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PaGe 10 fallinG throuGh the cracks As deadlines loom to sign up for health insurance through the marketplace, many of Buncombe County’s poorest are falling through the cracks — some say as a result of the state’s refusal to expand Medicaid. cover illustration Norn Cutson cover design Elizabeth Bates
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staff reporters/writers: Able Allen, Hayley Benton, Virginia Daffron, Max Hunt, Kat McReynolds calendar editor: Abigail Griffin clubland editors Hayley Benton, Max Hunt movie reviewer & coordinator: Ken Hanke
carto o n b Y r a n d Y mo lt o n
Downtown’s future: What would Julian do? There are a number of difficult issues facing our community as we look to the future of our downtown. A friend sent me a post recently in which a local activist asked, “Think of Julian Price; what would he do?” I met Julian soon after he came to Asheville. We worked on a project together in 1991, and he and Pat Whalen hired me to work for their newly created company, Public Interest Projects, at the beginning of 1992. I worked with Julian for many years, and this is what I think Julian would do. Julian would listen. Julian never believed he had all the answers, and he listened and learned and questioned and considered information from all sides. Julian was honest. The world is complicated, and we each have a unique perspective. Julian would not tell half-truths or create his own facts or twist information to push his agenda. Julian was respectful. Julian did not believe it was necessary to demonize those who didn’t agree with him. He simply worked harder to make his case. Julian didn’t need to die on every hill. Julian realized that the perspectives and needs of others should be
honored as well, and that compromise was often the best solution. Asheville has to do better. The “end justifies the means” approach is unacceptable. We have to stop misrepresenting opposition views and vilifying those who don’t march in lockstep with us. We have to start listening — openly and respectfully. And then we have to step up and personally contribute — our money, our time, our energy. To paraphrase JFK, “Ask not what your community can do for you, ask what you can do for your community.” Julian is no longer here; it is up to us. Think of Julian Price; what will you do? — Karen Ramshaw Asheville
Big Ivy forest needs our protection Treasured forests in our area, including Big Ivy near Barnardsville, need our protection. Please add your voice before the Dec. 15 deadline in supporting a wilderness designation for Big Ivy, where some of the few remaining remnants of old-growth forest still stand. If cut, they can never be replaced. They are worthy of protection, and not just for 10 or 20 more years — they need to be protected forever by including
contributing editors: Chris Changery, Peter Gregutt, Rob Mikulak, Margaret Williams regular contributors: Able Allen, Jonathan Ammons, Edwin Arnaudin, Pat Barcas, Jacqui Castle, Scott Douglas, George Etheredge, Jesse Farthing, Dorothy Foltz-Gray, Jordan Foltz, Doug Gibson, Steph Guinan, Rachel Ingram, Cindy Kunst, Lea McLellan, Clarke Morrison, Emily Nichols, Josh O’Conner, Thom O’Hearn, Alyx Perry, Kyle Petersen, Rich Rennicks, Tim Robison, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Kyle Sherard, Toni Sherwood, Justin Souther, Krista White advertising, art & design manager: Susan Hutchinson graphic designers: Elizabeth Bates, Terrilyn Chance, Norn Cutson, Alane Mason online sales manager: Jordan Foltz marKeting associates: Sara Brecht, Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille, Brian Palmieri, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt information technologies: Stefan Colosimo webmaster: Bowman Kelley booKKeeper: Alyx Perry administration, billing, hr: Able Allen, Lisa Watters distribution manager: Jeff Tallman assistant distribution manager: Denise Montgomery distribution: Jemima Cook, Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Kim Gongre, Adrian Hipps, Clyde Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young
36 Montford Avenue, Downtown Asheville (828) 407-4263 • Asheville.lr.edu december 9 - december 15, 2015
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We want to hear from you Please send your letters to: Editor, Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St., Asheville, NC 28801 or by email to letters@mountainx.com.
them in the National Wilderness Preservation System. A coalition of over 16 outdoor organizations support the wilderness area and backcountry area designations for Big Ivy that will safeguard the forest for all users, including bikers, hikers, hunters, anglers, climbers and equestrians, a proposal that has widespread support from the local Big Ivy community. A backcountry management area has been recommended for trail networks. With this designation, people can experience the healing power of nature. Merely walking through a forest landscape has been proven to significantly lower levels of stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate. Animals and plants,
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
many rare, endemic ones, can continue to live and flourish. Deforestation is a huge concern all over the world. We can set an example to other peoples and other nations by protecting Big Ivy, as well as other forests and rivers in Buncombe and nearby counties. Two weeks remain for us to add our support to our regions’ “outstanding remarkable value,” part of the identification process needed so that our forests are included in the National Wilderness Preservation System (as part of the USDA Forest Service Nantahala and Pisgah Forest Plan Revision). Please add your voice before Dec. 15 by emailing ncplanrevision @fs.fed.us. Further information and detailed forms can be found at www. fs.usda.gov/nfsnc. Maps, frequently asked questions, and a sample letter are also available at friendsofbigivy.org. — Victoria Reiser Reva Spawn Barnardsville
Appledoorn complex in Shiloh benefits area [Virginia Daffron’s] article on the Shiloh neighborhood [“At Home in Shiloh: Venerable Community Fights Encroachment,” Dec. 2, Xpress] was well-balanced and well-written, but I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to correct one assertion and to make the case that the Appeldoorn development is a huge benefit for the area. [She] quotes an individual as stating that there are nearly 500 units in the complex. In fact, the entire development consists of seven three-story buildings of 24 units each, comprising a total of 168 units, primarily twobedroom, two-bath condos with some one-bedroom and three-bedroom units also in the buildings. As far as the impact on the area is concerned, Appeldoorn is low-cost housing. The costs of a unit are consistent with and below the costs of houses in that section of Shiloh. The condo fees are $133 per month, which include water, sewer and garbage services. Adding $30 per month for insurance and $80 per month for taxes means that residents have an occupancy cost of $243 per month before principal and interest on a mortgage, with all exterior maintenance taken care of by the fees. The complex is well-maintained, it looks new, and because it requires owner occupancy, the residents provide stability to the area. There are no
transient occupants. This is not a luxury condo development — no pool, no tennis courts, no community center. It is good, basic housing. The ownership makeup of Appeldoorn is culturally and racially diverse. Many of the owners are young couples, and many are single or married retirees. I see the addition of multifamily housing to an area that is primarily single-family housing as a plus. The development is set back from the road and has excellent landscaping, which hides the buildings. I purchased a unit for my son several years ago. He is totally disabled but capable of living alone, and I consider it a safe, secure and highly desirable environment for him. Each unit has a sprinkler system for fire prevention. The area is well-lit. Thank you for reading this, and I do hope that sometime in the future, [Daffron] will write about Appeldoorn extensively, and if so, I am certain [she] will provide an objective and comprehensive view of the development. — Sidney R. Finkel Fairview editor’s note: Reporter Virginia Daffron responds: “I appreciate Mr. Finkel’s kind words about our article on the Shiloh community, and I also appreciate the information he provides about the Grove at Appeldoorn condominiums. After receiving Mr. Finkel’s letter, I spoke with a property manager for the complex at Baldwin Real Estate. She confirmed that the development consists of 168 units within seven three-story buildings. She also said that all units must be owneroccupied, a requirement her company diligently enforces. We have noted this information about the Appeldoorn complex in an editor’s note at the end of the online article.”
Coffee, Christmas and food for thought So here they are again, the holidays, and along with them the controversy about saying “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas,” thereby leaving (Christ) totally out of the festivities.(As some people would have you believe). And all this because a major coffee company chose to omit this sentiment and to go instead with a simple but attractive format in red and green, and one which should have offended no one. We seem to be losing sight of what Christmas even means, as this used to be the one time of year that we could
put our differences aside, if only for a short while. We would celebrate with friends and family for Thanksgiving; hope for joy and peace on Earth for Christmas, and reflect and anticipate renewal for the new year. Thus we say, “Happy holidays.” So let’s put the merry and the (Christ) back into Christmas. Volunteer at a food bank or a shelter. Be courteous to your server or checkout person. Treat others as you wish to be treated, no matter their beliefs. That being said: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanza and, for all those that we forgot to mention, happy holidays. — Kelli Perry Keith McGuire Asheville
Sierra Club should stick to big issues I’m not renewing [my membership] this year [in the Sierra Club]. The reason is simple: Instead of remaining focused on environmental issues, the North Carolina Sierra Club PAC took the misguided step of meddling in our local Asheville City Council election. Keep the Sierra Club working on the big issues, not interfering in local politics. — John Gordon Asheville
Meeting about WPVM invites input Virginia Daffron’s article on radio station WPVM [“Lost in Transmission: Amid Heated Controversy, WPVM Charts a New Course,” Nov. 4, Xpress] was very thorough and informative, and yet there are things I still do not understand about what has transpired. It seems to me that it would be useful if everyone who has an interest in the station could come together, and we could all hear each other’s perspectives. To that end, there will be a meeting on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 3 p.m. in Pack Library, Lord Auditorium, in which everyone will have equal time to express their views in a respectful and constructive tone and be heard with courtesy.
c art o o n b Y b r e n t b r o w n Personally, even though I have been a longtime supporter of the station, all I know comes from Daffron’s article and from just two other people. I hope that everyone who has been involved in the station or who cares about it will come and be heard. — Rusty Sivils Leicester editor’s note: Sivils welcomes comments from readers at 242-6073.
Smith offers energy, vision for county As an 18-year resident of Asheville, I’m excited that current Asheville City Council member Gordon Smith is running for the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. If you know Gordon, you know that he’s a fighter for the underdog, for our children, for the poor and the disenfranchised. I will be proud to have his voice, his energy and his vision for positive change on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. The March 2016 primary will be here before we know it, and I want
to share that Gordon will continue to work diligently for this beautiful region by redirecting his focus on the county’s initiatives of education, community health and human services that support our citizens on a daily basis. Vote in March, and vote Gordon Smith for Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. — Anne Fitten Glenn Asheville
Corrections An article in the Dec. 2 issue, “At Home in Shiloh: Venerable Community Fights Encroachment,” incorrectly reported the number of units contained within the Appledoorn condominium complex in the neighborhood. There are 168 units. Also in the Dec. 2 issue, the article “Thinking Inside the Box: WNC Employers Create Healthy Workplace Options,” contained an incorrect link to Mission Health’s WellConnect program. The correct link is: http://avl.mx/22c
december 9 - december 15, 2015
december 9 - december 15, 2015
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United we stand bY cHris raines Like many parts of Western North Carolina, Madison County was hit hard by the prescription opiate epidemic. It was going on long before I took my first dose at the age of 17. I had fractured my spine, and at that time, my doctor had no problem writing prescriptions every month. Before I knew it, I’d been on prescription opiates for nearly two years. But then my doctor left the local clinic, and my new doctor decided that I didn’t need the drugs, so he cut me off cold turkey. Little did I know that this was only the beginning of a long and ruthless “war on opiates” that continues to be waged in Madison County to this day. That was almost eight years ago, and at this point, many of us are beginning to realize that we, as a society, have made quite a few mistakes in attempting to deal with our drug problems. But accepting responsibility for those mistakes also means acknowledging their consequences — including the addiction epidemic that now plagues us. We have the potential to solve it, but so far, all we’ve succeeded in doing is creating a more crowded jail and putting further stress on our local court system. I was in my second year of active addiction when the war on opiates began to be fought in Marshall, where I lived at the time. There were numerous arrests each week as the Sheriff’s Office made a big deal about “cleaning up the streets.” Meanwhile, the local clinic decided to join the war effort. It began by adopting a new policy that sharply restricted the prescribing of opiates, along with a plan to wean current chronic pain patients off all narcotic pain meds. But while cutting back on opiate prescriptions did make drugs harder to come by, it also caused prices — not to mention addicts’ desperation levels — to increase drastically. I don’t believe these tactics were well-thought-out. Waging a criminal war on drugs merely pushes residents suffering from the disease of addiction further into isolation. The message coming from local law enforcement is, “We arrest and prosecute addicts.” And the combination of soaring drug prices and no recovery infrastructure only
Chris Raines strengthens addicts’ demand for the drug. Worse yet, the increasing scarcity of prescription drugs means addicts are now being introduced to more dangerous and unpredictable alternatives, such as heroin. Local families are losing everything, and drug trafficking is on the rise. It’s not my intention here to point fingers or cast blame. At the same time, however, I refuse to sit idly by as this illness continues to destroy my community. I refuse to watch my friends and family members get shoved into prisons or laid in their final resting place before their 25th birthday. And I refuse to be silent a moment longer waiting for us to come together and do what’s necessary to address this violent and destructive issue. I understand that addiction isn’t confined to our community and that there will be many challenges to overcome before we see significant progress. But we have to start somewhere, and the time is now. First, we need to learn what addiction is and how it works, and then rid ourselves of the ignorant falsehoods, stereotypes and stigmas we’ve created concerning addicts. We can no longer afford to view addiction through the rigid lens of criminal law. How can we expect to shed light on an issue if all we do is push its sufferers further into the shadows? The disease of addiction feeds on isolation, and as long as we criminalize and condemn addicts, we will never make any true progress in addressing the problem. In
fact, our judgments only add more fuel to the fire. Instead, let us reach out to those who are dealing with addiction. They are, after all, our sons, our daughters, our brothers and our sisters, and we should be offering them our love, our support, our understanding. Remembering that we ourselves are not perfect, we must stand in humility rather than self-righteous judgment. Are we willing to openly admit our own shortcomings in order to close the gaps that keep us divided? Are we willing to come together in unity to tackle the problems that are too big for any one of us to face alone? History is full of examples of what can be achieved when a community comes together in love for a common cause. United, we can share responsibility for our residents and the burdens that plague
Let’s get serious about addressing addiction them. If we refuse to do so, we’re forcing them to rely on the resources found in bigger cities, which are already beginning to buckle under the strain of overload. Let’s lead by example, striving to create local resources that address addiction here at home. I am now 25 years old, and I recently celebrated one year of recovery. I’m currently working to establish a grassroots nonprofit organization designed to provide local recovery resources for Madison County residents. It will be a pilot program aimed at creating a model that other small communities can easily implement. Follow Agape Community Recovery Resources on Facebook and Twitter. If you’re interested in helping out or have any questions, please email us at agapecrr@gmail.com. Chris Raines lives in Hot Springs.
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
Falling through the cracks NC’s failure to expand Medicaid has left many uninsured
Who’s coVereD & Who’s not
AFFORADABLE CARE ACT MARKETPLACE SUBSIDIES 100% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) =$11,770 for an individual or $24,250 for a family of four
$ 0% FPL
Parents and children or people with disabilities earning less than 45% of the Federal Poverty Level
The poorest adults with no children
100% FPL
People earning between 100% and 400% of Federal Poverty Level
400% FPL
Childless adults earning less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Level
a leaKY UMbRella: Despite the Affordable Care Act, many of the poorest North Carolinians are without health insurance coverage. Anyone in the state whose income is under the federal poverty line but is without children or a disability (and is too young for Medicare) has no affordable way to get health insurance. Graph by Elizabeth Bates. Information compiled by Able Allen.
bY able allen aallen@mountainx.com With deadlines looming to sign up for or renew coverage under President Obama’s controversial health care law, much confusion remains about what the 2010 law does and how well it’s working. And though more Buncombe County residents now have health insurance than ever before, many of the poorest are still falling through the cracks. Nationwide, the number of uninsured citizens has plummeted.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Between 2008 and 2013, 13 to 14 percent of Americans lacked health insurance, census figures show. Last year, when many of the law’s provisions kicked in, that number dropped to 10.4 percent — a difference of nearly 9 million people. Meanwhile, in Buncombe County, 19 percent of county residents lacked health insurance in the fall of 2013, when people first began logging on to healthcare.gov to explore their options for coverage that would start Jan. 1, 2014. Today, that number stands at 14 percent, and more folks will undoubtedly enroll in the coming weeks. But when it comes to getting people insured, the South as a whole
is still lagging behind. And one big reason is that most Southern states, including North Carolina, have chosen not to accept a key component of the law: a federally funded expansion of Medicaid designed to cover those too poor to qualify for tax credits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Help is available Roughly one-third of those Americans who do have health insurance get it via government programs (such as Medicare, Medicaid, state health plans and military health
benefits); the rest are insured by private companies, typically through their work. The big change in 2014 was due to individuals directly purchasing private insurance through the state and federal marketplaces set up under the health care law, as well as new Medicaid enrollment. But figuring out the best way to get affordable coverage (which the law defines as costing less than 9.5 percent of yearly household income) isn’t always easy. “We understand that it can be confusing and intimidating,” says evie white, communications manager for Pisgah Legal Services. “But one of the best resources for people
feeling lost are the advisers known as ‘navigators.’ Many people will research or attempt to sign up for insurance on their own but need assistance to complete the process. Our navigators are trained to provide that help, and it’s absolutely free. Without it, hundreds of people would fall through the cracks and would not be given the fair and unbiased information they need to enroll in health insurance.” Staff and volunteers at local nonprofits such as Pisgah Legal, the Council on Aging, the Western Carolina Medical Society and WNC Community Health Services (which operates the Minnie Jones Health Center) have put in thousands of hours helping folks sign up for coverage through the federal marketplace (see box, “Finding Help”). Thanks in part to these efforts, Buncombe County’s uninsured rate declined by 1 percent this past year. That means about 2,400 local people (and over 10,000 since 2013) have insurance who didn’t before. Although Buncombe is the state’s seventhmost populous county, it ranks fourth in terms of Affordable Care Act enrollment. But it’s not just for new enrollees. These groups also help folks who’ve lost their health insurance and need to find an alternative, as well as current enrollees who need help renewing their coverage. After Black Mountain resident melissa dix lost her job and, consequently, her health insurance, she was worried about getting penalized for not having insurance when she paid her income taxes. This year, the fine will increase to a minimum of $695 per adult (plus half that for each child) up to a maximum of 2.5 percent of household income. Dix’s new job is seasonal and doesn’t offer an insurance plan, so she sat down recently with one of Pisgah Legal’s more than 50 navigators (40 of whom are volunteers). “It went well, actually,” says Dix. “I was surprised at how easy it was.” After about two hours, she was enrolled in a plan through United Healthcare for which, after the tax credits she’ll receive based on her income, Dix will pay just $7.41 per month. OUt iN tHe cOld Misinformation is one of the biggest hurdles to lowering the local uninsured rate.
“In one recent appointment, a man came in saying, ‘I’m only here because the penalty is going up, and I don’t want to pay it,’” navigator noele aabye recalls. “But when we helped him examine his options, we discovered that he and his spouse qualified for more than $900 in tax credits. He was relieved to finally get health care coverage after years of being without it, and he was frustrated that he paid the penalty last year and got nothing in return.” Tax credits are available for household incomes of up to 400 percent of the federal poverty line ($47,080 for individuals, $97,000 for a family of four). This year’s open enrollment period runs through Jan. 31, 2016; the deadline for coverage that starts Jan. 1 is Dec. 15. In Buncombe County, growing numbers of folks now have private insurance, while government insurance is holding fairly steady. “Right now, we’ve got 46,484 people here in Buncombe County on [various government insurance programs],” says tim rhodes, a planner/evaluator at the Department of Health and Human Services. That number, however, does not include Medicare (52,876 people as of 2012), because people sign up for that directly, without HHS involvement. “Our primary focus is ensuring that we do everything we can to get citizens who are eligible for Medicaid, Health Choice or any of the subsidized health care programs enrolled. And if they’re not eligible, or if they get terminated from one of those programs, we’ve also put a lot of work into ensuring that they get connected to another source, be that the Affordable Care Act or a local, federally qualified health center like WNC Community Health Services. The one real gap that we’re still seeing is those folks that are able-bodied, have no children, and are under 100 percent of poverty ($11,770 for a singe adult) that just can’t qualify for Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act. Those folks are still sort of out in the cold.”
poverty rate are similar, and Obama won both counties in 2008 and 2012 while his opponents carried all the surrounding counties. There is one big difference, though: Since 2013, Fayette County has seen its uninsured rate drop almost twice as much as Buncombe’s. And that’s where Medicaid enters the picture. A provision in the health care law calls for expanding Medicaid to include
anyone earning less than 138 percent of the federal poverty level ($16,243 for individuals, $33,465 for a family of four). Federal funding would initially cover the entire cost of the expansion and most of it after that. But the individual states administer Medicaid, and in 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court
continues on page 12
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Medicaid MatteRs Buncombe County is somewhat comparable to Fayette County, Ky., which includes the city of Lexington. Buncombe covers a much larger area; Fayette has a somewhat larger and more diverse population. But the high school graduation rate, the median household income and the
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
Face-OFF: Sen. Terry Van Duyn (D), right, of Buncombe County, has proposed and advocated for Medicaid expansion to cover more low-income North Carolinians. Meanwhile, Sen. Tom Apodaca (R), who represents Henderson, Transylvania and part of Buncombe County, has insisted that Medicaid reform must happen first to stabilize costs. Photos by Halima Flynt ruled that each state government could choose whether to accept the health law’s offer to expand its program. To date, only two Southern states — Kentucky and Arkansas — have agreed to do so. The rest of the Old South, as well as several other states, have rejected the offer, arguing that it would be too expensive once states have to start assuming a small percentage of the cost. These are the same states where health insurance coverage is lagging; all of them have either a Republicancontrolled legislature, a Republican governor or both. “North Carolina is one of 19 states that hasn’t expanded its Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act to close the coverage gap and cover our lowest-income adults and families,” says jaclyn Kiger, an attorney at Pisgah Legal Services. “Medicaid only covers about 30 percent of the poor in North Carolina as the law stands today. This is because of the strict eligibility criteria: You have to be poor and fit into one of the eligibility categories. This means that, in our state, half a million poor people are left out of the Medicaid system because they don’t fall into
december 9 - december 15, 2015
the right category to qualify and they’re too poor to qualify for financial assistance through the ACA.” Last year, Pisgah Legal navigators helped more than 1,000 people sort out their health insurance options. At least 14 percent of those folks had incomes below the federal poverty line but didn’t qualify for Medicaid. The nonprofit law firm expects similar numbers this year, except that anywhere from one-third to half of those being helped will probably be re-enrolling. Other Western North Carolina counties, most of which have a higher percentage of residents below the poverty line than Buncombe, are also struggling to reduce the number of uninsured. Last fall, The New York Times partnered with Enroll America and Civis Analytics to project, county by county, uninsured rates if the Supreme Court hadn’t made Medicaid expansion optional. The analysis predicted a 10.9 percent rate for Buncombe and 10.1 percent for Swain, which currently has the highest uninsured rate in WNC. ResistaNce iN RaleigH In early August, as the N.C. Senate debated a bill to reform the state’s
Medicaid program, Sen. terry van duyn of Buncombe County proposed an amendment that would have made North Carolinians with incomes under 133 percent of the federal poverty level eligible for Medicaid. The broader expansion offered by the federal law, notes Rhodes, would benefit anywhere from 8,500 to over 10,000 Buncombe County residents. Some Republicans, including Gov. pat mccrory, have shown an interest in expanding Medicaid but said that controlling costs in the existing system should come first. The bill in question, which was signed into law in September, aims to do exactly that. Republican Sen. tom apodaca defended his vote against Van Duyn’s amendment. “I’ve said all along on the expansion of Medicaid that I can’t support it until we fix our current Medicaid system. We did take strong measures toward that goal in the General Assembly this year, and we’d like to get those up and running and see if that gives us some stability in the cost of Medicaid, and then we’d be more than happy to look at expansion and tying it together.” The retiring seven-term state senator
represents Henderson and Transylvania counties and a small portion of Buncombe. North Carolina’s Medicaid reform relies on provider networks (including private managed care organizations) to coordinate care; the law anticipates significant savings, because the state caps how much it spends on the program, putting third parties on the hook for any additional costs. Proponents of the change say the existing system rewarded more, but not necessarily better, care. The reform aims to reward outcomes. But Van Duyn, who’s served as a volunteer navigator and formerly chaired Pisgah Legal Services’ board, fears the Medicaid reform “will exacerbate the problem.” “If providers have to compete on price to be included in a managed care organization’s network, will they be able to take uninsured patients?” she asks. “For that matter, will they be able to afford being part of an MCO network at all? In North Carolina, 90 percent of our health care providers take Medicaid. In Florida, under managed care, that number is 54 percent.” Mission Health has joined a group of 10 other health-care providers in the state in order to explore becoming a Medicaid managed care company. The 11 hospital systems announced collaboration as a provider-led and patient-centered care corporation that will compete to become one of three to contract with North Carolina to provide services for Medicaid beneficiaries throughout the state. OtHeR OptiONs If you’re too young for Medicare and don’t qualify for either the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid, your prospects for finding affordable health insurance may seem bleak. But there are still ways to avoid falling through the cracks, says jim barrett, Pisgah Legal’s longtime executive director. “They might consider doing what it takes to become eligible [for tax credits] based on income. Sometimes they’re just a little bit below the cutoff. We’ve seen people who just needed to keep track of their baby-sitting money or other part-time work to become eligible.” In Barrett’s view, adding a little to your tax bill is a small price to pay for making sure you have insurance coverage. “Your
health is important, and you might need ongoing treatment,” he points out. And if that doesn’t work, there are other options. “We can refer people to the clinics, such as Minnie Jones or the new MAHEC clinic coming online for homeless people,” notes Barrett. Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry’s clinic offers primary care and medication assistance. And Project Access, a program of the Western Carolina Medical Society, helps some indigent patients obtain more extensive or specialized care. Mission Hospital also treats many uninsured people each year, and larry e. hill, vice president of finance, says his organization’s “experience with the Affordable Care Act seems to be in line with what many of our nation’s hospitals are seeing.” Comparing the first fiscal year under the law with the previous year, he reports, “Mission Hospital saw approximately 20 percent less uninsured patients. In addition, the cost to provide charity care declined by about 32 percent.” Nonetheless, he continues, “Mission Hospital’s community benefit for FY15 was $132 million, up $2 million from FY14.” Much of that money was in the form of grants to local organizations. MiNiMal iMpact Over at WNC Community Health Services, however, the health care law’s “impact on our organization has been minimal,” says scott parker, director of development and collaboration. “The average patient here is at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. ... Among that group, we can have folks who are uninsured, underinsured or have Medicare or Medicaid. Right now, about 60 percent of our patients are uninsured, which is a high percentage for a community health center [in this state]. In Buncombe County, we’re pretty well considered the primary safety net agency. “What has impacted us the most,” continues Parker, “is the failure to expand Medicaid in North Carolina, because several thousand of our patients who are currently uninsured … would have a source of payment, which would help us see more uninsured people here.” X
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Holiday Hair at Waterlily Organic Salon Do you need a total transformation? Or just a little sprucing up before you see the family? We’ve got what you need . tHe saFetY Net’s saFetY Net: WNC Community Health Services’ Minnie Jones Health Center serves a tremendous number of Buncombe County residents who cannot afford hospital care and do not qualify for assistance with health insurance. Photo courtesy of WNC Community Health Services
finDinG helP The Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment period runs Nov. 1, 2015 – Jan. 31, 2016. For coverage beginning Jan. 1, 2016, people must enroll by Dec. 15, 2015. For coverage beginning Feb. 1, the deadline is Jan. 15, 2016. To get help understanding or enrolling, call: 855-733-3711 or visit goo.gl/xHKuVd. To find a health insurance plan on your own, visit healthcare.gov. People can apply for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program at any time at Buncombe County Health and Human Services, 40 Coxe Ave., Asheville NC 28801 (250-5500). additional resources: Pisgah Legal Services 62 Charlotte St., Asheville NC 28801 253-0406 Council On Aging of Buncombe County 46 Sheffield Circle, Asheville NC 28803 277-8288 Western Carolina Medical Society 304 Summit St., Asheville NC 28803 274-2267 WNC Community Health Services (Minnie Jones Health Center) 257 Biltmore Ave., Asheville NC 28801 258-0622
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
n e ws
by Max Hunt
e PlUribUs UnUm
cROss-cUltURal classROOMs: With rising numbers of foreign-born students enrolling into local schools, administrators are exploring several unique curriculums to enhance cross-cultural learning and prepare all students to succeed in today’s global society. Photo courtesy of Buncombe County Schools
Local schools go multicultural Southern Appalachia has often been seen as an insular backwater, though Asheville has served as a cross-cultural meeting ground for more than a century. And in Buncombe County today, nearly 7 percent of the population is Hispanic, census data show. There are also concentrations of other groups, including Asians, Eastern Europeans and Pacific Islanders.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Transitioning to a new language, country and culture can be extremely disruptive — particularly for children, who are just beginning the process of learning to understand themselves and their heritage even as they enter a foreign school system. To address the growing numbers of students from non-English-speaking households, the Asheville and Buncombe County schools are gradually developing a curriculum that gives students from all backgrounds a chance to explore what makes each tradition unique, fostering crosscultural dialogue and preparing
students to be productive members of today’s increasingly global society. pOlYglOt leaRNiNg In the past few years, the number of students in the county schools whose first language isn’t English has ballooned. Hispanic students alone now account for almost 16 percent of the system’s total enrollment (3,870 out of 24,527), and there more than 71 languages are spoken in its 43 schools. “We’re much more
continues on page 16
december 9 - december 15, 2015
news diverse than we’ve been in the past,” notes Student Services Director david thompson. To meet these students’ needs and satisfy federal guidelines, the county schools are expanding their curriculum. It begins with a home language survey for new students, says geneva neeriemer, the system’s interim director of federal programs. Children needing additional language help are connected with a teacher of English as a second language. “There’s a teacher that serves nearly every one of our schools,” says Neeriemer, adding that the Erwin, Roberson and Enka school districts have the greatest need for ESL classes. Those teachers, she continues, “provide English support, helping them learn not only conversational but academic language.” Creating a welcoming, comfortable environment, however, takes more than teaching language skills, stresses Thompson. “Many of our students coming from other countries are fleeing violence,” he explains. “They’re coming in straight from that and then dealing with their own immigration
december 9 - december 15, 2015
experiences sometimes a significantly traumatic experience.” Last year, the county schools began implementing a social/emotional learning curriculum for all students that’s designed to teach them “how to have conversations with each other, how to problem-solve and do conflict resolution, how to recognize and accept differences.” The current program covers only kindergarten through fifth grade, but Thompson says the district plans to expand it through eighth grade in the 2016-17 school year. Each school, he adds, also offers various clubs with a focus on cultural issues, to help encourage dialogue. “Kids can organize and lead a student group to talk about their differences and commonalities,” particularly at the middle and high school levels, where cultural variances may become more apparent. cUltURal excHaNge In the Asheville City Schools, 8 percent of the system’s 4,400 students are Hispanic, says charlie glazener, the director of communications. There
are also sizable populations of Asian students and Pacific Islanders. Schools across the city are implementing personalized, digital evaluation methods that factor in the particulars of each student’s background and educational history. The system’s strategic plan also emphasizes open dialogue among parents, students and teachers to help determine what each student needs. In addition, new digital information technologies are being integrated into the curriculum to supplement classroom lessons. When it comes to languages, the city schools believe in starting young. “We’re the only district in all of WNC that offers Spanish in all our elementary schools on a regular basis,” says Glazener. “We have Spanish teachers throughout the five schools, and depending on grade level, they meet with each class for a certain amount of time each week.” At the high school level, Spanish, Chinese, French and Latin are offered. “Students learn about different languages and cultures while, at the same time, acquiring better study skills and absorbing more comprehensive knowledge of English grammar,” Glazener explains. The Chinese teachers “come
for one to three years and teach three classes every day. The students get pretty immersed in those classes: It’s not just the language exchange; there’s a whole lot of cultural exchange.” Meanwhile, Students in Action, a new youth-led group at Asheville High, is mentoring incoming students to ease their transition from the lower grades, hoping to close the academic gap between minority and white students. HelpiNg HaNds Outside organizations also play a role. MANOS, an affiliate of Children First/Communities In Schools, serves Latino students in both the city and county systems, offering help with homework, college preparation programs and, most importantly, a safe, stress-free environment where students can relax. An acronym for “mentoring and nurturing our students,” manos is also the Spanish word for “hands.” “In my world, the magic words are ‘information, information, information,’” says norma brown, the nonprofit’s Latino outreach
coordinator. “Many families — not just Latinas — don’t have access to or information about available resources,” notes Brown, who describes herself as somewhat of a “cultural broker between the English- and Spanishspeaking communities.” “We’re a unique organization in that we not only provide direct services but also do advocacy work to ensure that local and state policies are in place to support children and families,” she explains. “My role is to ensure that Latino families have access to services, programs and information in a way that relates to their cultural background, talents and challenges.” In response to the growing numbers of local Spanish-speaking students, her organization has placed student support specialists in several schools, including Johnston and Emma elementaries and Eblen Intermediate. “At Emma Elementary, which has 425 children, there are 18 countries represented and eight languages spoken,” notes Brown. “We have staff placed in the elementary schools and within the communities of the children and families we serve, because we know that for a child to be successful at school, issues at home have to be addressed first such as hunger, health care, housing and more.” MANOS pairs Latino youth in grades eight to 12 with Warren Wilson College students, who serve as academic and social mentors and advisers. Every Monday, Brown reports proudly, 22 youths “participate full of hope, knowing that this is their space, where they can always be themselves and talk to a mentor.” biliteRate aNd biliNgUal The county schools are also starting language study at an early age. In 2011, the Splash language-immersion program was introduced at Glen Arden Elementary. Beginning in kindergarten, the Splash curriculum, developed by VIF International Education, offers classroom instruction in Spanish as well as English, either on alternate days or on parts of days. “The idea is to immerse them in a second language in the curriculum area, so when they leave, they’re biliterate and bilingual,” says cheri boone, the system’s global education coordinator. Buncombe, she adds, is one of a growing number of school systems statewide that participate in such programs. VIF, a Chapel Hill-based educational firm, cites studies from
aROUNd tHe WORld: Among several foreign-language classes offered in both the Buncombe County and Asheville City school systems is Mandarin Chinese, taught by teachers visiting from China. Students are offered lessons in both the Mandarin language and Chinese culture. Photo courtesy of Buncombe County Schools around the world showing that multilingual students typically process information faster; develop a more mature, multifaceted understanding of the world; have improved memory and cognitive functions; and generally enter adulthood more prepared for the rigors of the modern workplace. The first group of students in the Glen Arden pilot program is now in fourth grade. “I visited the school the other day: It was amazing to see the language skills these students have developed at the fourth-grade level,” says Boone, adding, “They were very proud of themselves.” Building on Splash’s success at Glen Arden, she notes, similar programs at Oakley, W.D. Williams and Averys Creek elementary schools now offer an expanded two-way immersion curriculum that helps immigrant students learn English while they assist native English speakers who are studying the immigrant’s language and culture. “This program includes either a
two-thirds-to-one-third demographic population or a 50-50 split, meaning 50 percent is native English speakers and the other half is native Spanish speakers,” Boone explains. “They’re not only learning their curriculum area in Spanish, but they’re also being able to have that social, informal dialogue in both languages.” These efforts, says Boone, reflect one of Superintendent tony baldwin’s top priorities for the county schools: “global initiatives and education in general.” And as students move through the system, Boone and other global education staffers hope the dual language immersion program will follow them. “We’ve been rolling out one school each year and increasing [them] by grade level each year as well,” she notes. Eventually, the district would like to have the model run from kindergarten all the way to graduation. At the secondary level, students in the county schools can currently choose from among five language study pro-
grams: Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Latin. They can also take various culturally related courses through North Carolina Virtual Public School, a free, state-sponsored online program. In addition, the school system is developing a global education website, Boone reports, where students, teachers and parents can stay up to date on the various initiatives underway. cOMMUNitY aNd cOMpetitiON Several city schools also offer cultural immersion programs combining language education with other activities to foster a sense of community in a diverse student body. Last year, Hall Fletcher Elementary launched its Common Ground ESL program for
continues on page 18 december 9 - december 15, 2015
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
a HelpiNg HaNd: MANOS, a Latino youth group that grew out of a collaboration between Children First/Communities In Schools and Warren Wilson College, helps students build their leadership skills, civic engagement and college preparedness in a safe and inviting space. Photo courtesy of Children First/CIS immigrant families, a partnership involving A-B Tech, students, parents and volunteers. The program offers cultural enrichment classes for both children and parents, aiming to “enhance the lives of families” through things like nutritional education, a community gardening project, and interaction between English- and non-English-speakers in a casual, friendly atmosphere. At Ira B. Jones Elementary, the Global Scholars program incorporates service-learning opportunities into language classes, environmental studies and multicultural offerings. “We seek opportunities for grade levels to bring global perspectives to their classrooms while learning with the world, not just about it,” according to an online description of the program. And at Isaac Dickson Elementary, the FLEX curriculum offers Spanish classes to develop awareness and
appreciation of a foreign culture, Spanish teacher shannon fields explains in an online Q&A. It’s not just about diversity and sensitivity, either, stresses Glazener. “It’s kind of a worn-out phrase, but our young people in this community might be competing with kids in India, China and other countries for jobs in the future. There’s more competition these days. The more young people are exposed to culture and other languages, the better they’re going to fare in the global economy.” a tOp-dOWN MOdel Efforts to expand multicultural offerings aren’t focused solely on students, however. The Global Educator Digital Badge, a statewide program implemented by the Department of Public Instruction, offers faculty, administrators and staff an
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
news help alleviate the stress for immigrant students who must serve as a bridge between two worlds. “Many of our youth have the opportunity to learn English before their parents,” she notes, calling it “both a blessing and a curse” that can “negatively affect not only the quality of communications between the parent and the professional, but also the family dynamics.” Making third-party interpreters available, says Brown, spares the children from having to be “cultural brokers at a very young age.” tHiNK glOballY, act lOcallY
a WHOle NeW WORld: Multicultural programs not only provide foreign-born students with a way to ease into the American classroom, but also provide native students with a chance to prepare themselves to be successful in a rapidly-globalizing economy after graduation, says BCS’s Cheri Boone. “It’s not just language acquisition: It’s understanding the culture as well. The two go hand in hand.” Photo courtesy of Buncombe County Schools opportunity to increase their ability to facilitate a crosscultural curriculum. “Basically, it’s preparing teachers through 100 hours of professional development and global education that’s tied to their personal developmental goals,” says Boone. Over the course of two years, staff members build credit hours within five “action item” areas aligned with the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. Local and state panels assess program participants’ development; if approved, the staff member is certified. “It’s helping them look at the standards they’re held
december 9 - december 15, 2015
accountable to and improve their instructional practice, as well as student learning and being a globally competent citizen,” Boone explains. Seventeen teachers in the Buncombe County Schools are enrolled in the Global Educator program, and school officials hope to involve more in the coming years. “We’re excited to grow that program and help prepare our students to become globally aware and globally competent graduates,” says Boone. Administrators are also encouraging parents from other cultures to participate in classroom activities and dialogue with school officials
from the get-go. “One of the issues we’re really addressing is reaching out to our parents of students from other cultures to help them feel accepted,” says Thompson. Such communication, he adds, also helps administrators understand the differences between foreign and American educational systems and evaluate a student’s prior academic work in their homeland. In addition, Thompson encourages immigrant parents to get involved in the classroom, saying, “Many of our teachers would love for parents to come in and share their culture.” Brown agrees, adding that parents’ involvement in the curriculum can
Officials in both systems hope the various initiatives currently being offered will coalesce into a comprehensive K-12 program that prepares students to go on to postsecondary education or enter the workforce with a sense of global awareness and bilingual competency. “No pun intended, but it’s taking a global look at what we’re doing,” says Boone. “It’s not just language acquisition: It’s understanding the culture as well. The two go hand in hand.” For her part, Brown praises the attitude of teachers and administrators alike. “I see a great deal of commitment on the part of staff, teachers and administrators,” she says, adding that school officials have welcomed feedback on how to better serve their students. “Language barriers are a tremendous obstacle,” she notes, “but poverty and trauma are still the root cause of many of these challenges.” Effective multicultural programs, she continues, provide a window into “the complex reality that many students and their families face.” X
december 9 - december 15, 2015
cOMMUNitY caleNdaR deceMbeR 9 - 15, 2015
CaLeNDar GuIDeLINes In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must benefit or be sponsored by a nonprofit or noncommercial community group. In the spirit of Xpress’ commitment to support the work of grassroots community organizations, we will also list events our staff consider to be of value or interest to the public, including local theater performances and art exhibits even if hosted by a forprofit group or business. All events must cost no more than $40 to attend in order to qualify for free listings, with the one exception of events that benefit nonprofits. Commercial endeavors and promotional events do not qualify for free listings. Free listings will be edited by Xpress staff to conform to our style guidelines and length. Free listings appear in the publication covering the date range in which the event occurs. Events may be submitted via email to calendar@ mountainx.com or through our online submission form at mountainx.com/calendar. The deadline for free listings is the Wednesday one week prior to publication at 5 p.m. For a full list of community calendar guidelines, please visit mountainx.com/calendar. For questions about free listings, call 251-1333, ext. 137. For questions about paid calendar listings, please call 2511333, ext. 320.
giNgeRbRead deligHts: The Omni Grove Park Inn National Gingerbread House Competition draws local attention every year by displaying the edible, sugary masterpieces throughout the historic inn. The 23rd annual exhibition is open to the public Sunday through Thursday until Jan. 3rd. Viewing the gingerbread houses is free, however, there is a parking fee of $10 for anyone who is not a hotel guest, with 50 percent of the parking proceeds benefiting local charities. Dec. 9-15 parking fees benefit Homeward Bound WNC, Dec. 16-22 parking fees benefit the Asheville Humane Society, and Dec. 23-Jan. 1 parking fees benefit Children First/ Communities in Schools. Photo courtesy of The Omni Grove Park Inn (p. 27)
Animal adoption event sponsored by Q Evon. Free to attend. Held at The DoubleTree Hotel, 115 Hendersonville Road
Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the Give!Local Events Calendar (p. 27)
Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the
blUe Ridge agilitY clUb
Give!Local Events Calendar (p._)
713-3278, blueridgeagility.com • FR (12/11) through SU (12/13), 8am-2pm - American Kennel Club dog agility trial. Registration required to participate: 713.3278. Free to watch. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road bROtHeR WOlF aNiMal RescUe 505-3440, bwar.org • FR (12/11) & FR (12/12) -
zdecK tHe tRees beNeFit 669-8870, themontevistahotel.net • Through TH (12/31) - Proceeds from this exhibition of decorated Christmas trees benefit the swannanoa Valley christian ministries. Opening party: Dec. 3, 6-8pm. Awarding of prizes for trees: Dec. 18, 6-8:30pm. Free to attend. Held at Monte Vista Hotel, 308 W. State St., Black Mountain
FRaNKliN scHOOl OF iNNOvatiON beNeFit cONceRt franklinschoolofinnovation.org • TU (12/15), 7pm - Proceeds from this silent auction and concert with Cary Cooper, Tom Prasada-Rao and the Franklin School benefit the Franklin school of innovation. $12/$18 family pass. Held at Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern, 185 Clingman Ave.
zMasteR gaRdeNeR
HOlidaY gReeNs MaRKet haywood.ces.ncsu.edu/ haywoodcountymastergardenersprogram • SA (12/12), 10am-4pm Proceeds from this holiday greens market fund horticultural projects and grants in Haywood county. Free to attend. Held in the KFC parking lot, 667 Russ Ave., Waynesville
zNia HOlidaY JiNgle JaM 697-7449, NiaNow.com • SA (12/12), 11:15am Proceeds from this NIA exercise class benefit the salvation army’s christmas cheer program. $15. Held at Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, 708 South Grove St., Hendersonville ONe ceNteR YOga 120 Coxe Ave. 3rd Floor, 2251904, onecenteryoga.com • FR (12/11), 7:30-9:30pm - Proceeds from this sacred music event, “Divine Mother Invocation and Kirtan,” benefit light a path. Admission by donation.
bUsiNess & tecHNOlOgY a-b tecH sMall bUsiNess ceNteR 398-7950, abtech.edu/sbc Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. Held at A-B Tech Enka Campus, 1459 Sand Hill Road, Candler • TH (12/10), 9am - “Small Business Group Accounting
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Session,” seminar for general questions. • SA (12/12), 9am - “SCORE: Buying & Selling a Business,” seminar. g&W iNvestMeNt clUb klcount@aol.com • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 11:45am General meeting. Free to attend. Held at Black Forest Restaurant, 2155 Hendersonville Road, Arden WNc NatURal HealtH & WellNess meetup.com/WNC-NaturalHealth-Wellness • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3pm Networking event for natural health & wellness practitioners. Free to attend. Held at Western North Carolina School of Massage, 131 McDowell St. Suite 302
classes, MeetiNgs & eveNts Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the Give!Local Events Calendar (p. 27) abOUt tHe tRaNsceNdeNtal MeditatiON tecHNiQUe:
FRee iNtROdUctORY lectURe (pd.) The most effortless meditation technique is also the most effective. Learn how TM is different from other practices (including common “mantra” methods). An evidence-based technique for going beyond the active mind to access deep inner reserves of energy, creativity and bliss — dissolving stress, awakening your highest self. The only meditation recommended for hypertension by the American Heart Association. NIH-sponsored research shows decreased anxiety, improved brain functioning, heightened well-being. Reduces insomnia, ADHD, PTSD. Personalized training, certified instructors, free follow-up classes. Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. 828-254-4350 or TM.org or meditationasheville.org
zcHaOtic JOY GLASSWORKS • BLOW YOUR OWN ORNaMeNt (pd.) Or buy one of ours! Glassblowing sale and demonstrations butting the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Asheville. • Sunday, December 13, 12pm-
4pm. Call for details: 828-5459186. View our latest wares: www.chaoticjoyglassworks. com
zHOllY JOllY cHRistMas tROlleY tOUR (pd.) A fun and festive celebration of the season featuring lights, sights of the holidays, stories of local holiday traditions and classic carols and songs of Christmas. GrayLineAsheville.com or 251-8687. ORgaNic gROWeRs scHOOl 23Rd aNNUal spRiNg cONFeReNce (pd.) March 11-13, 2016, UNC Asheville. 70+ sessions per day: practical, affordable, regionally-focused workshops on growing, permaculture, homesteading, and urban farming. Trade show, seed exchange, kid’s program. Organicgrowersschool.org
zaMeRicaN adveRtisiNg FedeRatiON OF asHeville 551-6355, aafasheville.org • TH (12/10), 5-7pm - Holiday party and networking. Free to attend. Held at Hi-Wire Brewing, 42 Huntsman Place asHeville NatiONal ORgaNizatiON FOR WOMeN ashevillenow@live.com • 2nd SUNDAYS, 2:30pm Monthly meeting. Free. Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. asHeville taROt ciRcle meetup.com/ Asheville-Tarot-Circle • 2nd SUNDAYS, noon-2pm - Discussion group on the tarot. Free to attend. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 610 Haywood Road asHeville tiMebaNK 348-0674, ashevilletimebank.org • TUESDAYS, 4-6pm Orientation session. Free to attend. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 610 Haywood Road big ivY cOMMUNitY ceNteR 540 Dillingham Road, Barnardsville, 626-3438 • 2nd MONDAYS, 7pm - Community club meeting. Free.
blUe Ridge tOastMasteRs clUb blueridgetoastmasters.com/ membersarea, fearless@ blueridgetoastmasters.org • MONDAYS, 12:15-1:25pm - Public speaking and leadership group. Free. Held at Lenoir Rhyne Center for Graduate Studies, 36 Montford Ave.
zFRieNds OF HicKORY NUt gORge 685-8798, friendsofhng.org • WE (12/16), 6-9pm - Annual holiday gathering. Free to attend. Held at Lake Lure Inn and Spa, 2771 Memorial Highway, Lake Lure JUstecONOMics WNc 505-7466, justeconomicswnc.org • TH (12/10), 6-9pm - Annual celebration with food and entertainment. Free. Held at Jubilee Community Church, 46 Wall St. MOMs deMaNd actiON momsdemandaction.org • SA (12/12), 10:30-11:30am - “Wear Orange Walk,” commemorating the 3rd anniversary of Sandy Hook and demonstrating to reduce gun violence. Wear orange. Free. Held at Pack Square Park, 121 College St. ONtRacK WNc 50 S. French Broad Ave., 2555166, ontrackwnc.org Registration required. Free unless otherwise noted. • WE (12/10), 5:30pm “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it.” Seminar. • TU (12/15), noon “Understanding Credit. Get it. Keep it. Improve it.” Seminar. • WE (12/16), noon - “How to Find Extra Income in Your Dayto-Day Life,” workshop. ReYNOlds/FaiRvieW scRabble cRibbage clUb • WEDNESDAYS - Scrabble and cribbage club. Free to attend. Held at Mountain Mojo Coffeehouse, 381 Old Charlotte Highway, Fairview sHOWiNg Up FOR Racial JUstice showingupforracialjustice.org • TUESDAYS, noon-2pm - Educating and organizing white people for racial justice. Free to attend. Held at Firestorm Cafe and Books, 610 Haywood Road
daNce stUdiO zaHiYa, dOWNtOWN daNce classes (pd.) Monday 5pm Ballet Wkt 6pm Hip Hop Wkt 7:30pm Bellydance 8pm Tap • Tuesday 9am Hip Hop Wkt 5:30pm Stretch Wkt 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm Bellydance 8pm Hip Hop Choreo 2 •Wednesday 5pm Bhangra Wkt 7:30pm Bellydance 8pm Contemporary • Thursday 9am Hip Hop Wrkt 4pm Kid’s Dance 5pm Teens Hip Hop 6pm Intro to Bellydance 7pm West African 8pm West African 2 • Saturday 9:30am Hip Hop Wkt 10:45am POUND Wkt • $13 for 60 minute classes, Wkt $5. 90 1/2 N. Lexington Avenue. www.studiozahiya.com :: 828.242.7595
zasHeville ballet 252-4761, ashevilleballet.com • FR (12/11) through SU (12/13) - The Nutcracker. $25 and up/$18 students/$15 children. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sat. & Sun.: 2:30pm. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square zballet cONseRvatORY OF asHeville 255-5777, balletconservatoryofasheville.com • TH (12/17) & FR (12/18), 4:30pm & 7:30pm - The Nutcracker. $30/$20 seniors & students/$15 children. Held at Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square sWiNg asHeville swingasheville.com • THURSDAYS, 7:30pm Beginner & intermediate swing dance lessons. 8:30-11pm Open dance. Live music regularly. $7/$5 members. Held at Club Eleven on Grove, 11 Grove St.
ecO Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the Give!Local Events Calendar (p. 27) asHeville biONeeR’s cONFeReNce Lenoir-Rhyne University Graduate Center, 36 Montford Ave. • WE (12/9), 6pm - Follow-up from Bioneers Conference. Free.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
c O N s c i O U s pa R t Y By Kat McReynolds | kmcreynolds@mountainx.com
toWn Mountain picks aWay at hunger in Wnc
cOM M U N i tY ca leNda R asHeville gReeN dRiNKs ashevillegreendrinks.com Free to attend. • TH (12/10), 5:30pm - “Green Edge: Meet WNCGBC’s New Director at Twin Leaf Brewery,” presentation. Free to attend. Held at Twin Leaf Brewing, 144 Coxe Ave. RiveRliNK 170 Lyman St., 252-8474 ext.11 • TH (12/17), 11:45pm - RiverLink bus tour. Reservations required. $20. WilMa dYKeMaN bOOK clUb 253-8304, wolfememorial.com • TH (12/10), 5:30pm Excerpts from Dykeman’s The French Broad and discussion, “No Cokes in Hell,” led by Osher Lifelong Learning Center at UNCA. Free. Held at Thomas Wolfe Memorial, 52 N. Market St
zlaKe JUliaN Festival OF ligHts
WORKiNg iN HaRMONY: After Town Mountain’s banjoist, Jesse Langlais, decided to make his bluegrass band’s holiday benefit concert an annual event, several other organizations piped up and pitched in. Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, for example, donates performance space, and New Belgium Brewing Co. is contributing $500 toward the cause. Photo by Sandlin Gaither what: Town Mountain’s fourth annual Bluegrass Holiday Benefit Show with The Larry Keel Experience when: Saturday, Dec. 19, at 9 p.m. where: Isis Restaurant and Music Hall why: In 2012, Asheville-based bluegrass notables Town Mountain launched the group’s inaugural holiday benefit concert to combat local hunger. To date, the annual event has translated into about 20,000 meals through a partnership with with MANNA FoodBank, which, among other activities, works with hundreds of agencies in 16 Western North Carolina counties to distribute food to those in need. “Local hunger is an issue at so many levels,” says the band’s banjoist and vocalist jesse langlais. “Obviously, WNC and Asheville have high populations of homeless people, and these people are still part of the community. A healthy community starts with a healthy lifestyle, and that starts with a healthy meal.” “During the winter this can be especially frustrating for families trying 24
december 9 - december 15, 2015
to decide between heat or providing a proper celebration for the holidays,” he continues. “This is when we need to pull together a bit more for each other and the community.” This year, The Larry Keel Experience was recruited to aid in that mission by opening the concert. “There will certainly be some end-of-the-evening onstage musical collaborations with both Town Mountain and Larry’s band,” the banjoist says. Additional guest musicians will round out the lineup, including contributors to Town Mountain’s recently released EP The Dead Session — an impromptu recording of the band covering the Grateful Dead’s “Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo” and “Big River” at Echo Mountain Recording. “We’ll capture that session in a live setting for the first time,” Langlais says. Tickets are $20 per person, with half of proceeds from the event benefiting MANNA FoodBank. Visit isisasheville.com for more information or tickets. X
684-0376, david.blynt@ buncombecounty.org • Through WE (12/23), 6-9pm - Driving tour of Lake Julian’s holiday lights. $5 per car/$10 per van/$25 per motor coach. Held at Lake Julian Park, 406 Overlook Road Ext., Arden
zMONtFORd HOlidaY tOUR OF HOMes 280-1576, montfordtour.com • SA (12/12), 1-5pm - Selfguided historic tour. Proceeds benefit the montford neighborhood association. $25. Tickets & maps at Asheville Visitors Center Gift Shop, 36 Montford Ave. zWeaveRville caNdleligHt stROll visitweaverville.com/events/ candlelight-stroll • FR (12/11), 6-9pm - Live music, luminaries, holiday lights, horse drawn carriage rides and performances. Free. Held in Downtown Weaverville. zWest asHeville
HOlidaY FaRMeR’s MaRKet 541-609-8596, westashevilletailgatemarket.com • TUESDAYS through (12/22), 2:30-6pm - Local arts & crafts vendors & food. Free to attend. Held at The Mothlight, 701 Haywood Road
by Abigail Griffin
FOOd & beeR Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the Give!Local Events Calendar (p. 27)
zblUe Ridge FOOd veNtURes 1461 Sand Hill Road, Candler, 348-0130, blueridgefoodventures.org Located on the A-B Tech Enka Campus. • FR (12/11), 10am-7pm “Holiday Market,” food, art and craft vendors. Free to attend. leicesteR cOMMUNitY ceNteR 2979 New Leicester Highway, Leicester, 774-3000, facebook. com/Leicester.Community. Center • 3rd TUESDAYS, 2:30-3:30pm - Manna FoodBank distribution, including local produce. Free.
gOveRNMeNt & pOlitics bUNcOMbe cOUNtY RepUblicaN MeN’s clUb 712-1711, gakeller@gakeller.com • 2nd SATURDAYS, 7:30am Discussion group meeting with optional breakfast. Free to attend. Held at Corner Stone Restaurant, 102 Tunnel Road
zasHeville cOMMUNitY tHeatRe 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • SA (12/12), 10am - Christmas with Santa presented by Bright Star Touring Theatre. $5. zasHeville paRKs & Rec bReaKFast WitH saNta 350-2058, ashevillenc.gov/parks • SA (12/12), 9am & 10:30am Breakfast with Santa. Breakfast, crafts and dancing. $8. Held at Stephens Lee Recreation Center, 30 George Washington Carver Ave. attic salt tHeatRe cOMpaNY 505-2926 • SA (12/12), 10am - Tale of the Pig. $5. Held at The Magnetic Theatre, 375 Depot St.
zbUNcOMbe cOUNtY pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library
Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (12/11), 4pm - Teen cosplay group, general meeting. Held at Enka-Candler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler • SA (12/12), 2pm - “Tacky Christmas Sweater Decorating Extravaganza.” Bring your own sweater. For parents and kids. Registration required. Held at Oakley/South Asheville Library, 749 Fairview Road • WE (12/16), 3:30pm “Makers and Shakers: Give the Gift of Shoes! A Sole Hope Shoe Cutting Party.” decorate the shoe fabric, trace patterns, trim pieces for shipment to Uganda for assembly. For grades K-5 and families. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. FletcHeR libRaRY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library.hendersoncountync.org • WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am Family story time. Free. JOYFUl NOise 649-2828, joyfulnoisecenter.org • MONDAYS, 6-7:30pm Capriccio String Orchestra for intermediate players. $10. Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road spellbOUNd cHildReN’s bOOKsHOp 50 N. Merrimon Ave., 7087570, spellboundchildrensbookshop.com • SATURDAYS, 11am Storytime for ages 3-7. Free to attend.
ztHOMas WOlFe MeMORial 52 N. Market St, 253-8304, wolfememorial.com • SA (12/12), 9am-4:30pm “Thomas Wolfe’s Gimcracks Day,” holiday crafts & activities for children. $5 adults/ Children are free. OUtdOORs Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the Give!Local Events Calendar (p. 27) appalacHiaN tRail cONseRvaNcY 828-254-3708, ext. 15, appalachiantrail.org, rbrydon@appalachiantrail.org • WE (12/9), 5-7pm - Drop-in hiker happy hour. Social networking event for Appalachian Trail enthusiasts. Free to attend. Held at Black Dome Mountain Sports, 140 Tunnel Road
caROliNa cliMbeRs cOalitiON carolinaclimbers.org • SU (12/13), 10am - The Friends of Chimney Rock will be conducting a trail day at Rumbling Bald. Bring your own tools and lunch. Free. Meet in the Rumbling Bald parking lot. Held at Chimney Rock Park, 1638 Chimney Rock Park Road, Chimney Rock laKe JaMes state paRK 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo, 584-7728 Programs are free unless otherwise noted. • TH (12/10), 9:45am - “Winter Waterfowl Cruise,” ranger led boat tour. Registration required. Free. • SA (12/12), 10am - “Winter Plant Hike,” ranger led easy hike. Free. • SU (12/13), 2pm - “Who Was Here,” easy hike discussing signs of animals. Free. • TU (12/15), 12:45pm “Winter Waterfowl Cruise,” ranger-led boat cruise focusing on water birds. Registration required. Free. pisgaH astRONOMical ReseaRcH iNstitUte 1 PARI Drive, Rosman, 8625554, pari.edu • FR (12/11), 7pm Observation session of the winter night sky, campus tour and a trip to the exhibit gallery. Reservations required. $20/$15 seniors and military/ Free under 10. • SU (12/13), 10pm - Geminid meteor shower observation. Reservation required. $15/Free under 10. YMca OF WNc 210-2265, ymcawnc.org • SA (12/12), 8:45am - 3.5 mile easy hike at Lake Julia at DuPont. Registration required: 658-0047. Free/$5 optional carpool. Meets at YMCA Woodfin, 30 Woodfin St.
pUblic lectURes FiRestORM caFe aNd bOOKs 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • WE (12/9), 6pm - “A Tour of Consciousness,” presentation by La Matrona. Free to attend. • FR (12/11), 6pm - “Using Power Wisely: Wounds, Rank and Eldership,” presentation by La Matrona. Free to attend.
• WE (12/16), 7pm - “Report from Israel and Palestine,” presentation. Free to attend.
spiRitUalitY asHeville iNsigHt MeditatiON (pd.) Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. Learn how to get a Mindfulness Meditation practice started. 1st & 3rd Mondays. 7pm – 8:30. Asheville Insight Meditation, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, Suite 200, (828) 808-4444, www.ashevillemeditation.com astRO-cOUNseliNg (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229. cOMMUNitY HU sONg (pd.) In our fast-paced world, are you looking to find more inner peace? Singing HU can lift you into a higher state of consciousness, so that you can discover, in your own way, who you are and why you’re here. • Sunday, December 13, 2015, 11am-11:30am, fellowship follows. Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Rd. (lower level), Asheville NC 28806, 828-254-6775. (free event). www.eckankar-nc.org cRYstal visiONs bOOKs aNd eveNt ceNteR (pd.) New and Used Metaphysical Books • Music • Crystals • Jewelry • Gifts. Event Space, Labyrinth and Garden. 828-687-1193. For events, Intuitive Readers and Vibrational Healing providers: www.crystalvisionsbooks.com iNNeR pReseNce cOacHiNg iNstitUte (pd.) Are you an experienced meditator and have an interest in Eastern enlightenment traditions and deep personal growth work? Explore the upcoming 9-month Inner Presence Coaching training program. Start a new career deeply contributing to others! 828-252-0538 or www.innerpresencecoaching. com OpeN HeaRt MeditatiON (pd.) Experience and deepen the spiritual connection to your heart, the beauty and deep peace of the Divine within you. Increase your natural joy and gratitude while releasing nega-
tive emotions. Love Offering 7-8pm Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 heartsanctuary.org sHaMbHala MeditatiON ceNteR (pd.) Meditation and community on Thursdays 7:00 to 8:30 PM and Sundays 10-12 noon. By donation. Asheville. Shambhala.org, 828-200-1520. 60 N Merrimon #113, Asheville, NC 28804 ceNteR FOR aRt & spiRit at st. geORge 1 School Road, 258-0211 • WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm & 6:30pm - Sitting meditation and daily mindfulness practice. Info: kenlenington@gmail.com. Admission by donation. • FR (12/11), 10am - Lectio Divina using a photo and poem. Admission by donation.
zFiRst baptist cHURcH OF asHeville 5 Oak St., 252-4781, fbca.net • FR (12/11), 4-8pm, SA (12/12), noon-8pm & SU (12/13), noon6pm - Christmas Crèches from Around the World, exhibit. Free. NOURisH & FlOURisH 347 Depot St., 255-2770, nourishflourishnow.com • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Kirtan with Sangita Devi. $10-$15. pRaMa YOga aNd MeditatiON 712-9326 • TUESDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm - All levels yoga and meditation class. Proceeds benefit the Women’s Welfare and Development Foundation. Registration required. $5. Held at Asheville Therapeutic Yoga, 29 Ravenscroft sai Maa eNligHteNed liviNg gROUp 279-7042, facebook.com/ groups/1385824208412583 • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm Meditation, energy blessing, group discussion and reading. Free to attend. Held at Asheville Therapeutic Yoga, 29 Ravenscroft
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ztRiNitY episcOpal cHURcH 60 Church St, 253-9361 • SU (12/13), 5:30pm - “Candlelight Lessons and Carols,” presented by the Trinity Chancel Choir. Free.
zUR ligHt ceNteR 2196 N.C. Highway 9, Black Mountain, 669-6845, urlight.org • SU (12/13), 3pm - “Holiday of Light Concert,” with hammer dulcimer, brass band and Christmas carol singalong. $15.
Share the love this Holiday Season
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
c OMMUNitY c ale NdaR
spOKeN & WRitteN WORd
Wellness Issue
asHeville bOOKFest 277-0998, ashevillebookfest.com • SA (12/12), 10am-4pm - Meet and greet WNC writers and publishers. Free to attend. Held at Haywood Park Hotel, 1 Battery Park Ave. blUe Ridge bOOKs 152 S. Main St., Waynesville • SA (12/12), 3pm - Carroll Jones presents his novel Master of the East Fork. Free to attend. • SA (12/12), 3pm - Carroll Jones present his new book Rebel Rousers. • SU (12/13), 3pm - Joseph M. Edwards presents his book Life in Mikey’s Mind. bUNcOMbe cOUNtY pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (12/10), 2:30pm - Tim Barnwell presents his book Blue Ridge Parkway Vistas. Held at Skyland/South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road • SA (12/12), 10am - West Asheville Book Club: Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • TU (12/15), 2pm - North Asheville Book Club: The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave. FiRestORM caFe aNd bOOKs 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • Third WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - ReVisioning History Book Group. Free to attend. FletcHeR libRaRY 120 Library Road, Fletcher, 687-1218, library. hendersoncountync.org • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1:30pm - Writers’ Guild. Free. • 2nd THURSDAYS, 10:30am - Book Club. Free.
zOdditORiUM 1045 Haywood Road, 575-9299 Synergy Story Slam • WE (12/9), 7:30pm - Story Telling open-mic on the theme “Holiday Sneer II”. Free to attend.
vOlUNteeRiNg Some of the events listed in this section are listed in the Give!Local Events Calendar (p. 27)
Coming Soon!
big bROtHeRs big sisteRs OF WNc 253-1470, bbbswnc.org • MO (12/14), noon - Volunteer information session. Held at United Way of Asheville & Buncombe, 50 S. French Broad Ave.
Jan. 27th & Feb. 3rd
zebleN cHaRities 255-3066, eblencharities.org • FR (12/9) through WE (12/23) - Volunteers needed to staff 3-hour shifts at the St. Nicholas Project toy store. Contact for more information: 777-3383.
Contact us today! 828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com 26
december 9 - december 15, 2015
For more volunteering opportunities, visit mountainx.com/volunteering
eVents calenDar givelocalguide.org
The Give!Local nonprofits stay busy throughout the year providing needed services to our community. Here’s what they are up to for the week of 12/9 through 12/17 by Abigail Griffin The Give!Local campaign nonprofits received nearly $10,000 in donations on the December 1 Big Give Day! Thanks to all those who have donated so far – your incentives will be arriving in January! There will be one more Big Give Day on Tuesday, Dec. 15, so if you wish to donate and be entered to win some great prizes, it is a great day to give. Incentive
aNiMals asHeville HUMaNe sOcietY 14 Forever Friend Lane, 761-2001, ashevillehumane.org • TU (12/15), 6pm - Volunteer orientation and tour. For ages 10 and up. Registration required. Free. cHaRlie’s aNgels aNiMal RescUe 885-3647, wncanimalrescue.org • SA (12/12), 10am-noon - Animal adoption event. Free to attend. Held at BMW of Asheville, 649 Airport Road, Fletcher
aRt galleRies N.c. aRbORetUM 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, ncarboretum.org • Through SA (1/3) - The Robot Zoo, exhibit featuring giant-size robots and interactive displays to teach biomechanics of animals. Parking fees apply. • Through (1/3) - Fine-feathered Friends and Flowers, oil paintings by Mary Webster. Parking fees apply. tHe ceNteR FOR cRaFt, cReativitY & desigN 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • Through SA (1/9) - Made in WNC, textile, furniture, ceramics, and art exhibit exploring how craft, design, and production relate.
prizes include: a $500 shopping spree at Ski Country Sports, a weeks tuition a the John C. Campbell Folk School, a three-month membership at Beer City CrossFit, and more. The Give!Local campaign provides a fun, fast and easy way to give online from $10 to the $1,000’s. Donors can give to as many of the 30 participating
• Through SA (1/9) - Tom Shields sculptural arrangements from found furniture.
beNeFits asHeville MUsic scHOOl 252-6244, ashevillemusicschool.org, ryan@ashevillemusicschool.org • SA (12/12), 11am-7pm - 10% of sales at Twisted Laurel benefit the Asheville Music School. Held at Twisted Laurel, 130 College St. • SU (12/13), 11am-7pm - 10% of sales from Korean House benefit the asheville music school. Held at Korean House, 122 College St.
zHOMeWaRd bOUNd OF WNc homewardbound.wnc.org • WE (12/9) through TU (12/15) Parking proceeds from the Omni Grove Park Inn Gingerbread Competition benefit Homeward bound of wnc. $10 parking 0-3 hours/$15 all day. Held at The Omni Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. JUlYaN davis stUdiO 2004 Riverside Drive, julyandavis.com • FR (12/11), 5-8pm & SA (12/12), 10-4pm - 100% of proceeds from painting sales at this studio open house benefit Helpmate. Traditional ballads by Greg and Lucretia Speas. Free to attend.
zN.c. aRbORetUM WiNteR
ligHts 665-2492, ncwinterlights.com • Through SA (1/2), 6-10pm Proceeds from this walking tour of the holiday animated light display benefit n.c. arboretum programs, exhibits, and facilities year-round.
nonprofits as they like and pay with one easy credit card transaction. Plus, there are incentives to encourage donations from new givers, people who don’t get tax breaks, and a whole new generation of givers — children! Children 12 or under who give at least $5 (with their parents permission of course) get a kiddie scoop from The
$18/$16 children. Held at N.C. Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way
classes, MeetiNgs & eveNts
Hop and are entered to win one of some special kid-oriented prizes like a kids bike from Motion Makers, horse riding lessons from the Equinox Horse Foundation, or a six-month Book-of-theMonth membership from Spellbound Children’s Books. Want to find out more? Visit givelocalguide.org
a community lunch. Free. Held at Fairview Christian Fellowship, 596 Old Us Highway 74, Fairview
YOUR vOice, YOUR FUtURe tOWN Hall MeetiNg wlos.com/news/features/vote/#. VlTAQbcSqcY • TH (12/17), 7:30pm - Panel discussion regarding domestic and sexual violence in WNC. Panelists include representatives from Helpmate, Mainstay and the District Attorney’s office. Free. Held at WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road
258-8737, wnca.org • SA (12/12), 10am-2:30pm “Hemlock Education Hike,” easy to moderate 4-mile hike in Montreat to learn about Hemlock health and ecosystems. Registration required. Free.
sUppORt gROUps OUR vOice 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801, 252-0562, ourvoicenc.org • Ongoing drop-in group for female identified survivors of sexual violence.
MOUNtaiNtRUe 258-8737, wnca.org • 2nd SATURDAYS, 9am-1pm - Urban Forest Workdays: Richmond Hill Park invasive plant removal work days. Held at Richmond Hill Park, 280 Richmond Hill Drive • SA (12/12) & SU (12/16), 10am4pm - Paddle-n-Plant along local riverbanks to prevent erosion with French Broad Riverkeeper. Registration required. Free.
FOOd & beeR tHe lORd’s acRe thelordsacre.org • THURSDAYS, 11:30am - The Fairview Welcome Table provides
zcaRe paRtNeRs FOUNdatiON 277-4815, carepartnersfoundation.org • Through TH (12/24) - Volunteers needed for gift wrap station at Asheville Outlets. Registration required. HeliOs WaRRiORs, iNc. 299-0776, helioswarriors.org, helioswarriorswnc@gmail.com • FR (12/11) - Volunteers needed. Contact for more information. HOMeWaRd bOUNd WNc
zMONtFORd paRK plaYeRs 254-5146, montfordparkplayers.org • TH (12/10), 7:30pm - A Christmas Carol. “Pay what we are worth night.” Admission by donation. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/11) until (12/20) - A Christmas Carol. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $10. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway
ztHe MagNetic tHeatRe 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS
(12/3) through (12/19) - The 42nd Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular! Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Sat.: 10pm. $18-$23. • WE (12/16), 7:30pm - The 42nd Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular! $18-$23.
218 Patton Ave., 258-1695, homewardboundwnc.org • 3rd THURSDAYS, 11am - “Welcome Home Tour,” tours of Asheville organizations that serve the homeless population. Registration required. Free to attend.
zN.c. aRbORetUM 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, ncarboretum.org • Through SA (1/2) - Hundreds of volunteers needed for the Winter Lights exhibit FR until SA (1/2) from 5:30-10pm nightly. Register online: ncwinterlights.org
december 9 - december 15, 2015
NeWs OF tHe WeiRd by Chuck Shepherd
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NEW 500 Hour Massage Certification Program 11 Month Weekend Program Discounts available SIGN UP NOW! Check website for info or Call
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After certain takeoffs and landings were delayed on Nov. 7 at Paris' Orly airport (several days before the terrorist attacks), a back trace on the problem forced the airport to disclose that its crucial "DECOR" computer system still runs on Windows 3.1 software (introduced in 1992). DECOR's function is to estimate the spacing between aircraft on fog-bound, visually impossible runways, and apparently it must shut down whenever the airport scrambles to find an available 3.1qualified technician.
Cultural Diversity Weird Japan (continued): Sony manufactured a robot dog ("Aibo") from 1996 to 2006 for a legion of pet-fanciers, but now that supplies of spare parts and specialized repairers are dwindling, many of the beloved family "canines" are "dying" off. Not to worry, though, for many "surviving" owners are conducting elaborate, expensive — and even religious — burials with widely attended funerals for their Aibos. (A March 2015 Newsweek report offered a dazzling photographic array of Aibo funerals.) Aibo support groups proliferate online because, said one repair service director, "(W) e think that somehow, (Aibos) really have souls."
Leading Economic Indicators • Art Basel, the annual week-long festival for "One-Percenters" in Miami Beach, is scheduled for Dec. 1 to Dec. 6, and among the many excesses is the sale of on-demand caviar, available by text message, to be delivered in person within the hour, at $275 for a 125-gram tin. Miami New Times calls Art Basel "ComicCon for the world's moneyed elite," and among the extravaganzas is an "exotic dance club sheltered inside a greenhouse." Four thousand artists, from 32 countries, are participating. • New World Order: "Crowdsourcing" start-ups (such
december 9 - december 15, 2015
as GoFundMe and Kickstarter) raise money online for projects such as underappreciated entrepreneurial ventures or families needing help with medical expenses. Day-trading dabbler Joe Campbell went online in November to beg for assistance after being crushed by a bet of the type that many say wrecked the U.S. economy in 2007-08. He held a pessimistic "short" position in his account on KaloBios Pharmaceuticals (KBIO) — hoping to exploit traders overly optimistic about the company. However, overnight NASDAQ trading awakened him with news that KBIO's price had skyrocketed in frenzied trading and that Campbell now owed his broker $131,000 — and Campbell's new GoFundMe post stoically asks strangers to please help him pay that off.
Government in Action • Charles Smith, 62, is set to drive municipal buses for Broward County, Florida, until he retires in 2020, even though his record includes 14 accidents in a recent five-year period (not enough for discipline, in that, according to contract rules, not more than four were labeled "preventable" in any two consecutive years). The bus drivers' union president told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel that he "can't figure out why" some drivers just get into more accidents than others. Elsewhere in transit news, notorious serial New York "joydriver" Darius McCollum, 50, commandeered yet another bus and was arrested on Nov. 11. He faces jail time, just as he has already served for more than two dozen bus- and train-"borrowing" incidents. (Based on news reports of McCollum over the years, he nonetheless might be a better bus driver than Charles Smith.) • The federal government confiscated more property from citizens (through "civil asset forfeiture") in 2014 than burglars did, according to FBI figures publicized by the independent Institute for Justice (and that did not count state and local government seizures, which are not uniformly reported). None of the governments is bound by law to await convictions before exercising seizure rights. (Some of the seized assets must eventually be returned to private-party victims, but news reports abound of suddenly enriched police departments and other agencies being "gifted" with brand-new cars and other
assets acquired from suspects never convicted of crimes.)
More Things to Worry About (1) Carrie Pernula, 38, was arrested in Champlin, Minnesota, in October after a perhaps too-aggressive strategy for quieting raucous neighbor kids. According to the police report, Pernula, at wit's end, apparently, wrote the kids' parents by mail: "(Your) children look delicious. May I have a taste?" (2) Robinson Pinilla-Bolivar, 24, was arrested in Midland, Texas, in November, accused of threatening a woman at knifepoint because (according to the police report) she would not "smell his arm pit."
People With Issues Author Richard Brittain, 28 (and a former champion at the popular British Scrabble-like "Countdown" TV show), pleaded guilty in Scotland's Glasgow Sheriff Court in November for his 2014 response to an
unfavorable literary review by an 18-yearold supermarket worker posting on an Internet site. Brittain had acknowledged some criticisms of his book "The World Rose" in a blog, but said other critics had compared him to Dickens, Shakespeare and Rowling. However, he confessed, when he read the clerk's review, he searched for her online, found where she worked, traveled 500 miles to the store and knocked her out with a wine bottle to the back of the head. (She was treated and released at a hospital.)
Least Competent Criminals • Recurring Theme: The job market in Wayne County, Michigan, is apparently tough to crack, which led John Rose, 25, to the county sheriff's office looking for a job. He finished the paper application in November and was awaiting his interview when deputies called him back. As he walked through the door, he was arrested, since a routine check had turned up numerous outstanding charges in Kentucky including multiple counts of rape, sexual abuse and sodomy.
• Not Ready for Prime Time: A crew of masked home invaders struck an Orlando, Florida, family in October and were preparing a haul of about $100,000 in cash and property when one of the perps got testy with the family's barking dog. "Back up, Princess," the masked man said, inadvertently revealing that he was on a first-name basis with the dog and therefore a family acquaintance. The victims, piecing together other clues, identified Christopher Jara, who was soon arrested.
A News of the Weird Classic (April 2011) At a George Washington University men’s basketball game on March 5 (2011), accounting department professor Robert Kasmir was honored at half-time for being one of the elite financial donors to the university, but he failed to make it to the end of the game. He was ejected from the Smith Center arena in the second half for harassing a referee. X
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Wellness without borders of patients are below the poverty level, helps ensure access to care by offering a sliding-fee scale based on income. In 2014, the center provided care to 14,500 unduplicated patients (that is, not counting multiple visits), including 700 clients who were HIV-positive, for a total of 60,000 individual visits, he reports. “One of the great things about our integrated approach to care in the community is providing everything under one roof, so that barriers are decreased and the likelihood of receiving proper care increases,” Parker says. Sixty percent of the center’s patients have no insurance, although it does offer certified application counselors to screen for eligibility for the Affordable Care Act, including access to Medicare and Medicaid. The Minnie Jones Health Center confirms an individual’s residency status, including patients who reside in a local homeless shelter.
Free and low-cost health care as a basic human right by Kate Lundquist kvlundo@gmail.com Caregivers and organizations in Western North Carolina — including community health centers, acupuncturists and herbalists — are helping people without insurance receive the care they need. Indeed, many providers say access to health care is a basic human right. People in every corner of the state should be covered and have access to care, says Benjamin Money, CEO and president the N. C. Community Health Center Association. Founded in 1978, the association represents such local nonprofits as Blue Ridge Community Health Services, Western North Carolina Community Health Services and Appalachian Mountain Community Health Centers. Blue Ridge has been serving residents in Henderson County area for more than 50 years; WNCCHS has been in Asheville more than two decades; and Appalachian received its federal recognition earlier this year. Money, commenting on the spread of community health centers across WNC, adds, “It is a real pleasure to see people gain access to what is a human right.” Even though the Affordable Care Act of 2010 aimed to make health care coverage accessible to all citizens, says Money, many North Carolinians still cannot afford health insurance. Further, he adds, state legislators decided not to participate in the federal opportunity to expand Medicaid, leaving more than 300,000 people without access to affordable health care coverage. Providing health services is a human right for all who need it, says Scott Parker, director of development and collaboration at WNCCHS and its subsidiary, the
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Grassroots options
TEA AND SYMPATHY: Casey Larkin, right, of Blue Ridge Healers Without Borders, offers free herbal tea and remedies to the Asheville public in Pritchard Park. Photo by Katherine Terra Minnie Jones Health Care Center. WNCCHS is a federally qualified community health center, one of over 1,200 across the United States and one of 38 in North Carolina. WNCCHS provides primary care, behavioral health, dental care, transportation by bus and translation services — all under one roof, says Parker. Launched in the 1960s as a part of President Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty, community health centers started during a period of activism and social change, he says. The centers created a kind of laboratory for finding out if such nonprofits could provide low-cost primary
health care to underprivileged/lowincome people and make a difference in their lives. So, have they made a difference? They have, Parker says. “We have enjoyed bipartisan support because [N.C. legislators] realize how cost-effective community health centers are. Our main goal is to provide integrated services to low-income and underinsured people, and another goal is to keep people out of costly emergency rooms for primary care.” CHCs in North Carolina serve about a half million people per year, says Parker. The Minnie Jones Community Health Center, where 98 percent
Community health centers aren’t the only organizations trying to provide low-cost or free care to those who need it. People’s Acupuncture in Asheville does its part to make health care universally accessible by treating anybody who walks through the doors, say coowners Aimee Schinasi and Sam Soemardi. Based on the community acupuncture model set forth by Lisa Rohleer in Portland, Ore., the treatment center creates an affordable body of medicine that works best when it is regularly received, says Schinasi. “Part of the movement is the idea of promoting acupuncture so it is affordable to utilize longterm to get [patients’] needs met. Community acupuncture is working-class acupuncture.” People’s Acupuncture treats a variety of problems — everything from headaches to back pain, depression, insomnia and menstrual issues. It does not accept insurance, but that’s what keeps rates affordable, Schinasi continues. Center rates
are on a sliding scale, from $15-$35 per session (plus an additional $10 for an initial consultation). Paperwork, Schinasi notes, drives up the cost of medicine. “In community acupuncture, you feel the collective healing qi that comes from everybody sitting in a room with other people,” she says. That’s another positive effect of the healing process outside of a doctor’s office, and it’s one that “helps dissolve the isolation people can feel from going to the doctor.” Although the People’s Acupuncture model sits outside of health insurance, it nevertheless provides a stable income base for acupuncture and Chinese medicine practitioners, Schinasi says. And patients can afford to return and receive the care they need on an ongoing basis, which, she adds, is essential for acupuncture to work. Asheville resident and certified holistic herbalist deanna riggan says she recognized that many people are ill because they lack access to health care. She wanted to break the barrier to holistic community health care. There’s an abundance of herbalists in Western North Carolina, so Riggan founded Blue Ridge Healers Without Borders. It’s a chapter of Herbalists Without Borders, a nonprofit global network of volunteers devoted to aiding communities and countries impacted by natural disasters, violent conflicts, poverty, trauma and other access barriers to health and wellness. “We want to help communities by offering free classes so people can heal not only their selves but also ... help others,” says Riggan. Blue Ridge Healers, which is run entirely by volunteers, provides everything from massage to acupuncture to herbal tea remedies, she explains. So far, the Asheville chapter has convened in Pritchard Park, Food Not Bombs gatherings on the UNC Asheville campus and in Cherokee to offer services to those who are looking for free health services. Similar to Doctors Without Borders, the group plans to eventually provide disaster relief services as well as free herbal remedies to those in need, says Riggan. Blue Ridge Healers currently has no funding but is actively looking for sponsors for regular clinics and enough supplies for all who need them, she explains. Over 200 volunteers are motivated to continue offering services even without funding, and they’ve paid for
herbal supplies and remedies out of their own pockets, says Riggan. BRH is looking to take donations of herbal remedies that are already prepared and has a wish list for needed items on its Facebook page, she says. “I have seen a lot of greed in the health care system,” she says, noting that health care should be affordable. “Practitioners should get paid for what they do, and I think sliding scale is the best way, so that way people who don’t have much money can access it.” Riggan believes in empowering people to know they don’t have to rely on the health care system. She teaches people how to take care of themselves by creating herbal tea for cold remedies. She has also created a Facebook community page, which lists where the upcoming clinics will be held. Riggan and fellow healers also give out questionnaires to find out what each geographical area needs to build trust and community. “We want to make health services accessible for locals,” Riggan says. “If providers can offer one free session per week ... that would do so much because we have so much here, and no one should be suffering.” X
$6400 Classes Start February 29th– Downtown Asheville January 16th
More info people’s acupuncture peoplesacupunctureavl.com _________ blue ridge healers without borders facebook.com/ HealersWithoutBordersAVL _________ deanna riggan deefoodasmedicine@yahoo.com _________ western north carolina community health services wncchs.org _________ north carolina community health center association
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
we l l n e s s ca l en da r
by Abigail Griffin
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HeRbal MediciNe & RestORative YOga FOR stRess RelieF (pd.) Thurs. 12/10, 6-8:30PM. Settle mind, body, and spirit with wholesome medicine this season. $40, Details: AshevilleHappyBody.com 277-5741 Happy Body Biltmore Village alcHeMY 62 Clayton St., 575-9419 • FRIDAYS, 5:30 - Mindfulness meditation. Free to attend. bUNcOMbe cOUNtY pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/ library Free unless otherwise noted. • TH (12/17), 6pm - NC Health Insurance Marketplace sign up with a certified health care navigator. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa
z FOUR seasONs cOMpassiON FOR liFe 571 S. Allen Road, Flat Rock, 692-6178, fourseasonscfl.org • TH (12/10), 2:30-4pm - “Grief 101,” workshop. Registration required. Free. • TH (12/10), 2:30-4pm - “Hope Through the Holidays,” bereavement support workshop. Free. gRace lUtHeRaN cHURcH 693-4890 • TH (12/10), 7am-7pm - Blood Connection Blood Drive. Appointments & Info: 233-5302. Held at 1245 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville liviNg Web FaRMs 176 Kimzey Road, Mills River, 505-1660, livingwebfarms.org • SA (12/12), 1:30pm - “Make Your Own Herbal Medicine,” workshop. $15.
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
NatiONal alliaNce ON MeNtal illNess WNc 505-7353, namiwnc.org, namiwc2015@gmail.com • TH (12/10), 6pm - Psychiatrist Dr. John Nicholls, associate medical director of the Smoky Mountain Center, will speak on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Free. Held at Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. Red cROss blOOd dRives redcrosswnc.org Appointment and ID required. • TH (12/10), 1:30-6pm - Appointments & info.: 669-2725. Held at Black Mountain Presbyterian, 117 Montreat Road, Black Mountain • TH (12/10), noon-4pm - Appointments & info.: 274-1800. Held at The DoubleTree Hotel, 115 Hendersonville Road • FR (12/11), 10am-2:30pm - Appointments & info.: 658-2554. Held at Woodland Hills Baptist Church, 50 Woodland Hills Road
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com
• FR (12/11), 11am-3pm - Appointments & info.: redcrossblood.org. Held at Asheville Marine League. Held at Asheville Outlets, 800 Brevard Road • MO (12/14), 1-6pm - Appointments & info.: 254-2187. Held at Trinity Baptist Church, 216 Shelburne Road • MO (12/14), 2-6:30pm - Appointments & info.: redcrossblood.org. Held at Highland Brewing Company, 12 Old Charlotte Highway
• 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6 pm – Held in a private home. Contact for directions.
tHe blOOd cONNectiON blOOd dRives 800-392-6551, thebloodconnection.org Appointment and ID required. • WE (12/9), 11am-4pm - Appointments & info.: thebloodconnection.org. Held at Keller Williams, 86 Asheland Ave.
debtORs aNONYMOUs debtorsanonymous.org • MONDAYS, 7pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
URbaN dHaRMa 29 Page Ave., 225-6422, udharmanc.com • SU (12/13), 4pm - "Mastering Mindful Movement through Yoga & Qigong: A Free Introductory Workshop with Linda & Larry Cammarata. Free.
sUppORt gROUps adUlt cHildReN OF alcOHOlics & dYsFUNctiONal FaMilies adultchildren.org • Visit mountainx.com/ support for full listings. al-aNON/ alateeN FaMilY gROUps 800-286-1326, wnc-alanon.org • A support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. For full listings, visit mountainx.com/support. alcOHOlics aNONYMOUs • For a full list of meetings in WNC, call 254-8539 or aancmco.org asHeville WOMeN FOR sObRietY 215-536-8026, womenforsobriety.org • THURSDAYS, 6:30-8pm – Held at YWCA of Asheville, 185 S French Broad Ave. aspeRgeR’s adUlts UNited facebook.com/WncAspergersAdultsUnited • 2nd SATURDAYS, 2-4pm - Occasionally meets additional Saturdays. Contact for details. Held at Hyphen, 81 Patton Ave. aspeRgeR’s teeNs UNited facebook.com/groups/ AspergersTeensUnited • For teens (13-19) and their parents. Meets every 3 weeks. Contact for details. bRaiNstORMeR’s cOllective 254-0507, puffer61@gmail.com • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - For brain injury survivors and supporters. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road bReast caNceR sUppORt gROUp 213-2508 • 3rd THURSDAYS, 5:30pm - For breast cancer survivors, husbands, children and friends. Held at SECU Cancer Center, 21 Hospital Drive cHRONic paiN sUppORt 989-1555, deb.casaccia@gmail.com
cOdepeNdeNts aNONYMOUs 398-8937 • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm & SATURDAYS, 11am – Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St. • TUESDAYS, 8pm – Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 370 N. Louisiana Ave. Suite G4
depRessiON aNd bipOlaR sUppORt alliaNce 367-7660, magneticminds.weebly.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm & SATURDAYS, 4pm – Held at 1316-C Parkwood Road. diabetes sUppORt 213-4788, laura.tolle@msj.org • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 3:30pm - In Room 3-B. Held at Mission Health, 509 Biltmore Ave. eMOtiONs aNONYMOUs 631-434-5294 • TUESDAYS, 7pm – Held at Oak Forest Presbyterian Church, 880 Sandhill Road FOOd addicts aNONYMOUs 423-6191 or 301-4084 • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Held at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 1 School Road • SATURDAYS, 11am- Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 370 N. Louisiana Ave. Suite G4 FOUR seasONs cOMpassiON FOR liFe 233-0948, fourseasonscfl.org • THURSDAYS, 12:30pm - Grief support group. Held at SECU Hospice House, 272 Maple St., Franklin • TUESDAYS, 3:30-4:30pm - Grief Support Group. Held at Four Seasons - Checkpoint, 373 Biltmore Ave. g.e.t. R.e.a.l. phoenix69@bellsouth.net • 2nd SATURDAYS, 2pm - Group for people with chronic ’invisible’ auto-immune diseases. Held at Fletcher Community Park, 85 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher gaMbleRs aNONYMOUs gamblersanonymous.org • THURSDAYS, 6:45pm - 12-step meeting. Held at Basillica of St. Lawrence, 97 Haywood St. liFe liMitiNg illNess sUppORt gROUp 386-801-2606 • TUESDAYS, 6:30-8pm - For adults managing the challenges of life limiting illnesses. Free. Held at Secrets of a Duchess, 1439 Merrimon Ave. liviNg WitH cHRONic paiN 776-4809 • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 6:30pm - Hosted by American Chronic Pain Association. Held at Swannanoa Library, 101 West Charleston St., Swannanoa
lYMe disease sUppORt gROUp janlyme@charter.net • SA (12/12), 2-4pm - For people interested or concerned with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Held at Skyland/ South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road MeN WORKiNg ON liFe’s issUes 273-5334; 231-8434 • TUESDAYS, 6-8pm - Contact for location. MiNdFUlNess aNd 12 step RecOveRY avl12step@gmail.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7:30-8:45pm Mindfulness meditation practice and 12 step program. Held at Asheville 12-Step Recovery Club, 370 N. Louisiana Ave. Suite G4 MOUNtaiN MaMas peeR sUppORt gROUp Peer support group for pregnant and postpartum mothers led by birth professionals. facebook.com/ mountainmamasgroup • 2nd THURSDAYS, 1pm - Held at The Family Place, 970 Old Hendersonville Highway, Brevard • Third WEDNESDAYS, 4-6pm - Held in the main conference room. Held at Community Service Building, 98 E. Morgan St., Brevard NaR-aNON FaMilY gROUps nar-anon.org • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Held at First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville, 204 6th Ave. West, Hendersonville • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Rd. NatiONal alliaNce ON MeNtal illNess WNc 505-7353, namiwnc.org, namiwc2015@ gmail.com Held at NAMI Offices, 356 Biltmore Ave. • 2nd MONDAYS, 11am & 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - Connection group for individuals dealing with mental illness. • 3rd TUESDAYS, 6pm - For family members and caregivers of those with mental illness. OUR vOice 44 Merrimon Ave. Suite 1, 28801, 2520562, ourvoicenc.org • Ongoing drop-in group for female identified survivors of sexual violence. OveRcOMeRs OF dOMestic viOleNce 665-9499 • WEDNESDAYS, noon-1pm - Held at First Christian Church of Candler, 470 Enka Lake Road, Candler OveRcOMeRs RecOveRY sUppORt gROUp rchovey@sos-mission.org • MONDAYS, 6pm - Christian 12-step program. Held at SOS Anglican Mission, 1944 Hendersonville Road
OveReateRs aNONYMOUs • Regional number: 258-4821. Visit mountainx.com/support for full listings. RecOveRiNg cOUples aNONYMOUs recovering-couples.org • MONDAYS, 6pm - For couples where at least one member is recovering from addiction. Held at Foster Seventh Day Adventists Church, 375 Hendersonville Road ReFUge RecOveRY 225-6422, refugerecovery.org Buddhist path to recovery from addictions of all kinds. • FRIDAYS, 7-8:30pm & SUNDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Held at Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave. • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Held at Shambhala Meditation Center, 60 N Merrimon Ave #113 s-aNON FaMilY gROUps 258-5117, wncsanon@gmail.com • For those affected by another’s sexual behavior. Confidential meetings available; contact for details. sHiFtiNg geaRs 683-7195 • MONDAYS, 6:30-8pm - Group-sharing for those in transition in careers or relationships. Contact for location. sMaRt RecOveRY smartrecovery.org • THURSDAYS, 6pm - Info: 407-0460 Held at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SUNDAYS, 7pm - Info: 925-8626. Held at Crossroads Recovery Center, 440 East Court St., Marion sUNRise peeR sUppORt vOlUNteeR seRvices facebook.com/sunriseinasheville • TUESDAYS through THURSDAYS, 1-3pm - Peer support services for mental health, substance abuse and wellness. Held at Kairos West Community Center, 742 Haywood Road sUppORtive paReNts OF tRaNsKids spotasheville@gmail.com • 2nd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - For parents to discuss the joys, transitions and challenges of parenting a transkid. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
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sYlva gRieF sUppORt melee@fourseasonscfl.org • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Held at Jackson County Department on Aging, 100 Country Services Park, Sylva t.H.e. ceNteR FOR disORdeRed eatiNg 337-4685, thecenternc.weebly.com • WEDNESDAYS, 7-8pm – Adult support group, ages 18+. Held in the Sherill Center at UNCA. UNdeReaRNeRs aNONYMOUs underearnersanonymous.org • TUESDAYS, 6pm - Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
gReeN sceNe
Wellness Issue
unDer pressure Amid legal maneuvering, Dundas sets water department’s course
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MeteR MasteR: Jade Dundas, the city’s new water resources director, brings a steady hand to a department with an uncertain future. Photo by Virginia Daffron
bY Virginia daFFron vdaffron@mountainx.com jade dundas is no stranger to uncertainty. Having worked with municipal water systems for more than 20 years, he’s learned the hard way that no amount of technical know-how can predict exactly when and where the next leak might occur. But as the legal battle for control of Asheville’s water system plays out in the courts, Dundas, who came on board as the city’s new water resources director in
december 9 - december 15, 2015
July, must contend with a different kind of uncertainty. On Nov. 25, the N.C. Supreme Court granted the city a temporary stay of enforcement of an October Court of Appeals decision. The stay indefinitely halts the state-mandated transfer of the city’s water system to the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County, which the appeals court had upheld. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court is considering whether it will hear Asheville’s latest petition, filed Nov. 24. City Attorney robin currin says it’s “impossible to predict” when the court will announce its decision.
WHO’s iN cHaRge? Asheville’s legal team is arguing that the Legislature’s transfer of the system is an unconstitutional taking of property without compensation. The city also asserts that the state constitution gives local governments control of certain functions related to health and sanitation. Also on Nov. 25, the International Municipal Lawyers Association asked permission to file a friend of the court brief in the case. “A chief concern of municipalities is providing the infrastructure and public services that are essential to the health, safety and welfare of local
citizens,” the association wrote. “Among these essential services is the provision of clean, abundant and affordable water.” Currin says other entities have also expressed interest in filing documents that support Asheville’s arguments. With about 150 employees and an annual operating budget of over $35 million, the Water Resources Department serves more than 124,000 customers in Buncombe and Henderson counties. Asked how he manages a task of that magnitude in the face of such uncertainty about the ownership of the resource, however, Dundas seems unruffled. “Our responsibility is to deliver the water to meet our system’s daily requirements, and that’s what we concentrate on every day,” the Kansas native says simply. a FUll plate Whatever the future may hold, the department is moving ahead with plans for maintaining and improving the water system. On Nov. 17, City Council approved $7.6 million to replace water mains in several older residential areas and $2 million to renovate a recently purchased office and warehouse building at 200 Bingham Road. Once those renovations are complete, the water maintenance and meter service divisions will move to Bingham Road. A cityowned brick building adjacent to the current offices of those divisions at 172 S. Charlotte St. will be leased to White Labs, which provides yeast and related supplies to breweries, wineries and distilleries. Depending on the results of a needs analysis, the department’s customer service group, now located in City Hall, may move to the new building as well, notes Dundas. Meanwhile, he also oversees a geographic information systems division that’s responsible for continually updating water system maps and plans, and an engineering division with offices in the city’s Development Services Center at 161 S. Charlotte St. Up tHROUgH tHe RaNKs Dundas, his wife and their three children moved to Asheville this summer from Sioux City, Iowa, where he’d served as assistant city
manager and public works director since 2010. For two years before that, he was Sioux City’s utilities director. Dundas started his career installing and replacing meters for the city of Wichita, Kan. Over the course of 14 years, he worked his way up the ranks, eventually serving as that city’s utilities director. These days, though, “I don’t go in the hole anymore,” he says with a laugh. Dundas earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and environmental sciences from Kansas State University and a master’s in business administration from Wichita State University. it dOesN’t FlOW UpHill The biggest differences between Asheville’s water system and those in the Midwest, says Dundas, are all about topography. Because of our mountainous terrain, our water system must withstand far greater pressures than systems in the flatlands. We also have more feet of pipe per person, he explains. Despite those challenges, though, Asheville’s Water Resources Department works hard to maintain cost-effectiveness, he says, to keep water rates comparable to those in other cities. As for the quality, “This is by far the best water that I’ve been responsible for, because the source is so pristine.” And unlike many communities, Asheville also has an ample supply of water. Although the number of customer accounts has increased significantly in recent years, overall water usage has remained about the same. Many of the industrial users that were the system’s biggest customers have left the area over the past two decades. But what about our burgeoning beer industry? “Breweries don’t use as much water as you might imagine,” says Dundas. Other industries, he continues, use more water for things like cooling, producing steam or cleaning, even though those processes aren’t evident in the finished product. Low-flow plumbing fixtures and other conservation measures have also helped reduce demand, he adds. And though his hardworking customer service employees do field their share of complaints, Dundas says he’s learned another surprising thing about Asheville: Customers
his team are looking ahead to a major service upgrade for the Fairview area. The project, which will improve water pressure and support recent growth in the area, will follow U. S. Highway 74. Also in the works are improvements to the dam, equipment and structures at the North Fork Reservoir. Together, these projects will cost an estimated $40 million, to be financed by yet-to-be-issued revenue bonds. Meanwhile, on the customer service front, Dundas is working with the engineering staff to reduce the turnaround time when someone applies for water service. To that end, the department also plans to add another staff position. And despite these challenges, Dundas says he’s happy to be here. “This is a unique situation, working in and supporting the demands of a thriving and growing community,” he points out. Come what may, the steady Midwesterner expects to keep delivering nearly 20 million gallons of water a day to residents and businesses in Asheville and beyond. X
here often call in to thank the department for doing a good job or to praise the crews’ courtesy and considerateness. “It’s reassuring and refreshing,” says Dundas. dOWN tHe ROad Despite the system’s uncertain future, Dundas says he’s not drawing up contingency plans just yet. “Right now, we’re focused on the appeals process,” he explains. The city’s latest legal filing cites Dundas’ estimate that a transfer would take “at least a year.” Issues that would need to be resolved include: • Transferring the contracts of the department’s 148 employees. • Nontransferrable federal and state health-and-safety certifications. • Transferring the financial, accounting and information technology systems. • Training new employees. • The city’s water-related bond debt, which is financed by system revenues. Rather than worrying about what may come, however, Dundas and
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
breWs on the MoVe Beer tours are an increasingly popular way to experience Asheville — for both visitors and locals on their ease of access (e.g. parking, size of facility) and how receptive they are to the Brews Cruise tours’ presence. Pisgah Brewing Co., French Broad Brewery, Catawba Brewing Co., Hi-Wire Brewing and Altamont Brewing Co. are regular stops. All five are familiar with tour schedules and have implemented procedures that make the visits run smoothly, usually requiring only a few hours’ notice to accommodate the next busload. Different arrangements are in place with each brewery, but Sollazzo says Brews Cruise generally pays retail, which comes to roughly the price of a pint or flight per customer. Tour-goers usually sample a quartet of 4-ounce samples per stop and visit three breweries over the course of three-plus hours. What they try is up to the guide and bartender, but generally the brewery’s flagship beers plus one or two of its seasonal brews are selected. Asheville Brews Cruise operates Tuesday-Sunday and will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Gift certificates and further information are available on the Brews Cruise website. avl.mx/21s
OUt aNd abOUt: Asheville Brews Cruise broke new ground as the first beer tour company to set up shop in Asheville. General Manager J.C. Hayes is pictured in front of one of the three passenger buses ABC uses to transport patrons from brewery to brewery during tours which include samples of each stop’s flagship and seasonal brews. Photo by Thom O’Hearn
bY scott douglas and edwin arnaudin wncbeertoday@gmail.com Editor’s note: This is the first installment of a two-part series on the growth of brewery tours in Western North Carolina. All beers are made with grain, hops, water and yeast, but it’s what brewers do with those core ingredients that makes each creation unique. The same goes for Asheville’s brewery tour companies, each of which is informative and fun in its own distinct way.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
pOiNt OF ORigiN The original Brews Cruise franchise (which currently operates in nine states) and North Carolina’s first brewery tour company, asheville brews cruise, was founded in 2006 by mark lyons. joe sollazzo took over ownership in February 2011 and has continued to build on the special relationship with Asheville-area breweries that such pioneering efforts afford. “Brews Cruise is unique because our tours cater to both the casual beer drinker and the more seasoned ‘beer geek.’ Our guides are both very knowledgeable and entertaining, so
our tours are educational without being too technical or dry,” Sollazzo says. “Our guides are all familiar with the history of Asheville, local restaurants, hiking trails, etc., and can be helpful for our customers to plan the remainder of their Asheville vacation. We also provide private tours, allowing our customers to create their own unique tours.” Whether conducted in one of the company’s two 14-passenger buses or its 32-passenger bus, all tours start and end downtown within walking distance of many of the hotels where its out-of-town customers are staying. Breweries are chosen primarily based
class is iN sessiON cliff mori became Western North Carolina’s first certified cicerone in 2011 because he had a driving passion to learn more about beer. Four years later, his passion has informed the establishment of a thriving tour business built on disseminating his extensive knowledge to clients as thirsty for education as they are for Asheville’s remarkable craft brews. brew-ed, founded by Mori in 2013, is focused primarily on educating beer drinkers, as the name would suggest. In creating the program, he drew on his experience as a bartender at Thirsty Monk and Wicked Weed Brewing as well as his time as a cicerone exam proctor and his work in helping to develop the A-B Tech fermentation-sciences program, where he also teaches.
Demand is quickly outstripping supply for BREW-ed’s services, which include educational walking tours of breweries and help in planning private events. Mori has an eye toward expansion, with additional weekday tours and growth into markets beyond Asheville both distinct possibilities. However, the necessity of tours being led exclusively by certified cicerones significantly limits the number of viable candidates capable of maintaining BREW-ed’s educational standards. These standards are of critical importance, as Mori’s greatest sense of gratification comes from the tours’ capacity to engage and enlighten craft beer neophytes. “We have such a great beer community here in Asheville, and I love sharing it with others,” explains Mori. “I’ve had numerous guests tell me at the end of their tour that they thought they weren’t ‘beer drinkers’ when it started but they were by the end. That’s always a great feeling, bringing someone new into the world of craft beer.” BREW-ed will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day but will be operating throughout the holiday season, with gift certificates and private tours available through the BREW-ed website. brew-ed.com tOUR WitH a bReWeR(Y) After working with local food tour Eating Asheville, josh bailey recognized the opportunity to translate that company’s successful business model to Asheville’s brewing community. Since founding asheville brewery tours in 2010, Bailey has established his tour’s niche by striking a balance between pub crawl and mobile classroom, catering not only to casual tourists but also locals already familiar with area breweries. As with most businesses in the Asheville brewing economy, the explosive recent growth in beer tourism has counterintuitively helped to strengthen ties between players in the brewery tour market. Bailey emphasizes that, while there is a healthy sense of competition, his relationship with the other tours in town is predominantly cooperative, and referrals are frequent among companies. In reference to the symbiotic relationship his business shares with BREW-ed and Brews Cruise, Bailey explains, “If I’m closed or sold out, I’m gonna send them to those guys. We work well together.”
Asheville Brewery Tours has grown organically over the years, starting with one van before adding a second just two months later and a third a year after that. However, the most exciting aspect of ABT’s growth for Bailey is undoubtedly the long-awaited opening of his new South Slope brewery and restaurant, Bhramari Brewhouse. Scheduled to launch before the end of December, what started as a plan for a small taproom intended to serve as a place to start and end tours has evolved into an elaborate facility with a seven-figure buildout. Focusing heavily on food pairing, Bhramari represents a distinctive approach to traditional brewery business models, and as a dedicated home base for Asheville Brewery Tours will provide customers with a unique tour experience. Asheville Brewery Tours operates seven days a week and will be closed only on Christmas Day. Gift certificates, brewery lists and further information are available on the Asheville Brewery Tours website. avl.mx/21u
tours were a natural extension of our reconnaissance.” Appealing to visitors who want to tour at their own pace, he and Swing scouted out and mapped walking tours of the South Slope and the Patton Avenue/downtown area as well as a bike tour that runs from West Asheville to downtown. “With the biking tours we’re taking a chance, but it’s such a great way to see the city,” Peschio says. “We emphasize wearing a helmet and one beer per wheel, but people are people. I’m sure some folks get down to Wedge [Brewing Co.], start thinking about the uphill home and call Uber.” Swing says he and Peschio make regular “field visits” to monitor trail conditions and are currently working on a few new tour routes. They will also have some major announcements in the near future “that will help visitors safely find their way to the area’s best breweries and beer-friendly restaurants, bars and bottle shops.” Check out the Asheville Ale Trail at ashevillealetrail.com. X
d.i.Y. Like many great ideas, the asheville ale trail was born out of frustration. When dan peschio and hilton swing started the website in late 2012, there were around 24 breweries in Western North Carolina. The only way to learn about special events and new beer releases, however, was to visit each individual brewery’s homepage, a task Swing notes “is difficult if you don’t even know about all of them.” After three hours of online searching to figure out where to spend their Saturday evening, they realized Asheville needed some sort of guide that focused on beer, breweries and the brewing community, and the two got to work. In the Ale Trail, Peschio and Swing have tried to include every area brewery, cidery and maker of sake and distilled spirits on their website and free companion guidebook, which they distribute to more than 125 local locations. “We feel the unique experience a brewery offers its guests should be just as important as the beer they serve, and that’s really where we come in,” Peschio says. “We try to inform folks about all the different breweries, what the upcoming releases are and what’s happening at the breweries that week. Self-guided
Are you prepared for the holidays? A delicious assortment of cookies & treats available. Order your gift boxes today! Gingerbread Houses, too! mountainx.com
december 9 - december 15, 2015
big giving day december 15th
F ood
by Liisa Andreassen
coFFee, tea or broth?
gOOd tO tHe bONe: The bone broths at Medea’s Espresso and Juice Bar — made from antibiotic- and hormone-free beef or chicken bones plus organic vegetables and herbs — are simmered for up to 72 hours to extract maximum nutrition from the ingredients. Healthy broths are gaining popularity in Asheville as a warm sipping beverage. Photo by Pat Barcas
Nutrient-rich broths are becoming Asheville’s other hot drink Broth may never replace that morning cup of joe, but these healing elixirs are definitely popping up on menus around town. Whether bonebased stocks that are simmered for hours to extract maximum nutrients or vegan mixtures of tea and herbs, people are sipping them like lattes, and it’s really no big secret why.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
bONe Up ON HealtH “Bone broths are the newest, oldest health food around,” says medea galligan, a board-certified holistic health coach and co-owner of Medea’s Espresso and Juice Bar in Arden. Medea and husband dan galligan opened their business in March of last
year, and they’ve recently doubled their bone broth capacity. “We just purchased steam-jacketed kettles that provide more even cooking at higher volumes,” Dan explains, adding, “Our goal is to have a constant supply.” Medea’s sells about 25 gallons of bone broth a week; unlike
GO LOCAL store-bought broths, these healing concoctions include valuable bone-building minerals, along with large amounts of collagen, which strengthens bones and helps rebuild tendons, joints and ligaments. The broths are also believed by many to help inhibit immune system overactivity, reduce inflammation and promote healthy digestion. Commercial broths often contain high levels of sodium and hydrogenated vegetable oils that are absent in the Galligans’ products. At Medea’s, the bones (they make both beef and poultry varieties) are sourced from ethically raised animals, meaning they’re grass-fed and grass-finished or pastured and free-range, and are antibiotic- and hormone-free. The broths are made by simmering bones in filtered water for anywhere from 12 to 72 hours. Organic vegetables and herbs are added to boost both flavor and nutritional value. The result is an incredibly rich liquid containing numerous antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Local wellness coordinator allison duncan says she suffers from an autoimmune disorder, which causes joint inflammation so severe that, at times, she’s incapacitated. Her doctor had discussed the benefits of bone broth with her, but time was an issue, and she was reluctant to try it. “I told him it wasn’t realistic for me to make it at home while juggling work and a busy schedule, so he sent me to Medea’s,” Duncan explains. “After cutting out sugar and grains from my diet and having two cups of bone broth a day for one week, it was the first time I’ve been able to get over an episode without resorting to prescription drugs.” Meanwhile, Medea has just added vegan broths to its repertoire, as well as a drop-spot delivery program enabling customers to pick up their favorite items at various partner locations around town. The broths cost $7.25 for a 16-ounce container, fresh or frozen. it staRts WitH tea Zack and jenni bier, who own Elements Real Food in Asheville, started making broths a few years back when they were doing raw juice cleansing. Today, they serve tea-based, all-vegan broths. And while Jenni says the possibilities are endless, popular varieties include chaga tea with chickpea miso, toasted sesame oil and ginger juice; matcha tea with lemongrass, carrot
juice, kefir lime leaf and turmeric juice; and “earth tea” in a carrot, onion, mushroom, celery and lemon broth with vitamineral greens. Chaga tea takes six to eight hours to make. Matcha, the quickest to prepare, is infused with hot water before adding the other ingredients. The earth tea is infused in a vegetable broth that takes three to six hours to make (the longer the better); the vitamineral greens are added to order. “Vegan broths are soothing, detoxifying and nourishing,” says Jenni. “And some of the ingredients have superior immuneboosting qualities.” Chaga, for example, is a medicinal fungus that grows on birch trees and is about twice as high in antioxidants as the acai berry. “Chaga is an incredible immune booster, and when paired up with ginger and a soy-free chickpea miso that’s packed with easily digestible vitamins, minerals and protein, you’ve got yourself a superfood broth that’s ready to take on the cold and flu season,” she explains. All the sipping broths at Elements cost $3.50 for a 12-ounce cup.
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NOt JUst FOR sippiNg Real Food Truck owner brad jordan started serving bone broth because of its health benefits. “It’s extremely rich in minerals that most Americans don’t get enough of. Plus, it’s a warm, comforting beverage on a cold day,” he notes. This winter, he’ll be selling mainly chicken broth but also a bit of beef. The beef bones come from Hickory Nut Gap Farm’s grass-fed, pastureraised, non-GMO-certified cows; the pasture-raised poultry is from Happy Hens and Highlands Farm. The price is $5 a pint, $8 a quart. Jordan, whose truck can often be found parked at Highland Brewing Co., Twin Leaf Brewery, The Brew Pump and other lcoations around Asheville, also uses his broths in some recipes, taking a cue from Auguste Escoffier, the godfather of French cooking, who preached: “Indeed, stock is everything in cooking. Without it, nothing can be done.” Real Food’s Brad’s Burger is topped with demi-glace, a bone broth that’s been reduced to a syrupy sauce. Jordan also uses bone broth in his pot roast. And while he is fairly new to Asheville’s food scene, he says folks have raved about his bone broth so far, noting, “One guy said it was just like his grandma used to make.” X
december 9 - december 15, 2015
F ood
by Cindy Kunst
For sale by owner After nearly 14 years, iconic Lexington Avenue vegetarian eatery Rosetta’s Kitchen is seeking new ownership and a fresh direction News that landmark Asheville vegetarian restaurant Rosetta’s Kitchen was for sale rippled across local news outlets and social media after an ad appeared on craigslist the weekend after Thanksgiving. Within 48 hours, messages of consolation, shock, concern, encouragement and even some suggestions began to show up on owner and founder rosetta buan’s personal Facebook page and email. Buan says she isn’t surprised by this reaction; in fact, she welcomes it. “It’s time for a shift,” she says. Indeed, Buan herself is still trying to find the right words to explain the need for a new direction for her multifaceted food enterprise. Opened in 2002 as a community-minded vegetarian restaurant, Rosetta’s Kitchen quickly established itself as a fundamental element of the unique culture of Lexington Avenue. Several of its menu items soon became local favorites, leading Rosetta’s to expand its brand in 2012 to offer frozen veggie burgers and peanut butter tofu at grocery stores regionally as well as wholesale to other restaurants. Then, in May 2012, Compass Foods offered Rosetta’s a third-party space on the campus of UNC Asheville, and Rosetta’s Kitchenette launched there that August. Rosetta’s at UNCA is a cantina-style eatery, featuring cold and hot bars with vegetarian and vegan options for students on campus. “It’s been a great partnership with UNCA and Compass Foods,” says Buan. “I can’t even tell you how friendly they’ve been. They needed the authenticity that we brought to the project and were willing to bring us in, which says to me ‘I’m on the right track.’” Soon, another opportunity presented itself in the form of the Lexington Avenue space that became Rosetta’s Buchi Bar. Some may have guessed that the financial strain of opening the kombucha-focused bar in June 2014 is what prompted Buan to put the business up for sale, but she refutes those rumors. She recalls that she was offered the Buchi Bar space “a little prematurely” after the building’s owner at
december 9 - december 15, 2015
cHaRtiNg a NeW cOURse: Rosetta’s Kitchen owner Rosetta Buan says a need for change and a desire for her business to reach its full potential are behind her recent decision to put the restaurant and brand up for sale. Photo by Cindy Kunst the time, j.c. maynard, died, leaving the location vacant for the first time in 47 years. The historic space required a complete gutting and renovation before it opened as the Buchi Bar, but she made it work. “It has been a huge risk and, quite honestly, a real challenge to grow that money part that fast,” she says. “But we did it, we’ve done it and we have a
secure long-term favorable lease, so for those who have speculated that’s why we are for sale, no, that’s not the case.” Buan’s business strategies have always been avant-garde. “Growth is good for a business like ours. You can create a larger impact, more purchases, better food for more people. I always really believed that my idea should continue to grow and spread. Because
I hope that what I’m doing is being one part of a wave of people trying to make better business and better models — reinventing the rules of how business is done,” Buan says. Although the growth has been good, and the business continues to be successful, Buan says she’s ready for something new. With responsibilities as a wife, mother of
four, daughter to aging parents and employer accountable for 36 staff members, Buan, 39, says she often finds it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. “In our search for growth, I’ve managed to grow a beast bigger than one mama bear can manage,” she says. “I don’t have as much drive to spend as many personal hours and personal relationships on this business as I have in the past. And those things have flipped as we’ve grown. We need the systems and the structure that can manage and support what we’ve created here. “What we’ve created here is beautiful, and it is cool and it is great food and culture,” she continues. “And now that it’s gotten this big, it’s started to wiggle out of its shape. ... We are not in crisis, but we’re just not meeting our potential right now.” Buan admits that the business has experienced “a really painfully tight year” but adds that the search for a partner is more about a desire to tighten up operations and tweak things in preparation for anticipated higher volume in the coming years.
“When we were slammed and doing $5,000 days this summer, our operations were pushed beyond their max,” she says. “We’ve always just done things hands-on. After last summer, we realized we need more than that.” Buan says she’s open to ideas as to how this transformation could occur, including the possibility of forming a cooperative. Several people have already contacted her with the idea of creating one. “But that’s going to take those people to show up, to take action; I cannot do it for them,” she says. “We’ve honestly grown this as much as we can on our own. So this is our reach-out: We need help. And whether it’s bought into by the community or by a partner, we’re not desperate to sell to just anyone with cash, but we’re ready for a change,” Buan says. “That’s why we put the ad out on craigslist instead of using a broker. We’ve always done things simply and out in the open, so this seemed like the right way for us to engage the public and see what happens.” X
december 9 - december 15, 2015
sMall bites by Kat McReynolds | kmcreynolds@mountainx.com
dinner hours will be 5-9:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday and Sunday, and 5-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Brunch service is also available 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visit thecharleston.net for more information. MetROWiNes’ aviatiON scHOlaRsHip beNeFit
iN tHe iNN: Executive Chef Casey Maness, right, landed in Western North Carolina in 2010 with experience from numerous restaurant positions and four years cooking in the Coast Guard. Her forthcoming eatery, The Lantern — located inside Hendersonville’s The Charleston Inn — is “meant to take you on a journey through Old Charleston, with Creole, Cajun and low country flavors.” Maness is pictured with Charleston Inn Manager Tim Ross. Photo by Leah Flores Photography
The Lantern brings coastal flavors to Hendersonville The Charleston Inn “has been welcoming visitors to Hendersonville for more than a hundred years,” according to the establishment’s website. Now, a Southern-inspired restaurant launching from within the bed-andbreakfast will attract dining guests as well — particularly those with a taste for coastal cuisine and history. The Lantern’s grand opening is Friday, Dec. 11. “All of my life, I’ve been going to the Carolina coast — Charleston, Savannah and the beaches,” says the eatery’s executive chef casey maness, who was recruited by the inn’s owners, shelle rogers and david payne. “I fell in love with the concept of The Charleston Inn having the restaurant serve food that’s also from that area.” Maness says the menu will honor Creole and Cajun influences and include lots of fresh seafood sourced through Inland Seafood. The Lantern’s blue crab, for example, will have scampered off the coast of Charleston, while its shrimp and live crawfish will be
december 9 - december 15, 2015
brought in from Louisiana. Additional offerings include classic shrimp and grits, the meatloaf burger (made with Apple Brandy Beef), crab cakes, lobster mac and cheese, as well as some Market Street staples — she-crab soup and Charleston cheese dip. Over the course of several months, Maness collaborated with the owners to create the menu, with Maness hosting periodic feasts to get feedback from guests. “A few of the dishes will actually be served in French skillets,” Maness says, listing mussels, lobster tails, crab cakes and more. She calls the concept a “neat feature” that adds to patrons’ experiences, noting the “beautiful bronze” color that develops in the pans as they season. Meanwhile, wooden floors and classic décor highlight the inn’s history, which began around 1880 shortly after a railroad line was built between Hendersonville and South Carolina. The fine-dining aspect, Maness says, pays homage to the influential migrants from Charleston who catalyzed Hendersonville’s early development. “I think we’re really going to create an experience for people,” she says, “and take them back to that time period.” The Lantern, 755 N. Main St., Hendersonville, opens Friday, Dec. 11, with dinner service 5-10 p.m. Thereafter,
MetroWines will pour red and white Flyover wines from Oregon’s Floris Vineyard, as well as aviation-themed beers from Big Boss Brewing in Raleigh during an in-store fundraiser. Proceeds benefit two academic funds for A-B Tech’s aviation students — the Corman Family and Brigadier General Carl L. Trippi scholarships. The latter was recently established to honor MetroWines co-owner gina trippi’s father, who served in World War II during his 38-year career involving airplanes. The fundraiser is at MetroWines, 169 Charlotte St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10. A donation of $10 is requested at the door. Visit metrowinesasheville.com for more information.
com/saltandsmokeasheville more information.
tHe italiaN cOOKie ladY’s tRUFFle paRties While many bakers safeguard their kitchen secrets, the Italian Cookie Lady, also known as aggie westerhoff, is launching lessons to “teach the young — and the young at heart — how to make truffle cake pops.” Westerhoff says her truffle party concept coalesced after she was recruited to host a St. Patrick’s Day celebration for Beverly Hanks & Associates of Hendersonville. “Based upon that success, I’ve added parties for children to create their own holiday treats for parents and grandparents.” Westerhoff’s next lesson is at her home 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12. Cost is $15 per person and includes instruction and snacks. Visit italiancookielady.com for more information or call 553-5295 to reserve a spot. X
bUxtON Hall baRbecUe’s decK tHe Hall daNce paRtY Chef elliott moss exhibits signs of being nocturnal. Not only does he slowcook Buxton Hall’s whole hogs overnight, but he’s also begun hosting late-night dance parties at his South Slope eatery. Buxton Hall’s next seasonal celebration will see three bars serving holidaythemed drinks and treats while DJ Greg Cartwright “spins all of Santa’s favorites.” Deck the Hall Dance Party is at Buxton Hall Barbecue, 32 Banks Ave., 10:30 p.m.-2 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12. Cover charge is $3. Visit buxtonhall.com for details.
What’s Wowing Me Now
salt & sMOKe’s expaNsiON iN bURial beeR cO.
Food writer Jonathan Ammons lets us in on his favorite dish du jour.
Salt & Smoke, which began as a popup food busking stand at Burial Beer Co. in Asheville’s South Slope, will begin operating from an on-premise kitchen following completion of the brewery’s current renovations. By early 2016, an expanded, rotating menu will be served six days per week. In the meantime, Salt & Smoke’s dishes will only be available during Sunday brunch. Planned renovations include enclosing Burial’s back patio to create a heated indoor space for winter months. Salt & Smoke and Burial Beer Co. are at 40 Collier Ave. Sunday brunch is served noon-3 p.m. Visit facebook.
chicken and dumplings at the moose cafe: I’m always a sucker for a second helping of nostalgia, and they serve that in spades at the Moose Cafe. Growing up, both the Moose and its chicken and dumplings were staples in my life, and they still don’t disappoint. My uncle and I were once asked to leave the cafe after consuming over 34 racks of crab legs. The restaurant doesn’t do that all-you-can-eat crab legs special anymore ... odd ... but it does still serve some great chicken and dumplings (recommended paired with collard greens and a healthy dash of Texas Pete.) — Jonathan Ammons
december 9 - december 15, 2015
a R t s & e N t e R ta i N M e N t
extenDeD jaM
Exploring the daytime programs around the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam
bY alli marsHall amarshall@mountainx.com “We’ve met crews that come up (or down) every year for the Christmas Jam,” says local singer-songwriter leigh glass. She, like those groups of return fans from South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, looks forward to the annual all-night concert that takes over the U.S. Cellular Center. And, like those groups, Glass also spends a lot of daytime hours during Christmas Jam weekend at Jack of the Wood for the songwriter jam hosted by Drivin’ N Cryin’ frontman Kevn Kinney. Unlike the dedicated crews from points north and south, Glass is a player rather than a spectator. This year marks her fourth as part of Kinney’s Jack of the Wood sessions. Kinney, a friend of Asheville-born rocker warren haynes, is a major draw himself. He’s been curating the all-day songwriter performances, concurrent with Haynes’ Christmas Jam, since the jam began. This year’s Friday and Saturday, Dec. 11 and 12, productions mark the 27th anniversary for both. The Christmas Jam is sold out, but the Jam by Day and Kevn Kinney Jam are both open to listeners. See info box for ticketing details.
HOt ticKet: Even if you didn’t get a ticket to the annual Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, which sells out every year, there’s plenty of live music to be heard during the daytime programs. The songwriter-oriented Kevn Kinney Jam takes over Jack of the Wood Friday and Saturday. “You end up staying there pretty much all day,” says Leigh Glass, who will perform with her husband, Corey Bullman. “It’s packed every year, and it’s great.” Photo by Jessica Lee MeMORable MOMeNts
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“I grew up here, and I think there’s a good community of music all around,” says Glass. “But I don’t think the songwriters get enough recognition.” For someone like Kinney to spotlight that pool of talent is a boon to both the performers and listeners. “It’s not just a whiny person sitting up there with a guitar. These are real good, meaty songs. A lot are upbeat,” Glass says. “A lot of the songwriters bring two or three people with them, so you get a miniband.” She’ll be
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
performing with her husband and collaborator, corey bullman. Glass adds, “You’ve kind of got to [be in the know] about the songwriters, like you know about good coffee.” One of her best memories of Kinney’s past jams is from a few years ago when she and Bullman were set to follow soul singer laura reed. But just as Reed’s set ended, a breaker blew, and the power went out. “We were like, ‘Well, screw it. Let’s play,’” Glass says. “We got out in the middle of the floor, and me and Corey and Kevn played together with no amplification. Everyone was crowded around, really listening in, and it was great.”
Glass is quick to add players like ray sisk, shane pruitt, david earl tomlinson and many other repeat performers to her list of favorites from the sessions. Even for those without a ticket to the main U.S. Cellular Center event, the Jack of the Wood sets offer a unique opportunity to catch Haynes and Kinney-approved artists in an intimate setting. “Everyone loves Kevn, and for good reason,” Glass says. “People flock around him, and he’s always just awesome.” Performances run a brisk 15-20 minutes at the Jack of
the Wood event — so if one artist isn’t your pint of craft beer, another will be onstage soon enough (and your favorites are likely to return to the stage to jam with fellow musicians). “You end up staying there pretty much all day,” says Glass. “It’s packed every year, and it’s great.” WOMeN WHO JaM Every element of Christmas Jam weekend is (ahem) jam-packed, from the venues to the schedule. The only dearth is in the number of female musicians represented on the roster. This year’s sold-out show at the U.S. Cellular Center has but one woman in the lineup: singer and guitarist susan tedeschi. The good news is that the Jam by Day and Kevn Kinney Jam feature more female performers: Glass, soul and R&B vocalists lyric and lizz wright, drummer eliza hill of Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats and erika jane ferraby of local blues and country outfit Red Honey. “It’s an honor to be representing women in the jam,” says Ferraby. This will be her fourth year taking part in the daytime programming. She’s played twice at Jack of the Wood and once with her full band at the since-closed Emerald Lounge. This year’s Jam by Day takes over both the Asheville Music Hall and its downstairs space, One Stop. Of the latter venue, Ferraby says, “I like
the idea that there’s food there, so people can relax, have a bite to eat and listen to a band.” At the Jack of the Wood sessions, “Everyone’s really tuned into the music and present in spirit,” Ferraby says. “It feels homey, like it should at Christmas.” And although Red Honey won’t be at that venue, the band plans to bring some holiday cheer to the stage, thanks in part to a new collection of seasonal songs. On the just-completed EP, tentatively titled Midnight and Mistletoe, Red Honey offers three tracks of rock-meets-sentiment. The title song, with its crunchy guitars and thick bass, is both rockabilly-tough and sweetly romantic. “Watching It Snow” is a slinky slow dance and “Blue Christmas” is an eerie duet inspired by a voicemail message from country singer Greg Garing. “We built a David Lynch-y number around it,” says Ferraby. Red Honey might invite some local friends onstage to sit in during the Jam by Day, and the band will perform its new songs along with other selections. “We always do a holiday set,” says Ferraby. “Done right, it’s contagious.”
iN tHe FOOtsteps OF giaNts Growing up in Greenville, S.C., singer and guitarist marcus King looked not only to his bandleader father for inspiration, but to musicians
blUe cHRistMas: Red Honey will perform songs from the band’s just-released holiday EP as part of a Jam by Day performance. We always do a holiday set,“ says frontwoman Erika Jane Ferraby. ”Done right, it’s contagious.” Photo by Marcy Reiford mountainx.com
december 9 - december 15, 2015
a &e
FRieNd FiNdeR: The Marcus King band plays Asheville Music Hall as part of the Jam by Day. King, a Greenville, S.C.-based artist, was introduced to Warren Haynes through mutual friends and signed to the Christmas Jam founder’s record label. Photo courtesy of King
like Duane Allman, Dickie Betts and Haynes. Because Haynes came from roots similar to King’s, when mutual friends introduced Haynes to King’s music, the Gov’t Mule frontman signed the burgeoning Southern rocker to his Evil Teen Records label. That connection meant that King was also working with Haynes’ management team, “and they wanted us to come be part of the fun,” he says of the Christmas Jam. “We’re really stoked about that.” The Marcus King Band performs on the Asheville Music Hall stage, a move upstairs from One Stop, where the group appeared last year. One of the perks of playing the Jam by Day is a ticket and backstage pass to the main event. “The whole thing was a beautiful experience,” King says of last year’s show. “Seeing bill Kreutzmann was a powerful thing. … Getting to know Warren and the rest of the folks was really nice, and going to the pre-jam the night before was one of my fonder memories.” Of the acts taking the stage this year, King is especially excited to see The Doobie Brothers and the Tedeschi Trucks Band. In fact, guitarist derek trucks (who fronts that band with Tedeschi,
december 9 - december 15, 2015
his wife), has more in common with King than most of the jam artists. King, like Trucks, was a child prodigy and played his first shows as a preteen. “When I was going into nightclubs playing as a 12- or 13-year-old, it was like, ‘Look, I’m here as a professional musician and I’d like to be treated as such,’” he says. “Sometimes I had to make it clear that I’ve worked hard to get where I’m going.” King’s work — he’s nearly a decade into his career, though he’s not yet 20 — is paying off. He’s getting ready to record a follow-up to his debut album, Soul Insight, and was recently recognized by Gibson guitars in the feature, “30 Under 30: A New Generation of Players.” The Marcus King Band has also opened for the likes of Foo Fighters, Johnny Winter and Gov’t Mule, though the musician admits that he still gets the jitters. “I try to hide it, but I’m certainly a little star-struck meeting these people,” King says. The good news — and this bodes well for Christmas Jam performances down the road — is that, “I’ve always been a lot more comfortable on the stage than off the stage.” X
scheDule christmas jam by day Bands include Andrew Scotchie & The River Rats, ChessBoxer, Jahman Brahman, Love Canon, Lyric, The Marcus King Band, Red Honey, Travers Brothership, Trouble featuring Shane Pruitt and Aaron Woody Wood, Urban Soil. Performances are held at the Asheville Music Hall and One Stop. Saturday, Dec. 12, noon-5 p.m. $10 or VIP pass to the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam (ticket prices includes both locations). Kevn Kinney jam This year’s lineup includes Bobby Miller & The Virginia Daredevils, David Earl Tomlinson, Granpappy, Jamie Dose and Dorsey Parker, Jason Daniello, Jeff Santiago, Josh Daniel/Mark Schimick Project, Kevn Kinney, Leigh Glass, Liz Wright, The Pond Brothers, Ray Sisk, Toph Oneal with Chris Kew, Aaron Woody Wood. Performances take place at Jack of the Wood. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 11 and 12, noon-5 p.m. $10 at the door or VIP pass. christmas jam art show The Satellite Gallery hosts an exhibition of rock ’n’ roll photography and art by Jay Blakesberg Photography, John Warner Studios, Stewart O’Shields, Justin Helton, Serlo Studios, Mike DuBois, The Art of Steve Johannsen, Jeff Troldahl, Kirk West Photography, Dino Perrucci, David Oppenheimer, Allison Murphy Photography, Robbi Cohn, Stuart Engel, Gus Cutty, Topr and David Simchock Photography. Proceeds from art sales benefit the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity. An opening reception will be held Friday, Dec. 11, 3-6 p.m. The Satellite Gallery will be open Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 12 and 13, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., and the show will be on display through Sunday, Jan. 17. Free admission. More info at xmasjam.com
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
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by Kat McReynolds
attitude over intricacy How the ’60s, nonchalance and Sugar in the Raw shaped The Low Counts’ new album With minimally processed lyrics, dense beats and a guitar that comes wailing from the depths of rock ’n’ roll history, The Low Counts’ music speaks to the gut, not the brain. Rhythms come tempered by blues and soul. Guitar solos convey attitude over intricacy. The two-man band’s high-glycemic tunes are familiar on first listen, and fans get a dozen new ones at the release party for Years Pass By. That show takes place at The Grey Eagle Friday, Dec. 11. “Our approach to this has always been, in my mind, like a band out of the ’60s — raw and giving it everything,” says frontman matt walsh, who sourced his musical partner, drummer austin hicks, from Craigslist in 2013.
what The Low Counts with Parodi Kings where The Grey Eagle thegreyeagle.com when Friday, Dec. 11, 9 p.m. $7 advance/$10 day of show
“I got responses from all kinds of weirdos,” Walsh says, adding that a few musical meetups proved to be “absolute nightmares” before Hicks showed up. But chemistry between the two was immediately evident. “About a week or so later, we went and did our first gig,” Walsh says, “and we haven’t really stopped since.” Years Pass By, The Low Counts’ sophomore full-length, was recorded live, in a basement studio in Kernersville, over the course of four days. Not only will the work be released independently of a label, but Walsh and Hicks also mixed and mastered the album themselves.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
ROcK OF ages: “When we play festivals ... our demographic is anyone from 10 years old to like 80,” says Low Counts frontman Matt Walsh, right. “It’s so crazy to see hipster kids digging it, and then you look over and see 50-year-old trucker dudes digging it. Then you look down the road, and there’s grandma dancing.” Photo courtesy of the band Although these latest lyrics from Walsh sound like surveys of his own life, few lines are autobiographical. “A lot of times, they’re just stories. They’re just painting scenarios,” he says. Walsh makes his brush strokes in record time, often penning an entire song in roughly five minutes, he says. The haste shows up in basic rhymes like “Come and take my hand / I’ll make you understand,” but Walsh openly asserts he’s no prophet, and neither are his tales meant to be statements. At its core, this band is about energy or, more specifically, the transfer of it.
“It’s usually the simplest, dumbest crap you can come up with that is the best,” Walsh says. “What helps is not treating these songs like they’re gems or babies.” Hicks agrees: “[The simple ones] are usually the songs that get stuck in your head the most.” It’s that alignment of ideals that makes Walsh and Hicks such agreeable companions. The pair speak of silky smooth brainstorming sessions and get giddy at the mention of their instrumental writing.
“When he sends me a song, usually I’ll just set my drums up and play something to it,” Hicks says. “And it’s there,” Walsh finishes. That quick, often unspoken process, they say, is “where you really get the natural high.” The two hope their anti-perfectionist method to music making, which flies in the face of peers’ more calculated and careful approaches, will embolden others to try creating. The no-frills ethos also applies to Walsh’s guitar, which bends and shakes from basic effects (rather than a cornucopia of modern pedals) on the new album. “I’m kind of a freak for tremolo and slapback,” he says. Like his horn-enamored predecessors from the ’50s, Walsh delights in undermining his guitar’s identity by manipulating it to sound like a dissimilar instrument or human voice. Likewise, Walsh’s own volume fluctuations, which stem from his unique attackand-release style of singing, are an added source of color. To achieve a fuller sound, The Low Counts recorded bass parts on a handful of songs, and Walsh borrowed a friend’s theremin for use in a few numbers (when a toy ray gun fell through). The album’s crowning innovation, however, was Hicks’ remedy for overly bright maracas. “We wanted to use something that was going to absorb the shake a little more. Lo and behold, we had a box of Sugar in the Raw,” he says. “It came out at just low enough a volume and sat perfectly in the song. … There was another plastic box of sugar we used, too. That was a different brand, of course.” Among others, “Satisfied” and “Broken Bridge” contain the granular accompaniment. Although the duo’s music begins with a remarkably short gestation period, it continues to develop in and out of the studio. In fact, Walsh says, it’s months of live improvisations that reveal what a song really is — and that keep things fresh for the crowd. “We really aspire to give people a show,” Walsh says, calling The Low Counts’ performances frenzied affairs. “So many people throw that word around — ‘show’ — and then you go see them, and it’s just some dudes standing there onstage in toboggans and tight jeans. … It’s a look more than anything else. We want people to have an experience when they come see us, like people had in the ’60s and ’70s at rock concerts.” X
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by Bill Kopp
soul oF collaboration The inaugural Mountain Soul Party launches at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall Look deeper than the surface of Asheville’s music scene, and you’ll discover a fertile and vibrant community of musicians playing soul music. A uniquely American musical genre that draws from gospel, jazz and R&B, soul means different things to different people. But most can agree that it connotes music with feeling, music that encourages the listener to move. A varied lineup of some of Asheville’s most prominent soul artists will come together for what’s being billed as the inaugural Mountain Soul Party Friday, Dec. 11, at Isis Restaurant & Music Hall. Organizer gregory scott describes the Mountain Soul Party as “combining soul, funk and hiphop.” A look at the event’s lineup reinforces that wide-reaching musical approach: The Secret B-Sides, ryan rnb barber (of Secret Agent 23 Skidoo), Free Radio and Lyric are all scheduled to perform. But the party won’t simply be a showcase of one act following another — musical collaboration is a central theme of the evening. “In Asheville, there are so many musicians who love the opportunity to work together that it naturally works out that way,” says Scott. As he developed plans for the evening, working closely with Lyric and The Secret B-Sides’ juan holladay, the idea was “to make it a collaboration, to get more people involved.” The Secret B-Sides will open the show; next, Barber will sit in with them, performing several of his original tunes. Scott says that the Mountain Soul Party is planned as “the first of many collaborations between the B-Sides and Barber.” The evening’s music will include a full set from Lyric (both the stage name of singer-songwriter-guitarist
leeda jones, and the name of her band), augmented by the Brothership Horns (of the Travers Brothership). The Mountain Soul Party will also serve as a CD release party, and the show will preview songs from Lyric’s upcoming EP, Perspective. Lyric started out in 2009 as one of Asheville’s buskers, “playing to the locals and tourists on the streets of downtown Asheville,” she says. Joined by her cousin, derrick graves, on percussion, and her father on upright bass, Lyric played as often as possible. “We would start at Greenlife in the morning, head downtown in front of [Malaprop’s Bookstore] at lunchtime, and at dinnertime we would come back and play in front of [Malaprop’s].” While the band grew and soon graduated to stage performances, Lyric feels a kinship to busking in many ways. “We still have the same feel and love as we did when we were on the streets,” she says. Her songs come from her own experiences: “I like to think of my life and other people’s lives as stories; those stories need to be told.” She adds, “I believe that a positive message with a funky rhythm is what the world wants and needs.” The Mountain Soul Party at the Isis Restaurant & Music Hall will present Lyric in a venue quite different from the bars and outdoor festivals the band usually plays. The musician relishes the opportunity but sees the event as having a more important goal of “keeping the soul scene alive in Asheville.” She believes that “there is a lot of music here, but soul and funk are not talked about much here in the mountains. So this is a great opportunity to bring soul music to the forefront with all the other genres of music that Asheville loves.” And Scott stresses that it’s only the beginning. Plans are already being
bRiNgiNg it all tOgetHeR: Onstage musical collaboration across genres is a central theme for the Mountain Soul Party. Performers, from left, Juan Holladay of Secret B-Sides, Lyric and Ryan RnB Barber, will share the stage. Photo by Mike Berlin laid to make the Mountain Soul Party an annual event in Western North Carolina. While the Isis Restaurant & Music Hall is often thought of as a seated, dinner theater type of venue, that’s changing. Consistent with the approach used for other recent Isis dates, the Mountain Soul Party will feature plenty of room on the dance floor. Coupled with the venue’s well-regarded acoustics, that open space should make for an uptempo evening. Even with the lineup of local music luminaries on the bill, the night is still really about the music. Scott promises that the first Mountain Soul Party will focus on “that smooth, grooving
sound that makes you feel good. It’s gonna make you move.” X
what Mountain Soul Party featuring Lyric, The Secret B-Sides, Ryan RnB Barber and Free Radio where Isis Restaurant & Music Hall isisasheville.com when Friday, Dec. 11, 9 p.m. $8 advance / $10 day of show
december 9 - december 15, 2015
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by Kyle Petersen
unapologetically southern Critically acclaimed rapper Big K.R.I.T. sticks to his roots
WORdsMitH: Rising hip-hop artist Big K.R.I.T. plays by his own rules. His subject matter, which often touches on matters of family, faith and his rural upbringing, often eschews more radio-friendly topics in favor of personal authenticity. Photo by Jonathan Mannion When reigning rap juggernaut Kendrick Lamar threw the gauntlet down for his generation of hiphop artists on his “Control” verse, perhaps the least-known of the dozen rappers he calls out by name was the Meridian, Miss.-based MC big K.r.i.t. The critically acclaimed hiphop artist, née Justin Scott — who performs at The Orange Peel Wednesday, Dec. 9 — has been
december 9 - december 15, 2015
grinding since 2005. He’s frequently championed by genre insiders for his formidable flow, compelling lyrics, old-school production chops and album-oriented approach (even on mixtapes) in the age of the single. But he hasn’t had his own blockbuster hit or even a guest verse on a pop-friendly production to broaden his profile. Part of that might stem from K.R.I.T’s unapologetically Southern sound, recalling the late 1990s and
early 2000s heyday of Outkast and Scarface. Or his non-mainstream subject matter, which often touches on matters of family, faith and his rural upbringing at the expense of more radio-friendly topics (although he’s got more than few banging odes to fast cars and loose women). Regardless of why, though, it simply doesn’t bother him much. “I just always want to be part of the leaders, the people back in the day who I listened to,” he says. “People like Outkast, Tupac, Biggie, Curtis Mayfield, Willie Hutch, Bobby Womack — people who made albums. It didn’t matter whether it had a hit [single on it] or not, the albums were so solid. [You could tell] so much time went into the title, the album cover, the delivery, the songwriting, the breakdowns — everything made so much sense. I never wanted to run away from that.” The references to Mayfield, the ’70s-era soul great, is telling. K.R.I.T’s sound both expounds upon Outkast’s mix of funky beats and spacey production while delving even further afield than that experimental duo, featuring singers like Raphael Saadiq and the late B.B. King on his 2011 debut Live from the Underground. It’s clear he’s making music directly in the lineage of classic soul and R&B. But for all of the obvious sonic reverence and Southern hip-hop lineage, Big K.R.I.T. is first and foremost one ferocious rapper. His “Control” response song, “Mt. Olympus,” off of last year’s concept album Cadillactica, abundantly proved that point. Not only does the track showcase maniacal twang and razor-sharp technical skills, it also fires a broadside in the name of all Southern hip-hop with its sights set on uber-cosmopolitan artists like A$AP Rocky and Drake. “It was easy for you to move through / English class with your own thesaurus / like one of these days I’m gonna be a rapper / But all my verses gonna be borrowed / So I’ma take from all these Southern artists / That mainstream never heard of / Recycle all they lingo / And make sure I screw my words up,” he spits over his own beat as he proudly boasts of
his “country” style in the face of the genre’s Northern and urban bias. “When it comes to lyricism and being considered a lyrical artist from the South, obviously you gotta talk about Killer Mike, Big Boi, Andre 3000 [and] Scarface,” he says. “But the idea of being a top lyricist changes when you’re from the South, like the rules get harder.” Big K.R.I.T. continues, “This is the only genre that seems like it does that. When it comes to blues, jazz, it doesn’t really matter where you’re from as long as you’re making great music. ‘Southern hiphop artist’ is a weird category to be put in. I’m just trying to make the best hip-hop I possibly can.” And while “Mt. Olympus” proves that Big K.R.I.T. sees himself in the pantheon of the very best rhymers in the game, he’s clearly intent on taking his own path, as the cover of his latest mixtape, It’s Better This Way, suggests with its depiction of a fork in the road, suggesting a “road less traveled” decision. “For me, it’s just about being humbled and being really excited about where my career is now,” he says when he thinks of headlining a 1,000-seat music hall like The Orange Peel. “I’m comfortable with what I got now. I used to really chase accolades and wanted to be at the level where kids and everybody recognized me, but that just might not be for me.” X
who Big K.R.I.T. with BJ The Chicago Kid, Scotty ATL, Delorean and Free The Optimus where The Orange Peel theorangepeel.net when Wednesday, Dec. 9, 9 p.m. $22 advance/$25 at the door/$60 early entry
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
sMaRt bets Send your arts news to ae@mountainx.com
Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell tribute
Vince Guaraldi’s a charlie brown christmas Poor Charlie Brown never managed to kick the football. He never got the little red-haired girl or a boisterous Christmas tree. But one thing the Peanuts character did get — and this nearly makes up for all those losses — is one of the all-time best soundtracks. The 1965 album A Charlie Brown Christmas, by composer Vince Guaraldi, elevates holiday songs to high art. Cool jazz tracks balance coziness with nostalgia. The record is part of both the Grammy Hall of Fame and the Library of Congress’ National Recording Registry. Atlanta-based musicians Jeffrey Bützer (drums) and T.T. Mahony (piano) mark the 50th anniversary of the “A Charlie Brown Christmas” TV special by taking their live re-creation of Guaraldi’s score on tour. Joined by female singers and an upright bassist, they’ll perform at The Grey Eagle Thursday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. $12 advance/$15 day of show. thegreyeagle. com. Photo by Ken Lackner
The folk music of singer-songwriters Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell has a second voice through tribute artists Allison Shapira and Kipyn Martin, respectively, “but our goal is not to mimic,” Shapira says. “We want to show how those music legends have influenced our own development as artists, so we sing their songs in our own way, and we also play our own original music.” Shapira calls her back-and-forth set with Martin highly interactive. Both cover artists share the songs’ historical and personal significance between numbers and provide harmonies for one another. “In fact, that’s something the audience seems to enjoy the most, especially when they can sing along,” Shapira says. “While Baez and Mitchell didn’t perform together very often and weren’t close, we nevertheless hope to demonstrate the inclusion and camaraderie that’s possible in folk music.” Isis Restaurant & Music Hall hosts an evening with Joan and Joni Friday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. $15. isisasheville.com. Photo by Eric M. Hilton
Space Jesus Chicken and waffles have lost their innocence, and all it took was one freaky music video by Space Jesus — an electronic music producer Vice aptly dubbed “the human equivalent of a marijuana plant.” His single “The Weed” hinges around a looped hip-hop declaration: “I’ve been smoking weed for a very long time.” The accompanying short film provides similar information without words. As the action winds down and Space Jesus balances 20 perfectly bronzed Belgian waffles between his and his lover’s face, numerous questions arise, one being: “What happens at his shows?” Find out when Space Jesus (or Jasha Tull, if you ask his Brooklyn neighbors) brings his alien rave tunes to the Asheville Music Hall Saturday, Dec. 12, at 10 p.m. $5/$10. ashevillemusichall. com. Photo courtesy of the artist 52
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Dopapod At their level of proficiency, the members of Dopapod could easily land careers backing other artists. Yet the musicians choose to pilot their own sonic legacy. “In the past, when playing music was a little more of a struggle, I definitely thought it would be great to just be the drummer for some boy-band or something,” says Scotty Zwang. However, the percussionist has found no greater motivation than “seeing and feeling people’s excitement to hear something you created.” Another source of adrenaline is touring with The Nth Power. “They are all truly world-class musicians,” says Dopapod keyboardist Eli Winderman. “We’re lucky to have them sit in with us on our original songs, and sometimes we’ll do some cool covers.” The improvisational groups bring wild lights and long grooves to New Mountain Thursday, Dec. 10, at 9 p.m. $18-$20. newmountainavl.com. Photo courtesy of the band mountainx.com
december 9 - december 15, 2015
a& e
by Abigail Griffin
Send your event listings to calendar@mountainx.com
Art Center, MP 382, Blue Ridge Parkway
aUditiONs & call tO aRtists caldWell aRts cOUNcil 754-2486, caldwellarts.com • Through SA (1/30) - Open call for local artists to submit portfolios for 2017 exhibition. Free.
MUsic aMiciMUsic
sMall is beaUtiFUl: On Saturday, Dec. 12, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Riverside Studios is hosting its Small Works Show and holiday sale. The show features mixed media works that are 20 inches square or smaller. According to Riverside Studios artist David Berry, “Small works are an excellent, affordable way for someone to begin collecting original art.” Photo of painting, In Fire and In Blood courtesy of artist Deanna Chilian (p.54)
aRt sip aNd dOOdle (pd.) “everyone leaves with a painting” Sip your favorite drink and have fun painting. Ask about - Private Parties (Birthday, Anniversary, etc.) $25.00 with this AD. (828) 7121288 bUNcOMbe cOUNtY pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • TU (12/15), 6:30pm - Coloring club for adults. Held at EnkaCandler Library, 1404 Sandhill Road, Candler FiRestORM caFe aNd bOOKs 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • TH (12/10), 7pm - “Language, Power and Identity,” photo tour of the Center for Participatory Change. Free to attend. gROveWOOd galleRY 111 Grovewood Road, 2537651, grovewood.com • FR (12/11) & SA (12/12), 11am-4pm - Tess Darling demonstrates still life drawing & painting. Free to attend. • SA (12/12), 10am-4pm - Charlie Patricolo demonstrates doll-making. Free to attend.
RiveR aRts distRict aRtists riverartsdistrict.com • 2nd SATURDAYS, 10am6pm - Self-guided open studio tour through the River Arts District with artist demonstrations and classes. Free to attend. RiveRside stUdiOs britoie.wix.com/ riverside-studios • SA (12/12), 10am-5pm - Small Works Show and holiday sale featuring painting under 20 inches square. Free to attend.
ztHe Wedge stUdiOs
129 Roberts St., wedgestudioartists.com • SA (12/12), noon-6pm - Holiday open house party. Free to attend.
aRt/cRaFt FaiRs
zcaldWell aRts cOUNcil
601 College Ave. SW, Lenoir, 754-2486 • Through WE (12/23) - “Satie’s Holiday Sale,” 75 crafters and artists exhibiting. Mon.-Fri.: 9am-6pm. Sat.: 10am-3pm. Free to attend.
zcHURcH OF tHe RedeeMeR
1201 Riverside Drive, Woodfin, 253-3588 • SA (12/12), 8am-2pm - Annual Christmas Bazaar with handcrafted items, baked goods and tours of the historic church. Free to attend/$3 with lunch.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
zFiRestORM caFe
aNd bOOKs 610 Haywood Road, 255-8115 • SU (12/13), noon “Firestorm’s Lil Crafty,” art and craft show featuring local artists. Free to attend.
zMadisON cOUNtY aRts
cOUNcil HOlidaY sale madisoncountyarts.com/events/ mcac-artist-holiday-sale • SA (12/12), 10am-4pm - Three floors of handcrafted arts, crafts and food from MCAC member artists. Free to attend. Held at Madison County Arts Council, 90 S. Main St., Marshall
zOWeN Middle HOlidaY
802-369-0856, amicimusic.org • SU (12/6), 2pm - “Flute Fandango,” latin inspired flute and piano music. $20/$15 church members. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
zasHeville sYMpHONY cHORUs shevillesymphonychorus.com • TH (12/10), 7:30pm - “A Messiah Sing-Along,” with the Asheville Symphony Chorus of Handel’s Messiah. $15. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Asheville, 40 Church St. zasHeville sYMpHONY ORcHestRa 254-7046, ashevillesymphony.org • FR (12/11), 8pm - “Simply Sinatra Christmas,” Singer Steve Lippia joins the symphony for classic Sinatra holiday songs. $22 and up. Held at Thomas Wolfe Auditorium, 87 Haywood St.
cRaFt FaiR owenmiddlecraftfair.weebly.com • SA (12/12), 10am-4pm - Juried fair with local artisans, music, food, homemade concessions, crafts, Santa, door prizes and raffle. Free to attend. Held at Owen Middle School, 730 Old US Highway 70, Swannanoa
zblUe Ridge RiNgeRs
zRiveRvieW statiON
pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/ governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • SA (12/12), 2pm - Land of the Sky Barbershop Chorus, a cappella performance. Free. Held at Weaverville Public Library, 41 N. Main St., Weaverville
HOlidaY MaRKet riverviewstation.com • SA (12/12), 4-8pm - Over 20 open artist studios and 40 artists with food truck, prizes, and roving Santa. Free to attend. Held at Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St.
zsOUtHeRN HigHlaNd
cRaFt gUild 298-7928, craftguild.org • SA (12/12), 10am-4pm - Annual Guild Artist Holiday Sale with over 70 vendors. Free to attend. Held at Folk
HaNdbell eNseMble blueridgeringers.tripod.com, blueridgeringers@gmail.com • FR (12/11), 7pm - Holiday concert. Free. Held at Immaculate Conception Church, 208 7th Ave. W., Hendersonville
zbUNcOMbe cOUNtY
caldWell cOMMUNitY cOllege 2855 Hickory Blvd., Hudson, 726-2200, cccti.edu • TH (12/10), noon - Student chorus concert. Free. Held in the FPA theatre.
catHeY’s cReeK cOMMUNitY ceNteR
st. JaMes episcOpal cHURcH
Island Ford Road, Brevard • SA (12/12), 7pm - Carolina Blue, bluegrass. $5/$3 under 12.
424 W State St., Black Mountain 726-2202 • TU (12/15), noon - Caldwell Community College student chorus concert. Free.
celebRatiON siNgeRs OF asHeville 230-5778, singasheville.org • Su (12/13), 4pm - Sing and Shine On!" Youth chorus holiday choral music. Free to attend. Held at First Congregational UCC of Asheville, 20 Oak St.
zdiaNa WORtHaM
tHeatRe 2 S. Pack Square, 257-4530, dwtheatre.com • FR (12/11), 6:30pm - Sing Together: “Winter Songs,” community sing-a-long. $10/$8 under 13.
zFlat ROcK plaYHOUse
dOWNtOWN 125 S. Main St., Hendersonville, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • TH (12/10) through SU (12/13) - “The Christmas Concert that Never Was,” Barbara Streisand & Frank Sinatra tribute concert. Thu.-Sun.: 8pm. Sat.&Sun.: 2pm. $25-$40.
zFletcHeR cOMMUNitY
cHORUs 651-9436, fletchercommunitychorus.com • TH (12/10), 7pm - “Welcome the Holidays,” choral music. Free to attend. Held at Feed & Seed, 3715 Hendersonville Road, Fletcher MOUNtaiN spiRit cOFFeeHOUse 1 Edwin Place, uuasheville.org • SU (12/13), 7pm - Brother Sun, folk/Americana/blues trio. $15/$10 students.
zMUsic at WcU 227-2479, wcu.edu • FR (12/11), 7:30pm - 3 Redneck Tenors “Christmas Spec-Tac-Yule-Ar,”, holiday music. $21/$16 students/$7 children. Held in the Bardo Center.
zNORtH MaiN MUsic 692-6335 • SA (12/12), 6-8pm “Christmas at the Keyboard,” vocals by Jayce Langford. Free to attend. Held at 6th & Main Street, Hendersonville pUbsiNg 254-1114 • 2nd SUNDAYS, 6-8pm Gospel jam and sing-along. Optional snack time at 5:30pm. Free to attend. Held at French Broad Brewery, 101 Fairview Road
cOUNtY libRaRY 212 S. Gaston St., Brevard, 8843151 • TU (12/15), noon - “A Musicke Antiqua Christmas,” concert performs holiday music from the 1300s to 1944 in costume on replicas of early music instruments. Free.
z35belOW 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (12/10) until SA (12/19) - The Santaland Diaries, comedy. Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Fri. & Sat.: 9:30pm. $15.
zasHeville cOMMUNitY tHeatRe 35 E. Walnut St., 254-1320, ashevilletheatre.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/4) through (12/20) - The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $12-$22. Flat ROcK plaYHOUse 2661 Highway 225, Flat Rock, 693-0731, flatrockplayhouse.org • THURSDAYS through SUNDAYS until (12/19) - Chasing Rainbows: The Road to Oz. Thu.Sun.: 7:30pm. Sat.: 2pm. $15-40.
zHeNdeRsONville cOMMUNitY tHeatRe 229 S. Washington St., Hendersonville, 692-1082, hendersonvillelittletheater.org • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/4) through (12/13) - The Santaland Diaries. Fri.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2pm. $16. zMONtFORd paRK plaYeRs 254-5146, montfordparkplayers.org • TH (12/10), 7:30pm - A Christmas Carol. “Pay what we are worth night.” Admission by donation. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway • FRIDAYS through SUNDAYS (12/11) until (12/20) - A Christmas Carol. Fri. & Sat.: 7:30pm. Sun.: 2:30pm. $10. Held at Asheville Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway ztHe MagNetic tHeatRe 375 Depot St., 279-4155 • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS (12/3) through
(12/19) - The 42nd Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular! Thu.-Sat.: 7:30pm. Sat.: 10pm. $18-$23. • WE (12/16), 7:30pm - The 42nd Annual Bernstein Family Christmas Spectacular! $18-$23.
ztHRee spiRits 253-3316, centralumc.org • SA (12/12) & SU (12/13) - Three Spirits, a staged dramatic reading by Central United Methodist Church of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Sat.: 6:30pm. Sun.: 2pm & 6pm. $20/$15 advance/Free under 13. Held at Orange Peel, 101 Biltmore Ave.
g a llerY direc torY aMeRicaN FOlK aRt aNd FRaMiNg 64 Biltmore Ave., 281-2134, amerifolk.com • Through TH (12/31) - Wish List Celebration, exhibition of 40 artists. aRt at MaRs Hill mhu.edu • Through FR (12/11) - Faces of Afghanistan, drawings of Skip Rohde. Held in Weizenblatt Gallery. aRt at UNca art.unca.edu • Through FR (1/15) - Art/Mechatronics Exhibition. Held in Owen Hall Second Floor Gallery. • Through TU (12/15) - Reclamation of Self through Form: Making the Internal External, exhibition of ceramic works by BFA student Christine Ashley Thomas. Held in the Cooke Gallery. • Through TU (12/15) - 2015 Fall Bachelor of Arts Senior Group Exhibition. Held in the Highsmith Union Gallery. aRt at WaRReN WilsON cOllege warren-wilson.edu • Through SA (12/12) - Quantum Confusions, life-sized charcoal drawings by Denise Stewart-Sanabria. Held in the Elizabeth Holden Gallery. aRt iN tHe aiRpORt 61 Terminal Drive, Fletcher • Through MO (3/7) - Of the Essence, art of Lisa De Girolamo, Kathy Goodson and Connie Molland. asHeville bOOKWORKs 428 1/2 Haywood Road, 255-8444, ashevillebookworks.com • Through MO (2/29) - The Ladies of Letterpress, exhibition of prints from newly published book. asHeville galleRY OF aRt 16 College St., 251-5796, ashevillegallery-of-art.com • Through TH (12/31) - Toys, painting exhibition of Virginia Pendergrass. asHeville MUseUM 35 Wall St., 785-5722 • Through SA (4/30) - The Interbeing Project, photography by Bonnie Cooper.
blacK MOUNtaiN ceNteR FOR tHe aRts 225 W. State St., Black Mountain, 669-0930, blackmountainarts.org • Through MO (2/29) - Annual Clay Exhibit and Pottery Market. bUNcOMbe cOUNtY pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • Through TH (12/31) - Art exhibition by Sharon Sandel. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • Through TH (12/31) - PhotoVoice Exhibit: Parenting is Hard: Let’s Do It Together, exhibition in partnership with Triple P Positive Parenting. Held at Pack Memorial Library, 67 Haywood St. gROveWOOd galleRY 111 Grovewood Road, 253-7651, grovewood.com • Through TH (12/31) - Vessels of Merriment, exhibition of handcrafted drinking vessels by 25 artists. N.c. aRbORetUM 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way, 665-2492, ncarboretum.org • Through SA (1/3) - The Robot Zoo, exhibit featuring giant-size robots and interactive displays to teach biomechanics of animals. Parking fees apply. • Through (1/3) - Fine-feathered Friends and Flowers, oil paintings by Mary Webster. Parking fees apply. OdYsseY cOOpeRative aRt galleRY 238 Clingman Ave., 285-9700, facebook.com/ odysseycoopgallery • Through TH (12/31) - Group ceramic art exhibition showcasing the work of Mark Harmon and Ed Rivera. OveR easY caFe 32 Broadway St., 236-3533, overeasyasheville.com • Through TH (12/31) - Exhibition of early works and recent editorial cartoons by David Cohen. tHe ceNteR FOR cRaFt, cReativitY & desigN 67 Broadway, 785-1357, craftcreativitydesign.org • Through SA (1/9) - Made in WNC, textile, furniture, ceramics, and art exhibit exploring how craft, design, and production relate. • Through SA (1/9) - Tom Shields sculptural arrangements from found furniture. tHe FReNcH bROad aRtists saharfakhoury@yahoo.com • Through TH (12/31) - Small Jewels, exhibition of small paintings. Held at Riverview Station, 191 Lyman St. tRaNsYlvaNia cOMMUNitY aRts cOUNcil 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard, 884-2787, tcarts.org • Through FR (12/18) - In the Belly of the Clouds, photography of R. K. Young, paintings of Julie Bowland and woodturning of Peter B. Mockridge. Contact the galleries for admission hours and fees
december 9 - december 15, 2015
clUblaNd tRailHead RestaURaNt aNd baR Acoustic jam w/ Kevin Scanlon (bluegrass, old-time, folk), 6pm
WedNesdaY, deceMbeR 9
tRessa’s dOWNtOWN Jazz aNd blUes Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
5 WalNUt WiNe baR Ryan Oslance Duo (jazz), 5pm Les Amis (African folk), 8pm altaMONt tHeatRe Noble Kava presents: The Poetry Open Mic, 9pm
tHURsdaY, deceMbeR 10
asHeville MUsic Hall An evening w/ Badger, Asian Teacher Factory & Papadosio (instrumental), 9pm
185 KiNg stReet The Honey Chasers w/ Alexa Rose (bluegrass, Appalachian), 8pm
beN’s tUNe-Up Honky-tonk Wednesdays, 3pm
5 WalNUt WiNe baR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm
blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Play to Win game night, 7:30pm
baRleY’s tapROOM AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm
blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Open mic, 7pm
blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8pm
bYWateR Billy Cardine & North of Too Far Downs (acoustic), 9pm
blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Larry Dolamore (acoustic), 7pm blUe Ridge tapROOM Beyond Chicken (Americana), 8pm
dOUble cROWN Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm
classic WiNeselleR Jacob Johnson (acoustic, folk, funk), 7pm
FOggY MOUNtaiN bReWpUb Justin Quinn (folk, Americana), 9pm
clUb eleveN ON gROve Swing dance w/ Sparrow & Her Wingmen (jazz), 7:30pm
FUNKatORiUM John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm gOOd stUFF Karaoke!, 7pm gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Possessed By Paul James (alt-country, folk, punk), 8pm gRiNd caFe Trivia night, 7pm HigHlaNd bReWiNg cOMpaNY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall Sweet Claudette (country, Motown), 7pm Winter soul concert w/ Kat Williams, Sidney Barnes & the Richard Shulman Trio (soul), 8:30pm JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Old-time session, 5pm Honky-tonk dance party w/ Hearts Gone South, 9pm lazY diaMONd Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm
To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed / To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue / Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Hayley Benton at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland / Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed / The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues / Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. this is a firm deadline.
december 9 - december 15, 2015
MUscle sHOals iN tHe MOUNtaiNs: Singer-songwriters Amy Black and Sarah Borges both have a deep appreciation for the soul and rock ’n’ roll classics that came out of Muscle Shoals, Ala., in the 1960s and ‘70s. To celebrate this musical heritage, the two women have taken to the road in “The Muscle Shoals Revue,” reinventing the magic of tunes recorded in the tiny town by the likes of Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding and Wilson Pickett. The Revue rolls into town on Wednesday, Dec. 16 at The Grey Eagle, beginning at 8 p.m. lex 18 Andrew J. Fletcher (barrelhouse-style piano), 7pm lObsteR tRap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm MOUNtaiN MOJO cOFFeeHOUse Open mic, 6:30pm NOble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm O.HeNRY’s/tHe UNdeRgROUNd “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm OdditORiUM Szkojáni Charlatans w/ Fly By Night Rounders (ragtime, busk), 10pm OFF tHe WagON Piano show, 9pm Olive OR tWist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm ONe stOp deli & baR Lip sync karaoke, 10pm
ROOM ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Santa Paws (pics with Santa), 7pm scUllY’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm slY gROg lOUNge Word Night (trivia-ish), 8pm Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm sOcial lOUNge & tapas Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm sOl baR NeW MOUNtaiN World Wednesdays, 8pm tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Open mic & jam, 7pm tHe blOcK OFF biltMORe Kelly Fontes (pianist), 6pm tHe JOiNt Next dOOR Bluegrass jam, 8pm tHe MOtHligHt “Transplanting” holiday party (comedy, party), 8pm tHe pHOeNix Jazz night, 8pm
cReeKside tapHOUse Singer-songwriter night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm cROW & QUill Carolina Catskins (ragtime), 10pm dOUble cROWN 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm elaiNe’s dUeliNg piaNO baR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FOggY MOUNtaiN bReWpUb Bull Moose Party (bluegrass), 10pm FReNcH bROad bReWeRY Jana Saltz (indie, pop), 6pm gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Vince Guaraldi’s A Charlie Brown Christmas w/ Jeffrey Butzer & The Bicycle Eaters (indie, jazz), 8pm Hi-WiRe bReWiNg Community night w/ Rebuild Djembeso (benefit), 5pm isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall An evening w/ Jackson Emmer (Americana), 7pm Roadkill Ghost Choir w/ T Hardy Morris and the Hardknocks & Saint Pe (indie, alt-rock), 9pm JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm lex 18 Alex Taub (classic & modern jazz piano), 7pm lObsteR tRap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm MaRKet place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm NeW MOUNtaiN tHeateR/aMpHitHeateR Dopapod w/ The Nth Power (progressive rock, soul), 9pm
ONe WORld bReWiNg Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 8pm
tHe sOUtHeRN Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
ORaNge peel Big K.R.I.T. w/ BJ the Chicago Kid, Scotty ATL, Delorean & Free The Optimus (hip-hop), 9pm
tigeR MOUNtaiN Flux (’80s & ’90s dance party), 10pm
O.HeNRY’s/tHe UNdeRgROUNd Game Night, 9pm Drag Show, 12:30am
OsKaR blUes bReWeRY Trivia at the brewery, 6pm
tiMO’s HOUse “Spectrum AVL” w/ DamGood & rotating DJs, 9pm
OdditORiUM The Dark Shave w/ Shaken Nature & Student Teacher (rock), 9pm
pisgaH bReWiNg cOMpaNY Dennis Berndt (reggae, roots, folk), 6pm
tOWN pUMp Open mic w/ Billy Presnell, 9pm
OFF tHe WagON Dueling pianos, 9pm
Olive OR tWist Dance lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 8pm DJ Mike (eclectic mix, requests), 8:30pm ONe stOp deli & baR Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm ONe WORld bReWiNg Dennis Berndt of Chalwa, 8pm ORaNge peel Three Spirits: a multimedia performance of A Christmas Carol, 11am Hometown Holiday Jam XV w/ Joe Lasher Jr., Andrew Scotchie and the River Rats, Lyric, The Lowdown, The Laters, Rip Haven, Rory Kelly, Kimberly White Project, Drew Heller, Mike Barnes, Marc Keller, Jack and Jim Mascari, Danny Eller, & the Hometown Holiday Jam Allstar Band!, 7:30pm OsKaR blUes bReWeRY Circus Mutt (bluegrass), 6pm pacK’s taveRN Jeff Anders & Scott Raines (acoustic rock), 9pm pisgaH bReWiNg cOMpaNY Calvin Get Down (funk, jazz), 8pm pURple ONiON caFe Tellico (Appalachian, folk, bluegrass), 7:30pm ReNaissaNce asHeville Carver & Carmody (country), 5pm ROOM ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm
4pm-2am Mon-Fri | 12pm-2am Sat | 3pm-2am Sun Mon.-Thur. 4pm-2am • Fri.-Sun. 2pm-2am
ROOt baR NO. 1 Jukebox Poetry (folk, acoustic), 7pm
87Patton Patton Ave., Asheville 87 Asheville
saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Mike Fisher (acoustic, outlaw folk), 7pm scaNdals NigHtclUb DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
Wed • December 9 Woody Wood @ 5:30pm
slY gROg lOUNge Open mic (musicians, poets, comedians & more welcome), 8pm
Fri • December 11
sOcial lOUNge & tapas 80s night w/ DJ Kyuri on vinyl, 8pm
Bobby Miller & the Virginia Dare Devils @ 7:00pm
sOl baR NeW MOUNtaiN Open Mic Nights w/ Arjay Sutton & Melissa Blazen (folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm sOUtHeRN appalacHiaN bReWeRY Laura Blackley & The Wildflowers (folk, indie), 7pm
Sat • December 12 Mojomatic @ 7:00pm
spRiNg cReeK taveRN Open Mic, 6pm
Sun • December 13
tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Open mic w/ Datrian Johnson, 7pm
Reggae Sunday featuring Dennis “Chalwa” Berndt @ 1:00pm
tHe blOcK OFF biltMORe Harvey Diamond Trio (jazz), 7:30pm tiMO’s HOUse Dance Party w/ DJ Franco Nino, 10pm
Tue • December 15
tOWN pUMp Wintervals (folk), 9pm
Team Trivia with Dr. Brown @ 6:00pm
tRailHead RestaURaNt aNd baR Cajun & western swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm tRessa’s dOWNtOWN Jazz aNd blUes The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm tWisted laURel Karaoke, 8pm WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN Movies That Matter: Blue Gold, 7pm
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
WxYz lOUNge at alOFt HOtel Russ Wilson & Friends (swing, jazz), 7:30pm
FRidaY, deceMbeR 11
atHeNa’s clUb Dave Blair (folk, funk, acoustic), 7pm
185 KiNg stReet Mac Arnold and Plate Full O’ Blues album release party (blues, soul, funk), 8pm
beN’s tUNe-Up Woody Wood & the Asheville Family Band (acoustic, folk, rock), 5pm
5 WalNUt WiNe baR Hank West & The Smokin’ Hots (jazz exotica), 9pm
blacK beaR cOFFee cO. Matt Jackson (acoustic, rock, alternative), 7pm
altaMONt tHeatRe An evening w/ Chuck Cannon (country), 8pm
9 p.m. $5
bOileR ROOM Rebirth 28 (EDM, underground techno), 10pm
Hi-Wire Tap Takeover
december 9 - december 15, 2015
cORK & Keg Cafe Sho (Cajun, waltz), 8:30pm cROW & QUill Resonant Rogues (gypsy, folk, old-time), 9pm dOUble cROWN DJ Greg Cartwright (garage & soul obscurities), 10pm elaiNe’s dUeliNg piaNO baR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FOggY MOUNtaiN bReWpUb Max Gross Weight (rock), 10pm FReNcH bROad bReWeRY Typical Mountain Boys (bluegrass), 6pm gOOd stUFF Occasional Caucasians (rockabilly), 7pm Screaming Js (boogie woogie), 8pm
O.HeNRY’s/tHe UNdeRgROUNd Drag Show, 12:30am OdditORiUM Dumpster w/ Grains & Omniquill (rock), 9pm OFF tHe WagON Dueling pianos, 9pm ONe stOp deli & baR Free Dead Fridays w/ members of Phuncle Sam (jam), 5pm LITZ (funk, psychedelic, jam), 10pm OsKaR blUes bReWeRY Kate Rhudy & The Boys (folk), 6:30pm pacK’s taveRN DJ MoTo (dance hits), 9pm pisgaH bReWiNg cOMpaNY The Jauntee (jam, fusion), 8pm ROOt baR NO. 1 Kevin Williams of Holy Ghost Tent Revival (acoustic), 7pm saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Sean Bendula (singer-songwriter), 7:30pm scaNdals NigHtclUb DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm scUllY’s DJ, 10pm sOcial lOUNge & tapas DJ Kyuri on vinyl (funk, soul, disco), 10pm sOl baR NeW MOUNtaiN Sol Vibes w/ Ricky Rain, Eddie & Von Funkhauser (electronic), 10pm sOUtHeRN appalacHiaN bReWeRY The Krektones (surf-rock), 8pm spRiNg cReeK taveRN Chris Jamison (Americana), 8:30pm tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Picasso Facelift (classic rock), 9:30pm
gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN The Low Counts w/ The Parodi Kings (rock), 9pm
tHe adMiRal Hip Hop dance party w/ DJ Warf, 11pm
iRON HORse statiON Ben Wilson (Americana), 7pm
tHe blOcK OFF biltMORe D-Raf & Souljourn (drum & bass, dance party, Sagittarius birthday bash), 9pm
isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall An evening w/ Joan & Joni (Joan Baez & Joni Mitchell tribute), 7pm Lyric CD release party w/ The Secret B Sides, Ryan “R&B” Barber & Free Radio (soul, funk, hip-hop), 9pm JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Warren Haynes Christmas Jam by Day w/ Kevin Kinney, Bobby Miller and the Virginia Daredevils, David Earl, Gran Pappy, Jamie Dose and Dorsey Parker, Jason Daniello, Jeff Santiago, Josh Daniel/Mark Schimick Project, Leigh Glass, Lizz Wright, The Pond Brothers, Ray Sisk, Toph O’Neal & Woody Wood, 12pm Ron Gallo Band (rock ’n’ roll, soul, blues), 9pm JeRUsaleM gaRdeN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm K lOUNge DJ CVtheProducer (old-school hip-hop), 10pm lazY diaMONd Sonic Satan Stew w/ DJ Alien Brain, 10pm
800 Haywood Road P o u r Ta p R o o m . c o m Monday - Thursday 12-11pm • Friday & Saturday 12-1am • Sunday 12-11pm
Starting Dec. 17th
On Tap!
St. Bernardus Christmas Ale Mission Brewery Holiday Ale Delirium Noel Prairie Christmas Bomb Schmaltz He’Brew Hanukkah, Chanukah: Pass The Beer
252.5445 • jackofthewood.com
95 PATTON at COXE • Downtown Asheville
SATURDAY Parker & Smith (old-fashioned blues), 2-4pm SUNDAY Celtic Irish session 3-9pm MONDAY Quizzo! 7:30-9pm • WEDNESDAY Old-Time 5pm SINGER SONGWRITERS 1st & 3rd Tuesdays THURSDAY Scottie Parker (old-fashioned blues) 2-4pm, Bluegrass Jam 7pm
9 p.m. $5
classic WiNeselleR Joe Cruz (piano, Beatles & Elton John covers), 7pm
blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Jamal’s Birthday Party w/ DJ Munn (dance), 10pm blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Acoustic Swing, 7pm
asHeville MUsic Hall Enter The Earth’s 14th annual Xmas party w/ James Carmody, The Blood Gypsies & The Digs (multi-genre), 9:30pm
lex 18 Alex Taub & Pamela Jones (reimagined classic & modern jazz), 6:30pm Lenny Pettinelli (pop, jazz), 9:45pm lObsteR tRap Riyen Roots & Kenny Dore (blues, soul), 6:30pm MaRKet place The Sean Mason Trio (groove, jazz, funk), 7pm NeW MOUNtaiN tHeateR/aMpHitHeateR Asheville drum circle (at Blue Ridge Tap Room), 6pm Cosmic Charlie performs Europe ’72 (Grateful Dead covers), 9pm
tHe MOtHligHt Super Shakers w/ Egg Eaters & Kitty Tsunami (punk, rock, experimental), 9:30pm tHe sOcial Steve Moseley (acoustic), 6pm tigeR MOUNtaiN Dark dance rituals w/ DJ Cliffypoo, 10pm tiMO’s HOUse Damgood w/ DJ Whistleblower, ManuKaru, Creep & Cheetah (hip-hop), 10pm tOWN pUMp The Paper Crowns (Americana), 9pm tWisted laURel Live DJ, 11pm WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN Asheville Jazz Orchestra, 8pm Wild WiNg caFe sOUtH A Social Function (acoustic), 9:30pm WxYz lOUNge at alOFt HOtel Zapato (funk, jazz), 8pm zaMbRa Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm
satURdaY, deceMbeR 12 5 WalNUt WiNe baR Patrick Fitzsimons (jazz, blues, world music), 6pm Sankofa (world music), 9pm
altaMONt tHeatRe Reasonably Priced Babies w/ No Regrets Improv (improv, comedy), 8pm
OdditORiUM Giant Giants w/ Onawa, Faun and a Pan Flute & Red Sea (experimental, rock), 9pm
asHeville MUsic Hall Marcus King Band (rock), 8pm Space Jesus w/ Esseks (electronic), 10pm
OFF tHe WagON Dueling pianos, 9pm
atHeNa’s clUb Michael Kelley Hunter (blues), 6:30pm beN’s tUNe-Up Through the Hills (Americana string band), 7pm blacK beaR cOFFee cO. Eric Congdon Trio (rock ’n’ roll, experimental, jam), 7pm blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Hustle Souls (soul, alt-country), 9pm blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Bob Zullo (acoustic), 7pm bOileR ROOM Antarticats, Cold Solstice & Brief Awakening (freak-folk, rock), 9pm classic WiNeselleR Jingle Bell Bash Christmas singalong w/ Sheila Gordon, 7pm
Olive OR tWist 42nd Street Band (big band jazz), 8pm Dance party (hip-hop, rap), 11pm ORaNge peel Asheville Toy Expo, 9am Three Spirits: a multimedia performance of A Christmas Carol, 7pm OsKaR blUes bReWeRY The Rough & Tumble (Americana), 5pm CPT Hyperdrive (disco), 7:30pm pacK’s taveRN Lyric (pop, funk, soul), 9pm pURple ONiON caFe Bad Popes (rock, Americana, roots), 8pm ROOM ix Open dance night, 9pm ROOt baR NO. 1 Stephen Lee (outlaw country), 7pm
cORK & Keg Buddy Davis & the Session Players (honky-tonk, classic country), 8:30pm
saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Hearts Gone South (honky-tonk, country), 7:30pm
cReeKside tapHOUse Roots & Dore (blues, soul), 8pm
scaNdals NigHtclUb DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
dOUble cROWN Rock ’n’ Soul w/ DJs Lil Lorruh or Rebecca & Dave, 10pm
scUllY’s DJ, 10pm
elaiNe’s dUeliNg piaNO baR Dueling Pianos, 9pm
slY gROg lOUNge Boring Brothers w/ Mike Andersen & Aqua Mule (piano, psychedelic, rock), 9pm
FOggY MOUNtaiN bReWpUb LITZ Jams (funk), 10pm
sOcial lOUNge & tapas Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm
FReNcH bROad bReWeRY Padenrich Station (folk), 6pm
sOUtHeRN appalacHiaN bReWeRY The Low Down Sires (vintage jazz), 8pm
gOOd stUFF Marshall Christmas Parade, 12pm Sheila Kay Adams & the Scofflaws (Americana, Appalachian, folk), 7pm
spRiNg cReeK taveRN Mark Schimick & Josh Daniels (Americana, rock, bluegrass), 8:30pm
gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Darlingside w/ Cicada Rhythm (indie, folk), 8pm HigHlaNd bReWiNg cOMpaNY Mojomatic (blues, funk, rock), 7pm iRON HORse statiON Mark Shane (R&B), 7pm isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall River Whyless w/ Justin Ringle (folk-rock, naturepop), 9pm JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Warren Haynes Christmas Jam by Day w/ Kevin Kinney, Bobby Miller and the Virginia Daredevils, David Earl, Gran Pappy, Jamie Dose and Dorsey Parker, Jason Daniello, Jeff Santiago, Josh Daniel/ Mark Schimick Project, Leigh Glass, Lizz Wright, The Pond Brothers, Ray Sisk, Toph O’Neal & Woody Wood, 12pm Sinners & Saints (Americana, folk-rock), 9pm JeRUsaleM gaRdeN Middle Eastern music & bellydancing, 7pm lazY diaMONd Unknown Pleasures w/ DJ Greg Cartwright, 10pm lex 18 HotPoint Trio (gypsy swing string), 6:30pm Andrew J. Fletcher (barrelhouse-style piano), 9:45pm lObsteR tRap Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 6:30pm MaRKet place DJs (funk, R&B), 7pm NeW MOUNtaiN tHeateR/aMpHitHeateR 9th annual holiday liquor & dance party w/ Marley Carroll (electronic), 9pm
tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Mile High (country), 9:30pm tHe adMiRal Soul night w/ DJ Dr. Filth, 11pm tHe blOcK OFF biltMORe Spoken word, 2pm Spoken word w/ live piano by Harvey Diamond, 5pm tHe MOtHligHt Wham, Bam! Puppet Slam (variety show, puppetry), 9pm tiMO’s HOUse Harry Darnell & Josh Present: A Very Merry Christmas (dance party), 10pm tRailHead RestaURaNt aNd baR Mark Bumgarner (Americana, acoustic), 8pm tWisted laURel Live DJ, 11pm Us cellUlaR ceNteR Warren Haynes 27th annual Christmas Jam w/ Warren Haynes, Tedeschi Trucks Band, The Doobie Brothers, Joe Bonamassa, Dawes, Blackberry Smoke, Electric Hot Tuna, Bruce Hornsby and more! (Americana, blues, rock), 7pm
147 First Ave E Just off Main St in Hendersonville
Live Music every Thursday Friday and Saturday! OUR DECEMBER LINEUP
FEATURES: FRI 12/11 - Sean Bendula SAT 12/12 - Ugly Christmas Sweater Pup Crawl (3 pm), Hearts Gone South
FRI 12/18 - Chris Jamison Trio SAT 12/19 - Bobby Bare Jr WED 12/23 - Letters To Abigail THURS 12/31 (NYE) - Aaron Burdett & Co
WEEKLY CALENDAR: TUESDAY - Team Trivia & Tacos WEDNESDAY - Animal Adoption Events THURSDAY-SATURDAY - Live Music SUNDAYS - Breakfast Tacos & NFL Ticket with Ollie the Pig
Wild WiNg caFe Karaoke, 8pm
www.facebook.com/sanctuarybrew www.instagram.com/sanctuarybrewing www.twitter.com/sanctuarybeer
zaMbRa Zambra Jazz Trio, 8pm
(local comedy series)
(this is a ticketed event)
WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN Celtic Yulefest w/ Carolina Ceili, 8pm
WxYz lOUNge at alOFt HOtel Zapato (funk, jazz), 8pm
transplanting holiday party!
12/9 wed
Check us out on digLOCAL Asheville! mountainx.com
12/13 sun
the wham, bam! puppet slam the 3rd annual mr. fred,s fair
12/14 mon free monday!
fashion bath
w/ harrison ford mustang, tiny things
xambuca w/ elisa faires, thenomadicsubject(djchrisballard), richardbrewster,knivesofspain
12/16 wed 12/17 thu 12/18
nys3 improv holiday show the moth:
true stories told live
the american gonzos the dirty soul revival, the comet conductors
12/19 sat
�doc aquatic
w/ pretty pretty, minorcan
december 9 - december 15, 2015
Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till
Full Bar
Every Sunday
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
sUNdaY, deceMbeR 13 5 WalNUt WiNe baR Dulci Ellenberger (Americana), 7pm
tHe sOUtHeRN Yacht Rock Brunch w/ DJ Kipper, 12pm
beN’s tUNe-Up Jonnie Morgan (rock, pop), 5pm Reggae night w/ Dub Kartel, 8pm
tiMO’s HOUse Asheville Drum ’n’ Bass Collective, 10pm
blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Erin Kinard (acoustic), 7pm
Wedge bReWiNg cO. Vollie McKenzie & Hank Bones (acoustic jazz-swing), 6pm
bYWateR Cornmeal Waltz w/ Robert Greer (classic country, bluegrass), 6pm dOUble cROWN Karaoke w/ Tim O, 9pm gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Bill Kirchen & Too Much Fun (honkytonk, rockabilly), 8pm
december 9 - december 15, 2015
WicKed Weed Mrs. Dubfire (reggae), 3pm
MONdaY, deceMbeR 14 185 KiNg stReet Open mic night, 7pm
isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall Sunday Classical Brunch, 11am Sunday jazz showcase, 6pm
5 WalNUt WiNe baR Eleanor Underhill & Friends (Americana, soul), 8pm
JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Irish session, 5pm
altaMONt bReWiNg cOMpaNY Old-time jam w/ Mitch McConnell, 6:30pm
lazY diaMONd Tiki Night w/ DJ Lance (Hawaiian, surf, exotica), 10pm
beN’s tUNe-Up Steelin’ Time w/ Scott Sharpe & Jon Corbin (ragtime-stomp, Hawaiian, bluegrass), 8pm
lex 18 The Thomas Wolfe Scandal (mystery & immersive dinner theatre), 6pm lObsteR tRap Hot Club of Asheville (swing ’n’ grass), 6:30pm OdditORiUM Poet Radio w/ The Reason You Stayed & Sun Brother (rock), 9pm OFF tHe WagON Piano show, 9pm ONe stOp deli & baR The Critter Jam benefit for Brother Wolf w/ Woody Wood, George Pond, Robert Greer, Caine McDonald, Jason Krekel & more (bluegrass), 11am ORaNge peel Three Spirits: a multimedia performance of A Christmas Carol, 2pm
tHe OMNi gROve paRK iNN Lou Mowad (classical guitar), 10am Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm
OsKaR blUes bReWeRY Mountain Music Mondays (open jam), 6pm
lazY diaMONd Punk ’n’ Roll w/ DJ Leo Delightful, 10pm
sOveReigN ReMedies Stevie Lee Combs (acoustic), 8pm
lex 18 Bob Strain & Bill Fouty (romantic jazz), 7pm
tHe MOtHligHt Fashion Bath w/ Harrison Ford Mustang & Tiny Things (experimental, rock), 9pm tHe OMNi gROve paRK iNN Bob Zullo (pop, rock, blues), 7pm tHe valleY MUsic & cOOKHOUse Monday Pickin’ Parlour (open jam, open mic), 8pm tigeR MOUNtaiN Service industry night (rock ’n’ roll), 9pm
lObsteR tRap Jay Brown (acoustic-folk, singer-songwriter), 6:30pm MaRKet place The Rat Alley Cats (jazz, Latin, swing), 7pm NeW MOUNtaiN tHeateR/ aMpHitHeateR Tuesday Tease (“open mic” burlesque), 9pm OdditORiUM Odd comedy night, 9pm
tiMO’s HOUse Movie night, 7pm
OFF tHe WagON Rock ’n’ roll bingo, 8pm
URbaN ORcHaRd Old-time music, 7pm
Olive OR tWist Tuesday night blues dance w/ The Remedy (blues, dance), 8pm
tUesdaY, deceMbeR 15
ONe stOp deli & baR Turntable Tuesdays (DJs & vinyl), 10pm
altaMONt bReWiNg cOMpaNY Open mic w/ Chris O’Neill, 8:30pm
saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Team trivia & tacos, 7pm
bYWateR Open mic w/ Taylor Martin, 8pm
asHeville MUsic Hall Tuesday Night Funk Jam, 11pm
sOcial lOUNge & tapas Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm
cataWba bReWiNg sOUtH slOpe Open mic night, 5pm
bacK YaRd baR Open mic & jam w/ Robert Swain, 8pm
tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Jam night, 9pm
cOURtYaRd galleRY Open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.), 8pm
beN’s tUNe-Up Eleanor Underhill (acoustic), 5pm
cReeKside tapHOUse Trivia, 7pm cROW & QUill Blanket Fort Story Telling Party, 8pm
blacK beaR cOFFee cO. Round Robin acoustic open mic, 7pm blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Trivia, 7pm
tHe JOiNt Next dOOR Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm tHe MOtHligHt XAMBUCA w/ Elisa Faires, The Nomadic Subject, Richard Brewster & Knives of Spain (electronic, folk, avantgarde), 9:30pm tOWN pUMp Cole Washburn (Americana, country), 9pm
dOUble cROWN Country Karaoke, 10pm
blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Mark Bumgarner (Americana), 7pm
gOOd stUFF Open mic w/ Laura Thurston, 7pm
bUFFalO NicKel Trivia, 7pm
tRessa’s dOWNtOWN Jazz aNd blUes Funk & jazz jam w/ Pauly Juhl, 8:30pm
gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Contra dance (lessons, 7:30pm), 8pm
cataWba bReWiNg sOUtH slOpe Reverend Finster (R.E.M. covers), 6:30pm
tWisted laURel Tuesday night blues dance w/ The Remedy (lesson @ 8), 8pm
scaNdals NigHtclUb Miss Gay North Carolina & South Carolina double crowning, 10pm
sOUtHeRN appalacHiaN bReWeRY Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 5pm
JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Screen Door Porch w/ The Gravelys (Americana, roots, rock), 7pm
ONe WORld bReWiNg Redleg Husky, 8pm
JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Quizzo, 7pm The Bluebirds (folk, Americana, altcountry), 9pm
sOcial lOUNge & tapas DJ Kyusi on vinyl (old school triphop, deep house, acid jazz), 8pm
ORaNge peel Holiday movie: Elf, 6pm Holiday movie: Love Actually, 8pm
5 WalNUt WiNe baR The John Henrys (hot jazz), 8pm
ROOt baR NO. 1 Lauren Calve (soul, blues) w/ the Scarlet Pumpernickel (alternative), 8pm
tHe MOtHligHt 3rd annual Mr. Fred’s Fair (arts & crafts), 12pm
WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN “Deck The Halls” one woman theatrical performance, 3pm Mean Mary James (folk, Americana), 7:30pm
iRON HORse statiON Mark Murray (R&B), 6pm
tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Jason Brazzel (acoustic), 6pm
tHe sOcial Get Vocal Karaoke, 9:30pm
cORK & Keg Old Time Jam, 5pm
URbaN ORcHaRd Billy Litz (Americana, singer-songwriter), 7pm
lazY diaMONd Heavy Night w/ DJ Butch, 10pm
cReeKside tapHOUse Old School Low Down Blues Tues. w/ Matt Walsh, 6pm
WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN Irish sessions & open mic, 6:30pm
lexiNgtON ave bReWeRY (lab) Kipper’s “Totally Rad” Trivia night, 8pm
dOUble cROWN DJ Brody Hunt (honky-tonk, Cajun, Western), 10pm
lObsteR tRap Bobby Miller & Friends (bluegrass), 6:30pm
gOOd stUFF Old time-y night, 6:30pm
OdditORiUM Earthling w/ Uninhabitable (metal, punk), 9pm
gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN The Franklin School of Innovation benefit concert w/ Cary Cooper & Tom Prasada-Rao and the FSI Chorus & Songwriters (blues, jazz, funk), 7pm
Olive OR tWist 2 Breeze Band (Motown), 6pm
iRON HORse statiON Open mic, 6pm
ONe WORld bReWiNg Beats & Brews w/ DJ Whistleblower, 8pm
isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall Tuesday bluegrass sessions, 7:30pm
O.HeNRY’s/tHe UNdeRgROUNd Geeks Who Drink trivia, 7pm
Wild WiNg caFe sOUtH Tuesday bluegrass, 6pm Trivia w/ Kelilyn, 8:30pm
WedNesdaY, deceMbeR 16 185 KiNg stReet Movie night, 8pm 5 WalNUt WiNe baR Redleg Husky (Americana), 5pm Les Amis (African folk), 8pm altaMONt tHeatRe Noble Kava presents: The Poetry Open Mic, 9pm beN’s tUNe-Up Honky-tonk Wednesdays, 3pm
Xpress readers are blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Play to Win game night, 7:30pm
saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Adoptable pet night, 7pm
blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Open mic, 7pm
scUllY’s Sons of Ralph (bluegrass), 6pm
bUFFalO NicKel Carolina Christmas show w/ Michael Reno Harrell (singer-songwriter, storytelling), 7pm bYWateR Billy Cardine & North of Too Far Downs (acoustic), 9pm cROW & QUill Occult Night, 9pm dOUble cROWN Classic Country w/ DJs Greg Cartwright, David Gay, Brody Hunt, 10pm FOggY MOUNtaiN bReWpUb Billy Litz (Americana), 9pm
sOl baR NeW MOUNtaiN World Wednesdays, 8pm sOUtHeRN appalacHiaN bReWeRY Christmas Karaoke w/ Paul Schiro, 7pm tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Open mic & jam, 7pm
gOOd stUFF Karaoke!, 6pm
tHe MOtHligHt NYS3 improv holiday show, 8pm
gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Muscle Shoals Music Revue w/ Amy Black & Sarah Borges (roots, Americana, soul), 8pm
tHe pHOeNix Jazz night, 8pm
gRiNd caFe Trivia night, 7pm
tHe sOUtHeRN Disclaimer Comedy open mic, 9pm
HigHlaNd bReWiNg cOMpaNY Woody Wood Wednesdays (rock, soul), 5:30pm
tigeR MOUNtaiN Flux (’80s & ’90s dance party), 10pm
iRON HORse statiON Jason York (Americana), 6pm
tiMO’s HOUse “Spectrum AVL” w/ DamGood & rotating DJs, 9pm tOWN pUMp Open mic w/ Billy Presnell, 9pm
JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Old-time session, 5pm Honky-tonk dance party w/ Hearts Gone South, 9pm
lex 18 The Patrick Lopez Experience (modern Latin jazz piano), 7pm lObsteR tRap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet), 6:30pm MOUNtaiN MOJO cOFFeeHOUse Open mic, 6:30pm NOble Kava Open mic w/ Caleb Beissert, 9pm O.HeNRY’s/tHe UNdeRgROUNd “Take the Cake” Karaoke, 10pm OdditORiUM The Spiral w/ Kill Your Self (rock), 9pm OFF tHe WagON Piano show, 9pm Olive OR tWist Intermediate swing dance lessons w/ Bobby Wood, 7pm Beginning swing dance lesson w/ Bobby Wood, 7:30pm 3 Cool Cats (vintage rock), 8pm ONe stOp deli & baR Lip sync karaoke, 10pm ORaNge peel Wizards Of Winter (progressive rock), 8pm
PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT TRAINING About Your Instructor Dawn Demetris-Stucker: a.k.a. Pebbles Owns & Operates Range | 27 Years Exp. NC Women’s State Champion
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Looking for the Perfect Gift?
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THU. 12/10 Jeff Anders & Scott Raines
Where Adult Dreams Come True
FRI. 12/11
20% OFF of Any One Item
(acoustic rock)
DJ MoTo (dance
Must present coupon. Limit one per customer. Exp. 12/31/15
SAT. 12/12 Lyric
(pop, funk, soul)
OsKaR blUes bReWeRY Trivia at the brewery, 6pm pisgaH bReWiNg cOMpaNY Savannah Smith (country, singer-songwriter), 6pm ROOM ix Fuego: Latin night, 9pm
Mountain Xpress classifieds work.
sOcial lOUNge & tapas Phantom Pantone (DJ), 10pm
tHe JOiNt Next dOOR Bluegrass jam, 8pm
lazY diaMONd Killer Karaoke w/ KJ Tim O, 10pm
and they make great employees
slY gROg lOUNge Cards Against Humanity Game Night, 10pm
FUNKatORiUM John Hartford Jam (folk, bluegrass), 6:30pm
isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall Sweet Claudette (country, Motown), 7pm Chatham County Line (roots, Americana, bluegrass), 8:30pm
Join Our LOYALTY PROGRAM for discounts & FREE offers! Text BED to 51660
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Open 7 days
Sun-Thur 8am-midnight Fri-Sat 8am-3am
828.684.8250 2334 Hendersonville Rd (S. Asheville/Arden)
december 9 - december 15, 2015
cl u b l a n d
Send your listings to clubland@mountainx.com
tRailHead RestaURaNt aNd baR Acoustic jam w/ Kevin Scanlon (bluegrass, oldtime, folk), 6pm
OdditORiUM “Down the Chimney” w/ Tad Jackson & the Roasting Chestnuts (holiday tunes)), 9pm
tRessa’s dOWNtOWN Jazz aNd blUes Blues & soul jam w/ Al Coffee & Da Grind, 8:30pm
OFF tHe WagON Dueling pianos, 9pm
WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN Wednesday Night Waltz, 7pm
tHURsdaY, deceMbeR 17 185 KiNg stReet Look Homeward, 8pm 5 WalNUt WiNe baR Pleasure Chest (blues, rock, soul), 8pm altaMONt tHeatRe Bradford Lee Folk & the Bluegrass Playboys, 8pm baRleY’s tapROOM AMC Jazz Jam, 9pm beN’s tUNe-Up Krektones Christmas (surf-rock Christmas party), 8pm
December 2015 12.10
elaiNe’s dUeliNg piaNO baR Dueling Pianos, 9pm FReNcH bROad bReWeRY Nosedive (blues, roots), 6pm
gReY eagle MUsic Hall & taveRN Cow Skeleton Records Songwriter Festival w/ Angela Easterling, Quentin Marshburn, David Mann, Caleb Burress, Brandon Turner & guests (singer-songwriter), 8pm
HigHlaNd bReWiNg cOMpaNY Community Night w/ Mountain Housing Opportunities, 4pm
isis RestaURaNt aNd MUsic Hall Clarinet Holiday: A festival of pipes (Christmas tunes), 7pm
JacK OF tHe WOOd pUb Bluegrass jam, 7pm
lex 18 The Patrick Lopez Experience (modern Latin jazz piano), 7pm
lObsteR tRap Hank Bones (“The man of 1,000 songs”), 6:30pm MaRKet place Ben Hovey (dub jazz, beats), 7pm
ROOt baR NO. 1 Jukebox Poetry (folk, acoustic), 8pm saNctUaRY bReWiNg cOMpaNY Emily Bodley, 7pm
sOl baR NeW MOUNtaiN Open Mic Nights w/ Arjay Sutton & Melissa Blazen (folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm Songwriter Thursdays w/ Caine McDonald, 8pm
ROOM ix Throwback Thursdays (all vinyl set), 9pm
dOUble cROWN 33 and 1/3 Thursdays w/ DJs Devyn & Oakley, 10pm
ReNaissaNce asHeville Chris Rhodes (jazz, blues, R&B), 6:30pm
sOcial lOUNge & tapas 80s night w/ DJ Kyuri on vinyl, 8pm
pURple ONiON caFe Jimmy Landry, 7:30pm
cROW & QUill Carolina Catskins (ragtime), 10pm
pUlp Slice of Life comedy open mic w/ Corr de Jock, 9pm
pisgaH bReWiNg cOMpaNY The Northside Gentleman (funk, soul), 8pm
slY gROg lOUNge Open mic (musicians, poets, comedians & more welcome), 8pm
pacK’s taveRN Steve Mosely (classic hits, bluegrass), 9pm
cReeKside tapHOUse Singer-songwriter night w/ Riyen Roots, 8pm
OsKaR blUes bReWeRY Calvin Get Down (funk), 6pm
ONe stOp deli & baR Phish ’n’ Chips (Phish covers), 6pm
clUb eleveN ON gROve Tango lessons & practilonga w/ Tango Gypsies, 7pm Holiday Ball w/ The Low-Down Sires (hot jazz, swing), 7:30pm
blUe Ridge tapROOM Beyond Chicken (Americana), 8pm
blUe MOUNtaiN pizza & bReW pUb Ionize, 7pm
blacK MOUNtaiN ale HOUse Bluegrass jam w/ The Big Deal Band, 8pm
Olive OR tWist Dance lesson w/ Ian & Karen, 8pm DJ Mike (eclectic mix, requests), 8:30pm
december 9 - december 15, 2015
O.HeNRY’s/tHe UNdeRgROUNd Game Night, 9pm Drag Show, 12:30am
scaNdals NigHtclUb DJ dance party & drag show, 10pm
sOUtHeRN appalacHiaN bReWeRY Jason DeCristofaro Trio (jazz), 7pm spRiNg cReeK taveRN Open Mic, 6pm tallgaRY’s at FOUR cOllege Open mic w/ Datrian Johnson, 7pm tHe MOtHligHt The Moth: True Stories Told Live (storytelling), 7:30pm tiMO’s HOUse Dance Party w/ DJ Franco Nino, 10pm tOWN pUMp Stephen Evans (singer-songwriter), 9pm tRailHead RestaURaNt aNd baR Cajun & western swing jam w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm tRessa’s dOWNtOWN Jazz aNd blUes The Westsound Revue (Motown, soul), 9pm tWisted laURel Karaoke, 8pm WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN Lisa Sturz (puppetry), 7:30pm WxYz lOUNge at alOFt HOtel Pam Jones (jazz), 7:30pm
C O N TA C T AT P R E S S M O V I E S @ A O L . C O M m a x r at i n g
Pick of the week
tHe ate r l istings FRidaY, deceMbeR 11 tHURsdaY, deceMbeR 17 Due to possible scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
asHeville pizza & bReWiNg cO. (254-1281) Hotel transYlVania 2 (pg) 1:00, 4:00 tHe intern (pg-13) 7:00 sicario (r) 10:00
caRMiKe ciNeMa 10 (298-4452) caROliNa ciNeMas (274-9500)
brooKlYn (pg-13) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40 creed (pg-13) 10:55, 1:50, 4:40, 7:35, 10:00 tHe good dinosaur 2d (pg) 12:00, 2:25, 4:45, 7:05, 9:25 tHe Hunger games: mocKingjaY -- part 2 (pg-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 in tHe Heart oF tHe sea 3d (pg-13) 1:10, 6:30 in tHe Heart oF tHe sea 2d (pg-13) 11:30, 2:10, 3:50, 4:50, 7:30, 9:10, 10:10 Krampus (pg-13) 12:05, 2:45, 5:05, 7:45, 10:25 macbetH (r) 11:35, 1:55, 4:20, 6:55, 9:15 tHe nigHt beFore (r) 12:10, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05 tHe peanuts moVie (g) 11:05, 1:20, 3:30 room (r) 6:50, 9:20 secret in tHeir eYes (pg-13) 11:20, 1:50, 4:25, 7:00, 9:30 spectre (pg-13) 12:20, 3:40, 7:20, 10:30 spotligHt (r) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:30, 10:20 trumbo (r) 11:25, 2:05, 4:45, 7:25, 10:05
Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard in Justin Kurzel’s new film of Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
macbeth HHHH director: Justin Kurzel (The Snowtown Murders) plaYers: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Paddy Considine, David Thewlis, Sean Harris, Elizabeth Debecki
cO-ed ciNeMa bRevaRd (883-2200)
tHe Hunger games: mocKingjaY -- part 2 (pg-13) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30
epic OF HeNdeRsONville (693-1146) FiNe aRts tHeatRe (232-1536)
sHaKespeare tragedY RATED R
but is on shakier ground as captur-
tHe storY: Film version of the Shakespeare play.
ing the essence of the work. Still,
tHe lowdown: Shakespeare presented more in visual than verbal terms is an idea that is valid as film,
sometimes startling.
this is unfailingly interesting and
continues on page 64 mountainx.com
brooKlYn (pg-13) 1:00, 4:00, 700, Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 spotligHt (r) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:50
FlatROcK ciNeMa (697-2463) brooKlYn (pg-13) 4:00, 7:00 (Closed Mon)
Regal biltMORe gRaNde stadiUM 15 (684-1298) UNited aRtists beaUcatcHeR (298-1234) december 9 - december 15, 2015
Wellness Issue
m oV ie s
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
Since 1913, there have been over 20 film versions and variants of Macbeth, and this isn’t counting TV productions, crude one-reel condensations from 1908 through 1911, nor does it factor in Basil Rathbone reciting a large chunk of Macbeth’s lines in The Comedy of Terrors (1963). Despite the theatrical superstition about “The Scottish Play” (code for Macbeth, since, like Voldemort, the name should not be uttered), the movies seem pretty fearless about bringing him up — and in some cases doing some strange things with him (or even to him). It’s not hard to see why. The dark story is fascinating and Mr. Shakespeare’s lines are endlessly quotable. (I mean this is a play where people even quote the stage directions — “Thunder and lightning. Enter three witches.”) For me, the gold standard of cinematic versions of Macbeth are Orson Welles’ 1948 film and Roman Polanski’s take from 1971 — two markedly different efforts. Just as different, though not in their league, is this new film from “visionary director” Justin Kurzel. I’m not quite sure how he got tagged with that tricky accolade, since Macbeth is only his second feature film. His first, The Snowtown Murders (2011) — a factbased, excessively unpleasant story about redneck Aussie homophobes systematically murdering anyone they think is a pedophile — is pretty much of a piece with his Macbeth, which I guess means that Kurzel’s vision is three-fold: Bleak, bleaker, bleakest. Granted, it’s a vision that fits the material in both cases, but that doesn’t keep it from being wearing in massive doses. Where Welles made a stylized, theatrical, somewhat eccentric Macbeth,
Coming Soon! Jan. 27th & Feb. 3rd
zbUNcOMbe cOUNtY pUblic libRaRies buncombecounty.org/governing/ depts/library Free unless otherwise noted. • FR (12/11), 4:30pm - Alien Invasion Film Series: Men in Black. Held at West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road • SATURDAYS through (12/26), 2pm
Contact us today! 828-251-1333 advertise@mountainx.com 64
december 9 - december 15, 2015
- North Asheville Library Film Series: “Do They Know it’s Christmas?” Featuring In Bruges, Edward
HHHHH = max rating
contact xpressmovies@aol.com
and Polanski made a visceral, violent, bloody one that reflected the times (the world’s, the cinema’s, and the director’s own), Kurzel has crafted Macbeth as a kind of nightmare funeral dirge. (The droning musical score by his brother, Jed Kurzel, complements this sense.) His Macbeth takes place in a desolate, brutish world — a forbidding, chilly place that is often colorless (or bathed in red and orange) and dark. It is grim and gritty, and so are the characters. You know that moment in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) where one character discerns a king because, “He hasn’t got shit all over him”? Well, that wouldn’t work in this case. Everyone is pretty much in a bemerded state here. (There are actors in this movie so covered in filth and crepe hair that they’re unrecognizable.) The question that arises from all this is whether or not this is a viable approach to the material. My answer is a slightly guarded yes. I cannot argue that the almost relentless ugliness doesn’t suit the material. What it does to the poetry of the work may be another matter. Despite the way the trailers make the film look, this is not some kind MacBraveheart affair. Yes, there is action, but it does not swamp the film. In fact, a lot of the action — and the violence — is underplayed. Some of the grislier moments — notably Macbeth burning a mother and her children at the stake — take place offscreen, and may be all the more disturbing for it. The film certainly doesn’t shy away from its
horrors, but neither does it wallow in the mechanics of them. For that matter, Kurzel’s film — for all its grimness — has a few moments of striking visual grandeur, some of which is on a par with John Boorman’s Excalibur (1981). Where this Macbeth tends to falter lies in characterization and performances — or perhaps in the way the performances are directed, especially Michael Fassbender’s Macbeth. Physically, he is an imposing figure — maybe even too much so for a character so easily controlled by a prophecy and a power-hungry wife — but his halting line delivery is distracting and sometimes doesn’t work at all. The long, long pauses between words add little to his speeches and rob any sense of cadence. Marion Cotillard’s Lady Macbeth is on surer ground, and she does pull off the “sleepwalking” scene, despite it being rethought so that it involves neither sleeping nor walking. But what Kurzel’s film mostly affords us is a Macbeth where the visuals outweigh the words. Ideally, they should enhance the words, but here they tend to overtake them, and while this may make for interesting — even vital — filmmaking, I don’t think it’s the best approach to Shakespeare. Rated R for strong violence and brief sexuality. Starts Friday at The Carolina. RevieWed bY KeN HaNKe KHaNKe@MOUNtaiNx.cOM
Scissorhands, Brazil and Less Than Zero. Held at North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave.
UNitaRiaN UNiveRsalist cONgRegatiON OF asHeville
MecHaNical eYe MicROciNeMa mechanicaleyecinema.org • TU (12/15), 8pm - Open screening for Asheville filmmakers. Any genre/ style, 10 minutes or less. Free to attend. Held at BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce St.
z tHe
105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain,
JUNctiON 348 Depot St., 225-3497, thejunctionasheville.com • SA (12/12), 8pm - Outdoor holiday movies: A Christmas Story. Free to attend.
1 Edwin Place, 254-6001, uuasheville. • FR (12/11), 7pm - Environmental & Social Justice film screenings: Ferguson: A Report From Occupied Territory. Free. WHite HORse blacK MOUNtaiN 669-0816 • TH (12/10), 7pm - Movies that Matter Film Series: Blue Gold: World Water Wars. $6.
Krampus HHH
director: Michael Dougherty (Trick ’r Treat) plaYers: Adam Scott, Toni Collette, Emjay Anthony, David Koechner, Allison Tolman, Conchata Ferrell, Krista Stadler Horror RATED PG-13 tHe storY: When a young boy renounces Christmas, the demonic Krampus comes to call. tHe lowdown: It’s not an outright disaster by any means, but neither is this seasonal horror picture anything to get excited about — unless you’re already sold on Krampus. In recent years, Krampus, the demon-monster of Germanic mythology, has become popular in American culture. Mostly, I think, because of the current passion for all things pagan. I have no objection, though the appeal escapes me. The old boy has already been showcased in some barely released bargain-basement movie called Krampus: The Christmas Devil (2013), and he now has a much more mainstream movie to call his own in Michael Dougherty’s Krampus. In case you’re out of the loop, Krampus is not something that can be quelled with Midol or Lydia Pinkham. No, Krampus is the dark side of ol’ St. Nick — think of him as the Anti-Claus. You know that “Naughty or Nice List” that Santa keeps? Well, the Naughty List is apparently given over to this Krampus fellow, and he punishes the Naughty Ones. And ... ? Well, that’s kind of the problem. What this big, hairy goat creature — depicted here as a (kind of) bulky cross between the Goat of Mendes and a yeti (the abominable snowman, not the pricey ice chests) — actually does (other than carry off kiddies and flick his industrial-strength tongue) is a little sketchy. This is a problem that Doughtery and his co-writers, Todd Casey and Zach Shields, have largely failed to solve. The result?
Krampus is virtually a guest star in his own movie. From the evidence, Krampus would appear to slide down the chimney and then burst through the wall of the fireplace like an alien out of John Hurt’s chest. Surely, there must be an easier way to make an entrance. Sometimes, he fishes for children by using a nasty-tempered gingerbread man on a hook and chain. Mostly, he has evil deeds carried out by his minions, while he noisily hops around from roof to roof. (Why it is necessary to knock out an entire neighborhood to get at one family is not addressed.) This actually isn’t so bad because his minions — Shrek-refugee CGI gingerbread men to one side — are pretty darn creepy. Krampus — as depicted here — is too big, blocky and awkward to function as much more than a presence. A much bigger problem is that the film takes nigh on to forever to get started. The opening sequence, with a slow-motion Christmas shopping frenzy — while Bing Crosby sings “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” on the soundtrack — suggests a much sharper seasonal satire the film delivers. Once the plot kicks in — or more correctly, the setup for the plot — what we get is basically a retread of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989). Maybe it’s National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Goes to Hell. In any case, it’s nothing but an extended — very extended — rehash of the Chevy Chase film (right down to its Advent calendar), albeit tarted up with red state/blue state frippery. Making the age-befuddled aunt (Mae Questal) from the old film into an acidtongued souse (an admittedly amusing Conchata Ferrell) isn’t much of a change. And it’s all in the service of getting young Max (Emjay Anthony, Chef) to renounce Christmas and bring on Krampus and his mob. What follows is a sometimeseffective mish-mash of real horror and Beetlejuice (1988) shenanigans. The best part is when the family’s old German granny (Krista Stadler) recounts her story of having encountered (and lost her family to) Krampus in post-WWII Germany. Done in stop-motion, this one stretch has something of the disturbing quality of the pop-up book in last year’s The Babadook. This, however, is only one small part of the film. The genuine nastiness of Krampus’ elves and his jack-in-the-box monster help, but whether any of this makes this
some kind of anti-Christmas classic is debatable. There are other interesting points — like Jesus being notably absent and Christmas being described as “all about sacrifice and giving” — but they’re never more than that: interesting. With the exception of Ferrell and Stadler, most of the cast is wasted. By the time Krampus has painted itself into a corner and has to resort to the hoariest trick in the book to get out, it had lost me. (Invoking the ending from the 1953 Invaders from Mars didn’t save it, either, largely because it opts to end on a note of smartassery rather than nighmarishness.) I didn’t hate it. It’s certainly solidly made, and if you’re cuckoo for Krampus you’ll probably like it, but I doubt I’ll ever revisit the movie. Rated PG-13 for sequences of horror violence/terror, language and some drug material. Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Cinemas, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande. RevieWed bY KeN HaNKe KHaNKe@MOUNtaiNx.cOM
the letters
sta rting F r id aY In the Heart of the Sea Ron Howard is back — this time with a big-budget, effects-heavy sea-faring drama that purports to show the real-life events that inspired Herman Melville to write Moby Dick. Despite a strong cast — Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Ben Whishaw, Tom Holland, Brendan Gleeson — early reviews are decidedly mixed. It may be a barometer of Warner Bros.’ belief in the film that it is now in the untenable position of opening the week before the new Star Wars hits. (PG-13)
Macbeth See review in “Cranky Hanke”
director: William Riead plaYers: Juliet Stevenson, Rutger Hauer, Max von Sydow, Priya Darshini, Tillotama Shome maudlin biopic RATED PG tHe storY: The story of Mother Teresa and her life of charity and the personal and spiritual struggles she faced. tHe lowdown: A flat, schmaltzy biopic that’s too stone-faced and reverent to work. Despite end of the year being known for its influx of prestige pictures and, generally, the highest quality films of the year, studios manage to squeeze some junk into theaters when they can. There seems to be an infinite amount of bad movies out there and only a finite number
Winter Packages Available! december 9 - december 15, 2015
m oVies
by Ken Hanke & Justin Souther
screen scene
‘tis tHe seasON: Richard Curtis’ holiday classic Love Actually will be screened for free at The Orange Peel and the Asheville Film Society’s weekly Carolina Cinemas gathering. Photo courtesy of Universal Pictures • White Horse Black Mountain’s Movies That Matter series continues Thursday, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. with Blue Gold: World Water Wars. Based on maude barlow’s and tony clarke’s 2002 book Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water, sam bozzo’s 2008 documentary examines Earth’s rapidly approaching water crisis and posits that wars of the future will be fought over water. Narrated by malcolm mcdowell, the film also follows the efforts of various people around the globe fighting to preserve their access to clean water. Movies That Matter is curated by Katie Kasben and has screenings on the second Thursday of each month through February. Tickets to Blue Gold are $6. avl.mx/21z • Men in Black is the next selection in the West Asheville Library’s After-school Alien Invasion Movie Series. Starring will smith and tommy lee jones, the film is rated PG-13 and will screen Friday, Dec. 11, at 4:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. avl.mx/1z5t • The Orange Peel hosts a holiday double feature Monday, Dec. 14. The PG-rated Elf begins at 6 p.m.,
december 9 - december 15, 2015
followed by Love Actually (rated R), at 8 p.m. Both screenings are free and open to the public. Those unable to attend Love Actually, or who want to see it again, will have another free opportunity Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. when the Asheville Film Society shows the richard curtis comedy in Theater Six at The Carolina Cinemas. theorangepeel.net • All Asheville filmmakers are invited to screen a short work before a live audience at Mechanical Eye Microcinema’s latest open screening Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. at the BeBe Theatre. Every genre and style is welcome, and the film may be old, new or a work-in-progress. Films with run times of no more than 10 minutes will be accepted in DVD, QuickTime or MPEG file, 16mm and Super 8 format. Submit work early by email to mechanicaleyemicrocinema@ gmail.com. Day-of entries will be shown on a first-come, first-served basis, as time allows. There will be a short discussion after each piece with a chance to gather feedback from the audience. avl.mx/1y9 Send your local film news to ae@ mountainx.com X
of weeks in a year, so — as one can see — these movies have to end up somewhere. William Riead’s The Letters just happens to be one of these and yet another case of a film getting a wide release for some reason that’s beyond anything I can comprehend. It’s been distributed by Freestyle Releasing, who has a curious business model of exhibiting movies no one wants to see. It’s directed by Riead, a man who has a slew of ‘70s and ‘80s TV docs with names like The Making of “First Blood” and it shows. The Letters certainly looks and feels like a Movie of the Week, and really the only thing keeping it from there is the inclusion of a slumming Rutger Hauer and Max von Sydow, both of whom get roles where they get to sit in a chair for most of the movie. I suppose the content — the life story of Mother Teresa (a coweyed Juliet Stevenson with a bad accent) — is theoretically enough to warrant The Letters’ theatrical run, but the way it’s all cobbled together certainly doesn’t back this idea up. The film tells the story of Mother Teresa’s decades of charitable work, but falls into the traps of every bad biopic. It’s
far too reverent and has nary a moment of levity. Everyone walks around with furrowed brows and an overwhelming sense of how important this topic is. And then, at the same time, you get such moments as the movie’s overpowering score swelling up as Mother Teresa teaches some kids the alphabet. The Letters itself plays more like a melodrama, but without, you know, the melodramatic parts. The best we get is a handful of poor locals in the slums of Calcutta all seething and gnashing their teeth at the idea of Mother Teresa helping their children till they’re finally won over. There’s seemingly not much in the life of Mother Teresa to warrant telling the tale. Or, at the very least, there’s not much in the way Riead chooses to tell her story. The Letters scales the heights of tedium, standing as a movie with little to say, and an incredibly drab, flat way of proclaiming the things it has on its mind. Rated PG for thematic material including some images of human suffering. Playing at Regal Biltmore Grande, UA Beaucatcher. RevieWed bY JUstiN sOUtHeR JsOUtHeR@MOUNtaiNx.cOM
be sure to read ‘cranKY HanKe’s w e e K lY r e e l e r ’ F o r compreHensiVe moVie n e w s e V e rY t u e s d aY aFternoon in tHe xpress online
big giving day december 15
If you donate to Give!Local nonprofits on Big Give Day, the businesses below want to thank some lucky donors for their generosity with these great prizes:
• $500 shopping spree at Ski Country Sports • One week free tuition at John C. Campbell Folk School • Three-month membership at Beer City CrossFit • Adoption package (Dog or Cat) at Asheville Humane Society • Chiropractic visit at River of Life Chiropractic (1 initial visit)
givelocalguide.org for details mountainx.com
december 9 - december 15, 2015
s pec ial s creenings
Alphaville HHHH Director: Jean-Luc Godard Players: Eddie Constantine, Anna Karina, Akim Tamiroff, Howard Vernon SCI-FI DRAMA Rated NR Jean-Luc Godard’s Alphaville (1965) is simply one of the damndest things you’re ever likely to see. Godard took a popular noir-ish, pulp fiction detective, Lemmy Caution (Eddie Constantine), and plopped him into a nightmarish sci-fi movie that seems to be part serious, part satire — or possibly one huge practical joke. Is Godard serious or not? Good luck reaching a conclusion on that, but it’s kind of fun to try. And that may well be the point. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present alphaville Friday, Dec. 11, at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 828-273-3332, www.ashevillecourtyard.com
The Invisible Man HHHHH Director: James Whale Players: Claude Rains, Gloria Stuart, William Harrigan, Henry Travers, Una O’Connor, Dudley Digges HORROR Rated NR According to James Whale’s intimates, The Invisible Man (1933) was his personal favorite of his films. This pitch-black comedy in horror-movie clothing is certainly one of his best films and one of his most accomplished, making it one of the great classics in any genre. Working with his friend and frequent collaborator, writer R.C. Sherriff, Whale managed to turn H.G. Wells’ source novel into a combination horror film, black comedy and amusing indictment of the British middle class. It’s not accidental that the film’s upperclass characters are sympathetic, its lower-class characters are lovably funny, and its real villain, Dr. Kemp (William Harrigan), is solidly middle class. Kemp is unlikable, unimaginative, sneaky and utterly duplicitous (so much so, we un-wholesomely enjoy his comeuppance). Everything about The Invisible Man works — from its snowbound opening to its snowy climax. The performances are all good. Rains’ performance is iconic. The effects work holds up nicely 82 years later. And Whale’s visual panache and wit hasn’t dimmed one whit. The cast is made up largely of actors often associated with Whale, especially Gloria Stuart, E.E. Clive, Forrester Harvey and, in her first appearance for him, Una O’Connor. Look quickly and you’ll even catch Whale regular Dwight Frye in an unbilled bit as a reporter. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen the invisible man Thursday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville, hosted by Xpress movie critic Ken Hanke.
Love Actually HHHHH Director: Richard Curtis (The Boat That Rocked) Players: Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Bill Nighy, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson, Alan Rickman ROMANTIC COMEDY Rated R I remember seeing Love Actually (2003) at one of those things they call a “sneak preview” (which are hardly sneaks, since they’re heavily advertised) and seeing the film completely cold in a packed theater. I had no idea what I was getting into — and only the vaguest idea who writer-turned-writer-director Richard Curtis was — but I left absolutely in love with the film. If you have missed this one, don’t let another Christmas go by without fixing that. Even people (well, most people) who hate romantic comedies seem unable to resist its charms. Oh, there are still a few grumbling dissenters, but aren’t there always? They trot out the usual objections to it being a fantasy — and something of an elitist one at that. There’s some truth to that, but so what? It also is wonderfully funny, moving, clever and has an undeniably generous heart. Owing to the fact that the film follows eight different stories, it’s all but impossible to offer any kind of synopsis, but it follows these stories for the month leading up to Christmas. It may only be 12 years old, but it’s already a Christmas staple for a lot of people — and ever so much better experienced with an audience. The Asheville Film Society will screen love actually Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. in Theater Six at The Carolina Asheville, hosted by Xpress movie critic Ken Hanke.
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december 9 - december 15, 2015
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ADMINISTRATIVE/ OFFICE GRANTS MANAGER, THE AMERICAN CHESTNUT FOUNDATION The Grants Manager is responsible for all aspects of raising support from foundations, corporations, and government sources, including proposal development, grant management, and reporting requirements. The complete job description can be located at www.acf.org. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to The American Chestnut Foundation at jobs@acf.org. SALON COORDINATOR (PART TIME) Are you an innovative people person? We are looking for a self-motivated Salon Coordinator with an aptitude with computers and previous customer service experience. If interested please send resume via email, or drop it off personally during business hours. 828-251-1722 fullcirclesalon@gmail.com
SALES/ MARKETING OUTWARD BOUND SERVICES GROUP - SEASONAL ADMISSIONS ADVISORS Outward Bound in Asheville, NC seeking seasonal Admissions Advisors for 2016 season. Accepting resumes for P/T and F/T seasonal positions starting February through July 2016. Please send cover letter and resume to: Laurel Zimmerman by December 11th. lzimmerman@ outwardbound.org
SALES PROFESSIONAL Mountain Xpress has an entry-level sales position open. Necessary attributes are curiosity about the city and region, gregarious personality, probem solving skills, confident presentation, and the ability to digest and explain complex information. The ideal candidate is organized, well spoken, has good computer skills, can work well within an organization and within in a team environment, can selfmonitor and set (and meet) personal goals. The job entails account development, record keeping, collections, campaign development and campaign implementation. If you are a high energy, positive, cooperative person who wants a stable team environment with predictable income and meaningful work, send a resume and cover letter (no walkins, please) about why you are a good fit for Mountain Xpress to: xpressjob@mountainx.com
MEDICAL/ HEALTH CARE ASHEVILLE ACADEMY FOR GIRLS • DIRECT CARE Come join our team where you have a positive, lasting impact on youth from across the country. We are currently seeking applicants to become a FT/PT members of our Direct Care staff. You ensure the provision of physical and emotional safety of our students and residents at all times. Bachelor degree or experience in residential settings recommended. . Please send a resume and cover letter to humanresources@ashevilleacademy.com • We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. No phone calls, please. http:/www.ashevilleacademy.com DENTAL ASSISTANT FOR NEW DENTAL PRACTICE OPENING IN THE RIVER ARTS DISTRICT! Dental Assistant needed for all aspects of new dental practice from front desk to clinical treatment! North Carolina radiology requirements a must; energetic positive attitude, please! Send resumes to resumes.riverartsdentistry@gmail.com.
over the years, we have seen that is a service that truly makes a difference in the lives of the people that struggle the most with mental health challenges. Our ACTT staff have been known to describe the work as the “hardest job that you will ever love”. Come be part of our rural team and experience if for yourself! Master’s Degree in Human Services required. Two years’ experience with adults with Mental Health, Substance Abuse or Development Disability required. Haywood and Buncombe Counties Clinician – Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Seeking an energetic and passionate individual to join the Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. Come experience the satisfaction of providing recovery-oriented services within the context of a strong team wraparound model serving Haywood and Buncombe counties. If you are not familiar with ACTT, this position will provide you with an opportunity to experience an enhanced service that really works! Must have a Master’s degree and be licensed/licenseeligible. Haywood County Driver/Peer Group Co-Facilitator – SA-IOP Meridian Behavioral
Health Services is seeking a Driver/Peer Group Co-Facilitator for a part-time position only. Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Driver is responsible for providing transportation in Meridian van for clients attending substance abuse group and returning them to their location after group ends at 8:00 p.m. This person must be in recovery him or herself and will also be co-facilitating the substance abuse groups. Must have a valid driver’s license with no restrictions and a good motor vehicle record with no major violations within the last five years (MVR record will be reviewed prior to an offer of employment). Must also have current vehicle liability insurance, be eligible to be a Peer Support Specialist, pass a post-offer/pre-employment drug test, and have moderate computer skills. Jackson County Nurse – Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Seeking an RN, or LPN, to join our Jackson County Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. The ACTT nurse is responsible for conducting psychiatric assessments; assessing physical needs; making appropriate referrals to community physicians; providing management and
administration of medication in conjunction with the psychiatrist; providing a range of treatment, rehabilitation and support services; and sharing shift-management responsibility with the ACTT Coordinator. Employee must have a valid driver’s license without violations or restrictions, which could prevent completing all required job functions. Full or Part-time applicants welcome. Support Services Coordinator The responsibilities of this position include technical support for all support staff, conducting monthly on-site support/training with all support staff and quarterly support staff meetings. This individual will be directly responsible for supervising and assuring coverage in Jackson County and assist in orchestrating coverage for support staff agency wide when they use PTO or need emergency leave. Applicants must demonstrate strong verbal and written communication skills, have strong computer literacy skills and a minimum of two years supervisory experience. This position requires travel throughout all counties that Meridian serves. Clinician – Recovery Education Center (REC) Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to join our Jackson County Recovery Education
Center (REC). This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Masters degree and license eligibility are also required. Haywood and Jackson Counties Clinician – Offender Services Meridian is seeking a therapist to be a member of a multi-disciplinary treatment team, providing assessment, individual and group therapy services to sex offenders and their non-offending partners within a structured Sexual Abuse Intervention Program (SAIP) and to domestic violence abusers and their families within a structured Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP). Prior clinical experience working with sexual offenders and an understanding of the dynamics of sexual deviance strongly preferred as well as familiarity with relevant research literature, clinical assessments, procedures and methods, particularly those designed for sexual offenders. Demonstrated interpersonal skills and the ability to establish rapport and maintain objectivity with a criminal or forensic population is a
DIRECT SERVICE POSITION AVAILABLE Female staff needed for adult female client in Hendersonville . Weekends required but can work into full time day time hours. Experience helpful, not necessary. Training provided. Price Story, p_story@bellsouth.net MAXIM HEALTHCARE IS LOOKING FOR CNA’S, LPN’S, AND RN’S Maxim Healthcare is looking for CNA’s, LPN’s, and RN’s in the Asheville and surrounding area to work in Home Healthcare. Call 828-299-4388 or email dapolich@maxhealth.com if interested. 828-299-4388 dapolich@maxhealth.com
HUMAN SERVICES AGING SERVICES SPECIALIST FOR FAIRVIEW COMMUNITY (20 HOURS/WEEK) Social work background, experience with aging population, and a BSW preferred. Position based at community center in Fairview and COA’s offices. See www.coabc.org for full description.
AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Haywood and Buncombe Counties Clinician, Team Leader - Assertive Community Treatment Team – (ACTT) We are seeking a passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to oversee our Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT), which primarily serves Haywood County. ACTT is an evidence-based, multidisciplinary, community-based service which supports individuals with severe psychiatric disorders in remaining in the community and experiencing mental health recovery. We have a deep commitment to our ACTT services because,
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OCTOBER 9 7 -- december OCTOBER 13, december 15,2015 2015
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freewill astroloGY aRies (March 21-april 19): "Happiness sneaks through a door you didn't know that you left open," said actor John Barrymore. I hope you've left open a lot of those doors, Aries. The more there are, the happier you will be. This is the week of all weeks when joy, pleasure, and even zany bliss are likely to find their ways into your life from unexpected sources and unanticipated directions. If you're lucky, you also have a few forgotten cracks and neglected gaps where fierce delights and crisp wonders can come wandering in. taURUs (april 20-May 20): What state of mind do you desire the most? What is the quality of being that you aspire to inhabit more and more as you grow older? Maybe it's the feeling of being deeply appreciated, or the ability to see things as they really are, or an intuitive wisdom about how to cultivate vibrant relationships. I invite you to set an intention to cultivate this singular experience with all your passion and ingenuity. The time is right. Make a pact with yourself. geMiNi (May 21-June 20): Like Metallica jamming with Nicki Minaj and Death Cab for Cutie on a passage from Mozart's opera The Magic Flute, you are redefining the meanings of the words "hybrid," "amalgam," and "hodgepodge." You're mixing metaphors with panache. You're building bridges with cheeky verve. Some of your blends are messy mishmashes, but more often they are synergistic successes. With the power granted to me by the gods of mixing and matching, I hereby authorize you to keep splurging on the urge to merge. This is your special time to experiment with the magic of combining things that have rarely or never been combined. caNceR (June 21-July 22): I hope you can figure out the difference between the fake cure and the real cure. And once you know which is which, I hope you will do the right thing rather than the sentimental thing. For best results, keep these considerations in mind: The fake cure may taste sweeter than the real one. It may also be better packaged and more alluringly promoted. In fact, the only advantage the real cure may have over the fake one is that it will actually work to heal you. leO (July 23-aug. 22): There's a sinuous, serpentine quality about you these days. It's as if you are the elegant and crafty hero of an epic myth set in the ancient future. You are sweeter and saucier than usual, edgier and more extravagantly emotive. You are somehow both a repository of tantalizing secrets and a fount of arousing revelations. As I meditate on the magic you embody, I am reminded of a passage from Laini Taylor's fantasy novel Daughter of Smoke & Bone: "She tastes like nectar and salt. Nectar and salt and apples. Pollen and stars and hinges. She tastes like fairy tales. Swan maiden at midnight. Cream on the tip of a fox's tongue. She tastes like hope." viRgO (aug. 23-sept. 22): I bought an old horoscope book at a garage sale for 25 cents. The cover was missing and some pages were water-damaged, so parts of it were hard to decipher. But the following passage jumped out at me: "In romantic matters, Virgos initially tend to be cool, even standoffish. Their perfectionism may interfere with their ability to follow through on promising beginnings. But if they ever allow themselves to relax and go further, they will eventually ignite. And then, watch out! Their passion will generate intense heat and light." I suspect that this description may apply to you in the coming weeks. Let's hope you will trust your intuition about which possibilities warrant your caution and which deserve your opening. libRa (sept. 23-Oct. 22): "The secret of being a bore is to tell everything," said French writer Voltaire. I agree, and add these thoughts: To tell everything also tempts you to wrongly imagine that you have everything completely figured out. Furthermore, it may compromise your leverage in dicey situations where other people are using information as a weapon. So the moral of the current story is this:
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- bY ROb bRezNY
Don't tell everything! I realize this could be hard, since you are a good talker these days; your ability to express yourself is at a peak. So what should you do? Whenever you speak, aim for quality over quantity. And always weave in a bit of mystery. scORpiO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Ducks are the most unflappable creatures I know. Cats are often regarded as the top practitioners of the "I don't give a f---" attitude, but I think ducks outshine them. When domestic felines exhibit their classic aloofness, there's sometimes a subtext of annoyance or contempt. But ducks are consistently as imperturbable as Zen masters. Right now, as I gaze out my office window, I'm watching five of them swim calmly, with easygoing nonchalance, against the swift current of the creek in the torrential rain. I invite you to be like ducks in the coming days. Now is an excellent time to practice the high art of truly not giving a f---. sagittaRiUs (Nov. 22-dec. 21): My old friend Jeff started working at a gambling casino in Atlantic City. "You've gone over to the dark side!" I kidded. He acknowledged that 90 percent of the casino's visitors lose money gambling. On the bright side, he said, 95 percent of them leave happy. I don't encourage you to do this kind of gambling in the near future, Sagittarius. It's true that you will be riding a lucky streak. But smarter, surer risks will be a better way to channel your good fortune. So here's the bottom line: In whatever way you choose to bet or speculate, don't let your lively spirits trick you into relying on pure impulsiveness. Do the research. Perform your due diligence. It's not enough just to be entertained. The goal is to both have fun and be successful. capRicORN (dec. 22-Jan. 19): Ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus was a pioneer thinker whose ideas helped pave the way for the development of science. Believe nothing, he taught, unless you can evaluate it through your personal observation and logical analysis. Using this admirable approach, he determined that the size of our sun is about two feet in diameter. I'm guessing that you have made comparable misestimations about at least two facts of life, Capricorn. They seem quite reasonable but are very wrong. The good news is that you will soon be relieved of those mistakes. After some initial disruption, you will feel liberated. aQUaRiUs (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian inventor Thomas Edison owned 1,093 patents. Nicknamed "The Wizard of Menlo Park," he devised the first practical electrical light bulb, the movie camera, the alkaline storage battery, and many more useful things. The creation he loved best was the phonograph. It was the first machine in history that could record and reproduce sound. Edison bragged that no one else had ever made such a wonderful instrument. It was "absolutely original." I bring this to your attention, Aquarius, because I think you're due for an outbreak of absolute originality. What are the most unique gifts you have to offer? In addition to those you already know about, new ones may be ready to emerge. pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Here's an experiment that makes good astrological sense for you to try in the coming weeks. Whenever you feel a tinge of frustration, immediately say, "I am an irrepressible source of power and freedom and love." Anytime you notice a trace of inadequacy rising up in you, or a touch of blame, or a taste of anger, declare, "I am an irresistible magnet for power and freedom and love." If you're bothered by a mistake you made, or a flash of ignorance expressed by another person, or a maddening glitch in the flow of the life force, stop what you're doing, interrupt the irritation, and proclaim, "I am awash in power and freedom and love."
december december 2015 MOUNTAINX.COM mountainx.com OCTOBER 79- -OCTOBER 13,15, 2015
necessity. Masters Degree in a human services field and licensure as a Professional Counselor or Clinical Social Worker or Psychological Associate is required. At least one year of supervised clinical experience is required, preferably in a community mental health center setting. Services provided in Haywood, Jackson, and Cherokee County. Peer Support Specialist – Recovery Education Center (REC) Meridian is seeking a Peer Support Specialist to work in our Recovery Education Centers in Haywood and/or Jackson County. Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. Part-time work may be available. Macon County Clinician - Recovery Education Center (REC) Seeking passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to join our Macon County Recovery Education Center. This program reflects a unique design which integrates educational, clinical and peer support components in a center-based milieu. To be considered, an applicant should be familiar with the recovery paradigm of mental health and substance abuse services. A Master’s degree and license eligibility are also required. Macon and Haywood Counties Employment Support Professional (ESP) Supported Employment The ESP functions as part of a team that implements employment services based on the SE-IPS model. The team’s goal is to support individuals who have had challenges with obtaining and/or maintaining employment in the past and to obtain and maintain competitive employment moving forward. The ESP is responsible for engaging clients and establishing trusting, collaborative relationships that result in the creation of completion of individualized employment goals. The ESP will support the client through the whole employment process and provide a variety of services at each state to support the individual in achieving their employment goals. Transylvania County Clinicians & Team Leader - Child and Family Services Seeking licensed/associate licensed therapist for an exciting opportunity to serve youth and their families through individual and group therapy, working primarily out of the local schools. Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Graduate of an accredited Certified Medical Assistant program and CMA certification with AAMA or AMT required. Two years of related experience preferred, preferably in an outpatient medical office setting. Clinician, Team Leader – Community Support Team (CST) We are seeking a passionate, values-driven and dynamic professional to oversee our Community Support Team (CST), serving Transylvania County. CST is a community-based mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation service, which provides support through a team approach to adults. Licensed Professional or Associate level Licensed Professional required. Substance Abuse credential preferred. At least one year of supervised, clinical experience is required. This is a new service for Transylvania County, requiring someone who can confidently manage a team of three and is comfortable working with the challenges of bringing up a new service. Peer Support Specialist – Community Support Team (CST) Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with
mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. We currently have a vacancy for a Peer Support Specialist on our Community Support Team (CST), serving Transylvania County. CST is a community-based mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation service, which provides support through a team approach to adults. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. Qualified Professional (QP) – Community Support Team (CST) We are seeking a passionate, values-driven and dynamic Qualified Substance Abuse or Mental Health Professional to join our Community Support Team (CST), serving Transylvania County. CST is a community-based mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation service, which provides support through a team approach to adults. Individual must meet state requirements to serve adults with either mental health or substance use challenges and be comfortable working as part of a small, three-person team. AGENCYWIDE Peer Support Specialist Peers Assisting in Community Engagement (PACE) Being a Peer Support Specialist provides an opportunity for individuals to transform their own personal lived experience with mental health and/or addiction challenges into a tool for inspiring hope for recovery in others. Applicants must demonstrate maturity in their own recovery process, have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and have moderate computer skills. Clinician Peers Assisting in Community Engagement (PACE) Clinician will be providing ongoing therapy with individuals and clinical support to the peer support team. The position will involve travel and community-based work in multiple counties. A Master’s degree, license eligibility and experience are required. PACE provides structured and scheduled activities for adults age 18 and older with a diagnosis of Mental Health and Substance Use disorders. This could be a part time or full time position. • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org CHILD/ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH POSITIONS IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY Jackson County Psychological Services (in partnership with Meridian Behavioral Health) Is expanding school-based mental health services to Transylvania County Schools. We are currently recruiting for immediate therapist positions to work with elementary, middle and high school age students struggling with functional mental health issues in the Transylvania County Schools. We are also recruiting a therapist and a QP for an Intensive In-Home team that will begin on January 1, 2016. This is a great opportunity for gaining clinical experience, supervision, training and helping to bring responsive, high-quality mental health services to the schools of Transylvania County. Interested candidates please submit a resume and cover letter to telliot@jcpsmail.org COUNSELORS NEEDED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH GROUP provider of opioid addiction treatment services, needs mental health counselors. For qualifications and to apply, visit www.bhgrecovery.com. Or fax your resume to 214-365-6150 Attn: HR-CNSLAS
in a corrections facility setting. Part-time. $23-25 per contact/ hour. Apply online: www. abtech.edu/jobs FULL TIME AND PART TIME RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS Eliada Homes is looking for caring, patient individuals who are motivated to work with children and teens. Positions are considered entry level. Working as a team and the ability to handle a high pressure environment are essential. Previous experience working with children preferred. New counselors are required to complete two weeks of paid training and observation including First Aid/CPR and de-escalation techniques. To apply visit www.eliada.org/employment/ current-openings
LICENSED CLINICIAN The Licensed Clinician will provide clinical oversight of the treatment in the Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility. The Clinician provides treatment services that include individual, family, and group therapy, and clinical assessments for adolescents and children. Shared clinical on-call support, some evening or weekend hours required. Master’s Degree in Social Work, Psychology, or Counseling with current clinician licensure in NC, a minimum of 5 years of experience in therapy and mental health services with children and adolescents preferred. Experience with TF-CBT, equine therapy, DBT, or other evidence based models preferred.
RESIDENTIAL TEAM LEAD The Team Lead provides supervision to 2nd shift residential staff while working in ratio, plans the shift according to program schedule, provides leadership during crisis and provides feedback based on residential staff performance. Must be able to work in a high pressure, high stress environment. Position will experience verbal and physical aggression from student population. A Bachelor’s Degree required with six months behavioral health experience. Compensation is $26,000 to $29,000 per year. For more information or to apply visit www.eliada.org/employment/ current-openings.
PROFESSIONAL/ MANAGEMENT STORE CO-DIRECTOR Beautiful luxuries & linens boutique is seeking an experienced team leader to work closely with owner/team to develop and maintain marketing, merchandising, inventory management strategies. Please email resume to debra@porterandprince.com.
ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR • HOSPITALITY EDUCATION Requires Associate degree or related experience in the hospitality field. Comfortable working
ENGINEERING FOR KIDS - HIRING LEAD AND ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS Engineering for Kids - Currently recruiting lead and assistant instructors to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum to elementary age students after school. 4-12 hours/ week. 828-279-2553 asheville@ engineeringforkids.com INSIGHT AT WOMEN’S RECOVERY CENTER is hiring an Administrative Assistant. We are looking for someone who is a team player and detailed oriented. Must have computer skills and a North Carolina driver’s license. Please apply to Suzanne Boehm at sboehm@insightnc. org. MENTORS (DIRECT CARE) WANTED The Academy at Trails Carolina, is seeking passionate and energetic individuals to join its student life staff. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, creativity, and desire to work in a tight-knit community. Personal and professional experience with experiential education and/or in a therapeutic environment is highly desirable. Compensation is commensurate with experience. Full time and PRN work available. Interested applicants should email copies of their resume, letters of reference, and any pertinent wilderness certifications (WFR, CPR, etc.) to jobs@trailsacademy.com. For more information, visit www. trailsacademy.com NAVITAT CANOPY ADVENTURES-HIRING CANOPY GUIDES FOR 2016 Seeking qualified candidates for the Canopy Guide position for the 2016 season. Learn more at www. navitat.com. Please send cover letter, resume and references to avlemployment@navitat.com. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
CAREGIVERS/ NANNY EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY WORKING WITH ADULTS WITH I/DD RHA is seeking staff for group homes in Hendersonville. Full-time and part-time available. Must be able to work every other weekend. Positions require: valid DL, HS Diploma/ GED, drug / background screening. Competitive pay DOE - benefits package for FT employees. Contact Derrick - (828) 684-1940 x102 derrick.clayton@rhanet. org
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000/week mailing brochures from home! No experience required. Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine opportunity. Start immediately! www.TheIncomeHub.com (AAN CAN).
GRAPHIC DESIGNER NEEDED FOR THE MOUNTAIN XPRESS PRODUCTION TEAM We are seeking a community-minded individual who wants to put his/ her skills to work creating compelling advertising for the area’s burgeoning eclectic mix of businesses, creating fliers and marketing materials, and by helping design the pages of Mountain Xpress. The ideal candidate thrives in a fast-paced environment, works well in a collaborative environment, is exceptionally
organized and deadline-driven, and has excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, an exceptional creative eye and a desire to ensure high quality output. You must have the proven ability to create original, effective advertising and marketing materials, and to assist in the layout of our weekly print publication and guides. Candidates must: • Be able to simultaneously handle multiple projects • Be proficient in Adobe CSC programs (inducing, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat) • Be able to prepress and troubleshoot a variety of file types and to work interdepartmentally to organize, schedule and maintain adproduction workflows. • Be fluent in the Mac OSX platform • Be able to interface with other departments in the company. • Have a minimum of 2-3 years graphic design experience Newspaper, web-ad design and management experience a plus. This is a part-time hourly position. Email cover letter explaining why you believe you are a good fit, your resume, and either a URL or PDF of your design portfolio to: design@mountainx.com <x-msg://218/design@mountainx.com> No applications or portfolios by mail, and no phone calls or walk-ins, please.
XCHANGE JEWELRY FREE VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY! It’s easy to earn Vintage and Contemporary jewelry for free and 1/2 price. Visit www. Eyecatchers-Jewelry.info for details. Shop www.EyecatchersBoutique.etsy.com and www.EyecatchersLuxuries.etsy.com today for gorgeous jewelry.
SERVICES BEAUTY/SALON PROFESSIONAL STYLISTS WANTED Are you a hair stylist looking to become selfemployed? Full Circle Salon is a small upscale salon in Downtown Asheville looking to empower selfmotivated stylists to take control of their careers. For more information regarding rental opportunities contact us at: 828-251-1722 or fullcirclesalon@gmail.com
COMPUTER AVALON’S CYBER TECH SERVICES Wifi and Internet Issues • First Time Computer Setup • Computer Cleanup and Virus Removal • Building/Designing Custom PC’s • Phone Repair • Evening Hours • Reasonable Rates avalonstechservices@ gmail.com
AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE Get started by training as a FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800-725-1563 (AAN CAN)
DISH TV • SAVE! Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) Regular Price $34.99. Ask About free same day Installation! CALL Now! 888-992-1957 (AAN CAN)
ACROSS 1 *Event in “Cinderella” 5 Sound of admonishment 8 *Watch it! 13 Mishmash 14 Branch of Islam 15 Nut with a cupule 16 Sumerian king in an ancient epic 18 Self-description after a lifestyle change 19 Shaver’s alternative to cream 20 In need of a rally, say 22 Like a control freak 23 One of Seuss’s StarBellies 25 Old World Style sauce brand 27 Saying sorry, say 32 Storm locator 35 New, in Napoli 36 “Agnus ___” 37 ’60s designer for Jackie 38 Swearing-in staple 39 Partner of show or kiss 40 Permanent member of the U.N. Security Council 41 Jackal or coyote 42 Like otologists’ tests 43 Reason to get Tommy John surgery 46 Futures analyst?
Franklin 12 Student in Torts or Contracts, most likely 14 Artist’s garb 17 Where some sacrifices are made 21 Like the accent in “crème” 24 Online read 26 Docs’ org. 28 Egypt/Sudan border region 29 Nobel Prizes, e.g. 30 Crème ___ crème 31 Flowerpot spot 32 Blowout, as in sports 33 “Oh, I almost forgot …” DOWN 34 Wish list opener 1 Wade who was five38 Puppeteer Bil time A.L. batting champ 39 “Swan Lake” attire 2 Very strange 41 The Cavs, on sports 3 French textile city tickers 4 Where to record a 42 Agassi of tennis stardate 44 Trojan War sage 5 Movie with the classic 45 “The bad guys” line “Here’s Johnny!” 48 Black-and-white zoo 6 Pedro’s emphatic assent attraction 7 “It Had to Be You” lyricist 49 One in a tryst Gus 50 Like forks and tridents 8 Relo vehicle 51 Car company once PUZZLE BY RUTH BLOOMFIELD MARGOLIN 9 When mastodons owned by G.M. roamed 52 Prefix with zone or 55 Like Gruyère cheese, for 5-12 10 Where “G’day!” is heard trash 11 Singing sister of Aretha 54 Rank below marquis months Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger
Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. 30
MAC SYSTEMS/ NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Mountain Xpress seeks a person for administration, development and day-today support of the company’s IT systems: workstations, servers, laptops, printers, phones, Internetconnection, email and internal network hardware/software. Environment is Macintosh. Requirements: • Five+ years OS X and OS X Server admin experience • Two+ years MySQL database (or equivalent) experience • Strong data management skills, including file systems and data processing • Expert-level knowledge of MS Office software (Excel, etc.) • Experience with management and configuration of network equipment • Strong understanding of media files/formatting/ encoding Preferred candidates will have some experience with FileMaker server admin, FileMaker database development, HTML/ CSS/PHP and other web development, XML/XSLT, DNS and network protocols. Experience with phone systems, printers, graphics (Adobe Creative Suite), computer hardware also a plus. Send cover letter, resume and references to: employment@mountainx.com
RETAIL LOVE BOOKS AND MUSIC? Part-time retail. 2 years college preferred. Retail experience appreciated. Great working environment. Submit resume to Mr. K’s Used Books, Music and More, 800 Fairview Rd in the River Ridge Shopping Center.
therapists. Call now! www.thecosmicgroove.com
CLAYWORKS Interactive Nar-
rative Sculpture, Refining Your Focus, Flowerpots In The Garden,
Setting Up Shop On Etsy, Master-
HOME IMPROVEMENT HANDY MAN HIRE A HUSBAND • HANDYMAN SERVICES Since 1993. Multiple skill sets. Reliable, trustworthy, quality results. $1 million liability insurance. References and estimates available. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254.
Valentine’s Day Pottery For Couples. For details about classes, visit www.odysseyceramicarts.com.
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ACCURATE AND EMPOWERING TAROT READINGS Do you need guidance regarding your love life , relationship, career, finances, or spirituality? Book a Tarot reading with me. I work with spirit guides. Professional service, honesty, accuracy. http:// jonikatarot.com
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CLOUD COTTAGE COMMUNITY OF MINDFUL LIVING: Mindfulness practice in the Plum Village tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, 219 Old Toll Circle, Black Mountain. Freedom, Simplicity, Harmony. Weds. 6-7:30 PM; Sundays 8-9:00 AM, followed by tea/ book study. For additional offerings, see www.cloudcottage.org or call 828-669-6000. THE SEARCH: FINDING BALANCE IN HEART, BODY AND MIND (NOV 15, DEC 13) Two workshops examining G.I. Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way. We will explore through music, movement, dis
58 Farm product bought in rolls 60 Bub
PETS A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here: www.lostpetswnc.org
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