Mountain Xpress 11.26.14

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O U R 2 1 S T Y E A R O F W E E K LY I N D E P E N D E N T N E W S , A R T S & E V E N T S F O R W E S T E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A V O L . 2 1 N O . 1 8 N O V. 2 6 - D E C . 2 , 2 0 1 4

Appalachian Preserving


AIDS Memorial Quilt returns


Hip hop Circus at the Orange Peel



noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

Holiday Special!

November 28 - December 3 For every $100 you spend in our “Salt Market” you will receive a Gift Certificate for a Free Salt Cave Session (value $25). This offer runs from Nov 26-Dec 31, 2014 Local Tuesdays $15, call for details


12 Eagle St • Asheville

a s h ev i l l e s a l t c a ve . c o m

The Area’s Largest Keyboard Selection from: Yamaha, Roland, Korg


800 Fairview Rd. @ River Ridge

“an Asheville Tradition”


Ethan Murray Exclusive Resident Glass Blower

Representing Local Glass with Integrity

Extended Hours

Sun-Thurs: 9-7 • Fri & Sat: 9-9 3D Tapestries • Posters • Bumperstickers Grateful Dead Anniversary Calendars

36 N. Lexington Ave, Asheville (828) 285-8999

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


contEnts contact us pagE 21

Appalachian food traditions

Western North Carolina has a rich food history, rooted in traditions of resourcefulness, hard work and community. The Applachian Food Storybank preserves and shares the food memories of WNC residents who can recall a bygone era. coVER DEsign Lori Deaton photogRaph of Susannah Gebhart of OWL Bakery, by Tim Robison

(828) 251-1333 fax (828) 251-1311

news tips & story ideas to letters/commentary to farm-and-garden news to a&e events and ideas to events can be submitted to


or try our easy online calendar at


11 a LiVing wagE Mountain Xpress earns Living Wage certification from Just Economics



8 timE to shop smaLL Local retailers prepare for fifth annual Small Business Saturday


food news and ideas to

18 thE aiDs mEmoRiaL QuiLt — Friends, family find solace in sewing panels for loved ones

wellness-related events/news to business-related events/news to venues with upcoming shows get info on advertising at place a web ad at question about the website?




caRtoon: moLton


caRtoon: BREnt BRown

12 community caLEnDaR 28 cELEBRation timE Holiday events around WNC

14 conscious paRty 26 BEER scout 38 statE of thE aRts


41 smaRt BEts 32 BEats anD fEats Rappers and aerialists collaborate on Hip-hop Circus

42 cLuBLanD 48 moViEs 52 cLassifiEDs

find a copy of xpress follow us @mxnEws, @mxaRts, @mxEat, @mxhEaLth, @mxcaLEnDaR we use these hashtags #aVLnEws, #aVLEnt, #aVLEat, #aVLout, #aVLBEER, #aVLgoV, #aVLhEaLth, #aVLwx

54 fREEwiLL astRoLogy


55 ny timEs cRosswoRD 34 famiLy styLE Thanksgiving traditions with Acoustic Syndicate

Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Mountain Xpress is available free throughout Western North Carolina. Limit one copy per person. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 payable at the Xpress office in advance. No person may, without prior written permission of Xpress, take more than one copy of each issue. To subscribe to Mountain Xpress, send check or money order to: Subscription Department, PO Box 144, Asheville NC 28802. First class delivery. One year (52 issues) $115 / Six months (26 issues) $60. We accept Mastercard & Visa.


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

copyRight 2014 By Mountain Xpress aDVERtising copyRight 2014 By Mountain Xpress aLL Rights REsERVED


Send your letters to the editor to staff

puBLishER: Jeff Fobes assistant to thE puBLishER: Susan Hutchinson managing EDitoR: Margaret Williams

fooD EDitoR/wRitER: Gina Smith staff REpoRtERs/wRitERs: Hayley Benton, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Kat McReynolds EDitoRiaL assistants: Hayley Benton, Grady Cooper, Carrie Eidson, Susan Foster, Jake Frankel, Michael McDonald, Kat McReynolds, Tracy Rose

26 Glendale Ave 828.505.1108 Mon-Sat 10a-7p Sun 11a-5p

Photo by Studio Misha

a&E EDitoR/wRitER: Alli Marshall

holiday event open studio December 5, 6, 7 daily 11-6p

moViE REViEwER & cooRDinatoR: Ken Hanke contRiButing EDitoRs: Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak

caRtoon By RanDy moLton

An election interpretation: Buncombe County one election ahead of future trend The remarkable showing of Democratic Party candidates in local and Buncombe County elections, in stark contrast to state and national contests, was surely due in part to greaterthan-average voter turnout, but equally important is that local Republicans, led by the likes of Tim Moffitt and Lisa Baldwin, overplayed their hand, their arrogance and posturing turning off many in their own base and poisoning the well for other candidates. This was signaled by many declared Republicans during preelection canvassing and phonebanking. Buncombe County thus may well be a bellwether, one election ahead of a future trend back to responsible government. In this case, perhaps, the worse it gets, the better it gets. So, let the madness continue! The tea party may in the end be our salvation. Richard Pigossi Asheville

Asheville High team seeks support in Solar School Challenge Asheville and Buncombe County schools are competing in the North Carolina Green Schools’ Solar Schools Challenge, a program that “helps students learn more about energy, about reducing environmental impacts and creates pathways to solar power for our schools.” The winning school earns a 1-kilowatt solar array for its campus. The purpose is greater than winning an electricity-generating solar array. The overall objective is to increase the profile of renewable energy and energy efficiency in our schools and larger communities. Our students have found that solar energy is a growing industry throughout North Carolina and brings with it economic, environmental and human health benefits. Asheville High School’s Solar School Challenge team is asking you, Western North Carolina residents, to show your support for your local school’s efforts. Please go to, select a school and support it by entering your name and email address. Asheville High would love your support, but please rally behind your neighborhood school.

REguLaR contRiButoRs: Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Jacqui Castle, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy FoltzGray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Cameron Huntley, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Connor, Thom O’Hearn, Erik Peake, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther

Open Saturdays thru the holidays 115B Elk Mountain Rd • Woodfin, NC 28804 828 490 9297 •

aDVERtising, aRt & DEsign managER: Susan Hutchinson gRaphic DEsignERs: Lori Deaton, Megan Kirby, Susan McBride, Lance Wille onLinE saLEs managER: Jordan Foltz maRKEting associatEs: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Max Hunt, Tim Navaille, Kat McReynolds, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, John Varner infoRmation tEchnoLogiEs managER: Stefan Colosimo wEB tEam: Kyle Kirkpatrick, Brad Messenger officE managER & BooKKEEpER: Patty Levesque

$3.39/Watt! installed and turn-key


We Want Affordable orYour FREEJunk removal

assistant officE managER: Lisa Watters DistRiBution managER: Jeff Tallman assistant DistRiBution managER: Denise Montgomery DistRiBution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Jesse Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young




noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


Send your letters to the editor to

caRtoon By BREnt BRown

We want to hear from you


Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to

Reader is all for organic, but she is bigger advocate of wild, local foods

Asheville High’s Cougars are engaging in activities and field trips to learn how solar energy and energy efficiency affects our area. On a lighter note, we are taking selfie pictures in front of solar panels around town. We invite you to be a part of this project. Please use the following hashtags as you post your pictures onto social media: #solarpanelselfie and #AVLsolar. We want to see how many people are looking for and are supporting solar energy in our community. Please find and follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @ AHSsolarCougars. Sarah Duffer and the AHS Solar Schools Challenge team Asheville

I’m sure you’ve received many comments about Joe Bianculli’s remarks and hopefully Chris Reedy at Blue Ridge Food Ventures has had an opportunity to respond about clean hands versus gloves with UliMana hand rolling techniques [“Asheville’s Food Pioneers,” Oct. 22, Xpress]. I am all for organic and non-GMO, but I’m a bigger advocate for local and wild foods. I spend time at local tailgate markets and realize how important having even 10 to 20 extra people buy from our local farmers each week can make the difference of whether these small farms stay in business or not. Ask these farmers the difference in price in organic feed and nonorganic. It’s more than double. Your eggs would be $6 to $7 a dozen, and beef would cost at least double on a smallscale, local farm. Local farms that practice free range and no antibiotics supersede any organic food trucked from California.

One visit to Hickory Nut Gap Farm shows any consumer how farming is done with true integrity. Yes, I’d love to see Hickory Nut Gap achieve organic status, but grass-fed, free-range animals as nature intended beat cows and chickens locked in a small structure with organic feed any day! If you think organic megafarms are doing large free-range areas, think again. And, yes, I eat UliMana hand-rolled chocolates. Jeannie Dunn Fairview

In the Nov. 19 Nonprofit Issue, the full mission statement for Under One Sky Village Foundation should read as follows: “Our mission is to provide opportunities for older children in foster care to establish permanent connections to a mentoring community of supportive adults and peers, achieve permanency through adoption and to help prepare and support them through the next phase of their lives, including new or continued foster placement, aging out of foster care or reunification with birth family. Our slogan is on our logo, Renewing the Human Spirit.” (More info:

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



Time to #ShopSmall Local retailers prepare for fifth annual Small Business Saturday By Kat mcREynoLDs 251-1333, ext. 127

Nestled between the occasionally controlled chaos of Black Friday and the countless clicks of Cyber Monday sits a relatively new post-Thanksgiving shopping day. As the name implies, Small Business Saturday calls on holiday gift-seekers to patronize small retailers rather than, or in addition to, big-box stores. This Saturday, Nov. 29, marks the fifth incarnation of the movement, and many advocates are expecting the best season yet. “As a chamber, we really love the idea of supporting those local businesses and Small Business Saturday as a mechanism across the United States,” says Erin Leonard, Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce director of communications. Calling the day “an opportunity to showcase all that the community has to offer,” Leonard feels the event's power lies in its prompting individuals to think ahead and plan purchase decisions more consciously. The de facto holiday, originally the 2010 brain child of American Express’ small-business wing OPEN, was officially recognized by the U.S. Senate one year after its inaugural run. Since then, the movement has gained traction, established an official online presence and employed networking tactics to spread awareness one town at a time. National Small Business Saturday organizers recently reached out to Asheville’s Chamber of Commerce for assistance with grassroots marketing, sending the organization tote bags, balloons, pet scarves and other promotional items. Leonard’s team has been distributing the branded goods to local businesses in an effort to create additional buzz among inde-


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

pendent stores’ regular customers. American Express even donated several $25 gift cards, which don't expire on Saturday, for the chamber to disperse at its discretion. (Keep an eye on social media for potential giveaway updates.) “In Asheville, a lot of our businesses are small businesses, and there's a great love of that local economy, unique shops and local products,” says Leonard, and for many companies, the off-season sales boost from residents is critical. “One thing about having local clientele is that you’re building a relationship in the community with customers that are going to come back to your store time and again. If somebody is out shopping for the holiday, they might pique their interest for some other time of the year.” Last year, consumers spent $5.7 billion at local merchants’ shops on Small Business Saturday, according to the National Federation of Independent Business, and many economic impact studies show that local buys are more than a kind gesture. In fact, a 2012 meta-analysis conducted by the American Independent Business Alliance compiled research findings from 10 city-level studies by Civic Economics. The findings illus-

say chEEsE: The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce is celebrating Small Business Saturday with a selfie contest. Post a picture of yourself shopping or dining at your favorite small business using the hashtag #AVLSmallBizSat or post your photo to for a chance to win a $25 American Express gift card. Winners will be chosen Monday, Dec. 1. Photo by Hayley Benton

trate that, on average, 48 percent of revenues from independent retailers recirculate into local economies compared with just 13.6 percent of revenues from large chain stores. In other words, this “local multiplier effect” or “local premium” from shopping small creates nearly quadruple the economic benefit for the community. jonathan jones, owner of Asheville’s Welcomemat Services marketing company, says Small Business Saturday presents season-specific opportunities for local managers to captivate new or returning clientele. He suggests providing a countdown to Saturday savings, scheduling an open house with wine or cider and sending handwritten Thanksgiving cards to particularly loyal customers. “Asheville is a grassroots community,” he says, so small, genuine acts make a difference.

National organizers are encouraging Small Business Saturday supporters to use hashtags #SmallBizSat and #ShopSmall when posting relevant social media updates. Last November, similar hashtags garnered some 352,000 tweets, according to Business Wire, and the official Small Business Saturday Facebook page is already enjoying growth beyond its milestone of 3.3 million likes. According to Leonard, Small Business Saturday underlines the critical bond between local business owners and local residents. “We have a good community and a good culture, and a large part of that is our small businesses,” she says. “The more that we all support one another, I think, the stronger we are as a community.” For more guidance on shopping local, visit or X









Local news roundup compiled by Jake Frankel

REmEmBERing: A Nov. 20 candlelight vigil and march to the Vance Monument was part of the international event Transgender Day of Remembrance, which memorializes those who have been killed as a result of transphobia‚ the hatred or fear of gransgender and gender nonconforming people. Photo by Pat Barcas




SUCH AS: VigiL RaisEs awaREnEss of tRansgEnDER issuEs Activists who gathered Nov. 20 for Asheville's Transgender Day of Remembrance say they hope to bring attention to an issue that may not be on people's radar. “There is danger for transgender people living in Asheville,” said Basil soper, founder of Just Us For All, an Asheville-based group that aims to educate people about the LGBTQ spectrum. “I know of transgender women who have faced danger and discrimination, either verbally or physically.” He helped organize the event with Asheville LGBTQ groups Tranzmission and Campaign For Southern Equality. The candlelight vigil and march to the Vance Monument was part of an international vigil that memorializes those who have been killed as a result of transphobia, or the hatred or fear of transgender and gender nonconforming people.

Soper said a big step toward equal rights for transgender people is when cisgender people get involved in activism. (Cisgender is defined as people whose gender identities match those that were assigned to them at birth.) “They need to not expect us to be the educators, and also not be afraid to get involved. Being better allies in general and moving forward with trans legislation will help,” he said. stephen wiseman, an activist who identifies as a transgender person, called the event a success and hopes for further awareness of transgender issues moving forward. "Hopefully by bringing awareness to those of us who exist in this community who identify as trans, we are making progress in the right direction.” — by Pat Barcas commissionER-ELEct DEBRuhL to maKE histoRy Buncombe County will make history Dec. 1 when the youngest woman to ever serve on the Board of Commissioners is sworn in.









noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



At 34 years old, Republican miranda DeBruhl defeated Commissioner David King in a hard-fought GOP primary this spring. The political newcomer went on to beat unaffiliated candidate nancy waldrop, King’s wife, in the general election. No Democrats opted to run in conservative District 3, which encompasses Sandy Mush, Enka-Candler and Biltmore Forest. DeBruhl ran to the right of both opponents and will become the first Republican woman elected to the board since 1976, according to board Clerk Kathy hughes. However, with the narrow victory in District 2 by Vice Chair Ellen frost, Democrats will maintain a 4-3 majority of the board’s seats. Frost will join DeBruhl in the Dec. 1 swearing-in ceremony at 6 p.m. in the commissioner’s chambers at 200 College St. suite 326. District 1 Commissioner Brownie newman, who did not face a challenge in the general election this year, will also be sworn in to a fouryear term. — by Jake Frankel


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

commissionERs BiD King faREwELL, appRoVE incEntiVEs foR LinamaR Meanwhile, commissioners bid David King a fond farewell Nov. 18, his last meeting in office after serving one two-year term. Chairman David gantt presented King with a portrait of Smoky Mountain scenery and thanked him for his service. “We’ve supported many organizations who partner with the county and do so much for the people for this county,” said King. “Without being on the board, I wouldn’t have been aware of what takes place and just how much the county does. I’m quite proud. I’d also like to say [that] elected officials come and go, but the real unsung heroes are the 1,400 people who work at this county. They’re the ones who I’m proud of.” King, choking up, received a standing ovation from his colleagues. In his last official act, King joined with the rest of the commissioners in voting to approve increasing the amount of incen-

tive grants to Linamar from $6.8 million to $9 million. In return, the auto-parts manufacturer agreed to expand investment at its Arden plant to $190 million, creating 400 new jobs with an average annual salary of $39,000. “There’s always some opposition to county commission[ers] doing economic incentives. But we live in the real world … where you have South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and other states throughout the Southeast that are competing for these jobs and these planned expansions,” said King. “Above and beyond all these socalled political ideologies and principles are the people of Buncombe County who need jobs. I’m proud of the work this commission has done in putting forth economic incentives to keep Buncombe County a viable place to live.” — by Cameron Huntley, Jake Frankel wnc EnViRonmEntaL gRoups mERgE The historic merger of three long-standing Western North Carolina environmental groups

was unanimously approved Nov. 20 by the boards and members of Environmental and Conservation Organization (ECO), the Jackson-Macon Conservation Alliance (J-MCA) and the WNC Alliance (WNCA). The partners decided to name their newly merged organization MountainTrue starting Jan. 1. “What we have now is a bold name that is affirmative. It is a challenge to us as an organization to rise up to what we believe in and what we want to be in the future,” said melissa williams, communications manager for WNCA. — from WNCA BionEERs confEREncE ExpLoREs sustainaBiLity The Lenoir-Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville celebrated its third annual Taste of Bioneers Conference with a series of events exploring topics in sustainability. A Nov. 14 gathering focused on the importance of wilderness preservation. The forum came as the U.S. Forest Service seeks feedback on how it should manage the Pisgah and the Nantahala National Forests in the future (full story at At the Nov. 19 session, a Bioneers panel featured a group of religious leaders discussing faith perspectives on sustainability. “It’s amazing when we consider the ability to look into these traditions not only for guidance and solace in faith and hope, but for actual practical wisdom on how to confront what we have,” said Rabbi justin goldstein of Congregation Beth Israel. “Overcoming crises is built into what we call religion.” The context of the panel itself testified to a unique cultural place in time whereby such a diverse set of individuals can come together in their convictions to serve a common cause: “So a rabbi, a pagan and a Presbyterian walk into a bar …” joked Rev. Dr. steve Runoldt of Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church. “No but seriously: A rabbi, a pagan, and a Presbyterian are sitting up here together, talking about sustainability. … Now that’s cool,” he said. — by Jake Frankel, Jordon Foltz and Eric Peake


by Margaret Williams

Mountain Xpress gains living wage certification Joining hundreds of other local businesses, Mountain Xpress was certified as a Living Wage Employer for 2014 and 2015 by Just Economics’ board of directors in October. “Adding Mountain Xpress to our list is pivotal,” said mark hebbard, Just Economics’ certification program coordinator. “We’ve been excited in partnering with them on the Go Local Directory and the Get It! Guide. Knowing that Xpress is providing a living wage to all its staff legitimizes that partnership. It should make business owners feel even better about doing business with Mountain Xpress for their advertising needs,” he added. “The certification program aims to identify, designate and reward employers in our community that provide a living wage to all their staff,” Hebbard explained. “It connects local consumers to local employers that are committed to creating a just and sustainable local economy.” Living wage employers must pay their workers a minimum hourly rate. Those not providing health insurance must pay employees at least $11.85 per hour, and those that do provide health insurance must pay at least $10.35. Employers may offset the wage rate by providing benefits that affect health care, housing, food and transportation. Some exceptions are allowed, such as for apprentices, interns, minors and temporary employees. “We’re delighted to be Living Wage Certified,” said Xpress Publisher jeff fobes. “Paying a living wage is an

important goal for all businesses wishing to build stronger, healthier communities.” The Asheville-based group uses a formula to determine, based on the cost of living in local areas, how much individuals must earn per hour in order to put food in their bellies and a roof over their heads unaided, Hebbard explained. “A living wage is the amount that a worker must earn per hour to afford their basic necessities, without resorting to public or private assistance; it is the hourly wage you need just to make ends meet here,” he said. Currently, Just Economics has certified 396 area businesses as providing a living wage. A full list of those businesses is available at The certification plan brings recognition to employers committed to providing a living wage to all their staff and raises awareness among consumers about wages and cost of living in our area.

on starting its program next year. Hebbard has also been consulting with a group a little closer to home, the Durham People’s Assembly, which also plans to launch its program next year. While the concept didn’t originate in Asheville, Hebbard takes pride in calling Just Economics’ program “the brightest fire burning in the U.S. on the issue at the moment.” The program is the largest of its kind in the nation, he says. Besides its business-focused Living Wage Certification program, Just Economics also works with local governments as well as with community groups and individuals to advocate for workers. Just Economics’ executive director, Vicki meath, and its community organizer, amy cantrell, are currently working on a transportation project with the city of Asheville to ensure that its bus system serves the people who need it the most. And after negotiating resolutions with both the city of Asheville and Buncombe County, Just Economics was also active in supporting living wage policies in surrounding communities, with Montreat and Weaverville passing resolutions in 2014. X

LiVing wagE city, usa? While most Ashevilleans are aware of their city’s well-earned title of Beer City USA, Asheville is quietly gaining national attention for its vibrant Living Wage Certification program, according to Hebbard. Just Economics is playing a role in promoting living wage certification programs across the country. Based on the innovative work by its three-person staff, Just Economics has partnered with the Interfaith Worker Justice network to create a Certification Program Replication Tool-kit, which Interfaith is introducing in 18 states. Earlier this year, Hebbard consulted with the Arizona Community Action Association, based in Phoenix, that plans

No. of Businesses Living Wage Certified in WNC 396


337 300


211 200

140 100

83 44 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014




noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 4, 2014

Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a fREE Listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. fREE Listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via EmaiL to or through our onLinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.

AnimAls PuPPy DAy AnD Kitten Corner 689-1571, • TU (12/2), 2-6pm - Tickets to this playtime with animals and adoption event benefit the madison County Animal Foundation. Held in Bentley Fellowship Hall at Mars Hill University. $5/30 minutes; $3/15 minutes.

BeneFits new mountAin ClimAte BAsh 785-1701, • TH (12/4), 7pm - All proceeds from this music celebration benefit Asheville Beyond Coal. $10/$8 advance/$5 students. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad


moVing ashEViLLE BEyonD coaL: New Mountain will hold a “Climate Bash” benefit for Asheville Beyond Coal, an originazation that calls on Duke Energy to phase out the Asheville coal plant and transition to clean energy. The event, held on Thursday, Dec. 4, will feature over 15 bands and musicians including The Moon and You, Ten Cen Poetry, Caromia and many more. Photo courtesy of Asheville Beyond Coal. (p.12)

PAws to Give 505-3440, • TH (12/4), 6-9pm - Admission and sales at this holiday silent auction with live music benefit Brother wolf Animal rescue. $20. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave.

Business & teChnoloGy

and networking event for local entrepreneurs. Free to attend. Held at Mojo Coworking, 60 N. Market St. sCore Counselors to smAll Business 271-4786, Registration required. Free. • WE (12/3), 5:30pm “Social Media for Business” seminar. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler

Asheville AreA Arts CounCil GAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • TU (12/2), 4-7pm - Preview and discussion of upcoming Creative Craft Business Management course. Free.

ABrAhAm/hiCKs: lAw oF AttrACtion meetinG

eConomiC DeveloPment CoAlition 258-6101, ashevillechamber. org/economic-development • WEDNESDAYS, 9am “1 Million Cups,” coffee

(pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444.

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

ClAsses, meetinGs & events

the rADiAnt women’s toolKit (pd.) – Cutting Edge Tools for Living our Human Potential Exploration of Permaculture and Herbal Medicine, Song, Communication, and Sisterhood Saturday December 6, 1-7pm $70. ages 20-75+, West Asheville Yoga 602 Haywood Rd. Info at http://westashevilleyoga. com/event/radiant-womanstoolkit-keri-evjy/ or Keri at 828.450.1836 Asheville Browns BACKers CluB 658-4149, ashevillebbw@ • SUNDAYS - Meets during Cleveland Browns games. Contact for specific times. Held at The Fairview Tavern, 831 Old Fairview Road Asheville toAstmAsters CluB 914-424-7347,

• THURSDAYS, 6:15pm Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St. BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (11/12) & WE (11/26), 10am - “Sew What?” Swannanaoa sewing circle. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa D&D ADventurers leAGue • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave • SATURDAYS, 12-4pm & 5-9pm - Episodic fantasy roleplaying adventures with

persistent characters. Meets every other week. Free Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave FletCher liBrAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, • TUESDAYS, 3pm - Medium to advanced conversational Spanish class. Free. henDersonville wise women 693-1523 • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville mountAin AreA volunteer lAwyers 210-3429, • 1st THURSDAYS, 12-2pm “Debt 101” clinic, includes discussion of debtor rights, resources and options.

Making spirits bright! Free. Held at Pisgah Legal Services, 62 Charlotte St. ontrACK wnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 255-5166, Registration required. • TUESDAYS through (12/9), 5:30pm “Relationship & Money” seminar. Free. renAissAnCe Asheville hotel 31 Woodfin St., 252-8211, • Through MO (12/1) - Exhibit of sections of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. Free. smoKy mountAin Chess CluB • THURSDAYS, 1pm - Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville smoKy mountAin KnittinG GuilD • WEDNESDAYS, 1-3pm - Knitting classes. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville southern roDeo AssoCiAtion • TH (12/4) through SU (12/7) - Southern Rodeo Association Finals. $5-$36. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road toAstmAsters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am - Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd.

DAnCe roCoCo BAllroom PArtner DAnCinG (pd.) Rococo Ballroom has opened in Reynolds Mountain offering all forms of partner dancing. Call 828-575-0905 to schedule a FREE sample lesson with one of our highly trained instructors.

BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries library • TU (12/2), 3:30pm - Family holiday singa-long. Free. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler

trees starting at $19.99

DisCover historiC henDersonville • FR (11/28), 5:30pm - Holiday tree lighting. Free to attend. Held at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville henDerson County CurB mArKet 221 N. Church St., Hendersonville, 6928012, • SA (11/29), 8am-2pm - “Old Timey Christmas,” includes greenery and wreaths, crafts, carriage rides and live music. Free to attend. lAKe JuliAn PArK 406 Overlook Road Extension, Arden, 6840376 • TH (12/4), 6-8pm - “Walking in a Winter Wonderland,” festival of lights. $5/free for children. n.C. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, • Through SA (1/4), 8am-8pm - “Winter Lights,” light show and festivities in the garden. Admission fees apply. river Arts DistriCt FArmers mArKet 175 Clingman Ave., • WE (11/26), 2-5:30pm - Holiday market includes kids activities, holiday sweets, live music and gift shopping. Free to attend.

JoyFul noise 649-2828, • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, 3-7pm - All ages Irish dance & clogging. $10. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville, 30 Alabama Ave, Weaverville

shADrACK ChristmAs wonDerlAnD 693-9708, • MO (12/1) through SU (1/4), dusk-10pm - Drive-through LED Christmas lights and music show. $20+/ per vehicle. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road

montForD holiDAy tour oF homes (pd.) Saturday, 12-13, 1-5 pm. 19th Annual Tour of Homes in Montford, Asheville’s most

ChristMas trees & Wreaths

70 Monticello Rd. Weaverville, NC I-26/Exit 18 828-645-3937

DeCK the trees, montevistahotel • TH (12/4) through WE (12/31) - Dollar-votes at this hand-decorated Christmas tree contest benefit Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries. Free to attend. Held at Monte Vista Hotel, 308 West State St., Black Mountain

stuDio ZAhiyA, Downtown DAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African • Saturday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 10am Intro to West African • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. :: 828.242.7595


Nursery & Landscaping, Inc.

historic neighborhood. Enjoy festive historic homes, home-baked treats, and holiday entertainment. $20 at Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Avenue, December 1-13. Info: or 828-280-1576.

CArl sAnDBurG home 1928 Little River Road, Flat Rock, 6934178, • SA (11/29), 10am-1pm - “Christmas at Connemara,” holiday music, tours, storytelling and craft making. Free to attend.


swAnnAnoA vAlley Fine Arts leAGue • TUESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/31), 11am-3pm - Holiday gift market. Free to attend. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014




t! i t

ge uide









by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald

community caLEnDaR








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Be a Christmas Angel! Sponsor a family help parents put gifts under the tree. To Sponsor: Call 259-5337 or email 14

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

A cause for paws what: Paws to Give holiday fundraiser whEn: Thursday, Dec. 4, 6-9 p.m. whERE: The Millroom, Asheland Ave., Asheville


why: 2014 has been Brother Wolf Animal Rescue’s most active year since its inception, expanding its program offerings and taking in more animals than ever before. Of course, taking in more animals and offering more programs equates to increased expenses, such as medical bills, spaying and neutering, behavioral training as well as general operating expenses. Paws to Give will help offset these needs. “Brother Wolf is strictly funded by donations, and this event helps us stay in operation during our leaner months in January and February, when donations and adoptions decrease but expenses still remain,” says Denise Bitz, president and founder of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue.

Increased expenses have led the organization to reach out to the community in creative ways for support, and this year’s Paws to Give fundraiser aims to supplement the support Brother Wolf enjoys from the community. “BWAR has received generous donations from local businesses, artists and individuals over the course of the year — given to us to generate money for our no-kill organization,” says Bitz. This generosity will be on display during the event’s silent auction, with auction items ranging from warm-weather destination vacations to local artwork and nights on the town. Tickets for the event are $20 and include two drink tickets, heavy appetizers from eight local businesses and live Appalachian holiday music from The Shivers. For more information or to donate an item or service to this cause, attendees should contact Denise Bitz at or 808-9435. — Michael McDonald

community caLEnDaR

• SA (11/29), 2pm - Ranger-led 2-mile hike along Paddy’s Creek Trail. Free.

GArDeninG sylvA GArDen CluB 631-5147, • TU (12/2), 11:30am-1:30pm - High Tea luncheon fundraiser to build a pavilion at Bicentennial Park. $10. Held at Nichols House Antiques, 83 Landis St., Sylva


PuBliC leCtures PuBliC leCtures At unCA Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (12/2), 7:30pm - “Peace Keeping in Africa.” Reuter Center.


PAri sCiGirls 862-5554, • TU (12/2), 6-8pm - “Puppets to Robotic” activity. For girls ages 9-14. $10. Held at Transylvania County Extension Office, 98 East Morgan St., Brevard sPellBounD ChilDren’s BooKshoP 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 708-7570, • SA (11/29), 10am-7pm - Indies First, celebration with authors Alexandra Duncan and Laurie McKay.

outDoors lAKe JAmes stAte PArK 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 • TH (11/27), 10am - Turkey Day crafts. Free.

ABout the trAnsCenDentAl meDitAtion teChnique: Free introDuCtory leCture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice. It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville tm Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828254-4350 or

This Holiday Season


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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


community caLEnDaR

Asheville ComPAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center

CrystAl visions BooKs AnD event Center

(pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm.

(pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts • Incense • Tarot. Visit our Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers:

Asheville oPen heArt meDitAtion (pd.) Experience effortless techniques that connect you to your heart and the Divine within you. Your experience will deepen as you are gently guided in this complete practice. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017

hoseA’s messAGe For AmeriCA (pd.) is the subject of classes offered at Biltmore Church of Christ, 823 Fairview Street at 9:30 a.m., Sunday. Led by Dr. Gene Rainey, former UNCA professor and County Commission chair. For directions to the church go to

Astro-CounselinG (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AwAKeninG DeePest nAture meDitAtion ClAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241,,

Asheville tAntrA CirCle, • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Tantra, sexual healing, awakening and intimacy techniques. Contact for location. Admission by donation. GreAt tree Zen temPle 679 Lower Flat Creek, Alexander, 6452085, • Last SUNDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Family Meditation with Rev. Teijo Munnich shAmBhAlA meDitAtion Center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, • 4th FRIDAYS, 7pm - Buddhist-inspired films. Free.

• 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Public group sitting and Dharma reading/discussion. Free. sPirituAl stuDy GrouP 275-8226, • TUESDAYS, 9:30-11am - Shares spiritual paths, journeys and individual callings. Free. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road st. GeorGe’s ePisCoPAl ChurCh 1 School Road, • TUESDAYS, 10am-noon - “Spirit Collage,” making collage prayer cards. Free.

sPoKen & written worD FletCher liBrAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, Free unless otherwise noted. • WEDENSDAYS (11/26) though (12/10) - Read to Springer the therapy dog. Registration required. • WE (12/3), 2pm - Renee Kumor discusses her book Small Town Talk. FountAinheAD BooKstore 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville, 697-1870, • SA (11/29) - Author visits with Jeremy B. Jones, Christy English, Ken Butcher and Evan Williams. Free to attend. mAlAProP’s BooKstore AnD CAFe 55 Haywood St., 254-6734, Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (11/29), 9am-9pm - Visits with local authors. • SU (11/30), 5pm - Shakespeare Salon: King Lear. • TU (12/2), 7pm - Current Events book club. • TU (12/2), 7pm - WILD book club: The Wilds by Julia Elliot

Just Arrived: Artificial Trees, Wreaths, Garland, Tree Decor, Holiday Plants and Bulbs, Frazier Fir Scent Line and Unique Gifts for everyone on your list. 11.28.14 & 11.29.14 ONLY- Excludes other promotions, customized services & all fresh evergreens

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Join Us Friday and Saturday 11.28.14 & 11.29.14

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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

volunteerinG Asheville AreA Arts CounCil GAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through (12/21) - Volunteers are needed to work as artist curators for 2015 exhibits. BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries depts/library • Through SA (12/13) - Book Giving Tree, donations for disadvantaged children. $10 minimum. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road CArinG For ChilDren 50 Reddick Road, 785-1590 • Through FR (12/19) - Gifts needed for children in the foster care system. Contact to be given a wish list from a child. CArolinA mountAin lAnD ConservACy 697-5777, • WE (12/3), 5:30-6:30pm - Volunteer information session. Free. Held at 847 Case St., Hendersonville • TH (12/4), 9am-3pm - Florence Nature Preserve volunteer orientation and workday. Free. Held at Upper Hickory Nut Gorge Community Center, 4730 Gerton Highway, Gerton ChilDren First Cis oF BunComBe County 259-9717, • Through FR (12/12) - Sponsor a child during the holidays. Contact for details. ProJeCt sAntA • Through SU (12/31) - Pet supplies and monetary donations will be collected for Blue Ridge Humane Society and Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue. Contact for drop-off locations. For more volunteering opportunities, visit


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



The AIDS Memorial Quilt Siekman, chairwoman of the Memorial Quilt Exhibit, stitched a panel for her best friend. “It’s a vehicle that portrays [a] very personal part of some person’s life,” she says. Siekman also sees the quilt as a nonthreatening way to educate people about AIDS. “You hear people say thousands of people died of AIDS — it’s a huge number,” she says. “But when you stand before the quilt panel, it’s no longer a number.”

Friends, family members find solace in sewing panels for loved ones

By ELiZaBEth L. haRRison

Randy Rodriguez’s favorite color was deep, royal blue — a color that now occupies a 3-by6-foot panel of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, part of which will be on display at the Renaissance Hotel in Asheville through World AIDS Day, Monday, Dec. 1. Rodriguez died Nov. 30, 1994, at age 34 from complications related to AIDS. He’s one of 94,000 individuals represented by the 54-ton tapestry. “Randy will always be in my heart, and the quilt becomes an expression of that love for the world to witness,” says Ashevillearea resident Roberta Binder, who began a lifelong friendship with Rodriguez while working with him at a theater in Pennsylvania over

whEn 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 24 Monday, Dec. 1 whERE Renaissance Hotel, 31 Woodfin St., Asheville what The free exhibit, “A Celebration of Lives,” will feature 160 panels stitched together on 20 blocks of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The exhibit is the largest of its kind in North Carolina. An opening night reception featuring mike smith, co-founder of the NAMES Project Foundation, live music by classical guitarist james Barr and the a cappella singing group Pastyme will kick off the exhibit on Monday, Nov. 24, at 6 p.m. Local jazz musician Kat williams closes the exhibit on Monday, Dec. 1, at 7 p.m. with a musical tribute.


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

LifE, LoVE anD DEath

LoVing mEmoRiEs: Roberta Binder crafted a panel for her “adopted son,” Randy Rodriguez, who died from complications due to AIDS. Photo by Jane Izard

30 years ago. She refers to him as her “adopted son.” The free exhibit, “A Celebration of Lives,” will feature 160 panels stitched together on 20 blocks of the quilt. It will be open for viewing from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Binder recalls the day she made the trip to Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store to purchase the material for Rodriguez’s quilt panel and how she broke down in tears. Making the commitment to craft the piece, she says, was like receiving the phone call that Rodriguez had died all over again. “And then it became, ‘He’s come back to life,’” Binder says. She met Rodriguez when he was 19 and she was in her 30s. He took a liking to Binder right away, calling her Ma and following her to Maine when she left to run a theater there. He discovered he was HIV-positive just as he was leaving Maine for New York City. Binder describes Rodriguez as a talented tenor, very strong and with a mind of his own. His panel is covered in photos of his younger, healthier self. He appears confident and boyishly handsome. There is one photo, however, that shows a different side. He is rail-

thin, resting his head on a stuffed animal. He curls a bony hand around his head as if to protect himself. The photo was taken two weeks before he died, and it was the last panel Binder stitched. For months, she met with pam siekman and a handful of others at the Western North Carolina AIDS Project on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Together they recounted stories of their loved ones. They laughed. They cried. They quilted. “As I worked on it, it became more and more joyful,” Binder says. “Once you do that panel, you discover a gift of love and healing and a permanent honor to the individual and to you.” Making a quilt for a loved one is like getting a bonus visit with them, Binder says. “Through the entire process, I was able to put that visit together on my terms and decide when I was fully ready for it to happen,” she says. “The making of the quilt was a commitment to examine the relationship with my beloved, enjoy it, remember the wonderful moments, feel the deep level of healing and finally release him to the ages.”

Donald charles ator was the kind of father who smelled nice, dressed well and made a mean broccoli pasta salad. He was funny, gentle and gave the best hugs, according to his daughter, sara wilcox. Ator had AIDS, and he died before his daughter graduated high school. Wilcox, now a co-pastor at Land of the Sky United Church of Christ in Asheville, later discovered that her father was a recovering alcoholic and had contemplated suicide. Ator’s struggles are now memorialized in a quote cross-stitched by his partner in a panel of the AIDS Memorial Quilt — one of the panels that will be on display at the Renaissance: “The road has been difficult, just as it has been difficult to face life and confront death without fear. Take care of those who, like I, fought to accept and understand a reality which is bigger than our ability to comprehend. Give strength and consolation to those that are less strong than I, and who continue to endure in silence this cross of suffering.” Wilcox, along with her sister, mother and her father’s sister, will be celebrating Thanksgiving together and making a visit to see their loved one’s quilt panel. Soon after Wilcox was born, her parents divorced, and her father came out as a gay man, she says. “The relationship that my mother and father shared and the ability to transcend a situation that disrupts everything everyone knows was one of the greatest lessons I learned about what deep abiding love looks like,” Wilcox says.

Galaya She believes the quilt tells a story of life, love and death, and that each panel is only a small piece of a much larger story — a story of love and compassion. It’s a testament to our interconnectedness as human beings, she says, and our need to grieve real suffering and make something beautiful out of it all. “It also calls people to realize that silence perpetuates the suffering. People live with AIDS today in a way that my father never could,” Wilcox says. KEEping thE VigiL As of December 2013, the estimated number of living HIV infection cases diagnosed and reported in North Carolina was 28,101, according to a report by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. Among the HIV infection cases diagnosed in 2013, African-Americans represented 64 percent of all cases. The highest rate was among adult/adolescent African-American males. The Western North Carolina AIDS Project — which provides case management and care coordination to people living with HIV/AIDS, testing education and advocacy — currently has 445 active clients. Executive Director jeff Bachar said the organization took in 100 new clients last year and that the newest cases are young people between the ages of 15 and 29. “A lot of the times people today will say, ‘Oh hey, is [AIDS] still a problem?’ That’s extremely concerning, considering young people represent the highest number of cases,” he says. “There’s a generational breakdown — people under 30

did not live through the worst parts of the AIDS epidemic. They don’t have a reference point for what the quilt represents.” Lee storrow, executive director of the North Carolina AIDS Action Network, says he hopes that North Carolinians who visit the AIDS quilt will be reminded of those lost from HIV and AIDS and be inspired to continue advocating. “With the American South the new center of the HIV epidemic in the U.S., it’s vital that we educate the public and policymakers about the importance of HIV treatment and prevention,” Storrow says. Whatever the purpose, Binder says visiting the quilt is a healing experience. The first time she viewed the panels, it was painful, yet she realized that each one represented the artist’s expression of grief. “People who had done those panels put their love into it,” she says. “As difficult as it is, especially the first time, after you walk away from it, you feel the love. You feel the art.” X

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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


wELLnEss caLEnDaR

CreAtive relAXAtion For KiDs™ (pd.) Wednesdays 4:15-5:00, @ Black Mountain Yoga Center. Therapeutic yoga for children with special needs. Contact Brandon Hudson to register, 828-230-6081, try thAi & eXPerienCe thAi mAssAGe (pd.) Try Thai. Experience Thai massage to live healing soundscapes. At Bodhi of Life Massage and Thai Bodywork. Saturday, Dec 6th, 3-6pm, 5 Covington st., West Asheville. FREE. Asheville Community yoGA Center 8 Brookdale Road, • SU (11/30), 4pm - Affordable Care Act information session. Free. CounCil on AGinG oF BunComBe County 277-8288, • TU (12/2), 12:30-2pm - Affordable Care Act information session. Free. Held at Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main Weaverville, Weaverville • WE (12/3), 2-4pm - Medicare 2015 update seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at OnTrack WNC, 50 S. French Broad Ave. our voiCe trAumA eDuCAtion series 252-0562, • TUESDAYS, 5:30-6:30pm - Workshop and support group, “Understanding the Mind, Body and Spirit after Sexual Violence.” Free. Held at Our Voice, 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801

offer expires 12/13/14

Meet Chef Eden. Passionate. Intense. Local Flavors. The essence of her cuisine. Enjoy and savor our newest fall-inspired menu. Check out our menu @ ONE FIFTY-ONE BOUTIQUE BAR & KITCHEN 151 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 You don’t just check-in to our hotel, 828.239.0186 you check-in to our neighborhood.


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

F O O D Appalachian Food Storybank collects tales of mountain meals

Preserving tradition By LEa mCLELLan

“There’s a world of difference now than there was then. We were all in the same boat as they say: Nobody had nuthin’.” These are the words of 102-year-old Rose Clark of Macon County. And while times were lean for her growing up in the Appalachian mountains, she also laughs about the first biscuits she ever made (“I could knock a house down with them”) and speaks fondly of the cornbread her mother would cook in pans over the woodstove and the four hogs a year that her father turned into sausage. “We raised everything on the farm except salt and soda and sugar,” Clark says, with a hint of pride in her voice. Lester and Marietta Crayton of Asheville have been married for 70 years and have similar memories of growing up on farmland that is now the Oakley community in East Asheville. Marietta recalls going barefoot all summer. When fall came, she gathered chestnuts to sell to the grocery man so she could buy shoes in Mars Hill for school. Around Thanksgiving time, says Lester, people would kill and butcher their hogs for the winter — an event that often turned into a neighborly celebration. The Appalachian Food Storybank has been collecting stories like these since 2011. Susannah Gebhart founded the oral history initiative, which is a project of the Heritage Food Committee of Slow Foods Asheville. Gebhart is the owner of Old World Levain (OWL) Bakery and studied food anthropology in college, so the initative was a natural extension of her interests. But there is a little more to it than that. “I had moved [to Asheville] from Sylva and had been involved in the local farming community there and knew a lot of old-timers from the farmers market,” says Gebhart. “When I moved here, I found out that several of them had passed away, and I always regretted that I didn’t get to hear more of their stories or have the opportunity to record them.” Since that time, she has banded together a small staff of trained volunteers to interview and record

simpLE cELEBRations: Apple stack cakes — made with locally accessible ingredients like sorghum, buttermilk and dried apples — were among the simple but delicious dishes traditionally served on Appalachian holiday tables. Photo by Tim Robison

elders in the community who have been nominated by friends or family members to share their stories of childhood and sustenance. While the focus of the conversations is foodbased, the stories always seem to transcend topics like canned beans and “putting up” for the winter. “Food is one of those really accessible topics, and it’s a beautiful entry point into understanding more deeply lifeways and rituals and traditions,” says Gebhart. “So we will talk about recipes and how they canned beans, then a lot of times the interview will naturally progress toward some pretty poignant observations about society and change and the community, as well as the relationships that developed around the production and consumption of food in the mountains.” All of the full-length interviews are available to listen to on the Appalachian Storybank website and are archived at the state’s Western Regional Archives in Oteen. One of the most powerful themes in the Storybank interviews, says Gebhart, is the way people shared within their community. “In nearly every interview that I’ve done,

someone has said in so many words that ‘everyone was poor,’” she says. “Everyone was on the same socioeconomic level, but no one went hungry. … So if someone’s beans weren’t coming in, they would borrow them from a neighbor and return the beans or give them something else, another gift of food when their crop came in.” And in communities where money was hard to come by, people often used food as a means of exchange. For instance, people paid the miller not in money to mill their grits and corn, says Gebhart, but with part of their corn crop. With money so tight, one might imagine that the holiday season wasn’t much to celebrate, but that wasn’t the case. “People talk about Thanksgiving,” says Lester Crayton. “Well, I have it all the time.” Lester is referring to the gratitude he experiences every day, but the sentiment could easily be applied to the other Storybank subjects. Barbara Swell, a Storybank volunteer and local cookbook writer who’s long collected food stories, says people didn’t do much differently for Thanksgiving from what they did for any other gathering. This is not to say that the table wasn’t full of deli-

cious dishes. “The thing that’s so wonderful about this holiday is that it celebrates truly American foods,” says Swell. “And that’s what people here have been eating and sharing anyway. Cornbread, sorghum syrup, a bird of one sort or another, smoked ham, onions, shuck beans, pies, buttermilk, cabbage yanked out of the ground — they were stored upside down with the stems poking out. ... Even cranberries grow here up in the higher elevations.” Gebhart echoes this idea of simple but rich meals for the holidays and throughout the year. “Even if there was a perceived socioeconomic difference, people still ate the same food, and everyone had a hand in food production. It was really simple food, but it was also really rich and diverse,” she says. “People ate so many different vegetables because everyone had a big garden and they put up all their foods. So even though they didn’t have fresh vegetables in the winter, they had canned turnips and beets and sauerkraut. They had canned beans, soup beans, all sorts of things that really made the table a very rich place.” Special treats like wild turkey, fire-roasted chestnuts and apple stack cakes, made from sunor kiln-dried apples, gave people something extra to celebrate during the holiday season. More so than Thanksgiving, Christmas was an important holiday, says Gebhart. To earn a little extra money for the festivities, people would grow small cash crops. “Most people had a little patch of tobacco, and that would largely be used to fund Christmas,” she says. “So people would sell their tobacco in the fall, and that money would be used to buy gifts. And the gifts were very simple. … People always talk about getting an orange and maybe an apple and maybe a few pieces of candy in their stockings.” Listening to the Appalachian Food Storybank interviews, that holiday spirit of being thankful for what you’ve got — even when it isn’t much — truly shines through. “That’s really what is touching to me about these interviews,” says Gebhart, “how much more food was than just food.” Listen to full interviews and learn more at X

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


Do-it-yourself traditions Barbara Swell has spent a lifetime learning about old-timey cooking, homesteading, gardening and gathering. She volunteers with the Appalachian Food Storybank, teaches cooking classes and writes cookbooks highlighting the traditions of the region. Here she shares her recipes for apple cranberry and cider caramel dumpling pie and buttermilk skillet cornbread. And Appalachian Food Storybank founder Susannah Gebhart shares a recipe for traditional Appalachian dried apple stack cake. All would make lovely additions to any holiday spread. (Learn more about Swell’s work at

appLE cRanBERRy anD ciDER caRamEL DumpLing piE This is a beautiful, rustic holiday pie that’s simple to make. The dough slumps over the apples as they bake, forming individual “dumplings.” Don’t be afraid to make your own pie crust! Cider syrup can be made in advance and frozen to use as needed. apple cider caramel syrup: Pour half a gallon of good apple cider into a heavy-bottomed pan and slowly simmer about 30-45 minutes, uncovered. When it starts to get syrupy and bubbly, remove from heat. You should have approximately 1 cup of syrup. Dumpling pie: You’ll need one good, firm pie apple per person. Peel and core apples and place them in a pie plate or glass baking dish. Into each apple hole, poke a mixture of fresh or dried cranberries and chopped walnuts. Brandy-soaked dried cranberries are extra fun. If using fresh, add a pinch of sugar to the mixture. Add cider syrup. For six apples, you need about a third of your cup of syrup to taste. Add a teaspoon or two of unsalted butter and a pinch of salt to the warm cider and drizzle over the apples. If the apples are very tart, you can add one tablespoon of brown sugar. Add a splash of Calvados (French apple brandy), rum, bourbon, cider or water to the bottom of the dish. Cover the apples with pie dough and crimp firmly to attach dough to pie plate. Poke a hole through the dough over the center of each apple. Brush the top of the crust with cream or milk and sprinkle with sugar. Place the pie at the bottom of third of a preheated 400-degree oven. After 15 minutes, reduce heat to 375 degrees and bake until innards bubble and the crust is golden brown. EffiE’s ButtERmiLK sKiLLEt coRnBREaD ingredients: 2 cups stone-ground cornmeal* (either yellow or white) 1 teaspoon baking powder ½-¾ teaspoon salt (increase to 3⁄4 teaspoon if buttermilk is unsalted)

½ teaspoon baking soda 1 egg 1 cup buttermilk 5 tablespoons melted, unsalted butter, plus a bit to grease the skillet

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place cast iron skillet in oven. Meanwhile, toss dry ingredients together in a bowl. In another bowl, whisk wet ingredients well. Add wet to dry and stir until just mixed. If your buttermilk is thick, you may need to add a tablespoon or two extra. Remove skillet from oven, add a small knob of butter and pour batter into pan. Bake about 25 minutes until golden brown. Turn out of skillet at once so that the underside doesn’t get soggy. Note that sugar and wheat flour aren’t typically found in traditional southern Appalachian cornbread recipes. Also note that fresh-ground local cornmeal and cultured buttermilk make all the difference in cornbread! * Swell recommends using one of the five varieties of cornmeal that Dave Bauer, owner of Farm and Sparrow and All Souls Pizza, mills himself from regional heirloom corn. Look for more information at — Recipes courtesy of Barbara Swell


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


This recipe is an adaptation by Appalachian Food Storybank founder Susannah Gebhart from a recipe card from Zara J. Walker of Bryson City. DRiED appLE stacK caKE This recipe uses half the sweeteners of the original with some additional adaptations. Please note: This recipe is not precise, so use your judgment. ingredients: ½ cup molasses ½ cup sugar 1 ½ sticks of butter, soft 1 egg 3 tablespoons buttermilk Approximately 4 cups all-purpose flour (The original recipe calls for “enough flour to make a stiff dough.” You may need to add a bit more. If it tastes like a good cookie dough, you are on the right track.)

1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger 16 ounces dried apples Apple cider or water Red wine (optional)

Place the dried apples in a large pot, and pour over enough cider or water to cover. You can add a splash or two of red wine for a more French take on the thing. Bring to a healthy simmer and allow the apples to hydrate and cook. (Add spices and sugar to taste, if desired, and additional cooking liquid if necessary.) Cook until the apples break down significantly (there will still be some small chunks) and the mixture thickens, to some state between applesauce and apple butter. Set aside and let cool. Cream the butter and add the sugar and molasses. Beat until fluffy. Add the egg and buttermilk to the butter-sugar mixture. Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and spices. (¼ teaspoon each nutmeg and ginger, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon or more to suit your tastes). With your hands or a spatula, add the flour mixture in two parts to the butter mixture. Fold until incorporated. Wrap the dough, in two discs, if necessary, in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. On a lightly, but evenly, floured surface, roll out the dough to ¼ inch and cut into 6-inch rounds. Bake at 350 degrees on parchment-lined cookie sheets until cookies are baked. They will still be a little spongy. After the cake layers have cooled, place one on a plate, spoon some of the apple mixture on and spread in a thin layer evenly over the surface. Add another cake and repeat, stacking up the layers. Place apples on the top layer. If you have extra apples, you can enjoy them as a compote or make a chutney. Wrap up the cake and let it sit overnight at a cool room temperature. — Recipe courtesy of Susannah Gebhart X


by Jake Frankel

Feast for the senses Kelli Cozlin wants to bring more dinner theater to Asheville Kelli Cozlin is cooking up a new feast for the senses. The actress and writer is hoping to add dinner theater to Asheville’s lively food and entertainment mix. And based on years of experience acting in and producing shows across the country, she thinks it’s sure to be a recipe for success. “I feel like we have so much at our fingertips when it comes to food, beer and entertainment. Why not put it all together?” says Cozlin. “It could really put us on the map — we’re already No. 1 for food, we’re already No. 1 for beer. Why not kick it up a notch?” Since moving to town from Orlando, Fla., a year ago, she’s been experimenting with the dinner theater format at the Lexington Avenue Brewery. Her most recent event there was a Halloweenthemed gathering dubbed the “7 Deadly Sins Beer Dinner.” Cozlin teamed up with executive chef Michael Fisera and a group of local actors to produce a beer dinner experience like no other, seamlessly integrating eccentric flavors and performances. Fisera created a sumptuous, seven-course banquet, with each dish and drink corresponding to one of the seven deadly sins. The main dishes included “Wrath” — a duck leg chopped, seared and boiled in its own fat, accompanied by pomegranate and charred orange. It was paired well with Eleanor’s Rye, a malty red ale. The meal was capped with the appropriately named “Gluttony” — a bowl of smoked bacon ice cream covered in candied bacon bits and bacon chocolate sauce. Attendees washed it all down with The Knuckle, an oatmeal stout. All the while, notable clips from classic horror movies such as Nightmare on Elm Street, Carrie and Saw played on a large screen. Some of the characters then came to life in the form of actors, who re-enacted a variety of key scenes.

The experience had an interactive, kitschy quality as several of the freaky figures wandered among diners with sarcastically threatening grimaces and plastic weapons. There was even a survey of sorts asking attendees what their “sin of choice” was. The responses were used to raffle off prizes. The entire room was intricately decked out with spider webs, black lights, pumpkins and other traditional Halloween decorations. The event followed a similar experiment in multimedia dining earlier this year at the LAB that had a superhero and villain motif. The next theatrical beer dinner at the LAB is set for Wednesday, Jan. 14, and will have a ’90s theme, although many of the details are still being worked out. Cozlin says that these initial local experiments have been getting “a really great response” that she wants to build off of. Back in Orlando, where she used to work in the industry, dinner theater is common and popular with everyone from families and retirees to young couples on dates, she says. Like that city, Asheville draws legions of tourists who “want to be dazzled and razzled,” says Cozlin. And despite the larger scale of Orlando’s tourism business, Cozlin thinks Asheville has even more potential to grow as a creative dining destination. “There’s dinner theater in Orlando, but the food is all corporate. We’ve got the luscious farms here, the organic food and the wonderful beer,” she says. “It’s untapped in this area — no pun intended, actually.” A few Asheville venues already serve food at stand-up comedy performances, such as the Mill Room. And of course the town has a plethora of quirky food, beverage and theatrical offerings. But no one is offering the kind of integrated creative pairings Cozlin would eventually like to see on a nightly basis. “I would really love to collaborate with different venues to do that,” she says. “Thinking outside the box, I really see potential. What I’m trying to do is create something in Asheville that you guys don’t have.” For more information on the Lexington Avenue Brewery’s Wedensday, Jan. 14, theatrical beer dinner and to make reservations, visit X

pLay with youR fooD: Actress and writer Kelly Cozlin, right, has teamed up with Lexington Avenue Brewery chef Michael Fisera, left, to produce a beer dinner experience like no other in town. Photo by Cindy Kunst

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



by Toni Sherwood

Behind the Apron Asheville Independent Restaurants is launching a new online resource for the local culinary industry

In Asheville, many restaurateurs realize that cooperation trumps competition. The local culinary scene is well-known for its collaborative spirit, and, a new business-to-business website recently unveiled by Asheville Independent Restaurants, aims to enhance and expand that synergy. Unlike AIR’s current website, which is mostly consumer-based, Behind the Apron was created to be a resource for the organization’s 120-plus member

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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

DEVELoping community: Jeff Miller, owner of Luella’s Bar-B-Que, volunteered to help with the development of Behind the Apron, a new online resource for the local restaurant industry. Photo by Dylan Ireland

restaurants. Amy Garcia, AIR’s director of memberships and partnerships, came up with the idea of a resourcebased website, then worked with Jane Anderson, executive director of AIR, to solicit input from members for its design. “Our members have a lot of common challenges,” Anderson says. Rosetta Buan of Rosetta’s Kitchen volunteered her time as part of the team that put the website content together as her way to give back. “We’ve created this food scene with our farmers and tourism board,” Buan says. “We’re competitive on a national scale now, and AIR has helped us to do that.” Jeff Miller, owner of Luella’s BarB-Que, also worked on developing the website. “It’s a trusted and credible resource for restaurant owners,” Miller says. “We already have a healthy independent restaurant scene; this will make our lives easier.” fRom joB to caREER “We want to make the restaurant business more career-oriented, not something you do until you get the next job,” Anderson says. “Turnover is a huge cost in time and money for the industry.” Before Behind the Apron, restaurateurs relied on Craigslist to post jobs, but the process was timeconsuming and often fruitless. Now

those looking to hire can post open positions, and those looking for jobs can find them quickly and easily in one spot and feel secure that they are communicating with an actual restaurant owner. “It’s possible that in the future people seeking jobs can post,” Anderson says, “but we’re not there yet.” Enabling employees to turn their jobs into sustainable careers requires, in many cases, access to educational opportunities. “In the restaurant business, you can start out as a dishwasher and become front-of-house manager,” Anderson observes, “but [at that point] you have to manage your peers.” Behind the Apron offers listings and online registration for classes and seminars that help build employee skill sets. Steve Rudolph is a former restaurant owner with more than 20 years of management experience. Now a certified coach, Rudolph offers courses tailored for the food-service industry, including his Rising Manager class and Just Shut Up and Do What I Say: Becoming an Inspiring and Effective Leader, which are offered through Behind the Apron. Registration for mandatory education, such as the ServSafe food-handling class and test required by the health department for restaurant managers, is also available through the website.

staying infoRmED Most of AIR’s member restaurants are small businesses and, as such, do not have human resources, marketing or legal departments. “Owning a restaurant is an encompassing career with lots of facets,” Buan says. “Besides food, we have to know the laws, how to train people, health department regulations, even tourism. And yet we are notoriously overworked with little time to devote to it.” Attorney Sabrina Rockoff of McGuire, Wood and Bissette specializes in employment law and will be writing a blog for the website under the heading “Mise En Place.” Rockoff penned a recent post titled, “What Do Your Employees Hear? A Lesson From My First-Grader,” in which she explains why implementing a new policy requires proper communication. Rudolph will be authoring a blog for the site titled “Manager’s Boot Camp.” In his recent post, “Personal Power, Not Authority, Is the Key to Your Leadership Effectiveness,” Rudolph lays out a two-step management and leadership game plan. Under the Resources tab, AIR associate members can post their services and advertise discounts and special deals for AIR members. Listings include restaurant suppliers, local food products, food and beverage distributors and other business providers for the industry. The Exchange is an area of the website that allows members to post equipment for sale, as well as items they wish to purchase, encouraging sustainable practices within the local industry. “Restaurants are constantly wanting to buy and sell used equipment,” Anderson says. LooKing foRwaRD The second phase of the website will be a password-protected, members-only portal — still under construction — where members will be able to share information and advice as well as a reference library. “As we keep adding substance, you’ll be able to go there every day and find what you’re looking for,” Miller says. “I’m most excited to communicate honestly with each other; our frustrations and problems, what works and what doesn’t,” Buan says. “It’s like hanging out with my peers but it’s available 24-7, and with our crazy schedules it’s the only way to get everyone together.” Learn more at X

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014





Send your beer news to or @thomohearn on Twitter.








by Thom O’Hearn

A bold move in Asheville


A Virginia cider maker sets its sights on Henderson County apples and a new facility in Mills River

media channels to find 11 dogs fit for next year’s labels. (One of the models will be Foothills’ own brew dog, Barley.) If you’d like your dog to be considered, visit Foothills on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and use the hashtags #FoothillsIPAdog and #BarleysBuddies.

You could say they came for our apples. Virginia-based Bold Rock Cider recently announced it was making two new varieties of cider: Carolina Apple and Carolina Draft. Bold Rock describes Carolina Apple as “a crisp and light craft cider,” while draft is “a smooth and mellow sessionable variety.” However, as a proud resident of the great state of North Carolina, the biggest question might be: Just who is this Virginia company making Carolina-brand ciders? “I’ve been making cider and in the cider industry for more than 30 years,” says Brian Shanks, president and cider master at Bold Rock. In the 1980s, Shanks turned his apple orchard in New Zealand into a cidery. It continued to grow for about a decade, and he eventually sold majority ownership to H.P. Bulmer. Once he joined Bulmer, he advised on his own company for a while then helped establish a cidery in China. (Oh, and if Bulmer sounds familiar, that’s because the company also owns the Woodchuck and Strongbow brands of cider.) Since 2012, Shanks been working with partner John Washburn on building Bold Rock, a new independent cidery. It takes a high-quality apple to impress Shanks, but apparently Henderson County apples have what it takes. When Shanks got a taste of the apples from Apple Wedge Packers & Cider, a fifthgeneration apple-growing operation run these days by Greg Nix, he was smitten. “The apples are just outstanding,” says Shanks. “We’ve already started trucking them up to Virigina to press.” Since Bold Rock was outgrowing its Virginia facility, the team made

Race to the Taps


APPLES WORTH THE EFFORT: Brian Shanks, left, and Greg Nix look over the apples Bold Rock is currently trucking to Virginia to press. Photo courtesy of Bold Rock Hard Cider Co.

the decision to plan its second location around the apples team members fell in love with. “We’re cider makers, though, not magicians,” says Shanks. So while the company plans to build a state-of-the-art facility in Mills River, where it has already bought about 10 acres, it is making interim plans as well. Bold Rock is currently trying to secure a temporary Asheville-area facility so it can start pressing cider for the North Carolina and South Carolina markets by May 2015. Until then, Bold Rock will continue to ship North Carolina apples to Virginia for pressing and fermenting, then ship Carolina Draft and Carolina Apple ciders back south. Those ciders are just now rolling out around WNC and can be found at many Ingles and Whole Foods

locations in bottles, according to Jeff Liebhardt, Bold Rock’s senior vice president of sales and marketing. Liebhardt says Bold Rock is building draft accounts as well and can currently be found at the Orange Peel, Barley’s Taproom and Pizzeria, Jack of the Wood, Biergarden, the Yacht Club and Southern Kitchen. Sit, Stay, IPA For the past year, Foothills, out of Winston-Salem, has been releasing an IPA of the month. The brewery’s theme for the first year was vintage pinup girls, and a new girl was featured on each label. The company is shaking things up for the second year of the series: The new models will be dogs. For the next 11 months, Foothills will be searching through its social

Highland Brewing recently hosted its first Night Flight race, and Asheville Brewing sponsors the annual Superhero 5K, so many of us here in Ashville have already paired running with a beer after the race. Asheville Radio Group and Kick It Events are taking that pairing to the next level in 2015 with a six-pack of road races that all start and/or end at breweries. According to the companies, each race will be four miles, and the goal is to highlight some of the unique features of the breweries’ neighborhoods as well as the beer. April 25 will be the first race day with Highland Brewing Co. hosting a race in the afternoon followed by another race at Pisgah Brewing Co. in the evening. On July 18, Asheville Pizza and Brewing on Merrimon Avenue will host a morning race. On Aug. 8, a South Slope evening race will feature Catawba, Green Man, Twin Leaf and Wicked Weed. The last two races will take place outside town: On Oct. 3, Oskar Blues Brewery in Brevard will host, and on Oct. 31, Sierra Nevada in Mills River will host. All races will have a party atmosphere at the finish, with music, food trucks and beer. Prizes will be awarded to the top three male and top three female finishers, and there will be additional prizes in masters and grandmasters divisions. Participants can register for single races, but there is an advance six pack ticket available Nov. 28 to Dec. 31. All races will be limited to 750 runners. Find out more at X







oyster house: $3 pint night

AltAmont: Live music: The Love Medicated (funk, jazz), 9pm

weDGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

Asheville BrewinG: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location

CAtAwBA: Live music: HotPoint Trio (gypsy jazz), 5-8pm

FrenCh BroAD: $7 growler fills

hiGhlAnD: Live music: Wham Bam Bowie Band, 6:30pm; Food truck: Gypsy Queen Cuisine

leXinGton Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day osKAr Blues: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm; Beer Run w/ Wild Bill (group run into Pisgah), 6pm

FrenCh BroAD: Live music: Riverside Drive, 6pm

osKAr Blues: Live music: Bradley Carter of Sanctum Sully (bluegrass), 6pm; Food truck: 3 Suns Bistro oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys

Asheville, NC

Full bar . Full kitchen

Food served til 11 pM nightly Monday $3 pint night


AltAmont: Live music: Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm Asheville BrewinG: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations) CAtAwBA: $2 off growler fills

Tuesday cask night Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills Thursday $4 well drinks Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies

hi-wire: $2.50 house pints

oyster house: $2 off growler fills

PisGAh: Live music: Chalwa (rootsrock, reggae), 8pm

PisGAh: Live music: Blue Eyed Bettys (folk, Americana), 6pm

southern APPAlAChiAn: Live music: Courtlaud (alternative), 8pm; Food truck: Vieux Carre

southern APPAlAChiAn: Live music: Vintage Vinyl (Americana), 7pm

weDGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)

oyster house: Cask night

wiCKeD weeD: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 11am

weDGe: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria

weDGe: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)

Brewing Company

hiGhlAnD: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 5:30pm osKAr Blues: Tasty Tuesday: Winter White IPA

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sunDAy FriDAy

AltAmont: Live Music: Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby

FrenCh BroAD: Live music: Wayne Graham (alt-rock, Americana), 6pm

hi-wire: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 12:15pm

hiGhlAnD: 20 Beers for 20 Years: Yermom Belgian Ale (chocolate, fig jam, spices); Live music: Letters to Abigail (Americana, alt-country), 6:30pm; Food truck: Gypsy Queen Cuisine osKAr Blues: Live music: Eric Congdon (Americana), 6pm; Food: Avery’s Hot Dogs PisGAh: Live music: Travers Brothership w/ Dead 27s (rock, blues, soul), 8pm southern APPAlAChiAn: Live music: Ellen Trnka, Howie Johnson & Craig Woody (blues, rock, Americana), 8pm; Food truck: Farm to Fender weDGe: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)

leXinGton Ave (lAB): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day oyster house: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys southern APPAlAChiAn: Live music: BlueSunday w/ Garry Segal (blues), 5pm weDGe: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm


AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam, 8pm


CAtAwBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions FrenCh BroAD: $2.50 pints osKAr Blues: Food truck: 3 Suns Bistro; Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm

165 merrimon avenue | 828.258.7500 |

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



Celebration time

It’s A Wonderful Life, revisited

By stEph guinan

Live theater is current, everchanging and immediate. Case in point, The Immediate Theatre Project’s performance of Live From WVL Radio: It’s A Wonderful Life. Taking the beloved holiday tale and making it relevant to current times, the performance aims to bypass excessive nostalgia and present the moving story as a reinterpretation. To recap, the play — staged at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Monday, Dec. 1 — is based on the classic film, which is based on a 1940s-era short story by Philip Van Doren Stern. It’s the tale of George Bailey, who wishes he had never been born. When an angel appears to grant that wish, George begins to see how his life has positively impacted those around him. “I did a lot of thinking about what exactly I was responding to in the

what It’s A Wonderful Life whERE Monday, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m., at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall. $15 in advance/$20 at the door. whERE Friday and Saturday, Dec. 12 and 13, at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 14, at 3 p.m., at Burnsville Town Center. $15 adults/$10 children.

Wonderful Life story and how I could craft an adaptation that drew on those things,” says producing artistic director Willie Repoley. For this adaptation, “We set up a play-within-a-play where the success of a small group of radio station employees rested upon each other’s generosity just as much as George Bailey is rescued by reciprocal generosity.” Repoley initially developed an adaptation of It’s a Wonderful Life in 2006, but it was scrapped because he “just didn’t find it all that interesting or relevant to how we live now.” In 2009, he reworked the project to be the production that he still performs today.

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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

maKE a wish: Local theater companies Immediate Theatre Project and Parkway Playhouse stage versions of It’s A Wonderful Life. Photo courtesy of Immediate Theatre Project

“I always find it amusing when people say things like ‘It’s just like the movie,’ because it isn’t,” says Repoley. Instead, it looks at the character of George Bailey and the story’s connectivity across the decades. “He has hard choices to make and [constantly] chooses others over himself,” says Repoley. “So the question is, when does one’s generosity start to undermine itself? How much can one give without exhausting oneself? How do you strike a healthy balance between generosity and self-protection? These are not easy questions, and especially in lean economic times, many, many people are making choices like this every day. So his story starts to feel very, very timely.”

Repoley suggests that his actors avoid watching the James Stewart film, “Not because it isn’t great, but because it is perfect. We can never do onstage what Frank Capra did on screen. We can never replace those wonderful performances. We have to find our own connection to the story, so that we can give a performance that stands up to the movie, without trying to duplicate it.” The show will only be in Asheville for one night before continuing its December tour through East Coast venues and over to Wisconsin. But if this performance doesn’t fit into your schedule, The Parkway Playhouse in Burnsville stages its production of It’s A Wonderful Life as a 1940s radio production. X

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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


Give the Gift of Health!


Holiday events around WNC By aLLi maRshaLL




Looking to deck the halls, sing a carol, give a gift, take a stroll, see a play, make a craft or pass a wish list on to a man in a red suit? Here’s where to do all of those things. For more ideas, check out the Community Calendar and

N Don’t risk cabin fever on

Thanksgiving — escape the house for turkey day crafts at Lake james state park. The free event starts at 10 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 27.

N Work up an appetite with the annual turkey trot 5K and gobble wobble one-mile fun run. The races take place Thursday, Nov. 27, beginning and ending at pack square park. The fun run starts at 8:30 a.m. followed by the 5K at 9:15 a.m. $35 5K/$12 fun run.

David Wilcox, photo by Jack Hollingsworth

N “The hammered dulcimer is a percussive instrument, but its ringing overtones also create beautiful, ethereal sounds,” says a press release. National champion hammered dulcimer player and composer (and recent Western North Carolina transplant) joshua

The Wish List Celebration opens at American Folk Art & Framing. Image courtesy of the gallery


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


N Read it & weep Repertory

theatre performs the Christmas that almost Wasn’t at the Burnsville town center. The show stages Friday, Nov. 28, at 10:30 a.m. Tickets are $5.

N Local

singer-songwriter David wilcox holds his annual thanksgiving homecoming show at the grey Eagle on Friday, Nov. 28. “It’ll be a lot of musical guests and a musical Thanksgiving table,” Wilcox says in a promo video for the event. “Songs of gratitude and getting our emotions and spirit ready for the long winter.” All ages, 8 p.m. $18 advance/$20 day of show.

N “Peace on Earth, good will

toward man … what else is on your holiday wish list?” asks american folk art & framing. The local gallery hosts its wish List celebration exhibit from Friday, Nov. 28, at 10 a.m., through Wednesday, Dec. 31. It’s a collection of works from regional potters and painters, gathered throughout the year by American Folk Art & Framing’s staff. Also, “each holiday season sees painters Cornbread & Liz Sullivan painting ornament-sized paintings to adorn a windowsill all year or your tree during the holidays,” says a press release. “Lonnie and Twyla Money, woodcarvers from Kentucky, have created a special bear ornament for 2015.”

N The asheville puppetry alliance and mountain marionettes bring their show, in the nutcracker Mood, to white horse Black mountain. The productions includes the songs “All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth” and “Rockin’ Around

the Christmas Tree.” Trick marionettes, “always an integral part of Mountain Marionettes’ productions,” according to a press release, “perform to a very special rendition of The Nutcracker by the incomparable Glenn Miller Orchestra.” Friday, Nov. 28, at 2 p.m. $8.

N Not ones to mince words, High Point-based guitar-and-drum duo the Low counts describe their holiday hideway show at jack of the wood as “for people who can’t stand being with their families after turkey day but are stuck in town.” And if you are besties with your relatives, bring them along to the Friday, Nov. 28, performance. Matt Townsend and the Wonder of the World shares the bill. 9 p.m., $5. N While there’s plenty of serious, somber, spiritual holiday music — the “Silent Night” and “What Child Is This” ilk — many of our favorites come from cartoons, pop albums and movies. And that’s why local pianist David troy francis, who based his career in classical music, film soundtracks, theater and television, is the perfectly poised to play a holiday concert. He’ll do just that at white horse Black mountain, with vocalist Simone Vigilante. Sunday, Nov. 30, at 7:30 p.m. $15 advance/$18 at the door. X

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messick uses those sounds in his Christmas arrangements, “always in touch with the spiritual power of the melodies.” Messick releases a holiday album, Hammered Dulcimer Christmas with a concert at white horse Black mountain. He’ll be joined by percussionists James Kylen and River Guerguerian and flutist Jamie Wilken. Friday, Nov. 28, at 8 p.m. $18 advance/$20 at the door.

828-251-4242 4 S. Tunnel Rd Asheville Market

The Low Counts, photo courtesy of the band

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Beats and feats Rappers and aerialists collaborate on Hip-hop Circus

By aLLi maRshaLL

Think of hip-hop, and a number of images might come to mind: DJs, loose pants, B-Boys and graffiti, perhaps. Even if your list isn’t culled from stereotypes, it’s unlikely to include aerialists — though that might change after the Hiphop Circus at The Orange Peel on Saturday, Nov. 29. That event pairs area hip-hop acts Free the Optimus, Woven Hatchets and Martin Snoddy and Alpha Lee with Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective for an evening of high-flying, genre-defying action. “We’re always looking for different angles to present our art. Different forms and different crowds,” says MC Chris Shreve of conscious hiphop group FTO. His bandmate Mike L!VE (who also performs as half of Woven Hatchets with fellow MC, Tucson) did a set at Bromelia’s “Missed Connections” show at The Mothlight in July. “We thought it was a pretty cool entertainment experience to have a visual component,” says Shreve. It was L!VE who, after spending years performing with a large

what Hip-hop Circus with Free the Optimus, Woven Hatchets, Martin Snoddy and Alpha Lee and Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective whERE The Orange Peel whEn Saturday, Nov. 29, 9 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

band in Raleigh, came to the conclusion that shows are often a lot of effort for not much financial reimbursement. Inspired to put his creative energy to good use, he started looking into benefit shows. “We did one in April called ‘Where My Dogs At!?’ to benefit Brother Wolf,” says Shreve. “That’s how we began that relationship.” The fundraiser took place at Timo’s House, a venue known for its support of local hip-hop acts. Shreve, who lives in Boone where he teaches at Appalachian State University, calls Timo’s “a cocoon where we could grow.” But both FTO and Brother Wolf Animal Rescue were looking to try their partnership in a larger venue.

muLtimEDia: “My mindset on a live performance is that I always want it to be new,” says MC Chris Shreve of Free the Optimus. The Boone-based artist teamed up with other rappers as well as local aerialists for a night of performance art collaboration. The event benefits Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. Shreve’s photo by Carretto Studio, aerialist photo courtesy of Bromelia Aerial Dance Collective

When the idea struck to add Bromelia to the mix, the concept of the Hip-hop Circus on The Orange Peel’s stage took shape. Performing to live music is nothing new to the aerialists. The group has already produced shows with experimental instrumental outfit Hello Hugo and indie-rockers Pawtooth. In both cases, the aerialists and bands

interspersed separate sets with onstage collaborations. Shreve says for the Nov. 29 production, “the goal is to mesh and have overlap.” While the dancers aren’t planning a fully choreographed number during a hip-hop set, there will be some elements inspired by B-Boy battles. “One of the things we’re going to do is have a big box of props. If someone pulls out a

broom, we’ve got to sweep you off the stage,” says Shreve. Fellow rappers Snoddy and Lee also have experience with crossing genres in the live arena. The duo were special guests of a Hard Bop Explosion jazz show at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall. “A lot of rap is based on jazz sampling,” says Shreve. “But [Snoddy] wasn’t playing with jazz beats, he was playing with jazz players. It’s a totally different rhythm; they’re scatting all over the place. To watch that set, you could see [Snoddy’s] wheels turning.” Shreve says that joint efforts like the Hard Bop Explosion show and the upcoming Hiphop Circus are good for the local music scene. “It proves to a different crowd that rap isn’t just abrasive and angry. It can be that, but it can be a lot of things,” he says. “It can go to a jazz club and knock it out.” Part of the success of Snoddy and Lee’s Hard Bop experiment comes from the rappers’ ability to freestyle. Shreve says

that onstage he also wings it. Meanwhile, L!VE likes to think his set out. That synthesis (with the addition of DJ Jet, known for his scratching skills), makes for a wellbalanced presentation. “My mindset on a live performance is that I always want it to be new,” Shreve says. “Some songs work better in an underground space, some songs fly better on a big stage.” Plus, the Orange Peel show is for all ages, which inspires the artists to pull from material that appeals to a wide audience. The Hip-hop Circus’ artists are interested in pushing their own boundaries, both in terms of style and theme. Shreve credits Asheville’s music fans with progressive tastes: “You can play a weird beat — something conceptual and artsy — and they’ll be totally open to it.” To parlay that into a big-top-themed show, benefiting canines, no less, is an (almost) logical next step. “We adapt,” says Shreve. “If you have a bunch of kids in the crowd, and adults, you have to hit on something universal.” X

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


by Edwin Arnaudin

Family style Thanksgiving traditions with Acoustic Syndicate

Steve “Big Daddy” McMurry has plenty to be thankful for this year. High on the list for the Acoustic Syndicate singer/guitarist are his wife, Jerrianne, his family and his Cleveland County farm, in which he and his cousin/bandmate Bryon McMurry (banjo, electric guitar) are partners. And then there are Acoustic Syndicate’s loyal fans, without whom the bluegrass rock band’s annual Thanksgiving show — held this year on Saturday, Nov. 29, at The Grey Eagle — wouldn’t be possible. The concert tradition began a decade ago. The band had been on the road for six months and decided to have what Steve calls “kind of a homecoming show” at The Orange Peel. Acoustic Syndicate — about to stop touring after 12 years of playing together — went in thinking the gig would be a one-time event, possibly even a bust. Their fans, however, had other ideas. “It absolutely slammed,” Steve says. “It was kind of a message to us that we may be ready to call it quits, but our people were not ready for that.” Humbled and honored by that support, Acoustic Syndicate returned to The Orange Peel in 2005, this time dubbing the occasion “Big Daddy’s Thanksgiving Reunion.” It became an annual event. Though the band still loves that venue, this year the show

who Acoustic Syndicate whERE The Grey Eagle whEn Saturday, Nov. 29, at 9 p.m. $15 advance/$18 day of show

moves to The Grey Eagle, which Steve says is a more intimate and suitable space for the reunion. The sense of closeness elevates what’s already a rare chance to catch the band, which — even after the 2013 release of Rooftop Garden, their first album since 2004 — plays only 15-20 shows a year. “We still pick our battles pretty carefully. We’ll run out and do a little string of sets and make it sensible,” Steve says. “We love it so much more this way. We don’t get worn out or burned out.” With children to raise and parents to take care of, being a fulltime touring band isn’t realistic. Other than Billy Cardine, who stays busy playing the Dobro for a variety of ensembles, all of the bandmates have day jobs. Along with sustaining the corn, soybeans and sorghum cane crops on his farm, Steve is a construction engineer and technician — “That’s a fancy way of saying ‘inspector,’” he says — for the Department of Transportation. Bryon is the Cleveland County Farm Service Agency executive director for the U.S. Department of Agriculture; his brother Fitz (drums) spends his days in the woods, maintaining trails for South Mountains State Park; and bassist Jay Sanders runs the marketing firm Allies Labs in Asheville. Yet considering how special these limited opportunities to see the band live have become, the Thanksgiving shows remain a distinct experience from Acoustic Syndicate’s other performances. “It’s just that family atmosphere and the feeling of home,” Steve says. “It’s a real good feeling. Everybody’s kind of relaxed and happy.” Past iterations have featured such special guests as The BlueBrass Project, in which Trombone Shorty was one of an estimated 30 musicians onstage at one time. But recently, Acoustic Syndicate has perpetuated the show by sticking closer to the more traditional material it has played over the years. It’s these

songs that people come back to see. “As far as a rigid set order goes, it’s probably our most relaxed. We don’t stick to our guns too hard,” Steve says. “I wouldn’t call it an all-request night, but we’re certainly open to suggestions.” In addition to the roar of the crowd, the band will hit the stage fueled by Thursday’s big meal. For decades, the McMurry family celebrated the holiday at their grandmother’s house, but in the six years since she passed away, Steve and Jerrianne have hosted 50-60 cousins and friends in what he calls a “misfit Thanksgiving.” Putting serious thought and planning into the day, Steve cooks two of the biggest turkeys he can find, his brother chops up a Boston butt and other guests bring potluck dishes. “We gather, have a couple of drinks, have some fellowship, and that’s fine for us,” Steve says. “We welcome it.” X

fEast youR EaRs: Acoustic Syndicate’s Thanksgiving shows are an annual tradition, but how does Steve “Big Daddy” McMurry, center, celebrate the holiday at home? For the past six years, he and his wife, Jerrianne, have hosted 50-60 cousins and friends in what he calls a “misfit Thanksgiving.” Photo by Lynne Harty

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014



by Bill Kopp

A career in FLUX Adrian Belew brings his Power Trio to Asheville

The music of electric guitarist Adrian Belew is tough to pin down, and he prefers it that way: “I don’t like to put titles on any of these brands of music,” he says. “For the people making the music, it’s better not to have them.” The people listening to the music can weigh in on Wednesday, Dec. 3, when The Adrian Belew Power Trio performs at New Mountain. A rundown of some of the musician’s better-known credits involves touring and/or recording with Frank Zappa, The Bears, Talking Heads, Nine Inch Nails, Tom Tom Club and David Bowie.

who The Adrian Belew Power Trio with Asian Teacher Factory whERE New Mountain, whEn Wednesday, Dec. 3, 8 p.m. $24 advance / $28 day of show

And for many years (1981-84 and 1994-2008) he played guitar, sang and composed in King Crimson. Alongside all of those projects, the Nashville-based guitarist has maintained a solo career and has nearly two dozen album releases under his own name. Since 2006, Belew has led his eponymous Power Trio. The current lineup includes drummer Tobias Ralph and Julie Slick on bass. Belew first learned of Slick while he was teaching a seminar at The School of Rock. “Julie was a graduate of the school,” Belew says. “Paul Green, the founder of the school, said, ‘You’ve got to hear these two students of mine.’ So


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

Julie and her brother Eric played together. And that was enough for me!” The siblings rounded out Belew’s new trio; Eric eventually left to join Dr. Dog and was replaced by Ralph. Julie Slick’s muscular, inventive playing has earned her critical plaudits. She came to the widespread notice of King Crimson fans when she toured (with Belew and Ralph) as part of Two of a Perfect Trio, a sixperson, three-act concert that eventually became what the King Crimson organization calls a “ProjeKct,” a side project involving one or more members of Crimson. The TOAPT concert at the Diana Wortham Theatre was a highlight of the 2011 Moogfest. King Crimson — with more than 20 musicians having passed through its ranks — recently concluded a new tour of its own. Members come, go and sometimes return, depending on what founder Robert Fripp has in mind at any given time. Presumably the door is left open for former members to return to the active lineup. “I think that is the way Robert Fripp views it,” says Belew. “I’m not sure it’s the way I view it. I don’t know if there is any future for me in King Crimson. Now that I’ve been sort of outside the band and watched it walk by, I’m a lot less interested.” With his Power Trio, the man dubbed the Twang Bar King (also the title of his 1983 album) has plenty to hold his interest. Each night on the current tour, the three musicians build their pieces based on a new Belew concept he calls FLUX. “It’s the first time we’ve tried this,” he says. “We’re doing things in a different format: sometimes we don’t play the complete songs. We play a portion of them, and they’re interrupted by something, and then we go to the next song. So in our evening of music, we can play something like 30 different pieces.” Belew describes this approach as a “really good way to move the pace of the show,

nEw tERRitoRy: Guitarist Adrian Belew, known for his work with King Crimson, is fully invested in his eponymous Power Trio and his new mobile app, FLUX. “Music is never the same thing twice,” he says. Photo by Gary and Jill Bandfield

and to give the listener and viewer a look at my whole career.” This month, following a successful crowdfunding campaign, the FLUX concept debuted as a mobile app. Belew will regularly add new music into it. The idea with the interactive

FLUX app — and, by extension, the live music of The Adrian Belew Power Trio — is that “music is never the same thing twice.” Belew adds, “I think that because people process things so much quicker now, the world is ready for this.” X


3377 Sweeten Creek Rd. Arden, N.C. 28704

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

















by Kyle Sherard

A room with a view At the turn of the last century, the space situated three stories above 52 Broadway was a meat freezer. Now, a quick walk up two flights of creaky wooden stairs leads to The Asheville Loft, downtown’s newest art gallery. That gallery is actually the common room and occasional studio space for owners and residents David Lawter and Leigh Ann Singleton. Both are classically trained musicians who perform with the Asheville Lyric Opera and the Hendersonville and Brevard symphonies. They’ve primarily used the space for rehearsals and small musical performances since moving in over a year ago. But throughout that year they both longed for a more inclusive arts atmosphere. Creating the space to exhibit art was the next logical step. Singleton says, “It’s been a vision of ours for a while.” The current exhibition, A Confluence of Elements (a group show on view through Sunday, Jan. 4), features the works of Asheville-based painters and illustrators Alena Hennessy, Matthew Beasley, Rose Candela Moore and photographer Taylor Taz Johnson. The pieces, according to Hennessy, who organized the show, individually and collectively seek to form a visual and meditative intersection between the worlds of nature and artistic expression.

Mr. K’s


“All the works are inspired by nature in confluence with design,” she says. “I see it as the elements of art — space, shape, value, line, color, texture and form — meeting the elements of nature — earth, water, air and fire.” Beasley’s work places figurative or medallionlike icons over blue skies and sunset landscapes while Johnson’s photographs manipulate geometric patterns found in flowers and leafy vegetation. Moore’s art, meanwhile, takes an abstract approach. Her works weave loose blue and red linear patterns into and against the grains of wood boards. Hennessy’s own paintings are inspired by or made for books that she created with former Ashevillebased publisher Lark Books. She depicts imaginative terrains filled with loose floral gardens and starlit skies that backdrop sailboats and neon seas. This particular exhibition features paintings Hennessey made for her newest book, The Painting Workbook: How to Get Started and Stay Inspired, which hit bookstores in October. “They all overlap in some way,” she says. “Whether it’s with fluid ink or bright, saturated colors, they all harmonize together.” Lawter and Singleton opened their first exhibition in May with a collection of drawings and paintings and a small reception held among friends. A second, larger

mEDitatiVE intERsEction: “The Pulse of Love, The Tides of Life, The Waves of You” by Rose Candela Moore. Image courtesy of the artist

group showing of local artists followed in August and paved the way for a greater audience. These initial openings ushered in a steady stream of inquiries about potential art exhibits, musical performances, film screenings and vaudevillian acts. Most of these, according to Kaitlyn Allen, Loft’s curator and gallery manager, were based purely on the gallery’s exposed bricks, structural beams and warm speakeasy atmosphere. “We’re about creating a space so that artists, musicians, actors and Bohemians of the world have a place to gather and be appreciative of each other’s art forms,” Singleton says. “We want to invite other people to be a part of that.” In addition to exhibitions and the occasional performance, Lawter also hosts biweekly drawing sessions. There’s traditional live modeling most weeks, with

quick gestural sessions on Monday nights and longer form poses on Thursday evenings. Every so often, Lawter brings in burlesque models and aerial dancers to perform and pose from the gallery’s central support beams. It’s these events (along with Lawter’s and Singleton’s eagerness to access and involve Asheville’s peripheral arts community) that Allen says have formed a unique creative foundation — one that will help to shape events in the year ahead. “We’re up for anything,” she says. “That’s basically our motto, and if anyone wants to come to us with an idea that may seem way too over the top, we’re up for it. We want to be that space.” The Asheville Loft is on the third floor of 52 Broadway and is open to the public every Friday and Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m. and by appointment. X


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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

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a&E caLEnDaR

by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald Center For CulturAl PreservAtion 692-8062, • TH (12/4), 7pm - Keeping the Fires Burning series: The Mountains are Alive with Bluegrass with Marc Pruett and Darren Nicholson. In Bo Thomas Auditorium at Blue Ridge Community College. GroCe uniteD methoDist ChurCh 954 Tunnel Road, 298-6195, • SU (11/30), 4pm - Christmas Concert with pianist David Troy Francis. Free to attend. musiC At A-B teCh 398-7900, • WE (12/3), 7pm - College chorus fall concert. In Ferguson Auditorium. Free. musiC At unCA 251-6432, • SUNDAYS, 3pm - Brevard Music Center faculty concerts, co-sponsored by OLLI. Free. Held in the Reuter Center.

m-i-c-K-E-y m-o-u-s-E…KEtEER: Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me? Former mouseketeer Lindsey Alley is ready to tell you all about it in her standup comedy and music performance, Blood, Sweat and Mouseketears. Alley will perform in WCU’s John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, Dec. 2. Photo courtesy of Lindsey Allen. (p.39)

Art visuAl Artist AvAilABle (pd.) experienced Art instruction: Drawing / Mark-making / Watercolor Painting; Private, groups, homeschool, all ages. ArchiScapes: Architectural Portraits, make Excellent Gift Certificates. For more information visit ArtetuDe GAllery 89 Patton Ave., 252-1466, • TU (12/2) through WE (12/31), 11am-6pm Holiday Gift Market, works by various local artists. Asheville PuPPetry CluB 367-4910 • TH (12/4), 7pm - Workshop and screening of the documentary A Puppet Intervention. Free. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road

AuDitions & CAll to Artists ATTENTION ARTISTS • CRAFTERS (pd.) Space available (2,000 sqft) in downtown Waynesville, that would provide a place to work and sell. Heat, parking. 30 minutes from Asheville. • Individual booths. • Could be co-op. I will develop the space to a plan, if there is interest. (828) 216-6066. AnAm CArA theAtre 545-3861, • TU (12/2), 8-10pm - Open auditions for Accordion Time Machine, experimental theatre ensemble. Contact for guidelines. Free. Held at Toy Boat Community Art Space, 101 Fairview Road, Suite B

Asheville AreA Arts CounCil 258-0710, • MO (12/1) through TH (1/15) - Applications accepted from WNC artists for the Art in the Park Arts and Community Grant. Contact for guidelines. Brother wolF AnimAl resCue 505-3440, • Through TH (12/4) - Donations accepted for Brother Wolf Animal Rescue’s “Paws to Give” holiday fundraiser. {re}hAPPeninG • Through MO (12/15) - Applications open for this annual event honoring the legacy of Black Mountain College. All genres and disciplines. Contact for full guidelines. Free. the mAGnetiC theAtre 372 Depot St., 257-4003 • Through TH (1/1) - Short scripts accepted for consideration in Brief Encounters 2015. Contact for details.

musiC AFRICAN DRum LESSONS • SkINNy BEATS Drum shoP (pd.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. No experience necessary. Drums provided. $12/class. (828) 768-2826. HOLIDAy ORCHESTRA POPS • BLuE riDGe orChestrA (pd.) Saturday, December 6, 2014, 4pm, Rainbow Community School Auditorium, 58 State Street, West Asheville • Sunday, December 7, 2014, 4pm, Folk Art Center, Milepost 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville. $15/$10/$5. Tickets available at

musiC At wCu 227-2479, • TU (12/2), 7pm - Blood, Sweat and Mousketears, music and stand-up comedy with former Mousketeer Lindsey Alley. In the Bardo Arts Center. $10/$5 students • TH (12/4), 7:30pm - Western Carolina Civic Orchestra, classical. In the Coulter Building. Free.

theAter Asheville PuPPetry AlliAnCe • FR (11/28), 2pm - Mountain Marionettes presents In The Nutcracker Mood. $8. Held at White Horse Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain DiAnA worthAm theAtre 2 South Pack Square, 257-4530, • FR (11/28) & SA (11/29), 7pm - A Christmas Carol. Fri.: 7pm; Sat.: 2pm & 7pm. $30/$25 students/$15 children. FlAt roCK PlAyhouse Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS (11/26) through (12/21) - A Christmas Carol. Wed.-Sat.: 8pm; Wed., Thur., Sat. & Sun.:2pm. $40/$25 students/$10 children. J.e. Broyhill CiviC Center 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenior, On the Caldwell Community College campus. • TH (12/4) through SU (12/7) - Beautiful Star: An Appalachian Nativity. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 3pm. $15/$8 students reAD it & weeP rePertory theAtre 208-4731, • FR (11/28), 10:30am - The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t. $5. Held at Burnsville Town Center, 6 Main St., Burnsville


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the mAGnetiC theAtre • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (12/4) through (12/20), 7pm - The 38th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular. $20. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St. toy BoAt Community Art sPACe 101 Fairview Road, Suite B, 505-8659, • FR (11/28) & SA (11/29), 7pm - Marshmallow Family Circus, family friendly puppetry and circus stunts. $10.

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


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gaLLERy DiREctoRy

AlChemy Fine Art 25 Rankin Ave., 367-7714, • Through SU (12/21) - Works by Angela Cunningham and Anis Crofts. AmeriCAn FolK Art AnD FrAminG 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, • FR (11/28) through WE (12/31) - Wish List Celebration, exception pieces collected throughout the year Art At BrevArD ColleGe 884-8188, • Through FR (12/5) - Works by Kristen Necessary. Art At mArs hill • Through FR (12/12) - Meghan Thomas, photography. In the Weizenblatt Gallery. Free. Art At unCA • Through TU (12/2) - Comforting Deceptions, paintings by Maggie Harwell. In Owen Hall. Art At wCu 227-3591, • Through FR (1/9) - David Raymond’s Other People’s Pictures and Eric Oglander: Craigslist Mirrors, photography. In the Bardo Arts Center.

miCA Fine ContemPorAry CrAFt 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 688-6422, • Through TH (1/1) - Wearable art works by Edwin Bringle, Liz Spear, Stacy Lane, Nita Forde and Kathryn Faille. oDyssey CooPerAtive Art GAllery 238 Clingman Ave, 285-9700, odysseycoopgallery • Through SU (11/30) - Gallery member ceramic art show. PulP 103 Hilliard Ave., 225-5851 • Through WE (12/31) - Poster art by Joshua Marc Levy.

Asheville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, • FR (11/28) through SU (3/15) - What You See Is What You See: American Abstraction After 1950, American Abstract Expressionism. $8/$7 students and seniors/free under 5.

silversPACe GAllery 109 Roberts St. in the Phil Mechanic Building, 706-254-3456, • Through SA (12/31) - Cautionary Tales, photography by Priscilla Smith.

BenDer GAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, • Through SU (11/30) - Spirits of the Flame, flameworked glass sculpture. CAstell PhotoGrAPhy GAllery 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, • Through SA (12/20) - Next: New Photographic Visions, juried exhibition.

GrovewooD GAllery 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, • Through WE (12/31) - Hops & Crafts, mugs, steins & tankards by regional artist.

seven sisters GAllery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, • Through SU (1/25) - Paintings and wood etchings by Jim Southerland.

Asheville loFt GAllery 52 Broadway St. 3B, 782-8833, • ONGOING - A Confluence of Elements, works by various artists.

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

FolK Art Center MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, • Through TU (2/3) - Beyond Textures, multimedia.

Asheville AreA Arts CounCil GAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, • Through FR (1/9) - Odyssey ClayWorks: A Collective Perspective, ceramics.

Asheville GAllery oF Art 16 College St., 251-5796, • Through SU (11/30) - Skies Over Appalachia, paintings by Jane Desonier. • MO (12/1) through WE (12/31 - The Power of Place, pastels by Everett Schmidt. Opening reception: Dec. 5, 5-8pm.


FlooD GAllery 109 Roberts St., 254-2166, Located in the Phil Mechanic Building. • Through (12/19) - Posada: Marigolds & Skulls, prints by Jose Guadalupe.

the GrAnD BohemiAn GAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, • Through WE (12/31) - Expressionist landscapes by Jean Claude Roy. trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, • Through FR (12/19) - Sacred Spaces, works by three artists. west Asheville liBrAry 942 Haywood Road • Through MO (12/29) - Eyeing the Landscape, photography by Ron Martin-Adkins. woolworth wAlK 25 Haywood St., 254-9234 • Through (1/15) - The Future is Certain, contemporary paintings by Carly Greene. Contact the galleries for hours and admission fees

Send your arts news to











A&E staff

BEAT LIFE Despite its mountaincentric name, the Asheville Beat Tape Collective actually aims to unite far-flung electronic musicians in addition to fulfilling its local networking mission. Founded by DJ and producer Nigel One, the collaborative sphere churns out multiartist compilation CDs and hosts regular performances where local enthusiasts can “cross-pollinate” with performers from across the globe. One such event, BEAT LIFE, will feature performances by local acts Panther God, Emerald Curtain, Musashi Xero and Portugal by Day as well as a set by Toledo, Ohio’s Heavy Color. Headlining the show is Los Angeles-based Mono/ Poly who is known, according to his bio, for pairing “face-melting bass” with “dreamy astral soundscapes of glitch-based hip-hop.” BEAT LIFE starts at 10 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 28, at One Stop. $10. ashevillemusichall. com. Photo by Theonepointeight

The Stump Mutts “Shake off your Thanksgiving cabin fever,” invites a press release from The Stump Mutts. The local alternative rockers will hold a concert and afterparty in celebration of their upcoming EP release, We Can All Relate, and each advance ticket includes a free download of the album for studious types who like to memorize lyrics ahead of time. According to the band, The Stump Mutts’ tunes “evoke relatable stories of toxic relationships, love and loss, obsession, rebellion, deceit and desire,” but their live show will end on a positive note with an upbeat, hourlong set by DJ Molly Parti. Fellow Asheville rockers Hard Rocket open at 8 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 29, at The Millroom. $5 advance/$8 day of show. Photo courtesy of the band

Joe Zimmerman Although Joe Zimmerman moved to New York City to pursue a career in comedy, the former Ashevillean still comes back to visit — at least during his extensive, national tours. Zimmerman, who calls himself an “ambassador of joy,” was recently featured on Comedy Central’s “The Half Hour,” “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson,” John Oliver’s “Stand-up Show” and NBC’s “Last Comic Standing” in addition to receiving accolades at several comedy festivals for his “accessible absurdisms.” Atlantabased comedian Rob Haze, known for clever wordplay and pop culture references, will open Zimmerman’s show at The Millroom on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. $10 advance/$12 day of show. Photo courtesy of Zimmerman

Greyhounds A greyhound (the dog) is sleek and fast. A Greyhound (the bus) is more of an underdog — not to mention a vehicle of subculture and necessity. Greyhounds (the band), from Austin, Tex., are sleek underdogs with more swagger and style than either of their namesakes. Guitarist Andrew Trube and keyboardist Anthony Farrell call their sound “Hall and Oates meets ZZ Top” — a bizarrely perfect amalgam of roots rock, soul, retro cool and thick groove. Trube and Farrell are also members of JJ Grey & Mofro but have been been performing as Greyhounds since the late ’90s. Their new album, Accumulator, with contagious tracks like “Lone Rider” and “You’re Gone,” sounds as fresh as it is masterful. The band plays The Grey Eagle on Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 8 p.m. $10 advance/$12 day of show. Photo courtesy of the band

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


C L U B L A N D PACK’s tAvern Steve Mosley Duo (acoustic rock), 9pm

weDnesDAy, novemBer 26

renAissAnCe Asheville hotel Thanksgiving day dinner, 4pm

5 wAlnut wine BAr Wine tasting w/ Rob Nance Duo (folk), 5pm Sankofa (world), 8pm

room iX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm

550 tAvern & Grille Karaoke w/ Sound Extreme, 9pm

sCAnDAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

Ben’s tune-uP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm

sCully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm tAllGAry’s CAntinA Iggy Radio, 7pm

BlACK mountAin Ale house Buncombe County Boys (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm

the soCiAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Mark Bumgarner, 7pm

the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm

BurGer BAr Tom Waits night, 9pm

tiGer mountAin New Wave dance w/ Cliff (80s pop, postpunk, punk-rock, synthpop), 10pm

BywAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm CorK & KeG One Leg Up (jazz), 8pm

timo’s house ’90s Recall w/ Franco (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm

Crow & quill Uncle Shabby’s Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm

town PumP Bushwick Hotel (soul, indie-rock), 9pm

DuGout Karaoke, 9pm FoGGy mountAin BrewPuB Trivia, 8pm GrinD CAFe Trivia night, 7pm

onE-man, many-BanDs: Lonesome Leash is the solo moniker of New Orleansbased songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Walt McClements. Previously involved in bands like Dark Dark Dark, Hurray for the Riff Raff and Why Are We Building Such A Big Ship?, McClements now displays his talents alone — and all at once. See Lonesome Leash perform with Desperate Pilot and Holy Holy Vine at the Mothlight on Monday, Dec. 1, for a free show.

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll Duo Guggino (dinner music), 7:15pm JACK oF the wooD PuB Old-time session, 5pm loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm moJo KitChen & lounGe DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm mountAin moJo CoFFeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm noBle KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm oFF the wAGon Piano show, 9pm

To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (, fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

olive or twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm PisGAh BrewinG ComPAny The Blue Eyed Bettys (old-time), 6pm

wilD winG CAFe south Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm

thursDAy, novemBer 27

room iX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm

* Many recurring events may have been canceled for the holiday. Check venue website for updates.

southern APPAlAChiAn Brewery Vintage Vinyl (Americana), 7pm

Blue KuDZu sAKe ComPAny Trivia night, 8pm

strAiGhtAwAy CAFe Circus Mutt (bluegrass), 6pm

BroADwAy’s Retro Dance Party w/ DJs Abu Disarray & Kipper (’80s, ’90s), 10pm

tAllGAry’s CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm the mothliGht The Green Fields w/ Warm the Bell, Wayne Robbins (pop, folk), 8:30pm the PhoeniX Jazz night, 8pm

Crow & quill Orphans’ Dinner: Thanksgiving potluck & “way too much Tom Waits,” 9pm DouBle Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm

tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urBAn orChArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm

FriDAy, novemBer 28 185 KinG street Hometown Holiday Jam, 8pm 5 wAlnut wine BAr Shake it Like A Caveman (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm 550 tAvern & Grille Joe Lasher Jr. Band (Southern rock), 9pm Alley KAts tAvern Marc Keller, 9pm AthenA’s CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm BlACK mountAin Ale house Ginny McAfee (country, folk), 7:30pm Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Acoustic Swing, 7pm BurGer BAr Live ragtime, 7pm

the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

elAine’s DuelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

tiGer mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm

loBster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm

ClAssiC wineseller Mike Pilgrim, Don Mercz & Drew Kirkpatrick (gypsy-jazz), 7pm

town PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm

mArKet PlACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm

Crow & quill HotPoint Trio (hot jazz, old-time), 9pm

tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm

oFF the wAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm

DouBle Crown DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm

olive or twist West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm

wilD winG CAFe Karaoke, 9pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm

BywAter The Whappers (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm

DuGout Fine Line (classic rock), 9pm elAine’s DuelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm

FoGGy mountAin BrewPuB Ashley Heath (Americana, folk), 10pm

the Joint neXt Door Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 8pm

FrenCh BroAD Brewery Wayne Graham (alt-rock, Americana), 6pm

the PhoeniX Moonshine Babies (Americana, roots), 9pm

Green room CAFe & CoFFeehouse Olivier (jazz, pop, saxophone), 6pm

the soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern David Wilcox & Friends (folk, acoustic), 8pm

tiGer mountAin Devyn (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm

hiGhlAnD BrewinG ComPAny Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 6:30pm

town PumP Kristina Murray (electric-Americana), 9pm

iron horse stAtion Dana & Susan Robinson (Americana), 7pm

toy BoAt Community Art sPACe The Marshmallow Family Circus, 7pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll Russ Wilson’s Rhythm and Blues Revue (blues), 8:30pm

tunnel roAD tAP hAus Riyen Roots (blues), 5pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB The Low Counts w/ Matt Townsend & The Wonder of the World (Americana, blues, folkrock), 9pm JerusAlem GArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm leX 18 Michael Jefry Stevens & Harry Schulz (jazz piano, vocals), 7:30pm loBster trAP King Leo (jazz), 6:30pm mArKet PlACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm nAtive KitChen & soCiAl PuB Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7:30pm new mountAin A Live One (Phish tribute), 9pm Freq Nasty (dance, electronic), 10pm niGhtBell restAurAnt & lounGe Dulítel DJ (indie, electro-pop), 10:30pm noBle KAvA Samuel Paradise & Friends (ambient electronica), 8:30pm

white horse BlACK mountAin Mountain Marionettes w/ In A Nutcracker Mood, 2pm Joshua Messick’s Hammered Dulcimer Christmas, 8pm wilD winG CAFe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

sAturDAy, novemBer 29 185 KinG street Malcolm Holcombe (acoustic, folk), 8pm 5 wAlnut wine BAr Sean Gaskell (world), 6pm El Duende (Latin jazz), 9pm

mArKet PlACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm

niGhtBell restAurAnt & lounGe DJ Bumerang (electro-swing, hip-hop), 10:30pm noBle KAvA Donovan Punch (progressive acoustic, fusion guitar), 8:30pm oDDitorium Drunk In A Dumpster, MRSA, No Anger Control & Future Crimes (punk, metal), 9pm


oFF the wAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or twist 42nd Street (jazz, swing), 8pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm

Open Mon-Thurs 4-8pm, Fri 4-9pm Sat 2-9pm, Sun 1-6pm

Alley KAts tAvern Don & Korey (members of Sons of Ralph), 9pm AthenA’s CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm

olive or twist Free Flow (funk, Motown), 8pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm

BywAter One Leg Up (gypsy jazz), 8pm

PisGAh BrewinG ComPAny Travers’ Brothership w/ The Dead 27’s (blues, funk, jam), 9pm

mArCo’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm

new mountAin #ThanksgivingWeekndBash (dance), 10pm

Blue mountAin PiZZA & Brew PuB Bob Zullo, 7pm

PACK’s tAvern DJ MoTo (pop, dance, hits), 9pm

loBster trAP Riyen Roots Band (blues), 7pm

wAter’n hole Hometown Holiday Jam & Food Drive w/ Soldier’s Heart & guests, 8pm

oFF the wAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm

osKAr Blues Brewery Eric Congdon (Americana, blues), 6pm

leX 18 HotPoint Trio (gypsy swing), 8:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-Gatsby swing), 11pm

millroom Stump Mutts CD release party w/ Hard Rocket & DJ Molli Parti (alt-rock), 8pm

BlACK mountAin Ale house The Zealots (indie-rock), 9pm

orAnGe Peel Local Country Showcase (multiple artists), 9pm

JerusAlem GArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

oDDitorium Benefit for Mental Health Awareness, 9pm Spliff & Kortriba (punk), 9pm

one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm Mono/Poly w/ Panther God & Heavy Color (IDM, experimental, psychedelic), 10pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB The Sufi Brothers w/ Asheville Aces (bluegrass, folk-rock, blues), 9pm

CAtAwBA BrewinG Co. Hot Point Trio (jazz), 5pm ClAssiC wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles, Elton John covers), 7pm CorK & KeG Zydeco Ya Ya (zydeco, Cajun), 8pm Crow & quill Skunk Ruckus (punk-folk, dark Americana), 9pm DuGout Flashback Sally (classic rock), 9pm elAine’s DuelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm FoGGy mountAin BrewPuB Blood Gypsies (soul, jazz, blues), 10pm

sCAnDAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

FrenCh BroAD Brewery Riverside Drive, 6pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm

GooD stuFF Shake It Like A Caveman (rock ’n’ roll), 8pm

southern APPAlAChiAn Brewery Ellen Trnka, Howie Johnson & Craig Woody (blues, rock, Americana), 8pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Acoustic Syndicate (folk, bluegrass, jam), 9pm

tAllGAry’s CAntinA Jordan Okrand Band (classic rock), 9:30pm

hiGhlAnD BrewinG ComPAny Wham Bam Bowie Band (David Bowie tribute), 6:30pm

the ADmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm

iron horse stAtion Barb Turner (R&B), 7pm

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till




Full Bar


one stoP Deli & BAr Threesound (rock, funk), 10pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll Jazz showcase, 6pm

osKAr Blues Brewery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm

orAnGe Peel Hip Hop Circus (benefit show, multiple artists), Featuring Bromelia Aerial Arts and benefitting Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, 9pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB Irish session, 5pm

renAissAnCe Asheville hotel World AIDS Day w/ live music, poetry readings celebrating hope for the future, 7pm

osKAr Blues Brewery Bradley Carter of Sanctum Sully (bluegrass), 6pm

COMING SOON Wed11/26 • 7:15 PM












Thur12/11 • 9:00 PM


Every Sunday


PACK’s tAvern A Social Function (classic hits, rock ’n’ roll), 9pm

loBster trAP Hunnilicious (Americana, country, folk, pop, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

PisGAh BrewinG ComPAny Chalwa (reggae), 8pm

moJo KitChen & lounGe Sunday night swing, 5pm

PurPle onion CAFe Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk, jazz), 8pm

oFF the wAGon Piano show, 9pm

sCAnDAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

olive or twist East Coast swing lesson w/ John Dietz, 7pm DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm southern APPAlAChiAn Brewery Courtaud (alternative), 8pm


vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm white horse BlACK mountAin Bill Bares & Michael Jefry Stevens (jazz piano), 7:30pm wilD winG CAFe Team trivia, 8:30pm

sCAnDAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

tAllGAry’s CAntinA Jarvis Jenkins (Southern rock), 9:30pm

AltAmont BrewinG ComPAny Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8pm

southern APPAlAChiAn Brewery BlueSunday w/ Garry Segal (blues), 5pm

the ADmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm

Asheville musiC hAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm

strAiGhtAwAy CAFe Duke, 5pm

the Joint neXt Door Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 8pm

BlACK mountAin Ale house Trivia, 7pm

tAllGAry’s CAntinA Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm

the PhoeniX Bradford Carson (modern mountain music), 1pm The American Gonzos (rock, funk), 9pm

BuFFAlo niCKel Trivia, 7pm

the soCiAl ’80s night, 9pm

CluB eleven on Grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm

the soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin IIIrd Wave dance night w/ Lynnnn & Sarah K (avant-dance, disco, darkwave), 10pm town PumP Sunday jam, 4pm toy BoAt Community Art sPACe The Marshmallow Family Circus, 7pm tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Ruby Mayfield & The Friendship Train (soul, blues), 10pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm wAter’n hole Tonology, ’90s rock & more, 8pm white horse BlACK mountAin Blue Ridge Music Trails: Family Traditions concert, 7:30pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm white horse BlACK mountAin David Troy Francis (holiday piano), 7:30pm yACht CluB Steely Dan Sunday, 5pm

monDAy, DeCemBer 1 AltAmont BrewinG ComPAny Old-time jam, 8pm BlACK mountAin Ale house Bluegrass jam w/ The Big F’n Deal Band, 7pm BurGer BAr Honky-tonk ladies night, 4pm BywAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm

tuesDAy, DeCemBer 2

CorK & KeG Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm DouBle Crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Greyhounds (blues, funk, soul), 8pm isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm JACK oF the wooD PuB Blue Eyed Bettys (old-time), 9pm leX 18 Gypsy Guitar Duo (swing, jazz), 7:30pm mArCo’s PiZZeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm

CourtyArD GAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm

mArKet PlACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm

DouBle Crown Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm

oDDitorium Odd comedy night, 9pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Contra dance, 7pm

oFF the wAGon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll It’s A Wonderful Life (live from WVL radio), 8pm

PulP Julie Slick & Eric Slick (prog-rock, jazz), 9pm

AltAmont BrewinG ComPAny Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby, 9pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB Quizzo, 7pm

sCully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm

Blue KuDZu sAKe ComPAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm

leXinGton Ave Brewery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm

tAllGAry’s CAntinA Jam night, 9pm

BurGer BAr Trivia, 7pm

oDDitorium Anicorn, Yellow Eyes & Shadow of the Destroyer (metal), 9pm

the mothliGht Dirty Fences w/ Hector’s Pets & Future West (punk-rock), 9:30pm

oFF the wAGon Open mic, 8pm

timo’s house An Evening w/ Nex Millen & Friends, 10pm

orAnGe Peel Movie night: Home Alone, 7pm

tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm

sunDAy, novemBer 30

DouBle Crown Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

tiGer mountAin Honky-tonk (classic country, rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm

strAiGhtAwAy CAFe Letters to Abigail (country, Americana), 6pm

5 wAlnut wine BAr Dulci Ellenberger & Daniel Shearin (Americana), 7pm


orAnGe Peel Waltz night, 5:30pm

the soCiAl Kevin Scanlon (folk, old-time), 6pm

riverwAtCh BAr & Grill Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues), 7pm

7:30pm - midnite


one stoP Deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am

the mothliGht Lonesome Leash w/ Holy Holy Vine & Desperate Pilot (indie-folk), 9pm

sPrinG CreeK tAvern Al Coffee & Da Grind (blues), 8pm

6pm - 11pm

Every Tuesday

leX 18 Ray Biscoglia & Grant Cuthbertson (jazz, bass piano), 7:30pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Vollie McKenzie, Karl & The Western Wildcats (honky-tonk, swing), 7pm

opEn thAnksgIvIng nIght At 6pM! pInt nIght: 2014 AshEvIllE touRIsts ChAMpIonshIp pInt glAssEs

sERvIng untIl ClosE!

RocKaBiLLy RucKus: “Skunk Ruckus is an Asheville-based band of pirates,” reads the band’s ReverbNation bio. “This is a high energy group that is steeped in tradition but embraces a punk-rock ethic.” Skunk Ruckus plays the Crow & Quill on Saturday, Nov. 29, at 9 p.m.

OPEN MON-SAT 12PM-8PM vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

millroom Joe Zimmerman (stand-up comedy), 7pm

westville PuB Blues jam, 10pm

moJo KitChen & lounGe DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm

white horse BlACK mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm wilD winG CAFe south Trivia, 8:30pm

weDnesDAy, DeCemBer 3 Ben’s tune-uP Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm BlACK mountAin Ale house Buncombe County Boys (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm BurGer BAr Tom Waits night, 9pm


fri 11/28

mountAin moJo CoFFeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm

sat 11/29

noBle KAvA Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm

sat 11/30

oFF the wAGon Piano show, 9pm olive or twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm

BywAter Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm Crow & quill Uncle Shabby’s Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm

PisGAh BrewinG ComPAny Aaron Austin Trio w/ Members of the Broadcast (jazz, funk), 6pm

DuGout Karaoke, 9pm

room iX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm

FoGGy mountAin BrewPuB Trivia (sponsored by Roots & One World Brewing), 8pm

tAllGAry’s CAntinA Open mic & jam, 7pm

the PhoeniX Jazz night, 8pm

GrinD CAFe Trivia night, 7pm

the soCiAl Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB Old-time session, 5pm

the southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm

loBster trAP Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm

tiGer mountAin Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm

david wilcox & friends 9pm • $15/$18

an evening of dancing with

vollie and kari and the wildcats 7pm • $8


wed 12/3

beverly mcclellan

fri 12/5 sat 12/6

acoustic syndicate

tue 12/2

thu 12/4

the mothliGht Daniel Bachman w/ Roamer X & Sarah Louise (folk), 9pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Beverly McClellan (soul), 8pm

annual thanksgiving homecoming 8pm • $18/$20

new mountAin Adrian Belew Power Trio & Asian Teacher Factory (prog-rock), 8pm

orAnGe Peel GWAR w/ Corrosion of Conformity & American Sharks (thrash metal), 8pm

GooD stuFF Pierce Edens w/ The Train Wrecks (Americana), 7pm


8pm • $10/$12 8pm • $10/12

the travelin’ mccourys & billy nershi

(of string cheese incident) 8pm • $17/$20

patterson hood (of drive-by truckers) w/ lydia Loveless 9pm • $17/$20 southern culture on the skids

w/ the Zealots 9pm • $14/$16

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014







THU. 11/27 Steve Mosely Duo


(acoustic rock)

FRI. 11/28 DJ MoTo

(pop, dance hits)

SAT. 11/29 A Social Function

November 2014

(classic hits, rock & roll) BE






11.26 8PM FRIDAY




cLuB DiREctoRy timo’s house Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm town PumP Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm white horse BlACK mountAin Boom Boom Shake, 7:30pm wilD winG CAFe Karaoke, 9pm wilD winG CAFe south Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm

thursDAy, DeCemBer 4 185 KinG street Shannon Whitworth & Barrett Smith (indierock, blues), 8pm Blue KuDZu sAKe ComPAny Trivia night, 8pm Crow & quill Dr. Sketchy’s (live burlesque-themed figure drawing class), 7pm DouBle Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm DuGout Old School Band, 9pm elAine’s DuelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm FrenCh BroAD Brewery Circus Mutt (bluegrass, roots), 6pm



Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Billy Nershi (of String Cheese Incident) w/ The Travelin’ McCourys (bluegrass, jam), 8pm




isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion (folk-rock), 8:30pm


















12.7 8PM





JACK oF the wooD PuB Bluegrass jam, 7pm

11/28 THESarah LOW COUNTS W/ MATT TOWNSEND 10/25 Lee Guthrie

10/25 Sarah Guthrie AND THE WONDER OF THELee WORLD 9 P.M.$5 & & Johnny Johnny Irion Irion 11/29 SUFI BROTHERS• 9pm $10 w/ w/ Battlefield Battlefield • 9pm $10 W/ ASHEVILLE ACES 9 P.M.$5 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band 10/26 11/3 BLUEFirecracker EYED BETTY’S Jazz Band & Costume 9 P.M.FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) & HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN Costume Party & Contest •• 9pm Party & Contest 9pm $8 $8 12/5 CRUSHED OUT W/ SHAKE ITVinegar LIKE A CAVEMAN 9 P.M.$7 10/27 Creek •• 9pm 10/27 Vinegar Creek 9pm FREE FREE 12/6 CAMPFIRE & CONSTELLATIONS 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 W/ CRYING WOLF 9 P.M.$5 w/ Crazy w/ Crazy Tom Tom Banana Banana Pants Pants 12/9 TODD CECIL & BACK SOUTH 10/29 Singer Songwriters 10/29 9 P.M.FREE Singer (DONATIONS Songwriters ENCOURAGED) in the 7-9pm FREE FREE in the Round Round •• 7-9pm w/ Tripi, Elise WARREN HAYNES w/ Anthony Anthony Tripi,2014 Elise Davis Davis

Mud •• 9pm CHRISTMAS BYFREE DAY DEC 12 & 13 Mud Tea TeaJAM 9pm FREE

Open Open Mon-Thurs Mon-Thurs at at 3 3 •• Fri-Sun Fri-Sun at at Noon Noon SUN SUN Celtic Celtic Irish Irish Session Session 5pm 5pm til til ?? MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time MON Quizzo! 7-9p • WED Old-Time 5pm 5pm SINGER SINGER SONGWRITERS SONGWRITERS 1st 1st & & 3rd 3rd TUES TUES THURS THURS Bluegrass Bluegrass Jam Jam 7pm 7pm

95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • 252.5445 •


Send your listings to

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

loBster trAP Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm mArKet PlACe Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm new mountAin Climate Bash w/ Alex Krug, Caromia, Ten Cent Poetry, Daniel Shearin, Dulci Ellengerger of Sweet Claudette, Eleanor Underhill & Molly Rose, Mother Explosives, Franklin Keel, Ryan Kijanka & Gabrielle Tee, Jon Stickley, Mary Ellen Davis, Pancho Romero Bond, Xavier Ferdon & Franklin Kell of Siruis.B, Ryan Furstenburg & Melissa Hyman of The Moon & You (singer-songwriters, folk), 7pm oDDitorium Drunken Prayer, Smith & Weeden (indie, soul), 9pm oFF the wAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or twist West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm one stoP Deli & BAr Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm orAnGe Peel 13th Annual Benefit Concert for Make-AWish w/ Artimus Pyle Band, The Low Down, The River Rats, The Sharkadelics & Erika Jane, 7:20pm


osKAr Blues Brewery Billy Litz & The Mountain City Rhythm Section (Americana), 6pm

Grey eAGle musiC hAll & tAvern Patterson Hood (of Drive-By Truckers) w/ Lydia Loveless (alt-country), 9pm

PACK’s tAvern Jeff Anders & Justin Burrell (acoustic rock), 9pm

hiGhlAnD BrewinG ComPAny The Get Right Band (funk, reggae, rock), 6:30pm

PisGAh BrewinG ComPAny The Train Wrecks w/ Leigh Glass (alt-country, Americana), 9pm

isis restAurAnt AnD musiC hAll Larke (jazz), 7pm Jeff Thompson CD release, 8:30pm

PurPle onion CAFe Scoot Pittman, 7pm

JACK oF the wooD PuB Crushed Out w/ Shake It Like A Caveman (indie-rock, rock ’n’ roll), 9pm

renAissAnCe Asheville hotel Chris Rhodes (blues, jazz, pop-rock, R&B), 6:30pm room iX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm sCAnDAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm sCully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm southern APPAlAChiAn Brewery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm tAllGAry’s CAntinA Iggy Radio, 7pm the soCiAl Open mic w/ Scooter Haywood, 8pm the southern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm tiGer mountAin New Wave dance w/ Cliff (80s pop, post-punk, punk-rock, synthpop), 10pm timo’s house ’90s Recall w/ Franco (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm

JerusAlem GArDen Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm leX 18 Michael Jefry Stevens & Harry Schulz (piano jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-Gatsby swing), 11pm

nAtive KitChen & soCiAl PuB Drayton & the Dreamboats (vintage jazz), 7:30pm

Thursday Dec. 11th - 8:00-11:00 Sharkadelics

new mountAin The Mantras w/ Consider the Source, Electrochemical & The Kinky Aphrodisiacs (psychedelic-funk, electronic), 8pm

Friday Dec. 12th - 7:00-10:00 Ben Briley from American Idol

oDDitorium Aquamule, Plankeye Peggy (circus-rock, psychedelic), 9pm oFF the wAGon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or twist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8pm Late Night DJ (techno, disco), 11pm

urBAn orChArD Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm

osKAr Blues Brewery Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 6pm

vinCenZo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm

PACK’s tAvern DJ Ocelate (pop, dance, hits), 9pm

sCAnDAls niGhtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm

AthenA’s CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm

sCully’s DJ, 10pm

DouBle Crown DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm DuGout Picasso Facelift (classic rock), 9pm elAine’s DuelinG PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm FrenCh BroAD Brewery Dave Desmelik (Americana, singer-songwriter), 6pm

Saturday Dec. 13th - 9:30 Karaoke CLOSED THANKSGIVING

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Lingerie from Black Fuchsia

PisGAh BrewinG ComPAny Tellico w/ The Everydays & members of Delhia Low, Chalwa & more (Americana), 8pm

185 KinG street The Strangled Darlings (Americana), 8pm

ClAssiC wineseller Angela Easterling (Americana, country, folk), 7pm

Friday, Dec. 5th Ugly Xmas Sweater Party Saturday, Dec. 6th - 10:00-12:00 Lyric

one stoP Deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm ILL Doots (hip-hop, funk), 10pm

BurGer BAr Live ragtime, 7pm

Thursday, Dec. 4th - 8:00-11:00 Contagious

mArKet PlACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm

tressA’s Downtown JAZZ AnD Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm

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southern APPAlAChiAn Brewery Scoot Pittman (funk, roots, rock), 8pm

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the mothliGht Bombadil & Sweet Claudette w/ Mother Explosives (pop, indie-rock, folk), 9pm

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the soCiAl Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm tiGer mountAin Devyn (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm vinCenZo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm

GooD stuFF Laura Thurston (Americana, singer-songwriter), 8pm

wAter’n hole Dustin Martin & The Ramblers (Americana), 9pm

Green room CAFe & CoFFeehouse Carrie Morrison (Americana), 6pm

wilD winG CAFe south A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm

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noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014















by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

A &






Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281) Closed on Thanksgiving guardians of the galaxy (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452)

BiOPiC RatED PG-13



Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

PLayERs: Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, David Thewlis, Emily Watson, Guy Oliver-Watts, Charlie Cox, Maxine Peake




DiRECtOR: James Marsh

The Theory of Everything — which, by the way, doesn’t actually put forth such a theory — is solidly good Brit Oscar Bait. It puts forth a straightforward, largely factual — albeit with the messier bits removed — account of the life of Stephen Hawking (Eddie Redmayne), mostly as seen through the eyes of first wife Jane (Felicity Jones), on whose book, Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen, the screenplay is based. It is nicely crafted in a manner designed to appeal to the broadest possible audience — and I have no reason to doubt that it will appeal to a very broad audience indeed. It has laughs, tears, uplift, tragedy and triumph — all served up in carefully measured portions and handled in the very best taste. It may well snag some of those Oscars it’s angling for. (Eddie Redmayne is certainly a strong contender for


thEatER ListiNGs

The Theory of Everything HHHH

thE LOWDOWN: Unabashed crowd-pleaser Oscar bait that works on that level — thanks in large part to the acting — but never really transcends the conventions of the biopic genre.


HHHHH = max rating contact


thE stORy: Biopic about Stephen Hawking and his wife Jane.


FELiCity JONEs and EDDiE REDMayNE in James Marsh's Stephen Hawking biopic The Theory of Everything.

Best Actor.) I do not fault it for what it is. In fact, I suspect it is exactly the film it was meant to be, and it is very good at being that. What I do fault it for is that it has taken the life of one of the most extraordinary men of our age and encased it in a very ordinary movie. Oh, it’s a good ordinary movie — making Hawking into an appealing and accessible character — but it’s ordinary all the same. We have an unconventional man with an unconventional life in a movie that could easily have been made by MGM in the 1940s. I understand the film’s need to keep the science simple for dramatic purposes. Goodness knows, you show me a bunch of mathematical equations on a chalkboard, and my brain shifts into oily neutral sludge, so I don’t have a problem with that. But the film never really gives us even a glimpse of the enormity of his thought process and doesn’t touch on the poetry of his vision. It needed a major stylist at the helm to give us some insight into the workings of Hawking’s mind. Instead it offers us documentarian James Marsh as a director whose notions of stylization don’t go beyond one wobbly fantasy


sequence and occasionally printing the film backwards. This is pretty weak for depicting a man whose mind must soar into some pretty spectacular places, even though it’s trapped in a body that can’t. So what do we get? Cream swirling backwards in a mug of coffee and a theory of time that can be depicted in beer foam on a bar. Well, there’s no doubt that the audience will grasp it, but where is the sense of wonder? The crux of what we get is grounded in the romance of Stephen and Jane — from their “meet cute” to their marriage to battling with Stephen’s neurological disease to the disintegration of their relationship. And all of it is told in the safest possible manner that cannot possibly frighten the horses. By the end of it what do we know? Well, we know that Jane was almost saintly in her patience and devotion — at least for a time. (Bear in mind, the film is working from her book.) We know that Stephen liked Wagner, croquet and rowing — had an eye for the ladies, a great sense of humor and even when paralyzed conveyed emotions with the aid of Groucho Marx eyebrow movements. (This last

CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) Big hero 6 2D (Pg) 11:50, 2:15, 4:55, 7:30, 9:20 Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 1:35, 4:10, 6:45 Dumb and Dumber To (Pg-13) 12:40, 3:05, 6:00, 8:30, 10:25 gone girl (r) 10:35 horrible Bosses 2 (r) 11:55, 1:00, 2:25, 3:30, 4:50, 6:00. 7:15, 8:35, 9:40 The hunger games: mockingjay -- Part 1 (Pg-13) 11:00, 11:30, 12:30, 1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 6:00, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 8:45, 9:30, 10:05, 10:30 interstellar (Pg-13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 9:25 Penguins of madagascar 3D (Pg) 11:25, 6:10 Penguins of madagascar 2D (Pg) 10:45, 12:15, 1:40, 2:30, 3:50, 5:05, 7:20, 8:25, 9:30 rosewater (r) 11:40, 4:45 st. vincent (Pg-13) 2:00, 7:05 The Theory of everything (Pg-13) 11:15, 1:55, 3:15, 4:30, 7:10, 9:45 Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) The hunger games: mockingjay -- Part 1 (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC of henDersonville (693-1146) fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 The Theory of everything (Pg-13) 1:00. 4:00, 7:00 Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 flATroCk CinemA (697-2463) The hunger games: mockingjay -- Part 1 (Pg-13) 3:30, 7:00 regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADiUm 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)



by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

I suspect is a bit of license.) It’s mostly a thumbnail sketch, but it’s effective as far as it goes. And it’s all played out against picturesque backgrounds that give it a veneer of elegance. (Funny how so much seems to happen with Cambridge’s Bridge of Sighs in the background.) Don’t misunderstand — I do not dislike the film. It moves well — if sometimes a little brusquely — and is good looking. The performances are excellent. Though Eddie Redmayne inevitably calls to mind Daniel Day-Lewis in My Left Foot (1989), he is utterly believable in the role of Hawking. I’d say he fully inhabits the character. (People have remarked that he looks like Austin Powers, but he really looks more like Freddie Garrity of Freddie and the Dreamers.) It is a good movie — so far as it goes. The problem, for me, is it doesn’t go far enough to ever touch greatness. It doesn’t even have those touches of irreverence and quirkiness that set Tom Hooper’s The King’s Speech (2010) above the basic biopic. The Theory of Everything is, I think, too concerned with being a wholly accessible crowd-pleaser to attempt any such thing. But it is accessible, and I suspect it will be a crowd-pleaser. Rated PG-13 for some thematic elements and suggestive material. Starts Wednesday at Carolina Cinemas and Fine Arts Theatre. reviewed by Ken Hanke

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 HHHS DiREctoR: Francis Lawrence pLayERs: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Julianne Moore Dystopian sci-fi RatED pg-13 thE stoRy: The first half of the final chapter in The Hunger Games series finds the rebels preparing for an all-out war with the government. thE LowDown: More intelligent, more interesting and generally better made than its predecessors, but it’s a film that would be hard to even follow for a newcomer.


The good news is that The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1 is better than its predecessors. (In fact, this is really more of a three-and-three-quarter star review.) The bad news is that it would, I feel certain, be all but incomprehensible to anyone who hadn’t seen those films. Stand alone, it will not. This one just drops the viewer into the story with the assumption that the story and setup are already known. That’s not unreasonable, since it is unlikely that anyone who is interested in seeing Mockingjay — Part 1 isn’t familiar with the story. I don’t know that this qualifies as bad news, but it is hard to get around the feeling that splitting the third book into two films is a shameless Harry Potter-inspired cash grab. That said, I can’t subscribe to the view that this is nothing more than a two-hour trailer for Part 2. No, this is a well-crafted film in its own right and is intelligently divided at a key moment that works better than it has any right to. The biggest improvement this round is that it doesn’t drag in yet another Hunger Games Tournament. The insistence on doing that — presumably dictated by the book — is what hobbled last year’s Catching Fire. After two-thirds of that entry had traded in expanding both the themes and stakes of the story, it turned into a washrinse-repeat of the first movie. This makes no such blunder but sticks to the continued development of the darker elements of the tale. Oh, I don’t say that it breaks new ground in terms of dark satire. It hardly does that. It in fact becomes the very propaganda that the two sides in the film are creating. (Come on, bombing a hospital is right out of the WWII propaganda movie playbook.) But it does it well and with conviction — and effectiveness. And it’s not in the least afraid to go into some very dark corners, notably in the scene where Finnick (Sam Claflin) rattles off a laundry list of President Snow’s (Donald Sutherland) crimes and general perfidy. Since we are, after all, in PG-13 Land, these are only spoken of — and they’re almost

HHHHH = max rating background — but I’m not at all certain this doesn’t enhance the impact by leaving it to our imaginations with tantalizing gaps for us to fill in. Also in the film’s favor is that it — by necessity — sidelines Peeta (Josh Hutcherson), giving Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) room to grow as a character. My central problem with the Katniss character became obvious to me in Catching Fire — that she’s just plain not likable, and that, as Hamish (Woody Harrelson) told her in that entry, she’s not worthy of Peeta’s love. Mockingjay goes a long way toward fixing that — at least to the extent of deepening the character. What the film — the series as whole — cannot really do is keep it from being pretty apparent that Lawrence has outgrown the role as an actress, but that’s really nobody’s fault. Plus, there’s no doubt that Lawrence is giving it her best shot. The story here centers on fostering the revolt of the outlying districts against the tyranny of Panem. What makes this more interesting than it might be is that the film is less about the usual freedom-fighter schtick than it is about the leaders of the warring factions — President Coin (Julianne Moore) and President Snow — waging a propaganda war, using Katniss to represent the rebels and Peeta to do the same for the powers that be. This not only offers interesting scope for political commentary (something that has become more pronounced as the series has progressed), but creates personal tension between the two characters. That it leads to a significant cliffhanger ending makes it all the more effective — effective enough that for the first time I’m actually interested to see the final entry. (As a side note, there’s another open-ended aspect to the film in that it does not address the issue of how Philip Seymour Hoffman’s — to whom this film is dedicated — death during production will be dealt with in the final entry.) Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some disturbing images and thematic material. Playing at Carolina Cinemas, Co-ed of Brevard, Epic of Hendersonville, Flat Rock Cinema, Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. reviewed by Ken Hanke

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


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The Tale of The Princess Kaguya HHHS DiREctoR: Isao Takahata (Grave of the Fireflies) pLayERs: (Voices) Chloë Grace Moretz, James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, Darren Criss, Lucy Liu animE DRama RatED pg thE stoRy: A bamboo cutter and his wife find a tiny girl in a bamboo sprout and decide to raise her into a princess. thE LowDown: Visually beautiful but far too long a film for such a simple storyline.

As I write this, Isao Takahata’s The Tale of The Princess Kaguya has a perfect approval rating among film critics on the aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes. I can’t exactly fault this, since Princess Kaguya has, on no level, any gaping weaknesses. At the very least, its beautiful hand-drawn visual style — which makes excellent use of watercolor and is never too busy — makes the film worth a look by itself. But that being said, besides the look of the movie, I just can’t find that much to get excited about. It’s classy, mature and austere — the exact kind of thing Studio Ghibli excels in — but there’s nothing in the film that astonishes or generates awe. Fans of Studio Ghibli and anime in general (the latter rarely appeals to my own personal tastes, unfortunately) will likely get more mileage out of the film than I did — assuming they

have the patience for it. Though I said earlier that Princess Kaguya has no glaring flaws, it does have a testy issue, that of its running time. At 137 minutes, the film’s just too damn long, especially for a movie that’s both incredibly reserved and languidly paced (to be honest, it actually feels longer than it is) — and with such a simple plot. The storyline is based on the 1,100-year-old Japanese folktale The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. From what I can tell, the film is quite faithful to the traditional version, where a simple bamboo cutter (James Caan) finds a glowing bamboo sprout in the woods, and inside that, a tiny girl. After bringing her home to his wife (Mary Steenburgen), the girl immediately begins to grow, soon becoming a young woman (Chloë Grace Moretz), whom the couple quickly decides to raise as a princess — despite her yearning for a simple life in the country. The film takes some asides from here — as the young princess is trained to become a lady and is later set upon by suitors — and finally ends after taking a total left turn that only works because of the fairytale nature of its source material. There are some concerns at play here — like the consequences of weighty expectations parents place on their children — but they don’t really flesh the film out all that much. And anyone familiar with fables and folktales will have an idea what lessons Princess Kaguya wants to dole out. What this creates is a simple, quiet movie that’s easy on the eyes but definitely requires a good bit of audience patience. Rated PG for thematic elements, some violent action and partial nudity. Playing at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Justin Souther

Community Screenings

BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries • TH (12/4), 3pm - It’s a Wonderful Life. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. ClAssiC worlD CinemA ForeiGn Film series 273-3332 • FR (11/28), 8pm - Taste of Cherry. Free. Held at Courtyard Gallery, In the Phil Mechanic Building 109 Roberts St. GrACe Community ChurCh 495 Cardinal Road, Mills River, 891-2006, • TU (12/2), 7pm - Screening of three short films. Free.


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

staRting fRiDay

The Theory of Everything See review in “Cranky Hanke.”

Horrible Bosses 2 Sean Anders has made some pretty awful movies (That’s My Boy) and written some even worse ones (Dumb and Dumber To), so here we find him heading up the inevitable sequel to 2011’s Horrible Bosses. So far the critical assessments have been unkind. Justin Chang at Variety called it “Inane and incredibly tasteless.” On the other hand, TheWrap’s Dan Callahan said its was, “Puerile, ugly and painfully unfunny.” Depending on how you feel about your relatives, it could be golden Thanksgiving entertainment. (R)

Penguins of Madagascar Speaking of inevitable, it was only a matter of time until the Madagascar penguins got a feature film all their own. There are only four reviews of Penguins of Madagascar, but they aren’t exactly glowing. The studio tells us: “Discover the secrets of the greatest and most hilarious covert birds in the global espionage biz: Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private. These elitists of the elite are joining forces with a chic undercover organization, The North Wind. Led by handsome and husky Agent Classified (we could tell you his name, but then ... you know), voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. Together, they must stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine, voiced by John Malkovich, from destroying the world as we know it.” Make of that what you will. (pg)

by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther

stiLL showing spEciaL scREEnings

Beyond the Lights HHS

Cardinal Richelieu HHHH Director: Rowland V. Lee (Son of Frankenstein) players: George Arliss, Maureen O’Sullivan, Edward Arnold, Cesar Romero, Douglass Dumbrille histoRicaL Romp Rated NR George Arliss — in his final Hollywood movie — takes on Cardinal Richelieu, and the results are more or less what you expect. In his version of Cardinal Richelieu (1935), the old boy is just as wily as the real one, but he’s now become the wily hero of the story. In other words, this has only the slightest connection to history. Oh, it’s kind of in there — like Richelieu’s desire to create a united France and his chicanery in doing so — but the spin is a little skewed. It is what might best be called an historical romp of the sort Arliss was famous for. Actually, Arliss had envisioned a different film, but when everyone became enthused over him dusting off Bulwer-Lytton’s hoary old melodrama, the enthusiasm won out. The results — with Richelieu dividing his time between bringing young lovers together and saving the country — are pretty specious as history, but they’re certainly entertaining fun. The Asheville Film Society will screen Cardinal Richelieu Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Nate Parker, Minnie Driver, Richard Colson Baker, Danny Glover Romantic Drama An up-and-coming pop star, struggling with her rise to fame, falls in love with a humble police officer. A mature, realistic romance that struggles due to a lack of cinematic style and dramatic tension. Rated pg-13

Citizenfour HHH Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Kevin Bankston, William Binney activist Documentary Activist documentary on whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Clearly — and unquestioningly — in the pro-Snowden camp, this film lacks balance, which is expected in this type of movie. But it also tries to create urgency with a story where we already know the ending (such as it is). Worthy, but a good bit shy of greatness. Rated R

Dumb and Dumber To S Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Kathleen Turner, Rob Riggle, Laurie Holden, Rachel Melvin

Gigot HH Director: Gene Kelly players: Jackie Gleason, Katherine Kath, Diane Gardner, Jacques Marin, Gabrielle Dorziat comEDy-DRama Rated NR On the surface, the idea of a movie in which Jackie Gleason plays mute has its appeal. At least he can’t bellow every line of dialogue, because ... well, he hasn’t any. In practice, however, what we get in Gigot (1962) is a gooey vanity project for Gleason, who seems to think he’s the heir apparent to Chaplin — an elephantine Chaplin, but Chaplin nonetheless. I was warned of this outburst of saccharine years and years ago by the critic Judith Crist in TV Guide, and I have spent those years avoiding any contact with it — until the Hendersonville Film Society opted to show it. It is everything I thought it would be. Gleason mugs, he shambles, he pleads for our sympathy in his personal take on Chaplin’s The Kid (1921) — here with the child transformed into a little girl. It is grim stuff, made all the more so by director Gene Kelly favoring his star with endless close shots. In its favor? The Parisian locations are nicely photographed. Whether that compensates for such things as Gleason punching himself in the face when he can’t explain Jesus to the child is up to you. The Hendersonville Film Society will show Gigot Sunday, Nov. 30, at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

alleged comedy Twenty years after the fact, we get the further adventures of Harry and Lloyd. The “much-anticipated” (they say) sequel to Dumb and Dumber (1994) is a shapeless retread of things that supposedly worked in the first movie. One of the worst films of 2014. Rated pg-13

Rosewater HHHS Gael García Bernal, Kim Bodnia, Dimitri Leonidas, Haluk Bilginer, Shohreh Aghdashloo fact-Based Drama Fact-based story of Iranian-born, Canada-based journalist Maziar Bahari’s imprisonment and torture by the government of Iran. The hook here is that this is the writing-directing debut of Jon Stewart. The results are a mixed bag, with moments of

greatness that aren’t enough to make the film itself great. It is, however, an interesting film and worth a look. Rated R

Big Hero 6 HHHS (Voices) Scott Adsit, Ryan Potter, Daniel Henney, T.J. Miller, Jamie Chung animated sci-fi fantasy action A boy, his inflatable robot and his friends track down the person who stole his invention and caused the death of his brother. Wonderful to look at, blessed with one terrific character and boasting a good deal of honest sentimentality, Big Hero 6 is brought down a notch by a well-worn plot and a desire to be a big superhero effort. Rated pg

Interstellar HHHH Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Wes Bentley, Jessica Chastain, Matt Damon, Michael Caine science fiction The only hope for a dying Earth is the discovery of an inhabitable planet that may — or may not — lie on the other side of a wormhole. A deeply flawed film that tries to be something more than it can manage, but it’s still an entertaining work of considerable intelligence. Rated pg-13

Whiplash HHHH Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Paul Reiser, Melissa Benoist, Austin Stowell Drama A teen with dreams of becoming a great jazz drummer must survive his maniacal music teacher. While it’s little more than your standard coming-of-age/chaseyour-dreams type of drama (with considerably more swearing and jazz), the film is elevated with a perfect, expert climax that alone is worth admission. Rated R

Taste of Cherry HHHS Director: Abbas Kiarostami players: Homayoun Ershadi, Abdolrahman Bagheri, Afshin Khorshid Bakhtiari, Mir Hossein Noori DRama Rated NR Some movies are leisurely paced. Some are deliberately paced. Still others are glacially paced. They all are on the slow side — in varying degrees. Depending on where you land in it, Abbas Kiarostami’s Taste of Cherry (1997) covers all the bases of slowness. And yet, I have to admit that it held my interest for its entire length. In essence, the film consists of Mr. Badii (Homayoun Ershadi) driving around the arid Iranian countryside trying to find someone who will bury him after he commits suicide. That’s it. But there’s something almost hypnotic about it, especially as the conversations with his various prospects increase in complexity. We never learn much about Mr. Badii — including the reason for his planned suicide — but that may be part of why the film works as well as it does. I wouldn’t want to see it again any time soon, and I find its appeal limited, but I’d say it’s worth at least one watch — assuming you have the patience. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Taste of Cherry Friday, Nov. 28, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014


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group that is highly motivated and has very high expectations. Enthusiastic, motivated team players that enjoy a comfortable, friendly office environment are encouraged to apply. If you would like to apply, please email your resume to: reCePtionist/oFFiCe/ CliniC AssistAnt Immediate full time position in a Holistic/Integrated Physician’s Office. Must have knowledge of holistic/alternative medicine, an interest in maternity care, have front office experience, and exceptional computer skills. $11/hr plus $300/mo medical stipend. Send resume and cover letter to

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fREEwiLL astRoLogy

by Rob Brezny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): What exactly do you believe in, Aries? What’s your philosophy of life? Do you think that most people are basically good and that you can make a meaningful life for yourself if you just work hard and act kind? Do you believe that evil, shape-shifting, kitten-eating extraterrestrials have taken on human form and are impersonating political leaders who control our society? Are you like the character Crash Davis in the film Bull Durham, who believed in “high fiber, good scotch, the sweet spot and long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days”? Now would be an excellent time for you to get very clear about the fundamental principles that guide your behavior. Recommit yourself to your root beliefs — and jettison the beliefs that no longer work for you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I have two encyclopedias of dreams, and they disagree on the symbolic meaning of mud. One book says that when you dream of mud, you may be facing a murky moral dilemma in your waking life or are perhaps dealing with a messy temptation that threatens to compromise your integrity. The other encyclopedia suggests that when you dream of mud, it means you have received an untidy but fertile opportunity that will incite growth and creativity. I suspect that you have been dreaming of mud lately, Taurus, and that both meanings apply to you. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Are there certain influences you would love to bring into your life, but you can’t figure out how? Do you fantasize about getting access to new resources that would make everything better for you, but they seem to be forever out of reach? If you answered “yes,” it’s time to stop moping. I’m happy to report that you have more power than usual to reel in those desirable influences and resources. To fully capitalize on this power, be confident that you can attract what you need. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Should you cut back and retrench? Definitely. Should you lop off and bastardize? Definitely not. Do I recommend that you spend time editing and purifying? Yes, please. Does this mean you should censor and repress? No, thank you. Here’s my third pair of questions: Will you be wise enough to shed some of your defense mechanisms and strip away one of your lame excuses? I hope so. Should you therefore dispense with all of your psychic protections and leave yourself vulnerable to being abused? I hope not. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I know you’re beautiful, and you know you’re beautiful. But I think you could be even more beautiful than you already are. What do you think? Have you reached the limits of how beautiful you can be? Or will you consider the possibility that there is even more beauty lying dormant within you, ready to be groomed and expressed? I encourage you to ruminate on these questions: 1. Are you hiding a complicated part of your beauty because it would be hard work to liberate it? 2. Are you afraid of some aspect of your beauty because revealing it would force you to acknowledge truths about yourself that are at odds with your self-image? 3. Are you worried that expressing your full beauty would intimidate other people? VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Helsinki, Finland, is growing downwards. By cutting out space in the bedrock below the city’s surface, farseeing leaders have made room to build shops, a data center, a hockey rink, a church and a swimming pool. There are also projects underway to construct 200 other underground structures. I’d like to see you start working along those lines, Virgo — at least metaphorically. Now would be an excellent time to renovate your foundations so as to accommodate your future growth. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Pantone Color Matching System presents a structured approach to identifying colors. It’s used as a standard in the printing industry. According to its system of classification, there are 104 various shades of grey. I suspect you will benefit from being equally discerning in the coming weeks. It just won’t be possible to differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys. You’ll misunderstand situations that you try


noVEmBER 26 - DEcEmBER 2, 2014

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian astronomer, physicist and mathematician who is sometimes called “the father of modern science.” He expressed his innovative ideas so vigorously that he offended the Catholic Church, which convicted him of heresy. For us today, he symbolizes the magnificence of rational thought. And yet Galileo also had a weird streak. For example, he gave lectures on the “Shape, Location and Size of Dante’s Inferno,” analyzing the poet’s depiction of hell. In the course of these meticulous discourses, Galileo concluded that Satan was more than four-fifths of a mile tall. In this spirit, Sagittarius, and in accordance with current astrological omens, you are temporarily authorized to de-emphasize the constraints of reason and logic so that you may gleefully and unapologetically pursue your quirky proclivities.

to simplify, and you’ll be brilliant if you assume there’s always more nuance and complexity to uncover. Don’t just grudgingly tolerate ambiguity, Libra. Appreciate it. Learn from it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I am not necessarily predicting that you will acquire a shiny new asset in time for the solstice. Nor am I glibly optimistic that you will get a raise in pay or an unexpected bonus. And I can offer only a 65 percent certainty that you will snag a new perk or catch a financial break or stumble upon a treasure. In general, though, I am pretty confident that your net worth will rise in the next four weeks. Your luck will be unusually practical. To take maximum advantage of the cosmic tendencies, focus your efforts on the one or two most promising prospects. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): While in his early twenties, actor Robert Downey Jr. appeared in the films Less Than Zero and Weird Science. That got him semi-typecast as a member of Hollywood’s Brat Pack, a group of popular young actors and actresses who starred in coming-of-age films in the 1980s. Eager to be free of that pigeonhole, Downey performed a ritual in 1991: He dug a hole in his backyard and buried the clothes he had worn in Less Than Zero. I recommend that you carry out a comparable ceremony to help you graduate from the parts of your past that are holding you back. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In her book Revolution from Within, Gloria Steinem offers a challenge: “Think of the times you have said: ‘I can’t write,’ ‘I can’t paint,’ ‘I can’t run,’ ‘I can’t shout,’ ‘I can’t dance,’ ‘I can’t sing.’” That’s your first assignment, Aquarius: Think of those times. Your second assignment is to write down other “I can’t” statements you have made over the years. Assignment three is to objectively evaluate whether any of these “I can’t” statements are literally true. If you find that some of them are not literally true, your fourth assignment is to actually do them. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to transform “I can’t” into “I can.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Dogs don’t know where they begin and end,” writes Ursula K. Le Guin in her book The Wave in the Mind. They “don’t notice when they put their paws in the quiche.” Cats are different, Le Guin continues. They “know exactly where they begin and end. When they walk slowly out the door that you are holding open for them, and pause, leaving their tail just an inch or two inside the door, they know it. They know you have to keep holding the door open ... It’s a cat’s way of maintaining relationship.” Whether you are more of a dog person or a cat person, Pisces, it is very important that you be more like a cat than a dog in the coming weeks. You must keep uppermost in your mind exactly where you begin and where you end.

and Macon County Recovery Education Centers. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. For more information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www. DireCt CAre Positions WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is hiring for Direct Care Positions. • FullTime on 2nd shift, and PartTime weekends. Job duties include providing planned instruction to group home residents to maximize independent living skills, and behavioral health. Eligible applicants must have High School Diploma and 2 years related experience, or college degree, and possess a current Driver’s License. Hourly pay rate $10.30$11.00/hour. Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville or for additional information visit our website: www.wncgrouphomes. org WNC Group Homes is a Drug Free Workplace. FAmily PreservAtion serviCes oF nC, inC. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services of NC at Magnolia House in Rutherford County. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes should be sent to Laurie Mills at

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assistant teacher in grades 2/3. Will additionally lead K/8 classes in PE and outdoor education. Computer/ tech skills required. FMI email employment@

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ACROSS 46 Vote on Scottish independence 1 Actor Gerard of All“Buck the puzzles from Monday to Sat47 Amiss Rogers” this week, one person, Patrick 49by Shakespearean title 4urday, Bit have been created Blindauer. Keep your solutions handy, because the character 7 Target of trimming Saturday puzzle conceals50 a meta-challenge involvCopper 10 12-Down from ing the solution grids of all six. 51 Urban blight meditators 53 Ballot topic for 13 U.K. award ACROSS Robert of “The 14 Catherine de’ Medici 25decriminalization Sopranos” with Riemann is said toGerard have eaten 1 Actor of 54 Subj. 27sums Summon, with it at everyRogers” meal “Buck “for” in wine 55 Factors 16 Losing 4 Bit line in 28 Emulated Pacino competitions tic-tac-toe 7 Target of in a carnival “Scent rides of a 57 Some 17 Words to a baby trimming Woman” scene 20 One with a mister in 59 007 film of 1981 10 12-Down from 30 Adages Münster 63 Vegan-friendly promeditators 32tein & source 33 Meeting 21 Ballot marker with someone in 13 U.K. award 22 Another time, in “Li’l 64 “Impression, person 14 Catherine de’ Sunrise” painter Abner” 34 Straighten out Medici is said to who shot 23 Fjord explorers? have eaten it at 6537Czolgosz Reading for a McKinley 25 Robert “The everyof meal king’s herald 66 Like some radios Sopranos” 16 Losing line in 41 Body a bed of in 10-Down 27 Summon, with “for” 67 Form tic-tac-toe Strong punch 6842Uffizi display 2817 Emulated Pacino in a Words to a baby 46 Vote on Scottish “Scent of a Woman” DOWN independence 20 One with a mister scene 1 Die in Münster 47 Amiss 30 Adages 2 Largest airline of marker 49Spain Shakespearean 3221 & Ballot 33 Meeting with character someone in time, personin 3 “I title 22 Another Hope You Dance” “Li’l Abner” 50 Copper 34 Straighten out singer Womack 3723 Reading a king’s Fjord for explorers? Urban blight 451Org. with the Pre√ herald program 41ANSWER Body in a bedTO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 5 “Dragnet” alert, briefly 42 Strong punch R E M I X D I G S M A R X E L I S A I R O N O P E R H I G H C N A N A S A G A M A R A T H O N E R S S T A T A L O U S R E Q O L E N A T L M A S S U N W E D A D O O V U M S E P P A R T N E R O F W A R N E R O R E T R E K A V A S I G M A R E I D S V E N A P U M P H J E T T Y W H A T P R I S O N E R S D O Y O R E A N A L T I E U P E N D S D O L E E V A D E R E S T A S K S S E L E S

Spirituality Issue

All philosophies welcome in our 12/24

Faith-based and spiritual groups receive a special discount in this issue. 12/3 space guarantee.

Edited by Will Shortz No. 1022

edited by Will Shortz

No. 1022

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