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10 city council In close vote, Council agrees to consider domestic partnership benefits for city employees
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19 photo gallery Jerry Nelson eyes the play Always Expect Miracles 60 CSA Roundup WNC farmers gear up for the season
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arts&entertainment 68 Elephant in the room Kentucky blues-punks shake up the Orange Peel
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73 junker’s blues Some junkers have all the luck
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FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
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letters North Shore wildnerness status not feasible An article entitled “Historic Agreement Ends North Shore Road Controversy,” by Danny Bernstein, dated Feb. 10, attributes to me a quote about Smokies Wilderness. I did not make the statement attributed to me. I was not asked any question about wilderness and made no statement on the subject. Had I been asked (which I was not), I would have responded that wilderness was NOT feasible, and would not be until Swain County had been paid in full, 10 years from now. — Ted Snyder Editor’s note: Here’s what was attributed to Snyder in the article mentioned above: “’Wilderness status is feasible,” [Snyder] believes, “but the locals won’t support it until they get all their money.’” Bernstein replies that according to her notes, the quote is accurate but that Feb. 6 “was a very emotional day for many who have worked hard on this issue.”
Thanks for the quick snow-removal response
In last week’s Xpress, I wrote a letter regarding snow and ice being removed from the sidewalks in front of city-owned buildings — specifically, the West Asheville library and police station. The letter was written on a Tuesday. That Tuesday
N at u ra l
Ba by
2,500 feet above stress level
St ore
afternoon, the Xpress Twitter feed published a number to call to have snow removed from any city-owned buildings. Tuesday night I drove down Haywood Road and was impressed and somewhat amazed to find three firemen with 90 percent of the sidewalk shoveled. I tip my hat to the Xpress for their action in making this happen and to the city and fireman of the West Asheville/Haywood Road fire station for getting the job done right. I happily retract my criticism of both. — Joshua Rosenberg Asheville
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City must keep streets clear, not your driveway This letter is in response to a letter from Elli Cleber in the Feb. 10 edition of Mountain Xpress regarding being snow-plowed in by the city. First off, I would like to say thank you to the city of Asheville Public Works Department for an excellent job done during the last storm. I realize that the amount of snow that we have experienced this winter is extremely rare, and I feel that the city workers have done a fantastic job of clearing the roads. I find it appalling that Cleber had the nerve to criticize the city because of her driveway being blocked by snow from the plow. Having lived in western Michigan and Pittsburgh for many years, this is to be expected. Does this person expect the
Letters continue
Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 or by e-mail to letters@mountainx.com. (Include name, address and phone number.)
xpress staff publisher & Editor: Jeff Fobes GENERAL MANAGER: Andy Sutcliffe senior editor: Peter Gregutt MANAGING editor: Jon Elliston A&E editor: Rebecca Sulock ASSOCIATE editor: Margaret Williams MULTimEDIA EDITOR: Jason Sandford Staff writers: David Forbes, Brian Postelle A&E REPORTER & Fashion editor: Alli Marshall editorial assistants: Hanna Rachel Raskin, Tracy Rose Staff photographer: Jonathan Welch Clubland editor & Writer: Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt contributing writers: Jonathan Barnard, Melanie McGee Bianchi, Ursula Gullow, Anne Fitten Glenn, Whitney Shroyer EDIToRIAL INTERN: Gabe Chess PHOTO INTERNS: Joshua Cole, Halima Flynt Production & Design ManaGeR: Andrew Findley Advertising Production manager: Kathy Wadham Production & Design: Carrie Lare, Nathanael Roney calendar editor & supplements coordinator: Mannie Dalton
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010
FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Since when is calling for civil rights a radical homosexual agenda?
For other Molton cartoons, check out our Web page at www.mountainx.com/cartoons city to plow around said driveway and clear it? I find it hard to believe that Cleber would not be appreciative that her road was actually plowed by the city. The city has a responsibility to keep the roads clear for emergency vehicles and safe travel after the storm, but it does not have the responsibility of clearing every driveway in its path. This person needs to wake up and take some responsibility and not expect the city to do what is her duty. — Tim Thomas Asheville
representing heterosexual couples. Asheville is lucky to have a diverse and thriving GLBTQ community, and by choosing not to represent this community in these photos, Xpress is reinforcing a hetero-normative culture that isn’t a true representation of our town. Show some love Xpress — all of it! — Chelsea Kendrick Asheville
Follow Elizabeth Fry’s example: We’re all a big family
I was disappointed and dismayed while watching the televised Asheville City Council meeting over same-sex domestic-partnership benefits being extended to Asheville city employees. It seems that a good part of the African-American community is in opposition to this measure, including Asheville’s AfricanAmerican mayor. I find this disheartening. The gay and lesbian community has stood up for African-Americans’ rights and voted in their best interests, time and time again. I heard the Bible used to justify their homophobic position on moral grounds. Do they not remember that the Bible was also used to justify slavery and keep civil rights from being extended to them at one time? They are right about one thing: This is a moral issue. It is moral to stand up for the minority, the disenfranchised, the oppressed. Gays and lesbians have done this for African-Americans. When will African-Americans do this for gays and lesbians? From local politics in Asheville and other cities across the country to Prop 8 in California, gays and lesbians have been let down by the African-American community. I find it ironic that the issue of homosexuality is the one issue that seems to bring together racists and African-Americans to further suppress an oppressed group of people, and all in God’s name. — Angel Chandler Black Mountain
Times aren’t going too well. Life should be way better for us. Having to face the challenges of recent years is not at all the way that we should be treated or taught. We aren’t alive to teach our friends, families or children to believe that life is always hard and terrible. It’s our choice, and we need to make it now. Love and hope is what mends us all together. We’re all a big family. Elizabeth Fry, the women’s jail activist who lived from 1780 to 1845, went to hospitals to give men and women flowers and a kind word. And she went to a women’s prison to help the women and children learn to quilt and read. My point is that times were tough for the people in prison too. But Fry helped them learn, so it wasn’t so hard anymore. We should do the same for our people! We’re all in this together for a reason that is very important: Family is the best gift you can ever ask for. If we all reach out to each other more often, we’ll be heard a lot better. — Rebecca Molaro (age 8) Asheville
Diversify! Xpress, your photospread is hetero-normative I was disappointed in the Valentine’s photo spread in last week’s Xpress [Feb. 10] for only
African-Americans should support civil rights for gays
I thought that Asheville was a progressive city where every citizen would enjoy the same benefit(s) and that your homosexual community was accepted as equal in citizenry. It now appears that I was wrong. I live in the heart of bigot country (Columbia, S.C.), and yet our City of Columbia leaders have had in place for some time benefits for all city employees regardless of sex, race, religion, etc., which covers same-sex couples. For our forthcoming election for a new mayor, several candidates have offered by personal statement how they will continue these policies and do more to make sure that our city-dwelling citizens who are homosexual are further protected. I sincerely hope that the citizens of Asheville will see fit to continue to elect representatives for their city who will not discriminate! These preachers say they oppose a “radical homosexual agenda,” when most people in Asheville see nothing radical about allowing all taxpaying American citizens to enjoy the same benefits provided to all other citizens. To state that this is not a civil rights issue is a lie! These preachers and their churches enjoy taxfree status and therefore should have absolutely no say in how the city of Asheville spends its tax money! American taxpaying citizens who are born homosexual are being taken advantage of and “forced” to pay taxes for services and benefits for others while they themselves are being told they cannot enjoy the same benefit. These preachers are abhorrent and do not follow the teachings of their own Biblical spiritual leader. ... I urge the city of Asheville to remove their tax-free status. — John B. Copeland Columbia, S. C.
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An ovation for Asheville’s young theater artists Bravo to Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt and Mountain Xpress for the Feb. 4 online story celebrating the success of students from Asheville Arts Center and MusicWorks! at the 2010 Junior Theater Festival. These young artists may have earned awards and recognition at our national festival, but they received a more important prize back home: support and encouragement from their community. Please join me in giving a standing ovation in celebration of the parents, educators, businesses and community members across your community who are doing their part to help students learn important life lessons through the experience of putting on a show. And, this year, let us all do what we can to help students explore the arts, whether it be attending shows, donating time, money, resources or expertise to productions, or just complimenting our young artists and educators on their accomplishments. — Timothy A. McDonald Founding chairman of iTheatrics, New York City
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010
FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
The Candid Conservative: Dealophobia by Carl Mumpower Dedicated Asheville liberals can rejoice now that they hold a controlling majority on the new City Council. In fact, the composition of this majestic body has been effectively limited to two political philosophies — liberal and superliberal. But those sincere souls with other than a feigned interest in diversity might pause for a moment to consider the limitations associated with any homogenized body — especially one that has access to our pockets.
More special deals for special people
Several of the new Council members are grabbing hold of the reins of leadership with passion. It appears that much of their enthusiasm will be directed toward crafting special deals for still more special interests. First mission of mercy: extending the city’s generous benefits package to domestic partners. Special interests are special in their potential to raise our awareness. They become less special
direction. Perhaps that is why the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities are trying to lean on Asheville taxpayers for their survival. The LGBT lobby is playing the system just as most other special-interest groups do, whether liberal or conservative. True to form for those seducing public dollars, anyone reading the three reports attached to this particular City Council agenda item would come away believing that domestic-partner benefits would end world hunger and reverse global warming. As a bonus, they would also shove Asheville’s few remaining conservative voices into a closet of shame.
The MOAA, the Firefighters Association and the LGBT lobby have a lot in common
During my recent candidacy for public office, I received dozens of questionnaires soliciting endorsement of the agendas of various specialinterest groups. Among the standouts were the WNC chapter of the Military Officers Association
Special interests become less special when they morph into selfish interests working to milk the common interest. when they morph into selfish interests working to milk the common interest.
Finishing off a sick system
Employee family benefits were created with two main goals: supporting healthy procreation in a family unit and securing worker loyalty. It’s hard to argue with either agenda, but on a 21stcentury cost/benefit basis, the system already struggles to bear the burden. Then there’s our national health-care-coverage crisis. When you take competition out and rig a free market; micromanage every piece of the puzzle; give legal predators a pass; and then load the system with underfunded government health programs, failure is predetermined. Finally, the city’s budgetary reality finds our mayor asking equally broke state and county spendthrifts to bail out our progressive Council’s appetite for nice-over-necessary and the promise of something for nothing. Having whittled the city’s cash reserves by half and committed to unsustainable entitlement programs and publicworks projects, the city’s fantasy budget is in the process of colliding with reality.
Enter the LGBT lobby
Nowhere in our culture are we having an honest dialogue on the issues of heterosexuality vs. homosexuality. Any such attempts are typically shouted down by those living in a black-or-white ditch on either side of the truth. For survival of the species, nature leans pretty convincingly in one
of America and the Asheville Firefighters Association — both of which, judging by their willingness to rob our national and local treasuries, respectively, had a well-developed sense of personal entitlement. A special moment on the campaign trail came when I had the chance to say, “Sorry, Gen. So-andSo, but I am not into special deals that mortgage our children’s futures.” A similar opportunity arose with our local Firefighters Association. Let’s just say that neither group wound up becoming a buddy. And based on those experiences, I would respectfully suggest that the MOAA and the Firefighters Association have a lot in common with the LGBT lobby. There is little difference in robbing Peter to pay Gen. Paul, Fireman Paul or RuPaul.
Picking pockets under a pretense of virtue
We live in a culture in which personal entitlement is flaunted as a virtue — even when it means stepping on our fellow man. On the one hand, we have the MOAA and the Firefighters Association pretending that prior military service and current public service give one the right to push one’s way to the front of the breadline. On the other, we have the LGBT fraternity pretending that personal uniqueness merits similar consideration. This reach for more than a fair share is more about culture vultures than culture virtues. The truth is, there is no magic money bucket
— in Washington, Raleigh or Asheville. There are only increasingly strained individual taxpayers trying to make it in a competitive world. The real American Dream is about having the liberty to bring our own unique talents to productive life — not seeing how successful we can be in stepping on the backs of the less organized. It’s tough being an out-of-the-closet conservative in a decidedly conservative-unfriendly town. As a minority with a social conscience, I hold no inner phobias toward military officers, Firefighters Association members or the LGBT community. I am, however, an admitted dealophobic. Strip away the pretense, and the real objective of both our newly elected Council leadership and the LGBT community is simply establishing a special deal that seeks to rob one set of pockets in order to fill another. And there is nothing special, progressive or even healthy about stealing … X Former Asheville City Council member Carl Mumpower can be reached at DrMumpower@aol. com.
Upcoming Member Events
March 24, 2010 • 5:30 - 7:00 pm
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ashevillechamber.org • 36 Montford Ave. Asheville info@ashevillechamber.org mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010
news Same-sex RX
Council endorses idea of same-sex domestic-partner benefits feb. 9 meeting
v Retooled parking-deck rates not a problem, says Putnam v Clingman Avenue to get bike lanes, roundabout v Council zeroes in on federal funding requests
by Brian Postelle By this time next year, the city of Asheville may provide health-insurance benefits for the same-sex partners of city employees, a step many champion as a move toward greater equality for the city’s gay and lesbian workers. At their Feb. 9 meeting, Asheville City Council members voted 4-2 to support the idea “in concept,” instructing city staff to research and draft a recommendation for consideration in March (Council member Bill Russell was absent). Council member Gordon Smith proposed the move, saying that providing benefits such as health care and bereavement leave to the partners of gay and lesbian city employees in committed monogamous relationships would help recruit and retain quality workers, especially at a time when salaries are frozen. Married city employees already enjoy such benefits, but in a state that doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage, gay couples don’t have that option.
“This is a liberty and justice and civil-rights issue.” —
Rev. Hamilton Fuller, Church of the Advocate
“We [provide benefits] to let them know that we care about them and their families,” said Smith. “Tonight, we can continue that tradition and provide equal compensation for equal work.” The move, he said, would also send a message that would attract gay tourists and entrepreneurs to the area, bolstering the local economy. “Gay people want to come to places that are safe and welcoming communities,” asserted Smith. Several North Carolina cities and counties already provide such benefits, but no details were available on how such a system might work in Asheville. Human Resources staffers will have to research the potential costs as well as how many of the city’s 1,100 employees would even be eligible. Benefits would be available only to same-sex couples who, unlike straight, unmarried couples, are prohibited
10 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
A matter of equality: Council member Gordon Smith champions benefits for same-sex partners of city employees, saying it amounts to equal pay for equal work. Council will take up the matter again in March. photos by Jonathan Welch
from marrying, Smith explained. As he envisions it, gay and lesbian couples would provide proof of their partnership and register with the city, agreeing to give notice if they ended their relationship. The vast majority of the roughly 25 people who weighed in on the issue — including local police officers, ministers and partners of city employees — voiced support for the move. Asheville resident Jerri Goldberg, whose partner is a city employee, said she’s proud of the openness to diversity here — but not so proud of the disparity in the city’s benefits policy. “Just because the city employs openly gay people does not mean those openly gay people share in the same rights as their straight counterparts,” noted Goldberg. “When it comes specifically to domestic-partnership benefits, it equates to unequal pay for equal work.” Fifth-grade teacher Shannon Fields said the message goes beyond the gay and lesbian community. “If we as a city are really for democracy, this is something we need to pass,” she said. Asheville police Officer Kathleen Beane, standing before Council in her uniform, said she’s unable to provide insurance for her partner and their daughter. “It really does make me feel of less value that I can’t provide the same protection to my family that other people can,” she revealed. Restaurateur and Asheville Downtown Association member Dwight Butner, mean-
while, said, “The last thing the government needs to be involved with is telling people how to live and who to love.” And the Rev. Hamilton Fuller, an Episcopal vicar, emphasized that although his denomination has taken an inclusive approach toward homosexuals, he wasn’t speaking about matters of faith. “This is not the venue for that,” said Fuller, declaring, “This is a liberty and justice and civil-rights issue.” But the Rev. Keith A. Ogden of Hill Street Baptist Church saw things differently: He would not separate religious and political matters. Speaking on behalf of the group Concerned Clergy for Spiritual Renewal, Ogden said homosexuality is a sin that city leaders shouldn’t support. “I have to give a theological position, because I have a calling on my life; I didn’t choose it. I didn’t choose my skin color: That’s a civil right. But the homosexual lifestyle, that’s a lifestyle choice.” Warning that Asheville is becoming “more and more like San Francisco,” Ogden warned that the city “is on its way to Hades in a hand basket.” Telecommunicator Justin Parker of the Asheville Police Department opined that United
To view developing stories on the domestic-partner-benefits debate, see our coverage on mountainx.com.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 11
be counterproductive,” Transportation Director Ken Putnam told Council. But over the last three months of 2009, he reported, there was little evidence to support that thesis. Overall, about 400 fewer cars used the decks — and even that insignificant difference, he noted, could simply be due to severe winter weather. “It kind of proves wrong the things we’ve been hearing,” said Putnam. Meanwhile, thanks to the rate change, parking-deck revenues actually increased during that period, totaling about $65,400 — $18,300 more than what the former rate structure would have brought in. Bothwell, however, saw a flaw in Putnam’s logic, saying it’s possible that people who would have parked street-side are now patronizing the decks because downtown workers are grabbing all the metered spaces. City Council did not ask staff to take any action on the report.
An uphill push A matter of faith: Rev. Keith A. Ogden called homosexuality a lifestyle choice and a sin, saying people who want employee benefits should marry someone of the opposite sex. States law is derived from the Christian Bible. “That is our culture; that is our background as a nation,” he argued. “My religion ... says the homosexual lifestyle is sin.” But religious principles weren’t the only objection raised. Absent the clear dividing line of marriage, asserted city resident Tim Harrison, it would be too difficult to determine who’s entitled to receive benefits. “Without the definition it provides, there is the opportunity for mistakes, abuse or even fraud,” he said. That the discussion arose at all should come as no surprise: Both Smith and Council member Cecil Bothwell campaigned on the issue, and Council member Esther Manheimer also voiced support for the idea during her campaign. Meanwhile, Council member (and now Vice Mayor) Brownie Newman told Xpress last October that he’d wanted to address the issue but was waiting for a more receptive City Council (see “Domestic Bliss?” Oct. 14, 2009 Xpress). Notwithstanding the various invocations of faith during public comment, Bothwell pointed out that different churches have different views concerning homosexuality. “There’s no one religious position on this,” he said. And as for those who object to their taxes being spent in this fashion, he noted, “There is a homosexual population here, and they’re being forced to pay benefits for straight people in this town.” Manheimer said she looks forward to seeing staff return with some concrete details, adding, “This is truly an issue of fairness, and I often wonder why we are still arguing about it.” Manheimer also praised the courage of those who spoke up during public comment about such a delicate and private issue. “It takes a lot of bravery to get up and talk about your personal life,” she said. “I didn’t have to get up and tell you about my marriage. I never had to get up and tell you that my marriage was solid or how long we’re going to be together. I appreciate that you had to go through that, and I apologize that you had to go through that.”
12 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Council member Jan Davis and Mayor Terry Bellamy, though, both aired concerns about how the issue was being advanced. Smith’s motion included an outright affirmation of support for the general concept of domestic-partner benefits — a step David said he was uncomfortable taking without seeing some details. “I’m asked to support something that I don’t have the background on,” noted Davis. “How are we going to pay for it? I just feel like this got here in an unusual way.” Reserving her comments till the end of the discussion, Bellamy seconded Davis’ objection to a premature vote of support. But the mayor went on to oppose the move on other grounds, asserting that her job is to represent everyone in the community, some of whom object to this idea. “We all choose to live in Asheville. We all choose to make this place our home, and we all choose our lifestyle,” said Bellamy. “I’m not going to support the motion. I’m not going to support it now, and I’m not going to support it when the information comes back.” City staff will return to Council March 9 with a proposal for domestic-partner benefits — the same day Council members have scheduled a special work session to discuss the city’s healthcare coverage.
Decked out
Back in September, Council retooled the rate structure in city parking decks to eliminate cheap exits after 7 p.m. Previously, people retrieving their vehicles after that hour paid a flat rate of $1 or $2, depending on which deck they were parked in — regardless of how long the vehicle had been there. But when the city made the rates the same at all hours, the change drew objections from folks who work downtown at night, some of whom were said to have switched to street-side, metered spaces that are free after 6 p.m. Both the city and business owners, however, want to keep those spaces free for people patronizing downtown bars and restaurants. “If that was really happening, that would
Bicyclists traveling from West Asheville to downtown via Clingman Avenue may soon find that steep uphill climb safer. City Council approved a $503,827 contract with Moore & Son Site Contractors of Mills River for the first phase of a reconfiguration of Clingman Avenue. The work will include restriping the route to include bicycle lanes on both sides of the street. The initial phase will extend as far north as Clingman Place. The plan also calls for a roundabout at the intersection with Roberts Street, the site of the Phil Mechanic Studios. River Arts District pioneer Pattiy Torno hailed the roundabout, which she said will be a boon to both pedestrians and motorists trying to cross Clingman there. Continuing the bike lanes the rest of the way to Patton Avenue will be more difficult due to the presence of utility poles and other infrastructure, Public Works Director Cathy Ball told Xpress, but work on the first phase can proceed while those details are being hashed out.
Appropriate appropriations?
City Council also winnowed the list of federal funding requests for the 2010-11 fiscal year, with each Council member selecting his or her top five choices. In a work session earlier that afternoon, they’d discussed 18 possible projects suggested by city staff. The five most popular among Council members were affirmed on a 5-0 vote at the end of the meeting (Bellamy had been excused due to a previously scheduled engagement). All five eventual picks were items that staff said had support in Rep. Heath Shuler’s office. The requested appropriations are: • $3.5 million for City Hall restoration; • $1 million for energy-efficiency retrofits for municipal buildings; • $2 million for a solar-farm project supplying power to the Mills River Water Treatment Plant; • $600,000 to buy a hybrid diesel/electric bus for Asheville Transit; • $1.4 million for a fiber-optic emergency communications system.X Brian Postelle can be reached at bpostelle@ mountainx.com or at 251-1333, ext. 153.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 13
Bunnies on a bus?
Bunnies in a boat. A multicolored forest. Big orange carrots. No, these aren’t hallucinations — they’re real examples of local artists’ work that’s coming to an Asheville city bus near you. Three Asheville area artists have won the city’s first “Art on Transit” competition, the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department announced recently. Each artist will be awarded a $750 honorarium, and their design will grace both sides of a single bus. The winners were: Ray Noland’s “Jeweled Forest,” a color-splashed, whimsical forest; Naomi Johnson’s photos of local food and farmers; and Nina Ruffini’s “Message,” featuring bunnies adrift in boats. A five-member jury, which included a bus driver, met last month and considered more than 60 submissions. The jury picked six finalists and suggested the three winners, which were unanimously confirmed by Asheville’s Public Art Board. “The jury did a wonderful job and was thoughtful about each piece submitted,” said Diane Ruggerio, the city’s superintendent of cultural arts. Asheville City Council member Gordon Smith, a mass-transit advocate who attended a recent Public Art Board meeting to check out the winning pieces, said: “Great choices. I’m really excited about seeing them up and live.” Will the art help boost bus ridership? Perhaps, but that wasn’t really the point, according to Ruggerio. “This was a public-art project. We felt it was an innovative way to get public art out there, and for us to work with two-dimensional artists like photographers, painters and illustrators,” she explained. “It’s really been a big collaboration.” The city is contracting with a company to create “wraps” for three buses at a total cost of about $10,000. The splashy vehicles should be on the streets by the first week of March, and because city buses are not assigned to specific routes, they’ll be seen all around town. The work will remain on display for at least four months, said Ruggerio, noting that she hopes “Art on Transit” will become an annual project. To view a photo gallery of all the “Art on Transit” submissions, go to mountainx.com. — Jason Sandford
Naomi Johnson’s photos (top two panels) of local food and farmers was a winner. image by Naomi Johnson
Nina Ruffini’s “Message,” featuring bunnies adrift in boats (center), is one of three winning designs that will grace the sides of an Asheville Transit System bus in March.
image by Nina Ruffini
Ray Noland’s “Jeweled Forest” (last image) is a color-splashed, whimsical forest.
Image by Ray Noland
14 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
wnc news briefs
Conservancy approves art museum’s design On Feb. 10, the Pack Square Conservancy board approved the Asheville Art Museum’s design for a new glass structure that will serve as both an inviting entrance to the museum and a giant window into the heart of downtown. Pam Myers, the museum’s executive director, said the new structure will reflect the historic structure that now houses the museum — the former Pack Library — while serving as a major entrance to the new Pack Square Park. Guy Clerici, who chairs the conservancy’s board, said the design “complements the tranquility of the park� and will make a “wonderful addition.� Fellow board member Kelly Miller said the design “redefines the museum� as a key anchor of downtown Asheville’s public spaces. The conservancy board reviews architectural changes to all buildings adjacent to the park. Myers, who also serves on board, made the presentation but recused herself from the vote on project. She was accompanied by local architect John Rogers, members of the museum’s board and representatives of Beverly-Grant construction company of Asheville. The glass wall will be the biggest outward change to the Pack Square museum, but it’s
just one part of a multimillion-dollar renovation plan that will double the museum’s space in the Pack Place Education, Arts & Science Center from 24,400 square feet to 50,900 square feet. The museum plans to transform its promenade, increase its permanent exhibit space and add a rooftop sculpture garden and cafÊ. The plans call for the museum to move into the space vacated by The Health Adventure, which is currently building a new home for itself on Broadway, called Momentum. Work on the museum is scheduled to start about a year from now, said Myers, with completion projected for 2013. The museum has been communicating with local businesses about the construction plans. Downtown businesses have been negatively affected by years of construction on the new $20 million Pack Square Park. The museum is expanding to accommodate increased visitation and a permanent collection that has tripled in size since 1996 and now includes nearly 2,500 artworks. Only 3 percent of that collection can currently be displayed in the museum’s limited space. — Jason Sandford
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Filing period for 2010 elections begins Monday, Feb. 8, marked the official start of the 2010 election season, and aspiring candidates have already begun signing up. The filing period runs through noon on Friday, Feb. 26. Early voting for the primary will start Thursday, April 15, and run through Saturday, May 1, with the primary election set for Tuesday, May 4. The general election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 2, with early voting running Oct. 14-30. This year, local sheriffs, county commissioners, school-board members, clerks of court, judges and district attorneys will be on the ballot, along with all members of the state House and Senate. In Western North Carolina, U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler is also up for re-election. Here’s a look at who’s filed so far: Chris Dixon of Arden, a Democrat, is running for the 48th N.C. Senate District, which covers Buncombe, Henderson and Polk counties. The seat is held by Republican Sen. Tom Apodaca of Hendersonville.
In the 114th N.C. House District, Rep. Susan Fisher, a Buncombe County Democrat, is seeking another term. Republican John Carroll is also vying for the seat. In the 115th N.C. House District, Rep. Bruce Goforth, another Buncombe County Democrat, is also seeking re-election. He’s facing a Democratic primary challenge from former Buncombe County Commissioner Patsy Keever. State Rep. Jane Whilden is seeking re-election in the 116th N.C. House District. And Buncombe County Clerk of Court Steve Cogburn, a Democrat who was appointed to fill the seat for the retiring Bob Christy, will run for election, facing a challenge from Republican John Sutton Jr. of Candler. For more information, visit the Buncombe County Election Services Web site, or call 250-4200. — Jason Sandford
Buncombe Wi-Fi: Gone The free wireless connection that once covered much of downtown Asheville has been inoperable for most of the past year, and due to the county’s budget crunch, there are no plans to repair it in the near future, county staff confirmed today. Starting last March, “parts of the wireless system went down, and we’d get some of them back up, but they’d go down again,” explains Glen Hughes, the county’s technology-services director. “The whole system needed to be redesigned, and that’s just not been funded. With the economy like it is, that’s just not been the highest priority.” Asked if there are any plans to repair the network, Hughes says, “We will always try to keep it in what we’d like to do, but there are no plans at the moment.” The county began offering free Wi-Fi in July 2005, proclaiming, “The Buncombe County commissioners are proud to announce that wireless access to the Internet is available to
you at no cost.” Service was later expanded to cover much of downtown, though the signal strength varied. Less than four years later, with little fanfare, the free Wi-Fi was gone. One of the reasons repairing the network is not a top priority is because the entire wireless situation has evolved. “When this began, we didn’t have much Wi-Fi downtown at all; that’s changed,” Hughes says. “A lot of places offer free Wi-Fi, and a lot of people can access it, or they can get online through their phones. It isn’t as necessary as it once was, so it’s fallen from the high-priority list.” In the meantime, some locals are hoping to persuade Google to bring one of its proposed ultrafast broadband networks to Asheville (see the mountainx.com blog post “Getting Google With Grassroots Involvement.”) — David Forbes
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16 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
City, county officials discuss budget woes Early on the frigid morning of Feb. 12, members of the Council of Independent Business Owners gathered in the Biltmore Square Mall food court to hear Buncombe County and city of Asheville elected officials summarize their respective financial situations and goals. The setting seemed appropriate to a discussion of the economic downturn, as the mall has seen businesses leave, and many slots in the food court were shuttered. Asheville City Council member Jan Davis said the city is facing a $5 million deficit, and he believes the problem could be spreading. “Merrimon Avenue is blighted: It’s shutting down,” said Davis. “Patton Avenue west of the river is blighted; the blight is spreading to downtown. I’ve seen downtown revive,” he added. “We don’t want to go back to the other end of the scale, and it can happen.” Davis also called for cooperation with the county, taking issue with Board of Commissioners Chair David Gantt’s comment to the Asheville Citizen-Times that the city shouldn’t look to the county as “a sugar daddy.” “Beyond the rhetoric and the ‘sugar daddy’ comments, we need trust and cooperation,” stated Davis, adding that Mayor Terry Bellamy and Council members are “asking for partnerships — opportunities that benefit both our citizens. Our doors are open.” Davis also defended city spending on buses and greenways, which some CIBO members consider frivolous. Buses, he asserted, help workers get to their jobs, noting, “Without them, you’ll have a whole other problem.” And “When you can go down and see 5,000 people using the greenways on the weekend, that indicates something that our citizens support.” As for his controversial vote opposing the concept of same-sex domestic-partner benefits, Davis explained: “It was a process thing, not a morality issue: I didn’t like how it got there. The city’s doing an assessment of its health-care costs, and I think it would have been less divisive to bring it up then.” He also noted that while no one on Council wants to raise property taxes, it might have to be considered at some point. “I don’t advocate tax increases right now, but the time may come when that’s necessary to keep this a good place to live.” Davis’ description of the city’s budget situation
stood in stark contrast to the picture painted by Board of Commissioners Vice Chair Bill Stanley, whose turn at the microphone came next. The county, he said, is “in pretty good shape. We don’t have a deficit; we have a good fund balance.” Nonetheless, said Stanley, the slumping economy has triggered a drastic spike in social-services expenditures, and the demand for food stamps has tripled. He also voiced concern that the state may raid more county revenue sources to meet its own budgetary demands, predicting, “The state is hurt, and they’re going to hurt us.” For those reasons, noted Stanley, he does not support “rules and regulations that limit people and businesses getting work,” and while endorsing more city/county cooperation, he maintained that draining the county’s fund balance is not the way to do it. “Our sugar might just taste like licorice,” he cautioned. Last to address the gathered business people was Council member Gordon Smith, who elaborated on the theme of city/county cooperation and said he sees potential for Asheville becoming a “high-tech regional center.” “There are things we can do as a city to make ourselves more attractive, so that when businesses like Google are looking to site new projects, Asheville is an attractive place,” said Smith. “If you look at the cities where these high-tech jobs are concentrated — San Francisco, Austin, Minneapolis — these are places that are inclusive, diverse. They have multiple modes of transportation, and housing you can afford.” Specifically, Smith said he’s been consulting with his City Council colleagues on how best to pursue obtaining one of Google’s recently proposed superfast broadband networks, adding that it will take the cooperation of multiple local governments and groups like CIBO for the push to have a chance of success. Smith also said the city plans to deal with its budget situation by cutting costs and raising fees, and that raising property taxes would be the last resort. “We need to have exhausted every last possibility before we even look at that,” he said. “Because that’s something that hits everybody, and it hits people hard.” — David Forbes
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Theater lovers: Brian Lee and Tiffany Hampton Lee plan to stage professional musicaltheater productions in a downtown Asheville building that’s undergoing a $2 million, “green” renovation.
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photo by Jason Sandford
Couple plans black-box theater for downtown building A 115-year-old building in downtown Asheville will soon be home to the Altamont Theatre. Owners Brian and Tiffany Hampton Lee plan to stage professional musical-theater productions in the four-story building, which is being renovated under strict guidelines to qualify for historic-preservation tax credits. The project is also following the stringent guidelines for the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification. The rating system promotes energy efficiency and other environmentally friendly construction practices. “This is a long-term project for us,” noted Brian Lee after a walk-through of the 1895 building on Church Street, which most recently served as an Asheville Savings Bank annex. “We want to contribute to the community.” The Lees bought the building about two years ago and started renovations in August. In the course of the work, they decided to pursue LEED certification. The couple moved to Asheville after Lee sold his half of a Cary, N.C., software company to his business partner. Tiffany Hampton Lee has pursued a career in professional theater since paying her way through college at N.C. State by acting in North Carolina Theatre productions. The project is unusual in seeking the dual certifications. The Lees hired Glazer Architecture and contractor RPF Construction to complete the work. For the historic renovation, original details such as moldings must remain intact. For the LEED certification, there’s a focus on recycling materials and installing energy-efficient features, such as solar panels on the roof to heat water. Both courses of action require strict
documentation, notes Rick Fleming, president of RPF Construction. “It’s a team effort,” he said. “It’s not easy, but it’s fun.” The challenging project has also offered up a few surprises. The building’s roof structure was in such poor shape that it had to be completely replaced. The top floor was also apparently once home to a local chapter of the Odd Fellows fraternal organization. A hidden compartment in a dais, and doors with a small eye-level opening to identify visitors, suggest that the group may have been serving illegal alcohol, said Fleming. The doors have been saved and will be reused. The ground floor will house the black-box theater, which will seat about 100 people. The basement level will feature a small gallery space for artwork, as well as a small bar and restrooms. There will also be dressing rooms downstairs with their own restrooms, and a green room, to satisfy Actors’ Equity requirements. The top two floors will each house three apartments intended as vacation rentals. A twostory addition at the back of the building will bring the total space to about 11,000 square feet, according to Brian Lee. By this fall, the Lees plan to begin staging musical productions featuring both local professional talent and New York performers. They also plan to offer drama classes for children, and they hope to offer the space for special events, such as weddings. “We’re ready to build something for us and for the community,” noted Tiffany Hampton Lee, “and put our roots down.” — Jason Sandford
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A civil sweep Asheville City Council member Cecil Bothwell has proposed a sweeping civilliberties resolution that includes clauses banning racial profiling, surveillance of political-advocacy groups and helping federal officials enforce immigration laws. It would also require businesses contracting with the city to provide things like janitorial services or lawn care to pay their workers a living wage. The proposed resolution, made public in a Feb. 4 e-mail newsletter, would prohibit discrimination “on the basis of race, skin color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious or political opinion or activity, or immigration status.” Other provisions would bar city employees from engaging in racial profiling as well as conducting surveillance or gathering information about political or religious groups. Perhaps the most controversial clause, however, is one that would forbid city employees, including police officers, to get involved in enforcing federal immigration laws. “No department, agency, commission, officer or employee of the City of Asheville shall use City funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration laws, or to gather, use or disseminate the immigration status information of individuals in the City of Asheville,” the draft resolution reads. The same clause also prohibits city personnel from participating in federal programs such as Operation TIPS, a controversial proposal that failed to make it through Congress in 2002, asserting that they “encourage members of the general public to spy on their neighbors, colleagues and customers.” In the same announcement, Bothwell also declares his support for a living-wage requirement for service firms contracting with the city, whose workers aren’t covered by the same living-wage rules as full-time city employees. Council had discussed such a move during its Nov. 24 meeting but decided to delay any action for a year to further study its cost implications. Bothwell, however, wants to proceed, saying: “I am advancing a plan that would require service contractors to pay all of their employees on city jobs a living wage, beginning with the next contract bids. Studies have shown that living-wage requirements adopted by other governments have had a very small effect on costs (1 percent), and it seems unreasonable to me for our tax money to bid down the value of labor in Asheville. That hurts everyone.” According to the group Just Economics of WNC, a living wage in Asheville is currently about $9.85 with benefits or $11.35 without. Bothwell says he plans to gather support for the resolutions before seeking a vote. “I’m running the civil-liberties resolution by several community groups, including the Asheville-Buncombe Community Relations Council, the ACLU, Nuestro Centro, COLA, NAMI, church groups, etc., to see if any of them have additions, corrections or sugges-
18 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Liberating Asheville? Council member Cecil Bothwell (pictured here during a recent meeting) proposes a sweeping civil-liberties resolution that would ban some surveillance and end cooperation with federal immigration laws. photo by Jonathan Welch
tions to offer,” he notes. “I’ll take it to the next meeting of the Council Public Safety Committee, Feb. 16, to present to the chief of police and my fellow committee members. “I hope to get support from that Committee, which will move it into the queue for Council consideration,” he adds. “Putting it on the agenda will be up to Mayor Bellamy.” Bothwell plans to take a similar approach with the living-wage proposal, which differs from Council’s previously considered measure in that it’s limited to service workers and would not affect workers on construction contracts, for example. But Bothwell isn’t the only Council member proposing new rules. During their Feb. 9 meeting, Gordon Smith encouraged his colleagues to provide benefits for same-sex domestic partners. Unlike Bothwell, however, Smith urged City Council to embrace the move in principle, with staff to present a more detailed resolution next month. Council endorsed Smith’s motion on a 4-2 vote (see “Same-Sex RX” elsewhere in this issue). In his newsletter, Bothwell also expressed concern about the legal challenges Smith’s initiative could face. At the Council meeting, however, he voted for the benefits proposal. To view the full text of Bothwell’s civil-liberties resolution, go to mountainx.com/xpressfiles. — David Forbes
Tales from the trenches Jerry Nelson keeps his camera — and his heart — trained on Asheville. The Vietnam veteran, who’s also sounded off via an Xpress commentary, advocates for the homeless while sharing experiences from his own life. To view more of Nelson’s work, visit his Web site at journeyamerica.org. The photos presented here show scenes from the play Always Expect Miracles; locally written and produced, the project features real-life stories of the region’s homeless people. photos by Jerry Nelson
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 19
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This winter has not been easy for hikers. Closed roads, icy trails and downed trees have kept me exercising at the gym. But hopefully will soon be time to start hiking regularly again. And this year, you might want to create a hiking pantry, keeping a stash of staples at the ready for your outdoor adventures. I’ve followed this approach for years, and I find that it works well for day hiking, while eliminating the need to raid a convenience store the night before — or, worse, stopping at a fast-food restaurant en route to the trailhead. In my hiking inventory, I include only foods that can be kept without refrigeration or else can be held in the refrigerator so long that they’re practically indestructible. Day-hiking fare falls into three groups: main course, snacks and drinks.
Main course
Tuna and salmon pouches may be either plain (my choice) or flavored. Cans of chicken make a nice change. Peanut butter in a small container also works well. Instead of bread, I always have Wasa Crackers on hand. These big crackers come in many grains, from thin light rye to hearty oats, and they last forever. I also pack a
It’s very efficient, and it saves money — if, and only if, this food stash is strictly reserved for day hiking. good quality, nondisposable, plastic fork and knife. Apples keep well in the fridge. I cut my apple into eighths, so I can pull out pieces throughout the day, but most hikers just bite into one and finish it at lunchtime. Sometimes the drive to the trailhead is so long that I’m ready for lunch before we even start hiking. I have a banana at the car as a midmorning snack while I lace up my boots. West Asheville resident Carroll Koepplinger discovered kiwi fruit while hiking in Spain and now eats them like apples.
When people think hiking snacks, trail mix usually comes to mind. But why buy pricey trail mix when you can fix it yourself in advance? GORP – “good old raisins and peanuts” in equal amounts, sufficed me for years. Then my husband added M&M’s (they really don’t melt). About that time, packaged trail mix began appearing in stores, so I got more creative.
20 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Snack attack: A good trail mix — whether you make your own or not — provides energy during outdoor adventures. photo by Danny Bernstein
Here’s a basic recipe. In a large bowl, mix: 1/2 cup golden raisins 1/2 cup Craisins 1/2 cup walnut pieces 1/2 raw peanuts. To this, I add 1/2 cup of some treat I discover at bulk bins. These days, I’m enjoying a mix of cashews covered in dark chocolate, milk chocolate and yogurt. I like the dark-chocolate ones best, but I don’t think the store would appreciate it if I picked out all of those from their tub. I keep my trail mix in a large screw-top jar and just transfer an appropriate amount for the day to a Ziploc bag. A standard portion is 1/3 cup, but I usually take at least 1/2 cup. Many hikers get creative with snacks. Sharon McCarthy, my hiking partner from Charlotte, says: “Grapes are my all-time favorite – the perfect hiking treat in any temperature for sweetness that doesn’t make you thirsty. My recent discovery is lightly salted, crunchy green beans.” Janet Zusi of Asheville loves Fig Newtons. “I stock up at the Dollar Store and keep them in the freezer. It’s the best hiking-and-biking carb.” Jeff McGurk, a Carolina Mountain Club member from upstate South Carolina, likes all the Cliff bars but says, “It’s hard to beat peanut M&M bars.” A couple of cookies and a Nutri-Grain bar round out my snacks, depending on the length
of the hike. I leave the choice of chocolate to the reader, as long as it’s dark, comes in bite-size pieces — and you leave some for me.
I dread metering out my water (or, heaven forbid, running out of water). For a day hike, I carry two quarts of water. As soon as it gets warm, I add Gatorade powder to one quart. Gatorade replaces all sorts of minerals and electrolytes, but I think it also makes me drink more, which is good. In the winter, a thermos of green tea provides warmth.
Calories do count
The evening before the hike, I assemble everything in a lunch bag, add a couple of plastic bags for garbage, and put it all in my pack. It’s very efficient, and it saves money — if, and only if, this food stash is strictly reserved for day hiking. I keep it all in the back of my kitchen pantry, not where the trail mix and chocolate can tempt me all week. Hiking food is very fattening; 1/3 cup of trail mix contains 150 calories. So happy snacking — but only on the trail. X Hike leader and outdoors writer Danny Bernstein is the author of Hiking North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Heritage. She can be reached at danny@ hikertohiker.com.
outdoorscalendar Calendar for February 17 - 25, 2010 Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Encourages safe and responsible recreational bicycling in the WNC area. To find out more about the club and its ongoing advocacy efforts, or to see a complete club calendar, visit www.blueridgebicycleclub.org. • THURSDAYS - Fletcher Blue Sky Road Ride. Departs promptly at 9:15am. Route and meeting place vary. No one will be left behind. E-mail: JohnL9@MorrisBB.net. • SATURDAYS - Gary Arthur Ledges Park Road Ride. Departs in the a.m. from Ledges Park, located 6.5 miles off UNCA exit on I-26. Ride north along the French Broad River to Marshall for coffee, then return via Ivy Hill. E-mail: jbyrdlaw@charter.net. • SUNDAYS - Folk Art Center Road Ride. Departs in the p.m. from the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is a show-n-go ride, meaning there may not be a ride leader. Info: 713-8504 or billcrownover@ bellsouth.net. Carolina Mountain Club CMC fosters the enjoyment of the mountains of WNC and adjoining regions and encourages the conservation of our natural resources, through an extensive schedule of hikes and a program of trail building and maintenance. $20 per year, family memberships $30 per year. Newcomers must call the leader before the hike. Info: www.carolinamtnclub.org. • WE (2/17), 8:30am - Lane Pinnacle from Bull Gap. Info: 243-3630 or rhysko@yahoo.com. • SU (2/21), 8am - Round Top Ridge Trail to Rich Mtn./AT to Hot Springs. Info: 251-1909 or pdbenson@ charter.net —- 1:30pm - Chambers Mountain. Info: 692-0116 or bbente@bellsouth.net. • WE (2/24), 8:30am - Shut In Trail and Garenflo Gap to Hot Springs. Info: 656-2191, desraylet@aol.com.
Events at Historic Johnson Farm Located at 3346 Haywood Rd. in Hendersonville. There are two nature trails (free), and guided tours are offered ($5/$3). Info: 891-6585 or www.historicjohnsonfarm. org. • MO (2/22), 7pm - Learn helpful hints, tips and ideas to make camping, hiking and outdoor experiences pleasurable at “Before You Go Outside,” led by Gary Eblen. $5. Swannanoa Valley Museum Hikes Unless otherwise noted, all hikes begin in the parking lot of Black Mountain Savings Bank, 200 E. State St. in Black Mountain. $5 members/$15 nonmembers. Info or reservations: 669-9566 or swannanoavalleym@ bellsouth.net. • 3rd SATURDAYS, 8am - The Swannanoa Rim Explorer hiking series will host treks along 31 miles of the Swannanoa Rim. For experienced hikers only. $20 members/$40 nonmembers. Bring lunch, water and snacks. • SA (2/20) - Hike from Jesse’s High Top to Lakey Gap.
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 21
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“Asheville, North Carolina and the Blue Ridge Mountains make a gorgeous backdrop for destination weddings,” reports WeddingBasics.com. But we knew that. With the mountain scenery, great weather, activities for guests and romantic accommodations, Asheville has wedding written all over it. Add to that the local farms and businesses at the ready to provide every weddingrelated detail — from lush bouquets to special diet catering — and really, why would anyone want to have a wedding somewhere else? But as much of a trend as destination weddings have become, if you already live in the perfect spot there’s no reason to hire a travel agent. In fact, there are lot of arguments for staying put. EcoWedding.org suggests, “Pick a central location where the majority of the guests don’t have to travel too far,” “Keep things simple,” and “Keep it local.” In other words, make local your destination. A local wedding has some serious perks: Less stress, less expense and less impact on the environment top the list. Locally sourced products limit both the fuel cost to transport them long distances, as well as the headache of tim-
Photo courtesy Brown Photography
2 HUGE Events To Celebrate You!
18 brook st ste 103 • 828.277.4070 ilovewink.com • mon-sat, 10 - 6
Photo courtesy Rebecca D’Angelo Photography
24 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
ing a shipment. Working with community-based businesses means personalized service, and also keeps money in the local economy. And, while a wedding at home (back-yard ceremonies were recession-chic; pot luck receptions get the guests involved; D.I.Y. decor lends a personal touch) can save serious cash, a local wedding doesn’t have to mean strictly homegrown. Asheville boasts plenty of stunning venues like the fairyland-esque glen at Homewood, the overlook deck at the Crest Pavillion, or the time-tested environs of the Grove Park Inn. A totally local event is more doable now than ever before. A hundred years ago, an Appalachian bride might have sewn her own gown, her community might have baked a layer cake using number 10 cast-iron skillets, and the ceremony would have taken place at the family home or church. Same idea today, only with plenty of added luxury. Consider a one-of-a-kind dress handmade by a local designer, a specialty cake baked to suit the bride’s and groom’s personalities, a bouquet from an organic farm, gifts selected from area boutiques, a memory-making B&B suite within walking distance to the festivities, a conflict-free diamond ring bench-made by a local jeweler and the pictures (taken by a local photographer, of course) to commemorate the occasion. Just to give you an idea about how it will all play out, Xpress offers up our local wedding album: a WNC-sourced guide to all things matrimonial. And don’t forget our online business directory at mountainx.com/guides/wedding.X
We fell in love with with the mountains and wanted to have our wedding right there. It was the scenery that attracted us here, and seemed like a pretty epic decision — binding ourselves to each other, and to the mountains, too. Here, at Max Patch. WNC is blessed with venues of all sorts — from the great outdoors to lovely spaces in the heart of downtown. View the Xpress online directory for a long list of gorgeous options.
Photo courtesy Christopher Smith Photography
What a lovely opportunity — to select our own inseason flowers from a garden. We took advantage of the area’s farms and used locally sourced flowers, in season.
Photo courtesy The Enchanted Florist
WNC is home to so many amazing craftspeople. We wanted jewelry as unique as our bond, and sought out local jewelers to create custom wedding bands for us. Here, our design from blue goldsmiths.
Photo courtesy blue goldsmiths L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 25
What she wore by Alli Marshall “One of the many blessings that come from an original tailored garment is the opportunity to incorporate personal, poetic and sentimental touches,” explains local designer R. Brooke Priddy of Ship to Shore. “Often my clients bring items from loved ones of generations past.” It’s a concept that goes far beyond the “something old, something new” adage. Priddy repurposes and incorporates gloves, scraps of lace, velvet flowers, pearls, hats, even entire wedding gowns into one-of-akind dresses for the brides who come to her shop. That’s a really big difference — a world apart, in fact — from the process through which many women choose a gown. Catalogues, bridal superstores and mainstream mall-style shops offer plenty of selection but in impersonal settings and with few if any options for customizing. When it comes to weddings, few brides would admit to wanting a cookie-cutter feel to the big day. So what stops many brides from purchasing a custom-made gown? Price. Tales of nest egg-cracking designer gowns are the stuff of both legend and nightmare. FYI: The most expensive wedding dress in the world, to date, is the $12 million Diamond Gown, a collaboration by Renee Strauss and jewel dealer Martin Katz. But that’s hardly everyone’s style, and when it comes to custom design (within reason), Priddy points out that “People don’t seem to know that the prices are not that much higher than local off-the-rack chain retailers. Sometimes much less.” (Alterations and extras are hidden costs of off-the-rack gowns.) While buying locally might mean spending less; it definitely means keeping money in the local economy and avoiding unfair trade or sweatshop practices associated
Photo courtesy Wedding Inspirations with many mass-produced clothing lines. But most importantly, a local designer provides one-on-one consultation and personal touches. Back to that “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” tradition: “Each of these lucky items can be sewn in like secrets under hems, or woven into accentuated waistlines,” says Priddy. “In my experience, the more the dress tells a story — laced with a history unique to the bride — the more emotionally fulfilling the whole experience can be.” WNC boasts many talented design-
26 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
ers as well as small boutiques that can offer personalizes service when it comes to finding the perfect dress. Brides on a budget can check local consignment and vintage shops for second hand and antique gowns. These dresses, at the hand of a tailor or seamstress, can be updated and made to fit perfectly. Have a family heirloom wedding gown that’s brimming with emotional value but is hopelessly out of style? Consider hiring one of the area’s many alteration shops to take in, let out, shorten, remove sleeves or otherwise revamp the dress. X
What she wore
Photo courtesy R. Brooke Priddy / Ship to Shore
The Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (a surprising resource for weddings) debuted its “Asheville Wedding Crashers” blog on Valentine’s Day. Its intent? To celebrate and capture the unique spirit of the wedding scene in and around the Asheville area. Look for photos, guest blogs, insider tips, funny stories and bridal trends. Visit www.myweddinginasheville.com to learn more.
Adorn Salon just earned a Best Bridal Salon nod from The Knot wedding magazine. “We do between 40 and 50 weddings a year, take great pride in our work, and love being involved in people’s big day. We have recently relocated to a beautiful new space and have added spa services to our menu in response to the many requests we get for pampering from our brides,” writes owner Rebecca Hecht. Also earning kudos were City Bakery & Cafe for wedding cake bakers; Biltmore Estate and On Broadway for reception sites; Artisan Catering and Deli for wedding caterers; and Studio Flora Diva for florists. Visit www.theknot.com to learn more.
L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 27
9h[Wj[ Oekh ?Z[Wb H[bWj_edi^_f
A class for those who want to improve one or more relationships in their lives. Taught in a workshop setting, you receive teaching and guidance that helps you resolve issues and grow your relationship to its next best expression-your life will be better and more fulfilling.
What we ate: Local food
Joseph and Sarah have supported us to increase our love, helping us go deeper and get closer on a continual basis. There’s always something more to work on in a relationship and they always have the answers for the next step. —Nadia & Patricio Herrera Led by Joseph and Sarah Malinak. Contact us for more information: (828) 645-0999 www.meetup.com/CreatingYourIdealRelationship
Photo courtesy Artisan Catering Top 10 reasons to buy local food include: Better tasting food, sustaining rural heritage and protecting the natural beauty of the mountains, says the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project. For your wedding, tapping into the bounty of local farms has never been easier. “When you buy local food, you help keep local farms in business, strengthen our economy, preserve rural landscapes and encourage sustainable agricultural practices,” adds ASAP’s marketing and communications contact, Rose McLarney. “And you benefit directly: You enjoy fresher food.” Know those popular green bumper stickers that read “Local Food: Thousands of Miles Fresher”? — that’s what they’re talking about. “For a special event like a wedding, you want the best ingredients,” explains McLarney. “When you buy local, you get those in several senses. You get better tasting food. You get unique, regional food that is a reflection of your wedding’s location. And you get food that’s really fitting for a celebration, because it’s good for your whole community.” A bride and groom who live in WNC probably already have an idea of their favorite local flavors. They might know a farmer from one of the area’s many tailgate markets, or favor a particular baker or producer of specialty foods. Mead, wine, beer, goat cheese, chocolate, honey and jam are just a handful of the many products that can be locally sourced. For those planning a wedding from
28 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
afar (or for local residents needing some suggestions), McLarney recommends ASAP’s Local Food Guide at www.buyappalachian.org. “They can either search for specific ingredients or browse the Caterers & Bakers section,” she says. Salad dressing, coffee and freshly milled grains can be found in the guide; so can vegetarian chefs, dessert masterminds and pasta makers. Local food, like slow food, is a movement. Actually, the two are intimately linked. “Slow food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating,” reads the Slow Food USA Web site. “It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment.” But if joining a movement seems like a major undertaking on top of planning and carrying off a wedding, don’t let the revolutionary language throw you. At its essence, local food means edibles that travel the shortest distance from farm to plate. Whether it’s an heirloom tomato or a delicately balanced, three-tiered cake, the less time spend in transit, the better. And, because wedding planning doesn’t leave much spare time for trawling farmers markets in search of the best radicchio and ripest strawberries, consider leaving all that shopping to the experts. The local caterer or chef you choose to prepare you meal or hors d’oeuvres can sleuth in your stead. Another bonus for going local: The folks making your food have the insider info on where to find the very best goods.
Vincenzo’s Events A s h ev i l l e ’s f re s h , n e w fa c e i n
h i g h q u a l i t y, a c c e s s i b l y p r i c e d eve n t s a n d m e e t i n g s i n S o u t h , C e n t ra l a n d N o r t h l o c a t i o n s . • T h e O rc h a rd a t B ro a d m o o r • V i n c e n z o ’s R i s to ra n te • T h e C l u b a t R e e m s C re e k
We d d i n g , R e h e r s a l D i n n e r s a n d S p e c i a l E v e n t s
C a l l 8 2 8 - 6 8 7 - 8 5 6 1 o r g o to w w w. v i n c e n z o s eve n t s . c o m fo r m o re i n fo r m a t i o n
Presents the 1st play of its 45th Season A drama/comedy by Jeff Baron Directed by Glenn Musser
Performance Dates: Friday thru Sunday March 12-14, 19-21, 26-28, 2010 Fri & Sat Evenings @ 8:00PM, Sun Matinees @ 2:00PM TICKET PRICES: RESERVATIONS: Walk-In BOX OFFICE: ADULT: $14.00 828-692-1082 Fri & Sat 10am-1pm UNDER 18: $8:00 Starting March 1 Starting March 5
L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 29
What we ate
Photo courtesy Artisan Catering “We have had the pleasure of serving several 100-mile menus to brides and grooms who are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of their wedding and showcasing the very best of what WNC has to offer,” writes Miki Kilpatrick from Saffron Fine Foods. “All of the meat, fish, fresh vegetables and dairy are sourced from within a 100-mile radius.”
A few of the many places Saffron gets delicious veggies, meats & cheeses:
Kick Off Your Shoes & Let Us Pamper Your Wedding Party Couple’s Rendezvous Package for Two Romantic Couple’s Room, Champagne & Chocolate • Bridal Parties • Boutique • Massage • Waxing • Body Treatments • Skin & Nail care Mon-Sat 10-7, Sun 12-5 • 18 Brook Street, Asheville, NC 828.277.BODY (2639) • SpaAtBiltmoreVillage.com
Happy Cow Creamery, Pelzer, SC Looking Glass Creamery, Asheville Sunburst Trout Farm, Candler Farside Farms, Asheville Huntley Family Farms, Barnardsville Deep Woods Mushrooms, Mills River Madison Farms, All Over Madison County Holly Springs Nursery, Mills River — From Miki Kilpatrick at Saffron Fine Foods
A sample Spring menu, courtesy Saffron: Hors d’oeuvres Sweet Pea Risotto Balls with Herbed Tomato Sauce Local Goat Cheese Crottin with Rhubarb Jam in Wonton Crisp “Green Eggs & Ham”— Spinach and Bacon stuffed Deviled Eggs Dinner Spinach Salad with Shitakes, Roasted Red Pepper, Walnuts & Goat Cheese Lamb Roulade stuffed with Roasted Garlic & Fresh Herbs Scallion Mashed Potatoes Spring Vegetable Trio: Roasted Asparagus Spears, Sautéed Radishes with Watercress, Sugar Snap Peas with Caramelized Onion Artisan Breads with Herb Butter X
30 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
Unforgettable Food for Your Unforgettable Day!
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From May-October, Master Gardener Judy Garry offers hundreds of varieties of organic, “home-grown” fresh and fragrant cut flowers from her East Asheville garden. And because this is a home garden, our prices are extremely competitive! From Bridal Bouquets to Flowers for the Cake, We offer Full Floral Services With a Natural, Wildflower Look Wedding Special ~ 20% off your first bucket with this ad Contact Judy for your free consultation:
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L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 31
Rev. Larry Anderson
Love is love
“Your Wedding Should be Just the Way You Want it!” 828-681-5177
Photo courtesy BobbyMark’s Designs Land of the Sky United Church of Christ supports marriage equality for gays and lesbians and officiates same-sex commitment ceremonies. “We believe that marriage equality is an important justice issue, and our community of faith includes families that are affected every day by the status quo that says they cannot enter into the legal covenant of marriage,” writes Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, co-pastor. Both pastors are married with kids, writes Hendler-Voss, “so we know full well the privileges and challenges afforded by the institution of marriage.”
My true-love hath my heart, and I have his, By just exchange one to the other given: I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, There never was a better bargain driven: My true-love hath my heart, and I have his.
His heart in me keeps him and me in one, My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides: He loves my heart, for once it was his own, I cherish his because in me it bides: My true-love hath my heart, and I have his. — Sir Phillip Sidney
32 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
Your Pet’s Preferred Vacation Destination • Personal Attention & Tender Loving Care • Private Accommodations • Affordable Rates • Playtime & Daily Walks Available
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Just Minutes from Asheville
L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 33
Alterations • Custom Design 2 Day Service (Not 2 Weeks!) Also last minute! 29 Years Experience • 10 years in Black Mountain
Now opeN oN Charlotte Street Call 232-2229 or pop in at 246 Charlotte Street • Asheville
88 Country Club Rd. • 828-450-8916 Showcasing panoramic views and graceful rustic design, High Vista Country Club offers the ideal location in the mountains of WNC for your wedding event. The Country Club facilities are complete with formal dining, dance floor, verandas and more in a golf resort setting conveniently located between Asheville and Hendersonville, NC. Our professional event staff is ready to work with you to ensure the smooth planning and success of your event. We offer excellent service in an elegant setting that is perfect for • rehearsal dinners • ceremonies • receptions • and other weddingrelated activities.
How we ate cake by Alli Marshall It seems like every wedding movie has the requisite scene where the bride- and groom-to-be perch on fussy little chairs and sample an array of pastel-hued slivers of cake. Words like “butter cream” and “fondant” are tossed around and eventually lead to something massive and white and tiered like a designer wedding gown. Something far closer to sculpture than scrumptious. The thing about wedding cake (and most of us past our mid-20s have gone to enough weddings to have done the necessary research) is that it’s never very good. Pretty to look at, but often dry and bland. Why else would so many wedding cakes meet their ends smashed into brides and grooms faces to the delight of photographers? Or toppled by an inebriated best man? That’s where a locally made cake comes in. For starters, small cake shops tend to turn out pastries that taste as good as they look. No mass-made confection here; these edibles are lovingly crafted one at a time and flavored with regional delicacies. Short Street Cakes’ menu offers flavors like “Aunt Tissy’s Italian Cream Cake” and “Ashevelvet” (“Red velvet the way it was meant to be. Brown”). That bakery also offers glutenfree and fruit-sweetened options, while West End Bakery can create vegan wedding cakes in chocolate, white and carrot. Speaking of carrot, World’s Best Carrot Cake just happens to be located in Woodfin and can make a nuptialready carrot dessert or (thanks to a team effort with baker Candace Blakeslee of CB Desserts, any number of wildly imagined cakes. On her blog, Blakeslee writes, “Can’t decide between two flavors? A cake can be made with layers of each flavor or a swirl of those flavors.” Like
34 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
mocha, or tres leches, or golden rum. While independent local bakers get to show off their individuality, so do the bride and groom. Put those two creative forces together and you wind up with a cake that says a lot about the couple it celebrates. That’s the case at Sweet Promises, which can do a traditional rolled fondant or a fantastical seasonally themed dessert. Baker Wynette Scruggs describes an elaborate autumnal tree cake she made: “A design which was created for bride who wanted to reflect an enchanted forest theme for her fall wedding.” Similarly, Annie’s Naturally Bakery, along with buttery white tiered confections, crafts some comedic treats. Head cake decorator Natalie Haynes describes one chocolate treat as “a whimsical groom’s cake done for an outdoorsman” — complete with icing whitewater, a tent topper and a sign for the Appalachian Trail. And then there’s the mandolin groom’s cake created by Tiffany’s Baking Company: The perfect details from strings to tuning pegs only enhance the chocolate decadence. And that’s really only the tip of the icing — er — iceberg when it comes to personalized designs. Sisters McMullen can whip up a wedding cake made of dozens of elegantly frosted cupcakes. City Bakery has decorated a tiered cake with birch bark and fresh daisies; both bakeries have turned out pop-art spectacles of geometric shapes, fanciful icing and layered balancing acts worthy of Cirque du Soleil. But it’s all because local bakeries know their clients and work in collaboration to make the perfect dessert. And not just perfect looking, either. X Find a directory of WNC bakeries at mountainx.com/guides/wedding.
City Bakery
The Sisters McMullen
Sweet Promises Wedding Cakes
Short Street Cakes
Annie’s Bakery groom’s cake
Tiffany Baking Co.
L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 35
er weddin gs d n e la v at Mountain Farm
Gifts we received
Weddings at Mountain Farm are a down-to-EARTH affair. Views of lavender and the Black Mountains make a dramatic backdrop for your wedding. Hosting only a limited number of weddings a year gives our staff an opportunity to get to know the wedding party and tailor your experience at Mountain Farm to create the wedding you envision. Our wedding site at Blueberry Cottage, a romantically rustic cabin that sleeps up to 8 people, is included for three days and nights. The two-acre lawn is ideal for up to a 40x80 tent. The picturesque arbor, lavender field and flower gardens are a unique setting that will create an unforgettable experience for you and your guests! We also specialize in table favors and wedding party gifts from the farm: honey, soaps, lavender wedding tosses, and more!
contact us: 125 Copperhead Bend • Burnsville, NC 828-675-4856 • www.mountainfarm.net
Teapot by River Arts District artist Patty Bilbro Want to get really Asheville, long after the actual ceremony? Many local artists offer registries for couples, who might then end up with a set of dishes both handcrafted and unique. Forget department stores and work with independent local retailers who stock all manner of wares. And if you’re curious what the process is like setting up a registry with an artist, rest assured, they’ve made it virtually stressfree. Here’s a sample step-by-step primer from ceramic artist Dawn Dalto: “Normally I meet with the couple in person so that they can see the work and make selections. They tell me which pieces they want and how many. I then set up a special section on my Web site for them. It has each of the items that they selected and the quantity that is being requested. Then their guests can visit the site and
36 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
make purchases. I give them a link to their particular section that they can send to their guests, and if they wish I will put a link on my front page with a link to their page. Some couples don’t want a link as they want it to be more private. I give the purchaser the option of having the item shipped to them or I can hold it in my studio for them to pick up or even deliver it myself to the couple prior to the wedding if they are local and can ship too. I offer free gift wrapping also for wedding registries. I try to make is super easy for both the couple and their guests.” What are the advantages? Along with the convenience of registry, Dalto lists “getting a hand-made dinner service, tiles, wedding-day accessories that meet their theme and style, ease for their guests to purchase something the couple wants without hassle, free gift wrap, free local delivery.”
Some very WNC registries Asheville’s River District Artists Situated along the French Broad River mere minutes from downtown Asheville, the River Arts District is home to more than 100 artists. Many of them will work with couples on creating their registries. You’ll find two examples of River District Artists that offer bridal registries listed below. However, head on down to the River Arts District any day of the week and discover the possibilities on your own. Find out which artists are open on any given day by visiting www.riverdistrictartists.com and clicking on “Calendar Open Studio Hours.” Hofman Studios Register for gifts and/or wedding china at Hofman Studios. Artist Michael Hofman makes hand-built porcelain that he impresses with antique lace. Hofman says, “Often brides will bring in old family lace or perhaps extra lace from their own wedding dress for me to make their pieces with.” 111 Roberts St., River Arts District. (828) 232-1401. www.hofmanstudios.com The Potter’s Mark Ltd. The Potter’s Mark offers handcrafted, functional stoneware, featuring a rare red glaze: “A piece of art you can use every day,” says Potter’s Mark artist Eileen Black. Couples can use the Web site or call to build a registry. Potter’s Mark will work with a couple to design their own Web page, where their family and friends can go to order items. The Cotton Mill Studios, 122 Riverside Drive, Studio A, River Arts District. (828) 252-9122. www.pottersmark.com Common Housefly A “toy store for the food conscious,” declares Common Housefly’s Web site. The shop offers pots and pans, tableware, glassware, bar accessories and much more.
Proprietor Kerryn Davis says it’s very easy to register at Common Housefly, “simply come by during regular business hours ... and request a sheet to list [your] general info and ‘wish list,’ and it is then kept [at the store] for guests etc. to pull and shop with.” 104 West State St., Black Mountain. (828) 669-0503. www.commonhousefly.net New Morning Gallery New Morning Gallery showcases a collection of American-handmade decorative and functional crafts — ceramics, furniture, glass and more — in a 12,300 squarefoot, multilevel space in Biltmore Village. The gallery assists couples in building their own online registries. 7 Boston Way, Biltmore Village. (828) 2742831 or (800) 933-4438. www.newmorninggallerync.com Porter & Prince Couples can make appointments to come into the store to discuss their bedding, bath and furniture needs. After a couple has selected the items for their “wish list,” a registry is created. The couple’s guests can then visit the store and choose from the list. Gifts can be picked up at the store when it arrives or shipped with a minimal fee. Gift wrapping provided for smaller items. 2 Hendersonville Road, Suite A1. (828) 236-2337 or (888) 431-2337. www.porterandprince.com giveArtfully.com An online gift registry based in Asheville that offers handmade art and crafts: original pottery, photography, textiles, handmade books and more. Creating a registry at giveArtfully.com is a free, one-step process. Much of the artwork is created upon order and allows the couple to be involved in the design process by selecting colors, finishes, styles and sizes. (888) 696-6807. http://giveartfully.com X
• All Local Menus • Outstanding Food • Friendly, Professional Staff • Free Composting & Recycling • Budget Conscious • Planning Services Available
www.saffronfinefoods.com contact@saffronfinefoods.com 828-280-3094 Check out sample menus at www.saffronfinefoods.com
See why brides are just mad about Saffron... L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 37
Where we stayed
Women’s Semi-Annual Boutique Consignment Event Become a consignor today! It’s easy... It’s fun and a great way to earn extra $$$. You Decide The Price Then Earn
70% of the Selling Price! SheTrade is a biannual consignment sale for women featuring exceptional quality brand name clothing, prom dresses, accessories, handbags, shoes and jewelry.
Photo courtesy The Gardener’s Cottage
visit us at w w w. s h etradewnc.com and join the fun! 2010 Spring Event • March 23-28 Four Points Sheraton Downtown Asheville
public sale dates March 26 - 27 9am-8pm • March 28 12pm - 6pm drop off dates March 23-24 9am - 8pm
by Alli Marshall Often venues and accommodations go hand-in-hand. If your Asheville Wedding is a destination wedding, that’s likely to be the case. There are plenty of great locales for such an event, from the allinclusive services of The Inn on Biltmore and The Grove Park Inn to more intimate settings like The Hawk & Ivy Country Retreat in Barnardsville (where one of the proprietors is even an ordained minister and can perform the ceremony) or Hot Springs’ Mountain Magnolia Inn (which can lodge 38 guests and has a restaurant on site). If your local wedding doesn’t include a combined venue/guest rooms establishment, WNC offers plenty of excellent accommodations — no chain hotels or motels necessary — at a variety of price points. The Home Away from Home: Since Asheville has long been a tourist destination, the city has made an art of the Bed & Breakfast. The Asheville Bed & Breakfast Association includes more than a dozen inns; with a total of nearly 100 rooms. The Montford historical district alone is home to B&Bs housed in stately homes — some designed by noteworthy architect Richard Sharp Smith in the early 1900s. B&Bs provide personalized service, delectable meals and a distinctly local touch: perfect for out-of-town guests who want a unique experience. Easy Elegance: Boutique hotels might be a buzzword among discerning travel-
38 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com • L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
ers, but in Asheville they’re old school. Historic properties include the sprawling Princess Anne Hotel (once owned by Johnny Mercer’s father) and the Albemarle Inn (which hosted Hungarian composer Bela Bartok). New properties such as Hotel Indigo and The Grand Bohemian Hotel seek to continue the tradition. When in the mountains ... Do as the mountaineers do. Rent a cabin. Or rent a group of cabins. There are plenty of options, from rustic to luxe (hot tub with mountain views, anyone?), and plenty of local rental agencies ready to find the perfect setup for your wedding party. Cabins can be found close to all the amenities of town (the button-cute 1920s-era cabin village at Tunnel and Swannanoa River roads comes to mind); others are tucked into wooded privacy, or surrounded by outdoor adventures, like hiking and tubing. Romance on a budget: Hostels aren’t just for European backpackers. Asheville’s handful of low-cost hostels — including the brand new, right-in-the-action Sweet Peas on Lexington Avenue — are fun and friendly. Good for the adventurous and social, hostels offer travelers a chance to meet other on-the-move folks. Communal kitchens, living rooms, game rooms and other amenities like tourist info and bike rentals make for a pleasant stay for wedding guests on a shoestring. X For more accommodations, check out mountainx.com/guides/wedding.
L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 39
How we did it
Photo courtesy Rebecca Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Angelo photography
Authentic Beauty, LLC presentsâ&#x20AC;Ś
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Back in the day, getting hitched was as simple as jumping over a broom. These days, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a bit more too it: Forms to fill out and file, officiants to procure, rings to buy. The good news is that, despite the legalese involved, the actual process in the eyes of the law requires little more than a trip into the Buncombe County Courthouse. Interesting fact: Buncombe County Marriage records are on file, dating back to 1891, at the Register of Deeds (first floor, room 110). If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not interested in historical research, you can simply purchase marriage license and certificates of marriage in this office. No appointments are necessary; hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (though both parties must be present by 4 p.m. to complete the paperwork). Couples where both people are over 21 have it easiest: As long as both are currently single, they simply need their driversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; licenses and social security cards (or a legal document with the social security number). Those under age 21 will need a birth certificate as well; those under 18 must bring parents to sign for them.
%<8CK? @J <8LKP thewaterlily@mac.com â&#x20AC;˘ www.waterlilysalon.com 40 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘ mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E
Getting the marriage certificate requires filling out a form at a computer in the Register of Deeds office, or online before hand at buncombecounty.org/ GOVERNING/DEPTS/RegisterDeeds/ vital_marriage.htm. Worth noting: If you have been married before, you need to supply the date of a divorce or a spouseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death. No physical or blood test is needed; the only thing administered will be an oath. A marriage license now costs $60 (make your check out to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Register of Deedsâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;cashâ&#x20AC;?) and is valid for 60 days. The ceremony must be performed by a an ordained minister; the minister does not have to be local. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve not planned for a ceremony, a magistrate is available on the 10th floor of the court house. To finalize the process, return the signed license to the Register of Deeds where it will be filed. A copy of the Marriage Certificate costs $10. Get extra copies so you can show them to the DMV and Social Security Office should you need to make relevant name changes. Online help is available for Social Security name changes at socialsecurity.gov. X
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and the Mozart effect are derived from. This program evolved from the work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis whose scientific research showed that overall human health originates in the ears and brain. The Solisten program uses a digital listening device and sound program that creates physical and chemical changes in the brain. The auditory/vestibular nerves are stimulated in a precise manner that begins a chain reaction throughout the brain. This therapy exercises the brain and nervous system by stimulating key areas that increase blood flow and tissue growth within the brain. The end result is improved concentration, relaxation, focusing, listening, and learning capability. Solisten Therapy Treats: Anxiety • Depression
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L O C A L W E DDING G U ID E • mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 41
your guide to community events, classes, concerts & galleries
Community Events & Workshops • Social & Shared-Interest Groups • Government & Politics • Seniors & Retirees • Animals • Technology • Business & Careers • Volunteering • Health Programs & Support Groups Calendar C a t e g o r i e s : Helplines • Sports Groups & Activities • Kids • Spirituality • Arts • Spoken & Written Word • Food • Festivals & Gatherings • Music • Theater • Comedy • Film • Dance • Auditions & Call to Artists Calendar for February 17 - 25, 2010 Unless otherwise stated, events take place in Asheville, and phone numbers are in the 828 area code. Day-by-day calendar is online Want to find out everything that’s happening today — or tomorrow, or any day of the week? Go to www. mountainx.com/events. Weekday Abbreviations: SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday, SA = Saturday
Community Events & Workshops One Burner, One Pot Cook Off (pd.) Feb. 23rd at 6pm at Diamond Brand. Do you have a favorite camping meal you like to cook?
Enter Diamond Brand’s Camping Meal Cook Off and receive a $10 gift card plus the chance to win great prizes. Only rule is you must use one burner and one pot. For more information on the contest or to enter, contact Gary at: geblen@diamondbrand. com or 828-684-6262. Program by Stuart Cowles (pd.) Feb. 16th at 7pm at Diamond Brand. Stuart Cowles, owner of Climbmax and certified climbing guide and mountaineer, will present a program on South America including the people, culture and mountains of the Andes and a slide show on Ecuador. For more info contact: geblen@diamondbrand.com AARP Tax-Aide The Tax-Aide Program will offer free tax preparation for seniors and for low-and middle-income
Calendar deadlines:
*FREE and PAID listings - Wednesday, 5 p.m. (7 days prior to publication) Can’t find your group’s listing?
Due to the abundance of great things to do in our area, we only have the space in print to focus on timely events. Our print calendar now covers an eight-day range. For a complete directory of all Community Calendar groups and upcoming events, please visit www.mountainx.com/events..
Calendar Information In order to qualify for a free listing, an event must cost no more than $40 to attend and be sponsored by and/or benefit a nonprofit. If an event benefits a business, it’s a paid listing. If you wish to submit an event for Clubland (our free live music listings), please e-mail clubland@mountainx.com. Free Listings To submit a free listing: * Online submission form (best): http://www.mountainx.com/ events/submission * E-mail (second best): calendar@mountainx.com * Fax (next best): (828) 251-1311, Attn: Free Calendar * Mail: Free Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), second floor, downtown Asheville. Please limit your submission to 40 words or less. Questions? Call (828) 251-1333, ext. 365. Paid Listings Paid listings lead the calendar sections in which they are placed, and are marked (pd.). To submit a paid listing, send it to our Classified Department by any of the following methods. Be sure to include your phone number, for billing purposes. * E-mail: marketplace@mountainx.com. * Fax: (828) 251-1311, Attn: Commercial Calendar * Mail: Commercial Calendar, Mountain Xpress, P.O. Box 144, Asheville, NC 28802 * In person: Classified Dept., Mountain Xpress, 2 Wall St. (the Miles Building), Ste. 214, downtown Asheville. Questions? Call our Classified Department at (828) 251-1333, ext. 335.
taxpayers through April 15. Electronic filing available. Call the individual location for details on what to bring. Info: www.aarp. org/taxaide. Questions and requests for homebound individuals: 277-8288 or info@coabc.org. • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 1-5pm - Senior Opportunity Center, 36 Grove St. Info: 350-2062. • THURSDAYS, Noon-5pm - Weaverville Library, 41 N. Main St. Info: 250-6482. • SATURDAYS, 10am-3pm - Black Mountain Library, 105 N. Dougherty St. Info: 250-4756. • TUESDAYS, 9am-3pm - West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Road. Info: 250-4750. Asheville City Schools Foundation Tour of Excellence • TH (2/18), 9am-1pm - Meet at Asheville High to take a school bus to sites where ACS Foundation has implemented programs that address challenges facing Asheville schools. Tour participants will see programs at Hall Fletcher Elementary, Asheville Middle and Asheville High. RSVP: acsf@acsf.org. Asheville Design Center An exhibit and meeting space at 8 College St., Asheville. Info: www.ashevilledesigncenter.org. • WE (2/17), 6-8:30pm - Discussion on the recent community planning work of the ADC in the Burton Street Neighborhood on a Small Area Plan that will foster community resiliency, empowerment and sustainable development. Showing of the film Holding Ground: The Rebirth of Dudley Street. FENCE Events The Foothills Equestrian Nature Center is located in Tryon. Free. Info: 8599021 or www.fence.org. • SA (2/20) - Astronomy program at Hawks Ridge (behind the FENCE Center) at sunset. See Venus at its brightest. Free. Nina Simone Project Info: www.ninasimoneproject.org. • SA (2/20), 11am-2pm - Tour of Eunice Waymon
(Nina Simone) birthplace, 30 E. Livingston St., Tryon. • SU (2/21), 3pm - Dedication of Zenos Frudakis’s over-life-size bronze sculpture of Nina Simone at 54 S. Trade St., Tryon —- 4pm - Concert at Polk County High School Auditorium, featuring Simone, Stephen Marley and others. Donations at door. • SU (2/21) - Visit Eunice Waymon churches: 10am Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 814 Markham Road, Tryon, and at 11am - Garrison Chapel Baptist Church, 401 Markham Road, Tryon, and St. Luke’s CME Church, 462 Markham Road, Tryon —- Noon-2pm - Tour of Eunice Waymon birthplace. Public Lectures & Events at UNCA Events are free unless otherwise noted. • WE (2/17), 7:30pm “The Etruscan and Roman Site of Cetamura del Chianti,” with Dr. Nancy de Grummond in the Whitman Room of the Ramsey Library. • FR (2/19), 11:30am - “Understanding WNC Mountains,” with Tom Sanders in the Reuter Center. • MO (2/22), 7:30pm - Great Decisions Series: “U.S./China Security Relations,” with Dr. Jim Lenburg, history professor at Mars Hill College, in Owen Conference Center. $8. Swannanoa Valley MLK Prayer Breakfast • SA (2/20), 8:30am - The 20th annual prayer breakfast honoring Martin Luther King Jr. will be held at Camp Dorothy Walls, 1292 North Fork Road. Patron tickets: $30 (includes $16.50 scholarship donation). $10 adults/$5 children. Info: 669-2288. Vance Birthplace State Historic Site Located at 911 Reems Creek Road, Weaverville. Info: 645-6706. • SATURDAYS (through 2/27) - Celebrate Black History Month with the “Behind the Big House Program.” The program will explore the slaves’ side of the plantation: their
42 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
weeklypicks Events are FREE unless otherwise noted. '60s and '70s soul music by The Vinyl Brothers at the "Brad Daugherty & Friends wed Enjoy Benefit Concert for Haiti” Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m. at the Orange Peel. $10 adults/$5
youth. All proceeds benefit the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. All ages are welcome. There will also be a NASCAR/NBA memorabilia auction at the show. Info: sriddle@eblencharities.org. Seven Sisters Cinema will screen The Mystery of George Masa — a film about the Japanese thur photographer who hiked, mapped and explored the Great Smoky Mountains during the '20s and '30s — Thursday, Feb. 18, at 7 p.m. at the White Horse, 105C Montreat Road, Black Mountain. A discussion will follow. $5/$3. Info: www.sevensisterscinema.com. Attend the opening reception for The Tutelary Years of Ray Johnson (1943-1967) Friday, Feb. fri 19, at 8 p.m. at Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center, 56 Broadway, Asheville. Plus, Graham Hackett and local poets in Poetix Vanguard will perform spoken-word poetry. Info: 350-8484. Local free-throw-shooting performer Fred Feder will discuss his memoir Free Throw Wizard sat and share a slideshow Saturday, Feb. 20, at 2 p.m. at Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe, 55 Haywood St., Asheville. Info: 254-6734. Head to Tryon Sunday, Feb. 21, for the dedication of Zenos Frudakis's over-life-size bronze sun sculpture of Tryon-native Nina Simone at 54 S. Trade St. at 3 p.m. The dedication will be followed by a concert at Polk County High School Auditorium (donations at door). Info: www. ninasimoneproject.org. Five panelists with the city of Hendersonville, Henderson County and the state will discuss the mon progress of community recycling at the Hendersonville City Operations Center, 305 Williams St. Monday, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m. Questions and dialogue with the panelists will follow. Info: 692-0385. Mountain WILD! and WNC Alliance will present a water-quality forum on the state of the tue French Broad River Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. at the WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road, Asheville. Learn about the threats that impact the river and community cleaning opportunities. Info: 258-8737 or 298-5600, ext. 320. daily life, their housing and individual stories. For 4th grade and up. Free, but reservations required. WCU Asheville Luncheon Series Hear about the latest developments at the university at the Hilton in Biltmore Park. $10.50 for lunch. Info: alumni. wcu.edu, 227-7335 or mramsey@wcu.edu. • WE (2/17), 11:45am - Gathering and reception followed by lunch buffet —- 12:15pm - Program focusing on the Kimmel School of Construction Management and Technology.
Social & SharedInterest Groups Create Your Ideal Relationship! (pd.) For individuals and couples who want to improve one or more relationships in their lives. Classes held last Sunday each month, 7pm-9pm. • Learn more! (828) 6450999 or www.meetup.
com/CreatingYourIdealRe lationship Asheville Civitan Club Come hear community leaders present programs. Meetings are held at Trinity Episcopal Church, corner of Church St. and Aston St. Open to the public. RSVP for lunch: $10. Info: 348-4222 or www.ashevillecivitan.org. • TU (2/23), Noon - Julie Vidotto, from the N.C. Arboretum, will discuss the Arboretum’s facilities, programs, walking trails and more. Asheville Cribbage Club Everyone who would like to play social cribbage is invited. Info: 274-2398. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Meets at McAlister’s in the Asheville Mall. Asheville Homeless Network Meetings take place at Firestorm Cafe & Books in downtown Asheville. Info: 552-0505. • THURSDAYS, 2pm - All homeless people and interested citizens are welcome.
Blue Ridge Toastmasters Club Meets once a week to enhance speaking skills both formal and impromptu. Part of an international proven program that takes you through the steps with fun along the way. Network with interesting people of all ages and professions. Info: www.blueridgetm.org or 333-2500. • MONDAYS, 12:201:30pm - Meeting. “Dowsing When Technology Fails” • SA (2/20), 1-4:30pm - The Appalachian Chapter of The American Society of Dowsers will host a lecture by Sandee Mac at the Unity Center, 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River. $10. Bring questions, ideas and a pendulum. Info: www. appalachiandowsers.org. Firestorm Cafe & Books Located at 48 Commerce St., Asheville. Info: 2558115 or www.firestormcafe.com. • WEDNESDAYS, 7-10pm - Firestorm/Blitzkrieg game
night (bring a game, if you’d like). Ongoing Cultural Discussion • WEDNESDAYS, 5:308pm - “Christ in Culture.” Explore the impact of Christianity on our diverse culture through film clips, literature, poetry and art. A discussion group with Dr. Allen Permar Smith. At Kenilworth Church, 123 Kenilworth Rd. Light meal provided. Info: 252-8872. Scrabble Club Come play America’s favorite word game SCRABBLE. Info: 2528154. • SUNDAYS, 1-5pm Meets at Books-A-Million in Asheville. We have all the gear; just bring your vocabulary. No dues the first six months. Swannanoa Valley Museum Located at 223 W. State St., Black Mountain. Info: 669-9566 or www.swannanoavalleymuseum.org. • WE (2/17) - Visit the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville for a guided tour. Lunch at an area restaurant will follow.
$10/$20 nonmembers. Please RSVP. Youth Outright • FRIDAYS - Empowering LGBTQ youth in WNC from 14-20 years of age. Weekly Youth Group meetings Friday evenings at the Jefferson House, 21 Edwin Place, Asheville.
Government & Politics LibertyOnTheRocks.org A national nonpartisan social group connecting liberty advocates. • MONDAYS, 7pm - Meets at El Chapala Restaurant off of Merrimon Ave. Voters United For America • SU (2/21), 7pm - Wish there was a thoughtful, rational alternative to the Tea Party movement? Start now. Conservatives, liberals and independents are welcome. Meet at the North Asheville Library.
Seniors & Retirees Blue Ridge Center for Lifelong Learning Info: www.brcll.com. • THURSDAYS (through 2/25), 1:30-4pm - Four-
session class on Rogers & Hammerstein. Presenter Jinny Bell will show four beloved films: Oklahoma, South Pacific, The King and I and The Sound of Music. $25 plus one-time membership fee. • MONDAYS, (2/15 & 22), 1-3pm - Two-session class on Feng Shui. Join Denise Medved to discover the ancient system of environmental placement and the earth’s five primary elements. $15, plus one-time membership fee. Henderson County Senior Softball League The league is always looking for new players, ages 55 and older. Weather permitting, they play yearround. Info: 698-3448 or www.LJRsoftball.com. • TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS - Daytime games at Jackson Park in Hendersonville (April-Oct.) and Leila Patterson Center in Fletcher (Nov.-March). Start times may vary with season. Lakeview Senior Center 401 S. Laurel Circle, Black Mountain. Info: 669-8610. • TH (2/18), 10:30am - Senior games practice at the Grey Eagle Arena
—- 11:30pm - Van Clan: Eat lunch at the Grove Arcade and walk to the Chocolate Fetish to learn how delicious chocolate is made. $3. Bring money for lunch. • FR (2/19), 10:30am Lunch and Learn: “Eating for the Immune System,” with Diana McCall. A cooking demonstration will be held and a light lunch will be served. Registration required. • MO (2/22), 2-3pm Men’s Wisdom Works: A group designed for men to discuss transitional issues in their lives, including loss or change of career, retirement, moving, aging, death, grieving and more. • MONDAYS (through 3/15), 2pm - Chair yoga classes will be offered. $12 per class. • WE (2/24), Noon-4pm - Van Clan: Take a trip to the WNC Air Museum in Hendersonville for a guided tour. Please eat lunch before the trip. $10.
Animals ChainFree Asheville A nonprofit, all-volunteer effort dedicated to improving the welfare of dogs living outdoors on chains
and in pens in Asheville and Buncombe County. Info: www.chainfreeasheville.org or 450-7736. • SUNDAYS, 11am-3pm - Come help a chained dog experience freedom. No experience necessary. Meets four times a month within Asheville or Buncombe County to build a fence for a chained dog. Friends of Madison County Animals Info: 649-9798. • SA (2/20), 10am-1pm - Rabies clinic at Tractor Supply, 14 Monticello Road, Weaverville. Rabies vaccinations $10; dogs DHLPP (5 in 1) $15; Bordetella (kennel cough) $15; micro chipping $10; and Feline Distemper/ Leukemia combo $20. All dogs must be on leashes and cats in carriers. Bring previous rabies certificate for 3-year booster. Mercy For Animals A nonprofit animal advocacy organization dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. Info: 231-6859 or kaylaw@mercyforanimals.org. • MO (2/22), 7pm - MFA will host “Lobby for the Animals,” a free presentation by Kim Alboum, the
N.C. State Director of the Humane Society of the United States. Discover how you can take action for animals. Vegan food provided. At Westgate Earth Fare’s Community Room. Registration suggested. Parrot Education & Adoption Phoenix Landing is a parrot care, adoption and education group. Info: www.phoenixlanding.org or 749-5634. • SA (2/20), 10am-Noon - “A Parrots Point of View.” Learn about life from a parrot’s point of view. (Satisfies adoptionprocess requirements.) At Four Points by Sheraton, 22 Woodfin St., Asheville. Rabies Vaccination Clinic • SA (2/20), 2-4:30pm - Community Partnership for Pets and Henderson Co. Animal Services will host a rabies vaccination clinic at the National Guard Armory, 2025 Spartanburg Hwy., East Flat Rock. $7. Dogs must be on leashes and cats in carriers. Bring pet’s current tag and/or rabies certificate for 3-year booster. Info: 693-5172 or 697-4723. Save-a-Life Neuterathon
• FR (2/19) - The Humane Alliance Spay/ Neuter Clinic in partnership with the Save a Life Lifeguards will neuter 200 male cats in one day for $20 for residents of Buncombe County. Rabies vaccinations will be free for cats that are being neutered. At 25 Heritage Dr., Asheville. Call for appt.: 252-2079.
Technology Social Media • SATURDAYS (2/20 & 27), 1-2:30pm - “Social Media, Parts 1 & II” will be offered at the Hendersonville Co-op. Part I will include an overview of social media. Part II will involve handson experience with live social-marketing tools. $5/$8 nonmembers or $8/$15 for both classes. Registration required: 693-8557.
Business & Careers A-B Tech Continuing Ed Classes Classes are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.abtech.edu/ce.
• MO (2/22), 6-9pm “Healing From the Kitchen Cupboard.” Find out how to use basic kitchen pantry staples to care for yourself, family and friends. Info: http://abtech. edu/ce/schedule/bio.asp. • TUESDAYS (2/23 through 3/16) - “How to Start a Natural Products Business.” Learn about successful business strategies in the booming natural products industry. Start to explore issues from quality and safety to marketing and exporting. $25. Info: http://abtech. edu/ce/schedule/bio.asp Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Located at 36 Montford Ave. Info: 258-6101 or www.ashevillechamber. org. • TH (2/18), 911:30am - “Creative Leasing Solutions in an Unpredictable Economy,” with Craig Melby in the Merchants Corporation Boardroom. $35. • TU (2/23) - The annual Business Awards Luncheon will be held at the Crowne Plaza Tennis and Golf Resort. $25. Asheville Business Alliance • TU (2/23), 6-9pm - “Learn To Love Your
Numbers!” Julie Duriga, a Certified Public Accountant and recently published author, will discuss tips and tricks for small business owners. At Mountain BizWorks, 153 S. Lexington Ave. Light finger food provided. $5. Info: jamie@mountainbizworks.org. Asheville SCORE Counselors to Small Business If your business could use some help, SCORE is the place to start. Free and confidential. To make an appointment: 271-4786. Our offices are located in the Federal Building, 151 Patton Ave., Rm. 259. Veterans may attend any SCORE seminar at no charge. Info: www.ashevillescore.org. • WE (2/17), 6-9pm - “Basic Internet Marketing,” focusing on businesses and the Web, will be held at the Small Business Center on the A-B Tech Enka Campus. $30. To register: 2741142. Mountain BizWorks Information Sessions Mountain BizWorks, 153 South Lexington Ave., assists aspiring and current small business own-
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 43
ers with business training and loans. To register: 253-2834, ext. 10. • MO (2/22), Noon-1pm - Information Session. Learn about the services available at Mountain BizWorks. Free, but registration required: naomi@ mountainbizworks.org. Mountain BizWorks Workshops Mountain BizWorks is located at 153 S. Lexington Ave., Asheville. Info: 253-2834 or www. mountainbizworks.org. • WE (2/24), 6-8pm - The Asheville Artist Alliance and Mountain BizWorks present “The Total Package: Pulling Together Your Artist Packet and Where to Go From There.” Light finger food provided. $25. RSVP by Feb. 19: ext. 27 or naomi@mountainbizworks.org. OnTrack Financial Education & Counseling Formerly Consumer Credit Counseling Service of WNC. OnTrack offers services to improve personal finances. Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and held at 50 S. French Broad Ave., Ste. 222. Info: 255-5166 or www.ontrackwnc.org. • SATURDAYS (2/20 & 2/27), 9am-3pm - Homebuyer Education Classes. Learn about real estate agents, mortgages and more. $35 includes materials.
Volunteering Appalachian Trail Conservancy A volunteer-based, private nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of the Appalachian Trail. Info: www.appalachiantrail.org or 254-3708. • SA (2/20), 9am-5pm ATC is seeking volunteers to participate in an invasive exotic plant workshop along the Appalachian Trail near Erwin, Tenn. The focus of the workshop is to educate hikers and the public about the threats of invasive exotic plants. Bring lunch, water and rain gear. Asheville City Schools Foundation Seeking Academic Coaches (tutors/mentors) to support students by assisting them with a variety of tasks that support educational success. One hr/wk min., for one school year, in your choice of school or afterschool program. Training provided. Info: 350-6135,
terri.wells@asheville.k12. nc.us or www.acsf.org. • MONDAYS through FRIDAYS, 8:30am-5pm Academic coaching in the schools or at after-school programs, once a week. Hands On AshevilleBuncombe Choose the volunteer opportunity that works for you. Youth are welcome to volunteer on many projects with adult supervision. Info: www.handsonasheville.org or call 2-1-1. Visit the Web site to sign up for a project. • TH (2/18), 6-8pm - Help MANNA prepare “Packs for Kids,” backpack-sized parcels of food that will be distributed to students from low-income families. • TU (2/23), 6-8pm - Help MANNA prepare “Packs for Kids,” backpack-sized parcels of food that will be distributed to students from low-income families. • TH (2/25), 6-8pm Help sort and pack food at MANNA FoodBank to be given to agencies serving hungry people in 17 WNC counties —- 4-6pm Assist with unpacking and pricing merchandise for Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store that sells handcrafted items made by artisans in more than 30 developing countries —- 5:30-7:30pm - Meals for Hope. Cook and serve a meal for 15-25 women and children who are part of New Choices, an empowerment program for displaced homemakers in need of counseling and assistance. Hands On! Gallery This children’s gallery is located at 318 North Main St. in Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: 697-8333 or www.handsonwnc.org. • TUESDAYS through SATURDAYS, 10am-5pm - Volunteers are needed. Opportunities include customer greeting, program coordinating, cleaning and maintenance. Literacy Council of Buncombe County Located at 31 College Place, Bldg. B, Suite 221. Info: 254-3442, ext. 205. • Volunteers are needed to tutor men and women in the “Teach Reading to Prisoners” program. Tutors provide one-onone reading instruction to
prisoners in correctional centers, preparing them to enter A-B Tech’s GED classes. Orientation will be held on Feb. 17th & 18th. Info: becca@ litcouncil.com or call ext. 202. MANNA Food Bank MANNA helps alleviate hunger in WNC by processing donated food for distribution throughout WNC. Located at 627 Swannanoa River Road. Info: 299-3663 or mannafoodbank.org. • Through FR (2/26) - MANNAfest Workplace Food Drive. Local businesses are encouraged to participate and collect nonperishable goods for MANNA. All donations are due on Feb. 26th, from 8am4:30pm. Register: 2993664 or AMcCarver@ FeedingAmerica@org. WNC AIDS Project Info: www.wncap.org or 252-7489. • Volunteer as an Ambassador and help collect donations at area restaurants participating in this year’s Dining Out for Life fundraising event. Info: 252-7489. WNC Nature Center Located at 75 Gashes Creek Rd. Hours: 10am5pm daily. Admission: $8/$6 Asheville City residents/$4 kids. Info: 298-5600 or www.wildwnc.org. • WEDNESDAYS through (2/24) - Winter Work Days. Volunteers are needed to help with exhibition improvements and outdoor landscaping projects. Info: 298-5600, ext. 305.
Health Programs & Support Groups Professional Help For Overshoppers/ Overspenders (pd.) • Begins February/ March. Stop the pain of Overshopping/ Overspending • Individual or group format • 10 session group beginning February/March • Discover triggers and what you’re really shopping for • Learn specific tools and strategies to end the shame and pain • Holistic, Mindful and Compassionate approach. Call Denise Kelley, MA, LPC: 231-2107 or email: empowering.solutions@ yahoo.com Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families
ACOAs continue “survival” behaviors they had as children, which no longer serve them as adults. Come learn how to grow in recovery and become the person you are meant to be through this 12-step fellowship. Info: 5459648. • FRIDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meets at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave., Asheville. Al-Anon Al-Anon is a support group for the family and friends of alcoholics. More than 33 groups are available in the WNC area. Info: 800-286-1326 or www.wnc-alanon.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 8-9pm - Newcomers meeting and discussion: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road, across from Ingles. Enter through parking lot door. Info: 225-0515. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:151:15pm - Step study: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • WEDNESDAYS, 8pm - Al-Anon in West Asheville: Meeting at West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Rd., across from Ingles. Separate Newcomers’ Meeting meets also at 8pm. Info: 258-4799. • THURSDAYS, 7pm - Discussion meeting for parents of children with addictions: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road, across from Ingles. Info: 242-6197. • FRIDAYS, 8pm - The Lambda (GLBT) group of Al-Anon is a gay-friendly support group for families and friends of alcoholics, and holds their weekly candlelight meeting at All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 670-6277 (until 9pm). • FRIDAYS, 12:301:30pm - Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 6868131. • FRIDAYS, 6:30pm - Discussion meeting for couples only: All Souls Cathedral, 3 Angle St. Info: 676-0485. • SATURDAYS, 10am Al-Anon North: Meeting at Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. • SATURDAYS, 10am - Saturday Serenity at St Mary’s Episcopal Church
44 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
on the corner of Charlotte and Macon. Beginners welcome. • SATURDAYS, Noon - Weaverville discussion meeting at First Baptist Church on N. Main St., next to the library. Enter via side glass doors. • SUNDAYS, 5-6pm - Discussion meeting: West Asheville Presbyterian Church, 690 Haywood Road. Info: 281-1566. • MONDAYS, 12-1pm Discussion meeting: First Baptist Church, 5 Oak St. Park in the back of lot between Church and Y. Info: 686-8131. • TUESDAYS, 7pm Discussion meeting: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Art of Intimacy Learn life-changing communication and relationship skills, drawing from the work of Brad Blanton (Radical Honesty), Marshal Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication), Susan Campbell (Getting Real), John Bradshaw (Homecoming) and others. $60/4-session class. Info: 254-5613 or www. centerforsacredsexuality. org. • WEDNESDAYS, 7:309:30pm - Meeting. Beauty Through Cancer Provides programs and services for breast cancer patients and survivors in the WNC area. Located at 131 McDowell St., Suite 202, Asheville. Info: 2528558 or info@beautythroughcancer.org. • 4th MONDAYS, 5:156:30pm - Women’s cancer support group for individuals going through any type of cancer treatment or recovery. This uplifting group with cover many diverse subjects. Cancer patients, survivors and caregivers are welcome. Cancer Support Group for Caregivers • MONDAYS, 11am-Noon - Meetings at Jubilee, 46 Wall St., Asheville. Emotional support for family members of people experiencing cancer. Facilitated by Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Info: 299-0394. Cancer Support Group for Women • MONDAYS, 1:30-3pm - Meetings at Biltmore United Methodist Church. Emotional support for women experiencing cancer. Facilitated by
Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Info: 299-0394. CarePartners Hospice Bereavement Offers one-on-one grief counseling, support groups, grief education classes, a monthly grief support newsletter and semi-annual memorial services (available to anyone who is suffering a loss through death). Located at 68 Sweeten Creek Road., Asheville. Call 251-0126 to set up an initial visit with a counselor. • WEEKLY - Grief education classes and support group meetings: Good Grief Support Group, Child-Loss Support Group, Suicide Loss Group (monthly). DivorceCare • WEDNESDAYS (through 4/15), 6:15-7:30pm - A free seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. Each week a nationally recognized expert on divorce and recovery topics is heard. Meets at Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 201 Mount Carmel Road, Asheville. Doctors With a Heart The national charity donates time and services to raise money for local causes. • TU (2/23), 9am-6pm - Doster Chiropractic, 179 Charlotte St., will examine and treat people free of charge. New patients receive health screenings, while existing patients receive treatment. Donations will be accepted with all proceeds benefiting MANNA FoodBank. Info: 236-2200. Eating Disorders Individuals are welcome to come to one or all of the support group meetings. Info: 337-4685, frost_natalie@yahoo.com or www.thecenternc.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 78pm - Support group for adults at T.H.E. Center for Disordered Eating, 297 Haywood St. Focus is on positive peer support, coping skills and recovery tools. Led by licensed professionals. Free. Free H1N1 Flu Vaccine • Buncombe County Department of Health is now offering the H1N1 flu vaccine by appointment to anyone age 6 months or older. Call 259-3000 to schedule an appointment. No waiting with appointment. Free.
Grief Recovery Seminar/ Support Group Meets at First United Methodist Church, 204 Sixth Ave. W. Hendersonville. GriefShare is a special support group for people grieving the death of someone close. The video seminar features recognized experts on grief recovery topics. Info: 694-3621 or www. hvlfumc.org. • 2nd & 4th TUESDAYS, 2-3:30pm - Meeting. Health Events at Earth Fare South Located at 1856 Hendersonville Rd. Events are free, unless otherwise noted. Info: 210-0100. • MO (2/22), 6:30pm - “Healthy Meals in Minutes” with Natural Foods Chef Janice Husk. Options given to make all recipes vegan and/or gluten-free. $7. Call to register in advance as seating is limited. Health Events at UNCA • FR (2/19), 2-4pm - A Medicare Information Session will be held in the Reuter Center. Free. To register: 277-8288. Healthy Lifestyles in Shiloh At the Shiloh Community Center, 121 Shiloh Road. Sponsored by Circle of Light Healing Center & Shiloh Community Center. Info: 280-7287. • WEDNESDAYS, 12:30pm - Senior pot-luck, qigong and lecture. • THURSDAYS, 6-8pm “Eat, drink and be merry.” Vegetarian meal, lecture and alternative health treatment. By donation. • MONDAYS, 6-8pm - “Sell yourself in today’s marketplace.” Henderson County Red Cross Red Cross holds classes in CPR and First Aid for infants, children and adults; Standard First Aid in Spanish; Babysitter Training; Pet First Aid. Located at 203 Second Ave. East, Hendersonville. Info: 693-5605. : Blood Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • TH (2/18), 9am-1:30pm - Blue Ridge Community College, 180 West Campus Dr. in Flat Rock. Info: 694-1805. • WE (2/24), 7:30am4:30pm - Pardee Hospital, Jamison Conference Room, 800 N. Justice St. Info: 696-4225 or Judy. Bolster@PardeeHospital. org.
Hep C Hope of WNC Group meetings and educational sessions to help those with Hepatitis C learn the skills necessary to cope with their illness, and to lend support through every phase of the disease, including liver transplantation. Info: 254-0590 or www.hepchope.org. • 4th MONDAYS, 6pm - Meetings are held at MAHEC, 501 Biltmore Ave. There will be an open forum to discuss Hepatitis C. Everyone is welcome. Living Healthy With a Chronic Condition • WEDNESDAYS (2/24 through 3/31), 2-4:30pm - “Living Healthy” is a free, interactive workshop designed to help people manage a chronic condition, including pain, fatigue, depression and frustration. Improve and maintain health. At Shiloh Community Center. To register: 251-7438. NAMI Family-to-Family A free 12-week class for families of persons with a severe mental illness. Sponsored by NAMI WC. Covers facts and feelings. Early registration required: 707-2937 or bkinschner@aol.com. • MONDAYS, (starts 2/22), 6pm - Class in Asheville. Narcotics Anonymous A fellowship of recovering addicts that can help those afflicted get clean and stay clean through a 12-step program. The group focuses on recovering from the disease of addiction rather than any particular drug. For WNC NA meeting schedules and info: www.wncana. net. Helpline: (866) 9252148. • DAILY - Please call for location details. National Alliance on Mental Illness - Western Carolina Dedicated to improving the lives of persons with severe mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, OCD, PTSD and anxiety disorders. Free Connection Recovery Support Groups. Info: 505-7353. • THURSDAYS, 7:30-9pm - Veterans Connection Recovery Support Group meets at the Charles George VA Medical Center, 1100 Tunnel Road. Multi-purpose room. Contact Ray at raycarter2001@yahoo.com or 337-0515.
• 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 11am - Group meets at 356 Biltmore Ave., Suite 298. Overcomers Recovery Support Group • TUESDAYS, 7-8pm - A Christian-based 12step recovery program. Provides a spiritual plan of recovery for people struggling with life-controlling problems such as alcohol, drugs, overeating, pornography, codependency, enabling. All are welcome. Info: rchovey@sos.spcasheville.org. Overeaters Anonymous A fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. This 12-step program welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. Meetings are one hour unless noted. • THURSDAYS, Noon - Asheville: Biltmore United Methodist Church, 376 Hendersonville Rd. (S. 25 at Yorkshire). Info: 298-1899. • SATURDAYS, 9:30am - Black Mountain: Carver Parks & Recreation Center, 101 Carver Ave. off Blue Ridge Road. Open
relapse and recovery mtg. Info: 686-8131. • MONDAYS, 6:30pm - Hendersonville: Balfour United Meth. Church, 2567 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy. 25). Open mtg. Info: 1-800-580-4761. • MONDAYS, 6pm - Asheville: First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. Open mtg. Info: 2778185. • TUESDAYS, 10:30amNoon - Asheville: Grace Episcopal Church, 871 Merrimon Ave. at Ottari. Open BBSS mtg. Info: 280-2213. Red Cross Events & Classes Red Cross holds classes in CPR/First Aid for infants, children, and adults; Babysitter Training; Pet First Aid; Bloodborne Pathogens; Swimming & Water Safety; and Lifeguarding. All classes held at chapter headquarters, 100 Edgewood Rd. To register, call 258-3888, ext. 221. Info: www.redcrosswnc.org. : Bloodmobile Drive dates and locations are listed below. Appointment and ID required. • WE (2/17), Noon5:30pm - UNCA Highsmith
University Center, 1 University Heights. Info: 696-3400. • TH (2/18), 10:30am3pm - Pisgah Valley Retirement Community, 95 Holcombe Cove Road in Candler. Info: 6679851. S-Anon For those affected by someone else’s sexual behavior. Info: 545-4287 or 606-6803. • WEEKLY - Three meetings are available per week. S-Anon Meetings S-Anon is a 12-step recovery program for partners, family and friends of sexaholics. We share our experience, strength and hope to help solve our common problems. Meetings held weekly in Asheville, Fletcher and Waynesville. Call confidential voice mail for information: 258-5117. • WEEKLY - Meetings. Sexaholics Anonymous SA is a 12-step fellowship of men and women recovering from compulsive patterns of lust, romance, destructive relationships, sexual thoughts or sexual behavior. Call confidential voice mail 681-9250 or
e-mail saasheville@gmail. com. Info: www.orgsites. com/nc/saasheville/. • DAILY - Asheville meetings. SMART Recovery • THURSDAYS, 6-7pm - Self-Management and Recovery Training, a free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help group for abstaining from any substance or activity addition, meets at Grace Episcopal Church on Merrimon Ave. Donations requested. Info: www. smartrecovery.org. Step/Weights Class Free ongoing aerobics class with step, weights, resistance bands and stretches. Offered by Asheville Parks & Recreation to promote Asheville’s cardiovascular health. At Stephens-Lee Center (from S. Charlotte, turn on Max St. and go up the hill). Info: 350-2058. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:306:30pm - Step/Weights Class ending with mat work (stretches, yoga & pilates). All levels. Support Groups Sessions are led by Charlene Galvin, a board certified Chaplain. Love
offering. Info: 329-3187 or chargalvin@hotmail. com. • THURSDAYS, 1011:30am - Living with Life Limiting Illness —- 1:303pm - Caregivers Support Group. Tai Chi Class • TUESDAYS, 1:30pm At CarePartners Seymour Auditorium, 68 Sweeten Creek Rd., Asheville. Taught by Shellye Godfrey, Occupational Therapist and Certified Instructor of Tai Chi for Arthritis & Health. $7/session. Info: 274-6179. The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity • MONDAYS, 5:156:30pm - A support group of persons who want to discover and recover their creative selves meets. Based on course developed by Julia Cameron. Info: rachael_bliss@ yahoo.com. WNC Brain Tumor Support Welcomes family as well as the newly diagnosed and longer-term survivors. Info: 691-2559 or www. wncbraintumor.org. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 6:15-8pm - Group meets at MAHEC, 501 Biltmore Ave., at the edge of the
Mission Hospitals campus.
Helplines For Xpress’ list of helplines, visit www. mountainx.com/events/ category/helplines.
Garden Buncombe County Soil & Water Conservation District Tree Sale • TH (2/25), Noon-5pm, FR (2/26), 9am-5pm & SA (2/27), 9am-4pm - The annual tree and seedling sale will be held at Jesse Israel & Sons Nursery, 570 Brevard Road. 25 cents for White Pine seedlings/75 cents for hardwoods. Info: 250-4785 or www.buncombecounty. org/common/soil/newsletter.pdf. Native Plant Symposium • SA (2/20), 9am-3pm - Hosted by the NC Native Plant Society, Asheville, at the NC Arboretum. Learn about natives from Gary Walker, ASU professor; Ed Schwartzman, DENR Natural Heritage Program; Tom Baugh, former editor Rapid River Art Magazine; Alan Mizeras, Henderson Co. Master Gardeners;
Scott Dean, WNC Naturally. Info: www. ncwildflower.org/index. php/chapters/asheville. Regional Tailgate Markets • For tailgate listings, visit www.mountainx. com/events and click on “Garden.” For more information, including the exact start and end dates of markets, contact the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project: 2361282 or www.buyappalachian.org. Southern Appalachian Chapter of the NARGS Meetings of the Southern Appalachian Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society are open to the public. Info: 6987868. • SA (2/20), 10am Alison Arnold will present “Design From the Heart” at the Flat Rock Village Hall, 2710 Greenville Hwy. The presentation will emphasize personal relationships not only to plants, but also to the world at large. Bring garden stories. Winter Vegetable Conference & Trade Show • WE (2/17), 1-5pm & TH (2/18), 9am-12:15pm - Sponsored by the N.C. Tomato Growers
Association, the event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Asheville, and will cover such topics as tomato breeding, insect control, labor issues and more. $25 at the door. Info: www.nctomatoes. com.
Sports Groups & Activities Adult League Kickball Must have at least 10 players per team. The season will consist of 10 games and a league championship game with trophies for the winning team. $25/person. Info: 250-4269 or jay.nelson@ buncombecounty.org. • Through MO (3/8) Registration. Season: April 1 through June 10 at the Buncombe County Sports Park, field #9. Asheville Masters Swimming Competitive, fitness and triathlon swimmers welcome. Info: www.ashevillemasters.com • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 5:45-7:15am - Practice at Asheville School. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 5:45-
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46 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
7:15am & SATURDAYS, 7-9am - Coached practices at Warren Wilson College. Disc Golf Check the kiosk at Richmond Hill Park for events and nearby tournaments. Info: 680-9626 or www.wncdiscgolf.com. • TUESDAYS, 3pm Doubles at Richmond Hill Park. Random draw for partners. Midnight Basketball at the YMCA • SATURDAYS (2/20 through 4/3), 11pm-1am - Midnight Basketball for ages 16-20 at the YMCA, 30 Woodfin St. in downtown Asheville. $5. Info: 210-9622. Pickleball It’s like playing ping pong on a tennis court. For all ages. $1 per session. Paddles and balls are provided. Info: 350-2058. • MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS, 9-11am Meets at Stephens-Lee Rec Center, 30 George Washington Carver St. (take S. Charlotte to Max St.). Swannanoa Babe Ruth • SATURDAYS (through 2/27), 9am-2pm Swannanoa Babe Ruth will hold baseball and softball registration at the Burger King in Swannanoa. Tai Chi for Seniors (all welcome) • THURSDAYS, 3pm - A gentle class for beginners promoting balance, strength, flexibility and calm. Basic practices, no complex movements. Upstairs at the French Broad Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave., Asheville. $10. Info: 645-9579. Women’s Indoor Trainer Sessions • MONDAYS, 6:15pm - Youngblood’s Trainer Sessions. Bring your own trainer; no roller, please. A few indoor trainers will be available for loan/rent ($10). Begin your winter conditioning program. Info: amy@golightlydesigns.com or tdrews@ trainright.com.
Kids Kid’s Craft Day (pd.) Feb. 27th at 11am at Diamond Brand. Gary will teach kids and parents how to make their own bird house. This activity is free, but please bring a half-gallon paper or plastic juice/milk container. For more info contact: geblen@diamondbrand.
com or call 828-6846262. Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $6/$5 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or www. ashevilleart.org. • WE (2/24), 11amNoon - All preschool-age kids and their adults are invited to join a member of the museum’s staff or a Buncombe Co. librarian for story time as part of the 21st annual National African American Read In. At The Health Adventure Free first Wed. of every month from 3-5pm. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm & Sun., 1-5pm. $8.50 adults/$7.50 students & seniors/$6 kids 2-11. Program info or to RSVP: 254-6373, ext. 324. Info: www.thehealthadventure.org. • THURSDAYS, 10:3011:30am - Preschool Play Date. Interactive fun just for preschoolers led by museum facilitators. Free with admission. • TH (2/18), 3:30-4:45pm - Brownies Science Wonders Try It: Come be a mad scientist. Use ordinary milk to make extraordinary colors. Play with dry ice bubbles. Make a take-home craft that’s magnetic. $4/Brownie. • SATURDAYS, 1-2pm - Experiment with science during Super Science Saturdays. Featuring hands-on activities led by museum facilitators, the programs are fun for all ages. Free with admission. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 4-5pm - “My Mom Is Having a Baby.” Help your child prepare to be an older brother or sister with this class. Learn what to expect, how to hold the new baby, and make a special present to hang over the crib. Free with admission. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community children’s chorus for ages 7-14. For audition/performance info: 230-5778 or www.singasheville.org. • THURSDAYS, 6:307:45pm - Children’s chorus rehearsal at First Congregational Church, 20 Oak St., downtown Asheville. Events for Kids at Spellbound
Spellbound Children’s Bookshop is located at 19 Wall St., in downtown Asheville. Info: 232-2228 or www.spellboundchildrensbookshop.com. • SA (2/20), 3-4:30pm - “Kids MythBehaving: Percy Jackson & The Olympians.” Trivia games, giveaways and book vs. movie discussion for fans of the Percy Jackson series. Suggested for ages 8+. Free. • TUESDAYS, 10:30am - Story time for ages 3-5 —- 3:30pm - Story time for ages 5-7.
Hands On! Gallery This children’s gallery is located at 318 North Main St. in Hendersonville. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am5pm. Admission is $5, with discounts available on certain days. Info: 697-8333 or www.handsonwnc.org. • TU (2/23), 10:30am - “Music & Movement,” a performance and musical program with Jenny Arch. $5/Free for members. Haywood County Public Library System The main branch is located at 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. The county system includes branches in Canton, Maggie Valley, Fines Creek and Cruso. Info: 452-5169 or www. haywoodlibrary.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 11am - Family story time for children of all ages. Read books, sing songs, learn finger plays and more. N.C. Arboretum Events for Kids Info: 665-2492, jmarchal@ncarboretum. org or www.ncarboretum. org. • Through SU (5/9) - The Scoop on Poop, an interactive zoological exhibit based on the book by science writer Dr. Wayne Lynch, on display at the Baker Exhibit Center. $3 adults/$2 for children ages 5-18. Performances for Young People at Diana Wortham Info & tickets: 257-4544, ext. 307 or www.dwtheatre.com. • FR (2/19), 10am & Noon - School Series: Four Score and Seven Years Ago, a story about bravery and loyalty between two men of different races set during the Civil War, will be performed. Recommend for grades 3-8.
Spirituality 3 Locations • Drum Painting in North Carolina (pd.) March 6, 2010, Saturday. Painting from our memories: “Brushing of the Quetzal’s Feathers”. Earth Green Medicine Lodge. Please call Zoe (828) 284-0975. • For details see: www.mayanrecordkeeper.com A Woman’s Retreat • Unleashing Dakini Wisdom (pd.) Dakini Wisdom’ Zen retreat. Co-led by Rev. Nancy Spence and Rev. Teijo Munnich, ThursdaySunday, February 25-28 at Great Tree Zen Temple near Weaverville. The teachers will explore Buddhist female forms known as dakinis, associated with exuberant energies. Cost is $225. Register or learn more at www.greattreetemple.org or call (828) 645-2085. Astro-Counseling (pd.) Licensed counselor and accredited professional astrologer uses your chart when counseling for additional insight into yourself, your relationships and life directions. Readings also available. Christy Gunther, MA. (828)258-3229. Free Sacred Women’s Circle (pd.) Tuesday, February 23rd, 7pm at WOMENS WELLNESS & EDUCATION CENTER, 24 Arlington Street, Asheville. Come join Anyaa McAndrew and Shari Starrfire for a fun evening of dance, journeying and sharing, focusing on the Divine Feminine within, activating and accelerating consciousness as women in the time of the Great Shift, and stepping fully into the multi-dimensional energies of 2012. Anyaa@vzemail. com or 828-788-0773. Shamballa Class • Saturday, Sunday: February 20, 21 (pd.) Learn hands on healing through the Shamballa energies, allowing energy to flow in a very powerful way, enabling you to reach out and heal others and yourself. Enhance your own personal evolution and self-empowerment through Love of Self and All. Limited space. Call (954) 213-3399. Tuesday Afternoons • Study • Meditation • Great Tree Zen Temple (pd.) Study: 3:30pm • Meditation: 5:30pm. 679 Lower Flat Creek Road, Alexander. Love offering.
freewillastrology I personally don’t believe we’re living in the worst of times, although I know many people who do. While there are indeed reasons to despair, our current state of affairs is actually in many ways quite glorious. And our struggles are puny compared to those of the generation that lived through the two World Wars and the Great Depression. Having said that, I think it’s fine to believe that civilization is in a terrible mess if it motivates you to shed all your trivial distractions and inessential wishes so as to dedicate yourself to living an exciting, generous life that’s rich with love and meaning. Now is a prime time for you, Aries, to dedicate yourself to such a path.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Throughout 2010, you’re most likely to be consistently in the right place at the right time if you cultivate an amused skepticism toward what’s in vogue. In fact, I suspect that only one trend will be of any use to you at all. You heard me correctly, Taurus: Of all the fashionable obsessions that may tempt you, just one will be in sweet alignment with your authentic needs. And guess what? Right now happens to be the perfect moment to get hooked up with it.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
When I was lead vocalist in the band Tao Chemical, I sang a tune whose chorus went as follows: “I want the truth / the whole truth / nothing but the truth / I want the truth / Don’t beat around the bush.” Shortly after we started performing the song, my girlfriend broke up with me. And she felt free — given what I proclaimed in those lyrics — to share with me every excruciating detail about her new relationship. It was painful, and I felt tempted to forswear the song and never utter those brave words again. But I was ultimately glad I didn’t weaken. To this day, I prefer knowing the full facts. Now I’m recommending to you, Gemini, that you pledge yourself to the same intention in the coming weeks. It should be much easier for you than it initially was for me. Most of the truths rushing in will be interesting and enlivening, with just a little angst mixed in.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
“Jane Austen was the spinster daughter of a clergyman who led an uneventful life,” wrote Geoffrey Wheatcroft in The Guardian. “She just happened to write half a dozen flawless masterpieces, which came perfectly formed, not from experience but from imagination.” Most of us don’t have anything close to the inconceivably potent imagination that Austen possessed. But I believe 2010 will be a year when you can access at least a portion of that wondrous capacity. You’ll be able to fantasize about vast possibilities in exquisite detail. You will have great skill at smashing your way free of limiting expectations through the
power of your expansive vision. And the coming weeks will be a time when it should all kick into high gear.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Of all the symbols in the world, the swastika is the most horrendous. As the logo for Hitler’s Nazi movement, it will forever smack of evil. But it didn’t used to be that way. In many cultures throughout history, from the Greeks to the Hindus to the Native Americans, the swastika was a representation of the sun’s path across the sky, and was regarded as highly auspicious, even a good luck charm. Can you think of a more modest equivalent of this phenomenon in your own life, Leo? A formerly wonderful thing that got spoiled somewhere along the way? The coming weeks will be a good time to determine whether you could redeem and rehabilitate it.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
I need a break from watching you work your psyche to the bone. At least for now, I’m not willing to indulge you in your inclination to do your duty so exhaustively that you suffer. And as much as I admire your drive to get things perfect, I cannot in good conscience encourage you to do that, either. It is therefore with a sense of relief that I counsel you to take at least a week off from the behavior I described. Instead, try playful, messy experiments that are in service to your own needs. Be a freewheeling explorer, a wandering improviser.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
“Whatever gets in the way of the work,” wrote poet Jason Shinder, “is the work.” His counsel will serve as a good reminder for you if you meet with obstacles in the coming days. If you ever catch yourself thinking, “Damn! I’d be making such good progress if it weren’t for these inconvenient complications,” consider the possibility that the inconvenient complications aren’t distractions, but rather crucial clues; they’re not pains in the assets, but medicinal prods that point the way to the real opportunities.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Have you ever watched the TV show “The Office”? If so, you may remember when Darryl from the warehouse was going out with customer service rep Kelly. “You need to access your uncrazy side,” he told her at a turning point in their relationship. “Otherwise, maybe this thing has run its course.” I’d like to invite you to do the same, Scorpio: Tap into, draw up to the surface and abundantly express your uncrazy side. I predict that you will have a whole lot of fun if you do, thereby proving that you don’t need to be marinating in chaos and torment in order to experience high adventure.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
The game you’ve been enmeshed in has reached a sticking point, or soon will. I rec-
ommend that you call for a suspension of action. If that’s not possible, hide from the other players for a while, or jokingly tell them you have to excuse yourself because it’s time for your regular bout of cleansing escapism. Then, during the break, scour your brain free of clutter so you can gain a more dispassionate view of your own strategy. I also suggest that you seek the advice of a smart and impartial observer. If all goes well, you’ll be able to return to the fray refreshed within ten days.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Being scrupulously ethical can be taxing and time-consuming. It involves high levels of ongoing self-examination, which many people are too selfish and lazy to bother with. On the upside, pursuing a path with integrity ultimately reduces one’s suffering. It also attracts the kind of assistance that is most likely to aid and abet one’s quest for liberation. As a bonus, it makes it unlikely that one will be a cockroach in one’s next incarnation. I’m bringing this up, Capricorn, because I’m sensing that you’re about to be tempted to be less than your best self. Please don’t succumb.
Now opeN!
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AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
“The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable,” said renowned economist John Kenneth Galbraith. If that’s true, I’m doubling the damage to my dignity by using astrological analysis to make an economic forecast in this horoscope. But that’s OK. My job is to report the raw truth as I see it, not worry about my reputation or social status. And the raw truth as I see it is that you are more likely than all the other signs of the zodiac to prosper in 2010, even if the economy as a whole continues to limp along. The next four weeks will be an ideal time to launch a master plan to take advantage of this potential.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Historians trace the origin of Poland as a nation to the year 966. It mostly thrived for hundreds of years, but was extinguished in 1795, when three imperialistic invaders — Russia, Prussia, and Austria — claimed different parts of it as their own. Throughout the 19th century, when there was no Poland, the Poles fought to restore self-rule. Their dream came true on November 11, 1918, when Poland once again became an independent nation. I regard the phase you’re now in, Pisces, as having certain similarities to the state of the Polish people in October 1918. Congratulations in advance for the imminent return of your sovereignty.
Artist, Spencer Herr Artist
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Miniatures Show February 12-28, 2010 64 Biltmore Avenue • Downtown Asheville Open 7 Days • 828.281.2134 www.amerifolk.com
Homework: Are you a candidate for pronoia, the idea that the universe is fundamentally friendly? Check here: http://bit. ly/WhatisPronoia © Copyright 2010 Rob Brezsny
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 47
More information: 6452085 or www.greattreetemple.org Actively Eliminating Obstacles to Awakening • Alternate WEDNESDAYS (starting 2/24), 7:30pm An interactive, playful and heart-expanding class with spiritual teacher Solomon. Learn to actively release past blocks and more. At Lighten Up Yoga, 60 Biltmore Ave. First class free/$10 thereafter. Info: (530) 852-7836 or (866) 573-1870. Asheville Center for Spiritual Awareness Group • SUNDAYS, 8:45-10am Join us for weekly spiritual inspiration, chanting and silent meditation. Donation basis. Info: www.meetup. com/CSA-Asheville/calendar. Asheville Center for Transcendental Meditation/An Evening of Knowledge Transcend the busy, active mind—effortlessly—for peace, bliss and full awakening of creative intelligence. The most effective, extensively researched meditation. Revitalizes mind/body, relieves worry and anxiety, improves brain functioning. Free Introduction. Info: 254-4350 or www. meditationasheville.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 7:158:15pm - Introductory Talk: Access your deepest intelligence; compare meditation techniques; explore higher states of consciousness and total brain functioning; and learn about Scientific findings on TM’s health benefits. Held at 165 E. Chestnut St. Asheville Friends of Astrology Info: 628-4007 or www. ashevillefriendsofastrology.org. • TU (2/23), 7pm - Meeting in the community room at the Westgate Earth Fare. Lee Lehman will speak about “Medical Astrology.” Love donation. Asheville Meditation Center Classes are held at the Greenlife Community Center, 90 Merrimon Ave., unless otherwise noted. Info: 505-2300 or www. meditateasheville.org. • THURSDAYS, 6:307:30pm - Meditation Circle. Donations accepted. Awakening Practices Study the works of Eckhart Tolle and put words into action through meditation and discus-
sion. Info: Trey@QueDox. com. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 7-9pm - Meets at the Enka-Candler Library meeting room. Buddhist Meditation and Discussion Meets in the space above the French Broad Food Co-op. February’s theme: “Learning to Love.” Suggested donation: $8/$4 students & seniors. Info: 779-5502 or www. meditation-in-northcarolina.org. • WE (2/17), 7:15pm “Can I Love Myself?” • WE (2/24), 7:15pm - “Caring for Self Is Caring for Others.” Chabad Asheville Jewish Asheville and WNC Chabad Lubavitch Center for Jewish Life, located at 660 Merrimon Ave. Info: www.chabadasheville.org. • SUNDAYS, 7-8:30pm Asheville Jewish Learning Institute for Teens presents “Welcome to Hollywood!” The culture of Hollywood subliminally influences our society. Just how much sway should movies and television have in your life? $36. Info: rabbi@chabadasheville.org. Classes at Emmanuel Lutheran Church • SUNDAYS (2/21 through 3/14), 6:30-8pm - Discovering God’s Way of Handling Money (finances) and The Love Dare (Fireproof Your Marriage) will be offered at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, off Patton Ave in W. Asheville. $5-$10. Free childcare. Info: 281-8182. Cloud Cottage Sangha This branch of the World Community of Mindful Living meets at 219 Old Toll Circle in Black Mountain, to practice seated meditation and mindfulness training. All events by donation. Info: 669-0920, cloudcottage@ bellsouth.net or www. cloudcottage.net. • 3rd SUNDAYS, 8am - Japanese-style Zen service followed by informal tea. Coalition of Earth Religions Events Info: 230-5069 or www. ceres-wnc.org. • 4th WEDNESDAYS Meeting at the Earth Fare Community Room. Call for details. Compassionate Communication Practice Group Learn ways to create understanding and clarity in your relationships,
work, and community by practicing compassionate communication. Group uses a model developed by Marshall Rosenberg in his book Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. Free. Info: 252-0538 or www. ashevilleccc.com. • 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS, 5-6:15pm - Practice group for newcomers and experienced practitioners. Earth Contemplation • WE (2/24), 4pm - NC Interfaith Power & Light is hosting an interfaith space for restorative reflection at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on Charlotte Street. This month’s practice will be facilitated by Rob Cabelli, rabbi and spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Israel. Info: casey@ncipl.org. Ethical Society of Asheville A humanistic, religious and educational movement inspired by the ideal that the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society. Meetings are held at the Botanical Garden’s Visitors Center, 151 W. T. Weaver Blvd. All are welcome. Info: 687-7759 or www.aeu.org. • SU (2/21), 2-3:30pm - “Angels & Visionaries: Asheville Women and Men of Color” will be presented by Helen Moseley Edington. There will be a discussion period following the presentation and time for informal conversation. Hare Krsna Sunday Feast Meets above the French Broad Food Co-op, 90 Biltmore Ave. Info: www. highthinkingsimpleliving. org or 506-2987. • Select SUNDAYS, 6-8pm - An evening of bhajans, class on the Bhagavad-Gita and a vegetarian feast. Everyone welcome. Refer to the Web site or call for dates. Highland Wild Coven Open Court meetings for Wiccans now open. Combines traditional wisdom with contemporary insights and exploration. Walk the Hidden Path and honor Divinity within and without. Info: 582-4759 or www.highlandwilde.org. • MONTHLY - Meets on the Fridays closest to the New Moon. Intro to Vipassana Meditation • TH (2/25), 7-9pm - A brief intro to Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka will be held
at the West Asheville Library, Community Room. Documentary film on Vipassana from 7-8pm and Q&A from 8-9pm. Free. All are welcome. Info: www.patapa. dhamma.org. Land of the Sky United Church of Christ Located at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 15 Overbrook Place, in East Asheville. • SUNDAYS, 9:15am - Women-led, justicefocused, family-friendly, and open to all. Worship with Land of the Sky UCC. An unconditional church. Mindfulness Meditation Class Explore the miracle of healing into life through deepened stillness and presence. With consciousness teacher and columnist Bill Walz. Info: 258-3241 or www.billwalz.com. • SA (2/20), 2-5pm - Late Winter Satsang. Meditation and personal consciousness development discussion at the Friends Meeting House with Bill Walz. Start with a gentle yoga warm-up. Bring questions re personal, psychological and spiritual development or e-mail them in advance: healing@billwalz.com. Donation. • MONDAYS, 7-8pm - Meditation class with lesson and discussions in contemporary Zen living. At the Asheville Friends Meeting House at 227 Edgewood Ave. (off Merrimon Ave.). Donation. Mother Grove Events Info: 230-5069, info@ mothergroveavl.org or www.mothergroveavl.org. • MONDAYS - Book discussion group, facilitated by Antiga, on the book The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lemer. Info: 285-9927. Mountain Zen Practice Center Exploring the ‘how’ of moment by moment peace, joy and freedom through the practice of Conscious Compassionate Awareness. Info & orientation times: www.mountainzen.org or 450-3621. • TUESDAYS, 7-8:30pm Meditation and discussion. Mystic Gatherings Share in the community of those who are governed both by logic and observing signs around them: gut, spirit, intuition or whatever That is. Bring your stories and experiences. Gatherings are
48 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
The return of the red wolf: On Feb. 21, Warren Parker, the first national director of the Red Wolf Species Survival Program, will give a talk at the Folk Art Center. RSVP: 298-5600. photo courtesy of WNC Nature Center
dynamic and diverse and range from topics such as changes in our society to defining moments in life and much more. Info: 206-2009. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting. Psychic Development Class • 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS, 7-8:30pm - Develop your intuition in a stress-free environment. Everyone will have an opportunity to read and to be read. Love donation accepted. Info: 255-8304. Shambhala Meditation Center of Asheville The center offers free meditation instruction following ancient principles at 19 Westwood Place in W. Asheville. Donations accepted. Info: www.shambhala.org/center/asheville, ShambhalaAshvl@gmail. com or 490-4587. • THURSDAYS, 6-6:45pm & SUNDAYS, 10am-Noon - Public meditation. Sojourner Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A congregation in formation. The goal is provide a caring, non-threatening environment for the exploration of Christian spirituality. Info: www. sojournerchurch.org. • SUNDAYS, 9:30am - Worship —- 10:30am - Fellowship. Lower floor of Morningside Baptist Church, 14 Mineral Springs Road, Asheville.
Song Circle Through Brighid’s Mantle Sacred Arts • SA (2/20), 7-9pm Come sing sacred songs in a circle. All welcome, no experience required. You may bring a song to share. No fee, but donations of the heart accepted. RSVP for location (West Asheville): 505-3368 or Crystalline@ BrighidsMantle.com. Info: www.BrighidsMantle.com. Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Meditation Group Receive initiation into Sri Swamiji’s one-hour meditation technique. Onehour of silent meditation followed by Bhajans (devotional singing). Fairview location directions: 2993246. Info: www.shivabalamahayogi.com. • WEDNESDAYS, 7pm “Silent Meditation.” Free. Transmission Meditation Group Join in this meditation group for personal and spiritual growth, as well as the healing and transformation of the planet. Info: 318-8547. • SUNDAYS, 2pm Meditation. Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville Located at the corner of Charlotte St. & Edwin Pl. Info: 254-6001 or www. uuasheville.org. • SUNDAYS, 9:15am & 11:15am - Services and Children’s Programs.
Unity Cafe Looking for a change from the usual Sunday service? Spiritual conversation and sharing, music, meditation, coffee and pastry. Info: 645-0514, 676-6070 or unitycafe.org. • 1st, 3rd & 5th SUNDAYS, 10am-Noon - Greenlife Grocery Community Center, 90 Merrimon Ave. Unity Center Events Celebrate joyful, mindful living in a church with heart. Contemporary music by Lytingale and The Unitic Band. Located at 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Rd. Info: 684-3798, 891-8700 or www.unitync.net. • WE (2/17), 7pm “What Is Lent?” Prepare for Ash Wednesday and learn about the 40 days of preparation for Easter. Love offering. • SU (2/21), 12:45pm Friendship potluck. Bring a dish to share. • TU (2/23), 7pm - Truth On Tap: Join Chad O’Shea at the Lexington Avenue Brewery for spiritual conversation. • WE (2/24), 7pm “Healer’s Night.” Enjoy sessions offered by Unity healers. Love offering. Waynesville Creative Thought Center Located at 741 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. Info: 456-9697, waynesvilleCTC@aol.com or www. mountainshops.com/ctc.
• THURSDAYS, 5:306:30pm - Zumba fitness classes with Ann Parsons. Love offering. • MONDAYS & THURSDAYS, Noon-1pm - Qi Gong, Yoga and Pilates with Kim May. Love offering. • FR (2/19), 6:30pm People of Wisdom Series: Dances of Universal Peace presented by Damira. Rediscover reverence, creativity and a body-based connection to the natural world. $10 love offering. • TUESDAYS, 2-3:30pm & WEDNESDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Chakra-balancing meditation and oneness blessings with Margie Brockmiller and Donna Webster. Love offering. Womyn in Ceremony Co-create a sacred circle of women where we will connect, share, dream and experience inner awarenesses and empowerment. Each Circle “stands alone.” Meets 12 miles NW of Asheville. By donation. Info: www. RitesofPassageCouncil. com/theresa. • SUNDAYS, 3:45-6pm - Gathering.
Art Gallery Exhibits & Openings Art at UNCA
Great Appalachian photograher George Masa: Seven Sisters Cinema will screen The Mystery of George Masa on Feb. 18 at White Horse Black Mountain. Info: www.whitehorseblackmountain.com. photo courtesy of White Horse Black Mountain
Art exhibits and events at the university are free, unless otherwise noted. • FR (2/5) through TU (3/2) - Redhanded: A Songe Forre the Loste, prints by Kore Loy Wildredkinde-McWhirter, will be on display in S. Tucker Cooke Gallery, on the first floor of Owen Hall. • Through SU (2/28) - Asheville’s East End Circa 1968, photographs by Andrea Clark, will be on display in the Blowers Gallery, main floor of Ramsey Library. • FR (2/5) through TU (3/2) - The annual Alumni Exhibition will be on display in Highsmith University Union Gallery.
Art on Depot 250 Depot St., Waynesville. Info: 2460218 or www.artondepot. com.
• Through FR (2/26) Chemo Today, an installation by Susan Livengood. Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 1-5pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 693-8504 or www. acofhc.org. • FR (2/5) through SA (5/1) - Mentors & Students will be on display. • FR (2/5) through SA (3/6) - Art Teachers Create, an exhibit presented by artists and art teachers who provide art instruction to Henderson County children. Asheville Area Arts Council AAAC is located at 11 Biltmore Ave. Info: 2580710 or www.ashevillearts.com. • Through MO (2/22) - The AAAC invites the public to view an exhibit
featuring local artists Norma Bradley and Calvin Edney at the Hilton Asheville Biltmore Park. • FR (2/5) through SU (2/28) - “A Work of heART: Celebrating Artists Living With Disabilities.” Plus, an individual show by Merlin Strivelli will be showcased in the Back Gallery. And works by Moni Hill, Margaret Hester and Constance Lombardo will be on display. Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $6/$5 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or www. ashevilleart.org. • SA (2/13) through SU (7/11) - Nouns: Children’s
Book Artists Look at People, Places and Things. • Through SU (5/9) - Lorna Blaine Halper: The Space Between will be on display in Holden Community Gallery. Asheville Gallery of Art A co-op gallery representing 28 regional artists located at 16 College St. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am5pm. Info: 251-5796 or www.ashevillegallery-ofart.com. • Through SA (2/27) - Solo exhibition of new works, featuring paintings by Joyce Schlapkohl. Bella Vista Art Gallery Located in Biltmore Village, next to the parking lot of Rezaz’s restaurant. Open Mon.-Thurs., 11am5pm, and Fri. & Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: 7680246 or www.bellavistaart. com. • Through FR (2/26) Feature wall artist: Galen Frost Bernard. Black Mountain Center for the Arts Located in the renovated Old City Hall at 225 West State St. in Black Mountain. Info: 669-0930 or www.blackmountainarts.org. • SU (2/7) through SA (3/13) - Gallery show of art by UNCA faculty. Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center The center is located at 56 Broadway, and preserves the legacy of the Black Mountain College through permanent collections, educational activities and public programs. Info: 350-8484, bmcmac@bellsouth.net or www.blackmountaincollege.org. • FR (2/19) through SA (6/12) - The Tutelary Years of Ray Johnson (19431967) will be on display. • FR (2/19), 8pm - Opening reception for The Tutelary Years of Ray Johnson (1943-1967). Plus, Graham Hackett and Poetix Vanguard will perform spoken-word poetry. Blue Spiral 1 The gallery at 38 Biltmore Ave. is open Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm. Info: 2510202 or www.bluespiral1. com. • Through SU (3/21) - New x 3: New Artists, New Works, New Year, 10 artists debut at the gallery offering fresh perspectives for the new year. • Through SU (3/21) - Fiat Lux, paintings by Gabriel Shaffer, will be on display. • Through SU (3/21) - CUPS: From Hand to Hand, handmade and
made to hold, 16 artists offer an intimate expression of functional and sculptural works. Castell Photography A photo-based art gallery located at 2C Wilson Alley, off of Eagle St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 255-1188 or www.castellphotography.com. • FR (2/5) through SA (3/27) - Ooh La La, a collection of fine art nudes and boudoir photographs by Brie Castell. Center For Craft, Creativity and Design Located at the Kellogg Conference Center, 11 Broyles Road. in Hendersonville. Info: 8902050 or www.craftscreativitydesign.org. • Through FR (3/26) Loren Schwerd’s Mourning Portrait, a series of memorials to the communities of New Orleans devastated by Hurricane Katrina, will be on display. Events At Folk Art Center The center is located on the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 382 (just north of the Hwy 70 entrance in East Asheville). Open daily from 9am-6pm. Info: 2987928 or www.craftguild. org.
• Through TU (2/23) - Turned wood by David Shombert and art quilts by Elizabeth Garlington will be on display. • Through SU (5/2) - Charles Counts: A Retrospective Exhibition will be on display. Grovewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road, Asheville. Info: 2537651 or www.grovewood. com. • Through SU (4/4) - Women in Wood, an exhibit bringing light to the exceptional quality of work being created by women artists working in the medium of wood, both woodturning and constructed wood. Haywood County Arts Council The HCAC sponsors a variety of art-related events in Waynesville and Haywood County. Unless otherwise noted, showings take place at HCAC’s Gallery 86 (86 North Main St.) in Waynesville. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Info: 452-0593 or www. haywoodarts.org. • WE (2/10) through SA (3/6) - The High School Student Exhibition, featuring works by art students
at Pisgah and Tuscola High Schools. Land of Waterfalls Art Gallery A co-op in Cedar Mountain made up of 18 local and regional artists, artisans and craft persons. Info: 883-3830. • SA (2/20), 2-4pm - Reception for featured artist Brenda Maund, who works in mixed water media with a semi-abstract style. Transylvania Community Arts Council Located at 349 South Caldwell St. in Brevard. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am4pm. Info: 884-2787 or www.artsofbrevard.org. • FR (2/12) through FR (3/12) - Body & Soul, an open show. WCU Exhibits Unless otherwise noted, exhibits are held at the Fine Art Museum, Fine & Performing Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm & Sat., 1-4pm. Suggested donation: $5 family/$3 person. Info: 227-2553 or www.fineartmuseum. wcu.edu. • Through SA (3/13) - Richard Ritter: 40 Years in Glass, a retrospective of
work by the master glassblower —- Transformation: Drawing into Painting, work by six New York artists. Window Gallery 58 Broadway, Asheville. Info: 505-8000. • FR (2/5) through SU (2/28) - Group Art Exhibit. Paintings, pastels, photography, recycled arts, collages, hats. Woolworth Walk Gallery • FR (2/5) through SA (2/27) - Asheville artist Christina Serra will be showing her newest needle-felted wall pieces. Info: www.christinaserra.com.
More Art Exhibits & Openings Art at Ananda Hair Studio The salon, located at 22 Broadway, hosts rotating art exhibits. Info: 2321017. • Through SU (3/28) Red Moon Rising Studios presents Postmodern Folk, a pottery show by Gabriel Kline. • SA (2/20), 7pm Opening reception. Art at the Hollingsworth Building in Brevard • Through (2/28) - National Parks and National Monuments, an exhibition of photographs
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by Phil Thurman, will be on display at the Gallery Walk Wall, 147 E.Main St. Info: 275-5833. Art at the N.C. Arboretum Works by members of the Asheville Quilt Guild and regional artists are on display daily in The Visitor Education Center. Info: 665-2492 or www. ncarboretum.org. • Through MO (2/22) - Celebrating Rivers and Streams, paintings by Sue Sweterlitsch will be on display in the Education Center, 2nd floor. Art League of Henderson County The ALHC meets and shows exhibits at the Opportunity House, 1411 Asheville Hwy. (25N) in downtown Hendersonville. Info: 698-7868 or www. artleague.net. • SU (2/14) through TH (3/11) - Beverly Bowden Pickard’s paintings will be on display in the Grace Etheridge Room at the Opportunity House. Grand Bohemian Gallery Located at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Biltmore Village, 11 Boston Way. Info: www. bohemianhotelasheville. com or 505-2949.
• Through SU (2/28) - Heart & Soul, an exhibit featuring the theme of love with special guest artist Amber Higgins and her hand-crafted glass jewelry.
Classes, Meetings & Arts-Related Events Drawing and Painting Classes At The Island Studios (pd.) Ongoing classes and workshops in drawing and painting the figure, portrait, landscape, and more. Classical to Impressionism. Newly renovated studios. (864) 201-9363. www.theislandstudios.com Asheville Art Museum Located on Pack Square in downtown Asheville. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10am5pm and Sun., 1-5pm. Admission: $6/$5 students and seniors/Free for kids under 4. Free first Wednesdays from 3-5pm. Info: 253-3227 or www. ashevilleart.org. • SA (2/20), 5pm - “Illustrated Books of the Arts & Crafts Era,” a presentation with Dr. Andre Chaves. $20 members/$25 nonmembers —- A reception and tour of Nouns: Children’s Book
Artists Look at People, Places and Things. Grovewood Gallery Located at 111 Grovewood Road, Asheville. Info: 253-7651 or www.grovewood.com. • FR (2/19) through SU (2/21), 11am-4pm - Meet the Maker: Lee Badger, owner and chief talent of Anvil Works, specializes in decorative and functional metal design and the creation of hand-crafted metal work for the home and garden. • FR (2/19) through SU (2/21), 11am-4pm - Meet Kim Dills, a local artist who creates mixed media paintings on wood, influenced by Asian art and culture, animals and birds and natural elements from the earth. Laurel Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America Holds monthly meetings and smaller groups dedicated to teaching different types of needlework. The chapter is also involved in numerous outreach projects. Guests are always welcome at meetings. Info: 654-9788 or www. egacarolinas.org. • MO (2/1) through SU (2/28) - Display cases at
the Fletcher Library will be filled with needle-art creations. Odyssey Gallery Exhibits work by Odyssey Center for Ceramic Arts instructors and residents. Located at 236 Clingman Ave. in Asheville’s River Arts District. Info: 2850210 or www.highwaterclays.com. • FR (2/19), 6:30-9pm - Clay Date Night. Bring a date, come with friends, or meet someone new. Instructors will cover a few simple projects. Must register at least 48 hours in advance. $25 per person. Preservation Society Events The Preservation Society of Asheville & Buncombe County promotes and supports the preservation of the historic, architectural, and cultural resources of Asheville and Buncombe County. Info: 254-2343 or www.psabc.org. • SA (2/20), 1-4pm & SU (2/21), 12:303:30pm - The Arts & Crafts Conference House Tour will depart from the Grove Park Inn. Tours will include architectural highlights in various historic neighborhoods. $35.
50 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Sit and Knit • Sit and knit while you take in the wonder of the mountains at the Black Mountain Yarn Shop, 203-A W. State St., Black Mountain. Stop in or call for details. Info: 6697570. Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League Classes are held at the studio, 999 W. Old Rt. 70, Black Mountain. Info: svfal.info@gmail.com or www.svfal.org. • THURSDAYS, Noon3pm - Experimental Art Group. Experimental learning and sharing water-media techniques and collage. $20 for four sessions or $6/session. • FRIDAYS, 10am-1pm - Open studio for figure drawing. Small fee for model. • MONDAYS, Noon-3pm - Open studio for portrait painting. Small fee for model. Tryon Fine Arts Center The gallery is at 34 Melrose Ave. in Tryon. Open Mon.-Fri., 9amNoon & 1:30-4pm; Sat., 9am-1pm. Info: 859-8322 or www.tryonarts.org • TH (2/18), 6:30-8:30pm - “Explore the Creative Eye,” a discussion with
acclaimed portrait photographer Susan Johann. $7/$4 students. Ext. 219. WNC Knitters and Crocheters for Others This group meets monthly in Black Mountain and Fletcher/Arden to create handmade items for donation to local charities while enjoying fellowship and swapping ideas and patterns. • 3rd THURSDAYS, 13pm - Black Mountain group meets at Highland Farms, Building G-H in Upper Core Room. Info: 669-0680.
Spoken & Written Word Blue Ridge Community College Info: www.blueridge.edu. • 2nd & 4th MONDAYS (through 4/12), 2-4pm - “Great Books Discussion Group” held in the president’s dining room in the Killian Building. Info: 694-1743 or marthah@ blueridge.edu. Book Club • Last TUESDAYS, 7pm - Meeting at Barnes & Noble in Biltmore Park. The group is currently reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato
Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Info: 808-9470. Buncombe County Public Libraries LIBRARY ABBRVIATIONS - Each Library event is marked by the following location abbreviations: n BM = Black Mountain Library (105 N. Dougherty St., 250-4756) n FV = Fairview Library (1 Taylor Road, 2506484) n LE = Leicester Library (1561 Alexander Road, 250-6480) n SW = Swannanoa Library (101 West Charleston Street, 2506486) n WV = Weaverville Library (41 N. Main Street, 250-6482) n Library storyline: 250KIDS. • WE (2/17), 5-7pm - Library Knitters meet. A needlework group for all skill levels. SW. • TH (2/18), 7pm - Book Club: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. FV. • FR (2/19), 4pm - Teens ages 12-18 are invited to Mardi Gras Huzzah! Win beads, play trivia games, makes masks and more. WV.
• TU (2/23), 7pm Library Knitters meets. BM —- 6-8pm - Sit and Knit. WV —- 6:30-8pm - Library Knitters meet. LE. All skill levels are welcome. Events at Malaprop’s The bookstore and cafe at 55 Haywood St. hosts visiting authors for talks and book signings. Info: 254-6734 or www.malaprops.com. • TH (2/18), 5:30pm - Women on Words: A poetry circle for women. New members always welcome —- 7pm - Joseph Gatins will read from and discuss We Were Dancing on a Volcano. • FR (2/19), 7pm - Christine Eisner will discuss her book Comfort Living: A Back-to-Basics Guide To a More Balanced Lifestyle. • SA (2/20), 2pm - Fred Feder will sign copies of Free Throw Wizard and give a slideshow presentation. • SU (2/21), 2pm - Dr. Lewis Rathbun will discuss his book A Doctor All My Life —- 3pm - Writers at Home: Readings by Joan Heller
and Kim Purser. Hosted by Tommy Hays. • MO (2/22), 7pm - Doug Silsbee will read from and discuss his book The Mindful Coach: Seven Roles for Facilitating Leader Development. • TU (2/23), 7pm - Ellen Logan will discuss “Dr. Sha’s Soul Healing Techniques.” • WE (2/24), 7pm - Joeseph D’Agnese and Densie Kiernan will discuss their book Signing Their Lives Away: The Fame and Misfortune of the Men Who Signed the Declaration of Independence. • TH (2/25), 7pm - Tim Hall will share Southern Appalachian stories. For Accomplished Asheville Writers Seeking other serious writers for critique group. Mostly fiction and nonfiction. Info: 658-8217. • Alternate THURSDAYS, 6:30pm - Group meets. Haywood County Public Library System The main branch is located at 678 S. Haywood St., Waynesville. The county system includes branches in Canton, Maggie Valley, Fines Creek and Cruso. Info: 452-5169 or www. haywoodlibrary.org. • WEDNESDAYS, 1:30pm - Ready 4 Learning. A story time designed for 4 and 5-year-olds with a focus on kindergarten readiness. This story time runs Sept.-May. • THURSDAYS, 11am - Movers & Shakers. This story time for active 2 and 3-year-olds incorporates dance, physical activity, songs and age-appropriate books. • TUESDAYS, 11am - Family story time at the Fines Creek Branch Library. We will read books, tell stories, learn songs and finger plays, and do a simple craft. Info: 627-0146. • TUESDAYS, 11:15am - Family story time for children of all ages at the Canton Branch Library. We will read books, listen to songs, and learn finger plays. Info: 648-2924. Henderson County Public Library System Unless otherwise stated, all events take place in Kaplan Auditorium of the main branch library, located at 301 N. Washington St. in Hendersonville. The county system includes branches in Edneyville, Etowah, Fletcher and Green River. Info: 697-
4725 or www.henderson. lib.nc.us. • TH (2/18), 4pm - Local author Simone Lipscomb will talk about her book Sharks on My Fin Tips, discuss her adventures, and show photographs. Tuesday Morning Poems • TUESDAYS, 8:308:50am - Meditation —- 8:50-9:20am - Poetry reading. Introduce meditation and poetry into your week. Plus, Laura HopeGill will read selections from The Soul Tree. Held at 84 N. Lexington Ave. $5 suggested donation for Wordfest. Info: www. writemindinstitute.com. Writers’ Workshop Events WW offers a variety of classes and events for beginning and experienced writers. Info: 254-8111 or www.twwoa.org. • Through SA (2/20) - Words of Love Contest: Send in a creative letter, poem or story 3,500 words or less. $20/$15 members. • SA (2/20), 10am-4pm - “Writing Your Memoirs,” with Anne Barnhill.
Food Fun, Delicious, Nutritious and Smart Choices • TUESDAYS, 3-4pm - Francine Delany New School for Children is offering a series of workshops for busy parents trying hard to make good choices for family meals. $10, all proceeds benefit FDNSC. Info & registration: 236-9441, ext. 386.
Music Sh*t Loads Of Vintage Vinyl! (pd.) All genres! Especially 70’s Jazz: Miles, Trane, McCoy, Ornette, Jarrett, ECM, CTI, Vanguard. Very low prices. Visit us in Brevard, across from the College: Rockin Robin Records African Drumming With Billy Zanski at Skinny Beats Drum Shop, 4 Eagle St., downtown Asheville. Drums provided. No experience necessary. Suggested donation $10 per class. Drop-ins welcome. Info: 768-2826. • WEDNESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginners. • SUNDAYS, 1-2pm Intermediates —- 2-3pm - Beginners. Country, Bluegrass and More • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 7pm-until - At the Woodfin Community Center.
Alcohol and smoke-free, family-friendly. Free admission. Snack bar available. Bands welcome. Info: 505-4786. Haywood County Arts Council Musical Events Events take place at the Performing Arts Center, 250 Pigeon St., in Waynesville, unless otherwise noted. Info: www.haywoodarts.org or 452-0593. • SU (2/21), 3pm - Joe Cruz will perform at the Haywood County Public Library in Waynesville. Free. Jazz Composers Forum Concerts Tickets & info: 252-2257 or www.callthatjazz.com. • TH (2/18), 7pm - One Leg Up will perform music in the style of Django Reinhardt at Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, 123 Kenilworth Road. $10 (but no one is turned away for lack of funds). Koinonia • MONDAYS, 6-8 pm Drum circle for the imaginative and those looking for a creative outlet in a free, fun and informal setting. All ages and levels welcome. Info: 333-2000. Land-of-the-Sky Barbershop Chorus For men age 12 and older. Info: www.ashevillebarbershop.com or 768-9303. • TUESDAYS, 7:30pm - Open Rehearsals at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 51 Wilburn Pl. Mary McCaslin Performs a Benefit Concert • SA (2/20), 7:30pm - Folksinger Mary McCaslin will perform a concert at Smith Farms in Fairview, with proceeds benefiting the Lord’s Acre Community Garden. $30 family/$20/$15 students. Tickets: nmckeon@msn. com or 628-2329. Music at Cane Creek Middle School • TU (2/23), 7pm - The Voices of Nazareth Gospel Choir, of Nazareth First Missionary Baptist Church, will perform a concert in honor of Black History Month. Love offering (all proceeds benefit the choir’s community outreach program). Located at 570 Lower Brush Creek Road in Fletcher. Info: 628-0824. Music at First United Methodist Church Located at 204 Sixth Ave. W., Hendersonville. Info: 693-4275, music@ hvlfumc.org or www.hvlfumc.org.
• SU (2/21), 4pm - “Students! Students! Students!” A concert featuring talented performers, young and old, will be held in the sanctuary. Free. Music at UNCA • TH (2/18), 8pm - Now You See Them will perform acoustic, indie/folk music with the Holy Ghost Tent Revival on the UNCA quad (or in the Highsmith University Union Grotto, depending on the weather). Info: www.myspace. com/nowyouseethem. • SU (2/21), 4pm - The UNCA Jazz Band and Studio 18 Vocal Jazz Ensemble will perform in Lipinsky Auditorium. $5/Free for students. Music Events at Montreat College Info: 669-8012. • TU (2/23), 4pm - Organist Joy Bell will perform in the Chapel of the Prodigal. Song O’ Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International) The chorus is always looking for women 18+ who want to learn how to sing barbershop harmony. Please visit a rehearsal. Info: 1-866-824-9547 or www.songosky.org. • MONDAYS, 6:45pm - Rehearsal at Reed Memorial Baptist Church on Fairview Rd. (enter parking lot on Cedar St.). Guests welcome. St. Matthias Musical Performances These classical music concerts take place at St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Asheville, 1 Dundee St. (off South Charlotte). Info: 252-0643. • SU (2/21), 3pm Maestro Milton Crotts will conduct a chamber orchestra of 16 players doing various Baroque pieces from Bach to Barber. A free-will offering will be taken for the restoration of the historic church. The Brevard Philharmonic Performances are held at Brevard College’s Porter Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets & info: 884-4221 or www. BrevardPhilharmonic.org. • SU (2/21), 3pm - Violin Fest. Brevard Philharmonic presents guest artist Angelia Cho on violin. Dvorak, Beethoven, Mendelssohn. $25/$5 youth. WCU Musical Events Unless otherwise noted, performances are held at the Fine & Performing
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Arts Center on the campus of Western Carolina University. Tickets or info: 227-2479 or http://fapac. wcu.edu. • TH (2/18), 8pm - The Contemporary Chamber Ensemble will perform a concert featuring the work of Bartok, Frazier and Glass in the Coulter Building, recital hall. Free. 227-2471. • SU (2/21), 4pm - The Artist-in-Residence Orchestra will perform a concert of symphonic works. Bruce H. Frazier will conduct. $5 for students/$10 for all others. Proceeds will go toward scholarships for WCU music majors. Info: 2272400.
Theater Events at 35below This black box theater is located underneath Asheville Community Theatre at 35 Walnut St. Info: 254-1320 or www. ashevilletheatre.org. • Through SA (2/27), 7:30pm - Short Order Durang, screen plays and one acts by Christopher Durang, a contemporary playwright known for his absurd comedy. Contains adult language and situations. $15 adult/$10 seniors & students. Just Home in the Mountains Homeward Bound’s Community Performance Project performs at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit HBofA’s mission to end chronic homelessness. Info: www.hbofa.org, bbinfo@hbofa.org or 7682456. • TH (2/11) through SA (3/6) - Always Expect Miracles will be performed. More than 100 actors, including some homeless, will bring to life true tales from all parts of town. Performances: Thur.-Sat., 7:30pm and Sat., 2:30pm. Info: www. justhome.org. NC Stage Company Performances are at 33 Haywood St. (entrance on Walnut St., across from Zambra’s, in downtown Asheville). Info & tickets: 239-0263 or www. ncstage.org. • WE (2/17) through SA (3/13), 7:30pm - True West by Sam Shepard. Charlie Flynn-McIver and Scott Treadway play a pair of estranged brothers who
converge on their mother’s suburban home one sweltering summer weekend. Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sun., 2pm; and March 13, 2pm & 7:30pm. Performances at ASU Performances take place at Appalachian State University’s Farthing Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. Ticket prices increase at the door on show nights. Info: (800) 841-ARTS(2787) or www. pas.appstate.edu. • SA (2/20), 8pm Actress/comedian Lily Tomlin will perform a one-woman show of classic favorites. $20/$10 students/$18 seniors and ASU faculty and staff. Performances at the Parkway Playhouse The historic Parkway Playhouse is located at 202 Green Mountain Dr. (just north of the downtown square) in Burnsville. Tickets & info: 682-4285 or www.parkwayplayhouse.com. • FR (2/19), 6-9pm & SA (2/20), 10am-5pm - A WNC Unified Auditions representative from A-B Tech will be available for questions about the audition process for actors ages 17 and under. The Bombs Away Cabaret Asheville’s tantalizing cabaret and burlesque collaborative. Info: www. myspace.com/bombsawaycabaret. • FR (2/19) & SA (2/20), 8pm - Eat Your Heart Out: A Knockout Thriller will be performed at the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave. $12. Adult audiences only. All profits benefit playwright Jo Carson, who is battling cancer. Theater at North Buncombe High School Performances are held in the James F. Debruhl Theater on the NBHS campus. Tickets & info: 645-4221, ext. 200. • TH (2/18) through SA (2/20), 7-9:30pm - Chicago, an award winning musical about fame and “all that jazz,” will be performed. $10/$8. Theater at UNCA Performances take place in Lipinsky Auditorium, unless otherwise noted. • WE (2/24) through SA (2/27), 8pm & SU (2/28), 2pm - TheatreUNCA presents The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek in the Carol Belk Theatre. $10/$8 seniors/$5 students. Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible
• FR (2/19), 7-9:30pm - Theatrical performance activist Peter Toscano presents a one-person show about transgender Bible characters. At Jubilee Community, 46 Wall St. Sponsored by the Jubilee Spiritual Journey Team. $12. Info: http:// www.petersontoscano. com/transfigurations. Tryon Little Theater Performances are held at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Info: 859-2466 or www. tltinfo.org. • FR (2/19) through SU (2/28) - The Sound of Music. $20/$10 students 18 and under. Tickets available starting Feb. 5 at the TLT Workshop, 516 Trade St., Tryon, Mon.Sat., 10am-1pm.
Film Film Screenings at WCU Held in the A.K. Hinds University Center. Info: 227-7206. • WE (2/17), 7pm - Foreign Film Series: Beauty and the Beast (France, 1946). $1. • WE (2/24), 7pm Foreign Film Series: Black Orpheus (Brazil, 1959). $1. Seven Sisters Cinema A documentary film series presenting films by regional filmmakers and/or subjects of regional interest. Screens are held at the White Horse in Black Mountain, 105C Montreat Road. Info: www.sevensisterscinema.com or 686-3922. • TH (2/18), 7pm - The Mystery of George Masa, a film by Paul Bonesteel, will be screened. A discussion will follow. $5/$3. Southern Circuit Tour The nation’s only regional tour of independent filmmakers, providing communities with an interactive way of experiencing independent film. Films will be shown in the theater of A.K. Hinds University Center on the WCU campus. Free. Info: www.southarts.org/southerncircuit or 227-3622. • TH (2/18) - Trimpin: The Sound of Invention. The Groovy Movie Club (Waynesville) Discussion follows screenings of films that pay homage to the ‘60s and ‘70s at a private home near Lake Junaluska. Potluck dinner at 6pm (optional). Bring a dish to share. Large screen TV. For
directions and to RSVP: JohnBuckleyx@gmail.com or 454-5949. • FR (2/19), 7pm Screening of No Impact Man (2009). An NYC family goes on a year-long crusade to make no net impact on the environment. The Power of Community • MO (2/22), 1pm - Transition Asheville presents The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil at Unitarian Universalist Church, 1 Edwin Pl., Asheville. The film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people during this difficult time. Free.
Dance Argentine Tango Dancers of all levels welcome. Info: www.tangoasheville.com. • 1st & 3rd SATURDAYS, 7:30-10pm - Argentine Tango Milongas (Social Dance) at Filo Pastries, 1155 Tunnel Rd. $5 for members/$6 for nonmembers. • SUNDAYS (except 1st), 7-10pm - Argentine Tango Practica at North Asheville Recreation Center, 37 E. Larchmont Rd. $5 for members/$6 for nonmembers. Asheville Culture Project A cultural arts community center offering ongoing classes in Capoeira Angola and Samba percussion. Other instructors, groups and organizations are invited to share the space. Info: www.ashevillecultureproject.org. • WEEKLY - Capoeira Angola, an Afro-Brazilian martial art taught and practiced through a game involving dance, music, acrobatics, theater and the Portuguese language. Mondays, 7-9pm, beginners class; Wednesdays, 7-9pm, intermediate class; Fridays, 7-9pm, intermediate class; Saturdays, 10am-Noon, beginners class. $12 (free for first timers on 2nd and 4th Sat.). Info: www.capoeiraasheville.org. Beginner Clogging Classes • WEDNESDAYS, 7:158pm - Classes offered by the Mountain Thunder Cloggers at the Oakley Community Center. No experience or partner necessary. Family-oriented; ages 7 and up welcome. $40/8-week session. Info:
52 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Corral that bike: Asheville on Bikes will host its fourth annual Bike Love event at Dr. Neon’s Laboratory on Feb. 20. Info: http://ashevilleonbikes.com. photo courtesy of asheville on bikes
490-1226 or www.mtnthundercloggers.org. Classes at Asheville Contemporary Dance Theatre Classes are by donation and on a drop-in basis. Classes are held at the New Studio of Dance, 20 Commerce St. in downtown Asheville. Info: www. acdt.org or 254-2621. • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS, 6-7:30pm - Modern classes. By donation. • MONDAYS, 6:307:30pm - Beginning adult tap dancing with Joe Mohar —- 7:30-8:30pm - Intermediate adult tap dancing. $20. Classes at Asheville Dance Revolution Sponsored by The Cultural Development Group. At 63 Brook St. Info: 277-6777 or ashevilledancerevolution@gmail.com. • THURSDAYS (through 2/25) - Training in basic salsa patterns, elements of salsa, side breaks, open breaks, cross body leads, cross over breaks, pretzel turns and Cumbia turns. Couples are welcome, yet a partner is not necessary. $16. • TUESDAYS, 8-9:15pm - Beginning/Intermediate Adult Jazz. • FRIDAYS, 4-5pm - Boys Dance Combo Class. This is for boys interested in dance. The class touches on all styles of dance for the male dancer —- 67:30pm - African dance with Sarah Yancey featuring live drumming. Open to all. $14. InterPlay
Held at 227 Edgewood Ave. $5-$15 per class. Info: www.interplaync.org. • WEDENSDAYS (2/10 through 2/24), 7-8:30pm Fruitful Darkness: “Explore the territory of stillness and play with the unknown.” Morris Dancing Learn English traditional Morris dances and become a member of one of three local teams as a dancer or musician. Music instruction provided to experienced musicians. Free. Info: 994-2094 or www. ashevillemorris.us. • MONDAYS, 5:30pm Women’s Garland practice held at Reid Center for Creative Art. Southern Lights SDC A nonprofit square-dance club. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Info: 625-9969 or 6984530. • SA (2/20) - Chocolate Lovers Dance at the Whitmire Activity Building, Lily Pond Road, Hendersonville. Early advanced dance at 6pm. Early rounds at 7pm. Squares and rounds at 7:30pm. • SU (2/21), 2-4pm - Special Hot Hash Dance at North Henderson High School on Fruitland Road, Hendersonville. Caller: Stan Russell. Studio Zahiya Classes Classes are held at Studio Zahiya, 41 Carolina Lane. All classes are drop-in anytime. $12 per class. $40 for four classes, with other discounts available. Info: 242-7595.
• THURSDAYS, 6:307:30pm - Bhangra! A high-energy dance from Punjab, India influence by dancehall, hip-hop and Bollywood films. • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm - Beginner belly dance. Learn the basics of belly dance. This class will cover posture and basic movements —- 7:108:10pm - Drills & Skills. Get ready to sweat, workout and practice your intermediate/advanced belly dance.
Swing Asheville Info: www.swingasheville.com, 301-7629 or dance@swingasheville. com. • TUESDAYS, 6-7pm Beginner lindy-hop swing lessons. $12/person per week for 4-week series or $10 for members. Join at SwingAsheville.com. No partner necessary. Let your inner dancer out. 11 Grove St, downtown Asheville. Classes start first Tuesday of every month. VFW Upstairs. Open to the public. At 5 Points, 860 N. Main St., Hendersonville. Info: 693-5930. • SATURDAYS, 6pm - Free dancing lessons —- 7pm - Live band music and dancing. $7. All singles welcome. No partners necessary. Finger food and sweets provided. No alcohol or smoking in dancing area.
Auditions & Call to Artists Arts Council of Henderson County D. Samuel Neill Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri., 1-5pm and Sat., 1-4pm. Located at 538 N. Main St., 2nd Floor, Hendersonville. Info: 693-8504 or www.acofhc. org. • Secondary-school age students are welcome to submit art for the upcoming exhibition Vision 2010: Artists of Tomorrow. Info: acofhc@bellsouth.net. Brevard Little Theatre Located in the American Legion Hall, 55 E. Jordan St., Brevard. Info: www. brevardlittletheatre.com. Reservations: 884-2587. • FR (2/19), 7pm & SA (2/20), 2pm - Auditions will be held for Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie in the Keir Building. Seeking two men (ages: 20s). To be performed on two weekends: April 2-10. Info: 885-7216. Celebration Singers of Asheville Community children’s chorus for ages 7-14. For audition/performance info: 230-5778 or www.singasheville.org. • TH (2/18), 6pm - Seeking singers for premier children’s chorus. Rehearsals (Thursday eves) and performances throughout school year. Bring a song to sing. Environmental Stewardship Contest • Through MO (3/1) - Submissions accepted for the Middle School
Student art on show: “88 MPH” by Pisgah High School student Brandon Shelton, part of the Haywood County Arts Council’s High School Art Show, on display at Gallery 86 through March 6. Info: www.haywoodarts.org. photo courtesy of the Haywood county arts council
Graphics Contest Promoting Environmental Stewardship. Open to all Henderson County middleschool students. Winner’s graphic to be displayed on Henderson County recycling truck. E-mail submissions to: alexisbaker@ hendersoncountync.org. FoAM Music Video Asheville Future of Asheville Music/ MVA is a showcase that pairs local musicians and filmmakers to increase the awareness and appreciation of local musicians and videographers. Info: 279-4166, jenny@soundmindmedia.net or www. myspace.com/musicvideoasheville. • Through WE (2/17) - Submissions for videos/ films focusing on at least one musical artist currently residing in Buncombe
County will be accepted. Feb. 17 is the final deadline. See Web site for additional guidelines: www. box.net/shared/static/ xnjaekdxbn.pdf Glen Rock Depot Call to Artists • Through FR (2/26) - Mountain Housing Opportunities requests submissions from artists interested in designing specific architectural elements for the Glen Rock Depot in the River Arts District. Submission info: www.GlenRockDepot.com. Musicians & Artists Needed for a Help Haiti Benefit Concert • Musicians, singers, artists, T-shirt makers, sound and light personnel, electricians and volunteers are needs for a benefit concert in Asheville, which will be held in March. All proceeds
will benefit victims in Haiti. Info: extendedbatterylife@ hotmail.com. Soup & Sonnets Call • Through SU (2/21) Accepting submissions for performances — dramatic or comedic, reading or spoken word, movement or song — for an evening of performances on the theme “Healing, Hope & Rebuilding” and a soup dinner to benefit response efforts in Haiti. Info: madamehope@yahoo. com. The WNC Theatre League Unified Auditions Modeled after the Southeastern Theatre Conference auditions, this annual event allows local actors to showcase their talents in a professional audition setting for a variety of companies throughout the region. Events
are held at A-B Tech’s Ferguson Auditorium. To register early or for more info: unifieds@montfordparkplayers.org. • FR (2/19), 5pm Registration —- 6-9pm - Registration for actors 17 and younger. •SA (2/20), 9:30am - Registration for technicians —- 10-11:30am - Technical interviews for designers, directors, stage managers, musicians and technicians —- 11am - Registration for actors —- 12:30-5pm - Auditions for adult actors.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)2511333, ext. 365
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 53
fun fundraisers
Dine to Be Kind, in which more than 50 area restaurants contribute a portion of their proceeds on National Spay Day.
Animal Compassion Network’s Betty Fund Spay/Neuter Program, which was established in 2000 in honor of a 2year-old stray Golden Retriever mix — Betty, who gave birth to 18 puppies in just one year. ACN rescued Betty and her last litter, finding homes for them and spaying Betty. The costs of such rescues run into the hundreds of dollars for food, care and medical expenses; so ACN founded the Betty Fund.
-QWXLWLYH %UWV *DLU February 20th 10am-4pm
Fifty-plus local restaurants, from A to W (Apollo Flame Bistro and the Wine Studio of Asheville, for example). For a complete list, see animalcompassionnetwork.org.
$20/20 min. - Cash please Mediumship, Tarot, Palmistry, Akashic Records, Chair Massage
From breakfast to dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 23. Benefits Calendar for February 17 - 25, 2010
'HOHEUDWLQJ \HDUV 5426 Asheville Hwy. 4 miles E. of A’ville Airport I-26 exit 44
687-1193 • CrystalVisionsBooks.com • Mon-Sat 10-6
Animal Compassion Network WNC’s largest nonprofit, no-kill animal welfare organization. Find a new pet at their pet adoption events. Info: 274-DOGS or www.animalcompassionnetwork.org. • Through SU (2/28) - Donations for ACN will be accepted at Sensibilities Day Spa, which will be matching donations throughout the month. Located on Haywood St. and in Biltmore Park. ArtSpace After-Hours Cabaret • SA (2/20), 6:30-10:30pm - Funny ladies, singing, silent auction. The event will be held at ArtSpace Charter School, 2030 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, and will benefit the school. Enjoy appetizers and desserts while listening to Valorie Miller, Tongue & Groove, LYLAS and others. $15/$25 couple. Info: 298-2787. Asheville on Bikes An advocacy group focused on promoting bicycle commuting as a preferred transportation option in and around Asheville. Info: ashevilleonbikes@gmail.com or www. ashevilleonbikes.com. • SA (2/20), 8:30pm-2am - The fourth annual Bike Love event will be held at Dr. Neon’s Laboratory, 11 Richland St., near Asheville’s River Arts District. Music by The Secret B-Sides, Jonathan Scales Fourchestra, Red Dirt Floor. Local beer, a bike raffle, photo booth and more. $15. Asheville Yoga Meditation Session Benefit for Haiti • SA (2/20), 6:15-6:50pm - Beginning Meditation Instruction and Practice Session —- 7-8pm - Advanced Meditation Exploration and Silent Practice Session. Attend one or both. At Asheville Yoga Center, 239 S. Liberty St. Donations go to Red Cross of Haiti. Benefit Concert • SU (2/21), 8-11pm - Po’ Girl and Nervous But Excited will perform a benefit concert at the Grey Eagle, 185 Clingman
54 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Ave., with all proceeds benefiting National Children’s Alliance and Little Warriors, two organizations dedicated to preventing child abuse. $12. Benefit for The Health Adventure Info: 254-6373 or www.thehealthadventure.org. • TH (2/25), 7pm - “Gotta Have Heart: A Variety Show and Fundraiser” will be held at the Grand Ballroom of The Grove Park Inn. The event will feature entertainment by Tuxedo Junction, Mark Knollman, DDS, Joe Brumit, Bradshaw Call and others. Tickets include drink coupons and hors d’oeuvres. Bowl for Kids’ Sake A fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Team packets are now available. Get your packet and reserve a lane today by calling your local office or 253-1470, or by emailing jc@bbbswnc.org. • SA (2/20), 9am-5pm - Buncombe County bowl at Star Lanes in Asheville —- 11:30am-5:30pm - Henderson County bowl at Tarheel Lanes in Hendersonville. Brad Daugherty & Friends Benefit for Haiti • WE (2/17), 7pm - Live music featuring The Vinyl Brothers (‘60s and ‘70s soul music). Plus, NASCAR/NBA memorabilia auction. At the Orange Peel. $10 adults/$5 youth. All ages welcome. Info & tickets: sriddle@eblencharities.org. Bring the Love Fundraiser • FR (2/19), 6-8pm - Kat Williams will perform at a fundraiser for Shortbus Studio, an art program serving adults with developmental disabilities, at the Burnsville Town Center. Food available. $20. Info & tickets: www.shortbusart.com. Buncombe County Soil & Water Conservation District Tree Sale • TH (2/25), Noon-5pm, FR (2/26), 9am5pm & SA (2/27), 9am-4pm - The annual tree and seedling sale will be held at Jesse Israel & Sons Nursery, 570 Brevard Road. 25 cents for White Pine seedlings/75 cents for hardwoods. All proceeds benefit the
Soil & Water’s Education Fund. Info: 2504785 or www.buncombecounty.org/common/soil/newsletter.pdf. Dine to Be Kind • TU (2/23) - More than 50 area restaurants will be contributing a portion of their day’s proceeds to Animal Compassion Network’s spay and neuter and foster/ adoption program. Info: www.animalcompassionnetwork.org. Just Home in the Mountains Homeward Bound’s Community Performance Project performs at First Congregational United Church of Christ, 20 Oak St. All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit HBofA’s mission to end chronic homelessness. Info: www.hbofa.org, bbinfo@hbofa.org or 768-2456. • Through SA (3/6) - Always Expect Miracles will be performed. More than 100 actors, including some homeless, will bring to life true tales from all parts of town. Performances: Thur.-Sat., 7:30pm and Sat., 2:30pm. Info: www.justhome.org. Mission MANNA Benefit • SA (2/20), 10am-5pm - Second Gear, 444 Haywood Road, will have a winter sale with proceeds going to Mission MANNA, a local grassroots organization that provides health care to Haitian children. There will also be hot chocolate and cookies. Info: 258-0757. Mission MANNA info: www. missionmanna.org. Pancake Day for a Cause • TU (2/23), 7am-10pm - IHOP restaurants will be offering a free short-stack plate of pancakes. In exchange, guests are asked to make a donation, with all proceeds benefiting Children’s Miracle Network and other local charities. Info: www.ihoppancakeday.com. Song O’Sky Chorus Benefit Performance • SU (2/21), 3-4pm - Song O’Sky Chorus (Sweet Adelines International), with special guests Clearwater Connection, will perform for Homeward Bound, AHOPE’s Day Center program, at Groce United
Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Rd. Free, but donations accepted. Info: www.songosky.org or www.hbofa.org. The Bombs Away Cabaret Asheville’s tantalizing cabaret and burlesque collaborative. Info: www.myspace. com/bombsawaycabaret. • FR (2/19) & SA (2/20), 8pm - Eat Your Heart Out: A Knockout Thriller will be performed at the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave. $12. Adult audiences only. All profits benefit playwright Jo Carson, who is battling cancer. The Lord’s Acre A Faith Garden Project organized and sponsored by local churches and volunteers who have come together to help provide food for families in need. Located in Fairview. Info: www.thelordsacre.org. • SA (2/20), 7:30pm - Folk singer/ songwriter Mary McCaslin will perform a concert at Smith Farms in Fairview. All proceeds benefit the Lord’s Acre Community Garden. $30 family/$15/$10 students. Tickets: nmckeon@msn.com or 628-2329. Vaudeville Magic • SA (2/20), 4-5:30pm - Professional magicians will perform, and a large balloon sculpture will be created. Balloon animal for each child. At Carver Center Black Mountain. $7 adults/$5 kids. Benefit for WNC Magic Club and Swannanoa Valley Montessori School. Info: 645-2941 or 669-8571.
Check out the Benefits Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after February 25.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
newsoftheweird Lead story White People in Turmoil: (1) April Gaede, who four years ago guided teenage daughters Lynx and Lamb (performing as “Prussian Blue”) to a brief career singing neo-Nazi songs, is now offering fertile Aryans a free matchmaking service — to help white people keep up with rapidly procreating minorities. (2) In January, Don “Moose” Lewis announced plans for a 12-city pro-basketball league composed only of white players (natural-born U.S. citizens whose parents are both Caucasian). Lewis denied any racism, explaining to The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle that whites simply like “fundamental” basketball and not “street ball” (“flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch”).
Cultural diversity
• Computer-obsessed Japanese nerds’ latest fancy is Love Plus, a Nintendo DS dating simulation that allows them a young, attractive, mouthy, digital teenage “girlfriend” who begs for attention. The touch-screen lover demands hand-holding, kissing and having sweet nothings whispered in her ear. One player, “Koh,” said it “comes down to the fact that men are simple.” (In December, Reuters reported that another Japanese player, SAL9000, had eloped to the Philippines with his Love Plus girlfriend, had himself photographed at romantic sites clutching the screen showing her image — and then went through a marriage ceremony.) • As vultures approach extinction in South Africa, local “traditional” communities prize them even more for their magical abilities. Specks of a vulture’s brain, sprinkled on mud and smoked, can supposedly ward off evil and reveal winning lottery numbers. One Johannesburg vendor told Agence France-Presse in December that when daubed on dogs’ noses, the specks enhance their already formidable scenting power.
Latest religious messages
• Six months after the death of the Jesus-channeling Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a Montana-based sect is fighting to remain viable. Several aspirants have tried to claim her mantle, but the Council of
Elders declared them all charlatans, and membership rolls have dwindled. The church was similarly challenged in 1990, when “Mother,” forecasting nuclear doomsday, financed the construction of large underground bunkers on a mountainside north of Yellowstone National Park. The council is having particular trouble finding volunteers to transcribe Mother’s 22,000 hours of video and audio. • Televangelist Rod Parsley informed his flock in December that he urgently needed several million dollars because of financial problems attributed directly to Satan. According to a report in The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, Parsley’s World Harvest Church was facing a $3 million deficit for the quarter ending in December after paying $3.1 million to settle a lawsuit over its day-care center’s brutally spanking a boy. Wrote Parsley, “Will you help me take back what the devil stole?” • Crime Stoppers: (1) In Frisco, Texas, in January, boutique owner Marian Chadwick pointed her finger at an armed, hooded intruder and said: “In the name of Jesus, you get out of my store. I bind you by the power of the Holy Spirit!” The man appeared stunned, then turned and walked out empty-handed, cursing. (2) In December, a 20-year veteran cop who wears badge number 666 told the Houston Chronicle that a dangerous perp who’d defiantly declared he would never be captured had suddenly dropped to his knees and surrendered, saying, “I ain’t fighting the devil.”
not to do it now,” one croc handler told The Wall Street Journal in December. “People expect it.” • Four days after the January earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, two Royal Caribbean cruise ships stopped at a private enclave 60 miles up the coast from ground zero, where hundreds of frolickers enjoyed “Jet Ski rides, parasailing and rum cocktails delivered to their hammocks” while Haitian guards manned the 12-foot-high fences, London’s The Guardian reported. About a third of the passengers declined to take part, too upset by the unfolding disaster. Royal Caribbean said it had made a large donation to the rescue effort and promised to send proceeds from the port’s thriving craft stores. • The Need for Parental Licensing: In January, as punishment for her 12-year-old son’s bad grade in school, a Warm Springs, Ga., mother allegedly forced him to club his pet hamster to death with a hammer. Lynn Middlebrooks Geter, 38, was arrested after the boy told his teacher, who called the state children’s services agency.
• In Thailand, the public, enthralled by the giant pandas and their cub on loan from China, largely ignores the endangered status of crocodiles and elephants. Several zoos now regularly paint their crocodiles and elephants in panda colors to call attention to their plight. Although the harmless paint must be reapplied daily, “It’s impossible
Recurring themes
Questionable judgments
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Unless Stephen Gough, 50, agrees to wear pants, he risks spending the rest of his life behind bars, Scotland’s Perth Sheriff Court ruled in January. Britain’s “naked rambler” has roamed the United Kingdom countryside for years, interrupted by numerous jail stints for violating public decency. Released from Perth Prison in December, he shucked his clothes seconds later and was re-arrested. (In his most recent trial, Gough acted as his own lawyer, somehow persuading the judge to let him be naked in court.)
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The Whole Truth and Nothing But: Last August, an applicant for the Montgomery, Ala., Police Department, instructed to be truthful during the job interview, admitted to owning child pornography and was arrested. In January in Pensacola, Fla., Clarence Burnette made the same admission while interviewing to be a sheriff’s deputy. He too was arrested. (The Montgomery applicant, who also confessed to having sex with an underage girl, is now serving 30 years in prison.)
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parenting from the edge by Anne Fitten Glenn
A few reasons to get married Spring time approaches. Halle-effing-lujah. As always, nuptial frenzy accompanies its advent. I’m in a wedding in a few weeks — an untraditional one. The ceremony consists of a play co-written by and starring the bride and groom and featuring 22 of their closest friends. The affianced couple recently asked me to read something about love and marriage at their engagement party. Initially, I was stymied. I write about parenting. And beer. Then I remembered that I’ve been married for almost 13 years, which is longer than I’ve been parenting, but not as long as I’ve been drinking beer. Therefore, I do have a few things to say about the institution of marriage. So here’s what I wrote. Imagine I’m reading this to you. To my mind, there are two reasons to get married. One, it saves money. Typically. You get a tax break, which rocks. Two, marriage legitimizes any offspring you might have. Not that legitimizing offspring matters as much as it once did, but given how many other rude names your kids are going to be called on the playground, giving them a break from “bastard” is kind of a nice thing
you can do for them. Then, there’s a third reason to get married. Weddings are really fun. Except when they’re not. Which doesn’t happen very often. In honor of Chall and Lucia’s impending fun-as-hell nuptials, I gathered a few telling quotations about marriage. I typically try not to give unsolicited advice, but every once in a while I just can’t hold back. Like when someone gives me a microphone after they’ve given me beer. First quote. Someone said, “Marriage does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” In my marriage, I’ve found we spend most of our time looking together at weird rashes on our children’s bodies. We also spend an inordinate amount of time looking together at dirty laundry. My advice: don’t ever look at Google images of weird kid rashes together. You’ll regret it. Here’s another quote about marriage I like: “Forget couples’ therapy: Hire someone to help clean your home.” The person who can give the correct attribution of that quotation wins a big smooch from me. Actually, I wrote that in a column a couple years ago.
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56 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Therapists say that couples mostly fight about money, sex, and how to raise their kids. But in my experience, the biggest fights are about cleaning the damn house. I think the best use of any extra money you might have as a couple, particularly after you have a kid, is to pay for cleaning help. Then you have a clean house to hang out in while you fight about all that other stuff. Here’s another quote I like: from someone I’ve never heard of, named Rita Rudner: “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” That, to me, is the essence of marriage. You get to learn just how to annoy that special person, just how to push their buttons, and you get to do it whenever you want. There’s
something so lovable about having that one person who knows you so, so well. When my daughter complains about how annoying her brother is, I remind her he’s the only brother she has. Of course, you may have more than one marriage, but usually you don’t go into it thinking it’ll be a repeat performance. That would kind of negate the reason for doing it in the first place. So, Chall and Lucia, I’m glad you’ve found that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your lives. Have fun on your big adventure. Remember not to Google kid rashes, to pay for home cleaning help, but mostly to enjoy annoying the hell out of each other. Best wishes for a long and fruitful union. X
Anne Fitten “Edgy Mama” Glenn writes about a number of subjects, including parenting, at www.edgymama.com. Parenting Calendar for February 17 - 25, 2010 Attention West Asheville 31 (pd.) Super nanny, now accepting new kids. • Safe • Art based environment • Play area • Flexible hours. • Affordable rates. CPR certified. • All hours. • Slumber parties. Call Sarah: 633-1792. Involve Your Partner In Your Child’s Birth • Empowered Birthing Classes (pd.) Increase confidence, learn hands-on tools, enjoy your birth! 828-231-9227. One 8-hour class Sat. March 6. $175. Monthly classes available. www.AshevilleWomensWellness.com Asheville Jewish Community Center Events The JCC is located at 236 Charlotte St., Asheville. Info: 253-0701. • FR (2/19), Noon-1pm - Preschool Parenting: “Getting Your Child to Sleep and Eat,” facilitated by Haviva Dror and Lori Unanue. Bring lunch. A discussion will follow. Let’s Talk: Workshops for Parents and Teens Free classes provided by local agencies to offer parents information and methods for engaging with teens on a variety of difficult issues. No registration required. For parents and guardians only. At
Randolph Learning Center, 90 Montford Ave. Free. Info: anna@ourvoicenc.org. • TH (2/18), 6-7:30pm - Let’s Talk: Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs. Storytelling for Families • FR (2/19), 7pm - Azalea Mountain Waldorf Community presents renowned storyteller and Waldorf teacher Carol Trigigiano. Learn how stories develop children’s imagination and compassion; build strong families and community bonds. At Abernethy Methodist Church. Donation. Info: 2735647 or www.azaleamountain.org.
Check out the Parenting Calendar online at www. mountainx.com/events for info on events happening after February 25.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
Traditional Herbalism Certification Begins March 9, 2010
Become a certified herbalist through this 9 month life-changing, experiential journey into the art and science of herbalism.
mountainx.com â&#x20AC;˘ FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 57
environmental news by Margaret Williams
All creatures great and small So what was Copenhagen all about?
A half-dozen Asheville climate scientists and educators attended COP 15 — the Copenhagen climate conference — in December. And on Friday, Feb. 26, four of them will offer their perspectives in an event co-hosted by the Buncombe County chapter of the Western North Carolina Alliance and Asheville Green Drinks. The latter group, a weekly, self-described “networking party,” hosts speaker/panel discussions at downtown Asheville’s BoBo Gallery. The panelists will include climate scientist Ned Gardiner of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; David McConville, co-founder of The Elumenati, a local design firm that delivered educational, immersive climate programming during the conference; Ellie Johnston, a UNCA student who represented world youth; and Michael Leahey, sustainability coordinator for the Asheville Hub Sustainability Task Force. The program starts at 6 p.m. at BoBo Gallery (22 N. Lexington Ave. in Asheville). For more information, visit ashevillegreendrinks.com.
Feds drop animal ID program
Word is spreading via Twitter and small-farm listserves that the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Ashev i l l e’s
is dropping the National Animal Identification System, a proposed program to monitor the movement of all U.S. livestock. The plan encountered widespread resistance from small-scale farmers, who argued that it would bankrupt them, among other concerns. At a Feb. 5 press conference, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced: “After concluding our listening tour on the National Animal Identification System in 15 cities across the country, receiving thousands of comments from the public and input from states, tribal nations, industry groups and representatives of small and organic farmers, it is apparent that a new strategy for animal-disease traceability is needed. I’ve decided to revise the prior policy and offer a new approach ... with changes that respond directly to the feedback we heard.” The revised policy will apply only to animals moved across state lines. Administered by the states and tribal nations, it will encourage low-cost technology and “be implemented transparently through federal regulations and the full rule-making process.” In the first steps toward a revised, flexible policy, the USDA will convene a forum for animal-health leaders and revamp the secretary’s Advisory Committee on Animal Health “to
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58 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Count your goats: The feds have dropped a plan requiring almost all farms to maintain animal-I.D. records and have instead oted for a more flexible approach. photo by Ron SearcY
address specific issues, such as confidentiality and liability.” Those were just a few of the concerns raised when the agency proposed the program about four years ago. Here’s what an Xpress article about the proposal had to say back then (see “What the Bleat Do They Know?” March 29, 2006 Xpress): “The National Animal Identification System, conceived in the wake of the mad cow disease scare, envisions a central database that would enable public officials to trace any animal in the U.S. back to its farm of origin within 48 hours. This, it’s argued, would help keep sick animals out of the food system — or, in the case of a disease outbreak, get a quarantine in place. The NAIS, a joint project of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and individual states, is voluntary for now. A draft plan, released last April, lays out a tentative timeline for phasing in the program.
... At present, however, the plan calls for requiring anyone who keeps livestock — from alpacas to cattle to the casual chicken — to register their farm or other property with a unique, seven-digit ‘premises ID’ by 2008. And the following year, producers would have to go further, identifying any animals that might ever leave the property. “I understand that you’ve got to have a license to have a gun,” said Sherry Williams, who raises nearly 50 dairy goats, including La Manchas, at her Listening Eagle Farm near Marion. “But now they’re telling me I have to have a license to farm? That’s exactly what this is.” To view the entire article, go to www.mountainx.com/ news/2007/0329farm.php/. X Send your environmental news to mvwilliams@ mountainx.com, or call 251-1333, ext. 152.
Eco Calendar for February 17 - 25, 2010 Basic Agriculture And Radionics Seminar • Asheville • March 12, 13 and 14 (pd.) Learn how to evaluate nutrient density, soil quality, amendments, pest control and other analysis/balancing in agriculture, plus learn all about the ‘life field’ and how it’s monitored. • Lutie Larson, the foremost Agricultural/ Radionics teacher globally, has been using extensive radionics techniques on her experimental farm for over 20 years. • The investment for this special weekend intensive is $300. Cost includes a wide scope of materials plus the technology necessary for this work. • For further information and to register for this seminar, please contact: Michael Bahnson: (828) 683-6935. Lisa Black: (828) 692-7096. graphicsco@mindspring.com ECO Events The Environmental and Conservation Organization is dedicated to preserving the natural heritage of Henderson County and the mountain region as an effective voice of the environment. Located at 121 Third Ave. W. Hendersonville. Info: 692-0385 or www.eco-wnc.org. • MO (2/22), 7pm - “Recycling: A Year of Progress,” at the Hendersonville City Operations Center, 305 Williams St. Five panelists with the city of Hendersonville, the county and the state will discuss the progress of community recycling. Questions and dialogue with the panelists will follow. • 4th THURSDAYS, Noon-1:30pm - Board meeting. Visitors are welcome. Environmental Programs at Warren Wilson College Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and held in Canon Lounge of the Gladfelter Student Center. Info: 7712002. • SA (2/20) - Insulate. Learn about serving low-income homeowners who have requested home-repair assistance to reduce energy bills. Friends of Hickory Nut Gorge Advocates for the natural beauty, biodiversity and wildlife habitat, along with the ecological health and integrity of Hickory Nut Gorge. Info: 685-8798 or www.friendsofhng. org. • WE (2/17), 6:30-7:30pm - “Conservation Conversation,” a meeting for anyone interested in the protection and preservation of Hickory Nut Gorge. Discuss ideas, concerns and solutions at Old Rock Cafe, next to the entrance to Chimney Rock Park. Mountain WILD Preserves and increases wildlife and the wildlife habitat of the WNC mountains through stewardship, education,
conservation and restoration of natural resources. Meetings are held at the WNC Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Road, and are free and open to all. Info: 338-0035 or info@ mountainwild.org. • TU (2/23), 7-8:30pm - Mountain WILD and WNC Alliance present “Water Quality Forum: The State of the French Broad River,” with Hartwell Carson. Learn about the threats that impact the river and community cleaning opportunities. Info: 298-5600, ext. 320 or 258-8737. RiverLink Events RiverLink, WNC’s organization working to improve life along the French Broad, sponsors a variety of river-friendly events. Info: 252-8474 or www.riverlink.org. • 3rd THURSDAYS, Noon-2pm - Bus Tours. See and hear about plans for the river’s future, learn local history and visit neighborhoods. Meet in front of Asheville City Hall. $15 for nonmembers. BYO lunch. Reservations required. Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy The mission of the SAHC is to protect the world’s oldest mountains for the benefit of present and future generations. Info: 253-0095 or www.appalachian.org. n Reservations required for SAHC hikes: e-mail kristina@ appalachian.org. • WE (2/24), 10am - Guided hike on the permanently protected Cataloochee Ranch - Walhall Trail. This hike is easy to moderate and covers about four miles. Bring warm clothes, hiking shoes, rain gear, camera, water and backpack lunch. $10 nonmembers. RSVP by Feb. 19. WNC Nature Center Located at 75 Gashes Creek Rd. Hours: 10am-5pm daily. Admission: $8/$6 Asheville City residents/$4 kids. Info: 298-5600 or www.wildwnc.org. • SU (2/21), 2pm - Warren Parker, first national director of the Red Wolf Species Survival Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will speak on the species recovery effort at the Folk Art Center Auditorium, milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway. $5 suggested donation. Reservations recommended by Feb. 19: ext. 308.
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Check out the Eco Calendar online at www.mountainx.com/ events for info on events happening after February 25.
The deadline for free and paid listings is 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, one week prior to publication. Questions? Call (828)251-1333, ext. 365
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 59
the straight dish
Let the CSA’s begin
photo by Jonathan Welch
by Hannah Rachel Raskin
What’s better than the best buffet in toWn… the best buffet plus a beer for only $11!
7 Days a Week lunch buffet plus beer $11 Voted asheville’s favorite restaurant - best indian by WnC reader’s poll proudly serving local brews including Wedge brewing Co. fresh produce Delivered Daily breads, sauces, Chutneys Made from scratch Daily LuNch BuffET D A I L y: 11:30 AM-2:30PM
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7 0 N . L E X I N G T O N AV E . • 8 2 8 - 2 2 5 - 8 8 8 0 60 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Is it spring yet? While the official start of the season is still a few weeks off, if you plan to celebrate its arrival with just-plucked greens, now’s the time to subscribe to a community supported agriculture (CSA) plan. Local farmers are busily registering members, who will receive weekly boxes of fresh cabbages, cucumbers, potatoes, kale, eggs and such from May through October. Although the acronym rightly conjures up visions of ruddy-faced farmers happily digging in their organic dirt, it’s worth noting that the Western North Carolina CSA scene has grown increasingly competitive. In some cases, subscription prices are mind-bendingly low. That can be a boon for consumers, but only if they bother to sort out the deals from the disasters in waiting. It’s fair to quiz a farmer before writing a check. A CSA provider should be able to show you pictures of last year’s boxes or put you in touch with a previous subscriber. Working with a farmer is very different from shopping at the grocery store: A CSA subscription is a relationship, and should be approached as such. Every CSA has its own personality, which is why Xpress is continuing the tradition of allowing farmers to present their programs in their own words. With help from the regional nonprofit Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project, we sent surveys to CSA farmers across the region, asking them to outline their offerings: Read on for their responses.
Bearfoot Gardens
Glenville, Jackson County www.bearfootcatering.com (828) 230-4785 How would you describe your farm? A small beautiful farm, on top of a mountain, in a beautiful setting, growing organic veggies in very fertile old mountain soil where arrowheads still we find How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 20 How much does a share cost? Half-share, $350; Whole share, $500 What should a CSA member expect to receive? Spring greens, summer vegetables and fall veggies Where and when do subscribers pick up? At the Cashiers tailgate market or the Blue Ridge Farmers Co-op in Glenville How many years have you been offering a CSA? Two years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Roots. We are gonna grow lots of roots [and] green beans, peppers, greens, lettuce and taters. What makes your CSA special? We are pioneers in our county, and we are gonna offer vouchers this year at the market. Anything else we should know? Starting a farmer’s co-op in a storefront on Hwy 107 in Glenville. We have six days a week for growers to sell their products.
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Blackbird Farms
Flat rock, Henderson County Billyhaynes1@aol.com www.blackbirdcsa.com How would you describe your farm? BB Farms is a family-operated farm cultivating 35 acres of organic and conventionally grown produce. We grow a little bit of everything and lots of tomatoes. How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 125 How much does a share cost? Half-share, $400; Whole share, $700 What should a CSA member expect to receive? Members should expect to receive vegetables that are coming in at the season during that time. There will be five to 10 different products in a share per week. Where and when do subscribers pick up? At the Hendersonville Co-op on Monday afternoons and the Flatrock Tailgate Market on Thursday afternoons. Other arrangements may possibly be available. How many years have you been offering a CSA? Two years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? 2010 will hopefully involve free-range chickens.
photo courtesy asap
experience. We use as many organic practices as possible. We market exclusively through CSA memberships! How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 80 How much does a share cost? Around $585, depending on the harvest. The season runs for 26 weeks, from early May through October/early November, and shares can be paid biweekly ($45) or monthly ($90). A commitment to the entire season is required via e-mail registration, and payment must be made in advance. What should a CSA member expect to receive? A three-quarter bushel, recycled box filled with at least 8 to 12 different veggies per box every other week, starting in May. We grow over 60 varieties of seasonal gourmet vegetables during our local harvest season. The exact number of people a box feeds depends upon individual eating habits; you’ll find photos of our CSA boxes at www. CaneCreekCSA.com. Where and when do subscribers pick up? We have three convenient pickup locations in Fairview and Arden. Driving directions are on our Web site. Delivery is available in limited areas for an additional fee. Please call for details. How many years have you been offering a CSA? 9 years
Cane Creek Asparagus & Company
What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Our sustainable family farm is beginning its transition to solar power.
How would you describe your farm? Our Fairview family farm is serving the community with over nine continuous years of CSA farming
What makes your CSA special? We assume the total financial risk for the growing season. Our vegetable boxes are prepared six days a week, providing most CSA family members with the ability to choose a pickup day best for their lifestyle. Only vegetables grown on our farm will be put into our CSA Boxes. We employ no outside labor. We are
Fairview, Buncombe County canecreekasp@bellsouth.net canecreekcsa@bellsouth.net (828) 628-1601
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Firefly Farm water-conscious, using only drip irrigation. Anything else we should know? Excess vegetables are donated to charities, shelters and food banks on a routine basis. We have many repeat CSA members with whom we have built lasting relationships. But we are always happy to introduce new families to the concept of local food and “eating from the box!”
photo courtesy asap
3-6 p.m. More locations will be added before May. Find out how to make your community or business a drop off point today! How many years have you been offering a CSA? Two years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? All-natural Beef and Pork Packages!!
Cane Creek Valley Farm
What makes your CSA special? Our family farm has been part of the Cane Creek Community for over 105 years, and we are the fourth generation to farm these fields. We are growing USDA certified organic vegetables, herbs and fruits and all-natural, free-range eggs, beef and pork.
Japanese Sushi & Hibachi Steakhouse
How would you describe your farm? Our family farm offers certified organic vegetables, fruits and herbs with the option of including one dozen allnatural, free-range brown eggs in each CSA box throughout the 2010 season.
Firefly Farm
Mon. - Thurs. Small Sake $2 Large Sake $3
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 200
How would you describe your farm? Situated on the South Toe River, Firefly is a diversified farm using sustainable practices and producing a variety of vegetables and 100-percent grass-fed Devon beef
Fletcher, Buncombe County info@canecreekorganics.com www.canecreekorganics.com (828) 338-0188
How much does a share cost? Half-share, $360; Full share, $540; Half-share with eggs, $420; Full share with eggs, $600; Bi-weekly share, $300; Biweekly share with eggs, $330 What should a CSA member expect to receive? From May 20 to Oct. 20, plan to receive farm-fresh eggs and organic produce that’s hand-picked, packed and delivered to you each week from our family farm.
5 Biltmore Ave. • Downtown Asheville 251-1661 62 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Where and when do subscribers pick up? Saturdays, Asheville City Tailgate Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Wednesdays, Asheville City Market South, 3 to 6 p.m.; Thursdays, The Mountain Community School and Evergreen Community Charter School, 2:30-5:30 p.m.; Thursdays, Flat Rock Tailgate Market and Fletcher Natural Food Store, 3-6 p.m.; Fridays, Fry Nursery and the farm,
Celo, Yancey County firefly@mtnarea.net (828) 675-4739
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 30 How much does a share cost? $500 (payable in two installments) What should a CSA member expect to receive? Seasonal produce, herbs and occasional flowers. A sample week’s share in late July might include a pound of broccoli, two cucumbers, two heads of lettuce, a bag of arugula, two pounds of summer squash, fresh oregano and basil, one bunch of green onions, two pounds of potatoes and two heirloom tomatoes. Where and when do subscribers pick up?
Wednesdays at the French Broad Tailgate Market, 2 to 6:30 p.m., or at the farm, 4 to 6:30 p.m. How many years have you been offering a CSA? Three years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Parsnips, celery and burgundy bush beans What makes your CSA special? We grow mostly heirloom varieties and are able to provide leafy greens throughout the summer. We make recipes available each week, and CSA members are invited to visit the farm and spend time on the river. Anything else we should know? CSA members benefit by receiving farm-fresh produce, forging a
relationship with the people who grow their food and deriving a slightly higher dollar value than if they purchased retail.
Green Hill Urban Farm/Two Sides Farm
West Asheville/Mars Hill, Buncombe/Madison counties greenhillurbanfarm@gmail.com www.greenhillurbanfarm.com (828) 775-0548 How would you describe your farm? Green Hill is a four-acre, model showcase of practical urban food production techniques, as well an access point for neo-agrarian culture and community. Our Two Sides is a pastoral, 70-year-old tobacco farm, which we have successfully transitioned into
a certified organic vegetable farm. How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 45 +/How much does a share cost? Half-share, $325 ($275 for returning members); Full share, $625 ($550 for returning members) What should a CSA member expect to receive? We provide a weekly selection of vegetables in a serve-yourself approach in which members are free to mix and match what they would like, in an effort to reduce waste and meet each consumer’s tastes as much as possible. We ask our members to bring their own bags, baskets, or boxes to further reduce wasteful packaging.
Where and when do subscribers pick up? Wednesdays at Green Hill Urban Farm in West Asheville, 4 to 7 p.m. How many years have you been offering a CSA? Three years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Our Two Sides Farm is now Certified Organic, as is our greenhouse operation at Green Hill. Barkslip’s Micro Nursery at Green Hill is expanding again to meet the need for locally produced fruit trees. We will be having several members’ social/potlucks with live music. We are also going HD this year with video updates of our farms, activities, etc.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 63
What makes your CSA special? First, our location. Green Hill is your neighborhood farm. Many of our members are able to walk or bike to pick-up their shares. Second, our community. We have a great diversity of folks who participate in the many different aspects of our business and an amazing array of creative and like-minded folks who support our farm through membership in our CSA. Anything else we should know? In the off-season, manager Mike Fortune has spent a cumulative 4-1/2 months in Koroni, Greece, over the past four years, harvesting olives with Asheville resident and business proprietor Niko Theros of TherosOliveOil. From our intimate involvement in harvest, production, bottling and distribution, in 2010 we have the exclusive privilege of offering gallons of Theros Olive Oil through our farm for less than his company sells them through their Web site — and with no shipping charges. Further, we are able to distribute local honey, lamb, chicken, beef, turkey, eggs and more for the benefit of our shareholders and other local producers and farmers.
Gladheart Farms
Cane Creek Valley Farm
photo courtesy asap
Asheville, Buncombe County www.gladheartfarms.com
diversified farm, growing vegetables biodynamically
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 100
How would you describe your farm? Local, certified organic farm offering a wide variety of highquality vegetables
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 40
How much does a share cost? $525
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 40 How much does a share cost? Varies from $800 down to $220, depending on options and size. We have something for just about everyone. What should a CSA member expect to receive? Expect to receive 22 weeks of delicious vegetables, cut flowers and herbs. Artisan bread and organic coffee also available.
How much does a share cost? Half-share, $325; Full share, $535 What should a CSA member expect to receive? Carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, celeriac, potatoes, parsnips, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, fennel, squash, winter squash, herbs, melons, lettuce, spinach, kale, collards, cabbage, Swiss chard, leeks, onions, garlic, broccoli Where and when do subscribers pick up? Wednesdays at the French Broad Tailgate Market, 2 to 6:30 p.m., or at the farm, 4 to 6 p.m.
Where and when do subscribers pick up? Fridays at the farm in Oakley, North Asheville or South Asheville
How many years have you been offering a CSA? Nine
How many years have you been offering a CSA? Three years
What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Sweet potatoes and cauliflower
What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Jumbo share
What makes your CSA special? We are a biodynamic farm specializing in integrating animals into our vegetable production.
What makes your CSA special? By supporting Gladheart Farms, you are supporting a local, urban organic farm, thus preserving farmland in Asheville and helping promote the local food economy. Anything else we should know? All of our farm equipment and greenhouses are powered by biodiesel that we make on the farm from local waste vegetable oil.
Green Toe Ground Farm
Burnsville, Yancey County nicoleandgaelan@yahoo.com (828) 675-0171 How would you describe your farm? A unique
64 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Anything else we should know? We are at a higher elevation than Asheville and can offer cool weather crops all season, plus hot weather crops.
High Country CSA
Watauga County highcountryCSA@gmail.com (828) 963-4656 How would you describe your farm? We are a multi-farm vegetable and fruit CSA that also offers access to local producers of dairy, meat, bread, and more. All of our growers and producers follow organic guidelines.
What should a CSA member expect to receive? Members receive an average of six to eight vegetables per week for 20 weeks. Members should receive over 50 different vegetable varieties throughout the season. Where and when do subscribers pick up? Pickups will be each Tuesday from June 1 through Oct. 12 at Bare Essentials Natural Market in Boone. How many years have you been offering a CSA? This is our second year as a multi-farm CSA, following four years of Maverick Farms, running a single-farm CSA. What’s new for your CSA in 2010? We are welcoming more growers to our CSA in 2010, allowing us to provide both more variety and more of the “basics” that people eat every week. What makes your CSA special? A multifarm CSA provides members with both variety and stability, since farmers divide production among themselves and lean on one another if problems with a certain crop arise. Anything else we should know? All of our growers and producers follow organic guidelines, and our project organizes around the values of quality, trust, and community health.
Jake’s Farm
Candler, Buncombe County www.localharvest.org (828) 335-5184 How would you describe your farm? It’s a certified organic farm on 11 acres with two greenhouses.
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 35 How much does a share cost? $650 What should a CSA member expect to receive? A varied selection of gourmet vegetables, certified organic tomato products and a few jams. Flowers are available as an extra. Where and when do subscribers pick up? At the farm, or various tailgate markets. Special arrangements are possible. How many years have you been offering a CSA? 10 years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Limited production of products in jars by a certified organic processor What makes your CSA special? We offer a varied selection of heirloom varieties. Anything else we should know? We have some very satisfied customers and can provide references upon request.
Mountain Harvest Organics
Spring Creek, Madison County farmer@mountainharvestorganic.com How would you describe your farm? Our 130acre farm is nestled in a valley shadowed by beautiful Bluff Mountain, over which the Appalachian Trail passes. Our location inspires us to use natural farming practices to preserve the beauty for future generations. We currently have five acres in production.
What makes your CSA special? Our farm has greenhouse space in production for growing crops in the soil that allows us to extend the season and have better quality control for crops that just don’t thrive outdoors in our mountain climate.
New Moon Herbs
Fairview, Buncombe County newmoonherbs@aol.com (828) 628-1272 How would you describe your farm? Our farm is a mix of leased bottom land and greenhouse space, specializing in organic heirloom food production. We have been farming in the Fairview community since 1993 using only organic methods. How many CSA shares are you offering this year? We like to keep it small and offer up to 20 shares. How much does a share cost? May 6-Sept. 30, $600; May 6-Oct.28, $700 What should a CSA member expect to receive? We grow a large variety of vegetable and herb crops, both indoors and out. Throughout the season, you will enjoy a good supply of fresh harvested food that’s at its peak that week. As the weeks pass, the crops will change. We try to average at least 10 items per week in each box. We also include a recipe for the week that includes ingredients from that week’s box. Where and when do subscribers pick up? Our main pickup will be at the farm in Fairview on Thursdays from 4 to 6:30 p.m. We also have a very limited pickup on Saturdays at the Asheville City Market, 8 to 11 a.m.
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 40
How many years have you been offering a CSA? 10 years
How much does a share cost? $600 for approximately 24 weeks
What’s new for your CSA in 2010? This year we are going to enhance our selection to include more Mediterranean heirloom varieties of vegetables and melons.
What should a CSA member expect to receive? We are supplying our CSA with what our farm produces, so our CSA members can expect to be eating very seasonally. That means they will be eating plenty of greens during the spring; tomatoes, summer squash and peppers during the summer, then potatoes and winter squash in the fall. In addition, our CSA is sharing the risk with the farm: If we have a crop failure, we may not be able to provide a full box for a week or so; however, when we have an abundant harvest, CSA members might find themselves sharing their food with others or freezing for the winter. Where and when do subscribers pick up? We deliver to the Haywood Historic Farmer’s Market on Wednesday mornings and to the North Asheville Tailgate Market on Saturday mornings. Spring Creek residents pick up at the farm. How many years have you been offering a CSA? 10 What’s new for your CSA in 2010? No changes for 2010
What makes your CSA special? I think the one biggest thing that sets us apart is our covered greenhouse space. This allows us to have a large selection right out of the gate, and also produce well into the fall. This also allows us the opportunity to have a much longer season for summer crops like tomatoes and cucumbers. Anything else we should know? CSA’s are very popular in this area, so don’t wait to sign up because they fill up fast.
Our Farm at Richland Creek
Lake Toxaway, Transylvania County Shelley@ourfarmatrichlandcreek.com www.ourfarmatrichlandcreek.com (828) 506-6426 How would you describe your farm? Our Farm is a sole proprietorship CSA farm that practices organic methods, although we are not certified organic.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 65
How many CSA shares are you offering this year? A total of 50 full shares; no limit on beef shares
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How much does a share cost? Half-share, $325; Full share, $600; Beef half-share $125; Beef full share, $250 What should a CSA member expect to receive? Full shares get a three-quarter bushel box full of whatever is growing each week for the 20-week season. Half shares get half that amount each week. We are growing 30-plus different vegetables and several melons. Full beef shares get 40-45 pounds of beef. The cuts are a mix of ground beef, steaks, and roast. Half beef Shares get 20-25 pounds of the same. Where and when do subscribers pick up? Tuesdays or Fridays in Brevard from 4 to 7p.m. How many years have you been offering a CSA? Two years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? BEEF SHARES! We are teaming up with another local farm, Busy Bee Farm, to offer a separate beef share.
the corner of Charlotte and Eagle Street. How many years have you been offering a CSA? Five What’s new for your CSA in 2010? Baby watermelon What makes your CSA special? The diversity of our vegetables
Winter Sun Farms
Blue Ridge Food Ventures, A-B Tech EnkaCandler, Buncombe County mlsurgi@awnc.org www.wintersunfarmsnc.com (828) 348-0130 How would you describe your farm? We obtain our fruits and vegetables from local farms that use organic or sustainable farming practices. How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 150-200 How much does a share cost? $120
Working with a farmer is very different from shopping at the grocery store: A CSA subscription is a relationship. What makes your CSA special? The new option for a beef share! Also, we were the first CSA in Transylvania County and now are one of only several CSA’s in Transylvania.
Ten Mile Farm
Candler, Buncombe County keepinitrural@gmail.com http://tenmilefarm-nc.com How would you describe your farm? We grow on about three acres following biodynamic practices. We rely on the signs of the moon and constellations to guide us as when to plant, cultivate, harvest and fertilize. Our fertility is generated from cover cropping, compost and special herbal and manure-based sprays. How many CSA shares are you offering this year? 20
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“A taste of Asheville, Under One Roof!” Circle In The Square c The Hop c Great Clips ´ Rise ‘n Shine Cafe c Urban Burrito c Creme Zen Sushi c Hands On Spa c Asheville Realty Cartridge World
66 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
How much does a share cost? $525 for 20 weeks from mid-May to October What should a CSA member expect to receive? A member can expect to receive, on average, seven to nine different items each week. We grow over 40 varieties of vegetables and focus on providing members with a well-rounded balance each week. Where and when do subscribers pick up? We have two pick up spots: the Downtown Wednesday Afternoon Tailgate Market, located in the parking lot next to the French Broad Food Co-Op; and on Saturdays, the Asheville City Market, located on
What should a CSA member expect to receive? Six to eight frozen products at each monthly pickup. We also try to include something fresh in the winter months, too; and have farmers that are growing fresh lettuce in their greenhouses just for us. We also offer other products from local producers by special order: eggs, wild-caught salmon, Caribbean Fish Cakes, frozen tempeh and many other products made at Blue Ridge Food Ventures. We have great recipes on our Web site and in the handout that highlights one of our partner farms each month. Where and when do subscribers pick up? Once a month. The main pick-up is at Blue Ridge Food Ventures. We also offer a downtown pick-up. How many years have you been offering a CSA? Two years What’s new for your CSA in 2010? We’ll be partnering with even more farms and offering more local products at each pick-up. What makes your CSA special? We offer local produce, picked at peak flavor and then quickly processed and frozen for highest quality and convenience for the user. We offer vegetable purees that are great for soups and spreads; sliced and diced veggies ready for stir-fries or casseroles; and frozen berries that are great for smoothies and desserts. Anything else we should know? Winter Sun Farms is a program of Blue Ridge Food Ventures, an incubator for growing food businesses. X
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LUELLA’S BAR-B-QUE: Luella’s is teasing the imminent rollout of a new look and new menu, but the restaurant (pictured above) is already introduced its newsiest news item: Sunday brunch kicked off this month, inaugurating the north Asheville joint’s sevenday-a-week service schedule. Luella’s brunch menu includes smoked brisket and sweetpotato hash, maple bourbon Texas toast and an array of liquor drinks. Brunch is served every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 501 Merrimon Ave. For more information, call 505-RIBS. FRANCINE DELANY NEW SCHOOL: A West Asheville charter school is adding a competitive element to its annual community gathering, choosing a winner in its first-ever chili challenge on Thursday, Feb. 25. Last year, the school served chili at its benefit program, but the cook-off format’s new this year. According to organizer Ted Duncan, a helping teacher at the school, a parent suggested the switch. “We thought it was a good idea,” he says. The cook-off at Malvern Hills Presbyterian Church, 2 Bear Creek Road, is scheduled for 6 to 7:30 p.m. Attendees should bring enough chili to feed 10 people, although hungry participants who don’t have time to cook may purchase a family-sized portion of chili for $10. To keep the event green, the school’s also urging attendees to bring their own bowls and utensils. To learn more, e-mail Duncan at ted@fdnsc.net. UPSTATE CHILI COOKOFF: If the winners of Francine Delaney’s contest want to continue on their route to chili stardom, they might consider entering an upcoming competition in
nearby Belton, S.C. The Upstate Chili Cookoff is the state’s first chili competition to be sanctioned by the International Chili Society. There aren’t any sanctioned cook-offs on the North Carolina calendar this year, so the April 17 event could be local chiliheads’ best chance to sample some world-class chili. According to a recent report in the Greenville News, the cook-off’s still accepting registrants for its competition, people’s choice and firefighter’s divisions. It’s $85 to enter, although firefighters who bring a fire truck can compete for free. For more information, visit www.upstatechilicookoff.com. ASAP: The littlest locavores will soon be able to acquaint themselves with the region’s farmto-table scene, thanks to a children’s version of Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project’s popular local-food guide. The children’s guide — which will debut this spring alongside its grownup counterpart, now in its ninth year — will feature profiles of farm kids, an introduction to school gardens and activity pages. ASAP’s also planning to release a pint-sized “thousands of miles fresher” sticker designed for bikes. To learn more, call 236-1282. KATHMANDU CAFE: Homebrews and grain liquors are among the most popular alcoholic drinks in Nepal, but the nation’s cuisine is also a fine match for wine. The folks at Weinhaus are partnering with their neighbors, Manoj and Sushila Lama of Kathmandu Café, to explore pairing wine, fresh curry and claybaked naan at a five-course dinner on Tueday, March 9. The dinner begins at Kathmandu Café, 90 Patton Ave., at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50. For reservations, call 252-1080.
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 67
arts&entertainment Elephant in the room
Kentucky blues-punks shake up the Orange Peel by Dane Smith Pay attention the next time you pick up a cereal box. It could prove more useful than you’d imagine. It did for Cage the Elephant’s Matt Schultz anyway. “I can’t remember what cereal it was,” he says. “It seems like it was like a Malt-OMeal, you know, some off-brand cereal. An elephant had escaped from the zoo and you had to play dot-to-dot and cage the elephant.” Don’t let the story fool you though; this stuff isn’t for kids. The Kentucky-bred fivepiece — singer/lyricist Shultz, his brother Brad, guitarist Lincoln Parish, bassist Daniel Tichenor and drummer Jared Champion — specialize in high-energy, rhythmic rock n’ roll with an attitude that owes as much to The Rolling Stones and The Stooges as it does to the garage-rock resurgence of the late ‘90s that produced bands like The White Stripes and the Hives. It’s the kind of rock n’ roll you can dance to ... or fight to. Cage the Elephant choose to dance, or something like it. Their onstage shaking, jerking, bouncing and stomping — which can resemble a seizure — has earned them a reputation as a must-see at music festivals. And while the attention and interest is welcome, Shultz says he doesn’t let expectations get in the way of the show. “I want to go out there and keep the performance pure, to keep it as far away from being a performance as possible,” he says. “For us it’s always been about trying to stay true to a spirit of spontaneity and to allow it to be dictated by the energy of the music, not by any expectation of the people.” But that’s easier said than done. Since catching the attention of labels and critics at 2007’s South By Southwest music festival, expectations have been running high. After a
Hypnotherapy Wellness Centers 7\fcb]W DU]b :]VfcamU`[]U =ff]hUV`Y 6ckY` GmbXfcaY 5bl]Yhm DUb]W =bgcab]U 8YdfYgg]cb KY][\h AUbU[YaYbh
Cage the Elephant, with As Tall As Lions and Morning Teleportation
The Orange Peel
Friday, Feb. 19 (9 p.m. $15 / $17. |theorangepeel.net) brief move to England, where they released a Top 40 UK single, the band returned home, signing to Jive Records and releasing their critically acclaimed debut, which earned them spots at last year’s Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo music festivals along with an appearance on the Late Show. Surprisingly, Shultz is nonchalant about it all. “It felt normal to me,” he says. “It’s one of those things you just have to go with when you’re inside of it and not necessarily analyze. I don’t know how to better explain it really. It definitely had its ups and downs. But when we weren’t experiencing success with the band my life had a lot of ups and downs. I think there’s difficulties and troubles no matter where you are in life. They just look different.” Those difficulties and troubles show up in Shultz lyrics, whether it be accidentally picking up a hitchhiking prostitute in “Ain’t No Rest For the Wicked” or dealing with critics in “In One Ear.” The singer admits that while he doesn’t feel obligated to “actively seek out new material to write about,” it’s impossible to completely separate an artist from his work. “I suppose a lit bit of my life is tied into every song I’ve ever written,” he explains. “Even if it’s not directly about me. Because my opinions are still there. But I just write
Spirit of spontaneity: Cage the Elephant choose to dance.
about whatever comes to mind. The world’s a big place, so it’s pretty easy to find things to write about.” Especially when you can up and move to London to write. “A lot of stuff that happened there ended up in the songs that are going to be on this new record,” he says, though Shultz is not eager to talk specifics. The time overseas also had an impact on the band’s sound, exposing them to several UK acts that have had proved influential in the new recordings. One in particular excites Shultz. “There’s this band called Screaming Tea Party,” he says with growing enthusiasm.
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68 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Dane Smith can be reached at rocknrolldane@ gmail.com.
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“It’s a band out of London; two Japanese guys and this girl who plays drums and sings or screams at the same time. The melodies are just amazing. It’s like this Beach Boy-ish meets Sonic Youth, meets something really heavy. It kind of feels like a helium balloon.” And while you’ll have to wait for the band’s new album to be released this summer to hear exactly what Cage the Elephant meets a helium balloon sounds like, you can catch their spastic live show at the Orange Peel on Friday. X
and Champagne Bar the cozy, conversational meeting place exceptional coffee & espresso drinks
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fri/sat night: James Barr (solo classical guitar)
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 69
gallery Parade of love
You gotta love a Mardi Gras parade infused with all the love of Valentine’s Day, and powered by the spirit of many a New Orleans ex-pat still juiced over their team’s Super Bowl win. Costumed revelers paraded through the streets of downtown Asheville on Sunday, Feb. 14. The parade was organized by the Mystic Mountain Krewe, an all-volunteer group. The theme for this year’s parade was “Wild at Heart.” Go to www.mountainx.com to see videos and photos from the event. — Jason Sandford —
photos by JASon sanford
70 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
' . "( . "( , $ . & ! ( (( ' &- . ) ' ( * " " $ & ') ( + " %#
mountainx.com â&#x20AC;¢ FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 71
random & useful / ae@mountainx.com
What do we love? Bikes! and music videos! Valentine’s Day is over, but we’ve still got a whole lotta love. For bikes. For music videos. For hope of spring. This year marks the fourth installment of the wildly popular, hella fun Bike Love, featuring live music, raffles, pizza and camaraderie. Does it get better than that? Likely not. Asheville on Bikes organizes the fiesta, along with Arts 2 People and French Broad Brewery. The lineup is stellar: The Secret B-Sides bring a smooth brand of space-y soul music. Jonathan Scales Fourchestra (featuring Jeff Sipe) is always a treat, and it’s a rare public appearance for Red Dirt Floor (featuring Marty Gallagher of Pro Bikes). It’s happening on Saturday, Feb. 20. Doors at 8 p.m., and $15 gets you in, plus beer. The venue has moved from the Wedge to Dr. Neon’s Laboratory at 11 Richland St. A list of “Bike Love Enhancements,” courtesy Mike Sule, founder/director of Asheville on Bikes: • A bicycle raffle (Liberty Bicycles has donated a Trek 7.1 FX commuter/hybrid bicycle to be raffled at Bike Love (The winner can choose between the bicycle or a $440 gift certificate to put toward the purchase of another bicycle); • Rolling Stone Pizza Company will have their mobile wood-fired pizza oven, • Castell Photography hosts a bicycle photo booth, so be sure to style up your attire and capture the evening with a photo ($10); • Jeff Zimmerman will capture the evening with stop-motion photography; and • Arts director Rachel Reeser will present a slideshow of Asheville’s vibrant bicycle culture.” The money raised this year will be used to help buy six collapsable bike racks to be used at bike corrals during community events. So put on that helmet, pedal on over and let the good times roll. Speaking of good times rolling, they’ll
be rolling across the big screen at the third annual Music Video Asheville event. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 10, at Cinnebarre behind Biltmore Square Mall. It’s a packed show each year, understandably, as one of the area’s only showcases of local music videos. Which are rad. Last year featured Toubab Krewe, Ear Power, Laura Reed, Bugs Multiply, The Poles, Shapetastic, Angi West, Buncombe Turnpike, Velvet Truckstop, Mad Tea Party, LS and MJ Grillo, The Broomstars, Arizona, Custard Pie, Josh Phillips, Ice Horse, The
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72 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
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Cheeksters, Chakra Bird, Nights Bright Colors, Tyler Ramsey, Quetzatl, Custard Pie, Silver Machine and Now You See Them. Last year’s winner was Ice Horse with their supremely awesome vid, “Cheese Pirates.” This year promises a bevy of local bands as well, and the videos range from documentary-style live footage to animation to downright silly, all with decidedly local flair. Tickets are $5 and definitely get there early for a seat. That’s why we’re telling you so far in advance... X
by Whitney Shroyer
Some junkers have all the luck to be 50 cents each but I got ‘em for four for $1. You’d better get over there, I couldn’t even get it all, you’ll probably find some worthwhile stuff.” I hop in the car hightail it to the Goodwill on Tunnel Road — Tunnel is nearer to Allie’s house, Patton nearer to mine, and I assume that they’re at the Tunnel Goodwill. After all, I had just been to the Patton one — they couldn’t be there. But when I get to the Tunnel store there is not squat to be had. Same old junk. I call Allie back up. He wasn’t saying they were at the Tunnel Goodwill. They were at the Patton one. Later I will reconstruct the timeline, and it goes something like this: At 12:15 p.m., I leave the Goodwill. At 12:30 p.m., one of the donation trucks comes in with a huge pile of records in it. They immediately load them onto wire racks and wheel them out onto the floor. Around 1:15 p.m., Allie walks in, just as they wheel out the wire racks. He spends the next hour plowing through the boxes, picking cherries. This is magic. I don’t know what else to call it. X illustration by NATHanael Roney
The dude just has magic in him. There’s no other explanation for it. I tell myself: There’s no such thing as a magic junking touch. It’s luck of the draw, right place right time, the knowledge about what to get, the instinct to take the right chances, and the constant, constant monitoring of the “hot spots.” But I don’t believe it. There is such a thing as a magic touch — I just don’t have it. But Allerton (we’ll call him Allie for short) does. Don’t get me wrong — I do OK — I find a little, flip it over, pay the bills. But I grind it out, pan-sifting gold dust, ankles frozen in the running river, back slowly twisting into a pretzel while I bend and shake, bend and shake. But Allie’s the kind of guy who picks up whole nuggets off the ground. He walks into a Salvation Army and finds a first edition copy of William Faulkner’s Sanctuary sitting on the shelf, eagerly waiting to be turned into house payments for a year. And then what does he do with it? Sticks it on his shelf. Says to me he’ll have to look up its value some day. I know, I know, the junk is always cleaner in the other guy’s bag, right? You win some, you lose some. Everybody’s got a right to his or her epic score. But I’m talking about a guy who can walk into a thrift store that’s never had anything good since it opened, a punch line to any number of junker jokes, and come out with a pair of Design Acoustics 9-sided speakers from the ‘70s, mint, fabulous, and worth well over a
grand, for $30. I’m talking about a guy who can roll out of bed at 11:30 a.m. on a Saturday, stroll over to a yard sale every junker in town has plundered, just as the owner says, “Oh man! We forgot to put out those movie posters from Uncle Jerry’s drive-in ... I want to get that stuff out of here, they’ve been in our attic since ’77 ...” and his wife says, “Yeah, but most of it’s smut. I didn’t really want the neighbors to see them.” So for $25 Allie scores posters from every exploitation film shown on the drive-in circuit in North Carolina in the ‘70s. Some people are just magic. I’ve studied Allie’s technique — it doesn’t really vary from mine, is in fact way more random. Rationally speaking, our score ratio should be about even. But he leaves me in the dust. I went to the Goodwill on Patton a couple weeks ago. The big one, the Super Will-Mart, the one where you can actually park. And I look around a bit, cruise through the store, peer in the back room, and conclude the place is bare. So I take off. This is around noon. I didn’t feel like hitting any other thrifts, so I go home. Around 2:30, Allie calls me up — “You won’t believe what I just got at the Goodwill!” He walked in just as they were putting out boxes of records — remainders from a radio station untouched since 1968. The records were bizarre unknown psych promos, uncirculated soul, garage bands begging to be played on the radio with personal letters from members who would eventually go on to front important and still touring ‘70s combos. “Oh yeah, and the lady charged me wrong — they were supposed
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 73
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soundtrack by Alli Marshall There’s something about honky-tonk in the throes of a cold snap when all anyone wants to do is forget about the outside world and warm up with the help of a hot toddy and some even hotter dance moves. Enter Cary Fridley and Down South, a self-described Appalachian roots country outfit led by bassist/singer/Freight Hoppers alum Fridley. Fridley’s band has morphed a bit in the several years it’s been around. Most notably, past guitarists (Daniel Coolik, Jon Stickley) and drummers (Lance Wille, Jacob Baumann) have been replaced by Floating Action’s Michael Libramento and Evan Martin. This move is likely related to Fridley’s most recent album, Fare You Well, being produced by Floating Action frontman Seth Kauffman. But Kauffman’s trademark lo-fi touch was not part of Fridley’s recent Jack of the Wood performance. Instead, her band (including fiddler/vocalist Steve Trismen, Matthew Smith on pedal steel and Bob Willoughby on keys) served up plush, resonant, bass-heavy tunes that straddled the line between vintage and modern. Fridley and Trismen put their own lyrical spin on The Flying Burrito Brothers’ “High Fashion Queen” before launching into the sultry waltz of Delbert McClinton’s “Got You On My Mind.” The next number, a stompblues song with rock drums and pedal steel sounding like a ‘70s-era organ, gave the musicians a chance to show off. Instrumental breaks were ripe with texture and coiled energy, suggesting that the song structure was little more than a foil for the band to cut loose. The audience seemed in on that secret, too. Local musicians like Kyle Smith, Vollie Mackenzie and Woody Pines watched while ace dancers practiced swing and two-step. And, in a shout out to another area fiddler, Fridley dedicated “We’ll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning” (originally a duet by Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris) to Darin Gentry. Wearing a retro dress and tall boots, posing for pictures, petite Fridley practically begs the adjective “cute.” Add to that her character-rich singing voice, baring some similarity to essayist Sarah Vowell. But when Fridley launched into the blues standard “Rollin’ and Tumblin,’” her high notes took on a dangerous edge and her low tones a menacing growl. Martin set a brisk pace with brushes on snare, lending a spooky, renegade feel — more J.J.Cale than Muddy Waters. Fridley herself is a bit of a master of redefinition: In old-time group the Freight Hoppers she played rhythm guitar, and as a solo artist she extensively researched ballads by the likes of the Carter Family, Hazel Dickens, Alice Gerrard; in 2007 she was written about in No Depression for self-released album Goin’ Down South, which paired mountain traditional with gritty blues a la R.L. Burnside and Blind Willie McTell. Down South, with Fridley on bass (her current instrument of choice) is a culmination of all of these influences. While every minute of the Down South performance was compelling
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local music reviews
Faring Well: Cary Fridley & Down South
Furniture Magician 9kijec <khd_jkh[ 9WX_d[jho 9WX_d[j H[\WY_d] <khd_jkh[ H[fW_h 7dj_gk[ H[ijehWj_ed (828) 669-4625
• Black Mountain
74 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
L`ssgdv Xntmf CCR, O@
Carpentry by Lucy
Singer/songwriter/bassist Cary Fridley sticks to her Southern roots. — the band plays with a loose ease belying its flawless delivery — some highlights included the gorgeous ring of Smith’s pedal steel on Fridley’s raw, emotive original tune “Fare You Well” and Willoughby taking the lead on Hoagy Carmichael’s “New Orleans.” Willoughby is a multi-instrumentalist who plays everything from oldtime and contra dance music to blues and swing, but with Down South his rollicking piano licks and rough, Professor Longhair-reminiscent vocals brought the steamy bygone Crescent City into chilly, present-day Asheville. X
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smartbets True West
Get while the getting’s good to see Sam Shepard’s True West at N.C. Stage. Advance ticket sales for the acclaimed play were so brisk that the theatre company has already added extra shows. Starring two Asheville powerhouse actors (Charlie FlynnMcIver and Scott Treadway), the play is a clever (if somewhat dark) comedy about estranged brothers. “One is an upstanding screenwriter, the other a petty thug — but which is which?” asks N.C. Stage’s Web site. Contains strong language and violence. Shows Wednesdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. Feb. 17 to March 13. Tickets $16 to $26. Check ncstage.org for special events and ticket prices.
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Punch Brothers featuring Chris Thile
Powerhouse bluegrass group Punch Brothers take the stage at Diana Wortham on Saturday, Feb. 20, the lineup reading like a pickin’ who’s who: composer/singer/mandolin virtuoso Chris Thile (formerly of Nickel Creek), guitarist Chris Eldridge (a founding member of the Infamous Stringdusters and son of Ben Eldridge from The Seldom Scene), banjo player Noam Pikelny (who’s collaborated with John Cowan and Tony Trischka), violinist Gabe Witcher (whose fiddle can be heard on the soundtrack to Toy Story and Brokeback Mountain) and bassist Paul Kowert. They’ve played everywhere from A Prairie Home Companion to Carnegie Hall. And now, Asheville. 8 p.m. $38/$35/$33/$10 student rush. www.dwtheatre.com.
Community-Style Acupuncture is practiced in a group setting and provides integrated wellness that’s safe, affordable & effective.
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Fleta Monaghan
Fleta Monaghan has a sweet new show up at Clingman Cafe through Feb. 28. She’s titled it Riding the Wind Horse, and the work carries a New Year’s message of well-being and good fortune. Cheers. Pictured here is “Many Houses,” oil on canvas. More info at 776-2716.
Club phone numbers are listed in Clubland in the (828) area code unless otherwise stated; more details at www. mountainx.com/clubland. Send your Smart Bet requests in to ae@mountainx.com for consideration by the Monday the week prior to publication.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 75
76 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
where to find the clubs • what is playing • listings for venues throughout Western North Carolina BoBo Gallery
Clubland rules
Vandeveer (folk)
•To qualify for a free listing, a venue must be predominately dedicated to the performing arts. Bookstores and cafés with regular open mics and musical events are also allowed. •To limit confusion, events must be submitted by the venue owner or a representative of that venue. •Events must be submitted in written form by e-mail (clubland@mountainx.com), fax, snail mail or hand-delivered to the Clubland Editor Aiyanna Sezak-Blatt at 2 Wall St., Room 209, Asheville, NC 28801. Events submitted to other staff members are not assured of inclusion in Clubland. •Clubs must hold at least TWO events per week to qualify for listing space. Any venue that is inactive in Clubland for one month will be removed. •The Clubland Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude events or venues. •Deadline is by noon on Monday for that Wednesday’s publication. This is a firm deadline.
ShadoLine (metal)
Old Time Jam, 6pm
Shag dance
Mike’s Tavern
‘80s Night, 10pm
Songwriters circle & open jam w/ John Spear
Chameleon Soul Food
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Spoken word, music & poetry night hosted by Lyric Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Zydeco dance & lessons
Thu., February 18
Ras Berhane (acoustic, reggae) Old Fairview Southern Kitchen
A Concert for Haiti feat: The Vinyl Brothers Big Band (soul, rock) & Sophistaphunk
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Garage at Biltmore
Rusty Scott & The Enormous Radio w/ Worthless Son-In-Laws (indie, Americana, folk, rock)
Wed., February 17
Good Stuff
Back Room
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Open mic
Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm
“Hits & Shits” w/ Jamie Hepler Red Stag Grill
Bobby Sullivan (blues, rock, standards) Rocket Club
South French Broads (experimental, fusion) w/ Solito (rock) & Ivan and the Terribles Fairview Tavern
Open mic
Firestorm Cafe and Books
John Zedd Band (troubadour) Frankie Bones
Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)
Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals)
Nine Mile
Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) Eliza Rosbach (indie, singer/songwriter)
Vincenzo’s Bistro Westville Pub
Orange Peel
Frankie Bones
Acoustic spotlight hosted by Peggy Ratusz & “Big Al” Pearlman Johnny Mercer Centennial Celebration feat: Hank Bone & more
Jazz jam hosted by members of VJP w/ guest Matt Williams
Bluegrass jam night, 7pm
Eleven on Grove
Open jam
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Jack Of The Wood Pub
Bosco’s Sports Zone
Beacon Pub
Open Mic w/ David Bryan
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
Boiler Room
Open mic
Marc Keller (singer/songwriter)
Fred’s Parkside Pub & Grill
Open mic hosted by Jimbo
Jammin’ w/ Funky Max
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Athena’s Club
Utah Green (lyrical, roots)
Back Room
Garage at Biltmore
Aaron Burdett Band (folk, pop) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk) BoBo Gallery
Kovacs & the Polar Bears (indie, folk) Bosco’s Sports Zone
Jeff Sipe Trio (jazz, funk, jam) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Big Sandy & His Fly Rite Boys (rockabilly, country) Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm
Open mic & jam
Scandals Nightclub
Courtyard Gallery
Open mic w/ Barbie Angell
Spelling Bee & Benefit for Camps Opportunity
Decades Restaurant & Bar
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Infusions Lounge
Open mic w/ rotating local hosts
French Broad Chocolate Lounge
DJ night
Club 828
The Hookah Bar
Jason C. Waller (folk)
“Super dance party” feat: Adam Strange & Crick Nice DJ Country dance lessons, 9-10pm Dance, 10pm-Midnight
Hip-hop & DJ night
Jazz piano w/ Garnell Stuart
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Lucero (country, soul) w/ Glossary
Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
‘80s night
Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am
Open mic
Holland’s Grille
Town Pump
Emerald Lounge
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Live music
Iron Horse Station
Open mic w/ Yorky
JWbb]WhoÉi College Street Pub
J > K H I : 7O I
thurSDay, February 18 Free!
1/2 Price bottles of Wine with $2 & $3 appetizers
Piano Wizard
B?L; CKI?9
dave turner
SaturDay, February 20
mel Jones & his Bag-o-Bones harP led Piedmont Blues classics
thurSDay, February 25 Free!
Patrick Fitzsimons B W at o a lues
SaturDay, February 27
the Brand neW liFe Funk Jazz World Fusion
- tueS. -
Blues Jam Featuring the
Westville All Stars hosted by Mars
- WeD. -
with Funky Max
- Fri. -
Trivia Night with Prizes 9pm
Smoke-Free Pub • Pool & DartS 777 Haywood Road • 225-wPUB (9782)
< H ? : 7O < ; 8 $ ' / m i n d e Cho I 7J K H : 7O < ; 8 $ ( & W eS tS o u nd no Cov e r F r i dayS $2 Cover Sat u r dayS CloS ed mo n . & tu eS .
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thur. 2/18 Fri. 2/19
Sat. 2/20
Sun. 2/21 tueS. 2/23 thur. 2/25
Big Sandy & His Fly Right Boys 8:30pm
Willy Porter with The Brilliant Inventions 9pm Kids’ Show
Agent 23 Skidoo 1pm Tony Trischka 8pm
Po’Girl w/ Nervous But Excited 8pm
Floating Action, Hacienda & Generationals 8pm
The Bottle Rockets w/
Brian McGee & The Hollow Speed 9pm
232-5800 www.thegreyeagle.com 185 Clingman Ave.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 77
Jack Of The Wood Pub
Westville Pub
Funny Business Comedy Club
Lobster Trap
Zuma Coffee
Garage at Biltmore
Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
Fri., February 19
Good Stuff
Athena’s Club
Belly dancing
DJ night
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Back Room
Bluegrass Jam, 7pm
Dave Turner (piano)
Hank Bones
Thursday night bluegrass jam
The Funk Messengers (funk) w/ BPL Never Blue
Singer/songwriter showcase Old Fairview Southern Kitchen
Mark Keller (singer/songwriter)
Dark Star Orchestra (jam band, classic rock, Grateful Dead concert experience) Pisgah Brewing Company
Jamie McLean Band (rock) Purple Onion Cafe
Brian McGee & Hollow Speed (rock, country, 2-step) Red Stag Grill
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
Kemistry (Southern rock, covers) Root Bar No. 1
Jay Brown (singer/songwriter) DJ Zorro
entertainment writers
Open mic
every Sunday on
Town Pump
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Peggy Ratusz and Friends (blues) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Aaron LaFalce (acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter)
Still the old charm of Fred’s Speakeasy... Just a whole new look!
Humble Thumb The Dark Shave • Distinctive Pub Fare served thru 1:30am! • Tuesday Dart League Coming SoonSign up now for Spring/Summer League • Wednesday: Not Your Average Karaoke (Voted #1 in WNC... Xpress Reader’s Poll) • Thursday: Open Mic - Come Strum with us & Your Host Jimbo
Mon - Sat 4:30pm - 2am • 828.281.0920 122 College St., Downtown (below Fiore’s Restaurant)
hosted by Vertigo Jazz Project • No Cover
February 18th Funk Messengers w/ BPL February 19th Black Diamond Heavies
w/ Shake it Like a Caveman • $10
February 20th Paul Edelman
w/ Pierce Edens & the Dirty Work
February 22nd EYMAREL February 23rd Acoustic JAMbalaya - No cover! February 24th Jazz Night
hosted by Vertigo Jazz Project • No Cover
13th annual Chase Away the Blues feat: Tinsley Ellis (blues, rock) & Shane Pruitt Band
Poetix Vanguard (“immersive artistic atmosphere”) & open mic
Highland Brewing Company
Boiler Room
Holland’s Grille
Solito (rock) w/ Machiavillians & Dirtbag Love Affair Broadway’s
Pretty Boy Thorson (rock) Ghost Mountain Rhythm and Blues (soul, blues)
Sirius B (absurdist, Gypsy, punk) Free Flight (classic rock)
Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm Infusions Lounge
Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues), 7:30-10:30pm Iron Horse Station
Club 828
Reggie Warren Jr. (comedy)
Benefit for Madison County Arts Council feat: Pierce Edens (roots, rock)
Decades Restaurant & Bar
Jack Of The Wood Pub
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Jerusalem Garden
Emerald Lounge
The Dirty Guv’nahs (rock, roots)
February 17th Jazz Night
BoBo Gallery
Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm
Dave Lagadi (smooth jazz)
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Eleven on Grove
The 170 La Cantinetta
Willy Porter (experimental, folk, acoustic) w/ The Brilliant Inventions (indie, powerpop)
Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar
Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am
TGI Friday’s
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm
Rotating jazz bands
Scandals Nightclub
Dave Turner (piano), 8pm
Mark Bumgarner (Americana)
Chameleon Soul Food
Anne Coombs (jazz, swing)
Summertime Whiskey Band (funk, rock, alternative)
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm
Orange Peel
Listen to Bad Ash &
Laura Blackley & Lyndsay Wojcik (roots music by members of the Swayback Sisters)
Chris Barnes (comedian), 8pm & 10:30pm
Los Dragunes Azule (experimental, folk, rock) w/ Gaslight Street (Southern rock, soul) Feed and Seed
Buddy Davis Band
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Leigh Glass Band (Americana)
The Hooligans (Celtic, rock, fusion) Belly dancing w/ live music Lobster Trap
Live music by local artists Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Black Diamond Heavies (punk, blues) w/ Shake It Like A Caveman (freestyle) New French Bar Courtyard Cafe
Javi DJ
O’Malley’s On Main
Caleb Burress (vocals, guitar) Orange Peel
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78 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
299-3000 • M-F 10-7 • SAT 10-6 • 800 Fairview Rd. (Just past Home Depot in River Ridge Marketplace)
clubdirectory Complete clubland directory: www.mountainx.com/clubland. Questions or errors? E-mail (clubland@mountainx.com). The 170 La Cantinetta 687-8170 Asheville Ale House 505-3550 Asheville Civic Center & Thomas Wolfe Auditorium 259-5544 Athena’s Club 252-2456 The Back Room 697-6828 Barley’s Tap Room 255-0504 Beacon Pub 686-5943 The Blackbird 669-5556 Blue Mountain Pizza 658-8777 BoBo Gallery 254-3426 Bosco’s Sports Zone 684-1024 Broadway’s 285-0400 Cancun Mexican Grill 505-3951 Club 828 252-2001 Club Hairspray 258-2027 Courtyard Gallery 273-3332 Craggie Brewing Company 254-0360 Curras Dom 253-2111 Decades Restaurant & Bar 254-0555 Desoto Lounge 986-4828
Diana Wortham Theater 257-4530 Dock’s Restaurant 883-4447 The Dripolator 398-0209 Ed Boudreaux’s Bayou BBQ 296-0100 Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar 252-2711 El Dorado Latin Grill 689-9704 Eleven on Grove 505-1612 Emerald Lounge 232- 4372 Fairview Tavern 277-7117 Feed & Seed + Jamas Acoustic 216-3492 Firestorm Cafe 255-8115 Five Fifty Three 631-3810 Frankie Bones 274-7111 Fred’s Parkside Pub & Grill 281-0920 French Broad Brewery Tasting Room 277-0222 Funny Business Comedy Club 318-8909 The Garage 505-2663 Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern 232-5800
Grove House Eleven on Grove 505-1612 The Grove Park Inn 252-2711 Guadalupe Cafe 586-9877 The Handlebar (864) 233-6173 The Hangar 684-1213 Havana Restaurant 252-1611 Highland Brewing Company 299-3370 Holland’s Grille 298-8780 The Hookah Bar 252-1522 Infusions 665-2161 Iron Horse Station 622-0022 Laurey’s Catering 252-1500 The Lobster Trap 350-0505 Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill 253-8805 Magnolia’s Raw Bar 251-5211 Mela 225-8880 Mike’s Tavern 281-3096 Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill 258-1550 New French Bar Courtyard Cafe 225-6445
Never Blue 693-4646 Old Fairview Southern Kitchen 277-7117 O’Malley’s On Main 246-0898 The Orange Peel 225-5851 Panther’s Paw 696-0810 Pisgah Brewing Co. 669-0190 Purple Onion Cafe 749-1179 Rankin Vault 254-4993 Red Stag Grill at the Grand Bohemian Hotel 505-2949 Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill 622-0001 Rocket Club 505-2494 Root Bar No.1 299-7597 Ruby’s BBQ Shack 299-3511 Scandals Nightclub 252-2838 Shovelhead Saloon 669-9541 Skyland Performing Arts Center 693-0087 Steak & Wine / Satchel’s Martini Bar 505-3362 Stella Blue 236-2424 The Still 683-5913
Stockade Brew House 645-1300 Straightaway Cafe 669-8856 Switzerland Cafe 765-5289 Tallgary’s College Street Pub 232-0809 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub 505-2129 TGI Friday’s 277-4080 Town Pump 669-4808 Tressa’s Downtown Jazz & Blues 254-7072 Vaso de Vino Wine Bar & Market 687-3838 Vincenzo’s Bistro 254-4698 The Watershed 669-0777 Waynesville Water’n Hole 456-4750 Wedge Brewery 505 2792 Westville Pub 225-9782 White Horse 669-0816 Wild Wing Cafe 253-3066 Xcapades 258-9652
Featuring Matinee Shows 2/20 - Sal Willows 9pm 02/27 - The Otherist and Happy Farmer
3pm-2am everyday pinball, foosball & a kickass jukebox kitchen open until late 504 Haywood Rd. West Asheville • 828-255-1109 “It’s bigger than it looks!”
Thur., Feb. 18 Jamie McLean Band 7pm Fri., Feb. 19 Jeff Sipe Trio 8pm Open 4 - 9pm Mon. - Wed. 2pm - until Thurs. - Sat.
OSO: smoking • SH:ssmoking clubspforr specfics • ISS: smoking N o outdoor/patio r t h C ar o l only i na t a t ehours, l acallw ohib i t sindoor sm o k section i n g• SA: i nsmoking d o oallowed rs. Cage The Elephant (rock, punk) w/ As Tall As Lions & Morning Teleportation Pisgah Brewing Company
Jeff Sipe Trio (jam)
Purple Onion Cafe
Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Red Stag Grill
Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues) Root Bar No. 1
Peace Jones (rock, reggae, funk) Scandals Nightclub
Drag show & dance party w/ DJ Stratos, Ashleigh Addams, Kandi & Nicole Divine Stella Blue
Dissent (metal) w/ Dixie Deathwish & The Black Ensemble Straightaway Café
Peggy Ratusz (blues)
Tallgary’s College Street Pub
Mind Echo (rock ‘n’ roll) The Hookah Bar
Dub Brothers (dub, electronic) w/ Intrinsic The Wine Cellar at the Saluda Inn
Dave Landeo (alternative, acoustic)
Sat., February 20
The Family Eversole (bluegrass, roots, experimental)
Athena’s Club
Firestorm Cafe and Books
DJ night
Katie LaRue (acoustic, folk) & Emily Ryane
Back Room
Fred’s Parkside Pub & Grill
The Deluge (mountain music, jazz, country) Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Buddy Davis & friends
Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar
Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm BoBo Gallery
Poetry by Ray McNice, 8-10pm DJ Tumbleweed, late Boiler Room
Telic (metal) w/ Burnstitch, Ironside & Wake the Living Chameleon Soul Food
Dan Keller (jazz guitarist) Club 828
“The Blackout Ball” feat: Captain Crunk (electronic), Esiris, Thump, A.D.D.ict, Libravado Sisters (aerial artists) & POETIX
Ryan Furstenburg (indie, singer/songwriter, Americana)
Craggie Brewing Company
Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
Cypress Cellar
Live music w/ singer-songwriters
Jenny Arch CD release party (acoustic, folk)
Town Pump
Decades Restaurant & Bar
Duke Freeman (blues, roots) w/ FreeGrass Revival (bluegrass)
Voodoo Wedding (indie, rock)
42nd Street Jazz Band
Diana Wortham Theater
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Gashouse Mouse (rock, blues)
Punch Brothers feat: Chris Thile (Mandolin virtuoso)
Vincenzo’s Bistro
El Dorado Latin Grill
Bobby Sullivan (piano)
Live music
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Rafe Hollister (Southern rock, Americana) Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe
Paul Cataldo (Americana, country) White Horse
Corduroy Road (Americana, folk) w/ Appalachia Song Wild Wing Cafe
Feed and Seed
Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Emerald Lounge
Humble Thumb (folk/bluegrass) & The Dark Shave (progressive rock) French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Lyndsay Wojcik (folk, soul)
Funny Business Comedy Club
Chris Barnes (comedian), 8pm & 10:30pm Garage at Biltmore
Juliapawooza! feat: David Krantz (Agobi Project) vs. David Mathes (Sonmi Suite), DJ Galdytron, Liam Collins, Andy Reed & more Good Stuff
Jesse James (Americana), 8pm Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Agent 23 Skidoo (family hip-hop), 1pm Tony Trischka (bluegrass, roots) w/ Della Mae (all-girl bluegrass quintet) Grove Park Inn Great Hall
Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Handlebar
13th annual Chase Away the Blues feat: Ninth Row (funk, Carolina beach music) & Wanda Johnson Horizons at Grove Park Inn
Lajos Pagony (piano), 6-10pm
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Infusions Lounge
Live music
Jack Of The Wood Pub
The New Relics (country, rock) Jerusalem Garden
Belly dancing w/ live music Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Winter Cosmic Jam
Paul Edelman w/ Pierce Edens & The Dirty Work (rock, soul, blues)
Fairview Tavern
New French Bar Courtyard Cafe
Grand Opening Celebration w/ The Wellhouse Band (roots)
I]Z =dda^\Vch
King of Prussia (lyrical, indie, folk) Nine Mile
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 79
Ras Berhane (acoustic, reggae) Orange Peel
North Mississippi Allstars (Southern rock, blues) w/ The City Champs Purple Onion Cafe
Kellin Watson (pop, folk, rock) Red Stag Grill
Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues)
Dog Training In Your Home
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
Live music
Rocket Club
LOL Comedy feat: Eli from Moâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Nique Show Root Bar No. 1
Town Pump
Westville Pub
Vincenzoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bistro
White Horse
Mon., February 22
Peg Twisters (â&#x20AC;&#x153;old-time music w/ a twistâ&#x20AC;?) Mel Jones & His Bag-o-Bones (harp, blues classics) Free Planet Radio (acoustic, jazz)
Traveling Trio (blues) Scandals Nightclub
Sun., February 21
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Dance party w/ DJ Wayd Runk Contra dance
Athenaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club
DJ night
Boscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sports Zone
Paul Cataldo (Americana, country)
Bob Zullo (guitar), 630-10:30pm Hangar
Open mic night w/ Aaron LaFalce
Luke Wood (acoustic)
Mo-Daddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bar & Grill
EYMAREL (other) & guests
Shag dance & lessons
The Oxymorons (improv comedy)
The Reggie Warren Experience (rock) Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Orange Peel
The Used (rock, punk) w/ Atreyu
Westsound (r&b, blues)
Poâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Girl (roots, indie, jazz) w/ Nervous But Excited
Rocket Club
The Hookah Bar
Jack Of The Wood Pub
Town Pump
Moscow Festival Ballet: Swan Lake
Irish session, 5pm Tom Waits time, late
Asheville Jazz Orchestra (swing, jazz)
Vincenzoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bistro
Marc Keller & Company (variety)
Lobster Trap
Chris Rhodes
New French Bar Courtyard Cafe
Tue., February 23 Back Room
Jeff Markham & Last Call (Americana, folk, rock)
Purple Onion Cafe
Beacon Pub
Tressaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Vincenzoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bistro
Rocket Club
BoBo Gallery
Scandals Nightclub
Eleven on Grove
Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump
The Nightcrawlers (dance, blues)
Live music w/ Tom Coppola (early) & Marc Keller (late) Watershed
Live music w/ Black Jack
Beaucoup Blue (Americana)
Steve Whiteside (singer/songwriter, acoustic guitar) Open mic
Vinyl at the Vault w/ Chris Ballard Sunday jazz jam
Makia Groove (funk, reggae, fusion) Off the Map
Dance party w/ DJs Acolyte or Zorro & drag show
Swing & Tango lessons and dance w/ One Leg Up
In difficult times, personal faith and belief provide a guiding star to help keep our lives on course.
Mack Kellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tressaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Downtown Jazz and Blues TUESDAY Getawayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (Eleven on Grove) Hookah Bar Mikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Side Pocket WEDNESDAY Asheville Ale House â&#x20AC;˘ Fredâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Parkside Pub & Grill â&#x20AC;˘ The Hangar â&#x20AC;˘ Infusions Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Malleys on Main â&#x20AC;˘ Hollandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grille THURSDAY
Live music w/ The Dewdabides
Damon Moon and the Whispering Drifters (experimental, folk, other) w/ Tony Wain & The Payne & Bob
Tolliverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Crossing Irish Pub
Old Fairview Southern Kitchen
Garage at Biltmore
Tallgaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College Street Pub
Dog Faced Hermans songs (experimental, punk) feat: Pashtun Nightlife, Blug Sluggeth, Doom Ribbons & DJ Tastemaker
I N â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;TH E â&#x20AC;&#x2C6; C L U B S
Grove Park Inn Great Hall
One Leg Up (Gypsy jazz)
Stella Blue
Blitch (hard-rock band) w/ Blue Rocket Rose Emerald Lounge
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Straightaway CafĂŠ
Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals)
Contagious (rock covers)
Drag show & DJ Dance party w/ DJ Stratos, Roxxy Hart & Manhattan Hillside Bombers (acoustic, folk) w/ Baby Cowboy
Pickinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at the Pump, open acoustic jam
Club 828
Wild Wing Cafe
Barleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Taproom
Thomas Wolfe Auditorium
Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe
a matter of
Beacon Pub â&#x20AC;˘ Cancun Mexican Grill Chasers â&#x20AC;˘ Club Hairspray Shovelhead Saloon FRIDAY Fairview Tavern â&#x20AC;˘ Infusions Mack Kellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Shovelhead Saloon Stockade Brew House The 170 La Cantinetta SATURDAY Club Hairspray â&#x20AC;˘ Hollandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grille Infusions â&#x20AC;˘ Shovelhead Saloon The Still SUNDAY Asheville Ale House â&#x20AC;˘ Boscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sports Zone â&#x20AC;˘ Cancun Mexican Grill The Hangar â&#x20AC;˘ Getawayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (Eleven on Grove) Mack Kellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Wing Cafe Emerald Lounge
Tuesday Night Funk Jam Feed and Seed
Will Rayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mountain Jam Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Floating Action (other) w/ Hacienda (rock, pop) & Generationals Grove Park Inn Great Hall
His so Called Friends
and is open to those churches, synagogues and organizations concerned with the importance of religion and spirituality. The Mountain Xpress reserves the right to edit A Matter of Faith column submissions for clarity, style, and community standards. Edited submissions will be shared with the authors prior to publication.
Bill Covington (classics), 6-7pm Maddy & Masterpiece (dance band), 7-11pm Laureyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catering and Gourmet To Go
Ukulele jam
Lobster Trap
Geoff Weeks
Mo-Daddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bar & Grill
Clem Watkins (â&#x20AC;&#x153;acoustic jambalayaâ&#x20AC;?) New French Bar Courtyard Cafe
Tomato Tuesday comedy open mic
Old Fairview Southern Kitchen
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait - reserve your space today! Contact advertise@mountainx.com or 828.251.1333
Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues)
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Rock Records
Rocket Club
Skeletonwitch (hardcore, metal) w/ Iron Age, Howl & Ironside Temptations Martini Bar
Aaron LaFalce (pop, rock, acoustic) TGI Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Wellhouse Duo (roots) Town Pump
Bryan Elijah Smith (acoustic) Tressaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Downtown Jazz and Blues
80 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 â&#x20AC;˘ mountainx.com
Acoustic spotlight hosted by Peggy Ratusz & “Big Al” Pearlman
Boiler Room
Athena’s Club
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Bosco’s Sports Zone
Back Room
Club 828
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Westville Pub
Courtyard Gallery
Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar
White Horse
Decades Restaurant & Bar
BoBo Gallery
Fairview Tavern
Boiler Room
Frankie Bones
Chameleon Soul Food
Fred’s Parkside Pub & Grill
Club 828
Marc Keller & Company (variety) Live music w/ Robert Greer Blues Jam w/ Mars Fariss Irish session, 6:30pm Open mike w/ Parker Brooks, 8:30pm Wild Wing Cafe
Turn Pike Trio (bluegrass)
Wed., February 24
Manic (rock)
Open mic & jam
Hip-hop & DJ night Open mic w/ Barbie Angell Jazz piano w/ Garnell Stuart Open mic
Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter)
Leigh Glass Band (Americana) Patrick Fitzsimons (blues, folk)
Live music
P.R.O.O.F. (“faith rock”) w/ Lake Effekt
Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Rotating jazz bands
Open mic
The Bottle Rockets (rock, Americana) w/ Brian McGee & The Hollow Speed
Boiler Room
Salsa & Mambo Dancing, 10pm-2am Dance Lessons, 10:30pm
Bosco’s Sports Zone
Infusions Lounge
Paul’s Creek (folk)
Iron Horse Station
Tennessee Hollow (country, roots, rock)
Chameleon Soul Food
Jack Of The Wood Pub
Kevin Bozeman (comedian), 8pm & 10:30pm
Elaine’s Dueling Piano Bar
Laurey’s Catering and Gourmet To Go
Beacon Pub
Open jam
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Forty Furies (rock) Shag dance
‘80s Night, 10pm Spoken word, music & poetry night hosted by Lyric Non-stop rock’n roll sing-a-long party show, 8pm-1am Eleven on Grove
Zydeco dance & lessons Frankie Bones
Chris Rhodes (singer/songwriter) Good Stuff
Open mic
Dave Alvin (folk, blues, rock) & Couple of Guilty Women w/ Ragged Orchids Holland’s Grille
Marc Keller (singer/songwriter) Jack Of The Wood Pub
Old Time Jam, 6pm Mike’s Tavern
Songwriters circle & open jam w/ John Spear Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Jazz jam hosted by members of VJP w/ Ben Hovey (of Asheville Horns) Nine Mile
Ras Berhane (acoustic, reggae)
Johnson’s Crossroad (acoustic country)
Toubab Krewe (Afro-beat, rock, funk) Live music
Open mic w/ Yorky
Taylor Martin (country) & Rafe Holister “Sugar and Spice” feat: Ami Worthen (Mad Tea Party), Caroline Cole (Snake Oil Medicine Show) & Jason Krekel (fiddle) Lobster Trap
Hank Bones
Decades Restaurant & Bar
Feed and Seed French Broad Brewery Tasting Room Funny Business Comedy Club Garage at Biltmore
It’s All Love Haiti Relief Benefit Concert feat: The Dubber, Turbo Pro Project, Satta Lions, Sirius.B, Ash Devine & more Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Woody Wood (rock, soul) & Sons of Bill (country, rock) Handlebar
The Bottle Rockets (Southern-style rock) w/ Michelle Malone
Highland Brewing Company
Belly dancing Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Izzy and Chris w/ Applesauce (acoustic, blues duo)
Lyndsay Wojcik & friends (indie, folk, soul), 6-8pm Holland’s Grille
The Nightcrawlers (dance, blues, rock)
Never Blue
Infusions Lounge
Old Fairview Southern Kitchen
Iron Horse Station
Singer/songwriter showcase Mark Keller (singer/songwriter) Orange Peel
Sam Bush (acoustic, bluegrass) w/ Missy Raines & The New Hip
Southern Silk Duo (jazz, blues), 7:30-10:30pm Sherri Lynn and Mountain Friends (contemporary bluegrass, country) Jack Of The Wood Pub
Brother Fatback (Gypsy, folk, bluegrass)
Pisgah Brewing Company
Jerusalem Garden
Purple Onion Cafe
Lobster Trap
Wiseapple (bluegrass, Americana)
Belly dancing w/ live music Live music by local artists
Old Fairview Southern Kitchen
Bluegrass jam night, 7pm
Fayssoux McLean & Brandon Turner (blues, experimental, rock)
Rankin Vault Cocktail Lounge
Red Stag Grill
“Hits & Shits” w/ Jamie Hepler
Anne Coombs (jazz, swing)
Ralph Roddenberry (singer/songwriter) w/ The Jones
Red Stag Grill
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
New French Bar Courtyard Cafe
Bobby Sullivan (blues, rock, standards)
Kemistry (Southern rock, covers)
Rocket Club
Rocket Club
“Super dance party” feat: Adam Strange & Crick Nice DJ
The New Familiars (acoustic, folk, rock) w/ Reid Wilson & His So Called Friends
Scandals Nightclub
Root Bar No. 1
Country dance lessons, 9-10pm Dance, 10pm-Midnight The Hookah Bar
Open mic w/ rotating local hosts Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
‘80s night
Town Pump
Open Mic w/ David Bryan Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
The Free Flow Band (soul, funk) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Steve Whiddon (piano, vocals) Westville Pub
Jammin’ w/ Funky Max
Paul Cataldo (Americana, country) Scandals Nightclub
DJ Acolyte
TGI Friday’s
Open mic
The 170 La Cantinetta
Dave Lagadi (smooth jazz) Town Pump
Jokes&Jokes&Jokes (indie, Americana) Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Dr. Fuzz and The Voodoo Machine (rock, “power trio”) Orange Peel
White Horse
Back Room
Zuma Coffee
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Fri., February 26
The Rex McCann One-Man-Band (blues, folk) “Great Blue Ridge Talent Search” Thursday night bluegrass jam
;d`eo MD9Èi ceij ]eh][eki \[cWb[i kf Ybei[$$$ eh h[bWn _d ekh [Yb[Yj_Y bekd][$
FAT TuesdAy
5-11 pm
all u Can Eat Jambalaya & Blues $2 domestics and $5.50 bombs
80’s NIGHT
Fri. Sat.
Live Music
starts at 9 pm
starts at 9 pm
Sun. Sunday Bloody Sunday $4.50 Bloody Marys 733 Haywood Rd. • West Asheville (on the corner of Brevard & Haywood Rd.)
NEXT FIGHT SAT, FEB 20 ON THE BIG SCREEN Ladies & Couples Welcome, Great Drink Specials Every Night, Billiards & Games
The New Deal (house, drum & bass) Purple Onion Cafe
7i^[l_bb[Èi D[m[ij D[_]^Xeh^eeZ 8Wh 35¢ Wings Everday *excludes special event days
Golden Tee Tournament Tuesday
Texas Hold ‘em Tournament by Buzztime Wednesday
Fred Whisken (jazz pianist) Red Stag Grill
Karaoke 10pm-2am
Rocket Club
Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues)
Dart Tournaments
Nerd Parade (indie, electronica) w/ The Broomstars (rock, experimental) & Diocious Scandals Nightclub
Stella Blue
Athena’s Club
Mark Bumgarner (Americana)
O’Malley’s On Main
Vincenzo’s Bistro
Thu., February 25
Space Heaters (rock, pop)
Human Smoke w/ Count Von Count (experimental, punk) & U.S. Christmas
Peggy Ratusz and Friends (blues)
Westville Pub
DJ night
Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Drag show & dance party w/ DJ Stratos, Ami Zhan, Dior & Briana Michaels
Aaron LaFalce (acoustic guitar, singer/songwriter)
Eleven on Grove
Mack Kell’s Pub & Grill
Marc Keller (acoustic, variety)
Ghost Mountain Rhythm and Blues (soul, blues) Daedelus (experimental) w/ Nosaj Thing (electronica) & Jogger
Open mic
Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Back Room
Open mic hosted by Jimbo
DJ night
Crystal Kind (cosmic reggae) Straightaway Café
Kevin Scanlon (acoustic, folk) Tallgary’s College Street Pub
Flying Oatsmen (rock)
The Wine Cellar at the Saluda Inn
Paul Cataldo (country, bluegrass, Americana) Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
Live music w/ singer-songwriters
9ec[ ed" b_l[ j^[ b_\[ e\ bknkho$$$ Wj b[Wij \eh ed[ d_]^j (828) 298-1400
520 Swannanoa River Rd, Asheville, NC 28805
Trivia with Buzztime
$2.50 Tequilla Shots
Karaoke 10pm - 2am
$50 cash prize for karaoke winner! Full Menu Available Daily until 2am
144 Biltmore Ave. Asheville, NC M-F 4pm-2am • Sat & Sun 11am-2am
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 81
Town Pump
The Radials (Americana, roots)
Haitian Benefit show feat: Phuncle Sam (jam, psychedelic) & Jaimee Tomas Band
Robert Thomas (jazz standards, blues)
Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
Fairview Tavern
Live music
Peggy Ratusz and Daddy Longlegs (soulful blues)
French Broad Brewery Tasting Room
Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe
Funny Business Comedy Club
Kevin Bozeman (comedian), 8pm & 10:30pm
mindshapefist (rock) w/ Mother Soul (metal) & Misplaced Aggression
White Horse
Garage at Biltmore
Straightaway Café
Levi Douglas Blues Band CD release party
JE I;; J>?I M;;A½I CEL?;I J?C;I
Wild Wing Cafe
Sat., February 27
Athena’s Club
DJ night
Back Room
Mark Bumgarner (Americana)
Blue Ridge Dining Room & Wine Bar
Chris Rhodes (r&b, blues, pop), 5:30-10pm
Join us at both locations for our
BoBo Gallery
DJ Brett Rock
Boiler Room
“Electronic Goth Industrial Beat Music” feat: DJ Jason Ross & more Craggie Brewing Company
M-F 11-3pm • Now open Sundays! Pizza, salad, baked potatoes and more!
Asheville Vaudeville (performance art, music, puppetry) Decades Restaurant & Bar
42nd Street Jazz Band
Asheville Brewing Company 77 Coxe Ave. Downtown Asheville
El Dorado Latin Grill
Live music
coming March 24th
È i Z _ A [ l _ 7Yj If[Y_Wb ?iik[ 251-1333 • advertise@mountainx.com 82 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Wayne Robbins and the Hellsayers (folk, soul, shoegaze) CD release show The Pietasters (ska, reggae, punk) w/ Jojo Taterhead Revival Infusions Lounge
Live music
Jack Of The Wood Pub
A Good Natured Riot (acoustic, bluegrass, folk) Jerusalem Garden
Belly dancing w/ live music Mo-Daddy’s Bar & Grill
Actual Proof (jazz, fusion) w/ Dashvara New French Bar Courtyard Cafe
The Bohannons (rock, gothic) w/ Up With The Jonses Nine Mile
Ras Berhane (acoustic, reggae) O’Malley’s On Main
Bobby Sullivan (singer/songwriter) Orange Peel
Ben Sollee (acoustic, alternative, folk) & Daniel Martin Moore Purple Onion Cafe
Swing and dance w/ Kon Tiki
Taylor Moore (roots, blues) & The Bordeaux Brothers
Emerald Lounge
Red Stag Grill
Eleven on Grove
Metal showcase feat: As Sick As Us, Chivalry, Face Down & Faigen Grey Eagle Music Hall & Tavern
Blue Mountain Pizza Cafe
Delivery or Carry Out until 11pm • 254-5339
Nikki Talley (indie, rock)
Gary Ray Pfaff & The Heartwells (Southern rock, Americana) Lyndsay Wojcik (folk, indie), 9pm
The Last Call Band (folk, rock)
$3 Admission • Movie Line 254-1281
Ghost Mountain (soul, blues)
Fire Seed (Celtic, acoustic, roots music)
Root Bar No. 1
Mountain Angels (mountain music) w/ Lester Grass
Velvet Truckstop (Americana, rock)
FB;7I; L?I?J
Feed and Seed
Bobby Sullivan (piano)
Vincenzo’s Bistro
675 Merrimon Ave • Asheville, NC
Twist Of Fate (rock, metal)
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
Scandals Nightclub
Drag show & dance party w/ DJ Stratos w/ Coco Coulture, Kimberly Allure & Chyna Stella Blue
Matt Tewey (of FreeGrass Revival) & Kat Tallgary’s College Street Pub
Emporium (rock)
The Wine Cellar at the Saluda Inn
Marc Yaxley (classic jazz, guitar, fusion) Thomas Wolfe Auditorium
Asheville Symphony: Masterworks 4 Tolliver’s Crossing Irish Pub
Live music w/ singer-songwriters Town Pump
The Wellhouse Band (roots, rock) Tressa’s Downtown Jazz and Blues
The Free Flow Band (soul, funk) Vincenzo’s Bistro
Live music w/ Tom Coppola (early) & Marc Keller (late) Watershed
DSF Earth Corps (Christian, funk, rock) Well-Bred Bakery and Cafe
Demijohn Varmits (“Appalachian dirty shuffle”) Westville Pub
The Brand New Life (funk, jazz) White Horse
The Business (dance band) Wild Wing Cafe
Much is Given (rock)
theaterlistings Friday, FEBRUARY 19 - Thursday, FEBRUARY 25
Due to possible last-minute scheduling changes, moviegoers may want to confirm showtimes with theaters.
movie reviews and listings by ken hanke
JJJJJ is the maximum rating
additional reviews by justin souther • contact xpressmovies@aol.com
pickoftheweek The Last Station JJJJJ
Director: Michael Hoffman (The Emperor’s Club) Players: Helen Mirren, Christopher Plummer, James McAvoy, Paul Giamatti, Kerry Condon, Anne-Marie Duff
Please call the info line for updated showtimes. The Hurt Locker (R) 10:00 The Princess and the Frog (PG) 1:00, 4:00 The Twilight Saga: New Moon (PG-13) 7:00
Carmike Cinema 10 (298-4452) n
Biographical Domestic Farce/Tragedy Rated R
The Story: The story of the last year in the life of the writer Leo Tolstoy — and the battle for the control of his estate. The Lowdown: A surprisingly entertaining, beautifully made historical film with large doses of humor and brilliant performances from Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer. The last of the big-award Oscar contenders (Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor) hits town this week with Michael Hoffman’s The Last Station. If the idea of a movie about the final year in the life of Count Leo (Lev) Tolstoy (Christopher Plummer) and his wife Sofya (Helen Mirren) sounds a little dry to you, reconsider. It didn’t sound that enticing to me, and it wasn’t helped by the fact that the only one of writerdirector Hoffman’s previous films I’d cared for was Soapdish (1991), which seemed a very different proposition and a good while back. Oddly, The Last Station is such a cheeky creation that it turns out to be not such a different proposition at all. This is biographical fare of a very different kind than you would probably expect. It’s played as a kind of domestic farce, with the more serious aspects being allowed to sneak up on you. The approach pays dividends at every turn. We more or less view the story through the eyes of Valentin Bulgakov (James McAvoy), a young man anxious to become a part of the thenburgeoning Tolstoy cult (Tolstoyans). Valentin is hired as a secretary for Tolstoy by the author’s primary acolyte Vladimir Chertkov (Paul Giamatti). Chertkov, however, wants Valentin to be a little more than a secretary. He wants him to keep track of what Tolstoy’s wife, Sofya, is doing. Chertkov — a true believer in Tolstoy’s pacifist, vegetarian, celibate (theoretically), quasi-mystical utopian vision — has a plan to get Tolstoy to sign over the rights to all his literary works to the Russian people. Not surprisingly, Sofya, who likes her comforts and finds the Tolstoyan movement more than a little on the crackpot side, is out to prevent this. In one sense, the film is mostly about this battle for control over the 82year-old writer, but there’s more to it than that. Sofya has managed to place — in her own mind — Chertkov’s influence over her husband as a late-in-the-day homosexual crush on the younger man. She’s very outspoken on
n Asheville Pizza & Brewing Co. (254-1281)
Christopher Plummer and Helen Mirren star as Leo Tolstoy and his wife, Sofya, in Michael Hoffman’s surprisingly funny, entertaining and ultimately moving The Last Station. this point, and interestingly neither Tolstoy nor Chertkov deny it. The most reaction she ever gets is Chertkov looking miffed when she refers to him as a catamite. Indeed, Giamatti plays the character in a manner that suggests she may be right. For that matter, Sofya — despite the self-serving aspects of her machinations — is often shown as understanding the great man far better than anyone else involved. And much of their arguing and even dinner-plate-smashing fights are obviously nothing more than two old hands at this game striking poses for each other’s benefit, and, of course, for the benefit of anyone out of the loop who happens to be in the vicinity — like the hapless Valentin or the ever-present photographers, cameramen and reporters who are camped out in front of the house like early paparazzi. A lot of the film is played for comedy. Occasionally — as when Sofya clambers across balconies (in full view of the delighted press on the lawn) to spy on Tolstoy — it crosses the line into something like bedroom farce. But rather than diminish the characters and the drama, this only serves to enhance it. It’s impossible not to like Sofya and Tolstoy. It helps that Mirren never forgets to play Sofya as a woman in love, and that Plummer plays Tolstoy as a man aware of his own shortcomings and one who is quietly amused by the world’s perception of him as a great man. Though I think it unlikely either will win the Oscar, both would certainly be worthy of the award. Come to that, the film — which was not nominated — would be a better choice than some that were nominated, but that’s a separate issue. In any case, do not miss this one. Rated R
for a scene of sexuality/nudity. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Fine Arts Theatre.
The Oscar-Nominated Shorts JJJJ
Director: Various directors Players: Various actors
Collection of Animated and Live-Action Shorts Rated NR
The Story: A collection of the 2009 Oscar nominees in the short-film categories. The Lowdown: Uneven — as all such collections tend to be — but a generally worthwhile set of films of a genre that isn’t often seen. Spare a thought for the short film — and maybe give this year’s Oscar-nominated shorts a look. Every so often someone tries booking the Oscar shorts into a local theater — and usually, the turnout for them is discouraging. That’s too bad for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the short film is often where filmmakers hone their craft. Unlike a lot of viewers, I wasn’t surprised by the quality of Martin McDonagh’s In Bruge (2007). Why? Because I’d seen his Oscarwinning short film Six Shooter in a collection much like the one opening at Carolina Asheville Cinema this Friday. There’s a lot that’s worth seeing in the realm of short movies — and look at it this way, you get 10 movies (five live-action and five animated) for one admission price. The live-action nominees in this year’s col-
Avatar 3D (PG-13) 12:00, 1:00, 3:30, 4:30, 7:15, 800 Blood Done Sign My Name (PG-13) 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00 Edge of Darkness (R) 4:10, 9:50 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (PG) 1:30, 4:15, 7:05, 9:50 Sherlock Holmes (PG-13) 1:00 (no Sat-Sun 1:00 show), 4:00, 7:10, 10:00 Shutter Island (R) 12:00, 1:00, 3:05, 4:05, 6:10, 7:10, 9:15, 10:15, Late show Fri only 12:20 Super Why (G) 1:00 Sat and Sun only Up in the Air (R) 1:30, 7:10 Valentine’s Day (PG-13) 1:10, 2:00, 4:05, 5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:55 n Carolina Asheville Cinema 14 (274-9500)
Avatar 3D (PG-13) 11:50, 3:00, 7:00, 10:15 The Book of Eli (R) 12:20, 3:15, 7:30, 10:10 Crazy Heart (R) 11:30, 2:20, 4:55, 8:00, 10:35 Dear John (PG-13) 11:25, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 9:55 (Sofa Cinema) Edge of Darkness (R) 7:35, 10:10 An Education (PG-13) 11:45. 5:00, 10:25 (Sofa Cinema) The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (PG-13) 12:05, 3:40, 7:10, 10:00 The Oscar Nominated Shorts (NR) 11:25, 3:15, 8:15 Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (PG) 11:25, 2:05, 4:45, 7:25, 10:00 Shutter Island (R) 12:15, 3:30, 7:15, 10:20 A Single Man (R) 12:10, 2:35, 5:15, 7:50, 10:30 (Sofa Cinema showing) Tooth Fairy (PG)
11:35, 2:10, 4:35 Up in the Air (R) 11:45. 2:15, 4:55, 7:40, 10:15 Valentine’s Day (PG-13) 11:35, 2:20, 5:05, 7:45, 10:30 The Young Victoria (PG) 2:25, 7:05 (Sofa Cinema showing) The Wolfman (R) 11:55, 2:25, 4:50, 7:30, 10:05
Cinebarre (665-7776) n
Avatar 2D (PG-13) 11:50 (Fri-Sun), 3:30, 7:10, 10:35 Dear John (PG-13) 11:15 (Fri-Sun), 1:45, 4:15, 7:45, 10:15 Shutter Island (R) 12:00 (Fri-Sun), 3:35, 7:15, 10:20 Valentine’s Day (PG-13) 10:35 (Fri-Sun), 1:25, 4:25, 7:30, 10:25 The Wolfman (R) 11:00 (Fri-Sun), 1:30, 4:45, 7:20, 10:30 n Co-ed Cinema Brevard (883-2200) n Epic of Hendersonville (693-1146) n Fine Arts Theatre (232-1536)
Crazy Heart (R) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 (no 7:00 show Thu Feb 25), Late show Fri-Sat 9:30 The Last Station (R) 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, Late show Fri-Sat 9:40 Solatrium (NR) 7:00 Thu Feb 25 only this week
Flatrock Cinema (697-2463) n
Serious Moonlight (R) 4:30, 7:00 The Young Victoria (PG) 1:00 (Sat, Sun, Wed) n Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15 (684-1298) n United Artists Beaucatcher (298-1234)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (PG) 1:50, 4:45, 7:50, 10:05 The Blind Side (PG-13) 1:00, 4:10, 7:10, 10:00 The Book of Eli (R) 1:10, 7:20 Dear John (PG-13) 1:20, 4:40,7:40, 10:10 Tooth Fairy (PG) 1:40, 4:20, 8:00, 10:20 When in Rome (PG-13) 4:30, 9:55 The Wolfman (R) 1:30, 2:00, 4:00. 4:50, 7:00, 7:30, 9:45. 10:15
For some theaters movie listings were not available at press time. Please contact the theater or check mountainx.com for updated information.
mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 83
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nowplaying Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel J
Zachary Levi, David Cross, Jason Lee, Justin Long (voice) Animated Rodent Musical/Adventure Everyone’s favorite singing chipmunks are back—whether you like it or not. This time, starting off at high school. Manages to be both bottom-of-the-barrel and incredibly grating. This might be the first time I’ve watched a movie that’s completely made up of filler. Rated PG
Avatar JJJJ
Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez Science Fiction In the future, an ex-Marine inflitrates the indigenous race on the planet Pandora, only to find their simple ways superior to those of civilization as he knows it. An undeniable effects and design extravaganza, Avatar is nonetheless a fairly basic story with a new paint job. Rated PG-13
The Blind Side JJJJ
Sandra Bullock, Quinton Aaron, Tim McGraw, Ray McKinnon, Kathy Bates, Jae Head Fact-Based Uplifting Sports Drama Fact-based story of Michael Oher, a poor black kid adopted by an upscale white family. A manipulative, but effective, uplifting sports drama that benefits from a strong cast, but never escapes a sense of condescension and questionable messages. Rated PG-13
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Crazy Heart JJJJ
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Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Robert Duvall, Colin Farrell, Jack Nation Redemption Drama With Country Music A downon-his-luck alcoholic country singer on the dead-end circuit gets a chance at a comeback and personal redemption. A straightforward redemption drama that’s damaged by an unpersuasive romance, but offers the compensation of a strong lead performance from Jeff Bridges. Rated R
Dear John JJJ
Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Richard Jenkins, Henry Thomas, Scott Porter Goopy Romance A soldier finds the love of his life, only to have the romance complicated by 9/11. Strong direction isn’t enough to counteract the onslaught of goofy melodrama and paper-thin characterization on display. Rated PG-13
Edge of Darkness JJJ
Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic, Shawn Roberts Standard Revenge Thriller Wrapped in Endless Convolutions When a Boston detective’s daughter is murdered, the detective follows a trail that leads him to
pretty high places in his search for her killers. A simple revenge thriller that’s tarted up with not very convincing conspiracy nonsense that isn’t helped by a sluggish pace. Rated R
From Paris With Love JJJJ
John Travolta, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Kasia Smutniak, Richard Durden Action/Adventure With a High Body Count A rookie agent and his seemingly insane mentor blast their way across Paris on the trail of drug dealers—or maybe terrorists—without ever attracting the attention of the French police, who must be off somewhere listening to Josephine Baker records. Terminally stupid, but reasonably entertaining—if splattery deaths of the wholesale variety don’t offend you. Rated R
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus JJJJJ
Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, Lily Cole, Andrew Garfield, Tom Waits, Verne Troyer Mystery/Fantasy/Allegory Dr. Parnassus and his traveling imaginarium roam about London in quest of an audience and as part of a contest between Paranassus and the devil. A wildly imaginative and fantastic film from Terry Gilliam that ranks up there with his best work. Rated PG-13
The Last Station JJJJJ
Helen Mirren, Christopher Plummer, James McAvoy, Paul Giamatti, Kerry Condon, Anne-Marie Duff Biographical Domestic Farce/Tragedy The story of the last year in the life of the writer Leo Tolstoy—and the battle for the control of his estate. A surprisingly entertaining, beautifully made historical film with large doses of humor and brilliant performances from Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer. Rated R
Sherlock Holmes JJJJJ
Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong, Eddie Marsan Action/Mystery Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson pit their skills against a criminal mastermind who has apparently risen from the grave. One of the most enjoyable and beautifully crafted films of the year—and built around an interpretation of Holmes and Watson that’s more than a worthy addition to their cinematic predecessors. Rated PG-13
Tooth Fairy J
Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews, Stephen Merchant, Ryan Sheckler Family/Fantasy A callow hockey tough guy is sentenced to magical tooth-fairy duty for crushing the dreams of little kids. Filled with hokey CGI and a grown man in fairy wings and tights, the movie is yet another foray into nauseating family cheesiness. Rated PG
The Twilight Saga: New Moon JJ
Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke, Michael Sheen Teen Romance/Horror/Fantasy More teencentric romantic entanglements among the supernatural set and one whiny girl. It’s better made than the first one, but it may be even dumber in its attempt to go for the world’s record in moping teens. Rated PG-13
Up in the Air JJJJJ
The Oscar-Nominated ShortS JJJJ
George Clooney, Vera Farmiga, Anna Kendrick, Jason Bateman, J.K. Simmons, Melanie Lynskey Dramatic Comedy A man whose job is to fly around the country and fire people finds his way of life—and his perceptions of life—changing. Bitterly funny on the one hand and heartbreaking on the other, Up in the Air is a film of surprising depth and humanity. Rated R
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief JJJJ
Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Topher Grace, Julia Roberts, Shirley MacLaine Hoiday-Themed Romcom Various people’s lives and romances cross paths on the titular day. Big stars and not-so-big stars flit past on the screen in a creatively specious, multistory film that works on the premise that everything can be made right in two hours. It’s not unwatchable, but it’s not good. Rated PG-13
Various actors Collection of Animated and Live-Action Shorts A collection of the 2009 Oscar nominees in the short-film categories. Uneven—as all such collections tend to be—but a generally worthwhile set of films of a genre that isn’t often seen. Rated NR
Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean Teen Fantasy A teen finds out he is the son of Poseidon and it’s up to him to prevent a potential war between the gods. A good enough piece of entertainment that works within the confines of a CGI spectacle, with all the depth (or lack of) that implies. Rated PG
Valentine’s Day JJ
The Wolfman JJJJ
Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin, Art Malik Classic Horror With Viscera When his brother is mysteriously killed, an actor appearing in London visits the family’s ancestral home to learn the truth—with tragic results. A respectable and respectful remake of the 1941 horror staple. It’s good as a straightforward horror picture, but it could have been more. Rated R
Tune In to Cranky Hanke’s Movie Reviews
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on Matt Mittan’s Take a Stand.
84 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Feb. 17th 7-8:30 pm Body Image: No More Shame! A sexuality and spirituality workshop and discussion with Dianna Ritola - Sex Coach 36 Battery Park Ave. Downtown Asheville, NC 28801 828-254-6329 • www.vavavoom.com
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startingfriday BLOOD DONE SIGN MY NAME
The biggest names in Jeb Stuart’s Blood Done Sign My Name are Ricky Schroder and Nick Searcy, but that’s not the hook for this factbased, quasi-faith-based drama about a black Vietnam-era veteran who was allegedly murdered by a white businessman in a small North Carolina town. The crux of the drama concerns the alleged killer’s exoneration by an all-white jury and the racial tension that follows. The local appeal of the film will probably hinge on its North Carolina setting and the location shooting in Charlotte, Shelby and Statesville. It hasn’t been shown to critics, but it’s from a very small distributor, so that’s not very surprising. (PG-13)
Martin Scorsese’s long-delayed psychological thriller/horror film finally sees light of day this Friday. Adapted from the Dennis Lehane (Mystic River) novel, this is a period piece (1954) that finds a U.S. Marshall (Leonardo DiCaprio) searching for a missing patient at an institution for the criminally insane. The trailer is intensely creepy, and even though the film hasn’t been screened for mainstream critics (or they’ve been sworn to keep reviews out of play till Friday), test audiences are said to have given the film very high marks. Scorsese direction and a top-notch cast — along with DiCaprio are Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Max von Sydow and Michelle Williams — should be enough to pique just about anyone’s interest. (R)
See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
THE OSCAR-NOMINATED SHORT FILMS See review in “Cranky Hanke.”
lection are The Door, Instead of Abracadabra, Kavi, Miracle Fish and The New Tenants. The animated ones are French Roast, Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty, The Lady and the Reaper, Logorama and Wallace and Gromit in “A Matter of Loaf and Death”. I’m not going to even make an attempt at trying to cover all 10 titles in this space. But for purposes of an overview, I will say that the live-action entries are not the strongest I’ve ever seen. Some strive too hard to be relevant, while others think they’re a lot more clever than they are — and in those cases, the films frankly seem longer than they are. That’s not good news when you’re talking about movies that are no more than 20 minutes long. However, the Swedish comedy Instead of Abracadabra has a decidedly cockeyed charm and is frequently very funny. The American-made The New Tenants is also a pleasant surprise, though it perhaps goes on a little longer than it should. Still, this little film about an endlessly bickering gay couple and the strange — and dangerous — characters who keep showing up at the door of their new apartment is engaging. It also offers a recipe for cinnamon buns, which is not something many films think to include. The animated films are on much more solid ground. All five of these are worthwhile. The longest is the Wallace and Gromit short, and it’s everything you expect in a Wallace and Gromit film, which is saying a good bit right there. It would probably be worth attending the showing for it alone, but I actually think my personal favorite is the very strange Logorama. The film is a not-very-subtle jab at commercialism and product placement. It takes place in a world made entirely of logos and characters from commercials. If you’ve ever wanted to see Mr. Peanut get his head blown off or a psychotic Ronald McDonald — complete with the Ink Spots singing “I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire” — this is the film for you. Almost as good
is The Lady and the Reaper, which depicts a team of medical technicians in a literal battle with the Grim Reaper over a little old lady in the emergency room. The remaining films are engaging, but comparatively slight affairs. All in all, it’s a better-than-average set of movies and the good ones are very good indeed. Definitely worth a look — and this year you’ll actually know what films you want to see win in this too-often-slighted category. reviewed by Ken Hanke Starts Friday at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief JJJJ
Director: Chris Columbus (I Love You Beth Cooper) Players: Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean
Teen Fantasy
Rated PG
The Story: A teen finds out he is the son of Poseidon and it’s up to him to prevent a potential war between the gods. The Lowdown: A good enough piece of entertainment that works within the confines of a CGI spectacle, with all the depth (or lack of) that implies. I don’t think anyone involved in the making of Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief is trying to hide the fact that this is another attempt at a Harry Potter-like teen-fantasy cash cow. The plots aren’t all that dissimilar — normal kid enters a world of magic and adventure — and putting Chris Columbus, who directed the first two Potter flicks, at the helm seems like nothing more than a way to connect Percy Jackson to J.K. Rowling’s already established film franchise. Unfortunately, Percy Jackson lacks the scope
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mountainx.com • FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 85
of the Potter movies, which — despite their ability to stand alone as autonomous films — taken together, make up one long, sprawling story. Percy Jackson, on the other hand, is much more self-contained, feeling more like a single, solitary movie than the jumping-off point for a franchise. I’m not sure anyone is to blame for this, or if it’s even really a criticism, but for a movie that so much wants to be the new Harry Potter, it’s competing against its own stacked deck of expectations. Even though Columbus’ Potter films remain the weakest of the bunch, he’s not to blame in Percy Jackson. Really, he has made a professional — if not stylistically drab — movie. No, the blame should be left at the feet of screenwriter Craig Titley (Cheaper By the Dozen 2), who has created the basics for a film with little depth. What we have is little more than a teen-empowerment fantasy. Maybe your dyslexia or ADHD or even your chauvinistic stepfather are all symptoms of you actually being the son of a god — at least, this is the basic conceit the film works on. Mildmannered, occasionally awkward teen Percy Jackson (a sometimes charming Logan Lerman, Gamer) finds out he’s the offspring of the god Poseidon (Kevin McKidd, Made of Honor) and thus imbued with magical powers and the title of demigod. Within the film, this means Percy is whisked away to a world of wholesale CGI bombardment and modernized Greek mythology (the lotus-eaters are holed up in a casino and Medusa (Uma Thurman) owns a gardening store). In truth, the selling point of the film is its constant parade of effects-heavy set pieces. The film works best
in this regard when it’s trying its damnedest to imitate a Molly Hatchet album cover, from a cow-throwing Minotaur to a fire-breathing Hydra. The grim tone the movie occasionally takes is easily the most interesting aspect of Percy Jackson. Here’s a movie where — in a trip through hell — life is summed up as a collection of broken dreams that only end in suffering and misery, and where a group of kids run around for a chunk of the film carrying Uma Thurman’s severed head. For a PG-rated film — made by a guy who made not one, but two Home Alone movies — this is pretty heavy stuff. Unfortunately, this is about as interesting as the film gets. There’s too much of a tendency for Columbus to stray into goofy theatrics. An early confrontation between Poseidon and Zeus (Sean Bean) has all the earmarks of overwrought community theater. There are tons of small, unintentionally funny bits here and there. Pierce Brosnan in a wheelchair and with a great, big, bushy beard is amusing in and of itself. Pierce Brosnan later on as a centaur is hilarious. Of course, this is all loopy enough to be entertaining in a gawky kind of way, but it doesn’t really make the film all that good. The general lack of depth and substance beneath the movie’s basic conceit of teen encouragement, combined with missed opportunities (Steve Coogan as Hades is criminally underused) and the somewhat bloated running time, mean we get a nice piece of entertainment but little else. Rated PG for action violence and peril, some scary images and suggestive material, and mild language. reviewed by Justin Souther Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Carolina Asheville
86 FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 • mountainx.com
Cinema 14, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande 15.
Valentine’s Day JJ
Director: Garry Marshall Players: Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Topher Grace, Julia Roberts, Shirley MacLaine Hoiday-Themed Romcom
Rated PG-13
The Story: Various people’s lives and romances cross paths on the titular day. The Lowdown: Big stars and not-so-big stars flit past on the screen in a creatively specious, multistory film that works on the premise that everything can be made right in two hours. It’s not unwatchable, but it’s not good.
shameless abandon from Love Actually (set pieces and plot devices alike), but she seems to think that all the prefab sentiment found in Valentine’s Day is surprising and fresh. Her best friends really ought to tell her otherwise. Rated PG-13 for some sexual material and brief partial nudity. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carmike Cinema 10, Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande 15.
The Wolfman JJJJ
Director: Joe Johnston (Hidalgo) Players: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin, Art Malik Classic Horror With Viscera
Rated R
The Story: When his brother is mysteriously killed, an actor appearing in Note to Garry Marshall: Back in 1991 you made London visits the family’s ancestral home Frankie and Johnny. It’s probably the best movie to learn the truth — with tragic results. you ever made. It certainly contains one of the most deliriously romantic moments ever committed to film — involving the door on a flower truck opening behind the main characters when they kiss. You evoke this scene at a flower market early on in your new movie Valentine’s Day. Really, the last thing you want to do when making a pig’s bladder of a picture like Valentine’s Day is remind viewers of a far better film. Your cameo appearance and the in-joke about your involvement with The Odd Couple TV series were much more in tune with the tone of the film at hand. Valentine’s Day — which handily took the weekend box office thanks in no small part to its timing — is really little more than a poorly conceived American processed-cheese version of Love Actually (2005), insisting we believe Ashton Kutcher is an acceptable replacement for Hugh Grant. Unless you’re blind, deaf and extremely intoxicated, you probably realize that Kutcher is an acceptable replacement for Seann William Scott, but the line stops there. Theoretically, the film is an ensemble piece and has no central characters, but the story line that is the most developed involves Kutcher, his engagement to transparently unenthused girlfriend (Jessica Alba), his problem with his best friend (Jennifer Garner) and her affair with an obviously duplicitous doctor (Patrick Dempsey). The best thing I can say about the film is that I didn’t hate sitting through the screening and I seem to have suffered no ill effects from exposure to it. Anne Hathaway — as a young lady trying to balance a temp secretarial job, a new boyfriend (Topher Grace) and a gig as a phone-sex performer — seems to be having the best time. Most of the cast seems to be mildly distracted, perhaps concentrating on what they’ll do with their not inconsiderable paychecks. Rumor has it that Julia Roberts got $3 million for about six minutes of screen time. That’s $500,000 a minute. I sat through all 125 minutes of this thing and, I assure you, will see nothing like that kind of remuneration. The basic problem with the film lies in Katherine Fugate’s screenplay (a case could be made that no one who wrote even a single episode of Xena: Warrior Princess should ever be allowed to write again). She not only steals with
The Lowdown: A respectable and respectful remake of the 1941 horror staple. It’s good as a straightforward horror picture, but it could have been more. Joe Johnston’s The Wolfman is neither as bad as you’ve probably heard, nor is it anywhere near as good as I might have hoped. It has a lot going for it. It’s good-looking, and it’s atmospheric. The cast is good. The makeup is excellent, managing to retain the charms of the source film’s Wolf Man, while making him more horrific for our modern sensibilities. The screenplay manages to flesh out the undeniably thin story line of the original 1941 film. Danny Elfman’s score is effective and something of a departure, with traces of a Philip Glass influence in it. The truth is that the individual components of the film are easily four-star — maybe four-and-a-half-star — material. But somehow, when they’re put together, they add up to less. Let me get the classic horror geek stuff out of the way first. I was hoping that the film would have had the wit to use the old Universal Lucite globe for a logo, but it didn’t. (If James Wan’s Dead Silence (2007) could use the even older airplane logo, there’s no reason this couldn’t have been done.) The film then shoehorns in that famous bit of lycanthropic poetry: “Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.” Fine, except that the poem and wolfsbane have nothing whatsoever to do with this story — and they get it wrong in the bargain, turning it into “pure of heart.” Yes, it’s a small thing, but it’s sloppy in an $85-$115 million movie that they had to know people would be waiting to pounce on for errors. Most of the film’s changes are reasonable enough, and a couple are cleverly related to other classic horrors like Werewolf of London (1935) (the location of the werewolf encounter that started it all) and House of Frankenstein (1944) (the extra caveat about who has to fire the silver bullet). And there’s nothing really wrong with turning the film into a period piece, except that it makes the film feel more like a Hammer Film — or Hammer by way of Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow (1999) — than a Universal horror. Except for
one-timeshowings El Topo JJJJ
Classic Cinema From Around the World will present Mon Oncle at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 19, at Courtyard Gallery, 9 Walnut St., in downtown Asheville. Info: 273-3332.
Mystical Surreal Fantasy/Western/Comedy Rated NR It’s the grandaddy of all midnight movies, predating even Pink Flamingos (1972). Coming on the scene in the (literally) heady era of 1970 and endorsed by no less than John and Yoko, El Topo rode to cult fame on a combination of surrealism and shock-for-shock’s sake. Whatever else can be said about it, it survives 40 years later with both those things intact. El Topo is being shown by Votex Cabaret at 9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 18, at 11 Grove St., in downtown Asheville.
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky Players: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Brontis Jodorowsky, Mara Lorenzio, Robert John
Mon Oncle JJJJ
Director: Jacques Tati Players: Jacques Tati, Jean-Pierre Zola, Adrienne Servantie, Lucien Frégis, Dominique Marie Comedy Rated NR I’m always glad when someone decides to show one of Jacques Tati’s films because Tati is a filmmaker — and comic — whose work I’ve grown to appreciate over the years, but one who I don’t think of very often. I’m always agreeably surprised when I’m made to stop and watch one of his films. Mon Oncle (1958) — a pointed satire on modern times — may not be my first choice, but it’s certainly a good one.
Spring can’t get here soon enough, but it brings with it the risk of parasites. Mosquitos can carry heartworms to dogs, and more activity outdoors exposes pets to intestinal parasites and fleas. To help get your dog ready, we are offering a FREE heartworm test and intestinal parasite check with a paid physical exam now until March 15, 2010. This $50 value is yours if you mention this ad, no coupon required. One offer per family.
Director: Billy Wilder Players: Robert Stephens, Colin Blakely, Geneviève Page, Christopher Lee Mystery/Comedy Rated PG-13 Forty years before Guy Ritchie and company re-imagined Sherlock Holmes, Billy Wilder offered his own take on the character with The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970), a somewhat more traditional approach that nevertheless paid more attention to the man’s quirks and possible quirks than films had hitherto undertaken. Earlier films had made passing reference to Holmes’ drug use; Wilder brings it into the open. He also raises — and cheekily never quite answers — the question of the relationship between Holmes and Watson. In the bargain, he offers a credible-enough Holmes adventure. The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
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For Cranky Hanke’s full reviews of these movies, visit www.mountainx.com/movies. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) with its 19thcentury setting and Bride of Frankenstein (1935) with its very unspecific period, all the Universals were set in more or less contemporary times. Still, none of these things make or break The Wolfman. Two — or maybe two-and-a-half — things are at the center of the film’s problems. First of all, there’s not much in the way of nuance here. The story is more involved than that of the source film, but it’s ultimately just as perfunctory as the old movie — and it lacks the subtext of the original The Wolf Man. Where it was possible to read the original as both an allegory for puberty and as a commentary on well-intentioned Americans barging into things they don’t understand, there’s not much here beyond a straightforward gothic-horror story. It’s not a good trade-off, but it’s less troubling than the difference between Lon Chaney Jr.’s Lawrence Talbot and that of Benicio Del Toro. Chaney was a limited actor, but his limitations fit the role. His awkward oafishness imbued the character with an innate degree of sympathy that’s missing from Del Toro’s character. Del Toro is by far a better actor, but his Talbot just isn’t sympathetic. The “brilliance” — even if it was probably somewhat accidental — of Chaney’s character lay in the fact that you were as much afraid for him as of him. That’s missing here — at least till the very end of the film when
we see the man inside the beast, but it’s not quite enough. On the plus side, Del Toro’s monster is considerably more frightening. That’s at least true when he stands on two legs. The more “modern” notion of a quadruped werewolf that keeps overtaking the proceedings is awkward, and all the CGI jiggery-pokery in the world won’t change that. These are serious flaws, but they don’t keep the film from having a good deal of merit and entertainment value. Many of the set pieces — especially the transformation in the insane asylum — are wonderfully accomplished. The mood is beautifully established. Anthony Hopkins — decked out in a variety of dressing gowns with animal-print lapels — is over-the-top in the grand manner of the great horror stars (“You’ve done terrible things, Lawrence. Terrible things”). And it’s worth noting that Emily Blunt’s Gwen Conliffe is given a much better break than Evelyn Ankers’ stock damsel-in-distress in the original. For that matter, Del Toro is good within the confines of the concept. On balance, there’s more right here than wrong, but it can’t get out from beneath the sense of being less than it might have been. Rated R for bloody horror violence and gore. reviewed by Ken Hanke Playing at Carolina Asheville Cinema 14, Cinebarre, Epic of Hendersonville, Regal Biltmore Grande 15, United Artists Beaucatcher Cinema 7.
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WEST ASHEVILLE - $129,000. This 3 BR/2 BA 1920’s home has had a total overhaul. It’s located in a convenient West Asheville neighborhood within walking distance to Earth Fare and The Wedge. Granite countertops, new Pella windows, garden space, recent heat pump, updated kitchen. Washer/dryer, range, and refrigerator included. Move-in ready. MLS #445205.
Green Built Townhome, Downtown - $185,000. This energy efficient townhome in the hip, historic West End/Clingman community is downtown living at its best. The modern, two-story floor plan has a great room with front porch on the main level and two private bedrooms above. One parking space included. This town home is one of the first Certified Housing Developments under the NC HealthyBuilt Homes Program. MLS #457438.
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Real Estate
Homes For Sale
$178,000 • NORTH ASHEVILLE COTTAGE Private 2BR, 2BA retreat on 0.59 acres only 5.5 miles from Downtown. Huge fenced yard, basement, large deck, fire pit. MLS#447455. The Listing Company of Asheville: 713-3757. craig@tlcasheville.com
$199,900 3BR, 2.5 BA ASHEVILLE TOWNHOME WITH GREAT VIEWS Bonus room, 2 car garage. Wellmaintained with lots of extras (gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings, crown molding, heat pump w/gas backup). Hardwood, tile, berber floors. Convenient location, low maint, low HOA, quiet community, pet friendly. 828670-6446, forsalebyowner.com/listing/C CF6F
$255,000 • FAIRVIEW Artistic, new passive solar house on flat, South facing private 1.67 acres. 2BR, 2.5BA, gourmet kitchen and oak floors. Easy access. Mature landscaping and great garden areas. • Perfect for pets. Green built. 6282695, 335-9675. 1% BUYER AGENT COMMISSION 1% rebate from Buyer Agent Commission. Search all WNC properties including foreclosures at www.BuncombeRealty.com, view any home within 24 hours, 828-301-2021. 10,000 HOMES • 1 ADDRESS! Search virtually all MLS listings. Visit www.KWBrent.com
1000’s OF ASHEVILLE HOMES! On our user friendly property search. New features include Google Mapping and Popular Neighborhood searches. Check it out at townandmountain.com
2 RUSTIC CABINS • NATIONAL FOREST RETREAT 15+ acres joining National Forest on 2 sides. Pasture. Nice creek and spring. Beautiful sunny knoll building site. Very private. • All this: $155,000. MLS#452577. Steve DuBose: (828) 622-3518. sdubose@mountaindream.co m Mountain Home Properties.
22 ACRE ESTATE • UPPER RICEVILLE • $1,150,000 This home was built with the finest craftsmanship. Cathedral ceilings, custom kitchen, private master suite, decks. Creeks, pond, views, gardens. 15 minutes east of Asheville, adjoining National Park Service land. MLS #456600. Call Bill Palas, (828) 691-7194. bpalas@bellsouth.net Appalachian Realty.
COMPACT COTTAGE COMPANY • Small “green”built buildings usable for an enormous variety of practical applications, such as: Sleep, Work, Mother-in-law storage, Poker, Karaoke, Be in the doghouse in. From $15K30K. compactcottages.com, 828-254-5450.
GORGEOUS NEW CONSTRUCTION 3BR, 2.5BA with garage. Great South location. • Lease/purchase options now available. Call (828) 676-0677 for details. 123newhomenow.com KENILWORTH FOREST Get information and pictures of this 3 bedroom home near downtown Asheville at http://www.reallyoffthewall.c om/house.html Call 828775-3663. $229,000, best reasonable offer.
THE VILLAGES AT CREST MOUNTAIN Asheville’s Premier Sustainable Community! Top green Builders, community gardens, orchards and vineyards, common houses, common solar, so much more! Starting under $150K. Owner finance packages. (828) 252-7787. Villagesatcrestmountain.co m WEST ASHEVILLE BUNGALOW $207,000 2 bedroom, 1 bath, charming 1920s bungalow on 0.4 acres, updated kitchen. Relax on front porch swing on quiet street in great neighborhood walking distance to Haywood Road restaurants and shops, neighborhood garden nearby. See website www.10tarponave.blogspot.c om 275-7980
Condos For Sale
DOWNTOWN KRESS BUILDING Custom Condo in the historic Kress Building. 2 PINs, adjoining spiral staircase. Original maple floors, private balconies, high ceilings. • $525,000,
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4663. www.recenter.com
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26 N. LIBERTY STREET • CENTRALLY LOCATED Live/Work opportunity. Corner lot with off-street parking. 1918 built converted residence, now office with 1BR apartment on second floor w/separate entrance. Commercial zoning. $525,000. Call Russ Towers, Lewis Real Estate (828) 2742479. lewisrealestatenc.com COMMERCIAL FOR SALE • Downtown, Coxe Avenue newer building, ground-floor office/retail w/onsite parking, $349,000. • Downtown, brick building w/high ceilings, roll-up doors, concrete floors, $330,000. • Downtown, Lexington Avenue ground-level w/high ceilings, hardwood floors, $445,000. • The Real Estate Center, (828) 255-4663. www.recenter.com
Commercial For Lease 1 MONTH FREE! (W/12 month lease). River Arts Studios starting at $180/month, includes utilities. Call 250-9700 or email: rega@charterinternet.com
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1 UNIT REMAINING In 4 unit medical office complex, East Asheville, Bleachery Boulevard, off exit 8, I-240. 1200 sqft. $2000/month. 275-2248.
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ATTRACTIVE, 2,000 SQ,FT. DOWNTOWN OFFICE • 55 Grove Street. Four offices, break room, large reception area. Below market at $10/ sq. ft. Ample parking nearby. Practical and beautiful. Call (828) 253-9451. DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE: For lease. Retail and office suites, 222 to 2,964 sqft. Very prominent locations. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024. jmenk@gmproperty.com DOWNTOWN PART-TIME OFFICE SHARE Furnished office. Approximately 500 sqft. 2 rooms. Perfect for private practice. • Flexible schedule/rent. Call Steve: 273-4102.
1 FREE MONTH! (w/contract). Live, work and play downtown. • Studio: $545/month. • 2BR: $725/month. Call 254-2229. APM
HISTORIC MILES BUILDING • Downtown Asheville, 2 Wall St. 1 room office. $300/month. 828-242-5456.
1-2BR/1-1.5BA SOUTH, SKYLAND HEIGHTS AC, storage, $525-$595/month. 828-253-1517, www.leslieandassoc.com
LEXINGTON STATION 2000+ sqft, first floor, high ceilings, hardwoods throughout, one handicap accessible restroom, parking. $2200/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663. www.recenter.com NORTH ASHEVILLE Basement level of the Sherwin Williams building, approximately 6500 sqft, $3000/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663. www.recenter.com RIVER DISTRICT 6,000 sqft shell - artists; flexible uses. Owner will upfit for Class A office. Call G/M Property Group, 828-281-4024. jmenk@gmproperty.com WEST ASHEVILLE 2 commercial spaces with shared bath and separate entrances, can be rented separately or together. All utilities except internet included. On-site parking. 6 month lease. $400/$600 or rent both for $950/900 sqft. (828) 225-6911. info@asheville4seasonsrea lty.com
Apartments For Rent $695/MONTH UTILITIES INCLUDED. 2BR/1BA apt in quiet Haw Creek neighborhood. No smoking, pets upon approval, W/D hook-up. Deposit, references required. 275-2493. 1 & 2 BEDROOMS • MARCH FREE RENT Starting at $595/Month!* Apartment living in a park-like setting. • Hurry! * Special pricing ends February 26, 2010! * Price based on a 12 month lease. Call 274-4477. EHO. woodsedge.webs.com
1-2BR/1-2BA ARDEN, GLEN BEALE, 2nd Month RENT FREE, AC. $555-$655/month. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 1-2BR/1BA SOUTHFORESTDALE AC, 2nd month rent FREE, $525$625/month. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS From $525$1500. • Huge selection! • Pet friendly. (828) 251-9966. Alpha-Real-Estate.com 1BR - NORTH • Hardwood floors, water provided. $500/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty 1BR, 1BA HENDERSONVILLE • 2010 Laurel Park Highway. Heat included. Hardwood floors. $495-$525. 828-6938069. www.leslieandassoc.com 1BR, 1BA Hendersonville 827 4th Ave, $650/month. Hardwood Floors, water Included, 828-693-8069. www.leslieandassoc.com 1BR, 1BA WEST • 19 Brucemont, $590/month. Porch, hardwood floors. 828253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 1BR/1BA NORTH • 82 Merrimon. $595/month. Hardwood floors, water included. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 1BR/1BA NORTH 7 Murdock, $535-$545/month. Porch. Water Included, 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 2 BEDROOM/1 BATH, EAST, 7 LINDSEY, washer/dryer hookups, deck, $595, 828253-1517, www.leslieandassoc.com
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444 HAYWOOD ROAD • WEST ASHEVILLE RETAIL Excellent, affordable location one block east of I-240. • Two storefronts remain: 1,550 sqft and 1,841 sqft. Off-street parking. $14/sqft plus utilities. Call Russ Towers, Lewis Real Estate, (828) 274-2479. ewisrealestatenc.com
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2 GREAT APARTMENTS • NORTH Ivy Riverfront! New construction! • 2 units: 1BR, 2BR starting at $650/month. • All appliances, free wifi. Hiking, swimming, views, solitude! (828) 768-8110. david@davidsguitar.com 2-3BR, 1BA EAST • 7 Violet Hills. $565-$650/month. A/C, D/W. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR, 1.5BA SWANNANOA • 532 Warren Wilson. Carpet, W/D hookups. $710/month. 828-253-1517, www.leslieandassoc.com
A HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS • GREAT PRICE! Live in a beautiful, green, conveniently located scenic resort-style community! • Fireplaces • Heated pool • Fitness Center and more. Call (828) 6870638. kensingtonplaceapts.com ACTON WOODS APARTMENTS • Beautiful 2BR, 2BA, loft, $850/month. • 2BR, 2BA, $750. Include gas log fireplace, water, storage. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty
2BR, 1BA NORTH • 270 Edgewood. $650/month. Near UNCA. Pets okay. 828253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com
APARTMENT FOR RENT 2BR, 2BA. Carson’s Creek off Hendersonville Rd. Vaulted ceiling, balcony with wooded view. Credit approval required. $730/month. Call 779-1473 or 768-1167.
2BR, 1BA SOUTH • 6 Lakewood. AC, W/D hookups. $650-$675/month. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com
BLACK MOUNTAIN • 2BR, 1BA. Heatpump, central air, W/D connection. Nice area. Only $495/month. 828-2524334.
2BR, 1BA WEST • 130 Louisiana. A/C, dishwasher. $585/month. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com
BLACK MOUNTAIN Nicely renovated (new: bath, kitchen), 1BR, sunroom, dining room. 10’ ceilings, abundance of natural light. Hardwood floors. Short walk to downtown. • $625/month includes heat, water, Wifi. Smoke free. 280-5449.
2BR, 2BA NORTH • 81 Lakeshore. Porch, coinoperated laundry. $675/month. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/1.5BA HENDERSONVILLE 912 Hillcrest, $595/month. Deck, 2 Car Garage. 828-6938069, www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/1.5BA NORTH 47 Albemarle, $845/month. Fireplace, deck. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/1BA NORTH 501 Beaverdam, $545/month. Mountain Views, Washer/Dryer hookups, 828253-151. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/1BA NORTH 87 Wild Cherry, $635/month. Good location, Washer/Dryer hookups, 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/1BA WEST • 217 Bear Creek. $615/month. Central A/C - Heat, deck. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/1BA WEST • 45 Florida. $615/month. W/D connections, deck. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/2BA NORTH 265 Charlotte, $865/month. Historic, hardwood floors. 828-253-1517, www.leslieandassoc.com 2BR/2BA, ARDEN • 216 Weston, A/C, 2nd Month Rent Free. $795/month. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 3BR/2BA SOUTH 5 Mountain, $795/month. AC, Washer/Dryer Included, 828253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com
CENTRAL • 1BR. Heat and water provided. $620/month. 828-253-0758. Carver Realty. EAST • QUIET APARTMENT Ideal for serious student/professional. • Cozy 1BR: nice kitchen, washer/dryer. Patio. Private parking. •$475/month. References. Lease. • No smokers. • Available March 1. • (828) 686-0072. EAST 1BR BUNGALOW APARTMENT Quiet, wooded, convenient. • Pet considered. • No smoking. $550/month. 230-2511. HENDERSONVILLE • 1BR Studio. Walking distance to downtown. Includes water. Only $325/month. 828-2524334. WNC Rentals. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES •Special• Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. • 2BR, 1BA. $495/month. 3BR, 1BA $595/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334. WNC Rentals. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOUSE • Walking distance to town. 1BR, 1BA. $495/month. Includes water. 0828-252-4334. WNC Rentals. SOUTH • Forestdale. 1-2BR, 1BA. 2nd month rent free. $525-$625/month. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com
OAKLEY AREA 3BR, 1BA, additional bedroom: 12x12. $495/month, includes garbage and lawn. • Stove and fridge. WD connections. Call 298-8939. WEST ASHEVILLE • 2BR, 2BA in nice park close to town. W/D connection. $575/month. 828-252-4334. WNC Rentals. WEST ASHEVILLE • 3BR, 2BA near downtown. W/D connection. Excellent condition. $595/month. 828252-4334. WNC Rentals
Condos/ Townhomes For Rent
2BR, 2BA CONDO • END UNIT with southern exposure! Stainless appliances, granite countertops, carpet/ceramic floors, high ceilings with crown molding. Located in convenient and beautiful Eastwood Village. $895/month includes washer/dryer. 828-5457445. 60 NORTH MARKET • DOWNTOWN 7th floor, North views. 2BR, 2BA, study/media, woodfloors/carpet, granite. Gas fireplace/stove. WD. 2 walk-in closets. • 2 balconies. • Secured parking. • Club/fitness centers. $1650/month. • Minimum 1 year lease. 2544071 or oldtimr28@yahoo.com A BIG THANX! “Thanx Xpress! The recent rental ad attracted a steady stream of quality applicants, thanks to your quality publication.” Mark K. • You too can find quality renters by placing an affordable ad in the pages of Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace: 251-1333. CANTERBURY HEIGHTS • WEST ASHEVILLE 46 and 48 Beri Drive. Newly renovated 2BR, 1.5BA split level condos, 918 sqft. Pool, fitness room. $700/month. Mike: (919) 624-1513.
Mobile Homes For Rent
DOWNTOWN CONDO 2BR, 2BA, hardwoods, stainless appliances, granite countertops, jet tub, balcony, fitness center, parking, $1550/month. The Real Estate Center, (828) 2554663. www.recenter.com
OAKLEY AREA 14X80 • 3BR, 2BA. • Fireplace in living room. Stove, refrigerator, garbage pickup, lawn care provided. WD connections. $585/month. • No pets. 2988939.
LUXURY DOWNTOWN CONDO Split 2BR/2BA, great kitchen gas fireplace, parking, storage. Next to Pack Library. $1,550. Bright Star Realty 828-301-8033.
NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOMES •Special• Off Merrimon. Walking distance to town. 2BR, 1BA. $495/month • 3BR, 1BA 595/month. Includes water. 828-252-4334. WNC Rentals. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOUSE • Walking distance to town. 1BR, 1BA. $495/month. Includes water. 0828-252-4334. WNC Rentals.
Homes For Rent ASHLEY WOODS • Large 3BR, 2.5BA. Lovely corner lot. Fenced back yard. $1875/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty BEAUTIFUL 3BR, 1BA BRICK RANCH • Desirable Kenilworth, Reynolds School District. Newly refinished hardwood floors. Full basement/2-car garage, formal dining room, large living room with fireplace. Kitchen with all appliances. Large yard, paved driveway. Pets welcome with deposit. $995/month. 828-628-9912. 10 MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN ASHEVILLE 3BR, 2BA home on large lot. Convenient location, near I40/I-26. Great condition! $995/month. • Pets allowed. Call APM: (828) 254-2029. 1BR, 1BA WEST • 45 Cloyes. Fenced yard, offstreet parking. $735/month. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 1ST CALL US! 2, 3 and 4BR homes from $700-2500. • Pet friendly. • Huge selection! (828) 251-9966 Alpha-Real-Estate.com 2BR, 2BA NORTH • 27 Spooks Mill Cove. $1075/month. Views, all utilities included. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 3BR/1.5BA WEST • 28 Covington. $1,095/month. Basement, deck. 828-2531517. www.leslieandassoc.com 3BR/1BA WEST • 344 State. $895/month. Fireplace, pets okay. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com 3BR/2BA CANDLER • 101 Tailfeather, $970/month. Mountain Views, 2 car garage. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com
jobs AMAZING! I have always used Mountain Xpress as advertising for our rental house. I’m amazed each time by the number of responses and the caliber of people it attracts. Thanks, John S. You too can get great results! Call 251-1333. Mountain Xpress Classified Marketplace. ASHEVILLE AREA RENTALS $550-$1950/month. • 1East. • 3-West. • 3-North. • 3-South. • Century 21 Mountain Lifestyles: (828) 684-2640, ext 17. For more details: www.DebraMarshall.com
ASHEVILLE NORTH • BEAVER LAKE Sunny 1920’s beautifully renovated 3BR, 1.5BA on Beaverlake with awesome views. New Chefs Kitchen, hardwood floors, F/P, sunroom, great bath. Deck off Master BR. Screen porch, great yard, and more! Well behaved dogs ok. Steps to lake from your private path. 5 mins to downtown. A very special find! $1,500+utililities. Call and email: Joan 828-301-6680 jajogrimes@yahoo.com ASHLEY WOODS Large 3BR, 2.5BA. Lovely corner lot, fenced back yard. $1875/month. 828-2530758. Carver Realty BEAUTIFUL KENILWORTH COTTAGE 3BR, 2BA w/office, family room, fireplace and large backyard. $1150/month. • Pets ok. Angela O’Brien: (828) 2161610. Mountain Vista Properties BEST TIME IS NOW! Best time to buy, pay less than rent, 1% rebate from Buyer Agent Commission, see www.BuncombeRealty.com, 301-2021. CANDLER • 3BR, 3BA. Private. $1,200/month. Call 828-253-0758. Carver Realty
4BR/3BA NORTH 161 Chatham, $1425/month. Near UNCA, Fenced yard. 828-253-1517. www.leslieandassoc.com
COZY COTTAGE • WEST ASHEVILLE 2BR, 1BA. WD connection. $800/month includes water/trash. • End of road privacy. Communal garden.Deposit/references. • Pet friendly. • Child care onsite. 633-1792.
ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT. Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for FREE! Visit: http://www.RealRentals.com (AAN CAN)
COZY COTTAGE • WOODFIN 3BR, 1BA. Hardwood floors, central air, AC, oil heat. Single carport. • Pets considered. $850/month. Deposit. References. • Available March 1. Call 2426531.
FIND OUT WHY! Folks are calling City Real Estate for exploring the art or finding your home. Sales and Rentals handled professionally and efficiently. We help you find “Views From All Angles”. (828) 210-2222. AshevilleCityRealEstate.com
GORGEOUS NEW CONSTRUCTION 3BR, 2.5BA with garage. Great South location. • Lease/purchase options now available. Why rent when you can own! Call (828) 676-0677 for details. 123newhomenow.com LITTLE COTTAGE IN THE WOODS • Mars Hill. 1BR. Private deck and yard. 400 sq.ft. Wooded lot, 25 minutes to downtown Asheville. $400/month. (828) 206-1420. NORTH ASHEVILLE TOWNHOUSE • Walking distance to town. 1BR, 1BA. $495/month. Includes water. 0828-252-4334. WNC Rentals.
Vacation Rentals A BEACH HOUSE At Folly. The legendary dog-friendly Rosie’s Ocean View and Kudzu’s Cottage now booking now booking for oyster season! Call (828) 216-7908. www.kudzurose.com BEAUTIFUL LOG CABIN Sleeps 5, handicap accessible. Near Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC. (828) 231-4504 or 277-1492. bennie14@bellsouth.net
1000 SQ. FT UPSTAIRS STUDIO $520 Seeking female housemate for west asheville 1920’s home. Sky lights, internet, half bath, new carpet/paint. House is on one acre with organic garden and laying hens. Seeking someone who is responsible, would enjoy a quiet/peaceful living space and would help keep common areas tidy-(i.e kitchen/bathroom). 828-2164763. Arden Furnished room, beautiful/private setting. Organic garden. Chemicalfree household. Seeking responsible, clean roommate(s). No pets. $395/month, utilities included. No lease. (828) 687-2390. AWESOME APARTMENT Great west Asheville apartment. Central location, Large yard, Front Porch, Washer/Dryer, $460.00, All utilities included,very charming, Hardwood floors, 423.923.1806 Don’t see what you’re looking for? Please go to www.mountainx.com for additional listings. LOOKING FOR ROOM/COTTAGE Preferably Beaverdam/UNCA. Male seeks room/cottage, preferably where I’d be only renter. Quiet, creative, clutter/chemical-free, no smoking/drugs/pets. Considerate, responsible, seeking same. Into nature, arts, Weston Price cooking. 828-299-7898, andrew_d_shaw@hotmail.co m ROOMMATES.COM • Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of a mouse! Visit http://www.roommates.com. (AAN CAN) Share 2BR West Asheville home, close to everything. $350/month, share utilities. Deposit. References. • Pet considered. Call Sherri: 2426119.
General $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http://www.easyworkgreatpay.com (AAN CAN)
CAB DRIVERS Needed at Blue Bird; call JT 258-8331. Drivers needed at Yellow Cab; call Buster at 2533311. HIRE QUALITY EMPLOYEES “Our employment advertisements with the Mountain Xpress garner far more educated and qualified applicants than any other publication we have used. The difference is visible in the phone calls, applications and resumes.” Howard Stafford, Owner, Princess Anne Hotel. • Thank you, Howard. Your business can benefit by advertising for your next employee in Mountain Xpress Classifieds. Call 251-1333.
Employment Opportunities • Call (828) 225-6122 or visit: biltmore.com
Skilled Labor/ Trades WOLF TREE INC. • NOW HIRING Experienced • Crew Leaders, • Tree Trimmers and • Climbers. Great pay and benefits. CDL license very helpful. Call Harold: (828) 460-2966.
Administrative/ Office YMCA of WNC Office Manager $10.62-$11/hr FT More details at www.ymcawnc.org
Salon/ Spa A STYLIST desired at a busy, Organic North Asheville salon. Full time, motivated, health conscious and works well with others. Professional environment, clean, non-toxic products that work! Come and join our lovely, relaxing, supportive team. We offer flexible hours, education and support. Your clients will follow you to our wellness salon. Call now (828) 5053288, thewaterlily@mac.com or stop in at 7 Beaverdam Road. You will be glad you did! www.waterlilysalon.com
• FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010
NEEDED: MASSAGE THERAPISTS, ESTHETICIANS, NAIL TECHNICIANS AND FRONT DESK PROFESSIONALS. International Spa Management Company that specializes in luxury, boutique resort and the exclusive day spa market are now looking to fill all positions. Needed:Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Nail Technicians and Front Desk Professionals. Fax Cover Letters and Resumes to: 828-277-3833
Current Job Opening CHEF DE CUISINE - SUNSET TERRACE Do you have what it takes to provide Legendary Service? Responsibilities include: overseeing the overall direction, coordination and operation of this unit, including all aspects of operation of the kitchen; scheduling, supervision and training of staff; and handling guest requests and complaints in a manner that reflects our commitment to Legendary Service. 2-5 Years culinary experience required.
Medical, Dental and Vision coverage including domestic partner; 401(k) Retirement Plan; Grove Park Inn Retirement Plan; Flex-account spending for medical and dependent care; Company-sponsored and Supplemental life insurance; Accidental death and dismemberment Insurance; Holiday pay; Paid Vacation; Sick Leave; Bereavement leave; Paid jury leave; Free meals in the employee cafeteria; Free uniforms and laundering services; Free on-property weekly physician assistant visit; Educational reimbursement; Employee recognition; Employee discounts on guest rooms, dining, floral, Spa, golf and retail; Free and discounted visits to area attractions; Discounts at area businesses. For a complete list of our openings and to apply online, go to www.groveparkinn. com Or, apply in person, Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm, Sat. 8am-4pm with Human Resources at 290 Macon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28804. 828.252.2711x2082. EOE Drug Free Workplace.
Sales/ Marketing SALES PROS • Time to get paid what you are worth AND have a life. Call 1-888-7004916.
Restaurant/ Food MOUNTAIN X JAMS! As a growing business that relies on the face put forward by our employees, Mountain Xpress Classifieds is where we turn to find them. The volume of high-quality applicants replying to our ads can be hard to choose from, and it is always worth our investment. Thanks Mountain X! Rebecca and Charlie, owners, Tomato Jam Cafe.
Hotel/ Hospitality CONCIERGE Full-time, day. Ability to deliver 5 Star service. • Prior hospitality experience required. • $15/hour. To apply in person call (828) 350-8000. The Residences at Biltmore Hotel.
Medical/ Health Care
Human Services
FULL-TIME LPN OR RN Western NC Community Health Services is hiring a full-time LPN or RN. Candidates must have prior experience in an outpatient clinical setting, and possess strong telephone and inperson triage abilities. • Work hours are MondayFriday, 8am-6pm (with one hour paid lunch break) and no evening, weekend or holiday work required. We offer a very competitive salary, along with an excellent benefits package. • WNCCHS is an equal opportunity employer. Racial/ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply. Candidates may email resume/cover letter (MS Word) to tkennedy@wncchs.org or mail to PO Box 338, Asheville, NC 28802, or dropoff resume at 10 Ridgelawn Road., Asheville, NC 28806.
BUILD YOUR RESUME CHILDREN •Opening for female Alternate TeachingParent position at Whitewater Cove, a level II children’s mental health home located on 10 acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Brevard, NC. This beautiful home serves 6 girls and/or boys (ages 6-18) from Transylvania and surrounding counties. Children served attend local schools. This part-time position requires the individual to live in residence for four to eight 24-hour shifts per month. Lodging and all meals are provided during shifts. The right candidate will have a BS or BA and related experience. Income $500-$1000/month. Training and consultation provided by Appalachian Family Innovations, an affiliate of Appalachian State
RN to join multidisciplinaryteam providing medical/psychiatric education/consultation/trainin g to LTC Facilities regarding Geriatrics/Adults. Medical/LTC experience preferred. Resume:MCBH, POBox 1501, Weaverville, NC 28787-1501
University. Whitewater Cove is a private, not-for-profit agency and an equal opportunity employer licensed by NC Department of Health and Human Services. Email resumes and references to: wwcconover@yahoo.com.
EDUCATION TREATMENT SPECIALIST • Are you a QP in North Carolina with experience working with adolescents? Do you enjoy working in direct care with students, feeling that your work truly makes a difference in the lives of children you work with? Eliada Homes needs QPs to be a part of our Day Treatment program. There will be opportunities for teaching, doing group as well as one-on-one activities, perhaps some case management, and much more! This is a versatile position that will offer many rich experiences with students. You will help plan and implement curriculum as well as use the Eliada Model to address various social and behavioral issues with students. Requirements: Must have a bachelor’s degree in human services with 2 years of experience in mental health post graduation, or a non human services degree with 4 years of post graduate experience. Must possess valid NC license. This is an opportunity for a great fulltime benefitted position with an organization that truly cares for the families and students we work for! Please email resume to eweaver@eliada.org if you meet the requirements for this position.
ALDI is hiring Cashiers. Starting pay is $10.80/hour Current Job Opening PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (LAUNDRY) Do you have what it takes to provide Legendary Service? 2nd Shift – weekends and holidays required. Duties include: Supervising and scheduling up to 12 employees; assigning work, managing projects. Bi-lingual Spanish skills a plus. Mechanical inclination a plus, computer skills necessary. Unencumbered North Carolina driver’s license required.
Medical, Dental and Vision coverage including domestic partner • 401(k) Retirement Plan • Grove Park Inn Retirement Plan • Flex-account spending for medical and dependent care • Company-sponsored and Supplemental life insurance • Accidental death and dismemberment Insurance • Holiday pay • Paid Vacation • Sick Leave • Bereavement leave • Paid jury leave • Free meals in the employee cafeteria • Free uniforms and laundering services • Free on-property weekly physician assistant visit • Educational reimbursement • Employee recognition • Employee discounts on guest rooms, dining, floral, Spa, golf and retail • Free and discounted visits to area attractions • Discounts at area businesses. For a complete list of our openings and to apply online, go to www.groveparkinn.com. Or, apply in person, Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm, Sat, 8am-4pm with Human Resources at 290 Macon Ave, Asheville, NC 28804, 828.252.2711 x 2082. EOE, Drug Free Workplace. Become a fan of Grove Park Inn Jobs on Facebook.
FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 •
with the opportunity to earn up to $14.80 per hour as a shift manager! Employees will average 20-40 hours a week in a grocery store environment. Looking for friendly people and smiling faces.
Responsibilities: • Cashiering • Stocking • Cleaning
Benefits: • Medical, dental and vision insurance after 90 days • Retirement Income Plan and 401K • Paid vacation after six months • Sunday premium pay of an additional $1.00 per hour
Requirements: • High School Diploma / GED • Drug Test and Background Check To Apply: An ALDI representative will be available for you to apply in person from 7pm to 2pm and 4pm to 7pm on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 110 Duncan Hill Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28792. HIRING FOR HENDERSONVILLE STORE ONLY. • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
FAMILIES TOGETHER FTI is a local mental health agency providing child, adult, and family centered services in WNC. FTI provides a positive work environment, flexible hours, room for advancement, health benefits, and an innovative culture. Go to www.familiestogether.net for employment opportunities.
DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LIVES? Plans For Life is seeking a caring Case Manager to serve children and adults with developmental disabilities in Henderson, Buncombe and Yancey Counties. Position requires Bachelors degree in Human Services field and minimum 2 years experience working with DD population post college graduation. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to produce detailed, comprehensive documentation required. Submit resume to karen@plansforlife.net or by fax at 828-877-2899.
MERIDIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Haywood, Jackson County: Clinician Sexual Abuse Intervention Program (SAIP) Must have Masters degree and be licensed or license-eligible. Please contact Diane Paige, diane.paige@ meridianbhs.org Jackson, Swain, Macon County Clinician: Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree and be license eligible. Please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@ meridianbhs.org QMHP Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Kristy Whitaker, kristy.whitaker@ meridianbhs.org Cherokee, Clay, Graham County Therapist/Team Leader: Child and Family Services. Masters degree and license eligible. Please contact David Hutchinson at david.hutchinson@ meridianbhs.org Clinician Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree and be license eligible. Please contact Patty Bilitzke, patricia.bilitzke@ meridianbhs.org QMHP Assertive Community Treatment Team. Must have mental health degree and two years of experience working with adults with mental illness. Please contact Patty Bilitzke at patricia.bilitzke@ meridianbhs.org â&#x20AC;˘ For further information and to complete an application, visit our website: www.meridianbhs.org
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF ASHEVILLE is seeking licensed therapists and QMHPs to provide mental health services to children, families and adults. Email csimpson@fpscorp.comPAR KWAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH has an immediate opening for a F/T Licensed or Provisionally-Licensed Clinician or a CSAC in our Asheville or Hendersonville Offices. This position requires a min 2 years exper working with mental health and/or substance using adults. Knowledge of working with DWI and IPRS Clients would be helpful. Some evenings will be required. Parkway has competitive salaries, excellent benefits, medical insurance, PTO, Supervision for licensure/certification and much more for full time staff. Send resume to: slayton@parkwaybh.com
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES OF HENDERSONVILLE is seeking QMHPs to provide enhanced services for child and adult consumers. Applicants must have a Bachelors degree in the Human Services field and at least 2 years post-degree experience with the MH population. FPS of Hendersonville office is also seeking LCSW or LPC (fully licensed or provisionally licensed) to provide therapy to children and their families. Please email resumes to wfhoward@fpscorp.com
SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR Early morning hours. Full-time position with benefits. Great work environment. On-site supervision with opportunity for professional growth. CSAC preferred, but not required. Must be eligible for registration with NCSAPPB. Please fax resume: (828) 274-6377 or email to: kostertag@crossroadstreat mentcenters.com
Professional/ Management
requires excellent written
ASHEVILLE ART MUSEUM DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR â&#x20AC;˘ The Asheville Art Museum seeks a full-time Development Manager. The Development Manager is responsible for the corporate, foundation and government fundraising efforts to maximize contributed income to support the Museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operations, exhibitions, educational programs and special events. The Development Manager is the primary grant writer and works closely with all staff and volunteers. This is a fulltime position with benefits. A minimum of five years fundraising experience, significant success in grant writing, ability to work in a fast paced environment, undergraduate degree, knowledge of and excellent ability to work with all typical computer programs and excellent verbal and written communication skills required. The Asheville Art Museum is a private nonprofit visual arts organization located in the center of a vibrant city in Western North Carolina and focusing on collecting and interpreting American Art of the 20th and 21st centuries. The Museum is an equal opportunity employer. Please send rĂŠsumĂŠ, cover letter, references, salary history and several writing samples demonstrating successful grant writing to: Development Manager Search, PO Box 1717, Asheville, NC 28802 or 2 South Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28801 or email to Development Manager Search at rlynchmaass@ ashevilleart.org.
OPEN YOUR HEARTâ&#x20AC;Ś OPEN YOUR HOME North Carolina MENTOR was established in 1993 to provide community-based care for at-risk youth in the state. Today, North Carolina MENTOR serves hundreds of at-risk youth in Western North Carolina.
Services include: â&#x20AC;˘ Therapeutic foster care â&#x20AC;˘ Respite â&#x20AC;˘ Intake Assessments â&#x20AC;˘ Therapy â&#x20AC;˘ Other Services
Together we can make a difference in our community
NC Mentor is looking for foster parents in Western North Carolina. Be a hero in your community and open your home to a child in need. We provide training, 24 hour support, internal respite as needed and a generous stipend.
Please call Nicole at 828-696-2667 x 13
Hendersonville 828-696-2667
Building Bridges of Asheville seeks a part-time Executive Director. Must possess experience in development and delivery of programs in building community amongst diverse people, particularly in black-white relations. Also
and oral communications skills, ability to work effectively with diverse individuals and organizations, and ability to supervise others. Applications due February 26. For more details and how to apply, visit buildingbridgesasheville.org LITIGATION PARALEGAL Law firm seeks paralegal for diverse civil practice. Proficiency in WP, LEXIS, Casemap and Fed procedures preferred. Send resume and salary requirements to Hiring Partner, POB 769, Asheville 28802.
Teaching/ Education CULINARY ARTS INSTRUCTOR NEEDED! Do you have a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in the culinary field coupled with 2+ years of teaching experience? Are you dependable, a self-starter, and well-organized? If so, you might be the perfect person to join Eliada Homes as our Culinary Arts Instructor! This new position will combine menu planning and food preparation with teaching students a valuable trade they can use as they grow into successful adults. Major Duties: Plan daily menu and assign preparation of dishes to students, teach sanitation, nutrition, and culinary skills, order food and supplies, and maintain student records as required by law. The instructor will plan professional development activities for students and must maintain Serve Safe, Pro-Start and other certifications/programs as required. Qualifications: Must have a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in related field coupled with 2 or more years experience. Must hold NC license in Family and Consumer Science or culinary arts license. Prefer someone with certification in Pro-Start and Serve Safe. Please email resume to eweaver@eliada.org if you meet the requirements for this position.
Four Circles Recovery Center, a substance abuse recovery program for young adults, is seeking highly motivated individuals with a passion for service-oriented work, dedication for professional/personal growth, and an interest in a nontraditional work environment. Excellent entry-level position for those interested in addiction treatment or wilderness therapy. Competitive pay, health beneďŹ ts, and professional and clinical training.
HIRING SEMINAR MARCH 5, 2010 To attend please send resumes and/or questions to Todd Ransdell or Josh Gunalda
HISTORIC INTERPRETER WANTED Thomas Wolfe Memorial looking for parttime interpreter working weekends. Must have excellent communication and customer service skills. Patrick Willis 828-253-8304 YMCA OF WESTERN NC â&#x20AC;˘ Afterschool Program Opportunities $7.25 $13/hour Please visit our web site for details: www.ymcawnc.org
Arts/Media BEGINNERS SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY â&#x20AC;˘ Our company is looking to build a team of 6-8 photographers. No photography experience is preferred. You must have an outgoing personality for this position. It requires interaction with sports players and their parents. Job requires 2-3 weekends per month. The work is out of state. All expenses paid. This is a great position for college students with an open Friday schedule. Trips leave every Fri with the return date on Sunday. Phone calls only 828 215 9610. Thank you.
Employment Services HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, affordable & accredited. Free brochure. Call now! 1800-532-6546 Ext. 97 www.continentalacademy.co m (AAN CAN)
UNDERCOVER SHOPPERS Get paid to shop. Retail and dining establishments need undercover clients to judge quality and customer service. Earn up to $100/day. Please call 1-800-720-0576.
Business Opportunities BEST HOME-BASED BUSINESS EVER! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s simple; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lucrative. To hear 3-minute message, call 1866-257-3105, code 1. BIZ OP â&#x20AC;˘ Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interest. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201
Announcements ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS in 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Mountain Xpress Classifieds at (828) 251-1333. (AAN CAN) Free Advice! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll help you choose a program or degree to get your career and your life on track. Call Collegebound Network Today! 1-877-892-2542. (AAN CAN)
FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICE OF HENDERSONVILLE Offers Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Services to Include: â&#x20AC;˘ DWI Assessments and Classes â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ Classes and individual services for Court Ordered Substance Abuse Treatment â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ Classes and individual services for anyone seeking treatment to help themselves and learn about addiction and recovery in a safe and supportive environment â&#x20AC;˘ We offer prompt assessment and enrollment in our program. Classes during the day or in the evening
For more information call: FPS at 828-697-4187 or Mark â&#x20AC;&#x153;Zimâ&#x20AC;? Stewart at 828-582-9741
K i d s Te a m A d v o c a t e DRNC seeks individual to be an advocate for children with disabilities in Western NC. Background in mental health, special education, social work and advocacy preferred. Law degree not required. Excellent interpersonal, written communication skills and ability to travel statewide required. Send resume & cover letter to: Iris Green, DRNC, 2626 Glenwood Ave., Suite 550, Raleigh, NC 27608 or iris.green@disabilityrightsnc.org. No phone calls please. Closing date: March 1, 2010. DRNC Attn: Iris Green 2626 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 550 Raleigh, NC 27608
â&#x20AC;˘ FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010
Musicians’ Xchange
Motorcycles/ Scooters
Musical Services ASHEVILLE’S WHITEWATER RECORDING Full service studio services since 1987. • Mastering • Mixing and Recording. • CD/DVD duplication at the best prices. (828) 684-8284 • .whitewaterrecording.com AUDIO/CD MASTERING Crane Song, Manley, API, and more. • Unrivaled in WNC/Upstate. Experienced and professional. Call (828) 442-6211 or (828) 7241500. www.blantonemusic.com GUITAR LESSONS Beginner through advanced • 25 years experience • Yancey, Madison, No. Buncombe • Your home or studio • Call Dave (772-579-5127) or (828-682-3658) PIANO-GUITAR-DRUMSBASS-MANDOLIN-BANJOSINGING Learn what you/your child wants to learn. Knowledgeable, flexible, enthusiastic instructor. 828-242-5032.
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COOKING • Tired of the PREGNANT CONSIDERING ADOPTION? • Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide • Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 • Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions • 1-866-4136293. (AAN CAN)
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blocks from Greenlife & downtown. Introductory Special for Locals: $35! Open
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DORA Female Basset Hound/Mix 8 months I.D. #9482499
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#1 AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY CONSCIOUS MASSAGE CENTER Best rates in town! $29/hour. • 20 Wonderful Therapists to choose from. Therapeutic Massage: • Deep Tissue • Swedish • Sports • Trigger Point. Also offering: • Acupressure • Energy Work • Reflexology • Classes. Call now for your appointment: • 10 Biltmore Plaza, 505-7088. Asheville. thecosmicgroove.com AAA & AARP DISCOUNT • Massage gift certificates available for the Holidays. Great rates. Professional office. Stress Busters Massage. LMT #7113. 828-275-5497. CARING STRONG HANDS Will relax and rejuvenate you! Kern Stafford, NC LMBT#1358 • (828) 3018555 • www.avlmassage.com
BUDDY Male/Neutered Terrier Jack Russell/Hound 4 months I.D. #9522272
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SHOJI SPA & LODGE • 7 DAYS A WEEK Looking for the best therapist in town—or a cheap massage? Soak in your outdoor hot tub; melt in our sauna; then get the massage of your life! 26 massage therapists. 299-0999. www.shojiretreats.com
Spiritual 2010 • YOUR FUTURE CAN BE BRIGHT! Ask Nina: (828) 253-7472 or email: asknina@excite.com
ANCIENT VOICE CONSULTING “Divining the Truly Essential” *Love*Money*Health*Relation ships* Business*The Spiritual. Lil’lei Well, 828-275-4931.
Natural Alternatives HOLISTIC IRIDOLOGY® Fascinating Iris Analysis with digital imaging, BioChemistry Analysis, Cardiovascular Screening, and Meridian Kinesiology for ‘Total Health Assessment’. Safe, Effective Natural Therapies, Detoxification, • NEW: Vibrational Healing using Quantum Light Lasers! Call Jane Smolnik, ND, Iridologist at (828) 777-JANE (5263) or visit www.UltimateHealing.com
Congos, bongos, Handsonic. All styles. Experienced. Seeking working band. Call Jeff: 329-0799.
Lost Pets A LOST OR FOUND PET? Free service. If you have lost or found a pet in WNC, post your listing here: www.lostpetswnc.org LOST YOUR PET? FOUND A PET? Call Asheville Humane Society, (828) 253-6807, to fill out a missing or found pet report. Visit 72 Lee’s Creek Road, Asheville. www.ashevillehumane.org
FIND THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE! Cats, dogs, & other small animals available for adoption at Asheville Humane Society • 72 Lee’s Creek Road • Asheville, NC • (828) 253-6807 www.ashevillehumane.org
Pet Services
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Vehicles For Sale
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Buncombe County Friends For Animals, Inc.
WE’LL FIX IT AUTOMOTIVE • Honda and Acura repair. Half price repair and service. ASE and factory certified. Located in the Weaverville area. Please call 828-2756063 for appointment.
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Electronics Get Dish -FREE Installation–$19.99/mo HBO & Showtime FREE-Over 50 HD Channels FREE Lowest Prices–No Equipment to Buy! Call Now for full Details: 877242-0974 (AAN CAN)
MATTRESSES Pillow-top: queen $250, king $350 • Extra firm: queen $175, king $275 • Full: $150 • Twin: $99. New, in plastic. 828277-2500.
General Merchandise Get Dish -FREE Installation–$19.99/mo HBO & Showtime FREE-Over 50 HD Channels FREE Lowest Prices–No Equipment to Buy! Call Now for full Details- 1877-238-8413 (AAN CAN)
Pets for Adoption Adult Services
ASHEVILLE PET SITTERS Dependable, loving care while you’re away. Reasonable rates. Call Sandy Ochsenreiter, (828) 215-7232.
Automotive Services
Furniture Pet Xchange
Music & Event HD Video Services
72 Lee’s Creek Rd, Asheville, NC 253-6807 • AshevilleHumane.org
FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010 •
MASSAGE/MLD Therapeutic Massage. Manual Lymph Drainage. Lymphedema Treatment. $45/hour or sliding scale for financial hardship. 17+ years experience. 828-254-4110. NC License #146. www.uhealth.net
Acoustic Music Room Recording Studio & Video Production
BAIRD Male/Neutered Domestic Longhair/Mix 1 year 1 month I.D. #9422073
by Brent Brown Available: Percussionist:
2008 POLARIS 2008 Polaris Razor 800 RZR 4X4 Long Travel custom cage and exhaust, price $3,800 I have 180 pics mail me at: du25lo4@msn.com 336-464-2679.
Autos 2007 Kia Rio Red. $1500 down, take over payments. 31K miles. 828-337-2162.
Adult Services A MAN’S DESIRE • Now hiring attractive, pleasant ladies! • Start the New Year right with us! • MondaySaturday, 9am-9pm. • Incall/outcall. (Lic#0800020912). • Call (828) 989-7353. A PERSONAL TOUCH Asheville. • Start the New Year right! Incall/outcall: 713-9901. A WOMAN’S TOUCH “We’re all about you!” Keep warm with our “Winter Special”! • Call 275-6291. MEET SEXY SINGLES by phone instantly! Call (828) 239-0006. Use ad code 8282. 18+
The New York Times Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 1113 Across
37 Immune system agent
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Guy Morganstein, LPC • Couples Counseling • Adolescent & Families
Amanda Bucci, LCSW • Child & Family Therapist
36 39
45 48
Adult and Child Medicaid/Health Choice BC-BS • Sliding Scale
37 40
Colleen Welty, CSAC • Addiction Counseling • Anger Management
24 28
19 21
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Puzzle by Julian Lim
30 Ancient lawgiver 31
“Silas Marner” author
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Folkie Guthrie
Narrow cut
It is, in Peru
63 Suffix with Victr-
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In difficult times, personal faith and belief provide a guiding star to help keep our lives on course.
THIS WEEKLY FEATURE BEGINS FEBRUARY 24 and is open to those churches, synagogues and organizations concerned with the importance of religion and spirituality. The Mountain Xpress reserves the right to edit A Matter of Faith column submissions for clarity, style, and community standards. Edited submissions will be shared with the authors prior to publication.
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• FEBRUARY 17 - FEBRUARY 23, 2010