Mountain Xpress 11.06.13

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ALSO INSIDE How local chefs and farmers beat the cold, page 34 Shannon Whitworth, from bluegrass to blue seas, page 42




noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



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pagE 10

Breaking the code


In 2011, women held 57 percent of all professional positions in the United States but only 25 percent of technology jobs, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Xpress explores that gender discrepancy locally to find out if the Asheville area bucks the national trend.

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15 gaiNiNg authORity Buncombe Cultural Recreation Authority holds first meeting

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34 wiNtER haRVEst Local chefs and farmers strategize for ways to beat the cold

42 watERMaRk Shannon Whitworth departs Americana on High Tide


28 yOuNg at hEaRt Asheville yoga teacher Lillah Schwartz explains how yoga can aid the elderly


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cOpyRight 2013 By Mountain Xpress adVERtisiNg cOpyRight 2013 By Mountain Xpress aLL Rights REsERVEd


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puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E REpoRtER: Alli Marshall sEnioR nEws REpoRtER: David Forbes staff REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Caitlin Byrd, Carrie Eidson, Jake Frankel, Lea McLellan Gina Smith caLEndaR/faRm&gaRdEn EditoR

Voted Best Of WNC

Yoga Studio 2011, 2012, 2013

Jen Nathan Orris cLuBLand EditoR, wRitER: Dane Smith food sEction cooRdinatoR: Gina Smith EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Lea McLellan moViE REViEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke

caRtoon By Randy moLton

EditoRiaL intERns: Brandy Carl, Max Miller, Micah Wilkins contRiButing EditoRs: Jon Elliston, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

Art Museum money is not a tax I have something amazing to say: I agree with Ken Michalove in his recent letter about voting to change government if you don’t like it (see “Don’t Like Asheville Government? Vote.” Oct. 30 Xpress). Amen. But alas, there it ends. I am so tired of reading Mr. Michalove’s false information about the Art Museum and the City Council. The $2 million appropriation to the museum is not a tax. It is money for a city-owned building on city-owned property for infrastructure. The city is spending money on their own property. Why is that so difficult to understand? For weeks, Mr. Michalove has spewed misinformation to anyone who will read or listen about this appropriation, the current state of the museum and the expansion project. I, for one, am sick of it. I don’t have children, but I am very happy to pay taxes for public schools because it is not just about me, but about society and the city that we want for the future. I think it quite healthy to disagree, but unhealthy when the information being given is just plain wrong. I urge you to call the museum or talk to people who actually know the truth.

I hope you joined Mr. Michalove in voting this year. It is a special responsibility shared by all of us who make up this wonderful city. — Andrew Glasgow Asheville

We need a fresh start Asheville citizens paying even rudimentary attention to the problems in the city are acutely aware of the lack of proper oversight by the city manager, the mayor and Council during this past four-year election cycle. The issues have been spun to us as politically motivated by the people most responsible for the scandals and costly incompetencies. These are some of the problems that we (the community) are aware of: • Fraud in the Human Resource Department. • Sexual harassment at the Asheville Police Department, which should have been handled through chain of command, but was ignored, went to court and [resulted in the] city paying [a settlement]. • Pack Place overruns. • Evidence-room investigation and missing items / $175,000 to investigate. • ABC liquor board 125-page report on Curtis Canty.

State of the art facility * donation based yoga * 80 classes weekly 8 Brookdale Road, Asheville

contRiButing wRitERs: Jonathan Ammons, Sharon Bell, Brandy Carl, Bridget Conn, Michael Franco, Steph Guinan, Ursula Gullow, Jordan Lawrence, Max Miller, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Katie Souris, Justin Souther, Micah Wilkins aRt & dEsign managER: Megan Kirby gRaphic dEsignERs: Laura Barry, Lori Deaton adVERtising managER: Susan Hutchinson maRkEting associatEs: Nichole Civiello, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kenneth Trumbauer, John Varner infoRmation tEchnoLogiEs managER: Stefan Colosimo wEB tEam: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger

We Want Your Junk

officE managER & BookkEEpER: Patty Levesque assistant officE managER: Lisa Watters distRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant distRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery distRiBution: Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Ronald Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


Haley loves her VW. FREE iPad! Purchase or sell a home using Marshall Real Estate & receive a new iPad at closing! Contact: Brian Marshall at 828-243-0295 Serving Asheville & surrounding areas since 2000

Photo: Max Cooper, Mountain Xpress

When you buy a car from a dealership, you also sign up for a long-term relationship with the service department. I don’t know much about cars, but Harmony Motors took care of me and my previous vehicle and I was always very pleased with the friendliness and integrity of their service department — so I really wanted to buy my new car from Harmony Motors. After extensive research, I fell in love with the Jetta TDI Sportwagen. Fun to drive, easy to haul my dog in, and the mileage I get with the VW clean diesel technology has cut my fuel bill in half. In fact, I drove to Miami for $75! Beach, anyone?

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This project receives support from the North Carolina Arts Council, adivision of the Department of Cultural Resources, with funding from theNational Endowment for the Arts.


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


• Ongoing issues with Asheville Police Department, and a continuing denial that issues exist by Councilman Bothwell. While crime is on the increase, the department is down over 40 officers and trained officers are leaving after training at great taxpayer expense. • Complete lack of oversight by city staff and elected officials, leading to the demise of our publicaccess station. With all of the above, our sitting councilmen and vice mayor still have confidence in both themselves and the city staff responsible for the ongoing issues. We need a Council and mayor that will do their job of oversight first and foremost. Clearly, based on the evidence above, we have not been getting that oversight, and there is no telling just how much more has happened that we are not informed of. Lack of proper oversight is costing the citizens of Asheville way too much. — Davyne Dial Asheville

coRREction A Small Bites article in last week’s issue (“All Souls Pizza Adds Lunch and More,” Oct. 30 Xpress) incorrectly said that All Souls Pizza will host a supper for the West Asheville Tailgate Market on Tuesday, Nov. 19. The event will actually take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at The Hub, 278 Haywood Road. All Souls plans to host an event for the market next season.


caRtoon By BREnt BRown

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


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Walking in community

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By jack igELman

Walk any day along the Hominy Creek Greenway (not to be confused with Hominy Creek River Park) and you’ll pass scores of walkers, nature lovers, runners and families. To me, this represents quite an achievement. For years, West Asheville residents have walked and jogged the narrow path cleared by the Metropolitan Sewerage District between Sand Hill Road and Shelburne Road beside Hominy Creek, but the property only recently entered the public domain. The lion’s share of the credit belongs to Doug “Brotherhug” Barlow, who led the effort to protect the space after moving here from Atlanta in 2006. “It’s a magical place,” he says. “The first time I saw the land, I immediately felt it needed to be public space.” The price tag, however, was far too high. So Barlow set out to convince public officials of the value of the 12-acre wedge of land. His case for more green space is a familiar one: Urban parkland can improve ecological health, provide a place to play and gather, and help residents connect with nature, making the city more livable. Thanks in large part to Barlow’s efforts (though he’s quick to credit all those who contributed labor and money), a coalition of public and private interests bought the land in February of 2011. The joint effort included the city of Asheville, Buncombe County, individuals and fundraising campaigns by the Blue Ridge Bicycle Club and RiverLink. The tract follows a portion of the route of the world’s first hydroelectric-powered trolley, created by lumber baron and developer Edwin Carrier in 1892. From the get-go, Barlow envisioned a community park planned by the community. For him, spearheading neighborhood movements is nothing new: In the 1980s, Barlow helped transform two acres of derelict urban Atlanta into a beloved community park and land trust. This time, he helped launch the Friends of Hominy Creek Greenway, which is

Urban parkland can improve ecological health, provide a place to play and gather, and help residents connect with nature, making the city more livable. partnering with local government, RiverLink, Asheville GreenWorks, the Blue Ridge Bicycle Club and Asheville on Bikes to improve and manage the property. Last year, the group signed a stewardship agreement with the city to preserve the greenway’s wild nature and history while connecting West Asheville to the French Broad River, downtown and other areas. The first fruits will be on display Nov. 12 at RiverLink (see box). It’s hardly the first time Buncombe County residents have teamed up to improve their community, notes Claudia Nix, coowner of Liberty Bicycles. She and her husband, Mike, have been at it for decades. Back in 1974, they hosted a public meeting to discuss the need for more bike facilities, launching a long-term commitment to promoting green space and cycling culture. The difference today, Claudia maintains, is that there are more people involved. She recently served on the county’s Greenways and Trails Commission, which was disbanded after the Greenway Master Plan was approved last year. Nix and other former commission members subsequently founded the Friends of Connect Buncombe to help bring the plan to fruition and link existing pockets of nature throughout the county. “We’re not politicians,” notes Nix. “We’re community people, and we really want to go out and do the work ourselves.” Commissioner Holly Jones echoed that sentiment recently, saying residents are eager to get involved with future park projects. In fact, that’s an absolute necessity, and after observing the wrangling and politics surrounding appointments to the powerful new county Culture and Recreation Authority,

I’m even more inspired to help expand the type of grass-roots, bottom-up approach that folks like Barlow and Nix, and groups like RiverLink, have passionately pursued for decades. Still, it’s a hard truth that volunteer-driven projects can be plagued by lack of continuity in leadership, conflicting goals and, says Nix, the fact that we’re all fighting for the same limited pool of funds. “One of our big challenges is painting a picture that shows the general public how all this ties together,” she notes. Nonetheless, Nix believes people are starting to experience the broader benefits a network of green space can provide. The Hominy Creek Greenway is a good place to see that kind of community-based change firsthand, but a lot of hard work still lies ahead. Please join us. X Jack Igelman is a trustee of the Friends of Hominy Creek Greenway Inc. For more information, visit

what: Hominy Creek Greenway Master Planning Public Input Meeting whEn: Tuesday, Nov. 12, 4-7 p.m. whERE: RiverLink offices, 170 Lyman St. who: The public is invited to come review and comment on the draft master plan. Brief small-group sessions will invite specific user groups to discuss their needs, opportunities and challenges. 4:20 and 5:40 p.m.: runners/walkers 4:40 and 6 p.m.: cyclists 5 and 6:20 p.m.: pet owners 5:20 and 6:40 p.m.: beach/park users

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Breaking the code

soLving proBLems: Hannah Sexton works with her peers on the UNC Asheville coding team. On the six-person team, Sexton is the only female.

story And photo By cAitlin Byrd

Gender stereotypes hinder women in tech fields

“We always joke around and say, ‘You’ve just got to pull your big-girl panties on and go with it.’ But I don’t think men understand the adversity women face in the workplace.” engineer Lynn Banks


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

Once a week, the computer scientist dons ballet shoes and dances her heart out. The dancing began in third grade; computer science didn’t start until college, and mathematics has been a constant. But as the only female member of UNC Asheville’s student programming team, hannah sexton says she’s used to being the only woman in the room. “In general, it tends to be more of a male-dominated field,” she notes. “It was interesting for me, because in middle school some of the best kids in math were females, but it seems as they get older it’s more males.” Nonetheless, Sexton stuck with it. At Buncombe County Early College, she took Calculus I and II. “It was what challenged me, but in a way, I enjoyed it,” the UNCA senior recalls. So when she got to UNCA, Sexton expected to major in applied mathematics. But a required computer programming course prompted a course correction: She switched to a double major, adding computer science to the mix. And this year, Sexton joined the six-person programming team, which competes in the annual

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. The highprofile event poses problems requiring both an understanding of complex mathematical concepts and top-notch coding skills. The team’s gender breakdown, however, reflects that of the tech industry as a whole. In 2011, women held 57 percent of all professional positions in the country but only 25 percent of technology jobs, according to U.S. Department of Labor statistics. Meanwhile, the local tech industry is growing — about 3.5 percent in the last five years, says Ben Teague, economic development director for the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce. That’s good news for information technology professionals, computer programmers and software developers. But details about Asheville’s tech sector remain sketchy: Most of the data is more anecdotal than empirical, and both men and women in the field here maintain that how the industry grows locally could be just as important as how quickly it develops.

“Technological advancements are shaping our culture. The people who do this don’t need to all be just one type of person — usually your white American male.”

don’t think men understand the adversity women face in the workplace. They certainly have their own challenges that they meet each day, but we’re quite different from them.” Female pioneers

For women hoping to pursue a career in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), those challenges usually start early. Marietta Cameron, an associate professor of computer science at UNCA, still remembers when her sixth-grade teacher told her male classmates, “‘I would be ashamed of myself if the girls in my UNCA computer science professor class would beat up on me in math the way these two girls are Rebecca Bruce beating up on you guys.’ Later I realized it wasn’t a compliment: This guy was saying women weren’t supposed to be better than men in mathematics.” UNCA, notes Cameron, has no specific program encouraging young women to enroll in STEM fields. But A-B Tech received a nearly Hacking it $200,000 National Science Foundation grant last year to recruit and retain women in its Forty-two people gathered in a classroom June 1 at A-B Tech for Hack for Food, a STEM programs, which include information-systems security, computer engineering, 12-hour “hackathon” sponsored by Code for Asheville, a local nonprofit that’s an arm computer information, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, networking of Code for America. Code groups aim to use technology and community resources to and sustainability. Silvers, who chairs the school’s Business Computer Technologies improve access to data and help modernize government. Department, believes the needed change can begin in the classroom. During the 2010 Hack for Food participants were charged with creating a phone app that would promote 11 school year, she reports, women accounted for about 57 percent of the school’s total access to healthy local food while addressing issues of food insecurity. Each person had a enrollment but only 12 percent of students in its technology programs. Unofficial numrole. Some were city staffers or members of the Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council; bers, says Silvers, suggest that the percentage of women in those programs has now others were computer programmers writing lines of code or building data structures; some grown to 18 percent. were Code for Asheville “brigade” members. A large part of the recruitment effort, she believes, involves changing ideas about who But looking back at the event, Code For Asheville co-captains Dave Michelson and works in STEM fields and what those jobs are actually like. Scott Barnwell noticed a missing link. Not one of the 13 participating women came from “A lot of times, the people we see pictured in stories or ads or anything about technology the tech industry. and engineering tend to be a male working by himself at a desk, as opposed to someone Michelson and Barnwell can’t account for the discrepancy, but it’s much on their minds. working on a team,” she points out. “Part of the campaign we’re doing is ‘Picture yourself “We’re trying to be really proactive on it,” notes Barnwell. “The awareness is there: It’s just trying to figure out how we best address it. We’ve been talking about reaching out to the in technology.’ It’s providing the female role model, showing that other women have been females that participate [in Code for Asheville meet-ups and the online group] and asking successful in these careers.” them what about this appeals to you, and what do you think would help in terms of recruit Amy Daugherty, an environmental science major at A-B Tech, is already filling that ment.” encouraging role even though she’s still a student herself, helping her peers stay the course. When a classmate grew discouraged about an exam grade and seriously considDiffering perspectives ered leaving a STEM program, for example, Daugherty encouraged her to seek tutoring instead, gently reminding her that one grade is not the end. Having someone who under Rebecca Bruce believes there’s a pressing need to address these issues — in the field, in stands the unique challenges women face in these fields, she maintains, can make all the the classroom and in society at large. difference. “Technological advancements, which are made by people in computer science and engi “When it comes to men, they’ve had so many people help them: They have a very paved neering, are shaping our culture. We need to have all sorts of understandings and input path. We’ve had a path that’s been blazed by the wonderful women ahead of us, but it gets into that process of creating technology,” says Bruce, a UNCA computer science professor. overgrown, because there’s not enough of us to keep it cleared,” Daugherty observes. “But “The people who do this don’t need to all be just one type of person — usually your white I truly believe that the more I go through, the easier it’s going to be for other women to American male. So much is lost through having only that one perspective.” That lack of gender balance, she explains, can unintentionally affect the whole dynamic come after me.” of what’s considered acceptable. “It can feel awkward to go into a room where you’re the only female. On a deeper level, Cultural programming however, there is more to being outnumbered. Sometimes there are conversations and Banks, however, believes that while changes in the classroom are important, we also comments and things that fly around that aren’t intended at all to be sexist but in fact are,” need a shift in cultural norms. “I think it has to start with parents and teachers — not she continues. “You do feel the need to prove yourself, or you feel threatened by the fact automatically classifying females with Barbie dolls and princesses, and realizing that that maybe you really don’t belong.” they’d enjoy dropping Mentos in a Coke bottle and watching it explode just as much as When she worked on the space shuttle program in New Mexico, Bruce recalls, there was a little boy.” no women’s restroom at one of the testing sites. She had to use the men’s room and post a Sexton agrees. While she’d love to see more females in the field, she thinks “It would sign when she went in there. have to come to a time when the population in general would not view certain jobs as being Lynn Banks knows that feeling all too well. After attending networking events hosted for women and certain jobs for men.” by Tech After Five and Meet the Geeks, Banks wanted to create a place where she felt In a small way, that change may already have begun. Judging by his own experience, she belonged, rather than situations where maybe 85 percent of the participants are male. Michelson of Code for Asheville believes that a series of small steps and jettisoned assumpSo last year she teamed up with Constance Markley, Dalene Powell and Pam Silvers to tions can eventually add up to major change in the industry’s makeup. “I’ve asked my son found Asheville Women in Technology. The group’s goal, Banks explains, is simple: give if he wanted to learn how to code,” he reveals. “Now I wonder why I haven’t asked my women in the field a support system and mentoring opportunities. daughter, too.” X It seems to be working. The group has about 70 active members, she reports, and on average, about 20 attend the monthly meetings. For more information, go to, or “We always joke around and say there’s no crying in technology: You’ve just got to pull your big-girl panties on and go with it,” notes Banks, an engineer for TSAChoice. “But I




by David Forbes

251-1333 ext. 137


Towers and sunlight Local developer presents plans for 14-story Cambria Suites hotel downtown Longtime local developer and property owner tony fraga can picture a new building at the corner of Battery Park and Page Avenues: an upscale, 14-story hotel and parking garage, complete with a few condominiums. It’s not Fraga’s first idea for the site, which includes the now-vacant Kostas Menswear building. In 2008, he proposed a 23-story condo tower and a 25-story hotel on and near the site — plans that were withdrawn after Fraga failed to muster local government approval due to concerns about its size and potential for construction to disrupt the neighborhood. This time around, Fraga convened an Oct. 30 neighborhood meeting to openly discuss his more modest proposal. “A box would be very simple to do,” he told a small crowd of downtown residents, business owners and city officials who met at Isa’s Bistro in the Haywood Park Hotel complex, which he owns. “This is a building that should be attractive to the community,” Fraga said. “That’s my vision.” With help from john tierney of Choice Hotels and mark mucci of Charlotte-based Mind’s Eye Architecture, Fraga laid out the plan. “My legacy,” he called the project more than once, is a 100,000-square-

foot, terraced building. The hotel would have 141 rooms, and eight condos would add private living space (including one for Fraga and his family). The project also includes conference space and parking for about 145 vehicles. Fraga claimed that the $28 million project, once completed, will create about 100 jobs and help the local economy. He couldn’t promise a complete lack of disruption to surrounding businesses during construction, but said he plans to use Westgate’s space to help ease the effects of a major downtown project. “We know about Asheville,” said Tierney. “The senior vice president owns a home here, so it’s very near and dear to his heart.” He added that the company’s founder also owns a home in the area. “It’s a project that’s gotten a lot of attention internally, and it’s one we’re very proud of and hope to move forward with.” Some meeting attendees expressed support for Fraga’s project, saying that they expected something would go in the space eventually, the new plan seems carefully designed, and the early notice — with Fraga’s call for input — are appreciated. But residents in the adjacent condominium building at 21 Battery Park voiced concern that the new hotel will hamper their view and block the sun. Fraga replied that the construction of 21 Battery Park had blocked the natural light for

thE concEpt: Here’s a preliminary design for the proposed 14-story Cambria Suites hotel. Located on the right is 21 Battery Park, and the Grove Arcade is on the left. Image from FIRC Development Group

many rooms in his hotel, but “that’s part of living in downtown.” He also added that the new design takes steps to mitigate the problem, with plans projecting that the part of the hotel replacing the Kostas building will be only 9 feet higher than the current structure. But as discussions continued, the concern came up again from another 21 Battery Park resident, with a Grove Arcade resident replying that 21 Battery Park had blocked his own “iconic view” of downtown. His comment launched a brief argument about whether the concerns of tenants or owners were more important when it came to expecting their views to remain unobstructed in the future (the Grove Arcade units are rentals). Richard shuttleworth, who lives in the Vanderbilt Apartments about

a block away, attended the event with several other tenants, and told Xpress that he had opposed Fraga’s previous project. The new one has a better design, he said. “This looks like a good project,” Shuttleworth noted: “You need something that adds to the community and that you can make money on. At first blush, this looks like it’s done both.” Mucci repeatedly emphasized that the plans are preliminary, and the developers have yet to submit formal plans to the city of Asheville. Still, Fraga hopes to break ground in April or May and complete it the following year, he told meeting attendees. For a report on Fraga’s previous plan, see “The Big Kibosh,” Nov. 19, 2008, Xpress. X

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by David Forbes

In the line of duty APD honors officer who died in bridge crash

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

Around 1 p.m. on Oct. 29, an Asheville Police Department patrol car went off the Jeff Bowen bridge. Later that afternoon, APD Chief William Anderson announced that the crash had killed Senior Officer Rob Bingaman, 37, who served with the department for six years. Police officials emphasized that it’s still too early to know many of the circumstances of the wreck. The State Highway Patrol is investigating the incident. Donations to help his family can be made to Genevieve Bingaman care of Robert Bingaman Memorial Fund at any Home Trust Bank. — David Forbes X

‘wE haVE Lost onE of ouR own’: Senior Officer Rob Bingaman was killed on Oct. 29 after his patrol car went off the Jeff Bowen bridge and onto Riverside Drive below. APD Chief William Anderson praised Bingaman for his service. Photo from the city of Asheville


by Jake Frankel

251-1333 ext. 115


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New Buncombe Culture & Rec Authority board meets for first time, sets goals

The newly formed Buncombe County Culture and Recreation Authority met for the first time Oct. 29, drafting an ambitious list of goals for the months ahead. The board is charged with governing a powerful new agency that will manage the county’s libraries, parks and recreation facilities. “We’re going to have to set the priorities on how we set the priorities,” said CRA Board Chair (and chair of the Buncombe Board of Commissioners) david gantt. During several hours of discussions facilitated by Lydian altman from the UNC School of Government, the new authority decided that its initial steps will be assessing county needs, evaluating capital recommendations from staff, forming advisory committees and hiring a director. They emphasized that getting community input will be key. In addition to deciding how to handle everyday concerns such as maintenance requests, CRA members face questions over major capital projects recommended by staff. In coming years, plans call for building a new $2.5 million library in east Asheville, implementing $6.1 million in improvements to Buncombe County Sports Park, implementing $3.2 million in improvements to Lake Julian Park, building a $30 million new aquatics facility and more. The authority is funded by a 3.5cent property tax, which isn’t projected to produce enough revenue to pay for all of the recommendations. CRA members decided to have a draft budget ready by February; final approval will be subject to a vote by the board of commissioners. Thinking ahead, CRA board member karen tessier asked the three commissioners on the board — Gantt, joe Belcher and Ellen frost — what their expectations are and “what … they expect of our behavior.”

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gEtting it togEthER: Leaders of the new government entity met to brainstorm how to best manage Buncombe County’s libraries, parks and recreation facilities. Photo by Caitlin Byrd

Frost replied, “I would want good stewardship of the taxpayer dollars.” However, she quickly joined her fellow commissioners in emphasizing that they want citizen appointees to freely bring their thoughts and opinions to the table. “We’re not going to tell you how to vote,” said Gantt. “We want you to use your best independent judgment.” “We’re all equals, and we all want this to succeed,” noted CRA appointee matthew kern. “Because we’re not elected, it doesn’t make us a lesser part of this board.” “This is exciting,” exclaimed Tessier. “This is an incredible creative opportunity.” Altman agreed, noting that it will be the first government authority of its kind in North Carolina (the CRA is the result of a controversial new state law). “If you get this right, folks are going to come knocking in more ways than one. I’m excited for you,” she said.

The authority set its meeting schedule for the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, starting at 4 p.m. The meeting locations are yet to be decided, although several members expressed interest in holding them at different libraries and recreation facilities across the county. Library Director Ed sheary and Parks & Recreation Director fran thigpen are currently serving as interim directors of the authority. The board set a goal of April 1 for filling the position with a permanent replacement. In addition to Tessier (founder of a marketing company) and Kern (owner of a contracting business), two other citizen volunteers serve in the remaining seats: Eleanor johnson, (a retired librarian) and george Briggs (director of the North Carolina Arboretum). X

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828-285-0002 noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


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noV. 6 - noV. 12, 2013

Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. day-By-day caLEndaR is onLinE Want to find out everything that’s happening today, tomorrow or any day of the week? Go to

Calendar Deadlines fREE and paid Listings Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) can’t find youR gRoup’s Listing? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail

fREE Listings onLinE (best)

fostER at thE fEstiVaL: Buncombe County Social Work Services invites anyone over 21 with time, energy, stability and love to the Foster Adopt Fall Festival on Saturday, Nov. 16. Foster care agencies and experienced foster parents will be on site to discuss the importance of placing these children in loving homes. More info:

E-maiL (second best) fax (next best) (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar maiL Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. E-maiL fax (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar maiL Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 in pERson Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

AnimAls Free spAy Vouchers • The Humane Alliance offers free spay services for female felines. Pick up a Dudley Fund voucher at Humane Alliance, Pet Harmony, BWAR, Friends 2 Ferals or Asheville Humane Society. Info and appointment: or 252-2079.

Art AmericAn Folk Art And FrAming Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 281-2134. • Through WE (11/20) - Hide and Seek.

Art At Asu Exhibits take place at Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, unless otherwise noted. Tues.Thurs. & Sat., 10am-6pm; Fri., noon8pm. Donations accepted. Info: or 262-7338. • ONGOING - Susan Webb Tregay: Contemporary Art for Adult Children will be on display in the Community Gallery. • ONGOING - Orna Bentor: Landscapes Within will be on display in the Mayer Gallery. • WE (11/6), 6:30pm - N.C. Poet Laureate Joseph Bathanti will share poetry he wrote in response to Carl Galie’s artwork. Held in the Mezzanine Gallery. • ONGOING - Men Working: The Contemporary Collection of Allen Thomas, Jr. will be on display in the Main Gallery.

Art At BreVArd college Exhibits are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 8848188. • FR (11/8) through FR (12/6) Photography by senior art major Mary Kathryn Webb will be on display at the Spiers Gallery. Opening reception • FR (11/8), 5:30pm - Opening reception. Art At mArs hill uniVersity Weizenblatt Gallery: Mon.-Fri., 9am5pm. Info: • Through WE (11/20) - An exhibition of photographs by Mars Hill alumna Sarah Wilson. Art At uncA Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • Through FR (11/8) - She / Iteration, paintings by UNCA student Annie Jewett, will be on display at Asheville Community Theatre, 35 E. Walnut St.

• FR (11/8) through FR (11/15) - The Wild Known, photography by Amy Schnell. Owen Hall. Art At Wcu Exhibits on display in the Fine Art Museum, unless otherwise noted. Mon.Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am-7pm. Free; donations welcome. Info: or 227-3591. • Through FR (11/22) - Iron Maidens: Women of Contemporary Cast Iron. AsheVille AreA Arts council gAllery 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: or 258-0710. • FR (11/8) through SA (11/30) - Way of Nature / Way of Grace, curated by Ralph Burns. • FR (11/8), 6-9pm - Opening reception. AsheVille Art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with

admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. • ONGOING - Rebels With a Cause, a traveling exhibition of artwork from the Huntsville Museum of Art. • ONGOING - Esteban Vicente: The Art of Interruption will feature paintings, drawings and collages. • Through SU (3/9) - Cityscapes, works by Ben Aronson. AsheVille BookWorks 428 1/2 Haywood Road. Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri., 1-5pm; Sat., 1-4pm. Info: or 255-8444. • Through SA (11/30) Printocracy will celebrate contemporary print culture. AsheVille gAllery oF Art 16 College St. Mon.-Sat., 10am5:30pm; Sun., 1-4pm. Info: or 251-5796. • Through SA (11/30) - A Brush with North Carolina, paintings by Renee Williams. BellA VistA Art gAllery 14 Lodge St. Summer hours: Mon., Wed., & Thurs., 11am4pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 7680246. • Through SA (11/30) - Works by Doug Waterfield and Nicora Gangi. BlAck mountAin center For the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Fri., 10am5pm. Info: BlackMountainArts. org or 669-0930. • Through MO (11/25) Appalachian Pastel Society juried show. BlAck mountAin college museum + Arts center The center, which preserves the legacy of Black Mountain College, is located at 56 Broadway St., Asheville. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 350-8484. • ONGOING - Shaping Craft and Design at Black Mountain College. Blue spirAl 1 38 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, and Sun., noon5pm. Info: or 251-0202. • Through SA (11/30) - Remains to be Seen: An Out of the Box Look at Modern Cremation Containers will feature urns

from Shine on Brightly. • Through TU (12/31) - A group show will feature ceramics by Josh Copus and Marlene Jack, photography by John Dickson and paintings by Peggy N. Root. cAstell photogrAphy 2-C Wilson Alley. Tues.-Sat., by appointment. Fri. & Sat., 11am6pm. Info: castellphotography. com or 255-1188. • Through SA (1/11) - NEXT: New Photographic Visions. discussion Bound Book cluB • TU (11/12), 3pm - Discussion Bound book club: The Paper Garden by Molly Peacock. Hosted by the Asheville Art Museum, 2 S. Pack Square. Free with admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/children under 4 free. Info: ashevilleart. org or 253-3227. eVents At the turchin center Appalachian State University's Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is located at 423 West King St., Boone. Info: 262-3017 or • ONGOING - Photographs by Hugh Morton: An Uncommon Retrospective will be on display in Galleries A and B. FloW gAllery 14 South Main St., Marshall. Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Info: avl. mx/aw. • Through SA (11/9) - Exhibition of works by Flow Gallery members. Foundry 92 Charlotte St. Hours: Mon.Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: • Through TU (12/31) - Talula Love Bottoms: Echoes Collection. Inspired assemblages by Maryanne Pappano. girl scout Art shoW • Through TU (12/31) - A Girl Scout art show will be on display at the RE/MAX Results office, 34 Orange St. Info: groVeWood gAllery Located at 111 Grovewood Road. April-Dec. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm & Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: or 2537651. • Through TU (12/31) - Beauty from Wood: Natural and Paper Forms, bowls and vessels by Bill Luce and paper works by Leo Monahan.

hAen gAllery 52 Biltmore Ave. Mon., Tues. & Sat., 11am-6pm; Wed.-Fri., 10am-6pm & Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 254-8577. • Through SA (11/30) - Lynn Boggess: New Work 2013. hAyWood county Arts council Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86, 86 N. Main St., Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: haywoodarts. org or 452-0593. • Through SA (11/9) - The Master Artists group exhibit. hotel indigo 151 Haywood St. Info: or 239-0239. • WE (11/6), 5-7pm - Opening reception for A Homeward Glance, works by Perry Winkler. irAniAn poster Art exhiBition • Through FR (11/29) Selections from In Search of Lost Causes, an exhibition of Iranian poster art, will be on display in the River Arts District's Flood and Courtyard galleries. • Through FR (11/8) - The exhibit will also be on display in UNCA's Blowers Gallery. micA Fine contemporAry crAFt 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville. Mon. & Sat., 10am-5pm. Sun., noon-5pm. Info: micagallerync. com or 688-6422. • Through SU (11/24) - Works by Margaret Couch Cogswell. n.c. ArBoretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Info: or 6652492. • ONGOING - A LEGO brick sculpture exhibit will feature works by Sean Kenney. one squAre Foot • TH (11/7), 4:30-7:30pm The Upper Curve #9 Gallery/ Studios, 9 Riverside Drive, will host One Square Foot, 12" x 12" works in various mediums. Refreshments served. Info: avl. mx/026. pink dog creAtiVe A multi-use arts space located at 342 Depot St. Info: • FR (11/8) through SA (11/30) - Eli Corbin: People, a collection of impressions and ideas in collage, mixed-media and acrylic, will be on display in the Sam Reynolds Gallery of Pink Dog Creative. Info: 243-0200 or eli@

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


by Hayley Benton & Carrie Eidson

community caLEndaR














Send your event listings to


Fun fundraisers • FR (11/8), 5:30-8pm - Opening reception. push skAte shop & gAllery Located at 25 Patton Ave. Mon.Thurs., 11am-6pm; Fri. & Sat., 11am-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. Info: or 225-5509. • Through MO (12/2) - The Arts of Darkness III, a Halloween group show. riVer Arts district studio stroll • SA (11/9) & SU (11/10), 10am6pm - The River Arts District will present a studio stroll to highlight the various mediums produced in RAD. Info and schedule: rurAl liFe museum • ONGOING Interwoven: Coverlets, Ballads and America’s Discovery of Madison County Folklife will be on display at Mars Hill College's Montague Hall. Info: seVen sisters gAllery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 669-5107. • FR (11/8) through SU (3/16) - Acrylics and oils by Bridgette Martin-Pyles.

Bringing Denver to Asheville what: The Music of John Denver performed by Tom Donnelly and Friends. whERE: Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 N. Pack Square whEn: Sunday, Nov. 10, 3 p.m. $25/$15 for ages 15 and under. Info: or 257-4530. why: The music and words of John Denver will ring out across the country roads of the Blue Ridge Mountains as musician Tom Donnelly, Celtic guitarist Robin Bullock and the Carolina Day School Fifth Grade Chorus perform a concert that benefits local nonprofit MemoryCare, which offers treatment and support for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and other memory disorders. This is not the first time Donnelly and his band have performed this


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

tribute to the legendary folk artist at the Diana Wortham Theatre, playing for the first time at this venue in 2010. “It was a wonderful experience,” says Woodie Dyches, a caregiver with MemoryCare who attended the show with his wife. “My wife had gotten to where she didn’t talk much, but she sang along with the whole show. It really surprised me. I didn’t even know she knew some of those songs.” All proceeds from the event will go directly to the funding of MemoryCare and the MemoryCaregivers Network, which provides support groups and advice for those caring for a loved one with a memory disorder, to ensure the continuation of the organization’s much-needed services to the Asheville area for years to come.

the Bender gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10:30am-5pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 505-8341. • Through TU (12/31) - Through the Future, Brightly, works by Eunsuh Choi and Adam Waimon. trAnsylVAniA community Arts council Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787. • Through FR (11/8) - Isis, works by Christine Kosiba and Shannon Whitworth. upstAirs ArtspAce 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 8592828. • Through (11/15) - The Things We Know: Seven Conceptual Artists. WArren Wilson's holden gAllery The gallery is located on the campus of Warren Wilson College. Info: 771-3038. • Through SU (11/17) - Jefferson Pinder: Work, Video and Performance Artworks, 20032012. • TH (11/7), 7pm - An artist talk with Jefferson Pinder will be

held in the university's Canon Lounge. WhAt is Art? • FR (11/8), 7-9pm - Laughing Mask Candies, 84 N. Lexington Ave., will host What is Art?, "a one-night celebration of cocreative, unique expression" with Keith Kimmel. Free. Info: ZApoW! 21 Battery Park, Suite 101. Mon., Wed. & Fri., noon-8pm. Thurs., noon-5:30pm; Sat., 11am-10pm; Sun. 1-6pm. Info: or 575-2024. • SA (11/9), 5-9:30pm Georgette Pressler will lead a live body painting performance.

Art/crAFt FAirs christmAs crAFt BAZAAr • FR (11/8), noon-7pm & SA (11/9), 9am-3pm - A Christmas craft bazaar will feature 28 crafters and photos with Santa. Held at 85 N. Main St., Weaverville. Free to attend. Info: 645-6721. FAirVieW crAFt And giFt FAir • SA (11/9), 9am-3pm - The Fairview Craft and Gift Fair will feature handmade crafts and gifts by more than 42 crafters, a used book sale, lunch and snacks at the Fairview Community Center, 1357 US-74A. Free. Info: fairviewcommunitycenter. mountAin shApes And colors • SA (11/10), 10am-5pm Mountain Shapes and Colors arts and crafts festival will be held at Southwestern Community College's Swain Center, featuring vendors, food, demonstrations, workshops and more. Located at 60 Almond School Road, Bryson City. Info: t.c. roBerson holidAy mArket • SA (11/9), 9am-3pm - Featuring dozens of local vendors, handmade crafts, food and snacks for purchase, free door prize drawings and $1 raffle tickets. Hosted by T.C. Robertson High School, 250 Overlook Road. Info: http:// tryon Arts And crAFts • Through SA (11/16) - A wearable art show, featuring jewelry, leather work and fiber arts, will be held at the Tryon Arts and Crafts Gallery, 373 Harmon Field Road, Tryon. Mon.-Fri., 9am5pm; Sat., 9am-1pm. Info: or 859-8323.

Auditions & cAll to Artists Attention PHOTOGRAPHERS • STUDIO spAce (pd.) Professional photographer willing to share studio space and equipment with 2-3 serious photographers at very reasonable rates. Studio in Asheville's River Arts District. Bob (828) 712-3237. gArden Art exhiBit • Through MO (11/11) Haywood County Arts Council will accept photograph samples of garden art, including fountains, sculpture and other garden-related works, through nov. 11. Info: Jcc crAFt FAir • ONGOING - JCC seeks artists for its craft fair on nov. 17. Info: tc Arts council’s holidAy shoW • TC Arts Council’s Holiday Show and Sale will accept artwork from nov.18-20 at Transylvania Community Arts Council, 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Info: or 884-2787.

BeneFits AnimAl rescue eVent • WE (11/6), 5:30-7:30pm - An animal rescue event, to benefit goat mountain sanctuary and the Asheville humane society, will feature wine, food, live music and a book signing. Held at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte St. $10/children free. Info: or 575-9525. Book giVing tree • Through TU (12/10) - Oakley Library, 749 Fairview Road, will accept new books or monetary donations valued at $10 or more for its Book Giving Tree program. Books will be distributed to local children in need. Info: 250-4754 or BrunsWick steW FundrAiser • SA (11/9), noon-4pm - A brunswick stew fundraiser at Groce UMC, 954 Tunnel Road, will benefit the united methodist Women's missional outreach. Info: 298-7647. BuncomBe county repuBlicAn Women's cluB • TH (11/14), noon-2pm - The BCRWC will accept donations of new shoes and coats for vet-

erans in need at Cornerstone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road. Guest speaker Rep. Tim Moffitt will address the audience. Free. Info: empty BoWls For lord's Acre gArden • SA (11/9), 6pm - An Empty Bowls event to benefit the lord's Acre garden, which provides organic produce to those in need, will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St. Info and registration: eVeryBody cAn cAn dAnce • FR (11/8), 7:30pm "Everybody CAN CAN Dance," to benefit mAnnA FoodBank and uncA's dance program, will be held in Lipinsky Hall. $5 or four cans of food. Info: or 2325652. FArm Burger Without the Burger • TH (11/7), 8-11pm - "Farm Burger Without the Burger," to benefit AsAp, will feature a multi-course meal created by Chef Chad Campbell. Held at 10 Patton Ave. $45. Registration required. Info: 348-8540. girls night out • TH (11/7), 5-8pm - Girls Night Out, to benefit mainstay, will feature wine, snacks, vendors and a raffle. Hosted by Ashley Gillett Photography at Falderal Winery, 131 Third Ave. W., Hendersonville. Free; raffle tickets $1. Info: or 693-7676. help us pAy the rent • SA (11/9) 1-4pm - mother grove goddess temple will hold "Help Us Pay the Rent" quarterly fundraiser at 70 Woodfin Place. Free to attend; donations accepted; $15 tarot readings. Info: info@mother- or 230-5069. hendersonVille sWing BAnd • SA (11/9), 3pm - The Civitan Club of Hendersonville will host a benefit concert by the Hendersonville Swing Band to fund scholarships for graduating seniors. Held in the auditorium of Hendersonville High School, 1 Bearcat Blvd., Hendersonville. $10. Info: 6968031. leAF schools And streets • WEDNESDAYS, 5-7pm - Wine tasting and jazz, to benefit leAF schools and streets, will be held at 5 Walnut Wine Bar, 5 Walnut St. $5 suggested donation. Info: or mAsked BAll For All • TH (11/7), 6-9pm - "A Renaissance Masked Ball For All," to benefit montford park players, will include food, dancing and a silent auction. Hosted by Asheville Affiliates at The Venue, 21 N. Market St. $25/$20 in advance. Info: or 254-5146. music oF John denVer • SU (11/10), 3pm - The music of John Denver will be performed by Tom Donnelly and Friends, Robin Bullock and the Carolina Day School choir to benefit memorycare. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place. $25. Info: or 257-4530. nAtionAl philAnthropy dAy luncheon • TH (11/14), 11:30am - The Association of Fundraising Professionals will host a luncheon to recognize outstanding contributions at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. $40/$30 in advance. Info and tickets: afp- pints to the rescue • WE (11/13), 4pm-midnight Pints to the Rescue, to benefit Brother Wolf Animal rescue, will feature adoptable dogs from 4-7pm. Held at Hi-Wire Brewing, 197 Hilliard Ave. Free to attend; a portion of sales benefits BWAR. Info: or 707-2872. reynolds shoe driVe • Through SA (11/30) Reynolds Shoe Drive will donate shoes to the survivors of the haiti earthquake. Dropoff location: Carolina Mountain Sales, 1550 Hendersonville Road. Info: or 277-5551. rock And roll For literAcy • SA (11/9), 7:30pm - A concert and dance to benefit the Blue ridge literacy council will featuring Jimmy Baker and the Profits and Mark Warwick of WTZQ. Held at the Hendersonville Elks Lodge, 546 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. $10. Info: silent Auction And dinner • TH (11/14), 5:30-9pm Dinner, dancing and a silent auction, to benefit All souls counseling center, will be held at Asheville Event Center, 221 Sweeten Creek Road. $75. Info: or 259-3369. socks For seniors • ONGOING - Opportunity House will accept socks for local seniors at 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. Info: or 6920575.



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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



by Hayley Benton & Carrie Eidson

Send your event listings to Embroiderers' Guild of America • TH (11/7), 9:30am-noon The monthly meeting of the Embroiderers' Guild of America will be held at Cummings United Methodist Church, 3 Banner Farm Road, Horse Shoe. Info and cost: 696-3829. FemFessionals Lunch • WE (11/13), 11:30am-1pm - FemCity Asheville hosts its November Connection Lunch at Fun Depot, 7 Roberts Road. Registration required. $20/$15 members. Info: femfessionals. com. Four Seasons Toastmasters • WEDNESDAYS, 8-9am - Four Seasons Toastmasters will meet at Lake Pointe Landing, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. Info: fourseasonstoastmasters. com.

‘Tis the season for crafts: Santa Claus will accompany a group of 28 crafters Nov. 8-9 at the Fellowship Center in Weaverville for the 20th annual Christmas craft bazaar, sponsored by the Weaverville United Methodist Church (p. 18).

Project provides assistance to needy families during the holiday season. Sign up at Waddell Client Service Center in Westgate Shopping Center. Info: 242-2848 or eblenfound@ Taste of Compassion • TH (11/14), 5:30-9pm Asheville Humane Society and Animal Compassion Network will host Taste of Compassion wine and food tasting and silent auction at the Crown Plaza Resort Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive. $40. Info: or Trivia Night • WE (11/13), 6:30-9:30pm Environmental Paper Network will host a trivia night at Troy and Sons, 12 Old Charlotte Highway, Suite T. $35. Info: Veteran's Relief Concert • SA (11/9), 7pm - A benefit concert for ABCCM's Veterans Restoration Quarters and Steadfast House will be held at Bent Creek Baptist Church, 1554 Brevard Road, featuring Matthew VanDeBurgh, The God Squad, Zoe Seed and more. A blanket, adult coat or donation will be accepted for admission. Info:


Classes, Meetings & Events MUSIC LESSONS WITH MOSES ATWOOD (pd.) Find your own musical style-- All levels welcome. Songwriting. Voice. Guitar. Piano. Dobro. Music Theo ry. $30 an Hour. mosesatwood@ Especially for Women New to Asheville (pd.) Join Asheville Newcomers to meet other women new to the area. Discover friendships, fun and fabulous finds. Get connected at Unleashing Your Wild Authentic Self Through Painting! (pd.) Saturday, November 9 and Sunday, November 10, 10am4pm. 2 day Intuitive Painting workshops. • $120/both days. • $65/one day. All supplies provided. 252-4828. Appalachian Pastel Society Demonstration • SA (11/9), 10am-noon - The Appalachian Pastel Society will present a free demonstration at Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain. Non-members welcome. Info: or (845) 986-3653.


Asheville Objectivists • WE (11/13), 6pm - Asheville Objectivists will meet in the North Asheville Library Meeting Room, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: Bridge the Gap Between Cultures • WE (11/13), 8pm - United Nations moderator Chris Bashinelli will speak about diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness at the UNCA Highsmith Student Union Alumni Hall. Free. Info: or 251-6666. Comet ISON Presentation • FR (11/8), 7pm - Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute will host a presentation and observing session on the Comet ISON. $20/$15 for seniors and military/$10 for children under 14. Registration required. Info: or 862-5554. Cribbage Gathering • MONDAYS, 6pm - A weekly cribbage game will meet at Atlanta Bread Company, 633 Merrimon Ave. All levels welcome. Training available. Free. Info: Discovery Forum • SA (11/9), 3-4pm Undergraduate students will present their research at WCU's Blue Ridge Hall. Free. Info: 2277383.

Geocaching Day • SA (11/9), 9am-3:30pm - The North Carolina Arboretum will host Geocaching Day, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. Free with $8 parking per vehicle. Info and schedule: or 665-2492.

History Center Located on the A-B Tech campus, 283 Victoria Road. Info: • ONGOING - Douglas Ellington: Asheville's Boomtown Architect exhibit.

Disclaimer Stand-up Open Mic • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge open mic is held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info:

Tree of Life Ceremony • TH (11/7), 6pm - Madison Home Care and Hospice will host a Tree of Life ceremony to remember loved ones who have passed. Held at MCU's Broyhill Chapel. Free. Info: or 649-2705.

The Metro Show • FRIDAYS, 7-8pm - Disclaimer Comedy and Metro Wines present a headlining comedian and featured wine at 169 Charlotte St. $10 includes a glass of wine. Info: or 273-5348.

UNCA Open House • SA (11/9), 8:30am-1:15pm UNCA will host an open house for prospective students. Info and registration: admissions/visit or 251-6481. Veterans Day Observance • MO (11/11), 11am - A Veterans Day observance and appreciation day will be held at the picnic/playground area on the north end of Lake Louise, off of Lake Louise Drive, Weaverville, to honor U.S veterans. Free. Info: 645-7116.

Handmade in America Craft Labs Info and cost: • WE (11/13), 5:30-7:30pm "Critiquing Your Work" will be held at Toe River Arts Council Arts Resource Center, 269 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine.

Veterans' Forum • SA (11/9), 11am - The Edneyville Library, 2 Firehouse Road, Hendersonville, will host a veterans' forum featuring three area veterans telling stories from World War II, Vietnam and more. Free. Info: 685-0110.

International Nonprofit Career Panel • WE (11/13), noon-1pm UNCA will host a "Lunch and Learn" discussion on running nonprofits abroad at Brown Hall's Room 100 and 200. $7.40 for community members. Info: or 251-6666.

Woodcarving 101 • TU (11/12), 5:30pm - Learn about different types of wood, tools and materials needed for carving from master woodcarver Cliff Hannah at the Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave. Sample wood carvings will be on display. Free. Info: 648-2924.

Looking for Mr. Goodbar Meetup • SUNDAYS, 1pm - The "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" group, moderated by Patrick Ochsenreiter, meets weekly at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St., for "banter about what is happening in the world of gay men." Info: or

XAVL Synthesis • SA (11/9) - XAVL Synthesis will feature music, art, fashion, dance and design. Workshops and panel discussions from 2-6:30pm; main event from 8:15pm-2am. Held at The Millroom, 66 Asheland Ave. $15. Info: xasheville.eventbrite. com.

Music Lessons at Asheville Music School • TUESDAYS, 5pm - Asheville Music School, a nonprofit community music school open to all, offers private lessons and group instruction for all instruments, voices and styles. 126 College St. Info: 252-6244. Smith McDowell House

Comedy Disclaimer Comedy • FRIDAYS, 8-9:30pm Disclaimer Comedy presents weekly stand-up at Elaine's Piano Bar in the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. Free. Info:

Dance Beginner Swing Dancing Lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www.SwingAsheville. com Studio Zahiya (pd.) Studio Zahiya, Downtown Dance Classes Monday 7pm Bellydance 1 • Tuesday 8:15am 30 Minute Workout, 9am Hip Hop Workout Dance • Wednesday 5pm Beginner Bellydance, 7pm Bellydance, 7pm High Heels Hip Hop • Thursday 9am Bellydance Workout • 7pm Bollywood • 8pm Hip Hop • Sunday 3pm Yoga for Dancers$13 for 60 minute classes.• 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. • www.studiozahiya. com 828.242.7595. DANCECLUB Dance Classes! (pd.) Monday, 6pm: Jazz/ Funk • Monday, 7:30pm: Burlesque • Tuesday, 6:30pm: Dance & Sweat to Madonna • Wednesday, 6pm: Beginner Modern • Wednesday, 7:30pm: Burlesque • Thursday, 10am: Booty Camp Exercise. $9-$11/ class. 114 N. Lexington Avenue. 828-275-8628. FUN FLIRTY DANCE CLASSES WITH CHRISTINE GARVIN! (pd.) November sessions include Hip Hop, Madonna/ Janet style, and Jazzy Showgirl Booty Camp. Info at or Asheville Mardi Gras Theme Party • FR (11/8), 8pm - Asheville Mardi Gras will host its annual Theme Reveal Party at the Millroom, 66 Asheland Ave., featuring DJ Sloan Wolf and a giveaway fundraiser for Manna

FoodBank; patrons are encouraged to bring food donations to enter. $10/members free. Info: mountAin shAg cluB • TUESDAYS - The Mountain Shag Club meets weekly at Fred's Speakeasy, 2310 Hendersonville Road, Arden. Free lessons from 6:30-7pm. Shag DJ from 7-10pm. $5. Info:

eco crisis in FukushimA • TH (11/7), 7pm - UNC Asheville professor Dot Sulock will discuss the impact of the nuclear plant meltdown in Fukushima, Japan, at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Free. Info: 2504750 or westasheville.library@ mAster plAnning open house • TU (11/12), 4-7pm - Master Planning Open House for the Hominy Creek Greenway and Park will be held at the RiverLink offices, 170 Lyman St. Free to attend. Info:, jack@igel- or 216-0888. reclAiming selF-reliAnce • TH (11/7), 7pm - Transition Hendersonville will host a "Preparing for the Future by Reclaiming Our Self-Reliance" forum in BRCC's Blue Ridge Conference Hall. Free. Info: sAhc streAm restorAtion • FR (11/8), 2-4pm - Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy will host an open house and tour of its stream restoration and mitigation bank project site. Held at SAHC's community farm in Alexander. Free. Info and directions: or 253-0095. tire dump Work dAy • SA (11/9), 10am-3pm - Asheville GreenWorks seeks volunteers to begin cleaning up the largest tire dump in the area. Volunteers will haul tires out of the French Broad River, install silt fencing and planting native trees to stabilize the bank. Info: ashevillegreenworks. org. Wnc sierrA cluB Info: or 251-8289.

• WE (11/6), 7pm - Commissioner Brownie Newman will discuss plans to reduce Buncombe County's carbon footprint at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place.

FestiVAls ciderFest n.c. • SU (11/10), 1-5pm - CiderFest N.C. will feature hard cider, local cheese and old-time music. Held at Echoview Fiber Mill, 76 Jupiter Road, Weaverville. $20/$10 WNC Green Building Council members/children free. Info: wncgbc. org or 254-1995.

Food & Beer n.c. Fresh cAtch FestiVAl • SA (11/9), 1-9pm - N.C. Fresh Catch Festival will feature seafood, live music and craft beer on Blannahassett Island, Marshall. $8/$6 in advance. Food and drink sold separately. Info:

pAncAke dAy • SA (11/10), 8-11am - An allyou-can-eat pancake breakfast will be held at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 223 Hillside St. $5/12 and under free. Info: 252-6512.


orgAnic groWers school

FAll Workshop series For gArdeners, eArthlings (pd.) Organic Growers School. UNCA, this Saturday: • November 9 (Zeis-Room 014). $15/class or $50/day in advance; $18/class or $60/day at door. Information/registration: www. AsheVille gArden cluB • WE (11/6), 10am - A meeting of the Asheville Garden Club will include a program on holiday decorating. Held at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road. Refreshments at 9:30am. Free; supplies provided. Info: 2580922. BAmBoo WAlking tour • 2nd & 4th SUNDAYS, 1:30-3pm - Haiku Bamboo

Nursery and Farm, 468 Rhodes Mountain Road, Hendersonville, will host a bamboo walking tour featuring 23 different species. Wear walking shoes. $20. Info: or 685-3053.

• SA (11/9), 9am-5:30pm - Organic Growers School will host conference encore classes on a variety of topics including homesteading basics, herbs for the immune system, planning your first vegetable garden and intro to bird language. Held at UNCA's Zeis Building, Room 14. $15 per class. Info and registration: West AsheVille Food sWAp • TU (11/12), 6:30-8:30pm - A food swap invites the public to share homemade or homepreserved foods at Biscuit Head, 733 Haywood Road. Free. Registration required. Info:

Wnc orchid society • SU (11/10) - WNC Orchid Society will meet at Asheville Eye Associates, 8 Medical Park Drive. Guest speaker: Hadley Cash of Marriott Orchids. Info: tAilgAte mArkets WednesdAys • 2-6pm - French Broad Food co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. Ends Nov. 27. • 2-6pm - montford Farmers market, 36 Montford Ave. Ends Nov. 27. thursdAys • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Ends Dec. 31. • 3-6pm - Flat rock tailgate market, 2720 Greenville Highway. Ends Oct. 31. sAturdAys • 6am-noon - caldwell county Farmers market, 120 Hospital Ave., N.E., Lenoir. Ends Dec. 21. • 8am-noon - north Asheville tailgate market, UNCA commuter lot C. Ends Nov. 23. • 8am-1pm - Asheville city market, 161 South Charlotte St. Ends Dec. 28.

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


community caLEndaR

by Hayley Benton & Carrie Eidson

Send your event listings to

st. gerArd connect • Through MO (11/11) - St. Gerard House's 10-week Connect program invites elementary, middle and high school students to learn how thoughts, actions and reactions affect social situations. Held at 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville. $18 per week. Info and registration: or 693-4223. FAmily Fun night • TH (11/14), 6:30pm “Adventures in Folklore with the Red Herring Puppets" will be held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: 255-5203 or

ZomBiEs on campus: Run for your lives and into the safe house of Western Carolina University’s Bardo Arts Center theatre from Nov. 13-19. The interactive and comedic zombie play invites audiences to find the cure -- if there is one (p. 26).

• 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Ends Dec. 31. • 8am-12:30pm - transylvania tailgate market, 190 E. Main St., Brevard. Ends Dec. 21. • 8:30am-12:30pm - yancey county Farmers market, U.S. 19 East at S. Main Street, Burnsville. Ends Dec. 14. • 9am-noon - Jackson county Farmers market, 76 Railroad Ave., Sylva through Oct. 26. Nov.-March: Community Table, Central St. • 9am-noon - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson and Logan Streets. Ends Dec. 14. • 9am-2pm - leicester Farmers market, 338 Leicester Highway. Ends Nov. 23. tuesdAys • 8am-2pm - henderson county curb market, 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville. Ends Dec. 31. • 3-6pm - historic marion tailgate market, West Henderson and Logan streets. Ends Dec. 14. • 3:30-6:30pm - West Asheville tailgate market, 718 Haywood Road. Ends Nov. 19. dAily • 8am-6pm - Wnc Farmers market, 570 Brevard Road. Ongoing.


goVernment & politics AsheVille drinking liBerAlly • TH (11/7), 7pm - Liberals will meet at Asheville Brewing Company, 77 Coxe Ave., to discuss local, state and national politics. Info: henderson county democrAtic discussion group • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 8am - The Henderson County Democratic Discussion Group will meet at Mike’s on Main, 303 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: info@ or 692-6424. henderson county democrAtic pArty Women's cluB • 2nd TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - The Henderson County Democratic Party Women's Club will meet at Three Chopt Sandwich Shoppe, 103 3rd Ave. E., Hendersonville. Restaurant prices apply. Info: or 692-6424. historic preserVAtion plAnning Workshop • WE (11/13), 5:30pm - The Preservation Society will host an introduction to the preservation plan for Asheville and Buncombe County at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: 258-7436.

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

liBertAriAn pArty oF hAyWood • 2nd TUESDAYS, 7pm - A forum for liberty-minded individuals to discuss ideas and how to put them into action. Everyone welcome. Meetings held at Oakleaf Furniture, 130 Miller St., Waynesville. Info:

kids THE LITTLE Gym • NOw enrolling! (pd.) Ages 4 months-12 years in gymnastics, dance, karate and parent/child classes. Call 667-9588 or online www. for details FAmily Fun Fitness dAy And AnniVersAry celeBrAtion (pd.) Saturday, November 16, 2013, 12-4pm, Asheville Family Fitness, 149 Leicester Hwy, Asheville. Lots of fun events for kids of all ages – kid’s pool party, games, crafts, exercise fun, bounce house and more. But we didn’t forget the parents! • Music, food, chair massages, demonstrations and lots of great prizes. You could even win a one year gym membership! • Free door prize to first 50 people. For more information call 225-3838 or visit http://www. affs-birthday-party/

hAnds on! This children's museum is located at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-8333. • WE (11/6), 10:30am - Book 'n Craft: Duck for President. • TH (11/7), 10:30am - Healthy Kids Club: Smile Time Friends. • WE (11/13) through FR (11/15) - Critter Craft: turkeys. • THURSDAYS through (11/21), 4-4:30pm - "Shake, Rattle and Rhythm." loW-tech FAmily gAme pArty • SA (11/9), 8pm - Author J. Ferrer will host a family game party at Spellbound Children's Bookshop, 50 North Merrimon Ave. Free. Info:

music song o' sky chorus (pd.) tuesday 6:45-9:30 pm song o' sky chorus (Sweet Adelines International) Covenant Community Church, 11 Rocket Dr., 28803 Asheville's premier a capella barbershopstyle chorus! We welcome all women who love to sing! www. 1-866-824-9547 42nd street JAZZ BAnd • SATURDAYS, 6-9pm - The 42nd Street Jazz Band will perform at Kelsey's Restaurant and Lounge, 840 Spartanburg Highway, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 693-9393. AFricAn drum ensemBle perFormAnce • WE (11/13), 12:30pm - UNCA African Drum Ensemble will host a performance of what they learned during a trip to

Ghana at UNCA's Mills Plaza. Free. Info: 251-6666. BlAck mountAin center For the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Fri., 10am5pm. Info: BlackMountainArts. org or 669-0930. • FR (11/8), 7:30pm - Michael Jefry Stevens (jazz piano) and Billy Cardine (electric dobro) will perform original compositions. $10 donation. BrAhms: A germAn requiem • FR (11/8), 7:30pm & SA (11/9), 3:30pm - The Asheville Symphony Chorus and the Asheville Choral Society will present "Brahms: A German Requiem" at Arden Presbyterian Church, 2215 Hendersonville Road, Arden. $25. Info: BreVArd college symphonic Winds • TH (11/7), 7:30pm - The Brevard College Symphonic Winds will perform in the college's Porter Center. Free. Info: 884-8211. concerts At unitAriAn uniVersAlist church oF AsheVille Located at 1 Edwin Pl. Info: 299-4171 or • SU (11/10), 7-9:30pm Friction Farm (folk, Americana). Suggested donation: $15/$10 students. kArAoke At plAyers • WEDNESDAYS, 8pm; FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS, 9pm - Players Cigar Bar, 170 Rosscraggon Road, hosts weekly karaoke. Info: 676-0588. music At BreVArd college Events take place in the Porter Center for the Performing Arts, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 884-8211. • WE (11/6), 12:30pm - A guest trombone and piano recital will be held in the Porter Center. music At uncA Concerts are held in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: 2325000. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra will hold an open rehearsal in UNCA’s Reuter Center. Info: olliasheville. com or 251-6140. musicA AntiquA • SA (11/9), 7pm - Musica Antiqua will perform early music at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville,

409 East Patterson St., Hendersonville. $15 suggested donation. Info: 693-3157. opAl string quArtet • SU (11/10), 2pm - The Opal String Quartet will perform at Beth Israel Synagogue, 229 Murdock Ave. $25. Info: or 252-8660. open mic At the courtyArd gAllery • MONDAYS, 8:30-10:30pm Open mic with Ash Devine at the Courtyard Gallery in the Phil Mechanic Building, 109 Roberts St. Musicians, storytellers, poets, filmmakers and other artists welcome. Free. Info: pAn hArmoniA Info: • SU (11/10), 5pm - "A French Feast for Winds" will feature works by Francis Poulenc, Albert Roussel, Vincent D’Indy and others. Held at Altamont Theater, 18 Church St. $20/$15 in advance/$5 students. • TH (11/14), 7:30pm - "Songs without Words" will feature works by Purcell, Telemann and Monteverdi on period instruments. Held at First Presbyterian Church, 40 Church St. $20/$15 in advance/$5 students. percussion ensemBle concert • TH (11/7), 7:30pm UNCA's percussion ensemble will perform in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/ students free. Info: music.unca. edu or 251.6432. the Blue ridge ringers • SA (11/9), 11am-2pm - The Blue Ridge Ringers Community Handbell group will play a concert at Van Wingerden's open house, 4112 Haywood Road, Mills River. Free. Info: or 891-4116. the sAndlApper singers • SA (11/9), 4pm - The Sandlapper Singers chorus will perform "Portrait of Americans" at St. John in the Wilderness, 1905 Greenville Hwy., Flat Rock. $15. Info: or 693-9783. Wcu percussion ensemBle • TH (11/7), 7:30pm - The WCU Percussion Ensemble will perform in the university's Coulter Building. Free. Info: 227-7242. yAmAto: the drummers oF JApAn • SA (11/9), 4 & 8pm - Yamato: The Drummers of Japan will perform at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Place. $15-

$35 with discounts for students and children. Info: dwtheatre. com.

outdoors JenniFer phArr dAVis • 2012 NATIONAL geogrAphic AdVenturer oF the yeAr (pd.) Author, Becoming Odyssa and Called Again, will speak at The Compleat Naturalist, Biltmore Village, Friday, November 15, 6:30-8:30pm. Jennifer has thru-hiked the Appalachian trail 3 times and is the current speed record holder. Free! Call 274-5430. climBin' the chimney chAllenge • SA (11/9), 11am - Experienced and beginning climbers are invited to scale Chimney Rock with Fox Mountain Guides. Proceeds benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of Henderson County. $20. Info: lAke JAmes stAte pArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (11/9), 5:30pm - Stargazing and a discussion about meteorites. Registration required. • SA (11/9), 10am & SU (11/10), 2pm - Park Ranger Clay Veasey will guide a boat tour looking for the waterfowl. Registration required.

pArenting odyssey community school open house • WE (11/13), 5:30-7pm Odyssey Community School will host an open house for pre-K through high school students at 80 Zillicoa St. Info: or 259-3653.

puBlic lectures soBonFu somé • FR (11/8), 7-9pm - A presentation by Sobonfu Some will be held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $10$15 suggested donation. Info: 664-0268. glitZ And glory oF the JAZZ Age • SA (11/9), 2pm - Smith McDowell House will host a panel discussion on Asheville in the 1920s in the Ferguson Auditorium on the AB Tech campus, 340 Victoria Road. $5 suggested donation. Info: or 2539231.

henderson county heritAge museum • SA (11/9), 2pm - The Henderson County Heritage Museum will present "Measured in Blood," a presentation about Henderson County's role in the Civil War, at Hendersonville Historic Courthouse on Main Street. Free. Info: 694-1619. lectures At BreVArd college Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • TH (11/7), 11:30am - Longdistance hiker Jennifer Pharr Davis will present her book Becoming Odyssa: Adventures on the Appalachian Trail in the Porter Center. • MO (11/11), 7pm - Hunger and Homelessness in Transylvania County in McLartyGoodson Building, Room 125. • TU (11/12), 5-7pm - A world hunger simulation will be held in the college's Myers Dining Hall. • TH (11/14), 7pm - Balancing Family Life and Small Business Ownership with Claire Prince. McLarty-Goodson Building. puBlic lectures & eVents At uncA Events are free unless otherwise noted. Info: • FR (11/8), 11:25am - "The Rise of Totalitarianism and the Interwar Years." Lipinsky Auditorium. --- 11:25am "Environmental Sustainability." Humanities Lecture Hall. --11:30am - “Commonly Missed Diagnoses.” Reuter Center. • SU (11/10), 3pm - "Wilma Dykeman as Traveler." Reuter Center, Manheimer Room. • MO (11/11), 11:25am "Rome, Republic to Empire." Humanities Lecture Hall. --- 11:25am - "On Science and Society in the Medieval and Renaissance World." Lipinsky Auditorium. • TU (11/12), 12:30pm Presentation by Chad Smith, former principal chief of Cherokee Nation. Sherrill Center. --- 4:15pm - "Universal Math Literacy." Reuter Center. • WE (11/13), 7:30pm - “The Second Israeli Republic: Why It’s Needed and How to Get There.” Mountain View Conference Room. puBlic lectures At mArs hill uniVersity Lectures are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • FR (11/8), 2pm - Irish author Lorcan Collins will discuss her book The Easter Rising.

puBlic lectures At Wcu Lectures, readings and events at Western Carolina University are free unless otherwise noted. Info: • TH (11/7), 6pm - "How Does a Person Become a Piece of Meat?" A.K. Hinds University Center. • TH (11/7), 4pm - Business development and growth adviser David Lilly will lead a presentation in the A.K. Hinds University Center. • WE (11/13), 8:30am-12:30pm - "It's a Small World: Doing Business in a Multicultural Society." Biltmore Park Town Square facility, Room 336. • WE (11/13), 12:20-1:10pm “Kenya 2013: A Report about Grassroots Development.” McKee Building, Room 114. 1/2 Price Hot Saki & Domestic Beer on Saturdays and Sundays (exp. 11/30/13)

2 Regent Park Blvd. | 828-252-8300 Like us on

seniors Wnc AlliAnce For retired AmericAns • 3rd TUESDAYS, 10am - The WNC Alliance for Retired Americans meets at Kenilworth Presbyterian Fellowship Hall, 123 Kenilworth Road. Free. Info:

spirituAlity open heArt meditAtion (pd.) Experience easy, wonderful practices that open your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Love offering. 7pm, Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 or 3676954 Astro-counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AsheVille compAssionAte communicAtion center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www. • 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 5:00-6:15. looking For genuine spirituAl guidAnce And help? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville,very close


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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


by Hayley Benton & Carrie Eidson











Send your event listings to


by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to


to Warren Wilson College. www. 828-299-4359 FREE MEDICAL INTUITIVE (pd.) Ethical high frequency beneficial health information. Medical school graduate with alternative emphasis. Call (828) 645-0235. Mindfulness Meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm: Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. Asheville Friends Meeting House, 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. Info: 2583241. WEEKLY CIRCLE w/ EARTH GREEN MEDICINE LODGE (pd.) 6 PM THURSDAYSWorking with divination and purification rituals, we gather wisdom of the ancestors to be in right relations and advance the collective dream. (828)284-0975 or

Modern mind, ancient soul WHAT: A retreat led by professor Lauren Winner of Duke Divinity School, and Jungian analyst Jerry Wright. WHERE: Lutheridge Conference Center, 2049 Upper Laurel Drive, Arden WHEN: Thursday-Monday, Nov. 7-11 WHY: Xpress spoke with Jerry Wright to find out more. What is the significance of the retreat’s title: “Modern Mind – Ancient Soul”? Jerry Wright: [A] growing number of people ... no longer experience the major religions (particularly Christianity, Judaism, Islam) in their present forms as being capable of speaking to them and their religious [and] spiritual desires and needs. Each religion seems stuck in the past without the capacity to transform and to speak to the modern mind or ancient soul. What is the “ancient soul” and how can we access it? The depth psychology of Carl Gustav Jung has recovered the meaning of soul as “a way of being fully and



wholly in this world” rather than as an object to be saved for some distant afterlife or heaven. Jung provides a map of the inner world, which he terms the “unconscious,” which can serve as a resource for all [people] ... to tap the resources of the deep unconscious: attention to the inner world, dreamwork, active imagination, various forms of contemplation or meditation and the recognition that soul meets us from the outside through persons and events, as well. Succinctly, it is a recognition that we don’t “have a soul” but that we “live in an en-souled universe.” Why is it important for us to create new ways of being religious? All three monotheisms ... claim to be the “favored children of God,” each with sacred texts which support those exclusive claims. As long as any religion or religious individuals maintain that kind of belief, they will contribute to the continuing bloodshed which religions have spawned over the last 6,000 years. Depth psychology has rightly diagnosed such exclusive claims as psychological inflation and religious delusion. For more on the retreat, visit:

Asheville Insight Meditation (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. 2nd and 4th Thursday. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 808-4444, Asheville Insight Meditation (pd.) "ASHEVILLE INSIGHT MEDITATION Practice Mindfulness Meditation (aka Vipassana or Insight Meditation) with a supportive group. Group sessions: Wednesdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am11:30pm. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville. (828) 8084444,www.ashevillemeditation. com" Asheville Insight Meditation (pd.) "Ramp up your meditation practice with AIM’s Meditation’s Classes: Mindfulness 101 - Basics of Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness 102 - More advanced, intermediate class. Class dates and times: www., (828) 808-4444" Getting to the Heart of Gratitude (pd.) A half-day course on Loving Kindness with American Buddhist nun Gen Kelsang Nyema, resident teacher of Ganden Buddhist Center. • Saturday, November 9, 10am1pm at Girl Scouts Program

Center, 64 W.T. Weaver Blvd. $20 or $15 students/ seniors. Everyone welcome! For Info: 828-668-2241 or The Art of Being Human • Shambhala Training Level I (pd.) We all long for sanity, compassion and inspiration in our lives. This program presents meditation as a way to contact our inherent dignity and wakefulness. November 15-17. More Info: www.asheville.shambhala. org Church of the Garden • SUNDAYS, 10:45am – The Church of the Garden is a spiritual community that draws meaning from ancient wisdom, new thought and the natural history of the Blue Ridge. Meets at Rainbow Community School, 574 Haywood Road. Donations appreciated. Info: Coffee and Christ • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Coffee and Christ, a casual conversation about Christian cosmology, meets at Edna's of Asheville, 870 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: Community HU Song • SU (11/10), 11-11:30am Eckankar Center of Asheville will offer a community HU song at 797 Haywood Road, lower level. Free. Info: or 254-6775. Grace Lutheran Church 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-4890. • WEDNESDAYS, 4:45-5:30pm - OASIS will include choral and instrumental rehearsals and youth activities, followed by a faith and fine arts event from 5:30-7:30pm. Great Tree Zen Temple Daily, weekly and monthly retreats and zazen practice and study. Info: or 645-2085. • TUESDAYS, 3:30pm Meditation, readings and discussion with Rev. Teijo Munnich. 679 Lower Flat Creek Road, Alexander. Light Center 2196 N.C. Highway 9 S., Black Mountain. Info: or 669-6845. • DAILY, 10am-4:30pm - Chakra balancing light sessions. Donations accepted. • DAILY - Seven Circuit Classical Labyrinth. Daylight hours. • SA (11/9), 11am-5:30pm - Mind Body Spirit Day. See website for

complete schedule of events. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Self Energy Awareness Group. Sisters on the Journey • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm Sisters on the Journey women's circle will focus on living genuine, wholehearted and empowered lives. Meets biweekly. $10 donation. Info and location: 13moons. info or Spiritual Development 101 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Spiritual Development 101 will teach participants how to develop spiritual gifts. Held at the Dove's Nest. Free. Info and directions: 808-3879 or mountaintwin@ We Connect • SUNDAYS, 6:30pm - An open forum to discuss the meaning of life, God, Jesus, faith, etc. All are welcome. Info and location: 575-3231.

Spoken & Written Word Battery Park Writing Group (pd.) Mondays, 6:30pm, Battery Park Book Exchange & Champagne Bar. This group meets to write together and then share in a supportive atmosphere. • Free! Lisa at 691-5472 or for more information. Accent on Books 854 Merrimon Ave. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 252-6255. • SA (11/9), 11am - Bill Jamieson will present his book The Idea of America. • SU (11/10), 3pm - Tommy Hays will present his novel What I Came to Tell You. Book Discussion: The Battles of a Bipolar Buddhist • TU (11/12), 7pm - Local author Kitty Richards will discuss her book Battles of a Bipolar Buddhist at Black Mountain Library, 105 Dougherty St., Black Mountain. Free. Info: 250-4756 or Book Sale • Through SA (11/30), 9am-5pm - The Oakley/South Asheville Library will sale half priced juvenile and young adult books at 749 Fairview Road. Free to attend. Info: 250-4754 or oakley. Buncombe County Public

liBrAries liBrAry ABBreViAtions - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n eA = East Asheville Library (902 Tunnel Road, 250-4738) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n le = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 250-6488) n sW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (11/6), 3pm - Book Club: Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. WV. • WE (11/6), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters. ss • Through (12/17) - Book loans for "Imagining the Future: Scientific Revelations in Fiction," a science fiction book discussion series, will be available. Discussions begin Oct. 22 at 6pm and continue every other Tuesday. pm • TH (11/7), 6:30pm - Book Club: Defending Jacob by William Landay. eA. • SA (11/9), 9am-3pm - Book sale. FV • TU (11/12), 1pm - Book Club: On Kingdom Mountain by Howard Frank Mosher. le. • WE (11/13), 10am - Beginner's sewing class. Info: 250-6486. sW • TH (11/14), 1pm - Book Club: The Round House by Louise Erdrich. FV. city lights Bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • FR (11/8), 6:30pm - Elaine Orr will read from her novel In A Different Sun. • SA (11/9), 3pm - Mindi Meltz will present her novel, Lonely in the Heart of the World. corn From A JAr • TH (11/7), 7pm - UNCA professor Dan Pierce will discuss and sign copies of his book Corn from a Jar: Moonshining in the Great Smoky Mountains at the John C. Campbell Folk School's Keith House. Free. Info: dAnny Bernstein • TH (11/7), 4pm - Danny Bernstein will present her book The Mountains-to-Sea Trail Across North Carolina at

Etowah Library, 2 Firehouse Road, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 891-6577. hoWArd Zinn reAd-in • WE (11/6), 6pm - The International Socialist Organization will host a read-in of A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn, at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. Free. Info: intersections Book discussion group • TU (11/12), 6:30pm Intersections Book Discussion Group: Crossing to Safety by Wallace Earle Stegner. Meets at The Forum at Diana Wortham Theatre, Pack Place. Free. Info: or 210-9837. peter o'leAry • FR (11/8), 4pm - Peter O'Leary will read poetry from his book Phosphorescence of Thought at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St. Free. Info: poetry AliVe • WE (11/13), 3:30pm - Poetry Alive will host a program for school aged children (5 and up) at the N. Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. Free. Info: 2504752 or northasheville.library@ tommy hAys • TH (11/7), 12:30pm - Tommy Hays will present his novel What I Came to Tell You in UNCA's Ramsey Library, Whitman Room. Free. Info: or 251-6336.

sports AsheVille BroWns BAckers • ONGOING - Asheville Browns Backers, a nonprofit organization, invites Cleveland Browns fans to view games at Beef 'O Brady's, 2625 Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: coed dodgeBAll leAgue • MONDAYS through (12/9), 7-9pm - Coed Dodgeball League for ages 16 and up. Info: 669-2052 or collin.bugniazet@townofblackmountain. org.

theAter BlAck mountAin center For the Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Fri., 10am5pm. Info: BlackMountainArts. org or 669-0930. • TH (11/14) through SA (11/16) - Quilters, a musical about the lives of American pioneer women. 7:30pm. $15. dog sees god • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/23) - Dog Sees God. "Bert V. Royal's darkly comedic play imagines the Peanuts kids all grown up and dealing with drug use, suicide, eating disorders, teen violence, rebellion and sexual identity." Performed at the BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. $18/$15 in advance. Info and tickets: FlAt rock plAyhouse Mainstage: Highway 225, Flat Rock. Downtown location: 125 South Main St., Hendersonville. Info: or 693-0731. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (11/7) until (11/24) - The Three Musketeers, based on the story by Alexandre Dumas, will be performed on the mainstage. Wed.-Sat., 8pm; Wed., Thurs., Sat. & Sun., 2pm. $35 with discounts for students, seniors and military. musicAl kArAoke night • FR (11/8), 7-9pm - NYS3, 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O, will host a musical karaoke night featuring selections from Rent, The Book of Mormon, Spring Awakening, Les Mis and more. Light refreshments available. Free. Info: or n.c. stAge compAny 15 Stage Lane. Info: ncstage. org or 239-0263. • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/17) - The Book Club Play, a comedy about a book club that becomes the focus of a documentary film. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm. $16/$28. pArkWAy plAyhouse • FR (11/8) & SA (11/9), 7:30pm; SU (11/10), 3pm - The Parkway Playhouse will present the comedy The Complete History of America (abridged) at the Burnsville Town Center, 6 S. Main Street, Burnsville. $15/$12 for children. Info:

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013 mellowmushroomasheville

the Front porch theAtre • TH (11/14) through SA (11/16), 7:30pm - The Front Porch Theatre will present an adaptation of the Broadway musical Quilters at the Black Mountain Center for the Arts, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. $15. Info: or 6690930. theAter At Wcu Performances take place at the Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center, unless otherwise noted. Tickets and info: bardoartscenter. or 227-2479. • WE (11/13) through TU (11/19) - Zombies on Campus: A SlaughterPocalypse, a "comedic play-within-a-play about young theatre majors coming to terms with their lives and the flesh-consuming undead." $15/$10 faculty and students/$7 in advance. Info and schedule:

thriVing children children First/cis • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Info:, SuccessEquation or 768-2072. in reAl liFe AFter school progrAms • ONGOING, 3-6pm - The IRL After School Program seeks volunteers to build relationships with middle schoolers while participating in diverse programming like academics, sports and the arts. Volunteers with special skills/interests matched to appropriate programs. Info:, or 350-6270. plAy And leArn For inFAnts And toddlers • TUESDAYS, 10:30am & THURSDAYS, 10 & 11am - An eight-week series of preliteracy classes for parents and children from Buncombe County. Tuesdays, ages 3-12 months; Thursdays, ages 13-35 months. Free. Info, location and registration: 350-2932 or grace.ragaller@

by Hayley Benton & Carrie Eidson

Volunteering AmericAn cAncer society • WEEKDAYS, 9am-1pm - The American Cancer Society seeks volunteers to provide information to cancer patients and their families. Orientation and screening required. Info: (800) 227-2345. • The American Cancer Society seeks volunteers to drive cancer patients to treatments in Buncombe County. Must have valid driver's license, vehicle and insurance. Info: (800) 2272345. AsheVille AreA hABitAt For humAnity • ONGOING - AAHH, a nonprofit whose goal is to provide safe and decent housing to Buncombe County residents, seeks ReStore volunteers. Opportunities include working with the deconstruction program and assisting with neighborhood pickups and deliveries. Info: AsheVille city schools FoundAtion • ONGOING - The Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks volunteers to tutor/mentor a student (K-12) in need of support. Volunteer opportunities available Mon.-Fri., 8am-6pm. Info: jay@ 350-6135. Big Brothers Big sisters oF Wnc Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks volunteers age 18 and older to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost, such as sports, local attractions, etc. Volunteers age 16 and older are needed to mentor one hour per week in schools and afterschool sites. Info session: nov. 12 at noon. interFAith AssistAnce ministry • Interfaith Assistance Ministry offers emergency assistance to Henderson County residents in financial crisis. Four-hour volunteer shifts available as well as substitute opportunities. Info: or 6977029. literAcy council oF BuncomBe county Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info:,

or 254-3442. • Volunteers are needed to tutor adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a second language. Tutors provide one on one or small group instruction in Buncombe County. No prior tutoring experience or foreign language skills required. Tutors will receive 15 hours of training and ongoing support from certified professionals. Orientation: Jan. 8 or 9. mAnnA FoodBAnk • MANNA FoodBank seeks volunteers to work in its warehouse. Mon.-Sat. daytime and Thurs. evening shifts available. Info:, mgruber@ or 299-3663, ext. 245. memorycAre AdminstrAtiVe support Volunteer • ONGOING - MemoryCare, a nonprofit dedicated to providing assessment, treatment and support for memory-impaired individuals and their families, seeks a volunteer administrative assistant 2-3 hours a week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays for general office duties. Info: speciAl olympics BAsketBAll coAches • ONGOING - Waynesville Parks and Recreation Department seeks volunteer coaches for Special Olympics basketball. Info: 4562030. the rAthBun center • The Rathbun Center, a nonprofit corporation that provides free lodging for patients and their caregivers staying in Asheville for medical treatment, seeks volunteers to support and register guests. Weekend shifts: noon3pm, 3-6pm and 6-9pm. Info: or 251-0595. Western north cArolinA AlliAnce • WEDNESDAYS, noon-3pm - The WNC Alliance seeks volunteers to sample water in the French Broad watershed for bacterial pollution. Meets at Westfeldt Park, Highway 280 and Old Fanning Bridge Road near the Asheville regional airport. Bring water, snacks and old shoes. Info: or cynthia@ cAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

T he










noRwaY’s BattLE against chaos Norwegian public television, which introduced the now-legendary continuous, live log-burning show (12 hours long, with “color commentary” on the historical and cultural importance of fire), has a new program called “Slow TV.” At press time, the Nov. 1 edition planned to televise live, for five hours, an attempt to break the world record for producing a sweater, from shearing the sheep to spinning the wool and knitting the garment (current record: 4:51, by Australians). NRK viewers have also been treated to live cams on a salmon-fishing boat and, for five days, on a cruise ship. Said one NRK journalist, “You would think it’s boring television, but we have quite good ratings for these programs.” thE EntREpREnEuRiaL spiRit Extract of cockroach is a delicacy among some Chinese that’s believed to reduce inflammation, defy aging and cure tuberculosis, cancer and cirrhosis. Quartz reported in August that Yunnan province is a Silicon Valley-type business center, where pulverized roaches can sell for about $89 a pound, and five pharmaceutical companies have contracts with ranches that have formed the Sichuan Treasure Cockroach Farming Cooperative. (In August, a startup farm in Jiangsu province was, police suspect, vandalized, allowing at least a million cockroaches to flee to adjacent neighborhoods.) When entrepreneur Michelle Esquenazi was asked by a New York Post reporter in September why her all-female crew of licensed bounty hunters (Empire Bail Bonds of New York) is so successful at tricking bail-jumpers into the open, she offered a five-letter vulgar euphemism for a female body part. “It’s timeless,” she continued. “Of course he’s going to open his door for a nice piece of (deleted). ... The thing about defendants is no matter who they are, they’re all dumb. Every single last one of them is stupid.”




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by Chuck Shepherd

hipster haven: In Brooklyn’s Greenpoint neighborhood in September, the stylish Eat restaurant began reserving certain nights’ meals to be experienced in total silence. On opening night, a Wall Street Journal reporter noted one throat-clearing and a muffled sneeze, but barely any other human sound. Some diners were won over; another said it felt like “being 50 and married.” mEDicaL maRVELs the horror: A 49-year-old Brazilian man has recovered from a stroke, except that he’s now developed “pathological generosity.” A Duke University neurologist told London’s Daily Mail that stroke-induced personality changes (such as hoarding) are common, but this particular shift appears unique. Doctors reported in the journal Neurocase that even with medication, this patient’s beneficence was unabated after two years.

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wEiRD animaLs A “scatological force field” is how a Reuters reporter in September described the way ordinary house termites can increasingly resist extermination. They build nests using their own feces, and the pathogens form a protective shield that attacks invading bacteria. “Pig Drinks 18 Pints and Has Fight With Cow” read one August headline from Port Hedland, West Australia, after rampaging wild pigs stole and drank 18 beers from a campsite. In September, the International Business Times noted that moose, are attracted to fermenting apples; prairie voles are prominent social drinkers (consuming much more available alcohol when other voles are around); and African elephants often turn violent to secure the fermenting fruit of the marula tree (although the elephant would require 1,400 pieces of fruit to generate the seven gallons of alcohol that, if consumed all at once, would match humans’ legal limit for driving). X

It was a crazy couple of weeks! I lost 5 pounds— which ain’t no joke for a fella my size—but, now I’m back in my shoe with my responsible partner!

Thanks so much to the kind folks in the Montford community and the Mountain Xpress for helping me get back home! —Buster Brown Bond

REaD DaiLY Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679.

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


W e L L n e s s

Young at heart want to avoid. I just started a onehour therapeutic yoga class for that type of person. To get that type [of student] to get up and down off the floor, they are going to have to start doing yoga from a chair.

Asheville yoga teacher Lillah Schwartz explains how yoga can aid the elderly

when you call a class therapeutic, does that mean that it is designed to help with a specific type of injury or illness? Therapeutic yoga has to be understood in two different ways. One way is for general applications. All yoga is therapeutic. All yoga helps people to be healthier, function better physically and mentally, gain a greater peace of mind [and] greater self-confidence. All yoga does that. Then there are people who practice yoga enough, at a pace appropriate for them, who will have other things happen. Blood pressure goes down, T-cell count goes up [and] immune system goes up. They feel better generally. Maybe some numbness goes away, some back pain goes away. We don’t expect yoga to go in and heal somebody. But we do think that yoga can be adapted for different conditions to help support that person in living a better life. That’s what’s therapeutic about it.

By dEwitt RoBBELoth

Since opening Asheville’s first yoga studio in 1981, Lillah Schwartz has practiced and taught yoga to hundreds of Asheville locals, many of whom have gone on to become yoga teachers themselves. Schwartz specializes in an alignment-based yoga tradition called Iyengar yoga, which focuses on the precise positioning of the body, as well as breath control. Schwartz says that yoga is particularly helpful for older people because of their increased risk for ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease. Yoga has been shown to both alleviate and prevent these diseases. Schwartz currently teaches a regularly scheduled Yoga Basics After 50 class, which is specially designed for yoga students working with age-related ailments and challenges. Schwartz teaches this class and more at One Center Yoga at 120 Coxe Ave., which has merged with Lighten Up Yoga, which Schwartz founded in the 1980s. Mountain Xpress: i talked with jim cahill, [a 67-year-old yoga student at schwartz’s studio] who said that there are no “elderly” people in yoga. he says that when you practice yoga, it prevents you from becoming elderly. Lillah schwartz: That’s the idea. That’s why we have classes for people over 50 or 60. Jim is 67 and was fairly active all his life, and he has improved that greatly. Susan Minkler, who was with him, has had some real big turnarounds since she started [practicing yoga]. They both come three times a week to practice. Practice makes the difference — three times a week — and Jim practices at home. Because


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

LiLLah schwaRtZ, yoga teacher at One Center Yoga, strikes a pose at the studio. Photo by Max Cooper

he had some special needs, he saw me privately. I gave him some things to work on at home and as he learned more in class, [he was able to] change his home practice. do you have yoga students who are over 70? We do have a couple [students] who are private clients; they are too old for the usual classes here. oh, so you can be too old to do the regular classes, meaning, you can’t

do the work that the other students are doing? Right. I’ll try to give a couple of concrete examples. My Monday class, Intro to Yoga after 50, they could be 60 or 70, but they have to have a fairly healthy life. They need to be fairly active to come to that class and benefit. Say they are fairly sedentary for a couple of years and they know they need something because their circulation is off or they are starting to have some health problems they

take blood pressure, for example. my doctors have been treating me for that, with medicine, for 20 years. But you’re saying maybe i wouldn’t need medicine if i did yoga? I’m saying it’s possible, if you did yoga consistently enough, that your numbers might start to change, and you wouldn’t need as much medicine. do you have doctors who work with you? We don’t have any specific ones. Most students have their own doctors. When people come to a private studio like this, they are motivated. They are active, they are healthy, and they have heard that yoga can help. i saw your rate card out front, and it’s not exorbitant, but it’s a significant amount for an older person. That’s right. That’s why we have

Silver Sneakers for yoga. It’s called, “Silver Sneakers Stretch,” and it’s chair yoga. They have specific guidelines so that people like you wouldn’t pay those rates for classes. to the best of your knowledge, who is the oldest of your students? We have one student who is 96 and I have two students who are in their 80s, who come every Monday at 10 a.m. That’s my really basic class. Everybody has something wrong with them in that class. They either have a shoulder injury, or a back injury, or some of them have had bypass surgery, back surgery. Let’s see, what else have I got? Well, one with high blood pressure. are there some students that you wouldn’t accept because their condition is beyond the boundaries of yoga? Well, because I’m a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, I would probably say that no condition is beyond the boundary of yoga. It is just a

matter of which type of yoga can be applied to their condition. is [the international association of yoga therapeutics] recognized by medical professionals? It’s an evolving organization, and it’s beginning to be recognized. At our latest convention it was announced that several hospitals were presenting yoga very successfully because yoga also helps people manage their stress. When you look at how many diseases are created or aggravated by stress, it’s a lot. My goal is to make the yoga simple enough, for their condition whatever it may be, that they will practice it at home. Because if you practice, it works. The Silver Sneakers yoga program is offered through the YWCA of Asheville, and class schedules can be found online at For more about One Center Yoga’s class offerings, visit X Dewitt Robbeloth is a retiree and Asheville-based freelance writer.

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



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by Hayley Benton & Carrie Eidson

Beginner Pilates reformer WorkshoP (pd.) Build a strong foundation of the principles and precise technique of Pilates from the beginning! 11-12:30 Saturday, 11/9 $35. 1378 Hendersonville Road. Registration required, 2775741, Fall Open HOuse • DaOist traDitiOns College aCuPunCture CliniC (pd.) Saturday, November 16, 1-4pm, 222 S. French Broad Avenue. In honor of The Great American Smokeout!! • Pulse Diagnosis • Ear Acupuncture • Student Talks • Chinese Herbal Tea • Seasonal Health Tips • Free treatment raffle • Stop Smoking Treatment Special: 5 for $25! All services Free and open to the public. More information: 828-253-8669 or aFFOrDable Care aCt inFO sessiOns • Through TH (11/21) - Various Buncombe County libraries will host info sessions about the Affordable Care Act. Presented by The Council on Aging of Buncombe County. Info and schedule: 277-8288. asheville Community yoga Center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: • FR (11/8), 7-9pm - Kirtan. $25 suggested donation. • SA (11/9), 10:30am-1pm - “Anatomy and Asanas: A Magical Mystery Anatomy Tour.” $20. • MONDAYS through (11/25), 1-2:30pm - Fourweek Yoga Nidra series. $40. FOr CHilDren WitH speCial HealtHCare neeDs • ONGOING - A new, free website,, helps parents of children with special healthcare needs find services in Buncombe County. Created by the Innovative Approaches Grant of the Buncombe County Department of Health. OppOrtunity HOuse blOOD tests • WEDNESDAYS, 8:30-10am - Opportunity House will offer blood profile laboratory testing at 1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville. $25. No appointment required. Info: or 692-0575. reD CrOss blOOD Drives 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • FR (11/8), 1:30-6pm - Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Road. Info: 298-7808. --- West Ridge Auto Sales, 1473 Patton Ave. Info: 2588085. • SA (11/9), 2-6:30pm - William Peterson Memorial Blood Drive. 3 Monticello Road. Info: 645-8777. • MO (11/11), 2:30-7pm - Mars Hill University and A-B Tech South, 303B Airport Road, Arden. selF-DeFense Class • TH (11/7), 6-8pm - WCU will offer a self-defense class at the university’s Cordelia Camp Building. $25/$15 if participant brings a friend. Info: learn. or 227-3066.

Copyright LiveWin, LLC 30


siDe by siDe singers • FRIDAYS through (11/22), 1-3pm - The Side by Side Singers will use music to enhance connections between individuals diagnosed with dementia and their loved ones. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place. Free. Info: 641-4680.


Wellness on Wheels • TU (11/12), 8-11am - Wellness on Wheels will offer health screenings at Grace Lutheran Church, 6th Avenue West and Blythe Street, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 693-4890. Women’s health sCreening • SA (11/9), 11am-3pm - Women’s health screenings will be held at Asheville Sam’s Club, 645 Patton Ave., and Hendersonville Sam’s Club, 300 Highlands Square Drive. Free. Info: or yoga for veterans • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - A yoga class for veterans and their families will be offered at Asheville Yoga Donation Studio, 239 S. Liberty St. All levels. Instructor: Ashley Poole. Free. Info: or 254-0380. yoga for veterans • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - A beginner class for veterans, appropriate for most fitness levels, is held weekly in the Charles George VA Medical Center cafeteria, 1100 Tunnel Road. Bring mat if possible. Free. Info:

suPPort grouPs aDult CHilDren OF alCOHOliCs & DysFunCtiOnal Families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, “Twelve Tradition” program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: • FRIDAYS, 7pm - “Inner Child” study group. Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - “Living in the Solution,” The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • MONDAYS, 7pm - “Generations,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. al-anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: or 800-286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - “Daytime Serenity,” Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, New Hope Presbyterian Church, 3020 Sweeten Creek Road. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - “Parents of Children with Alcoholism,” West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. --- 7pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road, Flat Rock. --- 8pm Fletcher United Methodist Church, 50 Library St., Fletcher. • FRIDAYS, 1pm - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 5:30pm - “Family Matters,” First United Church, 66 Harrison Ave., Franklin. • SATURDAYS, 10am - “One Day at a Time,” First Baptist Church, Buncombe and 5th avenues, Hendersonville. --- 10am - “Grace Fireside,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 10am “Saturday Serenity,” St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St. --- noon - “Courage to Change,” Bess Sprinkle Memorial Library, Weaverville.

• SUNDAYS, 5pm - Al-Anon and Alateen, West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. • MONDAYS, noon - “Keeping the Focus,” First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte street. --- 6pm - “Attitude of Gratitude,” Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm - First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm - “Al-Anon Spoken Here,” Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. • TUESDAYS, 4pm - Grace Church, 242 Highway 107 N., Cashiers. --- 5:30pm - “Steps to Recovery,” Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. --- 7pm - “One Day at a Time,” First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. --- 8pm Transylvania men’s meeting, Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St. brevarD-HenDersOnville parkinsOn’s suPPort grouP • TU (11/12), 10am - The Brevard-Hendersonville Parkinson’s Support Group will meet at BrevardDavidson River Presbyterian Church, 249 E. Main St., Brevard. Meeting will feature light Tai Chi exercises. Info: 685-7673. DepressiOn anD bipOlar suppOrt allianCe: magnetiC minDs • WEDNESDAYS, 7-9pm & SATURDAYS, 4-6pm - Magnetic Minds provides self-help through weekly, peer-facilitated support meetings offering acceptance, info and techniques to manage challenges. Meets at 1316-C Parkwood Road, across from the West Asheville BB&T. Free. Info: or 367-7660. eating DisOrDers suppOrt grOups • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Info: or 337-4685. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Teen eating disorder support group for ages 15-17. Led by licensed therapists at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Participants must currently be in therapy. Free. Info: or 337-4685. • 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - A free support group for loved ones, parents and families seeking education and support for eating disorders. Held at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Info: or 337-4685. grasP: asheville autism suPPort grouP • 2nd SATURDAYS, 3-5pm - “Join other adult Aspies at GRASP - Asheville Global and Regional Aspergers Syndrome Partnership.” Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 48 Commerce St. Must be 18 years or older and on the autism spectrum. Free. Info: or nami suPPort grouPs The National Alliance on Mental Illness offers three types of groups to support people living with mental health issues and their families, friends and loved ones. Free. Info: or 505-7353. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am; 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am; 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Connection group for people with mental health issues. 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite 207. • 1st SATURDAYS, 10am; 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Family/Caregiver group for people supporting someone experiencing a mental health issue. 356

Biltmore Ave., Suite 315. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Dual Diagnosis Support Group. For individuals with MH/SA diagnoses. 3 Thurland Ave., off Biltmore Avenue. nAr-Anon • Nar-Anon provides support to relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road; enter through back door. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Chuch, 204 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Enter through side parking lot. Info: 891-8050. oVereAters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 609-731-0808. recoVering couples Anonymous • MONDAYS, 6:30pm & SATURDAYS, 10am - Recovering Couples Anonymous, for couples with at least one member in a 12-step program. Held every other Monday at Foster Seventh Day Adventist Church, 375 Hendersonville Road, and every other Saturday at The Unity Church Center, 2041

Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info and schedule: recoVery From Food Addiction • MONDAYS, noon & FRIDAYS, 7pm - A 10-step support group for those suffering from food addiction meets at Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road, second floor. Info: s-Anon • ONGOING - An anonymous 12-step program for those affected by another’s sexual behavior. Four meetings available weekly in WNC. Days, times, locations and additional info: 258-5117. smArt recoVery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: or 4070460. more Wellness eVents online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at for info on events happening after November 14. cAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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Is Big Ag Bad Ag? Note: According to the US Census the definition of a farm that has been in place since 1974 is “...any place from which $1000 or more dollars of agricultural products were produced and sold or normally would have been sold in a census year.” For tax and governmental purposes, the size of farm is not based as much on acreage as it is on production, i.e. the income realized in gross sales. pages/13823/usda-small-farm-definitions#. UnKOgzbD-M8 Interesting to note that US Census data reveals that from 2002-2007 that the number of small farms of 99 acres or less has steadily been increasing while large farms of 140 acres or more has been decreasing. In order to make a living, small farmers who grow the same crop will often band together and sell their product via food aggregates or hubs that supply retailers so now they in effect become one big farm. Farming on a larger scale, or farming a variety of crops because you have more land, allows farmers different options including the ability to rotate fields and crops, provide more crops at lower costs in terms of labor and therefore crop yields are higher and prices are lower. Large farms can also employ more efficient use of crop management techniques. When you walk around the produce section of an Ingles Market, particularly in the summer months when crops are coming in you see a variety of produce and types of farms represented for example: • tomatoes from small farms in Yancey or Mitchell County who are growing on 5 or 6 acres of the conventional farm that has been in the family for generations. These farmers deliver their produce directly to our stores. • organic Swiss chard from New Sprout Farm located on about 10 acres next to our warehouse in Black Mountain that is delivered to our warehouse and distributed. • conventionally raised corn from Flavor 1st in Mills River that is trucked into our warehouse than farms hundreds of acres in NC raising corn for retailers in the Southeast. The best part of all of these farmers? They all know and respect each other. No one judges or criticizes the other for the size of their farm or whether they are conventional or organic. They co-exist. I think I like this quote by Matthew J. Lohr from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, “In agriculture I believe it takes all kinds of farms to make a healthy industry: big ones, little ones, in-between ones. Yet today many people argue passionately for one kind of farm over another. I always wonder why we think we have to choose.”

Leah McGrath, RD, LDN Corporate Dietitian, Ingles Markets Follow me on Twitter: Work Phone: 800-334-4936

675 Biltmore Avenue, Suite H Asheville, NC 28803

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


FEET HURT? Dr. Daniel Waldman, DPM FACFAC 828-254-5371

t H e

L o c a L

e c on o m y

The art of boating French Broad Boatworks offers one-of-a-kind wooden vessels, tours

By jakE fRankEL 251-1333 ext. 115

Biltmore Village Friday November 15th 3:00 - 6:00pm

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

“When we pass by people on the river, they’re like, ‘Wow, I’ve never even seen anything like that,” says will Evert, co-founder of French Broad Boatworks. He’s talking about a new line of high-end, wooden drift boats that he and his business partner, jason Brownlee, have started handcrafting at their Asheville shop. Combining a wide variety of design influences and materials, the duo’s dory boats are unlike anything else being produced in the Southeast. Equipped with innovative, virtually silent electronic motors, they’re ideal for flyfishing, birding and peaceful cruises. “You’ve got the soul of a wooden board, but you’ve got the skin of really modern materials,” says Evert. Based along Amboy Road and adjacent to Carrier Park, Boatworks is one of the latest creative businesses trying to capitalize on renewed interest in the French Broad River as a recreation hub. But unlike other outfitters offering tubing tours, a ride on one of these drift boats won’t get you wet. While dories have long been popular for fishing, Evert says he wants to “branch out a little bit to reach birdwatchers, ecotourists, people who just want to experience the river in a safe way and have an enjoyable time. A drift boat’s a great option for that.” “Ecologically it’s very nice,” he adds. “There’s no gas on the river. There’s no noise. It doesn’t disturb animals.” BuiLding aRt Longtime friends and partners in the home construction business, Evert and Brownlee started experi-

Row youR Boat: Jason Brownlee, pictured, and Will Evert have teamed up to build unique wooden dories and provide tours along the French Broad River. Photos courtesy of French Broad Boatworks

menting with building boats four years ago. “We read a lot of old books and studied a lot of old plans,” says Evert, noting that many of those early attempts were unsuccessful. “If you’re going to do something creative, you have to be able to rip it up and put it in the waste-bucket.” Undeterred, they were inspired by their love of fishing and passion for craftsmanship. “We love being on the water, we love fishing,” says Brownlee. “And we just decided we wanted to try something more sculptural, more artful versus the building of a boxhouse. This is our artwork.” Compared to building boats, “houses are not really that complicated,” says Brownlee. In Asheville, “you can throw a stone downtown and hit a

contractor,” Evert jokes, noting that boat-builders are few and far between. “In the carpentry world, [building boats is] like putting four stars on your lapel.” However, the two haven’t transitioned away from their contracting business to work on boats full-time yet. And it doesn’t sound as if they’re in any rush. For the time being, “we’re going to use the construction business to fuel the fire of the boat business,” says Brownlee. “We want to do this right. We don’t want to get in a position where we’re selling out, building a bunch of cheap, plastic drift boats,” adds Evert. “We’d much rather sit back and work on it, and do it really quality and do it the right way.” They’ve got their eyes on a larger market: They want Boatworks to

Business Calendar

Brewing Company Asheville, NC

Full bar . Full kitchen

Food served til 11 pM nightly

A-B tech smAll Business center Unless otherwise noted, classes are free and held at 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler. Info:‎ or 398-7950. • WE (11/6), 3:30-5:30pm & FR (11/8), 10:30am-12:30pm, TH (11/14), 10:30am12:30pm - “SBA: Programs and Services for Your Small Business.” • SA (11/9), 9am-noon - “Banking and Funding Your Business.” • WE (11/13), 6-9pm - “Location, Location, Location.” • TH (11/14), 6-8pm - “How to Competitively Price Your Natural Products.”

Monday $2 pint night Tuesday - 11/12 cask night Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills Thursday $4 well drinks Saturday and Sunday $4 MiMosas & bloodies

AmericAn Business Women’s AssociAtion Info: • TH (11/14), 5:30-7:30pm - American Business Women’s Association meeting, dinner and networking opportunity will be held in the Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive. $25. RSVP to abwaskyhychapter@

aLL aBoaRd: Combining a variety of design influences and materials, FBB’s handcrafted boats are unique.

be known as “the high-end, custom riverboat boat-shop in Asheville.” With dories popular in trout-fishing meccas like the Rockies and New Zealand, they see potential for national and international reach. In fact, they’re currently working on filling an order to build a custom, mahogany drift boat for use at a Montana ranch along the Missouri River. Still, Brownlee knows that their product isn’t for everyone. “Only a small fraction of boat-buyers are going to be interested, because [our boats are] not mainstream,” he notes. “Our market is for the connoisseur.” In addition to their main dory, the team is working on creating smaller drifters, skiffs and paddleboards, with prices ranging from $1,500 to upward of $14,000. Despite the niche market and the hefty price tags, Brownlee sees great opportunity. “We’re creating functional, beautiful sculptures that people will pay for,” he says. “We’re just artists, and we really like to create with wood. And we really feel like people will be drawn to that.” For more information on French Broad Boatworks products and services, go to frenchbroadboatworks. com. X

goodWill cAreer clAsses Info and registration: 298-9023, ext. 1106. • ONGOING - Classes for those interested in careers in the food and hotel industries. Hands-on training includes American Hotel and Lodging Association certification. $25. • MONDAYS through THURSDAYS, 9amnoon - General Education Diploma classes. Intake process required. • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:308:30pm - English as a second language class. • ONGOING - Entry-level computer classes. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 1:30-4pm - Classes for those interested in medical office support careers. Fee waived for job seekers. riVerlink eVents Info: or 252-8474. • FR (11/8), 10am-noon - Outdoor recreation risk expert Will Leverette will speak about the risk of running an outdoor or recreation-oriented business. Held at RiverLink’s warehouse studios, 170 Lyman St. Free. Registration required: Wcu open house • SA (11/9) - WCU’s open house will feature tours, academic sessions and an information fair, along with lunch. Info, schedule and registration: or 227-7317. more Business eVents online Check out the Business Calendar online at for info on events happening after November 14. cAlendAr deAdline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WednesdAy, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


f o o D

Winter harvest Local chefs and farmers strategize for ways to beat the cold

By toni shERwood

As temperatures drop and winter settles in, the supply of local produce naturally dwindles. This situation proves challenging for restaurants that have staked their reputation on highlighting local fare. Miki Kilpatrick, co-owner of Homegrown Restaurant in Asheville, grew up canning tomatoes and pickles and freezing corn for winter. “Putting up,” as she calls it, was part of the seasonal routine back then. Homegrown adheres to this tradition, but Kilpatrick admits menus can get challenging in the winter. She hopes the new zoning rules passed by Asheville City Council allowing hoop structures and greenhouses to be built without permits will result in winter farming becoming more commonplace. “As people learn what works well, there will be more education about how to extend the growing season,” Kilpatrick predicts. One of Homegrown’s produce suppliers is Kendall Huntley of Whispersholler Farms in Arden. To meet the demand for year-round produce, Huntley has been trying for years to get a grant to build a 3,000-square-foot “high tunnel,” and finally this year he received it. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program is an initiative operating under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service. EQIP provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers. The goal is to assist producers in extending the growing season for high-value crops in an environmentally safe manner. Getting the EQIP grant was not an easy process, but Huntley says, “If we can do it, anybody can.” Although the grant does not cover


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

all expenses involved, Huntley, a 37-year-old musician-turned-farmer and proud new father, has learned to cut costs everywhere possible. He will enlist his cousins to help with labor and pick up the materials himself to avoid delivery charges. In return for the financial assistance, Huntley has agreed to keep records for five years as required by NRCS. Winter may be challenging for restaurants, but it’s a marathon for local farmers. Rise Up Rooted is a farm in Black Mountain run by Tom Brody and Michele Fair. When they began farming three years ago, there were many farms in the area to compete with. Noticing a need that was not being met, Fair, a Florida resident for 30 years, says they “jumped into winter farming.” Keeping costs down so as not to eat up profits is a serious challenge. Part of the issue has been the learning curve. “Last year we heated two houses,” Brody says, “and it cost us an arm and a leg in propane.” This year the plan is to use supplemental heat only on the coldest days.

LEttucE BEds: Rise Up Rooted in Black Mountain uses a high hoop house combined with blankets at nighttime to grow greens for Asheville restaurants throughout the winter. Photo courtesy of Tom Brody and Michele Fair

“On a sunny day it can be 70 degrees in the greenhouse,” Fair reports. “But when you get three or four days without sun, you have to go with propane. Now we cover everything with blankets every night.” They also plan to move their hoop houses to an area with more solar exposure and sandy soil. “Soil temperature is critical,” Brody explains, “and sandy soil heats up faster.” Eventually, they hope to enclose their wash station, which includes an artesian well and salad spinners. “On a freezing rainy day, it’s tough to harvest,” Fair says.

Brody and Fair say business is booming. They attribute their success to relationships with many loyal clients, such as Chef “Cookie” Hadley at Black Mountain’s Morning Glory Café and Chef William Dissen at The Market Place in Asheville, to name a couple. Dissen’s year-round strategy is to form relationships with local farmers, find out what they are growing and even ask them to grow something for him. “Planting the seeds for the menu,” as Dissen puts it. This aligns with The Market Place’s philosophy of community involvement. “The menu constantly evolves with what is available,” Dissen says. “I like to cook in the moment.” His goal is to educate diners on the health benefits of eating fresh, seasonal fare. “American diners are used to getting what they want when they want it, but by eating healthy we can actually medicate ourselves with the food we eat,” Dissen explains. He raves about the flavor and quality of the products he gets from Rise Up Rooted. “Their greens are spectacular,” he notes.

Good Local Food. Good Local Music. What more could you want?

According to Fair, Chef Katie Button of Cúrate has tripled her use of their produce since they began partnering three years ago. Button explains, “Last year Tom Brody said he didn’t think he would be able to continue producing greens throughout the winter, so I created a winter salad that wouldn’t need greens. Then about a month later he said they had it figured out, and I switched the salad again so we could support them. Give-andtake relationships are extremely important to make the system work for everyone.” One restaurant that has decided to try a different tack this winter is Knife & Fork in Spruce Pine, because the farmers they work with look forward to a much-needed winter break. “Basically, we will cease to be Knife & Fork in January and February,” says chef and owner Nate Allen. “Instead we will become seven different restaurants, changing the cuisine and the décor every weekend.” If this seems like a drastic measure,

well, it is. “For two months we’re going to throw all the rules out the window,” Allen says. Although this means a temporary departure from strictly local produce, the result will be a virtual getaway that changes every weekend. Destinations include Mexico, Paris, Italy, India, China, Spain and 1931 Chicago. Allen shares credit for this ambitious undertaking with his cohorts, Sous Chef Stewart Lyon and Manager Emma Nash. Their vision is to create authentic cuisine, made from scratch, and design an atmosphere to match. Allen recommends Asheville residents make a destination out of it. “Start with a scenic drive up the parkway, maybe see Crabtree Falls or shop downtown Spruce Pine,” he suggests. “Then stop in Fork & Knife for dinner and spend the night at a nearby B&B.” The festivities at Knife & Fork run Jan. 9 through Feb. 22 and include Valentine’s Day. For reservations, call (828) 765-1511 or visit X


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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



by Jonathan Ammons

Dissen does a James Beard Dinner The Market Place’s chef brings Appalachian cooking to the James Beard House In America, there are few words one can pair with the name of a chef that garner more respect than James Beard. Whether a chef is a “James Beard Award Winner,” “nominee” or cooked at the James Beard House, it is a credential that instantly tells you that a chef is not just admired and respected in his or her hometown but has received recognition on a national level. The New York-based James Beard Foundation has been honoring chefs, wine professionals, journalists and cookbook authors since 1986. Beyond the awards, the organization also turned the legendary food writer’s old brownstone home into the James Beard House, a gathering place for special dinners organized by great chefs from all over the country. So when Asheville’s highly decorated Chef William Dissen was tapped to organize a dinner for the leaders of the Beard Foundation, it wasn’t just North Carolinians taking notice of his work this time. Dissen, a West Virginia native and Culinary Institute of America grad who took over The Market Place restaurant from its founder, Mark Rosenstein, has a healthy fixation with Appalachian cuisine. Utilizing a strict farm-to-table approach and a rich supply of locally sourced goods, his meals are composed almost entirely of ingredients from within 100 miles of the restaurant. We took some time to sit down with Chef Dissen and find out how the dinner, which took place Oct. 20, went.


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

Mountain Xpress: so, how was the Beard house? william dissen: I’m still playing catch-up. It was a lot of fun. The Beard House, for chefs, is very hallowed ground. There have been some really amazing people who have cooked there. So to have an opportunity to cook there as well … I was very humbled by the experience. Even just to reflect upon the people who have cooked there is really cool. And to be asked to organize a dinner with some of these chefs … they’re James Beard Award winners and television chefs. what was the occasion for the dinner? A lot of these dinners are open for the public, but this one was actually a private event as a precursor to the James Beard Food Conference. So you had all of the funders for the foundation, as well as the executives and upper echelon from the organization. So I had the opportunity to cook for the president and vice president of the foundation. so that’s a pretty big deal. Yeah, it’s James Beard! As I was a young, up-and-coming culinarian reading about him … he was kind of like the father of American food writing. He really helped bring America back out of the dark ages of cooking and show Europe and the rest of the world that we are not a bunch of dumb Americans — we’re actually doing real food here. yeah, that’s really important because we americans have such an embarrassing trend of creating great regional cuisines and then putting them in a can or a microwave or boil-in-bag package. And it is pretty cool in our country that despite polluting ourselves for so many decades, now I think our generation is coming out of the haze and fog and saying, “We want real food again. We don’t want this processed junk, we want

top chEf: Chef William Dissen of Asheville’s The Market Place restaurant recently coordinated a team of all-star chefs to create a dinner that kicked off the James Beard Food Conference in New York. Photo by Max Cooper

real food, and we want it to taste pretty damned good.” And I think it’s really neat that there is this renaissance going on in our country about great food, and the masses are starting to grab hold of that concept, too, from quick-service to fine dining. so how is your experience in new york affecting what you do moving forward in your kitchen? Any time you travel as a chef and get the chance to collaborate with great chefs, it is always a learning experience. A little bit of research and development. It opens your eyes up to different formats, variables, philosophies about how you cook. Which allows you to be more creative and successful every day. But there’s no need for any big changes after this. I think we’re going to stick to our guns.

The menu spanned several courses of hors d’oeuvres before easing into three courses and dessert. Clams, lamb-belly broth, lemongrass tapioca, with sea-urchin tahini, followed by crispy sweetbreads, Western Carolina barbecue sauce, turnips, celery salad and blue-cheese dressing. If that wasn’t enough, Malabar Coast-spiced Skuna Bay salmon, Hudson Valley duck biryani, Lucky’s tomato raita and charred okra preceded a dessert of warm apple charlotte, crème fraîche chantilly and caramel sauce. Dissen’s team for the dinner included Top Chef favorite Sam Talbot, Andrea Reusing of Lantern in Chapel Hill, N.C., Emily Luchetti of Waterbar and Farallon in San Francisco, Ben Hall of Russell St. Deli in Detroit, Evan Hanczor of Parish Hall and Egg in New York City, and Hari Pulapaka of Cress Restaurant in DeLand, Fla. X

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


Thanksgiving Smoked Turkey with Gravy & Cranberry BBQ Sauce


by Gina Smith

Photo by Carrie Eidson

Rosetta’s buchi bar

Plus Choose 4 Sides:

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Meal Serves 4-6 People Place Order by Fri, Nov. 15th Pickup Wed. 11/27 or Fri. 11/29

New kombucha bar now slated for March opening

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

When Xpress reported in June on plans to open a bar in the former auto shop beneath the Lexington Avenue restaurant, Rosetta Star, owner of Rosetta’s Kitchen, had hoped to kick off her new venture this fall. But with winter approaching, she says that problems with the nearly 100-year-old property — including necessary asbestos removal — have slowed progress on the project considerably, pushing the expected opening date into spring. “We are having to remedy some pretty serious issues with the building before we can move forward,” Star says, adding that a March launch date now seems probable. The space, says Star, will be a partnership with Buchi, Asheville’s

woRk in pRogREss: Issues with renovating the building at 116 N. Lexington Ave. have delayed Rosetta Star’s new kombucha bar project by several months. A March opening is now expected.

craft-kombucha brewery, and a new type of business for the area: a kombucha bar serving the probiotic, fermented tea on tap and as a base for healthy, nonalcoholic elixirs and cocktails with alcohol. The name will be The Buchi Bar at Rosetta’s Kitchen. Although Rosetta’s already serves Buchi kombucha on tap, along with beer and wine, Star says the downstairs bar will expand on the theme. “We’re focused on adding a new edge to the bar scene,” she explains. “We’ll be using kombucha for spirited and nonspirited cocktails. We’re adding a whole array of elixirs, and we’ll have all five flavors of Buchi on draft, plus local beer and cider.”

According to Buchi co-owner Sarah Schomber, the new bar will give her and co-owner Jeannine Buscher a platform for flexing their creative muscles. “The nice thing is, we’ll have this venue to experiment and play with small batches and seasonal flavors,” she says. “The experimental part is really exciting.” The bar will feature an openair patio and offer food selections from Rosetta’s, delivered via dumbwaiter. Star says that, like her restaurant, the partnership with Buchi will utilize “dynamic governance,” including transparent bookkeeping practices, profit-sharing and a “consent-based decision-making structure.” X


by Judith Young

Photo by Joshua Cole

Readers recommend Cafe Azalea

Xpress invites readers to weigh in on their favorite local eateries. This week, Judith Young, who was joined by her husband, Art Kuchuk, shares her experiences at Haw Creek’s Café Azalea. Until a few years ago, my husband and I lived in the center of the great melting pot of Manhattan. There were hundreds of restaurants, representing every ethnic group, within a short range of our apartment. We tried to enjoy them all, so it’s been with surprise and delight that we have “discovered” and participated in the outstanding Asheville restaurant scene. Recently, some neighbors, knowing our foodie quest, insisted that we visit a local Haw Creek eatery, Café Azalea. They steered us to this hidden treasure, which is tucked away in a small shopping center on Tunnel Road. It’s owned and operated by Chef Kris Dietrick, who took it over a few months ago. We expected some food good enough for a quick bite but were surprised by the delicious meals served at this top-notch restaurant. Chef Kris says he’s starting out modestly and will be building up to bigger and better things as time progresses. What could he mean? We love it now! I recently had a salmon dish in a savory sauce, which not only delighted my taste buds but contained ingredients melded in such an aromatic way as to send fragrance up through my head as well. My husband had a chicken dish that combined white and dark meat in some sort of reduced sauce that reminded him of heaven. There was some puffy dough wrapped around the dark meat in addition to vegetables that created a mysterious, magical taste experience. Friends who joined us for the meal had shrimp and grits, as well as a trout dish, which they kept raving about. They also were impressed with the quality and freshness of the food and the beautiful presentation of each plate.

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faVEs: Judith Young and Art Kuchuk discovered the “hidden gem” of Cafe Azalea in Haw Creek after moving to the area from Manhattan. Chef Kris Dietrick’s salads and deserts are among the menu items they enjoy.

Since our first visit, we’ve been back for several other lunches and dinners, each of which was outstanding. We’ve had a smoky tomato soup enriched with bacon, a mushroom soup that had actual mushrooms, generous salads perfectly dressed and various delicious desserts. And there is a fully stocked, comfortable bar. Café Azalea is well worth the trip to Haw Creek in East Asheville. It has been a local secret but deserves to rank among all the highly touted newbies opening in Asheville. And please, once y’all discover this place for yourselves, make sure to save us a seat at the table. Café Azalea is at 1011 Tunnel Road, Suite 100. Would you like to tell Xpress readers about your favorite local restaurant or cafe? Send ideas to food@mountainx. com. X

Invitation to readers: Thanksgiving In the spirit of promoting a more community-oriented Food section, Xpress is planning a Thanksgiving issue that will feature personal, food-related stories from readers’ Thankgivings past. Can you still taste the flaky crust on your grandma’s pumpkin pie? Or do you wish you could forget the year you dropped the turkey on the kitchen floor? Maybe your most memorable Thanksgiving was helping serve a meal to the homeless at a shelter here in Asheville? Tell us about it! Send your Thanksgiving food memories to X

Buy one lunch, get one free, with purchase of 2 regular-priced beverages

Valid Mon-Fri 11:30-4:00; Sat and Sun noon-4:00 expires 11-30-13

Check out clubland for weekly entertainment lineup. 1078 Tunnel Road Asheville, 28805 828-298-8780 Food until midnight every night drinks until 2 AM! noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



by Jonathan Ammons

photo by Nick King

Koreana A new Koreanthemed eatery brings authentic flavors to South Asheville

Best Latin Breakfast in Town Open 7 days for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Grove Arcade Suite 139 828-350-1332 40

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

If you’ve ever driven through south Asheville, you may have noticed a few Korean churches — an indication of a population that has always been strong in the suburbs to the south and continues to grow. So it’s not surprising to see Korean restaurants pop up all over town. The most recent addition to that scene is Koreana, a new venture from Rita Chen, co-owner of the Stone Bowl on Hendersonville Road. Chen, who is originally from China, found herself working in Korean restaurants upon coming to America. “I worked in Korean restaurants for years” she explains, “and I really liked the food. So I just kept doing it.” She and her head chef, “Mr. Woo,” who has more than 30 years of experience working in Korean kitchens in New York, roll out fresh and very traditional food. A meal at Koreana begins with, as anyone familiar with Korean cuisine expects, banchan, an onslaught of tiny and delicious appetizer-like side dishes including kimchi, pickled and fermented vegetables of every variety, and small soups known as guk. During the day, lunch boxes are served with even more sides. Bulgogi (Korean barbecue) beef, pork or chicken are accompanied by rice, crispy pan-fried dumplings, kimbab (a Korean style of sushi) and, of course, a dollop of that delicious and ubiquitous spicy, fermented cabbage, kimchi. Diners who are used to the menu at Stone Bowl will be familiar with many of the offerings at Koreana. “The options will be similar because all Korean restaurants offer these same items,” says Chen. “But you will notice the difference with ours because our chef does things differently. The flavors will be different because these are his recipes.” Unlike many Asian cuisines found in American cities, Korean food has remained staunchly independent and traditional. Where many American Chinese and Japanese

a shoRt guidE to koREan dining EtiQuEttE

One of the things that has preserved the integrity of traditional Korean cooking is the culture’s iconic focus on tradition and respect for its past. I often gain a greater respect for the food when I approach a table with the mindset of a native diner. With that in mind, here are a few suggestions: • At the start of your meal, always wait for the eldest at the table to begin eating. Korean culture maintains reverence for elders, and this simple gesture of restraint demonstrates it.

thE REaL dEaL: At Koreana, owner Rita Chen is serving up traditional Korean fare, including sizzling hot pot meals and banchan, or tiny appetizers.

restaurants acquiesced to the palates of less-seasoned and less welltraveled American eaters — often making entirely new dishes bearing little resemblance to the traditional fare — Korean food remains, for the most part, unchanged. It’s a rare chance to taste a genuine flavor from another culture. Despite most of the ingredients being pickled or fermented, there is a familiar spice and flavor that feels natural for many of us who have grown used to Americanized versions of sushi and other Japanese-style dishes. The spices and general umami are clean and elegant while still feeling complex. It’s at once as fresh and foreign as it is rustic and comforting. “I think everything in Korean food tastes so fresh,” says Chen. “That’s why it doesn’t have to change much for people here to like it.” X Koreana is at 221 Airport Road, Arden. Jonathan Ammons is an Asheville writer.

• Eating is a social thing in Korea, rarely done alone. When bumping into a friend on the street, a common greeting is, “Have you eaten?” and offers the hope of sharing a meal. Thus, you should neither rush nor linger over your meal. Keep pace with your friends. You never want to be the last one to finish, nor the first. • When someone senior offers you a beverage, whether alcoholic or otherwise, it is always impolite to refuse. And who can argue with this rule? Drinking is a big part of Korean life, and if your elder wants to make your night a little better, it would be foolish to turn that down. • Unlike in Japanese culture, where rice should always remain white with nothing poured on top to stain its purity, it is perfectly OK to toss your bulgogi, sauces and some kimchi on your rice. However, rice is traditionally eaten with a spoon, and chopsticks are used to consume and move the proteins and sides around. • When the bottle comes to the table, out of respect, always pour for your friends. One should never pour his own drink. This also helps keep you in line with the rule about maintaining pace with your dining companions and respecting your elders. — Jonathan Ammons


Deepen your Meditation and Relaxation

by Michael Franco


Late-night bites BEGINNERS WELCOME!





In this installment of correspondent Michael Franco’s continuing exploration of Asheville’s late-night dining scene, he checks out the offerings at Cucina24.

Asheville Neurofeedback (828) 505-7010

Ganko Express

Late-night hours: 10:30 p.m.-1 or 2 a.m. dishes: $3-10 Some late-night menus are designed to suit the venue, while others aim to suit the clientele. The month-old late-night menu at Cucina24 in downtown Asheville was conceived to suit the creative impulses of Chef Brian Canipelli. Zoe Dadian, the restaurant’s manager, explains: “Brian cooks Italian food all night long, but he is multitalented, and a couple nights he fooled around and started making kung pao cauliflower for the staff. And we’d say, ‘This is incredible, but it has no place on our dinner menu.’ Not because people wouldn’t like it, but because it just doesn’t fit with the restaurant.” So the team decided to make a place for the imaginative cuisine by staying open late on weekends. While the menu changes from week to week, much like Cucina24’s main menu, Canipelli’s creative spark stays constant. For example, on the night we stopped by, we were treated to a lusciously deep and rich roasted bone marrow accompanied by beef tendon puffs — strips of beef tendon that were boiled for two days, compressed into a terrine-like substance, then sliced and deep fried into airy nuggets. They’re true palate-teasers that leave your mouth searching for the ghost of beef essence that just passed through. Dadian says past offerings have included banh mi, fried okra with sriracha mayonnaise, tamales and other non-Italian tidbits. The prices are deliberately kept below $10, and cheap PBR and Miller High Life are offered to make it par-

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cREatiVE LicEnsE: Chef Brian Canipelli gets to unleash his imagination on the late-night menu at Cucina24. Pork belly was one recent feature among the ever-changing options. Photo by Michael Franco

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ticularly affordable for industry folks and locals at one of the higher-end dining venues in town. Cucina24 is at 24 Wall St. What and where are your favorite locally owned late-night eats? Let us know at X

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


a r t s


e n t e r t a i n m e n t

Watermark Shannon Whitworth departs Americana on High Tide By aLLi maRshaLL

You might think you know Shannon Whitworth. With her Americana roots and her Belk commercials and her pageant-prettyturned-Bohemian looks. And then you listen to her new album, High Tide. It drifts on salty breezes, it aches and glimmers. Whitworth smolders on each beachy, swoony, retro-cool track. And you think, who is this? And why didn’t I meet her sooner? The Brevard-based singer-songwriter (and visual artist, too: At press time she was readying an exhibit of her paintings for the Transylvania Community Arts Council) understands that not all her fans are willing to follow her current trajectory. “There are a lot of people who knew me from the Biscuit Burners who are like, ‘What is this?’” she reveals. “But that’s not why I got into the business — to not grow.” Whitworth says the first time she held a microphone was with that bluegrass/Americana band, and she was afraid; she had to get over that intimidation. “It’s really not about you: It’s all coming through you,” she says now. “Fear doesn’t belong up there.”

who: Shannon Whitworth Band whERE: Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, whEn: Friday, Nov. 8, 9 p.m. $12 in advance / $15 at the door


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

But for every fan who doesn’t warm up to High Tide, dozens of others will love it. And Starbucks is making sure of that by playing the album in its stores worldwide. The new sound, however, isn’t actually all that new, Whitworth explains. “It was a place that in the live shows the music was going.” Her current band includes drummer Evan Martin, guitarists Barrett Smith and Matt Smith, and longtime collaborator Seth Kauffman. Kauffman also fronts his own project, Floating Action, and is making a name for himself as a producer. He’s lent his island-infused, nostalgia-tinged sound to albums by local singer-songwriter Angi West, Benny Yurco of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, and Juston Stens (formerly with Dr. Dog). “We have this way of doing things,” Whitworth continues. She

fRom BLuEgRass to BLuE sEas: Singer-songwriter Shannon Whitworth says her new album, High Tide, didn’t feel as if she was doing something different. It felt like an accurate picture of where she and her band are right now.

and Kauffman begin writing separately, emailing ideas back and forth, before introducing orchestrated songs to the band. Her two previous records, she says, didn’t reflect the group’s stage show. High Tide, recorded live, produced by Kauffman and mixed by Bill Reynolds of Band of Horses, “felt like this natural thing. It didn’t feel like I was doing something different. It felt like a picture in time of where this band and I are.”

The result: the wistful, steelguitar-tinged “You Are In Love”; a narcotic, haunted cover of Dire Straits’ “So Far Away”; and the bubbling, slow-building title track, on which Whitworth sings, “I’m losing my blues, and I don’t sing most sad tunes.” There are hints of Margo Timmons and Sade, and the sunbleached pang of a vacation more imagined than remembered. Whitworth says that making High Tide with her band (rather than the studio musicians she’s used in the past) has changed her whole perception of the recording process. “Sometimes, the tighter the grip and the more you want to control it, the more you lose the magic,” she observes. “Seth guided that vibe. He’s got this golden force around him: It’s this peaceful and intentional way he conducts his music and his life.

“Sometimes, the tighter the grip and the more you want to control it, the more you lose the magic,” shannon whitwoRth

Worth noting: Whitworth’s Friday, Nov. 8, Isis show will be her first without Kauffman, who’s now working with Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys on a new album for a musician who can’t yet be named. (Hint: This artist is a Christmas Jam alum.) At Isis, Mary Ellen Davis, formerly of Ménage, will sit in on bass and harmony vocals. But it’s Kauffman who, even outside the studio, has helped nudge Whitworth’s sonic evolution. “We’ll be onstage and he’ll kick off a song a totally different way, and I’ll just ride it,” the singer-songwriter

notes. “It’s exciting.” That’s how she wound up with an updated version of her own song “Don’t Lie,” from her 2010 album Water Bound. Gone is the banjo and the chugging two-step. Instead, the track plays out a slow burn from some dark echo chamber. The anguish is palpable. “We were playing it that way live, and we’d all look at each other after we played it, like, ‘We don’t want to leave that town.’” Songs, Whitworth points out, re-mold themselves according to the spirits who are playing them. And apparently, those spirits are re-molded by the songs they play. X

Power couple: Albert Adams releases new EP

in thEiR own woRds: “More or less every other day includes songs spanning our entire career and hopefully showcases the nuanced attention to chaos that is prevalent at our live shows,” says local duo Albert Adams.

Local duo Albert Adams (Jordan Adams and Thomas McNeely) makes some of the most intensely mind-melting-yet-still-weirdlypoppy indie rock you can find. Yes, that’s a challenge — and a compliment. But as the hyperrhythmic, crushingly distorted title track from their new EP, more or less every other day, posits, “If you relax and clean your ears it’ll be all right.” Definitely words to live by. Adams and McNeely launch their album at the next AHA AVL

showcase, Wednesday, Nov. 13, at the Moog Store. Not that they’ve exactly been sitting on their hands waiting for the big moment to arrive: Albert Adams has played a string of shows leading up to the EP release, including one at The Orange Peel with, inexplicably, “local wrestlers and a metal band called Sex Knuckle,” as McNeely posted on Facebook. Still, the two musicians have something special in the works for the AHA AVL stage. “We consider ourselves a ‘hyperkraut’ band and enjoy crafting technically challenging, high-energy music,” Adams and McNeely write. “We feel that this stands out in the current music scene and want to share our unique perspective with as many people as possible.” Expect guest appearances from members of The Tills (formerly The Critters), Hello Hugo, John Wilkes Boothe and The Black Toothe, Alligator Indian, Decent Lovers and The Gentlemen Callers. And a free copy of the album at the AHA AVL show. The invite-only show starts at 7 p.m.. Doors open at 6 and close at 6:45 p.m. For an invitation, contact aha. Learn more about this season’s AHA AVL series at — A.M.

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



by Steph Guinan

With a banjo on his knee

BuildiNg ON tRaditiON: Instrument-maker Jim Huskins says, “I’m old enough to remember what it was like in family gatherings and community gatherings in the ’50s and ’60s. A fiddle and a banjo were part of every gathering. It didn’t matter if it was a picnic, a wedding or even a funeral.” Photo by Nick King.

One local instrument-maker’s search for perfection “A banjo, unlike other acoustic instruments, is kind of a machine,” says banjo-maker Jim Huskins. With its many metal parts and bolted construction, the instrument’s sound is significantly influenced by its metal components. Huskins started playing banjo in 1972, when he was 19 years old. A year later, he began studying the banjo construction section of the instructional book Earl Scruggs and the 5-String Banjo. “Using that as a guide, I built an instrument from some hardwood that I was able to get locally from around Marion. It was a pretty poor instrument. But it taught me a lot, and I kept at it. A couple of years later, I was actually building good instruments.” Huskins explains that when he was making his first banjo, it was not the sound of the instrument that lacked: “It was




the fit and finish. The quality of the externals was not as good as I would like.” As with most artists and artisans, both the product and the method are tools for self-discovery. “Mainly I just learned myself in the process,” says Huskins. “I could not be satisfied with an instrument that had poor symmetry or poor fit or lines that didn’t flow.” He continues, “I realized that I had the capacity to notice the subtleties in things like that, and that I was willing to put the time and effort into correcting those.” Huskins is continuously working to improve his craftsmanship and his product. “I feel like that every [instrument] I build is in some ways a little better than the last one. I find that satisfying. I would hate to think that I was just content with production.” Over time, Huskins has honed his skills in lacquer finishing. He also introduced fine detail work such as mother-ofpearl inlay. All of his instruments are made without any computerized machining tools, and Huskins

seeks to control as much of the production as possible. Where he once purchased unfinished resonators to use, he is now taking strides to produce the resonators himself. Over the past decade, Huskins has been giving focus to two specific types of banjos. The first is a “short-neck five-string, called a banjeaurine, that was popular back in the banjo orchestra days.” These instruments are higher-pitched and their short neck makes them convenient for traveling. Huskins’ second specialty is a hybrid open-back, which has “a lot of elements blended from early 20th-century Gibsons and Vegas, plus what I call a modern neck.” The open-backs are louder with a “warm and deep tone.” Their volume makes them well-suited for solo performances, but Huskins has also played them in old-time bands with a towel rolled up in the back to soften the volume. For the instrument maker, the goal was never to build banjos professionally. “I ended up selling a few over the years to friends and acquaintances. In recent

years, it’s become a full-time thing.” Building custom-ordered banjos and selling instruments at trade shows and festivals give him an important connection to the instrument player. “I don’t ever want to get to a point where I’m just working from an order backlog and I’m not actually out meeting people.” Huskins’ family settled in the region sometime before 1800, and his connection to the instrument is strong and deep-rooted. “The fivestring banjo is a pivotal element in Appalachian culture, and it’s my culture,” he says. “I’m old enough to remember what it was like in family gatherings and community gatherings in the ’50s and ’60s. A fiddle and a banjo were part of every gathering. It didn’t matter if it was a picnic, a wedding or even a funeral.” Huskins says that he saw how television altered some of these traditions. “But I see a real cycle back to homemade music being a tremendous focus of what’s going on in families and communities. I think that’s evident in our area.” For more, visit X

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



by Justin Souther

Funny pages

“LoRd of thE fLiEs with winE and dip”: NC Stage’s procution of The Book Club Play features Jennifer Gatti, Bill Munoz, Mark Allen Woodard, Stephanie O’Rear and Catori Swann. It’s directed by Charlie Flynn-McIver.

The Book Club Play’s lighthearted look at serious literature NC Stage’s production of The Book Club Play attempts to walk a fine line, displaying the transformative power of reading, all the while not being as pretentious, stodgy or boring as that premise might sound. It helps that the story, written by Karen Zacarias, is mostly played for laughs and never lets the proceedings get too heavy. In many ways, Book Club moves and feels like a sitcom, with its cast of diverse, distinct characters, its centralized setting inside a posh apartment and the fast pace in which the one-liners fly. But despite references that span hundreds of years of literature, it’s this easily digestible and familiar comedic style — along with a game cast with choice comic timing — that makes Book Club such a crowd-pleaser. The plot follows the exploits of a surprisingly and sneakily dysfunctional book club, led by the controlling Ana (Jennifer Gatti), a newspaper columnist who perhaps


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

overjudges the social importance of the group she claims as her creation (she points out, for instance, that her book club started well before Oprah’s). Included in the club is her husband, Rob (Bill Munoz), representing your everyman, since he never reads the books and only shows up for the snacks. Then there’s their old college friend Will (Mark Allen Woodard), the pretentious bibliophile; Lily, the young newcomer who’s brags about saving trees by using an e-reader; and Jen (Stephanie O’Rear), a young professional looking for love in all the wrong places. While each character is easily identifiable and relatable, the point of the play is for them to gradually grow beyond just simple types, even if that means friendships get rumpled along the way. The play itself describes the club as “Lord of the Flies with wine and dip,” which should tell you a bit about where the interpersonal dynamics of the group end up. Of course, the plot is pushed forward by literature, with the scenes divided among book club meetings. While there’s talk of

Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and James Joyce’s Ulysses (used more as an astute running gag about how no one actually wants to read it, despite its esteemed reputation), Book Club never gets too esoteric. The play hits its stride around the midway point, when the character Alex (Catori Swann) shows up. He’s a comparative-lit professor battling both a nasty breakup and an existential crisis, all the while raising some interesting questions on the nature of literature, and the popularity of Twilight or Harry Potter and the tendency to dismiss them because of their huge success. As characters find themselves through unexpected pieces of writing, Book Club’s point, beyond simple entertainment value, revolves around the importance of reading as well as the story, no matter where it comes from. The play is surprisingly cinematic — at least in certain affectations — the way it’s staged, with the pop music soundtrack that accompanies the opening and the intertitles that are occasionally projected over the proceedings, makes everything feel very up-to-date. There’s also the strange conceit that the play is actually being remotely filmed by a famous European documentarian, a device that never quite works and adds little to the plot beyond setting up a handful of gags, though within the irreverent tone of the play, it’s not a huge drawback. Ultimately, Book Club moves at such a pace that missteps in the script are never allowed to linger, making for a modern, entertaining production. X Justin Souther writes film reviews for Mountain Xpress.

what: The Book Club Play whERE: NC Stage, whEn: Through Sunday, Nov. 17. Wednesdays-Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. $16-$28 with $10 student tickets. Friday, Nov. 8 tickets include a preshow glass of wine and a post-show discussion with Malaprop’s staff.


o n

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XAVL Synthesis Music, art, fashion, dance, design — it sounds like a bullet list of all the things we love about the hyperactive local arts scene. Add workshops and panels and you’ve got XAVL Synthesis, an all-day/all-night celebration of creative culture. Held at The Mill Room, the event promises “20+ participating artists demonstrating the creative process in real time, including live painters and graphic designers, installation art, photography, fashion, videography, music and much, much more.” The daytime segment is dedicated to education (check out “The Art of Listening” and a master class on “Analog Synthesis in a Digital Environment” among other offerings) and culminates with a freestyle beat-lab performance by Jeremy Ellis and Aswell of Mr. Invisible. The main event, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9, includes a fashion show in which models will be live-styled on the runway, live painting by Joshua Spiceland, Makasi Siriwayo and others, and music from Aligning Minds, Marley Carroll, Panther God and ilmi. Learn more about performances, installations, raffles and giveaways at $25 all-day ticket/$15 at the doors for daytime events/$15 advance for night events/$20 at the door for night events. Photo of Joshua Spiceland by J Christian Smilinac — A.M.

River Arts District studio stroll Don’t be fooled by the “studio stroll” title. Sure, this twice-a-year happening is about visiting the workspaces of the River District’s artists. But it’s really a weekendlong social event. Make plans to meet friends, gather out-of-town visitors or just go it solo: You can’t go to a RAD studio stroll without running into a dozen people you know. Along with artwork and craft waiting to be discovered, there are also plenty of demos. Desert Moon Designs/Sutherland Handweaving Studio offers hands-on floor-loom weaving demonstrations for kids and adults; Planet Art showcases chair caning; and ceramist/musician Akira Satake will both make pots and play banjo. Find a full, printable schedule of demos at And when you need a break (because strolling is thirsty business), there’s always the porch at The Wedge or the patio at Clingman Cafe. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 9 and 10, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. — A.M.

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


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by Kyle Sherard

Video and new-media exhibitions jEffERson pindER: woRk A video installation at Warren Wilson College has left the Elizabeth Holden Gallery shrouded in total darkness. That darkness, though, is intermittently broken by Jefferson Pinder: Work, a series of flickering and quickwitted performance-videos that illuminate an artist’s physicalturned-social struggle against a working-class backdrop. In each piece, Pinder, an artist and associate professor at the Art Institute of Chicago, appears as a business-class archetypal hero, clad in a white shirt, black necktie and gray woolen suit. He’s set in motion by beat-driven, pop and hip-hop soundtracks. “Pinder’s performances often depict the body at work and in completing tasks that demand extreme physical exertion,” says Julie Levin Caro, a WWC art history professor and the exhibition’s curator. For instance, in “Mule,” he drags a chunk of telephone pole bound to his back. The works, she says, “usually produces no tangible results.” Many leave off right where they started. The “work and inertia are metaphors for social struggle and for the inability of many people in our society to be upwardly mobile despite working hard,” Caro says. View Jefferson Pinder: Work through Sunday, Nov. 17. Pinder will give a talk on Thursday, Nov. 7 at WWC’s Canon Lounge.

nized and juried by MAP and Mechanical Eye Microcinema, opens Thursday, Nov. 14 at the Fine Arts Theatre. COMPRESS FEST is tailored to the high-speed digital age. The event features over 20 video works culled from more than 35 entrees by media artists in and around Asheville. These have been packed into an hour-and-ahalf-long screening. The videos range from 14 seconds to a maximum of five minutes. Works vary from those with regional relevance to the manipulated and purely abstract. There are avant-garde and glitch videos, mini-documentaries, abstracted biographies and even a pixelated Super-8 film noir. COMPRESS FEST serves as a collective outlet for these works, one that highlights innovative expressions of art and technology in Western North Carolina, according to Ursula Gullow, MAP’s board chair. In the past decade, video and digital-media artworks have steadily found their way into the the fine-arts limelight. As artsbased digital technology has become more available, its use has become more pliable — thus transforming functionality into

compREss fEst The Media Arts Project (MAP), an Asheville-based media arts advocacy organization, has reformatted the standard-issue film festival to better suit the short-attention-span masses. The organization has taken a would-be days-long event and compressed it into a fast-paced, one-night-only film exhibition. COMPRESS FEST, a digital and new-media film festival orga-


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

hEads up: Charlotte Taylor’s Aurora and the Sea film still. Image courtesy of the artist

a Light BuLB goEs on: Still from Jefferson Pinder’s Invisible Man, 2005, digital video. Image courtesy of the artist

artistry. The work is becoming more visible and even appearing in exhibition spaces where it’s often found alongside paintings, sculptures and craft. There’s even an entire gallery dedicated to digital media in the Asheville Art Museum. Yet, there’s still a deficiency in video and digital-media artworks, particularly in Asheville, according to MAP members. “Technology is making this media more accessible at home,” says Gullow, “but there still aren’t many media arts opportunities in town.” Much of that is due to the medium’s still-recent appearance in WNC’s traditionally craft-centric arts scene. But there’s also the issue of space and equipment availability, Gullow notes. While many area galleries and exhibitors are willing and able to accommodate such digital works, there’s typically only space for one or maybe two works at best. For 10 years, MAP has focused on bolstering growth in the digital arts community through programming, granting opportunities and by organizing events like COMPRESS FEST. The organization has recently begun issuing grants to regional artists working in new media.

And while MAP doesn’t have a permanent gallery or office space, that has yet to hamper its focus or abilities. “We’re a nomadic organization,” says Gullow. “That’s forced us to see what’s going on out there and gives us the opportunity to collaborate with other area organizations.” MAP uses that mobility to benefit digital media by reaching out and partnering with area arts groups and galleries such as Apothecary, UNC Asheville, and most recently, the Fine Arts Theatre. MAP also has a long-standing partnership with Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. The two organizations recently issued a call to artists for the fifth annual {Re}HAPPENING, a fundraiser and evening of arts performance hosted at Camp Rockmont each spring. COMPRESS FEST takes to the screen on Thursday, Nov. 14 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Fine Arts Theatre in downtown Asheville. Tickets are $10 at the box office or through themap. org. Ticket sales benefit the Media Arts Project. X Kyle Sherard writes about visual arts for Xpress and can be reached at kyle.


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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013





Send your arts news to








by Alli Marshall

Ray Charles Boogaloo Dance Party Take a moment to wrap your head around this spectacle: “Performing as the voice of Ray Charles, Zach Deputy will pair up with the ultimate groove band and play a funky tribute to a music legend.” That legend is Ray Charles. AKA “the only true genius in show business.” Or The Genius, for short. How Deputy, known for his own “island-infused, drum ‘n’ bass, gospel-ninja-soul” one-manband will pull that off remains to be seen, but Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe and The Cosmic Horns will be there to get the job done. The soul-spectacular is also a Widespread Panic afterparty, held at The Orange Peel on Friday, Nov. 8. 10 p.m., $20/$25.

Orange Goblin Despite metal music being listed as a factor in juvenile delinquency in certain academic reports, London-based metal outfit Orange Goblin describes the genre as “a motivating mindset, a positive force and an inspirational belief system.” The quartet has been taking cues from progenitors like Black Sabbath, Black Flag and Thin Lizzy since the mid-’90s, honing its skills as “crowd-pleasers and party masters.” Last year, the band released A Eulogy for the Damned and is still touring in support of that album. Orange Goblin takes the stage at Broadway’s on Thursday, Nov. 7, with Holy Grail and Lazer/Wulf. 9:30 p.m., $15. A tree will be planted for each ticket sold. No, really.

Yamato: The Drummers of Japan Think of it as STOMP, only from Japan’s Nara Prefecture, and centered around the ancient art of Taiko drumming as opposed to making rhythms with janitorial equipment. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Yamato, though the years haven’t slowed the percussionists’ frenetic pace nor dulled their athletic prowess. “The master drummers perform on a mind-altering array of traditional percussion instruments large and small, including a massive odaiko drum 6 feet in diameter and made from a 400-year-old tree,” says a press release. The group spends six to 10 months on the road each year; the current tour brings Yamato to The Diana Wortham Theatre on Saturday, Nov. 9. Tickets for the 4 p.m. show are $15 children/$25 students/$30 general. For 8 p.m.: $15/$30/$35.


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

Telecine It’s weird to describe noise rock as cozy, but there’s something to the guitar-bass-anddrums bombast of local trio Telecine that’s strangely soothing. Maybe it’s the fuzzy sweater hug of static at the core of each song. Maybe it’s Andrew Larson’s gentle tenor or the rainy-day melancholy of the vocals that rise through the heavy churn and din. And how, even at the band’s most aggressive moments, it still has an ear for melody (albeit a tattered-around-the-edges tunefulness). Telecine’s new, self-titled record is nine tracks of edgy, twitchy, fuzzed-out comfort. The band holds an album release show at The Odditorium on Friday, Nov. 8. Pan also performs. 9 p.m., $5/$7.

Chad Smith at UNC Asheville

Former Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation Wilma M. Sherrill Center Mountain View Room

Tuesday, Nov. 12


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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


C L U B L AN D TallGary's Cantina Rock & roll showcase, 9:30pm

Wednesday, Nov. 6

The Mothlight Villages (drone, experimental) w/ Ant'lrd, 9pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar Steelin' Time (jazz), 5pm Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues WestSound Review (R&B, soul, dance), 8:30pm

Altamont Brewing Company Nolan McKelvey & Dave Desmelik (Americana), 8pm

Vincenzo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm

Black Mountain Ale House Bluegrass jam, 9pm

Water'n Hole Karaoke, 10pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Open mic, 7pm

Friday, Nov. 8

Club Hairspray Requests w/ DJ Ace of Spade, 8pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar What It Is (jazz), 10pm

Emerald Lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm

Altamont Brewing Company Screaming Js (Americana, boogie), 8:30pm

Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern PUJOL (indie rock, pop, punk) w/ Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires, 9pm

Asheville Music Hall Dopapod (jam, funk, electronic), 10pm

Iron Horse Station Jesse James, 6pm

Athena's Club Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Tera Melos (rock, jazz, ambient) w/ Zorch & Onawa, 9pm

Black Mountain Ale House Searra Gisondo & the Jazzy Folk (folk, jazz), 9pm

Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time jam, 5pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Acoustic Swing, 7pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB) Birdsmell (Band of Horses' Ben Birdwell) w/ Bryan Cate, 9pm

Boiler Room Isaacson w/ Onj & Means Well (rock), 9pm

Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm

Bywater Unspoken Tradition CD release (bluegrass), 9pm

Metrosphere Open mic, 9pm Odditorium So Hideous w/ Autarch (punk), 9pm Olive or Twist Swing lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

Buggin’ out: Fine Peduncle is the one-man psychedelic dance project of songwriter Cole Murphy, who uses electronic and real instrument loops to build dizzying dance tunes with R&B-flavored vocals. The Knoxville-based performer visits Asheville for a show at The Mothlight on Friday, Nov. 8.

One Stop Deli & Bar Boulder flood relief benefit feat. Gravity A, Rims & Keys, Omignome, 10pm Orange Peel Timeflies (pop, dance) w/ Sammy Adams & Radical Something, 8pm

Nik Turner's Hawkwind (space rock) w/ U.S. Christmas & Hedersleben, 9pm

Pisgah Brewing Company Tea Leaf Green (rock, jam), 9pm

The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm

Sly Grog Lounge Open mic, 7pm

The Social Karaoke, 9:30pm

Spring Creek Tavern The Accomplices, 6pm

Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues Jazz trio w/ Micah Thomas, 9pm

TallGary's Cantina Open mic & jam, 7pm

Vincenzo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

The Mothlight

White Horse Michael Gaffney, Dan Lewis & Bob Hinkle, 7:30pm

Thursday, Nov. 7 To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Dane Smith at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.



Vollie McKenzie & Jack Dillen (eclectic covers), 6pm Creekside Taphouse Open mic, 8pm Emerald Lounge Dead Night w/ Phuncle Sam, 9pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room Chris Padgett (instrumental), 6pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Jeff Thompson Band EP release (rock, jazz, folk), 8pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Sarah Siskind & Travis Book (singer-songwriters), 8pm Jack of Hearts Pub Old-time jam, 7pm Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm

Classic Wineseller Gypsy jazz trio, 7pm Club Eleven on Grove Blue Ridge Pride volunteer party, 7pm Salsa night, 10pm Emerald Lounge Tony Holiday & the Velvetones (roots, rock) w/ Woody Wood & Darren Cain, 9pm French Broad Brewery Tasting Room The Drawlstrings (alt-country), 6pm Green Room Cafe Carrie Morrison & Steve Whiteside (Americana), 6:30pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern The Hackensaw Boys (bluegrass) w/ Tonk, 8pm HIGHLAND Brewing Company Asheville Waits Band (Tom Waits tribute), 6pm Iron Horse Station Kevin Reese, 7pm Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Shannon Whitworth Band (singer-songwriter), 9pm Jack of Hearts Pub Vendetta Creme (cabaret), 9pm Jack of the Wood Pub Strung Like a Horse (garage, bluegrass), 9pm

5 Walnut Wine Bar The Crow Quill Night Owls (jug band, jazz), 8pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB) Peace Jones (classic rock), 9:30pm

Lexington Ave Brewery (LAB) Alarm Clock Conspiracy (rock, pop) w/ Hard Rocket & Vagabond Philosophy, 9pm

Altamont Brewing Company CrackerJack & Anti-Octoberfest (rock, blues), 8pm

Lobster Trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm

Lobster Trap Mark Bumgarner (Southern Americana), 7pm

Asheville Music Hall Local DJ showcase, 8:30pm

Odditorium Goner (acoustic), 9pm

Metrosphere Phuncle Sam (rock, jam), 10pm

Black Mountain Ale House Lyric (R&B, soul, pop), 9pm

Olive or Twist Dance lessons, 7pm Mike Filippone Band (dance), 8pm

Monte Vista Hotel Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm

Blue Mountain Pizza & Brew Pub Locomotive Pie (blues, folk), 7pm Bywater Game night, 8pm Club Eleven on Grove Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School (live drawing), 6:30pm Club Hairspray Karaoke, 8pm Club Remix Reggae dance night, 9pm Cork & Keg

One Stop Deli & Bar Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Orange Peel Chase Rice (country) w/ Sam Hunt, 9pm Pack's Tavern Jeff Anders & Scott Raines (acoustic rock), 9pm Purple Onion Cafe Fayssoux McLean, 7:30pm Scandals Nightclub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

Odditorium Telecine album release w/ Pan (rock), 9pm Olive or Twist 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8:30pm One Stop Deli & Bar Free Dead Fridays feat. members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm DJ Logic, 10pm Orange Peel "Ray Charles Boogaloo Dance Party" w/ Karl Denson's Tiny Universe & Zach Deputy, 9pm Pack's Tavern



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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



Send your listings to cLuB diREctoRy

DJ Moto (dance, pop, hits), 9pm root BAr no. 1 Dulci Ellenburger (folk), 9:30pm scAndAls nightcluB Liza Zahiya (belly-dance), 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am spring creek tAVern Circus Mutt (roots, rock), 8pm strAightAWAy cAFe CaroMia (singer-songwriter), 6pm


tAllgAry's cAntinA Contagious (rock), 9:30pm

Isis Restaurant & WED 11/6 Music Hall •$10 Adv.

WIDESPREAD PANIC AFTERJAM w/ phuncle sam Metrosphere•$8 Adv.

FRI 11/8 SAT 11/9 FRI 11/15

WIDESPREAD PANIC AFTERJAM w/ jubee and the morning after + Az-IZ Club Remix•FREE! COSMIC CHARLIE w/ rubber canoo Club Metropolis•$10 Adv.



THURS (of Railroad Earth) 11/21 Isis Restaurant and Music Hall•$10 Adv.

the mothlight Alligator Indian (avant-pop, dance) w/ Fine Peduncle & Sumsun, 9:30pm the sociAl Caleb Johnson (rock), 9:30pm timo's house In Plain Sight (house), 10pm toy BoAt community Art spAce Goblin Market: A Southern Gothic Opry & Petroleum Sundays for Everyone (theater), 8pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Emily Pettit & friends, 7pm Jim Arrendell & the Cheap Suits (dance), 10pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WestVille puB Comedy open mic, 10pm White horse Kat Williams (soul, dance), 8pm

sAturdAy, noV. 9 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Lyric (R&B, funk, pop), 10pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Open jam w/ Chris O'Neill, 8:30pm AsheVille music hAll Jahman Brahman (rock, funk, jam), 10pm AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BlAck mountAin Ale house The Mug (blues, boogie, rock), 9pm Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Blue Moonville, 7pm Boiler room Lisa Zahiya birthday party, 8pm ByWAter Live music, 9pm


clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (piano, pop), 7pm

$12 Adv.

cluB remix Jubee & the Morning After (rock, funk, hip-hop) w/ Az-Iz, 10pm

SAT 11/23 Isis Restaurant & Music Hall


The Orange Peel 12/21 $15 Adv.

cluB hAirsprAy DJ Brian Sparxxx, 8pm

cork & keg The Mad Tea (garage, rock, pop), 8:30pm emerAld lounge Total War (indie rock) w/ Echoes, Kate Tucker & the Sons of Sweden, 9pm French BroAd BreWery tAsting room The Littlest Birds (old-time, bluegrass), 6pm green room cAFe Darryl Olivier (jazz), 6:30pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern The David Mayfield Parade (folk rock, roots, pop) w/ Raising Caine, 9pm

NewEar To purchase tickets online visit: 54

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

highlAnd BreWing compAny Circus Mutt CD release show (roots rock), 6pm iron horse stAtion Paul Cataldo (Americana), 7pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Bloodkin (rock, jam), 1pm

185 king stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 aLtamont BREwing company 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 apothEcaRy (919) 609-3944 aQua cafE & BaR 505-2081 aRcadE 258-1400 ashEViLLE ciVic cEntER & thomas woLfE auditoRium 259-5544 ashEViLLE music haLL 255-7777 athEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEy’s tap Room 255-0504 BLack mountain aLE housE 669-9090 BLuE mountain piZZa 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadway’s 285-0400 thE BywatER 232-6967 coRk and kEg 254-6453 cLuB haiRspRay 258-2027 cLuB REmix 258-2027 cREEksidE taphousE 575-2880 adam daLton distiLLERy 367-6401 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRty south LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 ELEVEn on gRoVE 505-1612 EmERaLd LoungE 232- 4372 fiREstoRm cafE 255-8115 fREnch BRoad BREwERy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gREEn Room cafE 692-6335 gREy EagLE music haLL & taVERn 232-5800 gRoVE housE thE gRoVE paRk inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 hangaR LoungE 684-1213 haRRah’s chERokEE 497-7777 highLand BREwing company 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jack of hEaRts puB 645-2700 jack of thE wood 252-5445 LExington aVEnuE BREwERy 252-0212 thE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRoshERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE Vista hotEL 669-8870 natiVE kitchEn & sociaL puB (581-0480) odditoRium 505-8388 onEfiftyonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRy’s/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 oskaR BLuEs BREwERy 883-2337 pack’s taVERn 225-6944 thE phoEnix 333-4465 pisgah BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion cafE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLuB 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog LoungE 255-8858 smokEy’s aftER daRk 253-2155 thE sociaL 298-8780 southERn appaLacian BREwERy 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaightaway cafE 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809

tigER mountain thiRst paRLouR 407-0666 timo’s housE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400 tREssa’s downtown jaZZ & BLuEs 254-7072 Vanuatu kaVa BaR 505-8118 VincEnZo’s 254-4698 waLL stREEt coffEE housE 252-2535 wEstViLLE puB 225-9782 whitE hoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing cafE 253-3066 wxyZ 232-2838

WestVille puB The Paris Thieves (folk rock), 10pm White horse Bob Hinkle (songs & stories), 8pm

sundAy, noV. 10 185 king street Joe Moss w/ Riyen Roots (blues), 7pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Mande Foly (African rhythm, jazz), 7pm Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Paul Cataldo (Americana), 7pm cluB hAirsprAy DJ Ra Mac, 8pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Houndmouth (rock) w/ Wheeler Brothers & American Babies, 8pm

JAck oF heArts puB Goner (acoustic), 9pm JAck oF the Wood puB The Blood Gypsies (dance, gypsy) w/ Ram Mandelkorn & the Gang, 9pm lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Johnny Campbell & the Bluegrass Drifters w/ Dan & Laurel, 9:30pm loBster trAp Chuck Beattie Band (jazz), 7pm millroom XAVL w/ DJ Synthesis (panels, magic, workshops, music), 2pm monte VistA hotel Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 6pm odditorium Poison the Snake w/ Order of the Owl, Demonaut & Beasts of Legend (metal), 9pm

JAck oF the Wood puB Irish session, 3pm loBster trAp Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm monte VistA hotel Daniel Keller (jazz guitar), 11am odditorium The Shine Brothers (psychedelic rock) w/ Doomster, Future West & Panels (rock), 9pm oliVe or tWist Dance lessons, 7pm DJ (Latin, swing, dance), 8pm one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Makayan plays "Led Zeppelin IV" w/ Spongecake & the Fluff Ramblers, 8pm

scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Grits & Soul, 11am DJ Logic, 10pm

spring creek tAVern Ben Wilson, 1pm

pisgAh BreWing Woody Pines (jazz, swing), 8pm purple onion cAFe Overmountain Men, 8pm root BAr no. 1 Darlyne Cain (rock), 9:30pm scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am smokey's AFter dArk Karaoke, 10pm spring creek tAVern Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (alt-country, roots), 9pm strAightAWAy cAFe Lester Grass, 6pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Rory Kelly (rock), 9:30pm the mothlight Kayo Dot (chamber metal) w/ Ahleuchatistas & Enoch, 9:30pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm timo's house Trade Routes (progressive, world, fusion) w/ Xo the Band, 10pm

backstage • 9:00PM • $20

thurs. NOV 7 Peace Jones

backstage 9:30PM • $5

FrI. NOV 8 alarM clock consPiracy hard rocket,vagabond PhilosoPhy backstage 9:30PM • $5

sat. NOV 9 Johnny caMPbell & the bluegrass drifters w/ dan and laurel backstage • 9:30PM • $5

thurs. NOV 14 running on e w/ uh-huh baby yeah!, audiostrobelight backstage • 9:30PM • $5

orAnge peel The Greencards (Americana) w/ Sons of Fathers, 8pm

oliVe or tWist Latin/swing DJ, 8:30pm

pAck's tAVern Sloantones (rock, funk, jam), 9pm

WED. NOV 6 birdsmell (ben bridwell band of horses) w/ bryan cate

tAllgAry's cAntinA Sunday Drum Day, 7pm the sociAl '80s vinyl night, 8pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm


mondAy, noV. 11


185 king street Anthony Crawford (comedy) w/ Peter Smith-McDowell, Ryan Folks & Leah Garth, 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Hank West & the Smokin Hots (hot jazz), 8pm ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm emerAld lounge Vinyl night w/ DJ Ra Mak, 9pm JAck oF heArts puB Chris Tichner, Daniel Habib & Chris Smith (singer-songwriters), 7pm JAck oF the Wood puB Alex Commins & Todd Prusin (old-time, folk), 9pm loBster trAp Tim Marsh (guitar), 7pm

A True Gentleman’s Club

oskAr Blues BreWery Old-time jam, 6-8pm

trAilheAd restAurAnt And BAr Yaddatu (rock), 7pm

sly grog lounge Trivia night, 7pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Ruby Mayfield & friends (rock, Motown), 10pm

VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

WestVille puB Trivia night, 8pm


Over 40 Entertainers!



orAnge peel High on Fire (metal) w/ Kvelertak & Doomriders, 7:30pm

toy BoAt community Art spAce Goblin Market: A Southern Gothic Opry & Petroleum Sundays for Everyone (theater), 8pm


Mon-Thurs 6:30pm–2am Fri-Sat 6:30pm–3am

520 SWANNANOA RIVER RD, ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 • (828) 298-1400

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



Send your listings to


DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio • 13 TV’s Sports Room • 110” Projector • Event Space Shuffleboard • Darts • Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


THU. 11/07 Jeff Anders & Scott Raines (acoustic rock)

FRI. 11/08

DJ Moto

(dance, pop hits)

SAT. 11/09

Sloantones (rock, funk, jam)

paRty on, jEff: Jeff Thompson, who landed second honors in the local singersongwriter and acoustic/folk categories in this year’s Best Of poll, celebrates his birthday and the release of a new EP with a party and performance at The Grey Eagle on Thursday, Nov. 7.


11/8 Vendetta Creme • 9pm FREE 11/9 Goner • 9pm FREE 11/11 Singer Songwriters in the Round • 7pm FREE

w/ Chris Tichner, Daniel Habib, Chris Smith

11/16 Hearts Gone South • 9pm FREE

11/22 Ram Mandelkorn • 7pm FREE

10/25Strung Sarah Lee Guthrie 11/8 Like A Horse • 9pm $7 & Johnny Irion w/ Battlefield • 9pm $10 11/9 The Blood Gypsies • 9pm $5 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band & HALLOWEEN Costume 11/11 Alex Commins Party & Contest • 9pm $8FREE & Todd Prusin • 9pm 10/27 Vinegar Creek • 9pm FREE 11/12 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 BLOW OUTBanana DANCE PARTY!! w/ Crazy Tom Pants THREE BAD JACKS (Hot West Coast Rockabilly) 10/29 Singer Songwriters THE GO DEVILS (Asheville’s Premier Greaser Band) • 7-9pm FREE in the Round 9pm $8


w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis

11/15 Playboys • 9pm $6 Mud The TeaFrench • 9pm FREE Open Mon-Thurs at 3 • Fri-Sun at Noon SUN Celtic Irish Session 5pm til ? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd TUES THURS Bluegrass Jam 7pm

95 Patton at Coxe • Asheville 252.5445 • 56

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

tuesdAy, noV. 12

Juan Benavides Trio (Latin), 8pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Small Town Lights (Americana), 8pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (gypsy jazz), 8pm

BlAck mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam, 9pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny Open mic, 8pm

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Open mic, 7pm

AsheVille music hAll Funk jam, 11pm

cluB hAirsprAy Requests w/ DJ Ace of Spade, 8pm

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Patrick Fitzsimons, 7pm

diAnA WorthAm theAter Laura Marling (singer-songwriter, pop) w/ Willy Mason, 8pm

cluB eleVen on groVe Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance, 8:30pm

emerAld lounge Blues jam w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm

cluB hAirsprAy Trivia night, 8pm creekside tAphouse Bluegrass jam, 7pm iron horse stAtion Open mic w/ Ashley Heath, 6pm JAck oF the Wood puB Three Bad Jacks (rockabilly) w/ The Go Devils, 9pm loBster trAp Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern The Giving Tree Band (rock, Americana) w/ The Pedal Stills, 9pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Vinyl night, 9pm JAck oF the Wood puB Old-time jam, 5pm loBster trAp Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, electronics), 7pm metrosphere Open mic, 9pm

odditorium Comedy open mic w/ Tom Peters, 9pm

oliVe or tWist Swing lessons, 7pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

orAnge peel Michael Franti & Spearhead (reggae, funk, folk) w/ Serena Ryder, 9pm

one stop deli & BAr Twiddle (jam, rock) w/ TreeHouse, 10pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues DJ Audio, 9pm

orAnge peel Hoodie Allen (pop-rap) w/ OCD: Moosh & Twist, Mod Sun & D-Why, 8pm

VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm

pisgAh BreWing compAny Bradley Carter (of Sanctum Sully), 6pm

WestVille puB Blues jam, 10pm

sly grog lounge Open mic, 7pm

White horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

tAllgAry's cAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm

WednesdAy, noV. 13 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Steelin' Time (jazz), 5pm

the phoenix Jazz night, 8pm the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Jazz trio w/ Micah Thomas, 9pm

VincenZo's Bistro Aaron Luka (piano, vocals), 7pm

5 WAlnut Wine BAr The Lions Quartet (hot jazz), 10pm

White horse Bill Bares Instrumental Jazz Series, 7:30pm

AltAmont BreWing compAny Zack Bryson, Roland Cole & Stale Bread Scooter, 8pm

thursdAy, noV. 14 185 king street Cedric Burnside Project w/ Riyen Roots (blues), 7pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Jeff Thompson (jazz), 8pm AltAmont BreWing compAny Gand Ol' Uproar (Texas swing), 8pm BlAck mountAin Ale house Lyric (R&B, soul, pop), 9pm ByWAter Game night, 8pm cluB hAirsprAy Karaoke, 8pm cluB remix Reggae dance night, 9pm creekside tAphouse Open mic, 8pm emerAld lounge Sex Knuckle (rock) w/ Blue Jeans & Khaki Pants (X-rated honky-tonk) & Po' Folk, 9pm French BroAd BreWery tAsting room Dave Dribbon (acoustic, Americana), 6pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Basia Bulat (folk, pop, soul) w/ Foreign Fields, 8pm isis restAurAnt And music hAll Noah Larssen, 7pm JAck oF heArts puB Old-time jam, 7pm JAck oF the Wood puB Bluegrass jam, 7pm lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Uh-Huh Baby Yeah (rock, pop) w/ Running on E & Audiostrobelight, 9:30pm loBster trAp Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm odditorium Demon Waffle w/ Prick Bigot, Full Tilt Sleeze & My Blue Hoodie (ska, punk), 9pm

AsheVille music hAll Consider the Source (fusion, jam) w/ Jeff Sipe Trio & A Ghost Like Me, 10pm AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Acoustic Swing, 7pm Boiler room Lords of Chicken Hill (punk) w/ Featured Creeps & Tony Holiday & the Velvet Tones, 9pm clAssic Wineseller Jay Brown (country, bluegrass, folk), 7pm cluB eleVen on groVe DJ Jam (old-school hip-hop, R&B, funk), 9pm dugout Hands Down (rock), 9pm emerAld lounge Wyla (indie rock, noise) w/ Onawa, Children of Pop & Alligator Indian, 9pm French BroAd BreWery tAsting room Turchi (blues, roots, rock), 6pm green room cAFe Lynn Goldsmith (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Hurray for the Riff Raff (rock, soul, country) w/ Holy Holy Vine, 9pm JAck oF the Wood puB The French Broad Playboys (Western swing), 9pm lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Joe Zimmerman (comedy), 9pm loBster trAp King Leo (jazz), 7pm metrosphere Cosmic Charlie w/ Rubber Canoo, 10pm monte VistA hotel Blue Moon (jazz, country, rock), 6pm odditorium Vagina Monologues/Speak Up benefit, 8pm oliVe or tWist 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock, swing), 8:30pm

oliVe or tWist Dance lessons, 7pm Mike Filippone Band (dance), 8pm

one stop deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays feat. members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm The Bernie Worrell Orchestra (psychedelic, funk, jam), 10pm

one stop deli & BAr Phish 'n' Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Mike Dillon Band (funk, punk, rock) w/ Get Right Band, 10pm

orAnge peel Papadosio (prog, psychedelic, electronica), 9pm

orAnge peel MiM0SA (dip-hop, dubstep, soul) w/ Minnesota & Bogi, 9pm pAck's tAVern Eric Congden & Howie Johnson (acoustic rock, blues), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny The Whiskey Gentry (Americana, country), 9pm purple onion cAFe Michael Reno Harrell, 7:30pm root BAr no. 1 Danny Kay & the Nightlifers (rockabilly), 9:30pm scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am tAllgAry's cAntinA Rock & roll showcase, 9:30pm tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues WestSound Review (R&B, soul, dance), 8:30pm VincenZo's Bistro Ginny McAfee (piano, vocals), 7pm WAter'n hole Karaoke, 10pm

FridAy, noV. 15



$10 GIFT


WED PUJOL & LEE BAINS III 11/06 9pm • $8/$10

$15 GIFT $20 GIFT






pAck's tAVern DJ Ocelate (dance, pop, hits), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Dead 27s (blues, soul), 8pm

strAightAWAy cAFe One Leg Up (jazz), 6pm

the mothlight White Laces (indie rock, pop) w/ Doc Aquatic & That's a Thing, 9:30pm

VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WestVille puB Comedy open mic, 10pm

SAT 11/09

THE DAVID MAYFIELD PARADE w/ Raising Caine 9pm • $12/$15

SUN 11/10

HOUNDMOUTH 8pm • $10/$12

WED 11/13

THE GIVING TREE BAND w/ The Pedal Stills

FRI 11/15

tAllgAry's cAntinA Fine Line (rock), 9:30pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Jim Taylor & friends, 7pm

THE HACKENSAW BOYS w/ Tonk 9pm • $12/$15

THU 11/14

scAndAls nightcluB Zumba, 7pm Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

trAilheAd restAurAnt And BAr Mark Bumgarner (Southern Americana), 7pm

FRI 11/08

9pm • $10/$12

root BAr no. 1 Appleseed Collective (roots, ragtime), 9:30pm

toy BoAt community Art spAce Goblin Market: A Southern Gothic Opry & Petroleum Sundays for Everyone (theater), 8pm

& EP RELEASE 8pm • $10/$12

BASIA BULAT w/ Foreign Fields 8pm • $10/$12


w/ Holy Holy Vine 9pm • $12/$14

Where Adult Dreams Come True • • OPEN 7 DAYS • •

SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250

SAT RED JUNE 11/16 w/ Amanda Anne Platt of

The Honeycutters 8pm • $10/$12

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden)

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till


Wed 11/6 Thur 11/7 Fri 11/8 Sat 11/9 Thur 11/14 Sat 11/16 Fri 11/22 Sat 11/23

Send your listings to




Full Bar

DVD & CD RELEASE PARTY 9:00pm • $8/$10


Every Sunday JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm • $5 Every Tuesday BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite

Ex-tRa-pERimEntaL: To say Kayo Dot is experimental is a gross understatement. The band’s avant-metal compositions are often void of a discernible time signature and incorporate classical instruments for a sound that’s darkly beautiful and sometimes unsettling. The band visits The Mothlight on Saturday, Nov. 9.

White horse Asheville Jazz Orchestra (big band, swing), 8pm

sAturdAy, noV. 16 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Screaming Js (hot jazz, boogie), 10pm AsheVille music hAll Mark Farina (house, electronic) w/ DJ Bowie & more, 10pm


AthenA's cluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana, blues), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am BlAck mountAin Ale house Serious Clark (rock, jam), 9pm

pAck's tAVern Lyric (funk, pop, soul), 9pm pisgAh BreWing compAny Cedric Burnside Project (blues), 9pm purple onion cAFe Johnson's Crossroad (bluegrass), 8pm root BAr no. 1 Linda Mitchell (blues, jazz), 9:30pm

clAssic Wineseller Joe Cruz (piano, pop), 7pm

smokey's AFter dArk Karaoke, 10pm

cluB hAirsprAy DJ Brian Sparxxx, 8pm

strAightAWAy cAFe South Forty, 6pm tAllgAry's cAntinA Overhead (rock), 9:30pm

French BroAd BreWery tAsting room The Moon & You (folk), 6pm

the mothlight Mako Sica (experimental rock) w/ Oulipo & Giant Giants, 9:30pm

green room cAFe Emily Bodley (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

the sociAl Karaoke, 9:30pm

grey eAgle music hAll & tAVern Red June (Appalachian, roots) w/ Amanda Platt, 8pm

timo's house Elaztec w/ Ho-Tron Beatz, 10pm

isis restAurAnt And music hAll Claire Lynch Band (bluegrass), 9pm

toy BoAt community Art spAce Goblin Market: A Southern Gothic Opry & Petroleum Sundays for Everyone (theater), 8pm

JAck oF the Wood puB Sons of Ralph (bluegrass, folk), 9pm lexington AVe BreWery (lAB) Joe Zimmerman (comedy), 9pm loBster trAp Chuck Beattie Band (jazz), 7pm monte VistA hotel Daniel Keller (jazz guitar), 6pm

orAnge peel Keller Williams & More Than a Little (rock, jam), 9pm

scAndAls nightcluB Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

JAck oF heArts puB Hearts Gone South (honky-tonk), 9pm

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

one stop deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Grits & Soul, 11am

Blue mountAin piZZA & BreW puB Patrick Fitzsimons, 7pm

emerAld lounge burnthesun (rock) w/ Elk Tracks & Local Honey, 9pm


odditorium Shorty Can't Eat Books record release (rock), 9pm

tressA's doWntoWn JAZZ And Blues Carolina Rex (rock, blues, funk), 10pm VincenZo's Bistro Steve Whiddon (old-time piano, vocals), 5:30pm WestVille puB Mojomatic (rock, blues), 10pm White horse Catherine Stanley book release, 1pm Snyder Family Band (bluegrass), 8pm














by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &












HHHHH = max rating contact

PicK oF thE WEEK

thEatER ListinGs

12 Years a Slave

FRiday, noVEmBER 8 thuRsday, noVEmBER 14


Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

diREctoR: Steve McQueen (Shame) Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281)

PLayERs: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong’o

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Despicable Me 2 3D (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 (no 3D on Tuesdays) elysium (r) 7:00

BioGRaPhicaL dRama RatEd R thE stoRy: The story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery. thE LoWdoWn: Powerful, brilliantly — and beautifully — made. It boasts a gallery of fine performances and should finally propel Chiwetel Ejiofor to the stardom he’s deserved for ten years. It’s a fine film, but maybe not quite a masterpiece.

All in all, the praise you have almost certainly heard for Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave — as well as the excellence of Chiwetel Ejiofor in the lead role — is deserved. This is a very good film. Possibly, it is a great one. It is beautifully made and stylish to no end — even elegant. With an assured hand, McQueen has captured the uncomfortable juxtaposition of natural beauty and unnatural ugliness. His images of a genteel Old South that ignores the very uncivilized events playing out in its midst — often just beyond the veranda railings — is disturbing in a way I have never seen in a film of this sort. I have nothing but praise for all this. It’s fine work. It’s powerful. It’s as disturbing as it was meant to be. And yet — why did I sit through it completely dry-eyed? Why was I not in tears by the end of it? I don’t know if the fault lies in me, or my mood

Machete Kills (r) 10:00 CArMiKe CineMA 10 (298-4452) CArolinA CineMAs (274-9500) 12 Years a slave (r) 11:00, 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:15

chiWEtEL EjioFoR gives a magnificent performance in Steve McQueen’s masterful 12 Years a Slave.

About Time (r) 11:00, 1:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:25 All is lost (Pg-13) 11:10, 1:30, 3:50, 6:15, 8:35 Captain Phillips (Pg-13) 12:30, 3:15, 6:00, 8:50

at the time I saw it — or in the film. A second viewing will probably answer this for me, though I’m inclined to blame McQueen’s clinical approach to filmmaking (something that marred his 2011 film Shame). He sees and records powerfully, but he keeps his feelings close to his vest. That may be what keeps me from calling 12 Years a Slave a masterpiece, but I still think it’s close to one. It recounts the fact-based tale of Solomon Northup (Ejiofor), a free, middle-class black man from Saratoga Springs, New York. He was duped into accompanying a pair of traveling showmen (Northup calls them “artists”) on a trip to Washington, D.C., with the promise of picking up some easy money as their violinist. Instead, they drug Northup and sell him into slavery that will send him to the Deep South — for 12 years of living hell. The film is drawn from Northup’s own account — co-written with a professional writer — and has the feel, at least, of authenticity. The unspeakable cruelties to which he is subjected are occasionally leavened (ever so slightly) by curious flashes of humanity. While we see none

in the slave trader (Paul Giamatti) — ironically named Freeman — there is much apparent decency in Northup’s first “master,” Ford (Benedict Cumberbatch), though it’s mixed with the belief that it’s all right to own slaves and (more importantly) the fear of upsetting the status quo. Ford likes and admires Northup, but when Northup beats up a sadistic overseer (Paul Dano in a skin-crawling performance), it’s easier to sell Northup than deal with the consequences. Ultimately, Northup will find himself on the worst plantation imaginable — owned by Edwin Epps (a mesmerizing Michael Fassbender). Epps is not merely cruel, he’s plainly psychotic. His actions rarely make sense, but they always seem believable in the context of the characterization of Epps as a madman. His wife (Sarah Paulson) is no better, but her ire is directed at Epps’ slave mistress, Patsey (TV actress Lupita Nyong’o). It’s a wholly poisonous environment — not helped by a few side-trips to a neighboring plantation where there is a black mistress (Alfre Woodard) who has risen from slavery to a position of power — she

ender’s game (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 enough said (Pg-13) 12:00, 2:10, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25 Free Birds 2D (Pg) 11:40, 1:45, 3:50, 6:15, 8:20 gravity 3D (Pg-13) 11:30, 1:35, 3:40, 6:00, 8:10, 10:15 how i live now (r) 11:30, 1:45, 4:00, 6:20, 8:40 Jackass Presents Bad grandpa (r) 11:30, 1:40, 3:50, 6:00, 8:10, 9:00, 10:15 last vegas (Pg-13) 11:30, 1:40, 3:50, 6:00, 8:10, 10:15 Thor: The Dark world 3D (Pg-13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 Thor: The Dark world 2D (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 CineBArre (665-7776) Co-eD CineMA BrevArD (883-2200) Thor: The Dark world (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) 12 Year a slave (r) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, Late show Fri-Sat 9:45 All is lost (Pg-13) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 (no 7:20 show Thu., Nov. 14), Late show Fri-Sat 9:40 Compress Fest (nr) 7:00 Thu., Nov. 14 only FlATroCK CineMA (697-2463) Captain Phillps (Pg-13) 3:30, 7:00 regAl BilTMore grAnDe sTADiuM 15 (6841298) uniTeD ArTisTs BeAuCATCher (298-1234)

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



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by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

delights in having slaves tend to her every need. (She’s like something out of a Tod Browning jungle drama.) Everything in this world is twisted, ugly, dangerous and duplicitous — all the more so because of the physical beauty of the landscapes and the stately homes. The sole voice of reason is a builder named Bass (Brad Pitt), who openly despises slavery and freely espouses that it’s morally wrong — but even he is hesitant to help Northup, knowing that any such act would be dangerous to all concerned. All of this is brilliantly achieved and powerful. McQueen’s depiction of the torments is unflinching — and it should be. The film is nothing if it doesn’t disturb you on a deep level. I expect to hear the usual arguments about the film being inflammatory. Well, it’s supposed to be. It’s clearly not worried about offending anyone’s sensibilities. And it shouldn’t be. (I also anticipate a certain amount of “slavery wasn’t like this” from some quarters, based on the depiction in Gone with the Wind.) But this is taken from a first-hand account, and it hews pretty closely to that account. See it for yourself. It is a must-see, though as one person asked at the screening I attended, “Do you really think that the people most in need of seeing this will?” Sadly, the answer is probably no. Rated R for violence/cruelty, some nudity and brief sexuality. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre

All Is Lost HHHH diREctoR: J.C. Chandor (Margin Call) pLayERs: Robert Redford dRama RatEd pg-13 thE stoRy: A man fights for survival on a sinking boat in the middle of the ocean. thE Lowdown: While it doesn’t live up to the critical hype — at least not for me — this solo turn from Robert Redford is unusual fare and certainly worth a look. Bear in mind that it is one very taciturn man holding the screen for the entire length of the film.


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


HHHHH = max rating

RoBERt REdfoRd in his bravura solo performance in J.C. Chandor’s All Is Lost.

I’m not as wild about J.C. Chandor’s All Is Lost as I’m apparently supposed to be. It’s exactly like it sounds — about 100 minutes of Robert Redford as a nameless character (the film bills him as “Our Man”) on a sinking boat, later a rubber life raft, trying to stay alive in the Indian Ocean. It has no dialogue and very little monologue. There is no humanized volleyball here to natter with. There is a voiceover at the beginning of Our Man reading a farewell letter he writes much later in the film, but that’s about it. It feels like a reaction to Chandor’s first film, 2011’s Margin Call, which was almost entirely dialogue. It also feels like a stunt — and that’s because it is a stunt. Seriously, what else do you call a film that asks you to spend its entire running time with one very taciturn character? It is, however, a surprisingly successful stunt. How successful it is will vary from viewer to viewer. I was merely relieved not to find myself bored stiff, but I was never as immersed in the story as I was meant to be. Our Man is a complete cipher. His past is a mystery to us, and his future looks far from rosy. All we have is the present. We observe that he’s far from young (plus, we know Redford is 77), yet surprisingly agile and tenacious. We assume that he’s wealthy, since poor folks are rarely off sailing

yachts. He’s obviously an experienced seaman (though one wonders why he has to read a book on how to use a sextant), but beyond that ... nothing. Why is he at sea in the first place? We don’t know, and we never will. The idea — helped to some degree by the casting of the iconic Redford — is to create a kind of mythic figure out of him. Does it work? Sort of. That it works at all is largely attributable to the presence of Robert Redford. The only person who would’ve been better is Gary Cooper, but he hasn’t worked in a while. As noted by director Josef von Sternberg, Cooper had the ability to be interesting by just standing there. Redford isn’t quite capable of that, but he is a self-contained presence that can hold the screen without doing very much. In this film, that’s essential. He has to come across as so self-sufficient in his own mind that he needs no one, including the audience. That’s both fascinating and a little off-putting. If there’s any real dramatic arc in the film, it’s less about whether Our Man will survive than whether he’ll accept his own limitations. This doesn’t entirely work for me. I can see it, but I can’t honestly say I feel it. I don’t really buy that Our Man or anyone would endure this in almost complete silence — dramatically punctuated by one single, “Fuck!” shouted to the unyielding, uncaring heavens. It’s dramatically valid, I suppose, but I just don’t believe it.

There has been a certain amount of criticism about the film’s ending — something that can’t be discussed here — but it’s one of the things about All Is Lost I don’t have issues with. I’m not even sure that it’s what it seems on the surface — something I’d be glad to discuss after you’ve seen the film. And, yes, I think you should see it despite its shortcomings. All Is Lost is worth a look. Rated PG-13 for strong language. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre

Ender’s Game HS

diREctoR: Gavin Hood (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) pLayERs: Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Abigail Breslin, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, Ben Kingsley sci-fi RatEd pg-13 thE stoRy: Sci-Fi yarn about the creation of a military boy-genius to lead an attack on an alien world. thE Lowdown: Bombastic, selfimportant, lacking in wit and charm and just plain not very exciting, Ender’s Game is definitely a longshot for the next big franchise movie.

This latest attempt to make an expensive ($110 million budget) book-to-movie translation into the next Harry Potter or Twilight cashcow is one crashing bore — and that’s not the worst of it. I’m not getting into a discussion of the lessthan-enlightened views of the source book’s author, Orson Scott Card (not to mention his Criswelliann predictions of Obama creating an urban gang army), but the film of his apparently well-regarded tome is lifeless, joyless and charmless. It also consistently mistakes glumness for profundity. In short, it’s an expensive and overbearing lox. It can — and will — be argued that the 1985 novel predated the Harry Potter books, so the striking similarities may be coincidental. But let’s be honest, the film really tries to work those similarities, and this whole Chosen One jazz is as old as the hills. Here, it feels more Dune-derived than anything — to the degree that I kept expect-

ing someone to announce that Ender Wiggins (Asa Butterfield looking like a budget-sized Paul Ryan) is the Kwisatz Haderach. (Unfortunately, this never happens, since it would have provided a good laugh the movie could have sorely used.) Here, the Chosen One — or whatever you want to call him — seems to have been picked on the same basis as “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” The Wiggins family has produced three potential Chosen Ones — Big brother Peter (Jimmy “Jax” Pinchak) is too hard, while middle child Valentine (Abigail Breslin) is too soft, but baby Ender is just right. This at least is what gruff Colonel Graff (grim Harrison Ford) believes, and his belief is apparently “proved” when young Ender knocks down a bully and then mercilessly kicks him. Yeah, the movie’s like that. So “gruff Graff” sticks the lad on the Hogwarts’ Express ... excuse me, on the next shuttle to a military training school on some space station. Here, he will be put on the fast-track to chosen-hood by further bullying and a really uninteresting laser-tag version of Quidditch. All the while, Graff looks grim, his assistant (Viola Davis) looks concerned and finally Ben Kingsley (with Maori facial tattoos for some reason) shows up to inject a little life into the proceedings with those thick slices of ham that only Sir Ben (in paycheck mode) can provide. And what is all this chosen business in the service of? Well, seems that 50 years ago, a bunch of insectoid aliens tried to invade earth, and who knows when those shifty bugs might be back? Therefore, it’s deemed prudent to just take them out first — something only a genius military tactician can pull off. I’m sure you can guess who that is. It’s all pretty ho-hum stuff that somehow manages to look reasonably convincing while being completely devoid of excitement. There’s also a twist to it that all but the dimmest viewer will see coming, if only because the movie has clearly shot its effects-work wad. And there’s a crise de conscience so we’ll understand that the movie doesn’t really think all the jingoistic hooey is a good thing. What can be said about it all? Yes, it’s slickly produced, but it’s also incredibly undistinguished. All the costumes and sets have

a bland, generic look, as if they were cribbed from 1970s sci-fi flicks. The acting — with the exception of Kingsley — is pretty much of the one-note variety. Everyone is given a basic character trait that they adhere to for most of the movie’s two hours. There is no humor to any of it, which I guess is meant to convince us that this is very serious business indeed. I am told that the book is thought-provoking. The movie, however — even for its latein-the-day maundering about genocide (or xenocide) — never gets to the level of a mid-range Star Trek episode. Whether this is going to be the new Harry Potter remains to be seen, but its projected $27 million opening weekend is a far cry from the $90 million debut of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001). Rated PG-13 for some violence, sci-fi action and thematic material. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande, United Artists Beaucatcher

Free Birds S

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diREctoR: Jimmy Hayward (Horton Hears a Who!) pLayERs: (Voices) Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson, George Takei, Amy Poehler, Keith David animatEd anthRopomoRphic tuRkEy sci-fi RatEd pg thE stoRy: Time-traveling turkeys go back to pilgrim times to prevent turkey from becoming the standard Thanksgiving fare. thE Lowdown: It isn’t clever. It isn’t funny. It isn’t very well made. It seems a lot longer than 90 minutes.

It’s a movie about turkeys traveling back in time to stop turkey from being the traditional Thanksgiving meal. What really is there to be said about such a thing? Well, since I’m expected to say something, I’ll have a bash, but this is going to be of the short-andsour variety. Jimmy Hayward’s Free Birds is not only about tur-

Now HiRiNg FoR ALL PoSitioNS Apply online at

or in-person

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

keys, it manages to be one, and long before it’s over, you may well be ready to carve it. You might recall Hayward made the OK Horton Hears a Who! back in 2008 and was rewarded with the live-action debacle Jonah Hex (2010). That at least offered a certain amount of unintended mirth. Free Birds intends mirth and fails to raise much. The whole idea is that Reggie (voiced by Owen Wilson) is smarter (this is a relative term) than the average turkey. He realizes that he and his free-range flock are slated for luncheon. So Reggie’s very happy when the seemingly narcoleptic daughter (lotsa laughs there) of the ersatz Bill Clinton president insists he be the annual pardoned turkey. According to the film, this means a life of leisure at Camp David with cable TV and the ability to endlessly order pizza from Chuck E. Cheese. (How this works, I don’t know, since none of the other humans can understand turkey-speak.) Enter Jake (voiced by Woody Harrelson), who is not smarter than most turkeys, but is determined to drag Reggie off on a mission to take a top-secret time machine back to the first Thanksgiving to stop the pilgrims from setting that unfortunate poultry precedent. (Never mind that the tradition started much, much later.) That’s it. It’s not very involving. Plus, the animation is lackluster and the 3-D all but nonexistent. Yes, George Takei — providing the voice of the time machine — will say, “Oh, my,” but you have to wade through the whole film to get to it. No, the Lynyrd Skynyrd song does not appear, but there is a fairly pointless cover (by Social Distortion) of Credence Clearwater’s “Up Around the Bend.” In some quarters, the film is being viewed as PETA propaganda. In others, it’s supposedly a distasteful diminishing of Native American concerns. Frankly, I don’t think the movie’s smart enough to have an agenda. Sometimes a dumb, talking-turkey movie is just this week’s kiddie-flick cash grab. How you’ll explain to your tykes why you’ve stuffed and roasted Reggie in a few weeks is your concern. Rated PG for some action/peril and rude humor. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike 10,Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

Community Screenings

AlFred hitchcock excerpts And discussion • TH (11/7), 7pm - Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St., will present “The Special Effects of Hitchcock,” with excerpts from notable works and a discussion of film techniques. Free. Info: 250-4717 or enVironmentAl Film FestiVAl • FR (11/8), 6-9pm - The Environmental and Conversation Organization will host a film festival at the Hendersonville Little Theatre, 229 S. Warrington St., Hendersonville, to promote enviro-film YERT - Your Environmental Road Trip. $15/$10 for students/$7 for 12 and under. Info: or 692-0385. middle eAst Film series • TH (11/7), 7pm - The Middle East Film Series will screen Budrus at Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. Sponsored by Western Carolinians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East. Free. Info: • MO (11/11), 7pm - The Middle East Film Series will screen The Gatekeepers at Black Mountain Library, 105 N Dougherty St. Sponsored by Western Carolinians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East. Free. Info: • TH (11/14), 7pm - An additional screening will be held at Brooks-Howell Home, 266 Merrimon Ave. Free. moVie night At colony eArth • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Colony Earth screens feature films, documentaries and more. By donation. Info and location: silent Film night • TU (11/12), 7pm - Local film historian Chip Kaufmann will screen three silent comedies: Charlie Chaplin’s A Dog’s Life, Buster Keaton’s The Playhouse and Harold Lloyd’s High and Dizzy. Held at the Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville. Free to attend. Free popcorn. Info: 250-6482. silent Film night • TU (11/12), 7pm - Silent Film Night will screen Charlie Chaplin’s A Dog’s Life, Buster Keaton’s The Playhouse and Harold Lloyd’s High and Dizzy at Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Free. Info: 2506482. southern circuit Film series • TU (11/12), 7:30pm - The Southern Circuit Film Series will feature GMO OMG, a documentary about genetically modified organisms. Held in WCU’s A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: We shAll remAin Film series • MONDAYS through (11/25) - The We Shall Remain film series will feature documentaries from the Native American perspective. Held in UNCA’s Highsmith University Union Grotto. Free. Info: msp.

How I Live Now HHHS

diREctoR: Kevin Macdonald (State of Play) pLayERs: Saoirse Ronan, George MacKay, Tom Holland, Harley Bird, Anna Chancellor action waR thRiLLER RatEd R thE stoRy: In the midst of an unidentified and unexplained war, four children struggle for survival in the English countryside. thE Lowdown: An odd, but generally effective movie that benefits from strong performances and gets extra points for not explaining too much.

Kevin Macdonald’s How I Live Now is an odd film — to put it mildly. It’s based on a British young adult novel by Meg Rosson of the same name. (I confess to never having heard of the book or the author.) I liked it more than I didn’t — and maybe more than I should have. That said, the movie definitely has a certain raw power that I suspect works better if you don’t know the book. What makes it work is so completely grounded in what we don’t quite comprehend. This is its strength, and this is why I’m tempted to say those interested in seeing the film should read the rest of this review after doing so. While I have no intention of giving away the plot, there’s simply no effective way of writing about How I Live Now without getting into its deliberately vague premise. Set in an unspecified, but clearly not-too-distant future, the film opens with the arrival of Daisy (Saoirse Ronan) at a strangely fortified airport in England. She’s clearly not happy to be there and not encouraged in the least when she finds that her unlicensed, 14-year-old cousin, Isaac (Tom Holland, The Impossible), is her driver. She has been sent to the home of her maternal aunt, Penn (Brit TV actress Anna Chancellor), mostly, it seems, because her father would rather not deal with her. (At least that’s her perception.) Considering herself an urbanite of some sophistication, she has zero interest in bonding with her

rural cousins. She does her best to remain aloof from them — despite the presence of a hunky (this is YA stuff, after all) older cousin, Edmond (young Brit actor George MacKay). But there’s something about Edmond — the fact that he and Daisy have an immediate psychic link — that both attracts and alarms her. Just as she’s settling into this life, however, there’s an inexplicable strong wind followed by a thundering noise and strange ash. An apparently nuclear device has been set off in London. We never know more than the children do. We don’t know who’s responsible, nor do we know who the subsequent invaders are — we never even see them up close. This is the film’s shrewdest device — allowing us no more knowledge than the characters, who soon find themselves invaded by the British army. The army plans (they say) to take them to a place of safety — one that requires the two boys to be separated from Daisy and their little sister, Piper (newcomer Harley Bird). Since Daisy is our main character, we stay with her and Piper. They soon discover that this “safe place” is a drab housing estate where they’re boarded with a not unkind couple (who persist in a hopeless belief their son will return), and are set to work scrounging for vegetables. Whatever tenuous stability this might have afforded is soon shattered by the arrival of invading troops, sending Daisy and Piper on a journey to get back to their farm. This often brutal journey makes up the last part of the film. What makes this work is in no small part due to the four lead performances. I am coming to believe that Saoirse Ronan is simply incapable of giving a bad performance — The Host to one side. But all four are good and sometimes heartbreaking. The film rarely pulls its punches, even though we know there has to be something other than a wholly bleak outcome. Macdonald does a terrific job of always finding the beauty of the English countryside, even while painting it as a damaged and dangerous place. The results are certainly not a great picture, but a curious and curiously involving one. Rated R for violence, disturbing images, language and some sexuality. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas

saoiRsE Ronan and gEoRgE mackay in Kevin Macdonald’s definitely offbeat How I Live Now, about a nuclear attack on and invasion of Great Britain.

Las Vegas HH diREctoR: Jon Turteltaub (National Treasure) pLayERs: Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline, Mary Steenburgen comEdy RatEd pg-13 thE stoRy: A senior citizen and his three buddies reunite for a bachelor party in Las Vegas. thE Lowdown: A pleasant enough comedy thanks to its cast, though it’s rarely amusing and far too one-note.

I feared the worst going into Jon Turteltaub’s Last Vegas, a film being marketed as the AARP’s answer to The Hangover. I knew that the horror of 90 minutes of boner-pill jokes and Michael Douglas’ beef-jerky visage awaited me. But surprisingly, Last Vegas is not that terrible. I mean, there are boner-pill jokes, and Douglas could star in another Texas Chainsaw Massacre if someone were so forward-thinking, but the experience was mostly painless and generally pleasant, albeit wholly corny and often outright unfunny. The watchability of the film is mostly due to its cast, mainly Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Kline. None of these men are spectacular by any means, but they’re all personable and were given roles that let their personalities come through. It is no coincidence that Freeman and Kline, the two most innately likable actors, fare the best. Together,

the four play lifelong friends each dealing with the difficulty of aging. There’s Archie (Freeman), who’s just suffered a minor stroke; Sam (Kline), who’s wasting away in Florida with a titanium hip and a metal knee; and Paddy (De Niro), who spends his time cooped up in his apartment, mourning the loss of his wife. They’re all brought back together for Billy’s (Douglas) bachelor party — the clique’s playboy is finally settling down with a woman less than half his age. This plays just like any teen, sex-and-booze-party romp you’ve ever seen, but with the added twist of featuring elderly men and without the gumption for an R-rating. There’s lots of ogling and talk about sex, but nothing ever really happens. The jokes are what you’d expect, with lots of gags revolving around prescription pharmaceuticals and sagging body parts (no adult diaper jokes, though, so bravo, everyone). However, there are attempts at dramatic weight, as our heroes learn to come terms with their old age and wade through the decades of emotional baggage their friendships have wrought. None of this supposed heaviness works as well as director Turteltaub thinks it should, since he punctuates any dramatic scene with a schmaltzy score full of swelling strings and oboes. Turteltaub wants the audience to care about these characters, when really it’s just the actors getting what they can out of the role. That they kept Last Vegas from being a total loss is an impressive feat in itself. Rated PG-13 on appeal for sexual content and language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10,Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

waad mohammEd in the first feature film from Saudi Arabia Wadjda, but if you’re interested, it will be gone after Thursday afternoon.

Wadjda HHH diREctoR: Haifaa Al-Mansour pLayERs: Waad Mohammed, Reem Abdullah, Abdullrahman Al Gohani, Ahd, Sultan Al Assaf dRama RatEd pg thE stoRy: A young Saudi girl, struggling against the customs and restrictions of her homeland, enters a Koran recitation contest to win enough money to buy a bicycle. thE Lowdown: A movie that’s full of ideas and thoughts on Saudi Arabian culture, but is far too quiet and meandering to carry any power.

Haifaa Al-Mansour’s Wadjda is the first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia, and the first one directed by a female Saudi. While that certainly merits a bit of curiosity, the question for me becomes, if it were, say, the second film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia, or the second film directed by a Saudi woman, would anyone care? My hunch is no, which isn’t to say Wadjda is a bad film, but rather one so slight and waifish that it barely exists.


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

Al-Mansour has many thoughts on the lives of women living inside Saudi Arabia’s oppressive culture — ideas that often feel muddled and rarely carry any weight, either socially or dramatically. She focuses mainly on Wadjda (Waad Mohammed), a young girl who doesn’t fit in with the constrained society of Saudi Arabia. She listens to pirate radio stations playing Western pop music and wears Chuck Taylors despite her school’s conservative dress code. Mostly, she’s motivated by the unmovable desire to own a bicycle — something that’s frowned-upon for girls. To afford it, she hustles by any means necessary, selling bracelets and mixtapes to girls at school, and finally deciding to enter a Koran recitation contest to win money. This last part is particularly surprising, considering Wadjda’s rebellious nature. Given the setup of this contest within the plot, Wadjda goes exactly (apart from one very, very small twist) where you expect it to. On the periphery are small stories and touches meant to examine the role of women in Saudi Arabia, from Wadjda’s mother (Reem Abdullah) fearing Wadjda’s father (Sultan Al Assaf) will take on a new wife, to the hypocrisy of Wadjda’s religiously overbearing teacher (Ahd) supposedly harboring a secret lover.

Much of it — like one of Wadjda’s young classmates getting married — is meant to be jarring. It isn’t as shocking as it would like to be, unfortunately, since the film itself is so slight that any dramatic weight the plot might carry soon dissipates. Al-Mansour has made a pleasant crowd-pleaser, but she also lacks any real style, shooting everything in a wholly utilitarian manner, all while stretching the film’s story out as thin as possible (at 98 minutes, the film feels 20 minutes too long). Not a whole lot happens in Wadjda, and when it does, it verges a bit too close to simple melodrama, while still feeling dramatically inert. While Al-Mansour highlights many issues surrounding female

life in Saudi Arabia, that’s all that’s there. While I don’t exactly expect solutions to the issues, the film is so small and quaint that there’s no power in the filmmaking, just quiet family drama that comes across as pat, considering the issues being raised. There’s a total lack of emotion here — no anger or sadness, and the only desire seems to come from a girl who wants a bicycle. Yes, Wadjda is a pleasant, pleasing, easy movie, but that’s about all it has going for it. Rated PG for thematic elements, brief mild language and smoking. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Fine Arts Theatre

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staRting fRiday

12 Years a Slave See review in “Cranky Hanke”

About Time The good news is that Richard Curtis (Love Actually, Pirate Radio) has made another film. The bad news is that Curtis claims this will be his last film as a director. Here’s hoping that he changes his mind. But if it’s to be so, then let’s hope that this fanciful tale about the inherited ability to time travel and how it affects one’s romantic chances is up to his first two directorial efforts. Domhnall Gleason (Anna Karenina), Rachel McAdams and the always welcome Bill Nighy star. Early word from the UK is more positive than negative, and they tend to be harsher on UK productions than we are. I’ll be there first thing on Friday. (R)

How I Live Now See review in “Cranky Hanke”

Thor: The Dark World This sequel to Thor is already presold as the big mainstream movie of the week. Thor: The Dark World opened in most parts of the world last weekend and scarfed up nearly $110 million. It’s poised like a juggernaut for American shores. And why not? The first film was enjoyable and everyone’s back for this one. Well, almost everyone — director Kenneth Branagh has been replaced by TV director Alan Taylor, whose only notable theatrical film was back in 2001. (PG-13)

All Is Lost See review in “Cranky Hanke”

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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


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stiLL showing

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

12 Years a Slave HHHHS Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Lupita Nyong'o Biographical drama The story of Solomon Northup, a free black man kidnapped and sold into slavery. Powerful, brilliantly — and beautifully — made. It boasts a gallery of fine performances and should finally propel Chiwetel Ejiofor to the stardom he’s deserved for ten years. It’s a fine film, but maybe not quite a masterpiece. Rated R

All Is Lost HHHH Robert Redford drama A man fights for survival on a sinking boat in the middle of the ocean. While it doesn’t live up to the critical hype — at least not for me — this solo turn from Robert Redford is unusual fare and certainly worth a look. Bear in mind that it is one very taciturn man holding the screen for the entire length of the film. Rated pg-13


Ender’s Game HS

Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Abigail Breslin, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, Ben Kingsley sci-fi Sci-Fi yarn about the creation of a military boy-genius to lead an attack on an alien world. Bombastic, selfimportant, lacking in wit and charm and just plain not very exciting, Ender’s Game is definitely a long-shot for the next big franchise movie. Rated pg-13

Enough Said HHHH Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Gandolfini, Catherine Keener, Toni Collette, Tracey Fairaway, Tavi Gevinson Romantic comedy drama A woman finds her romance with a seemingly compatible man undermined when it turns out that he’s the ex-husband of a new friend of hers. Unfailingly pleasant but awkwardly plotted film that ultimately wins out on the strength of James Gandolfini and Julia LouisDreyfus. Rated pg-13

Escape Plan H Bad Grandpa H Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Greg Harris, Georgina Cates hidden camera comedy Johnny Knoxville in old-man makeup, pulls pranks on unsuspecting bystanders. A dumb, molasses-paced hidden-camera flick that tries to be both gross and heartfelt, but really just feels pointless. Rated R

The Counselor HHHH Michael Fassbender, Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt neo-noir crime thriller A lawyer gets involved in a drug deal that goes bad — very bad. A strikingly original collaboration between director Ridley Scott and writer Cormac McCarthy has proven that personal filmmaking can still exist in mainstream film. What this sharply divisive film does not prove is that there’s much market for it. Unrelentingly grim (with doses of bitter humor), layered, disturbing and, yes, flawed, but I found it compelling. Rated R

Diana HHHS Naomi Watts, Naveen Andrews, Douglas Hodge, Juliet Stevenson, Geraldine James Romantic Biopic Fact-based story of Princess Diana’s love affair with a Pakistani heart surgeon during the last two years of her life. Lightweight, but handsome and well-acted account of the last years of Princess Diana’s life. It’s not a great picture, but it’s entertaining, and Naomi Watts makes a strong impression as Diana. Too bad it’s apt to get lost in the shuffle of a week heavy in “art” titles. Rated pg-13


noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel, Faran Tahir, Sam Neill action A professional escape artist is sent to a secret, illegal prison that’s thought to be impenetrable. A terminally dumb action picture that makes zero sense, manned by a couple of senior citizens out to prove they’ve still got it. Dreadfully bad. Rated R

Free Birds S (Voices) Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson, George Takei, Amy Poehler, Keith David animated anthropomorphic turkey sci-fi Time-traveling turkeys go back to pilgrim times to prevent turkey from becoming the standard Thanksgiving fare. It isn’t clever. It isn’t funny. It isn’t very well made. It seems a lot longer than 90 minutes. Rated pg

Gravity HHHHS Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice) sci-fi suspense Two astronauts accidentally set adrift in space must find a way to survive and make it back to earth. Brilliantly made, impeccably acted, visually impressive and undeniably intense in its suspense. Gravity is a fine film, but is maybe too efficient for its own good. Rated pg-13

HHHHH = max rating

children struggle for survival in the English countryside. An odd, but generally effective movie that benefits from strong performances and gets extra points for not explaining too much. Rated R

Inequality for All HHHHS Robert Reich documentary Documentary about the way economics work — and don’t work. Sure to be divisive, which is to say that people who believe the rich should be taxed less will hate it. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich proves an engaging personality as he explains how the economy relies on a prosperous middle class. Rated pg

Ip Man: The Final Fight HHHS Anthony Wong, Gillian Chung, Jordan Chan, Eric Tsang, Marvel Chow Biographical martial arts drama Biopic about the final years of legendary martial arts master Ip Man. While there isn’t a shortage of action — with three standout sequences — this biographical film is really more of a drama. Beautifully designed and photographed with a masterful performance from Anthony Wong. Rated pg-13

Last Vegas HH Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline, Mary Steenburgen comedy A senior citizen and his three buddies reunite for a bachelor party in Las Vegas. A pleasant enough comedy thanks to its cast, though it’s rarely amusing and far too one-note. Rated pg-13

Lee Daniels’ The Butler HHHH Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David Oyelowo, Cuba Gooding Jr., Terrence Howard fact-Based drama Fact-based drama about the man who served as White House butler from Ike to Reagan. Lee Daniels feels constrained with a PG-13 rating, but his film still resonates with honest emotion and solid filmmaking that manages to pack more than 80 years of story into two hours without feeling rushed. Rated pg-13

Muscle Shoals HHHHS Rick Hall, Greg Allman, Bono, Clarence Carter, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards

How I Live Now HHHS Saoirse Ronan, George MacKay, Tom Holland, Harley Bird, Anna Chancellor action war thriller In the midst of an unidentified and unexplained war, four

Music Documentary Documentary about the legendary FAME recording studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, Bursting with great music and terrific interviews, this is easily the best music documentary to come our way this year. Rated PG

spEciaL scREEnings

Being There HHHHH comEdy dRama Rated PG Being There is a remarkable film that seems to have

fallen by the wayside in recent years. How this could have happened with a film that — among other things — houses Peter Sellers’ greatest acting performance is a mystery of some note. It’s a brilliant film about a simple-minded gardener (Sellers) who faces the real world for the first time when his employer dies. Everyone regards the gardener as deeply profound, deriving their own meanings from the sound bites he’s learned from watching TV. More than funny, it’s perceptive, sweet, sad and a little magical. The Asheville Film Society will screen Being There Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

The Devil’s Backbone HHHHS fantasy thRiLLER Rated R Guillermo del Toro’s frequently brilliant ghost story The Devil’s Backbone (2001) — set at an orphanage during the Spanish Civil War — is one of the filmmaker’s best works. It blends supernatural and human horror in such a way that the dividing line is not entirely clear. Even though del Toro has gone the film one better with his masterful Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), this is still a movie well worth having. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Devil’s Backbone Friday, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.

Mary, Queen of Scots HHHH histoRicaL dRama Rated PG Well, it does boast two of the greatest — pos-

sibly the greatest — actresses of 1960s and 70s British film in Vanessa Redgrave and Glenda Jackson, but let’s be honest, this is a thoroughly respectable British prestige picture from the folks who brought you the even more respectable Anne of a Thousand Days (1969). While Mary, Queen of Scots (1971) is decidedly more lively — and better acted — it’s still the kind of picture you think it is. And you know it ends badly. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Mary, Queen of Scotts Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

The Sect HHHH hoRRoR Rated NR: This is a makeup screening of The Sect (1991) that was

originally scheduled a while back. It’s a visually stunning, narratively unhinged (to the point of incoherence) Italian horror from Michele Soavi, who went on to make the splendid Cemetry Man (1994). While this bizarre Rosemary’s Baby reimagining is nowhere near that horror masterpiece, it’s pretty irresistible in terms of primo nonsense. This, after all, is a movie that boasts not only a homicidal bunny rabbit and a murderous handkerchief, but what is perhaps the damnedest Satanic sex scene of all time. Plus, there’s the great Herbert Lom at his most hammily sinister and an ending that doesn’t make a lick of sense. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Sect Thursday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013



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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


fREEwiLL aStRoLogy

by Rob Brezny

aRiES (march 21-april 19) I'm not a big fan of fear. It gets far more attention than it deserves. The media and entertainment industries practically worship it, and many of us allow ourselves to be riddled with toxic amounts of the stuff. Having said that, though, I do want to put in a good word for fear. Now and then, it keeps us from doing stupid things. It prods us to be wiser and act with more integrity. It forces us to see the truth when we might prefer to wallow in delusion. Now is one of those times for you, Aries. Thank your fear for helping to wake you up.

tauRuS (april 20-may 20) "Poetry might be defined as the clear expression of mixed feelings," wrote W.H. Auden. If that's true, then your job is to be a poet right now. You seem to be awash in a hubbub of paradoxical inclinations, complete with conflicting desires and mismatched truths. There's no shame or blame in that. But you do have a responsibility to communicate your complexity with honesty and precision. If you can manage that, people will treat you with affection and give you extra slack. They might even thank you.

gEmini (may 21-June 20) What can you do to improve your flow? Are there obstructions in your environment that keep you from having a more fluidic rhythm? Do you harbor negative beliefs that make it harder for life to bestow its natural blessings on you? Now is the time to take care of glitches like these, Gemini. You have more power than usual to eliminate constrictions and dissolve fixations. Your intuition will be strong when you use it to drum up graceful luck for your personal use. Be aggressive. Be bold. Be lyrical. It's high time for you to slip into a smooth groove.

cancER (June 21-July 22) At the beginning of his novel The White Castle, Orhan Pamuk offers this meditation: "To imagine that a person who intrigues us has access to a way of life unknown and all the more attractive for its mystery, to believe that we will begin to live only through the love of that person—what else is this but the birth of great passion?" How do you respond to this provocative statement, Cancerian? Here are my thoughts: On the one hand, maybe it's not healthy for you to fantasize that a special someone can give you what you can't give yourself. On the other hand, believing this is true may inspire you to take an intriguing risk that would catalyze invigorating transformations. Which is it? Now is a good time to ruminate on these matters.

LEo (July 23-aug. 22) Canadians Tommy Larkin and Stephen Goosney are biological brothers, but they were adopted by different families when they were young. They lost touch for almost 70

noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013

ScoRpio (oct. 23-nov. 21) “Not for all the whiskey in heaven,” begins a poem by Charles Bernstein. “Not for all the flies in Vermont. Not for all the tears in the basement. Not for a million trips to Mars. Not for all the fire in hell. Not for all the blue in the sky.” Can you guess what he’s driving at? Those are the things he will gladly do without in order to serve his passion. “No, never, I’ll never stop loving you,” he concludes. According to my understanding of your astrological cycle, Scorpio, now is a good time for you to make a comparable pledge. What is the one passion you promise to devote yourself to above all others? And what are you willing to live without in order to focus on that passion? Be extravagant, pure, wild and explicit.

30 years. Once they began looking for each other, it didn't take long to be reunited. Nor did they have to travel far to celebrate. It turns out that they were living across the street from each other in the same small town in Newfoundland. I foresee a metaphorically similar experience in your future, Leo. When you get reconnected to your past, you will find that it has been closer than you realized.

ViRgo (aug. 23-Sept. 22) This will be an excellent week for you to talk with yourself — or rather, with yourselves. I'm envisioning in-depth conversations between your inner saint and your inner evil twin ... between the hard worker and the lover of creature comforts ... between the eager-to-please servant of the greater good and the self-sufficient smartie who's dedicated to personal success. I think that in at least some of these confabs, you should speak every word out loud. You should gesture with your hands and express colorful body language. It's prime time for your different sub-personalities to get to know each other better.

LiBRa (Sept. 23-oct. 22) In the coming week you will probably have more luck than usual if you play keno, craps, blackjack, bingo or roulette. People who owe you money will be inclined to pay you back, so you might want to give them a nudge. I won't be surprised if you find a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk or if a store cashier accidentally gives you way too much change. In the wake of these tendencies, your main assignment is to be alert for opportunities to increase your cash flow. For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for boosting your financial fortunes, I hope you will have a pen and notebook by the bed to write it down.

SagittaRiuS (nov. 22-dec. 21) Dmitri Razumikhin is a character in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. His surname is derived from the Russian word for "reason." At one point he makes a drunken speech that includes these observations: "It's by talking nonsense that one gets to the truth! Not one single truth has ever been arrived at without people first having talked a dozen reams of nonsense, even 10 dozen reams of it." Let's make this a centerpiece of your current strategy, Sagittarius. Just assume that in order to ferret out the core insights that will fuel your next transformations, you may need to speak and hear a lot of babble.

capRicoRn (dec. 22-Jan. 19) At the 2013 Grammy Awards, actor Neil Patrick Harris introduced the band Fun this way: "As legendary gangster rap icon Katharine Hepburn once said, if you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun." Everything about that vignette is a template for the approach you can use now with great success. You should gravitate toward festive events and convivial gatherings. Whenever possible, you should sponsor, activate and pave the way for fun. Toward that end, it's totally permissible for you to tell amusing stories that aren't exactly factual and that bend the rules not quite to the breaking point.

aQuaRiuS (Jan. 20-feb. 18) Some spiritual traditions regard the ego as a bad thing. They imply that it's the source of suffering — a chronically infected pustule that must be regularly lanced and drained. I understand this argument. The ego has probably been the single most destructive force in the history of civilization. But I also think it's our sacred duty to redeem and rehabilitate it. After all, we often need our egos in order to get important things done. Our egos give us the confidence to push through difficulties. They motivate us to work hard to achieve our dreams. Your assignment, Aquarius, is to beautify your ego as you strengthen it. Build your self-esteem without stirring up arrogance. Love yourself brilliantly, not neurotically. Express your talents in ways that stimulate others to express theirs.

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piScES (feb. 19-march 20) Dr. Seuss wrote his children's books in English, but he liked to stretch the limits of his native tongue. "You’ll be surprised what there is to be found once you go beyond 'Z' and start poking around," he said. One of the extra letters he found out there was "yuzz," which he used to spell the made-up word "yuzz-a-ma-tuzz." I recommend that you take after Seuss — not only in the way you speak, but also in the ways you work, play, love, dream and seek adventure. It's time to explore the territory beyond your comfort zone.

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PET SERvicES ASHEviLLE PET SiTTERS Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232. #1 AffORdABLE cOMMUNiTY cONSciOUS MASSAgE ANd ESSENTiAL OiL cLiNic 2 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088 and 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 7851385 • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 20 therapists. Call now!

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No.1002 Edited by Will Shortz


ACROSS 1 Long part of a lance 6 Radar screen dot 10 ___-à-porter 14 Actor Quinn 15 Charlie Chaplin’s last wife 16 Singsong syllables 17 What Ali Baba found on the treasure in the cave? 20 In the mail 21 Heart of the matter 22 Simple 23 Not supportin’ 25 Down Under runners 27 Sign of a failed practice? 33 Baseball exec Bud 34 ___ trap 35 Honour bestowed by Queen Elizabeth: Abbr.

36 Sch. near Beverly Hills 37 Letter closing 39 Bar from Mars 40 Avril follower 41 Grammy-winning blues guitarist Jonny 42 In need of some manscaping, say 43 Puzzles as gifts? 47 Web site that users themselves may revise 48 Many a Rolling Stone cover subject 49 You’ll need to take steps to get to it 52 ___ sci 54 Lerner/Loewe musical set in Paris 58 Be startled by singing monks? 61 Suit to ___ 62 ___ dire (court examination) 63 Seat for a stand-up



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No. 1002

edited by Will Shortz

thE nEw yoRk timES cRoSSwoRd puzzLE

64 Coloratura’s practice 65 1990s compacts 66 What a verb ending may indicate DOWN 1 Suckers 2 Employ 3 Deuce follower 4 1940 Disney film 5 Big bang letters 6 Sound of disgust 7 Digs in an old warehouse, maybe 8 Prevalent, as a rumor 9 Sound of disgust 10 When repeated several times, child’s entreaty 11 Sitar master Shankar 12 Stat for 26-Down: Abbr. 13 Stun with a charge 18 Option on “Wheel of Fortune” 19 Arctic language 24 Booking 26 Cascades, e.g.: Abbr. 27 Old Renault 28 Stan’s film partner 29 Toupee alternative 30 Lose-lose 31 Car mentioned in the Beach Boys’ “Fun, Fun, Fun” 32 Hot, like a hunk












15 18









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48 52














46 Guarantor of financial accts. 49 Open a crack 50 Hippo’s wear in 4-Down 51 Eliot Ness and others 53 Home of Miami University 55 Wise to

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the Week Lumineer• Silver Tabby


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noVEmBER 6 - noVEmBER 12, 2013


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