Mountain Xpress, January 16 2013

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JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

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thisweek on the cover Say hello to South Slope It may not be much to look at now, but watch as the last, quiet frontier of downtown turns to a bustling district of businesses. Some call it Buxton Hill. Others have dubbed it “SoHi.” But most know it as South Slope, the neighborhood between Coxe and Biltmore avenues, host to a collection of dilapidated buildings on the way up and some already established favorites.

JANUARY 26, 2013

Offering Expert Guidance for the Discriminating Student Mini-Workshops by Donation

9 am Camille & Kim Poetry in Motion 11 am Laura & Mili Energize & Center 1 pm Mira & Lillah Stability & Freedom 3 pm Danielle & Meghan Root to Rise

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Cover design by Carrie Lare Photograph by Max Cooper

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Our series launches with an interview with radio host Blake Butler

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N.C. Stage’s Catalyst series starts the year with two local productions

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JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

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letters It’s tIme to embrace our collectIve responsIbIlIty I am writing in response to Ray Shamlin's Jan. 2 letter, “Is gun control the answer?� I agree that we as a country must search for solutions in [the] aftermath [of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting]. I question, however, the idea that in the process we should forfeit even more of our already compromised civil liberties by establishing new, “state-run, inpatient facilities� in which to conduct “research� on those with “mental health issues.� I wonder just what kind of research Shamlin suggests we perform on such individuals, and how these people might be selected, that we best identify “behavior associated with individuals who perpetrate such crimes.� Will we rely even more on the pharmaceutical industry in carrying out this “research,� hoping that it will somehow work in the interests of what is best for us and our children? Will we create some formal registry in the process, to track those among us who strike us as dangerous, or whose personal crisis has led them to seek out psychiatric services? Will we look to the government and to industry to assist us in regulating this process? Have we forgotten what history has taught us of the implications of this kind of thinking? It seems that what the perpetrators cited by Shamlin all shared was the experience of being fundamentally isolated, socially outcast and deeply troubled individuals. In healing from this tragedy, and healing future ones, we might start by reaching out — within ourselves, each other and the world around us — to that which des-

perately needs recognition, understanding and inclusion. We can challenge that which divides us, and embrace our collective responsibility for one another. In so doing, we cease to give our energies and influence to that fragmented and terrible spirit with which the perpetrators carried out their crimes. — Piper Rose Black Mountain

It’s tIme for legItImate gun research Ray Shamlin states in his Jan. 2 letter, “Is Gun Control the Answer?� that, “From research we know that gun control is not the answer.� We know no such thing from research, because research means developing a hypothesis, collecting data to test the hypothesis, and then analyzing the data. And that has not been seriously done about guns in the U.S. Since 1997. What we do know is that the NRA lobbiedup back in 1996 and got pro-gun members of Congress to try to eliminate the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control. Congress failed to totally defund the center, but they did eliminate $2.6 million from the CDC’s budget, which was exactly the amount spent on firearm research in the previous year. Research does not mean, “I believe it to be true, so it must be true.� The fact is, the U.S.A. has more guns per capita than any other developed country and we have the highest gun-fatality letteRS coNtiNUe

staff PuBLISHER: Jeff Fobes hhh ASSISTANT TO THE PuBLISHER: Susan Hutchinson SENIOR EDITOR: Peter Gregutt hhh MANAGING EDITORS: Rebecca Sulock, Margaret Williams A&E REPORTER: Alli Marshall h SENIOR NEWS REPORTER: David Forbes h STAFF REPORTERS: Jake Frankel, Caitlin Byrd, Bill Rhodes EDITORIAL ASSISTANT, SuPPLEMENT COORDINATOR & WRITER: Jaye Bartell FOOD WRITER: Emily Patrick MOVIE REVIEWER & COORDINATOR: Ken Hanke ASSISTANT MOVIE EDITOR: Caitlin Byrd CONTRIBuTING EDITORS: Jon Elliston, Nelda Holder, Tracy Rose CALENDAR EDITOR, WRITER: Jen Nathan Orris CLuBLAND EDITOR, WRITER: Dane Smith CONTRIBuTING WRITERS: Miles Britton, Anne Fitten Glenn, ursula Gullow, Jo-Jo Jackson, Kate Lundquist, Pamela McCown, Kyle Sherard, Justin Souther, Lee Warren, Jill Winsby-Fein ART & DESIGN MANAGER: Carrie Lare h AD DESIGN & PREPRESS COORDINATOR: John Zara

SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Nathanael Roney GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Emily Busey STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER: Max Cooper ADVERTISING MANAGER: Susan Hutchinson RETAIL REPRESENTATIVES: John Varner hh MARKETING ASSOCIATES: Bryant Cooper, Jordan Foltz, Tim Navaille hh, Samantha Pope, Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt, Emily Terry CLASSIFIED MANAGER: Arenda Manning, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES MANAGER: Stefan Colosimo WEB MANAGER: Don Makoviney OFFICE MANAGER & BOOKKEEPER: Patty Levesque hhh ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER: Lisa Watters hh ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT: Arenda Manning DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Jeff Tallman ASSISTANT DISTRIBuTION MANAGER: Denise Montgomery DISTRIBuTION: Frank D’Andrea, Leland Davis, Ronald Harayda, Adrian Hipps, Jennifer Hipps, Joan Jordan, Marsha Mackay, Ryan Seymour, Dane Smith, Ed Wharton, Thomas Young h = Five years of continuous employment

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828.707.2407 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 5

rate to go with that. And while violent crime in the U.S. went down between 1990 and 2010, we have always had way more violent crime than any other country that is not currently hosting a war inside its borders. Finding solutions to the 2012 mass murders by assault weapons will not happen if we are dedicated to being anti-fact, anti-critical thinking, antiintellectual, anti-science and anti-research. The fact that the NRA came out strongly for shutting down research should tell everyone that they are trying to hide something — and I believe that “something” is the real effect of guns on our society. — Susan Oehler Asheville

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Dear Asheville City Council: I understand that there is a proposal to have one or more drive-thru restaurants on the former Deal Buick lot, site of the Harris Teeter project on Merrimon Avenue. This is a bad idea! Merrimon Avenue cannot support any more drive-thru restaurants. The traffic already is a nightmare! The Harris Teeter and Trader Joe's projects should not have been approved without widening Merrimon Avenue, putting in dedicated bike lanes and putting the utilities underground. Please do not approve any more new construction until a plan is in place to fix Merrimon. Bike lanes, underground utilities, ADA accessibility and safety needs to be planned as part of any more construction on Merrimon Avenue. — Mike J. Zukoski Asheville

armIng amerIcans to the teeth Won’t make us safer The Jan. 2 letter by Ray Shamlin, “Is Gun Control the Answer?” misses the point. No, controlling guns (especially semi-automatic and automatic weapons) does not help the mentally ill, but it does remove the means by which they can conduct such severe and sadistic massacres on our children. He reiterates the same old story as the NRA recently did and it is simply insulting. It is not surprising since it seems that, as a nation, we have become insensitive to violence and hate. This is not a proud time to be American. What kind of society condones the possession of weapons that can slaughter dozens of innocent children in seconds? Guns were made to kill! Tell me: Why do so many think arming themselves to the teeth will make them safer? There will always be crazy people in this world. But how do you detect them ahead of time? Removing the “weapons of mass destruction,” which these automatic weapons certainly are, will reduce, if not prevent, the severity of harm these people wish to inflict. Is this not common sense? So, why do our leaders and so many followers sidestep the issue? Nations that have imposed gun restrictions have none of these types of killings and almost no gun violence. How many innocent children must die, before we realize this simple logic and take real action to protect our families? Sure, we can put more armed guards in schools, but are we also going to line our theaters and


JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

The construction of two Merrimon Avenue grocery stores — Trader Joe’s and Harris Teeter — strikes one reader as “a bad idea.” mike J. Zukoski writes, “The traffic already is a nightmare! The Harris Teeter and Trader Joe’s projects should not have been approved without widening Merrimon Avenue, putting in dedicated bike lanes and putting the utilities underground.” malls with security and body scans as well? Will we let our nation become a police state for our simple lack of common sense? Sure, we can have stricter background checks, but need I remind you that this madman obtained the weapons from his mother. It is time for every human being to stand up against the powerful lobbyists and the fear-mongering of crazy gun owners. We need to restrict access to automatic and semi-automatic weapons severely and we need to remove the existing weapons from our communities. We need to contact our politicians to act now and not wait until inevitable slaughter of more innocent children. Anything less is the sign of a sick, decaying society. — Rudranath Beharrysingh Weaverville

the Water-system merger hurts us all In this time of fiscal crisis, the takeover of the Asheville water system will do no one any good. No government, no business and no family will benefit. It is a taking, the equivalent of a condemnation, and one that violates our system of government. Asheville has been an excellent manager of the water system. For the city, the appropriation of the system would create a structural deficit in the budget that won't be possible to fill except by raising the property tax. The Metropolitan Sewerage District board has proposed compensation of $57 million over a 10-year period. This figure is far less than the true value of the system. Apart from the gap between true value and proposed compensation, the method proposed for the compensation creates problems for all

involved. This is because there is only one source of funds involved. The only way to pay for any compensation is to raise the water rates paid by the businesses and residents who use the water. There are no other funds that could be used. City ratepayers would have to pay higher water rates for the compensation of their own city for losing the system, and since the compensation would only be partial at any rate, they would also have to pay higher real estate taxes to fill the budget gap. Out-of-city Buncombe County water ratepayers would also have to pay higher water rates for the compensation to the city. If Henderson County is added in, the same applies to those users. Their water rates would have to be raised to pay the compensation to the city. Those who pay higher water rates would receive no water-system benefits for their extra payments. The money would be used for the extra expense of compensating the city. Not a penny would be used to improve water quality or the efficiency of the water system. And for the local governments of the state in general, this aggressive takeover of local resources and powers will probably usher in more of the same for others. Finally, for the entire citizenry of North Carolina, whether in incorporated or unincorporated areas, the outcome would be disrupting local government to a dangerous and unprecedented extent. Local governments play indispensable roles in providing social services, police and fire protection and infrastructure for jobs and economic development. I hope there will be a more rational approach in the best interests of water ratepayers and their valued local governments. I hope the state will think this through before committing a serious mistake. — David G. Nutter Asheville




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scooters are everyWhere! I have been driving a scooter for about half a year. I love my scooter and generally feel very safe driving it in Asheville. There are a few things I would like to make drivers aware of — when it comes to passing a scooter, moped or bike — to make my rides safer. There are many pot holes, branches, trash and animal bodies in the roads around Asheville; these are obstacles scooter drivers have to dodge to avoid slipping or flipping. Please take care while passing a scooter and look ahead to see what we are trying to avoid. I can normally keep my balance easily in the wind. However, if it is a windy day outside, please pass with care, as someone on a bike of any sort may be having difficulty and swerving. North Carolina law states that any vehicle passing another must give a minimum of 2 feet of space, there is a criminal penalty if giving less then 2 feet results in an injury. I recognize that it can be frustrating to drive behind a slow-moving vehicle of any sort. I don’t mind being passed, and try to stay to the side to make it easier for cars to pass me. I also recognize that many people have never driven a scooter before and don’t recognize the obstacles we face. Perhaps with some shared understanding and respect, we can make the roads safer for everyone. — Jennifer Thornburg Asheville

anytIme Is a good tIme to take actIon I am a seventh-grader from Evergreen Community Charter School. I am writing because some people might not know a lot about homelessness. To understand homelessness, you need to know how not to stereotype, the basic information and how we can help spread the word.

“Homeless people are lazy and dirty.” This is a myth. It’s hard sometimes to get out of homelessness. Some people have a family to back them up when they’re in need of clothes, shelter, food or necessities. Other people don’t have that support so they can’t get out of poverty as easily. Some people don’t have access to a shower or transportation, or they might not have money for clean clothes and other needs. Maybe we all have stereotyping thoughts, but they shouldn’t get in the way of our everyday thinking and actions when we pass by a homeless person. The big picture in Buncombe County is that people are homeless every day. There are about 500 adults who are homeless, and about 200 children who are homeless every day and night. Altogether, that’s roughly 700 people who are homeless and shouldn’t be. Shouldn’t children be raised with a good education and good hygiene? Maybe some people would want to be homeless for the thrill, to follow the path that they want to take, like traveling the world. But many of the people you see don’t want to be homeless. There are many ways to help out in the world. How can you, the reader, get other people informed about homelessness? Take action. You can help by donating money, coats, or clothes, etc., to organizations that help the homeless. A good place to donate is ABCCM and Goodwill. You can also help by volunteering for a day with other organizations around Asheville. Anything helps, so spread the word. Homelessness is a serious thing, and no one should be stereotyping about someone who is suffering. Anytime is a good time to take action. Take that first step toward seeing homelessness with a new heart. Now that you have background information and ways to help, why not start? — Sarah Weiss Asheville



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JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

opinion communIty economIcs

our food choIces are Worth cheWIng on by sam rule

As the tailgate markets were moving indoors or going fallow, I drove to Blue Ridge Food Ventures recently for the first of four monthly pickups at Winter Sun Farms. Blue Ridge — a “kitchen incubator” for local producers — has been written about extensively, and Winter Sun Farms is just one of many good things coming out of its kitchens. Partnering with local farms during the growing season, Winter Sun provides its members with monthly shares of frozen vegetables, fruit, fresh greens, honey and eggs. It’s a way to extend community-supported agriculture year-round. Both the program and our membership are now in their fourth year. I made my way across the parking lot and into the cavernous facility, my 6-month-old in a sling on my chest, my 2-year-old in the stroller and my 4-year-old walking beside me. Wading through a sea of vendors offering samples, we entered the production kitchen, where neatly arranged coolers housed the month’s offerings. In the middle of the room a camera crew, headed up by a guy I’ll call TV Man, was filming Mary Lou Surgi, Blue Ridge’s executive director, as she delivered passionate, pleasant descriptions of the surrounding bounty. The moment I walked in I knew I’d been marked: TV Man’s eyes flashed with the promise of cute kids for the story’s b-roll and an easy interview for some sound bites. After introductions and instructions, he strapped a microphone to my shirt, no easy feat considering the size of my daughter’s head. “So,” he began, “Why do you do this? Is it really worth $125 for four months of frozen food?” Still in vigilant-dad mode, I stammered, distracted by the need to minimize the losses to eager little hands. I gave a vague, predictable response about the importance of local, adding a snappy bit about how good the food tastes. “You can tell a difference?” he retorted. “It’s healthier, too, right?” he added, still fishing for sound bites. After further hesitation, I mumbled: “Uh ... yeah. These berries taste like berries, not some sort of goulash I might get at a supermarket.” Interview over, the cameraman got his shots, the kindly Winter Sun staff guided us through the pickup, and we retreated to our car. I, however, was devastated by my halting, unarticulate responses. The food we eat and

We choose to keep the money We Work so hard to earn rIght here In our communIty, supportIng our neIghbors Who are WorkIng Just as hard. the way we use our money are two of the most important choices my family makes on a daily basis. Here was my opportunity to share our story, and I missed by a wide margin. So with hindsight on my side, I’d like to try that interview again. “Why do you do this? Is it really worth $125 for four months of frozen food?” Well, “worth” is such a loaded word, sir, both leading and subjective. If you’re simply asking about the cash cost, my family chooses to make the money we spend on the food we eat a priority, a value that guides our decisions. Like Christmas and our children’s birthdays, we know the Winter Sun membership will come every year, so we save a little bit each month to cover the cost. I know, TV Man, that not everyone has the financial capacity to make such a choice; that local food can be elitist and dividing (or, at the very least, naive). And if you consider only the money, I understand that argument. But cost is more than the dollar sign assigned to the products to be peddled during the next commercial break. I’ve walked the land where some of this food is grown. I’ve seen small producers working at the Blue Ridge facility become sus-

tainable businesses. I’m sure some economist somewhere has assigned points to these indirect benefits and could translate everything to a bottom line, but we don’t. We choose to keep the money we work so hard to earn right here in our community, supporting our neighbors who are working just as hard. On top of all that, the food does taste better. “You can tell a difference? It’s healthier, too, right?” Yes, I can tell a difference. It tastes of what it is, its essence intact without addition or manipulation. I don’t know, and I don’t much care, if it’s healthier. (You’re leading me again, by the way.) All I know is that I’m not afraid to feed any of this to my children, and I dream of finding a way to get this into the freezers and kitchens of every family in the county. Now if you’ll excuse me, TV Man, I need to get some blackberries distributed before I have a mutiny on my hands. I’ll be back next month, and next year, if you’d like to continue this discussion another time. X Sam Rule lives in Asheville. To learn more about Winter Sun Farms, visit For information about Blue Ridge Food Ventures, visit


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The way we digest news in Western North Carolina has changed dramatically since Asheville’s first newspaper, the Highland Messenger, began publishing around 1840. Today, most of us no longer walk to the door, pick up the paper and sit down to eat with our favorite sections sprawled across the breakfast table. And even those who still do may also be checking Twitter, following hashtags and using apps. These changes, of course, aren’t limited to the North Carolina mountains. In an October study by the Pew Research Center, only 38 percent of respondents said they regularly read a daily newspaper — down from 54 percent in 2004. Meanwhile, the study noted, digital readership is up: 55 percent of regular New York Times readers now enjoy their paper on a computer or mobile device. But is this merely a shift in delivery systems, or are there more fundamental changes afoot? What new business models will local publishers, editors and producers experiment with? How does this rapidly evolving media landscape affect our community as a whole, and individual residents’ ability to access the information they need? Does the dismantling of traditional barriers require consumers to play a more active role in assessing the news they receive? And how do educators teach journalism or even basic media literacy when there’s no textbook for the warp-speed shifts continually sweeping the industry? Our new “Media Matters” series will explore these questions and more: At Mountain Xpress, we firmly believe that local matters — and, consequently, local media matters. — Caitlin Byrd Send your media-related news and tips to

XPREss livE Xpress sTAffERs APPEAR wEEklY On THE fOllOwing RAdiO sHOws: “lOCAl EdgE RAdiO” (880 AM THE REvOluTiOn; wEdnEsdAYs 3:30 P.M.); “THE PETE kAlinER sHOw” (wwnC 570 AM; wEdnEsdAYs 4 P.M.); “TAkE A sTAnd wiTH MATT And AgnEs” (wZgM 1350 AM; THuRsdAYs 4:30 P.M.); And “THE wisE guYs” (EsPn 1310 AM; THuRsdAYs 5:30 P.M.).


lOCAl EdgE RAdiO CO-fOundER BlAkE BuTlER




BY JAkE fRAnkEl After nearly four years hosting “Local Edge Radio,” Blake Butler stepped down recently to pursue other projects. Co-host Lesley Groetsch, with whom he founded the show, left in 2011. Despite the duo’s total lack of radio experience, Clear Channel Asheville gave them a Saturday show and eventually expanded it to five days a week during the coveted 3-6 p.m. drive time slot — making it one of only a handful of successful local progressive talk-radio shows in the country. Butler, a former chair of the Buncombe County Democratic Party, says the show was hatched “on a whim” after he appeared on Matt Mittan’s right-leaning talk show, which then ran on WWNC. “I said to myself, we need to have a local show that represents the other opinion: people who I know believe in some of the same things that I believe in,” Butler explains. He went on to garner broader exposure, regularly filling in for Norman Goldman on his syndicated show. Butler says he’ll continue exploring national radio opportunities with Goldman, Bill Press and other friends in the business. But his main focus will be on building a public relations/governmental relations firm that will work on issue advocacy with local and state political candidates and elected officials. He also says he wants to run for office himself at some point, perhaps against Republican state Rep. Tim Moffitt. Meanwhile, Vonciel Baudouin, a frequent guest on Butler’s show, is filling in while Clear Channel management looks for a new local show to fill that slot. On one of Butler’s last days on air, Xpress turned the tables on him, conducting an exit interview. Here are excerpts from that conversation.

Mountain Xpress: In the early days, you and Lesley had a lot of energy, a lot of creative excitement, but not much experience. Were there any memorable on-air disasters? Blake Butler: Oh yeah, absolutely. We had our uncomfortable moments. Our first broadcast was rough, very rough, because we didn’t have the flow down and we didn’t know how to play off of each other. Probably the most interesting situation we got into early was covering a story on the “angry beavers” in Hot Springs. That was very, very difficult. It was one of those situations where we were told, “When you’re covering a story, don’t break up laughing too much.” We had a lot of fun with that. When Lesley decided to leave, it changed the dynamic. I didn’t have anyone to bounce things off of anymore. So I was definitely disappointed, but I understood that she had to move on to a full-time job. How were you greeted by Matt Mittan? And more recently, what has the relationship been like with his replacement, Pete Kaliner? As soon as I got the call from Clear Channel, the first person I told was Matt Mittan, and he was happy. He knew my whole quest, to have a balanced voice from 3-6 in drive time, and he applauded that. I think we never really had run-ins with Matt and Agnes [Cheek], because Lesley and I came in here without any experience and no egos, because we didn’t know what we were doing.

10 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •


Pete Kaliner is a different character altogether, because he’s a libertarian. And how I want him to defend the Republicans, he refuses to do it. So sometimes it doesn’t give me anybody to go after. But yes, I like Pete just fine. You gave a lot of Republicans a hard time. Do you have any regrets? Do you think talk radio tends to create a sense of divisiveness? Or do you see it as more of a positive force? I definitely think I’ve been divisive — and a positive force too. This whole game is about being divisive in the election cycle. And it’s very difficult not to try to win political points each broadcast. Thinking back, I got ahead of myself on the BP oil spill. That day, I immediately started, on air, calling for people to boycott BP and the stations here, and that was a mistake. I was upset with what the corporation itself was doing, but what I didn’t realize is that I was hurting local business owners. And I regret that.

As far as being divisive, Hannity, Beck, Rush — I hear stuff coming out of their mouths that’s like, wow, they want to launch some sort of civil war. In what ways do you think you had a positive impact? I think I was very successful in being a strong voice in the Amendment One discussion. ... If I think about the [2012] election cycle, we had James Taylor, we had Stephen Stills. The list of celebrities we had on in that eight-week period was amazing. They were all here to talk about President Obama and his re-election effort. I was able to bring some of those big names onto this little local show, and that made me really proud. Are you concerned about the future of talk and progressive radio? Asheville is such a progressive stronghold. So when I walked in and wanted to do this show, even though they said “no” initially, the reason they called back three months later is because they probably sat around and said, “If there’s anyplace you can launch a local progressive talk show in the South, it’s Asheville.” So I think there’s opportunity in certain markets, but the signal is limited. So a lot of the growth we’ve seen has been [online with] iHeart Radio. And that’s really the future of radio. … iHeart Radio, a lot of it is run by robots. Local talk across the board is under fire. These local folks here have always fought for me. But there are situations where certain media conglomerates are just flipping the switch, and local stations don’t have any choice in that. I’m not going to be that kind of victim. I started this for the right reasons, and I’m ending it on a high note, for the right reasons. They’ve got the moneys here to launch a new local show, which I’m very excited about. But you look at what’s happening with local talk, and this isn’t just progressive, folks — this is also conservative. As there’s more of a push to try to consolidate and syndicate, a lot of times that pushes the local voice out quickly. Why are you stepping down now? After four years, it was time for me to move on and pass the torch. I really sat down and thought about what I was all about personally. Knowing that I’ve spent the last four years complaining about some of the problems that exist, I thought it was time for me to roll up my sleeves and get involved. X Jake Frankel can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 115, or at

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VALENTINE’S DAY NOTICE OF A CITIZENS INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP FOR THE PROPOSED WIDENING OF 1-26 FROM U.S. 25 TO I-40 TIP Project Nos. I-4400/I-4700 Henderson & Buncombe Counties The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen and improve approximately 22.2 miles of I-26 from U.S. 25 in Henderson County to I-40 in Buncombe County. The purpose of this project is to relieve projected congestion along the I-26 corridor. The project proposes a multilane widening of I-26 that includes rehabilitation and widening of existing bridge structures within the project limits, including the Blue Ridge Parkway structure over I-26. NCDOT will hold a citizens' informational workshop for the above project on Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013 from 4pm until 7pm at the Western North Carolina Agricultural Center-Virginia C. Boone Building, located at 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd. in Fletcher. Citizens are invited to speak individually with NCDOT officials and to review the project area map. Aerial mapping denoting the project area will be displayed at the workshop. The opportunity to submit written comments or questions will also be provided. Comments and suggestions received will be considered during the design phase. Interested citizens may attend at any time during the above mentioned hours. There will not be a formal presentation. Anyone desiring additional information may contact Dre Jajor of the NCDOT Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit at 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 276991548, by phone at (919) 707-6028 or via email at ujmajor@ NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who want to participate in this workshop. Anyone requiring special services should contact Major as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494. • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 11

news x government

It’s hIstory by caItlIn byrd

Mondays 7-9 pm

A photograph of the former icehouse at 91 Riverside Drive lingered on the projector screen before Asheville City Council members voted Jan. 8 to demolish it. “It seems like a terrible loss to tear it down, but on the other hand, I'm not sure there's enough there to salvage,” noted Council member Jan davis, glancing at the image. The only portion of the 50,000-square-foot structure that will remain is the iconic smokestack, which will be preserved. stephanie Monson, a planner in the city’s Office of Economic Development, pressed Council members for direction, and staff reports described the icehouse as "significantly dilapidated, unsafe and the site of a substantial level of criminal activity." Monson presented three options: Postpone a decision, repair and preserve the building, or (per staff’s recommendation) demolish it immediately. Cecil Bothwell suggested holding off till the city could determine the property’s value. "My sense is that, having been in building trades for years, you don't want to tear down something of substantial physical investment if there's a chance of reusing it somehow," he said. His colleagues, however, kept focusing on safety. Council member Gordon smith called the decrepit structure "one of the scariest places in the city to go into, not only because it's dark and dingy and cobwebby but because of the evidence of what goes on in it." Members of the public echoed Council members’ questions and concerns as they wrestled with the best way to proceed. luke Perry of the West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood group urged Council to preserve as much of the building as possible and place an informational kiosk about the icehouse there. A developer suggested creating a French Broad River museum on the site. But in the end, Bothwell was the odd man out on Council’s 5-1 vote to demolish, after which they unanimously allocated $145,000 to pay for it. (Council member Marc Hunt was absent on vacation.)

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Earlier in the meeting, Council considered allowing up to two food trucks in Biltmore Village, operating off-street like the ones downtown. Some merchants raised fairness concerns, citing the architectural guidelines new brick-andmortar establishments must satisfy. Today's food trucks are incompatible with the district’s historic character, argued stan Collins,

12 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

councIl votes to demolIsh Icehouse

“It’s one of the scarIest places In the cIty, not only because It's dark and dIngy and cobWebby but because of the evIdence of What goes on In It." councIl member gordon smIth

going, going... gone: Asheville City Council members voted to demolish the icehouse, an iconic but long-vacant building in the River Arts District near downtown. Photo by Max Cooper

president of the Biltmore Village Merchants Association. Council member Smith, however, countered that food trucks have been around in some capacity since the 1890s. And Davis, recalling his own initial reaction to food trucks downtown, said: "I was wrong; it's gone very well. I think it contributes to the area instead of takes from it.� The resolution, with an expanded definition of food trucks including those serving drinks only, was approved 6-0.

school safety Mayor Terry Bellamy kicked off the meeting by discussing the city's response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Staff, she revealed, had met with the Buncombe County commissioners, the Sheriff's Office and emergency management teams last month. "Behind the scenes, our Police Department, Sheriff's Department and Fire Department are constantly working with our school system to make sure our schools have the most up-to-date plans when it comes to safety and emergency management," she said, noting that this wasn’t the first time these groups had gotten together. "Finding solutions to all these problems is going to have to include mental illness, not just gun safety," added Bellamy. "I hope that, as we talk about these issues as a Council, we will look at them in a holistic manner, not just a single shot."

other busIness Council members also unanimously approved the following items: • a conditional-use permit requested by the new developer of the former Thoms estate in north Asheville. The permit will allow various changes in the subdivision plan, including community amenities and a parking lot. • allowing outdoor speakers in the central business and River Arts districts. Complaints will be covered by the city’s noise ordinance. • a franchise agreement for Amazing Pubcycle, a tour business featuring humanpowered trolley vehicles. X Caitlin Byrd can be reached at 251-1333, ext. 140, or at




your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries

calendar categories community events & workshops / social & shared-interest groups / government & politics / seniors & retirees / animals / technology / business & careers / volunteering / health programs / support groups / helplines / sports groups & activities / kids / spirituality / arts / spoken & written word / festivals & gatherings / music / theater / comedy / film / dance / auditions & call to artists Calendar for January 16 24, 2013 unless otherwise stated, events take plaCe in asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area Code. day-by-day Calendar is online Want to find out everything that's happening today -- or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. weekday abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday

anImals Community partnership for pets • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, noon-3pm - Community Partnership for Pets will offer spay/neuter vouchers at the

K-Mart entrance of the Blue Ridge Mall, 4 Seasons Blvd., Hendersonville. Info: 693-5172 or cpforpetsinc@aol. com. dog agility trials • FR (1/18) through SU (1/20), 8am3pm - The Blue Ridge Agility Club of WNC will host dog agility trials at the WNC Agricultural Center's McGough Arena, 1301 Fanning Bridge Road. Free. Please leave family pets at home. Info: or 713-3278. outward hounds • WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS, 10am-1pm - Brother Wolf Animal Rescue invites the public to take adoptable dogs on local hikes. Meets at BWAR, 31 Glendale Ave. Free. Info: or 5053440. the Contented parrot • SA (1/19), 10am - Looking for ways to keep your parrot happy and calm? This class will explore way to meet

calendar deadlInes free and paId listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication)

can’t fInd your group’s lIstIng? Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx. com/events. In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail

free lIstIngs To submit a free listing: online submission form (best): submission e-mail (second best): fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365.

paId lIstIngs Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. e-mail: fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.

good grief: Asheville Community Theatre’s youth production class will dodge a permanent case of bad luck at its performance of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown Saturday, Jan. 19 and Sunday, Jan 20. (pg. 21)

parrots’ many needs, from health and nutrition to behavior and enrichment. Held at 434 Cedar Hill Road, Alexander. Free. Info:

art ameriCan folk art and framing Oui-Oui Gallery is located at 64 Biltmore Ave. Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: www.amerifolk. com or 281-2134. • Through WE (2/6) - Still and Silent, works by self-taught Southern artists. art at appalaChian state university 423 W. King St., Boone. Info: www. or 262-3017. • Through SA (2/9) - Pieces of the Puzzle, works by ASU's community

14 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

outreach programs, will be on display in the Community Gallery. art at mars hill College Weizenblatt Gallery: Mon.-Fri., 9am5pm. Info: • TH (1/17) through TH (2/28) - Silent Symphony: Land, Body, Water, works by Vadim Bora. • TH (1/17), 4-7pm - Opening reception. art at unCa Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: • TH (1/17) through MO (2/4) Recollection and Intention will be on display in Highsmith University Union. • TH (1/17), 5-7pm - Opening reception for Recollection and Intention invites the public to create a memory jar. • TH (1/17) through SA (2/9) Portraits of Uganda, photos by Carrie Wagner, will be on display in the Blowers Gallery. •TH (1/17), 6-8pm - Opening reception for Portraits of Uganda.

• FR (1/18) through TU (2/5) - The Annual Drawing Discourse Exhibition will be on display in the S. Tucker Cooke Gallery. • FR (1/18), 5pm - A lecture with juror Susan Hauptman will be held in Lipinsky Auditorium. • FR (1/18), 6-8pm - Opening reception for the Annual Drawing Discourse Exhibition. art events at wCu Held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Thurs., 10am7pm. Free, but donations welcome. Info: or 227-3591. • Through FR (2/1) - North Carolina Glass 2012: In Celebration of 50 Years of Studio Glass in America. asheville area arts CounCil: the artery Community arts facility at 346 Depot St. Tues.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: www. or 258-0710.

• Through SA (2/2) - Home Is Where the Art Is, works by patients in Mission Children's Hospital's Arts for Life program. • FRIDAYS through (2/22), 9-11am Artist business brainstorming sessions will feature one-on-one opportunities for artist entrepreneurs. Free or by donation. Call to confirm dates. asheville art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: or 253-3227. • Through SU (3/31) - Survivors and Liberators: Portraits by Wilma Bulkin Siegel will be on display in the East Wing. • Through SU (1/27) - Robert Morris: Mind/Body/Earth will be on display in the North Wing. • Through SU (4/14) - In the Camps: Photographs by Erich Hartmann will be on display in the East Wing.

• Through SU (1/20) - Chasing the Image, works by Madeleine d’Ivry Lord and Sally Massengale, will be on display in the North Wing. bella vista art gallery 14 Lodge St. Winter hours: Mon., Wed., Fri. & Sat., 11am-4pm. Info: or 768-0246. • Through MO (4/1) - New works by Karen Margulis and Monika Steiner. blaCk mountain Center for the arts Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 669-0930. • Through FR (1/18) - Black Mountain Center for the Arts Clay Studio teacher/student exhibit. blaCk mountain College museum + arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College. Tues. & Wed., noon-4pm; Thurs.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Info: or 350-8484. • TH (1/17), 7pm - An illustrated lecture on Bernard Leach's career. Free. Info: • FR (1/18) through SA (6/1) - No Ideas but in Things, works by Black Mountain College alumnus John Urbain. • FR (1/18), 5:30-7:30pm - Opening reception. $3/free for members and students. Center for Craft, Creativity and design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road in Hendersonville. Mon.-Fri., noon-5pm. Info: or 890-2050. • FR (1/18) through FR (3/1) Topography, textiles by Ismini Samanidou. • FR (1/18), 5-7pm - Opening reception. • WE (1/16), 5:30pm - The WNC Textile Study Group lecture with Ismini Samanidou will be held at HandMade in America, 125 S. Lexington Ave., Suite 101. folk art Center MP 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: or 298-7928. • Through TU (3/19) - Works by Valerie McGaughey (fiber) and Virginia McKinney (mixed media). • SA (1/12) through SU (4/21) Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts exhibition. haen gallery 52 Biltmore Ave. Wed.-Fri., 10am6pm; Mon., Tues. & Sat., 11am-6pm; Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 254-8577. • SA (1/19) through TH (2/28) Wintertide 2013, a rotating exhibition of Haen Gallery artists. handmade in ameriCa Located at 125 S. Lexington Ave. Info: or 252-0121.

• Through FR (2/22) - Flux: A Craft Exchange, an exhibit exchange with Flux Studios of Mount Rainier, Md.

• Through TH (1/31) - Works by Transylvania Vocational Services clients.

haywood County arts CounCil Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC's Gallery 86, 86 N. Main St., Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: www. or 452-0593. • Through SA (2/9) - Fire and Ice: Pottery, Glass and Metalwork.

us and them • Through MO (1/28) - Us and Them, new paintings, drawings and sculptures by Julie Armbruster, will be on display at Early Girl Eatery, 8 Wall St. Info:

Joseph anderson: forged iron • Through FR (1/25) - Figuratively Speaking, an exhibition of iron works by Joseph Anderson, will be on display at 296 Depot, 296 Depot St. Info: 467-0265. meet the artists • SA (1/19), 6-8pm - The Curiosity Shoppe, 3028 U.S. Highway 70, Black Mountian, will host a wine and cheese reception featuring painter Ruth Sausman, photographer Fran Roberts and jeweler Chelsea Morning. Info: 669-7467. n.C. arboretum Located at 100 Frederick Law Olmsted Way. 9am-5pm daily. Programs are free with $8 parking fee. Info: or 665-2492. • Through SU (4/7) - Seeds Up Close, works by Nancy Cook. nourish and flourish • TH (1/17), 6-8pm - Nourish and Flourish, 347 Depot St., Suite 201, will host a joint exhibition of works by RAD artists Mark Bettis and Vicky Pinney. Drinks and snacks provided. Info: or 255-2770. seven sisters gallery 117 Cherry St., Black Mountain. Summer hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., noon-5pm. Info: or 669-5107. • Through TH (1/31) - Trees, Trees, Trees, paintings by Kim Rody. street photography • Through TH (1/31) - Photography by Joe Longobardi is on display at A-B Tech's Holly Library. Info: www. swannanoa valley fine arts league Red House Studios and Gallery, 310 West State St., Black Mountain. Thurs.-Sat., 11am-3pm. Info: svfal. or • Through SU (2/24) - Epiphanies, Experimentation and Collaboration. • WEDNESDAYS through (1/30) Artist roundtable and collaboration. Free. transylvania Community arts CounCil Located at 349 S. Caldwell St., Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30am4:30pm. Info: or 884-2787.

INFORMATION SESSION Thursday, January 24th • 5:30-7pm

A free public charter school! Thursday, Jan. 24 • 5:30 – 7pm Evergreen Gymnasium 50 Bell Rd. • Haw Creek

audItIons & call to artIsts appalaChian pastel soCiety • Through MO (3/18) - The Appalachian Pastel Society will accept entries for its On Common Ground: Pastel Paintings From the Mountains to the Sea exhibition through march 18. Info: appalaChian trail hall of fame • Through TH (2/28) - Nominations for the Appalachian Trail Hall of Fame will be accepted through feb. 28. Info:

• 2009-2012 Honor School of Excellence • 2012 National Green Ribbon School • 2011 & 2012 Voted Mountain Xpress “Best School in WNC”

blue ridge national heritage • Through MO (2/25) - The Haywood County Arts Council will accept pottery and clay submissions from Blue Ridge National Heritage area artists through feb. 25. Info: or 452-0593.

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Community foundation of henderson County sCholarships • Through FR (3/1) - The Community Foundation of Henderson County will accept college scholarship applications from Henderson County students through march 1. Info: www. lake eden arts festival • Through WE (1/30) - LEAF will accept applications from handcraft artists for its spring festival through Jan 30. Info: montford park players logo • Through FR (3/1) - The Montford Park Players will accept submissions for its new logo design through march 1. Info: north Carolina writers' network • Through FR (2/15) - The North Carolina Writers' Network will accept short fiction for its Doris Betts Fiction Prize through feb 15. Info: www.nclr. rose post Creative nonfiCtion Competition • Through TH (1/17) - The Rose Post Creative Nonfiction Competition will accept submissions through Jan. 17. Info: short story Contest • Through WE (1/16) - The Friends of the Black Mountain Library will accept submissions from adults for its short story contest through Jan. 16. Hand • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 15

delivery required: 105 Dougherty St., Black Mountain. Info: 250-4756. or http://

tC arts CounCil Applications available at or 884-2787. • Through WE (3/6) - TC Arts Council will accept applications for The Great Outdoors exhibit through march 6. • Through TU (2/5) - TC Arts Council will accept submissions for its Material World exhibit through feb. 5.

sChool shooting panel disCussion • TH (1/17), 6:30-7:45pm - WCU will host a panel discussion about the Newtown school shooting and its aftermath in A.K. Hinds University Center's multipurpose room. Free. Info: or 2277311. sisters in stitChes • 3rd SATURDAYS, 1pm - Sisters in Stitches sewing group meets at The Drygoods Shop, 474 Haywood Road. Free. Info:

thomas wolfe fiCtion prize • Through WE (1/30) - The Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize will accept submissions through Jan. 30. Info: www.

wnC physiCians for soCial responsibility • FR (1/18), 12:30-2pm - A meeting of WNC Physicians for Social Responsibility will be held at a private home. Directions: www.wncpsr. org.

united way Community grants • Through FR (1/18) - The United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County will accept applications from local nonprofits for its community grants in the fields of education, income and health through Jan. 18. Info and orientation dates: or 255-0696.

comedy disClaimer stand-up lounge • WEDNESDAYS, 9pm - Disclaimer Stand-Up Lounge will be held at the Dirty South Lounge, 41 N. Lexington Ave. Free. Info: www.

benefIts ski benefit day • TH (1/24), 9am-10pm - Wolf Ridge Resort in Mars Hill will donate 20 percent of ticket sales to the western north Carolina nature Center. Info: typsy gypsies fashion show • MO (1/21), 6:30pm - A fashion show, to benefit foothills animal shelter, will feature repurposed clothing, drinks and hors d'ourves. Held at Typsy Gypsies Retail/Resale Shop, 171 E. Main St., Saluda. $5. Info:

busIness & technology a-b teCh small business Center • FR (1/18), 10-11am - A comprehensive overview of creating business plans for new and expanding businesses will be offered at A-B Tech's Small Business Center, located on the Enka campus. Free. Info and registration: business workshop for artists • SA (1/19), 4-6pm - A business workshop for artists will focus on creating opportunities to sell work outside the local area. Hosted by Asheville Area Arts Council at 346 Depot St. Free. Info and registration: mica@ or 258-0710. mountain bizworks workshops 153 S. Lexington Ave. Info: 253-2834 or • MONDAYS, noon & WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - An informational meeting about Mountain BizWorks' programs will help businesses make the first step toward accessing the organization's services.

no snow? no problem: Take the kids sledding, even if the flakes don’t fly. The Town of Beech Mountain opens its free sledding hill daily to children 12 and under. Frolic in the man-made (and perhaps natural) snow through March. (pg. 18)

Free. Info and registration: victor@ or 253-2834. • TH (1/17), 6-9pm - Express Foundations, a fast-paced version of the Foundations curriculum, uses an integrated approach to emphasize the cross-development of financial and marketing elements. This fiveweek course meets Tuesdays or Thursdays. Sliding scale. Info and registration: victor@mountainbizworks. org or 253-283. small loan advantage workshop • TU (1/22), 11:30am-1:30pm - The N.C. Institute of Minority Economic Development will provide information and accept applications for SBA small business loans up to $25,000 at A-B Tech's Haynes Center, Room 209, Enka Campus. Info: www.ncimed. com.

classes, meetIngs & events 150th anniversary of the Civil war • ONGOING, 10am-5pm Henderson County Heritage Museum will observe the 150th anniversary of the Civil War with never-before-

seen artifacts including military weaponry and uniforms at 1 Historic Courthouse Square, Hendersonville. Free. Info: 694-1619. asheville anime Club • SATURDAYS, 3pm - The Asheville Anime Club features "geeky films and fun" at Firestorm Cafe, 48 Commerce St. Free. Info: or 255-8115. asheville Chess Club • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-10:30pm The Asheville Chess Club meets at North Asheville Community Center, 37 E. Larchmont Drive. Children's club meets from 5:15-6:30pm. $5 per session. Info: or 299-3715. asheville radiCal mental health ColleCtive • TUESDAYS, 4:30pm - This "radical mental health community for those who experience self/world in ways that are often diagnosed as psychiatric disorders" meets for social time and discussion at the Vendor's Lounge in The Downtown Market, 45 S. French Broad Ave. Info: asheville sCrabble Club • SUNDAYS, 2-6pm - The Asheville Scrabble Club meets at Atlanta Bread

16 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

Company North, 633 Merrimon Ave. Info:

will focus on the legacy of the

blue ridge toastmasters • MONDAYS, 12:15-1:25pm - Blue Ridge Toastmasters offers "Speak Up Asheville" to develop speaking and leadership skills, Feb. 4-25. Weekly meetings held at Asheville Chamber of Commerce/Lenoir Rhyne University, 36 Montford Ave., Room 317. Info:

at the Friends Meeting House, 227

brevard College visitation day • MO (1/21), 9am-2pm - Brevard College invites high school students to learn more about the college at Visitation Day. Free. Info and registration: 884-8332.

Biltmore, 115 Hendersonville Road.

Children first/Cis mind the gap tour • TH (1/17), 3:30pm - The Children First/CIS Mind the Gap Tour will call attention to issues in our community that hinder the success of children and families in poverty. Donations not requested. Info and registration: or 259-9717. ethiCal soCiety of asheville • SU (1/20), 2-3:30pm - A meeting of the Ethical Society of Asheville

the water Coolers • SA (1/19), 7:30pm - The Water Coolers comedy troupe will perform musical parodies and comedy about the workplace in Caldwell Community College's J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. $18.50/$12 children. Info: or 726-2407.


Emancipation Proclamation. Held Edgewood Road. Free. Info: www. or 687-7759. guns in sChools • TH (1/17), 6-8pm - The TAS Speaker Series will feature Ned Ryan Doyle and Dr. William Forstchen discussing conceal carry permits for teachers. Held at Doubletree Hilton at $5 benefits local nonprofits. www. interseCtions Craft Club • WE (1/23), 6pm - The Intersections Craft Club presents "Multi-Media Collage Art with Yoko Morris." Items will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring small items. Held at the Diana Wortham Theatre, 2 S. Pack Square. $25 includes materials. Info and registration: 257-4530 or osogbo/asheville sister City group • 4th TUESDAYS, 6pm - Meetings held monthly at 33 Page Ave. Info:

beginner swing danCing lessons (pd.) 4 week series starts first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm. $12/week per person. • No partner necessary. Eleven on Grove, downtown Asheville. Details: www. elevate sChool of life and art • Through FR (3/29) - Elevate School of Life and Art offers dance classes at 34 S. Lexington Ave. Dance apprenticeships for teens and adults available. $6 per class. 45 percent of proceeds go toward building a new community center. Info: www. or 318-8895. savion glover • TH (1/24), 7:30pm - Tap dancer and choreographer Savion Glover will present SoLe Sanctuary in WCU's Bardo Performing Arts Center. $15/$10 students. Info: sCottish Country danCe Class • FRIDAYS, 7:30pm - Featuring lively jigs, reels and strathspey social dances. "This is Scotland's Ballroom dancing." Partner not required.

Comfortable, informal dress. Open to ages 11 and above. Held at Harvest House, 205 Kenilworth Road. Free for beginners. Info: dancing.trees. southern lights sdC Held at the Whitmire Activity Building, 301 Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Info and cost: 6933825. • SA (1/19), 7pm - Southern Lights Square and Round Dance Club will host a "Hawaiian Dreaming" dance. Advanced dance at 6pm.

eco eCo heritage tree sale • Through MO (2/11) - ECO will host a sale of heritage trees, including apple, chestnut, blueberry and persimmon. Trees will be available for pickup Feb. 11; advanced orders strongly recommended. $25 per tree. Info: or 692-0385. riverlink events Info: or 252-8474. • TH (1/17), 11:45am - A RiverLink bus tour of the French Broad and Swannanoa Rivers will meet at the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce, 36 Montford Ave. $15/ free for members. Info and reservations: 252-8474.

festIvals mlk: award Ceremony • MO (1/21), 6pm - A ceremony will honor Martin Luther King, Jr. award winners at Nazareth First Baptist Church, 141 Pine St. Free. Info: www. mlk: doCumentary sCreening • SU (1/20), 4-6pm - Youth OUTright will screen a documentary about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Free. Info: www. mlk: peaCe marCh and rally • MO (1/21), 11:30am - A peace march and rally to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. will be preceded by a service at St. James AME Church, 44 Hildebrand St. A march to CityCounty Plaza will depart at noon. Free. Info: mlk: prayer breakfast • SA (1/19), 8:30pm - The Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Asheville and Buncombe County will host a prayer breakfast at the Grove Park Inn, 290 Macon Ave. $30/$15 children 12 and under. Info: www. or 335-6896. mlk: unCa • TH (1/17), 4pm - A youth celebration to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. will be held in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. Info: • TU (1/22), 8pm - “The Parchman Hour, Remembering the Past: Freedom Rider Vignettes" will be

presented as part of Martin Luther King, Jr. Week in UNCA's Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. Info: cesap.unca. edu or 251-6691. • WE (1/23), 7pm - Gwendolyn Boyd, the first African American woman to earn a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at Yale, will lead the Martin Luther King, Jr. Week keynote address in Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. mlk: western Carolina university • MO (1/21), 4:30pm - Alpha Phi Alpha will host a unity march followed by a birthday party for Martin Luther King, Jr. in WCU's University Center. Info: • TU (1/22), 12:30pm - Students will re-enact King's I Have a Dream speech from the University Center balcony. • WE (1/23), 7pm - Poet Nikki Giovanni will present a keynote address in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. • TH (1/24), 3-5pm - A discussion about race will be held in the Cardinal Room of the University Center.

fIlm asheville art museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Programs are free with admission unless otherwise noted. Admission: $8/$7 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Info: or 253-3227. • TH (1/17), 7pm & FR (1/18), noon - The museum will host two rare 16mm screenings of Fluxfilm Program (1970), part of the Fluxfilm Anthology. Held in the New Media Gallery. For ages 12 and older. Info: http://avl. mx/prpb. happy • TU (1/22), 7-9pm - A screening of Happy will be held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. By donation. Info: or king Corn • WE (1/16), 6-8pm - Transition Hendersonville will screen King Corn: You Are What You Eat at Black Bear Cafe, 318 Main St., Hendersonville. Free. Info: wal-mart: the high Cost of low priCe • TU (1/22), 7pm - The New Lens Film Series will screen Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price in WCU's A.K. Hinds University Center. Free. Info: or 227-3839.

food & beer CaJun Cook-off • SA (1/19), 4pm - Asheville Mardi Gras will host a Cajun cook-off, followed by an art and oddities silent auction, at Tressa's Downtown Jazz and Blues, 28 Broadway St. $10/free with Asheville Mardi Gras member-

ship. Info: www.ashevillemardigras. org. vegan Cooking Class • SATURDAYS through (2/2), 11am1pm - A series of cooking classes will focus on organic, vegan food. A free potluck will be held on Feb. 2. Held at Jubilee!, 46 Wall St. $25-$40 sliding scale per class. Registration for series required at first class. Info: or 505-4545.

gardenIng for-profit firewood • TH (1/24), noon-1pm- Stephen Bishop, Masters of Forestry from NCSU, will provide tips to make cutting firewood easier and more profitable at the Mill Spring Agricultural Development and Community Center, 156 School Road. Free; bring a lunch. Info: www.polkcountyfarms. org or 894-2281. networking for prospeCtive farmers • TH (1/17), 2-4pm - A workshop and networking opportunity for prospective farmers and food producers will focus on acquiring farmland. Held at Mountain BizWorks, 153 S. Lexington Ave. Free. Info and registration: www. regional tailgate markets Markets are listed by day, time and name of market, followed by address. Three dashes indicate the next listing. For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. Info: or 236-1282. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-3pm asheville City market south, WCU campus, 28 Schenck Parkway, Biltmore Park Town Square. • SATURDAYS, 9am-noon - haywood historic farmers market, 250 Pigeon St., Waynesville. --- 10am-1pm - asheville City market, Haywood Park Hotel atrium, 1 Battery Park Ave. --- 10am-1pm - Jackson County farmers market, 23 Central St., Sylva. --- 10am-12:30pm - woodfin reynolds mountain neighborhood y winter tailgate, the LOFTS at Reynolds Village, Building 51. --- 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS, 10am2pm - madison County indoor winter market, Madison County Cooperative Extension, 258 Carolina Lane, Marshall. --- 2nd SATURDAYS, 10am-2pm - bakersville farmers market, 11 N. Mitchell Ave. --- 3rd SATURDAYS, 2-6pm - spruce pine farmers market, Mountainside Wine, 271 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine. tips for selling timber • TH (1/17), noon-1pm- Stephen Bishop, Masters of Forestry from NCSU, will provide tips for selling timber at the Mill Spring Agricultural Development and Community Center, 156 School Road. Free; bring a lunch. Info: www.polkcountyfarms. org or 894-2281.

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fun fundraisers

create fate What: A benefit concert, featuring Sanctum Sully and Town Mountain, to support MANNA FoodBank. Where: Isis Restaurant and Music Hall, 743 Haywood Road. When: Friday, Jan. 18, 8 p.m. $20/$15 in advance. Info: Why: There's a new force in the local nonprofit world: Funding America Through Entertainment, or FATE. Its emerging dedication to "rock 'n' roll philanthropy" brings together businesses and entertainers to support food banks and drives. The organization's first show will feature bluegrass favorites Town Mountain and Sanctum Sully to benefit MANNA FoodBank. Organized by former MANNA communications director Josh Stack, FATE combines Stack's dedication to food security and his experience in the music industry. Sanctum Sully (pictured) and Town Mountain are inspired by this new opportunity to encourage altruism in our region. “Asheville is all about a sense of community and collaboration,” says Town Mountain’s Jesse Langlais. "We’re definitely excited to be a part of an event that’s going to help so many of our neighbors in need.” Isis Restaurant and Music Hall will host the event and sponsors include Sierra Nevada, Leslie and Associates, and Pisgah Brewery. Be a part of FATE's initial effort while supporting one of Asheville's most established food banks with an evening of bluegrass, beer and good cheer. Photo by Meg Reilley

government & polItIcs asheville obJeCtivists • 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Those interested in Ayn Rand and her philosophy of objectivism are invited to this inaugural meeting at Denny's, 1 Regent Park Blvd. Free. Please RSVP: bunCombe green party meeting • 1st MONDAYS, 6pm - Meetings held in The Fortune Building, 727 Haywood Road. Info: Free.

kIds ashe-bots robotiCs team • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Ashe-Bots is a FIRST Robotics Team and nonprofit STEM-based program for high school students ages 14-18. Group meets weekly at A-B Tech's Dogwood Building. Engineering and tech professionals are invited to mentor participants. Info: brookside891@att. net or Community youth Chorus • THURSDAYS, 6-7:45pm - The Celebration Singers of Asheville Community Youth Chorus invites children ages 7-14 to join. Please prepare a song and bring sheet music if possible. Rehearsals held at First

Congregational Church, 20 Oak St. RSVP for audition: 230-5778 or www. grateful steps Publishing house located at 159 S. Lexington Ave. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www. or 277-0998. • SA (1/19), 12:30pm - Steve Jones will present Life in America, a program for children about how "history's human experiences relate to life today." hands on! This children's museum is located at 318 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Programs require $5 admission fee/free for members, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 6978333. • WE (1/16), 11am - Book n’ Craft will offer crafts relating to Curious George. • TH (1/17) - Critter Craft invites children to learn about monkeys throughout the day. • FRIDAYS through (1/25), 11am Learning Spanish Creatively utilizes games, dramatic play, movement and songs. Ages 3-6. $10 per class/$8 members. Registration requested. • MO (1/21) - Children are invited to make art relating to Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the day. • TU (1/22), 2-4pm - Children are invited to make paper bag puppets. • WE (1/23), 10am-noon & 3-5pm - Children are invited to paint rocks

for the museum's mountain stream. All ages. • TH (1/24) - National Kazoo Day invites kids to learn about the instrument's history and music. Kazoos available for purchase. musiC workshop • SATURDAYS, 11am-noon - Sonia Brooks hosts a music workshop for kids at Grateful Steps Bookstore, 159 S. Lexington Ave. Free; donations accepted. Info: www.gratefulsteps. com or 277-0998. st. gerard house family movie night • MO (1/21), 5:30pm - St. Gerard House presents a dinner and movie night for families with special needs in Henderson and surrounding counties, featuring a screening of Disney's Up. Held at Immaculata School, 711 Buncombe St. Free. Info: or 213-9787. super sCienCe saturday • SATURDAYS, noon-2pm - Super Science Saturday features hands-on activities with museum facilitators at The Health Adventure, 800 Brevard Road #620. All ages. Free with museum admission. Info: the Crafty historian • SA (1/19), 10:30am-12:30pm - The Crafty Historian will present a program on Asheville's flying ace, Kiffen Rockwell, at Smith McDowell House

18 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

on A-B Tech's Asheville campus. $3. Registration required: 253-9231. or (503) 8080362.

youth bridge • SATURDAYS, 10:30am - The Asheville Bridge Room hosts youth bridge for 6-8th graders at storefront C1 in the River Ridge Shopping Center, 800 Fairview Road. Free. Info: 658-9398 or

blaCk mountain Center for the arts Old City Hall, 225 W. State St., Black Mountain. Mon.-Wed. and Fri., 10am5pm; Thurs., 11am-3pm. Info: www. or 669-0930. • TH (1/17), 7:30pm - Jazz with Michael Jefry Stevens (piano and composer) and Eliot Wadopian (bass). $10 donation.

youth sledding • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS until (3/1) - The Town of Beech Mountain offers free sledding for kids, featuring man-made and natural snow. Held adjacent to the Visitors Center, 403A Beech Mountain Parkway. Weekdays: 1-5pm; weekends and holidays: 9am5pm. Free. Info: or (800) 468-5506.

musIc song o' sky show Chorus (pd.) TUESDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Covenant Community UMC 11 Rocket Dr. Asheville, NC 28803. Guests welcome. Contact: Toll Free # 1-866-824-9547. appalaChian Jam Class • THURSDAYS, 6pm - An Appalachian jamming class will focus on playing traditional music as a group. All instruments welcome. Held at First Presbyterian Church of Weaverville, 30 Alabama Ave. $10. Info: michael.

blue ridge orChestra Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Open rehearsals for the Blue Ridge Orchestra will be held most Wednesdays in the Manheimer Room of UNCA's Reuter Center. Free. Call for confirmation. Info: or 251-6140. brevard College faCulty ConCert • FR (1/18), 7:30pm - Kathryn Gresham (soprano) and Katherine Palmer (piano) will perform in Brevard College's Porter Center. Free. Info: 884-8211. grind Cafe 136 West Union St., Morganton. Info: or 430-4343. • FR (1/18), 7:30pm - Jonathan Byrd (singer-songwriter). $15. open miC • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm-midnight The Sly Grog Lounge, 45 S. French Broad Ave., inside The Downtown

Market, hosts a weekly open mic for poets, musicians and performers of all types. Info: sutton, holt and Coleman • SU (1/20), 4pm - Sutton, Holt and Coleman (traditional mountain music) will perform at the Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main St., Marshall. $25/$20 in advance. Info: the el Chapala Jamboree • THURSDAYS, 8-10pm - A weekly talent showcase featuring singersongwriters, poets, comics and a capella sing-offs. 868 Merrimon Ave. Info and booking: (617) 858-6740. the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: or 257-4003. • WE (1/16), 8pm - The Magnetic Song Series will feature The Moon and You, Dulci Ellenberger and Daniel Shearin. $5. the mannequin proJeCt • FR (1/18), 6:30pm - The Mannequin Project, a multimedia art collaboration featuring music, photography, poetry and video, will be presented at The Satellite Gallery, 55 Broadway St. Info: TheMannequinMultimediaProject. Free. • MO (1/21), 7:30pm - A final performance will be held as part of the

Poetry at the Altamont series at The Altamont Theatre, 18 Church St. $5. unCa musiC department ConCert • WE (1/23), 12:45pm - A midday concert will be presented by UNCA's music department in the university's Lipinsky Auditorium. Free. Info: www.

outdoors events at rei Located at 31 Schenck Parkway. Info: 687-0918 or • WE (1/16), 7-8:30pm - A presentation on cold weather backpacking basics will cover gear and tips for staying warm. Free. • TH (1/17), 6-8pm - A class on bike maintenance will cover how to change a flat tire, perform trailside emergency spot truing and use basic tools. Do not bring bikes or wheels. $30/$20 members. Registration required. • TU (1/22), 6-8pm - A class on bike maintenance will focus on how to fine tune a derailleur. Please do not bring bikes. $40/$20 members. Registration required. lake James state park 6883 N.C. Highway 126, Nebo. Programs are free unless otherwise noted. Info: 584-7728. • SA (1/19) & SU (1/20), 2pm - Learn about foxes on a moderate hike along the Fox Den Loop trail. Departs from the Catawba River Area office. swannanoa rim explorer meeting • TH (1/17), 7pm - An orientation for the Swannanoa Rim Explorer hiking series will be held at Black Mountain Savings Bank, 200 E. State St., Black Mountain. Meeting free/$45 per hike. Info: www.swannanoavalleymuseum. org or 669-9566.

parentIng bully: a Community Conversation • TH (1/17), 7pm - The Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte St., will host a discussion about bullying in schools, featuring clips from Bully, a documentary about five families dealing with bullying issues. Free. Info: or 253-0701. mountain Child Care ConneCtions • Mountain Child Care Connections offers free childcare referral services in Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, Polk, Rutherford, Swain and Transylvania counties. Parents receive referrals to meet their individual needs. Info: 1-877-752-5955. odyssey Community sChool open house • WE (1/16), 5:30-7:30pm - The Odyssey Community School will host an open house for parents of pre-K through high school students at 80

Zillicoa St. Meet teachers, parents and administrators and tour the campus. Info: www.odysseycommunity. org or 259-3653.

publIc lectures publiC leCtures & events at unCa Events are free unless otherwise noted. • FR (1/18), 11:25am - "The Scientific Revolution, Colonialism and the Enlightenment," with Sam Kaplan, professor of mathematics, and Tracey Rizzo, associate professor of history. Held in Lipinsky Auditorium. Info: or 251-6808. --- 11:30am - "Keeping Pace," a program on defibrillators and pacemakers with cardiologist Royce Bailey, will be presented in the Reuter Center. Free. Info: or 2516140. • TU (1/22), 12:30pm - "How the World’s Poor Live on $2 a Day,” with Jonathan Morduch, professor of public policy and economics at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Held in the Sherill Center Mountain View Room. • TH (1/24), noon - “The Consilience of Physics and the Humanities,” with Merritt Moseley, professor of literature. Held in the Reuter Center. Info: or 251-6140.

senIors aarp volunteer driver safety instruCtors needed • AARP seeks driver safety instructors for its refresher courses in Buncombe, Henderson and Transylvania County. Info: or 298-6600.

sports amateur pool league (pd.) All skill levels welcome. HAVE FUN. MEET PEOPLE. PLAY POOL. Sign up now to play on a pool team. Compete for fun and prizes. 828329-8197 ONGOING – weekly league play

ness in a deep inquiry process. Jerry 252-0538 aquarian Compassionate fellowship (pd.) Metaphysical program inspired by spiritual growth topics of your choice. Meditation, potluck, St. Germain live channeled piano music. • Second and Fourth Wednesday. 6:30pm. • Donation. (828) 658-3362. mindfulness meditation Class (pd.) Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241. Mondays, 7-8pm – Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon). Donation. asheville insight meditation (pd.) Practice/learn mindfulness meditation and ramp up your spiritual practice in a supportive group environment. We practice Insight Meditation, also known as: Vipassana, or Mindfulness Meditation, which cultivates a happier, more peaceful, and focused mind. Our caring community environment provides added support and joy to one's spiritual awakening processes. Open to adults. By donation. Wednesdays, 7pm-8:30pm. Sundays, 10am-11:30pm. Meditation, Dhamma talk, and discussion. 29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 200, Asheville, NC. Info/directions: (828) 808-4444, asheville insight meditation (pd.) Free introduction to Insight or Mindfulness meditation. 2nd and 4th Thursday. 7pm. Asheville Insight Meditation, Suite 200, 29 Ravenscroft Dr, (828) 808-4444, open heart meditation (pd.) Experience easy, wonderful practices that opens your life to the beauty within and connects you to your heart. • Free 7pm, Tuesdays, 5 Covington St. 296-0017 or 367-6954


kriya yoga: lessons in ConsCious living (pd.) A progressive program of higher learning and spiritual practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition. Starting Tuesday January 22 for the next six Tuesdays. 6:30pm to 7:55pm. Please call 828-490-1136 or visit

(pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA, LPC. (828) 258-3229.

a Course in miraCles (pd.) A truly loving, open study group. Meets second and fourth Mondays. 6:30 pm in East Asheville. Groce United Methodist Church. For information, call Susan at 828-7125472.

unConditioned presenCe weekend intensive (pd.) FEB 8-10th. Learn to hold unconditioned presence for whatever arises in daily life. Dynamic group format supports presencing open aware-

women’s CirCle (pd.) Journey to the Heart Women’s Circle series begins Jan. 30. Sacred space for self-reflection with supportive, committed women. Facilitated by spiritual guide and healer Anne


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suRviving winteR: a Business adventuRe By Jennie Ramsey When you brave the winter cold for dinner on a Friday night — especially in those lulls around the holidays — you don’t expect to find much of a crowd. This wasn’t the case, however, on a recent evening at The Junction, located on Depot Street in the River Arts District. Despite the winter chill and post-holiday season, the restaurant was full and lively. How do owners Charles and Tanya Triber account for that? The couple are entering their second winter as restauranteurs, and note that they are learning how to steer the business through the slower months. While some local restaurants choose to hibernate by limiting their hours or closing altogether, the Tribers are driven to meet their customers’ expectations. As Charles says, “Sometimes it’s harder to stay here through winter than to just shut your doors and wait for the season to change. But we can’t do that to our guests. We really owe it to them to be here.” While that sentiment might be warm and fuzzy, it isn’t always easy. Nestled among mostly artist spaces, the only time The Junction sees much foot traffic is during art shows or gallery walks. The rest of the time, the restaurant is a destination location and depends on returning locals or adventurous tourists.

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20 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

year-round business: The Junction owners, Charles and Tanya Triber, say they owe it to their customers to keep things humming in the sometimes slower winter months. Photo courtesy of Mountain BizWorks

So how do they manage when the temperature drops? Tanya replies: “We are hyper-vigilant about scheduling employee hours, thinking through new products, pricing carefully and avoiding waste. We are always projecting cash flow.” She adds, “And we make sure we have reserves and access to capital going into the slower season.” For this financial component, they rely on their lending relationship with Mountain BizWorks, which has provided them with a line of credit that provides a cushion for the slower times. The Tribers also take advantage of the slower months as a time to regroup. “Something about the pace of winter allows you to step back and reflect on the year and plan for what’s ahead,” says Tanya. “You have to be willing to look at what works, what doesn’t work — and then have the courage to make changes as needed.” While Tanya actually enjoys this process, it’s more challenging for Charles. “For me, winter is hard. I would much rather be busy and keep driving forward than to stop and look back,” he says.

But it’s this balance that keeps The Junction humming along. Tanya helps to ground Charles’ ambition. “At first you’re so caught up in just making the business run that you can forget what’s going on outside of the business,” says Charles. “I attribute so much of my ability to focus on what’s going on in the community to Tanya, who really helped me see the value in that. It’s important to us that our guests feel like they’re old friends.” Tanya adds that Charles has a natural way of connecting with clientele that keeps them coming back. “One of the greatest joys for me,” she says, “is to see someone at table No. 18 recognize the people at table No. 11 and strike up a conversation. It’s the realization for me of the intention we had when we opened The Junction.” The Tribers met in Portland, Ore., a decade ago — Charles working in the food-service industry and Tanya as an independent writer. They landed in Asheville in 2004; Charles got a job at Rezaz in Biltmore Village and worked there for six years. From the beginning, they had their eyes on the River Arts District. “It reminded us a lot of Portland,” says Tanya, “and we never could figure out why it wasn’t more developed.” After a few years of planning, they opened The Junction in May 2011 and haven’t looked back. Tanya says, “The other night a diner was saying to me, ‘You all kind of went out on a limb down here.’” Her response? “Yep, and we’re still here!” The couple recognizes that the success of their business is tied to the local support system. “There are so many people here who have to make their own work,” says Tanya. “The wonderful thing is the willingness to share advice, listen and collaborate.” Charles adds that this is unlike the competitive environments he’s experienced before. “We partner with so many local business owners. They dine in our restaurant, and we frequent their establishments as well.” And it’s this community that they’re trusting to sustain them through the winter — until lengthier, warmer days return. The Junction is located at 348 Depot St. in the River Arts District. For more information, visit or call 225-3497. Jennie Ramsey is loan administrative assistant at Mountain BizWorks. To learn about small business loans from Mountain BizWorks, contact her at jennie@ or 253-2834, ext. 11. Mountain BizWorks supports small businesses in Western North Carolina through lending, consulting and training. For more information, visit

Heck. or (828) 665-8316. book disCussion: your path to god • SU (1/20), 11am-noon - “The most important concept we need to get across is the continuity of life, going from this world to the next and beyond. People worry most about meeting the end of this life.” Held at Eckankar Center of Asheville, 797 Haywood Road. Donations accepted. Info: or 2546775. exodus ChurCh bible study • WEDNESDAYS, 11am-noon - A community discussion on the New Testament. This group is open to all who are searching for new friends or a new beginning in life. Meets at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. Info: 252-2535. finding peaCe, patienCe and Compassion • SUNDAYS through (2/10), 7pm "Peace, patience and compassion are the foundation of happiness and the ability to help others." Held at Montford Books and More, 31 Montford Ave. Classes include guided meditation, talk and discussion. $8/$5 students and seniors. Info: or 668-2241. first Congregational ChurCh in hendersonville Fifth Avenue West at White Pine Street, Hendersonville. Info: 692-8630 or • SU (1/20) & SU (1/27), 9:15am Adult forum: "Peak Experiences: A Sharing of Ecstatic and Evolutionary Insights." A two-part series. gene keys reading group • WEDNESDAYS, 4:30pm - This weekly gathering meets to discuss Richard Rudd's Gene Keys, a "guide to facing and eradicating every fear that stands in the way of your freedom." A free PDF intro is available at Info and location: 785-2828. the movement for spiritual inner awareness • TH (1/24), 6:30-8:30pm - A spiritual seminar will feature a video of spiritual directors John Rogers and John Morton. Free. Info, location and directions: or 777-1962. unity ChurCh of asheville Located at 130 Shelburne Road. Info: or 252-5010. • SUNDAYS, 11am - Spiritual celebration service. --- 12:30-2pm - A Course in Miracles study group. • TUESDAYS, 2-4pm - Edgar Cayce study group. women's bible study • TUESDAYS through (2/19), 6:30pm The Cove at the Billy Graham Training Center, 1 Porters Cove Road, hosts a women's bible study on Psalm 23 with Kendra Graham. Free. Info: 2982092 or • TUESDAYS through (2/26), 9:30am - A morning bible study will be led by

Jane Derrick. Free. Info: 298-2092 or

spoken & WrItten Word bunCombe County publiC libraries library abbreviations - All programs are free unless otherwise noted. Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n fv = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 250-6484) n pm = Pack Memorial Library (67 Haywood Street, 250-4700) n ss = Skyland/South Buncombe Library (260 Overlook Road, 2506488) n sw = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 250-6486) n Library storyline: 250-KIDS. • WE (1/16), 5pm - Knitting group. sw • TH (1/17), 7pm - Book club: The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak. fv • FRIDAYS through (1/25), 10:30am3pm - Book sale. pm • TU (1/22), 7pm - Storytelling with Donald Davis will be held behind the library at Fairview Christian Fellowship Church. Presented by Fairview Library. fv • TU (1/22), 6:30pm - Local mystery writers Michael Havelin and Alice Sabo will read from their work and answer questions about writing. ss City lights bookstore Located at 3 E. Jackson St., Sylva. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 586-9499. • TH (1/17), 10:30am - Coffee with the Poet, featuring Kathryn Byer. • FR (1/18), 6:30pm - A CD release party for Eric Hendrix will feature poetry and music, followed by a reception. • SA (1/19), 3pm - Linda Star Wolf will lead a discussion on Shamanic wisdom. e-book Class • TH (1/17), 3:30pm - A class on checking out e-books will focus on Kindles. Please bring an e-reader to class. Held at Etowah Library, 101 Brickyard Road. Free. Info: • WE (1/23), 3:30pm - An additional class will be held at Fletcher Library, 120 Library Road. • TH (1/24), 3:30pm - A final class will be held at Edneyville Library, 2 Firehouse Road, Hendersonville. fountainhead bookstore Located at 408 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Free, unless otherwise noted. Info: or 697-1870. • SA (1/19), 5pm - Reception for Tom Hooker, the Fountainhead Bookstore 2012 Fiction Contest Winner. frenCh book Club • ONGOING - The French Book Club will meet in Hendersonville to read

and discuss books in French. Info and location: 435-1055.

Tasties, 102 Montford Ave. Free. Info:

interseCtions book Club • TU (1/22), 6:30pm - Intersections Book Club: Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. Sponsored by the Diana Wortham Theatre; held at The Forum at Pack Place. Free. Info and registration: or 257-4530.

pilates Class • MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 5:306:30pm - The Waynesville Recreation Center will host pilates classes at 550 Vance St. Regular admission/free for members. Info: or 456-2030.

madison County stories • FR (1/18), 6pm - "Madison County Stories" will feature works by documentary photographer Rob Amberg and students from the Spring Creek Literacy Project. Held at the Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main St., Marshall. Free. Info: malaprop's bookstore and Cafe 55 Haywood St. Info: or 254-6734. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. • SA (1/19), 7pm - T Cooper will present his memoir Real Man Adventures. • SU (1/20), 3pm - "Writers at Home" will feature Vievee Francis and Molly Walling. • TU (1/22), 7pm - Sajit Greene and Rebecca Chaplin will discuss "Sex and Power: the Quest for Wholeness." • TH (1/24), 7pm - Linda Star Wolf will present an author talk and guided journey featuring Shamanic breathwork.

valley of the lilies half marathon and 5k • Through SA (4/6) - WCU will offer a training program for runners interested in the Valley of the Lilies Half Marathon and 5K, scheduled for April 6. Free. Info and departure location: or zumba ripped • SATURDAYS, 11am-noon Waynesville Recreation Center hosts Zumba Ripped at 550 Vance St. Free with daily admission/free for members. Info: or 456-2030.

theater workshop at nys3 (pd.) Weekend Voice Intensive for actors, public speakers and singers at NYS3. Four different workshops. Jan. 19 & 20; (917) 710-2805

maya angelou • TU (1/22), 7pm - Poet and educator Maya Angelou will be the keynote speaker at the MLK Jr. Commemoration in ASU's Holmes Convocation Center. Free and open to the public. Info: www.multicultural.

aCting, improv and voiCeover Classes • Through TH (1/17) - NYS3, 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O, will offer free samples of acting, improv and voiceover classes for youth and adults. Free. Info and times: www. or (917) 710-2805.

mystery writers reading • TU (1/22), 6:30pm - Members of the WNC Mysterians Mystery Writers Critique Group will read, sign and answer questions about their writing at the South Buncombe Library, 260 Overlook Road, Arden. Free. Info: or http://avl. mx/o9.

arts and entertainment talk • TH (1/24), 7-9pm - NYS3, 2002 Riverside Drive, Studio 42-O, will host an arts and entertainment talk with Peter Goldsmith. Free. Info: www. or (917) 710-2805.

sports 20/20/20 fitness Class • MONDAYS, TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30pm Waynesville Recreation Center, 550 Vance St., hosts 20/20/20 fitness classes featuring equal sessions of cardio, weights and floor exercises. Free with daily admission. Info: or 456-2030. adult kiCkball league • Through FR (3/15) - Registration for Buncombe County Parks, Greenways and Recreation's adult kickball league will be accepted through march 15. Info: or 250-4269. asheville pedal punks • WEDNESDAYS, 10am - Asheville Pedal Punks will host a fitness ride for beginners departing from Tod's

asheville Community theatre Located at 35 E. Walnut St. Tickets and info: or 254-1320. • FR (1/18) through SU (1/20) - ACT's Youth Production Class presents You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, a day in the life of the iconic Peanuts character. Fri., 7:30pm; Sat. & Sun., 2:30pm. $5. Come thiCk night • Through SU (1/27) - Come Thick Night, featuring "elements of Shakespeare's Macbeth colliding with pop culture sources, surrealism, vaudeville and black comedy," will be performed as part of the Asheville Fringe Arts Festival. Held at 35 Below, 35 E. Walnut St. Thurs.-Sat., 9pm; Sun., 4pm. $12. Info: performanCes at diana wortham theatre Located at 2 South Pack Square. Info: or 257-4530. • SA (1/19), 8pm - Tomás Kubínek, "certified lunatic and master of the

impossible," will perform "a collision of absurdist theatre and circus magic." $35/$30 students/$15 children 12 and under. the magnetiC field 372 Depot St. Info: or 257-4003. • THURSDAYS through SATURDAYS until (2/2) - Sex and How to Have It!, a "light blue" sketch comedy written by and starring Brian Claflin, Kathryn Langwell, Valerie Meiss and Glenn Reed. 7:30pm. $15. theatre of the oppressed • FR (1/18), 6:30-8:30pm - Theatre of the Oppressed will host a public forum theater performance at West Asheville Vineyard, 717 Haywood Road. $5 suggested donation. Info and registration: sastockholm@gmail. com.


part of the Call-A-Ride program. Volunteers use their own vehicles; mileage reimbursement is available. Info: or 277-8288. habitat for humanity • Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for its Home Repair program. Use existing skills or gain new ones while helping low-income homeowners make improvements to their homes. No experience or long-term commitment necessary. Info: 2109383. • Volunteers are needed to clean donated items and unload trucks at the organization's ReStore. Regular commitment not required. Info: or 210-9377. literaCy CounCil of bunCombe County Located at 31 College Place, Building B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 204.

aCt volunteer orientation • MO (1/21), 6:30pm - Asheville Community Theatre will host a volunteer orientation at 35 E. Walnut St. Info: or 254-1320.

• Volunteers are needed to tutor

asheville area arts CounCil • The Asheville Area Arts Council seeks volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks. Complete a volunteer form at or stop by the ARTery, 346 Depot St.

prior tutoring experience required.

asheville City sChools • Through (2/8) - The Asheville City Schools Foundation seeks volunteers to work with K-12 students as tutors, artists, mentors and coaches. Info: or big brothers big sisters of wnC Located at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Room 213, in the United Way building. The organization matches children from single-parent homes with adult mentors. Info: www.bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. • Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks volunteers to mentor 1 hr/week in schools and after-school programs. Volunteers 18 and older are also needed to share outings in the community twice a month with youth from single-parent homes. Activities are free or low-cost. bunCombe County Jail • Volunteers are sought for a variety of programs with inmates from Buncombe County Jail. Must be 21 years or older. Info: 989-9459. Children first/Cis • Children First/CIS seeks volunteers for its learning centers and after school program for elementary school children living in public and low-income housing. Mon.-Thurs., 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteer for one hour a week and change the life of a local child. Info: or 768-2072. CounCil on aging • Volunteers are needed to drive seniors to doctor appointments as

adults in basic literacy skills including reading, writing, math and English as a Second Language. Tutors provide one-on-one or small group instruction to adults in our community. No Tutors will receive 15 hours of training as well as ongoing support from certified professionals. Info: motherlove mentor • The YWCA MotherLove program seeks volunteers to provide support and encouragement to teen mothers. A commitment of eight hours per month required. Info: 254-7206. partners unlimited • Partners Unlimited, a program for at-risk youth ages 10-18, seeks volunteer tutors and website assistance. Info: or 281-2800. rsvp volunteer Center: brevard • 3rd THURSDAYS, noon-4pm - RSVP Volunteer Center at Silvermont Opportunity Center in Brevard invites retired community members interested in volunteering to learn more about local opportunities. Info: www. volunteer fair • TH (1/24), 11am-1pm - Big Brothers Big Sisters of WNC will host a volunteer fair in honor of National Mentoring Month at 50 S. French Broad Ave. Free. Info: www.bbbswnc. org or 253-1470. Calendar deadline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wednesday, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 21


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bY Caitlin bYrd Whether reaching for the sky or for your toes, you stretch mind and body in yoga and pilates, says Jessica Mark, owner of Happy Body Studio. But reaching out to the community is the most important move her studio can make this year, by offering a new class for veterans, service members and their families. "We're in that discerning place right now of continuing to get to know the community and have the community get to know us while we plug into places where we really are needed and grow from there to see what possibilities could be," she says. That philosophy explains the new class, which starts Jan. 24 as part of the school’s outreach program. The weekly Thursday class will be offered in partnership with Connected Warriors, a Florida-based nonprofit that’s establishing a nationwide network of volunteer yoga teachers who offer such free classes at local studios, veterans centers and other donated spaces. "My whole reason for wanting to do this is to connect with people and to sort of break down the boundaries of what yoga might seem to be," says Melanie Trivette, who will teach the free yoga class. "I just want bring [yoga] in very approachable manner to other people while connecting on a very human level." With that in mind, Trivette will lead a basic class that keeps the needs of individual participants in mind. Noting some particular challenges veterans may face — such as posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury — she remarks, "There's really a focus on the mind-body connection and trying to establish that [connection]. We're going to do breath-work. We're going to be doing meditation techniques. We're going to do the poses that encourage the relaxation, the rest, the mind-body connection, getting into the present moment." But the class is also about building a sense of community. "The reason why families are invited is to get the support network to come with the veteran or the service member. It really gives them that sense of confidence in being there," Trivette says. "The family members are also affected when someone is deployed or lost a loved one in a conflict or war. They also need this service and the ability to practice without having to pay." Mark adds that another reason for a free class, complete with all mats and props, is because yoga, bodywork and pilates can get a bad rep for being exclusive and expensive.

"I wanted to … bring back the joy of moving, being in your body and finding the connectedness of how more awareness of your body brings you greater peace and happiness," she says. "At Happy Body, we want to bring the fun back into pilates and yoga, and take out pretentiousness and the idea that you have to make this much money to to afford classes." Bringing yoga to people who have not been able to practice before is something that Trivette is familiar with. Before moving to the Asheville area eight months ago, Trivette lived in Florida, where she volunteered to teach yoga at Lakeview Health System, a substance-abuse clinic. This was where she saw the impact yoga could have on someone's strength and balance, as well as their life, she says. "Yes, we were doing yoga. Yes, we were doing breathing. Yes, we were doing meditation. But we were also having communication, we were having conversation," Trivette says. This is not the first time Happy Body Yoga Studio has experimented with community outreach work. Last year, the studio partnered with six different nonprofits for the year (Open Doors, Arts for Life, All Souls Counseling, Center for Disordered Eating, Our Voice and Western Carolinians for Criminal Justice). Those six nonprofits were then featured by the studio in its newsletter, and a portion of Class for a Cause proceeds were donated to those nonprofits. In the coming year, Mark says that the studio plans to continue giving back. "The sky is the limit, but we're trying to be contentious about sustainability," she states. "But the bigger dream is really some kind of nonprofit or foundation that enables anyone with a passion of teaching any kind of movement or pilates or yoga or somatic education to say, 'Hey, I want to do a 12-week program at my son's school for this age group, or I want to work in a senior citizen home and do yoga for a 12-week thing.'" For now, the first step is to give back and give thanks to a group of service members, veterans and their families. "It's sort of like a giving of thanks for what they have done,” says Trivette. “It's one other way to be of service to people and of gratitude to people." For more details about the class, contact Melanie Trivette at X Send your health-and-wellness news and tips to Caitlin Byrd at or, or call 251-1333, ext. 140.

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Wellness nutrition forward (pd.) Offering intelligent and soulful counseling that inspires you to improve your nutrition choices and habits for life. Sandy Buchanan, RD, CDE828-2309865 asheville Center for transCendental meditation ("tm") (pd.) Free Introductory Talk: Thursdays. 6:30pm, Asheville TM Center, 165 E. Chestnut. (828) 2544350. a toning & healing Journey with aliCe mCCall (pd.) Saturday, Jan 19, 6-8pm, The Salt Spa, Asheville • Transform your major organs, with a focus on the health of the respiratory tract. 828-577-5623. www. reiki i Class (pd.) Sat. 1/26/13. 9am-3pm. Reiki relieves stress, bringing balance and harmony to mind, body and spirit. Call Reiki Master/Teacher Isis Dudek at 843576-9202. $120.00 beginner pilates reformer workshop (pd.) Build a strong foundation of the principles and precise technique of Pilates from the beginning! 2:304p Saturday 1/19/13. $30. 1378 Hendersonville Road. Registration required, 277-5741 asheville Community yoga Center Located at 8 Brookdale Road. Info: • MONDAYS, 5-6:15pm & WEDNESDAYS, 1:453:15pm - Women's Expressive Dance Wave. $5-$15 suggested donation. • WEDNESDAYS, 4-4:45pm - Kids yoga. $5-$10 suggested donation. A parenting group will be held during kids yoga. Additional $5-$10 donation. • THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30pm - Qi Gong and Tai Chi basics. $5-$15 suggested donation. • TUESDAYS, 6-7:15pm - Men's yoga. $5-$15 suggested donation. living healthy with a ChroniC Condition • WEDNESDAYS through (2/27), 1pm - Learn selfmanagement skills to live a healthy life during this six-week workshop for veterans with chronic health conditions and their spouses/caregivers. Held at the Charles George VA Medical Center, 1100 Tunnel Road. Free. Registration required: 298-7911, ext. 5056. living healthy with diabetes • THURSDAYS through (2/14), 2:30-5pm - Find balance with diabetes through this six-week self-management program. Open to people with diabetes and their caregivers. $30 suggested donation. Held at the YWCA of Asheville, 185 S. French Broad Ave. Registration required: 251-7438. memory Cafe • 1st MONDAYS, 1st WEDNESDAYS, 3rd SATURDAYS, 3rd THURSDAYS - Memory Cafe invites those with memory challenges and their caregivers, family and friends to socialize in a safe and supportive environment. Free. Info and locations: LBrown@, or natural weight loss • WE (1/16), 7pm - A program on natural weight loss will be presented by Dr. Cory Noll as part of the

24 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

Healthy Lifestyles Series at Edgewood Chiropractic and Wellness Center, 68 Grove St., Suite C4. Free. Info and RSVP: 254-3838. red Cross blood drives 100 Edgewood Road. Info: or 258-3888. Appointment and ID required for blood drives. • 9:30am-3pm - Blood drive: Mission Medical Associates, 200 Ridgefield Court. Info: 250-2774. --- 2:30-6:30pm - Blood drive: Hominy Baptist Church, 135 Candler School Road, Candler. Info: 667-4541. • SA (1/19), 9am-1:30pm - Blood drive: Northview Church, 235 St. Johns Road, Suite 100, Fletcher. Info: 242-1124. • SU (1/20), 8:30am-12:30pm - Blood drive: Central United Methodist Church, 27 Church St. Info: 2533316. • MO (1/21), 8am-1pm - Blood drive: Arden Community Health Fair, 35 Airport Road, Arden. Info: 684-4525. restore your Core • TH (1/24), 5:15-5:45pm - Learn five exercises to strengthen your core, flatten your stomach and prevent back problems. Taught by Dr. Edward Reilly at Fairview Chiropractic Center, 2 Fairview Hills Drive. Free; registration required. Info: 628-7800. whittington ChiropraCtiC • TH (1/24) - Whittington Chiropractic, 801 Fairview Road, Suite 6, will offer complimentary adjustments or exams in exchange for one or two bags of food for MANNA FoodBank as part of its 15th annual Patient Appreciation Day. Info: womb healing CirCle • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - It's Natural, 70 S. Market St., hosts a weekly womb wellness discussion, featuring topics based on the book Sacred Woman by Queen Afua. Donations appreciated. Info: itsnatural11@ yoga for veterans • THURSDAYS, 4-5pm - Yoga for veterans, service members and their families will be offered by Happy Body Studio, 1378 Hendersonville Road. Free. Info: or 277-5741.

support groups adult adhd group • 3rd MONDAYS, 7pm - Meet other local adults dealing with ADD/ADHD at this monthly support group. Registration required. Info, RSVP and location: 6817100 or adult Children of alCoholiCs & dysfunCtional families ACOA is an anonymous 12-step, "Twelve Tradition" program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Info: www. • SATURDAYS, 9:45am - “There is a Solution.” Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. Info: 749-9537. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - "Living in the Solution," The Servanthood House, 156 E. Chestnut St. Open big book study. Info: 989-8075. • FRIDAYS, 7pm - "Inner Child" study group. Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: 989-8075. • SUNDAYS, 2pm - "Inner Child" study group, Canton Branch Library, 11 Pennsylvania Ave., Canton. Info: 648-2924. • SUNDAYS, 3pm - A confidential study group based on the twelve steps of ACOA. Everyone welcome;

wellnesscontinued no age or gender restrictions. Meets at the Clyde Town Hall, 8437 Carolina Blvd. Info: babeo2351@ • MONDAYS, 7pm - "Generations," First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 474-5120. al-anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: or 800286-1326. • WEDNESDAYS, 11:30am - "Daytime Serenity," Pardee Education Center at the Blue Ridge Mall, 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. --- 7pm - Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. --- 5:45pm - Al-Anon meeting for women, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 798 Merrimon Ave. • MONDAYS, noon - "Keeping the Focus," First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Entrance near Charlotte Street. --- 6pm - "Attitude of Gratitude," Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. --- 7pm First Christian Church, 201 Blue Ridge Road, Black Mountain. --- 7:30pm - First United Methodist Church, Jackson and Church Streets, Sylva. --- 8pm "Al-Anon Spoken Here," Ledger Baptist Church, U.S. 226 near Bakersville. --- 8pm - Pinecrest Presbyterian Church, 1790 Greenville Highway at North Highland Lake Road. ChroniC pain support group • SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30pm - Open to those with chronic pain, friends and family. Held at Unity Church of Asheville, 130 Shelburne Road. Donations accepted. Info: 423-8301. food addiCtion group • MONDAYS, 2pm - It Works, a 12-step program for individuals struggling to overcome food addiction, meets at Pardee Hospital, 800 N. Justice St., Hendersonville. Info and directions: 489-7259. nami support groups The National Alliance on Mental Illness supports recovery for people living with mental illness and their families. Free. Info: or 5057353. • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - A Dual Diagnosis Support Group for those living with mental illness and substance abuse issues will be held at 3 Thurland Ave. • 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS, 6pm - An additional Dual Diagnosis support group will be held at Wall Street Coffee House, 62 Wall St. nar-anon • TUESDAYS, 7pm - Nar-Anon provides support to relatives and friends concerned about the addiction

or drug problem of a loved one. "We share experience, strength and hope." Meets at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road; enter through back door. Info: • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - First United Methodist Chuch, 204 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Enter through side parking lot. Info: 891-8050. overeaters anonymous A fellowship of individuals who are recovering from compulsive overeating. A 12-step program. • THURSDAYS, noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Road. Info: 277-1975. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: 424 W. State St. Open relapse and recovery meeting. Info: 686-8131. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Methodist Church, 2567 Asheville Highway. Info: 697-5437. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St. Info: 252-4828. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am-noon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Info: 626-2572. smart reCovery • THURSDAYS, 6pm - This peer support group is dedicated to helping individuals gain independence from all types of addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc.). Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. Info: smartrecoveryavl@ or 407-0460. st. gerard house family group night • 3rd MONDAYS, 5:30-7:30pm - St. Gerard House, 620 Oakland St., Hendersonville hosts a group night for families facing special needs in Henderson and surrounding counties. Info and registration: kate. or 213-9787. workaholiCs anonymous • WEDNESDAYS, 6pm - Workaholics Anonymous. Info and directions: or 301-1727. more wellness events online Check out the Wellness Calendar online at www. for info on events happening after January 24. Calendar deadline The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. wednesday, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365

Eating Right for Good Health presented by

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I n T r O d u C I n g

s o u t h

s l o p e

tablE FOr tOmOrrOW: soon, dining will be a reality in the neighborhood. pictured here, Jessica and doug reiser of Burial Beer, with baby Axel. photos by Max cooper

by Emily Patrick On a bright Thursday morning, an equally bright Mercedes slinks down Banks Avenue. It passes a giant hole in the ground filled with brush and debris, a graffiti-ed cinderblock building and a gaping gravel lot. It slows outside a vacant warehouse, the Standard Paper Company building. Inside the car, a buttoned-up, well-coifed financial-type pulls out a stack of papers and eyes the warehouse — until he realizes he's being watched. He pulls away, only to double back past the building that has caught his eye. “Every time I drive down Banks Avenue, there's somebody parked on

downtown’s fringe district

sees new life that street with a clipboard or a notepad,” says Lane reid, owner of Image 420 in West Asheville. He’s seen a slew of real-estate agents and prospective buyers surveying the heretofore overlooked neighborhood since he purchased 15 Banks Ave., with partners from The Admiral. Together, they're working on a (still unnamed) restaurant that will serve

26 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

creatively updated Southern staples in the neighborhood south of downtown. “Most people know it as South Slope,” reid says in reference to the area that includes Banks, Buxton, Collier, Coxe and Southside avenues, among others. It's unclear where the name got its start, but most of the business owners in the area use it. The downtown Master Plan

defines South Slope as a larger area roughly bounded by Patton, Biltmore, Southside and Asheland avenues. “The downtown Master Plan didn't generate that name,” says Alan glines, an urban planner with the city of Asheville. “It was already being used, and the Master Plan reiterated it.” (The 2009 Master Plan details goals for Asheville’s development. It was commissioned by City Council and compiled by a private firm as the result of a series of public-input meetings.) Like reid, glines sees major growth potential. “If someone took snapshots today and compared them with 10 years in the future, I think it will be a completely different environment

hot sake special down there,” he says. “There's so much land; there's so much property that's available.” glines has been watching as new businesses have germinated and set roots in South Slope, among the auto parts stores and repair shops that have been in the area for generations. In 2005, greenman Brewing moved south. Then, The Prospect bar and Asheville Hardware opened in 2010. The next year, Eagle's nest Outfitters and the French Broad Chocolate factory followed. In January 2013, Tolliver's Crossing, a pub in West Asheville, told Xpress it will relocate to lower Coxe Avenue, and Burial Beer announced its new microbrewery and taproom will open at 40 Collier Ave. in spring. In december 2012, a group of investors that includes Eric Booker of Asheville and Mark Maynard, a Wilmington-based developer, bought the Chrysler Building on Coxe Avenue and the adjacent vacant lot (known as “the big hole” for the swimming-pool- size depression it contains). Booker says the future of the properties is still unclear. “We are developing them; I just don’t know if we know into what yet,” he says. He listed office space, parking and commercial as possible components of the project. Dinah ShOrE PlayED thE big hOlE In the early days of the automobile, South Slope was alive with the sounds of purring engines and expensive shoes, says Barbara Ayers-King. She owns Motor Parts of Asheville at the corner of Hilliard and Coxe; her father owned the business before her. “In October, the automobile dealers had big galas,” she recalls. “Everybody would be dressed up. dinah Shore would be here, these incredible bands. I can remember walk-

cOrnEr OF cOxE & SaWyEr: in the ‘50s and ‘60s, much of coxe Avenue was populated by car dealerships, which later moved to the outskirts of town. photo courtesy of the n.c. collection, pack Memorial library, Asheville

ing down this street — this was before our family purchased the building — and coming in here, and the Edsels and Chryslers and deSotos were parked right here.” Coxe Avenue was built in the early 1920s. glines says it was the first street in the city designed with automobile traffic in mind; that's why it's wider than other downtown streets. South Slope grew up around Coxe. In a decade, the grassy slope known as Buxton Hill that had been the pastoral location of several schools was transformed into a frenzy of manufacturers, car dealers and repair shops, according to Asheville City directories. Eventually, the auto dealers moved out to suburban locations such as Tunnel road and new Leicester Highway, Ayers-King says, getting at one of the reasons why South Slope has so many vacant lots now. But there are other possible reasons why the neighborhood remains underdeveloped. In the early 2000s, the rising property values of the real-estate bubble may have prompted owners to sell. Investors snapped up real estate, only to watch their prospects languish as the economy turned, says glines. One of the most promising developers, Zona Lofts, planned a 15-story condo tower and dug the big hole, but

the project stalled out post-2008, and the company went bankrupt in 2011. Even without the Zona project, South Slope has grown deliberately, albeit slowly, over the past decade. “South Slope might be a little more modest, a little more homegrown,” glines says, comparing the neighborhood to what it might have been if the proposed condos had come about. “Those [businesses] are going to be catalysts in their own way. They're going to be smaller, but they'll create energy down there and get people thinking about it.” For her part, Ayers-King hopes the neighborhood will host a more diverse range of businesses. “I like the cities that have a real, real interesting mix of professional offices and businesses like ours, as well as good restaurants,” she says. “I think it would be more fun, like Atlanta, to have it all mixed up and more thriving instead of so downbeat and quaint and village. I like a little more dynamism and enterprise.” She may get her wish. As a testament to the success of the area's small businesses, every lot on Buxton Avenue is in use. For a small, unassuming cross-street, that density would seem to be a mark of success.

1/2 Price Hot Sake Every Sunday & Monday


“it ShOulD bEcOmE a high-valuE arEa” South Slope business owners know the momentum in their neighborhood is building. “I feel really lucky that we got into the neighborhood right on the cusp of it,” says Jael rattigan, who coowns French Broad Chocolates with her husband, dan. The couple opened the chocolate factory on Buxton last spring to support their South Lexington Avenue chocolate lounge. “It strikes the perfect balance between manufacturing and retail space for us. We've got a • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 27











jUST SOLD 150 & 162 Coxe Ave.

NAMING THE NEIGHBORHOOD No single person generally names an area. Alan Glines, an urban planner for the city, explains where names come from. “The people in the district start using that name, and they reinforce it.” Most of the people Xpress interviewed for this story had heard the name South Slope. While city documents call the neighborhood “the South Slope,” the Buncombe County Register of Deeds uses “Buxton Hill,” a reference to the Rev. Jarvis Buxton, according to Pack Library’s N.C. Collection. He lived on lower Church Street in the 19th century, and he was the county’s first Episcopal reverend. Xpress heard some other suggestions for neighborhood names from interviewees, which include The Warehouse District, SoHi (for South of Hilliard) and Brewery Row.

CHARMING GRIT: Dan and Jael Rattigan like South Slope for its proximity to downtown, coupled with its rugged, industrial-cool feel.

includes housing, stores other commercial uses and medical offices.” As new projects get under way, current tenants hope the neighborhood will maintain its character. Everyone seems to agree: The important qualities of the area are its history, laid-back feel, industrial architecture and “charming grit,” as Jael puts it. “Instead of tearing down buildings, hopefully they'll be revived,” says Chuck Brown, who is relocating Tolliver’s Crossing from central Haywood Road to Coxe Avenue in spring, once a building renovation is complete. He's banking on South Slope as a place where his customers will feel comfortable. He says the polish of downtown could alienate some of his regulars. “Downtown, it's a beautiful thing down there, but it's kind of hard,” he says. “[Here], we will be a little on the outskirts, where we can hopefully still bring that family that we've gotten to know over the years.” Like Brown, Doug and Jessica Reiser, the owners of Burial Beer, were attracted to South Slope's fringe quality, but instead of moving across town, they moved across the country to bring their business to the neighborhood. They relocated to Asheville from Seattle in September to scout a location for their nascent brewery. This spring, they plan to open a small taproom in the loading bay of a warehouse on Collier Avenue. Head brewer and co-owner Tim Gormley, formerly of Lazy Boy Brewing and Sound Brewery near Seattle, will head up the beers. Eventually, the Burial folks hope to relocate to a larger property with room for gardens, a farmhouse and brewery, but for now, they want to build their brand grass-roots-style. That’s where South Slope comes in. Jessica says she’s inspired by the surrounding local businesses, as well as the feel of the place. “We like that kind of rugged, industrial look,” she says. “This neighborhood still has a lot of potential to grow, so we just kind of resonated with that stage.”



garage door. A truck can pull right into the space if we need, but we still maintain neighborly frontage.” South Slope occupies the fringe of downtown’s central business district, so Dan says the city requires the business to maintain a storefront. In other words, South Slope will never be a full-fledged manufacturing district. “The city has a long-term vision for this area as being part of the central business district, and I appreciate that,” Dan says. “[The neighborhood] seems to be going in the right direction.” The city's hopes for South Slope are laid out in the Downtown Master Plan, which underscores the neighborhood's important location between downtown and Mission Hospital. “Coxe should become the heart of a new residential neighborhood with a comfortable, walking scale, direct links to downtown, new housing and neighborhood retail,” the plan states. “The intersection of Biltmore and Southside [avenues] is an important gateway to downtown and Biltmore Village and the south. It should become a high-value area that

Known as the big hole and the Chrysler Building, respectively, 150 and 162 have been poised for development for years. Zona Lofts planned a 15-story condominium tower for the big hole, but in 2011, the property went into foreclosure. In December, the two together sold for just over $2 million. Eric Booker, who owns the Broadway Street buildings of Sazerac and Strada Italiano (along with an interest in those businesses) has partnered with Mark Maynard, a Wilmington-based developer, to develop the properties. His purchases are still fresh, and Booker says he’s unsure exactly what he’ll do. Office space, residential and parking are possibilities. The Chrysler building will keep its historic character, he says. “Without question, we will retain that look with that building,” he says. “It just needs to be given some life: either people living in it or people working in it.” As for the big hole, it’s going to get prettied up. “We’re really trying to determine do we want to develop that or do we want to make it look nice and have it for parking,” Booker says. “I don’t know if we know the scope, the size or anything at this point.”










The restaurant planned for the corner of Banks and Collier avenues will be one of the few Asheville eateries that can boast abundant grass and trees for patrons to enjoy. The big lawn is one of the reasons why the team behind the restaurant, chef Elliott Moss and partner Jonathan Robinson of The Admiral and Lane Reid of Image 420, picked the spot, Robinson says. The name of the venture is still undecided, Reid says. The trio has been tossing around different ideas, including Buxton Hill and South Slope Union. According to Robinson, the place will be a comfortable neighborhood spot that serves accessible, Southern staples, creatively executed by Moss. He envisions fried chicken, barbecue, housemade charcuterie and fresh-baked breads.




9 E

TOLLIVER’S CROSSING MOVES 188 Coxe Ave. Tolliver’s Crossing pub of West Asheville will relocate to lower Coxe Avenue as soon as March, according to business owner Chuck Brown, who is excited to be a part of the area’s quickly growing bar community. He expects Dirty Jack’s and The Prospect will make great neighbors, and he thinks the businesses are different enough that they can all thrive. “What we’re trying to do is bring a little food down that side, plus the pub feel,” Brown says. Tolliver’s serves Irish-inspired main dishes along with burgers, sandwiches and standard bar appetizers, although Brown is thinking about adding some Cajun dishes to the menu after the move is complete. He’s excited about the 5,000-square-foot South Slope space because it has a possibility for a rooftop patio. He also likes the building’s proximity to McCormick Field, and he’s already welcoming the post-ball-game crowds.













BURIAL BEER COMING SOON 40 Collier Ave. Doug and Jessica Reiser, the owners of Burial Beer, see South Slope as a great place to get their brewing operation under way. They’re planning a small tap room where they will sell tasters, pints and 32-ounce growlers of their craft brews, many of which are Belgian-style ales. They plan to open to the public this spring. “Although it’s a small space, we want to make it a space where people can stay for more than just one beer,” Jessica says. The Reisers are looking forward to having neighbors who will draw visitors, too. Rawls Costenbader manages the warehouse, and Burial Beer is the first of what he hopes will be several tenants. He envisions a set-up in which artists, craftspeople and brewers share the building’s common areas and fenced-in courtyard. “They’re running out of room in the River Arts District,” he says.

Emily Patrick can be reached at

28 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 • • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 29


by thom o’hearn

send your beer news to

greening the hill If you drove down Buxton Avenue two months ago, you would have to search for the entrance to greenman Brewery’s tasting room. now almost half of the Buxton block is painted in shades of green. There’s no missing it. While we were all paying attention to the grand openings of Oskar Blues and Wicked Weed, greenman quietly acquired four lots, two buildings and enough equipment to double the production of its core beers. “This represents a very significant investment,” said owner dennis Thies. “Last year, 2012, was really a year of putting the golf ball on the tee. getting the clubs ready. now we have the ability to swing.” greenman has been around for 16 years, and growing very slowly for much of that time. That pace sped up when Thies took control. “In a nutshell, what’s happened for our brewery has been pretty special. We were probably 700 barrels the year I bought greenman (2009). It was the stepchild of a restaurant,” said Thies. “Then last year we about doubled our production from 2011 … we hit 2,800 barrels. We’re really appreciative of Asheville for the support that made it possible.” With the expansion, they can now produce 6,500 barrels in 2013. Just as important, the buildings give greenman a secure base on Buxton, no matter how quickly the South Slope neighborhood develops. And for the first time in years, the company has the ability to move in a few new directions. crEating nEW bEErS As the new brewery (aka the “East” brewery) takes over production of the flagship beers, the “West” brewery behind the tasting room will become the brewers’ playground. It will exclusively produce small-batch beers to put on tap at dirty Jack’s and select accounts around town. “We’ll have a few different directions,” said brewer Mike Karnowski. “We definitely want to bring out some authentic British and American beers, things like an 1870s Burton Ale and an old-school Mild. We’ll do traditional American and European lagers, too. Hardly anyone is doing german and Czech style lagers in north Carolina, so we’re excited about that.” The first new beers are already available at the tasting room. There’s Schadenfreude, a very sour Berliner Weisse that’s already sold out in bot-

bEFOrE (2012)

aFtEr (2013)



greenman Brewery quietly expands


buxtOn hill bittEr: dirty Jack’s is the only place you can get this little brother to the esB, which bears the south slope neighborhood’s historic name. photo by Max cooper

tles. 828 Pale Ale and Buxton Hill Bitter are also both on tap (and tap only). The bitter is a little brother to the greenman ESB, making it a fitting beer to carry the Buxton Hill name. It’s just 4.2 percent ABV, but it packs plenty of that signature greenman malt flavor. Coming down the pipeline soon are rainmaker, a 9.3 percent ABV Imperial IPA with pounds of Centennial, Citra and other American hops, and Lemmy, a dark and strong British Winter Warmer. Starting uP Six PackS “Six packs are one of the things I’m most excited about,” said Thies. And rightly so. For the first time in its 16-year history, greenman will be selling six packs of their ESB, IPA and Porter — maybe as soon as spring. They will be available first at “independents … the places that have always supported us,” according to Thies. Though he added they hope to eventually see distribution through grocery channels as well, including Earth Fare, Whole Foods and Ingles. Specialty beers will also see wider distribution in bottles. In the past, 750-milliliter releases of beers like dweller Imperial Stout and Maceo, a

30 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

10 barrElS

40 barrElS

tOtal brEWhOuSE SiZE

sour brown aged on cherries, were limited to about 150 bottles — blink and you missed them. In the future, most releases will come closer to 500 bottles. It’s still a small run, but good news for fans of greenman’s creative side. ExPlOring barrElS anD SOurS Barrel-aged beers and sour beers are still few and far between for Asheville area breweries. Along with the newly opened Wicked Weed Brewing, greenman has plans to change that. Part of the new space is already dedicated to barrel aging both clean and sour beers. “We have wine barrels from Biltmore Estate and whiskey barrels from Finger Lakes distillery we’re using right now,” said Karnowski. “We’re finishing up dweller and we’re starting a new batch of Maceo soon.” There will be plenty of new recipes hitting barrels in 2013, too. So what’s the best way to keep on top of goings-on at greenman? You can find some of it at: greenManBrewery. However, according to Thies, “We really like to share with folks that come around. Just drop by our tasting room and have a pint.” You won’t have any trouble finding it.

130 barrElS

370 barrElS

tOtal FErmEntOr tank caPacity



bEEr availablE in Six PackS • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 31

Small bitES

by emily patrick

send your food news to

The revolving door of Tex-Mex EAT LOCALLY THIS YEAR! We purchase fresh produce directly from local farmers and offer a local special every day!

Boca is out; local taco is in

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There’s a new taco in town … again. The Local Taco, a nashville-based brand, has bought out Boca on Lexington Avenue. Boca has closed permanently after two years in business, but the owner of The Local Taco, John Ko, says Asheville can expect his restaurant to open its doors this spring, probably in March or April. Asheville’s Local Taco will have four sibling restaurants, two in nashville, one in Lexington, Ky., and one in greenville, S.C. “We try to do everything with local produce and local farmers and try to do some creative things with our tacos,” Ko says. “I just feel like the demographic of the city and everything about Asheville kind of fits our model.” He adds that he hopes to relocate his residence here soon. Ko says he’s experienced some online backlash since he announced his plans for an Asheville location. “A lot of people thought we’re a big chain restaurant coming into town,” he says. “We’re anything but. We’re independently owned. We’re not a big corporation. We just happen to be in a couple of markets.” Every Local Taco has a different look and feel, Ko explains, but the food focus is similar at each one. Menus feature à la carte tacos and enchiladas. Salads come in meal-sized portions, and sides come with creative touches, such as fried, green chili mac-and-cheese and Cuban corn on the cob. Tacos cost less than $3, and lunch specials and salads cost less than $10. The Local Taco should feel laid-back and affordable, Ko says. The Boca building is in good shape and won’t require too many renovations, Ko says, although he hopes to add a roof to the courtyard for wintertime dining. He says the outdoor space around the restaurant attracted him to the building, especially the patio. “Our concept revolves around being outside, sitting outside, eating tacos and margaritas in the sun,” he says. Accordingly, The Local Taco will include a full bar. The Local Taco will be located at 68 n. Lexington Ave. For more information, visit or check out the Facebook page for The Local Taco Asheville.

32 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

big SPrEaD: A sampling of local taco’s fare. photo by John Ko.

Behind the giant question marks Since October, there’s been a vacancy at the heart of downtown. Large, paper question marks conceal the space at the corner of Battery Park Avenue and Haywood Street, which used to be restaurant Solace (and before that, the Flying Frog Café). The company that owns the building posted the 6-foot-high punctuation in the windows after Solace left. now, the owners can take down the question marks. A new restaurant, Isa’s Bistro, is coming, and it will be owned by businessman Antonio Fraga and his wife, Isabel, the business’ namesake. Fraga has never owned a restaurant

isa’s Bistro comes to haywood park hotel

before (although he is an investor in new York City’s Telepan, which focuses on seasonal fare); his business acquires and manages property. His company, FIrC group, owns the restaurant building, along with the rest of Haywood Park, West gate shopping center and several developments in Florida. “We’re doing a lot of demolition in there,” Fraga says. By the looks of the dumpster parked in front of True Blue Art Supply and packed with debris, the tear-out has been substantial. The eatery will open in March or April, although he’s not sure what it will serve, Fraga says. “The food plan-

ning will come later on,” he says. He’s brought on Jason Cancilla, a former manager at grove Park Inn, to run the place, and he’s in the process of hiring a chef. In the meantime, the Haywood Park Café (set to open in the atrium of the Haywood Park building) is still in the early stages of development. That restaurant also shares staff with FIrC group. In October, Wes reinhardt, vice president of FIrC, estimated that the

breakfast and lunch café would be open by 2013. At the end of december, construction in the former Souper Sandwich space had not begun. “Just waiting on the building permit to be issued, which is expected any day,” reinhardt told Xpress in a dec. 27 email. “Once permit is in hand, the upfit work will commence immediately. And completion won’t take long. … The team, concept, menu and fixtures are all ready to go.”

Green Home & Living Guide 2013

Me-oh-my-oh get your taste of the bayou at Asheville Mardi gras cajun cookoff and fundraiser

Don’t miss the opportunity to be in this great annual resource.

Contact Us Today!

laiSSEZ lES ... WEll, yOu knOW: Join in this year’s Mardi gras festivities with your bowl, spoon and appetite for louisiana-style cooking. photo by david carpenter.

Some of Asheville’s finest cooking can’t be found in a restaurant. It’s available but once a year, when the local Mardi gras community gets together for its annual Cajun Cookoff fundraiser. For $10, you can come and heap your bowl with gumbo, chowder, crawfish pie, jambalaya and everything our Louisiana transplants learned to make better than we did. Proceeds go to Asheville Mardi gras, which earned its nonprofit status last year. For five years, the group has organized and pre-

sented the annual February Mardi gras parade — a colorful boost to the winter landscape. The cookoff features a silent auction of “arts and oddities,” and it’s a good time to get in on the Asheville Mardi gras krewe with a yearly membership. This year’s event is held on Saturday, Jan. 19 at 4 p.m. at Tressa’s downtown Jazz and Blues on Broadway. And the downtown parade will be on Bacchus Sunday, Feb. 10. Learn more at — rebecca sulock (828) 251-1333 Space reservation deadline is February 1 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 33

34 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

neWs of the

WeIrd read daIly

Read News of the Weird daily with Chuck Shepherd at www. Send items to or PO Box 18737, Tampa FL 33679

least-competent parkIng enforcers

three-star room that's a dump For about $150 a night, visitors to Belgium's Verbeke Foundation art park can spend the night inside the feature attraction: a 20-foot-long, 6-foot-high polyester replica of a human colon created by Dutch designer Joep Van Lieshout. Another body part replicated at one end gives the facility its formal name: the Hotel CasAnus.

compellIng explanatIons In December, Giuseppe Tedesco took the witness stand in Newton, N.J., swearing that all six shots that hit his girlfriend, Alyssa Ruggieri, were "self-defense accidents” jointly inflicted by their respective hands during a protracted struggle for his .25-caliber handgun, which she’d found hidden in the sofa cushions. When he pushed away the gun Ruggieri was pointing at his face, he said, "they" fired the fatal shot that hit Ruggieri in the temple. (At press time, the trial was continuing.)

chutZpah! Mauricio Fierro gained instant fame in December in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as the victim of a car theft, captured on surveillance video when he dashed into a pharmacy. But while filing a police report, he encountered the pharmacy owner, who reported that Fierro was actually robbing Food Manager Certification is required in NC.

him when the car was taken. More surveillance video revealed that while Fierro was standing outside the pharmacy, wondering where his car was, a man ran by and stole the stolen cash. After complaining to the police about Sao Paulo's crime rate, Fierro admitted to a local news website that he’d stolen the very car he was reporting stolen.

(1) The week before Christmas, a Nottingham, England, officer issued parking tickets to two ambulance drivers who were taking too long to board schoolchildren in wheelchairs who’d just sung carols for an hour to raise money for Emmanuel House, a homeless shelter. (After many complaints, the City Council revoked the tickets.) (2) In November, a New Orleans convenience store worker enforcing his employer's noparking rule applied an immobilizing "boot" to an ambulance called to treat a customer. Ahmed Sidi Aleywa was later fired, and a co-worker said Aleywa is an immigrant who wasn’t familiar with "ambulances."

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least-competent crImInals Recurring Themes: (1) Marquis Diggs, 29, entering the county administration building in Jersey City, N.J., in December for a hearing in family court over his mother's restraining order against him, became the most recent drug possessor not to have realized that he might be subjected to a search. Police confiscated 32 baggies of "suspected marijuana." (2) Cleland Ayison, 32, got a break in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in December when federal Judge William Dimitrouleas sentenced him only to house arrest and community service because his crime (trying to pass a $500 million Federal Reserve note) was so "silly."

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855.644.FSTS (3787) • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 35

play date n.c. stage’s catalyst series starts the year with two local productions

by alli Marshall Actor, playwright and workshop leader Barbara Bates Smith is perhaps best known for her onewoman plays based on the writings of N.C.-based novelist Lee Smith. But recently she stumbled across a new muse: the late Doris “Granny D” Haddock. “I don’t even know how the book ended up in my hands,” says Barbara Bates Smith. The book, Walking Across America in My Ninetieth Year (culled from Granny D’s journals kept during her cross-country walk, and written with Dennis Burke) recounted Granny D’s trek from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C., to draw attention to the need for election reform. “I was just astonished to realize I didn’t know about her,” says Smith. While crafting the stage production, Go, Granny, Go!, Smith learned that Granny D’s co-author, Burke, had published a second book about the nonagenarian activist’s postwalk undertakings. “A couple of years later, she went on a voter-registration tour in places where people needed to be registered to vote,” says Smith. “That’s when she came through Asheville.” During that trip, Smith says, Granny D met tattoo artist Blue Broxton, who joined her campaign. That, and the activist claims that it was in Asheville where she got high for the first time. With Woody Harrelson, naturally.

go, granny go! / friday, Jan. 11-sunday, Jan. 20 (fridays & saturdays at 7:30 p.M., sundays at 2 p.M., $10-$15.)

word play In 2004, at age 94, Granny D went home to New Hampshire and ran for the Senate. As a result of her work, she was given a lot of credit for the passing of the McCain/ Feingold bill, a bipartisan campaign

barbara bates sMith portrays granny d who, at age 90, walked across the u.s. to draw attention to the need for election reforM. photo by Jeff sebens

36 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

reform act. That bill was overturned in 2010, the year Granny D passed away. “I thought it might seem [to her] that all that effort had been in vain,” says Smith. “But I learned that she said, ‘Democracy is a running game. You huddle and you go back in.’ All of that is highly motivating and inspiring to me.” Smith says that, with the recent election, the Granny D story was timely, and “It was a delight for me to use her words.” On “a brave day,” she called N.C. Stage artistic director Charlie Flynn-McIver. “Since 2004, N.C. Stage’s Catalyst Series has played host to some of the most exciting grassroots theatre in Western North Carolina,” says the theater’s call for applications. Selected offerings have included burlesque, sketch comedy and performance art. “N.C. Stage’s goal with the Catalyst Series is to enhance our own programming while offering local companies the infrastructure they need to produce the best possible work.” N.C. Stage doesn’t produce the work, but does provide counsel. The theater company looks for performances with box-office appeal, and splits the proceeds with the Catalyst artist whose work is being performed. Four years ago, Smith showed her production based on Lee Smith’s On Agate Hill at N.C. Stage, as part of the Catalyst Series. “Ever since then I thought it would be nice to go back there some time. I said, ‘Look, I have this new thing coming up that’s different from anything else.’” N.C. Stage was interested in the two-act play, which Smith performs with musical accompanist Jeff Sebens. Smith says that she hopes to challenge audiences to “pick up on

fresh preserves / wednesday, Jan. 23-sunday, Jan. 27 (wednesday-saturday at 7:30 p.M., 2 p.M. on saturday & sunday. $10-$15.)

New Hairs. New Contacts. New Year. New You! Granny D’s notion of election reform.” But for her, as the playwright, Granny D’s written words proved to be the muse. “I’m kind of storytelling,” says Smith. “I put on a hat, a vest and a walking stick and I become Granny D.” faMily fodder Another storyteller is local singersongwriter and playwright Tom Godleski, whose Catalyst series play, Fresh Preserves, takes its cues from family lore. Actually, the play is based on Godleski’s solo album (he’s also the lead singer and bass player in local bluegrass outfit Buncombe Turnpike) of the same name. The 10 tracks on that record represent two hands-full of stories about local characters and relatives. “It’s kind of an autobiography,” says Godleski, who debuted the play at Mars Hill’s Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. Many of the stories depicted by the songs and stage drama were told to Godleski — who has lived on family property in Emma for nearly his entire life — by his Uncle Robert. “He was my biggest influence as a storyteller,” says Godleski. “He knew a tattooed man who, on his rear-end, had

faMily stories inspired buncoMbe turnpike bassist toM godleski’s 10-track albuM, which inspired the play of the saMe naMe. his band provides the soundtrack, onstage.

a tattoo of a rabbit and a beagle, and you know where that rabbit was running.” And then there’s the one about Uncle Robert’s grandfather — George Young— a big, mean man, who lived in Madison County. A guy named King walked from Shelton Laurel one day to pick a fight with that Young. The culminating line in the song is, “Young did just what he said right then. The fight was done. King came to Barnard with two good eyes and left with only one.” Says Godleski, “I wanted to be a little bit tactful.”

Another grandfather left a ledger full of stories after his death, including one about feisty Aunt Tildy who beat up a soldier during the Civil War. Near the end of Uncle Robert’s Life, Godleski visited with a digital recorder to capture some of the stories he’d heard so many times growing up. “Fresh Preserves was a way of honoring my family,” says Godleski. “It’s about the lessons I learned as a kid.” The play is not the musician’s first turn at script writing. An earlier oneact play, A Buncombe Turnpike Sunset, dealt with life on the historic drover’s road that ran through Asheville. Godleski performed it, with help from his Buncombe Turnpike bandmates, at the Folk Art Center. The band is also on stage for the entirety of two-act Fresh Preserves, which boasts a cast of about 18. Don Lewis of bluegrass band Sons of Ralph will be part of the production, and “both of my sons are in the play,” says Godleski (his youngest, Brian, is half of hip-hop duo CrazyHorse & Colston). It’s a family show in the truest sense. X Alli Marshall can be reached at







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A half-dozen taxidermied beasts are the celebrated subjects of DeSoto Lounge’s current exhibition, which is up through the end of January. This a collector’s exhibition, pieced together by years of travel, study and selection. The bar’s very own Conquistadeer put the show in motion. The capped, multipoint buck has long graced the wall of the West Asheville haunt. Perched between its antlers is not a plastic construction hat, but a Don Quixotestyle conquistador helmet. Now the deer has some similarly preserved company, starting with two Oryxes greeting patrons at the front door. They’ve been arranged together, on a single base, staring wide-eyed off to the left and right. Both are bright and assertive, possibly on the lookout for the very source that put them in their current state of being. But the look is also aided by the starkness of the black and white mask that’s spread over their faces. Their horns, straight yet imperfect, form tight spirals that rise roughly 3 feet towards the ceiling. Beside them is a warthog — sullen, warthoggish. An entire zebra pelt spans 6 feet of wall space across from the bar. The black and white patterning reads like abstract op-art. It’s flanked by two deer skulls, horns intact, that rest on top of appliances mounted to the wall. Closer to the water cooler, but still to the left of the native Conquistadeer, is a

38 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

The BPBX’s moose, at left, and Danny Reed’s warthog. Photos by Max Cooper

brown-haired sub-Saharan member of the antelope family known as a Hartebeest. Its horns, while smaller than the Oryx’s, bow out slightly before curving backward over the neck. They too have a slight ridge protruding in slow spirals toward the tip of the horns. The works, almost entirely African in origin (and all legally documented, mind you), belong to a local collector identified only by his last name: Edwards. The staff had dabbled with the idea of bringing in Edwards’ collection for some time. “We were joking about it for close to a year,” Tim McMurrin, a co-owner of the bar, told Xpress. The owners anticipated backlash from animal rights organizations or activists (though taxidermy and bars tend to make a great match). They braced for complaints and a possible tirade or two, but nothing has happened so far. “Most of the response has been overwhelmingly positive,” McMurrin said. Heading a few blocks down Haywood to Hot Stuff Tattoo will put you in view of owner Danny Reed’s personal collection. Each piece adds to the saloon style exuded from the wooden service bar, low-walled partitions and the variety of framed paintings and tattoo examples. The works range from ducks and a mounted shark, to a

squirrel and the backside of a deer. Stuffing the deer’s behind has been a staple piece in many a hunting lodge — the head and the butt would appear on opposing sides of a single wall. Across town at the Battery Park Book Exchange, a moose has joined the likes of mid 18th- and 19th-century oil paintings, Empire furniture and Arts and Crafts accents. Thomas Wright, the shop’s owner and, for clarity’s sake, an employer of mine, calls the species a Western North Carolina Donkey — also known as an Appalachian Wild Ass. It protrudes from a pillar about 12 feet off the floor and boasts a 44-inch rack. But despite its size, the piece is hung rather inconspicuously. Taxidermy’s presence in the urban hubs of Asheville is still sparse, and probably will remain that way. But as we see here, it is celebrated by a few. Mounted animals are hard to come by, as a state law forbids the sale of any taxidermied native species. Unless you are the one taking an animal to the taxidermists, there will be very little to choose from. As for the Conquistadeer, it, like many of those pieces stationed for viewing in Asheville, is a family heirloom.



Monet to Matisse

January 25 - April 21 1515 Main Street in downtown Columbia, SC

| 803.799.2810 |

Organized by the Dixon Gallery and Gardens, Memphis. Claude Monet, French, 1840–1926, Port of Dieppe, Evening, 1882, oil on canvas, Collection of the Dixon Gallery and Gardens; Gift of Montgomery H.W. Ritchie, 1996.2.7

Presented by:

Supporting Sponsors:

Helen & John Hill

Dr. Suzan D. Boyd & Mr. M. Edward Sellers • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 39

smartbets by allI marshall

tomás kubínek Winter carnavalito Remember back in July when Toubab Krewe introduced its new festival, Canavalito, to Pisgah Brewing? Here’s some good news: You don’t have to wait another six months to relive that party. The Asheville-founded Afro-Americana fusion outfit brings Winter Carnavalito to The Orange Peel for two nights this month — Friday and Saturday, Jan. 18 and 19. They’ll be joined by Dangermuffin on Friday and Adron on Saturday; $1 from each ticket sold goes to Instruments for Africa. Help out even more: attendees are asked to bring canned goods for MANNA FoodBank. 9 p.m. nightly. $16 in advance, $27 for a two-night pass. Photo by Mayleen Gonzalez.

Solo performer Tomás Kubínek has a bio that reads like a John Irving novel: Smuggled out of Prague at age 3, lived in a refugee camp in Austria before emigrating to Canada where, at age 5, he saw his first circus. His own circus debut, as a teenager was “as the rear half of a two-person horse.” He has since graduated from horse duty to his own “exuberant blend of absurdist theatre and circus magic” and the title, “certified lunatic and master of the impossible.” He’ll perform at Diana Wortham Theatre on Saturday, Jan. 19. 8 p.m., $35 general/$30 students/$15 children.

tess brunet Singer-songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Tess Brunet is not afraid of a challenge. Her music career reads like a page from the truth or dare playbook — she left her adoptive home at age 17, moved to New York where got a job at S.I.R. Studios and taught herself to play drums on her breaks. After a mere six months of practice, she signed a record deal with Fat Possum (recording as Deadboy & the Elephantmen with Dax Riggs). Brunet also served as touring drummer for Asheville BFFs Generationals before going solo (as Au Ras Au Ras). She composed her 2008 debut on autoharp and her most recent album, darkly-dreamy The Great Nothing, on classical guitar. Which she’d been playing for less than a year, naturally. Tess Brunet stops by Apothecary on Saturday, Jan. 19. Bellows also performs. facebook. com/ashevilleapothecary. Read the full interview at

40 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

the black lillies Knoxville, Tenn.-based Americana outfit The Black Lillies is fronted by Cruz Contreras (previously the “CC” of Robinella and the CCstringband). Following the release of his solo album, Whiskey Angel, Cruz, according to his bio, “assembled a crackerjack team of pickers, players and singers who have what it takes to put meat on those songs.” Musicians include guitarist Tom Pryor and drummer Jamie Cook (both of the everybodyfields), bassist Robert Richards, and vocalist Trisha Gene Brady. It’s a recipe for success: The band has already taken home Independent Music Awards honors in 2009 and 2012. They play Pisgah Brewing Company on Friday, Jan. 18. 9 p.m., $10 (shuttle by Asheville Adventure Rentals for $15 per person).




F R ID AY, J A N U A R Y 18 , 2 0 13

S AT UR D AY, F E B R U A R Y 2 , 2 0 13



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Poster Artwork by James Flames

Bring 10 non-perishable food items to benefit MANNA foodbank & receive a FREE 11x17 poster! • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 41


Asheville’s Original Tiki Bar

Eclectic Island Cuisine served late night! 87 Patton Ave., Asheville • 4pm – 2am altamont brewing Company Stuart McNair (folk, Americana), 9pm

Wednesday, Jan. 16 adam dalton distillery DJ dance party (EDM, bass), 10pm


Music Schedules

Thursday, January 17th 10pm $10/$12 with DON WINSLEY 18+



Friday, January 18th


Col. Bruce Hampton

10pm with ANTIQUE $10/$12 FIREARMS 21+

Saturday, January 19th



10pm $15 21+

Tuesday, January 22nd

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allstars sports bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm apotheCary Bank of Christ w/ Derek Poteat, Xambuca & Human Energy Field (drone, experimental), 9pm barley's taproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm blue mountain pizza Cafe Open mic, 7pm Creekside taphouse Open mic, 9pm dirty south lounge Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm elaine's dueling piano bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am emerald lounge Gringo Star (indie rock, garage) w/ The Critters & Drag Sounds, 9pm

shake, rattle and roll: The Carvers bill themselves as a “surf and stomp combo,” but the warm analog organs and R&B-inspired rock ‘n’ roll covers a breadth of vintage sounds from the ‘50s and ‘60s. The Carvers bring their old-school sound to Jack of the Wood on Friday, Jan. 18. lobster trap The K-Tones (jazz, blues, classical, rock), 7pm olive or twist Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Soul/jazz jam w/ Preston Cate, 10pm phoenix lounge Jess Strickland (reggae), 8pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm straightaway Cafe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

the altamont theater

holland's grille Karaoke, 9:30pm

the Corner

JaCk of the wood pub Old-time jam, 4pm

the dugout

Michael McDermott (singer-songwriter) w/ Zach Blew, 8pm Karaoke, 10pm Karaoke, 8pm

the hangar lounge Karaoke, 10pm timo's house Blues Jam, 10pm trailhead restaurant and bar Kevin Scanlon's old-time jam, 6:30pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tressa's downtown Jazz and blues The Hard Bop Explosion (jazz, funk), 8-11pm vanuatu kava bar Open mic, 9pm wild wing Cafe Jeff & Justin (acoustic), 8pm

asheville musiC hall Cherub (electro-pop) w/ Don Winsley, 10pm barley's taproom Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm blaCk mountain ale house Dulci Ellenberger & Daniel Shearin (Americana, folk), 9pm blue mountain pizza Cafe Mark Bumgarner (Americana, bluegrass, country), 7pm boiler room Talent search w/ Euphoria Eclipse, 10pm Club eleven on grove Back to school bash, 10pm Club remix Battle of the Bands, 8pm elaine's dueling piano bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am frenCh broad brewery tasting room Paul Cataldo (roots, folk), 6pm good stuff Adrian Krygowski (Americana), 6:30pm

thursday, Jan. 17

grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Jon Spencer Blues Explosion w/ The Dirt Daubers, 9pm

5 walnut wine bar The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm

allstars sports bar and grill Dance night, 10pm

highland brewing Company

to QualIfy for a free lIstIng, a venue must be predomInately dedIcated to the performIng arts. bookstores and cafés WIth regular open mIcs and musIcal events are also alloWed / to lImIt confusIon, events must be submItted by the venue oWner or a representatIve of that venue / events must be submItted In WrItten form by e-maIl (, fax, snaIl maIl or hand-delIvered to the clubland edItor dane smIth at 2 Wall st., room 209, ashevIlle, nc 28801. events submItted to other staff members are not assured of InclusIon In clubland / clubs must hold at least tWo events per Week to QualIfy for lIstIng space. any venue that Is InactIve In clubland for one month WIll be removed / the clubland edItor reserves the rIght to edIt or exclude events or venues / deadlIne Is by noon on monday for that Wednesday’s publIcatIon. thIs Is a fIrm deadlIne.

42 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

the bywater Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 9pm

Creatures Cafe Nathan Storey w/ Pipapelli & Life Size (blues, rock), 8pm

the hangar lounge Awake in the Dream (rock), 9pm

JaCk of the wood pub No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm olive or twist Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm orange peel ZoSo (Led Zeppelin tribute), 9pm phoenix lounge Brad Carson (jam, rock, blues), 8pm pisgah brewing Company Swayback Sisters (country, folk, Americana) w/ The Everydays, 8pm purple onion Cafe Aaron Burdett (folk rock), 7:30pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm south side station Karaoke, 8pm southern appalaChian brewery Nitrograss (progressive bluegrass), 7pm tallgary's Cantina Histree w/ Invader Slim Colston, Dem Nugget Boys, Creashun & Iggy, 9pm the altamont theater Kris Allen (singer-songwriter, pop), 8pm the market plaCe Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7-10pm timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 10pm-2am town pump Dr. Aqueous & the Fantastik Apparatus (funk, electronic, rock), 9pm trailhead restaurant and bar Cajun night w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am westville pub CaroMia Tiller (folk, soul, blues), 9:30pm wild wing Cafe Ashley Heath (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm

frIday, Jan. 18 185 king street Swayback Sisters (country, folk, Americana), 8pm 5 walnut wine bar One Leg Up (jazz), 10pm-midnight allstars sports bar and grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm apotheCary Tape & Wire w/ Ex-Breathers & Sprocket Gobbler (metal), 9pm asheville musiC hall Col. Bruce Hampton (rock, jam) w/ Antique Firearms, 10pm athena's Club Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am blaCk mountain ale house The Get Right Band (rock, funk), 9pm

emerald lounge Brother Nomad (rock) w/ Elijah Hooker & The River Rats, 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room Leigh Glass & the Hazards (rock, blues), 6pm good stuff Dave Turner (jazz/pop piano), 9pm grove park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pmmidnight havana restaurant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm highland brewing Company Screaming J's (boogie-woogie, blues), 6pm holland's grille Bobby Sullivan & Kevin Bolick (rock, blues), 9pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm isis restaurant and musiC hall Town Mountain (bluegrass) w/ Sanctum Sully, 9pm JaCk of hearts pub The Carvers (garage, surf, rock), 9pm JaCk of the wood pub Sons of Ralph (country, bluegrass), 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: To Light a Fire (rock) w/ Warm the Bell & Grammer School, 9:30pm lobster trap Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm native kitChen & soCial pub The Gypsy Swingers (jazz, swing), 8pm one stop deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm orange peel Toubab Krewe (world, jam, rock) w/ Dangermuffin, 9pm paCk's tavern Scott Raines Duo (acoustic rock, jam), 9pm phoenix lounge Jazz night, 8pm pisgah brewing Company The Black Lillies (country, blues, rock), 9pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm root bar no. 1 Eric Sommer & the Solar Flares (pop, Americana), 9pm

timo's house Bobby F'n White (hip-hop) w/ BIGHands, DJ Jet, Tripsta Tripp & more, 10pm town pump Circus Mutt (rock, jam), 9pm

A True Gentleman’s Club


treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tressa's downtown Jazz and blues Jim Arrendell & the Cheap Suits (dance), 10pm vanuatu kava bar Seraphim Arkistra ("electro-coustic," ambient, improv), 9pm wall street Coffee house Open mic, 9pm

TAPROOM & PIZZERIA Kids Eat Free Pint Special Dr. Brown’s Team Trivia Live Jazz, Alien Music Club Live Music

wild wing Cafe Kiss Army (rock), 9:30pm

saturday, Jan. 19 185 king street Billy Jonas, 4pm (kids' show) & 8pm (adults' show) 5 walnut wine bar The Firecracker Jazz All-Stars, 10pmmidnight allstars sports bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm apotheCary Bellows w/ Tess Brunet, Pilgrim & Abraham Leonard (indie folk), 9pm

GREAT DRINK SPECIALS EVERY NIGHT Mon - Sat 6:30pm - 2am 520 Swannanoa River Rd • Asheville (828) 298-1400 •



asheville musiC hall An evening w/ Greensky Bluegrass, 10pm athena's Club Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am bier garden DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am blaCk mountain ale house Matt Walsh (blues, rock), 9pm blue mountain pizza Cafe Calico Moon (country, soul, Americana), 7pm boiler room Featured Creeps w/ Full Tilt Sleeze & Future West (punk, rock), 9pm Club metropolis AsheVegas Rave IV feat: Gauntlet & Aggression (electronic, dubstep, drumstep), 10pm Creatures Cafe To Light a Fire (folk, rock) w/ The Living Trees, 8pm elaine's dueling piano bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am frenCh broad brewery tasting room Peggy Ratusz (blues, jazz, swing), 6pm

sCandals nightClub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

good stuff Skunk Ruckus ("hillbilly gutrock"), 8pm

southern appalaChian brewery The Archrivals (fusion, jazz, pop), 8pm

grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Holy Ghost Tent Revival (folk rock, roots, dixieland) w/ Toy Soldiers, 9pm

statiC age reCords Jovontaes w/ Soft Opening, Lazy Magnet & Mendocino (psychedelic, drone, experimental), 10pm

grove park inn great hall Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm

straightaway Cafe Grits & Soul (roots, country, honky-tonk), 6pm

Over 40 Entertainers!


boiler room Space Truckers w/ Copestoned & Mojomatic (rock), 9pm


JaCk of hearts pub Old-time jam, 7pm


tallgary's Cantina Live music, 9:30pm


blue mountain pizza Cafe Acoustic Swing, 7pm


Biggz General (roots, reggae) w/ Redlyte & Marrietta's Palm, 6pm

Fours Days! Four Venues! Seven Different Shows! Pre- and After Parties! Random Acts of Fringe! Tickets for each show are only $12.00 available now at Fringe Central and online at

havana restaurant Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm highland brewing Company • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 43

behInd the mIc FRI. JanuaRy 18

To lighT a fire

w/ warm The bell, grammer school 9:30Pm SaT. JanuaRy 19

alex vans & The hide away w/ PawTooTh 10Pm THuR. JanuaRy 24

leoPard island

w/ dem nuggeT boys 9:30Pm FRI. JanuaRy 25

dave dribbon & The sTomPing rain w/ This mounTain 9:30Pm

Asheville FM hosts dozens of weekly shows that run the gamut of musical styles and tastes (you name it, they’ve got it). But don’t take our word for it: take theirs. Xpress brings you this weekly feature — direct from the DJs — highlighting a few of the station’s stellar offerings. Music buffs and casual listeners alike will feel at home with the mixtape format of mental notes. Free-form programming is the only rule, and most every era of recorded music can be heard over time (although cohesive themes like “Traveling” or “Rapture Wrap Up” may work their way in occasionally). Tune in with an ear for the unusual. Saturdays at 7 p.m. with DJ Steven Howard.

Letters to Abigail (Americana, country), 6pm holland's grille Karaoke, 9:30pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm isis restaurant and musiC hall Gina Sicilia (blues), 9pm JaCk of the wood pub Laura Thurston (Americana), 5pm The Carvers (surf, garage, jazz) w/ Sarah Gayle Meech, 9pm

red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm root bar no. 1 Scott Barkan (rock, folk), 9pm

wall street Coffee house J.T Woodfruff & Mark Rose (acoustic rock) w/ Jeremiah Greer, noon wild wing Cafe Contagious (rock), 9:30pm

sunday, Jan. 20 185 king street Amber's Angels Rhodes to Recovery benefit, noon-8pm

lobster trap Sean Mason Trio (jazz), 7-9pm

southern appalaChian brewery Appalachian Fire (bluegrass, country), 8pm

5 walnut wine bar The Roaring Lions (hot jazz), 7-9pm

one stop deli & bar Bluegrass brunch w/ Jay Franck (of Sanctum Sully) & friends, noon-3pm

44 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

purple onion Cafe The Bad Popes (Americana), 8pm

tressa's downtown Jazz and blues Carolina Rex (blues, funk, R&B), 10pm

sCandals nightClub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am

olive or twist 42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm

Ad deadlines are January 23 & 30

pisgah brewing Company Blue Dragons (rock, blues, Americana), 9pm

DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am

lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Alex Vans & the Hide Away (rock) w/ Pawtooth, 10pm

o.henry's/tug DJ Xel, 10pm

The Wellness Issues are returning!

phoenix lounge Spencer & the String Ticklers (bluegrass), 9pm

orange peel Toubab Krewe (world, jam, rock) w/ Adron, 9pm paCk's tavern DJ Moto (dance, pop), 9pm

straightaway Cafe Hope Griffin (folk, singer-songwriter), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Mojomatic (classic rock, blues), 9:30pm the bywater Disco night, 9pm town pump Alarm Clock Conspiracy (rock, pop), 9pm treasure Club

altamont brewing Company Sunday Funday Potluck & Pickin', 5:30pm barley's taproom Ben Bjorlie Band (jazz), 7:30pm blue mountain pizza Cafe Patrick Fitzsimons (blues), 7pm boiler room Benefit for Miss LOS EOY, 10pm emerald lounge Brave Baby (indie rock) w/ Elim Bolt, Total War & Onawa, 9pm

clubdirectory 185 king street 877-1850 5 Walnut Wine bar 253-2593 altamont brewing company 575-2400 the altamont theatre 348-5327 aqua cafe & bar 505-2081 arcade 258-1400 asheville civic center & thomas Wolfe auditorium 259-5544 the asheville public (tap) 505-1720 asheville music hall 255-7777 athena’s club 252-2456 avery creek pizza & ribs 687-2400 barley’s tap room 255-0504 black mountain ale house 669-9090 blend hookah lounge 505-0067 blue mountain pizza 658-8777 blue note grille 697-6828 boiler room 505-1612 bobo gallery 254-3426 broadway’s 285-0400 burgerworx 253-2333 the bywater 232-6967 club hairspray 258-2027 club metropolis 258-2027 club remix 258-2027 the chop house 253-1852

the corner 575-2449 craggie brewing company 254-0360 creature’s cafe 254-3636 creekside taphouse 575-2880 adam dalton distillery 367-6401 dark city deli 257-5300 desoto lounge 986-4828 diana Wortham theater 257-4530 dirty south lounge 251-1777 dobra tea room 575-2424 the dugout 692-9262 eleven on grove 505-1612 emerald lounge 232- 4372 firestorm cafe 255-8115 fred’s speakeasy 281-0920 french broad brewery tasting room 277-0222 french broad chocolate lounge 252-4181 the gateway club 456-6789 good stuff 649-9711 grey eagle music hall & tavern 232-5800 grind cafe 430-4343 grove house eleven on grove 505-1612 the grove park Inn (elaine’s piano bar/ great hall) 252-2711 the handlebar (864) 233-6173

grove park inn great hall Two Guitars (classical), 10am-noon Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:3010:30pm hotel indigo Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7-10pm isis restaurant and musiC hall Jazz showcase w/ Billy B, 8pm JaCk of the wood pub Irish session, 5pm lobster trap Leo Johnson (hot club jazz), 7-9pm one stop deli & bar Bluegrass brunch w/ The Pond Brothers, noon-3pm southern appalaChian brewery Ellen Trnka (folk), 5pm straightaway Cafe

hangar lounge 684-1213 harrah’s cherokee 497-7777 havana restaurant 252-1611 highland brewing company 299-3370 holland’s grille 298-8780 the hop 254-2224 the hop West 252-5155 Iron horse station 622-0022 Jack of hearts pub 645-2700 Jack of the Wood 252-5445 Jus one more 253-8770 lexington avenue brewery 252-0212 the lobster trap 350-0505 the lower level 505-8333 luella’s bar-b-Que 505-RIBS mack kell’s pub & grill 253-8805 the magnetic field 257-4003 mike’s side pocket 281-3096 monte vista hotel 669-8870 odditorium 505-8388 one stop bar deli & bar 255-7777 o.henry’s/tug 254-1891 the orange peel 225-5851 pack’s tavern 225-6944 pisgah brewing co. 669-0190 pulp 225-5851 purple onion cafe 749-1179

Chris Green (blues), 6pm timo's house Asheville Fringe Festival opening party w/ DJ CosmoQ, 8pm white horse Drum circle, 2pm

monday, Jan. 21 185 king street Mike Ashworth & friends (jazz, fusion, funk), 8pm 5 walnut wine bar CaroMia Tiller & Marry Ellen Davis (singer-songwriters), 8-10pm adam dalton distillery Open mic/jam, 9pm apotheCary Meteor Eyes (rock, electro-pop), 9pm

rankin vault 254-4993 red stag grill at the grand bohemian hotel 505-2949 rendezvous 926-0201 root bar no.1 299-7597 scandals nightclub 252-2838 scully’s 251-8880 shovelhead saloon 669-9541 smokey’s after dark 253-2155 southern appalacian brewery 684-1235 spurs 575-2258 static age records 254-3232 stingrays 926-4100 straightaway cafe 669-8856 tallgary’s cantina 232-0809 rocky’s hot chicken shack 575-2260 thirsty monk south 505-4564 timo’s house 575-2886 tolliver’s crossing Irish pub 505-2129 trailhead restaurant & bar 357-5656 treasure club 298-1400 tressa’s downtown Jazz & blues 254-7072 vincenzo’s bistro 254-4698 Westville pub 225-9782 White horse 669-0816 Wild Wing cafe 253-3066

TAVERN DOWNTOWN ON THE PARK Eclectic Menu • Over 30 Taps • Patio 13 TV’s • Sports Room • 110” Projector Event Space • Shuffleboard • Darts Open 7 Days 11am - Late Night


FRI. 1/18

Scott Raines Duo (acoustic rock, jam)

SAT. 1/19

DJ Moto (dance, pop hits)


blaCk mountain ale house Karaoke, 9pm grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Contra dance, 8pm grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop, guitar), 6:3010:30pm isis restaurant and musiC hall Jamar Woods Trio (improv, electronic, funk, rock), 8pm lobster trap Dana & Susan Robinson (roots, traditional Appalachian), 7-9pm phoenix lounge Suzanne, Jerry & Kurt of Moon Shine Babies (folk), 7pm the altamont theater Steve Brooks (poetry), 7:30pm the bywater • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 45

Bluegrass jam, 5-11pm


the hangar lounge Karaoke, 10pm


timo's house Jam night (multi-genre open jam), 10pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am





Open 7 Days/Week 5pm–12am


Full Bar

wild wing Cafe Karaoke, 9:30pm

Wednesday, Jan. 23

allstars sports bar and grill Karaoke, 9pm

asheville musiC hall Night of the Blues feat: Scofield w/ Blonde Blues, 8pm

wild wing Cafe Football trivia, 8pm

apotheCary Vavatican w/ Ahleuchatistas (prog, avant garde, rock), 9pm

barley's taproom Alien Music Club (jazz jam), 9pm blaCk mountain ale house Dulci Ellenberger & Daniel Shearin (Americana, folk), 9pm

5 walnut wine bar The John Henry's (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

blue mountain pizza Cafe Open mic, 7pm

blue mountain pizza Cafe Locomotive Pie (blues, folk, rock), 7pm

asheville musiC hall Funk jam, 11pm

Creekside taphouse Open mic, 9pm

boiler room Fetish show (drag), 10pm

blue mountain pizza Cafe Rocket Science, 7pm

dirty south lounge Disclaimer Standup Lounge (comedy open mic), 9pm

elaine's dueling piano bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

elaine's dueling piano bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am

frenCh broad brewery tasting room Ten Cent Poetry (folk, pop), 6pm grey eagle musiC hall & tavern RBTS Win (electronic, chillwave, pop) w/ Cloudeater, 9pm

21+ show music 9pm/$15 Adv/$20 Door


GINA SICILIA Distinctive new

Creekside taphouse Old-time jam, 6:30pm

grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Django Reinhardt birthday party, 7pm

good stuff Old-time jam, 7pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm



Hosted by Billy B 8pm / Free



1/21 tue


Improvised Electronic Funk Rock 8PM / Free


with Nicky Sanders of Steep Canyon Rangers 9pm / Free

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm handlebar Tuesday swing dance, 7pm Gene Dillard bluegrass jam, 8:30pm isis restaurant and musiC hall Bluegrass session w/ Nicky Sanders (of Steep Canyon Rangers), 9pm JaCk of the wood pub Singer-songwriters in the Round feat: Lyric, Heather Mae & Bethel Steele, 7pm Lincoln Durham (folk rock) w/ Remy St. Claire, 10pm


lobster trap Jay Brown (Americana, folk), 7-9pm native kitChen & soCial pub Trivia, 7pm odditorium That's a Thing (rock, grunge) w/ (New England) Patriots, Fat History Month & Ourobors Boys, 9pm olive or twist Bluedawg blues jam, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Two for Tuesday feat: Gabrielle Tee (singer-songwriter) & Local Honey (Americana), 8pm

holland's grille Karaoke, 9:30pm JaCk of the wood pub Old-time jam, 4pm lobster trap Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7-9pm olive or twist Cadillac Rex (oldies, swing, rock), 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Soul/jazz jam w/ Preston Cate, 10pm orange peel Margaret Cho (comedy) w/ Selene Luna, 7 & 10:30pm phoenix lounge Terina Plyler (Americana), 8pm red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 7-10pm straightaway Cafe Coping Stone (world, Appalachian), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Open mic/jam, 7pm the Corner Karaoke, 10pm

phoenix lounge Paul Jones (classical/jazz guitar), 8pm

the dugout Karaoke, 8pm

sCully's Daughters of Atlantis (acoustic rock), 10pm

the hangar lounge Karaoke, 10pm

tallgary's Cantina Tuesday night techno, 9:30pm the bywater Open mic, 9pm tolliver's Crossing irish pub Trivia, 8:30pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tressa's downtown Jazz and blues Karaoke, 9:30pm westville pub Blues jam, 10pm

46 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

allstars sports bar and grill Dance night, 10pm

barley's taproom Dr. Brown's Team Trivia, 8:30pm



5 walnut wine bar The Big Nasty (gypsy jazz), 8-10pm

westville pub Trivia night, 9pm

Club eleven on grove Swing lessons, 6:30 & 7:30pm Tango lessons, 7pm Dance, 8:30pm

1/19 voice in Blues 9pm/$12 Adv/$15 Door

185 king street Red Honey (rockabilly, vintage country, blues), 8pm

adam dalton distillery DJ dance party (EDM, bass), 10pm



thursday, Jan. 24

tressa's downtown Jazz and blues Russ Wilson's swing session, 8-11pm

tuesday, Jan. 22

Dinner Menu till 10pm Late Night Menu till

white horse Irish sessions, 6:30pm Open mic, 8:45pm

timo's house Blues Jam, 10pm trailhead restaurant and bar Kevin Scanlon's old-time jam, 6:30pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tressa's downtown Jazz and blues Wendy Hayes & Three for Time (jazz, blues), 8-11pm vanuatu kava bar Open mic, 9pm wild wing Cafe Brie Capon (acoustic), 8pm

grove park inn great hall Bob Zullo (jazz, pop guitar), 5:30-7:30pm The B's (favorites by request), 8-11pm JaCk of hearts pub Old-time jam, 7pm JaCk of the wood pub No Strings Attached (bluegrass), 7-9pm Bluegrass jam, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Leopard Island (indie rock) & Dem Nugget Boys (hip-hop), 9:30pm lobster trap Hank Bones ("man of 1,000 songs"), 7-9pm olive or twist Heather Masterton Jazz Quartet, 8-11pm one stop deli & bar Brews, Bluegrass & BBQ w/ Kendall Huntley, 5-8pm phoenix lounge Brad Carson (jam, rock, blues), 8pm pisgah brewing Company Chompin' at the Bit String Band (oldtime, bluegrass), 6:30pm purple onion Cafe Gary Segal (blues, Americana, rock), 7:30pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 7-10pm south side station Karaoke, 8pm tallgary's Cantina Asheville music showcase, 8pm the altamont theater The Sweetback Sisters (country, swing), 8pm the bywater Hank West & the Smokin' Hots (jazz), 9pm the market plaCe Ben Hovey (dub-jazz, trumpet, beats), 7-10pm timo's house Asheville Drum 'n' Bass Collective, 10pm-2am town pump Tristan (folk rock, singer-songwriter), 9pm

SAtuRdAy cHicken & WAffleS Sunday Brunch

pinball, foosball, ping-pong & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”





thUrsDay 1/17

two bands, two bucks: One Stop Deli and Bar’s Two for Tuesday is a local showcase that provides a platform for up-and-coming artists to perform downtown. This week’s installment (Jan. 22) features singer-songwriter Gabrielle Tee (pictured) and Americana outfit Local Honey.

jon spenCer bLUes expLosion w/ The Dirt Daubers • 9pm sat 1/19


hoLy ghost tent revivaL w/ toy soldiers 4th annual

weD Django reinharDt 1/23 birthday Celebration thU 1/24 Fri 1/25

rbts win w/ CLoUDeater

Camper van beethoven w/ Kenny roby


Inside The GREY EAGLE Delicious, affordable lunch! Mon-Fri 11-3pm Dinner at 5:30pm on nights of a show

Where Adult Dreams Come True • • OPEN 7 DAYS • •

SUN-THUR 8 AM - MIDNIGHT FRI SAT 8 AM - 3 AM (828) 684-8250

2334 Hendersonville Rd. (S. Asheville/Arden) • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 47

Full Bar • 27 Beers On Tap American-Inspired Cuisine

Pool | Shuffleboard | Foosball | 11’ Screen

Live Music • Daily Specials




Real New Orleans Po-Boys


trailhead restaurant and bar Cajun night w/ Steve Burnside, 7pm

Calico Moon (roots, country, soul), 7-9pm

treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am

native kitChen & soCial pub Taylor Martin & Paco Shipp (folk, Americana, country), 8pm

westville pub Boss Hawg (bluegrass), 9:30pm wild wing Cafe Luke Combs (singer-songwriter), 8:30pm

frIday, Jan. 25 185 king street Bradford Carson & Black Liver Redemption, 8pm

BLUES JAM with Westville Allstars Shrimp ‘n Grits • $3.50 RUM DRINKS

777 Haywood road | 225-WPUB

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2623 Hendersonville Rd, Arden, NC 28704

48 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 7-9pm holland's grille Karaoke, 9:30pm hotel indigo

JaCk of hearts pub

allstars sports bar and grill Sharkadelics (rock, pop, covers), 10pm

sCandals nightClub Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 1am

JaCk of the wood pub

asheville musiC hall EMEFE (funk, Afrobeat, hip-hop, rock) w/ The Brand New Life, 10pm

blaCk mountain ale house Hank West & the Smokin' Hots (jazz), 9pm blue mountain pizza Cafe Acoustic Swing, 7pm Club eleven on grove "Grown Folk Fridays" (classic R&B), 10pm Creatures Cafe Joey Shaheen "The Wrong Omar" (folk rock), 8pm emerald lounge If Birds Could Fly (country, Americana) w/ Sarah McCoy & the Friendly Beasts, 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room Nikki Talley (folk, alt-country), 6pm good stuff Puppet show w/ Poncili Co. & Jawbone Puppet Theater, 7pm The Blue Ribbon Healers (old-time, jazz, honky-tonk), 8:30pm grey eagle musiC hall & tavern Camper Van Beethoven (indie rock) w/ Kenny Roby, 9pm grove park inn great hall Donna Germano (hammered dulcimer), 2-4pm Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm The Business (Motown, funk, soul), 9pmmidnight handlebar Crowfield (rock) w/ Bent Strings, 8:30pm havana restaurant Free Flow Band (funk, soul), 7-9pm holland's grille Marc Keller (blues), 9:30pm hotel indigo Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm JaCk of hearts pub The River Rats (rock, blues), 9pm JaCk of the wood pub Grandpa's Cough Medicine (bluegrass), 6pm Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work (roots, alt-country), 9pm

Available on in-stock items. Promotion may be discontinued at management’s discretion.

havana restaurant

root bar no. 1 Peace Jones (rock, jam), 9pm

bier garden DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am


Bill Covington (piano classics & standards), 6-9pm

5 walnut wine bar One Leg Up (jazz), 10pm-midnight



pisgah brewing Company Terrapin Flyer (rock, jam) w/ Melvin Seals, 9pm

grove park inn great hall

Juan Buenavitas & friends (Spanish/flamenco guitar), 7-10pm


phoenix lounge Jazz night, 8pm

Mipso Trio (bluegrass) w/ Overmountain Men, 9pm

red stag grill Chris Rhodes (guitar, vocals), 8-11pm

athena's Club Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Prizes • $3.50 GIN & TONICS

one stop deli & bar Free Dead Fridays feat: members of Phuncle Sam, 5-8pm

grey eagle musiC hall & tavern

lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Dave Dribbon & the Stomping Rain (rock, roots) w/ This Mountain, 9:30pm lobster trap

straightaway Cafe South Forty (rock, honky-tonk), 6pm tallgary's Cantina Fine Line (rock), 9:30pm the altamont theater Jared Harris & Ryan Singer (comedy), 8pm

Phuncle Sam (rock, jam), 9pm

Dirty Bourbon River Show (gypsy, folk, rock) w/ The Low Down Sires, 9pm lexington ave brewery (lab) Back stage: Lyric (funk, soul, pop), 9:30pm lobster trap Big Nasty Jazz, 7-9pm

the bywater Don Humphries Band (country, bluegrass, Americana), 9pm

olive or twist

timo's house DJ Jet & guests (hip-hop), 10pm-2am

one stop deli & bar

town pump Leo DiSanto, 9pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am vanuatu kava bar Mary Sparks & Anthony Dorion-Labelle ("electro-coustic," ambient, improv), 9pm wall street Coffee house Open mic, 9pm wild wing Cafe Slippery When Wet (rock), 9:30pm

saturday, Jan. 26

42nd Street Jazz Band, 8-11pm

Bluegrass brunch w/ Jay Franck (of Sanctum Sully) & friends, noon-3pm orange peel Purity Ring (hip-hop, dream pop, R&B), 9pm phoenix lounge Serious Clark (jam, funk, rock), 9pm pisgah brewing Company Bayou Disel (progressive, roots), 8pm purple onion Cafe GiGi Dover & the Big Love (Americana, rock, soul), 8pm red stag grill Eric Ciborski (piano), 8-11pm

185 king street Asheville Country Music Review (classic country, Southern rock), 8pm

root bar no. 1

5 walnut wine bar Mark Holland, 10pm-midnight

sCandals nightClub

allstars sports bar and grill Saloon 5 (rock, country, covers), 10pm

Linda Mitchell (jazz, blues), 9pm

Dance party, 10pm Drag show, 12:30am straightaway Cafe

asheville musiC hall Cosmic Charlie (Grateful Dead tribute), 10pm

Hummingtree Band, 6pm

athena's Club Mark Appleford (blues, folk, rock), 7-10pm DJ, 10pm-2am

Live music, 9:30pm

bier garden DJ Don Magic, 9pm-1am blaCk mountain ale house Grits & Soul (honky-tonk, soul), 9pm blue mountain pizza Cafe Flying Monkeys, 7pm Club eleven on grove "Grown Folks Dance Party" (old-school R&B), 10pm elaine's dueling piano bar Dueling Pianos (rock 'n' roll sing-a-long), 9pm-1am emerald lounge Sirius.B (absurdist, gypsy, world), 9pm frenCh broad brewery tasting room The Blue Ribbon Healers (honky-tonk), 6pm

tallgary's Cantina

the altamont theater Jonathan Scales Fourchestra (steel pan jazz, fusion), 8pm the bywater Bear Down Easy (Americana), 9pm town pump Violin River (rock, jam, psychedelic), 9pm treasure Club DJ Mike, 6:30pm-2am tressa's downtown Jazz and blues The Nightcrawlers (rock, blues, soul), 10pm wall street Coffee house Alex Krug Trio (Americana, folk), 7pm wild wing Cafe Sloan Tones (newgrass, roots), 9:30pm


theaterlistings Friday, JaNUary 18 ThUrsday, JaNUary 24

movie reviews & listings by ken hanke

JJJJJ max rating

Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.

additional reviews by justin souther contact

n AsHeville PizzA & BReWinG co. (254-1281)

pickoftheweek A RoyAl AffAiR

Please call the info line for updated showtimes. Brave 3D (PG) 1:00, 4:00


Director: Nicolaj arcel Players: alicia VikaNDer, MaDs MikkelseN, Mikkel Boe FølsgaarD, triNe DyrholM HistoRicAl DRAmA

flight (R) 7:00, 10:00


n cARmike cinemA 10 (298-4452)

The Story: Fact-based drama about King Christian VII of Denmark, his marriage to England’s Princess Caroline and both of their relationships with a German doctor who becomes Christian’s advisor.

Argo (R) 5;25, 8;15 Broken city (R) 1:40, 4:20, 7:15, 9:55, late show Fri-sat 11:10

The Lowdown: A fascinating — and relevant story — housed in a beautifully crafted film blessed with three powerful performances. A must-see that fully deserves its Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language film. One of nominees for the Best Foreign Language Oscar, Nicolaj Arcel’s A Royal Affair is a film that is considerably more than the average costume drama. That isn’t to say that it doesn’t trade in the beauty of period clothing, the sumptuousness of being “at court” or the candlelit (in movie terms of candlelight) beauty of its era. It does all these things, of course, and it does them all admirably. Plus, it hits all the right notes of court intrigue and the requisite amount of 18th century soap opera. But there’s more here than just that by virtue of both an unusual and interesting story and the tone of the film’s approach. Here, in fact, is a movie that has a close brush with greatness — missing it by scant inches and coming close enough to make the film essential viewing. The film is based — apparently quite closely — on history. (I freely admit my knowledge of Danish history is…well, non-existent, so I’m taking a cursory bit of fact-checking at face value here.) It details the marriage of Britain’s Princess Caroline (Alicia Vikander, Anna Karenina) to Denmark’s King Christian VII (Mikkel Boe Følsgaard) — one of those arranged affairs where neither party has ever seen the other. And much like Marlene Dietrich’s Catherine the Great in Josef von Sternberg’s The Scarlet Empress (1934), Caroline quickly discovers that her new husband is not a great catch — being crude and indiscriminate in his sexual tastes, overzealous in his drinking and suffering from some never actually explained mental trouble. After submitting to Christian and providing him with an heir, she distances herself as much as possible from her husband. Things take an interesting turn, however, when Christian meets a German doctor, Johann Frriedrich Struensee (Mads Mikkelson). Christian takes a shine to this man — a progressive thinker who has anonymously authored

Gangster squad (R) 2:00, 4:45, 7:45, 10:25 the impossible (PG-13) 12:05, 2:45, 5:30, 8:05

Mikkel Boe Følsgaard and Mads Mikkelsen in the Oscar-nominated A Royal Affair which opens this week at The Carolina. several socialist pamphlets — in large part because the doctor has a knowledge of theater and can throw lines from plays back and forth with the king. Learning how to more or less deal with Christian, Struensee starts trying to use the king to put forward some progressive ideas — a few of which have some modern relevance (like asking the rich to pay heftier taxes). However, at the same time the doctor has the dubious judgment to fall in love with Caroline — and worse, to act on it. This is both the most conventional aspect of the film and one of its weak spots because the relationship between Struensee and Christian — which becomes much more complex than would at first seem likely — is much more compelling than the illicit affair. The sociopolitical changes that Struensee and the king are making do not sit well with the powers that be or with the landed nobility (including Christian’s own mother), and it’s only a matter of time before things start to go sour for them. What happens is, up to a point, fairly predictable, but not in ways you might expect — and with an outcome that at first makes everything seem like a depressing essay in futility. This may be the only film I’ve ever seen where those explanatory titles at the end actually serve to alter — in a good way — the tone of the film and its point. Beyond that, the film really does excel in its depiction of the three characters. One scene where Christian sits between Caroline and Struensee holding hands with both as they wait to see whether the young prince will survive an illness is stunning in its emotional impact. All

three performers are strong, but the film really belongs to newcomer Mikkel Boe Følsgaard as Christian. He breathes life into the character so that Christian is horrifying and appalling one minute, disarmingly childlike the next, pathetically tragic after that and, finally, strangely noble. If only for his performance — and the depiction of the relationship between him and Struensee — the film would be worth seeing, but there’s more than that. Rated R for sexual content and some violent images. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

GAnGsteR squAD JJ

Director: ruBeN Fleischer (30 Minutes or Less) Players: josh BroliN, ryaN gosliNg, seaN PeNN, eMMa stoNe, Nick Nolte WARmeD-oveR GAnGsteR flick


The Story: A group of rogue L.A. cops are assembled to take down a notorious mob boss. The Lowdown: Despite a name cast, the film is betrayed by a lack of both energy and originality, and a cloying desire to be taken seriously despite a pretty lame script. Sometimes perfectly dumb, perfectly fun and perfectly entertaining scripts get grabbed up by directors who think they are making serious films. That’s what seems to have hap-

the last stand (R) 2:20, 5:00, 7:40, 10:20, late show Fri-sat 11:15 les miserables (PG-13) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:30

11:00, 2:30, 6:00, 9:30 Hyde Park on Hudson (R) 12:10, 2:30, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 the impossible (PG13) 4:50, 7:25 the last stand (R) 11:15, 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 les miserables (PG-13) 11:30, 2:50, 6:10, 9:30 lincoln (PG-13) 12:30, 3:40, 6:45, 10:00 mama (PG-13) 12:40, 3:00, 5:25, 7:45, 10:10 A Royal Affair (R) 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 silver linings Playbook (R) 11:10, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05 zero Dark thirty (R) 11:45, 3:10, 6:30, 9:45 n cineBARRe (665-7776)

life of Pi 3D (PG) 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05

n co-eD cinemA BRevARD (883-2200)

life of Pi 2D (PG) 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35

silver linings Playbook (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00

Rise of the Guardians 2D (PG) 12:25, 2:55 skyfall (PG-13) 1:00, 4:15, 7:25, 10:40 zero Dark thirty (R) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30, late show Fri-sat 11:05 n cARolinA AsHeville cinemA 14 (274-9500)

Argo (R) 11:30, 2:10, 10:00 Broken city (R) 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45 Django unchained (R) 12:30, 4:00, 7:30 Gangster squad (R) 11:00, 1:35, 4:10, 6:45, 9:30 A Haunted House (R) 11:35, 1:40, 3:45, 5:50, 8:00, 10:10 the Hobbit: An unexpected Journey 2D (PG-13)

n ePic of HenDeRsonville (693-1146) n fine ARts tHeAtRe (232-1536)

Hyde Park on Hudson (R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, late show Fri-sat 9:30 silver linings Playbook (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, late show Fri-sat 9:30 n flAtRock cinemA (697-2463)

Parental Guidance (PG) 4:00, 7:00 n ReGAl BiltmoRe GRAnDe stADium 15 (684-1298) n uniteD ARtists BeAucAtcHeR (298-1234)

For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check for updated information. • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 49

startingfriday BROKEN CITY

Allen Hughes (one half of the Hughes Brothers) goes solo as director of this Mark Wahlberg crime drama that also stars Russell Crowe (fresh from largely embarrassing reviews for Les Misérables). There’s been little push on this, which the studio describes as, “An ex-cop-turned-private-eye (Mark Wahlberg) is thrown headfirst into a hotbed of trouble after a mayor (Russell Crowe) hires him to look into his cheating wife.” That sentence is more amazing than the movie sounds, but, hey, it’s January, folks. (R)


The problem with Arnold Schwarzenegger leaving politics is that he’s back to making movies. (This is probably seen as a good thing in some quarters.) So here we have Der Arnold playing a character with the improbably un-Austrian name of Sheriff Owens in a film from Korean filmmaker Jee-woon Kim (I Saw the Devil). The story — concerning small-town sheriff Arnold trying to stay out of a showdown between the feds and a drug lord on the run — seems to have its roots in High Noon (of all things). With this star and this director, it’s safe to assume this will have a significantly greater body count. (R)


This is described by the studio as: “Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their mother was murdered. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.” It is being classified as an art house horror picture — no doubt on the strength of Guillermo del Toro as “presenter” and Jessica Chastain as its star. This has also primed viewers a little. The last time del Toro got mixed up in producing somebody else’s horror movie, the results were Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, which didn’t exactly set the world on fire. Plus, a PG-13 rating always ups the skepticism about a horror picture. (PG-13)


See review in “Cranky Hanke”


From the Asheville Art Museum: “Join us for a rare screening of a 16mm print of the Flux Film Anthology, lent to us by The Film-Makers’ Cooperative. Developed by Eastman Kodak in the 1920s, 16mm film became the standard for home movies for the next fifty years due to its affordability, which of course was the appeal for artists as well. This special screening allows us to see the Flux films as closely as possible to the original intentions of the artists, which is critical to the understanding of these short films. This anthology includes films by George Maciunas, Chieko Shiomi, Paul Sharits, Yoko Ono, John Cale and others. Seating is limited. Please reserve your seats early by contacting the museum’s front desk for reservations at 253-3227.” Screenings: Thursday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. and Friday, Jan. 18 at noon Admission: Free for members of the Asheville Art Museum, $5 plus museum admission for non-members

50 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

pened with Ruben Fleischer’s Gangster Squad, a ’40s gangster flick that had the potential to be — and I mean this in the best possible sense — dumb entertainment. However, any possible amusement value got sucked from it by derivative style and an uneven, too serious tone that betrays its true junky heart. This is especially odd, since Fleischer’s previous cinematic ventures — Zombieland (2009) and 30 Minutes or Less (2011) — at least attempted to be nothing more than straight entertainment. Here, we have a movie (called Gangster Squad for crying out loud) with a solidly contrived B-movie premise about a group of hardass L.A. cops taking on real-life mobster Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) vigilante style. Fleischer, unfortunately, has decided his best bet is to ape a whole slew of gangster films — like Scorsese’s combined work to Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables (1987) — all while packaging it inside occasional and cheap approximations of Guy Ritchie’s visual style. Granted, the history of cinema is so packed to the seams that derivation should be expected. For a recent example, Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (2012) steals from many sources, yet it retains a singular, self-indulgent worldview. In 1990, the Coen Brother’s nailed the whole gangster pastiche with Miller’s Crossing by creating a film wholly quirky and idiosyncratically their own. But Gangster Squad is just reheated leftovers. Fleischer’s staircase shoot-out is taken from The Untouchables (which was already an homage to the Odessa Steps sequence in Sergei Eisenstein’s 1925 Battleship Potemkin), but just sits there like some benign lump on the movie’s climax. A long tracking shot of Ryan Gosling entering a nightclub — evoking elaborate and famous precedents in Scorsese’s Goodfellas (1990) and Paul Thomas Anderson’s Boogie Nights (1997) — becomes a vapid dud in Fleischer’s hands. So much of the film feels listless and lazy. And the crudely lit interior and night shots make the film’s digital photography feel chintzy and visually flat (and a whole lot like a daytime soap). This would be perfectly suitable as a trashy work of overheated, hard-boiled pulp. Penn is introduced quoting Dracula (1931) while affecting his best Bela Lugosi impersonation, and for a moment things look bright. But it’s all downhill from here because Fleischer is too concerned with how badass and macho all these guys in suits are. Occasionally the film looks like its veering toward fun, but all selfawareness soon vanishes, and what’s left is generally too straight-faced. Much of Gangster Squad suffers from the Christopher Nolan syndrome of taking inherently light, preposterous fodder — like Batman in Nolan’s case — and attempting to gussy it up (just check out the film’s overbearing fake Hans Zimmer score) into something seemingly weightier. Consequently, what’s left is a movie that’s not entertaining, energetic, enlightening or anywhere close to good. Rated R for strong violence and language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Regal Biltmore Grande


Director: Michael tiDDes Players: Marlon Wayans, essence atkins, DaviD koechner, nick sWarDson, anDreW Daly HORROR SpOOF


The Story: A spoof of found-footage horror films, in which a couple moves into a new house and are haunted by a demon. The Lowdown: A dumb movie making fun of dumb movies with all the weed and fart jokes you could imagine. In the past, I have stared into the abyss and the Wayans Brothers stared back. This time I got lucky: The only thing going for A Haunted House is the inclusion of just a single, solitary Wayans (Marlon, the apparent Highlander of Wayans Brothers). Having long been banished — in what can only be considered insult to injury — from the Scary Movie franchise, Marlon has decided to once again give horror movies the what-for in that decidedly Wayans tradition of weed and fart jokes. Now, I’m not saying the sub-genre that A Haunted House is going after — namely, found footage horror flicks — isn’t deserving of or ripe for parody. Frankly, the vast majority of these movies suck, and the niche as a whole has turned into a parade of hackneyed ideas. What I am saying is that the intellectual capital needed to achieve such a comedic undertaking successfully just isn’t here. When the Scary Movie films have worked (within their own limited sphere), it’s been because they’re awash in bad taste and pop culture references, with the sense to throw enough macaroni against a fridge until something sticks. The key is to keep things moving. No matter how bad the jokes, you’ve got to keep chucking them out there. A Haunted House doesn’t do this. Following the gist of the Paranormal Activity films, it depicts a couple (Wayans and Essence Atkins) who move into a house, are haunted by a demon and film everything, etc. But the movie is organized into set pieces, so we get gags that go on for inordinate lengths of time. Even with an 88-minute runtime, A Haunted House is an exercise in patience. Along the way, we get five minutes of our leads smoking pot with a ghost, an exchange of fart jokes for three minutes, experience six minutes of gay panic, endure two minutes of Wayans humping a stuffed bear and so on and so forth, until the credits finally roll. It’s like a mathematical formula for how to make a terrible movie. Beyond the purely unfunny nature of it all, A Haunted House does a poor job of skewering the movies it’s after, doing little more than taking the plot of Paranormal Activity (2007) and peppering it with awful jokes. It’s lazy and puerile and just plain stupid. I’d like for the silver lining to be Scary Movie 5 coming out this year, but it looks just as terrible (and actually filled with the same jokes). At the movies, 2013 already looks daunting. Rated R for crude and sexual content, language and some drug use. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14

specialscreenings Cul-de-saC JJJJJ BlaCk Comedy drama rated Nr In Brief: Roman Polanski’s pitch-black comedy about a dysfunctional couple living in a castle (where Sir Walter Scott may or may not have written Rob Roy) whose lives are disrupted by the arrival of gangsters fleeing from the law. This is the film that Polanski made after Repulsion (1965) in order to be able to make. The irony is that Repulsion has actually grown to be the more highly regarded film over the years, while Cul-de-sac (1966) has almost drifted into obscurity — relatively speaking. Frankly, Cul-de-sac is the better film, but its merits are considerably more subtle and its audience more specialized than those of Repulsion. Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Cul-De-Sac Friday, Jan. 18 at 8 p.m. at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

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the FrozeN Ghost / INvIsIBle Ghost JJJJ

(ticket sellers, bartenders, servers, food/drink runners, kicthen staff, kitchen supervisors, managers).

horror mystery rated Nr In Brief: Two films with the word “ghost” in the title and nary a specter in sight is the defining aspect of this double bill of 1940s horror — The Frozen Ghost (1945) and Invisible Ghost (1941). The first stars Lon Chaney Jr. as a hypnotist who has a breakdown when a man dies during his act. The second stars Bela Lugosi as a kindly family man — who, every so often, goes around strangling people (a character flaw of note). Both are about an hour long and both offer stylish — and engagingly silly — entertainment. The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Frozen Ghost and Invisible Ghost on Thursday, Jan. 17 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Apply online at or in person.

the lovers oN the BrIdGe JJJJJ

Weekday Late Night Movies & Sundays All Day

drama rated r In Brief: Strange obsessive “romance” from Leos Carax (Holy Motors) about a pair of street people — an artist losing her sight (Juliette Binoche) and drug-addled, mentally unstable man (Denis Lavant) — who end up living together on the Pont-Neuf Bridge. It is not a healthy relationship (to put it mildly), but it’s a fascinating one in a movie that explodes with creative energy. The Asheville Film Society will screen The Lovers on the Bridge Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Tickets only $1 all other tickets $3 Movie Line 828-665-7776 Biltmore Square - 800 Brevard Rd Asheville, NC 28808

the mIrror CraCk’d JJJJ mystery rated PG In Brief: A diminished budget — and other things — conspire to make this attempt at a big screen Miss Marple movie to accompany successful Hercule Poirot films. It’s not actually bad, it’s just not all that hot. The magnificently catty duels of the divas — Liz Taylor and Kim Novak — are certainly fun, but the mystery lacks zing. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Mirror Crack'd Sunday, Jan. 20 at 2 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
















ASHEVILLE Carolina Asheville (828) 274-9500 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 51

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wEST ASHEVILLE $99,000 Bargain priced home. Covered Porch, 3BR, 1BA, partial basement. Level 0.28 acre lot. MLS 528160. Call Bob Zinser at J.D. Jackson Associates Inc. 828230-8117 or

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COMMERCIAL PROPERTy OFFICE SUITES Downtown Asheville. 1-5 office suites from 490 sq. ft. to 3,200 sq. ft. Modern finishes, elevator, central air. Affordable, full service rates. G/M Property Group 828-281-4024.

APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 GREAT APARTMENT • BLACK MOUNTAIN Nicely renovated bath, kitchen, 1BR, sunroom, dining room. • High ceilings. • Abundance of natural light. • Hardwood floors. Private balcony, mountain views. Access to common area patio. Short walk to downtown. • $690/month includes heat, water, Wifi. • Smoke free. Pets negotiable. 280-5449. 2BR/1BA GARAGE APT LEICESTER - NEwLy RENOVATEd 2 BR/1BA. Lg. master, Lg. utility room w/washer and dryer, Central air/heat pump w/ oil furnace back-up. Appliances, garden space, deck, trash pick-up, water, sewer, and yard maintenance included. Security deposit (equal to one months’ rent), references, credit check, and lease will be required. $700/month. Sorry no pets, no inside smoking, no Section 8. Call 828-683-2794 or 828-273-0499. 3BR 2BA dUPLEX • Near Haw Creek. 17-B Campground Rd, Beautiful, 1250 square foot upstairs unit with covered

ϭϮϬͲϲϰϬ ƐƋ Ō͘ Ψϳ͘ϱͲϱϳŬ ͻ ŶĞƌŐLJ ĸĐŝĞŶƚ ͻ>Žǁ ŽƐƚ



NORTH ASHEVILLE • Townhouse style 2BR, 1BA. 1 mile to downtown. On busline. Sorry, no pets. $545/month. 828-252-4334.

CONdO NEAR TUNNEL ROAD • Luxury 2 BR, 2BA condo on the 4th floor of a four story building. Close to downtown and Asheville Mall. Elevators, pool with hot tub, exercise room, fireplace, deck w/ mountain views, granite countertops, ss appliances, ceramic/hardwood floors, etc. $995/month includes water and gas (828) 231-6689. QUIET LIVING AT BILTMORE COMMONS Biltmore Commons, 2BR, 2BA condominium for rent. 1,200 sq.ft. Upper end unit. Minimum one-year lease. Gated community. Swimming pool, clubhouse, tennis. Per condo rules, no dogs allowed, one cat is allowed. Quiet living in a predominately owneroccuped community. $795/ month + deposit. 684-5158 before 10 p.m.

2BR, 1BA wEST ASHEVILLE • Hardwood floors, washer/ dryer, large fenced backyard. 1,400 sq.ft. Gas heat. Dogs ok with deposit. Brucemont Circle. $1,200/month + deposit. No smoking. 828-242-8000.

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wAyNESVILLE, NC • Ideal office/warehouse/ workspace. Decor would support craft-oriented use, distributor or low-traffic store. 2,000 sq.ft. +/-. Base cost $900/month + costs. CHEAP. 828-216-6066.


EAST ASHEVILLE 3BR, 1.5BA. Only 10 minutes to downtown. Family room, patio, W/D, range, refridgerator. $975/ month with 1 year lease. VERy RUSTIC CABIN IN THE wOOdS • End of Reems Creek Rd Weaverville. $450/ month + first month rent and deposit. Wood heat. Sunny garden area. Peaceful. No pets. References. Must really love mountain living, privacy, quiet, wood heat, off the grid. Must know how to heat with a wood stove and provide wood. Available Feb. 2013. Call 777-4129.



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3BR, 2BA LOG HOME with basement. Hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings. Appliances included. 15 minutes from Weaverville; 25 minutes from Asheville. High speed internet. $985/month. Call 828649-1170.




BLACK MOUNTAIN • SPECIAL • 2BR, 1BA. Heatpump, central air, W/D connection. Nice area. Laminate wood floors. Only $550/month. 828252-4334.

3BR, 1BA SOUTH ASHEVILLE • Off HWY 25, 5 minutes to I-26. Walking distance to Jake Park, close to schools and shopping. Sec. deposit required. $950/month. Call David 828-777-0385.

15 MINUTES TO ASHEVILLE Guest house, vacation/short term rental in beautiful country setting. • Complete with everything including cable and internet. • $130/day, $650/ week, $1500/month. Weaverville area. • No pets please. (828) 658-9145. mhcinc58@

LOOKING FOR A REALLy NICE LOCATION FOR yOUR BUSINESS? One with a great landlord and a sunny, 865 sq. ft. storefront, in West Asheville? Located at the intersection of Haywood Road and I-240, formerly Ship to Shore. $1220. + utilities. For more info, contact 828291-6541' MERRIMON AVENUE • 2,500 sq.ft. of Commercial (retail/office) space. Available after 1/15/13. Excellent location with plenty of on-site parking. High neighborhood traffic. Flexible lease terms. 828-231-6689.

PARK TECHNICIAN • Chimney Rock State Park is hiring seasonal position: $7.73 per hour. Email chimney.rock@ or call 828-6251823 for information.

MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT wEST ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 2BA Large Mobile. W/D connections. On bus line. Excellent condition. Quiet park, only 3 -4miles to downtown. Accepting Section 8. Sorry, no pets. Only $625/month. 828-252-4334.

ROOMS FOR RENT dOwNTOwN • FURNISHEd SINGLE ROOM The Gray Rock Inn, 100 Biltmore Avenue, near French Broad Food Co-op. • Weekly rates, $130/week. References, security deposit required. John: 230-4021, Noon-5pm.

Employment BILTMORE BUILdING • Class A, full service office building, located in the center of Pack Square. Various size offices available- some include onsite parking. For rates and information, please call 828225-6140.

LIBERTy TAX SERVICE • On Merrimon Ave. is seeking two seasonal income tax perparers who have IRS PTIN designation. We operate six day a week and have flexible works hours. Also hiring seasonal Miss Liberty marketers who are enthusiastic, enjoy out-ofdoor work and have dependable transportation. Contact

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wANT A FUN JOB IN THE OUTdOOR INdUSTRy? French Broad Rafting and Ziplines is hiring Raft Guides, Zipline Guides and office/retail staff for the 2013 season. Experience preferred but some training available. Apply at www.frenchbroadrafting. com/jobs

AdMINISTRATIVE/ OFFICE PARALEGAL/ wORKERS COMPENSATION Full time Paralegal needed. Workers Compensation experience or litigation experience preferred. Position provides assistance to attorneys and clients. Duties include preparing and reviewing legal documents and correspondence. Must exercise confidentiality, judgment, discretion and initiative in completing assignments, tact and courtesy in dealings with other attorneys, IC representatives, adjusters and clients. Caring individual with good verbal skills. Medical background helpful. Email resume to: THE MEdIATION CENTER • Is hiring a Part-Time Administrative Assistant. Please visit our website at for a job description and detailed application instructions.

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MEdIcAL/ HEALTH cARE MEd TEcH • Position open in a unique assisted living facility east of Asheville. Competive pay, great benefits and flexible schedule. Must have Med Tech Certification, be able to pass drug screening, and criminal background check. Please call 828-669-8452 or email administrator@mccunecenter. org for more information. NURSE PRAcTITIONER/ PSYcHIATRIST • Barium Springs has an opening for a Nurse Practitioner in Sylva, NC. • POSITION SUMMARY: Provide psychiatric medical care to clients in an Outpatient Setting. • PRIMARY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide direct services to clients and families through evaluation, assessment, medication monitoring, and education of medication, diagnoses, and treatment options. Work in conjunction with and Consult with the Psychiatrist providing medical oversight of staff and services through the review of records, staff training, participation in case consultation, and participation in clinical staffing or other meetings with direct care staff, medical staff, contractors. etc. Provide consultation and/or training to staff and contractors as needed and/ or requested. Complete necessary documentation related to direct services provided, case reviews, consultation, etc. As necessary assist in the coordination of services/treatment with clients primary care providers. Available for emergency medication and restrictive intervention consultation by phone. Provide clinical support and collaboration with the nursing staff. Other duties as assigned. Send resume to: Becky Totherow, Fax: (704) 832-2258. hrd@bariumsprings. org. E.O.E. RELIABLE cNA Fridays and Sundays, 10 hours a wk. $12 an hour. Weaverville. Criminal background check done. 258-8539


AcTT RN – Mars Hill • Actively participates as a part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team to provide clinical expertise. Attends daily staffings and updates team members with relevant information. Will provide medical/medication management by coordinating consumer needs with health care providers, monitoring medication compliance and giving injection per prescriptions. Coordinates internal psychiatrist schedule to assure clients are seen regularly. Case Management by providing transportation for clients to access community resources. Emergency services/ on call duty on rotation that may include commitment procedures, after hour

assessments, crisis planning, and hospital diversion. Travel to community to see clients and provide needed assistance. REQUIREMENTS: Education: Requires RN. Prefer Bachelor or Graduate degree in nursing. Experience: Must have at least 4 years of experience working with individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. Requires QP status according to 10A NCAC 27G.0104 or be an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) according to NCGS Chapter 90 Article I, Subchapter 32M. Please send resumes to or fax to Human Resources at (828) 350-1300

AVAILABLE POSITIONS • MERIdIAN BEHAvIORAL HEALTH Cherokee County: JJTC Team Clinician Seeking Licensed/Associate Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve predominately court referred youth and their families through Intensive InHome and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, JJTC Team Leader Seeking Licensed Therapist in Cherokee County for an exciting opportunity to serve as team leader. Case load is predominately court referred youth and their families receiving Intensive In-Home and Basic Benefit Therapy. For more information contact Aaron Plantenberg, aaron. plantenberg@meridianbhs. org Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be licensed/ license-eligible. For more information, please contact Kristy Whitaker, Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have mental health degree and two years experience. For more information contact Kristy Whitaker, Haywood County: Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) Must have Master’s degree and be licensed/license-eligible. For more information, please contact Amy Wilson, amy.wilson@ Haywood/ Jackson County: Program Assistant Offender Services Program Must be an organized and detail-oriented team-player who is able to multi-task, is proficient with computers and various software programs, i.e., Microsoft Office, possesses strong communication skills and can effectively manage emotions when dealing with those we serve. Three years of clerical/ office experience and two years of office management preferred or experience in a person-centered service. High School Diploma required and post-secondary education or training preferred Please contact Diane Paige, Program Coordinator, diane.paige@ • For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: open-positions.html children First/cIS is hiring a position to work half-time with students and families in elementary school/half-time in an afterschool program. More information: Deadline: ASAP. Cover letter/resume to jobs@

cLINIcAL cOUNSELOR OcTOBER ROAd • Asheville: Responsible for communication among staff, consumers, families, and external resources to ensure collaboration and continuity of treatment; Actively participates as a part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team. Responsible for assessment, treatment and discharge planning. As appropriate, will ensure follow up and aftercare of consumer. Clinical Counselor must present self and service line in a knowledgeable and professional manner. Responsible for Group, Family and Individual Therapy sessions and documentation in the electronic medical records. Will also maintain contact with referral sources and update on consumers progress as well as develop appropriate discharge plans with outside sources. Requires CSAC Certification or CSAC-I. One year clinical experience working with consumers in an SA setting. Experience also to include: family, group, and individual therapy/counseling and treatment planning; must be experienced with assessment and intake processing. High moral and ethical values. Willingness to be open to learning and growing. Interpersonal skills to work as an integral part of a treatment team. Appropriate interpersonal/personal boundaries. Must possess a valid driver’s license, and appropriate references. Follow NADAAC and NCSAPPB policies for ethical practice. Maturity of judgment and behavior. Must be flexible to adjust to changing conditions and the various details of the job. Must be willing to work nights on a regular basis. Please send resumes to info@ or fax to Human Resources at (828) 3501300 cLINIcAL dIREcTOR LPC,LSCS,LPA, or LMFT and LCAS or CCS. Working with adolescents and supervising others. See web page: for full job description. Send resume to: dAY TREATMENT SUPERvISOR • QP or (LP). Working with adolescents and supervising others. See web page: for full job description. Send resume to:

Exciting opportunity with Family Preservation Services of Rutherford county! Become a part of an established team. Seeking NC licensed or provisionally licensed therapists to work with children and their families in the school, home and community. Candidates must have a minimum of 1 year experience with children, school based experience a plus. FPS offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package. Resumes to klockridge@

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • vOLUNTEER PART-TIME Food for Fairview. Approx. 6/hrs week. Send resume no later than Feb 15, 2013, to PO Box 2077, Fairview NC 28730 or PARKWAY BEHAvIORAL HEALTH has an immediate opening in our Hendersonville Office for a full time CASC or LCAS counselor. • Duties include Clinical Assessments, DWI assessments/groups, individual therapy and a variety of other clinical duties. Schedule will include working 2 evenings per week. • Knowledge of IPRS and Medicaid paperwork a real plus. Parkway is a stable CABHA with excellent benefits and working environment. Email resume to : PART TIME REFERRAL SPEcIALISTS • Two part time 2-1-1 referral specialists needed to deliver community information and referral services. One position is weekday mornings, based in the call center. The other position is evenings/weekends, based remotely from a home office. Ideal candidates have social work or human service background, knowledge of WNC, customer service skills, and computer proficiency. Ability to speak Spanish a plus. Send resume and cover letter to 211info@unitedwayabc. org United Way values diversity and equal opportunity in employment.

PRN TREATMENT STAFF • Eliada Homes is in need of experienced staff to provide treatment to our students. • Duties: provide individualized treatment to the student population; effectively utilize the agency’s crisis intervention model; regularly monitor and supervise students; participate in the implementation of therapeutic activities; complete required mental health documentation. • Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services discipline and some mental health experience preferred; high school diploma/GED/AA degree required; must be able to pass a drug screen and criminal background check. Applications should be submitted through the agency’s website at SUBSTANcE ABUSE cOUNSELOR, cLINIcAL ANd cASE MANAgER Julian F. Keith Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black Mountain has the following positions available: • Clinical Social Worker – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. • Case Manager – minimum of CSAC required. • Substance Abuse Counselor, Clinical – must have LCSW or LCAS licensure in place through respective board. Positions will provide assessment, discharge planning, group therapy, and individual treatment for patients receiving in-patient psychiatric stabilization and/or detox services. Please visit to apply. SUBSTANcE ABUSE QUALIFIEd PROFESSIONAL • CSAS or LCAS preferred. Working with adolescents with substance abuse disorders. See

web page: for full job description. Send resume to: SUPPORT ASSOcIATE (direct care Staff) • Do you want to make a difference in a person’s life? Consider working for The Arc of North Carolina, a state-wide advocacy and service provider organization that has been promoting the rights and abilities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) since 1953. The Arc of North Carolina seeks passionate, compassionate, hard-working individual to support young male in Hendersonville/Zirconia area. Hours are after school starting at 4pm. Responsibilities may include: providing breaks for caregivers, assistance with personal care, teaching skills to increase independence, promoting inclusion in the community. Related experience in direct care or special education is preferred but not required. Creativity, progressive thinking, strong advocacy skills, and knowledge of community resources are highly desirable. Qualified applicants must be 18 or older, have a high school diploma or GED, current driver’s license, and pass background checks. Applicants may: Contact Joey Bishko at 828-254-4771. Apply in person at 22 Garfield St, Suite 120 Asheville, NC 28803. Or e-mail

THE ASHEvILLE OFFIcE OF FAMILY PRESERvATION SERvIcES is seeking the following: QMHP to work with adults on our Community Support Team; Certified Peer Support Specialist to work with adults in the Center for Recovery, Education, and Wellness; QMHP to work with children and families on an Intensive In Home team. Please send resumes to csimpson@

TEAcHINg/ EdUcATION ASSISTANT cANOPY gUIdE Navitat Canopy Adventures is hiring for the 2013 season! Navitat is currently hiring for the following positions: Canopy Guide, Driver Guide, and Sales Guide. For more specific information, please go to: Please attach your current resume, references, and a letter of interest by email to: FARM MANAgER/ TEAcHER looking for skilled farmer who can handle managing sustainable small scale farm production and facilitating classes. xavierhawk@gmail. com MAdISON cOUNTY ScHOOLS • Speech-Language Therapist. Full-time employment, 10 months. Salary based on State Schedule and Experience • Qualifications and Requirements: Must hold NC license as speech pathologist • Experience in public schools preferred • Student assessments and screenings • Direct services to students • Consultative services to EC teachers and staff • Write Individual Education Plans and attend IEP meetings • Assist EC Department

in Medicaid filing • Attend staff development meetings as necessary • Analyze and interpret information to make recommendations regarding the need for speech-language services • Other duties as assigned by Superintendent, EC Director or designee. Full Job Description Available Upon Request. Applications may be obtained from and submitted to: Application Deadline: Tanya Jussila Personnel Director 5738 US Highway 25/70 Marshall, NC 28753. 828-649-9276 ext. 232. Open until filled. The Madison County Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability or national origin. OFF ROAd dRIvINg INSTRUcTOR-PART TIME/ ON cALL The Land Rover Experience Driving School, Biltmore, has openings for part-time off-road driving instructors. Must have excellent driving record, off-road experience, superior customer service and communication skills. Flexible work schedule. Great work environment. Please call 828225-1541 or email sandy@ MONTOR TEACHER (NCPK Classroom Educator) • FullTime with Summer off! If you love children, love learning, and would love to participate in an innovative approach to early childhood development, MACFC would love to talk with you! The ideal candidate has 5-7 years of high quality classroom leadership w/ a Birth-Kindergarten or 4 year ECE degree (Licensure preferred) Strong knowledge of NC licensing requirements, NAEYC standards, and TS Gold preferred. All full-time MACFC positions offer a competitive benefits pkg incl. vol. medical/dental/matching 403b, life ins, PTO, Holiday pay, CEU’s, and more! MACFC is an EOE employer. **Parttime substitute positions for both centers also available. To apply, please submit an cover letter with 3 references and resume to macfcjobs@macfc. org and/or complete an application online

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTEd • Make money mailing brochures from home. Free supplies. Helping home-workers since 2001. Genuine opportunity. No experience required. Start immediately. (AAN CAN)

cAREER TRAININg AIRLINE cAREERS Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-492-3059 (AAN CAN) ATTENd cOLLEgE ONLINE from Home. Medical, Business, Criminal Justice, Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 800-481-9472 www. (AAN CAN)


WEB ASSISTANT ANd/OR dEvELOPER • Looking for a part-time or project-based web job? Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to help evolve our online presence. You must have some web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, WordPress), be a team player and want to be a par of a locally focused, social-mediaengaged media outlet. Send cover letter describing how you might fit with the Mountain Xpress mission and needs, along with resume to: No phone calls please.

WEB cOORdINATOR/WEBMASTER • Mountain Xpress is seeking the right person to continue the evolution of our online presence. • You must have: 1) Excellent web skills (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, Expression Engine, WordPress); 2) Ability to manage in-house and outsourced projects; 3) Willingness to be a team player; 4) Commitment to a locally focused, social-media-engaged outlet. • The ideal candidate will have experience developing custom, database-driven solutions, as well as modifying existing software. • You will also need experience managing a LAMP web infrastructure with high-availability principles. • Salary based on experience and skill, with benefits package. Send cover letter (that demonstrates your passions, how those passions would fit with Mountain Xpress' mission and needs, and why you'd like to work with us). and resume to: web-coordiantor@mountainx. com. No phone calls please.

YARd SALES MOvINg SALE • Sat. 1/19/13 8am-2pm. Household items, yard/gardening tools, camping equipment, adult clothing, furniture and much more. No early birds. 7 Madison Ave.

WANTEd cASH FOR cARS: Any Car/ Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888420-3808

Services HOME PAINTINg & ROOF LEAK REPAIR • Interior and exterior . Custom caulking, water proofing, gutter cleaning and repair. Pressure cleaning. Guarantees. Affordable prices. Insured. Blue Ridge Improvement Services. 24 Hour Response. 828-215-9880. ROOTS TO ROOFS • Edible / Traditional Landscaping Interior/Exterior Painting Handy-work. 336-324-9255 or

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HANdY MAN HIRE A HUSBANd Handyman Services. 31 years professional business practices. Trustworthy, quality results, reliability. $2 million liability insurance. References available. Free estimates. Stephen Houpis, (828) 280-2254

Xchange FURNITURE LEATHER SOFA ANd LOvESEAT Leather sofa (89")/ loveseat (69"). Milk chocolate brown. Excellent quality, no cracks, good condition. Nailheads. Must sell. Asking $2,800. 828-681-9688

HEATINg & cOOLINg MAYBERRY HEATINg ANd cOOLINg Oil and Gas Furnaces • Heat Pumps and AC • Sales • Service • Installation. • Visa • MC • Discover. Call (828) 658-9145.

A better way to sell your stuff. marketplace cAll now! 828-251-1333 • JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 53

freewillastrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) “If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it,” wrote 19th-century poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. “Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of the earth.” This is good counsel for you to keep in mind during the coming weeks, Aries. I suspect you will have a good, clear shot at a target you’ve been trying to get close to for a long time. Make sure you adjust your trajectory to account for the attraction of the earth.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) If you learn a novel idea or a crucial new lesson while you are tipsy or outright blitzed, you will probably forget it when you sober up. And it will remain forgotten as long as you abstain. But there’s a good chance you will recall the vanished information the next time you get loopy. I’m telling you this, Taurus, because even if you haven’t been inebriated lately, you have definitely been in an altered and expanded state of consciousness. I’m afraid that when you come back down to earth in a few days, you might lose some of the luminous insights you’ve been adding to your repertoire. Is there anything you can do to ensure you will retain these treasures? It would be a shame to lose track of them until the next time your mind gets thoroughly blown open.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Studying the movements of the planets is my main way of discerning the hidden currents of fate. I sometimes supplement my investigations by reading Tarot cards and the Chinese “Book of Changes,” also known as the I Ching. To arrive at your horoscope this week, I used all of the above as well as the following forms of prognostication: catoptromancy, which is divination by gazing into a mirror underwater; cyclomancy, or divination by watching a wheel that’s turning; geloscopy, divination by listening to random laughter; and margaritomancy, divination by observing bouncing pearls. Here’s what I found, Gemini: You now have the power to discern previously unfathomable patterns in a puzzling mystery you’ve been monitoring. You also have the ability to correctly surmise the covert agendas of allies and adversaries alike. Maybe best of all, you can discover certain secrets you’ve been concealing from yourself.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) There’s a spot in the country of Panama where you can watch the sun rise in the east over the Pacific Ocean. In another Panamanian location, you can see the sun set in the west over the Atlantic Ocean. Nothing weird is involved. Nothing twisted or unearthly. It’s simply a quirk of geography. I suspect that a similar situation will be at work in your life sometime soon. Things may seem out of place. Your sense of direction might be off-kilter, and even your intuition could seem to be playing

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) A San Francisco writer named Maneesh Sethi decided he was wasting too much time on the Internet. His productivity was suffering. So he hired a woman to sit next to him as he worked and yell at him or slap his face every time his attention wandered off in the direction of Facebook or a funny video. It worked. He got a lot more done. While I would like to see you try some inventive approaches to pumping up your own efficiency, Capricorn, I don’t necessarily endorse Sethi’s rather gimmicky technique. Start brainstorming about some interesting yet practical new ways to enhance your self-discipline, please. tricks on you. But don’t worry. Have no fear. Life is simply asking you to expand your understanding of what “natural” and “normal” are.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) My readers Paul and Sophie wrote to let me know they have patched together three Latin words to invent a term for a new concept: vomfiabone. They say it means “a curse that becomes a blessing.” Here’s an example of the phenomenon at work in their lives: While driving home from work together, they experienced car trouble and had to pull over to the shoulder of the road, where they called a tow truck. Later they discovered that this annoying delay prevented them from getting caught in the middle of an accident just up ahead. Extrapolating from the current astrological omens, I’m guessing that you will experience at least one vomfiabone in the coming week, Leo.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) I bet that in the next five months you will be obliged to carry more responsibility than you have in the past. You will find it hard to get away with being lazy or careless. I suspect that during this time you will also have the privilege of wielding more influence. The effect you have on people will be more pronounced and enduring. In short, Virgo, your workload will be greater than usual — and so will your rewards. To the degree that you serve the greater good, you will be a major player. As for next few weeks, you should concentrate on the work and service and responsibility part of this equation.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Do you know what a “binky” is? It’s what a rabbit does when it gets so crazily happy that it exuberantly leaps up into the air, stretching and twisting its body as it flicks and flops its feet. I’m not sure if lexicographers would allow us to apply this term to humans. But assuming they might, I’m going to predict that you’ll soon

54 JANUARY 16 - JANUARY 22, 2013 •

be having some binky-inducing experiences. You’re entering the Joy and Pleasure Season, Libra — a time when abundant levels of fun and well-being might be quite normal.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) You know that area on your back that you can’t quite reach if you want to scratch it? It’s called your acnestis. I propose that we make it your featured metaphor of the week. Why? Because I suspect you will have to deal with a couple of itchy situations that are just beyond your ability to relieve. Yes, this may be frustrating in the short run. But it will ultimately make you even more resourceful than you already are. By this time next week, you will have figured out alternative solutions that you haven’t even imagined yet.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) “We need new friends,” said essayist Logan Pearsall Smith. “Some of us are cannibals who have eaten their old friends up; others must have ever-renewed audiences before whom to re-enact an ideal version of their lives.” Smith could have been talking about you Sagittarians in early 2013. According to my interpretation of the astrological omens, you need some fresh alliances. Their influence will activate certain potentials that you haven’t been able to access or fully express with the help of your current circle.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) “Ronnyjohnson618” is a guy who posts his opinions on a wide variety of YouTube videos. Many times, he claims to be an expert in the field he’s commenting on. Responding to a live music performance, he says he’s a conductor for an orchestra. Offering his opinion about a mimosa plant, he asserts that he is a botanist. Beneath other YouTube videos, he declares he is a meteorologist, chemist, psychologist, soldier, and geometry teacher. I love this guy’s blithe swagger; I’m entertained by the brazen fun he’s having. As you express yourself in the coming week, I recommend that you borrow some of his over-the-top audacity. Create a mythic persona. Imagine your life as an epic story. Play the part of a hero.

Announcements COMMUNITY ACTION OPPORTUNITIES • Is applying for the 2013-2014 Office of Economic Opportunities Community Service Block Grant for Buncombe for $391,322. The application is to assist lowincome residents to become self-sufficient through intensive case management and support services which provide education and training opportunities, promote positive work ethics, and access to permanent employment, reliable transportation, adequate childcare, economic literacy, and financial assistance. The Board of Directors Executive Committee will review the proposal on January 28 at 12 noon at Community Action Opportunities offices at 25 Gaston Street, Asheville, NC 28801. For any additional information, call 828.252.2495.

Classes & Workshops ClASSES & WORkShOPS AROMAS & CREATIVITY WRITING ClASS Sat 2/16 at Montford Books. Aromas as writing prompts. $55 inc coffee, pastries & gift bag. www. INVITE CREATIVE EXPlORATION INTO ThE NEW YEAR! Intuitive Process Painting Workshop. Saturday January 19th, 10:00 to 3:30. All supplies plus a vegan lunch are included! call kaylina 828-252-4828 ORGANIC ThEATER ClASS SERIES: MOVE YOUR STORIES A fun and transformative expressive improvisation practice anyone can do! Ten-week series starts January 17th at Homewood event center. 828-606-4314

Mind, Body, Spirit BOdYWORk

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) The earliest performance artist on record was the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope. In one of his notorious stunts, he wandered around Athens with a lit lantern during the daytime, claiming to be looking for an authentic human being. I recommend that you undertake a similar search in the coming days, Pisces. You don’t have to be as theatrical about it. In fact, it might be better to be quite discrete. But I think it’s important for you to locate and interact with people who are living their lives to the fullest -- devoted to their brightest dreams, committed to their highest values, and sworn to express their highest integrity.

SAlON AMOR • Now offering skincare services at Salon Amor featuring paraben-free and organic products by Image Skincare. New clients receive 20% off first facial. Professional skincare. Amazing results. Personal touch. 247 Charlotte St. Call 828-7611507 SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 dAYS A WEEk Looking for the best therapist in town--or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www. STRONG CARING hANdS Will relax and rejuvenate you! Kern Stafford, NC LMBT#1358 • (828) 301-8555 • ZENERGY MASSAGE ThERAPY • Relax the body, calm the mind. With a 50% off New Years Special at Zenergy Massage Therapy for a calming, therapeutic massage that includes warm towels, essential oils & relaxing music. Reg price = $65 Call Deb at (828) 989-1555 NCMTL#11667

COUNSElING SERVICES ThE lIFE-BETWEEN-lIVES CENTER OF AShEVIllE • Faith Grieger, Master Hypnotherapist, trained and certified through the Michael Newton Institute to guide you into the Spirit World, where you'll reconnect with your Soul, Spirit Guide(s), Soul Group, and Council of Elders. Understand your true essence, ask your deepest questions, and hear from an expanded spiritual perspective from those you've known and loved you for eternity. Contact Faith for your own session. www. TheLBLCenterof Asheville. com 828-674-8928.

hEAlTh & FITNESS ChRISTINE'S CARdIO FITNESS MIXEd ZUMBA FITNESS ClASSES. Offers a variety of drop-in Zumba classes. Zumba/Gold/Toning/ Zumbatomic classes Monday through Saturday. Find us on Facebook. 828-275-7144. www.christinescardiofitness. com


#1 AFFORdABlE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE ANd ESSENTIAl OIl ClINIC 1224 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville. $33/hour. • Integrated Therapeutic Massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point, Reflexology. Energy, Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils. Choose from over 15 therapists. Call now! (828) 505-7088.

dISCOVER YOUR CREATIVE NATURE Ever wonder about what blocks your creative nature? 1 Day workshop, guided meditation, self discovery and time in the studio. 802-373-0113 for information

SPIRITUAl dIVINE ANd COSMIC ANSWERS ...from your Angels and spirit guides. Master Psychic Intuitive, Nina Anin, the Auracle of Asheville. Call (828) 253-7472. ninaanin. or asknina@

PUBLIC TALK ON THE TIBETAN BUDDHIST PATH Lama Jimpa gives Public Talk on Buddhism. Mojo's Coworking. 60 N. Market Street – C200 Friday Jan. 18 7pm

For Musicians MUSICAL SErvICES PIANO/COMPOSITION LESSONS AvAILABLE Jazz/ blues/popular music - Lead Sheets - Asheville/Black Mountain. Jazz Pianist - Composer Accompanist - 40 years experience - MA in Jazz Composition - 75 cds - former Rhodes College (TN) faculty. Accepting students (adults and young adults only). Transposed Lead sheets available for singers. Contact:

where she is an only pet. Please call our Adoption center at 828-274-3647 to meet Greta!

A DATE FOr MY DACHSHUND Female AKC mini dachshund wanted for breeding with red mini male in trade for puppy. Contact ASHEvILLE PET SITTErS Dependable, loving care while you're away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy (828) 215-7232.


LOST PETS A LOST Or FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here:


Fortune is a 2-year-old tortoiseshell who nursed multiple litters of orphaned foster kittens along with her own last Spring. Fortune has a heart of gold and deserves a home to call her own. Could that be you? Please stop by our Adoption center located at 803 Fairview St. in Asheville to meet Fortune.

Greta is an older Shepherd lady with so much love to give. She is good with children and makes friends with everyone she meets. She is the apple of her fosters' eyes and enjoys walks and relaxing at home equally. Greta needs a home





The New York Times

ASHEvILLE N-TUNE AUTOMOTIvE - Servicing years 1996 & up. Major and minor repairs! Free shuttle service! Dealership quality repairs for less! 3yr unlimited mile warranty on new engines and transmissions. We are located at 543 Short McDowell St across from Habitat for Humanity.Contact us at 828575-2734 or email NTUNEAUTO or like us on Facebook @www.facebook. com/ashevillentuneautomotive HEADLIGHT rESTOrATION AND PErMANENT SCrATCH rEMOvAL Scratch Pro: 215-I Oak Terrace Rd: 828-407-0459: yellowing/ fogged-over headlights to like-new condition. Bring this ad for 10% discount. WE'LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIvE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-275-6063 for appointment.

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ACROSS 1 Prefix

with distant 5 Ticks off 11 Good deal 14 Be in a pet 15 Meriadoc the Magnificent, for one 16 Gardner of Hollywood 17 Star of 11-/40-Down 19 Ski application 20 “___ Lips Are Sealed” (1981 Go-Go’s hit) 21 Last of a loaf 22 It helps hold glasses 24 Serta rival 26 Director of 11-/40-Down 31 Take on 33 Armand of “Private Benjamin” 34 Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria 37 Surgery souvenir

38 41 43 44 46

48 50 54 57 58

59 61


64 68 69

Pavement caution Gather, with difficulty Last bit LP player “The Hunger Games” participants Adolescents’ support group It might be off the wall Setting of 11-/40-Down Woody Allen title character Louisville’s Muhammad ___ Center Sicilian city Place to play the ponies, for short “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away” speaker Award for 11-/40-Down “32 Flavors” singer DiFranco Alter, in a way



70 71 72 73

///////////////////////// crosswordpuzzle

Edited by Will Shortz

Kind of fee ___ culpa Explodes Sample


partner support may have long ones 3 Extremists 4 Presidential nickname 5 It has a silent tongue 6 Carried 7 African virus 8 Blood-typing system 9 Bucks, on a scoreboard 10 Mounts 11 With 40-Down, film that opened on 12/16/1962 12 Lab eggs 13 Overburden 18 Near and dear, say 23 Pitiful interjection 25 Candy heart word 27 Garage employee 28 Dispensed 29 ___ all-time high 30 Square figure 32 Spurn 35 Hot spot 36 Sea eagle 38 Creator of Eliza Doolittle 39 “___ & Stitch” (Disney film) 40 See 11-Down 42 Antidepressant brand 2 Tech






1 Mexican










22 26

34 40







42 46



43 47



55 58

59 64







33 35
















No. 1212

Edited by Will Shortz No.1212



51 57












45 47 49 51 52 53

“___ be O.K.” Drag into court Like some mushrooms It has buttons on the left Petrol measures Ninth-century Anglo-Saxon king


56 60 62 63

Apply another layer of asphalt to Suggestions Small complaints Flashy twopoint basket Derivative with respect to “x” in f(x) = x + 10


“Lo, How a Rose ___ Blooming” (old hymn)


Grimson of the N.H.L.


Boy king of antiquity

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, card, 1-800-814-5554. and more than 2,000 past puzzles, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, Annual1-800-814-5554. subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday($39.95 a year). crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. Share tips: Annual subscriptions are available for the AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit best of Sunday crosswords from the last Crosswords for young solvers: 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS.for more information. Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 2,000 past AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to puzzles, ($39.95 a year). download puzzles, or visit Share tips: mobilexword for more information. Crosswords for young solvers:

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