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It wasn’t that long ago that Asheville was a dining desert, with only a few hardy culinary trailblazers willing to try their luck downtown. Xpress takes a look at the history and evolution of our local food scene (and if we missed a pivotal moment or person, let us know).
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8 in thE tREnchEs Buncombe County school board candidates focus on the issues
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16 sEnatE showdown Local N.C. Senate candidates wrangle over the issues
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46 dELivERing thE doughnuts — Vortex and Hole are ready to dish the goods
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28 agEnt oRangE town haLL — Local veterans host Oct. 25 event
54 in a Big countRy Australian alt-country artist Lachlan Bryan tours the U.S.
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
copyRight 2014 By Mountain Xpress advERtising copyRight 2014 By Mountain Xpress aLL Rights REsERvEd
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com. staff
puBLishER: Jeff Fobes
assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson
managing EditoR: Margaret Williams
a&E EditoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall
food EditoR/wRitER: Gina Smith staff REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose
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We Want Affordable orYour FREEJunk removal
moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRiButing EditoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak
caRtoon By Randy moLton
Facebook page features people of Asheville and WNC That was wonderful coverage of “Humans of Asheville” [Oct. 8, Xpress]! I enjoyed the article. Coincidentally, I started a Facebook page called People of Asheville and WNC in April before I heard of “Humans of Asheville.” I’ve posted a photo and story every day since I started the page April 9. There are stories about homeless people, Vietnam veterans, Beaver Lake, a skateboard park, some mountain people and Weaverville, etc. Some stories are long, and others are snippets of conversations. It would have been so cool to have People of Asheville and WNC included in the article, although it has only 290 “likes” on Facebook and hasn’t taken off like “Humans of Asheville.” Nevertheless, it’s been a blast and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I worked for 25-years as a newspaper reporter and photographer and published a small newspaper for 11 years. I then became disabled after a tick bite five years ago. I spent three years bedridden and fighting for my life, and lost about 80 percent of my ability to read and write. My health coach suggested I do something I love and to get out of the house and meet people. I started
photographing folks, and they often told me their stories. Then my husband, who had taken care of me all those years, filed for divorce. Five months later, I started People of Asheville and WNC and made a pledge to myself to post a photo and story everyday. I credit all the fantastic people I met in the process for keeping me sane, moving me forward, and motivating me to write again. It probably takes me three times longer than a normal person to write. In short, it’s been a blessing meeting everyone and realizing there’s more in Asheville than health food stores. Ha! Lori A. Miller Weaverville
Thanks to Asheville and Creekside Taphouse I wanted to write in say the biggest of biggest of all thank yous to the community of Asheville and the Creekside Taphouse. You might ask why I am forever in debt to both of these? Well, you see, it all started about four months ago when I was diagnosed with a rare cancer of the blood. It's so rare that the chance of a young, 30-year-old woman getting this disease is only 1 percent. You may remember me as the girl who got two different scooters stolen from her in two years but never gave
REguLaR contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy FoltzGray, Susan Foster, Alicia Funderburk, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther
garrisonrecycling@gmail.com junkrecyclers.net
A Spa Featuring
advERtising, aRt & dEsign managER: Susan Hutchinson gRaphic dEsignERs: Lori Deaton, Megan Kirby, Susan McBride, Lance Wille
onLinE saLEs managER: Jordan Foltz maRKEting associatEs: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner infoRmation tEchnoLogiEs managER: Stefan Colosimo
Robin Fann-Costanzo 2012 World Massage Hall of Fame Inductee
wEB tEam: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger officE managER & BooKKEEpER: Patty Levesque assistant officE managER: Lisa Watters distRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant distRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery distRiBution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young
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W W W. S T I L L P O I N T W E L L . C O M 828.348.5372 octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to letters@mountainx.com.
coRREction: In a photo image displayed on page 12 of the Oct. 15 issue of Mountain Xpress, the correct spelling for one of the District 3 Buncombe County Board of Commissioners candidates should have been Nancy Waldrop.
caRtoon By BREnt BRown up hope that there were good people in this world. I wanted to say that my point is STILL proven despite the messed up ways of the world. The community of Asheville and the taphouse threw a fundraiser for me, and it raised over $5,000 in one day! I was able to stay at the taphouse for most of the fundraiser. Friends that I have known since I was 5 years old drove up from the Florida to attend. I had coworkers who came before their shift or after with their uniform still on. All my best friends and family were there. My
Each system includes:
sweet, beautiful, and caring partner of three years was there. I had strangers come up to me and cry and hug me saying that they would pray for me and my family. Volkswagen cut me a check just for being the one that the fundraiser was about! I will never forget that day. Those old dirty scooters are in the past. There are more important things in life. And if I thought I knew what those things were before, I am even more certain I know what they are now. Laughter, supporting one another and being nice to each other are what really matters.
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To the community of Asheville, I thank you so much for letting me have the privilege of calling you home for 27 years. To Creekside Taphouse, thank you so much for throwing the best party of the summer and supplying me a place big enough to fit all the people with even bigger hearts that showed up. I can only hope it brought you guys a lot of attention and business as well. My heart is full of love and grace. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will beat this. Stay strong for me Asheville. Keep sending the love. Love always. Kelly McArdle Asheville
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
In the trenches Buncombe County school board candidates focus on the issues
By camERon huntLEy
The Buncombe County Schools’ main office is sprawling, labyrinthine, contradictory: half-outdated and half-modern, navigated via circuitous hallways that all look the same yet somehow seem different. One particular stretch of floor is covered by a decades-old, lime-green commercial carpet that seems like some kind of cruel joke. Indeed, the building’s immensity is matched only by its complexity, making it, in a sense, the perfect emblem of public education today — so what better place to stage a forum on the topic? Sponsored by WNC for Public Education, a coalition of local parents, teachers and other residents, the Oct. 9 event brought together candidates for the state House and Senate, the county Board of Commissioners and the county Board of Education. And though the latter group tends to take a back seat to those other entities when it comes to educational policy debates, school board members are, in fact, the elected officials most closely connected to local school systems’ day-to-day operations (see sidebar, “What the School Board Does”). The board’s seven members serve four-year, rotating terms, with one representative from each of Buncombe County’s six districts, plus an at-large member. Six of the seven candidates attended the forum; Erwin District contender jason summey did not. Summey subsequently gave Xpress written answers to the same questions asked at the event, however, and some of his responses are included here. (Note: Board members for the Asheville City Schools are appointed, not elected, so they weren’t included
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
COOPER QUEEN in the forum. For the same reason, all financial figures in this article and the accompanying charts refer solely to the Buncombe County Schools, unless otherwise specified.) Even though the school board must conform to state educational policy and is totally dependent on various levels of government for funding, many candidates made it clear that they see the board’s responsibility as extending beyond the nuts and bolts of keeping the system running. “A school board member has a dual role: both to support the mission of public education for all of our students and to oversee the working of that in practice,” said nancy cooper. “They have to maneuver on both sides of it in a tactful and direct way.” Many candidates acknowledged that the job entails a substantial amount of advocacy on behalf of the
district they’re representing and its parents, students and teachers. “Maybe the most important [component],” said pat Bryant, “is the role of board members to work together to advocate for and promote the many positive aspects of our schools and our school system.” stephanie Buckner sounded a similar note, saying, “I hear everywhere I go about budgeting; budgeting is extremely important. But also
important is being a liaison: You’re there representing your district, parents, teachers. And part of being a board member is helping your district be the best: helping them succeed.” Lisa Baldwin, meanwhile, said: “We represent all the parents and children in Buncombe County. We represent the teachers. I feel all the stakeholders need a voice and a representative.” And cindy mcmahon noted: “We have 25,000 kids in our schools, and seven members on the school board. It is the responsibility of every one of those school board members to advocate for our public schools.” At the same time, said Summey, “It is not the role of a school board member to get involved in the dayto-day running of individual schools or the direct supervision of principals and teachers.”
continuEs on pagE 11
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(Source: N.C. Dept. of Public Instruction report on 2012-13 school year)
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
School-board basics The Buncombe County school board races are nonpartisan. There are six school districts, each with one board representative, but because the terms are staggered, only three districts are on this year’s ballot. Voters choose one candidate per district: You don’t have to live in the district to vote for one of its candidates. For information about polling places and early voting, go to the Board of Elections website, buncombecounty.org.
what thE schooL BoaRd doEs Government often seems very large and far away, and the public’s ability to influence educational policy may seem minimal. But the school board, which consists entirely of elected local people, is responsible for maintaining the system’s day-to-day functioning, making it a very tangible way to affect a child’s education. The board’s primary responsibility is hiring and evaluating the superintendent of schools, who oversees all aspects of the school system. In a way, it’s reminiscent of Asheville’s form of government, in which City Council sets policy and the city manager carries it out, manages the staff and alerts Council members to pressing issues. The superintendent recommends agenda items for school board meetings, which the board either approves or rejects. Board members can also vote to add items to the agenda, but this rarely happens; the superintendent’s job is to implement whatever decisions the board makes, such as consulting with the board on hiring and firing staff. Another key aspect of the school board’s responsibility is money: prepping the budget according to state policies and making funding recommendations to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. The school board itself receives no direct funding: It all comes from local, state or federal sources. And the local money, in particular, plays a key role in keeping the system functional (see chart, “What County Funding Buys”).
chaRtER schooLs 101 Charter schools are controversial and still relatively new in North Carolina. Last year, 2.5 percent of students in the Buncombe County Schoos attended a charter school. But the fact that they’re a kind of hybrid often leads to confusion concerning exactly what a charter school is. A private entity can start one, as long as it's a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and has $1,000 for the state’s application fee. According to the Center for Public Education, a national organization based in Alexandria, Va., charter schools typically have “regulatory freedom and autonomy from state and local rules (in terms of staffing, curriculum choices, and budget management).” Since they’re public, however, they cannot be religious (unlike private schools that can accept publicly funded vouchers), and they “must have open enrollment policies, may not charge tuition and must still participate in state testing and federal accountability programs.” Thus, charter schools can have their own specific focus, as long as the state approves the name, organization, management, curriculum and how the school will evaluate student performance. This, in fact, is where the name comes from: Each school draws up a contract, or charter, that outlines how the school will function. There are, however, downsides, the most salient one being that if a charter is revoked, the school shuts down. This can happen for multiple reasons: According a 2011 study by the Center for Education Reform, a national organization that advocates for increased educational options, 53.6 percent of U.S. charter school closures between 1992 and 2011 were for financial reasons or due to frictions with public school districts. Other reasons are more troublesome. According to the study, 5 percent of school closures were due to problems obtaining or keeping the needed facilities, and 24 percent were due to mismanagement. “Indeed, the fact that nearly a quarter of all closed charter schools closed because of ethical violations makes a big impression on advocates and opponents alike,” the study notes. “Sponsors of these schools may deliberately misspend, misrepresent or refuse to hold the charter school accountable to its contract.” Another 18.6 percent of closures result from not meeting the academic standards required by the charter. And when a charter school closes, it leaves students and parents scrambling to find an alternative. — Cameron Huntley X
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
continuEd fRom pagE 8
monEy, monEy, monEy A familiar theme snaking through the evening concerned money, whether in the form of school funding, budgets or pay. “There are several issues [to work on]: Among those is the issue of the budget and funding,” said max Queen. “That topic encompasses teacher salaries, teacher assistants, support positions, instructional materials, tech and operations.” “We need to maximize and protect our resources,” said McMahon. “We need to make good decisions on our finances.” Per pupil expenditure comprises all education-related expenses: employee salaries and benefits, purchased services, supplies and materials, and instructional equipment. Most of those categories have seen severe budget cuts over the last several years. At the forum, candidates were asked how they would maximize available dollars and secure other funding sources in light of those budget cuts and the county schools’ poor ranking in per pupil funding (see accompanying charts). “We need to look with a critical eye at every aspect and not have any sacred cows,” said Cooper. “We need to continue to make good decisions in ways that will benefit students in both short term and long term,” said McMahon. “We need to build relationships with those who hold the purse strings.” Bryant, too, talked about prioritizing resources and seeking partnerships with “local and statewide business leaders.” In addition, he said, “We must continue to look for and secure grant funding to help leverage the resources we have. Buncombe County Schools has recently received two major grants — one for $2.5 million and one for $1.2 million — that will help support program areas.” Grants, though, are notoriously fickle. They’re for a limited time span and have to be renewed, and when belts tighten, they’re usually the first thing to go. Just this year (2014-15), the county schools lost $350,000 in federal Race to the Top money.
continuEs on pagE 13
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
continuEd fRom pagE 13
Buckner acknowledged that uncertainty, saying, “I think the best thing we could do … is keep most of the funding as close to home as possible. I think this will eliminate ‘strings-attached programs’ that leave our schools in the lurch in the long run.” LocaL funding Many of the candidates stressed the need to cooperate with the county commissioners, who play a key role in funding both the city and the county schools. This school year, Buncombe County spent about $78 million on education, all told (including the city and county systems and A-B Tech). That accounts for 26.6 percent of the county’s $292 million general fund budget — a $3.1 million increase over 2013-14. Those local dollars reach into every aspect of the educational process. But in light of the county schools’ poor ranking in state funding, said Baldwin, “this gives the responsibility for filling the gap to the county commissioners, but they have not stepped up to the plate. The amount of property tax revenues going to our school system has declined from 43 percent down to 41 percent just over the past several years.” By far the largest portion of the school system’s budget goes for salaries and benefits — a key factor in employee recruitment and retention. When asked about this subject, every single candidate mentioned teacher pay. “The first item that immediately comes to mind is compensation,” said Cooper. “Small steps were made in the legislative budget this year, and we need to increase that in the upcoming years.” “I think what we need to do is evaluate our teacher pay,” said Buckner. “We need to make sure that is fair, and ... we need to make sure that funding is on the books for the long term.” The current state budget gave newer teachers significant raises, but more experienced educators didn’t fare as well, receiving smaller percentage increases. State lawmakers also eliminated longevity pay — a kind of bonus for teachers with more years on the job — after the current school year ends. In addi-
tion, the new budget ended pay increases for earning a master’s degree and axed the long-running Teaching Fellows Program, which gave scholarships to high school seniors in exchange for at least four years of teaching in state schools. “Pay for graduate degrees is common sense,” said Cooper. “You work hard for your master’s degree; you need to be compensated. I think that’s a standard business practice.” “I believe the Teaching Fellows Program should be reinstituted by the state,” said Baldwin. “We also need to offer master’s degree pay, and that’s something I would like the board to petition the state legislators for as well.” “I think N.C. Teaching Fellows is one of the premier teacher recruitment and development programs in the nation,” said Queen. “Fellows were employed in 99 of N.C.’s 100 counties. I would implore the state Legislature to rethink their position on Fellows and reinstate that.” Queen also cited the widely reported exodus of teachers from the state, saying, “Teacher pay is an essential component in North Carolina’s ability to keep the best teachers, particularly when the neighboring states offer significantly higher incentives to be in the classroom.” Wake County, the state’s largest school district, saw 600 teachers leave during the 2013-14 school year. And in May, the Houston Independent School District began running newspaper ads promising Raleigh and Wake County teachers $47,000 in starting pay. Up until this year, the starting salary for a North Carolina public school teacher was $30,800 (not including local supplements), and despite the big raises just given to new teachers, the state still pays them only $33,000 per year. That puts a heavy burden on local funding. The county commissioners impact teacher earnings in two key ways: by paying the salaries of many noncertified school staff, and by providing a supplement to what the state pays teachers. Counties throughout North Carolina give teachers additional money based on how many years of experience they have. Buncombe County’s teacher supplement, according to the
Meet INDIE , the new face of Go Local! This playful character represents Asheville’s unique local business culture and will appear in the windows of all businesses honoring the 2015 Go Local card. Find out more at ashevillegrown.org.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Buncombe County Association of Educators website, ranges from 6.3 percent of total salary (for a new teacher with less than five years’ experience) to 11.7 percent (for those with over 30 years). These supplements aren’t mandatory — they vary by county and can be changed — but they remain a critical component of retaining teachers and creating competitive salaries: “We must continue to support the generous local supplement that is provided to certified and noncertified personnel,” said Bryant. “This is a vital resource to both retention and recruitment, and it goes a long way toward the success our students achieve.” Baldwin, in particular, believes local dollars should be put to further use: “I believe we should make an effort to use county dollars to give extra supplemental pay to highly qualified teachers in [math and special education]. I also believe we should offer bonuses to experienced teachers who are willing to work in low-performing schools. That should not be where we’re concentrating new teachers.” chaRtER schooLs Charter schools remain controversial (see sidebar, “Charter Schools 101”), and board candidates were asked what kind of relationship the school system should have with them. Pat Bryant didn’t mince words, saying, “While I have my own thoughts on charter schools, what matters most is what I’m elected to do, and that is to be a board member for Buncombe County Schools. We have many issues and opportunities presented to us each day, and if I am spending any of my time working with anything that takes away from the work of the Buncombe County Schools, I’m not doing what I was elected to do.” Bryant later told Xpress: “Buncombe County has nothing to do with charter schools. They’re designated public schools by the state, but they have their own Charter School Advisory Board under the State Board of Education.” Cooper also mentioned this. “Charter schools are public schools, not to be confused with private schools, which I have found to be confusing with some folks. They are public schools and publicly funded.”
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Baldwin pointed out that these schools were envisioned as a way to experiment with different approaches, noting, “The intention of the law that created the charter school system is that they would be learning labs for traditional public schools. Different children need different learning environments, and parents want choices. This does not mean that one environment is better than another; it just means that every child has different strengths and needs.” McMahon, too, highlighted the two systems’ different roles. “Our traditional public schools are set up to serve all students and are committed to doing that,” she said. “Charter schools can provide options and can function as a lab to try out different approaches to education.” But several candidates also raised concerns about the fact that charter schools aren’t held to the same standards as conventional public schools. “Charter performance has been mixed in N.C. as well as nationally,” said Queen. “In order to compare traditional public education to charter/ private models, there would need to be a level playing field. There needs to be … accountability and transparency.” McMahon also brought up the specter of inequity: “Our traditional public schools are set up to serve all students and are committed to doing that. ... What we have learned in the history of our country is that separate but equal does not work. ... While I support creating the opportunity for families and children to have options, if we’re going to continue to have charter schools, we have to find a way to work more closely together.” Summey, meanwhile, had a different angle. “One of the biggest concerns the school board should have about charter schools is whether or not the allocation of student funding will follow the student on a prorated basis. In other words, if a student enrolls in a charter school and, after a couple of months, isn’t satisfied and returns to the traditional public school, which school will receive the funding for that student for the remainder of the year?” moving foRwaRd School board members must consider all of these issues as they work to maintain a functioning school system. But because of the complexity of public education and the inevitable ideological differences among stakeholders, many of these candidates also emphasized the importance of another key factor: morale.
“The role of board members is to work together to advocate for and promote the many positive aspects of our schools,” said McMahon. “We need to tell the story of the successes of Buncombe County Schools.” Bryant sounded a similar note, saying, “I believe we, as a board and as a school system, must continue to promote the many great things going on each and every day in Buncombe County Schools. Graduation numbers were 83.2 percent: the highest ever in the county.” Summey also accentuated the positive, noting, “While Buncombe County may be in the lower tier of per pupil funding when local funds are added to the state funding, our state test scores are near the top tier.” And as Buckner put it, “One of the most important things we can do is make Buncombe County Schools a hospitable environment for our teachers to teach. We need to let our teachers know we support them and appreciate them.” To view the forum in its entirety, check the WNC for Public Education Facebook page. X
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Jake Frankel
Senate showdown Local North Carolina Senate candidates wrangle over issues
In the District 49 race, Democratic Sen. terry van duyn and Republican mark crawford are vying to represent heavily Democratic territory that includes Asheville and all but a small sliver of southern Buncombe County. A longtime community activist, Van Duyn was picked by Buncombe County Democratic Party leaders in April to complete the unexpired term of Sen. martin nesbitt, the state Senate minority leader who died in March. A retired systems analyst and business woman, Van Duyn lives in Biltmore Forest. She has served as a volunteer on the boards of a long list of local organizations, including Carolina Day
School, Meals on Wheels, the Autism Society of North Carolina and the Children’s Welfare League. From a family of eight children whose parents didn’t graduate from college, Van Duyn said she credits public schooling with her success and sees her role as a senator as a way to give back to the community. “I want to make things better for working families in North Carolina,” she said. Crawford also touted a lifetime of community service, including time in the army. A Gulf War veteran, he lives in Black Mountain and was appointed to the N. C. House for a short stint in 2001. Born and raised in Buncombe County, Crawford has taught history at Western Carolina University since 2005 and said, “Education should be the No. 1 priority.” But on how to improve the education system, Crawford and Van Duyn diverged. “We’re failing our education system, despite this constant urge to pour more and more money into it,” said Crawford. Instead of increasing the total amount of funding, he said he’d rather prioritize where existing funding goes. For example, Crawford called administrative costs “excessive” and said he’d support a law banning school
Candidates hoping to represent Western North Carolina in the state Senate debated Oct. 16 at UNC Asheville, highlighting differences on a range of issues, from education and the economy to the environment. Here’s a look at the candidates and their views. distRict 49
what: Candidates forum for U.S. Congress (Districts 10) whERE: Sherrill Center (UNC Asheville) whEn: noon, Monday, Oct. 27 what: Candidates forum for Buncombe commissioners (districts 1 and 2) whERE: Canon Lounge (Gladfelter Student Center), Warren Wilson College whEn: 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 29
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
thursday, oct. 23-sat., nov. 1 early voting period tuesday, nov. 4 Election Day for more info: Click on Election Services at buncombecounty.org or call 250-4200
administrators from receiving more than twice the starting salary of a new teacher. Crawford also said he’d like teachers to have more freedom in the classroom. “Testing is ruining the ability of our teachers to be able to effectively teach,” he said. “Teaching for the test is handicapping our students.” On school funding, Van Duyn countered, “This is not a question of cutting funding for administration. This is a question of not spending enough money on education.” The teacher pay raises passed earlier this year were “insufficient and unsustainable” and “one of the many reasons I voted against budget,” she said. Van Duyn said that increasing revenue needs “to be on the table.” To do that, she said she’d “look at everything,” including rolling back “the tax cuts to the wealthy and the corporations” that were passed in recent years by Republican leaders, she said. “We are starving North Carolina. We need to make investments in our future.” The candidates also differed on their approaches to economic development. Asked their opinions on using incentive deals to lure private companies to expand, Crawford replied that he opposes them. “North Carolina should not be in the business of handpicking winners and losers,” he said. “Unless these incentives are offered equally to every business, I’m opposed to them.” Van Duyn said she has “a theoretical problem” with incentives, but offering them is necessary to compete with other states for business. She used the example of the recent expansion of GE
Aviation in Buncombe County — and the hundreds of local jobs it will create — as worth the millions in state incentives that went to the company in support. Van Duyn also said she has concerns about moves by Gov. pat mccrory in recent months to shift business recruitment efforts from local areas to Raleigh. Noting that her business background is in the technology sector, Van Duyn said another economic priority is finding “ways to get rural folks more broadband Internet.” Crawford, on the other hand, said that his economic focus would be on cutting “red tape and bureaucracy.” On the environmental front, Crawford criticized Van Duyn for voting against a law that puts coal ash ponds at the Duke Energy power plant in Skyland on a high priority list for cleanup. “To vote against the coal ash cleanup … that’s a travesty,” he said. Van Duyn replied that she’s grateful the new law “took care of our coal ash ponds.” Her problem with the legislation was that it didn’t go far enough to ensure the timely cleanup of dozens of other hazardous ponds across the state, she said. The two found common ground, however, on hydraulic fracturing, often called “fracking” — a controversial method of mining for natural gas that environmentalists say can be hazardous. Van Duyn voted against allowing the practice in North Carolina without more study. Crawford also said he was “leery” about such mining and thinks the state should've gathered more information before allowing it.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
distRict 48 As Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Operations, Sen. tom apodaca has become one of the most powerful figures in the General Assembly. First elected in 2002, the Hendersonville Republican represents District 48, which includes Henderson and Transylvania counties as well as a section of southern Buncombe County. Since Republicans took control of the Senate chambers in 2010 after decades of Democratic rule, Apodaca said he thinks “we’re making progress in North Carolina.” Democrat Rick wood, also a resident of Hendersonville, is challenging Apodaca this year. Wood is a retired public school teacher and coach who has served on the Henderson County Board of Education since 2008. He said that improving the state education system would be his No. 1 priority if elected. “I want to restore our public schools [and] make them better,” he said. Apodaca, he said, has supported cuts to education that have caused "horrific" shortages in teacher assistants and supplies. “I’m strongly
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
opposed to the education cuts we’ve seen,” said Wood. Although total state spending has increased in recent years, it hasn’t kept up with rising enrollment and school needs, he continued. “Per pupil funding is what counts.” Apodaca responded that his wife is a former public school teacher and that he has served on the Western Carolina University board of trustees. He defended his votes on state education spending, blaming the economic recession and local governments for shortages. Tough economic times since 2008 have forced the legislature “to make hard choices,” Apodaca said. “We’re going to do the best we can going forward. … We’re getting there.” Saying that North Carolina ranks relatively high in the country for total state education spending, Apodaca said county and city governments should do more to contribute. “I’m tired of being blamed,” he asserted. “It comes down to the local areas and how much they put into education.” Apodaca also said he favors cutting administrative costs by consolidating some of the state's school systems, although he didn’t specify
which ones. (Consolidating the Asheville City and Buncombe County school systems has long been a topic of conversation among local and state officials.) Wood said he’d look for ways to increase education funding by reversing corporate tax breaks and “reshifting some priorities.” The candidates also butted heads on fracking. Apodaca voted in support of the practice but said it’s unlikely such mining will ever occur in WNC, due to its geology.
Fracking in WNC “is a myth brought forward by radical environmentalists,” he declared. “I’m not a radical environmentalist," Wood retorted, "but I would’ve voted against fast-tracking fracking.” He opposes the practice across the entire state, he said, adding that Apodaca supported a bill that allows companies to keep secret what chemicals they use in the mining practice. Such chemicals could pollute drinking water, said Wood, calling the fracking bill “crazy legislation.”X
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New conference examines African-American history in WNC
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20 WNC
By caRRiE Eidson
UNC Asheville and the YMI Cultural Center will host the inaugural African-Americans in Western North Carolina conference Thursday-Friday, Oct. 23-24. Organizers say the free event invites the public to hear scholars from universities throughout the region discuss a historical narrative that has been largely overlooked. The conference will include lectures on the regional effects of slavery and emancipation, Jim Crow-era segregation, the civil rights movement and urban renewal. darin waters, assistant professor of history at UNCA and the event’s principle organizer, said conference speakers include “pioneers” of researching the AfricanAmerican experience in WNC. “We believe this event will raise awareness about this history, but we also want to stimulate further exploration of these issues by other people — not just academics and scholars,” Waters said. “We would like to see people exploring other dimensions of the African-American experience, not just in Western North Carolina, but in the state and in Southern Appalachia.” The conference will commence with a keynote address by james ferguson, a civil rights activist and founding member of the Asheville Student Committee on Racial Equality, which led desegregation efforts in Asheville in the 1960s.
Additional speakers include sarah judson, associate professor of history at UNCA, and andrea clark, who created the Twilight of a Neighborhood photography project that examined urban renewal in Asheville’s East End neighborhood. Scholars from East Tennessee State University, Clemson University and the University of Georgia will also speak. Waters adds that the conference will not only examine the historic record, but will explore issues that are relevant to the AfricanAmerican community in the present day. “We want this community, and all communities, to know that the research we’re doing at UNCA will be of interest to them and relevant to their experience,” he said. The keynote and opening reception will be held Thursday, Oct. 23, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the YMI Cultural Center. Lectures run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 24, in UNCA’s Sherrill Center, with a two-hour break for lunch. Waters said participants may attend individual lectures if they are unable to stay for the entire conference. For more information, visit history. unca.edu or call 251-6415. Check mountainx.com for additional coverage during the conference. X
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
OCTOBER 22 - OCTOBER 28, 2014
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. Free listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via email to calendar@mountainx.com or through our online submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/ calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
Animals Dog Behavior Training 687-1218 • SA (10/25), 10:30am Includes leadership techniques for owners. Free. Held at Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road, Fletcher Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty 2014national.com • TU (10/28) through SA (11/1), 8am-7pm - National Specialty event, includes conformation, obedience and agility competition. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road
Benefits Friends of Public Education Rally and Community DAY sncae.blog.wordpress.com • SA (10/25), 11am-1pm -
Haunted history: The Swannanoa Valley Museum will host its third annual Haunted House Tour at the Black Mountain estate called In-The-Oaks, built in 1919. The tour will follow a 1920s theme, focusing on the history of the Prohibition Era, as ghostly party-goers lead visits through speakeasy-style festivities and exam the estate’s history. (p.20)
Fundraiser for projects benefiting public school students. Sponsored by the Student North Carolina Association of Educators. Held at UNCA. HalloweenNia Jam 255-2770, niacarolina.com • SU (10/26), 4:30-6pm - Tickets to this creative movement celebration benefit a local family's medical costs. $20. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. ‘Save the French Broad’ VIP party wnnca.org/stpaulmeetandgreet • FR (10/24), 6-8pm - Tickets to this pre-concert party and meetand-greet with St. Paul & The Broken Bones benefit Western North Carolina Alliance's French Broad Riverkeeper program. $60. Held at Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. The Silver Social bitly.com/avlsilver2, avldarkroom@gmail.org • SA (10/25), 9pm - Admission to this silent auction and
OCTOBER 22 - OCTOBER 28, 2014
photography-themed costume contest benefits The Asheville Darkroom. $5. Held at Crow & Quill, 106 N. Lexington Ave
Business & Technology
A-B Tech Small Business Center 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 398-7950, abtech.edu/sbc Free unless otherwise noted. Registration required. • WE (10/22), 3-6pm - WordPress for service businesses. Economic Development Coalition 258-6101, ashevillechamber. org/economic-development • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - "1 Million Cups," coffee and networking event for local entrepreneurs. Free to attend. Held at Mojo Coworking, 60 N. Market St.
OnTrack WNC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, ontrackwnc.org Registration required. • MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS until (10/22), 5:30pm - "Homebuyer Education Series," HUDcertified investment class. $35. • SA (10/25), 9am-3:30pm - 'Women & Money' conference. $15. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St. • TU (10/28), 9-11:30am "Post Bankruptcy," financial education class. Registration required. $35. • TH (10/30), 12-1pm "Emotions and Spending," financial education class. Free. Registration required. Public Lectures at UNCA unca.edu Free unless otherwise noted. • MO (10/27), 6pm - Krull & Company Lecture Series: "Human Rights, Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Investments." Registration required. Free. Held in the
Sherrill Center. Venture Asheville ventureasheville.com, 258-6137 • TH (10/23), 5-7pm - Tech job fair and mixer with local Asheville companies. Free. Held at Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave.
Classes, Meetings & Events 13 SECRETS OF CREATIVE MANIFESTATION (pd.) Free Webinars, Asheville Area Talks, paid 2-week residential WORKSHOPS Nov. and May. call 828-270-7994 or go to www.krmel.info/ to learn more. HOLIDAY GIFT PREVIEW (pd.) 11/1, 11AM-5PM. Multiple vendors, indoor venue. The Blue Mandala, 1359 Cane Creek Road, Fletcher, NC. www.thebluemandala. com, 828-275-2755
SECRETS OF NATURAL WALKING WORKSHOP (pd.) Monday, October 27th, 9am-5pm - $150 YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain "Let your walking be your healing with others worldwide!" SONWAsheville@gmail. com Deborah 828-215-6033 African-Americans in WNC Conference avl.mx/0hi • FR (10/24), 9am-5pm Discusses the experiences of African Americans in Western North Carolina and Southern Appalachia. Free. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. Keynote address: Oct. 23, 6:30 pm at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. Asheville Browns Backers Club 658-4149, ashevillebbw@gmail. com • SUNDAYS - Meets during Cleveland Browns games. Contact for specific times. Held at The Fairview Tavern, 831 Old Fairview Road
Yoga & Recovery Retreat BunComBe CounTy puBliC liBrAries buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (10/8) & WE (10/22), 10am - "Sew What?" Swannanaoa sewing circle. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TH (10/23), 7pm - "A Look Back at the American Enka Corporation: A Dynamic Industry - A Vital Community Partner (1929-1985)," local history presentation. Free. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler CArolinA puBliC press carolinapublicpress.org • TH (10/23), 12:30pm - News Exchange for Buncombe County, public community meeting to discuss issues and suggest news coverage. Free. Held at Department of Cultural Resources Western Office, 176 Riceville Road smoky mounTAin Chess CluB facebook.com/ SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1pm Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville smoky mounTAin kniTTing guilD smkguild.com • WEDNESDAYS, 1-3pm Knitting classes. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville The mysTiCAl ArTs of TiBeT 251-6674, cesap.unca.edu A weeklong residency with monks from the Atlanta-based Drepung Loseling Monastery. Held on the campus of UNCA. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (10/22), 7pm "Sacred Music, Sacred Dance for World Healing" performance. $22/$13 faculty, staff & alumni/$8 Asheville-area students/$6 UNCA students. In Lipinsky Auditorium. • Through FR (10/24), 10am-5pm - Community sand mandala painting and live exhibition. In the Highsmith Student Union. • TH (10/23), 7pm "Symbolism of the
Sand Mandala" lecture. Humanities Lecture Hall. • FR (10/24), 1pm - Mandala sand painting closing ceremony and procession. Highsmith Union. Free. • FR (10/24), 1pm Mandala sand painting deconstruction ceremony. Begins in Highsmith Student Union. ThomAs wolfe memoriAl 52 N. Market St, 253-8304, wolfememorial.com • SA (10/25), 3pm - "Thomas Wolfe’s Asheville," architectural tour. Free. wesTern norTh CArolinA CArvers 665-8273 • SU (10/26), 1:30-4pm - Christmas ornament carving meeting. Free. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road
DAnCe roCoCo BAllroom pArTner DAnCing (pd.) Rococo Ballroom has opened in Reynolds Mountain offering all forms of partner dancing. Call 828-575-0905 to schedule a FREE sample lesson with one of our highly trained instructors. sTuDio ZAhiyA, DownTown DAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid's Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African • Saturday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 10am Intro to West African • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595 CirCle 8's squAre DAnCe CluB circle8s.info, garwoods2@ yahoo.com • TUESDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Weekly dance classes. $5. Held at Oakley United Methodist Church, 607 Fairview Road
uwABe: ArT in The pArk 552-2518 • FR (10/25) & SA (10/26), 6pm - Performance by Anenome and Legacy Butoh dance companies. Free. Held at Grove Park, 338 Charlotte St.
eCo Asheville green Drinks ashevillegreendrinks.com • WE (10/22), 5:30pm - United Nations Day celebration discussing fighting hunger. Free to attend. Held at Green Sage Cafe Downtown, 5 Broadway CleAn energy for wnC cleanenergyfor.us • WE (10/22), 6:30pm - Workshop for property owners to learn more about energy efficiency. Free. Held at Unitarian Univeralist Fellowship of Hendersonville, 2021 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville rAinforesT ACTion neTwork ran.org • SA (10/25) & SU (10/26), 1-6pm - "Change the Course: People Powered Strategies for a Stable Climate," climate leadership summit. Registration required. Free. Held at Lenoir-Rhyne University Asheville, 36 Montford Ave. wesTern norTh CArolinA AlliAnCe 258-8737, wnca.org • TU (10/28), 4:307:30pm - Nantahala and Pisgah National Forest Plan public meeting. Held at Tartan Hall, 26 Church St., Franklin
fesTivAls BriCkyArD BonAnZA Etowahumc.org • SA (10/25), 5-8pm Includes food, games, live music and cider. Held at Etowah United Methodist Church, 110 Brickyard Road, Etowah Cherokee hisToriCAl AssoCiATion 564 Tsali Blvd., Cherokee, 497-2111, cherokeehistorical.org • SA (10/25), noon -
Zombie Run, grueling 2.5 mile course. Registration required. $5-$10. • SA (10/15) through SA (11/1) - Haunted Adventures: Little Dorm of Horrors, Haunted Theatre and Myths and Legends Ghost Walk. $10-$25. CommuniTy high sAnATorium 686-7734 • TU (10/28), 6-9pm Admission to this haunted house, games and concessions benefits Community High School. $5. Held at Community High School, 235 Old US Highway 70, Swannanoa CosTumes & CoCkTAils ashevilleaffiliates.com • WE (10/29), 6-9pm - Halloween party and costume contest hosted by Asheville Affiliates. $10. Held at Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Road DAy of The DeAD pArTy 250-6486 • FR (10/24), 4pm Includes sugar skull decorating. For ages 12-18. Registration required. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa fAll hArvesT DAys applecountry.org • TH (10/23) through SA (10/25), 8am-5pm Includes working crafters and antique machinery. Sponsored by the Apple Country Antique Engine & Tractor Association. $8 per day. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road hAlloweenfesT halloweenfestnc.com • SA (10/25), 10am-8pm Includes a parade, haunted house, live music and zombie run. Free to attend. Held in Downtown Brevard. hArvesT hoeDown 258-9264, rainbowcommunityschool.org • SA (10/25), 12-3:30pm - Includes bouncy houses, games, raffle, bake sale, haunted house. Free to attend; tickets required for attractions. Held at Rainbow Mountain Community School, 574 Haywood Road hisToriC hAunTeD Tour of in-The-oAks 669-9566, history.swannanoavalleymuseum.org
with Kristine Kaoverii Weber & Faculty
• FR (10/24) & SA (10/25), 5:30-8pm - Tours of the historic Terry Estate. $20. Held at Swannanoa Valley Museum, 223 W State St., Black Mountain
Oct. 31st - Nov. 2nd
Prama Institute
lAke JuliAn fAll fesTivAl 406 Overlook Road Extension, Arden, 684-0376 • SA (10/25), 11am-2pm Includes scavenger hunt, pumpkin volleyball, contests and a pirate ship. Free.
speCTrum-wiDe hAlloween pArTy 319-1017, meetup.com/ aspergersadultsunited • SA (10/25), 6-10pm Hosted by Asperger's Adults United and Asperger's Teens United. Free. Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. wnC nATure CenTer 75 Gashes Creek Road, 298-5600, wildwnc.org • SA (10/25), 10am-6pm - "Howl-O-Ween," arts & crafts, games and costume contest. Admission rates apply.
Did You Know?
fooD & Beer BioneTwork 704-922-2228, ncbionetwork.org • FR (10/24), 1-5pm - "Brewing Quality in WNC," seminar on building, maintaining, and evaluating quality control processes in small beverage brewing operations. Registration required. Free. Held on A-B Tech's Enka campus. CAlDwell Cusine 726-2478, kandreasen@ cccti.edu Meals prepared by Culinary Arts students. Proceeds benefit Caldwell Community College. • TH (10/30), 6pm "Oktoberfest" gourmet dinner. $21 plus tax. Held at J.E. Broyhill Civic Center, 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenior
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by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
community caLEndaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Community Garden Partners, with workshops on community buildings. $20. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA.
Fun fundraisers governmenT & poliTiCs mounTAin people's AssemBly mountainmoralmonday.wordpress.com • TH (10/23), 3:30pm - "Moral March to the Polls," early voting rally. Free. Held at Vance Monument, 1 Pack Square wesTern norTh CArolinA AlliAnCe 258-8737, wnca.org • TU (10/28), 5-7pm - Duke Energy update to Asheville City Council on Asheville coal-fired power plant's future. Held at Asheville City Hall, 70 Court Plaza
Support a ‘cuttingedge’ education what: The Community High Sanatorium whEn: Tuesday, Oct. 28, 6-9 p.m. whERE: Community High School, 235 Old U.S. 70, Swannanoa why: Looking for fantastical frightening fun while also supporting Buncombe County’s alternative high school? Community High will host The Community High Sanatorium — which promises to scare your pants off in the name of education. Proceeds from the event will support field days, senior T-shirts, student groups such as the Positive Behavior Support Committee and the school’s Career and Technical Education Center. “Our students are largely involved in self-advocacy and raising money to help our school,” says social studies teacher and event organizer carl cunningham. “Our student council wanted to do this, and the rest of the school jumped on board.”
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Riffing on the region’s history as a center for wellness, the haunted house will simulate a once-operational tuberculosis recovery facility and insane asylum, because “we are all crazy to one degree or another,” says Cunningham. Terrifying punishments for policy violations, such as invading patients’ privacy and reading banned books, will be on full display as visitors walk through simulated operating rooms, experimental psychiatry labs, a children’s ward, a boiler room and even a haunted cafeteria. For the younger kids and the faint of heart, family-friendly activities, concessions and a barbecue food truck will also be on hand, with 20 percent of the food truck’s profits being donated to the school. All ages are welcome at the event, but attendees under 13 must be accompanied by a parent. Admission is $5. For more information, contact Carl Cunningham at 686-7734 or carl.cunningham76@gmail.com — Michael McDonald
Color me fABulous 506-5748, etapley@wcu.edu • WE (10/29), 8:30am-2:30pm - Art day hosted by WCU art students. For ages 6 and older. Free. Class full; wait list available. Held at Western Carolina University. fleTCher liBrAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 6871218, library.hendersoncountync. org • WE (10/29), 4pm - Mother Goose Troop performs Snow White and Rose Red. Free. kiDs' ACTiviTies AT The liBrAries buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library • MO (10/13) & MO (10/27), 4pm - LEGO Builder's Club, for ages 6+. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N Main St., Weaverville • FR (10/24), 4pm - Teen Awesome Group planning meeting, 6th grade and up. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N Main St., Weaverville pisgAh AsTronomiCAl reseArCh insTiTuTe 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 862-5554, pari.edu • TU (10/28), 6-8pm - "3-D Design," an activity with PARI's SciGirls program. For girls ages 9-14. $10. spellBounD ChilDren's Bookshop 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop. com
• FR (10/24), 5:30pm - Writing workshop with Great Smokies Writing Program director Tommy Hays. Grades 4-6. $8.99+tax. • SATURDAYS through (10/25), 10:30am - Interactive music workshop with The Moozic Lady. For ages 3-7. $5 per family. • SA (10/25), 3-5pm - 10th birthday celebration and costume contest. Free. • SATURDAYS, 11-11:30am Storytime. Ages 2-6. Free. • SU (10/26), 4pm - First in Series Book Club: The Books of Elsewhere, Vol. 1: The Shadows by Jacqueline West. Ages 7-12.
ouTDoors Blue riDge pArkwAy hikes 298-5330, nps.gov, gail_fox@ nps.gov • FR (10/24), 10am - "Spooky Tales Along the Mountain Trails," ranger-led moderate 2-mile hike. Free. Meets at MP 398. CrADle of foresTry Route 276, Pisgah National Forest, 877-3130, cradleofforestry.org • FR (10/24), 6:30pm Performance of The Legend of Tommy Hodges, an outdoor drama. $6. lAke JAmes sTATe pArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 • WE (10/22), 9am - "Explore Lake James by Canoe," rangerled canoeing instruction. Registration required. • SA (10/25), 10am - "Leaf Peepers' Boat Tour," ranger-led autumn color tour. Registration required. • SA (10/25), 2pm - "Fall Colors Canoe Excursion," ranger-led canoeing instruction. Registration required. • SU (10/26), 10am - "Exploring Old Home Sites," ranger-led historic tour. mCDowell heAlTh CoAliTion 659-6661, mcdowellhealthcoalition.org • SA (10/25), 7:30am - "Run for Your Life," walk/run 5K. $25. Held at WBRM Radio Station, 147 N Garden St., Marion ymCA - wooDfin 30 Woodfin St., 505-3990, ymcawnc.org/centers/woodfin • TH (10/23), 9:15am - Carrier Park urban hike. $3.
pArenTing nATurAl soluTion for ADD, ADhD, DysleXiA (pd.) ...and other Learning Disabilities - 6:30pm, Thursday, October 23. Free talk about how the brain processes information and how the problems can be permanently corrected in adults and children with no drugs. Earth Fare South, 1856 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, RSVP 828-216-4444 or wes@ wesBeach.com The power of posiTive pArenTing seminAr 250-5110, triplep-parenting.net • WE (10/29), 8am - "Raising Confident, Competent Children," for caregivers of children up to 12. Registration required. Free. Held at Glen Arden Elementary School, 50 Pinehurst Circle, Arden
puBliC leCTures puBliC leCTures AT unCA unca.edu Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (10/24), 11:25am - "New Math and New Physics." Lipinsky Auditorium. • FR (10/24), 11:25am "Sexuality, Gender & Identity: Contemporary Discourses." Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (10/27), 11:25am "Reformations." Lipinsky Auditorium.
spiriTuAliTy 13 seCreTs of CreATive mAnifesTATion (pd.)- Free Webinars, Asheville Area Talks, paid 2-week residential WORKSHOPS Nov. and May. call 828-270-7994 or go to www.krmel.info/ to learn more. A weekenD of self CompAssion oCToBer 24-26 (pd.) Join a group of like-hearted people at the Go-With-TheFlow Homestead in Fairview to practice self compassion. We will sit with the trees, in between two creeks and share words and drumming rhythms around the fire circle. For more Info: 252-0538 or innerempathy.com/weekend.html ABouT The TrAnsCenDenTAl meDiTATion TeChnique: free inTroDuCTory leCTure (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through
Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It's not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It's an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville Tm Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or meditationAsheville.org ABrAhAm/hiCks: lAw of ATTrACTion meeTing (pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444.
AwAkening DeepesT nATure meDiTATion ClAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz.com, www.billwalz.com CrysTAl visions Books AnD evenT CenTer (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts • Incense • Tarot. Visit our Labyrinth and Garden. 828687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks.com
The AnCienT egypTiAn SIRIUS ODYSSEY • A Journey inTo spiriT AnD sounD (pd.) Special presentation from BioGeometry® Founder Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Cairo, Egypt. An exploration of the Power of Sound for activating and balancing energy fields, in human beings and the environment. • Friday, November 7, 7pm. $15, Limited Seating. Will sell out. Hilton at Biltmore Park, Asheville. More information or purchase tickets at (828) 298-7007 or www. vesiCA.org
(pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.
Asheville TAnTrA CirCle journeyawake.wordpress.com/ events, elainecaban@gmail. com • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Tantra, sexual healing, awakening and intimacy techniques. Contact for location. Admission by donation.
Asheville open heArT meDiTATion (pd.) Experience effortless techniques that connect you to your heart and the Divine within you. Your experience will deepen as you are gently guided in this complete practice. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org.
BeTh isrAel synAgogue 229 Murdock Ave., 252-8431, bethisraelnc.org. • SU (10/26) & MO (10/27), 8am-3pm - Annual rummage sale. BilTmore ChurCh of ChrisT 823 Fairview St., 274-2829, biltmorecofc.org • SU (10/26), 9:30-10:15am - "Hosea's Message for America," group dialogue. Free. firsT CongregATionAl uCC of henDersonville 1735 5th Ave. W., Hendersonville, 692-8630, fccendersonville.com • SU (10/26), 9:15am "Oneness," divine energy blessing. grACe luTherAn ChurCh 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • SU (10/26), 8:15am, 9:45am & 11:15am - Reformation and Confirmation celebration. Free. greAT Tree Zen Temple 679 Lower Flat Creek, Alexander, 645-2085, greattreetemple.org • Last SUNDAYS, 10:30amnoon - Family Meditation with Rev. Teijo Munnich shAmBhAlA meDiTATion CenTer 19 Westwood Place, 2005120, shambhalaashvl@gmail. com • SUNDAYS, 10am-noon Morning sitting meditation. Instruction provided. Free. spiriTuAl sTuDy group 275-8226, washboardben@ gmail.com • TUESDAYS, 9:30-11am - Shares spiritual paths, journeys and individual callings. Free. Held at Kairos West
...from Furniture to Collectibles
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105 Fairview Rd • Below the Screen Door in Biltmore cpestatesales.org for sale times, dates & special offers
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
community caLEndaR
Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sT. george's episCopAl ChurCh 1 School Road, stgeorge.diocesewnc.org • TUESDAYS, 10am-noon - "Spirit Collage," making collage prayer cards. Free.
spoken & wriTTen worD
Blue riDge Books 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (10/25), 3pm - Sharyn McCrumb discusses her book Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past. • SU (10/26), 3pm - Randy Russell discusses his book The Ghost Will See You Now: Haunted Hospitals of the South.
buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (10/23), 5:30-7:30pm Not for Children Only series: Charlotte's Web by E.B. White and Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Registration required. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TU (10/28), 7pm - Black Mountain Mystery Book Club: The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain
Looking for an easy way to find more spooky events? Visit our online Community Calendar and Clubland directories to see more Halloween and Día de los Muertos events at mountainx.com/events/ tag/halloween Photo courtesty of the WNC Nature Center
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
CenTer for spiriTuAl living Asheville 2 Science Mind Way, 2317638, cslasheville.org • SA (10/25) & SU (10/26) Fall Craft Fair book signing with Art Ramsay. Sat.: 10am5pm; Sun.: 1-3pm. Free to attend. CiTy lighTs BooksTore 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 5869499, citylightsnc.com Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (10/24), 6:30pm - Sharyn McCrumb discusses her book Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past. • SA (10/25), 6:30pm - Tim Barnwell discusses his book Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas. • SA (10/25), 3pm - Art Ramsay discusses his book Illumination of Stones. CourTyArD gAllery In the Phil Mechanic Building 109 Roberts St., 273-3332, ashevillecourtyard.com • MONDAYS, 8pm - True Home Open Mic. Free.
BunComBe CounTy puBliC liBrAries
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
liTerAry evenTs AT wCu wcu.edu • WE (10/22), 7pm - Ron Rash discusses his book Serena. Held in the in the Coulter Building recital hall on the campus of WCU. Free. mAlAprop's BooksTore AnD CAfe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, malaprops.com Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (10/23), 7pm - Charles Cobb discusses his book That Nonviolent Stuff Will Get You Killed. • SU (10/26), 3pm - Sharyn McCrumb discusses her book Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past: A Ballad Novella.
uniTAriAn universAlisT CongregATion of Asheville 1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, uuasheville.org • FR (10/24) & SA (10/25), 9am-4pm - Used book sale.
volunTeering Big BroThers Big sisTers of wnC 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • TH (10/23), 12pm Volunteer information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. • TH (10/23), 5-7pm Volunteer information session. Held at Creekside Taphouse, 8 Beverly Road eliADA founDATion 254-5356, eliada.org • Through (10/26) - Volunteers are needed for many tasks related to Eliada's Corn Maze. Three-hour shifts available Thu.: 9am-4pm; Fri.Sun.:10am-8pm. liTerACy CounCil of BunComBe CounTy 31 College Place, Suite B-221 • WE (10/29), 9-10:30am Adult tutoring volunteer information session. • TH (10/30), 5:30-7pm - Adult tutoring volunteer information session. For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/ volunterring
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
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Ouija board from former Oldenwilde student and prison inmate. Photo by Sherry Calieagh
Celebrating Samhain with Coven Oldenwilde what: The 20th annual Public Witch Ritual, organized by Asheville-based Coven Oldenwilde whEn: Friday, Oct. 31, 8-10 p.m. whERE: French Broad River Park. 508 Riverview Drive, West Asheville why: Since 1995, Coven Oldenwilde has held its Public Witch Ritual on Halloween night (Samhain) in various Asheville locations. Annual themes have ranged from “Creatures of the Night” to “Mystic Romance.” Xpress spoke with Oldenwilde’s high priestess, Lady Passion. Xpress: since your group initiated this ritual, how has public perception of it, and wiccan practices in general, changed in western north carolina? Lady passion: I conceived of [this ritual] because I wanted area witches to be able to freely wear their pentagrams and capes on the street without reprisal. … Two decades ago, there was an assumption that Asheville was in the buckle of the Bible Belt and that animus against witches must accordingly be high. That very year, bigots burned a cross on the front lawn of a witch friend of ours in Madison County.
Thankfully, [through] our wholehearted sharing of magic with families, the curious, Pagans and folk of all manner of spiritual persuasion, citizens grew tolerant and even appreciative of witchcraft’s helpful goodliness. … Our vigilant activism, sincerity, gorgeous rites and courage in flouting stereotypes prevalent during Halloween emboldened other witches to oppose religious inequality in area schools, workplaces and institutions as well. Three years ago our Samhain theme was a mass hand-fasting to protest Amendment One, which banned gay marriage in North Carolina. When we recently saw the rainbow flag flying on City Hall, we saw it as our spell coming to fruition. have changing public attitudes influenced your personal relationship with your craft and spiritual practice? Witchcraft’s booming popularity has made us busier than ever as clergy and teachers, and our public Samhain rites directly led to the publication of our The Goodly Spellbook: Olde Spells For Modern Problems. ... Overcoming such entrenched prejudice has steeled our resolve and the witchy power to dare in us. Now we work to transmit that boldness to incarcerated and institutionalized Pagans nationwide. More info: oldenwilde.org
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
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Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local standup comedy info at DisclaimerComedy.com • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer Awarded ‘Least Likely to Win an Award’ in Xpress Readers Poll
asheville disclaimer
Briefs Asheville’s railway round house faces demolition after numerous attempts to accommodate square pegs fail Fertility expert: Freezing women’s eggs ‘far from risk free,’ when utilizing surprise late-night ALS ice bucket challenge to genitalia October declared “Fire prevention month,” giving arsonists pause for introspection Wii game systems users warned about e-bowler virus
NONPROFIT SPECIAL According to an Xpressadministered survey, our readers spend an average of 7 hours per month volunteering.
Promote your mission in our 11/19 non-profit issue at a very special rate.Call Xpress today for print and web discounts! To reserve your space please contact: 828-251-1333 or advertising@mountainx.com 26
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Asheville City Council unanimously approves turning City Hall into college dorm wall ASHEVILLE, TUESDAY — A large rainbow flag was draped across City Hall after a federal judge’s ruling overturned North Carolina’s ban on gay marriage, and now other groups are clamoring to hang their own flags on City Hall. Proposals so far have included a Nazi flag and an anti-abortion banner. City Council members are taking it in stride, unanimously voting to turn the external façade of City Hall into a college-freshmen dormitory wall. “The Nazi flag will hang from City Hall on Mondays, but on Tuesdays it will be a large poster of naked women with Pink Floyd album covers body painted onto their naked butts,” Mayor Esther Manheimer declared. “On Wednesdays, the anti-abortion banner, then on Thursdays it will be ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch.” City Hall will roll into the weekend with a Friday FairTax.org flag, but Saturdays belong to Al Pacino as Scarface. “Sundays, we can put our differences aside and come together as one beneath a large black-and-white Pulp Fiction poster of Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield pointing their guns at the Buncombe County Courthouse,” said Manheimer.
Asheville police chief embarrassed by speeding ticket errors ASHEVILLE, MONDAY – City Police Chief William Anderson recently told his staff via memo that he’s embarrassed officers wrote hundreds of bad speeding tickets. “We wrote around a dozen tickets that said motorists were traveling ‘eleventy or more over the limit,’ and nearly 20 tickets stated that drivers were moving ‘extremely green,’” Anderson said. The Asheville Citizen-Times obtained the memo on Wednesday, after an officer, mistaking the memo for a speeding ticket, handed it to a reporter after pulling him over for speeding. “Four motorists were issued speeding tickets for driving ‘crazy-balls,’ and another received a ticket stating she was ‘moving faster than Lindsay Lohan on a casting couch,’ whatever that means,” Anderson said. Anderson pointed out other errors made during traffic stops, such as attempting to record speeds with a Bejeweled app instead of a radar gun, driving the speed limit in the opposite direction of a suspected speeder in order to determine who got to the other side of the world first, and asking motorists if they knew how fast they were driving and, if so, if they also knew of any other police departments that were hiring.
Gay marriage FAQ
Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger answers some of the most commonly asked questions about same-sex marriage, which recently became legal in North Carolina. Question: Should I be proud of North Carolina for legalizing gay marriage? Answer: No, North Carolina was forced by a federal judge to do so. Question: But North Carolina is still better than South Carolina, right? Answer: Of course. Question: As a straight male, I worry about being around gay men in the gym locker room. If we’re both naked at the same time, does that mean we are gay-married? Answer: Yes. Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve
o D
signs of thE timEs "Selfie fever" has begun to sully the sacred Islamic pilgrimages to Mecca, according to scholars who complained to Arab News in September. What for centuries has been a hallowed journey intended to renew the spirit of Islam (that all Muslims are called upon to experience at least once) has come, for some in the so-called "Facebook era," to resemble a trip to Disneyland, with visitors to the Sacred Mosque texting friends the "evidence" of their piety. (Another scholar complained in a New York Times opinion piece in October that Mecca is often experienced more as a tour packaged by marketers and centered around Mecca's upscale shopping malls rather than religious structures.) thE nEw noRmaL Just in time for California's new law requiring explicit consent for students' sexual activities is the free iPhone/Google app Good2Go, which developer Lee ann allman promises will simplify the consent process (and even document it). As described in a September Slate.com report, Good2Go requires the initiator to send the prospective partner to at least four smartphone screens, wait for a text message, provide phone numbers (unless he/she is a multipleuser with an "account") and choose accurately one's sobriety level — all before "the mood" evaporates (ending the app's usefulness). It took the tech-savvy Slate writer four minutes to navigate the process — and she was still unclear which sexual activities had been consented to, since those specifics aren't referenced. (The app has since been pulled from the market.) New York Giants tight end Larry donnell manages his own fantasy league team by "drafting" NFL players for virtual competitions based on their real-life statistics of the previous weekend. Donnell lamented to New Jersey's The Record in October that he had benched virtual "Larry Donnell" on his fantasy team the week before because he thought his other tight end ("Vernon Davis") would do better. In reality, real Donnell had a career-high game, with his three touchdowns lead-
by Chuck Shepherd
ing the real Giants to a 45-14 victory. However, Donnell's fantasy team lost badly because virtual Larry Donnell (and his weekend statistical bonanza) was on Donnell's bench. a pERfEct woRLd In August, the Tampa Bay Times reported a dispute in Dunedin, Fla., between 12-year-old lemonade-stand operator t.j. guerrero and the adult neighbor (doug wilkey) trying to close him down as an unlicensed entrepreneur, despite T.J.'s business plan for assisting his favorite animal shelter. Of course, T.J. was quickly inundated with donations, media praise and more lemonade sales. Wilkey, however, is under investigation by the city after a tipster revealed that Wilkey himself might operate a home-based financial services business not properly licensed. thE campaign tRaiL wsEnsitivE in vERmont (1) Lianne and Brian Kowiak of Waterbury, Vt., complained to Ben & Jerry's in September that its new ice cream flavor, "Hazed & Confused," was "shock(ing)" and "upset(ting)" and should be changed immediately. Though most customers recognize the name only as a play on the 1993 cult movie Dazed & Confused, the Kowiaks insist that they never be reminded that their 19-year-old son died in a college hazing incident. (2) In Winooski, Vt., in August, the local eatery sneakers Bistro earned public advertising space by beautifying one of the city's flower beds, and managers used it for the quixotic ad, "Yield for Sneakers Bacon." After one woman complained that the sign disrespected those who do not consume pork, Sneakers took it down. mEdicaL maRvELs (1) In October, workers at a clinic in Honda, Colombia, reported helping a 22-year-old woman who came in several days earlier with vegetation growing from her vagina. She said her mother had told her that inserting a potato (now sprouting) was effective contraception. (2) An 18-year-old woman was admitted to Bishkek Hospital in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, in September with
severe stomach pains, which doctors discovered was due to her long-standing habit of chewing both discarded hair and her own. Doctors removed a hairball that weighed 8.8 pounds (and a Yahoo News report had a photo). thE foREign pREss The family of Kai halvorsen of Lillestrom, Norway, planning a holiday in Thailand, feared that their bulldog, Igor, would be traumatized, having never been left alone. Halvorsen and a friend arranged with Labben Kennel to make a replica of the family living room to calm Igor's anxiety. The two men painted the walls the same shade of gray, brought in the family couch, built a replica coffee table and moved in Igor's bed, carpet, pillows and blankets. (However, according to the friend, Igor spent much of the holiday cavorting outside with his new friend, Helga, the St. Bernard.) pERspEctivE Prosecutors in Killeen, Texas, are seeking the death penalty for marvin guy, who in May shot one SWAT officer to death and wounded three as they conducted an unannounced ("no-knock") drug raid on his home at 5:30 a.m. — leading Guy to believe hoodlums were breaking in and thus provoking him to grab his gun and start firing. (The tip given to police was bogus; no drugs were found.) However, in December, 90 miles away in another Texas county, mistaken SWAT-raid victim henry magee also killed an officer under similar circumstances (except that Magee actually had some marijuana), but he was cleared in the shooting by a grand jury's acceptance of self-defense. Guy is black; Magee is white.
7,000 Mountain Xpress readers have shopped at a jewelry store this month.
cREmE dE La wEiRd (1) Palm Beach County, Fla., sheriff's deputies searching the home of child-pornography suspect douglas wescott, 55, stumbled upon about 50 dead cats stored in four freezers. Wescott's computers were seized, along with another 30 to 35 live cats. (2) In September, following a months-long trial in Canada's
REad daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www.weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Local veterans host Oct. 25 event
Members of Asheville’s 124th Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America want to break through perceptions about Agent Orange and the effects of war. And they want to help the men and women of their generation, as well as their families and those affected by more recent military actions, so they’re hosting a Saturday, Oct. 25, town hall meeting. “We will have presenters, then a kind of storytelling and testimonial session where a veteran and his family will talk about the health effects of Agent Orange,” says allan perkal, president of the Asheville VVA and moderator for the town hall meeting, the third that’s been held across the state this year. The stigma attached to Agent Orange has become nearly as toxic as the substance itself, says Perkal, a Vietnam veteran and a retired PTSD therapist with the VA. From 1965 to 1970, the United States dumped some 13
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
million gallons of the dioxin-based compound on Vietnam. Although it was intended to poison that country’s foliage, the chemical wreaked equal havoc on the American service members who were exposed to it as they handled the orangestriped barrels it came in, dispersed it and worked cleanup details on their equipment. “We want to tell veterans what help’s available,” says jack mcmanus, who served in the Air Force during the Vietnam War and took part in Operation Ranch Hand: “I sprayed Agent Orange. That was my job,” he says. “I have been sprayed up to here,” McManus adds, pointing to his eyebrows. Since then, the Vietnam veteran has had firsthand experience with several of the health problems linked to Agent Orange exposure. Studies have linked exposure to heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, leukemia, lymphomas, a range of other cancers, Parkinson’s disease, fertility problems and more. Moreover, birth defects — such as spina biffida — can also result from Agent Orange exposure. “This is our legacy,” says Parkal. The Oct. 25 town hall meeting, he hopes, will educate veterans and their families about the various health issues, as well as the benefits and treatments that are available. mokie porter, herb worthington and tom Berger — all affiliated with the national office of Vietnam
Veterans of America — will lead an expert panel providing an overview of the problems linked to Agent Orange exposure. tony mussolino, a VVA Certified Veteran Service Officer — along with accredited veteran service officers from Western North Carolina — will give instructions on how victims and their families can file benefit claims with the VA. McManus will be a featured speaker. A key segment of the meeting, though, will focus on the actual experiences of veterans and their families, says Perkal. And he will encourage audience members to ask questions and share their own stories. “We’re trying to get families to participate. Our families are on a treadmill — with our children and their children having birth defects — and we’re trying to work out a solution,” Perkal explains. The meeting is part of a series of Agent Orange panels that have been going on since 2009 at various locations around the country. “This idea has been catching fire lately, in part because the population is aging,” Perkal said. “Legislation is afoot, it is a joint bill and the timing is right. These town hall meetings have been going on all over the country.” The legislation to which Perkal refers is the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2014 (S.2738), introduced by two senators, one Republican and the other a Democrat (jerry
moran of Kansas and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, respectively). The bill calls for the establishment of a national center that would research, diagnose and treat descendants of veterans who were exposed to toxins during their time in the armed forces, Perkal mentions. He emphasizes the need to spread the word to veterans in other communities — especially in Tennessee and South Carolina — as well. “This meeting is for people who have never been to the VA, people who have been treated at the VA and people who are receiving benefits,” he says. “We want to look at what the health issues are and what’s available for treatment.” The VA will have a booth at the meeting, Perkal notes. Although the fighting stopped more than 40 years ago, the damages — be they physical, psychological or spiritual — incurred during the Vietnam War continue to challenge this country today, say McManus and Perkal. Events such as the Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting are an important step in helping veterans and their loved ones repair those damages and navigate a way toward a brighter future — and not just for the older folks who served in Vietnam. “It’s not just [about] us,” says McManus of Vietnam veterans. “We want to help the next generation. ... We as a country have to recognize if we’re going to war, there are consequences.” As Perkal put it, “This meeting gives us an opportunity to do what we need to do.” X
wELLnEss caLEndaR
$30 Student Massages
The Agent Orange/Dioxin Town Hall Meeting ashvva124.org or call Allan Perkal at 808-383-7877 why Educate veterans and their families about the dangers of exposure to Agent Orange and the resources available to help them. whEn Saturday, Oct. 25, noon-6 p.m. whERE The Haynes Building at A-B Tech’s Enka Campus (1459 Sand Hill Road)
Fall CE Hours for Massage Therapists
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memoryCAre 771-2219, memorycare.org • TUESDAYS through (11/18), 3:306pm - "Caregiver College," improving dementia care workshop. $20 per session. Registration required. Held at South College, 140 Sweeten Creek Road nATionAl AlliAnCe on menTAl illness 505-7353, namiwnc.org • TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS through (11/15) - Family-to-Family, class for mental health caregivers. Tues: 6-8:30pm; Sat: 1:30-4pm. Location given upon registration. Free our voiCe TrAumA eDuCATion series 252-0562, ourvoicenc.org/trauma-education-series • TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Workshop and support group, “Understanding the Mind, Body and Spirit after Sexual Violence.” Free. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801 pArk riDge heAlTh evenTs
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AlZheimer's AssoCiATion of wesTern nC • TH (10/23), 8am - Caregiver Education Conference. $10-$25. Held at Biltmore Baptist Church, 35 Clayton Road, Arden
298-2339, parkridgehealth.org • TH (10/30), 8-11am - Screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index. Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville sT. george's episCopAl ChurCh 1 School Road, stgeorge.diocesewnc.org • MONDAYS through (10/27), 2:303:30pm - Tai Chi for arthritis. All levels. $10. sunshine insTiTuTe 20 Fall Pippen Lane Suite 200, 785-1381, sunshineinstitute.org • WEDNESDAYS through (10/29), 9:15am - Seminar on self-help tools for balance and harmony. $10 per class.
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supporT groups ADulT ChilDren of AlCoholiCs & DysfunCTionAl fAmilies For people who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. Info: adultchildren.org. Visit mountainx.com/ support for full listings. Al-Anon/ AlATeen fAmily group A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: wnc-alanon. org or 800-286-1326. Visit mountainx. com/support for full listings. AlCoholiCs Anonymous For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or aancmco.org. Asheville women for soBrieTy 215-536-8026, www.womenforsobriety.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Asperger’s ADulTs uniTeD meetup.com/aspergersadultsunited • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. Asperger’s Teens uniTeD facebook.com/groups/ AspergersTeensUnited • SATURDAYS, 6-9pm – For teens (1319) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks starting June 28. ChroniC pAin supporT deb.casaccia@gmail.com or 989-1555 • 2nd SATURDAYS, 12:30pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. CoDepenDenTs Anonymous 398-8937 • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Avenue • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am-12:15 pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Use back door. DeBTors Anonymous debtorsanonymous.org • MONDAYS, 7pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101 Depression AnD BipolAr supporT AlliAnCe magneticminds.weebly.com or 367-7660 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – 1316-C Parkwood Road
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
emoTions Anonymous For anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Info: 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road fooD ADDiCTs Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm – Asheville 12-Step Club, 1340A Patton Ave. heArT of reCovery meDiTATion group Teaches how to integrate meditation with any 12-step recovery program. asheville.shambhala.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. heArT supporT For individuals living with heart failure. 274-6000. • 1st TUESDAYS, 2-4pm – Asheville Cardiology Associates, 5 Vanderbilt Drive. living wiTh ChroniC pAin Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association; 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 pm – Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston Ave. memory loss CAregivers For caregivers of those with memory loss or dementia. network@memorycare.org • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain men working on life’s issues 273-5334 or 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. mission heAlTh fAmily group nighT For caregivers of children with social health needs or development concerns. 213-9787 • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm – Mission Reuter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. nAr-Anon fAmily groups For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. Info: nar-anon.org. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. nATionAl AlliAnCe on menTAl illness For people living with mental health issues and their loved ones. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
DiABeTes supporT laura.tolle@msj.org or 213-4788 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm – Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive. Room 3-B.
overComes of DomesTiC violenCe For anyone who is dealing with physical and/or emotional abuse. 665-9499. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm – First Christian Church, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler.
eATing DisorDer supporT groups Info: thecenternc.weebly.com or 3374685. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
overeATers Anonymous Info: 258-4821. Visit mountainx.com/ support for full listings.
eleCTro-sensiTiviTy supporT For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact hopefulandwired@gmail.com or 255-3350.
reCovering Couples Anonymous For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recovering-couples.org
• MONDAYS, 6pm – Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 376 Hendersonville Road.
Eating Right
s-Anon fAmily groups For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Four confidential meetings are available weekly in WNC. For dates, times and locations contact wncsanon@gmail.com or 258-5117.
for Good Health
smArT reCovery Helps individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
Leah McGrath,RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/InglesDietitian Work Phone: 800-334-4936
sTrengTh in survivorship For cancer survivors. Strengthinsurvivorship@ yahoo.com or 808-7673 • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 11am-noon – Mills River Library, 124 Town Drive, Mills River
sylvA grief supporT Hosted by Four Seasons Compassion for Life. melee@fourseasonscfl.org • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva unDereArners Anonymous underearnersanonymous.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 102 To add information about your support group, call 251-1333, ext. 114. Support groups must be free of charge to be listed.
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I don’t really remember the first time I saw the term “food porn.” It’s quite possible it was actually #FoodPorn on twitter. I’ll admit that I was curious....Would the photo be obscene in some way? Titillating? Was something unsavory being done with the food? I held my breath and clicked on the photo and it was....well, it was just a plate of food....and not an especially good or appealing photo of food. So what was the big deal? Why did the person taking the photo and posting it have to call it “food porn?” To me, and I suspect many others, using the word pornography or “porn” in conjunction with food is not a positive association. In my opinion using the term “food porn” trivializes the word pornography. Pornography at the very least objectifies the person photographed and at the worst is a criminal offense. Over the years I’ve seen some amazing photographs of food in cookbooks and magazines and more recently on social media. Photos that made me want to try and cook it myself or seek out the restaurant where it was served or the chef who prepared it and want to applaud the food stylist involved. I wouldn’t call those ‘food pornography” or “food porn” like something to be ashamed of or disguised in a brown wrapper and hidden away. Beautiful food photos should be celebrated and the people who made the food and styled the dishes should be congratulated. So that’s my opinion. Stop calling it “food porn” and start calling those photos #FoodFun or #PrettyFood - if you have a better term let me know.
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Small Towns
wh o
spotlight on Small Towns
l s y va
Jackson county Jewels Sylva and Cullowhee offer homegrown food, art, culture and more Jackson County’s towns offer the best of both worlds: Community hubs that deliver life’s necessities and niceties — all set in a gorgeous natural setting of towering mountains, rushing waterfalls and the picturesque Tuckasegee River. The county is also home to the famed Judaculla Rock, an ancient soapstone boulder covered with more prehistoric Native American symbols than any known rock east of the Mississippi. Sylva (population 2,588) was incorporated in 1889 and became the county seat in 1913 after a fierce debate over moving it from the town of Webster. The distinctive historic courthouse (now home to the public library complex) was built the following year and overlooks the bustling town below. The nearby unincorporated community of Cullowhee (population 6,228) is home to Western Carolina University, founded in 1889. The university — part of the UNC system with more than 10,000 students — serves as both the community’s centerpiece and an educational and cultural hub for the region. Here’s a closer look at what Xpress readers appreciate about these communities via their votes in the Best of WNC poll.
1 WCU Fine Art Museum
199 Centenial Drive, Cullowhee 227-3591 • fineartmuseum.wcu.edu
At FAM/WCU, “our aim is to be one of the best venues for all areas of contemporary art in the Southern region of the country,” says Director David J. Brown. “Big aspirations,” admits Brown, “but the proof is in the mix.” Current exhibitions include Rebecca Ringquist’s hand-embroidered and machine-stitched pictorial narratives informed by “modern life infected by a feminist sensibility.” Then there’s street-art-flavored Teetering on the Edge of the Uncanny, featuring Asheville’s Gus Cutty, Hannah Dansie, Alli Good, and Ian Wilkinson. That’s in addition to the more than 1,200 pieces in the Fine Art Museum’s permanent collection — plus free admission and parking at Western Carolina University. What’s not to love? Music Venue 628 E. Main St., Sylva 586-1717 • soulinfusion.com
Soul Infusion Tea House & Bistro aims to infuse souls with love through their cooking, music, art octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
photo by Carrie Eidson
neiGhborhood GAtherinG spot
1 Innovation Brewing
414 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9678 • innovation-brewing.com
606 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9877 • guadalupecafe.com
Owners Nicole Dexter and Chip Owen opened Innovation Brewing to make the best beer possible and provide a cozy neighborhood atmosphere. They offer 21 beers on tap, plus a house-made ginger ale crafted by brewmaster Chance Clendenin. “We think it is fun for people to come in and be surprised week to week by a new and unique beer style,” the owners note. “For instance, we currently have on tap a beet basil beer, and we are tapping our Apple Butter Brown and Oatmeal Raisin Cookie this week for fall.” With Innovation’s semi-rustic/industrial feel, pet-friendly outdoor space, knowledgeable staff, food trucks and regular live music, it all adds up to a winning destination.
3 O’Malley’s Pub and Grill
2 Guadalupe Café g z
2 Bridge Park
76 Railroad Ave., Sylva 800-962-1911 • mountainlovers.com
2 No Name Sports Pub
1070 Skyland Drive, Sylva 586-2750 • nonamesportspub.com
3 Guadalupe Café g z
1 Soul Infusion Teahouse & Bistro
and atmosphere. The onetime farmhouse combines teahouse, bistro, pub, community gathering place and music venue. “We keep the musical performances as local as possible to give people in Sylva a chance to spread their wings, and we treat our bands really well, which makes them happy to perform and entertain our guests,” says General Manager Martin Adams. “It’s nice to be recognized as one of the top venues since Oct. 31 [is] our last concert of the year.” Soul Infusion also features over 60 teas, vegetarian and vegan dining options, plus beer (including local brews) and wine. Cheers!
Innovation Brewing: Best Neighborhood Gathering Spot, Saturday Night Hangout, Bar, Innovative Business and New Business (Opened in the Last 12 Months)
83 Asheville Highway, Sylva 631-0554
606 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9877 • guadalupecafe.com
2 Heinzelmännchen Brewery z 545 Mill St., Sylva 631-4466 • yourgnometownbrewery.com
2 Mad Batter Food & Film 617 W. Main St., Sylva 586-3555 • madbatterfoodandfilm.com
sAturdAy-niGht hAnGout
1 Innovation Brewing 414 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9678 • innovation-brewing.com
2 Soul Infusion Teahouse and Bistro 628 E. Main St., Sylva 586-1717 • soulinfusion.com
3 No Name Sports Pub 1070 Skyland Drive, Sylva 586-2750 • nonamesportspub.com
3 O’Malley’s Pub and Grill 83 Asheville Highway, Sylva 631-0554
cullowhee & sylVA
2 Hoopers Downtown (CLOSED)
1 Innovation Brewing
414 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9678 • innovation-brewing.com
2 O’Malley’s Pub and Grill 83 Asheville Highway, Sylva 631-0554
3 No Name Sports Pub
1070 Skyland Drive, Sylva 586-2750 • nonamesportspub.com
coffee house
1 Signature Brew Coffee Co.
633 W. Main St., Sylva 587-6300 • signaturebrewcoffee.com
Sylva 587-5116
617 W. Main St., Sylva 586-3555 • madbatterfoodandfilm.com
lunch restAurAnt
1 Lulu’s on Main z x
612 W. Main St., Sylva 586-8989 • lulusonmain.com
A longtime Sylva favorite, Lulu’s On Main prides itself on its “consistently great” food, comfy (yet slightly edgy) atmosphere, friendly and professional service, high standards and a willingness to please, says General Manager Andrew M. Blaum. Popular items include dishes prepared with non-GMO, antibiotic- and hormone-free chicken, an ever-changing selection of North Carolina coast fish, plus burgers and hand-cut steaks. “We are staying true to the original Lulu’s and continue to provide homemade vegetarian and vegan options, and our tofu has remain unchanged in 28 years!” Blaum notes. “We strive to support local farmers and use local produce whenever possible, and we are a strong member of the farm-to-table community!” Once again, Xpress readers prove to be a discerning bunch.
2 City Lights Café g z
3 E. Jackson St., Sylva 586-2233 • citylightscafe.com
3 Mad Batter Food & Film
617 W. Main St., Sylva 586-3555 • madbatterfoodandfilm.com
2 City Lights Café g z
1 Perk & Pastry Bistro
2 Perk & Pastry Bistro
506 W. Main St., Sylva 631-9856 • perkandpastry.com
breAkfAst restAurAnt
1 City Lights Café g z
3 E. Jackson St., Sylva 586-2233 • citylightscafe.com
City Lights Café wins over customers with its crepes — served all day long — plus breakfast burritos, panini, wraps and sandwiches. The café aims for locally sourced, organic ingredients and offers vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options. On Sundays, the brunch menu features such enticing dishes as the stuffed French toast of the week and a breakfast grits bowl with stone-ground grits, local goat cheese and bacon. Baked goods include cupcakes, muffins and bars — all of which can be downed with Tribal Grounds coffee, local beer (including gluten-free) and organic wines. Owner Bernadette Peters says her goal is to serve “great food with a funky atmosphere.” Xpress readers are duly appreciative.
170 E. Sylva Shopping Center, Sylva 586-9441 • jackthedipper.com
3 City Lights Café g z
3 Mad Batter Food & Film
Signature Brew Coffee Co. offers a welcoming haven for coffee lovers in downtown Sylva. Owner John Bubacz roasts his own beans, using only organic and fair-trade coffee that is Rainforest Alliance certified — meaning the products are farmed in a socially and environmentally responsible way. This conscientiousness translates to the local front, too. “We consistently involve ourselves with the community,” Bubacz says. The 13-year-old coffee shop donates to Coats for Kids, sponsors events at surrounding schools and hosts an annual brunch benefit for the Jackson County Farmers Market. The rest of the year, patrons can enjoy Signature Brew’s breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, which uses as many local and organic ingredients as possible, with plenty of glutenfree options. Xpress readers applaud. 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva 586-2233 • citylightscafe.com
2 Jack the Dipper
dinner restAurAnt
1 Lulu’s on Main z x
612 W. Main St., Sylva 586-8989 • lulusonmain.com
2 Guadalupe Café g z
606 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9877 • guadalupecafe.com
3 Mad Batter Food & Film
617 W. Main St., Sylva 586-3555 • madbatterfoodandfilm.com
3 Sazón Mexican Cuisine
2840 Old Cullowhee Road, Sylva 293-2343 • sazoncullowhee.com
3 E. Jackson St., Sylva 586-2233 • citylightscafe.com
reAson to liVe in your town
1 Beautiful scenery 2 People 3 Western Carolina University locAlly-owned retAil outlet
1 Motion Makers Bicycle Shop 36 Allen St. 586-6925 • motionmakers.com
The only bike shop in Jackson County, Motion Makers Bicycle Shop offers everything from road bikes and BMX to cycling accessories and clothing. The shop has been in business “more than twice as long as anyone else west of Asheville,” says third owner Kent Cranford. “I am proud to be able to continue on the great traditions that Motion Makers has been involved with since 1986.” Cranford and his crew consider themselves artists and craftspeople in their work building, selling and repairing bicycles. Though an Aug. 16 fire damaged the shop, it prompted a move to Allen Street that offers better access, better parking and room for social activities. “We are super excited and so is Sylva,” Cranford says.
2 Blackrock Outdoor Company 570 Main St., Sylva 631-4453 • avl.mx/0d4
A better way to sell your stuff. marketplace cAll now! 828-251-1333
Spirituality Issue All philosopies welcome in our 12/24
sweets/dessert plAce 506 W. Main St., Sylva 631-9856 • perkandpastry.com
Perk & Pastry Bistro follows a simple principle: “We listen to our customers and find out what it is they want,” says owner Bernadette Peters. Whether this means adjusting to a customer’s dietary restrictions or preferences, the bistro aims to please with a variety of mouthwatering treats, breakfast burritos, sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Most items are made in-house with as many local and organic ingredients as possible, and many gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian options are available as well. Sweets may be the main attraction, but the spicy cheddar biscuits have become an attention grabber. And pumpkin-spice cookies, cupcakes and scones remain a favorite. As Peters puts it: “People love to get scone-d.”
Faith-based and spiritual groups receive a special discount in this issue. 12/3 space guarantee.
828-251-1333 • advertise@mountainx.com mountainx.com
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
cullowhee & sylVA
wnc pottery Festival celebrates 10 years by Steph Guinan
Signature Brew Coffee Co.: Best Coffee House
photo by Carrie Eidson
1 Signature Brew Coffee Company
innoVAtiVe business
1 Innovation Brewing
633 W. Main St., Sylva 587-6300 • signaturebrewcoffee.com
2 Mad Batter Food & Film
1 Main Street Sylva
414 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9678 • innovation-brewing.com
street or roAd
617 W. Main St., Sylva 586-3555 • madbatterfoodandfilm.com
whAt your town needs
new business (opened in lAst 12 Months)
1 Innovation Brewing
locAl GoVernMent AccoMplishMent
414 W. Main St., Sylva 586-9678 • innovation-brewing.com
1 The beginnings of a new greenway
2 Mad Batter Food & Film
617 W. Main St., Sylva 586-3555 • madbatterfoodandfilm.com
locAl GoVernMent fAilure
business thAt GiVes bAck to the coMMunity
1 Motion Makers Bicycle Shop
1 restaurants 2 Better grocery store
1 N.C. Highway 107 connector project through Southwestern Community College 2 Potential repeal of the steep slope ordinance
552 W. Main St., Sylva 586-6925 • motionmakers.com
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
From hand-built to hand-thrown, from raku to wood-fired, clay work covers a wide variety of techniques, finishes and forms. A good bit of that diversity will be on display at the WNC Pottery Festival in Dillsboro on Saturday, Nov. 1, with some 40 artists exhibiting. “Potters, like painters or sculptors, have developed their own look that easily separates one from another,” says event co-organizer Brant Barnes, who’ll be showing his own work. When curating the show, the jury seeks “fresh and original work in a variety of techniques, firing temperatures and styles to build a unique show each year.” Now in its 10th year, the festival will showcase potters from across the Eastern U.S. Participating local potters include: Gordon Batten (Dillsboro), Elise Delfield (Bryson City), LaureyFaye Long (Sylva), Kim and Pete McWhirter (Burnsville), Terance Painter (Maggie Valley), Michael Rutkowsky (Burnsville), Joey Sheehan (Marshall), Doc Welty (Leicester) and Rob Withrow (Brasstown). Event coorganizers Joe Frank McKee and Travis Berning, both from Dillsboro, will also be exhibiting. Usually, the festival spotlights the work of a single artist. But to celebrate its 10th anniversary, the event is featuring two artists this year — Richard Aerni of Rochester, N.Y. and Nick Joerling from Penland. Various artists will give pottery demonstrations throughout the day. And at midday, a wood-fired kiln will be
opened, enabling visitors to discover newly fired pots as they emerge. Check the website for the demonstration schedule. Meanwhile, on Friday, Oct. 31, master potters will square off in the sixth annual WNC Clay Olympics (see website), competing to produce the largest cylinder, the widest bowl and even working blindfolded in a two-minute “throwdown.” Holding the festival during leaf season provides an additional enticement to attend. But fitting into a crowded calendar was also a consideration. “There were already pottery shows every weekend of November except the first Saturday, so we set our date to not conflict with Shelby, Marion or Seagrove,” says Barnes. “That date has been a great fit for our town and our region.” X
what Western North Carolina Pottery Festival
where Front Street, Dillsboro wncpotteryfestival.com
when Saturday, Nov. 1, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $5 admission includes entry in hourly raffle drawing; children under 12 free.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
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Blazing the trail: Asheville’s food pioneers
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maRKEt styLE: Art Journal magazine took this publicity photo at the Market Place restaurant in 1985. Chef and farm-to-table groundbreaker Mark Rosenstein opened the Market Place downtown in 1979. Photo courtesy of N.C. Collection, Pack Place Library
By gina smith
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
It’s easy for a foodie to get spoiled in Asheville. Whether grabbing dinner downtown or shopping the tailgate markets and grocery stores for the makings of a homemade feast, the smorgasbord of choices is vast, diverse and endlessly innovative. It hasn’t always been this way, of course. It wasn’t that long ago that Asheville was a dining desert, with only a few hardy culinary trailblazers, like Mark Rosenstein, Vijay Shastri and Laurey Masterton, willing to try their luck in a mostly boarded-up and derelict downtown. Just a few short years ago, the French Broad Food Co-op, a couple of small tailgate markets and a skimpy handful of restaurants were the only businesses around buy-
ing produce from the progressive WNC farmers who were trying to make a go of it, and locally made value-added food products like Blue Blaze Soda and Smiling Hara Tempeh were the stuff of epicurean dreams. It’s thanks to the work of a few pioneering visionaries and upstart organizations that the path was paved for Asheville’s present-day culture of culinary excellence. In this issue, Mountain Xpress takes a look at the roots of Asheville’s thriving food scene and a few of the many venturesome individuals and organizations who built it from the ground up. It would fill the pages of many issues of Xpress to highlight all of the players who helped create our Foodtopia, so we encourage you to join the conversation — share your thoughts and memories of the history of our food community at mountainx.com. X
From palates to pallets Blue Ridge Food Ventures nurtures local startups
By LEa mcLELLan
It’s Saturday morning, and Blue Ridge Food Ventures is redolent with the sharp scent of fresh-cut ginger. Located on A-B Tech’s Enka campus, the big industrial space has become the base of operations for roughly 60 entrepreneurs at any given time. Open 24 hours a day, the kitchens are used for everything from rolling raw chocolate truffles to baking bagels to fermenting tempeh, dehydrating ghost peppers and packaging salad dressings. Saturdays are actually on the quieter side, and the first client in the kitchens is Jackson Anderson, co-owner of Blue Blaze Soda & Syrup Co. Anderson and his two-man team are busy processing an impressive amount of fresh ginger for their honey ginger ale syrup. For Anderson, partnering with Blue Ridge Food Ventures was an obvious choice. “They have the whole setup that we need,” he explains, “everything you see here, from the pallet jack to the steam pedal. So it’s kind of the easiest path for us to give this a try and see if it will work.” The all-natural soda company is just over a year old, but there’s good reason to think Anderson can realize his dream. Others have already built viable businesses in partnership with Blue Ridge Food Ventures: Perhaps the biggest beverage success story to get its start here is Buchi Kombucha. In addition, Blue Blaze recently got a distribution deal through RC Cola. “These are the kinds of baby steps we need to hopefully continue to grow outside the Asheville area,” says Anderson. Blue Ridge Food Ventures is a subset of AdvantageWest, a nonprofit regional economic development partnership serving Western North Carolina. The facility attracts many entrepreneurs who, like
KitchEn cast: Blue Ridge Food Ventures Executive Director Chris Reedy (back) is pictured with UliMana staff members (back row, from left) Heather Roy, Lisa Abeling and Ko’alani DeBoer, and (front row, from left) Allie Bales, Griffin Abee and Jenna Payne. Photo by Jayson Im
Anderson, need access to equipment that would be too expensive or impractical to purchase themselves. Other clients seek business advice, branding consultation or assistance with regulatory compliance and product development. In other words, all the things a new business owner needs in order to become successful and profitable. That kind of guidance is particularly crucial for, say, the person who might have a killer hot sauce recipe but has no clue how to get those bottles onto grocery store shelves. “A lot of people that we see are really more artisans than true production people,” Executive Director Chris Reedy explains. “Some of them may have business backgrounds, some of them may have food backgrounds, but there’s a big
difference between working in a retail-style restaurant kitchen and working in a production kitchen. So what we try to do is really tailor our services to the people who need that kind of help.” a KEy pLayER Lusty Monk Mustard founder Kelly Davis is a great example of that type of client. “When I was starting out, I knew nothing about food processing: I just liked messing with recipes,” she says. “I had met Mary Lou Surgi [the facility’s former executive director] through some slow-food events, and when I decided to switch my mustard hobby over to a business, I went to talk to her.” At the time, Davis was offered free classes on regulatory processes and marketing, but that was only part of what she needed.
“The ability to rent a kitchen that had lots of equipment was a godsend,” she recalls. “I learned how to run the filler, calibrate things, set up a labeling machine, and I met other food folks who already knew what they were doing and had lots of great advice. Where do I get jars? How do food labels get approved by the state? How do I figure out pricing? Which grocery stores are buying local stuff? What accounting software should I get? How many cases fit on a pallet? Stuff like that.” W And though Davis has since moved on to her own space, she still stops by to see what’s new in the kitchens and exchange information with like-minded foodies and businesspeople. “The food scene in Asheville just keeps getting better. So many people have great ideas, and I think Blue Ridge has been a key player in that,” says Davis. “For a lot of people, Blue Ridge is a great way to figure out if your business idea is going to work without spending all the money on high-end equipment. And the support is there.” Launched in 2003, the program was originally envisioned as a way to help farmers process their foods and excess crops. Through the Winter Sun Farms CSA, for example, Blue Ridge Food Ventures buys fresh produce from farmers, processes and freezes it, then distributes it to subscribers during the winter. But as Reedy notes, the program has since seen an onslaught of creative locals hoping to turn their home recipes into a profitable business. “One of the things we found out pretty quickly is that ... folks who had these specialty food ideas were just coming in droves. … Since about July of 2005 we’ve progressively seen these kinds of things that have really started to take over.” manifEsting visions One of the program’s longesttenured clients is UliMana, started by single mom Theresa Green in 2005. “Yes, we do have people who are doing salsas and hot sauces and those very traditional kinds of things,” says Reedy. “So it’s interesting when someone like Theresa … comes in and says, ‘Hey, I have this idea for raw, vegan chocolate.’ And at the time everybody was like, ‘Well, what’s the big deal? It’s just chocolate.’ But those kinds of specialized diets, or the increased consciousness of how people are eating now, is really starting to change the demand
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
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swEEt spacE: Griffin Abee, Heather Roy and Lisa Abeling make UliMana’s raw, vegan truffles in a kitchen at Blue Ridge Food Ventures. UliMana is the organization’s largest client. Photo by Jayson Im
in the market.” Nearly 10 years later, Green is Blue Ridge Food Ventures’ biggest client. “Since I only produce once or twice a week, it is perfect for me,” she says. “I love the community atmosphere that provides a place for a person with a good idea to bring it into manifestation. … My business was able to go national because of this space.” For Reedy, Green’s story is part of the bigger picture when it comes to the region’s food system. “When I look at a food system, I think everything starts with agriculture and the farmer,” he says. “If you have a really nice agriculture system and a good way to distribute that, either through tailgates or if the restaurants are really buying, then that’s a great base. “I don’t think it ends there, though. What I really think is the cool thing — for people who go to tailgate markets, Whole Foods, Earth Fare or Katuah Market or the French Broad Food Co-op or Haywood Market — is that not only do they get to buy their tomatoes and onions and beef and pork and chicken and duck eggs all
locally, but they get to buy vegan raw chocolate that’s made locally or the barbecue sauce that’s made locally. … Let’s face it: Not many communities throughout the U.S. have the diversity of products that are made in our area.”X
The Biz Behind the Food Biz what: Blue Ridge Food Ventures will partner with the Asheville Center for Professional Studies to present The Biz Behind the Food Biz: From Winning Recipe to a Winning Business, a two-day workshop on the basics of starting and building a successful food-based business. whEn: Thursday-Friday, Nov. 6-7 whERE: Asheville Center for Professional Studies, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler how: Cost to attend is $375 for the 16-hour program. For details, contact Katherine Morosani at katherinemorosani@abtech.edu or 3987100. Register at ashevilleprofessionalstudies.com.
by Michael McDonald
Fresh AIR
aiR foRcE: From left, restaurant owners Eric Scheffer, Michel Baudouin and Dwight Butner were instrumental in creating Asheville Independent Restaurants. Photos by John Coutlakis
An interview with three of the founders of Asheville Independent Restaurants One of the most notable aspects of Asheville’s culinary community is its focus on camaraderie rather than competition. Tangible proof of this phenomenon is the success of Asheville Independent Restaurants, an organization formed in 2002 by a group of local chefs and restaurant owners who joined forces to create a united front for the betterment of Asheville’s food scene. Since its inception, AIR members have succeeded in helping to establish Asheville as the nation’s first Green Dining Destination and created community-nourishing efforts such as the GO! Kitchen Ready job skills training program and the A-B Tech Chefs of Tomorrow Scholarship Fund. AIR also annually hosts the WNC Culinary Expo, Asheville Small Plate Crawl and Taste of Asheville to promote local food and drink businesses and further the area’s reputation as a dining destination.
Xpress recently spoke with AIR founders michel Baudouin, dwight Butner and Eric scheffer about the genesis of the organization and its influence on Asheville’s food community. Mountain Xpresss: why was it necessary to organize asheville independent Restaurants? michel Baudouin, Bouchon: Of our first two agendas, one was to work collectively, promoting small restaurants in Asheville. While we compete fiercely at work, we knew working together would allow us to do some public relations that we couldn’t afford individually. That’s why now we have the Foodtopia campaign with the Asheville Convention and Visitors Bureau, which promotes Asheville as a food destination. dwight Butner, vincenzo’s: Asheville had a distinct, solid, independent restaurant culture with a lot of good independent restaurants and a strong culinary community, but things were happening in a macro sense. All of a sudden,
Asheville was going to be on many major national corporations’ radar, and we agreed our competition wasn’t with each other but with Tunnel Road. Eric scheffer, vinnie’s neighborhood italian: I, like many other people, saw where this town was heading back in 2002-03. I realized that pretty quickly we were going to need to bring ourselves together to speak with one voice. We were all dealing with the same issues, such as chains, legislation and taxation. Our focus was to push back and make sure we didn’t become Anyplace, USA. Mountain Xpress: what’s been the impact of aiR on asheville’s food scene? Baudouin: We are one of the largest restaurant associations in the country, with the most green-certified restaurants per capita. Our [Green Opportunities] Kitchen Ready training program was designed to help people who don’t know there’s a job for them there — people who have a resume, but it’s at the police department. A lot of people won’t employ them, so it’s a basic pro-
gram that helps them get into A-B Tech and find work. Butner: As soon as we organized, Asheville wanted to adopt a restaurant food-and-beverage tax to help refurbish the civic center. We opposed that because we didn’t believe that it was our customers’ responsibility to refurbish the civic center. Restaurant patrons in Buncombe County weren’t uniquely responsible for doing that. We were successful in preventing that, and that made our reputation. scheffer: Another great thing is the scholarships AIR has given to A-B Tech to help students and other folks who are just less fortunate to get into the hospitality industry. In that respect, I think we have helped each other grow. Especially at Savoy [Scheffer’s former restaurant], I’d have at least two interns. People all over the country now look at A-B Tech as a place to go to hone your culinary chops. The impact of AIR has been tremendous. It’s started a snowball effect of connecting with other people. X
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Gina Smith
Authentic roots Charlie Jackson and the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project To fully appreciate how rich our local food scene is, it helps to leave town, says Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project founder and executive director Charlie Jackson. “It's hard to get perspective sometimes,” Jackson says. “But you can really tell [how great Asheville's food scene is] when you have to leave to go someplace else. In a fairly short time, we’ve seen tremendous change. We were absolutely not Foodtopia 15 years ago.” Jackson, who was a struggling farmer in Madison County in the 1990s, remembers a time when people didn't generally consider downtown Asheville as a dining destination. “There were at least a couple of good restaurants,” he recalls, “but there wasn't much. In a really short time frame, our food scene has just been transformed.” And ASAP, which launched in 2000 as a local food campaign to help reverse the loss of farms in Western North Carolina during the decline of the tobacco market, has been integral to that transformation. Through its widespread of programs and initiatives, including the Local Food Guide (which has now distributed more than a billion copies), annual Business of Farming conference, Appalachian Grown certification, Farm Tour, Growing Minds school initiatives and tailgate market support efforts, ASAP’s focus on connecting farmers to their communities through food has literally helped grow Asheville’s food culture by nourishing its agrarian roots. An analysis ASAP did of the 2012 Census of Agriculture, released in May, shows that in recent years, WNC has completely reversed
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
fRom thE faRm: ASAP founder Charlie Jackson began his work in the WNC food community as a farmer in Madison County. Photo by Amy Sims and Asheville Art Family
farming’s steep decline. Between 2007 and 2012, direct sales of fruit and vegetables in Western North Carolina increased by nearly 70 percent, while the rest of North Carolina and other parts of the U.S. experienced a loss of 2 percent. “That’s how different it is here,” says Jackson. Jackson is humble about ASAP’s role in Asheville’s emergence as a culinary mecca. “I’m being careful not to take too much credit for this because there are so many people involved,” he says. “But I do believe that the local food [movement] and the fact that our farmers have stepped up and created all these wonderful products has been that primary ingredient we need to create this wonderful
food scene. If we didn’t have that, we would be like anywhere else in the country.” Moving forward, Jackson says, it’s crucial that ASAP maintain the integrity of the local-food concept. “That's what people want,” he says. “They want that authentic connection to their communities, but there are some who see it as more of a marketing opportunity than an opportunity to change they way they operate. So our role is to keep the veracity and authenticity, or we’re going to lose it. I think that's just generally true of our food scene in Western North Carolina — it has to be real, or people are going to see through it.” X
Kindness and a serving spoon The legacy of Laurey Masterton
Feeding the workforce A-B Tech trains tomorrow’s chefs
By jonathan ammons
By michaEL mcdonaLd
When Laurey Masterton opened her restaurant and catering company storefront, Laurey’s, in 1990, most of Asheville was still degenerate. Barley’s wouldn’t start slinging pizzas until four years later, but Laurey’s sandwich shop paved the way for an entire section of Biltmore Avenue to be revitalized. “Cooking was a big part of their family, and that was where she got inspired as a kid,” says Howard Hanger, pastor of Jubilee, where Masterton attended services until her death in February. “She would sit there while her mother would cook and taste as it went along, and it just became one of those big inspirations for her. When she cooked, she felt like her family was present. It was a very intimate and personal thing; it wasn’t just a job.” The Vermont transplant served farm-to-table food in the most unpretentious and homespun way possible. “She had her own unique style, but her food was always primo,” continues Hanger. “You always knew that if you were going to one of Laurey’s events, to be prepared for some good honkin’ food! And yet, it wasn’t this gourmet hootiesnooty stuff, it was like food from your grandma’s kitchen, and it was just really good.” Masterton released several books, including her cookbook-meetsmemoir Elsie’s Biscuits, about her life growing up at Blueberry Hill Inn, cooking with her mother and father, who authored several Blueberry Hill cookbooks. At her memorial service in March, John Atwater, owner of Mamacita’s, spoke about when
A-B Tech’s culinary and hospitality curricula, started in 1968 and accredited by the American Culinary Federation, were the first such programs in North Carolina. Of course, there were far fewer lodging options and high-end food destinations in Asheville back then. But some folks saw the area’s potential and felt that culinary education and tourism were integral to realizing those possibilities. The people who established the school, says chef Sheila Tillman, associate dean of hospitality education, “really put into perspective what this area is about: tourism. And to be honest, you can’t have this employee pool without this skilled force that keeps feeding it. So that is our role: providing the workforce to support this industry. And it all started here in 1968.” Of course, continues Tillman, Asheville was a tourist mecca long before that. As far back as the late 18th century, people were coming to Asheville to heal their maladies and relax in an inspiring natural setting. So in a sense, today’s local food entrepreneurs are returning to the area’s roots in emphasizing farm-to-table and locally sourced ingredients. “We are a destination not just for food but for beautiful scenery, and for people who want to leave their fast-track lives and get revitalized, which goes back to this whole area once being a sanitarium. That’s what we’re continuing to do.” But if all those factors helped put Asheville on the food map, what has really attracted national attention is the continuing tradition of success at culinary competitions, she maintains. A-B Tech won its first gold medal in 1993 and has consistently racked
fRom thE hEaRt: Restaurateur Laurey Masterton was known for both her love of community and her entrepreneurial savvy. “She was so generous, and yet she was such a sharp businesswoman,” remembers her friend Howard Hanger. File photo
Masterton decided to clean up Eagle Street armed only with kindness and a serving spoon. At the time, despite being just around the corner from the police station, the street was notorious for drug trafficking. “Everyone was complaining about all the crime, but she started serving free meals down there once a week, and before you knew it, the riffraff was gone,” he told us. “That was just her style,” explains Hanger. “We would do these events for Jubilee called a Room at the Inn, where we would host homeless women. And many times she would bring over a meal for all of them. She was so generous, and yet she was such a sharp businesswoman.” That business savvy allowed her to run a shockingly affordable restaurant while still providing living wages for her employees. “She was doing that before that was even a thing,” says Hanger. X
compEtitivE EdgE: Sheila Tillman, dean of hospitality at A-B Tech, says the school’s participation in culinary contests has boosted the national visibility of Asheville’s food scene. Photo by Stewart O’Shields
up more honors ever since: As of July 2013, the A-B Tech Student Culinary Team was ranked second in the nation. Besides boosting the area’s visibility on the national food scene, the college’s strong showing in these events enhances the prestige of both the school and its students: “Other competitors know A-B Tech, and they didn’t before, so our students’ resumes have more value now. If I could pick one item that really helped us make leaps and bounds from those first years of the college,” says Tillman, “it was learning to do these competitions, so we could get out there and see what the rest of the world was cooking outside the mountains of Western North Carolina.” X
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Asheville’s 1975: Mary and Dick Gilbert open the cooperative restaurant Stone Soup as a funding source for community-building endeavors. Stone Soup closed in 1994, but a reunion dinner was held in November 2012 to help remember Asheville’s food scene’s beginnings and to raise funds for the Preservation Society of Asheville & Buncombe County.
1975: Roger Derrough opens Asheville’s first natural-foods store, Dinner for the Earth, on Merrimon Avenue. The store moved to a location on Broadway in 1979, changed its name to EarthFare in 1993 and relocated to Westgate Shopping Center in 1994.
Stone Soup owner Dick Gilbert stands behind dulcimer player Don Pedi at the restaurant, which was housed in the building now occupied by the Mellow Mushroom.
1990: Laurey Masterton opens Laurey’s, a café and catering business on Biltmore Avenue.
1979: Asheville becomes the 12th jurisdiction in North Carolina to pass the Liquor by the Drink referendum, enabling restaurants to serve wine, beer and cocktails, and paving the way for a flourishing culinary scene. 1979: Mark Rosenstein opens the Market Place on Market Street. Much of downtown, including the Grove Arcade, is vacant at this time, and there are few restaurants open. A few years later, the Market Place moved to its current home on Wall Street.
1994: A former server at the Market Place, Hector Diaz opens Salsa’s in a downtown area that consists largely of boarded1994: Oscar Wong opens up buildings. Asheville’s first microbrewery, Highland Brewing, in the 3,500-square-foot basement of Barley’s Taproom, as a hobby. 1994: Mountain Xpress publishes its first dining guide, a pull-out section with three pages of ads and a two-page restaurant directory. The 2014 Eats & Drinks is a 100-page stand-alone publication with nearly 700 listings.
1980: Launch of the North Asheville Tailgate Market
1991 1975
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
1991: Joan and Joe Eckert open the Laughing Seed Café as a lunch counter in the lower level of the YMCA. The landmark vegetarian restaurant moved to its current location on Wall Street in June 1993, helping to jump-start the growth of Asheville’s downtown.
1996 1994 1996: French Broad Food Co-op opens its storefront on Biltmore Avenue. The cooperative started in the mid-1970s, operating from members’ homes and occupying several different locations before settling into its current space.
1996: Bean Werk opens its coffee roasting company and shop.
O N I T U L O V E 2005: Blue Ridge Food Ventures begins offering training programs and certified production environments to help farmers and food and natural products entrepreneurs bring their products to market. Since then, 235 clients have used the services to start businesses, and 31 clients have graduated the program.
2000: The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) is created as a local food campaign to reverse the loss of farms in WNC and to help farmers transition from tobacco crops. 2002: ASAP produces its first Local Food Guide, which lists 58 local farms, 12 area CSAs, 32 tailgate markets and 19 restaurants sourcing local ingredients for their menus. Today, nearly every category listed in the guide has increased by 1,000 percent or more.
2002: Asheville Independent Restaurants (AIR) forms to unite the local independent restaurant community
2011: The Green Restaurant Association names Posana Café North Carolina’s first Certified Green Restaurant. 2005: Gov. Mike Easley signs N.C. House Bill 392, or “Pop the Cap Bill,” into law, raising the beer alcohol maximum from 6 to 15 percent, enabling local brewers to experiment with new styles. The new law contributed to the growth of the beer industry in Asheville.
2009: The Asheville Wine & Food Festival launches, highlighting local food, wine, beer and spirits
2009: Asheville City Market welcomes its first shoppers.
2004 2000
2004: Greenlife Grocery, an independent natural foods store in Chattanooga, Tenn., opens a second location on Merrimon Avenue. Whole Foods bought both stores in 2010, and Asheville Greenlife co-owner John Swann later went on to open Katuah Market in Biltmore Village in December 2013.
2013: The Green Restaurant Association declares Asheville the first official Green Dining Destination in the United States.
2009:The National Beer Examiner bestows Asheville with its first Beer City USA title. Asheville held the title through 2012.
2007 2005
2007: ASAP hosts its first Farm Tour featuring 25 area farms 2007:The A-B Tech Culinary Arts Program culinary team wins a gold medal at the American Culinary Federation Student Culinary Team national competition
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Gina Smith
The local grocer John Swann rejects the idea that bigger is better melaasheville.com 70 N. LexiNgtoN aveNue 828.225.8880
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
John Swann has no problem admitting his aversion to big business. “I’m not a good corporate guy,” he says. “I’m way too entrepreneurial.” Katuah Market owner Swann has had his hands in natural foods since the early 1970s, when he worked with the famous Food Conspiracy Co-op in Tucson, Ariz. and later managed the Mountain Food Cooperative in Boone. Then for several years in the late ’80s and early ’90s he owned Bean Mountain Tofu in Boone and later Weaverville, before selling his company in 1992. He transitioned back to groceries when he took on the role of grocery manager at Earth Fare in 1995. With a college background in systems engineering and his experience in regional food distribution, he went on to help Earth Fare develop five more stores until the company’s increasingly corporate atmosphere compelled him to bail out in 2002. The next chapter in Swann’s grocery journey was a bittersweet love affair called Greenlife Grocery. The highly successful Merrimon Avenue store he opened in 2004 with Chattanooga, Tenn., grocer Chuck Pruitt was sold without his consent to Whole Foods in 2010. “My partner sold it,” he explains. “It was not on my agenda, but I didn’t control the company, so I couldn’t stop it.” From there, he spent three years planning and searching for an appropriate and affordable site for a new venture. (He wanted the site occupied now by Trader Joe’s — which is near the home he had previously bought to be within walking distance of Greenlife — but it was far out of his price range, he says.) Swann opened Katuah Market in Biltmore Village in December 2013, with a sharp focus on supporting the local economy by offering small-scale farmers and food entrepreneurs a
gREEn hoRiZons: Katuah Market owner John Swann began his lifetime of advocating for local farm and grocery connections working with food cooperatives in Tucson, Ariz., and Boone, N.C., in the 1970s. Photo by Jayson Im
place to market their goods. Katuah Market now offers about 300 products from local vendors — more, he says, than any other store in town. He supports farmers by agreeing to sell their produce based on his knowledge of their farming practices rather than requiring that they be certified organic, a designation which is both too costly and time-consuming for many new growers to achieve. “Having relationships with farmers is more important than the word ‘organic’” Swann says. “Places like Hickory Nut Gap Farm, they’re not all-organic, they’re not all non-
GMO, but they are working hard to make that happen, and we want to support that.” Swann says he has become increasingly involved with community organizations over the last decade working to encourage the growth of the local food economy. He served as vice president of ASAP and has been heavily involved with Blue Ridge Food Ventures, helping teach young businesspeople about product development and how to bring their goods to market. Swann played an advisory role in launching businesses including Buchi, Lusty Monk and Jack’s Nut Butters, among others. X
by Dorothy Foltz-Gray
Circling the wagons
Phillips, who’s now left the lot, sees it this way: “Susan Robinson wanted our business; we wanted fair compensation for what we had done. We worked hard to get the lot to be what it is. If she had compensated us for that, I would still be there.” Paulson, too, feels the Robinsons behaved unfairly, asserting, “They basically took our business out from under us.” Johnny, meanwhile, wishes they’d had more opportunity to work out a compromise. “No one said, ‘Let’s negotiate this: You’re high here and unfair there,’” he points out. Instead, “The coalition just said no and went to the media. We never got a chance to explain where we were coming from.” stay oR go?
nEw Lot: New Mountain AVL owners John Pomeroy (left) and Brandon Raab (right) are creating a new space for food trucks in their music venue’s parking lot on North French Broad Avenue. Photo by Nick Moen
Lease dispute could reconfigure local food truck scene Since 2012, the Asheville Street Food Coalition has rented and managed The Lot at 51 Coxe Ave., where assorted food trucks dole out delectable edibles to several hundred customers a week. But as of Oct. 1, Johnny and Susan Robinson, who own the lot along with Johnny’s two siblings, have taken over its management. The changeover came after months of back and forth between the coalition and the Robinsons. The shift began last spring when the lease on the lot’s small building became available. The coalition saw that as a chance to make further improvements. “We wanted to put in a taproom, a coffeehouse, bathrooms and build a deck around the building,” says Suzy Phillips, one of the three original coalition lot managers who invested in improvements to the property. “We met with Johnny, and he was going to give us a good lease for about $700 to $800 more a month. The coalition would do the renovations so that we could operate there all year,” says Phillips, who owns Gypsy Queen Cuisine.
But when the group met with Robinson again, Susan Robinson became involved, says Steven Paulson of Melt Your Heart food truck, another of the coalition’s lot managers. “Johnny said, ‘Susan wants in the business.’” Johnny Robinson concurs, saying, “One of the truck owners had expressed interest in making a coffeehouse out of the building, but nothing was etched in stone. Susan’s job at the YWCA was eliminated, and she expressed interest in working at the lot. She thought the building would be great for serving tea, coffee, and beer and wine at night.” confLicting pRoposaLs The coalition, though, wanted to continue managing the business it had started. So in midsummer, Phillips, Paulson and Eli Masem (who has since sold his truck) came up with two proposals. One was that they’d continue renting and managing the lot and would upgrade the building, with the understanding that the rent would increase as improvements were made. The other proposal called for the Robinsons to buy out “The Lot/ Asheville Street Food Coalition” for $9,500 to $10,000 to cover the improvements the group had already made
(such as installing power boxes, poles, lights and planters) and the brand they’d built, including more than 3,000 Facebook followers. In early September, the Robinsons countered with their own proposals. The first offered a three-year lease on both lot and building, beginning in October, for $1,800 a month. In April, it would increase to $2,300 a month. Previously, the rent had been $1,000 a month just for the lot. The Robinsons say the new rent was based on their consultation with Rick Tisdale of Beverly-Hanks & Associates, who specializes in commercial property. “The rent we had been charging was not a fair market value, so we had been taking a loss for two years, supporting to some degree the development of the food truck lot,” says Susan. Under the original lease agreement, she continues, “All improvements made to the lot become the property of the owners.” And from that standpoint, “We didn’t feel that the coalition’s social media presence was worth $9,500 to $10,000.” The Robinsons’ second proposal was that they assume control and management of the property and collect daily rent from the trucks.
Although at least three trucks have left the lot, nine will continue to keep some hours this fall, notes Paulson. “October and November are the last months you can make money: You get iced out.” For their part, the Robinsons say they hope the trucks remain. “All the food trucks are welcome,” Johnny says. But the controversy and resulting acrimony have sparked many comments on the coalition’s Facebook page, including some suggestions for a new food truck home. One of the first offers came from the Masonic Temple on Broadway. That lot, however, is leased to a parking company, and there are only two spaces for trucks, says Phillips, adding, “It’s hard to get in and out with big trucks and trailers.” The coalition is also talking with Dean Pistor of Realty World Marketplace, who’s developing a food park at Amboy Road and State Street, near Carrier Park. “We want the park to be a place with local beer and a destination for food trucks, with a commissary kitchen for prep, cleaning and cold storage,” Pistor explains, noting that he hopes to open the facility next spring. John Pomeroy, who owns New Mountain AVL, a music and event space on North French Broad, is also interested. “We’ve offered a free place to set up, do business and have autonomy,” he says. “We want to be as flexible as possible, so it works out for the food trucks and the community.” Pomeroy has received a six-month permit from the city and plans to do the necessary work — run power, plant trees — to earn a permanent permit. “If the food trucks are willing, we’ll move forward to open ASAP,” he says. X
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Fall is is the the Fall perfect time time to to plant plant perfect our perennials! perennials! our * pollinators
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never ending pasta bowl
starting at $9.99 please brIng thIs In for
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two dinner entrees at the tunnel road olive garden
buncombe county sheriff
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octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Toni Sherwood
Delivering the doughnuts
* woodland
Mon.-Sat. 9am - 4pm Sun. 12pm - 4pm
Vortex and Hole are ready to dish out the goods The highly anticipated openings of two doughnut destinations — Vortex and Hole — are finally upon us. First to officially open, Hole began serving customers on Thursday, Oct. 16. Located in a new building on Haywood Road with a small parking lot, the bright blue truck with its logo is easy to spot. “Eight months ago this was a vacant lot,” co-owner Kim Dryden says. The space has the feel of a farmhouse kitchen. The “harvest table” along one side is designed to encourage conversation with bench seating. Leather-covered stools at the bar face the open kitchen where customers can watch doughnuts being rolled and fried. Dryden, a graduate of Haywood Community College’s woodworking and ceramics programs, handcrafted the wooden tables and bar, hanging lamps and even the souvenir coffee cups. The menu is simple, with four types of yeast-raised doughnuts: glazed, sesame almond cinnamon, chocolate ganache and a boozeglazed variety made with bourbon or rum. “We don’t want a whole bunch of doughnuts, just a few really good ones,” Dryden says. The coffee is from locally owned PennyCup Coffee Co. There’s also freshsqueezed orange juice and Farm to Home Milk. The attention to detail is apparent in Hole’s décor and menu. “When you do things simple, you have to be spot on with it,” Dryden says. Closer to downtown, Vortex is now training staff and could open as early as Friday, Oct. 24. The space at 32 Banks Ave. is open and bright, with wood countertops, colorful stools and high ceilings with hanging ductwork. The menu features three signature doughnuts. The Vortex is a yeast-raised cinnamon sugar with
hoLE foods: Vortex Doughnuts, winners of Blue Ridge Food Ventures’ 2013 Big Tasty Award, will offer four signature flavors and daily specials. Photo by Nick King
chocolate swirl. The Rotating Tap uses a local beer to flavor the caramel sauce and is topped with peanuts, pretzels and beer malt crumble. The Orange Peel is a chocolate cake doughnut with chocolate sauce and candied orange dust. In addition there will be an assortment of daily doughnut flavors as well as doughnut holes and fritters. “The goal is to be seasonal and use fresh local ingredients that are in harvest,” Ben Myers, co-owner and general manager says. There will even be a daily glutenless doughnut among the selections. “There’s no doughnut machine here; everything is prepped by hand,” Myers says. “It takes a lot of time and work to do something right.” Myers sees Vortex attracting Asheville’s diverse community. “Vortex is sort of like that bar in Star Wars,” Myers says. “It’s a place where unique characters hang out, and there are strange engagements happening; it’s on the fringe of downtown with all of that creative energy.” Hole: 168 Haywood Road in West Asheville, 7 a.m.-1 p.m. ThursdayMonday. facebook.com/holedoughnuts Vortex: 32 Banks Ave., 7 a.m.4 p.m. Monday–Saturday. vortexdoughnuts.com X
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @thomohearn on Twitter.
by Thom O’Hearn
Sierra Nevada opens to the public With a pub and event space still in progress, the brewery opens for tours and tastings.
what we do on the pilot system will be draft for our pub or for the local market, but we will also have some specialty stuff in bottles, which will be sold in the gift shop.” There’s also a complete selection of Sierra gear, including merchandise you don’t see that often. For example, the shop stocks a full complement of cycling bibs and jerseys and higher-ticket collaborations with companies like Marmot. Oh, and if you do happen to need a pint glass, they have those too.
For the past few months, anyone has been able to tour the new Sierra Nevada brewery in Mills River — sort of. The tour, called a “hard hat tour,” was not the same as the standard Sierra tour at the home facility in Chico, Calif. You had to reserve a spot ahead of time. Part of the tour focused on the construction process. And, most importantly, you were not allowed to drink any beer. That all changed last week when the brewery finished the last pieces it needed to open up the main building for regular tours.
The Final Stretch
The New Tour According to Sierra Nevada beer ambassador Bill Manley, here’s how the new tour unfolds: First things first: Manley says reservations may no longer be required but they are recommended. “Even if you’re stopping by with just one or two people, we recommend reserving a tour time on our website or by phone,” says Manley. “Tours can fill up pretty quick.” Once you arrive at the brewery, the tour starts in the main lobby, where you meet your tour guide. The tour guides, by the way, know their stuff. A mixture of new hires and transfers from the Chico brewery, they’ve been training onsite for almost four months, according to Manley. The tour starts with a bit of photo and video history of Sierra Nevada and then moves on to the brewhouse. The brewhouse part of the tour essentially takes the group through the beer-making process from grain to glass. The guides cover the major brewing ingredients — water, hops, malt and yeast — as visitors wind through the fermentation cellars and up to the tasting room. The tasting room is a big part of
OCTOBER 22 - OCTOBER 28, 2014
GIFT OF GLASSWARE: The gift shop at Sierra Nevada’s Mills River facility is now open and stocks a variety of beer-friendly vessels. Photo courtesy of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
the tour experience. The room is elevated and looks out over the brew house, hops freezer and fermentation tanks. “It’s essentially like a bar with a view, but one where we don’t sell any beer,” says Manley. The beer is served in sample size only in the tasting room, at least partly due to Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control laws. On tap for the first tour group was a mix of Sierra’s core beers, seasonals and a couple of specialties. There was fresh pale ale and Torpedo IPA, but there was also Flipside IPA, one
of the Ovilia series, and the awardwinning Narwhal Imperial Stout. It’s not a mandatory part of the tour, but the gift shop is now open at the brewery as well. While you might think you have enough pint glasses, it’s probably worth checking out. The brewery is already trying to stock beer you can’t find anywhere else around town — for example, Bigfoot barley wine, which has already been pulled from stores this year. The shop plans to add even rarer beer once the pilot brewery is up and running, according to Manley: “Most of
The brewery is now open daily for tours (see hours below); however, there is still construction going on and significant parts left to finish. “Right now, we’re working on our pub and the pilot brewery,” says Manley. “That means after a tour there’s no place to buy a pint just yet.” Manley says all the work on those pieces is scheduled to be completed by January, though of course anything can happen. From there, Sierra will focus on an outdoor event space for live music as well as some enhancements for the restaurant. “We want big outdoor seating areas and [we’re planning] a big wood-burning oven for pizza as well … though that probably won’t happen until spring,” says Manley. Once construction is finally finished, Manley says additional tour options are a possibility. “In Chico, we have three to four varieties of tours, including a beer geek tour with more tastings and a sustainability tour … but as far as those types of tours happening here we’re looking at 2015 at the earliest.” Sierra Nevada tours are now running every day of the week, and there is no cost for the tour or tasting. Tours are for ages 12 and older, although the tasting is limited to ages 21 and older. For reservations you can visitsierranevada. com or call 708-6176. The brewery is at 100 Sierra Nevada Way in Mills River. X
o N
weDnesDAy AlTAmonT: Live music: Dirty Soul Revival (rock, blues) & Brad Pope (country), 7pm; Art reception, 7-9pm Asheville Brewing: Wet Nose Wednesday: dog day at Coxe Ave. patio 5-8pm; $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; "Whedon Wednesday's" at Merrimon location frenCh BroAD: $7 growler fills green mAn: United Way benefit; Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria highlAnD: Live music: Woody Wood (acoustic rock), 5:30pm; Food: Avery's Hot Dogs leXingTon Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day oskAr Blues: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm; Beer Run w/ Wild Bill (group run into Pisgah), 6pm
souThern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: Slinky Effect (vinyl, classic rock), 7-9pm
souThern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: The Pleasure Chest (R&B, blues, soul), 8pm
weDge: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
weDge: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live Music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm
friDAy AlTAmonT: Live music: Lachlan Bryan (alt-country), 9:30pm Asheville Brewing: Firkin Friday: Rocket Girl w/ cucumber & basil CATAwBA: Family-friendly on-site pumpkin carving contest ($85 gift certificate prize), 4-7pm; Food: hot dogs, ice cream green mAn: New brew: Toad Wet hop ale & "meet the artist," 5:30pm highlAnD: Live music: Likewise (rock), 6:30pm; Food trucks: Farm to Fender, Smashbox souThern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: Carver & Carmody (country, blues, Americana), 8pm
ThursDAy AlTAmonT: Live music: Caroline Ceili (Irish folk), 9pm Asheville Brewing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location frenCh BroAD: Live music: Matt Lane, 6pm green mAn: New brew: Storm Trooper IPA; Food truck: Cecilia's Culinary Tour highlAnD: Live music: Amy & Mike (acoustic), 5:30pm
AlTAmonT: Live Music: Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8:30pm Asheville Brewing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans
wiCkeD weeD: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 11am
CATAwBA: $2 off growler fills hi-wire: $2.50 house pints
highlAnD: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 5:30pm
AlTAmonT: Live Music: Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby
oysTer house: Cask night
green mAn: Football & brunch w/ Cecilia's crepes & empanadas
weDge: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
hi-wire: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 12:15pm leXingTon Ave (lAB): Live Music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day
weDnesDAy Asheville Brewing: Wet Nose Wednesday: dog day at Coxe Ave. patio 5-8pm; $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; "Whedon Wednesday's" at Merrimon location
oysTer house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
weDge: Food Truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)
oysTer house: $2 off growler fills weDge: Food Truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun); New brew: Community Porter
souThern AppAlAChiAn: Live music: BlueSunday w/ Gary Segal (blues jam), 5pm
frenCh BroAD TAsTing room: $7 growler fills
weDge: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)
sATurDAy AlTAmonT: GemFest: Holmes Desmelik Benefit w/ Live music: Dave Desmelik, Green Liners, Amanda Platt, Small Town Lights & Taylor Martin Acoustic Band, 2-9pm; Live music: John Wayne & The Pain (reggae), 10pm frenCh BroAD: Live music: Peggy Patusz (jazz), 6pm
leXingTon Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day
oskAr Blues: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm; SBeer Run w/ Wild Bill (group run into Pisgah), 6pm
AlTAmonT: Live Music: Old-time jam, 8pm
oysTer house: $2 off growler fills
CATAwBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions
weDge: Food Truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)
frenCh BroAD: $2.50 pints
green mAn: Cask: Buxton Bitter; Food truck: Melt Your Heart (grilled cheese)
oskAr Blues: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm
highlAnD: Celtober Fest: Outdoor stage The Screaming Orphans, 1:30pm; Rathkeltair, 2:45pm & Albannach, 4pm; Indoor stage w/ The Screaming Orpha ns, 7pm; Rathkeltair, 8:30pm; Costume Contest, 9:30pm & Albannach, 10pm; Food: Appalachian Smoke BBQ
oysTer house: $3 pint night
Asheville Brewing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location
weDge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Blue Dragons (rock, blues, jazz), 7pm
weDge: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
Over Local, Craft & Imported Beer Labels Available at Our Downtown Location.
45 S. French Broad 828-255-5228 mountainx.com
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Let’s eat! From vegan treats to farm-raised meats, this special advertising section lets you hear directly from some of our local entrepreneurs, who are committed to cultivating a robust dining, drinking and artisan foods sector in Western North Carolina. From old-school to new-school, from farm-to-table gourmet to the low-key comfort foods, these establishments are helping build community while offering something delicious for any palate or persuasion.
Nostalgia returns to one of Asheville’s historic landmarks, F.W. Woolworth Co., established in 1938 and restored in 2001. It hosts a fully operational old-fashioned soda fountain built to resemble the original Woolworth luncheonette. A ’50s decor was carefully cultivated to bring back memories of a classic era. Still in its original location, The Soda Fountain is open daily serving many of the original menu items, including egg creams, club sandwiches, coffee and, of course, old-fashioned ice cream sodas. Other standard menu items include black-bean burgers and a hummus plate. You can’t beat this Asheville experience: lunch in the historic Woolworth building surrounded by a diverse array of all-local art!
The Soda Fountain at Woolworth Walk
25 Haywood St. Asheville NC 28801 • 828-254-9210 info@woolworthwalk.com • woolworthwalk.com
It’s New! It’s Exciting! It’s Different! AND IT’S HARD NOT TO NOTICE that something special is happening at the Artisan Café & Coffee House. You can feel the energy the moment you walk in the door. Under the guidance of new owner Kris Paxton, a recent transplant from Oregon, the Artisan now offers a new decor, menu (including an amazing weekend brunch menu), hours and ATTITUDE. It also has plenty of parking! Jumping right into the Asheville foodie scene, Kris approaches her menu by offering the traditional with a twist: “My goal is to be a jack-of-all-trades. I offer funky food right beside my comfort foods ... everything from gado-gado wraps and vegetarian lasagna pie to the classic Reuben sandwich and Mile-Hi quiche. I’m having great fun with my brunch menu, playing off my new Southern influences. I invite you to stop by and try my yummy French toast bread pudding with a delicious maple sauce, or quinoa, cauliflower and potato patties dressed with a dollop of lemon yogurt!” Grab a made-to-order breakfast burrito and locally roasted coffee, or relax with friends over locally crafted beer, a glass of wine or a pumpkin-spice latte. Be forewarned: The lemon bars and carrot cake are addictive. Fostering a sense of community by providing a unique and cozy vibe, Kris offers a place for local artists, musicians and storytellers to share their talents. Local performers such as Paula Hanke and Jeff Thompson have helped christen the new Artisan. The work of five local artists now adorns the colorful walls. Check the calendar for music, book club, open mic and more!
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
mountainx.com | spEciaL advERtising sEction
Artisan Café & Coffee House 1390 Sand Hill Road Candler NC 28715 828-665-3800 artisancafeasheville@gmail.com • artisancateringnc.com Private parties, catering for large or intimate gatherings, delivery available.
18 Brook Street • Asheville Having been open for nearly a decade now, restaurateurs Traci and Treavis Taylor, along with the entire FIG team, are proud to be part of Asheville’s continuing culinary evolution. FIG, located in Biltmore Village, is an established neighborhood restaurant featuring casual interpretations of New American and French cuisine (with a bit of a Southern twist).
Roux, the signature restaurant of the four-diamond Hilton Asheville Biltmore Park, offers an innovative menu with a creative twist. Fusing Southern comfort with modern sophistication, Roux features dishes inspired by what executive chef Randy Dunn encountered in his grandmother’s kitchen — and then spiced with locally farmed ingredients that are all Asheville. A diverse wine list, full-service bar and select desserts created in the Roux kitchen complete the experience.
Under chef Jerami Jones’ leadership, the FIG culinary team cultivates inspiring, creative menus. Making use of the offerings of our local and regional farmers, the team produces original and imaginative seasonal dishes. The FIG staff is friendly and engaging, with a sincere desire to offer a genuine and memorable dining experience.
Our new menus feature such specialty items as a broken-yolk sandwich; pimento cheese, bacon and jalapeno burger; and Hickory Nut Gap pork chop. Gluten-free items are also available. Roux is open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and weekend brunch.
“One of my greatest joys is to make people feel welcome, comfortable and at home,” says Traci. “Inspired by the availability of fresh, local ingredients, our team loves crafting delicious food for our community, and we take pride in treating our guests like family.”
828-277-0889 • info@figbistro.com • figbistro.com
43 Town Square Boulevard, Asheville NC 28803 • 828-209-2715 kalexander@biltmorefarmshotels.com • RouxAsheville.com
Pack’s is More Than Just a Tavern Family-owned for four years, Pack’s Tavern has established itself as a go-to spot in downtown Asheville for good beer, delicious food and a great view overlooking Pack Square Park. Whether you’re craving a burger, crab cakes, fresh salad or one of our inspired daily specials, the Pack’s menu has a little something for everyone. Our team is dedicated to providing quality food and stellar service. But that’s not all! Pack’s is located in a beautifully restored 1900s-era building offering multiple dining spaces: the expansive North Bar with 32 taps, six large-screen TVs and seating overlooking the park; more TVs and free live music every weekend can be found in the South Bar, great for large groups whether there’s one check or 60; and the parkside outdoor patio with its beautiful magnolia: a perfect place for a quiet meal.
The Century Room, located on the second floor, is a special-event venue hosting wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, business meetings, luncheons and more. With a private kitchen, large open floor plan, beamed ceiling and 32-foot bar, the Century Room can accommodate 50 to 300 guests! Love Pack’s? Well, we’re now taking our commitment to quality off-site, offering box lunches, sandwich platters and more that are perfect for office lunches, picnics or any casual gathering. Our Century Room banquet menus are available for catering off-site wedding receptions, family reunion dinners and other special gatherings. Our Pack’s team is committed to making your dining experience the best, whether it’s here or there!
20 S. Spruce St., Asheville NC 28801 • 828-225-6944 packstavernasheville@gmail.com • packstavern.com spEciaL advERtising sEction | mountainx.com
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Rosettaʼs Buchi Bar
F Located on downtown Asheville’s Lexington Avenue, Mela offers authentic North and South Indian food, house-made from scratch using our genuine clay tandoor oven and fresh, local and organic ingredients. Our daily lunch buffet is known to locals as one of Asheville’s best lunch deals, while our dinner menu features seafood and lamb along with chicken, vegetarian and vegan dishes. At lunch or dinner, you can enjoy plenty of gluten-free options. Choose house-made chai with your meal or select from our extensive wine list, local beers on tap and lively cocktails. Recommended by The New York Times and our beloved regular customers, Mela partners with the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project to help local farmers reach the dining public. Come find out why Mountain Xpress readers have voted Mela “Best Indian Restaurant in Western North Carolina” for eight years in a row!
70 N. Lexington Ave., Asheville NC 28801 • 828-225-8880 melaindiancatering@gmail.com • melaasheville.com
ormerly home to J.C.’s Auto, a downtown fixture for 47 years, 116 N. Lexington is now completely redone and open for business as Rosetta’s Buchi Bar. Adorned with plants that undulate along the original exposed brick walls, reclaimed artisanal fixtures (including a spacious, semicircular steel bar) and a 150-gallon saltwater aquarium that’s swimming with seahorses, the Buchi Bar extends the organic-yet-unpretentious brand that Rosetta’s Kitchen (just upstairs) has sustained for the past dozen years. The Buchi Bar is a space for Ashevilleans: Bring your dates, meetings or just come to relieve the stress. Fresh organic juices, six flavors of buchi on draft (come fill up your growlers!), local beers and organic sulfite-free wines, and free-spirited cocktails ranging from organic-infused, garden-to-glass specials to authentic old-school Asheville cheapo faves. All this plus the Kitchen’s full menu exactly as you know it, delivered from upstairs on an oldfashioned, rope-and-pulley dumbwaiter. We’re keeping to our roots and Asheville’s roots, and working hard to create a space that has something to suit you. Watch Twitter and Facebook for daily specials, weekly events, community fundraisers or just some cute photos :)
116 N. Lexington Ave. Asheville NC 28801 828-505-1327 RosettasKitchen@gmail.com rosettaskitchen.com
Monday - Saturday 11AM -1:30PM • Sunday Brunch 11AM - 3PM
Located in the heart of downtown Asheville, The Market Place Restaurant specializes in handcrafted cuisine using seasonal, local ingredients, many of which come from within a 100-mile radius of Asheville. Enjoy the creative cuisine of nationally recognized chef William Dissen in our newly renovated restaurant. Serving dinner from 5:30 p.m. seven days a week, and brunch from 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Listen to live music in our classic American bar and lounge, where we serve local brews and handmade cocktails daily.
the market place restaurant
20 wall street
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
mountainx.com | spEciaL advERtising sEction
Located in the heart of downtown, Isa’s Bistro strives for the perfect combination of unique setting, great service and culinary excellence. Our location offers both indoor and outdoor patio dining, giving you a front-row seat to the unmistakable vibe that has made Asheville famous. Executive Chef and General Manager Duane Fernandes and his team bring their seasoned culinary finesse to the table, preparing cuisine that is innovative, seasonally inspired and new American. Menus change with the seasons, and Fernandes chooses only the freshest, highest quality products available from across Western North Carolina. On the lower level, The Cellar offers downtown Asheville’s most unique venue for private events, with its wine cellar theme décor.The flexible space can accommodate 12 to 120 people, making Isa’s the perfect location for your holiday parties. Open on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
1 Battery Park Ave. Asheville NC 28801 828-575-9636 info@isasbistro.com isasbistro.com
The Wild Salmon Co. is a small, family-run outfit committed to providing customers with amazing, wild-caught Alaska seafood. Stevo and Heidi have been harvesting wild salmon from the pristine waters of southwest Alaska for more than 20 seasons. Our salmon are caught and handled with the utmost care and then flash-frozen to lock in that “just caught” freshness.
We offer a variety of delicious products — frozen sockeye portions and fillets; Novalox; smoked king salmon; lowsodium, smoked pink salmon; Pacific cod and black cod. Come find us at the Asheville tailgate markets. We also offer bulk discounts online. And we have buying clubs all over the region, so even if you don’t live near Asheville, you can still find our fish.
Come try our salmon and see what all the fuss is about! Check out our website and order online today!
Complimentary valet parking available at the Haywood Park Hotel.
The Wild Salmon Co.• 554 Riverside Drive, Asheville NC 28801 828-216-2565 • thewildsalmonco.com • thewildsalmoncompany@gmail.com
Noi’s Thai Kitchen
Addison Farms is a family-owned vineyard and winery. We planted our first acre of vines in 2009, and we’ve grown a little bit each year to reach our current size of 5 acres under vine. At an elevation of 2,250 to 2,300 feet, the vineyard enjoys nearly 360-degree mountain views. We started with a desire to preserve the family farm, and we’ve built our vineyard with that goal in mind. Farming is in our blood: It is who we are. Addison Farmer purchased the land in 1937, and we are the fourth generation of our family to farm this property. We invite you to visit Addison Farms Vineyard. Stop by to sample the wine, see the process and enjoy the mountains. Guests must be 21 or older for tastings; ID required.
4005 New Leicester Highway Leicester, NC 28748 828-581-9463 • addisonfarms.net
For three straight years, Noi’s Thai Kitchen has been voted one of the best of WNC. For nearly a decade, owner Lenny DiMaio and his staff have been serving authentic Northern Thai cuisine to the Asheville area. When you visit Noi’s, you’ll enjoy such Thai favorites as yellow, green and red curries, pad thai and tom kha, as well as unique regional specialities, prepared with fresh ingredients by an all-Thai kitchen staff. Lenny and manager Det Thachantikun pride themselves on giving their customers excellent service and a unique, enjoyable dining experience at a reasonable price. Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or just a picky eater, don’t worry! Just let us know and we’ll be happy to accommodate your dietary preferences. We also offer daily lunch and dinner specials. So the next time you’re in the mood for Thai food, treat yourself to the authentic cuisine at Noi’s Thai Kitchen!
535 Merrimon Ave. • Asheville • (828) 251-1960
spEciaL advERtising sEction | mountainx.com
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
A R tS
E N t E R t A I N M E N t
In a big country Australian alt-country artist Lachlan Bryan tours the U.S.
By aLLi maRshaLL
When internationally touring musicians embark on a string of U.S. shows, New York is usually their starting point. Not so for Australian alt-country artist Lachlan Bryan. His tour begins and ends in Texas — and not just because Dallas is a hub for flights from Down Under. “As musicians, we’ve been influenced by a lot of Texas music — people like Guy Clark, Townes Van Zandt and Willie Nelson,” he says. Bryan (who performs with his band, The Wildes, at Altamont Brewing Co. on Friday, Oct. 24) even played some shows with Texan Steve Earle during Earle’s solo tour in Australia. The two share a common bond: “He talked about how moving to New York was the best move he’d made in his life. I get that — where I’m from in Melbourne is a very cosmopolitan city.” Bryan, whose third album, Black Coffee, has just been released in the U.S., says that his inspiration often comes from urban struggles. “In a way, it’s country music, but they’re city songs,” he says. Still, Bryan finds insight in travel and rural places, jotting down song ideas while he’s on the road. “As a songwriter, no matter what you listen to or who you look up to, once you’ve been doing it for a while,
who Lachlan Bryan and The Wildes whERE Altamont Brewing Co. altamontbrewing.com whEn Friday, Oct. 24, at 9:30 p.m. $5
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
more and more of yourself comes out of the music,” he says. “Of course, a big part of who we are is the place that we come from.” Bryan is not only rooted in his personal geography, but in a particular musical heritage. Australian country music actually extends well beyond Keith Urban. The tradition runs parallel to that of American country music, dating back to the 1930s with roots in English and Celtic folk — the same settlers who came west to the U.S. also emigrated east to Australia. Smoky Dawson, Tex Morton and Dusty Williams were pioneers in the genre, which also produced stars such as Slim Dusty and Olivia Newton John, and hits like “Waltzing Matilda” and “I Honestly Love You.” American and Australian country music not only share similarities (“The instrumentation is the same; the accent is obviously different,” Bryan says) but also crossovers, which might be part of the reason for Bryan’s U.S. release and tour. This is his second visit — a 2012 trip brought him to Marshall. It was on
samE instRumEntation, diffEREnt accEnt: Australian alt-country singersongwriter Lachlan Bryan (pictured with his band, The Wildes) has shared the stage with Steve Earle and is inspired by many other artists from Texas. Photo courtesy of the musician
that tour that Bryan wrote the songs for Black Coffee, its title track a tribute to his grandfather. That song was written on a napkin in a Mexican restaurant near Chicago. The song “Devilish Country” was penned en route to Sioux City, Iowa: “It was started and finished in the car,” says Bryan. Lead song “309” took its cues from a cheap motel where the musician stayed in Memphis and discovered a bullet hole in the window. “I was trying to do a crime scene analysis, and I think that I worked out that the bullet had been shot from inside the hotel
room, so unless there was someone still in there, [I was] OK.” He adds that when he reached down by the bed for his cellphone, he came up with a piece of fried chicken — and the inspiration for a song was born. In the U.S., Bryan and The Wildes will rent a van, drum kit and backline. “I think America is set up for touring in a way that sometimes Australia isn’t,” the musician says. “I know America is a big place, too, but often [at home] we’ll drive eight or nine hours between gigs.” Returning to the U.S., Bryan says he’s looking forward to going back to New York and Chicago, and “Kansas City was a town I was really surprised by.” He may also break out a cover tune — a rare event for the singer-songwriter. “On this tour we might play a couple of Australia songs that I’ve been mucking around lately,” he says. “I sometimes like to play a Hank Williams song. They’re these brilliant three-chord songs that tell a novel’s worth of stories in 50 words. ... It just reminds you that this thing you’re doing is not that complicated.” X
Redeem Your Blooming Bucks Friday, Oct 17 - Sunday, Oct 26
Nursery & Landscaping, Inc.
Craft attack
70 Monticello Rd. Weaverville, NC I-26/Exit 18 828-645-3937
Wall Street gets yarn bombed
By aLLi maRshaLL
"One philosophy of yarn bombing is that it's stealthy, like graffiti," says Elizabeth Schell, one of the owners of Purl's Yarn Emporium. That shop sponsored a yarn bombing installation on Wall Street, which included knit pieces affixed to lamp posts, trees, parking meters, park benches and one vintage bicycle. The yarn bombing celebrates the Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands (held at the U.S. Cellular Center last weekend) and the Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (at the WNC Agricultural Center, Friday through Sunday, Oct. 24-26). Plus, says fiber artist Judy Jetson,
"The leaves are falling and the trees are getting cold." Jetson is part of a yarn bombing group based in Weaverville. Members of that collective, and a dozen knitters and crafters from Purl's ,joined efforts to fashion the knit pieces installed on Wall Street. Schell hopes the work will remain up for two weeks and that pieces can be saved and added to for an even larger yarn bombing next year. The bicycle, owned by Purl's, features a crocheted bird on its handlebar. Schell says that the winged creature was not made by anyone from her store — it just appeared about two weeks ago. "We got a letter last week, from the bird," or, rather, his mysterious maker, she says. "[The bird's] name is Orville and he's from Ohio. … I love that about Asheville." X
Monday-Saturday 10am - 9pm • Sunday Noon - 7pm 828-505-1558 • 1067 Patton Ave. Asheville, NC 28806 mountainx.com
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Steph Guinan
Textile tactics
fiBER fix: Lisa Klakulak leads a three-day workshop on nuno, which involves combining wool fiber with different kinds of prewoven fabrics. The class is part of this year’s Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair held at the WNC Ag Center. Photo by Michael Mauney
Asheville artist teaches three-day workshop at Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair “I live in downtown Asheville. I don’t have sheep,” says local artist Lisa Klakulak. “I don’t know that much about animals.” But she does know about the fiber culled from livestock, since that’s the medium in which she works. And that’s why Klakulak looks forward to the Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair — three days of fiberfocused workshops, livestock shows, vendors and demonstrations in spinning, knitting, weaving and felting. The event takes place at the Western North Carolina Agricultural Center in Fletcher, Friday-Sunday, Oct. 24-26. Just as the farm-to-table movement connects chefs to farmers, the annual fair, now in its 21st year, connects textile workers with the animals and caretakers that provide raw materials. “I learn about crossbreeding and the kinds of fiber,” says Klakulak. “For me it’s interesting because that’s the side of it that I never explored.” In conjunction with the fair, Klakulak is teaching a three-day work-
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
shop. Her course takes a scientific and exploratory approach to a technique widely known as nuno, which involves combining wool fiber with different kinds of prewoven fabrics. According to the artist, coercing the wool fibers through the warp and the weft, the pixel space in the actual fabric, creates a differential shrinkage process where the wool and the integrating fabric shrink at different rates and result in a wrinkly texture. Rather than focusing on an end product, Klakulak says her course is “really about understanding all of the variables, or opening people’s doors up to multiple variables.” Using a methodical approach, students can gain some control over the material and technique. The class will “experiment with note-taking and analysis so [students] can repeat what they’ve gotten,” says Klakulak. “Or they can modify what they got to get closer to what they want, if they didn’t get it right the first time.” The nuno technique, or “fusion,” as Klakulak calls it, can be a playful exploration of material. “You could lay wool down and put fabric on top of it,” she says. “You could put fabric, then wool, then fabric. You can stack.
14 th Year You can layer.” She even intends to offer some alternative material choices, such as onion bags, with which to push experimentation. “There’s a lot of people doing it,” Klakulak says of nuno. “But I feel the understanding of what’s possible isn’t tapped into as much.” She uses the process in her own work as components of jewelry and handbags, but also as part of her figurative sculpture, “to represent skin and the degradation of skin over time. A lot of my figures are about human vulnerability.” She likens those surfaces to wrinkled or blistered skin. Many artists use the nuno technique to make scarves, and that is how Klakulak began. “When I first started experimenting with it, I was doing scarves, but they acted more for me like a sketchbook,” she says. Not only did those fabric accessories provide learning opportunities to explore the material, but they were also sellable products and therefore funded other projects. “Based on my interests, I tend to work more graphically in felt, but I really want to show people the range,” says Klakulak. She’ll do exactly that during her workshop. “They can get impressionistic effects if they want, and they can get really graphic effects if they want.” X
what Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair whERE WNC Agricultural Center saffsite.org whEn Friday-Sunday, Oct. 24-26. $3/free for ages 13 and younger. Check website for workshop prices
The Weaverville Art Safari Weekend! November 1-2 • 10am to 5pm
A free, self-guided tour of over 40 artists’ studios in Weaverville and surrounding areas. Meander thru the beautiful mountains of WNC while visiting studios of popular potters, jewelers, painters, woodworkers, metalsmiths, glass artists & many more.
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Full Service Restaurant Meals are served to Mountain Xpress readers
k e e y r e W v E
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Edwin Arnaudin
Superfriends Star-studded Trigger Hippy makes its Asheville debut Southern rock is alive and well. To make sure it stays that way, The Black Crowes drummer Steve Gorman joined forces with Joan Osborne (best-known for her hit song “One of Us”) and Jackie Greene (Weir, Robinson, Greene Acoustic Trio; Phil Lesh & Friends; Jackie Greene Band) to form Trigger Hippy. The all-star lineup is rounded out by respected Nashville musicians Tom Bukovac and Nick Govrik. Prior to his new ensemble’s Wednesday, Oct. 29, show at The Grey Eagle in support of a selftitled debut album, Gorman spoke with Mountain Xpress about the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, getting the band together and being labeled a supergroup.
who Trigger Hippy whERE The Grey Eagle, thegreyeagle.com whEn Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 9 p.m. $15 advance/$20 at the door
Xpress: a lot of the members of trigger hippy have played asheville before, including greene and osborne performing at the warren haynes christmas jam. have you ever been approached for that event? gorman: Yeah, I have, and it’s never worked out. The last few years, Trigger Hippy has been asked to come down, and one or two of us will always have a conflict. I’ve known Warren forever, and it’s just never worked out. I’m dying to get down there, and every year I say, “This is going to be the year,” and it hasn’t happened yet for me.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
what other interactions and collaborations did the members of trigger hippy have with one another before forming? Not much. Everything sort of ran through me. I played with Nick [Govrik], the bassist. [He] and I started here playing in Nashville 10 years ago together. The origin of this band stems from Nick and I talking about putting something together. We loved playing together, and we just had a vague notion of what this band might be. I’d known Joan [Osborne] since 1995. The Black Crowes headlined a tour called H.O.R.D.E., and she was [touring] her first album on that one. We’ve been friends ever since. Joan jumped onstage with The Black Crowes a handful of times and sung backup vocals. We’d been friends for years, but we’d never really done any work together beyond that, but I called her and [said], “I have this idea. Do you want to come to Nashville and throw some ideas around and see if we can write these songs?” She said, “Yeah, that’d be great.” It was similar with Jackie Greene. He’d opened for The Black Crowes a few times. I met Jackie, I knew him personally, but I’d seen him play a bunch, and I just got the idea to call him similarly, like, “Wouldn’t it be great if Jackie wanted to do this, because we need another guitar player, and he can play organ?” He and Joan had met each other, but they’d never sung together or anything. The fifth member, Tom Bukova, is a session [guitar] guy in Nashville who I’d worked with a few times, and he was just my favorite player, and we were good friends. You know, it was sort of a combination of “Who’s really great?” and also “Who’s cool to hang out with?” Like, “Who’s a good group of people who are all copacetic, and you hope you get together musically and then, just as importantly, you get together away from the band?”
do you guys have favorite supergroups like the traveling wilburys; crosby, stills, nash & young; or Emerson Lake & palmer? I don’t think of Trigger Hippy in that way at all. I know Jackie and Joan are certainly wellknown. People know The Black Crowes. I get that people call it a supergroup, but that was never the thinking. Initially with Nick and me it was, “Who do we want to play with?” It really didn’t have anything to do with “It’s got to be known entities.” Nick isn’t somebody who anybody outside of Nashville knows. Really, not that many people outside of Nashville know Tom Bukovac, other than he’s played on a million records everybody’s heard, but his name isn’t one of those names. It was kind of like, “If we could put any band together, who would it be?” And it turned out to be this band, and we got lucky. The people we called, they all dug the idea and said, “Yeah, let’s see what happens.” X
gRoup dynamics: How do you build a supergroup? According to The Black Crowes’ drummer Steve Gorman, second from left, the members of Trigger Hippy were easy to convince. “Everybody’s always looking for a new creative venture that could be cool and fun and productive,” he says. “You know when something’s clicking right away.” Photo by Jacob Blickenstaff
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Asheville muralist exhibition at WCU
fast aRt: Asheville-based muralists Gus Cutty, Hannah Dansie, Alli Good and Ian Wilkinson all created large-scale paintings for an exhibition at Western Carolina University. A detail of Cutty’s mural is shown here. Photo by Kyle Sherard
A four-person crew containing some of Asheville’s most notable muralists and painters recently took to the walls of Cullowhee. But those artists — Gus Cutty, Hannah Dansie, Alli Good and Ian Wilkinson — haven’t scaled the exteriors of Cullowhee’s restaurants, overpasses or collegiate edifices, as one might expect. Rather,
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
they’ve taken up their brushes, paints and aerosols inside the gallery for Teetering On The Edge Of Uncanny, an exhibition of temporary murals, on view at Western Carolina University’s Fine Arts Museum through Friday, Nov. 7. That these artists are culled from a stylistically similar enclave of Asheville’s art scene is no coinci-
dence. That’s the doing of David Brown, the museum’s director and the exhibition’s organizer. “Like most urban areas, Asheville has a vibrant mural scene that’s been ongoing,” he says. “I certainly knew that I’d have a great group to pull from.” At its core, the project and resulting exhibition successfully captured the improvisational energy of graffiti and street art, as created for and within the museum’s track-lit gallery setting. “I began looking for both established and up-and-coming artists from around the region,” Brown says. “[Artists] who had the chops, the energy and the interest to tackle the project.” Each of the muralists, he says, was intentionally given short notice of the assignment to amplify the project’s improvisational aspects. Once assigned, they had only two or three days to design and paint the entirety of the monolithic freestanding walls, each of which has two roughly 8-by-8-foot walls with 2-foot-wide connective sides. Good’s mural features a bulbous, canary yellow vixen. She’s not unlike the evolving stock of drooling, razor-toothed grotesques that Good makes regular use of in her more familiar small-scale paintings. Only now, she’s over 6 feet tall, with mirrorlike sky-blue eyes and platinum hair. She’s clutching the withered mane of a shrunken head in one hand and fiercely eyeing a short, red-eyed girl who’s kneeling in prayer (perhaps) below a phallustipped cross. On the reverse side, a three-eyed, yellow-tongued devilish beast rests atop a cluster of bulging, oil-spurting breasts. Wilkinson’s piece offers a whimsical aerial view of a steely gray urban landscape, as seen by a hot air balloon. This seemingly overworked city lies below a dark sky, spotted with streaky black clouds and the white light of a rising sun. It’s shrouded in a smoky, early morning fog that’s intermittently broken by the neon green glow of streetlights and windows. From the balloon (which in this case is a bald man’s head rather than a candystriped sphere), a monkey tosses out blue and red paint bombs, dotting the passing railcars and tops of buildings with bursts of color. Cutty’s work departs from Wilkinson’s and Good’s barbarous and frenzied settings. It depicts,
by Kyle Sherard instead, a tranquil western landscape. Purple, pink and navy blue spires and rocky cliffs are layered above an evening sky and desert floor. The scene drops into total darkness, backed by a blood-red sunset. Hovering in the cloud line is a glowing peyote mystictype character, with bright pink eyes and a stony purple and blue face. He wraps around the panel, where his head trails off to become a ruffle of billowing clouds. Across the room, Dansie’s piece portrays an equally deserted landscape. Only here it’s one of postsocietal development, rather than serene isolation. A series of small Monopolylike homes are engulfed by what looks like a mountain of spaghetti. Behind them, a cluster of explosive triangular mountains sits on a moss-green plain and a deep blue nighttime sky. There’s a sense of abandonment in the the empty domestic shells: They’re left by the wayside and swallowed by the monochromatic hill that they once set out to colonize. Individually, each piece offers a view into each artist. Wilkinson and Cutty reduced the scale their work, while Good and Dansie, who usually create smaller pieces (barring the occasional mural commission), went big. That size difference, coupled with the project’s compacted timeline, was new territory says Wilkinson. “It’s kind of a celebration of something that I personally don’t normally do.” Together, though, these works form a glimpse of the Asheville mural scene, one that seemingly mimics an abstract sculpture garden built of murals rather than stones. But unlike stones, the works are temporary. “We’ll paint over the walls once the show finishes in November,” Brown says, “then [they’ll] exist only in a documentary form.” X
what Teetering On The Edge Of Uncanny whERE Western Carolina University’s Fine Arts Museum, wcu.edu/museum whEn Through Friday, Nov. 7
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
A&E staff
Sean Gaskell and Will Ridenour UWABE — Art in the Park Theater devotees and outdoor enthusiasts unite for two evenings of free alfresco performance. UWABE — Art in the Park meanders throughout Grove Park (338 Charlotte St.) to present three dances, each derived from the natural landscape. During “Biosphere,” a giant puppet probes into our changing planet’s effects on the human condition. “Radiant Poison” is a fierce and physical costumed dance that spans four gardens and delves into the concepts of origins, illusion, creation and dissolution. Finally “Koori,” set in a wooded grove, employs 50-pound blocks of ice for a performance meditation underlining the durable yet ephemeral nature of the ice element. UWABE guests are encouraged to bring folding chairs and blankets to both performances on Friday, Oct. 24, and Saturday, Oct. 25, at 6 p.m. Free. anemonedance.org. Photo by Sandee Johnson
Six-stringed instruments in West Asheville are great, but how about 21-stringed instruments from West Africa for a change? Sean Gaskell and Will Ridenour perform on the kora — an ancient harp-lute, which assigns 11 strings to the left hand and 10 to the right — lulling listeners into a captivatingly layered aural voyage. A press release says the pair impart a “sense of peace and wonder” upon audiences, likening the listening experience to “seeing a new color.” The two pay homage to traditional songs but modernize the instrument with original compositions and experimental tunings. Gaskell and Ridenour play Dobra Tea on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. $5. dobrateanc. com. Gaskell also performs alongside Zimbabwe mbira instrumentalist Christy Clavio at Good Stuff Grocery in Marshall on Saturday, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m, with admission by donation. goodstuffgrocery.com. Photo courtesy of Gaskell
The Ghost Will See You Now Lots of things are spooky — abandoned summer camps, lonely playgrounds, creaky attics and dusty old barns. But local author Randy Russell may have picked the creepiest locale of all for his newest book: hospitals. The Ghost Will See You Now: Haunted Hospitals of the South collects tales from “TB sanatoriums, spas, dental clinics, treatment centers at historic forts, nursing homes, hospice centers, ambulances, hospital train cars and an early 19th-century pharmacy in New Orleans,” according to a press release. The state-by-state guide includes more than 41 stories and lists of 160-plus sightings. Russell's readings include a “bring your own ghost” component, where attendees can show off their own spooky artifacts and stories, or come in costume. He'll be at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville on Sunday, Oct. 26, at 3 p.m. blueridgebooksnc.com; and City Lights Bookstore in Sylva on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 6:30 p.m. citylightsnc.com.
Resonant Rogues You’ve got to admire the forethought of Resonant Rogues, an Asheville band holding a variety show to kick off its Kickstarter campaign. The event, called Revue Nouveau, promises an “unparalleled collection of local talent” to visually supplement the old-time and gypsy jazzers’ vocal harmonies and string-heavy instrumentation. Puppeteer Madison Cripps, burlesque afficionado Memphis Moonshine and aerial arts instructor Waverly Jones will all share the spotlight throughout the evening. Multi-instrumentalist and dance teacher Sparrow Pants will demonstrate her belly dancing prowess alongside Liz Azi before pairing up with bandmate Keith Smith for a swing dance routine. Stick around, because Resonant Rogues plan to save their most upbeat dancin’ tunes for last. Revue Nouveau hits The Mothlight on Thursday, Oct. 23, at 9 p.m. $10. themothlight.com. Photo courtesy of the band
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
a&E caLEndaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald HALLOWEEn cOncERtS • tHIS SAtURDAY • SUnDAY (pd.) Blue Ridge Orchestra Halloween Concerts: • Family Concerts for Halloween: Saturday, October 25, 4pm and Sunday, October 26, 4pm: Wear your costume and bring a Food Donation for Manna Food Bank as your admission or $5-$15. • Saturday, October 25, 7:30pm: Prelude to All Hallows’ Eve: $5-$15. All concerts: Reuter Center, UNC-Asheville. • Information, tickets and reservations: www.blueridgeorchestra.org BilTmore uniTeD meThoDisT ChurCh 376 Hendersonville Road, 274-2379, biltmoreumc.org • SU (10/26), 4-7pm - Zoe Seed, Christian rock, concert and dinner. Free. Blue riDge orChesTrA blueridgeorchestra.com • SA (10/25) & SU (10/26), 4pm - “Musical Treat: A Family Concert for Halloween. $15/$10 members/$5 students/free with Manna FoodBank donation. Held in the Reuter Center at UNCA • WE (10/29), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Free. Held in the Reuter Center at UNCA.
mad dEsign: Douglass Grimmett, founder of Atlanta-based motion graphics company Primal Screen, will be speaking at Western Carolina University on Thursday, Oct. 23, and at Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center on Friday, Oct. 24. In addition to his work on several national advertising campaigns, the graphic designer created the trailer and promotional materials for the final season of AMC’s Mad Men. (p.62)
ArT ArT AT wCu 227-3591, fineartmuseum.wcu.edu • TH (10/23), 2pm - Artist's talk with graphic designer Douglass Grimmett. Free. Held in the Bardo Arts Center. Asheville AreA ArTs CounCil gAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • FR (10/25), 4-6pm - Panel discussion of Give and Take exhibit with live music. Free. Asheville ArT museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • TH (10/23), 5:30-7pm - "Up for Discussion: Two Hundred Years of the Cherokee Language," presentation by linguist Dr. Hartwell Francis. Admission fees apply. • FR (10/24), 5-7pm - Build + Beer, mask making workshop. $20/$15 members. 21+ only. Registration required. BlACk mounTAin College museum & ArTs CenTer 56 Broadway, 350-8484, blackmountaincollege.org • FR (10/24), noon - "Thriving in Chaos," artist talk with graphic designer Douglass Grimmett. Free. DisCover hisToriC henDersonville historichendersonville.org • SA (10/25), 2:30-5pm - Auction of statues from Bearfootin' public art display. Proceeds benefit the City of Hendersonville's Main Street Program and other nonprofits. Free to attend. Held at the Hendersonville Courthouse.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
hAywooD CounTy ArTs CounCil 452-0593, haywoodarts.org • SA (10/25) & SU (10/26) - Haywood County artists self-guided studio tour. Various locations. Sat.: 10am-5pm; Sun.: 12-5pm. Reception: Oct. 23, 6-9pm at Frog Level Brewing Co.
culture lecture. Held at The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design, 67 Broadway
ooh lA lA's holiDAy BAZAAr 669-7467, morningstarrcreations@gmail.com • SATURDAYS through (11/1), 10am-4pm - Craft sale with works by local artists. Free to attend. Held at Pritchard Park, 4 College St.
lAnD of The sky Chorus 866-290-7269, ashevillebarbershop.com • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm - Open rehearsal and auditions for men. Ages 16+. Free. Held at Westwood Baptist Church, 150 Westwood Place
riverlink 252-8474, riverlink.org • TH (10/25), 6-9pm - Of Time and the River, show and sale of plein air paintings depicting the French Broad River. Proceeds support river restoration projects. $65/$50 members. Held at Sol's Reprieve, 11 Richland St. • WE (10/29), 10am - Seminar on how to be a city art contractor. Registration required. Free. Held at 170 Lyman St. souTheAsTern AnimAl fiBer fAir saffsite.org • FR (10/24) through SU (10/26) - Includes animals, crafters, workshops and demonstrations. $3. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road TrAnsylvAniA CommuniTy ArTs CounCil 884-2787, tcarts.org • 4th FRIDAYS, 5-9pm - Fourth Friday Gallery Walk through businesses in downtown Brevard. Free. ywCA of Asheville 254-7206, ywcaofasheville.org • TH (10/30), 6pm - "Exhibiting Blackness and the Gee's Bend Effect," African-American art and
AuDiTions & CAll To ArTisTs
reACh of hAywooD CounTy 456-7898 • Through WE (10/22) - Call for singers and musicians ages 16 to 30 to perform at the "HCC Sing Out!" concert and domestic violence awareness event. TrAnsylvAniA CommuniTy ArTs CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through (11/5) - Applications will be accepted for artists and crafters interested in selling art at the ArtMart fundraiser.
musiC AfRIcAn DRUm LESSOnS • SkInnY BEAtS Drum shop (pd.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. No experience necessary. Drums provided. $12/class. (828) 7682826. www.skinnybeatsdrums.com
flAT roCk plAyhouse DownTown 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURDAYS (10/16) through SUNDAYS (10/26), 8pm - Music on the Rock: John Denver, tribute concert. $24/$22 seniors/$14 students. lush works gAllery 26 1/2 Battery Park Ave., 919-649-2483, lushworks.com • FR (10/24), 7pm - “Calling You Home,” yoga and sound meditation concert. Admission by donation. musiC AT pACk memoriAl liBrAry 67 Haywood St., 250-4700 • TH (10/30), 6pm - Michael Jefry Stevens and Misty Daniels, jazz. Free. pAn hArmoniA 254-7123, pan-harmonia.org, office@pan-harmonia.org • FR (10/24), 7:30pm - Opal String Quartet. $22/$16.50 advance/$5 students. Held at St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. The wysTeriA inn 56 N. Main St., Weaverville; 280-0919 • TH (10/30), 7pm - Ron Clearfield, cellist. $10. Tryon fine ArTs CenTer 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 859-8322, tryonarts.org • TH (10/30), 7pm - Bradley Ditto, singersongwriter. Admission by donation. uniTAriAn univerAlisT fellowship of henDersonville 2021 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville, 693-3157, uufhnc.org • SA (10/25), 7pm - Wendy Jones Quartet, jazz. $15.
TheATer 35Below 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org
Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre. • TH (10/30), 7:30pm - Listen to This storytelling series. $15. Asheville CommuniTy TheATre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/26) - The Addams Family. $25/$22 seniors and students/$15 children. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. • TH (10/30) 7:30pm, SA (11/1) & SU (11/2), 2:30pm - Charlotte's Web. $5. Asheville puppeTry AlliAnCe ashevillepuppetry.org • SA (10/25), 2-3pm - Family Puppet Series: Hansel & Gretel. $8. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain DAnCe AT wCu 227-2617, sacarter@wcu.edu • WE (10/22), 7:30pm - Step Afrika! percussive dancing. $5/free for WCU students. Held in the Bardo Arts Center. flAT roCk plAyhouse Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/26) - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Wed.-Sun.: 8pm; Thu., Sat., Sun.: 2pm. $40 henDersonville liTTle TheATre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 6921082, hendersonvillelittletheater.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/2) - Sylvia. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $20/$15 students/$10 children. monTforD pArk plAyers 254-5146, montfordparkplayers.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS through (10/26) - The Winter's Tale. Thu.-Sat.:7:30pm; Sun.:2:30pm. $15. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway TheATer AT wCu 227-2479, bardoartscenter.wcu.edu • FR (10/24), 7:30pm - Broadway's Next Hit Musical, musical comedy improv. $21/$16 faculty & staff/$7 students & children. Toy BoAT CommuniTy ArT spACe 101 Fairview Road, Suite B, 505-8659, toyboatcommunityartspace.com • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/27), 7:30pm - Waiting For Godot. $15/$12 students.
gaLLERy diREctoRy
5 wAlnuT wine BAr 5 Walnut St., 253-2593 • Through SA (11/1) - Papercuts, small collage works on paper. AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny 1042 Haywood Road, 575-2400 • Through FR (10/24) - Paintings by Liz Niemeyer.
AmeriCAn folk ArT AnD frAming 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, amerifolk.com • Through WE (10/22) - Essence, woodblock prints by Kent Ambler. ArT AT BrevArD College 884-8188, brevard.edu/art • Through FR (10/31) - Works by faculty. ArT AT mArs hill mhu.edu • Through (11/7) - Photography by Joe Franklin. ArT AT unCA art.unca.edu • Through TU (11/4) - Works by Penland School of Crafts' resident artists. In the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • Through FR (10/31) - For Abigail, with my greatest love, pastels by Cecilia Frederic. ArT AT wCu 227-3591, fineartmuseum.wcu.edu • Through FR (11/7) - Abstract Autobiography for a Fractured Narrative, works by Rebecca Ringquist. In the Bardo Arts Center. • TH (10/30) through FR (1/9) - David Raymond's Other People's Pictures and Eric Oglander: Craigslist Mirrors, photography. Asheville AreA ArTs CounCil gAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through SA (11/8) - Give and Take, pairings of works by Asheville and Washington D.C. artists Asheville ArT museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • Through SU (1/18) - Finding My Way Home, works by Mary Frank. Asheville gAllery of ArT 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-ofart.com • Through FR (10/31) - Small Works Show, works smaller than 12 X12 inches. BAsCom CenTer for The ArTs 323 Franklin Road, Highlands, 526-4949, thebascom.org • Through SA (1/4) - Appalachian Pastel Society national exhibition. BenDer gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, thebendergallery.com • Through SU (11/30) - Spirits of the Flame, flameworked glass sculpture. BlACk mounTAin CenTer for The ArTs 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • Through FR (11/21) - Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League juried show DownTown Books & news 67 N. Lexington Ave., 348-7615, downtownbooksandnews.com • Through SU (11/30) - Weirdness Threshold, works by Julie Armbruster, Tiffany Ownbey and Jessica C. White. green sAge CAfe - wesTgATe 70 Westgate Parkway, 785-1780, greensagecafe.com • Through TH (1/15) - Exploring the Depth & Magic of Nature, photography by Susanna Euston, Bonnie Allen and Joanne Senkus.
grovewooD gAllery 111 Grovewood Rd., 253-7651, grovewood.com • Through WE (12/31) - Hops & Crafts, mugs, steins & tankards by regional artist. hAnDmADe in AmeriCA 252-0121, handmadeinamerica.org • Through TH (11/20) - Handmade bookbound pieces by Mary Carol Koester. Artist's reception: Oct. 15, 5:30pm Held at Beverly-Hanks Discovery Center, 1 Town Square Blvd. loCAl CloTh localcloth.org, secretary@localcloth.org • Through SA (12/6) - Excite, contemporary textiles and fiber art. Held in the Creative Arts Building on Haywood Community College's campus.
newZArT gAllery & sTuDio 133 S. Main St. Loft 207, Marshall, 6499358, newzart.com • Through Fr (11/31) - Fauvist-Surrealist figurative works by Matt Zedler oDD's CAfe 800 Haywood Road, 505-7776, oddscafe.com • Through SU (11/9) - Ignition, works by Ron Killian.
Inquire about our customer rewards programs
sATelliTe gAllery 55 Broadway St., 305-2225, thesatellitegallery.com • Through MO (11/24) - It Was A Day Like Any Other, works by Geza Brunow. swAnnAnoA vAlley fine ArTs leAgue svfalarts.org • Through TU (10/28) - Carolina Colors, members' works inspired by fall colors. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain Toe river ArTs CounCil 765-0520, toeriverarts.org • Through SU (11/1) - Fiber Optics, basketry and photography by Billie Ruth and Doug Sudduth. Held at Burnsville TRAC Gallery, 102 W. Main St., Burnsville TrAnsylvAniA CommuniTy ArTs CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • WEEKDAYS (10/24) through (11/7) - The Mystery, mulit-artist multimedia exhibit. Opening reception: Oct. 24, 5-8pm.
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upsTAirs ArTspACe 49 S. Trade St., Tryon, 859-2828, upstairsartspace.org • Through FR (11/28) - Four Makers, Four Materials, wood, steel, glass and clay works. • Through FR (11/28) - Shifting Plates II, works by 16 printmakers. • Through FR (11/28) - Self Exam, self portraits by Ursula Gullow. ZApow! 21 Battery Park Suite 101, 575-2024, zapow.net • ONGOING - Spooky, pop-art works by member artists. Contact the galleries for hours and admission fees.
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Where Adult Dreams Come True
2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
C L U B L A N D ThursDAy, oCToBer 23
weDnesDAy, oCToBer 22
185 king sTreeT John the Revelator, 8pm
5 wAlnuT wine BAr Wine tasting w/ Alarm Clock Conspiracy (indie-rock), 5pm Sankofa (world), 8pm
5 wAlnuT wine BAr Hank West & The Smokin' Hots (jazz exotica), 8pm
AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Dirty Soul Revival (rock, blues, soul), 7pm Art Reception w/ Brad Pope (country), 7pm
Alley kATs TAvern Open mic night, 7pm AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Carolina Ceili (Irish-folk), 9pm
AlTAmonT TheATer Pete James of The Honeycutters, 8:30pm
Asheville sAnDwiCh CompAny Bart Zink (pop), 5pm BlACk mounTAin Ale house Lyric (acoustic soul), 9pm
Ben's Tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
Blue kuDZu sAke CompAny Trivia night, 8pm
BlACk mounTAin Ale house Buncombe County Boyz (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Bob Zullo, 7pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Open Mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7pm
ClAssiC wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles, Elton John covers), 7pm
BywATer Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
Cork & keg The Honey Swamp Stompers (country, blues, jazz), 8pm
Crow & quill Uncle Shabby's Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm
Crow & quill Elisa Faires (Butoh dance performance), 9pm
DugouT Karaoke, 9pm foggy mounTAin BrewpuB Jay Dipaola (blues, folk), 8pm gooD sTuff Christopher Bell (singer-songwriter, pop, indie), 7pm grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Doug Seegers (country, singer-songwriter), 8pm
QuaLity QuaRtEt: Coming to the Grey Eagle on Saturday, Oct. 25, David Bazan and the Passenger String Quartet are making a tour around the country, following the release of their debut album. “David Bazan was, for many years, the songwriter and driving force behind the acclaimed band Pedro the Lion, building a dedicated following and selling a couple hundred-thousand albums,” reads a passage from a release for the show. “The Passenger String Quartet is an avant-garde, experimental neo-classical group, formed by Northwest composer/violinist Andrew Joslyn.”
grinD CAfe Trivia night, 7pm iron horse sTATion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm
leX 18 The Roaring Lions (jazz), 9pm
The moThlighT Dedsa w/ Wyla, Petey (electronic, rock), 9pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD musiC hAll Sweet Claudette (Americana, soul), 7pm
loBsTer TrAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm
The phoeniX Jazz night, 8pm
moJo kiTChen & lounge DJ Molly Parti "Get Over the Hump-day" dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm
The soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
JACk of The wooD puB Old-time session, 5pm
mounTAin moJo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
The souThern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
DouBle Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm elAine's Dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mounTAin BrewpuB Pierce Edens & Scott Low (bluegrass, Americana), 9pm frenCh BroAD Brewery TAsTing room Matt Lane, 6pm gooD sTuff Candy Lee (singer-songwriter, jazz, indie), 7pm grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Hurray for the Riff Raff w/ Clear Plastic Masks (folk, Americana), 8pm highlAnD Brewing CompAny Amy & Mike (acoustic), 5:30pm JACk of The wooD puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm
noBle kAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
Tiger mounTAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm
oDDiTorium Killing Solves Everything, Raging Nathans & The Dimarcos (punk, rock), 9pm
Timo's house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm
off The wAgon Piano show, 9pm
Town pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
olive or TwisT Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm
TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
oDDiTorium Naked Naps, Ellipser, Kisser, Kitty Tsunami & The Beach Ballz (pop-punk, rock), 9pm
one sTop Deli & BAr Arum Rae (rock, soul, pop), 10pm
urBAn orChArD Poetry on Demand w/ Eddie Cabbage, 6:30pm
off The wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm
leX 18 One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 8pm loBsTer TrAp Hank Bones ("The man of 1,000 songs"), 7pm mArkeT plACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm
sTrAighTAwAy CAfe Caribbean Cowboys, 6pm
wilD wing CAfe Karaoke, 9pm
olive or TwisT West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Westsound (Motown), 8pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm
TAllgAry's CAnTinA Open mic & jam, 7pm
wilD wing CAfe souTh Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm
one sTop Deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm
pisgAh Brewing CompAny Bradley Carter & Friends w/ Sanctum Sully's Banjo Wizard (grass, old-time), 6pm
vinCenZo's BisTro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm
Answer to Previous Puzzle A B L E
wed 10/22
doug seegers
thu 10/23
hurray for the riff raff w/ Clear
fri 10/24 sat 10/25
8pm • $12/$15
Plastic Masks 9pm • $15
robbie fulks
w/ the dupont brothers 9pm • $12/$15
david bazan
+ Passenger string quartet w/ david dondero 9pm • $18/$20 an evening with
sun 10/26
missy raines & the new hiP hoP
tue 10/28
big bodaCious bothwell birthday bash w/ david rovics
8pm • $12/$15 3rd annual
8pm • $10 Charlie traveler Presents:
trigger hiPPy wed 10/29 (feat. joan osborne & jackie greene) 9pm • $15/$20 thu junior brown w/ the 10/30 roosevelts 9pm • $16/$18
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLuB diREctoRy
orAnge peel Keys N Krates / gLAdiator w/ Thugli (electronic, hip-hop), 9pm oskAr Blues Brewery Fireside Collective Band (progressivefolk), 6pm pACk's TAvern Jason Whittaker (acoustic rock), 9pm pisgAh Brewing CompAny The Gold Magnolias (southern soul), 8pm purple onion CAfe Calvin Edwards Trio (jazz), 8:30pm renAissAnCe Asheville hoTel Carver & Carmody (country, blues), 6:30pm sCAnDAls nighTCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm souThern AppAlAChiAn Brewery Slinky Effect (vinyl, classic rock), 7pm TAllgAry's CAnTinA Iggy Radio, 7pm The moThlighT Revue Nouveau (variety show w/ live music), 9pm
Expires: 10/31/14
The phoeniX Chrysilis (acoustic-folk), 8pm The soCiAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm The souThern DJ Leslie Snipes (dance), 10pm Tiger mounTAin New Wave dance w/ Cliff (80s pop, postpunk, punk-rock, synthpop), 10pm Timo's house Unity Thursdays w/ Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm Town pump Mood Indigo (jazz, blues), 9pm urBAn orChArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm vinCenZo's BisTro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm
6 days/wk
9 am until
Sundays at noon
North Carolina’s First Cider Pub!
Alley kATs TAvern Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm
1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY & Halloween Extravaganza October 31st
AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Lachlan Bryan (alt-country), 9:30pm Asheville musiC hAll Pigeons Playing Ping Pong w/ Makayan (funk, psychedelic, jam), 10pm Asheville sAnDwiCh CompAny Nikkie Forbes (Americana), 5pm
SLINGING CIDER MORNING, NOON & NIGHT See our Facebook Page for Nightly Specials
AThenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm BlACk mounTAin Ale house Ginny McAfee (country, folk), 9pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm
210 Haywood Road, West Asheville, NC 28806
www.urbanorchardcider.com (828) 774-5151
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
185 king sTreeT Free show Friday w/ The Lower Caves, 8pm 5 wAlnuT wine BAr Mande Foly (African folk), 9pm
friDAy, oCToBer 24
Boiler room Underground Kings w/ Beef, Ju$t James, Big Dave, Cool Hand L.U.K.E., G. Nol$, General Chryst, Star Mogul, King Dez 828 & more, 9pm
185 King stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 adam daLton distiLLERy 367-6401 aLtamont BREwing company 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 ashEviLLE music haLL 255-7777 athEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEy’s tap Room 255-0504 BLacK mountain aLE housE 669-9090 BLuE mountain piZZa 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadway’s 285-0400 thE BywatER 232-6967 coRK and KEg 254-6453 cREEKsidE taphousE 575-2880 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRty south LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 dugout 692-9262 ELEvEn on gRovE 505-1612 foggy mountain BREwpuB 254-3008 fREnch BRoad BREwERy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gREEn Room cafE 692-6335 gREy EagLE music haLL & tavERn 232-5800 gRovE housE thE gRovE paRK inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 highLand BREwing company 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jacK of thE wood 252-5445 LEx 18 582-0293 thE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRoshERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE vista hotEL 669-8870 moonLight miLE 335-9316 nativE KitchEn & sociaL puB 581-0480 nightBELL 575-0375 noBLE Kava BaR 505-8118 odditoRium 575-9299 oLivE oR twist 254-0555 onEfiftyonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRy’s/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 osKaR BLuEs BREwERy 883-2337 pacK’s tavERn 225-6944 thE phoEnix 877-3232 pisgah BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion cafE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLuB 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog LoungE 255-8858 smoKEy’s aftER daRK 253-2155 thE sociaL 298-8780 southERn appaLacian BREwERy 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaightaway cafE 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809 tigER mountain 407-0666 timo’s housE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400
tREssa’s downtown jaZZ & BLuEs 254-7072 u.s. cELLuLaR cEntER & thomas woLfE auditoRium 259-5544 vincEnZo’s 254-4698 wEstviLLE puB 225-9782 whitE hoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing cafE 253-3066 wxyZ 232-2838
BywATer Resonant Rogues (swing, old-time), 9pm ClAssiC wineseller Jacob Johnson (neo-acoustic folk, funk), 7pm CluB eleven on grove The Libra Tacky Party (pre-halloween dance party, "tacky" theme), 10pm
lAwn Buick MacKane Band (Southern rock), 5pm olive or TwisT Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm one sTop Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm orAnge peel St. Paul and the Broken Bones w/ Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas (roots, rock), 9pm
pisgAh Brewing CompAny Alex Krug Combo (folk, Americana), 8pm rooT BAr no. 1 Hunter Begley (alt-country), 8pm
DouBle Crown DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm
sCully's DJ, 10pm
gooD sTuff Chris Stalcup & The Grange (Americana, rock, country), 9pm green room CAfe & Coffeehouse Elise Pratt & Mike Holstein (jazz), 6:30pm grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Robbie Fulks w/ The Dupont Brothers (alt-country, folk, bluegrass), 9pm highlAnD Brewing CompAny Likewise (harmony rock), 6:30pm iron horse sTATion Barb Turner (R&B), 7pm isis resTAurAnT AnD musiC hAll The Honeycutters w/ Taylor Martin's Acoustic Band (folk, Americana), 9pm JACk of The wooD puB Tellico w/ The Lowest Pair (Americana), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm
souThern AppAlAChiAn Brewery Carver & Carmody (country, blues, Americana), 8pm sTrAighTAwAy CAfe Lester Grass, 6pm TAllgAry's CAnTinA Andy Buckner & Southern Soul Campaign (Southern rock), 9:30pm The moThlighT The Girly Girl Revue: A Circus Burlesque Spooktacular, 11pm The phoeniX The Zealots (indie, Americana, rock), 9pm
Timo's house Freet The Optimus & Friends (hip-hop), 10pm Town pump Bullfeather (Appalachian gypsy-rock), 9pm Toy BoAT CommuniTy ArT spACe Waiting for Godot (play), 7:30pm
loBsTer TrAp Calico Moon (Americana), 7pm
vinCenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
mArkeT plACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm
whiTe horse BlACk mounTAin Celtober Fest, 8pm
oDDiTorium Lords of Chicken Hill, Pompos & Niah (punk), 9pm off The wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm olD Burke CounTy CourThouse
w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis
Anthony Tripi, Davis 11/7w/KALOB GRIFFIN BAND w/ Elise ANNABELLES CURSE Mud 9PM $5 Tea Mud Tea •• 9pm 9pm FREE FREE
First and Only
Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 3 3 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON MON Quizzo! Quizzo! 7-9p 7-9p • • WED WED Old-Time Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS THURS Bluegrass Bluegrass Jam Jam 7pm 7pm
95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
Brew Pub
Tiger mounTAin Devyn (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm
leX 18 HotPoint Trio (gypsy swing), 9pm
noBle kAvA Samuel Paradise & Friends (ambient, electronica), 8:30pm
10/24 TELLICO w/ THELee LOWEST PAIR 9PM $5 10/25 Sarah Guthrie 10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie 10/25 RUNNER OFIrion THE WOODS WITH FRONT MAN & & Johnny Johnny Irion NICK BEAUDOING PREVIOUSLY LED NYC’S CAJUN w/ •• 9pm w/ Battlefield Battlefield 9pm $10 $10w/ NICK HONKY-TONKERS, THE DOC MARSHALLS. DITTMEIER BAND 9PM $5 10/26 Firecracker Jazz 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band Band 10/28 JOE FIRSTMAN AND Costume THE CORDOVAS & HALLOWEEN & HALLOWEEN Costume 9PM Free (Donations Encouraged) Party Party & & Contest Contest •• 9pm 9pm $8 $8 10/31 HALLOWEEN BASH!!! WITH ASHEVILLE COUN10/27 Vinegar Creek •• 9pm FREE TRY MUSIC REVUE (FEATURING MEMBERS OF TOWN 10/27 Vinegar Creek 9pm FREE MOUNTAIN) w/ CALEB KLAUDER COUNTRY BAND 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 (FROM FOGHORN STRINGBAND) 9PM $10 w/ Crazy Tom Banana w/ SIRIUS Crazy Tom Banana Pants Pants 11/1 B. 9PM 10/29 Singer Songwriters 10/29 Singer Songwriters 11/3 CHARLIE AND THE FOXTROTS in the Round 9PM Free (Donations Encouraged) 7-9pm FREE FREE in the Round •• 7-9pm
The soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD Blues Liley Arauz, 7pm Lyric (funk, soul), 10pm
nighTBell resTAurAnT & lounge César Meana DJ (indietronica), 10:30pm
an establishment selling beer brewed on the premises and often including a restaurant
pACk's TAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm
sCAnDAls nighTCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
foggy mounTAin BrewpuB Letters to Abigail (bluegrass, folk), 9pm
oskAr Blues Brewery Tina & Her Pony (folk-duo), 6pm
Cork & keg Red Hot Sugar Babies (jazz), 8:30pm
elAine's Dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm
brew·pub [broo-puhb]
wilD wing CAfe souTh A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
sATurDAy, oCToBer 25 185 king sTreeT The Lowest Pair, 8pm 5 wAlnuT wine BAr Patrick Fitzsimons (jazz, world), 6pm Jon Stickley Trio (jazzgrass), 9pm Alley kATs TAvern The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm
An Evening with
Voted Number One
Pete James 8:O0 PM l $10/$12
in the most recent Best Of…
55 North Main Street Weaverville North Carolina
Stop in and see what we have
An Evening with Kevn
8:O0 PM l $15 THU, NOV 13
Stand Up Comic
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8:O0 PM l $5/$7
18 Church Street | Asheville, NC
Asheville’s Best Listening Room
t h ea lt a m ont .com octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
THU. 10/23 Riyen Roots
(acoustic rock)
FRI. 10/24 DJ MoTo (pop, dance hits) SAT. 10/25 A Social Function
(rock & roll, classic hits) BE
stand-up-stunt-man: Stand-up comedian, renowned stunt-man and infamous cast member of MTV’s Jackass, Steve-O will perform at Asheville’s Millroom on Sunday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m. “Steve-O (a.k.a. Stephen Glover) has become a household name, and it all started when he snatched a video camera from his father’s closet when he was fifteen years old,” reads a line on The Millroom’s website. “From there he started producing homemade skateboarding videos featuring dangerous stunts mixed with comical behavior.”
20 WNC
AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Gem Fest & Holmes Desmelik Benefit w/ Dave Desmelik, Green Liners, Amanda Platt, Small Town Lights & Taylor Martin Acoustic Band, 2pm John Wayne & The Pain (reggae), 10pm Asheville musiC hAll Brown Sabbath (psych, funk), 10pm Asheville sAnDwiCh CompAny Laura Jane Vincent (Americana), 5pm AThenA's CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm BlACk mounTAin Ale house Black Robin Hero (rock 'n' roll), 9pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Billy Litz, 7pm
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
highlAnD Brewing CompAny Celtober! (multiple atrists, celtic, rock, fusion), 12pm Amy & Mike (acoustic), 5:30pm JACk of The wooD puB Runner of the Woods w/ Nick Dittmeier Band (indie, folk), 9pm JerusAlem gArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm leX 18 The Resonant Rogues (old-fashioned), 9pm
Boiler room Latin night, 11pm
loBsTer TrAp Crossroad String Band (bluegrass, jazz, Dead covers), 7pm
BywATer Jangling Sparrows (Americana, rock), 9pm
mArCo's piZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm
ClAssiC wineseller Fall for Jazz w/ Keith Davis Trio, 7pm Cork & keg Old-time open jam, 8pm Crow & quill Asheville Darkroom Fundraiser (dress as your favorite famous photograph), 9pm DouBle Crown DJ Lil Lorruh (50s, 60s R&B, rock), 10pm elAine's Dueling piAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mounTAin BrewpuB Dark Spurs (bluegrass), 10pm frenCh BroAD Brewery TAsTing room Peggy Ratusz, 6pm gooD sTuff Sheila Kay Adams and Dan Lewis, 6pm Franklin's Kite, 9pm
Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm
grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern David Bazan + Passenger String Quartet w/ David Dondero (indie, rock, singersongwriter), 9pm
green room CAfe & Coffeehouse Olivier (jazz, pop, saxophone), 6:30pm
mArkeT plACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm mCgourTy's puB Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 9pm new mounTAin Mark Farina w/ Disco 3000, Flypaper (dance, electronic), 9pm nighTBell resTAurAnT & lounge DJ Maxton (hip-hop), 10:30pm noBle kAvA Harmonic Minds (improv, ambient), 8:30pm oDDiTorium Heavy Hearted, Onj, Silver Screen Orchestra & A Moment Electric (post-rock, experimental), 9pm off The wAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or TwisT Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm
orAnge peel Jimmy Eat World w/ Minibosses (rock, alternative), 8pm pACk's TAvern A Social Function (rock 'n' roll, classic hits), 9pm pisgAh Brewing CompAny The Magic Beans (CO Jam), 8pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Erin Kinard, 7pm Crow & quill Resonant Rogues w/ Lost (gypsy-jazz, folk), 9pm DouBle Crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm
purple onion CAfe Laura Blackley Band, 8pm
grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Missy Raines & The New Hip (Americana, bluegrass), 7pm
rooT BAr no. 1 The Willy Whales (old-time), 8pm
iron horse sTATion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm
sCAnDAls nighTCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD musiC hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm
sCully's DJ, 10pm
JACk of The wooD puB Irish session, 5pm
seven sows BourBon & lArDer Late night dance party w/ DJ Ghostface Kahlua (hip-hop, funk, soul), 11:30pm
leX 18 Richard Shulman Jazz Piano, 8pm
souThern AppAlAChiAn Brewery Pleasure Chest (rock, blues, soul), 8pm sTrAighTAwAy CAfe Andy Buckner, 6pm TAllgAry's CAnTinA Jarvis Jenkins (Southern rock), 9:30pm The ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm The phoeniX Mike Sweet (acoustic covers), 1pm Picasso Facelift (classic rock, blues), 9pm The soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm Tiger mounTAin IIIrd Wave dance night w/ Lynnnn & Sarah K (avant-dance, disco, darkwave), 10pm Timo's house Dance party, 10pm Town pump The Paper Crowns (Americana), 9pm Toy BoAT CommuniTy ArT spACe Waiting for Godot (play), 7:30pm TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD Blues The King Zeros, 7pm Free Flow, 10pm
millroom Steve-O (stand-up comedy), 7pm moJo kiTChen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm oDDiTorium Adult Poetry Slam & Mortified Asheville: Share the Shame (storytelling, poetry), 9pm off The wAgon Piano show, 9pm olive or TwisT Shag & swing lesson w/ John Dietz, 7pm Oldies & dance DJ, 8pm one sTop Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am orAnge peel Lake Street Drive (indie, jazz ,soul), 8pm sCAnDAls nighTCluB Miss Honey-Boo Pageant (Halloweenthemed pageant), 10pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm souThern AppAlAChiAn Brewery BlueSunday w/ Gary Segal (blues jam), 5pm sTrAighTAwAy CAfe Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 5pm TAllgAry's CAnTinA Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
whiTe horse BlACk mounTAin Hansel & Gretel puppet show, 2pm Pure Heart Ensemble, 8pm
The phoeniX Up Jumped 3 (jazz), 12pm
185 king sTreeT Oktoberfest w/ The Broadcast, Dead 27's & Soldier's Heart, 6pm 5 wAlnuT wine BAr Eleanor Underhill & Friends (Americana, soul), 7pm AlofT roofTop/poolsiDe Empire Strikes Brass (brass, funk), 4pm AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby, 9pm AlTAmonT TheATer Hip-Harp w/ Deborah Henson Conant (vocals, spoken word, humor), 7:30pm Blue kuDZu sAke CompAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm
mon . 10/27 sAm AdAms oCtoBERFEst & REBEl I.P.A. Fri . 10/31 hAllowEEn CostumE ContEst! see our facebook page for details!
loBsTer TrAp Leo Johnson (jazz, bluegrass), 7pm
vinCenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
sunDAy, oCToBer 26
p e e kthe t! n i p
The soCiAl '80s night, 8pm Town pump Sunday Jam w/ Dan, 4pm Toy BoAT CommuniTy ArT spACe Waiting for Godot (play), 7:30pm vinCenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm whiTe horse BlACk mounTAin The US of ALEC (documentary film), 6:30pm yAChT CluB Steely Dan Sunday, 5pm
monDAy, oCToBer 27
October 2014 THURSDAY
10.25 10:30PM SUNDAY
10.30 10PM FRIDAY
11.1 7PM
5 wAlnuT wine BAr Drayton & The Dreamboats (vintage jazz), 8pm
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
Alley kATs TAvern Open mic, 8pm
The soCiAl Hartford bluegrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8pm
Cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm
AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Old-time jam, 8pm
Tiger mounTAin Honky-tonk (classic country, rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm
DouBle Crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm
Asheville musiC hAll Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 7pm BlACk mounTAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big F'n Deal Band, 7pm BywATer Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm
Timo's house Service Industry Night w/ Nex Millen (dance party), 9pm vinCenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm wilD wing CAfe Team trivia, 8:30pm
CourTyArD gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm DouBle Crown Punk 'n' roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm
Alley kATs TAvern Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm
JACk of The wooD puB Quizzo, 7pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Patrick Fitzsimons, 7pm
off The wAgon Open mic, 8pm
BuffAlo niCkel Trivia night, 7pm
orAnge peel Scary Double Movie Night: Night Of The Living Dead, 7pm; Shaun of the Dead, 9pm
BywATer Fire-spinning night, 9pm
oskAr Blues Brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm The moThlighT Plankeye Peggy & The Gentlemen Callers (rock, psych-rock), 9pm The phoeniX Jeff Sipe & Friends (jam-fusion), 8pm
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
oDDiTorium Odd comedy night, 9pm
BlACk mounTAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm
oDDiTorium Nato Coles & The Blue Diamond Band, Arms Aloft & Englanders (rock), 9pm
CluB eleven on grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm Halloween party, dessert potluck & costume contest w/ Resonant Rogues (oldtime, folk, Baltic), 8:30pm
Wed 10/22 7:30 PM • SWEET CLAUDETTE ON THE MAIN STAGE • $7/$10
Full Bar
743 HAYWOOD RD • 828-575-2737 • ISISASHEVILLE.COM octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
off The wAgon Rock 'n' roll bingo, 8pm one sTop Deli & BAr Tuesday night techno, 10pm orAnge peel First Aid Kit w/ Samantha Crain (Swedish folk duo), 9pm
leX 18 HotPoint Duo (gypsy string swing), 8pm
mArkeT plACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm
Asheville musiC hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm
millroom K.Flay w/ Night Riots & Sarah Burns (hiphop), 9pm
lAurey's CATering AnD gourmeT To go Ukulele jam, 5:30pm
mArCo's piZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm
AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Open mic w/ Chris O'Neill, 8pm
loBsTer TrAp Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 7pm
iron horse sTATion Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 6pm
JACk of The wooD puB Joe Firstman & The Cordovas (singersongwriter), 9pm
5 wAlnuT wine BAr The John Henrys (ragtime, jazz), 8pm
grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Contra dance, 7pm
grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Bothwell B-Day Bash w/ David Rovics (folk, punk, protest), 7pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD musiC hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm
TuesDAy, oCToBer 28
gooD sTuff Riverside Trivia Show, 7pm
gooD sTuff Celtic Night, 7pm
riverwATCh BAr & grill Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm sCully's Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm TAllgAry's CAnTinA Jam night, 9pm The soCiAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm Timo's house '90s Recall w/ Franco ('90s dance, hiphop, pop), 10pm Town pump Old Man Kelly (one-man-band), 9pm TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD Blues Early Tuesday w/ Pauly Juhl & Oso, 8:30pm vinCenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm wesTville puB Blues jam, 10pm whiTe horse BlACk mounTAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm wilD wing CAfe souTh Trivia, 8:30pm
weDnesDAy, oCToBer 29 5 wAlnuT wine BAr Wine tasting w/ Sean Gaskell (world), 5pm Sankofa (world), 8pm AlTAmonT Brewing CompAny Songwriter Night w/ Laura Blackley, Aaron Price & Jay Brown, 9pm
BlACk mounTAin Ale house Buncombe County Boyz (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & Brew puB Open Mic w/ Billy Owens, 7pm BywATer Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm Crow & quill Uncle Shabby's Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm DugouT Karaoke, 9pm grey eAgle musiC hAll & TAvern Trigger Hippy w/ Joan Osborne & Jackie Greene (rock, psych-rock), 8pm grinD CAfe Trivia night, 7pm isis resTAurAnT AnD musiC hAll Sweet Claudette (Americana, soul), 7pm JACk of The wooD puB Old-time session, 5pm leX 18 The Roaring Lions (jazz), 9pm loBsTer TrAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm moJo kiTChen & lounge DJ Molly Parti "Get Over the Hump-day" dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm mounTAin moJo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm noBle kAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm oDDiTorium Costumes & Cocktails, 9pm off The wAgon Piano show, 9pm olive or TwisT Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm pisgAh Brewing CompAny the Ragbirds (world, Americana), 8pm sTrAighTAwAy CAfe Pierce Edens (Americana), 6pm TAllgAry's CAnTinA Open mic & jam, 7pm The moThlighT Rob K & Uncle Butcher w/ Krekel and Whoa (rock, soul), 8pm The phoeniX Jazz night, 8pm The soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm The souThern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm Tiger mounTAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm Timo's house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm Town pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm TressA's DownTown JAZZ AnD Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm urBAn orChArD Poetry on Demand w/ Eddie Cabbage, 6:30pm
Asheville musiC hAll Kung Fu w/ The Fritz (funk, rock), 9pm
vinCenZo's BisTro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm
Ben's Tune-up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
wilD wing CAfe Karaoke, 9pm
M o V I E S C
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
picK of thE wEEK
thEatER Listings
fRiday, octoBER 24 thuRsday, octoBER 30
Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: Matthew Warchus (Simpatico) pLayERs: Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West, Ben Schnetzer, Paddy Considine, Andrew Scott, George MacKay
Asheville piZZA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) please call the info line for updated showtimes halloween (r) fri-Tue (oct. 24-28) 10:00 let's Be Cops (r) 7:00 The rocky horror picture show (r) wed-Thu (oct. 29-30) 10:00 Teenage mutant ninja Turtles (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00
fact-BasEd comEdydRama RatEd R thE stoRy: A group of gay activists in Great Britain set out to help striking coal miners during the 1984 strike — whether the miners like it or not. thE Lowdown: An absolutely pitch-perfect comedy-drama with a remarkable ensemble cast, a witty, literate script and a strong cinematic approach. There is absolutely no excuse for missing this one.
Matthew Warchus’ Pride may just be the year’s biggest surprise — and it’s almost certainly the biggest crowd-pleasing, uplifting movie you’ll see all year. I mean that in the best possible way. This is a movie that fully earns its every emotional pull and has the wisdom — and structure — to dole them out through the film with amazing canniness. What makes it even more amazing is that the film was written by a newcomer, Stephen Beresford, and directed by Matthew Warchus, whose only previous directorial credit is the little seen, badly reviewed Simpatico (1999) — and who is better known for his stage work. But as sometimes happens, Warchus appears to be one of those theater folks who sees film as a liberating force that allows for a flexibility that doesn’t exist on the stage. Certainly, there is nothing
CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)
paddy considinE, BiLL nighy, jacK Baggs and jEssica gunning in Matthew Warchus’ terrific fact-based comedy-drama Pride.
even slightly stagey to be found here, though a sense of theater is clearly present. Pride is full-on filmmaking from first to last. It’s a period piece — set during the miners’ strike of 1984 in Thatcher’s Britain — and is based on the true story of a group of gay activists working to help support the striking miners — despite the fact that the miners aren’t exactly thrilled by the prospect of throwing in their lot with gays. Aspects of it are likely to remind you of another fact-based film, Kinky Boots (2005), where a muchdisdained transvestite (Chiwetel Ejiofor) helps to save a dying shoe factory. Actually, it reminded me of a friend of mine who worked for the British Film Institute and used to write film criticism for The Gay Times. He also had a keen interest in the history of black people in Great Britain but often faced resistance because of his sexual orientation. Much the same thing happens in Pride. In fact, as presented in the film, several miners’ groups turned the activists’ support down outright or wouldn’t return their calls — until one,
mostly through misunderstanding who they were, opted to accept the money they raised. What they had not expected was that the activists would accept an invitation to come to the little Welsh mining town. Yes, you can call the results of this visit — and the alliance that comes into being — fairly predictable. But it’s only predictable in broad strokes. Some things — the unswerving resistance of one faction — are surprising in the fact there is no “seeing the error of their ways” moment, which is refreshing. Other things — like guessing who the closeted gay in the mining community (you know there has to be one) will turn out to be — aren’t in the least surprising, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work. What keeps the film working for its entire two-hour running time is a perfect blend of cinematic and dramatic drive, a generosity of spirit and a wonderful ensemble cast. That cast — and its ensemble nature — is worth considering, not in the least because this is not a star vehicle. Yes, Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West
CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) Alexander and the Terrible, horrible, no good, very Bad Day (pg) 12:45, 2:45, 4:30, 6:30, 8:35 Annabelle (r) 11:30, 2:05, 5:15, 7:45 10:30 The Best of me (pg-13) 11:40, 2:15, 4:50, 7:25, 10:00 The Book of life (pg) 11:15, 1:30, 3:50, 6:05, 8:20 Carrie (the original 1976 film) (r) 7:30 Wed., Oct. 29 Dracula untold (pg-13) 11:25, 1:35, 3:45, 6:00, 8:10, 10:20 The equalizer (r) 11:15, 2:00, 4:45, 7:35, 10:30 fury (r) 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 10:05 gone girl (r) 11:00, 12:00, 1:45, 3:05, 4:20, 6:10, 7:25, 9:15, 10:00 guardians of the galaxy 2D (pg-13) 11:50, 2:25, 5:00, 7:40 John wick (r) 12:30, 3:10, 5:30, 7:50, 9:20, 10:10 The Judge (r) 11:55, 2:55, 6:20, 10:15 men, women & Children (r) 10:30 ouija (pg-13) 12:00, 2:05, 4:10, 6:15, 8:20, 10:25 st. vincent (pg-13) 11:45, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30 Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) fury (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 epiC of henDersonville (693-1146) fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) my old lady (pg-13) 1:20, 4:20 pride (r) 1:00. 4:00, 7:00 Late Show 9:30 The skeleton Twins (r) 7:20, Late Show 9:30 flATroCk CinemA (697-2463) The Judge (r) 3:30, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADium 15 (6841298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
and Paddy Considine get top billing — and they contribute greatly to the film (especially Dominic “God, I miss disco!” West) — but they can hardly be called the stars, just the biggest names. Relative unknowns like Ben Schnetzer, George MacKay and Andrew Scott probably have greater screen time, but even they are not really the stars. Rather, it’s the large cast of characters and performers taken as a whole who are the movie’s collective stars. And what stars they are. Rarely have I seen a film with this many characters that is never confusing and in which no one gets lost in the shuffle. It all comes together so beautifully that it’s frankly astounding. Yes, it’s a film that very deliberately sets out to hit all the right notes, but those right notes are so very right that it feels completely natural. You will be doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t see this charming, moving, funny film. Rated R for language and brief sexual content. Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
Fury HHHH diREctoR: David Ayer (Street Kings) pLayERs: Brad Pitt, Shia LeBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal waR RatEd R thE stoRy: A post-D-Day war story about a tank crew making their way through Germany. thE Lowdown: Violent, bloody, straightforward old-school war movie that overcomes its shortcomings in its battle scenes — with help from three of its five lead actors.
Fury is a pleasantly nasty surprise. There is nothing in writer-director David Ayer’s filmography — and I include his Training Day (2001) screenplay in that statement — to suggest that it would be any more than adequate. Back when Ayer made
, Don t let the cat get your tongue! Advertise your animal-related business in Xpress’ Animal Issue on 11/5.
October 29 deadline 828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com According to a 2014 Xpress-administered survey, 77% of our readers have a pet. 72
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
HHHHH = max rating Street Kings (2008), I wrote, “It’s all very loud and very bloody — and somehow agreeably dumb without ever being actually good.” Fury is also very loud and very bloody — and sometimes a little dumb — but it actually is good. At least, it’s mostly good. There is no reason it needed to be as long as it is — and several scenes could obviously have been trimmed down to good effect. Three of its five main characters are handled with great aplomb by Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman and, yes, Shia LaBeouf (despite an unfortunate mustache). On the other hand, Michael Peña’s character tends to drift into the background, and I wish Jon Bernthal’s hillbilly (and his pudding-bowl haircut) would have drifted out of the film altogether. It is also worth noting that Fury is essentially a very old-fashioned war movie — but one tricked out with post-Saving Private Ryan (1998) gore. That may or may not be a bad thing, though I’d feel better about it if it was a little more consistent when it comes to movie stars. When you get right down to it, Ayer’s tank crew is nothing but an old WWII movie right down to its ethnically and culturally diverse characters. Had it been made in WWII it might have starred Errol Flynn, William Prince, Dane Clark, Arthur Kennedy and George Tobias. What Ayer gives us is just a lot more grim and a lot more bloody, but it’s only slightly more nuanced — and some of the nuances are pretty much window dressing. None of this, however, prevents the film from being a straight-up war movie. If that’s what you want, this has it to spare. It’s the kind of movie people call “unflinching,” which really just means grim and bloody. There’s less a story here than a situation. Tank commander Don “Wardaddy” Collier (Pitt — think of him in Inglourious Basterds, only playing it straight) and his similarly war-seasoned crew, Boyd “Bible” Swan (LaBeouf), Trini “Gordo” Garcia (Peña), Grady “Coon-Ass” Travis (Bernthal) — find themselves saddled with wet-behind-the-ears Norman Ellison (Lerman) as the replacement for a fallen comrade. What follows is the kid’s baptism by fire as they go on his first mission, which, of course, turns out to be of the deadly variety. Let’s face it, no other kind of mission would make for much of a movie. The characters are nearly as straightforward as the movie. The most intriguing is LaBeouf’s “Bible,” who is not only as religious — and
prone to interesting (and peculiar) theological discourse — as his name implies, but is also generally bookish and even slightly detached. The only one with much of a character arc is Lerman’s Norman — who wins the name “Machine” over the course of the film — and it’s hardly an unpredictable one, but the ever-reliable young actor makes it seem more interesting than it is. But the selling point of the film lies in its war scenes, which is also why an extended scene — and a quasi-romance for Norman — with two German girls drags badly before too long. The battle scenes, however, are splendidly done, especially the final one where the five men and one immobile Sherman tank try to take on hundreds of German soldiers. Yes, it’s preposterous, and the very fact that they make this stand makes very little sense, but while it’s on-screen, it’s relentlessly suspenseful — so much so that it’s hard not to overlook the dodgy sense of it all. In fact, it’s good enough to make up for the movie’s missteps. Rated R for strong sequences of war violence, some grisly images and language throughout. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Henersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke
St. Vincent HHHH diREctoR: Theodore Melfi pLayERs: Bill Murray, Jaeden Lieberher, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Chris O’Dowd, Terrence Howard comEdy-dRama RatEd pg-13 thE stoRy: Misanthropic drunk plays babysitter and mentor to a young boy. thE Lowdown: Yes, it’s almost alarmingly unmysterious — a feel-good crowd-pleaser tailored to the talents of star Bill Murray. You know where it’s going from the onset, but the trip is still very enjoyable.
St. Vincent is a crowd-pleasing, heartwarming Bill Murray vehicle that is by turns funny and touching. It does little — perhaps nothing —
you don’t expect. It is meant for people who want such a movie. It’s for those who don’t mind feeling good at the end of a movie — and don’t mind wiping away the odd tear. St. Vincent is not for the hardcore cynical, nor for the terminally hip — though it is gracious enough to give them time to dry any uncool excess eye moisture without being exposed to the world at large. At the same time, it wisely banks on the inherent cool factor of Murray’s presence to keep it from completely being subsumed by the treacle pit of sentiment it perilously navigates. It would be unthinkable without Murray, but I don’t think anyone ever entertained such a thought. The film marks the feature debut of writer-director Theodore Melfi, and it sometimes shows. There’s an entirely superfluous subplot involving Terrence Howard as a bookie. It is so very unnecessary that you’re apt to forget the whole thing is in the movie long before it finally gives up and goes away. Mostly, Melfi sticks closely to a pretty basic comedy-drama template involving a cantankerous, antisocial drunk and a beguiling little boy. It’s nothing new. Think of it as About a Boy (2002) with Bill Murray as a self-involved, grizzled Vietnam veteran instead of Hugh Grant as a self-involved playboy and you’re partway there. Melfi brings his own touches and embellishments to the table, but saying he crafts anything original is an overstatement. Saying he crafts something entertaining and pleasant is nearer the mark — and there’s nothing in the least wrong with that as a goal. Murray plays Vincent as a misanthropic, alcoholic, gamblingaddicted hedonist who likes no one — and the world returns the favor by not liking him. At least, that’s the theory. The film is shrewd enough to suggest early on that there’s more to him, if only because the habitues and bartender at his favorite watering hole not only tolerate him, but seem to care about him. However, Vincent is less than delighted when newcomers — a mother, Maggie (Melissa McCarthy), and her 12-year-old son, Oliver (Jaeden Lieberher) — move in next door, though he’s quick to take advantage of them at every turn. It is this — and the fact that he obviously likes (but won’t admit it) Oliver — that leads cashstrapped Vincent to agree to act as babysitter — for a fee, of course. The savvy viewer will know the drill — taking Oliver on all sorts
of age-inappropriate adventures, teaching him how to beat up a bully (Dario Barosso in his third role as a bully), introducing him to dubious people like Vincent’s pregnant Russian hooker/exotic dancer girlfriend (Naomi Watts). The trick is that knowing these things doesn’t keep them from being entertaining. It mostly works because of Murray and the chemistry he has with Lieberher. It’s good enough to keep you from noticing a narrative gap or two, and to smooth over some of the more generic aspects of the story. But there are other charms to be found here. Melissa McCarthy actually plays a character and not her usual overbearing self. Naomi Watts — complete with classically phony Russian accent — is both funny and appealing. And Chris O’Dowd as a broad-minded and worldly priest at Oliver’s school adds an agreeable touch. But, yes, it’s a Bill Murray movie, and it’s always mindful of that fact. It stretches him a little, but not enough to interfere with his essential Bill Murrayness — and that’s a very good thing. Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material including sexual content, alcohol and tobacco use and for language. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke
staRting fRiday
Pride See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
John Wick
St. Vincent See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Ouija It’s time for some PG-13 rated horror for Halloween with Ouija. It looks like a new riff on the old Witchboard movies from the 1980s and ‘90s, but with a pretty obvious Insidious vibe. (It shares an Insidious producer and Lin Shaye is in it.) Of course, it has been shown to no one, but it has the Halloween season to itself. (pg-13)
It took two first-time directors — both former stuntmen — to rein in Keanu Reeves in this apparently hard-R thriller that has Reeves as a former hitman who comes out of retirement to take on the gangsters who killed his dog. The studio assures us that this is a “fresh and stylized take on the assassin genre,” and, truth to tell, it does have 14 out of 14 positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Not much of a crosssection and a lot of them from less than sterling review outlets, but it’s interesting. (R)
The Best of Me HH
diREctoR: Michael Hoffman (The Last Station) pLayERs: James Marsden, Michelle Monaghan, Luke Bracey, Liana Liberato, Gerald McRaney Romantic mELodRama RatEd pg-13 thE stoRy: Old high school sweethearts reunited after the death of their mentor must look back on — and finally face — their past. thE Lowdown: Run-of-the-mill goopy, melodramatic romance from the master of the form, novelist Nicholas Sparks.
Here’s an unfortunate realization: In the eight years I’ve been reviewing movies, I’ve now seen five films based on Nicholas Sparks novels. I
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
only have vague memories of these movies. There’s the one where Miley Cyrus talks to a raccoon. There’s the one where Channing Tatum meets a guy with a coin collection. There’s the one where a ghost just shows up at the end of the movie (that one’s my favorite). It hardly matters what else happens in these movies since they’re all essentially the same. Some beefy guy from the wrong side of the tracks meets a woman and sets her free. One of them always has a past they’re running from, one that love will eventually overcome. If not that, then some beefy guy from the wrong side of the tracks meets a woman and screws everything up, only to overcome the odds as they end up together again. Or some mishmash of these things, all taking place in the South, all being infinitely cheesy. The Best of Me is no different, with James Marsden playing the role of Dawson, our beefcake hero, a quiet, gentle, sensitive soul who’s beckoned back to the small town he grew up in after the death of his mentor, Tuck (Gerald McRaney). Also headed there for the same reason is Dawson’s old sweetheart, Amanda (Michelle Monaghan), who’s now married with a kid and wants little to do with Dawson. The reasons for this are unfurled through flashbacks to their high school days, where the only touch of accurate period detail is the occasional Spin Doctors song. Here,
the affluent Amanda (Liana Liberato, If I Stay) and impoverished Dawson (Luke Bracey, The November Man), the son of a violent drug dealer (Sean Bridgers, Sweet Home Alabama), meet and fall for each other. The plot unwinds as a means of explaining what happened to Dawson and Amanda’s perfect love, even in the face of Dawson’s white trash family and resistance from Amanda’s affluent father. The Best of Me is exactly as maudlin as one would expect from a Sparks adaptation, with its idealistic approach to love and romance. It gets even worse as the story catches up to the present day, and we meet Dawson’s brothers who exist as caricatures of poor white people, complete with cornrows and neck tattoos. Their sole purpose is to make sure something bad happens in the movie as soon as Dawson and Amanda start to rekindle their love. And when it happens, it’s pretty spectacularly ludicrous. I don’t want to give anything away (partly because the film’s big payoff scales the heights of ridiculousness), but the movie hits peak Sparksian mawkishness. What the “best of me” is actually referring to is far, far too silly to be believable, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make the movie entertaining — at least in those closing moments. Rated PG-13 for sexuality, violence, some drug content and brief strong language. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Justin Souther
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The Book of Life HHHHS
diREctoR: Jorge R. Gutierrez pLayERs: (Voices) Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana, Channing Tatum, Ron Perlman, Christina Applegate, Ice Cube, Kate del Castillo animatEd fantasy RatEd pg thE stoRy: Animated fantasy grounded in the concept of the Day of the Dead. thE Lowdown: Its actual plot may be fairly standard love triangle stuff, but The Book of Life’s nonstop array of stunning images and invention — not to mention the freshness of its cultural identity — more than transcends its basic plot.
The Book of Life — from producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge R. Gutierrez — offers proof that in the right hands nothing succeeds like excess. If ever a movie could be said to have too much of everything, this outburst of hallucinatory psychedelia is it. But there are times — at least in art — where too much is exactly what is called for. That’s the case with this visually heady blend of Mexican folk
art, folklore, surrealism and a dash of cubism. This is a case where visual panache, a fresh cultural palette and refreshingly unusual mythology easily trump a fairly familiar story about two friends in love with the same girl and trying to live up to — or get out from under — family expectations. Not to take anything away from director Gutierrez, but the stamp of Guillermo del Toro is all over The Book of Life. I don’t mean the del Toro of Pacific Rim (2013), but the del Toro of Cronos (1993), The Devil’s Backbone (2001) and Pan’s Labyrinth (2006). The Book of Life has the same kind of magical worlds that we encounter in those films — worlds that are at once beautiful and grotesque, and sometimes even a little terrifying. Oh, they’re toned down here so as not to be too frightening for younger viewers, but the magic is still there. The story centers on Manolo (Diego Luna in what may well be his best role — animated though it is — since 2001’s Y Tu Mama Tambien) and Joaquin (Channing Tatum), both of whom have been in love with Maria (Zoe Saldana) since childhood. (It’s clear from the outset that Maria favors Manolo.) They both also labor under the specters of illustrious ancestors. Manolo comes from a long line of famous bullfighters, but he really wants to be a musician — and he refuses to kill a bull in the ring, which is a pretty big career hurdle. Naturally, his family is happy about
neither. Joaquin, on the other hand, lives in the shadow of his late father, a military hero. What none of them know is that they’re part of a bet between La Muerte (Kate del Castillo) — keeper of the lively underworld of the remembered dead — and Xibalba (Ron Perlman) — keeper of the gloomy underworld of the forgotten dead. Xibalba wants nothing more than to trade places with La Muerte and so bets that his pick, Joaquin, will beat out her pick, Manolo, for the hand of Maria. (It should go without saying that Xibalba is not above cheating to win.) In addition to all the human and supernatural duplicity at work, there’s a very real threat to the village in the form of a marauding horror who not only wants to destroy the village, but desires to reclaim something Joaquin has. And there’s also a kind of God figure, the Candlemaker (Ice Cube), who — among other things — tends to the flames of lives. Some of this is neither new, nor specific to the film’s mythology. The Candlemaker’s flames owe something to Fritz Lang’s Der müde Tod (1921), while the whole idea of the dead only continuing to exist as long as they’re remembered can be found in many cultures and is specifically addressed in Maurice Maeterlinck’s 1908 work The Blue Bird. But let’s be honest, myths drift into each other throughout history. What pushes The Book of Life into near greatness is the nonstop flow of ideas and imagery. Saying that it draws heavily on the Day of the Dead is both abundantly obvious and more confining than the film itself. While its computer animation lacks the handcrafted feel of the recent The Boxtrolls, The Book of Life is imbued with more warmth and overall charm. Yes, you can complain that the film’s framing story is largely unnecessary, but it does set up a pleasurable final note that makes up for it. The question, of course, becomes whether or not it will stand the test of time, but we can only guess the answer to that. I’m inclined to say that it at least deserves the chance. Rated PG for mild action, rude humor, some thematic elements and brief scary images. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day HH Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, Ed Oxenbould, Dylan Minnette, Kerris Dorsey
Kiddie Comedy A put-upon young boy gets his wish that his family finds out what a bad day is like when they're on the receiving end. A very long 80 minutes of obvious slapstick and loud performances pitched to the family-friendly crowd, which should demand better. Rated PG
Art and Craft HHHH Mark Landis, Matthew Leininger, Aaron Cowan, Jill Chancey Documentary Documentary about a very peculiar art forger — one who makes gifts of his forgeries to altogether-too-credulous museums. Immensely likable little documentary about a singularly strange man with a penchant for gifting museums with his forgeries of the works of famous artists. It's pretty indifferent as filmmaking, but its subject and the questions it raises carry it. Rated NR
Dracula Untold HH Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, Charles Dance Action Horror The story of how Dracula got the way he is. Slapdash, but slick, horror done in comic book terms. Too little horror, too much CGI — and yet another attempt to make a great villain sympathetic with an origin story. Phooey. Rated PG-13
Men, Women & Children HHH Adam Sandler, Jennifer Garner, Rosemarie DeWitt, Judy Greer, Dean Norris, Ansel Elgort, Kaitlyn Dever, Emma Thompson Drama Eight intercut — sometimes connected — stories of life in the age of omnipresent social media. It's a worthy idea and there are some moments of grace, but this takedown of society losing actual human connection through its online and text messaging simulation of interaction is too unfocused and overstuffed to be the movie it wants to be. Rated R
The Judge HH Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Farmiga, Vincent D'Onofrio, Billy Bob Thornton Treacley Familial Courtroom Drama A hotshot defense attorney is forced into defending his estranged dad’s murder charge. A gooey mess of shameless Oscar bait clichés that’s watchable and little else. Rated R
Annabelle HH Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, Alfre Woodard, Tony Amendola, Kerry O'Malley Low-Rent Horror A young couple are
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
menaced by a creepy doll that's possessed by a demon. Fairly perfunctory horror that purports to be the origin story of the doll seen early on in last year's The Conjuring. There are a few good shocks, but a lack of atmosphere and a truly awful script pretty much negate them. Rated R
Gone Girl HHHHH Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, Carrie Coon, Kim Dickens Darkly Satirical Mystery Thriller When a man's wife goes missing, the attention shifts from sympathetic to suspicion that he murdered her. Deeply cynical, darkly funny, sometimes brutal, very powerful filmmaking that may make you a little queasy, but will almost certainly entertain you to no end. Rated R
Kill the Messenger HHHH Jeremy Renner, Robert Patrick, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Michael Sheen, Rosemarie DeWitt, Ray Liotta, Andy Garcia Fact-Based Crusading Reporter Story Fact-based story of reporter Gary Webb, who linked the CIA to using the drug trade to fund Nicaraguan militias. Slick, glossy crusading reporter movie with a strong lead performance, but also lacking in being anything other than a basic example of its genre. Rated R
Left Behind S Nicolas Cage, Cassi Thomson, Chad Michael Murray, Lea Thompson, Nicky Whelan Religious Thriller After people disappear due to the rapture, those left behind must deal with the chaos and aftermath. A goofy, cheap, idiotic thriller with a disappointingly restrained Nicolas Cage performance at its center. Rated PG-13
My Old Lady HHH Kevin Kline, Maggie Smith, Kristin Scott Thomas, Dominique Pinon Comedy Drama A down-on-his-luck failed writer inherits a Parisian apartment from his late father, only to find it inhabited by a mother and daughter, who — due to a quirk in French law — he must also take care of until the mother’s death. A surprisingly dark look at the effects our parents — and their choices — have on children, but one that’s tonally uneven and a bit of a mess. Rated PG-13
The Boxtrolls HHHH (Voices) Ben Kingsley, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Elle Fanning, Jared Harris, Nick Frost, Richard Ayoade Animated Fantasy A status-seeking villain demonizes and plans on destroying a peaceful community of harmless trolls to achieve his goals. Not quite up to the two previous films from the Laika studios, but with more than enough twisted creativity to make it very worthwhile. Rated PG
HHHHH = max rating
The Equalizer HHS Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Johnny Skourtis Action Thriller A home improvement store employee with a mysterious past takes on the Russian mob. An incredibly uneven movie that oscillates between goofy, vaguely competent and out-and-out dumb, while managing to at least be a mildly entertaining distraction. Rated R
A Walk Among the Tombstones HHHHS Liam Neeson, Astro, David Harbour, Dan Stevens, Eric Nelsen Noir Mystery A retired cop and unlicensed detective gets hired to track down a group of sadistic kidnappers who target drug dealers. A stylish noir detective story that’s both welcomely self-aware and intelligent. Rated R
The Maze Runner HHHS Dylan O'Brien, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Cooper, Thomas BrodieSangster, Will Poulter, Kaya Scodelario, Patricia Clarkson YA Sci-Fi Fantasy YA sci-fi about a group of boys trapped at the center of a maze. Better than average for its type, but not without problems of its own, The Maze Runner still manages to create a world of disturbing menace with better than expected characters. Rated PG-13
The Skeleton Twins HHHHS Bill Hader, Kristen Wiig, Luke Wilson, Ty Burrell, Joanna Gleason Comedy Drama Following a failed suicide attempt, a gay man goes to stay with his equally damaged sister in their old hometown. This is how comedydrama is done. There are a couple of false steps, but overall this is a splendid film with terrific star turns from Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig. Rated R
Community Screenings
FREE movie: “9-11 Anatomy of a GreAt Deception” (pd.) Wed. Oct 29th at 6 p.m. at the Lord auditorium in lower level of Pack Library located at 67 Haywood St., downtown Asheville. Classic World Cinema Foreign Film 273-3332 Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (10/24), 8pm - Pi. Held at Courtyard Gallery, In the Phil Mechanic Building 109 Roberts St.
OCTOBER 22 - OCTOBER 28, 2014
20,000 Days on Earth HHHS
Director: Iain Forsyth, Jane Pollard Players: Nick Cave, Warren Ellis, Kylie Minogue, Ray Winstone DOCUMENTARY Rated NR A curious, occasionally fascinating, but unfortunately uneven look at the life and work of musician Nick Cave, as seen through the eyes — or more accurately, the memory — of Cave himself. Like so many documentaries, 20,000 Days on Earth depends mostly on your interest in Cave, his music and his thoughts on life, art and himself. Occasional striking images and an interesting — but eventually too thin — motif of documenting one’s life make for an original angle at which to tackle the documentary form, but this is ultimately a movie for fans, who should be easily satisfied. The film plays for one show on Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7 p.m. at Fine Arts Theatre.
The Wolf Man HHHH
Sissy Spacek in Brian De Palma’s Carrie. The film is being shown by the Asheville Film Society as a special Budget Big Screen Halloween offering for one show only at 7:30 p.m. on Wed., Oct. 29, at The Carolina. Admission is $6 for AFS members, $8 general admission.
Carrie HHHHH
Director: Brian De Palma Players: Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, William Katt, Amy Irving, John Travolta HORROR Rated R The Asheville Film Society is having a special Halloween Budget Big Screen Showing of Brian De Palma’s horror classic Carrie (1976) on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at The Carolina. Actually, the AFS attempted to do this last year, but there was a moratorium on the film so that it couldn’t compete with that lousy remake that was then in theaters. This, however, is the real thing — the ground-breaking, Oscar-nominated original being presented in all its glory from a new DCP remastered print. It is that rarest of things — a great horror movie that so transcends its genre that it’s simply a great film. But it is unmistakably a horror film with everything that implies — and it’s one that redefined much about the genre by presenting things in a manner no other film had. If you’ve never seen Carrie, it’s high time you did. If you’ve never seen it in a theater with an audience, that’s as good a reason, because it’s a completely different experience. The Asheville Film Society is showing Carrie Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in at The Carolina Asheville as part of the Budget Big Screen series. Admission is $6 for AFS members and $8 for the general public. Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther will introduce the film.
The Cat and The Canary HHHHS
Director: Elliott Nugent Players: Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard, John Beal, Douglass Montgomery, Elizabeth Patterson, Gale Sondergaard COMEDY MYSTERY THRILLER Rated NR This is the 1939 Bob Hope version of the venerable old dark-house mystery The Cat and the Canary, and while it’s not as stylistically impressive as the 1927 Paul Leni silent, it’s probably an all-around more successful film. Strangely, considering it’s a Bob Hope movie (the one that made him a star, in fact), the comedy element is less intrusive here than the broad slapstick of the silent. The film follows its 1920s source play pretty closely: the will reading at midnight in an isolated creepy mansion, an escaped homicidal maniac called “The Cat,” an heiress being driven insane by the next relative in line for the estate. It all revolves around lawyer Crosby (George Zucco) assembling the possible heirs to the Norman estate at the house at midnight 10 years after the death of Cyrus Norman as per the instructions of the old boy. Naturally, the will contains one of those clauses providing for an alternative heir that places the leading lady in mortal peril — or at least her sanity, since insanity also disqualifies her. Toss in a maniac on the loose — “He has sharp teeth and long fingers and fingernails like claws and when he’s violent he crawls around on all fours like a cat” — and a missing necklace, and you have the recipe for a solid 72 minutes of entertainment. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Cat and the Canary Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. 76
OCTOBER 22 - OCTOBER 28, 2014
Director: George Waggner Players: Claude Rains, Lon Chaney Jr., Evelyn Ankers, Warren William, Bela Lugosi, Maria Ouspenskaya HORROR Rated NR Note carefully that this week’s film shows at 8:45 p.m., not 8 p.m. It matters very little that George Waggner’s The Wolf Man (1941) is perhaps most notable for assembling one of the greatest casts of any horror movie and then giving them nothing much to do. It’s still the movie that has become ingrained in pop culture as the essential werewolf movie. Lon Chaney Jr.’s turn as Larry Talbot — the lycanthrope of the title — became the role that would always be the centerpiece of Chaney’s career. Jack Pierce’s werewolf makeup became the standard look for a werewolf. Atmospheric photography by Joseph A. Valentine, a great musical score (from Charles Previn, Hans J. Salter and Frank Skinner) and a brisk pace sealed the deal. The fact that most kids discover horror pictures around the age of puberty has kept the torch burning, because The Wolf Man is the perfect horror film for that age group. Nostalgia has done the rest, but the film is certainly not without merit. It’s a horror essential. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Wolf Man Thursday, Oct. 23, at 8:45 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Dead of Night HHHH
Director: Alberto Cavalcanti, Charles Crichton, Basil Dearden, Robert Hamer Players: Michael Redgrave, Mervyn Johns, Roland Culver, Mary Merrall, Googie Withers HORROR Rated NR Though pretty obviously inspired by Julien Duvivier’s Flesh and Fantasy (1943) — the recurring dream business is a little too much to take as coincidence — the multidirector British horror anthology Dead of Night (1945) is the go-to movie as the source for all subsequent horror anthologies. Of course, since it’s a portmanteau film — and one made by four directors — it follows that some stories work better than others. It also now feels just a little overrated in general, but it’s still good — at least when it’s on its game — and it has a creepiness that is not easily dismissed. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Dead of Night Sunday, Oct. 26, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Director: Darren Aronofsky Players: Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis, Ben Shenkman, Pamela Hart ARTY SCI-FI THRILLER Rated R Somewhere on the border between Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali’s Un Chien Andalou (1929), David Lynch’s Eraserhead (1977) and David Cronenberg’s Scanners (1981) lies Darren Aronofsky’s debut film, Pi (1998). It clearly draws its surrealism from the first, its tone from the second and its “body horror” from the third. Yet this extremely strange, sometimes maddening film is somehow its very own beast — one that announced the arrival of a filmmaker to reckon with, and one that pointed the way to the Aronofsky films that followed. This story of a theoretical mathematician driving himself insane — possibly with the help of some very strange outsiders who may or may not exist — by trying to explain everything in terms of mathematic sequences is undeniably cruder — and more deliberately impenetrable — than Aronofsky’s later films. Still, it’s also the work of the same sensibility. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Pi Friday, Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
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sAles/ mArkeTing sAles represenTATive for loCAl CompAny Local family owned and operated, Asheville company, PRO-Hydro Beverages, the makers of H2PRO Probiotics and Vitamins, is looking for a Sales Representative. www. H2PROBIOTICS.com Please respond to jobs@prohydrobeverages.com
meDiCAl/ heAlTh CAre Cooperriis heAling CommuniTy lpn prn in Asheville nC CooperRiis Healing Community in Asheville, NC has an immediate need for an LPN, PRN for 8-10 hours/per week. Additional hours expected during Dec-Jan. Hours are 8:00-5:00 weekdays with flexible scheduling. Must be willing to work an occasional holiday. This is a great opportunity for those in school or with children. Qualified candidates must have an unrestricted NC LPN license. Experience with medication management is required. Experience in office type settings is a plus. Prior experience in a mental health environment is preferred but not required. $17/hour. Send resume and cover letter to HR@cooperriis.org. No phone calls or in person visits.
humAn serviCes ADvAnCemenT AssisTAnT Part-time, Non-Exempt. YWCA of Asheville and Western North Carolina, Asheville, NC. Thank you for your interest in the Advancement Assistant position. The YWCA of Asheville is dedicated to the empowerment of women and to eliminating racism. We strive to be a leader in the community of Western North Carolina, fully representing its diversity and working for peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people. Each staff member makes the difference. If you share our commitment and passion, and you think you would be a great fit for the Advancement Assistant position, please submit an application today. Thanks for your interest in joining our team at the YWCA of Asheville! position summary: The Advancement Assistant works to provide support for the work of the Advancement Department, which includes Development (fundraising), Communications (marketing), Grant Writing, Volunteer Coordination and a variety of community outreach efforts. This position is part time
joBs (20 hours per week), hourly, nonexempt, no benefits. The ideal candidate will have skills and/or successful experience in the following: Duties and responsibilities: • Timely data entry of various constituent groups • Assist with event related tasks as needed • Monthly reconciliations with Next Step and Peachtree • Assist with Empower Hour tours (greeting guests, distributing lunch, clean up) • Assist with mass mailings and e-communications (creating appropriate queries, etc.) • Posting of marquee messages on a timely basis • Assist with website maintenance and updating date sensitive items on the website • Update the flat screens in the lobby on a daily basis • Assist with marketing research, data analysis (Facebook, email, website usage) General: • Works cooperatively and effectively as a team member by communicating and contributing information on a continuous basis • Assumes job duties and responsibilities as assigned by supervisor and is punctual and dependable in carrying them out. • Attends in service and staff meetings • Assumes other responsibilities as may be appropriate for the position physical demands: • The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job: frequently required to move throughout the building and outdoor areas, required to sit for long periods of time in front of the computer screen, may occasionally lift and/ or move heavy objects or boxes. education and experience: Associate’s degree or higher preferred. Strong written communication skills including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and attention to detail; proficiency with Microsoft Office software, ability to learn database software Please visit our website www. ywcaofasheville.org WHO WE ARE> Job Openings prior to our application deadline of November 7, 2014 for information on the full position description and application instructions. Send resume and cover letter to humanresources@ywcaofasheville.org
AVAILABLE POSItIOnS • meriDiAn BehAviorAl heAlTh Transylvania, haywood, Buncombe, Jackson and macon Counties Multiple positions open for peer support specialists working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further
information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org. part-Time employment peer mentor Supported Employment Program In and West of Jackson and Macon Counties. An Employment Peer Mentor is all of the following: A current or former recipient of mental health or substance abuse services, Is, or is qualified to be, a NC Certified Peer Support Specialist, Has a minimum of HS/GED (or equivalent certificate from the Occupational Course of Study), and Has been employed in any capacity in the past As a EPM you will be assisting adults with mental health (MH) and/or substance use (SA) issues, for whom employment has not been achieved and/ or has been interrupted or intermittent. The Supported Employment program is a person-centered, individualized, evidencebased service that provides assistance with choosing, acquiring, and maintaining competitive paid employment in the community. For more information contact Reid Smithdeal, reid.smithdeal@ meridianbhs.org For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www. meridianbhs.org CommuniTy serviCe TeChniCiAns Universal MH/DD/SAS is seeking Community Services Technicians to provide assistance with daily and independent living skills to individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities. • Various positions available in Buncombe county including the Weaverville Area. Positions also available in Marshall. Most positions are part-time. Varying rates of pay starting at $8.50 per hour. If interested please email gcarson@umhs.net. No phone calls please. The web address is www. umhs.net DireCTor of sChool Age progrAms supervisor, Fulltime, Exempt. YWCA of Asheville and Western North Carolina, Asheville, NC. Want to be part of a dynamic leadership team? Thank you for your interest in the Director of School Age Programs position. The YWCA of Asheville is dedicated to the empowerment of women and to eliminating racism. We strive to be a leader in the community of Western North Carolina, fully representing its diversity and working for peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people. Each staff member makes the difference. If you share our commitment and passion, and you think you would be a great fit for the Director of School Age Programs position, please submit an application today. Thanks for your interest in joining our team at the YWCA of Asheville! Position Summary: The Director of School Age Programs is a member of the senior leadership team of the YWCA and is responsible for providing quality care for children in kindergarten through sixth grade outside of school hours. The Director of School Age Programs works closely with a racially, culturally, and economically diverse group
of participants and colleagues. The position is responsible for creating and sustaining a community of learning, and creativity that ensures that children grow academically, socially, physically, and emotionally in a safe, educational, and fun environment. The ideal candidate will have skills and/or successful experience in the following: • Develops, coordinates, and oversees implementation of an interactive hands-on curriculum. The position provides age appropriate experiences consistent with the mission and values of the YWCA. • Creates and implements program plans and activities that support the learning of life and social skills, educational achievement, nutrition, and physical activity for children from kindergarten through sixth grade after school and during the summer. • Establishes and sustains relationships with families, community organizations, and schools to identify areas of need for individual children. • Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the YWCA’s policies. Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, mentoring, training and appropriate certifications for staff. • Regularly observes staff interactions with children and continually improves their quality of program implementation. • Participates in the development of the program budget. Manages the budget to achieve income, revenue, and expense goals. • Monitors state regulations and funding to ensure all requirements are met for attendance, accurate participation records are maintained, sanitation guidelines are followed, and funding is sustained. • Education and Experience: Masters in Social Worker preferred or closely related field or 10 years of experience working with youth or families. Minimum 400 hours of verifiable experience working with school age children in a licensed facility. Must have or be able to complete the North Carolina Early Childhood Administration Credentials within 6 months of hire. Please visit our website www.ywcaofasheville.org WHO WE ARE> Job Openings prior to our application deadline of November 14, 2014 for information on the full position description and application instructions. fAmily preservATion serviCes of nC, inC. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes should be sent to Crystal Simpson at csimpson@ fpscorp.com. fAmily preservATion serviCes of nC, inC. of henDersonville Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services in our Hendersonville Office. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes should be sent to jtambini@ fpscorp.com. liCenseD menTAl heAlTh Counselor Description: The Healing Place is currently looking for a full-time mental health therapist to provide individual, group, and family therapy, and case management to children,
teen, and adult victims of sexual violence. Bilingual applicants are encouraged to apply. Qualifications: A. Master's degree in clinical counseling, social work or related field. B. Current licensure in North Carolina required. C. Experience and a working knowledge of the issues confronting the sexual abuse/assault victim. D. Experience providing therapy to children, adolescents, and adults. Fax: 828-692-0433 cholland@thehealingplace.info resiDenT TeACher WNC Group Homes provides quality residential services for teenagers and adults who have Autism and Intellectual Developmental Disabilities. We are currently recruiting a resident Teacher for full-time 2nd shift and 24 hour shifts, and part-time weekends. WNC Group Homes’ success is possible because each team member knows every day matters, and works to make each resident’s life better. • Visit our website for addition information and access to an application. WNC Group Homes 28 Pisgah View Ave Asheville NC 28803. www.wncgrouphomes.org resiDenTiAl CoACh Part time positions for evening and weekend residential staff at all girls therapeutic boarding school in Flat Rock, NC. Resumes to kshepard@lakehouseacademy. com. Find us on the web @ lakehouseacademy.com $11-$13 BOE
TeAChing/ eDuCATion TeAChing AssisTAnT JoB The new ClAssiCAl ACADemy - pArT-Time We are searching for a dynamic person to come and assist our staff. Part-time position 9-12, MondayThursday. Multi-age classroom 3rd-5th. Please send resume. tncaschool@gmail.com www. thenewclassicalacademy.org
exceptional creative eye and a desire to ensure the high quality output our readers expect.<BR> You must have the proven ability to create original, effective advertising and marketing materials, and to assist in the layout of our weekly print publication and guides.<BR> Candidates must: • Be able to simultaneously handle multiple projects <BR> • Be proficient in Adobe CS5 programs (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat) <BR> • Be able to prepress and troubleshoot a variety of file types and to work interdepartmentally to organize, schedule and maintain ad-production workflows. <BR> • Be fluent in the Mac OSX platform <BR> • Be able to interface with other departments in the company. <BR> • Have a minimum of 2-3 years graphic design experience <BR> Newspaper, web-ad design and management experience a plus.<BR> This is a part-time salaried position — with options for full-time employment. <BR> Email cover letter explaining why you believe you are a good fit, your resume, and either a URL or PDF of your design portfolio to: design@ mountainx.com <x-msg://218/ design@mountainx.com> No applications or portfolios by mail, and no phone calls or walk-ins, please.
CAreer TrAining AirBrush mAkeup ArTisT Course For: Ads. TV. Film. Fashion. 35% Off Tuition - Special $1990 - Train & Build Portfolio . One Week Course. Details at: AwardMakeupSchool.com 818980-2119 (AAN CAN) Airline CAreers Begin here Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing and Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN)
Business opporTuniTies
$1,000 weekly!! mAiling BroChures From home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start Immediately www.mailingmembers.com (AAN CAN)
informATion TeChnology AssisTAnT Part-time, NonExempt. YWCA of Asheville and Western North Carolina, Asheville, NC. Thank you for your interest in the Information Technology Assistant position. The YWCA of Asheville is dedicated to the empowerment of women and to eliminating racism. We strive to be a leader in the community of Western North Carolina, fully representing its diversity and working for peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people. Each staff member makes the difference. If you share our commitment and passion, and you think you would be a great fit for the Information Technology Assistant position, please submit an application today. Thanks for your interest in joining our team at the YWCA of Asheville! position summary: The IT Assistant ensures the staff of the entire organization has the technical equipment and knowledge they need to do their jobs efficiently. Assumes job duties and responsibilities as assigned by supervisor and is punctual and dependable
ArTs/meDiA mountain Xpress is looking for a talented graphic designer/ prepress coordinator to join its Art & Design team.<Br> We are seeking a community-minded individual who wants to put his/ her skills to work for the region’s betterment — creating compelling advertising for the area’s burgeoning eclectic mix of businesses, creating fliers and marketing materials, and by helping design the pages of Mountain Xpress, Asheville’s communitydriven, locally focused media outlet. <BR> The ideal candidate thrives in a fast-paced environment, is exceptionally organized and deadline-driven, and has excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, an
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
fREEwiLL astRoLogy
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): The driest place on the planet is the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. It gets about a half-inch of rain per year. And yet in 2011, archaeologists discovered that it’s also home to a site containing the fossilized skeletons of numerous whales and other ancient sea creatures. I’m detecting a metaphorically comparable anomaly in your vicinity, Aries. A seemingly arid, empty part of your life harbors buried secrets that are available for you to explore. If you follow the clues, you may discover rich pickings that will inspire you to revise your history. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Businessman Warren Buffet is worth $65.5 billion, but regularly gives away 27 percent of his fortune to charity. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates owns $78 billion, and donates 36 percent. Then there are the members of the Walton family, owners of Walmart, where 100 million Americans shop weekly. The Waltons have $136 billion, of which they contribute .04 percent to good causes. You are not wealthy in the same way these people are, Taurus. Your riches consist of resources like your skills, relationships, emotional intelligence, creative power and capacity for love. My invitation to you is to be extra generous with those assets — not as lavish as Buffet or Gates, perhaps, but much more than the Waltons. You are in a phase when giving your gifts is one of the best things you can do to bolster your own health, wealth and well-being. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You have two options. You can be in denial about your real feelings, ignore what needs to be fixed and wait for trouble to come find you. Or else you can vow to be resilient, summon your feistiest curiosity and go out searching for trouble. The difference between these two approaches is dramatic. If you mope and sigh and hide, the messy trouble that arrives will be indigestible. But if you’re brave and proactive, the interesting trouble you get will ultimately evolve into a blessing. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Astronauts on the International Space Station never wash their underwear. They don’t have enough water at their disposal to waste on a luxury like that. Instead, they fling the dirty laundry out into space. As it falls to Earth, it burns up in the atmosphere. I wish you had an amenity like that right now. In fact, I wish you had a host of amenities like that. If there was ever a time when you should be liberated from having to wash your underwear, make your bed, sweep the floor and do the dishes, it would be now. Why? Because there are much better ways to spend your time. You’ve got sacred quests to embark on, heroic adventures to accomplish, historical turning points to initiate. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What are those new whisperings in your head? Are they messages from your inner teacher? Beacons beamed back through time from the Future You? Clues from the wise parts of your unconscious mind? Whatever they are, Leo, pay attention. These signals from the Great Beyond may not be clear yet, but if you’re sufficiently patient, they’ll eventually tell you how to take advantage of a big plot twist. But here’s a caveat: Don’t automatically believe every single thing the whisperings tell you. Their counsel may not be 100 percent accurate, so be both receptive and discerning toward them. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the Englishspeaking world, a sundae is a luxurious dessert that features ice cream topped with sweet treats like syrup, sprinkles, and fruits. In Korea, a sundae is something very different. It consists of a cow’s or pig’s intestines crammed with noodles, barley, and pig’s blood. I expect that in the coming week you will be faced with a decision that has metaphorical similarities to the choice between a sundae and a sundae. Make sure you are quite clear about the true nature of each option. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Children are the most desirable opponents at Scrabble,” declares Scorpio author Fran Lebowitz, “as they are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.” I don’t wholeheartedly endorse
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The average serving of pasta on a typical American’s plate is almost 480 percent bigger than what’s recommended as a healthy portion. So says a research paper titled “The Contribution of Expanding Portion Sizes to the U.S. Obesity Epidemic,” by Lisa R. Young and Marion Nestle. Muffins are 333 percent larger than they need to be, the authors say, and steaks are 224 percent excessive. Don’t get caught up in this trend, Libra. Get what you need but not way, way more than what you need. For that matter, be judicious in your approach to all of life’s necessities. The coming phase is a time when you will thrive by applying the Goldilocks principle: neither too much nor too little, but just right.
that advice for you in the coming days, Scorpio. But would you consider a milder version of it? Let’s propose, instead, that you simply seek easy victories to boost your confidence and hone your skills. By this time next week, if all goes well, you’ll be ready to take on more ambitious challenges. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You are entering a phase when you will have more luck than usual as you try to banish parasitic influences, unworthy burdens and lost causes. Here are some projects you might want to work on: 1. Bid farewell to anyone who brings out the worst in you. 2. Heal the twisted effect an adversary has had on you. 3. Get rid of any object that symbolizes failure or pathology. 4. Declare your independence from a situation that wastes your time or drains your resources. 5. Shed any guilt you feel for taking good care of yourself. 6. Stop a bad habit cold turkey. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Are you ready to be as affable as a Sagittarius, as charismatic as a Leo, as empathetic as a Cancerian and as vigorous an instigator as an Aries? No? You’re not? You’re afraid that would require you to push yourself too far outside your comfort zone? OK, then. Are you willing to be half as affable as a Sagittarius, half as charismatic as a Leo, half as empathetic as a Cancerian and half as inspiring an instigator as an Aries? Or even a quarter as much? I hope you will at least stretch yourself in these directions, Capricorn, because doing so would allow you to take maximum advantage of the spectacular social opportunities that will be available for you in the next four weeks. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the coming weeks I hope you’ll find practical ways to express your newfound freedom. All the explorations and experiments you’ve enjoyed recently were fun and provocative, but now it’s time to use the insights they sparked to upgrade your life back in the daily grind. Please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I love it when you’re dreamy and excitable and far-seeing, and would never ask you to tone down those attractive qualities. But I’m also rooting for you to bring the high-flying parts of you down to earth so you can reap the full benefits of the bounty they’ve stirred up. If you work to become more well-grounded, I predict that you’ll be situated in a new power spot by Dec. 1. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The heavy metal band known as Hatebeak broadened the definition of what constitutes music. Its lead singer was Waldo, an African grey parrot. A review by Aquarius Records called Waldo’s squawks “completely and stupidly brilliant.” For Hatebeak’s second album, they collaborated with animal rights activists in the band Caninus, whose lead vocalists were two pitbull terriers, Basil and Budgie. In the coming weeks, Pisces, I’d love to see you get inspired by these experiments. I think you will generate interesting results as you explore expansive, even unprecedented approaches in your own chosen field.
in carrying them out. • The ideal candidate will have skills and/ or successful experience in the following: IT Management: • Installs, maintains and upgrades computer related hardware and software for the entire building • Management of audio/visual equipment for various on site meetings and events • Provide staff reminders and procedures regarding efficient computer usage Coordinate acquisition, installation, and set-up of hardware and software • Ensure adequate security and data integrity for the network and databases • Implement and control a secure backup procedure · Help departments maintain systems and records as required • Troubleshoot all software, hardware, and network issues. • Staff Development & Collaboration • Works cooperatively and effectively as a team member by communicating and contributing information on a continuous basis • Works with individual staff members with specific software, email, and hardware challenges • Works well with a diversity of people, able to facilitate cooperative work. • Provides quality customer service to all customers, applying quality standards. • Education and Experience: Associate’s degree or higher preferred. Must have work experience with hardware, software and network systems, database entry, customer assistance with IT troubleshooting, and general clerical work experience. Please visit our website www.ywcaofasheville.org WHO WE ARE> Job Openings prior to our application deadline of November 7, 2014 for information on the full position description and application instructions. • Send resume and cover letter to humanresources@ywcaofasheville.org wiring TeChiniCAn AltechEco is an Arden, NC based company looking for a wiring technician. Altech-Eco is a Ford QVM (Qualified Vehicle Modifier) for their alternative fuel program, as a developer and installer. This is an entry level position. Please send resume and cover letter to billing@altecheco.com. 8286548300 billing@altecheco. com www.altecheco.com
reTAil gifT & Tour TiCkeT sAles Temp. Gray Line Trolley Tours seeks outgoing sales clerk for downtown gift shop/ticket sales location. Part-time 3-5 days a week. Temporary position for October and November. debbie@graylineasheville.com 828251-8687 www.graylineasheville.com
furniture, kitchen supplies, kids’ stuff, clothing, books and much more! 229 Murdock Avenue (Across from Weaver Park).
serviCes CAregivers cOmPAnIOn • cAREGIVER • LIVE-In Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. CarePartners Hospice recommended. • Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.
month with valid state ID, proof of address, and SS card. Located at 85 Tunnel Road. Call (828) 252-9967. pregnAnT? Thinking of ADopTion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)
ClAsses & workshops
SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAys A week Looking for the best therapist in town--or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www. shojiretreats.com
for musiCiAns
ClAsses & workshops
musiCAl serviCes
BesT meDiCAl TrAnsporTATion serviCes David’s Transportation Services for elderly and physically disabled, non emergency transportation anywhere in the USA. Certified Nursing Assistant and Spanish translator available. For more information please contact 828-215-0715 or 828-505-1394. www.Cesarfamilyservices.com
ClAy ClAsses Begin oCToBer 20 AT oDyssey ClAyworks Tea Tour Around The World, Expressive Forms For Flowers, Beginner Wheel Throwing, The Dynamic Figure, Beginner's Guide To Handbuilding, Honing In, The Bountiful Table. For details and registration: www.odysseyceramicarts.com, 828-285-0210.
$25/hour guiTAr lessons Private/all ages/all styles. Grow a skill that blooms a life-long thrill. Serenade your snookums. Call Bill Branyon, 828-350-9114. billbranyon@yahoo.com
home improvemenT hAnDy mAn hire A husBAnD Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
lessAC kinesensiCs TrAining workshop AT nC sTAge, oCT. 24 &25; Optimizing Your Vocal Life With your Body's Wisdom: Deborah Kinghorn & Richard Cuyler, Master Teachers Oct. 24, 4-8 PM & Oct.25, 10 AM -6 PM Contact: 828-239-0263, www. ncstage.org
heATing & Cooling
gooD wooD piZZA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www. goodwoodpizzaovens.com
#1 AfforDABle CommuniTy ConsCious mAssAge AnD essenTiAl oil CliniC 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 785-1385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 6970103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com
help yourself while helping oThers By donating plasma! You can earn $220/
inTuiTive AnD heAling mAssAge Beth Huntzinger, LMBT#10819 offers healing
musiCiAns’ BulleTin sTrAins of musiC Acoustic and electric instruments, keyboards, sheet music, amplifiers, drums, pedals, PA gear, accessories, used instruments and gear. Layaway and consignment. 67 Academy Street, Waynesville, NC. 456-3331
peTs peTs for ADopTion
mAyBerry heATing AnD Cooling Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • • Radiant Floor Heating • • Solar Hot Water • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.
Asheville's whiTewATer reCorDing Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.whitewaterrecording.com
minD, BoDy, spiriT
XChAnge yArD sAles 2 DAy AnnuAl rummAge sAle To benefit Congregation Beth Israel. • Sunday, October 26, 8am-4pm • Monday, October 27, 8am-3pm. • Tools,
massage in downtown with weekend & weekday hours. Swedish, Deep, Hot Stones and Reiki Energy Healing. 7 years with Reiki. Call 828-279-7042 or visit ashevillehealer.com
lArge & lovABle AmeriCAn BullDog miX Meet Ruckus! He's a 100lb, 6.5 yearold neutered American Bulldog / Staffordshire Terrier mix with a heart of gold & lots of love to give. After raising him from a pup, his mama's circumstances have changed beyond her control & Ruckus needs a new home. As heartbroken as his mommy is, she knows he will be so happy with his new person in a home with a fenced yard for off-leash romps, & without other pets (he likes to be a single child!). Ruckus is calm, affectionate & huggable, with a silly streak a mile wide that makes him a super-fun play pal....his favorite things are cuddling in the house, chasing toys in the yard, and a nice scratch behind the ears. He's house-trained,
thE nEw yoRK timEs cRosswoRd puZZLE up-to-date on vaccines, has good manners & knows his basic commands. Will you be his new best friend? 828-776-3751
peT serviCes Asheville peT siTTers Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.
AuTomoTive AuTomoTive serviCes CAsh for CArs Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN)
ADulT ADulT Curious ABouT men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try free! Call 1-888-779-2789 www. guyspy.com (AAN CAN) DreAms Your destination for relaxation. Now available 7 days a week! • 9am-11pm. Call (828) 275-4443. feeling whACkeD? Let Kaye's revive you back. 2808182. phone ACTresses From home. Must have dedicated land line and great voice. 21+. Up to $18 per hour. Flex hours/ most Weekends. 1-800-4037772. Lipservice.net (AAN CAN)
Paul Caron
Furniture Magician • Cabinet Refacing • Furniture Repair • Seat Caning • Antique Restoration • Custom Furniture & Cabinetry (828) 669-4625
• Black Mountain
ACross 1 Hatcher who was a Bond girl 5 Medicate again 11 Letters at Indy 14 Complaint 15 Words from the agreeable 16 Like early morning hours 17 Drink made with Jameson, maybe 19 “The Lord of the Rings” creature 20 Fix 21 Eric, in Finland 22 Geoffrey of fashion 24 Dumb as a box of rocks 26 Genie’s reply 29 Original “Veronica Mars” airer 31 Spartan serfs 32 “Behold,” to Brutus 35 Tough time 38 Mountain ___ 40 Landlocked land 41 Cheated, slangily 42 “S O S!,” e.g. 43 “Yummy!” 44 Supply with goods 45 Rubber-stamped
46 Circus clown car, ACROSS
edited by Will Shortz Edited by
No.0917 Will Shortz
No. 0917
9 About on clown car, 46 5:00, Circus
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often 1 Hatcher who wasa compass often 48 Witty sort 14 15 16 10 Look over, informally 48 Witty sort a Bond girl 50 Literary hybrid 50 Literary hybrid 5 Medicate again11 Cajole 17 18 19 53 Raid11 Letters at Indy 12 Home of Fort 53 Raid Donelson National 57 Biathlete’s weapon 20 21 22 23 57 Biathlete’s 14 Complaint Battlefield 58 Clueless weapon 15 Words from the 13 One of Hollywood’s 24 25 26 27 28 60 Absorbed, as a loss 58 Clueless agreeable Farrelly brothers 61 Author LeShan 60 Absorbed, as a early 16 Like 29 30 31 18 Dickens’s scheming morning 62 Job done by the hours clerk loss insects seen above 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 61 Author 17 Drink made with 23 “___ Beso” LeShan the circled words maybe Jameson, 62 Job done by 25 Seeks damages in 17-, 26- and 40 41 42 the insects 19 “The Lord of the 50-Across beforeabove cake orthe Rings” creature27 Word seen 66 Shape of Mork’s musiccircled words 43 44 45 20 Fix on “Mork spacecraft 28 Placein for17-, a lark26- and & Mindy” 46 47 48 49 21 Eric, in Finland 30 Totally50-Across useless 67 Plaza girl of 22Hotel Geoffrey 66 Shape of Mork’s 50 32 Horror film street 51 52 53 54 55 56 fashion 68 “Freedom ___ free” 33 Wherespacecraft Stephen on 69 Bridal wordas a box Hawking 24 bio Dumb “Mork Mindy” 57 58 59 60 and & Charles of rocks 70 Backspace over Darwin wentHotel to 67 Plaza girl 61 62 63 64 65 reply school 71 Bare26it Genie’s all 68 “Freedom ___ 34 Reachfree” adulthood 29 Original down 66 67 68 “Veronica Mars” 1 Car in the Beach Boys’ 36 Loggers’ contest 69 Bridal bio word airer “Fun, Fun, Fun” 37 Internet access over 70 Backspace 69 70 71 31 Spartan serfs 2 Like “Dark Shadows” option 71 Bare it all episodes 32 “Behold,” to 39 Snookered puzzle by zhouqin burnikel and don BY gagliardo laST Week’S SoluTion on page 65 PUZZLE ZHOUQIN BURNIKEL AND DON GAGLIARDO 3 Hold theBrutus scepter 50 Congratulate oneself 5428Poker ployfor a lark 42 Okefenokee possum 59 Old dagger 6 Atlanta university Place 50 Congratulate DOWN 4 Hypotheticals 35 Tough time 44 Like hot tea oneself for(1976 ELO” for7 achievement things useless straight, in 63 “___ Friday’s creator 5530Set Totally 1 Car the Beach 5 Bed of ___ 38 Mountain ___ 47 Subj. for ain album) achievement future Boys’ “Fun, Fun, 8 Neanderthal 51 “Dallas” matriarch a way 32 Horror film street 64 [That cracks me up] 6 Atlanta 40 university Landlocked land bilingual 51 “Dallas” Fun” 9 About 5:00, on a 56 Gender-bending role 52 Like a well-prepared 7 Friday’s creator matriarch 33 Where Stephen 49 Mennen shaving 65 Line on a 41 Cheated, slangily 2 Like “Dark compass Hawking and product 8 Neanderthal restaurant bill turkey for Barbra Streisand 52 Like a well42 “S O S!,” e.g. Shadows” 10 Look over, Charles Darwin prepared turkey episodes 43 “Yummy!” informally went to school 54 Poker ploy 3 Hold the scepter 11 Cajole 44 Supply with 34 Reach adulthood 55 Set things goods 4 Hypotheticals 12 Home of Fort 36 Loggers’ contest straight, in a 45 Rubber-stamped 5 Bed of ___ Donelson way National 37 Internet access Battlefield 56 Gender-bending option ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE role for Barbra 13 One of 39 Snookered Streisand Hollywood’s G A T E S P A T W R I S T Farrelly brothers 42 Okefenokee 59 Old dagger O A R S E R L E H O R N E possum 18 Dickens’s 63 “___ ELO” T R A P C O A X Y U K O N 44 Like hot tea scheming clerk (1976 album) T O N Y T O N I T O N E 23 “___ Beso” 47 Subj. for a future 64 [That cracks me I N S E N T B I O W A H bilingual up] L O N D O N O N T A R I O 25 Seeks damages 49 Mennen shaving 65 Line on a E R U P T S A O K L I D S 27 Word before cake or music product restaurant bill L A C E S P I K V I T A E E Y E D G M O N S O O I N T R Y O N A B R A V E E A G E R E M E R Y
octoBER 22 - octoBER 28, 2014