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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
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Go Local 2015: Asheville Grown is growing up
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The fourth year of the Go Local card kicks off with big changes in store for the Asheville Grown Business Alliance — including new opportunities for local independent business owners.
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Go Local 2015: Asheville Grown is growing up
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
play youR caRDs wEll: Asheville Grown Business Alliance employees (from left) Emma Hutchens, Franzi Charen and Michele Bryan hope to “foster a more in-depth conversation” about what it means to be local. Photos by Carrie Eidson
By caRRiE EiDson
It all began with a picture in a shop window, but as the Asheville Grown Business Alliance has developed from a poster to a loyalty card to a web of interdependent local businesses, the goal has always been, well, growth. As the alliance embarks on the fourth year of its Go Local card — the loyalty card that offers discounts at local businesses and raises funds for Asheville City Schools — big things are underway. For the first time since its inception in 2009, the DIY marketing-campaignturned-business-network will have actual employees to oversee its administration. With that comes
a new website, full administrative control of the card-based fundraiser, increased collaboration among business owners and an inaugural conference to bring together small businesses from throughout the region. According to its members, including founder Franzi charen, 2015 is the year the alliance will come into its own. a moRE DiREct connEction Go Local stems from a simple design created by Charen in 2009 — a heart and the words “Love Asheville, Go Local” — printed on a poster and hung in the window of her shop, Hip Replacements. She made the poster available to other locally owned, independent businesses in Asheville to display as well, and the little red heart
became a beacon for those wanting to “shop local.” In 2011, Charen and then codirector of the Asheville City Schools Foundation, leah Ferguson, created the Go Local card to serve as a locally focused fundraiser for ACSF and what had become known as the Asheville Grown Business Alliance — the informal network of businesses that has sprung up around Charen’s “Love Asheville” campaign. The card has been sold for three years now, with nearly $16,000 raised for the schools and ACSF last year alone. But this year, the alliance, formerly an all-volunteer endeavor led by Charen, hired two employees. Though they will only work part time, the pair will allow for a major shift in the Go Local campaign. “Asheville Grown and ACSF worked together for two years on the Go Local card, and it was a lot of administrative work for ACSF,” Charen says. “But over that time period, the alliance really grew up enough [so that] now we can take that on.” In administering Go Local, AGBA will work directly with the PTOs of each school — which Charen says will allow the schools the freedom to pick the projects the card sales will sponsor and to manage those funds directly. At Vance Elementary, Go Local sales will mean more supplies for the school’s community garden; at Claxton Elementary, it means more support for remodeling the aging media center; and at Ira B. Jones Elementary, the funds will help lower the cost of the fifthgrade class trip to Washington, D.C., ensuring all the students can afford to go. “I’m hoping that streamlining this process will put more money directly into the kids’ hands, as opposed to paying for administrative overhead,” Charen adds. “And now that we’re running everything, we can be completely transparent and give detailed reporting of how much money was raised and where it went.” michele Bryan, one of AGBA’s two new employees, will serve as the liaison between the alliance and the schools. She’s also helping the PTO members meet and learn from each other, which leads her to see another benefit in the new system. “Different schools
meet indie Purchasing a Go Local card gives customers access to discounts at about 400 shops and service providers. But if you’ve purchased a card in previous years, you may find yourself in for a bit of a shock. The 2015 card features a redesign created by jenny Fares of Sound Mind Creative — with geometric shapes, bold colors and an eye-catching mascot named Indie. The price of the 2015 card will be $16 with half going to an Asheville City school and half going to the Asheville Grown Business Alliance to finance the administration of the card, as well as its networking events and promotional materials. Cards will be available at 18 businesses throughout Asheville. Each business will be partnered with an Asheville City school, so where you buy your card determines which school you’ll be supporting. If you can’t decide, or if you want to sponsor all the schools, you can purchase the card online at ashevillegrown.com. Those funds will be distributed evenly among the seven schools participating in the campaign.
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For the list of businesses that sell the card, see the Go Local directory or visit ashevillegrown.com. Mountain Xpress publishes the Go Local directory in partnership with the Asheville Grown Business Alliance.
sell the card different ways and use the money for different purposes,” she explains. “But [Go Local] brings them together to share those ideas and network with each other. It’s all about that collaboration — between the customer and the business, the business and the schools, and between the schools themselves.” BuilDing thE nEtwoRk Being local can be a powerful asset. The American Independent Business Alliance attributes the “the multiplier effect” of local, independent businesses with creating more local jobs and a stronger local economy. The organization finds that about 48 percent of the money from each purchase at an independent store goes back into the local economy, compared with less than 14 percent of purchases at chain stores. But there are other benefits to being a local business, says jill sparks, executive director of the Small Business Center and Business Incubator at A-B Tech. “Tourists come here and they want to buy local,” she says. “And local people want to know where the local businesses are. I always tell my clients to leverage their local status.”
Harnessing the power of local is a key part of AGBA’s mission, says new staffer Emma hutchens. “Localization is incredibly important — looking at how we can build our communities, how we can rely on local resources,” she explains. “I am driven by the desire to have resource sharing, locally — sharing best practices between business owners and making sure local people feel excited about supporting Asheville just as much as tourists coming here to visit.” In pursuit of strengthening those local resources, AGBA is aiming to host quarterly networking events, beginning in 2015, for business owners to meet, share ideas and collaborate on projects. The events would lead up to a conference planned for August called the Venture Local Fair, which will be open to independent businesses from all over the region. Charen notes that the conference will be similar to the AdvantageWest Venture Local conferences that were held in 2011-12, which focused on increasing local entrepreneurship opportunities in Western North Carolina. AGBA is also launching a new, cross-platform website designed by alice oglesby of IO Designs.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Carrie Eidson
in the schools Go Local funds brought in between $800-$2,000 for individual schools last year (though additional funds were also raised for the Asheville City Schools Foundation). While that sum may seem modest, teachers and PTO members point out that, unlike with many grants from private or government sources, the school is allowed to choose how to spend that money without oversight. Having flexible funds to use on specific projects can really makes a difference, they say. “The beauty of Go Local is that the teachers are able to choose what they need for their classrooms and directly purchase the items without it having to come out of their pockets,” says terry Bellamy, the former mayor who volunteers on the Vance Elementary parent team. Todd Norman’s fifth-grade class at At Asheville High School, Go Local Ira B. Jones Elementary funds “mini-grants” of up to $500 for teachers. “If we didn’t receive those grants, it’s money we would be spending out of our own pockets, and it would be a lot,” notes science teacher Brian schultz. You can find out more about Go Local’s impact in the schools in a series of short articles on mountainx.com.
The site will allow customers to search businesses by category and encourage them to patronize the surrounding businesses as well. Aside from the networking events and the website, Sparks adds that strengthening the AGBA network will provide other benefits to businesses and their employees — including reinforcing “the entrepreneur ecosystem.” Sparks defines this as the realization that local businesses are interdependent and should support each other and share ideas. “An alliance encourages all these other service and product producers to make referrals because they want you to make referrals back to them,” Spark says. “Regardless of where you may be operating — West Asheville, South Slope or the main downtown business district — it allows people to find you.” But ultimately, Sparks says, one of the greatest benefits of a strong business network may be the emotional support. “Especially for folks starting out, it’s very valuable having this community,” she explains. “Oftentimes,
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
entrepreneurs feel like they’re the only ones experiencing a particular problem. But the reality is all these other business owners have already gone through these struggles at some point.” Follow thE signs Charen says Go Local is sometimes misconstrued as a “shopping campaign,” but the organization’s goals aren’t as narrow as getting more feet in the doors of local shops. “It’s not about spending more,” Charen says. “We’re already pushed enough to consume, but we’re not pushed to think about how our choices impact our community.” So while AGBA is focused on growth, Charen says, it’s about sustainable growth — growth that brings about more worker-owned businesses and more living-wage employers, and fills in gaps in regional supply chains to create a more independent economy. “We want to foster a more indepth conversation about what we want this community to look like 40, 50 years down the road,” Charen adds.
what go local means to me Why support the Go Local movement? That’s a question we put to local business owners, educators and community organizers. We heard answers ranging from supporting local schools to building a stronger economy to increasing the number of employers paying a living wage. Here’s a hint of what Go Local means to Asheville: “The Go Local movement helps people understand their own responsibility in building a strong local economy through local purchasing and investing.” — jane hatley, Self-Help Credit Union
Jay Weatherly, owner of High Five Coffee.
“Keeping money in this region protects businesses that have a character and a vibe that is unique to Asheville and reflects the local community.”— jay weatherly, High Five Coffee Bar
“The Go Local movement makes us mindful of where we put our dollars because every investment matters. You might just be one drop in the bucket, but our collective drops are a rainstorm.” — leah Ferguson, Asheville City Schools Board of Education “We believe in the spirit of collaboration and working together rather than in competition. We use Go Local to promote an experience where we all support and rely on one another.” — jael Rattigan, French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Share the warmth this holiday season!
“Go Local means we can support our homegrown businesses while transforming the Claxton media center into a learning space that better serves our students and families,” jamie allbach, Claxton Elementary
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Part of that mission involves encouraging tourists and locals to discover “an experience that is truly unique to Asheville” by venturing out of downtown and patronizing more businesses, she notes. “There are all these pockets of Asheville that as a visitor, or even as a local, you don’t know about,” Charen says. “I say ‘South Slope’ to locals all the time, and they say, ‘What’s down there?’” Just as the little “Love Asheville” heart first guided shoppers through downtown, Charen hopes the posters, the Go Local directory and the new website will help customers to discover the rest of Asheville as well. “I see this as being the masking tape that holds all this
together and lightly nudges people to ‘follow the signs,’” Charen says. “You’ll see them everywhere.” The Go Local card is a way for everyone in Asheville — residents and visitors — to engage with the work AGBA is doing, she adds, and to feel a connection to the “Local” effort. “I would love to see every locally owned business accepting the card and every local getting the card,” Charen says. “I want it to be thought of as, ‘When in Asheville, this is what you do’ — that we’re all aware that Go Local is something we all participate in and something we all benefit from.” X
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Jake Frankel
Balancing act West Asheville apartment plan highlights affordable housing and pedestrian safety
The billowing local debates over affordable housing and pedestrian safety are pivoting toward a long overlooked section of West Asheville. A proposal for a major new apartment complex at the corner of Hazel Mill Road and Clayton Avenue just north of Patton Avenue is steering the discussion. Developer Bob grasso is asking Asheville City Council for a zoning change that would allow him to build 104 apartments on the 6.5-acre site — about double the number that would be allowed under the land’s current zoning designation. Earlier this year, national research firm RealtyTrac found that Asheville is suffering from one of the worst affordable housing crises in the country. And in recent months, city officials have discussed a number of actions to change that, from increasing housing incentives to a broad zoning overhaul encouraging density. Grasso is pitching his White Oak Grove Apartments project as part of the solution, touting plans to include 11 units that fit the city’s definition of affordable housing. Those one-bedroom apartments would go for $819 per month, he says. The other 93 apartments would meet the city’s requirements for “workforce housing.” That translates to rents of $905 to $1,000 for 21 one-bedroom apartments and rents of $1,075 to $1,200 for 72 two-bedroom apartments, he says. In order to offer those prices and maintain the profitability of the project, Grasso says he needs to be able to build on a larger scale than is currently allowed on the property. “I’m not trying to compete with all the high-end stuff going up in the southend,” Grasso says. “I’m not going to have a swimming pool and all that. What I’m going to have is good housing for teachers. I’m trying to do something that is going
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
to meet the needs of the community as well as produce retirement income for me.” However, neighborhood activists say the area already suffers from a severe lack of transportation infrastructure and can’t handle such an influx of new residents without major improvements. Drivers frequently break Hazel Mill’s 30 mph speed limit as they veer off of Patton Avenue to avoid traffic lights, driving toward Louisiana Avenue, Leicester Highway and other points west. During rush hours, the winding corridor is often congested, and there are no sidewalks in sight. “Hazel Mill is an extremely dangerous road,” says neighborhood resident valerie martin. “It’s extremely narrow. There’s no sidewalks or bike lanes. … It’s a delicate area — everyone’s concerned about the increase in traffic.” Grasso has been pitching different iterations of the development for several years. And in that time, Martin has helped organize the neighborhood against it, turning in several petitions
wElcomE to thE nEighBoRhooD: Developer Bob Grasso is asking Asheville City Council for a zoning change that will allow him to build 104 apartments on 6.5 acres along Hazel Mill Road in West Asheville. Photos by Jake Frankel
with hundreds of signatures asking the city to block the proposal. In 2012, Grasso withdrew his zoning request from City Council only minutes before a vote, worrying he didn’t have enough support. But he’s made a number of changes since then, and now even Martin admits that she’s encountering more support for the project from Council. Still, the neighborhood continues to rally against the plan, mounting new petition drives and lining the road with yard signs urging “pedestrian safety on Hazel Mill.” “What we’re asking them to do is improve the infrastructure even before they consider approving that
EvERywhERE thERE’s signs: The proposed apartment site is currently an empty lot with views of downtown Asheville (left). Neighborhood residents have lined Hazel Mill with signs demanding sidewalks (right).
annexed until 1989, they still haven’t received equal attention and resources. “We never as a city went back in to do those things that are necessary for city-making, which is providing a connective network, increasing services like sidewalks and things like that,” says Minicozzi. “It’s a problem that there’s only two streets going through that whole quadrant of our city and that one road [Hazel Mill] is having to shoulder the burden of all that traffic. “It’s like having one vein handle your entire leg,” he says. “That’s the bigger picture.” In the longterm, Minicozzi says he wants the city to craft a comprehensive plan for the area rather than deal with development proposals on a piecemeal basis. For now, he agrees with residents that more sidewalks are needed to prevent injuries if the development goes through. “The canary in the coal mine, to a pedestrian environment, is the sidewalk,” he says. “I don’t think you can find a person on the planet who thinks Hazel Mill is a safe street to walk in.” whosE REsponsiBility is it?
density increase,” Martin says. “We’re begging for something that will mitigate the traffic. We understand the importance of affordable housing. We understand that the city is desperate to check this off of their list. [But] we feel that we’re already pretty high density. Doubling our density is more than what most people in the community want.” canaRy in thE coal minE One of main appeals of the neighborhood is its close proximity to downtown Asheville, the River Arts District, the Haywood Road corridor and the conveniences of Patton Avenue. However, unlike many other neighborhoods so close to those thriving sections of the city, Hazel Mill residents have little practical way of getting to them without a vehicle. Lacking sidewalks, residents have carved “goat trails” down the steep slope to the south of Hazel Mill through peoples’ yards in order to access the SavMor on Patton Avenue. Rachel Reeser, a neighborhood resident for seven years, says she’s seen an uptick in people trespassing in her yard to get to the grocery store over the years. She speculates that many of them don’t seem to have other means of transportation, noting that the neighborhood is home to trailer parks, a Section 8 housing development and other low-income residencies. Grasso says he’ll give all of his renters yearly bus passes. However, the bus stop nearest to his proposed devel-
opment is about 3,000 feet up Hazel Mill, at the corner of Louisiana Avenue. joe minicozzi, who used to live in the neighborhood and currently serves on the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission, says he sees the disconnect as a major problem. The commission is tasked with making recommendations to City Council, and Minicozzi cast the only vote against the White Oak Grove rezoning when the issue came before the non-binding body on Oct. 16. “People will get killed walking up that street,” he asserts. “So handing them a bus pass is basically incentivizing them to a path of suicide.” Earlier this year, a N.C. Department of Transportation report found that Asheville is the most dangerous city in the state, per capita, for people on foot. Previously the executive director of the Asheville Downtown Association, Minicozzi now works as a planning consultant, advising cities across the U.S. on development issues. The roots of the current debate actually stretch back nearly a century, he says, owing to the fact that the city incorporated neighborhoods to the south of Patton Avenue decades before the Hazel Mill area. The Haywood corridor benefited from the city’s early investment in planning and infrastructure, he says, but because sections of the Hazel Mill and Emma neighborhoods weren’t
A longtime local landscape architect, Grasso wants to build a 10-foot wide sidewalk and bike path bordering the development, buttressed from Hazel Mill traffic with a median. His plan calls for expanding Clayton Avenue onto his property enough to allow on-street parking without impeding traffic on the small, two-lane road. The development includes outdoor picnic grounds, a dog park (for apartment residents only) and several environmental features, such as permeable pavement to minimize water runoff. And he’d include a bike rack capable of parking up to 40 two-wheelers. Grasso agrees with neighborhood activists that the problem, however, is that even with his infrastructure, it leaves roughly half-mile stretches of Hazel Mill without sidewalks to get to the Louisiana bus stop or Patton Avenue. He’s pledged $10,000 to the city to aid the connection efforts, but due to the challenging terrain, those missing stretches of sidewalk are likely to cost more than $100,000. That level of funding “is the city’s responsibility,” Grasso says. “I’m doing it on my property. … I can’t spend $100,000. There’s no way.” Although he hasn’t calculated the figures, Grasso estimates that the longterm increase in property-tax revenue the apartments would generate would more than pay for the cost of city sidewalks. City Council is scheduled to consider his zoning request Dec. 9, and he says he’ll be prepared with the tax estimates by then. “I’m probably going to make that plea on behalf of
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Jake Frankel
the neighborhood,” he says. “Without this project coming to Council, they wouldn’t have had much of a voice as far as getting sidewalks on Hazel Mill.” Grasso also agrees that speeding is already a problem on Hazel Mill, but says a traffic study he commissioned shows that the impact of his development would be “negligible.” He estimates the apartment complex would result in about 57 additional cars using the road during the peak afternoon rush hour. To help remedy the situation, he supports city traffic-calming measures such as speed bumps or stop signs at the intersection of Clayton and Hazel Mill, near the development’s entrance. “I’ve tried to respond to what the community concerns have been,” he says. Balancing gREat nEEDs Constructing sidewalks or bike lanes on Hazel Mill and adjacent streets doesn’t register on the city’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master plans, which prioritize a long list of other areas for building infrastructure. But City Council Member chris pelly says he doesn’t want neighborhoods like Hazel Mill to be over-
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
jfrankel@mountainx.com looked as the city focuses resources on so-called “innovation districts” like Charlotte Street and the River Arts area. With a developer willing to invest millions in Hazel Mill, he says it’s fair for it to jump to the top of the priority list. “We can’t just tell the neighborhood, ‘Wait for five or 10 years,’” he says. “That’s not going to work, in my book.” Pelly won election in 2011 after mounting a successful neighborhood campaign to build sidewalks in East Asheville. “Part of where I’m coming from philosophically is, we’re prepared to spend $30 million in the River Arts District to encourage high-density development there,” he explains. “If that’s what’s happening in residential neighborhoods, I think we have to be equally willing to use at least a fraction of that to make some improvements in those types of areas as well. Of course, the challenge is, where is the money coming from.” Council members have been meeting with Grasso, neighborhood residents and transportation department officials to assess the situation ahead of their Dec. 9 decision.
mapping it out: The apartment development is planned for the corner of Hazel Mill Road and Clayton Avenue just north of Patton Avenue. Residents would receive free bus passes but there’s no sidewalk to get to the nearest bus stop about a half-mile away.
If 5 percent of neighborhood residents who own property adjoining the White Oak proposal file a formal petition with the city, it will require a supermajority of City Council to approve the zoning request. It’s a petition threshold Martin says they’re likely to achieve, noting that neighbors filed such a petition in 2012. That means only two Council members would need to vote “no” to block the development. In an email to neighborhood residents, Mayor Esther manheimer says the city continues to analyze the situation. “There is a great need for housing in the city and it’s difficult to meet that challenge while balancing all other factors,” she writes. “But, the council is committed to both adding much needed housing
and improving the city’s multimodal transportation infrastructure.” For his part, Pelly says that if sidewalks extending from the development aren’t “part of the mix, I don’t know how I’m going to vote on this, even though it contributes to our affordablehousing solutions. It has to be part of a more comprehensive response. “It’s not a perfect world but this is an opportunity here,” he says. “I don’t know what will carry the day.” X Asheville City Council plans to hold a public hearing on the White Oak Grove Apartments rezoning request Tuesday, Dec. 9, in room 209 of City Hall. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. Stay tuned to mountainx. com/news/local-government for updates.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 11, 2014
Calendar Deadlines In order to qualify for a FREE listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a for-profit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. FREE listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via Email to calendar@mountainx.com or through our onlinE submission form at mountainx. com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/ calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 110. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 251-1333, ext. 320.
AnimAls WnC AgriCulturAl Center 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, 6871414, mountainfair.org • TH (12/11) through SU (12/14), 8am-2pm - US Dog Agility Association trials. Free.
Benefits equinox Horse foundAtion Winter’s tAle 708-9331 • FR (12/5), 5-10pm - Tickets to this event featuring carriage rides, food and holiday entertainment benefit the equinox Horse foundation. $40. Held at Wysteria Inn, 56 N. Main St., Weaverville fire & iCe JAzz Benefit 859-2828, upstairsartspace.org • SU (12/7), 5:30-9pm - Tickets to this cocktails, dinner and jazz event benefit upstairs Artspace. $50. Held at Sunnydale, 328 S. Trade St., Tryon
a gRowing gEt togEthER: The Organic Growers School will host a women-only gathering and potluck celebrating Western North Carolina’s female farmers, gardeners and growers on Saturday, Dec. 6. The “Women in Agriculture” gathering will cover topics including “managing family and farm,” “food equality,” “favorite recipes” and “feminism and farming.” Photo courtesy of Organic Growers School. (p.18)
Home for tHe HolidAys fundrAiser 232-2879, townandmountain.com/ Ashevillefundraiser • FR (12/5), 5-11pm - Proceeds from this silent auction, local food and live entertainment event benefit Homeward Bound, Helpmate, Caring for Children, Asheville Homeless network and Western Carolina rescue mission. Admission by donation. Held at Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave. iWC HolidAy HotCAkes fundrAiser 274-6053, ireneworthamcenter.org • SA (12/6), 8-10am - Proceeds from this pancake fundraiser will benefit the irene Wortham Center. $10. Held at Applebee’s, 1655 Hendersonville Road Jingle Bell 5k run/WAlk jinglebellrunasheville.kintera.org • SA (12/6), 8:30am - Proceeds benefit the Arthritis foundation. $25. Held at Montford Recreation Center, 34 Pearson Drive
neW mountAin ClimAte BAsH 785-1701, newmountainavl.com • TH (12/4), 7pm - All proceeds from this music celebration benefit Asheville Beyond Coal. $10/$8 advance/$5 students. Held at New Mountain, 38 N. French Broad PAWs to give 505-3440, bwar.org • TH (12/4), 6-9pm - Admission and sales at this holiday silent auction with live music benefit Brother Wolf Animal rescue. $20. Held at Millroom, 66 Ashland Ave. roAdrunner fundrun 697-4561, hendersoncountypublicschoolsnc.org/hcec • SA (12/6), 8am - Proceeds from this 5K and fun run benefit Henderson County early College High school. $20. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock sAint mAry’s Winter fAir 254-5836, societyofsaintmary@ yahoo.com • FR (12/5), 10am-6pm - All
proceeds from this antiques, rummage, craft and bake sale will benefit eblen Charities’ energy assistance program for lowincome residents. Free to attend. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St.
Business & teCHnology AmeriCAn Business Women’s AssoCiAtion abwaskyhy.com, abwaskyhychapter@gmail.com • TH (12/11), 5:30-7:30pm Monthly dinner meeting and holiday gift exchange. $25 gift. Held at Crowne Plaza Resort, 1 Resort Drive
sCore Counselors to smAll Business 271-4786, ashevillescore.org Registration required. Free. • WE (12/3), 5:30pm - “Social Media for Business” seminar. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • SA (12/6), 9am - “Selling in the 21st Century” seminar. Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler • WE (12/10), 5:30pm “Advanced Internet Marketing seminar.” Held at A-B Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Road, Candler
ClAsses, meetings & events
eConomiC develoPment CoAlition 258-6101, ashevillechamber.org/ economic-development • WEDNESDAYS, 9am - “1 Million Cups,” coffee and networking event for local entrepreneurs. Free to attend. Held at Mojo Coworking, 60 N. Market St.
ABrAHAm/HiCks: lAW of AttrACtion meeting (pd.) Live with joy! Uplifting, positive group! Understand vibration, and how to manifest in your life. Every Wednesday, 7pm, Free! (828) 274-5444.
tHe rAdiAnt Women’s toolkit (pd.) – Cutting Edge Tools for Living our Human Potential Exploration of Permaculture and Herbal Medicine, Song, Communication, and Sisterhood Saturday December 6, 1-7pm $70. ages 20-75+, West Asheville Yoga 602 Haywood Rd. Info at westashevilleyoga.com/event/ radiant-womans-toolkit-keri-evjy/ or Keri at 828.450.1836 AsHeville BroWns BACkers CluB 658-4149, ashevillebbw@gmail. com • SUNDAYS - Meets during Cleveland Browns games. Contact for specific times. Held at The Fairview Tavern, 831 Old Fairview Road AsHeville oBJeCtivists ashevilleobjectivists.wordpress. com • TU (12/9), 6pm - Discussion of Ayn Rand’s philiosophy. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (12/3), 5pm - Swannanoa Knitters, casual knitting and needlework group for all skill levels. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa • WE (12/10), 10am - Sew What? social sewing group for all skill levels. Free. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa
fletCHer liBrAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library.hendersoncountync.org Free unless otherwise noted. • TUESDAYS, 3pm - Medium to advanced conversational Spanish class. Free.
AsHeville toAstmAsters CluB 914-424-7347, ashevilletoastmasters.com • THURSDAYS, 6:15pm - Weekly meetings for sharpening public speaking skills. Free. Held at YMI Cultural Center, 39 South Market St.
d&d Adventurers leAgue revtobiaz@gmail.com WEDNESDAYS, 5:30pm Ongoing fantasy roleplaying campaign for both new and veteran players. Free. Held at The Wyvern’s Tale, 347 Merrimon Ave
community calEnDaR
Hendersonville Wise Women 693-1523 • 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - A safe, supportive group of women “of a certain age.” Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville Just eConomiCs WnC 505-7466, justeconomicswnc.org • TH (12/4), 6-9pm - “Putting the
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Pieces Together,” annual celebration includes food, music and a raffle. Free. Held at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St. mountAin AreA volunteer lAWyers 210-3429, morgan@pisgahlegal.org • 1st THURSDAYS, 12-2pm - “Debt 101” clinic, includes discussion of debtor rights, resources and options. Free. Held at Pisgah Legal Services, 62 Charlotte St. move to Amend of BunComBe County 299-1242, movetoamend.org/ nc-asheville, mabco@movetoamend.org • MO (12/8), 7pm - Monthly planning meeting. Free. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. ontrACk WnC 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, ontrackwnc.org Registration required. • WE (12/3), 5:30-7pm - “Health Insurance Basics & Budgeting for Health,” seminar. Free. • WE (12/3), noon-1pm - “What Every Woman Needs to Know About Money,” seminar. Free. • THURSDAYS (12/4) & (12/18), 5:30-8pm - Manage Your Money series. Free. • TUESDAYS through (12/9), 5:30pm - “Relationships & Money” seminar. Free. smoky mountAin CHess CluB facebook.com/ SmokyMountainChessClub • THURSDAYS, 1pm - Players of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville smoky mountAin knitting guild smkguild.com • WEDNESDAYS, 1-3pm Knitting classes. Free. Held at
Blue Ridge Books, 152 S. Main St., Waynesville soutHern rodeo AssoCiAtion srarodeo.com • TH (12/4) through SU (12/7) - Finals. $5-$36. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road toAstmAsters 978-697-2783 • TUESDAYS, 7-8am - Works on developing public speaking and leadership skills. Free. Held at Reuter YMCA, 3 Town Center Blvd. trAnsition AsHeville 296-0064, transitionasheville.org • SA (12/6), 1-4pm - “Facebook for Activists,” training session. Registration required. $15. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. veterAns for PeACe 582-5180, vfpchapter099wnc. blogspot.com • TU (12/9), 6:30pm - General meeting. Free. Held at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St. Western CArolinA university 1 University Way, Cullowhee, 227-7211 • FR (12/5), 4pm - “It’s a Wrap,” 125th anniversary celebration and parade. Free.
dAnCe studio zAHiyA, doWntoWn dAnCe ClAsses (pd.) Monday 6pm Hip Hop Wkt • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 2 8pm West African • Wednesday 6pm Bellydance 3 • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
Fun fundraisers
• Saturday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 10:30am Bellydance • Sunday 10am Intro to West African • $13 for 60 minute classes, Hip Hop Wkrt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595
toric neighborhood. Enjoy festive historic homes, home-baked treats, and holiday entertainment. $20 at Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Avenue, December 1-13. Info: montfordtour.com or 828-280-1576.
BAiley mountAin Cloggers 689-1113, baileymountaincloggers.yolasite.com • SA (12/6), 3-6pm - Silent auction and performance. In Moore Auditorium. $5. Held at Mars Hill University, 265 Cascade St., Mars Hill
An old fAsHioned diCkens of A CHristmAs festivAl 398-6062, historicbiltmorevillage. com/events-2 • FR (12/5) & SA (12/6) - Includes tree lighting, caroling, carriage rides and more. Fri.: 6-7pm; Sat: 1-7pm. Free to attend. Held in historic Biltmore Village.
eCo CleAn energy for WnC cleanenergyfor.us • TH (12/11), 6-7:30pm - Clean energy information session. Free. Held at REI Asheville, 31 Schenck Parkway trAnsition AsHeville 296-0064, transitionasheville.org • MO (12/8), 6:30-8pm - “Tim Ormond and a New Paradigm for Human-Stormwater Ecosystems!” discussion and social. Free. Held at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 337 Charlotte St.
Healing with horses what: Winter’s Tale, a fundraiser for Equinox Horse Foundation whEn: 5-10 p.m., Friday, Dec. 5 whERE: Wysteria Inn, 56 N. Main St., Weaverville why: The Equinox Horse Foundation is a new program, bringing horses and humans together for healing. The foundation offers compassionate riding services to differently abled, as well as typically abled, folks and raises funds for Therapeutic Riding and Equine Assisted Therapy programs and financial assistance for those unable to pay. “We want people to understand how helpful and empathic horses are, how they empower people with challenges,” says EHF president and therapeutic riding instructor lori araki. “Horses are highly perceptive; they do not judge, and they often match their personality to that of the rider without the rider realizing it themselves.”
To jump-start this new program, EHF is presenting an evening of fun, frolic and fantasia based on the Mark Helprin novel Winter’s Tale. The film based on the book will be screened during the event. Chestnut roasting, actors, acrobats, performances by Opera Creations and horse-drawn carriage rides are also in store. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Equinox Horse Foundation’s expenses, such as leasing horses for therapeutic activities, facility costs and insurance, which is one of the foundation’s most significant expenses, Araki says. Attendees and others interested in donating to EHF may also purchase clothing items online at cafepress.com, where 10 percent of purchases will benefit the foundation. Tickets for the event are $40 and include a carriage ride with a picture, the film screening, hors d'oeuvres and libations. Carriage rides are available separately for $10 (get a picture for $5 more). For more information or to purchase tickets, visit equinoxhorse.weebly.com, or call 208-0967. — Michael McDonald
Western nortH CArolinA AlliAnCe 258-8737, wnca.org • SA (12/7) - Tour of a chemicalfree Christmas tree farm. Free. Registration required. Held at What Fir! Tree Farm, 330 Wolf Ridge Trail, Boone • TH (12/11), 10am-1pm - Tour of Buncombe County Landfill, Curbside Management Recycling & Common Ground Upcycle Emporium to discuss seasonal consumerism. Free. Registration required. Meets at 85 Panther Branch Road WnC sierrA CluB 251-8289, wenoca.org • WE (12/3), 7pm - Holiday party potluck and recognition awards ceremony. Free with dish to share. Held at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville, 1 Edwin Place.
CHimney roCk PArk 1638 Chimney Rock Park Road, Chimney Rock, 625-4688 • SATURDAYS through (12/13), 11am-2pm - “Santa on the Chimney,” Santa repels down Chimney Rock. Admission fees apply. deCk tHe trees libbafairleigh@gmail.com, facebook.com/montevistahotel • TH (12/4) through WE (12/31) - Dollar-votes at this hand-decorated Christmas tree contest benefit Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries. Free to attend. Held at Monte Vista Hotel, 308 West State St., Black Mountain flAt roCk HolidAy mArket facebook.com/flatrockfarmersmarket • TH (12/4), 2-6pm - Includes vendors and end of season celebration. Free to attend. Held at 2724 Greenville Highway, Flat Rock. four seAsons ComPAssion for life 571 S. Allen Road, Flat Rock, 6926178, fourseasonscfl.org • FR (12/5), 5:30pm - “Tree of Lights,” lights and luminaries display. Free.
festivAls ArtsPACe Arts & CrAfts fAir (pd.) Saturday, 12/6 10am-3pm www.artspacecharter.org Pottery, Textiles, Jewelry, and so much more! Concessions also available! montford HolidAy tour of Homes Saturday, 12-13, 1-5 pm. 19th Annual Tour of Homes in Montford, Asheville’s most his-
Bullington gArdens 95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville, 698-6104, bullingtongardens.org • FR (12/5) & SA (12/6), 10am4pm - Holiday sale. Free to attend.
HeArt of BrevArd 884-3278, brevardnc.org • SA (12/6), 4-9pm - Twilight Tour, includes carriage rides, christmas tree lighting and live music. Free. Held in downtown Brevard. HolidAy events in BlACk mountAin 669-2300, exploreblackmountain.com • FR (12/5), 5-8pm - “Holly Jolly,” shopping, entertainment and holiday markets. Free to attend. Held in downtown Black Mountain. • SA (12/6), noon-3pm - “Santa on the Town Square,” fam-
ily photo session. Free. Held in downtown Black Mountain. • SA (12/6), 4pm - “It’s a Wonderful Life” themed Christmas parade. Free. Held in downtown Black Mountain. • SA (12/6), 5pm - “Circle of Lights,” includes luminaries, Santa and live music. Free. Held at Lake Tomahawk Park, 401 S. Laurel Circle Drive, Black Mountain HolidAy events in fletCHer 687-0751, fletchernc.org • FR (12/5), 6pm - Fletcher Parks & Rec’s annual Christmas Tree lightning & visit with Santa. Free. Held at Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher HolidAy events in Hendersonville historichendersonville.org • FR (12/5), 5-8pm - Olde Fashioned Hendersonville Christmas, entertainment and merchants open house. Free to attend. Held in downtown Hendersonville. • FR (12/5), 5-7pm - “Ye Olde Christmas Gathering at the People’s House,” stories, crafts and music. Free. Held at Henderson County Heritage Museum, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville • SA (12/6), 10am - Christmas parade. Free to attend. Held in downtown Hendersonville. • SA (12/6), 11am - “Songs for the Season,” holiday sing-along after the parade. Free. Held at Hendersonville Historic Courthouse Square, 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville HolidAy events in mArion 652-2215, marionnc.org • TH (12/4), 5-7pm - “Melodies on Main,” includes live music, hay rides and Santa Claus. Free to attend. Held at Marion Courthouse, 21 S. Main St., Marion HolidAy events in rutHerford 980-2883, experiencerutherford.com • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS until (1/1) - “Hometown Holidays,” includes lights, carriage rides, hay rides and pet photos with Santa Paws. Held in downtown Forest City. JACkson County fArmers mArket 23 Central St., Sylva, jacksoncountyfarmersmarket.org • SATURDAYS through (12/13) - Holiday Bazaar includes local foods, kids activities and live music. Free to attend.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
community calEnDaR JoHnson fArm 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, 891-6585, historicjohnsonfarm.org • SA (12/6) - Christmas open house, tours, sleigh and wagon rides. $5/$3 children. lAke JuliAn PArk 406 Overlook Road Ext, Arden, 684-0376 • TH (12/4), 6-8pm - “Walking in a Winter Wonderland,” festival of lights. $5/free for children. • FR (12/5) through TU (12/23), 6-9pm - Festival of Lights. $5-$25/ vehicle. n.C. ArBoretum 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, ncarboretum.org • Through SA (1/4), 8am-8pm “Winter Lights,” light show and festivities in the garden. Admission fees apply. nortH AsHeville tAilgAte mArket northashevilletailgatemarket.org • SATURDAYS through (12/20) Holiday Bazaar includes artisan foods and crafts. Free to attend. Held on the campus of UNCA. sHAdrACk CHristmAs WonderlAnd 693-9708, shadrackchristmas.com/asheville • Through SU (1/4), dusk-10pm - Drive-through LED Christmas lights and music show. $20+/ per vehicle. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road
West AsHeville HolidAy fArmer’s mArket 545-4516, westashevilletailgatemarket.com • TUESDAYS (12/2) through (12/23), 2:30-6pm - Includes live music and food. Free to attend. Held at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road Winterfest in tHe gorge 625-2725, hickorynutchamber.org • Through TH (1/1) - Features a variety of family activities including holiday lights, chili cook-off, hay rides and pictures with Santa. Contact for schedule. Free to attend. Held in Hickory Nut Gorge. WnC nAture Center 75 Gashes Creek Road, 298-5600, wildwnc.org • SA (12/6), 10am-4pm - “Holiday Tails,” celebration includes craft, face painting, a Christmas hay maze and Santa. Admission fees apply.
food & Beer BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library • TH (12/11), 5:30pm - “Barley. Hops. Asheville.” beer education series. Free. Held at Skyland/ South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road
sWAnnAnoA vAlley fine Arts leAgue svfalarts.org • TUESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/31), 11am-3pm - Holiday gift market. Free to attend. Held at Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 W. State St., Black Mountain
HAyWood County mAster gArdeners tim_mathews@ncsu.edu • SA (12/6), 10am-3pm - Wreath making event. Reservations required. $20. Held at Haywood County Extension Center, 589 Raccoon Road, Suite 118, teAm eCCo oCeAn Center Waynesville And AquArium • WE (12/11), 10am-5pm - Holiday 511 N Main St., Hendersonville, greens market, live and bundled 692-8386, teamecco.org • FR (12/5), 6-8:30pm & SA (12/6), greens. Free to attend. Held at Badcock Furniture, 356 N. Main 1-3:30pm - Visits with scuba-diving St., Waynesville Santa. $3. unitAriAn univerAlist felloWsHiP of Hendersonville 2021 Kanuga Road Hendersonville, 693-3157, uufhnc.org • SA (12/6), 9am-3pm - Holiday craft fair and bake sale. Free to attend. vAnCe BirtHPlACe 911 Reems Creek Road Weaverville, 838-645-6706, nchistoricsites.org/vance • SA (12/6), 4-8:30pm - 1830’sthemed Christmas candlelight tours led by costumed guides. $3.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Women in AgriCulture 772-5846, organicgrowersschool. org • SA (12/6), 10am-4pm Discussion group and potluck. Free. Held at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St.
government & PolitiCs Henderson County demoCrAtiC PArty 692-6424, myhcdp.com • SA (12/6), 9-11:30am - Monthly hot breakfast buffet meeting. $8/
free for first-timers. Held at 905 S. Greenville Hwy, Hendersonville • WE (12/10), 9am - Discussion group meeting. Free. Held at Mike’s on Main, 303 N. Main St, Hendersonville united WAy of AsHeville & BunComBe County 255-0696, unitedwayabc.org • TH (12/11), 8:30-11am “Building a Stronger North Carolina – A Call to Action,” state budget overview. Registration required. Free. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler
kids kids ACtivities At tHe liBrAry buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (12/3), 3:30pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 5 and up. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • FR (12/5), 4-5pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 6-12. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • SA (12/6), 3pm - Gingerbread house decorating for ages 5+. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview • SA (12/6), 10-11:30am - LEGO Builders Club for ages 6-12. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road • SA (12/6), 11am - Holiday ornament making workshop. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • MO (12/8), 4-5pm - LEGO Builders Club for ages 6+. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N Main St., Weaverville fletCHer liBrAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 6871218, library.hendersoncountync. org • WE (12/10), 4pm - Ornament making class for children up to grade 5. Reservations required. Free.
outdoors friends of tHe smokies 452-0720, friendsofthesmokies. org, outreach.nc@friendsofthesmokies.org • TU (12/9) - ’Classic Hike of the Smokies,’ with author Danny Bernstein. Meet-up location with registration. $35. lAke JAmes stAte PArk 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 • SA (12/6), 9:45am - Rangerled winter waterfowl cruise. Reservations required. Free.
Asheville Disclaimer by Tom Scheve
Find local standup comedy info at DisclaimerComedy.com • Twitter @AVLdisclaimer Honking our Horn in Feigned Support of Protests in Pack Square since 2002
asheville disclaimer
Briefs Speakers at Asheville-hosted leadership conference inspire thousands of attendees to the life-changing action of transferring money to leadership conference speakers “Daydreamer” mural presented to public after name change from ‘Disaffected Housewife Stares Blankly into Hallucinations of an Apocalyptic Future’ Billy Graham releases new movie to mark 96th birthday Graham claims he did his own fighting, driving stunts
Celebrity Roundup
Ken Takakura, the “Clint Eastwood of Japan,” passed away, after a long, storied career as a tough guy in Japanese cinema. A quick check shows: • The Jimmy Stewart of Belgium has a wonderful life of debauchery. • The Montgomery Clift of Khazakstan is mulling a comeback. • The Bill Cosby of Thailand keeps avoiding arrest, somehow. • The Charlton Heston of Antigua had the blunderbuss pried from his cold, dead hands. • The Angie Dickenson of The Mickey New Zealand still runs a Rourke of Bulgaria, wombat rescue ranch. above • The many Telly Savalases of Greece are experiencing a reduced catch of anchovies. • There is no Anthony Quinn of another country. Just knock it off, dudes. • The Burl Ives of Finland is barred from participation in reindeer games. • The Raquel Welch of Poland has had some work done. • The Jack Klugman of Myanmar is not on speaking terms with the Tony Randall of Bangladesh. Asheville Disclaimer is parody/satire Contact: tomscheve@gmail.com Contrib. this week: Joe Shelton, Tom Scheve
Updated Voting Report (ahem)
To: You From: NC Democratic Party Re: Latest naughty/nice voter lists Dear “voter,”
We produce “voter report cards” in an effort to shame you into voting (for our candidates; if you’re going to vote Republican, please don’t vote). As a service to ourselves, our organization monitors turnout in your community, where we would like to run things. Our country was built on democratic engagement, the threat of public exposure and shenanigans from political parties. As threatened, the North Carolina Democratic Party has reassessed your voting record following the latest election. As such, you have been selected to participate in a “survey” about how you voted and why. As a voter who voted in three of the last four prior elections, we were very curious about whether or not you would prove to be a disappointing failure of a voter/human during this latest election. We know you know exactly how we feel about your most recent voting behavior, mister. Your vote, unfortunately, is confidential. However, public records (as screened and publicized by us) tell the community atlarge whether you vote or not. You’ve been exposed, missy! It would be an understatement to say that we are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors, and even people who live in your household. If it’s an “understatement to say we are disappointed,” imagine what is said when we are making regular statements! Can you talk to your democracy-hating neighbors, roommates and loved ones, or would you rather one of us stop by to sit them down for a little chat? Also, when is a good time for you to chat about your own voting habits with us or all of your neighbors at a townhall-style meeting/trial held on your front step? You’ll be hearing more from us, so please make room on your schedule and brew a pot of coffee. It won’t be a short visit, that’s for sure. Tsk tsk, Your all-seeing, all-knowing “friends” at the North Carolina Democratic Party
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
community calEnDaR
• SA (12/6), 9:45am - Winter waterfowl cruise. Registration required. Free. • SU (12/7), 10am - Ranger-led hike touring old homesites. Free. • SU (12/7), 10am - Old homesites ranger-led tour. Free. soutHern APPAlACHiAn HigHlAnds ConservAnCy 253-0095, appalachian.org • SA (12/6), 9am - Cold Mountain Hike, strenuous 10.6 mile hike. Registration required. Free. WnC AgriCulturAl Center 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, 6871414, mountainfair.org • FR (12/5) & SA (12/6) - WNC Fly Fishing Expo. $15/free 16 and under.
sPirituAlity ABout tHe trAnsCendentAl meditAtion teCHnique: free introduCtory leCture (pd.) Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation. Learn about the authentic TM technique. It’s not concentrating, trying to be mindful, or common mantra practice.
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
It’s an effortless, non-religious, evidence-based technique for heightened well-being and a spiritually fulfilled life. The only meditation recommended by the American Heart Association. • Topics: How the major forms of meditation differ—in practice and results; What science says about TM, stress, anxiety and depression; Meditation and brain research; What is Enlightenment? • Thursday, 6:307:30pm, Asheville tm Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or meditationAsheville.org AsHeville ComPAssionAte CommuniCAtion Center (pd.) Free practice group. Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships, work, and community by practicing compassionate communication (nonviolent communication). 252-0538 or www.ashevilleccc. com • 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00-6:00pm. Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com.
life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. AWAkening deePest nAture meditAtion ClAss (pd.) Consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Healing into life through deepened stillness, presence & wisdom. Meditation, lessons & dialogue in Zen inspired unorthodox enlightenment. Mondays, 6:30-7:30pm - Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. (828) 258-3241, healing@billwalz.com, www.billwalz.com CrystAl visions Books And event Center (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts • Incense • Tarot. Visit our Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks.com eCkAnkAr WorsHiP SERVICE • “DEVELOP A Hunger for god to find sPirituAl freedom” (pd.) “A hunger for God is but the germ of a passion at the outset of an individual’s excursion into
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HoseA’s messAge for AmeriCA (pd.) is the subject of classes offered at Biltmore Church of Christ, 823 Fairview Street at 9:30 a.m., Sunday. Led by Dr. Gene Rainey, former UNCA professor and County Commission chair. For directions to the church go to www.biltmorecofc. org. looking for genuine sPirituAl guidAnCe And HelP? (pd.) We are in a beautiful area about 10 minutes from downtown Asheville, very close to Warren Wilson College. www. truththomas.org 828-299-4359 AsHeville tAntrA CirCle journeyawake.wordpress.com/ events, elainecaban@gmail.com • MONDAYS, 7-9:30pm - Tantra, sexual healing, awakening and intimacy techniques. Contact for location. Admission by donation. PArisH of st. eugene 72 Culvern St., 254-5193, steugene.org • 1st FRIDAYS - Taizé service. Free to attend. sHAmBHAlA meditAtion Center 19 Westwood Place, 200-5120, shambhalaashvl@gmail.com • 1st THURSDAYS, 6-7pm Public group sitting and Dharma reading/discussion. Free.
sPoken & Written Word
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the land of karma and reincarnation. It develops over the ages. Hardship, pain, toil, misery, loneliness, and disappointment are its culture. So this hunger for God grows and grows. Lifetime upon lifetime of misadventure later, this battered wanderer comes upon good fortune…in due season this wanderer finds the teachings of ECK. He’s come home, to the land of impossible dreams. A place of love, shelter, freedom and, yes, freely given service.” Experience stories from the heart, creative arts and more, followed by fellowship and a potluck lunch. (Donations accepted). • Date: Sunday, December 7, 2014, 11am to 12noon, Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-2546775. www.eckankar-nc.org
AsHeville Bookfest 277-0998, ashevillebookfest.com • SA (12/6), 10am-6pm - Author readings, workshops and pub-
lishing presentations. Contact for full schedule. Free to attend. Held at Haywood Park Hotel, 1 Battery Park Ave. AsHeville movement Center 4 Richmond Ave., 258-7220 • FR (12/5), 5:30pm - Lavinia Plonka discusses her book Meditating with My Hair on Fire. Free to attend. BlACk mountAin Center for tHe Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • WE (12/10), 7pm - Doug Orr discusses his book Wayfaring Strangers. Free. Books for good 50 Heritage Park Drive, Fletcher, 989-4655, booksforgoodinc.com • FR (12/5) through SU (12/7) - Holiday book sale to benefit the nonprofit of donor’s choice. Fri.&Sat.: 9am-5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm. Free to attend. BunComBe County PuBliC liBrAries buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (12/4), 6:30pm - Book club: In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson. Held at East Asheville Library, 902 Tunnel Road • FR (12/5), 10:30am-3pm - 25 cent book sale to benefit Friends of the Library. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • FR (12/5), 10am-4pm - Book sale to benefit the library. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • SA (12/6), 10am-3pm - “Fill a Box for Five Bucks,” used book sale. Held at Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main Weaverville, Weaverville • SA (12/6), 10am-3pm - Used book sale to benefit the library. $5/box. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N Main St., Weaverville • TU (12/9), 1pm - Book club: Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. Held at Leicester Library, 1561 Alexander Road, Leicester • TH (12/11), 1pm - Book club: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. Free. Held at Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview fletCHer liBrAry 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 6871218, library.hendersoncountync. org Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (12/3), 2pm - Renee Kumor discusses her book Small Town Talk. • Through (12/10) - Read to Springer the therapy dog.
Registration required. • FR (12/5), 2pm - Renee Kumor discusses her book Someone Cares. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 10:30am Fletcher book club. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:30pm Writers Guild of WNC meeting. • TH (12/11), 2-4pm Downloading an ebook to your iPad seminar. Reservations required.
volunteering volunteer WitH tHe literACy CounCil (pd.) volunteers are needed to tutor adults in reading, writing and English as a Second Language. Tutors receive training and support from certified professionals. Learn more by emailing us:volunteers@litcouncil.com. AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil gAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through (12/21) - Volunteers are needed to work as artist curators for 2015 exhibits. Big BrotHers Big sisters of WnC 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • TU (12/9), noon - Volunteer information session. Free. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave. CArolinA mountAin lAnd ConservACy 697-5777, carolinamountain.org • WE (12/3), 5:30-6:30pm - Volunteer information session. Held at 847 Case St., Hendersonville • TH (12/4), 9am-3pm -Volunteer orientation and workday. Held at Upper Hickory Nut Gorge Community Center, 4730 Gerton Highway, Gerton CHildren first Cis of BunComBe County 259-9717, childrenfirstbc.org • Through FR (12/12) - Sponsor a child during the holidays. Contact for details. • Through SU (12/28) - “Bedtime in a Bag,” drive for bedtime items for children in need. Held at NC Stage, 15 Stage Lane riverlink 170 Lyman St., 252-847-4X11 • WE (12/10), 5:30pm - “Who was Wilma Dykeman?” presentation and volunteer information session. For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/ volunteering
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
A sixth sense Author and educator Nancy Baumgarten explores science and psi
spiRitED: Nancy Baumgarten runs The Profound Awareness Institute, a learning community that focuses on psychic intuition, mystic spirituality and the science of the biofield senses. She’s also publishing a book in March: The AWARE HUMAN: Your Psi Senses & Mindfield Powers. Photo by Jane Izard
By EliZaBEth l. haRRison
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Not much seems to shock nancy Baumgarten. At about 2 1/2 years old, her daughter awoke in the middle of the night to report that there were two people standing in the doorway of their room — two people that Baumgarten herself could not see or hear. So Baumgarten — a self-described “’60s flower child” — started an annual camp for families and teens interested in developing their psychic senses. Almost three decades later, Baumgarten, 68, is on the heels of publishing her first book, The AWARE HUMAN: Your Psi Senses & MindField Powers, due out in March. She was raised in St. Louis, Mo., by “your standard ’50s country club parents” (her dad was a lawyer, her mom an anthropology buff), and she attended private school before striking out “in search of the meaning of life.” Baumgarten met her daughter’s father on a spiritual study tour in Egypt before finishing her master’s degree in landscape architecture at the University of Georgia.
After a five-year stint on a naval submarine base in King’s Bay, Ga., Baumgarten moved to Jacksonville, Fla., to work for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, then settled in Asheville in 1991 to begin a 15-year career in residential design. Her study of metaphysics has spanned 35 years and was inspired by raising her clairvoyantclairaudient daughter, she says. Baumgarten has a warm, nurturing presence and fires up when discussing the science behind her beliefs, as well as her hopes for The Profound Awareness Institute — a learning community focusing on psychic intuition, mystic spirituality and the science of the biofield senses. Mountain Xpress spent a recent afternoon with Baumgarten and her vigilant pup, Ani, at their home in Swannanoa, drinking green tea, discussing her new book and experiencing the act of dowsing. (Baumgarten used divining rods on this reporter to measure her life force field). Mountain Xpress: The AWARE HUMAN was 10 years in the making. what was the holdup? nancy Baumgarten: [My daughter] was 10 years old when one of her angels from the 13th dimension
told her we had to write a book. I wanted to find the science to make it defensible. For those people who have an open feeling about them, I very much enjoy sharing the science available that explains the hows of it all. That is precisely why I’ve been developing this book for so long! Amazingly, the science about the “junk” of DNA has just really recently blown the lid off of the whole subject. It is a true game changer. what will readers take away from your book? I’m marrying two books together: 1) I want to help parents and children realize they are not crazy; and 2) I am teaching teens and parents how to put everything in a scientific concept. There are inborn gifts, but outside of that, everybody has the capacity to develop intuition. The right and left brain work together. It’s not either/or, it’s both/and. In order to validate my daughter’s thinking beyond the five senses, I created five more. I thought, what would be a better term for seeing and hearing? I didn’t want to use vocabulary that can’t be accepted by everyone. The term “clairvoy-
ant” is French and too wordy. We use instead, “discerning,” “imaging,” “communing,” “vibe-sensing,” or “appreciating.” “Intuitive” is also acceptable — it’s an umbrella term. Our premise is every human being is born with an ability to access a perception of our reality. It just has to be taught. Do you remember the moment when you first noticed your daughter was gifted beyond the five senses? She was looking at things in the corner of the room, totally transfixed. She was [about] 3 [years old]. She woke me up to say that two people were standing in the doorway. I realized no one was there. I said to her, “Tell me what you see.” She said, “Mommy, they’re asking where they are.” I asked, “Who are they?” She said, “Mommy, they have no feet.” I think they were real people — astral bodies (dreamers who have the ability to go out of body). how has your daughter reacted to having these additional senses? She didn’t want to honor her gifts. She was afraid her friends would make fun of her. She didn’t like the word “psychic.” She would say, “Well, I’m not better than anyone else, just more aware.” I was so impressed that an 11-year-old was thinking that way. what is your experience with dowsing (a controversial technique that employs forked twigs, metal rods or a pendulum to search for groundwater)? I had a landscape architecture professor at [the University of Georgia] who wouldn’t pass you if you didn’t learn dowsing. I’ve used it to find septic tanks for clients and lost waterlines. It’s a baseline skill that every child should learn. there’s a saying, “ignorance is bliss.” what is the point in helping others develop their intuition? why not let them drift along? Why are we on the planet if not to bring light, joy and enlightenment to our souls? Not using God’s gift would be throwing away a soul and a body. how do you deal with skeptics? Fortunately, I don’t have to deal with the hard-line skeptics very often. But what I personally did years ago, when my daughter was younger, was to take a very matterof-fact proactive approach to a conversation. As an older mom who no longer felt the need to defend my ego, I discovered that if I simply stated my and my daughter’s reality
in a matter-of-fact tone of voice as easily and offhandedly as I would be talking about the children’s soccer game, people would pick on that cue and go along with it. some would say the study of metaphysics has become more mainstream. would you agree? why is this? I think it is definitely more acceptable than when [my daughter] was growing up. You’ve probably noticed that the TV media love to create paranormal shows — because people are interested. I think that has helped in the last 15 years or so. what do you take away from your consulting work and your Experiential Education campschool? My consultations involve the really spiritual AND mental health combined. I regularly get calls from parents wanting to know if their child is schizophrenic or psychic. Helping others to know that all is well and how to interpret their or their children/students’ experiences in a spiritually and mentally healthy context is what I have been doing for years now. what’s up next for you? I’d like to grow the institute. I want to spend the rest of my life making programs that will be useful for elementary and high school students. Teachers email me that their kids are so different from five years ago. Teachers are looking for any answers to help at-risk kids. If it means accepting something edgy, they’re going for it. I get to address these issues. I have a number of presentations lined up — including one at the Dowser’s Southeast Regional Conference in Prague in April. I will continue my Yahoo e-group and will offer consultations on a sliding scale. I’m on my third 30-year plan — I just want to get to 98, joyfully healthy. X
wEllnEss calEnDaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
Wellness CreAtive relAxAtion™ for kids (pd.) Wednesdays 4:15-5:00, @ Black Mountain Yoga Center. Therapeutic yoga for children with special needs. www.becreativeyoga.com. Contact Brandon Hudson to register, 828-2306081, bbhudson30@gmail.com try tHAi & exPerienCe tHAi mAssAge (pd.) try thai. Experience Thai massage to live healing music. At Bodhi of Life Massage and Thai Bodywork. Saturday, Dec 6th, 3-6pm, 5 Covington st., West Asheville. FREE. A-B teCH 340 Victoria Road, 398-7900, abtech.edu • WE (12/10), 11am - Affordable Care Act information session. In Balsam Computer Lab. Free. AsHeville Community yogA Center 8 Brookdale Road, ashevillecommunityyoga.com • WEDNESDAYS (12/3) through (12/17), 6-7:30pm - “Birth Matters,” pregnancy yoga. $30/$11 drop-ins. • TH (12/4), 6-7:30pm - Ayurveda and stress management yoga. $20. • TH (12/11), 6-7:30pm - Candlelight restorative yoga. $20.
CounCil on Aging of BunComBe County 277-8288, coabc.org • WE (12/3), 2-4pm - Medicare 2015 update seminar. Registration required. Free. Held at OnTrack WNC, 50 S. French Broad Ave. red Cross Blood drives redcrosswnc.org Appointment and ID required. • FR (12/5), 11am-3:30pm - Appointments & info: 1-800-REDCROSS. Held at Enka Fire Rescue, 85 Pisgah Highway, Candler • MO (12/8), 2-6:30pm - Appointments & info: 645-6054. Held at North Buncombe Elementary School, 251 Flat Creek Church Road, Weaverville • WE (12/10), 10am-2:30pm Appointments & info: 274-0758, ext. 401. Held at Carolina Day School, 1345 Hendersonville Road • TH (12/11), 7:30am-1:30pm Appointments & info: 233-5301. Held at Grace Lutheran Church, 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville • TH (12/11), 1:30-6pm - Appointments & info: 669-2725, ext. 110. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
wEllnEss calEnDaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
suPPort grouPs Adult CHildren of AlCoHoliCs & dysfunCtionAl fAmilies For people who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. Info: adultchildren.org. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
diABetes suPPort laura.tolle@msj.org or 213-4788 • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm – Mission Health, 1 Hospital Drive. Room 3-B. eAting disorder suPPort grouPs Info: thecenternc.weebly.com or 337-4685. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
Al-Anon/ AlAteen fAmily grouP A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. Info: wnc-alanon.org or 800-286-1326. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings.
eleCtro-sensitivity suPPort For electrosensitive individuals. For location and info contact hopefulandwired@gmail.com or 255-3350.
AlCoHoliCs Anonymous For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or aancmco.org.
emotions Anonymous For anyone desiring to live a healthier emotional life. Info: 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road
AsHeville Women for soBriety 215-536-8026, www.womenforsobriety.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French Broad Ave. AsPerger’s Adults united meetup.com/aspergersadultsunited • 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. AsPerger’s teens united facebook.com/groups/AspergersTeensUnited • SATURDAYS, 6-9pm – For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks starting June 28. CHroniC PAin suPPort deb.casaccia@gmail.com or 989-1555 • 2nd SATURDAYS, 12:30pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions. CodePendents Anonymous 398-8937 • TUESDAYS, 8pm - Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 1340-A Patton Avenue • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am12:15 pm - First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Use back door.
food AddiCts Anonymous 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm – Asheville 12-Step Club, 1340A Patton Ave. HeArt of reCovery meditAtion grouP Teaches how to integrate meditation with any 12-step recovery program. asheville.shambhala.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Shambhala Meditation Center, 19 Westwood Place. HeArt suPPort For individuals living with heart failure. 2746000. • 1st TUESDAYS, 2-4pm – Asheville Cardiology Associates, 5 Vanderbilt Drive. living WitH CHroniC PAin Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association; 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 pm – Swannanoa Library, 101 W. Charleston Ave.
deBtors Anonymous debtorsanonymous.org • MONDAYS, 7pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 101
memory loss CAregivers For caregivers of those with memory loss or dementia. network@memorycare.org • 2nd TUESDAYS, 9:30am – Highland Farms Retirement Community, 200 Tabernacle Road, Black Mountain
dePression And BiPolAr suPPort AlliAnCe magneticminds.weebly.com or 367-7660 • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – 1316-C Parkwood Road
men Working on life’s issues 273-5334 or 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions.
InnovatIve, SeaSonally InSpIred, new amerIcan cuISIne Chef Duane fernanDes brings his Culinary finesse to the heart of Downtown asheville. weekly speCials. open Daily.
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
mission HeAltH fAmily grouP nigHt For caregivers of children with social health needs or development concerns. 213-9787 • 1st TUESDAYS, 5:30pm – Mission Reuter Children’s Center, 11 Vanderbilt Park Drive. nAr-Anon fAmily grouPs For relatives and friends concerned about the addiction or drug problem of a loved one. Info: nar-anon.org. Visit mountainx. com/support for full listings. nAtionAl AlliAnCe on mentAl illness For people living with mental health issues and their loved ones. Info: namiwnc.org or 505-7353. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. overComers of domestiC violenCe For anyone who is dealing with physical and/or emotional abuse. 665-9499. • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm – First Christian Church, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler. overeAters Anonymous Info: 258-4821. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. reCovering CouPles Anonymous For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Info: recoveringcouples.org • MONDAYS, 6pm – Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. s-Anon fAmily grouPs For those affected by another’s sexaholism. Four confidential meetings are available weekly in WNC. For dates, times and locations contact wncsanon@gmail.com or 258-5117. smArt reCovery Helps individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. strengtH in survivorsHiP For cancer survivors. Strengthinsurvivorship@ yahoo.com or 808-7673 • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 11am-noon – Mills River Library, 124 Town Drive, Mills River sunrise Peer suPPort volunteer serviCes facebook.com/Sunriseinasheville • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Drop-in center offering peer support services for mental health and substance use issues and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sylvA grief suPPort Hosted by Four Seasons Compassion for Life. melee@fourseasonscfl.org • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva undereArners Anonymous underearnersanonymous.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm – First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., Room 102 To add information about your support group, call 251-1333, ext. 114. Support groups must be free of charge to be listed.
Nourishing a neighborhood West End Bakery embraces community input for cookbook By EliZaBEth l. haRRison
Cathy Cleary has always had a knack for bringing people together. In 2001, at a time when Haywood Road in West Asheville housed mostly appliance stores, she opened West End Bakery, which she co-owns with Krista Stearns and Lewis Lankford. “Haywood was not a place where people hung out,” says Cleary. “My partners and I really wanted a community gathering space, and West End Bakery was immediately that. People were coming in to meet or make friends. It was so cool to watch.” Now, Cleary is celebrating and reinforcing the community she’s created
West End Bakery Cookbook launch party
what Launch party for The West End Bakery Cookbook whEn 7-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12 whERE West End Bakery and Café, 757 Haywood Road DEtails The party is free and open to the public. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres will be served highlighting recipes from the cookbook. Copies of the book will be available for $19.99 each with a percentage of the proceeds from sales benefitting FEAST, a local nonprofit organization that teaches cooking and gardening to kids. 545-1295 or westendbakery.com
community FEEDBack: West End Bakery owner Cathy Cleary says input from her customers, friends and West Asheville neighbors was invaluable in developing her new cookbook. Photo by Paul Jackson
with the publication of The West End Bakery Cookbook. In keeping with her inclusiveness, she enlisted her friends, neighbors and customers to taste and tweak the recipes. “I love to collaborate, and I love other people’s feedback,” says Cleary. “Part of the reason the cookbook was difficult was that it felt like I was doing it by myself. So, I opened up the testing to friends.” The testers dived in. Their feedback helped Cleary make the recipes friendly for home kitchens. “It also made the recipes clearer and more well-rounded,” Cleary says. “One person said that she added crystalized ginger to my granola after she pulled it out of the oven. That was a great suggestion. And some people would comment, ‘This recipe takes forever. Can you streamline it?’” The testers also affirmed the versatility of many of the recipes. Henry Read, for instance, adapted the recipe for black-eyed peas and col-
lards, replacing collards with Swiss chard, and oregano with thyme. “It was nice to find out that I could make substitutions and still have it come out,” says Read, who grew up eating Cleary’s food. His dad and Cleary were classmates at UNC Greensboro and remained good friends. “Cathy’s had a role in creating my cooking style,” says Read. “I like that she takes traditional Southern cooking seriously.” Kimberly Masters, another college classmate of Cleary’s, also loves the freedom in the recipes: “Cathy wants to use what’s in season and local. So, she gives you the confidence to play with the recipe a little bit, especially with the soups.” Masters has been testing Cleary’s recipes for at least two years: “She wanted help in reducing the restaurant recipes to manageable sizes for a home kitchen. I tested the lentil dahl, the pumpkin chili and muffin recipes like the pumpkin chocolate chip. I’ve made the lentil dahl about 20 times because I love it so much.” An ad lib quality has always been a part of Cleary’s cooking style, except for baked goods that need more precision. “I like to be inspired by my ingredients,” she says. “If I’m trying to come up with a new salad, I open my fridge and take an inventory of what needs to be used and what can be combined. It’s very creative for me.” Such creativity began early for Cleary, who wrote her first cookbook when she was 9 years old. “I filled up a little notebook, which I still have,” she says. Her stay-athome dad, retired from the military, was her cooking teacher. “He didn’t know what to do with a little girl,” says Cleary. “But he was a great cook and let me help him. I made my first loaf of bread when I was 4.” For Cleary, the cookbook’s importance lies in the stories behind the recipes. “I’m excited to share those stories with people who come to the bakery every day. And I’m excited for them to take the recipes home and make them, even if they don’t live in Asheville. Part of what I live for is to get people cooking.” The cookbook includes more than 75 recipes and photographs by
Asheville photographer Paul Jackson. It will go on sale at the bakery for $19.99 plus tax during a launch party 7-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12. The party is open to all. A percentage of the book’s proceeds will benefit FEAST, a nonprofit organization Cleary cofounded with Kate Justen in 2009. Its mission is to promote healthy eating through hands-on cooking classes in the schools. “We teach kids who have never seen a pear and who have no idea what kale is,” says Cleary. “When we come back for the second in a series of classes, the kids are jumping up and down, asking if we brought kale.” Cleary’s friends and testers show as much enthusiasm for Cleary’s ventures as the children do. Says Masters, “She’s fed this community for 13 years, and the cookbook celebrates that.” X
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Edwin Arnaudin
A tale of two co-ops
342 Depot Street River Arts District Monday-Saturday 5pm-9pm
Buy 1 Pizza
Get One 1/2 OFF! (must present this ad) Dine-In Only • Good until 12/16/14 16 different kinds of Grilled Meats, and 35 items on our salad bar
FooD savER: Kingsport, Tenn., resident Celeste Rutledge offloads produce purchased through Real Food Living Azure Co-op at Asheville’s Patton Avenue Kmart. The co-op deal is worth the drive, says Rutledge. Photo by John Coutlakis
Real Food Living and WNC Artisan Foods join the buyers club scene
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Two local buyers clubs have launched in the Asheville metro area with an eye to helping small businesses, families and individuals. For both, the initiatives are about community building. For over 20 years, Vickilynn Haycraft has ordered quality bulk and natural foods from Azure Standard, a Dufur, Ore.based company that gives her an alternative to traditional grocery stores without making a huge dent in her wallet.
“[They have] excellent products, especially the ones they grow on their organic farm, and excellent prices — better than are available at retail stores locally,” says Haycraft, who founded Real Food Living, a free consumer advisory service centered on natural foods and remedies, in 1984. The only problem with the Azure connection was that she could only buy what could be delivered via UPS — a limitation that precluded her from ordering bulk items too expensive to ship. Looking to expand her access to these products, about five years ago Haycraft began asking Azure to deliver to Asheville. After receiving numerous similar requests from area residents, one of the Oregon company’s trucking partners contacted her in early 2013 about its expansion into Western North Carolina and explained what was required to set up a local drop. “They said they needed a volunteer drop manager. I jumped at
the chance to have Azure deliver here,” says Haycraft, who took on the new duty. “Once we had a drop manager, [Azure] put Asheville on the delivery map,” she says of the October 2013 inception of Real Food Living Azure Co-Op, so named because it is part of Haycraft’s overall vision to share information and resources with those who want them. Since then, Haycraft’s dropmanager duties involve direct contact with the trucking company and disseminating information received from it to local buyers. She also sends the co-op email reminders of order dates, delivery dates and times, and keeps members informed of any changes. “I offer my time freely to help anyone that needs assistance in placing their order, navigating Azure Standard or if they have any questions,” Haycraft says. Following her lead, Real Food Living is a completely volunteer co-op and the only co-op in WNC to which Azure Standard delivers. There are no membership charges, no minimums and no requirements to be a part of the co-op, Haycraft explains. All orders and payments are handled directly between the customer and Azure Standard. The only requirement is that members must meet the delivery truck on time at the drop site — the parking lot of the Kmart shopping center on Patton Avenue in West Asheville — and help fellow buyers unload their purchases. Deliveries occur monthly at a set date and time. Some members place individual orders, while others buy as a family or team up with other individuals to further cut down on costs. There is no limit to the number of people in the co-op, as not everyone orders every month, and if the drop becomes too large, Azure will start a second Asheville drop at another location, she says. To improve the efficiency of delivery days, members park in a row next to the delivery truck and place a sign with their family name on the back of their vehicles so that orders don’t get mixed up. The collaborative effort has helped make the monthly drop a smooth process, says Haycraft, and, along with frequent communication on the group’s Facebook page, has instilled notable camaraderie among fellow members. “People have made contacts for other ser-
vices and needs such as eggs, pastured meats, herbs, essential oils, etc.,” says Haycraft. “I believe we do act as a ‘community,’” she says, “and I’ve seen families step up to help one another when needed, even outside of Azure orders. ” pass it on For WNC Artisan Foods, an Asheville-based cooperative buyers club is just one new aspect of its myriad services. Born out of a desire to help small food-driven businesses to reach the next level, the company was established in October by business strategist Graham Mew, Health FiT Foods founder Chuck Connolly and Tito Micucci, who produces preservative-free hummus and pimento cheese through his small business, Tito’s Specialty Foods. As the president and director of distribution services for WNC Artisan Foods, Micucci is involved in bulk buying ingredients and parceling them out to local businesses that have purchased various portions of the full order. He also transports foods from these producers to stores in Atlanta, Charlotte, Knoxville, the Raleigh-Durham area and throughout South Carolina — saving time, gas, money and reducing the company’s carbon footprint. Micucci then uses those connections to pass on bulk prices to individuals — for whom a pound of sugar is more realistic than a 2,500pound pallet — as well as items by the local producers benefiting from the bulk co-op and distribution, such as Imladris Farm and Hickory Nut Gap Farm. The individual buyers club aims to be up and running before Christmas and costs $50 for an annual buy-in, he says. “It won’t replace needing to go to the grocery,” Micucci says. “We’re not trying to compete with anybody. We’re trying to create co-community so everyone can benefit.”
According to Micucci, selections will be available on a weekly basis, available to members via a form they can submit via email. In addition to a standard list of products that will continue to grow as the co-op expands, each week an email will alert potential customers to new and seasonal items. Among these offerings are live lobsters, which New England native Micucci’s Boston connections will ship down several times a year. “It’s all going to be priced below retail, at least,” Micucci says. “We’re not trying to devalue anyone’s branding. Instead, we can help with some marketing and reach people that might not be going to Whole Foods [Market] or Greenlife [Grocery] — in Henderson County, specifically.” A pickup spot for the co-op has yet to be determined, but it will be in the Hendersonville area, where WNC Artisan Foods is also in the process of establishing a community kitchen. “It will be limited to 20 people or families in beginning,” says Micucci. “As the ball rolls, we’ll see how efficient and effective it is, then move to 50, and then, who knows?” X
Interested in joining one of the co-ops? For Real Food Living, email realfoodliving@gmail.com For WNC Artisan Foods, go to www.wncartfood.com, fill out the contact form and check the box marked “Cooperative Buyers Club for individuals.”
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Gina Smith 60 people. Eventually, twice as many diners will be able to gather in the landscaped outdoor patio and lawn area. Plenty of parking will be available in a lot next to the building. To keep up with progress on Gàn Sha ¯n Station and for updates on the exact opening day, visit Facebook. com/ganshanstation. Evaluations FoR amatEuR winEmakERs
tEaming up: Gàn Sha ¯n Station co-executive chefs Patrick O’Cain, left, and Chris Hathcock, right, are planning to offer creative takes on traditional Asian dishes. Photo of O’Cain by Tim Robison. Photo of Hathcock courtesy of Hathcock
¯ n station plans gàn sha latE-DEcEmBER opEning If all goes well, the Charlotte Street neighborhood will gain a community gathering spot and Asheville will get a fresh option for creative Asian cuisine before the end of 2014. Chef Patrick O’Cain says his new project, Gàn Sha ¯n Station, is on track to open in mid to late December. The restaurant will be housed in what was previously a run-down, abandoned gas station at 143 Charlotte St. O’Cain grew up in that neighborhood, then spent several years honing his culinary skills in Charleston, S.C., most recently at the Asian-themed Xiao Bao Biscuit. Since moving back to Charlotte Street in June, he has worked steadily to renovate the building and develop a menu anchored by pan-Asian comfortfood staples such as handmade tofu, noodles and dumplings. Despite O’Cain’s decidedly nonAsian roots, many of these dishes resonate deeply with him — like mapo dofu, a chili-seasoned tofu dish. “My uncle gave my father a Szechuan cookbook ... 35 years ago, probably. It was Mrs. Chiang’s Szechuan Cookbook, and we kind of grew up eating things out of this book,” he explains. “Mom and dad really enjoyed cooking meals out of this book that [my brother] and I would request on a regular basis. So there’s a cer-
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
tain amount of nostalgia there for me, and mapo is probably one of the most famous traditional Chinese dishes. It’s very comforting, it’s spicy and warm, and it has tofu.” In October, O’Cain announced that he was bringing onboard Chris Hathcock, former sous chef at Charleston’s Two Boroughs Larder, as co-executive chef. Hathcock, a 2014 Eater Young Guns semifinalist, brings to the Gàn Sha ¯n table a passion for handmade charcuterie and has plans to spice up the menu with items such as kimchi bologna, miso bratwurst and Szechuan bacon. In recent weeks, Hathcock and O’Cain have hosted a few small dinners in the Charlotte Street neighborhood. At a Nov. 21 event at Metro Wines, the pair presented a buffet that featured, in addition to mapo dofu, Thai spicy green papaya salad, Vietnamese beef carpaccio, herbed and sour varieties of Thai sausage and Chinese eggplant — all items that should be making their way onto the Gàn Sha ¯n menu. Once finished, the restaurant will maintain some of the visual charm of the vintage gas station with the original Gulf sign frame installed in front. The indoor area will feature an open kitchen and large, central cocktail bar, and the indoor dining space will have seating for more than
In an effort to support the trend of home winemaking, French Broad Vignerons is offering a way for amateur winemakers to receive feedback from experienced wine evaluators. On Saturday, Jan. 17, a panel of trained experts from the group will offer evaluations based on blind tastings for a fee of $10 per bottle. No awards will be given — this is just a chance for winemakers to receive assessments on the strengths of their creations. Regsistration forms are due by Monday, Jan. 5, and wine submissions must be received by Monday, Jan. 12. Details and registration forms are available at frenchbroadvignerons.org. holiDay maRkEts anD community potluck The West Asheville Tailgate Market is offering an indoor Holiday Farmers Market on Tuesday afternoons through Dec. 23 at the Mothlight. Twenty market vendors will offer their wares, including seasonal veggies, dairy, value-added goods, crafts and holiday baked goods. There also be live music and spiced beverages to add to the festive atmosphere. Also happening at the Mothlight on Tuesday, Dec. 9, is a market community potluck to celebrate the winter harvest. Indoor Holiday Market, 2:30-6 p.m. Tuesdays through Dec. 23; Community Potluck, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9. The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road. Westashevilletailgatemarket.com chEEsE night The cheesemongers of Whole Foods will offer a sampling of Alpinestyle cheese during Cheese Night, 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9, at the Tunnel Road store. The experts will also discuss traditional cheesemaking techniques. The event is free and open to the public. Whole Foods Market, 4 S. Tunnel Road. wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/ asheville-kenilworth X
Tea Time
gongfu teA tAsting WitH PAntHer moon teA Co. Saturday, Dec. 6, and Saturday, Dec. 20, 3-6 p.m. A tasting of premium teas from China and Taiwan featuring the Yunnan teas. $5-10 donation. Raven and Crone, 555 Merrimon Ave Suite 100. For more details, contact Sumitra at 450-9853 introduCtion to yunnAn teAs WitH PAntHer moon teA Co. Saturday, Dec. 13, 3-6 p.m. An exploration of the history, culture and varieties of the teas of Yunnan Province, China. Post-fermented puerh, Yunnan black (Dian Hong) and highmountain green teas will be featured. Tea tasting is included. $20 suggested donation. Shining Rock Sanctuary, 221 Lakewood Drive, Asheville. Preregistration is required. 3989777 or elmer.charles@gmail.com HerBAl gifts for tHe HolidAys Thursday, Dec. 11, 7 p.m. Gather to discuss and make herbal gifts for friends and family. Participants will take home one select tin of a Dobra Tea blend, one tin of their own handmade herbal tea blend and one bag of herbal tea bath salts. Cost is $35. Dobra Tea, 120 Broadway St., Black Mountain. Reservations required. 357-8530.
Compiled by Jacqui Castle. Send your tea news to jacquicastle@gmail.com
food Writer JonAtHAn Ammons lets us in on His fAvorite disH du Jour. The ramen at Heiwa Shokudo in downtown Asheville: Holy crap, what a great bowl of absolutely slurpful goodness! A dense dashi stock lays the base for a ridiculously good ramen that in no way resembles the packaged trash you drunkenly devoured in college. An insanely dense pork belly is the icing on the cake and makes Heiwa’s ramen a perfect munchie. I still love you Heiwa, no matter what Stu Helm says. (heiwashokudo.com) — Jonathan Ammons
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Send your beer news to avlbeerscout@gmail.com or @thomohearn on Twitter.
by Thom O’Hearn
Open for business Thirsty Monk’s new venture, a brewpub that collaborates with homebrewers, opens in Gerber Village
When I walked into Open Brewing a few weeks ago, the wall behind the bar had just been repainted, but the rest of the space was clearly a work in progress. As a reporter, it isn’t unusual to sit for an interview amid piles of boxes, with signage waiting to be hung. But this time, I wasn’t there for an interview. Thirsty Monk’s head brewer, Norm Penn, had invited me there to brew a beer, which then would be offered on tap at the opening. While that might at first seem like a gimmick — let a reporter brew so he’ll write about it — that wasn’t the case at Open. I was just one of the first four homebrewers visiting that week to brew the beers that Open will eventually serve. (And truth be told, if a new brewpub is opening in town, I’m writing about it anyway.) As the third or fourth brewer to stop by, I found the whole Open process well-organized and surprisingly close to a normal backyard brew day. The batch size may have been laughably large compared with my normal 5 gallons, and the equipment may have been a heck of a lot nicer, but we went through all the same steps. And at the end of the day, there was a brand-new beer in the tanks. If you’re a brewer, you could be next. Anyone can submit recipes to Open by sending an email to hello@ obrewing.com or taking a bottle to the taproom with a recipe. “We’re looking for unique, well-designed beers,” says Thirsty Monk Vice President Chall Gray. “But Norm Penn is an excellent teacher, so the brewer can be experienced and award-winning, or a novice.” Quality homEBREw goEs commERcial While homebrew in some cities has to fight a bad reputation, Asheville’s homebrewers have
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Gray says Open Brewing will operate on a four-day schedule, open only Wednesday through Saturday. The off days will give Penn the time and space at the Gerber Village location to brew Thirsty Monk’s own beers in addition to Open Brewing’s until the company’s Thompson Street site is built and ready for the bulk of the brewing operation. As it turns out, the name “Open Brewing” may cause a little confusion when the pub is closed. “We’ve actually already had people walking up and trying the door, even though we have a ‘Closed’ sign and a note hanging up,” says Penn. “People just see ‘Open’ in large letters and they walk right up.”
homE FoR BREwERs: Local homebrewers are welcome to submit their recipes for a chance to create their specialties on a large scale at Open Brewing in Gerber Village. Photo courtesy of Thirsty Monk
proved they’re the real deal at events like Just Brew It, presented annually by Just Economics. Every year, our town’s commercial brewers pick the best of the best and brew them commercially. So don’t expect wacky creations like pork chop ale or a peppermint lager on tap at Open. Instead, expect a mix of classic styles, like MALT Homebrew Club co-founder Dave Keller’s Scottish ale, and fun flavor riffs like Penn’s own coconut-infused tropical IPA. “All the batches will be brewed to Penn’s high standards,” Gray says. But really, if you’ve ever attended a homebrew meeting in town, it’s clear the standards are already quite high. For nonbrewing beer enthusiasts, Open wants to give them a reason to stop by again and again. “There will be something new and different every week … and batches will be very limited,” says Gray. Still, at its core, Gray says the crew has worked to create a real neighborhood brewery. It just happens to be one where
the neighbors are the ones brewing the beer you’re drinking. Gray says he’s hoping to have those first few homebrewers’ beers on tap at the opening, but that ultimately depends on when those beers are ready to drink. Penn will have to taste them and decide what’s ready to go. The rest of the taps will be rounded out by commercial beers chosen by the homebrewers and by Penn’s beers, including Honey Badger brown ale. non-BREwERs wElcomE For those who don’t brew, Gray hopes Open will pique their curiosity and maybe teach them a thing or two about the process. “We want the nature of the place to be very inclusive,” says Gray. “So in addition to bringing homebrewers in, we want to make sure we have graphics and displays that explain the brewing process, outline it really, for the other people that stop by [to grab a pint.]”
Open Brewing is in Gerber Village in South Asheville. A soft opening is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. Regular hours will be 4-11 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Look for opening specials the weekend of Dec. 6 and 7. obrewing.com X
WednesdAy AltAmont: Film/Book discussion: “Live In Wonder,” 7pm AsHeville BreWing: $3.50 all pints at Coxe location; “Whedon Wednesday’s” at Merrimon location frenCH BroAd: $7 growler fills lexington Ave (lAB): $3 pints all day; New brew: 2014 Thumper (Belgian Tripel) one World: Live music: Beats & Brews w/ D.J. Whistleblower (triphop, downtempo) oskAr Blues: Wednesday night bike ride, 6pm; Beer Run w/ Wild Bill (group run into Pisgah), 6pm oyster House: $2 off growler fills Wedge: Food truck: Root Down (comfort food, Cajun)
AltAmont: Live music: Caleb & The Perfect Gentlemen w/ Reveran Hylton (swing), 9pm
AltAmont: Live music: Carolina Story (Americana), 9:30pm
AltAmont: Live music: Old-time jam, 8pm
CAtAWBA: Live music: Fireside Collective (roots), 6pm
CAtAWBA: Mixed-Up Mondays: beer infusions
oskAr Blues: Live music: The Graveleys (Americana), 6pm; Food truck: 3 Suns Bistro
frenCH BroAd: $2.50 pints
Monday $3 pint night
oskAr Blues: Mountain Music Mondays, 6pm
oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
Tuesday cask night
oyster House: $3 pint night
AsHeville BreWing: $3.50 pints at Merrimon location lexington Ave (lAB): Last chance: 2013 Thumper limited batch (Reisling grapes, aged 1 year) oskAr Blues: Live music: Billy Litz & The Mountain City Rhythm Section (Americana), 6pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm; Food truck: Farm to Fender
soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Holiday Vinyl Night w/ Robin Tolleson (bring your favorite holiday vinyl), 8-10pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food)
Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food) tuesdAy AltAmont: Live music: Open mic w/ Jam Samwich, 8:30pm
WiCked Weed: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 11am
AltAmont: Live music: North Side Gentleman (funk), 9:30pm
CAtAWBA: $2 off growler fills
AltAmont: Live Music: Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby
Hi-Wire: $2.50 house pints
oskAr Blues: Live music: Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana), 6pm; New brew: Toasted Drifter Oatmeal Stout collab w/ Twin Leaf (free trolley from Oskar Blues to Twin Leaf leaves 4:30 p.m., returns 8 p.m.); Food truck: Chameleon
Hi-Wire: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 12:15pm
soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: Scoot Pittman (funk, roots, rock), 8pm; Food truck: Farm to Fender Wedge: Food truck: Melt Your Heart (gourmet grilled cheese)
Asheville, NC
Full bar . Full kitchen
Food served til 11 pM nightly
Wednesday $2 oFF growler & chugger reFills Thursday $4 well drinks
Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
lexington Ave (lAB): Live music: Bluegrass brunch; $10 pitchers all day
Brewing Company
Saturday and Sunday $5 MiMosas & bloodies
AsHeville BreWing: $2.50 Tuesday: $2.50 one-topping jumbo pizza slices & house cans (both locations)
HigHlAnd: Bend & Brew Yoga ($15, includes beer tasting), 5:30pm oyster House: Cask night Wedge: Food truck: Tin Can Pizzeria
oyster House: $5 mimosas & bloody Marys
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soutHern APPAlACHiAn: Live music: The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5pm Wedge: Food truck: El Kimchi (Korean/Mexican street food); Live music: Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz, swing), 6pm
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Celebration time By toni shERwooD
The Magnetic Theatre’s much anticipated annual holiday show, The 38th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular, returns in its — despite what the title would have you believe — sixth incarnation. The ever-evolving play continues its tradition of raunchy humor, inebriated characters and family dysfunction at its finest. Long ago the Bernsteins converted to Judaism, then decided to celebrate Christmas anyway for the purpose of financial gain. “The thematic feel is of a ’50s era variety show,” says Chall Gray, founding producing director of The Magnetic Theatre. “There
Family values
are original songs, skits and dance numbers.” This year, Tracey JohnstonCrum (who has been voted Best Actress in WNC three years running in Xpress’ reader poll) hosts. Although The Magnetic Theatre is gearing up to move into its new location in 2015, this final show of the season will be staged at the Bebe Theater. There, audiences can get intimate with the Bernsteins in a way they never have before. “The front row is definitely for the most adventurous,” Gray says. “I imagine people leaving after the show feeling like they got more than their money’s worth.” In March, the writing team of Katie Anne Towner, Lisa Yoffee, Lucia Del Vecchio, Genevieve Packer, Peter Lundblad, Jim Julien and Steven Samuels started brainstorming ideas, allowing plenty of time to develop the latest installment in the Bernsteins’ crazy saga. “We rewrite the show every
tawDRy tiDings: The dysfunctional Bernstein family is back in The Magnetic Theatre’s holiday show. “I imagine people leaving after the show feeling like they got more than their money’s worth,” says producing director Chall Gray. Photo courtesy of the theater company
year,” Gray says. “This year we only kept one or two songs, so 90 percent is all-new material.” If previous productions are any indication, the comedy will be irreverent and off the wall — it is suggested for mature audiences only. “We gave birth to the baby Jesus last year,” Gray says. “Hopefully baby Jesus will be back, if we’re good.” This year, audiences can anticipate a tap-dancing reindeer and a special celebrity sighting. Rumor has it there could be a brand-new family member. “I love A Christmas Carol and Miracle on 34th Street as much as the next guy,” Gray says. “But the holidays can be a grim spectacle, and you need an escape that appeals to adults.” X
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
what The 38th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular whERE The Bebe Theatre whEn Thursday-Saturday, December 4-6, 11-13 and 18-20, at 7:30 nightly, with a late show Fridays and Saturdays, 10 p.m. Advance tickets are $12 for Dec. 4 preview show/$20 early shows/$18 late shows. Prices are $2 more at the door. themagnetictheatre.org
Holiday events around WNC By alli maRshall
Looking to deck the halls, sing a carol, give a gift, take a stroll, see a play, make a craft or pass a wish list on to a man in a red suit? Here’s where to do all of those things. Find more ideas at the Community Calendar and mountainx.com.
M pan harmonia holds a Chamber Music Messiah, in which the vocal parts of the famed George Frideric Handel composition are performed “with organ as orchestra.” The performance, which benefits homelessness agency Homeward Bound, features Kate Steinbeck on flute, Alicia Chapman on oboe and English horn, Rosalind Buda on bassoon, David Ginn on trumpet and Eric Wall directing on organ as orchestra. Held
There’s something so decadent about stepping out of the holiday bustle and busyness into the dark otherworldliness of the theater. Touring company Bright star theatre offers an opportunity to do just that with its production, the Gift of the Magi and other Heartwarming tales. “Bright Star scoured the globe for three short stories that celebrate the spirit of the holidays,” says a press release. The troupe settled on O. Henry’s story of generosity, along with Indian folktale “The Drum” and “Stone Soup,” an often-adapted European folk story. Known for creating theater for young audiences, Bright Star stages this holiday show at asheville community theatre on Saturday, Dec. 6, at 10 a.m. $5. ashevilletheatre.org
Visit artist studios and shop for unique gifts at Riverview station’s inaugural holiday market. Located in Asheville’s River Arts District, the former Hans Rees Tannery building (at 191 Lyman St.) now houses art and craft studios and artist co-ops. more than 40 artists take part in the market, Santa has promised to visit and El Kimchi food truck will be serving at the building’s north entrance. Friday, Dec. 5, 4-8 p.m. riverviewstation.com
Everyone knows: Shopping local is the new not-being-trampled-in-aBlack-Friday-stampede. The west asheville Business association offers even more local shopping opportunities with this year’s shop and Dine west asheville event, which runs from Saturday to Saturday, Dec. 6-13. Find participating businesses and details at avl.mx/0iz
M Bright Star Theatre brings The Gift of the Magi and Other Heartwarming Tales to Asheville. Photo courtesy of the theater company
nutCracker sweeet. Expect highly trained ballet and modern dancers as well as “Southside drummers, rap, beach music, dancing owls, sign language and more,” according a press release. “D.E.F.T. creates opportunities to collaborate between youth with disabilities and their mainstream peers, while bringing a new twist to old stories and hoping to change stereotypes throughout the community.” Held at the wesley grant southside community center, 285 Livingston St., on Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 6:30 p.m. Bring a canned food donation. Info: 476-4231
at the First presbyterian church, 40 Church St., on Sunday, Dec. 7, at 3 p.m. Suggested donation: $25 per person/$30 per family (no one will be turned away for lack of funds). pan-harmonia.org.
Black Mountain’s monte vista hotel holds the inaugural party and first view of its annual Deck the trees christmas holiday celebration on Thursday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m. The festivities second as a fun-
M Horticultural education center Bullington gardens (95 Upper Red Oak Trail, Hendersonville) holds its 10th annual open house, holiday sale and christmas mart. Shop for locally grown, freshly cut Fraser fir trees as well as wreaths, swag and crafts. Held Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. bullingtongardens.org Santa visits Riverview Station’s Holiday Market in the River Arts District. Photo courtesy of Riverview Station Potters
draiser for the Heating Fuel Fund of Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries. While it’s free to look at the inn’s decorated trees, viewers can nominate their favorites with a monetary donation — it’s $1 per vote. The winners will be announced on Friday, Dec. 19, during a Christmas party from 6-8:30 p.m. themontevistahotel.net
Love indie crafts? You’re in luck — the Big crafty takes over the asheville art museum on Sunday, Dec. 7. VIP shopping, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., $5. General admission, 1-6 p.m., free. thebigcrafty.com
While The Nutcracker is a Christmas-season classic, sometimes it’s nice to see a new take on the familiar theme. The D.E.F.t. theatre-arts program, a theater group that includes people of all abilities and beliefs, offers its own
M Revisit the original grinch — Ebenezer Scrooge — in the montford park players’ 28th annual production of a Christmas Carol. Peter Brezny stars as Scrooge. The play opens on Saturday, Dec. 6, at the masonic temple. Shows are Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m., with additional performances on Dec. 21, 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. montfordparkplayers.org M
Charles Dickens — or at least his characters — also makes a showing at Biltmore Village’s an old Fashioned Dickens of a christmas Festival. The lighting of the Christmas tree happens on Friday, Dec. 5, at 6 p.m., along with a performance by the a.c. Reynolds madrigal choir and horse-drawn carriage rides. On Saturday, Dec. 6, carolers in period costume stroll through the village and the Montford Park Players perform. Festivities run 1-7 p.m. historicbiltmorevillage.com/events-2
M “Celebrate the meaning of Christmas with J.S. Bach’s glorious ‘Magnificat’ for choir and orchestra,” says a press release for the carolina concert choir’s Christmas concert, held at the Bo thomas auditorium at Blue Ridge Community College on Saturday, Dec. 6, at 3 p.m. The concert
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
This Holiday Season
World Class Esalen Massage & Salt Water Floatation
A Charlie Brown Christmas, performed at Asheville Community Theatre. Photo courtesy of ACT
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also includes “carols and motets depicting the Christmas story, and a select small ensemble will perform Billings and Gabrieli.” $22 adults/$5 students. carolinaconcertchoir.org
M One of the season’s most-loved
TV specials moves to the stage: asheville community theatre
M Billed as a “best bet for holiday shop-
ping,” the guild artists’ holiday sale at the Folk art center is “an excellent opportunity for the artist to liquidate overstocks and 2014 items, try out new techniques and sell studio seconds.” Nearly 70 artists take part in two events: Saturdays, Dec. 6 and 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. craftguild.org
Shop for handmade gift items from artisans around the world and make a difference globally locally with your holiday shopping. Thisand holiday season,
M Black mountain holds its annual christmas parade with an it’s a Wonderful Life theme on Saturday, Dec. 6. The parade marches up State Street at 4 p.m. santa visits the town square earlier in the day (3 p.m.), and post-parade Circle of Lights (with luminaries, music and another Santa sighting) takes place at Lake Tomahawk. exploreblackmountain.com
between Thanksgiving and Christmas,
Ten Thousand VillagesFriday, in [Location] Monday, December 1st through December 12th, is hosting holiday shopping benefits for local nonprofityou agencies. mention the name of the local non-profit organization would like We will donate [15 percent] of the value of your to support at the checkout counter andpurchase during thesepurchase events to will the following organizations: 15% of your be donated to that group. Asheville Humane Society Africa Healing Exchange Carolina Public Press Brother [Organization Wolf Month, Day, Year] Council on Aging Children First Homeward Bound of WNC Friends [Organization of the WNC Nature Center Month, Day, Year] Th e Literacy Council of Buncombe County Habitat for Humanity [Organization Month, Day, Year] National Alliance on Mental Illness Irene Wortham Center Our VOICE OnTrack Financial Education and Counseling [Organization Month, Day, Year] (in-store purchases only) [Organization
Month, Day, Year]
Month, Day, Year]
10 College Street, Asheville, NC 28801 • Monday-Saturday 10-8, Sunday 10-4 asheville.tenthousandvillages.com 34
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
offers its production of a Charlie Brown Christmas. Faithfully adapted from the 1965 animated show, the play follows gloomy Charlie Brown as he attempts to direct a Christmas pageant and buy a Christmas tree. The production includes the songs “Christmas Time Is Here,” “Skating,” “Linus and Lucy” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” It runs Friday, Dec. 5-Sunday, Dec. 21. Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. $22 adults/$19 seniors/$12 students. ashevilletheatre.org
M “Enjoy some theatrical staging and
Lidded jar by Marti Mocahbee, who will be part of the Guild Artists’ Holiday Sale. Photo courtesy of Southern Highland Craft Guild
lights that mimic an advent calendar of songs, counting down the days of the season,” says the isis Restaurant & music hall about its holiday concert with the claire lynch Band. Lynch, a two-time Grammy nominee and threetime recipient of The International Bluegrass Music Association’s Female Vocalist of the Year title, is a renowned acoustic and bluegrass musician. She and her band will push the boundaries of that genre, performing a jazz interpretation of a beloved carol, among other offerings. Thursday, Dec. 11, 9 p.m. $18 advance/$20 day of show. isisasheville.com X
Cracking the code for the perfect Nutcracker performance By kat mcREynolDs kmcreynolds@mountainx.com
Join young Clara as her magical Christmas toy comes to life, battling the Mouse King and whisking her away into the dreamy Land of the Sweets. From original to modern, dark to comedic, Asheville theaters cover the spectrum of Nutcracker performances. This seminal holiday tale comes to life in four Asheville interpretations over the course of three weeks. See the roundup below to find the performance that suits your festive fancy.
Thomas Wolfe Auditorium at U.S. Cellular Center presents moscow Ballet's The Great Russian Nutcracker, featuring a 20-footwide dove of peace and 10-foottall silk puppets, Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m., $35-$76 after fees. uscellularcenterasheville.com
All at Diana Wortham Theatre, dwtheatre.com:
M asheville contemporary Dance theatre presents The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (“based on the original and much darker story written in 1816 by German author E.T.A. Hoffmann”), Friday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 6, at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $24-$31 after fees. M asheville Ballet, North Carolina's
oldest nonprofit ballet company, presents a full-length, professional version of The Nutcracker on Friday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 13, at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 14, at 2:30 p.m. $18-$53 after fees.
M Ballet conservatory of asheville
presents a classic, pre-professional version of The Nutcracker, featuring professional classical dancers on Wednesday, Dec. 17, at 6:30 p.m. and Thursday-Friday, Dec. 18-19, at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. $18-$31 after fees. X
Giles Collard performs in Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre’s production of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Photo courtesy of ACDT
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Where there’s Wilco there’s a way Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion talk relocation, inspiration and their latest album
By EDwin aRnauDin
By all accounts, husbandand-wife duo Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion are happy in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, their home since moving from Columbia, S.C., in 2007. The two draw songwriting inspiration from the area’s major seasonal changes, friends in their small town (among them a highway department worker, a timber framer and an organic farmer) and the ghosts of Henry David Thoreau and Robert Frost. But they do occasionally miss aspects of the South. “I’ll be taking a walk, and it’ll hit me: I’m like, ‘Oh, I’d like to be in Beaufort right now looking at some Spanish moss or at the Hunter-Gatherer in Columbia on jazz night,’” Irion says. “It doesn’t happen a lot — but I do love Asheville. I’ve always wanted to make a record at Echo Mountain, so I hope to one day.” The couple return to the area for a Thursday, Dec. 4, show at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall in support of their 2013 album, Wassaic Way. While Irion has called the sonically diverse collection “a departure from a folk duo,” he notes that he and Guthrie (the daughter of Arlo Guthrie and granddaughter of Woody Guthrie) have resisted branding themselves with that particular F-word, possibly to their own detriment. “In that sense, we’ve never made folk albums. You would think with Sarah Lee’s last name that it might be in our best interest to be, like, ‘Hey, why don’t we do a Woody song?’ or ‘Sarah Lee, we should make a folk record and
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
have your dad play autoharp,’” Irion says. “We’ve always had a DIY approach and do what feels right, and that’s how these records have been.” The groundwork for Wassaic Way came about when Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy came backstage after one of Guthrie and Irion’s shows, said he loved their set and laid the foundation for future collaborations. Tweedy was already essentially an honorary Guthrie after
who Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion whERE Isis Restaurant & Music Hall isisasheville.com whEn Thursday, Dec. 4, at 8:30 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show
Family tiEs: Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion have forged their own successful musical path but still love to play shows with her storied family (including dad Arlo, who returns to Asheville next year for the Alice’s Restaurant 50th anniversary celebration). Photo courtesy of the musicians
adapting Woody’s unrecorded lyrics with Billy Bragg for the Mermaid Avenue albums in 1998 and 2000 — a project mostly overseen by Sarah Lee’s aunt, Nora Guthrie. In 2010, Guthrie and Irion toured with drummer Greg “G. Wiz” Wieczorek, who also plays in The Autumn Defense, the side project of Wilco’s Patrick Sansone and John Stirratt. Soon Guthrie and Irion were opening for The Autumn Defense.
In 2011, along with other bands in the extended Wilco network, the duo played Solid Sound, the Wilco-curated festival. There, Guthrie and Irion performed one of Mermaid Avenue’s most revered songs. “We got up and did ‘California Stars,’ and that’s what sort of gave me the courage to ask if they’d be willing to work with us,” Guthrie says. Wassaic Way was produced by Tweedy and Sansone in The Loft, Wilco’s Chicago studio. Irion feels that the album’s production quality as a whole is comparable to that of a U2 record and that “Circle of Souls” should be up on the radio against Bruno Mars. To help show their appreciation, when the time came last year for Grammy nominations, Guthrie and Irion submitted Wassaic Way to see if it could make the cut for Best Americana Album or Best Rock Album — “It definitely wasn’t Best Folk,” Guthrie says — and in the process put in for Tweedy as Producer of the Year. Under the strength of The Invisible Way by the Minnesota trio Low, Mavis Staples’ One True Vine and Wassaic Way, Tweedy earned the nomination. “To find out that he’d actually gotten nominated was kind of a miracle, especially up with Pharrell Williams and the other guys. It was hilarious to see the list of Pharrell’s records. You know, it’s like 28 — and then Jeff’s three,” Guthrie says. “Of course, he didn’t win, but in our minds he won.” The question currently looming is how to follow up such a successful experience. First, the couple will return to their DIY roots and focus on engineering and recording their own separate projects in their basement studio. But when the time comes for the next Sarah Lee and Johnny album, they admit that Tweedy and Sansone will be tough to top. Irion does have a dream producer in mind, though he’s not exactly getting his hopes up: “Well, Bob Dylan probably wouldn’t be able to hear what we’re trying to do,” he says. “Can he still hear? I don’t know.” X
Strange arrangement Jeff Thompson releases So Far, So Strange
By alli maRshall
ANSWER TO PREvIOUS PUzzLE Local musician and songwriter Jeff Thompson has been hard at work on So Far, So Strange, his new album. It represents personal and stylistic changes; it also marks some brilliant collaborations and daring risks. Thompson is a big personality with comedic leanings (find his “Shit New Age Guys Say” video on YouTube); but at the same time he delves into soul searching and poetry, sharing both through Facebook (and a recently published book of verse). The album, produced and engineered by Michael Hynes at Nomatic and Sound Temple studios, launches at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall on Friday, Dec. 5. According to Thompson, So Far, So Strange came from “lots of hard-won meaning found through reflecting on going through challenging circumstances. How does one find joy, humor, depth, meaning and soul when life doesn’t go exactly as planned?” It also underscores Thompson’s own progress as an artist, from his singer-songwriter days to his current lush arrangements and rock prowess. The album ranges from the deep grooves and metaphysical meditations of “Improbable” to the expansive soul and hooky refrain of “Calling Back.” Then there’s
who Jeff Thompson whERE Isis Restaurant & Music Hall isisasheville.com whEn Friday, Dec. 5, 8:30 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show
inspiRation: “I’ve always wanted to make music that comes from and appeals to the mind, the heart and the booty simultaneously,” says musician Jeff Thompson. Photo by Natasha Meduri, What’s Her Face Photography
“Waiting in the Water,” which has two versions — a potent, serpentine spoken-word offering and a fiery, swaggering rocker. “I’ve always wanted to make music that comes from and appeals to the mind, the heart and the booty simultaneously,” Thompson says. “I think we’ve accomplished that quite well on this recording.” The album release show promises both special guests and special requests — namely cover songs chosen by contributors to Thompson’s Kickstarter campaign. “It’s also possible the New Age Guy will make an appearance and play some songs,” the musician jokes. “I’ve put him on the guest list and I promised him he could borrow my guitar and my [didgeridoo].” X
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Corbie Hill
Getting to know the legend Rick Bragg talks about his new Jerry Lee Lewis biography
On the cover of Rick Bragg’s Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own Story, the titular pianist and early rock ’n’ roll icon holds a cigar and peers into the distance, as if planning his next move. He wears an expression that’s neither a smile nor a smirk, yet has aspects of both, and there are the beginnings of worry lines around his eyes. He’s the Killer, after all, a nickname dating to a grade-school fight in which he took on his teacher, and he looks the part. His reputation of doing exact-
who Rick Bragg presents Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own Story whERE Malaprop’s, malaprops.com whEn Wednesday, Dec. 10, 7 p.m. Free
ly what he wanted is well-earned: He played hard, lived harder and often believed himself invincible. But when Bragg answers his phone, it’s the day after Lewis has had back surgery, and the Alabama author sounds concerned. “He’s been in a lot of pain with arthritis and some nerve trouble in his back,” he says. “That pain’s been with him for decades.” Bragg is in a rare position: He knows Lewis as a legend, sure, but as a person, too. And this is what sets his book apart from the many other accounts of Lewis’ long and storied career.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
“I approached him with great anticipation — and one reservation, as to getting shot,” Bragg writes. It was mid-2011, and the journalist and author of multiple books on the South was meeting Lewis to start work on the biography. The rock icon, as much a Southerner as the author, asked about Bragg’s mother’s health. Over the course of two summers, in Lewis’ home south of Memphis, Bragg got to know the man, sitting in a rocking chair by the 79-year-old pianist’s bed. Among the ground rules: No cussing and no taking the Lord’s name in vain. Otherwise, they dug deep. Western North Carolina author Ron Rash called the end result “the best book on rock ’n’ roll I have ever read.” Rather than treating the Killer’s fearless stunts like boasting, Bragg feels that Lewis’ life is more of a Southern Gothic tragedy, rich with death and loss. “The thing about the tall tale is that it kind of ties things up and manipulates how you feel about things, like Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill,” Bragg says. “Jerry Lee don’t claim to ride no tornado, but he did hit a man in the face with the butt end of a microphone stand.” It’s all documented, too, from Lewis’ controversial marriage to a 13-yearold cousin to the damage he did to venues and instruments. Lewis destroyed dozens of cars — Cadillacs, Corvettes and RollsRoyces. In one rollover, “the cops are all standing around with their hands on ... their guns, waiting for Jerry Lee Lewis to hear the end of a song as he lay upside-down in an overturned Rolls,” Bragg says. “Make that up! Just try.” It may have been growing up in dirt-poor, Depression-era Louisiana that made Lewis such a daredevil. The impoverished and violent place shaped him, and as a child, he decided to follow his own rules — up to a point. After all, Lewis has been a devout Christian all his life. It’s the reason Bragg had to watch
laRgER than liFE: The legendary pianist and singer has stories to tell. “Jerry Lee don’t claim to ride no tornado, but he did hit a man in the face with the butt end of a microphone stand,” says biographer Rick Bragg, above. Photo by University of Alabama
his language during interviews, and it’s what drove him to marry early (and often) rather than have sex outside of wedlock. He’s a wild man and a rock legend, sure, but he prays, tithes and knows the Bible cover to cover. “He believes now that he was never playing the devil’s music,” Bragg says. Lewis grew up in the Assembly of God, where music was a powerful, soulful force. But the conservative, evangelical sect preached fire and brimstone, and it tortured a younger Lewis to wonder if one could play rock ’n’ roll and still go to heaven. It’s not odd to Bragg that Lewis could be so volatile and destructive, but also a man of unshakable faith — in conversation and in the book, the author says things like “you have to understand Jerry Lee.” At this point, Bragg may be among those who actually do. X
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
A&E staff
Sweet Claudette and Bombadil
Patterson Hood Drive-By Truckers frontman Patterson Hood was just mastering the art of walking upright when his hometown, Muscle Shoals, Ala., became a mecca for ’60s soul music, and he nearly lost his footing once again when he separated from his band and wife in the same year. “I reinvented myself artistically and experienced a sort of rebirth,” says Hood, recalling the tumult that inspired several subsequent projects. One such work, Heat Lightning Rumbles in the Distance, sees Hood’s soulful beginnings and soul-searching past collide, and although he draws heavily from the rock solo album during performances, Truckers songs inevitably crop up, too. Lydia Loveless, who, according to her website, “could sing the list of ingredients from a bottle of [salad] dressing and break your heart,” opens for Hood at The Grey Eagle on Friday, Dec. 5, at 9 p.m. $17/$20. thegreyeagle.com. Photo by Andy Tennille
Four- and six-part vocal harmonies and multicolored kazoos captivate audiences when Western North Carolina supergroup Sweet Claudette takes the stage. The country Motown quartet, composed of Amanda Platt (The Honeycutters), Melissa Hyman (The Moon and You), Amber Lyle Sims and Dulci Ellenberger (Now You See Them), supplements its intricate vocals with cello, banjo, melodica and acoustic guitar. Following a successful October residency at Isis Music Hall and fall stints at the Morehead City Seafood Festival, New Bern’s New River Coffee Co. and even a sold-out barn concert in Hillsboro, N.C., Sweet Claudette will join fellow North Carolinian folk rockers Bombadil for a hometown gig. Brevard singer-songrwiter Eric Janoski, performing as Mother Explosives, opens the Mothlight show on Friday, Dec. 5, at 9 p.m. $8/$10. themothlight.com. Photo courtesy of the band
Winter’s Tune Fiddler Roger Howell has recorded 532 traditional fiddle tunes from memory — the growing collection is housed in Mars Hill University’s Southern Appalachian Archives. But that’s not the only way that the local musician’s history is being honored. A documentary about Howell’s role in preserving mountain music in Western North Carolina is being created by Mars Hill College’s Liston B. Ramsey Center for Regional Studies. To raise funds, the university hosts Winter’s Tune: Music to Warm an Appalachian Night. The concert, held in Broyhill Chapel on the Mars Hill campus, includes performances by Howell along with Bobby Hicks, Laura Boosinger, Jerry Sutton, Kathryn Parham Brickey, Whitewater Bluegrass, Stoney Creek Boys, Carol Rifkin, George and Brooke Buckner and Rhiannon Ramsey. Friday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. $15 advance/$18 at the door. lunsfordfestival.com. Photo of Howell by Hannah Furgiuele
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Asheville Bookfest If you ever miss grade school’s traveling book fairs, consider adding Asheville Bookfest to your calendar. “Our hope is that Asheville Bookfest brings publishing down to the grassroots level,” reads the sixth annual event’s website. Organized by Grateful Steps Bookshop owner Micki Cabaniss, the gathering aims to unite area authors and publishers with literary enthusiasts by offering a full day of readings, workshops, music and publishing presentations downtown. At least 20 authors with writings spanning a variety of topics will be onsite for book signings, and participating publishers include Catch the Spirit of Appalachia, Pisgah Press, Yav Publications, Grateful Steps and Magic Mountain Press. Bookfest takes place at the Haywood Park Hotel atrium on Saturday, Dec. 6, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Visit ashevillebookfest.com for the full list of author appearances. Image courtesy of Grateful Steps
FREEwill astRology
by Rob Brezny
ARIES (March 21-April 19): The National Science Foundation estimates that we each think at least 12,000 thoughts per day. The vast majority of them, however, are reruns of impressions that have passed through our minds many times before. But I am pleased to report that in the coming weeks, you Aries folks are primed to be far less repetitive than normal. You have the potential to churn out a profusion of original ideas, fresh perceptions, novel fantasies and pertinent questions. Take full advantage of this opportunity. Brainstorm like a genius. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I enjoy getting spam emails with outrageous declarations that are at odds with common sense. "Eating salads makes you sick" is one of my favorites, along with "Water is worse for you than vodka" and "Smoking is healthier than exercising." Why do I love reading these laughable claims? Well, they remind me that every day I am barraged by nonsense and delusion from the news media, the Internet, politicians, celebrities and a host of fanatics. "Smoking is healthier than exercising" is just a more extreme and obvious lie than many others that are better disguised. The moral of the story for you in the coming week: Be alert for exaggerations that clue you in to what's going on discreetly below the surface. Watch carefully for glitches in the Matrix. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Every one of us, including me, has blind spots about the arts of intimacy and collaboration. Every one of us suffers from unconscious habits that interfere with our ability to get and give the love we want. What are your blind spots and unconscious habits, Gemini? Ha! Trick question! They wouldn't be blind spots and unconscious habits if you already knew about them. That's the bad news. The good news is that in the next six weeks you can catch glimpses of these blocks and make a good start toward reducing their power to distort your relationships. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Now and then, it is in fact possible to fix malfunctioning machines by giving them a few swift kicks or authoritative whacks. This strategy is called "percussive maintenance." In the coming days, you might be inclined to use it a lot. That's probably OK. I suspect it'll work even better than it usually does. There will be problems, though, if you adopt a similar approach as you try to correct glitches that are more psychological, interpersonal and spiritual in nature. For those, I recommend sensitivity and finesse. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What feelings or subjects have you been wanting to talk about but have not yet been able to? Are there messages you are aching to convey to certain people but can't summon the courage to be as candid as you need to be? Can you think of any secrets you've been keeping for reasons that used to be good but aren't good any more? The time has come to relieve at least some of that tension, Leo. I suggest you smash your excuses, break down barriers and let the revelations flow. If you do, you will unleash unforeseen blessings. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In 1662, Dutch painter Rembrandt finished “The Oath of Claudius Civilis.” It was 18 feet by 18 feet, the largest painting he ever made. For a short time, it hung on a wall in Amsterdam's Town Hall. But local burgermeisters soon decided it was offensive and returned it to the artist to be reworked. Rembrandt ultimately chopped off three-fourths of the original. What's left is now hanging in a Stockholm museum, and the rest has been lost. Art critic Svetlana Alpers wishes the entire painting still existed but nevertheless raves about the remaining portion, calling it "a magnificent fragment." I urge you to think like Alpers. It's time to celebrate your own magnificent fragments. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You now have a special talent for connecting things that have never been connected. You also have a magic touch at uniting things that should be united but can't manage to do so under their own power. In fact, I'm inclined to believe that in the next three weeks you will
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): With both symbolic and practical actions, Sagittarius-born Pope Francis has tried to reframe the message of the Catholic Church. He’s having public showers installed for the homeless in Vatican City. He has made moves to dismantle the church’s bigotry toward gays. He regularly criticizes growing economic inequality and keeps reminding politicians that there can be no peace and justice unless they take care of poor and marginalized people. He even invited iconic punk poet Patti Smith to perform at the Vatican Christmas Concert. You now have extra power to exert this kind of initiative in your own sphere, Sagittarius. Be proactive as you push for constructive transformations that will benefit all.
be unusually lucky and adept at forging links, brokering truces, building bridges and getting opposites to attract. I won't be surprised if you're able to compare apples and oranges in ways that make good sense and calm everyone down. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In 1989, Amy Tan birthed her first novel, The Joy Luck Club. Her next, The Kitchen God's Wife, came out in 1991. Both were bestsellers. Within a few years, the student study guide publisher Cliffs Notes did with them what it has done with many masterpieces of world literature: produced condensed summaries for use by students too lazy to read all of the originals. "In spite of my initial shock," Tan said, "I admit that I am perversely honored to be in Cliffs Notes." It was a sign of success to get the same treatment as superstar authors like Shakespeare and James Joyce. The Cliffs Notes approach is currently an operative metaphor in your life, Scorpio. Try to find it in your heart to be honored, even if it's perversely so. For the most part, trimming and shortening and compressing will be beneficial. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The limpet is an aquatic snail. When it's scared, it escapes at a rate approaching two inches per hour. If you get flustered in the coming week, Capricorn, I suggest you flee at a speed no faster than the limpet's. I'm making a little joke here. The truth is, if you do get into a situation that provokes anxiety, I don't think you should leave the scene at all. Why? There are two possibilities. First, you may be under the influence of mistaken ideas or habitual responses that are causing you to be nervous about something there's no need to be nervous about. Or second, if you are indeed in an authentic bind, you really do need to deal with it, not run away. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Science-fiction novelist Philip K. Dick has been one of my favorite authors since I discovered his work years ago. I love how he reconfigured my mind with his metaphysical riffs about politics and his prophetic questions about what's real and what's not. Recently I discovered he once lived in a house that's a few blocks from where I now live. While he was there, he wrote two of his best books. I went to the place and found it was unoccupied. That night I slept in a sleeping bag on the back porch, hoping to soak up inspiration. It worked! Afterwards, I had amazing creative breakthroughs for days. I recommend a comparable ritual for you, Aquarius. Go in quest of greatness that you want to rub off on you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Do you enjoy telling people what to do? Are you always scheming to increase your influence over everyone whose life you touch? If you are a typical Pisces, the answer to those questions is no. The kind of power you are interested in is power over yourself. You mostly want to be the boss of you. Right now is a favorable time to intensify your efforts to succeed in this glorious cause. I suggest you make aggressive plans to increase your control over your own destiny.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
a&E calEnDaR
by Carrie Eidson & Michael McDonald
accepted from WNC artists for the Art in the Park Arts and Community Grant. Contact for guidelines. BrotHer Wolf AnimAl resCue 505-3440, bwar.org • Through TH (12/4) - Donations accepted for Brother Wolf Animal Rescue’s “Paws to Give” holiday fundraiser. Hendersonville little tHeAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, hendersonvillelittletheater. org • MO (12/8) & TU (12/9), 7pm - Open auditions for The Miracle Worker. {re}HAPPening rehappening.com • Through MO (12/15) - Applications open for this annual event honoring the legacy of Black Mountain College. All genres and disciplines. Contact for full guidelines. Free.
a moRE viviD viEw: Impressionist works by French painter Jean Claude Roy will remain on view at the Grand Bohemian Gallery in Biltmore Village through Wednesday, Dec. 31. Roy writes that his work reflects on “the season, the weather, the stories [of] passers-by...mood and the ‘feeling of the place.’” (p.42)
tHe mAgnetiC tHeAtre 372 Depot St., 257-4003 • Through TH (1/1) - Short scripts accepted for consideration in Brief Encounters 2015. Contact for details.
musiC tHe Big CrAfty thebigcrafty.com • SU (12/7), 11am-6pm - “Holiday Hoorary,” community bazaar with art, crafts, clothing and jewelry by local artists. Free to attend. Held at Asheville Art Museum, 2 N. Pack Square
Art visuAl Artist AvAilABle (pd.) experienced Art instruction: Drawing / Mark-making / Watercolor Painting; Private, groups, homeschool, all ages. ArchiScapes: Architectural Portraits, make Excellent Gift Certificates. For more information visit www. mcchesneyart.com.
tHe Center for CrAft, CreAtivity & design 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • SA (12/6), 2-4pm - “Go Tell It at the Gallery!,” open-mic storytelling about a family heirloom or quilt. Free.
Artetude gAllery 89 Patton Ave., 252-1466, artetudegallery.com • TU (12/2) through WE (12/31), 11am-6pm Holiday Gift Market, works by various local artists.
toe river Arts CounCil 765-0520, toeriverarts.org • FR (12/5) through SU (12/7) - Holiday Studio Tour, self-guided tour of 70 studios in Yancey and Mitchell Counties. Free to attend. Fri.: noon-4pm; Sat. & Sun.: 10am-5pm. Maps available online. Artists’ reception: Dec. 5, 5-7pm at Toe River Arts Council Gallery, 269 Oak Ave, Spruce Pine.
ArtsPACe CHArter sCHool 2030 U.S. 70, Swannanoa, 298-2787, artspacecharter.org • SA (12/6), 10am-3pm - Holiday arts and crafts fair with works by local artists. Free to attend. AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil gAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • FR (12/5), noon-2pm - Information session on how to be listed in the AshevilleArtsAlive.com artist directory. Free. • WE (12/10), 5pm - Asheville Art in the Park Grant information session for artists and arts organizations. Free. Registration required by Dec. 9. AsHeville PuPPetry CluB 367-4910 • TH (12/4), 7pm - Workshop and screening of the documentary A Puppet Intervention. Free. Held at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Road rivervieW stAtion 191 Lyman St., riverviewartists.com • FR (12/5), 4-8pm - Open studio holiday market. Free to attend.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 884-2787, tcarts.org • TH (12/11), 5-7pm - Holiday kick-off party and art raffle to support the Arts-In-Schools program. Held in private home. Contact for reservations and location. $50. Weekend HolidAy mAkers fAir avl.mx/0k5, teal@wildkatuah.com • SA (12/6), 11am-4pm - Includes locally made crafts, jewelry and artisan food products. Free to attend. Held at Wild Katuah Healing Arts, 97 Madison Ave.
Auditions & CAll to Artists AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • MO (12/1) through TH (1/15) - Applications
AfRICAn DRum LESSOnS • SkInny BeAts drum sHoP (pd.) Sundays 2pm, Wednesdays 6pm. Billy Zanski teaches a fun approach to connecting with your inner rhythm. No experience necessary. Drums provided. $12/class. (828) 768-2826. www.skinnybeatsdrums.com Blue ridge ringers HAndBell ensemBle blueridgeringers.tripod.com, blueridgeringers@gmail.com • SU (12/7), 3pm - “Handbells for the Holidays” concert. Free. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock CArolinA ConCert CHoir 216-1753, carolinaconcertchoir.org • SA (12/6), 3pm - Christmas concert. $22/ $5 students. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock Center for CulturAl PreservAtion 692-8062, saveculture.org • TH (12/4), 7pm - Keeping the Fires Burning series: The Mountains are Alive with Bluegrass with Marc Pruett and Darren Nicholson. In Bo Thomas Auditorium at Blue Ridge Community College. ConCert for CHAnge uscellularcenterasheville.com • SA (12/6), 7pm - Includes Taylor Hicks, Artimus Pyle and Nicky Sanders. Proceeds support Eblen-Kimmel Charities. $25. Held at US Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St.
feed & seed 3715 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher, 2163492, feedandseednc.com • TU (12/11), 7pm - Fletcher Community Chorus Winter Concert. Free. flAt roCk PlAyHouse doWntoWn 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURSDAYS (12/11) through SUNDAYS (12/21), 8pm - Music on the Rock: A Motown Christmas, tribute concert. $24. Hendersonville Community BAnd hcbmusic.com • SU (12/7), 3pm - Christmas concert. $10/free for students. Held at Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Drive, Flat Rock mountAin sPirit CoffeeHouse 1 Edwin Place, uuasheville.org • SU (12/7), 7pm - John Gorka, folk. $20/$18 advance/$15 students. musiC At A-B teCH 398-7900, abtech.edu • WE (12/3), 7pm - College chorus fall concert. In Ferguson Auditorium. Free. musiC At BrevArd College 884-8211, brevard.edu/fineartsevents • MO (12/8), 7pm - Christmas songs performed by Mark O’Conner, violinist. Proceeds support Transylvania Youth Strings. $20-25. Held in the Porter Center. musiC At mArs Hill 866-642-4968, mhc.edu • FR (12/5), 7pm - “Winter’s Tune: Music to Warm and Appalachian Night.” Proceeds support the Ramsey Center’s documentary project. $15. In Broyhill Chapel. musiC At unCA 251-6432, unca.edu • SUNDAYS, 3pm - Brevard Music Center faculty concerts, co-sponsored by OLLI. Free. Held in the Reuter Center. • MO (12/8), 7pm - Reuter Center Singers holiday concert. In Reuter Center. Free. musiC At WCu 227-2479, wcu.edu • TH (12/4), 7:30pm - Western Carolina Civic Orchestra, classical. In the Coulter Building. Free. • TH (12/4), 7pm - First Thursday Old-Time and Bluegrass Concert and Jam Series: The Deitz Family. In Mountain Heritage Center. Free. • SU (12/7), 3pm - “Sounds of the Season,” holiday concert. In Bardo Arts Center. $17/$11 faculty, staff and seniors/$5 students and children. PAn HArmoniA 254-7123, pan-harmonia.org • SU (12/7), 3pm - “A Chamber Music Messiah,” concert. Proceeds benefit Homeward Bound. $25 or $30 per family. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St. PAstyme A CAPPellA 242-6288, pastyme.org • FR (12/5), 7pm - “Music for Winter and Christmas” concert. Free. Held at Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Church St.
gallERy DiREctoRy folk Art Center
tHeAter 35BeloW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org Located underneath Asheville Community Theatre. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (12/11) until (12/20) - The Santaland Diaries. Thu.: 7:30pm; Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm & 9:30pm. $15. AsHeville Community tHeAtre 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/5) until (12/21) - A Charlie Brown Christmas. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2:30pm. $12-$22. • SA (12/6), 10am - Bright Star Theatre presents The Gift of the Magi & Other Heartwarming Tales. $5. AsHeville ContemPorAry dAnCe tHeAtre 254-2621, acdt.org • FR (12/5) & SA (12/6) - The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Fri.: 7:30pm; Sat.: 3:30pm & 7:30pm. $27/ $22 students & seniors/ $20 children. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 South Pack Square deft tHeAtre-Arts 550-6564 • WE (12/10), 6:30pm - NutCracker Sweeet, reinterpretation includes drumming, sign language and more. Admission by canned food donation. Held at Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center, 285 Livingston St. flAt roCk PlAyHouse Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS through (12/21) - A Christmas Carol. Wed.Sat.: 8pm; Wed., Thur., Sat. & Sun.:2pm. $40/$25 students/$10 children. Hendersonville little tHeAtre 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, hendersonvillelittletheater.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/5) until (12/21) - Little Women. Thur.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:2pm. $20/$15 student/$10 children. J.e. BroyHill CiviC Center 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenior, broyhillcenter.com • TH (12/4) through SU (12/7) - Beautiful Star: An Appalachian Nativity. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:3pm. $15/$8 students montford PArk PlAyers 254-5146, montfordparkplayers.org • SA (12/6) through TU (12/23) - A Christmas Carol. Thur.-Sat.:7:30pm; Sat. & Sun.:2:30pm. $10/$5 children Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway nC stAge 15 Stage Lane, 239-0263, ncstage.org • WEDNESDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/14) - Don’t Dress for Dinner. Wed.Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.:2pm. $16-$34. tHe mAgnetiC tHeAtre themagnetictheatre.org • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (12/4) until (12/20), 7pm - The 38th Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular. $20. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St.
AlCHemy fine Art 25 Rankin Ave., 367-7714, info@alchemyfineart.net • Through SU (12/21) - Works by Angela Cunningham and Anis Crofts. AmeriCAn folk Art And frAming 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, amerifolk.com • Through WE (12/31) - Wish List Celebration, exception pieces collected throughout the year Art At BrevArd College 884-8188, brevard.edu/art • Through FR (12/5) - Works by Kristen Necessary. Art At mArs Hill mhu.edu • Through FR (12/12) - Meghan Thomas, photography. In the Weizenblatt Gallery. Art At WCu 227-3591, fineartmuseum.wcu.edu • Through FR (1/9) - David Raymond’s Other People’s Pictures and Eric Oglander: Craigslist Mirrors, photography. In the Bardo Arts Center. AsHeville AreA Arts CounCil gAllery 1 Page Ave., 258-0710, ashevillearts.com • Through FR (1/9) - Odyssey ClayWorks: A Collective Perspective, ceramics. AsHeville Art museum 2 N. Pack Square, 253-3227, ashevilleart. org • Through SU (3/15) - What You See Is What You See: American Abstraction After 1950, American Abstract Expressionism. AsHeville gAllery of Art 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegalleryof-art.com • Through WE (12/31) - The Power of Place, pastels by Everett Schmidt. Opening reception: Dec. 5, 5-8pm. AsHeville loft gAllery 52 Broadway St. 3B, 782-8833, theashevilleloft.com • ONGOING - A Confluence of Elements, works by various artists.
MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway, 298-7928, craftguild.org • Through TU (2/3) - Beyond Textures, multimedia. groveWood gAllery 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, grovewood.com • Through WE (12/31) - Hops & Crafts, mugs, steins & tankards by regional artist. miCA fine ContemPorAry CrAft 37 N. Mitchell Ave., Bakersville, 688-6422, micagallerync.com • Through TH (1/1) - Wearable art works by Edwin Bringle, Liz Spear, Stacy Lane, Nita Forde and Kathryn Faille.
Gift Certificates Available!
PulP 103 Hilliard Ave., 225-5851 • Through WE (12/31) - Poster art by Joshua Marc Levy. seven sisters gAllery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain, 669-5107, sevensistersgallery.com • Through SU (1/25) - Paintings and wood etchings by Jim Southerland. tHe grAnd BoHemiAn gAllery 11 Boston Way, 877-274-1242, bohemianhotelasheville.com • Through WE (12/31) - Expressionist landscapes by Jean Claude Roy.
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trAnsylvAniA Community Arts CounCil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through FR (12/19) - Sacred Spaces, works by three artists. West AsHeville liBrAry 942 Haywood Road • Through MO (12/29) - Eyeing the Landscape, photography by Ron Martin-Adkins. WoolWortH WAlk 25 Haywood St., 254-9234 • Through (1/15) - The Future is Certain, contemporary paintings by Carly Greene. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees.
Bender gAllery 12 S. Lexington Ave., 505-8341, thebendergallery.com • FR (12/5) through SA (1/31) Microcosms: Our World in Paperweights, handmade paperweight exhibition. Opening reception: Dec. 5, 5-8 PM. BlACk mountAin Center for tHe Arts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 6690930, blackmountainarts.org • FR (12/5) through FR (2/20), 10am-5pm Clay studio exhibit and pottery market. CAstell PHotogrAPHy gAllery 2C Wilson Alley, 255-1188, castellphotographygallery.com • Through SA (12/20) - Next: New Photographic Visions, juried exhibition.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
C L U B L A N D Dugout Old School Band, 9pm
Wednesday, December 3
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar Dueling Pianos, 9pm
5 Walnut Wine Bar Wine tasting w/ Eleanor Underhill (Americana, soul), 5pm Sankofa (world), 8pm
Foggy Mountain Brewpub Riyen Roots (blues, soul), 9pm French Broad Brewery Circus Mutt (bluegrass, roots), 6pm
Altamont Brewing Company “Live In Wonder” film/discussion on bestselling book, 7pm Ben’s Tune-Up Live band karaoke w/ The Diagnostics, 9pm
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Billy Nershi (of String Cheese Incident) w/ The Travelin’ McCourys (bluegrass, jam), 8pm
Black Mountain Ale House Buncombe County Boys (folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm
Isis Restaurant and Music Hall Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion (folk-rock), 8:30pm
Burger Bar Tom Waits night, 9pm
Jack of the Wood Pub Bluegrass jam, 7pm
Bywater Soul night w/ DJ Whitney, 8:30pm
Lex 18 Patrick Lopez (jazz), 7:30pm
Crow & Quill Uncle Shabby’s Singalong Parlour (piano karaoke), 9pm
Lobster Trap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 7pm Market Place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm
Dugout Karaoke, 9pm Foggy Mountain Brewpub Trivia (sponsored by Roots & One World Brewing), 8pm Good Stuff Pierce Edens w/ The Train Wrecks (Americana), 7pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern Beverly McClellan (soul), 8pm Grind Cafe Trivia night, 7pm
Choo Choo: “The Train Wrecks offer up raucous and rollicking Americana that’s as equally indebted to the traditionalist legacies of A.P. Carter and Johnny Cash as it is to the forwardthinking rock ‘n’ roll of Wilco and Lucero,” reads a section of the Savannah band’s bio. The Train Wrecks roll into the station at Pisgah Brewing on Thursday, Dec. 4, 9 p.m. and 185 King Street in Brevard on Saturday, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. with Asheville artist Leigh Glass.
Iron Horse Station Kevin Reese (Americana), 6pm Jack of the Wood Pub Old-time session, 5pm
New Mountain Adrian Belew Power Trio & Asian Teacher Factory (prog-rock), 8pm
Lobster Trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 7pm
Noble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm
Millroom Joe Zimmerman (stand-up comedy), 7pm
Off the Wagon Piano show, 9pm
Mojo Kitchen & Lounge DJ Molly Parti “Get Over the Hump-day” dance party (funk, soul, hip-hop), 5:30pm
Olive or Twist Swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm
Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse Open mic, 6:30pm
Orange Peel GWAR w/ Corrosion of Conformity & American Sharks (thrash metal), 8pm
Odditorium Drunken Prayer, Smith & Weeden (indie, soul), 9pm Off the Wagon Dueling pianos, 9pm
Lex 18 The Roaring Lions (jazz), 8:30pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
New Mountain Climate Bash w/ Alex Krug, Caromia, Ten Cent Poetry, Daniel Shearin, Dulci Ellengerger of Sweet Claudette, Eleanor Underhill & Molly Rose, Mother Explosives, Franklin Keel, Ryan Kijanka & Gabrielle Tee, Jon Stickley, Mary Ellen Davis, Pancho Romero Bond, Xavier Ferdon & Franklin Kell of Siruis.B, Ryan Furstenburg & Melissa Hyman of The Moon & You (singer-songwriters, folk), 7pm
Pisgah Brewing Company Aaron Austin Trio w/ Members of the Broadcast (jazz, funk), 6pm Room IX Latin night w/ DJ Carlos Carmona, 9pm TallGary’s Cantina Open mic & jam, 7pm The Mothlight Daniel Bachman w/ Roamer X & Sarah Louise (folk), 9pm The Phoenix Jazz night, 8pm The Social Ashli Rose (singer-songwriter), 6:30pm The Southern Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
Town Pump Open mic w/ Aaron, 9pm Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm Vincenzo’s Bistro Lenny Petenelli (high-energy piano), 7pm White Horse Black Mountain Boom Boom Shake (Middle Eastern music, belly dancing), 7:30pm Wild Wing Cafe Karaoke, 9pm Wild Wing Cafe South Skinny Wednesday w/ J LUKE, 6pm
Thursday, December 4 185 King Street Shannon Whitworth & Barrett Smith (indie-rock, blues), 8pm 5 Walnut Wine Bar The Gypsy Swingers (gypsy jazz), 8pm Black Mountain Ale House Lyric (acoustic-soul, funk, rock), 9pm Blue Kudzu Sake Company Trivia night, 8pm Cork & Keg The Honey Swamp Stompers (country, blues, jazz), 8pm
Tiger Mountain Sean Dail (classic punk, power-pop, rock), 10pm
Crow & Quill Dr. Sketchy’s (live burlesque-themed figure drawing class), 7pm
Timo’s House Spectrum AVL w/ Dam Good (dance party), 9pm
Double Crown 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
Olive or Twist West Coast swing lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 7:30pm Pop the Clutch (beach, jazz, swing), 8:30pm One Stop Deli & Bar Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm Orange Peel 13th Annual Benefit Concert for Make-A-Wish w/ Artimus Pyle Band, The Low Down, The River Rats, The Sharkadelics & Erika Jane, 7:20pm Oskar Blues Brewery Billy Litz & The Mountain City Rhythm Section (Americana), 6pm Pack’s Tavern Jeff Anders & Justin Burrell (acoustic rock), 9pm Pisgah Brewing Company The Train Wrecks w/ Leigh Glass (alt-country, Americana), 9pm Purple Onion Cafe Scoot Pittman, 7pm Renaissance Asheville Hotel Chris Rhodes (blues, jazz, pop-rock, R&B), 6:30pm Room IX College night w/ DJ MoTo, 9pm Scandals Nightclub DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm Scully’s “Geeks Who Drink” Trivia, 7pm Southern Appalachian Brewery Nitrograss (bluegrass), 7pm TallGary’s Cantina Iggy Radio, 7pm
December 2014 WEDNESDAY
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
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THE BANDS RETURN! Check out Clubland for other events.
Thursday, Dec. 4th - 8:00-11:00 Contagious Friday, Dec. 5th Ugly Xmas Sweater Party Saturday, Dec. 6th - 10:00-12:00 Lyric
Friday Dec. 12th - 7:00-10:00 Ben Briley from American Idol
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
timo’s House ’90s Recall w/ Franco (’90s dance, hip-hop, pop), 10pm tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm urBAn orCHArd Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic, Americana), 6:30pm vinCenzo’s Bistro Ginny McAfee (guitar, vocals), 7pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Strangled Darlings (Americana, blues, folk), 7:30pm
185 king street The Strangled Darlings (Americana), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 9pm AtHenA’s CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm
Cork & keg 3 Cool Cats (rock ’n’ roll), 8:30pm
Thursday Dec. 11th - 8:00-11:00 Sharkadelics
Where Adult Dreams Come True
tiger mountAin New Wave dance w/ Cliff (80s pop, post-punk, punk-rock, synthpop), 10pm
CluB eleven on grove First Fridays DJ Jam, 9pm
Must present coupon. Limit one per customer. Exp. 12/31/14
tHe soutHern Throwdown Thursday w/ Jim Raves & Nex Millen (DJ, dance party), 10pm
ClAssiC Wineseller Angela Easterling (Americana, country, folk), 7pm
Lingerie from Black Fuchsia
of Any One Item
tHe soCiAl Contagious, 8pm
ByWAter Our Voice fundraisesr w/ DJ M.P. Pride, Oskar Blues & One World Brewing, 8pm
20% OFF
tHe PHoenix Chris Smith in Carolina Bound (singer-songwriter), 8pm
Burger BAr Live ragtime, 7pm
available for
tHe motHligHt The Low-Down Sires w/ DJ Michael Gamble (swing, old-time), 9pm
fridAy, deCemBer 5
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
Saturday Dec. 18th - Ryan Perry Band Christmas Throwdown CLOSED THANKSGIVING
www.facebook/thesocialasheville 1078 Tunnel Road | 828-298-8780 KITCHEN & BAR OPEN TIL 2AM
douBle CroWn DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm dugout Picasso Facelift (classic rock), 9pm elAine’s dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWPuB McNifficent 7 (rock, soul), 10pm frenCH BroAd BreWery Dave Desmelik (Americana, singer-songwriter), 6pm good stuff Laura Thurston (Americana, singer-songwriter), 8pm green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Carrie Morrison (Americana), 6pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Patterson Hood (of Drive-By Truckers) w/ Lydia Loveless (alt-country), 9pm HigHlAnd BreWing ComPAny The Get Right Band (funk, reggae, rock), 6:30pm iron Horse stAtion Ben Wilson (Americana), 7pm
185 King Street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine Bar 253-2593 adam dalton diStillery 367-6401 altamont BreWing Company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 aSheville muSiC hall 255-7777 athena’S CluB 252-2456 Barley’S tap room 255-0504 BlaCK mountain ale houSe 669-9090 Blue mountain pizza 658-8777 Boiler room 505-1612 BroadWay’S 285-0400 the ByWater 232-6967 CorK and Keg 254-6453 CreeKSide taphouSe 575-2880 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty South lounge 251-1777 douBle CroWn 575-9060 dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 Foggy mountain BreWpuB 254-3008 FrenCh Broad BreWery taSting room 277-0222 good StuFF 649-9711 green room CaFe 692-6335 grey eagle muSiC hall & tavern 232-5800 the grove parK inn (elaine’S piano Bar/ great hall) 252-2711 highland BreWing Company 299-3370 iSiS muSiC hall 575-2737 JaCK oF the Wood 252-5445 leX 18 582-0293 the loBSter trap 350-0505 metroShere 258-2027 millroom 555-1212 monte viSta hotel 669-8870 moonlight mile 335-9316 native KitChen & SoCial puB 581-0480 nightBell 575-0375 noBle Kava Bar 505-8118 odditorium 575-9299 olive or tWiSt 254-0555 oneFiFtyone 239-0239 one Stop Bar deli & Bar 255-7777 o.henry’S/tug 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 oSKar BlueS BreWery 883-2337 paCK’S tavern 225-6944 the phoeniX 877-3232 piSgah BreWing Co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851 purple onion CaFe 749-1179 red Stag grill at the grand Bohemian hotel 505-2949 root Bar no.1 299-7597 SCandalS nightCluB 252-2838 SCully’S 251-8880 Sly grog lounge 255-8858 SmoKey’S aFter darK 253-2155 the SoCial 298-8780 Southern appalaCian BreWery 684-1235 StatiC age reCordS 254-3232 StraightaWay CaFe 669-8856 tallgary’S Cantina 232-0809 tiger mountain 407-0666 timo’S houSe 575-2886 toWn pump 357-5075 toy Boat 505-8659 treaSure CluB 298-1400 treSSa’S doWntoWn Jazz & BlueS 254-7072 u.S. Cellular Center & thomaS WolFe auditorium 259-5544 vinCenzo’S 254-4698 WeStville puB 225-9782 White horSe 669-0816 Wild Wing CaFe 253-3066 WXyz 232-2838
isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Larke (jazz), 7pm Jeff Thompson CD release, 8:30pm JACk of tHe Wood PuB Crushed Out w/ Shake It Like A Caveman (indie-rock, rock ’n’ roll), 9pm JerusAlem gArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lex 18 Michael Jefry Stevens & Harry Schulz (piano jazz), 7:30pm DJ Cosmo Q (electro-Gatsby swing), 11pm mArket PlACe The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm nAtive kitCHen & soCiAl PuB Drayton & the Dreamboats (vintage jazz), 7:30pm neW mountAin The Mantras w/ Consider the Source, Electrochemical & The Kinky Aphrodisiacs (psychedelic-funk, electronic), 8pm nigHtBell restAurAnt & lounge Best indie-lectro-pop-rock of 2014 w/ Dulítel DJ, 9pm odditorium Aquamule, Plankeye Peggy (circus-rock, psychedelic), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm olive or tWist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8pm one stoP deli & BAr Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm ILL Doots (hip-hop, funk), 10pm oskAr Blues BreWery Fritz Beer & The Crooked Beat (Americana, rock), 6pm PACk’s tAvern DJ Ocelate (pop, dance, hits), 9pm PisgAH BreWing ComPAny Tellico w/ The Everydays & members of Delhia Low, Chalwa & more (Americana), 8pm
Happy Holidays!
room ix DJ MoTo, 9pm root BAr no. 1 The Horse Traders (rock), 8pm sCAndAls nigHtCluB Zumba “in Da Club” & Snow & Glow party (fitness, DJs, black light party), 7pm DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
buy $50 of gift cards online & receive a free $10 gift card! (While supplies last)
THURS • DEC 4 MIKE & AMY 5:30-7:30 FRI • DEC 5 GET RIGHT BAND 6:30-8:30
sCully’s DJ, 10pm soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Scoot Pittman (funk, roots, rock), 8pm sPring Creek tAvern The Paper Crowns (Americana, rock), 8pm
WED • DEC 3 WOODY WOOD 5:30-7:30
SAT • DEC 6 OPEN 2 - 6:45
tAllgAry’s CAntinA Fine Line (classic rock), 9:30pm tHe AdmirAl Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm
SUN • DEC 7 OPEN 1-6
tHe motHligHt Bombadil & Sweet Claudette w/ Mother Explosives (pop, indie-rock, folk), 9pm tHe PHoenix Howie Johnson Trio (blues, rock), 9pm tHe soCiAl Ugly Sweater Christmas Party, 8pm tiger mountAin Devyn (psychedelic, indie, metal, rock), 10pm toy BoAt Community Art sPACe Anam Cara Tales & Ales storytelling, 8pm vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WAter’n Hole Dustin Martin & The Ramblers (Americana), 9pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Asheville Jazz Orchestra (holiday jazz), 8pm Wild Wing CAfe soutH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm
wed 12/3 thu 12/4
fRi 12/5
the tRAvelin’ mccouRyS & billy neRShi
(of String cheese incident) 8pm • $17/$20
pAtteRSon hood (of drive-by truckers) w/ lydia Loveless 9pm • $17/$20 SoutheRn cultuRe on the SkidS
w/ the Zealots 9pm • $14/$16
tue 12/9
w/ dark water Rising 9pm • $10/$12
fRi 12/12
8pm • $10/12
SAt 12/6
thu 12/11
Kitchen Ugly? Don’t replace... REFACE! 1 New look for about /3 the cost of new cabinets Paul Caron • The Furniture Magician • 828.669.4625
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
sAturdAy, deCemBer 6 185 king street The Train Wrecks w/ Leigh Glass (Americana, country), 8pm 5 WAlnut Wine BAr Patrick Fitzsimons (jazz, world), 6pm Mande Foly (electric African folk), 9pm AltAmont tHeAter Deja Vu: A Tribute to Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (folk-rock), 8pm AtHenA’s CluB Mark Appleford (singer-songwriter, Americana), 7pm BlACk mountAin Ale House The Good Ol’ Boyz w/ Woody Wood (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm
JACk of tHe Wood PuB Campfires & Constellations w/ Crying Wolf (country, folk, bluegrass), 9pm JerusAlem gArden Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lex 18 Hot Point Trio (gypsy-jazz, swing), 8:30pm mArCo’s PizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6pm
CAtAWBA BreWing Co. Fireside Collective (progressive-folk), 6pm
neW mountAin The Mantras, Ruby Velle and The Soulphonics, JuBee and the Morning After & Nomadic (psychedelic-funk, electronic), 8pm
dugout Felix and The Femme (oldies), 9pm elAine’s dueling PiAno BAr Dueling Pianos, 9pm foggy mountAin BreWPuB Third Nature (experimental electronica, dance), 10pm frenCH BroAd BreWery Ten Cent Poetry (folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm good stuff Dendera Bloodbath, Lay3rs, Bat Cave & Polly Panic, 8pm green room CAfe & CoffeeHouse Kevin Lorenz (jazz, pop, ragtime), 6pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Christmas w/ Robin Bullock (acoustic, folk), 9pm
mArket PlACe DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm
Cork & keg The Gypsy Swingers (jazz, Latin, ’30s pop), 8:30pm
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm
ByWAter Night Trotters (bluegrass), 8pm
ClAssiC Wineseller Joe Cruz (Beatles, Elton John, James Taylor covers), 7pm
grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Southern Culture on the Skids w/ The Zealots (Americana, surf-rock, rockabilly), 8pm
nigHtBell restAurAnt & lounge In Plain Sight (house), 9pm odditorium Analog Moon & The Outervention (indie-rock, alternative), 9pm off tHe WAgon Dueling pianos, 9pm one stoP deli & BAr The Dirty Doors w/ Waylon Speed (Doors tribute, rock), 10pm orAnge Peel Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (hip-hop), 9pm oskAr Blues BreWery The Gravelys (Americana, rock, roots), 6pm PACk’s tAvern Howie’s House Party (blues, fusion), 9pm PisgAH BreWing ComPAny The Big Deal Bluegrass Fundraiser for Childhood Education Abroad, 8pm
a giRl anD hER guitaR: “Born and raised in Raleigh, Erin Mason is a country/ folk-pop singer-songwriter who performs at venues throughout the Carolinas,” reads Mason’s artist bio. “When she’s not writing, performing or studying, she bakes killer cupcakes and roots for her Appalachian State Mountaineers.” Mason will perform at Hendersonville’s Dugout on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 9 p.m.
PurPle onion CAfe The Bad Popes (rock, Americana), 8pm room ix DJ MoTo & drummer, 9pm root BAr no. 1 Baak Gwai (rock), 8pm
WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Noonday Feast, 8pm
sundAy, deCemBer 7
sCAndAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Resonant Rogues (Balkan, gypsy, old-time), 7pm
sCully’s DJ, 10pm
AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Vinyl night w/ DJ Kilby, 9pm
soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery Holiday vinyl night w/ Robin Tolleson (bring your favorite holiday vinyl), 8pm
AsHeville musiC HAll Asheville Battle of the Bands, 4pm
sPring Creek tAvern Rusted Kage (Southern rock), 8pm tAllgAry’s CAntinA Mile High (country, Southern rock), 9:30pm
Blue kudzu sAke ComPAny Karaoke & brunch, 2pm Burger BAr Trivia, 7pm douBle CroWn Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm
tHe AdmirAl Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm
iron Horse stAtion Mark Shane (R&B), 6pm
tHe motHligHt TOW3RS record release w/ The Human Eyes & Giant Giants (electro-pop), 9:30pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Jazz showcase, 6pm
tHe PHoenix Get Right Band (funk, rock, reggae), 9pm tHe soCiAl Lyric, 10pm tiger mountAin IIIrd Wave dance night w/ Lynnnn & Sarah K (avant-dance, disco, darkwave), 10pm timo’s House Asheville Anime Regional Convention hosts DJ Roborob, Professor Shyguy, My Parents Favorite Music & The Last Word Benders (hip-hop, nerdcore), 10pm toy BoAt Community Art sPACe Sudden Theatre (movies made into 10 min. plays), 8pm vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
JACk of tHe Wood PuB Irish session, 5pm lex 18 Ray Biscoglia & Grant Cutherbertson (jazz piano & bass), 7pm moJo kitCHen & lounge Sunday night swing, 5pm neW mountAin Tab Benoit w/ East Coast Dirt (blues), 8pm odditorium Hedwig & The Angry Inch (music from the musical), 9pm off tHe WAgon Piano show, 9pm olive or tWist Swing variations class w/ Wayne Tipton, 7pm DJ (oldies rock, swing), 8pm
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Full Bar
w/ Tripi, Elise w/ Anthony Anthony Tripi,2014 Elise Davis Davis WARREN HAYNES
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95 95 Patton Patton at at Coxe Coxe •• Asheville Asheville 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com 252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
COMING SOON Wed12/3 • 7:15 PM
Wed12/10 • 7:15 PM
AsHeville musiC HAll Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm
tHe PHoenix Blue Shiraz (tin pan alley standards), 12pm tHe soCiAl ’80s night, 9pm vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Carolina Ceili (“A Celtic Christmas”), 7:30pm yACHt CluB Steely Dan Sunday, 5pm
mondAy, deCemBer 8
Every Sunday
JAZZ SHOWCASE 6pm - 11pm
Every Tuesday
BLUEGRASS SESSIONS 7:30pm - midnite
743 HAYWOOD RD 828-575-2737 ISISASHEVILLE.COM mountainx.com
BlACk mountAin Ale House Trivia, 7pm BuffAlo niCkel Trivia, 7pm CluB eleven on grove Swing lessons & dance w/ Swing Asheville, 6:30pm Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm Cork & keg Honky-tonk Jamboree w/ Tom Pittman, 6:30pm douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJs Sean & Will, 10pm good stuff Old-time jam, 7pm grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Motopony w/ Dark Water Rising (indie-pop, folk), 9pm
5 WAlnut Wine BAr Lyric (acoustic-soul, funk, rock), 8pm
iron Horse stAtion Open mic, 6pm
AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Old-time jam, 8pm
isis restAurAnt And musiC HAll Bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm
Burger BAr Honky-tonk ladies night, 4pm
JACk of tHe Wood PuB Todd Cecil & Back South (Americana, swamprock), 9pm
ByWAter Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 9pm
douBle CroWn Punk ’n’ roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm
Fri12/12 • 8:30 PM
5 WAlnut Wine BAr The John Henrys (jazz, ragtime, swing), 8pm
tHe motHligHt Andrew J. Usher w/ Joshua Carpenter & Rock City, Suede Falcon (Americana), 9pm
185 king street Dinner theatre w/ The Road Apple Ramblers, 7pm
AltAmont BreWing ComPAny Open mic w/ Jam Samwich, 8pm
CourtyArd gAllery Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm
tuesdAy, deCemBer 9
tAllgAry’s CAntinA Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
one stoP deli & BAr Bluegrass brunch w/ Woody Wood, 11am
soutHern APPAlACHiAn BreWery The Dan Keller Trio (jazz), 5pm
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com.
sCAndAls nigHtCluB DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
10/25 Lee W/ SHAKE ITSarah LIKE A CAVEMAN P.M.$7 10/25 Sarah Lee9Guthrie Guthrie & Johnny Irion & Johnny 12/6 CAMPFIREIrion AND CONSTELLATIONS W/w/ CRYING WOLF 9 P.M.$5 •• 9pm w/ Battlefield Battlefield 9pm $10 $10 10/26 Firecracker Jazz 12/9 TODD CECIL & BACK SOUTH 10/26 Firecracker Jazz Band Band 9 P.M.FREE (DONATIONS ENCOURAGED) & HALLOWEEN Costume & HALLOWEEN Costume Party 9pm 12/12 JAM& DAY AFTER ••PARTY WITH Party &BYContest Contest 9pm $8 $8 VERY SPECIAL GUEST DYLAN LEBLANC W/ AND 10/27 •• 9pm FREE 10/27 Vinegar Creek 9pm FREE LATE NIGHTVinegar SETS WITH THECreek WILD HANDS AND ZACK JOSEPH BAND OPENING 8 P.M.$10 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 10/28 Mustard Plug • 9pm $8 12/13 JAM BYTom DAY AFTER PARTY WITH VERY w/ Banana Pants w/ Crazy Crazy Tom Banana Pants SPECIAL GUEST JAMIE RESCH AND HER BAND 10/29 Singer Songwriters W/ RIVERBANK RAMBLERS PERFORMING LATE 10/29 Singer Songwriters NIGHT SETS 8 P.M.$10 • 7-9pm in the Round FREE in the Round • 7-9pm FREE
grey eAgle musiC HAll & tAvern Contra dance, 7pm JACk of tHe Wood PuB Quizzo, 7pm lexington Ave BreWery (lAB) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm off tHe WAgon Open mic, 8pm orAnge Peel UnitedHealthcare Pro Cycling Team 2015 presentation & gala, 8pm oskAr Blues BreWery Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
lAurey’s CAtering And gourmet to go Ukulele jam, 5:30pm mArCo’s PizzeriA Sharon LaMotte Band (jazz), 6:30pm mArket PlACe The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm neW mountAin The Jauntee (funk-rock, jazz, psychedelic), 9pm odditorium Odd comedy night, 9pm off tHe WAgon Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm orAnge Peel Movie night: Elf, 7pm root BAr no. 1 Matt Mommson & Cameron Stack (blues, acoustic), 7pm sCully’s Open mic w/ Jeff Anders, 9pm tAllgAry’s CAntinA Jam night, 9pm
tHe PHoenix Jeff Sipe & Friends (jazz-fusion), 8pm
timo’s House An Evening w/ Nex Millen & Friends, 10pm
tHe soCiAl Kevin Scanlon (folk, old-time), 6pm
tressA’s doWntoWn JAzz And Blues Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm
tiger mountAin Honky-tonk (classic country, rockabilly) w/ DJ Lil Lorruh & David Wayne Gay, 10pm
vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
vinCenzo’s Bistro Steve Whiddon (classic piano), 5:30pm
WHite Horse BlACk mountAin Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm
Wild Wing CAfe Team trivia, 8:30pm
Wild Wing CAfe soutH Trivia, 8:30pm
Westville PuB Blues jam, 10pm
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
HHHHH = max rating contact xpressmovies@aol.com
PicK oF thE WEEK
thEatER ListinGs
Penguins of Madagascar HHHS
FRiDay, DEcEmBER 5 thuRsDay, DEcEmBER 11 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
DiREctoR: Eric Darnell (Madagascar), Simon J. Smith Asheville PizzA & Brewing Co. (254-1281)
PLayERs: (Voices) Tom McGrath, Chris Miller, Christopher Knights, Conrad Vernon, John Malkovich, Benedict Cumberbatch, Werner Herzog
guardians of the galaxy (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 CArmike CinemA 10 (298-4452) CArolinA CinemAs (274-9500) Big hero 6 2D (Pg) 11:50, 2:15, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05
animatED comEDy RatED PG thE stoRy: The Madagascar penguins get a movie of their own in which they match wits with a villainous octopus. thE LoWDoWn: Breakneck paced, filled with rapid-fire gags and wordplay that are impossible to keep up with and blessed with a pleasing lunacy, Penguins of Madagascar mostly works but goes on a little too long.
Whatever else may be said about Penguins of Madagascar, it certainly moves — at what seems like an almost impossible pace. To say that the movie is action-packed scarcely does it justice. It never stops to take a breath. The goal appears to be to capture the kind of unchecked anarchic madness of the last three Paramount Marx Brothers films — Monkey Business (1931), Horse Feathers (1932) and Duck Soup (1933). OK, nothing wrong with that — except that Skipper (Tom McGrath), Kowalski (Chris Miller), Private (Christopher Knights) and Rico (Conrad Vernon) are not Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo. Plus, the Marx films all had the good sense to keep around the 70-minute mark. Our flightless friends drag it out for another 20.
The title characters of the breathlessly paced and undeniably clever Penguins of Madagascar.
Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 11:10, 1:45, 4:20, 6:55, 10:25 Dumb and Dumber To (Pg-13) 12:40, 3:05, 6:00, 8:30 Force majeure (r) 11:05, 1:40, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45
What starts as frantic fun finally turns into frenzied desperation — what was exhilarating becomes exhausting. Yet there’s so much stuffed into the film that it almost works. And enough of it works to make it sometimes hard to resist. How can any movie that starts with an animated Werner Herzog (with Herzog’s voice) making a documentary about penguins be all bad — especially when his unorthodox techniques actually set the whole thing in motion? Well, of course, it can’t be. It’s a terrific jab at Herzog’s manic manipulation of “facts” as well as the generally not-all-that-honest world of documentaries. However, let’s face it — this is a gag that kids won’t get, but neither will a significant chunk of the adult audience. As a result, it’s the only moment quite this rarefied in the film. In its place, the film settles for a barrage of gags, jokes and throwaway remarks that come tumbling out so fast that it’s impossible to even weigh whether or not they’re all that funny. I’m still not sure if the running gag of incorporating famous names into the dialogue — “Nick, cage the penguins,” “Drew, Barry — more power!” —
is actually amusing, but I appreciate the creativity and the fact that the movie milks it until it becomes funny in an almost Pavlovian manner. Other things — like the penguins camouflaging themselves by effortlessly rolling across a black-and-white striped floor — are just plain brilliant. The basic principle is that if you don’t like one gag, there’ll be another one along in a second. If one piece of lunacy doesn’t quite work, there’s another around the corner. I almost — almost — want to watch it again just to process it all, because there’s no way to absorb it all in one sitting. But that may very well be a good thing. The biggest downside to the madness is the plot, which involves a mad scientist octopus named Dave (voiced with great glee by John Malkovich) with a plan to capture all the world’s penguins and turn them into monstrosities. What is the reason for this sinister cephalopod’s evil scheme? It’s revenge on our heroes for stealing his audience at marine park after marine park with their cuteness. Out to stop Dave and his octopus army are not only the title characters, but a special ops group called the North Wind
gone girl (r) 12:05, 3:10, 6:30, 9:35 horrible Bosses 2 (r) 11:55, 2:25,4:50, 7:15, 9:40 The hunger games: mockingjay — Part 1 (Pg-13) 11:00, 11:30, 12:30, 1:50, 2:15, 3:15, 4:30, 5:00, 6:00, 7:15, 7:45, 8:45. 10:15, 10:30 interstellar (Pg-13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 9:30 nightcrawler (r) 11:40, 2:10, 4:50, 7:35, 10:10 Penguins of madagascar 2D (Pg) 12:15, 2:30, 5:05, 7:20, 9:30 st. vincent (Pg-13) 11:45, 2:05, 4:25, 6:45, 9:05 The Theory of everything (Pg-13) 11:15, 1:55, 4:30, 7:10, 9:45 Co-eD CinemA BrevArD (883-2200) The hunger games: mockingjay — Part 1 (Pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 ePiC oF henDersonville (693-1146) Fine ArTs TheATre (232-1536) Birdman or (The Unexpected virtue of ignorance) (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late Show Fri-Sat 9:40 The Theory of everything (Pg-13) 1:00. 4:00, 7:00 Late Show Fri-Sat 9:30 FlATroCk CinemA (697-2463) The hunger games: mockingjay — Part 1 (Pg-13) Fri-Sat-Sun, Wed-Thu 4:00, 7:00 Closed Mon-Tue for maintenance. regAl BilTmore grAnDe sTADiUm 15 (684-1298) UniTeD ArTisTs BeAUCATCher (298-1234)
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
(cue the inevitable wind-breaking joke), headed up by a pompous wolf (Benedict Cumberbatch), whose identity is so secret even his name is classified (cue the misunderstanding that his name is indeed Classified). At its best the storyline is serviceably stupid, which befits the movie — and does allow it to wander into agreeable 1960s-style James Bond territory. But the truth is that the plot also drags in an utterly unnecessary “everyone is important” message that’s at odds with the movie’s take-it-or-leave-it anarchic tendencies. Still, I’ve certainly sat through far less creative and clever animated movies, and when it works, it’s pretty swell. Rated PG for mild action and some rude humor. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Ken Hanke
Force Majeure HHS DIRECTOR: Ruben Östlund PLAYERS: Johannes Kuhnke, Lisa Loven Kongsli, Clara Wettergren, Vincent Wettergren, Kristofer Hivju, Fanny Metelius DRAMA WITH CLAIMS OF DARK COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: Marital drama about what happens in the wake of a threat where the husband shows himself to be less than his wife assumed. THE LOWDOWN: The critics are mostly agreed that this Swedish drama about marital discord and patriarchal dysfunction is great stuff — Sweden has chosen it as its Oscar entry. Maybe so, but I found it a lot less than great.
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on Force Majeure, a highlyregarded Swedish movie from director Ruben Östlund, with whom I’m unfamiliar. The problem is that the bulk of the critics — not to mention the folks who give out awards at Cannes — are gaga over it. That’s fine, but damned if I get the appeal. I am told that it’s a penetrating “dark comedy” with moments of
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
rib-tickling mirth. In between fantasizing that a sour-looking hotel housekeeper would go berserk and murder everybody, I kept waiting for this comedy — dark or otherwise — to materialize. It never did. I know humor is very subjective, but I can usually identify what I’m at least supposed to be convulsed by. Not so here. The major emotion I experienced was boredom while waiting for something — anything — to happen. I can only conclude that I am just not on the right wavelength for Force Majeure. But it’s as well to remember that mine is not the majority view. Here’s the pitch — an uppermiddle-class family is vacationing in the French Alps at a posh hotel. All is well — or at least not openly hostile — until one day at lunch when a controlled avalanche gets a little out of hand and appears to be genuinely threatening the diners on the terrace. It is during this episode where everything changes because the husband, Tomas (Johannes Kuhnke), runs away from the table rather than protect wife Ebba (Lisa Loven Kongsli) and the kids (Clara Wettergren, Vincent Wettergren). As it turns out, there was no real peril and things return to normal — or so it seems. The problem is that Tomas’ behavior has shaken her faith in him. The bulk of the rest of the film is essentially a marital drama — with occasional interested parties weighing in — examining Tomas’ behavior and whether or not he’ll own up to it. And then it repeats this story several times — in case we don’t get it — for what feels like an eternity. That’s pretty much it — and if that appeals to you, so may the movie as it moves along to a fairly inconclusive conclusion that I suspect is supposed to be all kinds of profound. Now, the truth is I cannot fault the film on technical grounds. Östlund has crafted a good looking movie, if not an exceptionally adventurous one. The images are rock steady, the exposure is dead-on, etc. — you know, things that 50 years ago you wouldn’t have commented on because they were a given. The only places where Östlund evidences anything that could be called more than a workmanlike style are when the movie is in the snow, most notably the film’s last such scene. But as I noted at the onset, I am by no means in the mainstream of criticism on this one. Rated R for some language and brief nudity. Starts Friday at Carolina Cinemas. reviewed by Ken Hanke
HHHHH = max rating
Horrible Bosses 2 HHH DIRECTOR: Sean Anders (That’s My Boy) PLAYERS: Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, Chris Pine, Jamie Foxx, Chrisoph Waltz, Jennifer Aniston COMEDY RATED R THE STORY: The three best friends at the center of Horrible Bosses are screwed out of a business deal and concoct a kidnapping plan to save themselves. THE LOWDOWN: A generally entertaining — if none too spectacular — comedy with a few clever bits that’s held up by its cast.
When the original Horrible Bosses came out three years ago, I wrote that I was “consistently entertained, and — more importantly — never bored,” and that in “a few months [...] I’ll forget that I ever watched [it].” This is fitting for a couple of reasons, because I spent most of Horrible Bosses 2 trying to remember what I liked about its predecessor (I’d forgotten that Colin Farrell was even in the damn thing) and because those sentiments are exactly how I feel about this newest installment. Most of what I wrote about the first film applies to its sequel, that it’s propped up by a strong cast, and while it’s never hilarious by any means, there are a few clever bits and enough chemistry to keep things going. I was never bored with it, which may be faint praise but is praise nonetheless. It’s also totally disposable, which isn’t surprising. Rarely are the sequels of comedies the most ambitious cinematic forays; usually, they’re little more than rehashes of gags that worked in their original surroundings. Horrible Bosses 2, in many ways, is much the same. We have all the same characters (sans Farrell, who was offed in the first flick), some making mere cameos, like Kevin Spacey’s jailed maniacal Dave, while others — such as Jamie
Foxx’s character (whose name is unfortunately too much for print) — have expanded roles. And of course, returning are our misfit protagonists, Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) and Dale (Charlie Day), who’ve taken the lessons they learned and decided to become their own bosses. Their master plan is an invention called the Shower Buddy that squirts shampoo out of a showerhead or something (it’s not really explained and mostly used for cheap laughs to open the movie). With little understanding of business law, they’re soon taken advantage of by a billionaire (an underused Christoph Waltz) and his son Rex (Chris Pine), find themselves out half a million dollars and are on the verge of losing everything to the bank. The only plan they can think of is an undercooked scheme to kidnap Rex for ransom — an idea that spirals out of control in various ways from there. Maybe it’s because I’ve forgotten most of the first movie, but none of this feels too stale, despite all the in-jokes. None of it’s all that amazing, either, which is even more confounding. There are a handful of inspired moments — namely when the movie takes the time to parody the crime and action genres, but this is only a small aspect of the film. The rest — much like the first film — is just good enough. It’s not really a movie I can recommend. I certainly wouldn’t go out of my way to see it, but you could certainly do worse, and that’s about as excited as I can get about Horrible Bosses 2. Rated R for strong crude sexual content and language throughout. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. reviewed by Justin Souther
Community Screenings
Public Library Screenings buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/ library • TH (12/4), 3pm - It’s a Wonderful Life. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. • TH (12/11), 3pm - Four Christmases. Free. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St.
spEcial scREEnings
Life Begins at Eight-Thirty HHHH Director: Irving Pichel (The Pied Piper) players: Monty Woolley, Ida Lupino, Cornel Wilde, Sara Allgood, Melville Cooper, J. Edward Bromberg comEDy-DRama Rated NR The Asheville Film Society eases into the Christmas season with Life Begins at Eight-Thirty — a film I’m pretty sure most of you have never heard of. It’s something I bumped into about 45 years ago on a long-defunct TV station that kept going by booking generally obscure movies and 1950s TV shows. I never expected to see it again, but here it is. It is not a Christmas movie (though it opened on Christmas Day), but it does start with star Monty Woolley as an abusive — and drunk — department store Santa insulting the crowd. (I’ll be honest, it was this scene that most stuck with me.) The film itself is a surprisingly effective comedy-drama about a washed-up alcoholic actor, Madden Thomas (Woolley), his caretaker daughter Kathy (Ida Lupino), the young composer Robert Carter (Cornel Wilde) in love with her, and Carter’s aunt, Alma Lothian (Sara Allgood), who has been in love with — and abused by — Madden Thomas for years. The movie walks a fine line since few things are less funny than alcoholism, but it wisely leaves most of the humor to Madden’s sober sarcasms. Overall, it’s ultimately a very sentimental film — and an incredibly satisfying one. The Asheville Film Society will screen Life Begins and Eight-Thirty Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Mandabi HHH Director: Ousmane Sembene players: Makhouredia Gueye, Ynousse N’Diaye, Isseu Niang, Serigne N’Diayes, Serigne Sow DRama Rated NR Ousmane Sembene’s Mandabi (The Money Order) (1968) is the sort of movie that is much prized by folks suffering from cultural inferiority complexes and by those who dote on the esoteric for its own sake. It’s a movie from Senegal — and is apparently notable for being shot in Wolof (the common language) rather than French. It tells the story of what happens when Ibrahim Dieng (Makhouredia Gueye), a rather lazy 60-something-year-old man with exalted notions of his own importance, receives a money order for F25,000 from a relative in Paris. This supposed windfall turns into a curse when cashing it becomes a bureaucratic nightmare — made just that much worse by all the people out to get a piece of that money. The pacing is slow. The characters are not likable. And once the basic idea gets underway, the film becomes predictable. The major point of interest lies in the depiction of a country in the throes of adapting to its postcolonial state. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Mandabi Friday, Dec. 5, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
staRting FRiDay
Force Majeure See Review in “Cranky Hanke.”
What’s your
big idea for 2015?
The Pyramid Fox is mostly just throwing this horror movie away — opening it in 500 theaters on perhaps the softest weekend of the year to pick up what it can before it’s swallowed by the Christmas rush. It is, at this point, not even a certainty that it’s opening in Asheville at all. The movie marks the directorial debut of Grégory Levasseur, best known as writer-producer on The Hills Have Eyes (2007) and Mirrors (2008). Though in English — with actors you don’t know — this is largely a French production. The story concerns a group of archaeologists being pursued by some kind of creature in an Egyptian pyramid. No, it hasn’t been screened for critics. (R)
Thinkers and doers sound off 1/7. 12/11 space guarantee. 828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com
Zombies of Mora Tau HHHS Director: Edward L. Cahn (The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake) players: Gregg Palmer, Allison Hayes, Autumn Russell, Joel Ashley, Morris Ankrum, Marjorie Eaton hoRRoR Rated NR Before the arrival of George Romero’s reinvention of the zombie movie with Night of the Living Dead (1968), schlockmeister Edward L. Cahn’s Zombies of Mora Tau — made for even schlockier producer Sam Katzman — was pretty much the foundation of the zombie sub-genre for an entire generation of horror fans. Oh, it wasn’t a particularly good movie, but it was the one that turned up most often on TV — and was unusually straightforward in its depiction of zombies as an entity unto themselves. There are no evil masterminds here like those in White Zombie (1932), King of the Zombies (1941), Revenge of the Zombies (1943) or Zombies on Broadway (1945). And there’s nothing psychological as in I Walked with a Zombie (1943). No, there are just zombies — an implacable gang of the walking dead. (Hey, they even wander around underwater — something Romero didn’t get around to until Land of the Dead in 2005.) Basic and even simpleminded? Sure — after all, its target audience was mostly teenagers. But it’s also pretty atmospheric and a solid zombie picture. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Zombies of Mora Tau Thursday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
M A R K E T P L A C E REal
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REal EstatE rentAls Homes for rent 3Br, 2.5BA log Home Hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings. Madison County. 15 minutes from Weaverville; 25 minutes from Asheville. • No pets. $900/month. Charter internet available. Call 828649-1170.
CommerCiAl/ Business rentAls ATTEnTIOn CRAfTERS • 2,000 sqft +/- WAynesville, nC • Ideal office/ warehouse/workspace downtown Waynesville. Decor would support craft-oriented use, distributor or low-traffic store. Negotiable. Call (828) 216-6066. goacherints34@ gmail.com
vACAtion rentAls CHArming 2Br/ 1BA BungAloW Near Downtown Asheville. Huge deck overlooking Downtown/Mts. Koi Pond. Fully furnished with W/D and satellite. $150/ day (2-day min), $950/wk. No Pets. 828-687-0089 kappamanmsu@aol.com
roommAtes roommAtes All AreAs - roommAtes. Com . Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www. Roommates.com. (AAN CAN)
rooms for rent furnisHed immACulAte one-Bedroom (pd) apt. in quiet, upscale neighborhood. Panoramic views, main-level living. Hardwood floors; garage included. $750/ month. No Pets. No Smoking/ drugs. 828-645-7222 Hello nAture entHusiAsts! Furnished room for rent in Gerton (20min. from downtown Asheville). Monthto-month; long or short-term renters welcomed; privatebath; use of kitchen/laundryroom. Holistic household that consists of one human/dog/ cat. No more pets. asimplepath@outlook.com
emPloyment generAl AfRICA • BRAZIL WORk/ study! Change the lives of others while creating a sustainable future. 1, 6, 9, 18
month programs available. Apply now! www.OneWorldCenter.org (269) 591-0518. info@OneWorldCenter.org (AAN CAN) diesel meCHAniC Opening for experienced diesel mechanic; minimum 5 years verifiable experience; certifications a plus; must have own tools; part-time, possible fulltime. Jonathan@GrayLineAsheville.com; 828-251-8687; www.GrayLineAsheville.com generAl Assignment rePorter Community Newspapers Inc. is seeking a general assignment reporter to join our team in Western North Carolina. Minimum requirements: technology savvy with a degree in journalism or related field. Photography and InDesign skills are a plus. Position will cover the Highlands/Cashiers areas of Macon/Jackson counties. Email resume and three clippings to: rhoskins@thefranklinpress.com. No phone calls please. seeking A reWArding JoB? Mountain Xpress employment Classifieds are effective at pairing local employers with qualified candidates. Visit our desktop or mobile site at mountainx. com/classifieds to browse additional online-only job listings OR post a personalized “Jobs Wanted” ad for extra exposure during your search. Check our jobs page often, and be the first to apply! mountainx.com/classifieds
AdministrAtive/ offiCe AdministrAtive AssistAnt Seeking professional, Customer Service-oriented Administrative Assistant. Duties include fielding calls, assisting and directing clients, filing, extensive software and typing skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, basic accounting, data entry, and eagerness to assist with various projects. Full-time. Includes health and retirement benefits. Email résumé and references to silvia@brunkauctions.com PA exeCutive AssistAnt Admin assistant position available at established Construction management/ real estate development firm. Flexible 30 hour Mon - Fri work week. An excellent opportunity for advancement for the right person. Please send your resume to gchris717@gmail. com reCePtionist/offiCe/ CliniC AssistAnt Immediate full time position in a Holistic/Integrated Physician's Office. Must have knowledge of holistic/alternative medicine, an interest in maternity care, have front
DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014
office experience, and exceptional computer skills. $11/ hr plus $300/mo medical stipend. Send resume and cover letter to andi@familytofamily. org.
sAles/mArketing liCensed P&C insurAnCe Agent Busy State Farm agency. Sales and heavy service with P&C focus. Job stablity and benefits. Average income $30,000-$40,000. Salary plus bonus. Must have P&C License. 100% Medical/ Dental. Resume to: diane. bauknight.cgq5@statefarm. com seeking Admissions Advisors for outWArd Bound serviCes grouP Outward Bound in Asheville, NC seeking seasonal Admissions Advisors for 2015 season. Accepting resumes for P/T and F/T seasonal positions starting January 12 through July 2015. Please send cover letter and resume to: Laurel Zimmerman by December 5th. lzimmerman@ outwardbound.org; www.outwardbound.org
restAurAnt/ food APOLLO fLAmE • WAITstAff Full-time. Fast, friendly atmosphere. • Experience required. • Must be 18 years old. • Apply in person between 2pm-4pm, 485 Hendersonville Road. 274-3582. line Cooks Full and Parttime. You must have experience and flexible availability on the weekends. Positions available now! Accepting applications through www. Snagajob.com Buffalo Wild Wings
mediCAl/ HeAltH CAre Hiring CAregivers Hiring in-home care for seniors! Friday/Saturday/Sunday. Days or Overnights - 12-hour shiftscompetitive pay and shift differential (work 36 hours, paid for 40 hours). Apply to Mountain Home Care: 828684-6444.
HumAn serviCes
AVAILABLE POSITIOnS • meridiAn BeHAviorAl HeAltH transylvania, Haywood, Buncombe, Jackson and macon Counties Multiple positions open for Peer support specialists working within a number of recovery oriented programs within our agency. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an
opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. For further information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org. Part-time employment Peer mentor Supported Employment Program In and West of Jackson and macon Counties An Employment Peer Mentor is all of the following: • A current or former recipient of mental health or substance abuse services, • Is, or is qualified to be, a NC Certified Peer Support Specialist, • Has a minimum of HS/GED (or equivalent certificate from the Occupational Course of Study), and • Has been employed in any capacity in the past. As a EPM you will be assisting adults with mental health (MH) and/or substance use (SA) issues, for whom employment has not been achieved and/or has been interrupted or intermittent. The Supported Employment program is a person-centered, individualized, evidence-based service that provides assistance with choosing, acquiring, and maintaining competitive paid employment in the community. For more information contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org transylvania, Jackson, macon Counties recovery education Center Clinician: two Positions Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professionals to join our Transylvania, Jackson and Macon County Recovery Education Centers. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. For more information, contact hr.department@meridianbhs. org • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www. meridianbhs.org direCt CAre Positions WNC Group Homes for Autistic Persons is hiring for Direct Care Positions. • Full-Time on 2nd shift, and Part-Time weekends. Job duties include providing planned instruction to group home residents to maximize independent living skills, and behavioral health. Eligible applicants must have High School Diploma and 2 years related experience, or college degree, and possess a current Driver’s License. Hourly pay rate
$10.30-$11.00/hour. Apply in person at 28 Pisgah View Ave, Asheville or for additional information visit our website: www.wncgrouphomes. org WNC Group Homes is a Drug Free Workplace. fAmily PreservAtion serviCes of nC, inC. Great Job Opportunities available at Family Preservation Services of NC at Magnolia House in Rutherford County. Please see the Web ad for Job details. Resumes should be sent to Laurie Mills at lmills@fpscorp.com. lmills@ fpscorp.com looking for direCt CAre stAff to provide services to persons(s) with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities. Position is in Weaverville. Evidence of high school graduation is required. Apply online at www.turningpointservicesinc.com; specify Asheville as the location. “We are an equal opportunity employer”
teACHing/ eduCAtion ClAssroom AssistAnt Kasumi Mountain Martial Arts is seeking a Part-Time Classroom Assistant to help with children’s classes on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:45pm. Martial arts or yoga background helpful. Experience working with children is a must. There is a chance for the chosen candidate to be hired on as a Summer Camp Counselor as well. Please send your resume to ashevilleninjas@gmail.com
Business oPPortunities $1,000 Weekly!! mAiling BroCHures From home. Helping home workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start Immediately www.mailingmembers.com (AAN CAN)
Arts/mediA museum internsHiP At BlACk mountAin College museum + Arts Center BMCM+AC seeks a part-time Museum Intern to provide staff support in our downtown Asheville gallery spaces. To learn more and apply, visit http://www.blackmountaincollege.org/component/content/article/45expansion/371-museuminternship or email erin@ blackmountaincollege.org.
CAreer trAining AirBrusH mAkeuP Artist Course For: Ads. TV. Film. Fashion. 35% Off Tuition Special $1990 - Train & Build
Home imProvement Portfolio . One Week Course. Details at: AwardMakeupSchool.com 818-980-2119 (AAN CAN) Airline CAreers Begin Here Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Housing and Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800725-1563 (AAN CAN)
ComPuter/ teCHniCAl
HAndy mAn HIRE A HuSBAnD • HAndymAn serviCes Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
AnnounCements AnnounCements
CHArter CommuniCAtions Hiring BroAdBAnd instAllers Charter Communications, one of the nation’s largest Broadband service providers, is seeking Broadband Installers for their Asheville, NC area. The essential functions of this position are contributing to the company vision of being the industry leader in customer service through quality, commitment, courtesy and teamwork. This person will be responsible for performing basic installations, disconnects and service changes for residential and business customers for cable television, phone, and internet. This is an entry level position. Must have HS Diploma or GED and a valid driver’s license. Interested applicants must complete the online application at ww.charter.com/careers. Charter offers competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits package.**Females and Minorities encouraged to apply**
serviCes CAregivers COmPAnIOn • CAREGIVER • LIVE-In Alzheimer's experienced. • Heart failure and bed sore care. • 2 hospice reference letters. Nonsmoker, with cat, seeks live-in position. • References. • Arnold, (828) 273-2922.
trAnsPortAtion Best mediCAl trAnsPortAtion serviCes David’s Transportation Services for elderly and physically disabled, non emergency transportation anywhere in the USA. Certified Nursing Assistant and Spanish translator available. For more information please contact 828-2150715 or 828-505-1394. www. Cesarfamilyservices.com
good Wood PizzA ovens Hand built, wood fired Pizza Ovens. Mobil or stationary models. Great for Restaurants, Home or Catering. Call Brian for pricing: (980) 241-9099. www.goodWoodPizzaovens.com
HelP yourself WHile HelPing otHers By donating plasma! You can earn $220/month with valid state ID, proof of address, and SS card. Located at 85 Tunnel Road. Call (828) 2529967. PregnAnt? tHinking of AdoPtion? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. Living Expenses Paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN) struggling WitH drugs or AlCoHol? Addicted to Pills? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 800-978-6674 (AAN CAN)
JANUARY 7, 2015, AT TEN O’CLOCK IN THE FORENOON OF THAT DAY, WHY A DECREE SHOULD NOT BE MADE IN THE ESTATE OF PATRICIA ANN LEGERE LATELY DOMICILED AT 133 MAPLE AVENUE, GLENVILLE NY 12302 9N THE COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY ADMITTING TO PROBATE A WILL DATED JULY 13, 2006, DECEASED RELATING TO REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, AND DIRECTING THAT LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION C.T.A. BE ISSUED TO KEITH LEGERE DATED AND ATTESTED AND SEALED, NOVEMBER 6, 2014. THE HONORABLE VINCENT VERSACI, SURROGATE, COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY ATTY: DEMOSTENE ROMANUCCI, (518) 783-5611. P.O. BOX 1035, LATHAM, NY 12110. THIS CITATION IS SERVED UPON YOU AS REQUIRED BY LAW. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO APPEAR IN PERSON. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE AN ATTORNEY APPEAR FOR YOU. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR IS WILL BE ASSUMED YOU DO NOT OBJECT TO THE RELIEF REQUESTED. notiCe of unClAimed ProPerty The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department: electronic equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous items. Anyone with a legitimate claim or interest in this property has 30 days from the date of this publication to make a claim. Unclaimed items will be disposed of according to statutory law. Items will be auctioned on www. propertyroom.com. For further information, or to file a claim, contact the Asheville Police Department Property and Evidence Section, 828-232-4576. notiCe of disPosition The following is a list of unclaimed and confiscated property at the Asheville Police Department tagged for disposition: audio and video equipment; cameras; clothing; lawn and garden equipment; personal items; tools; weapons (including firearms); jewelry; automotive items; building supplies; bikes and other miscellaneous. Items will be disposed of 30 days from date of this posting.
ClAsses & WorksHoPs ClAsses & WorksHoPs Pottery ClAsses At odyssey ClAyWorks Winter Classes Begin January 12. Gift Certificates Available! Throwing Hollow Forms, Beginner Wheel, Etsy For Beginners, Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming, Independent Study, Wall Art, Tell Me A Story, How To Glaze Anything, Clay Instruments For Kids. 828-285-0210. www. odysseyceramicarts.com.
silent yogA & meditAtion retreAt Silent Yoga & Meditation Retreat Dec 5-7 Prama Institute $250 food & accommodations included Yoga, Workshops, Delicious Food, and Encouragement for your Self Discovery and Peace. 828 649 9408 www. pramainstitute.org
trAvel ride sHAre Hendersonville to A-B teCH Would like to share ride, 3 days during the week. Call Zandell: 702-8075.
CAll ninA tHe AurACle: 253-7472 “I have used Nina’s insight for more than 15 years. She offers clarity and grounding in my artistic pursuits and life experience.” Chris Bouchan, Artist, Tryon.
for musiCiAns mind, Body, sPirit BodyWork
musiCAl serviCes AsHeville's WHiteWAter reCording Full service studio: • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • www.whitewaterrecording.com
ACROSS 1 Actress Ward 5 Church bell location 10 Shade at the swimming pool 14 Skating competition entry, maybe 15 Barkin of “The Big Easy” 16 Void 17 *Chilled appetizer or dessert 19 Actress Lollobrigida 20 Port of Algeria 21 Like one side of Mount Everest 23 State that borders Bangladesh 25 Comic strip makeup 26 Brand in a bowl 27 Sponsorship: Var. 29 Illustrious 32 Baseball great Hodges 33 Foot specialist? 34 Its capital is Pristina 35 Geisha’s sash 36 *Billboard listing 38 He’s a real doll 39 Holy Communion, e.g.
edited by Will Shortz
41 Very, in Vichy 5 Ingredient in much Asian cooking 42 Temper 6 ___ B 43 Grps. 7 Feeling fluish, say 44 Part of a planet 8 Rodeo ropes 45 Pay (up) 9 Culminate with 46 Ruin, as a dog might 10 Frank McCourt’s
shoes 48 Stoners’ purchases 50 Reasons for some street closures 52 One being strung along? 53 Dentist’s instruction 54 Longtime Prego slogan … with a hint to the answers to the five starred clues 59 Safe-deposit box item, maybe 60 Surface anew, in a way 61 Yellow sub? 62 Payroll IDs 63 Bottom of the barrel 64 Something to match DOWN 1 Tanning lotion letters 2 Canal zone? 3 Actress Lucy 4 Bach composition
19 21
26 32
“___ Ashes”
11 *Kick the habit, say 12 Forearm bone 13 Ex-Fed head
No. 1022
27 33
Greenspan 18 Part of a chorus 35 36 37 line? 22 Obscures 39 40 41 23 Excuses, excuses 43 44 24 *Feature of many a TV interview 46 47 25 *Time to retire? 26 Ancient market 50 51 52 28 Follow 53 54 55 30 Turns inside out 31 Gifted person? 59 60 33 Gradually introduced, with “in” 62 63 34 Leg strengtheners 37 Canadian-born puzzle by elizabeth c. gorski hockey great 47 Remarkable, as a 51 Copiers 40 Lets go of coincidence 52 Bookstore sect. 44 Big name at Little 49 Bran name? Bighorn 55 Seattle-to-L.A. direction 45 “You said it!” 50 Acacia features
34 38 42 45 48
56 61 64
last week’s solution on page 37
56 Yalie 57 Part of AARP: Abbr. 58 Canon camera
Pets #1 AffordABle Community ConsCious mAssAge And essentiAl oil CliniC 3 locations: 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, 505-7088, 959 Merrimon Ave, Suite 101, 7851385 and 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, 6970103. • $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30 therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 dAys A Week Looking for the best therapist in town--or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www. shojiretreats.com
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neW yeArs resolution 5 dAy yogA detox & JuiCe CleAnse Jan 14 – 18, 2015 Prama Wellness Center 828 649 9911 www. pramawellnesscenter.org 3 days of fasting, delicious meals, workshops, health consultations, group support, daily yoga and meditation knowledgeable supportive staff.
251-1333 ext 101
and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727
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DEcEmBER 3 - DEcEmBER 9, 2014