O U R 2 1 S T Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A V O L . 2 1 N O . 1 6 N O V. 1 2 - N O V. 1 8 , 2 0 1 4
Buncombe goes blue
Asheville Vegan Society promotes community activism
0 1 RN
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
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Top dogs Were it not for a pack of Mexican dogs terrorizing Waynesville, Asheville’s Feral Chihuahuas might have been called Kumquat. The sketch comedy troupe celebrates its 10-year anniversary with two shows at Asheville Community Theatre.
Ebola Outbreak in Liberia
coVER dEsign Lori Deaton photogRaph Tim Robison
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8 ELEction 2014 Buncombe goes blue
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17 ELEction 2014 Voters approve jury-trial amendment
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21 VEggiE BasEd Plant-based Disease Prevention Conference launches in Asheville
caRtoon: moLton
caRtoon: BREnt BRown
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14 community caLEndaR 16 conscious paRty 24 food, fRiEnds & EmpowERmEnt — Asheville Vegan Society supports community activism
18 in thE spiRit 20 ashEViLLE discLaimER 26 smaLL BitEs
28 BEER scout
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32 Laugh LEssons Wyatt Cenac: from UNC to a career in comedy
33 statE of thE aRts 36 smaRt BEts 40 cLuBLand
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
copyRight 2014 By Mountain Xpress adVERtising copyRight 2014 By Mountain Xpress aLL Rights REsERVEd
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puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EditoR: Margaret Williams a&E EditoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall food EditoR/wRitER: Gina Smith staff REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds EditoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose moViE REViEwER & cooRdinatoR: Ken Hanke contRiButing EditoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak
caRtoon By Randy moLton
Letter writer explains she is not an ‘outsider’ As author of the letter “Asheville Becoming an Elitist City,” [Oct. 15, Xpress], I was surprised at the many reactions it elicited. This letter is in response to the majority of people who labeled me an “outsider” intruding on their territory. So let me explain something to them. My family, going back many generations, is from these mountains. My parents were both born and raised on farms in Bakersville. My paternal grandfather at one time served as sheriff of Mitchell County. My maternal grandmother was so beloved by the people of Bakersville that a street was named for her in honor of her contribution to the community. I have Cherokee heritage on both sides of my family, and I have been coming back to these mountains all of my life to visit my relatives who never left here. As you can see, although villified as such, I was not just some Florida tourist who took a liking to these parts while vacationing and decided to move here. This is my ancestral home to which I felt a yearning to return, and, according to my Cherokee his-
tory, most of you have encroached on my homeland and not the other way around. I harbor no hard feelings; all is forgiven. I have been an activist most of my adult life, engaged in activities championing change for the less fortunate among us. My husband volunteers weekly at MANNA FoodBank. So please, let’s practice having empathy and respect and not judge our fellow human beings. Joan Deaver Asheville
Reader finds portions of food pioneers story disturbing I was disturbed by a couple of things published in your “Asheville’s Food Pioneers” coverage in the Oct. 22 issue of Xpress. You give very nice publicity to Blue Ridge Food Ventures (a local sacred cow) in “From Palates to Pallets,” with special attention given to UliMana, the largest Food Ventures client. All well and good — how swell it is to push local small businesses — but then, on page 38, you feature UliMana staff happily making their raw truffles with bare hands, which anyone with any background in the food industry knows is a serious
REguLaR contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy FoltzGray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther
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adVERtising, aRt & dEsign managER: Susan Hutchinson gRaphic dEsignERs: Lori Deaton, Megan Kirby, Susan McBride, Lance Wille onLinE saLEs managER: Jordan Foltz maRKEting associatEs: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner infoRmation tEchnoLogiEs managER: Stefan Colosimo wEB tEam: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger officE managER & BooKKEEpER: Patty Levesque
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assistant officE managER: Lisa Watters distRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant distRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery distRiBution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young
garrisonrecycling@gmail.com junkrecyclers.net
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Send your letters to the editor to letters@mountainx.com.
We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to letters@mountainx.com.
breach of health codes not only here, but anywhere in the country. ... Are the staff of UliMana really completely ignorant of food-handling provisions of the local health code? Is
caRtoon By BREnt BRown
Chris Reedy, the Blue Ridge Food Ventures executive director (shown on page 37 with UliMana staff) ignorant of these codes? On page 44, the article “The Local Grocer” gives a deserving plug to John Swann of Katuah Market. I do take issue with something Mr. Swann is quoted as saying: “Having relationships with farmers is more important than the word ‘organic.’ Places like Hickory Nut Gap Farm, they’re not all-organic, they’re not all non-GMO, but they are working
hard to make that happen, and we want to support that.” Really? “Working toward” being organic and not utilizing GMOs, but not actually achieving those goals, is rather like saying Monsanto really wants to produce healthy, environmentally safe products. I’m absolutely certain you could find any number of Monsanto execs who would, in fact, say exactly that. But this desire alone is not necessarily enough, is it?
Surely, Mr. Swann, you have heard the old saying about the path to Hell being paved with good intentions? It applies here. In order to be the grocer that most of you customers probably think you to be, then you must seek out producers of local, organic, and nonGMO produce and meat. Organic IS important, non-GMO IS important. To state that these crucial considerations are not as important as a vendor relationship is to minimize very serious ecological and social concerns that affect the health and viability of our planet. Joe Bianculli Candler
3377 Sweeten Creek Rd. Arden, N.C. 28704 mountainx.com
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
jfrankel@mountainx.com 251-1333 ext. 152
DESPITE RIGHTWARD-STREAMING state and federal political currents, Buncombe County emerged on election night as a small sea of Democratic blue. In several important local races, Democratic candidates toppled Republican incumbents or maintained their positions of power. And though the margin of victory was small in some cases, these outcomes could have a substantial local impact in the years ahead. The results marked a political pendulum swing from two years ago, when Republicans celebrated historic local gains. And they stood in stark contrast to statewide votes that sent Republican Thom Tillis to the U.S. Senate and maintained veto-proof GOP majorities in the N.C. General Assembly. “Buncombe County is clearly different” from the surrounding region, notes local political scientist Bill sabo. Two of the four N.C. House seats that Democrats took from Republicans were in Buncombe, and Democrats also appear to have consolidated their power on the Board of Commissioners. Here’s a look at some of those key local races, with an analysis of what happened and the consequences going forward.
BuncomBE county commissionER distRict 2 The fight to represent District 2 on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners was a rematch between Democrat Ellen frost and Republican christina merrill. And it looks as though Frost has once again edged her opponent by a slim margin, giving Democrats a 4-3 majority on the board. Unofficial results reported by the N.C. Board of Elections on election night showed Frost up by 513 votes. Merrill, however, declined to concede the race, saying she wanted to wait until all absentee and provisional ballots are added to the total and it’s certified by the state board (at this writing, no date for that had been set).
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
In 2012, the initial tally showed Merrill with a slight lead, but the final, certified results put Frost on top by a mere 18 votes. That came after multiple recounts, the addition of provisional ballots from Warren Wilson College and an unsuccessful legal challenge by Merrill to disallow them. “In 2012, it was not over until canvassing,” Merrill said on election night, Nov. 4. “When it’s that close, you have to wait for all the votes to be counted.” Frost, meanwhile, declared victory, celebrating with jubilant supporters at The Millroom in downtown Asheville. She also took to Facebook, saying, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. … So many people worked so hard for my re-election.” Assuming that her tentative win isn’t overturned, Frost said her top priorities for the new term will be creating living-wage jobs and expanding day care services. She’ll join three other Democratic incumbents who are also likely to maintain a course similar to the one they’ve charted over the last two years. District 1 Commissioner Brownie newman faced no opposition
happy BLuEs: Democratic Party candidates (from left to right) Cindy McMahon, John Ager and Ellen Frost celebrated their election-night wins at the Mill Room in downtown Asheville. Photo by Halima Flynt
on the ballot this year, and the terms of fellow Democrats holly jones (District 1) and board Chairman david gantt won’t end until 2016. In her campaign, Frost touted the Democratic majority’s record of support for local school buildings, equality measures, environmental conservation and economic development. For her part, Merrill focused on criticizing Frost’s support for a 2013 budget that raised the property tax rate and gave commissioners and county staff a raise. If elected, Merrill said her top priorities would be cutting county support for nonprofits, re-evaluating environmental measures and zoning rules, and keeping taxes low.
As the results came in, she said she was “surprised” that she didn’t win by a solid margin, based on the frustration she’d heard from voters about the tax rate increase. Drawn in 2011, District 2 includes Fairview, Black Mountain and Weaverville — an area that’s historically been evenly divided between Democratic and Republican voters. That pattern played out again this year. The winner earns a four-year term on the board.
DEBRUHL DEFEATS WALDROP BuncomBE county commissionER distRict 3 Republican newcomer miranda deBruhl also hammered incumbents over the 2013 budget, nonprofit spending and environmental measures. That turned out to be a winning message in District 3, which encompasses the most conservative part of the county, including most of Leicester, EnkaCandler and Biltmore Forest. DeBruhl defeated Commissioner david King in the GOP primary, saying he wasn’t conservative enough.
And on Nov. 4, she beat King’s wife, nancy waldrop, who mounted a write-in campaign to get her name on the ballot as an unaffiliated candidate in the wake of her husband’s defeat. Waldrop called the nearly 4,000 signatures she gathered — more than the 2,054 votes DeBruhl received in the primary — as a sign of support. And she presented herself as a more moderate option who was inclined to keep the county on its current course. But in the general election, DeBruhl’s call for conservative change carried the day. Her advertising campaign sought to tie Waldrop to her husband’s record. The result was the evening’s lone win by a Buncombe County Republican candidate. And though the mood was subdued at the Republican election night gathering at the Off the Wagon Dueling Piano Bar, DeBruhl savored the moment. “I know everyone says they feel ‘honored and humble,’ but that really is how you feel when the people from your community support you,” she said. “The first thing I want to do is sit down with county staff; there’s plenty of time to talk policy.” DeBruhl won a four-year term on the board, joining Republican Commissioners joe Belcher and mike fryar. But their power to reshape county government will be limited by the Democratic majority, which has tended to vote in unison. Waldrop, gathered with supporters at the Wild Wing Cafe in Arden, said she had no regrets. And though running without the support of a major political party “was not the most helpful place to be,” she continued, “It was where I wanted to be and felt I needed to be.” The only other unaffiliated candidate in a partisan Buncombe County contest was Ben scales, who lost by a hefty margin to Democrat todd williams in the race for district attorney. Scales’ and Waldrop’s losses were in keeping with historical trends for local candidates running without the support of a party machine, says Sabo, who recently retired from teaching at UNC Asheville. “The chance of them winning is very small: It’s extraordinarily difficult.” Waldrop, whose campaign was aided by a team of Sierra Club volunteers, said: “I ran to give the citizens in District 3 a choice. They made their choice, and that’s the way that is. I had a wonderful group of people supporting me.”
46 The voter turnout percentage in Buncombe County number of registered voters in Buncombe County 100,108 The who didn’t vote 44 The voter turnout percentage in North Carolina 493 The number of votes John Ager beat Nathan Ramsey by 963 The number of votes Brian Turner beat Tim Moffit by 18 The number of votes Ellen Frost beat Christina Merrill by in 2012 513 The number of votes Ellen Frost beat Christina Merrill by this year 57 The percentage of the vote Kay Hagan received in Buncombe County 47 The percentage of the vote Kay Hagan received in North Carolina AGER UNSEATS RAMSEY
n.c. housE distRict 115 Considered one of the few toss-ups in the N.C. House, the 115th District follows the same boundaries as Commissioner District 2. And here, too, the Democratic candidate won by a razor-thin margin. john ager beat his Fairview neighbor, Republican Rep. nathan Ramsey, by just under 500 votes. Ramsey had tried to chart a more moderate course than his GOP colleagues in the General Assembly that was more in line with his district’s evenly split voting pattern. He voted against a state budget because it didn’t provide enough education funding and against a final measure to approve fracking, a controversial form of natural gas mining. But environmental and public education advocacy groups went after him anyway, with major ad buys. And on election night, Ramsey blamed his loss on what he called misleading advertisements. “You can’t respond to nonstop TV and direct mail and the millions of dollars — it would amount to about $3 million in negative attacks,” Ramsey said as he shook hands with supporters at Off the Wagon. The veteran politician, who previously served as chairman of the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, added: “I knew going into this, I told other folks, if I win, it’ll be a miracle. And it won’t have anything to do with local issues; actually won’t have anything to do with state issues. It has to do with the fact that we got blown away in spending. … But that’s the way the game’s played, and I wish John [Ager] all the best.”
Sabo agrees that the spending played a major role in the outcome, adding that Ramsey’s moderate positions could actually have hurt him in today’s polarized political climate. Voting across party lines “doesn’t translate well to advertising and explanation,” notes Sabo. “It’s much easier to cast an ideological vote and defend it; it’s far more difficult to talk about trying to find compromises.” Ramsey, says Sabo, “got caught up in the ‘anti-incumbent state Legislature’ attitude that seems to dominate this county.” The district was redrawn in 2011 to make it easier for Republicans to win, and it had the desired effect in 2012, propelling Ramsey to victory. Sabo, though, says the area’s demographics have been shifting quickly, perhaps helping both Frost and Ager. Fairview is growing fast, and “I suspect that what you’re seeing is a move of better-educated, middleand upper-middle-class people, who tend to be liberal,” says Sabo. “And that is reshaping the makeup of what were the more traditional parts of the county.” In Raleigh, Ramsey advocated for funding to build a long-debated Interstate 26 connector. And with no GOP representative from Buncombe County, he speculated, local interests might not have a voice in the direction of a state government with a veto-proof Republican majority. With Democratic Rep. susan fisher running unopposed in the 114th District this year, Buncombe will now be represented in the General Assembly entirely by Democrats for the first time since 2010.
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by Jake Frankel
caLLing it a day: Soon after the results came in, Democrat Brian Turner gathered with supporters and his campaign manager, Sagar Sane, at the Holiday Inn Biltmore West. Turner, right, accepted a call from Republican Rep. Tim Moffitt, who conceded defeat. Photo by Pat Barcas
Meanwhile, Ager said on election night that even though he’s joining the minority caucus, he’s determined “to change the relationship between Raleigh and Buncombe County.” A co-owner of Hickory Nut Gap Farm, Ager focused his campaign on boosting education spending and protecting the environment. It was his first bid for political office, though he has deep roots in the area and his late father-in-law was U.S. Rep. james mcclure clarke. “Ager ran a good campaign,” says Sabo. “He seemed to be a down-toearth, popular person who relied on a lot of personal contact and personal reputation.”
n.c. housE distRict 116 One of the costliest races in N.C. House history, the fight between Democratic challenger Brian turner and Republican Rep. tim moffitt was marked by a slew of negative ads and accusations of ethical misconduct. When the dust cleared, Turner toppled Moffitt by fewer than 1,000 votes. On election night at The Millroom, Democrats were ecstatic about the news, bursting out in chants of “No more Moffitt!” The two-term incumbent was seen as a rising star by the state Republican Party, and his name
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had even come up as a possible speaker of the house. But Moffitt angered local Democrats with a series of controversial moves over the years, including transferring Asheville’s water system to the Metropolitian Sewerage District and raising the specter of changing the city’s electoral system despite City Council’s opposition. The water system law is currently being challenged in court, and it’s unclear whether anyone in the General Assembly will continue to champion it now that Moffitt’s been unseated. The day after the election, Asheville City Councilman gordon smith, a frequent critic of GOP policies, tweeted: “Feeling a profound sense of relief with the victories of Brian Turner and John Ager. The ax is off of Asheville’s neck.” During the campaign, Moffitt had referred to Asheville officials as “loonies,” presenting himself as a defender of the county against city overreach. “He didn’t pull any punches, and he didn’t really much care who he alienated,” says Sabo. “With all the attention that Moffitt generated, this is sort of a rebellion against that.” The 116th District covers the same area as Commissioner District 3, where Republican DeBruhl won by a solid margin. In fact, she received nearly 1,300 more votes than Moffitt. That means it’s likely that a number of conservative voters likely pulled the lever for her but not for Moffitt, says Sabo. That’s particularly unusual because Moffitt’s name appeared higher on the ballot, and voters tend to lose interest and cast fewer votes in races farther down. That leads Sabo to think the outcome might “not be a rejection necessarily of Moffitt’s politics: It’s more a rejection of his style or his approach to things.” A new law ending of straight-ticket voting might also have been a factor. Meanwhile, on election night, Moffitt struck a humble tone. “It has been the honor of my life serving the people of
Buncombe County in the state Legislature. I would like to thank everyone for their support, their good wishes and their prayers,” he said in a written statement to the media. “I’d like to express my sincere congratulations to Brian Turner on his victory. I will, of course, provide him any assistance I can during the upcoming transition.” In the months leading up to the election, Turner sought to cast himself as a more moderate option. A former assistant chancellor of UNC Asheville, Turner said cuts to state funding for public education had prompted him to make his first foray into politics. He pounded Moffitt over the education cuts and his support of fracking, arguing that the incumbent was too extreme for the area. Powered by legions of volunteers and donors, Turner mounted a stronger ground game than Moffitt, with daily phone banks and neighborhood canvasses. At campaign events, Turner frequently joked that he was wearing out his shoes walking neighborhoods and knocking on doors, introducing himself to voters. In contrast, Moffitt, who owns an online political marketing company, focused more on advertisements and social media outreach. Sabo thinks Turner’s more personal touch helped give him the edge. Historically, “That simple face-to-face motivation of voters tends to work really well, at least at the local level. Turner kind of went back to the old standby [strategy].” On election night, Turner said his win was a mandate to take a more unifying approach to governing. “I’ve said before I felt that Raleigh had really gone too far, too fast,” he said. “I think it’s about now working to bring the community together.” X Cameron Huntley, Jesse Farthing and Pat Barcas contributed to this report.
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
SOCIAL MEDIA RESPONSE VIA TWITTER “Folks who are saying ‘Moffitt is history’ are not very good students of political careers/ motivations of elected officials. … Few people elected to office at NCGA-type level give up political career at this age. Bug for politics doesn’t ever leave.” — @aaronsarver
“Asheville and Buncombe are liberal strongholds, the state of North Carolina is conservative. Who knew??? … When Dems win its ‘democracy!’ When they lose its ‘cheers to gerrymandering!’ Y’all are pathetic.” — @no_status_quo
“So far I’ve seen & heard every excuse for Moffitt & Ramsey’s losses except for one: The people rejected their policies & methodology. … Their sheer hubris and obvious disdain for their constituents, IMHO, was why they were sent packing. Period.” — @RavenRavinoff
“Congratulations to all Buncombe County candidates for being part of the conversation for our future. Silly season over — Now we work!” - @NWestAVL
BUNCOMBE COUNTY ELECTION RESULTS BUNCOMBE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DISTRICT 2 VICE CHAIR ELLEn fRost, Democrat 15,293 votes (50.85 percent) chRistina mERRiLL, Republican 14,780 votes (49.15 percent)
BUNCOMBE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, DISTRICT 3 miRanda dEBRuhL, Republican 13,567 votes (54.41 percent) nancy waLdRop, Unaffilliated 11,368 votes (45.59 percent)
N.C. HOUSE 115 john agER, Democrat 15,452 votes (50.81 percent) REP. nathan RamsEy, Republican 14,959 votes (49.19 percent)
N.C. HOUSE 116 BRian tuRnER, Democrat 13,236 votes (51.89 percent) REP. tim moffitt, Republican 12,273 votes (48.11 percent)
N.C. SENATE DISTRICT 49 “The last time Buncombe Dems swept local races? 2008. The common factor between this election & that one? Kathy Sinclair, BCDP Chair. … Feeling a profound sense of relief w/ the victories of Brian Turner and John Ager. The axe is off Asheville’s neck. Thx, voters!” — @Gordon Smith
VIA THE BUNCOMBE POLITICS FACEBOOK PAGE “Ager was a strong foe and very much in touch with the district. Ramsey went to Raleigh as a everyman populist candidate. But it’s much more difficult to maintain that identity once you’re up in Raleigh.” — Don Talley
“Buncombe County lost two hard working representatives with lots of knowledge looking to do the work that was needed to put North Carolina on the track of good government, and fiscal responsibility. … John Ager and Brian Turner will have little to no support in the House as the Democrats do not hold the majority nor do they seem to hold the goals of the majority. So, one can only come to the conclusion that none or very few of the bills they sponsor will get past the committees they will be referred to.” — Fremont Brown
SEN. tERRy Van duyn, Democrat 42,133 votes (61.27 percent) maRK cRawfoRd, Republican 26,632 votes (38.73 percent)
BUNCOMBE COUNTY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION, REYNOLDS DISTRICT (ALL SCHOOL BOARD RACES ARE NONPARTISAN) cindy mcmahon 30,748 votes (54.68 percent) Lisa BaLdwin 25,373 votes (45.13 percent)
BUNCOMBE COUNTY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION, ENKA DISTRICT max QuEEn 31,415 votes (57.52 percent) nancy coopER 23,108 votes (42.31 percent)
BUNCOMBE COUNTY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION, ERWIN DISTRICT pat BRyant 18,529 votes (35.36 percent) stEphaniE BucKnER 17,465 votes (33.33 percent) jason summEy 16,303 votes (31.11 percent)
NC DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 28 Ed cLontz 33,737 votes (52.87 percent) j. matthEw maRtin 30,071 votes (47.13 percent)
wiLLiam hamiLton 40,133 (47.90 percent) ELisE isRaEL 27,453 (32.77 percent) aLan ditmoRE 15,429 (18.42 percent)
SHERIFF Van duncan, Democrat 61,332 votes (72.27 percent) miKE BustLE, Republican 23,533 votes (27.73 percent)
Note: All results are via the N.C. Board of Elections website and are unofficial until certified by the board. X
todd wiLLiams, Democrat 48,434 votes (62.35 percent) BEn scaLEs, Unaffilliated 29,251 votes (37.65 percent)
VIA THE ASHEVILLE POLITICS FACEBOOK PAGE “Let’s give blame where blame is due: the perennially backward-looking, clueless and dysfunctional Buncombe County Republican Party. I could regale you with stories. They are ashes.” — Tim Peck
“Moffitt — weak interpersonal skills; Turner — strong interpersonal skills. Moffitt — no volunteer campaign force; Turner — enormous volunteer campaign force. Moffitt — proudly extreme and divisive; Turner — humbly moderate. There was an enormous contrast between the two candidates.” — Jake Quinn
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Cameron Huntley
LEgaL changEs: “The amendment, as written, does give defendants a new option they didn’t have before,” says newly elected Buncombe County District Attorney Todd Williams. Photo by Jesse Farthing
NORTH CAROLINA VOTERS did more than move representatives around Nov. 4: They voted on an amendment to the state constitution that could possibly have major repercussions for criminal justice procedure. But what does that amendment do? Fifty-three percent of N.C. voters approved the amendment, which, if adopted by legislators, would enable “a person accused of any criminal offense for which the state is not seeking a sentence of death in superior court may, in writing or on the record in court and with the consent of the trial judge, waive the person’s right to a trial by jury.” (Forty-seven percent voted against the amendment.) Translation: Felony offenders, save in capital cases, can waive their right to a jury trial with the consent of the presiding judge. The option brings North Carolina in line with every other state and jurisdiction in the nation, says newly elected Buncombe County District Attorney todd williams: “North Carolina was the only jurisdiction in the nation that didn’t allow this. Every other state, as well as the federal courts, allow for a waiver. What this does is gives defendants of another means of disposing their cases.” In a report issued before the vote, the North Carolina School of Government concurs and brings up the possibility of increased efficiency with the system and decreased
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
costs. Jury trials are expensive and time-consuming, and, the report is authors conclude, “it seems that the original purpose of the proposed amendment was to reduce the burden on the superior courts.” In addition, judges typically understand more about the court system than regular citizens, and thus could be more objective in certain instances: “Because they are used to dealing with cases involving serious, violent crimes, judges may be less influenced by the nature of the charges and better able to focus carefully on whether the defendant is culpable.” But with possible good comes possible bad, and the SOG report outlines several possible drawbacks of the amendment, the first being “undue favoritism.” One study, the report says, found that judges acquitted defendants at a rate three times what juries did, and that juries often have more of an ability to remain impartial as they are not part of the criminal justice world and have little familiarity with lawyers and judges. In addition, the amendment might increase “judge shopping,” where lawyers maneuver to have a certain case heard in front of a particular judge with a history in similar cases. But, says Williams, “That occurs now. ... People will try to get in front of a judge who might give them a
more favorable ruling. It just happens in the context of jury trial.” There’s going to be judge shopping under the new rule, he adds, “but that already is an issue.” The SOG report also mentions the decreased participation of the citizenry in court proceedings, while noting that jury service is “also an inconvenience” and a reduced amount of juries “might be welcomed by some North Carolinians.” It then goes into the threat of increased pressure on a defendant to waive the right to a jury trial either subconsciously or by incentive, as in the case of Smith v. State of Maryland (2003), in which a defendant appealed his waiver of jury trial to the Maryland State Court of Appeals. “The defendant,” SOG says, “agreed to have a bench trial instead of a jury trial in exchange for the prosecutor’s dismissal of some of the charges against the defendant.” This was despite evidence the defendant wanted a jury trial. His defense attorney stated: “I will admit my client has really wanted a trial by jury, but he’s agreed in exchange for receiving certain consideration from the Court.” The Maryland Court of Appeals struck down the appeal, saying that the “appellant was well aware of the constitutional right he was waiving and that his decision to waive the right was not improperly influenced by the trial court. Appellant’s waiver was knowing and voluntary.” Had the defendant lived in North Carolina at the time, his case would have gone to jury trial automatically. With the way the new amendment is written, says Williams, “The beauty of it is that the district attorney is totally out of it. The district attorney has no voice, and I think it wise to keep the district attorney out of the election of whether a defendant goes through a judge or jury.” “Although pressure to waive is a legitimate concern, [it] does not appear to be overwhelming in most jurisdictions,” the SOG report says. “In other jurisdictions,” says Williams, “defendants used the bench-trial option between 15 and 30 percent of the time. Most cases are still jury trials, and I think those predications will hold in North Carolina.” The SOG report agrees, saying “[M]ost defendants who take their cases to trial continue to choose jury trials.” Ironically, the small number of people who would take the
bench-trial option would limit the increased efficiency and savings that the amendment was partially created to facilitate: “Any substitution of bench trials for [guilty] pleas would tend to offset any efficiency gains resulting from fewer jury trials,” says the SOG. “But even assuming … that 15 percent of felony trials would be bench trials; and that bench trials take only half as long as jury trials, the total amount of time…would be reduced by just 7.5 percent.” But, Williams insists, the amendment is merely about the defendant’s options in the first place. “Not everyone is happy with the way their cases go in court,” he says. “But the amendment, as written, does give defendants a new option they didn’t have before. I think the voters have made a sound judgment in approving this amendment. Whether it turns out to be boon or burden, the amendment brings North Carolina in line with the rest of the country regarding felony court proceedings. Time will tell what its effects will be, but no matter what, it heralds a major change in criminal justice in the state. X
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
C O M M U N I T y
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fREE Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fREE Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to calendar@mountainx.com or through our onLinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/ calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
BeneFITs AsHevIlle FAeRIe ARTs FesTIvAl 231-3963, bioflyer.wordpress. com/asheville-faerie-arts-festival • SA (11/15), 3-11pm - Tickets to this faire-themed festival benefit eblen Charities. Early activities include storytelling, magic show and WheeAhFaerieKin performance. Adult-themed evening activities begin at 7pm. $15/$10 advance/$5 children. Held at Renaissance Asheville Hotel, 31 Woodfin St. BIll COleMAn MeMORIAl dInneR avl.mx/0ii • MO (11/17), 7pm - All proceeds from this Italian dinner will benefit the Pancreatic Cancer Action network. $45.30. Held at Bandidos, 697 Haywood Road eAT AT MIKe’s 243-6712, wnchealthadvocates.org • SU (11/16), 5:30pm - Tickets to this smorgasbord from local restaurants benefits WnC Health Advocates. $25. Held at Millroom, 66 Asheland Ave.
a ‘faERiEfuL’ fEstiVaL: The Asheville Faerie Arts Festival returns to the Renaissance Hotel for its second annual event on Saturday, Nov. 15. Kid-friendly activities run from 3-7 p.m. and include storytime, puppets, a magic show and a performance by stiltwalking performance troupe Whee Ah Faerie Kin. Evening activities, designed for the older crowd, kick off at 7 p.m. with the Naughty Faerie Fashion Show, featuring costume lingerie created by local designers. Photo courtesy of Sarah Merrell. (p.14)
GReenWAy GlOW weconnectbuncombe.org • TH (11/13), 6-9pm - Proceeds from this live music and craft beer event benefit Friends of Connect Buncombe’s greenway project. $20. Held at Millroom, 66 Asheland Ave. sTAnd WITH GAzA BeneFIT COnCeRT 505-7536, mepeacewnc.com • SU (11/16), 3:30pm - Tickets to this violin concert benefit Middle east Children’s Alliance, United nations Relief and Works Agency and the American Friends of the episcopal diocese of Jerusalem. $25. Held at Rainbow Mountain Community School, 574 Haywood Road TAsTe OF COMPAssIOn 250-6430, ashevillehumane.org/ taste-of-compassion.php • SA (11/15), 6-9:30pm - Tickets to this gala and auction benefit the Asheville Humane society. $50/$45 advance. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
THe vAnIsHInG WHeelCHAIR 645-2941, vanishingwheelchair. org • SA (11/15), 6:30pm - Tickets to “Magic, Mirth & Meaning” storytelling and magic show benefit The vanishing Wheelchair’s “All Things Are Possible” workshop series. $10/$5 children. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St.
BUsIness & TeCHnOlOGy AMeRICAn BUsIness WOMen’s AssOCIATIOn abwaskyhy.com, abwaskyhychapter@gmail.com • TH (11/13), 5:30-7:30pm - Monthly dinner meeting discusses best practices for social media. $25. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive eCOnOMIC develOPMenT COAlITIOn 258-6101, ashevillechamber.org/ economic-development • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - “1 Million Cups,” coffee and networking event for local entrepreneurs.
Free to attend. Held at Mojo Coworking, 60 N. Market St. sCORe COUnselORs TO sMAll BUsIness 271-4786, ashevillescore.org Registration required. Free. • WE (11/12), 6-9pm - “How to Start a Non-Profit Entity.” Held at A-B Tech South Site, 303B Airport Road, Arden • WE (11/12), 10am-noon “Starting a Better Business.” Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • SA (11/15), 9am - “How to Develop Your Business Website” seminar. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • WE (11/19), 5:30pm - “Basic Internet Marketing” seminar. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler
ClAsses, MeeTInGs & evenTs GeT IT, KITTen! GRAnd OPenInG (pd.) Retro, rockabilly, and pinup clothing store - Sat (11/15),
6-9pm. Music, appetizers, drinks, and discounts. Free. RSVP on Facebook.— 428-C Haywood Rd. 252-0802 getitkitten@gmail.com HOld Me TIGHT WORKsHOPs FOR COUPles (pd.) Learn the new science of love and work with your partner one-on-one to change the patterns that keep you apart. Find a safe haven and secure base in your loved one’s arms. www. HoldMeTightAsheville.com 828776-6200 November 21, 2014 at 7 pm - November 23, 2014 at 3 pm. lIndA PAnnUllO MOsAICs And WORKsHOPs! (pd.) Create a mosaic mirror for yourself or give as a gift! 3 great locations to choose from: • Saturday, November 8, McDowell Arts Council, Marion • Saturday, November 15, Renaissance Glass Studio, Leicester • Monday, November 17, Art Mob Studios, Hendersonville. $75 fee includes all materials. All classes are from 1-5pm. More info and registration, call 828-337-6749 or www. lindapannullomosaics.com
AsHevIlle BROWns BACKeRs ClUB 658-4149, ashevillebbw@gmail.com • SUNDAYS - Meets during Cleveland Browns games. Contact for specific times. Held at The Fairview Tavern, 831 Old Fairview Road AsHevIlle OBJeCTIvIsTs ashevilleobjectivists.wordpress.com • WE (11/12), 6pm - Discussion of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. BUnCOMBe COUnTy PUBlIC lIBRARIes buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/12) & WE (11/26), 10am - “Sew What?” Swannanaoa sewing circle. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TH (11/13), 6:30pm - Pillowcase sewing workshop. Registration required. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • WE (11/5) & WE (11/19), 5pm - Swannanoa Library Knitters, casual knitting and needlework
for all skill levels. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa CAnTOn BRAnCH OF HAyWOOd COUnTy lIBRARy 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton, 648-2924, haywoodlibrary.org • TH (11/13), 3pm - Job skills seminar covering online postings, resume writing and interview techniques. Registration required. Free. d&d AdvenTUReRs leAGUe revtobiaz@gmail.com • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave FleTCHeR lIBRARy 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 6871218, library.hendersoncountync. org Free unless otherwise noted. • TUESDAYS, 3pm - Medium to advanced conversational Spanish. Free. HendeRsOnvIlle WIse WOMen 693-1523 • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group for women “of a certain age.” Free. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville OnTRACK WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, ontrackwnc.org Registration required. • TH (11/13), noon - “Homebuyer Education,” seminar series. $35. • SATURDAYS through (11/22), 9am - “Health Insurance Basics & Budgeting for Health,” seminar. Free. • MONDAYS through (11/24), 5:30pm - “Raising a Money Smart Child,” seminar series. Free. • MO (11/17) & TU (11/18), 5:30pm - “What To Do With Your Tax Return” seminar. Free. • TUESDAYS through (12/9), 5:30pm - “Relationship & Money” seminar. Free. • TH (11/20), 5:30pm “Understanding Credit” seminar. Free. PIsGAH AsTROnOMICAl ReseARCH InsTITUTe 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 862-5554, pari.edu • FR (11/14), 7pm - Fall sky presentation, campus tour and observation. $20/$15 seniors and military/$10 under 14. Registration required. RURAl HeRITAGe MUseUM AT MARs HIll 100 Athletic St., Mars Hill, 6891304 • TH (11/13), 6:30pm - Panel pre-
sentation: “Personal Recollections of the Rosenwald School.” Free. sMOKy MOUnTAIn CHess ClUB facebook.com/ SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1pm - Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville sMOKy MOUnTAIn KnITTInG GUIld smkguild.com • WEDNESDAYS, 1-3pm Knitting classes. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville WOMen’s vIsIOn BOARds jennifer@thefunconspiracy.com • WE (11/12), 6:30pm - Women of all ages are invited to create vision boards. Registration recommended. Free to attend. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road
dAnCe ROCOCO BAllROOM PARTneR dAnCInG (pd.) Rococo Ballroom has opened in Reynolds Mountain offering all forms of partner dancing. Call 828-575-0905 to schedule a FREE sample lesson with one of our highly trained instructors. sTUdIO zAHIyA, dOWnTOWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African • Saturday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 10am Intro to West African • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595 BUnCOMBe COUnTy PUBlIC lIBRARIes buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library • SA (11/15), 11am - “Hooray for Ballet!” demonstration and instruction. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. JOyFUl nOIse 649-2828, joyfulnoisecenter.org • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 3-7pm - All ages Irish dance & clogging. $10. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville, 30 Alabama Ave, Weaverville
sOUTHeRn lIGHTs sQUARe And ROUnd dAnCe ClUB 697-7732, southernlights.org • SA (11/15), 6pm - “Harvest Moon,” dance. Free. Held at Whitmire Activity Center, 310 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville
eCO eTHICAl HUMAnIsT sOCIeTy OF AsHevIlle 687-7759, aeu.org • SU (11/16), 2pm - Presentation: “Critical Environmental Issues Facing Western North Carolina.” Free. Held at Asheville Friends Meetinghouse, 227 Edgewood Road GReen GRAnnIes avl.mx/0gm • 3rd SATURDAYS, 5pm - “Sing for the Climate,” demonstration. Free. Held at Vance Monument, 1 Pack Square nATIOnAl FOResT PlAn PUBlIC MeeTInGs 258-8737, wnca.org Public hearings for the PisgahNantahala Forest management planning process conducted by the U.S. Forest Service. Free. • TH (11/13), 4:30-7:30pm Held at McDowell Technical Community College, Romm 113. RIveRlInK 252-8474, riverlink.org • FR (11/14), 2pm - Wastewater treatment plant tour. Registration required. Free. Held at Metropolitan Sewerage District, 2028 Riverside Drive
HOLIDAY SHOPPING Just got a lot easier!
FesTIvAls ClAXTOn CRAFT FAIR 350-6500, facebook.com/ ClaxtonElem • SA (11/15), 10am-2pm Holiday craft fair to benefit Claxton Elementary School. Free to attend. Held at Claxton Elementary School, 241 Merrimon Ave.
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GRACe lUTHeRAn CHURCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • SU (11/16), 9am-noon - Fair trade Christmas market to benefit Lutheran relief agencies. Free to attend. sWAnnAnOA vAlley FIne ARTs leAGUe svfalarts.org • TUESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/31), 11am-3pm - Holiday gift market. Free to attend. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Fun fundraisers
FOOd & BeeR AsHevIlle veGAn sOCIeTy meetup.com/The-Asheville-VeganSociety • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:30pm Meet-up to share a meal and discuss vegan issues. Free to attend. Held at Whole Foods Market, 4 S. Tunnel Road CAldWell CUsIne 726-2478, kandreasen@cccti.edu Meals prepared by Culinary Arts students. Proceeds benefit Caldwell Community College. • TH (11/13), 6pm - “Spanish Tapas Night.” $21 plus tax. Advance purchase required. Held at J.E. Broyhill Civic Center, 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenior FAll FUsIOn MARKeT FeAsT 545-4516, westashevilletailgatemarket.com • TU (11/18), 7pm - Family style Caribbean & Mediterranean meal to support the West Asheville Tailgate Market. $35. Held at The Hub, 278 Haywood Road
Celebrating compassion
WesTeRn nORTH CAROlInA AllIAnCe 258-8737, wnca.org • SA (11/15), 12:45pm Sustainability-focused tour and tasting of Sierra Nevada’s new brewery. Free. Held at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., 100 Sierra Nevada Way, Mills River
what: Around the World with 80 Strays, 11th Annual Taste of Compassion Gala whEn: Saturday, 6-9:30 p.m.
whERE: Crowne Plaza Resort Expo Center, 1 Resort Drive why: For over 30 years, the Asheville Humane Society has saved homeless animals in Buncombe County, and once a year the organization gives the public the chance to help — in a really fun way. The Humane Society’s 11th annual Taste of Compassion Gala, presented by the North Asheville Animal Hospital, will feature food, dancing, a silent auction and a performance by Big Creek Music. “It's going to be a really fun event and it’s for a really great cause,” says Events Director Lauren weldishofer. “People always have a good time.” Guests can sample free inter-
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
national wines as well as vegetarian hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Two auctions will be held during the gala, one silent and one live. This year’s live auction has been enhanced by the addition of Ben farrell as host and auctioneer. The items for auction range from a gift certificate for dinner and a movie to a three-night travel package for two in Napa Valley. “We wanted to focus on more unique prizes that aren’t typically found at auctions,” Weldishofer says. The feature item is a 2015 Subaru Outback from Prestige Subaru. 100 percent of proceeds from the gala support the Humane Society by paying for animals’ medical care, food, housing and foster programs. Bottles and cases of wine will also be available for purchase, with all profits benefiting the organization. Tickets are $45 in advance or $50 at the door. For more information, contact the Asheville Humane Society at 761-2001 x310 or visit ashevillehumane.org. — Max Carter
HendeRsOn COUnTy deMOCRATIC PARTy 692-6424, myhcdp.com • WE (11/12), 9am - Discussion group and breakfast. Free to attend. Held at Mike’s on Main, 303 N. Main St, Hendersonville • WE (11/19), 11:30am - Senior Democrats meeting and BYO lunch. Free. Held at 905 S. greenville Highway, Hendersonville yWCA OF AsHevIlle 185 S French Broad Ave., 2547206, ywcaofasheville.org • SA (11/15), 9am-1pm Buncombe County Women’s Agenda Assembly. Reservation required. Free.
KIds KIds’ ACTIvITIes AT THe lIBRARIes buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library • FR (11/14), 4pm - LEGO Builder’s Club for ages 6-12. Free. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain
• WE (11/19), 3:30pm - Cornhusk critters workshop for grades K-5. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. sPellBOUnd CHIldRen’s BOOKsHOP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, spellboundchildrensbookshop.com • SA (11/15), 11am - Storytime with author Jeff Hutchins and Denton the Dragon. Free. • TH (11/20), 4-6pm Homeschool book fair. Registration required. Free. TOT TIMe AT AsHevIlle ART MUseUM 282-253-3227, ashevilleart.org • TU (11/18), 10:30am - Held in the museum’s ArtPLAYce. Admission fees apply. Held at Asheville Art Museum, 2 N. Pack Square
OUTdOORs ABCCM 5K dOG TAG dAsH abccm.org • SA (11/15), 8am - A portion of the proceeds from this run will benefit Veterans’ Restoration Quarters. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive lAKe JAMes sTATe PARK 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 • SA (11/15) & SU (11/16), 9:45am - Ranger-led fall foliage boat tour. Registration required. Free. • SU (11/16), 1:45pm - Loons of Lake James boat tour. Registration required. Free.
PARenTInG CHIldRen FIRsT CIs OF BUnCOMBe COUnTy 259-9717, childrenfirstbc.org • WE (11/19), 3:30pm Informational tour of Children First/ CIS, which provides resources for children and families living in poverty. Free to attend. Held at Children First/CIS Family Resource Center at Emma, 37 Brickyard Road THe POWeR OF POsITIve PARenTInG seMInAR 250-5110, triplep-parenting.net • TH (11/13), 4:30pm & TU (11/18), 5:30pm - “Raising Resilient Children,” for caregivers of children up to 12. Registration required. Free. Thu.: Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St. Tue.: Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road
PUBlIC leCTURes PUBlIC leCTURes AT UnCA unca.edu Free unless otherwise noted.
• TH (11/13), 6pm - “The Other Side of the Story: Why the Arts and Humanities Matter to Medicine.” Karpen Hall. • TH (11/13), 7pm - “Processes Contributing to Coastal Land Loss in Louisiana.” Rhoades-Robinson Hall. • FR (11/14), 11:25am - “World War Two and the Holocaust.” Lipinsky Auditorium. • FR (11/14), 11:25am “Environmental Responsibility.” Humanities Lecture Hall. • MO (11/17), 11:25am “Renaissance and Baroque Music & Art.” Lipinsky Auditorium. • MO (11/17), 4:30pm - STEM Lecture: “New Developments in Climate Change.” In the Reuter Center. • WE (11/19), 7:30pm - “This is Our Party: Hip Hop in the GDR.” Held in The Grotto. • WE (11/19), 7pm - “Windows into the Soul of a Community: Christian and Islamic Manuscripts in Ethiopia.” Humanities Lecture Hall.
senIORs AARP sMART dRIveR ClAsses 253-4863, aarpdriversafety.org Driving refresher course for ages 50+. $20/$15 AARP members. • FR (11/14), noon-4:30pm - Held at Land-Of-Sky Regional Council Offices, 339 New Leicester Highway Suite 140
sPIRITUAlITy ABOUT THe TRAnsCendenTAl MedITATIOn TeCHnIQUe: FRee InTROdUCTORy leCTURe (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or MeditationAsheville.org AsHevIlle COMPAssIOnATe COMMUnICATIOn CenTeR (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate com-
munication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www. ashevilleccc.com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. AsHevIlle OPen HeART MedITATIOn (pd.) Experience effortless techniques that connect you to your heart and the Divine within you. Your experience will deepen as you are gently guided in this complete practice. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org. AsTRO-COUnselInG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAKenInG deePesT nATURe MedITATIOn ClAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired
unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@ billwalz.com, www.billwalz.com
CRysTAl vIsIOns BOOKs And evenT CenTeR (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts • Incense • Tarot. Visit our Labyrinth and Garden. 828-6871193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks.com
GRACe lUTHeRAn CHURCH 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville, 693-4890, gracelutherannc.com • TH (11/20), 3:30pm - “Hope for the Holidays,” grief ministry. Free.
PsyCHIC MedIUM (pd.) Jill M. Jackson delivers messages from departed loved ones. Public gallery reading at Wysteria Inn, Weaverville! Award winning Psychic Medium, tested & approved by Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics! Tickets 800-838-3006 Advance $22! Door $33. AsHevIlle TAnTRA CIRCle journeyawake.wordpress.com/ events, elainecaban@gmail.com • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Tantra, sexual healing, awakening and intimacy techniques. Contact for location. Admission by donation.
creationcarealliance.org • TH (11/13), 5:30pm - General meeting. Held at First Baptist Church of Asheville, 5 Oak St.
neW HOPe PResByTeRIAn CHURCH 3070 Sweeten Creek Road, 2740191, newhopepcusa.org • TH (11/13), 7pm - Taize service. Free. PsyCHIC MedIUM Jill M. Jackson delivers messages from departed loved ones. Public gallery reading at Wysteria Inn, Weaverville! Award winning Psychic Medium, tested & approved by Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics! Tickets 800838-3006 Advance $22! Door $33. sT. GeORGe’s ePIsCOPAl CHURCH 1 School Road, stgeorge.diocesewnc.org • TUESDAYS, 10am-noon - “Spirit
Artisan Holiday Market BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND Friday, November 28: 7:30-10PM Artist Booths: Saturday, 11am-6pm • Sunday, 12 noon to 5pm • Meet the artists • Preview their handmade work • Entertainment • BIG Sale!
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Jordan Foltz. Send your spirituality news to jfoltz@mountainx.com.
Collage,” making collage prayer cards. Free.
sPOKen & WRITTen WORd AsHevIlle MAsOnIC TeMPle 80 Broadway, 252-3924 • TH (11/13), 7-9pm - Book release party for Legendary Locals of Asheville by Kevan D. Frazier. Free. AsHevIlle sTORyTellInG CIRCle 274-1123, ashevillestorycircle.org • 3rd MONDAYS, 7-9pm - Meets at Asheville Terrace, 200 Tunnel Road. Free. BlACK MOUnTAIn CenTeR FOR THe ARTs 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • FR (11/14), noon-1pm - Friday Book and Brown Bag Series: Jerry Pope discusses his novel The Elvis Tooth. Free.
Local screening of Darvich’s films about the Dalai Lama what: The North Carolina screening of two films by director Khashyar Darvich: Dalai Lama Awakening and Compassion in Action. Both were edited from over 500 hours of footage shot between 2000 and 2013. The event will also include a Q&A with the director. Tickets ($10) available at Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave. whERE: Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway whEn: Friday, Nov. 14. Awakening (2 screenings): 2 and 7 p.m.; Compassion: 5 p.m. why: In 2000, director Khashyar Darvich was invited to film a special rendezvous between 40 innovative academics, scientists and the Dalai Lama. The project spanned over six years and included three “sit-ins” that were first documented by Darvich in his 2007 film, Dalai Lama Renaissance. After releasing and screening Renaissance, Darvich felt there was something that he had failed to capture. “Always in the back of my mind and heart, I felt that [Renaissance]
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
wasn’t fully the authentic story that was meant to be told,” he says. So in 2011 and 2013, Darvich and his team returned to India to get an extra 400 hours of footage. “When we went back, we got some real cinematic shots of monks, animals, mountains, street life and other aspects of Indian culture, so we could have [Awakening] be as full of a cinematic experience as possible to the audience.” “This new film is a true poetic revision” says Darvich, “And it’s really about a journey from the ego into the heart. Some of the characters in Awakening start out with their egos sort of out there, and they push buttons and there’s actually conflict that happens, but at the end they experience a heart awakening and a more clear sense that in order to change the world, they must first change themselves. “I want to try everything I can to have these films transform the audiences in some way — [so] that when people leave the room after having watched the film, they’re — even slightly — different than when they walked into the room. Then I feel like I’ve done my job,” he says. X
BlACK MOUnTAIn COlleGe MUseUM & ARTs CenTeR 56 Broadway, 350-8484, blackmountaincollege.org • SA (11/15), 8pm - Five Themes, poetry reading.$8/$5 members. BlUe RIdGe BOOKs 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (11/15), 3pm - Timm Muth discusses his book Disciple of the Flames. Free. • SU (11/16), 2:30pm - Journal making workshop. Registration required. $5. BUnCOMBe COUnTy PUBlIC lIBRARIes buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (11/13), 1pm - Fairview Afternoon Book Club: A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • TH (11/13), 6pm - Swannanoa Book Club: Strange as the Weather Has Been by Ann Pancake. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • TU (11/18), 7pm - Fairview Evening Book Club: A Land More Kind Than Home by Wiley Cash. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • TU (11/18), 1pm - Leicester Book Club: People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TU (11/18), 7pm - Black Mountain Mystery Book Club: Christine Falls by Benjamin Black. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain • TH (11/20), 5:30-7:30pm - Not For Children Only series: Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Registration required. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67
Haywood St. • TH (11/20), 2:30pm - Skyland Book Club: Destiny of the Republic by Candace Millard. Held at Skyland/ South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road CITy lIGHTs BOOKsTORe 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva, 586-9499, citylightsnc.com Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (11/14), 6:30pm - Linda Phillips discusses her book Crazy. • SA (11/15), 3pm - Renea Winchester discusses her book Farming Friends & Fried Bologna Sandwiches. FleTCHeR lIBRARy 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 6871218, library.hendersoncountync.org Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/12), 2pm - Michael Havelin discusses his book Mystery Mastery. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 10:30am Fletcher book club. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:30pm Writers Guild of WNC meeting.
Became a Nun by Cesar Aira. Free. • TH (11/20), 7pm - Nina Hart discusses her book Somewhere in a Town you Never Knew Existed Somewhere. MeTRO WInes 169 Charlotte St., 575-9525, facebook.com/MetroWinesAsheville • SU (11/16), 2-4pm - Skype conversation with Frances Mayes, author of Under the Tuscan Sun. Free to attend.
vOlUnTeeRInG BIG BROTHeRs BIG sIsTeRs OF WnC 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • WE (11/19), noon - Volunteer information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave.
FOUnTAInHeAd BOOKsTORe 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 697-1870, fountainheadbookstore. com • SA (11/15), 5pm - Mark De Castrique discusses his book Risky Undertaking. Free.
BUnCOMBe COUnTy PUBlIC lIBRARIes buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/12) through SA (12/13) - Book Giving Tree, donations for disadvantaged children. $10 minimum. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road
lITeRARy evenTs AT UnCA unca.edu • TH (11/13), 7:30pm - Beth Revis reads from her book The Body Electric. Held in Ramsey Library. Free.
CARInG FOR CHIldRen 50 Reddick Road, 785-1590 • Through FR (12/19) - Gifts needed for children in the foster care system. Contact to be given a wish list from a child.
MAlAPROP’s BOOKsTORe And CAFe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, malaprops.com Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/12), 7pm - Salon: Women Who Run with Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. • TH (11/13), 7pm - Tradd Cotter discusses his book Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation: Simple to Advanced and Experimental Techniques for Indoor and Outdoor Cultivation. • FR (11/14), 7pm - Smith Henderson discusses his novel Fourth of July Creek. Free. • SA (11/15), 7pm - Michelle Baker discusses her book The Canoe. • SU (11/16), 3pm - Writers at Home series: readings by contributors to The great Smokies Review. • WE (11/17), 7pm - Tom Maxwell discusses his book Hell: My Life in the Squirrel Nut Zippers. Free. • TU (11/18), 7pm - Comix Club: Ms. Marvel Vol. 1: No Normal by Willow Wilson. • WE (11/19), 7pm - Maureen Corrigan discusses her book So We Read On: How The great gatsby Came to Be and Why It Endures. $26. • TH (11/20), 7pm - Works in Translation Book Club: How I
CHIldRen FIRsT CIs OF BUnCOMBe COUnTy 259-9717, childrenfirstbc.org • Through FR (12/12) - Sponsor a child during the holidays. Contact for details. OPeRATIOn CHRIsTMAs CHIld 692-3211 • MO (11/17) through MO (11/24) - The organization will collect shoeboxes filled with gifts, hygiene products, school supplies for children in 150 countries. Contact for details and drop off locations. PROJeCT sAnTA project-santa.com • Through SU (12/31) - Pet supplies and monetary donations will be collected for Blue Ridge Humane Society and Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue. Contact for drop-off locations. WesTeRn nORTH CAROlInA AllIAnCe 258-8737, wnca.org • TU (11/18) & WE (11/19), 9:30am - Live-staking tree planting outing. Registration required. Free. Held at Headwaters Outfitters, 25 Parkway Road, Rosman For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/ volunteering
BaBy BEauty amanda collins, 28, took “beauty pageant mom” to the next level (down) earlier this year when she entered her daughter Luna in Britain’s UK Princess and Prince International — based entirely on Luna’s ultrasound scan at age 20 weeks. Said Collins, “As soon as I saw her image on the screen ... I knew she was a stunner.” Contest officials had accepted the scan application, and six weeks after birth, Luna was named runner-up in the Princess and Prince, and on top of that, four weeks later, runner-up in Miss Dreams UK. “All she has to do,” said Collins, “is lie in my arms and smile as I stroll down the catwalk.” REcuRRing thEmEs: • In September, at the annual 10-day Phuket Vegetarian Festival in Thailand (ostensibly promoting abstinence from eating meat), dozens of men pierced and sliced their mouths, cheeks and arms in religious devotion in a spectacle which, though blood-drenched, was supposedly free of pain (and subsequent scars) because the fanatics were in God-imposed trances. The display supposedly brings “good health, peace of mind and spiritual cleansing,” and includes walking on hot coals and climbing bladeembedded ladders (both barefoot, of course), all to the accompaniment of fireworks and the ear-shattering pounding of drums. • Brad culpepper played defensive tackle for nine NFL seasons and, not surprisingly, applied for disability when he retired, since his medical folder listed 14 MRIs, head and knee trauma and neurological and vision problems — which resulted in doctors declaring him “89 percent” disabled and the Fairmont Premier insurance company giving him a $175,000 settlement. Fairmont sued recently to get its money back, claiming that Culpepper is, and was, “exquisitely fit,” as evidenced by a September 2013 Tampa Bay Times feature on his gym workouts, his having earned a martial arts black belt and his participation for 14 days in the grueling TV series “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” in 2013.
by Chuck Shepherd
• Angry taxpayers and retail customers sometimes protest their debt by paying the bill with containers of coins (especially pennies), but what if a company did that to a customer? A court had ruled that Adriana’s Insurance Services in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., had unjustifiably ejected (and assaulted) 74-year-old andres carrasco from its office when he complained about a canceled policy, and ordered Adriana’s to pay him about $21,000. Consequently, in August, the still-irritated company dropped off at least 16 buckets full of coins at the customer’s lawyer’s office. • Several News of the Weird stories mentioned Body Dysmorphic Disorder sufferers who sought the ultimate treatment: amputation of healthy body parts on irrationally aesthetic grounds, led by castration-desiring men. Now, 15-year-old danielle Bradshaw of Tameside, England, also wants a useful leg amputated — but not irrationally. Her “developmental dysplasia” caused the amputation of her useless right leg, but the resultant stress on the left one has weakened it, and besides, having taken up competitive running, she wants Oscar Pistorius-style blades instead of her current prosthesis, which slows her down. However, no hospital has yet agreed to perform the surgery, considering the leg’s continued functionality and Bradshaw’s young age. suitoRs doing it wRong: • News of the Weird’s stuck-in-chimney stories usually involve burglaries gone wrong, but when genoveva nunez-figueroa, 30, was rescued by firefighters in a Thousand Oaks, Calif., chimney in October, it appeared only that she was unwelcomely trying to visit an exboyfriend. (The police report diplomatically had her intent as “unclear.”) • In August, john Lind, 34, became the most recent frustrated admirer so infatuated with a coworker that he was moved to ejaculate multiple times on her desk and into her coffee cup. He said he wanted her to “notice” him. X
REad daiLy Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www.weirduniverse.net. Send items to weirdnews@earthlink.net or PO Box 18737, Tampa, Fla. 33679.
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local standup comedy info at DisclaimerComedy.com • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer Admitting we were wrong about “late voting” since Wednesday night
asheville disclaimer
Briefs Special K related to Asheville concert overdoses likely laced with gluten Two Asheville residents declared “living treasures” make spirited defense against further designation as “forcibly buried living treasures” Parasite in cats feces increases likelihood of suicide, according to scientist trying to guilt a spouse into immediate cleaning of the litter box
Local man barricades self inside home without anyone knowing it
Silver Leaf offers: Modern and Classical Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Consultations Ayurvedic Consultations and Bodywork Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling Essential Oil Treatments Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Voted Best of WNC 3 years in a row! 10% off Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture until January 1, 2015 with this ad.
Newly elected 2nd-grade class senator clearly can’t deliver on campaign promises
ASHEVILLE, MONDAY — The electorate within a second-grade classroom at Isaac Dickson Elementary has quickly soured on its choice in class senators, sensing the newly elected senator’s inspired campaign rhetoric and promises of sweeping changes for the average, back-of-the-class second-grader can’t be realistically implemented during this, or any, school year. Senator Alexa Cornish was a dark-horse candidate whose campaign surged in the polls following bold promises of shorter school days, better lunches and longer playtimes. While some administration pundits whispered that such changes were impossible, the students who flooded to the ballot rug on election day believed wholeheartedly that change, finally, was coming. “Now I know students are expecting immediate change, but ‘A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or American Girl Doll in Every Hand’ doesn’t just happen overnight,” Senator Cornish told her constituents on Monday, after the Skittles-fueled high of the election had passed. “There are dark forces entrenched in this school that profit from longer school days, and they won’t release us at noon as I promised without a fight.” Even the Senator’s most fervent supporters admit that her first month in office will be a difficult time, politically and socially. “I’ve got some pretty big bills on the horizon, and I’m not sure how I’m going to help my daughter implement ‘Free Candy Fridays’ for more than a couple of Fridays,” said Tom Cornish, Alexa’s campaign manager. “Regardless, this has been an excellent lesson in democracy, but both polls and RSVPs to Alexa’s upcoming birthday party indicate this could be a one-term reign.”
ASHEVILLE, TUESDAY — Authorities were surprised to learn that an Asheville man had barricaded himself inside his home for 72 hours last week, especially since they weren’t looking for him. “It seems this fellow had missed a court date for a stop sign violation,” said a member of the Asheville Police Department SWAT team, which was not deployed to the home during the onesided standoff. “They will never get me out of this apartment,” said the man in a post he made on his Facebook page, which received no “likes.” It’s almost certain that authorities, had they been interested in doing so, could easily have removed the man from his apartment. In addition to dead-bolting the front door, the man claims he placed a small sofa in front of the sliding glass doors that open to a small concrete patio outside his first-floor apartment. According to the man in a Facebook post made later in the week, he had “broken through the corridor” and was “stocking up on vigilante donuts for the end-game.” The residential manager at the apartment complex where the person-ofnoninterest lives said the man “surrenAsheville Disclaimer is parody/satire dered himself to the pest control guy afContact: tomscheve@gmail.com ter the third knock on his door.” Contributing this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve
W E L L N E S S Plant-based Prevention of Disease Conference brings nutrition experts to Asheville
Veggie based By EmiLy nichoLs
diaLing in on diaBEtEs
Nutrition experts from across the country are gathering in Asheville Friday-Sunday, Nov. 14-16, for the inaugural Plantbased Prevention of Disease Conference. One of the reasons the conference is being held in Asheville is that our local restaurants are already modeling "how alternative dietary patterns and eating styles can be made accessible to a broad population," says amy Lanou, chair of UNC Asheville's health and wellness department, which is hosting the event. She notes that Asheville is already home to the country's premier all-vegan restaurant, Plant, and all-vegetarian restaurant, Laughing Seed. "Even our little taco places are paying attention to providing healthy foods that can meet the needs of everybody, from people who are eating zero animal products to more general omnivorous diets," Lanou says. She's especially inspired by the interest of the local hospital systems in introducing a plant-based
Plant-based Prevention of Disease Conference (preventionofdisease.org) — “a collaboration of nonprofits without commercial funding; continuing education for health professionals, students and the public about reducing major disease risks via plant-based nutrition,” with presentations by 19 distinguished researchers, clinicians and educators. Hosted by UNC Asheville’s department of Health and Wellness. whEn Friday-Sunday, Nov. 14-16 whERE UNC Asheville info preventionofdisease.org
The Friday session is specifically focused on treating diabetes with a plant-based dietary pattern. Diabetes is a featured topic because there are "a lot of clinical dietitians and health care professionals working with people who have diabetes," says Lanou. "It is one of the few chronic conditions for which there is health insurance coverage to see a nutritionist." Unique to this conference is that the people on the forefront of nutrition and diabetes research will be present. "There is fairly new research, in the last 10 years, that suggests better long-term benefits in using very high-carbohydrate, whole-food, low-fat, plant-based diets to manage and reverse Type II diabetes," says Lanou, and “the people doing this research will be there.” Eating BEttER
Amy Lanou will be talking about plant-based nutritional strategies for bone health and how to practically translate plant-based research into action at this first Plant-Based Prevention of Disease Conference held at UNC Asheville on Nov 14-16.
dietary pattern into disease management and disease prevention cases. Although the conference is open to the public, Lanou says, it initially grew "out of a real desire to help medical professionals really understand the potential power of helping their clients shift to more plant-based eating styles." Continuing education credits will be available for health care professionals who attend the conference, she mentions. REthinKing thE food pyRamid This year, the N.C. Dietetics Conference is also happening in Asheville, bringing many clinical dietitians from across the state to the area. According to Lanou, conference founder (and speaker) Bob LeRoy views the event as an opportunity to share plant-based approaches to prevention of disease with clinical dietitians who are currently working with clients in a health care environment.
In this case, creating awareness around plant-based eating styles begins with educating the practitioners who prescribe care. Lanou says that organizers hope to "bring people with more of a traditional approach [to the use of nutrition in disease prevention] on board." In a field that has generally used the food pyramid and ChooseMyPlate guidelines as a standard, the P-POD conference will offer "a look into a dietary pattern that is much less reliant and sometimes completely devoid of food from animal sources," says Lanou. While a traditional dietetics practice tends to focus on overall balance and variety, viewing meat as a standard protein source and milk as a good calcium source, she says, the conference will promote a complete plant-based strategy for health. Workshops cover an array of research on plant-based prevention for chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease as well as bone health and cancer.
"We want to better define what 'eating better' means," says Lanou. In this case, adopting a particular eating style is not necessarily the cureall for lasting health. “French fries, Twizzlers and pasta are all vegan,” says Lanou. "The advocacy is for whole foods that are close to their original form and full of nutrients," she explains. "When I talk about high-processed foods to my students, I say, 'If you can't see the original form of the food you are eating, then it is probably highly processed.'" As part of the conference, UNCA students will learn how to prepare and cook healthy meals with chef Bill Najger, who will be creating vegan and gluten-free meals for the conference. Lanou says that if anyone is unable to afford the conference, there are many volunteer opportunities available as a trade for session attendance. After it's all said and done, her ideal "would be to see plant-based eating styles being offered as options to people in the medical and allied health systems, as a part of their healing or disease management or disease prevention." She pauses and laughs at what she has just said, adding: "That might be big for one conference." X
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Nonmedical Treatment for ADHD
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Wellness OPEN HOUSE • DAOIST TRADITIONS COlleGe ACUPUnCTURe ClInIC (pd.) Saturday, November 22, 1pm-4pm. Free to the public. Come be a part of the Great American Smoke Out with free mini treatments, health tips, raffles, and more. Visit www.daoisttraditions.edu for details. seCReTs OF nATURAl WAlKInG WORKsHOP (pd.) Saturday, November 22nd, 9-5pm $150. Heart House @ 5 Covington St. West Asheville “Let your walking be your healing” SONWAsheville@gmail.com Deborah 828215-6033
UNCA and Advanced Psychological Services is accepting children aged 7-10 for a study of non-medical neurofeedback treatment for Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty concentrating, disorganization, distractibility, forgetting, and trouble completing tasks. Prior diagnosis not necessary. Free evaluation and treatment. Some reimbursement for time and travel. Risks will be explained before agreeing to participate.
For information without obligation call Chris Hale: 828-333-5359 x3, or email chale@unca.edu, or visit ICANstudy.org. 22
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
AsHevIlle ART MUseUM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • TH (11/6) & TH (11/20), 10am - Yoga in the Galleries. $12/$8 members. COUnCIl On AGInG OF BUnCOMBe COUnTy 277-8288, coabc.org • WE (11/12), 3-5pm - Medicare Update 2015. Free. Held at Black Mountain Public Library, 105 N. Dougherty St., Black Mountain HeAlInG FROM CAnCeR nATURAlly facebook.com/healingcancernaturally • FR (11/14), 2-4pm - Information on diet and lifestyle changes for cancer patients. Free. Held at OM Sanctuary, 87 Richmond Hill Drive HeARTsPeAK eMPATHy CIRCle heartspeakpeace.com • 3rd TUESDAYS, 7:30-9pm - For practicing and experiencing empathy. Free. Held at 386 Kenilworth Road. JUBIlee COMMUnITy CHURCH 46 Wall St., 252-5335, jubileecommunity.org • TU (11/18), 7pm - “Bye-Bye Blues, Blahs and Chronic Depression” workshop. $10. lAnd OF sKy ReGIOnAl COUnCIl’s FAMIly CAReGIveR sUPPORT PROGRAM 251-7439, carol@landofsky.org • FR (11/14) - Caregiver Appreciation Day. Registration required. Free. Held at Lutheran Church of the Nativity, 2425 Hendersonville Road, Arden MeMORyCARe 771-2219, memorycare.org • TUESDAYS through (11/18), 3:30-6pm “Caregiver College,” improving dementia care workshop. $20 per session. Registration required. Held at South College, 140 Sweeten Creek Road nATIOnAl AllIAnCe On MenTAl Illness 505-7353, namiwnc.org • TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS through (11/15) - Family-to-Family, class for mental health caregivers. Tues: 6-8:30pm; Sat: 1:30-4pm. Location given upon registration. Free. OUR vOICe TRAUMA edUCATIOn seRIes 252-0562, ourvoicenc.org/trauma-educationseries • TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Workshop and support group, “Understanding the Mind, Body and Spirit after Sexual Violence.” Free. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801
THe vAnIsHInG WHeelCHAIR 645-2941, vanishingwheelchair.org • SA (11/15), 12:30pm-4pm - “All Things Are Possible,” optical illusions and woodworking workshop for individuals with disabilities. Free. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St.
eMOTIOns AnOnyMOUs For anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Info: 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road FOOd AddICTs AnOnyMOUs 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm – Asheville 12-Step Club, 1340A Patton Ave.
AdUlT CHIldRen OF AlCOHOlICs & dysFUnCTIOnAl FAMIlIes For people who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. Info: adultchildren.org. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
HeART OF ReCOveRy MedITATIOn GROUP Teaches how to integrate meditation with any 12-step recovery program. asheville.shambhala.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place.
Al-AnOn/ AlATeen FAMIly GROUP A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
HeART sUPPORT For individuals living with heart failure. 274-6000. • 1st TUESDAYS, 2-4pm – Asheville Cardiology Associates, 5 Vanderbilt Drive.
AlCOHOlICs AnOnyMOUs For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or aancmco.org.
lIvInG WITH CHROnIC PAIn Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association; 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 pm – Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston Ave.
AsHevIlle WOMen FOR sOBRIeTy 215-536-8026, www.womenforsobriety.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French Broad Ave. AsPeRGeR’s AdUlTs UnITed meetup.com/aspergersadultsunited • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. AsPeRGeR’s Teens UnITed facebook.com/groups/AspergersTeensUnited • SATURDAYS, 6-9pm – For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks starting June 28. CHROnIC PAIn sUPPORT deb.casaccia@gmail.com or 989-1555 • 2nd SATURDAYS, 12:30pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. COdePendenTs AnOnyMOUs 398-8937 • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Avenue • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am12:15 pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Use back door. deBTORs AnOnyMOUs debtorsanonymous.org • MONDAYS, 7pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101 dePRessIOn And BIPOlAR sUPPORT AllIAnCe magneticminds.weebly.com or 367-7660 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – 1316-C Parkwood Road dIABeTes sUPPORT laura.tolle@msj.org or 213-4788 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm – Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive. Room 3-B. eATInG dIsORdeR sUPPORT GROUPs Info: thecenternc.weebly.com or 337-4685. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. eleCTRO-sensITIvITy sUPPORT For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact hopefulandwired@gmail.com or 255-3350.
MeMORy lOss CAReGIveRs For caregivers of those with memory loss or dementia. network@memorycare.org • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain Men WORKInG On lIFe’s IssUes 273-5334 or 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. MIssIOn HeAlTH FAMIly GROUP nIGHT For caregivers of children with social health needs or development concerns. 213-9787 • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm – Mission Reuter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. nAR-AnOn FAMIly GROUPs For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. Info: nar-anon.org. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. nATIOnAl AllIAnCe On MenTAl Illness For people living with mental health issues and their loved ones. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. OveRCOMeRs OF dOMesTIC vIOlenCe For anyone who is dealing with physical and/or emotional abuse. 665-9499. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm – First Christian Church, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler. OveReATeRs AnOnyMOUs Info: 258-4821. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. ReCOveRInG COUPles AnOnyMOUs For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recovering-couples.org • MONDAYS, 6pm – Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. s-AnOn FAMIly GROUPs For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Four confidential meetings are available weekly in WNC. For dates, times and locations contact wncsanon@gmail.com or 258-5117.
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Food, friends and empowerment Asheville Vegan Society supports community activism through potlucks
By aiyanna sEzaK-BLatt
As the sun dipped behind a mountain ridge on Sunday, Nov. 2, the Asheville Friends Meeting House began to fill with people, with conversation and with the smell of roasted roots and herbs; savory lentils; sweet, cooked dates and homemade macaroni. Every dish in the room, however, had one thing in common: All were completely free of animal products. At the monthly potluck hosted by the Asheville Vegan Society, participants are asked to bring their own plates, silverware, cups and a generous vegan dish to share. Though the potluck is strictly vegan, the event is far from exclusive. “All are welcome,” emphasizes Joe Walsh, the founder of the society. “We have a really eclectic group here with every age, race, people who are very conservative and very liberal; and the common bond between us is that [we’re] interested in plant-based eating or are already vegan.” Once the long community table was filled with food, the casual, buffet-style meal began. Most dishes were homemade, and recipes were both planned and written out or simply improvised. For longtime vegan and community activist Frank Contreras, the gathering is more than a community feast: It’s a way to regularly support and empower individuals in their commitment to a vegan life. “By having the dinner, [people are] able to share their stories and their experiences, and that encourages people to continue on a path that helps animals.”
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Contreras works and volunteers at Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Taking a stand against animal exploitation, Brother Wolf, says Contreras, now offers vegan-only menus at all its fundraising events. At the potluck, he distributed information on regional puppy mills (large-scale breeding facilities where dogs are often mistreated) and about the DuoDuo Animal Welfare Project, which is working to end the annual Dog Meat Festival in China. Contreras also notes that the Vegan Society is affiliated with the Asheville Voice for Animals, which he describes as “more of an activist arm of the organization,” coordinating demonstrations against circuses and Asheville Horse & Carriage Tours. For Asheville resident and animal rights activist Cynthia Sampson, the event is essential to promoting community activism. “It’s a good forum for people on the journey toward veganism and people working for animal rights to link up and work together on different issues.” Sampson is active with organizations that campaign against vivisection (scientific experimentation on live animals).
powER mEaL: The Asheville Vegan Society’s monthly potlucks function as both community feasts and a support network for activists. Photo by Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt
For others, the gathering is simply for pleasure. “We have been vegan for three years, and coming here is social because we are strong, very strong, and it’s no way back,” says Annamaria Bowman, who runs the Chicken Rescue and Sanctuary with her husband, Paul. Currently, they have 70 chickens, all of whom have been saved from neglect or abuse. “Once you have that mindset, it’s that you’re doing this for the animals, for your health, for the environment, for something bigger, it’s no way back.” The monthly vegan potluck, filled with delicious food and meaningful conversation about how individuals can make a difference in the world, is held on the first Sunday of each month.
Come hungry and don’t forget to bring a plate. For details on the next Asheville Vegan Society gathering, visit Meetup.com/The-Asheville-VeganSociety or Facebook.com/asheville. vegansociety. X
VEG D ISCOUNT C ARD For $15, VegDiscount cardholders receive discounts of 10 to 15 percent off goods and services from local vegan-friendly business partners for an entire year. Proceeds from the card support the Asheville Vegan Society. For details and a list of participating businesses, check out meetup.com/The-Asheville-VeganSociety/pages/VegDiscount_Card or email veggieville@aol.com.
EVENTS FOR ACTIVE VEGANS At the end of each potluck gathering, facilitators announce upcoming environmental, political and social events that may be of interest to guests. November, as it turns out, is teeming with relevant and engaging happenings: plant-based prevention of disease (p-pod) conference — Friday-Sunday, Nov. 14-16, UNC Asheville. For more information, see the story on page 28. details: p-pod.org screening of Cowspiracy: the sustainability secret — 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17, Humanities Lecture Hall, UNC Asheville. A documentary film about animal agriculture and its impact on deforestation, water consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Admission is free. details: cowspiracy.com Vegan meetup — 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, Tunnel Road Tap Haus, Whole Foods, 4 S. Tunnel Road. The meetup is held on the third Thursday of each month. Vegan fare and beer available for purchase. details: Facebook.com/ AshevilleVeganSociety 10th annual Vegan thanksgiving dinner — 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26, Asheville North Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 364 Broadway. Allvegan meal delivery service Eden-Out will cater the event. RSVP is required; space is limited to 100 guests. $10 for adults, $5 for children younger than 10. details: Facebook.com/ AshevilleVeganSociety X
Ann Green’s chocolate mousse 2 - 12.3-ounce containers of firm silken tofu 10 ounces dark chocolate chips 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler on low heat, stirring occasionally. Blend the tofu and vanilla until smooth (I use a Vita-Mix). Add melted chocolate, and blend until well combined. Pour into bowl and refrigerate several hours or overnight. You can also put it in a graham cracker pie shell or whatever for a pie.
hot sake special
1/2 Price Hot Sake Every Monday Closed Thanksgiving Day 7 DAYS LUNCH & DINNER
Cynthia Sampson’s tamari tofu bites and raw tahini dip
640 MERRIMON AVE. SUITE 205, ASHEVILLE • 828-225-6033 www.zEn-SuSHI-ASHEVILLE.com
(Adapted from Bonzai Aphrodite’s The Raw Tahini Dip that Done Stoled My Heart)
1 block tofu cut into bitesized pieces (I always use Twin Oaks extra-firm organic tofu) Olive oil Tamari
1 cup fresh, organic tahini 2 tablespoons lemon juice or more to taste 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 2 tablespoons tamari 2-3 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon cumin Smoked salt to taste (or in place of tamari) Water to thin, as needed Sauté tofu pieces in olive oil and tamari to taste on medium-high heat until they turn toasty brown. Set aside. Blend all sauce ingredients together in a blender or food processor. Thin with water as needed.
Thanksgiving -- Chef Eden’s way. With attitude and local inspired food. Sharing Fall Expectations. Join Chef Eden and staff for her new versions of those old favorites. ONE FIFTY-ONE BOUTIQUE BAR & KITCHEN 151 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Join us for Thanksgiving in the 828.239.0186 www.hotelindigo.com neighborhood. Reservations: 239.0186
Check out our menu @ Facebook.com/151boutiquebar mountainx.com
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
a mattER of tastE: A guest at last year’s Taste of Asheville samples some fare from Jerusalem Garden Café. This year’s event takes place on Thursday, Nov. 20, at The Venue. Photo by Derek Olsen
restaurants, including lots of old favorites like Vincenzo’s, Rosetta’s Kitchen, Sunny Point and Luella’s Bar-B-Que. But it also offers a great chance to check out some relatively new players like Daugherty’s American Kitchen, Korean House, Brasilia Churrasco, Nightbell and Vortex Doughnuts. Wine, beer and hard-cider samples from various local brewers and purveyors will be flowing, and there is the somewhat problematic imperative to save room for dessert
tastE of ashEViLLE In a town bursting with restaurant choices, it can be a challenge to pick just one for a night out. But once a year, like a culinary fairy godmother, Asheville Independent Restaurants manifests the Taste of Asheville — where for one night we can sample the work of dozens of local chefs and brewers all gathered under one roof. Scheduled to take place on Thursday, Nov. 20, at The Venue, this year’s event will bring together 40
plant 4-course dinner & wine pairing to benefit Animal Haven of Asheville We d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 2 6 reser vations 5:00-9:30
165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 | www.plantisfood.com 26
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Gina Smith since, in addition to the doughnuts, guests can expect some sweet offerings from the likes of Ultimate Ice Cream, French Broad Chocolate Lounge, Karen Donatelli and more. As in previous years, a portion of ticket proceeds will benefit AIR programs, including the Chefs of Tomorrow Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships to A-B Tech’s award-winning culinary program. AIR director Jane Anderson says supporting education is a priority for her organization, which has seen an astonishing 35 percent growth spurt in the last year. “We put a lot of emphasis, particularly over the last year, on educational programming at every level of the organization, from front-of-house staff to owners,” she says. Anderson adds that AIR is launching a new restaurant-industry website, Behind the Apron, that offers a job board, equipment exchange and continuing education opportunities. Taste of Asheville, 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, The Venue, 21 N. Market St. Tickets: $75 per person/$125 per couple. VIP tickets that get you in ahead of the crowd at 6 p.m. are $100 per person/$175 per couple. Details and tickets are available at airasheville.org. Eat at miKE’s WNC Health Advocates will host its sixth annual Eat at Mike’s dinner and silent auction fundraising event on Sunday, Nov. 16. Tickets are $25. The dinner will consist of food and drink donated by area farmers, merchants, chefs and restaurants such as Jack of the Wood, Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian, Chestnut, Bouchon, the Chop Shop and more. Auction items will be glasswork, pottery, scarves, hats, jewelry and more donated by local businesses, artists and crafters. The event is named for Mike Danforth, who died at age 33 after being denied access to health care. All proceeds from the event benefit WNC Health Advocates. 5:30-8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16, The Mill Room, 66 Asheland Ave. Tickets: Search for “Eat at Mike’s” at Eventbrite.com or call 243-6712. Details: wnchealthadvocates.org
BREaKfast at King daddy’s, LatE nights at LoREtta’s King Daddy’s Chicken and Waffles recently expanded its hours and rolled out a new breakfast menu that’s available all day. The new hours are 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, and 9 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Of course, King Daddy’s already had some breakfast-friendly offerings, but the new menu embellishes on that theme with a whole section devoted to egg, waffle and biscuit dishes. New selections include a fried pie stuffed with country ham, a poached egg and brie-style cheese, and an egg casserole of the day. At the same time, Loretta’s Café, which has traditionally been open during daylight hours Monday-Saturday, is now making its sandwiches, sweets and beverages available 7 p.m.-1 a.m. ThursdaySaturday as well. Night owls will be able to grab premade cold sandwiches and baked goods or order custom, hot-pressed sandwiches, beer, tea and coffee with the option of adding spirits. Outdoor seating is available. King Daddy’s, 444 Haywood Road. ashevillekingdaddy.com Loretta’s Café, 114 N. Lexington Ave. lorettascafe.com RaBELaisian fEast “Late autumn is the time to celebrate ‘the merry triumphant encounter with the world in the act of eating and drinking, in which man partakes of the world instead of being devoured by it,’” says the Facebook event invite to Black Mountain Ciderworks’ Rabelaisian Feast on Saturday, Nov. 22. The feast’s promised attractions are as compelling as the quote from Mikhail Bakhtin’s Rabelais and His World : There will be an outdoor apple pressing, pulled pork with fixin’s, an apple tasting and a fire pit with s’mores. Not surprisingly, guests can also expect applecentric drinkable treats, including mulled apfelwein, wassail, gluhwein and a kid-friendly nonalcoholic mulled juice. The event starts at 2 p.m., the pressing begins at 3 p.m. and the fire will be lit around 5 p.m. Admission is free. 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, Black Mountain Ciderworks, 104 Eastside Drive, Unit 307, Black Mountain. Facebook.com/ BlackMountainCiderworks X
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @thomohearn on Twitter.
by Thom O’Hearn
Cold Mountain and more The release of Highland’s iconic seasonal and other notable new beers You never know when winter will hit in Asheville. This year, with early November snow, it seems the upcoming release of Cold Mountain from Highland Brewery is right on time. Community liaison Drew Stevenson says there’s even more to look forward to this year as the company plans to expand the release celebration at the brewery to four days. The official release event starts with a party 4-9 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13, which will be the first chance to buy Cold Mountain in bottles. However, Highland has invited a few local radio stations to visit on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 14-15, with giveaways, more live music, food trucks and, of course, fresh Cold Mountain for sale. On Friday and Saturday, Cold Mountain bottle sales will start at 2 p.m., but no matter which day you head to the brewery, bottle sales will be limited. On-site purchases will be restricted to one of each package — the liter, the 22-ounce
paRty on: Highland Brewing Co. will celebrate this year’s release of its bellwether
holiday seasonal, Cold Mountain Ale, with four days of events. Photo of last year’s Cold Mountain release party courtesy of Highland Brewing Co.
bottle or a 12-pack of 12-ounce bottles — according to Stevenson. “We want more people to enjoy [Cold Mountain] and take it home, so we reduced the maximum amounts you can purchase,” says Stevenson. He says the brewery has more bottles to sell and more kegs to tap than in years past as well. It’s clear Highland is trying its best to make sure anyone that wants a bottle of Cold Mountain this year is able to get one. For superfans of Cold Mountain, Highland will wrap things up with a Cold Mountain Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 16, where each guest gets a signature 1-liter blue bottle along with their multi-course meal. (To buy one of the remaining $50 tickets, visit etix.com.) pisgah to RERELEasE gaBf winning chocoLatizEd Last month, a few Asheville breweries brought home medals from this year’s Great American Beer Festival. Pisgah Brewing in Black Mountain not only won its first medal, it also brought home a gold for Chocolatized Vortex II. Pisgah now has plans in place to rerelease its medal-winning beer, which has been renamed simply
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Chocolatized. According to events and public relations director Benton Wharton, Pisgah has brewed about 40 cases, and the company is setting up a pre-order with its ticketing partner, TicketBiscuit, for presales of the bottle at $12 each. The presale will begin on Friday, Nov. 14, at 10 a.m. Wharton says to note that the purchaser’s credit card must match the ID of the person picking up the bottle. The release party will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, at Pisgah’s taproom. According to Wharton, the event will feature a chocolate pairing from French Broad Chocolate Lounge, which supplies the nibs used to age the base beer for Chocolatized. If you make the drive out, look for some of the first cans of Valdez Imperial Stout as well. The brewery plans to package it and release it on Saturday, Nov. 15. wicKEd wEEd and nEw BELgium RELEasE tRiButaRy Also on Nov. 15, New Belgium and Wicked Weed will debut Tributary, an imperial brett saison.
The beer is designed to pay homage to North Carolina, Colorado and clean water, according to the breweries. To do this, Tributary includes malt from both Riverbend Malt House in Asheville and Colorado Malting, and it’s fermented with both Wicked Weed’s house saison yeast and New Belgium’s strain of brettanomyces, a wild yeast. However, there’s another crossover ingredient not often discussed on beer labels: water. “We wanted to create an ale that truly represents both locations,” says Luke Dickinson, head brewer at Wicked Weed. To that end, a few barrels of water were transported from Colorado to Asheville. In the brewers’ minds, this is what led to the name for the collaboration beer as well — two smaller tributaries came together to make a larger river. Since the beer has such a strong water theme, it makes sense that a portion of proceeds from the bottle sales will benefit the Western North Carolina Alliance’s French Broad Riverkeeper program. While the beer will be released at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, at Wicked Weed’s new Funkatorium (147 Coxe Ave), the WNC Alliance is organizing a service event to take place before the release. Those who want to volunteer can meet at the Funkatorium starting at 11 a.m. to help stencil storm drains in the South Slope area. King wintERBoLt REtuRns Highland’s Cold Mountain may be the area’s signature winter seasonal, but Catawba’s coldweather beer, King Winterbolt, has plenty of fans as well. Catawba head brewer Kevin Sondey brews Winterbolt with English crystal and black malts for a rich, dark base. However, he hops the beer with Cascade, East Kent Golding and Sorachi Ace for an unusual and complex hop aroma. Look for it at the Catawba tasting room and on draft or in cans around town. X
WednesdAy AsHevIlle BReWInG: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location FRenCH BROAd: $7 growler fills leXInGTOn Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day One WORld: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ D.J. Whistleblower (triphop, downtempo) OsKAR BlUes: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm OysTeR HOUse: $2 off growler fills PIsGAH: Live music: Aereoplain String Band (music of John Hartford), 6pm WedGe: Food Truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)
PIsGAH: Live music: Packway Handle Band (bluegrass, newgrass), 8pm
OsKAR BlUes: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm
WedGe: Food Truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)
OysTeR HOUse: $3 pint night WedGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)
sATURdAy FRenCH BROAd: Live music: Alarm Clock Conspiracy (rock), 6pm HIGHlAnd: Cold Mountain Extravaganza & limited bottle sale, 2pm; Live music: Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots, The Tills, 5:45-9pm; Food trucks: Smashbox, Cici’s Culinary Tour, Appalachian BBQ, Taste & See
TUesdAy AlTAMOnT: Live Music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm AsHevIlle BReWInG: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans CATAWBA: $2 off growler fills
OsKAR BlUes: Holiday event for Food Matters, 1-5pm; Live music: Dirty Badgers (blues), 6pm; Food truck: 3 Suns Bistro
HI-WIRe: $2.50 house pints
OysTeR HOUse: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
OsKAR BlUes: Tasty Tuesday: Film Fest Porter (cloves, chocolate)
PIsGAH: Live music: Phuncle Sam (Grateful Dead covers), 9pm
OysTeR HOUse: Cask night
WedGe: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food) WICKed Weed: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 11am
HIGHlAnd: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 5:30pm
PIsGAH: New brew: Chocolatized (limited bottle release), 6pm WedGe: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
AsHevIlle BReWInG: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location FRenCH BROAd: Live music: Reed Turchi (boogie), 6pm HI-WIRe: Pint night benefiting Friends of the Smokies HIGHlAnd: Cold Mountain winter ale release & kickoff party; Live music: Blood Gypsies, River Whyless & Brushfire Stankgrass, 4:45-9pm; Food trucks: The Lowdown, Cici’s Culinary Tour, Avery’s Hot Dogs & Mama Dukes OsKAR BlUes: Live music: Redleg Husky (acoustic duo), 6pm PIsGAH: Movie night (pick the movie on Facebook), 8pm WedGe: Food Truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
FRIdAy FRenCH BROAd: Live music: The Moon & You (folk), 6pm HIGHlAnd: Cold Mountain Extravaganza & bottle sale, 4pm; Live music: Zansa & Empire Strikes Brass (world, funk), 5:45-9pm; Food trucks: Lowdown, Smashbox, Appalachian BBQ, Mama Dukes OsKAR BlUes: Live music: Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 6pm; Food truck: Avery’s Hot Dogs, 5-8pm
sUndAy AlTAMOnT: Live Music: Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby HI-WIRe: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 12:15pm HIGHlAnd: Cold Mountain Brunch w/ coffee by Dynamite Roasting Co., 2 pints of beer: Cold Mountain & Thunderstruck Coffee Porter, 3-course meal from Taste & See, and dessert from French Broad Chocolate Lounge ($50, 21+), 12-2pm; Live music: Jay Brown
Thanksgiving Dinner 2014 We’re doing things a little differently this year. The dinner menu will be à la carte with foods packed: SMALL (serving 2-3 guests), MEDIUM (serving 4-6 guests), or LARGE (serving 10-14 guests) Call or check our website for pricing options.
Herb & White Wine Turkey gf, df
leXInGTOn Ave (lAB): Live Music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day
Mushroom Gravy
OysTeR HOUse: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
Vegetarian Apple Stuffing gf
WedGe: Food Truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live Music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm
Traditional Green Bean Casserole
Jubilee Citrus Cranberry Chutney gf, df
AlTAMOnT: Live Music: Old-time jam, 8pm CATAWBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions FRenCH BROAd: $2.50 pints
Laurey’s Traditional Harvest Stuffing
Mashed Red Skin Potatoes gf
Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts gf, df Whipped Sweet Potatoes with Pecan Crumble gf
Marty’s Soft Rolls with Whipped Butter Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, or Pecan Pie
Call 828.252.1500 to place orders by Friday, Nov. 21
Pick-up on Wed., Nov. 26, 2014 between 2-4pm.
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
That’s 70 in dog years The Feral Chihuahuas celebrate a decade of sketch comedy
By Edwin aRnaudin
Were it not for a roving pack of wild Mexican dogs terrorizing the cats, chickens and goats outside Waynesville, one of Asheville’s premier sketch comedy troupes would have been called either Kumquat or Footskin Follies. Instead, Tommy Calloway overheard a friend’s account of these strange savage attacks and promptly dubbed his group The Feral Chihuahuas. A decade later, the name holds strong. On two Saturdays, Nov. 15 and 22, Calloway and current members Wyman Tannehill, George “the” Bastard, Drew McDermott, Adam Meier and Dickie Davis celebrate their anniversary with a new live show at Asheville Community Theatre. Ten years ago, frustrated with yelling over rowdy crowds at Fred’s Speakeasy, the Chihuahuas opened their own performance space known as “The Shed.” It was a converted two-car garage at the Woodfin rental where three of the members lived. The spot’s secret location was disclosed only after attendees called or emailed
what The Feral Chihuahuas’ 10-year anniversary show whERE Asheville Community Theatre ashevilletheatre.org whEn Saturday, Nov. 15, and Saturday, Nov. 22, at 8 p.m. $18.
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
the group. The performances became so popular that neighbors complained and the cops showed up. That prompted a move to 35below, ACT’s blackbox stage, where the Chihuahuas took their shows to another level. Upstairs, on the theater’s main stage, the anniversary performances will include a retrospective preshow PowerPoint presentation, an opening song in homage to the Chihuahuas’ history and a medley of the group’s favorite songs culled from the 40-50 they’ve written over the years. As with their sketches and graphics, all of the music and lyrics are the group’s own creation. It’s this commitment to inventiveness, plus being mindful of when to make the rare pop-culture reference, that has been instrumental in sustaining the Chihuahuas’ popularity. “We try to remain completely original as much as possible,” Calloway says. “Sometimes the Elton John song is the right choice, but there’s no direct parody. We feel like it’s cheap. We ask ourselves, ‘What can we do that’s still going to be funny five years from now?’” Tannehill concurs: “It pushes us to better places. There are easy outs that you see in sketch comedy shows, but when you have that rule where you can’t do that, it really pushes you creatively.” Among Calloway’s and Tannehill’s favorite works are “Past Present Time Cop from the Future: The Musical,” the stereotypical ’90s boy band The Douche Boys and detective Laser McSteel. The latter is often featured on the Chihuahuas’ LaZoom bus shows, most recently disguised as “American Idol” winner Caleb Johnson in order to catch a criminal. Not all sketches go over well, however, a factor Calloway atttributes to humor’s regional nature. “A Brief History of Social Networking” was a hit in Asheville, but the crowd at the Shadowbox Sketch Comedy festival in Columbus, Ohio, simply didn’t get it. The jokes of “Religious Lemons,” in which a used-religions salesman peddles his goods, were lost on a conservative Midwestern crowd unfamiliar with such faiths as Unitarianism — yet were like catnip for the Chihuahuas’ hometown audience. “It’s just the game of comedy — trying to figure out what will connect with people,” Tannehill says.
top dogs: A commitment to originality is a big reason why The Feral Chihuahuas are still going strong a decade after their formation. “There’s no direct parody. We feel like it’s cheap,” says founding member Tommy Calloway. “We ask ourselves, ‘What can we do that’s still going to be funny five years from now?’” Photo courtesy of The Feral Chihuahuas
Part of that game also means knowing when to let go of beloved material. At the anniversary shows, the Chihuahuas will retire one of their most popular sketches, “Gangsta Rap for the HearingImpaired.” Introduced during their first show at Fred’s Speakeasy, the sketch has been performed so many times that the group is bored with it. “It’s like a band doing their most popular song all the time,” Tannehill says. “We’ve written 400 to 500 sketches since then.” The Chihuahuas have remained comedically nimble through their annual Sketchfest (where they play host to visiting comedy groups), the occasional LaZoom show and by incorporating videos into their performances. In his seven years with the group, Tannehill has directed, shot and edited 74 short films, such as an ’80s-style advertisement for “Suazenge,” a throat lozenge that’s a little sausage. “The audience sometimes needs a break from a live perfor-
mance,” Tannehill says. “Where you place a video helps their overall experience.” Also motivating the Chihuahuas as they hit the 10-year mark is the assurance that their method is in line with the holy grail of sketch comedy. Over the summer, Tannehill served as Lorne Michaels’ assistant driver when the “Saturday Night Live” producer was in town for the Zach Galifianakis film, Untitled Armored Car Project. In addition to overhearing Michaels conduct business (including discussions for the current season of “SNL”), Tannehill had the opportunity to ask how Michaels deals with the show’s cast and production and was stunned by the producer’s response. “There are so many similarities over the years with The Feral Chihuahuas. We are doing all the same stuff as them, dealing with the same issues and problems. It’s very interesting,” Tannehill says. “We were invigorated by it. Just to hear that the whole process is the same — we’ve been doing it right the whole time, without a budget.” X
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
’s c n
ge uide
Laugh lessons
t! i t
by Toni Sherwood
an Education: “Stand-up is most impactful when experienced live,” says UNC Chapel Hill alum Wyatt Cenac. He’s fine with virtual comedy, too, having recently released the special, Wyatt Cenac: Brooklyn. Photo by Eric Michael Pearson
His latest comedy special, Wyatt Cenac: Brooklyn, premiered last month on Netflix. With his insightful wit, the performer lambasts that borough’s specialty mayonnaise shops as “racist against white people” and recalls the awkward moment when he first realized his good friend was not a lesbian. But the real topper is the puppets. “Stand-up is most impactful when experienced live,” Cenac says. “I was looking for how to add another layer that was dynamic and forces the eyes to be engaged. I like puppets as a storytelling medium.” Although he rarely makes it back to North Carolina, the state holds special memories: “I got roped into performing for The Golden Key Society,” Cenac says of the academic organization. “I was the only person not in the Golden Key Society, telling jokes to a bunch of students who just wanted to go and drink. It was a soulcrushing experience.” That comedic flop aside, Cenac is looking forward to revisiting the state. “I miss all the greenery and walking around,” he says. “I miss having lived there.” X
An Evening with Kevn
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Stand Up Comic
Tim Northern
8:O0 PM l $5/$7
FRI & SAT, NOV 21 & 22
Cabaret, Vocals, Humor, Piano, Bass, Percussion
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18 Church Street | Asheville, NC
Asheville’s Best Listening Room
thealtamont . c o m 32
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Wyatt Cenac: from UNC to a career in comedy
“College forced me to be selfreliant,” Wyatt Cenac says of his days at UNC Chapel Hill. “I had to figure out how to pursue comedy and how to cook a chicken.” The performer, best-known as a correspondent and writer for “The Daily
Show with Jon Stewart,” unveils a brand-new stand-up act at The Millroom on Friday, Nov. 14. Some of Cenac’s earliest comedy experiences were as an undergrad. “I did a few open mics at Charlie Goodnights in Raleigh,” he says. “It was exhilarating and terrifying.” He parlayed those first tenuous forays into a career that includes writing for “King of the Hill” and acting in films like Sleepwalk With Me and Medicine for Melancholy.
what Wyatt Cenac Comedy Show whERE The Mill Room ashevillemillroom.com whEn Friday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. $17.50 advance/$20 at the door
by Kyle Sherard
New Rob Amberg photo exhibit at Pink Dog Creative For 41 years, photographer Rob Amberg has kept an acute documentary eye on Madison County. With his camera, he’s created an insightful, ongoing narrative that’s familiar yet analytical of every back road, kitchen and front porch in a bucolic landscape. Amberg’s intimate and personal views of the county’s residents have long been among his most lauded works. But those subjects’ cultural identity, just like the terrain they inhabit, has been rapidly evolving. And that shifting collective identity stands at the core of ShatterZone, a new exhibit of photographs at the River Arts District’s Pink Dog Creative gallery. ShatterZone is Amberg’s first Asheville show in more than 12 years. A 2002 exhibit celebrated the publication of his book Sodom Laurel Album. The current show, curated by Amberg, with help from studio assistant Jamie Paul and Ashevillebased photographer Ralph Burns, features 60 photographs arranged in small categorical vignettes. “There is a sweeping narrative at the core of Rob’s work,” says Burns. “One that is lyrical, but also revealing and instructing. In some deeply ambiguous way, it’s very touching.” These works, which form the third (and potentially final) chapter in Amberg’s long-running series documenting Madison County life, reveal a broad cultural shift. A few of the images, taken in the 1970s and ’80s, provide a baseline for comparison. But they also obscure the passage of time, since many of the new photographs depict contemporary pastoral landscapes and everyday activities that could just as easily have been culled from the past.
what ShatterZone whERE Pink Dog Creative pinkdog-creative.com whEn The exhibit is on view through Sunday, Jan. 11
“As a young photographer he not only had a strong aesthetic sense and understood the cutting edge of documentary photography, but he also had a penetrating view of this new land that he had just moved into,” says Burns. That perspective has formed the backbone of Amberg’s work from day one. “What I see is a consistent but somewhat hidden stratum, with everything else — the fine details — laid around it.” Front-porch gatherings, cookouts and glimpses of an annual Fourth of July party hang near photos of the Madison County Jail and shots of a Marshall rodeo. They’re essentially timeless, yet Amberg has taken care to subtly update them by capturing contemporary ephemera and atmospheric detail. In one black-and-white shot, a young boy holds up a large jawbone (probably that of a horse) but his Harry Potter T-shirt pulls him into the present. A nearby photo of a child perched on a tailgate shows little that would help date it, though in fact it’s from 1981. Another image shows two men shearing a large collie on their porch. Their heads are shaved on the sides. One sports a nose ring; the other has a forearm tattoo that reads “Romantic” and a piercing that spans the top of his earlobe. Both wear the tattered, patchwork clothing that Amberg continues to recognize in a growing community of former transients who call Madison County home — for now, at least. It’s not that tattoos and piercings — nor movie-themed shirts and mohawks, for that matter — are new to Madison County. Rather, their inclusion in this body of work helps illustrate four decades of cultural evolution, both in the local scene and in Amberg’s own artistic perceptions. “These elements, brought in by a new generation of artists, back-tothe-landers and cultural refugees, have only recently become regular fixtures where there were once few or none at all,” says the photographer. “It’s these changes that add narrative to the structure of the photographs.” That long-term attention to detail is what Burns sees as Amberg’s con-
dog days: “Shu and Griffin Shaving Cheyenne,” Paw Paw, Madison County, 2012. Photo by Rob Amberg
ceptual cornerstone — and his greatest contribution to documentary photography. “It’s a natural reordering of one of his core intellectual motivations in photograph-
ing in Madison County,” says Burns. “That, to me, is the mark of a brilliant observer — an observer who’s using, in this case, a camera to make those subtle observations.” X
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Rich Rennicks
Never-ending story Wayfaring Strangers traces the evolution of Appalachian music
When Fiona Ritchie (the presenter of NPR’s long-running program, “The Thistle and the Shamrock”) first came to North Carolina, “people heard my accent and they’d say, ‘Oh, I’m Scots-Irish,’” she remembers. “I was confused. I thought they meant one parent was Scottish and one was Irish. It took me a wee while to realize this was a historic reference they were making.” As regular listeners to her radio show know, Ritchie is from Scotland. She first noticed similarities between Scottish traditional music and the Appalachian folk music and ballads she encountered when she came to study at UNC Charlotte in the early 1980s. It was that interest that eventually led her and Doug Orr to coauthor Wayfaring Strangers: The Musical Voyage from Scotland and Ulster to Appalachia. The book took 10 years to complete, and it is an encyclopedic history of the people and pathways that brought traditional music and ballads from the Scottish Highlands in the 1600s to the mountain coves of Appalachia via Northern Ireland, and which gave birth to many of the musi-
who Fiona Ritchie and Doug Orr present Wayfaring Strangers, with performances by Grammy-winners Al Petteway and Amy White whERE Saturday, Nov. 15, 3 p.m., at Warren Wilson College’s Kittredge Theatre. Free. warren-wilson.edu whERE Sunday, Nov. 16, 6 p.m., at Malaprop’s. $39.95 single ticket and book/$50 two tickets, one book. malaprops.com
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
cal traditions known in Western North Carolina today. Ritchie and Orr give readings at Warren Wilson College and Malaprop’s on Saturday, Nov. 15, and Sunday, Nov. 16, respectively. The partnership of Ritchie and Orr illustrates the blending of the musical and cultural influences that have shaped genres known as folk, bluegrass and Americana. Orr, a longtime resident of North Carolina, is descended from Scots-Irish ancestors. The Swannanoa Gathering founder, former Warren Wilson College president and current UNC Asheville interim chancellor, Orr is a lifelong folk musician with an active interest in discovering the roots of the Appalachian music with which he grew up. Intrigued by the musical similarities between performers from her homeland and those in North Carolina, Ritchie began the research that first led to her award-winning radio show and eventually to Wayfaring
gEnEaoLogy of a song: From left, Wayfaring Strangers authors Doug Orr and Fiona Ritchie interview the late folk musician Pete Seeger. Photo by Darcy Orr
Strangers. “Living in North Carolina, all I had to do was open my ears, and I could immediately hear there was a connection [to Scotland] that was genuine, meaningful [and] very old,” she says. “The music has changed and morphed over the years.” Ritchie says that she found “previous work on the Scots-Irish migration to America talked about [the process] like it was something that started at a particular point and ended at a particular point.” She saw a need for a book that told the full story. “As far as I could hear, [Scots-Irish music] was still an ongoing influence. While there was this period of mass migration of UlsterScots to the Appalachians, [the relationship between the two cultures] was an ongoing connection that con-
tinued and has even started to come back across the Atlantic over the last century.” The authors wanted their readers to see a living connection. Wayfaring Strangers takes a broadly chronological approach, detailing the history of how Scottish communities found their way into the coves of Appalachia. But the authors wanted it to be an oral history as well. Orr explains that this was part of their plan from the beginning: “Fiona and I have been friends for 33 years, and about 10 years ago we at were at the National Mall for the Folklife Festival,” he says. “We started talking about a book from both of our experiences. One fundamental part would be interviewing as many voices as we could on both sides. We called them the voices of tradition.”
Water works Michelle Baker publishes nontraditional novel The Canoe
By aLLi maRshaLL
amarshall@mountainx.com Drawing on dozens of interviews with contemporary singers and tradition keepers like Pete Seeger, Doc Watson and Sheila Kay Adams — interviews often conducted at the Swannanoa Gathering — the authors combined the historical details of migration with an oral history tracing the passage of old songs from generation to generation and the importance of that history to contemporary performers. A CD accompanying the book includes artists such as Dolly Parton and David Holt performing some of the oldest ballads from Ireland and Scotland. Ritchie and Orr, steeped in the music as they are, discovered a lot during the writing of Wayfaring Strangers. “The impact of the African-American community was much greater than anyone understood,” Orr says. The banjo, for example, has its roots in West Africa. “The Scots-Irish [influence] was the fundamental base of Appalachian music, but it was a tapestry. There were many other influences — English, German, Welsh, French, Cherokee.” “The book has two purposes,” says Orr. “One was to tell the backstory of the migration, and the front story was the music.” That’s why Wayfaring Strangers contains extensive timelines, discographies, profiles of contemporary performers and other resources. Intrigued readers can use the information as a jumpingoff point for their own research. “We saw a sign in a bookstore in Virginia: ‘A Good Book Has No Ending,’” says Orr. “That’s the way we hope it will be with this book.” X
Local author Michelle Baker writes poems that sometimes reach 15 or 20 pages in length. But when one hit the 40-page mark, “I thought, ‘This isn’t going to stop anytime soon,’” she says. That poem grew and morphed and eventually became The Canoe, a novel that weaves together two lives touched by the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Baker gives a reading and signing at Malaprop’s on Saturday, Nov. 15 The book — a slim volume that reads with the lyricism and white space of the original poem — was a new writing experience for Baker. An artist, playwright and editor in chief of online platform the Millionaire Girls’ Movement, Baker says, “I knew the story wasn’t going to fit in straight prose or straight poem. ... There were moments where I thought, ‘Am I going to get torn apart stylistically? Is this blasphemous?’” To the latter, local editor and writing coach Kevin McIlvoy responded, “So what if it is?” As Baker’s novel veers from familiar formats, it offers a new perspective on a well-known story. The Titanic, a British passenger liner, has inspired countless works of art and tribute. But instead of focusing on the disaster, Baker’s prose revolves around the day-today lives of middle-aged widow Katherine (a passenger on the ship) and teenager Bernie (the son of a blacksmith and coffin builder). As Katherine prepares to leave England and memories of loss, Bernie — on the Chesapeake Bay
shoRE thing: The Canoe by Michelle Baker revisits the Titanic disaster from two points of view: a widow on board the ocean liner and a teenage boy living near the Chesapeake Bay. Photo courtesy of the author
— discovers first love and family loyalty. Both narratives are, at turns, sweet and raw. It was Katherine’s character that first came to Baker. “She was a 20-something in Brooklyn,” the author says. “As I kept writing, I realized she was older and not in the 21st century — this was a long time ago.” Bernie was inspired by Baker’s grandfather, one of Maryland’s first licensed
morticians. “Because of that, I grew up around a lot of death, and with that comes a lot of stories,” she says. “Everyone can say where they were on 9/11. For my mom’s generation, everyone can say where they were when Kennedy was shot. For my grandfather ... for nonwartime, it would have been the Titanic. I always wanted to ask him, ‘What did you hear about that?’” It occurred to her that, although she’d never had that conversation, she could make it up. Because it’s novellalength — a difficult fit for mainstream publishing houses — Baker chose to self-publish The Canoe. She aligned the project with independent bookstores and will tour select cities — a possibility recently opened to independent writers. “Even Barnes & Noble is starting to do signings with self-published authors,” says Baker. “They’re realizing we’re a force.” X
who Michelle Baker whERE Malaprop’s, malaprops.com whEn Saturday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m.
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
A&E staff
Amandla Power, or “Amandla,” exists in “every fiber of the living experience,” according to Claude Coleman Jr. (formerly of Ween), who christened his band with the Zulu word. In live format, the rootsreggae musician takes on frontman and guitar duties alongside fellow Ashevilleans Jon Lauterer (drums), Rachel Waterhouse (keys, vocals) and Dave Gilbert (guitar, vocals). In the recording studio, Coleman morphs into a one-man band, playing all instruments, engineering and producing his own songs. In anticipation of Amandla’s upcoming album release, Coleman and company will perform Laughing Hearts in its entirety for the first time ever. Local bands The Toothe (psychedelic folk) and Press (guitardriven rock) open the show at The Mothlight on Saturday, Nov. 15, at 9:30 p.m. $10/12. themothlight.com. Photo courtesy of Coleman
Balsam Range Balsam Range “thoughtfully and respectfully adopted the name of a majestic range of mountains” near the band’s hometown in Haywood County, but the bluegrass ensemble’s reverence for Western North Carolina doesn’t end there. The five-piece will hold a benefit concert for the Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry’s Veterans Restoration Services, an organization providing housing, food and other services for local veteran families. The fundraiser follows several accolades from the International Bluegrass Music Association, including 2014 Vocal Group of the Year, Entertainer of the Year and Male Vocalist of the Year (the latter awarded to fiddler Buddy Melton). Country musician McKayla Reece opens for Balsam Range at the Crowne Plaza Resort Expo Center on Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. $25. abccm.org. Photo courtesy of the band
Marco Benevento
Jug-Baby Jug-Baby: An Autobiography follows the plight of a youth whose parents inadvertently strip their baby of gender and identity after attempting to mold the child into a circus attraction that physically fits inside a jug. Philadelphia Transmissions Theatre, known for its “transcendentally bizarre stories,” presents the one-woman puppet show, calling the production “a whimsical journey of sexuality and self-discovery,” that details Jug-Baby’s endeavors to “move past the expectations of others.” Puppeteer C. Kennedy will be accompanied by live music from Asheville’s The Resonant Rogues and Philadelphia’s Upholstery, and the show will also feature animations by Sean MacPhee and Nora Humpage. Jug-Baby’s existential East Coast tour stops at The Odditorium on Monday, Nov. 17, at 9 p.m. $5. ashevilleodditorium.com. Artwork by Nora Humpage 36
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
If the producer tends to be the unsung hero of the album, pianist and songwriter Marco Benevento is bucking that trend: His new record, Swift, is named for producer Richard Swift (Foxygen, Damien Jurado). The record also flies in the face of Benevento’s own tendencies: It’s the musician’s first album to feature his own lyrics and voice. The risk is paying off handsomely, garnering praise such as “a bliss-inducing swirl of electronic sounds, fuzzy organic instruments and catchy melodies” and “a vocalizing party-starter.” Also, according to his Facebook page, “from here on out, Marco Benevento is only going to perform in tiger suits.” That’s a joke, but what isn’t is that he will perform at Asheville Music Hall on Saturday, Nov. 15, at 10 p.m. The Get Right Band opens. $10 advance/$12 day of show. ashevillemusichall.com. Photo courtesy of the artist
Taste of Asheville 2014 thursday, november 20th
the venue
21 north market street 7pm - 9pm
to purchase tickets visit
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
• Through MO (12/15) - Applications open for this annual event honoring the legacy of Black Mountain College. All genres and disciplines. Contact for full guidelines. Free.
Music African Drum Lessons • Skinny Beats Drum Shop (pd.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. No experience necessary. Drums provided. $12/class. (828) 768-2826. www.skinnybeatsdrums.com Asheville Chamber Music Series 259-3626, ashevillechambermusic.org • SU (11/16), 4pm - St. Lawrence String Quartet. $38. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place Asheville Choral Society 232-2060, ashevillechoralsociety.org • FR (11/14), 7pm & SA (11/15), 4pm “Home and Heritage: An Asheville Tribute,” concert. $25/free for students. Held in Lipinsky Hall at UNCA.
SHIFTING PERSPECTIVES: Anam Cara will present Identity XYZ, three short plays by three different directors that explore “what it means to be human in a world with rigid gender expectations.” The plays will be staged at Toy Boat Community Art Space beginning on Friday, Nov. 14. Photo courtesy of Anam Cara. (p.38)
Art Annual Craft Mission Bazaar weavervilleumc.org • FR (11/14), noon-6pm & SA (11/15), 8am-3pm Proceeds support local charities. Free to attend. Held at Weaverville United Methodist Church, 85 N. Main St., Weaverville Art Sale of Henderson County 693-8504, acofhc.org • SA (11/15), 9am-3pm - “YART” sale of paintings, pottery, older works, unsold artwork and unneeded art supplies for local artists. Free to attend. Held at First Congregational Church of Hendersonville, 1735 5th Ave W., Hendersonville ArtMart Art Sale 884-2787, artsofbrevard.org • FR (11/14), 5-8pm & SA (11/15), 9am-4pm- Works by local and regional artists. Free to attend. Held at Transylvania Community Arts Council, 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard Asheville Area Arts Council Gallery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • FR (11/14), 1-3pm - Tax workshop for creative professionals. Free. Asheville Art Museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • FR (11/14), noon-1pm - Lunchtime Art Break: discussion of X, Y + Z: Dimensions in Sculpture. Admission fees apply.
Fire House Arts & Craft Fair barnardsville.com • SA (11/15), 9am-3pm - Sale of works by local artists and nature photographers. Free to attend. Held at Barnardsville Fire Department, 100 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville OLLI Art Bazaar 251-6140, olliasheville.com • FR (11/14) & SA (11/15) - Sale of works by OLLI members will benefit the organization’s scholarship fund. Fri.: 12-5pm; Sat.: 10am-4pm. Free to attend. Held in the Reuter Center at UNCA.
Auditions & Call to Artists ATTENTION ARTISTS • CRAFTERS (pd.) Space available (2,000 sqft) in downtown Waynesville, that would provide a place to work and sell. Heat, parking. 30 minutes from Asheville. • Individual booths. • Could be co-op. I will develop the space to a plan, if there is interest. (828) 2166066. DIfferent Strokes! Performing Arts Collective differentstrokesavl.com, steph@differentstrokesperformingartscollective.org • SU (11/16), 2-5pm - Open auditions for From Ashes To Angel’s Dust: A Journey Through Womanhood. Registration required. Contact for details. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. {Re}HAPPENING rehappening.com
Blue Ridge Ringers Handbell Ensemble blueridgeringers.tripod.com, blueridgeringers@gmail.com • SA (11/15), 1pm - Christmas handbell concert. Held at Food Matters Market, 1 Market St., Brevard Fletcher Library 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library. hendersoncountync.org Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (11/18), 4pm - Fletcher Academy Bell Choirs. Free. Habitat For Humanity Benefit Concert 258-0903, westashepres.org • SU (11/16), 6:30pm - Includes performances by David Lamotte, George Terry, The Gypsy Swingers. Admission by donation. Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road Music at UNCA 251-6432, unca.edu • WE (11/12), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Reuter Center. Free. • FR (11/14), 7:30pm & SA (11/15), 4pm “Coming Home: An American Tribute,” community band concert. $25/free for students. Lipinsky Auditorium. • SU (11/16), 4pm - Reuter Center Singers perform Rodgers and Hammerstein selections. In the Reuter Center. Free. • TU (11/18), 5:00pm - Percussion and African Drum Ensemble. $5/free for students. Lipinsky Auditorium. • WE (11/19), 7pm - Blue Ridge Orchestra open rehearsal. Reuter Center. Free. • TH (11/20), 5pm - UNC-Asheville Singers Holiday Concert. Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/ free for students. Music at WCU 227-2479, wcu.edu • TU (11/18), 7:30pm - Smoky Mountain Brass Quintet. In the Coulter recital hall. Free.
Salute to Veterans Concert 259-5300, abccm.org • FR (11/14), 8pm - Bluegrass concert with Balsam Range and McKayla Reece to benefit the Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry’s Veterans Restoration Services.. $25. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive Song o’sky Chorus songosky.org, 866-824-9547 • SU (11/16), 3pm - “A Season for Harmony,” joint concert with Land of the Sky Chorus. $14.50. Waynesville First United Methodist Church 566 South Haywood St., Waynesville, 456-9475, fumc-waynesville.com • FR (11/14), 6pm - Lazybirds, ragtime. Free.
Theater 35below 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre. • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/23) - God of Carnage. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $15. Anam Cara Theatre 545-3861, anamcaratheatre.com • FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS (11/14) through (11/22), 8pm - Identity XYZ. $12. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B Asheville Community Theatre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • FR (11/14) through SU (11/16) - The Wizard of Oz, youth production. Fri.: 7:30pm; Sat. & Sun.: 2:30pm. $5. • TH (11/20), 7:30pm - Listen to This: “My Compliments to the Chef: A Smorgasbord of Best Meal Ever Memories.” $15. BeBe Theatre 20 Commerce St., 254-2621 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (11/22), 7:30pm - Different Strokes! Performing Arts Collective presents Next Fall. $18/$15 advance, seniors & students. Flat Rock Playhouse Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (11/2) until (12/21) - A Christmas Carol. Wed.-Sat.: 8pm. Sun.:2pm. $40/$25 students/$10 children. Hendersonville Little Theatre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 6921082, hendersonvillelittletheater.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (11/16) Master Class. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. $15. Theater at Brevard College 884-8211 • TH (11/13) through SU (11/16) - Not with a Bang, but a Whimper. Porter Center. Thu.-Sat.: 7pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $5. Theater at UNCA 251-6610, drama.unca.edu • TH (11/20) through SU (11/23) - The Muckle Man. Thur.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. In the Carol Belk Theater. $12.
Nature’s Pharmacy THeATeR AT WCU 227-2479, bardoartscenter.wcu.edu • TH (11/13) through SU (11/16) - 42nd Street. Thu.-Sat: 7:30pm; Sun.: 3pm. $21/$16 seniors, faculty and staff/$7-$10 students. Held in the Bardo Arts Center. TRyOn FIne ARTs CenTeR 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 859-8322, tryonarts. org • TH (11/13) through SU (11/16) - The Joy of Bernadette. Thu.-Sat.: 8pm; Sun.: 3pm.
AlCHeMy FIne ART 25 Rankin Ave., 367-7714, info@alchemyfineart.net • TU (11/13) through SU (12/21) - Works by Angela Cunningham and Anis Crofts. ART AT BRevARd COlleGe 884-8188, brevard.edu/art • Through FR (12/5) - Works by Kristen Necessary. ART AT UnCA art.unca.edu • Through TU (11/18) - Fabricating Thresholds, paintings by Isabelle Klauder. In the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • Through MO (11/24) - Structural Abstraction, multimedia exhibit by Ian Cage. In Ramsey Library. ART AT WCU 227-3591, fineartmuseum.wcu.edu • Through FR (1/9) - David Raymond’s Other People’s Pictures and Eric Oglander: Craigslist Mirrors, photography. In the Bardo Arts Center.
• Through (12/19) - Posada: Marigolds & Skulls, prints by Jose Guadalupe. FOlK ART CenTeR MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, craftguild.org • Through TU (2/3) - Beyond Textures, multimedia. Free to attend. GReen sAGe CAFe - WesTGATe 70 Westgate Parkway, 785-1780, greensagecafe. com • Through TH (1/15) - Exploring the Depth & Magic of Nature, photography by Susanna Euston, Bonnie Allen and Joanne Senkus. GROveWOOd GAlleRy 111 grovewood Road, 253-7651, grovewood. com • Through WE (12/31) - Hops & Crafts, mugs, steins & tankards by regional artist. HAndMAde In AMeRICA 252-0121, handmadeinamerica.org • Through TH (11/20) - Handmade book-bound pieces by Mary Carol Koester. Held at BeverlyHanks Discovery Center, 1 Town Square Blvd. MICA FIne COnTeMPORARy CRAFT 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 688-6422, micagallerync.com • MO (11/17) through TH (1/1) - Wearable art works by Edwin Bringle, Liz Spear, Stacy Lane, Nita Forde and Kathryn Faille. Odyssey COOPeRATIve ART GAlleRy 238 Clingman Ave, 285-9700, facebook.com/ odysseycoopgallery • Through SU (11/30) - Gallery member ceramic art show.
seven sIsTeRs GAlleRy 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, sevensistersgallery.com • FR (11/17) through SU (1/25) - Paintings and wood etchings by Jim Southerland.
AsHevIlle lOFT GAlleRy 52 Broadway St. 3B, 782-8833, theashevilleloft.com • ONGOING - A Confluence of Elements, works by various artists.
sIlveRsPACe GAlleRy 109 Roberts St. in the Phil Mechanic Building, 706-254-3456, theashevilledarkroom.com/silverspace • Through SA (12/31) - Cautionary Tales, photography by Priscilla Smith.
BlACK MOUnTAIn CenTeR FOR THe ARTs 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • Through FR (11/21) - Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League juried show CAsTell PHOTOGRAPHy GAlleRy 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, castellphotographygallery.com • Through SA (12/20) - Next: New Photographic Visions, juried exhibition. FlOOd GAlleRy 109 Roberts St., 254-2166, floodgallery.org Located in the Phil Mechanic Building.
Meet the Experts Kerbie Berggren Certified Pharmaceutical Compounder Having grown up in her fatherʼs pharmacy and working at Natureʼs Pharmacy for the last 16 years; Kerbie Berggren has many years of experience in western medicine and preventative medicine with a special interest in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement and skin care. She is a wealth of knowledge in supplements, nutritional, herbal and pharmaceutical compounding. Come by and say Hello! 752 Biltmore Avenue • 828-251-0094 www.naturespharmacy.biz
PUlP 103 Hilliard Ave., 225-5851 • Through WE (12/31) - Poster art by Joshua Marc Levy.
AsHevIlle GAlleRy OF ART 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-ofart.com • Through SU (11/30) - Skies Over Appalachia, paintings by Jane Desonier.
BendeR GAlleRy 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, thebendergallery.com • Through SU (11/30) - Spirits of the Flame, flameworked glass sculpture.
& Compounding Center
THe GRAnd BOHeMIAn GAlleRy 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, bohemianhotelasheville.com • SA (11/15) through WE (12/31) - Expressionist landscapes by Jean Claude Roy. Opening reception: Nov. 15, 3:30-8pm. WesT AsHevIlle lIBRARy 942 Haywood Road • WE (11/12) through MO (12/29) - Eyeing the Landscape, photography by Ron Martin-Adkins. Artist’s reception: Nov. 15, 4-7:30pm WOOlWORTH WAlK 25 Haywood St., 254-9234 • Through (1/15) - The Future is Certain, contemporary paintings by Carly Greene. Contact the galleries for hours and admission fees.
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
C L U B L A N D FOGGy MOUnTAIn BReWPUB Hustle Souls (Americana), 9pm
WednesdAy, nOveMBeR 12
HIGHlAnd BReWInG COMPAny Cold Mountain Release Party (multiple bands), 4pm
5 WAlnUT WIne BAR Wine tasting w/ Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Sankofa (world), 8pm
IsIs ResTAURAnT And MUsIC HAll Heather Maloney (singer-songwriter), 7pm
550 TAveRn & GRIlle Karaoke w/ Sound Extreme, 9pm
JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Bluegrass jam, 7pm
AsHevIlle MUsIC HAll Aligning Minds w/ DJ Qbert, Jeremy Ellis, & more (IDM), 10pm
leX 18 Honey Swamp Stompers (ragtime, hot jazz), 7:30pm
Ben’s TUne-UP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
lOBsTeR TRAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm
BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Buncombe County Boyz (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm
MARKeT PlACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm nATIve KITCHen & sOCIAl PUB Warren Wilson College Bands (traditional Appalachian), 7pm
ByWATeR Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm CROW & QUIll Uncle Shabby’s Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm
neW MOUnTAIn Joshua Worden w/ Luzius Stone, Mother Hood (indie, electronic, R&B), 10pm
dUGOUT Karaoke, 9pm
OddITORIUM Folklorika, Cripps Puppets, 9pm
GRInd CAFe Trivia night, 7pm IROn HORse sTATIOn Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Old-time session, 5pm JUICy lUCy’s BURGeR BAR And GRIll fRITZ bEER & The Crooked Beat (acoustic rock), 6pm
OFF THe WAGOn Dueling pianos, 9pm
indiE-psych: “Tele Novella is sugar-crash dream-psych popsicle-punch out of Austin with members of Agent Ribbons and Voxtrot,” reads the band’s bio. “Influenced by the nocturnal jungles of Os Mutantes and the lapeled, knee-socked smarts of Belle and Sebastian, the songwriting is sincere and evocative.” Tele Novella performs with The Honey Chasers at Jack of the Wood on Friday, Nov. 14, at 9 p.m.
leX 18 The Roaring Lions (jazz), 8:30pm lOBsTeR TRAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm MOJO KITCHen & lOUnGe DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm MOUnTAIn MOJO COFFeeHOUse Open mic, 6:30pm neW MOUnTAIn Sister Sparrow & The Dirty Birds w/ Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats (rock, funk, soul), 10pm nOBle KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
OddITORIUM JW Teller, May Erwin, Stevie Lee Combs (singersongwriters), 9pm
TRessA’s dOWnTOWn JAzz And BlUes Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
OFF THe WAGOn Piano show, 9pm
URBAn ORCHARd Poetry on Demand w/ Eddie Cabbage, 6:30pm
OlIve OR TWIsT Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm
vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm
One sTOP delI & BAR Space Kadet w/ Rodeo Trio & Icky Bob (electro, psychedelic space funk), 10pm ORAnGe Peel Dirty Heads w/ ROME & Makua Rothman (reggae, hip-hop), 8:30pm PIsGAH BReWInG COMPAny Aereo-Plain (newgrass), 6pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
WIld WInG CAFe Karaoke, 9pm WIld WInG CAFe sOUTH Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm
THURsdAy, nOveMBeR 13
OlIve OR TWIsT West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm One sTOP delI & BAR Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Yaddatu w/ The Heritage, The Melons (funk, jam), 10pm ORAnGe Peel Kip Moore w/ Charlie Worsham & Sam Hunt (country), 8pm OsKAR BlUes BReWeRy Redleg Husky (acoustic duo), 6pm PACK’s TAveRn Howie Johnson Duo (acoustic rock), 8pm PURPle OnIOn CAFe Dana & Susan Robinson (folk), 7:30pm RenAIssAnCe AsHevIlle HOTel Chris Rhodes (blues, jazz, R&B, pop-rock), 6pm ROOM IX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm sCAndAls nIGHTClUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
185 KInG sTReeT Nikki Talley, 8pm
sCUlly’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm
TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Open mic & jam, 7pm
5 WAlnUT WIne BAR Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (acoustic rock), 8pm
TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Iggy Radio, 7pm
THe MOTHlIGHT Wham City Comedy Tour! (comedy), 9pm
Alley KATs TAveRn Open mic night, 7pm
THe PHOenIX Jazz night, 8pm
BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Lyric (acoustic soul), 9pm
THe sOCIAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
BlUe KUdzU sAKe COMPAny Trivia night, 8pm
THe sOUTHeRn Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
CORK & KeG Vollie McKenzie & The Leadfoot Vipers (country, swing, jazz), 8pm
ROOM IX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm
TIGeR MOUnTAIn Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm TIMO’s HOUse Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm TOWn PUMP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm
dOUBle CROWn 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm elAIne’s dUelInG PIAnO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm
THe MOTHlIGHT The Freeway Revival w/ Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots, Black Robin Hero (rock, blues, country), 9pm THe PHOenIX Bradford Carson Duo (mountain music), 8pm THe sOCIAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm THe sOUTHeRn Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm TIGeR MOUnTAIn New Wave dance w/ Cliff (80s pop, postpunk, punk-rock, synthpop), 10pm TIMO’s HOUse
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noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
WED • NOV 12 WOODY WOOD WEDNESDAY 5:30-7:30 opEn thAnksgIvIng nIght At 6pM! pInt nIght: 2014 AshEvIllE touRIsts ChAMpIonshIp pInt glAssEs
sERvIng untIl ClosE!
SUN • NOV 16 OPEN 1-6
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com. CLUB DIRECTORy
’90s Recall w/ Franco (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm TOWn PUMP Lord Nelson (folk, rock), 9pm TRessA’s dOWnTOWn JAzz And BlUes The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm URBAn ORCHARd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm
FRIdAy, nOveMBeR 14 185 KInG sTReeT Greg Humphreys Electric Trio, 8pm 5 WAlnUT WIne BAR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 9pm 550 TAveRn & GRIlle Jason Whitaker & Wes Farmer (acoustic), 9pm Alley KATs TAveRn Amos & The Mixx Live, 9:30pm AlTAMOnT THeATeR The Morning After (eclectic, rock, fusion), 8pm AsHevIlle MUsIC HAll Runaway Gin (Phish tribute), 10pm
fri 11/14
sam quinn anD taiwan twin
Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm
tuE 11/18 thu 11/20 fri 11/21
sat 11/22
ByWATeR The 200s (groove, funk), 8:30pm
(featuring jimmy & Claude of thE gourDs!) w/ ChuCk mEaD (of BR5-49) 9pm • $10/$12
ClAssIC WIneselleR Dana & Susan Robinson (folk), 7pm CORK & KeG Bayou Diesel (Cajun, zydeco), 8:30pm
salliE forD + CrookED fingErs w/ and the kids 8pm • $12/$15
josh olivEr & Ellot bronson: Dual CD Release Show! 8pm • $10/$12
tylEr ramsEy (of band of horses) w/ seth kauffman (of floating action) 9pm • $15/$17
justin townEs EarlE w/ Cory branan 9pm • $18/$20
Open until 2am everynight! Check out Clubland for other events.
Wednesday, Nov. 12th Karaoke 9:30 Thursday, Nov. 13th, Open Mike w/ Ben Wiggins 8:00-11:00 Friday & Saturday Karaoke 9:30 Sunday 80’s Karaoke 9:30 Monday Nov. 15th, Old Time Americana Jam w/ Kevin Scanlon 6:00-9:00
dOUBle CROWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm elAIne’s dUelInG PIAnO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FOGGy MOUnTAIn BReWPUB Paper Crowns (Americana, rock), 9pm GOOd sTUFF Skyler (pop, rock), 9pm GReen ROOM CAFe & COFFeeHOUse Elise Pratt & Mike Holstein (jazz), 6pm GRey eAGle MUsIC HAll & TAveRn Sam Quinn & Taiwan Twin w/ This Mountain (Americana), 8pm HIGHlAnd BReWInG COMPAny Cold Mountain Extravaganza (multiple bands), 4pm
Wednesday Nov. 17th Karaoke 9:30
IROn HORse sTATIOn Barb Turner (R&B), 7pm
UndeR new OwneRShip!
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
CROW & QUIll Mount Mitchell (Shane Parish & Ryan Oslance), 9pm
Tuesday Nov. 16th, Wing Night! Jason Whiteaker 6:30- 9:30 www.facebook/TheSocialAsheville 1078 Tunnel Road Asheville 828-298-8780
BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Michael David & Joe Friddle (Americana), 7pm BOIleR ROOM Poet Radio (goth-rock), Brief Awakening (folk-rock), Dendera Bloodbath (experimental) & Polly Panic (rock), 9pm
+ this mountain 9pm • $10
thE harD pans
sat 11/15
ATHenA’s ClUB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm
IsIs ResTAURAnT And MUsIC HAll The Boxcars w/ Unspoken Tradition (bluegrass, old-time), 9pm
185 King stREEt 877-1850 5 waLnut winE BaR 253-2593 adam daLton distiLLERy 367-6401 aLtamont BREwing company 575-2400 thE aLtamont thEatRE 348-5327 ashEViLLE music haLL 255-7777 athEna’s cLuB 252-2456 BaRLEy’s tap Room 255-0504 BLacK mountain aLE housE 669-9090 BLuE mountain pizza 658-8777 BoiLER Room 505-1612 BRoadway’s 285-0400 thE BywatER 232-6967 coRK and KEg 254-6453 cREEKsidE taphousE 575-2880 diana woRtham thEatER 257-4530 diRty south LoungE 251-1777 douBLE cRown 575-9060 dugout 692-9262 ELEVEn on gRoVE 505-1612 foggy mountain BREwpuB 254-3008 fREnch BRoad BREwERy tasting Room 277-0222 good stuff 649-9711 gREEn Room cafE 692-6335 gREy EagLE music haLL & taVERn 232-5800 gRoVE housE thE gRoVE paRK inn (ELainE’s piano BaR/ gREat haLL) 252-2711 highLand BREwing company 299-3370 isis music haLL 575-2737 jacK of thE wood 252-5445 LEx 18 582-0293 thE LoBstER tRap 350-0505 mEtRoshERE 258-2027 miLLRoom 555-1212 montE Vista hotEL 669-8870 moonLight miLE 335-9316 natiVE KitchEn & sociaL puB 581-0480 nightBELL 575-0375 noBLE KaVa BaR 505-8118 odditoRium 575-9299 oLiVE oR twist 254-0555 onEfiftyonE 239-0239 onE stop BaR dELi & BaR 255-7777 o.hEnRy’s/tug 254-1891 thE oRangE pEEL 225-5851 osKaR BLuEs BREwERy 883-2337 pacK’s taVERn 225-6944 thE phoEnix 877-3232 pisgah BREwing co. 669-0190 puLp 225-5851 puRpLE onion cafE 749-1179 REd stag gRiLL at thE gRand BohEmian hotEL 505-2949 Root BaR no.1 299-7597 scandaLs nightcLuB 252-2838 scuLLy’s 251-8880 sLy gRog LoungE 255-8858 smoKEy’s aftER daRK 253-2155 thE sociaL 298-8780 southERn appaLacian BREwERy 684-1235 static agE REcoRds 254-3232 stRaightaway cafE 669-8856 taLLgaRy’s cantina 232-0809 tigER mountain 407-0666 timo’s housE 575-2886 town pump 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 tREasuRE cLuB 298-1400
tREssa’s downtown jazz & BLuEs 254-7072 u.s. cELLuLaR cEntER & thomas woLfE auditoRium 259-5544 VincEnzo’s 254-4698 wEstViLLE puB 225-9782 whitE hoRsE 669-0816 wiLd wing cafE 253-3066 wxyz 232-2838
THe MOTHlIGHT Generation of Vipers, Bask, Navajo Witch, Morbids (metal, sludge, ambient), 9pm
Brewing Company
THe PHOenIX Yaddatu (jam band), 9pm
Asheville, NC
Full bar . Full kitchen
THe sOCIAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
Food served til 11 pM nightly Monday $3 pint night
TIGeR MOUnTAIn Devyn (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm
Tuesday cask night
TIMO’s HOUse Oskar Milinalli (bounce, trap, twerk), 10pm JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Tele Novella w/ The Honey Chasers (indie, Americana), 9pm JeRUsAleM GARden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm leX 18 Xpresso (Latin, jazz), 8:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-Gatsby swing), 11pm MARKeT PlACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm MIllROOM Wyatt Cenac (comedy), 5:30pm neW MOUnTAIn Phuncle Sam (jam, classic rock, Dead), 9pm nIGHTBell ResTAURAnT & lOUnGe Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-pop), 10:30pm nOBle KAvA Seraphim Arkistra (electro-coustic ambient improv), 8:30pm OddITORIUM Anwar Sadat, Doomster & Petey (punk), 9pm OFF THe WAGOn Dueling pianos, 9pm OlIve OR TWIsT Westsound (Motown), 8pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm One sTOP delI & BAR Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm The Art of Techno (electronic), 10pm ORAnGe Peel Caleb Johnson w/ Aaron Woody Wood (pop, rock), 8pm OsKAR BlUes BReWeRy Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm PACK’s TAveRn DJ MoTo (pop, dance hits), 8pm PIsGAH BReWInG COMPAny Packway Handle Band (bluegrass, Americana), 9pm
TRessA’s dOWnTOWn JAzz And BlUes Embe Marimba Band, 7pm
WIld WInG CAFe sOUTH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
sATURdAy, nOveMBeR 15
Alley KATs TAveRn The Twisted Trail Band, 9:30pm AsHevIlle COMMUnITy THeATRe Feral Chihuahuas 10 year anniversary show (comedy), 8pm AsHevIlle MUsIC HAll Marco Benevento w/ The Get Right Band (piano rock), 10pm ATHenA’s ClUB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm
TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Go Dot Figure (country, classic rock), 9:30pm
BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Blue Wheel Drive (bluegrass), 9pm
BOIleR ROOM Latin night, 10pm
ClAssIC WIneselleR Jay Brown (blues, folk, roots), 7pm
CORK & KeG The Barsters (old-time, bluegrass), 8:30pm
CReeKsIde TAPHOUse Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm
THU. 11/13 Howie Johnson Duo
CROW & QUIll Surrealist Art Show & Party, 9pm dIAnA WORTHAM THeATRe Red June w/ Shannon Whitworth & Barrett Smith, 8pm
FOGGy MOUnTAIn BReWPUB The 200s (funk, rock), 10pm
sTRAIGHTAWAy CAFe Paul Cataldo (Americana, folk), 6pm
$12/ dozen Mon-Fri 3-6pm! (828) 575-9370 625 Haywood Rd • West Asheville Mon-Thur 3-11 • Fri 3-12 • Sat 12-12 • Sun 12-11 oysterhousebeers.com
5 WAlnUT WIne BAR The Everydays (indie-folk), 6pm Firecracker Jazz Band (hot jazz), 9pm
ROOT BAR nO. 1 Moses Nesh w/ Wes Tirey & Sarah Louise (blues), 8pm
sPRInG CReeK TAveRn Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (rock), 8pm
Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies
WHITe HORse BlACK MOUnTAIn Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm
elAIne’s dUelInG PIAnO BAR Dueling Pianos, 9pm
sCUlly’s DJ, 10pm
Thursday $4 well drinks
vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
ROOM IX Ladies night w/ DJ Soden, 9pm
sCAndAls nIGHTClUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills
TOWn PUMP Brandon Reeves (blues), 9pm
(acoustic rock)
FRI. 11/14 DJ MoTo
(pop, dance hits)
SAT. 11/15 The Free Flow Band
GOOd sTUFF Robby and the Blighters, 8pm GRey eAGle MUsIC HAll & TAveRn The Hard Pans w/ Jimmy Claude of The Gourds, Chuck Mead (rock), 9pm
(r&b, old school, funk)
HIGHlAnd BReWInG COMPAny Cold Mountain Extravaganza (multiple bands), 2pm
IROn HORse sTATIOn Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm
IsIs ResTAURAnT And MUsIC HAll Mipso (bluegrass, old-time, folk), 9pm
20 S. SPRUCE ST. • 225.6944 PACKSTAVERN.COM mountainx.com
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
11/14 TELE NOVELLA 10/25 Sarah Lee W/ THE HONEY CHASERS (LATEGuthrie NIGHT SET) 10/25 Sarah Lee Guthrie 9 P.M.$5 & Johnny Irion & Johnny Irion 11/15 BONE JUGS N••HARMONY w/ 9pm $10 w/ Battlefield Battlefield 9pm $10 CAMPBELL W/ BLUEGRASS DRIFTERS FEAT. JOHNNY 9 P.M.$5 Firecracker Jazz Band 10/26 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band & Costume & HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN Costume 11/18 SINGER SONGWRITER IN THE Party & Contest •• 9pm $8 ROUND HOSTED BY PEGGY RATUSZ Party & Contest 9pmW/ $8SPECIAL GUESTS RUPERT WATES, BILL PHILLIPS W/ 10/27 Vinegar CHELSEA LABATE 10/27 Vinegar Creek Creek •• 9pm 9pm FREE FREE 7 P.M.FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 11/21 AEREO-PLAIN STRING BAND w/ Tom Banana Pants w/ Crazy Crazy Pants (PAYING TRIBUTETom TO JOHNBanana HARTFORD, AEREO-PLAIN STRING BAND IS COMPRISED OF GREAT MUSICIANS 10/29 Singer Songwriters 10/29 Songwriters THAT TEAMEDSinger WITH JOHN THROUGHOUT HIS CAREER.) 9 P.M.$7 • 7-9pm FREE in the Round in the Round • 7-9pm FREE w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis
w/ Anthony Tripi, Elise Davis WARREN HAYNES 2014 Mud Tea • 9pm FREE
in BREVaRd: Following a string of acoustic solo albums, longtime Dillon Fence and Hobex frontman Greg Humphreys returns to the bandstand, saying “it feels great to be playing electric guitar again. I’m using all the tools in the shed with this combo.” Genre-hopping Greg Humphreys Electric Trio will perform in Brevard’s 185 King Street on Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m.
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95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Bone Jugs n Harmony w/ Bluegrass Drifters (bluegrass, folk), 9pm JeRUsAleM GARden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm leX 18 Eastern Boundary (jazz), 8:30pm MARCO’s PIzzeRIA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm MARKeT PlACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm neW MOUnTAIn Little People w/ YPPAH (dance, electronic), 9:30pm nIGHTBell ResTAURAnT & lOUnGe DJ Trevor Baker (nu-disco, soul), 10:30pm nOBle KAvA Dan Keller (eclectic jazz guitar), 8:30pm OddITORIUM Punx for Pits benefit, 9pm OFF THe WAGOn Dueling pianos, 9pm OlIve OR TWIsT 42nd Street (jazz, swing), 8pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm ORAnGe Peel Travers Brothership, Sidecar Honey, & Porch 40 (rock, blues, indie), 9pm PACK’s TAveRn The Free Flow Band (R&B, old school, funk), 9pm PIsGAH BReWInG COMPAny Phuncle Sam (Dead covers), 9pm PURPle OnIOn CAFe Joseph Hasty & Centerpiece, 8pm ROOM IX DJ Leslie Snipez, 9pm
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
ROOT BAR nO. 1 John the Revelator (blues, rock), 8pm sCAndAls nIGHTClUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCUlly’s DJ, 10pm sPRInG CReeK TAveRn Pleasure Chest (funk, soul), 8pm sTRAIGHTAWAy CAFe Hope Griffin (singer-songwriter), 6pm TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Southern Soul Campaign (Southern rock), 9:30pm THe AdMIRAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm THe MOTHlIGHT Amandla w/ The Toothe (rock, alt, soul), 9:30pm THe PHOenIX Stephen Lee (punk, rock, country), 1pm The Resonant Rogues (gypsy jazz), 9pm THe sOCIAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm TIGeR MOUnTAIn IIIrd Wave dance night w/ Lynnnn & Sarah K (avant-dance, disco, darkwave), 10pm TIMO’s HOUse Fisticuffs (DJ battle), 10pm TOWn PUMP Rye Baby (country, folk), 9pm TRessA’s dOWnTOWn JAzz And BlUes The King Zeros, 7pm The Nightcrawlers, 10pm vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WHITe HORse BlACK MOUnTAIn Dirty Badgers (blues), 6pm David Holt & Josh Goforth (mountain music), 8pm
sUndAy, nOveMBeR 16 5 WAlnUT WIne BAR Dulci Ellenberger & Daniel Shearin (Americana), 7pm AlTAMOnT BReWInG COMPAny Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby, 9pm BlUe KUdzU sAKe COMPAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm BlUe MOUnTAIn PIzzA & BReW PUB Paul Cataldo, 7pm dOUBle CROWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm GOOd sTUFF Kristen Ford (indie rock), 6pm IsIs ResTAURAnT And MUsIC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Irish session, 5pm lOBsTeR TRAP Tim Marsh (Americana), 6:30pm MIllROOM Service Industry Night w/ I Want My MTV Video (dance party), 9pm MOJO KITCHen & lOUnGe Sunday night swing, 5pm OddITORIUM Mortified Asheville: Share the Shame, 9pm OFF THe WAGOn Piano show, 9pm OlIve OR TWIsT East Coast swing lesson w/ John Deitz, 7pm DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm One sTOP delI & BAR Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, 11am Glen David Andrews (jazz, funk), 10pm ORAnGe Peel Fall Fest w/ Osprey Packs, Diamond Brand, Pisgah Brewing & more, 6pm sCAndAls nIGHTClUB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sTRAIGHTAWAy CAFe Sherry Lynn & Raphe, 5pm TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
AlTAMOnT BReWInG COMPAny Old-time jam, 8pm AsHevIlle MUsIC HAll The Brown Bag Songwriting Competition w/ Alex Krug, 7:30pm AsHevIlle sAndWICH COMPAny Jam Sandwich (acoustic rock, jam band), 5:30pm BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Bluegrass jam w/ The Big F’n Deal Band, 7pm ByWATeR Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm COURTyARd GAlleRy Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm dOUBle CROWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm GRey eAGle MUsIC HAll & TAveRn Contra dance, 7pm JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Quizzo, 7pm lOBsTeR TRAP Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm OddITORIUM Puppet show w/ Resonant Rogues (old-time, Euro-jazz), 9pm OFF THe WAGOn Open mic, 8pm
TIMO’s HOUse Movie night, 10pm TOWn PUMP Rue Snider (Americana), 9pm vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
TUesdAy, nOveMBeR 18 5 WAlnUT WIne BAR The John Henrys (ragtime, jazz), 8pm Alley KATs TAveRn Bluegrass Tuesday, 8pm
WHITe HORse BlACK MOUnTAIn Smile Train benefit w/ Citizen Mojo, Shane Pruitt Band, Red Dirt Revelators, 6pm
AsHevIlle MUsIC HAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm
Alley KATs TAveRn Open mic, 8pm
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BlUe MOUnTAIn PIzzA & BReW PUB Paul Cataldo, 7pm
ClUB eleven On GROve Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm
BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Trivia, 7pm
BUFFAlO nICKel Trivia, 7pm
TIGeR MOUnTAIn Honky-tonk (classic country, rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm
AlTAMOnT BReWInG COMPAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm
5 WAlnUT WIne BAR Eleanor Underhill & Friends (Americana, soul), 8pm
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THe sOCIAl Hartford bluegrass jam w/ Ben Saylor, 8pm
vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
MOndAy, nOveMBeR 17
THe PHOenIX Kate McNally (country-Western), 8pm
WIld WInG CAFe Team trivia, 8:30pm
yACHT ClUB Steely Dan Sunday, 5pm
THe MOTHlIGHT Egg Eaters w/ Kitts Tsunami and the Beach Ballz, Chester & The Nuts (punk, indie, rock), 9pm
THe PHOenIX Up Jumped 3 (jazz-fusion), 12pm
TOWn PUMP Sunday jam, 4pm Stephen Lee (punk, rock, country), 9pm
OsKAR BlUes BReWeRy Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
WHITe HORse BlACK MOUnTAIn Lightbulb Jazz Project, 7:30pm
TIMO’s HOUse Liminal, DLX, secret_nc (drum ’n’ bass), 10pm
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ORAnGe Peel 2014 Guitar Jam (multiple artists), 7:30pm
THe MOTHlIGHT Frode Gjerstad Trio w/ Tashi Dorji & Frank Meadows Duo (jazz), 9pm
THe sOCIAl ’80s night, 8pm
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CORK & KeG Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm
ByWATeR Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
dOUBle CROWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm
CROW & QUIll Uncle Shabby’s Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm
GRey eAGle MUsIC HAll & TAveRn Sallie Ford & Crooked Fingers w/ And The Kids (indie rock), 8pm
dUGOUT Karaoke, 9pm
IROn HORse sTATIOn Open mic w/ Kevin Reese, 6pm IsIs ResTAURAnT And MUsIC HAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm
GRey eAGle MUsIC HAll & TAveRn Indie Songsmiths w/ multiple artists (music, stories), 8pm
JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Rupert Wates, Bill Phillips w/ Chelsea Labate (singer-songwriters), 7pm
GRInd CAFe Trivia night, 7pm
lOBsTeR TRAP Jay Brown (roots, singer-songwriter), 7pm MARCO’s PIzzeRIA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm MARKeT PlACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm MIllROOM Turn Up Tuesday w/ DJ Audio, Kagan Fransas, Hunter Bennett & Yung Mucc, 10:30pm OddITORIUM Odd comedy night, 9pm OFF THe WAGOn Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm One sTOP delI & BAR Tuesday night techno, 10pm ORAnGe Peel B.o.B. w/ Kevin Gates (hip-hop), 9pm ROOT BAR nO. 1 Matt Mommsen & Cameron Stack (blues, rock), 8pm
sCUlly’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm
lOBsTeR TRAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7pm MOJO KITCHen & lOUnGe DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm MOUnTAIn MOJO COFFeeHOUse Open mic, 6:30pm nOBle KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm OddITORIUM Synergy Story Slam, 7:30pm OFF THe WAGOn Piano show, 9pm OlIve OR TWIsT Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm One sTOP delI & BAR Yojimbo w/ The Soul Magnetics (R&B, funk), 10pm
THe MOTHlIGHT Jason DeCristofaro’s Waste Management Trio w/ Jason Moore (jazz, classical, chamber), 9pm
PIsGAH BReWInG COMPAny The Blood Gypsies (jazz, funk), 6pm
TOWn PUMP Christopher Bell (electric cello, indie-pop), 9pm TRessA’s dOWnTOWn JAzz And BlUes Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm
ROOM IX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm ROOT BAR nO. 1 Model Stranger (indie-rock), 8pm sTRAIGHTAWAy CAFe Eric Congdon, 6pm TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Open mic & jam, 7pm
vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
THe MOTHlIGHT The Use w/ XAMBUCA, Nick James, The Nomadic Subject (electro, psych, DJ), 9:30pm
WesTvIlle PUB Blues jam, 10pm
THe PHOenIX Jazz night, 8pm
WHITe HORse BlACK MOUnTAIn Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm
THe sOCIAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
WIld WInG CAFe sOUTH Trivia, 8:30pm
THe sOUTHeRn Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
WednesdAy, nOveMBeR 19 185 KInG sTReeT Mike & Mike Show w/ Barrett Smith & Bill Berg, 8pm 5 WAlnUT WIne BAR Wine tasting w/ Krekel & Whoa (folk, pop), 5pm Sankofa (world), 8pm 550 TAveRn & GRIlle Karaoke w/ Sound Extreme, 9pm Ben’s TUne-UP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm BlACK MOUnTAIn Ale HOUse Buncombe County Boyz (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm BlUe MOUnTAIn PIzzA & BReW PUB Open mic w/ Mark Bumgarner, 7pm
leX 18 HotPoint Duo (gypsy swing), 7:30pm
ORAnGe Peel Dillon Francis w/ TJR & Hoodboi (electronic, hiphop, indie), 9pm
TIMO’s HOUse An Evening w/ Nex Millen & Friends, 10pm
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
JACK OF THe WOOd PUB Old-time session, 5pm
TAllGARy’s CAnTInA Jam night, 9pm
THe sOCIAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 7pm
GOOd sTUFF Matt Bednarsky (singer-songwriter, pop), 7pm
TIGeR MOUnTAIn Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm TIMO’s HOUse Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm TOWn PUMP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm TRessA’s dOWnTOWn JAzz And BlUes Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm URBAn ORCHARd Poetry on Demand w/ Eddie Cabbage, 6:30pm vInCenzO’s BIsTRO Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm WIld WInG CAFe Karaoke, 9pm WIld WInG CAFe sOUTH Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
A &
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
PicK oF thE WEEK
thEatER ListinGs
Whiplash HHHH
FRiday, noVEmBER 14 thuRsday, noVEmBER 20 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
diREctoR: Damien Chazelle PLayERs: Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Melissa Benoist, Austin Stowell dRama
Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) how to Train Your Dragon 2 (Pg) 1:00, 4:00 This is where i leave You (r) 7:00, 10:00
RatEd R
thE stoRy: A teen with dreams of becoming a great jazz drummer must survive his maniacal music teacher.
CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)
thE LoWdoWn: While it’s little more than your standard comingof-age/chase-your-dreams type of drama (with considerably more swearing and jazz), the film is elevated with a perfect, expert climax that alone is worth admission.
I spent the bulk of Damien Chazelle’s Whiplash wondering who, exactly, this movie was made for. I’m not sure who — in the year 2014 — is exactly yearning for dramas about a young man’s pursuit of becoming, of all things, a great jazz drummer. On top of this, the film has few genuinely likable characters. Our hero, Andrew (Miles Teller, The Spectacular Now), while shy, awkward and generally lonely, is still often a smug brat. His nemesis — music professor Dr. Fletcher (J.K. Simmons) — is even worse, a wholly loathsome, violent, offensive, maniacal man who you wouldn’t mind seeing be hit by a bus. I sat through about 80 minutes of Whiplash feeling vaguely entertained but never truly feeling engaged. And then the climax hit, and all of that seemingly wasted time was forgiven in a truly energetic, full-throated bit of filmmaking that’s simply just satisfying. And while I may sound
miles teller and J.K. simmons in Damien Chazelle’s frequently masterful Whiplash — a movie which may have more amazing filmmaking in its dynamic last 10 minutes than most movies have in their entire length.
like I’m overstating the end of this movie, I promise, I am not — this is a rare time where a single scene is worth watching an entire movie. Of course, before this happens, there’s a lot of movie to sit through. The plot is pretty straightforward, feeling like the jazz version of the uplifting sports movie in many respects. As I’ve said, Whiplash follows Andrew, a first year drumming student at a prestigious New York music conservatory who wants nothing more than to be one of the greats. Despite having no friends besides his father (Paul Reiser), he’s still willing to sacrifice any chance at companionship or love if it means chasing his dream. It even means putting up with Dr. Fletcher, an abusive music professor who “motivates” his students by any means necessary — whether through physical, men-
tal or verbal abuse — grounded in the pretty specious idea that Charlie Parker once had a cymbal thrown at him and managed to turn into a legend because of it. Most of the film is Fletcher being an intolerable, generally awful human being and Andrew trying to fight through the abuse before nearly destroying himself, leaving little room for any emotional resonance. Part of this might be due to Teller’s often self-satisfied screen presence, though this is probably his best performance to date (he’s much better outside of the occasional post-Vince Vaughn wiseass comedic roles he sometimes gets placed in). And Simmons nearly pulls off the impossible by making Fletcher complex and sympathetic just by being J.K. Simmons, but his character’s simply too vile for him
CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) Big hero 6 3D (Pg) 11:05. 4:00, 9:00 Big hero 6 2D (Pg) 11:30, 12:00, 1:30, 2:30, 5:00, 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:00 Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 11:00, 1:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:20 Dumb and Dumber To (Pg-13) 11:30, 12:45, 2:00, 3:15, 4:30, 6:00, 7:00, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, Fury (r) 1:30, 4:20, 7:15, 10:05 gone girl (r) 12:25, 3:45, 6:50, 9:55 The great Dictator (nr) 7:30 Wed., Nov. 19 only interstellar (Pg-13) 11:00, 1:15, 4:45, 6:00, 8:00, 9:30, laggies (r) 3:00 nightcrawler (r) 11:15, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:00 rosewater (r) 11:45, 2:05, 4:25, 7:25, 9:45 st. vincent (Pg-13) 11:10, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:45 whiplash (r) 12:10, 2:35, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40 Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) interstellar (Pg-13) 12:00, 4:00, 8:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 1:00. 4:00, 7:00 Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 whiplash (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) my old lady (Pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADiUm 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
to quite pull it off. There’s a lot of ambiguity between Andrew and Fletcher — Andrew fears this man but wants his respect and approval — but neither are amiable enough for this to matter. Thankfully, there’s that ending, a piece of filmmaking that has more energy and unabashed verve than anything I’ve seen on screen all year. Without giving anything away, it’s big, loud and brash, ceaselessly dynamic and wholly gratifying. The only misstep is that it seems to condone Fletcher’s ways, but it’s a small quibble when the filmmaking itself is so arresting, especially in an age where directors struggle to show audiences anything new. It deserves all the hyperbole I can throw at it and molds the film into something greater than it has any business even flirting with — to the point I feel conflicted, like I’m underselling the rest of Whiplash — and that, itself, is astonishing. Rated R for strong language including some sexual references. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Justin Souther
Big Hero 6 HHHS diREctoR: Don Hall, Chris Williams pLayERs: (Voices) Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Daniel Henney, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung animatEd sci-fi fantasy action RatEd pg thE stoRy: A boy, his inflatable robot and his friends track down the person who stole his invention and caused the death of his brother. thE Lowdown: Wonderful to look at, blessed with one terrific character and boasting a good deal of honest sentimentality, Big Hero 6 is brought down a notch by a well-worn plot and a desire to be a big superhero effort.
The further away I get from Big Hero 6, the less impressed I am by it. Oh, it’s not bad by any means — and Baymax (that’s the big inflatable fellow) is an inspired creation — but it has managed
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
to slide down into the realm of the Perfectly Fine as time has passed. Its story is actually pretty standard stuff and genuine surprises are few. The action frequently looks like a less trippy take on Satoshi Kon’s Paprika (2006), and, for that matter, Baymax — appealing as he is — definitely owes something to Miyazaki. The level of originality in Big Hero 6 is not great, but that’s not entirely a bad thing. There’s something to be said for evoking a broader canvas of film. It works as a kind of shorthand to set a mood or a type of story, but taken too far it becomes dull. It never becomes dull here, though it comes perilously close on occasion. The story is far and away the least interesting aspect of the film. The whole setup is Disney basic with its dead parents and becomes even more so when big brother Tadashi (Daniel Henney) meets his doom in an explosion, leaving our hero, Hiro (TV actor Ryan Potter), not only an orphan, but a brotherless one. (Did Disney ever think of this particular trifecta of bad luck before?) The whole mystery/ revenge plot involving a mysterious Kabuki-masked villain who obviously stole Hiro’s microbots for his own nefarious ends, and who very probably was behind Tadashi’s death, is stock comic book fodder. The assembling of a ragtag team of Scooby Doolike “superheroes” is hardly inspired — and a reference to this being an origin story doesn’t do much to defuse this. Yes, it helps that the various characters are likable, but it doesn’t alter the template feel of the dynamics at work. That said, charm goes a long way to smooth over the too familiar. Where Big Hero 6 really scores lies in its overall look — and Baymax, but I’ll get to him separately. The movie takes place in the familiar-yet-fantasticated world of San Fransokyo, which — as the name suggests — is a blend of San Francisco and Tokyo. It — much like its characters — is the epitome of multiculturalism, but in a nonpushy, nonpreachy way. It is allowed to just be. Looking for all the world like an animated version of something the Wachowskis
HHHHH = max rating might have dreamed up, this is a brightly-colored world of much greater wonder than the characters who inhabit it — though it is also the kind of world these characters would inhabit. It’s also the perfectly logical extension of the east-west mash-up you find in so much anime, and, yes, it’s gorgeous to look at. But you don’t just look at it. Big Hero 6 allows you to wander through it and inhabit this world. The film’s big secret weapon, of course, is the soft-spoken Baymax, a creation of the late Tadashi that Hiro only discovers by crying out in pain. Such a cry is what activates this balloonlike “health care companion” — an improbable robotic contrivance designed to be the last word in comfort and nonthreatening reassurance. (I have to confess that my personal take on the character is very influenced by Lisi Russell pointing out how much Baymax’s awkward but unswerving determination to keep moving forward resembles the movements of her late husband, British filmmaker Ken Russell, in his 80s — which it definitely does.) Yeah, Baymax feels a little bit like a more cuddly, animated take on the robotic nurse in Robot & Frank (2012) — especially as concerns the ease with which Baymax can be coerced into outrageous behavior based on the idea that it will benefit his “patient,” Hiro. But it hardly matters. There is so much affable charm to the character (“I am not fast”) and his literal-mindedness that it’s hard to mind. It’s easier to mind the film’s apparent determination to end on a big smackdown between villain and heroes — something that makes it seem terribly ordinary and way too much like a secondtier superhero movie. In fact, the film’s desire for a big ending does nothing but undermine its accumulated good will. What saves it from this is the inclusion of honest — and well-earned — sentiment, but only just. Rated PG for action and peril, some rude humor and thematic elements. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke
Interstellar HHHH
diREctoR: Christopher Nolan pLayERs: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Wes Bentley, Jessica Chastain, Matt Damon, Michael Caine sciEncE fiction pg-13
thE stoRy: The only hope for a dying Earth is the discovery of an inhabitable planet that may — or may not — lie on the other side of a wormhole. thE Lowdown: A deeply flawed film that tries to be something more than it can manage, but it’s still an entertaining work of considerable intelligence.
Whatever else comes from Interstellar — a film I mostly enjoyed — it ought to erase the notion that Christopher Nolan is some kind of truly deep visionary filmmaker. With Interstellar, Nolan has attempted to make his own 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) — I guess he wasn’t satisfied with referencing it in Inception (2010) — but he trips over his pop culture mindset by not trusting or pushing his audience. At best, what he comes up with is a kind of 2001 for the Literal-Minded — where everything is explained (even if the explanations are simplistic or dumbed down). Nolan isn’t content with showing us what happens; he insists on telling us what it is. The sense of wonder in Kubrick’s film is gone. Where Kubrick’s “star ride” simply offered us an evocative title — “Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite” — and let us figure out what we were seeing, Nolan wants to be sure we “get it,” and in so doing, completely loses the mythic, visionary, poetic quality of 2001 he was striving for. You want poetry? Nolan slaps Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” onto Interstellar — and then repeats it at alarmingly regular intervals. It is a complete misunderstanding of what makes 2001 a truly mythic creation and a great film. And yet ... Interstellar is not a bad film — just one hemmed in by Nolan’s PG-13 pop comfort zone. (Goodness
knows, I’d rather see it again than Nolan’s plodding, self-serious Batman trilogy.) Oh, yes, it misses 2001 — it even misses the mythical quality of Danny Boyle’s Sunshine (2007). But those are remarkable works that few science fiction films get anywhere near, so that’s not a disgrace in itself. I don’t even think Interstellar’s 169-minute running time works against it. (As my cocritic Justin Souther remarked, “I’ve seen 90-minute films that seemed longer.”) Nolan has at least made an intelligent, involving movie that is certainly worth seeing. It’s not like we have a surfeit of those. In a way, Nolan has less made his own Kubrick movie than he has made a kind of Nolanesque Kubrick-Terrence-Malick mashup. (With interview footage that might be cribbed from Warren Beatty’s 1981 Reds.) That’s not altogether surprising, since the Nolan-produced Man of Steel (2013) had evocations of Malick. Nolan’s earthbound scenes — of which there may be more than are needed — play and look like Malick. His depiction of the world turned into an increasingly hostile giant dust bowl is somewhere between Dorothea Lange Depression-era photographs and Days of Heaven (1978) — while sticking to Nolan’s own (melo) dramatic sensibilities. This is not a bad thing. The atmosphere of these earthly scenes is effectively oppressive — so much so that the omnipresent dust is a palpable, choking thing. The plot — that Earth is dying and mankind’s only hope lies in finding another habitable planet — sounds modern enough in its obvious parallels to climate change, but only the threat has changed. This is Sci-fi 101, but it’s workable. So is the idea of finding such a world by going through a wormhole — complete with simple explanation, of course. Even what happens is unfailingly interesting — if often derivative. What matters is whether or not all this is entertaining — and, from my perspective, it is immensely so. Within these confines, Nolan crafts more than a few suspenseful scenes. Even the film’s appallingly literal attempt at a star ride — complete with a lot of blather about threedimensional representations of the fifth dimension — manages to convey the sense of enormity of what is taking place. (I’d prefer not to say too much about this.)
staRting fRiday
staRting fRiday
Gina Prince-Bythewood hasn’t made a movie since the underrated The Secret Life of Bees in 2008. Here — with the help of critical favorite Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Belle) — she attempts to regain her earlier status with a backstage story. The studio describes it as “the story of Noni (Mbatha-Raw), the music world’s latest superstar. But not all is what it seems, and the pressures of fame have Noni on the edge — until she meets Kaz Nicol (Nate Parker), a young cop and aspiring politician who’s been assigned to her detail. Drawn to each other, Noni and Kaz fall fast and hard, despite the protests of those around them who urge them to put their career ambitions ahead of their romance. But it is ultimately Kaz’s love that gives Noni the courage to find her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be.” Yes, it sounds mighty soapy, but its first seven reviews are very strongly positive. (pg-13)
Beyond The Lights Jon Stewart makes his debut as writer and director with this factbased movie starring Gael Garcia Bernal. The write-up says it “follows the Tehran-born (Maziar) Bahari, a broadcast journalist with Canadian citizenship. In June 2009, Bahari returned to Iran to interview Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who was the prime challenger to president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. As Mousavi’s supporters rose up to protest Ahmadinejad’s victory declaration hours before the polls closed, Bahari endured personal risk by sending footage of the street riots to the BBC. Bahari was arrested by police, led by a man identifying himself only as ‘Rosewater,’ who tortured and interrogated him over the next 118 days. With Bahari’s wife leading an international campaign to have her husband freed, and Western media outlets keeping the story alive, Iranian authorities released Bahari on $300,000 bail and the promise he would act as a spy for the government.” The early reviews are mostly positive, but not gushing.(R)
Whiplash See Justin Souther’s Review in “Cranky Hanke.”
Dumb And Dumber To What is there to say? It’s a late-inthe-day attempt to coax some milk out of a long-past-its-date cinematic cow. Well, Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels could both do with a hit, and the Farrelly Brothers haven’t gotten anywhere near a hit in over ten years, so the desperation is understandable — if unlovely. They better just hope no one remembers the 2003 prequel Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd. You know, a lot of good movies opened last week. This might be a good weekend to catch up with them. (pg-13)
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by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
What is perhaps more effective — and interesting — about Interstellar is that it is the most deeply emotional film Nolan has ever made. Oh, sure, some of the film’s emotionalism is pretty corny stuff (in a film where our last remaining crop is corn, no less), but it never feels false. Even as poor old Dylan Thomas gets worked over for the umpteenth time, I fully believed that Nolan was buying into his own story — and there’s a lot to be said for that. I could go through the film and pick at what doesn’t really work — like its ambulatory, monolithic computer — but on balance more works here than doesn’t. It just doesn’t add up to the greatness Nolan seems to have wanted, which may be more a personal failure than a dramatic one. Rated PG-13 for some intense perilous action and brief strong language.
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Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke
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Community Screenings
FIlM AsHevIlle ART MUseUM 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart.org • SA (11/15) & SU (11/16), 2pm Visions of Mary Frank, documentary. Admission fees apply. AsHevIlle HIsTORy CenTeR 253-9231, smh@wnchistory.org. • TH (11/13), 7pm - Thunder Road with introduction by Sheriff Van Duncan. Reservations required. $10. Held at Carolina Cinemas, 1640 Hendersonville Road BUnCOMBe COUnTy PUBlIC lIBRARIes buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library • TH (11/13), 6:30pm - Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Free. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Road • TU (11/18), 7pm - Film historian Chip Kaufmann hosts a screening of three short silent movie comedies. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N Main St., Weaverville ClAssIC WORld CIneMA FOReIGn FIlM seRIes 273-3332 • FR (11/14), 8pm - The Seduction of Mimi. Free. Held at Courtyard Gallery, In the Phil Mechanic Building 109 Roberts St. FIlM AT UnCA 251-6585, unca.edu • WE (11/12), 7:30pm - This Ain’t California. Held in The Grotto. Free. • MO (11/17), 6pm - Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, documentary. Reservations required. Held in Humanities Lecture Hall. Free. sOCIAl JUsTICe FIlM nIGHT 254-6001 • FR (11/14), 7pm - Promises, documentary. Admission by donation. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place URBAn dHARMA sCReenInGs 255-6422, udharmanc.com Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway • FR (11/14), 2pm & 7pm - Dalai Lama Awakening, documentary. 2pm: $10; 7pm: $15. • FR (11/14), 5pm - Compassion in Action, documentary. $10.
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) HHHHH Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts, Zach Galifianakis, Edward Norton, Andrea Riseborough, Lindsay Duncan, Amy Ryan comedy-drama fantasy A washedup actor known for having played a superhero tries to reinvent and validate himself by writing, producing, directing and starring in a Broadway play. Full-blown filmmaking written in all capital letters. Birdman is both a stylistic and dramatic tour de force — the kind of nonstop brilliant movie you hope for and almost never get. Here you do get it — and then some. Rated R
Dear White People HHHH Tyler James Williams, Tessa Thompson, Kyle Gallner, Teyonah Parris, Brandon P. Bell, Dennis Haysbert satirical comedy drama An ensemble look at race relations — in primarily comedic terms — at a largely white Ivy League college. Fresh, witty, moving, edgy film that overcomes most of its first-time-filmmaker problems by the force of its characters and the drive of the film. Rated R
Nightcrawler HHHS Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed, Bill Paxton action thriller with notions of satire A cheap sociopathic criminal finds his calling providing dubiously legal “news” footage to LA TV stations. Reasonably compelling — if unwholesome — portrait of a sociopath that falters in its attempt to be a satirical statement on modern media. Rated R
Horns HHHH Daniel Radcliffe, Juno Temple, Max Minghella, Joe Anderson, Heather Graham, David Morse horror mystery fable A man suspected of murdering his girlfriend awakes to find that he’s sprouted Satanic-looking horns that give him strange powers. Wildly inventive, genre-spanning film that is by turns horrific, satirical and deeply tragic. It’s easily the best Halloween offering out there, but be prepared for something different. Rated R
John Wick HHS Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen, Willem Dafoe, Dean Winters action A retired hit man heads out for revenge after his car is stolen and his dog is murdered. Occasionally exceptional for being a simple, straightforward action picture, the film can’t sustain for its full running
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HHHHH = max rating
time, eventually unraveling into tedium. Rated R
The Book of Life HHHHS
The Boxtrolls HHHH
Ouija HS
(Voices) Diego Luna, Zoe Saldana, Channing Tatum, Ron Perlman, Christina Applegate, Ice Cube, Kate del Castillo
(Voices) Ben Kingsley, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Elle Fanning, Jared Harris, Nick Frost, Richard Ayoade
Olivia Cooke, Ana Coto, Daren Kagasoff, Bianca Santos, Douglas Smith, Lin Shaye horror Playing around with a Ouija board unleashes tepid horror. In its favor, Ouija is pretty professional looking. Everything else, however, is on the dull side. Rated pg-13
Fury HHHH Brad Pitt, Shia LeBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal war A post-D-Day war story about a tank crew making their way through Germany. Violent, bloody, straightforward oldschool war movie that overcomes its shortcomings in its battle scenes — with help from three of its five lead actors. Rated R
Pride HHHHH Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West, Ben Schnetzer, Paddy Considine, Andrew Scott, George MacKay fact-Based comedy-drama A group of gay activists in Great Britain set out to help striking coal miners during the 1984 strike — whether the miners like it or not. An absolutely pitch-perfect comedy-drama with a remarkable ensemble cast, a witty, literate script and a strong cinematic approach. There is absolutely no excuse for missing this one. Rated R
St. Vincent HHHH Bill Murray, Jaeden Lieberher, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Chris O’Dowd, Terrence Howard comedy-drama Misanthropic drunk plays babysitter and mentor to a young boy. Yes, it’s almost alarmingly unmysterious — a feelgood crowd-pleaser tailored to the talents of star Bill Murray. You know where it’s going from the onset, but the trip is still very enjoyable. Rated pg-13
The Best of Me HH James Marsden, Michelle Monaghan, Luke Bracey, Liana Liberato, Gerald McRaney Romantic melodrama Old high school sweethearts reunited after the death of their mentor must look back on — and finally face — their past. Run-of-the-mill goopy, melodramatic romance from the master of the form, novelist Nicholas Sparks. Rated pg-13
animated fantasy Animated fantasy grounded in the concept of the Day of the Dead. Its actual plot may be fairly standard love triangle stuff, but The Book of Life’ s nonstop array of stunning images and invention — not to mention the freshness of its cultural identity — more than transcends its basic plot. Rated pg
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day HH Steve Carell, Jennifer Garner, Ed Oxenbould, Dylan Minnette, Kerris Dorsey Kiddie comedy A put-upon young boy gets his wish that his family finds out what a bad day is like when they’re on the receiving end. A very long 80 minutes of obvious slapstick and loud performances pitched to the family-friendly crowd, which should demand better. Rated pg
Dracula Untold HH Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Art Parkinson, Charles Dance action horror The story of how Dracula got the way he is. Slapdash, but slick, horror done in comic book terms. Too little horror, too much CGI — and yet another attempt to make a great villain sympathetic with an origin story. Phooey. Rated pg-13
The Judge HH Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Farmiga, Vincent D’Onofrio, Billy Bob Thornton treacley familial courtroom drama A hotshot defense attorney is forced into defending his estranged dad’s murder charge. A gooey mess of shameless Oscar bait clichés that’s watchable and little else. Rated R
animated fantasy A statusseeking villain demonizes and plans on destroying a peaceful community of harmless trolls to achieve his goals. Not quite up to the two previous films from the Laika studios, but with more than enough twisted creativity to make it very worthwhile. Rated pg
The Maze Runner HHHS Dylan O’Brien, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Cooper, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter, Kaya Scodelario, Patricia Clarkson ya sci-fi fantasy YA sci-fi about a group of boys trapped at the center of a maze. Better than average for its type, but not without problems of its own,
The Maze Runner still manages to create a world of disturbing menace with better than expected characters. Rated pg-13
Dolphin Tale 2 H Harry Connick, Jr., Nathan Gamble, Cozi Zuehlsdorff, Ashley Judd, Morgan Freeman uplifting animal drama A marine hospital struggles to find a partner for a tailless dolphin after her surrogate mother passes away. Innocuous, dull familycentric drama that’s the kind of pap better suited for basic cable. Rated pg
Gone Girl HHHHH Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, Carrie Coon, Kim Dickens darkly satirical mystery thriller When a man’s wife goes missing, the attention shifts from sympathetic to suspicion that he murdered her. Deeply cynical, darkly funny, sometimes brutal, very powerful filmmaking that may make you a little queasy, but will almost certainly entertain you to no end. Rated R
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
Fiend Without a Face HHHH Director: Arthur Crabtree Players: Marshall Thompson, Kynaston Reeves, Kim Parker, Stanley Maxted, Terence Kilburn SCI-FI HORROR Rated NR Fiend Without a Face (1958) is mostly known for its ambulatory — and occasionally leaping — “brain monsters” — and with good reason. This English-made — but set in Canada to make it seem more American and more exportable to the States — sci-fi horror thriller is one of the minor gems of 1950s B cinema. It clearly leans on the success of the Quatermass movies — 1955’s The Quatermass Xperiment (The Creeping Unknown) and 1957’s Quatermass 2 (Enemy from Space) — in both tone and approach. Though it takes a while to get to its big set-piece ending, the film boasts a consistently creepy atmosphere and unsettling mood for its entire length. The selling point, however, is pretty clearly conveyed by the film’s tag line: “New Horrors! Mad Science Spawns Evil Fiends! ... Taking form before your horrified eyes!” This is undeniable, but they don’t take visible form until the film’s climax — invisible fiends being considerably more economical, you know. But when these crawling brain monsters — complete with antennae and a kind of spinal column they use to inch along (thanks to stop frame animation) — the film becomes that rarest of things: a 1950s horror that really delivers the goods — and surprisingly graphically. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Fiend Without a Face Thursday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Joyeux Noël HHHS Director: Christian Carion Players: Diane Krüger, Benno Fürmann, Guillaume Canet, Gary Lewis, Danny Boon, Daniel Brühl FACT-BASED WAR DRAMA Rated PG-13 Joyeux Noël (2005) is a pretty good movie with something like a great one buried inside it. The trick is getting to that movie. The premise comes from an actual historical event — here, greatly enlarged and romanticized — in WWI where warring soldiers in “no man’s land” called a very unofficial truce on Christmas Eve and fraternized with the enemy. As a story, it’s a good one, and — despite its embellishments, easy message and fermenting melodrama — it plays well. It has everything needed to make an effective “feel good” antiwar picture of the crowd-pleasing variety. And I’ve no doubt that many people will find it just that. I can overlook its shameless manipulation and pushy sentiment, but I have more trouble with the first 30 or so minutes of the movie that get us to the central event. Never have I seen such a ragtag collection of WWI movie clichés. I kept thinking I wasn’t even looking at new footage, but an assemblage of clips from movies I saw 40-50 years ago. It made for pretty tough sledding to get to the much better, more interesting story the film wanted to tell. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Joyeux Noël Sunday, Nov. 16, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
The Seduction of Mimi HHHH Director: Lina Wertmüller (Seven Beauties) Players: Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato, Turi Ferro, Agostina Belli COMEDY Rated R Lina Wertmüller was a major force in film for a time, and her work hardly merits the near obscurity it has today. Her sense of comedy might be a little broad, sometimes clunky and a little too predicated on the charm of her usual leading man, Giancarlo Giannini. But her films have drive, style, life and a healthy dose of social commentary. All of these things are true of her first hit, The Seduction of Mimi, a brisk satire that has its hero (Giannini) blacklisted for voting against a Mafia candidate in a supposedly secret election. Fed up, he leaves his wife, moves to Turin, takes up communism and leads a sort of double life with a Maoist girlfriend — only to find himself working for the very gangsters that caused his troubles in the first place. Richly detailed, pointed in its satire and sometimes hysterically funny, it’s a good starting point for a reassessment of a filmmaker worth another look. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present The Seduction of Mimi Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
The Great Dictator HHHHH Director: Charles Chaplin Players: Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Jack Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Billy Gilbert COMEDY Rated NR For their final Budget Big Screen film of 2014 (the free Tuesday and Thursday showings will continue through the winter and the BBS series will return in the spring), the Asheville Film Society is running Charles Chaplin’s first talkie, The Great Dictator (1940). Chaplin held out against talking pictures longer than anyone — feeling that dialogue would kill his Little Tramp character, but this was something different. While vestiges of the Tramp were certainly evident in his Jewish Barber character, the larger thrust here was Chaplin’s satire on Adolf Hitler — here presented by Chaplin as Adenoid Hynkel, the great dictator of the title. It was perhaps an act of revenge of a sort, since Hitler had co-opted Chaplin’s mustache. But there’s more here — much more. Chaplin had something to say, and he would use his newfound voice to say it. His Hynkel is an amazing caricature of Hitler — the garbled phony German speeches sound like the real thing — and represents some of Chaplin’s finest comedic moments. However there’s a deeper — frankly terrifying — aspect to this bold film, which is brazenly set in the period “between two world wars” — something that in 1940 was inevitable, but which was rarely expressed openly. It is Chaplin at his best and bravest — a genuine classic of film by one of its greatest masters at the height of his power. The Asheville Film Society is showing The Great Dictator Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m. at The Carolina Asheville as part of the Budget Big Screen series. Admission is $6 for AFS members and $8 for the general public. Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther will introduce the film.
Ministry of Fear HHHHS Director: Fritz Lang Players: Ray Milland, Marjorie Reynolds, Carl Esmond, Hillary Brooke, Percy Waram, Dan Duryea MYSTERY THRILLER Rated NR Fritz Lang’s American films tend to be pretty hit or miss, but this adaptation of Graham Greene’s novel that he made for Paramount is definitely in the hit category. Lang and screenwriter Seton I. Miller have stripped the story of its deeper implications — like a lot of Greene’s work, the novel is drenched in Catholic guilt — and turned it into the kind of wild and woolly melodrama Lang so loved and so thrived on. Ray Milland stars as Stephen Neale, a man fresh out of a stint in an insane asylum for the mercy killing of his wife. On a whim, while waiting for his train back to London, Neale wanders into a church fete where as luck — and the dictates of this kind of story — would have it, he accidentally gives the code phrase that causes him to be given the information that allows him to win a cake that’s being raffled. Of course, this is no ordinary cake, and he soon finds himself under attack by a bogus blind man (Eustace Wyatt) — who, along with the cake, is blown up in a Nazi air raid. From this, Neale is plunged into a world of spies, seances, duplicitous “friends” — and is set up on a murder charge. The only way to clear himself is to expose these spies and find out what exactly was hidden in that cake. There’s a romantic interest in the form of Paramount contract player Marjorie Reynolds and a large portion of Hitchcockian comedy. It’s all fast and breezy — and fairly implausible — entertainment from a director in his element. The Asheville Film Society will screen Ministry of Fear Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
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joBs mental health or substance abuse services, • Is, or is qualified to be, a NC Certified Peer Support Specialist, • Has a minimum of HS/ GED (or equivalent certificate from the Occupational Course of Study), and • Has been employed in any capacity in the past As a EPM you will be assisting adults with mental health (MH) and/or substance use (SA) issues, for whom employment has not been achieved and/ or has been interrupted or intermittent. The Supported Employment program is a person-centered, individualized, evidence-based service that provides assistance with choosing, acquiring, and maintaining competitive paid employment in the community. For more information contact Reid Smithdeal, reid.smithdeal@ meridianbhs.org Transylvania, Jackson, Macon Counties Recovery education Center Clinician – Two Positions Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professionals to join our Transylvania, Jackson and Macon County Recovery Education Centers. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. For more information, contact Julie Durham-Defee, julie. durham-defee@meridianbhs. org Cherokee County Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be licensed/license-eligible. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@meridianbhs.org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org FAMIly PReseRvATIOn seRvICes OF nC, InC. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes should be sent to Crystal Simpson at csimpson@fpscorp.com. FAMIly PReseRvATIOn seRvICes OF nC, InC. OF HendeRsOnvIlle Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services in our Hendersonville Office. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes should be sent to jtambini@ fpscorp.com. HelPMATe seeKs OveRnIGHT CAse MAnAGeR And FInAnCIAl COORdInATOR Helpmate, Inc., a domestic violence agency in
Asheville, seeks to fill 2 positions. A full-time Overnight Case Manager provides support during evening and nighttime hours to survivors of domestic violence. Responsibilities include monitoring security, providing emotional support to survivors, responding to crisis line calls and documenting service provision. Strong communication and crisis management skills required. Qualified candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree or 2 years’ experience in social work or related field, with preference for experience in domestic violence, or a commensurate combination of work and experience. A fulltime Financial Coordinator provides fiscal oversight and day-to-day financial management. Responsibilities include accounts payable/receivable, payroll preparation, submission of required grant reports and tax filings, financial reporting to the management staff, and basic HR functions. Excellent detail orientation, previous experience with nonprofit accounting required. Qualified candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree or 4 years’ experience in a related position. Email resume and cover for either position letter by noon on 11/14 to HelpmateAsheville@gmail.com. Specify in subject line which position is sought. No phone or email inquiries please.
PROFessIOnAl/ MAnAGeMenT BOOKKeePInG Red Oak Recovery is seeking a highly organized, motivated and energetic team player to proficiently run Bookkeeping Department. Must be able to plan time, manage reporting deadlines, multitask and have strong interpersonal and communication skills. You will be responsible for performing invoicing, payment processing duties, and all accounting related tasks. Our ideal candidate will have the following qualifications: • 2+ years of experience in accounts receivable/accounts payable • Skilled with Microsoft Office products, particularly Excel • Ability to work with QuickBooks • Answer incoming calls with professionalism and provide knowledgeable answers to team, customers, and insurance authorities • Process and reconcile receipts to customer invoices/statements • Be able to work independently while functioning as part of a team • Make recommendations for improvements to accounting processes • Participate in process improvement initiatives and other projects as assigned • If interested, please send a cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: jobs@ redoakrecovery.com
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TOOls & MACHIneRy ROTOTILLER • GATES Troybilt rear tine rototiller, needs new handle, runs great $50. Farm gates. 12' and 10' round metal. Almost new, colored dark blue, no rust. $75 and $60 each. Has hardware. 828 450-1196.
Email this ad for one free real estate listing! realestate@mountainx.com mountainx.com/classifieds noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): We all have addictive and obsessive tendencies. They are fundamental to being human. So the challenge is not to eliminate them — that’s not possible — but rather to harness them. If you hope to keep them from dragging you down, you must work hard to channel them into activities that enhance your life. How are you doing on this score, Aries? Are you chronically dependent on drugs, gambling, sugar or chaotic relationships? Or are you, instead, hooked on the courage you summon when you face your fears and the willpower you invoke as you free yourself from your limitations? Now is an excellent time to upgrade your addictive and obsessive tendencies. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Our planet’s most abundant mineral is called bridgmanite. It’s an amalgam of iron, magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Until recently, no one had actually seen it because it lies so deep underground it can’t be reached by digging tools. Scientists have only known about it from studying how earthquake waves moved through it. That changed in the last few years, when two mineralogists found bridgmanite in an ancient meteorite. They were able to analyze the nuances of this basic mineral for the first time. I predict a comparable development for you, Taurus. In the coming months, you will become more familiar with a core part of you that has always been a mystery. The revelations may occur with the help of an influence that resembles a meteorite. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Some conspiracy theorists are paranoid that aliens or government agencies use radio waves to try to control their minds. They wear tinfoil hats to protect themselves from the evil transmissions. But a recent study shows that this protective headgear has an effect that’s opposite to what it’s supposed to. In fact, it actually amplifies the intensity of radio frequencies, making it even more likely that mind control signals would work their dastardly magic. This problem probably does not apply to you, but I suspect you are suffering from a comparable glitch. An approach you’re pursuing or an attitude you’re cultivating is having an impact contrary to what you imagine. Now is an excellent time to make adjustments. CANCER (June 21-July 22): I can’t remember the last time you’ve had as much artistic freedom as you have now. It’s as if life has given you a slew of wild cards and X-factors to play with. You don’t have to answer to the past as much as you usually do. You are less beholden to the demands of duty and the constraints of karma. Here’s the best perk: You have been authorized by both the higher powers and lower powers of the cosmos to fall in love. With whom? With what? Everyone! Everything! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): For much of its history, the United States claimed ownership of the ocean within three miles of its coasts. That changed in 1988, when the federal government declared that hereafter it would have sovereignty over the ocean as far as 12 miles from land. With that action, American territory increased dramatically. I invite you to consider a comparable expansion in the coming months, Leo. Seize more space. Seek further privileges. Ask for a bigger piece of everything. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Poland’s most renowned ghost hunter is frustrated. Having invested a fortune in spectral detection equipment, Piotr Shalkevitz finds that there are fewer and fewer spooks to investigate as the years go by. I’m not qualified to speak about whether or not the whole world is experiencing a decline in the ghost population. But I’m confident that this is exactly what is happening for you Virgos. Recently, the haunted elements of your life have begun to dissipate. And in the next eight months, I expect that you will be freed from most, maybe all, of the ghosts and pesky demons that attached themselves to you once upon a time. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often.” Winston Churchill said that, and now I’m passing it along to you — with one caveat. I don’t expect you to be perfect and never will. To shoot for perfection is risky. It may setup unrealistic expectations that lead
noVEmBER 12 - noVEmBER 18, 2014
seRvICes CAReGIveRs
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Sex is like pizza,” said comedian Mel Brooks. “Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.” That’s a generalization, of course. I’m sure you can think of times in your past when mediocre pizza and mediocre sex were just plain mediocre. But work with me on the overarching principle, Scorpio: Some of the finer things in life just can’t be spoiled. They are always at least moderately pleasurable and interesting and lucky — and usually more than just moderately so. According to my reading of the astrological omens, your immediate future will be filled to the brim with these finer things.
to bad mental hygiene. It tempts you to avoid messy experiences, some of which might be essential to your growth. So I will offer a revised version of Churchill’s maxim for your use: If you want to improve, you must change. If you want to keep improving, you must change often. And the coming months will be prime time for you to keep improving and improving and improving. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ancient people knew about Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn because all of those planets are visible to the naked eye. From the second millennium B.C. until the late 20th century, only three additional planets were found: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (Pluto was later reclassified as a dwarf planet, however.) Then in 1992, astronomers began to locate planets orbiting other stars. On one spectacular day in February 2014, NASA announced it had identified 715 new planets. I foresee a similar uptick for you in the next seven months, Sagittarius. Your rate of discoveries is about to zoom. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): When Evan Lattimer’s 92-year-old father died in 2007, she inherited his large collection of odd relics. It included a cigar smoked by W. C. Fields, Greta Garbo’s driver’s license, Abraham Lincoln’s shaving mirror, a bearskin coat owned by General George Custer and Napoleon Bonaparte’s penis. Many items turned out to be quite valuable to collectors. One eager bidder offered to buy the famous genitalia for $100,000. I suspect that in the coming months, you will experience events that have some resemblances to this story. For example, the legacy you receive may not be what you expected but could turn out to be more useful than you imagined. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Here’s your assignment: Get more organized and purposeful about having fun. Think harder about what makes you feel good and plan more aggressively to bring those feel-good experiences into your life. In offering these prescriptions, I’m not advocating irresponsible hedonism. Not at all. In my view, you will become a better servant of those you care about by boosting your commitment to pleasure. You will carry out your duties with more aplomb and effectiveness. Raising your joy quotient is actually a formula for becoming a better human being. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The Appalachian Mountains span 1,500 miles from Newfoundland to Alabama. They are the seventh longest range in the world. And yet they have shrunk over the eons. Their average height is 3,000 feet, but when they were young they were probably twice that high. What happened? There has been constant erosion caused by rivers, glaciers, wind, tree roots, lichens and oxidation. Rain and condensation have also played a role because when water freezes, it expands, creating a wedging force. I propose that we make what has happened to the Appalachians a symbol of what’s possible for you in the next eight months, Pisces. Through steady, small actions, you can significantly grind down a mountainous obstacle.
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