Key of EEEEEEEE! — begins with two Halloween-appropriate songs. Based on a poem by Henri Cazalis, Camille Saint-Saëns’ “Dance of Death” uses the xylophone to invoke the rattle of skeleton bones, which clamber along as the character Death plays a de-tuned violin. And Florent Schmitt’s “La Tragédie de Salomé” sets “a wildly lush score to one of the Bible’s most tragic stories: Salome’s insistence on the beheading of John the Baptist,” reads a press release. An upswing in mood will come when ASO concertmaster and violinist Jason Posnock, pictured right, and cellist Alistair MacRae, left, close the night with Johannes Brahms’ Concerto for Violin and Cello. Conducted by Daniel Meyer, the performance takes place at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium on Saturday, Oct. 22, at 8 p.m. $22-$62 (youth/student discounts available). ashevillesymphony.org. Photos courtesy of the musicians
by Abigail Griffin
OPEN TO INTERPRETATION: “There are so many ways to express my individuality and to solicit reactions from the viewers. All that matters is for the beholder to see and hear what my image conveys to her/him,” says contemporary fine artist William Dill about his newest exhibition, Open to Interpretation – One Artist, Many Perspectives. The exhibition, which takes place at the London District Studios on London Road in Asheville, runs until Monday, Nov. 14. For more information, visit londondistrictstudios.com. Image courtesy of the cold wax and oil painting, Red Filing Cabinet, by William Dill (p. 47) ART ARROWHEAD GALLERY 78 Catawba Ave., Old Fort, 668-1100 • TH (10/27), 1-4pm - Precious metal clay classes with Cathy Greene. Bring your own tools or rent for $5. $40/$36 members. ART HOP facebook.com/ artgallerytrailwnc1/?fref=ts, artgallerytrailwnc1@gmail.com • 3rd FRIDAYS, 5-8pm - Selfguided tour of artist studios in Hendersonville and Flat Rock. Free to attend. BEARFOOTIN’ PUBLIC ART WALK downtownhendersonville.org/ bearfootin-public-art-walk-2015/ • Through SA (10/22) - Public art display featuring fiberglass outdoor bear sculptures. Free. Held on Main St., Hendersonville GROVEWOOD GALLERY 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, grovewood.com • FR (10/21), 1-5pm - Contemporary Appalachian basket making demonstration. Free to attend. • SA (10/22), 11am-4pm - Paper sculpture demonstrations by Leo Monahan and wildlife drawing and paintings demonstrations by Tess Darling. Free to attend.
THE CENTER FOR CRAFT, CREATIVITY & DESIGN 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • TH (10/27), 6:30-8pm - "Art in the Making: Artists and their Materials from the Studio to Crowdsourcing," lecture by Julia Bryan-Wilson and Glenn Adamson. Registration required. Free.
ART/CRAFT FAIRS LEICESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, facebook.com/ Leicester.Community.Center • SA (10/22), 9am-3pm Community Craft Fair. Free to attend.
AUDITIONS & CALL TO ARTISTS ARROWHEAD GALLERY 78 Catawba Ave., Old Fort, 668-1100 • WE (10/19), 9am-noon - Check-in for the annual three day plein air painting competition hosted by Arrowhead Artists and Artisans League in Old Fort. More information: arrowheadart.org.
CALDWELL ARTS COUNCIL 601 College Ave., SW Lenoir, 754-2486 • Through TU (11/1) - Submissions accepted for artists & crafters to participate in the annual Satie's Holiday Sale, Friday, Dec. 2 through Saturday, Dec. 24. Bring samples to the Arts Council on Tuesday, Oct. 4 or Tuesday, Nov. 1. HOT WORKS FINE ART SHOW ASHEVILLE 941-755-3088, patty@hotworks.org • Through WE (12/7) - Submissions accepted for the Hot Works' Asheville Fine Art Show, exhibition of nationally juried art works. See website for full details: zapplication.org/event-info.php?ID=5105. Held at US Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St. MISS HENDERSONVILLE PAGEANT missasheville.org, info@missasheville.org • Through SA (11/5) - Open registration for Henderson County women age 17 through 23 interested in competing in the Miss Hendersonville Pageant. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 337 Charlotte St., 254-5836, stmarysasheville.org • Through TH (11/3) - Open registration for art and craft vendors
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
for the St. Mary's Church Christmas Craft Fair. Registration: jeanne@jeanneshair.com. THE CENTER FOR CRAFT, CREATIVITY & DESIGN 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • Through WE (11/16) - Applications accepted for the Materials-Based Research Grant. See website for full guidelines. WILD SOUTH 258-2667, wildsouth.org • Through MO (10/31) Submissions accepted for the first annual outdoor photo contest. See website for full guidelines.
MUSIC AFRICAN DRUM LESSONS AT SKINNY BEATS DRUM SHOP (PD.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. Drop-ins welcome. Drums provided. $15/class. (828) 768-2826. www.skinnybeatsdrums.com ASHEVILLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 254-7046, ashevillesymphony.org • SA (10/22), 8pm - Masterworks
by Abigail Griffin
concert: "In the Key of EEEEEEEEEEE!" Featuring Jason Posnock and Alistair MacRae and works by Brahms and Schmitt. $22 and up. Held at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, 87 Haywood St. CHRISTMOUNT CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY 222 Fern Way, Black Mountain • WE (10/26), 7pm - Freewheelin' Mamas concert. $15/$12 advance. • TH (10/27), 7pm - Laura Boosinger and the Midnight Plowboys, folk. $15/$12 advance. DIANA WORTHAM THEATRE 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com • FR (10/21) & SA (10/22), 8pm Decades Rewind, musical showcase. $25 and up.
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com
FLAT ROCK PLAYHOUSE 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 6930731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/30) - Beehive: The Musical. Thurs., Sat., Sun.: 2pm. Thurs.: 7:30pm. Fri. & Sat.: 8pm. $15 and up.
11250 Pisgah Highway, Pisgah Forest, 877-3130 • FR (10/21), 6:30pm, 7:45pm or 9pm - Legend of Tommy Hodges. $6/$3 children.
UR LIGHT CENTER 2196 N.C. Highway 9, Black Mountain, 669-6845, urlight.org • SU (9/25), 3-5pm - Fall Equinox concert and meditation with Richard Shulman. $20/$15 advance.
FLAT ROCK PLAYHOUSE DOWNTOWN 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (10/20) until (11/6) - Vintage Hitchcock, A Live Radio Play. Thurs.: 7:30pm. Fri. & Sat.: 8pm. Thurs., Sat., & Sun.: 2pm. $15-$40.
883 Highland Ave. SE, 324-9464 • WE (10/19), 8pm - Jerry Douglas, bluegrass. $30.
FLOOD GALLERY 2160 Highway 70, Swannanoa, 254-2166, floodgallery.org • SU (10/23), 7:30pm - True Home Open Mic featuring music, poetry, comedy, rants & raves...anything goes! Signups at 7pm. Free.
MUSIC AT MARS HILL 866-642-4968, mhc.edu • TH (10/20), 7:30pm - Wind symphony concert. Free. Held in Moore Auditorium
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY 24 Varsity St., Brevard, 877-6121, uutc.org • MO (10/24), 7pm- Champian Fulton jazz concert. Admission by donation.
251-6432, unca.edu • TH (10/20), noon-1pm - Live at Lunch: The Asheville Singers. Free. Held in Highsmith Union Food Court • FR (10/21), 3pm - Symphony Talk with Daniel Meyer, Asheville Symphony Orchestra music director and conductor. Free. Held in the Reuter Center • TU (10/25), 7pm - "The Beatles in 3: A Guided Listening Session,” with Brian Felix, assistant professor of music. Free. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium • TH (10/27), noon-1pm - Live at Lunch: The Guitar Ensemble and The Bluegrass Ensemble. Free. Held in Highsmith Union Food Court
227-2479, wcu.edu • TH (10/27), 8pm - Mayday Parade, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Rescue Party, rock concert. $22/$16 students. Held at the Ramsey Regional Activity Center.
1905 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, 693-9783 • SU (10/23), 4pm - Gingerthistle, folk music. Admission by donation.
Winter packages available! advertise@mountainx.com 46
TRYON FINE ARTS CENTER 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 859-8322, tryonarts.org • SU (10/23), 3pm - Free Planet Radio concert. Free.
BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock, 694-1885 • THURSDAY through SUNDAY (10/27) until (10/31) - Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus, presented by the BRCC drama department. Thurs.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2pm. $7/$5 students.
THEATER ASHEVILLE COMMUNITY THEATRE 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/30) - Sweeney Todd. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $15-$25.
HENDERSONVILLE COMMUNITY THEATRE 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, hendersonvillelittletheater.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/23) - God of Carnage. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30. Sun.: 2pm. $16.
360 Asheville School Road, 254-6345, ashevilleschool.org • TH (10/20) & FR (10/21), 7:15pm - Asheville School Drama presents Anatomy of Gray. Free. Held in the Walker Arts Center's Graham Theater THE CRADLE OF FORESTRY
THE MAGNETIC THEATRE 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (10/29), 7:30pm - When Jekyll Met Hyde. $24/$21 advance. THEATER AT UNCA 251-6610, drama.unca.edu • THURSDAY through SUNDAY (10/20) until (10/23) - The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum at Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade. Thurs.Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2pm. $12/$10 seniors/$7 students.
GALLERY DIRECTORY #AVLGLITCH glitchavl@gmail.com • Through SU (10/30) #AVLGLITCH, exhibition of glitch related art from over 46 international artists held in three venues (Orange Space, The Asheville Darkroom & The BLOCK off Biltmore). Closing Reception: Friday, Oct. 28, 6pm at The BLOCK off Biltmore, 39 Market St. AMERICAN FOLK ART AND FRAMING 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, amerifolk.com • Through WE (10/26) Straight Out of Alabama, exhibition of the art of James A. “Buddy” Snipe. APPALACHIAN PASTEL SOCIETY appalachianpastelsociety.org • Through (11/11) - Juried member show. Held at Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Highway Hendersonville ARROWHEAD GALLERY 78 Catawba Ave., Old Fort, 668-1100 • SA (10/22) through TH (11/17) - "Battle of the Brushes" plein air competition exhibition. Reception: Saturday, Oct. 22, 1-3pm. ART AT MARS HILL UNIVERSITY 689-1307, mhu.edu • Through FR (10/21) - A Walk in Big Ivy, exhibition of photographs by Steven McBride. Held in Weizenblatt Gallery • Through FR (10/21) - Cecil Sharp Centennial, exhibition. Held in Weizenblatt Gallery • TH (10/27) through TU (11/22) - Installation and textile exhibit of the work of Donna Price and Elisa Treml. Reception: Thursday, Oct. 27, 6-8pm. Held in Weizenblatt Gallery ART AT UNCA art.unca.edu • Through WE (10/26) - Faculty art show with works in varied media. Held in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery in Owen Hall. • Through FR (11/4) - Spanning from 1980s - Campus Scenes to the Present, exhibition of photography by David Pickett. Held in the Ramsey Library Blowers Gallery • FR (10/21) through FR (11/11) - Exhibition of works by UNC Asheville's Art Front student organization. Reception: Friday, Oct. 21, 6-8pm. Held in Highsmith Art and Intercultural Gallery • FR (10/21) through FR (11/11) - Exhibition of works by Erin
Canady. Reception: Friday, Oct. 21, 6-8pm. Held in Owen Hall, 2nd Floor Gallery ART AT WCU 227-3591, fineartmuseum.wcu.edu • Through MO (11/7) - “The Language of Weaving: Contemporary Maya Textiles,” exhibition. Held in the Bardo Center • Through MO (12/12) Contemporary Clay: A Survey of Contemporary American Ceramics, exhibition. Held in the Bardo Center ARTWORKS 27 S. Broad St., Brevard, 5531063, artworksbrevardnc.com • Through SU (10/30) - Balance, Rhythm and Flow, exhibition of collage by McKenzie Keenan. Reception: Friday, Oct. 28 5-8pm. ASHEVILLE AREA ARTS COUNCIL 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through WE (11/23) - Best of WNC: Emerging Craft Artist Showcase, featuring the work of ten WNC artists. ASHEVILLE ART MUSEUM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227 • Through SU (10/30) Creating Change: Political Art from the Permanent Collection, exhibition. ASHEVILLE BOOKWORKS 428 1/2 Haywood Road, 2558444, ashevillebookworks.com • Through MO (10/31) - Camaraderie, book art and printmaking exhibition. ASHEVILLE GALLERY OF ART 82 Patton Ave., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art.com • Through MO (10/31) “Meditazioni,” exhibition of acrylic abstract paintings by Ruth Ilg. BLACK MOUNTAIN COLLEGE MUSEUM & ARTS CENTER 56 Broadway, 350-8484, blackmountaincollege.org • Through SA (12/31) - Painters of Black Mountain College, comprehensive exhibition featuring 50 paintings from 38 Black Mountain College artists. CALDWELL ARTS COUNCIL 601 College Ave., SW Lenoir, 754-2486 • Through SA (11/19) - 2 SQUARED, exhibition of artwork by Jon Sours, Mercedes Jelinek, Tamie Beldue and Rob Amberg.
DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES WESTERN OFFICE 176 Riceville Road, 296-7230 • Through FR (11/18) - North Carolina in the Great War, exhibition. FLOOD GALLERY 2160 Highway 70, Swannanoa, 254-2166, floodgallery.org • Through SU (10/30) - RED, exhibition of paintings by Connie Bostic. FLOW GALLERY 14 South Main St., Marshall, avl.mx/aw • Through SA (10/29) - Heavy Metal, exhibition of forged metalwork and metal jewelry. HAYWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Regional High Technology Center 112 Industrial Park Drive, Waynesville, 258-8737 • Through SA (11/19) - Forest, Farm + Garden, 1966-2016, exhibition. LONDON DISTRICT STUDIOS 8 London Road, 628-6838 • Through MO (11/14) - Open to Interpretation- one artist, many perspectives, exhibition of paintings by William Dill. MARK BETTIS STUDIO & GALLERY 123 Roberts St., 941-587-9502, markbettisart.com • FR (10/21) through MO (11/21) - Jewels of the River Arts District, exhibition of jewelry by Vicki Rollo. Reception: Friday, Oct. 21, 5:30-7:30pm. MORA CONTEMPORARY JEWELRY 9 Walnut St., 575-2294, moracollection.com • Through MO (10/31) - Lisa Colby jewelry exhibition. Reception: Saturday, Oct. 15, 2-5pm & 5-8pm. ODYSSEY COOPERATIVE ART GALLERY 238 Clingman Ave., 285-9700, facebook.com/ odysseycoopgallery • Through MO (10/31) Exhibition of ceramic art by Anne Jerman, Trish Salmon and Ed Rivera. PENLAND SCHOOL OF CRAFTS 67 Doras Trail Bakersville, 765-2359, penland.org • Through SU (11/20) - Cerca y Lejos, exhibition of ceramic sculptures of Cristina Córdova. • Through SU (10/23) - Wood, exhibition of woodwork by Christina Boy. PINK DOG CREATIVE 342 Depot St., pinkdog-creative.com
Clothing • Accessories • Through (10/29) - In Search of The One, exhibition of the paintings of Randy Siegel. THE ASHEVILLE SCHOOL 360 Asheville School Road, 254-6345, ashevilleschool.org • Through WE (10/19) Capturing the Essence of Peace Through the Elements of Nature, exhibition of paintings by Cheyenne Trunnell. Held in the John M. Crawford Gallery. • WE (10/26) through TH (12/15)- Obair na Mban, exhibition of paintings by Hannah Seng and Elizabeth Porritt Carrington. Reception: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6:308:30pm.
What to wear? ...think vintage!
46 Commerce St, Asheville
Open @ Noon Wed. - Sun. • Closed Mon. & Tue.
THE GALLERY AT FLAT ROCK 702-A Greenville Highway, Flat Rock, 698-7000, galleryflatrock.com/ • Through SA (12/31) - Wabi Sabi: Beauty in Imperfection, exhibition of 21 local artists. THE MOTHLIGHT • Through MO (10/31) Painting and fiber exhibition by M. HoneyBee Mckee. Held at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road TOE RIVER ARTS COUNCIL 765-0520, toeriverarts.org • Through SA (11/12) Since Last We Met, exhibition of art objects by Joe Gottlieb. Held at Burnsville TRAC Gallery, 102 W. Main St., Burnsville • Through SA (11/5) - The Toe River Juried Art Show, exhibition featuring over 80 pieces in many mediums. Held at Spruce Pine TRAC Gallery, 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine TRANSYLVANIA COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through FR (10/21) Printmaking exhibition featuring Southeastern printmakers. TRYON ARTS AND CRAFTS SCHOOL 373 Harmon Field Road, Tryon, 859-8323 • Through WE (11/9) - Black & White Gallery, exhibition of black & white works by regional artists. WCQS 73 Broadway, 10-4800, wcqs.org • Through WE (11/30) - The Way We Were, photos from Asheville’s African-American Community in the 1950s-70s on loan from UNC Asheville. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
CLUBLAND TOWN PUMP Open mic w/ Billy Presnell, 9:00PM TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Blues & Soul Jam (blues, soul), 9:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Wednesday Night Waltz, 7:00PM WILD WING CAFE Jordan Okrend, 6:30PM WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Live music w/ J Luke, 6:30PM
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 185 KING STREET Porch Light Apothecary (Americana, rock), 8:00PM 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8:00PM
AMERICANA WITH AN EDGE: Since winning the 2014 International Songwriting Award, Ohio-based roots rock outfit Angela Perley & the Howlin’ Moons have been criss-crossing the country, bringing its raw brand of Americana-meets-psychedelic-rock ’n’ roll to new audiences and cultivating material for its latest release, Homemade Vision. Maverick Magazine writes that “with a catalogue full of rock’n roll hits and dynamic performances, Angela Perley and The Howlin’ Moons is certainly a band to watch this year.” Don’t miss your chance to watch Perley & co. in action Saturday, Oct. 22 at Asheville’s Jack of The Wood beginning at 9 p.m. Photo by Red Generation Photography WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Nimbus (world, dub, lounge), 5:00PM Les Amis (African folk music), 8:00PM BARLEY'S TAPROOM Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30PM BEN'S TUNE-UP Honky Tonk Wednesdays, 7:00PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Open Mic, 7:00PM BUFFALO NICKEL SCARY Spoken Word open Mic!, 7:00PM BURGER BAR Karaoke, 9:00PM CLADDAGH RESTAURANT & PUB Irish Music Wednesdays, 8:00PM CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Open mic w/ Roots & friends, 8:00PM CROW & QUILL Karpathian Spruce (klezmer, Gypsy), 9:00PM DIANA WORTHAM THEATRE Parsons Dance, 8:00PM
DOUBLE CROWN Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain , 10:00PM FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB John & Zack from Midnight Snack (Americana), 9:00PM FUNKATORIUM Staves & Strings (bluegrass), 6:30PM GOOD STUFF Jim Hampton & friends perform "Eclectic Country" (jam), 7:00PM GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Joan Osborne w/ Keith Cotton & Andrew Carillo (Bob Dylan tribute), 8:00PM GRIND CAFE Trivia night, 7:00PM HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul, funk), 5:30PM Tinsley Ellis (blues, rock), 7:00PM ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Sparrow & Her Wingmen (jazz), 7:00PM Vivian Leva & Riley Calcagno w/ Jack Devereux & John Herrmann (Americana, bluegrass, folk), 8:30PM
LOBSTER TRAP Ben Hovey (dub, jazz), 6:30PM
ROOM IX Fuego: Latin night, 9:00PM
SALVAGE STATION What It is w/ Kip Veno, 8:00PM
NOBLE KAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9:00PM O.HENRY'S/THE UNDERGROUND "Take the Cake" Karaoke, 10:00PM ODDITORIUM Funny Girrrlz (female storytelling & comedy), 9:00PM OFF THE WAGON Piano show, 9:00PM OLIVE OR TWIST Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30PM 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Brown Bag Songwriting competition, 5:00PM
SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Adoptable Pet Night w/ Blue Ridge Humane Society, 6:00PM Karaoke Night!!, 7:00PM
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Bluegrass Jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8:00PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Bob Zullo (rock, jazz, pop), 7:00PM BOILER ROOM Didges Christ Super Drum, The Beard & Styrofoam Turtles w/ DJ Bailey, 9:00PM BURGER BAR Thursday surf/garage night, 9:00PM BUXTON HALL BBQ The Harvest Moon w/ Velvet & Lace, 10:30PM
STATIC AGE RECORDS Carl Sagen's Skate Shoes w/ Thee Loud Crowd (trash punk, noise rock, pop), 5:00PM
CLUB ELEVEN ON GROVE Russ Wilson & His Famous Orchestra, 8:30PM
THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Women's Singer-Songwriter Showcase w/ Keturah Allgood, Laura Blackley, Valorie Miller & Kim Smith, 7:00PM THE JOINT NEXT DOOR Bluegrass jam, 8:00PM THE MOCKING CROW Open Mic, 8:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Diane Coffee w/ Bendy Cat (psychedelic, Motown), 9:30PM
ORANGE PEEL Big Gigantic w/ Ekali & Selector Cleofus (electronic), 9:00PM
THE PHOENIX Jazz night w/ Jason DeCristofaro, 8:00PM
JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Old-time session, 5:00PM
OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Oskar Blues cornhole league, 6:00PM
THE SOCIAL LOUNGE Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10:00PM
LAZY DIAMOND Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10:00PM
PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Bradley Carter (bluegrass, oldtime, Americana), 6:00PM
TIMO'S HOUSE Hump Day Mixers w/ Fame Douglas, 7:00PM
BARLEY'S TAPROOM Alien Music Club (Johnny Mercer tribute), 9:00PM
SLY GROG LOUNGE Sound Station open mic (musicians of all backgrounds & skills), 7:30PM
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Rumpke Mountain Boys (bluegrass), 8:00PM
CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Station Underground (reggae), 8:00PM CROW & QUILL Carolina Catskins (ragtime), 10:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Lady DJ Night, 10:00PM ELAINE'S DUELING PIANO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9:00PM
ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL An evening w/ David JacobsStrain, 7:00PM Italian night w/ Mike Guggino & Barrett Smith (acoustic, world music), 8:30PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Bluegrass jam, 7:00PM K LOUNGE #WineitUp Thursday w/ DJ AUDIO, 9:30PM LAZY DIAMOND Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10:00PM LEX 18 Lenny Pettinelli (swing classics), 7:00PM Michael John Jazz (classic jazz), 9:30PM LOBSTER TRAP Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 6:30PM ODDITORIUM Atlas Bloom w/ Fashion Bath & Livingdog (rock), 9:00PM OFF THE WAGON Dueling pianos, 9:00PM OLIVE OR TWIST The Mike & Garry Show (acoustic, variety), 7:30PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Bella's Bartok (folk, punk), 10:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING Paleo Sun, 8:00PM ORANGE PEEL Emily's D+Evolution (math rock), 8:00PM OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Copernicus (Americana), 6:00PM PULP Slice of Life Comedy Open Mic, 9:00PM PACK'S TAVERN Jeff Anders & Justin Burrell (acoustic rock), 8:00PM PATTON PUBLIC HOUSE Oktoberfest, 6:00PM PISGAH BREWING COMPANY The Georgia Flood (indie, rock), 8:00PM PURPLE ONION CAFE Beth Wood (singer-songwriter), 7:30PM ROOM IX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9:00PM SALVAGE STATION Disc Golf Weekly Competition, 5:30PM Downright, 9:00PM
FRENCH BROAD BREWERY The Bluegrass Sweethearts (bluegrass), 6:00PM
SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Billy Litz (soul, Americana), 7:00PM
SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10:00PM
HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Community Night w/ Asheville Area Arts Council, 4:00PM
SMOKY PARK SUPPER CLUB The Digs (funk, soul), 6:00PM SPRING CREEK TAVERN Open Mic, 6:00PM
STONE ROAD RESTAURANT & BAR Open Mic w/ Tony the Pony, 8:00PM
ATHENA'S CLUB Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7:00PM
THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Thursday Open Mic Night (sign-up @ 7 p.m.), 7:30PM
BEN'S TUNE-UP Woody Wood & the Asheville Family Band (acoustic, folk, rock), 7:00PM
THE MOTHLIGHT The Moth: True Stories Told Live (storytelling), 7:30PM
BOILER ROOM Jason Traylor, Michael Tracy & The Dirty Soul Revival (rock), 9:00PM
TIMO'S HOUSE TRL REQUEST NIGHT w/ DJ Franco Nino, 7:00PM SpectrumAVL w/ Damgood, 8:00PM TOWN PUMP Redleg Husky (bluegrass, folk), 9:00PM TRAILHEAD RESTAURANT AND BAR Open Cajun & swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7:00PM TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Jesse Barry & The Jam (live music, dance), 9:00PM TWISTED LAUREL Karaoke, 8:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Storytelling Blues Dinner Show, 7:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Early Voting Kick Off w/ Mojomatic and Nancy Nehls Nelson , 6:00PM WXYZ LOUNGE AT ALOFT HOTEL Caromia (roots, songwriter, acoustic), 8:00PM
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 5 WALNUT WINE BAR The Gypsy Swingers (gypsy jazz), 9:00PM 550 TAVERN & GRILLE The Mug (blues, rock, boogie), 9:00PM ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Eprom, Soohan (electronic), 10:00PM
BURGER BAR Curly Wolves, 6:00PM BYWATER Come Back Alice (southern gypsy funk), 9:00PM CATAWBA BREWING SOUTH SLOPE Hot Point Trio (gypsy jazz), 7:00PM CORK & KEG Cary Fridley & Down South (classic country, honky-tonk, Western swing), 8:30PM CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Keegan Avery, 8:00PM DIANA WORTHAM THEATRE Decades Rewind, 8:00PM DOUBLE CROWN DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10:00PM ELAINE'S DUELING PIANO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9:00PM FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Astral Plainsmen (cosmic country), 9:00PM FRENCH BROAD BREWERY Autopilot (indie, rock), 6:00PM GOOD STUFF Scott Bianchi (singer-songwriter), 8:00PM GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN John Paul White w/ The Kernal (folk, country), 9:00PM HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Sidecar Honey (roots, rock), 7:00PM
ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Burger & a beer on the patio, 5:00PM Sol Driven Train, 9:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB The Clydes (Americana, bluegrass, country), 9:00PM JERUSALEM GARDEN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Rotating Rock 'n' Oldies DJs, 10:00PM LEX 18 The Gary McFiddle McKay Duo (swing, jazz, roots), 6:30PM Michael Anderson (honkytonk piano), 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Calico Moon (Americana), 6:30PM MARKET PLACE The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7:00PM MARS HILL RADIO THEATRE Open Mic, 7:00PM
ONE WORLD BREWING Ryan Melquist Duo, 10:00PM ORANGE PEEL Mandolin Orange w/ Dead Horses (country, bluegrass, folk), 9:00PM
TOWN PUMP Copernicus (bluegrass), 9:00PM
PACK'S TAVERN DJ MoTo (dance hits, pop), 9:30PM
TRADE & LORE COFFEE HOUSE WORD! hosted by David Joe Miller w/ storyteller David Novak & Alison Fields, 8:00PM
PATTON PUBLIC HOUSE Fish Fry w/ Mark Keller (acoustic classic rock), 6:00PM QUOTATIONS COFFEE CAFE Howie Johnson (Americana), 7:30PM SALVAGE STATION Pre-Party for the Marco Benevento & Eric Krasno Band show w/ Josh Phillips and friends, 7:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Carver & Carmody (Americana), 8:00PM SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Zumba w/ Francisco Flores & Dream Team, 7:00PM DJ dance party & drag show, 10:00PM
NOBLE CIDER Brian Turner (solo piano covers), 6:30PM
THE ADMIRAL Hip-hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11:00PM
THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Jazzy Happy Hours w/ Kelly Fontes, 5:00PM Ryan "R&B" Barber Trio (funk, soul covers & originals), 7:00PM LOOK Friday w/ DJ Audio (dance), 10:00PM
OFF THE WAGON Dueling pianos, 9:00PM OLIVE OR TWIST 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock 'n' roll), 8:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5:00PM The High Divers w/ The Mobros (indie, rock), 10:00PM
TIMO'S HOUSE Sub Vibrations (bass-heavy dance music), 8:00PM
OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Art's Fishing Club (folk, rock), 6:00PM
NEW MOUNTAIN THEATER/AMPHITHEATER Marco Benevento & Eric Krasno Band (indie), 8:00PM
ODDITORIUM Broad River Nightmare w/ Thundering Herd & Built on the Ruins (metal, rock), 9:00PM
TIGER MOUNTAIN Dark dance rituals w/ DJ Cliffypoo, 10:00PM
THE DUGOUT Super 60's Party, 9:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Body Games w/ Marley Carroll & Celia Verbeck, 9:30PM THE SOCIAL Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6:00PM THE SUMMIT AT NEW MOUNTAIN AVL SOL Vibes w/ Ho-Tron, Philo, New Color, Sympl & more (EDM), 9:00PM
TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Jim Arrendell & The Cheap Suits (dance), 10:00PM TWISTED LAUREL Top 40s Girls Night, 11:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN David Holt w/ Josh Goforth (mountain music), 8:00PM WILD WING CAFE Alchemy Theory (90's & contemporary hits), 9:00PM WILD WING CAFE SOUTH A Social Function, 9:00PM WXYZ LOUNGE AT ALOFT HOTEL Ben Hovey (live souljazztronica), 8:00PM ZAMBRA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8:00PM UNWINE'D AT MELLIE MAC'S The Jassers (jazz), 7:00PM
Brewing Company Brewing Company OCT
19 WED
8:00 PM
MATT REYNOLDS Folk/Americana
5 WALNUT WINE BAR James Hammel (jazz), 6:00PM De Tierra Caliente (Latin party), 9:00PM ATHENA'S CLUB Michael Kelley Hunter (blues), 6:30PM BHRAMARI BREWHOUSE Bend & Brew (yoga class), 11:00AM
Mon-Wed: 4pm – 9pm* M-W: 4pm-9pm TH-F: 2pm-9pm* Thurs & Fri: 2pm – 10pm* SA: 12pm-9pm* SU: 2pm-9pm* Sat: 12pm – 10pm* Sun: 1pm – 9pm* *Nights open w/ live music maywith go later *Taproom later on nights music. Brewery Tours: Saturdays @ 3:15pm
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Wed •Oct 19
Tinsley Ellis 8pm Thu• Oct 20 Community Night w/
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE West End Trio (blues, rock), 7:30PM
BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Patrick Fitzsimons (singersongwriter), 7:00PM
Asheville Area Arts Council
Fri •Oct 21
O.HENRY'S/THE UNDERGROUND Drag Show, 12:30AM ODDITORIUM Zuzu Welsh Band w/ Crossroads (blues, rock), 9:00PM OFF THE WAGON Dueling pianos, 9:00PM
Sidecar Honey 7-9pm
BOILER ROOM Dance Party & Drag Show, 10:00PM
Sat •Oct 22
BURGER BAR Asheville FM 103.3 DJ Night, 9:00PM
OLIVE OR TWIST The Crown Jewels (R&B, Motown, pop), 8:00PM Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11:15PM
CORK & KEG Vollie McKenzie & The Leadfoot Vipers (country, swing, jazz), 8:30PM
ORANGE PEEL Bob Moses w/ No Regular Play & Harrison Brome (electronica), 9:00PM
CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Billy Litz (soul, roots), 8:00PM
OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Todd Cecil (blues, rock), 6:00PM
The Chuck Lichtenberger Collective 7-9pm Sun•Oct 23
Reggae Sunday hosted by
DOUBLE CROWN Pitter Platter w/ DJ Big Smidge, 10:00PM
Dennis Berndt of CHALWA 1pm
BREWS 29 Taps With Local & Regional Beers & Ciders!
10/21 10/22
diane coffee
w/bendy cat
the moth: true stories told live body games
w/marley carroll, celia verbeck sat
natural child
w/ the nude party, big bad oven mon
free monday!
ouroboros boys
w/no ways, chickenhawks
ryley walker
w/ circuit de yeux, sarah louise
NFL Sunday Ticket Watch Your Favorite Team On Our 9 TV’s MON: Burgers & Trivia w/ Emile MONDAY TUE: Tacos + Blues w/ Matt Walsh WED: Wings + Live Open Mic FRI: Keegan Avery - 8pm SAT: Billy Litz (From Hustle Souls) - 8pm
weak wrists
w/ autarch, secret shame
Parties of 10+, please call ahead
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
FRENCH BROAD BREWERY Stephan Evans & The True Grits (indie, acoustic), 6:00PM GOOD STUFF Sean Dunn (acoustic, newgrass), 8:00PM GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Joe Lasher Jr. w/ Kasey Tyndall (country), 8:00PM HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY The Chuck Lichtenberger Collective (rock), 7:00PM ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Mark Mandeville & Raianne Richards, 7:00PM Willie Watson & Aoife O'Donovan, 9:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Angela Perley & The Howlin' Moons (Americana, rock 'n' roll), 9:00PM JERUSALEM GARDEN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10:00PM LEX 18 Vendetta Creme (cabaret jazz), 6:30PM Michael Anderson (honky-tonk piano), 10:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Sean Mason Trio, 6:30PM
NATIVE KITCHEN & SOCIAL PUB National Disability Awareness Month fundraiser w/ Laura Blackley, 11:00AM NEW MOUNTAIN THEATER/ AMPHITHEATER Perpetual Groove, 6:00PM
Details for all shows can be found at
FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Free Mason & the Associates (funk, jam), 10:00PM
MARKET PLACE DJs (funk, R&B), 7:00PM
mystery band from istantbul
w/ cyndi lou & the want to thu
PACK'S TAVERN Grand Theft Audio (classic rock), 9:30PM PATTON PUBLIC HOUSE The Natural Born Leaders, 6:00PM PURPLE ONION CAFE Shana Blake Band (soul), 8:00PM QUOTATIONS COFFEE CAFE Scott Brittain MD fundraiser, 7:30PM ROOM IX Open dance night, 9:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Yoga w/ Cats!, 10:30AM Jamison Adams Project (rock, Americana), 8:00PM SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Rocky Horror Hell-A-Queen Show w/ Celeste Starr (drag show), 10:00PM THE ADMIRAL Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11:00PM THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Brody Hunt & the Handfuls (classic country), 4:00PM Gracie Day w/ Kim Smith & David Boettcher (folk, alt. country, blues), 7:00PM THE DUGOUT Bite the Apple, 9:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Natural Child w/ The Nude Party & Big Bad Oven (rock 'n' roll), 9:30PM THE SOCIAL Rock & Roll Academy visits the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame video premiere, 11:00AM THE SOUTHERN October Surprise! (election comedy show), 8:00PM THE SUMMIT AT NEW MOUNTAIN AVL Old-School dance party (age 30+), 6:00PM TIMO'S HOUSE Saturday Night Special w/ Franco Niño, 9:00PM TOWN PUMP Born Again Heathens (celtic, punk), 9:00PM
TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES The King Zeros (blues), 7:30PM Al "Coffee" & Da Grind (blues, soul, dance), 10:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Stolen Hearts (country, honkytonk), 8:00PM WEDGE BREWING CO. Brucemont (alternative, indie), 4:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Tribute to John Denver w/ Tom Donnelly & friends, 8:00PM WILD WING CAFE Karaoke, 9:00PM WXYZ LOUNGE AT ALOFT HOTEL Secret B-Sides (modern soul, R&B), 8:00PM ZAMBRA Zambra Jazz Trio, 8:00PM UNWINE'D AT MELLIE MAC'S Tony Mozz (electronic soul, jazz), 7:00PM
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Los Abrojitos (tango), 7:00PM BARLEY'S TAPROOM One Leg Up, 7:30PM BEN'S TUNE-UP Sunday Funday DJ set, 3:00PM Reggae night w/ Dub Kartel, 7:00PM BHRAMARI BREWHOUSE Sunday brunch w/ live music, 11:00AM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Mark Bumgarner (Americana, bluegrass), 7:00PM BYWATER Cornmeal Waltz w/ Robert Greer (classic country, bluegrass), 6:00PM CLUB ELEVEN ON GROVE Art Starts Within Open-Mic, 8:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 9:00PM HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Reggae Sunday w/ Dennis "Chalwa" Berndt, 1:00PM ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Sunday Classical Brunch, 11:00AM Carlo Aonzo Trio, 5:30PM An evening w/ Asleep at the Wheel, 7:30PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Irish session, 5:00PM Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble (zydeco, neo soul), 8:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Punk night w/ DJ Homeless Plumber aka "Chubberbird", 10:00PM
LEX 18 1929 Thomas Wolfe Scandal Mystery Dinner Theater (ticketed event), 6:30PM LOBSTER TRAP Hunnilicious (singer-songwriter), 6:30PM NEW MOUNTAIN THEATER/ AMPHITHEATER The Orb, 9:00PM ODDITORIUM Savannah Sweet Tease Burlesque, 7:00PM Negative Standards (punk), 10:00PM OFF THE WAGON Piano show, 9:00PM OLIVE OR TWIST Zen Cats (blues), 7:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11:00AM Sundays w/ Bill & friends, 5:00PM ORANGE PEEL Band Of Horses w/ The Shelters [SOLD OUT], 8:00PM PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Sunday Travers jam, 6:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Community Meal, 1:00PM SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10:00PM
Downtown on the Park Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio • 14 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space • Shuffleboard Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 9pm - 1am
7th Annual Fright N ight Bash THU. 10/20 SAT. 10/29
Jeff Anders & Justin Burrell (acoustic rock)
FRI. 10/21
DJ Moto
(dance hits, pop)
SAT. 10/22
Grand Theft Audio (classic rock)
Fright Night Bash
Asheville’s Largest Halloween Party Live Band and DJ Cash Prizes for Best Costume $5 at the door Starting at 8pm
THE MOTHLIGHT Animal Collective DJ set w/ Avey Tare & Deakin, 9:30PM
Sunset Concerts Every Week 7 - 10PM TUESDAYS
Eleanor Underhill & Friends WEDNESDAYS
Live Honky Tonk Americana FRIDAYS
Woody Wood Live Acoustic Set SATURDAYS
Gypsy Guitars *3pm - 6pm SUNDAYS
THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Sunday Brunch w/ Demeler, 1:00PM In Flight & Matt Ryans (Americana), 7:00PM THE IMPERIAL LIFE DJ Phantom Pantone (dark wave, trap, house music), 9:00PM
Dub Cartel Reggae/Ska
20 S. Spruce St. • 225.6944
195 Hilliard Ave benstuneup.com
THE OMNI GROVE PARK INN Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10:00AM Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7:00PM THE SOCIAL Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30PM THE SOCIAL LOUNGE Sunday brunch on the rooftop w/ Katie Kasben & Dan Keller (jazz), 12:30PM THE SOUTHERN Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12:00PM THE SUMMIT AT NEW MOUNTAIN AVL Baby Baby & Bel Heir, 8:00PM TIMO'S HOUSE BYOV Open Decks w/ secret_nc (electronic), 8:00PM TOWN PUMP Jeff Ruby, 9:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Joe Penland (storytelling, folk, singer-songwriter), 7:30PM
MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 185 KING STREET Open mic night, 7:00PM 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Siamese Jazz Club (soul, R&B, jazz), 8:00PM BURGER BAR Honky Tonk night, 9:00PM BYWATER Open mic w/ Rick Cooper, 8:00PM COURTYARD GALLERY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8:00PM CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Trivia, 7:00PM
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
DOUBLE CROWN Country Karaoke, 10:00PM GOOD STUFF Songwriter's "open mic", 7:30PM
Where The Blue Ridge Mountains Meet the Celtic Isles
MONDAYS Quizzo – Brainy Trivia • 7:30pm Open Mic Night • 9pm CAJUN TWO STEPPIN’ TUESDAYS Featuring THE CRE’OLE & IN THE WAY
Every Tuesday in Oct. • 7pm Gumbo, Po Boys and more!
WEDNESDAYS Asheville’s Original Old Time Mountain Music Jam • 5pm THURSDAYS Mountain Feist • 7pm Bluegrass Jam • 9:30pm Bourbon Specials
MON 10/31
IRISH SUNDAYS Irish Food and Drink Specials Traditional Irish Music Session • 3-9pm OPEN MON-THURS AT 3 • FRI-SUN AT NOON CRAFT BEER, SPIRITS & QUALITY PUB FARE SINCE 1996
95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville
252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Contra dance (lessons, 7:30pm), 8:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Quizzo, 7:00PM LEXINGTON AVE BREWERY (LAB) Kipper's "Totally Rad" Trivia night, 8:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Bobby Miller & friends (bluegrass), 6:30PM MG ROAD Pork Katsu Karaoke, 6:00PM O.HENRY'S/THE UNDERGROUND Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7:00PM OLE SHAKEY'S Jonathan Ammons & Take The Wheel (honky-tonk karaoke), 9:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8:00PM ORANGE PEEL Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing revival), 11:00AM OSKAR BLUES BREWERY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6:00PM THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Official Post Mountain Moral Monday 3 w/ Izzy Mayfield, 6:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Ouroboro Boys w/ No Ways & Chickenhawks (post-punk, neosurf), 9:30PM THE OMNI GROVE PARK INN Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7:00PM THE VALLEY MUSIC & COOKHOUSE Monday Pickin' Parlour (open jam, open mic), 8:00PM TIGER MOUNTAIN Service industry night (rock 'n' roll), 9:00PM TOWN PUMP Anne E DeChant (alternative folk), 9:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Old-time jam w/ Mitch McConnell, 6:30PM URBAN ORCHARD Old-time music, 7:00PM WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Kids Halloween Party & Pumpkin Painting Pageant!, 6:00PM
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 5 WALNUT WINE BAR The John Henrys (hot jazz), 8:00PM 550 TAVERN & GRILLE Shag Night, 6:00PM
ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11:00PM
THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Jazz-n-Justice Tuesday w/ Asher Leigh, 7:30PM
BACK YARD BAR Open mic & jam w/ Robert Swain, 8:00PM
THE MOTHLIGHT Ryley Walker w/ Circuit de Yeux & Sarah Louise (pop, rock), 7:00PM
BEN'S TUNE-UP Eleanor Underhill (country, soul), 7:00PM
THE PHOENIX Open mic, 8:00PM
BLACK BEAR COFFEE CO. Round Robin acoustic open mic, 7:00PM
THE SOCIAL LOUNGE Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10:00PM
TIMO'S HOUSE Black Lights Matter Art Exhibition, 7:00PM
TOWN PUMP Stoop Kids, 9:00PM
BURGER BAR Old Time Blues Jam, 9:00PM
TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Early Funk & Jazz Jam (funk & jazz), 9:00PM
BYWATER DJ EZ & fire-spinning, 9:00PM CROW & QUILL Boogie Woogie Burger Night! (burgers, rock n' roll), 7:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Honky-Tonk, Cajun, and Western w/ DJ Brody Hunt, 10:00PM GOOD STUFF Old time-y night, 6:30PM IRON HORSE STATION Open mic, 6:00PM ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL Tuesday bluegrass sessions w/ Whitewater Bluegrass Company, 7:30PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Cajun Two-steppin' Tuesday w/ The Cre'ole & In the Way (Cajun, zydeco, dance), 7:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Heavy Metal Karaoke, 10:00PM LEX 18 Bob Strain & Bill Fouty (jazz ballads & standards), 7:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Jay Brown (folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30PM MARKET PLACE Bob Zullo (rock, jazz, pop), 7:00PM ODDITORIUM Odd comedy night, 9:00PM OLIVE OR TWIST Tuesday Night Blues night w/ The Remedy (dance lessons @ 8pm), 8:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Turntable Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10:00PM
URBAN ORCHARD Billy Litz (Americana, singersongwriter), 7:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30PM WILD WING CAFE Grandpa's Cough Medicine & Clogging, 6:00PM
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 185 KING STREET Vinyl Night, 6:00PM 5 WALNUT WINE BAR Matt Walsh (blues), 5:00PM Les Amis (African folk music), 8:00PM BARLEY'S TAPROOM Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30PM BEN'S TUNE-UP Honky Tonk Wednesdays, 7:00PM BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Open Mic, 7:00PM BURGER BAR Karaoke, 9:00PM CLADDAGH RESTAURANT & PUB Irish Music Wednesdays, 8:00PM CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Open mic w/ Roots & friends, 8:00PM CROW & QUILL Krekel & Whoa (rockabilly), 10:00PM
DOUBLE CROWN Sonic Satan Stew w/DJ Alien Brain , 10:00PM
ORANGE PEEL Talking Dreads (Talking Heads reggae tribute), 9:00PM
FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Kent Spillman Trio (blues), 9:00PM
SALVAGE STATION CrossFit Pisgah, 6:30PM Fish & Friends, 8:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Taco and Trivia Tuesday!, 7:00PM
FUNKATORIUM Staves & Strings (bluegrass), 6:30PM GOOD STUFF Jim Hampton & friends perform "Eclectic Country" (jam), 7:00PM
GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Free patio show w/ Zuzu Welsh Band (rock, blues, Americana), 12:00PM GRIND CAFE Trivia night, 7:00PM HIGHLAND BREWING COMPANY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul, funk), 5:30PM ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL An evening w/ Sally and George, 7:00PM
JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Old-time session, 5:00PM LAZY DIAMOND Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10:00PM LEX 18 Peggy Ratusz & Aaron Price (blues ballads), 7:00PM LOBSTER TRAP Ben Hovey (dub, jazz), 6:30PM MOUNTAIN MOJO COFFEEHOUSE Open mic, 6:30PM
NOBLE KAVA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9:00PM O.HENRY'S/THE UNDERGROUND "Take the Cake" Karaoke, 10:00PM ODDITORIUM The Hooten Hallers (rockabilly, punk), 9:00PM OFF THE WAGON Piano show, 9:00PM OLIVE OR TWIST Swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30PM
3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8:00PM ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL Brown Bag Songwriting competition, 5:00PM ONE WORLD BREWING Windowcat (funk, soul), 8:00PM ORANGE PEEL Charles Bradley & His Extraordinaires [CANCELLED], 8:00PM
PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Matt Reynolds w/ Mark Dye, John Durham & Dr. Luvbeatz (Americana), 6:00PM The Haunted Trail at Pisgah Brewing Co., 6:30PM
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Full Bar
ROOM IX Fuego: Latin night, 9:00PM SALVAGE STATION What It is w/ Kip Veno, 8:00PM SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Adoptable Pet Night w/
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
Brother Wolf Animal Rescue!, 6:00PM Daniel Sage (singer-songwriter), 7:00PM SLY GROG LOUNGE Sound Station open mic (musicians of all backgrounds & skills), 7:30PM THE BLOCK OFF BILTMORE Hemp Day w/ Ben Saylor, 9:00PM THE JOINT NEXT DOOR Bluegrass jam, 8:00PM
LIVE MUSIC • EVENTS • DINNER theblockoffbiltmore.com 39 S. Market St. - Downtown Asheville
THE MOCKING CROW Open Mic, 8:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Secret Band on Hush Hush Tour w/ Cyndi Lou and the Want To, 9:30PM
Bywater lounge Mon-fri 2pm- 2am Sat-Sun 12pm-2am
Edna’s Coffeehouse & cafe Mon-Sun 7am- 8pm
whispersholler farms marketmon-sun 11am-7pm
Weekly schedule Deli LlaMMMa: 4:30-9:00
Wednesday Night Bonfire w/ Free S’mores for Kids
THU 10/20
SUN 10/23
TUE 10/25
Featured Truck:
Vitamina T 11:30-9:00
www.ashevillefoodpark.com AshevilleFoodpark 219 Amboy Rd., Across from Carrier Park
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
THE SUMMIT AT NEW MOUNTAIN AVL Mungion (jam), 8:00PM TIMO'S HOUSE The Wednesday Night Get-Down (hip-hop, EDM), 8:00PM TOWN PUMP Open mic w/ Billy Presnell, 9:00PM TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Blues & Soul Jam (blues, soul), 9:00PM UPCOUNTRY BREWING COMPANY Dave Desmelik Songwriter Series (folk), 8:30PM
FRENCH BROAD BREWERY Up Jumped Three (jazz), 6:00PM GREY EAGLE MUSIC HALL & TAVERN Patrick Sweany w/ The DuPont Brothers (Americana, Southern rock, blues), 9:00PM ISIS RESTAURANT AND MUSIC HALL An evening w/ Ian Ridenhour, 7:00PM California Honeydrops w/ HoveyKraft, 9:00PM JACK OF THE WOOD PUB Bluegrass jam, 7:00PM K LOUNGE #WineitUp Thursday w/ DJ AUDIO, 9:30PM
WILD WING CAFE Iggy Radio Live, 6:30PM Paint Nite "Boo" , 7:00PM
LAZY DIAMOND Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10:00PM
WILD WING CAFE SOUTH Live music w/ J Luke, 6:30PM
LEX 18 Cabaret, Can-Can & L’Amour 1904 (ticketed event), 6:30PM
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 185 KING STREET Finders Keepers Documentary screening and Q&A, 7:00PM
LOBSTER TRAP Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 6:30PM NEW MOUNTAIN THEATER/ AMPHITHEATER Ott, 9:00PM
SCANDALS NIGHTCLUB Halloween Dance Party, 10:00PM SMOKY PARK SUPPER CLUB The Krektones (surf rock), 6:00PM SPRING CREEK TAVERN Open Mic, 6:00PM STONE ROAD RESTAURANT & BAR Open Mic w/ Tony the Pony, 8:00PM THE MOTHLIGHT Weak Wrists w/ Autarch & Secret Shame (punk, alternative), 9:30PM THE SUMMIT AT NEW MOUNTAIN AVL Summit Jam, 6:00PM THOMAS WOLFE AUDITORIUM An Evening w/ My Morning Jacket (alternative), 8:00PM TIMO'S HOUSE Thriller Thursday w/ Fame
ODDITORIUM Squidling Bros. Circus Sideshow, 9:00PM
Douglas, 8:00PM
OFF THE WAGON Dueling pianos, 9:00PM
Jordan Okrend, 9:00PM
OLIVE OR TWIST The Mike & Garry Show (acoustic, variety), 7:30PM
ALTAMONT THEATRE Violet Bell w/ Lizzy Ross & Omar Ruiz-Lopez (folk, soul, acoustic jazz), 8:00PM
BARLEY'S TAPROOM Alien Music Club (Dizzy Gillespie tribute), 9:00PM
ONE STOP AT ASHEVILLE MUSIC HALL The Loz Band (jam, rock, reggae), 10:00PM
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALE HOUSE Bluegrass Jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8:00PM
ORANGE PEEL Old Dominion's 2016 Meat & Candy tour w/ Steve Moakler (country, rock), 9:00PM
BLUE MOUNTAIN PIZZA & BREW PUB Billy Litz (Americana, ragtime), 7:00PM
PULP Slice of Life Comedy Open Mic, 9:00PM
PACK'S TAVERN Spalding McIntosh (acoustic rock), 8:00PM
w/ Andy Ferel
w/ RICK COOPER [Sign Up is 7:30] 8-11pm
Tia B’s Mexican Street Food: 11:30-4
9pm $5
THE SOCIAL LOUNGE Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10:00PM
FOGGY MOUNTAIN BREWPUB Paper Crowns (rock, Americana), 10:00PM
5 WALNUT WINE BAR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8:00PM
Tia B’s Mexican Street Food: 11:30-4
9pm $7
Food Stop: 4:30-9:00
FRI 10/21
THE PHOENIX Jazz night w/ Jason DeCristofaro, 8:00PM
Feat. Robert Greer and Friends [classic country, bluegrass] 6pm FREE
BOGART'S RESTAURANT & TAVERN Eddie Rose & Highway Forty (bluegrass), 6:30PM BURGER BAR Thursday surf/garage night, 6:00PM CLUB ELEVEN ON GROVE The Low Down Sires (traditional jazz), 8:30PM CREEKSIDE TAPHOUSE Station Underground (reggae), 8:00PM CROW & QUILL Carolina Catskins (ragtime), 10:00PM DOUBLE CROWN Lady DJ Night, 10:00PM ELAINE'S DUELING PIANO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9:00PM
PISGAH BREWING COMPANY Ghouls for Schools, 6:00PM The Travelin' Kine (Americana, alt. country), 8:00PM PURPLE ONION CAFE Michael Reno Harrell (folk, singer-songwriter), 7:30PM ROOM IX Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9:00PM
AND BAR Open Cajun & swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7:00PM TRESSA'S DOWNTOWN JAZZ AND BLUES Jesse Barry & The Jam (live music, dance), 9:00PM
Karaoke, 8:00PM
COMPANY Anya Hinkle "Dinner Show (bluegrass, folk), 7:00PM WHITE HORSE BLACK MOUNTAIN Nathan Shirley (classical piano), 7:30PM WILD WING CAFE Kids Halloween Party & Pumpkin Painting Pageant!,
SALVAGE STATION Disc Golf Weekly Competition, 5:30PM
SANCTUARY BREWING COMPANY Carrie Morrison (singer-songwriter), 7:00PM
WXYZ LOUNGE AT ALOFT Sarah Tucker (songwriter, acoustic), 8:00PM
Hearts will soar over uplifting horse jumping doc Harry and Snowman
Harry and Snowman HHHH
DIRECTOR: Ron Davis PLAYERS: Harry de Leyer, Snowman, Harriet de Leyer, Andre de Leyer DOCUMENTARY RATED NR THE STORY: A working-class immigrant rescues a retired plow horse bound for the dog food factory,
and together they take the aristocratic world of competitive horse jumping by storm. THE LOWDOWN: This straightforward documentary showcases the touching partnership between a unique man and his remarkable horse as they overcome long odds, a genuinely moving story that will inspire even the most jaded.
As averse as I generally am to blatant sentimentality, sometimes even I can be surprised by my own susceptibility to saccharine cinema. Harry and Snowman is about as emotionally manipulative as a documentary can get — and I loved it anyway. In fact, I defy even the most cynically minded moviegoer to watch this film without feeling at least a little inspired by its uplifting
underdog story. I simply don’t think the stirring of such emotions can be avoided. It may not revolutionize documentary filmmaking, but Harry and Snowman is a moving tale of triumph over adversity that earns the right to tug heartstrings on the basis of its subjects’ compelling narrative. While the story of Harry de Leyer and his prize show jumper Snowman may be well-known among horse people, my complete lack of familiarity with the events depicted didn’t diminish the effectiveness of this doc. Now in his 80s, de Leyer is reticent to talk about his involvement in the Dutch resistance during World War II but is more than happy to effuse about the horse that changed his life indelibly. After emigrating from the war-torn Netherlands to a Greensboro, NC, tobacco farm, de Leyer used his childhood farming experience to become a stable hand, eventually earning a position as the riding instructor at a prestigious boarding school on Long Island, NY. One fateful day a flat tire delayed his arrival at a horse auction, and an eight-year-old retired plow horse being loaded on a trailer bound for the slaughterhouse caught his eye. De Leyer purchased Snowman for $80, the duo would go on to turn the aristocratic equestrian world on its head, defeating $50,000 thoroughbreds and going on to win back-toback triple crown championships in 1958 and 1959, upending a sport dominated by wealthy social elites. De Leyer is an undeniably intriguing person with a fascinating life story, and the film makes excellent use of contemporary interviews and archival footage detailing his journey to public prominence. Heralded as “The Cinderella Horse,” Snowman’s rise to fame led both he and de Leyer to international tours and appearances on The Dick Cavett Show, What’s My Line? and endless newsreel footage, all of which feature prominently in the film’s construction. In an era of sophisticated computer animation frequently augmenting traditional techniques in the documentary
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
Kickoff Party NOV. 2 6-10 PM
Highland Brewing Free and open to the public Come celebrate the work of 47 local nonprofits
givelocal@mountainx.com 56
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Scott Douglas
form, Harry and Snowman can feel a bit dated at times. However, documentarian Ron Davis’ adherence to a more classical style fits his subject well, never overshadowing the story with extravagant stylistic flourishes. The film also seems somewhat superficial, as interviews with de Leyer’s children suggest a demanding father with a sizable ego that not only drove his pursuit of greatness but also taxed his familial relationships. The film touches only briefly on de Leyer’s divorce following a near-fatal riding accident that left one of his daughters in a lengthy coma, and it barely mentions a son who abandoned the family after his father’s high-pressure parenting style proved too much to bear. There’s almost certainly a deeper character portrait to be painted of a man who earned the nickname “the galloping grandfather” by continuing to compete well into his 50s while his family life was in chaos, but such nuance will have to wait for a cinematic dramatization of the story that will assuredly arrive at some point. Davis’ documentary boasts an egalitarian appeal that easily overcomes its minor shortcomings, presenting the audience with an uncomplicated story of a workingclass man and his ramshackle horse beating all odds, thanks to their unbreakable bond and dogged determination. Speaking as someone who didn’t care for Seabiscuit or Secretariat, it’s the unvarnished honesty of de Leyer’s relationship with his horse that should ingratiate Harry and Snowman to audiences broader than its obvious appeal to horse lovers. That a man who helped save fleeing Jews from Nazi death camps describes the inevitable necessity of euthanizing Snowman (whose kidneys were failing at age 26) as the most difficult period of his life is indicative of this film’s stance on the human-animal bond, and the fact that this description doesn’t come across as a contrivance or an understatement is a particularly laudable accomplishment for a documentary of this nature. In short, it doesn’t take much horse sense to recognize the heart and heroism of these two underestimated characters whose drive and work ethic left them heads and tails above their competition. Not rated. Opens Friday at Grail Moviehouse. REVIEWED BY SCOTT DOUGLAS JSDOUGLAS22@GMAIL.COM
HHHS DIRECTOR: Mick Jackson PLAYERS: Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Spall, Andrew Scott LEGAL DRAMA RATED PG-13 THE STORY: An American professor of Jewish history must confront a Holocaust denier in the British legal system, where the burden is on her to prove that his denials are false. THE LOWDOWN: Based on a true story, Denial boasts a few outstanding performances but doesn’t quite do its subject justice. There is an undeniably powerful story behind Denial, albeit one that occasionally gets lost behind a somewhat tepid telling. As far as courtroom dramas go, it’s not in the same class as Witness for the Prosecution or Anatomy of a Murder, and for a more impactful story of the Holocaust one need look no further back than Son of Saul. But it does competently relay an important true story with enough powerful moments to garner my recommendation, and standout performances from Timothy Spall and Tom Wilkinson are worth the price of admission in and of themselves. Based on Deborah Lipstadt’s book “History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier,” Denial follows Lipstadt, a professor of Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, through a long and arduous turn of the century legal battle over the legitimacy of Holocaust denial. Lipstadt, played here by Rachel Weisz, was sued for libel in London by repugnant selfproclaimed “Hitler historian” and all-around unrepentant douche bag David Irving; a suit based on her shocking assertions that a guy who claimed Hitler tried to abate the liquidation of European Jews and that Rudolf Hess was a national hero might be fudging some of his facts. The film’s script, penned by The Hours scribe David Hare, wants to have things both ways, suggesting that the British legal system’s placement of the burden of proof on the accused is more than a little backwards while also taking great pains to point out that said system
“works.” The effect is somewhat disconcerting, probably not unlike Lipstadt’s experience of having to establish in a court of law that the Holocaust did in fact occur just because a virulent anti-semite got upset that she called him a liar for saying it didn’t. Tonal inconsistency is far from the screenplay’s only sin, however, as this script carries more lampshades than a furniture store. In screenwriting parlance, “hanging a lampshade” is a term used to denote a cheap trick used to address story beats or lines of dialogue that might jeopardize suspension of disbelief, so when the pretrial circumstances of Lipstadt’s ordeal seem almost implausibly Kafkaesque, Hare gives Weisz a dialogue that says essentially that. This is a problem because it means the writer is aware of the problem, but is too lazy or incompetent to fix it. The larger problem with the narrative itself is that the majority of the second and third acts hinge on the inherent drama of the trial itself, which in this recounting is sorely lacking. Lipstadt is forced to sit idly by while her team of very British barristers strategize and argue the case for her resulting in a lack of direct conflict between protagonist and antagonist that leaves the proceedings a bit flat. The onus of action is shifted from Weisz’s Lipstadt to solicitor Anthony Julius (Andrew Scott) and barrister Richard Rampton (Tom Wilkinson), a frustrating structural conceit that deflates the film’s central conflict by placing the confrontation with the villain in the hands of proxies. If you don’t know the difference between a barrister and a solicitor, don’t worry; the movie will tell you at least twice.
Scott and Wilkinson are both stellar here, with Weisz a surprisingly weak link. Her grating New York patois is delivered inconsistently, and she seems to only play one emotional register until the last ten minutes of the film. But it’s the great Timothy Spall who steals this show as Irving, reveling in the bigot’s slimy sense of perverse selfrighteousness with twisted glee. Sometimes a good villain is enough to make a good film. Ultimately, it’s the central cast and the stirring true story that save Denial from abject failure, but these components are more than compelling enough to warrant a watch. The sad fact of the matter is that a story this significant and timely could’ve been a great film instead of merely a very good one. That said, anyone unfamiliar with the details of this case should see this movie and consider the implications of letting conspiracy theorists run amok, and take heed of the movie’s message on how best to deal with them. Rated PG-13 for thematic material and brief strong language. Opens Friday at Fine Arts Theatre REVIEWED BY SCOTT DOUGLAS JSDOUGLAS22@GMAIL.COM
Kevin Hart: What Now? HHS
DIRECTOR: Leslie Small (Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain), Tim Story (Ride Along) PLAYERS: Kevin Hart, Halle Berry, Don Cheadle, Ed Helms STAND-UP COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: Comedian Kevin Hart’s latest stand-up film, shot in front of 50,000 people. THE LOWDOWN: A perfectly fine, mostly needless comedy feature that’s really for fans only. Comedy is the most subjective of genres, based (mostly) on individual taste. Stand-up movies are the essence of this, where there’s nothing but a comedian and his or her jokes. If you don’t like the routine, you’re not going to like the movie, since there’s likely to be little else involved. It’s not like you can sit there and enjoy the cinematography somehow. So, Kevin Hart: What Now?, the latest from comedian Kevin Hart — and his first big screen stand-up film — reviews itself. Do you like Hart’s stand-up? Presumably, you’ll like this. It’s a pretty simple equation. Personally, I’ve had a complicated cinematic relationship with Mr. Hart. His films have, in some sense, been very hit or miss. He’s been involved in some truly gratingly bad films like The Wedding Ringer (2015) and Get Hard (2015) that I’d count among the “misses.” Those I count among the “hits,” however, aren’t so much for their quality but for their potential. Occasionally, when Hart’s given the chance to stray away from the more manic and noisy aspects of his onscreen persona, he can be a likable performer. (About Last Night and his small part in Chris Rock’s Top Five, both from 2014, come to mind immediately.) What Now? is mostly the for-
mer. This is Hart’s show after all, and he’s given free reign to be, well, Kevin Hart. Thankfully, since the film is so centered on Hart and his jokes, there are few opportunities for him to truly regress into his most shrill tendencies. However, I’m not sure what this means because the film — and any one viewer’s enjoyment of it — comes down to what you think of Hart’s comedy. As someone who’s not nominally a fan of stand-up comedy or stand-up films and is not particularly into Hart’s long riffs on relatable pop culture nonsense like Starbucks and James Wan’s The Conjuring (2013), What
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Scott Douglas
Now? didn’t really do much for me. I got some chuckles here or there, but this is a film that’s for fans only. If you’re not into him, there’s a whole lot of watching Hart pace around a stage — and little else to bide your time with. There is a languid opening to the film, a 15-minute skit with Hart as a secret agent and some modest celebrity cameos, which goes nowhere and spins its wheels for far too long (here, the film does let its star wallow a bit too much in his more obnoxious habits) before getting to the meat of things. It’s literally padding for a film that (again, unless you’re a fan) feels like it’s superfluous to begin with. Rated R for some sexual material and language throughout. Now playing at Carolina Cinemark, Carmike 10, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher, Epic of Hendersonville REVIEWED BY JUSTIN SOUTHER JSOUTHER@MOUNTAINX.COM
Max Steel HH
DIRECTOR: Stewart Hendler PLAYERS: Ben Winchell, Josh Brener, Maria Bello, Andy Garcia, Ana Villafañe SUPERHERO ACTION ORIGIN RATED PG-13 THE STORY: Teenager awakens his superpowers and embarks on a quest to find out what happened to his deceased father and the scientific work that killed him. THE LOWDOWN: Predictable, almost humorless superhero movie that is neither super nor heroic. Max Steel, a joyless 92-minute movie based on toy maker Mattel’s action-figure line and animated series, may be the tipping point in the recent spate of superhero movies which causes the moviegoing public to cease caring anymore for such big-budget, cyber-themed sci-fi fare. After returning to his hometown of Copper Canyon, teenager Max McGrath (Ben Winchell, who looks more like a graduate school student than a pubescent high schooler) suddenly develops electricity-based superpowers and becomes acquainted with an amne-
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
siac robotic orb (voiced by Josh Brener) calling itself Steel. Our hero hides his new gifts from both his mother (Maria Bello) and the cute classmate (Ana Villafañe) who befriends the newcomer, something that becomes even more difficult when he physically fuses with the floating orb to become Max Steel — a visually uninspiring whitewashed pastiche of Iron Man and Tron: Legacy. The story also rips off SpiderMan comics (updated with cybernetic sprinkles), as the titular hero tries to learn more about the mysterious death of his scientist father. Things get more convoluted as Max investigates the connection his father’s business partner (Andy Garcia) may have had to developing the super cyber suit, and the plot gets downright predictable when our glowing hero faces off against an enemy endangering no one except himself. That’s right. Max Steel is a superhero movie which features little in the way of anyone being super or heroic, and both the performances and the special effects are pretty bland. Aside from the occasional aerial shot of Wilmington, NC, there is very little reason to recommend anyone actually watch it. The proceedings are fairly humorless and probably won’t hold the attention of the average pre-teen presumably targeted as its audience. (I had to keep myself from falling asleep in the climactic battle scene — never a good sign for something purported to be an action scifi film.) Director Stewart Hendler has primarily worked on video game projects before, but anyone sitting through Max Steel may not press “start” again once this game is over. Apparently, the studio felt this way too as it was filmed more than two years ago and only now hits theaters when no one is looking for it. The only aspect in the film’s favor is it was mercifully short, and I will try to repay that good deed by ending this review in the same manner. If Mattel, the same company that markets both Barbie and He-Man toys to kids, tries to sell another Max Steel story at the cineplex, they should really just go “get bent” instead. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence. Now playing at Carolina Cinemark, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Grande 15 and UA Beaucatcher Cinemas 7 REVIEWED BY JONATHAN RICH JONATHANWLRICH@GMAIL.COM
The Accountant HHH DIRECTOR: Gavin O’Connor PLAYERS: Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, Jon Bernthal, J.K. Simmons, Cynthia Addai-Robbinson, Jeffery Tambor, John Lithgow ACTION THRILLER RATED R THE STORY: An autism-spectrum assassin with a knack for numbers finds himself between a rock and a hard place when a routine job goes awry, while federal agents close in on his carefully concealed identity. THE LOWDOWN: An action flick simultaneously worse than it could’ve been and better than it has any right to be, The Accountant is fun but falls frustratingly short of greatness. If you’re in the market for an action thriller that requires less brainpower from the audience than it does from its protagonist, then you can count on The Accountant. That said, if structure, pacing and narrative cohesion are important to your ticketbuying decision process, you’re out of luck on this one. The Accountant can be a lot of fun at times — and, for some, that’s more than enough to warrant a watch — but the film has some significant drawbacks that prevent me from giving it an unconditional recommendation. My principle complaints with The Accountant don’t diminish the fact that the film largely hits its target, but those complaints are significant nonetheless. First of all, at two hours and eight minutes, this thing is just way, way too long. The story doesn’t necessitate anywhere near that kind of running time, and it’s such a structural mess that the extra padding only muddies the waters. More importantly, this is yet another piece of popular media that perpetuates the insane myth that autism can be some sort of superpower — a profoundly dangerous and disrespectful pattern that needs to stop. It may have been novel when Barry Levinson, Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise started the trend 30 years ago, but little was
known about autism spectrum disorders when Rain Man played theaters. With increasing advancements in the understanding and awareness of the condition, it seems hopelessly irresponsible for any filmmaker to portray autistic people in such a light. Depicting these people as superhuman is almost as deleterious as casting them in a subhuman way, as it reinforces the “otherness” of people on the spectrum — rather than showing them to be the complex and valuable individuals they actually are (even in the absence of any supernatural mathematical prowess). The shortfall of The Accountant can predominantly be laid at the feet of writer Bill Dubuque, whose flashback framing device detracts from the story in ways that overshadow its modest contributions to character development. It’s difficult to justify the employment of nonlinear narrative elements when those out-ofsequence flashbacks are separated by so much screen time the audience either suspects the plot threads have been abandoned or forgets about them altogether. Add a few purported twist identity-reveals that are telegraphed so heavily they might as well have come from Western Union, and you have a script in need of a serious audit. Director Gavin O’Connor fares a bit better, but not by much. Some of his fight sequences are solid, and there are a few inspired sight gags along the way, such as the “feeling faces” taken from cards used to teach autistic people to recognize facial emotional cues being repurposed on melons Ben Affleck’s character uses for target practice. However, there are some highly questionable directorial choices, such as a shot that visually analogizes him with a robot and a literal accounting montage that’s exactly as exciting as such a prospect sounds. If you can overlook the film’s significant flaws and take it on its own terms, there’s a reasonably entertaining movie buried under the detritus. The film has a deadpan sense of humor that’s sorely lacking in most contemporary action fare, and Affleck’s superb timing sells many of these comedic elements when they almost certainly would’ve fallen flat in the hands of a lesser actor. Anna Kendrick and Jon Bernthal provide stellar support, breathing life into scenes that could easily have been dead on arrival. J.K. Simmons, Cynthia Addai-Robbinson and Jeffery Tambor all deliver solid perfor-
SCREEN SCENE mances, but they’re given far too little room to breathe under the film’s infuriating structure and pacing. Ultimately The Accountant never quite adds up to greatness, which is all the more frustrating in light of its numerous strengths. The film has a standout cast and a morally ambiguous sensibility that could’ve produced something truly noteworthy had the filmmakers taken a cue from their protagonist and focused on the details. Based on strong box office performance, a sequel seems almost as certain as death and taxes. While that prospect may not be quite as unpleasant as either, I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. Rated R for strong violence and language throughout. Now Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemark, Regal Biltmore Grande, Epic of Hendersonville. REVIEWED BY SCOTT DOUGLAS JSDOUGLAS22@GMAIL.COM
FILM BUNCOMBE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/ library • TU (10/25), 7pm - "Silent Horror Film Night," with film historian Chip Kaufmann. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville DIANA WORTHAM THEATRE 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com • TH (10/27), 7pm - REEL Rock 11, climbing and adventure films. $18. FINE ARTS THEATRE 36 Biltmore Ave., 232-1536 • TH (10/20), 7-9pm - Robert Shaw: Man of Many Voices, documentary film screening. $15. FLOOD GALLERY 2160 Highway 70, Swannanoa, 254-2166, floodgallery.org • FR (10/21), 8pm - Classic foreign film: Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train. Free. MCDOWELL ARTS COUNCIL ASSOCIATION 50 S. Main St., Marion, 652-8610, mcdowellarts.net • SA (10/22), 7pm - Creepy Classics Film Series: The Stranger, suspense/ thriller. $5. THE SOCIAL 1078 Tunnel Road, 298-8780 • SA (10/22), 11am - Rock Academy visits the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, documentary. Free to attend.
by Edwin Arnaudin | edwinarnaudin@gmail.com
FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT: A still from the documentary Equal Means Equal, which will be screened Oct. 20 at Grail Moviehouse. The film makes an argument in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment. Photo courtesy of Heroica Films • Asheville School of Film offers a Sound Recording on a Budget workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This course is designed to educate independent filmmakers, multimedia specialists and producers on the choice, use and selection of audio equipment. The hands-on class will immerse students in multiple aspects of production sound, including eliminating time code, shooting with a single and double sound system as well as syncing and listening to the results using reference headsets. Participants are encouraged to bring their own equipment for demonstration, evaluation and optimization. The workshop will be taught by professional production sound mixer Sidney Williams and costs $150. Register online. avl.mx/326 • The Fine Arts Theatre hosts a screening of Robert Shaw: Man of Many Voices on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m., to benefit the All Souls Cathedral arts commission. Directed by Peter Miller and Pamela Roberts, the documentary chronicles the journey of the titular small-town California boy who dreamed of being a minister like his father, but went on to become the world’s greatest conductor of choral music. Tickets are $12.50 and available at the Fine Arts box office or online. avl.mx/327
• Mechanical Eye Microcinema presents Speculation Nation on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m., at Grail Moviehouse. The documentary explores Spain’s housing crisis — a byproduct of the global financial collapse of the late 2000s — and subsequent efforts made by Spanish citizens to improve their quality of life. Filmmakers Bill Brown and Sabine Gruffat will be in attendance and participate in a post-screening Q&A. $5 suggested donation, which supports the visiting artists and helps make future Mechanical Eye events possible. avl.mx/328 • Kamala Lopez’s documentary Equal Means Equal will be screened Thursday, Oct. 20, at 7:15 p.m., at Grail Moviehouse. The film makes an argument in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment, the passage of which would enforce federal equality for women in wages, health insurance, pension and Social Security. The screening will double as a fundraiser for the ERA-NC Alliance. Rep. Susan Fisher, D-Buncombe, and Melinda Lowrance, president of the Henderson County NAACP, will participate in a post-film discussion. Tickets are $15 each and available through representatives of RATIFY ERA-NC, the League of Women Voters, the local Association of Women Attorneys and other groups. For information, contact robertamadden@yahoo.com. X
For more information contact your advertising representative
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
by Scott Douglas
Boo! A Madea Halloween
Carnival of Souls HHHHS
Tyler Perry’s latest in the Madea franchise, according to the website “Madea winds up in the middle of mayhem when she spends a haunted Halloween fending off killers, paranormal poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls and zombies while keeping a watchful eye on a group of misbehaving teens.” No early reviews. (PG-13)
DIRECTOR: Herk Harvey PLAYERS: Candace Hilligoss, Frances Feist, Herk Harvey HORROR Rated NR The Asheville Film Society enters the final week of its month-long horror retrospective with Herk Harvey’s underseen cult classic, Carnival of Souls. This gem of low-budget ingenuity wrings every last drop from its almost laughably minuscule $30,000 budget, creating an intensely eerie atmosphere through its minimalistic style. The film’s plot places it squarely on the existential end of the horror spectrum, and it’s surprisingly thoughtful and philosophically minded for American genre fare of the era. Although it was well reviewed by critics, the film was largely lost on initial audiences but has since been embraced. Harvey, who wrote, produced, directed and acted in the film, would never helm another feature. His final directorial effort was a segment on Reading Rainbow in 1983. The Asheville Film Society will screen Carnival of Souls on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m. at The Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Scott Douglas.
See Scott Douglas’ review
Eyes Without a Face HHHHH
Harry and Snowman See Scott Douglas’ review
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
The sequel to 2012’s Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise, this looks like more of the same with the exception of replacing frequent Cruise collaborator Christopher McQuarrie with slightly less frequent Cruise collaborator Edward Zwick in the director’s chair. No early reviews. (PG-13)
Keeping Up With the Joneses
New comedy from Superbad helmer Greg Mottola. According to the studio synopsis, “An ordinary suburban couple (Zach Galifianakis, Isla Fisher) finds it’s not easy keeping up with the Joneses (Jon Hamm, Gal Gadot), their impossibly gorgeous and ultra-sophisticated new neighbors, especially when they discover that Mr. and Mrs. “Jones” are covert operatives.” No early reviews. (PG-13)
Ouija: Origin of Evil
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
The Merchant of Venice HHHHS DIRECTOR: Michael Radford PLAYERS: Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes SHAKESPEAREAN COMEDY DRAMA Rated R I was surprised to find that this is the first talkie ever made of The Merchant of Venice, though television — mostly the BBC — has offered it up several times. The reason for the lack of actual films of the play is not hard to fathom, since the inherent anti-Semitism of the subject matter makes this story a tricky proposition — not in the least because the play is one of the Bard’s comedies. Many of these TV productions came under the heading, more or less, of “radical Shakespeare,” which is to say that alterations were made (one is set in the early 1900s, another is set in decadent 1920s Germany a la Cabaret, etc.). “Radical Shakespeare” sometimes pays rich rewards (Richard Loncraine’s fascist version of Richard III, Peter Greenaway’s very unusual version of The Tempest, Prospero’s Books), and other times verges on the silly (Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet). Michael Radford’s The Merchant of Venice is also radical, but in an entirely different way. While Radford preserves the mechanics of the plot, he also offers us heroes who are as flawed as the nominal villain, if not more so. In so doing, he has given us a richly rewarding adaptation that offers much more to chew on than one might expect from a play that was long considered simple enough to serve as a standard ninth-grade introduction to Shakespeare. This excerpt was taken from a review by Ken Hanke published on March 23, 2005. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Merchant of Venice on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train HHHH
Prequel to surprise 2014 hit Ouija, directed by low-budget horror helmer Mike Flanagan (Oculus). According to the film’s website, “In 1967 Los Angeles, a widowed mother and her two daughters add a new stunt to bolster their seance scam business and unwittingly invite authentic evil into their home. When the youngest daughter is overtaken by a merciless spirit, the family confronts unthinkable fears to save her and send her possessor back to the other side.” No early reviews. (PG-13)
DIRECTOR: George Franju PLAYERS: Edith Scob, Pierre Brasseur, Alida Valli HORROR Rated NR The Asheville Film Society keeps on creepin’ on with our October schedule of historic horror. Next up is Georges Franju’s poetic masterpiece of fairy-tale fright, 1960’s Eyes Without a Face. A film of almost unparalleled aesthetic beauty (within the genre, at least), this is possibly the best-remembered work of Cinematheque Française cofounder Franju despite being almost universally reviled by critics on its initial release. Massively influential and vastly ahead of its time, Eyes is deeply disturbing, profoundly unsettling and has managed to convince people that it’s far gorier than the facts support for over 50 years. One of my all-time favorites and the first film I programmed for the AFS back in 2014, you need to lay eyes on this film at least once in your life — faces optional. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Eyes Without a Face on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 9:15 p.m. at The Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Scott Douglas.
DIRECTOR: Patrice Chéreau PLAYERS: Pascal Greggory, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Charles Berling, Jean-Louis Trintignant DRAMA Rated NR My entire familiarity with Patrice Chéreau prior to seeing Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train (1998) rested on seeing the video presentation of his famous (or infamous, depending on whom you ask) 1976 staging of Richard Wagner’s Ring cycle at Bayreuth. In terms of his talents as a filmmaker this told me nothing, but it proved a good grounding in his approach to the contents of his material. Though completely unrelated in storyline, Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train is definitely a product of the same sensibility that produced his Ring staging. The same mix of the high and low realms of art flows through them both: A seemingly incongruous mix of intellectual art and pop art that somehow feels strangely homogenous. This is a film where music by Gustav Mahler and dubbed-into-French film clips from Jack Sholder’s A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddie’s Revenge (1985) coexist comfortably, where a connection between Mahler and The Doors can be made with some degree of persuasion. This excerpt was taken from a review by Ken Hanke published on May 19, 2015. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train Friday, Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. at Flood Gallery Fine Art Center, 2160 Hwy 70, Swannanoa.
MARKETPLACE REA L E S TAT E | R E N TA L S | R OOM M ATES | SERV ICES | JOB S | A N N OU N CEMENTS | M I ND, BO DY, SPI R I T CLAS S E S & WOR K S HOP S | M U S IC IA N S’ SERV ICES | PETS | A U TOMOTIV E | X C HANG E | ADULT Want to advertise in Marketplace? 828-251-1333 x111 tnavaille@mountainx.com • mountainx.com/classifieds If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember the Russian proverb: “Doveryai, no proveryai,” trust but verify. When answering classified ads, always err on the side of caution. Especially beware of any party asking you to give them financial or identification information. The Mountain Xpress cannot be responsible for ensuring that each advertising client is legitimate. Please report scams to ads@mountainx.com REAL ESTATE FARMS 3/2 MINI-FARM 30 MINUTES FROM ASHEVILLE $125,500 Check out photos on internet for 2240 Roaring Fork Rd Mars Hill, NC 28754. Big house surrounded by decks, gorgeous view. flat 2 acres with over sized tobacco barn. Own for far less than rent. Exit 3 off I26 - 30 min from Asheville. Quiet cul de sac. Backs to Pisgah Forest area. $125,500 Charlotte (828) 298-2274
HOMES FOR SALE 10 MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE • 3BR 2BA Approximately 1900 sqft and 2 acres. Overlooking fishing pond. No realtors. No texts. $299,000. Call for details: (828) 380-6095.
CONDOS FOR SALE ARDEN CONDO 2BR, 2BA Condo for sale. Great investment or home, 10% return on investment. Nice section of Arden. $115,000. Call Purcell Realty: 828279-8562. ASHEVILLE CONDO, BRIGHT UPPER END UNIT, BILTMORE COMMONS 1200 SF 2B/2b unit in gated community, great place to live! Near shopping, schools, recreation. Must be owner occupied. No dogs allowed. Owner related to NC licensed realtor. 8282795352 brighton.asheville@ gmail.com
REAL ESTATE SERVICES MOVING TO THE ASHEVILLE AREA? Let a native Ashevillean help you find your perfect mountain home. Call Angela Sego: (828) 544-9860, NC Licensed Broker. angelas@foleyrealtync.com VOTED ONE OF THE BEST! Buying or selling? Moving to WNC? Call Sona Merlin, Voted one of the Best WNC Real Estate Agents. Find out why. Appalachian Realty Associates. (828) 2167908. sonamerlin.com
RENTALS CONDOS/ TOWNHOMES FOR RENT NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOME 2BR, 1BA, laminate hardwood floors, on the busline, 1 mile from downtown. No pets. $795/ month. 828-252-4334.
ROOMMATES ROOMMATES ALL AREAS ROOMMATES. COM Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at Roommates.com! (AAN CAN) ASHEVILLE • SHORT TERM AVAILABLE Shared housing. Vegetarian, no smoking/animals. On busline. Sliding scale. Peace. Call (828) 348-9183. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Gross income can't exceed $740 monthly, asking $278 plus 1/2 internet and electric.
Bedroom: windows, large closet, dresser, shared bathroom. Laundry across hall. North Asheville. Non-smoking. Christian preferred. Call 828-450-3323.
EMPLOYMENT GENERAL TROLLEY TOUR GUIDES If you are a "people person," love Asheville, have a valid Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and clean driving record you could be a great TOUR GUIDE! FULLTIME and seasonal part-time positions now available. Training provided. Contact us today! www.GrayLineAsheville.com; Info@GrayLineAsheville.com; 828-251-8687. VACATION HOME CLEANING SERVICE HIRING IMMEDIATELY! GREAT PAY & FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE! Immediate working interviews to see if we are a good fit together. $10/ hour to start & could be up to $12.50 in 90 days. ecocleanofasheville@gmail.com - send info www.ecocleanofasheville.com
SKILLED LABOR/ TRADES LOGISTICS MANAGER Red Oak Recovery, a cutting edge substance abuse treatment program for young adults, is seeking a Logistics Manager for our Leicester location. This position will be responsible for maintaining inventory, vehicle checks, assisting with facility maintenance projects, and participating in the on-call emergency response rotation. • Qualified candidates will be 21 years of age or older, have a High School diploma and be familiar with Microsoft Office programs. • Preferred qualifications include a bachelor’s degree, experience in adventure therapy, maintaining vehicles, and outdoor gear repair and maintenance. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your resume and cover letter to jobs@redoakrecovery.com
ADMINISTRATIVE/ OFFICE ASHEVILLE AREA HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SEEKS FT ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST Responsibilities include processing accounts payable, 1099 forms, payroll, W-2 forms, and payroll tax returns; maintaining general ledger; and assisting in the annual budgeting process, annual audit and Form 990 preparation. Degree in Accounting, several yrs experience in accounting, accounts payable, and payroll is required. Non-profit accounting or construction accounting experience is preferred. Visit ashevillehabitat.org/about/employment for details. EOE. DEVELOPMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The Lord's Acre is seeking a part time Development/Administrative Assistant. Responsibilities include support for fundraising, marketing, donor relations, and administrative tasks. Visit www.thelordsacre.org for full listing and to apply.
OFFICE PERSONNEL NEEDED FOR SALES OFFICE! FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE! Office Personnel needed for sales office. Position is geared to offer a flexible work schedule. Applicant will be cross trained as receptionist and customer service sales representative. As first point of contact with the public, applicant is expected to present a friendly, outgoing, energetic attitude both in person and on the telephone. Applicant must be self-motivating, computer literate, great at multi-tasking as well as being able to perform basic office tasks and be a team player. Applicant must be at least 19 years of age and have a Valid NC Driver's License. Applicant should apply in person at 1473 Patton Avenue, Asheville or call between the hours of 10:30 am - 5 pm Monday- Friday. 828-2588085 4wras2rp@gmail.com, www.westridgeauto.com PART TIME CHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT OAK HILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH IN CANDLER, NC. Office administrative skills and communication skills are required, knowledge of Quick Books Accounting systems a plus. Flexibility with scheduled hours. Send resume to oakhillunitedmethodistchurch@ gmail.com, 828-667-1782.
BREAD BAKERS • MEAT CUTTERS Become a part of a growing company dedicated to bringing healthy food to everyone…everywhere! Why us? Aside from our competitive benefits at a parttime and full-time capacity, advancement opportunities and flexible working hours, you can be a part of our healthy movement started back in 1975. We continue to hold true to our values and invite you to join your local Earth Fare’s winning team! We are currently seeking experienced Bread Bakers and Meat Cutters to join our team at our Hendersonville Rd. location! Competitive starting pay and benefits included for both part-time and full-time Team Members! Bread Baker requirements: • Extensive knowledge preparing dough to include scaling ingredients and shaping, and baking breads following production guidelines. • Monitors the Bakery Manager Production Level list and takes necessary steps to fulfill production requirements. • Sets and maintains the bread window and sales floor to include product, signage, and rotation for freshness. • Bread baking experience is required. Meat Cutter requirements: • Extensive knowledge of meat cuts and cooking techniques with an understanding of cutting meat into sub-primal categories. Skilled in cutting whole chicken into standard parts; and advanced cuts for other meats. • Must demonstrate manual dexterity with potentially hazardous equipment (knives, miscellaneous utensils, etc.) • Ability to learn and use a Falcon hand-held computer scanner and food scale. • Demonstrated ability in knife handling,
other cutting equipment and safety procedures. • Knowledge of living conditions of animals and ability to educate the public on these issues. • Ability to explain various cooking techniques. • Apply in person for an opportunity to join a team dedicated to providing ‘healthy food for everyone… everywhere. KITCHEN ASSISTANT Red Oak Recovery, a cutting edge substance abuse treatment program for young adults, is seeking a Kitchen Assistant for our Fairview location. This position will be responsible for preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for approximately 25 people, dish washing, packing food for adventure trips, receiving and storing food deliveries, and other duties as assigned. This position will report to the Kitchen Manager. • Qualified candidates will have prior kitchen experience, an interest in healthy and delicious foods, friendly, hardworking and reliable, and able to move about campus, including bending and lifting 40 lbs. Salary is based on experience. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. Red Oak Recovery is a non-smoking and drug free work environment. Please submit your cover letter and resume to jobs@redoakrecovery.com RUTH'S CHRIS STEAKHOUSE IN ASHEVILLE IS LOOKING FOR LINE COOKS, PREP COOKS, AND DISHWASHERS Please send you resume to Prepak@rcbiltmore.com or apply in person at 26 All Souls Crescent Asheville, NC 28803. Dishwashers 10.00 per hour. Cooks 11.0014.00 based on experience. . www.ruth's-chris.com
MEDICAL/ HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCED ON-CALL NURSES Wanted for labor, delivery and postpartum care. Send resume to WNC Birth Center, PO Box 58, Asheville, NC 28802 or to admin@wncbirthcenter.com MEDICAL COORDINATOR • RN Red Oak Recovery, a clinically dynamic substance abuse and trauma focused, dual diagnosis treatment facility, is seeking a fulltime RN/Medical Coordinator to be responsible for providing professional wellness visits to young adults, ages 18-30, meeting a diagnosis of substance use or cooccurring disorders, to work with clinical and case management staff to coordinate care and assist in treatment plans, and educate/ communicate medication and medical information to clients and families. • Qualified candidates will possess a valid, unencumbered, current Registered Nurse license issued by the NC Board of Nursing, and a minimum of 3 years psychiatric nursing experience, or a National certification as a Psychiatric Registered Nurse. • Those with personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, and/or Mental Health Treatment are encouraged to apply. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating your interest in the RN/Health Care Coordinator position to jobs@ redoakrecovery.com
NURSE • HAYWOOD COUNTY Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT). Meridian is seeking a RN or LPN to join our Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) in Haywood County, which is located in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. The ACTT nurse is responsible for assessing physical needs; making appropriate referrals to community physicians; providing management and administration of medication in conjunction with the psychiatrist; providing a range of treatment, rehabilitation and support services; and sharing shift-management responsibility with the ACTT Coordinator. Employee must have a valid driver's license without violations or restrictions which could prevent completing all required job functions. • For more information and to apply, visit the employment section of our website: www.meridianbhs.org
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • ADULT SERVICES We are currently recruiting for the following positions in Adult Services: Peer Support Specialists for REC (Recovery Education Center) Psychiatric Nurses and Clinicians for ACTT Services (Assertive Community Treatment Team) · Employment Support Professionals and Employment Peer Mentors for Supported Employment Services • Clinicians for REC Services (Recovery Education Center) • Peer Support Specialists for PACE (Peers Assisting in Community Engagement) • Clinician for Integrated Care • Clinician/Team Leader for CST (Community Support Team) • Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) • Community Partner Clinician. Please visit the employment section of our website for further information about any positions listed and apply directly by submitting an application and resume. www.meridianbhs.org
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • CHILD SERVICES Jackson County Psychological Services is now partnered with Meridian Behavioral Health Services. We are currently recruiting for the following positions: Clinicians for Outpatient Services • Clinicians for Day Treatment Services • Clinicians for Intensive In-Home Services • Qualified Professionals for Intensive In-Home Services • Please visit the employment section of our website for further information about any positions listed and apply directly by submitting an application and resume. www. meridianbhs.org CLINICAL CASE MANAGER Red Oak Recovery, a cutting edge substance abuse treatment program for young adults, is seeking a Clinical Case Manager for our Leicester location. This position will provide case management for individuals with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders, assuring each client has the best possible experience at Red Oak Recovery. The hours for this position are TuesdayThursday, 12pm – 8:30pm, and Friday and Saturday, 8:30am5pm. • Qualified candidates will be 21 years of age or older, will hold a certified substance abuse counselor (CSAC-I) certification or higher level of licensure, will have experience running Psychoeducational groups, experience with assessment and treatment planning, and experience working in a Substance Abuse Treatment program, and will be registered with the NCSAPPB. • Preferred qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in a Human Services field, and experience in adventure therapy. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your resume and cover letter to jobs@redoakrecovery.com
CLINICIANS Meridian Behavioral Health Services is seeking NC licensed or Associate licensed Clinicians to join our
recovery oriented organization in the beautiful North Carolina mountains including the counties of Transylvania, Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Cherokee. Clinical positions are available in a variety of adult service programs such as the Assertive Community Treatment Team, Recovery Education Center, and Community Support Team, as well as child and family service programs such as Day Treatment, Intensive InHome, and Outpatient. Clinicians provide recovery oriented comprehensive clinical assessments, support, skill building, education, and team consultation both in the office and the community. • To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation, flexibility, and moderate computer skills. • For further details about each position, please visit the employment section of our website, www.meridianbhs.org, then apply by completing the short online application and uploading your resume. COUNSELORS WITH HEALTHCARE EXPERIENCE NEEDED at a fast-growing healthcare company in Asheville, NC. • North Carolina licenses required • Great working hours/environment • Career advancement opportunities available. Submit your resume today to paul.randell@ bhgrecovery.com for immediate consideration, or call at (214)3656130. We believe addiction is a brain disease, not a moral failing. Every patient deserves our best. Join us and make a difference.
COUNTY DIRECTOR • CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Haywood County. This position is responsible for the complete oversite of the complete continuum of child and family programs and services within Haywood County. At the direction of Executive Leadership and reporting directly to the Child and Family Clinical Director, and with the support of a Deputy Director, this position is responsible for the efficient delivery of quality and
evidenced based child and family services in Haywood County. In particular, the Haywood Director is the point person for community partners in that county, including but not limited to school systems, principals, other state and federal agencies, and collaborative entities. More specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to, providing supervision of enhanced service delivery and ensuring that this is consistent with the client’s person-centeredplan; referral linkage; ensuring that regular staff supervision is occurring; ensuring that staff meet job performance standards regarding timely completion of documentation and adherence to agency policy; facilitating a clientcentered, team approach to meeting clients’ needs; facilitating positive, collaborative relationships between Meridian and other community agencies; interviewing and making recommendations for hire; and promoting a positive work environment that encourages employee growth and initiative. Fully Licensed Clinician is required and at least 5 years of supervision experience is preferred. • Additional preferences will be given to clinicians with experience in community behavioral health and licensed clinical social workers. • If interested, please visit the employment section of our website to apply and submit your resume, www.meridianbhs.org
ELIADA IS HIRING!!! Eliada is always in need of dedicated and reliable Residential Counselors to work with our students. The goal of all Residential Counselors at Eliada is to work with students and help them develop the skills necessary to be successful, contributing members of society. Prior to working with students, Residential Counselors will complete two weeks of training and observation. This includes Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, First Aid/CPR, blood borne pathogens, service note training, and clinical training on various diagnoses. A strong desire to work with students, patience, and the ability
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
FREEWILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the 1980s, two performance artists did a project titled A Year Tied Together at the Waist. For 12 months, Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh were never farther than eight feet away from each other, bound by a rope. Hsieh said he tried this experiment because he felt very comfortable doing solo work, but wanted to upgrade his abilities as a collaborator. Montano testified that the piece “dislodged a deep hiddenness” in her. It sharpened her intuition and gave her a “heightened passion for living and relating.” If you were ever going to engage in a comparable effort to deepen your intimacy skills, Aries, the coming weeks would be a favorable time to attempt it. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the coming weeks would you prefer that we refer to you as “voracious”? Or do you like the word “ravenous” better? I have a feeling, based on the astrological omens, that you will be extra super eager to consume vast quantities of just about everything: food, information, beauty, sensory stimulation, novelty, pleasure, and who knows what else. But please keep this in mind: Your hunger could be a torment or it could be a gift. Which way it goes may depend on your determination to actually enjoy what you devour. In other words, don’t get so enchanted by the hypnotic power of your longing that you neglect to exult in the gratification when your longing is satisfied. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When the wind blows at ten miles per hour, a windmill generates eight times more power than when the breeze is five miles per hour. Judging from the astrological omens, I suspect there will be a similar principle at work in your life during the coming weeks. A modest increase in effort and intensity will make a huge difference in the results you produce. Are you willing to push yourself a bit beyond your comfort level in order to harvest a wave of abundance? CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cuthbert Collingwood (1748-1810) had a distinguished career as an admiral in the British navy, leading the sailors under his command to numerous wartime victories. He was also a good-natured softie whose men regarded him as generous and kind. Between battles, while enjoying his downtime, he hiked through the English countryside carrying acorns, which he planted here and there so the “Navy would never want for oaks to build the fighting ships upon which the country’s safety depended.” (Quoted in Life in Nelson’s Navy, by Dudley Pope.) I propose that we make him your role model for the coming weeks. May his example inspire you to be both an effective warrior and a tender soul who takes practical actions to plan for the future. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Eighteenth-century musician Giuseppe Tartini has been called “the godfather of modern violin playing.” He was also an innovative composer who specialized in poignant and poetic melodies. One of his most famous works is the Sonata in G Minor, also known as the Devil’s Trill. Tartini said it was inspired by a dream in which he made a pact with the Devil to provide him with new material. The Infernal One picked up a violin and played the amazing piece that Tartini transcribed when he woke up. Here’s the lesson for you: He didn’t actually sell his soul to the Devil. Simply engaging in this rebellious, taboo act in the realm of fantasy had the alchemical effect of unleashing a burst of creative energy. Try it! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The planets have aligned in a curious pattern. I interpret it as meaning that you have cosmic permission to indulge in more self-interest and self-seeking than usual. So it won’t be taboo for you to unabashedly say, “What exactly is in it for me?” or “Prove your love, my dear” or “Gimmeee gimmeee gimmee what I want.” If someone makes a big promise, you shouldn’t be shy about saying, “Will you put that in writing?” If you get a sudden urge to snag the biggest piece of the pie, obey that urge.
OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In the course of her long career, Libran actress Helen Hayes won an Oscar, an Emmy, a Grammy and a Tony. Years before all that glory poured down on her, she met playwright Charles MacArthur at a party in a posh Manhattan salon. Hayes was sitting shyly in a dark corner. MacArthur glided over to her and slipped a few salted peanuts into her hand. “I wish they were emeralds,” he told her. It was love at first sight. A few years after they got married, MacArthur bought Hayes an emerald necklace. I foresee a metaphorically comparable event in your near future, Libra: peanuts serving as a promise of emeralds. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Welcome to the Painkiller Phase of your cycle. It’s time to relieve your twinges, dissolve your troubles and banish your torments. You can’t sweep away the whole mess in one quick heroic purge, of course. But I bet you can pare it down by at least 33 percent. (More is quite possible.) To get started, make the following declaration five times a day for the next three days: “I am grateful for all the fascinating revelations and indispensable lessons tht my pain has taught me.” On each of the three days after that, affirm this truth five times: “I have learned all I can from my pain, and therefore no longer need its reminders. Goodbye, pain.” On the three days after that, say these words, even if you can’t bring yourself to mean them with complete sincerity: “I forgive everybody of everything.” SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): For the foreseeable future, you possess the following powers: to make sensible that which has been unintelligible ... to find amusement in situations that had been tedious ... to create fertile meaning where before there had been sterile chaos. Congratulations, Sagittarius! You are a first-class transformer. But that’s not all. I suspect you will also have the ability to distract people from concerns that aren’t important ... to deepen any quest that has been too superficial or careless to succeed ... and to ask the good questions that will render the bad questions irrelevant. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the past eleven months, did you ever withhold your love on purpose? Have there been times when you “punished” those you cared about by acting cold and aloof? Can you remember a few occasions when you could have been more generous or compassionate, but chose not to be? If you answered yes to any of those questions, the next three weeks will be an excellent time to atone. You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you can reap maximum benefit from correcting stingy mistakes. I suggest that you make gleeful efforts to express your most charitable impulses. Be a tower of bountiful power. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In 1415, a smaller English army defeated French forces at the Battle of Agincourt in northern France. Essential to England’s victory were its 7,000 longbowmen — archers who shot big arrows using bows that were six feet long. So fast and skilled were these warriors that they typically had three arrows flying through the air at any one time. That’s the kind of high-powered proficiency I recommend that you summon during your upcoming campaign. If you need more training to reach that level of effectiveness, get it immediately. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Let’s imagine your life as a novel. The most recent chapter, which you’ll soon be drawing to a close, might be called “The Redemption of Loneliness.” Other apt titles: “Intimacy with the Holy Darkness” or “The Superpower of Surrender” or “The End Is Secretly the Beginning.” Soon you will start a new chapter, which I’ve tentatively dubbed “Escape from Escapism,” or perhaps “Liberation from False Concepts of Freedom” or “Where the Wild Things Are.” And the expansive adventures of this next phase will have been made possible by the sweet-and-sour enigmas of the past four weeks.
to work as part of a team is a must! Must be at least 21 and have a high school diploma/GED. Full-time second and third shift positions available! For more information or to apply, visit www.eliada.org/employment/ current-openings. FAMILY THERAPIST Red Oak Recovery, a young adult substance abuse treatment program in Leicester, NC is looking for a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Qualified candidates will have experience running multifamily groups, the ability to create programming that supports the entire family during the treatment process and a working knowledge of Substance Abuse and its impact on the family system. Roles and Responsibilities: • Weekly sessions with family members not in treatment. • Education and webinars on topics including: addiction, family roles, codependency, ALANON, parenting young adult children and boundaries. • Facilitating multi-family workshops. • Family history and assessment. · Developing and maintaining therapeutic relationships with clients and their families. Preferred Experience and Skills: • Personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery • Certification as an LCAS or registration with NCSAPPB. Qualifications and education requirements: • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist • Experience running multi-family groups • Ability to create programming that supports the entire family during the treatment process • Working knowledge of Substance Abuse and its impact on the family system. • Those with personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, and/or Mental Health Treatment are encouraged to apply. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. Please submit a resume and cover letter indicating your interest in the Licensed Therapist position to jobs@redoakrecovery.com HELPMATE SHELTER CASE MANAGERS Helpmate, Inc., a domestic violence agency in Asheville, NC, seeks Shelter Case Managers to provide support to survivors of domestic violence. The fulltime position includes evenings, nights & weekends. Part-time positions are awake-overnight. Strong communication and crisis management skills required. Qualified candidates must hold a Bachelor's degree or 2 years' experience in social work or related field, or a commensurate combination of work and experience. Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply. Benefits package is available for the full time position. Email resume and cover letter to HelpmateAsheville@gmail.com with "Shelter Case Manager" in the subject line. OVERNIGHT AWAKE We are currently seeking applicants to become a Full time and/or PRN as members of our overnight staff. • The suitable applicant is someone who is a responsible and positive role model. Our overnight staff ensures the provision of physical and emotional safety of our students and residents during the current ONA shift of 4 nights/ week from 10:30pm-7am. Must be at least 21 years old. Our beautiful 24-acre campus provides a safe setting for our students to transform their lives. Asheville Academy for Girls is a private therapeutic boarding school for girls ages 10-14 and Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18. http://www. ashevilleacademy.com and http:// www.solsticeeast.com PROGRAM MANAGER The Willows at Red Oak Recovery is a clinically dynamic substance abuse and trauma focused dual diagnosis treatment facility for young women. We are seeking a full-time Program Manager for our Fletcher, NC location. This position will be responsible for assisting the program director in all aspects of
program management; including but not limited to: recruiting, staff training, scheduling, direct care staff supervision, crisis response, group facilitation, logistics planning, etc. This position will report to The Willows Program Director. •Qualified candidates will possess at least two years of experience managing staff in a Human Services environment. • Master’s degree in Human Services field and LPC or LCSW preferred. • Those with personal or professional experience with 12 Step Recovery, Substance Abuse Treatment, and/or Mental Health Treatment are encouraged to apply. Competitive pay and benefits package offered. To apply, please notify your supervisor of your interest, and submit a resume and cover letter indicating your interest in the Program Manager position to jobs@redoakrecovery.com WE ARE HIRING! WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is recruiting Direct Care Staff • Full-time 2nd, as well as parttime mornings and weekends. WNC Group Homes provides residential services for individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities. Our employees are the best at what they do. WNC Group Homes offers 50 hours of classroom training as well as 5 days of training on shift. Come join our team! • Applications and additional information is available on our website, or complete application at our main office. WNC Group Homes, 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville, NC. 828 412-3512. www.wncgrouphomes.org
ADJUNCT POSITIONS A-B Tech is currently taking applications for the following adjunct positions for Spring Semester 2017: Instructor, English; Instructor, History; Instructor, Anthropology; Clinical Student Nurse Educator; Instructor, Hospitality Management Adjunct (High School Programs). For more details and to apply: www.abtech.edu/jobs BILTMORE TUTORING IS SEEKING OUTSTANDING MATH TUTORS! The Asheville area's premier tutoring and test prep company is looking for candidates who are capable of tutoring in high-level math subjects. More info? Go to bit.ly/bt-math (828) 505-2495 info@biltmoretutoring.com EC TEACHER AND ELEMENTARY TEACHER-IC IMAGINE CHARTER SCHOOL IC Imagine, a public charter school in Asheville, NC is currently seeking an Exceptional Children's Teacher and an Elementary Teacher for immediate hire. These individuals will join an innovative, collaborative team focused on the development of the whole child. Please email all inquiries and resumes to careers@ icimagine.org. For more details see http://sites.icimagine.org/ home/careers/ JOIN OUR TEAM • EARLY EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS Infant/Toddler Teachers, Bilingual In-home Educators and Family Advocates. Verner Center for Early Learning is a state of the art, 5-star non-profit learning environment providing the highest quality early care and education and so much more! • We are the recent recipient of an expansion grant which allows us to grow our team and serve more families. Free nutritious lunches prepared on site, plenty of outside play on our natural learning environments, and continuing education opportunities provided through staff development trainings are some of the many qualities that our team enjoy! We offer a competitive benefits package, paid holidays,
time off accrual, and paid staff trainings. Verner is an EEOE. See position details and apply online at vernerearlylearning.org/jobs
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! No Experience Required. Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity. Start Immediately! www. IncomeStation.net (AAN CAN)
your manuscript, design cover, prep for Kindle & CreateSpace. Contact to discuss your project. Will ghost write. michael@ michaelhavelin.com (828) 7125570
ARTS/MEDIA MAGAZINE EDITOR Smoky Mountain Living magazine is looking for a managing editor. SML is a nationally distributed 6-issue per year lifestyle magazine covering the mountains from north Georgia to Virginia and Kentucky. With offices in Waynesville, NC, the ME writes stories, generates story ideas, manages free-lancers, edits copy, works with our art director and adheres to strict deadlines. The ME must be social media savvy and willing to attend events and festivals throughout the region to help us market the magazine. We are looking for a proven, organized leader for a growing print and online entity. This is a three-quarter time position. Send resume, inquiries to info@smokymountainnews.com.
COMPUTER/ TECHNICAL JR. CMS WEBSITE DEVELOPER Verified Studios is seeking an experienced Drupal and WordPress developer. Our perfect candidate has a love for best practices, continually improving their craft and can teach us a thing or two about Drupal and WordPress. Check out our job posting at: verifiedstudios.com/about-us/ourteam/jr-cms-developer/
SALON/ SPA SENSIBILITIES DAY SPA Now hiring full-time LMT's (25-27 hrs/ wk), 1 year experience preferred. Availability to work both locations and weekends are required. We offer a set schedule, in-house training and a commission-based income with great earning potential. Bring resume to either location.
XCHANGE LAWN & GARDEN 1998 JOHN DEERE GATOR 6X4 Utility Vehicle, Automatic, Hours 1354, $1500, Call me : 5015031165
MEDICAL SUPPLIES QUANTUM Q6 EDGE POWERCHAIR With charger. $21,000 new; used twice, asking $4500, obo. Call 651-9839.
YARD SALES BILTMORE PARK COMMUNITY YARD SALE FALL IS HERE! • Sat. Oct 22, 8 am - noon.• Don't miss this now famous sale! Huge variety including antiques, household items, clothing, holiday decor and gift items, furniture, toys, sports and exercise equipment, and much, much more! • I-26, exit 37 (Long Shoals Road), turn between McDonald's and CVS. Look for balloons on mailboxes at participating homes!
SERVICES ART/WRITING EDIT/DESIGN/LAYOUT FOR WRITERS Author/designer of novels & how-to books will edit
U CALL • WE HAUL Removal Services for • Homeowners • Homebuyers • Homesellers. We'll load and haul away unwanted household accumulation, junk and debris. Call today: (828) 200-5268 for a cleaner tomorrow!
HANDY MAN HIRE A HUSBAND • HANDYMAN SERVICES Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
LANDSCAPING ALWAYS GREEN • TOTAL LAWN CARE Leaf Removal • Mulching • Pressure Washing • Gutter Cleaning • Free Estimates. • Reliable!(828) 423-4667. • Ask about our Get Ready for Fall Special!
ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS CASH FOR CARS Any Car/Truck 2000-2015, Running or Not! Top Dollar For Used/Damaged. Free Nationwide Towing! Call Now: 1-888-420-3808 (AAN CAN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 877-362-2401. (AAN CAN) STRUGGLING WITH DRUGS OR ALCOHOL? Addicted to Pills? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800-9786674 (AAN CAN)
LEGAL NOTICES TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS Land of Sky Rural Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) will adopt the final set of Division Needs transportation project priorities for the 2018-2027 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) at their meeting on October 26th, 2016. The public is invited to provide input from September 15th, 2016 to October 26th, 2016. • A Draft of the Division Needs projects chosen is posted at http:// www.landofskyrpo.org • Written comments may be submitted from September 15, 2016 – October 26, 2016 to rpo@landofsky. org or by phone to 828-251-6622. • Comments may be submitted in person during the RPO TAC public hearing on October 26th at 12:30 PM, Land of Sky offices, 339 New Leicester Hwy, Suite 140, Asheville, NC 28806
CLASSES & WORKSHOPS CLASSES & WORKSHOPS CLAY CLASSES & WORKSHOPS AT ODYSSEY CLAYEnhancing Simple WORKS Forms, Beginner Wheel, Handbuilder's Hangout, Terra Sigillata
Cone 6, Intermediate Wheel, How To Glaze Anything, Sketching Techniques for Ceramic Artists, Exploring the Potter's Wheel for Kids Ages 8-12
#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE AND ESSENTIAL OIL CLINIC 4 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 7851385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 697-0103. 24 Sardis Rd. Ste B, 828-633-6789 • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com
COUNSELING SERVICES BRICS: HEALING, EDUCATING, AND INSPIRING Offering premier online intuitive counseling, Blue Ridge Intuitive Counseling Services extends a wide array of services. From Holistic Medicinal recommendations and education to whole life balancing, BRICS paves the road to health, healing and happiness. www.blueridgeintuitive.org rqualls@zoho.com 828-242-3440
JULIE KING: LICENSED MINISTER, TEACHER, INTUITIVE HEALER 828-884-4169. If you can see the Future You can Change it! For 35 years, she has helped thousands with relationships, finances, spiritual transformation & business. Mentoring & Courses available. www.AcuPsychic.com
FOR MUSICIANS MUSICAL SERVICES ANNOUNCING DREAM GUITARS' NEW REPAIR SHOP 3,000 square foot facility dedicated to high-end guitar repair. Specializing in modern and vintage makes. Low shipping rates. Full insurance. www.dreamguitars. com 828-658-9795 WHITEWATER RECORDING Mixing • Mastering • Recording. (828) 684-8284 whitewaterrecording.com
PETS PET SERVICES ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.
T H E N E W Y OR K TI M ES CR OSSWOR D PU ZZLE ACROSS 1 Gamer’s representation 7 “We choose to go to the moon” speech giver, informally 10 Wines said to go well with steak 14 Make do 15 Granola morsel 16 Emollient source 17 Wrangled 18 Words on a pink cigar band 20 Losing effort? 21 Cacophony 23 “Money talks,” e.g. 24 Fish that may be jellied or smoked 25 With 36-Across, what this puzzle features, literally 28 Give ___ go 29 Gas or water 31 College player, e.g. 33 Yemeni capital 34 A vital sign 35 “Wee” fellow 36 See 25-Across 38 Japanese masked drama 41 Respected tribesman 43 Faux money 45 Appear gradually, on film
47 It occurs twice in “chalk talk” 49 Miracle-___ (garden care brand) 50 Organization that honored those referenced in the 25-/36-Across, with “the” 52 “Bingo!” 53 Angels’ instruments 55 Camcorder brand 56 “How ___ Your Mother” 57 En route 60 “O tempora! O mores!” orator 62 Whole bunch 63 The whole shebang 64 Willing to try 65 ___ Trueheart, Dick Tracy’s sweetheart 66 Bit of hope, in an expression 67 U.S. general who was a pentathlete in the 1912 Olympics 1 2 3 4
DOWN Mozart’s middle name Wine from a single type of grape Jolie of “Maleficent” Ready to snap,
edited by Will Shortz
No. 0914
maybe 5 Match.com datum 6 Website with “Ask Me Anything” interviews 7 Like some custody or tax returns 8 Budgetary excess 9 Jewelers’ purity measures: Abbr. 10 Ravi Shankar’s music 11 Magic potion 12 Triangular chip 13 March locale of note 19 Cries from a flock 22 Very standoffish 25 Actress Zadora 26 “One,” in a coin motto 27 Auditioner’s hope 30 Put on, as cargo 32 2016 running mate 34 72, on many courses 36 Savings acct. protector 37 Sofer of “General Hospital” 39 The jaguar on a Jaguar’s hood, e.g. 46 Major vessels 40 Thus far 42 Paper for a pad 47 Brief time, in brief 43 Like a fox 48 Sgt. Friday’s introduction 44 It’s smaller than a company 49 Quickie Halloween costume 45 New Caledonia is a territory of it 51 In a deadpan manner
54 Degs. for many professors 56 “Law & Order: SVU” co-star 58 Subject of 12/8/1941 headlines 59 Reminiscent of 61 Bitter brew, briefly
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE HYPNOSIS | EFT | NLP Michelle Payton, M.A., D.C.H., Author | 828-681-1728 | www.MichellePayton.com | Dr. Payton’s mind over matter solutions include: Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Acupressure Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Mindful Writing Coaching. Find Michelle’s books, audio and video, sessions and workshops on her website.
FREE MEDICARE NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Questions about Medicare? Come to a free community meeting Saturday (Oct 15th, 22nd & 29th) 10:00am at the Asheville Chamber, 36 Montford Ave. Free refreshments served, no requirement to enroll. A sales person will be present with information and applications. RSVP optional. To RSVP, book an appointment, or get more info go to hummingbirdins.com/ medicare or call 828-372-0101. 828-479-5363 MAKE THE CALL TO START GETTING CLEAN TODAY Free 24/7 Helpline for alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Get help! It is time to take your life back! Call Now: 855-732-4139 (AAN CAN)
RETREATS SHOJI SPA & LODGE * 7 DAYS A WEEK Day & Night passes, cold plunge, sauna, hot tubs, lodging, 8 minutes from town, bring a friend or two, stay the day or all evening, escape & renew! Best massages in Asheville 828-2990999.
2005 TOYOTA TACOMA Prerunner TRD Off-Road Pkg Access Cab 4Dr V-6 Auto FL Owned! $6100 Automatic,3 dr, clean title, 82k mi. Runs perfect. For more info call/text: 7192701395
AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES WE'LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory trained. Located in the Weaverville area, off exit 15. Please call (828) 275-6063 for appointment. wellfixitautomotive.com
ADULT ADULT FEELING WHACKED? Let Kaye's revive you back! Incall/outcall: 280-8182. LIVELINKS CHAT LINES Flirt, chat and date! Talk to sexy real singles in your area. Call now! (877) 609-2935 (AAN CAN) PENIS ENLARGEMENT MEDICAL PUMP Gain 1-3 Inches Permanently! FDA Licensed For Erectile Disfunction. 20-Day Risk Free Trial. Free Brochure: Call (619) 294-7777. www.DrJoelKaplan. com (AAN CAN) VIAGRA! 52 Pills for Only $99.00. Your #1 trusted provider for 10 years. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery. Call today 1-888-4039028. (AAN CAN)
Exciting opportunities with
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• Guest Services Representative • Maintenance Assistant • Room Attendant • Cocktail Waiter/Waitress We are seeking self-motivated candidates with positive attitudes! Experience is a plus! Complete benefits package including 401k and profit sharing! For more information about each position and to apply online, please visit http://www.qualityoilnc.com/careers-currentopenings/#Hotel MOUNTAINX.COM
Paul Caron
Furniture Magician • Cabinet Refacing • Furniture Repair • Seat Caning • Antique Restoration • Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828) 669-4625
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OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25, 2016