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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
contEnts contact us pagE 36
Mountain Oasis This weekend, downtown Asheville becomes an oasis, a veritable watering hole of 50-plus electronic music acts, as well as panels, afterparties and more. Xpress has full coverage of the inaugural Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, with Q&As, highlights and our first-ever festival board game. For live, up-to-the-second coverage, visit mtnoasis.mountainx.com. Plug in and get amped! covER iLLustRation Laura Barry
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10 outsidE thE Box Innovative partnership re-envisions Hall Fletcher Elementary
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12 thE gREat dividE Candidates discuss race, justice and opportunity at YWCA election forum
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Join Ana, the fearless leader of the local book club, as she and her cohorts become the focus of a documentary filmmaker. Under the all-seeing eye of the camera, their “off the record” discussions and dysfunctional group dynamics take on new meaning…”
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50 REdEmption, BasEBaLL and thE south Wiley Cash’s new novel hits a home run
“Book Club is Lord of the Flies with wine and dip.”
48 on thE scaRE-daR Your guide to Halloween and Oktoberfest happenings around town
54 pigging out Storm, Sugar Creek team up to offer Red Wattle pigs
A smart comedy about books and the people who love them
56 thE fika fiLEs Exploring spirituality in a cup o’ joe
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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Yoga Studio 2011, 2012, 2013 staff
puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams
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intERim a&E cooRdinatoR: Julia Ritchey
a&E REpoRtER: Alli Marshall
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sEnioR nEws REpoRtER: David Forbes staff REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Caitlin Byrd, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan, Gina Smith caLEndaR/faRm&gaRdEn EditoR Jen Nathan Orris cLuBLand EditoR, wRitER: Dane Smith food cooRdinatoR: Gina Smith EditoRiaL assistant: Lea McLellan moviE REviEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke
caRtoon By Randy moLton
EditoRiaL intERns: Brandy Carl, Max Miller, Micah Wilkins contRiButing EditoRs: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt
Did Rural Academy Theatre troupe go vroom vroom? My friend in Marshall told me of the Rural Academy Theatre performing in Marshall, and although it was nightfall and hard to see, she still recommended it! So it was with interest [that] I read about this troupe in Mountain Xpress (see “Horseplay,” Oct. 9 Xpress). I tossed around the idea of trying to see their performance at UNC Asheville with my 4-year-old grandson, [but] alas, I had too much work to do so I headed back home around 6 p.m. on River Road. Right in my little community of Alexander, I see this big, odd-looking travel bus headed toward town, towing what looked like the wagon of this troupe! It may not have been them, but it sure looked like the wagon. It was a most lovely fall day, so I don’t know where the horses were or why they weren’t using their renaissance pace. Were they on the bus? What happened to the philosophy expressed in the article, [which] gave me images of a slower, simpler life and a wonderful entertainment form that goes back centuries? In the article, troupe co-founder Gabriel Harrell suggested people hoof it to their shows, or bicycle. But their shows seem to happen at dusk. So if they had stopped at our little old French
We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall Street Asheville, NC 28801 or by e-mail to letters@mountainx.com.
contRiButing wRitERs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Hayley Benton, Brandy Carl, Bridget Conn, Steph Guinan, Ursula Gullow, Jordan Lawrence, Lea McLellan, Max Miller, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther
Response: Xpress contacted theatre co-director Gabriel Harrell, who’s still on the road, to share this letter writer’s concerns. He said he was grateful for Amastar’s letter, and suggested that this may well have been a case of mistaken identity, as the only time his troupe was motorized in the Asheville area, it briefly used a truck — not a bus — to tow the wagon while the horses were being shuttled through a traffic-heavy stretch of road.
Mayor Miall has a nice ring to it
If you drive a car, own property and pay taxes of any kind, buy gro-
aRt & dEsign managER: Megan Kirby gRaphic dEsignERs: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton
Broad High School converted to artist studios, I could have walked to it. However, coming home in the dark (possibly with children), sharing the road with cars speeding at 45 mph, is not a very safe proposition. — Troy Amastar Alexander
staff photogRaphER: Max Cooper advERtising managER: Susan Hutchinson maRkEting associatEs: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kenneth Trumbauer, John Varner
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
ceries, balance your checkbook, and a myriad of other things ordinary working class people do on a daily basis, then I appeal to you. John Miall needs your vote to become Asheville’s new mayor in November. John has the experience, desire and the inner strength to lead us in and through these financially unstable times. I personally believe he will do so without further raising our taxes. Matter of fact, many of us will be counting on Mayor Miall for a good old-fashioned, all-American, Wal-Mart-style rollback of the present tax rates. If you long to see fiscal responsibility restored to local government, John Miall is your only choice on the ballot. This election is a critical one for Asheville and the surrounding area. The outcome will either be a bright new beginning, or the onset of an even bleaker period for thousands of hardworking, taxpaying citizens and retirees who live and work in Asheville. Please don’t sit by and let a bad situation become even worse. Get out and vote for John Miall on Nov. 5 [and] ask your friends and family to as well! — Jim Stover Asheville
Confident in Manheimer, Smith and Wisler Yesterday, after an early morning class at West Asheville Yoga, I rode my bike downtown to watch the Campaign for Southern Equality’s We Do participants make their way to the Register of Deeds Office to be among the first same-sex couples in our community to have their marriage applications accepted by Drew Resinger. After this, I rode to
Mountain Xpress is looking for: Reader and freelance photographers Xpress is looking for reader and freelance photographers. We want your photos — whether you’re a professional, amateur or citizen with a smartphone. We want to publish, online and in print, more photos of local people, places and happenings. Want to be the community’s eyes on the ground? Interested in sharing your pics? Please contact us at photos@mountainx.com.
coRREctions In the Children First/ Communities in Schools 2013 Voter Guide included as an insert in last week’s issue and co-sponsored by Mountain Xpress, one of Asheville City Council candidate Jonathan Wainscott’s answers was printed incorrectly. Below is the actual answer that he provided. How can the city utilized resources to improve the lives of children and youth in the city? “This is at the heart of my top priority. Currently, Asheville Municipal water is sold to large manufactures at the rate of $1.69 per ccf after the first 1000 ccfs sold in a month. This is less than a quarter of a cent per gallon of water, while the retail price of the same water sold in grocery stores is over $1 per gallon. Asheville needs to capitalize on its natural resources to earn a profit outside of our taxation structure. By buying water from the municipal system, and reselling wholesale to water bottling facilities, Asheville can turn a profit that would be directed at supplementing funding for our school system.”
In last week’s “Small Towns” article on Woodfin and Weaverville, an incorrect address for Thyme in the Garden was listed; the correct address is 190 Weaverville Highway. And the store’s website is thymeinthegardenasheville.com.
City Bakery for a cup of Dynamite Roasting Company coffee to keep me fueled through the morning. Later, I walked from my office to City Hall for a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, where I and the six other commissioners, along with knowledgeable city staff, plowed through a three-hour meeting. At the end of the work day, I got back on my bike to ride home to West Asheville, where I have safely lived for 15 years. In one day, I had the opportunity to support local businesses while traveling along our city’s growing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. I witnessed current City Council members and candidates stand up for equality and justice. I had the opportunity to actively engage in the planning and development of our city. I did all of this with no worries about my safety and security. I give credit to Asheville’s long line of leaders for their role in bringing opportunity to our city. This election cycle, I will vote for leaders who will continue to create opportunity. I saw Gordon Smith walking with the We Do campaigners. Esther Manheimer was with us at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Gwen Wisler’s role in the cycling community was instrumental in building the facilities I used to make my way around town. I am confident that Esther, Gordon and Gwen will continue to move Asheville along a path of opportunity. They have my vote, and I hope they have yours. — Kristy Carter Asheville
caRtoon By BREnt BRown
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Community dialogue
photo by Max Cooper
by Jake Frankel
Unsigned: Marriage licenses stir debate
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On Oct. 15, Buncombe County Register of Deeds drew Reisinger became the first in the South to accept same-sex marriage licenses, as 10 couples requested them as part of an effort organized by the Campaign for Southern Equality. In an online article that day, Xpress Senior Reporter david forbes noted that, since 2011, the Asheville-based LGBT-rights organization has organized a series of protests across the Southeast, seeking the overturn of all bans on same-sex marriage. This time, however, instead of refusing the applications as he had during previous protests, Reisinger accepted the documents, asking applicants to verify that the information on the form was correct. However, he stopped short of signing and issuing the marriage licenses, saying that while he believes the state ban on samesex marriage conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, he will formally request that N.C. Attorney General Roy cooper allow the marriages to proceed. Just a day earlier, Cooper announced his personal support for equal marriage rights but said that he’s still committed to defending a state ban in court as part of his official duties. His office issued a statement soon after Reisinger’s action, stating that issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in North Carolina violates the state constitution. The news set off a torrent of media attention and online commentary. Here’s a sampling of what some of you had to say: via mountainx.com Thank you, this brings tears of joy to my eyes. THANK YOU sir for standing on the right side of history. You are a true hero to me and many many others. — jason doherty Wonderful news, and good work, Drew! — kimboronni
®, ™ and © 2013 DC Comics. All rights reserved.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
accEptancE: Buncombe County Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger’s decision to accept same-sex marriage licenses pending legal advice from Attorney General Roy Cooper set off a torrent of media coverage and debate.
via thE mountain xpREss facEBook pagE Half a step forward but heading in the right direction. — danalee cook pipes He’s playing a bit of political theatrics here ... accepting the applications, but not signing them, as [North Carolina] law is clearly opposed to same-sex marriage. The man is an elected official in a liberal district — he’ll get votes from this, but nothing else changes. — Loyd mehaffey I read a comment by someone that as an elected official in a liberal district “he’ll get votes for this” — maybe or maybe not — but this is about Drew acting as a public servant according to his conscience to treat his constituents fairly. The state will have to make the ultimate decision, but this is an important act of conscience. We all should be so brave as to break “the rules” when they conflict with what we know is right. — sasha mitchell WAIT A MINUTE!!! Healthcare for everyone AND marriage equality!!! When will the Tea Party be leaving for another planet? — katherine helms cummings
via thE ashEviLLE citizEn-timEs facEBook pagE: Finally, a news story that North Carolina can be proud of is picked up nationally. Beats voter suppression, defunding Medicaid and “Architect of the Shutdown.” Leave it to one of four progressive areas left in the state. Way to go Drew. — gary james It’s in the Bible. ... It’s wrong. This country used to have some morals and acted like it. Now it seems that this “whatever” attitude is bringing this city and country down around us. Of course, the folks who want to be with the same sex aren’t bad people, but it’s against what this country was founded on and against God’s teachings. ... I hope and pray there are still some God fearing people in Asheville that agree. — tony jones Never mind this employee is in violation of the North Carolina Constitution. My thoughts: These permits are invalid and against the law. Register of Deeds Reisinger should be terminated for violating NC law. — jon franklin X
Is your legislator protecting our AIR & WATER?
Some Raleigh legislators don’t think Western North Carolina should be allowed to keep protecting its clean air and clean water. The North Carolina General Assembly introduces and passes several bills each year that impact the quality of life in Western North Carolina. A new tool, the nonpartisan website WNC Vote Tracker, provides transparency on legislation affecting residents in 20 Western North Carolina counties. Visit wncvotetracker.org and select “Environment” to see how YOUR legislator voted on the environment in 2013. If you’re unhappy about the legislature’s actions this session, please write a letter to the editor for your local paper. Legislators need to hear from you if things are to change! Paid for by the Southern Environmental Law Center and Western North Carolina Alliance
• Western North Carolina Alliance • Canary Coalition • Dogwood Alliance • Environmental and Conservation Organization • Mountain Voices Alliance • National Committee for the New River • Transition Asheville
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Outside the box Innovative partnership re-envisions Hall Fletcher Elementary
By jakE fRankEL
jfrankel@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 115
Against a backdrop of government funding cuts, a diverse group of community members is rallying to improve the Asheville elementary school with the highest percentage of impoverished students. Roughly 80 percent of Hall Fletcher Elementary kids receive free or reduced-price lunches, and nearly 20 percent are classified as “exceptional students,” meaning they have various physical and mental disabilities. Over time, the oncecutting edge West Asheville institution had come to be considered “a school of last resort,” says chris joyell, executive director of the Asheville Design Center. Thanks to an unprecedented community collaboration, however, that reputation has begun to change. Colorful murals depicting trees and the sun now adorn the façade of the otherwise drab brick structure. And now, a more ambitious effort aims to turn an unimposing playground into an innovative outdoor learning center that will bring the magnet school’s academic focus — math, science and technology — to life. “Exterior transformation reflects interior transformation,” proclaims Principal gordon grant, who came on board two-and-a-half years ago. “You want the children in this school to know they’re valued. And nothing can state value better than making the school beautiful.” ExpERimEntaL LEaRning The push to renovate the play area began in 2006. “We realized that the playground ... was sort of
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
deficient for the needs of the school, and we started working to find a solution,” reports neighborhood resident joyce Brown, who had a child at Hall Fletcher back then. Brown is operations manager at Equinox Environmental, the consulting and design firm that took the lead in developing a plan. But the effort largely stalled when the economy crashed, until Grant became principal and the Asheville Design Center got involved. The nonprofit has been working with the Asheville City Schools Foundation, landscape architect joel osgood, the Yale Club of WNC and others to update the design and raise money. After meeting with students, teach-
By dEsign: Plans call for transforming an unimposing park into an innovative outdoor learning environment at Hall Fletcher Elementary. Image courtesy of Landscape Architect Joel Osgood, and the Asheville Design Center.
ers, neighbors and other stakeholders, “We realized they wanted more than a playground,” Joyell explains. “They wanted a way to bring those classroom lessons into the outdoors. … Now we’ve got a final design that everyone’s agreed upon that I think will really work for the school.”
The design envisions an array of creative features, including a weather station, a native-plant garden, a handicapped-accessible tree house, and a merry-go-round that pumps water from an artesian well onto a sand table where kids can make castles. Two outdoor classrooms would feature the vaulted tile domes popularized by noted architect Rafael guastavino, who designed (and is buried in) the Basilica of Saint Lawrence in downtown Asheville. Students would make tiles and help build the structures, learning engineering lessons along the way; acclaimed MIT professor and author john ochsendorf, a Guastavino
expert, has agreed to oversee that aspect of the project. “Science isn’t just about widgets and technology: It’s about a whole way of looking at the world through the scientific method,” notes Grant. “Experiential learning is also experimental learning, and a playground should lend itself to that, with a lot of free and open creative play spaces.” an opEn sEcREt Even with mostly donated labor, remaking the half-acre site is projected to cost about $330,000. “It’s a really expensive endeavor,” notes Brown, adding, “I’m hopeful that we’re going to make some progress.” Grading is slated to begin any day now, thanks to a $15,000 boost from the Asheville City Schools and pro bono work by Jade Mountain Builders. But most of the money needed to complete the overall project must still be raised. Joyell, though, says, “Once you see the bulldozers out there moving the soil around, the fundraising efforts will really kick in, and we’re going to see a lot of those different elements get funded very quickly. That’s really how this thing is going to get pulled off — the community rallying around it.”
dREam tEam: Gordon Grant, Joel Osgood and Chris Joyell (left to right) and many others are working to make the longtime goal of building an outdoor learning center at Hall Fletcher a reality. Photos by Max Cooper
Grant agrees, noting that the new facility will also serve as a public park when school’s not in session. “It’s so much more than about the school,” he explains. “We want Hall Fletcher to absolutely be a community place, literally a central park in West Asheville. When that happens, you the get the fusion of education and community-building, which really makes the school special.” One recently recruited community partner is the Nichols-West Asheville Masonic Lodge, which has organized an Oct. 26 benefit event (see sidebar, “Fun-raising”). “Supporting a project in our own neighborhood got us excited, particularly when we learned we could help support the construction of the Guastavino dome, which is directly in line with the sacred-geometry principles of Freemasonry,” lodge Master smith mcaulay says. He
hopes to raise the roughly $2,500 needed to fund the smaller of the two outdoor classrooms. The Design Center is already getting inquiries from Claxton and Ira B. Jones elementaries about collaborating on similar outdoor learning projects. “I want to create something out here that would have other schools lining up at our door saying, ‘We’re next,’ and actually, that’s already happened,” Joyell reports. “Most of my work is really inspiring; I love the stuff we do. But this project kind of takes the cake.” Grant, meanwhile, says the murals and the buzz surrounding the outdoor project have already made Hall Fletcher a more attractive place for parents to send their kids. “The murals have helped show the public that this is a place where people spend money on creating good things,” he maintains, noting that after having been stagnant for years, enrollment jumped 20 percent this year, to 355 students. “I don’t think that’s coincidental.” Hall Fletcher “has been a wellkept secret for a long time,” he continues. “Having a park that’s really an attractive place will really make it an open secret — and one I want to share with all of Asheville.” X
To raise money for the Hall Fletcher outdoor learning project and North Carolina Masonic Charities, the Nichols-West Asheville Masonic Lodge is hosting a mini-golf tournament. The daylong West Asheville Open will take place Saturday, Oct. 26, at Tropical Gardens (956 Patton Ave.). The event aims to strengthen neighborhood relationships, support worthwhile projects and highlight the role of West Asheville businesses and groups in the community, lodge Master smith mcaulay explains. All proceeds will be evenly divided between Hall Fletcher and N.C. Masonic Charities, which supports an orphanage and a retirement community. Participants can choose from an 11 a.m. young-family round, a 1 p.m. adult round and a 3 p.m. competitive round. Teams of one-to-five players will pay $10 per person to compete. Advance registration is encouraged, though drop-ins are welcome if space allows. Doc Brown's BBQ food truck will be on hand to feed hungry golfers, and several West Asheville businesses are sponsoring holes and providing prizes. McAulay hopes to draw 150 people for the rescheduled event, which was rained out last month. "We're trying to sling good will in every direction," he says. "Who doesn't love mini-golf?” To register, go to wavlmason.com. — J.F.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by David Forbes & Caitlin Byrd
photo by Max Cooper
The great divide Candidates discuss race, justice, opportunity at YWCA election forum The final question asked of Asheville’s two mayoral and five City Council candidates did not focus on the usual inquiries raised during this municipal election. It wasn’t about the economy. It wasn’t about jobs. It wasn’t about the police department — though it certainly touched on all of those matters. And it had nothing to do with the Asheville Art Museum, a contentious topic in recent months. Instead, on Oct. 15 at the YWCA of Asheville, candidates were asked to tell an audience of about 50 people their ideas for encouraging more locals — particularly people of color — to partake of the downtown area. The forum was co-sponsored by the YWCA and the Asheville chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, a primarily African-American public-service sorority. Current Vice Mayor and candidate for mayor Esther manheimer replied that she had thought about that question for a long time. She still remembers whom her 16-year-old self did not see as she walked the halls and into her classes on her first day at Asheville High School. “What it was, of course, was a segregated school within a school because the black population ... was probably 40 percent, but there was maybe one or two black students in my classes,” she said. “What I came to understand about that process was that it was really a product of institutional racism.” Today in the city, she said, she sees a reflection of that in relation to Asheville’s public-housing population. “What we have are 10 public-housing projects that house almost 10 percent of Asheville’s population, and it is a predominantly black population, which is impoverished. It is a self-sustaining cycle of institutional impoverishment,” she said, asserting that there isn’t a strong black middle-class as in Durham, Charlotte or Raleigh. “I think where it starts, of course, is education. But what I’m very interested in trying to tackle is what I consider institution-
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
takE thE stand: Asheville mayoral and City Council candidates took questions at the Oct. 15 forum co-sponsored by the YWCA of Asheville and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. (Pictured, left to right, Gwen Wisler, Cecil Bothwell, Michael Lanning, Gordon Smith and Jonathan Wainscott).
alized continuation of an impoverished black population through our public-housing system.” When it comes to attracting people of all races to downtown, there’s less of a divide than people may think, said john miall, former Asheville risk management director and mayoral candidate. “In my experience, I think an awful lot of black folks … don’t go downtown for the same reason a lot of white folks don’t go — because there’s a good chance right now that some topless gaggle of women is going to come wandering through,” he said. “I think we first have to look at what’s wrong with downtown and fix those problems, and then we can talk about what to do to attract local people — black or white — back to downtown.” Miall said the main problem is Asheville’s crime rates, which he described as “through the roof.” His first priority in office would be to ask a community task force to identify downtown issues and define subsequent action steps, he said. This task force would help to make downtown Asheville “the
kind of place that the people who live here and pay to keep it up are proud of and want to be a part of,” Miall continued. “It’s not just a place where tourists should feel they want to go. It should be a place where I feel at home, and I don’t think it’s been that way for a few years.” Council candidates weighed in, too. Council member cecil Bothwell noted that the question of how comfortable different populations feel downtown, especially minorities, was a “tangle” involving larger, complicated issues of history and deep-seated racism. He noted that the percentage of African-American-owned assets in Asheville has remained relatively flat since the 1930s. “We’re confronting something really deep,” he said. “Now all the rich white people are moving downtown and bidding up all the prices. We’ve brought the wealth back into the city and excluded the poor.” He said he was hopeful that the current Council’s investment in the Block — downtown’s traditionally African-American business district — “was a small payment in that direction of revitalizing. ... I hope we can do better.”
Former Asheville Police Department officer mike Lanning, an Asheville native, said rising costs and a lack of well-paying jobs don’t make it friendly for those born and raised here, whatever their race. “Most people that grow up here leave. They don’t stay in the Asheville area. That continues to this day, because they have to go somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper and they make more money.” As far as downtown, Lanning said, “Quite frankly, I don’t go downtown a lot, because it’s turned into a wealthy person’s place to go; it costs a lot of money,” and more outreach is needed, he said. Council member gordon smith said that he believes Council is trying to make up for years of neglect by investing in development on the Block and “looking to partner with the leaders of the African-American community. ... That kind of leadership is also going to be helpful to us in looking at downtown’s future.” He later added that the community had often been caught in an unjust situation where their burdens outweighed the benefits they received from the community. Community activist jonathan wainscott said he felt that “downtown is becoming so tourism-centric,” and it’s off-putting to many “that downtown’s started to feel a little like Myrtle Beach.” The city should encourage smaller festivals to “celebrate the cultural diversity we have in downtown,” he said. He added that being white had given him advantages in landing jobs in the past, “and with privilege comes responsibility ... and I’m committed that the privileges I have been given I will pay back.” Former Coleman CEO gwen wisler said, “I’m not sure what would attract people of color downtown. Frankly, I think that has to come from that community: What would be attractive? Even more importantly, what’s unattractive? What needs to change so downtown is more inviting to the African-American community or people of color?” She said that if elected, she would reach out and “see what we can do to encourage that. It is a little disappointing when you go downtown and everyone looks like me; that’s not what our community is.” Early voting continues through Saturday, Nov. 2, and the general election is Nov. 5. X
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Photos by Max Cooper
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Hayley Benton
photo by Max Cooper
The forum circuit Asheville mayoral, City Council candidates discuss key downtown issues at Pack’s Tavern By 6 p.m. on Oct. 14, the Century Room at Pack’s Tavern bustled with discussion on downtown issues in a candidate forum sponsored by the Asheville Downtown Association. From cleanliness to crime, toplessness to construction, the seven candidates voiced their opinions on key issues affecting Asheville residents and the community at large. During the first round of questions, Vice Mayor Esther manheimer addressed whether the city will support growth in the South Slope region of downtown, while former city Risk Management Director john miall discussed the lack of effort regarding walkability downtown. The two placed first and second, respectively, in the recent mayoral primary, and will vie for the position in the Nov. 5 general election. “The city has really identified the South Slope as one of the key areas to emerge going forward,” Manheimer said, mentioning how an investment in valuable construction downtown brings in high return, which, she argues, strengthens the downtown economy and “creates a wonderful vibrant downtown, providing jobs and amenities for everyone to enjoy. “The South Slope is an area that is patchy — some places are being highly utilized, some pieces of land are not at all,” she continued. “So in the city’s budget that was adopted last year, you will see budget capital investment in the South Slope of downtown.” Miall insisted that current City Council members have had plenty of chances to address poor sidewalk and street conditions downtown, but have failed to do so. “I don’t think we ever met our full commitment to those who are physically challenged and need better access [to walkways]. If you are happy with the condition of the sidewalks downtown, then you ought to be happy with the current council and the current people up here. Past behavior predicts future behavior, and I believe that in every walk of life.”
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
in thE Running: Mayoral candidate John Miall, left, and City Council contender Jonathan Wainscott, right, pitched their ideas at the Asheville Downtown Association’s Oct. 14 forum.
He continued, “If you think we can do better, you’re going to have to vote for change. Every street and every sidewalk has been allowed to decline to the point where it’s not functional in a lot of cases. The people on Council … have had ample opportunity to hear you and do something about it, and I would simply suggest it’s time for a change.” City Council member and candidate cecil Bothwell expressed his concerns with the growing number of cigarette butts discarded on the streets of downtown Asheville. “There are a lot of issues around cleanliness, and probably the worst problem that we have — from my observation downtown — is cigarette butts,” Bothwell said. “That piece of the problem is principally triggered by the state law that prevents people from smoking inside bars. So they go outside and drop their butts on the street.” Bothwell suggested Asheville take a lesson from Black Mountain and ban smoking on public sidewalks. “If it works out in its first year there, I’d advocate that
Asheville go the same direction,” he said. “We’d just stop smoking on the sidewalks. That’d be one big piece of the downtown mess.” He’d also like to install recycling bins and additional trash receptacles around downtown to lighten the burden on business owners, who presently must work to keep the sidewalk adjacent to their properties clean. Each candidate was asked whether he or she supports the Business Improvement District, and the positions were as follows: Manheimer — yes; Miall — yes; Bothwell — no; Lanning — yes; Smith — no; Wainscott — no; Wisler — no. Bothwell backed up his position by saying, “Tax money should be spent under the direction of elected officials and not under the direction of a BID. It’s our responsibility on Council to do that and not to be passed off to some unelected board.” The discussion then moved on to address an increase in crime, as moderator and WCQS News Director david hurand mentioned, “Asheville Police Chief william anderson announced a 52 percent increase in violent crime and a 34 percent increase in property crime
in downtown Asheville over a threemonth period this summer.” Council candidate gwen wisler acknowledged the current understaffed police department, and how it is city Council’s job to make sure the city manager has the budget necessary to staff law enforcement agencies within the city. “Really it’s City Council’s job to make sure the money is there,” she said. “That’s the job of the Council. I would make sure they had adequate fiscal resources in order to decrease our crime rates.” jonathan wainscott addressed similar concerns with his question, which focused on homelessness and aggressive panhandling in the streets of downtown. “I would say this is just another issue of downtown crime prevention,” the City Council candidate said. “I would like to see the use of an auxiliary police force in the city. These would be peace officers responding to nonviolent crimes and traffic accidents. That would perhaps free up some of our more highly trained officers.” “There are a few cities in the country who use an auxiliary police force,” he continued. “Some are volunteer-based, and some are paid. I would like to see a paid staff-job of career officers who would like to keep the peace.” When asked if she would consider discounted parking for workers downtown, Wisler said, “I definitely would like to explore that and understand what the cost would be. I would prefer improving transpiration choices and encouraging downtown workers to use the mass transit as opposed to parking decks. The idea of discounting parking for workers is something I would certainly explore.” On a similar topic, Lanning stated, “Anybody that works in City Hall knows it’s hard to find parking. … We need to build some more parking decks.” When asked a question on supporting an ordinance penalizing private property owners for not removing graffiti, City Council incumbent and candidate gordon smith was quick to distinguish graffiti vandals from graffiti artists. “I would like to thank the graffiti artists in this town who put up beautiful murals that discourage graffiti vandals and help us become more of an arts destination, as you see it wherever you go,” Smith said. Graffiti vandalism “is going to be one of the first things that your Council does address. And I don’t have the answer yet.” But he said he figures it will entail one of two
options: either hiring a cleanup crew to scour downtown and paint over vandalism within a 48-hour period, or asking business owners to take it into their own responsibilities to see their properties are free of tags. As for a solution to the topless issue in downtown, Lanning said, “You can’t force local police to enforce laws that aren’t on the books. About the only way that it can be addressed is to not publicize it so much. People want to come down and view it, make a mockery of it, make fun of it. Unless these laws are changed, I really don’t think anything can be done about it. … I’m sorry.” When it came to what each candidate believed was the most pressing issue downtown is currently facing, opinions varied. Bothwell and Wainscott agreed that the influx of tourists who do not pay city taxes and, therefore, do not help fund city maintenance projects is the most detrimental issue. Smith said the main issue is to retain authenticity downtown by gearing business not toward tourists but toward the residents of Asheville. Lanning pinpointed the increasing crime rate as Asheville’s biggest problem, and Wisler addressed that downtown should be managed differently from the rest of Asheville, citing construction on sidewalks during peak tourist season to be one of the mismanagements faced downtown. Manheimer said the most pressing issue — which all of the night’s topics fell under — is the pressure downtown faces from having such a huge commuter and tourist population. She said that while the influx is a “blessing economically,” it “threatens Asheville and what makes Asheville special,” she said. “So to me, the greatest challenge downtown is to navigate the balance between essentially being extremely popular and trying to sustain what makes Asheville a special place. The downtown needs to be maintained and enhanced by the city — everything from cleanliness to safety and infrastructure.” Miall cited poor city management as one of Asheville’s greatest current faults, saying the most pressing issue is “commitment, or lack thereof.” “There was a core commitment to improve downtown for many years,” he continued. “Downtown [has] declined over the past several years. But I think the single biggest issue facing downtown
going forward is what level of commitment do you have from the city of Asheville and your elected leaders? We know what it’s been the last four years, and if you’re happy with that, then you’ll be happy reelecting the same people to Council. If you believe we can do better … you’re going to have to make changes.” X Hayley Benton is freelance journalist.
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Jake Frankel
Cards accepted
good BEt: Plasticard is well on the way toward meeting the county’s two economic-incentive conditions: investing $4.4 million in the plant and hiring 42 new local workers at an average annual wage of $26,000 at the Sweeten Creek Industrial Park, said Quality Manager Jeff Imes. Photo by Max Cooper
Commissioners approve $84,000 incentive deal for Plasticard The Buncombe County commissioners approved $84,000 in economic incentives for Plasticard-Locktech International on Oct. 15, confirming a deal that’s been in the works since last spring. Since then, Plasticard has pumped millions into capital improvements at its plant in the Sweeten Creek Industrial Park, noted Quality Manager jeff imes. The company, he said, is well on the way toward meeting the county’s two conditions: investing $4.4 million in the plant and hiring 42 new local workers at an average annual wage of $26,000. Over the next 10 years, the company’s new investment and jobs will
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
generate more than $313,000 in tax revenue for the county, the Tax Department estimates. Plasticard, hailed by the Economic Development Coalition for Asheville-Buncombe County as “a genuine success story,” was founded in 1988 by w.c. noonan. Hatched in the basement of his Arden home, the company has grown into a global operation supplying keycards to major hotel chains. Plasticard’s local plant currently employs about 250 full-time workers, noted Imes. “On behalf of PLI, I’d like to thank you for all the support you’ve shown us over the years,” he told the commissioners. Without the county incentives, the company “would not complete the project,” states the resolution the commissioners unanimously approved. Commissioner mike fryar, who’s previously questioned
“I’m not interested in what the top people in the company make. I’m interested in the grunts. Are they making a living wage?” candLER REsidEnt jERRy RicE on pLasticaRd-LocktEch intERnationaL
the wisdom of such deals, said, “We’re making money overall, plus we’re putting money into this county, so I’m for it.” Board Chair david gantt emphasized, “Before we give a nickel, there’s certain requirements that must be verified.” During a public hearing on the matter, Candler resident jerry Rice questioned whether the average pay for new employees leaves some earning so little money that they must still rely on government assistance. “I’m not interested in what the top people in the company make,” Rice explained. “I’m interested in the grunts. Are they making a living wage?” Planning Director jon creighton said the new jobs satisfy local living-wage criteria. govERnmEnt shutdown hits homE Assistant County Manager mandy stone updated the commissioners on how the federal government shutdown was affecting the county. “The shutdown doesn’t stop mandates, but it stops resources from flowing to support them,” she explained. Federal funds, noted Stone, pay for 70 percent of the social services provided by the county. If the federal government
didn’t resume operations soon, the county could have been on the hook for more than $500,000 in monthly child-care subsidies for low-income, working parents, for example. In addition, nearly 60,000 county residents rely on food stamps to eat, and that money would have been used up Nov. 1 unless Congress took action. The program, noted Stone, pumps $60 million a year into the local economy. “All of these cuts result in increased risks to people [who are] the most vulnerable,” Stone emphasized. “This is our safety net.” “We need to be in the streets about this,” asserted Vice Chair holly jones. “These are people without a voice and without any hope.” “It is incredible that we are even reduced to having this conversation,” said Gantt. “We’re going to take care of people the best we can, but there are limits to what we can do if it goes on long-term. I hope the people in Washington know what they are doing to people.” The 16-day shutdown ended the next day, after Congress passed a law restoring funding. Rep. patrick mchenry, whose 10th District includes much of Asheville, supported the measure. But fellow Republican Rep. mark meadows, whose 11th District includes parts of Buncombe County, dissented due to disagreement with Affordable Care Act funding. X
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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Big Enough foR aLicE: Students from Hall Fletcher Elementary’s chess team will show off their skills on a 14-foot chess board on Sunday, Oct. 27 in Pritchard Park. This Alice In Wonderland-sized event will raise money for the team’s efforts to gain the social and intellectual benefits of the game (page 20).
E-maiL (second best) calendar@mountainx.com fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-maiL marketplace@mountainx.com. fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
AnimAls Dog TrAining Workshop • MO (10/28) through TH (10/31) A four-day dog training workshop will help participants understand body language, difficult dog issues and animal psychology. Proceeds benefit Greenville Animal Care Shelter. Held at Foothills Equestrian Nature Center, 3381 Hunting Country Road, Tryon. $20 suggested donation. Info and registration: avl.mx/01s. Free spAy Vouchers • The Humane Alliance offers free spay services for female felines. Pick up a Dudley Fund voucher at Humane Alliance, Pet Harmony, BWAR, Friends 2 Ferals or Asheville Humane Society. Info and appointment: humanealliance.org or 2522079.
ArT AmericAn Folk ArT AnD FrAming Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: amerifolk.com or 281-2134. • Through WE (10/23) - Wandering to the Verge, works by self-taught Southern artists. • Through WE (10/23) - Works by Spencer Herr. • TH (10/24) through WE (11/20) Hide and Seek. ArT AT Asu Exhibits take place at Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, unless otherwise noted. Tues.-Thurs. & Sat., 10am6pm; Fri., noon-8pm. Donations accepted. Info: tcva.org or 2627338.
• ONGOING - Susan Webb Tregay: Contemporary Art for Adult Children will be on display in the Community Gallery. • ONGOING - Orna Bentor: Landscapes Within will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • ONGOING - Men Working: The Contemporary Collection of Allen Thomas, Jr. will be on display in the Main Gallery. ArT AT BreVArD college Exhibits are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: brevard.edu/art or 884-8188. • Through FR (11/1) - An alumni exhibition will be held in the Sims Art Center. ArT AT mArs hill uniVersiTy Weizenblatt Gallery: Mon.-Fri., 9am5pm. Info: mhc.edu. • Through WE (11/20) - An exhibition of photographs by Mars Hill
alumna Sarah Wilson. ArT AT uncA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • Through FR (11/1) - Challenging Our Perceptions will be on display in the Ramsey Library. • FR (10/25) through FR (11/8) - She / Iteration, paintings by UNCA student Annie Jewett, will be on display at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. ArT AT Wcu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free; donations welcome. Info: fineartmuseum.wcu.edu or 227-3591. • Through FR (11/22) - Iron Maidens: Women of Contemporary Cast Iron.
AsheVille AreA ArTs council gAllery 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: ashevillearts.com or 258-0710. • Through FR (11/1) - The Barns Studios 2013: The Resident Artists of Penland School of Crafts. AsheVille ArT museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/ Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: ashevilleart.org or 253-3227. • ONGOING - Rebels With a Cause, a traveling exhibition of artwork from the Huntsville Museum of Art. • ONGOING - Lasting Gifts, works by Black Mountain College teachers and students. • ONGOING - Esteban Vicente: The Art of Interruption will feature paintings, drawings and collages. AsheVille BookWorks 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri., 1-5pm; Sat., 1-4pm. Info: ashevillebookworks.com or 255-8444. • Through SA (11/30) Printocracy will celebrate contemporary print culture. AsheVille gAllery oF ArT 16 College St. Mon.-Sat., 10am-5:30pm; Sun., 1-4pm. Info: ashevillegallery-of-art. com or 251-5796. • Through TH (10/31) Visual Capture, figurative and abstract work by Hal Boyd. BellA VisTA ArT gAllery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs., 11am4pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: bellavistaart.com or 768-0246. • Through SA (11/30) Works by Doug Waterfield and Nicora Gangi. BlAck mounTAin cenTer For The ArTs 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.Fri., 10am-5pm. Info: BlackMountainArts.org or 669-0930. • FR (10/18) through MO (11/25) - Appalachian Pastel Society juried show.
• FR (10/18), 6-8pm Opening reception. BlAck mounTAin college museum + ArTs cenTer The center, which preserves the legacy of Black Mountain College, is located at 56 Broadway St., Asheville. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: blackmountaincollege.org or 350-8484. • ONGOING - Shaping Craft and Design at Black Mountain College. BlAckBirD FrAme & ArT 365 Merrimon Ave. Mon.Fri., 10am-6pm; Sat., 10am3pm. Info: 225-3117. • Through SA (11/2) Brainstorms and Other Magic, paintings be Gayle Paul. Blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, and Sun., noon5pm. Info: bluespiral1.com or 251-0202. • Through SA (11/30) Remains to be Seen: An Out of the Box Look at Modern Cremation Containers will feature urns from Shine on Brightly. • Through TU (12/31) - A group show will feature ceramics by Josh Copus and Marlene Jack, photography by John Dickson and paintings by Peggy N. Root. DoWn on The FArm phoTogrAphy exhiBiT • Through TH (10/31) Down on the Farm will be on display at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. A portion of sales benefits Appalachian Voices. Info: avl.mx/00y. eVenTs AT The Turchin cenTer Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is located at 423 West King St., Boone. Info: 262-3017 or tcva.org. • ONGOING - Photographs by Hugh Morton: An Uncommon Retrospective will be on display in Galleries A and B. FloW gAllery 14 South Main St., Marshall. Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: avl.mx/aw. • Through SA (11/9) Exhibition of works by Flow Gallery members.
girl scouT ArT shoW • Through TU (12/31) - A Girl Scout art show will be on display at the RE/MAX Results office, 34 Orange St. Info: gstroop026.webs.com. groVeWooD gAllery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm & Sun., 11am5pm. Info: grovewood.com or 253-7651. • Through TU (12/31) Beauty from Wood: Natural and Paper Forms, bowls and vessels by Bill Luce and paper works by Leo Monahan.
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hAen gAllery 52 Biltmore Ave. Mon., Tues. & Sat., 11am-6pm; Wed.-Fri., 10am-6pm & Sun., noon5pm. Info: thehaengallery. com or 254-8577. • Through SA (11/30) - Lynn Boggess: New Work 2013. hAnDmADe in AmericA Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: handmadeinamerica.org or 252-0121. • Through FR (10/25) Works by Tadashi Torii will be on display at BeverlyHanks, 1 Town Square Blvd., Suite 140. • WE (10/23), 5:30-7pm - Lisa Klakulak will present a global photographic journal, Beyond Felt: Inspirations from Tutoring Abroad. Free. • Through TH (10/31) - CSA Artists: Additional Works. hArVesT recorDs Located at 415-B Haywood Road, Asheville. Info: 2582999. • Through WE (10/30) Cyclus/ Ovum/ Corpus, a solo show by Mary Claire Becker. Info: maryclairebecker.com. hAyWooD counTy ArTs council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86, 86 N. Main St., Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: haywoodarts.org or 4520593. • Through SA (11/9) - The Master Artists group exhibit. hoTel inDigo 151 Haywood St. Info: boutiquehotel-asheville.com or 239-0239. • Through TH (10/31) Photography by Honour Hiers Stewart. irAniAn posTer ArT
www.facebook.com/ziataqueriaasheville mountainx.com
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jen Nathan Orris
community caLEndaR
Fun fundraisers
exhiBiTion • Through FR (11/29) Selections from In Search of Lost Causes, an exhibition of Iranian poster art, will be on display in the River Arts District's Flood and Courtyard galleries. • Through FR (11/8) - The exhibit will also be on display in UNCA's Blowers Gallery. micA Fine conTemporAry crAFT 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville. Mon. & Sat., 10am-5pm. Sun., noon-5pm. Info: micagallerync.com or 688-6422. • Through SU (11/24) Works by Margaret Couch Cogswell. n.c. ArBoreTum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am5pm daily. Info: ncarboretum.org or 665-2492. • ONGOING - A LEGO brick sculpture exhibit will feature works by Sean Kenney. noT my grAnDmoTher's QuilT • Through (10/27) - Not My Grandmother's Quilt textile art exhibit will be on display at West End Bakery, 757 Haywood Road. A portion of sales benefits MANNA FoodBank. Info: artquiltsfrom2ndpaigestudio.blogspot.com.
Motown to Gaga: Youth OUTRight cuts a rug what: The Dance: Motown to Gaga, to benefit Youth OUTRight, WNC, Inc. where: Asheville Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. when: Saturday, Oct. 26, 8 p.m.midnight. $60 Info: youthoutright. org or avl.mx/01x why: Dance is for everyone. Whether you like to sway to Motown or shake it like Lady Gaga, dance truly is a universal language. “More than any other expression in the performing arts, dance transcends language, race, ethnicity and gender,” say Youth OUTRight organizers. Youth OUTRight’s efforts are just
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
as egalitarian as its dance moves. The organization provides local LGBTQ youth with a safe space to be themselves and build a community that accepts everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. On Saturday, Oct. 26, Youth OUTRight will host a fundraiser that’s sure to put some wear on your dancing shoes. DJ Steadylove will keep the dance floor hopping, and Asheville’s own Natalie Smalls will host the evening’s festivities. Youth OUTRight hopes to make this an annual event, so now is your chance to say, “I was there,” no matter what kind of dance makes you want to kick up your heels.
rurAl liFe museum • ONGOING Interwoven: Coverlets, Ballads and America’s Discovery of Madison County Folklife will be on display at Mars Hill College's Montague Hall. Info: mhc.edu. sWAnnAnoA VAlley Fine ArTs leAgue Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 West State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., noon-4pm. Info: svfal.org. • Through MO (10/28) - Still Life: In or Out of the Box. The BenDer gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: thebendergallery.com or 505-8341. • Through TU (12/31) - Through the Future, Brightly, works by Eunsuh Choi and Adam Waimon. The upDrAFT Fine ArT
gAllery 84 Walnut St. Thurs., 11am7pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am9pm; Sun., 11am-7pm. Info: facebook.com/Updraft. Gallery. • Through TU (11/5) - The Universe in a Cubic Foot; Small Sculptures to Delight the Senses. TrAnsylVAniA communiTy ArTs council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: artsofbrevard.org or 8842787. • Through FR (11/8) - Isis, works by Christine Kosiba and Shannon Whitworth. • FR (10/25), 5-9pm Opening Reception. True Blue ArT supply 30 Haywood St. Mon.-Sat., 10am-7pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: trueblueartsupply. com. • Through TH (10/31) Penguin Inventions, works by Jarrett Rutland. upsTAirs ArTspAce 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am5pm. Info: upstairsartspace. org or 859-2828. • Through (11/15) - The Things We Know: Seven Conceptual Artists. WArren Wilson's holDen gAllery The gallery is located on the campus of Warren Wilson College. Info: 7713038. • Through FR (11/15) Jefferson Pinder: Work, Video and Performance Artworks, 2003-2012. Curated by Julie Caro.
ArT/crAFT FAirs shAron uniTeD meThoDisT crAFT FAir • SA (10/26), 9am-2pm Fairview Sharon United Methodist Church will host a Craft Fair at 2 Laura Jackson Road, Fairview. Free; $10 for vendor spaces. Info: 6281568. Tryon ArTs AnD crAFTs • Through SA (11/16) - A wearable art show, featuring jewelry, leather work and fiber arts, will be held at the Tryon Arts and Crafts Gallery, 373 Harmon Field Road, Tryon. Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm; Sat., 9am-1pm. Info: tryonartsandcrafts.org or 859-8323.
AuDiTions & cAll To ArTisTs AnTi-DeATh penAlTy plAy • SU (10/27), 4pm - Auditions for the anti-death penalty play The Exonerated will be held at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Info and appointment: spiritproductions1@ hotmail.com. ArTmArT • ONGOING - TC Arts Council seeks artists and crafters for its ArtMart in November. Info: tcarts@comporium.net. 884-2787. AuTumn plAyers • TU (10/29), 10:30am2:30pm - The Autumn Players will hold auditions for Hobson’s Choice at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. Info: ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. clAxTon elemenTAry holiDAy crAFT FAir • ONGOING - The Claxton Elementary Holiday Craft Fair seeks vendors for its nov. 16 fair. Info: rachelfriel@yahoo.com or 551-7391. gArDen ArT exhiBiT • Through MO (11/11) - Haywood County Arts Council will accept photograph samples of garden art, including fountains, sculpture and other garden-related works, through nov. 11. Info: info@haywoodarts.org. Jcc crAFT FAir • ONGOING - JCC seeks artists for its craft fair on nov. 17. Info: bwass78@gmail. com. WriTers' Workshop • Through WE (10/30) - The Writers' Workshop will accept short stories for its fiction contest through oct. 30. Info: twwoa.org or writersw@gmail.com. • Through SA (11/30) Memoirs of 5,000 words or less will be accepted through nov. 30.
BeneFiTs A TAsTe oF TWo VineyArDs • SU (10/27), 3-7pm - "A Taste of Two Vineyards," to benefit Big Brothers Big sisters of henderson county, will include music,
a silent auction and wine tastings. A shuttle will run between Burntshirt Vineyards and St. Paul Mountain Vineyards and may be boarded from either location. $35. Info: bbbswnc.org. ArTs For liFe gAlA • FR (10/25), 5:30-8:30pm - A fundraising gala, to benefit Arts for life, will include cocktails and live and silent auctions. Held at 49 Broadway St. $75. Info: artsforlifeartauction.com. AsheVille eye AssociATes rAce • SA (10/26), 9am - Asheville Eye Associates will host a 5k and fun run/walk to benefit its nonprofit low Vision center. Held at Carolina Day School, 1345 Hendersonville Road. $30 5k/$10 fun run. Info: avl.mx/01p. BeTh isrAel rummAge sAle • SU (10/27), 8am-4pm & MO (10/28), 8am-3pm - Beth israel synagogue, 229 Murdock Ave., will host a rummage sale to benefit the synagogue. Items include fur-
niture, tools, kitchen supplies, kids' stuff, clothing, books and more. Info: 252-8431 or bethisraelnc.org. chess picnic • SU (10/27), 1-4pm - A "chess picnic," to benefit hall Fletcher elementary’s chess team, will feature a 14-foot, life-sized chess board. The public is invited to play against the club's young chess masters. Held in Pritchard Park, downtown Asheville. Donations accepted. Info: avl.mx/01y. DAViD holT AnD Will mcinTyre • SA (10/26), 7:30pm - David Holt and Will McIntyre will perform a benefit concert for the mountain gateway museum in the historic Old Fort Elementary School auditorium, 128 S. Mauney Ave. Info and tickets: brownpapertickets.com/event/466813. Juggling FunDrAiser • SA (10/26), 1-2:30pm Juggling lessons, to benefit happy Body's outreach program, will be held at 1378 Hendersonville Road. $20
donation. Info and registration: ashevillehappybody.com or 277-5741. leAF schools AnD sTreeTs • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm Wine tasting and jazz, to benefit leAF schools and streets, will be held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5 suggested donation. Info: theleaf.org or Jocelyn@ theLEAF.org. pAncAke BeneFiT • SA (10/26), 8-10am - A pancake breakfast, to benefit hominy Valley crisis ministry of ABccm, will be held at Fatz Cafe, 25 Spartan Drive. $7. Info: abccm.org. reynolDs shoe DriVe • Through SA (11/30) Reynolds Shoe Drive will donate shoes to the survivors of the haiti earthquake. Drop-off location: Carolina Mountain Sales, 1550 Hendersonville Road. Info: giveshoes.org or 277-5551. sT. nicholAs proJecT • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8:30am-5pm - st.
nicholas project provides assistance to needy families during the holiday season. Sign up at Waddell Client Service Center in the Westgate Shopping Center. Info: 242-2848 or eblenfound@aol.com. sisTers-To-sisTers • 4th THURSDAYS, 6:30pm Sisters-to-Sisters, to benefit ABccm's steadfast house, will include a "home sales party" featuring handcrafted items, cosmetics and gifts. Held at Grateful Steps Foundation, 159 S. Lexington Ave. Prices vary. Info: gratefulsteps.org or abccm.org. Wine TAsTing memoriAl FunDrAiser • WE (10/30), 5-7pm - A wine tasting and memorial fundraiser for Danielle Dixon-Andrews, who recently passed away in a car accident, will be held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. Proceeds benefit the DixonAndrews family. $10; donations welcome. Info: metrowinesasheville.com.
clAsses, meeTings & eVenTs mAc BAsics clAsses AT chArloTTe sTreeT compuTers (pd.) Charlotte Street Computers, 252 Charlotte Street, 9:30 - 10:30am weekdays. Mondays - Mac OS X Basics Level 1, Wednesdays iPad Basics Level 1, Thursdays - iCloud, Fridays - iPad Basics Level 2, first Tuesday of each month - iPhoto, second Tuesday each month - Safari, third Tuesday each month -Mac OS X Level 2, fourth Tuesday each month - iMovie. Registration is just $9.99 at www.charlottestreetcomputers.com/classes. music lessons WiTh moses ATWooD (pd.) Find your own musical style-- All levels welcome. Songwriting. Voice. Guitar. Piano. Dobro. Music Theory. $30 an Hour. mosesatwood@ gmail.com especiAlly For Women
neW To AsheVille (pd.) Join Asheville Newcomers to meet other women new to the area. Discover friendships, fun and fabulous finds. Get connected at ashevillenewcomersclub. com inTroDucTion To Duplicate BriDge • this sunDAy (pd.) October 27, 1:30pm. The Asheville Bridge Room, 800 Fairview Road (River Ridge Mall) invites new and experienced players to a Free social for an easy introduction to Duplicate Bridge. Registration/Information: 6692819 or e-mail: pkbeebe@ yahoo.com scene sTuDy WiTh kelly mcgillis (pd.) Scene Study: Ongoing course, every Sunday, 4pm. • Sign up now for our 4 week Filmmaking Intensive, starting November 2, with Director and Instructor Brad Hoover. • Information/Registration: 917710-2805. New York Studio 3 Acting Conservatory. www. nys3.com
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Jen Nathan Orris
community caLEndaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Swannanoa Valley, 500 Montreat Road, Black Mountain. Donations accepted. Info: 669-8050. WesTern norTh cArolinA cArVers • SU (10/27), 1:30-4pm - The Western North Carolina Carvers will host a meeting at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Bring tools and something to carve. Free. Info: 665-8273. Wnc physiciAns For sociAl responsiBiliTy • FR (10/25), 12:30-2pm WNC Physicians for Social Responsibility will meet at a private home. Info and directions: wncpsr.org.
aRtistic adoRnmEnt: The Wearable Art Show, featuring jewelry, leather work and fiber arts, will be held at Tryon Arts and Crafts, 373 Harmon Field Road in Tryon, through Nov. 16 (pg. 20).
BuilDing BriDges oF AsheVille • TUESDAYS, 7-9pm Building Bridges of Asheville will feature speakers and films on topics relating to race relations. Held at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. $30 with discounts for public school teachers. Info and registration: buildingbridges-ashevillenc.org or 777-4585. criBBAge gAThering • MONDAYS, 6pm - A weekly cribbage game will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. All levels welcome. Training available. Free. Info: peter.ely@gmail. com. DynAmic goVernAnce inTroDucTory series • MO (10/28), 8:30am12:30pm - Transition Asheville will present part one of the "Dynamic Governance Introductory Series" at HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: transitionasheville. org. Four seAsons ToAsTmAsTers • WEDNESDAYS, 8-9am Four Seasons Toastmasters will meet at Lake Pointe Landing, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. Info: fourseasonstoastmasters.com. FreeDom FunD AWArDs
BAnQueT • SA (10/26), 7pm - The Asheville branch of the NAACP will hold its Freedom Fund awards banquet at Tried Stone Missionary Baptist Church, 100 Carroll Ave. $45. Info: 281-3066. FunerAl consumers AlliAnce oF Wnc • TH (10/24), 4:30-6pm The Funeral Consumers Alliance of WNC will host an annual meeting at First Congregational Church of Hendersonville, 1735 Fifth Ave. The meeting will include a screening of Dying Green and a discussion of green burial practices. Free and open to the public. Info: funerals.org/affiliates/fcawnc. hAnDmADe in AmericA crAFT lABs Info and cost: avl.mx/00p. • WE (10/30), 5:30-7:30pm - "Creating Your Artist Statement" will be held at Energy Xchange Campus, 66 Energy Xchange Drive, Burnsville. looking For mr. gooDBAr meeTup • SUNDAYS, 1pm - The "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" group, moderated by Patrick Ochsenreiter, meets weekly at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St., for "banter about what is happening in the world of gay men." Info: pbochsenreiter@gmail.com or avl.mx/yc.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
music lessons AT AsheVille music school • TUESDAYS, 5pm - Asheville Music School, a non-profit community music school open to all, offers private lessons and group instruction for all instruments, voices and styles. 126 College St. Info: 252-6244. pisgAh AsTronomicAl reseArch insTiTuTe Located at 1 PARI Drive, Rosman. Info: 862-5554 or pari.edu. • FR (10/25) - PARI invites the public to attend its annual meeting, featuring a presentation by space advocate Ed Buckbee. Info, registration and schedule: pari.edu. • SA (10/26), 9am-5pm - An anniversary event to honor the dedication of the Rosman Satellite Tracking and Data Acquisition Facility will include guest speakers, discussions and tours. Free. smiTh mcDoWell house hisTory cenTer Located on the A-B Tech campus, 283 Victoria Road. Info: wnchistory.org. • ONGOING - Douglas Ellington: Asheville's Boomtown Architect exhibit. TeD TAlks • WE (10/23), 6:30-8pm - Three TED talks will be screened and discussed at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the
BAron VAughn • TU (10/29), 9pm Disclaimer Comedy will present Baron Vaughn at The LAB, 39 North Lexington Ave. $8. Info: disclaimercomedy.com. DisclAimer comeDy • FRIDAYS, 8-9:30pm Disclaimer Comedy presents weekly stand-up at Elaine's Piano Bar in the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Free. Info: disclaimercomedy.com. DisclAimer sTAnD-up open mic • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge open mic is held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: DisclaimerComedy.com. The meTro shoW • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm Disclaimer Comedy and Metro Wines present a headlining comedian and featured wine at 169 Charlotte St. $10 includes a glass of wine. Info: DisclaimerComedy.com or 273-5348.
DAnce Beginner sWing DAncing lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.swingAsheville.com sTuDio ZAhiyA (pd.) studio Zahiya, Downtown Dance classes
Monday 7pm Bellydance 1 • Tuesday 8:15am 30 Minute Workout, 9am Hip Hop Workout Dance • Wednesday 5pm Beginner Bellydance, 7pm Bellydance, 7pm High Heels Hip Hop • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout • 7pm Bollywood • 8pm Hip Hop • Sunday 3pm Yoga for Dancers$13 for 60 minute classes.• 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. • www.studiozahiya.com 828.242.7595. DAncecluB DAnce clAsses! (pd.) Monday, 6pm: Jazz/ Funk • Monday, 7:30pm: Burlesque • Tuesday, 6:30pm: Dance & Sweat to Madonna • Wednesday, 6pm: Beginner Modern • Wednesday, 7:30pm: Burlesque • Thursday, 10am: Booty Camp Exercise. $9-$11/class. 114 N. Lexington Avenue. 828-2758628. iDoDances.com BlAck mounTAin cenTer For The ArTs 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: BlackMountainArts.org or 669-0930. • SATURDAYS - Ballet classes for children with Casey Littlejohn. $35 per month. Call for schedule. lAVA nighTs • FRIDAYS, 10:30pm-2:15am - Lava Nights will feature Latin dance with DJ Carlos Carmona. Held at Mela, 70 N. Lexington Ave. $5. Info: melaasheville.com.
eco AlliAnce For sAVing ThreATeneD ForesTs • TU (10/29) & WE (10/30) The ASTF will host a symposium at the North Carolina Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, featuring information on hemlocks, firs, chestnuts, ash and the pests associated with each. Free. Info and schedule: avl. mx/01w. AsheVille green Drinks • WEDNESDAYS Socializing begins at 5:30pm, followed by a presentation on environmental issues at 6pm. Held at the Green Sage Cafe, 5 Broadway St. Free. Info: ashevillegreendrinks.com. ciTiZens’ climATe
heAring • TU (10/29), 5:30-7:30pm - Local environmental organizations will host a public hearing on the EPA’s carbon pollution rule. Held at Cathedral of All Souls, 9 Swan St. Free. Info: transitionasheville.org. riVer Access pArk meeTing • MO (10/28), 6:30-8pm The Town of Woodfin will host a meeting about a new river access park at Woodfin Town Hall, 90 Elk Mountain Road. Hosted by RiverLink. Info: information@riverlink. org. TAsTe oF Bioneers • FR (10/25), 5:30-9:30pm & SA (10/26), 11am-7pm Lenoir-Rhyne University will host a Bioneers Conference on sustainability featuring a keynote address with actor and activist Danny Glover at 36 Montford Ave. Topics include agriculture resilience, energy systems, collaborative communities and more. Free. Info: asheville. lr.edu/bioneers.
hAlloWeen eVenTs & FesTiVAls music collecTors shoW (pd.) Rare Vinyl LPs and 45s, CDs, and DVDs. Music vendors from all over the Southeast. BUYSELL-TRADE. SAT 10/26 10AM-4PM, Four Points Sheraton, Downtown Asheville. gregnealshow@ gmail.com All hAlloWs reAD • SU (10/27), 3pm - "All Hallows Read" will feature scary stories appropriate for all ages. Held at Malaprop's, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: malaprops.com or 254-6734. FAll FAmily FesTiVAl • TH (10/31), 5:30-8pm - First Baptist Church of Asheville's Fall Family Festival will feature pony rides, inflatables, live mountain music, game booths, a magician and more. Concessions available for purchase. Held rain or shine at 5 Oak St. Info: fbca.net. FAll hArVesT DAys • TH (10/24) through SA (10/26), 8am-5pm - Fall Harvest Days will feature crafts, demonstrations,
farm tools, antique engines, tractor pulls and a swap meet. Held at the WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. $8/children under 12 free with paid adult. Info: 687-1414. ghosT hunTing Tour For seniors • WE (10/30), 5:30pm - A historic ghost hunting tour of Asheville, designed for senior citizens, will depart from the Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $27/$20 recreation center members. Info and registration: recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville. org or 456-2030. grAnDFATher mounTAin BeAry scAry hAlloWeen • SA (10/26), 10:30am-3pm - Grandfather Mountain will host "Beary Scary Halloween," featuring activities for kids, pumpkin decorating, a costume contest and "animal encounters." Located at U.S. 221, two miles north of Linville. Regular admission applies/ kids in costume half price. Info: grandfather.com. hAlloWeen BlooD DriVe • MO (10/28), 10am2:30pm - A Halloween blood drive will be held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: redcrossblood.org. hAlloWeen cArniVAl • SA (10/26), 2:30-4:30pm - A Halloween Carnival will feature games, a costume contest, inflatables and pumpkin carving. Held at Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road. Free. Info: fletcherparks.org. hAlloWeen JAZZ ensemBle concerT • TH (10/31), 7:30pm - The Brevard College jazz ensemble will present a Halloweenthemed concert in the college's Porter Center. Free. Info: 884-8211. hAlloWeenFesT BreVArD • SA (10/26), 10am-10pm Brevard's Halloweenfest will include a zombie run, costume contest, pumpkin roll, Mountain Music Mash bluegrass competition and activities for kids. Held throughout downtown Brevard. Free. Info: brevardnc.org or 884-3278. hAunTeD house
WAlking Tour • FR (10/25) & SA (10/26), 5:30-8pm - A haunted house walking tour will feature five homes in the Dougherty Heights Historic District of Black Mountain. Departs from Swannanoa Valley Museum, 223 West State St. $35/$25 museum members. Registration required. Info: swannanoavalleymuseum. org or 669-9566. hAunTeD pool lAgoon • SA (10/26), 1-4pm - The Haunted Pool Lagoon will feature a costume contest, face painting, crafts and indoor swimming. Held in the Zeugner Center, 90 Springside Road. $2 to swim/one can of food to attend. Info: 684-5072. henDersonVille Trickor-TreAT • TH (10/31), 4:30-7:30pm Downtown Hendersonville will host trick-or-treating with a costume contest at 5:30pm. Info: 233-3216. hoWl-o-Ween cAnine cArniVAl • SA (10/26), 11am-3pm - A Howl-o-ween Canine Carnival will feature a pet parade and costume contest, activities for kids and a photo booth. Held at 14 Forever Friend Lane. Free. Info: ashevillehumane.org. lAurels oF greenTree riDge hAlloWeen • TU (10/29), 6-8pm - Laurels of Greentree Ridge, 70 Sweeten Creek Road, will host Halloween games, a costume contest and activities for kids. Free. Info: 2747646. lisTen To This hAlloWeen sTories • TH (10/31), 7:30pm "Listen to This: Stories in Performance" will present original stories and songs on the theme of "Welcome to the Terror Dome: True Tales of Being Truly Terrified." Hosted by Tom Chalmers at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St. $10. Info: ashevilletheatre. org or 254-1320. mAcroBioTic VegAn hAlloWeen poTluck • SU (10/27), 5-9pm - A Halloween macrobiotic vegan potluck will include a costume contest. Held at Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. $5/children under 14 free. Info: ljstanchich@mindspring.com or 299-8657.
ninJA hAlloWeen pArTy • SA (10/26), 3-6pm - The Ninja Kids club will host a ninja-themed Halloween party at Kasumi Mountain Martial Arts, 640 Merrimon Ave., Suite 207, featuring costumes, martial arts games, a live ninja demo and more. Geared toward children 11 and under. Info: facebook.com/ashevillemartialarts. oskAr Blues oskToBerFesT • SA (10/26), 6-10pm Oskar Blues Osktoberfest will feature craft beer, German food and live music. Held throughout East Main St., Brevard. Free. Info: brevardnc.org or 884-3278. rAinBoW communiTy school hArVesT hoeDoWn • SA (10/26), noon-3:30pm - This annual event includes local food, bouncy houses, gem mining, spin art, cake and wine walks, a raffle table and more. Game tickets: $1 each/12 for $10/25 for $20. 574 Haywood Road. Info: rainbowcommunityschool.org. spooky songs AnD sTories • FR (10/25), 6:30pm Michael Reno Harrell will present spooky songs and stories at Bee Tree Fire Department, 510 Bee Tree Road, Swannanoa. Free. Info: 250-6486. The ArTs oF DArkness iii hAlloWeen exhiBiT Located at Push Skate Shop & Gallery, 25 Patton Ave. Mon.-Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: pushtoyproject.com or 225-5509. • FR (10/25) through MO (12/2) - The Arts of Darkness III, a Halloween group show. • FR (10/25), 7-10pm Opening reception and costume party. The hAunTeD TrAil • MO (10/28) through WE (10/30), 6:30-9pm - The Haunted Trail will feature crafts, games, live actors and food trucks. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway. $8/$6 ages 4-9/age 3 and under free. Additional $2 charge at the door. Info: hauntedtrailwnc.com. The greAT pumpkin
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Jen Nathan Orris
community caLEndaR
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
market south, Biltmore Park Town Square, Town Square Boulevard. Ends Oct. 30. • 2-5pm - spruce pine Farmers market, 297 Oak Ave. Ends Oct. 30. • 2-6pm - French Broad Food co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. Ends Nov. 27. • 2-6pm - montford Farmers market, 36 Montford Ave. Ends Nov. 27. • 2:30-6:30pm - Weaverville Tailgate market, 60 Lakeshore Drive. Ends Oct. 30. • 3-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville.
giRL scout aRt: The wining entries from the Girl Scouts Aloft Fall Festival, including this piece by Carlie Grace Lackey, age 8, will be on display at the RE/ MAX Results office in Asheville through the end of the year (pg. 19).
WAll • SA (10/26), 5pm - A Pumpkin Pledge Fund Drive, to benefit Mission Children's Hospital, will conclude with a Pumpkin Fest featuring prizes, food, live entertainment, children's games, a costume contest and the lighting of The Great Pumpkin Wall. Held at Gerber Village. Info: avl.mx/01v.
eArThlings (pd.) Organic Growers School. UNCA, Saturdays: • October 26 (in Rhodes/ Robinson-Room 125); • November 2 (in Rhodes/ Robinson-Room 125); and • November 9 (Zeis-Room 014). $15/class or $50/day in advance; $18/class or $60/ day at door. Information/ registration: www.organicgrowersschool.org
TrAnsylVAniA’s FlighT oF The VAmpire AnD ZomBie run • SA (10/26), 8am Transylvania’s Flight of the Vampire and Zombie Run will include a 5k, 10k and fun run for kids. Departs from Brevard College; day-of registration in the college's gym. $10-$40. Info: brevardnc.org.
AlliAnce For sAVing ThreATeneD ForesTs symposium • TU (10/29) & WE (10/30), 8:30am-5pm - The Alliance for Saving Threatened Forests will present a symposium on preserving hemlocks, firs, chestnuts, ash and other trees at the N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. Free. Info: threatenedforests.com.
ZomBie prepAreDness • TH (10/24), 7-8:30pm - A class on zombie preparedness will focus on viral outbreaks and maintaining the human race. Skills also translate to wilderness survival techniques. Held at REI, 31 Schenck Parkway. Free; registration required. Info: rei. com/asheville or 687-0918.
gArDening FAll Workshop series For gArDeners,
eliADA’s corn mAZe • FRIDAYS, 4-8pm; SATURDAYS, 10am-8pm & SUNDAYS, 11am-7pm - The Eliada Corn Maze features four trails, hayrides, corn cannons and activities for children. Held at Eliada Homes, 2 Compton Drive. Proceeds benefit Eliada Homes. $9/$6 children ages 4-11. Info: avl. mx/prpn or 713-2252. orgAnic groWers school • SA (10/26), 9am-5:30pm Organic Growers School will
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
host classes on a variety of topics, including cover crops, wild medicinal plants, city chickens and growing garlic. Held at UNCA. $15 per class. Info, registration and exact location: organicgrowersschool.org. • SU (10/27), 1-5pm - Organic Growers School will host a workshop on poultry for the homestead, including information on breed selection, sourcing, housing, feeding and best practices. Held at 11 Fuller Lane. $40. Info and registration: organicgrowersschool.org. souTheAsTern AnimAl FiBer FAir • FR (10/25) through SU (10/27) - The Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair will feature hundreds of animals, crafters, workshops and demonstrations at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher. $3/age 13 and under free. Info and schedule: saffsite.org. TAilgATe mArkeTs WeDnesDAys • 8am-noon - haywood historic Farmers market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. Ends Oct. 29. • 8am-noon - Waynesville Tailgate market, 171 Legion Drive. Ends Oct. 30. • 1-5pm - Asheville city
ThursDAys • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Ends Dec. 31. • 3-6pm - Flat rock Tailgate market, 2720 Greenville Highway. Ends Oct. 31. • 3:30-6:30pm - oakley Farmers market, 607 Fairview Road. Ends Oct. 24. • 4-6:30pm - Tryon Tailgate market, McCowan St. Ends Oct. 24. FriDAys • 3-6pm - opportunity house, 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. sATurDAys • 6am-noon - caldwell county Farmers market, 120 Hospital Ave., N.E., Lenoir. Ends Dec. 21. • 8am-noon - north Asheville Tailgate market, UNCA commuter lot C. Ends Nov. 23. • 8am-noon - haywood historic Farmers market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. Ends Oct. 29. • 8am-noon - mills river Farmers market, 5046 Boylston Highway. Ends Oct. 26. • 8am-noon - Waynesville Tailgate market, 171 Legion Drive. Ends Oct. 30. • 8am-1pm - Asheville city market, 161 South Charlotte St. Ends Dec. 28. • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Ends Dec. 31. • 8am-12:30pm Transylvania Tailgate market, 190 E. Main St., Brevard. Ends Dec. 21. • 8:30am-12:30pm - yancey county Farmers market,
U.S. 19 East at S. Main Street, Burnsville. Ends Dec. 14. • 9am-noon - Black mountain Tailgate market , 130 Montreat Road. Ends Oct. 26. • 9am-noon - Jackson county Farmers market, 76 Railroad Ave., Sylva through Oct. 26. Nov.March: Community Table, Central St. • 9am-noon - historic marion Tailgate market, West Henderson and Logan Streets. Ends Dec. 14. • 9am-1pm - madison county Farmers and Artisans market, Mars Hill College, Highway 213 and Park Street. Ends Oct. 26. • 9am-2pm - leicester Farmers market, 338 Leicester Highway. Ends Nov. 23. TuesDAys • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Ends Dec. 31. • 3-6pm - historic marion Tailgate market, West Henderson and Logan streets. Ends Dec. 14. • 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville Tailgate market, 718 Haywood Road. Ends Nov. 19. DAily • 8am-6pm - Wnc Farmers market, 570 Brevard Road. Ongoing.
kiDs hAlloWeen open house AT The liTTle gym (pd.) Saturday, October 26 from 4pm-6pm. Join us for games, refreshments, and door prizes! Call 667-9588 or www.tlgashevillenc.com for details. Asu Turchin cenTer Workshops Info and registration: tcva. org/workshops. • FRIDAYS, 3-4:30pm Blazing Easels kids' workshop will be held in the Turchin Center. $20 per month. connecT • Through MO (11/11) - St. Gerard House's 10-week Connect program invites elementary, middle and high school students to learn how thoughts, actions and
reactions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: jenniferlaite@yahoo.com or 693-4223. emergence: elecTronic music experience • Through TH (10/24) "EMErgence: Electronic Music Experience" will include workshops, lectures and activities for local youth and emerging artists. Free. Info and schedule: 258-1262. sWAnnAnoA VAlley museum sTory Time • SATURDAYS through (10/26), 10:30am - The Swannanoa Valley Museum will host story time for grades 1-5 at 223 W. State St., Black Mountain. Free. Info: 669-9566.
music song o' sky chorus (pd.) Tuesday 6:45-9:30 pm song o' sky chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803 Asheville's premier a capella barbershop-style chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www.songosky.org 1-866824-9547 42nD sTreeT JAZZ BAnD • SATURDAYS, 6-9pm - The 42nd Street Jazz Band will perform at Kelsey's Restaurant and Lounge, 840 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 693-9393. AsheVille communiTy BAnD • SU (10/27), 3pm - The Asheville Community Band will host its fall concert in the Asheville High School Auditorium, 419 McDowell St. $8/students and children free. Info: ashevillecommunityband.org. AsheVille composers series • TU (10/29), 7:30pm - The Asheville Composers Series will feature UNCA faculty and students performing works by local composers. Held in the university's Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/students free. Info: unca.edu. AsheVille music collecTors shoW • SA (10/26), 10am-4pm - The Asheville Music
Collectors Show will feature dealers from the Southeast offering vintage LPs, 45s and CDs. Held at Sheraton Four Points, 22 Woodfin St. Free. Info: RecordShowsOfAmerica. com or (704) 996-9945.
sTuDio 18 VocAl JAZZ ensemBle
BreVArD college FAll concerTs • TU (10/29), 7:30pm - A choral concert will be held in Brevard College's Porter Center. Free. Info: 884-8211. • TH (10/31), 7:30pm - The college's jazz ensemble will perform in the Porter Center. Free. Info: 884-8211.
Wcu chorAl concerT • TH (10/24), 7:30pm - WCU will present a fall choral concert in its Bardo Performing Arts Center. Free. Info: 227-7242.
Buick mAckAne BAnD • FR (10/25), 5pm - The Buick MacKane Band (rock) will perform at Old Burke County Courthouse Lawn, 102 E. Union St., Morganton. Free. Info: buickmackane.com. FlAT rock plAyhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (10/27), 8pm - Music on the Rock: Donna Summer and the Sound of the '70s will be performed at the downtown location. $24. kAcey musgrAVes • SA (10/26), 8pm - Kacey Musgraves (country) and Rayland Baxter (roots) will perform in WCU's Ramsey Center. $15-$25. Info: ramsey.wcu.edu. kArAoke AT plAyers • WEDNESDAYS, 8pm; FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, 9pm - Players Cigar Bar, 170 Rosscraggon Road, hosts weekly karaoke. Info: 6760588. open mic AT The courTyArD gAllery • MONDAYS, 8:30-10:30pm - Open mic with Ash Devine at the Courtyard Gallery in the Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Musicians, storytellers, poets, filmmakers and other artists welcome. Free. Info: carlos@ ashevillecourtyard.com. r.B. morris • SA (10/26), 7:30pm - R.B. Morris (poet, songwriter) will perform at Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main St., Marshall. $15. Info: madisoncountyarts.com or 649-1301.
• TH (10/24), 7:30pm - The Studio 18 vocal jazz ensemble will perform in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/students free. Info: music.unca. edu or 251-6432.
Wcu ocTeT • TU (10/29), 7:30pm - WCU will present a performance of Franz Schubert’s Octet in F Major in the university's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242.
ouTDoors george WAshingTon cArVer eDiBle pArk WAlk • TH (10/24), 5pm - The WNC Alliance will host an evening walk through downtown Asheville to the George Washington Carver Edible Park. Meets at Pack's Tavern, 20 S. Spruce St. Info: avl.mx/01u. lAke JAmes sTATe pArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • FR (10/25), 6pm - A program on bats will include bat-related crafts. Meets at the Catawba River Area picnic shelter. Registration requested. • SU (10/27) - Leaf Peepers boat tour. Registration required. WAynesVille WATersheD hike • SA (10/26), 9am - A hike to the Waynesville watershed will depart from Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. Free. Info: recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville.org or 456-2030.
puBlic lecTures lecTures AT BreVArD college Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: brevard.edu. • TH (10/24), 7pm - Retired textile executive Lane Smith will speak in the McLartyGoodson Building, Room 125. puBlic lecTures &
eVenTs AT uncA Events are free unless otherwise noted. Info: unca.edu. • TH (10/24), 7pm "Multiplication is for White People," presented by the Center for Diversity Education. Sherrill Center, Mountain View Room. --TH (10/24), 7pm - James Johnson will present information on urban investment strategies. Humanities Lecture Hall. • FR (10/25), 11:25am - "New Math and New Physics." Lipinksy Auditorium. --- 11:25am "Religion in a Globalized Society." Humanities Lecture Hall. --- 11:30am - "Diabetes: A Growing Health Concern." Reuter Center. • MO (10/28), 11:25am - "Ancient Comparative Philosophy." Humanities Lecture Hall. --- 11:25am - "Othello, CounterReformation and Becoming Baroque." Lipinsky Auditorium. • TH (10/31), 12:30pm - Brown Bag Talk with faculty authors: “Increasing Multicultural Understanding in a Post-Racial World.” Ramsey Library, Whitman Room. puBlic lecTures AT Wcu Lectures, readings and events at Western Carolina University are free unless otherwise noted. Info: wcu. edu. • WE (10/23), 12:201:10pm - “Ecuador: A QEP Experience.” McKee Building, Room 114. • TH (10/24), 4pm - “How to Think Like a Designer," with Ellen Lupton. Bardo Performing Arts Center, Room 130. • FR (10/25), noon - Lupton will also present “Welcome to Busytown: Or, What Ever Happened to Graphic Design?” at Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, 56 Broadway St. • TH (10/24), 7pm - Dan Pierce will present information on the history of moonshine from his book Corn from a Jar in the Mountain Heritage Center.
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seniors AsheVille liVing TreAsures • SU (10/27), 1-4pm - An Asheville Living Treasures
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Jen Nathan Orris
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
recognition ceremony will honor local elders in UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Info: ashevillelivingtreasures.com. WNC Alliance for Retired Americans • 3rd TUESDAYS, 10am - The WNC Alliance for Retired Americans meets at Kenilworth Presbyterian Fellowship Hall, 123 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info: dick@dickandnorma.com.
Spirituality Open Heart Meditation (pd.) Experience easy, wonderful practices that open your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Love offering. 7pm, Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 or 367-6954 http:// www.heartsanctuary.org Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.
Kirtan music for the sacred journey to motherhood Cat Matlock and Japa’s CD release party, Kirtan Music for the Sacred Journey to Motherhood, at the White Horse in Black Mountain on Oct. 16, wasn’t your typical barroom show. An altar with offerings to Hindu deities took center stage, and Matlock led the band with Sanskrit vocals. Audience members ranged from seniors to newborns. Many of the women in the audience were introduced to Matlock’s music in her prenatal yoga classes. It was the mothers who inspired Matlock, owner of West Asheville Yoga, to record the album. “It felt so powerful to bring that into my yoga classes with pregnant mamas to support them in their journey,” says Matlock. “I started getting a lot
OCTOBER 23 - OCTOBER 29, 2013
of requests … to make a CD for them so that they could continue to sing at home, to sing to their new babies or to use the music for their delivery.” For many Asheville yogis and spiritual seekers, Kirtan — the singing of Sanskrit mantras — is a regular practice. “You are honoring and giving your heart over to the energies that you’re calling in,” says Matlock. “Ganesha is the energy that removes obstacles, and Lakshmi is the one that showers us with blessings. We are chanting these mantras and we do the same ones over and over again to help us to clear our hearts and help us to actually become a channel for the energies that we’re singing to.” To read the full story and more information about the CD, go to avl.mx/025.
ASHEVILLE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION CENTER (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc.com. • 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 5:00-6:15. FREE MEDICAL INTUITIVE (pd.) Ethical high frequency beneficial health information. Medical school graduate with alternative emphasis. Call (828) 645-0235. Mindfulness Meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 258-3241. www.billwalz.com WEEKLY CIRCLE w/ EARTH
GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.) 6 PM THURSDAYSWorking with divination and purification rituals, we gather wisdom of the ancestors to be in right relations and advance the collective dream. (828)284-0975 or mayanrecordkeeper@live.com LIGHT LANGUAGE CLASS LEVELS 1 AND 2 w/EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.) NOV 9 & 10-Work with sacred geometric shapes and dimensional colors; learn writing grids for healing with Light Language—an effective transformational tool to share with clients, friends and family. Level 1: $65. Level 2: $275. (828)284-0974 or mayanrecordkeeper@live.com ELDER CIRCLE OF LIFE w/ EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.) 6 PM WEDNESDAY, 9/25, Crystal Visions Bookstore, 5426 AVL Hwy., Hendersonville- This elder circle is open to all traditions and anyone w/special knowledge or training to share: songs, life stories, traditions, tools. (828)284-0974 or mayanrecordkeeper@live. com Asheville Insight Meditation (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. 2nd and 4th Thursday. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 8084444, www.ashevillemeditation.com Asheville Insight Meditation (pd.) "ASHEVILLE INSIGHT MEDITATION Practice Mindfulness Meditation (aka Vipassana or Insight Meditation) with a supportive group. Group sessions: Wednesdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville. (828) 8084444,www.ashevillemeditation.com" Basics of Mindfulness Meditation (pd.) "Ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www. ashevillemeditation.com/ events, (828) 808-4444" Ancient Egyptian Spiritual & Vibrational
Science (pd.) With BioGeometry® Founder Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Cairo, Egypt. Friday, November 1, 7pm. $15, Limited Seating. Will sell out. Hilton at Biltmore Park, Asheville. More information or purchase advance tickets at (828) 298-7007 or www. Vesica.org Church of the Garden • SUNDAYS, 10:45am – The Church of the Garden is a spiritual community that draws meaning from ancient wisdom, new thought and the natural history of the Blue Ridge. Meets at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. Donations appreciated. Info: ashevillechurchofthegarden.org. Earth Sabbath Celebration • MO (10/28), 7pm - An Earth Sabbath celebration will be held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. Free. Info: 683-5548. Grace Lutheran Church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: gracelutherannc.com or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS, 4:455:30pm - OASIS will include choral and instrumental rehearsals and youth activities, followed by a faith and fine arts event from 5:307:30pm. • WEDNESDAYS through (10/23), 5:45-7pm - Adult Bible study. Great Tree Zen Temple Daily, weekly and monthly retreats and zazen practice and study. Info: greattreetemple.org or 645-2085. • TUESDAYS, 3:30 pm Meditation, readings and discussion with Rev. Teijo Munnich. 679 Lower Flat Creek Road, Alexander. Light Center 2196 N.C. Highway 9 S., Black Mountain. Info: urlight. org or 669-6845. • WE (10/23), 7pm - Swamiji Shanmuga and Amma Adi Sakthi. $25. • DAILY, 10am-4:30pm Chakra balancing light sessions. Donations accepted. • DAILY - Seven Circuit Classical Labyrinth. Daylight hours. • TH (10/24), 7:15pm Jangama Dhyana Satsang with Isham. Free. • SA (10/26), 7:30pm & SU (10/27), 9:30am & 2pm -
Advance prayer weekend. By donation. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Self Energy Awareness Group. mounTAin Zen prAcTice cenTer • TUESDAYS, 7pm Conscious Compassionate Awareness meditation and group discussion guided by the teachings of Cheri Huber. First Tuesday orientation. Donations appreciated. Info: mountainzen.org. sisTers on The Journey • WEDNESDAYS, 6:308:30pm - Sisters on the Journey women's circle will focus on living genuine, wholehearted and empowered lives. Meets biweekly. $10 donation. Info and location: 13moons.info or 13mooons@gmail.com. spiriTuAl DeVelopmenT 101 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm Spiritual Development 101 will teach participants how to develop spiritual gifts. Held at the Dove's Nest. Free. Info and directions: 808-3879 or mountaintwin@ yahoo.com. spiriTuAl enrichmenT circle • 4th SUNDAYS, 1-3pm The Opening Heart discussion group explores the ideas of new thought and science of mind. Meets at Rejavanation Cafe, 909 Smokey Park Highway. Donations accepted. Info: 335-3540 or theopeningheart.sec@gmail.com. The FiVe spiriTuAl lAWs oF This WorlD • SU (10/27), 11am-12:30pm - A video presentation will focus on the five spiritual laws of this world. Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Free. Info: eckankar-nc.org or 254-6775. TrAnsmission meDiTATion • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm & SUNDAYS, 9am - Group meditation provides a dynamic service to the world and spiritual development. 16 Sunview Circle, Arden. Free. Info: transmissionmeditation.org, shareInternational.org or (704) 467-7649. We connecT • SUNDAYS, 6:30pm - An open forum to discuss the
meaning of life, God, Jesus, faith, etc. All are welcome. Info and location: 575-3231.
spoken & WriTTen WorD BATTery pArk WriTing group (pd.) Mondays, 6:30pm, Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. • Free! Lisa at 691-5472 or tokyotaos@live.com for more information. AccenT on Books 854 Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: accentonbooks.com or 252-6255. • SA (10/26), 11am - A Monday morning writers group will feature authors reading from their works. • SU (10/27), 3pm - Rick McDaniel will present his book Asheville Food: A History of High Country Cuisine. AnAm cArA open mic • TH (10/24), 8pm - Poetry and songwriting open mic with Amanda DePaola. Event features a 50/50 raffle, cash bar and erotic haiku contest. 18 and over. Held at Anam Cara Theater Company, 203 Haywood Road. Free. Info: anamcaratheatre.com. Blue riDge Books Located at 152 S. Main St., Waynesville. All programs free, unless otherwise noted. Info: blueridgebooksnc.com or 456-6000. • SA (10/26), 3pm - Author event with Dr. Daniel S. Pierce. BuncomBe counTy puBlic liBrAries liBrAry ABBreViATions All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n ec = Enka-Candler Library (1404 Sandhill Road, 250-4758) n pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n sW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n Library storyline: 250KIDS. • Through (12/17) - Book
loans for "Imagining the Future: Scientific Revelations in Fiction," a science fiction book discussion series, will be available. Discussions begin Oct. 22 at 6pm and continue every other Tuesday. pm • FR (10/25), 10am-6pm & SA (10/26), 10am-4pm Book sale. ec • TH (10/31), 6pm - Book Club: Love Will Save the Day by Gwen Cooper. sW ciTy lighTs BooksTore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: citylightsnc.com or 586-9499. • SA (10/26), 3pm - Charles McNair will present his book Pickett’s Charge. mAlAprop's BooksTore AnD cAFe 55 Haywood St. Info: malaprops.com or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • TH (10/24), 7pm - Carol Peppe Hewitt will present her novel Financing Our Foodshed: Growing Local Food with Slow Money. • FR (10/25), 7pm - Charles McNair will present his novel Pickett's Charge. • SA (10/26), 3pm - James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein will present Treasure Hunters, their book for middle school readers. • MO (10/28), 7pm - "The Politics of Food" book club.
shalom children’s center
oBcgs Book signing eVenT • SA (10/26), 1-3pm - The Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society will host a book signing event featuring nine authors. Held at the OBCGS library, 128 Bingham Road, Suite 950. Free. Info: obcgs.com.
Building the foundation for lifelong learning & success
poeTry reADings • WE (10/23) & WE (10/30), 9pm - Open mic at Vanuatu Kava Bar. Musicians, poets, spoken word, jugglers, contortionists, etc. welcome. Held at 15 Eagle St. Hosted by Caleb Beissert. Free. • SU (10/26), 7pm - Open public reading with local poets. All are welcome to listen or read original works. Organized by Chuck Oliver at Firestorm Cafe, 48 Commerce St. Info: meetup. com/Asheville-City-Poets.
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TAles AnD Ales open mic • FR (10/25), 8pm - Tales and Ales, a storytelling open mic, will be held at Anam
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Cara Collective, 203 Haywood Road. Cash bar available. Free. Info: anamcaratheatre. com. useD Book sAle • FR (10/25) & SA (10/26), 9am-4pm - The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place, will host a used book sale featuring thousands of titles. Info: 254-6001.
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sporTs AsheVille BroWns BAckers • ONGOING - Asheville Browns Backers, a nonprofit organization, invites Cleveland Browns fans to view games at Beef ‘O Brady’s, 2625 Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: Ashevillebbw@gmail.com. AsheVille VolleyBAll leAgue • SA (10/26) - Asheville Volleyball League will hold tryouts for players ages 16-17 at Carolina Day School, 1345 Hendersonville Road. Info and schedule: avlvolleyball.com or 216-7739. BuncomBe ADulT DoDgeBAll leAgue • Through TU (12/17) Registration for Buncombe County's adult dodgeball league will be open through Dec. 17. $40 per player. Info: jay.nelson@buncombecounty. org or 250-4269.
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coeD DoDgeBAll leAgue • MONDAYS through (12/9), 7-9pm - Coed Dodgeball League for ages 16 and up. Info: 669-2052 or collin.bugniazet@townofblackmountain. org. Disk golF clAss • TUESDAYS through (10/29), 4:30-6pm - Disk golf class for ages 8 to 17 will be held at Waynesville Disc Golf Course, Vance Street, Waynesville. $30 for five classes/$24 members. Info: 456-2030 or recprogramspecialist@townofwaynesville.org. Women's VolleyBAll leAgue • TUESDAYS, 6-8:30pm Waynesville Parks and Rec will host a women's volleyball league, open to ages 16 and older, at Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St. $4 per night/free for members. Info: recathletics@ townofwaynesville.org or 4562030.
by Jen Nathan Orris
TheATer ArTs council oF henDerson counTy • SA (10/26) & SU (10/27) - The Arts Council of Henderson County presents Makin’ Whoopee!, a cabaret performance about the ups and downs of love and marriage. Performed at Calvary Episcopal Church, 2840 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher. Sat., 8pm; Sun., 3pm. $45 evening performance/$25 matinee. AsheVille communiTy TheATre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: ashevilletheatre.org or 254-1320. • FR (10/25) through SU (10/27) - The Jungle Book Kids will feature members of ACT's youth production class. Fri., 7:30pm; Sat. & Sun., 2:30pm. $5. AsheVille plAyBAck TheATre • FR (10/25), 8pm - Asheville Playback Theatre will present the "House(s) of Faith Tour" featuring improvised true stories provided by the audience. Held at Jubilee Garden Room, 101 Patton Ave. $10/$5 children. Info: ashevilleplaybacktheatre.org. crADle oF ForesTry eVenTs Open daily, 9am-5pm. Route 276, Pisgah National Forest. Info: cradleofforestry.org or 877-3130. • FR (10/25) & SA (10/26), 6pm - The Legend of Tommy Hodges, the story of a Biltmore Forest School student's disappearance on Halloween night in 1906. Performance includes a walk. Warm clothing, walking shoes and flashlights recommended. $6 adults and non-pass holders/$3 children and pass holders. FlAT rock plAyhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: flatrockplayhouse.org or 693-0731. • Through SU (11/3) - The musical biography, Hank Williams: Lost Highway, will be performed at the Mainstage. $40. Info: avl.mx/01b. henDersonVille liTTle TheATre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville. Info: 692-1082 or hendersonvillelittletheater.org. • THURSDAYS through
SUNDAYS until (11/3) - Turn of the Screw, an adaptation of Henry James’ story about a young governess who travels to a lonely English manor house. Thurs.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $20/$15 students/$10 children under 18. monTForD pArk plAyers Info: montfordparkplayers.org or 254-5146. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (10/27) Othello. Performed at the Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway St. Thurs.- Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $15. n.c. sTAge compAny 15 Stage Lane. Info: ncstage. org or 239-0263. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/17) - The Book Club Play, a comedy about a book club that becomes the focus of a documentary film. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $16/$28. Pay-what-you-can Oct. 23. TomorroW hAppeneD elseWhere • SA (10/26), 8pm - Tomorrow Happened Elsewhere, a nonillusory theatrical experience presented by Anam Cara's Experimental Theatre Ensemble at 203 Haywood Road. $10. Info: anamcaratheatre.com. uncA TheATer • TU (10/29) through TU (11/5) - Alpha Psi Omega will present a performance of Macbeth featuring UNCA students and community members. Held in the university's Grotto. Free. Info and schedule: avl.mx/01t or 768-7853.
ThriVing chilDren The Success Equation, under the umbrella of Children First/ Communities In Schools, unites the community to reduce the root causes of child poverty. These calendar listings feature community events and volunteer opportunities to help children thrive in Buncombe County. chilDren FirsT/cis • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and lowincome housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Info: childrenfirstbc.org, facebook.com/ SuccessEquation or 768-2072. chilDren FirsT/cis minD The gAp Tour • TH (10/24), 3:30pm - The Children First/CIS Mind the
Gap Tour will call attention to issues that hinder the success of children and families in poverty. Donations not requested. Info and registration: 259-9717. hAnDs on AsheVilleBuncomBe Registration required. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (10/24), 6-8pm - Help sort and pack food at MANNA FoodBank for agencies serving hungry people in 17 WNC counties. • MO (10/28), 5:30-7:30pm - Help tidy and organize the play rooms of the family visitation center. in reAl liFe AFTer school progrAms • ONGOING, 3-6pm - The IRL After School Program seeks volunteers to build relationships with middle schoolers while participating in diverse programming like academics, sports and the arts. Volunteers with special skills/interests matched to appropriate programs. Info: acsf.org, irlacsf@gmail.com or 350-6270. plAy AnD leArn For preschoolers AnD pArenTs • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS until (10/31), 9am - An eight-week series of preliteracy classes for parents, caregivers and children ages 3-5 from Buncombe County. Free. Info, location and registration: 350-2904 or marna. holland@asheville.k12.nc.us.
VolunTeering AmericAn cAncer socieTy • WEEKDAYS, 9am-1pm - The American Cancer Society seeks volunteers to provide information to cancer patients and their families. Orientation and screening required. Info: (800) 2272345. • The American Cancer Society seeks volunteers to drive cancer patients to treatments in Buncombe County. Must have valid driver's license, vehicle and insurance. Info: (800) 227-2345. AsheVille AreA hABiTAT For humAniTy • ONGOING - AAHH, a nonprofit whose goal is to provide safe and decent
housing to Buncombe County residents, seeks ReStore volunteers. Opportunities include working with the deconstruction program and assisting with neighborhood pickups and deliveries. Info: ashevillehabitat.org. AsheVille ciTy schools FounDATion • ONGOING - The Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks volunteers to tutor/ mentor a student (K-12) in need of support. Volunteer opportunities available Mon.Fri., 8am-6pm. Info: jay@acsf. org 350-6135. Big BroThers Big sisTers oF Wnc Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: bbbswnc.org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks volunteers age 18 and older to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, such as sports, local attractions, etc. Volunteers age 16 and older are needed to mentor one hour per week in schools and after-school sites. Info session: nov. 12 at noon. hAnDs on AsheVilleBuncomBe Registration required. Youth are welcome on many projects with adult supervision. Info: handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the website to sign up for a project. • TH (10/24), 11am-12:30pm - Shake and Bake: Cook and serve a homemade lunch to the men staying at the ABCCM Veterans Restoration Quarters and Inn. Both men and women are encouraged to participate. • TH (10/24), 4-6pm - FairTrade Stock-Up: Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fairtrade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries. • MO (10/28) - 7-8:30pm - Cookie Night: Help bake cookies for families staying at the Lewis Rathbun Center, which provides free lodging for out-of-town families who have a loved one in an area hospital. Supplies provided. hAW creek elemenTAry
composT BuilD • SA (10/26), 9pm-noon Asheville GreenWorks seeks volunteers to assist with a compost build at Haw Creek Elementary School. RSVP requested: eric@ashevillegreenworks.org or press@ ashevillegreenworks.org. inTerFAiTh AssisTAnce minisTry • Interfaith Assistance Ministry offers emergency assistance to Henderson County residents in financial crisis. Four-hour volunteer shifts available as well as substitute opportunities. Info: iamhendersoncounty.org or 697-7029. liTerAcy council oF BuncomBe counTy Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: litcouncil.com, volunteers@ litcouncil.com or 254-3442. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a second language. Tutors provide one on one or small group instruction in Buncombe County. No prior tutoring experience or foreign language skills required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training and ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation: Jan. 8 or 9. mAnnA FooDBAnk • MANNA FoodBank seeks volunteers to work in its warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening shifts available. Info: mannafoodbank.org, mgruber@ mannafoodbank.org or 2993663, ext. 245.
you say tEmpEh,” thEy say “taco”: The Green Sage team — John Breckles, Chris Cox and General Manager Ed Cohan took first place in the Oct. 13 Epic Tempeh Taco Challenge, which raised money for MANNA FoodBank. Photo by Jordan Foltz
opporTuniTy house • Opportunity House seeks volunteers for its thrift shop and front desk. Info: 692-0575. speciAl olympics BAskeTBAll coAches • ONGOING - Waynesville Parks and Recreation Department seeks volunteer coaches for Special Olympics
basketball. Info: 456-2030. The rAThBun cenTer • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation that provides free lodging for patients and their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon-3pm,
3-6pm and 6-9pm. Info: rathbuncenter.org or 251-0595. cAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
memorycAre ADminsTrATiVe supporT VolunTeer • ONGOING - MemoryCare, a nonprofit dedicated to providing assessment, treatment and support for memoryimpaired individuals and their families, seeks a volunteer administrative assistant 2-3 hours a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays for general office duties. Info: alexander@memorycare.org. neW responDer TrAining • SA (10/26), 9am-5:30pm - A New Responder Boot Camp will include training in disaster services, shelter fundamentals and disaster assessment at the Madison County Sheriff's Office, 348 Medical Park Drive, Marshall. Info and registration: wcrdvmt@redcross.org.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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By Design Carolyn Burton’s lotion business and Go Local spell success
By ginny cohEn & haLcyon gaRREtt
8 DAYS $20
Events & Savings! Saturday, October 26, 1:00-4:00pm Celebrate Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Day Lectures and demonstrations, pulse diagnosis, herbal tea. Receive a $10 off coupon! Saturday, November 16, 1:004:00pm In honor of The Great American Smokeout. Free ear acupuncture for quitting smoking. Stop Smoking Treatment Package: 5 for only $25.00! Join us for free mini-treatments, seasonal health tips,herbal tea & raffle for free treatments! clinic@daoisttraditions.edu (828) 253.8669 222 S. French Broad Ave Asheville NC 28801 www.daoisttraditions.edu
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Making possible more than $2 million in loans to Western North Carolina homeowners and small businesses, the Go Local Certificate of Deposit has made a significant impact. Launched in March by SelfHelp Credit Union’s western retail division, Carolina Mountains Credit Union, the CDs help small businesses get off the ground. One of those small companies is By Design Personalized Body Lotions and Creams, founded by carolyn Burton. Her passion is creating lotions and creams that make everyone’s individual skin happy. For most of her life, experimenting with hand creams was primarily a hobby. But after some glowing praise from friends and family, Burton decided to make other people’s skin her business. “I used to play around with lotions I’d buy at the store,” she says. “I’d add oils and scents and use them for myself and my family and friends.” After retiring from her job as a sign-language interpreter, Burton enrolled in a class at A-B Tech to learn more about herbs and oils. “I essentially used my daughterin-law as a guinea pig. She’s a nurse, so her hands would get dry from washing them all the time,” says Burton. “One day, I gave her some lotion I’d made to take to work, and all the other nurses asked where she had gotten it and if they could buy it for themselves.” For a while, Burton made lotions that her daughter could give her coworkers, until a friend said, “You know, Carolyn, you’re paying for all of this with your retirement money and getting nothing from it.” So Burton decided to turn her hobby into a business. After attending classes at Mountain BizWorks and meet-
aLL LocaL: With help from local organizations and the loan programs supported by Go Local CDs, Carolyn Burton turned a passion for lotion-making into a new business, By Design Personalized Body Lotions. Photo by Max Cooper
ing with her accountant, Burton launched the venture. “I turned my kitchen into a lab, and my living room suddenly became my home office,” she says, laughing. Burton would like to move into a larger facility, hopefully one with a commercial-grade kitchen. For now, she sells her products in local shops and purchases her ingredients and supplies from local businesses whenever possible. Through word-of-mouth and a new website, she can market her products everywhere.
What makes Burton’s lotions and creams different? “I customize every product according to each client’s skin-care needs, based on an idea from a New York City makeup store that matches customers’ skin color. I only use natural ingredients. For example, most lotions that list shea butter as an ingredient often have only a drop or two [of it] — and then people wonder why it doesn’t work!” Her formula “is mostly shea butter — along with coconut oil and other natural ingredients. And I sell an all-purpose
cream that can be used for your hair, your body — whatever; it’s made using shea butter, jojoba oil, Murumuru butter, olive oil, almond oil and a little bit of beeswax. It’s pure and simple, and it really works.” Burton credits kirby Berggren at Nature’s Pharmacy on Biltmore Avenue for helping her figure out how to “perfect the smoothness” of her creams. “She was tremendously helpful, and I am forever grateful for her willingness to help me.” Burton’s willingness to experiment has been successful in unanticipated ways. “I customized a lotion for my granddaughter, and her mom told me, ‘I don’t know what you put in this, but when my daughter uses it, her eczema is gone. It’s amazing!’” Burton’s face cream seems to help to heal burns, too: “My daughter-in-law has a restaurant, and she got burnt cooking. She used some of my face cream, and it soothed the wound the same way aloe soothes a sunburn.” With a great product, growing demand from satisfied customers and the need for an inventory of high-quality, all-natural ingredients, Burton realized she needed financing to grow her business. “I knew I needed more capital, so I talked to jill sparks from A-B Tech — which has helped me from the very beginning — and she recommended that I go to Self-Help.” At the Self-Help/Carolina Mountains branch location on Hendersonville Road, Burton applied for a loan. “They heard my case, submitted my documents, and boom — no long hours of waiting, no confusion; they explained the process — which was simple and easy to understand.” This fall, Burton began the entrepreneurship program at Western Carolina University in order to learn more about operating and marketing her business. Meanwhile, she’ll keep blending. Helping fund loans to dedicated, creative entrepreneurs like Burton is what the Go Local CD is all about. Visit self-help.org to learn how you can fund your own business, or invest in a Go Local CD to help fund local businesses. X Ginny Cohen and Halcyon Garrett are Self-Help Credit Union summer interns.
Business Calendar
Meditation for the Sattvic Guna and Gong Bath
A-B Tech smAll Business cenTer Unless otherwise noted, classes are free and held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler. Info: abtech.edu/ sbc or 398-7950. • TH (10/24), 3-6pm - “Driving Traffic to Your Business’ Website Using Pay-Per-Click.” • SA (10/26), 9am-noon - “SCORE: How to Do Market Research.” BreVArD college VisiT DAy • SA (10/26), 11:30am-4:30pm - Brevard College will host a visitor’s day for high school students interested in learning about the college. Free. Info and registration: brevard.edu/visit or 884-8332.
opEnings: (In Asheville, unless otherwise noted) amish country market & deli (pictured), 171 Weaverville Road. 484-9343 Blue kudzu sake company, 372 Depot St., Suites 50 & 60. 350-7790. bluekudzusake.com green sage (third location), 70 Westgate Parkway. thegreensage.net scoRE a store for fans, 104 Broadway St., Black Mountain. 6698286 more décor fine consignment, 50 N. Merrimon Ave., Suite 101. 2553575 sage gourmet, (opens Oct. 28). 416 N. Main St., Hendersonville. 6971870 unity healing arts, 15 Zillicoa St. 777-0456. unityhealingarts.com
gooDWill cAreer clAsses Info and registration: 298-9023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for those interested in careers in the food and hotel industries. Hands-on training includes American Hotel and Lodging Association certification. $25. • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9am-noon - General Education Diploma classes. Intake process required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-8:30pm English as a second language class. • ONGOING - Entry-level computer classes. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 1:30-4pm - Classes for those interested in medical office support careers. Fee waived for job seekers. Wcu mBA inFo session • FR (10/25), noon - WCU will host an information session about its MBA program at 28 Schenck Parkway, Room 344. Free. Info and registration: kumcintyre@wcu.edu. TU (10/29), 6:30pm - WCU will host an info session all graduate programs at its Biltmore Park Town Square location. Free. Info: miller@wcu.edu or 654-6498. more Business eVenTs online Check out the Business Calendar online at www. mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after October 31. cAlenDAr DeADline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WeDnesDAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
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urban orchard (grand opening Oct. 30), 210 Haywood Road. 779-6372. urbanorchardcider.com wood & spoon, 227 Haywood Road. 216-8927 REnovations and RELocations: asheville school of massage and yoga, now at 707 Haywood Road. 252-7377. ashevillemassageschool.org center for holistic medicine (grand opening for new boutique Oct. 24). 779 Haywood Road. 505-3174. centerholistic.com X
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
My name is Beth Beyond the diagnosis, there’s a person
By BEth RudoLph
More than 8,000 North Carolina women reported being diagnosed with breast cancer, according to the 2010 Census. Each one has a story; here’s the story of Buncombe County resident Beth Rudolph. After my doctor in Weaverville found a lump on my left breast in July, a dizzying round of appointments began, continuing, unabated, after the breast cancer diagnosis and beyond. The early appointments were mostly diagnostic in nature, which meant I saw those folks just long enough for them to scan, poke or stick my breasts, so there was no reason for them to remember my name, other than to send me a bill. But once I started seeing other doctors on a regular basis, my campaign began. It was simple, really. For insurance-filing purposes, I used my formal name “Elizabeth,” but no one who knows me ever calls me that. In fact, hearing it always gives me a chill, because I associate it with unpleasant occasions — the first day of school in a new place, my parents when they were angry, and now the name on the many medical bills I get in the mail. So every time a nurse came out and called “Elizabeth?” into the waiting room, I’d smile and say, “Actually, it’s Beth. I prefer Beth.” Somehow, at Dr. LeBlanc’s, my breast surgeon’s office in Asheville, they got it immediately. So did Denise Steuber, my nurse navigator at Mission Health’s cancer center. After the first time, I was always “Beth” to them. It’s amazing how much that has meant to me. One of the most difficult things for me about the breast cancer experience, from diagnosis to treatment is how depersonalizing it is. At the diagnostic-stage — appointments, there
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
“One of the most difficult things for me about the breast cancer experience, from diagnosis to treatment, is how depersonalizing it is.”
was the most cursory acknowledgment of my personhood before attention was turned to my breast or my lump. Of course, this was a necessary thing — that’s what their job was — but it still gave me the sense of being reduced to my tumor. I, as a person, didn’t seem to exist. It doesn’t help either that every time I look in the mirror now after getting out of the shower, I feel a jolt. It’s taking a while to adjust to that new person I see. Where my breasts used to be, there’s an angry red line stretching from armpit to armpit. The medication I take to keep cancer at bay has already thinned my hair, and
what’s left seems lankier and grayer. Adding insult to injury, though balding on top, I seem to have a rapidly growing peach-fuzz beard (also compliments of the medication). Yes, I’m glad to be alive, but sometimes I still feel that I’m looking at a stranger in the mirror. A not very attractive stranger, at that. So as I’ve trudged my way through endless appointments, I’ve found myself searching almost desperately for any way to get these people who are so intimately acquainted with my body to recognize my whole being. Something that would help me recognize
myself, to feel a little less alien. I’ve been prodded, squeezed, stuck, drained, cut and sewn, and now I want them to see me as more than a malignancy. I want them to call me Beth. Perhaps it should be enough for me that the doctors treated my cancer. And truly, I’m grateful for that. I know that doctors are pressed for time these days. But when you can do something so simple to help a patient feel whole again, why would you not? The first time I went to my breast surgeon’s office after the mastectomy, I was a mess. I felt Frankensteinish — the long gash across my chest crisscrossed with Steri-Strips and drains coming out of holes under my armpits on each side. But when the nurse came out, smiled at me and said, “Hi, Beth!” I felt tears spring to my eyes. It was going to take a while for me to figure out my new normal, but somewhere under all the outer wreckage of myself, I was still there. Beth was still there. It didn’t take any extra time for them to remember that I preferred “Beth.” Just a little extra effort. And it meant the world to me. When I go to the oncologist, I fill out a form listing any new symptoms. At the top, I always write “BETH” in large print and underline it. But they still call me “Elizabeth.” It’s October now — Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So next time, I’m taking my pink highlighter. I’m going to write at the top, “I prefer ‘Beth.’” And I’m going to highlight it with pink. I don’t know if it will make any difference, but at least that little bit of boldness might be the step I need towards finding my old, ass-kickin’ self again. My body may not be intact, but I’m pretty sure my spirit is. Beth Rudolph grew up in eastern North Carolina but always dreamed of living in the mountains. In 2003, she, her husband and two children finally followed their hearts west, first living in Boone, then Asheville. Her children are grown now, but she and her husband still live in a doublewide on a hilltop in Alexander where they can see the beautiful skyline of Asheville, the sun rise over blue mountains, and the endless expanse of sky. She is glad to be alive. X
Eating Right for Good Health presented by
Ingles Welcomes: Hickory Nut Gap Meats! It’s been in the works for a while but owner and operator Jamie Ager says it was “The right time for Hickory Nut Gap to be at Ingles”. Their 100 acre family farm in Fairview NC has been in the family for 5 generations. They raise about 80 beef cows that graze or are fed exclusively grasses. Their beef is not given antibiotics or hormones. Hickory Nut Gap also works with other similar grassfed operations to meet the demand in Western NC and beyond. Hickory Nut Gap Farm doesn’t just raise cattle they also participate in agritourism by holding summer camps, hosting farm tours and opening up their farm to the public throughout the year with events like a Corn Maize, Pumpkin picking and horseback rides. As Jamie says, “This is how we grew up and we think it’s important for kids to see a see a working farm and know where their food comes from.” http://www.hickorynutgapfarm.com
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Jen Nathan Orris
Fall Open hOuse • DaOist traDitiOns college AcupuncTure clinic (pd.) This Saturday, October 26, 1-4pm, 222 S. French Broad Avenue. Celebrate Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day! • Pulse Diagnosis • Ear Acupuncture • Student Talks • Chinese Herbal Tea • Seasonal Health Tips • Free treatment raffle • $10 treatment coupon. All services Free and open to the public. More information: 828-253-8669 or www.daoisttraditions.edu resTorATiVe yogA AT hAppy BoDy (pd.) Fridays, 8:30-9:30 am. $12 or 10/$100. 1378 Hendersonville Rd. Call 277-5741. Registration suggested, details at www. AshevillehappyBody.com pilATes AT hAppy BoDy (pd.) 17+ classes a week, mat and machine, or private sessions to get started. New client specials available. 1378 Hendersonville Road. Call 277-5741 or www.AshevillehappyBody.com ADhD AnD loVing iT • TU (10/29), 9:30am - ADD and Loving It chronicles the life and diagnosis of comedian Patrick McKenna as he learns the facts about ADD from several medical experts. The film will be screened at UNCA's Sherrill Center, Mountain View Room. Free. Info: ADHDasheville.com. ADhD AWAreness presenTATion • WE (10/23), 7pm - Rudy Rodriguez, LCSW, will lead a presentation to designed to create greater awareness about child and adult ADHD at Malaprop's Bookstore and Cafe, 55 Haywood St. Free. Info: ADHDasheville.com. ADhD gloBAl AWAreness monTh • Through (10/31) - ADHD Center for Success will host a number of free and low-cost events in Asheville and Buncombe County in honor of ADHD Global Awareness Month. Info and schedule: adhdasheville.com. AsheVille communiTy yogA cenTer Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: ashevillecommunityyoga.com. • WEDNESDAYS through (10/23), 6-7:30pm "The Power of Mantra" four-week series. $40. • FRIDAYS through (10/25), 2-4pm - Happy Hips four-week series. $40. • FR (10/25) & SA (10/26) - The Ashtanga Workshop Series will focus on fundamentals, Vinyasa and practice. $20 per class. For chilDren WiTh speciAl heAlThcAre neeDs • ONGOING - A new, free website, YouFindServices.org, helps parents of children with special healthcare needs find services in Buncombe County. Created by the Innovative Approaches Grant of the Buncombe County Department of Health. liVing heAlThy WiTh A chronic conDiTion • TUESDAYS, 1pm - A six-week workshop for people with chronic health conditions and their caregivers will be held at Battery Park Apartments, 1 Battle Square. $30 suggested donation. Info and registration: 251-7438. • WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An additional program will be held at Hillcrest Community Center, 22 Ravenscroft Drive. • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm - Additional workshops will be held in UNCA's Sherrill Center, Room 402, through Oct. 23. $30 suggested donation.
Send your wellness events to calendar@mountainx.com.
opporTuniTy house BlooD TesTs • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30-10am - Opportunity House will offer blood profile laboratory testing at 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. $25. No appointment required. Info: opportunityhouse.org or 692-0575. reD cross BlooD DriVes 100 Edgewood Road. Info: redcrosswnc.org or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • WE (10/23), 8am-12:30pm - Asheville Fire and Police Department, 100 Court Plaza. Info: 259-5636. • FR (10/25), 7:30am-noon - Reuter Family YMCA, 3 Town Square Blvd. Info: 1-800-7332767. • MO (10/28), 10am-2:30pm - Buncombe County Employees blood drive at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Info: 1-800733-2767. --- 2:30-6:30pm - Newfound Baptist Church, 2605 New Leicester Highway. Info: 683-3178. • TU (10/29), 10am-2:30pm - Montreat College, 310 Gaither Circle, Montreat. Info: 1-800-7332767. --- 1-5:30pm - Van Winkle Law Firm, 11 North Market St. Info: 258-2991, ext. 2448. yogA For VeTerAns • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - A yoga class for veterans and their families will be offered at Asheville Yoga Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. All levels. Instructor: Ashley Poole. Free. Info: youryoga.com or 254-0380. yogA For VeTerAns • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - A beginner class for veterans, appropriate for most fitness levels, is held weekly in the Charles George VA Medical Center cafeteria, 1100 Tunnel Road. Bring mat if possible. Free. Info: kirklandyoga@charter. net.
supporT groups ADulT chilDren oF Alcoholics & DysFuncTionAl FAmilies ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: adultchildren.org. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group. Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 4745120. Al Anon meeTing (lAmBDA) • FRIDAYS, 8pm - The Lambda (LGBT) group of Al-Anon, a gay-friendly support group for families and friends of alcoholics, holds weekly candlelight meetings at All Souls Cathedral, 9 Swan St. Info: trackerm1001@yahoo.com. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: wnc-alanon. org or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798
Merrimon Ave. --- 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - "Parents of Children with Alcoholism," West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. --- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. --8pm - Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 12:30pm - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - "Family Matters," First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. • SATURDAYS, 10am - "One Day at a Time," First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th avenues, Hendersonville. --- 10am - "Grace Fireside," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 10am - "Saturday Serenity," St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. --- noon - "Courage to Change," Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville. • SUNDAYS, 5pm - Al-Anon and Alateen, West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte street. --- 6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - "Al-Anon Spoken Here," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. --- 5:30pm - "Steps to Recovery," Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. --- 7pm - "One Day at a Time," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. --- 8pm - Transylvania men's meeting, BrevardDavidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. Depression AnD BipolAr supporT AlliAnce: mAgneTic minDs • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Magnetic Minds provides self-help through weekly, peer-facilitated support meetings offering acceptance, info and techniques to manage challenges. Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road, across from the West Asheville BB&T. Free. Info: MagneticMinds.weebly.com or 3677660. eATing DisorDers supporT groups • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Teen eating disorder support group for ages 15-17. Led by licensed therapists at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Participants must currently be in therapy. Free. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - A free support group for loved ones, parents and families seeking education and support for eating disorders. Held at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Info: thecenternc.org or 337-4685.
FAmily hope line
oVereATers Anonymous
• TUESDAYS, 2-5pm & THURSDAYS, 8-11pm - Family Hope Line offers compassionate listening, encouragement and help finding recovery resources for individuals and families experiencing mental health challenges and/or emotional distress. (855) 446-7348. Free. Info: motherbearcan.org.
A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 609-731-0808.
gluTen inTolerAnce group oF AsheVille • TU (10/29), 6pm - The Gluten Intolerance Group of Asheville will host a support group at Mission Children's Hospital, Reuter Outpatient Center. Topics include gluten myths, drug research and celiac disease. Info: gigbranches.org/asheville or 274-8532. heAling WiTh horses • SA (10/26) - Healing with Horses, a grief support camp for teens ages 13-19, will be held at Cantrell Farm in Mills River. Free; registration required. Info: fourseasonscfl. org or 692-6178. nAmi supporT groups The National Alliance on Mental Illness offers three types of groups to support people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Free. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Dual Diagnosis Support Group. For individuals with MH/SA diagnoses. 3 Thurland Ave., off Biltmore Avenue. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am; 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am; 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm Connection group for people with mental health issues. 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite 207. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am; 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Family/Caregiver group for people supporting someone experiencing a mental health issue. 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite 315. nAr-Anon • Nar-Anon provides support to relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road; enter through back door. Info: robinplemmons@gmail.com. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Chuch, 204 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Enter through side parking lot. Info: 891-8050.
recoVering couples Anonymous • MONDAYS, 6:30pm & SATURDAYS, 10am - Recovering Couples Anonymous, for couples with at least one member in a 12-step program. Held every other Monday at Foster Seventh Day Adventist Church, 375 Hendersonville Road, and every other Saturday at The Unity Church Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info and schedule: recovering-couples.org. recoVery From FooD ADDicTion • MONDAYS, noon & FRIDAYS, 7pm - A 10-step support group for those suffering from food addiction meets at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, second floor. Info: scmunchkin59@yahoo.com. s-Anon • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another's sexual behavior. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: 258-5117. smArT recoVery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: smartrecoveryavl@ gmail.com or 407-0460.
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Downtown Asheville transforms into an oasis this weekend. That is, if your idea of a watering hole includes 50-plus electronic-music acts spanning multiple genres and generations. Add to that, eight venues, afterparties, panel discussions, interactive installations and several thousand of your closest friends. And that’s exactly what this weekend’s inaugural Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit has in the works. Sure, Asheville’s city center is small and fairly easy to navigate, but the festival’s heady schedule is another story. It’s action-packed, with hidden gems at every turn. Here’s a don’t-miss: Local artists Joti Marra, Gus Cutty, Andy Herod and Gabriel Shaffer present Sound & Vision, musical works paired with visual art. The exhibition shows throughout the weekend at The Apothecary (39 S. Market St.) with a reception on Saturday from 3-6 p.m. While we can’t tell you what combination of performances will maximize your personal Oasis nirvana, we can tell you where to fuel up on peanut-butter tofu (see our interactive Mountain Oasisland board game), how King Britt spends his downtime in Asheville and what spooked-out Halloween songs are topping performers’ playlists. Read on: ELEctRic company: A look at some of the festival’s most innovative collaborations, p. 38 mountain oasisLand: Custom board game with insider tips and festival schedule, p. 40 onE king, two kingdoms: An interview with producer/DJ King Britt, p. 42 sound chEck: Q&As with Mountain Oasis artists, p. 44 LocaL oasis: Asheville band showcases and afterparties, p. 46 X
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
There’s an ongoing argument about whether opposites attract. While the collaborations set to appear on Mountain Oasis’ various stages might not settle that age-old question, they’re likely to prove that disparate forces can, together, make beautiful (ethereal/edgy/thought-provoking/eerie/ revelatory) music. One of the odd couples who will take the stage is Zola Jesus (the project of Nika Danilova, a Russian-American, witch-house singer-songwriter and musician) and J.G. Thirlwell, the Australian-born singer/composer/ producer once known as postpunk act Foetus. Though nearly three decades separate the two, Danilova says, “When I’m working with him, it’s only about the music. I only remember that he is Foetus, that he has this history when he brings up stories from the past. Then I’m like, ‘Oh, my God, that’s right. You’re J.G. Thirlwell.’” The two were introduced by a mutual friend when Danilova was searching for a string arranger. Thirlwell revamped, for Mivos Quartet, a number of Danilova’s darkly atmospheric songs. The resulting arrangements were performed in 2012 at the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Guggenheim Museum in New York City. A recording from that concert was released this summer as the 10-track album, Versions. Danilova, who has historically eschewed remixes — she made an exception only for director David Lynch, who remixed her song, “In Your Nature” — said there were a lot of growing pains in the beginning concerning how much she
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
wanted to let Thirlwell into her music. “What he was providing, to not only the music but to me, as an education, was really valuable,” she says. “Once I realized that what he was doing was serving the music, then I just kind of yielded to that.” Tara Busch, the musician and composer behind I Speak Machine, has a much different take on remixes. She’s re-envisioned the songs of Annie Lennox, Bat For Lashes and others. “Remixes fall more on the producer end of the spectrum, as it involves less writing and more technique,” she says. “I like how diverse projects offer a chance to transform and grow as an artist. The challenge is very important to me.” Currently, she’s at work on scoring a graphic novel that shares the I Speak Machine moniker. That project “involves just about every creative muscle I can flex: production, technical approach, collaborations with the writers and illustrator and, of course, creating music that is simultaneously personal and represents the story,” she says. It’s a collaboration with comic-book artist Tommy Lee Edwards and filmmaker Maf Lewis. However, it’s the score for 30-minute sci-fi/horror film The Silence, another joint effort with Lewis, that Busch will perform at Mountain Oasis. She and Lewis met at the Winter Music Conference in Miami about 12 years ago. “I ran off to Wales with him after knowing him for only five days,” she says. Naturally, they did what any artist couple in love would do: formed a band. “I would say we do have a
INTERPRETER OF MELODIES: I Speak Machine’s Tara Busch collaborated with filmmaker Maf Lewis on the sci-fi project The Silence.
great juxtaposition and chemistry between the two of us creatively, and it brings precious perspective when we’re in the thick of working on a project, be it together or our individual projects,” says Busch. Plus, her husband is picky and difficult to impress, which Busch sees as a bonus. But Lewis’ passion is for film, hence The Silence, the first of a series of thrillers that the couple will be releasing throughout next year. It’s inspired by The Twilight Zone and Outer Limits , says Busch, “and my score is strongly influenced by Goblin, John Carpenter, Michael Small, Clint Mansell, Krzysztof Komeda and Delia Derbyshire.” Mountain Oasis hosts the debut of The Silence, which was created with funding from the Arts Council of Whales. Busch plans to perform the score live during the screening.
That project is Busch’s second under her stage name I Speak Machine. Danilova, too, creates from the auspices of an alias. For her, though, Zola Jesus evolved as “kind of a security blanket I could hide under.” She says that early on, she was afraid both of failing and of losing her sense of identity. The alter ego “allows me to put it on, like a costume.” Busch, whose background includes musical theater, chamber choir and a number of bands, seems less concerned with public missteps. “My path feels like it’s been all over the place: lots of indecision, difficult lessons, growing pains and a few key people who encouraged me, especially Maf,” she says. “It took me ages to embrace technology and muster the confidence to write and produce on my own — and even approach a synthesizer.” Once she did, however, she never looked back.
The musician points out that, although Mountain Oasis has noticeably fewer female performers than male acts, technology will likely even the playing field in coming years. “I think that is making an infinite difference — more people have a fair chance to create,” she says. Busch’s career has taken her around the globe, but she says that she wishes she’d been exposed to creating music on a computer — or to pursuing music technology and engineering — when she was a teen in Charlotte, N.C. “Now, young girls have access to music technology in so many wonderful ways and incredible, affordable resources — like the Bob Moog Foundation, for example,” she says. Danilova and Busch are both examples of how the possibili-
ties (and combinations) of art and technology are constantly evolving and opening. Like Danilova’s Guggenheim performance with Thirlwell. They are now touring that show, with surprising results. “One night a song can be massive, and the next night it can be very intimate, and that’s the exciting part of having a sparse set,” says Danilova. “I have the ability to twist and transform the songs in order to serve the purpose of the audience.” Zola Jesus and J.G. Thirlwell play Saturday, 7:45-8:45 p.m., at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium. I Speak Machine’s performance is on Saturday, 10:3011:45 p.m., at Diana Wortham Theatre. Go to mtnoasis.mountainx. com for full Q&As with both Busch and Danilova. X
STRING THEORY: Zola Jesus (aka Nika Danilova) presents the J.G. Thirlwell-plus-string quartet version of her darkly ethereal songs.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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The LEAF offers a very different experience than the one promised by this weekend’s inaugural Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit. The first is a celebration of creativity in a pastoral setting, with styles ranging from Americana to world music. Mountain Oasis digs deeper into its chosen area, offering world-class electronic acts alongside a smattering of other styles. King Britt, an energetic DJ from Philadelphia and a great fit for both concepts, played LEAF last weekend. On Saturday, he’ll hit Mountain Oasis with the U.S. premiere of his techno-operatic fusion, Fhloston Paradigm. Xpress caught up with Britt to get his thoughts on both festivals. Mountain Xpress: if you were attending mountain oasis as a fan, what acts would be at the top of your list to see? king Britt: Well, Actress, Laurel Halo, Tara Busch and Deltron 3030 ... amazing!
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how about at LEaf? who did you want to see there? how did your excitement for that compare to your anticipation for mountain oasis? I worked with Zap Mama a few years ago on an album I did. We did a few songs, and I remixed “Poetry Man” for her and [Michael] Franti. Dr. John, I have been a fan of since a kid, so I’m stoked. Also to DJ there, bring something new to the ears. what are some themes or narratives you’ve been working with recently in your music? Well, with Fhloston Paradigm, I have been focusing on the combination of analog electronic music and operatic vocals. Working with Pia Ercole on many of the songs has taken the album to a whole next level sonically and emotionally. Our presentation for Mountain Oasis will include my friend Mike Todd on visuals, who has amazing knowledge and balance between technology and humanness. The album is a post-apocalyptic sonic narrative but with a lot of hope. how did you come up with the presentation you’ll be doing at mountain oasis? I have been working on Fhloston for a while. It’s been one of my favorite projects because I have gotten to use all my synths. Preparing the live show is a bit tricky, but working with Pia Ercole and Mike Todd, I can’t ask for a better team.
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
tell me about your collaboration with pia Ercole. why do you work well together? Just musical chemistry and similar interests in sonics. Likeminded revolutionaries.
A ROYAL TREAT: Producer/DJ King Britt will premiere his technooperatic fusion, Fhloston Paradigm, at Mountain Oasis. He says besides the music, he’s most looking forward to “the clear air in my lungs and showing my lady how dope Asheville is, so we can retire there.”
the music is a combination of analog electronic music and operatic vocals. how’s that going to work? Well, you will see at Mountain Oasis. Think Fifth Element and Blade Runner. have you tried anything like this before? tell me about the challenges of matching those analog sounds with operatic elements. No challenges. You just need a singer who is willing to not be ruled by classical training. Pia is into both opera and jazz, and [she’s] a DJ! why was mountain oasis the right place to premiere this in the u.s.? The lineup made perfect sense, and I looove Asheville. are there any acts at mountain oasis that you feel are doing similarly far-flung fusions? Tara Busch and Laurel Halo. in general, how important are collaborative projects for you? do you prefer them to working solo? I love both. As an only child, I have selfish days, and days where I long for collabs and like-minded comrades. Besides music, what are you looking forward to most at mountain oasis? The clear air in my lungs and showing my lady how dope Asheville is, so we can retire there. King Britt performs Saturday, 8:30 p.m., at Diana Wortham Theatre. Alli Marshall contributed to this report. X
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
T. WILLIAMS, HOUSE MUSIC DJ/PRODUCER if you could collaborate with any other mountain oasis artist, who would it be and why? Claude VonStroke, because I respect his production a lot. do you have anything special planned for your mountain oasis set? You may get to hear an exclusive track of mine that I’ve been working on during the tour. since it’s almost halloween, do you have a favorite spooky song? It has to be Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” T. Williams performs Sunday, 7:45 p.m., at Asheville Music Hall.
MORGAN SORNE OF AVANT-POP ACT SORNE if you could have another mountain oasis artist remix one of your songs, who would it be? I would be honored if Trent Reznor remixed one of my songs. He was (is) one of my musical heroes. if you had to play a set acoustically, how would you go about doing that? Everything I write begins with voice. It is the core of my songcraft. When I perform acoustically, I use either simple percussive instruments, an old guitar or a toy piano to accompany my voice. Sometimes I recruit other vocalists to sing the harmonies written for each song, or I invite the audience to sing with me, which has worked very well. do you have anything special planned for your mountain oasis set? I have made a cover of Nine Inch Nails’ song “The Becoming” off of the album The Downward Spiral, which I plan on performing as a part of my set. Sorne performs Saturday, 9:15 p.m., at Asheville Music Hall.
GARY NUMAN, NEW-WAVE SINGER AND COMPOSER if you could collaborate with any other mountain oasis artist, who would it be and why? Trent Reznor [of Nine Inch Nails]. I’m a big fan of what he does. We’ve talked about working on something together a number of times in the past, but it’s never happened. I’ve now moved from the U.K. to Los Angeles and don’t live too far away from Trent, so maybe it’s something that has a better chance of coming together now. it’s almost halloween — do you have a costume planned? I have a house that looks very much like a small Disney castle, so I intend to open that up for the kids in our area. A costume will be necessary but I’m not sure what to go for yet. I think a vampire will probably work best. I’ve got smoke machines and all kinds of stuff set up. Creatures rising out of coffins, zombies and a vast pile of candy. We don’t really do Halloween [in the U.K.], so I’m really looking forward to it. what song are you most excited about performing live? All the things from the new Splinter album. It’s always a mixture of exciting and vaguely terrifying to be playing new songs, but a lot of the new stuff is big and powerful so it’s fun to play live. Gary Numan performs Saturday, 8:15 p.m., at the ExploreAsheville.com arena.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
MARTYPARTY, HALF OF DJ DUO PANTYRAID if you could collaborate with any other mountain oasis artist, who would it be and why? I’d love to get Nine Inch Nails into a studio and make a tune. But I bet everyone’s saying that because those basslines they wrote are epic! Damn. if you had to play a set acoustically, how would you go about doing that? Lots of practice — acoustic sets are their own beast! I’d definitely have to bring a piano. Josh is better at guitar. I’d also take a swing at the bass guitar: I love playing basslines! since it’s almost halloween, do you have a favorite spooky song? I’ve always been a fan of the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack, especially that “Time Warp” tune. But on Halloween, any awesome classical orchestral drama does it for me! PANTyRAiD performs Sunday, 7:15 p.m., at the ExploreAsheville.com Arena.
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if you were attending mountain oasis as a fan, what acts would be at the top of your list to see? There are several bands I have never heard, so they would be on my list: Bosnian Rainbows, Half Japanese and Delorean come to mind. what sounds, styles, formats or concepts are still underrepresented in electronic music? I think electronic music is still in a beginning “discovery” phase where interest in the technology prevails. One day soon, interest in what the musician does with the technology will be more upfront than the technology itself. An analogy might be with the violin. When first invented, everyone was amazed at the sound. Now, thousands of people play the violin. It’s what an individual does with it that counts. what techniques has silver apples carried over from the late ‘60s? Besides having Danny’s drum and rhythms as backing tracks, I still play the oscillators hands-on. They are still as unruly as ever. since silver apples was one of the first groups to play electronic rock, what’s it like to be part of a festival these days that’s totally dedicated to electronic music? Feels like home. do you have anything special planned for your mountain oasis set? I always do a smattering of songs from the early albums, but about a third of the set is new material. That’s special to me, anyway. Silver Apples performs Friday, 9:30 p.m., at Asheville Music Hall.
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KAI CAMPOS OF POST-DUBSTEP DUO MOUNT KIMBIE if you could have another mountain oasis artist remix one of your songs, who would it be? William Basinski was a big catalyst for us cracking on with some of our early work. I would love to hear what he would do with the tapes for our record. it’s almost halloween — do you have a costume planned, or can you tell us about a favorite costume from the past? My favorite costume I made was to a “bad taste” party, but I’m slightly apprehensive about talking about it in public! Ha, it wasn’t that bad. do you have anything special planned for your mountain oasis set? Well, it’s the last show of our U.S. tour, so expect three broken men giving it everything. I’m hoping to exclusively drink champagne for the last week of the tour, so it’ll be glam. Mount Kimbie performs Sunday, 9:15 p.m., at The Orange Peel.
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JAD FAIR, GUITARIST AND FOUNDER OF POST-PUNK OUTFIT HALF JAPANESE if you could collaborate with any other mountain oasis artist, who would it be and why? I’ve recorded two albums with Daniel Johnston, and we’re planning to record again in January with Brave Combo as the backing band. I’m looking forward to it. It’s been 14 years since we last recorded together. Daniel is an amazing songwriter and performer. I’m so lucky to know him. I’m a big fan of Neutral Milk Hotel and Sparks. It would be great if we could do something together. what are some themes or narratives you’ve been working with recently in your music? Most of my songs are either about love or about monsters. When I was a kid, I used to go to bed early on Friday and Saturday nights and then try to get up in the night to see monster movies on television. Monster movies were my favorite kind of movie. what sounds, styles, formats or concepts are still underrepresented in electronic music? It’s easier to say what’s overrepresented. I prefer electronic music that has a human feel to it. I like being able to make music on a computer, but as much as possible, I try to stay away from a “computer sound.” since it’s almost halloween, do you have a favorite spooky song? The Shaggs song, “It’s Halloween,” is my favorite. In November, Half Japanese will do some recording with Dot Wiggin [of the Shaggs]. I’m so glad she will record with us. do you have anything special planned for your mountain oasis set? Half Japanese guitarist John Sluggett lives in Asheville. It will be good to have his family and friends at the show. Playing to friends and family always gives a show a different feel. Half Japanese performs Friday, 8:30 p.m., at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium.
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
The music festival extends beyond the scope of its three-day lineup with a number of smaller-venue showcases, featuring local and regional acts. Shows at The Emerald Lounge, The Mill Room and The LAB are open to both passholders and non-passholders, which means even if you don’t want to shell out for a Mountain Oasis ticket, you can still see a full weekend’s worth of electronic music. Just note: The cover is different at each venue. the Emerald Lounge (112 N. Lexington Ave.) is a cozy, chandelier-bedecked listening room, but don’t expect the sonic offerings to be staid or formal. Ten bands in two days will span from chillwave to energetic experimental sounds. Free for all Mountain Oasis weekend passholders (single-day ticket holders get in free for the same day as their ticket), $10 general admission. Friday: the jellyrox (indie-pop), 9-9:45 p.m.; we Roll Like madmen (synth-pop), 10-10:45 p.m.; paper tiger (chillwave), 11-11:45 p.m.; RBts win (electro-soul), midnight-12:45 a.m.; hi alta (experimental-electronic), 1-1:45 a.m. Saturday: moving temple (experimental), 9-9:45 p.m.; splynter (electronic fusion), 10-10:45 p.m.; futexture (IDM), 11-11:45 p.m.; aligning minds (emotional electronica), midnight-12:45 a.m.; marley carroll (DJ, producer, composer), 1-1:45 a.m. the mill Room (66 Ashland Ave., pictured) is one of Asheville’s newest venues and event spaces. Modern, spacious and fronted by an urban courtyard, it plays host to a kickoff party on Thursday, Oct. 24, followed by late-night DJ sets on Friday and Saturday. $10 for Mountain Oasis weekend pass and single-day ticket holders, $15 general admission. Thursday: wham Bam Bowie Band (David Bowie tribute), 9:30 p.m. Friday: dj kipper, midnight-4 a.m. Saturday: DJ Set by molly parti, midnight-4 a.m. the LaB (39 N. Lexington Ave.) is a three-in-one: eatery, brewery and venue. The listening room, located at the back of the restaurant, is a cool, dark cave with its own bar and stellar sound system. $5 for Mountain Oasis weekend passholders, $10 for the public. Saturday: free Radio (hip-hop) with secret B-sides (soul), 10 p.m. X
Annie Oakley’s heart target, private collection, Los Angeles, California, 2010. © Annie Leibovitz. From “Pilgrimage” (Random House, 2011)
October 4, 2013 – January 5, 2014
1515 Main Street in the heart of downtown Columbia, SC | 803.799.2810 | columbiamuseum.org
Annie Leibovitz: Pilgrimage is organized by the Smithsonian American Art Museum. The Bernie Stadiem Endowment Fund provided support for the exhibition. The C. F. Foundation of Atlanta supports the museum’s traveling exhibition program, Treasures to Go.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com.
r a d e r a c s
While we’re dancing around the Oktoberfest theme, Oscar Blues Brewery in Brevard gears up for Osktoberfest. That event, part of the Halloween happenings in Transylvania County, showcases craft beer, locally made brats and live music. Dress up (read: spooky, not fancy) for a chance to dominate the costume contest: Cash prizes are up for grabs. And work off the suds and sausage to sets by Soldier’s Heart, Faded Jade and headliners Leigh Glass and the Hazards (pictured). A portion of the proceeds from beer sales benefits the Oskar Blues Brewery’s CAN’d AID Colorado Flood Relief Fund. Saturday, Oct. 26, in downtown Brevard. 6-10 p.m. brevardnc.org.
Not that there’s a contest for best local Halloween party, but if there was, The Grove House would certainly be in the running. This year’s extravaganza is the seventh annual and it’s only grown bigger. The event website promises terrifying monsters lurking around every corner, $1000 in costume-contest prizes and entertainment on each floor. The Grove House is home to three venues: Scandals, The Boiler Room and Eleven on Grove, which between them will feature DJs Stratos, Louis Armando, Nicodemus and Crennan. Saturday, Oct. 26, 9 p.m.-3 a.m. $20 for all three venues ($5 discount to members in costume). thegrovehouse.com.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Fright Night at Pack’s Tavern and Highland’s Haunted Trail Since Halloween falls on a Thursday this year, look for ghoulish festivities to start early — as in this weekend. Pack’s Tavern is throwing a Fright Night Halloween Costume Bash on Saturday, Oct. 26. As always, there are three floors, three bars and live music. Cash prizes will be given out for best costume, with winners announced at 11 p.m. Vinyl Brothers Big Band plays from 8:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. upstairs, while DJ MoTo plays the lower bar from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. $5 cover. packstavern.com. Looking for a family-friendly alternative? Highland Brewing hosts The Haunted Trail MondayWednesday, Oct. 28-30. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Check out crafts, games and food trucks, and amble down the not-toospooky trail. Benefits Children First/ Communities in Schools. $6 ages 4-9, $8 ages 10-plus. $8/$10 at the door. hauntedtrailWNC.com.
Haunted Grove House Inferno
A&E staff
Celtober This is no mere Oktoberfest. It’s Celtober (and, for some participants, kiltober), and it’s back for a second year. The festival includes three days of Celtic, tribal, rock and fusion music at two venues. And two towns. Both locations, White Horse Black Mountain and Asheville’s Highland Brewing, offer up live music from Uncle Hamish & the Hooligans, Rathkeltair and Albannach (pictured), food vendors and more. The “and more” includes the Celtober costume contest. Friday-Sunday, Oct. 25-27. Tickets are $35 in advance for all three days, $20 in advance for Saturday and Sunday, or $25 at the gate. avl.mx/020.
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
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by Max Miller
Wiley Cash’s new novel, This Dark Road to Mercy, hits a home run
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Baseball differs from any other team sport because it puts as much spotlight on the struggle between two players as it does on competing teams. Never mind the outfielders and basemen — the true conflict at the heart of the game lies in the pitcher lobbing a baseball near the batter, who must unite reflexes and strength to send the ball skyward. The legendary 1998 season, when Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire competed to break Roger Maris’ home-run record, serves as an impeccable backdrop for This Dark Road to Mercy, the sophomore novel by North Carolina author Wiley Cash. Cash headlines UNC Asheville’s Celebrating Madison County, a showcase of literature, music and photography, this Saturday. Like McGwire’s Cardinals and Sosa’s Cubs, the characters in Mercy can be split into two distinct teams. One features rambunctious, young Easter Quillby and her sister Ruby. When the two Gastonia girls left in foster care after their mother dies of a drug overdose, they come to know their absent father, Wade Chesterfield. When Chesterfield,
who: Celebrating Madison County whERE: UNCA’s Humanities Lecture Hall and Sherrill Center, avl.mx/022 whEn: Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25 & 26 Cash reads from his first novel, A Land More Kind than Home, on Oct. 26, 1-2:30 p.m.
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Novelist Wiley Cash reads as part of UNCA’s Celebrating Madison County showcase.
a former minor-league baseball player, kidnaps the girls to provide them with the family life he signed away years before, Cash engages the reader in some intra-team struggle as the girls try to determine whether Chesterfield is a good dad who has made mistakes or a deadbeat crook. Meanwhile, the opposing team manifests itself in the form of the enigmatic and menacing Pruitt, a brutal hitman and former teammate of Chesterfield who has been paid to hunt him down. The umpire in this metaphor is the well-meaning Brady Weller, a former cop who’s the girls’ guardian and aims to find Chesterfield and the Quillby sisters before Pruitt does. The novel is alternately narrated by Easter, Weller and Pruitt, and Cash does an excellent job of keeping the three characters’ voices unique. Easter is an independent, spunky girl, greatly indebted to Harper Lee’s Scout Finch, albeit a little older. Cash gives her a distinctly Southern voice, marked with that specific degree of unsophistication befitting a young person attempting
to keep it together like an adult. Her chapters are injected with the most personality, and her bond with Ruby over their mother, baseball and the game “Oregon Trail” is heartwarmingly written. Pruitt, in contrast, is cold and calculating, and his ruthless pursuit of the protagonists feels all the more chilling when Cash grants the reader a snapshot into his mindset. Weller’s chapters tend to feel more straightforward, as if they were merely tools to keep the reader unconfused concerning the interplay among the Quillby sisters, Chesterfield and Pruitt. But his minor backstory as a struggling single father paints him sympathetically and explains his determination in caring for the abandoned girls. The rotating narration comes with its downfalls, however. Many times, Cash diminishes dramatic tension created in one chapter almost immediately with the change in narrator. When Pruitt commits some unspeakable act in his single-minded hunt that is left ambiguous, Weller’s former partner, Sandy, working with the FBI to find Chesterfield, informs him about the act in full detail mere pages later. Or when Chesterfield and the sisters make a clever move to evade capture, Pruitt or Weller surmise their plan almost instantly. A greater degree of lasting tension could do the novel some good, especially at the climax, set at the St. Louis game when McGwire shattered Maris’s record. McGwire’s achievement has since been marred by the use of performance-enhancing drugs, but Cash’s plot could use a small steroid injection to beef it up at moments like this, which resolve all too quickly. Nevertheless, Mercy is a compelling novel with charming protagonists, and its heartwarming ending provides the story with that final home run needed to win the game in Cash’s favor. The tale intertwines redemption, baseball and the South in a manner never devoid of charms, setting a story in 1998 that feels relevant 15 years later. X Max Miller can be reached at mmiller@mountainx.com
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com.
by Alli Marshall
Sara Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion According to the bio of folk-rock onand off-stage duo Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion, they’ve finally hit their stride with new album, Wassaic Way. The hook-heavy, jangly collection seems to tap the couple’s small-town roots and big-city inspirations. It also has a cool connection to Guthrie’s family: The record was recorded in Chicago by Jeff Tweedy of Wilco. In ‘98 and 2000, Wilco (with Billy Bragg) released the Mermaid Avenue albums, a collection of unfinished songs by troubadour Woody Guthrie. Sarah Lee is Woody’s granddaughter. While she doesn’t let that lineage define her sound with Irion, she says of the Wilco connection, “It made us feel really good about being a part of this great big family of music and legacy and, yes, the American spirit.” Guthrie and Irion make a second Asheville stop this fall at Jack of the Wood on Friday, Oct. 25. The Battlefield also performs. 9 p.m., $10. jackofthewood.com.
Brett Dennen The first thing that singer-songwriter Brett Dennen wrote for his new album, Smoke and Mirrors, was “Wild Child,” a song, he says, “Pointed the ship in the direction it was going.” It’s a rollicking, feel-good folk-rocker that, the musician says, reconnected him to his roots. Those roots include his mountain home in the Sonora Pass region of the Sierra Nevada, where he retreated to hike, camp and pen 10 new tracks. He also made a series of camp(y) wilderness-tips videos, with humorous riffs on subjects like bird calling and lake safety. Dennen, a selfproclaimed half-introvert, returns to society for his current tour, which brings him to The Grey Eagle on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Noah Gundersen opens. 9 p.m., $20 in advance/$22 day of show. thegreyeagle.com. Photo by Ben Moon
Music Collectors Show
Crystal Antlers
Despite rumors that cassette tapes are making a comeback, vinyl is still king. OK, maybe the MP3 is really king, but among collectors and serious audiophiles, no iTunes playlist can hold a candle to a record. Enter Gregory Neal of GN Traders and Productions, who turned his own music-collecting obsession into a a business. He holds his Music Collectors Shows around the Southeast, featuring vintage vinyl LPs and 45s, plus CDs, DVDs, memorabilia and more. “This event allows you the chance to find that ‘holy grail’ vinyl title or CD that you have been looking for, and we guarantee there will be music offered at the show that cannot be found in local stores,” says Neal. He’s billing the event’s return to Asheville as “the biggest and best one-day music store in the Carolinas.” It takes place on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Sheraton Four Points (22 Woodfin St.). 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free admission.
This Long Beach, Calif., indie-rock outfit doesn’t have a bio on its website. Or on its Facebook page. So you have to dig around for interviews with publications like American Pancake and Fox+Hound to learn fun facts like bassist/vocalist Jonny Bell has a day job as a contractor, drummer Kevin Stuart paints motorcycles and guitarist Andrew King loves animals. And despite some pretty aggressive rock momentum and sporadic slashes of psychedelica, they didn’t exactly win over the Gypsy-punk crowd when they opened for Gogol Bordello earlier this year. That’s OK, because while Bell, Stuart and King’s sound may be inspired by Southern California environs, it’ll also feel right at home in the grit-meets-art-meets-nature of Asheville. They take the stage at The Mothlight in West Asheville on Thursday, Oct. 24. Kovacs and the Polar Bear also performs. 8 p.m., $10/$12. themothlight.com. Photo by Pixie Mol
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local live standup comedy events at www.DisclaimerComedy.com (and you should follow us on Twitter at @AVLdisclaimer).
asheville disclaimer Electronic Dance Text
Briefs Asheville anti-Monsanto protest disrupted as genetically modified tomato pleads its right to exist, strangles bystander Rielle Hunter apologizes for dragging naïve, unwitting John Edwards to victimization, disgrace, according to his rewording of her new book ‘Asher’ most popular boy’s name for 2013 Experts predict tie between ‘being bullied,’ ‘crying’ for top children’s activity of next decade
Inventor of Gummy Bears dies at 90, outlasting thousands of overworked, disgruntled dentists
A Guide to Asheville
Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit edition Hilly Street: Lose your companions? Check Hilly Street where you last saw them. Walk up and down Hilly Street until you find them.
Put your head in your hands. Breathe deeply. Everything is going to be alright. You have found a Place to Pull Your S*** Together.
Tall Pointy Monument Thing: Lost? Go back to Tall Pointy Monument Thing and start over. Now then, which direction did I last lose my marbles in when I was twirling here? Take a minute to look at the top of the monument. Is it waving side to side? This is a good sign! You are on your way back to where you last were!
People Who Don’t Get It: Up and down Hilly Street and around Tall Pointy Monument Thing are grey people shuffling about. They are not dancing. They do not have faraway eyes. They don’t worship Guy Dancing Behind Computer on Stage! What are they doing? Don’t they get it? No. They are People Who Don’t Get It.
Guy In Costume: Looking to score some MDMA? Ask the Guy In Costume. He’ll know where to get some. He will say funny things to you! Guy In Costume makes you laugh! He gets it. Dance with him! Climb a tree on the sidewalk with him! Guy In Costume is your new lover and best friend. But you must dance and climb tree with him and make public-bathroom-love with him before sunrise, when he will turn back into a frat boy.
Feeling That Will Never Go Away: What a life-changing feeling you are feeling right now. Everything has clicked into place. You are going to be different from now on; from now on, this is the way you will always live your life. After-parties do not have to end if you don’t want them to end. There is nothing more to life than dancing and music and care-free revelry and Feelings That Will Never Go Away. You don’t have to go back to the old way of life. In a few days, you will still feel exactly like you do now. Can’t you sense it? You have finally discovered a Feeling That Will Never Go Away.
Girl In Costume: Dreaming of meeting a nice girl with faraway eyes? Girl In Costume is having EDM spiritual awakening, and lives in the moment. Dance with her! Hand her a flower you found near sidewalk! Say something funny to her. She can twirl! She is your new soulmate. She will do your drugs with you. She has a Hula Hoop.
Costume Uproar
Local woman offended by the exploitative nature of the “Cheeky Cherokee” Halloween costume, raising concerns about other Native Americanthemed outfits:
Bad Vibes Guy: Bad Vibes Guy is bad! He checks your pockets and cigarette pack to make sure there is no fun inside! He thinks taking large bags inside venue is wrong! He is full of judgment.
•Above-the-knee Apache • Nava Ho • Fishnet Chippewa • Pimp Daddy Pequot • Mutual attraction of Omaha • Wild-n-Crazy Horse • Squawin’ Around • The Penultimate Sexy Mohican • Sequoyah, Cunning Linguist
Bad Vibes Girl: Bad Vibes Girl doesn’t understand what you’re saying. Bad Vibes Girl insists you must be certain age to drink alcohol. She thinks working is more important than fun. She believes in money, despite the alarming symbology you are pointing out to her after you withdraw one of the green
Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com
Twitter: @AVLdisclaimer Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Guy Dancing Behind Computer on Stage: This is God. He knows how to make you wave your arms and bend your knees. You say prayers to him by bobbing your head. Close your eyes. Now open them. Flashing lights! He makes you move your feet. Where did beat go? Here it comes. That was amazing! Wait — now where did beat go? Oh my God — it came back, harder! That was amazing! Listen. There was a beat, but now beat is gone. Where did beat go? THE BEAT CAME BACK! That was amazing! Guy Dancing Behind Computer on Stage giveth and taketh away the beat, and giveth again. He’s touching the computer. Now he is dancing! He’s touching computer again. The beat is gone, the beat is gone! What is happening? Guy Dancing Behind Computer on Stage is touching computer again — beat is back, but harder, louder! That was amazing! Place to Pull Your S*** Together: Asheville, in its entirety, is a good place to duck out, try to remember what you ingested, how much, and when, and take a moment to yourself in this Place to Pull Your S*** Together. Sit down.
Aquarius: Deadline Soon! Capricorn: Learn a Foreign Language in just 10 Days
Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire
Masonic Death Certificates from her tip jar to show to her.
Pisces: Get your oil changed today! Scorpio: Resolve Your IRS Debt Today!
Show to End All Shows: You met beautiful people, like Guy In Costume and Girl in Costume. You met them on Hilly Street. You got turned around until you stumbled across Tall Pointy Monument Thing and navigated through a sea of People Who Don’t Get It. You were hassled by Bad Vibes Guy, but Bad Vibes Guy didn’t check your shoes! Bad Vibes Girl scowled at you, but you protected Bad Vibes Girl from the Masons by taking money out of her tip jar. After you found a Place to Pull Your S*** Together, Guy Dancing Behind Computer on Stage and the drugs from Guy In Costume helped you access a Feeling That Will Never Go Away. This is the Show to End All Shows.
Saggitarius: Interested in earning a degree? Do it!
Gemini: Records Indicate you May Qualify
Leo: Stay with us and be always healthy!
Aries: Fight visible signs of aging
Libra: Manage Your Money More Efficiently
Taurus: View Photos Of Black Singles In Your Area
Cancer: Get health insurance
Virgo: Get FREE Gifts!
hE BaR is aLways opEn A 61-year-old Texas man admitted to a hospital not long ago who appeared to be falling-down drunk but denied having had even a single drink was discovered to be unintentionally manufacturing beer in his stomach. With “auto-brewery syndrome,” stomach-based yeast automatically ferments all starches (even vegetables or grains) passing through, converting them into ethanol. Normally, natural stomach bacteria control the yeast, but if, for example, antibiotics had inadvertently eliminated the bacteria, the yeast would prevail. The case was reported in a recent International Journal of Clinical Medicine. govERnmEnt in action • update: As several additional states debate permitting marijuana use with a doctor’s prescription, Irvin Rosenfeld presented his own experience in August to a packed house at Kentucky’s state capitol. Rosenfeld suffers from painful bone tumors (diagnosed, with a poor prognosis, in 1963) and began smoking dope in the federal government’s Compassionate Investigational Drug program in 1982 — declaring that the 130,000 government-supplied joints (12 per day, carefully measured) he’d consumed since then had absolutely prolonged his life. “I didn’t ask for my bone disease,” he said. “All I asked for is the best medicine possible.” • While Congress struggled recently to pass a budget or increase the national debt limit, one program made it through rather easily, according to a September New York Times report: farm subsidies for inactive “farmers.” The subsidies were renewed, based on a 2008 law, virtually assuring that more than 18,000 in-name-only farmers (who received $24 million last year) will not be cut off. Included, according to a 2012 Government Accountability Office report, were recipients at 2,300 “farms” that had not grown a single crop in five years (including 622 without a crop in 10 years). • “close Enough for government work”: Security contractor USIS, which does $2.45 billion worth of background checks for the National
by Chuck Shepherd
Security Agency and other departments, gets paid only for completed files. However, full background checks often require months of work, and at some point, The New York Times reported in September, USIS would “flush” still-open files, treating them as completed, and submit them for payment — as happened with file-leaker Edward Snowden and Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis. In both cases, subsequent, crucial information failed to make it into the flushed files. gREat aRt! • The missing element in obtuse doctoral dissertations in science is that they cannot be danced to, according to writer John Bohannon and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which has established an annual “Dance Your Ph.D.” video competition (at press time, this year’s finalists were being selected). Entrant Sarah Wilk, featured in a Wall Street Journal report, used glowing green balls and a flaming Hula Hoop to help illustrate her “Odd-Z Transactinide Compound Nucleus Reactions Including Discovery of 260Bh.” Meanwhile, Peter Liddicoat used a chorus line including a juggler, a ballerina and others for “Evolution of Nanostructural Architecture in 7000 Series Aluminum Alloys During Strengthening by Age-Hardening and Severe Plastic Deformation.” • Steven Cohen, eager to make a point that his country of residence, France, is more oppressive to artists than his native South Africa, staged a one-man demonstration at the Eiffel Tower in September. Wearing a bird outfit, tights and a garter, he had for some reason tethered a live chicken to his exposed penis with a long ribbon. After Cohen was arrested for indecent exposure, his lawyer complained that her client had been kept in custody too long for such a minor charge. “France,” she exclaimed, “is throwing artists in prison.”
REad daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www.weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.
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• use what you have: (1) Abbott Griffin, 57, was arrested in Toledo, Ohio, in August and charged with robbing a Circle K convenience store, during which he had allegedly grabbed the clerk and bashed him repeatedly with a Bible. (2) One resident of a shelter in Seattle was charged in August with assaulting another in a dispute over TV-set volume, using a tub of butter substitute. (3) Ms. Honesty Keener, 37, was convicted in Gloucester County, N.J., in August of a 2011 break-in during which she demanded money from the female resident under threat of rubbing her open sores over the resident’s skin. • Latest field sobriety tests: (1) Deaaron Hearn, 22, was arrested in Iowa City, Iowa, in October after the traffic officer told him to summon a friend to drive his car home, and Hearn responded by reaching into his pocket, clumsily placing a $20 bill to his ear, and attempting a phone call. (2) In October, with her two children waiting in the car at a Holyoke, Mass., Shell gas station, Brenda Diaz, 26, allegedly attacked the store’s Slushie machine, naked, before police arrived to taser, pepper-spray and arrest her.
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T he
pEopLE diffEREnt fRom us “we treat them Like family”: (1) Deborah Cipriani, 55, of North Ridgefield, Ohio, runs America’s only rescue center for skunks out of her home. And naturally, she told London’s Daily Mail in October, some of her companions like to sleep with her in bed (which is reportedly fine with partner Kevin). (2) Diane Westcott and her husband (also named Kevin), of Layton, Utah, have four cats and a dog, but also, since 2003, at least one goose, who of course sleeps with her. “Gladys” wears diapers because, said Diane, it’s “not possible” to potty train a goose. undignifiEd dEaths (1) A 68-year-old hiker with a broken ankle was killed in Mansfield, Australia, in August following his “successful” lift from the bush by an Ambulance Victoria helicopter. Moments later, when he was about 30 yards off the ground, the man fell to his death. (2) A 52-year-old man was killed in an explosion in Rowan County, Ky., in July when he lit a cigarette while hooked up to an oxygen supply. The man had already survived three explosions under the same circumstances. X
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Pigging out Storm, Sugar Creek team up to offer Red Wattle pork
By shaRon BELL
At first glance, the Red Wattle pig gives no telltale signs that it’s the source of what leading culinary professionals consider the highest quality pork money can buy. The distinctive sags of skin that hang from either side of its neck look almost like defects, and the pleasing pink hue that one might expect has been replaced by a dark red. Over the past year, however, this almostextinct breed of pig has moved back onto breeders’ radar and is now making its way onto diners’ plates at a few local restaurants. “I couldn’t find Red Wattle anywhere,” says Owen McGlynn, executive chef at Storm Rhum Bar & Bistro in downtown Asheville. Although many locals patronize the place for its extensive selection of rums and cocktails, Storm takes its food offerings equally seriously, changing its menu every two weeks and featuring specialty meats, cheeses and seasonal produce. Sugar Creek Meats, Western North Carolina’s only Red Wattle pig farm, has just two commercial customers at this point, and McGlynn is one of them. A year or so ago, the budding specialty operation in Leicester was just a seedling of an idea in first-generation farmer Tyler Charles De Francisco’s mind. Hailing from a large Sicilian family near the Jersey Shore, De Francisco had taken a liking to wine and honey but ultimately decided to try his hand at raising heritage sheep and pigs. His 4.3 acres of self-proclaimed “pig paradise” are now home to a dozen 8-week-old Red Wattle piglets as well as six Red Wattle adults, four lambs and an attack llama appropriately named “Bitches.” The main reasons for Red Wattle pork’s considerable cachet, De Francisco explains, are its “beefy
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
texture and high intramuscular fat marbling, almost like a Kobe.” Celebrity chef Mario Batali (one of De Francisco’s heroes) and Bon Appétit would agree: Both often reference the heritage breed in recipes for premium dishes. Although the land is owned jointly by De Francisco and his father, Sugar Creek Meats is a one-man operation, which is one reason McGlynn likes doing business with them. “I’ve never had this much direct contact with a farm before,” the chef explains. “Tyler calls me about twice a week to give me an update, and he’s asked me what I want to finish the pigs on, whether hazelnuts or acorns, to get that nutty flavor in the meat.” A few months ago, De Francisco cold-called more than 50 area restaurants to tout his product; McGlynn was the first to take the bait. Soon after, McGlynn and his sous-chef, Ryan Kline, went out to take a look. “Once I saw what he was doing, I was like, this is perfect! The animals weren’t in cages and were being treated very well.”
pig taLE: The nearly extinct Red Wattle pig has been making a comeback with breeders like Tyler De Francisco of Sugar Creek Meats in Leicester. Photo by Sarah Green.
De Francisco says he’s doing his best to raise premium, stress-free meat. Feeding them a high-quality diet of fermented local corn and proteins, the 31-year-old farmer calls his pigs “employees,” noting, “If I treat them well, they’ll treat me well in the end.” Because the meat is so unique, it commands top dollar, and De Francisco asks partner restaurants for a 50 percent deposit — which McGlynn says he has no problem with, due to his confidence in both De Francisco and the farm. The chef has bought two lambs from Sugar Creek Meats and expects delivery on his first Red Wattle pig Nov. 18. Sugar Creek’s lamb, De Francisco explains, is very differ-
ent from what most folks have had. Raised in a low-stress, low-population environment, the Dorset lambs yield a smaller amount of exceptionally flavorful meat, without the distinctly gamy taste lamb sometimes has. “Ninety percent of people raise meat sheep because they produce a bigger carcass, but the flavor is watered down,” the farmer reports. “I’m incredibly happy with the flavor profile of these guys. I have eight more coming soon.” De Francisco has partnered with specialty butcher Wells, Jenkins & Wells of Forest City, N.C., which uses pens designed to give a natural feel to the slaughtering process. That partnership, De Francisco maintains, is a key part of pleasing his customers. “Adrenaline and fear give a tangible flavor, so we do our best to avoid that.” De Francisco has also done business with noted Asheville restaurateur Hector Diaz, providing meat to Salsa’s, Chorizo and Modesto. McGlynn, meanwhile, has promised to buy a pig a month, ensuring that Red Wattle
LatE-night BitEs
On the prowl for good eats after hours
By michaEL fRanco
Editor’s note: Michael Franco has explored dining options on the latenight scene. This installment investigates the Storm Rhum’s afterhours offerings.
not just a BaR: Although Storm Rhum is well-known for its cocktails, Executive Chef Owen McGlynn makes the food menu sizzle with his specialty meats and nose-to-tail approach. Courtesy of Micah MacKenzie.
will be consistently available at Storm. He plans to begin featuring the meat on Nov. 18 and continue through the Thanksgiving holiday. McGlynn likens the restaurant to “a well-traveled man, and these are things he’s eaten and collected along the way.” A nose-to-tail restaurant, Storm uses “every part of every animal,” and the charcuterie plate is one of its best-sellers. Eventually, Storm hopes to offer duck and quail sourced from Sugar Creek Meats, too, once De Francisco proceeds with plans to build a pond for the birds. He also wants to start sprouting his own barley for the pigs, to give them a diet that’s higher in protein and amino acids. And down the road, he’s even considering beginning a Red Wattle breeding program. McGlynn, meanwhile, says he’s excited about offering Storm patrons his first Red Wattle pork, knowing he’ll be giving them “a quality product that was raised properly by a passionate farmer.” Storm Rhum Bar & Bistro is at 125 S. Lexington Ave. in Asheville. De Francisco also sells both meat and CSA boxes to the general public. For more information, email sugarcreekmeats@gmail.com. X
The sun set hours ago. The early-to-bed set has retreated to their homes and hotel rooms, and the streets are left to the visitors, the vamps and the venturers who like to party and play till the wee hours. That’s when you feel it in your gut — the panic. You’ve whiled away the night carelessly sipping craft cocktails or hoppy nectar, and now it’s (gasp) 11 p.m. You haven’t eaten! Everything is closed! Or is it? While Asheville’s late-night folks have always been able to retreat to places like Tupelo Honey, The Vault and Rosetta’s Kitchen for a latenight bite, the opportunity to head to other locally owned eateries has been limited. That’s changing fast, as a handful of restaurants now offer specialized late-night menus that not only quiet your rumbling tummy, but let you try some of the town’s best eats at prices no one could grumble about.
featuring fresh, house-made terrines and patés served with irresistible slices of flame-kissed bread. One standout from the after-hours menu that’s atypically not produced on site is the Big City Red Hot Dog. Hailing from Chicago, topped with coleslaw and McGlynn’s caramelized-onion-infused ketchup, it’ll reintroduce this American classic to your late-night dreams. Manager Shannon McGaughey says that Storm’s late-night menu is particularly popular with food-service-industry folks, which was part of the impetus for the menu in the first place. “Downtown, once you hit that 10 o’clock mark, pretty much the whole restaurant industry closes down,” she says. “So we wanted to offer other industry folk, who worked late, somewhere they could let go of the day, have a bite and a drink.” X What and where are your favorite, locally owned late-night eats? Let us know at food@mountainx.com. Michael Franco freelance writer.
nighttimE gnosh: A downsized version of the best-selling charcuterie plate graces the Storm’s late-night menu. Photo by Michael Franco.
stoRm Rhum BaR & BistRo sunday-wednesday 10 p.m.-1 a.m. thursday-saturday 11 p.m.-1 a.m. dishes: $4-$12 During my visit, Storm Rhum Chef Owen McGlynn and his helpers hauled in a significant section of a cow through the restaurant’s side door — fitting, considering McGlynn’s emphasis on nose-to-tail and farm-to-table. That ethos is exemplified in the star of the late-night menu, the house-ground Apple Brandy Farms burger — which, because of its fine provenance, can be served as rare as you like it. Another protein-rich, late-night bite is a smaller version of Storm’s popular charcuterie plate,
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
story and photos by Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire
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Finding spirituality in a cup o’ joe
Editor’s note: Blogger, minister and globe-trotting coffee aficionado Elizabeth Reynolds McGuire spends her downtime promoting the Swedish idea of fika and checking out local coffee shops. This week, she begins a regular series that will examine Asheville-area coffee culture one cup at a time. fika 101 I love coffee. I also love photography, writing and being an expatriate. And I most definitely love Asheville. So I decided to start a project to celebrate all of those things. For the past three years, I lived in Sweden, enjoying all of the perks
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
hiddEn gEm: The Hi-Fi Cafe offers a friendly, laid-back atmosphere and a good cup o’ joe inside the Downtown Market.
of Swedish life: beautiful nature, Earth-friendly transportation, amazing architecture, a new language and new customs and traditions. Of course, upon moving back to Asheville, I brought quite a few of those new habits and traditions with me. But, I must admit, there is one that is my favorite: fika. Fika doesn’t translate well to English. It is a noun. It is a verb. And it must be experienced. In Sweden, you go to have a fika. And when you meet for fika, you fika. Curious yet? Imagine meeting someone for coffee, but instead of just grab-
bing a cup on the go, you sit down for a leisurely cup of joe and really catch up. Now imagine taking two 30-minute coffee breaks at work — one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Yes, in Sweden, fika breaks are scheduled into the workday. Everyone, everywhere makes time to fika. To fika is to slow down, to sip coffee and to reconnect with yourself and with others. Pretty amazing, huh? faith in a cup While I was in Sweden, this fika thing became a spiritual practice for me. Sipping on coffee in cafes, in the homes of friends and family and at work, immersed me in life. I pondered, discussed and wrote about life. I connected with myself and with others. For me, a cup of coffee became something to be savored — a chance to contemplate, to breathe and to simply be. Whether I was
alone or with others, I experienced sacred moments of life over fika.
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thE pRojEct I had lived in the Asheville area for many years before moving to Sweden, and upon returning last summer, I couldn’t wait to continue my fika traditions here. But I soon realized that I wanted more. There was so much that I did not know about Asheville — so many cafes, streets, alleys and neighborhoods I had yet to explore. I realized that I wanted to go deeper. I didn’t just want to drink coffee, I wanted to dive into the community: Talk to people. Observe. Hear stories. Share stories. I wanted to experience the eclectic, funky, creative soul of Asheville. And what better way to feel the heartbeat and meet the people of this city than to fika with it? Suddenly, it came to me: I would fika in a different cafe every single day. So, that’s what I am doing. I am drinking coffee, meeting people and discovering much about Asheville and myself along the way. When we take time to know ourselves and each other, we create a community, a world, of peace. To fika is to live out our faith. No matter what kind of faith we have or don’t have, everyone likes coffee, right? When we fika, we slow down. We listen. We discuss. We create. We understand. I want Asheville to become Fika City USA — a town known for amazing coffee, but known even more for community-driven citizens who love to get together and simply enjoy life. whERE coffEE makEs a diffEREncE I had no idea what to expect when I visited the Downtown Market. I actually drove right past the cafe the first time, seeing nothing but a long, brick building. After turning around, I noticed a sign and understood that the market was inside that building. There was also a little sign that said “Hi-Fi Cafe.” My curiosity was definitely peaked. I opened the door and saw lots of stuff spread out for what seemed like forever — old stuff, ugly stuff, cool stuff. So, the Downtown Market is a vintage market, or better yet, “the peo-
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havE a fika: The Swedish concept of fika promotes contemplation, mindfulness and a spirit of community.
ple’s market”, says co-owner Lance Hardcastle. It is a supportive place for vendors and customers alike. The clothes are cheap and fun. There are Buddha statues and other sacred figures, plus antiques, furniture, books, records, art — every freaking thing. And it is awesome. Owned by Susie Watson and Hardcastle, the building also houses the Sly Grog bar, Hopey and Company (formerly known as Amazing Savings, an alternative grocery store) and the Hi-Fi Cafe, a simple, community-oriented coffee shop that offers organic coffee and food. Hi-Fi lies to the left of the entrance. I stepped up to the counter and ordered a regular coffee to stay —and then stayed. I had fika with Aaron Gibbs, one of the owners. I stood at the counter and talked with him for what must have been 45 minutes. He worked all the while, but still gave me his undivided attention, answering questions and telling stories — creating a sense of community and friendship over a cup of coffee. I was impressed with Gibbs’ dedication and motivation for providing
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high-quality food and coffee. But, more than that, I was impressed with his passion for what he does. He clearly loves his work. He told me that his dad once said to him that if you’re not going to give it your everything, why waste your time? Gibbs lives those words. Afterward, I turned to leave and looked out across the building again. I thought about this crazy, unexpected find. I loved everything about this place. How it’s wrapped up with the Asheville community. How it makes a difference to all kinds of people. How it is weird and funky and eclectic. How everything is done with purpose and meaning — and how it’s all about making people, the community and the Earth a better place. Hi-Fi co-owner Katie Baird says it best: “It is about more than just going in somewhere and getting a cup of coffee.” It’s about creating community. You can find the Downtown Market and Hi-Fi Cafe at 45 South French Broad Ave. or on the web at downtownmarketasheville.net. X
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Gina Smith
Send your food news to food@mountainx.com.
Autumn on tap Urban Orchard to open new cider bar
Best Latin Breakfast in Town Open 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Grove Arcade Suite 139 828-350-1332 58
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Urban Orchard Cider Company is set to provide Asheville with a dedicated space for celebrating that quintessential fall fruit — the apple. The family-owned company will kick off the soft opening of its new Haywood Road cider bar on Thursday, Oct. 24, with a grand opening slated for Wednesday, Oct. 30. Co-owner Thom Miller says guests can expect to find three varieties of naturally gluten-free hard cider on tap year-round, including very dry, ginger and traditional English. A fourth tap will rotate seasonal and experimental ciders — Miller says cranberry-apple and pumpkin-spice flavors will highlight autumn. “We experiment with yeasts all the time and different flavors,” says Miller. He notes that during the first week or two after the doors open, Urban Orchard might rotate in as many as five different kinds of ciders. According to Marketing and Creative Director Jeff Anderson, the cider company may expand to as many as eight taps in the future, serving “super-creative stuff.” Wine will also be available, in addition to four beer taps that will regularly rotate a selection of local brands. For those who don’t want to drink their cider on an empty stomach, Urban Orchard’s tasting room will offer snack options, such as cheese plates, sausage, crackers, dips and baked goods from local purveyors West End Bakery, Hickory Nut Gap Farm, True South, Roots and Branches, Cave Age Cheeses and Short Street Cakes, to name a few. Urban Orchard is, according to Anderson, the only cider bar in North Carolina and one of only two in the U.S. that both makes and serves its own hard cider. Anderson says owners Thom, Lori and Brody Miller and Josie Mielke have spent the past few months trying to turn the space — previously a meeting hall for the Communications Workers of America — into a place
cidER housE RuLEs: Asheville natives Lori Miller, Josei Mielke, Brody Miller and Thom Miller (left to right) are set to open North Carolina’s first-ever cider bar on Haywood Road. Photo courtesy of Jeff Anderson.
conducive to socializing and relaxation. “It’s going to be a really warm environment for sure,” he says, noting that the interior will feature “an all-handmade mix of metal and wood.” Anderson was reluctant to disclose too much before the doors open, but he does say the tasting room features a large window in front of the bar that will allow customers a nice view, along with tables and a lounge area decorated with some unique chandeliers. “It’ll definitely be a good place for people to come and hang out,” he says. The cidery is located on the floor below the tasting space, and tours will be available upon request. The company sources only locally grown apples and is now in an experimental phase of working with two Hendersonville farms — Odell Barnwell and Sons and Apple Wedge Packers — to grow,
pick and press all the fruit it uses in their cidery. Eventually Urban Orchard will narrow that down to only one of the farms, based on pasteurization practices and specific blends of apple species available from each. Urban Orchard will join Black Mountain Ciderworks, McRitchie Winery and Ciderworks and Noble Hard Cider in the WNC Green Building Council’s first annual CiderFest NC event on Sunday, Nov. 10, in Weaverville. Urban Orchard will present a Hard Cider 101 workshop and dispense some of its brew to the public. Urban Orchard will be open 3-11 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and is located at 210 Haywood Road. For more information, call 779-6372 or look for “Urban Orchard Cider Company and Bar” on Facebook. X
by Toni Sherwood
New butcher on the block Foothills Farms and Butchery brings the nostalgia of a neighborhood butcher shop to Black Mountain Meredith and Casey McKissick are bringing fresh-from-the-farm meats to Black Mountain with their new shop, Foothills Farms and Butchery, located across the street from Dynamite Roasting Company. The owner of the space, Endre Pazstor, got behind the shop because of his fond memories of a local butchery in his native Dominican Republic, says Meredith. “People long for the nostalgia of a neighborhood butcher shop,” she observes, “even though there are few who actually remember them.” The McKissicks began discussing the idea for the shop several years ago, hoping to scale up the local-meat movement, which is limited by federal and state regulations. “Some local producers here send meat to Pennsylvania just to have it smoked,” Meredith says. The butcher shop is able to operate under county inspection like a restaurant. They can cure, smoke and cook meat on site, offering customers a smorgasbord of local fare. The McKissicks envision elevating local meat to the next level by partnering with nearby farms, including Dry Ridge Farm, Brasstown Beef, Apple Brandy Beef, Summerfield Farm, East Fork Farm and more. “It’s not realistic for our farm to produce all the meat we want to sell, and it gives those farms an outlet where their meat can be showcased in ways it cannot be at the tailgate markets,” Meredith explains. The McKissicks have been running their farm — Foothills PastureRaised Meats in Old Fort — since 2003. They raise beef cattle and heritage hogs, and currently provide pork for Asheville-area restaurants. “We feature pasture-raised meat because we believe it provides the most consistent, quality flavor profile, while favoring the animal’s natural tendencies,” says Casey. Pasture-raised animals have access to fresh grass throughout their life-
hot sake special 1/2 Price Hot Sake Every Sunday & Monday
mEat and gREEt: Meredith and Casey McKissick are partnering with area farmers with hopes that their new butcher shop will help grow the local-meat movement. Photo courtesy of Cindy Kunst.
time, and may be given high-protein grains as a supplement. “We’re fortunate to have a great partnership with Black Mountain’s Pisgah Brewing Company, allowing us to take spent organic barley from their brewing process and blend it as feed for our animals,” Casey explains. All of the meats at the shop will be free of added hormones and routine antibiotics, he says. And some staff work double duty on the farm and in the shop, giving customers a rare level of transparency. The McKissicks’ goal is to educate people about how to use every ounce of the animal. Visitors will be able to chat with butcher and chef Karen Fowler, whose cooking experience with local restaurants such as The Admiral and Cucina 24, combined with butchery experience at Greenlife, Earthfare and The Chop Shop, have prepared her well for this unique position. “I’d like to do some things you don’t see anymore, like potted ham,” Fowler says. “European peasant food
and old-school Southern cuisines overlap; both incorporate the whole animal rather than just the premium cuts.” By initiating customers with a sampling of prepared dishes, Fowler hopes to inspire them in their own cooking. Besides a stunning array of meats, the Butcher shop will offer deli sandwiches made to order, as well as graband-go cooked items such as pulledpork barbecue, boneless short ribs and even oddities like pig tails, all prepared by Fowler. There will be a refrigerator with North Carolina creamline milk, buttermilk, yogurt and butter. Local eggs and cheese will also be available. In the spirit of community, the store’s grand opening will coincide with Dynamite Roasting Company’s five-year anniversary, and Pisgah Brewing is creating a special-edition smoked beer for the event, aptly dubbed “Butcher Babe.” Promising some old favorites as well as unusual amuse-bouches, or small bites, Fowler advises, “Come with an empty belly and an open mind.”
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Foothills Farm and Butchery Grand Opening Block Party will be held noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27, at 1196-B Old U.S. 70, Black Mountain. For shop hours, visit Foothills’ Facebook page, or check the website, foothillslocalmeat.com. X
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @avlbeerscout on Twitter
by Thom O’Hearn
Hi-Wire invents a new six-pack holder yeast that has been increasing in popularity with American brewers. Congratulations also go to Olde Hickory Brewery, Mother Earth Brewing and Carolina Brewery, the three other North Carolina breweries to bring home medals.
and other small sips
Seasonal beers are nothing new for Asheville breweries. Summer is better with a Green Man Summer Ale. Fall isn’t fall without a pint of French Broad’s Zepptemberfest. And of course, many anxiously await winter for the arrival of Highland Brewery’s Cold Mountain. But for breweries that bottle sixpacks, seasonals often present a challenge. “Putting beer into 12-ounce bottles is expensive,” says Adam Charnack, part-owner of Hi-Wire Brewing. “Aside from label and bottle costs, six-pack carriers for each individual style are extremely time-consuming and expensive to make. ... Plus, the limited quantities of each seasonal style make economies of scale hard to achieve.” So Hi-Wire has come up with a solution. In partnership with Asheville’s Custom Packaging, they’ve designed a new style of six-pack holder. Thanks to strategically placed cut-out windows, the labels of the beer inside do the heavy lifting, allowing Hi-Wire to use the same holders for seasonals year-round. The first Hi-Wire beer to appear in six packs will be Strongman Stout, the coffee-milk stout that impressed patrons at their pre-opening back in June. In the spirit of the beer, Hi-Wire will be celebrating with a Strongman Stout Breakfast event at
ashEviLLE BREwERs’ aLLiancE cuts thE coLd With the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) being impacted by the recent government shutdown, many local breweries are feeling the effects. Still, the Asheville Brewers’ Alliance realized that an empty oil tank is much worse than an empty pint glass. “The effects [of the government shutdown] are hitting some of our Western North Carolina citizens. … Life-sustaining programs, like heating-oil subsidies, are among the initiatives that have been stopped,” says John Lyda, ABA president. On Oct. 13, the ABA made a $1,000 contribution to Eblen Charities’ Energy Assistance initiative, which helps cut heating costs for families in need. The gift was matched through the Eblen/WCQS “Cut the Cold Challenge” Program, bringing a total of $2,000 to the cause. To find out more and make a donation that could be matched, visit the WCQS website at avl.mx/021. six-pack styLE: In partnership with Asheville’s Custom Packaging, Hi-Wire Brewing designed a new style of six-pack holder for its seasonal beers. Photo by Max Cooper
the brewery on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to noon. wickEd wEEd BRings homE thE goLd The Oct. 10-12 Great American Beer Festival is the Olympics of American craft beer. Breweries from coast to coast bring their best beers, with 4,809 entries across 138 different styles, ranging from American-style India Pale Ales to Leipzig-style Goses. While a few Asheville breweries have medaled
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
before (in 2008, Highland Brewing brought home the silver for its Black Mocha Stout, and in 2011, the LAB brought home the bronze for its Brown Porter), no Asheville brewery has ever gone gold. Until now. Wicked Weed beat out heavy favorites Russian River Brewing and Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project to win the top award for the American-Style Brett Beer category. For the uninitiated, Brett stands for Brettanomyces, a wild
osktoBERfEst REtuRns Last year, Oskar Blues held its first-ever Osktoberfest in downtown Brevard. It was a German-festivalmeets-Halloween affair, as many attendees came from Brevard’s annual Halloween-fest, which took place earlier in the day. This year, they’re at it again, so expect plenty of locally made bratwurst and beer, along with live music, all down on East Main Street. The event runs 6 to 10 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26, but you can always go early and check out Brevard Brewing, where head brewer Kyle Williams will likely have his own Oktoberfest, and many other well-made lagers, on tap. X
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
C L U B L A N D TAllgAry's cAnTinA Rock and roll showcase, 9:30pm
WeDnesDAy, ocT. 23
The moThlighT Crystal Antlers (indie rock, psychedelic) w/ Kovacs & the Polar Bear, 9pm
5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Gary Mac Fiddle (jazz), 5pm Juan Benevides Trio (flamenco, Latin), 8pm
The phoenix The Moon & You (folk), 8pm
AlTAmonT BreWing compAny Laura Thurston & Stewart McNair, 8pm
Timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm
BArley's TAproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm
ToWn pump Dave Desmelik (Americana), 9pm
BlAck mounTAin Ale house Bluegrass jam, 9pm
TrAilheAD resTAurAnT AnD BAr Zydeco jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Open mic, 7pm
TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues WestSound Review (R&B, soul, dance), 8:30pm
cluB hAirsprAy Requests w/ DJ Ace of Spade, 8pm
VincenZo's BisTro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm
cork & keg Irish jam session, 7pm
WATer'n hole Karaoke, 10pm
emerAlD lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm
WhiTe horse Free Planet Radio (world), Laura Hope Gill & more, 7pm
grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Tom Brosseau & Sean Watkins (Americana, folk) w/ Grey Humphreys, 8pm
yAchT cluB Kamakazi karaoke (no control over song choice), 9pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Live music on the patio, 6pm Vinyl night, 9pm JAck oF The WooD puB Old-time jam, 5pm loBsTer TrAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm meTrosphere Open mic, 9pm
ZumA coFFee Bluegrass jam w/ Bobby Hicks, 7pm
pRoLific punks: Local pop-punk trio Old Flings has a familiar sound that’s catchy as hell and almost universally likeable, which is why audiences across the country have fallen in love with its melodic anthems. The band celebrates the release of three new 7” splits with a show at the Odditorium on Monday, Oct. 28.
oDDiTorium Adult poetry slam, 9pm oliVe or TWisT Swing lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one sTop Deli & BAr Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6:30pm Blue Sky Black Death (hip-hop, electronic, soul) w/ Sister Crayon, 10pm orAnge peel Built to Spill (indie rock) w/ Lee Ranaldo & the Dust, Slam Dunk & Genders, 8pm pisgAh BreWing compAny The Wilhelm Brothers (folk, Americana), 6pm sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm sTrAighTAWAy cAFe Circus Mutt (world, roots, rock), 6pm TAllgAry's cAnTinA Open mic & jam, 7pm The moThlighT The Krektones (garage, surf) w/ Steelin' Time, 9pm
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Jamar Woods Band (acoustic, soul, funk), 10pm AlTAmonT BreWing compAny Cisco Playboys (Western swing), 9pm AlTAmonT TheATer Mike Farris (blues, rock), 8pm
The phoenix Jazz night, 8pm
DouBle croWn International cuts w/ DJ Flypaper, 9pm
AsheVille music hAll Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 8pm
The sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
emerAlD lounge Connor Christian & Southern Gothic (country-rock) w/ Andy Buckner & Southern Soul Campaign, 9pm
AThenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
Timo's house Blues night, 9pm TrAilheAD resTAurAnT AnD BAr Kevin Scanlon's old-time jam, 6:30pm TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues Wednesday night jazz w/ Micah Thomas, Bill Gerhardt & Mike Holstein, 8:30pm
French BroAD BreWery TAsTing room The Stig Project, 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Band of Heathens (rock) w/ Barton Carroll, 9pm isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Mingo Fishtrap (soul) w/ The Get Right Band, 9pm
VincenZo's BisTro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm
JAck oF heArTs puB Old-time jam, 7pm
yAchT cluB Open jam w/ Justin Brophy of the Go Devils, 9pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm
ZumA coFFee Open mic w/ Greg & Lucretia Speas, 6pm
loBsTer TrAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
ThursDAy, ocT. 24 To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
FriDAy, ocT. 25
5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Pleasure Chest (rock, soul), 8pm AlTAmonT BreWing compAny 50 Year Flood (acoustic reggae), 8:30pm AsheVille music hAll Govinda (electronic) w/ Ebb & Flow, Pericles, 10pm BlAck mounTAin Ale house Lyric (R&B, soul, pop), 9pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Rocket Science, 7pm ByWATer Game night, 8pm cluB hAirsprAy Karaoke, 8pm cluB remix Reggae dance night, 9pm cork & keg Vollie McKenzie (eclectic covers), 5:30pm creeksiDe TAphouse Open mic, 8pm
meTrosphere Turn up Thursdays (reggae, dancehall), 10pm millroom EMErgence music showcase feat. King Britt, 6pm Wham Bam Bowie Band (David Bowie tribute), 9:30pm o.henry's/Tug Open mic w/ Jill Siler, 8pm oDDiTorium Ancient Whales w/ Team, Timmy Tumble & the Tumblers & Snake Prophecy (rock), 9pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm Boiler room Blaze III w/ J Fizzle, B Free & DJ Supaman (hip-hop), 9pm ByWATer Shane Pruitt & friends (blues), 9pm clAssic Wineseller Bohemian Jean, 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe Pre-Halloween Bash, 10pm cork & keg One Leg Up (jazz), 8:30pm DugouT Fine Line (rock), 9pm emerAlD lounge Mountain Oasis local showcase feat. Hi Alta, RBTS Win, Paper Tiger & more, 8pm French BroAD BreWery TAsTing room Allen Thompson Band (Americana, rock), 6pm green room cAFe Aaron Coffin (Americana), 6:30pm
oliVe or TWisT Dance lessons, 7pm Mike Filippone Band (dance), 8pm
grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Crystal Bowersox (blues, country, rock) w/ Anna Rose, 8pm
orAnge peel Between the Buried & Me (metal) w/ The Faceless, The Contortionist & Safety Fire, 7:30pm
highlAnD BreWing compAny Ben Bjorlie & friends (funk, jazz, soul), 6pm
pAck's TAVern Scott Raines & Jeff Anders (acoustic rock), 9pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll The Honeycutters (Americana, country) w/ Sam Lewis, 8pm
pisgAh BreWing compAny The Movement (roots rock, reggae, ska) w/ Natty Vibes, 9pm
JAck oF heArTs puB Elijah Ocean (folk rock), 9pm
purple onion cAFe Dana & Susan Robinson (Appalachian), 7:30pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion (pop, folk) w/ The Battlefield, 9pm
scAnDAls nighTcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am
loBsTer TrAp Mark Bumgarner (Southern Americana), 7pm
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. cLuB diREctoRy
millroom Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 6pm nATiVe kiTchen & sociAl puB Hollow Road (roots), 7:30pm
Full Bar 27 Beers On Tap
American-Inspired Cuisine Pool | Shuffleboard | Foosball | 11’ Screen
Live Music • Daily Specials BREWERY NIGHT
WED 10.23
feat. Bell’s Brewery, Inc.
THUR 10.24
(pop rock)
BLUES JAM with Westville Allstars Shrimp ‘n Grits • $3.50 RUM DRINKS
11:30am-2am Mon-Fri / 10:30am-2am Sat-Sun 777 Haywood road | 225-WPUB WWW.WESTVILLEPUB.COM
oDDiTorium Broadcaster w/ Sundale, Means Well & Rob Travis (pop punk), 9pm oliVe or TWisT 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8:30pm oneFiFTyone BouTiQue BAr Red Honey (rock, blues), 7pm orAnge peel Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 7pm pAck's TAVern DJ Clayton (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Love Cannon (bluegrass), 9pm rooT BAr no. 1 Andy & the Pandy (rock), 9:30pm scAnDAls nighTcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am sTrAighTAWAy cAFe Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 6pm TAllgAry's cAnTinA Twist of Fate (rock), 9:30pm The moThlighT Marisa Anderson (folk/blues guitar) w/ Tashi Dorji, 9pm The phoenix Spencer & the String Ticklers (bluegrass), 9pm The sociAl Old North State (folk, bluegrass), 9:30pm ToWn pump Utah Green & friends (folk, soul), 9pm TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues Section 8, 7pm WestSound (R&B), 10pm VincenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WhiTe horse Celtober feat. Albannach, RathKeltair & Uncle Hamish and the Hooligans, 7:30pm
sATurDAy, ocT. 26 5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Even the Animals (rock), 10pm
10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band & HALLOWEEN Costume Party & Contest • 9pm $8 10/27 Vinegar Creek • 9pm FREE 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants 10/29 Singer Songwriters in the Round • 7-9pm FREE
10/25 Elijah Ocean • 9pm FREE 10/26 Halloween Costume Party & Contest w/ Pierce Edens & The Dirty Work • 9pm $5 10/28 Singer Songwriters Featuring Randy Hale & Joe Cat
6:30-8:30pm • FREE
tips encouraged
11/1 Cary Fridley • 9pm FREE 11/2 Eric Strickland & The B Sides • 9pm FREE
w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis
Mud Tea • 9pm FREE
Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon Live Music & Entertainment Weekly QUIZZO! (Trivia Fun) Tuesdays 7pm OLD TIME JAM Thursdays 7pm SINGER SONGWRITERS SHOWCASE 2nd & 4th Mondays 7-9pm
Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm
10 South Main • Weaverville 645.2700 • jackofheartspub.com
95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
AsheVille music hAll Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 8pm AThenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BlAck mounTAin Ale house DJ Munn (dance), 9pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7pm ByWATer Ram Mandelkorn & friends (jazz, funk, fusion), 9pm clAssic Wineseller Wendy Jones Quartet (jazz, bop), 7pm cluB hAirsprAy DJ Brian Sparxxx, 8pm cork & keg Chompin' at the Bit (old-time), 7pm Old-time jam, 9pm DouBle croWn Saturday shakedown, 9pm DugouT Double Deuce (rock), 9pm emerAlD lounge Mountain Oasis local showcase feat. Marley Carroll, Aligning Minds, Futexture & more, 8pm French BroAD BreWery TAsTing room Costume party w/ Even the Animals (folk), 6pm green room cAFe Jennifer Scott (jazz, Americana), 6:30pm grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Will Hoge (singer-songwrier) w/ Red Wanting Blue &
185 king stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 aLtamont BREwing company 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 apothEcaRy (919) 609-3944 aqua cafE & BaR 505-2081 aRcadE 258-1400 ashEviLLE civic cEntER & thomas woLfE auditoRium 259-5544 ashEviLLE music haLL 255-7777 athEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEy’s tap Room 255-0504 BLack mountain aLE housE 669-9090 BLuE mountain pizza 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadway’s 285-0400 thE BywatER 232-6967 coRk and kEg 254-6453 cLuB haiRspRay 258-2027 cLuB REmix 258-2027 cREEksidE taphousE 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLERy 367-6401 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRty south LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 ELEvEn on gRovE 505-1612 EmERaLd LoungE 232- 4372 fiREstoRm cafE 255-8115 fREnch BRoad BREwERy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gREEn Room cafE 692-6335 gREy EagLE music haLL & tavERn 232-5800 gRovE housE thE gRovE paRk inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR LoungE 684-1213 haRRah’s chERokEE 497-7777 highLand BREwing company 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jack of hEaRts puB 645-2700 jack of thE wood 252-5445 LExington avEnuE BREwERy 252-0212 thE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRoshERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE vista hotEL 669-8870 nativE kitchEn & sociaL puB (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onEfiftyonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRy’s/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 oskaR BLuEs BREwERy 883-2337 pack’s tavERn 225-6944 thE phoEnix 333-4465 pisgah BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion cafE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLuB 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog LoungE 255-8858 smokEy’s aftER daRk 253-2155 thE sociaL 298-8780 southERn appaLacian BREwERy 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaightaway cafE 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809
tigER mountain thiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s housE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400 tREssa’s downtown jazz & BLuEs 254-7072 vanuatu kava BaR 505-8118 vincEnzo’s 254-4698 waLL stREEt coffEE housE 252-2535 wEstviLLE puB 225-9782 whitE hoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing cafE 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838
VincenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WesTVille puB Stella Rising (pop, rock), 10pm WhiTe horse Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm
sunDAy, ocT. 27 5 WAlnuT Wine BAr The Get Right Band (blues, funk), 7pm AlTAmonT BreWing compAny Perseverance Jazz Band, 6:30pm AsheVille music hAll Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 8pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Mark Bumgarner (Southern Americana), 7pm
Carolina Story, 9pm
cluB hAirsprAy DJ Ra Mac, 8pm
highlAnD BreWing compAny Celtober music festival feat. Uncle Hamish & the Hooligans, Rathkeltair & more, noon-close
cork & keg Open mic, 2-6pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll The Honeycutters (Americana, country) w/ Johnson's Crossroad, 9pm JAck oF heArTs puB Costume party w/ Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work, 9pm
groVe pArk inn greAT hAll Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon highlAnD BreWing compAny Celtober music festival feat. Uncle Hamish & the Hooligans, Rathkeltair & more, noon-close
JAck oF The WooD puB Costume party w/ Firecracker Jazz Band, 9pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Upstairs: Like Mind Trio (jazz), 6pm Main stage: Heather Masterton (jazz), 8pm
lexingTon AVe BreWery (lAB) Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 10pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Irish session, 3pm Vinegar Creek Constituency (Americana, string band), 9pm
loBsTer TrAp Sean Mason Jazz, 7pm millroom Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, midnight oDDiTorium Murderburgers w/ Boys, Lipstick Homicide & Diarrhea Planet (punk), 9pm
loBsTer TrAp Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm millroom Mountain Oasis afterparty, 11pm monTe VisTA hoTel Daniel Keller (jazz guitar), 11am
oliVe or TWisT WestSound (R&B, Motown), 8:30pm
oDDiTorium Edhochuli w/ Reverse the Curse (punk), 9pm
one sTop Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Grits & Soul, 11am
oliVe or TWisT Dance lesson, 7pm DJ (dance, Latin, swing), 8pm
orAnge peel Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 7pm pAck's TAVern Costume party w/ The Vinyl Brothers & DJ Moto, 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny New Riders of the Purple Sage (rocok, honky-tonk), 9pm purple onion cAFe Chuck Beattie Band (blues), 8pm rooT BAr no. 1 Mt. Thelonious (acoustic), 9pm scAnDAls nighTcluB Grove House Haunted Inferno (all three venues), 9pm smokey's AFTer DArk Karaoke, 10pm sTrAighTAWAy cAFe R&R Crossing (acoustic, roots), 6pm TAllgAry's cAnTinA Mojomatic (blues), 9:30pm The moThlighT Emily Easterly (singer-songwriter, rock, pop) w/ Gold Light & Psalmships, 9pm The phoenix Get Right Duo (reggae, rock), 1pm American Gonzos (rock, jam), 9pm
one sTop Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am orAnge peel Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, 7pm scAnDAls nighTcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am TAllgAry's cAnTinA Sunday Drum Day, 7pm The moThlighT Cave (psychedelic, drone) w/ Nest Egg & The Funs, 9pm The sociAl '80s vinyl night, 8pm VincenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
monDAy, ocT. 28 5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Hank West & the Smokin Hots (hot jazz), 8pm ByWATer Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm emerAlD lounge Vinyl night w/ DJ Ra Mak, 9pm
The sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm
JAck oF heArTs puB Randy Hale & Joe Cat (singer-songwriters), 6:30pm
Timo's house Electrochemical (electronic, psychedelic, funk) CD release party w/ 9th Phoenix & StereoSpread, 10pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Mustard Plug (ska, punk) w/ Crazy Tom Banana Pants, 9pm
ToWn pump Croon N Cadence (rock), 9pm
DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio • 13 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space Shuffleboard • Darts • Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night
Scott Raines & Jeff Anders
FRI 10/25
CRYSTAL BOWERSOX w/ Anna Rose 8pm • $18/$20
SAT 10/26
WILL HOGE w/ Red Wanting Blue and Carolina Story 9pm • $12/$15
(acoustic rock)
FRI. 10/25
DJ Clayton (dance, pop hits)
SAT. 10/26
HALLOWEEN COSTUME BASH 3 Floors, 3 Bars, Great Music &
Cash Prizes! Vinyl Brothers Big Band 8:30pm-12am (Century Room)
REVEREND HORTON HEAT AND WAYNE HANCOCK 9pm • $15/$18 BRETT DENNEN WED w/ Noah Gundersen 10/30 9pm • $20/$22 TUE 10/29
THU HALLOWEEN WITH 10/31 THE HERMIT KINGS w/ Doc Aquatic, Elim Bolt & the Can’t Kids 9pm • $7 ($5 if you’re in costume)
10pm-2am (South Bar) CASH PRIZES for best costumes! $5 Cover Must enter contest by 10:30pm.
SAT ODYSSEY FEST 11/2 A Benefit For Odyssey Clayworks w/ Screaming Jays, To All My Dear Friends, Goodness Gracious, and Muscadine 6pm
loBsTer TrAp Mark Bumgarner (Southern Americana), 7pm
Toy BoAT communiTy ArT spAce Asheville Vaudeville, 7:30pm
oDDiTorium Old Flings (rock, pop) 7" release party w/ Candy Hearts & The Fake Boys, 8pm
TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues Ruby Mayfield & friends (blues, rock), 10pm
orAnge peel Movie night: "Beetlejuice" & "Halloween," 7pm
20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM mountainx.com
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
onE + onE = thREE: Psychedelic bass/drum duo Electrochemical achieves a sound larger than its parts with a combination of electronic loops, agitated bass melodies and live percussion. The prog-leaning two-piece celebrates the release of its latest album on Saturday, Oct. 26, at Timo’s House.
oskAr Blues BreWery Old-time jam, 6-8pm
Reverend Horton Heat (psychobilly) w/ Wayne Hancock, 9pm
sly grog lounge Trivia night, 7pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Bluegrass sessions, 9pm
The phoenix Get Right Duo (reggae, rock), 8pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Anthony Tripi & Elise Davis (singer-songwriters), 7pm Mud Tea (rock), 9pm
The sociAl River Rats (rock, jam, blues), 9:30pm Tiger mounTAin ThirsT pArlour Honky-tonk (classic country & rockabilly) w/ DJ Lorruh, David Wayne Gay & Brody Douglas Hunt, 10pm
SaT. ocT 26
mountaIn oasIs festIval featurIng free raDIo
mArkeT plAce The Rat Alley Cats (jazz), 7-10pm
TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce, 10pm
oDDiTorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm
VincenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm
The moThlighT Knives & Daggers (shoegaze) w/ Heaven (rock, psychedelic) & Ancient Whales, 9pm
WesTVille puB Trivia night, 8pm
TUES. ocT 29
ZumA coFFee Blues & BBQ w/ Steve Davidowski & friends, 7pm
DIsclaImer comeDy presents comeDIan baron vaughn
TuesDAy, ocT. 29
backstage • 9:00PM • $10
5 WAlnuT Wine BAr The John Henrys (gypsy jazz), 8pm
wEd. ocT 30
skeleton In you w/ gooDbye shanty town
AlTAmonT BreWing compAny Open mic, 8pm AsheVille music hAll Funk jam, 11pm
9:30PM • $5
Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Paul Cataldo (Americana), 7pm
THURS. ocT 31
worlDlIne / the beast of rIverDale/sIlver machIne
cluB eleVen on groVe Dance lessons, 6:30pm Halloween dance party, 8:30pm cluB hAirsprAy Trivia night, 8pm
halloween party - show your best costuMes • 9:00PM • $5
cluB remix DJ party w/ open requests, 9pm creeksiDe TAphouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
loBsTer TrAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm
Timo's house Open jam, 9pm
WATer'n hole Open mic, 9pm
w/ secret b sides backstage • 10:00PM • $10
lexingTon AVe BreWery (lAB) Baron Vaughn (comedy), 9pm
The phoenix Mike Sweet ('60s & '70s covers), 8pm The sociAl Contagious (rock), 9:30pm Timo's house Open mic variety show, 9pm TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues DJ Audio, 9pm VincenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WesTVille puB Blues jam, 10pm WhiTe horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm
WeDnesDAy, ocT. 30 5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Gary Mac Fiddle (jazz), 5pm Juan Benevides Trio (flamenco, Latin), 8pm AlTAmonT BreWing compAny Songwriter night, 8pm BlAck mounTAin Ale house Bluegrass jam, 9pm Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Open mic, 7pm
cluB hAirsprAy Requests w/ DJ Ace of Spade, 8pm
cluB eleVen on groVe Bedlam Raver's Ball w/ DJ Acolyte & Invader Slim, 10pm
cork & keg Irish jam session, 7pm
cluB hAirsprAy Karaoke, 8pm
DouBle croWn John Paul Keith (pop, rock, twang) w/ Krektones, 9pm
cluB remix Reggae dance night, 9pm
emerAlD lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm
creeksiDe TAphouse Open mic, 8pm
grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Brett Dennen (folk, pop) w/ Noah Gundersen, 9pm
DouBle croWn International cuts w/ DJ Flypaper, 9pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Live music on the patio, 6pm Vinyl night, 9pm
DugouT Flashback Sally (rock), 9pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Old-time jam, 5pm
grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Hermit Kings (indie rock) w/ Doc Aquatic, Elim Bolt & The Can't Kids, 9pm
lexingTon AVe BreWery (lAB) Skeleton In You (folk, blues) w/ Goodbye Shanty Town, 9:30pm
hAnnAh FlAnAgAn's East Coast Dirt (rock, funk), 9pm
loBsTer TrAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm meTrosphere Open mic, 9pm oDDiTorium Horror movie night: "Ravenous" & "House," 9pm oliVe or TWisT Swing lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm one sTop Deli & BAr Brown Bag Songwriting Competition, 6:30pm Mang (Ween tribute), 11pm orAnge peel Minus the Bear (indie, math rock) w/ INVSN & Slow Bird, 8:30pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexingTon AVe BreWery (lAB) Worldline (rock) w/ The Beast of Riverdale & Silver Machine, 9pm loBsTer TrAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm
The sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm Timo's house Blues night, 9pm TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues Wednesday night jazz w/ Micah Thomas, Frank Southecorvo & Bryan White, 8:30pm VincenZo's BisTro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm yAchT cluB Open jam w/ Justin Brophy of the Go Devils, 9pm ZumA coFFee Open mic w/ Greg & Lucretia Speas, 6pm
ThursDAy, ocT. 31 185 king sTreeT Riyen Roots (blues), 8pm 5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Crow Quill Night Owls (jazz), 8pm AlTAmonT BreWing compAny Stuart McNair (Cajun, blues), 8:30pm AsheVille music hAll Empire Strikes Brass w/ PHILO, Debrissa & the Bear King, 10pm
20% OFF of Any One Item
Over 40 Entertainers!
A True Gentleman’s Club
oneFiFTyone BouTiQue BAr Molly Parti (DJ), 7pm
orAnge peel Cold War Kids (indie rock) w/ In the Valley Below, 9pm pAck's TAVern Steven Poteat (rock, jam), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Phuncle Sam (rock, jam, Dead covers), 8pm purple onion cAFe The Gypsy Swingers, 7:30pm scAnDAls nighTcluB "Oblivion Hell-a-Queen Rocky Horror Show," 10pm TAllgAry's cAnTinA Rock and roll showcase, 9:30pm The moThlighT The Tills (formerly The Critters) w/ The Downstrokes & The Beat Kids, 9pm The phoenix Bradford Carson (jam, rock, blues), 6pm The sociAl Caribbean Cowboys (tropical rock), 9:30pm Timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 9pm ToWn pump Smokin' Joe Randolph Band, 9pm TressA's DoWnToWn JAZZ AnD Blues WestSound Review (R&B, soul, dance), 8:30pm VincenZo's BisTro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm WATer'n hole Karaoke, 10pm
BlAck mounTAin Ale house Lyric (R&B, soul, pop), 9pm
WhiTe horse Serpentine Arborvitae (cabaret jazz), 9pm
Blue mounTAin piZZA & BreW puB Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, roots), 7pm
yAchT cluB Kamakazi karaoke (no control over song choice), 9pm
Boiler room Into the Dark Ball w/ DJ Drees & Queen April (goth, industrial), 10pm
ZumA coFFee Bluegrass jam w/ Bobby Hicks, 7pm
ByWATer Game night, 8pm
millroom Bright Light Social Hour (rock) w/ Black Taxi, 9pm
oliVe or TWisT Dance lesson, 7pm Costume & album release party w/ 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8:30pm
The phoenix Jazz night, 8pm
meTrosphere Turn up Thursdays (reggae, dancehall), 10pm
rooT BAr no. 1 Tyler Childers (folk rock), 9:30pm
TAllgAry's cAnTinA Open mic & jam, 7pm
JAck oF heArTs puB Old-time jam, 7pm
oDDiTorium All Hell (punk) w/ The Go Devils & more, 9pm
sTrAighTAWAy cAFe Circus Mutt (world, roots, rock), 6pm
isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Toubab Krewe (world, jam) w/ Zansa, 9pm
pisgAh BreWing compAny Jon Stickley & friends (bluegrass, Americana), 6pm
sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm
FriDAy, noV. 1
Mon – Thurs 6:30pm–2am | Fri – Sat 6:30pm–3am
Where Adult Dreams Come True
SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250
½ OFF COVER CHARGE 520 Swannanoa River Rd • Asheville (828) 298-1400 • TheTreasureClub.com facebook.com/thetreasureclub
• • OPEN 7 DAYS • •
2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
65 Domestics & Micros • Nightly Drink Specials
87 Patton Ave., Asheville
halloween party costume contest
dREss up, dRink up, sing out: Ben’s Tune-Up hosts the barroom debut of Burial Beer Company, which opened on the South Slope last spring, with a tap takeover, costume contest and live-band karaoke on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
5 WAlnuT Wine BAr Ryan Oslance Trio (jazz), 10pm AlTAmonT TheATer Milk Carton Kids (indie folk), 8pm AsheVille music hAll Sol Driven Train (rock, jam) w/ BIG Something, 10pm
pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late
AThenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am
504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
LOVE YOUR LOCAL Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Full Bar
w/ The Get Right Band 9pm • $8/$10 • Call for Information
fri 10/25 THE HONEYCUTTERS W/ SAM LEWIS 8pm • $12/$15 Sat 10/26 THE HONEYCUTTERS / JOHNSON’S CROSSROADS 9pm • $12/$15
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
millroom Mike Lawrence (comedy), 7 & 9:30pm oDDiTorium Hip-hop costume party, 9pm oliVe or TWisT 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8:30pm
BlAck mounTAin Ale house Halloween disco ball party w/ Jamboogie Band, 9pm
orAnge peel GWAR (metal) w/ Whitechapel, Iron Reagan & A Band of Orcs, 7:30pm
Boiler room Chachillie (hip-hop) w/ Larry "Poofolk" Williams, Benihannah & more, 9pm
pAck's TAVern Karaoke w/ DJ Ben, 9pm
clAssic Wineseller The DuPont Brothers (folk, Americana), 7pm
JAck oF The WooD puB Eric Strickland & the B Sides (Americana, honky-tonk, country), 9pm
cluB eleVen on groVe DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm emerAlD lounge Bulgogi w/ Decent Lovers & Cherokee Red (rock, indie), 9pm grey eAgle music hAll & TAVern Southern Culture on the Skids (rock) w/ Los Straightjackets & Fleshtones, 9pm highlAnD BreWing compAny Metro Jethros (country, Americana, rock), 6pm isis resTAurAnT AnD music hAll Toubab Krewe (world, jam) w/ Jonathan Scales Fourchestra, 9pm JAck oF heArTs puB Cary Fridley (country, folk, blues), 9pm
pisgAh BreWing compAny Jeff Sipe Trio (jazz, fusion), 9pm scAnDAls nighTcluB Zumba, 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am sTrAighTAWAy cAFe Dave Turner (acoustic), 6pm The moThlighT The Blind Shake (garage, punk) w/ OBN III's, 9pm The sociAl Caleb Johnson (rock), 9:30pm VincenZo's BisTro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WhiTe horse The Low Down Sires (jazz), 8pm
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
PicK oF thE WEEK
thEatER ListinGs
We Are What We Are HHHH
FRiday, octoBER 25 thuRsday, octoBER 31 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: Jim Mickle (Stake Land) PLayERs: Julia Garner, Ambyr Childers, Bill Sage, Kelly McGillis, Michael Parks, Wyatt Russell aRt-housE hoRRoR RatEd R thE stoRy: When the matriarch of a strange religious sect dies, it falls to her not-entirelywilling daughters to carry on their grim tradition. thE LoWdoWn: This arty horror film is definitely something unusual and worthy. However, it may have trouble finding an audience, being too slow in its buildup for the horror crowd and too horrific for the art crowd. Not for the impatient or the squeamish.
I’ve called Jim Mickle’s We Are What We Are “art-house horror,” because that’s really what it is. I don’t mean the term to be derogatory, though I suspect that this particular mix is going to make the film something of a hard sell, especially here in Asheville. The mix is not unheard of. Strip it of its indie/arthouse cred and Winter’s Bone (2010) is essentially a horror picture. But — and this is a key difference — it never erupts into full-blown horror the way the last 20 minutes of the film do. And make no mistake, I am talking real, flat-out horror-movie horror — for better or worse. It is also one of the more striking films I’ve seen of late, though I find its resonance has dissipated a good bit in between watching it a few days ago and writing about it now. The film is a pretty loose remake of a 2010 Mexican flick that I
amByR chiLdERs and JuLia GaRnER in Jim Mickle’s striking and disturbing “art-house” horror film We Are What We Are.
haven’t seen. The story is not all that different — in broad strokes at least — from any number of horror films, especially those of the inbred hillbilly variety. But this differs in very significant ways. The family at the center of this story aren’t the usual uncivilized variety of utterly isolated lunatics. And beside their very personal religious beliefs, the Parker family is not separated from their community, making the proceedings all the more unsettling. They, in fact, appear to be well-liked — if a little bit odd. In fact they are very odd, something that comes to light as the family starts to unravel after a devastating rainstorm that leaves the family’s matriarch dead and the family’s secrets on the verge of being discovered by the community at large. It doesn’t take long to realize what the family secret is, but if you want the film to reveal that secret in its own time (fairly early on), read no further till you’ve seen the movie. (Spoilers below.) It turns out that one of the main requirements of this particular religion involves something called “the Lamb’s Supper,” which, if you haven’t guessed, is a cannibalistic feast. The film hints at this — or something like it — early on, but it takes a while to get to the, shall we say, meat of the matter. What makes the proceedings so much more disturbing than your average horror film lies in the fact that
the death of the mother leaves the burden of slaughtering and preparing the grisly repast to her teenage daughters, Rose (Julia Garner) and Iris (Ambyr Childers). Neither of these girls — despite the father’s insistence — seems especially keen on continuing the tradition, but they don’t see any other way. It’s their moral quandary that gives the film its weight. And all the while, unbeknownst to them, the rain is uncovering the amassed evidence of past “celebrations.” Most of the film is methodically paced and presented in striking images, with occasional outbursts of horror tropes. This looks like a horror movie that Terrence Malick might have made — assuming that Malick went off the deep end. As grimly uncomfortable as all this is, it does nothing to prepare the viewer for the film’s horrifying last act. While I would like to endorse this descent into genuinely shocking horror, it comes with most of the downsides that plague the genre — notably that it requires otherwise rational people to do the kind of stupid things only people who have never seen a horror picture would do. The finale doesn’t ruin We Are What We Are, but aspects of it do diminish its quality. Again, this is not for the squeamish. Rated R for disturbing violence, bloody images, some sexuality, nudity and language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas
Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Planes 3D (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 (All Tue shows in 2D) we Are the Millers (r) 7:00 The world’s end (r) 10:00 CArMike CineMA 10 (298-4452) Baggage Claim (Pg-13) 4:05, 9:35 Captain Phillips (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 The Counselor (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:05, 9:45 Despicable Me 2 2D (Pg) 1:35, 4:30, 6:55, 9:25 The Fifth estate (r) 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 9:55 grace Unplugged (Pg) 1:30, 4:45, 7:15, 9:40 lee Daniels’ The Butler (Pg-13) 1:25, 4:15, 7:20, 10:10 Percy Jackson: sea of Monsters (Pg) 1:45, 4:25, 6:50, 9:30 Prisoners (r) 1:15, 4:40, 8:00 rush (r) 1:05, 6:45 we’re the Millers (r) 1:50, 4:35, 7:30, 10:05 CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) A Band Called Death (nr) 10:25 Big star: nothing Can hurt Me (Pg-13) 11:00 Captain Phillips (Pg-13) 12:30, 1:35, 4:20, 6:00, 7:10, 8:50, 10:00 Carrie (r) 11:15, 1:30, 3:45, 6:00, 8:15, 9:15, 10:30 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 2D (Pg) 11:35, 1:45, 4:00, 6:20 The Counselor (r) 11:00, 12:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 Don Jon (r) 2:35, 4:45, 9:20 enough said (Pg-13) 11:45, 1:50, 4:00, 6:10, 8:20 escape Plan (r) 11:10, 1:40, 4:10, 9:10 The Fifth estate (r) 12:30, 3:15, 6:10 good ol Freda (nr) 1:30, 6:00 gravity 3D (Pg-13) 11:00, 12:00, 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 6:30, 7:25 8:40, 9:30 gravity 2D (Pg-13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:20, 7:00 Jackass Presents Bad grandpa (r) 11:30, 1:40, 3:50, 6:00, 7:00, 8:10, 9:00, 10:15 Muscle shoals (nr) 3:00, 8:00 we Are what we Are (r) 11:25, 1:50, 4:15, 6:40, 9:00 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) The Counselor (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) enough said (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 inequality for All (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 4:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:15 FlATroCk CineMA (697-2463) gravity (Pg-13) Fri-Thu 4:00 rush (r) 7:00 (no show on Sun., Oct. 27) regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiUM 15 (6841298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
Carrie S diREctoR: Kimberly Peirce (Stop Loss)
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pLayERs: Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doublebday, Alex Russell, Ansel Elgort, Judy Greer hoRRoR RatEd R thE stoRy: A downtrodden, misfit girl with a religious-fanatic mother discovers she has telekinetic powers and uses them to get back at her tormentors. thE Lowdown: To paraphrase the 1976 Carrie’s ad campaign, if you’ve got a taste for terror, go rent Brian De Palma’s Carrie. This completely unnecessary remake is an insultingly inferior cash-grab.
Kimberly Peirce’s utterly botched remake — and, yes, that’s what it is — of Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976) probably isn’t the worst movie of 2013, but it may well be the most obnoxious. Certainly, it’s the most pointless. I admit: I’m a huge admirer of De Palma’s movie, so I wasn’t expecting much out of this one. It didn’t look good in the trailers. It seemed miscast. But at worst, I was expecting passive mediocrity. Instead, I got something actively bad. Any notion that this was going to be a more faithful version of the novel and not a remake, but a “reimagining,” went south very fast. And if you’re expecting to see this Carrie (Chloë Grace Moretz) finish up by largely destroying an entire town as she did in the book, forget it now. No, this is just a pale copy of the original film (using much of the original screenplay) with a few graceless fripperies and a little, mostly pointless, updating. It should be shunned, even for purposes of curiosity. The film is getting a certain amount of slack, it seems, because it’s (sort of) about bullying, which is a hot topic these days. Of course, the story has always had these elements — bullying is hardly a new phenomenon. Including a YouTube video of Carrie being humiliated doesn’t actually add anything, especially since it goes nowhere. It merely shows that the movie is
octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
in tune with the times (and with other movies since the video does show up on the monitors at the prom — a gag right out of the vapid 2010 rom-com You Again). None of the film’s modern touches add a blessed thing. There’s also a current tendency to want to champion women filmmakers (as long as it’s not Across the Universe’s Julie Taymor, of course) out of proportion to their accomplishments, and I’m very much afraid that’s the case here with Kimberly Peirce. Her great idea is to revamp Carrie as a super-hero origins story. (Smack forehead here.) That’s not only as untenable as it sounds, but turns Carrie from a confused, damaged girl acting out of barely controlled — and only dimly understood — rage into a kind of calculating monster. It also assures us a lot of pointless special-effects footage of levitating books and beds. The minute Carrie starts choosing her victims, she becomes less a victim than a vigilante. Assuming you’ve seen the original, the biggest problem is that nothing here works as well as the 37-year-old movie. It all feels like a cheesy copy that’s been Xeroxed a few too many times. The film’s centerpiece — the prom — is an outright disaster. De Palma’s prom was an event. It contained excitement, momentary enchantment, even a brief hope that Carrie’s happiness might be more than fleeting. It had a true humanity that’s lacking here. Carrie’s touching conversation with the coach (TV actress Jane Greer) is cut down to nothing. Her first (and last) dance is no longer a thing of hallucinatory magic. There’s no buildup to the epic pig’s blood moment. The original was a masterpiece of suspense, and evoked much more effectively by Rob Zombie in his 2009 animated The Haunted World of El Superbeasto. Here it just happens — and shooting it like a TV ad where the action keeps repeating itself does it no favors, nor does the appallingly bad CGI enhancement of the spilling blood. Is anything about this Carrie an improvement? Well, I guess the lack of 1970s powder-blue tuxedos is a plus, but that’s a pretty bad trade. Chloë Grace Moretz may be more age-appropriate than Sissy Spacek, but she’s not convincing as a wallflower. And she’s cer-
HHHHH = max rating tainly not as heartbreakingly tragic. Julianne Moore’s take on Margaret White lacks the raw power of Piper Laurie’s original. The other performances are negligible. None are improvements. Everything about the movie is just plain inferior: the acting, the direction, the production value, the cinematography, the music. The original’s landmark shock ending is, here, a half-assed and half-hearted CGI jolt that seems (God forbid) to suggest a sequel. Someone is bound to chime in with, “It needs to be judged on its own merits,” but why should it be? The De Palma film exists. I can’t forget I’ve seen it, and I’m not going to try to pretend otherwise. Plus, this film is such a poor copy that comparison is inevitable. Rated R for bloody violence, disturbing images, language and some sexual content. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artist Beaucatcher
Escape Plan H diREctoR: Mikael Håfström (The Rite) pLayERs: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel, Faran Tahir, Sam Neil action RatEd R thE stoRy: A professional escape artist is sent to a secret, illegal prison that’s thought to be impenetrable. thE Lowdown: A terminally dumb action picture that makes zero sense, manned by a couple of senior citizens out to prove they’ve still got it. Dreadfully bad.
For whatever reason, muscle-bound senior citizens Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger continue to foist themselves on moviegoers in an effort to prove they’ve still got something going. With their latest, Escape Plan, they’re obviously banking on nostalgia (the big, goofy moneyshot of Arnold firing a machine gun in slow motion proves this), since the idea is to be excited
about the fact that these guys are still around to duke it out. Judging by the box office for the film, there doesn’t seem to be much of a market for a couple of thick-necked dudes in their mid-60s (or their stunt doubles) punching things, and occasionally each other, for a couple of hours. It should come as no surprise then that what they’ve made is an incredibly stupid movie. This, unfortunately, does not translate into dumb fun, but a kind of confounding dimwittedness. Stallone plays Breslin, a professional escape artist who, for a living, gets thrown into prisons and then escapes them as a means of pointing out security flaws. The CIA tasks him with busting out of a seemingly unbustable prison reserved for only the nastiest of nasties. The prison itself is apparently secret and illegal, built with no windows and cells comprised of glass cubes. Prisoners are watched by masked guards dressed like sexdungeon castoffs. Here, Breslin meets Rottmayer (Schwarzenegger), who’s some sort of political prisoner. Together, they decide to escape by any means necessary. Those means mostly involve hitting things with their fists, though Breslin’s supposed to be some sort of tactical genius and a former lawyer (yes, it’s a role that seems tailor-made for someone like Stallone). None of the movie makes much sense. For an illegal prison, they’re pretty good about obeying basic human rights, as Breslin and Rottmayer get tons of alone time to hatch their plan. There’s also the question of why this illegal prison just doesn’t illegally kill all these baddies, but this is a movie you don’t want to think too hard about. (The people that made it certainly didn’t.) The cast is full of people (Sam Neill, Amy Ryan) you forgot deserved better, as well as a nice scenery-chewing villain played by Jim Caviezel. All this does is class up a pretty crappy movie, punctuated by Stallone’s grunts and Schwarzenegger’s hokey one-liners (I swear he’s getting worse at English). There’s a surprisingly left-leaning bent to the film’s politics, like Rottmayer working for some radical who’s out to destroy the world’s banks, or his comments on the problematic nature of for-profit prisons. However, I refuse to believe this is anything but accidental. The rest of Escape Plan is far too boneheaded to make believe it might having anything on its mind. Rated R for violence and language throughout. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artist Beaucatcher
staRting fRiday
A Band Called Death
The Fifth Estate HHS
Starting Thursday, Oct. 24
50% OFF Selected
See review in Music Madness No. 2 in “Cranky Hanke”
Redeem Your
diREctoR: Bill Condon (Kinsey)
Bad Grandpa If the name Johnny Knoxville and the “Jackass Presents” imprint aren’t enough to send you screaming to the exit, then you may find Bad Grandpa potentially amusing. That is, if you’re into watching Knoxville in old-age makeup as Irving Zisman, doing inappropriate things in front of supposedly real people for shock’s sake. Three British critics liked it. No one else has weighed in. (R)
The Counselor It’s got a prestigious director (Ridley Scott), a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer (Cormac McCarthy) and a big-name cast that includes Michael Fassbender, Penélope Cruz, Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz and Javier Bardem. We’re assured this showcase combines McCarthy’s “characteristic wit and dark humor with a nightmarish scenario, in which a respected lawyer’s one-time dalliance with an illegal business deal spirals out of control.” The question is: Why has no one reviewed it yet? (R)
Good Ol’ Freda See review in Music Madness No. 2 in “Cranky Hanke”
Muscle Shoals See review in Music Madness No. 2 in “Cranky Hanke”
We Are What We Are See review in “Cranky Hanke”
Thru 4p.m. - Sunday, Oct. 27
pLayERs: Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl, David Thewlis, Alicia Vikander, Laura Linney Biopic/thRiLLER RatEd R thE stoRy: The story of Julian Assange and the formation of WikiLeaks. thE Lowdown: A decent, surprisingly fair thriller that falters by trying to be too hip.
After a detour into the world of Twilight movies, director Bill Condon has returned to serious movies with The Fifth Estate. In a lot of ways, by telling the story of Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch), his relationship with friend Daniel Berg (Daniel Brühl, Rush) and WikiLeaks, all the while digging into all kinds high-minded moral and political issues, you can’t get much more serious than The Fifth Estate. Thankfully, Condon approaches the movie like a thriller, so we’re never bogged down by stodgy self-importance. However, this also poses a problem for the film, since Condon’s strong suit isn’t thrills and urgency. What’s left is a film that feels like it’s trying to fit in with some idea of what a modern globetrotting thriller should look like, and made by a filmmaker who has lost his own stylistic identity in the bargain. Diving into a world of computer-hacking revolutionaries, the film’s shot with the kind of shaky-cam, fauxurgency that only a lack of tripod can supply. The soundtrack’s full of hip electronic music, something that might be less distracting if it didn’t feel tacked on by someone who isn’t Condon. (Maybe I’m being ageist and our 57-year-old director is a huge fan of Australian psychedelic rock.) There are moments that follow unfortunately close to the cyberpunk camp of Ian Softley’s Hackers (1995), with its computer monitors projecting images on the characters’ faces, or the way Condon tries to turn the Internet
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
ArethA Areth A FrA FrAnklin • Alici AliciA A keys • mick jA jAgger • BO BOn nO • steve WinWOO WinWOO WOOd d • gregg AllmA AllmAn rter • jimmy cli Arence cA cArter liFFF • Percy sledge • Wils WilsO On Pickett keith rich ichA Ards • cllA
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
Community Screenings
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sociAl JusTice Film nighT • TU (10/29), 7pm - Social Justice Film Night will screen the documentary The United States of ALEC at Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. Donations accepted. Info: uuasheville.org.
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moVie nighT AT colony eArTh • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Colony Earth screens feature films, documentaries and more. By donation. Info and location: avl.mx/vb.
hoW To sTeAl A million • WE (10/23), 3pm - The Audrey Hepburn film series will screen How to Steal a Million in Pack Memorial Library’s Lord Auditorium. Free. Info: 250-4700.
into a physical space. Embodying the Internet as three-dimensional space (in this case, as endless rows of desks in open air, reminiscent of 1999’s The Matrix) has always been tricky, and usually comes off as corny — and it’s no different here. Even with these distractions, the film isn’t ruined. When The Fifth Estate is using its brain, it works well and has surprising depth. Condon and TV writer Josh Singer have made a movie that neither honors nor vilifies Assange, whose ideals of social justice, transparency and truth in a digital age are held to high standards. But at the same time, there’s his close friend and WikiLeaks partner — not to mention the film’s conscience — Daniel, who sees Assange’s ego and vanity firsthand, and questions the dangers an uncensored truth may create. Much of the climax involves the leak of U.S. diplomatic cables on the Afghan war and Assange’s refusal to redact names and information, ignoring the real-life consequences this information might have on those identified. Assange’s purpose and goals are seen as noble, but his selfishness, squirrelly personality and unwillingness to compromise are ugly drawbacks. This moral complexity is really what makes the film, even if it’s undermined by some blatant summarizing in the film’s last scene that comes across as a bit patronizing. This perhaps personifies the movie — it does a lot right, but nothing spectacularly so, often faltering thanks to a director who’s lost his luster. Viewed more as an intelligent, often entertaining
political thriller and less as an important film on important topics, The Fifth Estate is worth a look. Rated R for language and some violence. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Regal Biltmore Grande
Music Madness No. 2 HHHHS diREctoR: Various pLayERs: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Big Star, Death documEntaRy RatEd R thE stoRy: A collection of four music-oriented documentary films. thE Lowdown: The second week of The Carolina’s mini-festival of music documentaries has something for just about everyone: from The Beatles to the Stones to Aretha Franklin to Big Star to a band improbably called Death.
a Band called death Director: Mark Christopher Covino, Jeff Howlett. Players: Bobby Hackney, Dannis Hackney, David Hackney, Alice Cooper While A Band Called Death isn’t the oddest film in the group, it almost certainly boasts the oddest story. If you’ve never heard of the band in question, don’t feel left out. The original group recorded just seven tracks and only ever released one single. That they are now being considered the forerunners to punk music — a few years before there even was such a thing — is remarkable, but not undeserved once you hear their music. What is perhaps more unusual, though, is Death was comprised of three black kids from Detroit — kids who were hooked on The Beatles, The Who, Alice Cooper and Queen rather than Motown. The film straightforwardly tells their story, and, of course, the story of their late-in-the-day discovery by a music world that wasn’t originally interested in them. The music and the personalities of the two surviving brothers are terrific, even if the con-
REDISCOVER stant “animating” of still photos gets tiresome and the inclusion of Kid Rock as one of their modern supporters is probably unwise. But really, it’s the story and the music that matters. Director Jeff Howlett will be in attendance for a Q&A at Friday’s show. (Plays at 10:25 p.m.) Big star: nothing can hurt me Director: Drew Nicola, Olivia Mori. Players: Alex Chilton, Chris Bell, John Auer, Jody Stephens Here’s another chance to catch this documentary on the band Big Star. In his recent review of the film, Justin Souther wrote: “[It] attempts to trace their days as obscure Memphis critical darlings in the ‘70s to the revered, influential band they’re seen as today. This exclusivity is inherent in the material, since it’s a rarity for the Average Joe to love anything as much as a documentary filmmaker, a person who loves something enough to dedicate months and years of their lives to telling its story. On top of this, if you’re already a self-identified Big Star fan, you’ve likely already bought your ticket, and nothing I say about the film will change what you think of the movie, let alone the band. That being said, looked at as filmmaking, Nothing Can Hurt Me is your basic music doc.” Fans of the band have differed. (Plays at 11 a.m.) good ol’ freda Director: Ryan White. Players: Freda Kelly, The Beatles Perhaps the centerpiece of this series, Good Ol’ Freda is going to be of greatest interest to Beatle fans — the more hardcore the better. Freda is Freda Kelly, the woman who served as secretary to The Beatles for their entire career and beyond. Two caveats are necessary on the film. First of all, though much has been made of the fact that this is the first indie film to license Beatle songs, it isn’t exactly awash in Beatle tracks. Secondly, if you’re expecting Ms. Kelly to dish any dirt, you’re at the wrong movie. When asked questions about her personal relations with the Fab Four, she merely says that personal matters are just that. About the most shocking she gets is revealing how John broke it to her that their manager, Brian Epstein, was gay. No, this is a sweet little film intended as a gift to fans and a tribute to The
Beatles. It is probably the last firsthand account we’re likely to get about watching Beatlemania from the inside. Entertaining and endlessly charming if you’re a fan. (Plays at 1:30 and 6 p.m.) muscle shoals Director: Greg “Freddy” Camalier. Players: Rick Hall, Greg Allman, Bono, Clarence Carter, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards This slick and fairly comprehensive documentary about Rick Hall’s FAME recording studios in Muscle Shoals, Ala., almost certainly has the broadest appeal, if only by virtue of the number of artists and hit songs showcased. It’s another improbable story of the dirt-poor Hall, who became a legendary figure in the music business, and about the all-white musicians known as the Swampers, who helped form the distinctive sound of some of the biggest R&B hits of all time. That it happens to be true is a bonus. That it affords the viewer nearly two hours of impeccable storytelling should be all you need to know. See this movie. (Plays at 3:30 and 8 p.m.) Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
stiLL showing
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane HHH Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Whitney Able, Michael Welch horror Cult hit—at least on the horror festival circuit—about a girl who seems to bring death to anyone who gets too near her. Despite its reputation (legend almost) and the fact that it looks nice and is competently made, this is basically a pretty standard dead teenager movie with two fairly transparent twists. Rated R
Captain Phillips HH Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Michael Chernus, Catherine Keener fact-based thriller The true story of a sea captain who’s taken captive by Somali pirates. A shallow thriller that’s bogged down by attempts at grandeur and the distinct odor of Oscar bait. Rated pg-13
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Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doublebday, Alex Russell, Ansel Elgort, Judy Greer horror A downtrodden, misfit girl with a religious-fanatic mother discovers she has telekinetic powers and uses them to get back at her tormentors. To paraphrase the 1976 Carrie‘s ad campaign, if you’ve got a taste for terror, go rent Brian De Palma’s Carrie. This completely unnecessary remake is an insultingly inferior cash-grab. Rated R
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs HHS (Voices) Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Will Forte, Andy Samberg animated adventure A goofball inventor must stop a nefarious genius from using his invention for evil purposes. A dull sequel sucked dry of everything that made its predecessor interesting. Rated pg
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change his ways, especially his proclivity for porn, for a woman he thinks is his dream girl. Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s writing-directing debut is a remarkably assured affair that is also unusually blunt in terms of dealing with sex and porn, which will bother some people. It is a hard film to warm up to, but it’s worth the effort. Rated R
Enough Said HHHH Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Gandolfini, Catherine Keener, Toni Collette, Tracey Fairaway, Tavi Gevinson Romantic comedy drama A woman finds her romance with a seemingly compatible man undermined when it turns out that he’s the ex-husband of a new friend of hers. Unfailingly pleasant but awkwardly plotted film that ultimately wins out on the strength of James Gandolfini and Julia LouisDreyfus. Rated pg-13
Escape from Tomorrow HHH Roy Abramsohn, Elena Schuber, Katelynn Rodriguez, Jack Dalton, Danielle Safady, Annet Mahendru horror fantasy A family in disarray has a nightmarish experience at Disney World. It sounds a lot more daring and subversive than it actually is. That it was made on Disney’s own turf without permission is more interesting than the film itself, which is confused, unfocused and even a little silly. But it’s certainly a curio. Rated nR
Escape Plan H Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel, Faran Tahir, Sam Neill action A professional escape artist is sent to a secret, illegal prison that’s thought to be impenetrable. A terminally dumb action picture that makes zero sense, manned by a couple of senior citizens out to prove they’ve still got it. Dreadfully bad. Rated R
drama A bored and sexually neglected wife decides to spice up her love by becoming a part-time call girl. An unusual—and unusually quiet—marital drama in which it is almost incidental that the couple are lesbians. Intelligent, thoughtprovoking, and altogether realistic without being boring about it. Rated R
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, Glenne Headly, Brie Larson comedy drama A very wayward kind of romantic comedy about a guy who tries to
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
Gravity HHHHS Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice) sci-fi suspense Two astronauts accidentally set adrift in space must find a way to survive and make it back to earth. Brilliantly made, impeccably acted, visually impressive and undeniably intense in its suspense. Gravity is a fine film, but is maybe too efficient for its own good. Rated pg-13
Inequality for All HHHHS Robert Reich documentary Documentary about the way economics work — and don’t work. Sure to be divisive, which is to say that people who believe the rich should be taxed less will hate it. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich proves an engaging personality as he explains how the economy relies on a prosperous middle class. Rated pg
Insidious: Chapter 2 HHHH Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins, Lin Shaye, Barbara Hershey, Steve Coulter, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson horror A continuation of 2010’s Insidious — with the focus changed to the father. One of the most beautifully connected sequels I’ve ever seen, Insidious: Chapter 2 is everything I hoped for and more. Easily as creepy as the first film and quite possibly a better movie in the bargain. Rated pg-13
Lee Daniels’ The Butler HHHH Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David Oyelowo, Cuba Gooding Jr., Terrence Howard
Benedict Cumberbatch, Daniel Brühl, David Thewlis, Alicia Vikander, Laura Linney Biopic/thriller The story of Julian Assange and the formation of WikiLeaks. A decent, surprisingly fair thriller that falters by trying to be too hip. Rated R
Machete Kills HHHS
The Fifth Estate HHHS
Grace Unplugged S Don Jon HHHH
zero originality and a heaping helping of unpersuasive proselytizing. Rated pg
fact-Based drama Fact-based drama about the man who served as White House butler from Ike to Reagan. Lee Daniels feels constrained with a PG-13 rating, but his film still resonates with honest emotion and solid filmmaking that manages to pack more than 80 years of story into two hours without feeling rushed. Rated pg-13
Concussion HHHHS Robin Weigert, Julie Fain Lawrence, Maggie Siff, Jonathan Tchaikovsky, Emily Kinney
HHHHH = max rating
A.J. Michalka, James Denton, Kevin Pollak, Shawnee Smith, Michael Welch christian drama A Christian singer runs off to L.A. to chase her dream of becoming a pop musician, only to find out things aren’t as special as they seem. A professionally made film with
Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Mel Gibson, Demian Bichir, Carlos Estevez (aka Charlie Sheen) absurd action fantasy Machete is back in another outrageous exploitation action picture — this time saving the world from mad Mel Gibson. It’s not high art and it’s not quite as good as the first film, but it’s pretty safe to say that if you liked Machete you’ll enjoy Machete Kills. I had a good time with it, which is all I wanted. Rated R
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The Company of Wolves HHHHS faiRy-taLE hoRRoR Calling The Company of Wolves (1985) a horror movie does it a disservice. It’s not inaccurate, but this magical, allegorical fairy tale — that catapulted its filmmaker to international fame — is considerably more than a horror picture. In fact, it’s more art film than horror flick, and some aspects of it are just plain inexplicable and surreal. Whatever you call it, though, it’s unique, and it established Jordan as a major fantasist. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Company of Wolves Thursday, Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The Old Dark House HHHHH BLack comEdy hoRRoR This year’s Halloween offering from the Asheville
Film Society is James Whale’s classic — and long considered lost — The Old Dark House, starring Boris Karloff. Stranded by a rainstorm and landslides, a group of travelers takes refuge with a very peculiar family in an old, dark house. The film is one of the delights of Golden Age horror — as much a black comedy as a horror film when all is said and done. That’s not to say there’s no menace (oh, there’s plenty of that), but it’s all underscored with dark and extremely quirky humor. Essential viewing. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Old Dark House Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
The House That Dripped Blood HHHS hoRRoR Quaint is the first word that comes to mind for this mild British horror
film by Amicus Productions. To put it in perspective, this is a movie calling itself The House That Dripped Blood, in which we see nary a drop of the red stuff. It’s a poky little horror anthology loosely — very loosely — tied to the namesake (albeit rather anemic) house. Fun in its peculiarly reticent way, but not exactly horrific. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The House That Dripped Blood Sunday, Oct. 27, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Persepolis HHHHS animatEd fancifuL Biopic Pretty amazing film version of Marjane
Satrapi’s autobiographical comic Persepolis, about an Iranian girl growing up in the shadow of two oppressive regimes. Though playful in tone, it’s a narrative that goes much deeper than one might expect. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Persepolis Friday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
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ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE NONPROFIT seeks a full time organizer and researcher for our Asheville office with strong communication and analytical skills, a science background, and proven commitment to social justice. Request full job description and requirements from hope@ cwfnc.org. Deadline for applications: October 31, 2013. Spanish and media skills preferred. No calls or hard copy applications, please. OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAnT Administrative Assistant needed for a Physicians’ Practice Management Company. Full time, starting pay range of $12-15 per hour. No calls; please submit resume and cover letter to jobs@ecpmd. com.
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CERTIFIED PHARMACY TECHNICIAN • TEMPORARY (This position is fulltime/temporary with benefits and may run only until the end of the fiscal year 6/30/14). Community Care of Western North Carolina is seeking a full-time/temporary, Certified Pharmacy Technician, to assist a Clinical Pharmacist with Pharmacotherapy duties. The ideal candidate will be very detail-oriented, selfmotivated, and demonstrate excellent computer skills (Excel, Word, Outlook, Power Point) and 2+ years experience. If interested, please send resume to: hr@ccwnc. org and reference job code: “Temp RX Tech”. VETERINARY RECEPTIONIST Opening for a full-time receptionist in a busy AAHAaccredited practice. We're looking for an exceptional individual with a strong work ethic and good communication skills. Someone who wants to put forth the extra effort needed to achieve the high-quality service our clients expect. 3 to 5 years of veterinary experience required. Pay: $12.00 to $17.00, depending on
experience. No phone calls, submit resume and cover letter to ann_503.2013@yahoo. com
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Child and Family Services JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist for an exciting opportunity to serve youth and their families through Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Julie Durham-Defee, julie. durham-defee@meridianbhs. org Haywood County Program Assistant Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Responsible for providing administrative support for the Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) by generally organizing, coordinating and monitoring all non-clinical operations of the ACTT, under the supervision of the ACTT Team Leader. Must be detail oriented, have strong communication and computer skills and be able to work in a team environment. Two years of clerical/ office experience preferred. High School Diploma or GED required. For more information please contact Amy Wilson, amy.wilson@meridianbhs.org Cherokee County Psychiatric nurse Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) Position open for a licensed nurse to work on an Assertive Community Treatment Team in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model. If
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CARE MANAGERS • REGION SPECIFIC Community Care of Western North Carolina is seeking Care Managers in Central Region (Buncombe Co) and South Counties Region
you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience a service that really works! Must have two years of psychiatric nursing experience. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@ meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs. org/open-positions.html BILINGUAL VISIT MONITOR The Mediation Center is looking for a part-time Bilingual Visit Monitor to provide supervision, support, and coaching to families during supervised visits and exchanges. More info and application instructions at www. mediatewnc.org/job CHILDPLAY THERAPIST Great opportunity to build a practice with referrals. Must be experienced with play therapy and working with children and families. Must be able to bill for Medicaid. Send resume to: trcbruce@bellsouth.net or contact Bruce at The Relationship Center (828) 777-3755. FuLL TIME PATH PEER SuPPORT SPECIALIST Homeward Bound of WNC PATH Team is seeking FT NC Peer Support Specialist (Certified/Certification eligible). Experience with homelessness/SPMI preferred. Please email resumes, cover letter, and references to tracy@homewardboundwnc.org. ON-CALL WEEKEND PRN Liberty Corner Enterprises, a leading provider of residential services for people with disabilities, is hiring for On-Call Weekend (PRN) fill-in positions. Pay is $9/hour. Some upfront training during weekdays required. Must be available with short notice and have a reliable vehicle. • Work sites in Asheville, Clyde, Balsam, and Bryson City. Apply at 147 Coxe Avenue, Asheville. Please Write ON-CALL on the top of your application and days/ hours available.
QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL WNC Group Homes provides residential supports to people who have Autism, Intellectual Disabilities. WNC Group Homes is recruiting for fulltime Administrative Qualified Professional. Qualified applicants must have minimum education of BA/BS in Social Services or related field, and two years post graduation related work experience. Days and hours of work may vary, but will generally be MondayFriday. Applications will be received until October 30, 2013. • For additional information and applications visit on our website at www.wncgrouphomes.org • Applications can be submitted to 28 Pisgah View Avenue, Asheville, NC 28803 or via email to gabyj@ wncgrouphomes.org
THE ASHEVILLE OFFICES OF FAMILY PRESERVATION SERvICES Is seeking the following: QP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; MD/PA/nP to work with adults in our Center for Recovery, Education and Wellness; LCSW to work with adults in our outpatient therapy office; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work with adults on our ACT Team. Please send resumes to csimpson@fpscorp.com
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the organization with questions. Apply by November 6.
QuALITY EnHAnCEMEnT PLAN (QEP)COORDINATOR The QEP Coordinator provides leadership for the ongoing planning, implementation, assessment, and continuous improvement of the College’s Quality Enhancement Plan – Student Online Success (SOS). The Coordinator works with Student Services and IT to ensure that student assessment of online learning preparedness is completed and recorded. The Coordinator also collaborates with other divisions of the college to provide the three interventions for students as determined by the assessment. The Coordinator directly plans and facilitates the “Fast Track to Online Learning” workshops. The Coordinator collaborates with the Director of Curriculum Quality Assurance and Assessment and the Director of Research and Planning for QEP assessment activities and the Director of Faculty Development and the Director of ISOL to offer professional development opportunities based on assessment findings. • Minimum Requirements: 1. Master’s Degree in Education, Instructional Design, Instructional Technology or related field; 2. One or more years of experience in the design and development of online courses; 3. One or more years of teaching experience in higher
PROFESSIONAL/ MAnAgEMEnT CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR Dogwood Alliance, seeks a full-time Campaign Director for the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel Campaign. This position is senior-level. See www.dogwoodalliance.org for the full job announcement and how to apply. www.dogwoodalliance.org EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Organic Growers School, a growing Asheville-based nonprofit providing classroom and field–based education on organic farming, gardening, and organic living seeks a dynamic manager and program developer to oversee all aspects of the organization including program expansion to new venues and methods of reaching an enthusiastic audience. A full-time position serving the growers and residents of Western North Carolina. More at www. organicgrowersschool.org/ jobs/ • Please do not call
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octoBER 23 - octoBER 29, 2013
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19) “I’m greedy,” says painter David Hockney, “but I’m not greedy for money: I think that can be a burden. I’m greedy for an exciting life.” According to my analysis, Aries, the cosmos is now giving you the go-ahead to cultivate Hockney’s style of greed. As you head out in quest of adventure, here’s an important piece of advice to keep in mind. Make sure you formulate an intention to seek out thrills that educate and inspire you rather than those that scare you and damage you. It’s up to you which kind you attract.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) French philosopher Simone Weil described the following scene: “Two prisoners in adjoining cells communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. The wall is the thing which separates them but is also their means of communication.” This muted type of conversation is a useful metaphor for the current state of one of your important alliances, Taurus. That which separates you also connects you. But I’m wondering if it’s time to create a more direct link. Is it possible to bore a hole through the barrier between you so you can create a more intimate exchange?
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) “I had tended to view waiting as mere passivity,” says author Sue Monk Kidd in her memoir. “When I looked it up in my dictionary, however, I found that the words ‘passive’ and ‘passion’ come from the same Latin root, pati, which means ‘to endure.’ Waiting is thus both passive and passionate. It’s a vibrant, contemplative work . . . It involves listening to disinherited voices within, facing the wounded holes in the soul, the denied and undiscovered, the places one lives falsely.” This is excellent counsel for you, Gemini. Are you devoted enough to refrain from leaping into action for now? Are you strong enough to bide your time?
CANCER (June 21-July 22) “Venice is to the man-made world what the Grand Canyon is to the natural one,” said travel writer Thomas Swick in an article praising the awe-inciting beauty of the Italian city. “When I went to Venice,” testified French novelist Marcel Proust, “my dream became my address.” American author Truman Capote chimed in that “Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs at one go.” I bring this up, Cancerian, because even if you don’t make a pilgrimage to Venice, I expect that you will soon have the chance, metaphorically speaking, to consume an entire box of chocolate liqueurs at one go. Take your sweet time. Nibble slowly. Assume that each bite will offer a distinct new epiphany. 78
OCTOBER 23 - OCTOBER 29, 2013
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Scorpios are obsessive, brooding, suspicious, demanding and secretive, right? That’s what traditional astrologers say, isn’t it? Well, no, actually. I think that’s a misleading assessment. It’s true that some Scorpios are dominated by the qualities I named. But my research shows that those types of Scorpios are generally not attracted to reading my horoscopes. My Scorpios tend instead to be passionately focused, deeply thoughtful, smartly discerning, intensely committed to excellence and devoted to understanding the complex truth. These are all assets that are especially important to draw on right now. The world has an extraordinarily urgent need for the talents of you evolved Scorpios.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Do you have any interest in reworking — even revolutionizing — your relationship with the past? If so, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to do so. Cosmic forces will be on your side if you attempt any of the following actions: 1. Forgive yourself for your former failures and missteps. 2. Make atonement to anyone whom you hurt out of ignorance. 3. Reinterpret your life story to account for the ways that more recent events have changed the meaning of what happened long ago. 4. Resolve old business as thoroughly as you can. 5. Feel grateful for everyone who helped make you who you are today.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) “As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers, seek teachings everywhere,” advises the Tibetan Buddhist holy text known as the Dzogchen Tantra. That’s your assignment, Virgo. Be a student 24 hours a day, seven days a week — yes, even while you’re sleeping. (Maybe you could go to school in your dreams.) Regard every experience as an opportunity to learn something new and unexpected. Be ready to rejoice in all the revelations, both subtle and dramatic, that will nudge you to adjust your theories and change your mind.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Don’t you wish your friends and loved ones would just somehow figure out what you want without you having to actually say it? Wouldn’t it be great if they were telepathic or could read your body language so well that they would surmise your secret thoughts? Here’s a news bulletin: IT AIN’T GOING TO HAPPEN! EVER! That’s why I recommend that you refrain from resenting people for not being mind readers, and instead simply tell them point-blank what you’re dreaming about and yearning for.
They may or may not be able to help you reach fulfillment, but at least they will be in possession of the precise information they need to make an informed decision
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) “If you’re in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark.” That helpful advice appears in Norwegian Wood, a novel by Haruki Murakami. Now I’m passing it on to you, just in time for your cruise through the deepest, darkest phase of your cycle. When you first arrive, you may feel blind and dumb. Your surroundings might seem impenetrable and your next move unfathomable. But don’t worry. Refrain from drawing any conclusions whatsoever. Cultivate an empty mind and an innocent heart. Sooner or later, you will be able gather the clues you need to take wise action.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Have you thought about launching a crowdfunding campaign for your pet project? The coming weeks might be a good time. Have you fantasized about getting involved in an organization that will help save the world even as it feeds your dreams to become the person you want to be? Do it! Would you consider hatching a benevolent conspiracy that will serve as an antidote to an evil conspiracy? Now is the time. You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you have more power than usual to build alliances. Your specialties between now and Dec. 1 will be to mobilize group energy, round up supporters and translate high ideals into practical action.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) In 2008, writer Andrew Kessler hung out with scientists at NASA’s mission control as they looked for water on the planet Mars. Three years later, he published a book about his experiences, Martian Summer: Robot Arms,
Cowboy Spacemen, and My 90 Days with the Phoenix Mars Mission. To promote sales, he opened a new bookstore that was filled with copies of just one book: his own. I suggest that you come up with a comparable plan to promote your own product, service, brand or personality. The time is right to summon extra chutzpah as you expand your scope.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Right now you have a genius for escaping, for dodging, for eluding. That could be expressed relatively negatively or relatively positively. So, for instance, I don’t recommend that you abscond from boring but crucial responsibilities. You shouldn’t ignore or stonewall people whose alliances with you are important to keep healthy. On the other hand, I encourage you to fly, fly away from onerous obligations that give you little in return. I will applaud your decision to blow off limitations that are enforced by neurotic habits, and I will celebrate your departure from energy-draining situations that manipulate your emotions.
education; 4. One or more years of experience using a learning management system; 5. Working knowledge of best practices in instructional design and online course delivery. • Salary Range: $46,740 - $52,578. • Click on the hyperlink to view job vacancy or to complete online application: https://abtcc.peopleadmin.com/ postings/2499
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Hotel/Hospitality PART-TIME HOST & HOUSEKEEPER - SOUTH ASHEVILLE (ARDEN) B&B in need of parttime Host & Housekeeper (3 afternoons per week & Sundays). Experience preferred. Email resume to: blakehouseinn@gmail. com. No phone calls please. blakehouseinn@gmail.com blakehouse.com
Salon/ Spa STYLIST Experienced or new and motivated Stylist needed. The WaterLily Organic Salon is looking to expand their team. Are you looking for a healthier environment to do hair in? Starting to suffer from allergies from the toxic chemicals in most salons? Or do you just need a more relaxed and friendly place to work? Call 505-3288 or email a resume to info@waterlilysalon.com: all inquiries should be addressed to Alissa Neill.
Xchange Appliances HEAT PUMPS Starting at $2995, installed. Trane or Airtemp. (828) 215-9087. Spence Heating and Air.
Yard Sales 2 DAY ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE To benefit Congregation Beth Israel. • Sunday, October 27, 8am-4pm • Monday, October 28, 8am-3pm. • Tools, furniture, kitchen supplies, kids’ stuff, clothing, books and much more! 229 Murdock Avenue (Across from Weaver Park). BILTMORE PARK COMMUNITY YARD SALE FALL IS HERE! • Sat. Nov. 2. 8 amnoon.• Don't miss this now famous sale! Huge variety including antiques, household items, clothing, holiday decor and gift items, furniture, toys, sport and exercise equipment, and much, much more! • I-26, exit 37 (Long Shoals Road), turn between McDonald's and CVS. Look for balloons on mailboxes at participating homes!
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Transportation MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION/ CASINO TRIPS • Cherokee casinos weekly trips. Call for more info 828-215-0715 or visit us at: cesarfamilyservices.com/transportation.html
Home Improvement Handy Man HIRE A HUSBAND Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
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AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES WE'LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area, off exit 15. Please call (828) 275-6063 for appointment. www.wellfixitautomotive.com
thE nEw yoRk timES cRoSSwoRd puzzLE
1 Highly
intelligent invertebrates 7 1970s-’80s sketch comedy show 11 Josh 14 Brazen promoter 15 Hound’s quarry 16 Veiled words? 17 Kingship 18 Shop door sign 19 Second-highest pinochle card 20 Get an ___ (ace) 21 Not showing much life 23 German greeting 25 Transcription, e.g. 27 ___ Millions (multistate lottery) 28 47, for Ag 29 Pick up on the innuendo 33 Yoga surface 36 Arctic ___ (migrating bird)
37 38
43 44 45
46 49 53 54 57 59 60 61 62 64 66
Vientiane native Adage regarding skittishness Prefix with cortex Luxury hotel name Private investigator, in old slang “Charlotte’s Web” rat Pre-K song start ___ fixe A little less than 100% Toes the line Egyptian dam site Discouraging words Inventor’s award Fiber-yielding plant Croupier’s workplace E-tailer’s address
68 69
70 71
No.0918 Edited by Will Shortz
Watson who played Hermione Granger “Hey” “That inverted Bowl,” per Edward FitzGerald The “cetera” of “et cetera” Heading on a baseball scoreboard
11 16
27 29
53 57
1 Home
of the Senators 2 Associate 3 Retire for the evening 4 Ear: Prefix 5 Atoner 6 Memorable hurricane of 2011 7 What a constant channel-surfer may have 8 Lt.’s superior 9 One less than quattro 10 “Ben-Hur” theme 11 Plant with fluffy flower spikes 12 Writer’s block buster 13 End of a doorbell sound 22 Business card abbr. 24 “That’s awful!” 26 Heavy reading? 27 ___ badge 30 London’s ___ Gardens 31 Slangy turndown 32 Buzz Lightyear, for one 34 Does away with
No. 0918
edited by Will Shortz
49 55
59 63
35 38 39 40 41 42 47 48
“Takes a licking …” brand Prov. on Hudson Bay Bridal bio word With skill Block buster? Green vehicle, briefly Be inquisitive Not the past or the future
50 51 52 55 56
Mexican hero Juárez Worker with DNA, perhaps Some vacuum cleaners Arm of the sea? Where to see “bombs bursting” Great work
Dog’s warning
Magazine filler
Punk rock subgenre
Belarus, until 1991: Abbr.
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